#!/usr/bin/env python # # Interpret.py: this file is part of the GRS suite # Copyright (C) 2015 Anthony G. Basile # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import re import signal import sys from grs.Constants import CONST from grs.Daemon import Daemon from grs.ISOIt import ISOIt from grs.Log import Log from grs.Kernel import Kernel from grs.MountDirectories import MountDirectories from grs.PivotChroot import PivotChroot from grs.Populate import Populate from grs.RunScript import RunScript from grs.Synchronize import Synchronize from grs.Seed import Seed from grs.TarIt import TarIt class Interpret(Daemon): """ This is the main daemon class. """ def run(self): """ This overrides the empty Daemon run method and is started when .start() is executed. This first daemonizes the process and then runs this method. Note that the Daemon class does not set up any signal handles and expects that to be done in the subclass. """ # First we set up some inner methods: def handler(signum, frame): """ On SIGTERM, propagate the signal to all processes in the cgroup/subcgroup except yourself. If a process won't terminate nicely, then kill it. Finally unmount all the mounted filesystems. Hopefully this will work since there should be no more open files on those filesystems. """ mypid = os.getpid() while True: with open(os.path.join(self.subcgroupdir, 'tasks'), 'r') as _file: lines = _file.readlines() if len(lines) <= 1: break for _pid in lines: pid = int(_pid.strip()) if mypid == pid: continue try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) except ProcessLookupError: pass try: _md.umount_all() except NameError: pass sys.exit(signum + 128) def semantic_action(_line, objs, nargs, func, *args): """ Execute the directive """ err = None if len(objs) == nargs: if self.mock_run: _lo.log(_line) return # We'll catch this exception to get in into the # GRS system log rather than the daemon log. Without # the try-except, it would wind up in the daemon log. try: func(*args) except Exception as excpt: err = excpt else: err = 'Number of parameters incorrect.' if err: pid = os.getpid() _lo.log('Bad command: %s' % _line) _lo.log('Error message: %s' % err) _lo.log('SENDING SIGTERM to %d' % pid) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) def stampit(progress): """ Create an empty file to mark the progress through the build script. """ open(progress, 'w').close() # Register the signals to terminate the entire process cgroup signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler) # Grab all the GRS namespace variables repo_uri = CONST.repo_uris[self.run_number] stage_uri = CONST.stage_uris[self.run_number] name = CONST.names[self.run_number] libdir = CONST.libdirs[self.run_number] logfile = CONST.logfiles[self.run_number] tmpdir = CONST.tmpdirs[self.run_number] workdir = CONST.workdirs[self.run_number] package = CONST.packages[self.run_number] kernelroot = CONST.kernelroots[self.run_number] portage_configroot = CONST.portage_configroots[self.run_number] # Initialize all the classes that will run the directives from # the build script. Note that we expect these classes to just # initialize some variables but not do any work in their initializers. _lo = Log(logfile) _sy = Synchronize(repo_uri, name, libdir, logfile) _se = Seed(stage_uri, tmpdir, portage_configroot, package, logfile) _md = MountDirectories(portage_configroot, package, logfile) _po = Populate(libdir, workdir, portage_configroot, logfile) _ru = RunScript(libdir, portage_configroot, logfile) _pc = PivotChroot(tmpdir, portage_configroot, logfile) _ke = Kernel(libdir, portage_configroot, kernelroot, package, logfile) _bi = TarIt(name, portage_configroot, logfile) _io = ISOIt(name, libdir, tmpdir, portage_configroot, logfile) # Just in case /var/tmp/grs doesn't already exist. os.makedirs(tmpdir, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True) # Rotate any prevously existing logs and make unmount any existing # bind mounts from a previous run that were not cleaned up. _lo.rotate_logs() _md.umount_all() # Both sync() + seed() do not need build script directives. # sync() is done unconditionally for an update run. progress = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.completed_sync') if not os.path.exists(progress) or self.update_run: if self.mock_run: _lo.log('sync') else: _sy.sync() stampit(progress) # seed() is never done for an update run progress = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.completed_seed') if not os.path.exists(progress) and not self.update_run: if self.mock_run: _lo.log('seed') else: _se.seed() stampit(progress) # Read the build script and execute a line at a time. build_script = os.path.join(libdir, 'build') with open(build_script, 'r') as _file: line_number = 0 medium_type = None for _line in _file.readlines(): # Get rid of whitespace padding immediately _line = _line.strip() # Increment the line number by one and create the name of the # file for the progress stamp. line_number += 1 progress = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.completed_%02d' % line_number) # Do nothing for lines with initial # or blank lines. Create # a progress stamp only if we are not doing an update run. if re.search(r'^(#).*$', _line) or _line == '' or _line == '+': if not self.update_run: stampit(progress) continue # For a release run, execute every line of the build script. # For an update run, exexute only lines with a leading +. ignore_stamp = False _match = re.search(r'^(\+)(.*)$', _line) if _match: # There is a leading +, so remove it and ignore any progress # stamp if its an update run. ignore_stamp = self.update_run _line = _match.group(2) else: # There is no leading +, so skip if this is an update run if self.update_run: continue # Skip a line if the progres stamp exists, or ignore it # because its an update run. if os.path.exists(progress) and not ignore_stamp: continue # This is pretty simple syntax. The first word on a line # is a verb. The remaining words are objcts. sentence = _line.split() verb = sentence[0] objs = sentence[1:] # This long concatenated if is where the semantics of the # build script are implemented. Note: 'hashit' can only come # after 'tarit' or 'isoit' so that it knows the medium_name # to hash, ie whether its a .tar.xz or a .iso if verb == 'log': if objs[0] == 'stamp': objs[0] = '='*80 semantic_action(_line, objs, 1, _lo.log, ' '.join(objs)) elif verb == 'mount': semantic_action(_line, objs, 0, _md.mount_all) elif verb == 'unmount': semantic_action(_line, objs, 0, _md.umount_all) elif verb == 'populate': semantic_action(_line, objs, 1, _po.populate, int(objs[0])) elif verb == 'runscript': semantic_action(_line, objs, 1, _ru.runscript, objs[0]) elif verb == 'pivot': semantic_action(_line, objs, 1, _pc.pivot, objs[0], _md) elif verb == 'kernel': semantic_action(_line, objs, 0, _ke.kernel) elif verb == 'tarit': # 'tarit' can either be just a verb, or a 'verb obj' pair. if len(objs): semantic_action(_line, objs, 1, _bi.tarit, objs[0]) else: semantic_action(_line, objs, 0, _bi.tarit) medium_type = 'tarit' elif verb == 'isoit': # 'isoit' can either be just a verb, or a 'verb obj' pair. if len(objs): semantic_action(_line, objs, 1, _io.isoit, objs[0]) else: semantic_action(_line, objs, 0, _io.isoit) medium_type = 'isoit' elif verb == 'hashit': if medium_type == 'tarit': semantic_action(_line, objs, 0, _bi.hashit) elif medium_type == 'isoit': semantic_action(_line, objs, 0, _io.hashit) else: raise Exception('Unknown medium to hash.') else: _lo.log('Bad command: %s' % _line) _lo.log('Unknown verb: %s' % verb) _lo.log('SENDING SIGTERM\n') os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) stampit(progress) # Just in case the build script lacks a final unmount, if we # are done, then let's make sure we clean up after ourselves. try: _md.umount_all() except NameError: pass