diff options
authorChristian Faulhammer <>2009-02-18 09:30:46 +0100
committerCiaran McCreesh <>2009-02-20 16:47:36 +0000
commit70c5dbab3e126f92ed7d9650224bec15feb9ead9 (patch)
parentAdd prefixes to labels. (diff)
Use date from VC system
Make the \date command aware of the version control system by adding the vc package (public-domain) and thus display date of last commit and not of generation as long as a Git repository is available.
5 files changed, 130 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e4dd5f3..6d5cd39 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 774fc39..8b49437 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ html : pms.html
clean :
rm -f *~ *.pdf *.dvi *.log *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.toc *.lol *.loa *.lox \
- *.lot *.out *.html *.css *.png *.4ct *.4tc *.idv *.lg *.tmp *.xref || true
+ *.lot *.out *.html *.css *.png *.4ct *.4tc *.idv *.lg *.tmp *.xref vc.tex || true
LATEXFILES = $(shell ls *.tex)
LISTINGFILES = $(shell ls *.listing)
-pms.pdf: $(SOURCEFILES) pms.bbl
+pms.pdf: $(SOURCEFILES) pms.bbl vc.tex
pdflatex pms
pdflatex pms
pdflatex pms
@@ -27,10 +27,13 @@ pms.html: $(SOURCEFILES) pms.bbl
@# align algorithm line numbers properly
sed -i -e '/<span class="ALCitem">/{N;s/\n\(class="[^"]\+">\)\([0-9]:\)<\/span>/\1\&#x2007;\2/}' pms.html
-pms.bbl: pms.bib pms.tex
+pms.bbl: pms.bib pms.tex vc.tex
latex pms
bibtex pms
+vc.tex: pms.tex
+ /bin/sh ./vc
pms.dvi: $(SOURCEFILES) pms.bbl
latex pms
latex pms
diff --git a/pms.tex b/pms.tex
index 6fd03cb..8a14f30 100644
--- a/pms.tex
+++ b/pms.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
% Definition of fonts, choose T1 encoding for fonts
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
@@ -103,10 +105,17 @@
pdfkeywords={Gentoo, package manager, specification},
pdfproducer={pdfLaTeX and hyperref},
\title{Package Manager Specification}
\author{Stephen P. Bennett\\\url{}
\and Ciaran McCreesh\\\url{}}
+% Make the build succeed even when no Git repository is available
+ \date{Generated on: \today}
+ \date{\printdate{\VCDateISO}}
\markboth{\scshape Package Manager Specification}{\scshape Package
Manager Specification}
diff --git a/vc b/vc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5a1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This is file 'vc' from the vc bundle for TeX.
+# The original file can be found at CTAN:support/vc.
+# This file is Public Domain.
+# Parse command line options.
+while [ -n "$(echo $1 | grep '-')" ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -f ) full=1 ;;
+ -m ) mod=1 ;;
+ * ) echo 'usage: vc [-f] [-m]'
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ shift
+# English locale.
+git --no-pager log -1 HEAD --pretty=format:"Hash: %H%nAbr. Hash: %h%nParent Hashes: %P%nAbr. Parent Hashes: %p%nAuthor Name: %an%nAuthor Email: %ae%nAuthor Date: %ai%nCommitter Name: %cn%nCommitter Email: %ce%nCommitter Date: %ci%n" |gawk -v script=log -v full=$full -f vc-git.awk > vc.tex
+if [ "$mod" = 1 ]
+ git status |gawk -v script=status -f vc-git.awk >> vc.tex
diff --git a/vc-git.awk b/vc-git.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66b3526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc-git.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# This is file 'vc-git.awk' from the vc bundle for TeX.
+# The original file can be found at CTAN:support/vc.
+# This file is Public Domain.
+### Process output of "git status".
+ if (script=="status") {
+ modified = 0
+ }
+### Process output of "git log".
+script=="log" && /^Hash:/ { Hash = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Abr. Hash:/ { AbrHash = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Parent Hashes:/ { ParentHashes = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Abr. Parent Hashes:/ { AbrParentHashes = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Author Name:/ { AuthorName = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Author Email:/ { AuthorEmail = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Author Date:/ { AuthorDate = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Committer Name:/ { CommitterName = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Committer Email:/ { CommitterEmail = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+script=="log" && /^Committer Date:/ { CommitterDate = substr($0, 2+match($0, ":")) }
+### Process output of "git status".
+### Changed index?
+script=="status" && /^# Changes to be committed:/ { modified = 1 }
+### Unstaged modifications?
+script=="status" && /^# Changed but not updated:/ { modified = 2 }
+END {
+### Process output of "git log".
+ if (script=="log") {
+### Standard encoding is UTF-8.
+ if (Encoding == "") Encoding = "UTF-8"
+### Extract relevant information from variables.
+ LongDate = substr(AuthorDate, 1, 25)
+ DateRAW = substr(LongDate, 1, 10)
+ DateISO = DateRAW
+ DateTEX = DateISO
+ gsub("-", "/", DateTEX)
+ Time = substr(LongDate, 12, 14)
+### Write file identification to vc.tex.
+ print "%%% This file has been generated by the vc bundle for TeX."
+ print "%%% Do not edit this file!"
+ print "%%%"
+### Write Git specific macros.
+ print "%%% Define Git specific macros."
+ print "\\gdef\\GITHash{" Hash "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITAbrHash{" AbrHash "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITParentHashes{" ParentHashes "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITAbrParentHashes{" AbrParentHashes "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITAuthorName{" AuthorName "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITAuthorEmail{" AuthorEmail "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITAuthorDate{" AuthorDate "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITCommitterName{" CommitterName "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITCommitterEmail{" CommitterEmail "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\GITCommitterDate{" CommitterDate "}%"
+### Write generic version control macros.
+ print "%%% Define generic version control macros."
+ print "\\gdef\\VCRevision{\\GITAbrHash}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCAuthor{\\GITAuthorName}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCDateRAW{" DateRAW "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCDateISO{" DateISO "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCDateTEX{" DateTEX "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCTime{" Time "}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCModifiedText{\\textcolor{red}{with local modifications!}}%"
+ print "%%% Assume clean working copy."
+ print "\\gdef\\VCModified{0}%"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCRevisionMod{\\VCRevision}%"
+ }
+### Process output of "git status".
+ if (script=="status") {
+ print "%%% Is working copy modified?"
+ print "\\gdef\\VCModified{" modified "}%"
+ if (modified==0) {
+ print "\\gdef\\VCRevisionMod{\\VCRevision}%"
+ } else {
+ print "\\gdef\\VCRevisionMod{\\VCRevision~\\VCModifiedText}%"
+ }
+ }