##################################################################### # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/package.mask,v 1.4930 2006/01/30 20:27:26 langthang Exp $ # When you add an entry to this file, add your name, the date, and an # explanation of why something is getting masked # # NOTE: Please add your entry at the top! # ## ## This is an example ## # (28 Jun 2002) # psypete says these are broken and i am using the # opporturnity to test the masking style :) # (28 Jun 2002) # psypete says these are not really broken - its just # the v4l stuff that does not work #=media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5 #=media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5-r1 ## ## End example ## # Jory A. Pratt (30 Jan 2006) # masked for testing >=dev-libs/nspr-4.6.1-r1 >=dev-libs/nss-3.11 # Marcelo Goes (28 Jan 2006) # Masked for testing net-analyzer/base # Michael Sterrett (28 Jan 2006) # Unmaintainable. games-rpg/vegastrike # Robin H. Johnson (25 Jan 2006) # app-text/poppler is replacing pdftohtml because of security concerns. # Please unmerge app-text/pdftohtml and emerge app-text/poppler instead. # app-text/poppler provides all of the same functionailty and more. # See bugs #115789 and #117481. app-text/pdftohtml # Luca Barbato (25 Jan 2006) # untested =app-emulation/bochs-2.2.5-r1 # Mike Frysinger (25 Jan 2006) # Added for fun, but incomplete atm >=sys-apps/util-linux-2.13_pre0 # Matthias Schwarzott (23 Jan 2006) # Masked until new patch system prooves to be working =media-video/vdr-1.3.36-r3 # Dan Armak (23 Jan 2006) # KDE 3.5.1 masked until official upstream release =kde-base/akode-3.5.1* =kde-base/akregator-3.5.1* =kde-base/amor-3.5.1* =kde-base/ark-3.5.1* =kde-base/arts-3.5.1* =kde-base/artsplugin-akode-3.5.1* =kde-base/artsplugin-audiofile-3.5.1* =kde-base/artsplugin-mpeglib-3.5.1* =kde-base/artsplugin-mpg123-3.5.1* =kde-base/artsplugin-xine-3.5.1* =kde-base/atlantik-3.5.1* =kde-base/atlantikdesigner-3.5.1* =kde-base/blinken-3.5.1* =kde-base/certmanager-3.5.1* =kde-base/cervisia-3.5.1* =kde-base/dcopc-3.5.1* =kde-base/dcopjava-3.5.1* =kde-base/dcopperl-3.5.1* =kde-base/dcoppython-3.5.1* =kde-base/dcoprss-3.5.1* =kde-base/drkonqi-3.5.1* =kde-base/eyesapplet-3.5.1* =kde-base/fifteenapplet-3.5.1* =kde-base/juk-3.5.1* =kde-base/kaboodle-3.5.1* =kde-base/kaddressbook-3.5.1* =kde-base/kaddressbook-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kalarm-3.5.1* =kde-base/kalyptus-3.5.1* =kde-base/kalzium-3.5.1* =kde-base/kamera-3.5.1* =kde-base/kanagram-3.5.1* =kde-base/kandy-3.5.1* =kde-base/kappfinder-3.5.1* =kde-base/kapptemplate-3.5.1* =kde-base/karm-3.5.1* =kde-base/kasteroids-3.5.1* =kde-base/kate-3.5.1* =kde-base/kate-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/katomic-3.5.1* =kde-base/kaudiocreator-3.5.1* =kde-base/kbabel-3.5.1* =kde-base/kbackgammon-3.5.1* =kde-base/kbattleship-3.5.1* =kde-base/kblackbox-3.5.1* =kde-base/kbounce-3.5.1* =kde-base/kbruch-3.5.1* =kde-base/kbstateapplet-3.5.1* =kde-base/kbugbuster-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcachegrind-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcalc-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcharselect-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcheckpass-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcminit-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcoloredit-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcontrol-3.5.1* =kde-base/kcron-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdat-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdcop-3.5.1* =kde-base/kde-3.5.1* =kde-base/kde-i18n-3.5.1* =kde-base/kde-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeaccessibility-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeaccessibility-iconthemes-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeaccessibility-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeaddons-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeaddons-docs-konq-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeaddons-kfile-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeaddons-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeadmin-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeadmin-kfile-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeadmin-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-emoticons-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-icewm-themes-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-iconthemes-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-kscreensaver-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-kwin-styles-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-kworldclock-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-sounds-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-styles-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeartwork-wallpapers-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebase-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebase-data-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebase-kioslaves-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebase-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebase-pam-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebase-startkde-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebindings-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdebugdialog-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeedu-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeedu-applnk-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeedu-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdegames-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdegames-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdegraphics-kfile-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdegraphics-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdejava-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdelirc-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-arts-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-kappfinder-data-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-kioslaves-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdenetwork-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdenetwork-filesharing-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdenetwork-kfile-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdenetwork-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdepasswd-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdepim-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdepim-kioslaves-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdepim-kresources-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdepim-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdepim-wizards-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeprint-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesdk-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesdk-kfile-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesdk-kioslaves-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesdk-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesdk-misc-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesdk-scripts-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesktop-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdesu-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdetoys-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdetoys-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeutils-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdeutils-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdewebdev-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdewebdev-meta-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdf-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdialog-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdict-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdm-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdnssd-3.5.1* =kde-base/kdvi-3.5.1* =kde-base/kedit-3.5.1* =kde-base/keduca-3.5.1* =kde-base/kenolaba-3.5.1* =kde-base/kfax-3.5.1* =kde-base/kfilereplace-3.5.1* =kde-base/kfind-3.5.1* =kde-base/kfloppy-3.5.1* =kde-base/kfouleggs-3.5.1* =kde-base/kgamma-3.5.1* =kde-base/kgeography-3.5.1* =kde-base/kget-3.5.1* =kde-base/kghostview-3.5.1* =kde-base/kgoldrunner-3.5.1* =kde-base/kgpg-3.5.1* =kde-base/khangman-3.5.1* =kde-base/khelpcenter-3.5.1* =kde-base/khexedit-3.5.1* =kde-base/khotkeys-3.5.1* =kde-base/kicker-3.5.1* =kde-base/kicker-applets-3.5.1* =kde-base/kiconedit-3.5.1* =kde-base/kig-3.5.1* =kde-base/kimagemapeditor-3.5.1* =kde-base/kitchensync-3.5.1* =kde-base/kiten-3.5.1* =kde-base/kjots-3.5.1* =kde-base/kjsembed-3.5.1* =kde-base/kjumpingcube-3.5.1* =kde-base/klaptopdaemon-3.5.1* =kde-base/klatin-3.5.1* =kde-base/klettres-3.5.1* =kde-base/klickety-3.5.1* =kde-base/klines-3.5.1* =kde-base/klinkstatus-3.5.1* =kde-base/klipper-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmag-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmahjongg-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmail-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmailcvt-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmathtool-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmenuedit-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmessedwords-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmid-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmilo-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmines-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmix-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmoon-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmousetool-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmouth-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmplot-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmrml-3.5.1* =kde-base/kmtrace-3.5.1* =kde-base/knetattach-3.5.1* =kde-base/knewsticker-3.5.1* =kde-base/knewsticker-scripts-3.5.1* =kde-base/knode-3.5.1* =kde-base/knotes-3.5.1* =kde-base/kode-3.5.1* =kde-base/kodo-3.5.1* =kde-base/kolf-3.5.1* =kde-base/kolourpaint-3.5.1* =kde-base/kommander-3.5.1* =kde-base/kompare-3.5.1* =kde-base/konq-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/konqueror-3.5.1* =kde-base/konqueror-akregator-3.5.1* =kde-base/konquest-3.5.1* =kde-base/konsole-3.5.1* =kde-base/konsolekalendar-3.5.1* =kde-base/kontact-3.5.1* =kde-base/kontact-specialdates-3.5.1* =kde-base/kooka-3.5.1* =kde-base/kopete-3.5.1* =kde-base/korganizer-3.5.1* =kde-base/korn-3.5.1* =kde-base/korundum-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpackage-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpager-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpat-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpdf-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpercentage-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpersonalizer-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpf-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpilot-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpoker-3.5.1* =kde-base/kpovmodeler-3.5.1* =kde-base/kppp-3.5.1* =kde-base/krdc-3.5.1* =kde-base/kreadconfig-3.5.1* =kde-base/krec-3.5.1* =kde-base/kregexpeditor-3.5.1* =kde-base/kreversi-3.5.1* =kde-base/krfb-3.5.1* =kde-base/kruler-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksame-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksayit-3.5.1* =kde-base/kscd-3.5.1* =kde-base/kscreensaver-3.5.1* =kde-base/kshisen-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksig-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksim-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksirc-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksirtet-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksmiletris-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksmserver-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksnake-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksnapshot-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksokoban-3.5.1* =kde-base/kspaceduel-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksplashml-3.5.1* =kde-base/kspy-3.5.1* =kde-base/kstars-3.5.1* =kde-base/kstart-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksvg-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksync-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksysguard-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksystraycmd-3.5.1* =kde-base/ksysv-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktalkd-3.5.1* =kde-base/kteatime-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktimer-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktip-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktnef-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktouch-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktron-3.5.1* =kde-base/kttsd-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktuberling-3.5.1* =kde-base/kturtle-3.5.1* =kde-base/ktux-3.5.1* =kde-base/kuickshow-3.5.1* =kde-base/kuiviewer-3.5.1* =kde-base/kuser-3.5.1* =kde-base/kverbos-3.5.1* =kde-base/kview-3.5.1* =kde-base/kviewshell-3.5.1* =kde-base/kvoctrain-3.5.1* =kde-base/kwalletmanager-3.5.1* =kde-base/kweather-3.5.1* =kde-base/kwifimanager-3.5.1* =kde-base/kwin-3.5.1* =kde-base/kwin4-3.5.1* =kde-base/kwordquiz-3.5.1* =kde-base/kworldwatch-3.5.1* =kde-base/kxkb-3.5.1* =kde-base/kxsldbg-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkcal-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkcddb-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkdeedu-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkdegames-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkdenetwork-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkdepim-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkholidays-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkmime-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkonq-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkpgp-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkpimexchange-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkpimidentities-3.5.1* =kde-base/libkscan-3.5.1* =kde-base/libksieve-3.5.1* =kde-base/libksirtet-3.5.1* =kde-base/librss-3.5.1* =kde-base/lilo-config-3.5.1* =kde-base/lisa-3.5.1* =kde-base/lskat-3.5.1* =kde-base/mimelib-3.5.1* =kde-base/mpeglib-3.5.1* =kde-base/networkstatus-3.5.1* =kde-base/noatun-3.5.1* =kde-base/noatun-plugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/nsplugins-3.5.1* =kde-base/pykde-3.5.1* =kde-base/qtjava-3.5.1* =kde-base/qtruby-3.5.1* =kde-base/qtsharp-3.5.1* =kde-base/quanta-3.5.1* =kde-base/renamedlg-audio-3.5.1* =kde-base/renamedlg-images-3.5.1* =kde-base/secpolicy-3.5.1* =kde-base/smoke-3.5.1* =kde-base/superkaramba-3.5.1* =kde-base/umbrello-3.5.1* =kde-base/unsermake-3.5.1* =kde-base/vimpart-3.5.1* =kde-base/xparts-3.5.1* # Michael Cummings (22 Jan 2006) # Masked - release candidate, for pre-emptive testing only =sys-devel/libperl-5.8.8_rc1 =dev-lang/perl-5.8.8_rc1 # Marcelo Goes (22 Jan 2006) # Masked for removal media-libs/xpm # Krzysiek Pawlik (22 Jan 2006) # x11-libs/libdockapp should be used instead of docklib x11-libs/docklib # George Shapovalov (19 Jan 2006) # older versions have problems, leaving only the last in series, # now that 3.45 is stable <=dev-lang/gnat-3.15p-r4 # George Shapovalov (19 Jan 2006) # Matching version of gcc is no longer in portage. # New gpc I issued recently avoids this problem (no gcc dep anymore). # Older versions will be removed upon stabilization of gpc-20051104 <=dev-lang/gpc-20050331 # Chris White (18 Jan 2006) # Package depends on package.mask sys-libs/db dev-libs/ice dev-cpp/ice # Thierry Carrez (18 Jan 2006) # Package contains insecure tmpfile handling, bug #108072 app-cdr/cdrx # Michael Imhof (17 Jan 2006) # masked pending removal - upstream discontinued this project app-sci/zetagrid # George Shapovalov (17 Jan 2006) # masked for testing - initial commit of the eclass and split gnat dev-lang/gnat-gcc dev-lang/gnat-gpl # Marius Mauch (17 Jan 2006) # Development version >=dev-util/gambas-1.9 # Bryan Stine (15 Jan 2006) # New modular vmware mouse driver. Untested driver and untested PIC patch. x11-drivers/xf86-input-vmmouse # Tom Payne (15 Jan 2006) # sys-fs/convertfs is broken. Masked pending likely removal. Bug # 107635. sys-fs/convertfs # Peter Johanson (14 Jan 2006) # Masking mono- til Mono.Posix changes can be fixed in consuming applications =dev-lang/mono- =dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-1.1.13 # Benjamin Smee (14 Jan 2006) # Masking openldap 2.3.x for testing >net-nds/openldap-2.3 # Daniel Black (14 Jan 2006) # masked pending removal - upstream dead and bugs keep piling. conky is a forked maintained # replacement app-admin/torsmo # Matthew Kennedy (13 Jan 2006) # OPEN ... :IF-EXISTS :APPEND causes data loss (see: # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1399709&group_id=1355&atid=101355 # and http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118849) =dev-lisp/clisp-2.37 # Diego Pettenò (13 Jan 2006) # Vulnerable to security issue. See bug #115760 media-video/xmovie # Marcelo Goes (12 Jan 2006) # Mask development version =media-gfx/swftools- # Diego Pettenò (12 Jan 2006) # Nightlie, masked while testing =media-sound/mt-daapd-0.3.0_pre* # Alexandre Buisse (12 Jan 2006) # Masked for testing purposes dev-tex/mpm # Marcelo Goes (11 Jan 2006) # Masked in preparation for prelude-suite stabilization >dev-libs/libprelude-0.9.3 >dev-libs/libpreludedb-0.9.2 >app-admin/prelude-manager-0.9.1-r1 >net-analyzer/prewikka-0.9.3 >app-admin/prelude-lml-0.9.1 >net-analyzer/snort-2.4.3-r1 # Doug Goldstein (10 Jan 2006) # masked for testing of the snapshot =media-tv/mythtv-0.19_pre8642 =www-apps/mythweb-0.19_pre8642 =media-plugins/mythdvd-0.19_pre8642 =media-plugins/mythvideo-0.19_pre8642 # Tuan Van (10 Jan 2006) # Testing release. >=net-mail/cyrus-imapd-2.3 >=net-mail/cyrus-imap-admin-2.3 # Joseph Jezak (10 Jan 2006) # Marked for removal, use Xorgautoconfig instead x11-misc/Xautoconfig # Joseph Jezak (10 Jan 2006) # Marked for removal, see the PPC FAQ instead app-laptop/powerbook-tools # Brian Harring # Masking following packages due to ungif removal- bug 118386 # mainly masked due to broken dep, waiting for maintainer comments. # masked for testing on kernel 2.4 =media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1_p20060108 # John N. Laliberte (08 Jan 2006) # mask until ia64 tests libgda >=dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.12.1 # Chris Gianelloni (05 Jan 2006) # Masked due to problems with vmware-nat. This package is still safe to use if # you do not use NAT, but rather use bridged networking. This mask will be # removed if/when a patch is made available to this code. See bug #116238 for # more information. <=app-emulation/vmware-workstation- # Luis Medinas (05 Jan 2006) # masked for testing >=app-text/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1 # Daniel Black (03 Jan 2006) # masked due to bad dependencies and possible TEXTREL =net-libs/gnutls-1.2.9-r1 # Luca Barbato (02 Jan 2006) # masked for testing =media-video/mplayer-1.0.20060102 # Lisa Seelye (02 Jan 2006) # This really needs to be gotten rid of. It's buggy and the pecl version is # better. It'll be removed in early February unless people complain. # Comment to http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/34595/match= to # complain. sys-libs/memcached-api-php # Stefan Schweizer (01 Jan 2006) # misdn mqueue branch - experimental but with udev support >=net-dialup/misdn-20051228 # (30 Dec 2005) # Lots of outstanding security bugs, no updates from upstream yet. sys-kernel/openblocks-sources # (26 Dec 2005) # Fails HMAC test on Pentium-M systems # HMAC-Test: Failed # Expecting: 0x750c783e6ab0b503eaa86e310a5db738 # Got: 0x75 c783e6affffffb0ffffffb5 3ffffffeaffffffa86e31 a5dffffffb738 # FAIL: hmac_test # Upstream bug filed: # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1390988&group_id=4286&atid=104286 =app-crypt/mhash-0.9.3* # Chris Bainbridge (26 Dec 2005) # Security problems. Tim Yamin provided a list of around 25-30 security related # bugs affecting pre-2.6.14 kernel. Xen upstream is expected to move to 2.6.14 # soon. (21 Dec 2005) # porthole-0.5.0 being added to the tree for testing. =app-portage/porthole-0.5.0* # Markus Dittrich (21 Dec 2005) # mask mupad until fixed by upstream, since the binaries # contain insecure runpaths, bug #81745, #115892 sci-mathematics/mupad # Luca Longinotti (21 Dec 2005) # Doesn't work reliably with new PDO 1.0.X and is # in need of new upstream maintainers dev-php5/pecl-pdo-firebird # Tim Yamin (20 Dec 2005) # Probably broken and dangerous. Combustible if brought near PPC or PPC64 # machines so I don't recommend trying unless on those platforms unless # you've got spare time to help me fix things. >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.15_rc6 # Kathryn Kulick (20 Dec 2005) # Gaim 2.0.0 beta1 plugins. >=x11-plugins/gaim-encryption-3.0_beta1 >=x11-plugins/slashexec-1.1_beta1 >=x11-plugins/gaim-xmms-remote-1.9_beta1 >=x11-plugins/guifications-2.13_beta1 # Kathryn Kulick (19 Dec 2005) # Gaim 2.0.0 beta1 added to tree for testing. >=net-im/gaim-2.0.0_beta1 # Chris Gianelloni (19 Dec 2005) # This is the Gentoo Linux Installer. This is currently masked because it can # lead to some serious breakages on a machine. If you are not developing on # this package, I would strongly recommend against using it. If you break your # system with this, you're on your own. You have been warned. sys-apps/gli # Chris Gianelloni (19 Dec 2005) # This version is looking for something that is not existing in older patch # files, causing patching to fail. I am currently masking this version and # most likely will be removing it in the near future. =games-util/loki_patch-20051209 # Luca Barbato (18 Dec 2005) # avifile isn't mantained anymore and doesn't build with the # current ffmpeg, removing it and packages alike media-gfx/zphoto media-tv/vcr media-video/avifile # Markus Dittrich (18 Dec 2005) # Due to the significant changes to the ebuild during # the version bump the package is being masked for some # additional testing >=sci-mathematics/singular- # Stefan Knoblich (17 Dec 2005) # Bug #115798 >=net-misc/asterisk-1.2.0 >=net-libs/libpri-1.2.0 >=net-misc/zaptel-1.2.0 # Carsten Lohrke (15 Dec 2005) # waiting on cdb keyword. =mail-mta/postfix-2.2.7 # Ryan Phillips (12 Dec 2005) # Luabind doesn't compile with the latest stable boost, and no updates # for awhile. dev-libs/luabind # Roy Marples (09 Dec 2005) # Masked for testing =net-misc/dhcp-3.0.4_beta* # Olivier Fisette (08 Dec 2005) # The archive is no longer downloadable and we are not # allowed to mirror it. =sci-biology/t-coffee-2.66* # Markus Dittrich (07 Dec 2005) # This revision has the TDHF code enabled; need to # wait for g77 fix to propagate into new gcc patch set # before unmasking this version (see bug #114367) =sci-chemistry/gamess-05272005.3-r2 # Francesco Riosa (07 Dec 2005) >=dev-db/mysql-5.1 # Donnie Berkholz (04 Dec 2005) # Testing -- particularly the reconfig script # and reinstalling without destroying the configuration sci-chemistry/webmo # Marcelo Goes (03 Dec 2005) # Seems to be broken - see bug #75681 =media-gfx/ufraw-0.6 # Michael Sterrett (03 Dec 2005) # Doesn't work with newer allegro, buggy, no release since '02 games-emulation/game-launcher # Chris Gianelloni (02 Dec 2005) # Masked because it is completely broken =dev-util/catalyst-2.0_rc3 # Diego Pettenò (02 Dec 2005) # Masked because of bug #105378 net-wireless/kwirelessmonitor # Zaheer Merali (02 Dec 2005) # GStreamer 0.10...pre-release >=media-libs/gstreamer-0.9.0 >=media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-alsa-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-gnomevfs-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-libvisual-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-ogg-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-pango-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-theora-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-v4l-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-vorbis-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-xvideo-0.9.0 >=media-libs/gst-plugins-good-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-oss-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-esd-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-gconf-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-jpeg-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-dv-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-libpng-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-raw1394-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-shout2-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-speex-0.9.0 >=media-libs/gst-plugins-ugly-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-a52dec-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-amrnb-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-lame-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-mpeg2dec-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-sidplay-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-ffmpeg-0.9.0 >=dev-python/gst-python-0.9.0 >=media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-faac-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-faad-0.9.0 >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-musepack-0.9.0 # Diego Pettenò (02 Dec 2005) # API/ABI changes, breaks at least latest amaroK. >=media-libs/tunepimp-0.4.0 # J. Alberto Suarez (27 Nov 2005) # Pending removal, will be substituted by ebookmerge app-doc/ebook-autoconf app-doc/ebook-automake app-doc/ebook-binutils app-doc/ebook-bonobo app-doc/ebook-cpp app-doc/ebook-cvs app-doc/ebook-diff app-doc/ebook-find app-doc/ebook-flex app-doc/ebook-g77 app-doc/ebook-gawk app-doc/ebook-gcc app-doc/ebook-gconf app-doc/ebook-gdk app-doc/ebook-gdk-pixbuf app-doc/ebook-ggad app-doc/ebook-glibc app-doc/ebook-gtk app-doc/ebook-libglade app-doc/ebook-libgnome app-doc/ebook-libgnomeui app-doc/ebook-make app-doc/ebook-pango app-doc/ebook-pygtk app-doc/ebook-python app-doc/ebook-sed app-doc/ebook-zvt # Wolfram Schlich (26 Nov 2005) # has security issues and will be removed from portage # due to upstream behaviour, see bug #106497 app-backup/mondo-rescue # Mark Loeser (25 Nov 2005) # broken with boost >=1.32, no upstream release since 2003 (bug #113543) dev-libs/luabind # Marcin Kryczek (22 Nov 2005) # This is for testing only. Do NOT report bugs against that version # unless you're sure they're gentoo-specific or they're already # fixed by upstream =net-im/kadu-0.5* # Stuart Herbert (20 Nov 2005) # Masked pending removal from Portage www-apps/phpgroupware # Stefan Knoblich (18 Nov 2005) # Asterisk-1.2.0 is up-to-date, mask packages that need testing # or aren't ready yet, e.g. Sangoma Wanpipe drivers. >=net-libs/osptoolkit-3.3.1 >=net-misc/wanpipe-2.3.2_p4 >=net-misc/asterisk-oh323-0.7.3 >=net-misc/asterisk-addons-1.2.0_beta1 >=net-misc/asterisk-sounds-1.2.0_beta1 # Chris Gianelloni (16 Nov 2005) # Masking this quake4-bin version because 1.0.5 is actually newer. I am sure # that this will cause some people some confusion, which is why this is here. >=games-fps/quake4-bin-1.0.2147.12 # Henrik Brix Andersen (09 Nov 2005) # Masked for testing due to new configuration method. =net-wireless/madwifi-driver-0.1_pre20051111 =net-wireless/madwifi-tools-0.1_pre20051111 # Saleem Abdulrasool (07 Nov 2005) # Masking Nini for initial import =dev-dotnet/nini-1.0.0 # Alastair Tse (06 Nov 2005) # Development version of psycopg. Not compatible with other psycopg # dependent libraries and applications unless ported. >=dev-python/psycopg-1.99 # Diego Pettenò (05 Nov 2005) # This version is API incompatible with 0.9.5 and most of the software still # relies on that version. >=media-libs/libcddb-1.0 >=dev-libs/libcdio-0.76 # Michael Sterrett (04 Nov 2005) # Security masked due to remote exploitable bugs (bug #111421) games-strategy/scorched3d # Tom Payne (18 Sep 2005) # Previous SCons upgrade broke lots of packages, so latest version is getting some testing first! =dev-util/scons-0.96.91 # Renat Lumpau (31 Oct 2005) # masked due to security bug #103308 >=www-apps/mantisbt-1.0.0_rc2 # Diego Pettenò (30 Oct 2005) # Crashes on startup on my box, needs testing. =media-sound/noteedit-2.8.0 # Tony Vroon (29 Oct 2005) # This version of openal uses an external version of alut, as it is no longer # bundled, bringing Linux more in line with other operating systems. What this # means is that this version of openal and alut need to remain masked until all # packages that use alut are fixed for the split libraries. >=media-libs/openal-20051024 media-libs/alut # Thomas Matthijs (23 Oct 2005) # Preview release =www-client/opera-9* # Aron Griffis (20 Oct 2005) # New version of NX stuff, masked for testing >=net-misc/nx-x11-1.5 >=net-misc/nxclient-1.5 >=net-misc/nxcomp-1.5 >=net-misc/nxproxy-1.5 >=net-misc/nxserver-freenx-1.5 >=net-misc/nxssh-1.5 # Chris White (19 Oct 2005) # masking swig 1.3.27 until it gets proper testing # to compile with other packages. =dev-lang/swig-1.3.27 # Damien Krotkine (19 Oct 2005) # broken versions, no install rul in Makefile =app-portage/flagedit-0.0.3 =app-portage/flagedit-0.0.4 # Matthew Kennedy (18 Oct 2005) # Preparation for removal dev-lisp/cmucl-source # Michael Sterrett (17 Oct 2005) # Buggy and seemingly not maintained upstream # Using media-gfx/gqview is a much better choice. media-gfx/gtksee # Rob Cakebread (14 Oct 2005) # Masked for testing dev-python/setuptools # Sven Wegener (13 Oct 2005) # CVS Development Snapshot =net-irc/xchat-2.5.0* # Akinori Hattori (06 Oct 2005) # development branch =mail-client/sylpheed-2.1* # Marcelo Goes (01 Oct 2005) # Masking because of bug 107240 (exporting PDF/Latex) =media-gfx/xfig-3.2.5_alpha5 # Saleem Abdulrasool (01 Oct 2005) # Adding partial eclipse builds for jface dev-java/eclipse-osgi dev-java/eclipse-core dev-java/eclipse-jface # Marcin Kryczek (25 Sep 2005) # This project seems to be dead. The last "stable" (and broken) version # was released 1,5 year ago and it's CVS is empty. I'll remove it from # the tree soon net-p2p/dc-gui # Jeremy Huddleston (24 Sep 2005) # Still in development app-admin/eselect-compiler >=sys-devel/gcc-config-2.0.0_alpha1 # Jeremy Huddleston (24 Sep 2005) # Not quite ready for prime time... www-apps/open-xchange # Chris Gianelloni (20 Sep 2005) # This needs some testing before I unleash it on the world. games-rpg/nwn-data =games-rpg/nwn-1.66-r1 # Chris Gianelloni (19 Sep 2005) # Adding new GGZ ebuilds to portage. I am masking them all # here until they can all be added and will unmask them all # at once since some of them need a little work. >=dev-games/ggz-client-libs-0.0.11 >=dev-games/libggz-0.0.11 >=games-board/ggz-gnome-client-0.0.11 >=games-board/ggz-gtk-client-0.0.11 >=games-board/ggz-gtk-games-0.0.11 >=games-board/ggz-kde-client-0.0.11 >=games-board/ggz-kde-games-0.0.11 >=games-board/ggz-sdl-games-0.0.11 >=games-board/ggz-txt-client-0.0.11 # Gregorio Guidi (19 Sep 2005) # Qt-3.3.5 causes a lot of compilation failures. # See bug #106402. ~x11-libs/qt-3.3.5 ~x11-libs/qt-embedded-3.3.5 ~dev-db/qt-unixODBC-3.3.5 # Tom Payne (18 Sep 2005) # Causes problems with several packages. See bug # 99243 and bug # 102301. =dev-util/scons-0.96.90 # Andrea Barisani (17 Sep 2005) # Waiting for mailer-config stuff >=mail-mta/sendmail-8.13.4-r1 # Bryan Østergaard (12 Sep 2005) # Masked for security reasons, bug 103524 dev-python/py2play games-action/slune # Joshua Baergen (9 Sep 2005) # Masking for removal x11-base/y-windows # Joshua Baergen (8 Sep 2005) # Only tested against modular x x11-misc/driconf # Gustavo Felisberto (03 Sep 2005) # Beta code =net-im/psi-0.10_rc2 # Christian Zoffoli (1 Sep 2005) # Masked as this version has a bug =sys-cluster/drbd-0.7.12 =sys-cluster/drbd-0.7.13 # Christian Parpart (30 Aug 2005) # Masked for testing =www-apps/mediawiki-1.5.0_rc4 # Brandon Low (29 Aug 2005) # Masked because it needs java 1.5 net-im/jive-messenger # Christian Parpart (25 Aug 2005) # masked for testing =www-apps/mediawiki-1.5.0_rc3 # Luis F. Araujo (24 Aug 2005) # This is a binary package version. # Masked for more testing. =dev-lang/smalltalkx-5.2.6 # vapier@gentoo.org (23 Aug 2005) # Mask since it breaks wings #97798 =dev-lang/erlang-10.2.6 # Christian Parpart (23 Aug 2005) # masked for testing =www-apps/mediawiki-1.5.0_rc2 # Luis Medinas (23 Aug 2005) # Mask -alpha03 versions until i stablize that version >=app-cdr/cdrtools-2.01.01_alpha03 # Diego Pettenò (22 Aug 2005) # Pre-release heavy patched =media-video/avidemux-2.1_pre* # Diego Pettenò (18 August 2005) # Toxine needs to be verified with upstream for a few issues. media-video/toxine # Jory A. Pratt (15 Aug 2005) # Mozilla rpath inclusion. For testing purposes only. =mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-1.0.6-r5 =www-client/mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-r6 =www-client/mozilla-1.7.11-r2 # Donnie Berkholz (07 Aug 2005) # Modularized X, upstream release candidates app-doc/xorg-docs app-doc/xorg-sgml-doctools media-fonts/encodings media-fonts/font-adobe-100dpi media-fonts/font-adobe-75dpi media-fonts/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi media-fonts/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi media-fonts/font-adobe-utopia-type1 media-fonts/font-alias media-fonts/font-arabic-misc media-fonts/font-bh-100dpi media-fonts/font-bh-75dpi media-fonts/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi media-fonts/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi media-fonts/font-bh-ttf media-fonts/font-bh-type1 media-fonts/font-bitstream-100dpi media-fonts/font-bitstream-75dpi media-fonts/font-bitstream-speedo media-fonts/font-bitstream-type1 media-fonts/font-cronyx-cyrillic media-fonts/font-cursor-misc media-fonts/font-daewoo-misc media-fonts/font-dec-misc media-fonts/font-ibm-type1 media-fonts/font-isas-misc media-fonts/font-jis-misc media-fonts/font-micro-misc media-fonts/font-misc-cyrillic media-fonts/font-misc-ethiopic media-fonts/font-misc-meltho media-fonts/font-misc-misc media-fonts/font-mutt-misc media-fonts/font-schumacher-misc media-fonts/font-screen-cyrillic media-fonts/font-sony-misc media-fonts/font-sun-misc media-fonts/font-util media-fonts/font-winitzki-cyrillic media-fonts/font-xfree86-type1 media-libs/mesa x11-apps/appres x11-apps/bdftopcf x11-apps/beforelight x11-apps/bitmap x11-apps/editres x11-apps/fonttosfnt x11-apps/fslsfonts x11-apps/fstobdf x11-apps/iceauth x11-apps/ico x11-apps/lbxproxy x11-apps/listres x11-apps/luit x11-apps/mesa-progs x11-apps/mkcfm x11-apps/mkfontdir x11-apps/mkfontscale x11-apps/oclock x11-apps/proxymngr x11-apps/rgb x11-apps/rstart x11-apps/scripts x11-apps/sessreg x11-apps/setxkbmap x11-apps/showfont x11-apps/smproxy x11-wm/twm x11-apps/viewres x11-apps/x11perf x11-apps/xauth x11-apps/xbiff x11-apps/xcalc x11-apps/xclipboard x11-apps/xclock x11-apps/xcmsdb x11-apps/xconsole x11-apps/xcursorgen x11-apps/xdbedizzy x11-apps/xditview x11-apps/xdm x11-apps/xdpyinfo x11-apps/xdriinfo x11-apps/xedit x11-apps/xev x11-apps/xeyes x11-apps/xf86dga x11-apps/xfd x11-apps/xfindproxy x11-apps/xfontsel x11-apps/xfs x11-apps/xfsinfo x11-apps/xfwp x11-apps/xgamma x11-apps/xgc x11-apps/xhost x11-apps/xinit x11-apps/xkbcomp x11-apps/xkbevd x11-apps/xkbprint x11-apps/xkbutils x11-apps/xkill x11-apps/xload x11-apps/xlogo x11-apps/xlsatoms x11-apps/xlsclients x11-apps/xlsfonts x11-apps/xmag x11-apps/xman x11-apps/xmessage x11-apps/xmh x11-apps/xmodmap x11-apps/xmore x11-apps/xphelloworld x11-apps/xplsprinters x11-apps/xpr x11-apps/xprehashprinterlist x11-apps/xprop x11-apps/xrandr x11-apps/xrdb x11-apps/xrefresh x11-apps/xrx x11-apps/xset x11-apps/xsetmode x11-apps/xsetpointer x11-apps/xsetroot x11-apps/xsm x11-apps/xstdcmap x11-apps/xtrap x11-apps/xvidtune x11-apps/xvinfo x11-apps/xwd x11-apps/xwininfo x11-apps/xwud >=x11-base/kdrive-6 x11-base/xorg-server >=x11-base/xorg-x11-7.0.0_rc0 x11-drivers/xf86-input-acecad x11-drivers/xf86-input-aiptek x11-drivers/xf86-input-calcomp x11-drivers/xf86-input-citron x11-drivers/xf86-input-digitaledge x11-drivers/xf86-input-dmc x11-drivers/xf86-input-dynapro x11-drivers/xf86-input-elo2300 x11-drivers/xf86-input-elographics x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev x11-drivers/xf86-input-fpit x11-drivers/xf86-input-hyperpen x11-drivers/xf86-input-jamstudio x11-drivers/xf86-input-joystick x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard x11-drivers/xf86-input-magellan x11-drivers/xf86-input-magictouch x11-drivers/xf86-input-microtouch x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse x11-drivers/xf86-input-mutouch x11-drivers/xf86-input-palmax x11-drivers/xf86-input-penmount x11-drivers/xf86-input-spaceorb x11-drivers/xf86-input-summa x11-drivers/xf86-input-tek4957 x11-drivers/xf86-input-ur98 x11-drivers/xf86-input-void x11-drivers/xf86-video-apm x11-drivers/xf86-video-ark x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati x11-drivers/xf86-video-chips x11-drivers/xf86-video-cirrus x11-drivers/xf86-video-cyrix x11-drivers/xf86-video-dummy x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev x11-drivers/xf86-video-glint x11-drivers/xf86-video-i128 x11-drivers/xf86-video-i740 x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810 x11-drivers/xf86-video-imstt x11-drivers/xf86-video-mga x11-drivers/xf86-video-neomagic x11-drivers/xf86-video-newport x11-drivers/xf86-video-nsc x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv x11-drivers/xf86-video-rendition x11-drivers/xf86-video-s3 x11-drivers/xf86-video-s3virge x11-drivers/xf86-video-savage x11-drivers/xf86-video-siliconmotion x11-drivers/xf86-video-sis x11-drivers/xf86-video-sisusb x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunbw2 x11-drivers/xf86-video-suncg14 x11-drivers/xf86-video-suncg3 x11-drivers/xf86-video-suncg6 x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunffb x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunleo x11-drivers/xf86-video-suntcx x11-drivers/xf86-video-tdfx x11-drivers/xf86-video-tga x11-drivers/xf86-video-trident x11-drivers/xf86-video-tseng x11-drivers/xf86-video-v4l x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga x11-drivers/xf86-video-via x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware x11-drivers/xf86-video-voodoo x11-libs/libdmx x11-libs/libdrm x11-libs/libfontenc x11-libs/libFS x11-libs/libICE x11-libs/liblbxutil x11-libs/liboldX x11-libs/libSM x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXau x11-libs/libXaw x11-libs/libXcomposite x11-libs/libXcursor x11-libs/libXdamage x11-libs/libXdmcp x11-libs/libXevie x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXfixes x11-libs/libXfont x11-libs/libXfontcache x11-libs/libXft x11-libs/libXi x11-libs/libXinerama x11-libs/libxkbfile x11-libs/libxkbui x11-libs/libXmu x11-libs/libXp x11-libs/libXpm x11-libs/libXprintAppUtil x11-libs/libXprintUtil x11-libs/libXrandr x11-libs/libXrender x11-libs/libXres x11-libs/libXScrnSaver x11-libs/libXt x11-libs/libXTrap x11-libs/libXtst x11-libs/libXv x11-libs/libXvMC x11-libs/libXxf86dga x11-libs/libXxf86misc x11-libs/libXxf86vm x11-libs/xtrans x11-misc/gccmakedep x11-misc/imake x11-misc/lndir x11-misc/makedepend x11-misc/util-macros x11-misc/xbitmaps x11-misc/xkbdata x11-misc/xorg-cf-files x11-proto/bigreqsproto x11-proto/compositeproto x11-proto/damageproto x11-proto/dmxproto x11-proto/evieext x11-proto/fixesproto x11-proto/fontcacheproto x11-proto/fontsproto x11-proto/glproto x11-proto/inputproto x11-proto/kbproto x11-proto/printproto x11-proto/randrproto x11-proto/recordproto x11-proto/renderproto x11-proto/resourceproto x11-proto/scrnsaverproto x11-proto/trapproto x11-proto/videoproto x11-proto/xcmiscproto x11-proto/xextproto x11-proto/xf86bigfontproto x11-proto/xf86dgaproto x11-proto/xf86driproto x11-proto/xf86miscproto x11-proto/xf86rushproto x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto x11-proto/xineramaproto x11-proto/xproto x11-proto/xproxymanagementprotocol x11-themes/gentoo-xcursors x11-themes/xcursor-themes # Rob Cakebread (04 Aug 2005) # Needs testing, in particular svn, cvs and darcs control dev-util/pida # Luca Barbato (03 Aug 2005) # First experimental ebuild with dlloader support, should be fixed =media-video/ati-drivers-8.14.13-r3 # Matthew Kennedy (31 Jul 2005) # Upstream author requests official version ports only. dev-lisp/cl-blog # Karl Trygve Kallebreg (30 Jul 2005) # all version contains a static copy of zlib- which has security # issues net-misc/zsync # Brian Jackson (29 Jul 2005) # original maintainer dropped off the face of the planet and it has security # issues, etc. net-misc/powerd # Karl Trygve Kalleberg (23 Jul 2005) # Not available to the general public =dev-lang/icc-9.0.023 # Armando Di Cianno (23 Jul 2005) # Masked until upgrade path is established =gnustep-base/gnustep-make-1.11.0 =gnustep-base/gnustep-base-1.11.0 =gnustep-base/gnustep-gui-0.10.0 =gnustep-base/gnustep-back-art-0.10.0 =gnustep-base/gnustep-back-xlib-0.10.0 =gnustep-base/gnustep-env-0.1.7 # (21 Jul 2005) # Masked for testing. =dev-cpp/gtkglextmm-1.1.0 # Konstantin Arkhipov (14 Jul 2005) # Masked for security reasons. <=sys-kernel/openmosix-sources-2.4.30 # Chris White (chriswhite@gentoo.org) (08 Jul 2005) # Masking initial import of ipodder as it has some issues # with the episode cleanup window. However, those that don't use # it should be ok. media-sound/ipodder # Donnie Berkholz (08 Jul 2005) # Development versions >=sci-libs/libghemical-1.90 >=sci-chemistry/ghemical-1.90 # Stefan Schweizer (08 Jul 2005) # Masked because of "UnixAppOpenFilePerform() Buffer Overflow", #98101 <=app-text/acroread-5.10 =media-fonts/acroread-asianfonts-5.0.20020815 # Martin Schlemmer (05 Jul 2005) # Masked for testing, as it breaks api >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8 # Caleb Tennis (01 Jul 2005) # Seems to not be compatible with kde 3.4 though # the docs say it is >=kde-base/unsermake-0.4.20050628 # Markus Nigbur (01 Jul 2005) # Masked due to a pretty big bug with crosscompile support. =sys-devel/distcc-2.18.3-r8 # Colin Kingsley (30 Jun 2005) # Major revisions. Masked for testing. =sys-devel/distcc-2.18.3-r8 # Aaron Walker (30 Jun 2005) # Masked due to constant security bugs. www-apps/phpBB # Guillaume Destuynder (27 Jun 2005) # Masking for security reasons, pending removal, bug #89196 # use net-p2p/phxd instead net-p2p/mhxd # Carsten Lohrke (27 Jun 2005) # Masking for security reasons, pending removal, # use net-im/kpopup instead net-im/kpopper # Thierry Carrez (27 Jun 2005) # Package contains insecure tmpfile handling, bug #93792 dev-db/xmysqladmin # John N. Laliberte (24 Jun 2005) # old, unmaintained ebuilds with dead upstream # pending removal app-office/gnofin gnome-extra/gnobog # Aaron Walker (20 Jun 2005) # testing releases/cvs snaps =net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.3* # Marcelo Goes (19 Jun 2005) # Masking nessus's development branch. If you want it, unmask it. >=net-analyzer/nessus-libraries-2.3.0 >=net-analyzer/libnasl-2.3.0 >=net-analyzer/nessus-core-2.3.0 >=net-analyzer/nessus-plugins-2.3.0 >=net-analyzer/nessus-2.3.0 # Jonathan Smith (15 Jun 2005) # masked for testing =x11-misc/xlockmore-5.19 # David Holm (11 Jun 2005) # Masked since it is known to create broken partition # tables on some configurations. Use parted instead. sys-fs/amiga-fdisk # Diego Pettenò (10 Jun 2005) # Still no way to test this, waiting ofr upstream or someone to come up # with a decent test suite. media-video/dirac # Thierry Carrez (08 Jun 2005) # Masked by request of the security team. bug 94473 net-im/everybuddy # Robin Johnson (06 Jun 2005) # Masked prior to removal. Please use libnss-mysql instead. sys-libs/nss-mysql # Armando Di Cianno (06 Jun 2005) # Masking ebuilds that are incorrectly newer, but still ~arch key'd anyway; # saving for a rainy day =gnustep-base/gnustep-make-1.10.1_pre20050312-r1 =gnustep-base/gnustep-base-1.10.2_pre20050312 =gnustep-base/gnustep-gui-0.9.5_pre20050312-r1 =gnustep-base/gnustep-back-xlib-0.9.5_pre20050312 =gnustep-base/gnustep-back-art-0.9.5_pre20050312 # Elfyn McBratney (06 Jun 2005) # 9/10 times, it'll work, the other time it'll either segfault, # or emit a syntax error in /etc/auditd.rules .. *hrmph* >=sys-process/audit-0.9.1 # Leonardo Boshell (31 May 2005) # Masked for testing, it includes an experimental patch to make Gtk+ # dependency optional. See bug #40453. =media-libs/imlib-1.9.15 # Danny van Dyk (27 May 2005) # Needs some testing and love before going gold =dev-lang/ifc-8.1* # Danny van Dyk (11 May 2005) # Masked and scheduled for removal. Won't be removed before new versions hit # the the tree (07 May 2005) # New fox layout. In testing =x11-libs/fox-1.0.53 =x11-libs/fox-1.2.15 =x11-libs/fox-1.4.12 =x11-libs/fox-1.5.4 =dev-ruby/fxruby-1.2.6 =dev-ruby/fxruby-1.2.5 =dev-ruby/fxruby-1.0.29-r1 >=x11-libs/fxscintilla-1.62-r1 >=dev-python/fxpy-1.0.5-r1 app-editors/adie dev-util/reswrap x11-libs/fox-wrapper x11-misc/shutterbug x11-misc/pathfinder sci-calculators/calculator # Sven Wegener (05 May 2005) # Development versions, without this mask users will not get the upstream # stable ~arch version by default, which means we can't mark it stable because # it's not tested. If you want it, please unmask. >=net-nntp/leafnode-2.0.0_alpha0 # Peter Johanson (02 May 2005) # Masking as it is broken against newer wine versions, # and completely abandoned upstream dev-dotnet/winelib # Fernando J. Pereda (25 April 2005) # mask these until the new mailwrapper/mailer-config scheme is ready # it is secure to unmask them to test net-mail/mailer-config =net-mail/mailwrapper-0.2.1-r1 =mail-mta/nbsmtp-1.00-r3 =mail-mta/msmtp-1.4.5-r1 =mail-mta/ssmtp-2.61-r1 >=mail-mta/esmtp-0.5.0-r2 =mail-mta/postfix-2.2.4 =mail-mta/postfix-2.2.5-r1 =mail-mta/postfix-2.2.7-r1 =mail-mta/postfix-2.2.8-r1 =mail-mta/sendmail-8.13.4-r1 =mail-mta/exim-4.50-r999 # Martin Schlemmer (23 Apr 2005) # Testing release for gcc-4.0.0. =sys-libs/glibc- # Rob Cakebread (22 Apr 2005) # Versions in portage no longer supported. Abeni 1.0 will be in portage soon after wxGTK-2.6.0 app-portage/abeni # Jan Brinkmann (21 Apr 2005) # missing dependencies, see #89893 =app-misc/freemind-0.8.0_rc2 # Mamoru KOMACHI # No fix available for bug #87906 www-client/netscape # Donnie Berkholz # CVS HEAD snapshots =x11-base/xorg-x11-6.8.99* # Konstantin Arkhipov (15 Apr 2005) # Masked until arrival of userland tools. At least. >=sys-kernel/openmosix-sources-2.5 # Peter Johanson (11 Apr 2005) # Masked as a new cairo innevitably breaks cairo using apps =x11-libs/cairo-0.4.0 =media-libs/glitz-0.4.0 # Christian Parpart (10 Apr 2005) # Before adding for testing ;) =dev-libs/apr-1.1.1 =dev-libs/apr-util-1.1.2 # Jon Portnoy (29 Mar 2005) # 2.21 introduces more severe bugs than it fixes. See bug 87091. =net-dns/dnsmasq-2.21 # Masatomo Nakano (27 Feb 2005) # Tihs package is conflict with postgresql at the moment # and waiting on implementing virtual/postgresql. dev-db/pgcluster # Matthew Kennedy (17 Feb 2005) # moving to bese-2004@common-lisp.net/arnesi--dev--1.2 patch scheme =dev-lisp/cl-arnesi-1.2.0 =dev-lisp/cl-arnesi-1.2.3* # foser (14 Feb 2005) # unmaintained (#82037) gnome-extra/nautilus-media # (14 Feb 2005) # progsreiserfs does bad things when modifying reiserfs partitions but is the # only API with read operations, so we need to keep it. the latest rc version # is the most stable of the lot, but still don't trust it's write ops! (13 Feb 2005) # From website: "We know that 0.4.x is a bit buggy on trades :), for people who # wish to play a stable game, please use 0.3.2" =games-board/gtkatlantic-0.4.1 # Matthew Kennedy (10 Feb 2005) # Masked while waiting on apache module refresh dev-lisp/tbnl # Tavis Ormandy (9 Feb 2005) # Masked pending security audit. www-client/prozilla # Aron Griffis (07 Feb 2005) # Mask offlineimap testing versions =net-irc/ctrlproxy-2.7* # Christian Parpart (4 Feb 2005) # Apache herd package refresh # These ebuilds are incompatible with new apache and related ebuilds. # See Meta-bug #76457. net-www/mod_protection net-www/mod_contribs #Gustavo Felisberto (4 Feb 2005) #Masked for user testing net-im/mercury-bin # Matthew Kennedy (2 Feb 2005) # Uncertain upstream; Needs work for apache-modules eclass; mod_webapp needs to # be broken out of it dev-lisp/cl-imho # Paul de Vrieze (02 Feb 2005) # Masked for testing dependend packages >=sys-libs/db-4.3 # Sven Wegener (30 Jan 2005) # Major changes, needs some more testing >=net-irc/ultimate-3.0.0_rc2 # (25 Jan 2005) # nagios-*2 is still beta >=net-analyzer/nagios-core-2.0b_p1 >=net-analyzer/nagios-2.0b_p1 # (19 Jan 2005) # several compilation problems using current gcc's, # for example #73367 dev-lang/nhc98 # (16 Jan 2005) # Live CVS build, masking to keep the bunny rabbits happy. >=sci-mathematics/axiom-9999 # (14 Jan 2005) # Cinelerra is too broken to be fixed media-video/cinelerra # (Jan 12 2005) # no longer needed for the time being; use app-emacs/slime instead # app-emacs/slime-cvs # (09 Jan 2005) # Beta release =sci-biology/vienna-rna-1.5_beta # (30 Dec 2004) # Junkie being masked per security bug #74696 net-ftp/junkie # (27 Dec 2004) # Masking 2.4 kernel sources on hppa. # 2.4 is no more supported upstream. (14 Dec 2004) # Masked pending removal dev-lisp/cl-clx-sbcl # (11 Dec 2004) # Considered broken by upstream; future to be decided kde-base/qtsharp kde-base/xparts kde-base/dcopjava # (08 Dec 2004) # app-portage pre-christmas cleaning, these packages are unmaintained upstream # and have open bugs app-portage/ebuilder # (04 Dec 2004) # Bug #70529 indicates problems with configuration file reading >=dev-libs/log4c-1.0.11 # (28 Nov 2004) # bincima-1.3* are beta versions for testing purposes, # probably very unstable. =net-mail/bincimap-1.3* # (28 Nov 2004) # vim7 is still under heavy development. Spell files need vim7. =app-editors/vim-core-7* =app-editors/vim-7* =app-editors/gvim-7* app-vim/vim-spell-en app-vim/vim-spell-de app-vim/vim-spell-es app-vim/vim-spell-nl app-vim/vim-spell-da app-vim/vim-spell-ru app-vim/vim-spell-fr # (22 Oct 2004) # no good release #68514 & #68034 =dev-util/intltool-0.31.3 # (13 Oct 2004) # masks to make gnome 2.8 behave =media-sound/esound-0.2.35* # Robert Coie (28 Sep 2004) # FEATURES=maketest is still dodgy, and even when I got the whole # shebang to actually build and install, it was segfaulting on me, so # there are some deep-seated issues here. The Mason ebuild will go # in, but without the apache2 USE. Also must decide whether or not to # depend on ApacheHandler2. =www-apache/mod_perl-1.99.16 #www-apache/libapreq2 # (25 Aug 2004) # alpha version, seems ok to ~arch, but just to be safe.. media-video/jahshaka # (19 Aug 2004) # Masking because this package is not ready for prime, but want it in # portage for better observation (and users are clamoring) app-office/mozilla-sunbird-bin #app-office/mozilla-sunbird # (18 Aug 2004) # Masking due to security issues that will never be solved since there # are no new versions forthcoming, bug 56109 www-client/netscape-navigator www-client/netscape-communicator # (12 Aug 2004) # Masked for following ebuilds for testing: =sys-apps/mindi-1.10 =app-backup/mondo-rescue-2.10 # (8 Aug 2004) # won't build for now dev-lisp/cl-rsm-gen-prog dev-lisp/cl-rsm-genetic-alg # (6 Aug 2004) # Masked until linking problems are solved =dev-lang/lua-5.0.2-r1 # (18 July 2004) # Mysql 4.1.3 changed the number of arguments to shutdown breaking # this module. This version of the perl module should work, but is # super-untested and is, therefore, masked. =dev-perl/DBD-mysql-2.9004 # (2 July 2004) # emacs-unicode-2 branch is not stable and SLOT support for emacs # is incomplete. info directory handling should be reconsidered. =app-editors/emacs-cvs-22.0.0* =app-editors/emacs-cvs-23.0.0* # (01 May 2004) # accessibility testing for development purposes app-accessibility/speechd-up # (09 Apr 2004) # Still in the testing phase. # Just changed the package name, so I'm fixing the line up. app-admin/mailmin # (01 Apr 2004) # The following packages contain a remotely-exploitable # security vulnerability and have been hard masked accordingly. # # Please see http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44351 for more info # # You may unmask this package by placing an appropriate entry in your # /etc/portage/package.unmask file games-fps/unreal games-fps/unreal-tournament games-fps/unreal-tournament-goty games-fps/unreal-tournament-infiltration games-fps/unreal-tournament-strikeforce games-fps/unreal-tournament-bonuspacks games-fps/aaut # (28 Mar 2004) # Needs some more testing >=net-im/jabberoo-1.9.3 >=net-im/gabber-1.9.3 # (18 Mar 2004) # The latest AfterStep beta is broken :( =x11-wm/afterstep-2.0_beta4 # (03 Mar 2004) # security problems. see bug #43658. (02 Mar 2004) # mask slib-3.1.1 until gnucash can get a fix for it =dev-libs/slib-3.1.1 # (17 Feb 2004) # major API changes; not compatible with anything yet >=dev-libs/libmal-0.40 # (10 Jan 2004) # blocked for testing =mail-mta/qmail-ldap-1.03-r3 # # Many things in the tree don't compile with 1.5 yet. # 1.5 defaults to -target 1.5, which makes downgrading to a 1.4/1.3 # impossible. See bug #69970 and bug 65937 for more information. # http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/java/tiger-faq.xml >=dev-java/sun-jdk-1.4.99 =dev-java/jrockit-jdk-bin-1.5* >=dev-java/java-sdk-docs-1.4.99 >=dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin-1.5 # (06 Jan 2004) # alpha branch of gnupg. >=app-crypt/gnupg-1.9.0 # (27 Aug 2004) # (29 Nov 2003) # Need external testing >=mail-mta/qmail-mysql-1.03-r13 # (22 Nov 2003) # Mask mandrake-artwork-0.9.6 until it works with KDE =x11-themes/mandrake-artwork-0.9.6 # (20 Oct 2003) # needs gcc3.3/tcl8.4 fixing dev-embedded/picptk # (11 Oct 2003) # Mask pending a solution to bsetroot =x11-misc/commonbox-utils-0.5 # (28 Jun 2003) # cjkcodecs replaces koreancodecs and possibly japanesecodecs dev-python/koreancodecs dev-python/japanesecodecs # (16 Mar 2003) # to be tested, seems unstable net-dialup/hcfusbmodem # (10 Mar 2003) # not really stable enough for my tastes. needs testing. dev-db/mergeant # (14 Dec 2002) # see dev-db/postgresql #11822, net-im/sim #11654, and net-misc/mico # (btw, all the other distros are using 2.5.4a) >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.23 # (21 Nov 2002) # The huge nsplugins mask. These plugins use # the new layout (/usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins) # and should work in both mozilla and phoenix. =net-www/netscape-plugger-4.0-r2 # (16 Jul 2002) # libwmfun completes compiling but doesn't appear to support PLDrawString # functions correctly. Masking while incompatible pointers are figured out =x11-libs/libwmfun-0.0.4