diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'z-distfiles')
-rw-r--r--z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1.tar.bz2bin4447 -> 0 bytes
30 files changed, 187 insertions, 1072 deletions
diff --git a/z-distfiles/.svn.ignore b/z-distfiles/.svn.ignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9adf581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z-distfiles/.svn.ignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/z-distfiles/Makefile b/z-distfiles/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d2d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z-distfiles/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+TAR=tar cvfj
+TAREX=--exclude="CVS" --exclude=".svn" --exclude=*~
+ $(TAR) scripts-gw-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 scripts-gw $(TAREX) $(DEREF)
+ cp scripts-gw-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 $(DOWNLOAD_DIR)
+ for fl in `find $(DOWNLOAD_DIR) -type f`; do chmod 644 "$$fl"; done
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1.tar.bz2 b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 3799256..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1.tar.bz2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/Makefile b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f0abd2d..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-SBINSCRIPTS = SVN-dump SVN-html SVN-monthly birthDay check-SUID tripUpdate SVN-daily SVN-etc SVN-ldap SVN-mysql check-ALLWRITE dailyRoutine mysql-dump-all
-BINSCRIPTS = emerge-single
- echo "No compilation necessary!"
- install -g root -o root -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin
- install -g root -o root -m 755 $(SBINSCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin/
- install -g root -o root -m 755 $(BINSCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-daily b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-daily
deleted file mode 100755
index 2ab0df1..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-daily
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-for REPOSITORY in /var/svn/repos/*
- do
- $BIN_DUMP $REPOSITORY /var/svn/dump/`basename $REPOSITORY`.dump incremental
-for FILE in /var/svn/dump/*.bz2
- do
- [ -f $FILE.gpg ] && rm $FILE.gpg
- [ -f $FILE ] && /usr/bin/gpg --batch --no-tty --default-recipient --encrypt-files $FILE && rm $FILE
-chown -R apache:apache /var/svn/dump
-chmod 750 /var/svn/dump
-chmod 660 /var/svn/dump/*
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-dump b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-dump
deleted file mode 100755
index a812774..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-dump
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-my $repos_path = $ARGV[0];
-my $dumpfile = $ARGV[1];
-my $type = $ARGV[2];
-my $bin_svnadmin = `which svnadmin`;
-my $bin_svnlook = `which svnlook`;
-my $bin_bz2 = `which bzip2`;
-$bin_svnlook =~ s/\n//;
-$bin_svnadmin =~ s/\n//;
-$bin_bz2 =~ s/\n//;
-if ($bin_svnadmin eq "") {$bin_svnadmin = "/usr/bin/svnadmin"};
-if ($bin_svnlook eq "") {$bin_svnlook = "/usr/bin/svnlook"};
-if ($bin_bz2 eq "") {$bin_bz2 = "/bin/bzip2"};
-# Figure out the starting revision. Use 0 if we cannot read the
-# last-dumped file, else use the revision in that file incremented
-# by 1.
-my $new_start = 0;
-if (open LASTDUMPED, "$dumpfile.last")
- my $line = <LASTDUMPED>;
- if (defined $line and $line =~ /^(\d+)/)
- {
- $new_start = $1 + 1;
- }
-# Query the youngest revision in the repos.
-my $youngest = `$bin_svnlook youngest $repos_path`;
-defined $youngest && $youngest =~ /^\d+$/
- or die "$0: 'svnlook youngest $repos_path' cannot get youngest revision.\n";
-chomp $youngest;
-if ($type eq "incremental")
- if ($new_start > $youngest)
- {
- print "Nothing to do!\n";
- } else {
- ## Do the backup.
- system("$bin_svnadmin dump $repos_path --revision $new_start:$youngest --incremental >> $dumpfile.tmp") == 0
- or die "$0: svnadmin dump to '$dumpfile.tmp' failed.\n";
- # Store a new last-dumped revision.
- open LASTDUMPED, "> $dumpfile.last.tmp"
- or die "$0: cannot open '$dumpfile.last.tmp' for writing: $!\n";
- print LASTDUMPED "$youngest\n";
- or die "$0: error in closing '$dumpfile.last.tmp' for writing: $!\n";
- # Rename to final locations.
- rename("$dumpfile.tmp", "$dumpfile.$new_start.$youngest")
- or die "$0: cannot rename '$dumpfile.tmp' to '$dumpfile': $!\n";
- rename("$dumpfile.last.tmp", "$dumpfile.last")
- or die "$0: cannot rename '$dumpfile.last.tmp' to '$dumpfile.last': $!\n";
- system("$bin_bz2 $dumpfile.$new_start.$youngest") == 0
- or die "$0: compressing dump file $dumpfile.$new_start.$youngest failed.\n";
- }
-} else {
- system("$bin_svnadmin dump $repos_path >> $dumpfile.full.tmp") == 0
- or die "$0: svnadmin dump to '$dumpfile.tmp' failed.\n";
- rename("$dumpfile.full.tmp", "$dumpfile.full")
- or die "$0: cannot rename '$dumpfile.full.tmp' to '$dumpfile.full': $!\n";
- system("$bin_bz2 -f $dumpfile.full") == 0
- or die "$0: compressing dump file $dumpfile.full failed.\n";
-# All done!
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-etc b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-etc
deleted file mode 100755
index 3d53c7e..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-etc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-date >> $LOGFILE
-date >> $ERRFILE
-find /etc/ | grep "~$" >> $LOGFILE
-find /etc/ | grep "~$" | xargs rm
-rsync -rptgo --delete-after --exclude ".svn/" /etc/ $BASEDIR 2>> $ERRFILE | grep -v "skipping"
-cd $BASEDIR && TL=`find .` && for fl in $TL;do [ -L $fl ] && rm $fl;done
-cd $BASEDIR && svn-del do &> $LOGFILE
-cd $BASEDIR && svn-add do &> $LOGFILE
-[ ! "$MESSAGE" ] && MESSAGE="Automatic Update"
-cd $BASEDIR >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE && svn commit -m "$MESSAGE" >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-html b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-html
deleted file mode 100755
index 5db9df4..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-date >> $LOGFILE
-date >> $ERRFILE
-for dir in `cat /var/www/data-backup`
- do
- mkdir -p $STBLDIR/$dir
- rsync -rptgo --delete-after --exclude ".svn/" $dir/ $STBLDIR/$dir/ 2>> $ERRFILE | grep -v "skipping"
-chown -R $USR $STBLDIR
-for dir in `cat /var/www/conf-backup`
- do
- mkdir -p $BASEDIR/$dir
- rsync -rptgo --delete-after --exclude ".svn/" $dir/ $BASEDIR/$dir/ 2>> $ERRFILE | grep -v "skipping"
-cd $BASEDIR && TL=`find .` && for fl in $TL;do [ -L $fl ] && rm $fl;done
-cd $BASEDIR && svn-del do &> $LOGFILE
-cd $BASEDIR && svn-add do &> $LOGFILE
-[ ! "$MESSAGE" ] && MESSAGE="Automatic Update"
-cd $BASEDIR >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE && svn commit -m "$MESSAGE" >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-ldap b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-ldap
deleted file mode 100755
index b36e462..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-ldap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/bin/rm $LOGFILE
-/bin/rm $ERRFILE
-/bin/date >> $LOGFILE
-/bin/date >> $ERRFILE
-/usr/sbin/slapcat > $BASEDIR/ldap.dump
-[ ! "$MESSAGE" ] && MESSAGE="Automatic Update"
-cd $BASEDIR >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE && /usr/bin/svn commit -m "$MESSAGE" >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-monthly b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-monthly
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f26b15..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-monthly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-for REPOSITORY in /var/svn/repos/*
- do
- $BIN_DUMP $REPOSITORY /var/svn/dump/`basename $REPOSITORY`.dump full
-for FILE in /var/svn/dump/*.bz2
- do
- [ -f $FILE.gpg ] && rm $FILE.gpg
- [ -f $FILE ] && /usr/bin/gpg --batch --no-tty --default-recipient --encrypt-files $FILE && rm $FILE
-chown -R apache:apache /var/svn/dump
-chmod 750 /var/svn/dump
-chmod 660 /var/svn/dump/*
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-mysql b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-mysql
deleted file mode 100755
index cf20b22..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/SVN-mysql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/bin/rm $LOGFILE
-/bin/rm $ERRFILE
-/bin/date >> $LOGFILE
-/bin/date >> $ERRFILE
-/usr/bin/mysqldump -u root -p4H6e4p6p --all-databases > $BASEDIR/mysql.dump
-[ ! "$MESSAGE" ] && MESSAGE="Automatic Update"
-cd $BASEDIR >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE && /usr/bin/svn commit -m "$MESSAGE" >> $LOGFILE 2>> $ERRFILE
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/birthDay b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/birthDay
deleted file mode 100755
index b0acb56..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/birthDay
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-use Date::Calc qw(:all);
-use Net::SMTP;
-($year,$month,$day) = Today();
-($hour,$min,$sec) = Now();
-my $server = $ARGV[0];
-my $ldapdc = $ARGV[1];
-my $ldpass = $ARGV[2];
-system("ldapsearch -x -LL -H $server -b $ldapdc -s sub -D cn=admin,$ldapdc -w $ldpass \"(birthDate=*)\" cn mail birthDate > /tmp/birthday.tmp");
-open BDAY, "</tmp/birthday.tmp";
-while ($line = <BDAY>)
- if($line =~ /^dn:/)
- {
- $user = $line;
- }
- if($line =~ /^cn:/)
- {
- ($bday{$user}{"NAME"}) = ($line =~ /cn: (.*)/);
- }
- if($line =~ /^mail:/)
- {
- ($bday{$user}{"MAIL"}) = ($line =~ /mail: (.*)/);
- }
- if($line =~ /^birthDate:/)
- {
- ($bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"YEAR"}, $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"MONTH"}, $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"DAY"}) = ($line =~ /birthDate: (\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d).*/);
- $bday{$user}{"AGE"} = ($year - $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"YEAR"});
- $bday{$user}{"TLEFT"} = Delta_Days($year, $month, $day, $year, $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"MONTH"}, $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"DAY"});
- }
-foreach $user (keys %bday)
- if ($bday{$user}{"TLEFT"}==7 || $bday{$user}{"TLEFT"}==-358)
- {
- &bdayMail($bday{$user}{"NAME"},$bday{$user}{"MAIL"},$bday{$user}{"AGE"},"Der Geburtstag von " . $bday{$user}{"NAME"} . " naht!", $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"DAY"} . "." . $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"MONTH"});
- }
- if ($bday{$user}{"TLEFT"}==0)
- {
- &bdayMail($bday{$user}{"NAME"},$bday{$user}{"MAIL"},$bday{$user}{"AGE"},"Heute hat " . $bday{$user}{"NAME"} . " Geburtstag!", $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"DAY"} . "." . $bday{$user}{"BDAY"}{"MONTH"});
- }
-system("rm /tmp/birthday.tmp");
-sub bdayMail {
- $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('localhost')
- or die "Can't connect SMTP localhost!\n";
- $recp{''}{"NAME"} = "Gunnar";
- $date = sprintf("%.3s, %02d %.3s %d %d:%d:%d +0200",
- Day_of_Week_to_Text(Day_of_Week($year,$month,$day)),
- $day,
- Month_to_Text($month),
- $year,$hour,$min,$sec);
- foreach $localname (keys %recp)
- {
- $mail = 'From: Birthday Skript <>' . "\n";
- $mail .= "To: " . $recp{$localname}{"NAME"} . " <" . $localname .">\n";
- $mail .= "Date: " . $date . "\n";
- $mail .= "Subject: " . $_[3] . "\n\n";
- $mail .= "Am " . $_[4] . " wird " . $_[0] . " " . $_[2] . " Jahre alt.\n\n";
- if (!$_[1] eq "")
- {
- $mail .= "Falls Du eine Mail schreiben moechtest: " . $_[1] . "\n";
- }
- $smtp->mail('');
- $smtp->to($localname);
- $smtp->data();
- $smtp->datasend($mail);
- $smtp->dataend();
- $smtp->quit;
- }
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/check-ALLWRITE b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/check-ALLWRITE
deleted file mode 100755
index ac2691b..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/check-ALLWRITE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-find / -xdev -perm +o=w ! \( -type d -perm +o=t \) ! -type l -print > $LOG
-diff -Nau $LOG_OLD $LOG
-echo "##################################################"
-cat $LOG_OLD
-echo "##################################################"
-cat $LOG
-rm $LOG_OLD
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/check-SUID b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/check-SUID
deleted file mode 100755
index 5740da4..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/check-SUID
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-find / -xdev -type f -perm +ug=s -print > $LOG
-diff -Nau $LOG_OLD $LOG
-echo "##################################################"
-cat $LOG_OLD
-echo "##################################################"
-cat $LOG
-rm $LOG_OLD
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/dailyRoutine b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/dailyRoutine
deleted file mode 100755
index cc163e2..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/dailyRoutine
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-ntpd -q
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- END"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "NOW:"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- BACKUP "
-echo "---------------------"
-SVN-etc ${BACKUP} "AutomaticUpdate"
-SVN-html ${BACKUP} "AutomaticUpdate"
-SVN-mysql ${BACKUP} ${MYSQLPASS} "AutomaticUpdate"
-SVN-ldap ${BACKUP} "AutomaticUpdate"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- END"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- SVN BACKUP "
-echo "---------------------"
-SVN-daily ${GPGUSER} | grep -v "skipping"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- END"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- APACHE STATS"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- END"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- MAIL"
-echo "---------------------"
-rsync -rtpvz --delete-after /var/spool/mail/ /home/wrobel/mail/backup/
-chown -R wrobel:users /home/wrobel/mail/backup
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- END"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- GENERAL"
-echo "---------------------"
-slocate -u
-emerge --nospinner sync >> /var/log/portage.log
-emerge --nospinner --pretend world
-birthDay --detail 10
-logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "-- END"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "---------------------"
-echo "NOW:"
-echo "---------------------"
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/emerge-single b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/emerge-single
deleted file mode 100755
index aa41c12..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/emerge-single
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-X=`/usr/bin/emerge -p $1 | /bin/grep '^\[' | /bin/wc | /bin/awk '{print $1}'`
-/usr/bin/test $X -eq 1 && emerge $1 && exit 0
-echo $'\e[31;01m'"This would emerge more than one ebuild!"
-exit 1
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/gpg-update b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/gpg-update
deleted file mode 100755
index 23e73af..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/gpg-update
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Crypt::GPG;
-use Date::Manip;
-sub promptUser {
- my ($promptString) = @_;
- print $promptString, ": ";
- $| = 1; # force a flush after our print
- $_ = <>; # get the input from STDIN (presumably the keyboard)
- chomp;
- return $_;
-sub printKey($)
- my $key = shift;
- print "ID: " . $key->{ID} . "\n";
- print "Owner: " . $key->{UIDs}->[0]->{UID} . "\n";
-my $date1;
-my $date2;
-my $flag;
-my $info;
-my $name;
-my $mail;
-my @earray;
-my $pass;
-my $spass;
-my $status;
-my $delete;
-my $finger;
-my $gpg = new Crypt::GPG;
-my @keys = $gpg->keydb();
-my %expired;
-foreach my $key (@keys)
- if (not $key->{Expires} eq "")
- {
- $date1 = ParseDate($key->{Expires});
- $date2 = ParseDate("now");
- $flag = Date_Cmp($date1,$date2);
- if ($flag < 0)
- {
- # key expired
- print "=> Found expired key.\n\n";
- printKey($key);
- print "\nAction required!\n";
- print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
- push @{$expired{$key->{ID}}}, $key;
- }
- else
- {
- print "=> Found key that has not yet expired.\n\n";
- printKey($key);
- print "\nNo action required!\n";
- print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print "=> Found non-expiring key.\n\n";
- printKey($key);
- print "\nNo action required!\n";
- print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
- }
-print "\n########################################################\n\n";
-foreach my $keypair (keys %expired)
- if (scalar (@{$expired{$keypair}}) == 2)
- {
- print "Expired keypair (" . $keypair . ") will be regenerated!\n";
- print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $info = $expired{$keypair}->[0]->{UIDs}->[0]->{UID};
- ($name = $info) =~ s/\s*\(.*//;
- ($mail = $info) =~ s/.*<(.+@.+)>/$1/;
- print "User: " . $name . "\n";
- print "Mail: <" . $mail . ">\n";
- $pass = promptUser("New passphrase for this key");
- $status = $gpg->keygen($name, $mail, 'ELG-E', 1024, '90', $pass);
- while (<$status>)
- {
- $pass = $_;
- chomp $pass;
- print $pass;
- }
- close $status;
- $delete = promptUser("\nReally delete the old key?");
- if ($delete eq "yes")
- {
- foreach my $key (@{$expired{$keypair}})
- {
- $gpg->delkey($key);
- }
- }
- print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "Expired key (" . $keypair . ") has no matching partner!\n";
- print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
- }
-@keys = $gpg->keydb();
-print "\n########################################################\n\n";
-foreach my $key (@keys)
- if (scalar (@{$key->{UIDs}->[0]->{Signatures}}) == 1)
- {
- print "Found key without signature.\n";
- printKey($key);
- print "\nExpires: " . $key->{Expires} . "\n";
- print "\nYou might want to consider signing this key with:\n";
- print "\ngpg --default-key post\ --sign-key " . $key->{ID} . "\n";
- print "\nYou can then send the key to a server with:\n";
- print "\ngpg --send-key " . $key->{ID} . "\n";
- print "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
- }
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/mysql-dump-all b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/mysql-dump-all
deleted file mode 100755
index 6cbf58c..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/mysql-dump-all
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-if [ "x$1" == "x--help" ]; then
- echo "Usage: mysql-dump-all mysql-root-pass /backup/dir"
- echo
- echo "Dumps all mysql databases into the given /backup/dir/"
- exit 0
-DBS=`mysql -u root -p${1} -s -e 'show databases;' | grep -v 'Database'`
-for db in $DBS
- mysqldump -u root -p${1} ${db} > ${2}/${db}.sql
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/spam-report b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/spam-report
deleted file mode 100755
index 68a3f0e..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/spam-report
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-if [ -d "${1}" ]; then
- MAILS="`ls ${1}`"
- if [ ! -z "${MAILS}" ]; then
- for MAIL in ${MAILS}
- do
- echo "Report ${1}/${MAIL}"
- spamassassin -r < "${1}/${MAIL}"
- echo "Delete ${1}/${MAIL}"
- rm "${1}/${MAIL}"
- done
- fi
- if [ -z "${MAILS}" ]; then
- echo "Nothing in ${1} to report!"
- fi
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/spamcop b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/spamcop
deleted file mode 100755
index 28a1e60..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/spamcop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use HTML::Form;
-use LWP;
-use HTTP::Cookies;
-sub get_all_links( $ );
-sub get_login_cookie( $$$$ );
-sub report_all_spam( $$ );
-if ($ARGV[0] eq "--help" ) {
- print 'usage: spamcop {EMAIL-FOLDER}'."\n";
- print 'usage: spamcop /home/heinz/mail/Inbox/.SpamCop'."\n";
- exit;
-# Configuration settings
-my $spam_cop_user = '';
-my $spam_cop_pass = 'k8FHdADl';
-# Main routine
-my $folder = $ARGV[0]; # the folder with spam cop answers
-my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
-$ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt"));
-my @link_batch = get_all_links( $folder );
-if (scalar( @link_batch ) > 0)
- get_login_cookie( $ua,
- $link_batch[0],
- $spam_cop_user,
- $spam_cop_pass
- );
- report_all_spam( $ua,
- \@link_batch
- );
- die "Unable to extract any links from folder $folder!";
-## Function get_all_links
-## Retrieves all the SpamCop report links from the
-## mails in one folder
-## Parameters:
-## folder: the path to the folder to check for links
-sub get_all_links ( $ )
- my $folder = shift;
- opendir (DIR, $folder . "/cur");
- my @files = grep { $_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..'} readdir( DIR );
- my @links = ();
- my $link;
- if (scalar @files > 0)
- {
- foreach my $file (@files)
- {
- open(FILE, $folder . "/cur/" . $file);
- while (<FILE>)
- {
- if (($link) = ($_ =~ /(.**)/))
- {
- push @links, {'LINK' => $link, 'FILE' => $folder . "/cur/" . $file};
- }
- }
- close(FILE);
- }
- }
- return @links;
-## Function get_login_cookie
-## Logs the user into spamcop
-## and returns the session cookie
-## Parameters:
-## ua: LWP user agent
-## link: one of the extracted report links
-## user: SpamCop user
-## pass: SpamCop password
-sub get_login_cookie ( $$$$ )
- my $ua = shift;
- my $link = shift;
- my $user = shift;
- my $pass = shift;
- my $form = $ua->get($link->{'LINK'})
- or
- die "Couldn't fetch $link";
- if ( $form->is_error() )
- {
- die $form->message();
- }
- my $formurl = "";
- my $resp = $ua->post
- (
- $formurl,
- [
- 'username' => $user,
- 'password' => $pass,
- 'duration' => '+12h',
- 'action' => 'cookielogin',
- 'returnurl' => '/mcgi?action=verifylogin',
- 'submit' => 'Login'
- ]
- );
- if ( $resp->is_error() )
- {
- die $resp->message();
- }
-## Function report_all_spam
-## Reports every spam link
-## Parameters:
-## ua: LWP user agent
-## linklist: The list of report pages
-sub report_all_spam ( $$ )
- my $ua = shift;
- my $link_list = shift;
- my $form;
- my @forms;
- my $response;
- foreach my $link (@{$link_list})
- {
- $form = $ua->get($link->{'LINK'})
- or
- die "Couldn't fetch $link";
- @forms = HTML::Form->parse( $form );
- foreach my $sendform (@forms)
- {
- if (defined $sendform->attr( 'name' )
- and $sendform->attr( 'name' ) eq 'sendreport')
- {
- $response = $ua->request($sendform->click());
- if ( $response->is_error() )
- {
- die "Failed to report spam:\n\n" . $response->message();
- }
- else
- {
- unlink $link->{'FILE'}
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/svn-add b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/svn-add
deleted file mode 100755
index 79aaea7..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/svn-add
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-FILES=`svn status | sed -e '/^[^?]/d
- s/^?//
- s/^ *//
- s/ /\\ /'`
-for FL in ${FILES}
- do
- echo ${FL}
-if [ "${1}" = "do" ]; then
- if [ "x${FILES}" != "x" ]; then
- for FL in ${FILES}
- do
- svn add "${FL}"
- done
- fi
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/svn-del b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/svn-del
deleted file mode 100755
index 8871cd6..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/svn-del
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-FILES=`svn status | sed -e '/^[^!]/d
- s/^!//
- s/^ *//
- s/ /\\ /'`
-for FL in ${FILES}
- do
- echo ${FL}
-if [ "${1}" = "do" ]; then
- if [ "x${FILES}" != "x" ]; then
- for FL in ${FILES}
- do
- svn del "${FL}"
- done
- fi
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/ b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/
deleted file mode 100755
index 03875f1..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id:,v 1.5 2003/12/10 08:55:40 endresct Exp $
-use strict;
-use HTML::Entities;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use Net::SMTP;
-use LWP;
-use LWP::Debug qw(+);
-if ($ARGV[0] eq "--help" ) {
- print 'usage: {USER} {PASS} {LOCALUSER}'."\n";
- print 'usage: hmuster secret heinz@localserver'."\n";
- exit;
-# Configuration
-my $uname = $ARGV[0]; # change to your t-online name
-my $pword = $ARGV[1]; # change to your password
-my $localname = $ARGV[2]; # change to your local name
-my $deliver = 'smtp'; # change to 'smtp', if Hamster or
- # <yourfavoriteunixsmtpserver>
- # is running on the same machine
-my $url = '';
-my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
-my $spool = '/var/spool/mail/';
-my $location = createLogin( $ua, $url, $uname, $pword );
-# Comment out the first line an uncomment the second to fetch the "Ablage" folder
-my $inbox = $ua->get($location);
-if ($location) {
- $location =~ s/main.cgp.*//;
- my @ids = grepIDs($inbox);
- for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @ids ; $i++ ) {
- my $mail = fetchFile( $location, $ids[$i] );
- open(LOGFILE, "+>>", "/root/heide.mail.log");
- print LOGFILE $mail;
- close(LOGFILE);
- my $issave = fileMail( $mail, $spool, $localname );
- if ($issave) {
- deleteMail($location, $ids[$i], $i);
- # it's commented out, but: BE CAREFUL - please, save FIRST.
- }
- sleep(2); # don't kill webservers with too fast polls
- } ## end for ( my $i =...
-$ua->get( $url . "/logout.cgp" );
-sub createLogin {
- my ( $ua, $url, $uname, $pword ) = @_;
- my $location;
- my $form_login;
- my $form_pass;
- my $form;
- my $id;
- my $resp;
- push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable() }, 'POST';
- $form = $ua->get($url . "/index.cgp") or die "Couldn't fetch $url";
- die $form->message() if $form->is_error();
- ($id) = $form->content() =~ m{/([^/]+)/login_in_frame\.cgp}s;
- ($form_login) = $form->content() =~ m{/.*type="text" name='([^']+)}s;
- ($form_pass) = $form->content() =~ m{/.*type="password" name='([^']+)}s;
- $resp = $ua->post(
- $url . "/main.cgp",
- [
- $form_login => $uname,
- $form_pass => $pword,
- 'js' => '0',
- 'sessionid' => $id
- ]
- );
- if ($resp->header('Refresh')) {
- ($location) = ( $resp->header('Refresh') =~ m/URL=(.*)/ );
- return $url . $location;
- } else {
- return
- }
-} ## end sub createLogin
-sub grepIDs {
- my $mbox = shift;
- my %ids;
- foreach my $key ( $mbox->content() =~ m/MAIL=(\d+?)\"/sg ) {
- $ids{$key} = 1;
- }
- return keys(%ids);
-} ## end sub grepIDs
-sub deleteMail {
- my ( $url, $id, $count ) = @_;
- my $resp =
- $ua->get( $url . "main.cgp?MAIL[$count]=" . $id . "&Loeschen.x=1" );
- return 0 unless ( $resp->status_line() =~ /OK/ );
-} ## end sub deleteMail
-sub fileMail {
- my ( $mail, $spool, $localname ) = @_;
- if ( $deliver eq 'smtp' ) {
- my ($from) = ( $mail =~ m/From: .+?<([^<]+)>/ );
- my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('localhost')
- or die "Can't connect SMTP localhost!\n";
- $mail =~ s/^From\s([^@]+@[^@ ]+)\s.*/From: $1/;
- ## Hopefully fixes mailing problems
- $mail =~ s/^-- /\#\#-- /;
- $mail =~ s/^----------/\#\#---------/;
- $smtp->mail($from);
- $smtp->to($localname);
- $smtp->data();
- $smtp->datasend($mail);
- $smtp->dataend();
- $smtp->quit;
- ## AutoResponder
- $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('localhost')
- or die "Can't connect SMTP localhost!\n";
- $mail = "From: Heide u.Bernd Wrobel <hbwrobel\>\n";
- $mail .= "Subject: Adressaenderung\n";
- $mail .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n";
- $mail .= "Date: " . scalar(localtime()) . "\n";
- $mail .= '
-Automatische Mitteilung
-Lieber Absender,
-Sie haben eine E-Mail an die Adresse versendet.
-Da wir diese Adresse innerhalb des nächsten halben Jahres löschen
-möchten, bitten wir Sie unseren Eintrag in Ihrem Adressbuch auf zu aktualisieren.
-Vielen Dank!
-Mit freundlichen Grüßen
-Heide und Bernd Wrobel
- $smtp->mail('');
- $smtp->to($from);
- $smtp->data();
- $smtp->datasend($mail);
- $smtp->dataend();
- $smtp->quit;
- return 1;
- } ## end if ( $deliver...
- elsif ( $deliver eq 'mbox' ) {
- open( MBOX, ">>$spool$localname" )
- or die "Can't open Mailbox of $localname!\n";
- print MBOX $mail;
- close MBOX;
- return 1;
- } ## end elsif ( $deliver...
- else {
- return 0;
- }
-} ## end sub fileMail
-sub fetchFile{
-# fetches via t-online the complete mail with headers and attachments as file. The file
-# isn't compatible to mbox. Please, adjust by yourself.
-# Create a unique ID at the main for-loop - just the content is
-# returned by this function, the filename has to be done by yourself.
- my ( $url, $mail_id ) = @_;
- my $resp =
- $ua->get( $url
- . "main.cgp?MAIL[0]="
- . $mail_id
- . "&Speichern.x=1&Speichern.y=1" );
- my $mail;
- if ( $resp->is_redirect() ) {
- my $mail = $ua->get( $resp->headers()->{'location'} );
- return $mail->content();
- } else {
- return $resp->content();
- }
-} ## end sub fetchFile
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/tripUpdate b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/tripUpdate
deleted file mode 100755
index 3eb69e8..0000000
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw-1.1/tripUpdate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-HOST=`hostname -s`
-LAST_REPORT=`ls -1t $DIR/$HOST-*.twr | head -n 1`
-tripwire --update --twrfile "$LAST_REPORT"
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/Makefile b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/Makefile
index f0abd2d..16589ca 100644
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/Makefile
+++ b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-SBINSCRIPTS = SVN-dump SVN-html SVN-monthly birthDay check-SUID tripUpdate SVN-daily SVN-etc SVN-ldap SVN-mysql check-ALLWRITE dailyRoutine mysql-dump-all
-BINSCRIPTS = emerge-single
+SBINSCRIPTS = SVN-dump SVN-monthly birthDay check-SUID tripUpdate SVN-daily check-ALLWRITE dailyRoutine mysql-dump-all
+BINSCRIPTS = emerge-single svm-replicate svm-expanded svm-start
echo "No compilation necessary!"
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-daily b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-daily
index 2ab0df1..d3a282e 100755
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-daily
+++ b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-daily
@@ -7,12 +7,6 @@ for REPOSITORY in /var/svn/repos/*
$BIN_DUMP $REPOSITORY /var/svn/dump/`basename $REPOSITORY`.dump incremental
-for FILE in /var/svn/dump/*.bz2
- do
- [ -f $FILE.gpg ] && rm $FILE.gpg
- [ -f $FILE ] && /usr/bin/gpg --batch --no-tty --default-recipient --encrypt-files $FILE && rm $FILE
chown -R apache:apache /var/svn/dump
chmod 750 /var/svn/dump
chmod 660 /var/svn/dump/*
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-monthly b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-monthly
index 3f26b15..b263bd7 100755
--- a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-monthly
+++ b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/SVN-monthly
@@ -7,12 +7,6 @@ for REPOSITORY in /var/svn/repos/*
$BIN_DUMP $REPOSITORY /var/svn/dump/`basename $REPOSITORY`.dump full
-for FILE in /var/svn/dump/*.bz2
- do
- [ -f $FILE.gpg ] && rm $FILE.gpg
- [ -f $FILE ] && /usr/bin/gpg --batch --no-tty --default-recipient --encrypt-files $FILE && rm $FILE
chown -R apache:apache /var/svn/dump
chmod 750 /var/svn/dump
chmod 660 /var/svn/dump/*
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-expanded b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-expanded
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d74a8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-expanded
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+ if 0; # not running under some shell
+use strict;
+use SVN::Core '0.32';
+use SVN::Mirror;
+=head1 NAME
+svm - command line interface for remote Subversion repository mirroring
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # the svn repository for svm to use
+ % setenv SVMREPOS ~/svm
+ # set the path mirror/svn to mirror official subversion trunk
+ % svm init mirror/svn
+ # run the actual mirroring
+ # flatten the changesets between revision 1 thru 6000
+ % svm sync mirror/svn 6000
+ # merge back changes in local branch
+ % svn cp file://$SVMREPOS/mirror/svn file://$SVMREPOS/svn-local
+ # make some changes and then merge back to source repository
+ % svm mergeback mirror/svn svn-local
+F<svm> mirrors remote repository accissible via L<SVN::Ra> interface
+to a local repository.
+=head1 COMMANDS
+=item init B<path> B<url>
+Initialize the B<path> in svm repository to mirror from B<url>.
+=item sync B<path> B<[sync_to]>
+Invoke the synchronization of B<path> in svm repository according the
+how it is initialized.
+my $repospath = $ENV{SVMREPOS} || $ENV{HOME}.'/svn/svm';
+my $auth = SVN::Core::auth_open ([SVN::Client::get_simple_provider,
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_file_provider,
+ SVN::Client::get_username_provider]);
+sub help {
+ require Pod::Text;
+ my $parser = Pod::Text->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
+ $parser->parse_from_file ($0, '-' );
+sub init {
+ die "$0 init <path> <source>" unless $#_ == 1;
+ my ($path, $source) = @_;
+ my $m = SVN::Mirror->new(target_path => $path, target => $repospath,
+ auth => $auth,
+ source => $source, target_create => 1);
+ $m->init;
+sub ls {
+ my $m = SVN::Mirror->new(target => $repospath);
+ $m->list;
+sub can_continue {
+ $_ = $@;
+ return 1 if
+ m/Connection reset by peer/ ||
+ m/connection timed out/;
+sub unlock {
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $what = shift;
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
+ my $m = SVN::Mirror->new(target_path => $path, target => $repospath,
+ pool => $pool, auth => $auth,
+ get_source => 1);
+ $m->unlock($what);
+sub sync {
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $skip_to = shift;
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
+ my $m = SVN::Mirror->new(target_path => $path, target => $repospath,
+ pool => $pool, auth => $auth,
+ get_source => 1, skip_to => $skip_to);
+ while (1) {
+ eval {
+ $m->init;
+ $m->run;
+ };
+ last unless $@;
+ warn $@;
+ $m->{pool} = SVN::Pool->new_default;
+ $m = SVN::Mirror->new(%$m);
+ last unless can_continue;
+ print "retry...\n";
+ sleep 5;
+ }
+sub mergeback {
+ my ($path, $branch_path, $rev) = @_;
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
+ my $m = SVN::Mirror->new(target_path => $path, target => $repospath,
+ pool => $pool, auth => $auth,
+ get_source => 1);
+ $m->init;
+ $m->mergeback ($rev-1, $branch_path, $rev);
+my $cmd = shift || 'help';
+die "command not recognized" unless main->can($cmd);
+no strict 'refs';
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Chia-liang Kao E<lt>clkao@clkao.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2003 by Chia-liang Kao E<lt>clkao@clkao.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<>
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-replicate b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-replicate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b45ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-replicate
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+for REPOSITORY in $@
+ do
+ echo "Syncing ${REPOSITORY} ..."
+ export SVMREPOS=/var/svn/repos/${REPOSITORY}
+ svm-expanded unlock / force
+ svm-expanded sync /
+ echo "Sync finished ..."
diff --git a/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-start b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-start
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7346ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z-distfiles/scripts-gw/svm-start
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+for REPOSITORY in $@
+ do
+ export SVMREPOS=/var/svn/repos/${REPOSITORY}
+ svnadmin create ${REPOSITORY}
+ svm-expanded init / ${WEBLOC}/${REPOSITORY}