diff options
authorMamoru Komachi <>2005-04-06 04:41:42 +0000
committerMamoru Komachi <>2005-04-06 04:41:42 +0000
commita86a3fa551ec87b2dee57a3092c540df3714e8ce (patch)
treecc76f8031175f78e82ab031ce2e882389a06fdfc /app-shells/zsh
parentUpdated i18n-misc patch, and appended -O to CFLAGS (bug #86442). Marked 0.8.4... (diff)
Removed old versions.
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'app-shells/zsh')
7 files changed, 5 insertions, 970 deletions
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh/ChangeLog b/app-shells/zsh/ChangeLog
index 159557a60972..40b3e8570a70 100644
--- a/app-shells/zsh/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-shells/zsh/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for app-shells/zsh
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/zsh/ChangeLog,v 1.79 2005/03/31 20:56:43 blubb Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/zsh/ChangeLog,v 1.80 2005/04/06 04:41:42 usata Exp $
+ 06 Apr 2005; Mamoru KOMACHI <> -files/_portage-20040204,
+ -files/_portage-20040730, -zsh-4.2.0-r1.ebuild, -zsh-4.2.1-r1.ebuild:
+ Removed old versions.
31 Mar 2005; Bryan Østergaard <> zsh-4.2.4.ebuild:
Stable on alpha.
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh/files/_portage-20040204 b/app-shells/zsh/files/_portage-20040204
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dbcf063b8a8..000000000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh/files/_portage-20040204
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-#compdef emerge rc-update rc-status ebuild opengl-update rc
-# $Id: _portage-20040204,v 1.1 2004/02/04 15:32:45 usata Exp $
-# ZSH completion function for Portage
-# Author: baptux <>
-# Author: Mamoru KOMACHI <>
-# Already done:
-# emerge (fully done)
-# rc-update (fully done)
-# rc-status (fully done)
-# ebuild (fully done)
-# opengl-update (fully done)
-# rc (fully done)
-# Stuff for rc
-_rc () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "runlevels" $gentoo_runlevels
- fi
-# Stuff for opengl-update (the easiest to do :) )
-_opengl-update () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "opengl-update options" \
- 'xfree[Use from XFree86]' \
- 'nvidia[Use from the NVidia drivers.]'
- fi
-# Stuff for ebuild
-_ebuild () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _files -g \*.ebuild
- elif (( CURRENT > 2 ));then
- _values "ebuild command" \
- 'clean[Cleans the temporary build directory]' \
- 'help[Show help]' \
- 'setup[Run all package specific setup actions and exotic system checks.]' \
- 'fetch[Fetch all necessary files]' \
- 'digest[Creates a digest file for the package]' \
- 'unpack[Extracts the sources to a subdirectory in the build directory]' \
- 'compile[Compiles the extracted sources by running the src_compile()]' \
- 'preinst[Run specific actions that need to be done before installation]' \
- 'install[Installs the package to the temporary install directory]' \
- 'postinst[Run specific actions that need to be done after installation]' \
- 'qmerge[Installs the package de the filesystem]' \
- 'merge[perform the following actions: fetch, unpack, compile, install and qmerge.]' \
- 'unmerge[Remove the installed files of the packages]' \
- 'prerm[Run specific actions that need to be executed before unmerge]' \
- 'postrm[Run specific actions that need to be executed after unmerge]' \
- 'config[Run specific actions needed to be executed after the emerge process has completed.]' \
- 'package[This command is a lot like the merge command, but create a .tbz2 package]' \
- 'rpm[Builds a RedHat RPM package]'
- fi
-# Stuff for rc-status
-_rc-status () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "rc-status options" \
- '-a[Show services at all run levels]' \
- '--all[Show services at all run levels]' \
- '-l[Show list of run levels]' \
- '--list[Show list of run levels]' \
- '-u[Show services not assigned to any run level]' \
- '--unused[Show services not assigned to any run level]' \
- $gentoo_runlevels
- fi
-# Stuff for rc-update
-_rc-update () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "rc-update actions" \
- 'add[Add script to a runlevel]' \
- 'del[Delete script from a runlevel]' \
- 'show[Show scripts lanched at a runlevel]' \
- '-a[Add script to a runlevel]' \
- '-d[Delete script from a runlevel]' \
- '-s[Show scripts lanched at a runlevel]'
- elif (( CURRENT == 3 ));then
- case "$words[2]" in
- add|-a|del|-d)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:scripts:_files -W /etc/init.d/'
- ;;
- show|-s)
- _values "runlevels" $gentoo_runlevels
- ;;
- esac
- elif (( CURRENT == 4 ));then
- case "$words[2]" in
- add|-a|del|-d)
- _values "runlevels" $gentoo_runlevels
- ;;
- esac
- fi
-# Stuff for emerge
-_emerge () {
- local state
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _arguments -s \
- '*:*:->actions' \
- "$common_args[@]" "$install_args[@]" && return 0
- elif (( CURRENT > 2 ));then
- case "$words[2]" in
- unmerge|-C)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname with versions:_portage_unmerge' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- clean|-c)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname:_portage_clean' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- --usepkgonly|-K)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:use package only:_portage_tbz2list' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- depclean|help|-h|info|regen|sync|rsync|--searchdesc|-S|search|-s|inject|-j|prune|-P)
- ;;
- *)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:*:->install_portage' \
- "$common_args[@]" \
- "$install_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- while [[ -n "$state" ]]; do
- lstate=$state
- state=''
- case "$lstate" in
- actions)
- _alternative \
- ':emerge actions:_actions' \
- '*:portage:_portage_pkglist'
- ;;
- install_portage)
- _alternative \
- '*:portage:_portage_pkglist'
- ;;
- esac
- done
-#Function to show only installed packages "cat/name-ver"
- installed_portage=(/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
- installed_dir=/var/db/pkg/
- installed_pkg=${installed_portage//$installed_dir/}
- _tags -s installed_pkg && { compadd "$@" -k installed_pkg || compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkg} }
-#Functions to show "cat/name", classes and dependencies
-_portage_clean() {
- installed_portage=(/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
- installed_dir=/var/db/pkg/
- installed_pkg=${installed_portage//$installed_dir/}
- installed_pkgname=${(M)${${installed_portage##*/}%%-[0-9]*}}
- _tags -s installed_pkg && { compadd "$@" -k installed_pkg || compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkg} }
- _tags -s installed_pkgname && { compadd "$@" -k installed_pkgname || compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkgname} }
-#Function to show tbz2 files available
-_portage_tbz2list() {
- # this doesn't take care of ${PORTAGE_BINHOST}. If Gentoo official
- # binary mirror will be available we should rewrite it accordingly.
- _path_files -g \*.tbz2 -W "${pkgdir}/All"
-#Function to show all available portage names
- portage_classlist="world system"
- portage_pkglist="$portage_pkglist ${portage_classlist}"
- _tags -s portage_pkglist && { compadd "$@" -k portage_pkglist || compadd "$@" ${(kv)=portage_pkglist} }
- _path_files -/ -W "${portdir}"
- # XXX: If I add ${portdir_overlay} category completion won't work properly
- #[[ -n "${portdir_overlay}" ]] && _path_files -/ -W "${portdir_overlay}"
- _path_files -g \*.ebuild
- {'(-p)--pretend','(--pretend)-p'}'[simply display what would be done]'
- {'(-d)--debug','(--debug)-d'}'[Tells emerge to run the emerge command in debug mode]'
- {'(--upgradeonly -U --update -u --quiet -q --onlydeps -o --oneshot --nospinner --noreplace -n --nodeps -O --noconfmem -D --deep --changelog --buildpkg -B -b --buildpkgonly --emptytree -e -f --fetchonly)-l','(--upgradeonly -U --update -u --quiet -q --onlydeps -o --nospinner --noreplace -n --nodeps -O --noconfmem -D --deep --emptytree -e -f --fetchonly -l --buildpkg -b -B --buildpkgonly )--changelog'}'[This will show the ChangeLog]'
- {'(-b --buildpkgonly -B --changelog -l)--buildpkg','(--changelog -l --buildpkg --buildpkgonly -B)-b'}'[Tells emerge to build binary packages]'
- {'(-B -b --buildpkg --changelog -l)--buildpkgonly','(--changelog -l --buildpkgonly --buildpkg -b)-B'}'[Tells emerge to only build binary packages]'
- {'(-D --changelog -l)--deep','(-l --changelog --deep)-D'}'[Consider the entire dependency tree of packages]'
- {'(-e -l --changelog)--emptytree','(--emptytree -l --changelog)-e'}'[Only consider glibc as installed packages]'
- {'(-f -l --changelog)--fetchonly','(-l --changelog --fetchonly)-f'}'[Just perform fetches for all packages]'
- '(-l --changelog)--noconfmem[Causes portage to disregard merge records]'
- {'(--changelog -l -O)--nodeps','(--nodeps --changelog -l)-O'}'[Merges specified packages without merging dependencies]'
- {'(-l --changelog -n)--noreplace','(-l --changelog --noreplace)-n'}'[Skip packages already installed]'
- '(-l --changelog)--nospiner[Disables the spinner for the session]'
- '(-l --changelog)--oneshot[Do not add package to the world profile]'
- {'(--onlydeps --changelog -l)-o','(--changelog -o -l)--onlydeps'}'[Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies]'
- {'(--quiet --changelog -l)-q','(-q --changelog -l)--quiet'}'[General outcome is a reduced or condensed output]'
- {'(--update --changelog -l)-u','(-u --changelog -l)--update'}'[Updates packages to the most recent version available]'
- {'(--upgradeonly --changelog -l)-U','(-U --changelog -l)--upgradeonly'}'[Do not update packages to a lower version]'
- {'(--usepkg --changelog -l)-k','(-k --changelog -l)--usepkg'}'[Tells emerge to use binary packages if available]'
- {'(--usepkgonly --changelog -l)-K','(-K --changelog -l)--usepkgonly'}'[Tells emerge to use binary packages only]'
- {'(--verbose)-v','(-v)--verbose'}'[Tell emerge to run in verbose mode]'
- '(-p --pretend)--columns[Displays versions in aligned format]'
- '--resume[Resumes the last merge operation]'
- '--skipfirst[Removes the first package in the resume list]'
-_options() {
- _arguments -s \
- "$unmerge_args[@]" "$common_args[@]" "$install_args[@]"
-_actions() {
- _values "emerge actions" \
- 'sync[Initiates a portage tree update]' \
- 'rsync[Initiates a portage tree update]' \
- 'unmerge[Removes all matching packages]' \
- 'search[Searches for matches]' \
- 'regen[Causes portage to check and update the dependency cache]' \
- 'prune[Removes all but the latest versions of matching packages]' \
- 'inject[Portage thinks that this package is installed]' \
- 'info[This is a list of information to include in bug reports]' \
- 'help[Displays help]' \
- 'depclean[Clean all packages that have no reason for being installed]'\
- 'clean[Cleans the system by removing packages]' \
- '-c[Cleans the system by removing packages]' \
- '-h[Displays help]' \
- '-i[Portage thinks that this package is installed]' \
- '-P[Removes all but the latest versions of matching packages]' \
- '-s[Searches for matches]' \
- '-S[Matches the search string against the description field]' \
- '--searchdesc[Matches the search string against the description field]' \
- '-C[Removes all matching packages]' \
- 'world[Represent all packages in the world profiles]' \
- 'system[Represent all the system packages]'
-#Reading informations from make.conf
-[[ -n "${PORTDIR}" ]] && portdir="${PORTDIR}"
-[[ -n "${PKGDIR}" ]] && pkgdir="${PKGDIR}"
-if [[ -n "${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}" ]] ; then
- for overlay in ${=PORTDIR_OVERLAY} ; do
- portdir_overlay=(${overlay} ${portdir_overlay})
- done
-[[ -r /etc/make.globals ]] && source /etc/make.globals
-[[ -r /etc/make.conf ]] && source /etc/make.conf
-[[ -z "${portdir}" ]] && portdir="${PORTDIR}"
-[[ -z "${pkgdir}" ]] && pkgdir="${PKGDIR}"
-if [[ -z "${portdir_overlay}" ]] ; then
- for overlay in ${=PORTDIR_OVERLAY} ; do
- portdir_overlay=(${overlay} ${portdir_overlay})
- done
-portage_pkglist=(${portdir}/*-*/* ${portdir_overlay}/*-*/*)
-case "$service" in
- emerge)
- _emerge "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- rc-update)
- _rc-update "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- rc-status)
- _rc-status "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- ebuild)
- _ebuild "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- opengl-update)
- _opengl-update "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- rc)
- _rc "$@" && return 0
- ;;
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh/files/_portage-20040730 b/app-shells/zsh/files/_portage-20040730
deleted file mode 100644
index f02ee5c24240..000000000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh/files/_portage-20040730
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-#compdef emerge rc-update rc-status ebuild opengl-update rc quickpkg
-# $Id: _portage-20040730,v 1.3 2004/08/17 21:37:04 usata Exp $
-# ZSH completion function for Portage
-# Author: baptux <>
-# Author: Mamoru KOMACHI <>
-# Already done:
-# emerge (fully done)
-# rc-update (fully done)
-# rc-status (fully done)
-# ebuild (fully done)
-# opengl-update (fully done)
-# rc (fully done)
-# Stuff for rc
-_rc () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "runlevels" $gentoo_runlevels
- fi
-# Stuff for opengl-update (the easiest to do :) )
-_opengl-update () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "opengl-update options" \
- 'xfree[Use from XFree86]' \
- 'nvidia[Use from the NVidia drivers.]'
- fi
-# Stuff for ebuild
-_ebuild () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _files -g \*.ebuild
- elif (( CURRENT > 2 ));then
- _values "ebuild command" \
- 'clean[Cleans the temporary build directory]' \
- 'help[Show help]' \
- 'setup[Run all package specific setup actions and exotic system checks.]' \
- 'fetch[Fetch all necessary files]' \
- 'digest[Creates a digest file for the package]' \
- 'unpack[Extracts the sources to a subdirectory in the build directory]' \
- 'compile[Compiles the extracted sources by running the src_compile()]' \
- 'preinst[Run specific actions that need to be done before installation]' \
- 'install[Installs the package to the temporary install directory]' \
- 'postinst[Run specific actions that need to be done after installation]' \
- 'qmerge[Installs the package de the filesystem]' \
- 'merge[perform the following actions: fetch, unpack, compile, install and qmerge.]' \
- 'unmerge[Remove the installed files of the packages]' \
- 'prerm[Run specific actions that need to be executed before unmerge]' \
- 'postrm[Run specific actions that need to be executed after unmerge]' \
- 'config[Run specific actions needed to be executed after the emerge process has completed.]' \
- 'package[This command is a lot like the merge command, but create a .tbz2 package]' \
- 'rpm[Builds a RedHat RPM package]'
- fi
-# Stuff for rc-status
-_rc-status () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "rc-status options" \
- '-a[Show services at all run levels]' \
- '--all[Show services at all run levels]' \
- '-l[Show list of run levels]' \
- '--list[Show list of run levels]' \
- '-u[Show services not assigned to any run level]' \
- '--unused[Show services not assigned to any run level]' \
- $gentoo_runlevels
- fi
-# Stuff for rc-update
-_rc-update () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _values "rc-update actions" \
- 'add[Add script to a runlevel]' \
- 'del[Delete script from a runlevel]' \
- 'show[Show scripts lanched at a runlevel]' \
- '-a[Add script to a runlevel]' \
- '-d[Delete script from a runlevel]' \
- '-s[Show scripts lanched at a runlevel]'
- elif (( CURRENT == 3 ));then
- case "$words[2]" in
- add|-a|del|-d)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:scripts:_files -W /etc/init.d/'
- ;;
- show|-s)
- _values "runlevels" $gentoo_runlevels
- ;;
- esac
- elif (( CURRENT == 4 ));then
- case "$words[2]" in
- add|-a|del|-d)
- _values "runlevels" $gentoo_runlevels
- ;;
- esac
- fi
-# Stuff for quickpkg
-_quickpkg () {
- if compset -P '(\\|)[><][=]'; then
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname with versions:_portage_unmerge_vers' && return 0
- elif compset -P '(\\|)[<=>]'; then
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname with versions:_portage_unmerge_vers' && return 0
- elif compset -P '(\\|)[/]'; then
- _files -W / -/ && return 0
- else
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname:_portage_quickpkg' && return 0
- fi
-# Stuff for emerge
-_emerge () {
- local state
- if (( CURRENT == 2 ));then
- _arguments -s \
- '*:*:->actions' \
- "$common_args[@]" "$install_args[@]" && return 0
- elif (( CURRENT > 2 ));then
- case "$words[2]" in
- unmerge|-C)
- if compset -P '(\\|)[><][=]'; then
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname with versions:_portage_unmerge_vers' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- elif compset -P '(\\|)[<=>]'; then
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname with versions:_portage_unmerge_vers' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- else
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname:_portage_unmerge' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- fi
- ;;
- clean|-c)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:installed pkgname:_portage_clean' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- --usepkgonly|-K)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:use package only:_portage_tbz2list' "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- depclean|help|-h|info|regen|sync|rsync|--searchdesc|-S|search|-s|prune|-P)
- ;;
- --resume|--skipfirst)
- _arguments -s \
- '--skipfirst[Removes the first package in the resume list]' \
- "$common_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- *)
- _arguments -s \
- '*:*:->install_portage' \
- "$common_args[@]" \
- "$install_args[@]" && return 0
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- while [[ -n "$state" ]]; do
- lstate=$state
- state=''
- case "$lstate" in
- actions)
- if compset -P '(\\|)[><][=]'; then
- _alternative \
- '*:portage:_ebuild_cache'
- elif compset -P '(\\|)[<=>]'; then
- _alternative \
- '*:portage:_ebuild_cache'
- else
- _alternative \
- ':emerge actions:_actions' \
- '*:portage:_portage_pkglist'
- fi
- ;;
- install_portage)
- if compset -P '(\\|)[><][=]'; then
- _alternative \
- '*:portage:_ebuild_cache'
- elif compset -P '(\\|)[<=>]'; then
- _alternative \
- '*:portage:_ebuild_cache'
- else
- _alternative \
- '*:portage:_portage_pkglist'
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
-#Function to show only installed packages -- pkgname (no category or version #)
- installed_portage=(/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
- installed_pkgname=${(M)${${installed_portage##*/}%%-[0-9]*}}
- _tags -s installed_pkgname && { compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkgname} }
- _path_files -/ -W "/var/db/pkg/"
-#Function to show only installed packages -- no _path_files
- installed_portage=(/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
- installed_pkgname=${(M)${${installed_portage##*/}%%-[0-9]*}}
- _tags -s installed_pkgname && { compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkgname} }
-#Function to show only installed packages -- cat/name-ver
- installed_portage=(/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
- installed_pkgname=${(M)${${installed_portage##*/}}}
- _tags -s installed_pkgname && { compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkgname} }
- _path_files -/ -W "/var/db/pkg/"
-#Functions to show "cat/name", classes and dependencies
-_portage_clean() {
- installed_portage=(/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
- installed_dir=/var/db/pkg/
- installed_pkg=${installed_portage//$installed_dir/}
- installed_pkgname=${(M)${${installed_portage##*/}%%-[0-9]*}}
- _tags -s installed_pkg && { compadd "$@" -k installed_pkg || compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkg} }
- _tags -s installed_pkgname && { compadd "$@" -k installed_pkgname || compadd "$@" ${(kv)=installed_pkgname} }
-#Function to show tbz2 files available
-_portage_tbz2list() {
- # this doesn't take care of ${PORTAGE_BINHOST}. If Gentoo official
- # binary mirror will be available we should rewrite it accordingly.
- _path_files -g \*.tbz2 -W "${pkgdir}/All"
-#Function to show all available portage names
- portage_classlist="world system"
- portage_pkglist="$portage_pkglist ${portage_classlist}"
- _tags -s portage_pkglist && { compadd "$@" -k portage_pkglist || compadd "$@" ${(kv)=portage_pkglist} }
- _path_files -/ -W "${portdir}"
- # XXX: If I add ${portdir_overlay} category completion won't work properly
- #[[ -n "${portdir_overlay}" ]] && _path_files -/ -W "${portdir_overlay}"
- _path_files -g \*.ebuild
-#Function for matching all ebuilds pkg-ver (slow if asking for all packages)
- if _cache_invalid portage_ebuilds || ! _retrieve_cache portage_ebuilds; then
- overlay_ebuilds=($portdir_overlay/*-*/*/*)
- overlay_list=${${(M)${overlay_ebuilds##*/}#*ebuild}%%.ebuild}
- metadata_ebuilds=($portdir/metadata/cache/*-*/*)
- metadata_list=${(M)${${metadata_ebuilds##*/}}}
- _store_cache portage_ebuilds metadata_list overlay_list
- fi
- _tags -s metadata_list && {compadd "$@" ${(kv)=metadata_list} }
- _tags -s overlay_list && {compadd "$@" ${(kv)=overlay_list} }
-local update_policy
-zstyle -s ":completion:*:*:emerge:*" cache-policy update_policy
-if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
- zstyle ":completion:*:*:emerge:*" cache-policy _ebuilds_caching_policy
-_ebuilds_caching_policy () {
- # rebuild if cache is more than a week old
- oldp=( "$1"(mw+1) )
- (( $#oldp )) && return 0
- {'(-p -a --ask)--pretend','(--pretend -a --ask)-p'}'[simply display what would be done]'
- {'(-p -a --pretend)--ask','(--pretend -p --ask)-a'}'[ask what would be done]'
- {'(-d)--debug','(--debug)-d'}'[Tells emerge to run the emerge command in debug mode]'
- {'(--upgradeonly -U --update -u --quiet -q --onlydeps -o --oneshot --nospinner --noreplace -n --nodeps -O --noconfmem -D --deep --changelog --buildpkg -B -b --buildpkgonly --emptytree -e -f --fetchonly)-l','(--upgradeonly -U --update -u --quiet -q --onlydeps -o --nospinner --noreplace -n --nodeps -O --noconfmem -D --deep --emptytree -e -f --fetchonly -l --buildpkg -b -B --buildpkgonly )--changelog'}'[This will show the ChangeLog]'
- {'(-b --buildpkgonly -B --changelog -l)--buildpkg','(--changelog -l --buildpkg --buildpkgonly -B)-b'}'[Tells emerge to build binary packages]'
- {'(-B -b --buildpkg --changelog -l)--buildpkgonly','(--changelog -l --buildpkgonly --buildpkg -b)-B'}'[Tells emerge to only build binary packages]'
- {'(-D --changelog -l)--deep','(-l --changelog --deep)-D'}'[Consider the entire dependency tree of packages]'
- {'(-e -l --changelog)--emptytree','(--emptytree -l --changelog)-e'}'[Only consider glibc as installed packages]'
- {'(-f -l --changelog)--fetchonly','(-l --changelog --fetchonly)-f'}'[Just perform fetches for all packages]'
- '(-l --changelog)--noconfmem[Causes portage to disregard merge records]'
- {'(--changelog -l -O)--nodeps','(--nodeps --changelog -l)-O'}'[Merges specified packages without merging dependencies]'
- {'(-l --changelog -n)--noreplace','(-l --changelog --noreplace)-n'}'[Skip packages already installed]'
- '(-l --changelog)--nospiner[Disables the spinner for the session]'
- '(-l --changelog)--oneshot[Do not add package to the world profile]'
- {'(--onlydeps --changelog -l)-o','(--changelog -o -l)--onlydeps'}'[Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies]'
- {'(--quiet --changelog -l)-q','(-q --changelog -l)--quiet'}'[General outcome is a reduced or condensed output]'
- {'(-l --changelog -t)--tree','(-l --changelog --tree)-t'}'[Show dependency tree]'
- {'(--update --changelog -l)-u','(-u --changelog -l)--update'}'[Updates packages to the most recent version available]'
- {'(--upgradeonly --changelog -l)-U','(-U --changelog -l)--upgradeonly'}'[Do not update packages to a lower version]'
- {'(--usepkg --changelog -l)-k','(-k --changelog -l)--usepkg'}'[Tells emerge to use binary packages if available]'
- {'(--usepkgonly --changelog -l)-K','(-K --changelog -l)--usepkgonly'}'[Tells emerge to use binary packages only]'
- {'(--verbose)-v','(-v)--verbose'}'[Tell emerge to run in verbose mode]'
- '(-p --pretend -a --ask)--columns[Displays versions in aligned format]'
- '--resume[Resumes the last merge operation]'
-_actions() {
- _values "emerge actions" \
- 'sync[Initiates a portage tree update]' \
- 'rsync[Initiates a portage tree update]' \
- 'unmerge[Removes all matching packages]' \
- 'search[Searches for matches]' \
- 'regen[Causes portage to check and update the dependency cache]' \
- 'prune[Removes all but the latest versions of matching packages]' \
- 'inject[Portage thinks that this package is installed]' \
- 'info[This is a list of information to include in bug reports]' \
- 'help[Displays help]' \
- 'depclean[Clean all packages that have no reason for being installed]'\
- 'clean[Cleans the system by removing packages]' \
- '-c[Cleans the system by removing packages]' \
- '-h[Displays help]' \
- '-i[Portage thinks that this package is installed]' \
- '-P[Removes all but the latest versions of matching packages]' \
- '-s[Searches for matches]' \
- '-S[Matches the search string against the description field]' \
- '--searchdesc[Matches the search string against the description field]' \
- '-C[Removes all matching packages]' \
- 'world[Represent all packages in the world profiles]' \
- 'system[Represent all the system packages]'
-local portage_pkglist gentoo_runlevels portdir pkgdir portdir_overlay overlay
-#Reading informations from make.conf
-[[ -n "${PORTDIR}" ]] && portdir="${PORTDIR}"
-[[ -n "${PKGDIR}" ]] && pkgdir="${PKGDIR}"
-if [[ -n "${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}" ]] ; then
- for overlay in ${=PORTDIR_OVERLAY} ; do
- portdir_overlay=(${overlay} ${portdir_overlay})
- done
-[[ -r /etc/make.globals ]] && source /etc/make.globals
-[[ -r /etc/make.conf ]] && source /etc/make.conf
-[[ -z "${portdir}" ]] && portdir="${PORTDIR}"
-[[ -z "${pkgdir}" ]] && pkgdir="${PKGDIR}"
-if [[ -z "${portdir_overlay}" ]] ; then
- for overlay in ${=PORTDIR_OVERLAY} ; do
- portdir_overlay=(${overlay} ${portdir_overlay})
- done
-portage_pkglist=(${portdir}/*-*/* ${portdir_overlay}/*-*/*)
-case "$service" in
- emerge)
- _emerge "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- rc-update)
- _rc-update "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- rc-status)
- _rc-status "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- ebuild)
- _ebuild "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- opengl-update)
- _opengl-update "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- rc)
- _rc "$@" && return 0
- ;;
- quickpkg)
- _quickpkg "$@" && return 0
- ;;
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh/files/digest-zsh-4.2.0-r1 b/app-shells/zsh/files/digest-zsh-4.2.0-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index 21510ec50646..000000000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh/files/digest-zsh-4.2.0-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 866bcdad8c0c4974650f5eff395a9a35 zsh-4.2.0.tar.bz2 1990884
-MD5 3c222b6d7b974c07ba244c37eb5d65fb zsh-4.2.0-euc-0.2.patch.gz 2857
-MD5 14aa2d8d9e6f546593fd42f45dfee669 zsh-4.2.0-doc.tar.bz2 1695230
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh/files/digest-zsh-4.2.1-r1 b/app-shells/zsh/files/digest-zsh-4.2.1-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a7134f4f087..000000000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh/files/digest-zsh-4.2.1-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 b59ef34b8de288d5fd16f842451125c8 zsh-4.2.1.tar.bz2 2039188
-MD5 44f829b59181749691b9725e48a9a5e8 zsh-4.2.1-euc-0.3.patch.gz 2919
-MD5 943bdc398c6138bdb2294a355f4d0959 zsh-4.2.1-doc.tar.bz2 1632937
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.0-r1.ebuild b/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c346a888384..000000000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.9 2005/01/01 16:01:01 eradicator Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="UNIX Shell similar to the Korn shell"
- cjk? (${P}-euc-0.2.patch.gz )
- doc? (${MY_P}-doc.tar.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="x86 ppc sparc alpha arm hppa amd64"
-IUSE="maildir ncurses static doc pcre cap cjk"
-RDEPEND="pcre? ( >=dev-libs/libpcre-3.9 )
- cap? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- ncurses? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.1 )
- !app-shells/zsh-completion"
- >=sys-apps/sed-4
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${MY_P}.tar.bz2
- use doc && unpack ${MY_P}-doc.tar.bz2
- cd ${S}
- use cjk && epatch ${DISTDIR}/${P}-euc-0.2.patch.gz
- cd ${S}/Doc
- ln -sf . man1
- # fix zshall problem with soelim
- soelim zshall.1 > zshall.1.soelim
- mv zshall.1.soelim zshall.1
-src_compile() {
- local myconf
- use static && myconf="${myconf} --disable-dynamic" \
- && LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -static"
- econf \
- --bindir=/bin \
- --libdir=/usr/lib \
- --enable-etcdir=/etc/zsh \
- --enable-zshenv=/etc/zsh/zshenv \
- --enable-zlogin=/etc/zsh/zlogin \
- --enable-zlogout=/etc/zsh/zlogout \
- --enable-zprofile=/etc/zsh/zprofile \
- --enable-zshrc=/etc/zsh/zshrc \
- --enable-fndir=/usr/share/zsh/${PV}/functions \
- --enable-site-fndir=/usr/share/zsh/site-functions \
- --enable-function-subdirs \
- --enable-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
- `use_with ncurses curses-terminfo` \
- `use_enable maildir maildir-support` \
- `use_enable pcre` \
- `use_enable cap` \
- ${myconf} || die "configure failed"
- if use static ; then
- # compile all modules statically, see Bug #27392
- sed -i -e "s/link=no/link=static/g" \
- -e "s/load=no/load=yes/g" \
- config.modules || die
- else
- # avoid linking to libs in /usr/lib, see Bug #27064
- sed -i -e "/LIBS/s%-lpcre%/usr/lib/libpcre.a%" \
- Makefile || die
- fi
- # emake still b0rks
- emake -j1 || die "make failed"
- #make check || die "make check failed"
-src_install() {
- einstall \
- bindir=${D}/bin \
- libdir=${D}/usr/lib \
- fndir=${D}/usr/share/zsh/${PV}/functions \
- sitefndir=${D}/usr/share/zsh/site-functions \
- install.bin install.modules \
- install.fns || die "make install failed"
- insinto /etc/zsh
- doins ${FILESDIR}/zprofile
- keepdir /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- newins ${FILESDIR}/_portage-${MYDATE} _portage
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/${PV}/functions/Prompts
- doins ${FILESDIR}/prompt_gentoo_setup
- dodoc ChangeLog* META-FAQ README INSTALL LICENCE config.modules
- if use doc ; then
- dohtml Doc/*
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- doins Doc/zsh{.dvi,,}
- fi
- docinto StartupFiles
- dodoc StartupFiles/z*
-pkg_preinst() {
- # Our zprofile file does the job of the old zshenv file
- # Move the old version into a zprofile script so the normal
- # etc-update process will handle any changes.
- if [ -f /etc/zsh/zshenv -a ! -f /etc/zsh/zprofile ]; then
- mv /etc/zsh/zshenv /etc/zsh/zprofile
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo
- einfo "If you want to enable Portage completion and Gentoo prompt,"
- einfo "add"
- einfo " autoload -U compinit promptinit"
- einfo " compinit"
- einfo " promptinit; prompt gentoo"
- einfo "to your ~/.zshrc"
- einfo
- # see Bug 26776
- ewarn
- ewarn "If you are upgrading from zsh-4.0.x you may need to"
- ewarn "remove all your old ~/.zcompdump files in order to use"
- ewarn "completion. For more info see zcompsys manpage."
- ewarn
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.1-r1.ebuild b/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 621442f769ea..000000000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-shells/zsh/zsh-4.2.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.4 2005/01/01 16:01:01 eradicator Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="UNIX Shell similar to the Korn shell"
- cjk? (${P}-euc-0.3.patch.gz )
- doc? (${P}-doc.tar.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="x86 ppc sparc alpha ~arm hppa amd64 ~ia64"
-IUSE="maildir ncurses static doc pcre cap cjk"
-RDEPEND="pcre? ( >=dev-libs/libpcre-3.9 )
- cap? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- ncurses? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.1 )"
- >=sys-apps/sed-4
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
- use doc && unpack ${P}-doc.tar.bz2
- cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.diff
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-init.d-gentoo.diff
- use cjk && epatch ${DISTDIR}/${P}-euc-0.3.patch.gz
- cd ${S}/Doc
- ln -sf . man1
- # fix zshall problem with soelim
- soelim zshall.1 > zshall.1.soelim
- mv zshall.1.soelim zshall.1
-src_compile() {
- local myconf
- use static && myconf="${myconf} --disable-dynamic" \
- && LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -static"
- econf \
- --bindir=/bin \
- --libdir=/usr/lib \
- --enable-etcdir=/etc/zsh \
- --enable-zshenv=/etc/zsh/zshenv \
- --enable-zlogin=/etc/zsh/zlogin \
- --enable-zlogout=/etc/zsh/zlogout \
- --enable-zprofile=/etc/zsh/zprofile \
- --enable-zshrc=/etc/zsh/zshrc \
- --enable-fndir=/usr/share/zsh/${PV%_*}/functions \
- --enable-site-fndir=/usr/share/zsh/site-functions \
- --enable-function-subdirs \
- --enable-ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
- --with-tcsetpgrp \
- $(use_with ncurses curses-terminfo) \
- $(use_enable maildir maildir-support) \
- $(use_enable pcre) \
- $(use_enable cap) \
- ${myconf} || die "configure failed"
- if use static ; then
- # compile all modules statically, see Bug #27392
- sed -i -e "s/link=no/link=static/g" \
- -e "s/load=no/load=yes/g" \
- config.modules || die
- else
- # avoid linking to libs in /usr/lib, see Bug #27064
- sed -i -e "/LIBS/s%-lpcre%/usr/lib/libpcre.a%" \
- Makefile || die
- fi
- # emake still b0rks
- emake -j1 || die "make failed"
-src_test() {
- addpredict /dev/ptmx
- make check || die "make check failed"
-src_install() {
- einstall \
- bindir=${D}/bin \
- libdir=${D}/usr/lib \
- fndir=${D}/usr/share/zsh/${PV%_*}/functions \
- sitefndir=${D}/usr/share/zsh/site-functions \
- install.bin install.modules \
- install.fns || die "make install failed"
- insinto /etc/zsh
- doins ${FILESDIR}/zprofile
- keepdir /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/${PV%_*}/functions/Prompts
- doins ${FILESDIR}/prompt_gentoo_setup || die
- # install miscellaneous scripts; bug #54520
- sed -i -e "s:/usr/local:/usr:g" {Util,Misc}/* || "sed failed"
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/${PV%_*}/Util
- doins Util/* || die "doins Util scripts failed"
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/${PV%_*}/Misc
- doins Misc/* || die "doins Misc scripts failed"
- dodoc ChangeLog* META-FAQ README INSTALL LICENCE config.modules
- if use doc ; then
- dohtml Doc/*
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- doins Doc/zsh{.dvi,,}
- fi
- docinto StartupFiles
- dodoc StartupFiles/z*
-pkg_preinst() {
- # Our zprofile file does the job of the old zshenv file
- # Move the old version into a zprofile script so the normal
- # etc-update process will handle any changes.
- if [ -f /etc/zsh/zshenv -a ! -f /etc/zsh/zprofile ]; then
- mv /etc/zsh/zshenv /etc/zsh/zprofile
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo
- einfo "If you want to enable Portage completions and Gentoo prompt,"
- einfo "emerge app-shells/zsh-completion and add"
- einfo " autoload -U compinit promptinit"
- einfo " compinit"
- einfo " promptinit; prompt gentoo"
- einfo "to your ~/.zshrc"
- einfo
- einfo "Also, if you want to enable cache for the completions, add"
- einfo " zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1"
- einfo "to your ~/.zshrc"
- einfo
- # see Bug 26776
- ewarn
- ewarn "If you are upgrading from zsh-4.0.x you may need to"
- ewarn "remove all your old ~/.zcompdump files in order to use"
- ewarn "completion. For more info see zcompsys manpage."
- ewarn