# ChangeLog for sci-chemistry/webmo # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-chemistry/webmo/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2005/12/04 23:05:41 spyderous Exp $ 04 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz ; files/reconfig: Don't overwrite the actual .int file, copy into ._cfg* for etc-update. 04 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz ; +files/reconfig: Add hook script, to be run when installing to live host. 04 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz ; -files/dont-be-interactive-if-root.patch, +files/dont-be-interactive-or-diagnose.patch, -files/dont-check-unneeded-things.patch, webmo-6.0.003.ebuild: Turn 2 patches into a single one with 4 lines of changes. *webmo-6.0.003 (04 Dec 2005) 04 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz ; +files/add-gamess-data-directory.patch, +files/dont-be-interactive-if-root.patch, +files/dont-check-unneeded-things.patch, +files/gentoo-locations.patch, +metadata.xml, +webmo-6.0.003.ebuild: Add a Web interface to a number of computational chemistry programs. Ones in portage include mopac7, gamess and tinker. Also works for Gaussian, NWChem, QChem, Molpro, etc. What needs work: reinstallations without screwing the old configuration, and the reconfig script so editing globals.int isn't required.