""" An RPython implementation of sockets based on rffi. Note that the interface has to be slightly different - this is not a drop-in replacement for the 'socket' module. """ # XXX this does not support yet the least common AF_xxx address families # supported by CPython. See http://bugs.pypy.org/issue1942 from errno import EINVAL from rpython.rlib import _rsocket_rffi as _c, jit, rgc from rpython.rlib.buffer import LLBuffer from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import ( specialize, instantiate, keepalive_until_here) from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint from rpython.rlib import rthread, rposix from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rffi import sizeof, offsetof from rpython.rtyper.extregistry import ExtRegistryEntry # Usage of @jit.dont_look_inside in this file is possibly temporary # and only because some lltypes declared in _rsocket_rffi choke the # JIT's codewriter right now (notably, FixedSizeArray). INVALID_SOCKET = _c.INVALID_SOCKET def mallocbuf(buffersize): return lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, buffersize, flavor='raw') constants = _c.constants locals().update(constants) # Define constants from _c HAS_SO_PROTOCOL = hasattr(_c, 'SO_PROTOCOL') if _c.WIN32: from rpython.rlib import rwin32 def rsocket_startup(): wsadata = lltype.malloc(_c.WSAData, flavor='raw', zero=True) try: res = _c.WSAStartup(0x0101, wsadata) assert res == 0 finally: lltype.free(wsadata, flavor='raw') else: def rsocket_startup(): pass def ntohs(x): assert isinstance(x, int) return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, _c.ntohs(x)) def ntohl(x): # accepts and returns an Unsigned return rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, _c.ntohl(x)) def htons(x): assert isinstance(x, int) return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, _c.htons(x)) def htonl(x): # accepts and returns an Unsigned return rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, _c.htonl(x)) _FAMILIES = {} class Address(object): """The base class for RPython-level objects representing addresses. Fields: addr - a _c.sockaddr_ptr (memory owned by the Address instance) addrlen - size used within 'addr' """ class __metaclass__(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict): family = dict.get('family') A = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict) if family is not None: _FAMILIES[family] = A return A # default uninitialized value: NULL ptr addr_p = lltype.nullptr(_c.sockaddr_ptr.TO) def __init__(self, addr, addrlen): self.addr_p = addr self.addrlen = addrlen @rgc.must_be_light_finalizer def __del__(self): if self.addr_p: lltype.free(self.addr_p, flavor='raw', track_allocation=False) @specialize.ll() def setdata(self, addr, addrlen): # initialize self.addr and self.addrlen. 'addr' can be a different # pointer type than exactly sockaddr_ptr, and we cast it for you. assert not self.addr_p self.addr_p = rffi.cast(_c.sockaddr_ptr, addr) self.addrlen = addrlen # the following slightly strange interface is needed to manipulate # what self.addr_p points to in a safe way. The problem is that # after inlining we might end up with operations that looks like: # addr = self.addr_p # # read from addr # To prevent this we have to insert a keepalive after the last # use of 'addr'. The interface to do that is called lock()/unlock() # because it strongly reminds callers not to forget unlock(). # @specialize.ll() def lock(self, TYPE=_c.sockaddr): """Return self.addr_p, cast as a pointer to TYPE. Must call unlock()! """ return rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(TYPE), self.addr_p) def unlock(self): """To call after we're done with the pointer returned by lock(). Note that locking and unlocking costs nothing at run-time. """ keepalive_until_here(self) # ____________________________________________________________ def makeipaddr(name, result=None): # Convert a string specifying a host name or one of a few symbolic # names to an IPAddress instance. This usually calls getaddrinfo() # to do the work; the names "" and "" are special. # If 'result' is specified it must be a prebuilt INETAddress or # INET6Address that is filled; otherwise a new INETXAddress is returned. if result is None: family = AF_UNSPEC else: family = result.family if len(name) == 0: info = getaddrinfo(None, "0", family=family, socktype=SOCK_DGRAM, # dummy flags=AI_PASSIVE, address_to_fill=result) if len(info) > 1: raise RSocketError("wildcard resolved to multiple addresses") return info[0][4] # IPv4 also supports the special name "". if name == '': return makeipv4addr(r_uint(INADDR_BROADCAST), result) # "dd.dd.dd.dd" format. digits = name.split('.') if len(digits) == 4: try: d0 = int(digits[0]) d1 = int(digits[1]) d2 = int(digits[2]) d3 = int(digits[3]) except ValueError: pass else: if (0 <= d0 <= 255 and 0 <= d1 <= 255 and 0 <= d2 <= 255 and 0 <= d3 <= 255): addr = intmask(d0 << 24) | (d1 << 16) | (d2 << 8) | (d3 << 0) addr = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, addr) addr = htonl(addr) return makeipv4addr(addr, result) # generic host name to IP conversion info = getaddrinfo(name, None, family=family, address_to_fill=result) return info[0][4] class IPAddress(Address): """AF_INET and AF_INET6 addresses""" def get_host(self): # Create a string object representing an IP address. # For IPv4 this is always a string of the form 'dd.dd.dd.dd' # (with variable size numbers). host, serv = getnameinfo(self, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV) return host def lock_in_addr(self): """ Purely abstract """ raise NotImplementedError # ____________________________________________________________ HAS_AF_PACKET = 'AF_PACKET' in constants if HAS_AF_PACKET: class PacketAddress(Address): family = AF_PACKET struct = _c.sockaddr_ll maxlen = minlen = sizeof(struct) ifr_name_size = _c.ifreq.c_ifr_name.length sll_addr_size = _c.sockaddr_ll.c_sll_addr.length def __init__(self, ifindex, protocol, pkttype=0, hatype=0, haddr=""): addr = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_ll, flavor='raw', zero=True, track_allocation=False) self.setdata(addr, PacketAddress.maxlen) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_sll_family', AF_PACKET) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_sll_protocol', htons(protocol)) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_sll_ifindex', ifindex) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_sll_pkttype', pkttype) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_sll_hatype', hatype) halen = rffi.str2chararray(haddr, rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, addr.c_sll_addr), PacketAddress.sll_addr_size) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_sll_halen', halen) @staticmethod def get_ifindex_from_ifname(fd, ifname): p = lltype.malloc(_c.ifreq, flavor='raw') iflen = rffi.str2chararray(ifname, rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, p.c_ifr_name), PacketAddress.ifr_name_size - 1) p.c_ifr_name[iflen] = '\0' err = _c.ioctl(fd, _c.SIOCGIFINDEX, p) ifindex = p.c_ifr_ifindex lltype.free(p, flavor='raw') if err != 0: raise RSocketError("invalid interface name") return ifindex def get_ifname(self, fd): ifname = "" a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_ll) ifindex = rffi.getintfield(a, 'c_sll_ifindex') if ifindex: p = lltype.malloc(_c.ifreq, flavor='raw') rffi.setintfield(p, 'c_ifr_ifindex', ifindex) if (_c.ioctl(fd, _c.SIOCGIFNAME, p) == 0): ifname = rffi.charp2strn( rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, p.c_ifr_name), PacketAddress.ifr_name_size) lltype.free(p, flavor='raw') self.unlock() return ifname def get_protocol(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_ll) proto = rffi.getintfield(a, 'c_sll_protocol') res = ntohs(proto) self.unlock() return res def get_pkttype(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_ll) res = rffi.getintfield(a, 'c_sll_pkttype') self.unlock() return res def get_hatype(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_ll) res = rffi.getintfield(a, 'c_sll_hatype') self.unlock() return res def get_haddr(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_ll) lgt = rffi.getintfield(a, 'c_sll_halen') d = [] for i in range(lgt): d.append(a.c_sll_addr[i]) res = "".join(d) self.unlock() return res class INETAddress(IPAddress): family = AF_INET struct = _c.sockaddr_in maxlen = minlen = sizeof(struct) def __init__(self, host, port): makeipaddr(host, self) a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in) rffi.setintfield(a, 'c_sin_port', htons(port)) self.unlock() def __repr__(self): try: return '' % (self.get_host(), self.get_port()) except SocketError: return '' def get_port(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in) port = ntohs(rffi.getintfield(a, 'c_sin_port')) self.unlock() return port def eq(self, other): # __eq__() is not called by RPython :-/ return (isinstance(other, INETAddress) and self.get_host() == other.get_host() and self.get_port() == other.get_port()) def from_in_addr(in_addr): result = instantiate(INETAddress) # store the malloc'ed data into 'result' as soon as possible # to avoid leaks if an exception occurs inbetween sin = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_in, flavor='raw', zero=True, track_allocation=False) result.setdata(sin, sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in)) # PLAT sin_len rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin_family', AF_INET) rffi.structcopy(sin.c_sin_addr, in_addr) return result from_in_addr = staticmethod(from_in_addr) def lock_in_addr(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in) p = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, a.c_sin_addr) return p, sizeof(_c.in_addr) # ____________________________________________________________ class INET6Address(IPAddress): family = AF_INET6 struct = _c.sockaddr_in6 maxlen = minlen = sizeof(struct) def __init__(self, host, port, flowinfo=0, scope_id=0): makeipaddr(host, self) a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in6) rffi.setintfield(a, 'c_sin6_port', htons(port)) rffi.setintfield(a, 'c_sin6_flowinfo', htonl(flowinfo)) rffi.setintfield(a, 'c_sin6_scope_id', scope_id) self.unlock() def __repr__(self): try: return '' % (self.get_host(), self.get_port(), self.get_flowinfo(), self.get_scope_id()) except SocketError: return '' def get_port(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in6) port = ntohs(rffi.getintfield(a, 'c_sin6_port')) self.unlock() return port def get_flowinfo(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in6) flowinfo = ntohl(a.c_sin6_flowinfo) self.unlock() return rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, flowinfo) def get_scope_id(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in6) scope_id = a.c_sin6_scope_id self.unlock() return rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, scope_id) def eq(self, other): # __eq__() is not called by RPython :-/ return (isinstance(other, INET6Address) and self.get_host() == other.get_host() and self.get_port() == other.get_port() and self.get_flowinfo() == other.get_flowinfo() and self.get_scope_id() == other.get_scope_id()) def from_in6_addr(in6_addr): result = instantiate(INET6Address) # store the malloc'ed data into 'result' as soon as possible # to avoid leaks if an exception occurs inbetween sin = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_in6, flavor='raw', zero=True, track_allocation=False) result.setdata(sin, sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in6)) rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin6_family', AF_INET6) rffi.structcopy(sin.c_sin6_addr, in6_addr) return result from_in6_addr = staticmethod(from_in6_addr) def lock_in_addr(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_in6) p = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, a.c_sin6_addr) return p, sizeof(_c.in6_addr) # ____________________________________________________________ HAS_AF_UNIX = 'AF_UNIX' in constants if HAS_AF_UNIX: class UNIXAddress(Address): family = AF_UNIX struct = _c.sockaddr_un minlen = offsetof(_c.sockaddr_un, 'c_sun_path') maxlen = sizeof(struct) def __init__(self, path): sun = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_un, flavor='raw', zero=True, track_allocation=False) baseofs = offsetof(_c.sockaddr_un, 'c_sun_path') self.setdata(sun, baseofs + len(path)) rffi.setintfield(sun, 'c_sun_family', AF_UNIX) if _c.linux and path[0] == '\x00': # Linux abstract namespace extension if len(path) > sizeof(_c.sockaddr_un.c_sun_path): raise RSocketError("AF_UNIX path too long") else: # regular NULL-terminated string if len(path) >= sizeof(_c.sockaddr_un.c_sun_path): raise RSocketError("AF_UNIX path too long") sun.c_sun_path[len(path)] = '\x00' for i in range(len(path)): sun.c_sun_path[i] = path[i] def __repr__(self): try: return '' % (self.get_path(),) except SocketError: return '' def get_path(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_un) maxlength = self.addrlen - offsetof(_c.sockaddr_un, 'c_sun_path') if _c.linux and maxlength > 0 and a.c_sun_path[0] == '\x00': # Linux abstract namespace length = maxlength else: # regular NULL-terminated string length = 0 while length < maxlength and a.c_sun_path[length] != '\x00': length += 1 result = ''.join([a.c_sun_path[i] for i in range(length)]) self.unlock() return result def eq(self, other): # __eq__() is not called by RPython :-/ return (isinstance(other, UNIXAddress) and self.get_path() == other.get_path()) HAS_AF_NETLINK = 'AF_NETLINK' in constants if HAS_AF_NETLINK: class NETLINKAddress(Address): family = AF_NETLINK struct = _c.sockaddr_nl maxlen = minlen = sizeof(struct) def __init__(self, pid, groups): addr = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_nl, flavor='raw', zero=True, track_allocation=False) self.setdata(addr, NETLINKAddress.maxlen) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_nl_family', AF_NETLINK) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_nl_pid', pid) rffi.setintfield(addr, 'c_nl_groups', groups) def get_pid(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_nl) pid = a.c_nl_pid self.unlock() return rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, pid) def get_groups(self): a = self.lock(_c.sockaddr_nl) groups = a.c_nl_groups self.unlock() return rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, groups) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.get_pid(), self.get_groups()) # ____________________________________________________________ HAVE_SOCK_NONBLOCK = "SOCK_NONBLOCK" in constants HAVE_SOCK_CLOEXEC = "SOCK_CLOEXEC" in constants def familyclass(family): return _FAMILIES.get(family, Address) af_get = familyclass def make_address(addrptr, addrlen, result=None): family = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addrptr.c_sa_family) if result is None: result = instantiate(familyclass(family)) elif result.family != family: raise RSocketError("address family mismatched") # copy into a new buffer the address that 'addrptr' points to addrlen = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addrlen) buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, addrlen, flavor='raw', track_allocation=False) src = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, addrptr) for i in range(addrlen): buf[i] = src[i] result.setdata(buf, addrlen) return result def makeipv4addr(s_addr, result=None): if result is None: result = instantiate(INETAddress) elif result.family != AF_INET: raise RSocketError("address family mismatched") sin = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_in, flavor='raw', zero=True, track_allocation=False) result.setdata(sin, sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in)) rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin_family', AF_INET) # PLAT sin_len rffi.setintfield(sin.c_sin_addr, 'c_s_addr', s_addr) return result def make_null_address(family): klass = familyclass(family) result = instantiate(klass) buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, klass.maxlen, flavor='raw', zero=True, track_allocation=False) # Initialize the family to the correct value. Avoids surprizes on # Windows when calling a function that unexpectedly does not set # the output address (e.g. recvfrom() on a connected IPv4 socket). rffi.setintfield(rffi.cast(_c.sockaddr_ptr, buf), 'c_sa_family', family) result.setdata(buf, 0) return result, klass.maxlen # ____________________________________________________________ class RSocket(object): """RPython-level socket object. """ fd = _c.INVALID_SOCKET family = 0 type = 0 proto = 0 timeout = -1.0 def __init__(self, family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, fd=_c.INVALID_SOCKET, inheritable=True): """Create a new socket.""" if _c.invalid_socket(fd): if not inheritable and HAVE_SOCK_CLOEXEC: # Non-inheritable: we try to call socket() with # SOCK_CLOEXEC, which may fail. If we get EINVAL, # then we fall back to the SOCK_CLOEXEC-less case. fd = _c.socket(family, type | SOCK_CLOEXEC, proto) if fd < 0: if _c.geterrno() == EINVAL: # Linux older than 2.6.27 does not support # SOCK_CLOEXEC. An EINVAL might be caused by # random other things, though. Don't cache. pass else: raise self.error_handler() if _c.invalid_socket(fd): fd = _c.socket(family, type, proto) if _c.invalid_socket(fd): raise self.error_handler() if not inheritable: sock_set_inheritable(fd, False) # PLAT RISCOS self.fd = fd self.family = family self.type = type if HAVE_SOCK_CLOEXEC: self.type &= ~SOCK_CLOEXEC if HAVE_SOCK_NONBLOCK: self.type &= ~SOCK_NONBLOCK self.proto = proto if HAVE_SOCK_NONBLOCK and type & SOCK_NONBLOCK: self.timeout = 0.0 else: self.settimeout(defaults.timeout) @staticmethod def empty_rsocket(): rsocket = instantiate(RSocket) return rsocket @rgc.must_be_light_finalizer def __del__(self): fd = self.fd if fd != _c.INVALID_SOCKET: self.fd = _c.INVALID_SOCKET _c.socketclose_no_errno(fd) if hasattr(_c, 'fcntl'): def _setblocking(self, block): orig_delay_flag = intmask(_c.fcntl(self.fd, _c.F_GETFL, 0)) if orig_delay_flag == -1: raise self.error_handler() if block: delay_flag = orig_delay_flag & ~_c.O_NONBLOCK else: delay_flag = orig_delay_flag | _c.O_NONBLOCK if orig_delay_flag != delay_flag: if _c.fcntl(self.fd, _c.F_SETFL, delay_flag) == -1: raise self.error_handler() elif hasattr(_c, 'ioctlsocket'): def _setblocking(self, block): flag = lltype.malloc(rffi.ULONGP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') flag[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, not block) try: if _c.ioctlsocket(self.fd, _c.FIONBIO, flag) != 0: raise self.error_handler() finally: lltype.free(flag, flavor='raw') if hasattr(_c, 'poll') and not _c.poll_may_be_broken: def _select(self, for_writing): """Returns 0 when reading/writing is possible, 1 when timing out and -1 on error.""" if self.timeout <= 0.0 or self.fd == _c.INVALID_SOCKET: # blocking I/O or no socket. return 0 pollfd = rffi.make(_c.pollfd) try: rffi.setintfield(pollfd, 'c_fd', self.fd) if for_writing: rffi.setintfield(pollfd, 'c_events', _c.POLLOUT) else: rffi.setintfield(pollfd, 'c_events', _c.POLLIN) timeout = int(self.timeout * 1000.0 + 0.5) n = _c.poll(rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(_c.pollfdarray), pollfd), 1, timeout) finally: lltype.free(pollfd, flavor='raw') if n < 0: return -1 if n == 0: return 1 return 0 else: # Version witout poll(): use select() def _select(self, for_writing): """Returns 0 when reading/writing is possible, 1 when timing out and -1 on error.""" timeout = self.timeout if timeout <= 0.0 or self.fd == _c.INVALID_SOCKET: # blocking I/O or no socket. return 0 tv = rffi.make(_c.timeval) rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_sec', int(timeout)) rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_usec', int((timeout - int(timeout)) * 1000000)) fds = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw') _c.FD_ZERO(fds) _c.FD_SET(self.fd, fds) null = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO) if for_writing: n = _c.select(self.fd + 1, null, fds, null, tv) else: n = _c.select(self.fd + 1, fds, null, null, tv) lltype.free(fds, flavor='raw') lltype.free(tv, flavor='raw') if n < 0: return -1 if n == 0: return 1 return 0 def error_handler(self): return last_error() # build a null address object, ready to be used as output argument to # C functions that return an address. It must be unlock()ed after you # are done using addr_p. def _addrbuf(self): addr, maxlen = make_null_address(self.family) addrlen_p = lltype.malloc(_c.socklen_t_ptr.TO, flavor='raw') addrlen_p[0] = rffi.cast(_c.socklen_t, maxlen) return addr, addr.addr_p, addrlen_p @jit.dont_look_inside def accept(self, inheritable=True): """Wait for an incoming connection. Return (new socket fd, client address).""" if self._select(False) == 1: raise SocketTimeout address, addr_p, addrlen_p = self._addrbuf() try: remove_inheritable = not inheritable if (not inheritable and HAVE_SOCK_CLOEXEC and _c.HAVE_ACCEPT4 and _accept4_syscall.attempt_syscall()): newfd = _c.socketaccept4(self.fd, addr_p, addrlen_p, SOCK_CLOEXEC) if _accept4_syscall.fallback(newfd): newfd = _c.socketaccept(self.fd, addr_p, addrlen_p) else: remove_inheritable = False else: newfd = _c.socketaccept(self.fd, addr_p, addrlen_p) addrlen = addrlen_p[0] finally: lltype.free(addrlen_p, flavor='raw') address.unlock() if _c.invalid_socket(newfd): raise self.error_handler() if remove_inheritable: sock_set_inheritable(newfd, False) address.addrlen = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addrlen) return (newfd, address) def bind(self, address): """Bind the socket to a local address.""" addr = address.lock() res = _c.socketbind(self.fd, addr, address.addrlen) address.unlock() if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() def close(self): """Close the socket. It cannot be used after this call.""" fd = self.fd if fd != _c.INVALID_SOCKET: self.fd = _c.INVALID_SOCKET res = _c.socketclose(fd) if res != 0: raise self.error_handler() def detach(self): fd = self.fd self.fd = _c.INVALID_SOCKET return fd if _c.WIN32: def _connect(self, address): """Connect the socket to a remote address.""" addr = address.lock() res = _c.socketconnect(self.fd, addr, address.addrlen) address.unlock() errno = _c.geterrno() timeout = self.timeout if (timeout > 0.0 and res < 0 and errno in (_c.EWOULDBLOCK, _c.WSAEWOULDBLOCK)): tv = rffi.make(_c.timeval) rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_sec', int(timeout)) rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_usec', int((timeout - int(timeout)) * 1000000)) fds = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw') _c.FD_ZERO(fds) _c.FD_SET(self.fd, fds) fds_exc = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw') _c.FD_ZERO(fds_exc) _c.FD_SET(self.fd, fds_exc) null = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO) try: n = _c.select(self.fd + 1, null, fds, fds_exc, tv) if n > 0: if _c.FD_ISSET(self.fd, fds): # socket writable == connected return (0, False) else: # per MS docs, call getsockopt() to get error assert _c.FD_ISSET(self.fd, fds_exc) return (self.getsockopt_int(_c.SOL_SOCKET, _c.SO_ERROR), False) elif n == 0: return (_c.WSAEWOULDBLOCK, True) else: return (_c.geterrno(), False) finally: lltype.free(fds, flavor='raw') lltype.free(fds_exc, flavor='raw') lltype.free(tv, flavor='raw') if res == 0: errno = 0 return (errno, False) else: def _connect(self, address): """Connect the socket to a remote address.""" addr = address.lock() res = _c.socketconnect(self.fd, addr, address.addrlen) address.unlock() errno = _c.geterrno() if self.timeout > 0.0 and res < 0 and errno == _c.EINPROGRESS: timeout = self._select(True) if timeout == 0: res = self.getsockopt_int(_c.SOL_SOCKET, _c.SO_ERROR) if res == _c.EISCONN: res = 0 errno = res elif timeout == -1: return (_c.geterrno(), False) else: return (_c.EWOULDBLOCK, True) if res < 0: res = errno return (res, False) def connect(self, address): """Connect the socket to a remote address.""" err, timeout = self._connect(address) if timeout: raise SocketTimeout if err: raise CSocketError(err) def connect_ex(self, address): """This is like connect(address), but returns an error code (the errno value) instead of raising an exception when an error occurs.""" err, timeout = self._connect(address) return err if hasattr(_c, 'dup'): def dup(self, SocketClass=None): if SocketClass is None: SocketClass = RSocket fd = _c.dup(self.fd) if fd < 0: raise self.error_handler() return make_socket(fd, self.family, self.type, self.proto, SocketClass=SocketClass) @jit.dont_look_inside def getpeername(self): """Return the address of the remote endpoint.""" address, addr_p, addrlen_p = self._addrbuf() try: res = _c.socketgetpeername(self.fd, addr_p, addrlen_p) addrlen = addrlen_p[0] finally: lltype.free(addrlen_p, flavor='raw') address.unlock() if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() address.addrlen = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addrlen) return address @jit.dont_look_inside def getsockname(self): """Return the address of the local endpoint.""" address, addr_p, addrlen_p = self._addrbuf() try: res = _c.socketgetsockname(self.fd, addr_p, addrlen_p) addrlen = addrlen_p[0] finally: lltype.free(addrlen_p, flavor='raw') address.unlock() if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() address.addrlen = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addrlen) return address @jit.dont_look_inside def getsockopt(self, level, option, maxlen): buf = mallocbuf(maxlen) try: bufsize_p = lltype.malloc(_c.socklen_t_ptr.TO, flavor='raw') try: bufsize_p[0] = rffi.cast(_c.socklen_t, maxlen) res = _c.socketgetsockopt(self.fd, level, option, buf, bufsize_p) if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() size = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, bufsize_p[0]) assert size >= 0 # socklen_t is signed on Windows result = ''.join([buf[i] for i in range(size)]) finally: lltype.free(bufsize_p, flavor='raw') finally: lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw') return result @jit.dont_look_inside def getsockopt_int(self, level, option): flag_p = lltype.malloc(rffi.INTP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') # some win32 calls use only a byte to represent a bool # zero out so the result is correct anyway flag_p[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, 0) try: flagsize_p = lltype.malloc(_c.socklen_t_ptr.TO, flavor='raw') try: flagsize_p[0] = rffi.cast(_c.socklen_t, rffi.sizeof(rffi.INT)) res = _c.socketgetsockopt(self.fd, level, option, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, flag_p), flagsize_p) if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() result = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, flag_p[0]) finally: lltype.free(flagsize_p, flavor='raw') finally: lltype.free(flag_p, flavor='raw') return result def gettimeout(self): """Return the timeout of the socket. A timeout < 0 means that timeouts are disabled in the socket.""" return self.timeout def listen(self, backlog): """Enable a server to accept connections. The backlog argument must be at least 1; it specifies the number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections.""" if backlog < 1: backlog = 1 res = _c.socketlisten(self.fd, backlog) if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() def wait_for_data(self, for_writing): timeout = self._select(for_writing) if timeout != 0: if timeout == 1: raise SocketTimeout else: raise self.error_handler() def recv(self, buffersize, flags=0): """Receive up to buffersize bytes from the socket. For the optional flags argument, see the Unix manual. When no data is available, block until at least one byte is available or until the remote end is closed. When the remote end is closed and all data is read, return the empty string.""" with rffi.scoped_alloc_buffer(buffersize) as buf: llbuf = LLBuffer(buf.raw, buffersize) read_bytes = self.recvinto(llbuf, buffersize, flags) return buf.str(read_bytes) def recvinto(self, rwbuffer, nbytes, flags=0): self.wait_for_data(False) raw = rwbuffer.get_raw_address() read_bytes = _c.socketrecv(self.fd, raw, nbytes, flags) keepalive_until_here(rwbuffer) if read_bytes >= 0: return read_bytes raise self.error_handler() @jit.dont_look_inside def recvfrom(self, buffersize, flags=0): """Like recv(buffersize, flags) but also return the sender's address.""" with rffi.scoped_alloc_buffer(buffersize) as buf: llbuf = LLBuffer(buf.raw, buffersize) read_bytes, address = self.recvfrom_into(llbuf, buffersize, flags) return buf.str(read_bytes), address def recvfrom_into(self, rwbuffer, nbytes, flags=0): self.wait_for_data(False) address, addr_p, addrlen_p = self._addrbuf() try: raw = rwbuffer.get_raw_address() read_bytes = _c.recvfrom(self.fd, raw, nbytes, flags, addr_p, addrlen_p) keepalive_until_here(rwbuffer) addrlen = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addrlen_p[0]) finally: lltype.free(addrlen_p, flavor='raw') address.unlock() if read_bytes >= 0: if addrlen: address.addrlen = addrlen else: address = None return (read_bytes, address) raise self.error_handler() def recvmsg(self, message_size, ancbufsize=0, flags=0): """ Receive up to message_size bytes from a message. Also receives ancillary data. Returns the message, ancillary, flag and address of the sender. :param message_size: Maximum size of the message to be received :param ancbufsize: Maximum size of the ancillary data to be received :param flags: Receive flag. For more details, please check the Unix manual :return: a tuple consisting of the message, the ancillary data, return flag and the address. """ if message_size < 0: raise RSocketError("Invalid message size") with rffi.scoped_alloc_buffer(message_size) as buf: llbuf = LLBuffer(buf.raw, message_size) nbytes, ancdata, flags, address = self.recvmsg_into( [llbuf], ancbufsize, flags) return buf.str(nbytes), ancdata, flags, address @jit.dont_look_inside def recvmsg_into(self, buffers, ancbufsize=0, flags=0): if ancbufsize < 0: raise RSocketError("invalid ancillary data buffer length") self.wait_for_data(False) nbuf = len(buffers) address, addr_p, addrlen_p = self._addrbuf() message_lengths = lltype.malloc(rffi.INTP.TO, nbuf, flavor='raw') messages = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO, nbuf, flavor='raw') for i in range(nbuf): message_lengths[i] = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, buffers[i].getlength()) messages[i] = buffers[i].get_raw_address() size_of_anc = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') size_of_anc[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, 0) levels = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDPP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') types = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDPP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') file_descr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') descr_per_anc = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDPP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') retflag = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') retflag[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, 0) # a mask for the SIGNEDP's that need to be cast to int. (long default) reply = _c.recvmsg( self.fd, rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, ancbufsize), rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, flags), addr_p, addrlen_p, message_lengths, messages, rffi.cast(rffi.INT, nbuf), size_of_anc, levels, types, file_descr, descr_per_anc, retflag) if reply >= 0: anc_size = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, size_of_anc[0]) returnflag = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, retflag[0]) addrlen = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, addrlen_p[0]) offset = 0 list_of_tuples = [] pre_anc = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO, 1, flavor='raw') for i in range(anc_size): level = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, levels[0][i]) type = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, types[0][i]) bytes_in_anc = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, descr_per_anc[0][i]) pre_anc[0] = lltype.malloc( rffi.CCHARP.TO, bytes_in_anc, flavor='raw') _c.memcpy_from_CCHARP_at_offset( file_descr[0], pre_anc, rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, offset), bytes_in_anc) anc = rffi.charpsize2str(pre_anc[0], bytes_in_anc) tup = (level, type, anc) list_of_tuples.append(tup) offset += bytes_in_anc lltype.free(pre_anc[0], flavor='raw') if addrlen: address.addrlen = addrlen else: address.unlock() address = None rettup = (reply, list_of_tuples, returnflag, address) if address is not None: address.unlock() # free underlying complexity first _c.freeccharp(file_descr) _c.freesignedp(levels) _c.freesignedp(types) _c.freesignedp(descr_per_anc) lltype.free(pre_anc, flavor='raw') lltype.free(message_lengths, flavor='raw') lltype.free(messages, flavor='raw') lltype.free(file_descr, flavor='raw') lltype.free(size_of_anc, flavor='raw') lltype.free(levels, flavor='raw') lltype.free(types, flavor='raw') lltype.free(descr_per_anc, flavor='raw') lltype.free(retflag, flavor='raw') lltype.free(addrlen_p, flavor='raw') return rettup else: # in case of failure the underlying complexity has already been freed lltype.free(message_lengths, flavor='raw') lltype.free(messages, flavor='raw') lltype.free(file_descr, flavor='raw') lltype.free(size_of_anc, flavor='raw') lltype.free(levels, flavor='raw') lltype.free(types, flavor='raw') lltype.free(descr_per_anc, flavor='raw') lltype.free(retflag, flavor='raw') lltype.free(addrlen_p, flavor='raw') if address is not None: address.unlock() if (_c.geterrno() == _c.EINTR) or (_c.geterrno() == 11): raise last_error() if (reply == -10000): raise RSocketError("Invalid message size") if (reply == -10001): raise RSocketError("Invalid ancillary data buffer length") if (reply == -10002): raise RSocketError( "received malformed or improperly truncated " "ancillary data") raise last_error() def send_raw(self, dataptr, length, flags=0): """Send data from a CCHARP buffer.""" self.wait_for_data(True) res = _c.send(self.fd, dataptr, length, flags) if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() return res def send(self, data, flags=0): """Send a data string to the socket. For the optional flags argument, see the Unix manual. Return the number of bytes sent; this may be less than len(data) if the network is busy.""" with rffi.scoped_nonmovingbuffer(data) as dataptr: return self.send_raw(dataptr, len(data), flags) def sendall(self, data, flags=0, signal_checker=None): """Send a data string to the socket. For the optional flags argument, see the Unix manual. This calls send() repeatedly until all data is sent. If an error occurs, it's impossible to tell how much data has been sent.""" with rffi.scoped_nonmovingbuffer(data) as dataptr: remaining = len(data) p = dataptr while remaining > 0: try: res = self.send_raw(p, remaining, flags) p = rffi.ptradd(p, res) remaining -= res except CSocketError as e: if e.errno != _c.EINTR: raise if signal_checker is not None: signal_checker() def sendto(self, data, length, flags, address): """Like send(data, flags) but allows specifying the destination address. (Note that 'flags' is mandatory here.)""" self.wait_for_data(True) addr = address.lock() res = _c.sendto(self.fd, data, length, flags, addr, address.addrlen) address.unlock() if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() return res @jit.dont_look_inside def sendmsg(self, messages, ancillary=None, flags=0, address=None): """ Send data and ancillary on a socket. For use of ancillary data, please check the Unix manual. Work on connectionless sockets via the address parameter. :param messages: a message that is a list of strings :param ancillary: data to be sent separate from the message body. Needs to be a list of tuples. E.g. [(level,type, bytes),...]. Default None. :param flags: the flag to be set for sendmsg. Please check the Unix manual regarding values. Default 0 :param address: address of the recepient. Useful for when sending on connectionless sockets. Default None :return: Bytes sent from the message """ need_to_free_address = True if address is None: need_to_free_address = False addr = lltype.nullptr(_c.sockaddr) addrlen = 0 else: addr = address.lock() addrlen = address.addrlen no_of_messages = len(messages) messages_ptr = lltype.malloc( rffi.CCHARPP.TO, no_of_messages + 1, flavor='raw') messages_length_ptr = lltype.malloc( rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, no_of_messages, flavor='raw', zero=True) counter = 0 for message in messages: messages_ptr[counter] = rffi.str2charp(message) messages_length_ptr[counter] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, len(message)) counter += 1 messages_ptr[counter] = lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO) if ancillary is not None: size_of_ancillary = len(ancillary) else: size_of_ancillary = 0 levels = lltype.malloc( rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, size_of_ancillary, flavor='raw', zero=True) types = lltype.malloc( rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, size_of_ancillary, flavor='raw', zero=True) desc_per_ancillary = lltype.malloc( rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, size_of_ancillary, flavor='raw', zero=True) file_descr = lltype.malloc( rffi.CCHARPP.TO, size_of_ancillary, flavor='raw') if ancillary is not None: counter = 0 for level, type, content in ancillary: assert isinstance(type, int) assert isinstance(level, int) levels[counter] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, level) types[counter] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, type) desc_per_ancillary[counter] = rffi.cast( rffi.SIGNED, (len(content))) file_descr[counter] = rffi.str2charp( content, track_allocation=True) counter += 1 else: size_of_ancillary = 0 snd_no_msgs = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, no_of_messages) snd_anc_size = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, size_of_ancillary) bytes_sent = _c.sendmsg( self.fd, addr, addrlen, messages_length_ptr, messages_ptr, snd_no_msgs, levels, types, file_descr, desc_per_ancillary, snd_anc_size, flags) if need_to_free_address: address.unlock() for i in range(len(messages)): lltype.free(messages_ptr[i], flavor='raw') lltype.free(messages_ptr, flavor='raw') lltype.free(messages_length_ptr, flavor='raw') if size_of_ancillary > 0: for i in range(len(ancillary)): lltype.free(file_descr[i], flavor='raw') lltype.free(desc_per_ancillary, flavor='raw') lltype.free(types, flavor='raw') lltype.free(levels, flavor='raw') lltype.free(file_descr, flavor='raw') self.wait_for_data(True) if ((bytes_sent < 0) and (bytes_sent != -1000) and (bytes_sent != -1001) and (bytes_sent != -1002)): raise last_error() return bytes_sent def setblocking(self, block): if block: timeout = -1.0 else: timeout = 0.0 self.settimeout(timeout) def setsockopt(self, level, option, value): with rffi.scoped_str2charp(value) as buf: res = _c.socketsetsockopt(self.fd, level, option, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, buf), len(value)) if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() def setsockopt_int(self, level, option, value): with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.INTP.TO, 1) as flag_p: flag_p[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, value) res = _c.socketsetsockopt(self.fd, level, option, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, flag_p), rffi.sizeof(rffi.INT)) if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() def settimeout(self, timeout): """Set the timeout of the socket. A timeout < 0 means that timeouts are dissabled in the socket.""" if timeout < 0.0: self.timeout = -1.0 else: self.timeout = timeout self._setblocking(self.timeout < 0.0) def shutdown(self, how): """Shut down the reading side of the socket (flag == SHUT_RD), the writing side of the socket (flag == SHUT_WR), or both ends (flag == SHUT_RDWR).""" res = _c.socketshutdown(self.fd, how) if res < 0: raise self.error_handler() # ____________________________________________________________ @specialize.arg(4) def make_socket(fd, family, type, proto, SocketClass=RSocket): result = instantiate(SocketClass) result.fd = fd result.family = family result.type = type result.proto = proto result.timeout = defaults.timeout return result if _c.WIN32: def sock_set_inheritable(fd, inheritable): handle = rffi.cast(rwin32.HANDLE, fd) try: rwin32.set_handle_inheritable(handle, inheritable) except WindowsError: raise RSocketError("SetHandleInformation failed") # xxx def sock_get_inheritable(fd): handle = rffi.cast(rwin32.HANDLE, fd) try: return rwin32.get_handle_inheritable(handle) except WindowsError: raise RSocketError("GetHandleInformation failed") # xxx else: def sock_set_inheritable(fd, inheritable): try: rposix.set_inheritable(fd, inheritable) except OSError as e: raise CSocketError(e.errno) def sock_get_inheritable(fd): try: return rposix.get_inheritable(fd) except OSError as e: raise CSocketError(e.errno) class SocketError(Exception): applevelerrcls = 'error' def __init__(self): pass def get_msg(self): return '' def get_msg_unicode(self): return self.get_msg().decode('latin-1') def get_msg_utf8(self): msg = self.get_msg() return msg, len(msg) def __str__(self): return self.get_msg() class SocketErrorWithErrno(SocketError): def __init__(self, errno): self.errno = errno class RSocketError(SocketError): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def get_msg(self): return self.message class CSocketError(SocketErrorWithErrno): def get_msg(self): return _c.socket_strerror_str(self.errno) def get_msg_unicode(self): return _c.socket_strerror_unicode(self.errno) def get_msg_utf8(self): return _c.socket_strerror_utf8(self.errno) def last_error(): return CSocketError(_c.geterrno()) class GAIError(SocketErrorWithErrno): applevelerrcls = 'gaierror' def get_msg(self): return _c.gai_strerror_str(self.errno) def get_msg_unicode(self): return _c.gai_strerror_unicode(self.errno) def get_msg_utf8(self): return _c.gai_strerror_utf8(self.errno) class HSocketError(SocketError): applevelerrcls = 'herror' def __init__(self, host): self.host = host # XXX h_errno is not easily available, and hstrerror() is # marked as deprecated in the Linux man pages def get_msg(self): return "host lookup failed: '%s'" % (self.host,) class SocketTimeout(SocketError): applevelerrcls = 'timeout' def get_msg(self): return 'timed out' class Defaults: timeout = -1.0 # Blocking defaults = Defaults() # ____________________________________________________________ if 'AF_UNIX' not in constants or AF_UNIX is None: socketpair_default_family = AF_INET else: socketpair_default_family = AF_UNIX if hasattr(_c, 'socketpair'): def socketpair(family=socketpair_default_family, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, SocketClass=RSocket, inheritable=True): """socketpair([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> (socket object, socket object) Create a pair of socket objects from the sockets returned by the platform socketpair() function. The arguments are the same as for socket() except the default family is AF_UNIX if defined on the platform; otherwise, the default is AF_INET. """ result = lltype.malloc(_c.socketpair_t, 2, flavor='raw') try: res = -1 remove_inheritable = not inheritable if not inheritable and HAVE_SOCK_CLOEXEC: # Non-inheritable: we try to call socketpair() with # SOCK_CLOEXEC, which may fail. If we get EINVAL, # then we fall back to the SOCK_CLOEXEC-less case. res = _c.socketpair(family, type | SOCK_CLOEXEC, proto, result) if res < 0: if _c.geterrno() == EINVAL: # Linux older than 2.6.27 does not support # SOCK_CLOEXEC. An EINVAL might be caused by # random other things, though. Don't cache. pass else: raise last_error() else: remove_inheritable = False # if res < 0: res = _c.socketpair(family, type, proto, result) if res < 0: raise last_error() fd0 = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result[0]) fd1 = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result[1]) finally: lltype.free(result, flavor='raw') if remove_inheritable: sock_set_inheritable(fd0, False) sock_set_inheritable(fd1, False) return (make_socket(fd0, family, type, proto, SocketClass), make_socket(fd1, family, type, proto, SocketClass)) if _c.HAVE_SENDMSG: def CMSG_LEN(demanded_len): """ Socket method to determine the optimal byte size of the ancillary. Recommended to be used when computing the ancillary size for recvmsg. :param demanded_len: an integer with the minimum size required. :return: an integer with the minimum memory needed for the required size. The value is not memory alligned """ if demanded_len < 0: return 0 result = _c.CMSG_LEN(demanded_len) return result def CMSG_SPACE(demanded_size): """ Socket method to determine the optimal byte size of the ancillary. Recommended to be used when computing the ancillary size for recvmsg. :param demanded_size: an integer with the minimum size required. :return: an integer with the minimum memory needed for the required size. The value is memory alligned """ if demanded_size < 0: return 0 result = _c.CMSG_SPACE(demanded_size) return result if _c.WIN32: def dup(fd, inheritable=True): with lltype.scoped_alloc(_c.WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, zero=True) as info: if _c.WSADuplicateSocket(fd, rwin32.GetCurrentProcessId(), info): raise last_error() result = _c.WSASocket( _c.FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, _c.FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, _c.FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, info, 0, 0) if result == INVALID_SOCKET: raise last_error() return result else: def dup(fd, inheritable=True): fd = rposix._dup(fd, inheritable) if fd < 0: raise last_error() return fd def fromfd(fd, family, type, proto=0, SocketClass=RSocket, inheritable=True): # Dup the fd so it and the socket can be closed independently fd = dup(fd, inheritable=inheritable) return make_socket(fd, family, type, proto, SocketClass) def getdefaulttimeout(): return defaults.timeout def gethostname(): size = 1024 buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, size, flavor='raw') try: res = _c.gethostname(buf, size) if res < 0: raise last_error() return rffi.charp2strn(buf, size) finally: lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw') def gethostbyname(name): # this is explicitly not working with IPv6, because the docs say it # should not. Just use makeipaddr(name) for an IPv6-friendly version... result = instantiate(INETAddress) makeipaddr(name, result) return result def gethost_common(hostname, hostent, addr=None): if not hostent: raise HSocketError(hostname) family = rffi.getintfield(hostent, 'c_h_addrtype') if addr is not None and addr.family != family: raise CSocketError(_c.EAFNOSUPPORT) h_aliases = hostent.c_h_aliases if h_aliases: # h_aliases can be NULL, according to SF #1511317 aliases = rffi.charpp2liststr(h_aliases) else: aliases = [] address_list = [] h_addr_list = hostent.c_h_addr_list i = 0 paddr = h_addr_list[0] while paddr: if family == AF_INET: p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(_c.in_addr), paddr) addr = INETAddress.from_in_addr(p) elif AF_INET6 is not None and family == AF_INET6: p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(_c.in6_addr), paddr) addr = INET6Address.from_in6_addr(p) else: raise RSocketError("unknown address family") address_list.append(addr) i += 1 paddr = h_addr_list[i] return (rffi.charp2str(hostent.c_h_name), aliases, address_list) def gethostbyname_ex(name): # XXX use gethostbyname_r() if available instead of locks addr = gethostbyname(name) with _get_netdb_lock(): hostent = _c.gethostbyname(name) return gethost_common(name, hostent, addr) def gethostbyaddr(ip): # XXX use gethostbyaddr_r() if available, instead of locks addr = makeipaddr(ip) assert isinstance(addr, IPAddress) with _get_netdb_lock(): p, size = addr.lock_in_addr() try: hostent = _c.gethostbyaddr(p, size, addr.family) finally: addr.unlock() return gethost_common(ip, hostent, addr) # RPython magic to make _netdb_lock turn either into a regular # rthread.Lock or a rthread.DummyLock, depending on the config def _get_netdb_lock(): return rthread.dummy_lock class _Entry(ExtRegistryEntry): _about_ = _get_netdb_lock def compute_annotation(self): config = self.bookkeeper.annotator.translator.config if config.translation.thread: fn = _get_netdb_lock_thread else: fn = _get_netdb_lock_nothread return self.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(fn) def _get_netdb_lock_nothread(): return rthread.dummy_lock class _LockCache(object): lock = None _lock_cache = _LockCache() @jit.elidable def _get_netdb_lock_thread(): if _lock_cache.lock is None: _lock_cache.lock = rthread.allocate_lock() return _lock_cache.lock # done RPython magic def getaddrinfo(host, port_or_service, family=AF_UNSPEC, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0, address_to_fill=None): # port_or_service is a string, not an int (but try str(port_number)). assert port_or_service is None or isinstance(port_or_service, str) if _c._MACOSX and flags & AI_NUMERICSERV and \ (port_or_service is None or port_or_service == '0'): port_or_service = '00' hints = lltype.malloc(_c.addrinfo, flavor='raw', zero=True) rffi.setintfield(hints, 'c_ai_family', family) rffi.setintfield(hints, 'c_ai_socktype', socktype) rffi.setintfield(hints, 'c_ai_protocol', proto) rffi.setintfield(hints, 'c_ai_flags', flags) # XXX need to lock around getaddrinfo() calls? p_res = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(_c.addrinfo_ptr), 1, flavor='raw') error = intmask(_c.getaddrinfo(host, port_or_service, hints, p_res)) res = p_res[0] lltype.free(p_res, flavor='raw') lltype.free(hints, flavor='raw') if error: raise GAIError(error) try: result = [] info = res while info: addr = make_address(info.c_ai_addr, rffi.getintfield(info, 'c_ai_addrlen'), address_to_fill) if info.c_ai_canonname: canonname = rffi.charp2str(info.c_ai_canonname) else: canonname = "" result.append((rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, info.c_ai_family), rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, info.c_ai_socktype), rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, info.c_ai_protocol), canonname, addr)) info = info.c_ai_next address_to_fill = None # don't fill the same address repeatedly finally: _c.freeaddrinfo(res) return result def getservbyname(name, proto=None): servent = _c.getservbyname(name, proto) if not servent: raise RSocketError("service/proto not found") port = rffi.getintfield(servent, 'c_s_port') return ntohs(port) def getservbyport(port, proto=None): # This function is only called from pypy/module/_socket and the range of # port is checked there assert isinstance(port, int) servent = _c.getservbyport(htons(port), proto) if not servent: raise RSocketError("port/proto not found") return rffi.charp2str(servent.c_s_name) def getprotobyname(name): protoent = _c.getprotobyname(name) if not protoent: raise RSocketError("protocol not found") proto = protoent.c_p_proto return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, proto) def getnameinfo(address, flags): host = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, NI_MAXHOST, flavor='raw') try: serv = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, NI_MAXSERV, flavor='raw') try: addr = address.lock() error = intmask(_c.getnameinfo(addr, address.addrlen, host, NI_MAXHOST, serv, NI_MAXSERV, flags)) address.unlock() if error: raise GAIError(error) return rffi.charp2str(host), rffi.charp2str(serv) finally: lltype.free(serv, flavor='raw') finally: lltype.free(host, flavor='raw') @jit.dont_look_inside def getsockopt_int(fd, level, option): # XXX almost the same code as RSocket.getsockopt_int # some win32 calls use only a byte to represent a bool # zero out so the result is correct anyway with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.INTP.TO, n=1, zero=True) as flag_p, \ lltype.scoped_alloc(_c.socklen_t_ptr.TO) as flagsize_p: flagsize_p[0] = rffi.cast(_c.socklen_t, rffi.sizeof(rffi.INT)) res = _c.socketgetsockopt(fd, level, option, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, flag_p), flagsize_p) if res < 0: raise last_error() result = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, flag_p[0]) return result @jit.dont_look_inside def get_socket_family(fd): """Return the family of a file descriptor.""" with lltype.scoped_alloc(_c.sockaddr, zero=True) as addr_p, \ lltype.scoped_alloc(_c.socklen_t_ptr.TO) as addrlen_p: addrlen_p[0] = rffi.cast(_c.socklen_t, sizeof(_c.sockaddr)) res = _c.socketgetsockname(fd, addr_p, addrlen_p) addrlen = addrlen_p[0] result = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addr_p.c_sa_family) if res < 0: raise last_error() return result if hasattr(_c, 'inet_aton'): def inet_aton(ip): "IPv4 dotted string -> packed 32-bits string" size = sizeof(_c.in_addr) buf = mallocbuf(size) try: if _c.inet_aton(ip, rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(_c.in_addr), buf)): return ''.join([buf[i] for i in range(size)]) else: raise RSocketError("illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton") finally: lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw') else: def inet_aton(ip): "IPv4 dotted string -> packed 32-bits string" if ip == "": return "\xff\xff\xff\xff" packed_addr = _c.inet_addr(ip) if packed_addr == rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, INADDR_NONE): raise RSocketError("illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton") size = sizeof(_c.in_addr) buf = mallocbuf(size) try: rffi.cast(rffi.UINTP, buf)[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, packed_addr) return ''.join([buf[i] for i in range(size)]) finally: lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw') def inet_ntoa(packed): "packet 32-bits string -> IPv4 dotted string" if len(packed) != sizeof(_c.in_addr): raise RSocketError("packed IP wrong length for inet_ntoa") buf = rffi.make(_c.in_addr) try: for i in range(sizeof(_c.in_addr)): rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, buf)[i] = packed[i] return rffi.charp2str(_c.inet_ntoa(buf)) finally: lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw') if hasattr(_c, 'inet_pton'): def inet_pton(family, ip): "human-readable string -> packed string" if family == AF_INET: size = sizeof(_c.in_addr) elif AF_INET6 is not None and family == AF_INET6: size = sizeof(_c.in6_addr) else: raise RSocketError("unknown address family") buf = mallocbuf(size) try: res = _c.inet_pton(family, ip, buf) if res < 0: raise last_error() elif res == 0: raise RSocketError("illegal IP address string passed " "to inet_pton") else: return ''.join([buf[i] for i in range(size)]) finally: lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw') if hasattr(_c, 'inet_ntop'): def inet_ntop(family, packed): "packed string -> human-readable string" if family == AF_INET: srcsize = sizeof(_c.in_addr) dstsize = _c.INET_ADDRSTRLEN elif AF_INET6 is not None and family == AF_INET6: srcsize = sizeof(_c.in6_addr) dstsize = _c.INET6_ADDRSTRLEN else: raise RSocketError("unknown address family") if len(packed) != srcsize: raise ValueError("packed IP wrong length for inet_ntop") with rffi.scoped_nonmovingbuffer(packed) as srcbuf: dstbuf = mallocbuf(dstsize) try: res = _c.inet_ntop(family, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, srcbuf), dstbuf, dstsize) if not res: raise last_error() return rffi.charp2str(res) finally: lltype.free(dstbuf, flavor='raw') def setdefaulttimeout(timeout): if timeout < 0.0: timeout = -1.0 defaults.timeout = timeout _accept4_syscall = rposix.ENoSysCache() if hasattr(_c, 'sethostname'): def sethostname(hostname): assert hostname is not None with rffi.scoped_view_charp(hostname) as buf: res = _c.sethostname(buf, len(hostname)) if res < 0: raise last_error()