import json import sys from functools import partial from textwrap import dedent import pytest from pkgcheck import base, reporters from pkgcheck.checks import codingstyle, git, metadata, metadata_xml, pkgdir, profiles from pkgcore.test.misc import FakePkg from snakeoil.formatters import PlainTextFormatter class BaseReporter: reporter_cls = reporters.Reporter @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self): self.log_warning = profiles.ProfileWarning(Exception("profile warning")) self.log_error = profiles.ProfileError(Exception("profile error")) pkg = FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0") self.commit_result = git.InvalidCommitMessage("no commit message", commit="8d86269bb4c7") self.category_result = metadata_xml.CatMissingMetadataXml("metadata.xml", pkg=pkg) self.package_result = pkgdir.InvalidPN(("bar", "baz"), pkg=pkg) self.versioned_result = metadata.BadFilename(("0.tar.gz", "foo.tar.gz"), pkg=pkg) self.line_result = codingstyle.ReadonlyVariable("P", line="P=6", lineno=7, pkg=pkg) self.lines_result = codingstyle.EbuildUnquotedVariable("D", lines=(5, 7), pkg=pkg) def mk_reporter(self, **kwargs): out = PlainTextFormatter(sys.stdout) return self.reporter_cls(out, **kwargs) add_report_output = None def test_add_report(self, capsys): with self.mk_reporter() as reporter: out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err assert out == self.add_report_output class TestStrReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.StrReporter add_report_output = dedent( """\ commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message profile warning dev-libs: category is missing metadata.xml dev-libs/foo: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] dev-libs/foo-0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] dev-libs/foo-0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 dev-libs/foo-0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7 """ ) class TestFancyReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.FancyReporter add_report_output = dedent( """\ commit InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message profiles ProfileWarning: profile warning dev-libs CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml dev-libs/foo InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] BadFilename: version 0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] ReadonlyVariable: version 0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 UnquotedVariable: version 0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7 """ ) class TestJsonReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.JsonReporter add_report_output = dedent( """\ {"_style": {"InvalidCommitMessage": "commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message"}} {"_warning": {"ProfileWarning": "profile warning"}} {"dev-libs": {"_error": {"CatMissingMetadataXml": "category is missing metadata.xml"}}} {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"_error": {"InvalidPN": "invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]"}}}} {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"BadFilename": "bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]"}}}}} {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"ReadonlyVariable": "read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6"}}}}} {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"UnquotedVariable": "unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7"}}}}} """ ) class TestXmlReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.XmlReporter add_report_output = dedent( """\ InvalidCommitMessagecommit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message ProfileWarningprofile warning dev-libsCatMissingMetadataXmlcategory is missing metadata.xml dev-libsfooInvalidPNinvalid package names: [ bar, baz ] dev-libsfoo0BadFilenamebad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] dev-libsfoo0ReadonlyVariableread-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 dev-libsfoo0UnquotedVariableunquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7 """ ) class TestCsvReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.CsvReporter add_report_output = dedent( """\ ,,,commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message ,,,profile warning dev-libs,,,category is missing metadata.xml dev-libs,foo,,"invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]" dev-libs,foo,0,"bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]" dev-libs,foo,0,"read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6" dev-libs,foo,0,"unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7" """ ) class TestFormatReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, "") def test_add_report(self, capsys): for format_str, expected in ( ("r", "r\n" * 7), ("{category}", "dev-libs\n" * 5), ("{category}/{package}", "/\n/\ndev-libs/\n" + "dev-libs/foo\n" * 4), ( "{category}/{package}-{version}", "/-\n/-\ndev-libs/-\ndev-libs/foo-\n" + "dev-libs/foo-0\n" * 3, ), ( "{name}", "InvalidCommitMessage\nProfileWarning\nCatMissingMetadataXml\nInvalidPN\nBadFilename\nReadonlyVariable\nUnquotedVariable\n", ), ("{foo}", ""), ): self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, format_str) self.add_report_output = expected super().test_add_report(capsys) def test_unsupported_index(self, capsys): self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, "{0}") with self.mk_reporter() as reporter: with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException) as excinfo: assert "integer indexes are not supported" in str(excinfo.value) class TestJsonStream(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.JsonStream def test_add_report(self, capsys): with self.mk_reporter() as reporter: for result in ( self.log_warning, self.log_error, self.commit_result, self.category_result, self.package_result, self.versioned_result, ): out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err deserialized_result = next(reporter.from_iter([out])) assert str(deserialized_result) == str(result) def test_deserialize_error(self): with self.mk_reporter() as reporter: # deserializing non-result objects raises exception obj = reporter.to_json(["result"]) with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match="failed loading"): next(reporter.from_iter([obj])) # deserializing mangled JSON result objects raises exception obj = reporter.to_json(self.versioned_result) del obj["__class__"] json_obj = json.dumps(obj) with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match="unknown result"): next(reporter.from_iter([json_obj])) class TestFlycheckReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.FlycheckReporter add_report_output = dedent( """\ -.ebuild:0:style:InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message -.ebuild:0:warning:ProfileWarning: profile warning -.ebuild:0:error:CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml foo-.ebuild:0:error:InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] foo-0.ebuild:0:warning:BadFilename: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:ReadonlyVariable: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 foo-0.ebuild:5:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D """ )