import sre_constants import pytest from snakeoil import demandload # few notes: # all tests need to be wrapped w/ the following decorator; it # ensures that snakeoils env-aware disabling is reversed, ensuring the # setup is what the test expects. # it also explicitly resets the state on the way out. def reset_globals(functor): def f(*args, **kwds): orig_demandload = demandload.demandload orig_demand_compile = demandload.demand_compile_regexp orig_protection = demandload._protection_enabled orig_noisy = demandload._noisy_protection try: return functor(*args, **kwds) finally: demandload.demandload = orig_demandload demandload.demand_compile_regexp = orig_demand_compile demandload._protection_enabled = orig_protection demandload._noisy_protection = orig_noisy return f class TestParser: @reset_globals def test_parse(self): for input, output in [ ("foo", [("foo", "foo")]), ("foo:bar", [("", "bar")]), ("foo:bar,baz@spork", [("", "bar"), ("foo.baz", "spork")]), ("foo@bar", [("foo", "bar")]), ("foo_bar", [("foo_bar", "foo_bar")]), ]: assert output == list(demandload.parse_imports([input])) pytest.raises(ValueError, list, demandload.parse_imports(["a.b"])) pytest.raises(ValueError, list, demandload.parse_imports(["a:,"])) pytest.raises(ValueError, list, demandload.parse_imports(["a:b,x@"])) pytest.raises(ValueError, list, demandload.parse_imports(["b-x"])) pytest.raises(ValueError, list, demandload.parse_imports([" b_x"])) class TestPlaceholder: @reset_globals def test_getattr(self): scope = {} placeholder = demandload.Placeholder(scope, "foo", list) assert scope == object.__getattribute__(placeholder, "_scope") assert placeholder.__doc__ == [].__doc__ assert scope["foo"] == [] demandload._protection_enabled = lambda: True with pytest.raises(ValueError): getattr(placeholder, "__doc__") @reset_globals def test__str__(self): scope = {} placeholder = demandload.Placeholder(scope, "foo", list) assert scope == object.__getattribute__(placeholder, "_scope") assert str(placeholder) == str([]) assert scope["foo"] == [] @reset_globals def test_call(self): def passthrough(*args, **kwargs): return args, kwargs def get_func(): return passthrough scope = {} placeholder = demandload.Placeholder(scope, "foo", get_func) assert scope == object.__getattribute__(placeholder, "_scope") assert (("arg",), {"kwarg": 42}) == placeholder("arg", kwarg=42) assert passthrough is scope["foo"] @reset_globals def test_setattr(self): class Struct: pass scope = {} placeholder = demandload.Placeholder(scope, "foo", Struct) placeholder.val = 7 demandload._protection_enabled = lambda: True with pytest.raises(ValueError): getattr(placeholder, "val") assert 7 == scope["foo"].val class TestImport: @reset_globals def test_demandload(self): scope = {} demandload.demandload("snakeoil:demandload", scope=scope) assert demandload is not scope["demandload"] assert demandload.demandload is scope["demandload"].demandload assert demandload is scope["demandload"] @reset_globals def test_disabled_demandload(self): scope = {} demandload.disabled_demandload("snakeoil:demandload", scope=scope) assert demandload is scope["demandload"] class TestDemandCompileRegexp: @reset_globals def test_demand_compile_regexp(self): scope = {} demandload.demand_compile_regexp("foo", "frob", scope=scope) assert list(scope.keys()) == ["foo"] assert "frob" == scope["foo"].pattern assert "frob" == scope["foo"].pattern # verify it's delayed via a bad regex. demandload.demand_compile_regexp("foo", "f(", scope=scope) assert list(scope.keys()) == ["foo"] # should blow up on accessing an attribute. obj = scope["foo"] with pytest.raises(sre_constants.error): getattr(obj, "pattern")