# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-php/phpdbg/phpdbg-2.10-r1.ebuild,v 1.8 2003/09/08 04:45:56 msterret Exp $ PL="pl3" S="${WORKDIR}/dbg-${PV}${PL}" DESCRIPTION="A PHP debugger useable with some editors like phpedit." SRC_URI="http://dd.cron.ru/dbg/dnld/dbg-${PV}${PL}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://dd.cron.ru/dbg/" LICENSE="dbgphp" SLOT="0" DEPEND="virtual/php" # support for ppc or others? KEYWORDS="x86 sparc " src_unpack() { unpack "dbg-${PV}pl3.tar.gz" cd "${S}" } src_compile() { phpize ./configure --enable-dbg=shared --with-dbg-profiler emake } src_install () { insinto /etc/php4/lib doins modules/dbg.so dodoc AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL } pkg_postinst() { echo "Performing post-installation routines for ${P}." if [ `cat /etc/php4/php.ini | grep extension=/etc/php4/lib/dbg.so` ]; then einfo No changes made in php.ini else echo extension=/etc/php4/lib/dbg.so >> /etc/php4/php.ini fi einfo Please reload Apache to activate the changes } pkg_prerm() { echo "Performing pre-removal routines for ${P}." mv /etc/php4/php.ini /etc/php4/php.ini.old cat /etc/php4/php.ini.old | sed "s/extension=\/etc\/php4\/lib\/dbg.so//g" > /etc/php4/php.ini rm /etc/php4/php.ini.old } pkg_postrm() { einfo Please reload Apache to activate the changes }