diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/soundcloud.php')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/soundcloud.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/soundcloud.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71f281c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/soundcloud.php
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+Plugin Name: SoundCloud Shortcode
+Plugin URI:
+Description: Converts SoundCloud WordPress shortcodes to a SoundCloud widget. Example: [soundcloud][/soundcloud]
+Version: 2.3
+Author: SoundCloud Inc., simplified for Jetpack by Automattic, Inc.
+Author URI:
+License: GPLv2
+Original version: Johannes Wagener <>
+Options support: Tiffany Conroy <>
+HTML5 & oEmbed support: Tim Bormans <>
+A8C: Taken from
+at revision 664386.
+Commenting out (instead of removing) and replacing code with custom modifs
+so it's eqsy to see what differs from the standard DOTORG version.
+All custom modifs are annoted with "A8C" keyword in comment.
+ * Register oEmbed provider
+ */
+ A8C: oEmbed is handled now in core; see wp-includes/class-oembed.php
+wp_oembed_add_provider( '#https?://(?:api\.)?soundcloud\.com/.*#i', '', true );
+ * Register SoundCloud shortcode
+ */
+add_shortcode( 'soundcloud', 'soundcloud_shortcode' );
+ * SoundCloud shortcode handler
+ *
+ * @param string|array $atts The attributes passed to the shortcode like [soundcloud attr1="value" /].
+ * Is an empty string when no arguments are given.
+ * @param string $content The content between non-self closing [soundcloud]...[/soundcloud] tags.
+ *
+ * @return string Widget embed code HTML
+ */
+function soundcloud_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
+ // Custom shortcode options
+ $shortcode_options = array_merge( array( 'url' => trim( $content ) ), is_array( $atts ) ? $atts : array() );
+ // Turn shortcode option "param" (param=value&param2=value) into array
+ $shortcode_params = array();
+ if ( isset( $shortcode_options['params'] ) ) {
+ parse_str( html_entity_decode( $shortcode_options['params'] ), $shortcode_params );
+ }
+ $shortcode_options['params'] = $shortcode_params;
+ /*
+ A8C: The original plugin exposes options we don't. SoundCloud omits "visual" shortcode
+ option when false, so if logic here remains, impossible to have non-visual shortcode.
+ $player_type = soundcloud_get_option( 'player_type', 'visual' );
+ $isIframe = $player_type !== 'flash';
+ $isVisual = ! $player_type || $player_type === 'visual' || $shortcode_options['visual'];
+ */
+ // User preference options
+ $plugin_options = array_filter(
+ array(
+ 'iframe' => true, // A8C: See above comment; flash is not a supported option
+ 'width' => soundcloud_get_option( 'player_width' ),
+ 'height' => soundcloud_url_has_tracklist( $shortcode_options['url'] ) ? soundcloud_get_option( 'player_height_multi' ) : soundcloud_get_option( 'player_height' ),
+ 'params' => array_filter(
+ array(
+ 'auto_play' => soundcloud_get_option( 'auto_play' ),
+ 'show_comments' => soundcloud_get_option( 'show_comments' ),
+ 'color' => soundcloud_get_option( 'color' ),
+ 'visual' => 'false', // A8C: Merged with params below at $options assignment
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ // Needs to be an array
+ if ( ! isset( $plugin_options['params'] ) ) {
+ $plugin_options['params'] = array();
+ }
+ // plugin options < shortcode options
+ $options = array_merge(
+ $plugin_options,
+ $shortcode_options
+ );
+ // plugin params < shortcode params
+ $options['params'] = array_merge(
+ $plugin_options['params'],
+ $shortcode_options['params']
+ );
+ // The "url" option is required
+ if ( ! isset( $options['url'] ) ) {
+ return '';
+ } else {
+ $options['url'] = trim( $options['url'] );
+ }
+ // Both "width" and "height" need to be integers
+ if ( isset( $options['width'] ) && ! preg_match( '/^\d+$/', $options['width'] ) ) {
+ // set to 0 so oEmbed will use the default 100% and WordPress themes will leave it alone
+ $options['width'] = 0;
+ }
+ if ( isset( $options['height'] ) && ! preg_match( '/^\d+$/', $options['height'] ) ) {
+ unset( $options['height'] );
+ }
+ // The "iframe" option must be true to load the iframe widget
+ $iframe = soundcloud_booleanize( $options['iframe'] );
+ // Remove visual parameter from Flash widget, when it's false because that's the default, or when displaying the smallest player
+ if ( $options['params']['visual'] && ( ! $iframe || ! soundcloud_booleanize( $options['params']['visual'] ) || ( isset( $options['height'] ) && '20' == $options['height'] ) ) ) {
+ unset( $options['params']['visual'] );
+ }
+ // Merge in "url" value
+ $options['params'] = array_merge(
+ array(
+ 'url' => $options['url'],
+ ),
+ $options['params']
+ );
+ // Return html embed code
+ if ( $iframe ) {
+ return soundcloud_iframe_widget( $options );
+ } else {
+ return soundcloud_flash_widget( $options );
+ }
+ * Plugin options getter
+ *
+ * @param string|array $option Option name
+ * @param mixed $default Default value
+ *
+ * @return mixed Option value
+ */
+function soundcloud_get_option( $option, $default = false ) {
+ $value = get_option( 'soundcloud_' . $option );
+ return $value === '' ? $default : $value;
+ * Booleanize a value
+ *
+ * @param boolean|string $value
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+function soundcloud_booleanize( $value ) {
+ return is_bool( $value ) ? $value : $value === 'true' ? true : false;
+ * Decide if a url has a tracklist
+ *
+ * @param string $url
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+function soundcloud_url_has_tracklist( $url ) {
+ return preg_match( '/^(.+?)\/(sets|groups|playlists)\/(.+?)$/', $url );
+ * Parameterize url
+ *
+ * @param array $match Matched regex
+ *
+ * @return string Parameterized url
+ */
+function soundcloud_oembed_params_callback( $match ) {
+ global $soundcloud_oembed_params;
+ // Convert URL to array
+ $url = parse_url( urldecode( $match[1] ) );
+ // Convert URL query to array
+ parse_str( $url['query'], $query_array );
+ // Build new query string
+ $query = http_build_query( array_merge( $query_array, $soundcloud_oembed_params ) );
+ return 'src="' . $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . $url['path'] . '?' . $query;
+ * Iframe widget embed code
+ *
+ * @param array $options Parameters
+ *
+ * @return string Iframe embed code
+ */
+function soundcloud_iframe_widget( $options ) {
+ // Build URL
+ $url = set_url_scheme( '' . http_build_query( $options['params'] ) );
+ // Set default width if not defined
+ $width = isset( $options['width'] ) && $options['width'] !== 0 ? $options['width'] : '100%';
+ // Set default height if not defined
+ $height = isset( $options['height'] ) && $options['height'] !== 0
+ ? $options['height']
+ : ( soundcloud_url_has_tracklist( $options['url'] ) || ( isset( $options['params']['visual'] ) && soundcloud_booleanize( $options['params']['visual'] ) ) ? '450' : '166' );
+ return sprintf( '<iframe width="%s" height="%s" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="%s"></iframe>', $width, $height, $url );
+ * Legacy Flash widget embed code
+ *
+ * @param array $options Parameters
+ *
+ * @return string Flash embed code
+ */
+function soundcloud_flash_widget( $options ) {
+ // Build URL
+ $url = set_url_scheme( '' . http_build_query( $options['params'] ) );
+ // Set default width if not defined
+ $width = isset( $options['width'] ) && $options['width'] !== 0 ? $options['width'] : '100%';
+ // Set default height if not defined
+ $height = isset( $options['height'] ) && $options['height'] !== 0 ? $options['height'] : ( soundcloud_url_has_tracklist( $options['url'] ) ? '255' : '81' );
+ return preg_replace(
+ '/\s\s+/',
+ '',
+ sprintf(
+ '<object width="%s" height="%s">
+ <param name="movie" value="%s" />
+ <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
+ <embed width="%s" height="%s" src="%s" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
+ </object>',
+ $width,
+ $height,
+ $url,
+ $width,
+ $height,
+ $url
+ )
+ );
+ * SoundCloud Embed Reversal
+ *
+ * Converts a generic HTML embed code from SoundClound into a
+ * shortcode.
+ *
+ * @param string $content HTML content.
+ *
+ * @return string Parsed content.
+ */
+function jetpack_soundcloud_embed_reversal( $content ) {
+ if ( ! is_string( $content ) || false === stripos( $content, '' ) ) {
+ return $content;
+ }
+ /*
+ Sample embed code:
+ <iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>
+ */
+ $regexes = array();
+ $regexes[] = '#<iframe[^>]+?src="((?:https?:)?//w\.soundcloud\.com/player/[^"\']++)"[^>]*+>\s*?</iframe>#i';
+ $regexes[] = '#&lt;iframe(?:[^&]|&(?!gt;))+?src="((?:https?:)?//w\.soundcloud\.com/player/[^"\']++)"(?:[^&]|&(?!gt;))*+&gt;\s*?&lt;/iframe&gt;#i';
+ foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) {
+ if ( ! preg_match_all( $regex, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
+ // if pasted from the visual editor - prevent double encoding
+ $match[1] = str_replace( '&amp;amp;', '&amp;', $match[1] );
+ $args = parse_url( html_entity_decode( $match[1] ), PHP_URL_QUERY );
+ $args = wp_parse_args( $args );
+ if ( ! preg_match( '#^(?:https?:)?//api\.soundcloud\.com/.+$#i', $args['url'], $url_matches ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( ! preg_match( '#height="(\d+)"#i', $match[0], $hmatch ) ) {
+ $height = '';
+ } else {
+ $height = ' height="' . intval( $hmatch[1] ) . '"';
+ }
+ unset( $args['url'] );
+ $params = 'params="';
+ if ( count( $args ) > 0 ) {
+ foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) {
+ $params .= esc_html( $key ) . '=' . esc_html( $value ) . '&amp;';
+ }
+ $params = substr( $params, 0, -5 );
+ }
+ $params .= '"';
+ $shortcode = '[soundcloud url="' . esc_url( $url_matches[0] ) . '" ' . $params . ' width="100%"' . $height . ' iframe="true" /]';
+ $replace_regex = sprintf( '#\s*%s\s*#', preg_quote( $match[0], '#' ) );
+ $content = preg_replace( $replace_regex, sprintf( "\n\n%s\n\n", $shortcode ), $content );
+ /** This action is documented in modules/shortcodes/youtube.php */
+ do_action( 'jetpack_embed_to_shortcode', 'soundcloud', $url_matches[0] );
+ }
+ }
+ return $content;
+add_filter( 'pre_kses', 'jetpack_soundcloud_embed_reversal' );