Alessandro Barbieri With ANNsci-libs/ann support With sci-libs/arpack math library Enable automatic differentiation in order to compute the Jacobian matrix Install media-gfx/blender plugins With dev-libs/boost support With sci-physics/bullet support With sci-mathematics/chaco model partitioning support Enable crypt Enable direct eigensolution With sci-mathematics/ginac support With sci-libs/jdqz math library Enable MBC - multibody communication library With sci-libs/metis model partitioning support With MPI support Enable multithread naive solver Enable NetCDF based binary output Enable sci-mathematics/octave support With sci-libs/openblas implementation With sys-libs/pam support With sci-libs/pastix math library With pmpi for MPI profiling With sci-libs/qrupdate library With POSIX realtime support With dev-libs/cyrus-sasl support Enable Schur parallel solver Enable sparse solvers With sci-libs/superlu math library - eXperimental Enable installation of some test programs which are otherwise not installed With threads With Y12 sparse math library With sci-libs/udunits