#!/@GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX@usr/bin/python -E # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Copyright 2004-2018 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 from java_config_2.OutputFormatter import OutputFormatter from java_config_2.EnvironmentManager import EnvironmentManager from java_config_2.Errors import * import os import sys try: # Python 3. from subprocess import getoutput except ImportError: # Python 2. from commands import getoutput from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup def version(option, opt, value, parser): printer._print("%H%BJava Configuration Utility %GVersion @PACKAGE_VERSION@") raise SystemExit() def nocolor(option, opt, value, parser): printer.setColorOutputStatus(False) def get_command(command): try: printer._print(manager.get_active_vm().find_exec(command)) except PermissionError: fatalError("The " + command + " executable was not found in the Java path") def java(option, opt, value, parser): get_command('java') def javac(option, opt, value, parser): get_command('javac') def jar(option, opt, value, parser): get_command('jar') def query_active_vm(var): try: printer._print(manager.get_active_vm().query(var)) except EnvironmentUndefinedError: fatalError("%s could not be found in the active VM environment" % var) def query_active_vm_cb(option, opt, value, parse, *args): return query_active_vm(args[0]) def tools(option, opt, value, parser): jh = '' try: jh = manager.get_active_vm().query('JAVA_HOME') except EnvironmentUndefinedError: fatalError("JAVA_HOME not found in the active VM environment") tools_jar = jh + '/lib/tools.jar' if not os.path.exists(tools_jar): sys.exit(1); printer._print(tools_jar) def show_active_vm(option, opt, value, parser): printer._print(manager.get_active_vm().name()) def java_version(option, opt, value, parser): try: printer._print(getoutput('%s -version' % manager.get_active_vm().find_exec('java'))) except PermissionError: fatalError("The java executable was not found in the Java path") def query_pkg_path(option, opt, value, parser, query): error = False try: packages = value.split(',') missing_deps = set() if not parser.values.with_deps: path = manager.build_path(packages, query) else: path = manager.build_dep_path(packages, query, missing_deps) printer._print(':'.join(path)) if len(missing_deps) > 0: for dep in missing_deps: printer._printError("Dependency package %s was not found!" % dep) error = True except UnexistingPackageError as e: printer._printError("Package %s was not found!" % e.package) error = True if error: sys.exit(1) def query_pkg(option, opt, value, parser): error = False query = parser.values.query if query: try: package = manager.get_package(value) if package.query(query): printer._print(package.query(query)) else: printer._printError('Package %s does not define %s in it\'s package.env.' % (package.name(), query)) except UnexistingPackageError as e: printer._printError("Package %s was not found!" % e.package) except PermissionError as e: printer._printError("You do not have enough permissions to read the package's package.env") error = True else: printer._printError("No query parameter was specified, unable to retrieve package.env value.") error = True if error: sys.exit(1) def get_virtual_providers( option, opt, value, parser): if not manager.get_virtual(value): printer._printError("Virtual package %s was not found" % value) sys.exit(1) output = manager.get_virtual(value).get_packages() printer._print(','.join(output)) def get_env(option, opt, value, parser): for env in value.split(','): query_active_vm(env) def exec_cmd(option, opt, value, parser): for cmd in iter(value.split(',')): os.system(cmd) def list_available_packages(option, opt, value, parser): for package in manager.get_packages().values(): printer._print("[%s] %s (%s)" % (package.name(), package.description(), package.file())) def list_available_vms(option, opt, value, parser): vm_list = manager.get_virtual_machines() try: active = manager.get_active_vm() except InvalidVMError: active = None found_build_only = False printer._print('%HThe following VMs are available for generation-2:%$') for i, vm in vm_list.items(): if vm is active: if not vm.is_build_only(): printer._print('%G' + '*)\t%s [%s]%s' % (vm.query('VERSION'), vm.name(), '%$')) else: printer._print('%G' + '*)\t%s [%s]%s' % (vm.query('VERSION'), vm.name(), '%$') + '%r (Build Only)%$') found_build_only = True else: if not vm.is_build_only(): printer._print('%i)\t%s [%s]' % (i, vm.query('VERSION'), vm.name())) else: printer._print('%i)\t%s [%s]' % (i, vm.query('VERSION'), vm.name()) + '%r (Build Only)%$') found_build_only = True if found_build_only: printer._print('') printer._print('%r' + 'VMs marked as Build Only may contain Security Vulnerabilities and/or be EOL.') printer._print('%r' + 'Gentoo recommends not setting these VMs as either your System or User VM.') def print_environment(option, opt, value, parser): vm = manager.get_vm(value) if not vm: fatalError("Could not find a vm matching: %s" % value) manager.create_env_entry(vm, printer, "%s=%s") def select_vm(option, opt, value, parser): if not value: return vm = manager.get_vm(value) if not vm: fatalError("The vm could not be found") manager.set_active_vm(manager.get_vm(value)) def fatalError(msg): printer._printError(msg) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': global printer, manager printer = OutputFormatter(True, True) manager = EnvironmentManager(os.getenv('ROOT', ''), os.getenv('EPREFIX', '@GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX@')) usage = """java-config [options] Java Configuration Utility Version @PACKAGE_VERSION@ Copyright 2004-2013 Gentoo Foundation Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 Please contact the Gentoo Java Herd with problems.""" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-V", "--version", action="callback", callback=version, help="Print version information") parser.add_option("--select-vm", action="callback", callback=select_vm, type="string", dest="vm", help="Use this vm instead of the active vm when returning information") parser.add_option("-n", "--nocolor", action="callback", callback=nocolor, help="Disable color output") # Queries group = OptionGroup(parser, "Queries") group.add_option("-J", "--java", action="callback", callback=java, help="Print the location of the java executable") group.add_option("-c", "--javac", action="callback", callback=javac, help="Print the location of the javac executable") group.add_option("-j", "--jar", action="callback", callback=jar, help="Print the location of the jar executable") group.add_option("-t", "--tools", action="callback", callback=tools, help="Print the path to tools.jar") group.add_option("-f", "--show-active-vm", action="callback", callback=show_active_vm, help="Print the active Virtual Machine") group.add_option("-v", "--java-version", action="callback", callback=java_version, help="Print version information for the active VM") group.add_option("-g", "--get-env", action="callback", callback=get_env, type="string", dest="var", help="Print an environment variable from the active VM") group.add_option("-P", "--print", action="callback", callback=print_environment, type="string", dest="vm", help="Print the environment for the specified VM") group.add_option("-e", "--exec_cmd", action="callback", callback=exec_cmd, type="string", dest="command", help="Execute something which is in JAVA_HOME") group.add_option("-L", "--list-available-vms", action="callback", callback=list_available_vms, help="List available Java Virtual Machines") group.add_option("-l", "--list-available-packages", action="callback", callback=list_available_packages, help="List all available packages on the system.") group.add_option("-d", "--with-dependencies", action="store_true", default=False, dest="with_deps", help="Include package dependencies in --classpath and --library calls") group.add_option("-p", "--classpath", action="callback", callback=query_pkg_path, callback_args = ("CLASSPATH",), type="string", dest="package(s)", help="Print entries in the environment classpath for these packages") group.add_option("--package", action="callback", callback=query_pkg, type="string", dest="package(s)", help="Retrieve a value from a packages package.env file, value is specified by --query") group.add_option("-q", "--query", action="store", type="string", dest="query", help="Value to retieve from packages package.env file, specified by --package") group.add_option("-i", "--library", action="callback", callback=query_pkg_path, callback_args = ("LIBRARY_PATH",), type="string", dest="package(s)", help="Print java library paths for these packages") group.add_option("-r", "--runtime", action="callback", callback=query_active_vm_cb, callback_args=("BOOTCLASSPATH",), help="Print the runtime classpath") group.add_option("-O", "--jdk-home", action="callback", callback=query_active_vm_cb, callback_args=("JAVA_HOME",), help="Print the location of the active JAVA_HOME") group.add_option("-o", "--jre-home", action="callback", callback=query_active_vm_cb, callback_args=("JAVA_HOME",), help="Print the location of the active JAVA_HOME") parser.add_option_group(group) # Experimental group = OptionGroup(parser, "Experimental") group.add_option("--get-virtual-providers", action="callback", callback=get_virtual_providers, type="string", dest="package(s)", help="Return a list of packages that provide a virtual") parser.add_option_group(group) if len(sys.argv) < 2: parser.print_help() else: try: # Makes sure that --nocolor and --query are always # the first argument(s) # because otherwise callbacks before it will output # colored output or --query param will not be set for # the query_pkg callback args = sys.argv[1:] for opt in ('-q', '--query'): try: args.remove(opt) args.insert(0, opt) except ValueError: pass args = sys.argv[1:] for opt in ( '-n', '--nocolor'): try: args.remove(opt) args.insert(0,opt) except ValueError: pass (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args) except InvalidVMError: fatalError("The active vm could not be found") except ProviderUnavailableError as e: message = "No providers are available, please ensure you have one of the following VM's or Package's;\n" message += "VM's (Your active vm must be one of these): " + e.vms() + "\n" message += "Packages's: " + e.packages() + "\n" fatalError(message) # vim:set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap: