diff options
authorMarkus Ullmann <>2006-11-05 20:47:59 +0000
committerMarkus Ullmann <>2006-11-05 20:47:59 +0000
commit771b6cea14995dfd30906695e5465dd9baf5114c (patch)
tree81182ae2e03680e62938cf6b17788515d58b4474 /scripts
parentapp-portage/overlay-utils: Updated to work with the changed =~ operator seman... (diff)
scripts/sunrise-commit: removed as it is unneeded now, use overlay-utils
svn path=/sunrise/; revision=1835
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/sunrise-commit b/scripts/sunrise-commit
deleted file mode 100755
index c64a5b5ef..000000000
--- a/scripts/sunrise-commit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-# sunrise-commit - Automates the Gentoo Sunrise Overlay commit process
-# Released into the public domain
-source /sbin/
-commit_category="$(pwd | awk -F/ '{ print $(NF-1) }')"
-commit_package="$(pwd | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }')"
-current_svn_status=( )
-items_added=( )
-items_conflicted=( )
-items_deleted=( )
-items_ignored=( )
-items_missing=( )
-items_modified=( )
-items_not_modified=( )
-items_not_version_controlled=( )
-items_obstructed=( )
-items_replaced=( )
-items_used_by_externals=( )
-changelog_append() {
- if [[ $opt_changelog == 1 ]] ; then
- get_current_svn_status
- if [[ "${current_svn_status[*]}" =~ 'ChangeLog' ]] ; then
- echo "!!! Error: Only one ChangeLog entry should be made per commit, and you have"
- echo "!!! already modified your ChangeLog locally since your last commit. To keep the"
- echo "!!! pre-existing modifications please run sunrise-commit again without the -c"
- echo "!!! option. To discard the pre-existing modifications run:"
- echo "!!! svn revert ChangeLog"
- echo "!!!"
- echo -n "!!! "
- echo -n "${BOLD}Are you SURE you want to append to ChangeLog?${NORMAL} [${GREEN}No${NORMAL}/${RED}Yes${NORMAL}] "
- read choice
- echo
- case "$choice" in
- yes|Yes|YES)
- ;;
- n*|N*|"")
- echo "Aborting. Run sunrise-commit without the -c this time around."
- exit 1 ;;
- *)
- echo "Unrecognized response - assuming no."
- echo "Aborting. Run sunrise-commit without the -c this time around."
- exit 1 ;;
- esac
- fi
- ebegin "Appending/creating ChangeLog"
- [ -e $(dirname $0)/echangelog ] && ec="$(dirname $0)/echangelog" || ec="echangelog"
- $ec "$*"
- eend $?
- fi
-create_digests() {
- if [[ $cwd_is_ebuild_dir == 1 ]] ; then
- ebegin "Digesting ebuilds"
- for i in *.ebuild ; do
- ebuild $i digest
- done
- eend $?
- fi
-# Sort current changed items into arrays based on symbols in `svn status`
-# output. For now we're only concerned with the symbols in the first column of
-# the output. See `svn help status` for symbol definitions.
-# Returns with exit status 1 if the current dir isn't under version control.
-get_current_svn_status() {
- local IFS_SAVED="$IFS"
- local item column_1 #column_2 column_3 column_4 column_5 column_6
- IFS=$'\n'
- current_svn_status=( )
- items_added=( )
- items_conflicted=( )
- items_deleted=( )
- items_ignored=( )
- items_missing=( )
- items_modified=( )
- items_not_modified=( )
- items_not_version_controlled=( )
- items_obstructed=( )
- items_replaced=( )
- items_used_by_externals=( )
- for line in $(svn status 2>&1) ; do
- [[ "$line" =~ 'is not a working copy' ]] && return 1
- current_svn_status[${#current_svn_status[*]}]=$line
- column_1=${line:0:1}
- #column_2=${line:1:1}
- #column_3=${line:2:1}
- #column_4=${line:3:1}
- #column_5=${line:4:1}
- #column_6=${line:5:1}
- item=${line:7}
- case $column_1 in
- ' ') items_not_modified[${#items_not_modified[*]}]=$item ;;
- A) items_added[${#items_added[*]}]=$item ;;
- C) items_conflicted[${#items_conflicted[*]}]=$item ;;
- D) items_deleted[${#items_deleted[*]}]=$item ;;
- I) items_ignored[${#items_ignored[*]}]=$item ;;
- M) items_modified[${#items_modified[*]}]=$item ;;
- R) items_replaced[${#items_replaced[*]}]=$item ;;
- X) items_used_by_externals[${#items_used_by_externals[*]}]=$item ;;
- !) items_missing[${#items_missing[*]}]=$item ;;
- ?) items_not_version_controlled[${#items_not_version_controlled[*]}]=$item ;;
- ~) items_obstructed[${#items_obstructed[*]}]=$item ;;
- esac
- done
-repoman_check() {
- if [[ $opt_norepoman == 0 ]] ; then
- if [[ $cwd_is_ebuild_dir == 1 ]] ; then
- ebegin "Running repoman"
- export PORTDIR_OVERLAY="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))"
- repoman
- eend $?
- fi
- fi
-svn_add() {
- local num_unversioned_dirs=0
- while ! get_current_svn_status ; do
- (( num_unversioned_dirs++ ))
- pushd .. >/dev/null
- done
- ebegin "Adding local changes to working copy"
- if [[ ${#items_not_version_controlled[*]} > 0 ]] ; then
- if [[ $opt_verbose == 1 ]] ; then
- svn add "${items_not_version_controlled[@]}" || set $?
- else
- svn add -q "${items_not_version_controlled[@]}" || set $?
- fi
- fi
- eend ${1:-0}
- num_new_dirs=$num_unversioned_dirs
- for (( i=num_unversioned_dirs ; i > 0 ; i-- )) ; do
- popd >/dev/null
- done
- return ${1:-0}
-svn_commit() {
- local commit_message="$*"
- get_current_svn_status
- if [[ ${#current_svn_status[*]} == 0 ]] ; then
- echo "!!! Error: No working copy changes found in current directory. Aborting commit."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ $opt_noformat == 0 ]] ; then
- if [[ $cwd_is_ebuild_dir == 1 ]] ; then
- commit_message="${commit_category}/${commit_package}: ${commit_message}"
- else
- commit_message="${commit_package}/${current_svn_status[0]:7}: ${commit_message}"
- fi
- fi
- for (( i=num_new_dirs ; i > 0 ; i-- )) ; do
- cd ..
- done
- echo
- echo "${DARKGREEN}The following local changes will be committed to the repository:${NORMAL}"
- echo
- get_current_svn_status
- for item in "${current_svn_status[@]}" ; do
- echo "$item"
- done
- echo
- echo "${DARKGREEN}The following commit message will be used:${NORMAL}"
- echo
- echo "$commit_message"
- if [[ $opt_quiet == 0 ]] ; then
- echo
- echo -n "${BOLD}Commit changes?${NORMAL} [${GREEN}Yes${NORMAL}/${RED}No${NORMAL}] "
- read choice
- echo
- case "$choice" in
- y*|Y*|"")
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Quitting."
- echo
- return 1 ;;
- esac
- fi
- ebegin "Committing working copy to repository"
- svn commit -m "$commit_message"
- eend $?
-svn_up() {
- if [[ $opt_noupdate == 0 ]] ; then
- for (( i=num_new_dirs ; i > 0 ; i-- )) ; do
- pushd .. >/dev/null
- done
- ebegin "Updating working copy to latest version from repository"
- if [[ $opt_verbose == 1 ]] ; then
- svn update || set $?
- else
- svn update -q || set $?
- fi
- eend ${1:-0}
- for (( i=num_new_dirs ; i > 0 ; i-- )) ; do
- popd >/dev/null
- done
- get_current_svn_status
- if [[ ${#items_conflicted[*]} > 0 ]] ; then
- echo "!!! Error: Some local items have changes that conflict with the repository."
- echo "!!! Please contact the most recent committer(s) of these items and resolve the"
- echo "!!! conflicts manually before running sunrise-commit again:"
- for item in "${items_conflicted[@]}" ; do
- echo "!!!"
- echo "!!! item: ${item}"
- echo "!!! committer: $(svn info ${item} | sed -rn 's/Last Changed Author\: (.*)$/\1/p')"
- done
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- return ${1:-0}
-usage() {
-cat << EOF
-${BOLD}Usage:${NORMAL} ${LIGHTBLUE}sunrise-commit${NORMAL} [ ${GREEN}options${NORMAL} ] ${BLUE}message${NORMAL}
- ${BOLD}--changelog, -c${NORMAL} Create a ChangeLog entry using ${BLUE}message${NORMAL}
- ${BOLD}--help, -h${NORMAL} Show help
- ${BOLD}--noformat, -m${NORMAL} Disable automatic formatting of ${BLUE}message${NORMAL}
- ${BOLD}--norepoman, -p${NORMAL} Skip repoman check
- ${BOLD}--noupdate, -d${NORMAL} Don't update from repository before committing
- ${BOLD}--quiet, -q${NORMAL} Don't ask for confirmation
- ${BOLD}--verbose, -v${NORMAL} Show detailed information during commit
- Commit message describing changes and listing names/emails of anyone (other
- than the commiter) who contributed.
- exit ${1:-0}
-[[ -z "$1" ]] && usage 1
-while [[ $# > 0 ]] ; do
- case "$1" in
- --changelog|-c)
- if [[ -z "$ECHANGELOG_USER" ]] ; then
- echo "!!! Error: --changelog option requires ECHANGELOG_USER to be set:"
- echo "!!! export ECHANGELOG_USER=\"Your Name <>\""
- exit 1
- fi
- opt_changelog=1
- shift ;;
- --help|-h)
- usage ;;
- --noformat|-m)
- opt_noformat=1
- shift ;;
- --norepoman|-p)
- opt_norepoman=1
- shift ;;
- --noupdate|-d)
- opt_noupdate=1
- shift ;;
- --quiet|-q)
- opt_quiet=1
- shift ;;
- --verbose|-v)
- opt_verbose=1
- shift ;;
- -*)
- echo "!!! Error: Unknown option ${1}. See: sunrise-commit -h"
- exit 1 ;;
- *)
- break ;;
- esac
-if [[ -z "$*" ]] ; then
- echo "!!! Error: You must supply a commit message. See: sunrise-commit -h"
- exit 1
-[[ "$(ls)" =~ '\.ebuild' ]] && cwd_is_ebuild_dir=1
-pushd . >/dev/null
-while [[ "$(echo `svn status 2>&1`)" =~ 'A.+? \.' ]] ; do
- (( num_new_dirs++ ))
- cd ..
-popd >/dev/null
-svn_up || exit $?
-[[ $cwd_is_ebuild_dir == 1 && ! -e metadata.xml ]] && cp ../../skel.metadata.xml metadata.xml >/dev/null 2>&1
-svn_add || exit $?
-changelog_append "$*" || exit $?
-create_digests || exit $?
-svn_add || exit $?
-repoman_check || exit $?
-svn_commit "$*" || exit $?