diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.4.2-r1.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 391 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.4.2-r1.ebuild b/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.4.2-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5903bb3..0000000
--- a/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.4.2-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# Jetty and Jasper have to stay bundled for now, until someone does some work on them.
-# ECF also has to stay bundled due to a chicken and egg situation. We could use
-# the bundled version to build Eclipse and then build ECF later but it's still
-# a pain to build without using chewi-overlay.
-# Current patches are hard to maintain when revbumping.
-# Two solutions:
-# 1) Split patches so that there is one per file
-# 2) Use sed, better solution I would say.
-inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 check-reqs
-DESCRIPTION="Eclipse Tools Platform"
-IUSE="doc java6 source"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- dev-java/ant-eclipse-ecj:${SLOT}
- dev-java/cldc-api:1.1"
- java6? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6 )
- !java6? ( >=virtual/jre-1.5 )"
- !java6? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.5 )
- java6? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.6 )
- >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3
- app-arch/unzip
- app-arch/zip"
-pkg_setup() {
- java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
- check_reqs
- if use doc ; then
- ewarn "Having the doc USE flag enabled greatly increases the build time. You might"
- ewarn "want to disable it for ${PN} if you don't need it."
- fi
- eclipsearch=${ARCH}
- use amd64 && eclipsearch="x86_64"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- patch-apply
- remove-bundled-stuff
- while read line; do
- java-ant_rewrite-classpath "${line}" > /dev/null
- done < <(find "${S}" -type f -name "build.xml")
-src_compile() {
- java-pkg_force-compiler ecj-${SLOT}
- local bootclasspath=$(java-config --runtime)
- local options="-q -Dnobootstrap=true -Dlibsconfig=true -Dbootclasspath=${bootclasspath} -DinstallOs=linux \
- -DinstallWs=gtk -DinstallArch=${eclipsearch} -Djava5.home=$(java-config --jdk-home)"
- use java6 && options="${options} -DJavaSE-1.6=${bootclasspath}"
- ANT_OPTS="-Xmx512M" eant ${options}
- # Generate P2 metadata.
- `java-config -J` -jar eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar -data workspace \
- -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.generator.EclipseGenerator -flavor tooling \
- -metadataRepositoryName "Gentoo Eclipse" -artifactRepositoryName "Gentoo Eclipse" \
- -metadataRepository "file:eclipse/metadata" -artifactRepository "file:eclipse/metadata" \
- -root "Gentoo Eclipse SDK" -rootVersion "${PV}" -source eclipse -append -publishArtifacts || die
-src_install() {
- # Root files don't get included by P2.
- insinto "${ECLIPSE_DIR}"
- doins -r features/org.eclipse.platform/rootfiles/{.eclipseproduct,*}
- # Workaround
- rm -rf eclipse/configuration/.settings || die
- # Install using P2.
- `java-config -J`"file:${D}/${ECLIPSE_DIR}/p2" \
- -jar eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar -data workspace \
- -application -flavor tooling \
- -metadataRepository "file:eclipse/metadata" -artifactRepository "file:eclipse/metadata" \
- -installIU "Gentoo Eclipse SDK" -version "${PV}" -p2.os linux gtk -p2.arch ${eclipsearch} \
- -profile SDKProfile -profileProperties org.eclipse.update.install.features=true \
- -destination "${D}/${ECLIPSE_DIR}" -bundlepool "${D}/${ECLIPSE_DIR}" -roaming || die
- cd "${D}/${ECLIPSE_DIR}" || die
- # Delete unneeded files.
- rm -rf p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core || die
- # Restore symlinks. P2 has ignored them.
- rm -rf plugins/org.apache.ant_*/{bin,lib} || die
- ln -snf /usr/share/ant/bin plugins/org.apache.ant_*/ || die
- ln -snf /usr/share/ant/lib plugins/org.apache.ant_*/ || die
- cp -af "${S}"/plugins/org.junit_*/*.jar plugins/org.junit_*/ || die
-# cp -af "${S}"/plugins/org.junit4/*.jar plugins/org.junit4_*/ || die
- # Install startup script.
- dobin "${FILESDIR}/${SLOT}/eclipse-${SLOT}" || die
- # Install global rc script.
- insinto /etc
- doins "${FILESDIR}/${SLOT}/eclipserc-${SLOT}" || die
- # Install icon and make desktop entry.
- newicon "${S}/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/linux/x86/icon.xpm" eclipse.xpm || die
- make_desktop_entry eclipse-${SLOT} "Eclipse ${PV}" eclipse.xpm || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "Welcome to Eclipse ${PV} (Ganymede)!"
- einfo " "
- einfo "You can now install plugins via Update Manager without any"
- einfo "tweaking. This is the recommended way to install new features for Eclipse."
- einfo " "
- einfo "Please read"
- einfo "It contains a lot of useful information and help about Eclipse on Gentoo."
- einfo " "
- einfo "The FileInitializer Plugin is no longer integrated."
- einfo "If you need it, get org.eclipse.equinox.initializer_x.y.z.jar from:"
- einfo ""
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Helper functions
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-patch-apply() {
- # Optimize launcher build.
- unzip -q plugins/org.eclipse.platform/ library/gtk/make_linux.mak || die
- sed -i -r "s/CFLAGS = -g -s\b/CFLAGS =/;/CFLAGS =/a\\\\t${CFLAGS}\\\\" library/gtk/make_linux.mak || die
- zip -qrm plugins/org.eclipse.platform/ library || die
- # Avoid doing any unnecessary copying or archiving at the end of the build.
- sed -r -i '/<exec .*\bexecutable="tar"/,/<delete /d' {assemble,package}.org.eclipse.sdk.linux.gtk.${eclipsearch}.xml || die
- sed -r -i '/<delete /,/<delete .*\bdir=/d' build.xml || die
- mkdir -p tmp/eclipse || die
- ln -snf tmp/eclipse eclipse || die
- if ! use java6; then
- sed -r '/<ant .*\/org\.eclipse\.jdt\.(apt\.pluggable\.core|compiler\.(apt|tool))(\.source)?"/,/<\/ant>/d' \
- -i features/org.eclipse.jdt{,.source}/build.xml || die
- sed -r '/id="org\.eclipse\.jdt\.(apt\.pluggable\.core|compiler\.(apt|tool))"/,/<plugin /d' \
- -i features/org.eclipse.jdt/feature.xml || die
- sed -r '/id="org\.eclipse\.jdt\.(apt\.pluggable\.core|compiler\.(apt|tool))\.source"/d' \
- -i features/org.eclipse.jdt.source/feature.xml || die
- sed -r -e '/<customGather .*\/org\.eclipse\.jdt\.(apt\.pluggable\.core|compiler\.(apt|tool))(\.source)?"/d' \
- -e '/value="org\.eclipse\.jdt\.(apt\.pluggable\.core|compiler\.(apt|tool))(\.source)?_/,/eclipse\.plugins/d' \
- -i${eclipsearch}.xml || die
- fi
- # Miscellaneous patches.
- epatch "${PATCHDIR}/eclipse_build-libs.diff"
- epatch "${PATCHDIR}/eclipse-c-warning.patch"
- # JNI.
- sed -i '/value="x86"/d' plugins/org.eclipse.update.core.linux/src/build.xml || die
- # Following adds an additional classpath when building JSPs.
- sed -i '/<path id="@dot\.classpath".*/a<pathelement path="${gentoo.classpath}" />' \
- plugins/{,JSPs}.xml || die
- # No warnings. Java5. Direct output to stdout.
- find -type f -name '*.xml' -exec \
- sed -r -e 's:"compilerArg" value=":\0-nowarn :g' \
- -e 's:(<property name="javac(Source|Target)" value=)"1.[0-4]":\1"1.5":g' \
- -e 's:output="[^"]+\.(txt|log)"::g' -i {} \; || die
- # JDK home and CFLAGS.
- sed -r -e "s:^(JAVA_HOME ?=).*:\1 $(java-config --jdk-home):" -e "s:^(OPT_FLAGS ?=).*:\0 ${CFLAGS}:" \
- -i plugins/org.eclipse.core.filesystem/natives/unix/linux/Makefile || die "sed Makefile failed"
- # Don't build plugins for other archs or GUI toolkits. Don't gather their sources either.
- sed -r -e '/<ant .*\.(aix|carbon|hpux|macosx|motif|qnx|solaris|win32)[".]/,/<\/ant>/d' \
- -e '/<ant .*\/org\.eclipse\.swt\..+(\.source)?"/,/<\/ant>/d' \
- -i features/org.eclipse.{platform,rcp}{,.source}/build.xml || die
- if ! use doc ; then
- # Don't reference the docs. Slightly evil but it works.
- sed -r '/<plugin/{:x;/id="[^"]*\.doc\./{:y;/\/>/d;N;by};/\/>/b;N;bx}' \
- -i features/*/feature.xml || die
- # Don't install the docs.
- sed -r '/<customGather .*\.doc\./d' \
- -i${eclipsearch}.xml || die
- # Don't build the docs.
- sed -i '/<antcall .*\btarget="build.doc.plugins"/d' build.xml || die
- sed -i '/<ant .*\/.*\.doc\./,/<\/ant>/d' features/*/build.xml || die
- # Don't reference the doc plugins in the sources. These feature.xml files
- # thankfully have their plugins on one line. Let's hope they stay that way.
- sed -r '/<plugin id="[^"]*\.doc\./d' \
- -i features/*.source/feature.xml || die
- fi
- if ! use source ; then
- # Don't reference the sources. Slightly evil but it works.
- sed -r '/<includes/{:x;/id="[^"]*\.source"/{:y;/\/>/d;N;by};/\/>/b;N;bx}' \
- -i features/org.eclipse.sdk/feature.xml || die
- # Don't install the sources.
- sed -r '/<(copy|customGather) .*\.source/d' \
- -i {assemble,package}.org.eclipse.sdk.linux.gtk.${eclipsearch}.xml || die
- fi
- # In 3.4.1, bootclasspath was removed from here. Not sure why.
- sed -r '/\bname="bundleBootClasspath"/s:value=":\0${bootclasspath};:' \
- -i plugins/org.eclipse.osgi/build.xml || die
-remove-bundled-stuff() {
- local x
- pushd plugins >/dev/null
- # Remove pre-built binaries.
- find "${S}/features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable" -type f -name eclipse -delete || die
- # ..and libraries.
- find "${S}" -type f -name '*.so' -delete || die
- # ..and JAR files.
- rm -f org.eclipse.osgi/{,supplement}/osgi/osgi*.jar \
- org.eclipse.swt/extra_jars/exceptions.jar || die
- # ..and classes.
- rm -rf org.eclipse.jdt.core/scripts/*.class \
- org.eclipse.osgi.{services,util}/org || die
- # Unpack zipped sources for removed classes. If we unpack the sources to
- # src like the other plugins, the build order seems to change and things
- # break. Very bizarre. Consequently we have to adjust build.xml to
- # install the classes and not the sources. Ugly but it works.
- for x in services util ; do
- unzip -q org.eclipse.osgi.${x}/ -d org.eclipse.osgi.${x}/ || die
- x=org.eclipse.osgi.${x}/build.xml
- { rm ${x} && awk '/<target .*name="gather\.bin\.parts"/ { inside = 1 } { if (inside) { if ($0 ~ /"org\/"/) next; \
- if ($0 ~ /<\/fileset>/) { print; print "<fileset dir=\"${basedir}/@dot/\" includes=\"org/\"/>"; inside = 0; next } } } { print }' > ${x}; } < ${x} || die
- done
- # This prebuilt class actually comes from another plugin that will be
- # built so we can just symlink to that.
- ln -snf "${S}"/plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/@dot/org/eclipse/core/runtime/IPluginDescriptor.class \
- org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.registry/classes/org/eclipse/core/runtime/IPluginDescriptor.class || die
- # Reset the list of system packages to use when building.
- EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="swt:${SLOT} cldc-api:1.1"
-## unbundle-jar org.apache.commons.el commons-el
-## unbundle-jar org.apache.commons.logging commons-logging
-## unbundle-jar com.jcraft.jsch jsch
-## unbundle-jar icu4j
-## unbundle-jar javax.servlet tomcat-servlet-api:2.4
-## unbundle-jar javax.servlet.jsp tomcat-servlet-api:2.4
-## unbundle-jar org.apache.lucene lucene:1.9
-## unbundle-jar org.apache.lucene.analysis lucene-analyzers:1.9
-## unbundle-jar org.objectweb.asm asm:3
-## unbundle-jar org.sat4j.core sat4j-core:2
-## unbundle-jar org.sat4j.pb sat4j-pseudo:2
-## # Make the junit4 case easier.
-## # ln -snf org.junit4 org.junit4_ || die
-## unbundle-dir org.apache.ant ant-core,ant-nodeps lib
-## unbundle-dir org.junit junit .
-## # unbundle-dir org.junit4 junit-4 .
-## # Don't include sources for junit4.
-## # sed -i '/junitsrc/d' org.junit4/customBuildCallbacks.xml || die
- # Unbundle SWT and make @dot directory to keep build happy.
- ${BUILDPARSER} -i Bundle-ClassPath "external:$(java-pkg_getjars swt-${SLOT})" org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.${eclipsearch}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF || die
- mkdir -p org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.${eclipsearch}/@dot || die
- remove-plugin-sources org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.${eclipsearch}
- # Mark the SWT plugins as unpacked. More evilness that works.
- sed -r '/<plugin/{:x;/id="org\.eclipse\.swt\./{:y;/\/>/s/unpack="[^"]*"/unpack="true"/;t;N;by};/\/>/b;N;bx}' \
- -i "${S}"/features/org.eclipse.rcp/feature.xml || die
- # Prevent the SWT plugin from being JAR'd.
- sed -r '/<param .*\bvalue="org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.'"${eclipsearch}"'_/d' \
- -i "${S}"/${eclipsearch}.xml || die
- popd >/dev/null
-# Unbundle a directory plugin by removing its JAR files and replacing them
-# with symlinks. We don't modify the manifest because Eclipse's antRunner
-# doesn't seem to like external JARs.
-unbundle-dir() {
- ebegin "Unbundling $1"
- remove-plugin-sources $1
- # Delete the bundled JARs and signing files.
- rm -f "$1"_*/$3/*.jar "$1"_*/META-INF/ECLIPSE.{RSA,SF} || die
- # Replace the bundled JARs with symlinks.
- java-pkg_jar-from --into "$1"_*/$3 $2
- eend 0
-# Unbundle a JAR plugin by removing its class files and modifying its manifest
-# so that it points to external JARs instead. The plugin must remain unpacked
-# because OSGi cannot handle external JARs in packed plugins.
-unbundle-jar() {
- ebegin "Unbundling $1"
- remove-plugin-sources $1
- # Find full plugin name and version.
- local plugin=`echo $1_*`
- plugin=${plugin%.jar}
- # Make directory to replace JAR.
- mkdir -p "${plugin}" || die
- cd "${plugin}" || die
- rm -rf * || die
- # Extract what we need from the existing JAR.
- `java-config -j` xf "../${plugin}.jar" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF plugin.{properties,xml} || die
- # Apply our new classpath.
- local classpath=$(java-pkg_getjars $2)
- ${BUILDPARSER} -i Bundle-ClassPath "external:${classpath//:/,external:}" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF || die
- # The javadoc options are stored in text files and so rewriting the classpath in
- # the ant build files has no effect. Instead, we replace plugins paths with the
- # paths to their external JARs. Passing gentoo.classpath is too RAM-intensive.
- sed -i -r "s:^;\.\.\/${1//./\.}[_/].*\.jar$:;${classpath//:/\:}:" ../*/*Options.txt || die
- # Delete unneeded manifest entries.
- sed -i -r "/^Name:|^SHA1-Digest:/d" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF || die
- # This plugin is now unpacked. More evilness that works.
- sed -r '/<plugin/{:x;/id="'"${1//./\.}"'"/{:y;/\/>/s/unpack="[^"]*"/unpack="true"/;t;N;by};/\/>/b;N;bx}' \
- -i "${S}"/features/*/feature.xml || die
- # Copy the whole directory instead of just a JAR.
- sed -r "/<copy .*\/${1//./\.}/{s/<copy\b/<copydir/;s/\.jar//g;s/\bfile=/src=/;s/\btofile=/dest=/}" \
- -i "${S}"/${eclipsearch}.xml || die
- # Delete JAR and return to previous directory.
- rm -f "../${plugin}.jar" || die
- cd .. || die
- eend 0
-remove-plugin-sources() {
- use source || return
- # Don't reference the sources for this plugin. These feature.xml files
- # thankfully have their plugins on one line. Let's hope they stay that way.
- sed -r '/<plugin id="'"${1//./\.}"'\.source"/d' \
- -i "${S}/features"/*.source/feature.xml || die
- # Don't try to install the sources either.
- sed -r '/<(copy|copydir|customGather) .*\/'"${1//./\.}"'\.source/d' \
- -i "${S}"/{assemble,package}.org.eclipse.sdk.linux.gtk.${eclipsearch}.xml || die