class Category include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Validations ATTRIBUTES = %i[id created_at updated_at name description metadata_hash].freeze attr_accessor(*ATTRIBUTES) validates :name, presence: true def initialize(attr = {}) attr.each do |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if ATTRIBUTES.include?(k.to_sym) end end def attributes @id = @name @created_at ||= @updated_at = ATTRIBUTES.each_with_object({}) do |attr, hash| if (value = send(attr)) hash[attr] = value end end end alias to_hash attributes # Determines if the document model needs an update from the repository model # # @param [Portage::Repository::Category] category_model def needs_import?(category_model) metadata_hash != category_model.metadata_hash end # Populates values from a repository category model # # @param [Portage::Repository::Category] category_model Input category model def import(category_model) = self.description = category_model.description self.metadata_hash = category_model.metadata_hash end # Populates values from a repository category model and saves # # @param [Portage::Repository::Category] category_model Input category model def import!(category_model) import(category_model) end # Returns the URL parameter for referencing this package (Rails internal stuff) def to_param name end end