diff options
authorDonny Davies <>2002-04-09 23:57:52 +0000
committerDonny Davies <>2002-04-09 23:57:52 +0000
commita15be1832af13f0e425c36a70fc460c0996c4145 (patch)
tree589c10049eeb0f8f4d9ab239df12245de2465726 /net-www/mod_gzip
parentrewritten apache package; see changelog (diff)
add a healthy selection of third-party modules to go along with the great apache rewrite ;)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-www/mod_gzip')
6 files changed, 540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/ChangeLog b/net-www/mod_gzip/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a58e8982612d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_gzip/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ChangeLog for net-www/mod_dav
+# Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mod_gzip/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2002/04/09 23:57:52 woodchip Exp $
+*mod_dav-1.0.3 (9 Apr 2002)
+ 9 Apr 2002; Donny Davies <> :
+ New package to go along with the rewritten apache ebuild.
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/changes.txt b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/changes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9dc4335950d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/changes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+CHANGES in Version
+* mod_gzip_can_negotiate Yes
+This new httpd.conf directive is probably the most
+important new feature.
+If 'mod_gzip_can_negotiate' command is set to 'Yes'
+then mod_gzip will essentially 'take over' some of
+the duties of mod_negotiate and will automatically
+check for static pre-existing compressed versions
+of requested file(s).
+In other words... if the user requests 'filename.html'
+and there happens to already be a pre-compressed
+version of that page named 'filename.html.gz' then
+mod_gzip will immediately return the pre-compressed
+version rather than perform a dynamic compression
+of the file.
+The delivery of the pre-compressed version of the file
+is still subject to the same 'rules' that govern the
+delivery of compressed data to a user-agent. The user-agent
+must have indicated it is capable of receiving compressed
+content and the file/mime type itself must be one of the
+valid mod_gzip 'inclusion' items specified using the
+normal mod_gzip_item_include/exclude statements.
+The 'mod_negotiate' module for Apache does not currently
+have the 'smarts' that mod_gzip does with regards to
+evaluating user-agents and inbound request headers and while it
+is (sometimes) able to 'negotiate' for static compressed versions
+of files it does not have anything comparable to the safety checks
+or the include/exclude item filtering logic that mod_gzip has.
+It is much 'safer' to set the 'mod_gzip_can_negotiate'
+flag to 'Yes' and let mod_gzip check for ( and deliver )
+static compressed versions of files than it is to let
+mod_negotiate make the same decisions.
+If mod_gzip finds a pre-compressed version of a requested
+file and all the filtering and safety checks allow that
+static compressed version to be delivered back to the
+client then the mod_gzip 'result' string in the access.log
+file will be...
+In this case... 'DECLINED' does not mean that no compressed
+data was returned. It means that mod_gzip has screened the
+request according to its filtering logic and has concluded
+that is is OK for Apache itself to flow the pre-compressed
+version back to the user-agent. 'DECLINED' means it was
+not 'dynamically' compressed and 'STATIC_GZ_FOUND' means
+a pre-compressed version was returned to the user-agent.
+In the cases where a user-agent has specifically requested
+a filename.html.gz file then the result string will be...
+Which means that mod_gzip simply 'passed' on the transaction.
+* 'mod_gzip_command_version' directive has returned.
+The mod_gzip 'command' interface is back but now it
+has a different 'twist'. For security reasons you must
+now specify yourself what the 'command' is for certain
+functions like 'Get version'.
+This way... only you will know what the command is so
+you can test your own site(s). The command(s) can be
+different strings for each Virtual Host, if desired.
+To enable mod_gzip to do the 'version' command just
+add this to your httpd.conf file...
+mod_gzip_command_version mod_gzip_show_version
+The 'mod_gzip_show_version' string can be anything you
+like and this is the 'command' that you can now send
+to your server to have it respond with mod_gzip version
+information as an HTML response page.
+Example: Using the above command definition all you have
+to do to get the Server to provide the mod_gzip version
+information ( and whether or not mod_gzip is enabled
+for that location ) is type this into your browser...
+If you have added the 'mod_gzip_command_version' config
+parameter to 'your_server_name' httpd.conf file then
+you will not get a '404 File not found'... you will get this...
+mod_gzip is available on this Server...
+mod_gzip_version =
+mod_gzip_on = Yes
+If mod_gzip is installed but is not 'on' for whatever
+location is requested ( based on Virtual Server name )
+then this will also be indicated with 'mod_gzip_on = No'
+in the response.
+This is a good way to tell 3 things...
+1. Is mod_gzip installed and functioning correctly.
+2. What version is it?
+3. Is mod_gzip turned 'on' for the requested 'location' (Server)?
+The command interface will check the entire URI for the
+command pickup string so, if you desire, you can do this
+as well...
+The command string does not have to be part of the URI filename
+and can be included as a query parm following any filename.
+You will not receive the file... you will get the mod_gzip
+command result page instead.
+This might work better for some who want to add the 'command'
+link to existing pages since, if mod_gzip is not installed
+on 'your_server_name', Apache will still try to locate and
+return the page called 'dummypage.html' which might be better
+for some scenarios than a '404 Not found' response.
+* New 'uri' include/exclude record type added...
+The existing 'type' names for inclusion/exclusion should
+be adequate for just about anything but one or two
+scenarios involving complicated uses of 'ScriptAlias'
+have surfaced which could probably benefit from doing
+a keyword lookup on the URI itself and not the filename
+or mime type.
+To that end there is now a new 'type' name that can used...
+mod_gzip_item_include uri .*foo.*
+This will cause all requests for URIs with the characters 'foo'
+in it to be 'included'.
+NOTE: You can use either 'uri' or 'url' as the record type name.
+Using the 'file' pickup type is still the best ( and most accurate )
+thing to do so using the new 'uri' pickup is 'swim at your own risk'.
+It should work fine if used properly.
+* In-memory compression option is back on.
+The 'in-memory' compression option which was temporarily
+disabled in the prior version is now back on. The
+'mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size xxxx' config parameter is
+what sets the maximum size of a source object ( in bytes )
+that can/will be compressed completely in memory.
+If the 'mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size' value is either
+ZERO or not specified then the 'in-memory' compression
+option is effectively disabled and will not be used.
+Due to one remaining problem with some OS'es being unable
+to use allocations greater than 64k the maximum value
+is limited to 60,000 bytes ( allowing for some overspill ).
+60,000 bytes is perfectly adequate for most responses.
+Anything larger than that probably SHOULD use a workfile.
+Next version will allow any size to be used but be forewarned
+that testing has already shown that on a busy Server anything
+over 60k should probably not use the 'in-memory' option anyway
+since a busy Server needs all the memory it can get spread across
+hundreds of transactions per second to keep the performance up.
+* mod_gzip_item_include/exclude description updated.
+Used to report...
+Now correctly reports...
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/commands.txt b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cbb327803857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+NOTE: This documentation applies to mod-gzip
+version(s) ( and above ).
+mod_gzip uses the existing Apache 'notes' method to allow you
+to add information to your existing Apache access.log file(s).
+The following special 'LogFormat' will show only the compression
+rate achieved. If a file as not compressed a 'dash' or a ZERO
+will print instead of the number...
+LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b
+mod_gzip: %{mod_gzip_compression_ratio}npct."
+The following special 'LogFormat' will show all the details
+about a compressed file...
+LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b
+mod_gzip: %{mod_gzip_result}n
+In order to actually use any special 'LogFormat' you must specify
+it as a 'CustomLog' entry using the following Apache directive...
+CustomLog logs/access.log common_with_mod_gzip_info2
+Warning: If you have more than one 'CustomLog' entry defined then
+you will get more than 1 log entry for each page requested from
+the Server. Unless you desire multiple log entries for each
+request then make sure there is only one active 'CustomLog' entry
+in your httpd.conf file.
+See the Apache documentation itself for more information about
+how to use the 'LogFormat' and 'CustomLog' directives.
+These are the mod_gzip configuration directives that can be
+added to your existing Apache httpd.conf configuration file...
+mod_gzip_on [Yes/No]
+Yes=mod_gzip will handle requests. No=mod_gzip is disabled.
+mod_gzip_add_header_count [Yes/No]
+Yes=Add header byte counts to Common Log Format output total(s).
+mod_gzip_keep_workfiles [Yes/No]
+Yes=Keep any work files used. No=Automatically delete any work files used.
+Only set this to 'Yes' for debugging purposes.
+mod_gzip_dechunk [Yes/No]
+Yes=Allow removal of 'Transfer-encoding: chunked' when necessary.
+Certain 'Back-end' CGI processors such as PHP4 and ColdFusion are
+always returning responses using 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'.
+In order for these responses to be compressed you should set this
+directive to 'Yes' which will allow mod_gzip to remove the
+'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' if/when it is necessary to do so.
+mod_gzip_min_http [ 1000 or 1001 or ???? ]
+Minimum HTTP protocol value to support. 1000 = HTTP/1.0 1001 = HTTP/1.1
+If a browser or User-Agent does not report itself as being capable
+of doing the 'minimum' HTTP level then no compression will be sent.
+The directive uses the same 'numeric' protocol numbers used internally
+by Apache itself.
+mod_gzip_minimum_file_size [bytes]
+Minimum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
+mod_gzip_maximum_file_size [bytes]
+Maximum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
+mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size [bytes]
+Maximum size ( bytes ) to use for in-memory compression.
+mod_gzip_temp_dir [Win32=c:\pathname UNIX=/pathname]
+The directory to use for work files and compression cache.
+The directory must already exist and have the correct
+read/write permissions for the user/group name(s) used by
+the Server while it is running.
+Do not add a slash to the end of the directory pathname.
+If not specifed, the default for Windows is "c:\temp" and the
+default for UNIX is "/tmp".
+mod_gzip_item_include ARG1 ARG2
+ARG2=[Name of item to INCLUDE in list of things that should be compressed]
+mod_gzip_item_exclude ARG1 ARG2
+ARG2=[Name of item to EXCLUDE from list of things that should be compressed]
+mod_gzip_command_version [string]
+User defined pickup string to use for mod_gzip version command.
+mod_gzip_can_negotiate [Yes/No]
+Yes=Negotiate/send static compressed versions of files No=Do not negotiate.
+The following commands are no longer supported...
+You can always simply 'ask' any Apache Web Server to show you all
+the modules installed and print a list of all the directives
+available for each module.
+"mod_info" is the Apache standard module that supplies the information.
+This is a text based reprint of the Apache documentation
+page for mod_info taken from a copy of Apache 1.3.12..
+Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3
+Module mod_info
+This module is contained in the mod_info.c file.
+It provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration
+including all installed modules and directives in the
+configuration files.
+This module is not compiled into the server by default.
+It is only available in Apache 1.1 and later.
+To enable it, add the following line to the server build
+Configuration file, and rebuild the server:
+AddModule modules/standard/mod_info.o
+To configure it, add the following to your access.conf file.
+<Location /server-info>
+SetHandler server-info
+You may wish to add a <Limit> clause inside the location directive
+to limit access to your server configuration information.
+Once configured, the server information is obtained by accessing
+Note that the configuration files are read by the module at run-time,
+and therefore the display may not reflect the running server's active
+configuration if the files have been changed since the server was last
+reloaded. Also, the configuration files must be readable by the user
+as which the server is running (see the User directive), or else the
+directive settings will not be listed.
+It should also be noted that if mod_info is compiled into the server,
+its handler capability is available in all configuration files,
+including per-directory files (e.g., .htaccess).
+This may have security-related ramifications for your site.
+Syntax: AddModuleInfo module-name string
+Context: server config, virtual host
+Status: base
+Module: mod_browser
+Compatibility: Apache 1.3 and above
+This allows the content of string to be shown as HTML interpreted,
+Additional Information for the module module-name. Example:
+AddModuleInfo mod_auth.c
+'See <A HREF="">
+If both mod_gzip and mod_info are installed and you send the
+following request to the Server...
+...then this is what you should see in the mod_gzip section
+of the report...
+Yes=mod_gzip will handle requests. No=mod_gzip is disabled.
+Yes=Add header byte counts to Common Log Format output total(s).
+Yes=Keep any work files used. No=Automatically delete any work files used.
+Yes=Allow removal of 'Transfer-encoding: chunked' when necessary.
+Minimum HTTP protocol value to support. 1000 = HTTP/1.0 1001 = HTTP/1.1
+Minimum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
+Maximum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
+Maximum size ( bytes ) to use for in-memory compression.
+The directory to use for work files and compression cache.
+ARG2=[Name of item to INCLUDE in list of things that should be compressed]
+ARG2=[Name of item to EXCLUDE from list of things that should be compressed]
+User defined pickup string to use for mod_gzip version command.
+Yes=Negotiate/send static compressed versions of files No=Do not negotiate.
+Configuration directive no longer supported.
+Configuration directive no longer supported.
+Configuration directive no longer supported.
+Configuration directive no longer supported.
+Configuration directive no longer supported.
+End of document.
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/digest-mod_gzip- b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/digest-mod_gzip-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c83e458fecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/digest-mod_gzip-
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 4213af3e9a6cf208fa29b04512ce7c75 mod_gzip.c.gz 55269
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..155af97b71f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<IfModule mod_gzip.c>
+mod_gzip_on Yes
+mod_gzip_dechunk Yes
+mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 300
+mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 0
+mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 100000
+mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
+mod_gzip_temp_dir /tmp
+mod_gzip_item_include file \.html$
+mod_gzip_item_include file \.htm$
+mod_gzip_item_include file \.jsp$
+mod_gzip_item_include file \.php$
+mod_gzip_item_include file \.pl$
+mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.*
+mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-httpd-php
+mod_gzip_item_include mime ^httpd/unix-directory$
+mod_gzip_item_include handler ^perl-script$
+mod_gzip_item_include handler ^server-status$
+mod_gzip_item_include handler ^server-info$
+mod_gzip_item_include handler "jserv-servlet"
+mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.css$
+mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.js$
+mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.wml$
+mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.*
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/mod_gzip- b/net-www/mod_gzip/mod_gzip-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9093f9451b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_gzip/mod_gzip-
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
+# Maintainer: Donny Davies <>
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mod_gzip/mod_gzip-,v 1.1 2002/04/09 23:57:52 woodchip Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="Apache module which acts as an Internet Content Accelerator"
+DEPEND="virtual/glibc >=net-www/apache-1.3.24 >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4"
+src_unpack() {
+ mkdir ${P} ; cd ${S}
+ cp ${DISTDIR}/${A} .
+ gunzip ${A} || die
+src_compile() {
+ /usr/sbin/apxs -I/usr/include -L/usr/lib -lz -c mod_gzip.c
+ assert "compile problem"
+src_install() {
+ exeinto /usr/lib/apache-extramodules
+ doexe
+ dodoc ${FILESDIR}/{changes,commands}.txt
+ insinto /etc/apache/conf/addon-modules
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/mod_gzip.conf
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo
+ einfo "Execute ebuild /var/db/pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${PF}.ebuild config"
+ einfo "to have your apache.conf auto-updated for use with this module."
+ einfo "You should then edit your /etc/conf.d/apache file to suit."
+ einfo
+pkg_config() {
+ ${ROOT}/usr/sbin/apacheaddmod \
+ ${ROOT}/etc/apache/conf/apache.conf \
+ extramodules/ mod_gzip.c gzip_module \
+ define=GZIP addconf=conf/addon-modules/mod_gzip.conf
+ :;