diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/300rpc.t')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/300rpc.t b/t/300rpc.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c862e2efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/300rpc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(. lib t);
+use Test::More tests => 72;
+use Capture::Tiny ':all';
+use HTTP::Parser;
+use JSON;
+use Bugzilla;
+use Bugzilla::CGI;
+use Bugzilla::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::Error;
+use Bugzilla::WebService::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::WebService::Server::JSONRPC;
+ $ENV{PROJECT} = 'tests';
+ $ENV{CONTENT_TYPE} = 'application/json';
+my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh();
+my $rpc_debug = 0;
+my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
+my %args;
+local @INC = (bz_locations()->{extensionsdir}, @INC);
+my $token = undef;
+# Login to get a token
+my %login_args = (login => '', password => 'DudeMcDude',);
+my $res = run_rpc('User.login', \%login_args);
+$token = $res->{result}->{token};
+my $user_id = $res->{result}->{id};
+# Product
+%args = (
+ name => 'Bugzilla',
+ description => 'This is a product to test the webservices',
+ version => '5.0',
+ defaultmilestone => '5.0',
+ is_open => '1',
+$res = run_rpc('Product.create', \%args);
+my $prod_id = $res->{result}->{id};
+# hmm this is required to make product editable ...
+if (not defined $res->{error}) {
+ my $sql = "INSERT INTO group_control_map VALUES(1,$prod_id,0,1,0,0,1,0,0)";
+ Bugzilla->dbh->do($sql);
+%args = (names => ['Bugzilla'],);
+$res = run_rpc('Product.get', \%args);
+%args = (
+ names => ['Bugzilla'],
+ description => 'This is a product to test the JSONRPC webservice',
+$res = run_rpc('Product.update', \%args);
+# Component
+%args = (
+ component => 'Bugzilla General',
+ description => 'This is a Component to test the webservices',
+ product => 'Bugzilla',
+ isopen => '1',
+ default_assignee => '',
+ default_qa_contact => '',
+$res = run_rpc('Component.create', \%args);
+%args = (names => [{component => 'Bugzilla General', product => 'Bugzilla'}],);
+$res = run_rpc('Component.get', \%args);
+%args = (
+ component => 'Security',
+ description => 'This is a Security Component ',
+ product => 'Bugzilla',
+ isopen => '1',
+ default_assignee => '',
+ default_qa_contact => '',
+$res = run_rpc('Component.create', \%args);
+%args = (
+ names => [{component => 'Bugzilla General', product => 'Bugzilla'}],
+ updates =>
+ {description => 'This is a Component to test the JSONRPC webservice'},
+$res = run_rpc('Component.update', \%args);
+# Have to clear out cache to make product visible
+$res = run_rpc('User.logout', {});
+$res = run_rpc('User.login', \%login_args);
+$token = $res->{result}->{token};
+my $user = Bugzilla::User->new($user_id);
+# Bug
+%args = (
+ summary => 'Test Bug',
+ description => 'This is a Bug to test the webservices 中英字典',
+ component => 'Bugzilla General',
+ product => 'Bugzilla',
+ version => '5.0',
+ severity => 'normal',
+ op_sys => 'linux',
+ priority => 'normal',
+ rep_platform => 'all',
+$res = run_rpc('Bug.create', \%args);
+my $bug_id = $res->{result}->{id};
+%args = (ids => [$bug_id]);
+$res = run_rpc('Bug.get', \%args);
+%args = (ids => [$bug_id], status => 'ASSIGNED',);
+$res = run_rpc('Bug.update', \%args);
+%args = (
+ name => 'TheFlag',
+ description => 'This Flag is for testing FlagTypes',
+ vis_group => 'editbugs',
+ category => 'release',
+$res = run_rpc('FlagType.create', \%args);
+my $flagid = $res->{result}->{id};
+%args = (ids => [$flagid], grant_group => 'admin', inclusions => ['Bugzilla'],);
+$res = run_rpc('FlagType.update', \%args);
+# agile team
+%args = (name => 'Bugzilla', product => 'Bugzilla',);
+$res = run_rpc('Agile.Team.create', \%args);
+%args = (team => 'Bugzilla',);
+$res = run_rpc('Agile.Team.get', \%args);
+my $team_id = $res->{result}->{id};
+# set default pool on a component
+%args = (
+ names => [{component => 'Bugzilla General', product => 'Bugzilla'}],
+ updates => {default_pool => 2},
+$res = run_rpc('Component.update', \%args);
+%args = (
+ subcomponent => 'Less General',
+ component => 'Bugzilla General',
+ product => 'Bugzilla',
+ description => 'testing sub components',
+ default_assignee => '',
+$res = run_rpc('SubComponent.create', \%args);
+%args = (
+ names => [{
+ subcomponent => 'Less General',
+ component => 'Bugzilla General',
+ product => 'Bugzilla',
+ }],
+ updates => {default_pool => 2},
+$res = run_rpc('SubComponent.update', \%args);
+#diag explain $res;
+# set agile_team on a product/component/subcomponent
+%args = (names => ['Bugzilla'], agile_team => $team_id,);
+$res = run_rpc('Product.update', \%args);
+%args = (
+ names => [{component => 'Bugzilla General', product => 'Bugzilla'}],
+ updates => {agile_team => $team_id},
+$res = run_rpc('Component.update', \%args);
+%args = (
+ names => [{
+ subcomponent => 'Less General',
+ component => 'Bugzilla General',
+ product => 'Bugzilla',
+ }],
+ updates => {agile_team => $team_id},
+$res = run_rpc('SubComponent.update', \%args);
+%args = (
+ who => $login_args{login},
+ from => '2018-01-01',
+ to => '2200-01-01',
+ sort => 'bugs',
+$res = run_rpc('ActivityReport.user_activity', \%args);
+# Run a jsonrpc request
+sub run_rpc {
+ my ($method, $params) = @_;
+ my %args = (
+ method => $method,
+ version => "1.1",
+ token => $token,
+ params => ($params || {}),
+ );
+ $cgi->delete_all();
+ $cgi->cgi_error("");
+ $cgi->param('POSTDATA', to_json(\%args));
+ my $server = new Bugzilla::WebService::Server::JSONRPC;
+ my ($stdout, $stderr, @result)
+ = capture { $server->dispatch(WS_DISPATCH)->handle() };
+ ok($result[0], $method);
+## Useful for debugging
+ if ($rpc_debug) {
+ diag("stdout");
+ diag explain $stdout;
+ diag("stderr");
+ diag explain $stderr;
+ diag("result");
+ diag explain \@result;
+ }
+ my $parser = HTTP::Parser->new(response => 1);
+ ok($parser->add("HTTP/1.1\n" . $stdout), 'Parse response');
+ my $resp = from_json($parser->object()->decoded_content());
+ ok(!exists($resp->{error}), "no errors for $method") || diag explain $resp;
+ eval { $dbh->bz_rollback_transaction() if ($dbh->bz_in_transaction); };
+ return ($resp);