diff options
-rw-r--r--frontend/css/lca.css (renamed from frontend/css/wlca.css)8
-rw-r--r--frontend/js/lca.js (renamed from frontend/js/wlca.js)54
9 files changed, 433 insertions, 467 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/classes/forms.php b/frontend/classes/forms.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39843e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/classes/forms.php
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+abstract class form_element {
+ protected $htmlname, $label;
+ public $status=true;
+ function __construct($htmlname, $label) {
+ $this->htmlname=htmlentities($htmlname);
+ $this->label=htmlentities($label);
+ }
+ public function output($rw=true, $val=false) {
+ echo "$this->label: ";
+ }
+ public function process() {
+ global $request;
+ return isset($request[$this->htmlname])?$request[$this->htmlname]:false;
+ }
+ public function verify($val) {
+ return $val !== false;
+ }
+class text_input extends form_element {
+ public function output($rw=true, $val=false) {
+ parent::output($rw, $val);
+ echo $rw?"<input name=\"$this->htmlname\"".($val===false?'':'value="'.htmlentities($val).'"').' />':($val===false?'':htmlentities($val));
+ echo "<br/>\n";
+ }
+class select extends form_element {
+ private $options;
+ function __construct($htmlname, $label, $options) {
+ parent::__construct($htmlname, $label);
+ $this->options=$options;
+ }
+ public function output($rw=true, $val=false) {
+ parent::output($rw, $val);
+ if ($rw) {
+ echo '<select name="'.$this->htmlname.'">'."\n";
+ $i=0;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->options as $value => $label) {
+ if ($rw)
+ echo "\t".'<option value="'.$i++.'"'.($value == $val?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.htmlentities($label).'</option>'."\n";
+ elseif ($value == $val)
+ echo htmlentities($label);
+ }
+ if ($rw)
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo "<br/>\n";
+ }
+ public function process() {
+ global $request;
+ $vals=array_keys($this->options);
+ if (isset($request[$this->htmlname]) && is_numeric($request[$this->htmlname]) && isset($vals[$request[$this->htmlname]])) {
+ return $vals[$request[$this->htmlname]];
+ } else return false;
+ }
+ public function verify($val) {
+ return isset($this->options[$val]);
+ }
+class radio_array extends select {
+ public function output($rw=true, $val=false) {
+ if (!$rw) return parent::output($rw, $val);
+ echo "$this->label:<br/>\n";
+ $i=0;
+ foreach ($this->options as $value => $label) {
+ echo "\t<input type=\"radio\" id=\"$this->htmlname-$i\" name=\"$this->htmlname\" value=\"".$i."\"".($value == $val?' checked="checked"':'')."\" /><label for=\"$this->htmlname-$i\">".htmlentities($label)."</label><br/>\n";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+class checkbox_array extends form_element {
+ protected $array;
+ function __construct($htmlname, $label, $array, $delim=' ') {
+ parent::__construct($htmlname, $label);
+ $this->array=$array;
+ $this->delim=$delim;
+ }
+ public function output($rw=true, $val=false) {
+ $this->set_val($val);
+ if (strlen($this->label))
+ echo "<b>$this->label:</b><br/>\n";
+ $i=0;
+ foreach ($this->array as $value => $label) {
+ $label=htmlentities($label);
+ if ($rw)
+ echo "\t<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"$this->htmlname-$i\" name=\"$this->htmlname[$i]\"".($this->val_has($value)?' checked="checked"':'')." /><label for=\"$this->htmlname-$i\">$label</label><br/>\n";
+ elseif ($this->val_has($value))
+ echo "$label<br/>\n";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ public function process() {
+ global $request;
+ $val=array();
+ if (isset($request[$this->htmlname])) {
+ $vals=array_keys($this->array);
+ foreach ($request[$this->htmlname] as $i => $null) {
+ $val[]=$vals[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ return implode($this->delim, $val);
+ }
+ public function verify($val) {
+ if ($val === false) return false;
+ if (strlen($val) == 0) return true;
+ $val=explode($this->delim, $val);
+ foreach ($val as $i => $value) {
+ if (isset($this->array[$value])) {
+ unset($val[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return count($val) == 0;
+ }
+ private $vals;
+ protected function set_val($val) {
+ $this->vals=explode($this->delim, $val);
+ }
+ protected function val_has($needle) {
+ return in_array($needle, $this->vals);
+ }
+class layered_checkbox_array extends checkbox_array {
+ private $depth=0, $path_delims=array('', '/', '-');
+ function __construct($htmlname, $label, &$array, $delim=' ', $metadata) {
+ parent::__construct($htmlname, $label, &$array, $delim);
+ $this->metadata=$metadata;
+ for ($i=current(&$array); is_array($i); $i=current($i)) $this->depth++;
+ global $S;
+ if (!in_array('lca', $S['scripts'])) {
+ $S['scripts'][]='lca';
+ }
+ }
+ public function output($rw=true, $val=false) {
+ $this->set_val($val);
+ if ($this->label) {
+ echo '<h4>'.htmlentities($this->label).'</h4>';
+ }
+ if ($rw)
+ $this->r_output($this->array);
+ else
+ $this->r_ro_output($this->array);
+ }
+ public function process() {
+ return implode($this->delim, $this->r_process($this->array));
+ }
+ public function verify($val) {
+ if ($val === false) return false;
+ if (strlen($val) == 0) return true;
+ $val=explode($this->delim, $val);
+ $r=$this->r_verify($val, $this->array);
+ debug('lca', 'verify leftovers: '.implode(' ',$r));
+ return count($r) == 0;
+ }
+ private function r_output(&$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
+ static $uid=0, $ucid=0;
+ $conf=&$this->metadata[0];
+ if ($depth == 0) {
+ $search=$autosize=0;
+ for ($i=1; $i<count($this->metadata); $i++) {
+ $m=&$this->metadata[$i];
+ if (isset($m['tag'])) {
+ $autosize++;
+ }
+ if (isset($m['search'])) {
+ $search++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($search) {
+ if (!isset($conf['id'])) {
+ $conf['id']=self::b36($uid++);
+ }
+ echo 'Search: <input id="'.$conf['id'].'-q" onkeyup="lca_search(this.value, document.getElementById(\''.$conf['id'].'\'), 0, '.$this->depth.')" /> <a href="javascript:q=document.getElementById(\''.$conf['id'].'-q\'); q.value=\'\'; q.onkeyup()">Clear</a> <a href="javascript:lca_show_checked(document.getElementById(\''.$conf['id'].'\'), 0, '.$this->depth.'); undefined">Show checked</a><br/>'."\n";
+ }
+ echo '<div class="lca'.(isset($conf['autosize'])?' autosize" style="font-size: '.pow(1.15, $autosize)*100.0.'%':'').'" id="'.$conf['id'].'">'."\n";
+ foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
+ $this->r_output($val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
+ $uid++;
+ }
+ echo '<h3 style="display: none">No results</h3></div>';
+ echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\nif (lca_show_checked(document.getElementById('{$conf['id']}'), 0, $this->depth) == 0) lca_search(document.getElementById('{$conf['id']}-q').value, document.getElementById('{$conf['id']}'), 0, $this->depth);\n-->\n</script>\n";
+ } else {
+ $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
+ if (isset($meta['tag'])) {
+ echo '<'.$meta['tag'].' class="lcae'.(isset($meta['search'])?' lcas':'').(isset($meta['collapsed'])?' lca'.($meta['collapsed']?'c':'C'):'').(isset($meta['class'])?' '.$meta['class']:'').'" id="'.self::b36($uid).'"'.($depth > 1 && isset($this->metadata[$depth-1]['collapsed']) && $this->metadata[$depth-1]['collapsed'] && false?' style="display: none"':'').'>';
+ if (isset($meta['collapsed']) && $depth < $this->depth) {
+ echo '<a href="javascript:lcat(\''.self::b36($uid).'\')">&plusmn;</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
+ $enc=self::b36($ucid++);
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" id="-'.$enc.'" name="'.$this->htmlname.'['.$enc.']"'.($this->val_has($this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name))?' checked="checked"':'').' /><label for="-'.$enc.'">'.$this->format_label($array, $meta['label'], $path, $name).'</label>'."\n";
+ } elseif (isset($meta['label'])) {
+ echo '<span class="lcal">'.$this->format_label($array, $meta['label'], $path, $name)."</span>\n";
+ }
+ if ($depth < $this->depth) {
+ foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
+ $uid++;
+ $this->r_output($val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($meta['tag'])) {
+ echo '</'.$meta['tag'].">\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function r_process(&$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
+ static $ucid=0, $r;
+ if ($depth == 0) {
+ $r=array();
+ foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
+ $this->r_process($val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ } else {
+ $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
+ if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
+ global $request;
+ if (isset($request[$this->htmlname][self::b36($ucid)])) {
+ $r[]=$this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name);
+ }
+ $ucid++;
+ }
+ if ($depth < $this->depth) {
+ foreach ($array as $name => &$val)
+ $this->r_process($val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function &r_verify(&$vals, &$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
+ if ($depth == 0) {
+ foreach($array as $name => &$val) {
+ $this->r_verify($vals, $val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
+ }
+ return $vals;
+ } else {
+ $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
+ if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
+ $label=$this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name);
+ if (($i=array_search($label, $vals)) !== false) {
+ unset($vals[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($depth < $this->depth) {
+ foreach ($array as $name => &$val)
+ $this->r_verify($vals, $val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
+ }
+ return $vals;
+ }
+ }
+ private function r_ro_output(&$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
+ if ($depth == 0) {
+ foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
+ $this->r_ro_output($val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
+ if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
+ $val=$this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name);
+ if ($this->val_has($val)) {
+ echo $this->format_label($array, $meta['label'], $path, $name)."<br/>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($depth < $this->depth) {
+ foreach ($array as $name => &$val)
+ $this->r_ro_output($val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function format_label(&$array, $label='%p', $path, $name) {
+ $arg=$array;
+ $out=str_replace(array('%p', '%n'), array($path, $name), $label);
+ if (strpos($label, '$')) {
+ while (is_array(current($arg))) {
+ $arg=current($arg);
+ }
+ $out=eval("extract(\$arg, EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID, 'var_');\n".(strpos($label, 'return')===0?$out:"return <<<_XQ1\n$out\n_XQ1").";\n");
+ }
+ return strpos($label, 'return')===0?$out:htmlentities($out);
+ }
+ private static function b36($n) {
+ return base_convert($n, 10, 36);
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/classes/wizard.php b/frontend/classes/wizard.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d0d7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/classes/wizard.php
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+class wizard_step {
+ var $configuration, $module, $step, $title, $next, $data=array();
+ function __construct(&$c, $step, $noload=false) {
+ $this->configuration=&$c;
+ $this->module=new module($c->module);
+ $this->step=$step;
+ if (!$noload) {
+ $file=$this->module->dir."/step$step.php";
+ if (!is_readable($file)) {
+ throw_exception("$mod step $step doesn't exist!");
+ }
+ require($file);
+ }
+ $this->title=$this->module->steps[$step-1];
+ $this->next=isset($next)?$next:($this->step == $this->module->numsteps?null:$step+1);
+ }
+ public function output($rw=true) {
+ global $conf;
+ echo "<div class=\"wizard\" id=\"step$this->step\">";
+ if ($rw)
+ echo '<form action="'.url('config/'.$this->configuration->id).'" method="post"><a style="float: right" href="'.url('config/'.$this->configuration->id.'/status').'">Status</a>';
+ if ($rw) {
+ echo '<h3>Step '.$this->step.': '.$this->title."</h3>\n";
+ $scale=$conf['progressbar_width']/$this->module->numsteps;
+ echo '<img src="'.url('images/full.gif').'" style="border-left: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; width: '.$this->step*$scale.'px; height: 15px" /><img src="'.url('images/empty.gif').'" style="border-right: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; width: '.(count($this->module->steps)-$this->step)*$scale.'px; height: 15px" /><br/>'."\n";
+ $this->echo_buttons();
+ }
+ foreach ($this->data as $obj) {
+ if (is_array($obj)) {
+ if (!$obj[0]->status) {
+ echo print_warning('Please complete this field:');
+ }
+ $obj[0]->output($rw, $this->get_opt($obj[1]));
+ } else {
+ echo $obj;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($rw) {
+ echo '<br/>';
+ $this->echo_buttons();
+ }
+ echo '</div>'."\n";
+ }
+ public function process() {
+ global $request;
+ if (!isset($request['wizard_submit'][$this->step])) {
+ return $this->step;
+ }
+ $result=$this->next;
+ foreach ($this->data as $obj) {
+ if (is_array($obj)) {
+ $value=$obj[0]->process();
+ $obj[0]->status=($value !== false);
+ if ($obj[0]->status) {
+ $this->set_opt($obj[1], $value);
+ } else {
+ $result=$this->step;
+ debug('wizard', htmlentities("{$obj[1]} incomplete ($value)"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public function verify() {
+ foreach ($this->data as $obj) {
+ if (!is_array($obj)) continue;
+ if (($val=$this->get_opt($obj[1])) === false) {
+ return null;
+ } elseif (!($obj[0]->status=$obj[0]->verify($val))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function text($text) {
+ $this->data[]=$text;
+ }
+ private function text_input($optname, $htmlname, $label) {
+ $this->data[]=array(new text_input($htmlname, $label), $optname);
+ }
+ private function select($optname, $htmlname, $label, $options) {
+ $this->data[]=array(new select($htmlname, $label, $options), $optname);
+ }
+ private function radio_array($optname, $htmlname, $label, $options) {
+ $this->data[]=array(new radio_array($htmlname, $label, $options), $optname);
+ }
+ private function checkbox_array($optname, $htmlname, $label, $array, $delim=' ') {
+ $this->data[]=array(new checkbox_array($htmlname, $label, $array, $delim=' '), $optname);
+ }
+ private function layered_checkbox_array($optname, $htmlname, $label, &$array, $delim=' ', $metadata) {
+ $this->data[]=array(new layered_checkbox_array($htmlname, $label, $array, $delim, $metadata), $optname);
+ }
+ private function query($q) {
+ return $GLOBALS['S']['pdo']->query($q);
+ }
+ private function set_opt($opt, $val) {
+ return $this->configuration->set_opt($opt, $val);
+ }
+ private function get_opt($opt) {
+ return $this->configuration->get_opt($opt);
+ }
+ private function delete_opt($name) {
+ return $this->configuration->delete_opt($name);
+ }
+ private function echo_buttons() {
+ echo ($this->step > 1?'<input type="button" onclick="window.location=\''.url('config/'.$this->configuration->id.'/'.($this->step-1)).'\'" value="Back" /> ':'&nbsp;').'<input style="float: right" type="submit" name="wizard_submit['.$this->step.']" value="'.($this->step == $this->module->numsteps?'Finish':'Next').'" /><br/>';
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/classes/wizard_api.php b/frontend/classes/wizard_api.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 46814b5..0000000
--- a/frontend/classes/wizard_api.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-class wizard_step {
- var $configuration, $module, $step, $title, $next, $data=array();
- function __construct(&$c, $step, $noload=false) {
- $this->configuration=&$c;
- $this->module=new module($c->module);
- $this->step=$step;
- if (!$noload) {
- $file=$this->module->dir."/step$step.php";
- if (!is_readable($file)) {
- throw_exception("$mod step $step doesn't exist!");
- }
- require($file);
- }
- $this->title=$this->module->steps[$step-1];
- $this->next=isset($next)?$next:($this->step == $this->module->numsteps?null:$step+1);
- }
- public function output($rw=true) {
- global $conf;
- echo "<div class=\"wizard\" id=\"step$this->step\">";
- if ($rw)
- echo '<form action="'.url('config/'.$this->configuration->id).'" method="post"><a style="float: right" href="'.url('config/'.$this->configuration->id.'/status').'">Status</a>';
- if ($rw) {
- echo '<h3>Step '.$this->step.': '.$this->title."</h3>\n";
- $scale=$conf['progressbar_width']/$this->module->numsteps;
- echo '<img src="'.url('images/full.gif').'" style="border-left: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; width: '.$this->step*$scale.'px; height: 15px" /><img src="'.url('images/empty.gif').'" style="border-right: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; width: '.(count($this->module->steps)-$this->step)*$scale.'px; height: 15px" /><br/>'."\n";
- $this->echo_buttons();
- }
- foreach ($this->data as $obj) {
- // print warning if rw is false?
- if (!$obj->status) {
- echo print_warning('Please complete this field.');
- }
- $obj->output($rw);
- }
- if ($rw) {
- echo '<br/>';
- $this->echo_buttons();
- }
- echo '</div>'."\n";
- }
- public function process() {
- global $request;
- if (!isset($request['wizard_submit'][$this->step])) {
- return $this->step;
- }
- $result=$this->next;
- foreach ($this->data as $obj) {
- if (!$obj->status=$obj->process()) {
- $result=$this->step;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- public function verify() {
- foreach ($this->data as $obj) {
- if (!($obj->status=$obj->verify())) {
- return $obj->status;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- private function text($text) {
- $this->data[]=new wizard_text($this->configuration, $text);
- }
- private function text_input($optname, $htmlname, $label) {
- $this->data[]=new wizard_text_input($this->configuration, $optname, $htmlname, $label);
- }
- private function select($optname, $htmlname, $label, $options) {
- $this->data[]=new wizard_select($this->configuration, $optname, $htmlname, $label, $options);
- }
- private function radio($optname, $htmlname, $label, $options) {
- $this->data[]=new wizard_radio($this->configuration, $optname, $htmlname, $label, $options);
- }
- private function checkbox_array($optname, $htmlname, $label, $array, $delim=' ') {
- $this->data[]=new wizard_checkbox_array($this->configuration, $optname, $htmlname, $label, $array, $delim=' ');
- }
- private function layered_checkbox_array($optname, $htmlname, $label, &$array, $delim=' ', $metadata) {
- $this->data[]=new wizard_layered_checkbox_array($this->configuration, $optname, $htmlname, $label, $array, $delim, $metadata);
- }
- private function query($q) {
- return $GLOBALS['S']['pdo']->query($q);
- }
- private function get_opt($opt) {
- return $this->configuration->get_opt($opt);
- }
- private function echo_buttons() {
- echo ($this->step > 1?'<input type="button" onclick="window.location=\''.url('config/'.$this->configuration->id.'/'.($this->step-1)).'\'" value="Back" /> ':'&nbsp;').'<input style="float: right" type="submit" name="wizard_submit['.$this->step.']" value="'.($this->step == $this->module->numsteps?'Finish':'Next').'" /><br/>';
- }
-abstract class wizard {
- public $status=true, $configuration;
- function __construct(&$c) {
- $this->configuration=&$c;
- }
- abstract public function output($rw=true);
- abstract public function process();
- abstract public function verify();
- abstract public function clear();
- protected function get_opt($name) {
- return $this->configuration->get_opt($name);
- }
- protected function set_opt($name, $val) {
- debug('wizard', "$name=$val");
- if (substr($name, 0, 1) == ':') {
- $this->configuration->$name=$val;
- $this->configuration->write();
- } else {
- $this->configuration->set_opt($name, $val);
- }
- }
- protected function opt_is($name, $val) {
- return $this->configuration->opt_is($name, $val);
- }
- protected function delete_opt($name) {
- return $this->configuration->delete_opt($name);
- }
-class wizard_text extends wizard {
- protected $text;
- function __construct(&$c, $text) {
- parent::__construct($c);
- $this->text=$text;
- }
- public function output($rw=true) {
- echo $this->text;
- }
- public function process() {
- return true;
- }
- public function verify() {
- return true;
- }
- public function clear() {}
-abstract class wizard_input extends wizard {
- protected $optname, $htmlname, $label;
- function __construct(&$c, $optname, $htmlname, $label) {
- parent::__construct($c);
- $this->optname=$optname;
- $this->htmlname=htmlentities($htmlname);
- $this->label=htmlentities($label);
- }
- public function output($rw=true) {
- echo "$this->label: ";
- }
- public function process() {
- global $request;
- if (isset($request[$this->optname])) {
- self::set_opt($this->optname, $request[$this->optname]);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function verify() {
- return $this->get_opt($this->optname)!==null;
- }
- public function clear() {
- return $this->delete_opt($this->optname);
- }
-class wizard_text_input extends wizard_input {
- public function output($rw=true) {
- parent::output($rw);
- echo $rw?"<input name=\"$this->htmlname\"".(($val=$this->get_opt($this->optname)) === null?'':'value="'.htmlentities($val).'"').' />':htmlentities($this->get_opt($this->optname));
- echo "<br/>\n";
- }
-class wizard_select extends wizard_input {
- private $options;
- function __construct(&$c, $optname, $htmlname, $label, $options) {
- parent::__construct($c, $optname, $htmlname, $label);
- $this->options=$options;
- }
- public function output($rw=true) {
- parent::output($rw);
- if ($rw) {
- echo '<select name="'.$this->htmlname.'">'."\n";
- $i=0;
- }
- foreach ($this->options as $val => $label) {
- if ($rw)
- echo "\t".'<option value="'.$i++.'"'.($this->opt_is($this->optname, $val)?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.htmlentities($label).'</option>'."\n";
- elseif ($this->opt_is($this->optname, $val))
- echo htmlentities($label);
- }
- if ($rw)
- echo '</select>';
- echo "<br/>\n";
- }
- public function process() {
- global $request;
- $vals=array_keys($this->options);
- if (isset($request[$this->htmlname]) && is_numeric($request[$this->htmlname]) && isset($vals[$request[$this->htmlname]])) {
- $this->set_opt($this->optname, $vals[$request[$this->htmlname]]);
- return true;
- } else return false;
- }
- public function verify() {
- if (($val=$this->get_opt($this->optname)) === null) return null;
- return isset($this->options[$val]);
- }
-class wizard_radio extends wizard_select {
- public function output($rw=true) {
- if (!$rw) return parent::output($rw);
- echo "$this->label:<br/>\n";
- $i=0;
- foreach ($this->options as $val => $label) {
- echo "\t<input type=\"radio\" id=\"$this->htmlname-$i\" name=\"$this->htmlname\" value=\"".$i."\"".($this->opt_is($this->optname, $val)?' checked="checked"':'')."\" /><label for=\"$this->htmlname-$i\">".htmlentities($label)."</label><br/>\n";
- $i++;
- }
- }
-class wizard_checkbox_array extends wizard_input {
- protected $array;
- function __construct(&$c, $optname, $htmlname, $label, $array, $delim=' ') {
- parent::__construct($c, $optname, $htmlname, $label);
- $this->array=$array;
- $this->delim=$delim;
- }
- public function output($rw=true) {
- if (strlen($this->label))
- echo "<b>$this->label:</b><br/>\n";
- $i=0;
- foreach ($this->array as $val => $label) {
- $label=htmlentities($label);
- if ($rw)
- echo "\t<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"$this->htmlname-$i\" name=\"$this->htmlname[$i]\"".($this->opt_has($this->optname, $val, $this->delim)?' checked="checked"':'')." /><label for=\"$this->htmlname-$i\">$label</label><br/>\n";
- elseif ($this->opt_has($this->optname, $val, $this->delim))
- echo "$label<br/>\n";
- $i++;
- }
- }
- public function process() {
- global $request;
- $val=array();
- if (isset($request[$this->htmlname])) {
- $vals=array_keys($this->array);
- foreach ($request[$this->htmlname] as $i => $null) {
- $val[]=$vals[$i];
- }
- }
- $this->set_opt($this->optname, implode($this->delim, $val));
- return true;
- }
- public function verify() {
- if (($vals=$this->get_opt($this->optname)) === null) return null;
- if (strlen($vals) == 0) return true;
- $vals=explode($this->delim, $vals);
- foreach ($vals as $i => $val) {
- if (isset($this->array[$val])) {
- unset($vals[$i]);
- }
- }
- return count($vals) == 0;
- }
- private static $opt_cache;
- protected function opt_has($name, $val, $delim=' ') {
- if (!isset(self::$opt_cache[$name][$delim])) {
- self::$opt_cache[$name][$delim]=explode($delim, $this->get_opt($name));
- }
- return in_array($val, self::$opt_cache[$name][$delim]);
- }
-class wizard_layered_checkbox_array extends wizard_checkbox_array {
- private $depth=0, $path_delims=array('', '/', '-');
- function __construct(&$c, $optname, $htmlname, $label, &$array, $delim=' ', $metadata) {
- parent::__construct($c, $optname, $htmlname, $label, &$array, $delim);
- $this->metadata=$metadata;
- for ($i=current(&$array); is_array($i); $i=current($i)) $this->depth++;
- global $S;
- if (!in_array('wlca', $S['scripts'])) {
- $S['scripts'][]='wlca';
- }
- }
- public function output($rw=true) {
- if ($this->label) {
- echo '<h4>'.htmlentities($this->label).'</h4>';
- }
- if ($rw)
- $this->r_output($this->array);
- else
- $this->r_ro_output($this->array);
- }
- public function process() {
- $this->set_opt($this->optname, implode($this->delim, $this->r_process($this->array)));
- return true;
- }
- public function verify() {
- if (($vals=$this->get_opt($this->optname)) === null) return null;
- if (strlen($vals) == 0) return true;
- $vals=explode($this->delim, $vals);
- $r=$this->r_verify($vals, $this->array);
- debug('wlca', 'got results: '.implode(' ',$r));
- return count($r) == 0;
- }
- private function r_output(&$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
- static $uid=0, $ucid=0;
- $conf=&$this->metadata[0];
- if ($depth == 0) {
- $search=$autosize=0;
- for ($i=1; $i<count($this->metadata); $i++) {
- $m=&$this->metadata[$i];
- if (isset($m['tag'])) {
- $autosize++;
- }
- if (isset($m['search'])) {
- $search++;
- }
- }
- if ($search) {
- if (!isset($conf['id'])) {
- $conf['id']=self::b36($uid++);
- }
- echo 'Search: <input id="'.$conf['id'].'-q" onkeyup="wlca_search(this.value, document.getElementById(\''.$conf['id'].'\'), 0, '.$this->depth.')" /> <a href="javascript:q=document.getElementById(\''.$conf['id'].'-q\'); q.value=\'\'; q.onkeyup()">Clear</a> <a href="javascript:wlca_show_checked(document.getElementById(\''.$conf['id'].'\'), 0, '.$this->depth.'); undefined">Show checked</a><br/>'."\n";
- }
- echo '<div class="wlca'.(isset($conf['autosize'])?' autosize" style="font-size: '.pow(1.15, $autosize)*100.0.'%':'').'" id="'.$conf['id'].'">'."\n";
- foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
- $this->r_output($val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
- $uid++;
- }
- echo '<h3 style="display: none">No results</h3></div>';
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\nif (wlca_show_checked(document.getElementById('{$conf['id']}'), 0, $this->depth) == 0) wlca_search(document.getElementById('{$conf['id']}-q').value, document.getElementById('{$conf['id']}'), 0, $this->depth);\n-->\n</script>\n";
- } else {
- $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
- if (isset($meta['tag'])) {
- echo '<'.$meta['tag'].' class="wlcae'.(isset($meta['search'])?' wlcas':'').(isset($meta['collapsed'])?' wlca'.($meta['collapsed']?'c':'C'):'').(isset($meta['class'])?' '.$meta['class']:'').'" id="'.self::b36($uid).'"'.($depth > 1 && isset($this->metadata[$depth-1]['collapsed']) && $this->metadata[$depth-1]['collapsed'] && false?' style="display: none"':'').'>';
- if (isset($meta['collapsed']) && $depth < $this->depth) {
- echo '<a href="javascript:wlcat(\''.self::b36($uid).'\')">&plusmn;</a>';
- }
- }
- if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
- $enc=self::b36($ucid++);
- echo '<input type="checkbox" id="-'.$enc.'" name="'.$this->htmlname.'['.$enc.']"'.($this->opt_has($this->optname, $this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name), $this->delim)?' checked="checked"':'').' /><label for="-'.$enc.'">'.$this->format_label($array, $meta['label'], $path, $name).'</label>'."\n";
- } elseif (isset($meta['label'])) {
- echo '<span class="wlcal">'.$this->format_label($array, $meta['label'], $path, $name)."</span>\n";
- }
- if ($depth < $this->depth) {
- foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
- $uid++;
- $this->r_output($val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
- }
- }
- if (isset($meta['tag'])) {
- echo '</'.$meta['tag'].">\n";
- }
- }
- }
- private function r_process(&$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
- static $ucid=0, $r;
- if ($depth == 0) {
- $r=array();
- foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
- $this->r_process($val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
- }
- return $r;
- } else {
- $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
- if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
- global $request;
- if (isset($request[$this->htmlname][self::b36($ucid)])) {
- $r[]=$this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name);
- }
- $ucid++;
- }
- if ($depth < $this->depth) {
- foreach ($array as $name => &$val)
- $this->r_process($val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
- }
- }
- }
- private function &r_verify(&$vals, &$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
- if ($depth == 0) {
- foreach($array as $name => &$val) {
- $this->r_verify($vals, $val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
- }
- return $vals;
- } else {
- $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
- if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
- $label=$this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name);
- if (($i=array_search($label, $vals)) !== false) {
- unset($vals[$i]);
- }
- }
- if ($depth < $this->depth) {
- foreach ($array as $name => &$val)
- $this->r_verify($vals, $val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
- }
- return $vals;
- }
- }
- private function r_ro_output(&$array, $depth=0, $path=null, $name=null) {
- if ($depth == 0) {
- foreach ($array as $name => &$val) {
- $this->r_ro_output($val, $depth+1, $name, $name);
- }
- } else {
- $meta=$this->metadata[$depth];
- if (isset($meta['checkbox'])) {
- $val=$this->format_label($array, $meta['checkbox'], $path, $name);
- if ($this->opt_has($this->optname, $val, $this->delim)) {
- echo $this->format_label($array, $meta['label'], $path, $name)."<br/>\n";
- }
- }
- if ($depth < $this->depth) {
- foreach ($array as $name => &$val)
- $this->r_ro_output($val, $depth+1, $path.$meta['delim'].$name, $name);
- }
- }
- }
- private function format_label(&$array, $label='%p', $path, $name) {
- $arg=$array;
- $out=str_replace(array('%p', '%n'), array($path, $name), $label);
- if (strpos($label, '$')) {
- while (is_array(current($arg))) {
- $arg=current($arg);
- }
- $out=eval("extract(\$arg, EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID, 'var_');\n".(strpos($label, 'return')===0?$out:"return <<<_XQ1\n$out\n_XQ1").";\n");
- }
- return strpos($label, 'return')===0?$out:htmlentities($out);
- }
- private static function b36($n) {
- return base_convert($n, 10, 36);
- }
diff --git a/frontend/css/wlca.css b/frontend/css/lca.css
index 2ff94a9..90a4429 100644
--- a/frontend/css/wlca.css
+++ b/frontend/css/lca.css
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-.wlca.autosize .wlcae {
+.lca.autosize .lcae {
font-size: 87%;
-.wlca.autosize .wlcae .wlcae {
+.lca.autosize .lcae .lcae {
padding-left: 2em;
#plist {
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
padding: 5px;
border: 1px dotted black;
-.wlcae a {
+.lcae a {
text-decoration: none;
#plist div.masked {
color: red;
-.wlcae label {
+.lcae label {
cursor: pointer;
diff --git a/frontend/js/wlca.js b/frontend/js/lca.js
index 7c1b13e..39dc96d 100644
--- a/frontend/js/wlca.js
+++ b/frontend/js/lca.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-var wlca_last_search;
-var wlca_search_timeout;
-var wlca_found_last;
-function wlcat(id, set) { // Short for 'toggle'
+var lca_last_search;
+var lca_search_timeout;
+var lca_found_last;
+function lcat(id, set) { // Short for 'toggle'
for (var i=1; i<tag.childNodes.length; i++) {
- if (tag.childNodes[i].className && tag.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('wlcae') != -1) {
+ if (tag.childNodes[i].className && tag.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('lcae') != -1) {
if (typeof(set) == 'undefined') {
@@ -12,43 +12,43 @@ function wlcat(id, set) { // Short for 'toggle'
-function wlca_expand(id) {
- wlcat(id, "");
+function lca_expand(id) {
+ lcat(id, "");
-function wlca_collapse(id) {
- wlcat(id, "none");
+function lca_collapse(id) {
+ lcat(id, "none");
-function wlca_search(q, el, depth, maxdepth, t) {
+function lca_search(q, el, depth, maxdepth, t) {
if (!t) {
- clearTimeout(wlca_search_timeout);
- wlca_search_timeout=setTimeout(function () {wlca_found_last=wlca_search(q, el, depth, maxdepth, true)}, 300);
+ clearTimeout(lca_search_timeout);
+ lca_search_timeout=setTimeout(function () {lca_found_last=lca_search(q, el, depth, maxdepth, true)}, 300);
if (depth == 0) {
- if (q == wlca_last_search) return wlca_found_last;
- if (wlca_found_last == 0 && q.indexOf(wlca_last_search) != -1) {
- debug('wlca', 'Already had no results, not searching "'+q+'"');
+ if (q == lca_last_search) return lca_found_last;
+ if (lca_found_last == 0 && q.indexOf(lca_last_search) != -1) {
+ debug('lca', 'Already had no results, not searching "'+q+'"');
return 0;
- wlca_last_search=q;
- debug('wlca', 'Searching "'+q+'"');
+ lca_last_search=q;
+ debug('lca', 'Searching "'+q+'"');
var found=0;
for (var i=0; i<el.childNodes.length; i++) {
- if (el.childNodes[i].nodeName == "LABEL" || (el.childNodes[i].className && el.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('wlcal') != -1)) {
- found+=(el.childNodes[i].innerHTML.indexOf(q) == -1?0:1);
+ if (el.childNodes[i].nodeName == "LABEL" || (el.childNodes[i].className && el.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('lcal') != -1)) {
+ found+=(el.childNodes[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) == -1?0:1);
if (depth < maxdepth) {
for (var i=0; i<el.childNodes.length; i++) {
- if (!(el.childNodes[i].className && el.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('wlcae') != -1)) continue;
- var lfound=wlca_search(q, el.childNodes[i], depth+1, maxdepth, true);
+ if (!(el.childNodes[i].className && el.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('lcae') != -1)) continue;
+ var lfound=lca_search(q, el.childNodes[i], depth+1, maxdepth, true);
el.childNodes[i].style.display=(q.length == 0 || lfound > 0?"":"none");
- if (q.length == 0 && el.className.indexOf('wlcac') != -1) {
- wlca_collapse(;
+ if (q.length == 0 && el.className.indexOf('lcac') != -1) {
+ lca_collapse(;
if (depth == 0) {
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ function wlca_search(q, el, depth, maxdepth, t) {
return found;
-function wlca_show_checked(el, depth, maxdepth) {
+function lca_show_checked(el, depth, maxdepth) {
if (depth == 0) {
- wlca_last_search=undefined;
+ lca_last_search=undefined;
var found=0;
for (var i=0; i<el.childNodes.length; i++) {
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ function wlca_show_checked(el, depth, maxdepth) {
if (depth < maxdepth) {
- if (!(el.childNodes[i].className && el.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('wlcae') != -1)) continue;
- var lfound=wlca_show_checked(el.childNodes[i], depth+1, maxdepth);
+ if (!(el.childNodes[i].className && el.childNodes[i].className.indexOf('lcae') != -1)) continue;
+ var lfound=lca_show_checked(el.childNodes[i], depth+1, maxdepth);
el.childNodes[i].style.display=(lfound > 0?"":"none");
diff --git a/frontend/modules/gentoo/step4.php b/frontend/modules/gentoo/step4.php
index 3e2e73a..11d0c1e 100644
--- a/frontend/modules/gentoo/step4.php
+++ b/frontend/modules/gentoo/step4.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$profile=new sql_gentoo_profile($this->get_opt('profile'));
array('id' => 'plist', 'autosize'=> true),
array('delim' => '', 'tag' => 'div', 'label' => '%n', 'collapsed' => true),
diff --git a/shared/classes/1conf_build_common.php b/shared/classes/1conf_build_common.php
index 35ba6e6..f5721a4 100644
--- a/shared/classes/1conf_build_common.php
+++ b/shared/classes/1conf_build_common.php
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ abstract class conf_build_common extends sql_row_obj {
return $opts;
- // Returns the value (or object if $get_obj is true) of the option given by $name, or null if unset
+ // Returns the value (or object if $get_obj is true) of the option given by $name, or false if unset
public function get_opt($name, $get_obj=false) {
- return isset($opts[$name])?$opts[$name]:null;
+ return array_key_exists($name, $opts)?$opts[$name]:false;
// Returns true if the given option is set and equals the given value, false otherwise
public function opt_is($name, $val) {
- return (($r=$this->get_opt($name)) !== null && $r == $val);
+ return ($this->get_opt($name) == $val);
// Generates a unique id and sets status to 1, writes self to db and returns id
public function init() {
diff --git a/shared/classes/gentoo_profile.php b/shared/classes/gentoo_profile.php
index b29bf05..51cc5a4 100644
--- a/shared/classes/gentoo_profile.php
+++ b/shared/classes/gentoo_profile.php
@@ -195,13 +195,15 @@ class sql_gentoo_profile extends sql_row_obj {
return true;
- public function &get_packages() {
+ public function &get_packages($omit_masked=false) {
global $S;
$r=$S['pdo']->query('SELECT * FROM `gentoo_packages` WHERE `profile`='.$this->id);
while ($pkg=$r->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$pkg=new sql_gentoo_package($pkg);
- $p[$pkg->bcat][$pkg->lcat][$pkg->name][$pkg->version]=$pkg->to_array();
+ $array=$pkg->to_array();
+ if (!($omit_masked && $array['masked']))
+ $p[$pkg->bcat][$pkg->lcat][$pkg->name][$pkg->version]=$array;
return $p;
diff --git a/todo b/todo
index ac95675..b55aeac 100644
--- a/todo
+++ b/todo
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Write a live git ebuild
Add a profiles management page/backend utility
Add cleanup functions to the frontend and backend (tasks dir in backend containing scripts that can be launched through frontend)
-Support ~arch installation (when ~arch not in ACCEPT_KEYWORDS)
Move bundler selection out of gentoo module and generalize it
Allow config viewing for builds, not just configurations
Add `flags` column to configurations, builds, use it to implement public and private things