# ChangeLog for kde-base/dcoppython # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/kde-base/dcoppython/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2005/02/05 11:39:11 danarmak Exp $ *dcoppython-3.4.0_beta2 (05 Feb 2005) 05 Feb 2005; Dan Armak +dcoppython-3.4.0_beta2.ebuild: Ebuild for 3.4.0_beta2. Note that beta2 has NOT been released as of this date. This ebuild is for inside testing by the KDE team, and is of course package.masked. 10 Dec 2004; Dan Armak files/no-gtk-glib-check.diff, dcoppython-3.3.1.ebuild: Fixed compile failure when gtk is not installed. 25 Nov 2004; Sven Wegener : Added missing digest entries. *dcoppython-3.3.1 (06 Nov 2004) 06 Nov 2004; Dan Armak +files/no-gtk-glib-check.diff, +dcoppython-3.3.1.ebuild: Initial version of the split-up kdebindings ebuilds. Cf. kde-metaebuilds.berlios.de. This is a project to split the monolithic kde ebuilds into separate ebuilds for separate applications. These ebuilds are packaged.masked at first, pending testing.