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Diffstat (limited to 'filetypes/autoconf.py')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/filetypes/autoconf.py b/filetypes/autoconf.py
index 09bf87d..98555ce 100644
--- a/filetypes/autoconf.py
+++ b/filetypes/autoconf.py
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ def scanacfile(acfile):
return t
def t_TEXT(t): #most likely commands like "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE" etc.
+ #Fix this so I can handle variables like the one above as that is NOT a text string
r"([^ ;,\t\n\(\)]+|\([^() \t\n]*\))"
return t
@@ -352,10 +353,56 @@ def scanacfile(acfile):
items = yacc.parse(acfile)
- #for item in items:
- # print(item)
+ return items
+from acif import parseif
+def output(inputlst):
+ variables = dict()
+ ifs = []
+ for item in inputlst:
+ if item[0] == "AC_ARG_ENABLE":
+ name = convnames(item[1][0])
+ if len(item[1]) == 2:
+ variables["enable_" + name] = [[],[]]
+ elif len(item[1]) == 3:
+ variables["enable_" + name] = [item[1][2],[]]
+ else:
+ variables["enable_" + name] = [item[1][2],item[1][3]]
+ #remember to convert chars in the name of "item[1]" that is not
+ #alfanumeric char to underscores _
+ if item[0] == "AC_ARG_WITH":
+ name = convnames(item[1][0])
+ if len(item[1]) == 2:
+ variables["with_" + name] = [[],[]]
+ elif len(item[1]) == 3:
+ variables["with_" + name] = [item[1][2],[]]
+ else:
+ variables["with_" + name] = [item[1][2],item[1][3]]
+ elif isinstance(item[0],list): #if statements
+ for variable in variables:
+ for pattern in item[0][1]:
+ if variable in pattern:
+ ifs += [parseif(item[0][1])]
+ elif "=" in item:
+ #print(item)
+ b = 0
+ #for variable in variables:
+ #print(variable)
+ #print(variables[variable])
+ print(ifs)
+import re
+def convnames(string): #strip none alfanumeric chars and replace them with "_"
+ string = string.strip("[]") #remove quotes
+ pattern = re.compile("\W")
+ newstr = re.sub(pattern, "_", string)
+ return newstr
with open(file, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") as inputfile:
- scanacfile(inputfile.read())
+ output(scanacfile(inputfile.read()))