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	<longdescription lang="en">
    This plugin tightly integrates into pytest. To use this effectively you should know a thing or two about pytest first. Take a look at the introductory material or watch talks.

    Few notes:

        This plugin benchmarks functions and only that. If you want to measure block of code or whole programs you will need to write a wrapper function.
        In a test you can only benchmark one function. If you want to benchmark many functions write more tests or use parametrization http://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/parametrize.html.
        To run the benchmarks you simply use pytest to run your "tests". The plugin will automatically do the benchmarking and generate a result table. Run pytest --help for more details.

This plugin provides a benchmark fixture. This fixture is a callable object that will benchmark any function passed to it.
		<remote-id type="github">ionelmc/pytest-benchmark</remote-id>
		<remote-id type="pypi">pytest-benchmark</remote-id>