and in emails $url='http://soc'; // The base address of the frontend installation // $sqlhost='localhost'; // MySQL server $sqluser='soc'; // MySQL username $sqlpass='socpassword'; // MySQL password $sqldb='soc'; // MySQL database $debug=true; // Whether to print debugging information // $modules='All non-hidden dirs in frontend/modules'; // Space-separated list of modules to offer the user // $bundlers='All non-hidden dirs in backend/bundlers' that contain a bundle.php; // Space-separated list of bundlers to offer the user // $cookiename='ingenueid'; // Name of the cookie to send for keeping sessions // $sessionlength=1814400; // Time in seconds before sessions are purged // $mod_rewrite=true; // Use mod_rewrite for pretty URLs // $timezone_root='/usr/share/zoneinfo'; // Directory to search for timezone data (sys-libs/timezone-data) $emailfrom=''; // Used as the From: field in emails $check_email_dns=true; // Use DNS to check the domain of submitted emails for validity // Frontend options: // $registration=false; // Whether users can create new accounts without an invite // $invite='admin'; // Who can use the invite function: true or 'user'=users; admin=admins; false=nobody // $logview_max=1000; // The maximum number of log entries shown on one page (1000 is a good start) // $progressbar_width=350; // The width, in pixels, of the config wizard progress bar // Backend options: $pkgdir_root='/home/eitan/soc2009/tinderbox'; // The directory to recursively search for pkgdirs (Backend only) // $emerge_default_opts='-v --color=y'; // Options to add to all emerge commands // $portdir='/usr/portage'; // The directory conatining the portage tree to use (/usr/portage unless you have a reason to think otherwise) $backend_id='red'; // A name or other way of identifying this backend as opposed to other backends working for the same frontend // $tmpdir=isset($_ENV['TMPDIR'])?$_ENV['TMPDIR'].'/ingenue':'/var/tmp/ingenue'; // The directory to use for temporary files ?>