Wilson Michaels Proxy Maintainers Allows MythTV to directly output sound to ALSA devices Support for DVEO ASI recorder Use a custom autostart configuration Allows control of CEC enabled TVs via HDMI Ceton InfiniTV 4 a CableCARD-enabled tuner support Instructs Qt to use the 'debug' target Support visualizations via sci-libs/fftw Silicondust USA tuner support Firewire enabled Cable boxe support Allows MythTV to use JACK as your sound output device BD-J support for Blu-ray discs Enable use of app-misc/lcdproc data display LIRC remote control device support Enable NVDEC (NVCUVID) hardware accelerated video decoding Build the perl bindings for MythTV V@Box Communications network-attached tuner devices support Enable VP8/VP9 support for media-libs/libvpx Use Ubuntu mythtfrontend wrapper Enable h265 encoding using x265 Support media-tv/xmltv TV listing - not used by Schedules Direct] MythTV/mythtv