.\" Copyright 2006-2009 Gentoo Foundation .\" Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 .\" $Id$ .\" .TH cblas.eselect 5 "May 2009" "Gentoo Linux" eselect .SH NAME cblas.eselect \- The CBLAS management module for Gentoo's eselect .SH SYNOPSIS .B eselect cblas .RB [ help | usage | version ] .br .B eselect cblas list .RI [ options ] .br .B eselect cblas add .br .B eselect cblas set .I implementation .RI [ options ] .br .B eselect cblas show .RI [ options ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B eselect is Gentoo's configuration and management tool. It features modules that care for the individual administrative tasks. .SH ACTION: LIST .B eselect cblas list .RI [ options ] .br Display an ordered list of installed CBLAS implementations. It distinguishes between versions with different Application Binary Interfaces (e.g. x86/AMD64). Furthermore, it also distinguishes between interfaces to high-level programming languages. Each line holds a number and the implementation's name. An asterisk next to one of the list elements denotes an active implementation. # eselect cblas list .br Installed CBLAS for libdir lib .br [1] atlas * [2] reference Possible .I options to the .B list action are restrictions to handle only certain ABI\-specific library directories. For example, .B eselect cblas list lib64 lists only CBLAS implementations found in .BR /usr/lib64 . .SH ACTION: SHOW .B eselect cblas show .RI [ options ] .br Show your system's currently active CBLAS implementations. # eselect cblas show .br lib: atlas .br lib64: reference The same .I options that apply to the .B list action can be used with the .B show action to restrict it to given ABIs. .SH ACTION: SET .B eselect cblas set .I implementation .RI [ options ] .br Set your system's currently active CBLAS implementations to .IR implementation . The same .I options that apply to the .B list action can be used with the .B set action to restrict it to given ABIs. # eselect cblas set atlas .SH AUTHOR Danny van Dyk .br Donnie Berkholz .SH SEE ALSO .BR eselect (1) .SH REVISION $Id$