diff options
6 files changed, 21 insertions, 1388 deletions
diff --git a/media-video/xmovie/ChangeLog b/media-video/xmovie/ChangeLog
index 95b29ee61fc7..dda28a5a66b2 100644
--- a/media-video/xmovie/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-video/xmovie/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for media-video/xmovie
-# Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/xmovie/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2004/06/25 00:53:43 agriffis Exp $
+# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/xmovie/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2005/05/15 13:00:49 flameeyes Exp $
+ 15 May 2005; Diego Pettenò <>
+ -files/xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch, -files/xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch,
+ xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild:
+ Moved using toolchain-funcs. Removed the two patches and uploaded on a site
+ so to avoid having 60KB worth of patches in cvs.
*xmovie-1.9.12 (17 Mar 2004)
diff --git a/media-video/xmovie/Manifest b/media-video/xmovie/Manifest
index 2680796e9e85..758820972a74 100644
--- a/media-video/xmovie/Manifest
+++ b/media-video/xmovie/Manifest
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-MD5 3d334ce14fefb2997fb626bb6067133b xmovie-1.9.12.ebuild 680
-MD5 05a3a75faacd7ca74e0a34ee1aa5ba40 xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild 1014
MD5 86658eda80f41dc5d81556530c3be44f ChangeLog 1856
MD5 9ef4af14dad87b03fde8e43f19e08d26 metadata.xml 225
-MD5 acb8578092f8aa9eb217ccfa3bb24dd5 files/digest-xmovie-1.8-r4 63
+MD5 042936dcac988d00bbd23621d1e6850c xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild 1157
+MD5 3d334ce14fefb2997fb626bb6067133b xmovie-1.9.12.ebuild 680
+MD5 2699627543904ffef29d8faa3df102e7 files/digest-xmovie-1.8-r4 198
MD5 c4f9c1cb5cbeafdb4d6af7329eab26a9 files/digest-xmovie-1.9.12 71
-MD5 512cf8d4e2a29820295f602c0289683e files/xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch 35110
-MD5 401c10db71e32a6ff3ec7d5718624d6a files/xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch 18050
diff --git a/media-video/xmovie/files/digest-xmovie-1.8-r4 b/media-video/xmovie/files/digest-xmovie-1.8-r4
index 169bced7bd86..49eecb371c71 100644
--- a/media-video/xmovie/files/digest-xmovie-1.8-r4
+++ b/media-video/xmovie/files/digest-xmovie-1.8-r4
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
MD5 cffbbc1ed8031375a91dce43759c5c65 xmovie-1.8.tar.gz 4692906
+MD5 512cf8d4e2a29820295f602c0289683e xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch 35110
+MD5 401c10db71e32a6ff3ec7d5718624d6a xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch 18050
diff --git a/media-video/xmovie/files/xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch b/media-video/xmovie/files/xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e798517b01..000000000000
--- a/media-video/xmovie/files/xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur xmovie-1.8/avifile/audiodecoder/mpeg/mpegtoraw.cpp xmovie-1.8-gentoo/avifile/audiodecoder/mpeg/mpegtoraw.cpp
---- xmovie-1.8/avifile/audiodecoder/mpeg/mpegtoraw.cpp 2001-05-20 15:02:39.000000000 +1200
-+++ xmovie-1.8-gentoo/avifile/audiodecoder/mpeg/mpegtoraw.cpp 2003-11-09 12:34:40.000000000 +1300
-@@ -553,8 +556,7 @@
- }
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
-- fprintf(stderr, "MPEG %d audio layer %d (%d kbps), at %d Hz %s [%d]\n", version+1, layer, bitrate[version][layer-1][bitrateindex], (mpeg25) ? frequencies[2][frequency] : frequencies[version][frequency], (mode == single) ? "mono" : "stere
--o", framesize);
-+ fprintf(stderr, "MPEG %d audio layer %d (%d kbps), at %d Hz %s [%d]\n", version+1, layer, bitrate[version][layer-1][bitrateindex], (mpeg25) ? frequencies[2][frequency] : frequencies[version][frequency], (mode == single) ? "mono" : "stereo", framesize);
- #endif
-diff -ur xmovie-1.8/avifile/loader/win32.c xmovie-1.8-gentoo/avifile/loader/win32.c
---- xmovie-1.8/avifile/loader/win32.c 2001-05-20 15:02:39.000000000 +1200
-+++ xmovie-1.8-gentoo/avifile/loader/win32.c 2003-11-09 12:32:21.000000000 +1300
-@@ -1083,12 +1083,12 @@
- {
- #warning FIXME
- if(s1)
-- dbgprintf("MultiByteToWideChar(codepage %d, flags 0x%x, string 0x%x='%s',
-- size %d, dest buffer 0x%x, dest size %d) => 1 ( L\"\\0\" )\n",
-+ dbgprintf("MultiByteToWideChar(codepage %d, flags 0x%x, string 0x%x='%s', "
-+ "size %d, dest buffer 0x%x, dest size %d) => 1 ( L\"\\0\" )\n",
- v1, v2, s1, s1, siz1, s2, siz2);
- else
-- dbgprintf("MultiByteToWideChar(codepage %d, flags 0x%x, string NULL,
-- size %d, dest buffer 0x%x, dest size %d) => 1 ( L\"\\0\" )\n",
-+ dbgprintf("MultiByteToWideChar(codepage %d, flags 0x%x, string NULL, "
-+ "size %d, dest buffer 0x%x, dest size %d) => 1 ( L\"\\0\" )\n",
- v1, v2, siz1, s2, siz2);
- if(s2==0)
-@@ -1593,12 +1593,12 @@
- {
- long result=CreateFileMappingA(hFile, lpAttr, flProtect, dwMaxHigh, dwMaxLow, name);
- if(!name)
-- dbgprintf("CreateFileMappingA(file 0x%x, lpAttr 0x%x,
-- flProtect 0x%x, dwMaxHigh 0x%x, dwMaxLow 0x%x, name 0) => %d\n",
-+ dbgprintf("CreateFileMappingA(file 0x%x, lpAttr 0x%x, "
-+ "flProtect 0x%x, dwMaxHigh 0x%x, dwMaxLow 0x%x, name 0) => %d\n",
- hFile, lpAttr, flProtect, dwMaxHigh, dwMaxLow, result);
- else
-- dbgprintf("CreateFileMappingA(file 0x%x, lpAttr 0x%x,
-- flProtect 0x%x, dwMaxHigh 0x%x, dwMaxLow 0x%x, name 0x%x='%s') => %d\n",
-+ dbgprintf("CreateFileMappingA(file 0x%x, lpAttr 0x%x, "
-+ "flProtect 0x%x, dwMaxHigh 0x%x, dwMaxLow 0x%x, name 0x%x='%s') => %d\n",
- hFile, lpAttr, flProtect, dwMaxHigh, dwMaxLow, name, name, result);
- return result;
- }
-diff -ur xmovie-1.8/libmpeg3/video/output.c xmovie-1.8-gentoo/libmpeg3/video/output.c
---- xmovie-1.8/libmpeg3/video/output.c 2001-05-20 15:02:38.000000000 +1200
-+++ xmovie-1.8-gentoo/libmpeg3/video/output.c 2003-11-09 12:46:11.000000000 +1300
-@@ -219,82 +219,80 @@
- unsigned long v,
- unsigned long *output)
- {
- /* Output will be 0x00rrggbb with the 00 trailing so this can also be used */
- /* for bgr24. */
-- movd (%0), %%mm0; /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-- movd (%1), %%mm1; /* Load u 0x00000000000000cr */
-- movq %%mm0, %%mm3; /* Copy y to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm1; /* Shift u 0x0000000000cr0000 */
-- movd (%2), %%mm2; /* Load v 0x00000000000000cb */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- movq %%mm1, %%mm4; /* Copy u to temp */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-- psllq $16, %%mm4; /* Shift u */
-- movq %%mm2, %%mm5; /* Copy v to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- por %%mm4, %%mm1; /* Overlay new u byte 0x000000cr00cr0000 */
-- psllq $16, %%mm5; /* Shift v */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-- por %%mm5, %%mm2; /* Overlay new v byte 0x0000000000cb00cb */
-+ "movd (%0), %%mm0;\n" /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-+ "movd (%1), %%mm1;\n" /* Load u 0x00000000000000cr */
-+ "movq %%mm0, %%mm3;\n" /* Copy y to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm1;\n" /* Shift u 0x0000000000cr0000 */
-+ "movd (%2), %%mm2;\n" /* Load v 0x00000000000000cb */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "movq %%mm1, %%mm4;\n" /* Copy u to temp */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm4;\n" /* Shift u */
-+ "movq %%mm2, %%mm5;\n" /* Copy v to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "por %%mm4, %%mm1;\n" /* Overlay new u byte 0x000000cr00cr0000 */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm5;\n" /* Shift v */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-+ "por %%mm5, %%mm2;\n" /* Overlay new v byte 0x0000000000cb00cb */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x000000uu00uu0000 mm2: 0x0000000000vv00vv */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80, %%mm1; /* Subtract 128 from u 0x000000uu00uu0000 */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF, %%mm1; /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuu0000 */
-- psllw $6, %%mm0; /* Shift y coeffs 0x0000yyy0yyy0yyy0 */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80, %%mm2; /* Subtract 128 from v 0x0000000000cb00cb */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF, %%mm2; /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000crcrcrcrcrcr */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80, %%mm1;\n" /* Subtract 128 from u 0x000000uu00uu0000 */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF, %%mm1;\n" /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuu0000 */
-+ "psllw $6, %%mm0;\n" /* Shift y coeffs 0x0000yyy0yyy0yyy0 */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80, %%mm2;\n" /* Subtract 128 from v 0x0000000000cb00cb */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF, %%mm2;\n" /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000crcrcrcrcrcr */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x0000uuuuuuuu0000 mm2: 0x00000000vvvvvvvv */
-- paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0; /* Add u to result */
-- paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0; /* Add v to result 0x0000rrrrggggbbbb */
-- psraw $6, %%mm0; /* Demote precision */
-- packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0; /* Pack into ARGB 0x0000000000rrggbb */
-- movd %%mm0, (%3); /* Store output */
-- "
-+ "paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0;\n" /* Add u to result */
-+ "paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0;\n" /* Add v to result 0x0000rrrrggggbbbb */
-+ "psraw $6, %%mm0;\n" /* Demote precision */
-+ "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0;\n" /* Pack into ARGB 0x0000000000rrggbb */
-+ "movd %%mm0, (%3);\n" /* Store output */
- :
- : "r" (&y), "r" (&u), "r" (&v), "r" (output));
- }
- inline void mpeg3_601_bgra32_mmx(unsigned long y,
-- unsigned long u,
-- unsigned long v,
-+ unsigned long u,
-+ unsigned long v,
- unsigned long *output)
- {
- /* Output will be 0x00rrggbb with the 00 trailing so this can also be used */
- /* for bgr24. */
-- movd (%0), %%mm0; /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-- psubsw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_DIFF, %%mm0; /* Subtract 16 from y */
-- movd (%1), %%mm1; /* Load u 0x00000000000000cr */
-- movq %%mm0, %%mm3; /* Copy y to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm1; /* Shift u 0x0000000000cr0000 */
-- movd (%2), %%mm2; /* Load v 0x00000000000000cb */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- movq %%mm1, %%mm4; /* Copy u to temp */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-- psllq $16, %%mm4; /* Shift u */
-- movq %%mm2, %%mm5; /* Copy v to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- por %%mm4, %%mm1; /* Overlay new u byte 0x000000cr00cr0000 */
-- psllq $16, %%mm5; /* Shift v */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-- por %%mm5, %%mm2; /* Overlay new v byte 0x0000000000cb00cb */
-+ "movd (%0), %%mm0;\n" /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-+ "psubsw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_DIFF, %%mm0;\n" /* Subtract 16 from y */
-+ "movd (%1), %%mm1;\n" /* Load u 0x00000000000000cr */
-+ "movq %%mm0, %%mm3;\n" /* Copy y to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm1;\n" /* Shift u 0x0000000000cr0000 */
-+ "movd (%2), %%mm2;\n" /* Load v 0x00000000000000cb */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "movq %%mm1, %%mm4;\n" /* Copy u to temp */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm4;\n" /* Shift u */
-+ "movq %%mm2, %%mm5;\n" /* Copy v to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "por %%mm4, %%mm1;\n" /* Overlay new u byte 0x000000cr00cr0000 */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm5;\n" /* Shift v */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-+ "por %%mm5, %%mm2;\n" /* Overlay new v byte 0x0000000000cb00cb */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x000000uu00uu0000 mm2: 0x0000000000vv00vv */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_COEF, %%mm0; /* Scale and shift y coeffs */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80, %%mm1; /* Subtract 128 from u 0x000000uu00uu0000 */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF, %%mm1; /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuu0000 */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80, %%mm2; /* Subtract 128 from v 0x0000000000cb00cb */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF, %%mm2; /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000crcrcrcrcrcr */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_COEF, %%mm0;\n" /* Scale and shift y coeffs */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80, %%mm1;\n" /* Subtract 128 from u 0x000000uu00uu0000 */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF, %%mm1;\n" /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuu0000 */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80, %%mm2;\n" /* Subtract 128 from v 0x0000000000cb00cb */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF, %%mm2;\n" /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000crcrcrcrcrcr */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x0000uuuuuuuu0000 mm2: 0x00000000vvvvvvvv */
-- paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0; /* Add u to result */
-- paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0; /* Add v to result 0x0000rrrrggggbbbb */
-- psraw $6, %%mm0; /* Demote precision */
-- packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0; /* Pack into ARGB 0x0000000000rrggbb */
-- movd %%mm0, (%3); /* Store output */
-- "
-+ "paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0;\n" /* Add u to result */
-+ "paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0;\n" /* Add v to result 0x0000rrrrggggbbbb */
-+ "psraw $6, %%mm0;\n" /* Demote precision */
-+ "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0;\n" /* Pack into ARGB 0x0000000000rrggbb */
-+ "movd %%mm0, (%3);\n" /* Store output */
- :
- : "r" (&y), "r" (&u), "r" (&v), "r" (output));
- }
-@@ -305,86 +303,84 @@
- static long long mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF_RGB = 0x0000006fffea0000;
- inline void mpeg3_rgba32_mmx(unsigned long y,
-- unsigned long u,
-- unsigned long v,
-+ unsigned long u,
-+ unsigned long v,
- unsigned long *output)
- {
- /* Output will be 0x00bbggrr with the 00 trailing so this can also be used */
- /* for rgb24. */
-- movd (%0), %%mm0; /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-- movd (%1), %%mm1; /* Load v 0x00000000000000vv */
-- movq %%mm0, %%mm3; /* Copy y to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm1; /* Shift v 0x0000000000vv0000 */
-- movd (%2), %%mm2; /* Load u 0x00000000000000uu */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- movq %%mm1, %%mm4; /* Copy v to temp */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-- psllq $16, %%mm4; /* Shift v */
-- movq %%mm2, %%mm5; /* Copy u to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- por %%mm4, %%mm1; /* Overlay new v byte 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-- psllq $16, %%mm5; /* Shift u */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-- por %%mm5, %%mm2; /* Overlay new u byte 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-+ "movd (%0), %%mm0;\n" /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-+ "movd (%1), %%mm1;\n" /* Load v 0x00000000000000vv */
-+ "movq %%mm0, %%mm3;\n" /* Copy y to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm1;\n" /* Shift v 0x0000000000vv0000 */
-+ "movd (%2), %%mm2;\n" /* Load u 0x00000000000000uu */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "movq %%mm1, %%mm4;\n" /* Copy v to temp */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm4;\n" /* Shift v */
-+ "movq %%mm2, %%mm5;\n" /* Copy u to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "por %%mm4, %%mm1;\n" /* Overlay new v byte 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm5;\n" /* Shift u */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-+ "por %%mm5, %%mm2;\n" /* Overlay new u byte 0x0000000000uu00uu */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x000000vv00vv0000 mm2: 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80_RGB, %%mm1; /* Subtract 128 from v 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF_RGB, %%mm1; /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000vvvvvvvv0000 */
-- psllw $6, %%mm0; /* Shift y coeffs 0x0000yyy0yyy0yyy0 */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80_RGB, %%mm2; /* Subtract 128 from u 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF_RGB, %%mm2; /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuuuuuu */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80_RGB, %%mm1;\n" /* Subtract 128 from v 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF_RGB, %%mm1;\n" /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000vvvvvvvv0000 */
-+ "psllw $6, %%mm0;\n" /* Shift y coeffs 0x0000yyy0yyy0yyy0 */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80_RGB, %%mm2;\n" /* Subtract 128 from u 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF_RGB, %%mm2;\n" /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuuuuuu */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x0000vvvvvvvv0000 mm2: 0x00000000uuuuuuuu */
-- paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0; /* Add v to result */
-- paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0; /* Add u to result 0x0000bbbbggggrrrr */
-- psraw $6, %%mm0; /* Demote precision */
-- packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0; /* Pack into RGBA 0x0000000000bbggrr */
-- movd %%mm0, (%3); /* Store output */
-- "
-+ "paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0;\n" /* Add v to result */
-+ "paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0;\n" /* Add u to result 0x0000bbbbggggrrrr */
-+ "psraw $6, %%mm0;\n" /* Demote precision */
-+ "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0;\n" /* Pack into RGBA 0x0000000000bbggrr */
-+ "movd %%mm0, (%3);\n" /* Store output */
- :
- : "r" (&y), "r" (&v), "r" (&u), "r" (output));
- }
- inline void mpeg3_601_rgba32_mmx(unsigned long y,
-- unsigned long u,
-- unsigned long v,
-+ unsigned long u,
-+ unsigned long v,
- unsigned long *output)
- {
- /* Output will be 0x00bbggrr with the 00 trailing so this can also be used */
- /* for rgb24. */
-- movd (%0), %%mm0; /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-- psubsw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_DIFF, %%mm0; /* Subtract 16 from y */
-- movd (%1), %%mm1; /* Load v 0x00000000000000vv */
-- movq %%mm0, %%mm3; /* Copy y to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm1; /* Shift v 0x0000000000vv0000 */
-- movd (%2), %%mm2; /* Load u 0x00000000000000uu */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- movq %%mm1, %%mm4; /* Copy v to temp */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-- psllq $16, %%mm4; /* Shift v */
-- movq %%mm2, %%mm5; /* Copy u to temp */
-- psllq $16, %%mm3; /* Shift y */
-- por %%mm4, %%mm1; /* Overlay new v byte 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-- psllq $16, %%mm5; /* Shift u */
-- por %%mm3, %%mm0; /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-- por %%mm5, %%mm2; /* Overlay new u byte 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-+ "movd (%0), %%mm0;\n" /* Load y 0x00000000000000yy */
-+ "psubsw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_DIFF, %%mm0;\n" /* Subtract 16 from y */
-+ "movd (%1), %%mm1;\n" /* Load v 0x00000000000000vv */
-+ "movq %%mm0, %%mm3;\n" /* Copy y to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm1;\n" /* Shift v 0x0000000000vv0000 */
-+ "movd (%2), %%mm2;\n" /* Load u 0x00000000000000uu */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "movq %%mm1, %%mm4;\n" /* Copy v to temp */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x0000000000yy00yy */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm4;\n" /* Shift v */
-+ "movq %%mm2, %%mm5;\n" /* Copy u to temp */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm3;\n" /* Shift y */
-+ "por %%mm4, %%mm1;\n" /* Overlay new v byte 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-+ "psllq $16, %%mm5;\n" /* Shift u */
-+ "por %%mm3, %%mm0;\n" /* Overlay new y byte 0x000000yy00yy00yy */
-+ "por %%mm5, %%mm2;\n" /* Overlay new u byte 0x0000000000uu00uu */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x000000vv00vv0000 mm2: 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_COEF, %%mm0; /* Scale y coeffs */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80_RGB, %%mm1; /* Subtract 128 from v 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF_RGB, %%mm1; /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000vvvvvvvv0000 */
-- psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80_RGB, %%mm2; /* Subtract 128 from u 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-- pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF_RGB, %%mm2; /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuuuuuu */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_601_Y_COEF, %%mm0;\n" /* Scale y coeffs */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_V_80_RGB, %%mm1;\n" /* Subtract 128 from v 0x000000vv00vv0000 */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_V_COEF_RGB, %%mm1;\n" /* Multiply v coeffs 0x0000vvvvvvvv0000 */
-+ "psubw mpeg3_MMX_U_80_RGB, %%mm2;\n" /* Subtract 128 from u 0x0000000000uu00uu */
-+ "pmullw mpeg3_MMX_U_COEF_RGB, %%mm2;\n" /* Multiply u coeffs 0x0000uuuuuuuuuuuu */
- /* mm0: 0x000000yy00yy00yy mm1: 0x0000vvvvvvvv0000 mm2: 0x00000000uuuuuuuu */
-- paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0; /* Add v to result */
-- paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0; /* Add u to result 0x0000bbbbggggrrrr */
-- psraw $6, %%mm0; /* Demote precision */
-- packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0; /* Pack into RGBA 0x0000000000bbggrr */
-- movd %%mm0, (%3); /* Store output */
-- "
-+ "paddsw %%mm1, %%mm0;\n" /* Add v to result */
-+ "paddsw %%mm2, %%mm0;\n" /* Add u to result 0x0000bbbbggggrrrr */
-+ "psraw $6, %%mm0;\n" /* Demote precision */
-+ "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0;\n" /* Pack into RGBA 0x0000000000bbggrr */
-+ "movd %%mm0, (%3);\n" /* Store output */
- :
- : "r" (&y), "r" (&v), "r" (&u), "r" (output));
- }
diff --git a/media-video/xmovie/files/xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch b/media-video/xmovie/files/xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a34ae524f229..000000000000
--- a/media-video/xmovie/files/xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1040 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur old/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler.cpp new/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler.cpp
---- old/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler.cpp 2002-10-12 14:39:37.000000000 -0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
- #define __MODULE__ "AVIReadHandler"
-+using namespace std;
-+#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
- // HACK!!!!
-@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
- class AVIReadStream : public IvAVIReadStream, public ListNode2<AVIReadStream> {
-- friend AVIReadHandler;
-+ friend class AVIReadHandler;
- public:
- AVIReadStream(AVIReadHandler *, AVIStreamNode *, int);
-diff -ur old/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler2.cpp new/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler2.cpp
---- old/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler2.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/avifile/AVIReadHandler2.cpp 2002-10-12 14:34:24.000000000 -0400
-@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class AVIReadStream2 : public IvAVIReadStream {
-- friend AVIReadHandler2;
-+ friend class AVIReadHandler2;
- public:
- AVIReadStream2(AVIReadHandler2 *, ASFStreamNode *, int);
-diff -ur old/avifile/avifile/AviRead.cpp new/avifile/avifile/AviRead.cpp
---- old/avifile/avifile/AviRead.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/avifile/AviRead.cpp 2002-10-12 15:11:15.000000000 -0400
-@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
- Copyright 2000 Eugene Kuznetsov (
- *********************************************************/
-+using namespace std;
- #include "AviRead.h"
- #include <iostream>
--using namespace std;
- #define __MODULE__ "AviRead"
- #ifndef TIMING
- #define Debug if(0)
-@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@
- return pos;
- }
--Unsigned AviReadStream::GetNextKeyFrame(int frame=-1) const
-+Unsigned AviReadStream::GetNextKeyFrame(int frame) const
- {
- if(m_pIStream==0)return 0;
- return m_pIStream->NextKeyFrame((frame<0)?(int)m_sample:frame);
- }
--Unsigned AviReadStream::GetPrevKeyFrame(int frame=-1) const
-+Unsigned AviReadStream::GetPrevKeyFrame(int frame) const
- {
- if(m_pIStream==0)return 0;
- if(frame==0)return 0;
-diff -ur old/avifile/avifile/AviSegWrite.cpp new/avifile/avifile/AviSegWrite.cpp
---- old/avifile/avifile/AviSegWrite.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/avifile/AviSegWrite.cpp 2002-10-12 15:13:20.000000000 -0400
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-+using namespace std;
- #include "AviSegWrite.h"
--IAviSegWriteFile* CreateSegmentedFile(const char* name, unsigned long flimit=0x7F000000, int flags=0, int mask=00777)
-+IAviSegWriteFile* CreateSegmentedFile(const char* name, unsigned long flimit, int flags, int mask)
- {
- return new AviSegWriteFile(name, flimit, flags, mask);
- }
-@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@
- return str.vstream;
- }
- IAviAudioWriteStream* AviSegWriteFile::AddAudioStream(int fourcc,
-- WAVEFORMATEX* fmt, int bitrate, int flags=0)
-+ WAVEFORMATEX* fmt, int bitrate, int flags)
- {
- if(!fmt)return 0;
- streaminfo str;
-@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
- IAviWriteStream* AviSegWriteFile::AddStream(enum AviStream::StreamType type,
- const char* format, Unsigned format_size,
- int handler, int frame_rate,
-- int samplesize=0, int quality=0, int flags=0)
-+ int samplesize, int quality, int flags)
- //IAviWriteStream* AviSegWriteFile::AddStream(enum AviStream::StreamType type)
- {
-@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@
- {
- if(_format)delete _format;
- }
--AviSegWriteFile::AviSegWriteFile(const char* name, unsigned long flimit=0x7F000000, int flags=0, int mask=00777)
-+AviSegWriteFile::AviSegWriteFile(const char* name, unsigned long flimit, int flags, int mask)
- :_name(name), m_lFlimit(flimit), _flags(flags), _mask(mask), _size(0LL)
- {
- rf=new AviWriteFile(name, flags, mask);
-@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
- delete it->format;
- }
--HRESULT AviSegWriteStream::AddChunk(const char* chunk, Unsigned size, Unsigned flags=0)
-+HRESULT AviSegWriteStream::AddChunk(const char* chunk, Unsigned size, Unsigned flags)
- {
- HRESULT result=m_pStream->AddChunk(chunk, size, flags);
- if(m_pFile->rf->FileSize()>m_pFile->m_lFlimit)
-diff -ur old/avifile/avifile/AviWrite.cpp new/avifile/avifile/AviWrite.cpp
---- old/avifile/avifile/AviWrite.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/avifile/AviWrite.cpp 2002-10-12 15:18:53.000000000 -0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <iostream>
-+using namespace std;
- #include "AviWrite.h"
- #ifdef __FreeBSD__
-@@ -17,7 +19,6 @@
- #define O_LARGEFILE 0
- #endif
--using namespace std;
- AviWriteFile::AviWriteFile(const char* name, int flags, int mask):m_fd(0)
- {
- try
-@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
- IAviWriteStream* AviWriteFile::AddStream(AviStream::StreamType type,
- const char* format, Unsigned format_size,
- int handler, int frame_rate,
-- int samplesize=0, int quality=0, int flags=0)
-+ int samplesize, int quality, int flags)
- {
- int ckid;
- ckid=MAKEAVICKID((type==AviWriteStream::Video)?cktypeDIBcompressed:cktypeWAVEbytes, m_streams.size());
-@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@
- return result;
- }
- IAviAudioWriteStream* AviWriteFile::AddAudioStream(int fourcc,
-- WAVEFORMATEX* fmt, int bitrate, int flags=0)
-+ WAVEFORMATEX* fmt, int bitrate, int flags)
- {
- int ckid;
- ckid=MAKEAVICKID(cktypeWAVEbytes, m_streams.size());
-@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
- m_status=0;
- return;
- }
--void AviWriteFile::AddChunk(offset_t offset, Unsigned size, Unsigned id, Unsigned flags=0)
-+void AviWriteFile::AddChunk(offset_t offset, Unsigned size, Unsigned id, Unsigned flags)
- {
- // m_index=(AVIINDEXENTRY*)realloc(m_index, (m_indsize+1)*sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY));
-@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@
- enum AviStream::StreamType type,
- const char* format, Unsigned format_size,
- int handler, int frame_rate,
-- int samplesize=0, int quality=0, int flags=0)
-+ int samplesize, int quality, int flags)
- :m_file(file), m_ckid(ckid)
- {
-@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@
- }
- AviWriteStream::AviWriteStream(AviWriteFile* file, int ckid,
- enum AviStream::StreamType type,
-- int handler, int frame_rate, int flags=0)
-+ int handler, int frame_rate, int flags)
- :m_file(file), m_ckid(ckid), m_format(0)
- {
- m_fd=file->m_fd;
-@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@
- }
--HRESULT AviWriteStream::AddChunk(const char* chunk, Unsigned size, Unsigned flags=0)
-+HRESULT AviWriteStream::AddChunk(const char* chunk, Unsigned size, Unsigned flags)
- {
- if((chunk==0) && (size!=0))
- {
-@@ -280,7 +281,7 @@
- IAviVideoWriteStream::~IAviVideoWriteStream(){}
- IAviWriteFile::~IAviWriteFile(){}
--IAviWriteFile* CreateIAviWriteFile(const char* name, int flags, int mask=00777)
-+IAviWriteFile* CreateIAviWriteFile(const char* name, int flags, int mask)
- {
- return new AviWriteFile(name, flags, mask);
- }
-diff -ur old/avifile/avifile/List.h new/avifile/avifile/List.h
---- old/avifile/avifile/List.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/avifile/List.h 2002-10-12 14:32:37.000000000 -0400
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
- template<class T>
- class ListNode2 : public ListNode {
--friend List2<T>;
-+friend class List2<T>;
- public:
- ListNode2<T>() {}
- ListNode2<T>(void *pv) : ListNode(pv) {}
-diff -ur old/avifile/aviplay/audio.cpp new/avifile/aviplay/audio.cpp
---- old/avifile/aviplay/audio.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/aviplay/audio.cpp 2002-10-12 15:17:35.000000000 -0400
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <pthread.h>
-+using namespace std;
- #include <sys/soundcard.h>
-diff -ur old/avifile/aviplay/aviplay.cpp new/avifile/aviplay/aviplay.cpp
---- old/avifile/aviplay/aviplay.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/aviplay/aviplay.cpp 2002-10-12 15:19:42.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- #include <unistd.h>//usleep, close
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <errno.h>//EDEADLK
-+using namespace std;
- #include <aviutil.h>
- #include <except.h>
- #include "aviplay_impl.h"
-diff -ur old/avifile/aviplay/aviutil.cpp new/avifile/aviplay/aviutil.cpp
---- old/avifile/aviplay/aviutil.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/aviplay/aviutil.cpp 2002-10-12 15:20:15.000000000 -0400
-@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
-+using namespace std;
- unsigned int (*localcount)();
- long long (*longcount)();
-diff -ur old/avifile/include/videodecoder.h new/avifile/include/videodecoder.h
---- old/avifile/include/videodecoder.h 2001-05-19 23:02:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/include/videodecoder.h 2002-10-12 14:41:09.000000000 -0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include <image.h>
- #include <infotypes.h>
- /**
- *
- * Class for video decompression.
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/AVIModule.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/AVIModule.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/AVIModule.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/AVIModule.cpp 2002-10-12 15:48:21.000000000 -0400
-@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-+using namespace std;
- #include "AVIModule.h"
- #include <loader.h>
- #include <wine/winreg.h>
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/DS_VideoDecoder.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/DS_VideoDecoder.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/DS_VideoDecoder.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/DS_VideoDecoder.cpp 2002-10-12 17:31:18.000000000 -0400
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- *********************************************************/
- #include <config.h>
-+using namespace std;
- #include "DS_VideoDecoder.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
-@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
- return 0;
- }
--int DS_VideoDecoder::SetDestFmt(int bits=24, int csp=0)
-+int DS_VideoDecoder::SetDestFmt(int bits, int csp)
- {
- if(m_iState==0)
- return -1;
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/allocator.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/allocator.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/allocator.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/allocator.cpp 2002-10-12 16:03:02.000000000 -0400
-@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
- {
- Debug printf("MemAllocator::MemAllocator() called\n");
- vt=new IMemAllocator_vt;
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->SetProperties = SetProperties;
-- vt->GetProperties = GetProperties;
-- vt->Commit = Commit;
-- vt->Decommit = Decommit;
-- vt->GetBuffer = GetBuffer;
-- vt->ReleaseBuffer = ReleaseBuffer;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->SetProperties = SetProperties;
-+ (void *)vt->GetProperties = GetProperties;
-+ (void *)vt->Commit = Commit;
-+ (void *)vt->Decommit = Decommit;
-+ (void *)vt->GetBuffer = GetBuffer;
-+ (void *)vt->ReleaseBuffer = ReleaseBuffer;
- props.cBuffers=props.cbBuffer=1;
- props.cbAlign=props.cbPrefix=0;
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/cmediasample.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/cmediasample.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/cmediasample.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/cmediasample.cpp 2002-10-12 16:01:57.000000000 -0400
-@@ -6,25 +6,25 @@
- {
- vt=new IMediaSample_vt;
-- vt->QueryInterface=QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef=AddRef;
-- vt->Release=Release;
-- vt->GetPointer=GetPointer ;
-- vt->GetSize=GetSize ;
-- vt->GetTime=GetTime ;
-- vt->SetTime=SetTime ;
-- vt->IsSyncPoint=IsSyncPoint ;
-- vt->SetSyncPoint=SetSyncPoint;
-- vt->IsPreroll=IsPreroll;
-- vt->SetPreroll=SetPreroll;
-- vt->GetActualDataLength=GetActualDataLength;
-- vt->SetActualDataLength=SetActualDataLength;
-- vt->GetMediaType=GetMediaType;
-- vt->SetMediaType=SetMediaType;
-- vt->IsDiscontinuity=IsDiscontinuity;
-- vt->SetDiscontinuity=SetDiscontinuity;
-- vt->GetMediaTime=GetMediaTime;
-- vt->SetMediaTime=SetMediaTime;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface=QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef=AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release=Release;
-+ (void *)vt->GetPointer=GetPointer ;
-+ (void *)vt->GetSize=GetSize ;
-+ (void *)vt->GetTime=GetTime ;
-+ (void *)vt->SetTime=SetTime ;
-+ (void *)vt->IsSyncPoint=IsSyncPoint ;
-+ (void *)vt->SetSyncPoint=SetSyncPoint;
-+ (void *)vt->IsPreroll=IsPreroll;
-+ (void *)vt->SetPreroll=SetPreroll;
-+ (void *)vt->GetActualDataLength=GetActualDataLength;
-+ (void *)vt->SetActualDataLength=SetActualDataLength;
-+ (void *)vt->GetMediaType=GetMediaType;
-+ (void *)vt->SetMediaType=SetMediaType;
-+ (void *)vt->IsDiscontinuity=IsDiscontinuity;
-+ (void *)vt->SetDiscontinuity=SetDiscontinuity;
-+ (void *)vt->GetMediaTime=GetMediaTime;
-+ (void *)vt->SetMediaTime=SetMediaTime;
- all=allocator;
- size=_size;
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/inputpin.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/inputpin.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/inputpin.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/inputpin.cpp 2002-10-12 16:07:13.000000000 -0400
-@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@
- CEnumPins::CEnumPins(IPin* p, IPin* pp): pin1(p), pin2(pp), counter(0), refcount(1)
- {
- vt=new IEnumPins_vt;
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->Next = Next;
-- vt->Skip = Skip;
-- vt->Reset = Reset;
-- vt->Clone = Clone;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->Next = Next;
-+ (void *)vt->Skip = Skip;
-+ (void *)vt->Reset = Reset;
-+ (void *)vt->Clone = Clone;
- }
-@@ -148,24 +148,24 @@
- : refcount(1), type(vh), parent(p)
- {
- vt=new IPin_vt;
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->Connect = Connect;
-- vt->ReceiveConnection = ReceiveConnection;
-- vt->Disconnect=Disconnect;
-- vt->ConnectedTo = ConnectedTo;
-- vt->ConnectionMediaType = ConnectionMediaType;
-- vt->QueryPinInfo = QueryPinInfo;
-- vt->QueryDirection = QueryDirection;
-- vt->QueryId = QueryId;
-- vt->QueryAccept = QueryAccept;
-- vt->EnumMediaTypes = EnumMediaTypes;
-- vt->QueryInternalConnections = QueryInternalConnections;
-- vt->EndOfStream = EndOfStream;
-- vt->BeginFlush = BeginFlush;
-- vt->EndFlush = EndFlush;
-- vt->NewSegment = NewSegment;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->Connect = Connect;
-+ (void *)vt->ReceiveConnection = ReceiveConnection;
-+ (void *)vt->Disconnect=Disconnect;
-+ (void *)vt->ConnectedTo = ConnectedTo;
-+ (void *)vt->ConnectionMediaType = ConnectionMediaType;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryPinInfo = QueryPinInfo;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryDirection = QueryDirection;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryId = QueryId;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryAccept = QueryAccept;
-+ (void *)vt->EnumMediaTypes = EnumMediaTypes;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInternalConnections = QueryInternalConnections;
-+ (void *)vt->EndOfStream = EndOfStream;
-+ (void *)vt->BeginFlush = BeginFlush;
-+ (void *)vt->EndFlush = EndFlush;
-+ (void *)vt->NewSegment = NewSegment;
- }
- HRESULT STDCALL CInputPin::Connect (
-@@ -322,21 +322,21 @@
- pin=new CInputPin(this, type);
- unused_pin=new CRemotePin(this, parent->GetPin());
- vt=new IBaseFilter_vt;
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->GetClassID = GetClassID;
-- vt->Stop = Stop;
-- vt->Pause = Pause;
-- vt->Run = Run;
-- vt->GetState = GetState;
-- vt->SetSyncSource = SetSyncSource;
-- vt->GetSyncSource = GetSyncSource;
-- vt->EnumPins = EnumPins;
-- vt->FindPin = FindPin;
-- vt->QueryFilterInfo = QueryFilterInfo;
-- vt->JoinFilterGraph = JoinFilterGraph;
-- vt->QueryVendorInfo = QueryVendorInfo;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->GetClassID = GetClassID;
-+ (void *)vt->Stop = Stop;
-+ (void *)vt->Pause = Pause;
-+ (void *)vt->Run = Run;
-+ (void *)vt->GetState = GetState;
-+ (void *)vt->SetSyncSource = SetSyncSource;
-+ (void *)vt->GetSyncSource = GetSyncSource;
-+ (void *)vt->EnumPins = EnumPins;
-+ (void *)vt->FindPin = FindPin;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryFilterInfo = QueryFilterInfo;
-+ (void *)vt->JoinFilterGraph = JoinFilterGraph;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryVendorInfo = QueryVendorInfo;
- }
- HRESULT STDCALL CBaseFilter::GetClassID (
-@@ -454,44 +454,44 @@
- pin=new CRemotePin2(this);
- vt=new IBaseFilter_vt;
- memset(vt, 0, sizeof (IBaseFilter_vt));
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->GetClassID = GetClassID;
-- vt->Stop = Stop;
-- vt->Pause = Pause;
-- vt->Run = Run;
-- vt->GetState = GetState;
-- vt->SetSyncSource = SetSyncSource;
-- vt->GetSyncSource = GetSyncSource;
-- vt->EnumPins = EnumPins;
-- vt->FindPin = FindPin;
-- vt->QueryFilterInfo = QueryFilterInfo;
-- vt->JoinFilterGraph = JoinFilterGraph;
-- vt->QueryVendorInfo = QueryVendorInfo;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->GetClassID = GetClassID;
-+ (void *)vt->Stop = Stop;
-+ (void *)vt->Pause = Pause;
-+ (void *)vt->Run = Run;
-+ (void *)vt->GetState = GetState;
-+ (void *)vt->SetSyncSource = SetSyncSource;
-+ (void *)vt->GetSyncSource = GetSyncSource;
-+ (void *)vt->EnumPins = EnumPins;
-+ (void *)vt->FindPin = FindPin;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryFilterInfo = QueryFilterInfo;
-+ (void *)vt->JoinFilterGraph = JoinFilterGraph;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryVendorInfo = QueryVendorInfo;
- }
- CRemotePin2::CRemotePin2(CBaseFilter2* p):parent(p),
- refcount(1)
- {
- vt=new IPin_vt;
- memset(vt, 0, sizeof (IPin_vt));
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->QueryPinInfo=QueryPinInfo;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryPinInfo=QueryPinInfo;
- }
- CRemotePin::CRemotePin(CBaseFilter* pt, IPin* rpin): parent(pt), remote_pin(rpin),
- refcount(1)
- {
- vt=new IPin_vt;
- memset(vt, 0, sizeof (IPin_vt));
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->QueryDirection = QueryDirection;
-- vt->ConnectedTo = ConnectedTo;
-- vt->ConnectionMediaType = ConnectionMediaType;
-- vt->QueryPinInfo = QueryPinInfo;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryDirection = QueryDirection;
-+ (void *)vt->ConnectedTo = ConnectedTo;
-+ (void *)vt->ConnectionMediaType = ConnectionMediaType;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryPinInfo = QueryPinInfo;
- }
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/outputpin.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/outputpin.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/outputpin.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/DirectShow/outputpin.cpp 2002-10-12 16:09:35.000000000 -0400
-@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
- {
- this->type=type;
- vt=new IEnumMediaTypes_vt;
-- vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- vt->Release = Release;
-- vt->Next = Next;
-- vt->Skip = Skip;
-- vt->Reset = Reset;
-- vt->Clone = Clone;
-+ (void *)vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)vt->Next = Next;
-+ (void *)vt->Skip = Skip;
-+ (void *)vt->Reset = Reset;
-+ (void *)vt->Clone = Clone;
- }
- HRESULT STDCALL CEnumMediaTypes::Next (
-@@ -112,35 +112,35 @@
- COutputPin::COutputPin(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& vh) :refcount(1), type(vh), remote(0)
- {
- IPin::vt=new IPin_vt;
-- IPin::vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-- IPin::vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-- IPin::vt->Release = Release;
-- IPin::vt->Connect = Connect;
-- IPin::vt->ReceiveConnection = ReceiveConnection;
-- IPin::vt->Disconnect=Disconnect;
-- IPin::vt->ConnectedTo = ConnectedTo;
-- IPin::vt->ConnectionMediaType = ConnectionMediaType;
-- IPin::vt->QueryPinInfo = QueryPinInfo;
-- IPin::vt->QueryDirection = QueryDirection;
-- IPin::vt->QueryId = QueryId;
-- IPin::vt->QueryAccept = QueryAccept;
-- IPin::vt->EnumMediaTypes = EnumMediaTypes;
-- IPin::vt->QueryInternalConnections = QueryInternalConnections;
-- IPin::vt->EndOfStream = EndOfStream;
-- IPin::vt->BeginFlush = BeginFlush;
-- IPin::vt->EndFlush = EndFlush;
-- IPin::vt->NewSegment = NewSegment;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->AddRef = AddRef;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->Release = Release;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->Connect = Connect;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->ReceiveConnection = ReceiveConnection;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->Disconnect=Disconnect;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->ConnectedTo = ConnectedTo;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->ConnectionMediaType = ConnectionMediaType;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->QueryPinInfo = QueryPinInfo;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->QueryDirection = QueryDirection;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->QueryId = QueryId;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->QueryAccept = QueryAccept;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->EnumMediaTypes = EnumMediaTypes;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->QueryInternalConnections = QueryInternalConnections;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->EndOfStream = EndOfStream;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->BeginFlush = BeginFlush;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->EndFlush = EndFlush;
-+ (void *)IPin::vt->NewSegment = NewSegment;
- IMemInputPin::vt=new IMemInputPin_vt;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->QueryInterface = M_QueryInterface;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->AddRef = M_AddRef;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->Release = M_Release;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->GetAllocator = GetAllocator;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->NotifyAllocator = NotifyAllocator;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->GetAllocatorRequirements = GetAllocatorRequirements;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->Receive = Receive;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->ReceiveMultiple = ReceiveMultiple;
-- IMemInputPin::vt->ReceiveCanBlock = ReceiveCanBlock;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->QueryInterface = M_QueryInterface;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->AddRef = M_AddRef;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->Release = M_Release;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->GetAllocator = GetAllocator;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->NotifyAllocator = NotifyAllocator;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->GetAllocatorRequirements = GetAllocatorRequirements;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->Receive = Receive;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->ReceiveMultiple = ReceiveMultiple;
-+ (void *)IMemInputPin::vt->ReceiveCanBlock = ReceiveCanBlock;
- }
- // IPin->IUnknown methods
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/VideoDecoder.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/VideoDecoder.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/VideoDecoder.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/VideoDecoder.cpp 2002-10-12 15:50:57.000000000 -0400
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- *********************************************************/
- #include <config.h>
-+using namespace std;
- #include "VideoDecoder.h"
- #include "VideoEncoder.h"
- #include "DirectShow/DS_VideoDecoder.h"
-@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- void clear(){handle=0;}
- };
--IVideoDecoder* IVideoDecoder::Create(const BITMAPINFOHEADER& bh, int depth=24, int flip=0)
-+IVideoDecoder* IVideoDecoder::Create(const BITMAPINFOHEADER& bh, int depth, int flip)
- {
- vector<CodecInfo>::iterator it;
- vector<int>::iterator iv;
-@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
- }
- return 0;
- }
--int VideoDecoder::SetDestFmt(int bits=24, int csp=0)
-+int VideoDecoder::SetDestFmt(int bits, int csp)
- {
- if(m_iState==0)
- return -1;
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/VideoEncoder.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/VideoEncoder.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/VideoEncoder.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/VideoEncoder.cpp 2002-10-12 15:49:47.000000000 -0400
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- *********************************************************/
- #include <config.h>
-+using namespace std;
- #include "Unc.h"
- #include "VideoEncoder.h"
- //#include "mjpeg/mjpeg_encoder.h"
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/codeckeeper.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/codeckeeper.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/codeckeeper.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/codeckeeper.cpp 2002-10-12 18:12:36.000000000 -0400
-@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-+using namespace std;
- #include "VideoEncoder.h"
- #include <dlfcn.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
-@@ -234,20 +235,19 @@
- }
- }
--const CodecInfo* CodecInfo::match(int codec, const CodecInfo* start=0)
-+const CodecInfo* CodecInfo::match(int codec, const CodecInfo* start)
- {
-- vector<CodecInfo>::const_iterator it;
-- if(start==0)
-- it=video_codecs.begin();
-- else
-- it=start;
-+ CodecInfo *pParam = (CodecInfo *)start;
-+ if (pParam == NULL) pParam = &video_codecs.front();
-+ vector<CodecInfo>::const_iterator it(pParam);
- vector<int>::const_iterator iv;
- for(; it!=video_codecs.end(); it++)
- {
-- if(start && (it==start))continue;
-+ if(start && (it.base()==start))continue;
- for(iv=it->fourcc_array.begin(); iv!=it->fourcc_array.end(); iv++)
- if(codec==(*iv))
-- return (const CodecInfo*)it;
-+ return (const CodecInfo*)it.base();
- }
- return 0;
- }
-diff -ur old/avifile/videocodec/image.cpp new/avifile/videocodec/image.cpp
---- old/avifile/videocodec/image.cpp 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/avifile/videocodec/image.cpp 2002-10-12 15:54:08.000000000 -0400
-@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <except.h>
- #define __MODULE__ "Image base class"
-+using namespace std;
- int CImage::imageCounter=0;
- template<class T> inline T min(T a, T b)
- {
-@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@
- _width=abs(_info->biWidth);
- _height=abs(_info->biHeight);
- }
--CImage::CImage(const BitmapInfo* header, unsigned char* data=0, bool copy=true)
-+CImage::CImage(const BitmapInfo* header, unsigned char* data, bool copy)
- :_info(new BitmapInfo(header)),_refcount(1)
- {
- fill_members();
-@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@
- register_image();
- }
--CImage::CImage(const CImage* im, int depth=-1)
-+CImage::CImage(const CImage* im, int depth)
- :_info(new BitmapInfo(im->get_fmt())), _refcount(1)
- {
- if(depth!=-1)
-@@ -215,7 +217,7 @@
- {
- return (int(b)<<16)+(int(g)<<8)+int(r);
- }
--void CImage::ToYUV(int destfmt=0)
-+void CImage::ToYUV(int destfmt)
- {
- struct yuv* src;
- src=(struct yuv*)_data+_width*_height-1;
-Only in new: global_config
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcbutton.h new/guicast/bcbutton.h
---- old/guicast/bcbutton.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcbutton.h 2002-10-12 18:19:50.000000000 -0400
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- BC_Button(int x, int y, VFrame **data);
- virtual ~BC_Button();
-- friend BC_GenericButton;
-+ friend class BC_GenericButton;
- virtual int handle_event() { return 0; };
- int repeat_event(long repeat_id);
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcfilebox.h new/guicast/bcfilebox.h
---- old/guicast/bcfilebox.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcfilebox.h 2002-10-12 18:34:59.000000000 -0400
-@@ -167,18 +167,18 @@
- int h_padding = 0);
- virtual ~BC_FileBox();
-- friend BC_FileBoxCancel;
-- friend BC_FileBoxListBox;
-- friend BC_FileBoxTextBox;
-- friend BC_FileBoxText;
-- friend BC_FileBoxIcons;
-- friend BC_FileBoxNewfolder;
-- friend BC_FileBoxOK;
-- friend BC_NewFolderThread;
-- friend BC_FileBoxUpdir;
-- friend BC_FileBoxFilterText;
-- friend BC_FileBoxFilterMenu;
-- friend BC_FileBoxUseThis;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxCancel;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxListBox;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxTextBox;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxText;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxIcons;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxNewfolder;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxOK;
-+ friend class BC_NewFolderThread;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxUpdir;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxFilterText;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxFilterMenu;
-+ friend class BC_FileBoxUseThis;
- virtual int create_objects();
- // Give the most recently selected path
-diff -ur old/guicast/bclistbox.h new/guicast/bclistbox.h
---- old/guicast/bclistbox.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bclistbox.h 2002-10-12 18:29:07.000000000 -0400
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- BC_ListBoxItem(int x, int y, char *text, BC_Pixmap *icon, int color = BLACK);
- virtual ~BC_ListBoxItem();
-- friend BC_ListBox;
-+ friend class BC_ListBox;
- BC_ListBoxItem& operator=(BC_ListBoxItem& item);
- void set_text(char *new_text);
-@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
- int allow_drag = 0); // Allow user to drag icons around
- virtual ~BC_ListBox();
-- friend BC_PopupListBox;
-+ friend class BC_PopupListBox;
- int initialize();
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcmenubar.h new/guicast/bcmenubar.h
---- old/guicast/bcmenubar.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcmenubar.h 2002-10-12 18:35:40.000000000 -0400
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- BC_MenuBar(int x, int y, int w);
- virtual ~BC_MenuBar();
-- friend BC_Menu;
-+ friend class BC_Menu;
- int add_menu(BC_Menu* menu);
-@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- BC_Menu(char *text);
- virtual ~BC_Menu();
-- friend BC_MenuBar;
-+ friend class BC_MenuBar;
- // Called by user
- int add_item(BC_MenuItem* menuitem);
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
- BC_MenuItem(char *text, char *hotkey_text = "", int hotkey = 0);
- virtual ~BC_MenuItem();
-- friend BC_MenuPopup;
-+ friend class BC_MenuPopup;
- int add_submenu(BC_SubMenu *submenu);
- int set_checked(int value);
-@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
- BC_MenuPopup();
- virtual ~BC_MenuPopup();
-- friend BC_MenuItem;
-+ friend class BC_MenuItem;
- int initialize(BC_WindowBase *top_level,
- BC_MenuBar *menu_bar,
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcpixmap.h new/guicast/bcpixmap.h
---- old/guicast/bcpixmap.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcpixmap.h 2002-10-12 18:20:04.000000000 -0400
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- int h);
- ~BC_Pixmap();
-- friend BC_WindowBase;
-+ friend class BC_WindowBase;
- void resize(int w, int h);
- void copy_area(int x, int y, int w, int h, int x2, int y2);
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcpot.h new/guicast/bcpot.h
---- old/guicast/bcpot.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcpot.h 2002-10-12 18:36:47.000000000 -0400
-@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
- BC_Pot(int x, int y, VFrame **data);
- virtual ~BC_Pot();
-- friend BC_FPot;
-- friend BC_IPot;
-- friend BC_QPot;
-- friend BC_PercentagePot;
-+ friend class BC_FPot;
-+ friend class BC_IPot;
-+ friend class BC_QPot;
-+ friend class BC_PercentagePot;
- int initialize();
- virtual float get_percentage() { return 0; };
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcprogressbox.h new/guicast/bcprogressbox.h
---- old/guicast/bcprogressbox.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcprogressbox.h 2002-10-12 18:37:10.000000000 -0400
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- BC_ProgressBox(int x, int y, char *text, long length);
- virtual ~BC_ProgressBox();
-- friend BC_ProgressWindow;
-+ friend class BC_ProgressWindow;
- void run();
- int update(long position); // return 1 if cancelled
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcscrollbar.h new/guicast/bcscrollbar.h
---- old/guicast/bcscrollbar.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcscrollbar.h 2002-10-12 18:20:36.000000000 -0400
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- long handlelength);
- virtual ~BC_ScrollBar();
-- friend BC_ListBox;
-+ friend class BC_ListBox;
- virtual int handle_event() { return 0; };
- int initialize();
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcslider.h new/guicast/bcslider.h
---- old/guicast/bcslider.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcslider.h 2002-10-12 18:37:52.000000000 -0400
-@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
- int use_caption);
- virtual ~BC_Slider();
-- friend BC_ISlider;
-- friend BC_FSlider;
-- friend BC_PercentageSlider;
-+ friend class BC_ISlider;
-+ friend class BC_FSlider;
-+ friend class BC_PercentageSlider;
- virtual int handle_event() { return 0; };
-@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
- int use_caption = 0,
- VFrame **data = 0);
-- friend BC_PercentageSlider;
-+ friend class BC_PercentageSlider;
- int update(float value);
- int update(int pointer_motion_range, float value, float minvalue, float maxvalue);
-diff -ur old/guicast/bctextbox.h new/guicast/bctextbox.h
---- old/guicast/bctextbox.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bctextbox.h 2002-10-12 18:33:46.000000000 -0400
-@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
- void update_list(ArrayList<BC_ListBoxItem*> *data);
- void reposition_window(int x, int y);
-- friend BC_PopupTextBoxText;
-- friend BC_PopupTextBoxList;
-+ friend class BC_PopupTextBoxText;
-+ friend class BC_PopupTextBoxList;
- private:
- int x, y, text_w, list_h;
-@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
- int get_h();
- void set_boundaries(long min, long max);
-- friend BC_TumbleTextBoxText;
-- friend BC_TumbleTextBoxTumble;
-+ friend class BC_TumbleTextBoxText;
-+ friend class BC_TumbleTextBoxTumble;
- private:
- int x, y, text_w;
-diff -ur old/guicast/bcwindowbase.h new/guicast/bcwindowbase.h
---- old/guicast/bcwindowbase.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/bcwindowbase.h 2002-10-12 18:17:35.000000000 -0400
-@@ -62,35 +62,35 @@
- BC_WindowBase();
- virtual ~BC_WindowBase();
-- friend BC_Bitmap;
-- friend BC_Button;
-- friend BC_GenericButton;
-- friend BC_Capture;
-- friend BC_Clipboard;
-- friend BC_DragWindow;
-- friend BC_FileBox;
-- friend BC_ListBox;
-- friend BC_Menu;
-- friend BC_MenuBar;
-- friend BC_MenuItem;
-- friend BC_MenuPopup;
-- friend BC_Meter;
-- friend BC_Pan;
-- friend BC_Pixmap;
-- friend BC_Popup;
-- friend BC_PopupMenu;
-- friend BC_Pot;
-- friend BC_ProgressBar;
-- friend BC_Repeater;
-- friend BC_Resources;
-- friend BC_ScrollBar;
-- friend BC_Slider;
-- friend BC_SubWindow;
-- friend BC_TextBox;
-- friend BC_Title;
-- friend BC_Toggle;
-- friend BC_Tumbler;
-- friend BC_Window;
-+ friend class BC_Bitmap;
-+ friend class BC_Button;
-+ friend class BC_GenericButton;
-+ friend class BC_Capture;
-+ friend class BC_Clipboard;
-+ friend class BC_DragWindow;
-+ friend class BC_FileBox;
-+ friend class BC_ListBox;
-+ friend class BC_Menu;
-+ friend class BC_MenuBar;
-+ friend class BC_MenuItem;
-+ friend class BC_MenuPopup;
-+ friend class BC_Meter;
-+ friend class BC_Pan;
-+ friend class BC_Pixmap;
-+ friend class BC_Popup;
-+ friend class BC_PopupMenu;
-+ friend class BC_Pot;
-+ friend class BC_ProgressBar;
-+ friend class BC_Repeater;
-+ friend class BC_Resources;
-+ friend class BC_ScrollBar;
-+ friend class BC_Slider;
-+ friend class BC_SubWindow;
-+ friend class BC_TextBox;
-+ friend class BC_Title;
-+ friend class BC_Toggle;
-+ friend class BC_Tumbler;
-+ friend class BC_Window;
- // Main loop
- int run_window();
-Only in new/guicast: i686
-diff -ur old/guicast/vframe.h new/guicast/vframe.h
---- old/guicast/vframe.h 2001-05-19 23:02:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/guicast/vframe.h 2002-10-12 18:18:18.000000000 -0400
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- VFrame();
- ~VFrame();
-- friend PngReadFunction;
-+ friend class PngReadFunction;
- // Reallocate a frame without deleting the class
- int reallocate(unsigned char *data,
-Only in new/libmpeg3: i686
-Only in new/libsndfile/i686: libsndfile.a
-Only in new/quicktime: i686
-diff -ur old/xmovie/fileavi.C new/xmovie/fileavi.C
---- old/xmovie/fileavi.C 2001-05-19 23:02:37.000000000 -0400
-+++ new/xmovie/fileavi.C 2002-10-12 18:39:16.000000000 -0400
-@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
- #ifdef USE_AVI
-+using namespace std;
- #include "asset.h"
- #include "avifile.h"
- #include "clip.h"
-Only in new/xmovie: i686
diff --git a/media-video/xmovie/xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild b/media-video/xmovie/xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild
index bf9c4a10cde2..01aa7e9ae605 100644
--- a/media-video/xmovie/xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild
+++ b/media-video/xmovie/xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/xmovie/xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild,v 1.8 2004/07/14 22:29:11 agriffis Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/xmovie/xmovie-1.8-r4.ebuild,v 1.9 2005/05/15 13:00:49 flameeyes Exp $
-inherit gcc eutils
+inherit toolchain-funcs eutils
DESCRIPTION="A Player for MPEG and Quicktime movies"
@@ -26,9 +28,9 @@ src_unpack() {
if [ `gcc-major-version` = '3' ] ;
# gcc3.2 fix (from bug #7227)
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/xmovie-gcc3-gentoo.patch
# gcc 3.3 fix from bug #32965
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch
+ epatch ${DISTDIR}/xmovie-1.8-gcc3.3.patch