# Copyright 1999-2001 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Authors Dan Armak , Martin Schlemmer # Ok, hopefully this will resolv the problem with the version of libXaw3d that # gets created. # # The problem its seems, is that when X gets compiled, it determines (with the # help of some very dark magic) what version libXaw.so it it should build (6.1 or # 7.0). Now, when compiling Xaw3d, it checks which version of Xaw was built, and # then builds the same version of Xaw3d. # # Since this ebuild use the Makefile's "install" function, it "should" not be a # problem anymore. # # Azarah. S=${WORKDIR}/xc/lib/Xaw3d DESCRIPTION="the Xaw3d is a drop-in 3D replacement of the Xaw widget set which comes with X. It is used e.g. by gv the ghostcript frontend." # All full ftp.x.org mirrors can be added here. SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/widgets/Xaw3d/R6.3/${P}.tar.gz http://ibiblio.org/pub/X11/contrib/widgets/Xaw3d/R6.3/${P}.tar.gz" # None so far as I know. #HOMEPAGE="http://" # There _might_ be something else, but I doubt it. DEPEND="virtual/x11" src_unpack() { unpack ${P}.tar.gz cd ${S} # For some reason it isn't automatically patched. # That's why I manually override the source_unpack function. patch -p0 <${FILESDIR}/Xaw3d-xfree86.diff || die patch -p0 <${FILESDIR}/Xaw3d-out-of-tree.diff || die } src_compile() { # convoluted process for out-of-tree building mkdir ./X11 cd ./X11 ; ln -sf ../../Xaw3d . ; cd .. xmkmf || die make includes || die make depend || die emake || die } src_install() { make DESTDIR=${D} install || die dodoc README.XAW3D }