/*! * Compact the interlanguage links in the sidebar * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Alolita Sharma, Amir Aharoni, Arun Ganesh, Brandon Harris, * Niklas Laxström, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal, Siebrand Mazeland, Niharika Kohli * and other contributors. See CREDITS for a list. * * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details. * * @file * @ingroup Extensions * @licence GNU GPL-2.0-or-later * @licence MIT License */ ( function () { 'use strict'; var DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE = 9; /** * @param {Array} target * @param {Array} source * @param {string|string[]|undefined} items Language code, or list of language codes */ function addMatchWithoutDuplicate( target, source, items ) { var i; if ( items === undefined ) { return; } items = !Array.isArray( items ) ? [ items ] : items; for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { if ( // Only add if unique and matches source target.indexOf( items[ i ] ) === -1 && source.indexOf( items[ i ] ) !== -1 ) { target.push( items[ i ] ); } } } /** * Normalize a language code for ULS usage. * * MediaWiki language codes (especially on WMF sites) are inconsistent * with ULS codes. We need to use ULS codes to access the proper data. * * @param {string} code * @return {string} Normalized language code */ function convertMediaWikiLanguageCodeToULS( code ) { code = code.toLowerCase(); return $.uls.data.isRedirect( code ) || code; } /** * Get user-defined assistant languages on wikis with Translate extension. * * Where available, they're languages deemed useful by the user. * * @return {string[]|undefined} Language codes */ function getAssistantLanguages() { var assistantLanguages = mw.user.options.get( 'translate-editlangs' ); if ( !assistantLanguages || assistantLanguages === 'default' ) { return; } return assistantLanguages.split( /,\s*/ ); } /** * Get previously selected languages. * * Previous languages are a good suggestion because the user has * explicitly chosen them in the past. * * @return {string[]} Language codes */ function getPreviousLanguages() { return mw.uls.getPreviousLanguages(); } /** * Get languages from the Babel box on the user's user page. * * @return {string[]|undefined} Language codes */ function getBabelLanguages() { return mw.config.get( 'wgULSBabelLanguages' ); } /** * Get site-specific highlighted languags. Mostly used on Wikimedia sites. * * @return {string[]|undefined} Language codes */ function getSitePicks() { return mw.config.get( 'wgULSCompactLinksPrepend' ); } /** * Get probable languages predicted by ULS. * * @return {string[]} Language codes */ function getCommonLanguages() { return mw.uls.getFrequentLanguageList(); } /** * Get globally common languages. * * These are not user-specific. This helps to avoid biasing the compact list * to language codes that sort to the beginning of the alphabet in the * final stage. * * @return {string[]} Language codes */ function getExtraCommonLanguages() { return [ 'zh', 'en', 'hi', 'ur', 'es', 'ar', 'ru', 'id', 'ms', 'pt', 'fr', 'de', 'bn', 'ja', 'pnb', 'pa', 'jv', 'te', 'ta', 'ko', 'mr', 'tr', 'vi', 'it', 'fa', 'sv', 'nl', 'pl' ]; } /** * The final strategy is the original interlanguage list. * * @param {string[]} languages Language codes * @return {string[]} Language codes */ function getFinalFallback( languages ) { return languages; } /** * @class * @constructor * @param {HTMLElement} listElement Interlanguage list element * @param {Object} options */ function CompactInterlanguageList( listElement, options ) { this.listElement = listElement; this.options = options || {}; /** * @private * @property {Object} interlanguageList */ this.interlanguageList = null; /** * @private * @property {Object} interlanguageList */ this.compactList = null; this.commonInterlanguageList = null; this.$trigger = null; this.compactSize = 0; this.listSize = 0; } /** * Initialize the plugin */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.init = function () { var max = this.options.max || DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE; this.interlanguageList = this.getInterlanguageList(); this.listSize = Object.keys( this.interlanguageList ).length; if ( this.listSize <= max ) { // Not enough languages to compact the list mw.hook( 'mw.uls.compactlinks.initialized' ).fire( false ); return; } // If we're only a bit beyond max, limit to 7 instead of 9. // FIXME: This assumes the max is 9. this.compactSize = ( this.listSize <= 12 ) ? 7 : max; this.compactList = this.getCompactList(); this.hideOriginal(); this.render(); this.listen(); }; /** * Render the compacted interlanguage list and triggers */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.render = function () { var language; for ( language in this.compactList ) { this.compactList[ language ].parentNode.style.display = ''; } this.addTrigger(); mw.hook( 'mw.uls.compactlinks.initialized' ).fire( true ); }; /** * Attaches the actual selector to the trigger. * * @param {jQuery} $trigger Element to use as trigger. */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.createSelector = function ( $trigger ) { var languageCode, languages = Object.keys( this.interlanguageList ), self = this, ulsLanguageList = {}; for ( languageCode in this.interlanguageList ) { ulsLanguageList[ languageCode ] = this.interlanguageList[ languageCode ].textContent; } // Attach ULS to the trigger $trigger.uls( { onReady: function () { this.$menu.addClass( 'interlanguage-uls-menu' ); }, /** * Language selection handler * * @param {string} language language code * @param {Object} event jQuery event object */ onSelect: function ( language, event ) { self.$trigger.removeClass( 'selector-open' ); mw.uls.addPreviousLanguage( language ); // Switch the current tab to the new language, // unless it was Ctrl-click or Command-click if ( !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey ) { location.href = self.interlanguageList[ language ].href; } }, onVisible: function () { var offset, height, width, triangleWidth; // The panel is positioned carefully so that our pointy triangle, // which is implemented as a square box rotated 45 degrees with // rotation origin in the middle. See the corresponding style file. // These are for the trigger offset = $trigger.offset(); width = $trigger.outerWidth(); height = $trigger.outerHeight(); // Triangle width is: who knows now, but this still looks fine. triangleWidth = 12; if ( offset.left > $( window ).width() / 2 ) { this.left = offset.left - this.$menu.outerWidth() - triangleWidth; this.$menu.removeClass( 'selector-left' ).addClass( 'selector-right' ); } else { this.left = offset.left + width + triangleWidth; this.$menu.removeClass( 'selector-right' ).addClass( 'selector-left' ); } // Offset from the middle of the trigger this.top = offset.top + ( height / 2 ) - 27; this.$menu.css( { left: this.left, top: this.top } ); $trigger.addClass( 'selector-open' ); }, languageDecorator: function ( $languageLink, language ) { var element = self.interlanguageList[ language ]; // Set href, text, and tooltip exactly same as what was in // interlanguage link. The ULS autonym might be different in some // cases like sr. In ULS it is "српски", while in interlanguage links // it is "српски / srpski" $languageLink .prop( { href: element.href, title: element.title } ) .text( element.textContent ); // This code is to support badges used in Wikimedia // eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc $languageLink.parent().addClass( element.parentNode.className ); }, onCancel: function () { $trigger.removeClass( 'selector-open' ); }, languages: ulsLanguageList, ulsPurpose: 'compact-language-links', // Show common languages quickList: self.getCommonLanguages( languages ), noResultsTemplate: function () { var $defaultTemplate = $.fn.lcd.defaults.noResultsTemplate.call( this ); // Customize the message $defaultTemplate .find( '.uls-no-results-found-title' ) .data( 'i18n', 'ext-uls-compact-no-results' ); return $defaultTemplate; } } ); }; /** * Bind to event handlers and listen for events */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.listen = function () { var self = this; this.$trigger.one( 'click', function () { // Load the ULS now. mw.loader.using( 'ext.uls.mediawiki' ).then( function () { self.createSelector( self.$trigger ); self.$trigger.trigger( 'click' ); } ); } ); }; /** * Get the compacted interlanguage list as associative array * * @return {Object} */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.getCompactList = function () { var language, languages, compactLanguages, i, compactedList; compactedList = {}; languages = Object.keys( this.interlanguageList ); compactLanguages = this.compact( languages ); for ( i = 0; i < compactLanguages.length; i++ ) { language = compactLanguages[ i ]; compactedList[ language ] = this.interlanguageList[ language ]; } return compactedList; }; /** * Get compacting strategies. * * The items will be executed in the given order till the required * compact size is achieved. Each strategy is given two arrays: `candidates` * and `languages`. The candidates array is a list the callback should add to. * The languages list contains language codes actually available for the current * page, the callback may use this to optimise their search for candidates, * although compact() will filter out irrelevant candidates so strategies should * only use this if it helps narrow their search for candidates, avoid needless * filtering that compact() will do already. * * @return {Function[]} Array of compacting functions */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.getCompactStrategies = function () { return [ getAssistantLanguages, getPreviousLanguages, getBabelLanguages, getSitePicks, getCommonLanguages, this.getLangsInText, this.getLangsWithBadges, getExtraCommonLanguages, getFinalFallback ]; }; /** * Compact a given array of languages * * @param {Array} languages * @return {Array} Compacted array */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.compact = function ( languages ) { var i, strategies, found, compactLanguages = []; strategies = this.getCompactStrategies(); for ( i = 0; i < strategies.length; i++ ) { found = strategies[ i ]( languages ); // Add language codes from 'found' that are also in 'languages' // to 'compactLanguages' (if not already in there). addMatchWithoutDuplicate( compactLanguages, languages, found ); if ( compactLanguages.length >= this.compactSize ) { // We have more than enough items. Stop here. compactLanguages = compactLanguages.slice( 0, this.compactSize ); break; } } return compactLanguages; }; /** * Get language codes that are used in the page's text content. * * This is done by looking for HTML elements with a "lang" attribute—they * are likely to appear in a foreign name, for example. * * The reader doesn't necessarily know this language, but it * appears relevant to the page. * * @return {string[]} Language codes */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.getLangsInText = function () { var languagesInText = []; Array.prototype.forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll( '#mw-content-text [lang]' ), function ( el ) { var lang = convertMediaWikiLanguageCodeToULS( el.lang ); if ( languagesInText.indexOf( lang ) === -1 ) { languagesInText.push( lang ); } } ); return languagesInText; }; /** * Get languages in which a related page has any kind of a badge, * such as "featured article". The "badge-*" classes are added by Wikibase. * * @return {string[]} Language codes */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.getLangsWithBadges = function () { return Array.prototype.map.call( document.querySelectorAll( '#p-lang [class*="badge"]' ), function ( el ) { return convertMediaWikiLanguageCodeToULS( el.querySelector( '.interlanguage-link-target' ).lang ); } ); }; /** * Get the list of languages links. * * @return {Object} Map of language codes to elements. */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.getInterlanguageList = function () { var interlanguageList = {}; Array.prototype.forEach.call( this.listElement.querySelectorAll( '.interlanguage-link-target' ), function ( el ) { var langCode = convertMediaWikiLanguageCodeToULS( el.lang ); interlanguageList[ langCode ] = el; } ); return interlanguageList; }; /** * Get common languages - the most probable languages predicted by ULS. * * @param {string[]} languages Language codes * @return {string[]} List of all common language codes */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.getCommonLanguages = function ( languages ) { if ( this.commonInterlanguageList === null ) { this.commonInterlanguageList = mw.uls.getFrequentLanguageList() .filter( function ( language ) { return languages.indexOf( language ) >= 0; } ); } return this.commonInterlanguageList; }; /** * Hide languages in the interlanguage list. * * The most relevant ones are unhidden in #render. */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.hideOriginal = function () { var links = this.listElement.querySelectorAll( '.interlanguage-link' ), i = links.length; while ( i-- ) { links[ i ].style.display = 'none'; } }; /** * Add the trigger at the bottom of the language list */ CompactInterlanguageList.prototype.addTrigger = function () { var trigger = document.createElement( 'button' ); trigger.className = 'mw-interlanguage-selector mw-ui-button'; trigger.title = mw.message( 'ext-uls-compact-link-info' ).plain(); // Use text() because the message needs {{PLURAL:}} trigger.textContent = mw.message( 'ext-uls-compact-link-count', mw.language.convertNumber( this.listSize - this.compactSize ) ).text(); this.listElement.appendChild( trigger ); this.$trigger = $( trigger ); }; /** * Performance cost of calling createCompactList(), as of 2018-09-10. * * Summary: * - DOM Queries: 5 + 1N * * createCompactList (1 querySelector) * * getLangsWithBadges (1N querySelector, 1 querySelectorAll) * * getInterlanguageList (1 querySelectorAll) * * getLangsInText (1 querySelectorAll) * * hideOriginal (1 querySelectorAll) * - DOM Writes: 1 + 2N * * addTrigger (1 appendChild) * * hideOriginal (1N Element.style) * * render (1N Element.style) * - Misc: 1 * * addTrigger (1 mw.Message#parser) */ function createCompactList() { var listElement, compactList; listElement = document.querySelector( '#p-lang ul' ); if ( !listElement ) { // Not all namespaces/pages/actions have #p-lang. return; } compactList = new CompactInterlanguageList( listElement, { // Compact the list to this size max: 9 } ); compactList.init(); } // Early execute of createCompactList if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' ) { createCompactList(); } else { $( createCompactList ); } }() );