;;; openrc.el --- OpenRC integration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
;; Author: Maciej Barć
;; Homepage: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/emacs-openrc.git
;; Keywords: processes
;; Maintainer:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
;; Version: 1.0.0
;;; Commentary:
;; OpenRC integration.
;; This library was originally written as part of "emacs-gentoo"
;; by Maciej Barć.
;; It was later relicensed by the author under the GPL-2-or-later license
;; and republished under the Gentoo GNU Emacs project.
;; Original repository: https://gitlab.com/xgqt/emacs-gentoo
;;; Code:
;; Commands to consider:
;; - rc-service -l -- all of services
;; - rc-status -f "ini" boot
;; - rc-update show -v
(defconst openrc-version "1.0.0"
"Emacs-Openrc version.")
(defgroup openrc nil
"OpenRC integration."
:group 'external)
;; Executables
(defcustom openrc-rc-command "/sbin/rc"
"Path to the \"rc\" binary."
:safe 'stringp
:type 'file
:group 'openrc)
(defcustom openrc-rc-update-command (concat openrc-rc-command "-update")
"Path to the \"rc-update\" binary."
:safe 'stringp
:type 'file
:group 'openrc)
(defcustom openrc-rc-service-command (concat openrc-rc-command "-service")
"Path to the \"rc-service\" binary."
:safe 'stringp
:type 'file
:group 'openrc)
(defcustom openrc-sudo-command "sudo"
"Path to the \"sudo\" binary.
Used to gain privilege for some commands."
:safe 'stringp
:type 'file
:group 'openrc)
;; Directories
(defcustom openrc-run-dir "/run/openrc"
"Path to OpenRC run directory (defaults to \"/run/openrc\")."
:safe 'stringp
:type 'file
:group 'openrc)
(defcustom openrc-started-dir (expand-file-name "started" openrc-run-dir)
"Path to OpenRC directory containing started services."
:safe 'stringp
:type 'file
:group 'openrc)
;; Other
(defcustom openrc-use-sudo
(or (executable-find openrc-sudo-command)
(file-executable-p openrc-sudo-command))
"Whether to use \"sudo\" or \"su\" for commands that need root privileges.
The invoked \"sudo\" executable location is controlled by the
‘openrc-sudo-command’ variable."
:type 'boolean
:group 'openrc)
;; Helpers
(defun openrc--service-started? (service)
"Check if SERVICE is started."
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name service openrc-started-dir)))
(defun openrc--get-services ()
"Get all OpenRC services."
(lambda (s)
(let* ((lst (split-string s "|" t " *"))
(service (car lst))
(runlevel (cdr lst)))
(vector service
(if (openrc--service-started? service) "YES" "NO")
(if (equal runlevel nil) "none" (car runlevel)))))
(split-string (shell-command-to-string
(concat openrc-rc-update-command " show -v")) "\n" t)))
(defun openrc--tabulated-list (vectors list-length tabulated-list)
"Create a TABULATED-LIST from list of VECTORS of length LIST-LENGTH."
((equal vectors nil) tabulated-list)
(t (openrc--tabulated-list
(cdr vectors)
(append tabulated-list
(list (list (- list-length (length vectors))
(car vectors))))))))
(defun openrc-refresh-services ()
"Refresh the list of OpenRC services."
(message "Refreshing OpenRC services list...")
(let ((services (openrc--get-services)))
(setq tabulated-list-entries
(openrc--tabulated-list services (length services) '())))
(tabulated-list-print t)
(message "...OpenRC services list refresh done!"))
(defun openrc--async-shell-command (privileged &rest args)
"Run `async-shell-command' with ARGS.
If PRIVILEGED is true, then use the \"sudo\" or \"su\" to run the command."
(let ((buffer-name "*OpenRC Command*")
(error-buffer-name "*OpenRC Command ERRORS*")
(command (apply 'concat (mapcar (lambda (s) (concat " " s)) args))))
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(if privileged
(if openrc-use-sudo
(async-shell-command (concat "sudo " command)
(async-shell-command (concat "su -c \"" command "\"")
(async-shell-command command buffer-name error-buffer-name))
;; Describing services
(defun openrc--describe (service)
"Describe a SERVICE."
nil openrc-rc-service-command service "describe" "--verbose"))
(defun openrc-describe-entry ()
"Describe a service under the tabulated list entry."
(openrc--describe (aref (tabulated-list-get-entry) 0)))
;; Stopping and starting services
(defun openrc--toggle (service started?)
"Start or stop a SERVICE depending on STARTED? state."
(if started? "stop" "start") "--verbose"))
(defun openrc-toggle-entry ()
"Start or stop a service under the tabulated list entry depending on state."
(let ((service (aref (tabulated-list-get-entry) 0)))
(openrc--toggle service (openrc--service-started? service))))
(defun openrc--restart (service)
"Restart a SERVICE."
'privileged openrc-rc-service-command service "restart" "--verbose"))
(defun openrc-restart-entry ()
"Restart a service under the tabulated list entry."
(openrc--restart (aref (tabulated-list-get-entry) 0)))
;; Adding and removing services from runlevels
(defconst openrc--runlevels
'("boot" "default" "nonetwork" "shutdown" "sysinit")
"List of available runlevels.")
(defun openrc--read-runlevel ()
"Read a runlevel selected by the user."
(completing-read "Runlevel:" openrc--runlevels))
(defun openrc--add (service runlevel)
'privileged openrc-rc-update-command "add" service runlevel "--verbose" ))
(defun openrc-add-entry ()
"Add a service under the tabulated list entry to a runlevel."
(aref (tabulated-list-get-entry) 0) (openrc--read-runlevel)))
(defun openrc--del (service runlevel)
"Remove a SERVICE from a RUNLEVEL."
'privileged openrc-rc-update-command "del" service runlevel "--verbose"))
(defun openrc-del-entry ()
"Remove a service under the tabulated list entry from a runlevel."
(aref (tabulated-list-get-entry) 0) (openrc--read-runlevel)))
;; Mode
(defvar openrc-services-menu-mode-hook nil
"Hook for `openrc-services-menu' major mode.")
(defvar openrc-services-menu-mode-map
(let ((openrc-services-menu-mode-map (make-keymap)))
openrc-services-menu-mode-map (kbd "/") #'isearch-forward)
(define-key openrc-services-menu-mode-map (kbd "e")
(define-key openrc-services-menu-mode-map (kbd "a")
(define-key openrc-services-menu-mode-map (kbd "d")
(define-key openrc-services-menu-mode-map (kbd "g")
(define-key openrc-services-menu-mode-map (kbd "r")
(define-key openrc-services-menu-mode-map (kbd "t")
"Key map for `openrc-services-menu' major mode.")
(easy-menu-define openrc-services-menu-menu openrc-services-menu-mode-map
"Menu for `el-fetch-mode'."
["Refresh" openrc-refresh-services]
["Describe service" openrc-describe-entry]
["Restart service" openrc-restart-entry]
["Toggle service" openrc-toggle-entry]
["Add to runlevel" openrc-add-entry]
["Delete from runlevel" openrc-del-entry]
["Quit" quit-window]
["Help" describe-mode]))
(define-derived-mode openrc-services-menu-mode tabulated-list-mode
"OpenRC Services Menu"
"Major mode for listing the OpenRC services."
(setq tabulated-list-format
[("Service" 30 t)
("Started" 10 t)
("Runlevel" 20 t)])
(setq tabulated-list-sort-key (cons "Runlevel" nil))
(run-hooks 'openrc-services-menu-mode-hook)
(use-local-map openrc-services-menu-mode-map))
;; Main provided features
(defun openrc-list-services ()
"Display a list of OpenRC services."
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*OpenRC Services*")))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(display-buffer buffer)))
(provide 'openrc)
;;; openrc.el ends here