# This file contains a list of useflags that cannot be used on sparc. 3dfx 3dnow acpi afs alsa altivec apm directfb divx4linux fdftk hal icc icc-pgo ifc informix firebird ladcca lirc mmx mmx2 pic sse sse2 svga tcc trusted uml voodoo3 wavelan # And arch keyword flags that don't work x86 ppc alpha mips hppa arm # Chris PeBenito <pebenito@gentoo.org> # must use a SELinux profile selinux uclibc # see email to gentoo-dev with subject "use.mask and PHP5's crazy IUSE" # Dated Sat, 31 Jul 2004 14:49:28 -0700, from robbat2@gentoo.org # all of these are binary-only, and not presently available on this # architecture. adabas birdstep cpdflib db2 dbmaker empress empress-bcs esoob filepro frontbase hyperwave-api informix ingres oracle7 oci8 pfpro solid sybase sybase-ct