diff options
authorManuel Rüger <>2014-12-27 20:52:24 +0100
committerManuel Rüger <>2014-12-27 20:52:24 +0100
commit2f46c6e92ad914ef3e07ab92eba98fc9344b8ae2 (patch)
tree35fdf723522bf2ae746ee02f9a43f379117909e3 /ruby-stats
parentDrop accidentally added message. (diff)
Add script for stable statistics.
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby-stats')
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby-stats/stable/plot b/ruby-stats/stable/plot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b160d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby-stats/stable/plot
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+set terminal svg size 1024,768 enhanced
+set termoption dashed
+set output "targets.svg"
+set object 1 rect from screen 0, 0, 0 to screen 1, 1, 0 behind
+set object 1 rect fc rgb "white" fillstyle solid 1.0
+set title "RUBY\\_TARGETS support in Gentoo\n{/*0.7 based on latest stable amd64 version per slot \\@ `cat $(portageq portdir 2>/dev/null)/metadata/timestamp`}"
+set ylabel "Packages"
+set xlabel "Time"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
+set format x "%b %d"
+set key top left
+plot "data.txt" using 1:3 with lines lt 2 title "total", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:4 with lines lt 1 lc 1 title "ruby18", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:5 with lines lt 1 lc 2 title "ruby19", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:6 with lines lt 1 lc 3 title "ruby20", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:10 with lines lt 1 lc 7 title "ruby21", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:11 with lines lt 1 lc 8 title "ruby22", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:7 with lines lt 1 lc 4 title "jruby", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:8 with lines lt 1 lc 5 title "ree18", \
+ "data.txt" using 1:9 with lines lt 1 lc 6 title "rbx"
diff --git a/ruby-stats/stable/ b/ruby-stats/stable/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..77cc9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby-stats/stable/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# date ruby.eclass ruby-ng.eclass ruby18 ruby19 ruby20 jruby ree18 rbx ruby21 ruby22
+# 2010-01-20 181 143 141 68 51
+# 2010-01-21 180 144 142 68 52
+date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
+bins = ('ruby', 'ruby-ng', 'ruby_targets_ruby18', 'ruby_targets_ruby19', 'ruby_targets_ruby20', 'ruby_targets_jruby', 'ruby_targets_ree18', 'ruby_targets_rbx', 'ruby_targets_ruby21', 'ruby_targets_ruby22')
+import sys
+import time
+import os
+import portage
+def main():
+ stats = {}
+ for k in bins:
+ stats[k] = set()
+ portdb = portage.portdb
+ portdb.porttrees = [portdb.porttree_root] # exclude overlays
+ for cp in portdb.cp_all():
+ slot_dict = {}
+ for cpv in portdb.cp_list(cp):
+ slot, iuse, inherited, keywords = portdb.aux_get(cpv, ['SLOT', 'IUSE', 'INHERITED', 'KEYWORDS'])
+ if "amd64" in keywords and not "~amd64" in keywords:
+ slot_dict.setdefault(slot, {})[cpv] = (iuse, inherited)
+ for slot, cpv_dict in slot_dict.items():
+ cpv =
+ if cpv:
+ iuse, inherited = cpv_dict[cpv]
+ iuse = set(iuse.split())
+ inherited = set(inherited.split())
+ if 'ruby' in inherited:
+ stats['ruby'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby-ng' in inherited:
+ stats['ruby-ng'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_ruby18' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_ruby18'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_ruby19' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_ruby19'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_ruby20' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_ruby20'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_ruby21' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_ruby21'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_ruby22' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_ruby22'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_jruby' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_jruby'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_ree18' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_ree18'].add(cpv)
+ if 'ruby_targets_rbx' in iuse:
+ stats['ruby_targets_rbx'].add(cpv)
+ date_stamp = time.strftime(date_fmt, time.gmtime())
+ counts = [str(len(stats[x])) for x in bins]
+ sys.stdout.write("%s\t%s\n" % (date_stamp, "\t".join(counts)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()