diff options
authorBenedikt Boehm <>2005-11-28 14:19:20 +0000
committerBenedikt Boehm <>2005-11-28 14:19:20 +0000
commitcc9dee1ff886ce0568e1be2ccd9a2613d4a2d76f (patch)
treeb2988eb1f78248f2da025083ef044cd01d309444 /openvz-sources
parentMoving the portageq calls a bit up; this honors the PROFILE stuff to use $por... (diff)
add patches for 022.050
svn path=/; revision=121
Diffstat (limited to 'openvz-sources')
55 files changed, 245698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/0000_diff-2.6.8- b/openvz-sources/022.050/0000_diff-2.6.8-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3f0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/0000_diff-2.6.8-
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+diff -uprN --exclude-from=/bk/Excl linux-2.6.8/Makefile /bk/linux-
+--- linux-2.6.8/Makefile 2004-08-14 09:37:25.000000000 +0400
++++ /bk/linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ NAME=Zonked Quokka
+diff -uprN --exclude-from=/bk/Excl linux-2.6.8/fs/nfs/file.c /bk/linux-
+--- linux-2.6.8/fs/nfs/file.c 2004-08-14 09:37:25.000000000 +0400
++++ /bk/linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ struct inode_operations nfs_file_inode_o
+ static int nfs_check_flags(int flags)
+ {
+- if (flags & (O_APPEND | O_DIRECT))
++ if ((flags & (O_APPEND | O_DIRECT)) == (O_APPEND | O_DIRECT))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ nfs_file_open(struct inode *inode, struc
+ int res;
+ res = nfs_check_flags(filp->f_flags);
+- if (!res)
++ if (res)
+ return res;
+ lock_kernel();
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/0001_linux-2.6.0-nonintconfig.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/0001_linux-2.6.0-nonintconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d160b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/0001_linux-2.6.0-nonintconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+diff -urNp linux-1/scripts/kconfig/conf.c linux-500/scripts/kconfig/conf.c
+--- linux-1/scripts/kconfig/conf.c
++++ linux-500/scripts/kconfig/conf.c
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ enum {
+ ask_all,
+ ask_new,
+ ask_silent,
++ dont_ask,
+ set_default,
+ set_yes,
+ set_mod,
+@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ static struct menu *rootEntry;
+ static char nohelp_text[] = "Sorry, no help available for this option yet.\n";
++static int return_value = 0;
+ static void strip(char *str)
+ {
+ char *p = str;
+@@ -93,6 +96,12 @@ static void conf_askvalue(struct symbol
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fgets(line, 128, stdin);
+ return;
++ case dont_ask:
++ if (!sym_has_value(sym)) {
++ fprintf(stderr,"CONFIG_%s\n",sym->name);
++ return_value++;
++ }
++ return;
+ case set_default:
+ printf("%s\n", def);
+ return;
+@@ -337,6 +346,10 @@ static int conf_choice(struct menu *menu
+ printf("?");
+ printf("]: ");
+ switch (input_mode) {
++ case dont_ask:
++ cnt = def;
++ printf("%d\n", cnt);
++ break;
+ case ask_new:
+ case ask_silent:
+ if (!is_new) {
+@@ -472,7 +485,10 @@ static void check_conf(struct menu *menu
+ if (!conf_cnt++)
+ printf("*\n* Restart config...\n*\n");
+ rootEntry = menu_get_parent_menu(menu);
+- conf(rootEntry);
++ if (input_mode == dont_ask)
++ fprintf(stderr,"CONFIG_%s\n",sym->name);
++ else
++ conf(rootEntry);
+ }
+ if (sym_is_choice(sym) && sym_get_tristate_value(sym) != mod)
+ return;
+@@ -493,6 +509,9 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
+ case 'o':
+ input_mode = ask_new;
+ break;
++ case 'b':
++ input_mode = dont_ask;
++ break;
+ case 's':
+ input_mode = ask_silent;
+ valid_stdin = isatty(0) && isatty(1) && isatty(2);
+@@ -557,6 +576,7 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
+ }
+ case ask_all:
+ case ask_new:
++ case dont_ask:
+ conf_read(NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+@@ -574,10 +594,10 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
+ do {
+ conf_cnt = 0;
+ check_conf(&rootmenu);
+- } while (conf_cnt);
++ } while ((conf_cnt) && (input_mode != dont_ask));
+ if (conf_write(NULL)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Error during writing of the kernel configuration.\n\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+- return 0;
++ return return_value;
+ }
+--- linux-2.6.3/scripts/kconfig/Makefile.orig 2004-02-25 16:59:55.934625904 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.3/scripts/kconfig/Makefile 2004-02-25 17:02:37.076128672 +0100
+@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
+ silentoldconfig: $(obj)/conf
+ $< -s arch/$(ARCH)/Kconfig
++nonint_oldconfig: scripts/kconfig/conf
++ ./scripts/kconfig/conf -b arch/$(ARCH)/Kconfig
+ .PHONY: randconfig allyesconfig allnoconfig allmodconfig defconfig
+ randconfig: $(obj)/conf
+@@ -68,7 +72,7 @@
+ libkconfig-objs :=
+ host-progs := conf mconf qconf gconf
+-conf-objs := conf.o
++conf-objs := conf.o
+ mconf-objs := mconf.o
+ ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),xconfig)
+@@ -95,13 +99,15 @@
+ HOSTCFLAGS_lex.zconf.o := -I$(src)
+ := -I$(src)
++HOSTLOADLIBES_conf = -Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN -Lscripts/kconfig -lkconfig
+ HOSTLOADLIBES_qconf = -L$(QTLIBPATH) -Wl,-rpath,$(QTLIBPATH) -l$(QTLIB) -ldl
+ HOSTCXXFLAGS_qconf.o = -I$(QTDIR)/include
+ HOSTLOADLIBES_gconf = `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0 libglade-2.0 --libs`
+ HOSTCFLAGS_gconf.o = `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0 libglade-2.0 --cflags`
+-$(obj)/conf.o $(obj)/mconf.o $(obj)/qconf.o $(obj)/gconf.o: $(obj)/
++$(obj)/conf.o $(obj)/mconf.o $(obj)/qconf.o $(obj)/gconf.o: $(obj)/ $(obj)/
+ $(obj)/qconf.o: $(obj)/.tmp_qtcheck
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/0100_patch-022stab050-core.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/0100_patch-022stab050-core.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f2d335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/0100_patch-022stab050-core.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,74450 @@
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
++Nothing in this license should be construed as a grant by SWsoft of any rights
++beyond the rights specified in the GNU General Public License, and nothing in
++this license should be construed as a waiver by SWsoft of its patent, copyright
++and/or trademark rights, beyond the waiver required by the GNU General Public
++License. This license is expressly inapplicable to any product that is not
++within the scope of the GNU General Public License
++ Version 2, June 1991
++ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
++ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
++ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
++ Preamble
++ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
++freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
++License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
++software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
++General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
++Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
++using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
++the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
++your programs, too.
++ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
++price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
++have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
++this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
++if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
++in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
++ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
++anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
++These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
++distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
++ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
++gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
++you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
++source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
++ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
++(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
++distribute and/or modify the software.
++ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
++that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
++software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
++want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
++that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
++authors' reputations.
++ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
++patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
++program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
++program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
++patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
++ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
++modification follow.
++ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
++a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
++under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
++refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
++means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
++that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
++either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
++language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
++the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
++Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
++covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
++running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
++is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
++Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
++Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
++ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
++source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
++conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
++copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
++notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
++and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
++along with the Program.
++You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
++you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
++ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
++of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
++distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
++above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
++ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
++ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
++ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
++ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
++ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
++ parties under the terms of this License.
++ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
++ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
++ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
++ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
++ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
++ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
++ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
++ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
++ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
++ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
++These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
++identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
++and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
++themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
++sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
++distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
++on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
++this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
++entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
++Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
++your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
++exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
++collective works based on the Program.
++In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
++with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
++a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
++the scope of this License.
++ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
++under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
++Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
++ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
++ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
++ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
++ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
++ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
++ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
++ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
++ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
++ customarily used for software interchange; or,
++ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
++ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
++ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
++ received the program in object code or executable form with such
++ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
++The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
++making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
++code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
++associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
++control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
++special exception, the source code distributed need not include
++anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
++form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
++operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
++itself accompanies the executable.
++If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
++access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
++access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
++distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
++compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
++ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
++except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
++otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
++void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
++However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
++this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
++parties remain in full compliance.
++ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
++signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
++distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
++prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
++modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
++Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
++all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
++the Program or works based on it.
++ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
++Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
++original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
++these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
++restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
++You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
++this License.
++ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
++infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
++conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
++otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
++excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
++distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
++License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
++may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
++license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
++all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
++the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
++refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
++If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
++any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
++apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
++It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
++patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
++such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
++integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
++implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
++generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
++through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
++system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
++to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
++impose that choice.
++This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
++be a consequence of the rest of this License.
++ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
++certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
++original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
++may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
++those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
++countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
++the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
++ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
++of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
++be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
++address new problems or concerns.
++Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
++specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
++later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
++either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
++Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
++this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
++ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
++programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
++to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
++Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
++make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
++of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
++of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
++ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
++ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
++possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
++free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
++ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
++to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
++convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
++the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
++ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
++ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
++ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ (at your option) any later version.
++ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ GNU General Public License for more details.
++ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
++Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
++If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
++when it starts in an interactive mode:
++ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
++ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
++ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
++ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
++The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
++parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
++be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
++mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
++You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
++school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
++necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
++ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
++ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
++ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
++ Ty Coon, President of Vice
++This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
++proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
++consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
++library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
++Public License instead of this License.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ prototypes:
+ void (*destroy_inode)(struct inode *);
+ void (*read_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*dirty_inode) (struct inode *);
+- void (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
++ int (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
+ void (*put_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*drop_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*delete_inode) (struct inode *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ filesystem. As of kernel 2.1.99, the fol
+ struct super_operations {
+ void (*read_inode) (struct inode *);
+- void (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
++ int (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
+ void (*put_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*drop_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*delete_inode) (struct inode *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ A: All such kernel threads need to be fi
+ where it is safe to be frozen (no kernel semaphores should be held at
+ that point and it must be safe to sleep there), and add:
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ Q: What is the difference between between "platform", "shutdown" and
+ "firmware" in /sys/power/disk?
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++ OpenVZ Overview
++ ---------------
++ (C) SWsoft, 2005,, All rights reserved.
++ Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++OpenVZ is a virtualization technology which allows to run multiple
++isolated VPSs (Virtual Private Server) on a single operating system.
++It uses a single instance of Linux kernel in memory which efficiently
++manages resources between VPSs.
++Virtual environment (VE) notion which is used in kernel is the original
++name of more modern notion of Virtual Private Server (VPS).
++From user point of view, every VPS is an isolated operating system with
++private file system, private set of users, private root superuser,
++private set of processes and so on. Every application which do not
++require direct hardware access can't feel the difference between VPS
++and real standalone server.
++From kernel point of view, VPS is an isolated set of processes spawned
++from their private 'init' process. Kernel controls which resources are
++accessible inside VPS and which amount of these resources can be
++consumed/used by VPS processes. Also kernel provides isolation between
++VPSs thus ensuring that one VPS can't use private resources of another
++VPS, make DoS/hack/crash attack on it's neighbour and so on.
++main Open Virtuozzo config options:
++Official product pages:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
++Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft. All rights reserved.
++Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++Hierarchical CPU schedulers
++Hierarchical CPU scheduler is a stack of CPU schedulers which allows
++to organize different policies of scheduling in the system and/or between
++groups of processes.
++Virtuozzo uses a hierarchical Fair CPU scheduler organized as a 2-stage
++CPU scheduler, where the scheduling decisions are made in 2 steps:
++1. On the first step Fair CPU scheduler selects a group of processes
++ which should get some CPU time.
++2. Then standard Linux scheduler chooses a process inside the group.
++Such scheduler efficiently allows to isolate one group of processes
++from another and still allows a group to use more than 1 CPU on SMP systems.
++This document describes a new middle layer of Virtuozzo hierarchical CPU
++scheduler which makes decisions after Fair scheduler, but before Linux
++scheduler and which is called VCPU scheduler.
++Where VCPU scheduler comes from?
++Existing hierarchical CPU scheduler uses isolated algorithms on each stage
++of decision making, i.e. every scheduler makes its decisions without
++taking into account the details of other schedulers. This can lead to a number
++of problems described below.
++On SMP systems there are possible situations when the first CPU scheduler
++in the hierarchy (e.g. Fair scheduler) wants to schedule some group of
++processes on the physical CPU, but the underlying process scheduler
++(e.g. Linux O(1) CPU scheduler) is unable to schedule any processes
++on this physical CPU. Usually this happens due to the fact that Linux
++kernel scheduler uses per-physical CPU runqueues.
++Another problem is that Linux scheduler also knows nothing about
++Fair scheduler and can't balance efficiently without taking into account
++statistics about process groups from Fair scheduler. Without such
++statistics Linux scheduler can concentrate all processes on one physical
++CPU, thus making CPU consuming highly inefficient.
++VCPU scheduler solves these problems by adding a new layer between
++Fair schedule and Linux scheduler.
++VCPU scheduler
++VCPU scheduler is a CPU scheduler which splits notion of
++physical and virtual CPUs (VCPU and PCPU). This means that tasks are
++running on virtual CPU runqueues, while VCPUs are running on PCPUs.
++The Virtuozzo hierarchical fair scheduler becomes 3 stage CPU scheduler:
++1. First, Fair CPU scheduler select a group of processes.
++2. Then VCPU scheduler select a virtual CPU to run (this is actually
++ a runqueue).
++3. Standard Linux scheduler chooses a process from the runqueue.
++For example on the picture below PCPU0 executes tasks from
++VCPU1 runqueue and PCPU1 is idle:
++ virtual | physical | virtual
++ idle CPUs | CPUs | CPUS
++ | | -----------------
++ | | | virtual sched X |
++ | | | ----------- |
++ | | | | VCPU0 | |
++ | | | ----------- |
++ ------------ | ----------- | ----------- |
++| idle VCPU0 | | | PCPU0 | <---> | | VCPU1 | |
++ ------------ | ----------- | ----------- |
++ | | -----------------
++ | |
++ | | -----------------
++ | | | virtual sched Y |
++ ------------ ----------- | | ----------- |
++| idle VCPU1 | <---> | PCPU1 | | | | VCPU0 | |
++ ------------ ----------- | | ----------- |
++ | | -----------------
++ | |
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:36.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+ NAME=Zonked Quokka
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ do_sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, lo
+ */
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE)
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE)
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure single-step breakpoint is gone. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ static int do_ptrace(int request, struct
+ /* make sure single-step breakpoint is gone. */
+ child->ptrace &= ~PT_SINGLESTEP;
+ ptrace_cancel_bpt(child);
+- if (child->state != TASK_ZOMBIE) {
++ if (child->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -548,9 +548,10 @@ static int do_signal(sigset_t *oldset, s
+ if (!user_mode(regs))
+ return 0;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
++ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
+ }
+ if (current->ptrace & PT_SINGLESTEP)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ static int do_ptrace(int request, struct
+ /* make sure single-step breakpoint is gone. */
+ child->ptrace &= ~PT_SINGLESTEP;
+ ptrace_cancel_bpt(child);
+- if (child->state != TASK_ZOMBIE) {
++ if (child->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, long
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE)
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE)
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ h8300_disable_trace(child);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ cmd_line_ptr: .long 0 # (Header versio
+ # can be located anywhere in
+ # low memory 0x10000 or higher.
+-ramdisk_max: .long (MAXMEM-1) & 0x7fffffff
++ramdisk_max: .long (__MAXMEM-1) & 0x7fffffff
+ # (Header version 0x0203 or later)
+ # The highest safe address for
+ # the contents of an initrd
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ video: pushw %ds # We use different seg
+ cmpw $ASK_VGA, %ax # Bring up the menu
+ jz vid2
++#ifndef CONFIG_FB
++ mov $VIDEO_80x25, %ax # hack to force 80x25 mode
+ call mode_set # Set the mode
+ jc vid1
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ extra-y := head.o init_task.o vmlinux.ld
+ obj-y := process.o semaphore.o signal.o entry.o traps.o irq.o vm86.o \
+ ptrace.o i8259.o ioport.o ldt.o setup.o time.o sys_i386.o \
+ pci-dma.o i386_ksyms.o i387.o dmi_scan.o bootflag.o \
+- doublefault.o
++ doublefault.o entry_trampoline.o
+ obj-y += cpu/
+ obj-y += timers/
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ acpi_scan_rsdp (
+ * RSDP signature.
+ */
+ for (offset = 0; offset < length; offset += 16) {
+- if (strncmp((char *) (start + offset), "RSD PTR ", sig_len))
++ if (strncmp((char *) __va(start + offset), "RSD PTR ", sig_len))
+ continue;
+ return (start + offset);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -19,13 +19,29 @@ extern void zap_low_mappings(void);
+ extern unsigned long FASTCALL(acpi_copy_wakeup_routine(unsigned long));
+-static void init_low_mapping(pgd_t *pgd, int pgd_limit)
++static void map_low(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
+ {
+- int pgd_ofs = 0;
+- while ((pgd_ofs < pgd_limit) && (pgd_ofs + USER_PTRS_PER_PGD < PTRS_PER_PGD)) {
+- set_pgd(pgd, *(pgd+USER_PTRS_PER_PGD));
+- pgd_ofs++, pgd++;
++ unsigned long vaddr;
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ int i, j;
++ pgd = pgd_base;
++ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, i++) {
++ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE;
++ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
++ break;
++ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
++ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD; pmd++, j++) {
++ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE;
++ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
++ break;
++ if (vaddr < start)
++ continue;
++ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(_KERNPG_TABLE + _PAGE_PSE +
++ vaddr - start));
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -39,7 +55,9 @@ int acpi_save_state_mem (void)
+ {
+ if (!acpi_wakeup_address)
+ return 1;
+- init_low_mapping(swapper_pg_dir, USER_PTRS_PER_PGD);
++ if (!cpu_has_pse)
++ return 1;
++ map_low(swapper_pg_dir, 0, LOW_MAPPINGS_SIZE);
+ memcpy((void *) acpi_wakeup_address, &wakeup_start, &wakeup_end - &wakeup_start);
+ acpi_copy_wakeup_routine(acpi_wakeup_address);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ wakeup_code:
+ movw $0x0e00 + 'i', %fs:(0x12)
+ # need a gdt
++ #use the gdt copied in this low mem
++ lea temp_gdt_table - wakeup_code, %eax
++ xor %ebx, %ebx
++ movw %ds, %bx
++ shll $4, %ebx
++ addl %ebx, %eax
++ movl %eax, real_save_gdt + 2 - wakeup_code
+ lgdt real_save_gdt - wakeup_code
+ movl real_save_cr0 - wakeup_code, %eax
+@@ -89,6 +96,7 @@ real_save_cr4: .long 0
+ real_magic: .long 0
+ video_mode: .long 0
+ video_flags: .long 0
++temp_gdt_table: .fill GDT_ENTRIES, 8, 0
+ bogus_real_magic:
+ movw $0x0e00 + 'B', %fs:(0x12)
+@@ -231,6 +239,13 @@ ENTRY(acpi_copy_wakeup_routine)
+ movl %edx, real_save_cr0 - wakeup_start (%eax)
+ sgdt real_save_gdt - wakeup_start (%eax)
++ # gdt wont be addressable from real mode in 4g4g split
++ # copying it to the lower mem
++ xor %ecx, %ecx
++ movw saved_gdt, %cx
++ movl saved_gdt + 2, %esi
++ lea temp_gdt_table - wakeup_start (%eax), %edi
++ rep movsb
+ movl saved_videomode, %edx
+ movl %edx, video_mode - wakeup_start (%eax)
+ movl acpi_video_flags, %edx
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ int setup_profiling_timer(unsigned int m
+ * value into /proc/profile.
+ */
+-inline void smp_local_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs * regs)
++asmlinkage void smp_local_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs * regs)
+ {
+ int cpu = smp_processor_id();
+@@ -1088,11 +1088,18 @@ inline void smp_local_timer_interrupt(st
+ void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs regs)
+ {
+- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ union irq_ctx *curctx;
++ union irq_ctx *irqctx;
++ u32 *isp;
++ int cpu;
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
+ /*
+ * the NMI deadlock-detector uses this.
+ */
++ cpu = smp_processor_id();
+ irq_stat[cpu].apic_timer_irqs++;
+ /*
+@@ -1105,9 +1112,35 @@ void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_
+ * Besides, if we don't timer interrupts ignore the global
+ * interrupt lock, which is the WrongThing (tm) to do.
+ */
++ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ irq_enter();
++ curctx = (union irq_ctx *) current_thread_info();
++ irqctx = hardirq_ctx[cpu];
++ if (curctx == irqctx) {
++ smp_local_timer_interrupt(&regs);
++ } else {
++ /* build the stack frame on the IRQ stack */
++ isp = (u32*) ((char*)irqctx + sizeof(*irqctx));
++ irqctx->tinfo.task = curctx->tinfo.task;
++ irqctx->tinfo.real_stack = curctx->tinfo.real_stack;
++ irqctx->tinfo.virtual_stack = curctx->tinfo.virtual_stack;
++ irqctx->tinfo.previous_esp = current_stack_pointer();
++ *--isp = (u32) &regs;
++ asm volatile(
++ " xchgl %%ebx,%%esp \n"
++ " call smp_local_timer_interrupt \n"
++ " xchgl %%ebx,%%esp \n"
++ : : "b"(isp)
++ : "memory", "cc", "edx", "ecx"
++ );
++ }
+ smp_local_timer_interrupt(&regs);
+ irq_exit();
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -61,5 +61,19 @@ void foo(void)
+ DEFINE(TSS_sysenter_esp0, offsetof(struct tss_struct, esp0) -
+ sizeof(struct tss_struct));
++ DEFINE(TI_task, offsetof (struct thread_info, task));
++ DEFINE(TI_exec_domain, offsetof (struct thread_info, exec_domain));
++ DEFINE(TI_flags, offsetof (struct thread_info, flags));
++ DEFINE(TI_preempt_count, offsetof (struct thread_info, preempt_count));
++ DEFINE(TI_addr_limit, offsetof (struct thread_info, addr_limit));
++ DEFINE(TI_real_stack, offsetof (struct thread_info, real_stack));
++ DEFINE(TI_virtual_stack, offsetof (struct thread_info, virtual_stack));
++ DEFINE(TI_user_pgd, offsetof (struct thread_info, user_pgd));
++ __fix_to_virt(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_0));
++ DEFINE(FIX_VSYSCALL_addr, __fix_to_virt(FIX_VSYSCALL));
++ DEFINE(task_thread_db7,
++ offsetof (struct task_struct, thread.debugreg[7]));
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -28,6 +28,22 @@ static void __init init_amd(struct cpuin
+ int mbytes = num_physpages >> (20-PAGE_SHIFT);
+ int r;
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ unsigned long long value;
++ /* Disable TLB flush filter by setting HWCR.FFDIS on K8
++ * bit 6 of msr C001_0015
++ *
++ * Errata 63 for SH-B3 steppings
++ * Errata 122 for all steppings (F+ have it disabled by default)
++ */
++ if (c->x86 == 15) {
++ rdmsrl(MSR_K7_HWCR, value);
++ value |= 1 << 6;
++ wrmsrl(MSR_K7_HWCR, value);
++ }
+ /*
+ * FIXME: We should handle the K5 here. Set up the write
+ * range and also turn on MSR 83 bits 4 and 31 (write alloc,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -554,12 +554,16 @@ void __init cpu_init (void)
+ set_tss_desc(cpu,t);
+ cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
+ load_TR_desc();
+- load_LDT(&init_mm.context);
++ if (cpu)
++ load_LDT(&init_mm.context);
+ /* Set up doublefault TSS pointer in the GDT */
+ __set_tss_desc(cpu, GDT_ENTRY_DOUBLEFAULT_TSS, &doublefault_tss);
+ cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_DOUBLEFAULT_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
++ if (cpu)
++ trap_init_virtual_GDT();
+ /* Clear %fs and %gs. */
+ asm volatile ("xorl %eax, %eax; movl %eax, %fs; movl %eax, %gs");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <asm/processor.h>
+ #include <asm/msr.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <asm/desc.h>
+ #include "cpu.h"
+@@ -19,8 +20,6 @@
+ #include <mach_apic.h>
+ #endif
+-extern int trap_init_f00f_bug(void);
+ /*
+ * Alignment at which movsl is preferred for bulk memory copies.
+@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ static void __init init_intel(struct cpu
+ c->f00f_bug = 1;
+ if ( !f00f_workaround_enabled ) {
+- trap_init_f00f_bug();
++ trap_init_virtual_IDT();
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Intel Pentium with F0 0F bug - workaround enabled.\n");
+ f00f_workaround_enabled = 1;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ static int __init mtrr_if_init(void)
+ return -ENODEV;
+ proc_root_mtrr =
+- create_proc_entry("mtrr", S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO, &proc_root);
++ create_proc_entry("mtrr", S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO, NULL);
+ if (proc_root_mtrr) {
+ proc_root_mtrr->owner = THIS_MODULE;
+ proc_root_mtrr->proc_fops = &mtrr_fops;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/vsched.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
+ /*
+ * Get CPU information for use by the procfs.
+@@ -58,11 +60,17 @@ static int show_cpuinfo(struct seq_file
+ struct cpuinfo_x86 *c = v;
+ int i, n = c - cpu_data;
+ int fpu_exception;
++ unsigned long vcpu_khz;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+- if (!cpu_online(n))
++ if (!vcpu_online(n))
+ return 0;
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ vcpu_khz = ve_scale_khz(cpu_khz);
++ vcpu_khz = cpu_khz;
+ seq_printf(m, "processor\t: %d\n"
+ "vendor_id\t: %s\n"
+ "cpu family\t: %d\n"
+@@ -81,14 +89,14 @@ static int show_cpuinfo(struct seq_file
+ if ( cpu_has(c, X86_FEATURE_TSC) ) {
+ seq_printf(m, "cpu MHz\t\t: %lu.%03lu\n",
+- cpu_khz / 1000, (cpu_khz % 1000));
++ vcpu_khz / 1000, (vcpu_khz % 1000));
+ }
+ /* Cache size */
+ if (c->x86_cache_size >= 0)
+ seq_printf(m, "cache size\t: %d KB\n", c->x86_cache_size);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_X86_HT
+- if (cpu_has_ht) {
++ if (smp_num_siblings > 1) {
+ extern int phys_proc_id[NR_CPUS];
+ seq_printf(m, "physical id\t: %d\n", phys_proc_id[n]);
+ seq_printf(m, "siblings\t: %d\n", smp_num_siblings);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
+ #include <asm/processor.h>
+ #include <asm/desc.h>
++#include <asm/fixmap.h>
+ static unsigned long doublefault_stack[DOUBLEFAULT_STACKSIZE];
+ #define STACK_START (unsigned long)(doublefault_stack+DOUBLEFAULT_STACKSIZE)
+-#define ptr_ok(x) ((x) > 0xc0000000 && (x) < 0xc1000000)
++#define ptr_ok(x) (((x) > __PAGE_OFFSET && (x) < (__PAGE_OFFSET + 0x01000000)) || ((x) >= FIXADDR_START))
+ static void doublefault_fn(void)
+ {
+@@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ static void doublefault_fn(void)
+ printk("eax = %08lx, ebx = %08lx, ecx = %08lx, edx = %08lx\n",
+ t->eax, t->ebx, t->ecx, t->edx);
+- printk("esi = %08lx, edi = %08lx\n",
+- t->esi, t->edi);
++ printk("esi = %08lx, edi = %08lx, ebp = %08lx\n",
++ t->esi, t->edi, t->ebp);
+ }
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+ #include <linux/linkage.h>
+ #include <asm/thread_info.h>
++#include <asm/asm_offsets.h>
+ #include <asm/errno.h>
+ #include <asm/segment.h>
++#include <asm/page.h>
+ #include <asm/smp.h>
+ #include <asm/page.h>
+ #include "irq_vectors.h"
+@@ -81,7 +83,102 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
+ #define resume_kernel restore_all
+ #endif
+-#define SAVE_ALL \
++#if defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
++ * If task is preempted in __SWITCH_KERNELSPACE, and moved to another cpu,
++ * __switch_to repoints %esp to the appropriate virtual stack; but %ebp is
++ * left stale, so we must check whether to repeat the real stack calculation.
++ */
++#define repeat_if_esp_changed \
++ xorl %esp, %ebp; \
++ testl $-THREAD_SIZE, %ebp; \
++ jnz 0b
++#define repeat_if_esp_changed
++/* clobbers ebx, edx and ebp */
++ cmpl $0xff000000, %esp; \
++ jb 1f; \
++ \
++ /* \
++ * switch pagetables and load the real stack, \
++ * keep the stack offset: \
++ */ \
++ \
++ movl $swapper_pg_dir-__PAGE_OFFSET, %edx; \
++ \
++ /* GET_THREAD_INFO(%ebp) intermixed */ \
++0: \
++ movl %esp, %ebp; \
++ movl %esp, %ebx; \
++ andl $(-THREAD_SIZE), %ebp; \
++ andl $(THREAD_SIZE-1), %ebx; \
++ orl TI_real_stack(%ebp), %ebx; \
++ repeat_if_esp_changed; \
++ \
++ movl %edx, %cr3; \
++ movl %ebx, %esp; \
++#define __SWITCH_USERSPACE \
++ /* interrupted any of the user return paths? */ \
++ \
++ movl EIP(%esp), %eax; \
++ \
++ cmpl $int80_ret_start_marker, %eax; \
++ jb 33f; /* nope - continue with sysexit check */\
++ cmpl $int80_ret_end_marker, %eax; \
++ jb 22f; /* yes - switch to virtual stack */ \
++33: \
++ cmpl $sysexit_ret_start_marker, %eax; \
++ jb 44f; /* nope - continue with user check */ \
++ cmpl $sysexit_ret_end_marker, %eax; \
++ jb 22f; /* yes - switch to virtual stack */ \
++ /* return to userspace? */ \
++44: \
++ movl EFLAGS(%esp),%ecx; \
++ movb CS(%esp),%cl; \
++ testl $(VM_MASK | 3),%ecx; \
++ jz 2f; \
++22: \
++ /* \
++ * switch to the virtual stack, then switch to \
++ * the userspace pagetables. \
++ */ \
++ \
++ GET_THREAD_INFO(%ebp); \
++ movl TI_virtual_stack(%ebp), %edx; \
++ movl TI_user_pgd(%ebp), %ecx; \
++ \
++ movl %esp, %ebx; \
++ andl $(THREAD_SIZE-1), %ebx; \
++ orl %ebx, %edx; \
++int80_ret_start_marker: \
++ movl %edx, %esp; \
++ movl %ecx, %cr3; \
++ \
++int80_ret_end_marker: \
++#else /* !CONFIG_X86_HIGH_ENTRY */
++#define __SAVE_ALL \
+ cld; \
+ pushl %es; \
+ pushl %ds; \
+@@ -96,7 +193,7 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
+ movl %edx, %ds; \
+ movl %edx, %es;
+-#define RESTORE_INT_REGS \
++#define __RESTORE_INT_REGS \
+ popl %ebx; \
+ popl %ecx; \
+ popl %edx; \
+@@ -105,29 +202,44 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
+ popl %ebp; \
+ popl %eax
+-#define RESTORE_REGS \
+-1: popl %ds; \
+-2: popl %es; \
+-.section .fixup,"ax"; \
+-3: movl $0,(%esp); \
+- jmp 1b; \
+-4: movl $0,(%esp); \
+- jmp 2b; \
+-.previous; \
++#define __RESTORE_REGS \
++ popl %ds; \
++ popl %es;
++#define __RESTORE_REGS_USER \
++111: popl %ds; \
++222: popl %es; \
++ jmp 666f; \
++444: movl $0,(%esp); \
++ jmp 111b; \
++555: movl $0,(%esp); \
++ jmp 222b; \
++666: \
+ .section __ex_table,"a";\
+ .align 4; \
+- .long 1b,3b; \
+- .long 2b,4b; \
++ .long 111b,444b;\
++ .long 222b,555b;\
+ .previous
++#define __RESTORE_ALL_USER \
++#define __RESTORE_ALL \
++#else /* !CONFIG_X86_HIGH_ENTRY */
+-#define RESTORE_ALL \
++#define __RESTORE_IRET \
+ addl $4, %esp; \
+-1: iret; \
++333: iret; \
+ .section .fixup,"ax"; \
+-2: sti; \
++666: sti; \
+ movl $(__USER_DS), %edx; \
+ movl %edx, %ds; \
+ movl %edx, %es; \
+@@ -136,10 +248,18 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
+ .previous; \
+ .section __ex_table,"a";\
+ .align 4; \
+- .long 1b,2b; \
++ .long 333b,666b;\
+ .previous
++#define SAVE_ALL \
++ __SAVE_ALL; \
++#define RESTORE_ALL \
++.section .entry.text,"ax"
+ ENTRY(lcall7)
+ pushfl # We get a different stack layout with call
+@@ -240,17 +360,9 @@ sysenter_past_esp:
+ pushl $(__USER_CS)
+- * Load the potential sixth argument from user stack.
+- * Careful about security.
+- */
+- cmpl $__PAGE_OFFSET-3,%ebp
+- jae syscall_fault
+-1: movl (%ebp),%ebp
+-.section __ex_table,"a"
+- .align 4
+- .long 1b,syscall_fault
++ /*
++ * No six-argument syscall is ever used with sysenter.
++ */
+ pushl %eax
+@@ -266,12 +378,35 @@ sysenter_past_esp:
+ movl TI_flags(%ebp), %ecx
+ testw $_TIF_ALLWORK_MASK, %cx
+ jne syscall_exit_work
++ movl TI_virtual_stack(%ebp), %edx
++ movl TI_user_pgd(%ebp), %ecx
++ movl %esp, %ebx
++ andl $(THREAD_SIZE-1), %ebx
++ orl %ebx, %edx
++ movl %edx, %esp
++ movl %ecx, %cr3
++ /*
++ * only ebx is not restored by the userspace sysenter vsyscall
++ * code, it assumes it to be callee-saved.
++ */
++ movl EBX(%esp), %ebx
+ /* if something modifies registers it must also disable sysexit */
+ movl EIP(%esp), %edx
+ movl OLDESP(%esp), %ecx
++ xorl %ebp,%ebp
+ sti
+ sysexit
++ nop
+ # system call handler stub
+ ENTRY(system_call)
+@@ -321,6 +456,22 @@ work_notifysig: # deal with pending s
+ # vm86-space
+ xorl %edx, %edx
+ call do_notify_resume
++ /*
++ * Reload db7 if necessary:
++ */
++ movl TI_flags(%ebp), %ecx
++ testb $_TIF_DB7, %cl
++ jnz work_db7
++ jmp restore_all
++ movl TI_task(%ebp), %edx;
++ movl task_thread_db7(%edx), %edx;
++ movl %edx, %db7;
+ jmp restore_all
+@@ -358,14 +509,6 @@ syscall_exit_work:
+ jmp resume_userspace
+- pushl %eax # save orig_eax
+- movl $-EFAULT,EAX(%esp)
+- jmp resume_userspace
+ syscall_badsys:
+ movl $-ENOSYS,EAX(%esp)
+ jmp resume_userspace
+@@ -376,7 +519,7 @@ syscall_badsys:
+ */
+ .data
+ ENTRY(interrupt)
+ vector=0
+ ENTRY(irq_entries_start)
+@@ -386,7 +529,7 @@ ENTRY(irq_entries_start)
+ jmp common_interrupt
+ .data
+ .long 1b
+ vector=vector+1
+ .endr
+@@ -427,12 +570,17 @@ error_code:
+ movl ES(%esp), %edi # get the function address
+ movl %eax, ORIG_EAX(%esp)
+ movl %ecx, ES(%esp)
+- movl %esp, %edx
+ pushl %esi # push the error code
+- pushl %edx # push the pt_regs pointer
+ movl $(__USER_DS), %edx
+ movl %edx, %ds
+ movl %edx, %es
++/* clobbers edx, ebx and ebp */
++ leal 4(%esp), %edx # prepare pt_regs
++ pushl %edx # push pt_regs
+ call *%edi
+ addl $8, %esp
+ jmp ret_from_exception
+@@ -523,7 +671,7 @@ nmi_stack_correct:
+ pushl %edx
+ call do_nmi
+ addl $8, %esp
++ jmp restore_all
+ nmi_stack_fixup:
+ FIX_STACK(12,nmi_stack_correct, 1)
+@@ -600,6 +748,8 @@ ENTRY(spurious_interrupt_bug)
+ pushl $do_spurious_interrupt_bug
+ jmp error_code
+ .data
+ ENTRY(sys_call_table)
+ .long sys_restart_syscall /* 0 - old "setup()" system call, used for restarting */
+@@ -887,4 +1037,26 @@ ENTRY(sys_call_table)
+ .long sys_mq_getsetattr
+ .long sys_ni_syscall /* reserved for kexec */
++ .rept 500-(.-sys_call_table)/4
++ .long sys_ni_syscall
++ .endr
++ .long sys_fairsched_mknod /* 500 */
++ .long sys_fairsched_rmnod
++ .long sys_fairsched_chwt
++ .long sys_fairsched_mvpr
++ .long sys_fairsched_rate
++ .rept 510-(.-sys_call_table)/4
++ .long sys_ni_syscall
++ .endr
++ .long sys_getluid /* 510 */
++ .long sys_setluid
++ .long sys_setublimit
++ .long sys_ubstat
++ .long sys_ni_syscall
++ .long sys_ni_syscall
++ .long sys_lchmod /* 516 */
++ .long sys_lutime
+ syscall_table_size=(.-sys_call_table)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
++ * linux/arch/i386/kernel/entry_trampoline.c
++ *
++ * (C) Copyright 2003 Ingo Molnar
++ *
++ * This file contains the needed support code for 4GB userspace
++ */
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/smp.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/string.h>
++#include <linux/highmem.h>
++#include <asm/desc.h>
++#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
++extern char __entry_tramp_start, __entry_tramp_end, __start___entry_text;
++void __init init_entry_mappings(void)
++ void *tramp;
++ int p;
++ /*
++ * We need a high IDT and GDT for the 4G/4G split:
++ */
++ trap_init_virtual_IDT();
++ __set_fixmap(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_0, __pa((unsigned long)&__entry_tramp_start), PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC);
++ __set_fixmap(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_1, __pa((unsigned long)&__entry_tramp_start) + PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC);
++ tramp = (void *)fix_to_virt(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_0);
++ printk("mapped 4G/4G trampoline to %p.\n", tramp);
++ BUG_ON((void *)&__start___entry_text != tramp);
++ /*
++ * Virtual kernel stack:
++ */
++ BUG_ON(__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_VSTACK_TOP) & (THREAD_SIZE-1));
++ BUG_ON(sizeof(struct desc_struct)*NR_CPUS*GDT_ENTRIES > 2*PAGE_SIZE);
++ BUG_ON((unsigned int)&__entry_tramp_end - (unsigned int)&__entry_tramp_start > 2*PAGE_SIZE);
++ /*
++ * set up the initial thread's virtual stack related
++ * fields:
++ */
++ for (p = 0; p < ARRAY_SIZE(current->thread_info->stack_page); p++)
++ current->thread_info->stack_page[p] = virt_to_page((char *)current->thread_info + (p*PAGE_SIZE));
++ current->thread_info->virtual_stack = (void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_VSTACK_TOP);
++ for (p = 0; p < ARRAY_SIZE(current->thread_info->stack_page); p++) {
++ __kunmap_atomic_type(KM_VSTACK_TOP-p);
++ __kmap_atomic(current->thread_info->stack_page[p], KM_VSTACK_TOP-p);
++ }
++ current->thread_info->real_stack = (void *)current->thread_info;
++ current->thread_info->user_pgd = NULL;
++ current->thread.esp0 = (unsigned long)current->thread_info->real_stack + THREAD_SIZE;
++void __init entry_trampoline_setup(void)
++ /*
++ * old IRQ entries set up by the boot code will still hang
++ * around - they are a sign of hw trouble anyway, now they'll
++ * produce a double fault message.
++ */
++ trap_init_virtual_GDT();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__down_failed_inter
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__down_failed_trylock);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__up_wakeup);
+ /* Networking helper routines. */
+ /* Delay loops */
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__ndelay);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__udelay);
+@@ -106,13 +105,17 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__get_user_4);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(strpbrk);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(strstr);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(strncpy_from_user);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(clear_user);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__clear_user);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__copy_from_user_ll);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__copy_to_user_ll);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(strnlen_user);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dma_alloc_coherent);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dma_free_coherent);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ void set_fpu_twd( struct task_struct *ts
+ static int convert_fxsr_to_user( struct _fpstate __user *buf,
+ struct i387_fxsave_struct *fxsave )
+ {
++ struct _fpreg tmp[8]; /* 80 bytes scratch area */
+ unsigned long env[7];
+ struct _fpreg __user *to;
+ struct _fpxreg *from;
+@@ -243,23 +244,25 @@ static int convert_fxsr_to_user( struct
+ if ( __copy_to_user( buf, env, 7 * sizeof(unsigned long) ) )
+ return 1;
+- to = &buf->_st[0];
++ to = tmp;
+ from = (struct _fpxreg *) &fxsave->st_space[0];
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++, to++, from++ ) {
+ unsigned long __user *t = (unsigned long __user *)to;
+ unsigned long *f = (unsigned long *)from;
+- if (__put_user(*f, t) ||
+- __put_user(*(f + 1), t + 1) ||
+- __put_user(from->exponent, &to->exponent))
+- return 1;
++ *t = *f;
++ *(t + 1) = *(f+1);
++ to->exponent = from->exponent;
+ }
++ if (copy_to_user(buf->_st, tmp, sizeof(struct _fpreg [8])))
++ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int convert_fxsr_from_user( struct i387_fxsave_struct *fxsave,
+ struct _fpstate __user *buf )
+ {
++ struct _fpreg tmp[8]; /* 80 bytes scratch area */
+ unsigned long env[7];
+ struct _fpxreg *to;
+ struct _fpreg __user *from;
+@@ -267,6 +270,8 @@ static int convert_fxsr_from_user( struc
+ if ( __copy_from_user( env, buf, 7 * sizeof(long) ) )
+ return 1;
++ if (copy_from_user(tmp, buf->_st, sizeof(struct _fpreg [8])))
++ return 1;
+ fxsave->cwd = (unsigned short)(env[0] & 0xffff);
+ fxsave->swd = (unsigned short)(env[1] & 0xffff);
+@@ -278,15 +283,14 @@ static int convert_fxsr_from_user( struc
+ fxsave->fos = env[6];
+ to = (struct _fpxreg *) &fxsave->st_space[0];
+- from = &buf->_st[0];
++ from = tmp;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++, to++, from++ ) {
+ unsigned long *t = (unsigned long *)to;
+ unsigned long __user *f = (unsigned long __user *)from;
+- if (__get_user(*t, f) ||
+- __get_user(*(t + 1), f + 1) ||
+- __get_user(to->exponent, &from->exponent))
+- return 1;
++ *t = *f;
++ *(t + 1) = *(f + 1);
++ to->exponent = from->exponent;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(init_mm);
+ */
+ union thread_union init_thread_union
+ __attribute__((__section__(".data.init_task"))) =
+- { INIT_THREAD_INFO(init_task) };
++ { INIT_THREAD_INFO(init_task, init_thread_union) };
+ /*
+ * Initial task structure.
+@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(init_task);
+ * section. Since TSS's are completely CPU-local, we want them
+ * on exact cacheline boundaries, to eliminate cacheline ping-pong.
+ */
+-struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS] __cacheline_aligned = { [0 ... NR_CPUS-1] = INIT_TSS };
++struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS] __attribute__((__section__(".data.tss"))) = { [0 ... NR_CPUS-1] = INIT_TSS };
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ failed:
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static int __init irqbalance_disable(char *str)
++int __init irqbalance_disable(char *str)
+ {
+ irqbalance_disabled = 1;
+ return 0;
+@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ static inline void move_irq(int irq)
+ }
+ }
+ #else /* !CONFIG_IRQBALANCE */
+ static inline void move_irq(int irq) { }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
+ #include <asm/desc.h>
+ #include <asm/irq.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_task.h>
+ /*
+ * Linux has a controller-independent x86 interrupt architecture.
+ * every controller has a 'controller-template', that is used
+@@ -221,15 +224,19 @@ asmlinkage int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned
+ {
+ int status = 1; /* Force the "do bottom halves" bit */
+ int retval = 0;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
+ if (!(action->flags & SA_INTERRUPT))
+ local_irq_enable();
++ ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
+ do {
+ status |= action->flags;
+ retval |= action->handler(irq, action->dev_id, regs);
+ action = action->next;
+ } while (action);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
+ if (status & SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)
+ add_interrupt_randomness(irq);
+ local_irq_disable();
+@@ -270,7 +277,7 @@ static void report_bad_irq(int irq, irq_
+ static int noirqdebug;
+-static int __init noirqdebug_setup(char *str)
++int __init noirqdebug_setup(char *str)
+ {
+ noirqdebug = 1;
+ printk("IRQ lockup detection disabled\n");
+@@ -429,7 +436,9 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt
+ irq_desc_t *desc = irq_desc + irq;
+ struct irqaction * action;
+ unsigned int status;
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ irq_enter();
+@@ -513,6 +522,8 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt
+ /* build the stack frame on the IRQ stack */
+ isp = (u32*) ((char*)irqctx + sizeof(*irqctx));
+ irqctx->tinfo.task = curctx->tinfo.task;
++ irqctx->tinfo.real_stack = curctx->tinfo.real_stack;
++ irqctx->tinfo.virtual_stack = curctx->tinfo.virtual_stack;
+ irqctx->tinfo.previous_esp = current_stack_pointer();
+ *--isp = (u32) action;
+@@ -568,6 +579,7 @@ out:
+ spin_unlock(&desc->lock);
+ irq_exit();
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ return 1;
+ }
+@@ -995,13 +1007,15 @@ static int irq_affinity_read_proc(char *
+ return len;
+ }
++int no_irq_affinity;
+ static int irq_affinity_write_proc(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer,
+ unsigned long count, void *data)
+ {
+ int irq = (long)data, full_count = count, err;
+ cpumask_t new_value, tmp;
+- if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity)
++ if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity || no_irq_affinity)
+ return -EIO;
+ err = cpumask_parse(buffer, count, new_value);
+@@ -1173,6 +1187,8 @@ asmlinkage void do_softirq(void)
+ curctx = current_thread_info();
+ irqctx = softirq_ctx[smp_processor_id()];
+ irqctx->tinfo.task = curctx->task;
++ irqctx->tinfo.real_stack = curctx->real_stack;
++ irqctx->tinfo.virtual_stack = curctx->virtual_stack;
+ irqctx->tinfo.previous_esp = current_stack_pointer();
+ /* build the stack frame on the softirq stack */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ * linux/kernel/ldt.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1992 Krishna Balasubramanian and Linus Torvalds
+- * Copyright (C) 1999 Ingo Molnar <>
++ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 Ingo Molnar <>
+ */
+ #include <linux/errno.h>
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #include <asm/system.h>
+ #include <asm/ldt.h>
+ #include <asm/desc.h>
++#include <linux/highmem.h>
++#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP /* avoids "defined but not used" warnig */
+ static void flush_ldt(void *null)
+@@ -29,34 +31,31 @@ static void flush_ldt(void *null)
+ static int alloc_ldt(mm_context_t *pc, int mincount, int reload)
+ {
+- void *oldldt;
+- void *newldt;
+- int oldsize;
++ int oldsize, newsize, i;
+ if (mincount <= pc->size)
+ return 0;
++ /*
++ * LDT got larger - reallocate if necessary.
++ */
+ oldsize = pc->size;
+ mincount = (mincount+511)&(~511);
+- if (mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE > PAGE_SIZE)
+- newldt = vmalloc(mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
+- else
+- newldt = kmalloc(mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!newldt)
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- if (oldsize)
+- memcpy(newldt, pc->ldt, oldsize*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
+- oldldt = pc->ldt;
+- memset(newldt+oldsize*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE, 0, (mincount-oldsize)*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
+- pc->ldt = newldt;
+- wmb();
++ newsize = mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE;
++ for (i = 0; i < newsize; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
++ int nr = i/PAGE_SIZE;
++ BUG_ON(i >= 64*1024);
++ if (!pc->ldt_pages[nr]) {
++ pc->ldt_pages[nr] = alloc_page(GFP_HIGHUSER|__GFP_UBC);
++ if (!pc->ldt_pages[nr])
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ clear_highpage(pc->ldt_pages[nr]);
++ }
++ }
+ pc->size = mincount;
+- wmb();
+ if (reload) {
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ cpumask_t mask;
+ preempt_disable();
+ load_LDT(pc);
+ mask = cpumask_of_cpu(smp_processor_id());
+@@ -67,24 +66,32 @@ static int alloc_ldt(mm_context_t *pc, i
+ load_LDT(pc);
+ #endif
+ }
+- if (oldsize) {
+- if (oldsize*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE > PAGE_SIZE)
+- vfree(oldldt);
+- else
+- kfree(oldldt);
+- }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static inline int copy_ldt(mm_context_t *new, mm_context_t *old)
+ {
+- int err = alloc_ldt(new, old->size, 0);
+- if (err < 0)
++ int i, err, size = old->size, nr_pages = (size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE;
++ err = alloc_ldt(new, size, 0);
++ if (err < 0) {
++ new->size = 0;
+ return err;
+- memcpy(new->ldt, old->ldt, old->size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++)
++ copy_user_highpage(new->ldt_pages[i], old->ldt_pages[i], 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
++static void free_ldt(mm_context_t *mc)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LDT_PAGES; i++)
++ if (mc->ldt_pages[i])
++ __free_page(mc->ldt_pages[i]);
+ /*
+ * we do not have to muck with descriptors here, that is
+ * done in switch_mm() as needed.
+@@ -96,10 +103,13 @@ int init_new_context(struct task_struct
+ init_MUTEX(&mm->context.sem);
+ mm->context.size = 0;
++ memset(mm->context.ldt_pages, 0, sizeof(struct page *) * MAX_LDT_PAGES);
+ old_mm = current->mm;
+ if (old_mm && old_mm->context.size > 0) {
+ down(&old_mm->context.sem);
+ retval = copy_ldt(&mm->context, &old_mm->context);
++ if (retval < 0)
++ free_ldt(&mm->context);
+ up(&old_mm->context.sem);
+ }
+ return retval;
+@@ -107,23 +117,21 @@ int init_new_context(struct task_struct
+ /*
+ * No need to lock the MM as we are the last user
++ * Do not touch the ldt register, we are already
++ * in the next thread.
+ */
+ void destroy_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
+ {
+- if (mm->context.size) {
+- if (mm == current->active_mm)
+- clear_LDT();
+- if (mm->context.size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE > PAGE_SIZE)
+- vfree(mm->context.ldt);
+- else
+- kfree(mm->context.ldt);
+- mm->context.size = 0;
+- }
++ int i, nr_pages = (mm->context.size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE-1) / PAGE_SIZE;
++ for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++)
++ __free_page(mm->context.ldt_pages[i]);
++ mm->context.size = 0;
+ }
+ static int read_ldt(void __user * ptr, unsigned long bytecount)
+ {
+- int err;
++ int err, i;
+ unsigned long size;
+ struct mm_struct * mm = current->mm;
+@@ -138,8 +146,25 @@ static int read_ldt(void __user * ptr, u
+ size = bytecount;
+ err = 0;
+- if (copy_to_user(ptr, mm->context.ldt, size))
+- err = -EFAULT;
++ /*
++ * This is necessary just in case we got here straight from a
++ * context-switch where the ptes were set but no tlb flush
++ * was done yet. We rather avoid doing a TLB flush in the
++ * context-switch path and do it here instead.
++ */
++ __flush_tlb_global();
++ for (i = 0; i < size; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
++ int nr = i / PAGE_SIZE, bytes;
++ char *kaddr = kmap(mm->context.ldt_pages[nr]);
++ bytes = size - i;
++ if (bytes > PAGE_SIZE)
++ bytes = PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (copy_to_user(ptr + i, kaddr, bytes))
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ kunmap(mm->context.ldt_pages[nr]);
++ }
+ up(&mm->context.sem);
+ if (err < 0)
+ return err;
+@@ -158,7 +183,7 @@ static int read_default_ldt(void __user
+ err = 0;
+ address = &default_ldt[0];
+- size = 5*sizeof(struct desc_struct);
++ size = 5*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE;
+ if (size > bytecount)
+ size = bytecount;
+@@ -200,7 +225,15 @@ static int write_ldt(void __user * ptr,
+ goto out_unlock;
+ }
+- lp = (__u32 *) ((ldt_info.entry_number << 3) + (char *) mm->context.ldt);
++ /*
++ * No rescheduling allowed from this point to the install.
++ *
++ * We do a TLB flush for the same reason as in the read_ldt() path.
++ */
++ preempt_disable();
++ __flush_tlb_global();
++ lp = (__u32 *) ((ldt_info.entry_number << 3) +
++ (char *) __kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_LDT_PAGE0));
+ /* Allow LDTs to be cleared by the user. */
+ if (ldt_info.base_addr == 0 && ldt_info.limit == 0) {
+@@ -221,6 +254,7 @@ install:
+ *lp = entry_1;
+ *(lp+1) = entry_2;
+ error = 0;
++ preempt_enable();
+ out_unlock:
+ up(&mm->context.sem);
+@@ -248,3 +282,26 @@ asmlinkage int sys_modify_ldt(int func,
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
++ * load one particular LDT into the current CPU
++ */
++void load_LDT_nolock(mm_context_t *pc, int cpu)
++ struct page **pages = pc->ldt_pages;
++ int count = pc->size;
++ int nr_pages, i;
++ if (likely(!count)) {
++ pages = &default_ldt_page;
++ count = 5;
++ }
++ nr_pages = (count*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE-1) / PAGE_SIZE;
++ for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++) {
++ __kunmap_atomic_type(KM_LDT_PAGE0 - i);
++ __kmap_atomic(pages[i], KM_LDT_PAGE0 - i);
++ }
++ set_ldt_desc(cpu, (void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_LDT_PAGE0), count);
++ load_LDT_desc();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ void __init get_smp_config (void)
+ * Read the physical hardware table. Anything here will
+ * override the defaults.
+ */
+- if (!smp_read_mpc((void *)mpf->mpf_physptr)) {
++ if (!smp_read_mpc((void *)phys_to_virt(mpf->mpf_physptr))) {
+ smp_found_config = 0;
+ printk(KERN_ERR "BIOS bug, MP table errors detected!...\n");
+ printk(KERN_ERR "... disabling SMP support. (tell your hw vendor)\n");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,7 +31,12 @@
+ #include <asm/mpspec.h>
+ #include <asm/nmi.h>
+-unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_NONE;
++unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_DEFAULT;
+ static unsigned int nmi_hz = HZ;
+ static unsigned int nmi_perfctr_msr; /* the MSR to reset in NMI handler */
+ static unsigned int nmi_p4_cccr_val;
+@@ -459,6 +464,21 @@ void touch_nmi_watchdog (void)
+ alert_counter[i] = 0;
+ }
++static spinlock_t show_regs_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++void smp_show_regs(struct pt_regs *regs, void *info)
++ if (regs == NULL)
++ return;
++ bust_spinlocks(1);
++ spin_lock(&show_regs_lock);
++ printk("----------- IPI show regs -----------");
++ show_regs(regs);
++ spin_unlock(&show_regs_lock);
++ bust_spinlocks(0);
+ void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs * regs)
+ {
+@@ -486,7 +506,8 @@ void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs *
+ bust_spinlocks(1);
+ printk("NMI Watchdog detected LOCKUP on CPU%d, eip %08lx, registers:\n", cpu, regs->eip);
+ show_registers(regs);
+- printk("console shuts up ...\n");
++ smp_nmi_call_function(smp_show_regs, NULL, 1);
++ bust_spinlocks(1);
+ console_silent();
+ spin_unlock(&nmi_print_lock);
+ bust_spinlocks(0);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/kallsyms.h>
+ #include <linux/ptrace.h>
++#include <linux/faudit.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
+@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
+ #include <asm/i387.h>
+ #include <asm/irq.h>
+ #include <asm/desc.h>
++#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
+ #include <asm/math_emu.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -219,10 +221,12 @@ __setup("idle=", idle_setup);
+ void show_regs(struct pt_regs * regs)
+ {
+ unsigned long cr0 = 0L, cr2 = 0L, cr3 = 0L, cr4 = 0L;
++ extern int die_counter;
+ printk("\n");
+- printk("Pid: %d, comm: %20s\n", current->pid, current->comm);
+- printk("EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] CPU: %d\n",0xffff & regs->xcs,regs->eip, smp_processor_id());
++ printk("Pid: %d, comm: %20s, oopses: %d\n", current->pid, current->comm, die_counter);
++ printk("EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] CPU: %d, VCPU: %d:%d\n",0xffff & regs->xcs,regs->eip, smp_processor_id(),
++ task_vsched_id(current), task_cpu(current));
+ print_symbol("EIP is at %s\n", regs->eip);
+ if (regs->xcs & 3)
+@@ -272,6 +276,13 @@ int kernel_thread(int (*fn)(void *), voi
+ {
+ struct pt_regs regs;
++ /* Don't allow kernel_thread() inside VE */
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ printk("kernel_thread call inside VE\n");
++ dump_stack();
++ return -EPERM;
++ }
+ memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+ regs.ebx = (unsigned long) fn;
+@@ -311,6 +322,9 @@ void flush_thread(void)
+ struct task_struct *tsk = current;
+ memset(tsk->thread.debugreg, 0, sizeof(unsigned long)*8);
++ clear_thread_flag(TIF_DB7);
+ memset(tsk->thread.tls_array, 0, sizeof(tsk->thread.tls_array));
+ /*
+ * Forget coprocessor state..
+@@ -324,9 +338,8 @@ void release_thread(struct task_struct *
+ if (dead_task->mm) {
+ // temporary debugging check
+ if (dead_task->mm->context.size) {
+- printk("WARNING: dead process %8s still has LDT? <%p/%d>\n",
++ printk("WARNING: dead process %8s still has LDT? <%d>\n",
+ dead_task->comm,
+- dead_task->mm->context.ldt,
+ dead_task->mm->context.size);
+ BUG();
+ }
+@@ -350,7 +363,7 @@ int copy_thread(int nr, unsigned long cl
+ {
+ struct pt_regs * childregs;
+ struct task_struct *tsk;
+- int err;
++ int err, i;
+ childregs = ((struct pt_regs *) (THREAD_SIZE + (unsigned long) p->thread_info)) - 1;
+ *childregs = *regs;
+@@ -361,7 +374,18 @@ int copy_thread(int nr, unsigned long cl
+ p->thread.esp = (unsigned long) childregs;
+ p->thread.esp0 = (unsigned long) (childregs+1);
++ /*
++ * get the two stack pages, for the virtual stack.
++ *
++ * IMPORTANT: this code relies on the fact that the task
++ * structure is an THREAD_SIZE aligned piece of physical memory.
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(p->thread_info->stack_page); i++)
++ p->thread_info->stack_page[i] =
++ virt_to_page((unsigned long)p->thread_info + (i*PAGE_SIZE));
+ p->thread.eip = (unsigned long) ret_from_fork;
++ p->thread_info->real_stack = p->thread_info;
+ savesegment(fs,p->thread.fs);
+ savesegment(gs,p->;
+@@ -513,10 +537,42 @@ struct task_struct fastcall * __switch_t
+ __unlazy_fpu(prev_p);
++ int i;
++ /*
++ * Set the ptes of the virtual stack. (NOTE: a one-page TLB flush is
++ * needed because otherwise NMIs could interrupt the
++ * user-return code with a virtual stack and stale TLBs.)
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(next_p->thread_info->stack_page); i++) {
++ __kunmap_atomic_type(KM_VSTACK_TOP-i);
++ __kmap_atomic(next_p->thread_info->stack_page[i], KM_VSTACK_TOP-i);
++ }
++ /*
++ * NOTE: here we rely on the task being the stack as well
++ */
++ next_p->thread_info->virtual_stack =
++ (void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_VSTACK_TOP);
++#if defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
++ /*
++ * If next was preempted on entry from userspace to kernel,
++ * and now it's on a different cpu, we need to adjust %esp.
++ * This assumes that entry.S does not copy %esp while on the
++ * virtual stack (with interrupts enabled): which is so,
++ * except within __SWITCH_KERNELSPACE itself.
++ */
++ if (unlikely(next->esp >= TASK_SIZE)) {
++ next->esp &= THREAD_SIZE - 1;
++ next->esp |= (unsigned long) next_p->thread_info->virtual_stack;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Reload esp0, LDT and the page table pointer:
+ */
+- load_esp0(tss, next);
++ load_virtual_esp0(tss, next_p);
+ /*
+ * Load the per-thread Thread-Local Storage descriptor.
+@@ -578,6 +634,13 @@ struct task_struct fastcall * __switch_t
+ asmlinkage int sys_fork(struct pt_regs regs)
+ {
++ struct faudit_regs_arg arg;
++ arg.regs = &regs;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_FORK, &arg)
++ return arg.err;
+ return do_fork(SIGCHLD, regs.esp, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+@@ -586,6 +649,12 @@ asmlinkage int sys_clone(struct pt_regs
+ unsigned long clone_flags;
+ unsigned long newsp;
+ int __user *parent_tidptr, *child_tidptr;
++ struct faudit_regs_arg arg;
++ arg.regs = &regs;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_CLONE, &arg)
++ return arg.err;
+ clone_flags = regs.ebx;
+ newsp = regs.ecx;
+@@ -608,6 +677,13 @@ asmlinkage int sys_clone(struct pt_regs
+ */
+ asmlinkage int sys_vfork(struct pt_regs regs)
+ {
++ struct faudit_regs_arg arg;
++ arg.regs = &regs;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_VFORK, &arg)
++ return arg.err;
+ return do_fork(CLONE_VFORK | CLONE_VM | SIGCHLD, regs.esp, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+@@ -618,6 +694,13 @@ asmlinkage int sys_execve(struct pt_regs
+ {
+ int error;
+ char * filename;
++ struct faudit_regs_arg arg;
++ arg.regs = &regs;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_EXECVE, &arg)
++ return arg.err;
+ filename = getname((char __user *) regs.ebx);
+ error = PTR_ERR(filename);
+@@ -759,6 +842,8 @@ asmlinkage int sys_get_thread_area(struc
+ if (idx < GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN || idx > GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MAX)
+ return -EINVAL;
++ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+ desc = current->thread.tls_array + idx - GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN;
+ info.entry_number = idx;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ }
+ ret = -ESRCH;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (child)
+ get_task_struct(child);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ long tmp;
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+@@ -541,8 +541,10 @@ void do_syscall_trace(struct pt_regs *re
+ return;
+ /* the 0x80 provides a way for the tracing parent to distinguish
+ between a syscall stop and SIGTRAP delivery */
++ set_pn_state(current, entryexit ? PN_STOP_LEAVE : PN_STOP_ENTRY);
+ ptrace_notify(SIGTRAP | ((current->ptrace & PT_TRACESYSGOOD)
+ ? 0x80 : 0));
++ clear_pn_state(current);
+ /*
+ * this isn't the same as continuing with a signal, but it will do
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -233,12 +233,11 @@ void machine_real_restart(unsigned char
+ CMOS_WRITE(0x00, 0x8f);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtc_lock, flags);
+- /* Remap the kernel at virtual address zero, as well as offset zero
+- from the kernel segment. This assumes the kernel segment starts at
+- virtual address PAGE_OFFSET. */
+- memcpy (swapper_pg_dir, swapper_pg_dir + USER_PGD_PTRS,
+- sizeof (swapper_pg_dir [0]) * KERNEL_PGD_PTRS);
++ /*
++ * Remap the first 16 MB of RAM (which includes the kernel image)
++ * at virtual address zero:
++ */
++ setup_identity_mappings(swapper_pg_dir, 0, LOW_MAPPINGS_SIZE);
+ /*
+ * Use `swapper_pg_dir' as our page directory.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+ #include <linux/efi.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/edd.h>
++#include <linux/mmzone.h>
+ #include <video/edid.h>
+ #include <asm/e820.h>
+ #include <asm/mpspec.h>
+@@ -1073,7 +1074,21 @@ static unsigned long __init setup_memory
+ initrd_end = initrd_start+INITRD_SIZE;
+ }
+- else {
++ else if ((max_low_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT) <
++ /* GRUB places initrd as high as possible, so when
++ VMALLOC_AREA is bigger than std Linux has, such
++ initrd is inaccessiable in normal zone (highmem) */
++ /* initrd should be totally in highmem, sorry */
++ BUG_ON(INITRD_START < (max_low_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT));
++ initrd_start = (unsigned long)
++ alloc_bootmem_low(PAGE_ALIGN(INITRD_SIZE));
++ initrd_copy = INITRD_SIZE;
++ initrd_end = INITRD_START + initrd_copy;
++ /* initrd is copied from highmem in initrd_move() */
++ } else {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "initrd extends beyond end of memory "
+ "(0x%08lx > 0x%08lx)\ndisabling initrd\n",
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ sys_sigsuspend(int history0, int history
+ mask &= _BLOCKABLE;
+ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+ saveset = current->blocked;
++ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
+ siginitset(&current->blocked, mask);
+ recalc_sigpending();
+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+@@ -50,8 +51,10 @@ sys_sigsuspend(int history0, int history
+ while (1) {
+ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+ schedule();
+- if (do_signal(regs, &saveset))
++ if (do_signal(regs, &saveset)) {
++ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
+ return -EINTR;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(struct pt_regs regs)
+ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+ saveset = current->blocked;
++ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
+ current->blocked = newset;
+ recalc_sigpending();
+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+@@ -78,8 +82,10 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(struct pt_regs regs)
+ while (1) {
+ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+ schedule();
+- if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset))
++ if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset)) {
++ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
+ return -EINTR;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -132,28 +138,29 @@ sys_sigaltstack(unsigned long ebx)
+ */
+ static int
+-restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs, struct sigcontext __user *sc, int *peax)
++restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs,
++ struct sigcontext __user *__sc, int *peax)
+ {
+- unsigned int err = 0;
++ struct sigcontext scratch; /* 88 bytes of scratch area */
+ /* Always make any pending restarted system calls return -EINTR */
+ current_thread_info()->restart_block.fn = do_no_restart_syscall;
+-#define COPY(x) err |= __get_user(regs->x, &sc->x)
++ if (copy_from_user(&scratch, __sc, sizeof(scratch)))
++ return -EFAULT;
++#define COPY(x) regs->x = scratch.x
+ #define COPY_SEG(seg) \
+- { unsigned short tmp; \
+- err |= __get_user(tmp, &sc->seg); \
++ { unsigned short tmp = scratch.seg; \
+ regs->x##seg = tmp; }
+ #define COPY_SEG_STRICT(seg) \
+- { unsigned short tmp; \
+- err |= __get_user(tmp, &sc->seg); \
++ { unsigned short tmp = scratch.seg; \
+ regs->x##seg = tmp|3; }
+ #define GET_SEG(seg) \
+- { unsigned short tmp; \
+- err |= __get_user(tmp, &sc->seg); \
++ { unsigned short tmp = scratch.seg; \
+ loadsegment(seg,tmp); }
+@@ -176,27 +183,23 @@ restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs,
+ {
+- unsigned int tmpflags;
+- err |= __get_user(tmpflags, &sc->eflags);
++ unsigned int tmpflags = scratch.eflags;
+ regs->eflags = (regs->eflags & ~FIX_EFLAGS) | (tmpflags & FIX_EFLAGS);
+ regs->orig_eax = -1; /* disable syscall checks */
+ }
+ {
+- struct _fpstate __user * buf;
+- err |= __get_user(buf, &sc->fpstate);
++ struct _fpstate * buf = scratch.fpstate;
+ if (buf) {
+ if (verify_area(VERIFY_READ, buf, sizeof(*buf)))
+- goto badframe;
+- err |= restore_i387(buf);
++ return -EFAULT;
++ if (restore_i387(buf))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ }
+- err |= __get_user(*peax, &sc->eax);
+- return err;
+- return 1;
++ *peax = scratch.eax;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ asmlinkage int sys_sigreturn(unsigned long __unused)
+@@ -265,46 +268,47 @@ badframe:
+ */
+ static int
+-setup_sigcontext(struct sigcontext __user *sc, struct _fpstate __user *fpstate,
++setup_sigcontext(struct sigcontext __user *__sc, struct _fpstate __user *fpstate,
+ struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long mask)
+ {
+- int tmp, err = 0;
++ struct sigcontext sc; /* 88 bytes of scratch area */
++ int tmp;
+ tmp = 0;
+ __asm__("movl %%gs,%0" : "=r"(tmp): "0"(tmp));
+- err |= __put_user(tmp, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->gs);
++ *(unsigned int *)& = tmp;
+ __asm__("movl %%fs,%0" : "=r"(tmp): "0"(tmp));
+- err |= __put_user(tmp, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->fs);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->xes, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->es);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->xds, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->ds);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->edi, &sc->edi);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->esi, &sc->esi);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->ebp, &sc->ebp);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->esp, &sc->esp);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->ebx, &sc->ebx);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->edx, &sc->edx);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->ecx, &sc->ecx);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->eax, &sc->eax);
+- err |= __put_user(current->thread.trap_no, &sc->trapno);
+- err |= __put_user(current->thread.error_code, &sc->err);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->eip, &sc->eip);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->xcs, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->cs);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->eflags, &sc->eflags);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->esp, &sc->esp_at_signal);
+- err |= __put_user(regs->xss, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->ss);
++ *(unsigned int *)&sc.fs = tmp;
++ *(unsigned int *)& = regs->xes;
++ *(unsigned int *)&sc.ds = regs->xds;
++ sc.edi = regs->edi;
++ sc.esi = regs->esi;
++ sc.ebp = regs->ebp;
++ sc.esp = regs->esp;
++ sc.ebx = regs->ebx;
++ sc.edx = regs->edx;
++ sc.ecx = regs->ecx;
++ sc.eax = regs->eax;
++ sc.trapno = current->thread.trap_no;
++ sc.err = current->thread.error_code;
++ sc.eip = regs->eip;
++ *(unsigned int *)&sc.cs = regs->xcs;
++ sc.eflags = regs->eflags;
++ sc.esp_at_signal = regs->esp;
++ *(unsigned int *)& = regs->xss;
+ tmp = save_i387(fpstate);
+ if (tmp < 0)
+- err = 1;
+- else
+- err |= __put_user(tmp ? fpstate : NULL, &sc->fpstate);
++ return 1;
++ sc.fpstate = tmp ? fpstate : NULL;
+ /* non-iBCS2 extensions.. */
+- err |= __put_user(mask, &sc->oldmask);
+- err |= __put_user(current->thread.cr2, &sc->cr2);
++ sc.oldmask = mask;
++ sc.cr2 = current->thread.cr2;
+- return err;
++ if (copy_to_user(__sc, &sc, sizeof(sc)))
++ return 1;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -443,7 +447,7 @@ static void setup_rt_frame(int sig, stru
+ /* Create the ucontext. */
+ err |= __put_user(0, &frame->uc.uc_flags);
+ err |= __put_user(0, &frame->uc.uc_link);
+- err |= __put_user(current->sas_ss_sp, &frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_sp);
++ err |= __put_user(current->sas_ss_sp, (unsigned long *)&frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_sp);
+ err |= __put_user(sas_ss_flags(regs->esp),
+ &frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_flags);
+ err |= __put_user(current->sas_ss_size, &frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_size);
+@@ -565,9 +569,10 @@ int fastcall do_signal(struct pt_regs *r
+ if ((regs->xcs & 3) != 3)
+ return 1;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
++ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
+ }
+ if (!oldset)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <asm/mtrr.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <asm/nmi.h>
+ #include <mach_ipi.h>
+ #include <mach_apic.h>
+@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ static inline int __prepare_ICR2 (unsign
+ return SET_APIC_DEST_FIELD(mask);
+ }
+-inline void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector)
++void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Subtle. In the case of the 'never do double writes' workaround
+@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ void fastcall send_IPI_self(int vector)
+ /*
+ * This is only used on smaller machines.
+ */
+-inline void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t cpumask, int vector)
++void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t cpumask, int vector)
+ {
+ unsigned long mask = cpus_addr(cpumask)[0];
+ unsigned long cfg;
+@@ -326,10 +327,12 @@ asmlinkage void smp_invalidate_interrupt
+ if (flush_mm == cpu_tlbstate[cpu].active_mm) {
+ if (cpu_tlbstate[cpu].state == TLBSTATE_OK) {
+ if (flush_va == FLUSH_ALL)
+ local_flush_tlb();
+ else
+ __flush_tlb_one(flush_va);
+ } else
+ leave_mm(cpu);
+ }
+@@ -395,21 +398,6 @@ static void flush_tlb_others(cpumask_t c
+ spin_unlock(&tlbstate_lock);
+ }
+-void flush_tlb_current_task(void)
+- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
+- cpumask_t cpu_mask;
+- preempt_disable();
+- cpu_mask = mm->cpu_vm_mask;
+- cpu_clear(smp_processor_id(), cpu_mask);
+- local_flush_tlb();
+- if (!cpus_empty(cpu_mask))
+- flush_tlb_others(cpu_mask, mm, FLUSH_ALL);
+- preempt_enable();
+ void flush_tlb_mm (struct mm_struct * mm)
+ {
+ cpumask_t cpu_mask;
+@@ -441,7 +429,10 @@ void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struc
+ if (current->active_mm == mm) {
+ if(current->mm)
+- __flush_tlb_one(va);
++ __flush_tlb_one(va)
++ ;
+ else
+ leave_mm(smp_processor_id());
+ }
+@@ -547,6 +538,89 @@ int smp_call_function (void (*func) (voi
+ return 0;
+ }
++static spinlock_t nmi_call_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++static struct nmi_call_data_struct {
++ smp_nmi_function func;
++ void *info;
++ atomic_t started;
++ atomic_t finished;
++ cpumask_t cpus_called;
++ int wait;
++} *nmi_call_data;
++static int smp_nmi_callback(struct pt_regs * regs, int cpu)
++ smp_nmi_function func;
++ void *info;
++ int wait;
++ func = nmi_call_data->func;
++ info = nmi_call_data->info;
++ wait = nmi_call_data->wait;
++ ack_APIC_irq();
++ /* prevent from calling func() multiple times */
++ if (cpu_test_and_set(cpu, nmi_call_data->cpus_called))
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * notify initiating CPU that I've grabbed the data and am
++ * about to execute the function
++ */
++ mb();
++ atomic_inc(&nmi_call_data->started);
++ /* at this point the nmi_call_data structure is out of scope */
++ irq_enter();
++ func(regs, info);
++ irq_exit();
++ if (wait)
++ atomic_inc(&nmi_call_data->finished);
++ return 0;
++ * This function tries to call func(regs, info) on each cpu.
++ * Func must be fast and non-blocking.
++ * May be called with disabled interrupts and from any context.
++ */
++int smp_nmi_call_function(smp_nmi_function func, void *info, int wait)
++ struct nmi_call_data_struct data;
++ int cpus;
++ cpus = num_online_cpus() - 1;
++ if (!cpus)
++ return 0;
++ data.func = func;
++ = info;
++ data.wait = wait;
++ atomic_set(&data.started, 0);
++ atomic_set(&data.finished, 0);
++ cpus_clear(data.cpus_called);
++ /* prevent this cpu from calling func if NMI happens */
++ cpu_set(smp_processor_id(), data.cpus_called);
++ if (!spin_trylock(&nmi_call_lock))
++ return -1;
++ nmi_call_data = &data;
++ set_nmi_ipi_callback(smp_nmi_callback);
++ mb();
++ /* Send a message to all other CPUs and wait for them to respond */
++ send_IPI_allbutself(APIC_DM_NMI);
++ while (atomic_read(&data.started) != cpus)
++ barrier();
++ unset_nmi_ipi_callback();
++ if (wait)
++ while (atomic_read(&data.finished) != cpus)
++ barrier();
++ spin_unlock(&nmi_call_lock);
++ return 0;
+ static void stop_this_cpu (void * dummy)
+ {
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ static void __init synchronize_tsc_bp (v
+ if (!buggy)
+ printk("passed.\n");
+ ;
++ /* TSC reset. kill whatever might rely on old values */
++ VE_TASK_INFO(current)->wakeup_stamp = 0;
+ }
+ static void __init synchronize_tsc_ap (void)
+@@ -334,6 +336,8 @@ static void __init synchronize_tsc_ap (v
+ atomic_inc(&tsc_count_stop);
+ while (atomic_read(&tsc_count_stop) != num_booting_cpus()) mb();
+ }
++ /* TSC reset. kill whatever might rely on old values */
++ VE_TASK_INFO(current)->wakeup_stamp = 0;
+ }
+ #undef NR_LOOPS
+@@ -499,7 +503,7 @@ static struct task_struct * __init fork_
+ * don't care about the eip and regs settings since
+ * we'll never reschedule the forked task.
+ */
+- return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL);
++ return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
+@@ -810,6 +814,9 @@ static int __init do_boot_cpu(int apicid
+ idle->thread.eip = (unsigned long) start_secondary;
++ /* Cosmetic: sleep_time won't be changed afterwards for the idle
++ * thread; keep it 0 rather than -cycles. */
++ VE_TASK_INFO(idle)->sleep_time = 0;
+ unhash_process(idle);
+ /* start_eip had better be page-aligned! */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_uname(struct old_utsn
+ if (!name)
+ return -EFAULT;
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+- err=copy_to_user(name, &system_utsname, sizeof (*name));
++ err=copy_to_user(name, &ve_utsname, sizeof (*name));
+ up_read(&uts_sem);
+ return err?-EFAULT:0;
+ }
+@@ -233,15 +233,15 @@ asmlinkage int sys_olduname(struct oldol
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+- error = __copy_to_user(&name->sysname,&system_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ error = __copy_to_user(name->sysname,ve_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ error |= __put_user(0,name->sysname+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->nodename,&system_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ error |= __copy_to_user(name->nodename,ve_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ error |= __put_user(0,name->nodename+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->release,&system_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ error |= __copy_to_user(name->release,ve_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ error |= __put_user(0,name->release+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->version,&system_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ error |= __copy_to_user(name->version,ve_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ error |= __put_user(0,name->version+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->machine,&system_utsname.machine,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ error |= __copy_to_user(name->machine,ve_utsname.machine,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ error |= __put_user(0,name->machine+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ up_read(&uts_sem);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,13 +18,18 @@
+ #include <asm/msr.h>
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
++#include <linux/highmem.h>
+ extern asmlinkage void sysenter_entry(void);
+ void enable_sep_cpu(void *info)
+ {
+ int cpu = get_cpu();
++ struct tss_struct *tss = (struct tss_struct *) __fix_to_virt(FIX_TSS_0) + cpu;
+ struct tss_struct *tss = init_tss + cpu;
+ tss->ss1 = __KERNEL_CS;
+ tss->esp1 = sizeof(struct tss_struct) + (unsigned long) tss;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static int count2; /* counter for mark_o
+ * Equal to 2^32 * (1 / (clocks per usec) ).
+ * Initialized in time_init.
+ */
+-static unsigned long fast_gettimeoffset_quotient;
++unsigned long fast_gettimeoffset_quotient;
+ static unsigned long get_offset_tsc(void)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -54,12 +54,8 @@
+ #include "mach_traps.h"
+-asmlinkage int system_call(void);
+-asmlinkage void lcall7(void);
+-asmlinkage void lcall27(void);
+-struct desc_struct default_ldt[] = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 },
+- { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
++struct desc_struct default_ldt[] __attribute__((__section__(".data.default_ldt"))) = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
++struct page *default_ldt_page;
+ /* Do we ignore FPU interrupts ? */
+ char ignore_fpu_irq = 0;
+@@ -93,36 +89,27 @@ asmlinkage void machine_check(void);
+ static int kstack_depth_to_print = 24;
+-static int valid_stack_ptr(struct task_struct *task, void *p)
++static inline int valid_stack_ptr(struct thread_info *tinfo, void *p)
+ {
+- if (p <= (void *)task->thread_info)
+- return 0;
+- if (kstack_end(p))
+- return 0;
+- return 1;
++ return p > (void *)tinfo &&
++ p < (void *)tinfo + THREAD_SIZE - 3;
+ }
+-static void print_context_stack(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long *stack,
+- unsigned long ebp)
++static inline unsigned long print_context_stack(struct thread_info *tinfo,
++ unsigned long *stack, unsigned long ebp)
+ {
+ unsigned long addr;
+- while (valid_stack_ptr(task, (void *)ebp)) {
++ while (valid_stack_ptr(tinfo, (void *)ebp)) {
+ addr = *(unsigned long *)(ebp + 4);
+ printk(" [<%08lx>] ", addr);
+ print_symbol("%s", addr);
+ printk("\n");
+ ebp = *(unsigned long *)ebp;
+ }
+ #else
+-static void print_context_stack(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long *stack,
+- unsigned long ebp)
+- unsigned long addr;
+- while (!kstack_end(stack)) {
++ while (valid_stack_ptr(tinfo, stack)) {
+ addr = *stack++;
+ if (__kernel_text_address(addr)) {
+ printk(" [<%08lx>]", addr);
+@@ -130,8 +117,9 @@ static void print_context_stack(struct t
+ printk("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
++ return ebp;
+ void show_trace(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long * stack)
+ {
+@@ -140,11 +128,6 @@ void show_trace(struct task_struct *task
+ if (!task)
+ task = current;
+- if (!valid_stack_ptr(task, stack)) {
+- printk("Stack pointer is garbage, not printing trace\n");
+- return;
+- }
+ if (task == current) {
+ /* Grab ebp right from our regs */
+ asm ("movl %%ebp, %0" : "=r" (ebp) : );
+@@ -157,7 +140,7 @@ void show_trace(struct task_struct *task
+ struct thread_info *context;
+ context = (struct thread_info *)
+ ((unsigned long)stack & (~(THREAD_SIZE - 1)));
+- print_context_stack(task, stack, ebp);
++ ebp = print_context_stack(context, stack, ebp);
+ stack = (unsigned long*)context->previous_esp;
+ if (!stack)
+ break;
+@@ -216,9 +199,10 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
+ ss = regs->xss & 0xffff;
+ }
+ print_modules();
+- printk("CPU: %d\nEIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] %s\nEFLAGS: %08lx"
++ printk("CPU: %d, VCPU: %d:%d\nEIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] %s\nEFLAGS: %08lx"
+ " (%s) \n",
+- smp_processor_id(), 0xffff & regs->xcs, regs->eip,
++ smp_processor_id(), task_vsched_id(current), task_cpu(current),
++ 0xffff & regs->xcs, regs->eip,
+ print_tainted(), regs->eflags, UTS_RELEASE);
+ print_symbol("EIP is at %s\n", regs->eip);
+ printk("eax: %08lx ebx: %08lx ecx: %08lx edx: %08lx\n",
+@@ -227,8 +211,10 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
+ regs->esi, regs->edi, regs->ebp, esp);
+ printk("ds: %04x es: %04x ss: %04x\n",
+ regs->xds & 0xffff, regs->xes & 0xffff, ss);
+- printk("Process %s (pid: %d, threadinfo=%p task=%p)",
+- current->comm, current->pid, current_thread_info(), current);
++ printk("Process %s (pid: %d, veid=%d, threadinfo=%p task=%p)",
++ current->comm, current->pid,
++ VEID(VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env),
++ current_thread_info(), current);
+ /*
+ * When in-kernel, we also print out the stack and code at the
+ * time of the fault..
+@@ -244,8 +230,10 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
+ for(i=0;i<20;i++)
+ {
+- unsigned char c;
+- if(__get_user(c, &((unsigned char*)regs->eip)[i])) {
++ unsigned char c = 0;
++ if ((user_mode(regs) && get_user(c, &((unsigned char*)regs->eip)[i])) ||
++ (!user_mode(regs) && __direct_get_user(c, &((unsigned char*)regs->eip)[i]))) {
+ bad:
+ printk(" Bad EIP value.");
+ break;
+@@ -269,16 +257,14 @@ static void handle_BUG(struct pt_regs *r
+ eip = regs->eip;
+- if (eip < PAGE_OFFSET)
+- goto no_bug;
+- if (__get_user(ud2, (unsigned short *)eip))
++ if (__direct_get_user(ud2, (unsigned short *)eip))
+ goto no_bug;
+ if (ud2 != 0x0b0f)
+ goto no_bug;
+- if (__get_user(line, (unsigned short *)(eip + 2)))
++ if (__direct_get_user(line, (unsigned short *)(eip + 4)))
+ goto bug;
+- if (__get_user(file, (char **)(eip + 4)) ||
+- (unsigned long)file < PAGE_OFFSET || __get_user(c, file))
++ if (__direct_get_user(file, (char **)(eip + 7)) ||
++ __direct_get_user(c, file))
+ file = "<bad filename>";
+ printk("------------[ cut here ]------------\n");
+@@ -292,11 +278,18 @@ bug:
+ printk("Kernel BUG\n");
+ }
++static void inline check_kernel_csum_bug(void)
++ if (kernel_text_csum_broken)
++ printk("Kernel code checksum mismatch detected %d times\n",
++ kernel_text_csum_broken);
+ spinlock_t die_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++int die_counter;
+ void die(const char * str, struct pt_regs * regs, long err)
+ {
+- static int die_counter;
+ int nl = 0;
+ console_verbose();
+@@ -319,6 +312,7 @@ void die(const char * str, struct pt_reg
+ if (nl)
+ printk("\n");
+ show_registers(regs);
++ check_kernel_csum_bug();
+ bust_spinlocks(0);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&die_lock);
+ if (in_interrupt())
+@@ -531,6 +525,7 @@ static int dummy_nmi_callback(struct pt_
+ }
+ static nmi_callback_t nmi_callback = dummy_nmi_callback;
++static nmi_callback_t nmi_ipi_callback = dummy_nmi_callback;
+ asmlinkage void do_nmi(struct pt_regs * regs, long error_code)
+ {
+@@ -544,9 +539,20 @@ asmlinkage void do_nmi(struct pt_regs *
+ if (!nmi_callback(regs, cpu))
+ default_do_nmi(regs);
++ nmi_ipi_callback(regs, cpu);
+ nmi_exit();
+ }
++void set_nmi_ipi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback)
++ nmi_ipi_callback = callback;
++void unset_nmi_ipi_callback(void)
++ nmi_ipi_callback = dummy_nmi_callback;
+ void set_nmi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback)
+ {
+ nmi_callback = callback;
+@@ -591,10 +597,18 @@ asmlinkage void do_debug(struct pt_regs
+ if (regs->eflags & X86_EFLAGS_IF)
+ local_irq_enable();
+- /* Mask out spurious debug traps due to lazy DR7 setting */
++ /*
++ * Mask out spurious debug traps due to lazy DR7 setting or
++ * due to 4G/4G kernel mode:
++ */
+ if (condition & (DR_TRAP0|DR_TRAP1|DR_TRAP2|DR_TRAP3)) {
+ if (!tsk->thread.debugreg[7])
+ goto clear_dr7;
++ if (!user_mode(regs)) {
++ // restore upon return-to-userspace:
++ set_thread_flag(TIF_DB7);
++ goto clear_dr7;
++ }
+ }
+ if (regs->eflags & VM_MASK)
+@@ -836,19 +850,52 @@ asmlinkage void math_emulate(long arg)
+-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_F00F_BUG
+-void __init trap_init_f00f_bug(void)
++void __init trap_init_virtual_IDT(void)
+ {
+- __set_fixmap(FIX_F00F_IDT, __pa(&idt_table), PAGE_KERNEL_RO);
+ /*
+- * Update the IDT descriptor and reload the IDT so that
+- * it uses the read-only mapped virtual address.
++ * "idt" is magic - it overlaps the idt_descr
++ * variable so that updating idt will automatically
++ * update the idt descriptor..
+ */
+- idt_descr.address = fix_to_virt(FIX_F00F_IDT);
++ __set_fixmap(FIX_IDT, __pa(&idt_table), PAGE_KERNEL_RO);
++ idt_descr.address = __fix_to_virt(FIX_IDT);
+ __asm__ __volatile__("lidt %0" : : "m" (idt_descr));
+ }
++void __init trap_init_virtual_GDT(void)
++ int cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ struct Xgt_desc_struct *gdt_desc = cpu_gdt_descr + cpu;
++ struct Xgt_desc_struct tmp_desc = {0, 0};
++ struct tss_struct * t;
++ __asm__ __volatile__("sgdt %0": "=m" (tmp_desc): :"memory");
++ if (!cpu) {
++ int i;
++ __set_fixmap(FIX_GDT_0, __pa(cpu_gdt_table), PAGE_KERNEL);
++ __set_fixmap(FIX_GDT_1, __pa(cpu_gdt_table) + PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL);
++ for(i = 0; i < FIX_TSS_COUNT; i++)
++ __set_fixmap(FIX_TSS_0 - i, __pa(init_tss) + i * PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL);
++ }
++ gdt_desc->address = __fix_to_virt(FIX_GDT_0) + sizeof(cpu_gdt_table[0]) * cpu;
++ gdt_desc->address = (unsigned long)cpu_gdt_table[cpu];
+ #endif
++ __asm__ __volatile__("lgdt %0": "=m" (*gdt_desc));
++ t = (struct tss_struct *) __fix_to_virt(FIX_TSS_0) + cpu;
++ t = init_tss + cpu;
++ set_tss_desc(cpu, t);
++ cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
++ load_TR_desc();
+ #define _set_gate(gate_addr,type,dpl,addr,seg) \
+ do { \
+@@ -875,17 +922,17 @@ void set_intr_gate(unsigned int n, void
+ _set_gate(idt_table+n,14,0,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
+ }
+-static void __init set_trap_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
++void __init set_trap_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
+ {
+ _set_gate(idt_table+n,15,0,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
+ }
+-static void __init set_system_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
++void __init set_system_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
+ {
+ _set_gate(idt_table+n,15,3,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
+ }
+-static void __init set_call_gate(void *a, void *addr)
++void __init set_call_gate(void *a, void *addr)
+ {
+ _set_gate(a,12,3,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
+ }
+@@ -907,6 +954,7 @@ void __init trap_init(void)
+ init_apic_mappings();
+ #endif
++ init_entry_mappings();
+ set_trap_gate(0,&divide_error);
+ set_intr_gate(1,&debug);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ struct pt_regs * fastcall save_v86_state
+ tss = init_tss + get_cpu();
+ current->thread.esp0 = current->thread.saved_esp0;
+ current->thread.sysenter_cs = __KERNEL_CS;
+- load_esp0(tss, &current->thread);
++ load_virtual_esp0(tss, current);
+ current->thread.saved_esp0 = 0;
+ put_cpu();
+@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ static void do_sys_vm86(struct kernel_vm
+ tsk->thread.esp0 = (unsigned long) &info->VM86_TSS_ESP0;
+ if (cpu_has_sep)
+ tsk->thread.sysenter_cs = 0;
+- load_esp0(tss, &tsk->thread);
++ load_virtual_esp0(tss, tsk);
+ put_cpu();
+ tsk->thread.screen_bitmap = info->screen_bitmap;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -5,13 +5,17 @@
+ #include <asm-generic/>
+ #include <asm/thread_info.h>
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <asm/page.h>
++#include <asm/asm_offsets.h>
+ OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
+ ENTRY(startup_32)
+ jiffies = jiffies_64;
+ {
+- . = 0xC0000000 + 0x100000;
++ . = __PAGE_OFFSET + 0x100000;
+ /* read-only */
+ _text = .; /* Text and read-only data */
+ .text : {
+@@ -21,6 +25,19 @@ SECTIONS
+ *(.gnu.warning)
+ } = 0x9090
++#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
++ __entry_tramp_start = .;
++ __start___entry_text = .;
++ .entry.text : AT (__entry_tramp_start) { *(.entry.text) }
++ __entry_tramp_end = __entry_tramp_start + SIZEOF(.entry.text);
++ . = __entry_tramp_end;
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
++ .entry.text : { *(.entry.text) }
+ _etext = .; /* End of text section */
+ . = ALIGN(16); /* Exception table */
+@@ -36,15 +53,12 @@ SECTIONS
+ }
+- . = ALIGN(4096);
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
+ __nosave_begin = .;
+ .data_nosave : { *(.data.nosave) }
+- . = ALIGN(4096);
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
+ __nosave_end = .;
+- . = ALIGN(4096);
+- .data.page_aligned : { *(.data.idt) }
+ . = ALIGN(32);
+ .data.cacheline_aligned : { *(.data.cacheline_aligned) }
+@@ -54,7 +68,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ .data.init_task : { *(.data.init_task) }
+ /* will be freed after init */
+- . = ALIGN(4096); /* Init code and data */
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm); /* Init code and data */
+ __init_begin = .;
+ .init.text : {
+ _sinittext = .;
+@@ -93,7 +107,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ from .altinstructions and .eh_frame */
+ .exit.text : { *(.exit.text) }
+ : { *( }
+- . = ALIGN(4096);
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
+ __initramfs_start = .;
+ .init.ramfs : { *(.init.ramfs) }
+ __initramfs_end = .;
+@@ -101,10 +115,22 @@ SECTIONS
+ __per_cpu_start = .;
+ .data.percpu : { *(.data.percpu) }
+ __per_cpu_end = .;
+- . = ALIGN(4096);
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
+ __init_end = .;
+ /* freed after init ends here */
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
++ .data.page_aligned_tss : { *(.data.tss) }
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
++ .data.page_aligned_default_ldt : { *(.data.default_ldt) }
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
++ .data.page_aligned_idt : { *(.data.idt) }
++ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
++ .data.page_aligned_gdt : { *(.data.gdt) }
+ __bss_start = .; /* BSS */
+ .bss : {
+ *(.bss.page_aligned)
+@@ -132,4 +158,6 @@ SECTIONS
+ .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) }
+ .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
+ .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
+ .type __kernel_vsyscall,@function
+ __kernel_vsyscall:
+ .LSTART_vsyscall:
++ cmpl $192, %eax
++ jne 1f
++ int $0x80
++ ret
+ push %ecx
+ .Lpush_ecx:
+ push %edx
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ unsigned int csum_partial_copy_generic (
+ .previous
+ .align 4
+-.globl csum_partial_copy_generic
++.globl direct_csum_partial_copy_generic
+ #define ARGBASE 16
+ #define FP 12
+ subl $4,%esp
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %esi
+@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ DST( movb %cl, (%edi) )
+ #define ARGBASE 12
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %esi
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ * return value.
+ */
+ #include <asm/thread_info.h>
++#include <asm/asm_offsets.h>
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/highmem.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+-#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/mmx.h>
+@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ do { \
+ * and returns @count.
+ */
+ long
+-__strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
++__direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
+ {
+ long res;
+ __do_strncpy_from_user(dst, src, count, res);
+@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ __strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const cha
+ * and returns @count.
+ */
+ long
+-strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
++direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
+ {
+ long res = -EFAULT;
+ if (access_ok(VERIFY_READ, src, 1))
+@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ do { \
+ * On success, this will be zero.
+ */
+ unsigned long
+-clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
++direct_clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
+ {
+ might_sleep();
+ if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, n))
+@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned lon
+ * On success, this will be zero.
+ */
+ unsigned long
+-__clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
++__direct_clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
+ {
+ __do_clear_user(to, n);
+ return n;
+@@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ __clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned l
+ * On exception, returns 0.
+ * If the string is too long, returns a value greater than @n.
+ */
+-long strnlen_user(const char __user *s, long n)
++long direct_strnlen_user(const char __user *s, long n)
+ {
+ unsigned long mask = -__addr_ok(s);
+ unsigned long res, tmp;
+@@ -568,8 +567,7 @@ survive:
+ return n;
+ }
+-unsigned long
+-__copy_from_user_ll(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
++unsigned long __copy_from_user_ll(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
+ {
+ if (movsl_is_ok(to, from, n))
+ __copy_user_zeroing(to, from, n);
+@@ -578,53 +576,3 @@ __copy_from_user_ll(void *to, const void
+ return n;
+ }
+- * copy_to_user: - Copy a block of data into user space.
+- * @to: Destination address, in user space.
+- * @from: Source address, in kernel space.
+- * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
+- *
+- * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
+- *
+- * Copy data from kernel space to user space.
+- *
+- * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
+- * On success, this will be zero.
+- */
+-unsigned long
+-copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
+- might_sleep();
+- if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, n))
+- n = __copy_to_user(to, from, n);
+- return n;
+- * copy_from_user: - Copy a block of data from user space.
+- * @to: Destination address, in kernel space.
+- * @from: Source address, in user space.
+- * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
+- *
+- * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
+- *
+- * Copy data from user space to kernel space.
+- *
+- * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
+- * On success, this will be zero.
+- *
+- * If some data could not be copied, this function will pad the copied
+- * data to the requested size using zero bytes.
+- */
+-unsigned long
+-copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
+- might_sleep();
+- if (access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, n))
+- n = __copy_from_user(to, from, n);
+- else
+- memset(to, 0, n);
+- return n;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ #include <linux/sched.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
+ /* This sets the pointer FPU_info to point to the argument part
+ of the stack frame of math_emulate() */
+@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
+ /* s is always from a cpu register, and the cpu does bounds checking
+ * during register load --> no further bounds checks needed */
+-#define LDT_DESCRIPTOR(s) (((struct desc_struct *)current->mm->context.ldt)[(s) >> 3])
++#define LDT_DESCRIPTOR(s) (((struct desc_struct *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_LDT_PAGE0))[(s) >> 3])
+ #define SEG_D_SIZE(x) ((x).b & (3 << 21))
+ #define SEG_G_BIT(x) ((x).b & (1 << 23))
+ #define SEG_GRANULARITY(x) (((x).b & (1 << 23)) ? 4096 : 1)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,36 +26,11 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/hardirq.h>
+ #include <asm/desc.h>
++#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
+ extern void die(const char *,struct pt_regs *,long);
+ /*
+- * Unlock any spinlocks which will prevent us from getting the
+- * message out
+- */
+-void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
+- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
+- if (yes) {
+- oops_in_progress = 1;
+- return;
+- }
+-#ifdef CONFIG_VT
+- unblank_screen();
+- oops_in_progress = 0;
+- /*
+- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
+- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd
+- * a poke. Hold onto your hats...
+- */
+- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
+- printk(" ");
+- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
+ * Return EIP plus the CS segment base. The segment limit is also
+ * adjusted, clamped to the kernel/user address space (whichever is
+ * appropriate), and returned in *eip_limit.
+@@ -103,8 +78,17 @@ static inline unsigned long get_segment_
+ if (seg & (1<<2)) {
+ /* Must lock the LDT while reading it. */
+ down(&current->mm->context.sem);
++#if 1
++ /* horrible hack for 4/4 disabled kernels.
++ I'm not quite sure what the TLB flush is good for,
++ it's mindlessly copied from the read_ldt code */
++ __flush_tlb_global();
++ desc = kmap(current->mm->context.ldt_pages[(seg&~7)/PAGE_SIZE]);
++ desc = (void *)desc + ((seg & ~7) % PAGE_SIZE);
+ desc = current->mm->context.ldt;
+ desc = (void *)desc + (seg & ~7);
+ } else {
+ /* Must disable preemption while reading the GDT. */
+ desc = (u32 *)&cpu_gdt_table[get_cpu()];
+@@ -117,6 +101,9 @@ static inline unsigned long get_segment_
+ (desc[1] & 0xff000000);
+ if (seg & (1<<2)) {
++#if 1
++ kunmap((void *)((unsigned long)desc & PAGE_MASK));
+ up(&current->mm->context.sem);
+ } else
+ put_cpu();
+@@ -232,6 +219,20 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
+ tsk = current;
++ /* Debugging check for stack overflow: is there less than 1KB free? */
++ {
++ long esp;
++ __asm__ __volatile__("andl %%esp,%0" :
++ "=r" (esp) : "0" (THREAD_SIZE - 1));
++ if (unlikely(esp < (sizeof(struct thread_info) + STACK_WARN))) {
++ printk("do_page_fault: stack overflow: %ld\n",
++ esp - sizeof(struct thread_info));
++ dump_stack();
++ }
++ }
+ info.si_code = SEGV_MAPERR;
+ /*
+@@ -247,6 +248,17 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
+ * (error_code & 4) == 0, and that the fault was not a
+ * protection error (error_code & 1) == 0.
+ */
++#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G
++ /*
++ * On 4/4 all kernels faults are either bugs, vmalloc or prefetch
++ */
++ /* If it's vm86 fall through */
++ if (unlikely(!(regs->eflags & VM_MASK) && ((regs->xcs & 3) == 0))) {
++ if (error_code & 3)
++ goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
++ goto vmalloc_fault;
++ }
+ if (unlikely(address >= TASK_SIZE)) {
+ if (!(error_code & 5))
+ goto vmalloc_fault;
+@@ -256,6 +268,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
+ */
+ goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
+ }
+ mm = tsk->mm;
+@@ -333,7 +346,6 @@ good_area:
+ goto bad_area;
+ }
+- survive:
+ /*
+ * If for any reason at all we couldn't handle the fault,
+ * make sure we exit gracefully rather than endlessly redo
+@@ -472,14 +484,14 @@ no_context:
+ */
+ out_of_memory:
+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- if (tsk->pid == 1) {
+- yield();
+- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- goto survive;
++ if (error_code & 4) {
++ /*
++ * 0-order allocation always success if something really
++ * fatal not happen: beancounter overdraft or OOM. Den
++ */
++ force_sig(SIGKILL, tsk);
++ return;
+ }
+- printk("VM: killing process %s\n", tsk->comm);
+- if (error_code & 4)
+- do_exit(SIGKILL);
+ goto no_context;
+ do_sigbus:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -41,12 +41,45 @@ void *kmap_atomic(struct page *page, enu
+ if (!pte_none(*(kmap_pte-idx)))
+ BUG();
+ #endif
+- set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot));
++ /*
++ * If the page is not a normal RAM page, then map it
++ * uncached to be on the safe side - it could be device
++ * memory that must not be prefetched:
++ */
++ if (PageReserved(page))
++ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot_nocache));
++ else
++ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot));
+ __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
+ return (void*) vaddr;
+ }
++ * page frame number based kmaps - useful for PCI mappings.
++ * NOTE: we map the page with the same mapping as what user is using.
++ */
++void *kmap_atomic_pte(pte_t *pte, enum km_type type)
++ enum fixed_addresses idx;
++ unsigned long vaddr;
++ /* even !CONFIG_PREEMPT needs this, for in_atomic in do_page_fault */
++ inc_preempt_count();
++ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
++ vaddr = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
++ if (!pte_none(*(kmap_pte-idx)))
++ BUG();
++ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, *pte);
++ __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
++ return (void*) vaddr;
+ void kunmap_atomic(void *kvaddr, enum km_type type)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #include <asm/tlb.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ static pte_t *huge_pte_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
+ {
+ pgd_t *pgd;
+@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ static void set_huge_pte(struct mm_struc
+ pte_t entry;
+ mm->rss += (HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE);
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE, vma);
+ if (write_access) {
+ entry =
+ pte_mkwrite(pte_mkdirty(mk_pte(page, vma->vm_page_prot)));
+@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ int copy_hugetlb_page_range(struct mm_st
+ get_page(ptepage);
+ set_pte(dst_pte, entry);
+ dst->rss += (HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE);
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(dst), HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE, vma);
+ addr += HPAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+@@ -219,6 +223,7 @@ void unmap_hugepage_range(struct vm_area
+ put_page(page);
+ }
+ mm->rss -= (end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), (end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT, vma);
+ flush_tlb_range(vma, start, end);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <linux/efi.h>
++#include <linux/initrd.h>
+ #include <asm/processor.h>
+ #include <asm/system.h>
+@@ -39,143 +40,13 @@
+ #include <asm/tlb.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
+ #include <asm/sections.h>
++#include <asm/desc.h>
+ DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct mmu_gather, mmu_gathers);
+ unsigned long highstart_pfn, highend_pfn;
+ static int do_test_wp_bit(void);
+- * Creates a middle page table and puts a pointer to it in the
+- * given global directory entry. This only returns the gd entry
+- * in non-PAE compilation mode, since the middle layer is folded.
+- */
+-static pmd_t * __init one_md_table_init(pgd_t *pgd)
+- pmd_t *pmd_table;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
+- pmd_table = (pmd_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
+- set_pgd(pgd, __pgd(__pa(pmd_table) | _PAGE_PRESENT));
+- if (pmd_table != pmd_offset(pgd, 0))
+- BUG();
+- pmd_table = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
+- return pmd_table;
+- * Create a page table and place a pointer to it in a middle page
+- * directory entry.
+- */
+-static pte_t * __init one_page_table_init(pmd_t *pmd)
+- if (pmd_none(*pmd)) {
+- pte_t *page_table = (pte_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
+- set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(__pa(page_table) | _PAGE_TABLE));
+- if (page_table != pte_offset_kernel(pmd, 0))
+- BUG();
+- return page_table;
+- }
+- return pte_offset_kernel(pmd, 0);
+- * This function initializes a certain range of kernel virtual memory
+- * with new bootmem page tables, everywhere page tables are missing in
+- * the given range.
+- */
+- * NOTE: The pagetables are allocated contiguous on the physical space
+- * so we can cache the place of the first one and move around without
+- * checking the pgd every time.
+- */
+-static void __init page_table_range_init (unsigned long start, unsigned long end, pgd_t *pgd_base)
+- pgd_t *pgd;
+- pmd_t *pmd;
+- int pgd_idx, pmd_idx;
+- unsigned long vaddr;
+- vaddr = start;
+- pgd_idx = pgd_index(vaddr);
+- pmd_idx = pmd_index(vaddr);
+- pgd = pgd_base + pgd_idx;
+- for ( ; (pgd_idx < PTRS_PER_PGD) && (vaddr != end); pgd++, pgd_idx++) {
+- if (pgd_none(*pgd))
+- one_md_table_init(pgd);
+- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, vaddr);
+- for (; (pmd_idx < PTRS_PER_PMD) && (vaddr != end); pmd++, pmd_idx++) {
+- if (pmd_none(*pmd))
+- one_page_table_init(pmd);
+- vaddr += PMD_SIZE;
+- }
+- pmd_idx = 0;
+- }
+-static inline int is_kernel_text(unsigned long addr)
+- if (addr >= (unsigned long)_stext && addr <= (unsigned long)__init_end)
+- return 1;
+- return 0;
+- * This maps the physical memory to kernel virtual address space, a total
+- * of max_low_pfn pages, by creating page tables starting from address
+- */
+-static void __init kernel_physical_mapping_init(pgd_t *pgd_base)
+- unsigned long pfn;
+- pgd_t *pgd;
+- pmd_t *pmd;
+- pte_t *pte;
+- int pgd_idx, pmd_idx, pte_ofs;
+- pgd_idx = pgd_index(PAGE_OFFSET);
+- pgd = pgd_base + pgd_idx;
+- pfn = 0;
+- for (; pgd_idx < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, pgd_idx++) {
+- pmd = one_md_table_init(pgd);
+- if (pfn >= max_low_pfn)
+- continue;
+- for (pmd_idx = 0; pmd_idx < PTRS_PER_PMD && pfn < max_low_pfn; pmd++, pmd_idx++) {
+- unsigned int address = pfn * PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_OFFSET;
+- /* Map with big pages if possible, otherwise create normal page tables. */
+- if (cpu_has_pse) {
+- unsigned int address2 = (pfn + PTRS_PER_PTE - 1) * PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_OFFSET + PAGE_SIZE-1;
+- if (is_kernel_text(address) || is_kernel_text(address2))
+- set_pmd(pmd, pfn_pmd(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL_LARGE_EXEC));
+- else
+- set_pmd(pmd, pfn_pmd(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL_LARGE));
+- pfn += PTRS_PER_PTE;
+- } else {
+- pte = one_page_table_init(pmd);
+- for (pte_ofs = 0; pte_ofs < PTRS_PER_PTE && pfn < max_low_pfn; pte++, pfn++, pte_ofs++) {
+- if (is_kernel_text(address))
+- set_pte(pte, pfn_pte(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC));
+- else
+- set_pte(pte, pfn_pte(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL));
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+ static inline int page_kills_ppro(unsigned long pagenr)
+ {
+ if (pagenr >= 0x70000 && pagenr <= 0x7003F)
+@@ -223,11 +94,8 @@ static inline int page_is_ram(unsigned l
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pte_t *kmap_pte;
+-pgprot_t kmap_prot;
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmap_pte);
+ #define kmap_get_fixmap_pte(vaddr) \
+@@ -235,29 +103,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmap_pte);
+ void __init kmap_init(void)
+ {
+- unsigned long kmap_vstart;
+- /* cache the first kmap pte */
+- kmap_vstart = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN);
+- kmap_pte = kmap_get_fixmap_pte(kmap_vstart);
+- kmap_prot = PAGE_KERNEL;
+-void __init permanent_kmaps_init(pgd_t *pgd_base)
+- pgd_t *pgd;
+- pmd_t *pmd;
+- pte_t *pte;
+- unsigned long vaddr;
+- vaddr = PKMAP_BASE;
+- page_table_range_init(vaddr, vaddr + PAGE_SIZE*LAST_PKMAP, pgd_base);
+- pgd = swapper_pg_dir + pgd_index(vaddr);
+- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, vaddr);
+- pte = pte_offset_kernel(pmd, vaddr);
+- pkmap_page_table = pte;
++ kmap_pte = kmap_get_fixmap_pte(__fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN));
+ }
+ void __init one_highpage_init(struct page *page, int pfn, int bad_ppro)
+@@ -272,6 +118,8 @@ void __init one_highpage_init(struct pag
+ SetPageReserved(page);
+ }
+ void __init set_highmem_pages_init(int bad_ppro)
+ {
+@@ -283,12 +131,9 @@ void __init set_highmem_pages_init(int b
+ #else
+ extern void set_highmem_pages_init(int);
+ #else
+-#define kmap_init() do { } while (0)
+-#define permanent_kmaps_init(pgd_base) do { } while (0)
+-#define set_highmem_pages_init(bad_ppro) do { } while (0)
+-#endif /* CONFIG_HIGHMEM */
++# define set_highmem_pages_init(bad_ppro) do { } while (0)
+ unsigned long long __PAGE_KERNEL = _PAGE_KERNEL;
+ unsigned long long __PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC = _PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC;
+@@ -299,31 +144,125 @@ unsigned long long __PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC =
+ extern void __init remap_numa_kva(void);
+ #endif
+-static void __init pagetable_init (void)
++static __init void prepare_pagetables(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long address)
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ pte_t *pte;
++ pgd = pgd_base + pgd_index(address);
++ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
++ if (!pmd_present(*pmd)) {
++ pte = (pte_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
++ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(_PAGE_TABLE + __pa(pte)));
++ }
++static void __init fixrange_init (unsigned long start, unsigned long end, pgd_t *pgd_base)
++ unsigned long vaddr;
++ for (vaddr = start; vaddr != end; vaddr += PAGE_SIZE)
++ prepare_pagetables(pgd_base, vaddr);
++void setup_identity_mappings(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
+ {
+ unsigned long vaddr;
+- pgd_t *pgd_base = swapper_pg_dir;
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ int i, j, k;
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ pte_t *pte, *pte_base;
++ pgd = pgd_base;
++ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, i++) {
++ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE;
++ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
++ break;
++ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
++ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD; pmd++, j++) {
++ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE;
++ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
++ break;
++ if (vaddr < start)
++ continue;
++ if (cpu_has_pse) {
++ unsigned long __pe;
++ set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PSE);
++ boot_cpu_data.wp_works_ok = 1;
++ __pe = _KERNPG_TABLE + _PAGE_PSE + vaddr - start;
++ /* Make it "global" too if supported */
++ if (cpu_has_pge) {
++ set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PGE);
++ __pe += _PAGE_GLOBAL;
++ }
++ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(__pe));
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (!pmd_present(*pmd))
++ pte_base = (pte_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
++ else
++ pte_base = pte_offset_kernel(pmd, 0);
++ pte = pte_base;
++ for (k = 0; k < PTRS_PER_PTE; pte++, k++) {
++ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE + k*PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
++ break;
++ if (vaddr < start)
++ continue;
++ *pte = mk_pte_phys(vaddr-start, PAGE_KERNEL);
++ }
++ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(_KERNPG_TABLE + __pa(pte_base)));
++ }
++ }
++static void __init pagetable_init (void)
++ unsigned long vaddr, end;
++ pgd_t *pgd_base;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
+ int i;
+- /* Init entries of the first-level page table to the zero page */
+- for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; i++)
+- set_pgd(pgd_base + i, __pgd(__pa(empty_zero_page) | _PAGE_PRESENT));
+ #endif
+- /* Enable PSE if available */
+- if (cpu_has_pse) {
+- set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PSE);
+- }
++ /*
++ * This can be zero as well - no problem, in that case we exit
++ * the loops anyway due to the PTRS_PER_* conditions.
++ */
++ end = (unsigned long)__va(max_low_pfn*PAGE_SIZE);
+- /* Enable PGE if available */
+- if (cpu_has_pge) {
+- set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PGE);
++ pgd_base = swapper_pg_dir;
++#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
++ /*
++ * It causes too many problems if there's no proper pmd set up
++ * for all 4 entries of the PGD - so we allocate all of them.
++ * PAE systems will not miss this extra 4-8K anyway ...
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; i++) {
++ pmd_t *pmd = (pmd_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
++ set_pgd(pgd_base + i, __pgd(__pa(pmd) + 0x1));
+ }
++ /*
++ * Set up lowmem-sized identity mappings at PAGE_OFFSET:
++ */
++ setup_identity_mappings(pgd_base, PAGE_OFFSET, end);
+- kernel_physical_mapping_init(pgd_base);
++ /*
++ * Add flat-mode identity-mappings - SMP needs it when
++ * starting up on an AP from real-mode. (In the non-PAE
++ * case we already have these mappings through head.S.)
++ * All user-space mappings are explicitly cleared after
++ * SMP startup.
++ */
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) && defined(CONFIG_X86_PAE)
++ setup_identity_mappings(pgd_base, 0, 16*1024*1024);
+ remap_numa_kva();
+ /*
+@@ -331,22 +270,57 @@ static void __init pagetable_init (void)
+ * created - mappings will be set by set_fixmap():
+ */
+ vaddr = __fix_to_virt(__end_of_fixed_addresses - 1) & PMD_MASK;
+- page_table_range_init(vaddr, 0, pgd_base);
++ fixrange_init(vaddr, 0, pgd_base);
+- permanent_kmaps_init(pgd_base);
++ {
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ pte_t *pte;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
+- /*
+- * Add low memory identity-mappings - SMP needs it when
+- * starting up on an AP from real-mode. In the non-PAE
+- * case we already have these mappings through head.S.
+- * All user-space mappings are explicitly cleared after
+- * SMP startup.
+- */
+- pgd_base[0] = pgd_base[USER_PTRS_PER_PGD];
++ /*
++ * Permanent kmaps:
++ */
++ vaddr = PKMAP_BASE;
++ fixrange_init(vaddr, vaddr + PAGE_SIZE*LAST_PKMAP, pgd_base);
++ pgd = swapper_pg_dir + pgd_index(vaddr);
++ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, vaddr);
++ pte = pte_offset_kernel(pmd, vaddr);
++ pkmap_page_table = pte;
++ }
+ #endif
+ }
++ * Clear kernel pagetables in a PMD_SIZE-aligned range.
++ */
++static void clear_mappings(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
++ unsigned long vaddr;
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ int i, j;
++ pgd = pgd_base;
++ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, i++) {
++ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE;
++ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
++ break;
++ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
++ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD; pmd++, j++) {
++ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE;
++ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
++ break;
++ if (vaddr < start)
++ continue;
++ pmd_clear(pmd);
++ }
++ }
++ flush_tlb_all();
+ /*
+ * Swap suspend & friends need this for resume because things like the intel-agp
+@@ -365,25 +339,16 @@ static inline void save_pg_dir(void)
+ }
+ #endif
+-void zap_low_mappings (void)
+- int i;
++void zap_low_mappings(void)
+ save_pg_dir();
++ printk("zapping low mappings.\n");
+ /*
+ * Zap initial low-memory mappings.
+- *
+- * Note that "pgd_clear()" doesn't do it for
+- * us, because pgd_clear() is a no-op on i386.
+ */
+- for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; i++)
+-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
+- set_pgd(swapper_pg_dir+i, __pgd(1 + __pa(empty_zero_page)));
+- set_pgd(swapper_pg_dir+i, __pgd(0));
+- flush_tlb_all();
++ clear_mappings(swapper_pg_dir, 0, 16*1024*1024);
+ }
+@@ -454,7 +419,6 @@ static void __init set_nx(void)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Enables/disables executability of a given kernel page and
+ * returns the previous setting.
+@@ -512,7 +476,15 @@ void __init paging_init(void)
+ set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PAE);
+ #endif
+ __flush_tlb_all();
++ /*
++ * Subtle. SMP is doing it's boot stuff late (because it has to
++ * fork idle threads) - but it also needs low mappings for the
++ * protected-mode entry to work. We zap these entries only after
++ * the WP-bit has been tested.
++ */
++#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
++ zap_low_mappings();
+ kmap_init();
+ zone_sizes_init();
+ }
+@@ -561,6 +533,34 @@ extern void set_max_mapnr_init(void);
+ static struct kcore_list kcore_mem, kcore_vmalloc;
++ * This function move initrd from highmem to normal zone, if needed.
++ * Note, we have to do it before highmem pages are given to buddy allocator.
++ */
++static void initrd_move(void)
++ unsigned long i, start, off;
++ struct page *page;
++ void *addr;
++ if (initrd_copy <= 0)
++ return;
++ start = (initrd_end - initrd_copy) & PAGE_MASK;
++ off = (initrd_end - initrd_copy) & ~PAGE_MASK;
++ for (i = 0; i < initrd_copy; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
++ page = pfn_to_page((start + i) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ addr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
++ memcpy((void *)initrd_start + i,
++ addr, PAGE_SIZE);
++ kunmap_atomic(addr, KM_USER0);
++ }
++ initrd_start += off;
++ initrd_end = initrd_start + initrd_copy;
+ void __init mem_init(void)
+ {
+ extern int ppro_with_ram_bug(void);
+@@ -604,6 +604,9 @@ void __init mem_init(void)
+ if (page_is_ram(tmp) && PageReserved(pfn_to_page(tmp)))
+ reservedpages++;
++ initrd_move();
+ set_highmem_pages_init(bad_ppro);
+ codesize = (unsigned long) &_etext - (unsigned long) &_text;
+@@ -631,38 +634,57 @@ void __init mem_init(void)
+ if (boot_cpu_data.wp_works_ok < 0)
+ test_wp_bit();
+- /*
+- * Subtle. SMP is doing it's boot stuff late (because it has to
+- * fork idle threads) - but it also needs low mappings for the
+- * protected-mode entry to work. We zap these entries only after
+- * the WP-bit has been tested.
+- */
+-#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
+- zap_low_mappings();
++ entry_trampoline_setup();
++ default_ldt_page = virt_to_page(default_ldt);
++ load_LDT(&init_mm.context);
+ }
+-kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache;
+-kmem_cache_t *pmd_cache;
++kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache, *pmd_cache, *kpmd_cache;
+ void __init pgtable_cache_init(void)
+ {
++ void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
++ void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
+ if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1) {
+ pmd_cache = kmem_cache_create("pmd",
+ PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
+ PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
+- 0,
+ pmd_ctor,
+ NULL);
+ if (!pmd_cache)
+ panic("pgtable_cache_init(): cannot create pmd cache");
++ kpmd_cache = kmem_cache_create("kpmd",
++ PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
++ PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
++ kpmd_ctor,
++ NULL);
++ if (!kpmd_cache)
++ panic("pgtable_cache_init(): "
++ "cannot create kpmd cache");
++ }
+ }
++ ctor = pgd_ctor;
++ else
++ ctor = NULL;
++ dtor = pgd_dtor;
++ else
++ dtor = NULL;
+ pgd_cache = kmem_cache_create("pgd",
+ PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t),
+ PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t),
+- 0,
+- pgd_ctor,
+- PTRS_PER_PMD == 1 ? pgd_dtor : NULL);
++ ctor,
++ dtor);
+ if (!pgd_cache)
+ panic("pgtable_cache_init(): Cannot create pgd cache");
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -67,22 +67,21 @@ static void flush_kernel_map(void *dummy
+ static void set_pmd_pte(pte_t *kpte, unsigned long address, pte_t pte)
+ {
+- struct page *page;
+- unsigned long flags;
+ set_pte_atomic(kpte, pte); /* change init_mm */
+- if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1)
+- return;
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&pgd_lock, flags);
+- for (page = pgd_list; page; page = (struct page *)page->index) {
+- pgd_t *pgd;
+- pmd_t *pmd;
+- pgd = (pgd_t *)page_address(page) + pgd_index(address);
+- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
+- set_pte_atomic((pte_t *)pmd, pte);
++#ifndef CONFIG_X86_PAE
++ {
++ struct list_head *l;
++ return;
++ spin_lock(&mmlist_lock);
++ list_for_each(l, &init_mm.mmlist) {
++ struct mm_struct *mm = list_entry(l, struct mm_struct, mmlist);
++ pmd_t *pmd = pmd_offset(pgd_offset(mm, address), address);
++ set_pte_atomic((pte_t *)pmd, pte);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
+ }
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pgd_lock, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+ #include <linux/sched.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/errno.h>
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+ #include <linux/swap.h>
+ #include <linux/smp.h>
+ #include <linux/highmem.h>
+@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <asm/e820.h>
+ #include <asm/tlb.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
+ void show_mem(void)
+ {
+@@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ void show_mem(void)
+ printk("%d reserved pages\n",reserved);
+ printk("%d pages shared\n",shared);
+ printk("%d pages swap cached\n",cached);
++ vprintstat();
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -143,9 +147,10 @@ struct page *pte_alloc_one(struct mm_str
+ struct page *pte;
+- pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_HIGHMEM|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
++ pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_SOFT_UBC|
+ #else
+- pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
++ pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_SOFT_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
+ #endif
+ if (pte)
+ clear_highpage(pte);
+@@ -157,11 +162,20 @@ void pmd_ctor(void *pmd, kmem_cache_t *c
+ memset(pmd, 0, PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t));
+ }
++void kpmd_ctor(void *__pmd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long flags)
++ pmd_t *kpmd, *pmd;
++ kpmd = pmd_offset(&swapper_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD-1],
++ pmd = (pmd_t *)__pmd + (PTRS_PER_PMD - NR_SHARED_PMDS);
++ memset(__pmd, 0, (PTRS_PER_PMD - NR_SHARED_PMDS)*sizeof(pmd_t));
++ memcpy(pmd, kpmd, NR_SHARED_PMDS*sizeof(pmd_t));
+ /*
+- * List of all pgd's needed for non-PAE so it can invalidate entries
+- * in both cached and uncached pgd's; not needed for PAE since the
+- * kernel pmd is shared. If PAE were not to share the pmd a similar
+- * tactic would be needed. This is essentially codepath-based locking
++ * List of all pgd's needed so it can invalidate entries in both cached
++ * and uncached pgd's. This is essentially codepath-based locking
+ * against pageattr.c; it is the unique case in which a valid change
+ * of kernel pagetables can't be lazily synchronized by vmalloc faults.
+ * vmalloc faults work because attached pagetables are never freed.
+@@ -169,6 +183,12 @@ void pmd_ctor(void *pmd, kmem_cache_t *c
+ * checks at dup_mmap(), exec(), and other mmlist addition points
+ * could be used. The locking scheme was chosen on the basis of
+ * manfred's recommendations and having no core impact whatsoever.
++ *
++ * Lexicon for #ifdefless conditions to config options:
++ * (a) PTRS_PER_PMD == 1 means non-PAE.
++ * (b) PTRS_PER_PMD > 1 means PAE.
++ * (c) TASK_SIZE > PAGE_OFFSET means 4:4.
++ * (d) TASK_SIZE <= PAGE_OFFSET means non-4:4.
+ * -- wli
+ */
+ spinlock_t pgd_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+@@ -194,26 +214,38 @@ static inline void pgd_list_del(pgd_t *p
+ next->private = (unsigned long)pprev;
+ }
+-void pgd_ctor(void *pgd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long unused)
++void pgd_ctor(void *__pgd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long unused)
+ {
++ pgd_t *pgd = __pgd;
+ unsigned long flags;
+- if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1)
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&pgd_lock, flags);
++ if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pgd_lock, flags);
++ else
++ memcpy(&pgd[PTRS_PER_PGD - NR_SHARED_PMDS],
++ &swapper_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD - NR_SHARED_PMDS],
++ NR_SHARED_PMDS*sizeof(pgd_t));
++ }
+- memcpy((pgd_t *)pgd + USER_PTRS_PER_PGD,
+- swapper_pg_dir + USER_PTRS_PER_PGD,
+- (PTRS_PER_PGD - USER_PTRS_PER_PGD) * sizeof(pgd_t));
++ memcpy(&pgd[USER_PTRS_PER_PGD],
++ &swapper_pg_dir[USER_PTRS_PER_PGD],
++ (PTRS_PER_PGD - USER_PTRS_PER_PGD)*sizeof(pgd_t));
+ if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1)
+ return;
+- pgd_list_add(pgd);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pgd_lock, flags);
+- memset(pgd, 0, USER_PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t));
++ memset(pgd, 0, (PTRS_PER_PGD - NR_SHARED_PMDS)*sizeof(pgd_t));
++ else {
++ pgd_list_add(pgd);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pgd_lock, flags);
++ memset(pgd, 0, USER_PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t));
++ }
+ }
+-/* never called when PTRS_PER_PMD > 1 */
++/* Never called when PTRS_PER_PMD > 1 || TASK_SIZE > PAGE_OFFSET */
+ void pgd_dtor(void *pgd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long unused)
+ {
+ unsigned long flags; /* can be called from interrupt context */
+@@ -231,15 +263,31 @@ pgd_t *pgd_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm)
+ if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1 || !pgd)
+ return pgd;
++ /*
++ * In the 4G userspace case alias the top 16 MB virtual
++ * memory range into the user mappings as well (these
++ * include the trampoline and CPU data structures).
++ */
+ for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; ++i) {
+- pmd_t *pmd = kmem_cache_alloc(pmd_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ pmd = kmem_cache_alloc(kpmd_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
++ else
++ pmd = kmem_cache_alloc(pmd_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!pmd)
+ goto out_oom;
+ set_pgd(&pgd[i], __pgd(1 + __pa((u64)((u32)pmd))));
+ }
+- return pgd;
++ return pgd;
+ out_oom:
++ /*
++ * we don't have to handle the kpmd_cache here, since it's the
++ * last allocation, and has either nothing to free or when it
++ * succeeds the whole operation succeeds.
++ */
+ for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
+ kmem_cache_free(pmd_cache, (void *)__va(pgd_val(pgd[i])-1));
+ kmem_cache_free(pgd_cache, pgd);
+@@ -250,10 +298,27 @@ void pgd_free(pgd_t *pgd)
+ {
+ int i;
+- /* in the PAE case user pgd entries are overwritten before usage */
+- if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1)
+- for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; ++i)
+- kmem_cache_free(pmd_cache, (void *)__va(pgd_val(pgd[i])-1));
+ /* in the non-PAE case, clear_page_tables() clears user pgd entries */
++ if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1)
++ goto out_free;
++ /* in the PAE case user pgd entries are overwritten before usage */
++ for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; ++i) {
++ pmd_t *pmd = __va(pgd_val(pgd[i]) - 1);
++ /*
++ * only userspace pmd's are cleared for us
++ * by mm/memory.c; it's a slab cache invariant
++ * that we must separate the kernel pmd slab
++ * all times, else we'll have bad pmd's.
++ */
++ kmem_cache_free(kpmd_cache, pmd);
++ else
++ kmem_cache_free(pmd_cache, pmd);
++ }
+ kmem_cache_free(pgd_cache, pgd);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -83,9 +83,7 @@ do_fpu_end(void)
+ static void fix_processor_context(void)
+ {
+ int cpu = smp_processor_id();
+- struct tss_struct * t = init_tss + cpu;
+- set_tss_desc(cpu,t); /* This just modifies memory; should not be necessary. But... This is necessary, because 386 hardware has concept of busy TSS or some similar stupidity. */
+ cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
+ load_TR_desc(); /* This does ltr */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #include <asm/param.h>
+ #include <asm/signal.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ #include "ia32priv.h"
+ #include "elfcore32.h"
+@@ -84,7 +86,11 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
+ vma->vm_ops = &ia32_shared_page_vm_ops;
+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ {
+- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
++ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ return;
++ }
+ }
+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ }
+@@ -93,6 +99,11 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
+ * Install LDT as anonymous memory. This gives us all-zero segment descriptors
+ * until a task modifies them via modify_ldt().
+ */
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(current->mm),
++ return;
+ vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
+ if (vma) {
+ memset(vma, 0, sizeof(*vma));
+@@ -103,10 +114,21 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ {
+- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
++ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm),
++ return;
++ }
+ }
+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+- }
++ } else
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm),
+ ia64_psr(regs)->ac = 0; /* turn off alignment checking */
+ regs->loadrs = 0;
+@@ -148,10 +170,10 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
+ int
+ ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binprm *bprm, int executable_stack)
+ {
+- unsigned long stack_base;
++ unsigned long stack_base, vm_end, vm_start;
+ struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
+- int i;
++ int i, ret;
+ mm->arg_start = bprm->p + stack_base;
+@@ -161,23 +183,29 @@ ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binpr
+ bprm->loader += stack_base;
+ bprm->exec += stack_base;
++ vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
++ vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long)bprm->p;
++ ret = ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, VM_STACK_FLAGS,
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
+ if (!mpnt)
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ goto out_uncharge;
+- if (security_vm_enough_memory((IA32_STACK_TOP - (PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p))
+- >> PAGE_SHIFT)) {
+- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- }
++ if (security_vm_enough_memory((vm_end - vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT))
++ goto out_free;
+ memset(mpnt, 0, sizeof(*mpnt));
+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ {
+ mpnt->vm_mm = current->mm;
+- mpnt->vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
+- mpnt->vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
++ mpnt->vm_start = vm_start;
++ mpnt->vm_end = vm_end;
+ if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X)
+ mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS | VM_EXEC;
+ else if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
+@@ -186,7 +214,8 @@ ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binpr
+ mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
+ mpnt->vm_page_prot = (mpnt->vm_flags & VM_EXEC)?
+- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, mpnt);
++ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(current->mm, mpnt)))
++ goto out_up;
+ current->mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ }
+@@ -205,6 +234,16 @@ ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binpr
+ current->thread.ppl = ia32_init_pp_list();
+ return 0;
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ vm_unacct_memory((vm_end - vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, VM_STACK_FLAGS, NULL);
++ return ret;
+ }
+ static void
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ ia32_syscall_table:
+ data8 sys32_rt_sigaction
+ data8 sys32_rt_sigprocmask /* 175 */
+ data8 sys_rt_sigpending
+- data8 sys32_rt_sigtimedwait
++ data8 compat_rt_sigtimedwait
+ data8 sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo
+ data8 sys32_rt_sigsuspend
+ data8 sys32_pread /* 180 */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ struct rt_sigframe_ia32
+ int sig;
+ int pinfo;
+ int puc;
+- siginfo_t32 info;
++ compat_siginfo_t info;
+ struct ucontext_ia32 uc;
+ struct _fpstate_ia32 fpstate;
+ char retcode[8];
+ };
+ int
+-copy_siginfo_from_user32 (siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t32 *from)
++copy_siginfo_from_user32 (siginfo_t *to, compat_siginfo_t *from)
+ {
+ unsigned long tmp;
+ int err;
+- if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
++ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ err = __get_user(to->si_signo, &from->si_signo);
+@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ copy_siginfo_from_user32 (siginfo_t *to,
+ }
+ int
+-copy_siginfo_to_user32 (siginfo_t32 *to, siginfo_t *from)
++copy_siginfo_to_user32 (compat_siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t *from)
+ {
+ unsigned int addr;
+ int err;
+- if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
++ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ /* If you change siginfo_t structure, please be sure
+@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ ia32_rt_sigsuspend (compat_sigset_t *use
+ sigset_t oldset, set;
+ scr->scratch_unat = 0; /* avoid leaking kernel bits to user level */
+- memset(&set, 0, sizeof(&set));
++ memset(&set, 0, sizeof(set));
+ if (sigsetsize > sizeof(sigset_t))
+ return -EINVAL;
+@@ -574,33 +574,7 @@ sys32_rt_sigprocmask (int how, compat_si
+ }
+ asmlinkage long
+-sys32_rt_sigtimedwait (compat_sigset_t *uthese, siginfo_t32 *uinfo,
+- struct compat_timespec *uts, unsigned int sigsetsize)
+- extern int copy_siginfo_to_user32 (siginfo_t32 *, siginfo_t *);
+- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
+- struct timespec t;
+- siginfo_t info;
+- sigset_t s;
+- int ret;
+- if (copy_from_user(&s.sig, uthese, sizeof(compat_sigset_t)))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- if (uts && get_compat_timespec(&t, uts))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
+- ret = sys_rt_sigtimedwait(&s, uinfo ? &info : NULL, uts ? &t : NULL,
+- sigsetsize);
+- set_fs(old_fs);
+- if (ret >= 0 && uinfo) {
+- if (copy_siginfo_to_user32(uinfo, &info))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- }
+- return ret;
+-asmlinkage long
+-sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo (int pid, int sig, siginfo_t32 *uinfo)
++sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo (int pid, int sig, compat_siginfo_t *uinfo)
+ {
+ mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
+ siginfo_t info;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ typedef union sigval32 {
+ #define SIGEV_PAD_SIZE32 ((SIGEV_MAX_SIZE/sizeof(int)) - 3)
+-typedef struct siginfo32 {
++typedef struct compat_siginfo {
+ int si_signo;
+ int si_errno;
+ int si_code;
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ typedef struct siginfo32 {
+ int _fd;
+ } _sigpoll;
+ } _sifields;
+-} siginfo_t32;
++} compat_siginfo_t;
+ typedef struct sigevent32 {
+ sigval_t32 sigev_value;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ emulate_mmap (struct file *file, unsigne
+ ia32_set_pp((unsigned int)start, (unsigned int)end, flags);
+ if (start > pstart) {
+ if (flags & MAP_SHARED)
+- printk(KERN_INFO
++ ve_printk(KERN_INFO
+ "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share head (addr=0x%lx)\n",
+ current->comm, current->pid, start);
+ ret = mmap_subpage(file, start, min(PAGE_ALIGN(start), end), prot, flags,
+@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ emulate_mmap (struct file *file, unsigne
+ }
+ if (end < pend) {
+ if (flags & MAP_SHARED)
+- printk(KERN_INFO
++ ve_printk(KERN_INFO
+ "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share tail (end=0x%lx)\n",
+ current->comm, current->pid, end);
+ ret = mmap_subpage(file, max(start, PAGE_START(end)), end, prot, flags,
+@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ emulate_mmap (struct file *file, unsigne
+ is_congruent = (flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS) || (offset_in_page(poff) == 0);
+ if ((flags & MAP_SHARED) && !is_congruent)
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share contents of incongruent mmap "
++ ve_printk(KERN_INFO "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share contents of incongruent mmap "
+ "(addr=0x%lx,off=0x%llx)\n", current->comm, current->pid, start, off);
+ DBG("mmap_body: mapping [0x%lx-0x%lx) %s with poff 0x%llx\n", pstart, pend,
+@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ getreg (struct task_struct *child, int r
+ return __USER_DS;
+ case PT_CS: return __USER_CS;
+ default:
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ia32.getreg(): unknown register %d\n", regno);
++ ve_printk(KERN_ERR "ia32.getreg(): unknown register %d\n", regno);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+@@ -1547,18 +1547,18 @@ putreg (struct task_struct *child, int r
+ case PT_EFL: child->thread.eflag = value; break;
+ case PT_DS: case PT_ES: case PT_FS: case PT_GS: case PT_SS:
+ if (value != __USER_DS)
+- printk(KERN_ERR
++ ve_printk(KERN_ERR
+ "ia32.putreg: attempt to set invalid segment register %d = %x\n",
+ regno, value);
+ break;
+ case PT_CS:
+ if (value != __USER_CS)
+- printk(KERN_ERR
++ ve_printk(KERN_ERR
+ "ia32.putreg: attempt to to set invalid segment register %d = %x\n",
+ regno, value);
+ break;
+ default:
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ia32.putreg: unknown register %d\n", regno);
++ ve_printk(KERN_ERR "ia32.putreg: unknown register %d\n", regno);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ sys32_ptrace (int request, pid_t pid, un
+ ret = -ESRCH;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (child)
+ get_task_struct(child);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@ sys32_sendfile (int out_fd, int in_fd, i
+ ret = sys_sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, offset ? &of : NULL, count);
+ set_fs(old_fs);
+- if (!ret && offset && put_user(of, offset))
++ if (offset && put_user(of, offset))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return ret;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -38,11 +38,21 @@ void foo(void)
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_CLEAR_CHILD_TID_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, clear_child_tid));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_GROUP_LEADER_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, group_leader));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_PENDING_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, pending));
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ (struct task_struct, pids[PIDTYPE_PID].vnr));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_PID_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, pid));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_REAL_PARENT_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, real_parent));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_SIGHAND_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, sighand));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_SIGNAL_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, signal));
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ (struct task_struct, pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].vnr));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_TGID_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, tgid));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_THREAD_KSP_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, thread.ksp));
+ DEFINE(IA64_TASK_THREAD_ON_USTACK_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, thread.on_ustack));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -51,8 +51,11 @@
+ * setup a null register window frame.
+ */
+ ENTRY(ia64_execve)
+- alloc loc1=ar.pfs,3,2,4,0
++ /*
++ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
++ */
++ alloc loc1=ar.pfs,8,2,4,0
+ mov loc0=rp
+ .body
+ mov out0=in0 // filename
+@@ -113,8 +116,11 @@ END(ia64_execve)
+ * u64 tls)
+ */
+ GLOBAL_ENTRY(sys_clone2)
+- alloc r16=ar.pfs,6,2,6,0
++ /*
++ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
++ */
++ alloc r16=ar.pfs,8,2,6,0
+ adds r2=PT(R16)+IA64_SWITCH_STACK_SIZE+16,sp
+ mov loc0=rp
+@@ -142,8 +148,11 @@ END(sys_clone2)
+ * Deprecated. Use sys_clone2() instead.
+ */
+ GLOBAL_ENTRY(sys_clone)
+- alloc r16=ar.pfs,5,2,6,0
++ /*
++ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
++ */
++ alloc r16=ar.pfs,8,2,6,0
+ adds r2=PT(R16)+IA64_SWITCH_STACK_SIZE+16,sp
+ mov loc0=rp
+@@ -1183,7 +1192,10 @@ END(sys_rt_sigsuspend)
+ ENTRY(sys_rt_sigreturn)
+- alloc r2=ar.pfs,0,0,1,0
++ /*
++ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
++ */
++ alloc r2=ar.pfs,8,0,1,0
+ .prologue
+ adds sp=-16,sp
+@@ -1537,5 +1549,19 @@ sys_call_table:
+ data8 sys_ni_syscall
+ data8 sys_ni_syscall
+ data8 sys_ni_syscall
++.rept 1500-1280
++ data8 sys_ni_syscall // 1280 - 1499
++ data8 sys_fairsched_mknod // 1500
++ data8 sys_fairsched_rmnod
++ data8 sys_fairsched_chwt
++ data8 sys_fairsched_mvpr
++ data8 sys_fairsched_rate
++ data8 sys_getluid // 1505
++ data8 sys_setluid
++ data8 sys_setublimit
++ data8 sys_ubstat
++ data8 sys_lchmod
++ data8 sys_lutime // 1510
+ .org sys_call_table + 8*NR_syscalls // guard against failures to increase NR_syscalls
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ ENTRY(fsys_getpid)
+ END(fsys_getpid)
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ ENTRY(fsys_getppid)
+ .prologue
+ .altrp b6
+@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ ENTRY(fsys_getppid)
+ #endif
+ END(fsys_getppid)
+ ENTRY(fsys_set_tid_address)
+ .prologue
+@@ -597,8 +599,9 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(fsys_bubble_down)
+ ;;
+ mov rp=r2 // set the real return addr
+ tbit.z p8,p0=r3,TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE
+-(p8) b6=b6 // ignore this return addr
++ ;;
++(p10) br.cond.spnt.many ia64_ret_from_syscall // p10==true means out registers are more than 8
++(p8) b6=b6 // ignore this return addr
+ br.cond.sptk ia64_trace_syscall
+ END(fsys_bubble_down)
+@@ -626,7 +629,11 @@ fsyscall_table:
+ data8 0 // chown
+ data8 0 // lseek // 1040
+ data8 fsys_getpid // getpid
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ data8 0 // getppid
+ data8 fsys_getppid // getppid
+ data8 0 // mount
+ data8 0 // umount
+ data8 0 // setuid // 1045
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(__kernel_syscall_via_epc)
+ mov r16=IA64_KR(CURRENT) // 12 cycle read latency
++ p10,p9=r15
+ mov r19=NR_syscalls-1
+ ;;
+ shladd r18=r17,3,r14
+@@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(__kernel_syscall_via_epc)
+ #endif
+ mov r10=-1
+- mov r8=ENOSYS
++(p10) mov r8=EINVAL
++(p9) mov r8=ENOSYS
+ END(__kernel_syscall_via_epc)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
+ #include <asm/delay.h>
+ #include <asm/irq.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_task.h>
+ /*
+ * Linux has a controller-independent x86 interrupt architecture.
+@@ -256,15 +258,18 @@ int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int irq,
+ {
+ int status = 1; /* Force the "do bottom halves" bit */
+ int retval = 0;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
+ if (!(action->flags & SA_INTERRUPT))
+ local_irq_enable();
++ ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
+ do {
+ status |= action->flags;
+ retval |= action->handler(irq, action->dev_id, regs);
+ action = action->next;
+ } while (action);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
+ if (status & SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)
+ add_interrupt_randomness(irq);
+ local_irq_disable();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ void
+ ia64_handle_irq (ia64_vector vector, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
+ unsigned long saved_tpr;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
+ {
+@@ -137,6 +138,12 @@ ia64_handle_irq (ia64_vector vector, str
+ * 16 (without this, it would be ~240, which could easily lead
+ * to kernel stack overflows).
+ */
++#warning "Fix fixup_irqs & ia64_process_pending_intr to set correct env and ub!"
++ ve = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ irq_enter();
+ saved_tpr = ia64_getreg(_IA64_REG_CR_TPR);
+ ia64_srlz_d();
+@@ -162,6 +169,7 @@ ia64_handle_irq (ia64_vector vector, str
+ * come through until ia64_eoi() has been done.
+ */
+ irq_exit();
++ (void)set_exec_env(ve);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
+ #include <asm/system.h>
+ #include <asm/thread_info.h>
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
++#include <asm/errno.h>
+ #if 1
+@@ -732,10 +733,12 @@ ENTRY(break_fault)
+ ssm psr.ic | PSR_DEFAULT_BITS
+ ;;
+ srlz.i // guarantee that interruption collection is on
++ mov r3=NR_syscalls - 1
+ ;;
+ (p15) ssm psr.i // restore psr.i
++ // p10==true means out registers are more than 8 or r15's Nat is true
++(p10) br.cond.spnt.many ia64_ret_from_syscall
+ ;;
+- mov r3=NR_syscalls - 1
+ movl r16=sys_call_table
+ adds r15=-1024,r15 // r15 contains the syscall number---subtract 1024
+@@ -836,8 +839,11 @@ END(interrupt)
+ * On exit:
+ * - executing on bank 1 registers
+ * - psr.ic enabled, interrupts restored
++ * - p10: TRUE if syscall is invoked with more than 8 out
++ * registers or r15's Nat is true
+ * - r1: kernel's gp
+ * - r3: preserved (same as on entry)
++ * - r8: -EINVAL if p10 is true
+ * - r12: points to kernel stack
+ * - r13: points to current task
+ * - p15: TRUE if interrupts need to be re-enabled
+@@ -852,7 +858,7 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(ia64_syscall_setup)
+ add r17=PT(R11),r1 // initialize second base pointer
+ ;;
+ alloc r19=ar.pfs,8,0,0,0 // ensure in0-in7 are writable
+- st8 [r16]=r29,PT(CR_IFS)-PT(CR_IPSR) // save cr.ipsr
++ st8 [r16]=r29,PT(AR_PFS)-PT(CR_IPSR) // save cr.ipsr
+ p8,p0=in0
+ st8.spill [r17]=r11,PT(CR_IIP)-PT(R11) // save r11
+@@ -860,31 +866,36 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(ia64_syscall_setup)
+ (pKStk) mov r18=r0 // make sure r18 isn't NaT
+ ;;
++ st8 [r16]=r26,PT(CR_IFS)-PT(AR_PFS) // save ar.pfs
+ st8 [r17]=r28,PT(AR_UNAT)-PT(CR_IIP) // save cr.iip
+ mov r28=b0 // save b0 (2 cyc)
+-(p8) mov in0=-1
+ ;;
+- st8 [r16]=r0,PT(AR_PFS)-PT(CR_IFS) // clear cr.ifs
+ st8 [r17]=r25,PT(AR_RSC)-PT(AR_UNAT) // save ar.unat
+-(p9) mov in1=-1
++ dep r19=0,r19,38,26 // clear all bits but 0..37 [I0]
++(p8) mov in0=-1
+ ;;
+- st8 [r16]=r26,PT(AR_RNAT)-PT(AR_PFS) // save ar.pfs
++ st8 [r16]=r19,PT(AR_RNAT)-PT(CR_IFS) // store ar.pfs.pfm in cr.ifs
++ extr.u r11=r19,7,7 // I0 // get sol of ar.pfs
++ and r8=0x7f,r19 // A // get sof of ar.pfs
+ st8 [r17]=r27,PT(AR_BSPSTORE)-PT(AR_RSC)// save ar.rsc
+- p10,p0=in2
++ p15,p0=r29,IA64_PSR_I_BIT // I0
++(p9) mov in1=-1
++ ;;
+ (pUStk) sub r18=r18,r22 // r18=RSE.ndirty*8
+- p15,p0=r29,IA64_PSR_I_BIT
+- p11,p0=in3
++ p10,p0=in2
++ add r11=8,r11
+ ;;
+ (pKStk) adds r16=PT(PR)-PT(AR_RNAT),r16 // skip over ar_rnat field
+ (pKStk) adds r17=PT(B0)-PT(AR_BSPSTORE),r17 // skip over ar_bspstore field
++ p11,p0=in3
++ ;;
+ (p10) mov in2=-1
++ p12,p0=in4 // [I0]
+ (p11) mov in3=-1
+- p12,p0=in4
+- p13,p0=in5
+ ;;
+ (pUStk) st8 [r16]=r24,PT(PR)-PT(AR_RNAT) // save ar.rnat
+ (pUStk) st8 [r17]=r23,PT(B0)-PT(AR_BSPSTORE) // save ar.bspstore
+@@ -892,36 +903,41 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(ia64_syscall_setup)
+ ;;
+ st8 [r16]=r31,PT(LOADRS)-PT(PR) // save predicates
+ st8 [r17]=r28,PT(R1)-PT(B0) // save b0
+-(p12) mov in4=-1
++ p13,p0=in5 // [I0]
+ ;;
+ st8 [r16]=r18,PT(R12)-PT(LOADRS) // save ar.rsc value for "loadrs"
+ st8.spill [r17]=r20,PT(R13)-PT(R1) // save original r1
+-(p13) mov in5=-1
++(p12) mov in4=-1
+ ;;
+ .mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r16]=r12,PT(AR_FPSR)-PT(R12) // save r12
+ .mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r17]=r13,PT(R15)-PT(R13) // save r13
+- p14,p0=in6
++(p13) mov in5=-1
+ ;;
+ st8 [r16]=r21,PT(R8)-PT(AR_FPSR) // save ar.fpsr
+- st8.spill [r17]=r15 // save r15
+- p8,p0=in7
++ p14,p0=in6
++ p10,p9=r11,r8 // frame size can't be more than local+8
+ ;;
+ stf8 [r16]=f1 // ensure pt_regs.r8 != 0 (see handle_syscall_error)
++(p9) p10,p0=r15
+ adds r12=-16,r1 // switch to kernel memory stack (with 16 bytes of scratch)
+-(p14) mov in6=-1
++ st8.spill [r17]=r15 // save r15
++ p8,p0=in7
++ nop.i 0
+ mov r13=r2 // establish `current'
+ movl r1=__gp // establish kernel global pointer
+ ;;
++(p14) mov in6=-1
+ (p8) mov in7=-1
+- p9,p0=r15
++ nop.i 0
+ cmp.eq pSys,pNonSys=r0,r0 // set pSys=1, pNonSys=0
+ movl r17=FPSR_DEFAULT
+ ;;
+ mov.m ar.fpsr=r17 // set ar.fpsr to kernel default value
+-(p9) mov r15=-1
++(p10) mov r8=-EINVAL
+ br.ret.sptk.many b7
+ END(ia64_syscall_setup)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -501,13 +501,13 @@ init_handler_platform (pal_min_state_are
+ #endif
+ {
+ struct task_struct *g, *t;
+- do_each_thread (g, t) {
++ do_each_thread_all(g, t) {
+ if (t == current)
+ continue;
+ printk("\nBacktrace of pid %d (%s)\n", t->pid, t->comm);
+ show_stack(t, NULL);
+- } while_each_thread (g, t);
++ } while_each_thread_all(g, t);
+ }
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ if (!tasklist_lock.write_lock)
+@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@ ia64_mca_wakeup_ipi_wait(void)
+ irr = ia64_getreg(_IA64_REG_CR_IRR3);
+ break;
+ }
++ cpu_relax();
+ } while (!(irr & (1UL << irr_bit))) ;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2582,7 +2582,7 @@ pfm_task_incompatible(pfm_context_t *ctx
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+- if (task->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) {
++ if (task->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
+ DPRINT(("cannot attach to zombie task [%d]\n", task->pid));
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+@@ -2619,7 +2619,7 @@ pfm_get_task(pfm_context_t *ctx, pid_t p
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ /* make sure task cannot go away while we operate on it */
+ if (p) get_task_struct(p);
+@@ -4177,12 +4177,12 @@ pfm_check_task_exist(pfm_context_t *ctx)
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread (g, t) {
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, t) {
+ if (t->thread.pfm_context == ctx) {
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+- } while_each_thread (g, t);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, t);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ default_idle (void)
+ while (!need_resched())
+ if (pal_halt && !pmu_active)
+ safe_halt();
++ else
++ cpu_relax();
+ }
+@@ -601,7 +603,7 @@ dump_fpu (struct pt_regs *pt, elf_fpregs
+ return 1; /* f0-f31 are always valid so we always return 1 */
+ }
+-asmlinkage long
+ sys_execve (char *filename, char **argv, char **envp, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
+ int error;
+@@ -626,6 +628,13 @@ kernel_thread (int (*fn)(void *), void *
+ struct pt_regs pt;
+ } regs;
++ /* Don't allow kernel_thread() inside VE */
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ printk("kernel_thread call inside VE\n");
++ dump_stack();
++ return -EPERM;
++ }
+ memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+ = helper_fptr[0]; /* set entry point (IP) */
+ = helper_fptr[1]; /* set GP */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*
+ * Kernel support for the ptrace() and syscall tracing interfaces.
+ *
+- * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Hewlett-Packard Co
++ * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Hewlett-Packard Co
+ * David Mosberger-Tang <>
+ *
+ * Derived from the x86 and Alpha versions. Most of the code in here
+@@ -304,7 +304,6 @@ put_rnat (struct task_struct *task, stru
+ long num_regs, nbits;
+ struct pt_regs *pt;
+ unsigned long cfm, *urbs_kargs;
+- struct unw_frame_info info;
+ pt = ia64_task_regs(task);
+ kbsp = (unsigned long *) sw->ar_bspstore;
+@@ -316,11 +315,8 @@ put_rnat (struct task_struct *task, stru
+ * If entered via syscall, don't allow user to set rnat bits
+ * for syscall args.
+ */
+- unw_init_from_blocked_task(&info,task);
+- if (unw_unwind_to_user(&info) == 0) {
+- unw_get_cfm(&info,&cfm);
+- urbs_kargs = ia64_rse_skip_regs(urbs_end,-(cfm & 0x7f));
+- }
++ cfm = pt->cr_ifs;
++ urbs_kargs = ia64_rse_skip_regs(urbs_end, -(cfm & 0x7f));
+ }
+ if (urbs_kargs >= urnat_addr)
+@@ -480,27 +476,18 @@ ia64_poke (struct task_struct *child, st
+ unsigned long
+ ia64_get_user_rbs_end (struct task_struct *child, struct pt_regs *pt, unsigned long *cfmp)
+ {
+- unsigned long *krbs, *bspstore, cfm;
+- struct unw_frame_info info;
++ unsigned long *krbs, *bspstore, cfm = pt->cr_ifs;
+ long ndirty;
+ krbs = (unsigned long *) child + IA64_RBS_OFFSET/8;
+ bspstore = (unsigned long *) pt->ar_bspstore;
+ ndirty = ia64_rse_num_regs(krbs, krbs + (pt->loadrs >> 19));
+- cfm = pt->cr_ifs & ~(1UL << 63);
+- if (in_syscall(pt)) {
+- /*
+- * If bit 63 of cr.ifs is cleared, the kernel was entered via a system
+- * call and we need to recover the CFM that existed on entry to the
+- * kernel by unwinding the kernel stack.
+- */
+- unw_init_from_blocked_task(&info, child);
+- if (unw_unwind_to_user(&info) == 0) {
+- unw_get_cfm(&info, &cfm);
+- ndirty += (cfm & 0x7f);
+- }
+- }
++ if (in_syscall(pt))
++ ndirty += (cfm & 0x7f);
++ else
++ cfm &= ~(1UL << 63); /* clear valid bit */
+ if (cfmp)
+ *cfmp = cfm;
+ return (unsigned long) ia64_rse_skip_regs(bspstore, ndirty);
+@@ -591,7 +578,7 @@ find_thread_for_addr (struct task_struct
+ goto out;
+ } while ((p = next_thread(p)) != child);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
+ if (child->mm != mm)
+ continue;
+@@ -599,7 +586,7 @@ find_thread_for_addr (struct task_struct
+ child = p;
+ goto out;
+ }
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
+ out:
+ mmput(mm);
+ return child;
+@@ -854,6 +841,13 @@ access_uarea (struct task_struct *child,
+ *data = (pt->cr_ipsr & IPSR_READ_MASK);
+ return 0;
++ case PT_AR_RSC:
++ if (write_access)
++ pt->ar_rsc = *data | (3 << 2); /* force PL3 */
++ else
++ *data = pt->ar_rsc;
++ return 0;
+ case PT_AR_RNAT:
+ urbs_end = ia64_get_user_rbs_end(child, pt, NULL);
+ rnat_addr = (long) ia64_rse_rnat_addr((long *) urbs_end);
+@@ -909,9 +903,6 @@ access_uarea (struct task_struct *child,
+ ptr = (unsigned long *)
+ ((long) pt + offsetof(struct pt_regs, ar_bspstore));
+ break;
+- case PT_AR_RSC:
+- ptr = (unsigned long *) ((long) pt + offsetof(struct pt_regs, ar_rsc));
+- break;
+ case PT_AR_UNAT:
+ ptr = (unsigned long *) ((long) pt + offsetof(struct pt_regs, ar_unat));
+ break;
+@@ -1127,6 +1118,7 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
+ static long
+ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *child, struct pt_all_user_regs *ppr)
+ {
++ unsigned long rsc;
+ struct switch_stack *sw;
+ struct pt_regs *pt;
+ long ret, retval;
+@@ -1161,7 +1153,7 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
+ /* app regs */
+ retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_pfs, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_PFS]);
+- retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_rsc, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RSC]);
++ retval |= __get_user(rsc, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RSC]);
+ retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_bspstore, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_BSPSTORE]);
+ retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_unat, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_UNAT]);
+ retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_ccv, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_CCV]);
+@@ -1251,6 +1243,7 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
+ /* nat bits */
+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_NAT_BITS, &ppr->nat, 1);
++ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_RSC, &rsc, 1);
+ ret = retval ? -EIO : 0;
+ return ret;
+@@ -1300,7 +1293,7 @@ sys_ptrace (long request, pid_t pid, uns
+ ret = -ESRCH;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ {
+- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (child) {
+ if (peek_or_poke)
+ child = find_thread_for_addr(child, addr);
+@@ -1393,7 +1386,7 @@ sys_ptrace (long request, pid_t pid, uns
+ * sigkill. Perhaps it should be put in the status
+ * that it wants to exit.
+ */
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ goto out_tsk;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ sys_sigaltstack (const stack_t *uss, sta
+ static long
+ restore_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *sc, struct sigscratch *scr)
+ {
+- unsigned long ip, flags, nat, um, cfm;
++ unsigned long ip, flags, nat, um, cfm, rsc;
+ long err;
+ /* Always make any pending restarted system calls return -EINTR */
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ restore_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *s
+ err |= __get_user(ip, &sc->sc_ip); /* instruction pointer */
+ err |= __get_user(cfm, &sc->sc_cfm);
+ err |= __get_user(um, &sc->sc_um); /* user mask */
+- err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_rsc, &sc->sc_ar_rsc);
++ err |= __get_user(rsc, &sc->sc_ar_rsc);
+ err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_unat, &sc->sc_ar_unat);
+ err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_fpsr, &sc->sc_ar_fpsr);
+ err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_pfs, &sc->sc_ar_pfs);
+@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ restore_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *s
+ err |= __copy_from_user(&scr->pt.r15, &sc->sc_gr[15], 8); /* r15 */
+ scr->pt.cr_ifs = cfm | (1UL << 63);
++ scr->pt.ar_rsc = rsc | (3 << 2); /* force PL3 */
+ /* establish new instruction pointer: */
+ scr->pt.cr_iip = ip & ~0x3UL;
+@@ -267,7 +268,7 @@ ia64_rt_sigreturn (struct sigscratch *sc
+ si.si_signo = SIGSEGV;
+ si.si_errno = 0;
+ si.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
+- si.si_pid = current->pid;
++ si.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
+ si.si_uid = current->uid;
+ si.si_addr = sc;
+ force_sig_info(SIGSEGV, &si, current);
+@@ -290,12 +291,10 @@ setup_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *sc,
+ if (on_sig_stack((unsigned long) sc))
+ flags |= IA64_SC_FLAG_ONSTACK;
+- if ((ifs & (1UL << 63)) == 0) {
+- /* if cr_ifs isn't valid, we got here through a syscall */
++ if ((ifs & (1UL << 63)) == 0)
++ /* if cr_ifs doesn't have the valid bit set, we got here through a syscall */
+ flags |= IA64_SC_FLAG_IN_SYSCALL;
+- cfm = scr->ar_pfs & ((1UL << 38) - 1);
+- } else
+- cfm = ifs & ((1UL << 38) - 1);
++ cfm = ifs & ((1UL << 38) - 1);
+ ia64_flush_fph(current);
+ if ((current->thread.flags & IA64_THREAD_FPH_VALID)) {
+ flags |= IA64_SC_FLAG_FPH_VALID;
+@@ -429,7 +428,7 @@ setup_frame (int sig, struct k_sigaction
+ si.si_signo = SIGSEGV;
+ si.si_errno = 0;
+ si.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
+- si.si_pid = current->pid;
++ si.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
+ si.si_uid = current->uid;
+ si.si_addr = frame;
+ force_sig_info(SIGSEGV, &si, current);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ smp_call_function_single (int cpuid, voi
+ /* Wait for response */
+ while (atomic_read(&data.started) != cpus)
+- barrier();
++ cpu_relax();
+ if (wait)
+ while (atomic_read(&data.finished) != cpus)
+- barrier();
++ cpu_relax();
+ call_data = NULL;
+ spin_unlock_bh(&call_lock);
+@@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ smp_call_function (void (*func) (void *i
+ /* Wait for response */
+ while (atomic_read(&data.started) != cpus)
+- barrier();
++ cpu_relax();
+ if (wait)
+ while (atomic_read(&data.finished) != cpus)
+- barrier();
++ cpu_relax();
+ call_data = NULL;
+ spin_unlock(&call_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ fork_by_hand (void)
+ * Don't care about the IP and regs settings since we'll never reschedule the
+ * forked task.
+ */
+- return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
++ return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ struct create_idle {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ u64 jiffies_64 = INITIAL_JIFFIES;
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(jiffies_64);
++unsigned int cpu_khz; /* TSC clocks / usec, not used here */
+ #define TIME_KEEPER_ID 0 /* smp_processor_id() of time-keeper */
+@@ -389,6 +392,8 @@ ia64_init_itm (void)
+ register_time_interpolator(&itc_interpolator);
+ }
++ cpu_khz = local_cpu_data->proc_freq / 1000;
+ /* Setup the CPU local timer tick */
+ ia64_cpu_local_tick();
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -35,34 +35,6 @@ trap_init (void)
+ fpswa_interface = __va(ia64_boot_param->fpswa);
+ }
+- * Unlock any spinlocks which will prevent us from getting the message out (timerlist_lock
+- * is acquired through the console unblank code)
+- */
+-bust_spinlocks (int yes)
+- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
+- if (yes) {
+- oops_in_progress = 1;
+- return;
+- }
+-#ifdef CONFIG_VT
+- unblank_screen();
+- oops_in_progress = 0;
+- /*
+- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk() without
+- * oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd a poke. Hold onto
+- * your hats...
+- */
+- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
+- printk(" ");
+- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
+ void
+ die (const char *str, struct pt_regs *regs, long err)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ ia64_handle_unaligned (unsigned long ifa
+ if (user_mode(regs))
+ tty_write_message(current->signal->tty, buf);
+ buf[len-1] = '\0'; /* drop '\r' */
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s", buf); /* watch for command names containing %s */
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "%s", buf); /* watch for command names containing %s */
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (within_logging_rate_limit())
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1951,7 +1951,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(unw_unwind);
+ int
+ unw_unwind_to_user (struct unw_frame_info *info)
+ {
+- unsigned long ip;
++ unsigned long ip, sp;
+ while (unw_unwind(info) >= 0) {
+ if (unw_get_rp(info, &ip) < 0) {
+@@ -1960,6 +1960,9 @@ unw_unwind_to_user (struct unw_frame_inf
+ __FUNCTION__, ip);
+ return -1;
+ }
++ unw_get_sp(info, &sp);
++ if (sp >= (unsigned long)info->task + IA64_STK_OFFSET)
++ break;
+ if (ip < FIXADDR_USER_END)
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include <linux/efi.h>
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/swap.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <asm/meminit.h>
+ #include <asm/pgalloc.h>
+@@ -297,3 +298,5 @@ paging_init (void)
+ #endif /* !CONFIG_VIRTUAL_MEM_MAP */
+ zero_page_memmap_ptr = virt_to_page(ia64_imva(empty_zero_page));
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include <asm/meminit.h>
+ #include <asm/numa.h>
+ #include <asm/sections.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ /*
+ * Track per-node information needed to setup the boot memory allocator, the
+@@ -671,3 +672,5 @@ void paging_init(void)
+ zero_page_memmap_ptr = virt_to_page(ia64_imva(empty_zero_page));
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/hardirq.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ extern void die (char *, struct pt_regs *, long);
+ /*
+@@ -36,6 +38,11 @@ expand_backing_store (struct vm_area_str
+ if (address - vma->vm_start > current->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur
+ || (((vma->vm_mm->total_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) > current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur))
+ return -ENOMEM;
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), PAGE_SIZE,
++ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file, UB_HARD))
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ vma->vm_end += PAGE_SIZE;
+ vma->vm_mm->total_vm += grow;
+ if (vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
+@@ -213,9 +220,6 @@ ia64_do_page_fault (unsigned long addres
+ return;
+ }
+- if (ia64_done_with_exception(regs))
+- return;
+ /*
+ * Since we have no vma's for region 5, we might get here even if the address is
+ * valid, due to the VHPT walker inserting a non present translation that becomes
+@@ -226,6 +230,9 @@ ia64_do_page_fault (unsigned long addres
+ if (REGION_NUMBER(address) == 5 && mapped_kernel_page_is_present(address))
+ return;
++ if (ia64_done_with_exception(regs))
++ return;
+ /*
+ * Oops. The kernel tried to access some bad page. We'll have to terminate things
+ * with extreme prejudice.
+@@ -244,13 +251,13 @@ ia64_do_page_fault (unsigned long addres
+ out_of_memory:
+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- if (current->pid == 1) {
+- yield();
+- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- goto survive;
+- }
+- printk(KERN_CRIT "VM: killing process %s\n", current->comm);
+- if (user_mode(regs))
+- do_exit(SIGKILL);
++ if (user_mode(regs)) {
++ /*
++ * 0-order allocation always success if something really
++ * fatal not happen: beancounter overdraft or OOM. Den
++ */
++ force_sig(SIGKILL, current);
++ return;
++ }
+ goto no_context;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+ #include <asm/mca.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct mmu_gather, mmu_gathers);
+ extern void ia64_tlb_init (void);
+@@ -118,6 +120,10 @@ ia64_init_addr_space (void)
+ ia64_set_rbs_bot();
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(current->mm), PAGE_SIZE,
++ return;
+ /*
+ * If we're out of memory and kmem_cache_alloc() returns NULL, we simply ignore
+ * the problem. When the process attempts to write to the register backing store
+@@ -131,8 +137,18 @@ ia64_init_addr_space (void)
+ vma->vm_end = vma->vm_start + PAGE_SIZE;
+ vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[VM_DATA_DEFAULT_FLAGS & 0x7];
+- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
+- }
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm), PAGE_SIZE,
++ return;
++ }
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ } else
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm), PAGE_SIZE,
+ /* map NaT-page at address zero to speed up speculative dereferencing of NULL: */
+ if (!(current->personality & MMAP_PAGE_ZERO)) {
+@@ -143,7 +159,13 @@ ia64_init_addr_space (void)
+ vma->vm_end = PAGE_SIZE;
+ vma->vm_page_prot = __pgprot(pgprot_val(PAGE_READONLY) | _PAGE_MA_NAT);
+ vma->vm_flags = VM_READ | VM_MAYREAD | VM_IO | VM_RESERVED;
+- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
++ return;
++ }
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ wrap_mmu_context (struct mm_struct *mm)
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ repeat:
+- for_each_process(tsk) {
++ for_each_process_all(tsk) {
+ if (!tsk->mm)
+ continue;
+ tsk_context = tsk->mm->context;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ long tmp;
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ long tmp;
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@ static void set_brk(unsigned long start,
+ end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
+ if (end <= start)
+ return;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(start, end - start);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ }
+@@ -376,7 +378,9 @@ static unsigned int load_irix_interp(str
+ /* Map the last of the bss segment */
+ if (last_bss > len) {
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(len, (last_bss - len));
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ }
+ kfree(elf_phdata);
+@@ -448,7 +452,12 @@ static inline int look_for_irix_interpre
+ if (retval < 0)
+ goto out;
+- file = open_exec(*name);
++ /*
++ * I don't understand this loop.
++ * Are we suppose to break the loop after successful open and
++ * read, or close the file, or store it somewhere? --SAW
++ */
++ file = open_exec(*name, bprm);
+ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
+ retval = PTR_ERR(file);
+ goto out;
+@@ -564,7 +573,9 @@ void irix_map_prda_page (void)
+ unsigned long v;
+ struct prda *pp;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ v = do_brk (PRDA_ADDRESS, PAGE_SIZE);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ if (v < 0)
+ return;
+@@ -855,8 +866,11 @@ static int load_irix_library(struct file
+ len = (elf_phdata->p_filesz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr+ 0xfff) & 0xfffff000;
+ bss = elf_phdata->p_memsz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr;
+- if (bss > len)
++ if (bss > len) {
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(len, bss-len);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ }
+ kfree(elf_phdata);
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -184,9 +184,10 @@ asmlinkage int do_irix_signal(sigset_t *
+ if (!user_mode(regs))
+ return 1;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
++ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
+ }
+ if (!oldset)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ */
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys32_ptrace(int request,
+ */
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -556,9 +556,10 @@ asmlinkage int do_signal(sigset_t *oldse
+ if (!user_mode(regs))
+ return 1;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
++ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
+ }
+ if (!oldset)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -704,9 +704,10 @@ asmlinkage int do_signal32(sigset_t *old
+ if (!user_mode(regs))
+ return 1;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
++ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
+ }
+ if (!oldset)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ long sys_ptrace(long request, pid_t pid,
+ * that it wants to exit.
+ */
+ DBG(("sys_ptrace(KILL)\n"));
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ goto out_tsk;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ goto out_wake_notrap;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ local int huft_build(
+ {
+ *t = (inflate_huft *)Z_NULL;
+ *m = 0;
+- return Z_OK;
++ return Z_DATA_ERROR;
+ }
+@@ -1351,6 +1351,7 @@ local int huft_build(
+ if ((j = *p++) != 0)
+ v[x[j]++] = i;
+ } while (++i < n);
++ n = x[g]; /* set n to length of v */
+ /* Generate the Huffman codes and for each, make the table entries */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ int sys32_ptrace(long request, long pid,
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ int setup_arg_pages32(struct linux_binpr
+ unsigned long stack_base;
+ struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
+- int i;
++ int i, ret;
+ mm->arg_start = bprm->p + stack_base;
+@@ -68,7 +68,11 @@ int setup_arg_pages32(struct linux_binpr
+ /* executable stack setting would be applied here */
+ mpnt->vm_page_prot = PAGE_COPY;
+ mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
+- insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt);
++ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt))) {
++ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
++ return ret;
++ }
+ mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ do_ptrace(struct task_struct *child, lon
+ * perhaps it should be put in the status that it wants to
+ * exit.
+ */
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ return 0;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -61,17 +61,9 @@ void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
+ if (yes) {
+ oops_in_progress = 1;
+ } else {
+- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
+ oops_in_progress = 0;
+ console_unblank();
+- /*
+- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
+- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd
+- * a poke. Hold onto your hats...
+- */
+- console_loglevel = 15;
+- printk(" ");
+- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
++ wake_up_klogd();
+ }
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -584,9 +584,10 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
+ if (!user_mode(regs))
+ return 1;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
++ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
+ }
+ if (!oldset)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -705,10 +705,11 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
+ if (!user_mode(regs))
+ return 1;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
+- }
++ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
++ }
+ if (!oldset)
+ oldset = &current->blocked;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_ptrace(struct pt_regs
+ * exit.
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
+ pt_succ_return(regs, 0);
+ goto out_tsk;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ static void set_brk(unsigned long start,
+ end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
+ if (end <= start)
+ return;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(start, end - start);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -246,10 +248,14 @@ static int load_aout32_binary(struct lin
+ if (N_MAGIC(ex) == NMAGIC) {
+ loff_t pos = fd_offset;
+ /* Fuck me plenty... */
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_text, &pos);
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(N_DATADDR(ex), ex.a_data);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char __user *)N_DATADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_data, &pos);
+ goto beyond_if;
+@@ -257,8 +263,10 @@ static int load_aout32_binary(struct lin
+ if (N_MAGIC(ex) == OMAGIC) {
+ loff_t pos = fd_offset;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex) & PAGE_MASK,
+ ex.a_text+ex.a_data + PAGE_SIZE - 1);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
+ } else {
+@@ -272,7 +280,9 @@ static int load_aout32_binary(struct lin
+ if (!bprm->file->f_op->mmap) {
+ loff_t pos = fd_offset;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(0, ex.a_text+ex.a_data);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file,
+ (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
+@@ -389,7 +399,9 @@ static int load_aout32_library(struct fi
+ len = PAGE_ALIGN(ex.a_text + ex.a_data);
+ bss = ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss;
+ if (bss > len) {
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(start_addr + len, bss - len);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ retval = error;
+ if (error != start_addr + len)
+ goto out;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_ptrace(struct pt_regs
+ * exit.
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
+ pt_succ_return(regs, 0);
+ goto out_tsk;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
+ */
+ case PTRACE_KILL: {
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void *switch_to_tt(void *prev, void *nex
+ panic("write of switch_pipe failed, errno = %d", -err);
+ reading = 1;
+- if((from->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) || (from->state == TASK_DEAD))
++ if((from->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) || (from->exit_state == EXIT_DEAD))
+ os_kill_process(os_getpid(), 0);
+ err = os_read_file(from->[0], &c, sizeof(c));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
+ */
+ rval = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ wake_up_process(child);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+ startup_32:
+ cld
+ cli
+- movl $(__KERNEL_DS),%eax
++ movl $(__BOOT_DS),%eax
+ movl %eax,%ds
+ movl %eax,%es
+ movl %eax,%fs
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ startup_32:
+ jnz 3f
+ addl $8,%esp
+ xorl %ebx,%ebx
+- ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x100000
++ ljmp $(__BOOT_CS), $0x100000
+ /*
+ * We come here, if we were loaded high.
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ startup_32:
+ popl %eax # hcount
+ movl $0x100000,%edi
+ cli # make sure we don't get interrupted
+- ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x1000 # and jump to the move routine
++ ljmp $(__BOOT_CS), $0x1000 # and jump to the move routine
+ /*
+ * Routine (template) for moving the decompressed kernel in place,
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ move_routine_start:
+ movsl
+ movl %ebx,%esi # Restore setup pointer
+ xorl %ebx,%ebx
+- ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x100000
++ ljmp $(__BOOT_CS), $0x100000
+ move_routine_end:
+@@ -138,5 +138,5 @@ user_stack:
+ .fill 4096,4,0
+ stack_start:
+ .long user_stack+4096
+- .word __KERNEL_DS
++ .word __BOOT_DS
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ flush_instr:
+ subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %si
+ shll $4, %esi # Convert to 32-bit pointer
+ # NOTE: For high loaded big kernels we need a
+-# jmpi 0x100000,__KERNEL_CS
++# jmpi 0x100000,__BOOT_CS
+ #
+ # but we yet haven't reloaded the CS register, so the default size
+ # of the target offset still is 16 bit.
+@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ flush_instr:
+ .byte 0x66, 0xea # prefix + jmpi-opcode
+ code32: .long 0x1000 # will be set to 0x100000
+ # for big kernels
+- .word __KERNEL_CS
++ .word __BOOT_CS
+ # Here's a bunch of information about your current kernel..
+ kernel_version: .ascii UTS_RELEASE
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -113,7 +113,9 @@ static void set_brk(unsigned long start,
+ end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
+ if (end <= start)
+ return;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(start, end - start);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ }
+@@ -323,7 +325,10 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
+ pos = 32;
+ map_size = ex.a_text+ex.a_data;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(text_addr & PAGE_MASK, map_size);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ if (error != (text_addr & PAGE_MASK)) {
+ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
+ return error;
+@@ -343,14 +348,14 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
+ if ((ex.a_text & 0xfff || ex.a_data & 0xfff) &&
+ (N_MAGIC(ex) != NMAGIC) && (jiffies-error_time2) > 5*HZ)
+ {
+- printk(KERN_NOTICE "executable not page aligned\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_NOTICE "executable not page aligned\n");
+ error_time2 = jiffies;
+ }
+ if ((fd_offset & ~PAGE_MASK) != 0 &&
+ (jiffies-error_time) > 5*HZ)
+ {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING
+ "fd_offset is not page aligned. Please convert program: %s\n",
+ bprm->file->f_dentry->;
+ error_time = jiffies;
+@@ -359,7 +364,9 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
+ if (!bprm->file->f_op->mmap||((fd_offset & ~PAGE_MASK) != 0)) {
+ loff_t pos = fd_offset;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text+ex.a_data);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file,(char *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
+ flush_icache_range((unsigned long) N_TXTADDR(ex),
+@@ -461,14 +468,15 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
+ static unsigned long error_time;
+ if ((jiffies-error_time) > 5*HZ)
+ {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING
+ "N_TXTOFF is not page aligned. Please convert library: %s\n",
+ file->f_dentry->;
+ error_time = jiffies;
+ }
+ #endif
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(start_addr, ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ file->f_op->read(file, (char *)start_addr,
+ ex.a_text + ex.a_data, &pos);
+@@ -492,7 +500,9 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
+ len = PAGE_ALIGN(ex.a_text + ex.a_data);
+ bss = ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss;
+ if (bss > len) {
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(start_addr + len, bss - len);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ retval = error;
+ if (error != start_addr + len)
+ goto out;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
+ #include <asm/ia32.h>
+ #include <asm/vsyscall32.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ #define ELF_NAME "elf/i386"
+ #define AT_SYSINFO 32
+ #define AT_SYSINFO_EHDR 33
+-int sysctl_vsyscall32 = 1;
++int sysctl_vsyscall32 = 0;
+ #define ARCH_DLINFO do { \
+ if (sysctl_vsyscall32) { \
+@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ struct elf_phdr;
+ #define IA32_EMULATOR 1
+-#define ELF_ET_DYN_BASE (TASK_UNMAPPED_32 + 0x1000000)
++#define ELF_ET_DYN_BASE (TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE + 0x1000000)
+ #undef ELF_ARCH
+ #define ELF_ARCH EM_386
+@@ -303,6 +305,10 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Eric Youngdale, Andi Klee
+ static void elf32_init(struct pt_regs *);
++#define arch_setup_additional_pages syscall32_setup_pages
++extern int syscall32_setup_pages(struct linux_binprm *, int exstack);
+ #include "../../../fs/binfmt_elf.c"
+ static void elf32_init(struct pt_regs *regs)
+@@ -327,10 +333,10 @@ static void elf32_init(struct pt_regs *r
+ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int executable_stack)
+ {
+- unsigned long stack_base;
++ unsigned long stack_base, vm_end, vm_start;
+ struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
+- int i;
++ int i, ret;
+ stack_base = IA32_STACK_TOP - MAX_ARG_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE;
+ mm->arg_start = bprm->p + stack_base;
+@@ -340,22 +346,28 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
+ bprm->loader += stack_base;
+ bprm->exec += stack_base;
++ vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
++ vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long)bprm->p;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start,
++ vm_stack_flags32, NULL, UB_HARD))
++ goto out;
+ mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
+- if (!mpnt)
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- if (security_vm_enough_memory((IA32_STACK_TOP - (PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p))>>PAGE_SHIFT)) {
+- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- }
++ if (!mpnt)
++ goto out_uncharge;
++ if (security_vm_enough_memory((vm_end - vm_start)>>PAGE_SHIFT))
++ goto out_uncharge_free;
+ memset(mpnt, 0, sizeof(*mpnt));
+ down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ {
+ mpnt->vm_mm = mm;
+- mpnt->vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
+- mpnt->vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
++ mpnt->vm_start = vm_start;
++ mpnt->vm_end = vm_end;
+ if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X)
+ mpnt->vm_flags = vm_stack_flags32 | VM_EXEC;
+ else if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
+@@ -364,7 +376,8 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
+ mpnt->vm_flags = vm_stack_flags32;
+ mpnt->vm_page_prot = (mpnt->vm_flags & VM_EXEC) ?
+- insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt);
++ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt)))
++ goto out_up;
+ mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ }
+@@ -379,6 +392,17 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ return 0;
++ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ vm_unacct_memory((vm_end - vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start,
++ vm_stack_flags32, NULL);
++ return ret;
+ }
+ static unsigned long
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -24,17 +24,27 @@
+ static int tiocgdev(unsigned fd, unsigned cmd, unsigned int __user *ptr)
+ {
+- struct file *file = fget(fd);
++ struct file *file;
+ struct tty_struct *real_tty;
++ int ret;
++ file = fget(fd);
+ if (!file)
+ return -EBADF;
++ ret = -EINVAL;
+ if (file->f_op->ioctl != tty_ioctl)
+- return -EINVAL;
++ goto out;
+ real_tty = (struct tty_struct *)file->private_data;
+ if (!real_tty)
+- return -EINVAL;
+- return put_user(new_encode_dev(tty_devnum(real_tty)), ptr);
++ goto out;
++ ret = put_user(new_encode_dev(tty_devnum(real_tty)), ptr);
++ fput(file);
++ return ret;
+ }
+ #define RTC_IRQP_READ32 _IOR('p', 0x0b, unsigned int) /* Read IRQ rate */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
+ asmlinkage int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigset_t *oldset);
+ void signal_fault(struct pt_regs *regs, void __user *frame, char *where);
+-int ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(siginfo_t32 __user *to, siginfo_t *from)
++int copy_siginfo_to_user32(compat_siginfo_t __user *to, siginfo_t *from)
+ {
+ int err;
+- if (!access_ok (VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
++ if (!access_ok (VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ /* If you change siginfo_t structure, please make sure that
+@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ int ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(siginfo_t3
+ return err;
+ }
+-int ia32_copy_siginfo_from_user(siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t32 __user *from)
++int copy_siginfo_from_user32(siginfo_t *to, compat_siginfo_t __user *from)
+ {
+ int err;
+ u32 ptr32;
+- if (!access_ok (VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
++ if (!access_ok (VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ err = __get_user(to->si_signo, &from->si_signo);
+@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ sys32_sigsuspend(int history0, int histo
+ mask &= _BLOCKABLE;
+ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+ saveset = current->blocked;
++ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
+ siginitset(&current->blocked, mask);
+ recalc_sigpending();
+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+@@ -130,8 +131,10 @@ sys32_sigsuspend(int history0, int histo
+ while (1) {
+ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+ schedule();
+- if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset))
++ if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset)) {
++ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
+ return -EINTR;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ struct rt_sigframe
+ int sig;
+ u32 pinfo;
+ u32 puc;
+- struct siginfo32 info;
++ struct compat_siginfo info;
+ struct ucontext_ia32 uc;
+ struct _fpstate_ia32 fpstate;
+ char retcode[8];
+@@ -522,7 +525,7 @@ void ia32_setup_rt_frame(int sig, struct
+ }
+ err |= __put_user((u32)(u64)&frame->info, &frame->pinfo);
+ err |= __put_user((u32)(u64)&frame->uc, &frame->puc);
+- err |= ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(&frame->info, info);
++ err |= copy_siginfo_to_user32(&frame->info, info);
+ if (err)
+ goto give_sigsegv;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ ia32_sys_call_table:
+ .quad sys_init_module
+ .quad sys_delete_module
+ .quad quiet_ni_syscall /* 130 get_kernel_syms */
+- .quad sys32_quotactl /* quotactl */
++ .quad sys_quotactl /* quotactl */
+ .quad sys_getpgid
+ .quad sys_fchdir
+ .quad quiet_ni_syscall /* bdflush */
+@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ ia32_sys_call_table:
+ .quad sys32_rt_sigaction
+ .quad sys32_rt_sigprocmask /* 175 */
+ .quad sys32_rt_sigpending
+- .quad sys32_rt_sigtimedwait
++ .quad compat_rt_sigtimedwait
+ .quad sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo
+ .quad stub32_rt_sigsuspend
+ .quad sys32_pread /* 180 */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ static struct task_struct *find_target(i
+ *err = -ESRCH;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (child)
+ get_task_struct(child);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -658,11 +658,12 @@ sys32_waitpid(compat_pid_t pid, unsigned
+ int sys32_ni_syscall(int call)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *me = current;
+- static char lastcomm[8];
+- if (strcmp(lastcomm, me->comm)) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO "IA32 syscall %d from %s not implemented\n", call,
+- current->comm);
+- strcpy(lastcomm, me->comm);
++ static char lastcomm[sizeof(me->comm)];
++ if (strncmp(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm))) {
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO "IA32 syscall %d from %s not implemented\n",
++ call, me->comm);
++ strncpy(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm));
+ }
+ return -ENOSYS;
+ }
+@@ -782,51 +783,13 @@ sys32_rt_sigpending(compat_sigset_t __us
+ asmlinkage long
+-sys32_rt_sigtimedwait(compat_sigset_t __user *uthese, siginfo_t32 __user *uinfo,
+- struct compat_timespec __user *uts, compat_size_t sigsetsize)
+- sigset_t s;
+- compat_sigset_t s32;
+- struct timespec t;
+- int ret;
+- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
+- siginfo_t info;
+- if (copy_from_user (&s32, uthese, sizeof(compat_sigset_t)))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- switch (_NSIG_WORDS) {
+- case 4: s.sig[3] = s32.sig[6] | (((long)s32.sig[7]) << 32);
+- case 3: s.sig[2] = s32.sig[4] | (((long)s32.sig[5]) << 32);
+- case 2: s.sig[1] = s32.sig[2] | (((long)s32.sig[3]) << 32);
+- case 1: s.sig[0] = s32.sig[0] | (((long)s32.sig[1]) << 32);
+- }
+- if (uts && get_compat_timespec(&t, uts))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- if (uinfo) {
+- /* stop data leak to user space in case of structure fill mismatch
+- * between sys_rt_sigtimedwait & ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user.
+- */
+- memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+- }
+- set_fs (KERNEL_DS);
+- ret = sys_rt_sigtimedwait(&s, uinfo ? &info : NULL, uts ? &t : NULL,
+- sigsetsize);
+- set_fs (old_fs);
+- if (ret >= 0 && uinfo) {
+- if (ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(uinfo, &info))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- }
+- return ret;
+-asmlinkage long
+-sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo(int pid, int sig, siginfo_t32 __user *uinfo)
++sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo(int pid, int sig, compat_siginfo_t __user *uinfo)
+ {
+ siginfo_t info;
+ int ret;
+ mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
+- if (ia32_copy_siginfo_from_user(&info, uinfo))
++ if (copy_siginfo_from_user32(&info, uinfo))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ set_fs (KERNEL_DS);
+ ret = sys_rt_sigqueueinfo(pid, sig, &info);
+@@ -947,7 +910,7 @@ sys32_sendfile(int out_fd, int in_fd, co
+ ret = sys_sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, offset ? &of : NULL, count);
+ set_fs(old_fs);
+- if (!ret && offset && put_user(of, offset))
++ if (offset && put_user(of, offset))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return ret;
+@@ -1067,13 +1030,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys32_olduname(struct ol
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+- error = __copy_to_user(&name->sysname,&system_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ error = __copy_to_user(&name->sysname,&ve_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ __put_user(0,name->sysname+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+- __copy_to_user(&name->nodename,&system_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ __copy_to_user(&name->nodename,&ve_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ __put_user(0,name->nodename+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+- __copy_to_user(&name->release,&system_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ __copy_to_user(&name->release,&ve_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ __put_user(0,name->release+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+- __copy_to_user(&name->version,&system_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
++ __copy_to_user(&name->version,&ve_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ __put_user(0,name->version+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
+ {
+ char *arch = "x86_64";
+@@ -1096,7 +1059,7 @@ long sys32_uname(struct old_utsname __us
+ if (!name)
+ return -EFAULT;
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+- err=copy_to_user(name, &system_utsname, sizeof (*name));
++ err=copy_to_user(name, &ve_utsname, sizeof (*name));
+ up_read(&uts_sem);
+ if (personality(current->personality) == PER_LINUX32)
+ err |= copy_to_user(&name->machine, "i686", 5);
+@@ -1316,23 +1279,11 @@ long sys32_fadvise64_64(int fd, __u32 of
+ long sys32_vm86_warning(void)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *me = current;
+- static char lastcomm[8];
+- if (strcmp(lastcomm, me->comm)) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: vm86 mode not supported on 64 bit kernel\n",
+- me->comm);
+- strcpy(lastcomm, me->comm);
+- }
+- return -ENOSYS;
+-long sys32_quotactl(void)
+- struct task_struct *me = current;
+- static char lastcomm[8];
+- if (strcmp(lastcomm, me->comm)) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: 32bit quotactl not supported on 64 bit kernel\n",
++ static char lastcomm[sizeof(me->comm)];
++ if (strncmp(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm))) {
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO "%s: vm87 mode not supported on 64 bit kernel\n",
+ me->comm);
+- strcpy(lastcomm, me->comm);
++ strncpy(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm));
+ }
+ return -ENOSYS;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
+ on demand because 32bit cannot reach the kernel's fixmaps */
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/mman.h>
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/gfp.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/stringify.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/elfcore.h>
+ #include <asm/proto.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
+ #include <asm/ia32_unistd.h>
+@@ -30,32 +33,68 @@ extern int sysctl_vsyscall32;
+ char *syscall32_page;
+ static int use_sysenter __initdata = -1;
+-/* RED-PEN: This knows too much about high level VM */
+-/* Alternative would be to generate a vma with appropriate backing options
+- and let it be handled by generic VM */
+-int map_syscall32(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
+- pte_t *pte;
+- pmd_t *pmd;
+- int err = 0;
+- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+- pmd = pmd_alloc(mm, pgd_offset(mm, address), address);
+- if (pmd && (pte = pte_alloc_map(mm, pmd, address)) != NULL) {
+- if (pte_none(*pte)) {
+- set_pte(pte,
+- mk_pte(virt_to_page(syscall32_page),
+- }
+- /* Flush only the local CPU. Other CPUs taking a fault
+- will just end up here again */
+- __flush_tlb_one(address);
+- } else
+- err = -ENOMEM;
+- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- return err;
++static struct page *
++syscall32_nopage(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long adr, int *type)
++ struct page *p = virt_to_page(adr - vma->vm_start + syscall32_page);
++ get_page(p);
++ return p;
++/* Prevent VMA merging */
++static void syscall32_vma_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++static struct vm_operations_struct syscall32_vm_ops = {
++ .close = syscall32_vma_close,
++ .nopage = syscall32_nopage,
++struct linux_binprm;
++/* Setup a VMA at program startup for the vsyscall page */
++int syscall32_setup_pages(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int exstack)
++ int npages = (VSYSCALL32_END - VSYSCALL32_BASE) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma;
++ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
++ int ret;
++ if (sysctl_at_vsyscall == 0)
++ return 0;
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "WARN! vsyscalls are broken on x86-64");
++ vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ if (!vma)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ if (security_vm_enough_memory(npages)) {
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memset(vma, 0, sizeof(struct vm_area_struct));
++ /* Could randomize here */
++ vma->vm_start = VSYSCALL32_BASE;
++ vma->vm_end = VSYSCALL32_END;
++ /* MAYWRITE to allow gdb to COW and set breakpoints */
++ vma->vm_flags |= mm->def_flags;
++ vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[vma->vm_flags & 7];
++ vma->vm_ops = &syscall32_vm_ops;
++ vma->vm_mm = mm;
++ down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, vma);
++ if (ret) {
++ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
++ vm_unacct_memory(npages);
++ return ret;
++ }
++ mm->total_vm += npages;
++ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static int __init init_syscall32(void)
+@@ -63,7 +102,6 @@ static int __init init_syscall32(void)
+ syscall32_page = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!syscall32_page)
+ panic("Cannot allocate syscall32 page");
+- SetPageReserved(virt_to_page(syscall32_page));
+ if (use_sysenter > 0) {
+ memcpy(syscall32_page, syscall32_sysenter,
+ syscall32_sysenter_end - syscall32_sysenter);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ wakeup_code:
+ .byte 0x66, 0xea # prefix + jmpi-opcode
+ .long wakeup_32 - __START_KERNEL_map
+- .word __KERNEL_CS
++ .word __BOOT_CS
+ .code32
+ wakeup_32:
+@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ wakeup_32:
+ jnc bogus_cpu
+ movl %edx,%edi
+- movw $__KERNEL_DS, %ax
++ movw $__BOOT_DS, %ax
+ movw %ax, %ds
+ movw %ax, %es
+ movw %ax, %fs
+ movw %ax, %gs
+- movw $__KERNEL_DS, %ax
++ movw $__BOOT_DS, %ax
+ movw %ax, %ss
+ mov $(wakeup_stack - __START_KERNEL_map), %esp
+@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ reach_compatibility_mode:
+ wakeup_jumpvector:
+ .long wakeup_long64 - __START_KERNEL_map
+- .word __KERNEL_CS
++ .word __BOOT_CS
+ .code64
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -883,6 +883,7 @@ void smp_local_timer_interrupt(struct pt
+ */
+ void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
+ /*
+ * the NMI deadlock-detector uses this.
+ */
+@@ -898,9 +899,11 @@ void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_
+ * Besides, if we don't timer interrupts ignore the global
+ * interrupt lock, which is the WrongThing (tm) to do.
+ */
++ ve = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ irq_enter();
+ smp_local_timer_interrupt(regs);
+ irq_exit();
++ (void)set_exec_env(ve);
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ ENTRY(kernel_thread)
+ xorl %r9d,%r9d
+ # clone now
+- call do_fork
++ call do_fork_kthread
+ movq %rax,RAX(%rsp)
+ xorl %edi,%edi
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ startup_32:
+ movl %ebx,%ebp /* Save trampoline flag */
+- movl $__KERNEL_DS,%eax
++ movl $__BOOT_DS,%eax
+ movl %eax,%ds
+ /* If the CPU doesn't support CPUID this will double fault.
+@@ -159,7 +159,14 @@ reach_long64:
+ /* esi is pointer to real mode structure with interesting info.
+ pass it to C */
+ movl %esi, %edi
++ /* Switch to __KERNEL_CS. The segment is the same, but selector
++ * is different. */
++ pushq $__KERNEL_CS
++ pushq $switch_cs
++ lretq
+ /* Finally jump to run C code and to be on real kernel address
+ * Since we are running on identity-mapped space we have to jump
+ * to the full 64bit address , this is only possible as indirect
+@@ -192,7 +199,7 @@ pGDT32:
+ .org 0xf10
+ ljumpvector:
+ .long reach_long64-__START_KERNEL_map
+- .word __KERNEL_CS
++ .word __BOOT_CS
+ ENTRY(stext)
+ ENTRY(_stext)
+@@ -326,7 +333,7 @@ gdt:
+ ENTRY(gdt_table32)
+ .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* This one is magic */
+ .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* unused */
+- .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL_CS */
++ .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* __BOOT_CS */
+ gdt32_end:
+ /* We need valid kernel segments for data and code in long mode too
+@@ -337,23 +344,30 @@ gdt32_end:
+ .align L1_CACHE_BYTES
+ /* The TLS descriptors are currently at a different place compared to i386.
+- Hopefully nobody expects them at a fixed place (Wine?) */
++ Hopefully nobody expects them at a fixed place (Wine?)
++ Descriptors rearranged to plase 32bit and TLS selectors in the same
++ places, because it is really necessary. sysret/exit mandates order
++ of kernel/user cs/ds, so we have to extend gdt.
+ ENTRY(cpu_gdt_table)
+- .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* NULL descriptor */
+- .quad 0x008f9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS */
+- .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL_CS */
+- .quad 0x00cf92000000ffff /* __KERNEL_DS */
+- .quad 0x00cffe000000ffff /* __USER32_CS */
+- .quad 0x00cff2000000ffff /* __USER_DS, __USER32_DS */
+- .quad 0x00affa000000ffff /* __USER_CS */
+- .quad 0x00cf9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL32_CS */
+- .quad 0,0 /* TSS */
+- .quad 0 /* LDT */
+- .quad 0,0,0 /* three TLS descriptors */
+- .quad 0 /* unused now */
+- .quad 0x00009a000000ffff /* __KERNEL16_CS - 16bit PM for S3 wakeup. */
++ .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* 0 NULL descriptor */
++ .quad 0x008f9a000000ffff /* 1 __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS */
++ .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* 2 __BOOT_CS */
++ .quad 0x00cf92000000ffff /* 3 __BOOT_DS */
++ .quad 0,0 /* 4,5 TSS */
++ .quad 0,0,0 /* 6-8 three TLS descriptors */
++ .quad 0x00009a000000ffff /* 9 __KERNEL16_CS - 16bit PM for S3 wakeup. */
+ /* base must be patched for real base address. */
++ .quad 0 /* 10 LDT */
++ .quad 0x00cf9a000000ffff /* 11 __KERNEL32_CS */
++ .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* 12 __KERNEL_CS */
++ .quad 0x00cf92000000ffff /* 13 __KERNEL_DS */
++ .quad 0x00cffe000000ffff /* 14 __USER32_CS */
++ .quad 0x00cff2000000ffff /* 15 __USER_DS, __USER32_DS */
++ .quad 0x00affa000000ffff /* 16 __USER_CS */
++ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
++ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ gdt_end:
+ /* asm/segment.h:GDT_ENTRIES must match this */
+ /* This should be a multiple of the cache line size */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
+ #include <asm/desc.h>
+ #include <asm/irq.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_task.h>
+ /*
+ * Linux has a controller-independent x86 interrupt architecture.
+@@ -213,15 +214,18 @@ inline void synchronize_irq(unsigned int
+ int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int irq, struct pt_regs * regs, struct irqaction * action)
+ {
+ int status = 1; /* Force the "do bottom halves" bit */
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
+ if (!(action->flags & SA_INTERRUPT))
+ local_irq_enable();
++ ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
+ do {
+ status |= action->flags;
+ action->handler(irq, action->dev_id, regs);
+ action = action->next;
+ } while (action);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
+ if (status & SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)
+ add_interrupt_randomness(irq);
+ local_irq_disable();
+@@ -340,9 +344,11 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt
+ irq_desc_t *desc = irq_desc + irq;
+ struct irqaction * action;
+ unsigned int status;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
+ if (irq > 256) BUG();
++ ve = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ irq_enter();
+ kstat_cpu(cpu).irqs[irq]++;
+ spin_lock(&desc->lock);
+@@ -405,6 +411,7 @@ out:
+ spin_unlock(&desc->lock);
+ irq_exit();
++ (void)set_exec_env(ve);
+ return 1;
+ }
+@@ -833,6 +840,8 @@ static int irq_affinity_read_proc (char
+ return len;
+ }
++int no_irq_affinity;
+ static int irq_affinity_write_proc (struct file *file,
+ const char __user *buffer,
+ unsigned long count, void *data)
+@@ -840,7 +849,7 @@ static int irq_affinity_write_proc (stru
+ int irq = (long) data, full_count = count, err;
+ cpumask_t tmp, new_value;
+- if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity)
++ if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity || no_irq_affinity)
+ return -EIO;
+ err = cpumask_parse(buffer, count, new_value);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ static int panic_on_timeout;
+ unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_DEFAULT;
+ static unsigned int nmi_hz = HZ;
+ unsigned int nmi_perfctr_msr; /* the MSR to reset in NMI handler */
++static unsigned int nmi_p4_cccr_val;
+ /* Note that these events don't tick when the CPU idles. This means
+ the frequency varies with CPU load. */
+@@ -70,12 +71,41 @@ unsigned int nmi_perfctr_msr; /* the MSR
+-#define P6_EVNTSEL0_ENABLE (1 << 22)
+-#define P6_EVNTSEL_INT (1 << 20)
+-#define P6_EVNTSEL_OS (1 << 17)
+-#define P6_EVNTSEL_USR (1 << 16)
++#define MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE 0x1A0
++#define MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE_PERF_AVAIL (1<<7)
++#define MSR_P4_PERFCTR0 0x300
++#define MSR_P4_CCCR0 0x360
++#define P4_ESCR_EVENT_SELECT(N) ((N)<<25)
++#define P4_ESCR_OS (1<<3)
++#define P4_ESCR_USR (1<<2)
++#define P4_CCCR_OVF_PMI0 (1<<26)
++#define P4_CCCR_OVF_PMI1 (1<<27)
++#define P4_CCCR_THRESHOLD(N) ((N)<<20)
++#define P4_CCCR_COMPLEMENT (1<<19)
++#define P4_CCCR_COMPARE (1<<18)
++#define P4_CCCR_REQUIRED (3<<16)
++#define P4_CCCR_ESCR_SELECT(N) ((N)<<13)
++#define P4_CCCR_ENABLE (1<<12)
++/* Set up IQ_COUNTER0 to behave like a clock, by having IQ_CCCR0 filter
++ CRU_ESCR0 (with any non-null event selector) through a complemented
++ max threshold. [IA32-Vol3, Section 14.9.9] */
++#define MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0 0x30C
++#define P4_NMI_IQ_CCCR0 \
++static __init inline int nmi_known_cpu(void)
++ switch (boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor) {
++ case X86_VENDOR_AMD:
++ return boot_cpu_data.x86 == 15;
++ case X86_VENDOR_INTEL:
++ return boot_cpu_data.x86 == 15;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ /* Run after command line and cpu_init init, but before all other checks */
+ void __init nmi_watchdog_default(void)
+@@ -83,19 +113,10 @@ void __init nmi_watchdog_default(void)
+ if (nmi_watchdog != NMI_DEFAULT)
+ return;
+- /* For some reason the IO APIC watchdog doesn't work on the AMD
+- 8111 chipset. For now switch to local APIC mode using
+- perfctr0 there. On Intel CPUs we don't have code to handle
+- the perfctr and the IO-APIC seems to work, so use that. */
+- if (boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor == X86_VENDOR_AMD) {
+- nmi_watchdog = NMI_LOCAL_APIC;
+- printk(KERN_INFO
+- "Using local APIC NMI watchdog using perfctr0\n");
+- } else {
+- printk(KERN_INFO "Using IO APIC NMI watchdog\n");
++ if (nmi_known_cpu())
++ nmi_watchdog = NMI_LOCAL_APIC;
++ else
+ nmi_watchdog = NMI_IO_APIC;
+- }
+ }
+ /* Why is there no CPUID flag for this? */
+@@ -181,7 +202,10 @@ static void disable_lapic_nmi_watchdog(v
+ wrmsr(MSR_K7_EVNTSEL0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case X86_VENDOR_INTEL:
+- wrmsr(MSR_IA32_EVNTSEL0, 0, 0);
++ if (boot_cpu_data.x86 == 15) {
++ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, 0, 0);
++ wrmsr(MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR0, 0, 0);
++ }
+ break;
+ }
+ nmi_active = -1;
+@@ -296,6 +320,14 @@ late_initcall(init_lapic_nmi_sysfs);
+ * Original code written by Keith Owens.
+ */
++static void clear_msr_range(unsigned int base, unsigned int n)
++ unsigned int i;
++ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
++ wrmsr(base+i, 0, 0);
+ static void setup_k7_watchdog(void)
+ {
+ int i;
+@@ -327,6 +359,47 @@ static void setup_k7_watchdog(void)
+ wrmsr(MSR_K7_EVNTSEL0, evntsel, 0);
+ }
++static int setup_p4_watchdog(void)
++ unsigned int misc_enable, dummy;
++ rdmsr(MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE, misc_enable, dummy);
++ if (!(misc_enable & MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE_PERF_AVAIL))
++ return 0;
++ nmi_perfctr_msr = MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0;
++ nmi_p4_cccr_val = P4_NMI_IQ_CCCR0;
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ if (smp_num_siblings == 2)
++ nmi_p4_cccr_val |= P4_CCCR_OVF_PMI1;
++ if (!(misc_enable & MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE_PEBS_UNAVAIL))
++ clear_msr_range(0x3F1, 2);
++ /* MSR 0x3F0 seems to have a default value of 0xFC00, but current
++ docs doesn't fully define it, so leave it alone for now. */
++ if (boot_cpu_data.x86_model >= 0x3) {
++ /* MSR_P4_IQ_ESCR0/1 (0x3ba/0x3bb) removed */
++ clear_msr_range(0x3A0, 26);
++ clear_msr_range(0x3BC, 3);
++ } else {
++ clear_msr_range(0x3A0, 31);
++ }
++ clear_msr_range(0x3C0, 6);
++ clear_msr_range(0x3C8, 6);
++ clear_msr_range(0x3E0, 2);
++ clear_msr_range(MSR_P4_CCCR0, 18);
++ clear_msr_range(MSR_P4_PERFCTR0, 18);
++ wrmsr(MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR0, P4_NMI_CRU_ESCR0, 0);
++ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, P4_NMI_IQ_CCCR0 & ~P4_CCCR_ENABLE, 0);
++ Dprintk("setting P4_IQ_COUNTER0 to 0x%08lx\n", -(cpu_khz/nmi_hz*1000));
++ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0, -(cpu_khz/nmi_hz*1000), -1);
++ apic_write(APIC_LVTPC, APIC_DM_NMI);
++ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, nmi_p4_cccr_val, 0);
++ return 1;
+ void setup_apic_nmi_watchdog(void)
+ {
+ switch (boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor) {
+@@ -337,6 +410,13 @@ void setup_apic_nmi_watchdog(void)
+ return;
+ setup_k7_watchdog();
+ break;
++ case X86_VENDOR_INTEL:
++ if (boot_cpu_data.x86 != 15)
++ return;
++ if (!setup_p4_watchdog())
++ return;
++ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -414,8 +494,20 @@ void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs *
+ last_irq_sums[cpu] = sum;
+ alert_counter[cpu] = 0;
+ }
+- if (nmi_perfctr_msr)
++ if (nmi_perfctr_msr) {
++ if (nmi_perfctr_msr == MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0) {
++ /*
++ * P4 quirks:
++ * - An overflown perfctr will assert its interrupt
++ * until the OVF flag in its CCCR is cleared.
++ * - LVTPC is masked on interrupt and must be
++ * unmasked by the LVTPC handler.
++ */
++ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, nmi_p4_cccr_val, 0);
++ apic_write(APIC_LVTPC, APIC_DM_NMI);
++ }
+ wrmsr(nmi_perfctr_msr, -(cpu_khz/nmi_hz*1000), -1);
++ }
+ }
+ static int dummy_nmi_callback(struct pt_regs * regs, int cpu)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ long do_arch_prctl(struct task_struct *t
+ switch (code) {
+ case ARCH_SET_GS:
+- if (addr >= TASK_SIZE)
++ if (addr >= TASK_SIZE_OF(task))
+ return -EPERM;
+ cpu = get_cpu();
+ /* handle small bases via the GDT because that's faster to
+@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ long do_arch_prctl(struct task_struct *t
+ case ARCH_SET_FS:
+ /* Not strictly needed for fs, but do it for symmetry
+ with gs */
+- if (addr >= TASK_SIZE)
++ if (addr >= TASK_SIZE_OF(task))
+ return -EPERM;
+ cpu = get_cpu();
+ /* handle small bases via the GDT because that's faster to
+@@ -711,3 +711,20 @@ int dump_task_regs(struct task_struct *t
+ return 1;
+ }
++long do_fork_kthread(unsigned long clone_flags,
++ unsigned long stack_start,
++ struct pt_regs *regs,
++ unsigned long stack_size,
++ int __user *parent_tidptr,
++ int __user *child_tidptr)
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return do_fork(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size,
++ parent_tidptr, child_tidptr);
++ /* Don't allow kernel_thread() inside VE */
++ printk("kernel_thread call inside VE\n");
++ dump_stack();
++ return -EPERM;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ static int putreg(struct task_struct *ch
+ value &= 0xffff;
+ return 0;
+ case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct,fs_base):
+- if (!((value >> 48) == 0 || (value >> 48) == 0xffff))
++ if (value >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child))
+ return -EIO;
+ child->thread.fs = value;
+ return 0;
+ case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct,gs_base):
+- if (!((value >> 48) == 0 || (value >> 48) == 0xffff))
++ if (value >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child))
+ return -EIO;
+ child-> = value;
+ return 0;
+@@ -169,6 +169,15 @@ static unsigned long getreg(struct task_
+ return child->thread.fs;
+ case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, gs_base):
+ return child->;
++ case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, cs):
++ if (test_tsk_thread_flag(child, TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE)) {
++ val = get_stack_long(child, regno - sizeof(struct pt_regs));
++ if (val == __USER_CS)
++ return 0x33;
++ if (val == __USER32_CS)
++ return 0x23;
++ }
++ /* fall through */
+ default:
+ regno = regno - sizeof(struct pt_regs);
+ val = get_stack_long(child, regno);
+@@ -202,7 +211,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
+ }
+ ret = -ESRCH;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (child)
+ get_task_struct(child);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -285,6 +294,10 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
+ break;
+ case PTRACE_POKEUSR: /* write the word at location addr in the USER area */
++ {
++ int dsize;
++ dsize = test_tsk_thread_flag(child, TIF_IA32) ? 3 : 7;
+ ret = -EIO;
+ if ((addr & 7) ||
+ addr > sizeof(struct user) - 7)
+@@ -296,22 +309,22 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
+ break;
+ /* Disallows to set a breakpoint into the vsyscall */
+ case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[0]):
+- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
++ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
+ child->thread.debugreg0 = data;
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[1]):
+- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
++ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
+ child->thread.debugreg1 = data;
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[2]):
+- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
++ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
+ child->thread.debugreg2 = data;
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[3]):
+- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
++ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
+ child->thread.debugreg3 = data;
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+@@ -333,6 +346,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
++ }
+ case PTRACE_SYSCALL: /* continue and stop at next (return from) syscall */
+ case PTRACE_CONT: { /* restart after signal. */
+ long tmp;
+@@ -393,7 +407,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
+ long tmp;
+ ret = 0;
+- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
++ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
+ break;
+ child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
+ /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
+@@ -498,8 +512,10 @@ static void syscall_trace(struct pt_regs
+ current_thread_info()->flags, current->ptrace);
+ #endif
++ set_pn_state(current, (regs->rax != -ENOSYS) ? PN_STOP_LEAVE : PN_STOP_ENTRY);
+ ptrace_notify(SIGTRAP | ((current->ptrace & PT_TRACESYSGOOD)
+ ? 0x80 : 0));
++ clear_pn_state(current);
+ /*
+ * this isn't the same as continuing with a signal, but it will do
+ * for normal use. strace only continues with a signal if the
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -642,6 +642,23 @@ static int __init init_amd(struct cpuinf
+ int r;
+ int level;
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ unsigned long value;
++ /*
++ * Disable TLB flush filter by setting HWCR.FFDIS on K8
++ * bit 6 of msr C001_0015
++ *
++ * Errata 63 for SH-B3 steppings
++ * Errata 122 for all steppings (F+ have it disabled by default)
++ */
++ if (c->x86 == 15) {
++ rdmsrl(MSR_K8_HWCR, value);
++ value |= 1 << 6;
++ wrmsrl(MSR_K8_HWCR, value);
++ }
+ /* Bit 31 in normal CPUID used for nonstandard 3DNow ID;
+ 3DNow is IDd by bit 31 in extended CPUID (1*32+31) anyway */
+ clear_bit(0*32+31, &c->x86_capability);
+@@ -1086,7 +1103,7 @@ static int show_cpuinfo(struct seq_file
+ seq_printf(m, "cache size\t: %d KB\n", c->x86_cache_size);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_X86_HT
+- if (cpu_has_ht) {
++ if (smp_num_siblings > 1) {
+ seq_printf(m, "physical id\t: %d\n", phys_proc_id[c - cpu_data]);
+ seq_printf(m, "siblings\t: %d\n", smp_num_siblings);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(sigset_t __user *unews
+ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+ saveset = current->blocked;
++ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
+ current->blocked = newset;
+ recalc_sigpending();
+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+@@ -65,8 +66,10 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(sigset_t __user *unews
+ while (1) {
+ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+ schedule();
+- if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset))
++ if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset)) {
++ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
+ return -EINTR;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ static void setup_rt_frame(int sig, stru
+ if (ka->sa.sa_flags & SA_RESTORER) {
+ err |= __put_user(ka->sa.sa_restorer, &frame->pretcode);
+ } else {
+- printk("%s forgot to set SA_RESTORER for signal %d.\n", me->comm, sig);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%s forgot to set SA_RESTORER for signal %d.\n", me->comm, sig);
+ goto give_sigsegv;
+ }
+@@ -411,9 +414,10 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
+ return 1;
+ }
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
+- goto no_signal;
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
++ refrigerator();
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto no_signal;
+ }
+ if (!oldset)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -309,8 +309,6 @@ void __init smp_callin(void)
+ Dprintk("CALLIN, before setup_local_APIC().\n");
+ setup_local_APIC();
+- local_irq_enable();
+ /*
+ * Get our bogomips.
+ */
+@@ -324,8 +322,6 @@ void __init smp_callin(void)
+ */
+ smp_store_cpu_info(cpuid);
+- local_irq_disable();
+ /*
+ * Allow the master to continue.
+ */
+@@ -397,7 +393,8 @@ static struct task_struct * __init fork_
+ * don't care about the eip and regs settings since
+ * we'll never reschedule the forked task.
+ */
+- return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL);
++ return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0,
++ &regs, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -69,13 +69,7 @@ out:
+ static void find_start_end(unsigned long flags, unsigned long *begin,
+ unsigned long *end)
+ {
+- if (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32)) {
+- *begin = TASK_UNMAPPED_32;
+- *end = IA32_PAGE_OFFSET;
+- } else
+- if (flags & MAP_32BIT) {
++ if (!test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) && (flags & MAP_32BIT)) {
+ /* This is usually used needed to map code in small
+ model, so it needs to be in the first 31bit. Limit
+ it to that. This means we need to move the
+@@ -83,12 +77,12 @@ static void find_start_end(unsigned long
+ conflicts with the heap, but we assume that glibc
+ malloc knows how to fall back to mmap. Give it 1GB
+ of playground for now. -AK */
+- *begin = 0x40000000;
+- *end = 0x80000000;
+- } else {
+- *begin = TASK_UNMAPPED_64;
+- *end = TASK_SIZE;
+- }
++ *begin = 0x40000000;
++ *end = 0x80000000;
++ } else {
++ *end = TASK_SIZE;
++ }
+ }
+ unsigned long
+@@ -146,7 +140,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_uname(struct new_uts
+ {
+ int err;
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+- err = copy_to_user(name, &system_utsname, sizeof (*name));
++ err = copy_to_user(name, &ve_utsname, sizeof (*name));
+ up_read(&uts_sem);
+ if (personality(current->personality) == PER_LINUX32)
+ err |= copy_to_user(&name->machine, "i686", 5);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ unsigned long vxtime_hz = PIT_TICK_RATE;
+ int report_lost_ticks; /* command line option */
+ unsigned long long monotonic_base;
+ struct vxtime_data __vxtime __section_vxtime; /* for vsyscalls */
+ volatile unsigned long __jiffies __section_jiffies = INITIAL_JIFFIES;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ r_base = .
+ lidt idt_48 - r_base # load idt with 0, 0
+ lgdt gdt_48 - r_base # load gdt with whatever is appropriate
+- movw $__KERNEL_DS,%ax
++ movw $__BOOT_DS,%ax
+ movw %ax,%ds
+ movw %ax,%es
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -254,10 +254,13 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
+ rsp = regs->rsp;
+- printk("CPU %d ", cpu);
++ printk("CPU: %d, VCPU: %d:%d ", cpu, task_vsched_id(current),
++ task_cpu(current));
+ __show_regs(regs);
+- printk("Process %s (pid: %d, threadinfo %p, task %p)\n",
+- cur->comm, cur->pid, cur->thread_info, cur);
++ printk("Process %s (pid: %d, veid=%d, threadinfo %p, task %p)\n",
++ cur->comm, cur->pid,
++ VEID(VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env),
++ cur->thread_info, cur);
+ /*
+ * When in-kernel, we also print out the stack and code at the
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -44,32 +44,31 @@ SECTIONS
+ }
+ __bss_end = .;
+- . = ALIGN(64);
+ .data.cacheline_aligned : { *(.data.cacheline_aligned) }
++#define AFTER(x) BINALIGN(LOADADDR(x) + SIZEOF(x), 16)
++#define BINALIGN(x,y) (((x) + (y) - 1) & ~((y) - 1))
+ .vsyscall_0 -10*1024*1024: AT ((LOADADDR(.data.cacheline_aligned) + SIZEOF(.data.cacheline_aligned) + 4095) & ~(4095)) { *(.vsyscall_0) }
+ __vsyscall_0 = LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0);
+- . = ALIGN(64);
+- .xtime_lock : AT ((LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0) + SIZEOF(.vsyscall_0) + 63) & ~(63)) { *(.xtime_lock) }
++ .xtime_lock : AT CACHE_ALIGN(AFTER(.vsyscall_0)) { *(.xtime_lock) }
+ xtime_lock = LOADADDR(.xtime_lock);
+- . = ALIGN(16);
+- .vxtime : AT ((LOADADDR(.xtime_lock) + SIZEOF(.xtime_lock) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.vxtime) }
++ .vxtime : AT AFTER(.xtime_lock) { *(.vxtime) }
+ vxtime = LOADADDR(.vxtime);
+- . = ALIGN(16);
+- .wall_jiffies : AT ((LOADADDR(.vxtime) + SIZEOF(.vxtime) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.wall_jiffies) }
++ .wall_jiffies : AT AFTER(.vxtime) { *(.wall_jiffies) }
+ wall_jiffies = LOADADDR(.wall_jiffies);
+- . = ALIGN(16);
+- .sys_tz : AT ((LOADADDR(.wall_jiffies) + SIZEOF(.wall_jiffies) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.sys_tz) }
++ .sys_tz : AT AFTER(.wall_jiffies) { *(.sys_tz) }
+ sys_tz = LOADADDR(.sys_tz);
+- . = ALIGN(16);
+- .sysctl_vsyscall : AT ((LOADADDR(.sys_tz) + SIZEOF(.sys_tz) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.sysctl_vsyscall) }
+- sysctl_vsyscall = LOADADDR(.sysctl_vsyscall);
+- . = ALIGN(16);
+- .jiffies : AT ((LOADADDR(.sysctl_vsyscall) + SIZEOF(.sysctl_vsyscall) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.jiffies) }
+- jiffies = LOADADDR(.jiffies);
+- . = ALIGN(16);
+- .xtime : AT ((LOADADDR(.jiffies) + SIZEOF(.jiffies) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.xtime) }
++ .sysctl_vsyscall : AT AFTER(.sys_tz) { *(.sysctl_vsyscall) }
++ sysctl_vsyscall = LOADADDR(.sysctl_vsyscall);
++ .xtime : AT AFTER(.sysctl_vsyscall) { *(.xtime) }
+ xtime = LOADADDR(.xtime);
++ .jiffies : AT CACHE_ALIGN(AFTER(.xtime)) { *(.jiffies) }
++ jiffies = LOADADDR(.jiffies);
+ .vsyscall_1 ADDR(.vsyscall_0) + 1024: AT (LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0) + 1024) { *(.vsyscall_1) }
+ . = LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0) + 4096;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -165,14 +165,12 @@ static void __init map_vsyscall(void)
+ static int __init vsyscall_init(void)
+ {
+- if ((unsigned long) &vgettimeofday != VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vgettimeofday))
+- panic("vgettimeofday link addr broken");
+- if ((unsigned long) &vtime != VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vtime))
+- panic("vtime link addr broken");
+- if (VSYSCALL_ADDR(0) != __fix_to_virt(VSYSCALL_FIRST_PAGE))
+- panic("fixmap first vsyscall %lx should be %lx", __fix_to_virt(VSYSCALL_FIRST_PAGE),
++ BUG_ON(((unsigned long) &vgettimeofday !=
++ VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vgettimeofday)));
++ BUG_ON((unsigned long) &vtime != VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vtime));
++ BUG_ON((VSYSCALL_ADDR(0) != __fix_to_virt(VSYSCALL_FIRST_PAGE)));
+ map_vsyscall();
++ sysctl_vsyscall = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ bad_to_user:
+ * rdx count
+ *
+ * Output:
+- * eax uncopied bytes or 0 if successfull.
++ * eax uncopied bytes or 0 if successful.
+ */
+ .globl copy_user_generic
+ .p2align 4
+@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ copy_user_generic:
+ movl $8,%r9d
+ subl %ecx,%r9d
+ movl %r9d,%ecx
+- subq %r9,%rdx
+- jz .Lsmall_align
+- js .Lsmall_align
++ cmpq %r9,%rdx
++ jz .Lhandle_7
++ js .Lhandle_7
+ .Lalign_1:
+ .Ls11: movb (%rsi),%bl
+ .Ld11: movb %bl,(%rdi)
+@@ -189,10 +189,8 @@ copy_user_generic:
+ incq %rdi
+ decl %ecx
+ jnz .Lalign_1
++ subq %r9,%rdx
+ jmp .Lafter_bad_alignment
+- addq %r9,%rdx
+- jmp .Lhandle_7
+ #endif
+ /* table sorted by exception address */
+@@ -219,8 +217,8 @@ copy_user_generic:
+ .quad .Ls10,.Le_byte
+ .quad .Ld10,.Le_byte
+- .quad .Ls11,.Le_byte
+- .quad .Ld11,.Le_byte
++ .quad .Ls11,.Lzero_rest
++ .quad .Ld11,.Lzero_rest
+ #endif
+ .quad .Le5,.Le_zero
+ .previous
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -34,27 +34,6 @@
+ #include <asm/kdebug.h>
+ #include <asm-generic/sections.h>
+-void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
+- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
+- if (yes) {
+- oops_in_progress = 1;
+- } else {
+-#ifdef CONFIG_VT
+- unblank_screen();
+- oops_in_progress = 0;
+- /*
+- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
+- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd
+- * a poke. Hold onto your hats...
+- */
+- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
+- printk(" ");
+- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
+- }
+ /* Sometimes the CPU reports invalid exceptions on prefetch.
+ Check that here and ignore.
+ Opcode checker based on code by Richard Brunner */
+@@ -219,7 +198,7 @@ int unhandled_signal(struct task_struct
+ }
+ int page_fault_trace;
+-int exception_trace = 1;
++int exception_trace = 0;
+ /*
+ * This routine handles page faults. It determines the address,
+@@ -261,7 +240,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
+ local_irq_enable();
+ if (unlikely(page_fault_trace))
+- printk("pagefault rip:%lx rsp:%lx cs:%lu ss:%lu address %lx error %lx\n",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "pagefault rip:%lx rsp:%lx cs:%lu ss:%lu address %lx error %lx\n",
+ regs->rip,regs->rsp,regs->cs,regs->ss,address,error_code);
+ tsk = current;
+@@ -281,8 +260,27 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
+ if (unlikely(in_atomic() || !mm))
+ goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
+- again:
+- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ /* When running in the kernel we expect faults to occur only to
++ * addresses in user space. All other faults represent errors in the
++ * kernel and should generate an OOPS. Unfortunatly, in the case of an
++ * erroneous fault occuring in a code path which already holds mmap_sem
++ * we will deadlock attempting to validate the fault against the
++ * address space. Luckily the kernel only validly references user
++ * space from well defined areas of code, which are listed in the
++ * exceptions table.
++ *
++ * As the vast majority of faults will be valid we will only perform
++ * the source reference check when there is a possibilty of a deadlock.
++ * Attempt to lock the address space, if we cannot we then validate the
++ * source. If this is invalid we can skip the address space check,
++ * thus avoiding the deadlock.
++ */
++ if (!down_read_trylock(&mm->mmap_sem)) {
++ if ((error_code & 4) == 0 &&
++ !search_exception_tables(regs->rip))
++ goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
++ down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ }
+ vma = find_vma(mm, address);
+ if (!vma)
+@@ -349,17 +347,6 @@ bad_area:
+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ bad_area_nosemaphore:
+- /* 32bit vsyscall. map on demand. */
+- if (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) &&
+- address >= 0xffffe000 && address < 0xffffe000 + PAGE_SIZE) {
+- if (map_syscall32(mm, address) < 0)
+- goto out_of_memory2;
+- return;
+- }
+ /* User mode accesses just cause a SIGSEGV */
+ if (error_code & 4) {
+ if (is_prefetch(regs, address))
+@@ -376,7 +363,7 @@ bad_area_nosemaphore:
+ return;
+ if (exception_trace && unhandled_signal(tsk, SIGSEGV)) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO
+ "%s[%d]: segfault at %016lx rip %016lx rsp %016lx error %lx\n",
+ tsk->comm, tsk->pid, address, regs->rip,
+ regs->rsp, error_code);
+@@ -440,14 +427,14 @@ no_context:
+ */
+ out_of_memory:
+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- if (current->pid == 1) {
+- yield();
+- goto again;
+- }
+- printk("VM: killing process %s\n", tsk->comm);
+- if (error_code & 4)
+- do_exit(SIGKILL);
++ if (error_code & 4) {
++ /*
++ * 0-order allocation always success if something really
++ * fatal not happen: beancounter overdraft or OOM. Den
++ */
++ force_sig(SIGKILL, tsk);
++ return;
++ }
+ goto no_context;
+ do_sigbus:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <linux/bootmem.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <asm/processor.h>
+ #include <asm/system.h>
+@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ void show_mem(void)
+ printk("%d pages swap cached\n",cached);
+ }
+ /* References to section boundaries */
+ extern char _text, _etext, _edata, __bss_start, _end[];
+@@ -578,9 +581,9 @@ static __init int x8664_sysctl_init(void
+ __initcall(x8664_sysctl_init);
+ #endif
+-/* Pseudo VMAs to allow ptrace access for the vsyscall pages. x86-64 has two
+- different ones: one for 32bit and one for 64bit. Use the appropiate
+- for the target task. */
++/* A pseudo VMAs to allow ptrace access for the vsyscall page. This only
++ covers the 64bit vsyscall page now. 32bit has a real VMA now and does
++ not need special handling anymore. */
+ static struct vm_area_struct gate_vma = {
+ .vm_start = VSYSCALL_START,
+@@ -588,19 +591,15 @@ static struct vm_area_struct gate_vma =
+ .vm_page_prot = PAGE_READONLY
+ };
+-static struct vm_area_struct gate32_vma = {
+- .vm_start = VSYSCALL32_BASE,
+- .vm_end = VSYSCALL32_END,
+- .vm_page_prot = PAGE_READONLY
+ struct vm_area_struct *get_gate_vma(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ {
+- return test_tsk_thread_flag(tsk, TIF_IA32) ? &gate32_vma : &gate_vma;
++ return test_tsk_thread_flag(tsk, TIF_IA32) ? NULL : &gate_vma;
+ }
+ int in_gate_area(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long addr)
+ {
+ struct vm_area_struct *vma = get_gate_vma(task);
++ if (!vma)
++ return 0;
+ return (addr >= vma->vm_start) && (addr < vma->vm_end);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ #include <asm/fixmap.h>
+ #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <asm/proto.h>
+ static inline void remap_area_pte(pte_t * pte, unsigned long address, unsigned long size,
+ unsigned long phys_addr, unsigned long flags)
+@@ -99,7 +99,31 @@ static int remap_area_pages(unsigned lon
+ }
+ /*
+- * Generic mapping function (not visible outside):
++ * Fix up the linear direct mapping of the kernel to avoid cache attribute
++ * conflicts.
++ */
++static int
++ioremap_change_attr(unsigned long phys_addr, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long flags)
++ int err = 0;
++ if (flags && phys_addr + size - 1 < (end_pfn_map << PAGE_SHIFT)) {
++ unsigned long npages = (size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ unsigned long vaddr = (unsigned long) __va(phys_addr);
++ /*
++ * Must use a address here and not struct page because the phys addr
++ * can be a in hole between nodes and not have an memmap entry.
++ */
++ err = change_page_attr_addr(vaddr,npages,__pgprot(__PAGE_KERNEL|flags));
++ if (!err)
++ global_flush_tlb();
++ }
++ return err;
++ * Generic mapping function
+ */
+ /*
+@@ -155,12 +179,17 @@ void * __ioremap(unsigned long phys_addr
+ /*
+ * Ok, go for it..
+ */
+- area = get_vm_area(size, VM_IOREMAP);
++ area = get_vm_area(size, VM_IOREMAP | (flags << 24));
+ if (!area)
+ return NULL;
+ area->phys_addr = phys_addr;
+ addr = area->addr;
+ if (remap_area_pages((unsigned long) addr, phys_addr, size, flags)) {
++ remove_vm_area((void *)(PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) addr));
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (ioremap_change_attr(phys_addr, size, flags) < 0) {
++ area->flags &= 0xffffff;
+ vunmap(addr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -191,43 +220,34 @@ void * __ioremap(unsigned long phys_addr
+ void *ioremap_nocache (unsigned long phys_addr, unsigned long size)
+ {
+- void *p = __ioremap(phys_addr, size, _PAGE_PCD);
+- if (!p)
+- return p;
+- if (phys_addr + size < virt_to_phys(high_memory)) {
+- struct page *ppage = virt_to_page(__va(phys_addr));
+- unsigned long npages = (size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+- BUG_ON(phys_addr+size > (unsigned long)high_memory);
+- BUG_ON(phys_addr + size < phys_addr);
+- if (change_page_attr(ppage, npages, PAGE_KERNEL_NOCACHE) < 0) {
+- iounmap(p);
+- p = NULL;
+- }
+- global_flush_tlb();
+- }
+- return p;
++ return __ioremap(phys_addr, size, _PAGE_PCD);
+ }
+ void iounmap(void *addr)
+ {
+- struct vm_struct *p;
++ struct vm_struct *p, **pprev;
+ if (addr <= high_memory)
+ return;
+- p = remove_vm_area((void *)(PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) addr));
++ write_lock(&vmlist_lock);
++ for (p = vmlist, pprev = &vmlist; p != NULL; pprev = &p->next, p = *pprev)
++ if (p->addr == (void *)(PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long)addr))
++ break;
+ if (!p) {
+ printk("__iounmap: bad address %p\n", addr);
+- return;
+- }
+- if (p->flags && p->phys_addr < virt_to_phys(high_memory)) {
+- change_page_attr(virt_to_page(__va(p->phys_addr)),
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ *pprev = p->next;
++ unmap_vm_area(p);
++ if ((p->flags >> 24) &&
++ p->phys_addr + p->size - 1 < virt_to_phys(high_memory)) {
++ change_page_attr_addr((unsigned long)__va(p->phys_addr),
+ p->size >> PAGE_SHIFT,
+ global_flush_tlb();
+ }
++ write_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
+ kfree(p);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -111,13 +111,12 @@ static void revert_page(unsigned long ad
+ }
+ static int
+-__change_page_attr(unsigned long address, struct page *page, pgprot_t prot,
+- pgprot_t ref_prot)
++__change_page_attr(unsigned long address, unsigned long pfn, pgprot_t prot,
++ pgprot_t ref_prot)
+ {
+ pte_t *kpte;
+ struct page *kpte_page;
+ unsigned kpte_flags;
+ kpte = lookup_address(address);
+ if (!kpte) return 0;
+ kpte_page = virt_to_page(((unsigned long)kpte) & PAGE_MASK);
+@@ -125,20 +124,20 @@ __change_page_attr(unsigned long address
+ if (pgprot_val(prot) != pgprot_val(ref_prot)) {
+ if ((kpte_flags & _PAGE_PSE) == 0) {
+ pte_t old = *kpte;
+- pte_t standard = mk_pte(page, ref_prot);
++ pte_t standard = pfn_pte(pfn, ref_prot);
+- set_pte(kpte, mk_pte(page, prot));
++ set_pte(kpte, pfn_pte(pfn, prot));
+ if (pte_same(old,standard))
+ get_page(kpte_page);
+ } else {
+ struct page *split = split_large_page(address, prot, ref_prot);
+ if (!split)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- get_page(kpte_page);
++ get_page(split);
+ set_pte(kpte,mk_pte(split, ref_prot));
+ }
+ } else if ((kpte_flags & _PAGE_PSE) == 0) {
+- set_pte(kpte, mk_pte(page, ref_prot));
++ set_pte(kpte, pfn_pte(pfn, ref_prot));
+ __put_page(kpte_page);
+ }
+@@ -162,31 +161,38 @@ __change_page_attr(unsigned long address
+ *
+ * Caller must call global_flush_tlb() after this.
+ */
+-int change_page_attr(struct page *page, int numpages, pgprot_t prot)
++int change_page_attr_addr(unsigned long address, int numpages, pgprot_t prot)
+ {
+ int err = 0;
+ int i;
+ down_write(&init_mm.mmap_sem);
+- for (i = 0; i < numpages; !err && i++, page++) {
+- unsigned long address = (unsigned long)page_address(page);
+- err = __change_page_attr(address, page, prot, PAGE_KERNEL);
++ for (i = 0; i < numpages; i++, address += PAGE_SIZE) {
++ unsigned long pfn = __pa(address) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ err = __change_page_attr(address, pfn, prot, PAGE_KERNEL);
+ if (err)
+ break;
+ /* Handle kernel mapping too which aliases part of the
+ * lowmem */
+ /* Disabled right now. Fixme */
+- if (0 && page_to_phys(page) < KERNEL_TEXT_SIZE) {
++ if (0 && __pa(address) < KERNEL_TEXT_SIZE) {
+ unsigned long addr2;
+- addr2 = __START_KERNEL_map + page_to_phys(page);
+- err = __change_page_attr(addr2, page, prot,
++ addr2 = __START_KERNEL_map + __pa(address);
++ err = __change_page_attr(addr2, pfn, prot, PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC);
+ }
+ }
+ up_write(&init_mm.mmap_sem);
+ return err;
+ }
++/* Don't call this for MMIO areas that may not have a mem_map entry */
++int change_page_attr(struct page *page, int numpages, pgprot_t prot)
++ unsigned long addr = (unsigned long)page_address(page);
++ return change_page_attr_addr(addr, numpages, prot);
+ void global_flush_tlb(void)
+ {
+ struct deferred_page *df, *next_df;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ static struct kobj_type ktype_class = {
+ /* Hotplug events for classes go to the class_obj subsys */
+ static decl_subsys(class, &ktype_class, NULL);
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define visible_class_subsys class_subsys
++#define visible_class_subsys (*get_exec_env()->class_subsys)
+ int class_create_file(struct class * cls, const struct class_attribute * attr)
+ {
+@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ int class_register(struct class * cls)
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+- subsys_set_kset(cls, class_subsys);
++ subsys_set_kset(cls, visible_class_subsys);
+ error = subsystem_register(&cls->subsys);
+ if (!error) {
+@@ -306,6 +311,11 @@ static struct kset_hotplug_ops class_hot
+ static decl_subsys(class_obj, &ktype_class_device, &class_hotplug_ops);
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define visible_class_obj_subsys class_obj_subsys
++#define visible_class_obj_subsys (*get_exec_env()->class_obj_subsys)
+ static int class_device_add_attrs(struct class_device * cd)
+ {
+@@ -342,7 +352,7 @@ static void class_device_remove_attrs(st
+ void class_device_initialize(struct class_device *class_dev)
+ {
+- kobj_set_kset_s(class_dev, class_obj_subsys);
++ kobj_set_kset_s(class_dev, visible_class_obj_subsys);
+ kobject_init(&class_dev->kobj);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&class_dev->node);
+ }
+@@ -505,12 +515,19 @@ void class_interface_unregister(struct c
+ class_put(parent);
+ }
++void prepare_sysfs_classes(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->class_subsys = &class_subsys;
++ get_ve0()->class_obj_subsys = &class_obj_subsys;
+ int __init classes_init(void)
+ {
+ int retval;
++ prepare_sysfs_classes();
+ retval = subsystem_register(&class_subsys);
+ if (retval)
+ return retval;
+@@ -542,3 +559,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(class_device_remove_file);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(class_interface_register);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(class_interface_unregister);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -3774,7 +3774,7 @@ static int floppy_open(struct inode *ino
+ * Needed so that programs such as fdrawcmd still can work on write
+ * protected disks */
+ if (filp->f_mode & 2
+- || permission(filp->f_dentry->d_inode, 2, NULL) == 0)
++ || permission(filp->f_dentry->d_inode, 2, NULL, NULL) == 0)
+ filp->private_data = (void *)8;
+ if (UFDCS->rawcmd == 1)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #define MAX_PROBE_HASH 255 /* random */
+ static struct subsystem block_subsys;
++struct subsystem *get_block_subsys(void) {return &block_subsys;}
+ /*
+ * Can be deleted altogether. Later.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -219,3 +219,5 @@ int blkdev_ioctl(struct inode *inode, st
+ }
+ return -ENOTTY;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:19.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__blk_attempt_remerge);
+ static int __make_request(request_queue_t *q, struct bio *bio)
+ {
+ struct request *req, *freereq = NULL;
+- int el_ret, rw, nr_sectors, cur_nr_sectors, barrier, ra;
++ int el_ret, rw, nr_sectors, cur_nr_sectors, barrier, ra, sync;
+ sector_t sector;
+ sector = bio->bi_sector;
+@@ -2238,6 +2238,7 @@ again:
+ drive_stat_acct(req, nr_sectors, 0);
+ if (!attempt_back_merge(q, req))
+ elv_merged_request(q, req);
++ sync = bio_sync(bio);
+ goto out;
+@@ -2264,6 +2265,7 @@ again:
+ drive_stat_acct(req, nr_sectors, 0);
+ if (!attempt_front_merge(q, req))
+ elv_merged_request(q, req);
++ sync = bio_sync(bio);
+ goto out;
+ /*
+@@ -2329,11 +2331,12 @@ get_rq:
+ req->rq_disk = bio->bi_bdev->bd_disk;
+ req->start_time = jiffies;
++ sync = bio_sync(bio);
+ add_request(q, req);
+ out:
+ if (freereq)
+ __blk_put_request(q, freereq);
+- if (bio_sync(bio))
++ if (sync)
+ __generic_unplug_device(q);
+ spin_unlock_irq(q->queue_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -304,7 +304,8 @@ static int sg_scsi_ioctl(struct file *fi
+ struct gendisk *bd_disk, Scsi_Ioctl_Command __user *sic)
+ {
+ struct request *rq;
+- int err, in_len, out_len, bytes, opcode, cmdlen;
++ int err;
++ unsigned int in_len, out_len, bytes, opcode, cmdlen;
+ char *buffer = NULL, sense[SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE];
+ /*
+@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ static int sg_scsi_ioctl(struct file *fi
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (in_len > PAGE_SIZE || out_len > PAGE_SIZE)
+ return -EINVAL;
+- if (get_user(opcode, sic->data))
++ if (get_user(opcode, (int *)sic->data))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ bytes = max(in_len, out_len);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ void kbd_keycode(unsigned int keycode, i
+ sysrq_down = down;
+ return;
+ }
+- if (sysrq_down && down && !rep) {
++ if ((sysrq_down || sysrq_eat_all()) && down && !rep) {
+ handle_sysrq(kbd_sysrq_xlate[keycode], regs, tty);
+ return;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -946,13 +946,13 @@ static inline int copy_from_read_buf(str
+ {
+ int retval;
+- ssize_t n;
++ size_t n;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ retval = 0;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&tty->read_lock, flags);
+ n = min(tty->read_cnt, N_TTY_BUF_SIZE - tty->read_tail);
+- n = min((ssize_t)*nr, n);
++ n = min(*nr, n);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tty->read_lock, flags);
+ if (n) {
+ mb();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -32,22 +32,48 @@
+ #include <asm/bitops.h>
+ #include <linux/devpts_fs.h>
++#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
+ #if defined(CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS) || defined(CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS)
+ static struct tty_driver *pty_driver, *pty_slave_driver;
++struct tty_driver *get_pty_driver(void) {return pty_driver;}
++struct tty_driver *get_pty_slave_driver(void) {return pty_slave_driver;}
+ #endif
+ /* These are global because they are accessed in tty_io.c */
+ struct tty_driver *ptm_driver;
+ struct tty_driver *pts_driver;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define ve_ptm_driver (get_exec_env()->ptm_driver)
++#define ve_ptm_driver ptm_driver
++void prepare_pty(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->ptm_driver = ptm_driver;
++ /* don't clean ptm_driver and co. here, they are used in vecalls.c */
+ #endif
+ static void pty_close(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp)
+ {
+ if (!tty)
+ return;
++ ub_pty_uncharge(tty);
+ if (tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER) {
+ if (tty->count > 1)
+ printk("master pty_close: count = %d!!\n", tty->count);
+@@ -61,14 +87,18 @@ static void pty_close(struct tty_struct
+ if (!tty->link)
+ return;
+ tty->link->packet = 0;
++ set_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->link->flags);
+ wake_up_interruptible(&tty->link->read_wait);
+ wake_up_interruptible(&tty->link->write_wait);
+- set_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->link->flags);
+ if (tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER) {
+ set_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->flags);
+- if (tty->driver == ptm_driver)
++ if (tty->driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
++ old_env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_TTY(tty));
+ devpts_pty_kill(tty->index);
++ set_exec_env(old_env);
++ }
+ #endif
+ tty_vhangup(tty->link);
+ }
+@@ -288,6 +318,8 @@ static int pty_open(struct tty_struct *t
+ if (!tty || !tty->link)
+ goto out;
++ if (ub_pty_charge(tty))
++ goto out;
+ retval = -EIO;
+ if (test_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->flags))
+@@ -455,6 +487,7 @@ static int __init pty_init(void)
+ panic("Couldn't register Unix98 pts driver");
+ pty_table[1].data = &ptm_driver->refcount;
++ prepare_pty();
+ #endif /* CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS */
+ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@ static int poolsize_strategy(ctl_table *
+ void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
+ void __user *newval, size_t newlen, void **context)
+ {
+- int len;
++ unsigned int len;
+ sysctl_poolsize = random_state->poolinfo.POOLBYTES;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ raw_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct fi
+ {
+ struct block_device *bdev = filp->private_data;
+- return ioctl_by_bdev(bdev, command, arg);
++ return blkdev_ioctl(bdev->bd_inode, filp, command, arg);
+ }
+ static void bind_device(struct raw_config_request *rq)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@
+ #include <linux/suspend.h>
+ #include <linux/writeback.h>
+ #include <linux/buffer_head.h> /* for fsync_bdev() */
++#include <linux/kallsyms.h>
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #include <asm/ptrace.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ extern void reset_vc(unsigned int);
+@@ -131,6 +133,296 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_mountro
+ .action_msg = "Emergency Remount R/O",
+ };
++ * Alt-SysRq debugger
++ * Implemented functions:
++ * dumping memory
++ * resolvind symbols
++ * writing memory
++ * quitting :)
++ */
++/* Memory accessing routines */
++#define DUMP_LINES 22
++unsigned long *dumpmem_addr;
++static void dump_mem(void)
++ unsigned long value[4];
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ int line, err;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = 0;
++ for (line = 0; line < DUMP_LINES; line++) {
++ err |= __get_user(value[0], dumpmem_addr++);
++ err |= __get_user(value[1], dumpmem_addr++);
++ err |= __get_user(value[2], dumpmem_addr++);
++ err |= __get_user(value[3], dumpmem_addr++);
++ if (err) {
++ printk("Invalid address 0x%p\n", dumpmem_addr - 4);
++ break;
++ }
++ printk("0x%p: %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx\n", dumpmem_addr - 4,
++ value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]);
++ }
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++static unsigned long *writemem_addr;
++static void write_mem(unsigned long val)
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ unsigned long old_val;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ if (__get_user(old_val, writemem_addr))
++ goto err;
++ printk("Changing [0x%p] %08lX to %08lX\n", writemem_addr, old_val, val);
++ __put_user(val, writemem_addr);
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++/* reading user input */
++#define NAME_LEN (64)
++static struct {
++ unsigned long hex;
++ char name[NAME_LEN + 1];
++ void (*entered)(void);
++} debug_input;
++static void debug_read_hex(int key)
++ static int entered = 0;
++ int val;
++ if (key >= '0' && key <= '9')
++ val = key - '0';
++ else if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'f')
++ val = key - 'a' + 0xa;
++ else
++ return;
++ entered++;
++ debug_input.hex = (debug_input.hex << 4) + val;
++ printk("%c", key);
++ if (entered != sizeof(unsigned long) * 2)
++ return;
++ printk("\n");
++ entered = 0;
++ debug_input.entered();
++static void debug_read_string(int key)
++ static int pos;
++ static int shift;
++ if (key == 0) {
++ /* actually key == 0 not only for shift */
++ shift = 1;
++ return;
++ }
++ if (key == 0x0d) /* enter */
++ goto finish;
++ if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') {
++ if (shift)
++ key = key - 'a' + 'A';
++ goto correct;
++ }
++ if (key == '-') {
++ if (shift)
++ key = '_';
++ goto correct;
++ }
++ if (key >= '0' && key <= '9')
++ goto correct;
++ return;
++[pos] = key;
++ pos++;
++ shift = 0;
++ printk("%c", key);
++ if (pos != NAME_LEN)
++ return;
++ printk("\n");
++ pos = 0;
++ shift = 0;
++ debug_input.entered();
++ memset(, 0, NAME_LEN);
++static int sysrq_debug_mode;
++#define DEBUG_READ_INPUT 2
++static struct sysrq_key_op *debug_sysrq_key_table[];
++static void (*handle_debug_input)(int key);
++static void swap_opts(struct sysrq_key_op **);
++#define PROMPT "> "
++int sysrq_eat_all(void)
++ return sysrq_debug_mode;
++static inline void debug_switch_read_input(void (*fn_read)(int),
++ void (*fn_fini)(void))
++ WARN_ON(fn_read == NULL || fn_fini == NULL);
++ debug_input.entered = fn_fini;
++ handle_debug_input = fn_read;
++ sysrq_debug_mode = DEBUG_READ_INPUT;
++static inline void debug_switch_select_action(void)
++ sysrq_debug_mode = DEBUG_SELECT_ACTION;
++ handle_debug_input = NULL;
++ printk(PROMPT);
++/* handle key press in debug mode */
++static void __handle_debug(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ if (sysrq_debug_mode == DEBUG_SELECT_ACTION) {
++ __handle_sysrq(key, pt_regs, tty);
++ if (sysrq_debug_mode)
++ printk(PROMPT);
++ } else {
++ __sysrq_lock_table();
++ handle_debug_input(key);
++ __sysrq_unlock_table();
++ }
++/* dump memory */
++static void debug_dumpmem_addr_entered(void)
++ dumpmem_addr = (unsigned long *)debug_input.hex;
++ dump_mem();
++ debug_switch_select_action();
++static void sysrq_handle_dumpmem(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_hex, debug_dumpmem_addr_entered);
++static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_dumpmem = {
++ .handler = sysrq_handle_dumpmem,
++ .help_msg = "Dump memory\n",
++ .action_msg = "Enter address",
++static void sysrq_handle_dumpnext(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ dump_mem();
++static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_dumpnext = {
++ .handler = sysrq_handle_dumpnext,
++ .help_msg = "dump neXt\n",
++ .action_msg = "",
++/* resolve symbol */
++static void debug_resolve_name_entered(void)
++ unsigned long sym_addr;
++ sym_addr = kallsyms_lookup_name(;
++ printk("%s: %08lX\n",, sym_addr);
++ if (sym_addr) {
++ printk("Now you can dump it via X\n");
++ dumpmem_addr = (unsigned long *)sym_addr;
++ }
++ debug_switch_select_action();
++static void sysrq_handle_resolve(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_string, debug_resolve_name_entered);
++static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_resove = {
++ .handler = sysrq_handle_resolve,
++ .help_msg = "Resolve symbol\n",
++ .action_msg = "Enter symbol name",
++/* write memory */
++static void debug_writemem_val_entered(void)
++ write_mem(debug_input.hex);
++ debug_switch_select_action();
++static void debug_writemem_addr_entered(void)
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ unsigned long val;
++ writemem_addr = (unsigned long *)debug_input.hex;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ if (!__get_user(val, writemem_addr))
++ printk(" [0x%p] = %08lX\n", writemem_addr, val);
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_hex, debug_writemem_val_entered);
++static void sysrq_handle_writemem(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_hex, debug_writemem_addr_entered);
++static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_writemem = {
++ .handler = sysrq_handle_writemem,
++ .help_msg = "Write memory\n",
++ .action_msg = "Enter address and then value",
++/* switch to debug mode */
++static void sysrq_handle_debug(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ swap_opts(debug_sysrq_key_table);
++ printk("Welcome sysrq debugging mode\n"
++ "Press H for help\n");
++ debug_switch_select_action();
++static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_enter = {
++ .handler = sysrq_handle_debug,
++ .help_msg = "start Degugging",
++ .action_msg = "Select desired action",
++/* quit debug mode */
++static void sysrq_handle_quit(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ swap_opts(NULL);
++ sysrq_debug_mode = 0;
++static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_quit = {
++ .handler = sysrq_handle_quit,
++ .help_msg = "Quit debug mode\n",
++ .action_msg = "Thank you for using debugger",
+@@ -139,8 +431,13 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_mountro
+ static void sysrq_handle_showregs(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
+ struct tty_struct *tty)
+ {
++ bust_spinlocks(1);
+ if (pt_regs)
+ show_regs(pt_regs);
++ bust_spinlocks(0);
++#ifdef __i386__
++ smp_nmi_call_function(smp_show_regs, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_showregs_op = {
+ .handler = sysrq_handle_showregs,
+@@ -183,7 +480,7 @@ static void send_sig_all(int sig)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- for_each_process(p) {
++ for_each_process_all(p) {
+ if (p->mm && p->pid != 1)
+ /* Not swapper, init nor kernel thread */
+ force_sig(sig, p);
+@@ -214,13 +511,26 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_kill_op
+ .action_msg = "Kill All Tasks",
+ };
++static void sysrq_handle_vschedstate(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
++ struct tty_struct *tty)
++ show_vsched();
++static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_vschedstate_op = {
++ .handler = sysrq_handle_vschedstate,
++ .help_msg = "showvsChed",
++ .action_msg = "Show Vsched",
+ /* Key Operations table and lock */
+ static spinlock_t sysrq_key_table_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+-static struct sysrq_key_op *sysrq_key_table[SYSRQ_KEY_TABLE_LENGTH] = {
++static struct sysrq_key_op *def_sysrq_key_table[SYSRQ_KEY_TABLE_LENGTH] = {
+ /* 0 */ &sysrq_loglevel_op,
+ /* 1 */ &sysrq_loglevel_op,
+ /* 2 */ &sysrq_loglevel_op,
+@@ -235,8 +545,16 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op *sysrq_key_ta
+ it is handled specially on the sparc
+ and will never arrive */
+ /* b */ &sysrq_reboot_op,
++/* c */ &sysrq_vschedstate_op,
+ /* c */ NULL,
++/* d */ &sysrq_debug_enter,
+ /* d */ NULL,
+ /* e */ &sysrq_term_op,
+ /* f */ NULL,
+ /* g */ NULL,
+@@ -270,6 +588,29 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op *sysrq_key_ta
+ /* z */ NULL
+ };
++static struct sysrq_key_op *debug_sysrq_key_table[SYSRQ_KEY_TABLE_LENGTH] = {
++ [13] = &sysrq_debug_dumpmem, /* d */
++ [26] = &sysrq_debug_quit, /* q */
++ [27] = &sysrq_debug_resove, /* r */
++ [32] = &sysrq_debug_writemem, /* w */
++ [33] = &sysrq_debug_dumpnext, /* x */
++static struct sysrq_key_op **sysrq_key_table = def_sysrq_key_table;
++/* call swap_opts(NULL) to restore opts to defaults */
++static void swap_opts(struct sysrq_key_op **swap_to)
++ if (swap_to)
++ sysrq_key_table = swap_to;
++ else
++ sysrq_key_table = def_sysrq_key_table;
++#define sysrq_key_table def_sysrq_key_table
+ /* key2index calculation, -1 on invalid index */
+ static int sysrq_key_table_key2index(int key) {
+ int retval;
+@@ -358,6 +699,12 @@ void handle_sysrq(int key, struct pt_reg
+ {
+ if (!sysrq_enabled)
+ return;
++ if (sysrq_debug_mode) {
++ __handle_debug(key, pt_regs, tty);
++ return;
++ }
+ __handle_sysrq(key, pt_regs, tty);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/poll.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
+ #include <linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/kmod.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+@@ -120,7 +122,12 @@ struct termios tty_std_termios = { /* fo
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tty_std_termios);
++/* this lock protects tty_drivers list, this pretty guys do no locking */
++rwlock_t tty_driver_guard = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ LIST_HEAD(tty_drivers); /* linked list of tty drivers */
+ struct tty_ldisc ldiscs[NR_LDISCS]; /* line disc dispatch table */
+ /* Semaphore to protect creating and releasing a tty */
+@@ -130,6 +137,13 @@ DECLARE_MUTEX(tty_sem);
+ extern struct tty_driver *ptm_driver; /* Unix98 pty masters; for /dev/ptmx */
+ extern int pty_limit; /* Config limit on Unix98 ptys */
+ static DEFINE_IDR(allocated_ptys);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define ve_allocated_ptys (*(get_exec_env()->allocated_ptys))
++#define ve_ptm_driver (get_exec_env()->ptm_driver)
++#define ve_allocated_ptys allocated_ptys
++#define ve_ptm_driver ptm_driver
+ static DECLARE_MUTEX(allocated_ptys_lock);
+ #endif
+@@ -150,11 +164,25 @@ extern void rs_360_init(void);
+ static void release_mem(struct tty_struct *tty, int idx);
++DCL_VE_OWNER(TTYDRV, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_driver, owner_env, , ())
++DCL_VE_OWNER(TTY, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_struct, owner_env, , ())
++void prepare_tty(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->allocated_ptys = &allocated_ptys;
++ /*
++ * in this case, tty_register_driver() setups
++ * owner_env correctly right from the bootup
++ */
+ static struct tty_struct *alloc_tty_struct(void)
+ {
+ struct tty_struct *tty;
+- tty = kmalloc(sizeof(struct tty_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
++ tty = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct tty_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (tty)
+ memset(tty, 0, sizeof(struct tty_struct));
+ return tty;
+@@ -307,14 +335,37 @@ struct tty_driver *get_tty_driver(dev_t
+ {
+ struct tty_driver *p;
++ read_lock(&tty_driver_guard);
+ list_for_each_entry(p, &tty_drivers, tty_drivers) {
+ dev_t base = MKDEV(p->major, p->minor_start);
+ if (device < base || device >= base + p->num)
+ continue;
+ *index = device - base;
+- return p;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (in_interrupt())
++ goto found;
++ if (p->major!=PTY_MASTER_MAJOR && p->major!=PTY_SLAVE_MAJOR
++ && (p->major<UNIX98_PTY_MASTER_MAJOR ||
++ (p->major<UNIX98_PTY_SLAVE_MAJOR ||
++ ) goto found;
++ if (ve_is_super(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(p)) &&
++ ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ goto found;
++ if (!ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(p), get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
++ goto found;
+ }
++ read_unlock(&tty_driver_guard);
+ return NULL;
++ read_unlock(&tty_driver_guard);
++ return p;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -410,7 +461,6 @@ void do_tty_hangup(void *data)
+ struct file * cons_filp = NULL;
+ struct file *filp, *f = NULL;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ int closecount = 0, n;
+ if (!tty)
+@@ -481,8 +531,7 @@ void do_tty_hangup(void *data)
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ if (tty->session > 0) {
+- struct list_head *l;
+- for_each_task_pid(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid) {
++ do_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
+ if (p->signal->tty == tty)
+ p->signal->tty = NULL;
+ if (!p->signal->leader)
+@@ -491,7 +540,7 @@ void do_tty_hangup(void *data)
+ send_group_sig_info(SIGCONT, SEND_SIG_PRIV, p);
+ if (tty->pgrp > 0)
+ p->signal->tty_old_pgrp = tty->pgrp;
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
+ }
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -563,15 +612,15 @@ void disassociate_ctty(int on_exit)
+ {
+ struct tty_struct *tty;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ int tty_pgrp = -1;
+ lock_kernel();
++ down(&tty_sem);
+ tty = current->signal->tty;
+ if (tty) {
+ tty_pgrp = tty->pgrp;
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ if (on_exit && tty->driver->type != TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_PTY)
+ tty_vhangup(tty);
+ } else {
+@@ -579,6 +628,7 @@ void disassociate_ctty(int on_exit)
+ kill_pg(current->signal->tty_old_pgrp, SIGHUP, on_exit);
+ kill_pg(current->signal->tty_old_pgrp, SIGCONT, on_exit);
+ }
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ unlock_kernel();
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -588,14 +638,19 @@ void disassociate_ctty(int on_exit)
+ kill_pg(tty_pgrp, SIGCONT, on_exit);
+ }
++ /* Must lock changes to tty_old_pgrp */
++ down(&tty_sem);
+ current->signal->tty_old_pgrp = 0;
+ tty->session = 0;
+ tty->pgrp = -1;
++ /* Now clear signal->tty under the lock */
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_task_pid(current->signal->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid)
++ do_each_task_pid_all(current->signal->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
+ p->signal->tty = NULL;
++ } while_each_task_pid_all(current->signal->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ unlock_kernel();
+ }
+@@ -760,27 +815,28 @@ static inline void tty_line_name(struct
+ * really quite straightforward. The semaphore locking can probably be
+ * relaxed for the (most common) case of reopening a tty.
+ */
+-static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *driver, int idx,
+- struct tty_struct **ret_tty)
++static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *driver, int idx,
++ struct tty_struct *i_tty, struct tty_struct **ret_tty)
+ {
+ struct tty_struct *tty, *o_tty;
+ struct termios *tp, **tp_loc, *o_tp, **o_tp_loc;
+ struct termios *ltp, **ltp_loc, *o_ltp, **o_ltp_loc;
++ struct ve_struct * owner;
+ int retval=0;
+- /*
+- * Check whether we need to acquire the tty semaphore to avoid
+- * race conditions. For now, play it safe.
+- */
+- down(&tty_sem);
++ owner = VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(driver);
+- /* check whether we're reopening an existing tty */
+- if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
+- tty = devpts_get_tty(idx);
+- if (tty && driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER)
+- tty = tty->link;
+- } else {
+- tty = driver->ttys[idx];
++ if (i_tty)
++ tty = i_tty;
++ else {
++ /* check whether we're reopening an existing tty */
++ if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
++ tty = devpts_get_tty(idx);
++ if (tty && driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER)
++ tty = tty->link;
++ } else {
++ tty = driver->ttys[idx];
++ }
+ }
+ if (tty) goto fast_track;
+@@ -808,6 +864,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ tty->driver = driver;
+ tty->index = idx;
+ tty_line_name(driver, idx, tty->name);
++ SET_VE_OWNER_TTY(tty, owner);
+ if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
+ tp_loc = &tty->termios;
+@@ -818,7 +875,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ }
+ if (!*tp_loc) {
+- tp = (struct termios *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
++ tp = (struct termios *) ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
+ if (!tp)
+ goto free_mem_out;
+@@ -826,7 +883,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ }
+ if (!*ltp_loc) {
+- ltp = (struct termios *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
++ ltp = (struct termios *) ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
+ if (!ltp)
+ goto free_mem_out;
+@@ -841,6 +898,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ o_tty->driver = driver->other;
+ o_tty->index = idx;
+ tty_line_name(driver->other, idx, o_tty->name);
++ SET_VE_OWNER_TTY(o_tty, owner);
+ if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
+ o_tp_loc = &o_tty->termios;
+@@ -852,7 +910,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ if (!*o_tp_loc) {
+ o_tp = (struct termios *)
+- kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
++ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!o_tp)
+ goto free_mem_out;
+ *o_tp = driver->other->init_termios;
+@@ -860,7 +918,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ if (!*o_ltp_loc) {
+ o_ltp = (struct termios *)
+- kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
++ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!o_ltp)
+ goto free_mem_out;
+ memset(o_ltp, 0, sizeof(struct termios));
+@@ -878,6 +936,10 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ *o_ltp_loc = o_ltp;
+ o_tty->termios = *o_tp_loc;
+ o_tty->termios_locked = *o_ltp_loc;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (driver->other->refcount == 0)
++ (void)get_ve(owner);
+ driver->other->refcount++;
+ if (driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER)
+ o_tty->count++;
+@@ -902,6 +964,10 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
+ *ltp_loc = ltp;
+ tty->termios = *tp_loc;
+ tty->termios_locked = *ltp_loc;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (driver->refcount == 0)
++ (void)get_ve(owner);
+ driver->refcount++;
+ tty->count++;
+@@ -956,7 +1022,6 @@ success:
+ /* All paths come through here to release the semaphore */
+ end_init:
+- up(&tty_sem);
+ return retval;
+ /* Release locally allocated memory ... nothing placed in slots */
+@@ -1010,6 +1075,10 @@ static void release_mem(struct tty_struc
+ }
+ o_tty->magic = 0;
+ o_tty->driver->refcount--;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (o_tty->driver->refcount == 0)
++ put_ve(VE_OWNER_TTY(o_tty));
+ file_list_lock();
+ list_del_init(&o_tty->tty_files);
+ file_list_unlock();
+@@ -1032,6 +1101,10 @@ static void release_mem(struct tty_struc
+ tty->magic = 0;
+ tty->driver->refcount--;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (tty->driver->refcount == 0)
++ put_ve(VE_OWNER_TTY(tty));
+ file_list_lock();
+ list_del_init(&tty->tty_files);
+ file_list_unlock();
+@@ -1054,6 +1127,9 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ int devpts_master, devpts;
+ int idx;
+ char buf[64];
++ struct idr *idr_alloced;
+ tty = (struct tty_struct *)filp->private_data;
+ if (tty_paranoia_check(tty, filp->f_dentry->d_inode, "release_dev"))
+@@ -1069,6 +1145,9 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ devpts = (tty->driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) != 0;
+ devpts_master = pty_master && devpts;
+ o_tty = tty->link;
++ idr_alloced = tty->owner_env->allocated_ptys;
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= tty->driver->num) {
+@@ -1152,9 +1231,14 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ * each iteration we avoid any problems.
+ */
+ while (1) {
++ /* Guard against races with tty->count changes elsewhere and
++ opens on /dev/tty */
++ down(&tty_sem);
+ tty_closing = tty->count <= 1;
+ o_tty_closing = o_tty &&
+ (o_tty->count <= (pty_master ? 1 : 0));
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ do_sleep = 0;
+ if (tty_closing) {
+@@ -1190,6 +1274,8 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ * both sides, and we've completed the last operation that could
+ * block, so it's safe to proceed with closing.
+ */
++ down(&tty_sem);
+ if (pty_master) {
+ if (--o_tty->count < 0) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "release_dev: bad pty slave count "
+@@ -1203,7 +1289,8 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ tty->count, tty_name(tty, buf));
+ tty->count = 0;
+ }
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ /*
+ * We've decremented tty->count, so we need to remove this file
+ * descriptor off the tty->tty_files list; this serves two
+@@ -1235,15 +1322,15 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ */
+ if (tty_closing || o_tty_closing) {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_task_pid(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid)
++ do_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
+ p->signal->tty = NULL;
++ } while_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
+ if (o_tty)
+- for_each_task_pid(o_tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p,l, pid)
++ do_each_task_pid_all(o_tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
+ p->signal->tty = NULL;
++ } while_each_task_pid_all(o_tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
+@@ -1294,7 +1381,7 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ /* Make this pty number available for reallocation */
+ if (devpts) {
+ down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, idx);
++ idr_remove(idr_alloced, idx);
+ up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -1315,7 +1402,7 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
+ */
+ static int tty_open(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp)
+ {
+- struct tty_struct *tty;
++ struct tty_struct *tty, *c_tty;
+ int noctty, retval;
+ struct tty_driver *driver;
+ int index;
+@@ -1327,12 +1414,18 @@ retry_open:
+ noctty = filp->f_flags & O_NOCTTY;
+ index = -1;
+ retval = 0;
++ c_tty = NULL;
++ down(&tty_sem);
+ if (device == MKDEV(TTYAUX_MAJOR,0)) {
+- if (!current->signal->tty)
++ if (!current->signal->tty) {
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ return -ENXIO;
++ }
+ driver = current->signal->tty->driver;
+ index = current->signal->tty->index;
++ c_tty = current->signal->tty;
+ filp->f_flags |= O_NONBLOCK; /* Don't let /dev/tty block */
+ /* noctty = 1; */
+ goto got_driver;
+@@ -1341,6 +1434,12 @@ retry_open:
+ if (device == MKDEV(TTY_MAJOR,0)) {
+ extern int fg_console;
+ extern struct tty_driver *console_driver;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ up(&tty_sem);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
+ driver = console_driver;
+ index = fg_console;
+ noctty = 1;
+@@ -1348,6 +1447,12 @@ retry_open:
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (device == MKDEV(TTYAUX_MAJOR,1)) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ up(&tty_sem);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
+ driver = console_device(&index);
+ if (driver) {
+ /* Don't let /dev/console block */
+@@ -1355,6 +1460,7 @@ retry_open:
+ noctty = 1;
+ goto got_driver;
+ }
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+@@ -1364,29 +1470,33 @@ retry_open:
+ /* find a device that is not in use. */
+ down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+- if (!idr_pre_get(&allocated_ptys, GFP_KERNEL)) {
++ if (!idr_pre_get(&ve_allocated_ptys, GFP_KERNEL)) {
+ up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+- idr_ret = idr_get_new(&allocated_ptys, NULL, &index);
++ idr_ret = idr_get_new(&ve_allocated_ptys, NULL, &index);
+ if (idr_ret < 0) {
+ up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ if (idr_ret == -EAGAIN)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ if (index >= pty_limit) {
+- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, index);
++ idr_remove(&ve_allocated_ptys, index);
+ up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+- driver = ptm_driver;
+- retval = init_dev(driver, index, &tty);
++ driver = ve_ptm_driver;
++ retval = init_dev(driver, index, NULL, &tty);
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ if (retval) {
+ down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, index);
++ idr_remove(&ve_allocated_ptys, index);
+ up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+ return retval;
+ }
+@@ -1398,10 +1508,13 @@ retry_open:
+ #endif
+ {
+ driver = get_tty_driver(device, &index);
+- if (!driver)
++ if (!driver) {
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ return -ENODEV;
++ }
+ got_driver:
+- retval = init_dev(driver, index, &tty);
++ retval = init_dev(driver, index, c_tty, &tty);
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ if (retval)
+ return retval;
+ }
+@@ -1435,7 +1548,7 @@ got_driver:
+ if (index != -1) {
+ down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, index);
++ idr_remove(&ve_allocated_ptys, index);
+ up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -1566,10 +1679,12 @@ static int tiocswinsz(struct tty_struct
+ static int tioccons(struct file *file)
+ {
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ return -EPERM;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EACCES;
+ if (file->f_op->write == redirected_tty_write) {
+ struct file *f;
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+- return -EPERM;
+ spin_lock(&redirect_lock);
+ f = redirect;
+ redirect = NULL;
+@@ -1606,8 +1721,6 @@ static int fionbio(struct file *file, in
+ static int tiocsctty(struct tty_struct *tty, int arg)
+ {
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ task_t *p;
+ if (current->signal->leader &&
+@@ -1630,8 +1743,9 @@ static int tiocsctty(struct tty_struct *
+ */
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_task_pid(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid)
++ do_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
+ p->signal->tty = NULL;
++ } while_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ } else
+ return -EPERM;
+@@ -1653,7 +1767,7 @@ static int tiocgpgrp(struct tty_struct *
+ */
+ if (tty == real_tty && current->signal->tty != real_tty)
+ return -ENOTTY;
+- return put_user(real_tty->pgrp, p);
++ return put_user(pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PGID, real_tty->pgrp), p);
+ }
+ static int tiocspgrp(struct tty_struct *tty, struct tty_struct *real_tty, pid_t __user *p)
+@@ -1673,6 +1787,9 @@ static int tiocspgrp(struct tty_struct *
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (pgrp < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
++ pgrp = vpid_to_pid(pgrp);
++ if (pgrp < 0)
++ return -EPERM;
+ if (session_of_pgrp(pgrp) != current->signal->session)
+ return -EPERM;
+ real_tty->pgrp = pgrp;
+@@ -1689,7 +1806,7 @@ static int tiocgsid(struct tty_struct *t
+ return -ENOTTY;
+ if (real_tty->session <= 0)
+ return -ENOTTY;
+- return put_user(real_tty->session, p);
++ return put_user(pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_SID, real_tty->session), p);
+ }
+ static int tiocsetd(struct tty_struct *tty, int __user *p)
+@@ -1938,8 +2055,6 @@ static void __do_SAK(void *arg)
+ #else
+ struct tty_struct *tty = arg;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ int session;
+ int i;
+ struct file *filp;
+@@ -1952,7 +2067,7 @@ static void __do_SAK(void *arg)
+ if (tty->driver->flush_buffer)
+ tty->driver->flush_buffer(tty);
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_task_pid(session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid) {
++ do_each_task_pid_all(session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
+ if (p->signal->tty == tty || session > 0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "SAK: killed process %d"
+ " (%s): p->signal->session==tty->session\n",
+@@ -1979,7 +2094,7 @@ static void __do_SAK(void *arg)
+ spin_unlock(&p->files->file_lock);
+ }
+ task_unlock(p);
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_all(session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -2303,8 +2418,11 @@ int tty_register_driver(struct tty_drive
+ if (!driver->put_char)
+ driver->put_char = tty_default_put_char;
++ SET_VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(driver, get_exec_env());
++ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
+ list_add(&driver->tty_drivers, &tty_drivers);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
+ if ( !(driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_NO_DEVFS) ) {
+ for(i = 0; i < driver->num; i++)
+@@ -2331,7 +2449,9 @@ int tty_unregister_driver(struct tty_dri
+ unregister_chrdev_region(MKDEV(driver->major, driver->minor_start),
+ driver->num);
++ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
+ list_del(&driver->tty_drivers);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
+ /*
+ * Free the termios and termios_locked structures because
+@@ -2459,6 +2579,7 @@ static int __init tty_init(void)
+ vty_init();
+ #endif
++ prepare_tty();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ module_init(tty_init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -748,6 +748,8 @@ inline int resize_screen(int currcons, i
+ * [this is to be used together with some user program
+ * like resize that changes the hardware videomode]
+ */
++#define VC_RESIZE_MAXCOL (32767)
++#define VC_RESIZE_MAXROW (32767)
+ int vc_resize(int currcons, unsigned int cols, unsigned int lines)
+ {
+ unsigned long old_origin, new_origin, new_scr_end, rlth, rrem, err = 0;
+@@ -760,6 +762,9 @@ int vc_resize(int currcons, unsigned int
+ if (!vc_cons_allocated(currcons))
+ return -ENXIO;
++ if (cols > VC_RESIZE_MAXCOL || lines > VC_RESIZE_MAXROW)
++ return -EINVAL;
+ new_cols = (cols ? cols : video_num_columns);
+ new_rows = (lines ? lines : video_num_lines);
+ new_row_size = new_cols << 1;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ static unsigned int __devinit init_chips
+ #ifdef __i386__
+ if (dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start) {
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS, dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
++ pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS, dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ROM enabled at 0x%08lx\n", name, dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start);
+ }
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ static unsigned int __devinit init_chips
+ if (cmd & PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY) {
+ if (pci_resource_start(dev, PCI_ROM_RESOURCE)) {
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
++ pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
+ dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "HPT345: ROM enabled at 0x%08lx\n",
+ dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ static unsigned int __devinit init_chips
+ u8 test = 0;
+ if (dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start)
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
++ pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
+ dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
+ pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, &test);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1034,8 +1034,8 @@ static int hpsbpkt_thread(void *__hi)
+ if (khpsbpkt_kill)
+ break;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
++ refrigerator();
+ continue;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1481,8 +1481,8 @@ static int nodemgr_host_thread(void *__h
+ if (down_interruptible(&hi->reset_sem) ||
+ down_interruptible(&nodemgr_serialize)) {
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
++ refrigerator();
+ continue;
+ }
+ printk("NodeMgr: received unexpected signal?!\n" );
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ static int serio_thread(void *nothing)
+ do {
+ serio_handle_events();
+ wait_event_interruptible(serio_wait, !list_empty(&serio_event_list));
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ } while (!signal_pending(current));
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "serio: kseriod exiting\n");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ static int serport_ldisc_open(struct tty
+ struct serport *serport;
+ char name[64];
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ return -EPERM;
+ serport = kmalloc(sizeof(struct serport), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (unlikely(!serport))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2822,8 +2822,8 @@ int md_thread(void * arg)
+ wait_event_interruptible(thread->wqueue,
+ test_bit(THREAD_WAKEUP, &thread->flags));
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ clear_bit(THREAD_WAKEUP, &thread->flags);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1624,8 +1624,8 @@ static int rtl8139_thread (void *data)
+ do {
+ timeout = interruptible_sleep_on_timeout (&tp->thr_wait, timeout);
+ /* make swsusp happy with our thread */
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ } while (!signal_pending (current) && (timeout > 0));
+ if (signal_pending (current)) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1618,6 +1618,9 @@ static int nv_open(struct net_device *de
+ writel(NVREG_MIISTAT_MASK, base + NvRegMIIStatus);
+ dprintk(KERN_INFO "startup: got 0x%08x.\n", miistat);
+ }
++ /* set linkspeed to invalid value, thus force nv_update_linkspeed
++ * to init hw */
++ np->linkspeed = 0;
+ ret = nv_update_linkspeed(dev);
+ nv_start_rx(dev);
+ nv_start_tx(dev);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ static int irda_thread(void *startup)
+ remove_wait_queue(&irda_rq_queue.kick, &wait);
+ /* make swsusp happy with our thread */
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ run_irda_queue();
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ static int stir_transmit_thread(void *ar
+ && !signal_pending(current))
+ {
+ /* if suspending, then power off and wait */
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
+ if (stir->receiving)
+ receive_stop(stir);
+ else
+@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ static int stir_transmit_thread(void *ar
+ write_reg(stir, REG_CTRL1, CTRL1_TXPWD|CTRL1_RXPWD);
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ refrigerator();
+ if (change_speed(stir, stir->speed))
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef void irqreturn_t;
+ /* PDE() introduced in 2.5.4 */
+-#define PDE(inode) ((inode)->u.generic_ip)
++#define LPDE(inode) ((inode)->u.generic_ip)
+ #endif
+ /* irda crc16 calculation exported in 2.5.42 */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -127,6 +127,11 @@ static int loopback_xmit(struct sk_buff
+ {
+ struct net_device_stats *lb_stats;
++ if (unlikely(get_exec_env()->disable_net)) {
++ kfree_skb(skb);
++ return 0;
++ }
+ skb_orphan(skb);
+ skb->protocol=eth_type_trans(skb,dev);
+@@ -183,6 +188,30 @@ static struct net_device_stats *get_stat
+ return stats;
+ }
++static void loopback_destructor(struct net_device *dev)
++ kfree(dev->priv);
++ dev->priv = NULL;
++struct net_device templ_loopback_dev = {
++ .name = "lo",
++ .mtu = (16 * 1024) + 20 + 20 + 12,
++ .hard_start_xmit = loopback_xmit,
++ .hard_header = eth_header,
++ .hard_header_cache = eth_header_cache,
++ .header_cache_update = eth_header_cache_update,
++ .hard_header_len = ETH_HLEN, /* 14 */
++ .addr_len = ETH_ALEN, /* 6 */
++ .tx_queue_len = 0,
++ .type = ARPHRD_LOOPBACK, /* 0x0001*/
++ .rebuild_header = eth_rebuild_header,
++ .flags = IFF_LOOPBACK,
+ struct net_device loopback_dev = {
+ .name = "lo",
+ .mtu = (16 * 1024) + 20 + 20 + 12,
+@@ -212,9 +241,11 @@ int __init loopback_init(void)
+ memset(stats, 0, sizeof(struct net_device_stats));
+ loopback_dev.priv = stats;
+ loopback_dev.get_stats = &get_stats;
++ loopback_dev.destructor = &loopback_destructor;
+ }
+ return register_netdev(&loopback_dev);
+ };
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(loopback_dev);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
+ #include <linux/if_ltalk.h>
+ #include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
+ #include <net/neighbour.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ /* The network devices currently exist only in the socket namespace, so these
+ entries are unused. The only ones that make sense are
+@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ struct net_device *alloc_netdev(int size
+ alloc_size += sizeof_priv + NETDEV_ALIGN_CONST;
+- p = kmalloc (alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ p = ub_kmalloc(alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!p) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "alloc_dev: Unable to allocate device.\n");
+ return NULL;
+@@ -392,6 +393,10 @@ int register_netdev(struct net_device *d
+ out:
+ rtnl_unlock();
++ if (err == 0 && dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED) {
++ unregister_netdev(dev);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ }
+ return err;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
++ * open_vznet.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++ * Virtual Networking device used to change VE ownership on packets
++ */
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/inet.h>
++#include <net/ip.h>
++#include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/venet.h>
++void veip_stop(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct list_head *p, *tmp;
++ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ if (ve->veip == NULL)
++ goto unlock;
++ list_for_each_safe(p, tmp, &ve->veip->ip_lh) {
++ struct ip_entry_struct *ptr;
++ ptr = list_entry(p, struct ip_entry_struct, ve_list);
++ ptr->active_env = NULL;
++ list_del(&ptr->ve_list);
++ list_del(&ptr->ip_hash);
++ kfree(ptr);
++ }
++ veip_put(ve->veip);
++ ve->veip = NULL;
++ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++int veip_start(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ ve->veip = veip_findcreate(ve->veid);
++ if (ve->veip == NULL)
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ return err;
++int veip_entry_add(struct ve_struct *ve, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
++ struct ip_entry_struct *entry, *found;
++ int err;
++ entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_entry_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (entry == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct ip_entry_struct));
++ entry->ip = addr->sin_addr.s_addr;
++ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ err = -EADDRINUSE;
++ found = ip_entry_lookup(entry->ip);
++ if (found != NULL)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ else {
++ ip_entry_hash(entry, ve->veip);
++ found = entry;
++ entry = NULL;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ found->active_env = ve;
++ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ if (entry != NULL)
++ kfree(entry);
++ return err;
++int veip_entry_del(envid_t veid, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
++ struct ip_entry_struct *found;
++ int err;
++ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ found = ip_entry_lookup(addr->sin_addr.s_addr);
++ if (found == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ if (found->active_env->veid != veid)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ found->active_env = NULL;
++ list_del(&found->ip_hash);
++ list_del(&found->ve_list);
++ kfree(found);
++ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ return err;
++static struct ve_struct *venet_find_ve(__u32 ip)
++ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
++ entry = ip_entry_lookup(ip);
++ if (entry == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ return entry->active_env;
++int venet_change_skb_owner(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ struct ve_struct *ve, *ve_old;
++ struct iphdr *iph;
++ ve_old = skb->owner_env;
++ iph = skb->nh.iph;
++ read_lock(&veip_hash_lock);
++ if (!ve_is_super(ve_old)) {
++ /* from VE to host */
++ ve = venet_find_ve(iph->saddr);
++ if (ve == NULL)
++ goto out_drop;
++ if (!ve_accessible_strict(ve, ve_old))
++ goto out_source;
++ skb->owner_env = get_ve0();
++ } else {
++ /* from host to VE */
++ ve = venet_find_ve(iph->daddr);
++ if (ve == NULL)
++ goto out_drop;
++ skb->owner_env = ve;
++ }
++ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
++ return 0;
++ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
++ return -ESRCH;
++ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
++ if (net_ratelimit()) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Dropped packet, source wrong "
++ "veid=%u src-IP=%u.%u.%u.%u "
++ "dst-IP=%u.%u.%u.%u\n",
++ skb->owner_env->veid,
++ NIPQUAD(skb->nh.iph->saddr),
++ NIPQUAD(skb->nh.iph->daddr));
++ }
++ return -EACCES;
++int veip_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ struct list_head *p;
++ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
++ char s[16];
++ p = (struct list_head *)v;
++ if (p == ip_entry_hash_table) {
++ seq_puts(m, "Version: 2.5\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ entry = list_entry(p, struct ip_entry_struct, ip_hash);
++ sprintf(s, "%u.%u.%u.%u", NIPQUAD(entry->ip));
++ seq_printf(m, "%15s %10u\n", s, 0);
++ return 0;
++MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Virtual Network Device");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ static void async_lcp_peek(struct asyncp
+ data += 4;
+ dlen -= 4;
+ /* data[0] is code, data[1] is length */
+- while (dlen >= 2 && dlen >= data[1]) {
++ while (dlen >= 2 && dlen >= data[1] && data[1] >= 2) {
+ switch (data[0]) {
+ case LCP_MRU:
+ val = (data[2] << 8) + data[3];
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
+ #include <asm/system.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ #ifdef TUN_DEBUG
+ static int debug;
+@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ static int tun_net_close(struct net_devi
+ static int tun_net_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+ struct tun_struct *tun = netdev_priv(dev);
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
+ DBG(KERN_INFO "%s: tun_net_xmit %d\n", tun->dev->name, skb->len);
+@@ -90,6 +92,19 @@ static int tun_net_xmit(struct sk_buff *
+ if (skb_queue_len(&tun->readq) >= dev->tx_queue_len)
+ goto drop;
+ }
++ ub = netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub;
++ if (ub && (skb_bc(skb)->charged == 0)) {
++ unsigned long charge;
++ charge = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, charge, 1))
++ goto drop;
++ get_beancounter(ub);
++ skb_bc(skb)->ub = ub;
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged = charge;
++ skb_bc(skb)->resource = UB_OTHERSOCKBUF;
++ }
+ skb_queue_tail(&tun->readq, skb);
+ /* Notify and wake up reader process */
+@@ -177,7 +192,7 @@ static __inline__ ssize_t tun_get_user(s
+ size_t len = count;
+ if (!(tun->flags & TUN_NO_PI)) {
+- if ((len -= sizeof(pi)) > len)
++ if ((len -= sizeof(pi)) > count)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if(memcpy_fromiovec((void *)&pi, iv, sizeof(pi)))
+@@ -322,6 +337,7 @@ static ssize_t tun_chr_readv(struct file
+ ret = tun_put_user(tun, skb, (struct iovec *) iv, len);
++ /* skb will be uncharged in kfree_skb() */
+ kfree_skb(skb);
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -383,7 +399,8 @@ static int tun_set_iff(struct file *file
+ /* Check permissions */
+ if (tun->owner != -1 &&
+- current->euid != tun->owner && !capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ current->euid != tun->owner &&
++ !capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ else if (__dev_get_by_name(ifr->ifr_name))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
++ * venet_core.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++ * Common part for Virtuozzo virtual network devices
++ */
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/string.h>
++#include <linux/socket.h>
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/fcntl.h>
++#include <linux/in.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <asm/system.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <asm/io.h>
++#include <asm/unistd.h>
++#include <linux/inet.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h>
++#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
++#include <net/ip.h>
++#include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <net/sock.h>
++#include <linux/if_ether.h> /* For the statistics structure. */
++#include <linux/if_arp.h> /* For ARPHRD_ETHER */
++#include <linux/venet.h>
++#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl_venet.h>
++struct list_head ip_entry_hash_table[VEIP_HASH_SZ];
++rwlock_t veip_hash_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++#define ip_entry_hash_function(ip) (ntohl(ip) & (VEIP_HASH_SZ - 1))
++void ip_entry_hash(struct ip_entry_struct *entry, struct veip_struct *veip)
++ list_add(&entry->ip_hash,
++ ip_entry_hash_table + ip_entry_hash_function(entry->ip));
++ list_add(&entry->ve_list, &veip->ip_lh);
++void veip_put(struct veip_struct *veip)
++ if (!list_empty(&veip->ip_lh))
++ return;
++ if (!list_empty(&veip->src_lh))
++ return;
++ if (!list_empty(&veip->dst_lh))
++ return;
++ list_del(&veip->list);
++ kfree(veip);
++struct ip_entry_struct *ip_entry_lookup(u32 addr)
++ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
++ struct list_head *tmp;
++ list_for_each(tmp, ip_entry_hash_table + ip_entry_hash_function(addr)) {
++ entry = list_entry(tmp, struct ip_entry_struct, ip_hash);
++ if (entry->ip != addr)
++ continue;
++ return entry;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++struct veip_struct *veip_find(envid_t veid)
++ struct veip_struct *ptr;
++ list_for_each_entry(ptr, &veip_lh, list) {
++ if (ptr->veid != veid)
++ continue;
++ return ptr;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++struct veip_struct *veip_findcreate(envid_t veid)
++ struct veip_struct *ptr;
++ ptr = veip_find(veid);
++ if (ptr != NULL)
++ return ptr;
++ ptr = kmalloc(sizeof(struct veip_struct), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (ptr == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct veip_struct));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptr->ip_lh);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptr->src_lh);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptr->dst_lh);
++ list_add(&ptr->list, &veip_lh);
++ ptr->veid = veid;
++ return ptr;
++ * Device functions
++ */
++static int venet_open(struct net_device *dev)
++ if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
++ return -EBUSY;
++ return 0;
++static int venet_close(struct net_device *master)
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ return 0;
++static void venet_destructor(struct net_device *dev)
++ kfree(dev->priv);
++ dev->priv = NULL;
++ * The higher levels take care of making this non-reentrant (it's
++ * called with bh's disabled).
++ */
++static int venet_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
++ struct net_device_stats *stats = (struct net_device_stats *)dev->priv;
++ struct net_device *rcv = NULL;
++ struct iphdr *iph;
++ int length;
++ if (unlikely(get_exec_env()->disable_net))
++ goto outf;
++ /*
++ * Optimise so buffers with skb->free=1 are not copied but
++ * instead are lobbed from tx queue to rx queue
++ */
++ if (atomic_read(&skb->users) != 1) {
++ struct sk_buff *skb2 = skb;
++ skb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); /* Clone the buffer */
++ if (skb == NULL) {
++ kfree_skb(skb2);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ kfree_skb(skb2);
++ } else
++ skb_orphan(skb);
++ if (skb->protocol != __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP))
++ goto outf;
++ iph = skb->nh.iph;
++ if (MULTICAST(iph->daddr))
++ goto outf;
++ if (venet_change_skb_owner(skb) < 0)
++ goto outf;
++ if (unlikely(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb)->disable_net))
++ goto outf;
++ rcv = VE_OWNER_SKB(skb)->_venet_dev;
++ if (!rcv)
++ /* VE going down */
++ goto outf;
++ dev_hold(rcv);
++ if (!(rcv->flags & IFF_UP)) {
++ /* Target VE does not want to receive packets */
++ dev_put(rcv);
++ goto outf;
++ }
++ skb->pkt_type = PACKET_HOST;
++ skb->dev = rcv;
++ skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
++ memset(skb->data - dev->hard_header_len, 0, dev->hard_header_len);
++ dst_release(skb->dst);
++ skb->dst = NULL;
++ nf_conntrack_put(skb->nfct);
++ skb->nfct = NULL;
++ skb->nf_debug = 0;
++ length = skb->len;
++ netif_rx(skb);
++ stats->tx_bytes += length;
++ stats->tx_packets++;
++ if (rcv) {
++ struct net_device_stats *rcv_stats =
++ (struct net_device_stats *)rcv->priv;
++ rcv_stats->rx_bytes += length;
++ rcv_stats->rx_packets++;
++ dev_put(rcv);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ kfree_skb(skb);
++ ++stats->tx_dropped;
++ return 0;
++static struct net_device_stats *get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
++ return (struct net_device_stats *)dev->priv;
++/* Initialize the rest of the LOOPBACK device. */
++int venet_init_dev(struct net_device *dev)
++ dev->hard_start_xmit = venet_xmit;
++ dev->priv = kmalloc(sizeof(struct net_device_stats), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (dev->priv == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(dev->priv, 0, sizeof(struct net_device_stats));
++ dev->get_stats = get_stats;
++ dev->open = venet_open;
++ dev->stop = venet_close;
++ dev->destructor = venet_destructor;
++ /*
++ * Fill in the generic fields of the device structure.
++ */
++ dev->type = ARPHRD_VOID;
++ dev->hard_header_len = ETH_HLEN;
++ dev->mtu = 1500; /* eth_mtu */
++ dev->tx_queue_len = 0;
++ memset(dev->broadcast, 0xFF, ETH_ALEN);
++ /* New-style flags. */
++ return 0;
++static void venet_setup(struct net_device *dev)
++ dev->init = venet_init_dev;
++ /*
++ * No other features, as they are:
++ * - checksumming is required, and nobody else will done our job
++ */
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_VENET;
++static int veinfo_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
++ struct list_head *tmp;
++ seq_printf(m, "%10u %5u %5u", ve->veid,
++ ve->class_id, atomic_read(&ve->pcounter));
++ read_lock(&veip_hash_lock);
++ if (ve->veip == NULL)
++ goto unlock;
++ list_for_each(tmp, &ve->veip->ip_lh) {
++ char ip[16];
++ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
++ entry = list_entry(tmp, struct ip_entry_struct, ve_list);
++ if (entry->active_env == NULL)
++ continue;
++ sprintf(ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", NIPQUAD(entry->ip));
++ seq_printf(m, " %15s", ip);
++ }
++ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
++ seq_putc(m, '\n');
++ return 0;
++static void *ve_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
++ struct ve_struct *ve, *curve;
++ loff_t l;
++ curve = get_exec_env();
++ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
++ if (!ve_is_super(curve)) {
++ if (*pos != 0)
++ return NULL;
++ return curve;
++ }
++ for (ve = ve_list_head, l = *pos;
++ ve != NULL && l > 0;
++ ve = ve->next, l--);
++ return ve;
++static void *ve_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
++ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return NULL;
++ (*pos)++;
++ return ve->next;
++static void ve_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
++static struct seq_operations veinfo_seq_op = {
++ start: ve_seq_start,
++ next: ve_seq_next,
++ stop: ve_seq_stop,
++ show: veinfo_seq_show
++static int veinfo_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ return seq_open(file, &veinfo_seq_op);
++static struct file_operations proc_veinfo_operations = {
++ open: veinfo_open,
++ read: seq_read,
++ llseek: seq_lseek,
++ release: seq_release
++static void *veip_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
++ loff_t l;
++ struct list_head *p;
++ int i;
++ l = *pos;
++ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++ if (l == 0)
++ return ip_entry_hash_table;
++ for (i = 0; i < VEIP_HASH_SZ; i++) {
++ list_for_each(p, ip_entry_hash_table + i) {
++ if (--l == 0)
++ return p;
++ }
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void *veip_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
++ struct list_head *p;
++ p = (struct list_head *)v;
++ while (1) {
++ p = p->next;
++ if (p < ip_entry_hash_table ||
++ p >= ip_entry_hash_table + VEIP_HASH_SZ) {
++ (*pos)++;
++ return p;
++ }
++ if (++p >= ip_entry_hash_table + VEIP_HASH_SZ)
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void veip_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
++static struct seq_operations veip_seq_op = {
++ start: veip_seq_start,
++ next: veip_seq_next,
++ stop: veip_seq_stop,
++ show: veip_seq_show
++static int veip_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ return seq_open(file, &veip_seq_op);
++static struct file_operations proc_veip_operations = {
++ open: veip_open,
++ read: seq_read,
++ llseek: seq_lseek,
++ release: seq_release
++int real_ve_ip_map(envid_t veid, int op, struct sockaddr *uservaddr, int addrlen)
++ int err;
++ struct sockaddr_in addr;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (addrlen != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
++ goto out;
++ err = move_addr_to_kernel(uservaddr, addrlen, &addr);
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out;
++ switch (op)
++ {
++ case VE_IP_ADD:
++ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (!ve)
++ goto out;
++ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ if (ve->is_running)
++ err = veip_entry_add(ve, &addr);
++ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ put_ve(ve);
++ break;
++ case VE_IP_DEL:
++ err = veip_entry_del(veid, &addr);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++int venet_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOTTY;
++ switch(cmd) {
++ struct vzctl_ve_ip_map s;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
++ break;
++ err = real_ve_ip_map(s.veid, s.op, s.addr, s.addrlen);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static struct vzioctlinfo venetcalls = {
++ func: venet_ioctl,
++ owner: THIS_MODULE,
++int venet_dev_start(struct ve_struct *env)
++ struct net_device *dev_venet;
++ int err;
++ dev_venet = alloc_netdev(0, "venet%d", venet_setup);
++ if (!dev_venet)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ err = dev_alloc_name(dev_venet, dev_venet->name);
++ if (err<0)
++ goto err;
++ if ((err = register_netdev(dev_venet)) != 0)
++ goto err;
++ env->_venet_dev = dev_venet;
++ return 0;
++ free_netdev(dev_venet);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "VENET initialization error err=%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int venet_start(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ int err;
++ env = ((struct ve_hook_init_data *)data)->env;
++ if (env->veip)
++ return -EEXIST;
++ if (!ve_is_super(env) && !try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
++ return 0;
++ err = veip_start(env);
++ if (err)
++ goto err;
++ err = venet_dev_start(env);
++ if (err)
++ goto err_free;
++ return 0;
++ veip_stop(env);
++ if (!ve_is_super(env))
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ return err;
++static int venet_stop(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ if (hooknum == VE_HOOK_INIT)
++ env = ((struct ve_hook_init_data *)data)->env;
++ else
++ env = (struct ve_struct *)data;
++ veip_stop(env);
++ if (!ve_is_super(env))
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ return 0;
++#define VE_HOOK_PRI_NET 0
++static struct ve_hook venet_ve_hook_init = {
++ hook: venet_start,
++ undo: venet_stop,
++ hooknum: VE_HOOK_INIT,
++ priority: VE_HOOK_PRI_NET
++static struct ve_hook venet_ve_hook_fini = {
++ hook: venet_stop,
++ hooknum: VE_HOOK_FINI,
++ priority: VE_HOOK_PRI_NET
++__init int venet_init(void)
++ struct ve_hook_init_data vhd;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ int i, err;
++ if (get_ve0()->_venet_dev != NULL)
++ return -EEXIST;
++ for (i = 0; i < VEIP_HASH_SZ; i++)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(ip_entry_hash_table + i);
++ vhd.env = get_ve0();
++ err = venet_start(VE_HOOK_INIT, (void *)&vhd);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/veinfo",
++ if (de)
++ de->proc_fops = &proc_veinfo_operations;
++ else
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "venet: can't make veinfo proc entry\n");
++ de = create_proc_entry("vz/veip", S_IFREG|S_IRUSR, NULL);
++ if (de)
++ de->proc_fops = &proc_veip_operations;
++ else
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "venet: can't make veip proc entry\n");
++ ve_hook_register(&venet_ve_hook_init);
++ ve_hook_register(&venet_ve_hook_fini);
++ vzioctl_register(&venetcalls);
++ return 0;
++__exit void venet_exit(void)
++ struct net_device *dev_venet;
++ vzioctl_unregister(&venetcalls);
++ ve_hook_unregister(&venet_ve_hook_fini);
++ ve_hook_unregister(&venet_ve_hook_init);
++ remove_proc_entry("vz/veip", NULL);
++ remove_proc_entry("vz/veinfo", NULL);
++ dev_venet = get_ve0()->_venet_dev;
++ if (dev_venet != NULL) {
++ get_ve0()->_venet_dev = NULL;
++ unregister_netdev(dev_venet);
++ free_netdev(dev_venet);
++ }
++ veip_stop(get_ve0());
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2901,8 +2901,8 @@ static int airo_thread(void *data) {
+ flush_signals(current);
+ /* make swsusp happy with our thread */
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ if (test_bit(JOB_DIE, &ai->flags))
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ static struct net_device *get_strip_dev(
+ sizeof(zero_address))) {
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ read_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
+- dev = dev_base;
++ dev = visible_dev_base;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->type == strip_info->dev->type &&
+ !memcmp(dev->dev_addr,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ LIST_HEAD(pci_root_buses);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(pci_root_buses);
+ LIST_HEAD(pci_devices);
+ /*
+ * PCI Bus Class
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -292,6 +292,46 @@ static void __devinit quirk_ich4_lpc_acp
+ quirk_io_region(dev, region, 64, PCI_BRIDGE_RESOURCES+1);
+ }
++#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
++#include <asm/irq.h>
++static void __devinit quirk_intel_irqbalance(struct pci_dev *dev)
++ u8 config, rev;
++ u32 word;
++ extern struct pci_raw_ops *raw_pci_ops;
++ pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_CLASS_REVISION, &rev);
++ if (rev > 0x9)
++ return;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Intel E7520/7320/7525 detected.");
++ /* enable access to config space*/
++ pci_read_config_byte(dev, 0xf4, &config);
++ config |= 0x2;
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0xf4, config);
++ /* read xTPR register */
++ raw_pci_ops->read(0, 0, 0x40, 0x4c, 2, &word);
++ if (!(word & (1 << 13))) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Disabling irq balancing and affinity\n");
++#ifdef __i386__
++ irqbalance_disable("");
++ noirqdebug_setup("");
++ no_irq_affinity = 1;
++ }
++ config &= ~0x2;
++ /* disable access to config space*/
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0xf4, config);
+ /*
+ * VIA ACPI: One IO region pointed to by longword at
+ * 0x48 or 0x20 (256 bytes of ACPI registers)
+@@ -1039,6 +1079,10 @@ static struct pci_fixup pci_fixups[] __d
+ #endif /* CONFIG_SCSI_SATA */
++#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
++ { PCI_FIXUP_FINAL, PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7320_MCH, quirk_intel_irqbalance },
++ { PCI_FIXUP_FINAL, PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7525_MCH, quirk_intel_irqbalance },
+ { 0 }
+ };
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@ static int pccardd(void *__skt)
+ }
+ schedule();
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ if (!skt->thread)
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ void bbc_envctrl_cleanup(void)
+ int found = 0;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_process(p) {
++ for_each_process_all(p) {
+ if (p == kenvctrld_task) {
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ static void __exit envctrl_cleanup(void)
+ int found = 0;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_process(p) {
++ for_each_process_all(p) {
+ if (p == kenvctrld_task) {
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2591,7 +2591,6 @@ ahd_linux_dv_thread(void *data)
+ sprintf(current->comm, "ahd_dv_%d", ahd->unit);
+ #else
+ daemonize("ahd_dv_%d", ahd->unit);
+- current->flags |= PF_FREEZE;
+ #endif
+ unlock_kernel();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2295,7 +2295,6 @@ ahc_linux_dv_thread(void *data)
+ sprintf(current->comm, "ahc_dv_%d", ahc->unit);
+ #else
+ daemonize("ahc_dv_%d", ahc->unit);
+- current->flags |= PF_FREEZE;
+ #endif
+ unlock_kernel();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ static int scsi_request_sense(struct scs
+ memcpy(scmd->cmnd, generic_sense, sizeof(generic_sense));
+- scsi_result = kmalloc(252, GFP_ATOMIC | (scmd->device->host->hostt->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0);
++ scsi_result = kmalloc(252, GFP_ATOMIC | ((scmd->device->host->hostt->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0));
+ if (unlikely(!scsi_result)) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ static int scsi_probe_and_add_lun(struct
+ if (!sreq)
+ goto out_free_sdev;
+ result = kmalloc(256, GFP_ATOMIC |
+- (host->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0);
++ ((host->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0));
+ if (!result)
+ goto out_free_sreq;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1922,8 +1922,8 @@ static int hub_thread(void *__unused)
+ do {
+ hub_events();
+ wait_event_interruptible(khubd_wait, !list_empty(&hub_event_list));
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ } while (!signal_pending(current));
+ pr_debug ("%s: khubd exiting\n", usbcore_name);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ int w1_control(void *data)
+ timeout = w1_timeout;
+ do {
+ timeout = interruptible_sleep_on_timeout(&w1_control_wait, timeout);
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ } while (!signal_pending(current) && (timeout > 0));
+ if (signal_pending(current))
+@@ -536,8 +536,8 @@ int w1_process(void *data)
+ timeout = w1_timeout;
+ do {
+ timeout = interruptible_sleep_on_timeout(&dev->kwait, timeout);
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ } while (!signal_pending(current) && (timeout > 0));
+ if (signal_pending(current))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ int adfs_get_block(struct inode *inode,
+ struct buffer_head *bh, int create);
+ struct inode *adfs_iget(struct super_block *sb, struct object_info *obj);
+ void adfs_read_inode(struct inode *inode);
+-void adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode,int unused);
++int adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode,int unused);
+ int adfs_notify_change(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr);
+ /* map.c */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -372,10 +372,11 @@ out:
+ * The adfs-specific inode data has already been updated by
+ * adfs_notify_change()
+ */
+-void adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
++int adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
+ {
+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
+ struct object_info obj;
++ int ret;
+ lock_kernel();
+ obj.file_id = inode->i_ino;
+@@ -386,7 +387,8 @@ void adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inod
+ obj.attr = ADFS_I(inode)->attr;
+ obj.size = inode->i_size;
+- adfs_dir_update(sb, &obj);
++ ret = adfs_dir_update(sb, &obj);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ return ret;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ bad_inode:
+ return;
+ }
+ affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
+ {
+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
+@@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, in
+ if (!inode->i_nlink)
+ // possibly free block
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ bh = affs_bread(sb, inode->i_ino);
+ if (!bh) {
+ affs_error(sb,"write_inode","Cannot read block %lu",inode->i_ino);
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+ tail = AFFS_TAIL(sb, bh);
+ if (tail->stype == be32_to_cpu(ST_ROOT)) {
+@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, in
+ mark_buffer_dirty_inode(bh, inode);
+ affs_brelse(bh);
+ affs_free_prealloc(inode);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ int
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ static struct vfsmount *afs_mntpt_do_aut
+ char *buf, *devname = NULL, *options = NULL;
+ filler_t *filler;
+ int ret;
++ struct file_system_type *fstype;
+ kenter("{%s}", mntpt->;
+@@ -210,7 +211,12 @@ static struct vfsmount *afs_mntpt_do_aut
+ /* try and do the mount */
+ kdebug("--- attempting mount %s -o %s ---", devname, options);
+- mnt = do_kern_mount("afs", 0, devname, options);
++ fstype = get_fs_type("afs");
++ ret = -ENODEV;
++ if (!fstype)
++ goto error;
++ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, devname, options);
++ put_filesystem(fstype);
+ kdebug("--- mount result %p ---", mnt);
+ free_page((unsigned long) devname);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ struct autofs_wait_queue {
+ struct autofs_sb_info {
+ u32 magic;
++ struct dentry *root;
+ struct file *pipe;
+ pid_t oz_pgrp;
+ int catatonic;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <linux/parser.h>
+ #include <asm/bitops.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+ #include "autofs_i.h"
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+@@ -76,6 +77,66 @@ void autofs4_free_ino(struct autofs_info
+ kfree(ino);
+ }
++ * Deal with the infamous "Busy inodes after umount ..." message.
++ *
++ * Clean up the dentry tree. This happens with autofs if the user
++ * space program goes away due to a SIGKILL, SIGSEGV etc.
++ */
++static void autofs4_force_release(struct autofs_sb_info *sbi)
++ struct dentry *this_parent = sbi->root;
++ struct list_head *next;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ next = this_parent->;
++ while (next != &this_parent->d_subdirs) {
++ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(next, struct dentry, d_child);
++ /* Negative dentry - don`t care */
++ if (!simple_positive(dentry)) {
++ next = next->next;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
++ this_parent = dentry;
++ goto repeat;
++ }
++ next = next->next;
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ DPRINTK("dentry %p %.*s",
++ dentry, (int)dentry->d_name.len, dentry->;
++ dput(dentry);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ if (this_parent != sbi->root) {
++ struct dentry *dentry = this_parent;
++ next = this_parent->;
++ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent;
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ DPRINTK("parent dentry %p %.*s",
++ dentry, (int)dentry->d_name.len, dentry->;
++ dput(dentry);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ goto resume;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ dput(sbi->root);
++ sbi->root = NULL;
++ shrink_dcache_sb(sbi->sb);
++ return;
+ static void autofs4_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
+ {
+ struct autofs_sb_info *sbi = autofs4_sbi(sb);
+@@ -85,6 +146,10 @@ static void autofs4_put_super(struct sup
+ if ( !sbi->catatonic )
+ autofs4_catatonic_mode(sbi); /* Free wait queues, close pipe */
++ /* Clean up and release dangling references */
++ if (sbi)
++ autofs4_force_release(sbi);
+ kfree(sbi);
+ DPRINTK("shutting down");
+@@ -199,6 +264,7 @@ int autofs4_fill_super(struct super_bloc
+ s->s_fs_info = sbi;
+ sbi->magic = AUTOFS_SBI_MAGIC;
++ sbi->root = NULL;
+ sbi->catatonic = 0;
+ sbi->exp_timeout = 0;
+ sbi->oz_pgrp = process_group(current);
+@@ -265,6 +331,13 @@ int autofs4_fill_super(struct super_bloc
+ sbi->pipe = pipe;
+ /*
++ * Take a reference to the root dentry so we get a chance to
++ * clean up the dentry tree on umount.
++ * See autofs4_force_release.
++ */
++ sbi->root = dget(root);
++ /*
+ * Success! Install the root dentry now to indicate completion.
+ */
+ s->s_root = root;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -621,7 +621,9 @@ static int autofs4_dir_rmdir(struct inod
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ return -ENOTEMPTY;
+ }
++ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ __d_drop(dentry);
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ dput(ino->dentry);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static void bfs_read_inode(struct inode
+ brelse(bh);
+ }
+-static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int unused)
++static int bfs_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int unused)
+ {
+ unsigned long ino = inode->i_ino;
+ struct bfs_inode * di;
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode
+ if (ino < BFS_ROOT_INO || ino > BFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->si_lasti) {
+ printf("Bad inode number %s:%08lx\n", inode->i_sb->s_id, ino);
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+ lock_kernel();
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode
+ if (!bh) {
+ printf("Unable to read inode %s:%08lx\n", inode->i_sb->s_id, ino);
+ unlock_kernel();
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode
+ mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
+ brelse(bh);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void bfs_delete_inode(struct inode * inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -43,13 +43,21 @@ static struct linux_binfmt aout_format =
+ .min_coredump = PAGE_SIZE
+ };
+-static void set_brk(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
++#define BAD_ADDR(x) ((unsigned long)(x) >= TASK_SIZE)
++static int set_brk(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
+ {
+ start = PAGE_ALIGN(start);
+ end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
+- if (end <= start)
+- return;
+- do_brk(start, end - start);
++ if (end > start) {
++ unsigned long addr;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ addr = do_brk(start, end - start);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ if (BAD_ADDR(addr))
++ return addr;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -318,10 +326,14 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
+ loff_t pos = fd_offset;
+ /* Fuck me plenty... */
+ /* <AOL></AOL> */
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char *) N_TXTADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_text, &pos);
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(N_DATADDR(ex), ex.a_data);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char *) N_DATADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_data, &pos);
+ goto beyond_if;
+@@ -341,8 +353,9 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
+ pos = 32;
+ map_size = ex.a_text+ex.a_data;
+ #endif
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(text_addr & PAGE_MASK, map_size);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ if (error != (text_addr & PAGE_MASK)) {
+ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
+ return error;
+@@ -377,7 +390,9 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
+ if (!bprm->file->f_op->mmap||((fd_offset & ~PAGE_MASK) != 0)) {
+ loff_t pos = fd_offset;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text+ex.a_data);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file,
+ (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
+ ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
+@@ -413,7 +428,11 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
+ beyond_if:
+ set_binfmt(&aout_format);
+- set_brk(current->mm->start_brk, current->mm->brk);
++ retval = set_brk(current->mm->start_brk, current->mm->brk);
++ if (retval < 0) {
++ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
++ return retval;
++ }
+ retval = setup_arg_pages(bprm, EXSTACK_DEFAULT);
+ if (retval < 0) {
+@@ -429,9 +448,11 @@ beyond_if:
+ #endif
+ start_thread(regs, ex.a_entry, current->mm->start_stack);
+ if (unlikely(current->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)) {
+- if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC)
++ if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC) {
++ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_EXEC);
+ ptrace_notify ((PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC << 8) | SIGTRAP);
+- else
++ clear_pn_state(current);
++ } else
+ send_sig(SIGTRAP, current, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+@@ -478,8 +499,9 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
+ file->f_dentry->;
+ error_time = jiffies;
+ }
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(start_addr, ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ file->f_op->read(file, (char __user *)start_addr,
+ ex.a_text + ex.a_data, &pos);
+@@ -503,7 +525,9 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
+ len = PAGE_ALIGN(ex.a_text + ex.a_data);
+ bss = ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss;
+ if (bss > len) {
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(start_addr + len, bss - len);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ retval = error;
+ if (error != start_addr + len)
+ goto out;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@ static int set_brk(unsigned long start,
+ start = ELF_PAGEALIGN(start);
+ end = ELF_PAGEALIGN(end);
+ if (end > start) {
+- unsigned long addr = do_brk(start, end - start);
++ unsigned long addr;
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ addr = do_brk(start, end - start);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ if (BAD_ADDR(addr))
+ return addr;
+ }
+@@ -102,15 +105,17 @@ static int set_brk(unsigned long start,
+ be in memory */
+-static void padzero(unsigned long elf_bss)
++static int padzero(unsigned long elf_bss)
+ {
+ unsigned long nbyte;
+ nbyte = ELF_PAGEOFFSET(elf_bss);
+ if (nbyte) {
+ nbyte = ELF_MIN_ALIGN - nbyte;
+- clear_user((void __user *) elf_bss, nbyte);
++ if (clear_user((void __user *) elf_bss, nbyte))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Let's use some macros to make this stack manipulation a litle clearer */
+@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ static void padzero(unsigned long elf_bs
+ #define STACK_ALLOC(sp, len) ({ sp -= len ; sp; })
+ #endif
+-static void
++static int
+ create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *bprm, struct elfhdr * exec,
+ int interp_aout, unsigned long load_addr,
+ unsigned long interp_load_addr)
+@@ -171,7 +176,8 @@ create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *b
+ STACK_ALLOC(p, ((current->pid % 64) << 7));
+ #endif
+ u_platform = (elf_addr_t __user *)STACK_ALLOC(p, len);
+- __copy_to_user(u_platform, k_platform, len);
++ if (__copy_to_user(u_platform, k_platform, len))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ /* Create the ELF interpreter info */
+@@ -233,7 +239,8 @@ create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *b
+ #endif
+ /* Now, let's put argc (and argv, envp if appropriate) on the stack */
+- __put_user(argc, sp++);
++ if (__put_user(argc, sp++))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ if (interp_aout) {
+ argv = sp + 2;
+ envp = argv + argc + 1;
+@@ -245,31 +252,35 @@ create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *b
+ }
+ /* Populate argv and envp */
+- p = current->mm->arg_start;
++ p = current->mm->arg_end = current->mm->arg_start;
+ while (argc-- > 0) {
+ size_t len;
+ __put_user((elf_addr_t)p, argv++);
+ len = strnlen_user((void __user *)p, PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES);
+ if (!len || len > PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES)
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ p += len;
+ }
+- __put_user(0, argv);
++ if (__put_user(0, argv))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ current->mm->arg_end = current->mm->env_start = p;
+ while (envc-- > 0) {
+ size_t len;
+ __put_user((elf_addr_t)p, envp++);
+ len = strnlen_user((void __user *)p, PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES);
+ if (!len || len > PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES)
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ p += len;
+ }
+- __put_user(0, envp);
++ if (__put_user(0, envp))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ current->mm->env_end = p;
+ /* Put the elf_info on the stack in the right place. */
+ sp = (elf_addr_t __user *)envp + 1;
+- copy_to_user(sp, elf_info, ei_index * sizeof(elf_addr_t));
++ if (copy_to_user(sp, elf_info, ei_index * sizeof(elf_addr_t)))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ #ifndef elf_map
+@@ -334,14 +345,17 @@ static unsigned long load_elf_interp(str
+ goto out;
+ retval = kernel_read(interpreter,interp_elf_ex->e_phoff,(char *)elf_phdata,size);
+- error = retval;
+- if (retval < 0)
++ error = -EIO;
++ if (retval != size) {
++ if (retval < 0)
++ error = retval;
+ goto out_close;
++ }
+ eppnt = elf_phdata;
+ for (i=0; i<interp_elf_ex->e_phnum; i++, eppnt++) {
+ if (eppnt->p_type == PT_LOAD) {
+- int elf_type = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_DENYWRITE;
+ int elf_prot = 0;
+ unsigned long vaddr = 0;
+ unsigned long k, map_addr;
+@@ -399,12 +413,18 @@ static unsigned long load_elf_interp(str
+ * that there are zero-mapped pages up to and including the
+ * last bss page.
+ */
+- padzero(elf_bss);
++ if (padzero(elf_bss)) {
++ error = -EFAULT;
++ goto out_close;
++ }
+ elf_bss = ELF_PAGESTART(elf_bss + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1); /* What we have mapped so far */
+ /* Map the last of the bss segment */
+ if (last_bss > elf_bss) {
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_brk(elf_bss, last_bss - elf_bss);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ if (BAD_ADDR(error))
+ goto out_close;
+ }
+@@ -444,7 +464,9 @@ static unsigned long load_aout_interp(st
+ goto out;
+ }
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(0, text_data);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ if (!interpreter->f_op || !interpreter->f_op->read)
+ goto out;
+ if (interpreter->f_op->read(interpreter, addr, text_data, &offset) < 0)
+@@ -452,8 +474,11 @@ static unsigned long load_aout_interp(st
+ flush_icache_range((unsigned long)addr,
+ (unsigned long)addr + text_data);
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(ELF_PAGESTART(text_data + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1),
+ interp_ex->a_bss);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ elf_entry = interp_ex->a_entry;
+ out:
+@@ -487,25 +512,33 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ unsigned long elf_entry, interp_load_addr = 0;
+ unsigned long start_code, end_code, start_data, end_data;
+ unsigned long reloc_func_desc = 0;
+- struct elfhdr elf_ex;
+- struct elfhdr interp_elf_ex;
+- struct exec interp_ex;
+ char passed_fileno[6];
+ struct files_struct *files;
+ int have_pt_gnu_stack, executable_stack = EXSTACK_DEFAULT;
+ unsigned long def_flags = 0;
++ struct {
++ struct elfhdr elf_ex;
++ struct elfhdr interp_elf_ex;
++ struct exec interp_ex;
++ } *loc;
++ loc = kmalloc(sizeof(*loc), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!loc) {
++ retval = -ENOMEM;
++ goto out_ret;
++ }
+ /* Get the exec-header */
+- elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
++ loc->elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
+ retval = -ENOEXEC;
+ /* First of all, some simple consistency checks */
+- if (memcmp(elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
++ if (memcmp(loc->elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
+ goto out;
+- if (elf_ex.e_type != ET_EXEC && elf_ex.e_type != ET_DYN)
++ if (loc->elf_ex.e_type != ET_EXEC && loc->elf_ex.e_type != ET_DYN)
+ goto out;
+- if (!elf_check_arch(&elf_ex))
++ if (!elf_check_arch(&loc->elf_ex))
+ goto out;
+ if (!bprm->file->f_op||!bprm->file->f_op->mmap)
+ goto out;
+@@ -513,18 +546,21 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ /* Now read in all of the header information */
+ retval = -ENOMEM;
+- if (elf_ex.e_phentsize != sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
++ if (loc->elf_ex.e_phentsize != sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
+ goto out;
+- if (elf_ex.e_phnum > 65536U / sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
++ if (loc->elf_ex.e_phnum > 65536U / sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
+ goto out;
+- size = elf_ex.e_phnum * sizeof(struct elf_phdr);
++ size = loc->elf_ex.e_phnum * sizeof(struct elf_phdr);
+ elf_phdata = (struct elf_phdr *) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!elf_phdata)
+ goto out;
+- retval = kernel_read(bprm->file, elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *) elf_phdata, size);
+- if (retval < 0)
++ retval = kernel_read(bprm->file, loc->elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *) elf_phdata, size);
++ if (retval != size) {
++ if (retval >= 0)
++ retval = -EIO;
+ goto out_free_ph;
++ }
+ files = current->files; /* Refcounted so ok */
+ retval = unshare_files();
+@@ -553,7 +589,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ start_data = 0;
+ end_data = 0;
+- for (i = 0; i < elf_ex.e_phnum; i++) {
++ for (i = 0; i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++) {
+ if (elf_ppnt->p_type == PT_INTERP) {
+ /* This is the program interpreter used for
+ * shared libraries - for now assume that this
+@@ -561,7 +597,8 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ */
+ retval = -ENOMEM;
+- if (elf_ppnt->p_filesz > PATH_MAX)
++ if (elf_ppnt->p_filesz > PATH_MAX ||
++ elf_ppnt->p_filesz == 0)
+ goto out_free_file;
+ elf_interpreter = (char *) kmalloc(elf_ppnt->p_filesz,
+@@ -571,8 +608,16 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ retval = kernel_read(bprm->file, elf_ppnt->p_offset,
+ elf_interpreter,
+ elf_ppnt->p_filesz);
+- if (retval < 0)
++ if (retval != elf_ppnt->p_filesz) {
++ if (retval >= 0)
++ retval = -EIO;
++ goto out_free_interp;
++ }
++ /* make sure path is NULL terminated */
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ if (elf_interpreter[elf_ppnt->p_filesz - 1] != '\0')
+ goto out_free_interp;
+ /* If the program interpreter is one of these two,
+ * then assume an iBCS2 image. Otherwise assume
+ * a native linux image.
+@@ -600,26 +645,29 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ * switch really is going to happen - do this in
+ * flush_thread(). - akpm
+ */
+- SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
++ SET_PERSONALITY(loc->elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
+- interpreter = open_exec(elf_interpreter);
++ interpreter = open_exec(elf_interpreter, NULL);
+ retval = PTR_ERR(interpreter);
+ if (IS_ERR(interpreter))
+ goto out_free_interp;
+ retval = kernel_read(interpreter, 0, bprm->buf, BINPRM_BUF_SIZE);
+- if (retval < 0)
++ if (retval != BINPRM_BUF_SIZE) {
++ if (retval >= 0)
++ retval = -EIO;
+ goto out_free_dentry;
++ }
+ /* Get the exec headers */
+- interp_ex = *((struct exec *) bprm->buf);
+- interp_elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
++ loc->interp_ex = *((struct exec *) bprm->buf);
++ loc->interp_elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
+ break;
+ }
+ elf_ppnt++;
+ }
+ elf_ppnt = elf_phdata;
+- for (i = 0; i < elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++)
++ for (i = 0; i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++)
+ if (elf_ppnt->p_type == PT_GNU_STACK) {
+ if (elf_ppnt->p_flags & PF_X)
+ executable_stack = EXSTACK_ENABLE_X;
+@@ -627,19 +675,19 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ executable_stack = EXSTACK_DISABLE_X;
+ break;
+ }
+- have_pt_gnu_stack = (i < elf_ex.e_phnum);
++ have_pt_gnu_stack = (i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum);
+ /* Some simple consistency checks for the interpreter */
+ if (elf_interpreter) {
+ /* Now figure out which format our binary is */
+- if ((N_MAGIC(interp_ex) != OMAGIC) &&
+- (N_MAGIC(interp_ex) != ZMAGIC) &&
+- (N_MAGIC(interp_ex) != QMAGIC))
++ if ((N_MAGIC(loc->interp_ex) != OMAGIC) &&
++ (N_MAGIC(loc->interp_ex) != ZMAGIC) &&
++ (N_MAGIC(loc->interp_ex) != QMAGIC))
+ interpreter_type = INTERPRETER_ELF;
+- if (memcmp(interp_elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
++ if (memcmp(loc->interp_elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
+ interpreter_type &= ~INTERPRETER_ELF;
+ retval = -ELIBBAD;
+@@ -655,11 +703,11 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ }
+ /* Verify the interpreter has a valid arch */
+ if ((interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_ELF) &&
+- !elf_check_arch(&interp_elf_ex))
++ !elf_check_arch(&loc->interp_elf_ex))
+ goto out_free_dentry;
+ } else {
+ /* Executables without an interpreter also need a personality */
+- SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
++ SET_PERSONALITY(loc->elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
+ }
+ /* OK, we are done with that, now set up the arg stuff,
+@@ -699,8 +747,8 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ /* Do this immediately, since STACK_TOP as used in setup_arg_pages
+ may depend on the personality. */
+- SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
+- if (elf_read_implies_exec(elf_ex, have_pt_gnu_stack))
++ SET_PERSONALITY(loc->elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
++ if (elf_read_implies_exec(loc->elf_ex, have_pt_gnu_stack))
+ current->personality |= READ_IMPLIES_EXEC;
+ /* Do this so that we can load the interpreter, if need be. We will
+@@ -720,7 +768,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ the image should be loaded at fixed address, not at a variable
+ address. */
+- for(i = 0, elf_ppnt = elf_phdata; i < elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++) {
++ for(i = 0, elf_ppnt = elf_phdata; i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++) {
+ int elf_prot = 0, elf_flags;
+ unsigned long k, vaddr;
+@@ -744,7 +792,13 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ nbyte = ELF_MIN_ALIGN - nbyte;
+ if (nbyte > elf_brk - elf_bss)
+ nbyte = elf_brk - elf_bss;
+- clear_user((void __user *) elf_bss + load_bias, nbyte);
++ /*
++ * This bss-zeroing can fail if the ELF file
++ * specifies odd protections. So we don't check
++ * the return value
++ */
++ (void)clear_user((void __user *)elf_bss +
++ load_bias, nbyte);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -752,12 +806,13 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ if (elf_ppnt->p_flags & PF_W) elf_prot |= PROT_WRITE;
+ if (elf_ppnt->p_flags & PF_X) elf_prot |= PROT_EXEC;
+ vaddr = elf_ppnt->p_vaddr;
+- if (elf_ex.e_type == ET_EXEC || load_addr_set) {
++ if (loc->elf_ex.e_type == ET_EXEC || load_addr_set) {
+ elf_flags |= MAP_FIXED;
+- } else if (elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
++ } else if (loc->elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
+ /* Try and get dynamic programs out of the way of the default mmap
+ base, as well as whatever program they might try to exec. This
+ is because the brk will follow the loader, and is not movable. */
+@@ -765,13 +820,15 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ }
+ error = elf_map(bprm->file, load_bias + vaddr, elf_ppnt, elf_prot, elf_flags);
+- if (BAD_ADDR(error))
+- continue;
++ if (BAD_ADDR(error)) {
++ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
++ goto out_free_dentry;
++ }
+ if (!load_addr_set) {
+ load_addr_set = 1;
+ load_addr = (elf_ppnt->p_vaddr - elf_ppnt->p_offset);
+- if (elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
++ if (loc->elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
+ load_bias += error -
+ ELF_PAGESTART(load_bias + vaddr);
+ load_addr += load_bias;
+@@ -808,7 +865,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ elf_brk = k;
+ }
+- elf_ex.e_entry += load_bias;
++ loc->elf_ex.e_entry += load_bias;
+ elf_bss += load_bias;
+ elf_brk += load_bias;
+ start_code += load_bias;
+@@ -826,14 +883,18 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
+ goto out_free_dentry;
+ }
+- padzero(elf_bss);
++ if (padzero(elf_bss)) {
++ send_sig(SIGSEGV, current, 0);
++ retval = -EFAULT; /* Nobody gets to see this, but.. */
++ goto out_free_dentry;
++ }
+ if (elf_interpreter) {
+ if (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT)
+- elf_entry = load_aout_interp(&interp_ex,
++ elf_entry = load_aout_interp(&loc->interp_ex,
+ interpreter);
+ else
+- elf_entry = load_elf_interp(&interp_elf_ex,
++ elf_entry = load_elf_interp(&loc->interp_elf_ex,
+ interpreter,
+ &interp_load_addr);
+ if (BAD_ADDR(elf_entry)) {
+@@ -848,7 +909,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ fput(interpreter);
+ kfree(elf_interpreter);
+ } else {
+- elf_entry = elf_ex.e_entry;
++ elf_entry = loc->elf_ex.e_entry;
+ }
+ kfree(elf_phdata);
+@@ -858,9 +919,17 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ set_binfmt(&elf_format);
++ retval = arch_setup_additional_pages(bprm, executable_stack);
++ if (retval < 0) {
++ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
++ goto out;
++ }
+ compute_creds(bprm);
+ current->flags &= ~PF_FORKNOEXEC;
+- create_elf_tables(bprm, &elf_ex, (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT),
++ create_elf_tables(bprm, &loc->elf_ex, (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT),
+ load_addr, interp_load_addr);
+ /* N.B. passed_fileno might not be initialized? */
+ if (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT)
+@@ -898,13 +967,17 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
+ start_thread(regs, elf_entry, bprm->p);
+ if (unlikely(current->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)) {
+- if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC)
++ if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC) {
++ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_EXEC);
+ ptrace_notify ((PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC << 8) | SIGTRAP);
+- else
++ clear_pn_state(current);
++ } else
+ send_sig(SIGTRAP, current, 0);
+ }
+ retval = 0;
+ out:
++ kfree(loc);
+ return retval;
+ /* error cleanup */
+@@ -933,6 +1006,7 @@ out_free_ph:
+ static int load_elf_library(struct file *file)
+ {
+ struct elf_phdr *elf_phdata;
++ struct elf_phdr *eppnt;
+ unsigned long elf_bss, bss, len;
+ int retval, error, i, j;
+ struct elfhdr elf_ex;
+@@ -956,43 +1030,52 @@ static int load_elf_library(struct file
+ /* j < ELF_MIN_ALIGN because elf_ex.e_phnum <= 2 */
+ error = -ENOMEM;
+- elf_phdata = (struct elf_phdr *) kmalloc(j, GFP_KERNEL);
++ elf_phdata = kmalloc(j, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!elf_phdata)
+ goto out;
++ eppnt = elf_phdata;
+ error = -ENOEXEC;
+- retval = kernel_read(file, elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *) elf_phdata, j);
++ retval = kernel_read(file, elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *)eppnt, j);
+ if (retval != j)
+ goto out_free_ph;
+ for (j = 0, i = 0; i<elf_ex.e_phnum; i++)
+- if ((elf_phdata + i)->p_type == PT_LOAD) j++;
++ if ((eppnt + i)->p_type == PT_LOAD)
++ j++;
+ if (j != 1)
+ goto out_free_ph;
+- while (elf_phdata->p_type != PT_LOAD) elf_phdata++;
++ while (eppnt->p_type != PT_LOAD)
++ eppnt++;
+ /* Now use mmap to map the library into memory. */
+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ error = do_mmap(file,
+- ELF_PAGESTART(elf_phdata->p_vaddr),
+- (elf_phdata->p_filesz +
+- ELF_PAGEOFFSET(elf_phdata->p_vaddr)),
++ ELF_PAGESTART(eppnt->p_vaddr),
++ (eppnt->p_filesz +
++ ELF_PAGEOFFSET(eppnt->p_vaddr)),
+- (elf_phdata->p_offset -
+- ELF_PAGEOFFSET(elf_phdata->p_vaddr)));
++ (eppnt->p_offset -
++ ELF_PAGEOFFSET(eppnt->p_vaddr)));
+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+- if (error != ELF_PAGESTART(elf_phdata->p_vaddr))
++ if (error != ELF_PAGESTART(eppnt->p_vaddr))
+ goto out_free_ph;
+- elf_bss = elf_phdata->p_vaddr + elf_phdata->p_filesz;
+- padzero(elf_bss);
++ elf_bss = eppnt->p_vaddr + eppnt->p_filesz;
++ if (padzero(elf_bss)) {
++ error = -EFAULT;
++ goto out_free_ph;
++ }
+- len = ELF_PAGESTART(elf_phdata->p_filesz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1);
+- bss = elf_phdata->p_memsz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr;
+- if (bss > len)
++ len = ELF_PAGESTART(eppnt->p_filesz + eppnt->p_vaddr + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1);
++ bss = eppnt->p_memsz + eppnt->p_vaddr;
++ if (bss > len) {
++ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ do_brk(len, bss - len);
++ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ }
+ error = 0;
+ out_free_ph:
+@@ -1172,20 +1255,20 @@ static void fill_prstatus(struct elf_prs
+ prstatus->pr_info.si_signo = prstatus->pr_cursig = signr;
+ prstatus->pr_sigpend = p->pending.signal.sig[0];
+ prstatus->pr_sighold = p->blocked.sig[0];
+- prstatus->pr_pid = p->pid;
+- prstatus->pr_ppid = p->parent->pid;
+- prstatus->pr_pgrp = process_group(p);
+- prstatus->pr_sid = p->signal->session;
++ prstatus->pr_pid = virt_pid(p);
++ prstatus->pr_ppid = virt_pid(p->parent);
++ prstatus->pr_pgrp = virt_pgid(p);
++ prstatus->pr_sid = virt_sid(p);
+ jiffies_to_timeval(p->utime, &prstatus->pr_utime);
+ jiffies_to_timeval(p->stime, &prstatus->pr_stime);
+ jiffies_to_timeval(p->cutime, &prstatus->pr_cutime);
+ jiffies_to_timeval(p->cstime, &prstatus->pr_cstime);
+ }
+-static void fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsinfo *psinfo, struct task_struct *p,
+- struct mm_struct *mm)
++static int fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsinfo *psinfo, struct task_struct *p,
++ struct mm_struct *mm)
+ {
+- int i, len;
++ unsigned int i, len;
+ /* first copy the parameters from user space */
+ memset(psinfo, 0, sizeof(struct elf_prpsinfo));
+@@ -1193,17 +1276,18 @@ static void fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsi
+ len = mm->arg_end - mm->arg_start;
+ if (len >= ELF_PRARGSZ)
+ len = ELF_PRARGSZ-1;
+- copy_from_user(&psinfo->pr_psargs,
+- (const char __user *)mm->arg_start, len);
++ if (copy_from_user(&psinfo->pr_psargs,
++ (const char __user *)mm->arg_start, len))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ if (psinfo->pr_psargs[i] == 0)
+ psinfo->pr_psargs[i] = ' ';
+ psinfo->pr_psargs[len] = 0;
+- psinfo->pr_pid = p->pid;
+- psinfo->pr_ppid = p->parent->pid;
+- psinfo->pr_pgrp = process_group(p);
+- psinfo->pr_sid = p->signal->session;
++ psinfo->pr_pid = virt_pid(p);
++ psinfo->pr_ppid = virt_pid(p->parent);
++ psinfo->pr_pgrp = virt_pgid(p);
++ psinfo->pr_sid = virt_sid(p);
+ i = p->state ? ffz(~p->state) + 1 : 0;
+ psinfo->pr_state = i;
+@@ -1215,7 +1299,7 @@ static void fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsi
+ SET_GID(psinfo->pr_gid, p->gid);
+ strncpy(psinfo->pr_fname, p->comm, sizeof(psinfo->pr_fname));
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Here is the structure in which status of each thread is captured. */
+@@ -1344,7 +1428,7 @@ static int elf_core_dump(long signr, str
+ /* capture the status of all other threads */
+ if (signr) {
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g,p)
++ do_each_thread_ve(g,p)
+ if (current->mm == p->mm && current != p) {
+ int sz = elf_dump_thread_status(signr, p, &thread_list);
+ if (!sz) {
+@@ -1353,7 +1437,7 @@ static int elf_core_dump(long signr, str
+ } else
+ thread_status_size += sz;
+ }
+- while_each_thread(g,p);
++ while_each_thread_ve(g,p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static int load_em86(struct linux_binprm
+ * Note that we use open_exec() as the name is now in kernel
+ * space, and we don't need to copy it.
+ */
+- file = open_exec(interp);
++ file = open_exec(interp, bprm);
+ if (IS_ERR(file))
+ return PTR_ERR(file);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ static int load_flat_shared_library(int
+ /* Open the file up */
+ bprm.filename = buf;
+- bprm.file = open_exec(bprm.filename);
++ bprm.file = open_exec(bprm.filename, &bprm);
+ res = PTR_ERR(bprm.file);
+ if (IS_ERR(bprm.file))
+ return res;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ static int load_misc_binary(struct linux
+ /* if the binary is not readable than enforce mm->dumpable=0
+ regardless of the interpreter's permissions */
+- if (permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ, NULL))
++ if (permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ,
+ bprm->interp_flags |= BINPRM_FLAGS_ENFORCE_NONDUMP;
+ allow_write_access(bprm->file);
+@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ static int load_misc_binary(struct linux
+ bprm->interp = iname; /* for binfmt_script */
+- interp_file = open_exec (iname);
++ interp_file = open_exec (iname, bprm);
+ retval = PTR_ERR (interp_file);
+ if (IS_ERR (interp_file))
+ goto _error;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static int load_script(struct linux_binp
+ /*
+ * OK, now restart the process with the interpreter's dentry.
+ */
+- file = open_exec(interp);
++ file = open_exec(interp, bprm);
+ if (IS_ERR(file))
+ return PTR_ERR(file);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -548,9 +548,16 @@ static int do_open(struct block_device *
+ {
+ struct module *owner = NULL;
+ struct gendisk *disk;
+- int ret = -ENXIO;
++ int ret;
+ int part;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ ret = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, bdev->bd_dev,
++ file->f_mode&(FMODE_READ|FMODE_WRITE));
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ ret = -ENXIO;
+ file->f_mapping = bdev->bd_inode->i_mapping;
+ lock_kernel();
+ disk = get_gendisk(bdev->bd_dev, &part);
+@@ -821,7 +828,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ioctl_by_bdev);
+ * namespace if possible and return it. Return ERR_PTR(error)
+ * otherwise.
+ */
+-struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *path)
++struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *path, int mode)
+ {
+ struct block_device *bdev;
+ struct inode *inode;
+@@ -839,6 +846,11 @@ struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const c
+ error = -ENOTBLK;
+ if (!S_ISBLK(inode->i_mode))
+ goto fail;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ error = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, inode->i_rdev, mode);
++ if (error)
++ goto fail;
+ error = -EACCES;
+ if (nd.mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NODEV)
+ goto fail;
+@@ -870,12 +882,13 @@ struct block_device *open_bdev_excl(cons
+ mode_t mode = FMODE_READ;
+ int error = 0;
+- bdev = lookup_bdev(path);
++ if (!(flags & MS_RDONLY))
++ mode |= FMODE_WRITE;
++ bdev = lookup_bdev(path, mode);
+ if (IS_ERR(bdev))
+ return bdev;
+- if (!(flags & MS_RDONLY))
+- mode |= FMODE_WRITE;
+ error = blkdev_get(bdev, mode, 0);
+ if (error)
+ return ERR_PTR(error);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2022,8 +2022,9 @@ static int __block_prepare_write(struct
+ goto out;
+ if (buffer_new(bh)) {
+ clear_buffer_new(bh);
+- unmap_underlying_metadata(bh->b_bdev,
+- bh->b_blocknr);
++ if (buffer_mapped(bh))
++ unmap_underlying_metadata(bh->b_bdev,
++ bh->b_blocknr);
+ if (PageUptodate(page)) {
+ set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
+ continue;
+@@ -2901,7 +2902,7 @@ drop_buffers(struct page *page, struct b
+ bh = head;
+ do {
+- if (buffer_write_io_error(bh))
++ if (buffer_write_io_error(bh) && page->mapping)
+ set_bit(AS_EIO, &page->mapping->flags);
+ if (buffer_busy(bh))
+ goto failed;
+@@ -3100,7 +3101,7 @@ void __init buffer_init(void)
+ bh_cachep = kmem_cache_create("buffer_head",
+ sizeof(struct buffer_head), 0,
+- SLAB_PANIC, init_buffer_head, NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bh_wait_queue_heads); i++)
+ init_waitqueue_head(&bh_wait_queue_heads[i].wqh);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -257,6 +257,13 @@ int chrdev_open(struct inode * inode, st
+ struct cdev *new = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ ret = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFCHR, inode->i_rdev,
++ filp->f_mode&(FMODE_READ|FMODE_WRITE));
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
+ spin_lock(&cdev_lock);
+ p = inode->i_cdev;
+ if (!p) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ cifs_statfs(struct super_block *sb, stru
+ return 0; /* always return success? what if volume is no longer available? */
+ }
+-static int cifs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++static int cifs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask,
++ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ struct cifs_sb_info *cifs_sb;
+@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ static int cifs_permission(struct inode
+ on the client (above and beyond ACL on servers) for
+ servers which do not support setting and viewing mode bits,
+ so allowing client to check permissions is useful */
+- return vfs_permission(inode, mask);
++ return vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm);
+ }
+ static kmem_cache_t *cifs_inode_cachep;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ exit:
+ }
+-int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *perm)
+ {
+ int error = 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ /* pioctl ops */
+ static int coda_ioctl_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
+- struct nameidata *nd);
++ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *);
+ static int coda_pioctl(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp,
+ unsigned int cmd, unsigned long user_data);
+@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ struct file_operations coda_ioctl_operat
+ /* the coda pioctl inode ops */
+ static int coda_ioctl_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
+- struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -429,6 +429,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_sys_ioctl(unsigne
+ fn = d_path(filp->f_dentry,
+ filp->f_vfsmnt, path,
++ if (IS_ERR(fn))
++ fn = "(err)";
+ }
+ sprintf(buf,"'%c'", (cmd>>24) & 0x3f);
+@@ -1375,7 +1377,7 @@ int compat_do_execve(char * filename,
+ sched_balance_exec();
+- file = open_exec(filename);
++ file = open_exec(filename, &bprm);
+ retval = PTR_ERR(file);
+ if (IS_ERR(file))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -640,8 +640,11 @@ int siocdevprivate_ioctl(unsigned int fd
+ /* Don't check these user accesses, just let that get trapped
+ * in the ioctl handler instead.
+ */
+- copy_to_user(&u_ifreq64->ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name[0], &tmp_buf[0], IFNAMSIZ);
+- __put_user(data64, &u_ifreq64->ifr_ifru.ifru_data);
++ if (copy_to_user(&u_ifreq64->ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name[0], &tmp_buf[0],
++ return -EFAULT;
++ if (__put_user(data64, &u_ifreq64->ifr_ifru.ifru_data))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ return sys_ioctl(fd, cmd, (unsigned long) u_ifreq64);
+ }
+@@ -785,13 +788,16 @@ static int routing_ioctl(unsigned int fd
+ r = (void *) &r4;
+ }
+- if (ret)
+- return -EFAULT;
++ if (ret) {
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ goto out;
++ }
+ set_fs (KERNEL_DS);
+ ret = sys_ioctl (fd, cmd, (unsigned long) r);
+ set_fs (old_fs);
+ if (mysock)
+ sockfd_put(mysock);
+@@ -2336,7 +2342,9 @@ put_dirent32 (struct dirent *d, struct c
+ __put_user(d->d_ino, &d32->d_ino);
+ __put_user(d->d_off, &d32->d_off);
+ __put_user(d->d_reclen, &d32->d_reclen);
+- __copy_to_user(d32->d_name, d->d_name, d->d_reclen);
++ if (__copy_to_user(d32->d_name, d->d_name, d->d_reclen))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -2479,7 +2487,8 @@ static int serial_struct_ioctl(unsigned
+ if (cmd == TIOCSSERIAL) {
+ if (verify_area(VERIFY_READ, ss32, sizeof(SS32)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+- __copy_from_user(&ss, ss32, offsetof(SS32, iomem_base));
++ if (__copy_from_user(&ss, ss32, offsetof(SS32, iomem_base)))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ __get_user(udata, &ss32->iomem_base);
+ ss.iomem_base = compat_ptr(udata);
+ __get_user(ss.iomem_reg_shift, &ss32->iomem_reg_shift);
+@@ -2492,7 +2501,8 @@ static int serial_struct_ioctl(unsigned
+ if (cmd == TIOCGSERIAL && err >= 0) {
+ if (verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, ss32, sizeof(SS32)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+- __copy_to_user(ss32,&ss,offsetof(SS32,iomem_base));
++ if (__copy_to_user(ss32,&ss,offsetof(SS32,iomem_base)))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ __put_user((unsigned long)ss.iomem_base >> 32 ?
+ 0xffffffff : (unsigned)(unsigned long)ss.iomem_base,
+ &ss32->iomem_base);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+ #include <linux/hash.h>
+@@ -26,11 +27,15 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/mount.h>
+ #include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <linux/security.h>
+ #include <linux/seqlock.h>
+ #include <linux/swap.h>
+ #include <linux/bootmem.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
++#include <ub/ub_dcache.h>
+ /* #define DCACHE_DEBUG 1 */
+@@ -43,7 +48,10 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dcache_lock);
+ static kmem_cache_t *dentry_cache;
+-#define DNAME_INLINE_LEN (sizeof(struct dentry)-offsetof(struct dentry,d_iname))
++unsigned int dentry_memusage(void)
++ return kmem_cache_memusage(dentry_cache);
+ /*
+ * This is the single most critical data structure when it comes
+@@ -70,6 +78,7 @@ static void d_callback(struct rcu_head *
+ {
+ struct dentry * dentry = container_of(head, struct dentry, d_rcu);
++ ub_dentry_free(dentry);
+ if (dname_external(dentry))
+ kfree(dentry->;
+ kmem_cache_free(dentry_cache, dentry);
+@@ -109,6 +118,78 @@ static inline void dentry_iput(struct de
+ }
+ }
++struct dcache_shrinker {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++/* called under dcache_lock */
++static void dcache_shrinker_add(struct dcache_shrinker *ds,
++ struct dentry *parent, struct dentry *dentry)
++ if (parent != dentry) {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = parent->d_sb;
++ ds->dentry = parent;
++ list_add(&ds->list, &sb->s_dshrinkers);
++ } else
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ds->list);
++/* called under dcache_lock */
++static void dcache_shrinker_del(struct dcache_shrinker *ds)
++ if (ds == NULL || list_empty(&ds->list))
++ return;
++ list_del_init(&ds->list);
++ wake_up_all(&dcache_shrinker_wq);
++/* called under dcache_lock, drops inside */
++static void dcache_shrinker_wait(struct super_block *sb)
++ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq, current);
++ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ add_wait_queue(&dcache_shrinker_wq, &wq);
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ schedule();
++ remove_wait_queue(&dcache_shrinker_wq, &wq);
++ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++void dcache_shrinker_wait_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* the root dentry can be held in dput_recursive */
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ while (!list_empty(&sb->s_dshrinkers)) {
++ dcache_shrinker_wait(sb);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++/* dcache_lock protects shrinker's list */
++static void shrink_dcache_racecheck(struct dentry *parent, int *racecheck)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dcache_shrinker *ds;
++ sb = parent->d_sb;
++ list_for_each_entry(ds, &sb->s_dshrinkers, list) {
++ /* is one of dcache shrinkers working on the dentry? */
++ if (ds->dentry == parent) {
++ *racecheck = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
+ /*
+ * This is dput
+ *
+@@ -127,26 +208,26 @@ static inline void dentry_iput(struct de
+ */
+ /*
+- * dput - release a dentry
+- * @dentry: dentry to release
++ * dput_recursive - go upward through the dentry tree and release dentries
++ * @dentry: starting dentry
++ * @ds: shrinker to be added to active list (see shrink_dcache_parent)
+ *
+ * Release a dentry. This will drop the usage count and if appropriate
+ * call the dentry unlink method as well as removing it from the queues and
+ * releasing its resources. If the parent dentries were scheduled for release
+ * they too may now get deleted.
+ *
++ * This traverse upward doesn't change d_inuse of any dentry
++ *
+ * no dcache lock, please.
+ */
+-void dput(struct dentry *dentry)
++static void dput_recursive(struct dentry *dentry, struct dcache_shrinker *ds)
+ {
+- if (!dentry)
+- return;
+ if (!atomic_dec_and_lock(&dentry->d_count, &dcache_lock))
+ return;
++ dcache_shrinker_del(ds);
+ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)) {
+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+@@ -178,6 +259,7 @@ unhash_it:
+ kill_it: {
+ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct dcache_shrinker lds;
+ /* If dentry was on d_lru list
+ * delete it from there
+@@ -187,18 +269,50 @@ kill_it: {
+ dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
+ }
+ list_del(&dentry->d_child);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ dcache_shrinker_add(&lds, parent, dentry);
+ dentry_stat.nr_dentry--; /* For d_free, below */
+ /*drops the locks, at that point nobody can reach this dentry */
+ dentry_iput(dentry);
+- parent = dentry->d_parent;
+ d_free(dentry);
+- if (dentry == parent)
++ if (unlikely(dentry == parent)) {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ dcache_shrinker_del(&lds);
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ return;
++ }
+ dentry = parent;
+- goto repeat;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ dcache_shrinker_del(&lds);
++ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&dentry->d_count))
++ goto repeat;
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ }
+ }
++ * dput - release a dentry
++ * @dentry: dentry to release
++ *
++ * Release a dentry. This will drop the usage count and if appropriate
++ * call the dentry unlink method as well as removing it from the queues and
++ * releasing its resources. If the parent dentries were scheduled for release
++ * they too may now get deleted.
++ *
++ * no dcache lock, please.
++ */
++void dput(struct dentry *dentry)
++ if (!dentry)
++ return;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ ub_dentry_uncharge(dentry);
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ dput_recursive(dentry, NULL);
+ /**
+ * d_invalidate - invalidate a dentry
+ * @dentry: dentry to invalidate
+@@ -265,6 +379,8 @@ static inline struct dentry * __dget_loc
+ dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
+ list_del_init(&dentry->d_lru);
+ }
++ ub_dentry_charge_nofail(dentry);
+ return dentry;
+ }
+@@ -327,13 +443,16 @@ restart:
+ tmp = head;
+ while ((tmp = tmp->next) != head) {
+ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(tmp, struct dentry, d_alias);
++ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ if (!atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)) {
+ __dget_locked(dentry);
+ __d_drop(dentry);
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ dput(dentry);
+ goto restart;
+ }
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ }
+@@ -344,19 +463,27 @@ restart:
+ * removed.
+ * Called with dcache_lock, drops it and then regains.
+ */
+-static inline void prune_one_dentry(struct dentry * dentry)
++static void prune_one_dentry(struct dentry * dentry)
+ {
+ struct dentry * parent;
++ struct dcache_shrinker ds;
+ __d_drop(dentry);
+ list_del(&dentry->d_child);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ dcache_shrinker_add(&ds, parent, dentry);
+ dentry_stat.nr_dentry--; /* For d_free, below */
+ dentry_iput(dentry);
+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
+ d_free(dentry);
+ if (parent != dentry)
+- dput(parent);
++ /*
++ * dentry is not in use, only child (not outside)
++ * references change, so parent->d_inuse does not change
++ */
++ dput_recursive(parent, &ds);
+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ dcache_shrinker_del(&ds);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -536,13 +663,12 @@ positive:
+ * whenever the d_subdirs list is non-empty and continue
+ * searching.
+ */
+-static int select_parent(struct dentry * parent)
++static int select_parent(struct dentry * parent, int * racecheck)
+ {
+ struct dentry *this_parent = parent;
+ struct list_head *next;
+ int found = 0;
+- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
+ repeat:
+ next = this_parent->;
+ resume:
+@@ -575,6 +701,9 @@ dentry->d_parent->, dentry->d
+ #endif
+ goto repeat;
+ }
++ if (!found && racecheck != NULL)
++ shrink_dcache_racecheck(dentry, racecheck);
+ }
+ /*
+ * All done at this level ... ascend and resume the search.
+@@ -588,7 +717,6 @@ this_parent->d_parent->, this
+ #endif
+ goto resume;
+ }
+- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ return found;
+ }
+@@ -601,10 +729,66 @@ this_parent->d_parent->, this
+ void shrink_dcache_parent(struct dentry * parent)
+ {
+- int found;
++ int found, r;
++ while (1) {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ found = select_parent(parent, NULL);
++ if (found)
++ goto found;
++ /*
++ * try again with a dput_recursive() race check.
++ * it returns quickly if everything was really shrinked
++ */
++ r = 0;
++ found = select_parent(parent, &r);
++ if (found)
++ goto found;
++ if (!r)
++ break;
++ /* drops the lock inside */
++ dcache_shrinker_wait(parent->d_sb);
++ continue;
+- while ((found = select_parent(parent)) != 0)
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ prune_dcache(found);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ * Move any unused anon dentries to the end of the unused list.
++ * called under dcache_lock
++ */
++static int select_anon(struct hlist_head *head, int *racecheck)
++ struct hlist_node *lp;
++ int found = 0;
++ hlist_for_each(lp, head) {
++ struct dentry *this = hlist_entry(lp, struct dentry, d_hash);
++ if (!list_empty(&this->d_lru)) {
++ dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
++ list_del_init(&this->d_lru);
++ }
++ /*
++ * move only zero ref count dentries to the end
++ * of the unused list for prune_dcache
++ */
++ if (!atomic_read(&this->d_count)) {
++ list_add_tail(&this->d_lru, &dentry_unused);
++ dentry_stat.nr_unused++;
++ found++;
++ }
++ if (!found && racecheck != NULL)
++ shrink_dcache_racecheck(this, racecheck);
++ }
++ return found;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -617,33 +801,36 @@ void shrink_dcache_parent(struct dentry
+ * done under dcache_lock.
+ *
+ */
+-void shrink_dcache_anon(struct hlist_head *head)
++void shrink_dcache_anon(struct super_block *sb)
+ {
+- struct hlist_node *lp;
+- int found;
+- do {
+- found = 0;
++ int found, r;
++ while (1) {
+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
+- hlist_for_each(lp, head) {
+- struct dentry *this = hlist_entry(lp, struct dentry, d_hash);
+- if (!list_empty(&this->d_lru)) {
+- dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
+- list_del_init(&this->d_lru);
+- }
++ found = select_anon(&sb->s_anon, NULL);
++ if (found)
++ goto found;
+- /*
+- * move only zero ref count dentries to the end
+- * of the unused list for prune_dcache
+- */
+- if (!atomic_read(&this->d_count)) {
+- list_add_tail(&this->d_lru, &dentry_unused);
+- dentry_stat.nr_unused++;
+- found++;
+- }
+- }
++ /*
++ * try again with a dput_recursive() race check.
++ * it returns quickly if everything was really shrinked
++ */
++ r = 0;
++ found = select_anon(&sb->s_anon, &r);
++ if (found)
++ goto found;
++ if (!r)
++ break;
++ /* drops the lock inside */
++ dcache_shrinker_wait(sb);
++ continue;
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ prune_dcache(found);
+- } while(found);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -660,12 +847,18 @@ void shrink_dcache_anon(struct hlist_hea
+ */
+ static int shrink_dcache_memory(int nr, unsigned int gfp_mask)
+ {
++ int res = -1;
++ KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(shrink_dcache)
+ if (nr) {
+ if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_FS))
+- return -1;
++ goto out;
+ prune_dcache(nr);
+ }
+- return (dentry_stat.nr_unused / 100) * sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
++ res = (dentry_stat.nr_unused / 100) * sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
++ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(shrink_dcache)
++ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -685,19 +878,20 @@ struct dentry *d_alloc(struct dentry * p
+ dentry = kmem_cache_alloc(dentry_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!dentry)
+- return NULL;
++ goto err_dentry;
+ if (name->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN-1) {
+ dname = kmalloc(name->len + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!dname) {
+- kmem_cache_free(dentry_cache, dentry);
+- return NULL;
+- }
++ if (!dname)
++ goto err_name;
+ } else {
+ dname = dentry->d_iname;
+ }
+ dentry-> = dname;
++ if (ub_dentry_alloc(dentry))
++ goto err_charge;
+ dentry->d_name.len = name->len;
+ dentry->d_name.hash = name->hash;
+ memcpy(dname, name->name, name->len);
+@@ -727,12 +921,23 @@ struct dentry *d_alloc(struct dentry * p
+ }
+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
+- if (parent)
++ if (parent) {
+ list_add(&dentry->d_child, &parent->d_subdirs);
++ if (parent->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL)
++ dentry->d_flags |= DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
++ }
+ dentry_stat.nr_dentry++;
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ return dentry;
++ if (name->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN - 1)
++ kfree(dname);
++ kmem_cache_free(dentry_cache, dentry);
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -1016,6 +1221,7 @@ struct dentry * __d_lookup(struct dentry
+ if (!d_unhashed(dentry)) {
+ atomic_inc(&dentry->d_count);
+ found = dentry;
++ goto found;
+ }
+ terminate:
+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+@@ -1026,6 +1232,17 @@ next:
+ rcu_read_unlock();
+ return found;
++ /*
++ * d_lock and rcu_read_lock
++ * are dropped in ub_dentry_charge()
++ */
++ if (!ub_dentry_charge(found))
++ return found;
++ dput(found);
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -1262,6 +1479,32 @@ already_unhashed:
+ }
+ /**
++ * __d_path_add_deleted - prepend "(deleted) " text
++ * @end: a pointer to the character after free space at the beginning of the
++ * buffer
++ * @buflen: remaining free space
++ */
++static inline char * __d_path_add_deleted(char * end, int buflen)
++ buflen -= 10;
++ if (buflen < 0)
++ end -= 10;
++ memcpy(end, "(deleted) ", 10);
++ return end;
++ * d_root_check - checks if dentry is accessible from current's fs root
++ * @dentry: dentry to be verified
++ * @vfsmnt: vfsmnt to which the dentry belongs
++ */
++int d_root_check(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *vfsmnt)
++ return PTR_ERR(d_path(dentry, vfsmnt, NULL, 0));
+ * d_path - return the path of a dentry
+ * @dentry: dentry to report
+ * @vfsmnt: vfsmnt to which the dentry belongs
+@@ -1282,36 +1525,35 @@ static char * __d_path( struct dentry *d
+ char *buffer, int buflen)
+ {
+ char * end = buffer+buflen;
+- char * retval;
++ char * retval = NULL;
+ int namelen;
++ int deleted;
++ struct vfsmount *oldvfsmnt;
+- *--end = '\0';
+- buflen--;
+- if (!IS_ROOT(dentry) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
+- buflen -= 10;
+- end -= 10;
+- if (buflen < 0)
++ oldvfsmnt = vfsmnt;
++ deleted = (!IS_ROOT(dentry) && d_unhashed(dentry));
++ if (buffer != NULL) {
++ *--end = '\0';
++ buflen--;
++ if (buflen < 1)
+ goto Elong;
+- memcpy(end, " (deleted)", 10);
++ /* Get '/' right */
++ retval = end-1;
++ *retval = '/';
+ }
+- if (buflen < 1)
+- goto Elong;
+- /* Get '/' right */
+- retval = end-1;
+- *retval = '/';
+ for (;;) {
+ struct dentry * parent;
+ if (dentry == root && vfsmnt == rootmnt)
+ break;
+ if (dentry == vfsmnt->mnt_root || IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
+- /* Global root? */
++ /* root of a tree? */
+ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
+ if (vfsmnt->mnt_parent == vfsmnt) {
+ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
+- goto global_root;
++ goto other_root;
+ }
+ dentry = vfsmnt->mnt_mountpoint;
+ vfsmnt = vfsmnt->mnt_parent;
+@@ -1320,27 +1562,51 @@ static char * __d_path( struct dentry *d
+ }
+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
+ prefetch(parent);
++ if (buffer != NULL) {
++ namelen = dentry->d_name.len;
++ buflen -= namelen + 1;
++ if (buflen < 0)
++ goto Elong;
++ end -= namelen;
++ memcpy(end, dentry->, namelen);
++ *--end = '/';
++ retval = end;
++ }
++ dentry = parent;
++ }
++ /* the given root point is reached */
++ if (buffer != NULL && deleted)
++ retval = __d_path_add_deleted(end, buflen);
++ return retval;
++ /*
++ * We traversed the tree upward and reached a root, but the given
++ * lookup terminal point wasn't encountered. It means either that the
++ * dentry is out of our scope or belongs to an abstract space like
++ * sock_mnt or pipe_mnt. Check for it.
++ *
++ * There are different options to check it.
++ * We may assume that any dentry tree is unreachable unless it's
++ * connected to `root' (defined as fs root of init aka child reaper)
++ * and expose all paths that are not connected to it.
++ * The other option is to allow exposing of known abstract spaces
++ * explicitly and hide the path information for other cases.
++ * This approach is more safe, let's take it. 2001/04/22 SAW
++ */
++ if (!(oldvfsmnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_NOUSER))
++ return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ if (buffer != NULL) {
+ namelen = dentry->d_name.len;
+- buflen -= namelen + 1;
++ buflen -= namelen;
+ if (buflen < 0)
+ goto Elong;
+- end -= namelen;
+- memcpy(end, dentry->, namelen);
+- *--end = '/';
+- retval = end;
+- dentry = parent;
++ retval -= namelen-1; /* hit the slash */
++ memcpy(retval, dentry->, namelen);
+ }
++ goto finish;
+- return retval;
+- namelen = dentry->d_name.len;
+- buflen -= namelen;
+- if (buflen < 0)
+- goto Elong;
+- retval -= namelen-1; /* hit the slash */
+- memcpy(retval, dentry->, namelen);
+- return retval;
+ Elong:
+ }
+@@ -1365,6 +1631,229 @@ char * d_path(struct dentry *dentry, str
+ return res;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#include <net/sock.h>
++#include <linux/ip.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/namespace.h>
++#include <linux/vzratelimit.h>
++static void mark_sub_tree_virtual(struct dentry *d)
++ struct dentry *orig_root;
++ orig_root = d;
++ while (1) {
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ d->d_flags |= DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&d->d_subdirs)) {
++ d = list_entry(d->,
++ struct dentry, d_child);
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (d == orig_root)
++ break;
++ while (d == list_entry(d->d_parent->d_subdirs.prev,
++ struct dentry, d_child)) {
++ d = d->d_parent;
++ if (d == orig_root)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ d = list_entry(d->,
++ struct dentry, d_child);
++ }
++ return;
++void mark_tree_virtual(struct vfsmount *m, struct dentry *d)
++ struct vfsmount *orig_rootmnt;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ orig_rootmnt = m;
++ while (1) {
++ mark_sub_tree_virtual(d);
++ if (!list_empty(&m->mnt_mounts)) {
++ m = list_entry(m->,
++ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
++ d = m->mnt_root;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (m == orig_rootmnt)
++ break;
++ while (m == list_entry(m->mnt_parent->mnt_mounts.prev,
++ struct vfsmount, mnt_child)) {
++ m = m->mnt_parent;
++ if (m == orig_rootmnt)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ m = list_entry(m->,
++ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
++ d = m->mnt_root;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++static struct vz_rate_info area_ri = { 20, 10*HZ };
++#define VE_AREA_ACC_CHECK 0x0001
++#define VE_AREA_ACC_DENY 0x0002
++#define VE_AREA_EXEC_CHECK 0x0010
++#define VE_AREA_EXEC_DENY 0x0020
++#define VE0_AREA_ACC_CHECK 0x0100
++#define VE0_AREA_ACC_DENY 0x0200
++#define VE0_AREA_EXEC_CHECK 0x1000
++#define VE0_AREA_EXEC_DENY 0x2000
++int ve_area_access_check =
++static void print_connection_info(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ struct files_struct *files;
++ int fd;
++ files = get_files_struct(tsk);
++ if (!files)
++ return;
++ spin_lock(&files->file_lock);
++ for (fd = 0; fd < files->max_fds; fd++) {
++ struct file *file;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct socket *socket;
++ struct sock *sk;
++ struct inet_opt *inet;
++ file = files->fd[fd];
++ if (file == NULL)
++ continue;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!inode->i_sock)
++ continue;
++ socket = SOCKET_I(inode);
++ if (socket == NULL)
++ continue;
++ sk = socket->sk;
++ if (sk->sk_family != PF_INET || sk->sk_type != SOCK_STREAM)
++ continue;
++ inet = inet_sk(sk);
++ printk(KERN_ALERT "connection from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u to port %u\n",
++ NIPQUAD(inet->daddr), ntohs(inet->dport),
++ inet->num);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
++ put_files_struct(files);
++static void check_alert(struct vfsmount *vfsmnt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ char *str)
++ struct task_struct *tsk;
++ unsigned long page;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ char *p;
++ if (!vz_ratelimit(&area_ri))
++ return;
++ tsk = current;
++ p = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ page = __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (page) {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ p = __d_path(dentry, vfsmnt, tsk->fs->root, tsk->fs->rootmnt,
++ (char *)page, PAGE_SIZE);
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ p = "(undefined)";
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ printk(KERN_ALERT "%s check alert! file:[%s] from %d/%s, dev%x\n"
++ "Task %d/%d[%s] from VE%d, execenv %d",
++ str, p, VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type)->veid,
++ sb->s_type->name, sb->s_dev,
++ tsk->pid, virt_pid(tsk), tsk->comm,
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env->veid,
++ get_exec_env()->veid);
++ free_page(page);
++ print_connection_info(tsk);
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ tsk = tsk->real_parent;
++ get_task_struct(tsk);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ printk(KERN_ALERT "Parent %d/%d[%s] from VE%d\n",
++ tsk->pid, virt_pid(tsk), tsk->comm,
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env->veid);
++ print_connection_info(tsk);
++ put_task_struct(tsk);
++ dump_stack();
++int check_area_access_ve(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int check, alert, deny;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ check = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_ACC_CHECK;
++ alert = dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
++ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_ACC_DENY;
++ } else {
++ check = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_ACC_CHECK;
++ alert = !(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL);
++ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_ACC_DENY;
++ }
++ if (check && alert)
++ check_alert(mnt, dentry, "Access");
++ if (deny && alert)
++ return -EACCES;
++ return 0;
++int check_area_execute_ve(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int check, alert, deny;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ check = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_EXEC_CHECK;
++ alert = dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
++ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_EXEC_DENY;
++ } else {
++ check = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_EXEC_CHECK;
++ alert = !(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL);
++ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_EXEC_DENY;
++ }
++ if (check && alert)
++ check_alert(mnt, dentry, "Exec");
++ if (deny && alert)
++ return -EACCES;
++ return 0;
+ /*
+ * NOTE! The user-level library version returns a
+ * character pointer. The kernel system call just
+@@ -1501,10 +1990,12 @@ resume:
+ goto repeat;
+ }
+ atomic_dec(&dentry->d_count);
++ ub_dentry_uncharge(dentry);
+ }
+ if (this_parent != root) {
+ next = this_parent->;
+ atomic_dec(&this_parent->d_count);
++ ub_dentry_uncharge(this_parent);
+ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent;
+ goto resume;
+ }
+@@ -1627,7 +2118,7 @@ void __init vfs_caches_init(unsigned lon
+ filp_cachep = kmem_cache_create("filp", sizeof(struct file), 0,
+- SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN|SLAB_PANIC, filp_ctor, filp_dtor);
++ SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN|SLAB_PANIC|SLAB_UBC, filp_ctor, filp_dtor);
+ dcache_init(mempages);
+ inode_init(mempages);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -93,12 +93,10 @@ static struct dcookie_struct * alloc_dco
+ if (!dcs)
+ return NULL;
+- atomic_inc(&dentry->d_count);
+- atomic_inc(&vfsmnt->mnt_count);
+ dentry->d_cookie = dcs;
+- dcs->dentry = dentry;
+- dcs->vfsmnt = vfsmnt;
++ dcs->dentry = dget(dentry);
++ dcs->vfsmnt = mntget(vfsmnt);
+ hash_dcookie(dcs);
+ return dcs;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/sched.h>
+ #include <linux/namei.h>
+@@ -25,13 +26,29 @@
+ static struct vfsmount *devpts_mnt;
+ static struct dentry *devpts_root;
+-static struct {
+- int setuid;
+- int setgid;
+- uid_t uid;
+- gid_t gid;
+- umode_t mode;
+-} config = {.mode = 0600};
++void prepare_devpts(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->devpts_mnt = devpts_mnt;
++ devpts_mnt = (struct vfsmount *)0x11121314;
++ /* ve0.devpts_root should be filled inside fill_super() */
++ BUG_ON(devpts_root != NULL);
++ devpts_root = (struct dentry *)0x12131415;
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define visible_devpts_mnt devpts_mnt
++#define visible_devpts_root devpts_root
++#define visible_devpts_config config
++#define visible_devpts_mnt (get_exec_env()->devpts_mnt)
++#define visible_devpts_root (get_exec_env()->devpts_root)
++#define visible_devpts_config (*(get_exec_env()->devpts_config))
++static struct devpts_config config = {.mode = 0600};
+ static int devpts_remount(struct super_block *sb, int *flags, char *data)
+ {
+@@ -57,15 +74,16 @@ static int devpts_remount(struct super_b
+ } else if (sscanf(this_char, "mode=%o%c", &n, &dummy) == 1)
+ mode = n & ~S_IFMT;
+ else {
+- printk("devpts: called with bogus options\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG,
++ "devpts: called with bogus options\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+- config.setuid = setuid;
+- config.setgid = setgid;
+- config.uid = uid;
+- config.gid = gid;
+- config.mode = mode;
++ visible_devpts_config.setuid = setuid;
++ visible_devpts_config.setgid = setgid;
++ visible_devpts_config.uid = uid;
++ visible_devpts_config.gid = gid;
++ visible_devpts_config.mode = mode;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -98,10 +116,10 @@ devpts_fill_super(struct super_block *s,
+ inode->i_fop = &simple_dir_operations;
+ inode->i_nlink = 2;
+- devpts_root = s->s_root = d_alloc_root(inode);
++ visible_devpts_root = s->s_root = d_alloc_root(inode);
+ if (s->s_root)
+ return 0;
+ printk("devpts: get root dentry failed\n");
+ iput(inode);
+ fail:
+@@ -121,6 +139,8 @@ static struct file_system_type devpts_fs
+ .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
+ };
+ /*
+ * The normal naming convention is simply /dev/pts/<number>; this conforms
+ * to the System V naming convention
+@@ -129,7 +149,7 @@ static struct file_system_type devpts_fs
+ static struct dentry *get_node(int num)
+ {
+ char s[12];
+- struct dentry *root = devpts_root;
++ struct dentry *root = visible_devpts_root;
+ down(&root->d_inode->i_sem);
+ return lookup_one_len(s, root, sprintf(s, "%d", num));
+ }
+@@ -147,7 +167,7 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
+ struct tty_driver *driver = tty->driver;
+ dev_t device = MKDEV(driver->major, driver->minor_start+number);
+ struct dentry *dentry;
+- struct inode *inode = new_inode(devpts_mnt->mnt_sb);
++ struct inode *inode = new_inode(visible_devpts_mnt->mnt_sb);
+ /* We're supposed to be given the slave end of a pty */
+ BUG_ON(driver->type != TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_PTY);
+@@ -158,10 +178,12 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
+ inode->i_ino = number+2;
+ inode->i_blksize = 1024;
+- inode->i_uid = config.setuid ? config.uid : current->fsuid;
+- inode->i_gid = config.setgid ? config.gid : current->fsgid;
++ inode->i_uid = visible_devpts_config.setuid ?
++ visible_devpts_config.uid : current->fsuid;
++ inode->i_gid = visible_devpts_config.setgid ?
++ visible_devpts_config.gid : current->fsgid;
+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
+- init_special_inode(inode, S_IFCHR|config.mode, device);
++ init_special_inode(inode, S_IFCHR|visible_devpts_config.mode, device);
+ inode->i_op = &devpts_file_inode_operations;
+ inode->u.generic_ip = tty;
+@@ -169,7 +191,7 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
+ if (!IS_ERR(dentry) && !dentry->d_inode)
+ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+- up(&devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
++ up(&visible_devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -179,10 +201,14 @@ struct tty_struct *devpts_get_tty(int nu
+ struct dentry *dentry = get_node(number);
+ struct tty_struct *tty;
+- tty = (IS_ERR(dentry) || !dentry->d_inode) ? NULL :
+- dentry->d_inode->u.generic_ip;
++ tty = NULL;
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ if (dentry->d_inode)
++ tty = dentry->d_inode->u.generic_ip;
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
+- up(&devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
++ up(&visible_devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
+ return tty;
+ }
+@@ -200,7 +226,7 @@ void devpts_pty_kill(int number)
+ }
+ dput(dentry);
+ }
+- up(&devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
++ up(&visible_devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
+ }
+ static int __init init_devpts_fs(void)
+@@ -208,17 +234,22 @@ static int __init init_devpts_fs(void)
+ int err = init_devpts_xattr();
+ if (err)
+ return err;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->devpts_config = &config;
+ err = register_filesystem(&devpts_fs_type);
+ if (!err) {
+ devpts_mnt = kern_mount(&devpts_fs_type);
+ if (IS_ERR(devpts_mnt))
+ err = PTR_ERR(devpts_mnt);
+ }
++ prepare_devpts();
+ return err;
+ }
+ static void __exit exit_devpts_fs(void)
+ {
++ /* the code is never called, the argument is irrelevant */
+ unregister_filesystem(&devpts_fs_type);
+ mntput(devpts_mnt);
+ exit_devpts_xattr();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -833,8 +833,10 @@ do_holes:
+ char *kaddr;
+ /* AKPM: eargh, -ENOTBLK is a hack */
+- if (dio->rw == WRITE)
++ if (dio->rw == WRITE) {
++ page_cache_release(page);
+ return -ENOTBLK;
++ }
+ if (dio->block_in_file >=
+ i_size_read(dio->inode)>>blkbits) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -615,6 +615,7 @@ eexit_1:
+ return error;
+ }
++#define MAX_EVENTS (INT_MAX / sizeof(struct epoll_event))
+ /*
+ * Implement the event wait interface for the eventpoll file. It is the kernel
+@@ -631,7 +632,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_epoll_wait(int epfd,
+ current, epfd, events, maxevents, timeout));
+ /* The maximum number of event must be greater than zero */
+- if (maxevents <= 0)
++ if (maxevents <= 0 || maxevents > MAX_EVENTS)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ /* Verify that the area passed by the user is writeable */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/file.h>
+ #include <linux/mman.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
+ #include <linux/a.out.h>
+ #include <linux/stat.h>
+ #include <linux/fcntl.h>
+@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ #ifdef CONFIG_KMOD
+ #include <linux/kmod.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -58,6 +61,8 @@ int core_uses_pid;
+ char core_pattern[65] = "core";
+ /* The maximal length of core_pattern is also specified in sysctl.c */
++int sysctl_at_vsyscall;
+ static struct linux_binfmt *formats;
+ static rwlock_t binfmt_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+@@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_uselib(const char __
+ if (!S_ISREG(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
+ goto exit;
+- error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ | MAY_EXEC, &nd);
++ error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ | MAY_EXEC, &nd, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ goto exit;
+@@ -298,10 +303,14 @@ void install_arg_page(struct vm_area_str
+ struct page *page, unsigned long address)
+ {
+ struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
++ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
+ pgd_t * pgd;
+ pmd_t * pmd;
+ pte_t * pte;
++ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
++ return;
+ if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
+ goto out_sig;
+@@ -320,9 +329,14 @@ void install_arg_page(struct vm_area_str
+ goto out;
+ }
+ mm->rss++;
++ vma->vm_rss++;
+ lru_cache_add_active(page);
+ set_pte(pte, pte_mkdirty(pte_mkwrite(mk_pte(
+ page, vma->vm_page_prot))));
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
++ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
+ page_add_anon_rmap(page, vma, address);
+ pte_unmap(pte);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+@@ -334,6 +348,31 @@ out:
+ out_sig:
+ __free_page(page);
+ force_sig(SIGKILL, current);
++ pb_free(&pbc);
++static inline void get_stack_vma_params(struct mm_struct *mm, int exec_stack,
++ unsigned long stack_base, struct linux_binprm *bprm,
++ unsigned long *start, unsigned long *end, unsigned long *flags)
++ *start = stack_base;
++ *end = PAGE_MASK &
++ (PAGE_SIZE - 1 + (unsigned long) bprm->p);
++ *start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
++ *end = STACK_TOP;
++ /* Adjust stack execute permissions; explicitly enable
++ * and leave alone (arch default) otherwise. */
++ if (unlikely(exec_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X))
++ *flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS | VM_EXEC;
++ else if (exec_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
++ *flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS & ~VM_EXEC;
++ else
++ *flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
++ *flags |= mm->def_flags;
+ }
+ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int executable_stack)
+@@ -341,9 +380,13 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
+ unsigned long stack_base;
+ struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
+- int i;
++ int i, ret;
+ long arg_size;
++ unsigned long vm_start;
++ unsigned long vm_end;
++ unsigned long vm_flags;
+ /* Move the argument and environment strings to the bottom of the
+ * stack space.
+@@ -399,40 +442,32 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
+ bprm->loader += stack_base;
+ bprm->exec += stack_base;
+- mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ get_stack_vma_params(mm, executable_stack, stack_base, bprm,
++ &vm_start, &vm_end, &vm_flags);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, vm_flags,
++ goto out;
++ mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL | __GFP_SOFT_UBC);
+ if (!mpnt)
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ goto out_uncharge;
+- if (security_vm_enough_memory(arg_size >> PAGE_SHIFT)) {
+- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- }
++ if (security_vm_enough_memory(arg_size >> PAGE_SHIFT))
++ goto out_free;
+ memset(mpnt, 0, sizeof(*mpnt));
+ down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ {
+ mpnt->vm_mm = mm;
+- mpnt->vm_start = stack_base;
+- mpnt->vm_end = PAGE_MASK &
+- (PAGE_SIZE - 1 + (unsigned long) bprm->p);
+- mpnt->vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
+- mpnt->vm_end = STACK_TOP;
+- /* Adjust stack execute permissions; explicitly enable
+- * and leave alone (arch default) otherwise. */
+- if (unlikely(executable_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X))
+- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS | VM_EXEC;
+- else if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
+- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS & ~VM_EXEC;
+- else
+- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
+- mpnt->vm_flags |= mm->def_flags;
++ mpnt->vm_start = vm_start;
++ mpnt->vm_end = vm_end;
++ mpnt->vm_flags = vm_flags;
++ mpnt->vm_rss = 0;
+ mpnt->vm_page_prot = protection_map[mpnt->vm_flags & 0x7];
+- insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt);
++ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt)))
++ goto out_up;
+ mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ }
+@@ -447,6 +482,16 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ return 0;
++ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ vm_unacct_memory(arg_size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, vm_flags, NULL);
++ return ret;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(setup_arg_pages);
+@@ -468,7 +513,7 @@ static inline void free_arg_pages(struct
+ #endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
+-struct file *open_exec(const char *name)
++struct file *open_exec(const char *name, struct linux_binprm *bprm)
+ {
+ struct nameidata nd;
+ int err;
+@@ -483,9 +528,13 @@ struct file *open_exec(const char *name)
+ file = ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
+ if (!(nd.mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC) &&
+ S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) {
+- int err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, &nd);
+- if (!err && !(inode->i_mode & 0111))
+- err = -EACCES;
++ int err;
++ if (bprm != NULL) {
++ bprm->perm.set = 0;
++ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, &nd,
++ &bprm->perm);
++ } else
++ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, &nd, NULL);
+ file = ERR_PTR(err);
+ if (!err) {
+ file = dentry_open(nd.dentry, nd.mnt, O_RDONLY);
+@@ -524,35 +573,63 @@ int kernel_read(struct file *file, unsig
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(kernel_read);
+-static int exec_mmap(struct mm_struct *mm)
++static int exec_mmap(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *tsk;
+- struct mm_struct * old_mm, *active_mm;
+- /* Add it to the list of mm's */
+- spin_lock(&mmlist_lock);
+- list_add(&mm->mmlist, &init_mm.mmlist);
+- mmlist_nr++;
+- spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
++ struct mm_struct *mm, *old_mm, *active_mm;
++ int ret;
+ /* Notify parent that we're no longer interested in the old VM */
+ tsk = current;
+ old_mm = current->mm;
+ mm_release(tsk, old_mm);
++ if (old_mm) {
++ /*
++ * Make sure that if there is a core dump in progress
++ * for the old mm, we get out and die instead of going
++ * through with the exec. We must hold mmap_sem around
++ * checking core_waiters and changing tsk->mm. The
++ * core-inducing thread will increment core_waiters for
++ * each thread whose ->mm == old_mm.
++ */
++ down_read(&old_mm->mmap_sem);
++ if (unlikely(old_mm->core_waiters)) {
++ up_read(&old_mm->mmap_sem);
++ return -EINTR;
++ }
++ }
++ ret = 0;
+ task_lock(tsk);
++ mm = bprm->mm;
+ active_mm = tsk->active_mm;
+ tsk->mm = mm;
+ tsk->active_mm = mm;
+ activate_mm(active_mm, mm);
+ task_unlock(tsk);
++ /* Add it to the list of mm's */
++ spin_lock(&mmlist_lock);
++ list_add(&mm->mmlist, &init_mm.mmlist);
++ mmlist_nr++;
++ spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
++ bprm->mm = NULL; /* We're using it now */
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_EXECMMAP,
++ bprm) & NOTIFY_FAIL) {
++ /* similar to binfmt_elf */
++ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ }
+ if (old_mm) {
++ up_read(&old_mm->mmap_sem);
+ if (active_mm != old_mm) BUG();
+ mmput(old_mm);
+- return 0;
++ return ret;
+ }
+ mmdrop(active_mm);
+- return 0;
++ return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -563,52 +640,26 @@ static int exec_mmap(struct mm_struct *m
+ */
+ static inline int de_thread(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ {
+- struct signal_struct *newsig, *oldsig = tsk->signal;
++ struct signal_struct *sig = tsk->signal;
+ struct sighand_struct *newsighand, *oldsighand = tsk->sighand;
+ spinlock_t *lock = &oldsighand->siglock;
++ struct task_struct *leader = NULL;
+ int count;
+ /*
+ * If we don't share sighandlers, then we aren't sharing anything
+ * and we can just re-use it all.
+ */
+- if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) <= 1)
++ if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) <= 1) {
++ BUG_ON(atomic_read(&sig->count) != 1);
++ exit_itimers(sig);
+ return 0;
++ }
+ newsighand = kmem_cache_alloc(sighand_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!newsighand)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- spin_lock_init(&newsighand->siglock);
+- atomic_set(&newsighand->count, 1);
+- memcpy(newsighand->action, oldsighand->action, sizeof(newsighand->action));
+- /*
+- * See if we need to allocate a new signal structure
+- */
+- newsig = NULL;
+- if (atomic_read(&oldsig->count) > 1) {
+- newsig = kmem_cache_alloc(signal_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!newsig) {
+- kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, newsighand);
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- }
+- atomic_set(&newsig->count, 1);
+- newsig->group_exit = 0;
+- newsig->group_exit_code = 0;
+- newsig->group_exit_task = NULL;
+- newsig->group_stop_count = 0;
+- newsig->curr_target = NULL;
+- init_sigpending(&newsig->shared_pending);
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&newsig->posix_timers);
+- newsig->tty = oldsig->tty;
+- newsig->pgrp = oldsig->pgrp;
+- newsig->session = oldsig->session;
+- newsig->leader = oldsig->leader;
+- newsig->tty_old_pgrp = oldsig->tty_old_pgrp;
+- }
+ if (thread_group_empty(current))
+ goto no_thread_group;
+@@ -618,7 +669,7 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
+ */
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ spin_lock_irq(lock);
+- if (oldsig->group_exit) {
++ if (sig->group_exit) {
+ /*
+ * Another group action in progress, just
+ * return so that the signal is processed.
+@@ -626,11 +677,9 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
+ spin_unlock_irq(lock);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, newsighand);
+- if (newsig)
+- kmem_cache_free(signal_cachep, newsig);
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ }
+- oldsig->group_exit = 1;
++ sig->group_exit = 1;
+ zap_other_threads(current);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -640,14 +689,16 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
+ count = 2;
+ if (current->pid == current->tgid)
+ count = 1;
+- while (atomic_read(&oldsig->count) > count) {
+- oldsig->group_exit_task = current;
+- oldsig->notify_count = count;
++ while (atomic_read(&sig->count) > count) {
++ sig->group_exit_task = current;
++ sig->notify_count = count;
+ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+ spin_unlock_irq(lock);
+ schedule();
+ spin_lock_irq(lock);
+ }
++ sig->group_exit_task = NULL;
++ sig->notify_count = 0;
+ spin_unlock_irq(lock);
+ /*
+@@ -656,22 +707,23 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
+ * and to assume its PID:
+ */
+ if (current->pid != current->tgid) {
+- struct task_struct *leader = current->group_leader, *parent;
+- struct dentry *proc_dentry1, *proc_dentry2;
+- unsigned long state, ptrace;
++ struct task_struct *parent;
++ struct dentry *proc_dentry1[2], *proc_dentry2[2];
++ unsigned long exit_state, ptrace;
+ /*
+ * Wait for the thread group leader to be a zombie.
+ * It should already be zombie at this point, most
+ * of the time.
+ */
+- while (leader->state != TASK_ZOMBIE)
++ leader = current->group_leader;
++ while (leader->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE)
+ yield();
+ spin_lock(&leader->proc_lock);
+ spin_lock(&current->proc_lock);
+- proc_dentry1 = proc_pid_unhash(current);
+- proc_dentry2 = proc_pid_unhash(leader);
++ proc_pid_unhash(current, proc_dentry1);
++ proc_pid_unhash(leader, proc_dentry2);
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ if (leader->tgid != current->tgid)
+@@ -709,7 +761,7 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
+ list_del(&current->tasks);
+ list_add_tail(&current->tasks, &init_task.tasks);
+ current->exit_signal = SIGCHLD;
+- state = leader->state;
++ exit_state = leader->exit_state;
+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ spin_unlock(&leader->proc_lock);
+@@ -717,37 +769,53 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
+ proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry1);
+ proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry2);
+- if (state != TASK_ZOMBIE)
++ if (exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE)
+ BUG();
+- release_task(leader);
+ }
++ /*
++ * Now there are really no other threads at all,
++ * so it's safe to stop telling them to kill themselves.
++ */
++ sig->group_exit = 0;
+ no_thread_group:
++ exit_itimers(sig);
++ if (leader)
++ release_task(leader);
++ BUG_ON(atomic_read(&sig->count) != 1);
++ if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) == 1) {
++ /*
++ * Now that we nuked the rest of the thread group,
++ * it turns out we are not sharing sighand any more either.
++ * So we can just keep it.
++ */
++ kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, newsighand);
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * Move our state over to newsighand and switch it in.
++ */
++ spin_lock_init(&newsighand->siglock);
++ atomic_set(&newsighand->count, 1);
++ memcpy(newsighand->action, oldsighand->action,
++ sizeof(newsighand->action));
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ spin_lock(&oldsighand->siglock);
++ spin_lock(&newsighand->siglock);
+- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+- spin_lock(&oldsighand->siglock);
+- spin_lock(&newsighand->siglock);
+- if (current == oldsig->curr_target)
+- oldsig->curr_target = next_thread(current);
+- if (newsig)
+- current->signal = newsig;
+- current->sighand = newsighand;
+- init_sigpending(&current->pending);
+- recalc_sigpending();
+- spin_unlock(&newsighand->siglock);
+- spin_unlock(&oldsighand->siglock);
+- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ current->sighand = newsighand;
++ recalc_sigpending();
+- if (newsig && atomic_dec_and_test(&oldsig->count))
+- kmem_cache_free(signal_cachep, oldsig);
++ spin_unlock(&newsighand->siglock);
++ spin_unlock(&oldsighand->siglock);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+- if (atomic_dec_and_test(&oldsighand->count))
+- kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, oldsighand);
++ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&oldsighand->count))
++ kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, oldsighand);
++ }
+- if (!thread_group_empty(current))
+- BUG();
+ if (current->tgid != current->pid)
+ BUG();
+ return 0;
+@@ -786,11 +854,27 @@ static inline void flush_old_files(struc
+ spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
+ }
++void get_task_comm(char *buf, struct task_struct *tsk)
++ /* buf must be at least sizeof(tsk->comm) in size */
++ task_lock(tsk);
++ strncpy(buf, tsk->comm, sizeof(tsk->comm));
++ task_unlock(tsk);
++void set_task_comm(struct task_struct *tsk, char *buf)
++ task_lock(tsk);
++ strlcpy(tsk->comm, buf, sizeof(tsk->comm));
++ task_unlock(tsk);
+ int flush_old_exec(struct linux_binprm * bprm)
+ {
+ char * name;
+ int i, ch, retval;
+ struct files_struct *files;
++ char tcomm[sizeof(current->comm)];
+ /*
+ * Make sure we have a private signal table and that
+@@ -812,12 +896,10 @@ int flush_old_exec(struct linux_binprm *
+ /*
+ * Release all of the old mmap stuff
+ */
+- retval = exec_mmap(bprm->mm);
++ retval = exec_mmap(bprm);
+ if (retval)
+ goto mmap_failed;
+- bprm->mm = NULL; /* We're using it now */
+ /* This is the point of no return */
+ steal_locks(files);
+ put_files_struct(files);
+@@ -831,17 +913,19 @@ int flush_old_exec(struct linux_binprm *
+ if (ch == '/')
+ i = 0;
+ else
+- if (i < 15)
+- current->comm[i++] = ch;
++ if (i < (sizeof(tcomm) - 1))
++ tcomm[i++] = ch;
+ }
+- current->comm[i] = '\0';
++ tcomm[i] = '\0';
++ set_task_comm(current, tcomm);
+ flush_thread();
+ if (bprm->e_uid != current->euid || bprm->e_gid != current->egid ||
+- permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode,MAY_READ, NULL) ||
++ permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) ||
+ (bprm->interp_flags & BINPRM_FLAGS_ENFORCE_NONDUMP))
+ current->mm->dumpable = 0;
++ current->mm->vps_dumpable = 1;
+ /* An exec changes our domain. We are no longer part of the thread
+ group */
+@@ -872,13 +956,6 @@ int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *
+ struct inode * inode = bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode;
+ int retval;
+- mode = inode->i_mode;
+- /*
+- * Check execute perms again - if the caller has CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE,
+- * vfs_permission lets a non-executable through
+- */
+- if (!(mode & 0111)) /* with at least _one_ execute bit set */
+- return -EACCES;
+ if (bprm->file->f_op == NULL)
+ return -EACCES;
+@@ -886,10 +963,24 @@ int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *
+ bprm->e_gid = current->egid;
+ if(!(bprm->file->f_vfsmnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOSUID)) {
++ if (!bprm->perm.set) {
++ /*
++ * This piece of code creates a time window between
++ * MAY_EXEC permission check and setuid/setgid
++ * operations and may be considered as a security hole.
++ * This code is here for compatibility reasons,
++ * if the filesystem is unable to return info now.
++ */
++ bprm->perm.mode = inode->i_mode;
++ bprm->perm.uid = inode->i_uid;
++ bprm->perm.gid = inode->i_gid;
++ }
++ mode = bprm->perm.mode;
+ /* Set-uid? */
+ if (mode & S_ISUID) {
+ current->personality &= ~PER_CLEAR_ON_SETID;
+- bprm->e_uid = inode->i_uid;
++ bprm->e_uid = bprm->perm.uid;
+ }
+ /* Set-gid? */
+@@ -900,7 +991,7 @@ int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *
+ */
+ if ((mode & (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) == (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) {
+ current->personality &= ~PER_CLEAR_ON_SETID;
+- bprm->e_gid = inode->i_gid;
++ bprm->e_gid = bprm->perm.gid;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -993,7 +1084,7 @@ int search_binary_handler(struct linux_b
+ loader = PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES-sizeof(void *);
+- file = open_exec("/sbin/loader");
++ file = open_exec("/sbin/loader", bprm);
+ retval = PTR_ERR(file);
+ if (IS_ERR(file))
+ return retval;
+@@ -1079,7 +1170,7 @@ int do_execve(char * filename,
+ int retval;
+ int i;
+- file = open_exec(filename);
++ file = open_exec(filename, &bprm);
+ retval = PTR_ERR(file);
+ if (IS_ERR(file))
+@@ -1222,7 +1313,7 @@ void format_corename(char *corename, con
+ case 'p':
+ pid_in_pattern = 1;
+ rc = snprintf(out_ptr, out_end - out_ptr,
+- "%d", current->tgid);
++ "%d", virt_tgid(current));
+ if (rc > out_end - out_ptr)
+ goto out;
+ out_ptr += rc;
+@@ -1266,7 +1357,7 @@ void format_corename(char *corename, con
+ case 'h':
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+ rc = snprintf(out_ptr, out_end - out_ptr,
+- "%s", system_utsname.nodename);
++ "%s", ve_utsname.nodename);
+ up_read(&uts_sem);
+ if (rc > out_end - out_ptr)
+ goto out;
+@@ -1294,7 +1385,7 @@ void format_corename(char *corename, con
+ if (!pid_in_pattern
+ && (core_uses_pid || atomic_read(&current->mm->mm_users) != 1)) {
+ rc = snprintf(out_ptr, out_end - out_ptr,
+- ".%d", current->tgid);
++ ".%d", virt_tgid(current));
+ if (rc > out_end - out_ptr)
+ goto out;
+ out_ptr += rc;
+@@ -1308,6 +1399,7 @@ static void zap_threads (struct mm_struc
+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
+ struct task_struct *tsk = current;
+ struct completion *vfork_done = tsk->vfork_done;
++ int traced = 0;
+ /*
+ * Make sure nobody is waiting for us to release the VM,
+@@ -1319,14 +1411,34 @@ static void zap_threads (struct mm_struc
+ }
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g,p)
++ do_each_thread_ve(g,p)
+ if (mm == p->mm && p != tsk) {
+ force_sig_specific(SIGKILL, p);
+ mm->core_waiters++;
++ if (unlikely(p->ptrace) &&
++ unlikely(p->parent->mm == mm))
++ traced = 1;
+ }
+- while_each_thread(g,p);
++ while_each_thread_ve(g,p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ if (unlikely(traced)) {
++ /*
++ * We are zapping a thread and the thread it ptraces.
++ * If the tracee went into a ptrace stop for exit tracing,
++ * we could deadlock since the tracer is waiting for this
++ * coredump to finish. Detach them so they can both die.
++ */
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ do_each_thread_ve(g,p) {
++ if (mm == p->mm && p != tsk &&
++ p->ptrace && p->parent->mm == mm) {
++ __ptrace_unlink(p);
++ }
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g,p);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ }
+ }
+ static void coredump_wait(struct mm_struct *mm)
+@@ -1362,7 +1474,8 @@ int do_coredump(long signr, int exit_cod
+ if (!binfmt || !binfmt->core_dump)
+ goto fail;
+ down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
+- if (!mm->dumpable) {
++ if (!mm->dumpable ||
++ (!mm->vps_dumpable && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))) {
+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ ext2_set_acl(struct inode *inode, int ty
+ * inode->i_sem: don't care
+ */
+ int
+-ext2_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++__ext2_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
+ {
+ int mode = inode->i_mode;
+@@ -336,6 +336,29 @@ check_capabilities:
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
++ext2_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
++ int ret;
++ if (exec_perm != NULL)
++ down(&inode->i_sem);
++ ret = __ext2_permission(inode, mask);
++ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
++ if (!ret) {
++ exec_perm->set = 1;
++ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
++ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
++ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
++ }
++ up(&inode->i_sem);
++ }
++ return ret;
+ /*
+ * Initialize the ACLs of a new inode. Called from ext2_new_inode.
+ *
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ static inline int ext2_acl_count(size_t
+ #define EXT2_ACL_NOT_CACHED ((void *)-1)
+ /* acl.c */
+-extern int ext2_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
++extern int ext2_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
++ struct exec_perm *);
+ extern int ext2_acl_chmod (struct inode *);
+ extern int ext2_init_acl (struct inode *, struct inode *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -586,6 +586,7 @@ int ext2_make_empty(struct inode *inode,
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
++ memset(kaddr, 0, chunk_size);
+ de = (struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *)kaddr;
+ de->name_len = 1;
+ de->rec_len = cpu_to_le16(EXT2_DIR_REC_LEN(1));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ extern unsigned long ext2_count_free (st
+ /* inode.c */
+ extern void ext2_read_inode (struct inode *);
+-extern void ext2_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
++extern int ext2_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
+ extern void ext2_put_inode (struct inode *);
+ extern void ext2_delete_inode (struct inode *);
+ extern int ext2_sync_inode (struct inode *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1248,9 +1248,9 @@ static int ext2_update_inode(struct inod
+ return err;
+ }
+-void ext2_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
++int ext2_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
+ {
+- ext2_update_inode(inode, wait);
++ return ext2_update_inode(inode, wait);
+ }
+ int ext2_sync_inode(struct inode *inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ */
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include <linux/quotaops.h>
+ #include "ext2.h"
+ #include "xattr.h"
+ #include "acl.h"
+@@ -269,6 +270,8 @@ static int ext2_unlink(struct inode * di
+ struct page * page;
+ int err = -ENOENT;
++ DQUOT_INIT(inode);
+ de = ext2_find_entry (dir, dentry, &page);
+ if (!de)
+ goto out;
+@@ -311,6 +314,9 @@ static int ext2_rename (struct inode * o
+ struct ext2_dir_entry_2 * old_de;
+ int err = -ENOENT;
++ if (new_inode)
++ DQUOT_INIT(new_inode);
+ old_de = ext2_find_entry (old_dir, old_dentry, &old_page);
+ if (!old_de)
+ goto out;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ static void ext2_put_super (struct super
+ brelse (sbi->s_group_desc[i]);
+ kfree(sbi->s_group_desc);
+ kfree(sbi->s_debts);
++ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter);
++ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeinodes_counter);
++ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_dirs_counter);
+ brelse (sbi->s_sbh);
+ sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
+ kfree(sbi);
+@@ -1018,7 +1021,7 @@ static struct file_system_type ext2_fs_t
+ .name = "ext2",
+ .get_sb = ext2_get_sb,
+ .kill_sb = kill_block_super,
+- .fs_flags = FS_REQUIRES_DEV,
+ };
+ static int __init init_ext2_fs(void)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ext2_xattr_user_get(struct inode *inode,
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!test_opt(inode->i_sb, XATTR_USER))
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+- error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL);
++ error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ ext2_xattr_user_set(struct inode *inode,
+ if ( !S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) &&
+ (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || inode->i_mode & S_ISVTX))
+ return -EPERM;
+- error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
++ error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ ext3_set_acl(handle_t *handle, struct in
+ * inode->i_sem: don't care
+ */
+ int
+-ext3_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++__ext3_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
+ {
+ int mode = inode->i_mode;
+@@ -341,6 +341,29 @@ check_capabilities:
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
++ext3_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
++ int ret;
++ if (exec_perm != NULL)
++ down(&inode->i_sem);
++ ret = __ext3_permission(inode, mask);
++ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
++ if (!ret) {
++ exec_perm->set = 1;
++ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
++ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
++ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
++ }
++ up(&inode->i_sem);
++ }
++ return ret;
+ /*
+ * Initialize the ACLs of a new inode. Called from ext3_new_inode.
+ *
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ static inline int ext3_acl_count(size_t
+ #define EXT3_ACL_NOT_CACHED ((void *)-1)
+ /* acl.c */
+-extern int ext3_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
++extern int ext3_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
++ struct exec_perm *);
+ extern int ext3_acl_chmod (struct inode *);
+ extern int ext3_init_acl (handle_t *, struct inode *, struct inode *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -780,6 +780,7 @@ reread:
+ if (!partial) {
+ clear_buffer_new(bh_result);
+ got_it:
++ clear_buffer_delay(bh_result);
+ map_bh(bh_result, inode->i_sb, le32_to_cpu(chain[depth-1].key));
+ if (boundary)
+ set_buffer_boundary(bh_result);
+@@ -1063,11 +1064,13 @@ static int walk_page_buffers( handle_t *
+ * and the commit_write(). So doing the journal_start at the start of
+ * prepare_write() is the right place.
+ *
+- * Also, this function can nest inside ext3_writepage() ->
+- * block_write_full_page(). In that case, we *know* that ext3_writepage()
+- * has generated enough buffer credits to do the whole page. So we won't
+- * block on the journal in that case, which is good, because the caller may
+- * be PF_MEMALLOC.
++ * [2004/09/04 SAW] journal_start() in prepare_write() causes different ranking
++ * violations if copy_from_user() triggers a page fault (mmap_sem, may be page
++ * lock, plus __GFP_FS allocations).
++ * Now we read in not up-to-date buffers in prepare_write(), and do the rest
++ * including hole instantiation and inode extension in commit_write().
++ *
++ * Other notes.
+ *
+ * By accident, ext3 can be reentered when a transaction is open via
+ * quota file writes. If we were to commit the transaction while thus
+@@ -1082,6 +1085,27 @@ static int walk_page_buffers( handle_t *
+ * write.
+ */
++static int ext3_get_block_delay(struct inode *inode, sector_t iblock,
++ struct buffer_head *bh, int create)
++ int ret;
++ ret = ext3_get_block_handle(NULL, inode, iblock, bh, 0, 0);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ if (!buffer_mapped(bh)) {
++ set_buffer_delay(bh);
++ set_buffer_new(bh);
++ }
++ return ret;
++static int ext3_prepare_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
++ unsigned from, unsigned to)
++ return block_prepare_write(page, from, to, ext3_get_block_delay);
+ static int do_journal_get_write_access(handle_t *handle,
+ struct buffer_head *bh)
+ {
+@@ -1090,8 +1114,52 @@ static int do_journal_get_write_access(h
+ return ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, bh);
+ }
+-static int ext3_prepare_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
+- unsigned from, unsigned to)
++ * This function zeroes buffers not mapped to disk.
++ * We do it similarly to the error path in __block_prepare_write() to avoid
++ * keeping garbage in the page cache.
++ * Here we check BH_delay state. We know that if the buffer appears
++ * !buffer_mapped then
++ * - it was !buffer_mapped at the moment of ext3_prepare_write, and
++ * - ext3_get_block failed to map this buffer (e.g., ENOSPC).
++ * If this !mapped buffer is not up to date (it can be up to date if
++ * PageUptodate), then we zero its content.
++ */
++static void ext3_clear_delayed_buffers(struct page *page,
++ unsigned from, unsigned to)
++ struct buffer_head *bh, *head, *next;
++ unsigned block_start, block_end;
++ unsigned blocksize;
++ void *kaddr;
++ head = page_buffers(page);
++ blocksize = head->b_size;
++ for ( bh = head, block_start = 0;
++ bh != head || !block_start;
++ block_start = block_end, bh = next)
++ {
++ next = bh->b_this_page;
++ block_end = block_start + blocksize;
++ if (block_end <= from || block_start >= to)
++ continue;
++ if (!buffer_delay(bh))
++ continue;
++ J_ASSERT_BH(bh, !buffer_mapped(bh));
++ clear_buffer_new(bh);
++ clear_buffer_delay(bh);
++ if (!buffer_uptodate(bh)) {
++ kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
++ memset(kaddr + block_start, 0, bh->b_size);
++ kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
++ set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
++ mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
++ }
++ }
++static int ext3_map_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
++ unsigned from, unsigned to)
+ {
+ struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
+ int ret, needed_blocks = ext3_writepage_trans_blocks(inode);
+@@ -1104,19 +1172,19 @@ retry:
+ ret = PTR_ERR(handle);
+ goto out;
+ }
+- ret = block_prepare_write(page, from, to, ext3_get_block);
+- if (ret)
+- goto prepare_write_failed;
+- if (ext3_should_journal_data(inode)) {
++ ret = block_prepare_write(page, from, to, ext3_get_block);
++ if (!ret && ext3_should_journal_data(inode)) {
+ ret = walk_page_buffers(handle, page_buffers(page),
+ from, to, NULL, do_journal_get_write_access);
+ }
+- if (ret)
+- ext3_journal_stop(handle);
++ if (!ret)
++ goto out;
++ ext3_journal_stop(handle);
+ if (ret == -ENOSPC && ext3_should_retry_alloc(inode->i_sb, &retries))
+ goto retry;
++ ext3_clear_delayed_buffers(page, from, to);
+ out:
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1151,10 +1219,15 @@ static int commit_write_fn(handle_t *han
+ static int ext3_ordered_commit_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
+ unsigned from, unsigned to)
+ {
+- handle_t *handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
++ handle_t *handle;
+ struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
+ int ret = 0, ret2;
++ ret = ext3_map_write(file, page, from, to);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
+ ret = walk_page_buffers(handle, page_buffers(page),
+ from, to, NULL, ext3_journal_dirty_data);
+@@ -1180,11 +1253,15 @@ static int ext3_ordered_commit_write(str
+ static int ext3_writeback_commit_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
+ unsigned from, unsigned to)
+ {
+- handle_t *handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
++ handle_t *handle;
+ struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
+ int ret = 0, ret2;
+ loff_t new_i_size;
++ ret = ext3_map_write(file, page, from, to);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
+ new_i_size = ((loff_t)page->index << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) + to;
+ if (new_i_size > EXT3_I(inode)->i_disksize)
+ EXT3_I(inode)->i_disksize = new_i_size;
+@@ -1198,12 +1275,17 @@ static int ext3_writeback_commit_write(s
+ static int ext3_journalled_commit_write(struct file *file,
+ struct page *page, unsigned from, unsigned to)
+ {
+- handle_t *handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
++ handle_t *handle;
+ struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
+ int ret = 0, ret2;
+ int partial = 0;
+ loff_t pos;
++ ret = ext3_map_write(file, page, from, to);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
+ /*
+ * Here we duplicate the generic_commit_write() functionality
+ */
+@@ -1471,8 +1553,11 @@ static int ext3_journalled_writepage(str
+ ClearPageChecked(page);
+ ret = block_prepare_write(page, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE,
+ ext3_get_block);
+- if (ret != 0)
+- goto out_unlock;
++ if (ret != 0) {
++ ext3_journal_stop(handle);
++ unlock_page(page);
++ return ret;
++ }
+ ret = walk_page_buffers(handle, page_buffers(page), 0,
+ PAGE_CACHE_SIZE, NULL, do_journal_get_write_access);
+@@ -1498,7 +1583,6 @@ out:
+ no_write:
+ redirty_page_for_writepage(wbc, page);
+ unlock_page(page);
+ goto out;
+ }
+@@ -2743,21 +2827,21 @@ out_brelse:
+ * `stuff()' is running, and the new i_size will be lost. Plus the inode
+ * will no longer be on the superblock's dirty inode list.
+ */
+-void ext3_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
++int ext3_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
+ {
+- if (current->flags & PF_MEMALLOC)
+- return;
++ if (current->flags & (PF_MEMALLOC | PF_MEMDIE))
++ return 0;
+ if (ext3_journal_current_handle()) {
+ jbd_debug(0, "called recursively, non-PF_MEMALLOC!\n");
+ dump_stack();
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+ if (!wait)
+- return;
++ return 0;
+- ext3_force_commit(inode->i_sb);
++ return ext3_force_commit(inode->i_sb);
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ int ext3_ioctl (struct inode * inode, st
+ * the relevant capability.
+ */
+ if ((jflag ^ oldflags) & (EXT3_JOURNAL_DATA_FL)) {
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -404,6 +404,9 @@ void ext3_put_super (struct super_block
+ brelse(sbi->s_group_desc[i]);
+ kfree(sbi->s_group_desc);
+ kfree(sbi->s_debts);
++ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter);
++ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeinodes_counter);
++ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_dirs_counter);
+ brelse(sbi->s_sbh);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
+@@ -2331,7 +2334,7 @@ static struct file_system_type ext3_fs_t
+ .name = "ext3",
+ .get_sb = ext3_get_sb,
+ .kill_sb = kill_block_super,
+- .fs_flags = FS_REQUIRES_DEV,
+ };
+ static int __init init_ext3_fs(void)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ext3_xattr_user_get(struct inode *inode,
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!test_opt(inode->i_sb, XATTR_USER))
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+- error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL);
++ error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ ext3_xattr_user_set(struct inode *inode,
+ if ( !S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) &&
+ (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || inode->i_mode & S_ISVTX))
+ return -EPERM;
+- error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
++ error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ static int fat_fill_inode(struct inode *
+ return 0;
+ }
+-void fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
++int fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
+ {
+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
+ struct buffer_head *bh;
+@@ -1237,14 +1237,14 @@ void fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode
+ retry:
+ i_pos = MSDOS_I(inode)->i_pos;
+ if (inode->i_ino == MSDOS_ROOT_INO || !i_pos) {
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ lock_kernel();
+ if (!(bh = sb_bread(sb, i_pos >> MSDOS_SB(sb)->dir_per_block_bits))) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "FAT: unable to read inode block "
+ "for updating (i_pos %lld)\n", i_pos);
+ unlock_kernel();
+- return /* -EIO */;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+ spin_lock(&fat_inode_lock);
+ if (i_pos != MSDOS_I(inode)->i_pos) {
+@@ -1281,6 +1281,7 @@ retry:
+ mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
+ brelse(bh);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/security.h>
+ #include <linux/ptrace.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <asm/poll.h>
+ #include <asm/siginfo.h>
+@@ -219,6 +220,9 @@ static int setfl(int fd, struct file * f
+ struct inode * inode = filp->f_dentry->d_inode;
+ int error = 0;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO))
++ arg &= ~O_DIRECT;
+ /* O_APPEND cannot be cleared if the file is marked as append-only */
+ if (!(arg & O_APPEND) && IS_APPEND(inode))
+ return -EPERM;
+@@ -262,6 +266,7 @@ static int setfl(int fd, struct file * f
+ static void f_modown(struct file *filp, unsigned long pid,
+ uid_t uid, uid_t euid, int force)
+ {
++ pid = comb_vpid_to_pid(pid);
+ write_lock_irq(&filp->f_owner.lock);
+ if (force || !filp-> {
+ filp-> = pid;
+@@ -330,7 +335,7 @@ static long do_fcntl(int fd, unsigned in
+ * current syscall conventions, the only way
+ * to fix this will be in libc.
+ */
+- err = filp->;
++ err = comb_pid_to_vpid(filp->;
+ force_successful_syscall_return();
+ break;
+ case F_SETOWN:
+@@ -482,6 +487,8 @@ static void send_sigio_to_task(struct ta
+ void send_sigio(struct fown_struct *fown, int fd, int band)
+ {
++ struct file *f;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ int pid;
+@@ -489,19 +496,21 @@ void send_sigio(struct fown_struct *fown
+ pid = fown->pid;
+ if (!pid)
+ goto out_unlock_fown;
++ /* hack: fown's are always embedded in struct file */
++ f = container_of(fown, struct file, f_owner);
++ env = VE_OWNER_FILP(f);
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ if (pid > 0) {
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
+- if (p) {
++ p = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
++ if (p && ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, env)) {
+ send_sigio_to_task(p, fown, fd, band);
+ }
+ } else {
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pidptr;
+- for_each_task_pid(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pidptr) {
++ __do_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env) {
+ send_sigio_to_task(p, fown, fd, band);
+- }
++ } __while_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env);
+ }
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ out_unlock_fown:
+@@ -517,6 +526,8 @@ static void send_sigurg_to_task(struct t
+ int send_sigurg(struct fown_struct *fown)
+ {
++ struct file *f;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ int pid, ret = 0;
+@@ -527,18 +538,20 @@ int send_sigurg(struct fown_struct *fown
+ ret = 1;
++ /* hack: fown's are always embedded in struct file */
++ f = container_of(fown, struct file, f_owner);
++ env = VE_OWNER_FILP(f);
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ if (pid > 0) {
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
+- if (p) {
++ p = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
++ if (p && ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, env)) {
+ send_sigurg_to_task(p, fown);
+ }
+ } else {
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pidptr;
+- for_each_task_pid(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pidptr) {
++ __do_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env) {
+ send_sigurg_to_task(p, fown);
+- }
++ } __while_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env);
+ }
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ out_unlock_fown:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ #include <asm/bitops.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ /*
+ * Allocate an fd array, using kmalloc or vmalloc.
+@@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ struct file ** alloc_fd_array(int num)
+ int size = num * sizeof(struct file *);
+ if (size <= PAGE_SIZE)
+- new_fds = (struct file **) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ new_fds = (struct file **) ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ else
+- new_fds = (struct file **) vmalloc(size);
++ new_fds = (struct file **) ub_vmalloc(size);
+ return new_fds;
+ }
+@@ -135,9 +136,9 @@ fd_set * alloc_fdset(int num)
+ int size = num / 8;
+ if (size <= PAGE_SIZE)
+- new_fdset = (fd_set *) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ new_fdset = (fd_set *) ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ else
+- new_fdset = (fd_set *) vmalloc(size);
++ new_fdset = (fd_set *) ub_vmalloc(size);
+ return new_fdset;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+@@ -17,6 +18,8 @@
+ #include <linux/mount.h>
+ #include <linux/cdev.h>
++#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
+ /* sysctl tunables... */
+ struct files_stat_struct files_stat = {
+ .max_files = NR_FILE
+@@ -56,6 +59,8 @@ void filp_dtor(void * objp, struct kmem_
+ static inline void file_free(struct file *f)
+ {
++ ub_file_uncharge(f);
++ put_ve(VE_OWNER_FILP(f));
+ kmem_cache_free(filp_cachep, f);
+ }
+@@ -65,40 +70,46 @@ static inline void file_free(struct file
+ */
+ struct file *get_empty_filp(void)
+ {
+-static int old_max;
++ static int old_max;
+ struct file * f;
+ /*
+ * Privileged users can go above max_files
+ */
+- if (files_stat.nr_files < files_stat.max_files ||
+- capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
+- f = kmem_cache_alloc(filp_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (f) {
+- memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f));
+- if (security_file_alloc(f)) {
+- file_free(f);
+- goto fail;
+- }
+- eventpoll_init_file(f);
+- atomic_set(&f->f_count, 1);
+- f->f_uid = current->fsuid;
+- f->f_gid = current->fsgid;
+- f->f_owner.lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+- /* f->f_version: 0 */
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&f->f_list);
+- return f;
+- }
++ if (files_stat.nr_files >= files_stat.max_files &&
++ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto over;
++ f = kmem_cache_alloc(filp_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (f == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f));
++ if (ub_file_charge(f)) {
++ kmem_cache_free(filp_cachep, f);
++ goto fail;
+ }
++ SET_VE_OWNER_FILP(f, get_ve(get_exec_env()));
++ if (security_file_alloc(f)) {
++ file_free(f);
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ eventpoll_init_file(f);
++ atomic_set(&f->f_count, 1);
++ f->f_uid = current->fsuid;
++ f->f_gid = current->fsgid;
++ f->f_owner.lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++ /* f->f_version: 0 */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&f->f_list);
++ return f;
+ /* Ran out of filps - report that */
+- if (files_stat.max_files >= old_max) {
++ if (files_stat.nr_files > old_max) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "VFS: file-max limit %d reached\n",
+- files_stat.max_files);
+- old_max = files_stat.max_files;
+- } else {
+- /* Big problems... */
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "VFS: filp allocation failed\n");
++ files_stat.max_files);
++ old_max = files_stat.nr_files;
+ }
+ fail:
+ return NULL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ #include <linux/kmod.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ /*
+@@ -20,8 +21,8 @@
+ * During the unload module must call unregister_filesystem().
+ * We can access the fields of list element if:
+ * 1) spinlock is held or
+- * 2) we hold the reference to the module.
+- * The latter can be guaranteed by call of try_module_get(); if it
++ * 2) we hold the reference to the element.
++ * The latter can be guaranteed by call of try_filesystem(); if it
+ * returned 0 we must skip the element, otherwise we got the reference.
+ * Once the reference is obtained we can drop the spinlock.
+ */
+@@ -29,23 +30,51 @@
+ static struct file_system_type *file_systems;
+ static rwlock_t file_systems_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++int try_get_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs)
++ if (try_module_get(fs->owner)) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ /* WARNING: This can be used only if we _already_ own a reference */
+ void get_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs)
+ {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
+ __module_get(fs->owner);
+ }
+ void put_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs)
+ {
+ module_put(fs->owner);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ put_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
++static inline int check_ve_fstype(struct file_system_type *p,
++ struct ve_struct *env)
++ return ((p->fs_flags & FS_VIRTUALIZED) ||
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(p), env));
+ }
+-static struct file_system_type **find_filesystem(const char *name)
++static struct file_system_type **find_filesystem(const char *name,
++ struct ve_struct *env)
+ {
+ struct file_system_type **p;
+- for (p=&file_systems; *p; p=&(*p)->next)
++ for (p=&file_systems; *p; p=&(*p)->next) {
++ if (!check_ve_fstype(*p, env))
++ continue;
+ if (strcmp((*p)->name,name) == 0)
+ break;
++ }
+ return p;
+ }
+@@ -72,8 +101,10 @@ int register_filesystem(struct file_syst
+ if (fs->next)
+ return -EBUSY;
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fs->fs_supers);
++ if (VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs) == NULL)
++ SET_VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs, get_ve0());
+ write_lock(&file_systems_lock);
+- p = find_filesystem(fs->name);
++ p = find_filesystem(fs->name, VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
+ if (*p)
+ res = -EBUSY;
+ else
+@@ -130,11 +161,14 @@ static int fs_index(const char __user *
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
+- for (tmp=file_systems, index=0 ; tmp ; tmp=tmp->next, index++) {
++ for (tmp=file_systems, index=0 ; tmp ; tmp=tmp->next) {
++ if (!check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
+ if (strcmp(tmp->name,name) == 0) {
+ err = index;
+ break;
+ }
++ index++;
+ }
+ read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
+ putname(name);
+@@ -147,9 +181,15 @@ static int fs_name(unsigned int index, c
+ int len, res;
+ read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
+- for (tmp = file_systems; tmp; tmp = tmp->next, index--)
+- if (index <= 0 && try_module_get(tmp->owner))
+- break;
++ for (tmp = file_systems; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
++ if (!check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
++ if (!index) {
++ if (try_get_filesystem(tmp))
++ break;
++ } else
++ index--;
++ }
+ read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
+ if (!tmp)
+ return -EINVAL;
+@@ -167,8 +207,9 @@ static int fs_maxindex(void)
+ int index;
+ read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
+- for (tmp = file_systems, index = 0 ; tmp ; tmp = tmp->next, index++)
+- ;
++ for (tmp = file_systems, index = 0 ; tmp ; tmp = tmp->next)
++ if (check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
++ index++;
+ read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
+ return index;
+ }
+@@ -204,9 +245,10 @@ int get_filesystem_list(char * buf)
+ read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
+ tmp = file_systems;
+ while (tmp && len < PAGE_SIZE - 80) {
+- len += sprintf(buf+len, "%s\t%s\n",
+- (tmp->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV) ? "" : "nodev",
+- tmp->name);
++ if (check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
++ len += sprintf(buf+len, "%s\t%s\n",
++ (tmp->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV) ? "" : "nodev",
++ tmp->name);
+ tmp = tmp->next;
+ }
+ read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
+@@ -218,14 +260,14 @@ struct file_system_type *get_fs_type(con
+ struct file_system_type *fs;
+ read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
+- fs = *(find_filesystem(name));
+- if (fs && !try_module_get(fs->owner))
++ fs = *(find_filesystem(name, get_exec_env()));
++ if (fs && !try_get_filesystem(fs))
+ fs = NULL;
+ read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
+ if (!fs && (request_module("%s", name) == 0)) {
+ read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
+- fs = *(find_filesystem(name));
+- if (fs && !try_module_get(fs->owner))
++ fs = *(find_filesystem(name, get_exec_env()));
++ if (fs && !try_get_filesystem(fs))
+ fs = NULL;
+ read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
+ }
+@@ -233,3 +275,5 @@ struct file_system_type *get_fs_type(con
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_fs_type);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -133,10 +133,11 @@ out:
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__mark_inode_dirty);
+-static void write_inode(struct inode *inode, int sync)
++static int write_inode(struct inode *inode, int sync)
+ {
+ if (inode->i_sb->s_op->write_inode && !is_bad_inode(inode))
+- inode->i_sb->s_op->write_inode(inode, sync);
++ return inode->i_sb->s_op->write_inode(inode, sync);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -170,8 +171,11 @@ __sync_single_inode(struct inode *inode,
+ ret = do_writepages(mapping, wbc);
+ /* Don't write the inode if only I_DIRTY_PAGES was set */
+- if (dirty & (I_DIRTY_SYNC | I_DIRTY_DATASYNC))
+- write_inode(inode, wait);
++ if (dirty & (I_DIRTY_SYNC | I_DIRTY_DATASYNC)) {
++ int err = write_inode(inode, wait);
++ if (ret == 0)
++ ret = err;
++ }
+ if (wait) {
+ int err = filemap_fdatawait(mapping);
+@@ -392,7 +396,6 @@ writeback_inodes(struct writeback_contro
+ {
+ struct super_block *sb;
+- spin_lock(&inode_lock);
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+ restart:
+ sb = sb_entry(super_blocks.prev);
+@@ -407,19 +410,21 @@ restart:
+ * be unmounted by the time it is released.
+ */
+ if (down_read_trylock(&sb->s_umount)) {
+- if (sb->s_root)
++ if (sb->s_root) {
++ spin_lock(&inode_lock);
+ sync_sb_inodes(sb, wbc);
++ spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
++ }
+ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
+ }
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- if (__put_super(sb))
++ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ if (wbc->nr_to_write <= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+- spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -464,32 +469,6 @@ static void set_sb_syncing(int val)
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ }
+- * Find a superblock with inodes that need to be synced
+- */
+-static struct super_block *get_super_to_sync(void)
+- struct super_block *sb;
+- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- sb = sb_entry(super_blocks.prev);
+- for (; sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks); sb = sb_entry(sb->s_list.prev)) {
+- if (sb->s_syncing)
+- continue;
+- sb->s_syncing = 1;
+- sb->s_count++;
+- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+- down_read(&sb->s_umount);
+- if (!sb->s_root) {
+- drop_super(sb);
+- goto restart;
+- }
+- return sb;
+- }
+- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+- return NULL;
+ /**
+ * sync_inodes
+ *
+@@ -508,23 +487,39 @@ restart:
+ * outstanding dirty inodes, the writeback goes block-at-a-time within the
+ * filesystem's write_inode(). This is extremely slow.
+ */
+-void sync_inodes(int wait)
++static void __sync_inodes(int wait)
+ {
+ struct super_block *sb;
+- set_sb_syncing(0);
+- while ((sb = get_super_to_sync()) != NULL) {
+- sync_inodes_sb(sb, 0);
+- sync_blockdev(sb->s_bdev);
+- drop_super(sb);
++ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
++ if (sb->s_syncing)
++ continue;
++ sb->s_syncing = 1;
++ sb->s_count++;
++ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
++ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
++ if (sb->s_root) {
++ sync_inodes_sb(sb, wait);
++ sync_blockdev(sb->s_bdev);
++ }
++ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
++ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
++ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
++ goto restart;
+ }
++ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
++void sync_inodes(int wait)
++ set_sb_syncing(0);
++ __sync_inodes(0);
+ if (wait) {
+ set_sb_syncing(0);
+- while ((sb = get_super_to_sync()) != NULL) {
+- sync_inodes_sb(sb, 1);
+- sync_blockdev(sb->s_bdev);
+- drop_super(sb);
+- }
++ __sync_inodes(1);
+ }
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ extern struct address_space_operations h
+ extern struct inode *hfs_new_inode(struct inode *, struct qstr *, int);
+ extern void hfs_inode_write_fork(struct inode *, struct hfs_extent *, u32 *, u32 *);
+-extern void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
++extern int hfs_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
+ extern int hfs_inode_setattr(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
+ extern void hfs_inode_read_fork(struct inode *inode, struct hfs_extent *ext,
+ u32 log_size, u32 phys_size, u32 clump_size);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void hfs_inode_write_fork(struct inode *
+ HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->alloc_blksz);
+ }
+-void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
++int hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
+ {
+ struct hfs_find_data fd;
+ hfs_cat_rec rec;
+@@ -395,27 +395,27 @@ void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode
+ break;
+ case HFS_EXT_CNID:
+ hfs_btree_write(HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->ext_tree);
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ case HFS_CAT_CNID:
+ hfs_btree_write(HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->cat_tree);
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ default:
+ BUG();
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+ }
+ if (HFS_IS_RSRC(inode)) {
+ mark_inode_dirty(HFS_I(inode)->rsrc_inode);
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!inode->i_nlink)
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ if (hfs_find_init(HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->cat_tree, &fd))
+ /* panic? */
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ fd.search_key->cat = HFS_I(inode)->cat_key;
+ if (hfs_brec_find(&fd))
+@@ -460,6 +460,7 @@ void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode
+ }
+ out:
+ hfs_find_exit(&fd);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static struct dentry *hfs_file_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
+@@ -512,11 +513,11 @@ void hfs_clear_inode(struct inode *inode
+ }
+ static int hfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
+- struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ if (S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) && mask & MAY_EXEC)
+ return 0;
+- return vfs_permission(inode, mask);
++ return vfs_permission(inode, mask, NULL);
+ }
+ static int hfs_file_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ extern struct address_space_operations h
+ void hfsplus_inode_read_fork(struct inode *, struct hfsplus_fork_raw *);
+ void hfsplus_inode_write_fork(struct inode *, struct hfsplus_fork_raw *);
+ int hfsplus_cat_read_inode(struct inode *, struct hfs_find_data *);
+-void hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *);
++int hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *);
+ struct inode *hfsplus_new_inode(struct super_block *, int);
+ void hfsplus_delete_inode(struct inode *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -252,15 +252,19 @@ static void hfsplus_set_perms(struct ino
+ perms->dev = cpu_to_be32(HFSPLUS_I(inode).dev);
+ }
+-static int hfsplus_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++static int hfsplus_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
++ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ /* MAY_EXEC is also used for lookup, if no x bit is set allow lookup,
+ * open_exec has the same test, so it's still not executable, if a x bit
+ * is set fall back to standard permission check.
++ *
++ * The comment above and the check below don't make much sense
++ * with S_ISREG condition... --SAW
+ */
+ if (S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) && mask & MAY_EXEC && !(inode->i_mode & 0111))
+ return 0;
+- return vfs_permission(inode, mask);
++ return vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm);
+ }
+@@ -483,22 +487,22 @@ int hfsplus_cat_read_inode(struct inode
+ return res;
+ }
+-void hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *inode)
++int hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *inode)
+ {
+ struct hfs_find_data fd;
+ hfsplus_cat_entry entry;
+ if (HFSPLUS_IS_RSRC(inode)) {
+ mark_inode_dirty(HFSPLUS_I(inode).rsrc_inode);
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!inode->i_nlink)
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ if (hfs_find_init(HFSPLUS_SB(inode->i_sb).cat_tree, &fd))
+ /* panic? */
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ if (hfsplus_find_cat(inode->i_sb, inode->i_ino, &fd))
+ /* panic? */
+@@ -546,4 +550,5 @@ void hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inod
+ }
+ out:
+ hfs_find_exit(&fd);
++ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ static void hfsplus_read_inode(struct in
+ make_bad_inode(inode);
+ }
+-void hfsplus_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
++int hfsplus_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
+ {
+ struct hfsplus_vh *vhdr;
++ int ret = 0;
+ dprint(DBG_INODE, "hfsplus_write_inode: %lu\n", inode->i_ino);
+ hfsplus_ext_write_extent(inode);
+ if (inode->i_ino >= HFSPLUS_FIRSTUSER_CNID) {
+- hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
+- return;
++ return hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
+ }
+ vhdr = HFSPLUS_SB(inode->i_sb).s_vhdr;
+ switch (inode->i_ino) {
+- hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
++ ret = hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
+ break;
+ if (vhdr->ext_file.total_size != cpu_to_be64(inode->i_size)) {
+@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ void hfsplus_write_inode(struct inode *i
+ hfs_btree_write(HFSPLUS_SB(inode->i_sb).attr_tree);
+ break;
+ }
++ return ret;
+ }
+ static void hfsplus_clear_inode(struct inode *inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ again:
+ d_drop(dentry);
+ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) > 1 ||
+- permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) ||
++ permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) ||
+ !S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) ||
+ get_write_access(inode)) {
+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ static void hugetlbfs_delete_inode(struc
+ struct hugetlbfs_sb_info *sbinfo = HUGETLBFS_SB(inode->i_sb);
+ hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
++ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
+ list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
+ inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
+ inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
+@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ static void hugetlbfs_forget_inode(struc
+ inodes_stat.nr_unused--;
+ hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
+ out_truncate:
++ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
+ list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
+ inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
+ inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
+@@ -731,7 +733,7 @@ struct file *hugetlb_zero_setup(size_t s
+ struct inode *inode;
+ struct dentry *dentry, *root;
+ struct qstr quick_string;
+- char buf[16];
++ char buf[64];
+ if (!can_do_hugetlb_shm())
+ return ERR_PTR(-EPERM);
+@@ -740,7 +742,8 @@ struct file *hugetlb_zero_setup(size_t s
+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ root = hugetlbfs_vfsmount->mnt_root;
+- snprintf(buf, 16, "%lu", hugetlbfs_counter());
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "VE%d-%d",
++ get_exec_env()->veid, hugetlbfs_counter());
+ = buf;
+ quick_string.len = strlen(;
+ quick_string.hash = 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/dcache.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
+ #include <linux/quotaops.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ #include <linux/writeback.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+@@ -99,11 +101,18 @@ struct inodes_stat_t inodes_stat;
+ static kmem_cache_t * inode_cachep;
++unsigned int inode_memusage(void)
++ return kmem_cache_memusage(inode_cachep);
++static struct address_space_operations vfs_empty_aops;
++struct inode_operations vfs_empty_iops;
++static struct file_operations vfs_empty_fops;
+ static struct inode *alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb)
+ {
+- static struct address_space_operations empty_aops;
+- static struct inode_operations empty_iops;
+- static struct file_operations empty_fops;
+ struct inode *inode;
+ if (sb->s_op->alloc_inode)
+@@ -119,8 +128,8 @@ static struct inode *alloc_inode(struct
+ inode->i_flags = 0;
+ atomic_set(&inode->i_count, 1);
+ inode->i_sock = 0;
+- inode->i_op = &empty_iops;
+- inode->i_fop = &empty_fops;
++ inode->i_op = &vfs_empty_iops;
++ inode->i_fop = &vfs_empty_fops;
+ inode->i_nlink = 1;
+ atomic_set(&inode->i_writecount, 0);
+ inode->i_size = 0;
+@@ -144,7 +153,7 @@ static struct inode *alloc_inode(struct
+ return NULL;
+ }
+- mapping->a_ops = &empty_aops;
++ mapping->a_ops = &vfs_empty_aops;
+ mapping->host = inode;
+ mapping->flags = 0;
+ mapping_set_gfp_mask(mapping, GFP_HIGHUSER);
+@@ -295,10 +304,11 @@ static void dispose_list(struct list_hea
+ /*
+ * Invalidate all inodes for a device.
+ */
+-static int invalidate_list(struct list_head *head, struct super_block * sb, struct list_head * dispose)
++static int invalidate_list(struct list_head *head, struct list_head * dispose,
++ int verify)
+ {
+ struct list_head *next;
+- int busy = 0, count = 0;
++ int busy = 0, count = 0, print_once = 1;
+ next = head->next;
+ for (;;) {
+@@ -308,18 +318,63 @@ static int invalidate_list(struct list_h
+ next = next->next;
+ if (tmp == head)
+ break;
+- inode = list_entry(tmp, struct inode, i_list);
+- if (inode->i_sb != sb)
+- continue;
++ inode = list_entry(tmp, struct inode, i_sb_list);
+ invalidate_inode_buffers(inode);
+ if (!atomic_read(&inode->i_count)) {
+ hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
++ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
+ list_move(&inode->i_list, dispose);
+ inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
+ count++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ busy = 1;
++ if (!verify)
++ continue;
++ if (print_once) {
++ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
++ printk("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. "
++ "sb = %p, fs type = %s, sb count = %d, "
++ "sb->s_root = %s\n", sb,
++ (sb->s_type != NULL) ? sb->s_type->name : "",
++ sb->s_count,
++ (sb->s_root != NULL) ?
++ (char *)sb->s_root-> : "");
++ print_once = 0;
++ }
++ {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ int i;
++ printk("inode = %p, inode->i_count = %d, "
++ "inode->i_nlink = %d, "
++ "inode->i_mode = %d, "
++ "inode->i_state = %ld, "
++ "inode->i_flags = %d, "
++ "inode-> = %p, "
++ "inode->i_devices.prev = %p, "
++ "inode->i_ino = %ld\n",
++ tmp,
++ atomic_read(&inode->i_count),
++ inode->i_nlink,
++ inode->i_mode,
++ inode->i_state,
++ inode->i_flags,
++ inode->,
++ inode->i_devices.prev,
++ inode->i_ino);
++ printk("inode dump: ");
++ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(*tmp); i++)
++ printk("%2.2x ", *((u_char *)tmp + i));
++ printk("\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias)
++ printk(" d_alias %s\n",
++ d->;
++ }
+ }
+ /* only unused inodes may be cached with i_count zero */
+ inodes_stat.nr_unused -= count;
+@@ -342,17 +397,14 @@ static int invalidate_list(struct list_h
+ * fails because there are busy inodes then a non zero value is returned.
+ * If the discard is successful all the inodes have been discarded.
+ */
+-int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block * sb)
++int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block * sb, int verify)
+ {
+ int busy;
+ LIST_HEAD(throw_away);
+ down(&iprune_sem);
+ spin_lock(&inode_lock);
+- busy = invalidate_list(&inode_in_use, sb, &throw_away);
+- busy |= invalidate_list(&inode_unused, sb, &throw_away);
+- busy |= invalidate_list(&sb->s_dirty, sb, &throw_away);
+- busy |= invalidate_list(&sb->s_io, sb, &throw_away);
++ busy = invalidate_list(&sb->s_inodes, &throw_away, verify);
+ spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
+ dispose_list(&throw_away);
+@@ -381,7 +433,7 @@ int __invalidate_device(struct block_dev
+ * hold).
+ */
+ shrink_dcache_sb(sb);
+- res = invalidate_inodes(sb);
++ res = invalidate_inodes(sb, 0);
+ drop_super(sb);
+ }
+ invalidate_bdev(bdev, 0);
+@@ -452,6 +504,7 @@ static void prune_icache(int nr_to_scan)
+ continue;
+ }
+ hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
++ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
+ list_move(&inode->i_list, &freeable);
+ inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
+ nr_pruned++;
+@@ -479,6 +532,7 @@ static void prune_icache(int nr_to_scan)
+ */
+ static int shrink_icache_memory(int nr, unsigned int gfp_mask)
+ {
++ KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(shrink_icache)
+ if (nr) {
+ /*
+ * Nasty deadlock avoidance. We may hold various FS locks,
+@@ -488,6 +542,7 @@ static int shrink_icache_memory(int nr,
+ if (gfp_mask & __GFP_FS)
+ prune_icache(nr);
+ }
++ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(shrink_icache)
+ return (inodes_stat.nr_unused / 100) * sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
+ }
+@@ -561,6 +616,7 @@ struct inode *new_inode(struct super_blo
+ if (inode) {
+ spin_lock(&inode_lock);
+ inodes_stat.nr_inodes++;
++ list_add(&inode->i_sb_list, &sb->s_inodes);
+ list_add(&inode->i_list, &inode_in_use);
+ inode->i_ino = ++last_ino;
+ inode->i_state = 0;
+@@ -609,6 +665,7 @@ static struct inode * get_new_inode(stru
+ goto set_failed;
+ inodes_stat.nr_inodes++;
++ list_add(&inode->i_sb_list, &sb->s_inodes);
+ list_add(&inode->i_list, &inode_in_use);
+ hlist_add_head(&inode->i_hash, head);
+ inode->i_state = I_LOCK|I_NEW;
+@@ -657,6 +714,7 @@ static struct inode * get_new_inode_fast
+ if (!old) {
+ inode->i_ino = ino;
+ inodes_stat.nr_inodes++;
++ list_add(&inode->i_sb_list, &sb->s_inodes);
+ list_add(&inode->i_list, &inode_in_use);
+ hlist_add_head(&inode->i_hash, head);
+ inode->i_state = I_LOCK|I_NEW;
+@@ -993,6 +1051,7 @@ void generic_delete_inode(struct inode *
+ {
+ struct super_operations *op = inode->i_sb->s_op;
++ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
+ list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
+ inode->i_state|=I_FREEING;
+ inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
+@@ -1033,11 +1092,13 @@ static void generic_forget_inode(struct
+ spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
+ if (!sb || (sb->s_flags & MS_ACTIVE))
+ return;
++ BUG_ON(inode->i_state & I_LOCK);
+ write_inode_now(inode, 1);
+ spin_lock(&inode_lock);
+ inodes_stat.nr_unused--;
+ hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
+ }
++ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
+ list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
+ inode->i_state|=I_FREEING;
+ inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
+@@ -1230,33 +1291,15 @@ int remove_inode_dquot_ref(struct inode
+ void remove_dquot_ref(struct super_block *sb, int type, struct list_head *tofree_head)
+ {
+ struct inode *inode;
+- struct list_head *act_head;
+ if (!sb->dq_op)
+ return; /* nothing to do */
+- spin_lock(&inode_lock); /* This lock is for inodes code */
++ spin_lock(&inode_lock); /* This lock is for inodes code */
+ /* We hold dqptr_sem so we are safe against the quota code */
+- list_for_each(act_head, &inode_in_use) {
+- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
+- if (inode->i_sb == sb && !IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
+- remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
+- }
+- list_for_each(act_head, &inode_unused) {
+- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
+- if (inode->i_sb == sb && !IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
+- remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
+- }
+- list_for_each(act_head, &sb->s_dirty) {
+- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
+ if (!IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
+ remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
+- }
+- list_for_each(act_head, &sb->s_io) {
+- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
+- if (!IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
+- remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
+- }
+ spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
+ }
+@@ -1372,7 +1415,7 @@ void __init inode_init(unsigned long mem
+ /* inode slab cache */
+ inode_cachep = kmem_cache_create("inode_cache", sizeof(struct inode),
+ NULL);
+ set_shrinker(DEFAULT_SEEKS, shrink_icache_memory);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -147,8 +147,14 @@ static int zisofs_readpage(struct file *
+ cend = le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)(bh->b_data + (blockendptr & bufmask)));
+ brelse(bh);
++ if (cstart > cend)
++ goto eio;
+ csize = cend-cstart;
++ if (csize > deflateBound(1UL << zisofs_block_shift))
++ goto eio;
+ /* Now page[] contains an array of pages, any of which can be NULL,
+ and the locks on which we hold. We should now read the data and
+ release the pages. If the pages are NULL the decompressed data
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -685,6 +685,8 @@ root_found:
+ sbi->s_log_zone_size = isonum_723 (h_pri->logical_block_size);
+ sbi->s_max_size = isonum_733(h_pri->volume_space_size);
+ } else {
++ if (!pri)
++ goto out_freebh;
+ rootp = (struct iso_directory_record *) pri->root_directory_record;
+ sbi->s_nzones = isonum_733 (pri->volume_space_size);
+ sbi->s_log_zone_size = isonum_723 (pri->logical_block_size);
+@@ -1394,6 +1396,9 @@ struct inode *isofs_iget(struct super_bl
+ struct inode *inode;
+ struct isofs_iget5_callback_data data;
++ if (offset >= 1ul << sb->s_blocksize_bits)
++ return NULL;
+ data.block = block;
+ data.offset = offset;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+ if(LEN & 1) LEN++; \
+ CHR = ((unsigned char *) DE) + LEN; \
+ LEN = *((unsigned char *) DE) - LEN; \
++ if (LEN<0) LEN=0; \
+ if (ISOFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->s_rock_offset!=-1) \
+ { \
+ LEN-=ISOFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->s_rock_offset; \
+@@ -73,6 +74,10 @@
+ offset1 = 0; \
+ pbh = sb_bread(DEV->i_sb, block); \
+ if(pbh){ \
++ if (offset > pbh->b_size || offset + cont_size > pbh->b_size){ \
++ brelse(pbh); \
++ goto out; \
++ } \
+ memcpy(buffer + offset1, pbh->b_data + offset, cont_size - offset1); \
+ brelse(pbh); \
+ chr = (unsigned char *) buffer; \
+@@ -103,12 +108,13 @@ int get_rock_ridge_filename(struct iso_d
+ struct rock_ridge * rr;
+ int sig;
+- while (len > 1){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
++ while (len > 2){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
+ rr = (struct rock_ridge *) chr;
+- if (rr->len == 0) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
++ if (rr->len < 3) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
+ sig = isonum_721(chr);
+ chr += rr->len;
+ len -= rr->len;
++ if (len < 0) goto out; /* corrupted isofs */
+ switch(sig){
+ case SIG('R','R'):
+@@ -122,6 +128,7 @@ int get_rock_ridge_filename(struct iso_d
+ break;
+ case SIG('N','M'):
+ if (truncate) break;
++ if (rr->len < 5) break;
+ /*
+ * If the flags are 2 or 4, this indicates '.' or '..'.
+ * We don't want to do anything with this, because it
+@@ -183,12 +190,13 @@ int parse_rock_ridge_inode_internal(stru
+ struct rock_ridge * rr;
+ int rootflag;
+- while (len > 1){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
++ while (len > 2){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
+ rr = (struct rock_ridge *) chr;
+- if (rr->len == 0) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
++ if (rr->len < 3) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
+ sig = isonum_721(chr);
+ chr += rr->len;
+ len -= rr->len;
++ if (len < 0) goto out; /* corrupted isofs */
+ switch(sig){
+ #ifndef CONFIG_ZISOFS /* No flag for SF or ZF */
+@@ -460,7 +468,7 @@ static int rock_ridge_symlink_readpage(s
+ struct rock_ridge *rr;
+ if (!ISOFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->s_rock)
+- panic ("Cannot have symlink with high sierra variant of iso filesystem\n");
++ goto error;
+ block = ei->i_iget5_block;
+ lock_kernel();
+@@ -485,13 +493,15 @@ static int rock_ridge_symlink_readpage(s
+ SETUP_ROCK_RIDGE(raw_inode, chr, len);
+ repeat:
+- while (len > 1) { /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
++ while (len > 2) { /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
+ rr = (struct rock_ridge *) chr;
+- if (rr->len == 0)
++ if (rr->len < 3)
+ goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
+ sig = isonum_721(chr);
+ chr += rr->len;
+ len -= rr->len;
++ if (len < 0)
++ goto out; /* corrupted isofs */
+ switch (sig) {
+ case SIG('R', 'R'):
+@@ -539,6 +549,7 @@ static int rock_ridge_symlink_readpage(s
+ fail:
+ brelse(bh);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ error:
+ SetPageError(page);
+ kunmap(page);
+ unlock_page(page);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ void journal_commit_transaction(journal_
+ {
+ transaction_t *commit_transaction;
+ struct journal_head *jh, *new_jh, *descriptor;
+- struct buffer_head *wbuf[64];
++ struct buffer_head **wbuf = journal->j_wbuf;
+ int bufs;
+ int flags;
+- int err;
++ int err, data_err;
+ unsigned long blocknr;
+ char *tagp = NULL;
+ journal_header_t *header;
+@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ void journal_commit_transaction(journal_
+ */
+ err = 0;
++ data_err = 0;
+ /*
+ * Whenever we unlock the journal and sleep, things can get added
+ * onto ->t_sync_datalist, so we have to keep looping back to
+@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ write_out_data:
+ BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "locked");
+ if (!inverted_lock(journal, bh))
+ goto write_out_data;
+- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
++ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
+ __journal_file_buffer(jh, commit_transaction,
+ BJ_Locked);
+ jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
+@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ write_out_data:
+ BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "start journal writeout");
+ get_bh(bh);
+ wbuf[bufs++] = bh;
+- if (bufs == ARRAY_SIZE(wbuf)) {
++ if (bufs == journal->j_wbufsize) {
+ jbd_debug(2, "submit %d writes\n",
+ bufs);
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
+@@ -284,6 +285,8 @@ write_out_data:
+ BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "writeout complete: unfile");
+ if (!inverted_lock(journal, bh))
+ goto write_out_data;
++ if (unlikely(!buffer_uptodate(bh)))
++ data_err = -EIO;
+ __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
+ jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
+ journal_remove_journal_head(bh);
+@@ -315,8 +318,6 @@ write_out_data:
+ if (buffer_locked(bh)) {
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
+ wait_on_buffer(bh);
+- if (unlikely(!buffer_uptodate(bh)))
+- err = -EIO;
+ spin_lock(&journal->j_list_lock);
+ }
+ if (!inverted_lock(journal, bh)) {
+@@ -324,6 +325,8 @@ write_out_data:
+ spin_lock(&journal->j_list_lock);
+ continue;
+ }
++ if (unlikely(!buffer_uptodate(bh)))
++ data_err = -EIO;
+ if (buffer_jbd(bh) && jh->b_jlist == BJ_Locked) {
+ __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
+ jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
+@@ -341,6 +344,12 @@ write_out_data:
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
++ /*
++ * XXX: what to do if (data_err)?
++ * Print message?
++ * Abort journal?
++ */
+ journal_write_revoke_records(journal, commit_transaction);
+ jbd_debug(3, "JBD: commit phase 2\n");
+@@ -365,6 +374,7 @@ write_out_data:
+ descriptor = NULL;
+ bufs = 0;
+ while (commit_transaction->t_buffers) {
++ int error;
+ /* Find the next buffer to be journaled... */
+@@ -425,11 +435,12 @@ write_out_data:
+ /* Where is the buffer to be written? */
+- err = journal_next_log_block(journal, &blocknr);
++ error = journal_next_log_block(journal, &blocknr);
+ /* If the block mapping failed, just abandon the buffer
+ and repeat this loop: we'll fall into the
+ refile-on-abort condition above. */
+- if (err) {
++ if (error) {
++ err = error;
+ __journal_abort_hard(journal);
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -488,7 +499,7 @@ write_out_data:
+ /* If there's no more to do, or if the descriptor is full,
+ let the IO rip! */
+- if (bufs == ARRAY_SIZE(wbuf) ||
++ if (bufs == journal->j_wbufsize ||
+ commit_transaction->t_buffers == NULL ||
+ space_left < sizeof(journal_block_tag_t) + 16) {
+@@ -613,6 +624,8 @@ wait_for_iobuf:
+ jbd_debug(3, "JBD: commit phase 6\n");
++ if (err)
++ goto skip_commit;
+ if (is_journal_aborted(journal))
+ goto skip_commit;
+@@ -655,8 +668,13 @@ wait_for_iobuf:
+ skip_commit: /* The journal should be unlocked by now. */
+- if (err)
++ if (err) {
++ char b[BDEVNAME_SIZE];
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Error %d writing journal on %s\n",
++ err, bdevname(journal->j_dev, b));
+ __journal_abort_hard(journal);
++ }
+ /*
+ * Call any callbacks that had been registered for handles in this
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ int kjournald(void *arg)
+ spin_lock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+ loop:
++ if (journal->j_flags & JFS_UNMOUNT)
++ goto end_loop;
+ jbd_debug(1, "commit_sequence=%d, commit_request=%d\n",
+ journal->j_commit_sequence, journal->j_commit_request);
+@@ -161,11 +164,11 @@ loop:
+ del_timer_sync(journal->j_commit_timer);
+ journal_commit_transaction(journal);
+ spin_lock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+- goto end_loop;
++ goto loop;
+ }
+ wake_up(&journal->j_wait_done_commit);
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
+ /*
+ * The simpler the better. Flushing journal isn't a
+ * good idea, because that depends on threads that may
+@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ loop:
+ */
+ jbd_debug(1, "Now suspending kjournald\n");
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ refrigerator();
+ spin_lock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+ } else {
+ /*
+@@ -191,6 +194,8 @@ loop:
+ if (transaction && time_after_eq(jiffies,
+ transaction->t_expires))
+ should_sleep = 0;
++ if (journal->j_flags & JFS_UNMOUNT)
++ should_sleep = 0;
+ if (should_sleep) {
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+ schedule();
+@@ -209,10 +214,9 @@ loop:
+ journal->j_commit_request = transaction->t_tid;
+ jbd_debug(1, "woke because of timeout\n");
+ }
+- if (!(journal->j_flags & JFS_UNMOUNT))
+- goto loop;
++ goto loop;
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+ del_timer_sync(journal->j_commit_timer);
+ journal->j_task = NULL;
+@@ -221,10 +225,16 @@ end_loop:
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static void journal_start_thread(journal_t *journal)
++static int journal_start_thread(journal_t *journal)
+ {
+- kernel_thread(kjournald, journal, CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES);
++ int err;
++ err = kernel_thread(kjournald, journal, CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES);
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
+ wait_event(journal->j_wait_done_commit, journal->j_task != 0);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void journal_kill_thread(journal_t *journal)
+@@ -720,6 +730,7 @@ journal_t * journal_init_dev(struct bloc
+ {
+ journal_t *journal = journal_init_common();
+ struct buffer_head *bh;
++ int n;
+ if (!journal)
+ return NULL;
+@@ -735,6 +746,17 @@ journal_t * journal_init_dev(struct bloc
+ journal->j_sb_buffer = bh;
+ journal->j_superblock = (journal_superblock_t *)bh->b_data;
++ /* journal descriptor can store up to n blocks -bzzz */
++ n = journal->j_blocksize / sizeof(journal_block_tag_t);
++ journal->j_wbufsize = n;
++ journal->j_wbuf = kmalloc(n * sizeof(struct buffer_head*), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!journal->j_wbuf) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cant allocate bhs for commit thread\n",
++ __FUNCTION__);
++ kfree(journal);
++ journal = NULL;
++ }
+ return journal;
+ }
+@@ -751,6 +773,7 @@ journal_t * journal_init_inode (struct i
+ struct buffer_head *bh;
+ journal_t *journal = journal_init_common();
+ int err;
++ int n;
+ unsigned long blocknr;
+ if (!journal)
+@@ -767,6 +790,17 @@ journal_t * journal_init_inode (struct i
+ journal->j_maxlen = inode->i_size >> inode->i_sb->s_blocksize_bits;
+ journal->j_blocksize = inode->i_sb->s_blocksize;
++ /* journal descriptor can store up to n blocks -bzzz */
++ n = journal->j_blocksize / sizeof(journal_block_tag_t);
++ journal->j_wbufsize = n;
++ journal->j_wbuf = kmalloc(n * sizeof(struct buffer_head*), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!journal->j_wbuf) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cant allocate bhs for commit thread\n",
++ __FUNCTION__);
++ kfree(journal);
++ return NULL;
++ }
+ err = journal_bmap(journal, 0, &blocknr);
+ /* If that failed, give up */
+ if (err) {
+@@ -826,8 +860,7 @@ static int journal_reset(journal_t *jour
+ /* Add the dynamic fields and write it to disk. */
+ journal_update_superblock(journal, 1);
+- journal_start_thread(journal);
+- return 0;
++ return journal_start_thread(journal);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -1140,6 +1173,7 @@ void journal_destroy(journal_t *journal)
+ iput(journal->j_inode);
+ if (journal->j_revoke)
+ journal_destroy_revoke(journal);
++ kfree(journal->j_wbuf);
+ kfree(journal);
+ }
+@@ -1490,7 +1524,7 @@ void __journal_abort_soft (journal_t *jo
+ * entered abort state during the update.
+ *
+ * Recursive transactions are not disturbed by journal abort until the
+- * final journal_stop, which will receive the -EIO error.
++ * final journal_stop.
+ *
+ * Finally, the journal_abort call allows the caller to supply an errno
+ * which will be recorded (if possible) in the journal superblock. This
+@@ -1766,6 +1800,7 @@ static void __journal_remove_journal_hea
+ if (jh->b_transaction == NULL &&
+ jh->b_next_transaction == NULL &&
+ jh->b_cp_transaction == NULL) {
++ J_ASSERT_JH(jh, jh->b_jlist == BJ_None);
+ J_ASSERT_BH(bh, buffer_jbd(bh));
+ J_ASSERT_BH(bh, jh2bh(jh) == bh);
+ BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "remove journal_head");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1046,7 +1046,12 @@ int journal_dirty_data(handle_t *handle,
+ /* journal_clean_data_list() may have got there first */
+ if (jh->b_transaction != NULL) {
+ JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "unfile from commit");
+- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
++ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
++ /* It still points to the committing
++ * transaction; move it to this one so
++ * that the refile assert checks are
++ * happy. */
++ jh->b_transaction = handle->h_transaction;
+ }
+ /* The buffer will be refiled below */
+@@ -1060,7 +1065,8 @@ int journal_dirty_data(handle_t *handle,
+ if (jh->b_jlist != BJ_SyncData && jh->b_jlist != BJ_Locked) {
+ JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "not on correct data list: unfile");
+ J_ASSERT_JH(jh, jh->b_jlist != BJ_Shadow);
+- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
++ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
++ jh->b_transaction = handle->h_transaction;
+ JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "file as data");
+ __journal_file_buffer(jh, handle->h_transaction,
+ BJ_SyncData);
+@@ -1227,8 +1233,6 @@ void journal_forget(handle_t *handle, st
+ JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "belongs to current transaction: unfile");
+ J_ASSERT_JH(jh, !jh->b_committed_data);
+- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
+ /*
+ * We are no longer going to journal this buffer.
+ * However, the commit of this transaction is still
+@@ -1242,8 +1246,10 @@ void journal_forget(handle_t *handle, st
+ */
+ if (jh->b_cp_transaction) {
++ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
+ __journal_file_buffer(jh, transaction, BJ_Forget);
+ } else {
++ __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
+ journal_remove_journal_head(bh);
+ __brelse(bh);
+ if (!buffer_jbd(bh)) {
+@@ -1402,7 +1408,8 @@ int journal_stop(handle_t *handle)
+ * Special case: JFS_SYNC synchronous updates require us
+ * to wait for the commit to complete.
+ */
+- if (handle->h_sync && !(current->flags & PF_MEMALLOC))
++ if (handle->h_sync && !(current->flags &
+ err = log_wait_commit(journal, tid);
+ } else {
+ spin_unlock(&transaction->t_handle_lock);
+@@ -1498,7 +1505,7 @@ __blist_del_buffer(struct journal_head *
+ *
+ * Called under j_list_lock. The journal may not be locked.
+ */
+-void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct journal_head *jh)
++void __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(struct journal_head *jh)
+ {
+ struct journal_head **list = NULL;
+ transaction_t *transaction;
+@@ -1515,7 +1522,7 @@ void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct jour
+ switch (jh->b_jlist) {
+ case BJ_None:
+- goto out;
++ return;
+ case BJ_SyncData:
+ list = &transaction->t_sync_datalist;
+ break;
+@@ -1548,7 +1555,11 @@ void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct jour
+ jh->b_jlist = BJ_None;
+ if (test_clear_buffer_jbddirty(bh))
+ mark_buffer_dirty(bh); /* Expose it to the VM */
++void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct journal_head *jh)
++ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
+ jh->b_transaction = NULL;
+ }
+@@ -1804,10 +1815,10 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
+ JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "checkpointed: add to BJ_Forget");
+ ret = __dispose_buffer(jh,
+ journal->j_running_transaction);
++ journal_put_journal_head(jh);
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
+ jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+- journal_put_journal_head(jh);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ /* There is no currently-running transaction. So the
+@@ -1818,10 +1829,10 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
+ JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "give to committing trans");
+ ret = __dispose_buffer(jh,
+ journal->j_committing_transaction);
++ journal_put_journal_head(jh);
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
+ jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+- journal_put_journal_head(jh);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ /* The orphan record's transaction has
+@@ -1831,7 +1842,17 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction) {
+- /* If it is committing, we simply cannot touch it. We
++ if (jh->b_jlist == BJ_Locked) {
++ /*
++ * The buffer is on the committing transaction's locked
++ * list. We have the buffer locked, so I/O has
++ * completed. So we can nail the buffer now.
++ */
++ may_free = __dispose_buffer(jh, transaction);
++ goto zap_buffer;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If it is committing, we simply cannot touch it. We
+ * can remove it's next_transaction pointer from the
+ * running transaction if that is set, but nothing
+ * else. */
+@@ -1842,10 +1863,10 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
+ journal->j_running_transaction);
+ jh->b_next_transaction = NULL;
+ }
++ journal_put_journal_head(jh);
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
+ jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
+ spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
+- journal_put_journal_head(jh);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ /* Good, the buffer belongs to the running transaction.
+@@ -1870,6 +1891,7 @@ zap_buffer_unlocked:
+ clear_buffer_mapped(bh);
+ clear_buffer_req(bh);
+ clear_buffer_new(bh);
++ clear_buffer_delay(bh);
+ bh->b_bdev = NULL;
+ return may_free;
+ }
+@@ -1906,7 +1928,6 @@ int journal_invalidatepage(journal_t *jo
+ unsigned int next_off = curr_off + bh->b_size;
+ next = bh->b_this_page;
+- /* AKPM: doing lock_buffer here may be overly paranoid */
+ if (offset <= curr_off) {
+ /* This block is wholly outside the truncation point */
+ lock_buffer(bh);
+@@ -1958,7 +1979,7 @@ void __journal_file_buffer(struct journa
+ }
+ if (jh->b_transaction)
+- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
++ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
+ jh->b_transaction = transaction;
+ switch (jlist) {
+@@ -2041,7 +2062,7 @@ void __journal_refile_buffer(struct jour
+ */
+ was_dirty = test_clear_buffer_jbddirty(bh);
+- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
++ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
+ jh->b_transaction = jh->b_next_transaction;
+ jh->b_next_transaction = NULL;
+ __journal_file_buffer(jh, jh->b_transaction, BJ_Metadata);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ static int jffs2_garbage_collect_thread(
+ schedule();
+ }
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(0);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
++ refrigerator();
+ /* refrigerator() should recalc sigpending for us
+ but doesn't. No matter - allow_signal() will. */
+ continue;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ out:
+ *
+ * modified vfs_permission to check posix acl
+ */
+-int jfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++int __jfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask)
+ {
+ umode_t mode = inode->i_mode;
+ struct jfs_inode_info *ji = JFS_IP(inode);
+@@ -206,6 +206,28 @@ check_capabilities:
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
++int jfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
++ int ret;
++ if (exec_perm != NULL)
++ down(&inode->i_sem);
++ ret = __jfs_permission(inode, mask);
++ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
++ if (!ret) {
++ exec_perm->set = 1;
++ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
++ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
++ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
++ }
++ up(&inode->i_sem);
++ }
++ return ret;
+ int jfs_init_acl(struct inode *inode, struct inode *dir)
+ {
+ struct posix_acl *acl = NULL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ int jfs_commit_inode(struct inode *inode
+ return rc;
+ }
+-void jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
++int jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
+ {
+ if (test_cflag(COMMIT_Nolink, inode))
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ /*
+ * If COMMIT_DIRTY is not set, the inode isn't really dirty.
+ * It has been committed since the last change, but was still
+@@ -117,12 +117,14 @@ void jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode
+ if (!test_cflag(COMMIT_Dirty, inode)) {
+ /* Make sure committed changes hit the disk */
+ jfs_flush_journal(JFS_SBI(inode->i_sb)->log, wait);
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ if (jfs_commit_inode(inode, wait)) {
+ jfs_err("jfs_write_inode: jfs_commit_inode failed!");
+- }
++ return -EIO;
++ } else
++ return 0;
+ }
+ void jfs_delete_inode(struct inode *inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ #include <linux/xattr_acl.h>
+-int jfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
++int jfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *, struct exec_perm *);
+ int jfs_init_acl(struct inode *, struct inode *);
+ int jfs_setattr(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2328,9 +2328,9 @@ int jfsIOWait(void *arg)
+ lbmStartIO(bp);
+ spin_lock_irq(&log_redrive_lock);
+ }
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
+ spin_unlock_irq(&log_redrive_lock);
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ refrigerator();
+ } else {
+ add_wait_queue(&jfs_IO_thread_wait, &wq);
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2776,9 +2776,9 @@ int jfs_lazycommit(void *arg)
+ break;
+ }
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
+ LAZY_UNLOCK(flags);
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ refrigerator();
+ } else {
+ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq, current);
+@@ -2987,9 +2987,9 @@ int jfs_sync(void *arg)
+ /* Add anon_list2 back to anon_list */
+ list_splice_init(&TxAnchor.anon_list2, &TxAnchor.anon_list);
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ refrigerator();
+ } else {
+ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq, current);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ extern int jfs_sync(void *);
+ extern void jfs_read_inode(struct inode *inode);
+ extern void jfs_dirty_inode(struct inode *inode);
+ extern void jfs_delete_inode(struct inode *inode);
+-extern void jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
++extern int jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
+ extern struct dentry *jfs_get_parent(struct dentry *dentry);
+ extern int jfs_extendfs(struct super_block *, s64, int);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ static int can_set_xattr(struct inode *i
+ (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || inode->i_mode &S_ISVTX))
+ return -EPERM;
+- return permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
++ return permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ int __jfs_setxattr(struct inode *inode, const char *name, const void *value,
+@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ static int can_get_xattr(struct inode *i
+ {
+ return 0;
+- return permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL);
++ return permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ ssize_t __jfs_getxattr(struct inode *inode, const char *name, void *data,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -412,10 +412,13 @@ static spinlock_t pin_fs_lock = SPIN_LOC
+ int simple_pin_fs(char *name, struct vfsmount **mount, int *count)
+ {
+ struct vfsmount *mnt = NULL;
++ struct file_system_type *fstype;
+ spin_lock(&pin_fs_lock);
+ if (unlikely(!*mount)) {
+ spin_unlock(&pin_fs_lock);
+- mnt = do_kern_mount(name, 0, name, NULL);
++ fstype = get_fs_type(name);
++ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, name, NULL);
++ put_filesystem(fstype);
+ if (IS_ERR(mnt))
+ return PTR_ERR(mnt);
+ spin_lock(&pin_fs_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ nlmclnt_setlockargs(struct nlm_rqst *req
+ nlmclnt_next_cookie(&argp->cookie);
+ argp->state = nsm_local_state;
+ memcpy(&lock->fh, NFS_FH(fl->fl_file->f_dentry->d_inode), sizeof(struct nfs_fh));
+- lock->caller = system_utsname.nodename;
++ lock->caller = ve_utsname.nodename;
+ lock-> = req->a_owner;
+ lock->oh.len = sprintf(req->a_owner, "%d@%s",
+- current->pid, system_utsname.nodename);
++ current->pid, ve_utsname.nodename);
+ locks_copy_lock(&lock->fl, fl);
+ }
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ nlmclnt_setgrantargs(struct nlm_rqst *ca
+ {
+ locks_copy_lock(&call->a_args.lock.fl, &lock->fl);
+ memcpy(&call->a_args.lock.fh, &lock->fh, sizeof(call->a_args.lock.fh));
+- call->a_args.lock.caller = system_utsname.nodename;
++ call->a_args.lock.caller = ve_utsname.nodename;
+ call->a_args.lock.oh.len = lock->oh.len;
+ /* set default data area */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ xdr_encode_common(struct rpc_rqst *rqstp
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr>>24) & 0xff, (addr>>16) & 0xff,
+ (addr>>8) & 0xff, (addr) & 0xff);
+ if (!(p = xdr_encode_string(p, buffer))
+- || !(p = xdr_encode_string(p, system_utsname.nodename)))
++ || !(p = xdr_encode_string(p, ve_utsname.nodename)))
+ return ERR_PTR(-EIO);
+ *p++ = htonl(argp->prog);
+ *p++ = htonl(argp->vers);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
+ #define IS_POSIX(fl) (fl->fl_flags & FL_POSIX)
+ #define IS_FLOCK(fl) (fl->fl_flags & FL_FLOCK)
+ #define IS_LEASE(fl) (fl->fl_flags & FL_LEASE)
+@@ -146,9 +148,23 @@ static LIST_HEAD(blocked_list);
+ static kmem_cache_t *filelock_cache;
+ /* Allocate an empty lock structure. */
+-static struct file_lock *locks_alloc_lock(void)
++static struct file_lock *locks_alloc_lock(int charge)
+ {
+- return kmem_cache_alloc(filelock_cache, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ struct file_lock *flock;
++ flock = kmem_cache_alloc(filelock_cache, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ if (flock == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ flock->fl_charged = 0;
++ if (!charge)
++ goto out;
++ if (!ub_flock_charge(flock, 1))
++ goto out;
++ kmem_cache_free(filelock_cache, flock);
++ flock = NULL;
++ return flock;
+ }
+ /* Free a lock which is not in use. */
+@@ -167,6 +183,7 @@ static inline void locks_free_lock(struc
+ if (!list_empty(&fl->fl_link))
+ panic("Attempting to free lock on active lock list");
++ ub_flock_uncharge(fl);
+ kmem_cache_free(filelock_cache, fl);
+ }
+@@ -247,8 +264,8 @@ static int flock_make_lock(struct file *
+ int type = flock_translate_cmd(cmd);
+ if (type < 0)
+ return type;
+- fl = locks_alloc_lock();
++ fl = locks_alloc_lock(type != F_UNLCK);
+ if (fl == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -382,7 +399,7 @@ static int flock64_to_posix_lock(struct
+ /* Allocate a file_lock initialised to this type of lease */
+ static int lease_alloc(struct file *filp, int type, struct file_lock **flp)
+ {
+- struct file_lock *fl = locks_alloc_lock();
++ struct file_lock *fl = locks_alloc_lock(1);
+ if (fl == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -733,8 +750,11 @@ static int __posix_lock_file(struct inod
+ * We may need two file_lock structures for this operation,
+ * so we get them in advance to avoid races.
+ */
+- new_fl = locks_alloc_lock();
+- new_fl2 = locks_alloc_lock();
++ if (request->fl_type != F_UNLCK)
++ new_fl = locks_alloc_lock(1);
++ else
++ new_fl = NULL;
++ new_fl2 = locks_alloc_lock(0);
+ lock_kernel();
+ if (request->fl_type != F_UNLCK) {
+@@ -762,7 +782,7 @@ static int __posix_lock_file(struct inod
+ goto out;
+ error = -ENOLCK; /* "no luck" */
+- if (!(new_fl && new_fl2))
++ if (!((request->fl_type == F_UNLCK || new_fl) && new_fl2))
+ goto out;
+ /*
+@@ -864,19 +884,29 @@ static int __posix_lock_file(struct inod
+ if (!added) {
+ if (request->fl_type == F_UNLCK)
+ goto out;
++ error = -ENOLCK;
++ if (right && (left == right) && ub_flock_charge(new_fl, 1))
++ goto out;
+ locks_copy_lock(new_fl, request);
+ locks_insert_lock(before, new_fl);
+ new_fl = NULL;
++ error = 0;
+ }
+ if (right) {
+ if (left == right) {
+ /* The new lock breaks the old one in two pieces,
+ * so we have to use the second new lock.
+ */
++ error = -ENOLCK;
++ if (added && ub_flock_charge(new_fl2,
++ request->fl_type != F_UNLCK))
++ goto out;
++ new_fl2->fl_charged = 1;
+ left = new_fl2;
+ new_fl2 = NULL;
+ locks_copy_lock(left, right);
+ locks_insert_lock(before, left);
++ error = 0;
+ }
+ right->fl_start = request->fl_end + 1;
+ locks_wake_up_blocks(right);
+@@ -1400,7 +1430,7 @@ int fcntl_getlk(struct file *filp, struc
+ flock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+ if (fl != NULL) {
+- flock.l_pid = fl->fl_pid;
++ flock.l_pid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_TGID, fl->fl_pid);
+ #if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
+ /*
+ * Make sure we can represent the posix lock via
+@@ -1432,7 +1462,7 @@ out:
+ */
+ int fcntl_setlk(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, struct flock __user *l)
+ {
+- struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock();
++ struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock(0);
+ struct flock flock;
+ struct inode *inode;
+ int error;
+@@ -1547,7 +1577,7 @@ int fcntl_getlk64(struct file *filp, str
+ flock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+ if (fl != NULL) {
+- flock.l_pid = fl->fl_pid;
++ flock.l_pid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_TGID, fl->fl_pid);
+ flock.l_start = fl->fl_start;
+ flock.l_len = fl->fl_end == OFFSET_MAX ? 0 :
+ fl->fl_end - fl->fl_start + 1;
+@@ -1567,7 +1597,7 @@ out:
+ */
+ int fcntl_setlk64(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, struct flock64 __user *l)
+ {
+- struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock();
++ struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock(1);
+ struct flock64 flock;
+ struct inode *inode;
+ int error;
+@@ -1712,7 +1742,12 @@ void locks_remove_flock(struct file *fil
+ while ((fl = *before) != NULL) {
+ if (fl->fl_file == filp) {
+- if (IS_FLOCK(fl)) {
++ /*
++ * We might have a POSIX lock that was created at the same time
++ * the filp was closed for the last time. Just remove that too,
++ * regardless of ownership, since nobody can own it.
++ */
++ if (IS_FLOCK(fl) || IS_POSIX(fl)) {
+ locks_delete_lock(before);
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -1720,9 +1755,7 @@ void locks_remove_flock(struct file *fil
+ lease_modify(before, F_UNLCK);
+ continue;
+ }
+- /* FL_POSIX locks of this process have already been
+- * removed in filp_close->locks_remove_posix.
+- */
++ /* What? */
+ BUG();
+ }
+ before = &fl->fl_next;
+@@ -1775,7 +1808,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(posix_unblock_lock);
+ static void lock_get_status(char* out, struct file_lock *fl, int id, char *pfx)
+ {
+ struct inode *inode = NULL;
++ unsigned int fl_pid;
++ fl_pid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_TGID, fl->fl_pid);
+ if (fl->fl_file != NULL)
+ inode = fl->fl_file->f_dentry->d_inode;
+@@ -1817,16 +1852,16 @@ static void lock_get_status(char* out, s
+ }
+ if (inode) {
+- out += sprintf(out, "%d %s:%ld ", fl->fl_pid,
++ out += sprintf(out, "%d %s:%ld ", fl_pid,
+ inode->i_sb->s_id, inode->i_ino);
+ #else
+ /* userspace relies on this representation of dev_t ;-( */
+- out += sprintf(out, "%d %02x:%02x:%ld ", fl->fl_pid,
++ out += sprintf(out, "%d %02x:%02x:%ld ", fl_pid,
+ MAJOR(inode->i_sb->s_dev),
+ MINOR(inode->i_sb->s_dev), inode->i_ino);
+ #endif
+ } else {
+- out += sprintf(out, "%d <none>:0 ", fl->fl_pid);
++ out += sprintf(out, "%d <none>:0 ", fl_pid);
+ }
+ if (IS_POSIX(fl)) {
+ if (fl->fl_end == OFFSET_MAX)
+@@ -1875,11 +1910,17 @@ int get_locks_status(char *buffer, char
+ char *q = buffer;
+ off_t pos = 0;
+ int i = 0;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
+ lock_kernel();
++ env = get_exec_env();
+ list_for_each(tmp, &file_lock_list) {
+ struct list_head *btmp;
+ struct file_lock *fl = list_entry(tmp, struct file_lock, fl_link);
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_FILP(fl->fl_file), env))
++ continue;
+ lock_get_status(q, fl, ++i, "");
+ move_lock_status(&q, &pos, offset);
+@@ -2033,9 +2074,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(steal_locks);
+ static int __init filelock_init(void)
+ {
+ filelock_cache = kmem_cache_create("file_lock_cache",
+- sizeof(struct file_lock), 0, SLAB_PANIC,
++ sizeof(struct file_lock), 0, SLAB_PANIC | SLAB_UBC,
+ init_once, NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ #include <linux/vfs.h>
+ static void minix_read_inode(struct inode * inode);
+-static void minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait);
++static int minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait);
+ static int minix_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf);
+ static int minix_remount (struct super_block * sb, int * flags, char * data);
+@@ -505,9 +505,10 @@ static struct buffer_head *minix_update_
+ return V2_minix_update_inode(inode);
+ }
+-static void minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
++static int minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
+ {
+ brelse(minix_update_inode(inode));
++ return 0;
+ }
+ int minix_sync_inode(struct inode * inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -687,6 +687,8 @@ retry:
+ bio = mpage_writepage(bio, page, get_block,
+ &last_block_in_bio, &ret, wbc);
+ }
++ if (unlikely(ret == WRITEPAGE_ACTIVATE))
++ unlock_page(page);
+ if (ret || (--(wbc->nr_to_write) <= 0))
+ done = 1;
+ if (wbc->nonblocking && bdi_write_congested(bdi)) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -115,11 +115,12 @@ static inline int do_getname(const char
+ int retval;
+ unsigned long len = PATH_MAX;
+- if ((unsigned long) filename >= TASK_SIZE) {
+- if (!segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))
++ if (!segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS)) {
++ if ((unsigned long) filename >= TASK_SIZE)
+ return -EFAULT;
+- } else if (TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename < PATH_MAX)
+- len = TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename;
++ if (TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename < PATH_MAX)
++ len = TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename;
++ }
+ retval = strncpy_from_user((char *)page, filename, len);
+ if (retval > 0) {
+@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ char * getname(const char __user * filen
+ * for filesystem access without changing the "normal" uids which
+ * are used for other things..
+ */
+-int vfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask)
++int __vfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask)
+ {
+ umode_t mode = inode->i_mode;
+@@ -208,7 +209,29 @@ int vfs_permission(struct inode * inode,
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+-int permission(struct inode * inode,int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++int vfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct exec_perm * exec_perm)
++ int ret;
++ if (exec_perm != NULL)
++ down(&inode->i_sem);
++ ret = __vfs_permission(inode, mask);
++ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
++ if (!ret) {
++ exec_perm->set = 1;
++ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
++ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
++ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
++ }
++ up(&inode->i_sem);
++ }
++ return ret;
++int permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ int retval;
+ int submask;
+@@ -217,9 +240,9 @@ int permission(struct inode * inode,int
+ submask = mask & ~MAY_APPEND;
+ if (inode->i_op && inode->i_op->permission)
+- retval = inode->i_op->permission(inode, submask, nd);
++ retval = inode->i_op->permission(inode, submask, nd, exec_perm);
+ else
+- retval = vfs_permission(inode, submask);
++ retval = vfs_permission(inode, submask, exec_perm);
+ if (retval)
+ return retval;
+@@ -302,6 +325,21 @@ static struct dentry * cached_lookup(str
+ if (!dentry)
+ dentry = d_lookup(parent, name);
++ /*
++ * The revalidation rules are simple:
++ * d_revalidate operation is called when we're about to use a cached
++ * dentry rather than call d_lookup.
++ * d_revalidate method may unhash the dentry itself or return FALSE, in
++ * which case if the dentry can be released d_lookup will be called.
++ *
++ * Additionally, by request of NFS people
++ * (|src/|src/fs|related/fs/namei.c)
++ * d_revalidate is called when `/', `.' or `..' are looked up.
++ * Since re-lookup is impossible on them, we introduce a hack and
++ * return an error in this case.
++ *
++ * 2003/02/19 SAW
++ */
+ if (dentry && dentry->d_op && dentry->d_op->d_revalidate) {
+ if (!dentry->d_op->d_revalidate(dentry, nd) && !d_invalidate(dentry)) {
+ dput(dentry);
+@@ -364,6 +402,7 @@ static struct dentry * real_lookup(struc
+ struct dentry * result;
+ struct inode *dir = parent->d_inode;
+ down(&dir->i_sem);
+ /*
+ * First re-do the cached lookup just in case it was created
+@@ -402,7 +441,7 @@ static struct dentry * real_lookup(struc
+ if (result->d_op && result->d_op->d_revalidate) {
+ if (!result->d_op->d_revalidate(result, nd) && !d_invalidate(result)) {
+ dput(result);
+- result = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ goto repeat;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+@@ -578,7 +617,14 @@ static inline void follow_dotdot(struct
+ read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
+ break;
+ }
+- read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (*dentry == get_exec_env()->fs_root &&
++ *mnt == get_exec_env()->fs_rootmnt) {
++ read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
++ break;
++ }
++ read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
+ if (*dentry != (*mnt)->mnt_root) {
+ *dentry = dget((*dentry)->d_parent);
+@@ -658,6 +704,7 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
+ {
+ struct path next;
+ struct inode *inode;
++ int real_components = 0;
+ int err;
+ unsigned int lookup_flags = nd->flags;
+@@ -678,7 +725,7 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
+ err = exec_permission_lite(inode, nd);
+ if (err == -EAGAIN) {
+- err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd);
++ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd, NULL);
+ }
+ if (err)
+ break;
+@@ -730,10 +777,14 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
+ }
+ nd->flags |= LOOKUP_CONTINUE;
+ /* This does the actual lookups.. */
++ real_components++;
+ err = do_lookup(nd, &this, &next);
+ if (err)
+ break;
+ /* Check mountpoints.. */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if ((lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT) && d_mountpoint(nd->dentry))
++ goto out_dput;
+ follow_mount(&next.mnt, &next.dentry);
+ err = -ENOENT;
+@@ -745,6 +796,10 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
+ goto out_dput;
+ if (inode->i_op->follow_link) {
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT)
++ goto out_dput;
+ mntget(next.mnt);
+ err = do_follow_link(next.dentry, nd);
+ dput(next.dentry);
+@@ -795,9 +850,13 @@ last_component:
+ err = do_lookup(nd, &this, &next);
+ if (err)
+ break;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if ((lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT) && d_mountpoint(nd->dentry))
++ goto out_dput;
+ follow_mount(&next.mnt, &next.dentry);
+ inode = next.dentry->d_inode;
+ if ((lookup_flags & LOOKUP_FOLLOW)
++ && !(lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT)
+ && inode && inode->i_op && inode->i_op->follow_link) {
+ mntget(next.mnt);
+ err = do_follow_link(next.dentry, nd);
+@@ -825,26 +884,40 @@ lookup_parent:
+ nd->last_type = LAST_NORM;
+ if ([0] != '.')
+ goto return_base;
+- if (this.len == 1)
++ if (this.len == 1) {
+ nd->last_type = LAST_DOT;
+- else if (this.len == 2 &&[1] == '.')
++ goto return_reval;
++ } else if (this.len == 2 &&[1] == '.') {
+ nd->last_type = LAST_DOTDOT;
+- else
+- goto return_base;
++ goto return_reval;
++ }
++ if (!(nd->flags & LOOKUP_NOAREACHECK)) {
++ err = check_area_access_ve(nd->dentry, nd->mnt);
++ if (err)
++ break;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ return_reval:
+ /*
+ * We bypassed the ordinary revalidation routines.
+ * We may need to check the cached dentry for staleness.
+ */
+- if (nd->dentry && nd->dentry->d_sb &&
++ if (!real_components && nd->dentry && nd->dentry->d_sb &&
+ (nd->dentry->d_sb->s_type->fs_flags & FS_REVAL_DOT)) {
+ err = -ESTALE;
+ /* Note: we do not d_invalidate() */
+ if (!nd->dentry->d_op->d_revalidate(nd->dentry, nd))
++ /*
++ * This lookup is for `/' or `.' or `..'.
++ * The filesystem unhashed the dentry itself
++ * inside d_revalidate (otherwise, d_invalidate
++ * wouldn't succeed). As a special courtesy to
++ * NFS we return an error. 2003/02/19 SAW
++ */
+ break;
+ }
+- return 0;
++ goto return_base;
+ out_dput:
+ dput(next.dentry);
+ break;
+@@ -971,7 +1044,7 @@ static struct dentry * __lookup_hash(str
+ int err;
+ inode = base->d_inode;
+- err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd);
++ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd, NULL);
+ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+@@ -1096,7 +1169,7 @@ static inline int may_delete(struct inod
+ int error;
+ if (!victim->d_inode || victim->d_parent->d_inode != dir)
+ return -ENOENT;
+- error = permission(dir,MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, NULL);
++ error = permission(dir,MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+ if (IS_APPEND(dir))
+@@ -1133,7 +1206,7 @@ static inline int may_create(struct inod
+ return -EEXIST;
+ if (IS_DEADDIR(dir))
+ return -ENOENT;
+- return permission(dir,MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, nd);
++ return permission(dir, MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, nd, NULL);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1241,7 +1314,7 @@ int may_open(struct nameidata *nd, int a
+ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && (flag & FMODE_WRITE))
+ return -EISDIR;
+- error = permission(inode, acc_mode, nd);
++ error = permission(inode, acc_mode, nd, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+@@ -1662,17 +1735,13 @@ out:
+ static void d_unhash(struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+ dget(dentry);
+- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
+- switch (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)) {
+- default:
+- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count))
+ shrink_dcache_parent(dentry);
+- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
+- if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) != 2)
+- break;
+- case 2:
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) == 2)
+ __d_drop(dentry);
+- }
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ }
+@@ -2020,7 +2089,7 @@ int vfs_rename_dir(struct inode *old_dir
+ * we'll need to flip '..'.
+ */
+ if (new_dir != old_dir) {
+- error = permission(old_dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
++ error = permission(old_dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+ }
+@@ -2090,6 +2159,9 @@ int vfs_rename(struct inode *old_dir, st
+ int error;
+ int is_dir = S_ISDIR(old_dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++ if (DQUOT_RENAME(old_dentry->d_inode, old_dir, new_dir))
++ return -EXDEV;
+ if (old_dentry->d_inode == new_dentry->d_inode)
+ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ static inline int sysfs_init(void)
+ /* spinlock for vfsmount related operations, inplace of dcache_lock */
+ spinlock_t vfsmount_lock __cacheline_aligned_in_smp = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ static struct list_head *mount_hashtable;
+ static int hash_mask, hash_bits;
+@@ -238,10 +239,32 @@ static int show_vfsmnt(struct seq_file *
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ struct proc_fs_info *fs_infop;
++ char *path_buf, *path;
+- mangle(m, mnt->mnt_devname ? mnt->mnt_devname : "none");
++ /* skip FS_NOMOUNT mounts (rootfs) */
++ if (mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_NOUSER)
++ return 0;
++ path_buf = (char *) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!path_buf)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ path = d_path(mnt->mnt_root, mnt, path_buf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ if (IS_ERR(path)) {
++ free_page((unsigned long) path_buf);
++ /*
++ * This means that the file position will be incremented, i.e.
++ * the total number of "invisible" vfsmnt will leak.
++ */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ mangle(m, mnt->mnt_devname ? mnt->mnt_devname : "none");
++ else
++ mangle(m, mnt->mnt_sb->s_type->name);
+ seq_putc(m, ' ');
+- seq_path(m, mnt, mnt->mnt_root, " \t\n\\");
++ mangle(m, path);
++ free_page((unsigned long) path_buf);
+ seq_putc(m, ' ');
+ mangle(m, mnt->mnt_sb->s_type->name);
+ seq_puts(m, mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY ? " ro" : " rw");
+@@ -364,6 +387,7 @@ void umount_tree(struct vfsmount *mnt)
+ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ static int do_umount(struct vfsmount *mnt, int flags)
+ {
+@@ -480,7 +504,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_umount(char __user *
+ goto dput_and_out;
+ retval = -EPERM;
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ goto dput_and_out;
+ retval = do_umount(nd.mnt, flags);
+@@ -505,7 +529,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_oldumount(char __use
+ static int mount_is_safe(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+- if (capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return 0;
+ return -EPERM;
+ #ifdef notyet
+@@ -515,7 +539,7 @@ static int mount_is_safe(struct nameidat
+ if (current->uid != nd->dentry->d_inode->i_uid)
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+- if (permission(nd->dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, nd))
++ if (permission(nd->dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, nd, NULL))
+ return -EPERM;
+ return 0;
+ #endif
+@@ -673,7 +697,7 @@ static int do_remount(struct nameidata *
+ int err;
+ struct super_block * sb = nd->mnt->mnt_sb;
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ if (!check_mnt(nd->mnt))
+@@ -682,6 +706,10 @@ static int do_remount(struct nameidata *
+ if (nd->dentry != nd->mnt->mnt_root)
+ return -EINVAL;
++ /* do not allow to remount bind-mounts */
++ if (nd->dentry != sb->s_root)
++ return -EINVAL;
+ down_write(&sb->s_umount);
+ err = do_remount_sb(sb, flags, data, 0);
+ if (!err)
+@@ -697,7 +725,7 @@ static int do_move_mount(struct nameidat
+ struct nameidata old_nd, parent_nd;
+ struct vfsmount *p;
+ int err = 0;
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ if (!old_name || !*old_name)
+ return -EINVAL;
+@@ -764,15 +792,20 @@ static int do_new_mount(struct nameidata
+ int mnt_flags, char *name, void *data)
+ {
+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct file_system_type *fstype;
+ if (!type || !memchr(type, 0, PAGE_SIZE))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ /* we need capabilities... */
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+- mnt = do_kern_mount(type, flags, name, data);
++ fstype = get_fs_type(type);
++ if (fstype == NULL)
++ return -ENODEV;
++ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, flags, name, data);
++ put_filesystem(fstype);
+ if (IS_ERR(mnt))
+ return PTR_ERR(mnt);
+@@ -809,6 +842,10 @@ int do_add_mount(struct vfsmount *newmnt
+ newmnt->mnt_flags = mnt_flags;
+ err = graft_tree(newmnt, nd);
++ if (newmnt->mnt_mountpoint->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL)
++ /* unaccessible yet - no lock */
++ newmnt->mnt_root->d_flags |= DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
+ if (err == 0 && fslist) {
+ /* add to the specified expiration list */
+ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
+@@ -1213,7 +1250,7 @@ static void chroot_fs_refs(struct nameid
+ struct fs_struct *fs;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
+ task_lock(p);
+ fs = p->fs;
+ if (fs) {
+@@ -1226,7 +1263,7 @@ static void chroot_fs_refs(struct nameid
+ put_fs_struct(fs);
+ } else
+ task_unlock(p);
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
+@@ -1339,8 +1376,13 @@ static void __init init_mount_tree(void)
+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
+ struct namespace *namespace;
+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
++ struct file_system_type *fstype;
+- mnt = do_kern_mount("rootfs", 0, "rootfs", NULL);
++ fstype = get_fs_type("rootfs");
++ if (fstype == NULL)
++ panic("Can't create rootfs");
++ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, "rootfs", NULL);
++ put_filesystem(fstype);
+ if (IS_ERR(mnt))
+ panic("Can't create rootfs");
+ namespace = kmalloc(sizeof(*namespace), GFP_KERNEL);
+@@ -1355,10 +1397,10 @@ static void __init init_mount_tree(void)
+ init_task.namespace = namespace;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
+ get_namespace(namespace);
+ p->namespace = namespace;
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ set_fs_pwd(current->fs, namespace->root, namespace->root->mnt_root);
+@@ -1373,7 +1415,7 @@ void __init mnt_init(unsigned long mempa
+ int i;
+ mnt_cache = kmem_cache_create("mnt_cache", sizeof(struct vfsmount),
+ order = 0;
+ mount_hashtable = (struct list_head *)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ncp_get_fs_info(struct ncp_server* serve
+ {
+ struct ncp_fs_info info;
+- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
++ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ ncp_get_fs_info_v2(struct ncp_server* se
+ {
+ struct ncp_fs_info_v2 info2;
+- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
++ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+ switch (cmd) {
+- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
++ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+ {
+ unsigned long tmp = server->m.mounted_uid;
+- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
++ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
+ {
+ return -EACCES;
+@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+ {
+ struct ncp_setroot_ioctl sr;
+- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
++ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
+ {
+ return -EACCES;
+@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
++ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
+ {
+ return -EACCES;
+@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+ return 0;
+- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
++ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
+ {
+ return -EACCES;
+@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+ {
+ int newstate;
+- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
++ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
+ {
+ return -EACCES;
+@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
++ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
+ {
+ return -EACCES;
+@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ outrel:
+ #endif /* CONFIG_NCPFS_NLS */
+- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0) &&
++ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0) &&
+ (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
+ return -EACCES;
+ {
+@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ outrel:
+ so we have this out of switch */
+ if (cmd == NCP_IOC_GETMOUNTUID) {
+ __kernel_uid_t uid = 0;
+- if ((permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
++ if ((permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
+ && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1499,7 +1499,8 @@ out:
+ }
+ int
+-nfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++nfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ struct nfs_access_cache *cache = &NFS_I(inode)->cache_access;
+ struct rpc_cred *cred;
+@@ -1541,6 +1542,7 @@ nfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int
+ if (!NFS_PROTO(inode)->access)
+ goto out_notsup;
++ /* Can NFS fill exec_perm atomically? Don't know... --SAW */
+ cred = rpcauth_lookupcred(NFS_CLIENT(inode)->cl_auth, 0);
+ if (cache->cred == cred
+ && time_before(jiffies, cache->jiffies + NFS_ATTRTIMEO(inode))
+@@ -1565,7 +1567,7 @@ out:
+ return res;
+ out_notsup:
+ nfs_revalidate_inode(NFS_SERVER(inode), inode);
+- res = vfs_permission(inode, mask);
++ res = vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm);
+ unlock_kernel();
+ return res;
+ add_cache:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -72,8 +72,10 @@ nfs_get_user_pages(int rw, unsigned long
+ size_t array_size;
+ /* set an arbitrary limit to prevent arithmetic overflow */
+- if (size > MAX_DIRECTIO_SIZE)
++ if (size > MAX_DIRECTIO_SIZE) {
++ *pages = NULL;
+ return -EFBIG;
++ }
+ page_count = (user_addr + size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ page_count -= user_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ nfs_file_open(struct inode *inode, struc
+ static int
+ nfs_file_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
+ {
++ /* Ensure that dirty pages are flushed out with the right creds */
++ if (filp->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)
++ filemap_fdatawrite(filp->f_mapping);
+ return NFS_PROTO(inode)->file_release(inode, filp);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ static int nfs_update_inode(struct inode
+ static struct inode *nfs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb);
+ static void nfs_destroy_inode(struct inode *);
+-static void nfs_write_inode(struct inode *,int);
++static int nfs_write_inode(struct inode *,int);
+ static void nfs_delete_inode(struct inode *);
+ static void nfs_put_super(struct super_block *);
+ static void nfs_clear_inode(struct inode *);
+@@ -110,12 +110,16 @@ nfs_fattr_to_ino_t(struct nfs_fattr *fat
+ return nfs_fileid_to_ino_t(fattr->fileid);
+ }
+-static void
++static int
+ nfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int sync)
+ {
+ int flags = sync ? FLUSH_WAIT : 0;
++ int ret;
+- nfs_commit_inode(inode, 0, 0, flags);
++ ret = nfs_commit_inode(inode, 0, 0, flags);
++ if (ret < 0)
++ return ret;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ static int __init root_nfs_name(char *na
+ /* Override them by options set on kernel command-line */
+ root_nfs_parse(name, buf);
+- cp = system_utsname.nodename;
++ cp = ve_utsname.nodename;
+ if (strlen(buf) + strlen(cp) > NFS_MAXPATHLEN) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Root-NFS: Pathname for remote directory too long.\n");
+ return -1;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,8 +23,14 @@ static struct file *do_open(char *name,
+ {
+ struct nameidata nd;
+ int error;
++ struct file_system_type *fstype;
+- nd.mnt = do_kern_mount("nfsd", 0, "nfsd", NULL);
++ fstype = get_fs_type("nfsd");
++ if (fstype == NULL)
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ nd.mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, "nfsd", NULL);
++ put_filesystem(fstype);
+ if (IS_ERR(nd.mnt))
+ return (struct file *)nd.mnt;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ int nfsd_acceptable(void *expv, struct d
+ /* make sure parents give x permission to user */
+ int err;
+ parent = dget_parent(tdentry);
+- err = permission(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL);
++ err = permission(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
+ if (err < 0) {
+ dput(parent);
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1592,12 +1592,13 @@ nfsd_permission(struct svc_export *exp,
+ inode->i_uid == current->fsuid)
+ return 0;
+- err = permission(inode, acc & (MAY_READ|MAY_WRITE|MAY_EXEC), NULL);
++ err = permission(inode, acc & (MAY_READ|MAY_WRITE|MAY_EXEC),
+ /* Allow read access to binaries even when mode 111 */
+ if (err == -EACCES && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) &&
+- err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL);
++ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
+ return err? nfserrno(err) : 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ extern void ntfs_truncate(struct inode *
+ extern int ntfs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr);
+-extern void ntfs_write_inode(struct inode *vi, int sync);
++extern int ntfs_write_inode(struct inode *vi, int sync);
+ static inline void ntfs_commit_inode(struct inode *vi)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2404,7 +2404,7 @@ iput_tmp_ino_err_out_now:
+ * method again... FIXME: Do we need to do this twice now because of
+ * attribute inodes? I think not, so leave as is for now... (AIA)
+ */
+- if (invalidate_inodes(sb)) {
++ if (invalidate_inodes(sb, 0)) {
+ ntfs_error(sb, "Busy inodes left. This is most likely a NTFS "
+ "driver bug.");
+ /* Copied from fs/super.c. I just love this message. (-; */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include <linux/faudit.h>
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+@@ -116,6 +117,34 @@ static int vfs_statfs64(struct super_blo
+ return 0;
+ }
++static int faudit_statfs(struct vfsmount *mnt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct statfs *buf)
++ struct faudit_stat_arg arg;
++ arg.mnt = mnt;
++ arg.dentry = dentry;
++ arg.stat = buf;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_STATFS, &arg)
++ return arg.err;
++ return 0;
++static int faudit_statfs64(struct vfsmount *mnt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct statfs64 *buf)
++ struct faudit_stat_arg arg;
++ arg.mnt = mnt;
++ arg.dentry = dentry;
++ arg.stat = buf;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_STATFS64,
++ &arg) != NOTIFY_DONE)
++ return arg.err;
++ return 0;
+ asmlinkage long sys_statfs(const char __user * path, struct statfs __user * buf)
+ {
+ struct nameidata nd;
+@@ -125,6 +154,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_statfs(const char __
+ if (!error) {
+ struct statfs tmp;
+ error = vfs_statfs_native(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
++ if (!error)
++ error = faudit_statfs(nd.mnt, nd.dentry, &tmp);
+ if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
+ error = -EFAULT;
+ path_release(&nd);
+@@ -144,6 +175,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_statfs64(const char
+ if (!error) {
+ struct statfs64 tmp;
+ error = vfs_statfs64(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
++ if (!error)
++ error = faudit_statfs64(nd.mnt, nd.dentry, &tmp);
+ if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
+ error = -EFAULT;
+ path_release(&nd);
+@@ -163,6 +196,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_fstatfs(unsigned int
+ if (!file)
+ goto out;
+ error = vfs_statfs_native(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
++ if (!error)
++ error = faudit_statfs(file->f_vfsmnt, file->f_dentry, &tmp);
+ if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
+ error = -EFAULT;
+ fput(file);
+@@ -184,6 +219,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_fstatfs64(unsigned i
+ if (!file)
+ goto out;
+ error = vfs_statfs64(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
++ if (!error)
++ error = faudit_statfs64(file->f_vfsmnt, file->f_dentry, &tmp);
+ if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
+ error = -EFAULT;
+ fput(file);
+@@ -234,7 +271,7 @@ static inline long do_sys_truncate(const
+ if (!S_ISREG(inode->i_mode))
+ goto dput_and_out;
+- error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd);
++ error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd,NULL);
+ if (error)
+ goto dput_and_out;
+@@ -388,7 +425,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_utime(char __user *
+ goto dput_and_out;
+ if (current->fsuid != inode->i_uid &&
+- (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd)) != 0)
++ (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd,NULL)) != 0)
+ goto dput_and_out;
+ }
+ down(&inode->i_sem);
+@@ -441,7 +478,7 @@ long do_utimes(char __user * filename, s
+ goto dput_and_out;
+ if (current->fsuid != inode->i_uid &&
+- (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd)) != 0)
++ (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd,NULL)) != 0)
+ goto dput_and_out;
+ }
+ down(&inode->i_sem);
+@@ -500,7 +537,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_access(const char __
+ res = __user_walk(filename, LOOKUP_FOLLOW|LOOKUP_ACCESS, &nd);
+ if (!res) {
+- res = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, mode, &nd);
++ res = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, mode, &nd, NULL);
+ /* SuS v2 requires we report a read only fs too */
+ if(!res && (mode & S_IWOTH) && IS_RDONLY(nd.dentry->d_inode)
+ && !special_file(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
+@@ -524,7 +561,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_chdir(const char __u
+ if (error)
+ goto out;
+- error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd);
++ error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd,NULL);
+ if (error)
+ goto dput_and_out;
+@@ -557,7 +594,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_fchdir(unsigned int
+ if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
+ goto out_putf;
+- error = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL);
++ error = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!error)
+ set_fs_pwd(current->fs, mnt, dentry);
+ out_putf:
+@@ -575,7 +612,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_chroot(const char __
+ if (error)
+ goto out;
+- error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd);
++ error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd,NULL);
+ if (error)
+ goto dput_and_out;
+@@ -776,6 +813,9 @@ struct file *dentry_open(struct dentry *
+ struct inode *inode;
+ int error;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO))
++ flags &= ~O_DIRECT;
+ error = -ENFILE;
+ f = get_empty_filp();
+ if (!f)
+@@ -1082,3 +1122,81 @@ int nonseekable_open(struct inode *inode
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nonseekable_open);
++long sys_lchmod(char __user * filename, mode_t mode)
++ struct nameidata nd;
++ struct inode * inode;
++ int error;
++ struct iattr newattrs;
++ error = user_path_walk_link(filename, &nd);
++ if (error)
++ goto out;
++ inode = nd.dentry->d_inode;
++ error = -EROFS;
++ if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
++ goto dput_and_out;
++ error = -EPERM;
++ if (IS_IMMUTABLE(inode) || IS_APPEND(inode))
++ goto dput_and_out;
++ down(&inode->i_sem);
++ if (mode == (mode_t) -1)
++ mode = inode->i_mode;
++ newattrs.ia_mode = (mode & S_IALLUGO) | (inode->i_mode & ~S_IALLUGO);
++ newattrs.ia_valid = ATTR_MODE | ATTR_CTIME;
++ error = notify_change(nd.dentry, &newattrs);
++ up(&inode->i_sem);
++ path_release(&nd);
++ return error;
++long sys_lutime(char __user * filename,
++ struct utimbuf __user * times)
++ int error;
++ struct nameidata nd;
++ struct inode * inode;
++ struct iattr newattrs;
++ error = user_path_walk_link(filename, &nd);
++ if (error)
++ goto out;
++ inode = nd.dentry->d_inode;
++ error = -EROFS;
++ if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
++ goto dput_and_out;
++ /* Don't worry, the checks are done in inode_change_ok() */
++ newattrs.ia_valid = ATTR_CTIME | ATTR_MTIME | ATTR_ATIME;
++ if (times) {
++ error = get_user(newattrs.ia_atime.tv_sec, &times->actime);
++ newattrs.ia_atime.tv_nsec = 0;
++ if (!error)
++ error = get_user(newattrs.ia_mtime.tv_sec,
++ &times->modtime);
++ newattrs.ia_mtime.tv_nsec = 0;
++ if (error)
++ goto dput_and_out;
++ newattrs.ia_valid |= ATTR_ATIME_SET | ATTR_MTIME_SET;
++ } else {
++ if (current->fsuid != inode->i_uid &&
++ (error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL)) != 0)
++ goto dput_and_out;
++ }
++ down(&inode->i_sem);
++ error = notify_change(nd.dentry, &newattrs);
++ up(&inode->i_sem);
++ path_release(&nd);
++ return error;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ char *disk_name(struct gendisk *hd, int
+ return buf;
+ }
+ const char *bdevname(struct block_device *bdev, char *buf)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ struct inode* pipe_new(struct inode* ino
+ {
+ unsigned long page;
+- page = __get_free_page(GFP_USER);
++ page = __get_free_page(GFP_USER_UBC);
+ if (!page)
+ return NULL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@
+ #include <linux/highmem.h>
+ #include <linux/file.h>
+ #include <linux/times.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
+@@ -88,10 +90,13 @@ static inline char * task_name(struct ta
+ {
+ int i;
+ char * name;
++ char tcomm[sizeof(p->comm)];
++ get_task_comm(tcomm, p);
+ ADDBUF(buf, "Name:\t");
+- name = p->comm;
+- i = sizeof(p->comm);
++ name = tcomm;
++ i = sizeof(tcomm);
+ do {
+ unsigned char c = *name;
+ name++;
+@@ -127,18 +132,19 @@ static const char *task_state_array[] =
+ "S (sleeping)", /* 1 */
+ "D (disk sleep)", /* 2 */
+ "T (stopped)", /* 4 */
+- "Z (zombie)", /* 8 */
+- "X (dead)" /* 16 */
++ "T (tracing stop)", /* 8 */
++ "Z (zombie)", /* 16 */
++ "X (dead)" /* 32 */
+ };
+ static inline const char * get_task_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ {
+- unsigned int state = tsk->state & (TASK_RUNNING |
++ unsigned int state = (tsk->state & (TASK_RUNNING |
++ (tsk->exit_state & (EXIT_ZOMBIE |
+ const char **p = &task_state_array[0];
+ while (state) {
+@@ -152,8 +158,13 @@ static inline char * task_state(struct t
+ {
+ struct group_info *group_info;
+ int g;
++ pid_t pid, ppid, tgid;
++ pid = get_task_pid(p);
++ tgid = get_task_tgid(p);
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ ppid = get_task_ppid(p);
+ buffer += sprintf(buffer,
+ "State:\t%s\n"
+ "SleepAVG:\t%lu%%\n"
+@@ -161,13 +172,19 @@ static inline char * task_state(struct t
+ "Pid:\t%d\n"
+ "PPid:\t%d\n"
+ "TracerPid:\t%d\n"
++ "FNid:\t%d\n"
+ "Uid:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"
+ "Gid:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
+ get_task_state(p),
+ (p->sleep_avg/1024)*100/(1020000000/1024),
+- p->tgid,
+- p->pid, p->pid ? p->real_parent->pid : 0,
+- p->pid && p->ptrace ? p->parent->pid : 0,
++ tgid,
++ pid, ppid,
++ p->pid && p->ptrace ? get_task_pid(p->parent) : 0,
++ task_fairsched_node_id(p),
+ p->uid, p->euid, p->suid, p->fsuid,
+ p->gid, p->egid, p->sgid, p->fsgid);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -186,6 +203,20 @@ static inline char * task_state(struct t
+ put_group_info(group_info);
+ buffer += sprintf(buffer, "\n");
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ buffer += sprintf(buffer,
++ "envID:\t%d\n"
++ "VPid:\t%d\n"
++ "PNState:\t%u\n"
++ "StopState:\t%u\n"
++ "SigSuspState:\t%u\n",
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->veid,
++ virt_pid(p),
++ p->pn_state,
++ p->stopped_state,
++ p->sigsuspend_state);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+@@ -231,7 +262,7 @@ static void collect_sigign_sigcatch(stru
+ static inline char * task_sig(struct task_struct *p, char *buffer)
+ {
+- sigset_t pending, shpending, blocked, ignored, caught;
++ sigset_t pending, shpending, blocked, ignored, caught, saved;
+ int num_threads = 0;
+ sigemptyset(&pending);
+@@ -239,6 +270,7 @@ static inline char * task_sig(struct tas
+ sigemptyset(&blocked);
+ sigemptyset(&ignored);
+ sigemptyset(&caught);
++ sigemptyset(&saved);
+ /* Gather all the data with the appropriate locks held */
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -247,6 +279,7 @@ static inline char * task_sig(struct tas
+ pending = p->pending.signal;
+ shpending = p->signal->shared_pending.signal;
+ blocked = p->blocked;
++ saved = p->saved_sigset;
+ collect_sigign_sigcatch(p, &ignored, &caught);
+ num_threads = atomic_read(&p->signal->count);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&p->sighand->siglock);
+@@ -261,6 +294,7 @@ static inline char * task_sig(struct tas
+ buffer = render_sigset_t("SigBlk:\t", &blocked, buffer);
+ buffer = render_sigset_t("SigIgn:\t", &ignored, buffer);
+ buffer = render_sigset_t("SigCgt:\t", &caught, buffer);
++ buffer = render_sigset_t("SigSvd:\t", &saved, buffer);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+@@ -275,6 +309,24 @@ static inline char *task_cap(struct task
+ cap_t(p->cap_effective));
+ }
++static inline char *task_show_ub(struct task_struct *p, char *buffer)
++ char ub_info[64];
++ print_ub_uid(get_task_ub(p), ub_info, sizeof(ub_info));
++ buffer += sprintf(buffer, "TaskUB:\t%s\n", ub_info);
++ task_lock(p);
++ if (p->mm != NULL)
++ print_ub_uid(mm_ub(p->mm), ub_info, sizeof(ub_info));
++ else
++ strcpy(ub_info, "N/A");
++ task_unlock(p);
++ buffer += sprintf(buffer, "MMUB:\t%s\n", ub_info);
++ return buffer;
+ extern char *task_mem(struct mm_struct *, char *);
+ int proc_pid_status(struct task_struct *task, char * buffer)
+ {
+@@ -293,6 +345,9 @@ int proc_pid_status(struct task_struct *
+ #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_S390)
+ buffer = task_show_regs(task, buffer);
+ #endif
++ buffer = task_show_ub(task, buffer);
+ return buffer - orig;
+ }
+@@ -309,6 +364,9 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
+ int num_threads = 0;
+ struct mm_struct *mm;
+ unsigned long long start_time;
++ char tcomm[sizeof(task->comm)];
++ char mm_ub_info[64];
++ char task_ub_info[64];
+ state = *get_task_state(task);
+ vsize = eip = esp = 0;
+@@ -325,6 +383,7 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ }
++ get_task_comm(tcomm, task);
+ wchan = get_wchan(task);
+ sigemptyset(&sigign);
+@@ -338,12 +397,13 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
+ }
+ if (task->signal) {
+ if (task->signal->tty) {
+- tty_pgrp = task->signal->tty->pgrp;
++ tty_pgrp = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PGID, task->signal->tty->pgrp);
+ tty_nr = new_encode_dev(tty_devnum(task->signal->tty));
+ }
+- pgid = process_group(task);
+- sid = task->signal->session;
++ pgid = get_task_pgid(task);
++ sid = get_task_sid(task);
+ }
++ ppid = get_task_ppid(task);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ /* scale priority and nice values from timeslices to -20..20 */
+@@ -351,18 +411,27 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
+ priority = task_prio(task);
+ nice = task_nice(task);
+- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- ppid = task->pid ? task->real_parent->pid : 0;
+- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ /* Temporary variable needed for gcc-2.96 */
+ start_time = jiffies_64_to_clock_t(task->start_time - INITIAL_JIFFIES);
++ print_ub_uid(get_task_ub(task), task_ub_info, sizeof(task_ub_info));
++ if (mm != NULL)
++ print_ub_uid(mm_ub(mm), mm_ub_info, sizeof(mm_ub_info));
++ else
++ strcpy(mm_ub_info, "N/A");
++ strcpy(task_ub_info, "0");
++ strcpy(mm_ub_info, "0");
+ res = sprintf(buffer,"%d (%s) %c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu \
+ %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %d %ld %llu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu \
+-%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %lu %lu\n",
+- task->pid,
+- task->comm,
++%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %lu %lu \
++0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %d %u \
++%s %s\n",
++ get_task_pid(task),
++ tcomm,
+ state,
+ ppid,
+ pgid,
+@@ -382,7 +451,12 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
+ nice,
+ num_threads,
+ jiffies_to_clock_t(task->it_real_value),
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ start_time,
++ jiffies_64_to_clock_t(task->start_time -
++ get_exec_env()->init_entry->start_time),
+ vsize,
+ mm ? mm->rss : 0, /* you might want to shift this left 3 */
+ task->rlim[RLIMIT_RSS].rlim_cur,
+@@ -405,7 +479,11 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
+ task->exit_signal,
+ task_cpu(task),
+ task->rt_priority,
+- task->policy);
++ task->policy,
++ virt_pid(task),
++ VEID(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env),
++ task_ub_info,
++ mm_ub_info);
+ if(mm)
+ mmput(mm);
+ return res;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -188,22 +188,25 @@ static int proc_fd_link(struct inode *in
+ struct files_struct *files;
+ struct file *file;
+ int fd = proc_type(inode) - PROC_TID_FD_DIR;
++ int err = -ENOENT;
+ files = get_files_struct(task);
+ if (files) {
+ spin_lock(&files->file_lock);
+ file = fcheck_files(files, fd);
+ if (file) {
+- *mnt = mntget(file->f_vfsmnt);
+- *dentry = dget(file->f_dentry);
+- spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
+- put_files_struct(files);
+- return 0;
++ if (d_root_check(file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt)) {
++ err = -EACCES;
++ } else {
++ *mnt = mntget(file->f_vfsmnt);
++ *dentry = dget(file->f_dentry);
++ err = 0;
++ }
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
+ put_files_struct(files);
+ }
+- return -ENOENT;
++ return err;
+ }
+ static int proc_exe_link(struct inode *inode, struct dentry **dentry, struct vfsmount **mnt)
+@@ -220,13 +223,16 @@ static int proc_exe_link(struct inode *i
+ while (vma) {
+ if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_EXECUTABLE) &&
+ vma->vm_file) {
+- *mnt = mntget(vma->vm_file->f_vfsmnt);
+- *dentry = dget(vma->vm_file->f_dentry);
+- result = 0;
++ result = d_root_check(vma->vm_file->f_dentry,
++ vma->vm_file->f_vfsmnt);
++ if (!result) {
++ *mnt = mntget(vma->vm_file->f_vfsmnt);
++ *dentry = dget(vma->vm_file->f_dentry);
++ }
+ break;
+ }
+ vma = vma->vm_next;
+- }
++ }
+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ mmput(mm);
+ out:
+@@ -244,10 +250,12 @@ static int proc_cwd_link(struct inode *i
+ task_unlock(proc_task(inode));
+ if (fs) {
+ read_lock(&fs->lock);
+- *mnt = mntget(fs->pwdmnt);
+- *dentry = dget(fs->pwd);
++ result = d_root_check(fs->pwd, fs->pwdmnt);
++ if (!result) {
++ *mnt = mntget(fs->pwdmnt);
++ *dentry = dget(fs->pwd);
++ }
+ read_unlock(&fs->lock);
+- result = 0;
+ put_fs_struct(fs);
+ }
+ return result;
+@@ -297,6 +305,11 @@ static int may_ptrace_attach(struct task
+ rmb();
+ if (!task->mm->dumpable && !capable(CAP_SYS_PTRACE))
+ goto out;
++ if (!task->mm->vps_dumpable && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ goto out;
++ /* optional: defensive measure */
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
++ goto out;
+ if (security_ptrace(current, task))
+ goto out;
+@@ -329,6 +342,8 @@ static int proc_pid_cmdline(struct task_
+ struct mm_struct *mm = get_task_mm(task);
+ if (!mm)
+ goto out;
++ if (!mm->arg_end)
++ goto out_mm; /* Shh! No looking before we're done */
+ len = mm->arg_end - mm->arg_start;
+@@ -351,8 +366,8 @@ static int proc_pid_cmdline(struct task_
+ res = strnlen(buffer, res);
+ }
+ }
+ mmput(mm);
+ out:
+ return res;
+ }
+@@ -443,9 +458,10 @@ out:
+ goto exit;
+ }
+-static int proc_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++static int proc_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+- if (vfs_permission(inode, mask) != 0)
++ if (vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm) != 0)
+ return -EACCES;
+ return proc_check_root(inode);
+ }
+@@ -767,12 +783,6 @@ static struct inode_operations proc_pid_
+ .follow_link = proc_pid_follow_link
+ };
+-static int pid_alive(struct task_struct *p)
+- BUG_ON(p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].pidptr != &p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].pid);
+- return atomic_read(&p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].pid.count);
+ #define NUMBUF 10
+ static int proc_readfd(struct file * filp, void * dirent, filldir_t filldir)
+@@ -927,6 +937,10 @@ static struct inode *proc_pid_make_inode
+ struct inode * inode;
+ struct proc_inode *ei;
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env,
++ VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type)))
++ return NULL;
+ /* We need a new inode */
+ inode = new_inode(sb);
+@@ -1030,6 +1044,10 @@ static void pid_base_iput(struct dentry
+ spin_lock(&task->proc_lock);
+ if (task->proc_dentry == dentry)
+ task->proc_dentry = NULL;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (VE_TASK_INFO(task)->glob_proc_dentry == dentry)
++ VE_TASK_INFO(task)->glob_proc_dentry = NULL;
+ spin_unlock(&task->proc_lock);
+ iput(inode);
+ }
+@@ -1467,14 +1485,14 @@ static int proc_self_readlink(struct den
+ int buflen)
+ {
+ char tmp[30];
+- sprintf(tmp, "%d", current->tgid);
++ sprintf(tmp, "%d", get_task_tgid(current));
+ return vfs_readlink(dentry,buffer,buflen,tmp);
+ }
+ static int proc_self_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ char tmp[30];
+- sprintf(tmp, "%d", current->tgid);
++ sprintf(tmp, "%d", get_task_tgid(current));
+ return vfs_follow_link(nd,tmp);
+ }
+@@ -1499,24 +1517,33 @@ static struct inode_operations proc_self
+ */
+-struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p)
++struct dentry *__proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry *proc_dentry)
+ {
+- struct dentry *proc_dentry;
+- proc_dentry = p->proc_dentry;
+ if (proc_dentry != NULL) {
+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ spin_lock(&proc_dentry->d_lock);
+ if (!d_unhashed(proc_dentry)) {
+ dget_locked(proc_dentry);
+ __d_drop(proc_dentry);
+- } else
++ spin_unlock(&proc_dentry->d_lock);
++ } else {
++ spin_unlock(&proc_dentry->d_lock);
+ proc_dentry = NULL;
++ }
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ }
+ return proc_dentry;
+ }
++void proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry *pd[2])
++ pd[0] = __proc_pid_unhash(p, p->proc_dentry);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ pd[1] = __proc_pid_unhash(p, VE_TASK_INFO(p)->glob_proc_dentry);
+ /**
+ * proc_pid_flush - recover memory used by stale /proc/<pid>/x entries
+ * @proc_entry: directoy to prune.
+@@ -1524,7 +1551,7 @@ struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct ta
+ * Shrink the /proc directory that was used by the just killed thread.
+ */
+-void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry)
++void __proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry)
+ {
+ if(proc_dentry != NULL) {
+ shrink_dcache_parent(proc_dentry);
+@@ -1532,12 +1559,21 @@ void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_
+ }
+ }
++void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry[2])
++ __proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry[0]);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ __proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry[1]);
+ /* SMP-safe */
+ struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry * dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *task;
+ struct inode *inode;
+ struct proc_inode *ei;
++ struct dentry *pd[2];
+ unsigned tgid;
+ int died;
+@@ -1561,7 +1597,19 @@ struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct in
+ goto out;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- task = find_task_by_pid(tgid);
++ task = find_task_by_pid_ve(tgid);
++ /* In theory we are allowed to lookup both /proc/VIRT_PID and
++ * /proc/GLOBAL_PID inside VE. However, current /proc implementation
++ * cannot maintain two references to one task, so that we have
++ * to prohibit /proc/GLOBAL_PID.
++ */
++ if (task && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !is_virtual_pid(tgid)) {
++ /* However, VE_ENTERed tasks are exception, they use global
++ * pids.
++ */
++ if (virt_pid(task) != tgid)
++ task = NULL;
++ }
+ if (task)
+ get_task_struct(task);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -1586,16 +1634,23 @@ struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct in
+ died = 0;
+ d_add(dentry, inode);
+ spin_lock(&task->proc_lock);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (ve_is_super(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(inode->i_sb->s_type)))
++ VE_TASK_INFO(task)->glob_proc_dentry = dentry;
++ else
++ task->proc_dentry = dentry;
+ task->proc_dentry = dentry;
+ if (!pid_alive(task)) {
+- dentry = proc_pid_unhash(task);
++ proc_pid_unhash(task, pd);
+ died = 1;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&task->proc_lock);
+ put_task_struct(task);
+ if (died) {
+- proc_pid_flush(dentry);
++ proc_pid_flush(pd);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+@@ -1616,7 +1671,12 @@ static struct dentry *proc_task_lookup(s
+ goto out;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- task = find_task_by_pid(tid);
++ task = find_task_by_pid_ve(tid);
++ /* See comment above in similar place. */
++ if (task && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !is_virtual_pid(tid)) {
++ if (virt_pid(task) != tid)
++ task = NULL;
++ }
+ if (task)
+ get_task_struct(task);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -1656,7 +1716,8 @@ out:
+ * tasklist lock while doing this, and we must release it before
+ * we actually do the filldir itself, so we use a temp buffer..
+ */
+-static int get_tgid_list(int index, unsigned long version, unsigned int *tgids)
++static int get_tgid_list(int index, unsigned long version, unsigned int *tgids,
++ struct ve_struct *owner)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ int nr_tgids = 0;
+@@ -1665,18 +1726,23 @@ static int get_tgid_list(int index, unsi
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ p = NULL;
+ if (version) {
+- p = find_task_by_pid(version);
+- if (!thread_group_leader(p))
++ struct ve_struct *oldve;
++ oldve = set_exec_env(owner);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(version);
++ (void)set_exec_env(oldve);
++ if (p != NULL && !thread_group_leader(p))
+ p = NULL;
+ }
+ if (p)
+ index = 0;
+ else
+- p = next_task(&init_task);
++ p = __first_task_ve(owner);
+- for ( ; p != &init_task; p = next_task(p)) {
+- int tgid = p->pid;
++ for ( ; p != NULL; p = __next_task_ve(owner, p)) {
++ int tgid = get_task_pid_ve(p, owner);
+ if (!pid_alive(p))
+ continue;
+ if (--index >= 0)
+@@ -1709,7 +1775,7 @@ static int get_tid_list(int index, unsig
+ * via next_thread().
+ */
+ if (pid_alive(task)) do {
+- int tid = task->pid;
++ int tid = get_task_pid(task);
+ if (--index >= 0)
+ continue;
+@@ -1741,7 +1807,8 @@ int proc_pid_readdir(struct file * filp,
+ /*
+ * f_version caches the last tgid which was returned from readdir
+ */
+- nr_tgids = get_tgid_list(nr, filp->f_version, tgid_array);
++ nr_tgids = get_tgid_list(nr, filp->f_version, tgid_array,
++ VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(filp->f_dentry->d_sb->s_type));
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_tgids; i++) {
+ int tgid = tgid_array[i];
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:36.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
+ #include <linux/errno.h>
+ #include <linux/time.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/stat.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/mount.h>
+@@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ static ssize_t proc_file_write(struct fi
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
+ static loff_t proc_file_lseek(struct file *, loff_t, int);
++static DECLARE_RWSEM(proc_tree_sem);
+ int proc_match(int len, const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *de)
+ {
+ if (de->namelen != len)
+@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ proc_file_read(struct file *file, char _
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ while ((nbytes > 0) && !eof) {
+- count = min_t(ssize_t, PROC_BLOCK_SIZE, nbytes);
++ count = min_t(size_t, PROC_BLOCK_SIZE, nbytes);
+ start = NULL;
+ if (dp->get_info) {
+@@ -228,6 +232,7 @@ out:
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ static int proc_notify_change(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *iattr)
+ {
+ struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
+@@ -248,9 +253,12 @@ static int proc_notify_change(struct den
+ out:
+ return error;
+ }
+ static struct inode_operations proc_file_inode_operations = {
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ .setattr = proc_notify_change,
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -258,14 +266,14 @@ static struct inode_operations proc_file
+ * returns the struct proc_dir_entry for "/proc/tty/driver", and
+ * returns "serial" in residual.
+ */
+-static int xlate_proc_name(const char *name,
+- struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
++static int __xlate_proc_name(struct proc_dir_entry *root, const char *name,
++ struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
+ {
+ const char *cp = name, *next;
+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
+ int len;
+- de = &proc_root;
++ de = root;
+ while (1) {
+ next = strchr(cp, '/');
+ if (!next)
+@@ -285,6 +293,23 @@ static int xlate_proc_name(const char *n
+ return 0;
+ }
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define xlate_proc_loc_name xlate_proc_name
++static int xlate_proc_loc_name(const char *name,
++ struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
++ return __xlate_proc_name(get_exec_env()->proc_root,
++ name, ret, residual);
++static int xlate_proc_name(const char *name,
++ struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
++ return __xlate_proc_name(&proc_root, name, ret, residual);
+ static DEFINE_IDR(proc_inum_idr);
+ static spinlock_t proc_inum_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED; /* protects the above */
+@@ -363,31 +388,102 @@ static struct dentry_operations proc_den
+ struct dentry *proc_lookup(struct inode * dir, struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ struct inode *inode = NULL;
+- struct proc_dir_entry * de;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *lde, *gde;
+ int error = -ENOENT;
+ lock_kernel();
+- de = PDE(dir);
+- if (de) {
+- for (de = de->subdir; de ; de = de->next) {
+- if (de->namelen != dentry->d_name.len)
+- continue;
+- if (!memcmp(dentry->, de->name, de->namelen)) {
+- unsigned int ino = de->low_ino;
++ lde = LPDE(dir);
++ if (!lde)
++ goto out;
+- error = -EINVAL;
+- inode = proc_get_inode(dir->i_sb, ino, de);
++ down_read(&proc_tree_sem);
++ for (lde = lde->subdir; lde ; lde = lde->next) {
++ if (lde->namelen != dentry->d_name.len)
++ continue;
++ if (!memcmp(dentry->, lde->name, lde->namelen))
++ break;
++ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ gde = GPDE(dir);
++ if (gde != NULL) {
++ for (gde = gde->subdir; gde ; gde = gde->next) {
++ if (gde->namelen != dentry->d_name.len)
++ continue;
++ if (!memcmp(dentry->, gde->name, gde->namelen))
+ break;
+- }
+ }
+ }
+- unlock_kernel();
++ gde = NULL;
++ /*
++ * There are following possible cases after lookup:
++ *
++ * lde gde
++ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
++ * loc NULL found in local tree
++ * loc glob found in both trees
++ * NULL glob found in global tree
++ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
++ *
++ * We initialized inode as follows after lookup:
++ *
++ * inode->lde inode->gde
++ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
++ * loc NULL in local tree
++ * loc glob both trees
++ * glob glob global tree
++ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
++ * i.e. inode->lde is always initialized
++ */
++ if (lde == NULL && gde == NULL)
++ goto out_up;
++ if (lde != NULL) {
++ inode = proc_get_inode(dir->i_sb, lde->low_ino, lde);
++ } else {
++ inode = proc_get_inode(dir->i_sb, gde->low_ino, gde);
++ }
++ /*
++ * We can sleep in proc_get_inode(), but since we have i_sem
++ * being taken, no one can setup GPDE/LPDE on this inode.
++ */
+ if (inode) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ GPDE(inode) = gde;
++ if (gde) {
++ atomic_inc(&gde->count); /* de_get() */
++ /* we have taken a ref in proc_get_inode() already */
++ __module_get(gde->owner);
++ }
++ /* if dentry is found in both trees and it is a directory
++ * then inode's nlink count must be altered, because local
++ * and global subtrees may differ.
++ * on the other hand, they may intersect, so actual nlink
++ * value is difficult to calculate - upper estimate is used
++ * instead of it.
++ * dentry found in global tree only must not be writable
++ * in non-super ve.
++ */
++ if (lde && gde && lde != gde && gde->nlink > 1)
++ inode->i_nlink += gde->nlink - 2;
++ if (lde == NULL && !ve_is_super(
++ VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(dir->i_sb->s_type)))
++ inode->i_mode &= ~S_IWUGO;
++ up_read(&proc_tree_sem);
++ unlock_kernel();
+ dentry->d_op = &proc_dentry_operations;
+ d_add(dentry, inode);
+ return NULL;
+ }
++ up_read(&proc_tree_sem);
++ unlock_kernel();
+ return ERR_PTR(error);
+ }
+@@ -434,29 +530,58 @@ int proc_readdir(struct file * filp,
+ filp->f_pos++;
+ /* fall through */
+ default:
+- de = de->subdir;
+ i -= 2;
+- for (;;) {
+- if (!de) {
+- ret = 1;
+- goto out;
+- }
+- if (!i)
+- break;
+- de = de->next;
+- i--;
+- }
++ }
+- do {
+- if (filldir(dirent, de->name, de->namelen, filp->f_pos,
+- de->low_ino, de->mode >> 12) < 0)
+- goto out;
+- filp->f_pos++;
+- de = de->next;
+- } while (de);
++ down_read(&proc_tree_sem);
++ de = de->subdir;
++ for (; de != NULL; de = de->next) {
++ if (!i)
++ break;
++ i--;
+ }
++ for (; de != NULL; de = de->next) {
++ if (filldir(dirent, de->name, de->namelen, filp->f_pos,
++ de->low_ino, de->mode >> 12) < 0)
++ goto out_up;
++ filp->f_pos++;
++ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ de = GPDE(inode);
++ if (de == NULL) {
++ ret = 1;
++ goto out_up;
++ }
++ de = de->subdir;
++ for (; de != NULL; de = de->next) {
++ struct proc_dir_entry *p;
++ /* check that we haven't filled this dir already */
++ for (p = LPDE(inode)->subdir; p; p = p->next) {
++ if (de->namelen != p->namelen)
++ continue;
++ if (!memcmp(de->name, p->name, p->namelen))
++ break;
++ }
++ if (p)
++ continue;
++ /* skip first i entries */
++ if (i > 0) {
++ i--;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (filldir(dirent, de->name, de->namelen, filp->f_pos,
++ de->low_ino, de->mode >> 12) < 0)
++ goto out_up;
++ filp->f_pos++;
++ }
+ ret = 1;
+-out: unlock_kernel();
++ up_read(&proc_tree_sem);
++ unlock_kernel();
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -475,7 +600,9 @@ static struct file_operations proc_dir_o
+ */
+ static struct inode_operations proc_dir_inode_operations = {
+ .lookup = proc_lookup,
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ .setattr = proc_notify_change,
+ };
+ static int proc_register(struct proc_dir_entry * dir, struct proc_dir_entry * dp)
+@@ -504,6 +631,7 @@ static int proc_register(struct proc_dir
+ if (dp->proc_iops == NULL)
+ dp->proc_iops = &proc_file_inode_operations;
+ }
++ de_get(dir);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -549,7 +677,7 @@ static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_creat
+ /* make sure name is valid */
+ if (!name || !strlen(name)) goto out;
+- if (!(*parent) && xlate_proc_name(name, parent, &fn) != 0)
++ if (!(*parent) && xlate_proc_loc_name(name, parent, &fn) != 0)
+ goto out;
+ len = strlen(fn);
+@@ -558,6 +686,7 @@ static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_creat
+ memset(ent, 0, sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry));
+ memcpy(((char *) ent) + sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry), fn, len + 1);
++ atomic_set(&ent->count, 1);
+ ent->name = ((char *) ent) + sizeof(*ent);
+ ent->namelen = len;
+ ent->mode = mode;
+@@ -571,6 +700,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_symlink(cons
+ {
+ struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
++ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
+ ent = proc_create(&parent,name,
+@@ -588,6 +718,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_symlink(cons
+ ent = NULL;
+ }
+ }
++ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
+ return ent;
+ }
+@@ -596,6 +727,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_mkdir_mode(c
+ {
+ struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
++ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
+ ent = proc_create(&parent, name, S_IFDIR | mode, 2);
+ if (ent) {
+ ent->proc_fops = &proc_dir_operations;
+@@ -606,6 +738,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_mkdir_mode(c
+ ent = NULL;
+ }
+ }
++ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
+ return ent;
+ }
+@@ -615,7 +748,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_mkdir(const
+ return proc_mkdir_mode(name, S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO, parent);
+ }
+-struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
++static struct proc_dir_entry *__create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
+ struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
+ {
+ struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
+@@ -647,6 +780,35 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry
+ return ent;
+ }
++struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
++ struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
++ const char *path = name;
++ ent = NULL;
++ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++ if (parent || xlate_proc_loc_name(path, &parent, &name) == 0)
++ ent = __create_proc_entry(name, mode, parent);
++ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++ return ent;
++struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_glob_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
++ struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
++ const char *path = name;
++ ent = NULL;
++ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++ if (parent || xlate_proc_name(path, &parent, &name) == 0)
++ ent = __create_proc_entry(name, mode, parent);
++ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++ return ent;
+ void free_proc_entry(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
+ {
+ unsigned int ino = de->low_ino;
+@@ -665,15 +827,13 @@ void free_proc_entry(struct proc_dir_ent
+ * Remove a /proc entry and free it if it's not currently in use.
+ * If it is in use, we set the 'deleted' flag.
+ */
+-void remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
++static void __remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
+ {
+ struct proc_dir_entry **p;
+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
+ const char *fn = name;
+ int len;
+- if (!parent && xlate_proc_name(name, &parent, &fn) != 0)
+- goto out;
+ len = strlen(fn);
+ for (p = &parent->subdir; *p; p=&(*p)->next ) {
+ if (!proc_match(len, fn, *p))
+@@ -681,20 +841,58 @@ void remove_proc_entry(const char *name,
+ de = *p;
+ *p = de->next;
+ de->next = NULL;
++ de_put(parent);
+ if (S_ISDIR(de->mode))
+ parent->nlink--;
+ proc_kill_inodes(de);
+ de->nlink = 0;
+ WARN_ON(de->subdir);
+- if (!atomic_read(&de->count))
+- free_proc_entry(de);
+- else {
+- de->deleted = 1;
+- printk("remove_proc_entry: %s/%s busy, count=%d\n",
+- parent->name, de->name, atomic_read(&de->count));
+- }
++ de->deleted = 1;
++ de_put(de);
+ break;
+ }
+- return;
++static void __remove_proc_glob_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *p)
++ const char *fn = name;
++ if (!p && xlate_proc_name(name, &p, &fn) != 0)
++ return;
++ __remove_proc_entry(fn, p);
++void remove_proc_glob_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
++ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++ __remove_proc_glob_entry(name, parent);
++ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++static void __remove_proc_loc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *p)
++ const char *fn = name;
++ if (!p && xlate_proc_loc_name(name, &p, &fn) != 0)
++ return;
++ __remove_proc_entry(fn, p);
++void remove_proc_loc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
++ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++ __remove_proc_entry(name, parent);
++ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++/* used in cases when we don't know whether it is global or local proc tree */
++void remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
++ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
++ __remove_proc_loc_entry(name, parent);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ __remove_proc_glob_entry(name, parent);
++ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:36.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <linux/stat.h>
+ #include <linux/file.h>
+@@ -22,34 +23,25 @@
+ extern void free_proc_entry(struct proc_dir_entry *);
+-static inline struct proc_dir_entry * de_get(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
+- if (de)
+- atomic_inc(&de->count);
+- return de;
+ /*
+ * Decrements the use count and checks for deferred deletion.
+ */
+-static void de_put(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
++void de_put(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
+ {
+ if (de) {
+- lock_kernel();
+ if (!atomic_read(&de->count)) {
+ printk("de_put: entry %s already free!\n", de->name);
+- unlock_kernel();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&de->count)) {
+- if (de->deleted) {
+- printk("de_put: deferred delete of %s\n",
+- de->name);
+- free_proc_entry(de);
++ if (!de->deleted) {
++ printk("de_put: entry %s is not removed yet\n",
++ de->name);
++ return;
+ }
+- }
+- unlock_kernel();
++ free_proc_entry(de);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -67,12 +59,19 @@ static void proc_delete_inode(struct ino
+ put_task_struct(tsk);
+ /* Let go of any associated proc directory entry */
+- de = PROC_I(inode)->pde;
++ de = LPDE(inode);
+ if (de) {
+ if (de->owner)
+ module_put(de->owner);
+ de_put(de);
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ de = GPDE(inode);
++ if (de) {
++ module_put(de->owner);
++ de_put(de);
++ }
+ clear_inode(inode);
+ }
+@@ -99,6 +98,9 @@ static struct inode *proc_alloc_inode(st
+ ei->pde = NULL;
+ inode = &ei->vfs_inode;
+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ GPDE(inode) = NULL;
+ return inode;
+ }
+@@ -200,10 +202,13 @@ struct inode *proc_get_inode(struct supe
+ WARN_ON(de && de->deleted);
++ if (de != NULL && !try_module_get(de->owner))
++ goto out_mod;
+ inode = iget(sb, ino);
+ if (!inode)
+- goto out_fail;
++ goto out_ino;
+ PROC_I(inode)->pde = de;
+ if (de) {
+ if (de->mode) {
+@@ -215,20 +220,20 @@ struct inode *proc_get_inode(struct supe
+ inode->i_size = de->size;
+ if (de->nlink)
+ inode->i_nlink = de->nlink;
+- if (!try_module_get(de->owner))
+- goto out_fail;
+ if (de->proc_iops)
+ inode->i_op = de->proc_iops;
+ if (de->proc_fops)
+ inode->i_fop = de->proc_fops;
+ }
+ return inode;
++ if (de != NULL)
++ module_put(de->owner);
+ de_put(de);
+- goto out;
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ int proc_fill_super(struct super_block *s, void *data, int silent)
+@@ -251,6 +256,14 @@ int proc_fill_super(struct super_block *
+ s->s_root = d_alloc_root(root_inode);
+ if (!s->s_root)
+ goto out_no_root;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ LPDE(root_inode) = de_get(get_exec_env()->proc_root);
++ GPDE(root_inode) = &proc_root;
++ LPDE(root_inode) = &proc_root;
+ parse_options(data, &root_inode->i_uid, &root_inode->i_gid);
+ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <linux/swap.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
+ #include <linux/smp.h>
+ #include <linux/signal.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+@@ -49,9 +50,8 @@
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <asm/tlb.h>
+ #include <asm/div64.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
+-#define LOAD_INT(x) ((x) >> FSHIFT)
+-#define LOAD_FRAC(x) LOAD_INT(((x) & (FIXED_1-1)) * 100)
+ /*
+ * Warning: stuff below (imported functions) assumes that its output will fit
+ * into one page. For some of those functions it may be wrong. Moreover, we
+@@ -83,15 +83,33 @@ static int loadavg_read_proc(char *page,
+ {
+ int a, b, c;
+ int len;
+- a = avenrun[0] + (FIXED_1/200);
+- b = avenrun[1] + (FIXED_1/200);
+- c = avenrun[2] + (FIXED_1/200);
++ unsigned long __nr_running;
++ int __nr_threads;
++ unsigned long *__avenrun;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
++ if (ve_is_super(ve)) {
++ __avenrun = &avenrun[0];
++ __nr_running = nr_running();
++ __nr_threads = nr_threads;
++ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ else {
++ __avenrun = &ve->avenrun[0];
++ __nr_running = nr_running_ve(ve);
++ __nr_threads = atomic_read(&ve->pcounter);
++ }
++ a = __avenrun[0] + (FIXED_1/200);
++ b = __avenrun[1] + (FIXED_1/200);
++ c = __avenrun[2] + (FIXED_1/200);
+ len = sprintf(page,"%d.%02d %d.%02d %d.%02d %ld/%d %d\n",
+- nr_running(), nr_threads, last_pid);
++ __nr_running, __nr_threads, last_pid);
+ return proc_calc_metrics(page, start, off, count, eof, len);
+ }
+@@ -139,6 +157,13 @@ static int uptime_read_proc(char *page,
+ u64 idle_jiffies = init_task.utime + init_task.stime;
+ do_posix_clock_monotonic_gettime(&uptime);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ set_normalized_timespec(&uptime,
++ uptime.tv_sec - get_exec_env()->start_timespec.tv_sec,
++ uptime.tv_nsec - get_exec_env()->start_timespec.tv_nsec);
++ }
+ jiffies_to_timespec(idle_jiffies, &idle);
+ len = sprintf(page,"%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu\n",
+ (unsigned long) uptime.tv_sec,
+@@ -152,30 +177,32 @@ static int uptime_read_proc(char *page,
+ static int meminfo_read_proc(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
+ int count, int *eof, void *data)
+ {
+- struct sysinfo i;
+- int len, committed;
+- struct page_state ps;
+- unsigned long inactive;
+- unsigned long active;
+- unsigned long free;
+- unsigned long vmtot;
++ struct meminfo mi;
++ int len;
++ unsigned long dummy;
+ struct vmalloc_info vmi;
+- get_page_state(&ps);
+- get_zone_counts(&active, &inactive, &free);
++ get_page_state(&;
++ get_zone_counts(&, &mi.inactive, &dummy);
+ /*
+ * display in kilobytes.
+ */
+ #define K(x) ((x) << (PAGE_SHIFT - 10))
+- si_meminfo(&i);
+- si_swapinfo(&i);
+- committed = atomic_read(&vm_committed_space);
++ si_meminfo(&;
++ si_swapinfo(&;
++ mi.committed_space = atomic_read(&vm_committed_space);
++ mi.swapcache = total_swapcache_pages;
++ mi.cache = get_page_cache_size() - mi.swapcache -;
++ mi.vmalloc_total = (VMALLOC_END - VMALLOC_START) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ vmi = get_vmalloc_info();
+- vmi.used >>= 10;
+- vmi.largest_chunk >>= 10;
++ mi.vmalloc_used = vmi.used >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ mi.vmalloc_largest = vmi.largest_chunk >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_MEMINFO, &mi)
++ return -ENOMSG;
+ /*
+ * Tagged format, for easy grepping and expansion.
+@@ -198,36 +225,40 @@ static int meminfo_read_proc(char *page,
+ "Writeback: %8lu kB\n"
+ "Mapped: %8lu kB\n"
+ "Slab: %8lu kB\n"
+- "Committed_AS: %8u kB\n"
++ "Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n"
+ "PageTables: %8lu kB\n"
+ "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n"
+ "VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n"
+ "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n",
+- K(i.totalram),
+- K(i.freeram),
+- K(i.bufferram),
+- K(get_page_cache_size()-total_swapcache_pages-i.bufferram),
+- K(total_swapcache_pages),
+- K(active),
+- K(inactive),
+- K(i.totalhigh),
+- K(i.freehigh),
+- K(i.totalram-i.totalhigh),
+- K(i.freeram-i.freehigh),
+- K(i.totalswap),
+- K(i.freeswap),
+- K(ps.nr_dirty),
+- K(ps.nr_writeback),
+- K(ps.nr_mapped),
+- K(ps.nr_slab),
+- K(committed),
+- K(ps.nr_page_table_pages),
+- vmtot,
+- vmi.used,
+- vmi.largest_chunk
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(mi.cache),
++ K(mi.swapcache),
++ K(,
++ K(mi.inactive),
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(,
++ K(mi.committed_space),
++ K(,
++ K(mi.vmalloc_total),
++ K(mi.vmalloc_used),
++ K(mi.vmalloc_largest)
+ );
++#warning Virtualize hugetlb_report_meminfo
+ len += hugetlb_report_meminfo(page + len);
+ return proc_calc_metrics(page, start, off, count, eof, len);
+ #undef K
+@@ -352,21 +383,14 @@ static struct file_operations proc_slabi
+ .release = seq_release,
+ };
+-int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *v)
++static void show_stat_ve0(struct seq_file *p)
+ {
+- int i;
+- extern unsigned long total_forks;
+- unsigned long jif;
+- u64 sum = 0, user = 0, nice = 0, system = 0,
+- idle = 0, iowait = 0, irq = 0, softirq = 0;
+- jif = - wall_to_monotonic.tv_sec;
+- if (wall_to_monotonic.tv_nsec)
+- --jif;
++ int i, j;
++ struct page_state page_state;
++ u64 sum, user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq;
++ sum = user = nice = system = idle = iowait = irq = softirq = 0;
+ for_each_cpu(i) {
+- int j;
+ user += kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.user;
+ nice += kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.nice;
+ system += kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.system;
+@@ -386,8 +410,8 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(iowait),
+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(irq),
+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(softirq));
+- for_each_online_cpu(i) {
++ for_each_online_cpu(i) {
+ /* Copy values here to work around gcc-2.95.3, gcc-2.96 */
+ user = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.user;
+ nice = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.nice;
+@@ -396,6 +420,7 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
+ iowait = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.iowait;
+ irq = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.irq;
+ softirq = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.softirq;
+ seq_printf(p, "cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu\n",
+ i,
+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(user),
+@@ -412,6 +437,83 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
+ for (i = 0; i < NR_IRQS; i++)
+ seq_printf(p, " %u", kstat_irqs(i));
+ #endif
++ get_full_page_state(&page_state);
++ seq_printf(p, "swap %lu %lu\n", page_state.pswpin, page_state.pswpout);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++static void show_stat_ve(struct seq_file *p, struct ve_struct *env)
++ int i;
++ u64 user, nice, system;
++ cycles_t idle, iowait;
++ cpumask_t ve_cpus;
++ ve_cpu_online_map(env, &ve_cpus);
++ user = nice = system = idle = iowait = 0;
++ for_each_cpu_mask(i, ve_cpus) {
++ user += VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->user;
++ nice += VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->nice;
++ system += VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->system;
++ idle += ve_sched_get_idle_time(env, i);
++ iowait += ve_sched_get_iowait_time(env, i);
++ }
++ seq_printf(p, "cpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu 0 0\n",
++ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(user),
++ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(nice),
++ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(system),
++ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(idle),
++ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(iowait));
++ for_each_cpu_mask(i, ve_cpus) {
++ user = VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->user;
++ nice = VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->nice;
++ system = VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->system;
++ idle = ve_sched_get_idle_time(env, i);
++ iowait = ve_sched_get_iowait_time(env, i);
++ seq_printf(p, "cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu 0 0\n",
++ i,
++ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(user),
++ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(nice),
++ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(system),
++ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(idle),
++ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(iowait));
++ }
++ seq_printf(p, "inter 0");
++ seq_printf(p, "swap %d %d\n", 0, 0);
++int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *v)
++ extern unsigned long total_forks;
++ unsigned long seq, jif;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ unsigned long __nr_running, __nr_iowait;
++ do {
++ seq = read_seqbegin(&xtime_lock);
++ jif = - wall_to_monotonic.tv_sec;
++ if (wall_to_monotonic.tv_nsec)
++ --jif;
++ } while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));
++ env = get_exec_env();
++ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
++ show_stat_ve0(p);
++ __nr_running = nr_running();
++ __nr_iowait = nr_iowait();
++ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ else {
++ show_stat_ve(p, env);
++ __nr_running = nr_running_ve(env);
++ __nr_iowait = nr_iowait_ve(env);
++ }
+ seq_printf(p,
+ "\nctxt %llu\n"
+@@ -422,8 +524,8 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
+ nr_context_switches(),
+ (unsigned long)jif,
+ total_forks,
+- nr_running(),
+- nr_iowait());
++ __nr_running,
++ __nr_iowait);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -520,7 +622,8 @@ static int cmdline_read_proc(char *page,
+ {
+ int len;
+- len = sprintf(page, "%s\n", saved_command_line);
++ len = sprintf(page, "%s\n",
++ ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? saved_command_line : "");
+ return proc_calc_metrics(page, start, off, count, eof, len);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/errno.h>
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+@@ -111,24 +112,35 @@ static int show_tty_driver(struct seq_fi
+ /* iterator */
+ static void *t_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
+ {
+- struct list_head *p;
++ struct tty_driver *drv;
+ loff_t l = *pos;
+- list_for_each(p, &tty_drivers)
++ read_lock(&tty_driver_guard);
++ list_for_each_entry(drv, &tty_drivers, tty_drivers) {
++ if (!ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(drv), get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
+ if (!l--)
+- return list_entry(p, struct tty_driver, tty_drivers);
++ return drv;
++ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static void *t_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
+ {
+- struct list_head *p = ((struct tty_driver *)v)->;
++ struct tty_driver *drv;
+ (*pos)++;
+- return p==&tty_drivers ? NULL :
+- list_entry(p, struct tty_driver, tty_drivers);
++ drv = (struct tty_driver *)v;
++ list_for_each_entry_continue(drv, &tty_drivers, tty_drivers) {
++ if (ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(drv), get_exec_env()))
++ return drv;
++ }
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ static void t_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
+ {
++ read_unlock(&tty_driver_guard);
+ }
+ static struct seq_operations tty_drivers_op = {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ static struct file_system_type proc_fs_t
+ .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
+ };
+ extern int __init proc_init_inodecache(void);
+ void __init proc_root_init(void)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static void qnx4_write_super(struct supe
+ unlock_kernel();
+ }
+-static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
++static int qnx4_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
+ {
+ struct qnx4_inode_entry *raw_inode;
+ int block, ino;
+@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inod
+ QNX4DEBUG(("qnx4: write inode 1.\n"));
+ if (inode->i_nlink == 0) {
+- return;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!ino) {
+ printk("qnx4: bad inode number on dev %s: %d is out of range\n",
+ inode->i_sb->s_id, ino);
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+ QNX4DEBUG(("qnx4: write inode 2.\n"));
+ block = ino / QNX4_INODES_PER_BLOCK;
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inod
+ printk("qnx4: major problem: unable to read inode from dev "
+ "%s\n", inode->i_sb->s_id);
+ unlock_kernel();
+- return;
++ return -EIO;
+ }
+ raw_inode = ((struct qnx4_inode_entry *) bh->b_data) +
+@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inod
+ mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
+ brelse(bh);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -94,26 +94,29 @@ static int check_quotactl_valid(struct s
+ if (cmd == Q_GETQUOTA || cmd == Q_XGETQUOTA) {
+ if (((type == USRQUOTA && current->euid != id) ||
+ (type == GRPQUOTA && !in_egroup_p(id))) &&
+- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ else if (cmd != Q_GETFMT && cmd != Q_SYNC && cmd != Q_GETINFO && cmd != Q_XGETQSTAT)
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ return security_quotactl (cmd, type, id, sb);
+ }
+-static struct super_block *get_super_to_sync(int type)
++void sync_dquots(struct super_block *sb, int type)
+ {
+- struct list_head *head;
+ int cnt, dirty;
++ if (sb) {
++ if (sb->s_qcop && sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
++ sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
++ return;
++ }
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- list_for_each(head, &super_blocks) {
+- struct super_block *sb = list_entry(head, struct super_block, s_list);
++ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
+ /* This test just improves performance so it needn't be reliable... */
+ for (cnt = 0, dirty = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++)
+ if ((type == cnt || type == -1) && sb_has_quota_enabled(sb, cnt)
+@@ -124,29 +127,14 @@ restart:
+ sb->s_count++;
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
+- if (!sb->s_root) {
+- drop_super(sb);
++ if (sb->s_root && sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
++ sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
++ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
++ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
++ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
+ goto restart;
+- }
+- return sb;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+- return NULL;
+-void sync_dquots(struct super_block *sb, int type)
+- if (sb) {
+- if (sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
+- sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
+- }
+- else {
+- while ((sb = get_super_to_sync(type)) != 0) {
+- if (sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
+- sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
+- drop_super(sb);
+- }
+- }
+ }
+ /* Copy parameters and call proper function */
+@@ -258,6 +246,250 @@ static int do_quotactl(struct super_bloc
+ return 0;
+ }
++static struct super_block *quota_get_sb(const char __user *special)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct block_device *bdev;
++ char *tmp;
++ tmp = getname(special);
++ if (IS_ERR(tmp))
++ return (struct super_block *)tmp;
++ bdev = lookup_bdev(tmp, FMODE_QUOTACTL);
++ putname(tmp);
++ if (IS_ERR(bdev))
++ return (struct super_block *)bdev;
++ sb = get_super(bdev);
++ bdput(bdev);
++ if (!sb)
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ return sb;
++#define QC_QUOTAON 0x0100 /* enable quotas */
++#define QC_QUOTAOFF 0x0200 /* disable quotas */
++/* GETQUOTA, SETQUOTA and SETUSE which were at 0x0300-0x0500 has now other parameteres */
++#define QC_SYNC 0x0600 /* sync disk copy of a filesystems quotas */
++#define QC_SETQLIM 0x0700 /* set limits */
++/* GETSTATS at 0x0800 is now longer... */
++#define QC_GETINFO 0x0900 /* get info about quotas - graces, flags... */
++#define QC_SETINFO 0x0A00 /* set info about quotas */
++#define QC_SETGRACE 0x0B00 /* set inode and block grace */
++#define QC_SETFLAGS 0x0C00 /* set flags for quota */
++#define QC_GETQUOTA 0x0D00 /* get limits and usage */
++#define QC_SETQUOTA 0x0E00 /* set limits and usage */
++#define QC_SETUSE 0x0F00 /* set usage */
++/* 0x1000 used by old RSQUASH */
++#define QC_GETSTATS 0x1100 /* get collected stats */
++#define QC_GETQUOTI 0x2B00 /* get limits and usage by index */
++struct compat_dqblk {
++ unsigned int dqb_ihardlimit;
++ unsigned int dqb_isoftlimit;
++ unsigned int dqb_curinodes;
++ unsigned int dqb_bhardlimit;
++ unsigned int dqb_bsoftlimit;
++ qsize_t dqb_curspace;
++ __kernel_time_t dqb_btime;
++ __kernel_time_t dqb_itime;
++struct compat_dqinfo {
++ unsigned int dqi_bgrace;
++ unsigned int dqi_igrace;
++ unsigned int dqi_flags;
++ unsigned int dqi_blocks;
++ unsigned int dqi_free_blk;
++ unsigned int dqi_free_entry;
++struct compat_dqstats {
++ __u32 lookups;
++ __u32 drops;
++ __u32 reads;
++ __u32 writes;
++ __u32 cache_hits;
++ __u32 allocated_dquots;
++ __u32 free_dquots;
++ __u32 syncs;
++ __u32 version;
++asmlinkage long sys_quotactl(unsigned int cmd, const char __user *special, qid_t id, void __user *addr);
++static long compat_quotactl(unsigned int cmds, unsigned int type,
++ const char __user *special, qid_t id,
++ void __user *addr)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ long ret;
++ sb = NULL;
++ switch (cmds) {
++ case QC_QUOTAON:
++ return sys_quotactl(QCMD(Q_QUOTAON, type),
++ special, id, addr);
++ case QC_QUOTAOFF:
++ return sys_quotactl(QCMD(Q_QUOTAOFF, type),
++ special, id, addr);
++ case QC_SYNC:
++ return sys_quotactl(QCMD(Q_SYNC, type),
++ special, id, addr);
++ case QC_GETQUOTA: {
++ struct if_dqblk idq;
++ struct compat_dqblk cdq;
++ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
++ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
++ if (IS_ERR(sb))
++ break;
++ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_GETQUOTA, id);
++ if (ret)
++ break;
++ ret = sb->s_qcop->get_dqblk(sb, type, id, &idq);
++ if (ret)
++ break;
++ cdq.dqb_ihardlimit = idq.dqb_ihardlimit;
++ cdq.dqb_isoftlimit = idq.dqb_isoftlimit;
++ cdq.dqb_curinodes = idq.dqb_curinodes;
++ cdq.dqb_bhardlimit = idq.dqb_bhardlimit;
++ cdq.dqb_bsoftlimit = idq.dqb_bsoftlimit;
++ cdq.dqb_curspace = idq.dqb_curspace;
++ cdq.dqb_btime = idq.dqb_btime;
++ cdq.dqb_itime = idq.dqb_itime;
++ ret = 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(addr, &cdq, sizeof(cdq)))
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ break;
++ }
++ case QC_SETQUOTA:
++ case QC_SETUSE:
++ case QC_SETQLIM: {
++ struct if_dqblk idq;
++ struct compat_dqblk cdq;
++ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
++ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
++ if (IS_ERR(sb))
++ break;
++ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_SETQUOTA, id);
++ if (ret)
++ break;
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&cdq, addr, sizeof(cdq)))
++ break;
++ idq.dqb_ihardlimit = cdq.dqb_ihardlimit;
++ idq.dqb_isoftlimit = cdq.dqb_isoftlimit;
++ idq.dqb_curinodes = cdq.dqb_curinodes;
++ idq.dqb_bhardlimit = cdq.dqb_bhardlimit;
++ idq.dqb_bsoftlimit = cdq.dqb_bsoftlimit;
++ idq.dqb_curspace = cdq.dqb_curspace;
++ idq.dqb_valid = 0;
++ if (cmds == QC_SETQUOTA || cmds == QC_SETQLIM)
++ idq.dqb_valid |= QIF_LIMITS;
++ if (cmds == QC_SETQUOTA || cmds == QC_SETUSE)
++ idq.dqb_valid |= QIF_USAGE;
++ ret = sb->s_qcop->set_dqblk(sb, type, id, &idq);
++ break;
++ }
++ case QC_GETINFO: {
++ struct if_dqinfo iinf;
++ struct compat_dqinfo cinf;
++ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
++ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
++ if (IS_ERR(sb))
++ break;
++ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_GETQUOTA, id);
++ if (ret)
++ break;
++ ret = sb->s_qcop->get_info(sb, type, &iinf);
++ if (ret)
++ break;
++ cinf.dqi_bgrace = iinf.dqi_bgrace;
++ cinf.dqi_igrace = iinf.dqi_igrace;
++ cinf.dqi_flags = 0;
++ if (iinf.dqi_flags & DQF_INFO_DIRTY)
++ cinf.dqi_flags |= 0x0010;
++ cinf.dqi_blocks = 0;
++ cinf.dqi_free_blk = 0;
++ cinf.dqi_free_entry = 0;
++ ret = 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(addr, &cinf, sizeof(cinf)))
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ break;
++ }
++ case QC_SETINFO:
++ case QC_SETGRACE:
++ case QC_SETFLAGS: {
++ struct if_dqinfo iinf;
++ struct compat_dqinfo cinf;
++ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
++ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
++ if (IS_ERR(sb))
++ break;
++ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_SETINFO, id);
++ if (ret)
++ break;
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&cinf, addr, sizeof(cinf)))
++ break;
++ iinf.dqi_bgrace = cinf.dqi_bgrace;
++ iinf.dqi_igrace = cinf.dqi_igrace;
++ iinf.dqi_flags = cinf.dqi_flags;
++ iinf.dqi_valid = 0;
++ if (cmds == QC_SETINFO || cmds == QC_SETGRACE)
++ iinf.dqi_valid |= IIF_BGRACE | IIF_IGRACE;
++ if (cmds == QC_SETINFO || cmds == QC_SETFLAGS)
++ iinf.dqi_valid |= IIF_FLAGS;
++ ret = sb->s_qcop->set_info(sb, type, &iinf);
++ break;
++ }
++ case QC_GETSTATS: {
++ struct compat_dqstats stat;
++ memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat));
++ stat.version = 6*10000+5*100+0;
++ ret = 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(addr, &stat, sizeof(stat)))
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ break;
++ }
++ case QC_GETQUOTI:
++ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
++ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
++ if (IS_ERR(sb))
++ break;
++ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_GETINFO, id);
++ if (ret)
++ break;
++ ret = -ENOSYS;
++ if (!sb->s_qcop->get_quoti)
++ break;
++ ret = sb->s_qcop->get_quoti(sb, type, id, addr);
++ break;
++ default:
++ ret = -ENOSYS;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sb && !IS_ERR(sb))
++ drop_super(sb);
++ return ret;
+ /*
+ * This is the system call interface. This communicates with
+ * the user-level programs. Currently this only supports diskquota
+@@ -268,25 +500,20 @@ asmlinkage long sys_quotactl(unsigned in
+ {
+ uint cmds, type;
+ struct super_block *sb = NULL;
+- struct block_device *bdev;
+- char *tmp;
+ int ret;
+ cmds = cmd >> SUBCMDSHIFT;
+ type = cmd & SUBCMDMASK;
++ if (cmds >= 0x0100 && cmds < 0x3000)
++ return compat_quotactl(cmds, type, special, id, addr);
+ if (cmds != Q_SYNC || special) {
+- tmp = getname(special);
+- if (IS_ERR(tmp))
+- return PTR_ERR(tmp);
+- bdev = lookup_bdev(tmp);
+- putname(tmp);
+- if (IS_ERR(bdev))
+- return PTR_ERR(bdev);
+- sb = get_super(bdev);
+- bdput(bdev);
+- if (!sb)
+- return -ENODEV;
++ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
++ if (IS_ERR(sb))
++ return PTR_ERR(sb);
+ }
+ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, cmds, id);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ error_exit:
+ /* Unlock pages prepared by reiserfs_prepare_file_region_for_write */
+ void reiserfs_unprepare_pages(struct page **prepared_pages, /* list of locked pages */
+- int num_pages /* amount of pages */) {
++ size_t num_pages /* amount of pages */) {
+ int i; // loop counter
+ for (i=0; i < num_pages ; i++) {
+@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ int reiserfs_copy_from_user_to_file_regi
+ int offset; // offset in page
+ for ( i = 0, offset = (pos & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-1)); i < num_pages ; i++,offset=0) {
+- int count = min_t(int,PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-offset,write_bytes); // How much of bytes to write to this page
++ size_t count = min_t(size_t,PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-offset,write_bytes); // How much of bytes to write to this page
+ struct page *page=prepared_pages[i]; // Current page we process.
+ fault_in_pages_readable( buf, count);
+@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ int reiserfs_submit_file_region_for_writ
+ struct reiserfs_transaction_handle *th,
+ struct inode *inode,
+ loff_t pos, /* Writing position offset */
+- int num_pages, /* Number of pages to write */
+- int write_bytes, /* number of bytes to write */
++ size_t num_pages, /* Number of pages to write */
++ size_t write_bytes, /* number of bytes to write */
+ struct page **prepared_pages /* list of pages */
+ )
+ {
+@@ -795,9 +795,9 @@ int reiserfs_check_for_tail_and_convert(
+ int reiserfs_prepare_file_region_for_write(
+ struct inode *inode /* Inode of the file */,
+ loff_t pos, /* position in the file */
+- int num_pages, /* number of pages to
++ size_t num_pages, /* number of pages to
+ prepare */
+- int write_bytes, /* Amount of bytes to be
++ size_t write_bytes, /* Amount of bytes to be
+ overwritten from
+ @pos */
+ struct page **prepared_pages /* pointer to array
+@@ -1176,10 +1176,9 @@ ssize_t reiserfs_file_write( struct file
+ while ( count > 0) {
+ /* This is the main loop in which we running until some error occures
+ or until we write all of the data. */
+- int num_pages;/* amount of pages we are going to write this iteration */
+- int write_bytes; /* amount of bytes to write during this iteration */
+- int blocks_to_allocate; /* how much blocks we need to allocate for
+- this iteration */
++ size_t num_pages;/* amount of pages we are going to write this iteration */
++ size_t write_bytes; /* amount of bytes to write during this iteration */
++ size_t blocks_to_allocate; /* how much blocks we need to allocate for this iteration */
+ /* (pos & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-1)) is an idiom for offset into a page of pos*/
+ num_pages = !!((pos+count) & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - 1)) + /* round up partial
+@@ -1193,7 +1192,7 @@ ssize_t reiserfs_file_write( struct file
+ /* If we were asked to write more data than we want to or if there
+ is not that much space, then we shorten amount of data to write
+ for this iteration. */
+- num_pages = min_t(int, REISERFS_WRITE_PAGES_AT_A_TIME, reiserfs_can_fit_pages(inode->i_sb));
++ num_pages = min_t(size_t, REISERFS_WRITE_PAGES_AT_A_TIME, reiserfs_can_fit_pages(inode->i_sb));
+ /* Also we should not forget to set size in bytes accordingly */
+ write_bytes = (num_pages << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) -
+ (pos & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-1));
+@@ -1219,7 +1218,7 @@ ssize_t reiserfs_file_write( struct file
+ // But overwriting files on absolutelly full volumes would not
+ // be very efficient. Well, people are not supposed to fill
+ // 100% of disk space anyway.
+- write_bytes = min_t(int, count, inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - (pos & (inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - 1)));
++ write_bytes = min_t(size_t, count, inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - (pos & (inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - 1)));
+ num_pages = 1;
+ // No blocks were claimed before, so do it now.
+ reiserfs_claim_blocks_to_be_allocated(inode->i_sb, 1 << (PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT - inode->i_blkbits));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ int reiserfs_encode_fh(struct dentry *de
+ ** to properly mark inodes for datasync and such, but only actually
+ ** does something when called for a synchronous update.
+ */
+-void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int do_sync) {
++int reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int do_sync) {
+ struct reiserfs_transaction_handle th ;
+ int jbegin_count = 1 ;
+@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode
+ reiserfs_warning (inode->i_sb,
+ "clm-6005: writing inode %lu on readonly FS",
+ inode->i_ino) ;
+- return ;
++ return -EROFS;
+ }
+ /* memory pressure can sometimes initiate write_inode calls with sync == 1,
+ ** these cases are just when the system needs ram, not when the
+@@ -1526,6 +1526,7 @@ void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode
+ journal_end_sync(&th, inode->i_sb, jbegin_count) ;
+ reiserfs_write_unlock(inode->i_sb);
+ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: no need any more. right? */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -799,6 +799,9 @@ static int reiserfs_rmdir (struct inode
+ struct reiserfs_dir_entry de;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ DQUOT_INIT(inode);
+ /* we will be doing 2 balancings and update 2 stat data */
+ jbegin_count = JOURNAL_PER_BALANCE_CNT * 2 + 2;
+@@ -814,8 +817,6 @@ static int reiserfs_rmdir (struct inode
+ goto end_rmdir;
+ }
+- inode = dentry->d_inode;
+ reiserfs_update_inode_transaction(inode) ;
+ reiserfs_update_inode_transaction(dir) ;
+@@ -878,6 +879,7 @@ static int reiserfs_unlink (struct inode
+ unsigned long savelink;
+ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ DQUOT_INIT(inode);
+ /* in this transaction we can be doing at max two balancings and update
+ two stat datas */
+@@ -1146,6 +1148,8 @@ static int reiserfs_rename (struct inode
+ old_inode = old_dentry->d_inode;
+ new_dentry_inode = new_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (new_dentry_inode)
++ DQUOT_INIT(new_dentry_inode);
+ // make sure, that oldname still exists and points to an object we
+ // are going to rename
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1429,9 +1429,26 @@ check_capabilities:
+ }
+ int
+-reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+- return __reiserfs_permission (inode, mask, nd, 1);
++ int ret;
++ if (exec_perm != NULL)
++ down(&inode->i_sem);
++ ret = __reiserfs_permission (inode, mask, nd, 1);
++ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
++ if (!ret) {
++ exec_perm->set = 1;
++ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
++ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
++ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
++ }
++ up(&inode->i_sem);
++ }
++ return ret;
+ }
+ int
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ #define ROUND_UP(x,y) (((x)+(y)-1)/(y))
+@@ -94,7 +96,8 @@ void __pollwait(struct file *filp, wait_
+ if (!table || POLL_TABLE_FULL(table)) {
+ struct poll_table_page *new_table;
+- new_table = (struct poll_table_page *) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ new_table = (struct poll_table_page *) __get_free_page(
+ if (!new_table) {
+ p->error = -ENOMEM;
+ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(do_select);
+ static void *select_bits_alloc(int size)
+ {
+- return kmalloc(6 * size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ return ub_kmalloc(6 * size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ }
+ static void select_bits_free(void *bits, int size)
+@@ -484,7 +487,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_poll(struct pollfd _
+ err = -ENOMEM;
+ while(i!=0) {
+ struct poll_list *pp;
+- pp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct poll_list)+
++ pp = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct poll_list)+
+ sizeof(struct pollfd)*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -311,6 +311,8 @@ int seq_path(struct seq_file *m,
+ if (m->count < m->size) {
+ char *s = m->buf + m->count;
+ char *p = d_path(dentry, mnt, s, m->size - m->count);
++ if (IS_ERR(p) && PTR_ERR(p) != -ENAMETOOLONG)
++ return 0;
+ if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
+ while (s <= p) {
+ char c = *p++;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
++ * fs/simfs.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/err.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/vzquota.h>
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
++#include <linux/faudit.h>
++#include <linux/genhd.h>
++#include <asm/unistd.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#define SIMFS_GET_LOWER_FS_SB(sb) sb->s_root->d_sb
++static struct super_operations sim_super_ops;
++static int sim_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct kstat *stat)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!inode->i_op->getattr) {
++ generic_fillattr(inode, stat);
++ if (!stat->blksize) {
++ unsigned blocks;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ blocks = (stat->size + sb->s_blocksize-1) >>
++ sb->s_blocksize_bits;
++ stat->blocks = (sb->s_blocksize / 512) * blocks;
++ stat->blksize = sb->s_blocksize;
++ }
++ } else {
++ int err;
++ err = inode->i_op->getattr(mnt, dentry, stat);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ }
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (sb->s_op == &sim_super_ops)
++ stat->dev = sb->s_dev;
++ return 0;
++static void quota_get_stat(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct dq_stat qstat;
++ struct virt_info_quota q;
++ long free_file, adj_file;
++ s64 blk, free_blk, adj_blk;
++ int bsize_bits;
++ q.super = sb;
++ q.qstat = &qstat;
++ err = virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_QUOTA, VIRTINFO_QUOTA_GETSTAT, &q);
++ if (err != NOTIFY_OK)
++ return;
++ bsize_bits = ffs(buf->f_bsize) - 1;
++ free_blk = (s64)(qstat.bsoftlimit - qstat.bcurrent) >> bsize_bits;
++ if (free_blk < 0)
++ free_blk = 0;
++ /*
++ * In the regular case, we always set buf->f_bfree and buf->f_blocks to
++ * the values reported by quota. In case of real disk space shortage,
++ * we adjust the values. We want this adjustment to look as if the
++ * total disk space were reduced, not as if the usage were increased.
++ * -- SAW
++ */
++ adj_blk = 0;
++ if (buf->f_bfree < free_blk)
++ adj_blk = free_blk - buf->f_bfree;
++ buf->f_bfree = (long)(free_blk - adj_blk);
++ if (free_blk < buf->f_bavail)
++ buf->f_bavail = (long)free_blk; /* min(f_bavail, free_blk) */
++ blk = (qstat.bsoftlimit >> bsize_bits) - adj_blk;
++ buf->f_blocks = blk > LONG_MAX ? LONG_MAX : blk;
++ free_file = qstat.isoftlimit - qstat.icurrent;
++ if (free_file < 0)
++ free_file = 0;
++ if (buf->f_ffree == -1)
++ /*
++ * One filesystem uses -1 to represent the fact that it doesn't
++ * have a detached limit for inode number.
++ * May be, because -1 is a good pretendent for the maximum value
++ * of signed long type, may be, because it's just nice to have
++ * an exceptional case... Guess what that filesystem is :-)
++ * -- SAW
++ */
++ buf->f_ffree = free_file;
++ adj_file = 0;
++ if (buf->f_ffree < free_file)
++ adj_file = free_file - buf->f_ffree;
++ buf->f_ffree = free_file - adj_file;
++ buf->f_files = qstat.isoftlimit - adj_file;
++static int sim_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct statfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *lsb;
++ err = 0;
++ if (sb->s_op != &sim_super_ops)
++ goto out;
++ lsb = SIMFS_GET_LOWER_FS_SB(sb);
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ if (lsb && lsb->s_op && lsb->s_op->statfs)
++ err = lsb->s_op->statfs(lsb, (struct kstatfs *)buf);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ quota_get_stat(sb, (struct kstatfs *)buf);
++ return err;
++static int sim_statfs64(struct super_block *sb, struct statfs64 *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *lsb;
++ struct kstatfs statbuf;
++ err = 0;
++ if (sb->s_op != &sim_super_ops)
++ goto out;
++ lsb = SIMFS_GET_LOWER_FS_SB(sb);
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ if (lsb && lsb->s_op && lsb->s_op->statfs)
++ err = lsb->s_op->statfs(lsb, &statbuf);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ quota_get_stat(sb, &statbuf);
++ buf->f_files = (__u64)statbuf.f_files;
++ buf->f_ffree = (__u64)statbuf.f_ffree;
++ buf->f_blocks = (__u64)statbuf.f_blocks;
++ buf->f_bfree = (__u64)statbuf.f_bfree;
++ buf->f_bavail = (__u64)statbuf.f_bavail;
++ return err;
++static int sim_systemcall(struct vnotifier_block *me, unsigned long n,
++ void *d, int old_ret)
++ int err;
++ struct faudit_stat_arg *arg;
++ arg = (struct faudit_stat_arg *)d;
++ switch (n) {
++ err = sim_getattr(arg->mnt, arg->dentry,
++ (struct kstat *)arg->stat);
++ break;
++ err = sim_statfs(arg->mnt->mnt_sb,
++ (struct statfs *)arg->stat);
++ break;
++ err = sim_statfs64(arg->mnt->mnt_sb,
++ (struct statfs64 *)arg->stat);
++ break;
++ default:
++ return old_ret;
++ }
++ arg->err = err;
++ return (err ? NOTIFY_BAD : NOTIFY_OK);
++static struct inode *sim_quota_root(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_root->d_inode;
++void sim_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct virt_info_quota viq;
++ viq.super = sb;
++ virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_QUOTA, VIRTINFO_QUOTA_OFF, &viq);
++ bdput(sb->s_bdev);
++static struct super_operations sim_super_ops = {
++ .get_quota_root = sim_quota_root,
++ .put_super = sim_put_super,
++static int sim_fill_super(struct super_block *s, void *data)
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ err = set_anon_super(s, NULL);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ nd = (struct nameidata *)data;
++ s->s_root = dget(nd->dentry);
++ s->s_op = &sim_super_ops;
++ return err;
++struct super_block *sim_get_sb(struct file_system_type *type,
++ int flags, const char *dev_name, void *opt)
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata nd;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct block_device *bd;
++ struct virt_info_quota viq;
++ static struct hd_struct fake_hds;
++ sb = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ if (opt == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = path_lookup(opt, LOOKUP_FOLLOW|LOOKUP_DIRECTORY, &nd);
++ sb = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ sb = sget(type, NULL, sim_fill_super, &nd);
++ if (IS_ERR(sb))
++ goto out_path;
++ bd = bdget(sb->s_dev);
++ if (!bd)
++ goto out_killsb;
++ sb->s_bdev = bd;
++ bd->bd_part = &fake_hds;
++ viq.super = sb;
++ virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_QUOTA, VIRTINFO_QUOTA_ON, &viq);
++ path_release(&nd);
++ return sb;
++ up_write(&sb->s_umount);
++ deactivate_super(sb);
++ sb = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ goto out_path;
++static struct file_system_type sim_fs_type = {
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ .name = "simfs",
++ .get_sb = sim_get_sb,
++ .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
++static struct vnotifier_block sim_syscalls = {
++ .notifier_call = sim_systemcall,
++static int __init init_simfs(void)
++ int err;
++ err = register_filesystem(&sim_fs_type);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_FAUDIT, &sim_syscalls);
++ return 0;
++static void __exit exit_simfs(void)
++ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_FAUDIT, &sim_syscalls);
++ unregister_filesystem(&sim_fs_type);
++MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Open Virtuozzo Simulation of File System");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:13.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ smb_file_release(struct inode *inode, st
+ * privileges, so we need our own check for this.
+ */
+ static int
+-smb_file_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
++smb_file_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ int mode = inode->i_mode;
+ int error = 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ smb_invalidate_inodes(struct smb_sb_info
+ {
+ VERBOSE("\n");
+ shrink_dcache_sb(SB_of(server));
+- invalidate_inodes(SB_of(server));
++ invalidate_inodes(SB_of(server), 0);
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ smb_close_socket(struct smb_sb_info *ser
+ VERBOSE("closing socket %p\n", sock);
+ sock->sk->sk_data_ready = server->data_ready;
++ sock->sk->sk_user_data = NULL;
+ server->sock_file = NULL;
+ fput(file);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/namei.h>
+ #include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/faudit.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+@@ -41,11 +42,19 @@ int vfs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt, st
+ {
+ struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
+ int retval;
++ struct faudit_stat_arg arg;
+ retval = security_inode_getattr(mnt, dentry);
+ if (retval)
+ return retval;
++ arg.mnt = mnt;
++ arg.dentry = dentry;
++ arg.stat = stat;
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_STAT, &arg)
++ return arg.err;
+ if (inode->i_op->getattr)
+ return inode->i_op->getattr(mnt, dentry, stat);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+ #include <linux/acct.h>
+@@ -65,8 +66,10 @@ static struct super_block *alloc_super(v
+ }
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_dirty);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_io);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_inodes);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_files);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_instances);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_dshrinkers);
+ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&s->s_anon);
+ init_rwsem(&s->s_umount);
+ sema_init(&s->s_lock, 1);
+@@ -116,6 +119,27 @@ int __put_super(struct super_block *sb)
+ return ret;
+ }
++ * Drop a superblock's refcount.
++ * Returns non-zero if the superblock is about to be destroyed and
++ * at least is already removed from super_blocks list, so if we are
++ * making a loop through super blocks then we need to restart.
++ * The caller must hold sb_lock.
++ */
++int __put_super_and_need_restart(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* check for race with generic_shutdown_super() */
++ if (list_empty(&sb->s_list)) {
++ /* super block is removed, need to restart... */
++ __put_super(sb);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ /* can't be the last, since s_list is still in use */
++ sb->s_count--;
++ BUG_ON(sb->s_count == 0);
++ return 0;
+ /**
+ * put_super - drop a temporary reference to superblock
+ * @s: superblock in question
+@@ -205,14 +229,15 @@ void generic_shutdown_super(struct super
+ if (root) {
+ sb->s_root = NULL;
+ shrink_dcache_parent(root);
+- shrink_dcache_anon(&sb->s_anon);
++ shrink_dcache_anon(sb);
+ dput(root);
++ dcache_shrinker_wait_sb(sb);
+ fsync_super(sb);
+ lock_super(sb);
+ lock_kernel();
+ sb->s_flags &= ~MS_ACTIVE;
+ /* bad name - it should be evict_inodes() */
+- invalidate_inodes(sb);
++ invalidate_inodes(sb, 0);
+ if (sop->write_super && sb->s_dirt)
+ sop->write_super(sb);
+@@ -220,16 +245,16 @@ void generic_shutdown_super(struct super
+ sop->put_super(sb);
+ /* Forget any remaining inodes */
+- if (invalidate_inodes(sb)) {
+- printk("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. "
+- "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day...\n");
+- }
++ if (invalidate_inodes(sb, 1))
++ printk("Self-destruct in 5 seconds. "
++ "Have a nice day...\n");
+ unlock_kernel();
+ unlock_super(sb);
+ }
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- list_del(&sb->s_list);
++ /* should be initialized for __put_super_and_need_restart() */
++ list_del_init(&sb->s_list);
+ list_del(&sb->s_instances);
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ up_write(&sb->s_umount);
+@@ -282,7 +307,7 @@ retry:
+ }
+ s->s_type = type;
+ strlcpy(s->s_id, type->name, sizeof(s->s_id));
+- list_add(&s->s_list, super_blocks.prev);
++ list_add_tail(&s->s_list, &super_blocks);
+ list_add(&s->s_instances, &type->fs_supers);
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ get_filesystem(type);
+@@ -315,20 +340,22 @@ static inline void write_super(struct su
+ */
+ void sync_supers(void)
+ {
+- struct super_block * sb;
++ struct super_block *sb;
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- sb = sb_entry(;
+- while (sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks))
++ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
+ if (sb->s_dirt) {
+ sb->s_count++;
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
+ write_super(sb);
+- drop_super(sb);
+- goto restart;
+- } else
+- sb = sb_entry(sb->;
++ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
++ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
++ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
++ goto restart;
++ }
++ }
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ }
+@@ -355,20 +382,16 @@ void sync_filesystems(int wait)
+ down(&mutex); /* Could be down_interruptible */
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- for (sb = sb_entry(; sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks);
+- sb = sb_entry(sb-> {
++ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
+ if (!sb->s_op->sync_fs)
+ continue;
+ if (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
+ continue;
+ sb->s_need_sync_fs = 1;
+ }
+- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ restart:
+- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- for (sb = sb_entry(; sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks);
+- sb = sb_entry(sb-> {
++ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
+ if (!sb->s_need_sync_fs)
+ continue;
+ sb->s_need_sync_fs = 0;
+@@ -379,8 +402,11 @@ restart:
+ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
+ if (sb->s_root && (wait || sb->s_dirt))
+ sb->s_op->sync_fs(sb, wait);
+- drop_super(sb);
+- goto restart;
++ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
++ /* restart only when sb is no longer on the list */
++ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
++ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
++ goto restart;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+ up(&mutex);
+@@ -396,20 +422,20 @@ restart:
+ struct super_block * get_super(struct block_device *bdev)
+ {
+- struct list_head *p;
++ struct super_block *sb;
+ if (!bdev)
+ return NULL;
+ rescan:
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- list_for_each(p, &super_blocks) {
+- struct super_block *s = sb_entry(p);
+- if (s->s_bdev == bdev) {
+- s->s_count++;
++ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
++ if (sb->s_bdev == bdev) {
++ sb->s_count++;
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+- down_read(&s->s_umount);
+- if (s->s_root)
+- return s;
+- drop_super(s);
++ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
++ if (sb->s_root)
++ return sb;
++ drop_super(sb);
+ goto rescan;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -421,19 +447,18 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_super);
+ struct super_block * user_get_super(dev_t dev)
+ {
+- struct list_head *p;
++ struct super_block *sb;
+ rescan:
+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
+- list_for_each(p, &super_blocks) {
+- struct super_block *s = sb_entry(p);
+- if (s->s_dev == dev) {
+- s->s_count++;
++ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
++ if (sb->s_dev == dev) {
++ sb->s_count++;
+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
+- down_read(&s->s_umount);
+- if (s->s_root)
+- return s;
+- drop_super(s);
++ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
++ if (sb->s_root)
++ return sb;
++ drop_super(sb);
+ goto rescan;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -448,11 +473,20 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ustat(unsigned dev,
+ struct super_block *s;
+ struct ustat tmp;
+ struct kstatfs sbuf;
+- int err = -EINVAL;
++ dev_t kdev;
++ int err;
++ kdev = new_decode_dev(dev);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ err = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, kdev, FMODE_READ);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
+- s = user_get_super(new_decode_dev(dev));
+- if (s == NULL)
+- goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ s = user_get_super(kdev);
++ if (s == NULL)
++ goto out;
+ err = vfs_statfs(s, &sbuf);
+ drop_super(s);
+ if (err)
+@@ -566,6 +600,13 @@ void emergency_remount(void)
+ static struct idr unnamed_dev_idr;
+ static spinlock_t unnamed_dev_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;/* protects the above */
++/* for compatibility with coreutils still unaware of new minor sizes */
++int unnamed_dev_majors[] = {
++ 0, 144, 145, 146, 242, 243, 244, 245,
++ 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253
+ int set_anon_super(struct super_block *s, void *data)
+ {
+ int dev;
+@@ -583,13 +624,13 @@ int set_anon_super(struct super_block *s
+ else if (error)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+- if ((dev & MAX_ID_MASK) == (1 << MINORBITS)) {
++ if ((dev & MAX_ID_MASK) >= (1 << MINORBITS)) {
+ spin_lock(&unnamed_dev_lock);
+ idr_remove(&unnamed_dev_idr, dev);
+ spin_unlock(&unnamed_dev_lock);
+ return -EMFILE;
+ }
+- s->s_dev = MKDEV(0, dev & MINORMASK);
++ s->s_dev = make_unnamed_dev(dev);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -597,8 +638,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(set_anon_super);
+ void kill_anon_super(struct super_block *sb)
+ {
+- int slot = MINOR(sb->s_dev);
++ int slot;
++ slot = unnamed_dev_idx(sb->s_dev);
+ generic_shutdown_super(sb);
+ spin_lock(&unnamed_dev_lock);
+ idr_remove(&unnamed_dev_idr, slot);
+@@ -754,17 +796,14 @@ struct super_block *get_sb_single(struct
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_sb_single);
+ struct vfsmount *
+-do_kern_mount(const char *fstype, int flags, const char *name, void *data)
++do_kern_mount(struct file_system_type *type, int flags,
++ const char *name, void *data)
+ {
+- struct file_system_type *type = get_fs_type(fstype);
+ struct super_block *sb = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
+ int error;
+ char *secdata = NULL;
+- if (!type)
+- return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
+ mnt = alloc_vfsmnt(name);
+ if (!mnt)
+ goto out;
+@@ -795,7 +834,6 @@ do_kern_mount(const char *fstype, int fl
+ mnt->mnt_parent = mnt;
+ mnt->mnt_namespace = current->namespace;
+ up_write(&sb->s_umount);
+- put_filesystem(type);
+ return mnt;
+ out_sb:
+ up_write(&sb->s_umount);
+@@ -806,7 +844,6 @@ out_free_secdata:
+ out_mnt:
+ free_vfsmnt(mnt);
+ out:
+- put_filesystem(type);
+ return (struct vfsmount *)sb;
+ }
+@@ -814,7 +851,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(do_kern_mount);
+ struct vfsmount *kern_mount(struct file_system_type *type)
+ {
+- return do_kern_mount(type->name, 0, type->name, NULL);
++ return do_kern_mount(type, 0, type->name, NULL);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(kern_mount);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -162,6 +162,10 @@ int sysfs_create_bin_file(struct kobject
+ struct dentry * parent;
+ int error = 0;
++ if(!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ if (!kobj || !attr)
+ return -EINVAL;
+@@ -195,6 +199,10 @@ int sysfs_create_bin_file(struct kobject
+ int sysfs_remove_bin_file(struct kobject * kobj, struct bin_attribute * attr)
+ {
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->dentry,attr->;
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -63,13 +63,17 @@ int sysfs_create_dir(struct kobject * ko
+ struct dentry * parent;
+ int error = 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ if (!kobj)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (kobj->parent)
+ parent = kobj->parent->dentry;
+- else if (sysfs_mount && sysfs_mount->mnt_sb)
+- parent = sysfs_mount->mnt_sb->s_root;
++ else if (visible_sysfs_mount && visible_sysfs_mount->mnt_sb)
++ parent = visible_sysfs_mount->mnt_sb->s_root;
+ else
+ return -EFAULT;
+@@ -113,9 +117,14 @@ void sysfs_remove_subdir(struct dentry *
+ void sysfs_remove_dir(struct kobject * kobj)
+ {
+ struct list_head * node;
+- struct dentry * dentry = dget(kobj->dentry);
++ struct dentry * dentry;
+- if (!dentry)
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return;
++ dentry = dget(kobj->dentry);
++ if (!dentry)
+ return;
+ pr_debug("sysfs %s: removing dir\n",dentry->;
+@@ -129,6 +138,7 @@ restart:
+ node = node->next;
+ pr_debug(" o %s (%d): ",d->,atomic_read(&d->d_count));
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
+ if (!d_unhashed(d) && (d->d_inode)) {
+ d = dget_locked(d);
+ pr_debug("removing");
+@@ -137,6 +147,7 @@ restart:
+ * Unlink and unhash.
+ */
+ __d_drop(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ /* release the target kobject in case of
+ * a symlink
+@@ -151,6 +162,7 @@ restart:
+ /* re-acquired dcache_lock, need to restart */
+ goto restart;
+ }
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ up(&dentry->d_inode->i_sem);
+@@ -167,6 +179,10 @@ int sysfs_rename_dir(struct kobject * ko
+ int error = 0;
+ struct dentry * new_dentry, * parent;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp(kobject_name(kobj), new_name))
+ return -EINVAL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -228,13 +228,14 @@ static ssize_t
+ sysfs_write_file(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ {
+ struct sysfs_buffer * buffer = file->private_data;
++ ssize_t len;
+- count = fill_write_buffer(buffer,buf,count);
+- if (count > 0)
+- count = flush_write_buffer(file,buffer,count);
+- if (count > 0)
+- *ppos += count;
+- return count;
++ len = fill_write_buffer(buffer, buf, count);
++ if (len > 0)
++ len = flush_write_buffer(file, buffer, len);
++ if (len > 0)
++ *ppos += len;
++ return len;
+ }
+ static int check_perm(struct inode * inode, struct file * file)
+@@ -375,6 +376,10 @@ int sysfs_add_file(struct dentry * dir,
+ int sysfs_create_file(struct kobject * kobj, const struct attribute * attr)
+ {
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ if (kobj && attr)
+ return sysfs_add_file(kobj->dentry,attr);
+ return -EINVAL;
+@@ -395,6 +400,10 @@ int sysfs_update_file(struct kobject * k
+ struct dentry * victim;
+ int res = -ENOENT;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ down(&dir->d_inode->i_sem);
+ victim = sysfs_get_dentry(dir, attr->name);
+ if (!IS_ERR(victim)) {
+@@ -432,6 +441,10 @@ int sysfs_update_file(struct kobject * k
+ void sysfs_remove_file(struct kobject * kobj, const struct attribute * attr)
+ {
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return;
+ sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->dentry,attr->name);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ int sysfs_create_group(struct kobject *
+ struct dentry * dir;
+ int error;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ if (grp->name) {
+ error = sysfs_create_subdir(kobj,grp->name,&dir);
+ if (error)
+@@ -65,6 +69,10 @@ void sysfs_remove_group(struct kobject *
+ {
+ struct dentry * dir;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return;
+ if (grp->name)
+ dir = sysfs_get_dentry(kobj->dentry,grp->name);
+ else
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,10 +8,17 @@
+ #undef DEBUG
++#include <linux/config.h>
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <linux/namei.h>
+ #include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+-extern struct super_block * sysfs_sb;
++extern struct super_block *sysfs_sb;
++#define visible_sysfs_sb sysfs_sb
++#define visible_sysfs_sb (get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
+ static struct address_space_operations sysfs_aops = {
+ .readpage = simple_readpage,
+@@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ static struct backing_dev_info sysfs_bac
+ struct inode * sysfs_new_inode(mode_t mode)
+ {
+- struct inode * inode = new_inode(sysfs_sb);
++ struct inode * inode = new_inode(visible_sysfs_sb);
+ if (inode) {
+ inode->i_mode = mode;
+ inode->i_uid = current->fsuid;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/mount.h>
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include "sysfs.h"
+@@ -17,6 +18,15 @@
+ struct vfsmount *sysfs_mount;
+ struct super_block * sysfs_sb = NULL;
++void prepare_sysfs(void)
++ get_ve0()->sysfs_mnt = sysfs_mount;
++ sysfs_mount = (struct vfsmount *)SYSFS_MAGIC;
++ /* ve0.sysfs_sb is setup by sysfs_fill_super() */
+ static struct super_operations sysfs_ops = {
+ .statfs = simple_statfs,
+ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
+@@ -31,7 +41,7 @@ static int sysfs_fill_super(struct super
+ sb->s_blocksize_bits = PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
+ sb->s_magic = SYSFS_MAGIC;
+ sb->s_op = &sysfs_ops;
+- sysfs_sb = sb;
++ visible_sysfs_sb = sb;
+ inode = sysfs_new_inode(S_IFDIR | S_IRWXU | S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO);
+ if (inode) {
+@@ -66,6 +76,8 @@ static struct file_system_type sysfs_fs_
+ .kill_sb = kill_litter_super,
+ };
+ int __init sysfs_init(void)
+ {
+ int err;
+@@ -79,5 +91,6 @@ int __init sysfs_init(void)
+ sysfs_mount = NULL;
+ }
+ }
++ prepare_sysfs();
+ return err;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ int sysfs_create_link(struct kobject * k
+ struct dentry * d;
+ int error = 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
+ down(&dentry->d_inode->i_sem);
+ d = sysfs_get_dentry(dentry,name);
+ if (!IS_ERR(d)) {
+@@ -90,6 +94,10 @@ int sysfs_create_link(struct kobject * k
+ void sysfs_remove_link(struct kobject * kobj, char * name)
+ {
++ if(!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return;
+ sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->dentry,name);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+-extern struct vfsmount * sysfs_mount;
++extern struct vfsmount *sysfs_mount;
++extern struct super_block *sysfs_sb;
++#define visible_sysfs_mount sysfs_mount
++#define visible_sysfs_sb sysfs_sb
++#define visible_sysfs_mount (get_exec_env()->sysfs_mnt)
++#define visible_sysfs_sb (get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
+ extern struct inode * sysfs_new_inode(mode_t mode);
+ extern int sysfs_create(struct dentry *, int mode, int (*init)(struct inode *));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -260,13 +260,14 @@ static struct buffer_head * sysv_update_
+ return bh;
+ }
+-void sysv_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
++int sysv_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
+ {
+ struct buffer_head *bh;
+ lock_kernel();
+ bh = sysv_update_inode(inode);
+ brelse(bh);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ return 0;
+ }
+ int sysv_sync_inode(struct inode * inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ extern unsigned long sysv_count_free_blo
+ extern void sysv_truncate(struct inode *);
+ /* inode.c */
+-extern void sysv_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
++extern int sysv_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
+ extern int sysv_sync_inode(struct inode *);
+ extern int sysv_sync_file(struct file *, struct dentry *, int);
+ extern void sysv_set_inode(struct inode *, dev_t);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ int udf_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
+ {
+ int result = -EINVAL;
+- if ( permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0 )
++ if ( permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0 )
+ {
+ udf_debug("no permission to access inode %lu\n",
+ inode->i_ino);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1313,11 +1313,13 @@ udf_convert_permissions(struct fileEntry
+ * Written, tested, and released.
+ */
+-void udf_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int sync)
++int udf_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int sync)
+ {
++ int ret;
+ lock_kernel();
+- udf_update_inode(inode, sync);
++ ret = udf_update_inode(inode, sync);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ return ret;
+ }
+ int udf_sync_inode(struct inode * inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ extern void udf_read_inode(struct inode
+ extern void udf_put_inode(struct inode *);
+ extern void udf_delete_inode(struct inode *);
+ extern void udf_clear_inode(struct inode *);
+-extern void udf_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
++extern int udf_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
+ extern long udf_block_map(struct inode *, long);
+ extern int8_t inode_bmap(struct inode *, int, lb_addr *, uint32_t *, lb_addr *, uint32_t *, uint32_t *, struct buffer_head **);
+ extern int8_t udf_add_aext(struct inode *, lb_addr *, int *, lb_addr, uint32_t, struct buffer_head **, int);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -788,11 +788,13 @@ static int ufs_update_inode(struct inode
+ return 0;
+ }
+-void ufs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int wait)
++int ufs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int wait)
+ {
++ int ret;
+ lock_kernel();
+- ufs_update_inode (inode, wait);
++ ret = ufs_update_inode (inode, wait);
+ unlock_kernel();
++ return ret;
+ }
+ int ufs_sync_inode (struct inode *inode)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -312,11 +312,12 @@ out:
+ /*
+ * Update the disk with the inode content
+ */
+-void UMSDOS_write_inode (struct inode *inode, int wait)
++int UMSDOS_write_inode (struct inode *inode, int wait)
+ {
+ struct iattr newattrs;
++ int ret;
+- fat_write_inode (inode, wait);
++ ret = fat_write_inode (inode, wait);
+ newattrs.ia_mtime = inode->i_mtime;
+ newattrs.ia_atime = inode->i_atime;
+ newattrs.ia_ctime = inode->i_ctime;
+@@ -330,6 +331,7 @@ void UMSDOS_write_inode (struct inode *i
+ * UMSDOS_notify_change (inode, &newattrs);
+ * inode->i_state &= ~I_DIRTY; / * FIXME: this doesn't work. We need to remove ourselves from list on dirty inodes. /mn/ */
++ return ret;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * This file contains Virtuozzo quota files as proc entry implementation.
++ * It is required for std quota tools to work correctly as they are expecting
++ * aquota.user and files.
++ */
++#include <linux/ctype.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/sysctl.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/namespace.h>
++#include <linux/quotaio_v2.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
++#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
++#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
++#include <linux/vzquota.h>
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * File read operation
++ *
++ * FIXME: functions in this section (as well as many functions in vzdq_ugid.c,
++ * perhaps) abuse vz_quota_sem.
++ * Taking a global semaphore for lengthy and user-controlled operations inside
++ * VPSs is not a good idea in general.
++ * In this case, the reasons for taking this semaphore are completely unclear,
++ * especially taking into account that the only function that has comments
++ * about the necessity to be called under this semaphore
++ * (create_proc_quotafile) is actually called OUTSIDE it.
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define DQBLOCK_SIZE 1024
++#define DQUOTBLKNUM 21U
++#define DQTREE_DEPTH 4
++#define TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(num) (((num) + 1) << 1)
++#define ISINDBLOCK(num) ((num)%2 != 0)
++#define FIRST_DATABLK 2 /* first even number */
++#define CONVERT_LEVEL(level) ((level) * (QUOTAID_EBITS/QUOTAID_BBITS))
++#define GETLEVINDX(ind, lev) (((ind) >> QUOTAID_BBITS*(lev)) \
++#error xBITS and DQTREE_DEPTH does not correspond
++#define BLOCK_NOT_FOUND 1
++/* data for quota file -- one per proc entry */
++struct quotatree_data {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int type; /* type of the tree */
++/* serialized by vz_quota_sem */
++static LIST_HEAD(qf_data_head);
++static const u_int32_t vzquota_magics[] = V2_INITQMAGICS;
++static const u_int32_t vzquota_versions[] = V2_INITQVERSIONS;
++static inline loff_t get_depoff(int depth)
++ loff_t res = 1;
++ while (depth) {
++ res += (1 << ((depth - 1)*QUOTAID_EBITS + 1));
++ depth--;
++ }
++ return res;
++static inline loff_t get_blknum(loff_t num, int depth)
++ loff_t res;
++ res = (num << 1) + get_depoff(depth);
++ return res;
++static int get_depth(loff_t num)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < DQTREE_DEPTH; i++) {
++ if (num >= get_depoff(i) && (i == DQTREE_DEPTH - 1
++ || num < get_depoff(i + 1)))
++ return i;
++ }
++ return -1;
++static inline loff_t get_offset(loff_t num)
++ loff_t res, tmp;
++ tmp = get_depth(num);
++ if (tmp < 0)
++ return -1;
++ num -= get_depoff(tmp);
++ BUG_ON(num < 0);
++ res = num >> 1;
++ return res;
++static inline loff_t get_quot_blk_num(struct quotatree_tree *tree, int level)
++ /* return maximum available block num */
++ return tree->levels[level].freenum;
++static inline loff_t get_block_num(struct quotatree_tree *tree)
++ loff_t ind_blk_num, quot_blk_num, max_ind, max_quot;
++ quot_blk_num = get_quot_blk_num(tree, CONVERT_LEVEL(DQTREE_DEPTH) - 1);
++ max_quot = TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(quot_blk_num);
++ ind_blk_num = get_quot_blk_num(tree, CONVERT_LEVEL(DQTREE_DEPTH - 1));
++ max_ind = (quot_blk_num) ? get_blknum(ind_blk_num, LAST_IND_LEVEL)
++ : get_blknum(ind_blk_num, 0);
++ return (max_ind > max_quot) ? max_ind + 1 : max_quot + 1;
++/* Write quota file header */
++static int read_header(void *buf, struct quotatree_tree *tree,
++ struct dq_info *dq_ugid_info, int type)
++ struct v2_disk_dqheader *dqh;
++ struct v2_disk_dqinfo *dq_disk_info;
++ dqh = buf;
++ dq_disk_info = buf + sizeof(struct v2_disk_dqheader);
++ dqh->dqh_magic = vzquota_magics[type];
++ dqh->dqh_version = vzquota_versions[type];
++ dq_disk_info->dqi_bgrace = dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire;
++ dq_disk_info->dqi_igrace = dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire;
++ dq_disk_info->dqi_flags = 0; /* no flags */
++ dq_disk_info->dqi_blocks = get_block_num(tree);
++ dq_disk_info->dqi_free_blk = 0; /* first block in the file */
++ dq_disk_info->dqi_free_entry = FIRST_DATABLK;
++ return 0;
++static int get_block_child(int depth, struct quotatree_node *p, u_int32_t *buf)
++ int i, j, lev_num;
++ for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(u_int32_t); i++) {
++ struct quotatree_node *next, *parent;
++ parent = p;
++ next = p;
++ for (j = lev_num; j >= 0; j--) {
++ if (!next->blocks[GETLEVINDX(i,j)]) {
++ buf[i] = 0;
++ goto bad_branch;
++ }
++ parent = next;
++ next = next->blocks[GETLEVINDX(i,j)];
++ }
++ buf[i] = (depth == DQTREE_DEPTH - 1) ?
++ TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(parent->num)
++ : get_blknum(next->num, depth + 1);
++ bad_branch:
++ ;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * Write index block to disk (or buffer)
++ * @buf has length 256*sizeof(u_int32_t) bytes
++ */
++static int read_index_block(int num, u_int32_t *buf,
++ struct quotatree_tree *tree)
++ struct quotatree_node *p;
++ u_int32_t index;
++ loff_t off;
++ int depth, res;
++ index = 0;
++ depth = get_depth(num);
++ off = get_offset(num);
++ if (depth < 0 || off < 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ list_for_each_entry(p, &tree->levels[CONVERT_LEVEL(depth)].usedlh,
++ list) {
++ if (p->num >= off)
++ res = 0;
++ if (p->num != off)
++ continue;
++ get_block_child(depth, p, buf);
++ break;
++ }
++ return res;
++static inline void convert_quot_format(struct v2_disk_dqblk *dq,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *vzq)
++ dq->dqb_id = vzq->qugid_id;
++ dq->dqb_ihardlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.ihardlimit;
++ dq->dqb_isoftlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.isoftlimit;
++ dq->dqb_curinodes = vzq->qugid_stat.icurrent;
++ dq->dqb_bhardlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.bhardlimit / QUOTABLOCK_SIZE;
++ dq->dqb_bsoftlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit / QUOTABLOCK_SIZE;
++ dq->dqb_curspace = vzq->qugid_stat.bcurrent;
++ dq->dqb_btime = vzq->qugid_stat.btime;
++ dq->dqb_itime = vzq->qugid_stat.itime;
++static int read_dquot(loff_t num, void *buf, struct quotatree_tree *tree)
++ int res, i, entries = 0;
++ struct v2_disk_dqdbheader *dq_header;
++ struct quotatree_node *p;
++ struct v2_disk_dqblk *blk = buf + sizeof(struct v2_disk_dqdbheader);
++ dq_header = buf;
++ memset(dq_header, 0, sizeof(*dq_header));
++ list_for_each_entry(p, &(tree->levels[QUOTATREE_DEPTH - 1].usedlh),
++ list) {
++ if (TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(p->num) >= num)
++ res = 0;
++ if (TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(p->num) != num)
++ continue;
++ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++) {
++ if (!p->blocks[i])
++ continue;
++ convert_quot_format(blk + entries,
++ (struct vz_quota_ugid *)p->blocks[i]);
++ entries++;
++ res = 0;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ dq_header->dqdh_entries = entries;
++ return res;
++static int read_block(int num, void *buf, struct quotatree_tree *tree,
++ struct dq_info *dq_ugid_info, int magic)
++ int res;
++ memset(buf, 0, DQBLOCK_SIZE);
++ if (!num)
++ res = read_header(buf, tree, dq_ugid_info, magic);
++ else if (ISINDBLOCK(num))
++ res = read_index_block(num, (u_int32_t*)buf, tree);
++ else
++ res = read_dquot(num, buf, tree);
++ return res;
++ * FIXME: this function can handle quota files up to 2GB only.
++ */
++static int read_proc_quotafile(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count,
++ int *eof, void *data)
++ off_t blk_num, blk_off, buf_off;
++ char *tmp;
++ size_t buf_size;
++ struct quotatree_data *qtd;
++ struct quotatree_tree *tree;
++ struct dq_info *dqi;
++ int res;
++ qtd = data;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ down(&qtd->qmblk->dq_sem);
++ res = 0;
++ tree = QUGID_TREE(qtd->qmblk, qtd->type);
++ if (!tree) {
++ *eof = 1;
++ goto out_dq;
++ }
++ res = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(DQBLOCK_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto out_dq;
++ dqi = &qtd->qmblk->dq_ugid_info[qtd->type];
++ buf_off = 0;
++ buf_size = count;
++ blk_num = off / DQBLOCK_SIZE;
++ blk_off = off % DQBLOCK_SIZE;
++ while (buf_size > 0) {
++ off_t len;
++ len = min((size_t)(DQBLOCK_SIZE-blk_off), buf_size);
++ res = read_block(blk_num, tmp, tree, dqi, qtd->type);
++ if (res < 0)
++ goto out_err;
++ if (res == BLOCK_NOT_FOUND) {
++ *eof = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ memcpy(page + buf_off, tmp + blk_off, len);
++ blk_num++;
++ buf_size -= len;
++ blk_off = 0;
++ buf_off += len;
++ }
++ res = buf_off;
++ kfree(tmp);
++ *start = NULL + count;
++ up(&qtd->qmblk->dq_sem);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return res;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * /proc/vz/vzaquota/QID/aquota.* files
++ *
++ * FIXME: this code lacks serialization of read/readdir/lseek.
++ * However, this problem should be fixed after the mainstream issue of what
++ * appears to be non-atomic read and update of file position in sys_read.
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline unsigned long vzdq_aquot_getino(dev_t dev)
++ return 0xec000000UL + dev;
++static inline dev_t vzdq_aquot_getidev(struct inode *inode)
++ return (dev_t)(unsigned long)PROC_I(inode)->op.proc_get_link;
++static inline void vzdq_aquot_setidev(struct inode *inode, dev_t dev)
++ PROC_I(inode)->op.proc_get_link = (void *)(unsigned long)dev;
++static ssize_t vzdq_aquotf_read(struct file *file,
++ char __user *buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos)
++ char *page;
++ size_t bufsize;
++ ssize_t l, l2, copied;
++ char *start;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct block_device *bdev;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct quotatree_data data;
++ int eof, err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ page = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (page == NULL)
++ goto out_err;
++ err = -ENODEV;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ bdev = bdget(vzdq_aquot_getidev(inode));
++ if (bdev == NULL)
++ goto out_err;
++ sb = get_super(bdev);
++ bdput(bdev);
++ if (sb == NULL)
++ goto out_err;
++ data.qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ data.type = PROC_I(inode)->type - 1;
++ drop_super(sb);
++ if (data.qmblk == NULL || data.qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out_err;
++ copied = 0;
++ l = l2 = 0;
++ while (1) {
++ bufsize = min(size, (size_t)PAGE_SIZE);
++ if (bufsize <= 0)
++ break;
++ l = read_proc_quotafile(page, &start, *ppos, bufsize,
++ &eof, &data);
++ if (l <= 0)
++ break;
++ l2 = copy_to_user(buf, page, l);
++ copied += l - l2;
++ if (l2)
++ break;
++ buf += l;
++ size -= l;
++ *ppos += (unsigned long)start;
++ l = l2 = 0;
++ }
++ qmblk_put(data.qmblk);
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ if (copied)
++ return copied;
++ else if (l2) /* last copy_to_user failed */
++ return -EFAULT;
++ else /* read error or EOF */
++ return l;
++ if (page != NULL)
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ return err;
++static struct file_operations vzdq_aquotf_file_operations = {
++ .read = &vzdq_aquotf_read,
++static struct inode_operations vzdq_aquotf_inode_operations = {
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * /proc/vz/vzaquota/QID directory
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int vzdq_aquotq_readdir(struct file *file, void *data, filldir_t filler)
++ loff_t n;
++ int err;
++ n = file->f_pos;
++ for (err = 0; !err; n++) {
++ switch (n) {
++ case 0:
++ err = (*filler)(data, ".", 1, n,
++ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ DT_DIR);
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ err = (*filler)(data, "..", 2, n,
++ parent_ino(file->f_dentry), DT_DIR);
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ err = (*filler)(data, "aquota.user", 11, n,
++ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino
++ + USRQUOTA + 1,
++ DT_REG);
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ err = (*filler)(data, "", 12, n,
++ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino
++ + GRPQUOTA + 1,
++ DT_REG);
++ break;
++ default:
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ file->f_pos = n;
++ return err;
++struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata {
++ dev_t dev;
++ int type;
++static int vzdq_aquotq_looktest(struct inode *inode, void *data)
++ struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata *d;
++ d = data;
++ return inode->i_op == &vzdq_aquotf_inode_operations &&
++ vzdq_aquot_getidev(inode) == d->dev &&
++ PROC_I(inode)->type == d->type + 1;
++static int vzdq_aquotq_lookset(struct inode *inode, void *data)
++ struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata *d;
++ d = data;
++ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
++ inode->i_ino = vzdq_aquot_getino(d->dev) + d->type + 1;
++ inode->i_mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUSR;
++ inode->i_uid = 0;
++ inode->i_gid = 0;
++ inode->i_nlink = 1;
++ inode->i_op = &vzdq_aquotf_inode_operations;
++ inode->i_fop = &vzdq_aquotf_file_operations;
++ PROC_I(inode)->type = d->type + 1;
++ vzdq_aquot_setidev(inode, d->dev);
++ return 0;
++static struct dentry *vzdq_aquotq_lookup(struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata d;
++ int k;
++ if (dentry->d_name.len == 11) {
++ if (memcmp(dentry->, "aquota.user", 11))
++ goto out;
++ k = USRQUOTA;
++ } else if (dentry->d_name.len == 12) {
++ if (memcmp(dentry->, "", 11))
++ goto out;
++ k = GRPQUOTA;
++ } else
++ goto out;
++ = vzdq_aquot_getidev(dir);
++ d.type = k;
++ inode = iget5_locked(dir->i_sb, dir->i_ino + k + 1,
++ vzdq_aquotq_looktest, vzdq_aquotq_lookset, &d);
++ if (inode == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ d_add(dentry, inode);
++ return NULL;
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++static struct file_operations vzdq_aquotq_file_operations = {
++ .read = &generic_read_dir,
++ .readdir = &vzdq_aquotq_readdir,
++static struct inode_operations vzdq_aquotq_inode_operations = {
++ .lookup = &vzdq_aquotq_lookup,
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * /proc/vz/vzaquota directory
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct vzdq_aquot_de {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++static int vzdq_aquot_buildmntlist(struct ve_struct *ve,
++ struct list_head *head)
++ struct vfsmount *rmnt, *mnt;
++ struct vzdq_aquot_de *p;
++ int err;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ rmnt = mntget(ve->fs_rootmnt);
++ read_lock(&current->fs->lock);
++ rmnt = mntget(current->fs->rootmnt);
++ read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
++ mnt = rmnt;
++ down_read(&rmnt->mnt_namespace->sem);
++ while (1) {
++ list_for_each_entry(p, head, list) {
++ if (p->mnt->mnt_sb == mnt->mnt_sb)
++ goto skip;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (p == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ p->mnt = mntget(mnt);
++ list_add_tail(&p->list, head);
++ err = 0;
++ if (list_empty(&mnt->mnt_mounts)) {
++ while (1) {
++ if (mnt == rmnt)
++ goto out;
++ if (mnt-> !=
++ &mnt->mnt_parent->mnt_mounts)
++ break;
++ mnt = mnt->mnt_parent;
++ }
++ mnt = list_entry(mnt->,
++ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
++ } else
++ mnt = list_first_entry(&mnt->mnt_mounts,
++ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
++ }
++ up_read(&rmnt->mnt_namespace->sem);
++ mntput(rmnt);
++ return err;
++static void vzdq_aquot_releasemntlist(struct ve_struct *ve,
++ struct list_head *head)
++ struct vzdq_aquot_de *p;
++ while (!list_empty(head)) {
++ p = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*p), list);
++ mntput(p->mnt);
++ list_del(&p->list);
++ kfree(p);
++ }
++static int vzdq_aquotd_readdir(struct file *file, void *data, filldir_t filler)
++ struct ve_struct *ve, *old_ve;
++ struct list_head mntlist;
++ struct vzdq_aquot_de *de;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ loff_t i, n;
++ char buf[24];
++ int l, err;
++ i = 0;
++ n = file->f_pos;
++ ve = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(file->f_dentry->d_sb->s_type);
++ old_ve = set_exec_env(ve);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mntlist);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ /*
++ * The only reason of disabling readdir for the host system is that
++ * this readdir can be slow and CPU consuming with large number of VPSs
++ * (or just mount points).
++ */
++ err = ve_is_super(ve);
++ err = 0;
++ if (!err) {
++ err = vzdq_aquot_buildmntlist(ve, &mntlist);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ if (i >= n) {
++ if ((*filler)(data, ".", 1, i,
++ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino, DT_DIR))
++ goto out_fill;
++ }
++ i++;
++ if (i >= n) {
++ if ((*filler)(data, "..", 2, i,
++ parent_ino(file->f_dentry), DT_DIR))
++ goto out_fill;
++ }
++ i++;
++ list_for_each_entry (de, &mntlist, list) {
++ sb = de->mnt->mnt_sb;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, sb->s_dev, FMODE_QUOTACTL))
++ continue;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ if (qmblk == NULL || qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ continue;
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ i++;
++ if (i <= n)
++ continue;
++ l = sprintf(buf, "%08x", new_encode_dev(sb->s_dev));
++ if ((*filler)(data, buf, l, i - 1,
++ vzdq_aquot_getino(sb->s_dev), DT_DIR))
++ break;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ file->f_pos = i;
++ vzdq_aquot_releasemntlist(ve, &mntlist);
++ set_exec_env(old_ve);
++ return err;
++static int vzdq_aquotd_looktest(struct inode *inode, void *data)
++ return inode->i_op == &vzdq_aquotq_inode_operations &&
++ vzdq_aquot_getidev(inode) == (dev_t)(unsigned long)data;
++static int vzdq_aquotd_lookset(struct inode *inode, void *data)
++ dev_t dev;
++ dev = (dev_t)(unsigned long)data;
++ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
++ inode->i_ino = vzdq_aquot_getino(dev);
++ inode->i_mode = S_IFDIR | S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR;
++ inode->i_uid = 0;
++ inode->i_gid = 0;
++ inode->i_nlink = 2;
++ inode->i_op = &vzdq_aquotq_inode_operations;
++ inode->i_fop = &vzdq_aquotq_file_operations;
++ vzdq_aquot_setidev(inode, dev);
++ return 0;
++static struct dentry *vzdq_aquotd_lookup(struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct ve_struct *ve, *old_ve;
++ const unsigned char *s;
++ int l;
++ dev_t dev;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ve = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(dir->i_sb->s_type);
++ old_ve = set_exec_env(ve);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ /*
++ * Lookup is much lighter than readdir, so it can be allowed for the
++ * host system. But it would be strange to be able to do lookup only
++ * without readdir...
++ */
++ if (ve_is_super(ve))
++ goto out;
++ dev = 0;
++ l = dentry->d_name.len;
++ if (l <= 0)
++ goto out;
++ for (s = dentry->; l > 0; s++, l--) {
++ if (!isxdigit(*s))
++ goto out;
++ if (dev & ~(~0UL >> 4))
++ goto out;
++ dev <<= 4;
++ if (isdigit(*s))
++ dev += *s - '0';
++ else if (islower(*s))
++ dev += *s - 'a' + 10;
++ else
++ dev += *s - 'A' + 10;
++ }
++ dev = new_decode_dev(dev);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, dev, FMODE_QUOTACTL))
++ goto out;
++ inode = iget5_locked(dir->i_sb, vzdq_aquot_getino(dev),
++ vzdq_aquotd_looktest, vzdq_aquotd_lookset,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)dev);
++ if (inode == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ d_add(dentry, inode);
++ set_exec_env(old_ve);
++ return NULL;
++ set_exec_env(old_ve);
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++static struct file_operations vzdq_aquotd_file_operations = {
++ .read = &generic_read_dir,
++ .readdir = &vzdq_aquotd_readdir,
++static struct inode_operations vzdq_aquotd_inode_operations = {
++ .lookup = &vzdq_aquotd_lookup,
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Initialization and deinitialization
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * FIXME: creation of proc entries here is unsafe with respect to module
++ * unloading.
++ */
++void vzaquota_init(void)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/vzaquota",
++ if (de != NULL) {
++ de->proc_iops = &vzdq_aquotd_inode_operations;
++ de->proc_fops = &vzdq_aquotd_file_operations;
++ } else
++ printk("VZDQ: vz/vzaquota creation failed\n");
++#if defined(CONFIG_SYSCTL)
++ de = create_proc_glob_entry("sys/fs/quota",
++ if (de == NULL)
++ printk("VZDQ: sys/fs/quota creation failed\n");
++void vzaquota_fini(void)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/string.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/writeback.h>
++#include <linux/gfp.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/quota.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl_quota.h>
++#include <linux/vzquota.h>
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Switching quota on.
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * check limits copied from user
++ */
++int vzquota_check_sane_limits(struct dq_stat *qstat)
++ int err;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ /* softlimit must be less then hardlimit */
++ if (qstat->bsoftlimit > qstat->bhardlimit)
++ goto out;
++ if (qstat->isoftlimit > qstat->ihardlimit)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
++ * check usage values copied from user
++ */
++int vzquota_check_sane_values(struct dq_stat *qstat)
++ int err;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ /* expiration time must not be set if softlimit was not exceeded */
++ if (qstat->bcurrent < qstat->bsoftlimit && qstat->btime != (time_t)0)
++ goto out;
++ if (qstat->icurrent < qstat->isoftlimit && qstat->itime != (time_t)0)
++ goto out;
++ err = vzquota_check_sane_limits(qstat);
++ return err;
++ * create new quota master block
++ * this function should:
++ * - copy limits and usage parameters from user buffer;
++ * - allock, initialize quota block and insert it to hash;
++ */
++static int vzquota_create(unsigned int quota_id, struct vz_quota_stat *u_qstat)
++ int err;
++ struct vz_quota_stat qstat;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&qstat, u_qstat, sizeof(qstat)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (quota_id == 0)
++ goto out;
++ if (vzquota_check_sane_values(&qstat.dq_stat))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ qmblk = vzquota_alloc_master(quota_id, &qstat);
++ if (IS_ERR(qmblk)) /* ENOMEM or EEXIST */
++ err = PTR_ERR(qmblk);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++ * vzquota_on - turn quota on
++ *
++ * This function should:
++ * - find and get refcnt of directory entry for quota root and corresponding
++ * mountpoint;
++ * - find corresponding quota block and mark it with given path;
++ * - check quota tree;
++ * - initialize quota for the tree root.
++ */
++static int vzquota_on(unsigned int quota_id, const char *quota_root)
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata nd;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct super_block *dqsb;
++ dqsb = NULL;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_STARTING)
++ goto out;
++ err = user_path_walk(quota_root, &nd);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ /* init path must be a directory */
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ if (!S_ISDIR(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ goto out_path;
++ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = nd.dentry;
++ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = nd.mnt;
++ qmblk->dq_sb = nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb;
++ err = vzquota_get_super(qmblk->dq_sb);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_super;
++ /*
++ * Serialization with quota initialization and operations is performed
++ * through generation check: generation is memorized before qmblk is
++ * found and compared under inode_qmblk_lock with assignment.
++ *
++ * Note that the dentry tree is shrunk only for high-level logical
++ * serialization, purely as a courtesy to the user: to have consistent
++ * quota statistics, files should be closed etc. on quota on.
++ */
++ err = vzquota_on_qmblk(qmblk->dq_sb, qmblk->dq_root_dentry->d_inode,
++ qmblk);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_init;
++ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_WORKING;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return 0;
++ dqsb = qmblk->dq_sb;
++ /* clear for qmblk_put/quota_free_master */
++ qmblk->dq_sb = NULL;
++ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = NULL;
++ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = NULL;
++ path_release(&nd);
++ if (dqsb)
++ vzquota_put_super(dqsb);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Switching quota off.
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * destroy quota block by ID
++ */
++static int vzquota_destroy(unsigned int quota_id)
++ int err;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ if (qmblk->dq_state == VZDQ_WORKING)
++ goto out; /* quota_off first */
++ list_del_init(&qmblk->dq_hash);
++ dentry = qmblk->dq_root_dentry;
++ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = NULL;
++ mnt = qmblk->dq_root_mnt;
++ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = NULL;
++ if (qmblk->dq_sb)
++ vzquota_put_super(qmblk->dq_sb);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ dput(dentry);
++ mntput(mnt);
++ return 0;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++ * vzquota_off - turn quota off
++ */
++static int vzquota_sync_list(struct list_head *lh,
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ int err;
++ LIST_HEAD(list);
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct writeback_control wbc;
++ memset(&wbc, 0, sizeof(wbc));
++ wbc.sync_mode = WB_SYNC_ALL;
++ err = 0;
++ do {
++ inode = NULL;
++ list_for_each_entry (qlnk, lh, list) {
++ inode = igrab(QLNK_INODE(qlnk));
++ if (inode)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (inode == NULL)
++ break;
++ list_move(&qlnk->list, &list);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(qmblk->dq_sb);
++ wbc.nr_to_write = LONG_MAX;
++ err = sync_inode(inode, &wbc);
++ iput(inode);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(qmblk->dq_sb);
++ } while (!err);
++ list_splice(&list, lh);
++ return err;
++static int vzquota_sync_inodes(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ int err;
++ LIST_HEAD(qlnk_list);
++ list_splice_init(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list, &qlnk_list);
++ err = vzquota_sync_list(&qlnk_list, qmblk);
++ if (!err && !list_empty(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list))
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ list_splice(&qlnk_list, &qmblk->dq_ilink_list);
++ return err;
++static int vzquota_off(unsigned int quota_id)
++ int err;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EALREADY;
++ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_WORKING)
++ goto out;
++ inode_qmblk_lock(qmblk->dq_sb); /* protects dq_ilink_list also */
++ err = vzquota_sync_inodes(qmblk);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(qmblk->dq_sb);
++ err = vzquota_off_qmblk(qmblk->dq_sb, qmblk);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ /* vzquota_destroy will free resources */
++ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_STOPING;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(qmblk->dq_sb);
++ goto out;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Other VZQUOTA ioctl's.
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * this function should:
++ * - set new limits/buffer under quota master block lock
++ * - if new softlimit less then usage, then set expiration time
++ * - no need to alloc ugid hash table - we'll do that on demand
++ */
++int vzquota_update_limit(struct dq_stat *_qstat,
++ struct dq_stat *qstat)
++ int err;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (vzquota_check_sane_limits(qstat))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* limits */
++ _qstat->bsoftlimit = qstat->bsoftlimit;
++ _qstat->bhardlimit = qstat->bhardlimit;
++ /*
++ * If the soft limit is exceeded, administrator can override the moment
++ * when the grace period for limit exceeding ends.
++ * Specifying the moment may be useful if the soft limit is set to be
++ * lower than the current usage. In the latter case, if the grace
++ * period end isn't specified, the grace period will start from the
++ * moment of the first write operation.
++ * There is a race with the user level. Soft limit may be already
++ * exceeded before the limit change, and grace period end calculated by
++ * the kernel will be overriden. User level may check if the limit is
++ * already exceeded, but check and set calls are not atomic.
++ * This race isn't dangerous. Under normal cicrumstances, the
++ * difference between the grace period end calculated by the kernel and
++ * the user level should be not greater than as the difference between
++ * the moments of check and set calls, i.e. not bigger than the quota
++ * timer resolution - 1 sec.
++ */
++ if (qstat->btime != (time_t)0 &&
++ _qstat->bcurrent >= _qstat->bsoftlimit)
++ _qstat->btime = qstat->btime;
++ _qstat->isoftlimit = qstat->isoftlimit;
++ _qstat->ihardlimit = qstat->ihardlimit;
++ if (qstat->itime != (time_t)0 &&
++ _qstat->icurrent >= _qstat->isoftlimit)
++ _qstat->itime = qstat->itime;
++ return err;
++ * set new quota limits.
++ * this function should:
++ * copy new limits from user level
++ * - find quota block
++ * - set new limits and flags.
++ */
++static int vzquota_setlimit(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_stat *u_qstat)
++ int err;
++ struct vz_quota_stat qstat;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem); /* for hash list protection */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&qstat, u_qstat, sizeof(qstat)))
++ goto out;
++ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
++ err = vzquota_update_limit(&qmblk->dq_stat, &qstat.dq_stat);
++ if (err == 0)
++ qmblk->dq_info = qstat.dq_info;
++ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++ * get quota limits.
++ * very simple - just return stat buffer to user
++ */
++static int vzquota_getstat(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_stat *u_qstat)
++ int err;
++ struct vz_quota_stat qstat;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
++ /* copy whole buffer under lock */
++ memcpy(&qstat.dq_stat, &qmblk->dq_stat, sizeof(qstat.dq_stat));
++ memcpy(&qstat.dq_info, &qmblk->dq_info, sizeof(qstat.dq_info));
++ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
++ err = copy_to_user(u_qstat, &qstat, sizeof(qstat));
++ if (err)
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++ * This is a system call to turn per-VE disk quota on.
++ * Note this call is allowed to run ONLY from VE0
++ */
++long do_vzquotactl(int cmd, unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat, const char *ve_root)
++ int ret;
++ ret = -EPERM;
++ /* access allowed only from root of VE0 */
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE) ||
++ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto out;
++ switch (cmd) {
++ case VZ_DQ_CREATE:
++ ret = vzquota_create(quota_id, qstat);
++ break;
++ case VZ_DQ_DESTROY:
++ ret = vzquota_destroy(quota_id);
++ break;
++ case VZ_DQ_ON:
++ ret = vzquota_on(quota_id, ve_root);
++ break;
++ case VZ_DQ_OFF:
++ ret = vzquota_off(quota_id);
++ break;
++ ret = vzquota_setlimit(quota_id, qstat);
++ break;
++ case VZ_DQ_GETSTAT:
++ ret = vzquota_getstat(quota_id, qstat);
++ break;
++ default:
++ ret = -EINVAL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ return ret;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Proc filesystem routines
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++#if defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
++#define QUOTA_UINT_LEN 15
++#define QUOTA_TIME_LEN_FMT_UINT "%11u"
++#define QUOTA_NUM_LEN_FMT_UINT "%15u"
++#define QUOTA_NUM_LEN_FMT_ULL "%15Lu"
++#define QUOTA_TIME_LEN_FMT_STR "%11s"
++#define QUOTA_NUM_LEN_FMT_STR "%15s"
++#define QUOTA_PROC_MAX_LINE_LEN 2048
++ * prints /proc/ve_dq header line
++ */
++static int print_proc_header(char * buffer)
++ return sprintf(buffer,
++ "%-11s"
++ "\n",
++ "qid: path",
++ "usage", "softlimit", "hardlimit", "time", "expire");
++ * prints proc master record id, dentry path
++ */
++static int print_proc_master_id(char * buffer, char * path_buf,
++ struct vz_quota_master * qp)
++ char *path;
++ int over;
++ path = NULL;
++ switch (qp->dq_state) {
++ if (!path_buf) {
++ path = "";
++ break;
++ }
++ path = d_path(qp->dq_root_dentry,
++ qp->dq_root_mnt, path_buf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ if (IS_ERR(path)) {
++ path = "";
++ break;
++ }
++ /* do not print large path, truncate it */
++ over = strlen(path) -
++ if (over > 0) {
++ path += over - 3;
++ path[0] = path[1] = path[3] = '.';
++ }
++ break;
++ path = "-- started --";
++ break;
++ path = "-- stopped --";
++ break;
++ }
++ return sprintf(buffer, "%u: %s\n", qp->dq_id, path);
++ * prints struct vz_quota_stat data
++ */
++static int print_proc_stat(char * buffer, struct dq_stat *qs,
++ struct dq_info *qi)
++ return sprintf(buffer,
++ "%11s"
++ "\n"
++ "%11s"
++ "\n",
++ "1k-blocks",
++ qs->bcurrent >> 10,
++ qs->bsoftlimit >> 10,
++ qs->bhardlimit >> 10,
++ (unsigned int)qs->btime,
++ (unsigned int)qi->bexpire,
++ "inodes",
++ qs->icurrent,
++ qs->isoftlimit,
++ qs->ihardlimit,
++ (unsigned int)qs->itime,
++ (unsigned int)qi->iexpire);
++ * for /proc filesystem output
++ */
++static int vzquota_read_proc(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count,
++ int *eof, void *data)
++ int len, i;
++ off_t printed = 0;
++ char *p = page;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qp;
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *ql2;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ char *path_buf;
++ path_buf = (char*)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (path_buf == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ len = print_proc_header(p);
++ printed += len;
++ if (off < printed) /* keep header in output */ {
++ *start = p + off;
++ p += len;
++ }
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ /* traverse master hash table for all records */
++ for (i = 0; i < vzquota_hash_size; i++) {
++ list_for_each(listp, &vzquota_hash_table[i]) {
++ qp = list_entry(listp,
++ struct vz_quota_master, dq_hash);
++ /* Skip other VE's information if not root of VE0 */
++ if ((!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) ||
++ !capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))) {
++ ql2 = INODE_QLNK(current->fs->root->d_inode);
++ if (ql2 == NULL || qp != ql2->qmblk)
++ continue;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Now print the next record
++ */
++ len = 0;
++ /* we print quotaid and path only in VE0 */
++ if (capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ len += print_proc_master_id(p+len,path_buf, qp);
++ len += print_proc_stat(p+len, &qp->dq_stat,
++ &qp->dq_info);
++ printed += len;
++ /* skip unnecessary lines */
++ if (printed <= off)
++ continue;
++ p += len;
++ /* provide start offset */
++ if (*start == NULL)
++ *start = p + (off - printed);
++ /* have we printed all requested size? */
++ if (PAGE_SIZE - (p - page) < QUOTA_PROC_MAX_LINE_LEN ||
++ (p - *start) >= count)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ *eof = 1; /* checked all hash */
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ len = 0;
++ if (*start != NULL) {
++ len = (p - *start);
++ if (len > count)
++ len = count;
++ }
++ if (path_buf)
++ free_page((unsigned long) path_buf);
++ return len;
++ * Register procfs read callback
++ */
++int vzquota_proc_init(void)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ de = create_proc_entry("vz/vzquota", S_IFREG|S_IRUSR, NULL);
++ if (de == NULL) {
++ /* create "vz" subdirectory, if not exist */
++ de = create_proc_entry("vz", S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO, NULL);
++ if (de == NULL)
++ goto out_err;
++ de = create_proc_entry("vzquota", S_IFREG|S_IRUSR, de);
++ if (de == NULL)
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ de->read_proc = vzquota_read_proc;
++ de->data = NULL;
++ return 0;
++ return -EBUSY;
++void vzquota_proc_release(void)
++ /* Unregister procfs read callback */
++ remove_proc_entry("vz/vzquota", NULL);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/quota.h>
++#include <linux/vzquota.h>
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Quota superblock operations - helper functions.
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void vzquota_incr_inodes(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
++ unsigned long number)
++ dqstat->icurrent += number;
++static inline void vzquota_incr_space(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
++ __u64 number)
++ dqstat->bcurrent += number;
++static inline void vzquota_decr_inodes(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
++ unsigned long number)
++ if (dqstat->icurrent > number)
++ dqstat->icurrent -= number;
++ else
++ dqstat->icurrent = 0;
++ if (dqstat->icurrent < dqstat->isoftlimit)
++ dqstat->itime = (time_t) 0;
++static inline void vzquota_decr_space(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
++ __u64 number)
++ if (dqstat->bcurrent > number)
++ dqstat->bcurrent -= number;
++ else
++ dqstat->bcurrent = 0;
++ if (dqstat->bcurrent < dqstat->bsoftlimit)
++ dqstat->btime = (time_t) 0;
++ * better printk() message or use /proc/vzquotamsg interface
++ * similar to /proc/kmsg
++ */
++static inline void vzquota_warn(struct dq_info *dq_info, int dq_id, int flag,
++ const char *fmt)
++ if (dq_info->flags & flag) /* warning already printed for this
++ masterblock */
++ return;
++ printk(fmt, dq_id);
++ dq_info->flags |= flag;
++ * ignore_hardlimit -
++ *
++ * Intended to allow superuser of VE0 to overwrite hardlimits.
++ *
++ * ignore_hardlimit() has a very bad feature:
++ *
++ * writepage() operation for writable mapping of a file with holes
++ * may trigger get_block() with wrong current and as a consequence,
++ * opens a possibility to overcommit hardlimits
++ */
++/* for the reason above, it is disabled now */
++static inline int ignore_hardlimit(struct dq_info *dqstat)
++#if 0
++ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) &&
++ capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE) &&
++ (dqstat->options & VZ_QUOTA_OPT_RSQUASH);
++ return 0;
++static int vzquota_check_inodes(struct dq_info *dq_info,
++ struct dq_stat *dqstat,
++ unsigned long number, int dq_id)
++ if (number == 0)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->ihardlimit &&
++ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
++ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_INODES,
++ "VZ QUOTA: file hardlimit reached for id=%d\n");
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ }
++ if (dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->isoftlimit) {
++ if (dqstat->itime == (time_t)0) {
++ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, 0,
++ "VZ QUOTA: file softlimit exceeded "
++ "for id=%d\n");
++ dqstat->itime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC + dq_info->iexpire;
++ } else if (CURRENT_TIME_SEC >= dqstat->itime &&
++ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
++ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_INODES,
++ "VZ QUOTA: file softlimit expired "
++ "for id=%d\n");
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ }
++ }
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_check_space(struct dq_info *dq_info,
++ struct dq_stat *dqstat,
++ __u64 number, int dq_id, char prealloc)
++ if (number == 0)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bhardlimit &&
++ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
++ if (!prealloc)
++ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_SPACE,
++ "VZ QUOTA: disk hardlimit reached "
++ "for id=%d\n");
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ }
++ if (dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bsoftlimit) {
++ if (dqstat->btime == (time_t)0) {
++ if (!prealloc) {
++ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, 0,
++ "VZ QUOTA: disk softlimit exceeded "
++ "for id=%d\n");
++ dqstat->btime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC
++ + dq_info->bexpire;
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * Original Linux quota doesn't allow
++ * preallocation to exceed softlimit so
++ * exceeding will be always printed
++ */
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ }
++ } else if (CURRENT_TIME_SEC >= dqstat->btime &&
++ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
++ if (!prealloc)
++ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_SPACE,
++ "VZ QUOTA: disk quota "
++ "softlimit expired "
++ "for id=%d\n");
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ }
++ }
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_check_ugid_inodes(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[],
++ int type, unsigned long number)
++ struct dq_info *dqinfo;
++ struct dq_stat *dqstat;
++ if (qugid[type] == NULL)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (qugid[type] == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ if (type == USRQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_USRQUOTA))
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (type == GRPQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_GRPQUOTA))
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (number == 0)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ dqinfo = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
++ dqstat = &qugid[type]->qugid_stat;
++ if (dqstat->ihardlimit != 0 &&
++ dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->ihardlimit)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ if (dqstat->isoftlimit != 0 &&
++ dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->isoftlimit) {
++ if (dqstat->itime == (time_t)0)
++ dqstat->itime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC + dqinfo->iexpire;
++ else if (CURRENT_TIME_SEC >= dqstat->itime)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ }
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_check_ugid_space(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[],
++ int type, __u64 number, char prealloc)
++ struct dq_info *dqinfo;
++ struct dq_stat *dqstat;
++ if (qugid[type] == NULL)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (qugid[type] == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ if (type == USRQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_USRQUOTA))
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (type == GRPQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_GRPQUOTA))
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ if (number == 0)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ dqinfo = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
++ dqstat = &qugid[type]->qugid_stat;
++ if (dqstat->bhardlimit != 0 &&
++ dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bhardlimit)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ if (dqstat->bsoftlimit != 0 &&
++ dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bsoftlimit) {
++ if (dqstat->btime == (time_t)0) {
++ if (!prealloc)
++ dqstat->btime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC
++ + dqinfo->bexpire;
++ else
++ /*
++ * Original Linux quota doesn't allow
++ * preallocation to exceed softlimit so
++ * exceeding will be always printed
++ */
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ } else if (CURRENT_TIME_SEC >= dqstat->btime)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ }
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Quota superblock operations
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * S_NOQUOTA note.
++ * In the current kernel (, S_NOQUOTA flag is set only for
++ * - quota file (absent in our case)
++ * - after explicit DQUOT_DROP (earlier than clear_inode) in functions like
++ * filesystem-specific new_inode, before the inode gets outside links.
++ * For the latter case, the only quota operation where care about S_NOQUOTA
++ * might be required is vzquota_drop, but there S_NOQUOTA has already been
++ * checked in DQUOT_DROP().
++ * So, S_NOQUOTA may be ignored for now in the VZDQ code.
++ *
++ * The above note is not entirely correct.
++ * Both for ext2 and ext3 filesystems, DQUOT_FREE_INODE is called from
++ * delete_inode if new_inode fails (for example, because of inode quota
++ * limits), so S_NOQUOTA check is needed in free_inode.
++ * This seems to be the dark corner of the current quota API.
++ */
++ * Initialize quota operations for the specified inode.
++ */
++static int vzquota_initialize(struct inode *inode, int type)
++ vzquota_inode_init_call(inode);
++ return 0; /* ignored by caller */
++ * Release quota for the specified inode.
++ */
++static int vzquota_drop(struct inode *inode)
++ vzquota_inode_drop_call(inode);
++ return 0; /* ignored by caller */
++ * Allocate block callback.
++ *
++ * If (prealloc) disk quota exceeding warning is not printed.
++ * See Linux quota to know why.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * QUOTA_OK == 0 on SUCCESS
++ * NO_QUOTA == 1 if allocation should fail
++ */
++static int vzquota_alloc_space(struct inode *inode,
++ qsize_t number, int prealloc)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_datast data;
++ int ret = QUOTA_OK;
++ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ if (qmblk != NULL) {
++ int cnt;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid * qugid[MAXQUOTAS];
++ /* checking first */
++ ret = vzquota_check_space(&qmblk->dq_info, &qmblk->dq_stat,
++ number, qmblk->dq_id, prealloc);
++ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
++ goto no_quota;
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
++ qugid[cnt] = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
++ ret = vzquota_check_ugid_space(qmblk, qugid,
++ cnt, number, prealloc);
++ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
++ goto no_quota;
++ }
++ /* check ok, may increment */
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
++ if (qugid[cnt] == NULL)
++ continue;
++ vzquota_incr_space(&qugid[cnt]->qugid_stat, number);
++ }
++ vzquota_incr_space(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
++ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
++ }
++ inode_add_bytes(inode, number);
++ might_sleep();
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ * Allocate inodes callback.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * QUOTA_OK == 0 on SUCCESS
++ * NO_QUOTA == 1 if allocation should fail
++ */
++static int vzquota_alloc_inode(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_datast data;
++ int ret = QUOTA_OK;
++ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data((struct inode *)inode, &data);
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ if (qmblk != NULL) {
++ int cnt;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[MAXQUOTAS];
++ /* checking first */
++ ret = vzquota_check_inodes(&qmblk->dq_info, &qmblk->dq_stat,
++ number, qmblk->dq_id);
++ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
++ goto no_quota;
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
++ qugid[cnt] = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
++ ret = vzquota_check_ugid_inodes(qmblk, qugid,
++ cnt, number);
++ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
++ goto no_quota;
++ }
++ /* check ok, may increment */
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
++ if (qugid[cnt] == NULL)
++ continue;
++ vzquota_incr_inodes(&qugid[cnt]->qugid_stat, number);
++ }
++ vzquota_incr_inodes(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
++ vzquota_data_unlock((struct inode *)inode, &data);
++ }
++ might_sleep();
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ vzquota_data_unlock((struct inode *)inode, &data);
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ * Free space callback.
++ */
++static int vzquota_free_space(struct inode *inode, qsize_t number)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_datast data;
++ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ return NO_QUOTA; /* isn't checked by the caller */
++ if (qmblk != NULL) {
++ int cnt;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid * qugid;
++ vzquota_decr_space(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
++ qugid = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
++ if (qugid == NULL || qugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
++ continue;
++ vzquota_decr_space(&qugid->qugid_stat, number);
++ }
++ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
++ }
++ inode_sub_bytes(inode, number);
++ might_sleep();
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ * Free inodes callback.
++ */
++static int vzquota_free_inode(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_datast data;
++ if (IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data((struct inode *)inode, &data);
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ return NO_QUOTA;
++ if (qmblk != NULL) {
++ int cnt;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid * qugid;
++ vzquota_decr_inodes(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
++ qugid = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
++ if (qugid == NULL || qugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
++ continue;
++ vzquota_decr_inodes(&qugid->qugid_stat, number);
++ }
++ vzquota_data_unlock((struct inode *)inode, &data);
++ }
++ might_sleep();
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
++ * helper function for quota_transfer
++ * check that we can add inode to this quota_id
++ */
++static int vzquota_transfer_check(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[],
++ unsigned int type, __u64 size)
++ if (vzquota_check_ugid_space(qmblk, qugid, type, size, 0) != QUOTA_OK ||
++ vzquota_check_ugid_inodes(qmblk, qugid, type, 1) != QUOTA_OK)
++ return -1;
++ return 0;
++int vzquota_transfer_usage(struct inode *inode,
++ int mask,
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid_old;
++ __u64 space;
++ int i;
++ space = inode_get_bytes(inode);
++ for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
++ if (!(mask & (1 << i)))
++ continue;
++ if (vzquota_transfer_check(qlnk->qmblk, qlnk->qugid, i, space))
++ return -1;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
++ if (!(mask & (1 << i)))
++ continue;
++ qugid_old = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[i];
++ vzquota_decr_space(&qugid_old->qugid_stat, space);
++ vzquota_decr_inodes(&qugid_old->qugid_stat, 1);
++ vzquota_incr_space(&qlnk->qugid[i]->qugid_stat, space);
++ vzquota_incr_inodes(&qlnk->qugid[i]->qugid_stat, 1);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * Transfer the inode between diffent user/group quotas.
++ */
++static int vzquota_transfer(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
++ return vzquota_inode_transfer_call(inode, iattr) ?
++#else /* CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID */
++static int vzquota_transfer(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++ * Called under following semaphores:
++ * old_d->d_inode->i_sb->s_vfs_rename_sem
++ * old_d->d_inode->i_sem
++ * new_d->d_inode->i_sem
++ * [not verified --SAW]
++ */
++static int vzquota_rename(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir)
++ return vzquota_rename_check(inode, old_dir, new_dir) ?
++ * Structure of superblock diskquota operations.
++ */
++struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations = {
++ initialize: vzquota_initialize,
++ drop: vzquota_drop,
++ alloc_space: vzquota_alloc_space,
++ alloc_inode: vzquota_alloc_inode,
++ free_space: vzquota_free_space,
++ free_inode: vzquota_free_inode,
++ transfer: vzquota_transfer,
++ rename: vzquota_rename
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * This file contains Virtuozzo quota tree implementation
++ */
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
++struct quotatree_tree *quotatree_alloc(void)
++ int l;
++ struct quotatree_tree *tree;
++ tree = kmalloc(sizeof(struct quotatree_tree), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (tree == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ for (l = 0; l < QUOTATREE_DEPTH; l++) {
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->levels[l].usedlh);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->levels[l].freelh);
++ tree->levels[l].freenum = 0;
++ }
++ tree->root = NULL;
++ tree->leaf_num = 0;
++ return tree;
++static struct quotatree_node *
++quotatree_follow(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id, int level,
++ struct quotatree_find_state *st)
++ void **block;
++ struct quotatree_node *parent;
++ int l, index;
++ parent = NULL;
++ block = (void **)&tree->root;
++ l = 0;
++ while (l < level && *block != NULL) {
++ parent = *block;
++ block = parent->blocks + index;
++ l++;
++ }
++ if (st != NULL) {
++ st->block = block;
++ st->level = l;
++ }
++ return parent;
++void *quotatree_find(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
++ struct quotatree_find_state *st)
++ quotatree_follow(tree, id, QUOTATREE_DEPTH, st);
++ if (st->level == QUOTATREE_DEPTH)
++ return *st->block;
++ else
++ return NULL;
++void *quotatree_leaf_byindex(struct quotatree_tree *tree, unsigned int index)
++ int i, count;
++ struct quotatree_node *p;
++ void *leaf;
++ if (QTREE_LEAFNUM(tree) <= index)
++ return NULL;
++ count = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(p, &QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree)->usedlh, list) {
++ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++) {
++ leaf = p->blocks[i];
++ if (leaf == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (count == index)
++ return leaf;
++ count++;
++ }
++ }
++ return NULL;
++/* returns data leaf (vz_quota_ugid) after _existent_ ugid (@id)
++ * in the tree... */
++void *quotatree_get_next(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id)
++ int off;
++ struct quotatree_node *parent, *p;
++ struct list_head *lh;
++ /* get parent refering correct quota tree node of the last level */
++ parent = quotatree_follow(tree, id, QUOTATREE_DEPTH, NULL);
++ if (!parent)
++ return NULL;
++ off = (id & QUOTATREE_BMASK) + 1; /* next ugid */
++ lh = &parent->list;
++ do {
++ p = list_entry(lh, struct quotatree_node, list);
++ for ( ; off < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; off++)
++ if (p->blocks[off])
++ return p->blocks[off];
++ off = 0;
++ lh = lh->next;
++ } while (lh != &QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree)->usedlh);
++ return NULL;
++int quotatree_insert(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
++ struct quotatree_find_state *st, void *data)
++ struct quotatree_node *p;
++ int l, index;
++ while (st->level < QUOTATREE_DEPTH) {
++ l = st->level;
++ if (!list_empty(&tree->levels[l].freelh)) {
++ p = list_entry(tree->levels[l],
++ struct quotatree_node, list);
++ list_del(&p->list);
++ } else {
++ p = kmalloc(sizeof(struct quotatree_node), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (p == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ /* save block number in the l-level
++ * it uses for quota file generation */
++ p->num = tree->levels[l].freenum++;
++ }
++ list_add(&p->list, &tree->levels[l].usedlh);
++ memset(p->blocks, 0, sizeof(p->blocks));
++ *st->block = p;
++ st->block = p->blocks + index;
++ st->level++;
++ }
++ tree->leaf_num++;
++ *st->block = data;
++ return 0;
++static struct quotatree_node *
++quotatree_remove_ptr(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
++ int level)
++ struct quotatree_node *parent;
++ struct quotatree_find_state st;
++ parent = quotatree_follow(tree, id, level, &st);
++ if (st.level == QUOTATREE_DEPTH)
++ tree->leaf_num--;
++ *st.block = NULL;
++ return parent;
++void quotatree_remove(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id)
++ struct quotatree_node *p;
++ int level, i;
++ p = quotatree_remove_ptr(tree, id, QUOTATREE_DEPTH);
++ for (level = QUOTATREE_DEPTH - 1; level >= QUOTATREE_CDEPTH; level--) {
++ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++)
++ if (p->blocks[i] != NULL)
++ return;
++ list_move(&p->list, &tree->levels[level].freelh);
++ p = quotatree_remove_ptr(tree, id, level);
++ }
++#if 0
++static void quotatree_walk(struct quotatree_tree *tree,
++ struct quotatree_node *node_start,
++ quotaid_t id_start,
++ int level_start, int level_end,
++ int (*callback)(struct quotatree_tree *,
++ quotaid_t id,
++ int level,
++ void *ptr,
++ void *data),
++ void *data)
++ struct quotatree_node *p;
++ int l, shift, index;
++ quotaid_t id;
++ struct quotatree_find_state st;
++ p = node_start;
++ l = level_start;
++ id = id_start;
++ index = 0;
++ /*
++ * Invariants:
++ * shift == (QUOTATREE_DEPTH - l) * QUOTAID_BBITS;
++ * id & ((1 << shift) - 1) == 0
++ * p is l-level node corresponding to id
++ */
++ do {
++ if (!p)
++ break;
++ if (l < level_end) {
++ for (; index < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; index++)
++ if (p->blocks[index] != NULL)
++ break;
++ if (index < QUOTATREE_BSIZE) {
++ /* descend */
++ p = p->blocks[index];
++ l++;
++ shift -= QUOTAID_BBITS;
++ id += (quotaid_t)index << shift;
++ index = 0;
++ continue;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((*callback)(tree, id, l, p, data))
++ break;
++ /* ascend and to the next node */
++ p = quotatree_follow(tree, id, l, &st);
++ index = ((id >> shift) & QUOTATREE_BMASK) + 1;
++ l--;
++ shift += QUOTAID_BBITS;
++ id &= ~(((quotaid_t)1 << shift) - 1);
++ } while (l >= level_start);
++static void free_list(struct list_head *node_list)
++ struct quotatree_node *p, *tmp;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, node_list, list) {
++ list_del(&p->list);
++ kfree(p);
++ }
++static inline void quotatree_free_nodes(struct quotatree_tree *tree)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_DEPTH; i++) {
++ free_list(&tree->levels[i].usedlh);
++ free_list(&tree->levels[i].freelh);
++ }
++static void quotatree_free_leafs(struct quotatree_tree *tree,
++ void (*dtor)(void *))
++ int i;
++ struct quotatree_node *p;
++ list_for_each_entry(p, &QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree)->usedlh, list) {
++ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++) {
++ if (p->blocks[i] == NULL)
++ continue;
++ dtor(p->blocks[i]);
++ }
++ }
++void quotatree_free(struct quotatree_tree *tree, void (*dtor)(void *))
++ quotatree_free_leafs(tree, dtor);
++ quotatree_free_nodes(tree);
++ kfree(tree);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1116 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2002 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * This file contains Virtuozzo UID/GID disk quota implementation
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/string.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/quota.h>
++#include <linux/quotaio_v2.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl_quota.h>
++#include <linux/vzquota.h>
++ * XXX
++ * may be something is needed for sb->s_dquot->info[]?
++ */
++#define QTYPE2MASK(type) (1 << (type))
++static kmem_cache_t *vz_quota_ugid_cachep;
++/* guard to protect vz_quota_master from destroy in quota_on/off. Also protects
++ * list on the hash table */
++extern struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
++inline struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_get_ugid(struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid)
++ if (qugid != VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
++ atomic_inc(&qugid->qugid_count);
++ return qugid;
++/* we don't limit users with zero limits */
++static inline int vzquota_fake_stat(struct dq_stat *stat)
++ return stat->bhardlimit == 0 && stat->bsoftlimit == 0 &&
++ stat->ihardlimit == 0 && stat->isoftlimit == 0;
++/* callback function for quotatree_free() */
++static inline void vzquota_free_qugid(void *ptr)
++ kmem_cache_free(vz_quota_ugid_cachep, ptr);
++ * destroy ugid, if it have zero refcount, limits and usage
++ * must be called under qmblk->dq_sem
++ */
++void vzquota_put_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid)
++ if (qugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
++ return;
++ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
++ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&qugid->qugid_count) &&
++ (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_FIXED_SET) == 0 &&
++ vzquota_fake_stat(&qugid->qugid_stat) &&
++ qugid->qugid_stat.bcurrent == 0 &&
++ qugid->qugid_stat.icurrent == 0) {
++ quotatree_remove(QUGID_TREE(qmblk, qugid->qugid_type),
++ qugid->qugid_id);
++ qmblk->dq_ugid_count--;
++ vzquota_free_qugid(qugid);
++ }
++ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
++ * Get ugid block by its index, like it would present in array.
++ * In reality, this is not array - this is leafs chain of the tree.
++ * NULL if index is out of range.
++ * qmblk semaphore is required to protect the tree.
++ */
++static inline struct vz_quota_ugid *
++vzquota_get_byindex(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, unsigned int index, int type)
++ return quotatree_leaf_byindex(QUGID_TREE(qmblk, type), index);
++ * get next element from ugid "virtual array"
++ * ugid must be in current array and this array may not be changed between
++ * two accesses (quaranteed by "stopped" quota state and quota semaphore)
++ * qmblk semaphore is required to protect the tree
++ */
++static inline struct vz_quota_ugid *
++vzquota_get_next(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid)
++ return quotatree_get_next(QUGID_TREE(qmblk, qugid->qugid_type),
++ qugid->qugid_id);
++ * requires dq_sem
++ */
++struct vz_quota_ugid *__vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags)
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid;
++ struct quotatree_tree *tree;
++ struct quotatree_find_state st;
++ tree = QUGID_TREE(qmblk, type);
++ qugid = quotatree_find(tree, quota_id, &st);
++ if (qugid)
++ goto success;
++ /* caller does not want alloc */
++ if (flags & VZDQUG_FIND_DONT_ALLOC)
++ goto fail;
++ if (flags & VZDQUG_FIND_FAKE)
++ goto doit;
++ /* check limit */
++ if (qmblk->dq_ugid_count >= qmblk->dq_ugid_max)
++ goto fail;
++ /* see comment at VZDQUG_FIXED_SET define */
++ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_FIXED_SET)
++ goto fail;
++ /* alloc new structure */
++ qugid = kmem_cache_alloc(vz_quota_ugid_cachep,
++ if (qugid == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ /* initialize new structure */
++ qugid->qugid_id = quota_id;
++ memset(&qugid->qugid_stat, 0, sizeof(qugid->qugid_stat));
++ qugid->qugid_type = type;
++ atomic_set(&qugid->qugid_count, 0);
++ /* insert in tree */
++ if (quotatree_insert(tree, quota_id, &st, qugid) < 0)
++ goto fail_insert;
++ qmblk->dq_ugid_count++;
++ vzquota_get_ugid(qugid);
++ return qugid;
++ vzquota_free_qugid(qugid);
++ return VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD;
++ * takes dq_sem, may schedule
++ */
++struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags)
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid;
++ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ qugid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, quota_id, type, flags);
++ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ return qugid;
++ * destroy all ugid records on given quota master
++ */
++void vzquota_kill_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ BUG_ON((qmblk->dq_gid_tree == NULL && qmblk->dq_uid_tree != NULL) ||
++ (qmblk->dq_uid_tree == NULL && qmblk->dq_gid_tree != NULL));
++ if (qmblk->dq_uid_tree != NULL) {
++ quotatree_free(qmblk->dq_uid_tree, vzquota_free_qugid);
++ quotatree_free(qmblk->dq_gid_tree, vzquota_free_qugid);
++ }
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Management interface to ugid quota for (super)users.
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * vzquota_find_qmblk - helper to emulate quota on virtual filesystems
++ *
++ * This function finds a quota master block corresponding to the root of
++ * a virtual filesystem.
++ * Returns a quota master block with reference taken, or %NULL if not under
++ * quota, or %VZ_QUOTA_BAD if quota inconsistency is found (and all allocation
++ * operations will fail).
++ *
++ * Note: this function uses vzquota_inode_qmblk().
++ * The latter is a rather confusing function: it returns qmblk that used to be
++ * on the inode some time ago (without guarantee that it still has any
++ * relations to the inode). So, vzquota_find_qmblk() leaves it up to the
++ * caller to think whether the inode could have changed its qmblk and what to
++ * do in that case.
++ * Currently, the callers appear to not care :(
++ */
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_qmblk(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct inode *qrinode;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ qmblk = NULL;
++ qrinode = NULL;
++ if (sb->s_op->get_quota_root != NULL)
++ qrinode = sb->s_op->get_quota_root(sb);
++ if (qrinode != NULL)
++ qmblk = vzquota_inode_qmblk(qrinode);
++ return qmblk;
++static int vzquota_initialize2(struct inode *inode, int type)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_drop2(struct inode *inode)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_alloc_space2(struct inode *inode,
++ qsize_t number, int prealloc)
++ inode_add_bytes(inode, number);
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_alloc_inode2(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_free_space2(struct inode *inode, qsize_t number)
++ inode_sub_bytes(inode, number);
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_free_inode2(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++static int vzquota_transfer2(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
++ return QUOTA_OK;
++struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations2 = {
++ initialize: vzquota_initialize2,
++ drop: vzquota_drop2,
++ alloc_space: vzquota_alloc_space2,
++ alloc_inode: vzquota_alloc_inode2,
++ free_space: vzquota_free_space2,
++ free_inode: vzquota_free_inode2,
++ transfer: vzquota_transfer2
++static int vz_quota_on(struct super_block *sb, int type,
++ int format_id, char *path)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int mask, mask2;
++ int err;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out;
++ mask = 0;
++ mask2 = 0;
++ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations2;
++ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
++ if (type == USRQUOTA) {
++ mask2 = VZDQ_USRQUOTA;
++ }
++ if (type == GRPQUOTA) {
++ mask2 = VZDQ_GRPQUOTA;
++ }
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ if (qmblk->dq_flags & mask2)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ qmblk->dq_flags |= mask2;
++ sb->s_dquot.flags |= mask;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return err;
++static int vz_quota_off(struct super_block *sb, int type)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int mask2;
++ int err;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out;
++ mask2 = 0;
++ if (type == USRQUOTA)
++ mask2 = VZDQ_USRQUOTA;
++ if (type == GRPQUOTA)
++ mask2 = VZDQ_GRPQUOTA;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (!(qmblk->dq_flags & mask2))
++ goto out;
++ qmblk->dq_flags &= ~mask2;
++ err = 0;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return err;
++static int vz_quota_sync(struct super_block *sb, int type)
++ return 0; /* vz quota is always uptodate */
++static int vz_get_dqblk(struct super_block *sb, int type,
++ qid_t id, struct if_dqblk *di)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
++ int err;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ ugid = vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, id, type, VZDQUG_FIND_DONT_ALLOC);
++ if (ugid != VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD) {
++ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
++ di->dqb_bhardlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.bhardlimit >> 10;
++ di->dqb_bsoftlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit >> 10;
++ di->dqb_curspace = ugid->qugid_stat.bcurrent;
++ di->dqb_ihardlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.ihardlimit;
++ di->dqb_isoftlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.isoftlimit;
++ di->dqb_curinodes = ugid->qugid_stat.icurrent;
++ di->dqb_btime = ugid->qugid_stat.btime;
++ di->dqb_itime = ugid->qugid_stat.itime;
++ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
++ di->dqb_valid = QIF_ALL;
++ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, ugid);
++ } else {
++ memset(di, 0, sizeof(*di));
++ di->dqb_valid = QIF_ALL;
++ }
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return err;
++/* must be called under vz_quota_sem */
++static int __vz_set_dqblk(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ int type, qid_t id, struct if_dqblk *di)
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
++ ugid = vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, id, type, 0);
++ if (ugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
++ return -ESRCH;
++ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
++ /*
++ * Subtle compatibility breakage.
++ *
++ * Some old non-vz kernel quota didn't start grace period
++ * if the new soft limit happens to be below the usage.
++ * Non-vz kernel quota in 2.4.20 starts the grace period
++ * (if it hasn't been started).
++ * Current non-vz kernel performs even more complicated
++ * manipulations...
++ *
++ * Also, current non-vz kernels have inconsistency related to
++ * the grace time start. In regular operations the grace period
++ * is started if the usage is greater than the soft limit (and,
++ * strangely, is cancelled if the usage is less).
++ * However, set_dqblk starts the grace period if the usage is greater
++ * or equal to the soft limit.
++ *
++ * Here we try to mimic the behavior of the current non-vz kernel.
++ */
++ if (di->dqb_valid & QIF_BLIMITS) {
++ ugid->qugid_stat.bhardlimit =
++ (__u64)di->dqb_bhardlimit << 10;
++ ugid->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit =
++ (__u64)di->dqb_bsoftlimit << 10;
++ if (di->dqb_bsoftlimit == 0 ||
++ ugid->qugid_stat.bcurrent < ugid->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit)
++ ugid->qugid_stat.btime = 0;
++ else if (!(di->dqb_valid & QIF_BTIME))
++ ugid->qugid_stat.btime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC
++ + qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire;
++ else
++ ugid->qugid_stat.btime = di->dqb_btime;
++ }
++ if (di->dqb_valid & QIF_ILIMITS) {
++ ugid->qugid_stat.ihardlimit = di->dqb_ihardlimit;
++ ugid->qugid_stat.isoftlimit = di->dqb_isoftlimit;
++ if (di->dqb_isoftlimit == 0 ||
++ ugid->qugid_stat.icurrent < ugid->qugid_stat.isoftlimit)
++ ugid->qugid_stat.itime = 0;
++ else if (!(di->dqb_valid & QIF_ITIME))
++ ugid->qugid_stat.itime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC
++ + qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire;
++ else
++ ugid->qugid_stat.itime = di->dqb_itime;
++ }
++ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
++ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, ugid);
++ return 0;
++static int vz_set_dqblk(struct super_block *sb, int type,
++ qid_t id, struct if_dqblk *di)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int err;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out;
++ err = __vz_set_dqblk(qmblk, type, id, di);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return err;
++static int vz_get_dqinfo(struct super_block *sb, int type,
++ struct if_dqinfo *ii)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int err;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ ii->dqi_bgrace = qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire;
++ ii->dqi_igrace = qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire;
++ ii->dqi_flags = 0;
++ ii->dqi_valid = IIF_ALL;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return err;
++/* must be called under vz_quota_sem */
++static int __vz_set_dqinfo(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ int type, struct if_dqinfo *ii)
++ if (ii->dqi_valid & IIF_FLAGS)
++ if (ii->dqi_flags & DQF_MASK)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (ii->dqi_valid & IIF_BGRACE)
++ qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire = ii->dqi_bgrace;
++ if (ii->dqi_valid & IIF_IGRACE)
++ qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire = ii->dqi_igrace;
++ return 0;
++static int vz_set_dqinfo(struct super_block *sb, int type,
++ struct if_dqinfo *ii)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int err;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out;
++ err = __vz_set_dqinfo(qmblk, type, ii);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return err;
++#define Q_GETQUOTI_SIZE 1024
++#define UGID2DQBLK(dst, src) \
++ do { \
++ (dst).dqb_ihardlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.ihardlimit; \
++ (dst).dqb_isoftlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.isoftlimit; \
++ (dst).dqb_curinodes = (src)->qugid_stat.icurrent; \
++ /* in 1K blocks */ \
++ (dst).dqb_bhardlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.bhardlimit >> 10; \
++ /* in 1K blocks */ \
++ (dst).dqb_bsoftlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit >> 10; \
++ /* in bytes, 64 bit */ \
++ (dst).dqb_curspace = (src)->qugid_stat.bcurrent; \
++ (dst).dqb_btime = (src)->qugid_stat.btime; \
++ (dst).dqb_itime = (src)->qugid_stat.itime; \
++ } while (0)
++static int vz_get_quoti(struct super_block *sb, int type, qid_t idx,
++ struct v2_disk_dqblk *dqblk)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct v2_disk_dqblk data;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
++ int count;
++ int err;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out;
++ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ for (ugid = vzquota_get_byindex(qmblk, idx, type), count = 0;
++ ugid != NULL && count < Q_GETQUOTI_SIZE;
++ count++)
++ {
++ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
++ UGID2DQBLK(data, ugid);
++ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
++ data.dqb_id = ugid->qugid_id;
++ if (copy_to_user(dqblk, &data, sizeof(data)))
++ goto fault;
++ dqblk++;
++ /* Find next entry */
++ ugid = vzquota_get_next(qmblk, ugid);
++ BUG_ON(ugid != NULL && ugid->qugid_type != type);
++ }
++ err = count;
++ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return err;
++ err = count ? count : -EFAULT;
++ goto out_ugid;
++struct quotactl_ops vz_quotactl_operations = {
++ quota_on: vz_quota_on,
++ quota_off: vz_quota_off,
++ quota_sync: vz_quota_sync,
++ get_info: vz_get_dqinfo,
++ set_info: vz_set_dqinfo,
++ get_dqblk: vz_get_dqblk,
++ set_dqblk: vz_set_dqblk,
++ get_quoti: vz_get_quoti
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Management interface for host system admins.
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int quota_ugid_addstat(unsigned int quota_id, unsigned int ugid_size,
++ struct vz_quota_iface *u_ugid_buf)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int ret;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ ret = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ ret = -EBUSY;
++ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_STARTING)
++ goto out; /* working quota doesn't accept new ugids */
++ ret = 0;
++ /* start to add ugids */
++ for (ret = 0; ret < ugid_size; ret++) {
++ struct vz_quota_iface ugid_buf;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
++ if (copy_from_user(&ugid_buf, u_ugid_buf, sizeof(ugid_buf)))
++ break;
++ if (ugid_buf.qi_type >= MAXQUOTAS)
++ break; /* bad quota type - this is the only check */
++ ugid = vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk,
++ ugid_buf.qi_id, ugid_buf.qi_type, 0);
++ if (ugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD) {
++ qmblk->dq_flags |= VZDQUG_FIXED_SET;
++ break; /* limit reached */
++ }
++ /* update usage/limits
++ * we can copy the data without the lock, because the data
++ * cannot be modified in VZDQ_STARTING state */
++ ugid->qugid_stat = ugid_buf.qi_stat;
++ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, ugid);
++ u_ugid_buf++; /* next user buffer */
++ }
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return ret;
++static int quota_ugid_setgrace(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct dq_info u_dq_info[])
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct dq_info dq_info[MAXQUOTAS];
++ struct dq_info *target;
++ int err, type;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_STARTING)
++ goto out; /* working quota doesn't accept changing options */
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(dq_info, u_dq_info, sizeof(dq_info)))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* update in qmblk */
++ for (type = 0; type < MAXQUOTAS; type ++) {
++ target = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
++ target->bexpire = dq_info[type].bexpire;
++ target->iexpire = dq_info[type].iexpire;
++ }
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++static int do_quota_ugid_getstat(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, int index, int size,
++ struct vz_quota_iface *u_ugid_buf)
++ int type, count;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
++ if (QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_uid_tree) +
++ QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_gid_tree)
++ <= index)
++ return 0;
++ count = 0;
++ type = index < QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_uid_tree) ? USRQUOTA : GRPQUOTA;
++ if (type == GRPQUOTA)
++ index -= QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_uid_tree);
++ /* loop through ugid and then qgid quota */
++ for (ugid = vzquota_get_byindex(qmblk, index, type);
++ ugid != NULL && count < size;
++ ugid = vzquota_get_next(qmblk, ugid), count++)
++ {
++ struct vz_quota_iface ugid_buf;
++ /* form interface buffer and send in to user-level */
++ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
++ memcpy(&ugid_buf.qi_stat, &ugid->qugid_stat,
++ sizeof(ugid_buf.qi_stat));
++ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
++ ugid_buf.qi_id = ugid->qugid_id;
++ ugid_buf.qi_type = ugid->qugid_type;
++ if (copy_to_user(u_ugid_buf, &ugid_buf, sizeof(ugid_buf)))
++ goto fault;
++ u_ugid_buf++; /* next portion of user buffer */
++ }
++ if (type == USRQUOTA && count < size) {
++ type = GRPQUOTA;
++ index = 0;
++ goto repeat;
++ }
++ return count;
++ return count ? count : -EFAULT;
++static int quota_ugid_getstat(unsigned int quota_id,
++ int index, int size, struct vz_quota_iface *u_ugid_buf)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ int err;
++ if (index < 0 || size < 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ err = do_quota_ugid_getstat(qmblk, index, size, u_ugid_buf);
++ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++static int quota_ugid_getgrace(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct dq_info u_dq_info[])
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct dq_info dq_info[MAXQUOTAS];
++ struct dq_info *target;
++ int err, type;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* update from qmblk */
++ for (type = 0; type < MAXQUOTAS; type ++) {
++ target = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
++ dq_info[type].bexpire = target->bexpire;
++ dq_info[type].iexpire = target->iexpire;
++ dq_info[type].flags = target->flags;
++ }
++ if (copy_to_user(u_dq_info, dq_info, sizeof(dq_info)))
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++static int quota_ugid_getconfig(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *info)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat kinfo;
++ int err;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ kinfo.limit = qmblk->dq_ugid_max;
++ kinfo.count = qmblk->dq_ugid_count;
++ kinfo.flags = qmblk->dq_flags;
++ if (copy_to_user(info, &kinfo, sizeof(kinfo)))
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++static int quota_ugid_setconfig(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *info)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat kinfo;
++ int err;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&kinfo, info, sizeof(kinfo)))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ qmblk->dq_ugid_max = kinfo.limit;
++ if (qmblk->dq_state == VZDQ_STARTING) {
++ qmblk->dq_flags = kinfo.flags;
++ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_ON)
++ qmblk->dq_flags |= VZDQ_USRQUOTA | VZDQ_GRPQUOTA;
++ }
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++static int quota_ugid_setlimit(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit *u_lim)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit lim;
++ int err;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&lim, u_lim, sizeof(lim)))
++ goto out;
++ err = __vz_set_dqblk(qmblk, lim.type,, &lim.dqb);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++static int quota_ugid_setinfo(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo *u_info)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo info;
++ int err;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&info, u_info, sizeof(info)))
++ goto out;
++ err = __vz_set_dqinfo(qmblk, info.type, &info.dqi);
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ return err;
++ * This is a system call to maintain UGID quotas
++ * Note this call is allowed to run ONLY from VE0
++ */
++long do_vzquotaugidctl(struct vzctl_quotaugidctl *qub)
++ int ret;
++ ret = -EPERM;
++ /* access allowed only from root of VE0 */
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE) ||
++ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto out;
++ switch (qub->cmd) {
++ ret = quota_ugid_getstat(qub->quota_id,
++ qub->ugid_index, qub->ugid_size,
++ (struct vz_quota_iface *)qub->addr);
++ break;
++ ret = quota_ugid_addstat(qub->quota_id, qub->ugid_size,
++ (struct vz_quota_iface *)qub->addr);
++ break;
++ ret = quota_ugid_getgrace(qub->quota_id,
++ (struct dq_info *)qub->addr);
++ break;
++ ret = quota_ugid_setgrace(qub->quota_id,
++ (struct dq_info *)qub->addr);
++ break;
++ ret = quota_ugid_getconfig(qub->quota_id,
++ (struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *)qub->addr);
++ break;
++ ret = quota_ugid_setconfig(qub->quota_id,
++ (struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *)qub->addr);
++ break;
++ ret = quota_ugid_setlimit(qub->quota_id,
++ (struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit *)
++ qub->addr);
++ break;
++ ret = quota_ugid_setinfo(qub->quota_id,
++ (struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo *)
++ qub->addr);
++ break;
++ default:
++ ret = -EINVAL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ return ret;
++static void ugid_quota_on_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct super_block *real_sb;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ if (!sb->s_op->get_quota_root)
++ return;
++ real_sb = sb->s_op->get_quota_root(sb)->i_sb;
++ if (real_sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations)
++ return;
++ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations2;
++ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
++ sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
++ if ((qmblk == NULL) || (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD))
++ return;
++ down(&vz_quota_sem);
++ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_USRQUOTA)
++ sb->s_dquot.flags |= DQUOT_USR_ENABLED;
++ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_GRPQUOTA)
++ sb->s_dquot.flags |= DQUOT_GRP_ENABLED;
++ up(&vz_quota_sem);
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++static void ugid_quota_off_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* can't make quota off on mounted super block */
++ BUG_ON(sb->s_root != NULL);
++static int ugid_notifier_call(struct vnotifier_block *self,
++ unsigned long n, void *data, int old_ret)
++ struct virt_info_quota *viq;
++ viq = (struct virt_info_quota *)data;
++ switch (n) {
++ ugid_quota_on_sb(viq->super);
++ break;
++ ugid_quota_off_sb(viq->super);
++ break;
++ break;
++ default:
++ return old_ret;
++ }
++ return NOTIFY_OK;
++static struct vnotifier_block ugid_notifier_block = {
++ .notifier_call = ugid_notifier_call,
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Init/exit.
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct quota_format_type vz_quota_empty_v2_format = {
++ qf_fmt_id: QFMT_VFS_V0,
++ qf_ops: NULL,
++ qf_owner: THIS_MODULE
++int vzquota_ugid_init()
++ int err;
++ vz_quota_ugid_cachep = kmem_cache_create("vz_quota_ugid",
++ sizeof(struct vz_quota_ugid),
++ if (vz_quota_ugid_cachep == NULL)
++ goto err_slab;
++ err = register_quota_format(&vz_quota_empty_v2_format);
++ if (err)
++ goto err_reg;
++ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_QUOTA, &ugid_notifier_block);
++ return 0;
++ kmem_cache_destroy(vz_quota_ugid_cachep);
++ return err;
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Cannot create VZ_QUOTA SLAB cache\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++void vzquota_ugid_release()
++ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_QUOTA, &ugid_notifier_block);
++ unregister_quota_format(&vz_quota_empty_v2_format);
++ if (kmem_cache_destroy(vz_quota_ugid_cachep))
++ printk(KERN_ERR "VZQUOTA: kmem_cache_destroy failed\n");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1710 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * This file contains the core of Virtuozzo disk quota implementation:
++ * maintenance of VZDQ information in inodes,
++ * external interfaces,
++ * module entry.
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/string.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <asm/atomic.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/quota.h>
++#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl_quota.h>
++#include <linux/vzquota.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
++#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Locking
++ *
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * Serializes on/off and all other do_vzquotactl operations.
++ * Protects qmblk hash.
++ */
++struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
++ * Data access locks
++ * inode_qmblk
++ * protects qmblk pointers in all inodes and qlnk content in general
++ * (but not qmblk content);
++ * also protects related qmblk invalidation procedures;
++ * can't be per-inode because of vzquota_dtree_qmblk complications
++ * and problems with serialization with quota_on,
++ * but can be per-superblock;
++ * qmblk_data
++ * protects qmblk fields (such as current usage)
++ * quota_data
++ * protects charge/uncharge operations, thus, implies
++ * qmblk_data lock and, if CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID, inode_qmblk lock
++ * (to protect ugid pointers).
++ *
++ * Lock order:
++ * inode_qmblk_lock -> dcache_lock
++ * inode_qmblk_lock -> qmblk_data
++ */
++static spinlock_t vzdq_qmblk_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++inline void inode_qmblk_lock(struct super_block *sb)
++ spin_lock(&vzdq_qmblk_lock);
++inline void inode_qmblk_unlock(struct super_block *sb)
++ spin_unlock(&vzdq_qmblk_lock);
++inline void qmblk_data_read_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ spin_lock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
++inline void qmblk_data_read_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ spin_unlock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
++inline void qmblk_data_write_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ spin_lock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
++inline void qmblk_data_write_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ spin_unlock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Master hash table handling.
++ *
++ * SMP not safe, serialied by vz_quota_sem within quota syscalls
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static kmem_cache_t *vzquota_cachep;
++ * Hash function.
++ */
++#define QHASH_BITS 6
++struct list_head vzquota_hash_table[VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE];
++int vzquota_hash_size = VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE;
++static inline int vzquota_hash_func(unsigned int qid)
++ return (((qid >> QHASH_BITS) ^ qid) & QHASH_MASK);
++ * vzquota_alloc_master - alloc and instantiate master quota record
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * pointer to newly created record if SUCCESS
++ * -ENOMEM if out of memory
++ * -EEXIST if record with given quota_id already exist
++ */
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_alloc_master(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat)
++ int err;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (vzquota_find_master(quota_id) != NULL)
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ qmblk = kmem_cache_alloc(vzquota_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ qmblk->dq_uid_tree = quotatree_alloc();
++ if (!qmblk->dq_uid_tree)
++ goto out_free;
++ qmblk->dq_gid_tree = quotatree_alloc();
++ if (!qmblk->dq_gid_tree)
++ goto out_free_tree;
++ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_STARTING;
++ init_MUTEX(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ spin_lock_init(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
++ qmblk->dq_id = quota_id;
++ qmblk->dq_stat = qstat->dq_stat;
++ qmblk->dq_info = qstat->dq_info;
++ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = NULL;
++ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = NULL;
++ qmblk->dq_sb = NULL;
++ qmblk->dq_ugid_count = 0;
++ qmblk->dq_ugid_max = 0;
++ qmblk->dq_flags = 0;
++ memset(qmblk->dq_ugid_info, 0, sizeof(qmblk->dq_ugid_info));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list);
++ atomic_set(&qmblk->dq_count, 1);
++ /* insert in hash chain */
++ list_add(&qmblk->dq_hash,
++ &vzquota_hash_table[vzquota_hash_func(quota_id)]);
++ /* success */
++ return qmblk;
++ quotatree_free(qmblk->dq_uid_tree, NULL);
++ kmem_cache_free(vzquota_cachep, qmblk);
++ return ERR_PTR(err);
++static struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_alloc_fake(void)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ qmblk = kmem_cache_alloc(vzquota_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(qmblk, 0, sizeof(*qmblk));
++ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_STOPING;
++ qmblk->dq_flags = VZDQ_NOQUOT;
++ spin_lock_init(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list);
++ atomic_set(&qmblk->dq_count, 1);
++ return qmblk;
++ * vzquota_find_master - find master record with given id
++ *
++ * Returns qmblk without touching its refcounter.
++ * Called under vz_quota_sem.
++ */
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_master(unsigned int quota_id)
++ int i;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qp;
++ i = vzquota_hash_func(quota_id);
++ list_for_each_entry(qp, &vzquota_hash_table[i], dq_hash) {
++ if (qp->dq_id == quota_id)
++ return qp;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++ * vzquota_free_master - release resources taken by qmblk, freeing memory
++ *
++ * qmblk is assumed to be already taken out from the hash.
++ * Should be called outside vz_quota_sem.
++ */
++void vzquota_free_master(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ vzquota_kill_ugid(qmblk);
++ BUG_ON(!list_empty(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list));
++ kmem_cache_free(vzquota_cachep, qmblk);
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Passing quota information through current
++ *
++ * Used in inode -> qmblk lookup at inode creation stage (since at that
++ * time there are no links between the inode being created and its parent
++ * directory).
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define VZDQ_CUR_MAGIC 0x57d0fee2
++static inline int vzquota_cur_qmblk_check(void)
++ return current->magic == VZDQ_CUR_MAGIC;
++static inline struct inode *vzquota_cur_qmblk_fetch(void)
++ return current->ino;
++static inline void vzquota_cur_qmblk_set(struct inode *data)
++ struct task_struct *tsk;
++ tsk = current;
++ tsk->magic = VZDQ_CUR_MAGIC;
++ tsk->ino = data;
++#if 0
++static inline void vzquota_cur_qmblk_reset(void)
++ current->magic = 0;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Superblock quota operations
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * Kernel structure abuse.
++ * We use files[0] pointer as an int variable:
++ * reference counter of how many quota blocks uses this superblock.
++ * files[1] is used for generations structure which helps us to track
++ * when traversing of dentries is really required.
++ */
++#define __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) (*(struct vz_quota_master **)\
++ &sb->s_dquot.files[1])
++#define __VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(sb) ((struct timeval *)\
++ &sb->s_dquot.dqio_sem)
++#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
++#define __VZ_QUOTA_SBREF(sb) (*(int *)&sb->s_dquot.files[0])
++struct dquot_operations *orig_dq_op;
++struct quotactl_ops *orig_dq_cop;
++ * quota_get_super - account for new a quoted tree under the superblock
++ *
++ * One superblock can have multiple directory subtrees with different VZ
++ * quotas. We keep a counter of such subtrees and set VZ quota operations or
++ * reset the default ones.
++ *
++ * Called under vz_quota_sem (from quota_on).
++ */
++int vzquota_get_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ if (sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations) {
++ down(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
++ if (sb->s_dquot.flags & (DQUOT_USR_ENABLED|DQUOT_GRP_ENABLED)) {
++ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
++ return -EEXIST;
++ }
++ if (orig_dq_op == NULL && sb->dq_op != NULL)
++ orig_dq_op = sb->dq_op;
++ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations;
++ if (orig_dq_cop == NULL && sb->s_qcop != NULL)
++ orig_dq_cop = sb->s_qcop;
++ /* XXX this may race with sys_quotactl */
++ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
++ sb->s_qcop = NULL;
++ do_gettimeofday(__VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(sb));
++ memset(&sb->, 0, sizeof(sb->;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
++ sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
++ /*
++ * To get quotaops.h call us we need to mark superblock
++ * as having quota. These flags mark the moment when
++ * our dq_op start to be called.
++ *
++ * The ordering of dq_op and s_dquot.flags assignment
++ * needs to be enforced, but other CPUs do not do rmb()
++ * between s_dquot.flags and dq_op accesses.
++ */
++ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
++ }
++ /* protected by vz_quota_sem */
++ __VZ_QUOTA_SBREF(sb)++;
++ return 0;
++ * quota_put_super - release superblock when one quota tree goes away
++ *
++ * Called under vz_quota_sem.
++ */
++void vzquota_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ int count;
++ count = --__VZ_QUOTA_SBREF(sb);
++ if (count == 0) {
++ down(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
++ sb->s_dquot.flags = 0;
++ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
++ sema_init(&sb->s_dquot.dqio_sem, 1);
++ sb->s_qcop = orig_dq_cop;
++ sb->dq_op = orig_dq_op;
++ inode_qmblk_lock(sb);
++ quota_gen_put(SB_QGEN(sb));
++ SB_QGEN(sb) = NULL;
++ /* release qlnk's without qmblk */
++ remove_inode_quota_links_list(&non_vzquota_inodes_lh,
++ sb, NULL);
++ /*
++ * Races with quota initialization:
++ * after this inode_qmblk_unlock all inode's generations are
++ * invalidated, quota_inode_qmblk checks superblock operations.
++ */
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(sb);
++ /*
++ * Module refcounting: in theory, this is the best place
++ * to call module_put(THIS_MODULE).
++ * In reality, it can't be done because we can't be sure that
++ * other CPUs do not enter our code segment through dq_op
++ * cached long time ago. Quotaops interface isn't supposed to
++ * go into modules currently (that is, into unloadable
++ * modules). By omitting module_put, our module isn't
++ * unloadable.
++ */
++ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
++ }
++struct vzquota_new_sop {
++ struct super_operations new_op;
++ struct super_operations *old_op;
++ * vzquota_shutdown_super - callback on umount
++ */
++void vzquota_shutdown_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vzquota_new_sop *sop;
++ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb);
++ if (qmblk != NULL)
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ sop = container_of(sb->s_op, struct vzquota_new_sop, new_op);
++ sb->s_op = sop->old_op;
++ kfree(sop);
++ (*sb->s_op->put_super)(sb);
++ * vzquota_get_super - account for new a quoted tree under the superblock
++ *
++ * One superblock can have multiple directory subtrees with different VZ
++ * quotas.
++ *
++ * Called under vz_quota_sem (from vzquota_on).
++ */
++int vzquota_get_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qnew;
++ struct vzquota_new_sop *sop;
++ int err;
++ down(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if ((sb->s_dquot.flags & (DQUOT_USR_ENABLED|DQUOT_GRP_ENABLED)) &&
++ sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations)
++ goto out_up;
++ /*
++ * This allocation code should be under sb->dq_op check below, but
++ * it doesn't really matter...
++ */
++ if (__VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) == NULL) {
++ qnew = vzquota_alloc_fake();
++ if (qnew == NULL)
++ goto out_up;
++ __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) = qnew;
++ }
++ if (sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations) {
++ sop = kmalloc(sizeof(*sop), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (sop == NULL) {
++ vzquota_free_master(__VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb));
++ goto out_up;
++ }
++ memcpy(&sop->new_op, sb->s_op, sizeof(sop->new_op));
++ sop->new_op.put_super = &vzquota_shutdown_super;
++ sop->old_op = sb->s_op;
++ sb->s_op = &sop->new_op;
++ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations;
++ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
++ sb->s_qcop = NULL;
++ do_gettimeofday(__VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(sb));
++ memset(&sb->, 0, sizeof(sb->;
++ /* these 2 list heads are checked in sync_dquots() */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_format =
++ &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
++ sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_format =
++ &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
++ /*
++ * To get quotaops.h to call us we need to mark superblock
++ * as having quota. These flags mark the moment when
++ * our dq_op start to be called.
++ *
++ * The ordering of dq_op and s_dquot.flags assignment
++ * needs to be enforced, but other CPUs do not do rmb()
++ * between s_dquot.flags and dq_op accesses.
++ */
++ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
++ return err;
++ * vzquota_put_super - one quota tree less on this superblock
++ *
++ * Called under vz_quota_sem.
++ */
++void vzquota_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ /*
++ * Even if this put is the last one,
++ * sb->s_dquot.flags can't be cleared, because otherwise vzquota_drop
++ * won't be called and the remaining qmblk references won't be put.
++ */
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Helpers for inode -> qmblk link maintenance
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY ((void *)0xbdbdbdbd)
++#define VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qm, sb) ((qm)->dq_flags & VZDQ_NOQUOT)
++#define VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY_IOPS (&vfs_empty_iops)
++extern struct inode_operations vfs_empty_iops;
++static int VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(struct inode *inode)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ return 1;
++ if (qmblk == __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY)
++ return 0;
++ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_NOACT)
++ /* not actual (invalidated) qmblk */
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static inline int vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ return qlnk->qmblk == __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY;
++static inline void vzquota_qlnk_set_empty(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ qlnk->qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY;
++ qlnk->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_SETE;
++void vzquota_qlnk_init(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ memset(qlnk, 0, sizeof(*qlnk));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qlnk->list);
++ vzquota_qlnk_set_empty(qlnk);
++ qlnk->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_INIT;
++void vzquota_qlnk_destroy(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ might_sleep();
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk))
++ return;
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
++ if (qlnk->qmblk != NULL && qlnk->qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *quid, *qgid;
++ qmblk = qlnk->qmblk;
++ quid = qlnk->qugid[USRQUOTA];
++ qgid = qlnk->qugid[GRPQUOTA];
++ if (quid != NULL || qgid != NULL) {
++ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ if (qgid != NULL)
++ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, qgid);
++ if (quid != NULL)
++ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, quid);
++ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ }
++ }
++ if (qlnk->qmblk != NULL && qlnk->qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_put(qlnk->qmblk);
++ qlnk->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DESTR;
++ * vzquota_qlnk_swap - swap inode's and temporary vz_quota_ilink contents
++ * @qlt: temporary
++ * @qli: inode's
++ *
++ * Locking is provided by the caller (depending on the context).
++ * After swap, @qli is inserted into the corresponding dq_ilink_list,
++ * @qlt list is reinitialized.
++ */
++static void vzquota_qlnk_swap(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlt,
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qli)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qb;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qu;
++ int i;
++ qb = qlt->qmblk;
++ qlt->qmblk = qli->qmblk;
++ qli->qmblk = qb;
++ list_del_init(&qli->list);
++ if (qb != __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY && qb != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ list_add(&qli->list, &qb->dq_ilink_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qlt->list);
++ qli->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_SWAP;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
++ qu = qlt->qugid[i];
++ qlt->qugid[i] = qli->qugid[i];
++ qli->qugid[i] = qu;
++ }
++ * vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked - destroy qlnk content, called under locks
++ *
++ * Called under dcache_lock and inode_qmblk locks.
++ * Returns 1 if locks were dropped inside, 0 if atomic.
++ */
++static int vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
++ struct inode *inode)
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk))
++ return 0;
++ if (qlnk->qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
++ vzquota_qlnk_set_empty(qlnk);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(qlnk);
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(qlnk);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ return 1;
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
++ * vzquota_qlnk_reinit_attr - destroy and reinit qlnk content
++ *
++ * Similar to vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked, called under different locks.
++ */
++static int vzquota_qlnk_reinit_attr(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
++ struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk))
++ return 0;
++ /* may be optimized if qlnk->qugid all NULLs */
++ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(qlnk);
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(qlnk);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
++ return 1;
++ * vzquota_qlnk_fill - fill vz_quota_ilink content
++ * @qlnk: vz_quota_ilink to fill
++ * @inode: inode for which @qlnk is filled (i_sb, i_uid, i_gid)
++ * @qmblk: qmblk to which this @qlnk will belong
++ *
++ * Called under dcache_lock and inode_qmblk locks.
++ * Returns 1 if locks were dropped inside, 0 if atomic.
++ * @qlnk is expected to be empty.
++ */
++static int vzquota_qlnk_fill(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
++ struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ qmblk_get(qmblk);
++ qlnk->qmblk = qmblk;
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
++ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD &&
++ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb) &&
++ (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_ON)) {
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *quid, *qgid;
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ quid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, inode->i_uid, USRQUOTA, 0);
++ qgid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, inode->i_gid, GRPQUOTA, 0);
++ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ qlnk->qugid[USRQUOTA] = quid;
++ qlnk->qugid[GRPQUOTA] = qgid;
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
++ * vzquota_qlnk_fill_attr - fill vz_quota_ilink content for uid, gid
++ *
++ * This function is a helper for vzquota_transfer, and differs from
++ * vzquota_qlnk_fill only by locking.
++ */
++static int vzquota_qlnk_fill_attr(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
++ struct inode *inode,
++ struct iattr *iattr,
++ int mask,
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ qmblk_get(qmblk);
++ qlnk->qmblk = qmblk;
++ if (mask) {
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *quid, *qgid;
++ quid = qgid = NULL; /* to make gcc happy */
++ if (!(mask & (1 << USRQUOTA)))
++ quid = vzquota_get_ugid(INODE_QLNK(inode)->
++ qugid[USRQUOTA]);
++ if (!(mask & (1 << GRPQUOTA)))
++ qgid = vzquota_get_ugid(INODE_QLNK(inode)->
++ qugid[GRPQUOTA]);
++ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ if (mask & (1 << USRQUOTA))
++ quid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, iattr->ia_uid,
++ USRQUOTA, 0);
++ if (mask & (1 << GRPQUOTA))
++ qgid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, iattr->ia_gid,
++ GRPQUOTA, 0);
++ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
++ qlnk->qugid[USRQUOTA] = quid;
++ qlnk->qugid[GRPQUOTA] = qgid;
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * __vzquota_inode_init - make sure inode's qlnk is initialized
++ *
++ * May be called if qlnk is already initialized, detects this situation itself.
++ * Called under inode_qmblk_lock.
++ */
++static void __vzquota_inode_init(struct inode *inode, unsigned char origin)
++ if (inode->i_dquot[USRQUOTA] == NODQUOT) {
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(INODE_QLNK(inode));
++ inode->i_dquot[USRQUOTA] = (void *)~(unsigned long)NODQUOT;
++ }
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = origin;
++ * vzquota_inode_drop - destroy VZ quota information in the inode
++ *
++ * Inode must not be externally accessible or dirty.
++ */
++static void vzquota_inode_drop(struct inode *inode)
++ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_swap(&qlnk, INODE_QLNK(inode));
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DRCAL;
++ inode->i_dquot[USRQUOTA] = NODQUOT;
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
++ * vzquota_inode_qmblk_set - initialize inode's qlnk
++ * @inode: inode to be initialized
++ * @qmblk: quota master block to which this inode should belong (may be BAD)
++ * @qlnk: placeholder to store data to resolve locking issues
++ *
++ * Returns 1 if locks were dropped and rechecks possibly needed, 0 otherwise.
++ * Called under dcache_lock and inode_qmblk locks.
++ * @qlnk will be destroyed in the caller chain.
++ *
++ * It is not mandatory to restart parent checks since quota on/off currently
++ * shrinks dentry tree and checks that there are not outside references.
++ * But if at some time that shink is removed, restarts will be required.
++ * Additionally, the restarts prevent inconsistencies if the dentry tree
++ * changes (inode is moved). This is not a big deal, but anyway...
++ */
++static int vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ if (qmblk == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: NULL in set, "
++ "orig %u, dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin,
++ inode->i_sb->s_id, inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "current %d (%s), VE %d\n",
++ current->pid, current->comm,
++ VEID(get_exec_env()));
++ dump_stack();
++ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
++ }
++ while (1) {
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk) &&
++ vzquota_qlnk_fill(qlnk, inode, qmblk))
++ return 1;
++ if (qlnk->qmblk == qmblk)
++ break;
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked(qlnk, inode))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ vzquota_qlnk_swap(qlnk, INODE_QLNK(inode));
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_QSET;
++ return 0;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * vzquota_inode_qmblk (inode -> qmblk lookup) parts
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int vzquota_dparents_check_attach(struct inode *inode)
++ if (!list_empty(&inode->i_dentry))
++ return 0;
++ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: no parent for "
++ "dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
++ inode->i_sb->s_id,
++ inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
++ return -1;
++static struct inode *vzquota_dparents_check_actual(struct inode *inode)
++ struct dentry *de;
++ list_for_each_entry(de, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
++ if (de->d_parent == de) /* detached dentry, perhaps */
++ continue;
++ /* first access to parent, make sure its qlnk initialized */
++ __vzquota_inode_init(de->d_parent->d_inode, VZ_QUOTAO_ACT);
++ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(de->d_parent->d_inode))
++ return de->d_parent->d_inode;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_dparents_check_same(struct inode *inode)
++ struct dentry *de;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ qmblk = NULL;
++ list_for_each_entry(de, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
++ if (de->d_parent == de) /* detached dentry, perhaps */
++ continue;
++ if (qmblk == NULL) {
++ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(de->d_parent->d_inode)->qmblk;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (INODE_QLNK(de->d_parent->d_inode)->qmblk != qmblk) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "VZDQ: multiple quotas for "
++ "dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
++ inode->i_sb->s_id,
++ inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
++ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (qmblk == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "VZDQ: not attached to tree, "
++ "dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
++ inode->i_sb->s_id,
++ inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
++ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
++ }
++ return qmblk;
++static void vzquota_dbranch_actualize(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *refinode)
++ struct inode *pinode;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
++ if (inode == inode->i_sb->s_root->d_inode) {
++ /* filesystem root */
++ atomic_inc(&inode->i_count);
++ do {
++ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(inode->i_sb);
++ } while (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, &qlnk));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!vzquota_dparents_check_attach(inode)) {
++ pinode = vzquota_dparents_check_actual(inode);
++ if (pinode != NULL) {
++ inode = pinode;
++ goto start;
++ }
++ }
++ atomic_inc(&inode->i_count);
++ while (1) {
++ if (VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode)) /* actualized without us */
++ break;
++ /*
++ * Need to check parents again if we have slept inside
++ * vzquota_inode_qmblk_set() in the loop.
++ * If the state of parents is different, just return and repeat
++ * the actualizing process again from the inode passed to
++ * vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc().
++ */
++ if (!vzquota_dparents_check_attach(inode)) {
++ if (vzquota_dparents_check_actual(inode) != NULL)
++ break;
++ qmblk = vzquota_dparents_check_same(inode);
++ } else
++ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
++ if (!vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, &qlnk)){/* success */
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_ACT;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(refinode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
++ iput(inode);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(refinode->i_sb);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++static void vzquota_dtree_qmblk_recalc(struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ struct inode *pinode;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ if (inode == inode->i_sb->s_root->d_inode) {
++ /* filesystem root */
++ do {
++ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(inode->i_sb);
++ } while (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, qlnk));
++ return;
++ }
++ if (VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode))
++ return;
++ /*
++ * Here qmblk is (re-)initialized for all ancestors.
++ * This is not a very efficient procedure, but it guarantees that
++ * the quota tree is consistent (that is, the inode doesn't have two
++ * ancestors with different qmblk).
++ */
++ if (!vzquota_dparents_check_attach(inode)) {
++ pinode = vzquota_dparents_check_actual(inode);
++ if (pinode != NULL) {
++ vzquota_dbranch_actualize(pinode, inode);
++ goto start;
++ }
++ qmblk = vzquota_dparents_check_same(inode);
++ } else
++ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
++ if (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, qlnk))
++ goto start;
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DTREE;
++static void vzquota_det_qmblk_recalc(struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ struct inode *parent;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ char *msg;
++ int cnt;
++ time_t timeout;
++ cnt = 0;
++ timeout = 0;
++ parent = NULL;
++ /*
++ * qmblk of detached inodes shouldn't be considered as not actual.
++ * They are not in any dentry tree, so quota on/off shouldn't affect
++ * them.
++ */
++ if (!vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)))
++ return;
++ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(inode->i_sb);
++ msg = "detached inode not in creation";
++ if (inode->i_op != VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY_IOPS)
++ goto fail;
++ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
++ msg = "unexpected creation context";
++ if (!vzquota_cur_qmblk_check()) {
++ /* qmblk may have unexpected creation context
++ * up to 3 seconds */
++ timeout = 3;
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ parent = vzquota_cur_qmblk_fetch();
++ msg = "uninitialized parent";
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(parent)))
++ goto fail;
++ msg = "parent not in tree";
++ if (list_empty(&parent->i_dentry))
++ goto fail;
++ msg = "parent has 0 refcount";
++ if (!atomic_read(&parent->i_count))
++ goto fail;
++ msg = "parent has different sb";
++ if (parent->i_sb != inode->i_sb)
++ goto fail;
++ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(parent)) {
++ vzquota_dbranch_actualize(parent, inode);
++ goto start;
++ }
++ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(parent)->qmblk;
++ if (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, qlnk))
++ goto start;
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DET;
++ return;
++ {
++ struct timeval tv, tvo;
++ do_gettimeofday(&tv);
++ memcpy(&tvo, __VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(inode->i_sb), sizeof(tvo));
++ tv.tv_sec -= tvo.tv_sec;
++ if (tv.tv_usec < tvo.tv_usec) {
++ tv.tv_sec--;
++ tv.tv_usec += USEC_PER_SEC - tvo.tv_usec;
++ } else
++ tv.tv_usec -= tvo.tv_usec;
++ if (tv.tv_sec < timeout)
++ goto set;
++ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: %s, orig %u,"
++ " dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
++ msg, INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin,
++ inode->i_sb->s_id, inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
++ if (!cnt++) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "current %d (%s), VE %d,"
++ " time %ld.%06ld\n",
++ current->pid, current->comm,
++ VEID(get_exec_env()),
++ tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
++ dump_stack();
++ }
++ if (parent != NULL)
++ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: parent of %lu is %lu\n",
++ inode->i_ino, parent->i_ino);
++ }
++ goto set;
++static void vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&inode->i_dentry))
++ vzquota_dtree_qmblk_recalc(inode, qlnk);
++ else
++ vzquota_det_qmblk_recalc(inode, qlnk);
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ * vzquota_inode_qmblk - obtain inode's qmblk
++ *
++ * Returns qmblk with refcounter taken, %NULL if not under
++ * VZ quota or %VZ_QUOTA_BAD.
++ *
++ * FIXME: This function should be removed when vzquota_find_qmblk /
++ * get_quota_root / vzquota_dstat code is cleaned up.
++ */
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_qmblk(struct inode *inode)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
++ might_sleep();
++ if (inode->i_sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations)
++ return NULL;
++#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
++#error Make sure qmblk does not disappear
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)) ||
++ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode))
++ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(inode, &qlnk);
++ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
++ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
++ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb))
++ qmblk_get(qmblk);
++ else
++ qmblk = NULL;
++ }
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
++ return qmblk;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Calls from quota operations
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * vzquota_inode_init_call - call from DQUOT_INIT
++ */
++void vzquota_inode_init_call(struct inode *inode)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_datast data;
++ /* initializes inode's quota inside */
++ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
++ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
++ /*
++ * The check is needed for repeated new_inode() calls from a single
++ * ext3 call like create or mkdir in case of -ENOSPC.
++ */
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&inode->i_dentry))
++ vzquota_cur_qmblk_set(inode);
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ * vzquota_inode_drop_call - call from DQUOT_DROP
++ */
++void vzquota_inode_drop_call(struct inode *inode)
++ vzquota_inode_drop(inode);
++ * vzquota_inode_data - initialize (if nec.) and lock inode quota ptrs
++ * @inode: the inode
++ * @data: storage space
++ *
++ * Returns: qmblk is NULL or VZ_QUOTA_BAD or actualized qmblk.
++ * On return if qmblk is neither NULL nor VZ_QUOTA_BAD:
++ * qmblk in inode's qlnk is the same as returned,
++ * ugid pointers inside inode's qlnk are valid,
++ * some locks are taken (and should be released by vzquota_data_unlock).
++ * If qmblk is NULL or VZ_QUOTA_BAD, locks are NOT taken.
++ */
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_data(struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_datast *data)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ might_sleep();
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&data->qlnk);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)) ||
++ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode))
++ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(inode, &data->qlnk);
++ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
++ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
++ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb)) {
++ /*
++ * Note that in the current implementation,
++ * inode_qmblk_lock can theoretically be dropped here.
++ * This place is serialized with quota_off because
++ * quota_off fails when there are extra dentry
++ * references and syncs inodes before removing quota
++ * information from them.
++ * However, quota usage information should stop being
++ * updated immediately after vzquota_off.
++ */
++ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
++ } else {
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ qmblk = NULL;
++ }
++ } else {
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ }
++ return qmblk;
++void vzquota_data_unlock(struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_datast *data)
++ qmblk_data_write_unlock(INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&data->qlnk);
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
++ * vzquota_inode_transfer_call - call from vzquota_transfer
++ */
++int vzquota_inode_transfer_call(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_datast data;
++ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnew;
++ int mask;
++ int ret;
++ might_sleep();
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnew);
++ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
++ ret = NO_QUOTA;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
++ goto out_destr;
++ ret = QUOTA_OK;
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ goto out_destr;
++ qmblk_get(qmblk);
++ ret = QUOTA_OK;
++ if (!(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_ON))
++ /* no ugid quotas */
++ goto out_unlock;
++ mask = 0;
++ if ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_UID) && iattr->ia_uid != inode->i_uid)
++ mask |= 1 << USRQUOTA;
++ if ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_GID) && iattr->ia_gid != inode->i_gid)
++ mask |= 1 << GRPQUOTA;
++ while (1) {
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(&qlnew) &&
++ vzquota_qlnk_fill_attr(&qlnew, inode, iattr, mask, qmblk))
++ break;
++ if (qlnew.qmblk == INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk &&
++ qlnew.qmblk == qmblk)
++ goto finish;
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_reinit_attr(&qlnew, inode, qmblk))
++ break;
++ }
++ /* prepare for restart */
++ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ goto start;
++ /* all references obtained successfully */
++ ret = vzquota_transfer_usage(inode, mask, &qlnew);
++ if (!ret) {
++ vzquota_qlnk_swap(&qlnew, INODE_QLNK(inode));
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_TRANS;
++ }
++ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnew);
++ return ret;
++int vzquota_rename_check(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk1, qlnk2;
++ int c, ret;
++ if (inode->i_sb != old_dir->i_sb || inode->i_sb != new_dir->i_sb)
++ return -1;
++ might_sleep();
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk1);
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk2);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
++ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
++ __vzquota_inode_init(old_dir, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
++ __vzquota_inode_init(new_dir, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
++ do {
++ c = 0;
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)) ||
++ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode)) {
++ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(inode, &qlnk1);
++ c++;
++ }
++ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(new_dir)) ||
++ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(new_dir)) {
++ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(new_dir, &qlnk2);
++ c++;
++ }
++ } while (c);
++ ret = 0;
++ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
++ if (qmblk != INODE_QLNK(new_dir)->qmblk) {
++ ret = -1;
++ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD &&
++ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb) &&
++ qmblk->dq_root_dentry->d_inode == inode &&
++ VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(INODE_QLNK(new_dir)->qmblk,
++ inode->i_sb) &&
++ VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(INODE_QLNK(old_dir)->qmblk,
++ inode->i_sb))
++ /* quota root rename is allowed */
++ ret = 0;
++ }
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk2);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk1);
++ return ret;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * qmblk-related parts of on/off operations
++ *
++ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * vzquota_check_dtree - check dentry tree if quota on/off is allowed
++ *
++ * This function doesn't allow quota to be turned on/off if some dentries in
++ * the tree have external references.
++ * In addition to technical reasons, it enforces user-space correctness:
++ * current usage (taken from or reported to the user space) can be meaningful
++ * and accurate only if the tree is not being modified.
++ * Side effect: additional vfsmount structures referencing the tree (bind
++ * mounts of tree nodes to some other places) are not allowed at on/off time.
++ */
++int vzquota_check_dtree(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, int off)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int err, count;
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ dentry = qmblk->dq_root_dentry;
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry))
++ goto unhashed;
++ /* attempt to shrink */
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++ shrink_dcache_parent(dentry);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs))
++ goto out;
++ count = 1;
++ if (dentry == dentry->d_sb->s_root)
++ count += 2; /* sb and mnt refs */
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) < count) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: too small count %d vs %d.\n",
++ __FUNCTION__,
++ atomic_read(&dentry->d_count), count);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) > count)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
++ /*
++ * Quota root is removed.
++ * Allow to turn quota off, but not on.
++ */
++ if (off)
++ err = 0;
++ goto out;
++int vzquota_on_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
++ struct vz_quota_master *qold, *qnew;
++ int err;
++ might_sleep();
++ qold = NULL;
++ qnew = vzquota_alloc_fake();
++ if (qnew == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
++ inode_qmblk_lock(sb);
++ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ while (1) {
++ err = vzquota_check_dtree(qmblk, 0);
++ if (err)
++ break;
++ if (!vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, &qlnk))
++ break;
++ }
++ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_ON;
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (!err) {
++ qold = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb);
++ qold->dq_flags |= VZDQ_NOACT;
++ __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) = qnew;
++ }
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(sb);
++ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
++ if (qold != NULL)
++ qmblk_put(qold);
++ return err;
++int vzquota_off_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ int ret;
++ ret = 0;
++ inode_qmblk_lock(sb);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (vzquota_check_dtree(qmblk, 1))
++ ret = -EBUSY;
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (!ret)
++ qmblk->dq_flags |= VZDQ_NOACT | VZDQ_NOQUOT;
++ inode_qmblk_unlock(sb);
++ return ret;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * External interfaces
++ *
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++static int vzquota_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file,
++ unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
++ int err;
++ struct vzctl_quotactl qb;
++ struct vzctl_quotaugidctl qub;
++ switch (cmd) {
++ err = -ENOTTY;
++ break;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&qb, (void *)arg, sizeof(qb)))
++ break;
++ err = do_vzquotactl(qb.cmd, qb.quota_id,
++ qb.qstat, qb.ve_root);
++ break;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&qub, (void *)arg, sizeof(qub)))
++ break;
++ err = do_vzquotaugidctl(&qub);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -ENOTTY;
++ }
++ might_sleep(); /* debug */
++ return err;
++static struct vzioctlinfo vzdqcalls = {
++ .type = VZDQCTLTYPE,
++ .func = vzquota_ioctl,
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ * vzquota_dstat - get quota usage info for virtual superblock
++ */
++static int vzquota_dstat(struct super_block *super, struct dq_stat *qstat)
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(super);
++ if (qmblk == NULL)
++ return -ENOENT;
++ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
++ memset(qstat, 0, sizeof(*qstat));
++ return 0;
++ }
++ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
++ memcpy(qstat, &qmblk->dq_stat, sizeof(*qstat));
++ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
++ qmblk_put(qmblk);
++ return 0;
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Init/exit helpers
++ *
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++static int vzquota_cache_init(void)
++ int i;
++ vzquota_cachep = kmem_cache_create("vz_quota_master",
++ sizeof(struct vz_quota_master),
++ if (vzquota_cachep == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Cannot create VZ_QUOTA SLAB cache\n");
++ goto nomem2;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE; i++)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vzquota_hash_table[i]);
++ return 0;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void vzquota_cache_release(void)
++ int i;
++ /* sanity check */
++ for (i = 0; i < VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE; i++)
++ if (!list_empty(&vzquota_hash_table[i]))
++ BUG();
++ /* release caches */
++ if (kmem_cache_destroy(vzquota_cachep))
++ printk(KERN_ERR
++ "VZQUOTA: vz_quota_master kmem_cache_destroy failed\n");
++ vzquota_cachep = NULL;
++static int quota_notifier_call(struct vnotifier_block *self,
++ unsigned long n, void *data, int err)
++ struct virt_info_quota *viq;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ viq = (struct virt_info_quota *)data;
++ switch (n) {
++ err = NOTIFY_BAD;
++ if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
++ break;
++ sb = viq->super;
++ memset(&sb->, 0, sizeof(sb->;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
++ err = NOTIFY_OK;
++ break;
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ err = NOTIFY_OK;
++ break;
++ err = NOTIFY_BAD;
++ if (vzquota_dstat(viq->super, viq->qstat))
++ break;
++ err = NOTIFY_OK;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++struct vnotifier_block quota_notifier_block = {
++ .notifier_call = quota_notifier_call,
++ .priority = INT_MAX,
++/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * Init/exit procedures
++ *
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++static int __init vzquota_init(void)
++ int err;
++ if ((err = vzquota_cache_init()) != 0)
++ goto out_cache;
++ if ((err = vzquota_proc_init()) != 0)
++ goto out_proc;
++ if ((err = vzquota_ugid_init()) != 0)
++ goto out_ugid;
++ init_MUTEX(&vz_quota_sem);
++ vzioctl_register(&vzdqcalls);
++ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_QUOTA, &quota_notifier_block);
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID) && defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
++ vzaquota_init();
++ return 0;
++ vzquota_proc_release();
++ vzquota_cache_release();
++ return err;
++#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
++static void __exit vzquota_release(void)
++ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_QUOTA, &quota_notifier_block);
++ vzioctl_unregister(&vzdqcalls);
++ vzaquota_fini();
++ vzquota_ugid_release();
++ vzquota_proc_release();
++ vzquota_cache_release();
++MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Disk Quota");
++#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1628,8 +1628,8 @@ pagebuf_daemon(
+ do {
+ /* swsusp */
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+ schedule_timeout((xfs_buf_timer_centisecs * HZ) / 100);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -468,7 +468,8 @@ STATIC int
+ linvfs_permission(
+ struct inode *inode,
+ int mode,
+- struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
+ {
+ vnode_t *vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(inode);
+ int error;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ destroy_inodecache( void )
+ * at the point when it is unpinned after a log write,
+ * since this is when the inode itself becomes flushable.
+ */
+-STATIC void
++STATIC int
+ linvfs_write_inode(
+ struct inode *inode,
+ int sync)
+@@ -364,12 +364,14 @@ linvfs_write_inode(
+ vnode_t *vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(inode);
+ int error, flags = FLUSH_INODE;
++ error = 0;
+ if (vp) {
+ vn_trace_entry(vp, __FUNCTION__, (inst_t *)__return_address);
+ if (sync)
+ flags |= FLUSH_SYNC;
+ VOP_IFLUSH(vp, flags, error);
+ }
++ return error;
+ }
+ STATIC void
+@@ -408,8 +410,8 @@ xfssyncd(
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+ schedule_timeout((xfs_syncd_centisecs * HZ) / 100);
+ /* swsusp */
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ if (vfsp->vfs_flag & VFS_UMOUNT)
+ break;
+ if (vfsp->vfs_flag & VFS_RDONLY)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ tlb_is_full_mm(struct mmu_gather *tlb)
+ * handling the additional races in SMP caused by other CPUs caching valid
+ * mappings in their TLBs.
+ */
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ static inline void tlb_remove_page(struct mmu_gather *tlb, struct page *page)
+ {
+ tlb->need_flush = 1;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ extern void sync_Arb_IDs (void);
+ extern void init_bsp_APIC (void);
+ extern void setup_local_APIC (void);
+ extern void init_apic_mappings (void);
+-extern void smp_local_timer_interrupt (struct pt_regs * regs);
++extern asmlinkage void smp_local_timer_interrupt (struct pt_regs * regs);
+ extern void setup_boot_APIC_clock (void);
+ extern void setup_secondary_APIC_clock (void);
+ extern void setup_apic_nmi_watchdog (void);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++ * atomic_kmap.h: temporary virtual kernel memory mappings
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003 Ingo Molnar <>
++ */
++#ifndef _ASM_ATOMIC_KMAP_H
++#define _ASM_ATOMIC_KMAP_H
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#define HIGHMEM_DEBUG 1
++#define HIGHMEM_DEBUG 0
++extern pte_t *kmap_pte;
++#define kmap_prot PAGE_KERNEL
++#define kmap_prot_nocache PAGE_KERNEL_NOCACHE
++#define PKMAP_BASE (0xff000000UL)
++#define NR_SHARED_PMDS ((0xffffffff-PKMAP_BASE+1)/PMD_SIZE)
++static inline unsigned long __kmap_atomic_vaddr(enum km_type type)
++ enum fixed_addresses idx;
++ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
++ return __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
++static inline void *__kmap_atomic_noflush(struct page *page, enum km_type type)
++ enum fixed_addresses idx;
++ unsigned long vaddr;
++ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
++ vaddr = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
++ /*
++ * NOTE: entries that rely on some secondary TLB-flush
++ * effect must not be global:
++ */
++ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, PAGE_KERNEL));
++ return (void*) vaddr;
++static inline void *__kmap_atomic(struct page *page, enum km_type type)
++ enum fixed_addresses idx;
++ unsigned long vaddr;
++ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
++ vaddr = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
++ BUG_ON(!pte_none(*(kmap_pte-idx)));
++ /*
++ * Performance optimization - do not flush if the new
++ * pte is the same as the old one:
++ */
++ if (pte_val(*(kmap_pte-idx)) == pte_val(mk_pte(page, kmap_prot)))
++ return (void *) vaddr;
++ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot));
++ __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
++ return (void*) vaddr;
++static inline void __kunmap_atomic(void *kvaddr, enum km_type type)
++ unsigned long vaddr = (unsigned long) kvaddr & PAGE_MASK;
++ enum fixed_addresses idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
++ BUG_ON(vaddr != __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN+idx));
++ /*
++ * force other mappings to Oops if they'll try to access
++ * this pte without first remap it
++ */
++ pte_clear(kmap_pte-idx);
++ __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
++#define __kunmap_atomic_type(type) \
++ __kunmap_atomic((void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(type), (type))
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* _ASM_ATOMIC_KMAP_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
+ #if 1 /* Set to zero for a slightly smaller kernel */
+ #define BUG() \
+ __asm__ __volatile__( "ud2\n" \
++ "\t.byte 0x66\n"\
++ "\t.byte 0xb8\n" /* mov $xxx, %ax */\
+ "\t.word %c0\n" \
++ "\t.byte 0xb8\n" /* mov $xxx, %eax */\
+ "\t.long %c1\n" \
+ : : "i" (__LINE__), "i" (__FILE__))
+ #else
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int csum_partial(con
+ * better 64-bit) boundary
+ */
+-asmlinkage unsigned int csum_partial_copy_generic( const char *src, char *dst, int len, int sum,
++asmlinkage unsigned int direct_csum_partial_copy_generic( const char *src, char *dst, int len, int sum,
+ int *src_err_ptr, int *dst_err_ptr);
+ /*
+@@ -39,14 +39,19 @@ static __inline__
+ unsigned int csum_partial_copy_nocheck ( const char *src, char *dst,
+ int len, int sum)
+ {
+- return csum_partial_copy_generic ( src, dst, len, sum, NULL, NULL);
++ /*
++ * The direct function is OK for kernel-space => kernel-space copies:
++ */
++ return direct_csum_partial_copy_generic ( src, dst, len, sum, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ static __inline__
+ unsigned int csum_partial_copy_from_user ( const char __user *src, char *dst,
+ int len, int sum, int *err_ptr)
+ {
+- return csum_partial_copy_generic ( (__force char *)src, dst, len, sum, err_ptr, NULL);
++ if (copy_from_user(dst, src, len))
++ *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
++ return csum_partial(dst, len, sum);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -172,13 +177,28 @@ static __inline__ unsigned short int csu
+ * Copy and checksum to user
+ */
+-static __inline__ unsigned int csum_and_copy_to_user(const char *src,
++static __inline__ unsigned int direct_csum_and_copy_to_user(const char *src,
+ char __user *dst,
+ int len, int sum,
+ int *err_ptr)
+ {
+ if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, dst, len))
+- return csum_partial_copy_generic(src, (__force char *)dst, len, sum, NULL, err_ptr);
++ return direct_csum_partial_copy_generic(src, dst, len, sum, NULL, err_ptr);
++ if (len)
++ *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
++ return -1; /* invalid checksum */
++static __inline__ unsigned int csum_and_copy_to_user(const char *src, char __user *dst,
++ int len, int sum, int *err_ptr)
++ if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, dst, len)) {
++ if (copy_to_user(dst, src, len))
++ *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
++ return csum_partial(src, len, sum);
++ }
+ if (len)
+ *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ struct Xgt_desc_struct {
+ extern struct Xgt_desc_struct idt_descr, cpu_gdt_descr[NR_CPUS];
++extern void trap_init_virtual_IDT(void);
++extern void trap_init_virtual_GDT(void);
++asmlinkage int system_call(void);
++asmlinkage void lcall7(void);
++asmlinkage void lcall27(void);
+ #define load_TR_desc() __asm__ __volatile__("ltr %%ax"::"a" (GDT_ENTRY_TSS*8))
+ #define load_LDT_desc() __asm__ __volatile__("lldt %%ax"::"a" (GDT_ENTRY_LDT*8))
+@@ -30,6 +37,7 @@ extern struct Xgt_desc_struct idt_descr,
+ */
+ extern struct desc_struct default_ldt[];
+ extern void set_intr_gate(unsigned int irq, void * addr);
++extern void set_trap_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr);
+ #define _set_tssldt_desc(n,addr,limit,type) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("movw %w3,0(%2)\n\t" \
+@@ -91,31 +99,8 @@ static inline void load_TLS(struct threa
+ #undef C
+ }
+-static inline void clear_LDT(void)
+- int cpu = get_cpu();
+- set_ldt_desc(cpu, &default_ldt[0], 5);
+- load_LDT_desc();
+- put_cpu();
+- * load one particular LDT into the current CPU
+- */
+-static inline void load_LDT_nolock(mm_context_t *pc, int cpu)
+- void *segments = pc->ldt;
+- int count = pc->size;
+- if (likely(!count)) {
+- segments = &default_ldt[0];
+- count = 5;
+- }
+- set_ldt_desc(cpu, segments, count);
+- load_LDT_desc();
++extern struct page *default_ldt_page;
++extern void load_LDT_nolock(mm_context_t *pc, int cpu);
+ static inline void load_LDT(mm_context_t *pc)
+ {
+@@ -124,6 +109,6 @@ static inline void load_LDT(mm_context_t
+ put_cpu();
+ }
+-#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
++#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ typedef struct user_fxsr_struct elf_fpxr
+ For the moment, we have only optimizations for the Intel generations,
+ but that could change... */
+-#define ELF_PLATFORM (system_utsname.machine)
++#define ELF_PLATFORM (ve_utsname.machine)
+ /*
+ * Architecture-neutral AT_ values in 0-17, leave some room
+@@ -140,8 +140,10 @@ extern void __kernel_vsyscall;
+ #define ARCH_DLINFO \
+ do { \
++ if (sysctl_at_vsyscall) { \
++ } \
+ } while (0)
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
+ #include <asm/acpi.h>
+ #include <asm/apicdef.h>
+ #include <asm/page.h>
+ #include <linux/threads.h>
+ #include <asm/kmap_types.h>
++#define __FIXADDR_TOP (0xfffff000UL)
+ /*
+ * Here we define all the compile-time 'special' virtual
+ * addresses. The point is to have a constant address at
+ * compile time, but to set the physical address only
+- * in the boot process. We allocate these special addresses
+- * from the end of virtual memory (0xfffff000) backwards.
++ * in the boot process. We allocate these special addresses
++ * from the end of virtual memory (0xffffe000) backwards.
+ * Also this lets us do fail-safe vmalloc(), we
+ * can guarantee that these special addresses and
+ * vmalloc()-ed addresses never overlap.
+@@ -41,11 +41,24 @@
+ * TLB entries of such buffers will not be flushed across
+ * task switches.
+ */
++ * on UP currently we will have no trace of the fixmap mechanizm,
++ * no page table allocations, etc. This might change in the
++ * future, say framebuffers for the console driver(s) could be
++ * fix-mapped?
++ */
++#define TSS_SIZE sizeof(struct tss_struct)
+ enum fixed_addresses {
+ FIX_APIC_BASE, /* local (CPU) APIC) -- required for SMP or not */
+ #endif
+ #ifdef CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC
+@@ -57,16 +70,22 @@ enum fixed_addresses {
+ FIX_LI_PCIA, /* Lithium PCI Bridge A */
+ FIX_LI_PCIB, /* Lithium PCI Bridge B */
+ #endif
+-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_F00F_BUG
+- FIX_F00F_IDT, /* Virtual mapping for IDT */
++ FIX_GDT_1,
++ FIX_GDT_0,
+ FIX_CYCLONE_TIMER, /*cyclone timer register*/
+ #endif
+- FIX_KMAP_BEGIN, /* reserved pte's for temporary kernel mappings */
++ /* reserved pte's for temporary kernel mappings */
++ ((__FIXADDR_TOP >> PAGE_SHIFT) & 1),
+@@ -98,12 +117,15 @@ extern void __set_fixmap (enum fixed_add
+ __set_fixmap(idx, 0, __pgprot(0))
+ /*
+- * used by vmalloc.c.
++ * used by vmalloc.c and various other places.
+ *
+ * Leave one empty page between vmalloc'ed areas and
+ * the start of the fixmap.
++ *
++ * IMPORTANT: we have to align FIXADDR_TOP so that the virtual stack
++ * is THREAD_SIZE aligned.
+ */
+-#define FIXADDR_TOP (0xfffff000UL)
+ #define __FIXADDR_SIZE (__end_of_permanent_fixed_addresses << PAGE_SHIFT)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,26 +25,19 @@
+ #include <linux/threads.h>
+ #include <asm/kmap_types.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
+ /* declarations for highmem.c */
+ extern unsigned long highstart_pfn, highend_pfn;
+-extern pte_t *kmap_pte;
+-extern pgprot_t kmap_prot;
+ extern pte_t *pkmap_page_table;
+-extern void kmap_init(void);
++extern void kmap_init(void) __init;
+ /*
+ * Right now we initialize only a single pte table. It can be extended
+ * easily, subsequent pte tables have to be allocated in one physical
+ * chunk of RAM.
+ */
+-#if NR_CPUS <= 32
+-#define PKMAP_BASE (0xff800000UL)
+-#define PKMAP_BASE (0xff600000UL)
+ #ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
+ #define LAST_PKMAP 512
+ #else
+@@ -60,6 +53,7 @@ extern void FASTCALL(kunmap_high(struct
+ void *kmap(struct page *page);
+ void kunmap(struct page *page);
+ void *kmap_atomic(struct page *page, enum km_type type);
++void *kmap_atomic_pte(pte_t *pte, enum km_type type);
+ void kunmap_atomic(void *kvaddr, enum km_type type);
+ struct page *kmap_atomic_to_page(void *ptr);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -55,4 +55,10 @@ struct pt_regs;
+ asmlinkage int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int, struct pt_regs *,
+ struct irqaction *);
++extern int irqbalance_disable(char *str);
++extern int no_irq_affinity;
++extern int noirqdebug_setup(char *str);
+ #endif /* _ASM_IRQ_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2,30 +2,36 @@
+ #define _ASM_KMAP_TYPES_H
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+-# define D(n) __KM_FENCE_##n ,
+-# define D(n)
++#include <linux/thread_info.h>
+ enum km_type {
+-D(3) KM_USER0,
+-D(4) KM_USER1,
+-D(7) KM_PTE0,
+-D(8) KM_PTE1,
+-D(9) KM_IRQ0,
+-D(10) KM_IRQ1,
+-D(11) KM_SOFTIRQ0,
+-D(12) KM_SOFTIRQ1,
+-D(13) KM_TYPE_NR
++ /*
++ * IMPORTANT: don't move these 3 entries, be wary when adding entries,
++ * the 4G/4G virtual stack must be THREAD_SIZE aligned on each cpu.
++ */
+-#undef D
++ KM_LDT_PAGE0 = KM_LDT_PAGE15 + 16-1,
++ KM_USER0,
++ KM_USER1,
++ KM_PTE0,
++ KM_PTE1,
++ KM_IRQ0,
++ KM_IRQ1,
++ __KM_TYPE_NR,
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ #ifndef __ASM_MACH_IPI_H
+ #define __ASM_MACH_IPI_H
+-inline void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t mask, int vector);
+-inline void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector);
++void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t mask, int vector);
++void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector);
+ static inline void send_IPI_mask(cpumask_t mask, int vector)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #define MAP_NORESERVE 0x4000 /* don't check for reservations */
+ #define MAP_POPULATE 0x8000 /* populate (prefault) pagetables */
+ #define MAP_NONBLOCK 0x10000 /* do not block on IO */
++#define MAP_EXECPRIO 0x80000 /* map from exec - try not to fail */
+ #define MS_ASYNC 1 /* sync memory asynchronously */
+ #define MS_INVALIDATE 2 /* invalidate the caches */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
+ *
+ * cpu_vm_mask is used to optimize ldt flushing.
+ */
++#define MAX_LDT_PAGES 16
+ typedef struct {
+ int size;
+ struct semaphore sem;
+- void *ldt;
++ struct page *ldt_pages[MAX_LDT_PAGES];
+ } mm_context_t;
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
+ {
+ int cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ if (tsk->mm)
++ tsk->thread_info->user_pgd = (void *)__pa(tsk->mm->pgd);
+ if (likely(prev != next)) {
+ /* stop flush ipis for the previous mm */
+ cpu_clear(cpu, prev->cpu_vm_mask);
+@@ -39,12 +43,14 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
+ cpu_set(cpu, next->cpu_vm_mask);
+ /* Re-load page tables */
+ load_cr3(next->pgd);
+ /*
+ * load the LDT, if the LDT is different:
+ */
+- if (unlikely(prev->context.ldt != next->context.ldt))
++ if (unlikely(prev->context.size + next->context.size))
+ load_LDT_nolock(&next->context, cpu);
+ }
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+@@ -56,7 +62,9 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
+ /* We were in lazy tlb mode and leave_mm disabled
+ * tlb flush IPI delivery. We must reload %cr3.
+ */
+ load_cr3(next->pgd);
+ load_LDT_nolock(&next->context, cpu);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -67,6 +75,6 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
+ asm("movl %0,%%fs ; movl %0,%%gs": :"r" (0))
+ #define activate_mm(prev, next) \
+- switch_mm((prev),(next),NULL)
++ switch_mm((prev),(next),current)
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ struct mtrr_gentry
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+-extern char *mtrr_strings[];
+ /* The following functions are for use by other drivers */
+ # ifdef CONFIG_MTRR
+ extern int mtrr_add (unsigned long base, unsigned long size,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ typedef int (*nmi_callback_t)(struct pt_
+ * set. Return 1 if the NMI was handled.
+ */
+ void set_nmi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback);
++void set_nmi_ipi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback);
+ /**
+ * unset_nmi_callback
+@@ -24,5 +25,6 @@ void set_nmi_callback(nmi_callback_t cal
+ * Remove the handler previously set.
+ */
+ void unset_nmi_callback(void);
++void unset_nmi_ipi_callback(void);
+ #endif /* ASM_NMI_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+ #ifndef _I386_PAGE_H
+ #define _I386_PAGE_H
++#include <linux/config.h>
+ /* PAGE_SHIFT determines the page size */
+ #define PAGE_SHIFT 12
+ #define PAGE_SIZE (1UL << PAGE_SHIFT)
+@@ -9,11 +11,10 @@
+-#ifdef __KERNEL__
+-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+ #include <linux/config.h>
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+ #ifdef CONFIG_X86_USE_3DNOW
+ #include <asm/mmx.h>
+@@ -92,13 +93,28 @@ typedef struct { unsigned long pgprot; }
+ *
+ * If you want more physical memory than this then see the CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G
+ * and CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G options in the kernel configuration.
++ *
++ * Note: on PAE the kernel must never go below 32 MB, we use the
++ * first 8 entries of the 2-level boot pgd for PAE magic.
+ */
++#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G_VM_LAYOUT
++#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0x02000000)
++#define TASK_SIZE (0xc0000000)
++#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0xc0000000)
++#define TASK_SIZE (0xc0000000)
+ /*
+ * This much address space is reserved for vmalloc() and iomap()
+ * as well as fixmap mappings.
+ */
+-#define __VMALLOC_RESERVE (128 << 20)
++#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G
++#define __VMALLOC_RESERVE (320 << 20)
++#define __VMALLOC_RESERVE (192 << 20)
+ #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+@@ -118,16 +134,10 @@ static __inline__ int get_order(unsigned
+ #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+-#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
+-#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0xC0000000)
+-#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0xC0000000UL)
+ #define PAGE_OFFSET ((unsigned long)__PAGE_OFFSET)
+ #define VMALLOC_RESERVE ((unsigned long)__VMALLOC_RESERVE)
++#define MAXMEM ((unsigned long)(-PAGE_OFFSET-VMALLOC_RESERVE))
+ #define __pa(x) ((unsigned long)(x)-PAGE_OFFSET)
+ #define __va(x) ((void *)((unsigned long)(x)+PAGE_OFFSET))
+ #define pfn_to_kaddr(pfn) __va((pfn) << PAGE_SHIFT)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -16,38 +16,41 @@
+ #include <asm/processor.h>
+ #include <asm/fixmap.h>
+ #include <linux/threads.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
+ #ifndef _I386_BITOPS_H
+ #include <asm/bitops.h>
+ #endif
+-#include <linux/slab.h>
+-#include <linux/list.h>
+-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+- * ZERO_PAGE is a global shared page that is always zero: used
+- * for zero-mapped memory areas etc..
+- */
+-#define ZERO_PAGE(vaddr) (virt_to_page(empty_zero_page))
+-extern unsigned long empty_zero_page[1024];
+ extern pgd_t swapper_pg_dir[1024];
+-extern kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache;
+-extern kmem_cache_t *pmd_cache;
++extern kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache, *pmd_cache, *kpmd_cache;
+ extern spinlock_t pgd_lock;
+ extern struct page *pgd_list;
+ void pmd_ctor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
++void kpmd_ctor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
+ void pgd_ctor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
+ void pgd_dtor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
+ void pgtable_cache_init(void);
+-void paging_init(void);
++extern void paging_init(void);
++void setup_identity_mappings(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end);
++ * ZERO_PAGE is a global shared page that is always zero: used
++ * for zero-mapped memory areas etc..
++ */
++extern unsigned long empty_zero_page[1024];
++#define ZERO_PAGE(vaddr) (virt_to_page(empty_zero_page))
+ /*
+ * The Linux x86 paging architecture is 'compile-time dual-mode', it
+ * implements both the traditional 2-level x86 page tables and the
+ * newer 3-level PAE-mode page tables.
+ */
++extern void set_system_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr);
++extern void init_entry_mappings(void);
++extern void entry_trampoline_setup(void);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
+ # include <asm/pgtable-3level-defs.h>
+ #else
+@@ -59,7 +62,12 @@ void paging_init(void);
+ #define PGDIR_MASK (~(PGDIR_SIZE-1))
++#if defined(CONFIG_X86_PAE) && defined(CONFIG_X86_4G_VM_LAYOUT)
++# define USER_PTRS_PER_PGD 4
+ #define FIRST_USER_PGD_NR 0
+@@ -274,6 +282,7 @@ static inline void ptep_mkdirty(pte_t *p
+ #define mk_pte(page, pgprot) pfn_pte(page_to_pfn(page), (pgprot))
+ #define mk_pte_huge(entry) ((entry).pte_low |= _PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_PSE)
++#define mk_pte_phys(physpage, pgprot) pfn_pte((physpage) >> PAGE_SHIFT, pgprot)
+ static inline pte_t pte_modify(pte_t pte, pgprot_t newprot)
+ {
+@@ -421,4 +430,11 @@ extern pte_t *lookup_address(unsigned lo
+ #define __HAVE_ARCH_PTE_SAME
+ #include <asm-generic/pgtable.h>
++ * The size of the low 1:1 mappings we use during bootup,
++ * SMP-boot and ACPI-sleep:
++ */
++#define LOW_MAPPINGS_SIZE (16*1024*1024)
+ #endif /* _I386_PGTABLE_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ struct cpuinfo_x86 {
+ extern struct cpuinfo_x86 boot_cpu_data;
+ extern struct cpuinfo_x86 new_cpu_data;
+-extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
+-extern struct tss_struct doublefault_tss;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ extern struct cpuinfo_x86 cpu_data[];
+@@ -286,11 +284,6 @@ extern unsigned int machine_submodel_id;
+ extern unsigned int BIOS_revision;
+ extern unsigned int mca_pentium_flag;
+- * User space process size: 3GB (default).
+- */
+ /* This decides where the kernel will search for a free chunk of vm
+ * space during mmap's.
+ */
+@@ -302,7 +295,6 @@ extern unsigned int mca_pentium_flag;
+ #define IO_BITMAP_BITS 65536
+ #define IO_BITMAP_LONGS (IO_BITMAP_BYTES/sizeof(long))
+-#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
+ struct i387_fsave_struct {
+@@ -400,6 +392,11 @@ struct tss_struct {
++#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
++extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
++extern struct tss_struct doublefault_tss;
+ struct thread_struct {
+ /* cached TLS descriptors. */
+ struct desc_struct tls_array[GDT_ENTRY_TLS_ENTRIES];
+@@ -446,7 +443,8 @@ struct thread_struct {
+ .io_bitmap = { [ 0 ... IO_BITMAP_LONGS] = ~0 }, \
+ }
+-static inline void load_esp0(struct tss_struct *tss, struct thread_struct *thread)
++static inline void
++load_esp0(struct tss_struct *tss, struct thread_struct *thread)
+ {
+ tss->esp0 = thread->esp0;
+ /* This can only happen when SEP is enabled, no need to test "SEP"arately */
+@@ -482,6 +480,23 @@ extern void prepare_to_copy(struct task_
+ */
+ extern int kernel_thread(int (*fn)(void *), void * arg, unsigned long flags);
++#define virtual_esp0(tsk) \
++ ((unsigned long)(tsk)->thread_info->virtual_stack + ((tsk)->thread.esp0 - (unsigned long)(tsk)->thread_info->real_stack))
++# define virtual_esp0(tsk) ((tsk)->thread.esp0)
++#define load_virtual_esp0(tss, task) \
++ do { \
++ tss->esp0 = virtual_esp0(task); \
++ if (likely(cpu_has_sep) && unlikely(tss->ss1 != task->thread.sysenter_cs)) { \
++ tss->ss1 = task->thread.sysenter_cs; \
++ wrmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, \
++ task->thread.sysenter_cs, 0); \
++ } \
++ } while (0)
+ extern unsigned long thread_saved_pc(struct task_struct *tsk);
+ void show_trace(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long *stack);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -60,6 +60,29 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ return dest;
+ }
++ * This is a more generic variant of strncpy_count() suitable for
++ * implementing string-access routines with all sorts of return
++ * code semantics. It's used by mm/usercopy.c.
++ */
++static inline size_t strncpy_count(char * dest,const char *src,size_t count)
++ __asm__ __volatile__(
++ "1:\tdecl %0\n\t"
++ "js 2f\n\t"
++ "lodsb\n\t"
++ "stosb\n\t"
++ "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
++ "jne 1b\n\t"
++ "2:"
++ "incl %0"
++ : "=c" (count)
++ :"S" (src),"D" (dest),"0" (count) : "memory");
++ return count;
+ #define __HAVE_ARCH_STRCAT
+ static inline char * strcat(char * dest,const char * src)
+ {
+@@ -117,7 +140,8 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "orb $1,%%al\n"
+ "3:"
+ :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
+- :"1" (cs),"2" (ct));
++ :"1" (cs),"2" (ct)
++ :"memory");
+ return __res;
+ }
+@@ -139,8 +163,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "3:\tsbbl %%eax,%%eax\n\t"
+ "orb $1,%%al\n"
+ "4:"
+- :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&c" (d2)
+- :"1" (cs),"2" (ct),"3" (count));
++ :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&c" (d2)
++ :"1" (cs),"2" (ct),"3" (count)
++ :"memory");
+ return __res;
+ }
+@@ -159,7 +184,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "movl $1,%1\n"
+ "2:\tmovl %1,%0\n\t"
+ "decl %0"
+- :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0) : "1" (s),"0" (c));
++ :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0)
++ :"1" (s),"0" (c)
++ :"memory");
+ return __res;
+ }
+@@ -176,7 +203,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "leal -1(%%esi),%0\n"
+ "2:\ttestb %%al,%%al\n\t"
+ "jne 1b"
+- :"=g" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&a" (d1) :"0" (0),"1" (s),"2" (c));
++ :"=g" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&a" (d1)
++ :"0" (0),"1" (s),"2" (c)
++ :"memory");
+ return __res;
+ }
+@@ -192,7 +221,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "scasb\n\t"
+ "notl %0\n\t"
+ "decl %0"
+- :"=c" (__res), "=&D" (d0) :"1" (s),"a" (0), "0" (0xffffffffu));
++ :"=c" (__res), "=&D" (d0)
++ :"1" (s),"a" (0), "0" (0xffffffffu)
++ :"memory");
+ return __res;
+ }
+@@ -303,7 +334,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "je 1f\n\t"
+ "movl $1,%0\n"
+ "1:\tdecl %0"
+- :"=D" (__res), "=&c" (d0) : "a" (c),"0" (cs),"1" (count));
++ :"=D" (__res), "=&c" (d0)
++ :"a" (c),"0" (cs),"1" (count)
++ :"memory");
+ return __res;
+ }
+@@ -339,7 +372,7 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "je 2f\n\t"
+ "stosb\n"
+ "2:"
+- : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
++ :"=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
+ :"a" (c), "q" (count), "0" (count/4), "1" ((long) s)
+ :"memory");
+ return (s);
+@@ -362,7 +395,8 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "jne 1b\n"
+ "3:\tsubl %2,%0"
+ :"=a" (__res), "=&d" (d0)
+- :"c" (s),"1" (count));
++ :"c" (s),"1" (count)
++ :"memory");
+ return __res;
+ }
+ /* end of additional stuff */
+@@ -443,7 +477,8 @@ static inline void * memscan(void * addr
+ "dec %%edi\n"
+ "1:"
+ : "=D" (addr), "=c" (size)
+- : "0" (addr), "1" (size), "a" (c));
++ : "0" (addr), "1" (size), "a" (c)
++ : "memory");
+ return addr;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
+ #include <asm/processor.h>
+ #endif
++#define PREEMPT_ACTIVE 0x4000000
++#define THREAD_SIZE (4096)
++#define THREAD_SIZE (8192)
+ /*
+ * low level task data that entry.S needs immediate access to
+ * - this struct should fit entirely inside of one cache line
+@@ -37,6 +46,8 @@ struct thread_info {
+ 0-0xBFFFFFFF for user-thead
+ 0-0xFFFFFFFF for kernel-thread
+ */
++ void *real_stack, *virtual_stack, *user_pgd;
++ void *stack_page[STACK_PAGE_COUNT];
+ struct restart_block restart_block;
+ unsigned long previous_esp; /* ESP of the previous stack in case
+@@ -51,14 +62,6 @@ struct thread_info {
+ #endif
+-#define PREEMPT_ACTIVE 0x4000000
+-#define THREAD_SIZE (4096)
+-#define THREAD_SIZE (8192)
+ /*
+ * macros/functions for gaining access to the thread information structure
+ *
+@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ struct thread_info {
+ */
+ #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+-#define INIT_THREAD_INFO(tsk) \
++#define INIT_THREAD_INFO(tsk, thread_info) \
+ { \
+ .task = &tsk, \
+ .exec_domain = &default_exec_domain, \
+@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ struct thread_info {
+ .restart_block = { \
+ .fn = do_no_restart_syscall, \
+ }, \
++ .real_stack = &thread_info, \
+ }
+ #define init_thread_info (init_thread_union.thread_info)
+@@ -105,13 +109,13 @@ static inline unsigned long current_stac
+ ({ \
+ struct thread_info *ret; \
+ \
+- ret = kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); \
++ ret = kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL_UBC); \
+ if (ret) \
+ memset(ret, 0, THREAD_SIZE); \
+ ret; \
+ })
+ #else
+-#define alloc_thread_info(tsk) kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL)
++#define alloc_thread_info(tsk) kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL_UBC)
+ #endif
+ #define free_thread_info(info) kfree(info)
+@@ -143,8 +147,10 @@ static inline unsigned long current_stac
+ #define TIF_NEED_RESCHED 3 /* rescheduling necessary */
+ #define TIF_SINGLESTEP 4 /* restore singlestep on return to user mode */
+ #define TIF_IRET 5 /* return with iret */
++#define TIF_DB7 6 /* has debug registers */
+ #define TIF_SYSCALL_AUDIT 7 /* syscall auditing active */
+ #define TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG 16 /* true if poll_idle() is polling TIF_NEED_RESCHED */
++#define TIF_FREEZE 17 /* Freeze request, atomic version of PF_FREEZE */
+@@ -153,6 +159,7 @@ static inline unsigned long current_stac
+ #define _TIF_IRET (1<<TIF_IRET)
++#define _TIF_DB7 (1<<TIF_DB7)
+ /* work to do on interrupt/exception return */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ extern cycles_t cacheflush_time;
+ static inline cycles_t get_cycles (void)
+ {
+ #ifndef CONFIG_X86_TSC
+- return 0;
++#error "CONFIG_X86_TCS is not set!"
+ #else
+ unsigned long long ret;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -85,22 +85,28 @@ extern unsigned long pgkern_mask;
+ static inline void flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *mm)
+ {
+ if (mm == current->active_mm)
+ __flush_tlb();
+ }
+ static inline void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+ unsigned long addr)
+ {
+ if (vma->vm_mm == current->active_mm)
+ __flush_tlb_one(addr);
+ }
+ static inline void flush_tlb_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+ unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
+ {
+ if (vma->vm_mm == current->active_mm)
+ __flush_tlb();
+ }
+ #else
+@@ -111,11 +117,10 @@ static inline void flush_tlb_range(struc
+ __flush_tlb()
+ extern void flush_tlb_all(void);
+-extern void flush_tlb_current_task(void);
+ extern void flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *);
+ extern void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struct *, unsigned long);
+-#define flush_tlb() flush_tlb_current_task()
++#define flush_tlb() flush_tlb_all()
+ static inline void flush_tlb_range(struct vm_area_struct * vma, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ #define get_ds() (KERNEL_DS)
+ #define get_fs() (current_thread_info()->addr_limit)
+@@ -150,6 +150,55 @@ extern void __get_user_4(void);
+ :"=a" (ret),"=d" (x) \
+ :"0" (ptr))
++extern int get_user_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr);
++extern int put_user_size(unsigned int size, const void *val, void *ptr);
++extern int zero_user_size(unsigned int size, void *ptr);
++extern int copy_str_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr);
++extern int strlen_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, const void *ptr);
++ * GCC 2.96 has stupid bug which forces us to use volatile or barrier below.
++ * without volatile or barrier compiler generates ABSOLUTELY wrong code which
++ * igonores XXX_size function return code, but generates EFAULT :)))
++ * the bug was found in sys_utime()
++ */
++# define indirect_get_user(x,ptr) \
++({ int __ret_gu,__val_gu; \
++ __typeof__(ptr) __ptr_gu = (ptr); \
++ __ret_gu = get_user_size(sizeof(*__ptr_gu), &__val_gu,__ptr_gu) ? -EFAULT : 0;\
++ barrier(); \
++ (x) = (__typeof__(*__ptr_gu))__val_gu; \
++ __ret_gu; \
++#define indirect_put_user(x,ptr) \
++({ \
++ int __ret_pu; \
++ __typeof__(*(ptr)) *__ptr_pu = (ptr), __x_pu = (x); \
++ __ret_pu = put_user_size(sizeof(*__ptr_pu), \
++ &__x_pu, __ptr_pu) ? -EFAULT : 0; \
++ barrier(); \
++ __ret_pu; \
++#define __indirect_put_user indirect_put_user
++#define __indirect_get_user indirect_get_user
++#define indirect_copy_from_user(to,from,n) get_user_size(n,to,from)
++#define indirect_copy_to_user(to,from,n) put_user_size(n,from,to)
++#define __indirect_copy_from_user indirect_copy_from_user
++#define __indirect_copy_to_user indirect_copy_to_user
++#define indirect_strncpy_from_user(dst, src, count) \
++ copy_str_fromuser_size(count, dst, src)
++extern int strlen_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, const void *ptr);
++#define indirect_strnlen_user(str, n) strlen_fromuser_size(n, str)
++#define indirect_strlen_user(str) indirect_strnlen_user(str, ~0UL >> 1)
++extern int zero_user_size(unsigned int size, void *ptr);
++#define indirect_clear_user(mem, len) zero_user_size(len, mem)
++#define __indirect_clear_user clear_user
+ /* Careful: we have to cast the result to the type of the pointer for sign reasons */
+ /**
+@@ -169,7 +218,7 @@ extern void __get_user_4(void);
+ * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
+ * On error, the variable @x is set to zero.
+ */
+-#define get_user(x,ptr) \
++#define direct_get_user(x,ptr) \
+ ({ int __ret_gu,__val_gu; \
+ __chk_user_ptr(ptr); \
+ switch(sizeof (*(ptr))) { \
+@@ -200,7 +249,7 @@ extern void __put_user_bad(void);
+ *
+ * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
+ */
+-#define put_user(x,ptr) \
++#define direct_put_user(x,ptr) \
+ __put_user_check((__typeof__(*(ptr)))(x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr)))
+@@ -224,7 +273,7 @@ extern void __put_user_bad(void);
+ * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
+ * On error, the variable @x is set to zero.
+ */
+-#define __get_user(x,ptr) \
++#define __direct_get_user(x,ptr) \
+ __get_user_nocheck((x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr)))
+@@ -247,7 +296,7 @@ extern void __put_user_bad(void);
+ *
+ * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
+ */
+-#define __put_user(x,ptr) \
++#define __direct_put_user(x,ptr) \
+ __put_user_nocheck((__typeof__(*(ptr)))(x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr)))
+ #define __put_user_nocheck(x,ptr,size) \
+@@ -400,7 +449,7 @@ unsigned long __copy_from_user_ll(void *
+ * On success, this will be zero.
+ */
+ static inline unsigned long
+-__copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
++__direct_copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
+ {
+ if (__builtin_constant_p(n)) {
+ unsigned long ret;
+@@ -438,7 +487,7 @@ __copy_to_user(void __user *to, const vo
+ * data to the requested size using zero bytes.
+ */
+ static inline unsigned long
+-__copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
++__direct_copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
+ {
+ if (__builtin_constant_p(n)) {
+ unsigned long ret;
+@@ -458,9 +507,55 @@ __copy_from_user(void *to, const void __
+ return __copy_from_user_ll(to, from, n);
+ }
+-unsigned long copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n);
+-unsigned long copy_from_user(void *to,
+- const void __user *from, unsigned long n);
++ * copy_to_user: - Copy a block of data into user space.
++ * @to: Destination address, in user space.
++ * @from: Source address, in kernel space.
++ * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
++ *
++ * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
++ *
++ * Copy data from kernel space to user space.
++ *
++ * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
++ * On success, this will be zero.
++ */
++static inline unsigned long
++direct_copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
++ might_sleep();
++ if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, n))
++ n = __direct_copy_to_user(to, from, n);
++ return n;
++ * copy_from_user: - Copy a block of data from user space.
++ * @to: Destination address, in kernel space.
++ * @from: Source address, in user space.
++ * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
++ *
++ * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
++ *
++ * Copy data from user space to kernel space.
++ *
++ * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
++ * On success, this will be zero.
++ *
++ * If some data could not be copied, this function will pad the copied
++ * data to the requested size using zero bytes.
++ */
++static inline unsigned long
++direct_copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
++ might_sleep();
++ if (access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, n))
++ n = __direct_copy_from_user(to, from, n);
++ else
++ memset(to, 0, n);
++ return n;
+ long strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count);
+ long __strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count);
+@@ -478,10 +573,68 @@ long __strncpy_from_user(char *dst, cons
+ * If there is a limit on the length of a valid string, you may wish to
+ * consider using strnlen_user() instead.
+ */
+-#define strlen_user(str) strnlen_user(str, ~0UL >> 1)
+-long strnlen_user(const char __user *str, long n);
+-unsigned long clear_user(void __user *mem, unsigned long len);
+-unsigned long __clear_user(void __user *mem, unsigned long len);
++long direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char *src, long count);
++long __direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char *src, long count);
++#define direct_strlen_user(str) direct_strnlen_user(str, ~0UL >> 1)
++long direct_strnlen_user(const char *str, long n);
++unsigned long direct_clear_user(void *mem, unsigned long len);
++unsigned long __direct_clear_user(void *mem, unsigned long len);
++extern int indirect_uaccess;
++ * Return code and zeroing semantics:
++ __clear_user 0 <-> bytes not done
++ clear_user 0 <-> bytes not done
++ __copy_to_user 0 <-> bytes not done
++ copy_to_user 0 <-> bytes not done
++ __copy_from_user 0 <-> bytes not done, zero rest
++ copy_from_user 0 <-> bytes not done, zero rest
++ __get_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
++ get_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
++ __put_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
++ put_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
++ strlen_user strlen + 1 <-> 0
++ strnlen_user strlen + 1 (or n+1) <-> 0
++ strncpy_from_user strlen (or n) <-> -EFAULT
++ */
++#define __clear_user(mem,len) __indirect_clear_user(mem,len)
++#define clear_user(mem,len) indirect_clear_user(mem,len)
++#define __copy_to_user(to,from,n) __indirect_copy_to_user(to,from,n)
++#define copy_to_user(to,from,n) indirect_copy_to_user(to,from,n)
++#define __copy_from_user(to,from,n) __indirect_copy_from_user(to,from,n)
++#define copy_from_user(to,from,n) indirect_copy_from_user(to,from,n)
++#define __get_user(val,ptr) __indirect_get_user(val,ptr)
++#define get_user(val,ptr) indirect_get_user(val,ptr)
++#define __put_user(val,ptr) __indirect_put_user(val,ptr)
++#define put_user(val,ptr) indirect_put_user(val,ptr)
++#define strlen_user(str) indirect_strlen_user(str)
++#define strnlen_user(src,count) indirect_strnlen_user(src,count)
++#define strncpy_from_user(dst,src,count) \
++ indirect_strncpy_from_user(dst,src,count)
++#define __clear_user __direct_clear_user
++#define clear_user direct_clear_user
++#define __copy_to_user __direct_copy_to_user
++#define copy_to_user direct_copy_to_user
++#define __copy_from_user __direct_copy_from_user
++#define copy_from_user direct_copy_from_user
++#define __get_user __direct_get_user
++#define get_user direct_get_user
++#define __put_user __direct_put_user
++#define put_user direct_put_user
++#define strlen_user direct_strlen_user
++#define strnlen_user direct_strnlen_user
++#define strncpy_from_user direct_strncpy_from_user
+ #endif /* __i386_UACCESS_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -289,8 +289,18 @@
+ #define __NR_mq_notify (__NR_mq_open+4)
+ #define __NR_mq_getsetattr (__NR_mq_open+5)
+ #define __NR_sys_kexec_load 283
+-#define NR_syscalls 284
++#define __NR_fairsched_mknod 500 /* FairScheduler syscalls */
++#define __NR_fairsched_rmnod 501
++#define __NR_fairsched_chwt 502
++#define __NR_fairsched_mvpr 503
++#define __NR_fairsched_rate 504
++#define __NR_getluid 510
++#define __NR_setluid 511
++#define __NR_setublimit 512
++#define __NR_ubstat 513
++#define __NR_lchmod 516
++#define __NR_lutime 517
++#define NR_syscalls 517
+ /* user-visible error numbers are in the range -1 - -124: see <asm-i386/errno.h> */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ #include <asm/machvec.h>
++#include <asm/io.h>
+ extern ia64_mv_send_ipi_t ia64_send_ipi;
+ extern ia64_mv_global_tlb_purge_t ia64_global_tlb_purge;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #define MAP_NORESERVE 0x04000 /* don't check for reservations */
+ #define MAP_POPULATE 0x08000 /* populate (prefault) pagetables */
+ #define MAP_NONBLOCK 0x10000 /* do not block on IO */
++#define MAP_EXECPRIO 0x80000 /* map from exec - try not to fail */
+ #define MS_ASYNC 1 /* sync memory asynchronously */
+ #define MS_INVALIDATE 2 /* invalidate the caches */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ struct thread_struct {
+ regs->loadrs = 0; \
+ regs->r8 = current->mm->dumpable; /* set "don't zap registers" flag */ \
+ regs->r12 = new_sp - 16; /* allocate 16 byte scratch area */ \
+- if (unlikely(!current->mm->dumpable)) { \
++ if (unlikely(!current->mm->dumpable || !current->mm->vps_dumpable)) { \
+ /* \
+ * Zap scratch regs to avoid leaking bits between processes with different \
+ * uid/privileges. \
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ #define _ASM_IA64_PTRACE_H
+ /*
+- * Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Hewlett-Packard Co
++ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Hewlett-Packard Co
+ * David Mosberger-Tang <>
+ * Stephane Eranian <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Intel Co
+@@ -110,7 +110,11 @@ struct pt_regs {
+ unsigned long cr_ipsr; /* interrupted task's psr */
+ unsigned long cr_iip; /* interrupted task's instruction pointer */
+- unsigned long cr_ifs; /* interrupted task's function state */
++ /*
++ * interrupted task's function state; if bit 63 is cleared, it
++ * contains syscall's ar.pfs.pfm:
++ */
++ unsigned long cr_ifs;
+ unsigned long ar_unat; /* interrupted task's NaT register (preserved) */
+ unsigned long ar_pfs; /* prev function state */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ do { \
+ spin_lock(&(next)->switch_lock); \
+ spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock); \
+ } while (0)
+-#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock_irq(&(prev)->switch_lock)
++#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock(&(prev)->switch_lock)
+ #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p) || spin_is_locked(&(p)->switch_lock))
+ #define ia64_platform_is(x) (strcmp(x, platform_name) == 0)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ struct thread_info {
+ #define TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE 3 /* syscall trace active */
+ #define TIF_SYSCALL_AUDIT 4 /* syscall auditing active */
+ #define TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG 16 /* true if poll_idle() is polling TIF_NEED_RESCHED */
++#define TIF_FREEZE 17 /* Freeze request, atomic version of PF_FREEZE */
+ #define TIF_WORK_MASK 0x7 /* like TIF_ALLWORK_BITS but sans TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE */
+ #define TIF_ALLWORK_MASK 0x1f /* bits 0..4 are "work to do on user-return" bits */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,11 +10,14 @@
+ * Also removed cacheflush_time as it's entirely unused.
+ */
+-#include <asm/intrinsics.h>
+-#include <asm/processor.h>
++extern unsigned int cpu_khz;
+ typedef unsigned long cycles_t;
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <asm/intrinsics.h>
++#include <asm/processor.h>
+ /*
+ * For performance reasons, we don't want to define CLOCK_TICK_TRATE as
+ * local_cpu_data->itc_rate. Fortunately, we don't have to, either: according to George
+@@ -37,4 +40,5 @@ get_cycles (void)
+ return ret;
+ }
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+ #endif /* _ASM_IA64_TIMEX_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -259,12 +259,23 @@
+ #define __NR_mq_getsetattr 1267
+ #define __NR_kexec_load 1268
+ #define __NR_vserver 1269
++#define __NR_fairsched_mknod 1500
++#define __NR_fairsched_rmnod 1501
++#define __NR_fairsched_chwt 1502
++#define __NR_fairsched_mvpr 1503
++#define __NR_fairsched_rate 1504
++#define __NR_getluid 1505
++#define __NR_setluid 1506
++#define __NR_setublimit 1507
++#define __NR_ubstat 1508
++#define __NR_lchmod 1509
++#define __NR_lutime 1510
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+-#define NR_syscalls 256 /* length of syscall table */
++#define NR_syscalls (__NR_lutime - __NR_ni_syscall + 1) /* length of syscall table */
+@@ -369,7 +380,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned long sys_mmap2(
+ int fd, long pgoff);
+ struct pt_regs;
+ struct sigaction;
+-asmlinkage long sys_execve(char *filename, char **argv, char **envp,
++long sys_execve(char *filename, char **argv, char **envp,
+ struct pt_regs *regs);
+ asmlinkage long sys_pipe(long arg0, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3,
+ long arg4, long arg5, long arg6, long arg7, long stack);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ do { \
+ spin_lock(&(next)->switch_lock); \
+ spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock); \
+ } while (0)
+-#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock_irq(&(prev)->switch_lock)
++#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock(&(prev)->switch_lock)
+ #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p) || spin_is_locked(&(p)->switch_lock))
+ #endif /* _ASM_SYSTEM_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static inline void restore_access_regs(u
+ #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p))
+ #define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) do { \
+ set_fs(current->thread.mm_segment); \
+- spin_unlock_irq(&(rq)->lock); \
++ spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock); \
+ } while (0)
+ #define nop() __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop")
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ extern void fpsave(unsigned long *fpregs
+ "save %sp, -0x40, %sp\n\t" \
+ "restore; restore; restore; restore; restore; restore; restore"); \
+ } while(0)
+-#define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock_irq(&(rq)->lock)
++#define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock)
+ #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p))
+ /* Much care has gone into this code, do not touch it.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ do { spin_lock(&(next)->switch_lock); \
+ } while (0)
+ #define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) \
+-do { spin_unlock_irq(&(prev)->switch_lock); \
++do { spin_unlock(&(prev)->switch_lock); \
+ } while (0)
+ #define task_running(rq, p) \
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ struct exec
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+ #include <linux/thread_info.h>
+-#define STACK_TOP (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) ? IA32_PAGE_OFFSET : TASK_SIZE)
+ #endif
+ #endif /* __A_OUT_GNU_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@
+ void global_flush_tlb(void);
+ int change_page_attr(struct page *page, int numpages, pgprot_t prot);
++int change_page_attr_addr(unsigned long addr, int numpages, pgprot_t prot);
+ #endif /* _X8664_CACHEFLUSH_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -143,22 +143,6 @@
+ RESTORE_ARGS 0,\addskip
+ .endm
+- /* push in order ss, rsp, eflags, cs, rip */
+- .macro FAKE_STACK_FRAME child_rip
+- xorl %eax,%eax
+- subq $6*8,%rsp
+- movq %rax,5*8(%rsp) /* ss */
+- movq %rax,4*8(%rsp) /* rsp */
+- movq $(1<<9),3*8(%rsp) /* eflags */
+- movq $__KERNEL_CS,2*8(%rsp) /* cs */
+- movq \child_rip,1*8(%rsp) /* rip */
+- movq %rax,(%rsp) /* orig_rax */
+- .endm
+- addq $8*6, %rsp
+- .endm
+ .macro icebp
+ .byte 0xf1
+ .endm
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ static inline void set_tss_desc(unsigned
+ {
+ set_tssldt_descriptor(&cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS], (unsigned long)addr,
+- sizeof(struct tss_struct));
++ sizeof(struct tss_struct) - 1);
+ }
+ static inline void set_ldt_desc(unsigned cpu, void *addr, int size)
+ {
+ set_tssldt_descriptor(&cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_LDT], (unsigned long)addr,
+- DESC_LDT, size * 8);
++ DESC_LDT, size * 8 - 1);
+ }
+ static inline void set_seg_base(unsigned cpu, int entry, void *base)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static inline void x86_do_profile (struc
+ atomic_inc((atomic_t *)&prof_buffer[rip]);
+ }
+-#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
++#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC)
+ static inline void hw_resend_irq(struct hw_interrupt_type *h, unsigned int i) {
+ if (IO_APIC_IRQ(i))
+ send_IPI_self(IO_APIC_VECTOR(i));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:13.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ typedef union sigval32 {
+ unsigned int sival_ptr;
+ } sigval_t32;
+-typedef struct siginfo32 {
++typedef struct compat_siginfo {
+ int si_signo;
+ int si_errno;
+ int si_code;
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ typedef struct siginfo32 {
+ int _fd;
+ } _sigpoll;
+ } _sifields;
+-} siginfo_t32;
++} compat_siginfo_t;
+ struct sigframe32
+ {
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ struct rt_sigframe32
+ int sig;
+ u32 pinfo;
+ u32 puc;
+- struct siginfo32 info;
++ struct compat_siginfo info;
+ struct ucontext_ia32 uc;
+ struct _fpstate_ia32 fpstate;
+ };
+@@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ struct siginfo_t;
+ int do_get_thread_area(struct thread_struct *t, struct user_desc __user *info);
+ int do_set_thread_area(struct thread_struct *t, struct user_desc __user *info);
+ int ia32_child_tls(struct task_struct *p, struct pt_regs *childregs);
+-int ia32_copy_siginfo_from_user(siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t32 __user *from);
+-int ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(siginfo_t32 __user *to, siginfo_t *from);
+ #endif
+ #endif /* !CONFIG_IA32_SUPPORT */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -57,4 +57,6 @@ struct irqaction;
+ struct pt_regs;
+ int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int, struct pt_regs *, struct irqaction *);
++extern int no_irq_affinity;
+ #endif /* _ASM_IRQ_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #define MAP_NORESERVE 0x4000 /* don't check for reservations */
+ #define MAP_POPULATE 0x8000 /* populate (prefault) pagetables */
+ #define MAP_NONBLOCK 0x10000 /* do not block on IO */
++#define MAP_EXECPRIO 0x80000 /* map from exec - try not to fail */
+ #define MS_ASYNC 1 /* sync memory asynchronously */
+ #define MS_INVALIDATE 2 /* invalidate the caches */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ extern inline unsigned int cpuid_edx(uns
+ #define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM1 0xC001001A
+ #define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM2 0xC001001D
+ #define MSR_K8_SYSCFG 0xC0000010
++#define MSR_K8_HWCR 0xC0010015
+ /* K6 MSRs */
+ #define MSR_K6_EFER 0xC0000080
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ struct mtrr_gentry
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+-extern char *mtrr_strings[MTRR_NUM_TYPES];
+ /* The following functions are for use by other drivers */
+ # ifdef CONFIG_MTRR
+ extern int mtrr_add (unsigned long base, unsigned long size,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ extern __inline__ void pmd_free(pmd_t *p
+ static inline pmd_t *pmd_alloc_one (struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
+ {
+- return (pmd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT);
++ return (pmd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT);
+ }
+ static inline pgd_t *pgd_alloc (struct mm_struct *mm)
+ {
+- return (pgd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT);
++ return (pgd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT);
+ }
+ static inline void pgd_free (pgd_t *pgd)
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static inline pte_t *pte_alloc_one_kerne
+ static inline struct page *pte_alloc_one(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
+ {
+- void *p = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT);
++ void *p = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT);
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ return virt_to_page(p);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ extern inline pte_t pte_modify(pte_t pte
+ }
+ #define pte_index(address) \
+- ((address >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1))
++ (((address) >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1))
+ #define pte_offset_kernel(dir, address) ((pte_t *) pmd_page_kernel(*(dir)) + \
+ pte_index(address))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ struct cpuinfo_x86 {
+ #define X86_VENDOR_UNKNOWN 0xff
+ extern struct cpuinfo_x86 boot_cpu_data;
+-extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ extern struct cpuinfo_x86 cpu_data[];
+@@ -166,16 +165,16 @@ static inline void clear_in_cr4 (unsigne
+ /*
+ * User space process size: 512GB - 1GB (default).
+ */
+-#define TASK_SIZE (0x0000007fc0000000UL)
++#define TASK_SIZE64 (0x0000007fc0000000UL)
+ /* This decides where the kernel will search for a free chunk of vm
+ * space during mmap's.
+ */
+-#define IA32_PAGE_OFFSET ((current->personality & ADDR_LIMIT_3GB) ? 0xc0000000 : 0xFFFFe000)
+- (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) ? TASK_UNMAPPED_32 : TASK_UNMAPPED_64)
++#define IA32_PAGE_OFFSET 0xc0000000
++#define TASK_SIZE (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) ? IA32_PAGE_OFFSET : TASK_SIZE64)
++#define TASK_SIZE_OF(child) ((test_tsk_thread_flag(child, TIF_IA32) ? IA32_PAGE_OFFSET : TASK_SIZE64))
+ /*
+ * Size of io_bitmap.
+@@ -183,7 +182,6 @@ static inline void clear_in_cr4 (unsigne
+ #define IO_BITMAP_BITS 65536
+ #define IO_BITMAP_LONGS (IO_BITMAP_BYTES/sizeof(long))
+-#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
+ struct i387_fxsave_struct {
+@@ -229,6 +227,10 @@ struct tss_struct {
++#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
++extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
+ struct thread_struct {
+ unsigned long rsp0;
+ unsigned long rsp;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -3,32 +3,31 @@
+ #include <asm/cache.h>
+-#define __KERNEL_CS 0x10
+-#define __KERNEL_DS 0x18
+-#define __KERNEL32_CS 0x38
++#define __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS 0x8
++#define GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS 2
++#define __BOOT_CS (GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS * 8)
++#define GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_DS 3
++#define __BOOT_DS (GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_DS * 8)
++#define GDT_ENTRY_TSS 4 /* needs two entries */
+ /*
+ * we cannot use the same code segment descriptor for user and kernel
+ * -- not even in the long flat mode, because of different DPL /kkeil
+ * The segment offset needs to contain a RPL. Grr. -AK
+ * GDT layout to get 64bit syscall right (sysret hardcodes gdt offsets)
+ */
+-#define __USER32_CS 0x23 /* 4*8+3 */
+-#define __USER_DS 0x2b /* 5*8+3 */
+-#define __USER_CS 0x33 /* 6*8+3 */
+-#define __USER32_DS __USER_DS
++#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN 6
++#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MAX 8
++#define GDT_ENTRY_KERNELCS16 9
+ #define __KERNEL16_CS (GDT_ENTRY_KERNELCS16 * 8)
+-#define __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS 0x8
+-#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS 1
+-#define GDT_ENTRY_TSS 8 /* needs two entries */
+ #define GDT_ENTRY_LDT 10
+-#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN 11
+-#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MAX 13
+-/* 14 free */
+-#define GDT_ENTRY_KERNELCS16 15
++#define __KERNEL32_CS 0x58 /* 11*8 */
++#define __KERNEL_CS 0x60 /* 12*8 */
++#define __KERNEL_DS 0x68 /* 13*8 */
++#define __USER32_CS 0x73 /* 14*8+3 */
++#define __USER_DS 0x7b /* 15*8+3 */
++#define __USER32_DS __USER_DS
++#define __USER_CS 0x83 /* 16*8+3 */
+@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@
+ #define FS_TLS_SEL ((GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN+FS_TLS)*8 + 3)
+ #define IDT_ENTRIES 256
+-#define GDT_ENTRIES 16
++#define GDT_ENTRIES 32
+ #define GDT_SIZE (GDT_ENTRIES * 8)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ static inline struct thread_info *stack_
+ #define TIF_IA32 17 /* 32bit process */
+ #define TIF_FORK 18 /* ret_from_fork */
+ #define TIF_ABI_PENDING 19
++#define TIF_FREEZE 20 /* Freeze request, atomic version of PF_FREEZE */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -554,8 +554,30 @@ __SYSCALL(__NR_mq_notify, sys_mq_notify)
+ __SYSCALL(__NR_mq_getsetattr, sys_mq_getsetattr)
+ #define __NR_kexec_load 246
+ __SYSCALL(__NR_kexec_load, sys_ni_syscall)
++#define __NR_getluid 500
++__SYSCALL(__NR_getluid, sys_getluid)
++#define __NR_setluid 501
++__SYSCALL(__NR_setluid, sys_setluid)
++#define __NR_setublimit 502
++__SYSCALL(__NR_setublimit, sys_setublimit)
++#define __NR_ubstat 503
++__SYSCALL(__NR_ubstat, sys_ubstat)
++#define __NR_fairsched_mknod 504 /* FairScheduler syscalls */
++__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_mknod, sys_fairsched_mknod)
++#define __NR_fairsched_rmnod 505
++__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_rmnod, sys_fairsched_rmnod)
++#define __NR_fairsched_chwt 506
++__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_chwt, sys_fairsched_chwt)
++#define __NR_fairsched_mvpr 507
++__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_mvpr, sys_fairsched_mvpr)
++#define __NR_fairsched_rate 508
++__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_rate, sys_fairsched_rate)
++#define __NR_lchmod 509
++__SYSCALL(__NR_lchmod, sys_lchmod)
++#define __NR_lutime 510
++__SYSCALL(__NR_lutime, sys_lutime)
+-#define __NR_syscall_max __NR_kexec_load
++#define __NR_syscall_max __NR_lutime
+ #ifndef __NO_STUBS
+ /* user-visible error numbers are in the range -1 - -4095 */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
+ #ifndef _ASM_X86_64_VSYSCALL_H_
+ #define _ASM_X86_64_VSYSCALL_H_
+-#include <linux/seqlock.h>
+ enum vsyscall_num {
+ __NR_vgettimeofday,
+ __NR_vtime,
+@@ -15,13 +13,15 @@ enum vsyscall_num {
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/seqlock.h>
+ #define __section_vxtime __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".vxtime"), aligned(16)))
+ #define __section_wall_jiffies __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".wall_jiffies"), aligned(16)))
+ #define __section_jiffies __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".jiffies"), aligned(16)))
+ #define __section_sys_tz __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".sys_tz"), aligned(16)))
+ #define __section_sysctl_vsyscall __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".sysctl_vsyscall"), aligned(16)))
+ #define __section_xtime __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".xtime"), aligned(16)))
+-#define __section_xtime_lock __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".xtime_lock"), aligned(L1_CACHE_BYTES)))
++#define __section_xtime_lock __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".xtime_lock"), aligned(16)))
+ #define VXTIME_TSC 1
+ #define VXTIME_HPET 2
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ extern void affs_put_inode(struct ino
+ extern void affs_delete_inode(struct inode *inode);
+ extern void affs_clear_inode(struct inode *inode);
+ extern void affs_read_inode(struct inode *inode);
+-extern void affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int);
++extern int affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int);
+ extern int affs_add_entry(struct inode *dir, struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, s32 type);
+ /* super.c */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ #define _LINUX_BINFMTS_H
+ #include <linux/capability.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
+ struct pt_regs;
+@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ struct linux_binprm{
+ int sh_bang;
+ struct file * file;
+ int e_uid, e_gid;
++ struct exec_perm perm;
+ kernel_cap_t cap_inheritable, cap_permitted, cap_effective;
+ void *security;
+ int argc, envc;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -147,12 +147,9 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
+ #define CAP_NET_BROADCAST 11
+-/* Allow interface configuration */
+ /* Allow administration of IP firewall, masquerading and accounting */
+ /* Allow setting debug option on sockets */
+ /* Allow modification of routing tables */
+-/* Allow setting arbitrary process / process group ownership on
+- sockets */
+ /* Allow binding to any address for transparent proxying */
+ /* Allow setting TOS (type of service) */
+ /* Allow setting promiscuous mode */
+@@ -183,6 +180,7 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
+ #define CAP_SYS_MODULE 16
+ /* Allow ioperm/iopl access */
++/* Allow O_DIRECT access */
+ /* Allow sending USB messages to any device via /proc/bus/usb */
+ #define CAP_SYS_RAWIO 17
+@@ -201,24 +199,19 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
+ /* Allow configuration of the secure attention key */
+ /* Allow administration of the random device */
+-/* Allow examination and configuration of disk quotas */
+ /* Allow configuring the kernel's syslog (printk behaviour) */
+ /* Allow setting the domainname */
+ /* Allow setting the hostname */
+ /* Allow calling bdflush() */
+-/* Allow mount() and umount(), setting up new smb connection */
++/* Allow setting up new smb connection */
+ /* Allow some autofs root ioctls */
+ /* Allow nfsservctl */
+ /* Allow VM86_REQUEST_IRQ */
+ /* Allow to read/write pci config on alpha */
+ /* Allow irix_prctl on mips (setstacksize) */
+ /* Allow flushing all cache on m68k (sys_cacheflush) */
+-/* Allow removing semaphores */
+-/* Used instead of CAP_CHOWN to "chown" IPC message queues, semaphores
+- and shared memory */
+ /* Allow locking/unlocking of shared memory segment */
+ /* Allow turning swap on/off */
+-/* Allow forged pids on socket credentials passing */
+ /* Allow setting readahead and flushing buffers on block devices */
+ /* Allow setting geometry in floppy driver */
+ /* Allow turning DMA on/off in xd driver */
+@@ -235,6 +228,8 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
+ /* Allow enabling/disabling tagged queuing on SCSI controllers and sending
+ arbitrary SCSI commands */
+ /* Allow setting encryption key on loopback filesystem */
++/* Modify data journaling mode on ext3 filesystem (uses journaling
++ resources) */
+ #define CAP_SYS_ADMIN 21
+@@ -254,8 +249,6 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
+ /* Override resource limits. Set resource limits. */
+ /* Override quota limits. */
+ /* Override reserved space on ext2 filesystem */
+-/* Modify data journaling mode on ext3 filesystem (uses journaling
+- resources) */
+ /* NOTE: ext2 honors fsuid when checking for resource overrides, so
+ you can override using fsuid too */
+ /* Override size restrictions on IPC message queues */
+@@ -284,6 +277,36 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
+ #define CAP_LEASE 28
++/* Allow access to all information. In the other case some structures will be
++ hiding to ensure different Virtual Environment non-interaction on the same
++ node */
++#define CAP_SETVEID 29
++#define CAP_VE_ADMIN 30
++/* Replacement for CAP_NET_ADMIN:
++ delegated rights to the Virtual environment of its network administration.
++ For now the following rights have been delegated:
++ Allow setting arbitrary process / process group ownership on sockets
++ Allow interface configuration
++/* Replacement for CAP_SYS_ADMIN:
++ delegated rights to the Virtual environment of its administration.
++ For now the following rights have been delegated:
++/* Allow mount/umount/remount */
++/* Allow examination and configuration of disk quotas */
++/* Allow removing semaphores */
++/* Used instead of CAP_CHOWN to "chown" IPC message queues, semaphores
++ and shared memory */
++/* Allow locking/unlocking of shared memory segment */
++/* Allow forged pids on socket credentials passing */
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+ /*
+ * Bounding set
+@@ -348,9 +371,16 @@ static inline kernel_cap_t cap_invert(ke
+ #define cap_issubset(a,set) (!(cap_t(a) & ~cap_t(set)))
+ #define cap_clear(c) do { cap_t(c) = 0; } while(0)
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ #define cap_set_full(c) do { cap_t(c) = ~0; } while(0)
+-#define cap_mask(c,mask) do { cap_t(c) &= cap_t(mask); } while(0)
++#define cap_set_full(c) \
++ do {cap_t(c) = ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? ~0 : \
++ get_exec_env()->cap_default; } while(0)
++#define cap_mask(c,mask) do { cap_t(c) &= cap_t(mask); } while(0)
+ #define cap_is_fs_cap(c) (CAP_TO_MASK(c) & CAP_FS_MASK)
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ extern struct file_operations coda_ioctl
+ int coda_open(struct inode *i, struct file *f);
+ int coda_flush(struct file *f);
+ int coda_release(struct inode *i, struct file *f);
+-int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd);
++int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm);
+ int coda_revalidate_inode(struct dentry *);
+ int coda_getattr(struct vfsmount *, struct dentry *, struct kstat *);
+ int coda_setattr(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -130,5 +130,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_sys_select(int n,
+ compat_ulong_t __user *outp, compat_ulong_t __user *exp,
+ struct compat_timeval __user *tvp);
++struct compat_siginfo;
++int copy_siginfo_from_user32(siginfo_t *to, struct compat_siginfo __user *from);
++int copy_siginfo_to_user32(struct compat_siginfo __user *to, siginfo_t *from);
+ #endif /* CONFIG_COMPAT */
+ #endif /* _LINUX_COMPAT_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ COMPATIBLE_IOCTL(TCSETS)
+ /* Little t */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ struct dcookie_struct;
++#include <ub/ub_dcache.h>
+ struct dentry {
+ atomic_t d_count;
+ unsigned int d_flags; /* protected by d_lock */
+@@ -106,9 +108,15 @@ struct dentry {
+ struct rcu_head d_rcu;
+ struct dcookie_struct *d_cookie; /* cookie, if any */
+ struct hlist_node d_hash; /* lookup hash list */
++ /* It can't be at the end because of DNAME_INLINE_LEN */
++ struct dentry_beancounter dentry_bc;
+ unsigned char d_iname[DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN]; /* small names */
+ };
++#define DNAME_INLINE_LEN (sizeof(struct dentry)-offsetof(struct dentry,d_iname))
++#define dentry_bc(__d) (&(__d)->dentry_bc)
+ struct dentry_operations {
+ int (*d_revalidate)(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
+ int (*d_hash) (struct dentry *, struct qstr *);
+@@ -156,6 +164,9 @@ d_iput: no no no yes
+ #define DCACHE_REFERENCED 0x0008 /* Recently used, don't discard. */
+ #define DCACHE_UNHASHED 0x0010
++#define DCACHE_VIRTUAL 0x0100 /* ve accessible */
++extern void mark_tree_virtual(struct vfsmount *m, struct dentry *d);
+ extern spinlock_t dcache_lock;
+@@ -163,17 +174,16 @@ extern spinlock_t dcache_lock;
+ * d_drop - drop a dentry
+ * @dentry: dentry to drop
+ *
+- * d_drop() unhashes the entry from the parent
+- * dentry hashes, so that it won't be found through
+- * a VFS lookup any more. Note that this is different
+- * from deleting the dentry - d_delete will try to
+- * mark the dentry negative if possible, giving a
+- * successful _negative_ lookup, while d_drop will
++ * d_drop() unhashes the entry from the parent dentry hashes, so that it won't
++ * be found through a VFS lookup any more. Note that this is different from
++ * deleting the dentry - d_delete will try to mark the dentry negative if
++ * possible, giving a successful _negative_ lookup, while d_drop will
+ * just make the cache lookup fail.
+ *
+- * d_drop() is used mainly for stuff that wants
+- * to invalidate a dentry for some reason (NFS
+- * timeouts or autofs deletes).
++ * d_drop() is used mainly for stuff that wants to invalidate a dentry for some
++ * reason (NFS timeouts or autofs deletes).
++ *
++ * __d_drop requires dentry->d_lock.
+ */
+ static inline void __d_drop(struct dentry *dentry)
+@@ -187,7 +197,9 @@ static inline void __d_drop(struct dentr
+ static inline void d_drop(struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ __d_drop(dentry);
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ }
+@@ -208,7 +220,8 @@ extern struct dentry * d_alloc_anon(stru
+ extern struct dentry * d_splice_alias(struct inode *, struct dentry *);
+ extern void shrink_dcache_sb(struct super_block *);
+ extern void shrink_dcache_parent(struct dentry *);
+-extern void shrink_dcache_anon(struct hlist_head *);
++extern void shrink_dcache_anon(struct super_block *);
++extern void dcache_shrinker_wait_sb(struct super_block *sb);
+ extern int d_invalidate(struct dentry *);
+ /* only used at mount-time */
+@@ -253,6 +266,7 @@ extern struct dentry * __d_lookup(struct
+ /* validate "insecure" dentry pointer */
+ extern int d_validate(struct dentry *, struct dentry *);
++extern int d_root_check(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *);
+ extern char * d_path(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *, char *, int);
+ /* Allocation counts.. */
+@@ -273,6 +287,10 @@ extern char * d_path(struct dentry *, st
+ static inline struct dentry *dget(struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+ if (dentry) {
++ if (atomic_inc_and_test(&dentry_bc(dentry)->d_inuse))
++ BUG();
+ BUG_ON(!atomic_read(&dentry->d_count));
+ atomic_inc(&dentry->d_count);
+ }
+@@ -315,6 +333,8 @@ extern struct dentry *lookup_create(stru
+ extern int sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
++extern int check_area_access_ve(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *);
++extern int check_area_execute_ve(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *);
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+ #endif /* __LINUX_DCACHE_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
+ struct tty_struct *devpts_get_tty(int number); /* get tty structure */
+ void devpts_pty_kill(int number); /* unlink */
++struct devpts_config {
++ int setuid;
++ int setgid;
++ uid_t uid;
++ gid_t gid;
++ umode_t mode;
+ #else
+ /* Dummy stubs in the no-pty case */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+ #include <linux/user.h>
++extern int sysctl_at_vsyscall;
+ struct elf_siginfo
+ {
+ int si_signo; /* signal number */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ extern struct buffer_head * ext3_getblk
+ extern struct buffer_head * ext3_bread (handle_t *, struct inode *, int, int, int *);
+ extern void ext3_read_inode (struct inode *);
+-extern void ext3_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
++extern int ext3_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
+ extern int ext3_setattr (struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
+ extern void ext3_put_inode (struct inode *);
+ extern void ext3_delete_inode (struct inode *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
++#ifndef __LINUX_FAIRSCHED_H__
++#define __LINUX_FAIRSCHED_H__
++ * Fair Scheduler
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/cache.h>
++#include <linux/cpumask.h>
++#include <asm/timex.h>
++typedef struct { cycles_t t; } fschtag_t;
++typedef struct { unsigned long d; } fschdur_t;
++typedef struct { cycles_t v; } fschvalue_t;
++struct vcpu_scheduler;
++struct fairsched_node {
++ struct list_head runlist;
++ /*
++ * Fair Scheduler fields
++ *
++ * nr_running >= nr_ready (!= if delayed)
++ */
++ fschtag_t start_tag;
++ int nr_ready;
++ int nr_runnable;
++ int nr_pcpu;
++ /*
++ * Rate limitator fields
++ */
++ cycles_t last_updated_at;
++ fschvalue_t value; /* leaky function value */
++ cycles_t delay; /* removed from schedule till */
++ unsigned char delayed;
++ /*
++ * Configuration
++ *
++ * Read-only most of the time.
++ */
++ unsigned weight ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
++ /* fairness weight */
++ unsigned char rate_limited;
++ unsigned rate; /* max CPU share */
++ fschtag_t max_latency;
++ unsigned min_weight;
++ struct list_head nodelist;
++ int id;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++#define FSCHWEIGHT_MAX ((1 << 16) - 1)
++#define FSCHRATE_SHIFT 10
++ * Fairsched nodes used in boot process.
++ */
++extern struct fairsched_node fairsched_init_node;
++extern struct fairsched_node fairsched_idle_node;
++ * For proc output.
++ */
++extern unsigned fairsched_nr_cpus;
++extern void fairsched_cpu_online_map(int id, cpumask_t *mask);
++/* I hope vsched_id is always equal to fairsched node id --SAW */
++#define task_fairsched_node_id(p) task_vsched_id(p)
++ * Core functions.
++ */
++extern void fairsched_incrun(struct fairsched_node *node);
++extern void fairsched_decrun(struct fairsched_node *node);
++extern void fairsched_inccpu(struct fairsched_node *node);
++extern void fairsched_deccpu(struct fairsched_node *node);
++extern struct fairsched_node *fairsched_schedule(
++ struct fairsched_node *prev_node,
++ struct fairsched_node *cur_node,
++ int cur_node_active,
++ cycles_t time);
++ * Management functions.
++ */
++void fairsched_init_early(void);
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
++ unsigned int newid);
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id);
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid);
++#else /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
++#define task_fairsched_node_id(p) 0
++#define fairsched_incrun(p) do { } while (0)
++#define fairsched_decrun(p) do { } while (0)
++#define fairsched_deccpu(p) do { } while (0)
++#define fairsched_cpu_online_map(id, mask) do { *(mask) = cpu_online_map; } while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
++#endif /* __LINUX_FAIRSCHED_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
++ * include/linux/faudit.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __FAUDIT_H_
++#define __FAUDIT_H_
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
++struct vfsmount;
++struct dentry;
++struct pt_regs;
++struct faudit_regs_arg {
++ int err;
++ struct pt_regs *regs;
++struct faudit_stat_arg {
++ int err;
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ void *stat;
++#define VIRTINFO_FAUDIT (0)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -725,7 +725,6 @@ extern void fb_destroy_modedb(struct fb_
+ /* drivers/video/modedb.c */
+ #define VESA_MODEDB_SIZE 34
+-extern const struct fb_videomode vesa_modes[];
+ /* drivers/video/fbcmap.c */
+ extern int fb_alloc_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int len, int transp);
+@@ -754,6 +753,8 @@ struct fb_videomode {
+ u32 flag;
+ };
++extern const struct fb_videomode vesa_modes[];
+ extern int fb_find_mode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
+ struct fb_info *info, const char *mode_option,
+ const struct fb_videomode *db,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ */
+ #include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/linkage.h>
+ #include <linux/limits.h>
+ #include <linux/wait.h>
+@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ extern int leases_enable, dir_notify_ena
+ #define FMODE_LSEEK 4
+ #define FMODE_PREAD 8
+ #define FMODE_PWRITE FMODE_PREAD /* These go hand in hand */
++#define FMODE_QUOTACTL 4
+ #define RW_MASK 1
+ #define RWA_MASK 2
+@@ -96,6 +98,7 @@ extern int leases_enable, dir_notify_ena
+ /* public flags for file_system_type */
+ #define FS_REQUIRES_DEV 1
++#define FS_VIRTUALIZED 64 /* Can mount this fstype inside ve */
+ #define FS_REVAL_DOT 16384 /* Check the paths ".", ".." for staleness */
+ #define FS_ODD_RENAME 32768 /* Temporary stuff; will go away as soon
+ * as nfs_rename() will be cleaned up
+@@ -292,6 +295,9 @@ struct iattr {
+ * Includes for diskquotas.
+ */
+ #include <linux/quota.h>
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) || defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_MODULE)
++#include <linux/vzquota_qlnk.h>
+ /*
+ * oh the beauties of C type declarations.
+@@ -419,6 +425,7 @@ static inline int mapping_writably_mappe
+ struct inode {
+ struct hlist_node i_hash;
+ struct list_head i_list;
++ struct list_head i_sb_list;
+ struct list_head i_dentry;
+ unsigned long i_ino;
+ atomic_t i_count;
+@@ -448,6 +455,9 @@ struct inode {
+ struct dquot *i_dquot[MAXQUOTAS];
+ #endif
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) || defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_MODULE)
++ struct vz_quota_ilink i_qlnk;
+ /* These three should probably be a union */
+ struct list_head i_devices;
+ struct pipe_inode_info *i_pipe;
+@@ -536,6 +546,12 @@ static inline unsigned imajor(struct ino
+ extern struct block_device *I_BDEV(struct inode *inode);
++struct exec_perm {
++ umode_t mode;
++ uid_t uid, gid;
++ int set;
+ struct fown_struct {
+ rwlock_t lock; /* protects pid, uid, euid fields */
+ int pid; /* pid or -pgrp where SIGIO should be sent */
+@@ -587,7 +603,10 @@ struct file {
+ spinlock_t f_ep_lock;
+ #endif /* #ifdef CONFIG_EPOLL */
+ struct address_space *f_mapping;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(FILP, GENERIC, struct file, owner_env,
++ inline, (always_inline))
+ extern spinlock_t files_lock;
+ #define file_list_lock() spin_lock(&files_lock);
+ #define file_list_unlock() spin_unlock(&files_lock);
+@@ -639,6 +658,7 @@ struct file_lock {
+ struct file *fl_file;
+ unsigned char fl_flags;
+ unsigned char fl_type;
++ unsigned char fl_charged;
+ loff_t fl_start;
+ loff_t fl_end;
+@@ -750,10 +770,12 @@ struct super_block {
+ atomic_t s_active;
+ void *s_security;
++ struct list_head s_inodes; /* all inodes */
+ struct list_head s_dirty; /* dirty inodes */
+ struct list_head s_io; /* parked for writeback */
+ struct hlist_head s_anon; /* anonymous dentries for (nfs) exporting */
+ struct list_head s_files;
++ struct list_head s_dshrinkers; /* active dcache shrinkers */
+ struct block_device *s_bdev;
+ struct list_head s_instances;
+@@ -911,7 +933,8 @@ struct inode_operations {
+ int (*follow_link) (struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
+ void (*put_link) (struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
+ void (*truncate) (struct inode *);
+- int (*permission) (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
++ int (*permission) (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
++ struct exec_perm *);
+ int (*setattr) (struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
+ int (*getattr) (struct vfsmount *mnt, struct dentry *, struct kstat *);
+ int (*setxattr) (struct dentry *, const char *,const void *,size_t,int);
+@@ -940,7 +963,7 @@ struct super_operations {
+ void (*read_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*dirty_inode) (struct inode *);
+- void (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
++ int (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
+ void (*put_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*drop_inode) (struct inode *);
+ void (*delete_inode) (struct inode *);
+@@ -955,6 +978,8 @@ struct super_operations {
+ void (*umount_begin) (struct super_block *);
+ int (*show_options)(struct seq_file *, struct vfsmount *);
++ struct inode *(*get_quota_root)(struct super_block *);
+ };
+ /* Inode state bits. Protected by inode_lock. */
+@@ -1105,8 +1130,15 @@ struct file_system_type {
+ struct module *owner;
+ struct file_system_type * next;
+ struct list_head fs_supers;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(FSTYPE, MODULE_NOCHECK, struct file_system_type, owner_env
++ , , ())
++void get_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs);
++void put_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs);
+ struct super_block *get_sb_bdev(struct file_system_type *fs_type,
+ int flags, const char *dev_name, void *data,
+ int (*fill_super)(struct super_block *, void *, int));
+@@ -1129,6 +1161,7 @@ struct super_block *sget(struct file_sys
+ struct super_block *get_sb_pseudo(struct file_system_type *, char *,
+ struct super_operations *ops, unsigned long);
+ int __put_super(struct super_block *sb);
++int __put_super_and_need_restart(struct super_block *sb);
+ void unnamed_dev_init(void);
+ /* Alas, no aliases. Too much hassle with bringing module.h everywhere */
+@@ -1143,6 +1176,8 @@ extern struct vfsmount *kern_mount(struc
+ extern int may_umount_tree(struct vfsmount *);
+ extern int may_umount(struct vfsmount *);
+ extern long do_mount(char *, char *, char *, unsigned long, void *);
++extern void umount_tree(struct vfsmount *);
++#define kern_umount mntput
+ extern int vfs_statfs(struct super_block *, struct kstatfs *);
+@@ -1260,7 +1295,7 @@ extern int chrdev_open(struct inode *, s
+ #define BDEVNAME_SIZE 32 /* Largest string for a blockdev identifier */
+ extern const char *__bdevname(dev_t, char *buffer);
+ extern const char *bdevname(struct block_device *bdev, char *buffer);
+-extern struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *);
++extern struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *, int mode);
+ extern struct block_device *open_bdev_excl(const char *, int, void *);
+ extern void close_bdev_excl(struct block_device *);
+@@ -1290,7 +1325,7 @@ extern int fs_may_remount_ro(struct supe
+ #define bio_data_dir(bio) ((bio)->bi_rw & 1)
+ extern int check_disk_change(struct block_device *);
+-extern int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block *);
++extern int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block *, int);
+ extern int __invalidate_device(struct block_device *, int);
+ extern int invalidate_partition(struct gendisk *, int);
+ unsigned long invalidate_mapping_pages(struct address_space *mapping,
+@@ -1317,8 +1352,9 @@ extern int do_remount_sb(struct super_bl
+ extern sector_t bmap(struct inode *, sector_t);
+ extern int setattr_mask(unsigned int);
+ extern int notify_change(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
+-extern int permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
+-extern int vfs_permission(struct inode *, int);
++extern int permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
++ struct exec_perm *);
++extern int vfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct exec_perm *);
+ extern int get_write_access(struct inode *);
+ extern int deny_write_access(struct file *);
+ static inline void put_write_access(struct inode * inode)
+@@ -1335,8 +1371,9 @@ extern int do_pipe(int *);
+ extern int open_namei(const char *, int, int, struct nameidata *);
+ extern int may_open(struct nameidata *, int, int);
++struct linux_binprm;
+ extern int kernel_read(struct file *, unsigned long, char *, unsigned long);
+-extern struct file * open_exec(const char *);
++extern struct file * open_exec(const char *, struct linux_binprm *);
+ /* fs/dcache.c -- generic fs support functions */
+ extern int is_subdir(struct dentry *, struct dentry *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -38,19 +38,25 @@ struct vm_area_struct;
+ #define __GFP_NO_GROW 0x2000 /* Slab internal usage */
+ #define __GFP_COMP 0x4000 /* Add compound page metadata */
+-#define __GFP_BITS_SHIFT 16 /* Room for 16 __GFP_FOO bits */
++#define __GFP_UBC 0x08000 /* charge kmem in buddy and slab */
++#define __GFP_SOFT_UBC 0x10000 /* use soft charging */
++#define __GFP_BITS_SHIFT 17 /* Room for 15 __GFP_FOO bits */
+ #define __GFP_BITS_MASK ((1 << __GFP_BITS_SHIFT) - 1)
+ /* if you forget to add the bitmask here kernel will crash, period */
+ #define GFP_ATOMIC (__GFP_HIGH)
+ #define GFP_NOIO (__GFP_WAIT)
+ #define GFP_NOFS (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO)
+ #define GFP_KERNEL (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS)
++#define GFP_KERNEL_UBC (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS | __GFP_UBC)
+ #define GFP_USER (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS)
++#define GFP_USER_UBC (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS | __GFP_UBC)
+ /* Flag - indicates that the buffer will be suitable for DMA. Ignored on some
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ static inline void *kmap(struct page *pa
+ #define kunmap(page) do { (void) (page); } while (0)
+-#define kmap_atomic(page, idx) page_address(page)
+-#define kunmap_atomic(addr, idx) do { } while (0)
+-#define kmap_atomic_to_page(ptr) virt_to_page(ptr)
++#define kmap_atomic(page, idx) page_address(page)
++#define kmap_atomic_pte(pte, idx) page_address(pte_page(*pte))
++#define kunmap_atomic(addr, idx) do { } while (0)
++#define kmap_atomic_to_page(ptr) virt_to_page(ptr)
+ #endif /* CONFIG_HIGHMEM */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ struct ipv4_devconf
+ };
+ extern struct ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf;
++#define ve_ipv4_devconf (*(get_exec_env()->_ipv4_devconf))
++#define ve_ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf
+ struct in_device
+ {
+@@ -53,28 +58,28 @@ struct in_device
+ };
+ #define IN_DEV_FORWARD(in_dev) ((in_dev)->cnf.forwarding)
+-#define IN_DEV_MFORWARD(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding && (in_dev)->cnf.mc_forwarding)
+-#define IN_DEV_RPFILTER(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.rp_filter && (in_dev)->cnf.rp_filter)
+-#define IN_DEV_SOURCE_ROUTE(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.accept_source_route && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_source_route)
+-#define IN_DEV_BOOTP_RELAY(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.bootp_relay && (in_dev)->cnf.bootp_relay)
+-#define IN_DEV_LOG_MARTIANS(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.log_martians || (in_dev)->cnf.log_martians)
+-#define IN_DEV_PROXY_ARP(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp || (in_dev)->cnf.proxy_arp)
+-#define IN_DEV_SHARED_MEDIA(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.shared_media || (in_dev)->cnf.shared_media)
+-#define IN_DEV_TX_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.send_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.send_redirects)
+-#define IN_DEV_SEC_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.secure_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.secure_redirects)
++#define IN_DEV_MFORWARD(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding && (in_dev)->cnf.mc_forwarding)
++#define IN_DEV_RPFILTER(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.rp_filter && (in_dev)->cnf.rp_filter)
++#define IN_DEV_SOURCE_ROUTE(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_source_route && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_source_route)
++#define IN_DEV_BOOTP_RELAY(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.bootp_relay && (in_dev)->cnf.bootp_relay)
++#define IN_DEV_LOG_MARTIANS(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.log_martians || (in_dev)->cnf.log_martians)
++#define IN_DEV_PROXY_ARP(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp || (in_dev)->cnf.proxy_arp)
++#define IN_DEV_SHARED_MEDIA(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.shared_media || (in_dev)->cnf.shared_media)
++#define IN_DEV_TX_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.send_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.send_redirects)
++#define IN_DEV_SEC_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.secure_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.secure_redirects)
+ #define IN_DEV_IDTAG(in_dev) ((in_dev)->cnf.tag)
+ #define IN_DEV_MEDIUM_ID(in_dev) ((in_dev)->cnf.medium_id)
+ #define IN_DEV_RX_REDIRECTS(in_dev) \
+ ((IN_DEV_FORWARD(in_dev) && \
+- (ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)) \
++ (ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)) \
+ || (!IN_DEV_FORWARD(in_dev) && \
+- (ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)))
++ (ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)))
+-#define IN_DEV_ARPFILTER(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.arp_filter || (in_dev)->cnf.arp_filter)
+-#define IN_DEV_ARP_ANNOUNCE(in_dev) (max(ipv4_devconf.arp_announce, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_announce))
+-#define IN_DEV_ARP_IGNORE(in_dev) (max(ipv4_devconf.arp_ignore, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_ignore))
++#define IN_DEV_ARPFILTER(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.arp_filter || (in_dev)->cnf.arp_filter)
++#define IN_DEV_ARP_ANNOUNCE(in_dev) (max(ve_ipv4_devconf.arp_announce, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_announce))
++#define IN_DEV_ARP_IGNORE(in_dev) (max(ve_ipv4_devconf.arp_ignore, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_ignore))
+ struct in_ifaddr
+ {
+@@ -104,6 +109,7 @@ extern u32 inet_select_addr(const struc
+ extern u32 inet_confirm_addr(const struct net_device *dev, u32 dst, u32 local, int scope);
+ extern struct in_ifaddr *inet_ifa_byprefix(struct in_device *in_dev, u32 prefix, u32 mask);
+ extern void inet_forward_change(void);
++extern void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap, int destroy);
+ static __inline__ int inet_ifa_match(u32 addr, struct in_ifaddr *ifa)
+ {
+@@ -167,6 +173,10 @@ in_dev_put(struct in_device *idev)
+ #define __in_dev_put(idev) atomic_dec(&(idev)->refcnt)
+ #define in_dev_hold(idev) atomic_inc(&(idev)->refcnt)
++struct ve_struct;
++extern int devinet_sysctl_init(struct ve_struct *);
++extern void devinet_sysctl_fini(struct ve_struct *);
++extern void devinet_sysctl_free(struct ve_struct *);
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+ static __inline__ __u32 inet_make_mask(int logmask)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ extern int rd_image_start;
+ extern int initrd_below_start_ok;
+ /* free_initrd_mem always gets called with the next two as arguments.. */
+-extern unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end;
++extern unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end, initrd_copy;
+ extern void free_initrd_mem(unsigned long, unsigned long);
+ extern unsigned int real_root_dev;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -242,14 +242,28 @@ typedef struct journal_superblock_s
+ #include <asm/bug.h>
++#define J_BUG() \
++do { \
++ unsigned long stack; \
++ printk("Stack=%p current=%p pid=%d ve=%d process='%s'\n", \
++ &stack, current, current->pid, \
++ get_exec_env()->veid, \
++ current->comm); \
++ dump_stack(); \
++} while(0)
++#define J_BUG() BUG()
+ #define J_ASSERT(assert) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(assert)) { \
+ printk (KERN_EMERG \
+ "Assertion failure in %s() at %s:%d: \"%s\"\n", \
+ __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, # assert); \
+- BUG(); \
++ J_BUG(); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+@@ -826,6 +840,12 @@ struct journal_s
+ struct jbd_revoke_table_s *j_revoke_table[2];
+ /*
++ * array of bhs for journal_commit_transaction
++ */
++ struct buffer_head **j_wbuf;
++ int j_wbufsize;
++ /*
+ * An opaque pointer to fs-private information. ext3 puts its
+ * superblock pointer here
+ */
+@@ -847,6 +867,7 @@ struct journal_s
+ */
+ /* Filing buffers */
++extern void __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(struct journal_head *jh);
+ extern void journal_unfile_buffer(journal_t *, struct journal_head *);
+ extern void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct journal_head *);
+ extern void __journal_refile_buffer(struct journal_head *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ */
+ extern u64 jiffies_64;
+ extern unsigned long volatile jiffies;
++extern unsigned long cycles_per_jiffy, cycles_per_clock;
+ #if (BITS_PER_LONG < 64)
+ u64 get_jiffies_64(void);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -87,6 +87,57 @@ static inline unsigned sysv_minor(u32 de
+ return dev & 0x3ffff;
+ }
++extern int unnamed_dev_majors[UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT];
++static inline dev_t make_unnamed_dev(int idx)
++ /*
++ * Here we transfer bits from 8 to 8+log2(UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT) of the
++ * unnamed device index into major number.
++ */
++ return MKDEV(unnamed_dev_majors[(idx >> 8) & (UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT - 1)],
++ idx & ~((UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT - 1) << 8));
++static inline int unnamed_dev_idx(dev_t dev)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT &&
++ MAJOR(dev) != unnamed_dev_majors[i]; i++);
++ return MINOR(dev) | (i << 8);
++static inline int is_unnamed_dev(dev_t dev)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT &&
++ MAJOR(dev) != unnamed_dev_majors[i]; i++);
++ return i < UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT;
++static inline dev_t make_unnamed_dev(int idx)
++ return MKDEV(0, idx);
++static inline int unnamed_dev_idx(dev_t dev)
++ return MINOR(dev);
++static inline int is_unnamed_dev(dev_t dev)
++ return MAJOR(dev) == 0;
++#endif /* UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT */
+ #else /* __KERNEL__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@ extern int session_of_pgrp(int pgrp);
+ asmlinkage int printk(const char * fmt, ...)
+ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
++#define VE0_LOG 1
++#define VE_LOG 2
++#define VE_LOG_BOTH (VE0_LOG | VE_LOG)
++asmlinkage int ve_printk(int, const char * fmt, ...)
++ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
++void prepare_printk(void);
+ unsigned long int_sqrt(unsigned long);
+ static inline int __attribute_pure__ long_log2(unsigned long x)
+@@ -114,9 +121,14 @@ static inline int __attribute_pure__ lon
+ extern int printk_ratelimit(void);
+ extern int __printk_ratelimit(int ratelimit_jiffies, int ratelimit_burst);
++extern int console_silence_loglevel;
+ static inline void console_silent(void)
+ {
+- console_loglevel = 0;
++ if (console_loglevel > console_silence_loglevel) {
++ printk("console shuts up ...\n");
++ console_loglevel = 0;
++ }
+ }
+ static inline void console_verbose(void)
+@@ -126,10 +138,13 @@ static inline void console_verbose(void)
+ }
+ extern void bust_spinlocks(int yes);
++extern void wake_up_klogd(void);
+ extern int oops_in_progress; /* If set, an oops, panic(), BUG() or die() is in progress */
+ extern int panic_on_oops;
+ extern int tainted;
++extern int kernel_text_csum_broken;
+ extern const char *print_tainted(void);
++extern int alloc_fail_warn;
+ /* Values used for system_state */
+ extern enum system_states {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
++#ifndef __KMEM_CACHE_H__
++#define __KMEM_CACHE_H__
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/threads.h>
++#include <linux/smp.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <asm/atomic.h>
++ * SLAB_DEBUG - 1 for kmem_cache_create() to honour; SLAB_DEBUG_INITIAL,
++ * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
++ *
++ * SLAB_STATS - 1 to collect stats for /proc/slabinfo.
++ * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
++ *
++ * SLAB_FORCED_DEBUG - 1 enables SLAB_RED_ZONE and SLAB_POISON (if possible)
++ */
++#define SLAB_DEBUG 1
++#define SLAB_STATS 1
++#define SLAB_DEBUG 0
++#define SLAB_STATS 0 /* must be off, see kmem_cache.h */
++ * struct array_cache
++ *
++ * Per cpu structures
++ * Purpose:
++ * - LIFO ordering, to hand out cache-warm objects from _alloc
++ * - reduce the number of linked list operations
++ * - reduce spinlock operations
++ *
++ * The limit is stored in the per-cpu structure to reduce the data cache
++ * footprint.
++ *
++ */
++struct array_cache {
++ unsigned int avail;
++ unsigned int limit;
++ unsigned int batchcount;
++ unsigned int touched;
++/* bootstrap: The caches do not work without cpuarrays anymore,
++ * but the cpuarrays are allocated from the generic caches...
++ */
++struct arraycache_init {
++ struct array_cache cache;
++ void * entries[BOOT_CPUCACHE_ENTRIES];
++ * The slab lists of all objects.
++ * Hopefully reduce the internal fragmentation
++ * NUMA: The spinlock could be moved from the kmem_cache_t
++ * into this structure, too. Figure out what causes
++ * fewer cross-node spinlock operations.
++ */
++struct kmem_list3 {
++ struct list_head slabs_partial; /* partial list first, better asm code */
++ struct list_head slabs_full;
++ struct list_head slabs_free;
++ unsigned long free_objects;
++ int free_touched;
++ unsigned long next_reap;
++ struct array_cache *shared;
++#define LIST3_INIT(parent) \
++ { \
++ .slabs_full = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_full), \
++ .slabs_partial = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_partial), \
++ .slabs_free = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_free) \
++ }
++#define list3_data(cachep) \
++ (&(cachep)->lists)
++/* NUMA: per-node */
++#define list3_data_ptr(cachep, ptr) \
++ list3_data(cachep)
++ * kmem_cache_t
++ *
++ * manages a cache.
++ */
++struct kmem_cache_s {
++/* 1) per-cpu data, touched during every alloc/free */
++ struct array_cache *array[NR_CPUS];
++ unsigned int batchcount;
++ unsigned int limit;
++/* 2) touched by every alloc & free from the backend */
++ struct kmem_list3 lists;
++ /* NUMA: kmem_3list_t *nodelists[MAX_NUMNODES] */
++ unsigned int objsize;
++ unsigned int flags; /* constant flags */
++ unsigned int num; /* # of objs per slab */
++ unsigned int free_limit; /* upper limit of objects in the lists */
++ spinlock_t spinlock;
++/* 3) cache_grow/shrink */
++ /* order of pgs per slab (2^n) */
++ unsigned int gfporder;
++ /* force GFP flags, e.g. GFP_DMA */
++ unsigned int gfpflags;
++ size_t colour; /* cache colouring range */
++ unsigned int colour_off; /* colour offset */
++ unsigned int colour_next; /* cache colouring */
++ kmem_cache_t *slabp_cache;
++ unsigned int slab_size;
++ unsigned int dflags; /* dynamic flags */
++ /* constructor func */
++ void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
++ /* de-constructor func */
++ void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
++/* 4) cache creation/removal */
++ const char *name;
++ struct list_head next;
++/* 5) statistics */
++ unsigned long num_active;
++ unsigned long num_allocations;
++ unsigned long high_mark;
++ unsigned long grown;
++ unsigned long reaped;
++ unsigned long errors;
++ unsigned long max_freeable;
++ atomic_t allochit;
++ atomic_t allocmiss;
++ atomic_t freehit;
++ atomic_t freemiss;
++ int dbghead;
++ int reallen;
++ unsigned int objuse;
++/* Macros for storing/retrieving the cachep and or slab from the
++ * global 'mem_map'. These are used to find the slab an obj belongs to.
++ * With kfree(), these are used to find the cache which an obj belongs to.
++ */
++#define SET_PAGE_CACHE(pg,x) ((pg)-> = (struct list_head *)(x))
++#define GET_PAGE_CACHE(pg) ((kmem_cache_t *)(pg)->
++#define SET_PAGE_SLAB(pg,x) ((pg)->lru.prev = (struct list_head *)(x))
++#define GET_PAGE_SLAB(pg) ((struct slab *)(pg)->lru.prev)
++#define CFLGS_OFF_SLAB (0x80000000UL)
++#define CFLGS_ENVIDS (0x04000000UL)
++#define OFF_SLAB(x) ((x)->flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB)
++#define ENVIDS(x) ((x)->flags & CFLGS_ENVIDS)
++static inline unsigned int kmem_cache_memusage(kmem_cache_t *cache)
++ return cache->objuse;
++ return 0;
++static inline unsigned int kmem_obj_memusage(void *obj)
++ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
++ cachep = GET_PAGE_CACHE(virt_to_page(obj));
++ return kmem_cache_memusage(cachep);
++static inline void kmem_mark_nocharge(kmem_cache_t *cachep)
++ cachep->flags |= SLAB_NO_CHARGE;
++#endif /* __KMEM_CACHE_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
++#ifndef __KMEM_SLAB_H__
++#define __KMEM_SLAB_H__
++ * kmem_bufctl_t:
++ *
++ * Bufctl's are used for linking objs within a slab
++ * linked offsets.
++ *
++ * This implementation relies on "struct page" for locating the cache &
++ * slab an object belongs to.
++ * This allows the bufctl structure to be small (one int), but limits
++ * the number of objects a slab (not a cache) can contain when off-slab
++ * bufctls are used. The limit is the size of the largest general cache
++ * that does not use off-slab slabs.
++ * For 32bit archs with 4 kB pages, is this 56.
++ * This is not serious, as it is only for large objects, when it is unwise
++ * to have too many per slab.
++ * Note: This limit can be raised by introducing a general cache whose size
++ * is less than 512 (PAGE_SIZE<<3), but greater than 256.
++ */
++#define BUFCTL_END (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-0)
++#define BUFCTL_FREE (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-1)
++#define SLAB_LIMIT (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-2)
++ * struct slab
++ *
++ * Manages the objs in a slab. Placed either at the beginning of mem allocated
++ * for a slab, or allocated from an general cache.
++ * Slabs are chained into three list: fully used, partial, fully free slabs.
++ */
++struct slab {
++ struct list_head list;
++ unsigned long colouroff;
++ void *s_mem; /* including colour offset */
++ unsigned int inuse; /* num of objs active in slab */
++ kmem_bufctl_t free;
++static inline kmem_bufctl_t *slab_bufctl(struct slab *slabp)
++ return (kmem_bufctl_t *)(slabp+1);
++#endif /* __KMEM_SLAB_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ static inline void list_splice_init(stru
+ #define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \
+ container_of(ptr, type, member)
++#define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) \
++ container_of((ptr)->next, type, member)
+ /**
+ * list_for_each - iterate over a list
+ * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop counter.
+@@ -397,6 +400,20 @@ static inline void list_splice_init(stru
+ prefetch(pos->
+ /**
++ * list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse - iterate backwards over list of given
++ * type continuing after existing point
++ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop counter.
++ * @head: the head for your list.
++ * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct.
++ */
++#define list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse(pos, head, member) \
++ for (pos = list_entry(pos->member.prev, typeof(*pos), member), \
++ prefetch(pos->member.prev); \
++ &pos->member != (head); \
++ pos = list_entry(pos->member.prev, typeof(*pos), member), \
++ prefetch(pos->member.prev))
+ * list_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry
+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop counter.
+ * @n: another type * to use as temporary storage
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -165,4 +165,7 @@
+ #define VIOTAPE_MAJOR 230
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ struct vm_area_struct {
+ #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
+ struct mempolicy *vm_policy; /* NUMA policy for the VMA */
+ #endif
++ /* rss counter by vma */
++ unsigned long vm_rss;
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -191,6 +193,9 @@ typedef unsigned long page_flags_t;
+ * moment. Note that we have no way to track which tasks are using
+ * a page.
+ */
++struct user_beancounter;
++struct page_beancounter;
+ struct page {
+ page_flags_t flags; /* Atomic flags, some possibly
+ * updated asynchronously */
+@@ -229,6 +234,10 @@ struct page {
+ void *virtual; /* Kernel virtual address (NULL if
+ not kmapped, ie. highmem) */
+ #endif /* WANT_PAGE_VIRTUAL */
++ union {
++ struct user_beancounter *page_ub;
++ struct page_beancounter *page_pbc;
++ } bc;
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -496,7 +505,6 @@ int shmem_set_policy(struct vm_area_stru
+ struct mempolicy *shmem_get_policy(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+ unsigned long addr);
+ struct file *shmem_file_setup(char * name, loff_t size, unsigned long flags);
+-void shmem_lock(struct file * file, int lock);
+ int shmem_zero_setup(struct vm_area_struct *);
+ /*
+@@ -624,7 +632,7 @@ extern struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(
+ extern struct anon_vma *find_mergeable_anon_vma(struct vm_area_struct *);
+ extern int split_vma(struct mm_struct *,
+ struct vm_area_struct *, unsigned long addr, int new_below);
+-extern void insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct *, struct vm_area_struct *);
++extern int insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct *, struct vm_area_struct *);
+ extern void __vma_link_rb(struct mm_struct *, struct vm_area_struct *,
+ struct rb_node **, struct rb_node *);
+ extern struct vm_area_struct *copy_vma(struct vm_area_struct **,
+@@ -709,6 +717,9 @@ extern struct vm_area_struct *find_exten
+ extern struct page * vmalloc_to_page(void *addr);
+ extern struct page * follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address,
+ int write);
++extern struct page * follow_page_k(unsigned long address, int write);
++extern struct page * follow_page_pte(struct mm_struct *mm,
++ unsigned long address, int write, pte_t *pte);
+ extern int remap_page_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long from,
+ unsigned long to, unsigned long size, pgprot_t prot);
+@@ -724,5 +735,25 @@ extern struct vm_area_struct *get_gate_v
+ int in_gate_area(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long addr);
+ #endif
++ * Common MM functions for inclusion in the VFS
++ * or in other stackable file systems. Some of these
++ * functions were in linux/mm/ C files.
++ *
++ */
++static inline int sync_page(struct page *page)
++ struct address_space *mapping;
++ /*
++ * FIXME, fercrissake. What is this barrier here for?
++ */
++ smp_mb();
++ mapping = page_mapping(page);
++ if (mapping && mapping->a_ops && mapping->a_ops->sync_page)
++ return mapping->a_ops->sync_page(page);
++ return 0;
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+ #endif /* _LINUX_MM_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static inline void mntput(struct vfsmoun
+ extern void free_vfsmnt(struct vfsmount *mnt);
+ extern struct vfsmount *alloc_vfsmnt(const char *name);
+-extern struct vfsmount *do_kern_mount(const char *fstype, int flags,
++extern struct vfsmount *do_kern_mount(struct file_system_type *type, int flags,
+ const char *name, void *data);
+ struct nameidata;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ extern void fat_put_super(struct super_b
+ int fat_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *data, int silent,
+ struct inode_operations *fs_dir_inode_ops, int isvfat);
+ extern int fat_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf);
+-extern void fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
++extern int fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
+ extern int fat_notify_change(struct dentry * dentry, struct iattr * attr);
+ /* fat/misc.c */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ enum {LAST_NORM, LAST_ROOT, LAST_DOT, LA
+ #define LOOKUP_PARENT 16
+ #define LOOKUP_NOALT 32
++#define LOOKUP_NOAREACHECK 64 /* no area check on lookup */
++#define LOOKUP_STRICT 128 /* no symlinks or other filesystems */
+ /*
+ * Intent data
+ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+ #include <linux/device.h>
+ #include <linux/percpu.h>
++#include <linux/ctype.h>
+ struct divert_blk;
+ struct vlan_group;
+@@ -245,6 +246,11 @@ struct netdev_boot_setup {
+ };
++struct netdev_bc {
++ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub, *owner_ub;
++#define netdev_bc(dev) (&(dev)->dev_bc)
+ /*
+ * The DEVICE structure.
+@@ -389,6 +395,7 @@ struct net_device
+ NETREG_REGISTERING, /* called register_netdevice */
+ NETREG_REGISTERED, /* completed register todo */
++ NETREG_REGISTER_ERR, /* register todo failed */
+ NETREG_UNREGISTERING, /* called unregister_netdevice */
+ NETREG_UNREGISTERED, /* completed unregister todo */
+ NETREG_RELEASED, /* called free_netdev */
+@@ -408,6 +415,7 @@ struct net_device
+ #define NETIF_F_VLAN_CHALLENGED 1024 /* Device cannot handle VLAN packets */
+ #define NETIF_F_TSO 2048 /* Can offload TCP/IP segmentation */
+ #define NETIF_F_LLTX 4096 /* LockLess TX */
++#define NETIF_F_VENET 0x80000000 /* Device is VENET device */
+ /* Called after device is detached from network. */
+ void (*uninit)(struct net_device *dev);
+@@ -477,11 +485,18 @@ struct net_device
+ struct divert_blk *divert;
+ #endif /* CONFIG_NET_DIVERT */
++ unsigned orig_mtu; /* MTU value before move to VE */
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env; /* Owner VE of the interface */
++ struct netdev_bc dev_bc;
+ /* class/net/name entry */
+ struct class_device class_dev;
+ struct net_device_stats* (*last_stats)(struct net_device *);
+ /* how much padding had been added by alloc_netdev() */
+ int padded;
++ /* List entry in global devices list to keep track of their names assignment */
++ struct list_head dev_global_list_entry;
+ };
+ #define NETDEV_ALIGN 32
+@@ -514,8 +529,24 @@ struct packet_type {
+ extern struct net_device loopback_dev; /* The loopback */
+ extern struct net_device *dev_base; /* All devices */
++#define visible_loopback_dev (*get_exec_env()->_loopback_dev)
++#define visible_dev_base (get_exec_env()->_net_dev_base)
++#define visible_dev_tail (get_exec_env()->_net_dev_tail)
++#define visible_dev_head(x) (&(x)->_net_dev_head)
++#define visible_dev_index_head(x) (&(x)->_net_dev_index_head)
++#define visible_loopback_dev loopback_dev
++#define visible_dev_base dev_base
++#define visible_dev_tail dev_tail
++#define visible_dev_head(x) NULL
++#define visible_dev_index_head(x) NULL
+ extern rwlock_t dev_base_lock; /* Device list lock */
++struct hlist_head *dev_name_hash(const char *name, struct ve_struct *env);
++struct hlist_head *dev_index_hash(int ifindex, struct ve_struct *env);
+ extern int netdev_boot_setup_add(char *name, struct ifmap *map);
+ extern int netdev_boot_setup_check(struct net_device *dev);
+ extern unsigned long netdev_boot_base(const char *prefix, int unit);
+@@ -540,6 +571,7 @@ extern int dev_alloc_name(struct net_de
+ extern int dev_open(struct net_device *dev);
+ extern int dev_close(struct net_device *dev);
+ extern int dev_queue_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb);
++extern int dev_set_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu);
+ extern int register_netdevice(struct net_device *dev);
+ extern int unregister_netdevice(struct net_device *dev);
+ extern void free_netdev(struct net_device *dev);
+@@ -547,7 +579,8 @@ extern void synchronize_net(void);
+ extern int register_netdevice_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
+ extern int unregister_netdevice_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
+ extern int call_netdevice_notifiers(unsigned long val, void *v);
+-extern int dev_new_index(void);
++extern int dev_new_index(struct net_device *dev);
++extern void dev_free_index(struct net_device *dev);
+ extern struct net_device *dev_get_by_index(int ifindex);
+ extern struct net_device *__dev_get_by_index(int ifindex);
+ extern int dev_restart(struct net_device *dev);
+@@ -946,6 +979,29 @@ extern int skb_checksum_help(struct sk_b
+ extern char *net_sysctl_strdup(const char *s);
+ #endif
++static inline int ve_is_dev_movable(struct net_device *dev)
++ if (strcmp(dev->name, "lo") == 0)
++ return 0;
++ else if ((strncmp(dev->name, "venet", 5) == 0) &&
++ (strlen(dev->name) > 5) && isdigit(dev->name[5]))
++ return 0;
++ else if ((strncmp(dev->name, "tun", 3) == 0) &&
++ (strlen(dev->name) > 3) && isdigit(dev->name[3]))
++ return 0;
++ else if ((strncmp(dev->name, "tap", 3) == 0) &&
++ (strlen(dev->name) > 3) && isdigit(dev->name[3]))
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static inline int ve_is_dev_movable(struct net_device *dev)
++ return 0;
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+ #endif /* _LINUX_DEV_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ #define NFC_UNKNOWN 0x4000
+ #define NFC_ALTERED 0x8000
++#define NFC_IPT_MASK (0x00FFFFFF)
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+@@ -93,6 +95,9 @@ struct nf_info
+ int nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
+ void nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
++int visible_nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
++int visible_nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
+ /* Functions to register get/setsockopt ranges (non-inclusive). You
+ need to check permissions yourself! */
+ int nf_register_sockopt(struct nf_sockopt_ops *reg);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ struct ip_conntrack_expect
+ struct ip_conntrack_helper;
++#include <linux/ve.h>
+ struct ip_conntrack
+ {
+ /* Usage count in here is 1 for hash table/destruct timer, 1 per skb,
+@@ -173,6 +177,10 @@ struct ip_conntrack
+ /* Timer function; drops refcnt when it goes off. */
+ struct timer_list timeout;
++ /* VE struct pointer for timers */
++ struct ve_ip_conntrack *ct_env;
+ /* If we're expecting another related connection, this will be
+ in expected linked list */
+ struct list_head sibling_list;
+@@ -212,6 +220,9 @@ struct ip_conntrack
+ /* get master conntrack via master expectation */
+ #define master_ct(conntr) (conntr->master ? conntr->master->expectant : NULL)
++/* add conntrack entry to hash tables */
++extern void ip_conntrack_hash_insert(struct ip_conntrack *ct);
+ /* Alter reply tuple (maybe alter helper). If it's already taken,
+ return 0 and don't do alteration. */
+ extern int
+@@ -231,10 +242,17 @@ ip_conntrack_get(struct sk_buff *skb, en
+ /* decrement reference count on a conntrack */
+ extern inline void ip_conntrack_put(struct ip_conntrack *ct);
++/* allocate conntrack structure */
++extern struct ip_conntrack *ip_conntrack_alloc(struct user_beancounter *ub);
+ /* find unconfirmed expectation based on tuple */
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *
+ ip_conntrack_expect_find_get(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple);
++/* insert expecation into lists */
++void ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_conntrack_expect *new,
++ struct ip_conntrack *related_to);
+ /* decrement reference count on an expectation */
+ void ip_conntrack_expect_put(struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp);
+@@ -257,7 +275,7 @@ extern struct ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_
+ /* Returns new sk_buff, or NULL */
+ struct sk_buff *
+-ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb);
++ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb, u_int32_t user);
+ /* Delete all conntracks which match. */
+ extern void
+@@ -271,6 +289,7 @@ static inline int is_confirmed(struct ip
+ }
+ extern unsigned int ip_conntrack_htable_size;
++extern int ip_conntrack_enable_ve0;
+ /* eg. PROVIDES_CONNTRACK(ftp); */
+ #define PROVIDES_CONNTRACK(name) \
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -47,8 +47,37 @@ static inline int ip_conntrack_confirm(s
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+ }
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_hash \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_hash)
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_expect_list)
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_protocol_list)
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_helpers \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_helpers)
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_count \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_count)
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_max \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_max)
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_destroyed)
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_hash ip_conntrack_hash
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list ip_conntrack_expect_list
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list protocol_list
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_helpers helpers
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_count ip_conntrack_count
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_max ip_conntrack_max
++#define ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed ip_conntrack_destroyed
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
+ extern struct list_head *ip_conntrack_hash;
+ extern struct list_head ip_conntrack_expect_list;
++extern atomic_t ip_conntrack_count;
++extern unsigned long ** tcp_timeouts;
+ DECLARE_RWLOCK_EXTERN(ip_conntrack_lock);
+ DECLARE_RWLOCK_EXTERN(ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
+ #endif /* _IP_CONNTRACK_CORE_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -4,11 +4,6 @@
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+-#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
+-/* Protects ftp part of conntracks */
+ #define FTP_PORT 21
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ struct ip_conntrack_helper
+ extern int ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
+ extern void ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
++extern int visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
++extern void visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
+ extern struct ip_conntrack_helper *ip_ct_find_helper(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple);
+@@ -46,4 +49,5 @@ extern int ip_conntrack_change_expect(st
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple *newtuple);
+ extern void ip_conntrack_unexpect_related(struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp);
++extern struct list_head helpers;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -33,13 +33,8 @@ struct ip_ct_irc_master {
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+-#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
+ #define IRC_PORT 6667
+-/* Protects irc part of conntracks */
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+ #endif /* _IP_CONNTRACK_IRC_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -58,9 +58,35 @@ struct ip_conntrack_protocol
+ extern int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
+ extern void ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
++extern int visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
++ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
++extern void visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
++ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts)
++#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_udp_timeout)
++#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream)
++#define ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_icmp_timeout)
++#define ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_generic_timeout)
++#define ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts *tcp_timeouts
++#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout ip_ct_udp_timeout
++#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream
++#define ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout ip_ct_icmp_timeout
++#define ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout ip_ct_generic_timeout
+ /* Existing built-in protocols */
+ extern struct ip_conntrack_protocol ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp;
+ extern struct ip_conntrack_protocol ip_conntrack_protocol_udp;
+ extern struct ip_conntrack_protocol ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp;
+ extern int ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp_init(void);
++extern struct list_head protocol_list;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,9 +25,20 @@ extern void replace_in_hashes(struct ip_
+ struct ip_nat_info *info);
+ extern void place_in_hashes(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack,
+ struct ip_nat_info *info);
++extern int ip_nat_install_conntrack(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack, int helper);
+ /* Built-in protocols. */
+ extern struct ip_nat_protocol ip_nat_protocol_tcp;
+ extern struct ip_nat_protocol ip_nat_protocol_udp;
+ extern struct ip_nat_protocol ip_nat_protocol_icmp;
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ip_nat_protos \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_protos)
++#define ve_ip_nat_protos protos
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
+ #endif /* _IP_NAT_CORE_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -38,10 +38,18 @@ struct ip_nat_helper
+ struct ip_nat_info *info);
+ };
++#define ve_ip_nat_helpers \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_helpers)
+ extern struct list_head helpers;
++#define ve_ip_nat_helpers helpers
+ extern int ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
+ extern void ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
++extern int visible_ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
++extern void visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
+ /* These return true or false. */
+ extern int ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet(struct sk_buff **skb,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ struct ip_nat_protocol
+ extern int ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
+ extern void ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
++extern int visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
++extern void visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
+ extern int init_protocols(void) __init;
+ extern void cleanup_protocols(void);
+ extern struct ip_nat_protocol *find_nat_proto(u_int16_t protonum);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+-extern int ip_nat_rule_init(void) __init;
++extern int ip_nat_rule_init(void);
+ extern void ip_nat_rule_cleanup(void);
+ extern int ip_nat_rule_find(struct sk_buff **pskb,
+ unsigned int hooknum,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -416,9 +416,15 @@ arpt_find_target_lock(const char *name,
+ extern int ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *target);
+ extern void ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target);
++extern int visible_ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *target);
++extern void visible_ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target);
+ extern int ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *match);
+ extern void ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match);
++extern int visible_ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *match);
++extern void visible_ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match);
+ /* Furniture shopping... */
+ struct ipt_table
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -100,6 +100,20 @@ enum {
+ #include <linux/capability.h>
++struct netlink_opt
++ u32 pid;
++ unsigned groups;
++ u32 dst_pid;
++ unsigned dst_groups;
++ unsigned long state;
++ int (*handler)(int unit, struct sk_buff *skb);
++ wait_queue_head_t wait;
++ struct netlink_callback *cb;
++ spinlock_t cb_lock;
++ void (*data_ready)(struct sock *sk, int bytes);
+ struct netlink_skb_parms
+ {
+ struct ucred creds; /* Skb credentials */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
++ * include/linux/nfcalls.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _LINUX_NFCALLS_H
++#define _LINUX_NFCALLS_H
++#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
++extern struct module no_module;
++#define DECL_KSYM_MODULE(name) \
++ extern struct module *vz_mod_##name
++#define DECL_KSYM_CALL(type, name, args) \
++ extern type (*vz_##name) args
++#define INIT_KSYM_MODULE(name) \
++ struct module *vz_mod_##name = &no_module; \
++ EXPORT_SYMBOL(vz_mod_##name)
++#define INIT_KSYM_CALL(type, name, args) \
++ type (*vz_##name) args; \
++ EXPORT_SYMBOL(vz_##name)
++#define __KSYMERRCALL(err, type, mod, name, args) \
++({ \
++ type ret = (type)err; \
++ if (!__vzksym_module_get(vz_mod_##mod)) { \
++ if (vz_##name) \
++ ret = ((*vz_##name)args); \
++ __vzksym_module_put(vz_mod_##mod); \
++ } \
++ ret; \
++#define __KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args) \
++do { \
++ if (!__vzksym_module_get(vz_mod_##mod)) { \
++ if (vz_##name) \
++ ((*vz_##name)args); \
++ __vzksym_module_put(vz_mod_##mod); \
++ } \
++} while (0)
++#define KSYMERRCALL(err, mod, name, args) \
++ __KSYMERRCALL(err, int, mod, name, args)
++#define KSYMSAFECALL(type, mod, name, args) \
++ __KSYMERRCALL(0, type, mod, name, args)
++#define KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args) \
++ __KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++/* should be called _after_ KSYMRESOLVE's */
++#define KSYMMODRESOLVE(name) \
++ __vzksym_modresolve(&vz_mod_##name, THIS_MODULE)
++#define KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(name) \
++ __vzksym_modunresolve(&vz_mod_##name)
++#define KSYMRESOLVE(name) \
++ vz_##name = &name
++#define KSYMUNRESOLVE(name) \
++ vz_##name = NULL
++#define KSYMRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
++#define KSYMUNRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
++#define KSYMMODRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
++#define KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
++static inline void __vzksym_modresolve(struct module **modp, struct module *mod)
++ /*
++ * we want to be sure, that pointer updates are visible first:
++ * 1. wmb() is here only for piece of sure
++ * (note, no rmb() in KSYMSAFECALL)
++ * 2. synchronize_kernel() guarantees that updates are visible
++ * on all cpus and allows us to remove rmb() in KSYMSAFECALL
++ */
++ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
++ *modp = mod;
++ /* just to be sure, our changes are visible as soon as possible */
++ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
++static inline void __vzksym_modunresolve(struct module **modp)
++ /*
++ * try_module_get() in KSYMSAFECALL should fail at this moment since
++ * THIS_MODULE in in unloading state (we should be called from fini),
++ * no need to syncronize pointers/ve_module updates.
++ */
++ *modp = &no_module;
++ /*
++ * synchronize_kernel() guarantees here that we see
++ * updated module pointer before the module really gets away
++ */
++ synchronize_kernel();
++static inline int __vzksym_module_get(struct module *mod)
++ /*
++ * we want to avoid rmb(), so use synchronize_kernel() in KSYMUNRESOLVE
++ * and smp_read_barrier_depends() here...
++ */
++ smp_read_barrier_depends(); /* for module loading */
++ if (!try_module_get(mod))
++ return -EBUSY;
++ return 0;
++static inline void __vzksym_module_put(struct module *mod)
++ module_put(mod);
++#if defined(CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES)
++struct sk_buff;
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_netfilter, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptables, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_filter, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_mangle, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_limit, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_multiport, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tos, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TOS, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_REJECT, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ttl, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_LOG, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_length, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ftp, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_irc, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_state, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_helper, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_helper, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_state, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_irc, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ftp, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_length, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_LOG, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ttl, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_REJECT, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TOS, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tos, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_multiport, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_limit, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_filter, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_mangle, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptables, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_netfilter, (void));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, ipt_flush_table, (struct ipt_table *table));
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, real_get_device_perms_ve,
++ (int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_cleanup, (struct ve_struct *env));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_free, (struct ve_struct *env));
++DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, real_update_load_avg_ve, (void));
++#endif /* _LINUX_NFCALLS_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ extern struct inode *nfs_fhget(struct su
+ struct nfs_fattr *);
+ extern int nfs_refresh_inode(struct inode *, struct nfs_fattr *);
+ extern int nfs_getattr(struct vfsmount *, struct dentry *, struct kstat *);
+-extern int nfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
++extern int nfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
++ struct exec_perm *);
+ extern void nfs_set_mmcred(struct inode *, struct rpc_cred *);
+ extern int nfs_open(struct inode *, struct file *);
+ extern int nfs_release(struct inode *, struct file *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ extern int notifier_call_chain(struct no
+ #define NOTIFY_DONE 0x0000 /* Don't care */
+ #define NOTIFY_OK 0x0001 /* Suits me */
++#define NOTIFY_FAIL 0x0002 /* Reject */
+ #define NOTIFY_STOP_MASK 0x8000 /* Don't call further */
+-#define NOTIFY_BAD (NOTIFY_STOP_MASK|0x0002) /* Bad/Veto action */
++#define NOTIFY_BAD (NOTIFY_STOP_MASK|NOTIFY_FAIL) /* Bad/Veto action */
+ /*
+ * Declared notifiers so far. I can imagine quite a few more chains
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2190,6 +2190,8 @@
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82855GM_HB 0x3580
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82855GM_IG 0x3582
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_SMCH 0x3590
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7320_MCH 0x3592
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7525_MCH 0x359e
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_80310 0x530d
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371SB_0 0x7000
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371SB_1 0x7010
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
+ #ifndef _LINUX_PID_H
+ #define _LINUX_PID_H
++#define VPID_BIT 10
++#define VPID_DIV (1<<VPID_BIT)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define __is_virtual_pid(pid) ((pid) & VPID_DIV)
++#define is_virtual_pid(pid) \
++ (__is_virtual_pid(pid) || ((pid)==1 && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env())))
++#define __is_virtual_pid(pid) 0
++#define is_virtual_pid(pid) 0
+ enum pid_type
+ {
+@@ -12,34 +24,24 @@ enum pid_type
+ struct pid
+ {
++ /* Try to keep pid_chain in the same cacheline as nr for find_pid */
+ int nr;
+- atomic_t count;
+- struct task_struct *task;
+- struct list_head task_list;
+- struct list_head hash_chain;
+-struct pid_link
+- struct list_head pid_chain;
+- struct pid *pidptr;
+- struct pid pid;
++ struct hlist_node pid_chain;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int vnr;
++ /* list of pids with the same nr, only one of them is in the hash */
++ struct list_head pid_list;
+ };
+ #define pid_task(elem, type) \
+- list_entry(elem, struct task_struct, pids[type].pid_chain)
++ list_entry(elem, struct task_struct, pids[type].pid_list)
+ /*
+- * attach_pid() and link_pid() must be called with the tasklist_lock
++ * attach_pid() and detach_pid() must be called with the tasklist_lock
+ * write-held.
+ */
+ extern int FASTCALL(attach_pid(struct task_struct *task, enum pid_type type, int nr));
+-extern void FASTCALL(link_pid(struct task_struct *task, struct pid_link *link, struct pid *pid));
+- * detach_pid() must be called with the tasklist_lock write-held.
+- */
+ extern void FASTCALL(detach_pid(struct task_struct *task, enum pid_type));
+ /*
+@@ -52,13 +54,89 @@ extern int alloc_pidmap(void);
+ extern void FASTCALL(free_pidmap(int));
+ extern void switch_exec_pids(struct task_struct *leader, struct task_struct *thread);
+-#define for_each_task_pid(who, type, task, elem, pid) \
+- if ((pid = find_pid(type, who))) \
+- for (elem = pid->, \
+- prefetch(elem->next), \
+- task = pid_task(elem, type); \
+- elem != &pid->task_list; \
+- elem = elem->next, prefetch(elem->next), \
+- task = pid_task(elem, type))
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define vpid_to_pid(pid) (pid)
++#define __vpid_to_pid(pid) (pid)
++#define pid_type_to_vpid(pid, type) (pid)
++#define __pid_type_to_vpid(pid, type) (pid)
++#define comb_vpid_to_pid(pid) (pid)
++#define comb_pid_to_vpid(pid) (pid)
++struct ve_struct;
++extern void free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve);
++extern int alloc_vpid(int pid, int vpid);
++extern int vpid_to_pid(int pid);
++extern int __vpid_to_pid(int pid);
++extern pid_t pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid);
++extern pid_t _pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid);
++static inline int comb_vpid_to_pid(int vpid)
++ int pid = vpid;
++ if (vpid > 0) {
++ pid = vpid_to_pid(vpid);
++ if (unlikely(pid < 0))
++ return 0;
++ } else if (vpid < 0) {
++ pid = vpid_to_pid(-vpid);
++ if (unlikely(pid < 0))
++ return 0;
++ pid = -pid;
++ }
++ return pid;
++static inline int comb_pid_to_vpid(int pid)
++ int vpid = pid;
++ if (pid > 0) {
++ vpid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PID, pid);
++ if (unlikely(vpid < 0))
++ return 0;
++ } else if (pid < 0) {
++ vpid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PGID, -pid);
++ if (unlikely(vpid < 0))
++ return 0;
++ vpid = -vpid;
++ }
++ return vpid;
++#define do_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task) \
++ if ((task = find_task_by_pid_type_all(type, who))) { \
++ prefetch((task)->pids[type]; \
++ do {
++#define while_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task) \
++ } while (task = pid_task((task)->pids[type],\
++ type), \
++ prefetch((task)->pids[type], \
++ hlist_unhashed(&(task)->pids[type].pid_chain)); \
++ } \
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define __do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
++ do_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task)
++#define __while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
++ while_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task)
++#else /* CONFIG_VE */
++#define __do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
++ do_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task) \
++ if (ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env, owner))
++#define __while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
++ while_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task)
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
++#define do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task) \
++ __do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, get_exec_env());
++#define while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task) \
++ __while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, get_exec_env());
+ #endif /* _LINUX_PID_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:36.000000000 +0300
+@@ -66,8 +66,17 @@ struct proc_dir_entry {
+ write_proc_t *write_proc;
+ atomic_t count; /* use count */
+ int deleted; /* delete flag */
++ void *set;
+ };
++extern void de_put(struct proc_dir_entry *);
++static inline struct proc_dir_entry *de_get(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
++ if (de)
++ atomic_inc(&de->count);
++ return de;
+ struct kcore_list {
+ struct kcore_list *next;
+ unsigned long addr;
+@@ -87,12 +96,15 @@ extern void proc_root_init(void);
+ extern void proc_misc_init(void);
+ struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry * dentry, struct nameidata *);
+-struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p);
+-void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry);
++void proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry * [2]);
++void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry[2]);
+ int proc_pid_readdir(struct file * filp, void * dirent, filldir_t filldir);
+ extern struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
+ struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
++extern struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_glob_entry(const char *name,
++ mode_t mode,
++ struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
+ extern void remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
+ extern struct vfsmount *proc_mnt;
+@@ -169,6 +181,15 @@ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *pro
+ return create_proc_info_entry(name,mode,proc_net,get_info);
+ }
++static inline struct proc_dir_entry *__proc_net_fops_create(const char *name,
++ mode_t mode, struct file_operations *fops, struct proc_dir_entry *p)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *res = create_proc_entry(name, mode, p);
++ if (res)
++ res->proc_fops = fops;
++ return res;
+ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *proc_net_fops_create(const char *name,
+ mode_t mode, struct file_operations *fops)
+ {
+@@ -178,6 +199,11 @@ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *pro
+ return res;
+ }
++static inline void __proc_net_remove(const char *name)
++ remove_proc_entry(name, NULL);
+ static inline void proc_net_remove(const char *name)
+ {
+ remove_proc_entry(name,proc_net);
+@@ -188,15 +214,20 @@ static inline void proc_net_remove(const
+ #define proc_root_driver NULL
+ #define proc_net NULL
++#define __proc_net_fops_create(name, mode, fops, p) ({ (void)(mode), NULL; })
+ #define proc_net_fops_create(name, mode, fops) ({ (void)(mode), NULL; })
+ #define proc_net_create(name, mode, info) ({ (void)(mode), NULL; })
++static inline void __proc_net_remove(const char *name) {}
+ static inline void proc_net_remove(const char *name) {}
+-static inline struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p) { return NULL; }
+-static inline void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry) { }
++static inline void proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry * [2])
++ { return NULL; }
++static inline void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry[2]) { }
+ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name,
+ mode_t mode, struct proc_dir_entry *parent) { return NULL; }
++static inline struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_glob_entry(const char *name,
++ mode_t mode, struct proc_dir_entry *parent) { return NULL; }
+ #define remove_proc_entry(name, parent) do {} while (0)
+@@ -255,4 +286,9 @@ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *PDE
+ return PROC_I(inode)->pde;
+ }
++#define LPDE(inode) (PROC_I((inode))->pde)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define GPDE(inode) (*(struct proc_dir_entry **)(&(inode)->i_pipe))
+ #endif /* _LINUX_PROC_FS_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
+ #include <linux/errno.h>
+ #include <linux/types.h>
+-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #define __DQUOT_VERSION__ "dquot_6.5.1"
+ #define __DQUOT_NUM_VERSION__ 6*10000+5*100+1
+@@ -45,9 +44,6 @@
+ typedef __kernel_uid32_t qid_t; /* Type in which we store ids in memory */
+ typedef __u64 qsize_t; /* Type in which we store sizes */
+-extern spinlock_t dq_list_lock;
+-extern spinlock_t dq_data_lock;
+ /* Size of blocks in which are counted size limits */
+ #define QUOTABLOCK_BITS 10
+@@ -134,6 +130,12 @@ struct if_dqinfo {
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++extern spinlock_t dq_list_lock;
++extern spinlock_t dq_data_lock;
+ #include <linux/dqblk_xfs.h>
+ #include <linux/dqblk_v1.h>
+ #include <linux/dqblk_v2.h>
+@@ -240,6 +242,8 @@ struct quota_format_ops {
+ int (*release_dqblk)(struct dquot *dquot); /* Called when last reference to dquot is being dropped */
+ };
++struct inode;
++struct iattr;
+ /* Operations working with dquots */
+ struct dquot_operations {
+ int (*initialize) (struct inode *, int);
+@@ -254,9 +258,11 @@ struct dquot_operations {
+ int (*release_dquot) (struct dquot *); /* Quota is going to be deleted from disk */
+ int (*mark_dirty) (struct dquot *); /* Dquot is marked dirty */
+ int (*write_info) (struct super_block *, int); /* Write of quota "superblock" */
++ int (*rename) (struct inode *, struct inode *, struct inode *);
+ };
+ /* Operations handling requests from userspace */
++struct v2_disk_dqblk;
+ struct quotactl_ops {
+ int (*quota_on)(struct super_block *, int, int, char *);
+ int (*quota_off)(struct super_block *, int);
+@@ -269,6 +275,9 @@ struct quotactl_ops {
+ int (*set_xstate)(struct super_block *, unsigned int, int);
+ int (*get_xquota)(struct super_block *, int, qid_t, struct fs_disk_quota *);
+ int (*set_xquota)(struct super_block *, int, qid_t, struct fs_disk_quota *);
++ int (*get_quoti)(struct super_block *, int, unsigned int, struct v2_disk_dqblk *);
+ };
+ struct quota_format_type {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -170,6 +170,19 @@ static __inline__ int DQUOT_TRANSFER(str
+ return 0;
+ }
++static __inline__ int DQUOT_RENAME(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir)
++ struct dquot_operations *q_op;
++ q_op = inode->i_sb->dq_op;
++ if (q_op && q_op->rename) {
++ if (q_op->rename(inode, old_dir, new_dir) == NO_QUOTA)
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ /* The following two functions cannot be called inside a transaction */
+ #define DQUOT_SYNC(sb) sync_dquots(sb, -1)
+@@ -197,6 +210,7 @@ static __inline__ int DQUOT_OFF(struct s
+ #define DQUOT_SYNC(sb) do { } while(0)
+ #define DQUOT_OFF(sb) do { } while(0)
+ #define DQUOT_TRANSFER(inode, iattr) (0)
++#define DQUOT_RENAME(inode, old_dir, new_dir) (0)
+ extern __inline__ int DQUOT_PREALLOC_SPACE_NODIRTY(struct inode *inode, qsize_t nr)
+ {
+ inode_add_bytes(inode, nr);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ void reiserfs_read_locked_inode(struct i
+ int reiserfs_find_actor(struct inode * inode, void *p) ;
+ int reiserfs_init_locked_inode(struct inode * inode, void *p) ;
+ void reiserfs_delete_inode (struct inode * inode);
+-void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int) ;
++int reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int) ;
+ struct dentry *reiserfs_get_dentry(struct super_block *, void *) ;
+ struct dentry *reiserfs_decode_fh(struct super_block *sb, __u32 *data,
+ int len, int fhtype,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ int reiserfs_removexattr (struct dentry
+ int reiserfs_delete_xattrs (struct inode *inode);
+ int reiserfs_chown_xattrs (struct inode *inode, struct iattr *attrs);
+ int reiserfs_xattr_init (struct super_block *sb, int mount_flags);
+-int reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd);
++int reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct exec_perm *exec_perm);
+ int reiserfs_permission_locked (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd);
+ int reiserfs_xattr_del (struct inode *, const char *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -30,7 +30,12 @@
+ #include <linux/pid.h>
+ #include <linux/percpu.h>
++#include <ub/ub_task.h>
+ struct exec_domain;
++struct task_beancounter;
++struct user_beancounter;
++struct ve_struct;
+ /*
+ * cloning flags:
+@@ -85,6 +90,9 @@ extern unsigned long avenrun[]; /* Load
+ load += n*(FIXED_1-exp); \
+ load >>= FSHIFT;
++#define LOAD_INT(x) ((x) >> FSHIFT)
++#define LOAD_FRAC(x) LOAD_INT(((x) & (FIXED_1-1)) * 100)
+ #define CT_TO_SECS(x) ((x) / HZ)
+ #define CT_TO_USECS(x) (((x) % HZ) * 1000000/HZ)
+@@ -92,10 +100,22 @@ extern int nr_threads;
+ extern int last_pid;
+ DECLARE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, process_counts);
+ extern int nr_processes(void);
++extern unsigned long nr_sleeping(void);
++extern unsigned long nr_stopped(void);
++extern unsigned long nr_zombie;
++extern unsigned long nr_dead;
+ extern unsigned long nr_running(void);
+ extern unsigned long nr_uninterruptible(void);
+ extern unsigned long nr_iowait(void);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++struct ve_struct;
++extern unsigned long nr_running_ve(struct ve_struct *);
++extern unsigned long nr_iowait_ve(struct ve_struct *);
++extern unsigned long nr_uninterruptible_ve(struct ve_struct *);
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+ #include <linux/param.h>
+ #include <linux/resource.h>
+@@ -107,8 +127,8 @@ extern unsigned long nr_iowait(void);
+ #define TASK_STOPPED 4
+-#define TASK_ZOMBIE 8
+-#define TASK_DEAD 16
++#define EXIT_ZOMBIE 16
++#define EXIT_DEAD 32
+ #define __set_task_state(tsk, state_value) \
+ do { (tsk)->state = (state_value); } while (0)
+@@ -154,6 +174,8 @@ extern cpumask_t nohz_cpu_mask;
+ extern void show_state(void);
+ extern void show_regs(struct pt_regs *);
++extern void smp_show_regs(struct pt_regs *, void *);
++extern void show_vsched(void);
+ /*
+ * TASK is a pointer to the task whose backtrace we want to see (or NULL for current
+@@ -215,6 +237,7 @@ struct mm_struct {
+ unsigned long saved_auxv[40]; /* for /proc/PID/auxv */
+ unsigned dumpable:1;
++ unsigned vps_dumpable:1;
+ cpumask_t cpu_vm_mask;
+ /* Architecture-specific MM context */
+@@ -229,8 +252,12 @@ struct mm_struct {
+ struct kioctx *ioctx_list;
+ struct kioctx default_kioctx;
++ struct user_beancounter *mm_ub;
+ };
++#define mm_ub(__mm) ((__mm)->mm_ub)
+ extern int mmlist_nr;
+ struct sighand_struct {
+@@ -239,6 +266,9 @@ struct sighand_struct {
+ spinlock_t siglock;
+ };
++#include <linux/ve.h>
++#include <linux/ve_task.h>
+ /*
+ * NOTE! "signal_struct" does not have it's own
+ * locking, because a shared signal_struct always
+@@ -386,6 +416,8 @@ int set_current_groups(struct group_info
+ struct audit_context; /* See audit.c */
+ struct mempolicy;
++struct vcpu_scheduler;
++struct vcpu_info;
+ struct task_struct {
+ volatile long state; /* -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */
+@@ -396,6 +428,14 @@ struct task_struct {
+ int lock_depth; /* Lock depth */
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ struct vcpu_info *vcpu;
++ /* id's are saved to avoid locking (e.g. on vsched->id access) */
++ int vsched_id;
++ int vcpu_id;
+ int prio, static_prio;
+ struct list_head run_list;
+ prio_array_t *array;
+@@ -410,6 +450,7 @@ struct task_struct {
+ unsigned int time_slice, first_time_slice;
+ struct list_head tasks;
+ /*
+ * ptrace_list/ptrace_children forms the list of my children
+ * that were stolen by a ptracer.
+@@ -421,6 +462,7 @@ struct task_struct {
+ /* task state */
+ struct linux_binfmt *binfmt;
++ long exit_state;
+ int exit_code, exit_signal;
+ int pdeath_signal; /* The signal sent when the parent dies */
+ /* ??? */
+@@ -444,7 +486,7 @@ struct task_struct {
+ struct task_struct *group_leader; /* threadgroup leader */
+ /* PID/PID hash table linkage. */
+- struct pid_link pids[PIDTYPE_MAX];
++ struct pid pids[PIDTYPE_MAX];
+ wait_queue_head_t wait_chldexit; /* for wait4() */
+ struct completion *vfork_done; /* for vfork() */
+@@ -523,10 +565,25 @@ struct task_struct {
+ unsigned long ptrace_message;
+ siginfo_t *last_siginfo; /* For ptrace use. */
++/* state tracking for suspend */
++ sigset_t saved_sigset;
++ __u8 pn_state;
++ __u8 stopped_state:1, sigsuspend_state:1;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
+ struct mempolicy *mempolicy;
+ short il_next; /* could be shared with used_math */
+ #endif
++ struct task_beancounter task_bc;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct ve_task_info ve_task_info;
++#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) || defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_MODULE)
++ unsigned long magic;
++ struct inode *ino;
+ };
+ static inline pid_t process_group(struct task_struct *tsk)
+@@ -534,6 +591,11 @@ static inline pid_t process_group(struct
+ return tsk->signal->pgrp;
+ }
++static inline int pid_alive(struct task_struct *p)
++ return p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].nr != 0;
+ extern void __put_task_struct(struct task_struct *tsk);
+ #define get_task_struct(tsk) do { atomic_inc(&(tsk)->usage); } while(0)
+ #define put_task_struct(tsk) \
+@@ -555,7 +617,6 @@ do { if (atomic_dec_and_test(&(tsk)->usa
+ #define PF_MEMDIE 0x00001000 /* Killed for out-of-memory */
+ #define PF_FLUSHER 0x00002000 /* responsible for disk writeback */
+-#define PF_FREEZE 0x00004000 /* this task should be frozen for suspend */
+ #define PF_NOFREEZE 0x00008000 /* this thread should not be frozen */
+ #define PF_FROZEN 0x00010000 /* frozen for system suspend */
+ #define PF_FSTRANS 0x00020000 /* inside a filesystem transaction */
+@@ -564,6 +625,57 @@ do { if (atomic_dec_and_test(&(tsk)->usa
+ #define PF_LESS_THROTTLE 0x00100000 /* Throttle me less: I clean memory */
+ #define PF_SYNCWRITE 0x00200000 /* I am doing a sync write */
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define set_pn_state(tsk, state) do { } while(0)
++#define clear_pn_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
++#define set_sigsuspend_state(tsk, sig) do { } while(0)
++#define clear_sigsuspend_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
++#define set_stop_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
++#define clear_stop_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
++#define PN_STOP_TF 1 /* was not in 2.6.8 */
++#define PN_STOP_TF_RT 2 /* was not in 2.6.8 */
++#define PN_STOP_ENTRY 3
++#define PN_STOP_FORK 4
++#define PN_STOP_VFORK 5
++#define PN_STOP_SIGNAL 6
++#define PN_STOP_EXIT 7
++#define PN_STOP_EXEC 8
++#define PN_STOP_LEAVE 9
++static inline void set_pn_state(struct task_struct *tsk, int state)
++ tsk->pn_state = state;
++static inline void clear_pn_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ tsk->pn_state = 0;
++static inline void set_sigsuspend_state(struct task_struct *tsk, sigset_t saveset)
++ tsk->sigsuspend_state = 1;
++ tsk->saved_sigset = saveset;
++static inline void clear_sigsuspend_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ tsk->sigsuspend_state = 0;
++ siginitset(&tsk->saved_sigset, 0);
++static inline void set_stop_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ tsk->stopped_state = 1;
++static inline void clear_stop_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ tsk->stopped_state = 0;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ #define SCHED_LOAD_SCALE 128UL /* increase resolution of load */
+@@ -687,6 +799,20 @@ static inline int set_cpus_allowed(task_
+ extern unsigned long long sched_clock(void);
++static inline unsigned long cycles_to_clocks(cycles_t cycles)
++ extern unsigned long cycles_per_clock;
++ do_div(cycles, cycles_per_clock);
++ return cycles;
++static inline u64 cycles_to_jiffies(cycles_t cycles)
++ extern unsigned long cycles_per_jiffy;
++ do_div(cycles, cycles_per_jiffy);
++ return cycles;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ extern void sched_balance_exec(void);
+ #else
+@@ -699,6 +825,7 @@ extern int task_prio(const task_t *p);
+ extern int task_nice(const task_t *p);
+ extern int task_curr(const task_t *p);
+ extern int idle_cpu(int cpu);
++extern task_t *idle_task(int cpu);
+ void yield(void);
+@@ -727,11 +854,243 @@ extern struct task_struct init_task;
+ extern struct mm_struct init_mm;
+-extern struct task_struct *find_task_by_pid(int pid);
++#define find_task_by_pid_all(nr) \
++ find_task_by_pid_type_all(PIDTYPE_PID, nr)
++extern struct task_struct *find_task_by_pid_type_all(int type, int pid);
+ extern void set_special_pids(pid_t session, pid_t pgrp);
+ extern void __set_special_pids(pid_t session, pid_t pgrp);
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define find_task_by_pid_ve find_task_by_pid_all
++#define get_exec_env() NULL
++static inline struct ve_struct * set_exec_env(struct ve_struct *new_env)
++ return NULL;
++#define ve_is_super(env) 1
++#define ve_accessible(target, owner) 1
++#define ve_accessible_strict(target, owner) 1
++#define ve_accessible_veid(target, owner) 1
++#define ve_accessible_strict_veid(target, owner) 1
++#define VEID(envid) 0
++#define get_ve0() NULL
++static inline pid_t virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->pid;
++static inline pid_t virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->tgid;
++static inline pid_t virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->signal->pgrp;
++static inline pid_t virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->signal->session;
++static inline pid_t get_task_pid_ve(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *ve)
++ return tsk->pid;
++static inline pid_t get_task_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->pid;
++static inline pid_t get_task_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->tgid;
++static inline pid_t get_task_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->signal->pgrp;
++static inline pid_t get_task_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->signal->session;
++static inline void set_virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++static inline void set_virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++static inline void set_virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++static inline void set_virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++static inline pid_t get_task_ppid(struct task_struct *p)
++ if (!pid_alive(p))
++ return 0;
++ return (p->pid > 1 ? p->real_parent->pid : 0);
++#else /* CONFIG_VE */
++#include <asm/current.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
++extern struct ve_struct ve0;
++#define find_task_by_pid_ve(nr) \
++ find_task_by_pid_type_ve(PIDTYPE_PID, nr)
++extern struct task_struct *find_task_by_pid_type_ve(int type, int pid);
++#define get_ve0() (&ve0)
++#define VEID(envid) ((envid)->veid)
++#define get_exec_env() (VE_TASK_INFO(current)->exec_env)
++static inline struct ve_struct *set_exec_env(struct ve_struct *new_env)
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
++ old_env = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->exec_env;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(current)->exec_env = new_env;
++ return old_env;
++#define ve_is_super(env) ((env) == get_ve0())
++#define ve_accessible_strict(target, owner) ((target) == (owner))
++static inline int ve_accessible(struct ve_struct *target,
++ struct ve_struct *owner) {
++ return ve_is_super(owner) || ve_accessible_strict(target, owner);
++#define ve_accessible_strict_veid(target, owner) ((target) == (owner))
++static inline int ve_accessible_veid(envid_t target, envid_t owner)
++ return get_ve0()->veid == owner ||
++ ve_accessible_strict_veid(target, owner);
++static inline pid_t virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].vnr;
++static inline pid_t virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].vnr;
++static inline pid_t virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PGID].vnr;
++static inline pid_t virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_SID].vnr;
++static inline pid_t get_task_pid_ve(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *env)
++ return ve_is_super(env) ? tsk->pid : virt_pid(tsk);
++static inline pid_t get_task_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return get_task_pid_ve(tsk, get_exec_env());
++static inline pid_t get_task_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? tsk->tgid : virt_tgid(tsk);
++static inline pid_t get_task_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? tsk->signal->pgrp : virt_pgid(tsk);
++static inline pid_t get_task_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? tsk->signal->session : virt_sid(tsk);
++static inline void set_virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].vnr = pid;
++static inline void set_virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].vnr = pid;
++static inline void set_virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PGID].vnr = pid;
++static inline void set_virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
++ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_SID].vnr = pid;
++static inline pid_t get_task_ppid(struct task_struct *p)
++ struct task_struct *parent;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ if (!pid_alive(p))
++ return 0;
++ env = get_exec_env();
++ if (get_task_pid_ve(p, env) == 1)
++ return 0;
++ parent = p->real_parent;
++ return ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(parent)->owner_env, env) ?
++ get_task_pid_ve(parent, env) : 1;
++void ve_sched_get_cpu_stat(struct ve_struct *envid, cycles_t *idle,
++ cycles_t *strv, unsigned int cpu);
++void ve_sched_attach(struct ve_struct *envid);
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
++#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU) && defined(CONFIG_VE)
++extern cycles_t ve_sched_get_idle_time(struct ve_struct *, int);
++extern cycles_t ve_sched_get_iowait_time(struct ve_struct *, int);
++#define ve_sched_get_idle_time(ve, cpu) 0
++#define ve_sched_get_iowait_time(ve, cpu) 0
++struct vcpu_scheduler;
++extern void fastcall vsched_cpu_online_map(struct vcpu_scheduler *sched,
++ cpumask_t *mask);
++#define vsched_cpu_online_map(vsched, mask) do { \
++ *mask = cpu_online_map; \
++ } while (0)
+ /* per-UID process charging. */
++extern int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int dumpclear);
+ extern struct user_struct * alloc_uid(uid_t);
+ static inline struct user_struct *get_uid(struct user_struct *u)
+ {
+@@ -747,6 +1106,7 @@ extern unsigned long itimer_ticks;
+ extern unsigned long itimer_next;
+ extern void do_timer(struct pt_regs *);
++extern void wake_up_init(void);
+ extern int FASTCALL(wake_up_state(struct task_struct * tsk, unsigned int state));
+ extern int FASTCALL(wake_up_process(struct task_struct * tsk));
+ extern void FASTCALL(wake_up_forked_process(struct task_struct * tsk));
+@@ -885,7 +1245,10 @@ extern task_t *child_reaper;
+ extern int do_execve(char *, char __user * __user *, char __user * __user *, struct pt_regs *);
+ extern long do_fork(unsigned long, unsigned long, struct pt_regs *, unsigned long, int __user *, int __user *);
+-extern struct task_struct * copy_process(unsigned long, unsigned long, struct pt_regs *, unsigned long, int __user *, int __user *);
++extern struct task_struct * copy_process(unsigned long, unsigned long, struct pt_regs *, unsigned long, int __user *, int __user *, long pid);
++extern void set_task_comm(struct task_struct *tsk, char *from);
++extern void get_task_comm(char *to, struct task_struct *tsk);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ extern void wait_task_inactive(task_t * p);
+@@ -908,31 +1271,105 @@ extern void wait_task_inactive(task_t *
+ add_parent(p, (p)->parent); \
+ } while (0)
+-#define next_task(p) list_entry((p)->, struct task_struct, tasks)
+-#define prev_task(p) list_entry((p)->tasks.prev, struct task_struct, tasks)
++#define next_task_all(p) list_entry((p)->, struct task_struct, tasks)
++#define prev_task_all(p) list_entry((p)->tasks.prev, struct task_struct, tasks)
+-#define for_each_process(p) \
+- for (p = &init_task ; (p = next_task(p)) != &init_task ; )
++#define for_each_process_all(p) \
++ for (p = &init_task ; (p = next_task_all(p)) != &init_task ; )
+ /*
+ * Careful: do_each_thread/while_each_thread is a double loop so
+ * 'break' will not work as expected - use goto instead.
+ */
+-#define do_each_thread(g, t) \
+- for (g = t = &init_task ; (g = t = next_task(g)) != &init_task ; ) do
++#define do_each_thread_all(g, t) \
++ for (g = t = &init_task ; (g = t = next_task_all(g)) != &init_task ; ) do
++#define while_each_thread_all(g, t) \
++ while ((t = next_thread(t)) != g)
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define SET_VE_LINKS(p)
++#define REMOVE_VE_LINKS(p)
++#define for_each_process_ve(p) for_each_process_all(p)
++#define do_each_thread_ve(g, t) do_each_thread_all(g, t)
++#define while_each_thread_ve(g, t) while_each_thread_all(g, t)
++#define first_task_ve() next_task_ve(&init_task)
++#define next_task_ve(p) \
++ (next_task_all(p) != &init_task ? next_task_all(p) : NULL)
++#else /* CONFIG_VE */
++#define SET_VE_LINKS(p) \
++ do { \
++ if (thread_group_leader(p)) \
++ list_add_tail(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->vetask_list, \
++ &VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->vetask_lh); \
++ } while (0)
+-#define while_each_thread(g, t) \
++#define REMOVE_VE_LINKS(p) \
++ do { \
++ if (thread_group_leader(p)) \
++ list_del(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->vetask_list); \
++ } while(0)
++static inline task_t* __first_task_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ task_t *tsk;
++ if (unlikely(ve_is_super(ve))) {
++ tsk = next_task_all(&init_task);
++ if (tsk == &init_task)
++ tsk = NULL;
++ } else {
++ /* probably can return ve->init_entry, but it's more clear */
++ BUG_ON(list_empty(&ve->vetask_lh));
++ tsk = VE_TASK_LIST_2_TASK(ve->;
++ }
++ return tsk;
++static inline task_t* __next_task_ve(struct ve_struct *ve, task_t *tsk)
++ if (unlikely(ve_is_super(ve))) {
++ tsk = next_task_all(tsk);
++ if (tsk == &init_task)
++ tsk = NULL;
++ } else {
++ struct list_head *tmp;
++ BUG_ON(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env != ve);
++ tmp = VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->;
++ if (tmp == &ve->vetask_lh)
++ tsk = NULL;
++ else
++ tsk = VE_TASK_LIST_2_TASK(tmp);
++ }
++ return tsk;
++#define first_task_ve() __first_task_ve(get_exec_env())
++#define next_task_ve(p) __next_task_ve(get_exec_env(), p)
++/* no one uses prev_task_ve(), copy next_task_ve() if needed */
++#define for_each_process_ve(p) \
++ for (p = first_task_ve(); p != NULL ; p = next_task_ve(p))
++#define do_each_thread_ve(g, t) \
++ for (g = t = first_task_ve() ; g != NULL; g = t = next_task_ve(g)) do
++#define while_each_thread_ve(g, t) \
+ while ((t = next_thread(t)) != g)
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
+ extern task_t * FASTCALL(next_thread(const task_t *p));
+ #define thread_group_leader(p) (p->pid == p->tgid)
+ static inline int thread_group_empty(task_t *p)
+ {
+- struct pid *pid = p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].pidptr;
+- return pid->>next == &pid->task_list;
++ return list_empty(&p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].pid_list);
+ }
+ #define delay_group_leader(p) \
+@@ -941,8 +1378,8 @@ static inline int thread_group_empty(tas
+ extern void unhash_process(struct task_struct *p);
+ /*
+- * Protects ->fs, ->files, ->mm, ->ptrace, ->group_info and synchronises with
+- * wait4().
++ * Protects ->fs, ->files, ->mm, ->ptrace, ->group_info, ->comm and
++ * synchronises with wait4().
+ *
+ * Nests both inside and outside of read_lock(&tasklist_lock).
+ * It must not be nested with write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock),
+@@ -1065,28 +1502,61 @@ extern void signal_wake_up(struct task_s
+ */
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+-static inline unsigned int task_cpu(const struct task_struct *p)
++static inline unsigned int task_pcpu(const struct task_struct *p)
+ {
+ return p->thread_info->cpu;
+ }
+-static inline void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
++static inline void set_task_pcpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
+ {
+ p->thread_info->cpu = cpu;
+ }
+ #else
++static inline unsigned int task_pcpu(const struct task_struct *p)
++ return 0;
++static inline void set_task_pcpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
++#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
++static inline unsigned int task_vsched_id(const struct task_struct *p)
++ return p->vsched_id;
+ static inline unsigned int task_cpu(const struct task_struct *p)
+ {
++ return p->vcpu_id;
++extern void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int vcpu);
++static inline unsigned int task_vsched_id(const struct task_struct *p)
+ return 0;
+ }
++static inline unsigned int task_cpu(const struct task_struct *p)
++ return task_pcpu(p);
+ static inline void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
+ {
++ set_task_pcpu(p, cpu);
+ }
+-#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
++#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ static inline int cap_netlink_send (stru
+ static inline int cap_netlink_recv (struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+- if (!cap_raised (NETLINK_CB (skb).eff_cap, CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ if (!cap_raised (NETLINK_CB (skb).eff_cap, CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ struct shm_info {
+ };
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
++struct user_beancounter;
+ struct shmid_kernel /* private to the kernel */
+ {
+ struct kern_ipc_perm shm_perm;
+@@ -84,8 +86,12 @@ struct shmid_kernel /* private to the ke
+ time_t shm_ctim;
+ pid_t shm_cprid;
+ pid_t shm_lprid;
++ struct user_beancounter *shmidk_ub;
++ struct ipc_ids *_shm_ids;
+ };
++#define shmid_ub(__shmid) (__shmid)->shmidk_ub
+ /* shm_mode upper byte flags */
+ #define SHM_DEST 01000 /* segment will be destroyed on last detach */
+ #define SHM_LOCKED 02000 /* segment will not be swapped */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
+ #define SHMEM_NR_DIRECT 16
++struct user_beancounter;
+ struct shmem_inode_info {
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ unsigned long next_index;
+@@ -19,8 +21,11 @@ struct shmem_inode_info {
+ struct shared_policy policy;
+ struct list_head list;
+ struct inode vfs_inode;
++ struct user_beancounter *info_ub;
+ };
++#define shm_info_ub(__shmi) (__shmi)->info_ub
+ struct shmem_sb_info {
+ unsigned long max_blocks; /* How many blocks are allowed */
+ unsigned long free_blocks; /* How many are left for allocation */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -14,14 +14,19 @@
+ * Real Time signals may be queued.
+ */
++struct user_beancounter;
+ struct sigqueue {
+ struct list_head list;
+ spinlock_t *lock;
+ int flags;
+ siginfo_t info;
+ struct user_struct *user;
++ struct user_beancounter *sig_ub;
+ };
++#define sig_ub(__q) ((__q)->sig_ub)
+ /* flags values. */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include <linux/compiler.h>
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+ #include <linux/cache.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <asm/atomic.h>
+ #include <asm/types.h>
+@@ -190,6 +191,8 @@ struct skb_shared_info {
+ * @tc_index: Traffic control index
+ */
++#include <ub/ub_sk.h>
+ struct sk_buff {
+ /* These two members must be first. */
+ struct sk_buff *next;
+@@ -281,13 +284,18 @@ struct sk_buff {
+ *data,
+ *tail,
+ *end;
++ struct skb_beancounter skb_bc;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(SKB, SLAB, struct sk_buff, owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
+ /*
+ * Handling routines are only of interest to the kernel
+ */
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ #include <asm/system.h>
+@@ -902,6 +910,8 @@ static inline int pskb_trim(struct sk_bu
+ */
+ static inline void skb_orphan(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
++ ub_skb_uncharge(skb);
+ if (skb->destructor)
+ skb->destructor(skb);
+ skb->destructor = NULL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -46,6 +46,27 @@ typedef struct kmem_cache_s kmem_cache_t
+ what is reclaimable later*/
+ #define SLAB_PANIC 0x00040000UL /* panic if kmem_cache_create() fails */
++ * allocation rules: __GFP_UBC 0
++ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
++ * cache (SLAB_UBC) charge charge
++ * (usual caches: mm, vma, task_struct, ...)
++ *
++ * cache (SLAB_UBC | SLAB_NO_CHARGE) charge ---
++ * (ub_kmalloc) (kmalloc)
++ *
++ * cache (no UB flags) BUG() ---
++ * (nonub caches, mempools)
++ *
++ * pages charge ---
++ * (ub_vmalloc, (vmalloc,
++ * poll, fdsets, ...) non-ub allocs)
++ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
++ */
++#define SLAB_UBC 0x20000000UL /* alloc space for ubs ... */
++#define SLAB_NO_CHARGE 0x40000000UL /* ... but don't charge */
+ /* flags passed to a constructor func */
+ #define SLAB_CTOR_CONSTRUCTOR 0x001UL /* if not set, then deconstructor */
+ #define SLAB_CTOR_ATOMIC 0x002UL /* tell constructor it can't sleep */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ extern void smp_cpus_done(unsigned int m
+ extern int smp_call_function (void (*func) (void *info), void *info,
+ int retry, int wait);
++typedef void (*smp_nmi_function)(struct pt_regs *regs, void *info);
++extern int smp_nmi_call_function(smp_nmi_function func, void *info, int wait);
+ /*
+ * Call a function on all processors
+ */
+@@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ void smp_prepare_boot_cpu(void);
+ #define hard_smp_processor_id() 0
+ #define smp_threads_ready 1
+ #define smp_call_function(func,info,retry,wait) ({ 0; })
++#define smp_nmi_call_function(func, info, wait) ({ 0; })
+ #define on_each_cpu(func,info,retry,wait) ({ func(info); 0; })
+ static inline void smp_send_reschedule(int cpu) { }
+ #define num_booting_cpus() 1
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ struct cmsghdr {
+ (struct cmsghdr *)(ctl) : \
+ (struct cmsghdr *)NULL)
+ #define CMSG_FIRSTHDR(msg) __CMSG_FIRSTHDR((msg)->msg_control, (msg)->msg_controllen)
++#define CMSG_OK(mhdr, cmsg) ((cmsg)->cmsg_len >= sizeof(struct cmsghdr) && \
++ (cmsg)->cmsg_len <= (unsigned long) \
++ ((mhdr)->msg_controllen - \
++ ((char *)(cmsg) - (char *)(mhdr)->msg_control)))
+ /*
+ * This mess will go away with glibc
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static inline int software_suspend(void)
+ #ifdef CONFIG_PM
+-extern void refrigerator(unsigned long);
++extern void refrigerator(void);
+ extern int freeze_processes(void);
+ extern void thaw_processes(void);
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ extern int pm_prepare_console(void);
+ extern void pm_restore_console(void);
+ #else
+-static inline void refrigerator(unsigned long flag) {}
++static inline void refrigerator(void) {}
+ #endif /* CONFIG_PM */
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #define SWAP_FLAG_PREFER 0x8000 /* set if swap priority specified */
+ #define SWAP_FLAG_PRIO_MASK 0x7fff
++#define SWAP_FLAG_READONLY 0x40000000 /* set if swap is read-only */
+ static inline int current_is_kswapd(void)
+ {
+@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ struct address_space;
+ struct sysinfo;
+ struct writeback_control;
+ struct zone;
++struct user_beancounter;
+ /*
+ * A swap extent maps a range of a swapfile's PAGE_SIZE pages onto a range of
+@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ enum {
+ SWP_USED = (1 << 0), /* is slot in swap_info[] used? */
+ SWP_WRITEOK = (1 << 1), /* ok to write to this swap? */
++ SWP_READONLY = (1 << 2)
+ };
+ #define SWAP_CLUSTER_MAX 32
+@@ -118,6 +121,8 @@ enum {
+ * extent_list.prev points at the lowest-index extent. That list is
+ * sorted.
+ */
++struct user_beancounter;
+ struct swap_info_struct {
+ unsigned int flags;
+ spinlock_t sdev_lock;
+@@ -132,6 +137,7 @@ struct swap_info_struct {
+ unsigned int highest_bit;
+ unsigned int cluster_next;
+ unsigned int cluster_nr;
++ struct user_beancounter **owner_map;
+ int prio; /* swap priority */
+ int pages;
+ unsigned long max;
+@@ -148,7 +154,8 @@ struct swap_list_t {
+ #define vm_swap_full() (nr_swap_pages*2 < total_swap_pages)
+ /* linux/mm/oom_kill.c */
+-extern void out_of_memory(int gfp_mask);
++struct oom_freeing_stat;
++extern void out_of_memory(struct oom_freeing_stat *, int gfp_mask);
+ /* linux/mm/memory.c */
+ extern void swapin_readahead(swp_entry_t, unsigned long, struct vm_area_struct *);
+@@ -210,7 +217,7 @@ extern long total_swap_pages;
+ extern unsigned int nr_swapfiles;
+ extern struct swap_info_struct swap_info[];
+ extern void si_swapinfo(struct sysinfo *);
+-extern swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void);
++extern swp_entry_t get_swap_page(struct user_beancounter *);
+ extern int swap_duplicate(swp_entry_t);
+ extern int valid_swaphandles(swp_entry_t, unsigned long *);
+ extern void swap_free(swp_entry_t);
+@@ -219,6 +226,7 @@ extern sector_t map_swap_page(struct swa
+ extern struct swap_info_struct *get_swap_info_struct(unsigned);
+ extern int can_share_swap_page(struct page *);
+ extern int remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct page *);
++extern int try_to_remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct page *);
+ struct backing_dev_info;
+ extern struct swap_list_t swap_list;
+@@ -259,7 +267,7 @@ static inline int remove_exclusive_swap_
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static inline swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
++static inline swp_entry_t get_swap_page(struct user_beancounter *ub)
+ {
+ swp_entry_t entry;
+ entry.val = 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include <linux/compiler.h>
+ struct file;
++struct completion;
+ #define CTL_MAXNAME 10 /* how many path components do we allow in a
+ call to sysctl? In other words, what is
+@@ -133,6 +134,10 @@ enum
+ KERN_SPARC_SCONS_PWROFF=64, /* int: serial console power-off halt */
+ KERN_HZ_TIMER=65, /* int: hz timer on or off */
++ KERN_SILENCE_LEVEL=66, /* int: Console silence loglevel */
++ KERN_ALLOC_FAIL_WARN=67, /* int: whether we'll print "alloc failure" */
++ KERN_FAIRSCHED_MAX_LATENCY=201, /* int: Max start_tag delta */
++ KERN_VIRT_PIDS=202, /* int: VE pids virtualization */
+ };
+@@ -320,6 +325,7 @@ enum
++ NET_TCP_USE_SG=245,
+@@ -343,6 +349,7 @@ enum
+ enum {
+@@ -650,6 +657,7 @@ enum
+ FS_XFS=17, /* struct: control xfs parameters */
+ FS_AIO_NR=18, /* current system-wide number of aio requests */
+ FS_AIO_MAX_NR=19, /* system-wide maximum number of aio requests */
++ FS_AT_VSYSCALL=20, /* int: to announce vsyscall data */
+ };
+ /* /proc/sys/fs/quota/ */
+@@ -780,6 +788,8 @@ extern int proc_doulongvec_minmax(ctl_ta
+ void __user *, size_t *, loff_t *);
+ extern int proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax(ctl_table *table, int,
+ struct file *, void __user *, size_t *, loff_t *);
++extern int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *,
++ void __user *, size_t *, loff_t *);
+ extern int do_sysctl (int __user *name, int nlen,
+ void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
+@@ -833,6 +843,8 @@ extern ctl_handler sysctl_jiffies;
+ */
+ /* A sysctl table is an array of struct ctl_table: */
++struct ve_struct;
+ struct ctl_table
+ {
+ int ctl_name; /* Binary ID */
+@@ -846,6 +858,7 @@ struct ctl_table
+ struct proc_dir_entry *de; /* /proc control block */
+ void *extra1;
+ void *extra2;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
+ /* struct ctl_table_header is used to maintain dynamic lists of
+@@ -854,12 +867,17 @@ struct ctl_table_header
+ {
+ ctl_table *ctl_table;
+ struct list_head ctl_entry;
++ int used;
++ struct completion *unregistering;
+ };
+ struct ctl_table_header * register_sysctl_table(ctl_table * table,
+ int insert_at_head);
+ void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_table_header * table);
++ctl_table *clone_sysctl_template(ctl_table *tmpl, int nr);
++void free_sysctl_clone(ctl_table *clone);
+ #else /* __KERNEL__ */
+ #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ struct sysrq_key_op {
+ * are available -- else NULL's).
+ */
++int sysrq_eat_all(void);
++#define sysrq_eat_all() (0)
+ void handle_sysrq(int, struct pt_regs *, struct tty_struct *);
+ void __handle_sysrq(int, struct pt_regs *, struct tty_struct *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -201,6 +201,27 @@ struct tcp_sack_block {
+ __u32 end_seq;
+ };
++struct tcp_options_received {
++/* PAWS/RTTM data */
++ long ts_recent_stamp;/* Time we stored ts_recent (for aging) */
++ __u32 ts_recent; /* Time stamp to echo next */
++ __u32 rcv_tsval; /* Time stamp value */
++ __u32 rcv_tsecr; /* Time stamp echo reply */
++ char saw_tstamp; /* Saw TIMESTAMP on last packet */
++ char tstamp_ok; /* TIMESTAMP seen on SYN packet */
++ char sack_ok; /* SACK seen on SYN packet */
++ char wscale_ok; /* Wscale seen on SYN packet */
++ __u8 snd_wscale; /* Window scaling received from sender */
++ __u8 rcv_wscale; /* Window scaling to send to receiver */
++/* SACKs data */
++ __u8 dsack; /* D-SACK is scheduled */
++ __u8 eff_sacks; /* Size of SACK array to send with next packet */
++ __u8 num_sacks; /* Number of SACK blocks */
++ __u8 __pad;
++ __u16 user_mss; /* mss requested by user in ioctl */
++ __u16 mss_clamp; /* Maximal mss, negotiated at connection setup */
+ struct tcp_opt {
+ int tcp_header_len; /* Bytes of tcp header to send */
+@@ -251,22 +272,19 @@ struct tcp_opt {
+ __u32 pmtu_cookie; /* Last pmtu seen by socket */
+ __u32 mss_cache; /* Cached effective mss, not including SACKS */
+ __u16 mss_cache_std; /* Like mss_cache, but without TSO */
+- __u16 mss_clamp; /* Maximal mss, negotiated at connection setup */
+ __u16 ext_header_len; /* Network protocol overhead (IP/IPv6 options) */
+ __u16 ext2_header_len;/* Options depending on route */
+ __u8 ca_state; /* State of fast-retransmit machine */
+ __u8 retransmits; /* Number of unrecovered RTO timeouts. */
++ __u32 frto_highmark; /* snd_nxt when RTO occurred */
+ __u8 reordering; /* Packet reordering metric. */
+ __u8 frto_counter; /* Number of new acks after RTO */
+- __u32 frto_highmark; /* snd_nxt when RTO occurred */
+ __u8 unused_pad;
+ __u8 defer_accept; /* User waits for some data after accept() */
+- /* one byte hole, try to pack */
+ /* RTT measurement */
+- __u8 backoff; /* backoff */
+ __u32 srtt; /* smothed round trip time << 3 */
+ __u32 mdev; /* medium deviation */
+ __u32 mdev_max; /* maximal mdev for the last rtt period */
+@@ -277,7 +295,15 @@ struct tcp_opt {
+ __u32 packets_out; /* Packets which are "in flight" */
+ __u32 left_out; /* Packets which leaved network */
+ __u32 retrans_out; /* Retransmitted packets out */
++ __u8 backoff; /* backoff */
++ * Options received (usually on last packet, some only on SYN packets).
++ */
++ __u8 nonagle; /* Disable Nagle algorithm? */
++ __u8 keepalive_probes; /* num of allowed keep alive probes */
++ __u8 probes_out; /* unanswered 0 window probes */
++ struct tcp_options_received rx_opt;
+ /*
+ * Slow start and congestion control (see also Nagle, and Karn & Partridge)
+@@ -303,40 +329,19 @@ struct tcp_opt {
+ __u32 write_seq; /* Tail(+1) of data held in tcp send buffer */
+ __u32 pushed_seq; /* Last pushed seq, required to talk to windows */
+ __u32 copied_seq; /* Head of yet unread data */
+- * Options received (usually on last packet, some only on SYN packets).
+- */
+- char tstamp_ok, /* TIMESTAMP seen on SYN packet */
+- wscale_ok, /* Wscale seen on SYN packet */
+- sack_ok; /* SACK seen on SYN packet */
+- char saw_tstamp; /* Saw TIMESTAMP on last packet */
+- __u8 snd_wscale; /* Window scaling received from sender */
+- __u8 rcv_wscale; /* Window scaling to send to receiver */
+- __u8 nonagle; /* Disable Nagle algorithm? */
+- __u8 keepalive_probes; /* num of allowed keep alive probes */
+-/* PAWS/RTTM data */
+- __u32 rcv_tsval; /* Time stamp value */
+- __u32 rcv_tsecr; /* Time stamp echo reply */
+- __u32 ts_recent; /* Time stamp to echo next */
+- long ts_recent_stamp;/* Time we stored ts_recent (for aging) */
+ /* SACKs data */
+- __u16 user_mss; /* mss requested by user in ioctl */
+- __u8 dsack; /* D-SACK is scheduled */
+- __u8 eff_sacks; /* Size of SACK array to send with next packet */
+ struct tcp_sack_block duplicate_sack[1]; /* D-SACK block */
+ struct tcp_sack_block selective_acks[4]; /* The SACKS themselves*/
+ __u32 window_clamp; /* Maximal window to advertise */
+ __u32 rcv_ssthresh; /* Current window clamp */
+- __u8 probes_out; /* unanswered 0 window probes */
+- __u8 num_sacks; /* Number of SACK blocks */
+ __u16 advmss; /* Advertised MSS */
+ __u8 syn_retries; /* num of allowed syn retries */
+ __u8 ecn_flags; /* ECN status bits. */
+ __u16 prior_ssthresh; /* ssthresh saved at recovery start */
++ __u16 __pad1;
+ __u32 lost_out; /* Lost packets */
+ __u32 sacked_out; /* SACK'd packets */
+ __u32 fackets_out; /* FACK'd packets */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ struct device;
+ * size each time the window is created or resized anyway.
+ * - TYT, 9/14/92
+ */
++struct user_beancounter;
+ struct tty_struct {
+ int magic;
+ struct tty_driver *driver;
+@@ -293,8 +295,12 @@ struct tty_struct {
+ spinlock_t read_lock;
+ /* If the tty has a pending do_SAK, queue it here - akpm */
+ struct work_struct SAK_work;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(TTY, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_struct, owner_env, , ())
++#define tty_ub(__tty) (slab_ub(__tty))
+ /* tty magic number */
+ #define TTY_MAGIC 0x5401
+@@ -319,6 +325,7 @@ struct tty_struct {
+ #define TTY_HW_COOK_IN 15
+ #define TTY_PTY_LOCK 16
+ #define TTY_NO_WRITE_SPLIT 17
++#define TTY_CHARGED 18
+ #define TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty) tty_write_flush((tty))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
+ * character to the device.
+ */
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/list.h>
+ #include <linux/cdev.h>
+@@ -214,9 +215,13 @@ struct tty_driver {
+ unsigned int set, unsigned int clear);
+ struct list_head tty_drivers;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(TTYDRV, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_driver, owner_env, , ())
+ extern struct list_head tty_drivers;
++extern rwlock_t tty_driver_guard;
+ struct tty_driver *alloc_tty_driver(int lines);
+ void put_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ extern struct inode * ufs_new_inode (str
+ extern u64 ufs_frag_map (struct inode *, sector_t);
+ extern void ufs_read_inode (struct inode *);
+ extern void ufs_put_inode (struct inode *);
+-extern void ufs_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
++extern int ufs_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
+ extern int ufs_sync_inode (struct inode *);
+ extern void ufs_delete_inode (struct inode *);
+ extern struct buffer_head * ufs_getfrag (struct inode *, unsigned, int, int *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
++ * include/linux/ve.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _LINUX_VE_H
++#define _LINUX_VE_H
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#ifndef __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
++typedef unsigned envid_t;
++#define __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/capability.h>
++#include <linux/utsname.h>
++#include <linux/sysctl.h>
++#include <linux/vzstat.h>
++#include <linux/kobject.h>
++#ifdef VZMON_DEBUG
++# define VZTRACE(fmt,args...) \
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG fmt, ##args)
++# define VZTRACE(fmt,args...)
++#endif /* VZMON_DEBUG */
++struct tty_driver;
++struct devpts_config;
++struct task_struct;
++struct new_utsname;
++struct file_system_type;
++struct icmp_mib;
++struct ip_mib;
++struct tcp_mib;
++struct udp_mib;
++struct linux_mib;
++struct fib_info;
++struct fib_rule;
++struct veip_struct;
++struct ve_monitor;
++struct fib_table;
++struct devcnfv4_struct;
++struct ipt_filter_initial_table;
++struct ipt_nat_initial_table;
++struct ipt_table;
++struct ip_conntrack;
++struct nf_hook_ops;
++struct ve_ip_conntrack {
++ struct list_head *_ip_conntrack_hash;
++ struct list_head _ip_conntrack_expect_list;
++ struct list_head _ip_conntrack_protocol_list;
++ struct list_head _ip_conntrack_helpers;
++ int _ip_conntrack_max;
++ unsigned long _ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[10];
++ unsigned long _ip_ct_udp_timeout;
++ unsigned long _ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
++ unsigned long _ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
++ unsigned long _ip_ct_generic_timeout;
++ atomic_t _ip_conntrack_count;
++ void (*_ip_conntrack_destroyed)(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack);
++ struct ctl_table_header *_ip_ct_sysctl_header;
++ ctl_table *_ip_ct_net_table;
++ ctl_table *_ip_ct_ipv4_table;
++ ctl_table *_ip_ct_netfilter_table;
++ ctl_table *_ip_ct_sysctl_table;
++#endif /*CONFIG_SYSCTL*/
++ int _ip_conntrack_ftp_ports_c;
++ int _ip_conntrack_irc_ports_c;
++ struct list_head _ip_nat_protos;
++ struct list_head _ip_nat_helpers;
++ struct list_head *_ip_nat_bysource;
++ struct ipt_nat_initial_table *_ip_nat_initial_table;
++ struct ipt_table *_ip_nat_table;
++ int _ip_nat_ftp_ports_c;
++ int _ip_nat_irc_ports_c;
++ /* resource accounting */
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++#define UIDHASH_BITS_VE 6
++struct ve_cpu_stats {
++ cycles_t idle_time;
++ cycles_t iowait_time;
++ cycles_t strt_idle_time;
++ cycles_t used_time;
++ seqcount_t stat_lock;
++ int nr_running;
++ int nr_unint;
++ int nr_iowait;
++ u64 user;
++ u64 nice;
++ u64 system;
++} ____cacheline_aligned;
++struct ve_struct {
++ struct ve_struct *prev;
++ struct ve_struct *next;
++ envid_t veid;
++ struct task_struct *init_entry;
++ struct list_head vetask_lh;
++ kernel_cap_t cap_default;
++ atomic_t pcounter;
++ /* ref counter to ve from ipc */
++ atomic_t counter;
++ unsigned int class_id;
++ struct veip_struct *veip;
++ struct rw_semaphore op_sem;
++ int is_running;
++ int virt_pids;
++/* VE's root */
++ struct vfsmount *fs_rootmnt;
++ struct dentry *fs_root;
++/* sysctl */
++ struct new_utsname *utsname;
++ struct list_head sysctl_lh;
++ struct ctl_table_header *kern_header;
++ struct ctl_table *kern_table;
++ struct ctl_table_header *quota_header;
++ struct ctl_table *quota_table;
++ struct file_system_type *proc_fstype;
++ struct vfsmount *proc_mnt;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_root;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_sys_root;
++/* SYSV IPC */
++ struct ipc_ids *_shm_ids;
++ struct ipc_ids *_msg_ids;
++ struct ipc_ids *_sem_ids;
++ int _used_sems;
++ int _shm_tot;
++ size_t _shm_ctlmax;
++ size_t _shm_ctlall;
++ int _shm_ctlmni;
++ int _msg_ctlmax;
++ int _msg_ctlmni;
++ int _msg_ctlmnb;
++ int _sem_ctls[4];
++/* BSD pty's */
++ struct tty_driver *pty_driver;
++ struct tty_driver *pty_slave_driver;
++ struct tty_driver *ptm_driver;
++ struct tty_driver *pts_driver;
++ struct idr *allocated_ptys;
++ struct file_system_type *devpts_fstype;
++ struct vfsmount *devpts_mnt;
++ struct dentry *devpts_root;
++ struct devpts_config *devpts_config;
++ struct file_system_type *shmem_fstype;
++ struct vfsmount *shmem_mnt;
++ struct file_system_type *sysfs_fstype;
++ struct vfsmount *sysfs_mnt;
++ struct super_block *sysfs_sb;
++ struct subsystem *class_subsys;
++ struct subsystem *class_obj_subsys;
++ struct class *net_class;
++/* User uids hash */
++ struct list_head uidhash_table[UIDHASH_SZ_VE];
++ struct hlist_head _net_dev_head;
++ struct hlist_head _net_dev_index_head;
++ struct net_device *_net_dev_base, **_net_dev_tail;
++ int ifindex;
++ struct net_device *_loopback_dev;
++ struct net_device *_venet_dev;
++ struct ipv4_devconf *_ipv4_devconf;
++ struct ipv4_devconf *_ipv4_devconf_dflt;
++ struct ctl_table_header *forward_header;
++ struct ctl_table *forward_table;
++ unsigned long rt_flush_required;
++/* per VE CPU stats*/
++ struct timespec start_timespec;
++ u64 start_jiffies;
++ cycles_t start_cycles;
++ unsigned long avenrun[3]; /* loadavg data */
++ cycles_t cpu_used_ve;
++ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct sched_lat_ve;
++ struct fib_info *_fib_info_list;
++ struct fib_rule *_local_rule;
++ struct fib_rule *_fib_rules;
++ /* XXX: why a magic constant? */
++ struct fib_table *_fib_tables[256]; /* RT_TABLE_MAX - for now */
++ struct fib_table *_main_table;
++ struct fib_table *_local_table;
++ struct icmp_mib *_icmp_statistics[2];
++ struct ipstats_mib *_ip_statistics[2];
++ struct tcp_mib *_tcp_statistics[2];
++ struct udp_mib *_udp_statistics[2];
++ struct linux_mib *_net_statistics[2];
++ struct venet_stat *stat;
++/* core/netfilter.c virtualization */
++ void *_nf_hooks;
++ struct ipt_filter_initial_table *_ipt_filter_initial_table; /* initial_table struct */
++ struct ipt_table *_ve_ipt_filter_pf; /* packet_filter struct */
++ struct nf_hook_ops *_ve_ipt_filter_io; /* ipt_ops struct */
++ struct ipt_table *_ipt_mangle_table;
++ struct nf_hook_ops *_ipt_mangle_hooks;
++ struct list_head *_ipt_target;
++ struct list_head *_ipt_match;
++ struct list_head *_ipt_tables;
++ struct ipt_target *_ipt_standard_target;
++ struct ipt_target *_ipt_error_target;
++ struct ipt_match *_tcp_matchstruct;
++ struct ipt_match *_udp_matchstruct;
++ struct ipt_match *_icmp_matchstruct;
++ __u64 _iptables_modules;
++ struct ve_ip_conntrack *_ip_conntrack;
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
++ wait_queue_head_t *_log_wait;
++ unsigned long *_log_start;
++ unsigned long *_log_end;
++ unsigned long *_logged_chars;
++ char *log_buf;
++#define VE_DEFAULT_LOG_BUF_LEN 4096
++ struct ve_cpu_stats ve_cpu_stats[NR_CPUS] ____cacheline_aligned;
++ unsigned long down_at;
++ struct list_head cleanup_list;
++ unsigned long jiffies_fixup;
++ unsigned char disable_net;
++ unsigned char sparse_vpid;
++ struct ve_monitor *monitor;
++#define VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu) (&((ve)->ve_cpu_stats[(cpu)]))
++extern int nr_ve;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define get_device_perms_ve real_get_device_perms_ve
++#define do_env_cleanup real_do_env_cleanup
++#define do_env_free real_do_env_free
++#define do_update_load_avg_ve real_update_load_avg_ve
++int get_device_perms_ve(int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode);
++void do_env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *envid);
++void do_update_load_avg_ve(void);
++void do_env_free(struct ve_struct *ptr);
++#define ve_utsname (*get_exec_env()->utsname)
++static inline struct ve_struct *get_ve(struct ve_struct *ptr)
++ if (ptr != NULL)
++ atomic_inc(&ptr->counter);
++ return ptr;
++static inline void put_ve(struct ve_struct *ptr)
++ if (ptr && atomic_dec_and_test(&ptr->counter)) {
++ if (atomic_read(&ptr->pcounter) > 0)
++ BUG();
++ if (ptr->is_running)
++ BUG();
++ do_env_free(ptr);
++ }
++#define ve_cpu_online_map(ve, mask) fairsched_cpu_online_map(ve->veid, mask)
++#else /* CONFIG_VE */
++#define ve_utsname system_utsname
++#define get_ve(ve) (NULL)
++#define put_ve(ve) do { } while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
++#endif /* _LINUX_VE_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++ * include/linux/ve_proto.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __VE_OWNER_H__
++#define __VE_OWNER_H__
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#define DCL_VE_OWNER(name, kind, type, member, attr1, attr2)
++ /* prototype declares static inline functions */
++#define DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(name, kind, type, member, attr1, attr2) \
++type; \
++static inline struct ve_struct *VE_OWNER_##name(type *obj) \
++{ \
++ return obj->member; \
++} \
++static inline void SET_VE_OWNER_##name(type *obj, struct ve_struct *ve) \
++{ \
++ obj->member = ve; \
++#endif /* __VE_OWNER_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
++ * include/linux/ve_proto.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __VE_H__
++#define __VE_H__
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++extern struct semaphore ve_call_guard;
++extern rwlock_t ve_call_lock;
++extern void prepare_ipc(void);
++extern int init_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct *);
++extern void fini_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct *);
++extern void ve_ipc_cleanup(void);
++extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_driver(void);
++extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_slave_driver(void);
++extern struct tty_driver *ptm_driver; /* Unix98 pty masters; for /dev/ptmx */
++extern struct tty_driver *pts_driver; /* Unix98 pty slaves; for /dev/ptmx */
++extern rwlock_t tty_driver_guard;
++void ip_fragment_cleanup(struct ve_struct *envid);
++void tcp_v4_kill_ve_sockets(struct ve_struct *envid);
++struct fib_table * fib_hash_init(int id);
++int move_addr_to_kernel(void *uaddr, int ulen, void *kaddr);
++extern int main_loopback_init(struct net_device*);
++int venet_init(void);
++extern struct ve_struct *ve_list_head;
++extern rwlock_t ve_list_guard;
++extern struct ve_struct *get_ve_by_id(envid_t);
++extern struct ve_struct *__find_ve_by_id(envid_t);
++extern int do_setdevperms(envid_t veid, unsigned type,
++ dev_t dev, unsigned mask);
++extern int init_netfilter(void);
++extern int init_iptables(void);
++extern int init_iptable_filter(void);
++extern int init_iptable_limit(void);
++extern int init_iptable_multiport(void);
++extern int init_iptable_tos(void);
++extern int init_iptable_REJECT(void);
++extern void fini_netfilter(void);
++extern int fini_iptables(void);
++extern int fini_iptable_filter(void);
++extern int fini_iptable_limit(void);
++extern int fini_iptable_multiport(void);
++extern int fini_iptable_tos(void);
++extern int fini_iptable_REJECT(void);
++#define VE_HOOK_INIT 0
++#define VE_HOOK_FINI 1
++#define VE_MAX_HOOKS 2
++typedef int ve_hookfn(unsigned int hooknum, void *data);
++struct ve_hook
++ struct list_head list;
++ ve_hookfn *hook;
++ ve_hookfn *undo;
++ struct module *owner;
++ int hooknum;
++ /* Functions are called in ascending priority. */
++ int priority;
++extern int ve_hook_register(struct ve_hook *vh);
++extern void ve_hook_unregister(struct ve_hook *vh);
++struct ve_hook_init_data
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ u32 class_id;
++ struct env_create_param *data;
++ int datalen;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
++ * include/linux/ve_task.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __VE_TASK_H__
++#define __VE_TASK_H__
++#include <linux/seqlock.h>
++struct ve_task_info {
++/* virtualization */
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
++ struct ve_struct *exec_env;
++ struct list_head vetask_list;
++ struct dentry *glob_proc_dentry;
++/* statistics: scheduling latency */
++ cycles_t sleep_time;
++ cycles_t sched_time;
++ cycles_t sleep_stamp;
++ cycles_t wakeup_stamp;
++ seqcount_t wakeup_lock;
++#define VE_TASK_INFO(task) (&(task)->ve_task_info)
++#define VE_TASK_LIST_2_TASK(lh) \
++ list_entry(lh, struct task_struct, ve_task_info.vetask_list)
++#endif /* __VE_TASK_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
++ * include/linux/venet.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _VENET_H
++#define _VENET_H
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/vzcalluser.h>
++#define VEIP_HASH_SZ 512
++struct ve_struct;
++struct venet_stat;
++struct ip_entry_struct
++ __u32 ip;
++ struct ve_struct *active_env;
++ struct venet_stat *stat;
++ struct veip_struct *veip;
++ struct list_head ip_hash;
++ struct list_head ve_list;
++struct veip_struct
++ struct list_head src_lh;
++ struct list_head dst_lh;
++ struct list_head ip_lh;
++ struct list_head list;
++ envid_t veid;
++/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
++void ip_entry_hash(struct ip_entry_struct *entry, struct veip_struct *veip);
++/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
++void ip_entry_unhash(struct ip_entry_struct *entry);
++/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for read by caller */
++struct ip_entry_struct *ip_entry_lookup(u32 addr);
++/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for read by caller */
++struct veip_struct *veip_find(envid_t veid);
++/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
++struct veip_struct *veip_findcreate(envid_t veid);
++/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
++void veip_put(struct veip_struct *veip);
++int veip_start(struct ve_struct *ve);
++void veip_stop(struct ve_struct *ve);
++int veip_entry_add(struct ve_struct *ve, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
++int veip_entry_del(envid_t veid, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
++int venet_change_skb_owner(struct sk_buff *skb);
++extern struct list_head ip_entry_hash_table[];
++extern rwlock_t veip_hash_lock;
++int veip_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:30.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++ * include/linux/virtinfo.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __LINUX_VIRTINFO_H
++#define __LINUX_VIRTINFO_H
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/page-flags.h>
++#include <linux/rwsem.h>
++#include <linux/notifier.h>
++struct vnotifier_block
++ int (*notifier_call)(struct vnotifier_block *self,
++ unsigned long, void *, int);
++ struct vnotifier_block *next;
++ int priority;
++void virtinfo_notifier_register(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb);
++void virtinfo_notifier_unregister(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb);
++int virtinfo_notifier_call(int type, unsigned long n, void *data);
++struct meminfo {
++ struct sysinfo si;
++ unsigned long active, inactive;
++ unsigned long cache, swapcache;
++ unsigned long committed_space;
++ struct page_state ps;
++ unsigned long vmalloc_total, vmalloc_used, vmalloc_largest;
++enum virt_info_types {
++#endif /* __LINUX_VIRTINFO_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
+ #define VM_ALLOC 0x00000002 /* vmalloc() */
+ #define VM_MAP 0x00000004 /* vmap()ed pages */
++/* align size to 2^n page boundary */
++#define POWER2_PAGE_ALIGN(size) \
++ ((typeof(size))(1UL << (PAGE_SHIFT + get_order(size))))
+ struct vm_struct {
+ void *addr;
+ unsigned long size;
+@@ -26,6 +30,8 @@ extern void *vmalloc(unsigned long size)
+ extern void *vmalloc_exec(unsigned long size);
+ extern void *vmalloc_32(unsigned long size);
+ extern void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot);
++extern void *vmalloc_best(unsigned long size);
++extern void *ub_vmalloc_best(unsigned long size);
+ extern void vfree(void *addr);
+ extern void *vmap(struct page **pages, unsigned int count,
+@@ -38,6 +44,9 @@ extern void vunmap(void *addr);
+ extern struct vm_struct *get_vm_area(unsigned long size, unsigned long flags);
+ extern struct vm_struct *__get_vm_area(unsigned long size, unsigned long flags,
+ unsigned long start, unsigned long end);
++extern struct vm_struct * get_vm_area_best(unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long flags);
++extern void vprintstat(void);
+ extern struct vm_struct *remove_vm_area(void *addr);
+ extern int map_vm_area(struct vm_struct *area, pgprot_t prot,
+ struct page ***pages);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:36.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
++ * include/linux/vsched.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __VSCHED_H__
++#define __VSCHED_H__
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/cache.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++extern int vsched_create(int id, struct fairsched_node *node);
++extern int vsched_destroy(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched);
++extern int vsched_mvpr(struct task_struct *p, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched);
++extern int vcpu_online(int cpu);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++extern unsigned long ve_scale_khz(unsigned long khz);
++#define ve_scale_khz(khz) (khz)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
++ * include/linux/vzcalluser.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#define KERN_VZ_PRIV_RANGE 51
++#ifndef __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
++typedef unsigned envid_t;
++#define __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
++ * VE management ioctls
++ */
++struct vzctl_old_env_create {
++ envid_t veid;
++ unsigned flags;
++#define VE_CREATE 1 /* Create VE, VE_ENTER added automatically */
++#define VE_EXCLUSIVE 2 /* Fail if exists */
++#define VE_ENTER 4 /* Enter existing VE */
++#define VE_TEST 8 /* Test if VE exists */
++ __u32 addr;
++struct vzctl_mark_env_to_down {
++ envid_t veid;
++struct vzctl_setdevperms {
++ envid_t veid;
++ unsigned type;
++#define VE_USE_MAJOR 010 /* Test MAJOR supplied in rule */
++#define VE_USE_MINOR 030 /* Test MINOR supplied in rule */
++#define VE_USE_MASK 030 /* Testing mask, VE_USE_MAJOR|VE_USE_MINOR */
++ unsigned dev;
++ unsigned mask;
++struct vzctl_ve_netdev {
++ envid_t veid;
++ int op;
++#define VE_NETDEV_ADD 1
++#define VE_NETDEV_DEL 2
++ char *dev_name;
++/* these masks represent modules */
++#define VE_IP_IPTABLES_MOD (1U<<0)
++#define VE_IP_FILTER_MOD (1U<<1)
++#define VE_IP_MANGLE_MOD (1U<<2)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_LIMIT_MOD (1U<<3)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_TOS_MOD (1U<<5)
++#define VE_IP_TARGET_TOS_MOD (1U<<6)
++#define VE_IP_TARGET_REJECT_MOD (1U<<7)
++#define VE_IP_TARGET_TCPMSS_MOD (1U<<8)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_TCPMSS_MOD (1U<<9)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_TTL_MOD (1U<<10)
++#define VE_IP_TARGET_LOG_MOD (1U<<11)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_LENGTH_MOD (1U<<12)
++#define VE_IP_CONNTRACK_MOD (1U<<14)
++#define VE_IP_CONNTRACK_FTP_MOD (1U<<15)
++#define VE_IP_CONNTRACK_IRC_MOD (1U<<16)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_CONNTRACK_MOD (1U<<17)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_STATE_MOD (1U<<18)
++#define VE_IP_MATCH_HELPER_MOD (1U<<19)
++#define VE_IP_NAT_MOD (1U<<20)
++#define VE_IP_NAT_FTP_MOD (1U<<21)
++#define VE_IP_NAT_IRC_MOD (1U<<22)
++/* these masks represent modules with their dependences */
++#define VE_IP_NAT (VE_IP_NAT_MOD \
++/* safe iptables mask to be used by default */
++#define VE_IP_DEFAULT \
++#define VE_IPT_CMP(x,y) (((x) & (y)) == (y))
++struct vzctl_env_create_cid {
++ envid_t veid;
++ unsigned flags;
++ __u32 class_id;
++struct vzctl_env_create {
++ envid_t veid;
++ unsigned flags;
++ __u32 class_id;
++struct env_create_param {
++ __u64 iptables_mask;
++#define VZCTL_ENV_CREATE_DATA_MINLEN sizeof(__u64)
++#define VZCTL_ENV_CREATE_DATA_MAXLEN sizeof(__u64)
++struct vzctl_env_create_data {
++ envid_t veid;
++ unsigned flags;
++ __u32 class_id;
++ struct env_create_param *data;
++ int datalen;
++struct vz_load_avg {
++ int val_int;
++ int val_frac;
++struct vz_cpu_stat {
++ unsigned long user_jif;
++ unsigned long nice_jif;
++ unsigned long system_jif;
++ unsigned long uptime_jif;
++ cycles_t idle_clk;
++ cycles_t strv_clk;
++ cycles_t uptime_clk;
++ struct vz_load_avg avenrun[3]; /* loadavg data */
++struct vzctl_cpustatctl {
++ envid_t veid;
++ struct vz_cpu_stat *cpustat;
++#define VZCTLTYPE '.'
++ struct vzctl_old_env_create)
++ struct vzctl_mark_env_to_down)
++ struct vzctl_setdevperms)
++ struct vzctl_env_create_cid)
++ struct vzctl_env_create)
++ struct vzctl_cpustatctl)
++ struct vzctl_env_create_data)
++ struct vzctl_ve_netdev)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++ * include/linux/vzctl.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _LINUX_VZCTL_H
++#define _LINUX_VZCTL_H
++#include <linux/list.h>
++struct module;
++struct inode;
++struct file;
++struct vzioctlinfo {
++ unsigned type;
++ int (*func)(struct inode *, struct file *,
++ unsigned int, unsigned long);
++ struct module *owner;
++ struct list_head list;
++extern void vzioctl_register(struct vzioctlinfo *inf);
++extern void vzioctl_unregister(struct vzioctlinfo *inf);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
++ * include/linux/vzctl_quota.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __LINUX_VZCTL_QUOTA_H__
++#define __LINUX_VZCTL_QUOTA_H__
++ * Quota management ioctl
++ */
++struct vz_quota_stat;
++struct vzctl_quotactl {
++ int cmd;
++ unsigned int quota_id;
++ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat;
++ char *ve_root;
++struct vzctl_quotaugidctl {
++ int cmd; /* subcommand */
++ unsigned int quota_id; /* quota id where it applies to */
++ unsigned int ugid_index;/* for reading statistic. index of first
++ uid/gid record to read */
++ unsigned int ugid_size; /* size of ugid_buf array */
++ void *addr; /* user-level buffer */
++#define VZDQCTLTYPE '+'
++ struct vzctl_quotactl)
++ struct vzctl_quotactl)
++ struct vzctl_quotaugidctl)
++#endif /* __LINUX_VZCTL_QUOTA_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
++ * include/linux/vzctl_venet.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _VZCTL_VENET_H
++#define _VZCTL_VENET_H
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#ifndef __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
++typedef unsigned envid_t;
++#define __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
++struct vzctl_ve_ip_map {
++ envid_t veid;
++ int op;
++#define VE_IP_ADD 1
++#define VE_IP_DEL 2
++ struct sockaddr *addr;
++ int addrlen;
++#define VENETCTLTYPE '('
++ struct vzctl_ve_ip_map)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * This file contains Virtuozzo disk quota tree definition
++ */
++#ifndef _VZDQ_TREE_H
++#define _VZDQ_TREE_H
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <asm/string.h>
++typedef unsigned int quotaid_t;
++#define QUOTAID_BITS 32
++#define QUOTAID_BBITS 4
++#define QUOTAID_EBITS 8
++#error Quota bit assumption failure
++ * Depth of keeping unused node (not inclusive).
++ * 0 means release all nodes including root,
++ * QUOTATREE_DEPTH means never release nodes.
++ * Current value: release all nodes strictly after QUOTATREE_EDEPTH
++ * (measured in external shift units).
++ */
++ + 1)
++ * Levels 0..(QUOTATREE_DEPTH-1) are tree nodes.
++ * On level i the maximal number of nodes is 2^(i*QUOTAID_BBITS),
++ * and each node contains 2^QUOTAID_BBITS pointers.
++ * Level 0 is a (single) tree root node.
++ *
++ * Nodes of level (QUOTATREE_DEPTH-1) contain pointers to caller's data.
++ * Nodes of lower levels contain pointers to nodes.
++ *
++ * Double pointer in array of i-level node, pointing to a (i+1)-level node
++ * (such as inside quotatree_find_state) are marked by level (i+1), not i.
++ * Level 0 double pointer is a pointer to root inside tree struct.
++ *
++ * The tree is permanent, i.e. all index blocks allocated are keeped alive to
++ * preserve the blocks numbers in the quota file tree to keep its changes
++ * locally.
++ */
++struct quotatree_node {
++ struct list_head list;
++ quotaid_t num;
++ void *blocks[QUOTATREE_BSIZE];
++struct quotatree_level {
++ struct list_head usedlh, freelh;
++ quotaid_t freenum;
++struct quotatree_tree {
++ struct quotatree_level levels[QUOTATREE_DEPTH];
++ struct quotatree_node *root;
++ unsigned int leaf_num;
++struct quotatree_find_state {
++ void **block;
++ int level;
++/* number of leafs (objects) and leaf level of the tree */
++#define QTREE_LEAFNUM(tree) ((tree)->leaf_num)
++#define QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree) (&(tree)->levels[QUOTATREE_DEPTH - 1])
++struct quotatree_tree *quotatree_alloc(void);
++void *quotatree_find(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
++ struct quotatree_find_state *st);
++int quotatree_insert(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
++ struct quotatree_find_state *st, void *data);
++void quotatree_remove(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id);
++void quotatree_free(struct quotatree_tree *tree, void (*dtor)(void *));
++void *quotatree_get_next(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id);
++void *quotatree_leaf_byindex(struct quotatree_tree *tree, unsigned int index);
++#endif /* _VZDQ_TREE_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * This file contains Virtuozzo disk quota implementation
++ */
++#ifndef _VZDQUOTA_H
++#define _VZDQUOTA_H
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/quota.h>
++/* vzquotactl syscall commands */
++#define VZ_DQ_CREATE 5 /* create quota master block */
++#define VZ_DQ_DESTROY 6 /* destroy qmblk */
++#define VZ_DQ_ON 7 /* mark dentry with already created qmblk */
++#define VZ_DQ_OFF 8 /* remove mark, don't destroy qmblk */
++#define VZ_DQ_SETLIMIT 9 /* set new limits */
++#define VZ_DQ_GETSTAT 10 /* get usage statistic */
++/* set of syscalls to maintain UGID quotas */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_GETSTAT 1 /* get usage/limits for ugid(s) */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_ADDSTAT 2 /* set usage/limits statistic for ugid(s) */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_GETGRACE 3 /* get expire times */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETGRACE 4 /* set expire times */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_GETCONFIG 5 /* get ugid_max limit, cnt, flags of qmblk */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETCONFIG 6 /* set ugid_max limit, flags of qmblk */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETLIMIT 7 /* set ugid B/I limits */
++#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETINFO 8 /* set ugid info */
++/* common structure for vz and ugid quota */
++struct dq_stat {
++ /* blocks limits */
++ __u64 bhardlimit; /* absolute limit in bytes */
++ __u64 bsoftlimit; /* preferred limit in bytes */
++ time_t btime; /* time limit for excessive disk use */
++ __u64 bcurrent; /* current bytes count */
++ /* inodes limits */
++ __u32 ihardlimit; /* absolute limit on allocated inodes */
++ __u32 isoftlimit; /* preferred inode limit */
++ time_t itime; /* time limit for excessive inode use */
++ __u32 icurrent; /* current # allocated inodes */
++/* Values for dq_info->flags */
++#define VZ_QUOTA_INODES 0x01 /* inodes limit warning printed */
++#define VZ_QUOTA_SPACE 0x02 /* space limit warning printed */
++struct dq_info {
++ time_t bexpire; /* expire timeout for excessive disk use */
++ time_t iexpire; /* expire timeout for excessive inode use */
++ unsigned flags; /* see previos defines */
++struct vz_quota_stat {
++ struct dq_stat dq_stat;
++ struct dq_info dq_info;
++/* UID/GID interface record - for user-kernel level exchange */
++struct vz_quota_iface {
++ unsigned int qi_id; /* UID/GID this applies to */
++ unsigned int qi_type; /* USRQUOTA|GRPQUOTA */
++ struct dq_stat qi_stat; /* limits, options, usage stats */
++/* values for flags and dq_flags */
++/* this flag is set if the userspace has been unable to provide usage
++ * information about all ugids
++ * if the flag is set, we don't allocate new UG quota blocks (their
++ * current usage is unknown) or free existing UG quota blocks (not to
++ * lose information that this block is ok) */
++#define VZDQUG_FIXED_SET 0x01
++/* permit to use ugid quota */
++#define VZDQUG_ON 0x02
++#define VZDQ_USRQUOTA 0x10
++#define VZDQ_GRPQUOTA 0x20
++#define VZDQ_NOACT 0x1000 /* not actual */
++#define VZDQ_NOQUOT 0x2000 /* not under quota tree */
++struct vz_quota_ugid_stat {
++ unsigned int limit; /* max amount of ugid records */
++ unsigned int count; /* amount of ugid records */
++ unsigned int flags;
++struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit {
++ unsigned int type; /* quota type (USR/GRP) */
++ unsigned int id; /* ugid */
++ struct if_dqblk dqb; /* limits info */
++struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo {
++ unsigned int type; /* quota type (USR/GRP) */
++ struct if_dqinfo dqi; /* grace info */
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <asm/atomic.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/time.h>
++#include <linux/vzquota_qlnk.h>
++#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
++/* One-second resolution for grace times */
++#define CURRENT_TIME_SEC (get_seconds())
++/* Values for dq_info flags */
++#define VZ_QUOTA_INODES 0x01 /* inodes limit warning printed */
++#define VZ_QUOTA_SPACE 0x02 /* space limit warning printed */
++/* values for dq_state */
++#define VZDQ_STARTING 0 /* created, not turned on yet */
++#define VZDQ_WORKING 1 /* quota created, turned on */
++#define VZDQ_STOPING 2 /* created, turned on and off */
++/* master quota record - one per veid */
++struct vz_quota_master {
++ struct list_head dq_hash; /* next quota in hash list */
++ atomic_t dq_count; /* inode reference count */
++ unsigned int dq_flags; /* see VZDQUG_FIXED_SET */
++ unsigned int dq_state; /* see values above */
++ unsigned int dq_id; /* VEID this applies to */
++ struct dq_stat dq_stat; /* limits, grace, usage stats */
++ struct dq_info dq_info; /* grace times and flags */
++ spinlock_t dq_data_lock; /* for dq_stat */
++ struct semaphore dq_sem; /* semaphore to protect
++ ugid tree */
++ struct list_head dq_ilink_list; /* list of vz_quota_ilink */
++ struct quotatree_tree *dq_uid_tree; /* vz_quota_ugid tree for UIDs */
++ struct quotatree_tree *dq_gid_tree; /* vz_quota_ugid tree for GIDs */
++ unsigned int dq_ugid_count; /* amount of ugid records */
++ unsigned int dq_ugid_max; /* max amount of ugid records */
++ struct dq_info dq_ugid_info[MAXQUOTAS]; /* ugid grace times */
++ struct dentry *dq_root_dentry;/* dentry of fs tree */
++ struct vfsmount *dq_root_mnt; /* vfsmnt of this dentry */
++ struct super_block *dq_sb; /* superblock of our quota root */
++/* UID/GID quota record - one per pair (quota_master, uid or gid) */
++struct vz_quota_ugid {
++ unsigned int qugid_id; /* UID/GID this applies to */
++ struct dq_stat qugid_stat; /* limits, options, usage stats */
++ int qugid_type; /* USRQUOTA|GRPQUOTA */
++ atomic_t qugid_count; /* reference count */
++#define VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD ((struct vz_quota_ugid *)0xfeafea11)
++struct vz_quota_datast {
++ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
++struct virt_info_quota {
++ struct super_block *super;
++ struct dq_stat *qstat;
++ * Interface to VZ quota core
++ */
++#define INODE_QLNK(inode) (&(inode)->i_qlnk)
++#define QLNK_INODE(qlnk) container_of((qlnk), struct inode, i_qlnk)
++#define VZ_QUOTA_BAD ((struct vz_quota_master *)0xefefefef)
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_SETE 1
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_INIT 2
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_DESTR 3
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_SWAP 4
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL 5
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_DRCAL 6
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_QSET 7
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_TRANS 8
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_ACT 9
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_DTREE 10
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_DET 11
++#define VZ_QUOTAO_ON 12
++extern struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
++void inode_qmblk_lock(struct super_block *sb);
++void inode_qmblk_unlock(struct super_block *sb);
++void qmblk_data_read_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
++void qmblk_data_read_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
++void qmblk_data_write_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
++void qmblk_data_write_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
++/* for quota operations */
++void vzquota_inode_init_call(struct inode *inode);
++void vzquota_inode_drop_call(struct inode *inode);
++int vzquota_inode_transfer_call(struct inode *, struct iattr *);
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_data(struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_datast *);
++void vzquota_data_unlock(struct inode *inode, struct vz_quota_datast *);
++int vzquota_rename_check(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir);
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_qmblk(struct inode *inode);
++/* for second-level quota */
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_qmblk(struct super_block *);
++/* for management operations */
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_alloc_master(unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat);
++void vzquota_free_master(struct vz_quota_master *);
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_master(unsigned int quota_id);
++int vzquota_on_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct inode *inode,
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
++int vzquota_off_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
++int vzquota_get_super(struct super_block *sb);
++void vzquota_put_super(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline struct vz_quota_master *qmblk_get(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ if (!atomic_read(&qmblk->dq_count))
++ BUG();
++ atomic_inc(&qmblk->dq_count);
++ return qmblk;
++static inline void __qmblk_put(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ atomic_dec(&qmblk->dq_count);
++static inline void qmblk_put(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
++ if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&qmblk->dq_count))
++ return;
++ vzquota_free_master(qmblk);
++extern struct list_head vzquota_hash_table[];
++extern int vzquota_hash_size;
++ * Interface to VZ UGID quota
++ */
++extern struct quotactl_ops vz_quotactl_operations;
++extern struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations2;
++extern struct quota_format_type vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
++#define QUGID_TREE(qmblk, type) (((type) == USRQUOTA) ? \
++ qmblk->dq_uid_tree : \
++ qmblk->dq_gid_tree)
++#define VZDQUG_FIND_FAKE 2
++struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags);
++struct vz_quota_ugid *__vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags);
++struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_get_ugid(struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid);
++void vzquota_put_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid);
++void vzquota_kill_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
++int vzquota_ugid_init(void);
++void vzquota_ugid_release(void);
++int vzquota_transfer_usage(struct inode *inode, int mask,
++ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk);
++struct vzctl_quotaugidctl;
++long do_vzquotaugidctl(struct vzctl_quotaugidctl *qub);
++ * Other VZ quota parts
++ */
++extern struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations;
++long do_vzquotactl(int cmd, unsigned int quota_id,
++ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat, const char *ve_root);
++int vzquota_proc_init(void);
++void vzquota_proc_release(void);
++struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_qmblk(struct super_block *);
++extern struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
++void vzaquota_init(void);
++void vzaquota_fini(void);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* _VZDQUOTA_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++ * include/linux/vzquota_qlnk.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _VZDQUOTA_QLNK_H
++#define _VZDQUOTA_QLNK_H
++struct vz_quota_master;
++struct vz_quota_ugid;
++/* inode link, used to track inodes using quota via dq_ilink_list */
++struct vz_quota_ilink {
++ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
++ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[MAXQUOTAS];
++ struct list_head list;
++ unsigned char origin;
++#endif /* _VZDQUOTA_QLNK_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
++ * include/linux/vzratelimit.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __VZ_RATELIMIT_H__
++#define __VZ_RATELIMIT_H__
++ * Generic ratelimiting stuff.
++ */
++struct vz_rate_info {
++ int burst;
++ int interval; /* jiffy_t per event */
++ int bucket; /* kind of leaky bucket */
++ unsigned long last; /* last event */
++/* Return true if rate limit permits. */
++int vz_ratelimit(struct vz_rate_info *p);
++#endif /* __VZ_RATELIMIT_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
++ * include/linux/vzstat.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __VZSTAT_H__
++#define __VZSTAT_H__
++struct swap_cache_info_struct {
++ unsigned long add_total;
++ unsigned long del_total;
++ unsigned long find_success;
++ unsigned long find_total;
++ unsigned long noent_race;
++ unsigned long exist_race;
++ unsigned long remove_race;
++struct kstat_lat_snap_struct {
++ cycles_t maxlat, totlat;
++ unsigned long count;
++struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct {
++ cycles_t maxlat, totlat;
++ unsigned long count;
++ seqcount_t lock;
++} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
++struct kstat_lat_struct {
++ struct kstat_lat_snap_struct cur, last;
++ cycles_t avg[3];
++struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct {
++ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct cur[NR_CPUS];
++ cycles_t max_snap;
++ struct kstat_lat_snap_struct last;
++ cycles_t avg[3];
++struct kstat_perf_snap_struct {
++ cycles_t wall_tottime, cpu_tottime;
++ cycles_t wall_maxdur, cpu_maxdur;
++ unsigned long count;
++struct kstat_perf_struct {
++ struct kstat_perf_snap_struct cur, last;
++struct kstat_zone_avg {
++ unsigned long free_pages_avg[3],
++ nr_active_avg[3],
++ nr_inactive_avg[3];
++struct kernel_stat_glob {
++ unsigned long nr_unint_avg[3];
++ unsigned long alloc_fails[KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR];
++ struct kstat_lat_struct alloc_lat[KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR];
++ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct sched_lat;
++ struct kstat_lat_struct swap_in;
++ struct kstat_perf_struct ttfp, cache_reap,
++ refill_inact, shrink_icache, shrink_dcache;
++ struct kstat_zone_avg zone_avg[3]; /* MAX_NR_ZONES */
++} ____cacheline_aligned;
++extern struct kernel_stat_glob kstat_glob ____cacheline_aligned;
++extern spinlock_t kstat_glb_lock;
++#define KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(name) \
++ unsigned long flags; \
++ cycles_t start, sleep_time; \
++ \
++ start = get_cycles(); \
++ sleep_time = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->sleep_time; \
++#define KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(name) \
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&kstat_glb_lock, flags); \
++; \
++ start = get_cycles() - start; \
++ if ( < start) \
++ = start;\
++ += start; \
++ start -= VE_TASK_INFO(current)->sleep_time - \
++ sleep_time; \
++ if ( < start) \
++ = start; \
++ += start; \
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kstat_glb_lock, flags); \
++ * Add another statistics reading.
++ * Serialization is the caller's due.
++ */
++static inline void KSTAT_LAT_ADD(struct kstat_lat_struct *p,
++ cycles_t dur)
++ p->cur.count++;
++ if (p->cur.maxlat < dur)
++ p->cur.maxlat = dur;
++ p->cur.totlat += dur;
++static inline void KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_ADD(struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct *p, int cpu,
++ cycles_t dur)
++ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct *cur;
++ cur = &p->cur[cpu];
++ write_seqcount_begin(&cur->lock);
++ cur->count++;
++ if (cur->maxlat < dur)
++ cur->maxlat = dur;
++ cur->totlat += dur;
++ write_seqcount_end(&cur->lock);
++ * Move current statistics to last, clear last.
++ * Serialization is the caller's due.
++ */
++static inline void KSTAT_LAT_UPDATE(struct kstat_lat_struct *p)
++ cycles_t m;
++ memcpy(&p->last, &p->cur, sizeof(p->last));
++ p->cur.maxlat = 0;
++ m = p->last.maxlat;
++ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[0], EXP_1, m)
++ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[1], EXP_5, m)
++ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[2], EXP_15, m)
++static inline void KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_UPDATE(struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct *p)
++ unsigned i, cpu;
++ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct snap, *cur;
++ cycles_t m;
++ memset(&p->last, 0, sizeof(p->last));
++ for (cpu = 0; cpu < NR_CPUS; cpu++) {
++ cur = &p->cur[cpu];
++ do {
++ i = read_seqcount_begin(&cur->lock);
++ memcpy(&snap, cur, sizeof(snap));
++ } while (read_seqcount_retry(&cur->lock, i));
++ /*
++ * read above and this update of maxlat is not atomic,
++ * but this is OK, since it happens rarely and losing
++ * a couple of peaks is not essential. xemul
++ */
++ cur->maxlat = 0;
++ p->last.count += snap.count;
++ p->last.totlat += snap.totlat;
++ if (p->last.maxlat < snap.maxlat)
++ p->last.maxlat = snap.maxlat;
++ }
++ m = (p->last.maxlat > p->max_snap ? p->last.maxlat : p->max_snap);
++ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[0], EXP_1, m);
++ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[1], EXP_5, m);
++ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[2], EXP_15, m);
++ /* reset max_snap to calculate it correctly next time */
++ p->max_snap = 0;
++#endif /* __VZSTAT_H__ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -506,6 +506,11 @@ extern int zlib_deflateReset (z_streamp
+ stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being NULL).
+ */
++static inline unsigned long deflateBound(unsigned long s)
++ return s + ((s + 7) >> 3) + ((s + 63) >> 6) + 11;
+ extern int zlib_deflateParams (z_streamp strm, int level, int strategy);
+ /*
+ Dynamically update the compression level and compression strategy. The
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -13,23 +13,37 @@ extern atomic_t unix_tot_inflight;
+ static inline struct sock *first_unix_socket(int *i)
+ {
++ struct sock *s;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
+ for (*i = 0; *i <= UNIX_HASH_SIZE; (*i)++) {
+- if (!hlist_empty(&unix_socket_table[*i]))
+- return __sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
++ for (s = sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
++ s != NULL && !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), ve);
++ s = sk_next(s));
++ if (s != NULL)
++ return s;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static inline struct sock *next_unix_socket(int *i, struct sock *s)
+ {
+- struct sock *next = sk_next(s);
+- /* More in this chain? */
+- if (next)
+- return next;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
++ for (s = sk_next(s); s != NULL; s = sk_next(s)) {
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), ve))
++ continue;
++ return s;
++ }
+ /* Look for next non-empty chain. */
+ for ((*i)++; *i <= UNIX_HASH_SIZE; (*i)++) {
+- if (!hlist_empty(&unix_socket_table[*i]))
+- return __sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
++ for (s = sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
++ s != NULL && !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), ve);
++ s = sk_next(s));
++ if (s != NULL)
++ return s;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_sendms
+ extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_recvmsg(int,struct compat_msghdr __user *,unsigned);
+ extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_getsockopt(int, int, int, char __user *, int __user *);
+ extern int put_cmsg_compat(struct msghdr*, int, int, int, void *);
+-extern int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *, unsigned char *,
+- int);
++struct sock;
++extern int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *, struct sock *, unsigned char *, int);
+ #endif /* NET_COMPAT_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <linux/in6.h>
+ #include <asm/atomic.h>
++struct ve_struct;
+ struct flowi {
+ int oif;
+ int iif;
+@@ -77,6 +78,9 @@ struct flowi {
+ #define fl_icmp_type uli_u.icmpt.type
+ #define fl_icmp_code uli_u.icmpt.code
+ #define fl_ipsec_spi uli_u.spi
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ } __attribute__((__aligned__(BITS_PER_LONG/8)));
+ #define FLOW_DIR_IN 0
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -34,9 +34,14 @@ struct icmp_err {
+ extern struct icmp_err icmp_err_convert[];
+ DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct icmp_mib, icmp_statistics);
+-#define ICMP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(icmp_statistics, field)
+-#define ICMP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(icmp_statistics, field)
+-#define ICMP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(icmp_statistics, field)
++#define ve_icmp_statistics (get_exec_env()->_icmp_statistics)
++#define ve_icmp_statistics icmp_statistics
++#define ICMP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_icmp_statistics, field)
++#define ICMP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_icmp_statistics, field)
++#define ICMP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_icmp_statistics, field)
+ extern void icmp_send(struct sk_buff *skb_in, int type, int code, u32 info);
+ extern int icmp_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -151,15 +151,25 @@ struct ipv4_config
+ extern struct ipv4_config ipv4_config;
+ DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct ipstats_mib, ip_statistics);
+-#define IP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ip_statistics, field)
+-#define IP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ip_statistics, field)
+-#define IP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ip_statistics, field)
++#define ve_ip_statistics (get_exec_env()->_ip_statistics)
++#define ve_ip_statistics ip_statistics
++#define IP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_ip_statistics, field)
++#define IP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_ip_statistics, field)
++#define IP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_ip_statistics, field)
+ DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct linux_mib, net_statistics);
+-#define NET_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(net_statistics, field)
+-#define NET_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(net_statistics, field)
+-#define NET_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(net_statistics, field)
+-#define NET_ADD_STATS_BH(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(net_statistics, field, adnd)
+-#define NET_ADD_STATS_USER(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(net_statistics, field, adnd)
++#define ve_net_statistics (get_exec_env()->_net_statistics)
++#define ve_net_statistics net_statistics
++#define NET_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_net_statistics, field)
++#define NET_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_net_statistics, field)
++#define NET_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_net_statistics, field)
++#define NET_ADD_STATS_BH(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(ve_net_statistics, field, adnd)
++#define NET_ADD_STATS_USER(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(ve_net_statistics, field, adnd)
+ extern int sysctl_local_port_range[2];
+ extern int sysctl_ip_default_ttl;
+@@ -253,8 +263,21 @@ extern int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_bu
+ /*
+ * Functions provided by ip_fragment.o
+ */
+-struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb);
++enum ip_defrag_users
++struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 user);
+ extern int ip_frag_nqueues;
+ extern atomic_t ip_frag_mem;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -139,10 +139,22 @@ struct fib_table
+ unsigned char tb_data[0];
+ };
++struct fn_zone;
++struct fn_hash
++ struct fn_zone *fn_zones[33];
++ struct fn_zone *fn_zone_list;
++#define ip_fib_local_table get_exec_env()->_local_table
++#define ip_fib_main_table get_exec_env()->_main_table
+ extern struct fib_table *ip_fib_local_table;
+ extern struct fib_table *ip_fib_main_table;
+ static inline struct fib_table *fib_get_table(int id)
+ {
+@@ -174,7 +186,12 @@ static inline void fib_select_default(co
+ #define ip_fib_local_table (fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL])
+ #define ip_fib_main_table (fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAIN])
++#define fib_tables get_exec_env()->_fib_tables
+ extern struct fib_table * fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAX+1];
+ extern int fib_lookup(const struct flowi *flp, struct fib_result *res);
+ extern struct fib_table *__fib_new_table(int id);
+ extern void fib_rule_put(struct fib_rule *r);
+@@ -231,10 +248,19 @@ extern u32 __fib_res_prefsrc(struct fib
+ /* Exported by fib_hash.c */
+ extern struct fib_table *fib_hash_init(int id);
++struct ve_struct;
++extern int init_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve);
++extern void fini_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve);
++#define init_ve_route(ve) (0)
++#define fini_ve_route(ve) do { } while (0)
+ /* Exported by fib_rules.c */
++extern int fib_rules_create(void);
++extern void fib_rules_destroy(void);
+ extern int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg);
+ extern int inet_rtm_newrule(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg);
+ extern int inet_dump_rules(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static __inline__ int scm_send(struct so
+ memset(scm, 0, sizeof(*scm));
+ scm->creds.uid = current->uid;
+ scm->creds.gid = current->gid;
+- scm-> = current->tgid;
++ scm-> = virt_tgid(current);
+ if (msg->msg_controllen <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ return __scm_send(sock, msg, scm);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
+ #include <net/dst.h>
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ /*
+ * This structure really needs to be cleaned up.
+ * Most of it is for TCP, and not used by any of
+@@ -266,8 +268,12 @@ struct sock {
+ int (*sk_backlog_rcv)(struct sock *sk,
+ struct sk_buff *skb);
+ void (*sk_destruct)(struct sock *sk);
++ struct sock_beancounter sk_bc;
++ struct ve_struct *sk_owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(SK, SLAB, struct sock, sk_owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
+ /*
+ * Hashed lists helper routines
+ */
+@@ -488,7 +494,8 @@ do { if (!(__sk)->sk_backlog.tail) {
+ })
+ extern int sk_stream_wait_connect(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p);
+-extern int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p);
++extern int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p,
++ unsigned long amount);
+ extern void sk_stream_wait_close(struct sock *sk, long timeo_p);
+ extern int sk_stream_error(struct sock *sk, int flags, int err);
+ extern void sk_stream_kill_queues(struct sock *sk);
+@@ -672,8 +679,11 @@ static inline void sk_stream_writequeue_
+ static inline int sk_stream_rmem_schedule(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+- return (int)skb->truesize <= sk->sk_forward_alloc ||
+- sk_stream_mem_schedule(sk, skb->truesize, 1);
++ if ((int)skb->truesize > sk->sk_forward_alloc &&
++ !sk_stream_mem_schedule(sk, skb->truesize, 1))
++ /* The situation is bad according to mainstream. Den */
++ return 0;
++ return ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(sk, skb) == 0;
+ }
+ /* Used by processes to "lock" a socket state, so that
+@@ -724,6 +734,11 @@ extern struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send
+ unsigned long size,
+ int noblock,
+ int *errcode);
++extern struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_skb2(struct sock *sk,
++ unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long size2,
++ int noblock,
++ int *errcode);
+ extern struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_pskb(struct sock *sk,
+ unsigned long header_len,
+ unsigned long data_len,
+@@ -1073,6 +1088,10 @@ static inline int sock_queue_rcv_skb(str
+ goto out;
+ }
++ err = ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb);
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out;
+ /* It would be deadlock, if sock_queue_rcv_skb is used
+ with socket lock! We assume that users of this
+ function are lock free.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/cache.h>
+ #include <linux/percpu.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+ #include <net/sock.h>
+ #include <net/snmp.h>
+@@ -39,6 +40,10 @@
+ #endif
+ #include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#define TCP_PAGE(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_page)
++#define TCP_OFF(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_off)
+ /* This is for all connections with a full identity, no wildcards.
+ * New scheme, half the table is for TIME_WAIT, the other half is
+ * for the rest. I'll experiment with dynamic table growth later.
+@@ -83,12 +88,16 @@ struct tcp_ehash_bucket {
+ * ports are created in O(1) time? I thought so. ;-) -DaveM
+ */
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket {
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ unsigned short port;
+ signed short fastreuse;
+ struct hlist_node node;
+ struct hlist_head owners;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(TB, GENERIC, struct tcp_bind_bucket, owner_env,
++ inline, (always_inline));
+ #define tb_for_each(tb, node, head) hlist_for_each_entry(tb, node, head, node)
+ struct tcp_bind_hashbucket {
+@@ -158,16 +167,17 @@ extern kmem_cache_t *tcp_sk_cachep;
+ extern kmem_cache_t *tcp_bucket_cachep;
+ extern struct tcp_bind_bucket *tcp_bucket_create(struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head,
+- unsigned short snum);
++ unsigned short snum,
++ struct ve_struct *env);
+ extern void tcp_bucket_destroy(struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb);
+ extern void tcp_bucket_unlock(struct sock *sk);
+ extern int tcp_port_rover;
+ extern struct sock *tcp_v4_lookup_listener(u32 addr, unsigned short hnum, int dif);
+ /* These are AF independent. */
+-static __inline__ int tcp_bhashfn(__u16 lport)
++static __inline__ int tcp_bhashfn(__u16 lport, unsigned veid)
+ {
+- return (lport & (tcp_bhash_size - 1));
++ return ((lport + (veid ^ (veid >> 16))) & (tcp_bhash_size - 1));
+ }
+ extern void tcp_bind_hash(struct sock *sk, struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb,
+@@ -217,13 +227,19 @@ struct tcp_tw_bucket {
+ unsigned long tw_ttd;
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tw_tb;
+ struct hlist_node tw_death_node;
++ spinlock_t tw_lock;
+ #if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
+ struct in6_addr tw_v6_daddr;
+ struct in6_addr tw_v6_rcv_saddr;
+ int tw_v6_ipv6only;
+ #endif
++ envid_t tw_owner_env;
+ };
++#define TW_VEID(tw) ((tw)->tw_owner_env)
++#define SET_TW_VEID(tw, veid) ((tw)->tw_owner_env) = (veid)
+ static __inline__ void tw_add_node(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw,
+ struct hlist_head *list)
+ {
+@@ -304,7 +320,11 @@ static inline int tcp_v6_ipv6only(const
+ # define tcp_v6_ipv6only(__sk) 0
+ #endif
++#define TW_WSCALE_MASK 0x0f
++#define TW_WSCALE_SPEC 0x10
+ extern kmem_cache_t *tcp_timewait_cachep;
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ static inline void tcp_tw_put(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw)
+ {
+@@ -340,28 +360,38 @@ extern void tcp_tw_deschedule(struct tcp
+ #define TCP_V4_ADDR_COOKIE(__name, __saddr, __daddr) \
+ __u64 __name = (((__u64)(__daddr))<<32)|((__u64)(__saddr));
+ #endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
+-#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
++#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
+ (((*((__u64 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->daddr)))== (__cookie)) && \
+ ((*((__u32 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->dport)))== (__ports)) && \
+ (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
+-#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
++#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
+ (((*((__u64 *)&(tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_daddr))) == (__cookie)) && \
+ ((*((__u32 *)&(tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_dport))) == (__ports)) && \
+ (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
+ #else /* 32-bit arch */
+ #define TCP_V4_ADDR_COOKIE(__name, __saddr, __daddr)
+-#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
++#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
+ ((inet_sk(__sk)->daddr == (__saddr)) && \
+ (inet_sk(__sk)->rcv_saddr == (__daddr)) && \
+ ((*((__u32 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->dport)))== (__ports)) && \
+ (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
+-#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
++#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
+ ((tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_daddr == (__saddr)) && \
+ (tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_rcv_saddr == (__daddr)) && \
+ ((*((__u32 *)&(tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_dport))) == (__ports)) && \
+ (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
+ #endif /* 64-bit arch */
++#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif, __ve)\
++ (TCP_IPV4_MATCH_ALLVE((__sk), (__cookie), (__saddr), (__daddr), \
++ (__ports), (__dif)) \
++ && ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK((__sk)), (__ve)))
++#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif, __ve)\
++ (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH_ALLVE((__sk), (__cookie), (__saddr), (__daddr), \
++ (__ports), (__dif)) \
++ && ve_accessible_strict(TW_VEID(tcptw_sk(__sk)), VEID(__ve)))
+ #define TCP_IPV6_MATCH(__sk, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif) \
+ (((*((__u32 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->dport)))== (__ports)) && \
+ ((__sk)->sk_family == AF_INET6) && \
+@@ -370,16 +400,16 @@ extern void tcp_tw_deschedule(struct tcp
+ (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
+ /* These can have wildcards, don't try too hard. */
+-static __inline__ int tcp_lhashfn(unsigned short num)
++static __inline__ int tcp_lhashfn(unsigned short num, unsigned veid)
+ {
+- return num & (TCP_LHTABLE_SIZE - 1);
++ return ((num + (veid ^ (veid >> 16))) & (TCP_LHTABLE_SIZE - 1));
+ }
+ static __inline__ int tcp_sk_listen_hashfn(struct sock *sk)
+ {
+- return tcp_lhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num);
++ return tcp_lhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num, VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk)));
+ }
+ #define MAX_TCP_HEADER (128 + MAX_HEADER)
+ /*
+@@ -598,7 +628,9 @@ extern int sysctl_tcp_mem[3];
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_wmem[3];
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_rmem[3];
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_app_win;
++#ifndef sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale;
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse;
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_frto;
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_low_latency;
+@@ -613,6 +645,7 @@ extern int sysctl_tcp_bic_fast_convergen
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_bic_low_window;
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_default_win_scale;
+ extern int sysctl_tcp_moderate_rcvbuf;
++extern int sysctl_tcp_use_sg;
+ extern atomic_t tcp_memory_allocated;
+ extern atomic_t tcp_sockets_allocated;
+@@ -765,12 +798,17 @@ static inline int between(__u32 seq1, __
+ extern struct proto tcp_prot;
+ DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct tcp_mib, tcp_statistics);
+-#define TCP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(tcp_statistics, field)
+-#define TCP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(tcp_statistics, field)
+-#define TCP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(tcp_statistics, field)
+-#define TCP_DEC_STATS(field) SNMP_DEC_STATS(tcp_statistics, field)
+-#define TCP_ADD_STATS_BH(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(tcp_statistics, field, val)
+-#define TCP_ADD_STATS_USER(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(tcp_statistics, field, val)
++#define ve_tcp_statistics (get_exec_env()->_tcp_statistics)
++#define ve_tcp_statistics tcp_statistics
++#define TCP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
++#define TCP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
++#define TCP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
++#define TCP_DEC_STATS(field) SNMP_DEC_STATS(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
++#define TCP_ADD_STATS_BH(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(ve_tcp_statistics, field, val)
++#define TCP_ADD_STATS_USER(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(ve_tcp_statistics, field, val)
+ extern void tcp_put_port(struct sock *sk);
+ extern void tcp_inherit_port(struct sock *sk, struct sock *child);
+@@ -837,9 +875,9 @@ static __inline__ void tcp_delack_init(s
+ memset(&tp->ack, 0, sizeof(tp->ack));
+ }
+-static inline void tcp_clear_options(struct tcp_opt *tp)
++static inline void tcp_clear_options(struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt)
+ {
+- tp->tstamp_ok = tp->sack_ok = tp->wscale_ok = tp->snd_wscale = 0;
++ rx_opt->tstamp_ok = rx_opt->sack_ok = rx_opt->wscale_ok = rx_opt->snd_wscale = 0;
+ }
+ enum tcp_tw_status
+@@ -888,7 +926,7 @@ extern int tcp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *i
+ extern int tcp_listen_start(struct sock *sk);
+ extern void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb,
+- struct tcp_opt *tp,
++ struct tcp_options_received *opt_rx,
+ int estab);
+ /*
+@@ -1062,9 +1100,9 @@ static __inline__ unsigned int tcp_curre
+ tp->ext2_header_len != dst->header_len)
+ mss_now = tcp_sync_mss(sk, mtu);
+ }
+- if (tp->eff_sacks)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks)
+- (tp->eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
++ (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
+ return mss_now;
+ }
+@@ -1097,7 +1135,7 @@ static __inline__ void __tcp_fast_path_o
+ static __inline__ void tcp_fast_path_on(struct tcp_opt *tp)
+ {
+- __tcp_fast_path_on(tp, tp->snd_wnd>>tp->snd_wscale);
++ __tcp_fast_path_on(tp, tp->snd_wnd >> tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale);
+ }
+ static inline void tcp_fast_path_check(struct sock *sk, struct tcp_opt *tp)
+@@ -1134,7 +1172,7 @@ extern u32 __tcp_select_window(struct so
+ * only use of the low 32-bits of jiffies and hide the ugly
+ * casts with the following macro.
+ */
+-#define tcp_time_stamp ((__u32)(jiffies))
++#define tcp_time_stamp ((__u32)(jiffies + get_exec_env()->jiffies_fixup))
+ /* This is what the send packet queueing engine uses to pass
+ * TCP per-packet control information to the transmission
+@@ -1305,7 +1343,8 @@ static inline __u32 tcp_current_ssthresh
+ static inline void tcp_sync_left_out(struct tcp_opt *tp)
+ {
+- if (tp->sack_ok && tp->sacked_out >= tp->packets_out - tp->lost_out)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok &&
++ tp->sacked_out >= tp->packets_out - tp->lost_out)
+ tp->sacked_out = tp->packets_out - tp->lost_out;
+ tp->left_out = tp->sacked_out + tp->lost_out;
+ }
+@@ -1615,39 +1654,39 @@ static __inline__ void tcp_done(struct s
+ tcp_destroy_sock(sk);
+ }
+-static __inline__ void tcp_sack_reset(struct tcp_opt *tp)
++static __inline__ void tcp_sack_reset(struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt)
+ {
+- tp->dsack = 0;
+- tp->eff_sacks = 0;
+- tp->num_sacks = 0;
++ rx_opt->dsack = 0;
++ rx_opt->eff_sacks = 0;
++ rx_opt->num_sacks = 0;
+ }
+ static __inline__ void tcp_build_and_update_options(__u32 *ptr, struct tcp_opt *tp, __u32 tstamp)
+ {
+- if (tp->tstamp_ok) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok) {
+ *ptr++ = __constant_htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) |
+ (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) |
+ *ptr++ = htonl(tstamp);
+- *ptr++ = htonl(tp->ts_recent);
++ *ptr++ = htonl(tp->rx_opt.ts_recent);
+ }
+- if (tp->eff_sacks) {
+- struct tcp_sack_block *sp = tp->dsack ? tp->duplicate_sack : tp->selective_acks;
++ if (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks) {
++ struct tcp_sack_block *sp = tp->rx_opt.dsack ? tp->duplicate_sack : tp->selective_acks;
+ int this_sack;
+ *ptr++ = __constant_htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) |
+ (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) |
+ (TCPOPT_SACK << 8) |
+- (tp->eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK)));
+- for(this_sack = 0; this_sack < tp->eff_sacks; this_sack++) {
++ (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK)));
++ for(this_sack = 0; this_sack < tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks; this_sack++) {
+ *ptr++ = htonl(sp[this_sack].start_seq);
+ *ptr++ = htonl(sp[this_sack].end_seq);
+ }
+- if (tp->dsack) {
+- tp->dsack = 0;
+- tp->eff_sacks--;
++ if (tp->rx_opt.dsack) {
++ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1851,17 +1890,17 @@ static inline void tcp_synq_drop(struct
+ }
+ static __inline__ void tcp_openreq_init(struct open_request *req,
+- struct tcp_opt *tp,
++ struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt,
+ struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+ req->rcv_wnd = 0; /* So that tcp_send_synack() knows! */
+ req->rcv_isn = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq;
+- req->mss = tp->mss_clamp;
+- req->ts_recent = tp->saw_tstamp ? tp->rcv_tsval : 0;
+- req->tstamp_ok = tp->tstamp_ok;
+- req->sack_ok = tp->sack_ok;
+- req->snd_wscale = tp->snd_wscale;
+- req->wscale_ok = tp->wscale_ok;
++ req->mss = rx_opt->mss_clamp;
++ req->ts_recent = rx_opt->saw_tstamp ? rx_opt->rcv_tsval : 0;
++ req->tstamp_ok = rx_opt->tstamp_ok;
++ req->sack_ok = rx_opt->sack_ok;
++ req->snd_wscale = rx_opt->snd_wscale;
++ req->wscale_ok = rx_opt->wscale_ok;
+ req->acked = 0;
+ req->ecn_ok = 0;
+ req->rmt_port = skb->>source;
+@@ -1910,11 +1949,11 @@ static inline int tcp_fin_time(struct tc
+ return fin_timeout;
+ }
+-static inline int tcp_paws_check(struct tcp_opt *tp, int rst)
++static inline int tcp_paws_check(struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt, int rst)
+ {
+- if ((s32)(tp->rcv_tsval - tp->ts_recent) >= 0)
++ if ((s32)(rx_opt->rcv_tsval - rx_opt->ts_recent) >= 0)
+ return 0;
+- if (xtime.tv_sec >= tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
++ if (xtime.tv_sec >= rx_opt->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
+ return 0;
+ /* RST segments are not recommended to carry timestamp,
+@@ -1929,7 +1968,7 @@ static inline int tcp_paws_check(struct
+ However, we can relax time bounds for RST segments to MSL.
+ */
+- if (rst && xtime.tv_sec >= tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL)
++ if (rst && xtime.tv_sec >= rx_opt->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+@@ -1941,6 +1980,8 @@ static inline void tcp_v4_setup_caps(str
+ if (sk->sk_no_largesend || dst->header_len)
+ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_TSO;
+ }
++ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
++ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
+ }
+ #define TCP_CHECK_TIMER(sk) do { } while (0)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -40,13 +40,19 @@ extern rwlock_t udp_hash_lock;
+ extern int udp_port_rover;
+-static inline int udp_lport_inuse(u16 num)
++static inline int udp_hashfn(u16 num, unsigned veid)
++ return ((num + (veid ^ (veid >> 16))) & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1));
++static inline int udp_lport_inuse(u16 num, struct ve_struct *env)
+ {
+ struct sock *sk;
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+- sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[num & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)])
+- if (inet_sk(sk)->num == num)
++ sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(num, VEID(env))])
++ if (inet_sk(sk)->num == num &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -73,9 +79,14 @@ extern int udp_ioctl(struct sock *sk, in
+ extern int udp_disconnect(struct sock *sk, int flags);
+ DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct udp_mib, udp_statistics);
+-#define UDP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(udp_statistics, field)
+-#define UDP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(udp_statistics, field)
+-#define UDP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(udp_statistics, field)
++#define ve_udp_statistics (get_exec_env()->_udp_statistics)
++#define ve_udp_statistics udp_statistics
++#define UDP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_udp_statistics, field)
++#define UDP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_udp_statistics, field)
++#define UDP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_udp_statistics, field)
+ /* /proc */
+ struct udp_seq_afinfo {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
++ * include/ub/beancounter.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * Andrey Savochkin
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++ * Generic ratelimiting stuff.
++ */
++struct ub_rate_info {
++ int burst;
++ int interval; /* jiffy_t per event */
++ int bucket; /* kind of leaky bucket */
++ unsigned long last; /* last event */
++/* Return true if rate limit permits. */
++int ub_ratelimit(struct ub_rate_info *);
++ * This magic is used to distinuish user beancounter and pages beancounter
++ * in struct page. page_ub and page_bc are placed in union and MAGIC
++ * ensures us that we don't use pbc as ubc in ub_page_uncharge().
++ */
++#define UB_MAGIC 0x62756275
++ * Resource list.
++ */
++#define UB_KMEMSIZE 0 /* Unswappable kernel memory size including
++ * struct task, page directories, etc.
++ */
++#define UB_LOCKEDPAGES 1 /* Mlock()ed pages. */
++#define UB_PRIVVMPAGES 2 /* Total number of pages, counting potentially
++ * private pages as private and used.
++ */
++#define UB_SHMPAGES 3 /* IPC SHM segment size. */
++#define UB_ZSHMPAGES 4 /* Anonymous shared memory. */
++#define UB_NUMPROC 5 /* Number of processes. */
++#define UB_PHYSPAGES 6 /* All resident pages, for swapout guarantee. */
++#define UB_VMGUARPAGES 7 /* Guarantee for memory allocation,
++ * checked against PRIVVMPAGES.
++ */
++#define UB_OOMGUARPAGES 8 /* Guarantees against OOM kill.
++ * Only limit is used, no accounting.
++ */
++#define UB_NUMTCPSOCK 9 /* Number of TCP sockets. */
++#define UB_NUMFLOCK 10 /* Number of file locks. */
++#define UB_NUMPTY 11 /* Number of PTYs. */
++#define UB_NUMSIGINFO 12 /* Number of siginfos. */
++#define UB_TCPSNDBUF 13 /* Total size of tcp send buffers. */
++#define UB_TCPRCVBUF 14 /* Total size of tcp receive buffers. */
++#define UB_OTHERSOCKBUF 15 /* Total size of other socket
++ * send buffers (all buffers for PF_UNIX).
++ */
++#define UB_DGRAMRCVBUF 16 /* Total size of other socket
++ * receive buffers.
++ */
++#define UB_NUMOTHERSOCK 17 /* Number of other sockets. */
++#define UB_DCACHESIZE 18 /* Size of busy dentry/inode cache. */
++#define UB_NUMFILE 19 /* Number of open files. */
++#define UB_RESOURCES 24
++struct ubparm {
++ /*
++ * A barrier over which resource allocations are failed gracefully.
++ * If the amount of consumed memory is over the barrier further sbrk()
++ * or mmap() calls fail, the existing processes are not killed.
++ */
++ unsigned long barrier;
++ /* hard resource limit */
++ unsigned long limit;
++ /* consumed resources */
++ unsigned long held;
++ /* maximum amount of consumed resources through the last period */
++ unsigned long maxheld;
++ /* minimum amount of consumed resources through the last period */
++ unsigned long minheld;
++ /* count of failed charges */
++ unsigned long failcnt;
++ * Kernel internal part.
++ */
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <asm/atomic.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/cache.h>
++#include <linux/threads.h>
++ * UB_MAXVALUE is essentially LONG_MAX declared in a cross-compiling safe form.
++ */
++#define UB_MAXVALUE ( (1UL << (sizeof(unsigned long)*8-1)) - 1)
++ * Resource management structures
++ * Serialization issues:
++ * beancounter list management is protected via ub_hash_lock
++ * task pointers are set only for current task and only once
++ * refcount is managed atomically
++ * value and limit comparison and change are protected by per-ub spinlock
++ */
++struct page_beancounter;
++struct task_beancounter;
++struct sock_beancounter;
++struct page_private {
++ unsigned long ubp_unused_privvmpages;
++ unsigned long ubp_tmpfs_respages;
++ unsigned long ubp_swap_pages;
++ unsigned long long ubp_held_pages;
++struct sock_private {
++ unsigned long ubp_rmem_thres;
++ unsigned long ubp_wmem_pressure;
++ unsigned long ubp_maxadvmss;
++ unsigned long ubp_rmem_pressure;
++#define UB_RMEM_EXPAND 0
++#define UB_RMEM_KEEP 1
++#define UB_RMEM_SHRINK 2
++ struct list_head ubp_other_socks;
++ struct list_head ubp_tcp_socks;
++ atomic_t ubp_orphan_count;
++struct ub_perfstat {
++ unsigned long unmap;
++ unsigned long swapin;
++} ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
++struct user_beancounter
++ unsigned long ub_magic;
++ atomic_t ub_refcount;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub_next;
++ spinlock_t ub_lock;
++ uid_t ub_uid;
++ struct ub_rate_info ub_limit_rl;
++ int ub_oom_noproc;
++ struct page_private ppriv;
++#define ub_unused_privvmpages ppriv.ubp_unused_privvmpages
++#define ub_tmpfs_respages ppriv.ubp_tmpfs_respages
++#define ub_swap_pages ppriv.ubp_swap_pages
++#define ub_held_pages ppriv.ubp_held_pages
++ struct sock_private spriv;
++#define ub_rmem_thres spriv.ubp_rmem_thres
++#define ub_maxadvmss spriv.ubp_maxadvmss
++#define ub_rmem_pressure spriv.ubp_rmem_pressure
++#define ub_wmem_pressure spriv.ubp_wmem_pressure
++#define ub_tcp_sk_list spriv.ubp_tcp_socks
++#define ub_other_sk_list spriv.ubp_other_socks
++#define ub_orphan_count spriv.ubp_orphan_count
++ struct user_beancounter *parent;
++ void *private_data;
++ /* resources statistic and settings */
++ struct ubparm ub_parms[UB_RESOURCES];
++ /* resources statistic for last interval */
++ struct ubparm ub_store[UB_RESOURCES];
++ struct ub_perfstat ub_perfstat[NR_CPUS];
++ struct list_head ub_cclist;
++ long ub_pages_charged[NR_CPUS];
++ long ub_vmalloc_charged[NR_CPUS];
++enum severity { UB_HARD, UB_SOFT, UB_FORCE };
++static inline int ub_barrier_hit(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource)
++ return ub->ub_parms[resource].held > ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier;
++static inline int ub_hfbarrier_hit(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource)
++ return (ub->ub_parms[resource].held >
++ ((ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier) >> 1));
++extern inline struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter_byuid
++ (uid_t uid, int create) { return NULL; }
++extern inline struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter
++ (struct user_beancounter *ub) { return NULL; }
++extern inline void put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub) {;}
++static inline void page_ubc_init(void) { };
++static inline void beancounter_init(unsigned long mempages) { };
++static inline void ub0_init(void) { };
++ * Charge/uncharge operations
++ */
++extern int __charge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict);
++extern void __uncharge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val);
++extern void __put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++extern void uncharge_warn(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource,
++ unsigned long val, unsigned long held);
++extern const char *ub_rnames[];
++ * Put a beancounter reference
++ */
++static inline void put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ if (unlikely(ub == NULL))
++ return;
++ __put_beancounter(ub);
++ * Create a new beancounter reference
++ */
++extern struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter_byuid(uid_t uid, int create);
++static inline
++struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ if (unlikely(ub == NULL))
++ return NULL;
++ atomic_inc(&ub->ub_refcount);
++ return ub;
++extern struct user_beancounter *get_subbeancounter_byid(
++ struct user_beancounter *,
++ int id, int create);
++extern void beancounter_init(unsigned long);
++extern void page_ubc_init(void);
++extern struct user_beancounter ub0;
++extern void ub0_init(void);
++#define get_ub0() (&ub0)
++extern void print_ub_uid(struct user_beancounter *ub, char *buf, int size);
++ * Resource charging
++ * Change user's account and compare against limits
++ */
++static inline void ub_adjust_maxheld(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource)
++ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].maxheld < ub->ub_parms[resource].held)
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].maxheld = ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
++ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].minheld > ub->ub_parms[resource].held)
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].minheld = ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
++#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, charge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict));
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(uncharge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val));
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(charge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val));
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(uncharge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val));
++static inline void beancounter_proc_init(void) { };
++extern void beancounter_proc_init(void);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* _LINUX_BEANCOUNTER_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_dcache.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_DCACHE_H_
++#define __UB_DCACHE_H_
++#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
++ * UB_DCACHESIZE accounting
++ */
++struct dentry_beancounter
++ /*
++ * d_inuse =
++ * <number of external refs> +
++ * <number of 'used' childs>
++ *
++ * d_inuse == -1 means that dentry is unused
++ * state change -1 => 0 causes charge
++ * state change 0 => -1 causes uncharge
++ */
++ atomic_t d_inuse;
++ /* charged size, including name length if name is not inline */
++ unsigned long d_ubsize;
++ struct user_beancounter *d_ub;
++extern unsigned int inode_memusage(void);
++extern unsigned int dentry_memusage(void);
++struct dentry;
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_dentry_alloc(struct dentry *d))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_dentry_free(struct dentry *d))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_dentry_charge_nofail(struct dentry *d))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_dentry_uncharge(struct dentry *d))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_dentry_charge(struct dentry *d))
++#define ub_dentry_charge(d) ({ \
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock); \
++ rcu_read_unlock(); \
++ 0; \
++ })
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_debug.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_DEBUG_H_
++#define __UB_DEBUG_H_
++ * general debugging
++ */
++#define UBD_ALLOC 0x1
++#define UBD_CHARGE 0x2
++#define UBD_LIMIT 0x4
++#define UBD_TRACE 0x8
++ * ub_net debugging
++ */
++#define UBD_NET_SOCKET 0x10
++#define UBD_NET_SLEEP 0x20
++#define UBD_NET_SEND 0x40
++#define UBD_NET_RECV 0x80
++ * Main routines
++ */
++#define UB_DEBUG (0)
++#define ub_dbg_cond(__cond, __str, args...) \
++ do { \
++ if ((__cond) != 0) \
++ printk(__str, ##args); \
++ } while(0)
++#define ub_debug(__section, __str, args...) \
++ ub_dbg_cond(UB_DEBUG & (__section), __str, ##args)
++#define ub_debug_resource(__resource, __str, args...) \
++ ub_dbg_cond((UB_DEBUG & UBD_CHARGE) && \
++ (DEBUG_RESOURCE & (1 << (__resource))), \
++ __str, ##args)
++#define ub_debug_trace(__cond, __b, __r) \
++ do { \
++ static struct ub_rate_info ri = { __b, __r }; \
++ if ((__cond) != 0 && ub_ratelimit(&ri)) \
++ dump_stack(); \
++ } while(0)
++#define ub_debug_trace(__cond, __burst, __rate)
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
++struct user_beancounter;
++struct ub_cache_counter {
++ struct list_head ulist;
++ struct ub_cache_counter *next;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
++ unsigned long counter;
++extern spinlock_t cc_lock;
++extern void init_cache_counters(void);
++extern void ub_free_counters(struct user_beancounter *);
++extern void ub_kmemcache_free(kmem_cache_t *cachep);
++struct vm_struct;
++extern void inc_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *, int);
++extern void dec_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *);
++#define init_cache_counters() do { } while (0)
++#define inc_vmalloc_charged(vm, f) do { } while (0)
++#define dec_vmalloc_charged(vm) do { } while (0)
++#define ub_free_counters(ub) do { } while (0)
++#define ub_kmemcache_free(cachep) do { } while (0)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_decl.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_DECL_H_
++#define __UB_DECL_H_
++#include <linux/config.h>
++ * Naming convension:
++ * ub_<section|object>_<operation>
++ */
++#define UB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret_type, decl) extern ret_type decl;
++#define UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(decl) extern void decl;
++#define UB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret_type, decl) \
++ static inline ret_type decl \
++ { \
++ return (ret_type)0; \
++ }
++#define UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(decl) \
++ static inline void decl \
++ { \
++ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_hash.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _LINUX_UBHASH_H
++#define _LINUX_UBHASH_H
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#define UB_HASH_SIZE 256
++struct ub_hash_slot {
++ struct user_beancounter *ubh_beans;
++extern struct ub_hash_slot ub_hash[];
++extern spinlock_t ub_hash_lock;
++ * Iterate over beancounters
++ * @__slot - hash slot
++ * @__ubp - beancounter ptr
++ * Can use break :)
++ */
++#define for_each_beancounter(__slot, __ubp) \
++ for (__slot = 0, __ubp = NULL; \
++ __slot < UB_HASH_SIZE && __ubp == NULL; __slot++) \
++ for (__ubp = ub_hash[__slot].ubh_beans; __ubp; \
++ __ubp = __ubp->ub_next)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* _LINUX_UBHASH_H */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_mem.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_SLAB_H_
++#define __UB_SLAB_H_
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_slab.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#include <linux/gfp.h>
++#include <asm/pgtable.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
++ * UB_KMEMSIZE accounting
++ * oom_killer related
++ */
++ * Memory freeing statistics to make correct OOM decision
++ */
++struct oom_freeing_stat
++ unsigned long oom_generation; /* current OOM gen */
++ unsigned long freed;
++ unsigned long swapped; /* page referrence counters removed */
++ unsigned long written; /* IO started */
++ unsigned long slabs; /* slabs shrinked */
++extern int oom_generation;
++extern int oom_kill_counter;
++extern spinlock_t oom_generation_lock;
++#define CHARGE_ORDER(__o) (1 << __o)
++#define CHARGE_SIZE(__s) 1
++#define CHARGE_ORDER(__o) (PAGE_SIZE << (__o))
++#define CHARGE_SIZE(__s) (__s)
++#define page_ub(__page) ((__page)->bc.page_ub)
++struct mm_struct;
++struct page;
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, slab_ub(void *obj))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, vmalloc_ub(void *obj))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, mem_ub(void *obj))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_page_charge(struct page *page, int order, int mask))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_page_uncharge(struct page *page, int order))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_oomkill_task(struct mm_struct *mm,
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, long overdraft))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_slab_charge(void *objp, int flags))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_slab_uncharge(void *obj))
++/* Flags without __GFP_UBC must comply with vmalloc */
++#define ub_vmalloc(size) __vmalloc(size, \
++#define ub_kmalloc(size, flags) kmalloc(size, ((flags) | __GFP_UBC))
++extern struct user_beancounter *ub_select_worst(long *);
++#define ub_vmalloc(size) vmalloc(size)
++#define ub_kmalloc(size, flags) kmalloc(size, flags)
++static inline struct user_beancounter *ub_select_worst(long *over)
++ *over = 0;
++ return NULL;
++#define slab_ubcs(cachep, slabp) ((struct user_beancounter **)\
++ (ALIGN((unsigned long)(slab_bufctl(slabp) + (cachep)->num),\
++ sizeof(void *))))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_misc.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_MISC_H_
++#define __UB_MISC_H_
++#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
++struct tty_struct;
++struct file;
++struct file_lock;
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_file_charge(struct file *f))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_file_uncharge(struct file *f))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_flock_charge(struct file_lock *fl, int hard))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_flock_uncharge(struct file_lock *fl))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_siginfo_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_siginfo_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_task_charge(struct task_struct *parent,
++ struct task_struct *task))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_task_uncharge(struct task_struct *task))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_pty_charge(struct tty_struct *tty))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_pty_uncharge(struct tty_struct *tty))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_net.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_NET_H_
++#define __UB_NET_H_
++ * UB_NUMXXXSOCK, UB_XXXBUF accounting
++ */
++#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
++#include <ub/ub_sk.h>
++#define bid2sid(__bufid) \
++#define SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE ((int)((2048 - sizeof(struct skb_shared_info)) & \
++#define SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH skb_charge_size(SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE)
++#define IS_TCP_SOCK(__family, __type) \
++ ((__family) == PF_INET && (__type) == SOCK_STREAM)
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_charge(struct sock *sk, int family, int type))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcp_sock_charge(struct sock *sk))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_other_sock_charge(struct sock *sk))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_uncharge(struct sock *sk))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_skb_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_skb_alloc_bc(struct sk_buff *skb, int gfp_mask))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_skb_free_bc(struct sk_buff *skb))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_nlrcvbuf_charge(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *sk))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_snd_queue_add(struct sock *sk, int resource,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(long, ub_sock_wait_for_space(struct sock *sk, long timeo,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcprcvbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk,
++ struct sk_buff *skb))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk,
++ struct sk_buff *skb))
++/* Charge size */
++static inline unsigned long skb_charge_datalen(unsigned long chargesize)
++ unsigned long slabsize;
++ chargesize -= sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ slabsize = 64;
++ do {
++ slabsize <<= 1;
++ } while (slabsize <= chargesize);
++ slabsize >>= 1;
++ return (slabsize - sizeof(struct skb_shared_info)) &
++ return 0;
++static inline unsigned long skb_charge_size_gen(unsigned long size)
++ unsigned int slabsize;
++ size = SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info);
++ slabsize = 32; /* min size is 64 because of skb_shared_info */
++ do {
++ slabsize <<= 1;
++ } while (slabsize < size);
++ return slabsize + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ return 0;
++static inline unsigned long skb_charge_size_const(unsigned long size)
++ unsigned int ret;
++ if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 64)
++ ret = 64 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 128)
++ ret = 128 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 256)
++ ret = 256 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 512)
++ ret = 512 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 1024)
++ ret = 1024 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 2048)
++ ret = 2048 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 4096)
++ ret = 4096 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
++ else
++ ret = skb_charge_size_gen(size);
++ return ret;
++ return 0;
++#define skb_charge_size(__size) \
++ (__builtin_constant_p(__size) ? \
++ skb_charge_size_const(__size) : \
++ skb_charge_size_gen(__size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, skb_charge_fullsize(struct sk_buff *skb))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_skb_set_charge(struct sk_buff *skb,
++ struct sock *sk, unsigned long size, int res))
++/* Poll reserv */
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_makewres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_makewres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_getwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_getwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_retwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long ressize))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_retwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long ressize))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(struct sock *sk,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_sndqueuedel(struct sock *sk))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_orphan.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_ORPHAN_H_
++#define __UB_ORPHAN_H_
++#include "ub/beancounter.h"
++#include "ub/ub_net.h"
++extern int ub_too_many_orphans(struct sock *sk, int count);
++static inline int tcp_too_many_orphans(struct sock *sk, int count)
++ if (ub_too_many_orphans(sk, count))
++ return 1;
++ return (atomic_read(&tcp_orphan_count) > sysctl_tcp_max_orphans ||
++ (sk->sk_wmem_queued > SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF &&
++ atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) > sysctl_tcp_mem[2]));
++static inline atomic_t *tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(struct sock *sk)
++ if (sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return &sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_orphan_count;
++ return &tcp_orphan_count;
++static inline void tcp_inc_orphan_count(struct sock *sk)
++ atomic_inc(tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(sk));
++static inline void tcp_dec_orphan_count(struct sock *sk)
++ atomic_dec(tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(sk));
++static inline int tcp_get_orphan_count(struct sock *sk)
++ return atomic_read(tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(sk));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_page.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_PAGE_H_
++#define __UB_PAGE_H_
++#include <linux/config.h>
++ * Page_beancounters
++ */
++struct page;
++struct user_beancounter;
++#define PB_MAGIC 0x62700001UL
++struct page_beancounter {
++ unsigned long pb_magic;
++ struct page *page;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ struct page_beancounter *next_hash;
++ unsigned refcount;
++ struct list_head page_list;
++#define PB_REFCOUNT_BITS 24
++#define PB_SHIFT_GET(c) ((c) >> PB_REFCOUNT_BITS)
++#define PB_SHIFT_INC(c) ((c) += (1 << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS))
++#define PB_SHIFT_DEC(c) ((c) -= (1 << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS))
++#define PB_COUNT_GET(c) ((c) & ((1 << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS) - 1))
++#define PB_COUNT_INC(c) ((c)++)
++#define PB_COUNT_DEC(c) ((c)--)
++#define PB_REFCOUNT_MAKE(s, c) (((s) << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS) + (c))
++#define page_pbc(__page) ((__page)->bc.page_pbc)
++struct address_space;
++extern int is_shmem_mapping(struct address_space *);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_sk.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_SK_H_
++#define __UB_SK_H_
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <ub/ub_task.h>
++struct sock;
++struct sk_buff;
++struct skb_beancounter {
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long charged:27, resource:5;
++struct sock_beancounter {
++ /*
++ * already charged for future sends, to make poll work;
++ * changes are protected by bc spinlock, read is under socket
++ * semaphore for sends and unprotected in poll
++ */
++ unsigned long poll_reserv;
++ unsigned long ub_waitspc; /* space waiting for */
++ unsigned long ub_wcharged;
++ struct list_head ub_sock_list;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++#define sock_bc(__sk) (&(__sk)->sk_bc)
++#define skb_bc(__skb) (&(__skb)->skb_bc)
++#define skbc_sock(__skbc) (container_of(__skbc, struct sock, sk_bc))
++#define sock_has_ubc(__sk) (sock_bc(__sk)->ub != NULL)
++#define set_sk_exec_ub(__sk) (set_exec_ub(sock_bc(sk)->ub))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_stat.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_STAT_H_
++#define __UB_STAT_H_
++/* sys_ubstat commands list */
++#define UBSTAT_READ_ONE 0x010000
++#define UBSTAT_READ_ALL 0x020000
++#define UBSTAT_READ_FULL 0x030000
++#define UBSTAT_UBLIST 0x040000
++#define UBSTAT_UBPARMNUM 0x050000
++#define UBSTAT_GETTIME 0x060000
++#define UBSTAT_CMD(func) ((func) & 0xF0000)
++#define UBSTAT_PARMID(func) ((func) & 0x0FFFF)
++#define TIME_MAX_SEC (LONG_MAX / HZ)
++typedef unsigned long ubstattime_t;
++typedef struct {
++ ubstattime_t start_time;
++ ubstattime_t end_time;
++ ubstattime_t cur_time;
++} ubgettime_t;
++typedef struct {
++ long maxinterval;
++ int signum;
++} ubnotifrq_t;
++typedef struct {
++ unsigned long maxheld;
++ unsigned long failcnt;
++} ubstatparm_t;
++typedef struct {
++ unsigned long barrier;
++ unsigned long limit;
++ unsigned long held;
++ unsigned long maxheld;
++ unsigned long minheld;
++ unsigned long failcnt;
++ unsigned long __unused1;
++ unsigned long __unused2;
++} ubstatparmf_t;
++typedef struct {
++ ubstattime_t start_time;
++ ubstattime_t end_time;
++ ubstatparmf_t param[0];
++} ubstatfull_t;
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++struct ub_stat_notify {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct task_struct *task;
++ int signum;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_task.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_TASK_H_
++#define __UB_TASK_H_
++#include <linux/config.h>
++struct user_beancounter;
++struct task_beancounter {
++ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub;
++ struct user_beancounter *task_ub;
++ struct user_beancounter *fork_sub;
++ void *task_fnode, *task_freserv;
++ unsigned long task_data[4];
++#define task_bc(__tsk) (&((__tsk)->task_bc))
++#define get_exec_ub() (task_bc(current)->exec_ub)
++#define get_task_ub(__task) (task_bc(__task)->task_ub)
++#define set_exec_ub(__newub) \
++({ \
++ struct user_beancounter *old; \
++ struct task_beancounter *tbc; \
++ tbc = task_bc(current); \
++ old = tbc->exec_ub; \
++ tbc->exec_ub = __newub; \
++ old; \
++#define get_exec_ub() (NULL)
++#define get_task_ub(task) (NULL)
++#define set_exec_ub(__ub) (NULL)
++#endif /* __UB_TASK_H_ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_tcp.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_TCP_H_
++#define __UB_TCP_H_
++ * UB_NUMXXXSOCK, UB_XXXBUF accounting
++ */
++#include <ub/ub_sk.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++static inline void ub_tcp_update_maxadvmss(struct sock *sk)
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return;
++ if (sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_maxadvmss >= tcp_sk(sk)->advmss)
++ return;
++ sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_maxadvmss =
++ skb_charge_size(MAX_HEADER + sizeof(struct iphdr)
++ + sizeof(struct tcphdr) + tcp_sk(sk)->advmss);
++static inline int ub_tcp_rmem_allows_expand(struct sock *sk)
++ if (tcp_memory_pressure)
++ return 0;
++ if (sock_has_ubc(sk)) {
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub;
++ if (ub->ub_rmem_pressure == UB_RMEM_EXPAND)
++ return 1;
++ if (ub->ub_rmem_pressure == UB_RMEM_SHRINK)
++ return 0;
++ return sk->sk_rcvbuf <= ub->ub_rmem_thres;
++ }
++ return 1;
++static inline int ub_tcp_memory_pressure(struct sock *sk)
++ if (tcp_memory_pressure)
++ return 1;
++ if (sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_rmem_pressure != UB_RMEM_EXPAND;
++ return 0;
++static inline int ub_tcp_shrink_rcvbuf(struct sock *sk)
++ if (tcp_memory_pressure)
++ return 1;
++ if (sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_rmem_pressure == UB_RMEM_SHRINK;
++ return 0;
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_tcp_chargepage(struct sock *sk))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(struct sock *sk))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
++ * include/ub/ub_vmpages.h
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __UB_PAGES_H_
++#define __UB_PAGES_H_
++#include <linux/linkage.h>
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
++ */
++ * Check whether vma has private or copy-on-write mapping.
++ * Should match checks in ub_protected_charge().
++ */
++#define VM_UB_PRIVATE(__flags, __file) \
++ ( ((__flags) & VM_WRITE) ? \
++ (__file) == NULL || !((__flags) & VM_SHARED) : \
++ 0 \
++ )
++struct page_beancounter;
++/* Mprotect charging result */
++#define PRIVVM_ERROR -1
++#define PRIVVM_NO_CHARGE 0
++#define PRIVVM_TO_SHARED 2
++extern int ub_protected_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long newflags, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
++static inline int ub_protected_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size, unsigned long flags,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_shmpages_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_shmpages_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long sz))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_locked_mem_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long sz))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_locked_mem_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_privvm_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long flags, struct file *file,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_privvm_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long flags, struct file *file,
++ unsigned long size))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_unused_privvm_inc(struct user_beancounter * ub,
++ long size, struct vm_area_struct *vma))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long sz,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(__ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long sz))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_memory_charge(struct user_beancounter * ub,
++ unsigned long size, unsigned vm_flags,
++ struct file *vm_file, int strict))
++UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_memory_uncharge(struct user_beancounter * ub,
++ unsigned long size, unsigned vm_flags,
++ struct file *vm_file))
++UB_DECLARE_FUNC(unsigned long, pages_in_vma_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
++ unsigned long start, unsigned long end))
++#define pages_in_vma(vma) \
++ (pages_in_vma_range((vma), (vma)->vm_start, (vma)->vm_end))
++extern void fastcall __ub_update_physpages(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++extern void fastcall __ub_update_oomguarpages(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++extern void fastcall __ub_update_privvm(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++extern void ub_swapentry_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++extern void ub_swapentry_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++#define PB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret, decl) UB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret, decl)
++#define PB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret, decl) static inline ret decl {return (ret)0;}
++#define PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(decl) static inline void decl { }
++PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_reserve_all(struct page_beancounter **pbc))
++PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_alloc(struct page_beancounter **pbc))
++PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_alloc_list(struct page_beancounter **pbc, int num,
++ struct mm_struct *mm))
++PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_add_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ struct page_beancounter **pbc))
++PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_free_list(struct page_beancounter **pb))
++PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_free(struct page_beancounter **pb))
++PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_add_list_ref(struct page *page,
++ struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ struct page_beancounter **pbc))
++PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_remove_ref(struct page *page,
++ struct user_beancounter *ub))
++PB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, pb_grab_page_ub(struct page *page))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ #include "do_mounts.h"
+-unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end;
++unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end, initrd_copy;
+ int initrd_below_start_ok;
+ unsigned int real_root_dev; /* do_proc_dointvec cannot handle kdev_t */
+ static int __initdata old_fd, root_fd;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
+ #include <asm/bugs.h>
+ #include <asm/setup.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ /*
+ * This is one of the first .c files built. Error out early
+ * if we have compiler trouble..
+@@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ extern void sbus_init(void);
+ extern void sysctl_init(void);
+ extern void signals_init(void);
+ extern void buffer_init(void);
++extern void fairsched_init_late(void);
+ extern void pidhash_init(void);
+ extern void pidmap_init(void);
+ extern void prio_tree_init(void);
+@@ -101,6 +104,16 @@ extern void tc_init(void);
+ enum system_states system_state;
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(system_state);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++extern void init_ve_system(void);
++void prepare_ve0_process(struct task_struct *tsk);
++void prepare_ve0_proc_root(void);
++void prepare_ve0_sysctl(void);
++void prepare_ve0_loopback(void);
++void prepare_virtual_fs(void);
+ /*
+ * Boot command-line arguments
+ */
+@@ -184,6 +197,52 @@ unsigned long loops_per_jiffy = (1<<12);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(loops_per_jiffy);
++unsigned long cycles_per_jiffy, cycles_per_clock;
++void calibrate_cycles(void)
++ unsigned long ticks;
++ cycles_t time;
++ ticks = jiffies;
++ while (ticks == jiffies)
++ /* nothing */;
++ time = get_cycles();
++ ticks = jiffies;
++ while (ticks == jiffies)
++ /* nothing */;
++ time = get_cycles() - time;
++ cycles_per_jiffy = time;
++ if ((time >> 32) != 0) {
++ printk("CPU too fast! timings are incorrect\n");
++ cycles_per_jiffy = -1;
++ }
++void calc_cycles_per_jiffy(void)
++#if defined(__i386__)
++ extern unsigned long fast_gettimeoffset_quotient;
++ unsigned long low, high;
++ if (fast_gettimeoffset_quotient != 0) {
++ __asm__("divl %2"
++ :"=a" (low), "=d" (high)
++ :"r" (fast_gettimeoffset_quotient),
++ "0" (0), "1" (1000000/HZ));
++ cycles_per_jiffy = low;
++ }
++ if (cycles_per_jiffy == 0)
++ calibrate_cycles();
++ cycles_per_clock = cycles_per_jiffy * (HZ / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ /* This is the number of bits of precision for the loops_per_jiffy. Each
+ bit takes on average 1.5/HZ seconds. This (like the original) is a little
+ better than 1% */
+@@ -228,6 +287,8 @@ void __devinit calibrate_delay(void)
+ printk("%lu.%02lu BogoMIPS\n",
+ loops_per_jiffy/(500000/HZ),
+ (loops_per_jiffy/(5000/HZ)) % 100);
++ calc_cycles_per_jiffy();
+ }
+ static int __init debug_kernel(char *str)
+@@ -397,7 +458,8 @@ static void __init smp_init(void)
+ static void noinline rest_init(void)
+ {
+- kernel_thread(init, NULL, CLONE_FS | CLONE_SIGHAND);
++ kernel_thread(init, NULL, CLONE_FS | CLONE_SIGHAND | CLONE_STOPPED);
++ wake_up_init();
+ numa_default_policy();
+ unlock_kernel();
+ cpu_idle();
+@@ -438,7 +500,6 @@ void __init parse_early_param(void)
+ /*
+ * Activate the first processor.
+ */
+ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void)
+ {
+ char * command_line;
+@@ -448,6 +509,7 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
+ * enable them
+ */
+ lock_kernel();
++ ub0_init();
+ page_address_init();
+ printk(linux_banner);
+ setup_arch(&command_line);
+@@ -459,6 +521,8 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
+ */
+ smp_prepare_boot_cpu();
++ prepare_ve0_process(&init_task);
+ /*
+ * Set up the scheduler prior starting any interrupts (such as the
+ * timer interrupt). Full topology setup happens at smp_init()
+@@ -517,6 +581,7 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
+ #endif
+ fork_init(num_physpages);
+ proc_caches_init();
++ beancounter_init(num_physpages);
+ buffer_init();
+ unnamed_dev_init();
+ security_scaffolding_startup();
+@@ -526,7 +591,10 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
+ /* rootfs populating might need page-writeback */
+ page_writeback_init();
++ prepare_ve0_proc_root();
++ prepare_ve0_sysctl();
+ proc_root_init();
++ beancounter_proc_init();
+ #endif
+ check_bugs();
+@@ -538,6 +606,7 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
+ init_idle(current, smp_processor_id());
+ /* Do the rest non-__init'ed, we're now alive */
++ page_ubc_init();
+ rest_init();
+ }
+@@ -598,6 +667,9 @@ static void __init do_initcalls(void)
+ */
+ static void __init do_basic_setup(void)
+ {
++ prepare_ve0_loopback();
++ init_ve_system();
+ driver_init();
+@@ -614,7 +686,7 @@ static void __init do_basic_setup(void)
+ static void do_pre_smp_initcalls(void)
+ {
+ extern int spawn_ksoftirqd(void);
+-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
+ extern int migration_init(void);
+ migration_init();
+@@ -666,6 +738,12 @@ static int init(void * unused)
+ fixup_cpu_present_map();
+ smp_init();
++ /*
++ * This should be done after all cpus are known to
++ * be online. smp_init gives us confidence in it.
++ */
++ fairsched_init_late();
+ sched_init_smp();
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include "util.h"
+ struct compat_msgbuf {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -631,7 +631,8 @@ static int oflag2acc[O_ACCMODE] = { MAY_
+ if ((oflag & O_ACCMODE) == (O_RDWR | O_WRONLY))
+ return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+- if (permission(dentry->d_inode, oflag2acc[oflag & O_ACCMODE], NULL))
++ if (permission(dentry->d_inode, oflag2acc[oflag & O_ACCMODE],
+ return ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
+ filp = dentry_open(dentry, mqueue_mnt, oflag);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ static int newque (key_t key, int msgflg
+ static int sysvipc_msg_read_proc(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length, int *eof, void *data);
+ #endif
++void prepare_msg(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->_msg_ids = &msg_ids;
++ get_ve0()->_msg_ctlmax = msg_ctlmax;
++ get_ve0()->_msg_ctlmnb = msg_ctlmnb;
++ get_ve0()->_msg_ctlmni = msg_ctlmni;
+ void __init msg_init (void)
+ {
+ ipc_init_ids(&msg_ids,msg_ctlmni);
+@@ -84,6 +94,23 @@ void __init msg_init (void)
+ #endif
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++# define msg_ids (*(get_exec_env()->_msg_ids))
++# define msg_ctlmax (get_exec_env()->_msg_ctlmax)
++# define msg_ctlmnb (get_exec_env()->_msg_ctlmnb)
++# define msg_ctlmni (get_exec_env()->_msg_ctlmni)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void ve_msg_ipc_init (void)
++ msg_ctlmax = MSGMAX;
++ msg_ctlmnb = MSGMNB;
++ msg_ctlmni = MSGMNI;
++ ve_ipc_init_ids(&msg_ids, MSGMNI);
+ static int newque (key_t key, int msgflg)
+ {
+ int id;
+@@ -104,7 +131,7 @@ static int newque (key_t key, int msgflg
+ return retval;
+ }
+- id = ipc_addid(&msg_ids, &msq->q_perm, msg_ctlmni);
++ id = ipc_addid(&msg_ids, &msq->q_perm, msg_ctlmni, -1);
+ if(id == -1) {
+ security_msg_queue_free(msq);
+ ipc_rcu_free(msq, sizeof(*msq));
+@@ -441,7 +468,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_msgctl (int msqid, i
+ ipcp = &msq->q_perm;
+ err = -EPERM;
+ if (current->euid != ipcp->cuid &&
+- current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ /* We _could_ check for CAP_CHOWN above, but we don't */
+ goto out_unlock_up;
+@@ -529,7 +556,7 @@ static inline int pipelined_send(struct
+ wake_up_process(msr->r_tsk);
+ } else {
+ msr->r_msg = msg;
+- msq->q_lrpid = msr->r_tsk->pid;
++ msq->q_lrpid = virt_pid(msr->r_tsk);
+ msq->q_rtime = get_seconds();
+ wake_up_process(msr->r_tsk);
+ return 1;
+@@ -603,7 +630,7 @@ retry:
+ goto retry;
+ }
+- msq->q_lspid = current->tgid;
++ msq->q_lspid = virt_tgid(current);
+ msq->q_stime = get_seconds();
+ if(!pipelined_send(msq,msg)) {
+@@ -697,7 +724,7 @@ retry:
+ list_del(&msg->m_list);
+ msq->q_qnum--;
+ msq->q_rtime = get_seconds();
+- msq->q_lrpid = current->tgid;
++ msq->q_lrpid = virt_tgid(current);
+ msq->q_cbytes -= msg->m_ts;
+ atomic_sub(msg->m_ts,&msg_bytes);
+ atomic_dec(&msg_hdrs);
+@@ -828,3 +855,39 @@ done:
+ return len;
+ }
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void ve_msg_ipc_cleanup(void)
++ int i;
++ struct msg_queue *msq;
++ down(&msg_ids.sem);
++ for (i = 0; i <= msg_ids.max_id; i++) {
++ msq = msg_lock(i);
++ if (msq == NULL)
++ continue;
++ freeque(msq, i);
++ }
++ up(&msg_ids.sem);
++int sysvipc_walk_msg(int (*func)(int i, struct msg_queue*, void *), void *arg)
++ int i;
++ int err = 0;
++ struct msg_queue * msq;
++ down(&msg_ids.sem);
++ for(i = 0; i <= msg_ids.max_id; i++) {
++ if ((msq = msg_lock(i)) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ err = func(msg_buildid(i,msq->q_perm.seq), msq, arg);
++ msg_unlock(msq);
++ if (err)
++ break;
++ }
++ up(&msg_ids.sem);
++ return err;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
+ #include "util.h"
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ struct msg_msgseg {
+ struct msg_msgseg* next;
+ /* the next part of the message follows immediately */
+@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ struct msg_msg *load_msg(const void __us
+ if (alen > DATALEN_MSG)
+ alen = DATALEN_MSG;
+- msg = (struct msg_msg *)kmalloc(sizeof(*msg) + alen, GFP_KERNEL);
++ msg = (struct msg_msg *)ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*msg) + alen, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ struct msg_msg *load_msg(const void __us
+ alen = len;
+ if (alen > DATALEN_SEG)
+ alen = DATALEN_SEG;
+- seg = (struct msg_msgseg *)kmalloc(sizeof(*seg) + alen,
++ seg = (struct msg_msgseg *)ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*seg) + alen,
+ if (seg == NULL) {
+ err = -ENOMEM;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include "util.h"
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ #define sem_lock(id) ((struct sem_array*)ipc_lock(&sem_ids,id))
+ #define sem_unlock(sma) ipc_unlock(&(sma)->sem_perm)
+@@ -82,9 +83,13 @@
+ ipc_checkid(&sem_ids,&sma->sem_perm,semid)
+ #define sem_buildid(id, seq) \
+ ipc_buildid(&sem_ids, id, seq)
++int sem_ctls[4] = {SEMMSL, SEMMNS, SEMOPM, SEMMNI};
+ static struct ipc_ids sem_ids;
++static int used_sems;
+-static int newary (key_t, int, int);
++static int newary (key_t, int, int, int);
+ static void freeary (struct sem_array *sma, int id);
+ static int sysvipc_sem_read_proc(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length, int *eof, void *data);
+@@ -102,24 +107,51 @@ static int sysvipc_sem_read_proc(char *b
+ *
+ */
+-int sem_ctls[4] = {SEMMSL, SEMMNS, SEMOPM, SEMMNI};
+ #define sc_semmsl (sem_ctls[0])
+ #define sc_semmns (sem_ctls[1])
+ #define sc_semopm (sem_ctls[2])
+ #define sc_semmni (sem_ctls[3])
+-static int used_sems;
++void prepare_sem(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->_sem_ids = &sem_ids;
++ get_ve0()->_used_sems = used_sems;
++ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[0] = sem_ctls[0];
++ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[1] = sem_ctls[1];
++ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[2] = sem_ctls[2];
++ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[3] = sem_ctls[3];
+ void __init sem_init (void)
+ {
+ used_sems = 0;
+- ipc_init_ids(&sem_ids,sc_semmni);
++ ipc_init_ids(&sem_ids, SEMMNI);
+ create_proc_read_entry("sysvipc/sem", 0, NULL, sysvipc_sem_read_proc, NULL);
+ #endif
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++# define sem_ids (*(get_exec_env()->_sem_ids))
++# define used_sems (get_exec_env()->_used_sems)
++# define sem_ctls (get_exec_env()->_sem_ctls)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void ve_sem_ipc_init (void)
++ used_sems = 0;
++ sem_ctls[0] = SEMMSL;
++ sem_ctls[1] = SEMMNS;
++ sem_ctls[2] = SEMOPM;
++ sem_ctls[3] = SEMMNI;
++ ve_ipc_init_ids(&sem_ids, SEMMNI);
+ /*
+ * Lockless wakeup algorithm:
+ * Without the check/retry algorithm a lockless wakeup is possible:
+@@ -154,7 +186,7 @@ void __init sem_init (void)
+ */
+ #define IN_WAKEUP 1
+-static int newary (key_t key, int nsems, int semflg)
++static int newary (key_t key, int semid, int nsems, int semflg)
+ {
+ int id;
+ int retval;
+@@ -183,7 +215,7 @@ static int newary (key_t key, int nsems,
+ return retval;
+ }
+- id = ipc_addid(&sem_ids, &sma->sem_perm, sc_semmni);
++ id = ipc_addid(&sem_ids, &sma->sem_perm, sc_semmni, semid);
+ if(id == -1) {
+ security_sem_free(sma);
+ ipc_rcu_free(sma, size);
+@@ -212,12 +244,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_semget (key_t key, i
+ down(&sem_ids.sem);
+ if (key == IPC_PRIVATE) {
+- err = newary(key, nsems, semflg);
++ err = newary(key, -1, nsems, semflg);
+ } else if ((id = ipc_findkey(&sem_ids, key)) == -1) { /* key not used */
+ if (!(semflg & IPC_CREAT))
+ err = -ENOENT;
+ else
+- err = newary(key, nsems, semflg);
++ err = newary(key, -1, nsems, semflg);
+ } else if (semflg & IPC_CREAT && semflg & IPC_EXCL) {
+ err = -EEXIST;
+ } else {
+@@ -715,7 +747,7 @@ static int semctl_main(int semid, int se
+ for (un = sma->undo; un; un = un->id_next)
+ un->semadj[semnum] = 0;
+ curr->semval = val;
+- curr->sempid = current->tgid;
++ curr->sempid = virt_tgid(current);
+ sma->sem_ctime = get_seconds();
+ /* maybe some queued-up processes were waiting for this */
+ update_queue(sma);
+@@ -793,7 +825,7 @@ static int semctl_down(int semid, int se
+ ipcp = &sma->sem_perm;
+ if (current->euid != ipcp->cuid &&
+- current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
++ current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) {
+ err=-EPERM;
+ goto out_unlock;
+ }
+@@ -914,7 +946,8 @@ static inline int get_undo_list(struct s
+ undo_list = current->sysvsem.undo_list;
+ if (!undo_list) {
+ size = sizeof(struct sem_undo_list);
+- undo_list = (struct sem_undo_list *) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ undo_list = (struct sem_undo_list *) ub_kmalloc(size,
+ if (undo_list == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ memset(undo_list, 0, size);
+@@ -979,7 +1012,8 @@ static struct sem_undo *find_undo(int se
+ nsems = sma->sem_nsems;
+ sem_unlock(sma);
+- new = (struct sem_undo *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct sem_undo) + sizeof(short)*nsems, GFP_KERNEL);
++ new = (struct sem_undo *) ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct sem_undo) +
++ sizeof(short)*nsems, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!new)
+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ memset(new, 0, sizeof(struct sem_undo) + sizeof(short)*nsems);
+@@ -1028,7 +1062,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_semtimedop(int semid
+ if (nsops > sc_semopm)
+ return -E2BIG;
+ if(nsops > SEMOPM_FAST) {
+- sops = kmalloc(sizeof(*sops)*nsops,GFP_KERNEL);
++ sops = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*sops)*nsops, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(sops==NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+@@ -1100,7 +1134,7 @@ retry_undos:
+ if (error)
+ goto out_unlock_free;
+- error = try_atomic_semop (sma, sops, nsops, un, current->tgid);
++ error = try_atomic_semop (sma, sops, nsops, un, virt_tgid(current));
+ if (error <= 0)
+ goto update;
+@@ -1112,7 +1146,7 @@ retry_undos:
+ queue.sops = sops;
+ queue.nsops = nsops;
+ queue.undo = un;
+- = current->tgid;
++ = virt_tgid(current);
+ = semid;
+ if (alter)
+ append_to_queue(sma ,&queue);
+@@ -1271,7 +1305,7 @@ found:
+ sem->semval += u->semadj[i];
+ if (sem->semval < 0)
+ sem->semval = 0; /* shouldn't happen */
+- sem->sempid = current->tgid;
++ sem->sempid = virt_tgid(current);
+ }
+ }
+ sma->sem_otime = get_seconds();
+@@ -1331,3 +1365,58 @@ done:
+ return len;
+ }
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void ve_sem_ipc_cleanup(void)
++ int i;
++ struct sem_array *sma;
++ down(&sem_ids.sem);
++ for (i = 0; i <= sem_ids.max_id; i++) {
++ sma = sem_lock(i);
++ if (sma == NULL)
++ continue;
++ freeary(sma, i);
++ }
++ up(&sem_ids.sem);
++int sysvipc_setup_sem(key_t key, int semid, size_t size, int semflg)
++ int err = 0;
++ struct sem_array *sma;
++ down(&sem_ids.sem);
++ sma = sem_lock(semid);
++ if (!sma) {
++ err = newary(key, semid, size, semflg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ sma = sem_lock(semid);
++ }
++ if (sma)
++ sem_unlock(sma);
++ up(&sem_ids.sem);
++ return err > 0 ? 0 : err;
++int sysvipc_walk_sem(int (*func)(int i, struct sem_array*, void *), void *arg)
++ int i;
++ int err = 0;
++ struct sem_array *sma;
++ down(&sem_ids.sem);
++ for (i = 0; i <= sem_ids.max_id; i++) {
++ if ((sma = sem_lock(i)) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ err = func(sem_buildid(i,sma->sem_perm.seq), sma, arg);
++ sem_unlock(sma);
++ if (err)
++ break;
++ }
++ up(&sem_ids.sem);
++ return err;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
+ #include <linux/security.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ #include "util.h"
+ #define shm_flags shm_perm.mode
+@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ static struct ipc_ids shm_ids;
+ #define shm_buildid(id, seq) \
+ ipc_buildid(&shm_ids, id, seq)
+-static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg, size_t size);
++static int newseg (key_t key, int shmid, int shmflg, size_t size);
+ static void shm_open (struct vm_area_struct *shmd);
+ static void shm_close (struct vm_area_struct *shmd);
+@@ -55,6 +58,28 @@ size_t shm_ctlall = SHMALL;
+ int shm_ctlmni = SHMMNI;
+ static int shm_tot; /* total number of shared memory pages */
++void prepare_shm(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int i;
++ struct shmid_kernel* shp;
++ get_ve0()->_shm_ids = &shm_ids;
++ for (i = 0; i <= shm_ids.max_id; i++) {
++ shp = (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_lock(&shm_ids, i);
++ if (shp != NULL) {
++ shp->_shm_ids = &shm_ids;
++ ipc_unlock(&shp->shm_perm);
++ }
++ }
++ get_ve0()->_shm_ctlmax = shm_ctlmax;
++ get_ve0()->_shm_ctlall = shm_ctlall;
++ get_ve0()->_shm_ctlmni = shm_ctlmni;
++ get_ve0()->_shm_tot = shm_tot;
+ void __init shm_init (void)
+ {
+@@ -64,6 +89,42 @@ void __init shm_init (void)
+ #endif
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++# define shm_ids (*(get_exec_env()->_shm_ids))
++# define shm_ctlmax (get_exec_env()->_shm_ctlmax)
++# define shm_ctlall (get_exec_env()->_shm_ctlall)
++# define shm_ctlmni (get_exec_env()->_shm_ctlmni)
++/* renamed since there is a struct field named shm_tot */
++# define shm_total (get_exec_env()->_shm_tot)
++# define shm_total shm_tot
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void ve_shm_ipc_init (void)
++ shm_ctlmax = SHMMAX;
++ shm_ctlall = SHMALL;
++ shm_ctlmni = SHMMNI;
++ shm_total = 0;
++ ve_ipc_init_ids(&shm_ids, 1);
++static struct shmid_kernel* shm_lock_by_sb(int id, struct super_block* sb)
++ struct ve_struct *fs_envid;
++ fs_envid = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type);
++ return (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_lock(fs_envid->_shm_ids, id);
++static inline int *shm_total_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct ve_struct *fs_envid;
++ fs_envid = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type);
++ return &fs_envid->_shm_tot;
+ static inline int shm_checkid(struct shmid_kernel *s, int id)
+ {
+ if (ipc_checkid(&shm_ids,&s->shm_perm,id))
+@@ -71,25 +132,25 @@ static inline int shm_checkid(struct shm
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static inline struct shmid_kernel *shm_rmid(int id)
++static inline struct shmid_kernel *shm_rmid(struct ipc_ids *ids, int id)
+ {
+- return (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_rmid(&shm_ids,id);
++ return (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_rmid(ids, id);
+ }
+-static inline int shm_addid(struct shmid_kernel *shp)
++static inline int shm_addid(struct shmid_kernel *shp, int reqid)
+ {
+- return ipc_addid(&shm_ids, &shp->shm_perm, shm_ctlmni+1);
++ return ipc_addid(&shm_ids, &shp->shm_perm, shm_ctlmni+1, reqid);
+ }
+-static inline void shm_inc (int id) {
++static inline void shm_inc (int id, struct super_block * sb) {
+ struct shmid_kernel *shp;
+- if(!(shp = shm_lock(id)))
++ if(!(shp = shm_lock_by_sb(id, sb)))
+ BUG();
+ shp->shm_atim = get_seconds();
+- shp->shm_lprid = current->tgid;
++ shp->shm_lprid = virt_tgid(current);
+ shp->shm_nattch++;
+ shm_unlock(shp);
+ }
+@@ -97,7 +158,40 @@ static inline void shm_inc (int id) {
+ /* This is called by fork, once for every shm attach. */
+ static void shm_open (struct vm_area_struct *shmd)
+ {
+- shm_inc (shmd->vm_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino);
++ shm_inc (shmd->vm_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ shmd->vm_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb);
++static int shmem_lock(struct shmid_kernel *shp, int lock)
++ struct inode *inode = shp->shm_file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
++ unsigned long size;
++ if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
++ return 0;
++ spin_lock(&info->lock);
++ if (!!lock == !!(info->flags & VM_LOCKED))
++ goto out;
++ /* size will be re-calculated in pages inside (un)charge */
++ size = shp->shm_segsz + PAGE_SIZE - 1;
++ if (!lock) {
++ ub_locked_mem_uncharge(shmid_ub(shp), size);
++ info->flags &= ~VM_LOCKED;
++ } else if (ub_locked_mem_charge(shmid_ub(shp), size) < 0)
++ goto out_err;
++ else
++ info->flags |= VM_LOCKED;
++ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
++ return 0;
++ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -110,13 +204,23 @@ static void shm_open (struct vm_area_str
+ */
+ static void shm_destroy (struct shmid_kernel *shp)
+ {
+- shm_tot -= (shp->shm_segsz + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+- shm_rmid (shp->id);
++ int numpages;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int *shm_totalp;
++ struct file *file;
++ file = shp->shm_file;
++ numpages = (shp->shm_segsz + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb;
++ shm_totalp = shm_total_sb(sb);
++ *shm_totalp -= numpages;
++ shm_rmid(shp->_shm_ids, shp->id);
+ shm_unlock(shp);
+- if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
+- shmem_lock(shp->shm_file, 0);
+- fput (shp->shm_file);
++ shmem_lock(shp, 0);
++ fput (file);
+ security_shm_free(shp);
++ put_beancounter(shmid_ub(shp));
++ shmid_ub(shp) = NULL;
+ ipc_rcu_free(shp, sizeof(struct shmid_kernel));
+ }
+@@ -130,13 +234,25 @@ static void shm_close (struct vm_area_st
+ {
+ struct file * file = shmd->vm_file;
+ int id = file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
++ struct super_block *sb;
+ struct shmid_kernel *shp;
++ struct ipc_ids* ids;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct ve_struct *fs_envid;
+- down (&shm_ids.sem);
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ fs_envid = get_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type));
++ ids = fs_envid->_shm_ids;
++ ids = &shm_ids;
++ down (&ids->sem);
+ /* remove from the list of attaches of the shm segment */
+- if(!(shp = shm_lock(id)))
++ if(!(shp = shm_lock_by_sb(id, sb)))
+ BUG();
+- shp->shm_lprid = current->tgid;
++ shp->shm_lprid = virt_tgid(current);
+ shp->shm_dtim = get_seconds();
+ shp->shm_nattch--;
+ if(shp->shm_nattch == 0 &&
+@@ -144,14 +260,18 @@ static void shm_close (struct vm_area_st
+ shm_destroy (shp);
+ else
+ shm_unlock(shp);
+- up (&shm_ids.sem);
++ up (&ids->sem);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ put_ve(fs_envid);
+ }
+ static int shm_mmap(struct file * file, struct vm_area_struct * vma)
+ {
+ file_accessed(file);
+ vma->vm_ops = &shm_vm_ops;
+- shm_inc(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino);
++ shm_inc(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -169,19 +289,19 @@ static struct vm_operations_struct shm_v
+ #endif
+ };
+-static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg, size_t size)
++static int newseg (key_t key, int shmid, int shmflg, size_t size)
+ {
+ int error;
+ struct shmid_kernel *shp;
+ int numpages = (size + PAGE_SIZE -1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ struct file * file;
+- char name[13];
++ char name[26];
+ int id;
+ if (size < SHMMIN || size > shm_ctlmax)
+ return -EINVAL;
+- if (shm_tot + numpages >= shm_ctlall)
++ if (shm_total + numpages >= shm_ctlall)
+ return -ENOSPC;
+ shp = ipc_rcu_alloc(sizeof(*shp));
+@@ -201,7 +321,11 @@ static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg
+ if (shmflg & SHM_HUGETLB)
+ file = hugetlb_zero_setup(size);
+ else {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ sprintf (name, "VE%d.SYSV%08x", get_exec_env()->veid, key);
+ sprintf (name, "SYSV%08x", key);
+ file = shmem_file_setup(name, size, VM_ACCOUNT);
+ }
+ error = PTR_ERR(file);
+@@ -209,24 +333,26 @@ static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg
+ goto no_file;
+ error = -ENOSPC;
+- id = shm_addid(shp);
++ id = shm_addid(shp, shmid);
+ if(id == -1)
+ goto no_id;
+- shp->shm_cprid = current->tgid;
++ shp->shm_cprid = virt_tgid(current);
+ shp->shm_lprid = 0;
+ shp->shm_atim = shp->shm_dtim = 0;
+ shp->shm_ctim = get_seconds();
+ shp->shm_segsz = size;
+ shp->shm_nattch = 0;
+ shp->id = shm_buildid(id,shp->shm_perm.seq);
++ shp->_shm_ids = &shm_ids;
+ shp->shm_file = file;
++ shmid_ub(shp) = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
+ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino = shp->id;
+ if (shmflg & SHM_HUGETLB)
+ set_file_hugepages(file);
+ else
+ file->f_op = &shm_file_operations;
+- shm_tot += numpages;
++ shm_total += numpages;
+ shm_unlock(shp);
+ return shp->id;
+@@ -245,12 +371,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmget (key_t key, s
+ down(&shm_ids.sem);
+ if (key == IPC_PRIVATE) {
+- err = newseg(key, shmflg, size);
++ err = newseg(key, -1, shmflg, size);
+ } else if ((id = ipc_findkey(&shm_ids, key)) == -1) {
+ if (!(shmflg & IPC_CREAT))
+ err = -ENOENT;
+ else
+- err = newseg(key, shmflg, size);
++ err = newseg(key, -1, shmflg, size);
+ } else if ((shmflg & IPC_CREAT) && (shmflg & IPC_EXCL)) {
+ err = -EEXIST;
+ } else {
+@@ -443,7 +569,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
+ down(&shm_ids.sem);
+ shm_info.used_ids = shm_ids.in_use;
+ shm_get_stat (&shm_info.shm_rss, &shm_info.shm_swp);
+- shm_info.shm_tot = shm_tot;
++ shm_info.shm_tot = shm_total;
+ shm_info.swap_attempts = 0;
+ shm_info.swap_successes = 0;
+ err = shm_ids.max_id;
+@@ -526,12 +652,10 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
+ goto out_unlock;
+ if(cmd==SHM_LOCK) {
+- if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
+- shmem_lock(shp->shm_file, 1);
+- shp->shm_flags |= SHM_LOCKED;
++ if ((err = shmem_lock(shp, 1)) == 0)
++ shp->shm_flags |= SHM_LOCKED;
+ } else {
+- if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
+- shmem_lock(shp->shm_file, 0);
++ shmem_lock(shp, 0);
+ shp->shm_flags &= ~SHM_LOCKED;
+ }
+ shm_unlock(shp);
+@@ -560,7 +684,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
+ if (current->euid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
+ current->euid != shp->shm_perm.cuid &&
+- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
++ !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) {
+ err=-EPERM;
+ goto out_unlock_up;
+ }
+@@ -597,7 +721,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
+ err=-EPERM;
+ if (current->euid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
+ current->euid != shp->shm_perm.cuid &&
+- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
++ !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) {
+ goto out_unlock_up;
+ }
+@@ -894,3 +1018,72 @@ done:
+ return len;
+ }
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void ve_shm_ipc_cleanup(void)
++ int i;
++ down(&shm_ids.sem);
++ for (i = 0; i <= shm_ids.max_id; i++) {
++ struct shmid_kernel *shp;
++ if (!(shp = shm_lock(i)))
++ continue;
++ if (shp->shm_nattch) {
++ shp->shm_flags |= SHM_DEST;
++ shp->shm_perm.key = IPC_PRIVATE;
++ shm_unlock(shp);
++ } else
++ shm_destroy(shp);
++ }
++ up(&shm_ids.sem);
++struct file * sysvipc_setup_shm(key_t key, int shmid, size_t size, int shmflg)
++ struct shmid_kernel *shp;
++ struct file *file;
++ down(&shm_ids.sem);
++ shp = shm_lock(shmid);
++ if (!shp) {
++ int err;
++ err = newseg(key, shmid, shmflg, size);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out;
++ shp = shm_lock(shmid);
++ }
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ if (shp) {
++ file = shp->shm_file;
++ get_file(file);
++ shm_unlock(shp);
++ }
++ up(&shm_ids.sem);
++ return file;
++int sysvipc_walk_shm(int (*func)(struct shmid_kernel*, void *), void *arg)
++ int i;
++ int err = 0;
++ struct shmid_kernel* shp;
++ down(&shm_ids.sem);
++ for(i = 0; i <= shm_ids.max_id; i++) {
++ if ((shp = shm_lock(i)) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ err = func(shp, arg);
++ shm_unlock(shp);
++ if (err)
++ break;
++ }
++ up(&shm_ids.sem);
++ return err;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ */
+ #include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/shm.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+@@ -27,8 +28,12 @@
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ #include "util.h"
++DCL_VE_OWNER(IPCIDS, STATIC_SOFT, struct ipc_ids, owner_env, inline, ())
+ /**
+ * ipc_init - initialise IPC subsystem
+ *
+@@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ __initcall(ipc_init);
+ * array itself.
+ */
+-void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size)
++void ve_ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size)
+ {
+ int i;
+ sema_init(&ids->sem,1);
+@@ -82,7 +87,25 @@ void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids*
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<ids->size;i++)
+ ids->entries[i].p = NULL;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ SET_VE_OWNER_IPCIDS(ids, get_exec_env());
++void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size)
++ ve_ipc_init_ids(ids, size);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++static void ipc_free_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids)
++ if (ids == NULL)
++ return;
++ ipc_rcu_free(ids->entries, sizeof(struct ipc_id)*ids->size);
++ kfree(ids);
+ }
+ /**
+ * ipc_findkey - find a key in an ipc identifier set
+@@ -165,10 +188,18 @@ static int grow_ary(struct ipc_ids* ids,
+ * Called with ipc_ids.sem held.
+ */
+-int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size)
++int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size, int reqid)
+ {
+ int id;
++ if (reqid >= 0) {
++ id = reqid%SEQ_MULTIPLIER;
++ size = grow_ary(ids,id+1);
++ if (ids->entries[id].p == NULL)
++ goto found;
++ return -1;
++ }
+ size = grow_ary(ids,size);
+ /*
+@@ -181,6 +212,10 @@ int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struc
+ }
+ return -1;
+ found:
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (ids->in_use == 0)
++ (void)get_ve(VE_OWNER_IPCIDS(ids));
+ ids->in_use++;
+ if (id > ids->max_id)
+ ids->max_id = id;
+@@ -188,9 +223,13 @@ found:
+ new->cuid = new->uid = current->euid;
+ new->gid = new->cgid = current->egid;
+- new->seq = ids->seq++;
+- if(ids->seq > ids->seq_max)
+- ids->seq = 0;
++ if (reqid >= 0) {
++ new->seq = reqid/SEQ_MULTIPLIER;
++ } else {
++ new->seq = ids->seq++;
++ if(ids->seq > ids->seq_max)
++ ids->seq = 0;
++ }
+ new->lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ new->deleted = 0;
+@@ -238,6 +277,10 @@ struct kern_ipc_perm* ipc_rmid(struct ip
+ } while (ids->entries[lid].p == NULL);
+ ids->max_id = lid;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (ids->in_use == 0)
++ put_ve(VE_OWNER_IPCIDS(ids));
+ p->deleted = 1;
+ return p;
+ }
+@@ -254,9 +297,9 @@ void* ipc_alloc(int size)
+ {
+ void* out;
+ if(size > PAGE_SIZE)
+- out = vmalloc(size);
++ out = ub_vmalloc(size);
+ else
+- out = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ out = ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ return out;
+ }
+@@ -317,7 +360,7 @@ void* ipc_rcu_alloc(int size)
+ * workqueue if necessary (for vmalloc).
+ */
+ if (rcu_use_vmalloc(size)) {
+- out = vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_vmalloc) + size);
++ out = ub_vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_vmalloc) + size);
+ if (out) out += sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_vmalloc);
+ } else {
+ out = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_kmalloc)+size, GFP_KERNEL);
+@@ -524,6 +567,85 @@ int ipc_checkid(struct ipc_ids* ids, str
+ return 0;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void prepare_ipc(void)
++ /*
++ * Note: we don't need to call SET_VE_OWNER_IPCIDS inside,
++ * since we use static variables for ve0 (see STATIC_SOFT decl).
++ */
++ prepare_msg();
++ prepare_sem();
++ prepare_shm();
++int init_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct * envid)
++ struct ve_struct * saved_envid;
++ envid->_msg_ids = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_ids) + sizeof(void *),
++ if (envid->_msg_ids == NULL)
++ goto out_nomem;
++ envid->_sem_ids = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_ids) + sizeof(void *),
++ if (envid->_sem_ids == NULL)
++ goto out_free_msg;
++ envid->_shm_ids = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_ids) + sizeof(void *),
++ if (envid->_shm_ids == NULL)
++ goto out_free_sem;
++ /*
++ * Bad style, but save a lot of code (charging to proper VE)
++ * Here we temporary change VEID of the process involved in VE init.
++ * The same is effect for ve_ipc_cleanup in real_do_env_cleanup().
++ */
++ saved_envid = set_exec_env(envid);
++ ve_msg_ipc_init();
++ ve_sem_ipc_init();
++ ve_shm_ipc_init();
++ (void)set_exec_env(saved_envid);
++ return 0;
++ kfree(envid->_sem_ids);
++ kfree(envid->_msg_ids);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++void ve_ipc_cleanup(void)
++ ve_msg_ipc_cleanup();
++ ve_sem_ipc_cleanup();
++ ve_shm_ipc_cleanup();
++void ve_ipc_free(struct ve_struct *envid)
++ ipc_free_ids(envid->_msg_ids);
++ ipc_free_ids(envid->_sem_ids);
++ ipc_free_ids(envid->_shm_ids);
++ envid->_msg_ids = envid->_sem_ids = envid->_shm_ids = NULL;
++void fini_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct *ptr)
++ ve_ipc_cleanup();
++ ve_ipc_free(ptr);
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -15,6 +15,20 @@ void sem_init (void);
+ void msg_init (void);
+ void shm_init (void);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++void ve_msg_ipc_init(void);
++void ve_sem_ipc_init(void);
++void ve_shm_ipc_init(void);
++void prepare_msg(void);
++void prepare_sem(void);
++void prepare_shm(void);
++void ve_msg_ipc_cleanup(void);
++void ve_sem_ipc_cleanup(void);
++void ve_shm_ipc_cleanup(void);
+ struct ipc_ids {
+ int size;
+ int in_use;
+@@ -23,17 +37,21 @@ struct ipc_ids {
+ unsigned short seq_max;
+ struct semaphore sem;
+ struct ipc_id* entries;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(IPCIDS, STATIC_SOFT, struct ipc_ids, owner_env, inline, ())
+ struct ipc_id {
+ struct kern_ipc_perm* p;
+ };
+-void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size);
++void ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size);
++void ve_ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size);
+ /* must be called with ids->sem acquired.*/
+ int ipc_findkey(struct ipc_ids* ids, key_t key);
+-int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size);
++int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size, int reqid);
+ /* must be called with both locks acquired. */
+ struct kern_ipc_perm* ipc_rmid(struct ipc_ids* ids, int id);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++# All rights reserved.
++# Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++config VE
++ bool "Virtual Environment support"
++ depends on !SECURITY
++ default y
++ help
++ This option adds support of virtual Linux running on the original box
++ with fully supported virtual network driver, tty subsystem and
++ configurable access for hardware and other resources.
++config VE_CALLS
++ tristate "VE calls interface"
++ depends on VE
++ default m
++ help
++ This option controls how to build vzmon code containing VE calls.
++ By default it's build in module vzmon.o
++config VE_SYSFS
++ bool "Enable sysfs support in Virtual Environments"
++ depends on VE
++ default n
++ help
++ This option enables sysfs support in Virtual Environments
++config VE_NETDEV
++ tristate "VE networking"
++ depends on VE
++ default m
++ help
++ This option controls whether to build VE networking code.
++config VE_IPTABLES
++ bool "VE netfiltering"
++ depends on VE && VE_NETDEV && INET && NETFILTER
++ default y
++ help
++ This option controls whether to build VE netfiltering code.
++config VZ_WDOG
++ tristate "VE watchdog module"
++ depends on VE
++ default m
++ help
++ This option controls building of vzwdog module, which dumps
++ a lot of useful system info on console periodically.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(cap_bset);
+ * Locking rule: acquire this prior to tasklist_lock.
+ */
+ spinlock_t task_capability_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ /*
+ * For sys_getproccap() and sys_setproccap(), any of the three
+@@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_capget(cap_user_head
+ spin_lock(&task_capability_lock);
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- if (pid && pid != current->pid) {
+- target = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ if (pid && pid != virt_pid(current)) {
++ target = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (!target) {
+ ret = -ESRCH;
+ goto out;
+@@ -89,14 +90,16 @@ static inline void cap_set_pg(int pgrp,
+ kernel_cap_t *permitted)
+ {
+ task_t *g, *target;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, g, l, pid) {
++ pgrp = vpid_to_pid(pgrp);
++ if (pgrp < 0)
++ return;
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, g) {
+ target = g;
+- while_each_thread(g, target)
++ while_each_thread_ve(g, target)
+ security_capset_set(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, g);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -109,11 +112,11 @@ static inline void cap_set_all(kernel_ca
+ {
+ task_t *g, *target;
+- do_each_thread(g, target) {
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, target) {
+ if (target == current || target->pid == 1)
+ continue;
+ security_capset_set(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
+- } while_each_thread(g, target);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, target);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -159,8 +162,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_capset(cap_user_head
+ spin_lock(&task_capability_lock);
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- if (pid > 0 && pid != current->pid) {
+- target = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ if (pid > 0 && pid != virt_pid(current)) {
++ target = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (!target) {
+ ret = -ESRCH;
+ goto out;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -559,5 +559,84 @@ long compat_clock_nanosleep(clockid_t wh
+ return err;
+ }
++sigset_from_compat (sigset_t *set, compat_sigset_t *compat)
++ switch (_NSIG_WORDS) {
++ case 4: set->sig[3] = compat->sig[6] | (((long)compat->sig[7]) << 32 );
++ case 3: set->sig[2] = compat->sig[4] | (((long)compat->sig[5]) << 32 );
++ case 2: set->sig[1] = compat->sig[2] | (((long)compat->sig[3]) << 32 );
++ case 1: set->sig[0] = compat->sig[0] | (((long)compat->sig[1]) << 32 );
++ }
++asmlinkage long
++compat_rt_sigtimedwait (compat_sigset_t __user *uthese,
++ struct compat_siginfo __user *uinfo,
++ struct compat_timespec __user *uts, compat_size_t sigsetsize)
++ compat_sigset_t s32;
++ sigset_t s;
++ int sig;
++ struct timespec t;
++ siginfo_t info;
++ long ret, timeout = 0;
++ if (sigsetsize != sizeof(sigset_t))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (copy_from_user(&s32, uthese, sizeof(compat_sigset_t)))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ sigset_from_compat(&s, &s32);
++ sigdelsetmask(&s,sigmask(SIGKILL)|sigmask(SIGSTOP));
++ signotset(&s);
++ if (uts) {
++ if (get_compat_timespec (&t, uts))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ if (t.tv_nsec >= 1000000000L || t.tv_nsec < 0
++ || t.tv_sec < 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
++ sig = dequeue_signal(current, &s, &info);
++ if (!sig) {
++ if (uts)
++ timeout = timespec_to_jiffies(&t)
++ +(t.tv_sec || t.tv_nsec);
++ if (timeout) {
++ current->real_blocked = current->blocked;
++ sigandsets(&current->blocked, &current->blocked, &s);
++ recalc_sigpending();
++ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
++ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
++ timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);
++ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
++ sig = dequeue_signal(current, &s, &info);
++ current->blocked = current->real_blocked;
++ siginitset(&current->real_blocked, 0);
++ recalc_sigpending();
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
++ if (sig) {
++ ret = sig;
++ if (uinfo) {
++ if (copy_siginfo_to_user32(uinfo, &info))
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ }
++ }else {
++ ret = timeout?-EINTR:-EAGAIN;
++ }
++ return ret;
+ /* timer_create is architecture specific because it needs sigevent conversion */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:13.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -43,13 +43,18 @@ void unregister_cpu_notifier(struct noti
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_cpu_notifier);
++#error "CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU isn't supported with CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU"
+ static inline void check_for_tasks(int cpu)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_process(p) {
+- if (task_cpu(p) == cpu && (p->utime != 0 || p->stime != 0))
++ for_each_process_all(p) {
++ if (task_pcpu(p) == cpu && (p->utime != 0 || p->stime != 0))
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Task %s (pid = %d) is on cpu %d\
+ (state = %ld, flags = %lx) \n",
+ p->comm, p->pid, cpu, p->state, p->flags);
+@@ -104,6 +109,13 @@ static int take_cpu_down(void *unused)
+ return err;
+ }
++#error VCPU vs. HOTPLUG: fix hotplug code below
++ * What should be fixed:
++ * - check for if (idle_cpu()) yield()
++ */
+ int cpu_down(unsigned int cpu)
+ {
+ int err;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,12 +23,17 @@
+ #include <linux/mount.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <linux/mempolicy.h>
++#include <linux/swap.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
++#include <linux/faudit.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
+ #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ extern void sem_exit (void);
+ extern struct task_struct *child_reaper;
+@@ -47,20 +52,19 @@ static void __unhash_process(struct task
+ }
+ }
+ void release_task(struct task_struct * p)
+ {
+ int zap_leader;
+ task_t *leader;
+- struct dentry *proc_dentry;
++ struct dentry *proc_dentry[2];
+ repeat:
+- BUG_ON(p->state < TASK_ZOMBIE);
+ atomic_dec(&p->user->processes);
+ spin_lock(&p->proc_lock);
+- proc_dentry = proc_pid_unhash(p);
++ proc_pid_unhash(p, proc_dentry);
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ if (unlikely(p->ptrace))
+ __ptrace_unlink(p);
+@@ -68,6 +72,8 @@ repeat:
+ __exit_signal(p);
+ __exit_sighand(p);
+ __unhash_process(p);
++ nr_zombie--;
++ nr_dead++;
+ /*
+ * If we are the last non-leader member of the thread
+@@ -76,7 +82,7 @@ repeat:
+ */
+ zap_leader = 0;
+ leader = p->group_leader;
+- if (leader != p && thread_group_empty(leader) && leader->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) {
++ if (leader != p && thread_group_empty(leader) && leader->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
+ BUG_ON(leader->exit_signal == -1);
+ do_notify_parent(leader, leader->exit_signal);
+ /*
+@@ -101,6 +107,8 @@ repeat:
+ spin_unlock(&p->proc_lock);
+ proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry);
+ release_thread(p);
++ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->pcounter))
++ do_env_cleanup(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
+ put_task_struct(p);
+ p = leader;
+@@ -112,10 +120,10 @@ repeat:
+ void unhash_process(struct task_struct *p)
+ {
+- struct dentry *proc_dentry;
++ struct dentry *proc_dentry[2];
+ spin_lock(&p->proc_lock);
+- proc_dentry = proc_pid_unhash(p);
++ proc_pid_unhash(p, proc_dentry);
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ __unhash_process(p);
+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -131,17 +139,18 @@ void unhash_process(struct task_struct *
+ int session_of_pgrp(int pgrp)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ int sid = -1;
++ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid)
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
+ if (p->signal->session > 0) {
+ sid = p->signal->session;
+ goto out;
+ }
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pgrp);
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pgrp);
+ if (p)
+ sid = p->signal->session;
+ out:
+@@ -161,21 +170,21 @@ out:
+ static int will_become_orphaned_pgrp(int pgrp, task_t *ignored_task)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ int ret = 1;
+- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
++ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
+ if (p == ignored_task
+- || p->state >= TASK_ZOMBIE
+- || p->real_parent->pid == 1)
++ || p->exit_state
++ || virt_pid(p->real_parent) == 1)
+ continue;
+ if (process_group(p->real_parent) != pgrp
+ && p->real_parent->signal->session == p->signal->session) {
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
+ return ret; /* (sighing) "Often!" */
+ }
+@@ -183,6 +192,8 @@ int is_orphaned_pgrp(int pgrp)
+ {
+ int retval;
++ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ retval = will_become_orphaned_pgrp(pgrp, NULL);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -194,10 +205,10 @@ static inline int has_stopped_jobs(int p
+ {
+ int retval = 0;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
++ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
+ if (p->state != TASK_STOPPED)
+ continue;
+@@ -213,7 +224,7 @@ static inline int has_stopped_jobs(int p
+ retval = 1;
+ break;
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
+ return retval;
+ }
+@@ -260,6 +271,9 @@ void __set_special_pids(pid_t session, p
+ {
+ struct task_struct *curr = current;
++ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
++ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(session));
+ if (curr->signal->session != session) {
+ detach_pid(curr, PIDTYPE_SID);
+ curr->signal->session = session;
+@@ -278,6 +292,7 @@ void set_special_pids(pid_t session, pid
+ __set_special_pids(session, pgrp);
+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Let kernel threads use this to say that they
+@@ -342,7 +357,9 @@ void daemonize(const char *name, ...)
+ exit_mm(current);
+ set_special_pids(1, 1);
++ down(&tty_sem);
+ current->signal->tty = NULL;
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ /* Block and flush all signals */
+ sigfillset(&blocked);
+@@ -529,12 +546,8 @@ static inline void choose_new_parent(tas
+ * Make sure we're not reparenting to ourselves and that
+ * the parent is not a zombie.
+ */
+- if (p == reaper || reaper->state >= TASK_ZOMBIE)
+- p->real_parent = child_reaper;
+- else
+- p->real_parent = reaper;
+- if (p->parent == p->real_parent)
+- BUG();
++ BUG_ON(p == reaper || reaper->exit_state);
++ p->real_parent = reaper;
+ }
+ static inline void reparent_thread(task_t *p, task_t *father, int traced)
+@@ -566,7 +579,7 @@ static inline void reparent_thread(task_
+ /* If we'd notified the old parent about this child's death,
+ * also notify the new parent.
+ */
+- if (p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
++ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
+ thread_group_empty(p))
+ do_notify_parent(p, p->exit_signal);
+ }
+@@ -597,12 +610,15 @@ static inline void reparent_thread(task_
+ static inline void forget_original_parent(struct task_struct * father,
+ struct list_head *to_release)
+ {
+- struct task_struct *p, *reaper = father;
++ struct task_struct *p, *tsk_reaper, *reaper = father;
+ struct list_head *_p, *_n;
+- reaper = father->group_leader;
+- if (reaper == father)
+- reaper = child_reaper;
++ do {
++ reaper = next_thread(reaper);
++ if (reaper == father) {
++ break;
++ }
++ } while (reaper->exit_state);
+ /*
+ * There are only two places where our children can be:
+@@ -621,14 +637,21 @@ static inline void forget_original_paren
+ /* if father isn't the real parent, then ptrace must be enabled */
+ BUG_ON(father != p->real_parent && !ptrace);
++ tsk_reaper = reaper;
++ if (tsk_reaper == father)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ tsk_reaper = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->init_entry;
++ if (tsk_reaper == p)
++ tsk_reaper = child_reaper;
+ if (father == p->real_parent) {
+- /* reparent with a reaper, real father it's us */
+- choose_new_parent(p, reaper, child_reaper);
++ /* reparent with a tsk_reaper, real father it's us */
++ choose_new_parent(p, tsk_reaper, child_reaper);
+ reparent_thread(p, father, 0);
+ } else {
+ /* reparent ptraced task to its real parent */
+ __ptrace_unlink (p);
+- if (p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
++ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
+ thread_group_empty(p))
+ do_notify_parent(p, p->exit_signal);
+ }
+@@ -639,12 +662,20 @@ static inline void forget_original_paren
+ * zombie forever since we prevented it from self-reap itself
+ * while it was being traced by us, to be able to see it in wait4.
+ */
+- if (unlikely(ptrace && p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal == -1))
++ if (unlikely(ptrace && p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal == -1))
+ list_add(&p->ptrace_list, to_release);
+ }
+ list_for_each_safe(_p, _n, &father->ptrace_children) {
+ p = list_entry(_p,struct task_struct,ptrace_list);
+- choose_new_parent(p, reaper, child_reaper);
++ tsk_reaper = reaper;
++ if (tsk_reaper == father)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ tsk_reaper = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->init_entry;
++ if (tsk_reaper == p)
++ tsk_reaper = child_reaper;
++ choose_new_parent(p, tsk_reaper, child_reaper);
+ reparent_thread(p, father, 1);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -740,6 +771,9 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
+ && !capable(CAP_KILL))
+ tsk->exit_signal = SIGCHLD;
++ if (tsk->exit_signal != -1 && t == child_reaper)
++ /* We dont want people slaying init. */
++ tsk->exit_signal = SIGCHLD;
+ /* If something other than our normal parent is ptracing us, then
+ * send it a SIGCHLD instead of honoring exit_signal. exit_signal
+@@ -752,11 +786,11 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
+ do_notify_parent(tsk, SIGCHLD);
+ }
+- state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
++ state = EXIT_ZOMBIE;
+ if (tsk->exit_signal == -1 && tsk->ptrace == 0)
+- state = TASK_DEAD;
+- tsk->state = state;
+- tsk->flags |= PF_DEAD;
++ state = EXIT_DEAD;
++ tsk->exit_state = state;
++ nr_zombie++;
+ /*
+ * Clear these here so that update_process_times() won't try to deliver
+@@ -766,20 +800,7 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
+ tsk->it_prof_value = 0;
+ tsk->rlim[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
+- /*
+- * In the preemption case it must be impossible for the task
+- * to get runnable again, so use "_raw_" unlock to keep
+- * preempt_count elevated until we schedule().
+- *
+- * To avoid deadlock on SMP, interrupts must be unmasked. If we
+- * don't, subsequently called functions (e.g, wait_task_inactive()
+- * via release_task()) will spin, with interrupt flags
+- * unwittingly blocked, until the other task sleeps. That task
+- * may itself be waiting for smp_call_function() to answer and
+- * complete, and with interrupts blocked that will never happen.
+- */
+- _raw_write_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+- local_irq_enable();
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ list_for_each_safe(_p, _n, &ptrace_dead) {
+ list_del_init(_p);
+@@ -788,21 +809,109 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
+ }
+ /* If the process is dead, release it - nobody will wait for it */
+- if (state == TASK_DEAD)
++ if (state == EXIT_DEAD)
+ release_task(tsk);
++ /* PF_DEAD causes final put_task_struct after we schedule. */
++ preempt_disable();
++ tsk->flags |= PF_DEAD;
+ }
++asmlinkage long sys_wait4(pid_t pid,unsigned int * stat_addr, int options, struct rusage * ru);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ * Handle exitting of init process, it's a special case for VE.
++ */
++static void do_initproc_exit(void)
++ struct task_struct *tsk;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ struct siginfo info;
++ struct task_struct *g, *p;
++ long delay = 1L;
++ tsk = current;
++ env = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env;
++ if (env->init_entry != tsk)
++ return;
++ if (ve_is_super(env) && tsk->pid == 1)
++ panic("Attempted to kill init!");
++ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
++ info.si_errno = 0;
++ info.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
++ info.si_pid = virt_pid(tsk);
++ info.si_uid = current->uid;
++ info.si_signo = SIGKILL;
++ /*
++ * Here the VE changes its state into "not running".
++ * op_sem taken for write is a barrier to all VE manipulations from
++ * ioctl: it waits for operations currently in progress and blocks all
++ * subsequent operations until is_running is set to 0 and op_sem is
++ * released.
++ */
++ down_write(&env->op_sem);
++ env->is_running = 0;
++ up_write(&env->op_sem);
++ /* send kill to all processes of VE */
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
++ force_sig_info(SIGKILL, &info, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ /* wait for all init childs exit */
++ while (atomic_read(&env->pcounter) > 1) {
++ if (sys_wait4(-1, NULL, __WALL | WNOHANG, NULL) > 0)
++ continue;
++ /* it was ENOCHLD or no more children somehow */
++ if (atomic_read(&env->pcounter) == 1)
++ break;
++ /* clear all signals to avoid wakeups */
++ if (signal_pending(tsk))
++ flush_signals(tsk);
++ /* we have child without signal sent */
++ __set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(delay);
++ delay = (delay < HZ) ? (delay << 1) : HZ;
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
++ if (p != tsk)
++ force_sig_info(SIGKILL, &info, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ }
++ env->init_entry = child_reaper;
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ tsk->parent = tsk->real_parent = child_reaper;
++ SET_LINKS(tsk);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ asmlinkage NORET_TYPE void do_exit(long code)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *tsk = current;
++ struct mm_struct *mm;
++ mm = tsk->mm;
+ if (unlikely(in_interrupt()))
+ panic("Aiee, killing interrupt handler!");
+ if (unlikely(!tsk->pid))
+ panic("Attempted to kill the idle task!");
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ if (unlikely(tsk->pid == 1))
+ panic("Attempted to kill init!");
++ do_initproc_exit();
+ if (tsk->io_context)
+ exit_io_context();
+ tsk->flags |= PF_EXITING;
+@@ -817,7 +926,9 @@ asmlinkage NORET_TYPE void do_exit(long
+ if (unlikely(current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXIT)) {
+ current->ptrace_message = code;
++ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_EXIT);
+ ptrace_notify((PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT << 8) | SIGTRAP);
++ clear_pn_state(current);
+ }
+ acct_process(code);
+@@ -838,10 +949,23 @@ asmlinkage NORET_TYPE void do_exit(long
+ tsk->exit_code = code;
+ exit_notify(tsk);
++ /* In order to allow OOM to happen from now on */
++ spin_lock(&oom_generation_lock);
++ if (tsk->flags & PF_MEMDIE) {
++ if (--oom_kill_counter == 0)
++ oom_generation++;
++ printk("OOM killed process %d (mm=%p) exited, free=%u.\n",
++ tsk->pid, mm, nr_free_pages());
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
+ mpol_free(tsk->mempolicy);
+ tsk->mempolicy = NULL;
+ #endif
++ BUG_ON(!(current->flags & PF_DEAD));
+ schedule();
+ BUG();
+ /* Avoid "noreturn function does return". */
+@@ -860,26 +984,22 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(complete_and_exit);
+ asmlinkage long sys_exit(int error_code)
+ {
++ virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT,
++ VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_EXIT, &error_code);
+ do_exit((error_code&0xff)<<8);
+ }
+ task_t fastcall *next_thread(const task_t *p)
+ {
+- const struct pid_link *link = p->pids + PIDTYPE_TGID;
+- const struct list_head *tmp, *head = &link->pidptr->task_list;
++ task_t *tsk;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+- if (!p->sighand)
+- BUG();
+- if (!spin_is_locked(&p->sighand->siglock) &&
+- !rwlock_is_locked(&tasklist_lock))
++ if (!rwlock_is_locked(&tasklist_lock) || p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].nr == 0)
+ BUG();
+ #endif
+- tmp = link->;
+- if (tmp == head)
+- tmp = head->next;
+- return pid_task(tmp, PIDTYPE_TGID);
++ tsk = pid_task(p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID], PIDTYPE_TGID);
++ /* all threads should belong to ONE ve! */
++ BUG_ON(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env != VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
++ return tsk;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(next_thread);
+@@ -929,21 +1049,26 @@ asmlinkage void sys_exit_group(int error
+ static int eligible_child(pid_t pid, int options, task_t *p)
+ {
+ if (pid > 0) {
+- if (p->pid != pid)
++ if ((is_virtual_pid(pid) ? virt_pid(p) : p->pid) != pid)
+ return 0;
+ } else if (!pid) {
+ if (process_group(p) != process_group(current))
+ return 0;
+ } else if (pid != -1) {
+- if (process_group(p) != -pid)
+- return 0;
++ if (__is_virtual_pid(-pid)) {
++ if (virt_pgid(p) != -pid)
++ return 0;
++ } else {
++ if (process_group(p) != -pid)
++ return 0;
++ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Do not consider detached threads that are
+ * not ptraced:
+ */
+- if (p->exit_signal == -1 && !p->ptrace)
++ if (unlikely(p->exit_signal == -1 && p->ptrace == 0))
+ return 0;
+ /* Wait for all children (clone and not) if __WALL is set;
+@@ -968,7 +1093,7 @@ static int eligible_child(pid_t pid, int
+ }
+ /*
+- * Handle sys_wait4 work for one task in state TASK_ZOMBIE. We hold
++ * Handle sys_wait4 work for one task in state EXIT_ZOMBIE. We hold
+ * read_lock(&tasklist_lock) on entry. If we return zero, we still hold
+ * the lock and this task is uninteresting. If we return nonzero, we have
+ * released the lock and the system call should return.
+@@ -982,9 +1107,9 @@ static int wait_task_zombie(task_t *p, u
+ * Try to move the task's state to DEAD
+ * only one thread is allowed to do this:
+ */
+- state = xchg(&p->state, TASK_DEAD);
+- if (state != TASK_ZOMBIE) {
+- BUG_ON(state != TASK_DEAD);
++ state = xchg(&p->exit_state, EXIT_DEAD);
++ if (state != EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
++ BUG_ON(state != EXIT_DEAD);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(p->exit_signal == -1 && p->ptrace == 0))
+@@ -996,7 +1121,7 @@ static int wait_task_zombie(task_t *p, u
+ /*
+ * Now we are sure this task is interesting, and no other
+- * thread can reap it because we set its state to TASK_DEAD.
++ * thread can reap it because we set its state to EXIT_DEAD.
+ */
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -1008,16 +1133,18 @@ static int wait_task_zombie(task_t *p, u
+ retval = put_user(p->exit_code, stat_addr);
+ }
+ if (retval) {
+- p->state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
++ // TODO: is this safe?
++ p->exit_state = EXIT_ZOMBIE;
+ return retval;
+ }
+- retval = p->pid;
++ retval = get_task_pid(p);
+ if (p->real_parent != p->parent) {
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ /* Double-check with lock held. */
+ if (p->real_parent != p->parent) {
+ __ptrace_unlink(p);
+- p->state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
++ // TODO: is this safe?
++ p->exit_state = EXIT_ZOMBIE;
+ /*
+ * If this is not a detached task, notify the parent. If it's
+ * still not detached after that, don't release it now.
+@@ -1072,13 +1199,13 @@ static int wait_task_stopped(task_t *p,
+ /*
+ * This uses xchg to be atomic with the thread resuming and setting
+ * it. It must also be done with the write lock held to prevent a
+- * race with the TASK_ZOMBIE case.
++ * race with the EXIT_ZOMBIE case.
+ */
+ exit_code = xchg(&p->exit_code, 0);
+ if (unlikely(p->state > TASK_STOPPED)) {
+ /*
+ * The task resumed and then died. Let the next iteration
+- * catch it in TASK_ZOMBIE. Note that exit_code might
++ * catch it in EXIT_ZOMBIE. Note that exit_code might
+ * already be zero here if it resumed and did _exit(0).
+ * The task itself is dead and won't touch exit_code again;
+ * other processors in this function are locked out.
+@@ -1107,7 +1234,7 @@ static int wait_task_stopped(task_t *p,
+ if (!retval && stat_addr)
+ retval = put_user((exit_code << 8) | 0x7f, stat_addr);
+ if (!retval)
+- retval = p->pid;
++ retval = get_task_pid(p);
+ put_task_struct(p);
+ BUG_ON(!retval);
+@@ -1152,16 +1279,25 @@ repeat:
+ if (retval != 0) /* He released the lock. */
+ goto end_wait4;
+ break;
+- case TASK_ZOMBIE:
+- /*
+- * Eligible but we cannot release it yet:
+- */
+- if (ret == 2)
+- continue;
+- retval = wait_task_zombie(p, stat_addr, ru);
+- if (retval != 0) /* He released the lock. */
+- goto end_wait4;
+- break;
++ default:
++ // case EXIT_DEAD:
++ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_DEAD)
++ continue;
++ // case EXIT_ZOMBIE:
++ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
++ /*
++ * Eligible but we cannot release
++ * it yet:
++ */
++ if (ret == 2)
++ continue;
++ retval = wait_task_zombie(
++ p, stat_addr, ru);
++ /* He released the lock. */
++ if (retval != 0)
++ goto end_wait4;
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!flag) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ static int core_kernel_text(unsigned lon
+ if (addr >= (unsigned long)_sinittext &&
+ addr <= (unsigned long)_einittext)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1286 @@
++ * Fair Scheduler
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * Start-tag scheduling follows the theory presented in
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <asm/timex.h>
++#include <asm/atomic.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/sysctl.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
++#include <linux/vsched.h>
++/* we need it for vsched routines in sched.c */
++spinlock_t fairsched_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++#define FAIRSHED_DEBUG " debug"
++ * Special arithmetics
++ */
++#define CYCLES_SHIFT (8)
++#define SCYCLES_TIME(time) \
++ ((scycles_t) {((time) + (1 << CYCLES_SHIFT) - 1) >> CYCLES_SHIFT})
++#define CYCLES_ZERO (0)
++static inline int CYCLES_BEFORE(cycles_t x, cycles_t y)
++ return (__s64)(x-y) < 0;
++static inline int CYCLES_AFTER(cycles_t x, cycles_t y)
++ return (__s64)(y-x) < 0;
++static inline void CYCLES_DADD(cycles_t *x, fschdur_t y) {*x+=y.d;}
++#define FSCHDUR_ZERO (0)
++#define TICK_DUR ((fschdur_t){cycles_per_jiffy})
++static inline fschdur_t FSCHDURATION(cycles_t x, cycles_t y)
++ return (fschdur_t){x - y};
++static inline int FSCHDUR_CMP(fschdur_t x, fschdur_t y)
++ if (x.d < y.d) return -1;
++ if (x.d > y.d) return 1;
++ return 0;
++static inline fschdur_t FSCHDUR_SUB(fschdur_t x, fschdur_t y)
++ return (fschdur_t){x.d - y.d};
++#define FSCHTAG_ZERO ((fschtag_t){0})
++static inline int FSCHTAG_CMP(fschtag_t x, fschtag_t y)
++ if (x.t < y.t) return -1;
++ if (x.t > y.t) return 1;
++ return 0;
++static inline fschtag_t FSCHTAG_MAX(fschtag_t x, fschtag_t y)
++ return x.t >= y.t ? x : y;
++static inline int FSCHTAG_DADD(fschtag_t *tag, fschdur_t dur, unsigned w)
++ cycles_t new_tag;
++ new_tag = tag->t + (cycles_t)dur.d * w;
++ if (new_tag < tag->t)
++ return -1;
++ /* DEBUG */
++ if (new_tag >= (1ULL << 48))
++ return -1;
++ tag->t = new_tag;
++ return 0;
++static inline int FSCHTAG_ADD(fschtag_t *tag, fschtag_t y)
++ cycles_t new_tag;
++ new_tag = tag->t + y.t;
++ if (new_tag < tag->t)
++ return -1;
++ tag->t = new_tag;
++ return 0;
++static inline fschtag_t FSCHTAG_SUB(fschtag_t x, fschtag_t y)
++ return (fschtag_t){x.t - y.t};
++#define FSCHVALUE_ZERO ((fschvalue_t){0})
++#define TICK_VALUE ((fschvalue_t){(cycles_t)cycles_per_jiffy << FSCHRATE_SHIFT})
++static inline fschvalue_t FSCHVALUE(unsigned long t)
++ return (fschvalue_t){(cycles_t)t << FSCHRATE_SHIFT};
++static inline int FSCHVALUE_CMP(fschvalue_t x, fschvalue_t y)
++ if (x.v < y.v) return -1;
++ if (x.v > y.v) return 1;
++ return 0;
++static inline void FSCHVALUE_DADD(fschvalue_t *val, fschdur_t dur,
++ unsigned rate)
++ val->v += (cycles_t)dur.d * rate;
++static inline fschvalue_t FSCHVALUE_SUB(fschvalue_t x, fschvalue_t y)
++ return (fschvalue_t){x.v - y.v};
++static inline cycles_t FSCHVALUE_TO_DELAY(fschvalue_t val, unsigned rate)
++ unsigned long t;
++ /*
++ * Here we lose precision to make the division 32-bit on IA-32.
++ * The value is not greater than TICK_VALUE.
++ * (TICK_VALUE >> FSCHRATE_SHIFT) fits unsigned long.
++ */
++ t = (val.v + (1 << FSCHRATE_SHIFT) - 1) >> FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
++ return (cycles_t)((t + rate - 1) / rate) << FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
++ * Global data
++ */
++#define fsch_assert(x) \
++ do { \
++ static int count; \
++ if (!(x) && count++ < 10) \
++ printk("fsch_assert " #x " failed\n"); \
++ } while (0)
++ * Configurable parameters
++ */
++unsigned fairsched_max_latency = 25; /* jiffies */
++ * Parameters initialized at startup
++ */
++/* Number of online CPUs */
++unsigned fairsched_nr_cpus;
++/* Token Bucket depth (burst size) */
++static fschvalue_t max_value;
++struct fairsched_node fairsched_init_node = {
++ .id = INT_MAX,
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ .owner_env = get_ve0(),
++ .weight = 1,
++struct fairsched_node fairsched_idle_node = {
++ .id = -1,
++static int fairsched_nr_nodes;
++static LIST_HEAD(fairsched_node_head);
++static LIST_HEAD(fairsched_running_head);
++static LIST_HEAD(fairsched_delayed_head);
++DEFINE_PER_CPU(cycles_t, prev_schedule);
++static fschtag_t max_latency;
++static DECLARE_MUTEX(fairsched_mutex);
++ * Small helper routines
++ */
++/* this didn't proved to be very valuable statistics... */
++#define fairsched_inc_ve_strv(node, cycles) do {} while(0)
++#define fairsched_dec_ve_strv(node, cycles) do {} while(0)
++ * Runlist management
++ */
++ * Returns the start_tag of the first runnable node, or 0.
++ */
++static inline fschtag_t virtual_time(void)
++ struct fairsched_node *p;
++ if (!list_empty(&fairsched_running_head)) {
++ p = list_first_entry(&fairsched_running_head,
++ struct fairsched_node, runlist);
++ return p->start_tag;
++ }
++ return FSCHTAG_ZERO;
++static void fairsched_recompute_max_latency(void)
++ struct fairsched_node *p;
++ unsigned w;
++ fschtag_t tag;
++ list_for_each_entry(p, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
++ if (p->weight < w)
++ w = p->weight;
++ }
++ tag = FSCHTAG_ZERO;
++ (void) FSCHTAG_DADD(&tag, TICK_DUR,
++ fairsched_nr_cpus * fairsched_max_latency * w);
++ max_latency = tag;
++static void fairsched_reset_start_tags(void)
++ struct fairsched_node *cnode;
++ fschtag_t min_tag;
++ min_tag = virtual_time();
++ list_for_each_entry(cnode, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
++ if (FSCHTAG_CMP(cnode->start_tag, min_tag) > 0)
++ cnode->start_tag = FSCHTAG_SUB(cnode->start_tag,
++ min_tag);
++ else
++ cnode->start_tag = FSCHTAG_ZERO;
++ }
++static void fairsched_running_insert(struct fairsched_node *node)
++ struct list_head *tmp;
++ struct fairsched_node *p;
++ fschtag_t start_tag_max;
++ if (!list_empty(&fairsched_running_head)) {
++ start_tag_max = virtual_time();
++ if (!FSCHTAG_ADD(&start_tag_max, max_latency) &&
++ FSCHTAG_CMP(start_tag_max, node->start_tag) < 0)
++ node->start_tag = start_tag_max;
++ }
++ list_for_each(tmp, &fairsched_running_head) {
++ p = list_entry(tmp, struct fairsched_node, runlist);
++ if (FSCHTAG_CMP(node->start_tag, p->start_tag) <= 0)
++ break;
++ }
++ /* insert node just before tmp */
++ list_add_tail(&node->runlist, tmp);
++static inline void fairsched_running_insert_fromsleep(
++ struct fairsched_node *node)
++ node->start_tag = FSCHTAG_MAX(node->start_tag, virtual_time());
++ fairsched_running_insert(node);
++ * CPU limiting helper functions
++ *
++ * These functions compute rates, delays and manipulate with sleep
++ * lists and so on.
++ */
++ * Insert a node into the list of nodes removed from scheduling,
++ * sorted by the time at which the the node is allowed to run,
++ * historically called `delay'.
++ */
++static void fairsched_delayed_insert(struct fairsched_node *node)
++ struct fairsched_node *p;
++ struct list_head *tmp;
++ list_for_each(tmp, &fairsched_delayed_head) {
++ p = list_entry(tmp, struct fairsched_node,
++ runlist);
++ if (CYCLES_AFTER(p->delay, node->delay))
++ break;
++ }
++ /* insert node just before tmp */
++ list_add_tail(&node->runlist, tmp);
++static inline void nodevalue_add(struct fairsched_node *node,
++ fschdur_t duration, unsigned rate)
++ FSCHVALUE_DADD(&node->value, duration, rate);
++ if (FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, max_value) > 0)
++ node->value = max_value;
++ * The node has been selected to run.
++ * This function accounts in advance for the time that the node will run.
++ * The advance not used by the node will be credited back.
++ */
++static void fairsched_ratelimit_charge_advance(
++ struct fairsched_node *node,
++ cycles_t time)
++ fsch_assert(!node->delayed);
++ fsch_assert(FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, TICK_VALUE) >= 0);
++ /*
++ * Account for the time passed since last update.
++ * It might be needed if the node has become runnable because of
++ * a wakeup, but hasn't gone through other functions updating
++ * the bucket value.
++ */
++ if (CYCLES_AFTER(time, node->last_updated_at)) {
++ nodevalue_add(node, FSCHDURATION(time, node->last_updated_at),
++ node->rate);
++ node->last_updated_at = time;
++ }
++ /* charge for the full tick the node might be running */
++ node->value = FSCHVALUE_SUB(node->value, TICK_VALUE);
++ if (FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, TICK_VALUE) < 0) {
++ list_del(&node->runlist);
++ node->delayed = 1;
++ node->delay = node->last_updated_at + FSCHVALUE_TO_DELAY(
++ FSCHVALUE_SUB(TICK_VALUE, node->value),
++ node->rate);
++ node->nr_ready = 0;
++ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
++ }
++static void fairsched_ratelimit_credit_unused(
++ struct fairsched_node *node,
++ cycles_t time, fschdur_t duration)
++ /* account for the time passed since last update */
++ if (CYCLES_AFTER(time, node->last_updated_at)) {
++ nodevalue_add(node, FSCHDURATION(time, node->last_updated_at),
++ node->rate);
++ node->last_updated_at = time;
++ }
++ /*
++ * When the node was given this CPU, it was charged for 1 tick.
++ * Credit back the unused time.
++ */
++ if (FSCHDUR_CMP(duration, TICK_DUR) < 0)
++ nodevalue_add(node, FSCHDUR_SUB(TICK_DUR, duration),
++ /* check if the node is allowed to run */
++ if (FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, TICK_VALUE) < 0) {
++ /*
++ * The node was delayed and remain such.
++ * But since the bucket value has been updated,
++ * update the delay time and move the node in the list.
++ */
++ fsch_assert(node->delayed);
++ node->delay = node->last_updated_at + FSCHVALUE_TO_DELAY(
++ FSCHVALUE_SUB(TICK_VALUE, node->value),
++ node->rate);
++ } else if (node->delayed) {
++ /*
++ * The node was delayed, but now it is allowed to run.
++ * We do not manipulate with lists, it will be done by the
++ * caller.
++ */
++ node->nr_ready = node->nr_runnable;
++ node->delayed = 0;
++ }
++static void fairsched_delayed_wake(cycles_t time)
++ struct fairsched_node *p;
++ while (!list_empty(&fairsched_delayed_head)) {
++ p = list_entry(,
++ struct fairsched_node,
++ runlist);
++ if (CYCLES_AFTER(p->delay, time))
++ break;
++ /* ok, the delay period is completed */
++ /* account for the time passed since last update */
++ if (CYCLES_AFTER(time, p->last_updated_at)) {
++ nodevalue_add(p, FSCHDURATION(time, p->last_updated_at),
++ p->rate);
++ p->last_updated_at = time;
++ }
++ fsch_assert(FSCHVALUE_CMP(p->value, TICK_VALUE) >= 0);
++ p->nr_ready = p->nr_runnable;
++ p->delayed = 0;
++ list_del_init(&p->runlist);
++ if (p->nr_ready)
++ fairsched_running_insert_fromsleep(p);
++ }
++static struct fairsched_node *fairsched_find(unsigned int id);
++void fairsched_cpu_online_map(int id, cpumask_t *mask)
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ down(&fairsched_mutex);
++ node = fairsched_find(id);
++ if (node == NULL)
++ *mask = CPU_MASK_NONE;
++ else
++ vsched_cpu_online_map(node->vsched, mask);
++ up(&fairsched_mutex);
++ * The heart of the algorithm:
++ * fairsched_incrun, fairsched_decrun, fairsched_schedule
++ *
++ * Note: old property nr_ready >= nr_pcpu doesn't hold anymore.
++ * However, nr_runnable, nr_ready and delayed are maintained in sync.
++ */
++ * Called on a wakeup inside the node.
++ */
++void fairsched_incrun(struct fairsched_node *node)
++ if (!node->delayed && !node->nr_ready++)
++ /* the node wasn't on the running list, insert */
++ fairsched_running_insert_fromsleep(node);
++ node->nr_runnable++;
++ * Called from inside schedule() when a sleeping state is entered.
++ */
++void fairsched_decrun(struct fairsched_node *node)
++ if (!node->delayed && !--node->nr_ready)
++ /* nr_ready changed 1->0, remove from the running list */
++ list_del_init(&node->runlist);
++ --node->nr_runnable;
++void fairsched_inccpu(struct fairsched_node *node)
++ node->nr_pcpu++;
++ fairsched_dec_ve_strv(node, cycles);
++static inline void __fairsched_deccpu(struct fairsched_node *node)
++ node->nr_pcpu--;
++ fairsched_inc_ve_strv(node, cycles);
++void fairsched_deccpu(struct fairsched_node *node)
++ if (node == &fairsched_idle_node)
++ return;
++ __fairsched_deccpu(node);
++static void fairsched_account(struct fairsched_node *node,
++ cycles_t time)
++ fschdur_t duration;
++ duration = FSCHDURATION(time, __get_cpu_var(prev_schedule));
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ CYCLES_DADD(&node->owner_env->cpu_used_ve, duration);
++ /*
++ * The duration is not greater than TICK_DUR since
++ * task->need_resched is always 1.
++ */
++ if (FSCHTAG_DADD(&node->start_tag, duration, node->weight)) {
++ fairsched_reset_start_tags();
++ (void) FSCHTAG_DADD(&node->start_tag, duration,
++ node->weight);
++ }
++ list_del_init(&node->runlist);
++ if (node->rate_limited)
++ fairsched_ratelimit_credit_unused(node, time, duration);
++ if (!node->delayed) {
++ if (node->nr_ready)
++ fairsched_running_insert(node);
++ } else
++ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
++ * Scheduling decision
++ *
++ * Updates CPU usage for the node releasing the CPU and selects a new node.
++ */
++struct fairsched_node *fairsched_schedule(
++ struct fairsched_node *prev_node,
++ struct fairsched_node *cur_node,
++ int cur_node_active,
++ cycles_t time)
++ struct fairsched_node *p;
++ if (prev_node != &fairsched_idle_node)
++ fairsched_account(prev_node, time);
++ __get_cpu_var(prev_schedule) = time;
++ fairsched_delayed_wake(time);
++ list_for_each_entry(p, &fairsched_running_head, runlist) {
++ if (p->nr_pcpu < p->nr_ready ||
++ (cur_node_active && p == cur_node)) {
++ if (p->rate_limited)
++ fairsched_ratelimit_charge_advance(p, time);
++ return p;
++ }
++ }
++ return NULL;
++ * System calls
++ *
++ * All do_xxx functions are called under fairsched semaphore and after
++ * capability check.
++ *
++ * The binary interfaces follow some other Fair Scheduler implementations
++ * (although some system call arguments are not needed for our implementation).
++ */
++static struct fairsched_node *fairsched_find(unsigned int id)
++ struct fairsched_node *p;
++ list_for_each_entry(p, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
++ if (p->id == id)
++ return p;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static int do_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
++ unsigned int newid)
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ int retval;
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ if (weight < 1 || weight > FSCHWEIGHT_MAX)
++ goto out;
++ if (newid < 0 || newid > INT_MAX)
++ goto out;
++ retval = -EBUSY;
++ if (fairsched_find(newid) != NULL)
++ goto out;
++ retval = -ENOMEM;
++ node = kmalloc(sizeof(*node), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (node == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ memset(node, 0, sizeof(*node));
++ node->weight = weight;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&node->runlist);
++ node->id = newid;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ node->owner_env = get_exec_env();
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ list_add(&node->nodelist, &fairsched_node_head);
++ fairsched_nr_nodes++;
++ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ retval = newid;
++ return retval;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
++ unsigned int newid)
++ int retval;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ return -EPERM;
++ down(&fairsched_mutex);
++ retval = do_fairsched_mknod(parent, weight, newid);
++ up(&fairsched_mutex);
++ return retval;
++static int do_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id)
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ int retval;
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ node = fairsched_find(id);
++ if (node == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ if (node == &fairsched_init_node)
++ goto out;
++ retval = vsched_destroy(node->vsched);
++ if (retval)
++ goto out;
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ list_del(&node->runlist); /* required for delayed nodes */
++ list_del(&node->nodelist);
++ fairsched_nr_nodes--;
++ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ kfree(node);
++ retval = 0;
++ return retval;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id)
++ int retval;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ return -EPERM;
++ down(&fairsched_mutex);
++ retval = do_fairsched_rmnod(id);
++ up(&fairsched_mutex);
++ return retval;
++int do_fairsched_chwt(unsigned int id, unsigned weight)
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ if (id == 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (weight < 1 || weight > FSCHWEIGHT_MAX)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ node = fairsched_find(id);
++ if (node == NULL)
++ return -ENOENT;
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ node->weight = weight;
++ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ return 0;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_chwt(unsigned int id, unsigned weight)
++ int retval;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ return -EPERM;
++ down(&fairsched_mutex);
++ retval = do_fairsched_chwt(id, weight);
++ up(&fairsched_mutex);
++ return retval;
++int do_fairsched_rate(unsigned int id, int op, unsigned rate)
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ cycles_t time;
++ int retval;
++ if (id == 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (op == 0 && (rate < 1 || rate >= (1UL << 31)))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ node = fairsched_find(id);
++ if (node == NULL)
++ return -ENOENT;
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ time = get_cycles();
++ switch (op) {
++ case 0:
++ node->rate = rate;
++ if (node->rate > (fairsched_nr_cpus << FSCHRATE_SHIFT))
++ node->rate =
++ fairsched_nr_cpus << FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
++ node->rate_limited = 1;
++ node->value = max_value;
++ if (node->delayed) {
++ list_del(&node->runlist);
++ node->delay = time;
++ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
++ node->last_updated_at = time;
++ fairsched_delayed_wake(time);
++ }
++ retval = node->rate;
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ node->rate = 0; /* This assignment is not needed
++ for the kernel code, and it should
++ not rely on rate being 0 when it's
++ unset. This is a band-aid for some
++ existing tools (don't know which one
++ exactly). --SAW */
++ node->rate_limited = 0;
++ node->value = max_value;
++ if (node->delayed) {
++ list_del(&node->runlist);
++ node->delay = time;
++ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
++ node->last_updated_at = time;
++ fairsched_delayed_wake(time);
++ }
++ retval = 0;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ if (node->rate_limited)
++ retval = node->rate;
++ else
++ retval = -ENODATA;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ return retval;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rate(unsigned int id, int op, unsigned rate)
++ int retval;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ return -EPERM;
++ down(&fairsched_mutex);
++ retval = do_fairsched_rate(id, op, rate);
++ up(&fairsched_mutex);
++ return retval;
++ * Called under fairsched_mutex.
++ */
++static int __do_fairsched_mvpr(struct task_struct *p,
++ struct fairsched_node *node)
++ int retval;
++ if (node->vsched == NULL) {
++ retval = vsched_create(node->id, node);
++ if (retval < 0)
++ return retval;
++ }
++ /* no need to destroy vsched in case of mvpr failure */
++ return vsched_mvpr(p, node->vsched);
++int do_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid)
++ struct task_struct *p;
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ int retval;
++ retval = -ENOENT;
++ node = fairsched_find(nodeid);
++ if (node == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ retval = -ESRCH;
++ p = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
++ if (p == NULL)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ get_task_struct(p);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ retval = __do_fairsched_mvpr(p, node);
++ put_task_struct(p);
++ return retval;
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ return retval;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid)
++ int retval;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ return -EPERM;
++ down(&fairsched_mutex);
++ retval = do_fairsched_mvpr(pid, nodeid);
++ up(&fairsched_mutex);
++ return retval;
++ * proc interface
++ */
++struct fairsched_node_dump {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ envid_t veid;
++ int id;
++ unsigned weight;
++ unsigned rate;
++ unsigned rate_limited : 1,
++ delayed : 1;
++ fschtag_t start_tag;
++ fschvalue_t value;
++ cycles_t delay;
++ int nr_ready;
++ int nr_runnable;
++ int nr_pcpu;
++ int nr_tasks, nr_runtasks;
++struct fairsched_dump {
++ int len, compat;
++ struct fairsched_node_dump nodes[0];
++static struct fairsched_dump *fairsched_do_dump(int compat)
++ int nr_nodes;
++ int len, i;
++ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ struct fairsched_node_dump *p;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ nr_nodes = (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? fairsched_nr_nodes + 16 : 1);
++ len = sizeof(*dump) + nr_nodes * sizeof(dump->nodes[0]);
++ dump = ub_vmalloc(len);
++ if (dump == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&fairsched_lock, flags);
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && nr_nodes < fairsched_nr_nodes)
++ goto repeat;
++ p = dump->nodes;
++ list_for_each_entry_reverse(node, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
++ if ((char *)p - (char *)dump >= len)
++ break;
++ p->nr_tasks = 0;
++ p->nr_runtasks = 0;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (!ve_accessible(node->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
++ p->veid = node->owner_env->veid;
++ if (compat) {
++ p->nr_tasks = atomic_read(&node->owner_env->pcounter);
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ p->nr_runtasks +=
++ VE_CPU_STATS(node->owner_env, i)
++ ->nr_running;
++ if (p->nr_runtasks < 0)
++ p->nr_runtasks = 0;
++ }
++ p->id = node->id;
++ p->weight = node->weight;
++ p->rate = node->rate;
++ p->rate_limited = node->rate_limited;
++ p->delayed = node->delayed;
++ p->start_tag = node->start_tag;
++ p->value = node->value;
++ p->delay = node->delay;
++ p->nr_ready = node->nr_ready;
++ p->nr_runnable = node->nr_runnable;
++ p->nr_pcpu = node->nr_pcpu;
++ p++;
++ }
++ dump->len = p - dump->nodes;
++ dump->compat = compat;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
++ return dump;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
++ vfree(dump);
++ goto start;
++#if defined(CONFIG_VE)
++ * File format is dictated by compatibility reasons.
++ */
++static int fairsched_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
++ struct fairsched_node_dump *p;
++ unsigned vid, nid, pid, r;
++ dump = m->private;
++ p = (struct fairsched_node_dump *)((unsigned long)v & ~3UL);
++ if (p - dump->nodes < FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES) {
++ if (p == dump->nodes)
++ seq_printf(m, "Version: 2.6 debug\n");
++ else if (p == dump->nodes + 1)
++ seq_printf(m,
++ " veid "
++ " id "
++ " parent "
++ "weight "
++ " rate "
++ "tasks "
++ " run "
++ "cpus"
++ " "
++ "flg "
++ "ready "
++ " start_tag "
++ " value "
++ " delay"
++ "\n");
++ } else {
++ vid = nid = pid = 0;
++ r = (unsigned long)v & 3;
++ if (p == dump->nodes) {
++ if (r == 2)
++ nid = p->id;
++ } else {
++ if (!r)
++ nid = p->id;
++ else if (r == 1)
++ vid = pid = p->id;
++ else
++ vid = p->id, nid = 1;
++ }
++ seq_printf(m,
++ "%10u "
++ "%10u %10u %6u %5u %5u %5u %4u"
++ " "
++ " %c%c %5u %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu"
++ "\n",
++ vid,
++ nid,
++ pid,
++ p->weight,
++ p->rate,
++ p->nr_tasks,
++ p->nr_runtasks,
++ p->nr_pcpu,
++ p->rate_limited ? 'L' : '.',
++ p->delayed ? 'D' : '.',
++ p->nr_ready,
++ p->start_tag.t,
++ p->value.v,
++ p->delay
++ );
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void *fairsched_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
++ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
++ unsigned long l;
++ dump = m->private;
++ if (*pos >= dump->len * 3 - 1 + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES)
++ return NULL;
++ return dump->nodes + *pos;
++ /* guess why... */
++ l = (unsigned long)(dump->nodes +
++ ((unsigned long)*pos + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES * 2 + 1) / 3);
++ l |= ((unsigned long)*pos + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES * 2 + 1) % 3;
++ return (void *)l;
++static void *fairsched_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
++ ++*pos;
++ return fairsched_seq_start(m, pos);
++static int fairsched2_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
++ struct fairsched_node_dump *p;
++ dump = m->private;
++ p = v;
++ if (p - dump->nodes < FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES) {
++ if (p == dump->nodes)
++ seq_printf(m, "Version: 2.7" FAIRSHED_DEBUG "\n");
++ else if (p == dump->nodes + 1)
++ seq_printf(m,
++ " id "
++ "weight "
++ " rate "
++ " run "
++ "cpus"
++ " "
++ "flg "
++ "ready "
++ " start_tag "
++ " value "
++ " delay"
++ "\n");
++ } else {
++ seq_printf(m,
++ "%10u %6u %5u %5u %4u"
++ " "
++ " %c%c %5u %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu"
++ "\n",
++ p->id,
++ p->weight,
++ p->rate,
++ p->nr_runnable,
++ p->nr_pcpu
++ ,
++ p->rate_limited ? 'L' : '.',
++ p->delayed ? 'D' : '.',
++ p->nr_ready,
++ p->start_tag.t,
++ p->value.v,
++ p->delay
++ );
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void *fairsched2_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
++ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
++ dump = m->private;
++ if (*pos >= dump->len + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES)
++ return NULL;
++ return dump->nodes + *pos;
++static void *fairsched2_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
++ ++*pos;
++ return fairsched2_seq_start(m, pos);
++static void fairsched2_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++static struct seq_operations fairsched_seq_op = {
++ .start = fairsched_seq_start,
++ .next = fairsched_seq_next,
++ .stop = fairsched2_seq_stop,
++ .show = fairsched_seq_show
++static struct seq_operations fairsched2_seq_op = {
++ .start = fairsched2_seq_start,
++ .next = fairsched2_seq_next,
++ .stop = fairsched2_seq_stop,
++ .show = fairsched2_seq_show
++static int fairsched_seq_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int ret;
++ struct seq_file *m;
++ int compat;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ compat = (file->f_dentry->d_name.len == sizeof("fairsched") - 1);
++ ret = seq_open(file, compat ? &fairsched_seq_op : &fairsched2_seq_op);
++ compat = 0;
++ ret = seq_open(file, fairsched2_seq_op);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ m = file->private_data;
++ m->private = fairsched_do_dump(compat);
++ if (m->private == NULL) {
++ seq_release(inode, file);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ return ret;
++static int fairsched_seq_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ struct seq_file *m;
++ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
++ m = file->private_data;
++ dump = m->private;
++ m->private = NULL;
++ vfree(dump);
++ seq_release(inode, file);
++ return 0;
++static struct file_operations proc_fairsched_operations = {
++ .open = fairsched_seq_open,
++ .read = seq_read,
++ .llseek = seq_lseek,
++ .release = fairsched_seq_release
++ * Fairsched initialization
++ */
++int fsch_sysctl_latency(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
++ void *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
++ int *valp = ctl->data;
++ int val = *valp;
++ int ret;
++ ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
++ if (!write || *valp == val)
++ return ret;
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ return ret;
++static void fairsched_calibrate(void)
++ fairsched_nr_cpus = num_online_cpus();
++ max_value = FSCHVALUE(cycles_per_jiffy * (fairsched_nr_cpus + 1));
++void __init fairsched_init_early(void)
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Virtuozzo Fair CPU scheduler\n");
++ list_add(&fairsched_init_node.nodelist, &fairsched_node_head);
++ fairsched_nr_nodes++;
++ * Note: this function is execute late in the initialization sequence.
++ * We ourselves need calibrated cycles and initialized procfs...
++ * The consequence of this late initialization is that start tags are
++ * efficiently ignored and each node preempts others on insertion.
++ * But it isn't a problem (only init node can be runnable).
++ */
++void __init fairsched_init_late(void)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *entry;
++ if (get_cycles() == 0)
++ panic("FAIRSCHED: no TSC!\n");
++ fairsched_calibrate();
++ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
++ entry = create_proc_glob_entry("fairsched", S_IRUGO, NULL);
++ if (entry)
++ entry->proc_fops = &proc_fairsched_operations;
++ entry = create_proc_glob_entry("fairsched2", S_IRUGO, NULL);
++ if (entry)
++ entry->proc_fops = &proc_fairsched_operations;
++#else /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
++ * No Fairsched
++ */
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
++ unsigned int newid)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_chwt(unsigned int id, unsigned int weight)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rate(unsigned int id, int op, unsigned rate)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++void __init fairsched_init_late(void)
++#endif /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -20,12 +20,14 @@
+ #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/namespace.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
+ #include <linux/personality.h>
+ #include <linux/mempolicy.h>
+ #include <linux/sem.h>
+ #include <linux/file.h>
+ #include <linux/binfmts.h>
+ #include <linux/mman.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ #include <linux/cpu.h>
+ #include <linux/security.h>
+@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
+ #include <linux/mount.h>
+ #include <linux/audit.h>
+ #include <linux/rmap.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
+ #include <asm/pgalloc.h>
+@@ -44,10 +47,14 @@
+ #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ /* The idle threads do not count..
+ * Protected by write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock)
+ */
+ int nr_threads;
+ int max_threads;
+ unsigned long total_forks; /* Handle normal Linux uptimes. */
+@@ -77,13 +84,14 @@ static kmem_cache_t *task_struct_cachep;
+ static void free_task(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ {
++ ub_task_uncharge(tsk);
+ free_thread_info(tsk->thread_info);
+ free_task_struct(tsk);
+ }
+ void __put_task_struct(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ {
+- WARN_ON(!(tsk->state & (TASK_DEAD | TASK_ZOMBIE)));
++ WARN_ON(!(tsk->exit_state & (EXIT_DEAD | EXIT_ZOMBIE)));
+ WARN_ON(atomic_read(&tsk->usage));
+ WARN_ON(tsk == current);
+@@ -92,6 +100,13 @@ void __put_task_struct(struct task_struc
+ security_task_free(tsk);
+ free_uid(tsk->user);
+ put_group_info(tsk->group_info);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ put_ve(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env);
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ nr_dead--;
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ free_task(tsk);
+ }
+@@ -219,7 +234,7 @@ void __init fork_init(unsigned long memp
+ /* create a slab on which task_structs can be allocated */
+ task_struct_cachep =
+ kmem_cache_create("task_struct", sizeof(struct task_struct),
+ #endif
+ /*
+@@ -250,19 +265,30 @@ static struct task_struct *dup_task_stru
+ return NULL;
+ ti = alloc_thread_info(tsk);
+- if (!ti) {
+- free_task_struct(tsk);
+- return NULL;
+- }
++ if (ti == NULL)
++ goto out_free_task;
+ *ti = *orig->thread_info;
+ *tsk = *orig;
+ tsk->thread_info = ti;
+ ti->task = tsk;
++ /* Our parent has been killed by OOM killer... Go away */
++ if (tsk->flags & PF_MEMDIE)
++ goto out_free_thread;
++ if (ub_task_charge(orig, tsk) < 0)
++ goto out_free_thread;
+ /* One for us, one for whoever does the "release_task()" (usually parent) */
+ atomic_set(&tsk->usage,2);
+ return tsk;
++ free_thread_info(ti);
++ free_task_struct(tsk);
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ #ifdef CONFIG_MMU
+@@ -308,9 +334,14 @@ static inline int dup_mmap(struct mm_str
+ if (mpnt->vm_flags & VM_ACCOUNT) {
+ unsigned int len = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ if (security_vm_enough_memory(len))
+- goto fail_nomem;
++ goto fail_nocharge;
+ charge = len;
+ }
++ if (ub_privvm_charge(mm_ub(mm), mpnt->vm_flags, mpnt->vm_file,
++ mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start))
++ goto fail_nocharge;
+ tmp = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
+ if (!tmp)
+ goto fail_nomem;
+@@ -323,6 +354,7 @@ static inline int dup_mmap(struct mm_str
+ tmp->vm_flags &= ~VM_LOCKED;
+ tmp->vm_mm = mm;
+ tmp->vm_next = NULL;
++ tmp->vm_rss = 0;
+ anon_vma_link(tmp);
+ vma_prio_tree_init(tmp);
+ file = tmp->vm_file;
+@@ -372,6 +404,9 @@ out:
+ fail_nomem_policy:
+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, tmp);
+ fail_nomem:
++ ub_privvm_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), mpnt->vm_flags, mpnt->vm_file,
++ mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start);
+ retval = -ENOMEM;
+ vm_unacct_memory(charge);
+ goto out;
+@@ -403,7 +438,8 @@ int mmlist_nr;
+ #include <linux/init_task.h>
+-static struct mm_struct * mm_init(struct mm_struct * mm)
++static struct mm_struct * mm_init(struct mm_struct * mm,
++ struct user_beancounter * ub)
+ {
+ atomic_set(&mm->mm_users, 1);
+ atomic_set(&mm->mm_count, 1);
+@@ -414,11 +450,15 @@ static struct mm_struct * mm_init(struct
+ mm->ioctx_list = NULL;
+ mm->default_kioctx = (struct kioctx)INIT_KIOCTX(mm->default_kioctx, *mm);
+ mm->free_area_cache = TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE;
++ mm_ub(mm) = get_beancounter(ub);
+ if (likely(!mm_alloc_pgd(mm))) {
+ mm->def_flags = 0;
+ return mm;
+ }
++ put_beancounter(mm_ub(mm));
+ free_mm(mm);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -433,7 +473,7 @@ struct mm_struct * mm_alloc(void)
+ mm = allocate_mm();
+ if (mm) {
+ memset(mm, 0, sizeof(*mm));
+- mm = mm_init(mm);
++ mm = mm_init(mm, get_exec_ub());
+ }
+ return mm;
+ }
+@@ -448,6 +488,7 @@ void fastcall __mmdrop(struct mm_struct
+ BUG_ON(mm == &init_mm);
+ mm_free_pgd(mm);
+ destroy_context(mm);
++ put_beancounter(mm_ub(mm));
+ free_mm(mm);
+ }
+@@ -462,6 +503,7 @@ void mmput(struct mm_struct *mm)
+ spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
+ exit_aio(mm);
+ exit_mmap(mm);
++ virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_EXITMMAP, mm);
+ mmdrop(mm);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -562,7 +604,7 @@ static int copy_mm(unsigned long clone_f
+ /* Copy the current MM stuff.. */
+ memcpy(mm, oldmm, sizeof(*mm));
+- if (!mm_init(mm))
++ if (!mm_init(mm, get_task_ub(tsk)))
+ goto fail_nomem;
+ if (init_new_context(tsk,mm))
+@@ -588,6 +630,7 @@ fail_nocontext:
+ * because it calls destroy_context()
+ */
+ mm_free_pgd(mm);
++ put_beancounter(mm_ub(mm));
+ free_mm(mm);
+ return retval;
+ }
+@@ -853,7 +896,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_set_tid_address(int
+ {
+ current->clear_child_tid = tidptr;
+- return current->pid;
++ return virt_pid(current);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -869,7 +912,8 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
+ struct pt_regs *regs,
+ unsigned long stack_size,
+ int __user *parent_tidptr,
+- int __user *child_tidptr)
++ int __user *child_tidptr,
++ long pid)
+ {
+ int retval;
+ struct task_struct *p = NULL;
+@@ -929,19 +973,28 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
+ p->did_exec = 0;
+ copy_flags(clone_flags, p);
+- if (clone_flags & CLONE_IDLETASK)
++ if (clone_flags & CLONE_IDLETASK) {
+ p->pid = 0;
+- else {
++ set_virt_pid(p, 0);
++ } else {
+ p->pid = alloc_pidmap();
+ if (p->pid == -1)
++ goto bad_fork_cleanup_pid;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ set_virt_pid(p, alloc_vpid(p->pid, pid ? : -1));
++ if (virt_pid(p) < 0)
+ goto bad_fork_cleanup;
+ }
+ retval = -EFAULT;
+ if (clone_flags & CLONE_PARENT_SETTID)
+- if (put_user(p->pid, parent_tidptr))
++ if (put_user(virt_pid(p), parent_tidptr))
+ goto bad_fork_cleanup;
+ p->proc_dentry = NULL;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->glob_proc_dentry = NULL;
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->children);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->sibling);
+@@ -1017,6 +1070,7 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
+ /* ok, now we should be set up.. */
+ p->exit_signal = (clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD) ? -1 : (clone_flags & CSIGNAL);
+ p->pdeath_signal = 0;
++ p->exit_state = 0;
+ /* Perform scheduler related setup */
+ sched_fork(p);
+@@ -1026,12 +1080,26 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
+ * We dont wake it up yet.
+ */
+ p->tgid = p->pid;
++ set_virt_tgid(p, virt_pid(p));
++ set_virt_pgid(p, virt_pgid(current));
++ set_virt_sid(p, virt_sid(current));
+ p->group_leader = p;
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->ptrace_children);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->ptrace_list);
+ /* Need tasklist lock for parent etc handling! */
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ /*
++ * The task hasn't been attached yet, so cpus_allowed mask cannot
++ * have changed. The cpus_allowed mask of the parent may have
++ * changed after it was copied first time, and it may then move to
++ * another CPU - so we re-copy it here and set the child's CPU to
++ * the parent's CPU. This avoids alot of nasty races.
++ */
++ p->cpus_allowed = current->cpus_allowed;
++ set_task_cpu(p, task_cpu(current));
+ /*
+ * Check for pending SIGKILL! The new thread should not be allowed
+ * to slip out of an OOM kill. (or normal SIGKILL.)
+@@ -1043,7 +1111,7 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
+ }
+ /* CLONE_PARENT re-uses the old parent */
+- if (clone_flags & CLONE_PARENT)
++ if (clone_flags & (CLONE_PARENT|CLONE_THREAD))
+ p->real_parent = current->real_parent;
+ else
+ p->real_parent = current;
+@@ -1063,6 +1131,7 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
+ goto bad_fork_cleanup_namespace;
+ }
+ p->tgid = current->tgid;
++ set_virt_tgid(p, virt_tgid(current));
+ p->group_leader = current->group_leader;
+ if (current->signal->group_stop_count > 0) {
+@@ -1082,15 +1151,20 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
+ if (p->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)
+ __ptrace_link(p, current->parent);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ atomic_inc(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->pcounter);
++ get_ve(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
++ seqcount_init(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->wakeup_lock);
+ attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PID, p->pid);
++ attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_TGID, p->tgid);
+ if (thread_group_leader(p)) {
+- attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_TGID, p->tgid);
+ attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID, process_group(p));
+ attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_SID, p->signal->session);
+ if (p->pid)
+ __get_cpu_var(process_counts)++;
+- } else
+- link_pid(p, p->pids + PIDTYPE_TGID, &p->group_leader->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].pid);
++ }
+ nr_threads++;
+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+@@ -1126,6 +1200,11 @@ bad_fork_cleanup_policy:
+ mpol_free(p->mempolicy);
+ #endif
+ bad_fork_cleanup:
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (virt_pid(p) != p->pid && virt_pid(p) > 0)
++ free_vpid(virt_pid(p), get_exec_env());
+ if (p->pid > 0)
+ free_pidmap(p->pid);
+ if (p->binfmt)
+@@ -1163,12 +1242,13 @@ static inline int fork_traceflag (unsign
+ * It copies the process, and if successful kick-starts
+ * it and waits for it to finish using the VM if required.
+ */
+-long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
++long do_fork_pid(unsigned long clone_flags,
+ unsigned long stack_start,
+ struct pt_regs *regs,
+ unsigned long stack_size,
+ int __user *parent_tidptr,
+- int __user *child_tidptr)
++ int __user *child_tidptr,
++ long pid0)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ int trace = 0;
+@@ -1180,12 +1260,12 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
+ clone_flags |= CLONE_PTRACE;
+ }
+- p = copy_process(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size, parent_tidptr, child_tidptr);
++ p = copy_process(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size, parent_tidptr, child_tidptr, pid0);
+ /*
+ * Do this prior waking up the new thread - the thread pointer
+ * might get invalid after that point, if the thread exits quickly.
+ */
+- pid = IS_ERR(p) ? PTR_ERR(p) : p->pid;
++ pid = IS_ERR(p) ? PTR_ERR(p) : virt_pid(p);
+ if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
+ struct completion vfork;
+@@ -1220,25 +1300,24 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
+ else
+ wake_up_forked_process(p);
+ } else {
+- int cpu = get_cpu();
+ p->state = TASK_STOPPED;
+- if (cpu_is_offline(task_cpu(p)))
+- set_task_cpu(p, cpu);
+- put_cpu();
+ }
+ ++total_forks;
+ if (unlikely (trace)) {
+ current->ptrace_message = pid;
++ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_FORK);
+ ptrace_notify ((trace << 8) | SIGTRAP);
++ clear_pn_state(current);
+ }
+ if (clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) {
+ wait_for_completion(&vfork);
+- if (unlikely (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_VFORK_DONE))
++ if (unlikely (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_VFORK_DONE)) {
++ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_VFORK);
+ ptrace_notify ((PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE << 8) | SIGTRAP);
++ clear_pn_state(current);
++ }
+ } else
+ /*
+ * Let the child process run first, to avoid most of the
+@@ -1249,6 +1328,20 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
+ return pid;
+ }
++long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
++ unsigned long stack_start,
++ struct pt_regs *regs,
++ unsigned long stack_size,
++ int __user *parent_tidptr,
++ int __user *child_tidptr)
++ return do_fork_pid(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size,
++ parent_tidptr, child_tidptr, 0);
+ /* SLAB cache for signal_struct structures (tsk->signal) */
+ kmem_cache_t *signal_cachep;
+@@ -1267,24 +1360,26 @@ kmem_cache_t *vm_area_cachep;
+ /* SLAB cache for mm_struct structures (tsk->mm) */
+ kmem_cache_t *mm_cachep;
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ void __init proc_caches_init(void)
+ {
+ sighand_cachep = kmem_cache_create("sighand_cache",
+ sizeof(struct sighand_struct), 0,
+ signal_cachep = kmem_cache_create("signal_cache",
+ sizeof(struct signal_struct), 0,
+ files_cachep = kmem_cache_create("files_cache",
+ sizeof(struct files_struct), 0,
++ files_cachep->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
+ fs_cachep = kmem_cache_create("fs_cache",
+ sizeof(struct fs_struct), 0,
+ vm_area_cachep = kmem_cache_create("vm_area_struct",
+ sizeof(struct vm_area_struct), 0,
+ mm_cachep = kmem_cache_create("mm_struct",
+ sizeof(struct mm_struct), 0,
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -258,6 +258,18 @@ static void drop_key_refs(union futex_ke
+ }
+ }
++static inline int get_futex_value_locked(int *dest, int __user *from)
++ int ret;
++ inc_preempt_count();
++ ret = __copy_from_user(dest, from, sizeof(int));
++ dec_preempt_count();
++ preempt_check_resched();
++ return ret ? -EFAULT : 0;
+ /*
+ * The hash bucket lock must be held when this is called.
+ * Afterwards, the futex_q must not be accessed.
+@@ -329,6 +341,7 @@ static int futex_requeue(unsigned long u
+ int ret, drop_count = 0;
+ unsigned int nqueued;
++ retry:
+ down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ ret = get_futex_key(uaddr1, &key1);
+@@ -355,9 +368,20 @@ static int futex_requeue(unsigned long u
+ before *uaddr1. */
+ smp_mb();
+- if (get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr1) != 0) {
+- ret = -EFAULT;
+- goto out;
++ ret = get_futex_value_locked(&curval, (int __user *)uaddr1);
++ if (unlikely(ret)) {
++ /* If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem, fault
++ * it in and start all over again.
++ */
++ up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ ret = get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr1);
++ if (!ret)
++ goto retry;
++ return ret;
+ }
+ if (curval != *valp) {
+ ret = -EAGAIN;
+@@ -480,6 +504,7 @@ static int futex_wait(unsigned long uadd
+ int ret, curval;
+ struct futex_q q;
++ retry:
+ down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
+ ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, &q.key);
+@@ -493,9 +518,23 @@ static int futex_wait(unsigned long uadd
+ * We hold the mmap semaphore, so the mapping cannot have changed
+ * since we looked it up.
+ */
+- if (get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr) != 0) {
+- ret = -EFAULT;
+- goto out_unqueue;
++ ret = get_futex_value_locked(&curval, (int __user *)uaddr);
++ if (unlikely(ret)) {
++ /* If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem, fault it in and
++ * start all over again.
++ */
++ up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ if (!unqueue_me(&q)) /* There's a chance we got woken already */
++ return 0;
++ ret = get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr);
++ if (!ret)
++ goto retry;
++ return ret;
+ }
+ if (curval != val) {
+@@ -538,8 +577,8 @@ static int futex_wait(unsigned long uadd
+ return 0;
+ if (time == 0)
+ return -ETIMEDOUT;
+- /* A spurious wakeup should never happen. */
+- WARN_ON(!signal_pending(current));
++ /* We expect signal_pending(current), but another thread may
++ * have handled it for us already. */
+ return -EINTR;
+ out_unqueue:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ int request_module(const char *fmt, ...)
+ #define MAX_KMOD_CONCURRENT 50 /* Completely arbitrary value - KAO */
+ static int kmod_loop_msg;
++ /* Don't allow request_module() inside VE. */
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EPERM;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ ret = vsnprintf(module_name, MODULE_NAME_LEN, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+@@ -260,6 +264,9 @@ int call_usermodehelper(char *path, char
+ };
+ DECLARE_WORK(work, __call_usermodehelper, &sub_info);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EPERM;
+ if (!khelper_wq)
+ return -EBUSY;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static void keventd_create_kthread(void
+ create->result = ERR_PTR(pid);
+ } else {
+ wait_for_completion(&create->started);
+- create->result = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ create->result = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
+ }
+ complete(&create->done);
+ }
+@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ void kthread_bind(struct task_struct *k,
+ /* Must have done schedule() in kthread() before we set_task_cpu */
+ wait_task_inactive(k);
++ /* The following lines look to be unprotected, possible race - vlad */
+ set_task_cpu(k, cpu);
+ k->cpus_allowed = cpumask_of_cpu(cpu);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
+ int panic_timeout;
+ int panic_on_oops;
+ int tainted;
++int kernel_text_csum_broken;
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(panic_timeout);
+@@ -125,7 +127,8 @@ const char *print_tainted(void)
+ {
+ static char buf[20];
+ if (tainted) {
+- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Tainted: %c%c%c",
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Tainted: %c%c%c%c",
++ kernel_text_csum_broken ? 'B' : ' ',
+ tainted & TAINT_PROPRIETARY_MODULE ? 'P' : 'G',
+ tainted & TAINT_FORCED_MODULE ? 'F' : ' ',
+ tainted & TAINT_UNSAFE_SMP ? 'S' : ' ');
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,8 +26,12 @@
+ #include <linux/bootmem.h>
+ #include <linux/hash.h>
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++static void __free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve);
+ #define pid_hashfn(nr) hash_long((unsigned long)nr, pidhash_shift)
+-static struct list_head *pid_hash[PIDTYPE_MAX];
++static struct hlist_head *pid_hash[PIDTYPE_MAX];
+ static int pidhash_shift;
+ int pid_max = PID_MAX_DEFAULT;
+@@ -50,8 +54,14 @@ typedef struct pidmap {
+ void *page;
+ } pidmap_t;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
+ static pidmap_t pidmap_array[PIDMAP_ENTRIES] =
+ static pidmap_t *map_limit = pidmap_array + PIDMAP_ENTRIES;
+@@ -62,6 +72,8 @@ fastcall void free_pidmap(int pid)
+ pidmap_t *map = pidmap_array + pid / BITS_PER_PAGE;
+ int offset = pid & BITS_PER_PAGE_MASK;
++ BUG_ON(__is_virtual_pid(pid) || pid == 1);
+ clear_bit(offset, map->page);
+ atomic_inc(&map->nr_free);
+ }
+@@ -103,6 +115,8 @@ int alloc_pidmap(void)
+ pidmap_t *map;
+ pid = last_pid + 1;
++ if (__is_virtual_pid(pid))
++ pid += VPID_DIV;
+ if (pid >= pid_max)
+@@ -133,6 +147,8 @@ next_map:
+ */
+ scan_more:
+ offset = find_next_zero_bit(map->page, BITS_PER_PAGE, offset);
++ if (__is_virtual_pid(offset))
++ offset += VPID_DIV;
+ if (offset >= BITS_PER_PAGE)
+ goto next_map;
+ if (test_and_set_bit(offset, map->page))
+@@ -146,92 +162,134 @@ failure:
+ return -1;
+ }
+-fastcall struct pid *find_pid(enum pid_type type, int nr)
++struct pid * fastcall find_pid(enum pid_type type, int nr)
+ {
+- struct list_head *elem, *bucket = &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)];
++ struct hlist_node *elem;
+ struct pid *pid;
+- __list_for_each(elem, bucket) {
+- pid = list_entry(elem, struct pid, hash_chain);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(pid, elem,
++ &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)], pid_chain) {
+ if (pid->nr == nr)
+ return pid;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+-void fastcall link_pid(task_t *task, struct pid_link *link, struct pid *pid)
+- atomic_inc(&pid->count);
+- list_add_tail(&link->pid_chain, &pid->task_list);
+- link->pidptr = pid;
+ int fastcall attach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type, int nr)
+ {
+- struct pid *pid = find_pid(type, nr);
++ struct pid *pid, *task_pid;
+- if (pid)
+- atomic_inc(&pid->count);
+- else {
+- pid = &task->pids[type].pid;
+- pid->nr = nr;
+- atomic_set(&pid->count, 1);
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pid->task_list);
+- pid->task = task;
+- get_task_struct(task);
+- list_add(&pid->hash_chain, &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)]);
++ task_pid = &task->pids[type];
++ pid = find_pid(type, nr);
++ if (pid == NULL) {
++ hlist_add_head(&task_pid->pid_chain,
++ &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)]);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&task_pid->pid_list);
++ } else {
++ INIT_HLIST_NODE(&task_pid->pid_chain);
++ list_add_tail(&task_pid->pid_list, &pid->pid_list);
+ }
+- list_add_tail(&task->pids[type].pid_chain, &pid->task_list);
+- task->pids[type].pidptr = pid;
++ task_pid->nr = nr;
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static inline int __detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
++static fastcall int __detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
+ {
+- struct pid_link *link = task->pids + type;
+- struct pid *pid = link->pidptr;
+- int nr;
++ struct pid *pid, *pid_next;
++ int nr = 0;
++ pid = &task->pids[type];
++ if (!hlist_unhashed(&pid->pid_chain)) {
++ hlist_del(&pid->pid_chain);
++ if (list_empty(&pid->pid_list))
++ nr = pid->nr;
++ else {
++ pid_next = list_entry(pid->,
++ struct pid, pid_list);
++ /* insert next pid from pid_list to hash */
++ hlist_add_head(&pid_next->pid_chain,
++ &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(pid_next->nr)]);
++ }
++ }
+- list_del(&link->pid_chain);
+- if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&pid->count))
+- return 0;
+- nr = pid->nr;
+- list_del(&pid->hash_chain);
+- put_task_struct(pid->task);
++ list_del(&pid->pid_list);
++ pid->nr = 0;
+ return nr;
+ }
+-static void _detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
+- __detach_pid(task, type);
+ void fastcall detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
+ {
+- int nr = __detach_pid(task, type);
++ int i;
++ int nr;
++ nr = __detach_pid(task, type);
+ if (!nr)
+ return;
+- for (type = 0; type < PIDTYPE_MAX; ++type)
+- if (find_pid(type, nr))
++ for (i = 0; i < PIDTYPE_MAX; ++i)
++ if (find_pid(i, nr))
+ return;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ __free_vpid(task->pids[type].vnr, VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env);
+ free_pidmap(nr);
+ }
+-task_t *find_task_by_pid(int nr)
++task_t *find_task_by_pid_type(int type, int nr)
+ {
+- struct pid *pid = find_pid(PIDTYPE_PID, nr);
++ BUG();
++ return NULL;
++task_t *find_task_by_pid_type_all(int type, int nr)
++ struct pid *pid;
++ BUG_ON(nr != -1 && is_virtual_pid(nr));
++ pid = find_pid(type, nr);
+ if (!pid)
+ return NULL;
+- return pid_task(pid->, PIDTYPE_PID);
++ return pid_task(&pid->pid_list, type);
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++task_t *find_task_by_pid_type_ve(int type, int nr)
++ task_t *tsk;
++ int gnr = nr;
++ struct pid *pid;
++ if (is_virtual_pid(nr)) {
++ gnr = __vpid_to_pid(nr);
++ if (unlikely(gnr == -1))
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ pid = find_pid(type, gnr);
++ if (!pid)
++ return NULL;
++ tsk = pid_task(&pid->pid_list, type);
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
++ return NULL;
++ return tsk;
+ /*
+ * This function switches the PIDs if a non-leader thread calls
+@@ -240,16 +298,19 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(find_task_by_pid);
+ */
+ void switch_exec_pids(task_t *leader, task_t *thread)
+ {
+- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PID);
+- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_TGID);
+- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PGID);
+- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_SID);
++ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PID);
++ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_TGID);
++ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PGID);
++ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_SID);
+- _detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_PID);
+- _detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_TGID);
++ __detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_PID);
++ __detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_TGID);
+ leader->pid = leader->tgid = thread->pid;
+ thread->pid = thread->tgid;
++ set_virt_tgid(leader, virt_pid(thread));
++ set_virt_pid(leader, virt_pid(thread));
++ set_virt_pid(thread, virt_tgid(thread));
+ attach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_PID, thread->pid);
+ attach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_TGID, thread->tgid);
+@@ -263,6 +324,337 @@ void switch_exec_pids(task_t *leader, ta
+ attach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_SID, leader->signal->session);
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++/* Virtual PID bits.
++ *
++ * At the moment all internal structures in kernel store real global pid.
++ * The only place, where virtual PID is used, is at user frontend. We
++ * remap virtual pids obtained from user to global ones (vpid_to_pid) and
++ * map globals to virtuals before showing them to user (virt_pid_type).
++ *
++ * We hold virtual PIDs inside struct pid, so map global -> virtual is easy.
++ */
++pid_t _pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid)
++ struct pid * p;
++ if (unlikely(is_virtual_pid(pid)))
++ return -1;
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ p = find_pid(type, pid);
++ if (p) {
++ pid = p->vnr;
++ } else {
++ pid = -1;
++ }
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ return pid;
++pid_t pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid)
++ int vpid;
++ if (unlikely(pid <= 0))
++ return pid;
++ BUG_ON(is_virtual_pid(pid));
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return pid;
++ vpid = _pid_type_to_vpid(type, pid);
++ if (unlikely(vpid == -1)) {
++ /* It is allowed: global pid can be used everywhere.
++ * This can happen, when kernel remembers stray pids:
++ * signal queues, locks etc.
++ */
++ vpid = pid;
++ }
++ return vpid;
++/* To map virtual pids to global we maintain special hash table.
++ *
++ * Mapping entries are allocated when a process with non-trivial
++ * mapping is forked, which is possible only after VE migrated.
++ * Mappings are destroyed, when a global pid is removed from global
++ * pidmap, which means we do not need to refcount mappings.
++ */
++static struct hlist_head *vpid_hash;
++struct vpid_mapping
++ int vpid;
++ int veid;
++ int pid;
++ struct hlist_node link;
++static kmem_cache_t *vpid_mapping_cachep;
++static inline int vpid_hashfn(int vnr, int veid)
++ return hash_long((unsigned long)(vnr+(veid<<16)), pidhash_shift);
++struct vpid_mapping *__lookup_vpid_mapping(int vnr, int veid)
++ struct hlist_node *elem;
++ struct vpid_mapping *map;
++ hlist_for_each_entry(map, elem,
++ &vpid_hash[vpid_hashfn(vnr, veid)], link) {
++ if (map->vpid == vnr && map->veid == veid)
++ return map;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++/* __vpid_to_pid() is raw version of vpid_to_pid(). It is to be used
++ * only under tasklist_lock. In some places we must use only this version
++ * (f.e. __kill_pg_info is called under write lock!)
++ *
++ * Caller should pass virtual pid. This function returns an error, when
++ * seeing a global pid.
++ */
++int __vpid_to_pid(int pid)
++ struct vpid_mapping *map;
++ if (unlikely(!is_virtual_pid(pid) || ve_is_super(get_exec_env())))
++ return -1;
++ if (!get_exec_env()->sparse_vpid) {
++ if (pid != 1)
++ return pid - VPID_DIV;
++ return get_exec_env()->init_entry->pid;
++ }
++ map = __lookup_vpid_mapping(pid, VEID(get_exec_env()));
++ if (map)
++ return map->pid;
++ return -1;
++int vpid_to_pid(int pid)
++ /* User gave bad pid. It is his problem. */
++ if (unlikely(pid <= 0))
++ return pid;
++ if (!is_virtual_pid(pid))
++ return pid;
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ pid = __vpid_to_pid(pid);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ return pid;
++/* VEs which never migrated have trivial "arithmetic" mapping pid <-> vpid:
++ *
++ * vpid == 1 -> ve->init_task->pid
++ * else pid & ~VPID_DIV
++ *
++ * In this case VE has ve->sparse_vpid = 0 and we do not use vpid hash table.
++ *
++ * When VE migrates and we see non-trivial mapping the first time, we
++ * scan process table and populate mapping hash table.
++ */
++static int add_mapping(int pid, int vpid, int veid, struct hlist_head *cache)
++ if (pid > 0 && vpid > 0 && !__lookup_vpid_mapping(vpid, veid)) {
++ struct vpid_mapping *m;
++ if (hlist_empty(cache)) {
++ m = kmem_cache_alloc(vpid_mapping_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(m == NULL))
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ } else {
++ m = hlist_entry(cache->first, struct vpid_mapping, link);
++ hlist_del(&m->link);
++ }
++ m->pid = pid;
++ m->vpid = vpid;
++ m->veid = veid;
++ hlist_add_head(&m->link,
++ &vpid_hash[vpid_hashfn(vpid, veid)]);
++ }
++ return 0;
++static int switch_to_sparse_mapping(int pid)
++ struct ve_struct *env = get_exec_env();
++ struct hlist_head cache;
++ task_t *g, *t;
++ int pcount;
++ int err;
++ /* Transition happens under write_lock_irq, so we try to make
++ * it more reliable and fast preallocating mapping entries.
++ * pcounter may be not enough, we could have lots of orphaned
++ * process groups and sessions, which also require mappings.
++ */
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&cache);
++ pcount = atomic_read(&env->pcounter);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ while (pcount > 0) {
++ struct vpid_mapping *m;
++ m = kmem_cache_alloc(vpid_mapping_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!m)
++ goto out;
++ hlist_add_head(&m->link, &cache);
++ pcount--;
++ }
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ err = 0;
++ if (env->sparse_vpid)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, t) {
++ if (t->pid == pid)
++ continue;
++ if (add_mapping(t->pid, virt_pid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, t);
++ for_each_process_ve(t) {
++ if (t->pid == pid)
++ continue;
++ if (add_mapping(t->tgid, virt_tgid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (add_mapping(t->signal->pgrp, virt_pgid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (add_mapping(t->signal->session, virt_sid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ env->sparse_vpid = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ if (err) {
++ int i;
++ for (i=0; i<(1<<pidhash_shift); i++) {
++ struct hlist_node *elem, *next;
++ struct vpid_mapping *map;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(map, elem, next, &vpid_hash[i], link) {
++ if (map->veid == VEID(env)) {
++ hlist_del(elem);
++ hlist_add_head(elem, &cache);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ while (!hlist_empty(&cache)) {
++ struct vpid_mapping *m;
++ m = hlist_entry(cache.first, struct vpid_mapping, link);
++ hlist_del(&m->link);
++ kmem_cache_free(vpid_mapping_cachep, m);
++ }
++ return err;
++int alloc_vpid(int pid, int virt_pid)
++ int result;
++ struct vpid_mapping *m;
++ struct ve_struct *env = get_exec_env();
++ if (ve_is_super(env) || !env->virt_pids)
++ return pid;
++ if (!env->sparse_vpid) {
++ if (virt_pid == -1)
++ return pid + VPID_DIV;
++ if (virt_pid == 1 || virt_pid == pid + VPID_DIV)
++ return virt_pid;
++ if ((result = switch_to_sparse_mapping(pid)) < 0)
++ return result;
++ }
++ m = kmem_cache_alloc(vpid_mapping_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!m)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ m->pid = pid;
++ m->veid = VEID(env);
++ result = (virt_pid == -1) ? pid + VPID_DIV : virt_pid;
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ if (unlikely(__lookup_vpid_mapping(result, m->veid))) {
++ if (virt_pid > 0) {
++ result = -EEXIST;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* No luck. Now we search for some not-existing vpid.
++ * It is weak place. We do linear search. */
++ do {
++ result++;
++ if (!__is_virtual_pid(result))
++ result += VPID_DIV;
++ if (result >= pid_max)
++ } while (__lookup_vpid_mapping(result, m->veid) != NULL);
++ /* And set last_pid in hope future alloc_pidmap to avoid
++ * collisions after future alloc_pidmap() */
++ last_pid = result - VPID_DIV;
++ }
++ if (result > 0) {
++ m->vpid = result;
++ hlist_add_head(&m->link,
++ &vpid_hash[vpid_hashfn(result, m->veid)]);
++ }
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ if (result < 0)
++ kmem_cache_free(vpid_mapping_cachep, m);
++ return result;
++static void __free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct vpid_mapping *m;
++ if (!ve->sparse_vpid)
++ return;
++ if (!__is_virtual_pid(vpid) && (vpid != 1 || ve_is_super(ve)))
++ return;
++ m = __lookup_vpid_mapping(vpid, ve->veid);
++ BUG_ON(m == NULL);
++ hlist_del(&m->link);
++ kmem_cache_free(vpid_mapping_cachep, m);
++void free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve)
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ __free_vpid(vpid, ve);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ /*
+ * The pid hash table is scaled according to the amount of memory in the
+ * machine. From a minimum of 16 slots up to 4096 slots at one gigabyte or
+@@ -283,12 +675,20 @@ void __init pidhash_init(void)
+ for (i = 0; i < PIDTYPE_MAX; i++) {
+ pid_hash[i] = alloc_bootmem(pidhash_size *
+- sizeof(struct list_head));
++ sizeof(struct hlist_head));
+ if (!pid_hash[i])
+ panic("Could not alloc pidhash!\n");
+ for (j = 0; j < pidhash_size; j++)
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pid_hash[i][j]);
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&pid_hash[i][j]);
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ vpid_hash = alloc_bootmem(pidhash_size * sizeof(struct hlist_head));
++ if (!vpid_hash)
++ panic("Could not alloc vpid_hash!\n");
++ for (j = 0; j < pidhash_size; j++)
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&vpid_hash[j]);
+ }
+ void __init pidmap_init(void)
+@@ -305,4 +705,12 @@ void __init pidmap_init(void)
+ for (i = 0; i < PIDTYPE_MAX; i++)
+ attach_pid(current, i, 0);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ vpid_mapping_cachep =
++ kmem_cache_create("vpid_mapping",
++ sizeof(struct vpid_mapping),
++ __alignof__(struct vpid_mapping),
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ * POSIX clocks & timers
+ */
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+@@ -223,7 +224,8 @@ static __init int init_posix_timers(void
+ register_posix_clock(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &clock_monotonic);
+ posix_timers_cache = kmem_cache_create("posix_timers_cache",
+- sizeof (struct k_itimer), 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
++ sizeof (struct k_itimer), 0, SLAB_UBC,
+ idr_init(&posix_timers_id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -394,6 +396,11 @@ exit:
+ static void timer_notify_task(struct k_itimer *timr)
+ {
+ int ret;
++ struct ve_struct *old_ve;
++ struct user_beancounter *old_ub;
++ old_ve = set_exec_env(VE_TASK_INFO(timr->it_process)->owner_env);
++ old_ub = set_exec_ub(task_bc(timr->it_process)->task_ub);
+ memset(&timr->sigq->info, 0, sizeof(siginfo_t));
+@@ -440,6 +447,9 @@ static void timer_notify_task(struct k_i
+ */
+ schedule_next_timer(timr);
+ }
++ (void)set_exec_ub(old_ub);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_ve);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -499,7 +509,7 @@ static inline struct task_struct * good_
+ struct task_struct *rtn = current->group_leader;
+ if ((event->sigev_notify & SIGEV_THREAD_ID ) &&
+- (!(rtn = find_task_by_pid(event->sigev_notify_thread_id)) ||
++ (!(rtn = find_task_by_pid_ve(event->sigev_notify_thread_id)) ||
+ rtn->tgid != current->tgid ||
+ (event->sigev_notify & ~SIGEV_THREAD_ID) != SIGEV_SIGNAL))
+ return NULL;
+@@ -1228,6 +1238,7 @@ int do_posix_clock_monotonic_gettime(str
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int do_posix_clock_monotonic_settime(struct timespec *tp)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ static int write_swap_page(unsigned long
+ swp_entry_t entry;
+ int error = 0;
+- entry = get_swap_page();
++ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
+ if (swp_offset(entry) &&
+ swapfile_used[swp_type(entry)] == SWAPFILE_SUSPEND) {
+ error = rw_swap_page_sync(WRITE, entry,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ static inline int freezeable(struct task
+ {
+ if ((p == current) ||
+ (p->flags & PF_NOFREEZE) ||
+- (p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) ||
+- (p->state == TASK_DEAD) ||
++ (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) ||
++ (p->exit_state == EXIT_DEAD) ||
+ (p->state == TASK_STOPPED))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Refrigerator is place where frozen processes are stored :-). */
+-void refrigerator(unsigned long flag)
++void refrigerator()
+ {
+ /* Hmm, should we be allowed to suspend when there are realtime
+ processes around? */
+@@ -40,13 +40,18 @@ void refrigerator(unsigned long flag)
+ current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
+ pr_debug("%s entered refrigerator\n", current->comm);
+ printk("=");
+- current->flags &= ~PF_FREEZE;
+ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+- recalc_sigpending(); /* We sent fake signal, clean it up */
++ if (test_and_clear_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
++ recalc_sigpending(); /* We sent fake signal, clean it up */
++ current->flags |= PF_FROZEN;
++ } else {
++ /* Freeze request could be canceled before we entered
++ * refrigerator(). In this case we do nothing. */
++ current->state = save;
++ }
+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+- current->flags |= PF_FROZEN;
+ while (current->flags & PF_FROZEN)
+ schedule();
+ pr_debug("%s left refrigerator\n", current->comm);
+@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ int freeze_processes(void)
+ do {
+ todo = 0;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
+ unsigned long flags;
+ if (!freezeable(p))
+ continue;
+@@ -75,12 +80,12 @@ int freeze_processes(void)
+ /* FIXME: smp problem here: we may not access other process' flags
+ without locking */
+- p->flags |= PF_FREEZE;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
++ set_tsk_thread_flag(p, TIF_FREEZE);
+ signal_wake_up(p, 0);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
+ todo++;
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ yield(); /* Yield is okay here */
+ if (time_after(jiffies, start_time + TIMEOUT)) {
+@@ -101,15 +106,18 @@ void thaw_processes(void)
+ printk( "Restarting tasks..." );
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ if (!freezeable(p))
+ continue;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
+ if (p->flags & PF_FROZEN) {
+ p->flags &= ~PF_FROZEN;
+ wake_up_process(p);
+ } else
+ printk(KERN_INFO " Strange, %s not stopped\n", p->comm );
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
++ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ schedule();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ static int write_suspend_image(void)
+ for (i=0; i<nr_copy_pages; i++) {
+ if (!(i%100))
+ printk( "." );
+- entry = get_swap_page();
++ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
+ if (!entry.val)
+ panic("\nNot enough swapspace when writing data" );
+@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ static int write_suspend_image(void)
+ cur = (union diskpage *)((char *) pagedir_nosave)+i;
+ BUG_ON ((char *) cur != (((char *) pagedir_nosave) + i*PAGE_SIZE));
+ printk( "." );
+- entry = get_swap_page();
++ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
+ if (!entry.val) {
+ printk(KERN_CRIT "Not enough swapspace when writing pgdir\n" );
+ panic("Don't know how to recover");
+@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ static int write_suspend_image(void)
+ BUG_ON (sizeof(struct suspend_header) > PAGE_SIZE-sizeof(swp_entry_t));
+ BUG_ON (sizeof(union diskpage) != PAGE_SIZE);
+ BUG_ON (sizeof(struct link) != PAGE_SIZE);
+- entry = get_swap_page();
++ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
+ if (!entry.val)
+ panic( "\nNot enough swapspace when writing header" );
+ if (swapfile_used[swp_type(entry)] != SWAPFILE_SUSPEND)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,10 +26,12 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h> /* For in_interrupt() */
+ #include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/delay.h>
+ #include <linux/smp.h>
+ #include <linux/security.h>
+ #include <linux/bootmem.h>
++#include <linux/vzratelimit.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ int console_printk[4] = {
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(console_printk);
++int console_silence_loglevel;
+ int oops_in_progress;
+ /*
+@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ static int console_locked;
+ * It is also used in interesting ways to provide interlocking in
+ * release_console_sem().
+ */
+-static spinlock_t logbuf_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++spinlock_t logbuf_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ static char __log_buf[__LOG_BUF_LEN];
+ static char *log_buf = __log_buf;
+@@ -95,6 +98,31 @@ static unsigned long con_start; /* Index
+ static unsigned long log_end; /* Index into log_buf: most-recently-written-char + 1 */
+ static unsigned long logged_chars; /* Number of chars produced since last read+clear operation */
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define ve_log_wait (*(get_exec_env()->_log_wait))
++#define ve_log_start (*(get_exec_env()->_log_start))
++#define ve_log_end (*(get_exec_env()->_log_end))
++#define ve_logged_chars (*(get_exec_env()->_logged_chars))
++#define ve_log_buf (get_exec_env()->log_buf)
++#define ve_log_buf_len (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? \
++ log_buf_len : VE_DEFAULT_LOG_BUF_LEN)
++#define VE_LOG_BUF_MASK (ve_log_buf_len - 1)
++#define VE_LOG_BUF(idx) (ve_log_buf[(idx) & VE_LOG_BUF_MASK])
++#define ve_log_wait log_wait
++#define ve_log_start log_start
++#define ve_log_end log_end
++#define ve_logged_chars logged_chars
++#define ve_log_buf log_buf
++#define ve_log_buf_len log_buf_len
++#define VE_LOG_BUF(idx) LOG_BUF(idx)
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
+ /*
+ * Array of consoles built from command line options (console=)
+ */
+@@ -151,6 +179,43 @@ static int __init console_setup(char *st
+ __setup("console=", console_setup);
++static int __init setup_console_silencelevel(char *str)
++ int level;
++ if (get_option(&str, &level) != 1)
++ return 0;
++ console_silence_loglevel = level;
++ return 1;
++__setup("silencelevel=", setup_console_silencelevel);
++static inline int ve_log_init(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (ve_log_buf != NULL)
++ return 0;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ ve0._log_wait = &log_wait;
++ ve0._log_start = &log_start;
++ ve0._log_end = &log_end;
++ ve0._logged_chars = &logged_chars;
++ ve0.log_buf = log_buf;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ ve_log_buf = kmalloc(ve_log_buf_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!ve_log_buf)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(ve_log_buf, 0, ve_log_buf_len);
++ return 0;
+ /**
+ * add_preferred_console - add a device to the list of preferred consoles.
+ *
+@@ -249,6 +314,10 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
+ char c;
+ int error = 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) &&
++ (type == 6 || type == 7 || type == 8))
++ goto out;
+ error = security_syslog(type);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+@@ -268,14 +337,15 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
+ error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE,buf,len);
+ if (error)
+ goto out;
+- error = wait_event_interruptible(log_wait, (log_start - log_end));
++ error = wait_event_interruptible(ve_log_wait,
++ (ve_log_start - ve_log_end));
+ if (error)
+ goto out;
+ i = 0;
+ spin_lock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
+- while (!error && (log_start != log_end) && i < len) {
+- c = LOG_BUF(log_start);
+- log_start++;
++ while (!error && (ve_log_start != ve_log_end) && i < len) {
++ c = VE_LOG_BUF(ve_log_start);
++ ve_log_start++;
+ spin_unlock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
+ error = __put_user(c,buf);
+ buf++;
+@@ -299,15 +369,17 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
+ error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE,buf,len);
+ if (error)
+ goto out;
++ if (ve_log_buf == NULL)
++ goto out;
+ count = len;
+- if (count > log_buf_len)
+- count = log_buf_len;
++ if (count > ve_log_buf_len)
++ count = ve_log_buf_len;
+ spin_lock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
+- if (count > logged_chars)
+- count = logged_chars;
++ if (count > ve_logged_chars)
++ count = ve_logged_chars;
+ if (do_clear)
+- logged_chars = 0;
+- limit = log_end;
++ ve_logged_chars = 0;
++ limit = ve_log_end;
+ /*
+ * __put_user() could sleep, and while we sleep
+ * printk() could overwrite the messages
+@@ -316,9 +388,9 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
+ */
+ for(i = 0; i < count && !error; i++) {
+ j = limit-1-i;
+- if (j + log_buf_len < log_end)
++ if (j + ve_log_buf_len < ve_log_end)
+ break;
+- c = LOG_BUF(j);
++ c = VE_LOG_BUF(j);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
+ error = __put_user(c,&buf[count-1-i]);
+ spin_lock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
+@@ -340,7 +412,7 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5: /* Clear ring buffer */
+- logged_chars = 0;
++ ve_logged_chars = 0;
+ break;
+ case 6: /* Disable logging to console */
+ console_loglevel = minimum_console_loglevel;
+@@ -358,10 +430,10 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
+ error = 0;
+ break;
+ case 9: /* Number of chars in the log buffer */
+- error = log_end - log_start;
++ error = ve_log_end - ve_log_start;
+ break;
+ case 10: /* Size of the log buffer */
+- error = log_buf_len;
++ error = ve_log_buf_len;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = -EINVAL;
+@@ -461,14 +533,14 @@ static void call_console_drivers(unsigne
+ static void emit_log_char(char c)
+ {
+- LOG_BUF(log_end) = c;
+- log_end++;
+- if (log_end - log_start > log_buf_len)
+- log_start = log_end - log_buf_len;
+- if (log_end - con_start > log_buf_len)
++ VE_LOG_BUF(ve_log_end) = c;
++ ve_log_end++;
++ if (ve_log_end - ve_log_start > ve_log_buf_len)
++ ve_log_start = ve_log_end - ve_log_buf_len;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && log_end - con_start > log_buf_len)
+ con_start = log_end - log_buf_len;
+- if (logged_chars < log_buf_len)
+- logged_chars++;
++ if (ve_logged_chars < ve_log_buf_len)
++ ve_logged_chars++;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -505,14 +577,14 @@ static void zap_locks(void)
+ * then changes console_loglevel may break. This is because console_loglevel
+ * is inspected when the actual printing occurs.
+ */
+-asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, ...)
++int vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ {
+- va_list args;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int printed_len;
+ char *p;
+ static char printk_buf[1024];
+ static int log_level_unknown = 1;
++ int err, need_wake;
+ if (unlikely(oops_in_progress))
+ zap_locks();
+@@ -520,10 +592,14 @@ asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, .
+ /* This stops the holder of console_sem just where we want him */
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&logbuf_lock, flags);
++ err = ve_log_init();
++ if (err) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
++ return err;
++ }
+ /* Emit the output into the temporary buffer */
+- va_start(args, fmt);
+ printed_len = vscnprintf(printk_buf, sizeof(printk_buf), fmt, args);
+- va_end(args);
+ /*
+ * Copy the output into log_buf. If the caller didn't provide
+@@ -554,7 +630,12 @@ asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, .
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
+ goto out;
+ }
+- if (!down_trylock(&console_sem)) {
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ need_wake = (ve_log_start != ve_log_end);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
++ if (!oops_in_progress && need_wake)
++ wake_up_interruptible(&ve_log_wait);
++ } else if (!down_trylock(&console_sem)) {
+ console_locked = 1;
+ /*
+ * We own the drivers. We can drop the spinlock and let
+@@ -574,8 +655,47 @@ asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, .
+ out:
+ return printed_len;
+ }
++asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, ...)
++ va_list args;
++ int i;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ va_start(args, fmt);
++ env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
++ i = vprintk(fmt, args);
++ set_exec_env(env);
++ va_end(args);
++ return i;
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(printk);
++asmlinkage int ve_printk(int dst, const char *fmt, ...)
++ va_list args;
++ int printed_len;
++ printed_len = 0;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) || (dst & VE0_LOG)) {
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ va_start(args, fmt);
++ env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
++ printed_len = vprintk(fmt, args);
++ set_exec_env(env);
++ va_end(args);
++ }
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && (dst & VE_LOG)) {
++ va_start(args, fmt);
++ printed_len = vprintk(fmt, args);
++ va_end(args);
++ }
++ return printed_len;
+ /**
+ * acquire_console_sem - lock the console system for exclusive use.
+ *
+@@ -600,6 +720,12 @@ int is_console_locked(void)
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(is_console_locked);
++void wake_up_klogd(void)
++ if (!oops_in_progress && waitqueue_active(&log_wait))
++ wake_up_interruptible(&log_wait);
+ /**
+ * release_console_sem - unlock the console system
+ *
+@@ -635,8 +761,8 @@ void release_console_sem(void)
+ console_may_schedule = 0;
+ up(&console_sem);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
+- if (wake_klogd && !oops_in_progress && waitqueue_active(&log_wait))
+- wake_up_interruptible(&log_wait);
++ if (wake_klogd)
++ wake_up_klogd();
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(release_console_sem);
+@@ -895,3 +1021,33 @@ int printk_ratelimit(void)
+ printk_ratelimit_burst);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(printk_ratelimit);
++ * Rate limiting stuff.
++ */
++int vz_ratelimit(struct vz_rate_info *p)
++ unsigned long cjif, djif;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ static spinlock_t ratelimit_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++ long new_bucket;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
++ cjif = jiffies;
++ djif = cjif - p->last;
++ if (djif < p->interval) {
++ if (p->bucket >= p->burst) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ p->bucket++;
++ } else {
++ new_bucket = p->bucket - (djif / (unsigned)p->interval);
++ if (new_bucket < 0)
++ new_bucket = 0;
++ p->bucket = new_bucket + 1;
++ }
++ p->last = cjif;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
++ return 1;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ int ptrace_attach(struct task_struct *ta
+ retval = -EPERM;
+ if (task->pid <= 1)
+ goto bad;
+- if (task == current)
++ if (task->tgid == current->tgid)
+ goto bad;
+ if (!task->mm)
+ goto bad;
+@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ int ptrace_attach(struct task_struct *ta
+ rmb();
+ if (!task->mm->dumpable && !capable(CAP_SYS_PTRACE))
+ goto bad;
++ if (!task->mm->vps_dumpable && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ goto bad;
+ /* the same process cannot be attached many times */
+ if (task->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)
+ goto bad;
+@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ int ptrace_detach(struct task_struct *ch
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ __ptrace_unlink(child);
+ /* .. and wake it up. */
+- if (child->state != TASK_ZOMBIE)
++ if (child->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE)
+ wake_up_process(child);
+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:36.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <linux/highmem.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+@@ -40,6 +41,8 @@
+ #include <linux/cpu.h>
+ #include <linux/percpu.h>
+ #include <linux/kthread.h>
++#include <linux/vsched.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
+ #include <asm/tlb.h>
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+@@ -96,6 +99,7 @@
+ #define CREDIT_LIMIT 100
++#define VCPU_AFFINITY 5
+ /*
+ * If a task is 'interactive' then we reinsert it in the active
+@@ -132,7 +136,7 @@
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ (1 << (((MAX_BONUS - CURRENT_BONUS(p)) ? : 1) - 1)) * \
+- num_online_cpus())
++ vsched_num_online_vcpus(task_vsched(p)))
+ #else
+ (1 << (((MAX_BONUS - CURRENT_BONUS(p)) ? : 1) - 1)))
+@@ -203,6 +207,7 @@ struct prio_array {
+ * (such as the load balancing or the thread migration code), lock
+ * acquire operations must be ordered by ascending &runqueue.
+ */
++typedef struct vcpu_info *vcpu_t;
+ struct runqueue {
+ spinlock_t lock;
+@@ -217,7 +222,7 @@ struct runqueue {
+ unsigned long long nr_switches;
+ unsigned long expired_timestamp, nr_uninterruptible;
+ unsigned long long timestamp_last_tick;
+- task_t *curr, *idle;
++ task_t *curr;
+ struct mm_struct *prev_mm;
+ prio_array_t *active, *expired, arrays[2];
+ int best_expired_prio;
+@@ -225,35 +230,618 @@ struct runqueue {
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
+ /* For active balancing */
+ int active_balance;
+- int push_cpu;
++ vcpu_t push_cpu;
+ task_t *migration_thread;
+ struct list_head migration_queue;
+ };
+-static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct runqueue, runqueues);
++/* VCPU scheduler state description */
++struct vcpu_info;
++struct vcpu_scheduler {
++ struct list_head idle_list;
++ struct list_head active_list;
++ struct list_head running_list;
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ struct vcpu_info *vcpu[NR_CPUS];
++ int id;
++ cpumask_t vcpu_online_map, vcpu_running_map;
++ cpumask_t pcpu_running_map;
++ int num_online_vcpus;
++} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
++/* virtual CPU description */
++struct vcpu_info {
++ struct runqueue rq;
++ unsigned active : 1,
++ running : 1;
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ int last_pcpu;
++ u64 start_time;
++ int id;
++} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
++/* physical CPU description */
++struct pcpu_info {
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ struct vcpu_info *vcpu;
++ task_t *idle;
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ struct sched_domain *sd;
++ int id;
++} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
++struct pcpu_info pcpu_info[NR_CPUS];
++#define pcpu(nr) (&pcpu_info[nr])
++#define this_pcpu() (pcpu(smp_processor_id()))
+ #define for_each_domain(cpu, domain) \
+- for (domain = cpu_rq(cpu)->sd; domain; domain = domain->parent)
++ for (domain = vcpu_rq(cpu)->sd; domain; domain = domain->parent)
++extern spinlock_t fairsched_lock;
++static struct vcpu_scheduler default_vsched, idle_vsched;
++static struct vcpu_info boot_vcpu;
++#define vsched_default_vsched() (&default_vsched)
++#define vsched_default_vcpu(id) (default_vsched.vcpu[id])
++ * All macroses below could be used without locks, if there is no
++ * strict ordering requirements, because we assume, that:
++ *
++ * 1. VCPU could not disappear "on the fly" (FIXME)
++ *
++ * 2. p->vsched access is atomic.
++ */
++#define task_vsched(tsk) ((tsk)->vsched)
++#define this_vsched() (task_vsched(current))
++#define vsched_vcpu(vsched, id) ((vsched)->vcpu[id])
++#define this_vcpu() (task_vcpu(current))
++#define task_vcpu(p) ((p)->vcpu)
++#define vsched_id(vsched) ((vsched)->id)
++#define vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched) ((vsched)->vcpu_online_map)
++#define vsched_num_online_vcpus(vsched) ((vsched)->num_online_vcpus)
++#define vsched_pcpu_running_map(vsched) ((vsched)->pcpu_running_map)
++#define vcpu_vsched(vcpu) ((vcpu)->vsched)
++#define vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu) ((vcpu)->last_pcpu)
++#define vcpu_isset(vcpu, mask) (cpu_isset((vcpu)->id, mask))
++#define vcpu_is_offline(vcpu) (!vcpu_isset(vcpu, \
++ vcpu_vsched(vcpu)->vcpu_online_map))
++static int __add_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, int id);
++#else /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
++static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct vcpu_info, vcpu_info);
++#define task_vsched(p) NULL
++#define this_vcpu() (task_vcpu(current))
++#define task_vcpu(p) (vcpu(task_cpu(p)))
++#define vsched_vcpu(sched, id) (vcpu(id))
++#define vsched_id(vsched) 0
++#define vsched_default_vsched() NULL
++#define vsched_default_vcpu(id) (vcpu(id))
++#define vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched) (cpu_online_map)
++#define vsched_num_online_vcpus(vsched) (num_online_cpus())
++#define vsched_pcpu_running_map(vsched) (cpu_online_map)
++#define vcpu(id) (&per_cpu(vcpu_info, id))
++#define vcpu_vsched(vcpu) NULL
++#define vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu) ((vcpu)->id)
++#define vcpu_isset(vcpu, mask) (cpu_isset((vcpu)->id, mask))
++#define vcpu_is_offline(vcpu) (cpu_is_offline((vcpu)->id))
++#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
++#define this_rq() (vcpu_rq(this_vcpu()))
++#define task_rq(p) (vcpu_rq(task_vcpu(p)))
++#define vcpu_rq(vcpu) (&(vcpu)->rq)
++#define get_vcpu() ({ preempt_disable(); this_vcpu(); })
++#define put_vcpu() ({ put_cpu(); })
++#define rq_vcpu(__rq) (container_of((__rq), struct vcpu_info, rq))
++task_t *idle_task(int cpu)
++ return pcpu(cpu)->idle;
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++static inline void update_rq_cpu_load(runqueue_t *rq)
++ unsigned long old_load, this_load;
++ if (rq->nr_running == 0) {
++ rq->cpu_load = 0;
++ return;
++ }
++ old_load = rq->cpu_load;
++ this_load = rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
++ /*
++ * Round up the averaging division if load is increasing. This
++ * prevents us from getting stuck on 9 if the load is 10, for
++ * example.
++ */
++ if (this_load > old_load)
++ old_load++;
++ rq->cpu_load = (old_load + this_load) / 2;
++#else /* CONFIG_SMP */
++static inline void update_rq_cpu_load(runqueue_t *rq)
++#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
++void fastcall vsched_cpu_online_map(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched,
++ cpumask_t *mask)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&fairsched_lock, flags);
++ *mask = vsched->vcpu_online_map;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
++static inline void set_task_vsched(task_t *p, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ /* NOTE: set_task_cpu() is required after every set_task_vsched()! */
++ p->vsched = vsched;
++ p->vsched_id = vsched_id(vsched);
++inline void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int vcpu_id)
++ p->vcpu = vsched_vcpu(task_vsched(p), vcpu_id);
++ p->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
++static inline void set_task_vcpu(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t vcpu)
++ p->vcpu = vcpu;
++ p->vcpu_id = vcpu->id;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define cycles_after(a, b) ((long long)(b) - (long long)(a) < 0)
++cycles_t ve_sched_get_idle_time(struct ve_struct *ve, int cpu)
++ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
++ unsigned v;
++ cycles_t strt, ret, cycles;
++ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu);
++ do {
++ v = read_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
++ ret = ve_stat->idle_time;
++ strt = ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
++ if (strt && nr_uninterruptible_ve(ve) == 0) {
++ cycles = get_cycles();
++ if (cycles_after(cycles, strt))
++ ret += cycles - strt;
++ }
++ } while (read_seqcount_retry(&ve_stat->stat_lock, v));
++ return ret;
++cycles_t ve_sched_get_iowait_time(struct ve_struct *ve, int cpu)
++ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
++ unsigned v;
++ cycles_t strt, ret, cycles;
++ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu);
++ do {
++ v = read_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
++ ret = ve_stat->iowait_time;
++ strt = ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
++ if (strt && nr_uninterruptible_ve(ve) > 0) {
++ cycles = get_cycles();
++ if (cycles_after(cycles, strt))
++ ret += cycles - strt;
++ }
++ } while (read_seqcount_retry(&ve_stat->stat_lock, v));
++ return ret;
++static inline void vcpu_save_ve_idle(struct ve_struct *ve,
++ unsigned int vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
++ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
++ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, vcpu);
++ write_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
++ if (ve_stat->strt_idle_time) {
++ if (cycles_after(cycles, ve_stat->strt_idle_time)) {
++ if (nr_uninterruptible_ve(ve) == 0)
++ ve_stat->idle_time += cycles -
++ ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
++ else
++ ve_stat->iowait_time += cycles -
++ ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
++ }
++ ve_stat->strt_idle_time = 0;
++ }
++ write_seqcount_end(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
++static inline void vcpu_strt_ve_idle(struct ve_struct *ve,
++ unsigned int vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
++ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
++ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, vcpu);
++ write_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
++ ve_stat->strt_idle_time = cycles;
++ write_seqcount_end(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
++#define vcpu_save_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles) do { } while (0)
++#define vcpu_strt_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles) do { } while (0)
++/* this is called when rq->nr_running changes from 0 to 1 */
++static void vcpu_attach(runqueue_t *rq)
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq);
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
++ BUG_ON(vcpu->active);
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ vcpu->active = 1;
++ if (!vcpu->running)
++ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->active_list);
++ fairsched_incrun(vsched->node);
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++/* this is called when rq->nr_running changes from 1 to 0 */
++static void vcpu_detach(runqueue_t *rq)
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq);
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
++ BUG_ON(!vcpu->active);
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ fairsched_decrun(vsched->node);
++ vcpu->active = 0;
++ if (!vcpu->running)
++ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->idle_list);
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++static inline void __vcpu_get(vcpu_t vcpu)
++ struct pcpu_info *pcpu;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ BUG_ON(!this_vcpu()->running);
++ pcpu = this_pcpu();
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
++ pcpu->vcpu = vcpu;
++ pcpu->vsched = vsched;
++ fairsched_inccpu(vsched->node);
++ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->running_list);
++ vcpu->start_time = jiffies;
++ vcpu->last_pcpu = pcpu->id;
++ vcpu->running = 1;
++ __set_bit(vcpu->id, vsched->vcpu_running_map.bits);
++ __set_bit(pcpu->id, vsched->pcpu_running_map.bits);
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ vcpu_rq(vcpu)->sd = pcpu->sd;
++static void vcpu_put(vcpu_t vcpu)
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ struct pcpu_info *cur_pcpu;
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ cur_pcpu = this_pcpu();
++ BUG_ON(!vcpu->running);
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ vcpu->running = 0;
++ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list,
++ vcpu->active ? &vsched->active_list : &vsched->idle_list);
++ fairsched_deccpu(vsched->node);
++ __clear_bit(vcpu->id, vsched->vcpu_running_map.bits);
++ if (vsched != this_vsched())
++ __clear_bit(cur_pcpu->id, vsched->pcpu_running_map.bits);
+-#define cpu_rq(cpu) (&per_cpu(runqueues, (cpu)))
+-#define this_rq() (&__get_cpu_var(runqueues))
+-#define task_rq(p) cpu_rq(task_cpu(p))
+-#define cpu_curr(cpu) (cpu_rq(cpu)->curr)
++ if (!vcpu->active)
++ rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
++ /* from this point task_running(prev_rq, prev) will be 0 */
++ rq->curr = cur_pcpu->idle;
++ update_rq_cpu_load(rq);
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++static vcpu_t schedule_vcpu(vcpu_t cur_vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ struct fairsched_node *node, *nodec;
++ nodec = vcpu_vsched(cur_vcpu)->node;
++ node = nodec;
++ BUG_ON(!cur_vcpu->running);
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ node = fairsched_schedule(node, nodec,
++ cur_vcpu->active,
++ cycles);
++ if (unlikely(node == NULL))
++ goto idle;
++ vsched = node->vsched;
++ vsched = &default_vsched;
++ /* FIXME: optimize vcpu switching, maybe we do not need to call
++ fairsched_schedule() at all if vcpu is still active and too
++ little time have passed so far */
++ if (cur_vcpu->vsched == vsched && cur_vcpu->active &&
++ cur_vcpu->start_time + msecs_to_jiffies(VCPU_AFFINITY) < jiffies) {
++ vcpu = cur_vcpu;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ if (list_empty(&vsched->active_list)) {
++ /* nothing except for this cpu can be scheduled */
++ if (likely(cur_vcpu->vsched == vsched && cur_vcpu->active)) {
++ /*
++ * Current vcpu is the one we need. We have not
++ * put it yet, so it's not on the active_list.
++ */
++ vcpu = cur_vcpu;
++ goto done;
++ } else
++ goto none;
++ }
++ /* select vcpu and add to running list */
++ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->, struct vcpu_info, list);
++ __vcpu_get(vcpu);
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ if (unlikely(vcpu != cur_vcpu)) {
++ spin_unlock(&vcpu_rq(cur_vcpu)->lock);
++ spin_lock(&rq->lock);
++ if (unlikely(!rq->nr_running)) {
++ /* race with balancing? */
++ spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
++ vcpu_put(vcpu);
++ spin_lock(&vcpu_rq(cur_vcpu)->lock);
++ goto restart;
++ }
++ }
++ BUG_ON(!rq->nr_running);
++ return vcpu;
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++ /* fairsched doesn't schedule more CPUs than we have active */
++ BUG_ON(1);
++ goto idle;
++ vcpu = task_vcpu(this_pcpu()->idle);
++ __vcpu_get(vcpu);
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++ spin_unlock(&vcpu_rq(cur_vcpu)->lock);
++ spin_lock(&vcpu_rq(vcpu)->lock);
++ return vcpu;
++#else /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
++#define set_task_vsched(task, vsched) do { } while (0)
++static inline void vcpu_attach(runqueue_t *rq)
++static inline void vcpu_detach(runqueue_t *rq)
++static inline void vcpu_put(vcpu_t vcpu)
++static inline vcpu_t schedule_vcpu(vcpu_t prev_vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
++ return prev_vcpu;
++static inline void set_task_vcpu(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t vcpu)
++ set_task_pcpu(p, vcpu->id);
++#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
++int vcpu_online(int cpu)
++ return cpu_isset(cpu, vsched_vcpu_online_map(this_vsched()));
+ /*
+ * Default context-switch locking:
+ */
+ #ifndef prepare_arch_switch
+ # define prepare_arch_switch(rq, next) do { } while (0)
+-# define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock_irq(&(rq)->lock)
++# define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock)
+ # define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p))
+ #endif
++struct kernel_stat_glob kstat_glob;
++spinlock_t kstat_glb_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define ve_nr_running_inc(env, cpu) \
++ do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_running++; \
++ } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_running_dec(env, cpu) \
++ do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_running--; \
++ } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_iowait_inc(env, cpu) \
++ do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_iowait++; \
++ } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_iowait_dec(env, cpu) \
++ do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_iowait--; \
++ } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_unint_inc(env, cpu) \
++ do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_unint++; \
++ } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_unint_dec(env, cpu) \
++ do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_unint--; \
++ } while(0)
++void ve_sched_attach(struct ve_struct *envid)
++ struct task_struct *tsk;
++ unsigned int vcpu;
++ tsk = current;
++ preempt_disable();
++ vcpu = task_cpu(tsk);
++ ve_nr_running_dec(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env, vcpu);
++ ve_nr_running_inc(envid, vcpu);
++ preempt_enable();
++#define ve_nr_running_inc(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_running_dec(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_iowait_inc(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_iowait_dec(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_unint_inc(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
++#define ve_nr_unint_dec(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
++struct task_nrs_struct {
++ long nr_running;
++ long nr_uninterruptible;
++ long nr_stopped;
++ long nr_sleeping;
++ long nr_iowait;
++ long long nr_switches;
++} ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
++static struct task_nrs_struct glob_tasks_nrs[NR_CPUS];
++unsigned long nr_zombie = 0; /* protected by tasklist_lock */
++unsigned long nr_dead = 0;
++#define nr_running_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_running++; \
++ ve_nr_running_inc(ve, vcpu); \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_running_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_running--; \
++ ve_nr_running_dec(ve, vcpu); \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_unint_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_uninterruptible++; \
++ ve_nr_unint_inc(ve, vcpu); \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_unint_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_uninterruptible--; \
++ ve_nr_unint_dec(ve, vcpu); \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_iowait_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_iowait++; \
++ ve_nr_iowait_inc(ve, vcpu); \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_iowait_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_iowait--; \
++ ve_nr_iowait_dec(ve, vcpu); \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_stopped_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_stopped++; \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_stopped_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_stopped--; \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_sleeping_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_sleeping++; \
++ } while (0)
++#define nr_sleeping_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
++ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_sleeping--; \
++ } while (0)
+ /*
+ * task_rq_lock - lock the runqueue a given task resides on and disable
+ * interrupts. Note the ordering: we can safely lookup the task_rq without
+@@ -361,13 +949,39 @@ static int effective_prio(task_t *p)
+ return prio;
+ }
++static inline void write_wakeup_stamp(struct task_struct *p, cycles_t cyc)
++ struct ve_task_info *ti;
++ ti = VE_TASK_INFO(p);
++ write_seqcount_begin(&ti->wakeup_lock);
++ ti->wakeup_stamp = cyc;
++ write_seqcount_end(&ti->wakeup_lock);
+ /*
+ * __activate_task - move a task to the runqueue.
+ */
+ static inline void __activate_task(task_t *p, runqueue_t *rq)
+ {
++ cycles_t cycles;
++ unsigned int vcpu;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ cycles = get_cycles();
++ vcpu = task_cpu(p);
++ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env;
++ write_wakeup_stamp(p, cycles);
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_time += cycles;
++ nr_running_inc(smp_processor_id(), vcpu, ve);
+ enqueue_task(p, rq->active);
+ rq->nr_running++;
++ if (rq->nr_running == 1) {
++ vcpu_save_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles);
++ vcpu_attach(rq);
++ }
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -507,11 +1121,33 @@ static void activate_task(task_t *p, run
+ */
+ static void deactivate_task(struct task_struct *p, runqueue_t *rq)
+ {
++ cycles_t cycles;
++ unsigned int cpu, vcpu;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ cycles = get_cycles();
++ cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq)->id;
++ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_time -= cycles;
+ rq->nr_running--;
+- if (p->state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE)
++ nr_running_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve);
++ if (p->state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE) {
+ rq->nr_uninterruptible++;
++ nr_unint_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve);
++ }
++ if (p->state == TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)
++ nr_sleeping_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve);
++ if (p->state == TASK_STOPPED)
++ nr_stopped_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve);
++ /* nr_zombie is calced in exit.c */
+ dequeue_task(p, p->array);
+ p->array = NULL;
++ if (rq->nr_running == 0) {
++ vcpu_strt_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles);
++ vcpu_detach(rq);
++ }
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -522,6 +1158,7 @@ static void deactivate_task(struct task_
+ * the target CPU.
+ */
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++/* FIXME: need to add vsched arg */
+ static void resched_task(task_t *p)
+ {
+ int need_resched, nrpolling;
+@@ -532,8 +1169,9 @@ static void resched_task(task_t *p)
+ need_resched = test_and_set_tsk_thread_flag(p,TIF_NEED_RESCHED);
+ nrpolling |= test_tsk_thread_flag(p,TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG);
+- if (!need_resched && !nrpolling && (task_cpu(p) != smp_processor_id()))
+- smp_send_reschedule(task_cpu(p));
++ /* FIXME: think over */
++ if (!need_resched && !nrpolling && (task_pcpu(p) != smp_processor_id()))
++ smp_send_reschedule(task_pcpu(p));
+ preempt_enable();
+ }
+ #else
+@@ -549,10 +1187,29 @@ static inline void resched_task(task_t *
+ */
+ inline int task_curr(const task_t *p)
+ {
+- return cpu_curr(task_cpu(p)) == p;
++ return task_rq(p)->curr == p;
++ * idle_cpu - is a given cpu idle currently?
++ * @cpu: the processor in question.
++ */
++inline int idle_cpu(int cpu)
++ return pcpu(cpu)->vsched == &idle_vsched;
++static inline int idle_vcpu(vcpu_t cpu)
++ return !cpu->active;
++ return idle_cpu(cpu->id);
+ }
+-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ enum request_type {
+@@ -564,7 +1221,7 @@ typedef struct {
+ /* For REQ_MOVE_TASK */
+ task_t *task;
+- int dest_cpu;
++ vcpu_t dest_cpu;
+ /* For REQ_SET_DOMAIN */
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
+@@ -576,7 +1233,7 @@ typedef struct {
+ * The task's runqueue lock must be held.
+ * Returns true if you have to wait for migration thread.
+ */
+-static int migrate_task(task_t *p, int dest_cpu, migration_req_t *req)
++static int migrate_task(task_t *p, vcpu_t dest_cpu, migration_req_t *req)
+ {
+ runqueue_t *rq = task_rq(p);
+@@ -584,8 +1241,13 @@ static int migrate_task(task_t *p, int d
+ * If the task is not on a runqueue (and not running), then
+ * it is sufficient to simply update the task's cpu field.
+ */
++ BUG_ON(task_vsched(p) == &idle_vsched);
++ BUG_ON(vcpu_vsched(dest_cpu) == &idle_vsched);
+ if (!p->array && !task_running(rq, p)) {
+- set_task_cpu(p, dest_cpu);
++ set_task_vsched(p, vcpu_vsched(dest_cpu));
++ set_task_vcpu(p, dest_cpu);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -597,6 +1259,7 @@ static int migrate_task(task_t *p, int d
+ return 1;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ /*
+ * wait_task_inactive - wait for a thread to unschedule.
+ *
+@@ -615,7 +1278,12 @@ void wait_task_inactive(task_t * p)
+ repeat:
+ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
+ /* Must be off runqueue entirely, not preempted. */
+- if (unlikely(p->array)) {
++ /*
++ * VCPU: we need to check task_running() here, since
++ * we drop rq->lock in the middle of schedule() and task
++ * can be deactivated, but still running until it calls vcpu_put()
++ */
++ if (unlikely(p->array) || task_running(rq, p)) {
+ /* If it's preempted, we yield. It could be a while. */
+ preempted = !task_running(rq, p);
+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+@@ -639,8 +1307,11 @@ void kick_process(task_t *p)
+ int cpu;
+ preempt_disable();
+- cpu = task_cpu(p);
++ cpu = task_pcpu(p);
+ if ((cpu != smp_processor_id()) && task_curr(p))
++ /* FIXME: ??? think over */
++ /* should add something like get_pcpu(cpu)->vcpu->id == task_cpu(p),
++ but with serialization of vcpu access... */
+ smp_send_reschedule(cpu);
+ preempt_enable();
+ }
+@@ -653,9 +1324,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kick_process);
+ * We want to under-estimate the load of migration sources, to
+ * balance conservatively.
+ */
+-static inline unsigned long source_load(int cpu)
++static inline unsigned long source_load(vcpu_t cpu)
+ {
+- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
++ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
+ unsigned long load_now = rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
+ return min(rq->cpu_load, load_now);
+@@ -664,9 +1335,9 @@ static inline unsigned long source_load(
+ /*
+ * Return a high guess at the load of a migration-target cpu
+ */
+-static inline unsigned long target_load(int cpu)
++static inline unsigned long target_load(vcpu_t cpu)
+ {
+- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
++ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
+ unsigned long load_now = rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
+ return max(rq->cpu_load, load_now);
+@@ -682,32 +1353,38 @@ static inline unsigned long target_load(
+ * Returns the CPU we should wake onto.
+ */
+-static int wake_idle(int cpu, task_t *p)
++static vcpu_t wake_idle(vcpu_t cpu, task_t *p)
+ {
+- cpumask_t tmp;
+- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
++ cpumask_t tmp, vtmp;
++ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
+ int i;
+- if (idle_cpu(cpu))
++ if (idle_vcpu(cpu))
+ return cpu;
+ sd = rq->sd;
+ if (!(sd->flags & SD_WAKE_IDLE))
+ return cpu;
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(cpu);
+ cpus_and(tmp, sd->span, cpu_online_map);
+- cpus_and(tmp, tmp, p->cpus_allowed);
++ cpus_and(vtmp, vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched), p->cpus_allowed);
+- for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
+- if (idle_cpu(i))
+- return i;
++ for_each_cpu_mask(i, vtmp) {
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
++ if (!cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu), tmp))
++ continue;
++ if (idle_vcpu(vcpu))
++ return vcpu;
+ }
+ return cpu;
+ }
+ #else
+-static inline int wake_idle(int cpu, task_t *p)
++static inline vcpu_t wake_idle(vcpu_t cpu, task_t *p)
+ {
+ return cpu;
+ }
+@@ -729,15 +1406,17 @@ static inline int wake_idle(int cpu, tas
+ */
+ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, unsigned int state, int sync)
+ {
+- int cpu, this_cpu, success = 0;
++ vcpu_t cpu, this_cpu;
++ int success = 0;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ long old_state;
+ runqueue_t *rq;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ unsigned long load, this_load;
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
+- int new_cpu;
++ vcpu_t new_cpu;
+ #endif
++ cpu = NULL;
+ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
+ old_state = p->state;
+@@ -747,8 +1426,8 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
+ if (p->array)
+ goto out_running;
+- cpu = task_cpu(p);
+- this_cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ cpu = task_vcpu(p);
++ this_cpu = this_vcpu();
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ if (unlikely(task_running(rq, p)))
+@@ -756,7 +1435,10 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
+ new_cpu = cpu;
+- if (cpu == this_cpu || unlikely(!cpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)))
++ /* FIXME: add vsched->last_vcpu array to optimize wakeups in different vsched */
++ if (vcpu_vsched(cpu) != vcpu_vsched(this_cpu))
++ goto out_set_cpu;
++ if (cpu == this_cpu || unlikely(!vcpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)))
+ goto out_set_cpu;
+ load = source_load(cpu);
+@@ -795,7 +1477,7 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
+ * Now sd has SD_WAKE_AFFINE and p is cache cold in sd
+ * or sd has SD_WAKE_BALANCE and there is an imbalance
+ */
+- if (cpu_isset(cpu, sd->span))
++ if (cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(cpu), sd->span))
+ goto out_set_cpu;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -803,8 +1485,8 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
+ new_cpu = cpu; /* Could not wake to this_cpu. Wake to cpu instead */
+ out_set_cpu:
+ new_cpu = wake_idle(new_cpu, p);
+- if (new_cpu != cpu && cpu_isset(new_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)) {
+- set_task_cpu(p, new_cpu);
++ if (new_cpu != cpu && vcpu_isset(new_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)) {
++ set_task_vcpu(p, new_cpu);
+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+ /* might preempt at this point */
+ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
+@@ -814,20 +1496,28 @@ out_set_cpu:
+ if (p->array)
+ goto out_running;
+- this_cpu = smp_processor_id();
+- cpu = task_cpu(p);
++ this_cpu = this_vcpu();
++ cpu = task_vcpu(p);
+ }
+ out_activate:
+ #endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
+ if (old_state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE) {
+ rq->nr_uninterruptible--;
++ nr_unint_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
+ /*
+ * Tasks on involuntary sleep don't earn
+ * sleep_avg beyond just interactive state.
+ */
+ p->activated = -1;
+ }
++ if (old_state == TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)
++ nr_sleeping_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
++ if (old_state == TASK_STOPPED)
++ nr_stopped_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
+ /*
+ * Sync wakeups (i.e. those types of wakeups where the waker
+@@ -866,6 +1556,37 @@ int fastcall wake_up_state(task_t *p, un
+ }
+ /*
++ * init is special, it is forked from swapper (idle_vsched) and should
++ * belong to default_vsched, so we have to change it's vsched/fairsched manually
++ */
++void wake_up_init(void)
++ task_t *p;
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ p = find_task_by_pid_all(1);
++ BUG_ON(p == NULL || p->state != TASK_STOPPED);
++ /* we should change both fairsched node and vsched here */
++ set_task_vsched(p, &default_vsched);
++ set_task_cpu(p, 0);
++ /*
++ * can't call wake_up_forked_thread() directly here,
++ * since it assumes that a child belongs to the same vsched
++ */
++ p->state = TASK_RUNNING;
++ p->sleep_avg = 0;
++ p->interactive_credit = 0;
++ p->prio = effective_prio(p);
++ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
++ __activate_task(p, rq);
++ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+ * Perform scheduler related setup for a newly forked process p.
+ * p is forked by current.
+ */
+@@ -904,6 +1625,7 @@ void fastcall sched_fork(task_t *p)
+ p->first_time_slice = 1;
+ current->time_slice >>= 1;
+ p->timestamp = sched_clock();
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_time -= get_cycles(); /*cosmetic: sleep till wakeup below*/
+ if (!current->time_slice) {
+ /*
+ * This case is rare, it happens when the parent has only
+@@ -931,6 +1653,7 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_process(tas
+ runqueue_t *rq = task_rq_lock(current, &flags);
+ BUG_ON(p->state != TASK_RUNNING);
++ BUG_ON(task_vsched(current) != task_vsched(p));
+ /*
+ * We decrease the sleep average of forking parents
+@@ -946,7 +1669,8 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_process(tas
+ p->interactive_credit = 0;
+ p->prio = effective_prio(p);
+- set_task_cpu(p, smp_processor_id());
++ set_task_pcpu(p, task_pcpu(current));
++ set_task_vcpu(p, this_vcpu());
+ if (unlikely(!current->array))
+ __activate_task(p, rq);
+@@ -956,6 +1680,8 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_process(tas
+ p->array = current->array;
+ p->array->nr_active++;
+ rq->nr_running++;
++ nr_running_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
+ }
+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+ }
+@@ -974,18 +1700,16 @@ void fastcall sched_exit(task_t * p)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ runqueue_t *rq;
+- local_irq_save(flags);
+- if (p->first_time_slice) {
+- p->parent->time_slice += p->time_slice;
+- if (unlikely(p->parent->time_slice > MAX_TIMESLICE))
+- p->parent->time_slice = MAX_TIMESLICE;
+- }
+- local_irq_restore(flags);
+ /*
+ * If the child was a (relative-) CPU hog then decrease
+ * the sleep_avg of the parent as well.
+ */
+ rq = task_rq_lock(p->parent, &flags);
++ if (p->first_time_slice && task_cpu(p) == task_cpu(p->parent)) {
++ p->parent->time_slice += p->time_slice;
++ if (unlikely(p->parent->time_slice > MAX_TIMESLICE))
++ p->parent->time_slice = MAX_TIMESLICE;
++ }
+ if (p->sleep_avg < p->parent->sleep_avg)
+ p->parent->sleep_avg = p->parent->sleep_avg /
+ (EXIT_WEIGHT + 1) * EXIT_WEIGHT + p->sleep_avg /
+@@ -1008,25 +1732,39 @@ void fastcall sched_exit(task_t * p)
+ */
+ static void finish_task_switch(task_t *prev)
+ {
+- runqueue_t *rq = this_rq();
+- struct mm_struct *mm = rq->prev_mm;
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ struct mm_struct *mm;
+ unsigned long prev_task_flags;
++ vcpu_t prev_vcpu, vcpu;
++ prev_vcpu = task_vcpu(prev);
++ vcpu = this_vcpu();
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ mm = rq->prev_mm;
+ rq->prev_mm = NULL;
+ /*
+ * A task struct has one reference for the use as "current".
+- * If a task dies, then it sets TASK_ZOMBIE in tsk->state and calls
+- * schedule one last time. The schedule call will never return,
++ * If a task dies, then it sets EXIT_ZOMBIE in tsk->exit_state and
++ * calls schedule one last time. The schedule call will never return,
+ * and the scheduled task must drop that reference.
+- * The test for TASK_ZOMBIE must occur while the runqueue locks are
++ * The test for EXIT_ZOMBIE must occur while the runqueue locks are
+ * still held, otherwise prev could be scheduled on another cpu, die
+ * there before we look at prev->state, and then the reference would
+ * be dropped twice.
+ * Manfred Spraul <>
+ */
+ prev_task_flags = prev->flags;
+- finish_arch_switch(rq, prev);
++ /*
++ * no schedule() should happen until vcpu_put,
++ * and schedule_tail() calls us with preempt enabled...
++ */
++ finish_arch_switch(rq, prev);
++ if (prev_vcpu != vcpu)
++ vcpu_put(prev_vcpu);
++ local_irq_enable();
+ if (mm)
+ mmdrop(mm);
+ if (unlikely(prev_task_flags & PF_DEAD))
+@@ -1042,7 +1780,7 @@ asmlinkage void schedule_tail(task_t *pr
+ finish_task_switch(prev);
+ if (current->set_child_tid)
+- put_user(current->pid, current->set_child_tid);
++ put_user(virt_pid(current), current->set_child_tid);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1083,44 +1821,109 @@ task_t * context_switch(runqueue_t *rq,
+ */
+ unsigned long nr_running(void)
+ {
+- unsigned long i, sum = 0;
+- for_each_cpu(i)
+- sum += cpu_rq(i)->nr_running;
++ int i;
++ long sum;
+- return sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_running;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
+ }
+ unsigned long nr_uninterruptible(void)
+ {
+- unsigned long i, sum = 0;
+- for_each_cpu(i)
+- sum += cpu_rq(i)->nr_uninterruptible;
++ int i;
++ long sum;
+- return sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_uninterruptible;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
+ }
+-unsigned long long nr_context_switches(void)
++unsigned long nr_sleeping(void)
+ {
+- unsigned long long i, sum = 0;
++ int i;
++ long sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_sleeping;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
+- for_each_cpu(i)
+- sum += cpu_rq(i)->nr_switches;
++unsigned long nr_stopped(void)
++ int i;
++ long sum;
+- return sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_stopped;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
+ }
+ unsigned long nr_iowait(void)
+ {
+- unsigned long i, sum = 0;
++ int i;
++ long sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_iowait;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
+- for_each_cpu(i)
+- sum += atomic_read(&cpu_rq(i)->nr_iowait);
++unsigned long long nr_context_switches(void)
++ int i;
++ long long sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_switches;
+ return sum;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++unsigned long nr_running_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int i;
++ long sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, i)->nr_running;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
++unsigned long nr_uninterruptible_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int i;
++ long sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, i)->nr_unint;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
++unsigned long nr_iowait_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int i;
++ long sum;
++ sum = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ sum += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, i)->nr_iowait;
++ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
+ /*
+ * double_rq_lock - safely lock two runqueues
+ *
+@@ -1167,24 +1970,32 @@ enum idle_type
+ /*
+ * find_idlest_cpu - find the least busy runqueue.
+ */
+-static int find_idlest_cpu(struct task_struct *p, int this_cpu,
++static vcpu_t find_idlest_cpu(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t this_cpu,
+ struct sched_domain *sd)
+ {
+ unsigned long load, min_load, this_load;
+- int i, min_cpu;
+- cpumask_t mask;
++ int i;
++ vcpu_t min_cpu;
++ cpumask_t mask, vmask;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
+- min_cpu = UINT_MAX;
++ vsched = task_vsched(p);
++ min_cpu = NULL;
+ min_load = ULONG_MAX;
+ cpus_and(mask, sd->span, cpu_online_map);
+- cpus_and(mask, mask, p->cpus_allowed);
++ cpus_and(vmask, vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched), p->cpus_allowed);
+- for_each_cpu_mask(i, mask) {
+- load = target_load(i);
++ for_each_cpu_mask(i, vmask) {
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
++ if (!cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu), mask))
++ continue;
++ load = target_load(vcpu);
+ if (load < min_load) {
+- min_cpu = i;
++ min_cpu = vcpu;
+ min_load = load;
+ /* break out early on an idle CPU: */
+@@ -1193,6 +2004,9 @@ static int find_idlest_cpu(struct task_s
+ }
+ }
++ if (min_cpu == NULL)
++ return this_cpu;
+ /* add +1 to account for the new task */
+ this_load = source_load(this_cpu) + SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
+@@ -1220,9 +2034,9 @@ static int find_idlest_cpu(struct task_s
+ void fastcall wake_up_forked_thread(task_t * p)
+ {
+ unsigned long flags;
+- int this_cpu = get_cpu(), cpu;
++ vcpu_t this_cpu = get_vcpu(), cpu;
+ struct sched_domain *tmp, *sd = NULL;
+- runqueue_t *this_rq = cpu_rq(this_cpu), *rq;
++ runqueue_t *this_rq = vcpu_rq(this_cpu), *rq;
+ /*
+ * Find the largest domain that this CPU is part of that
+@@ -1238,7 +2052,7 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_thread(task
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ lock_again:
+- rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
+ double_rq_lock(this_rq, rq);
+ BUG_ON(p->state != TASK_RUNNING);
+@@ -1248,7 +2062,7 @@ lock_again:
+ * the mask could have changed - just dont migrate
+ * in this case:
+ */
+- if (unlikely(!cpu_isset(cpu, p->cpus_allowed))) {
++ if (unlikely(!vcpu_isset(cpu, p->cpus_allowed))) {
+ cpu = this_cpu;
+ double_rq_unlock(this_rq, rq);
+ goto lock_again;
+@@ -1267,7 +2081,7 @@ lock_again:
+ p->interactive_credit = 0;
+ p->prio = effective_prio(p);
+- set_task_cpu(p, cpu);
++ set_task_vcpu(p, cpu);
+ if (cpu == this_cpu) {
+ if (unlikely(!current->array))
+@@ -1278,6 +2092,8 @@ lock_again:
+ p->array = current->array;
+ p->array->nr_active++;
+ rq->nr_running++;
++ nr_running_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Not the local CPU - must adjust timestamp */
+@@ -1290,8 +2106,9 @@ lock_again:
+ double_rq_unlock(this_rq, rq);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+- put_cpu();
++ put_vcpu();
+ }
+ /*
+ * If dest_cpu is allowed for this process, migrate the task to it.
+@@ -1299,15 +2116,15 @@ lock_again:
+ * allow dest_cpu, which will force the cpu onto dest_cpu. Then
+ * the cpu_allowed mask is restored.
+ */
+-static void sched_migrate_task(task_t *p, int dest_cpu)
++static void sched_migrate_task(task_t *p, vcpu_t dest_cpu)
+ {
+ migration_req_t req;
+ runqueue_t *rq;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
+- if (!cpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)
+- || unlikely(cpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
++ if (!vcpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)
++ || unlikely(vcpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
+ goto out;
+ /* force the process onto the specified CPU */
+@@ -1325,6 +2142,7 @@ out:
+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ /*
+ * sched_balance_exec(): find the highest-level, exec-balance-capable
+ * domain and try to migrate the task to the least loaded CPU.
+@@ -1335,10 +2153,10 @@ out:
+ void sched_balance_exec(void)
+ {
+ struct sched_domain *tmp, *sd = NULL;
+- int new_cpu, this_cpu = get_cpu();
++ vcpu_t new_cpu, this_cpu = get_vcpu();
+ /* Prefer the current CPU if there's only this task running */
+- if (this_rq()->nr_running <= 1)
++ if (vcpu_rq(this_cpu)->nr_running <= 1)
+ goto out;
+ for_each_domain(this_cpu, tmp)
+@@ -1354,7 +2172,7 @@ void sched_balance_exec(void)
+ }
+ }
+ out:
+- put_cpu();
++ put_vcpu();
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1378,12 +2196,26 @@ static void double_lock_balance(runqueue
+ */
+ static inline
+ void pull_task(runqueue_t *src_rq, prio_array_t *src_array, task_t *p,
+- runqueue_t *this_rq, prio_array_t *this_array, int this_cpu)
++ runqueue_t *this_rq, prio_array_t *this_array, vcpu_t this_cpu)
+ {
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ cycles_t cycles;
++ cycles = get_cycles();
++ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env;
+ dequeue_task(p, src_array);
+ src_rq->nr_running--;
+- set_task_cpu(p, this_cpu);
++ if (src_rq->nr_running == 0) {
++ vcpu_detach(src_rq);
++ vcpu_strt_ve_idle(ve, rq_vcpu(src_rq)->id, cycles);
++ }
++ set_task_vcpu(p, this_cpu);
+ this_rq->nr_running++;
++ if (this_rq->nr_running == 1) {
++ vcpu_save_ve_idle(ve, this_cpu->id, cycles);
++ vcpu_attach(this_rq);
++ }
+ enqueue_task(p, this_array);
+ p->timestamp = (p->timestamp - src_rq->timestamp_last_tick)
+ + this_rq->timestamp_last_tick;
+@@ -1399,7 +2231,7 @@ void pull_task(runqueue_t *src_rq, prio_
+ * can_migrate_task - may task p from runqueue rq be migrated to this_cpu?
+ */
+ static inline
+-int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue_t *rq, int this_cpu,
++int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue_t *rq, vcpu_t this_cpu,
+ struct sched_domain *sd, enum idle_type idle)
+ {
+ /*
+@@ -1410,7 +2242,7 @@ int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue
+ */
+ if (task_running(rq, p))
+ return 0;
+- if (!cpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
++ if (!vcpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
+ return 0;
+ /* Aggressive migration if we've failed balancing */
+@@ -1430,7 +2262,7 @@ int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue
+ *
+ * Called with both runqueues locked.
+ */
+-static int move_tasks(runqueue_t *this_rq, int this_cpu, runqueue_t *busiest,
++static int move_tasks(runqueue_t *this_rq, vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *busiest,
+ unsigned long max_nr_move, struct sched_domain *sd,
+ enum idle_type idle)
+ {
+@@ -1506,12 +2338,17 @@ out:
+ * moved to restore balance via the imbalance parameter.
+ */
+ static struct sched_group *
+-find_busiest_group(struct sched_domain *sd, int this_cpu,
++find_busiest_group(struct sched_domain *sd, vcpu_t this_cpu,
+ unsigned long *imbalance, enum idle_type idle)
+ {
+ struct sched_group *busiest = NULL, *this = NULL, *group = sd->groups;
+ unsigned long max_load, avg_load, total_load, this_load, total_pwr;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ int this_pcpu;
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(this_cpu);
++ this_pcpu = vcpu_last_pcpu(this_cpu);
+ max_load = this_load = total_load = total_pwr = 0;
+ do {
+@@ -1520,20 +2357,21 @@ find_busiest_group(struct sched_domain *
+ int local_group;
+ int i, nr_cpus = 0;
+- local_group = cpu_isset(this_cpu, group->cpumask);
++ local_group = cpu_isset(this_pcpu, group->cpumask);
+ /* Tally up the load of all CPUs in the group */
+ avg_load = 0;
+- cpus_and(tmp, group->cpumask, cpu_online_map);
++ cpus_and(tmp, group->cpumask, vsched_pcpu_running_map(vsched));
+ if (unlikely(cpus_empty(tmp)))
+ goto nextgroup;
+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
++ vcpu = pcpu(i)->vcpu;
+ /* Bias balancing toward cpus of our domain */
+ if (local_group)
+- load = target_load(i);
++ load = target_load(vcpu);
+ else
+- load = source_load(i);
++ load = source_load(vcpu);
+ nr_cpus++;
+ avg_load += load;
+@@ -1562,6 +2400,8 @@ nextgroup:
+ if (!busiest || this_load >= max_load)
+ goto out_balanced;
++ if (!this)
++ this = busiest; /* this->cpu_power is needed below */
+ avg_load = (SCHED_LOAD_SCALE * total_load) / total_pwr;
+@@ -1645,36 +2485,71 @@ out_balanced:
+ /*
+ * find_busiest_queue - find the busiest runqueue among the cpus in group.
+ */
+-static runqueue_t *find_busiest_queue(struct sched_group *group)
++static vcpu_t find_busiest_queue(vcpu_t this_cpu,
++ struct sched_group *group, enum idle_type idle)
+ {
+ cpumask_t tmp;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
+ unsigned long load, max_load = 0;
+- runqueue_t *busiest = NULL;
++ vcpu_t busiest = NULL;
+ int i;
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(this_cpu);
+ cpus_and(tmp, group->cpumask, cpu_online_map);
+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
+- load = source_load(i);
++ vcpu = pcpu(i)->vcpu;
++ if (vcpu_vsched(vcpu) != vsched && idle != IDLE)
++ continue;
++ load = source_load(vcpu);
++ if (load > max_load) {
++ max_load = load;
++ busiest = vcpu;
++ }
++ }
++ cpus_andnot(tmp, vsched->vcpu_online_map, vsched->vcpu_running_map);
++ for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
++ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
++ load = source_load(vcpu);
+ if (load > max_load) {
+ max_load = load;
+- busiest = cpu_rq(i);
++ busiest = vcpu;
+ }
+ }
+ return busiest;
+ }
++vcpu_t find_idle_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ vcpu = NULL;
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&vsched->idle_list))
++ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
++ struct vcpu_info, list);
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++ return vcpu;
+ /*
+ * Check this_cpu to ensure it is balanced within domain. Attempt to move
+ * tasks if there is an imbalance.
+ *
+ * Called with this_rq unlocked.
+ */
+-static int load_balance(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
++static int load_balance(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
+ struct sched_domain *sd, enum idle_type idle)
+ {
+ struct sched_group *group;
++ vcpu_t busiest_vcpu;
+ runqueue_t *busiest;
+ unsigned long imbalance;
+ int nr_moved;
+@@ -1685,9 +2560,27 @@ static int load_balance(int this_cpu, ru
+ if (!group)
+ goto out_balanced;
+- busiest = find_busiest_queue(group);
+- if (!busiest)
++ busiest_vcpu = find_busiest_queue(this_cpu, group, idle);
++ if (!busiest_vcpu)
+ goto out_balanced;
++ if (vcpu_vsched(this_cpu) != vcpu_vsched(busiest_vcpu)) {
++ spin_unlock(&this_rq->lock);
++ this_cpu = find_idle_vcpu(vcpu_vsched(busiest_vcpu));
++ if (!this_cpu)
++ goto out_tune;
++ this_rq = vcpu_rq(this_cpu);
++ spin_lock(&this_rq->lock);
++ /*
++ * The check below is not mandatory, the lock may
++ * be dropped below in double_lock_balance.
++ */
++ if (this_rq->nr_running)
++ goto out_balanced;
++ }
++ busiest = vcpu_rq(busiest_vcpu);
+ /*
+ * This should be "impossible", but since load
+ * balancing is inherently racy and statistical,
+@@ -1746,6 +2639,7 @@ static int load_balance(int this_cpu, ru
+ out_balanced:
+ spin_unlock(&this_rq->lock);
+ /* tune up the balancing interval */
+ if (sd->balance_interval < sd->max_interval)
+ sd->balance_interval *= 2;
+@@ -1760,50 +2654,54 @@ out_balanced:
+ * Called from schedule when this_rq is about to become idle (NEWLY_IDLE).
+ * this_rq is locked.
+ */
+-static int load_balance_newidle(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
++static int load_balance_newidle(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
+ struct sched_domain *sd)
+ {
+ struct sched_group *group;
+- runqueue_t *busiest = NULL;
++ vcpu_t busiest_vcpu;
++ runqueue_t *busiest;
+ unsigned long imbalance;
+- int nr_moved = 0;
+ group = find_busiest_group(sd, this_cpu, &imbalance, NEWLY_IDLE);
+ if (!group)
+ goto out;
+- busiest = find_busiest_queue(group);
+- if (!busiest || busiest == this_rq)
++ busiest_vcpu = find_busiest_queue(this_cpu, group, NEWLY_IDLE);
++ if (!busiest_vcpu || busiest_vcpu == this_cpu)
+ goto out;
++ busiest = vcpu_rq(busiest_vcpu);
+ /* Attempt to move tasks */
+ double_lock_balance(this_rq, busiest);
+- nr_moved = move_tasks(this_rq, this_cpu, busiest,
+- imbalance, sd, NEWLY_IDLE);
++ move_tasks(this_rq, this_cpu, busiest,
++ imbalance, sd, NEWLY_IDLE);
+ spin_unlock(&busiest->lock);
+ out:
+- return nr_moved;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * idle_balance is called by schedule() if this_cpu is about to become
+ * idle. Attempts to pull tasks from other CPUs.
++ *
++ * Returns whether to continue with another runqueue
++ * instead of switching to idle.
+ */
+-static inline void idle_balance(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq)
++static int idle_balance(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq)
+ {
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
+ for_each_domain(this_cpu, sd) {
+ if (sd->flags & SD_BALANCE_NEWIDLE) {
+- if (load_balance_newidle(this_cpu, this_rq, sd)) {
++ if (load_balance_newidle(this_cpu, this_rq, sd))
+ /* We've pulled tasks over so stop searching */
+- break;
+- }
++ return 1;
+ }
+ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1813,34 +2711,52 @@ static inline void idle_balance(int this
+ * logical imbalance.
+ *
+ * Called with busiest locked.
++ *
++ * In human terms: balancing of CPU load by moving tasks between CPUs is
++ * performed by 2 methods, push and pull.
++ * In certain places when CPU is found to be idle, it performs pull from busy
++ * CPU to current (idle) CPU.
++ * active_load_balance implements push method, with migration thread getting
++ * scheduled on a busy CPU (hence, making all running processes on this CPU sit
++ * in the queue) and selecting where to push and which task.
+ */
+-static void active_load_balance(runqueue_t *busiest, int busiest_cpu)
++static void active_load_balance(runqueue_t *busiest, vcpu_t busiest_cpu)
+ {
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
+ struct sched_group *group, *busy_group;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
+ int i;
+ if (busiest->nr_running <= 1)
+ return;
++ /*
++ * Our main candidate where to push our tasks is busiest->push_cpu.
++ * First, find the domain that spans over both that candidate CPU and
++ * the current one.
++ *
++ * FIXME: make sure that push_cpu doesn't disappear before we get here.
++ */
+ for_each_domain(busiest_cpu, sd)
+- if (cpu_isset(busiest->push_cpu, sd->span))
++ if (cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(busiest->push_cpu), sd->span))
+ break;
+ if (!sd) {
+ WARN_ON(1);
+ return;
+ }
++ /* Remember the group containing the current CPU (to ignore it). */
+ group = sd->groups;
+- while (!cpu_isset(busiest_cpu, group->cpumask))
++ while (!cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(busiest_cpu), group->cpumask))
+ group = group->next;
+ busy_group = group;
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(busiest_cpu);
+ group = sd->groups;
+ do {
+ cpumask_t tmp;
+ runqueue_t *rq;
+- int push_cpu = 0;
++ vcpu_t vcpu, push_cpu;
+ if (group == busy_group)
+ goto next_group;
+@@ -1849,13 +2765,21 @@ static void active_load_balance(runqueue
+ if (!cpus_weight(tmp))
+ goto next_group;
++ push_cpu = NULL;
+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
+- if (!idle_cpu(i))
++ vcpu = pcpu(i)->vcpu;
++ if (vcpu_vsched(vcpu) != vsched)
++ continue;
++ if (!idle_vcpu(vcpu))
+ goto next_group;
+- push_cpu = i;
++ push_cpu = vcpu;
+ }
++ if (push_cpu == NULL)
++ goto next_group;
+- rq = cpu_rq(push_cpu);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(push_cpu);
+ /*
+ * This condition is "impossible", but since load
+@@ -1871,6 +2795,28 @@ static void active_load_balance(runqueue
+ next_group:
+ group = group->next;
+ } while (group != sd->groups);
++ if (busiest->nr_running > 2) { /* 1 for migration thread, 1 for task */
++ cpumask_t tmp;
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ cpus_andnot(tmp, vsched->vcpu_online_map,
++ vsched->vcpu_running_map);
++ for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
++ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
++ if (!idle_vcpu(vcpu))
++ continue;
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ double_lock_balance(busiest, rq);
++ move_tasks(rq, vcpu, busiest, 1, sd, IDLE);
++ spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
++ if (busiest->nr_running <= 2)
++ break;
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1883,27 +2829,18 @@ next_group:
+ */
+ /* Don't have all balancing operations going off at once */
+-#define CPU_OFFSET(cpu) (HZ * cpu / NR_CPUS)
++#define CPU_OFFSET(cpu) (HZ * (cpu) / NR_CPUS)
+-static void rebalance_tick(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
++static void rebalance_tick(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
+ enum idle_type idle)
+ {
+- unsigned long old_load, this_load;
+- unsigned long j = jiffies + CPU_OFFSET(this_cpu);
++ unsigned long j;
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
+ /* Update our load */
+- old_load = this_rq->cpu_load;
+- this_load = this_rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
+- /*
+- * Round up the averaging division if load is increasing. This
+- * prevents us from getting stuck on 9 if the load is 10, for
+- * example.
+- */
+- if (this_load > old_load)
+- old_load++;
+- this_rq->cpu_load = (old_load + this_load) / 2;
++ update_rq_cpu_load(this_rq);
++ j = jiffies + CPU_OFFSET(smp_processor_id());
+ for_each_domain(this_cpu, sd) {
+ unsigned long interval = sd->balance_interval;
+@@ -1914,7 +2851,6 @@ static void rebalance_tick(int this_cpu,
+ interval = msecs_to_jiffies(interval);
+ if (unlikely(!interval))
+ interval = 1;
+ if (j - sd->last_balance >= interval) {
+ if (load_balance(this_cpu, this_rq, sd, idle)) {
+ /* We've pulled tasks over so no longer idle */
+@@ -1928,26 +2864,30 @@ static void rebalance_tick(int this_cpu,
+ /*
+ * on UP we do not need to balance between CPUs:
+ */
+-static inline void rebalance_tick(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq, enum idle_type idle)
++static inline void rebalance_tick(vcpu_t cpu, runqueue_t *rq, enum idle_type idle)
+ {
+ }
+-static inline void idle_balance(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
++static inline void idle_balance(vcpu_t cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
+ {
+ }
+ #endif
+-static inline int wake_priority_sleeper(runqueue_t *rq)
++static inline int wake_priority_sleeper(runqueue_t *rq, task_t *idle)
+ {
++ /* FIXME: can we implement SMT priority sleeping for this? */
+ /*
+ * If an SMT sibling task has been put to sleep for priority
+ * reasons reschedule the idle task to see if it can now run.
+ */
+ if (rq->nr_running) {
+- resched_task(rq->idle);
++ /* FIXME */
++ resched_task(idle);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1971,6 +2911,25 @@ EXPORT_PER_CPU_SYMBOL(kstat);
+ STARVATION_LIMIT * ((rq)->nr_running) + 1))) || \
+ ((rq)->curr->static_prio > (rq)->best_expired_prio))
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define update_ve_nice(p, tick) do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, \
++ task_cpu(p))->nice += tick; \
++ } while (0)
++#define update_ve_user(p, tick) do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, \
++ task_cpu(p))->user += tick; \
++ } while (0)
++#define update_ve_system(p, tick) do { \
++ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, \
++ task_cpu(p))->system += tick; \
++ } while (0)
++#define update_ve_nice(p, tick) do { } while (0)
++#define update_ve_user(p, tick) do { } while (0)
++#define update_ve_system(p, tick) do { } while (0)
+ /*
+ * This function gets called by the timer code, with HZ frequency.
+ * We call it with interrupts disabled.
+@@ -1981,12 +2940,17 @@ EXPORT_PER_CPU_SYMBOL(kstat);
+ void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int sys_ticks)
+ {
+ int cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
+ struct cpu_usage_stat *cpustat = &kstat_this_cpu.cpustat;
+- runqueue_t *rq = this_rq();
++ runqueue_t *rq;
+ task_t *p = current;
++ vcpu = this_vcpu();
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
+ rq->timestamp_last_tick = sched_clock();
++ set_tsk_need_resched(p); //FIXME
+ if (rcu_pending(cpu))
+ rcu_check_callbacks(cpu, user_ticks);
+@@ -1998,22 +2962,25 @@ void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int
+ cpustat->softirq += sys_ticks;
+ sys_ticks = 0;
+ }
+- if (p == rq->idle) {
++ if (p == pcpu(cpu)->idle) {
+ if (atomic_read(&rq->nr_iowait) > 0)
+ cpustat->iowait += sys_ticks;
+ else
+ cpustat->idle += sys_ticks;
+- if (wake_priority_sleeper(rq))
++ if (wake_priority_sleeper(rq, pcpu(cpu)->idle))
+ goto out;
+- rebalance_tick(cpu, rq, IDLE);
++ rebalance_tick(vcpu, rq, IDLE);
+ return;
+ }
+- if (TASK_NICE(p) > 0)
++ if (TASK_NICE(p) > 0) {
+ cpustat->nice += user_ticks;
+- else
++ update_ve_nice(p, user_ticks);
++ } else {
+ cpustat->user += user_ticks;
++ update_ve_user(p, user_ticks);
++ }
+ cpustat->system += sys_ticks;
++ update_ve_system(p, sys_ticks);
+ /* Task might have expired already, but not scheduled off yet */
+ if (p->array != rq->active) {
+@@ -2076,9 +3043,22 @@ void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int
+ * This only applies to tasks in the interactive
+ * delta range with at least TIMESLICE_GRANULARITY to requeue.
+ */
++ unsigned long ts_gran;
++ if (ts_gran == 0) {
++ printk("BUG!!! Zero granulatity!\n"
++ "Task %d/%s, VE %d, sleep_avg %lu, cpus %d\n",
++ p->pid, p->comm,
++ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->veid,
++ p->sleep_avg,
++ vsched_num_online_vcpus(task_vsched(p)));
++ ts_gran = 1;
++ }
+ if (TASK_INTERACTIVE(p) && !((task_timeslice(p) -
+- p->time_slice) % TIMESLICE_GRANULARITY(p)) &&
+- (p->time_slice >= TIMESLICE_GRANULARITY(p)) &&
++ p->time_slice) % ts_gran) &&
++ (p->time_slice >= ts_gran) &&
+ (p->array == rq->active)) {
+ dequeue_task(p, rq->active);
+@@ -2090,11 +3070,12 @@ void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int
+ out_unlock:
+ spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
+ out:
+- rebalance_tick(cpu, rq, NOT_IDLE);
++ rebalance_tick(vcpu, rq, NOT_IDLE);
+ }
+-static inline void wake_sleeping_dependent(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_SMT) && !defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
++/* FIXME: SMT scheduling */
++static void wake_sleeping_dependent(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
+ {
+ int i;
+ struct sched_domain *sd = rq->sd;
+@@ -2110,18 +3091,18 @@ static inline void wake_sleeping_depende
+ if (i == cpu)
+ continue;
+- smt_rq = cpu_rq(i);
++ smt_rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu(i));
+ /*
+ * If an SMT sibling task is sleeping due to priority
+ * reasons wake it up now.
+ */
+- if (smt_rq->curr == smt_rq->idle && smt_rq->nr_running)
+- resched_task(smt_rq->idle);
++ if (smt_rq->curr == pcpu(i)->idle && smt_rq->nr_running)
++ resched_task(pcpu(i)->idle);
+ }
+ }
+-static inline int dependent_sleeper(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq, task_t *p)
++static int dependent_sleeper(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq, task_t *p)
+ {
+ struct sched_domain *sd = rq->sd;
+ cpumask_t sibling_map;
+@@ -2138,7 +3119,7 @@ static inline int dependent_sleeper(int
+ if (i == cpu)
+ continue;
+- smt_rq = cpu_rq(i);
++ smt_rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu(i));
+ smt_curr = smt_rq->curr;
+ /*
+@@ -2162,7 +3143,7 @@ static inline int dependent_sleeper(int
+ if ((((p->time_slice * (100 - sd->per_cpu_gain) / 100) >
+ task_timeslice(smt_curr) || rt_task(p)) &&
+ smt_curr->mm && p->mm && !rt_task(smt_curr)) ||
+- (smt_curr == smt_rq->idle && smt_rq->nr_running))
++ (smt_curr == pcpu(i)->idle && smt_rq->nr_running))
+ resched_task(smt_curr);
+ }
+ return ret;
+@@ -2178,6 +3159,24 @@ static inline int dependent_sleeper(int
+ }
+ #endif
++static void update_sched_lat(struct task_struct *t, cycles_t cycles)
++ int cpu;
++ cycles_t ve_wstamp;
++ /* safe due to runqueue lock */
++ ve_wstamp = VE_TASK_INFO(t)->wakeup_stamp;
++ cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ if (ve_wstamp && cycles > ve_wstamp) {
++ KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_ADD(&kstat_glob.sched_lat,
++ cpu, cycles - ve_wstamp);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_ADD(&VE_TASK_INFO(t)->exec_env->sched_lat_ve,
++ cpu, cycles - ve_wstamp);
++ }
+ /*
+ * schedule() is the main scheduler function.
+ */
+@@ -2190,30 +3189,34 @@ asmlinkage void __sched schedule(void)
+ struct list_head *queue;
+ unsigned long long now;
+ unsigned long run_time;
+- int cpu, idx;
++ int idx;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ cycles_t cycles;
+ /*
+ * Test if we are atomic. Since do_exit() needs to call into
+ * schedule() atomically, we ignore that path for now.
+ * Otherwise, whine if we are scheduling when we should not be.
+ */
+- if (likely(!(current->state & (TASK_DEAD | TASK_ZOMBIE)))) {
++ if (likely(!current->exit_state)) {
+ if (unlikely(in_atomic())) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "bad: scheduling while atomic!\n");
+ dump_stack();
+ }
+ }
+ need_resched:
++ cycles = get_cycles();
+ preempt_disable();
+ prev = current;
+ rq = this_rq();
+ release_kernel_lock(prev);
+ now = sched_clock();
+- if (likely(now - prev->timestamp < NS_MAX_SLEEP_AVG))
++ if (likely((long long)(now - prev->timestamp) < NS_MAX_SLEEP_AVG)) {
+ run_time = now - prev->timestamp;
+- else
++ if (unlikely((long long)(now - prev->timestamp) < 0))
++ run_time = 0;
++ } else
+ run_time = NS_MAX_SLEEP_AVG;
+ /*
+@@ -2226,6 +3229,8 @@ need_resched:
+ spin_lock_irq(&rq->lock);
++ if (unlikely(current->flags & PF_DEAD))
++ current->state = EXIT_DEAD;
+ /*
+ * if entering off of a kernel preemption go straight
+ * to picking the next task.
+@@ -2233,22 +3238,33 @@ need_resched:
+ switch_count = &prev->nivcsw;
+ if (prev->state && !(preempt_count() & PREEMPT_ACTIVE)) {
+ switch_count = &prev->nvcsw;
+- if (unlikely((prev->state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) &&
+- unlikely(signal_pending(prev))))
++ if (unlikely(((prev->state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) &&
++ unlikely(signal_pending(prev))) ||
++ ((prev->state & TASK_STOPPED) &&
++ sigismember(&prev->pending.signal, SIGKILL))))
+ prev->state = TASK_RUNNING;
+ else
+ deactivate_task(prev, rq);
+ }
+- cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ prev->sleep_avg -= run_time;
++ if ((long)prev->sleep_avg <= 0) {
++ prev->sleep_avg = 0;
++ if (!(HIGH_CREDIT(prev) || LOW_CREDIT(prev)))
++ prev->interactive_credit--;
++ }
++ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq);
++ if (unlikely(!rq->nr_running))
++ idle_balance(vcpu, rq);
++ vcpu = schedule_vcpu(vcpu, cycles);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
+ if (unlikely(!rq->nr_running)) {
+- idle_balance(cpu, rq);
+- if (!rq->nr_running) {
+- next = rq->idle;
+- rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
+- wake_sleeping_dependent(cpu, rq);
+- goto switch_tasks;
+- }
++ next = this_pcpu()->idle;
++ rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
++ wake_sleeping_dependent(vcpu->id, rq);
++ goto switch_tasks;
+ }
+ array = rq->active;
+@@ -2266,14 +3282,15 @@ need_resched:
+ idx = sched_find_first_bit(array->bitmap);
+ queue = array->queue + idx;
+ next = list_entry(queue->next, task_t, run_list);
+- if (dependent_sleeper(cpu, rq, next)) {
+- next = rq->idle;
++ if (dependent_sleeper(vcpu->id, rq, next)) {
++ /* FIXME: switch to idle if CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
++ next = this_pcpu()->idle;
+ goto switch_tasks;
+ }
+ if (!rt_task(next) && next->activated > 0) {
+ unsigned long long delta = now - next->timestamp;
++ if (unlikely((long long)delta < 0))
++ delta = 0;
+ if (next->activated == 1)
+ delta = delta * (ON_RUNQUEUE_WEIGHT * 128 / 100) / 128;
+@@ -2284,37 +3301,68 @@ need_resched:
+ enqueue_task(next, array);
+ }
+ next->activated = 0;
+ switch_tasks:
+ prefetch(next);
+ clear_tsk_need_resched(prev);
+- RCU_qsctr(task_cpu(prev))++;
++ RCU_qsctr(task_pcpu(prev))++;
+- prev->sleep_avg -= run_time;
+- if ((long)prev->sleep_avg <= 0) {
+- prev->sleep_avg = 0;
+- if (!(HIGH_CREDIT(prev) || LOW_CREDIT(prev)))
+- prev->interactive_credit--;
+- }
++ /* updated w/o rq->lock, which is ok due to after-read-checks */
+ prev->timestamp = now;
+ if (likely(prev != next)) {
++ /* current physical CPU id should be valid after switch */
++ set_task_vcpu(next, vcpu);
++ set_task_pcpu(next, task_pcpu(prev));
+ next->timestamp = now;
+ rq->nr_switches++;
++ glob_tasks_nrs[smp_processor_id()].nr_switches++;
+ rq->curr = next;
+ ++*switch_count;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sleep_stamp = cycles;
++ if (prev->state == TASK_RUNNING && prev != this_pcpu()->idle)
++ write_wakeup_stamp(prev, cycles);
++ update_sched_lat(next, cycles);
++ /* because next & prev are protected with
++ * runqueue lock we may not worry about
++ * wakeup_stamp and sched_time protection
++ * (same thing in 'else' branch below)
++ */
++ if (prev != this_pcpu()->idle) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->owner_env,
++ smp_processor_id())->used_time +=
++ cycles - VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time = 0;
++ }
++ VE_TASK_INFO(next)->sched_time = cycles;
++ write_wakeup_stamp(next, 0);
+ prepare_arch_switch(rq, next);
+ prev = context_switch(rq, prev, next);
+ barrier();
+ finish_task_switch(prev);
+- } else
++ } else {
++ if (prev != this_pcpu()->idle) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->owner_env,
++ smp_processor_id())->used_time +=
++ cycles - VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time = cycles;
++ }
+ spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
++ }
+ reacquire_kernel_lock(current);
+ preempt_enable_no_resched();
+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_NEED_RESCHED))
+ goto need_resched;
++ return;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(schedule);
+@@ -2675,23 +3723,12 @@ int task_nice(const task_t *p)
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(task_nice);
+ /**
+- * idle_cpu - is a given cpu idle currently?
+- * @cpu: the processor in question.
+- */
+-int idle_cpu(int cpu)
+- return cpu_curr(cpu) == cpu_rq(cpu)->idle;
+ * find_process_by_pid - find a process with a matching PID value.
+ * @pid: the pid in question.
+ */
+ static inline task_t *find_process_by_pid(pid_t pid)
+ {
+- return pid ? find_task_by_pid(pid) : current;
++ return pid ? find_task_by_pid_ve(pid) : current;
+ }
+ /* Actually do priority change: must hold rq lock. */
+@@ -2764,7 +3801,7 @@ static int setscheduler(pid_t pid, int p
+ retval = -EPERM;
+ if ((policy == SCHED_FIFO || policy == SCHED_RR) &&
+- !capable(CAP_SYS_NICE))
++ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+ goto out_unlock;
+ if ((current->euid != p->euid) && (current->euid != p->uid) &&
+ !capable(CAP_SYS_NICE))
+@@ -3065,9 +4102,14 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(yield);
+ void __sched io_schedule(void)
+ {
+ struct runqueue *rq = this_rq();
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env;
+ atomic_inc(&rq->nr_iowait);
++ nr_iowait_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
+ schedule();
++ nr_iowait_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
+ atomic_dec(&rq->nr_iowait);
+ }
+@@ -3077,9 +4119,14 @@ long __sched io_schedule_timeout(long ti
+ {
+ struct runqueue *rq = this_rq();
+ long ret;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env;
+ atomic_inc(&rq->nr_iowait);
++ nr_iowait_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
+ ret = schedule_timeout(timeout);
++ nr_iowait_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
+ atomic_dec(&rq->nr_iowait);
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -3199,16 +4246,13 @@ static void show_task(task_t * p)
+ printk(stat_nam[state]);
+ else
+ printk("?");
++ if (state)
++ printk(" %012Lx", (unsigned long long)
++ (VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_stamp >> 16));
+ #if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32)
+- if (state == TASK_RUNNING)
+- printk(" running ");
+- else
+- printk(" %08lX ", thread_saved_pc(p));
++ printk(" %08lX ", (unsigned long)p);
+ #else
+- if (state == TASK_RUNNING)
+- printk(" running task ");
+- else
+- printk(" %016lx ", thread_saved_pc(p));
++ printk(" %016lx ", (unsigned long)p);
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -3247,39 +4291,82 @@ void show_state(void)
+ #if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32)
+ printk("\n"
+ " sibling\n");
+- printk(" task PC pid father child younger older\n");
++ printk(" task taskaddr pid father child younger older\n");
+ #else
+ printk("\n"
+ " sibling\n");
+- printk(" task PC pid father child younger older\n");
++ printk(" task taskaddr pid father child younger older\n");
+ #endif
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
+ /*
+ * reset the NMI-timeout, listing all files on a slow
+ * console might take alot of time:
+ */
+ touch_nmi_watchdog();
+ show_task(p);
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
++static void init_rq(struct runqueue *rq);
++static void init_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu, int id)
++ memset(vcpu, 0, sizeof(struct vcpu_info));
++ vcpu->id = id;
++ vcpu->last_pcpu = id;
++ init_rq(vcpu_rq(vcpu));
+ void __devinit init_idle(task_t *idle, int cpu)
+ {
+- runqueue_t *idle_rq = cpu_rq(cpu), *rq = cpu_rq(task_cpu(idle));
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ runqueue_t *idle_rq, *rq;
+ unsigned long flags;
++ if (__add_vcpu(&idle_vsched, cpu))
++ panic("Can't create idle vcpu %d\n", cpu);
++ /* Also create vcpu for default_vsched */
++ if (cpu > 0 && __add_vcpu(&default_vsched, cpu) != 0)
++ panic("Can't create default vcpu %d\n", cpu);
++ cpu_set(cpu, idle_vsched.pcpu_running_map);
++ vsched = &idle_vsched;
++ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, cpu);
++ idle_rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(task_vcpu(idle));
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ double_rq_lock(idle_rq, rq);
+- idle_rq->curr = idle_rq->idle = idle;
++ pcpu(cpu)->idle = idle;
++ idle_rq->curr = idle;
+ deactivate_task(idle, rq);
+ idle->array = NULL;
+ idle->prio = MAX_PRIO;
+ idle->state = TASK_RUNNING;
+- set_task_cpu(idle, cpu);
++ set_task_pcpu(idle, cpu);
++ /* the following code is very close to vcpu_get */
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ pcpu(cpu)->vcpu = vcpu;
++ pcpu(cpu)->vsched = vcpu->vsched;
++ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->running_list);
++ __set_bit(cpu, vsched->vcpu_running_map.bits);
++ __set_bit(cpu, vsched->pcpu_running_map.bits);
++ vcpu->running = 1;
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++ set_task_vsched(idle, vsched);
++ set_task_vcpu(idle, vcpu);
+ double_rq_unlock(idle_rq, rq);
+ set_tsk_need_resched(idle);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+@@ -3301,7 +4388,7 @@ void __devinit init_idle(task_t *idle, i
+ */
+ cpumask_t nohz_cpu_mask = CPU_MASK_NONE;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
+ /*
+ * This is how migration works:
+ *
+@@ -3327,15 +4414,18 @@ cpumask_t nohz_cpu_mask = CPU_MASK_NONE;
+ * task must not exit() & deallocate itself prematurely. The
+ * call is not atomic; no spinlocks may be held.
+ */
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ int set_cpus_allowed(task_t *p, cpumask_t new_mask)
+ {
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ migration_req_t req;
+ runqueue_t *rq;
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ vsched = task_vsched(p);
+ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
+- if (!cpus_intersects(new_mask, cpu_online_map)) {
++ if (!cpus_intersects(new_mask, vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched))) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+@@ -3345,7 +4435,8 @@ int set_cpus_allowed(task_t *p, cpumask_
+ if (cpu_isset(task_cpu(p), new_mask))
+ goto out;
+- if (migrate_task(p, any_online_cpu(new_mask), &req)) {
++ if (migrate_task(p, vsched_vcpu(vsched, any_online_cpu(new_mask)),
++ &req)) {
+ /* Need help from migration thread: drop lock and wait. */
+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+ wake_up_process(rq->migration_thread);
+@@ -3359,6 +4450,7 @@ out:
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(set_cpus_allowed);
+ /*
+ * Move (not current) task off this cpu, onto dest cpu. We're doing
+@@ -3369,25 +4461,30 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(set_cpus_allowed);
+ * So we race with normal scheduler movements, but that's OK, as long
+ * as the task is no longer on this CPU.
+ */
+-static void __migrate_task(struct task_struct *p, int src_cpu, int dest_cpu)
++static void __migrate_task(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t src_cpu, vcpu_t dest_cpu)
+ {
+ runqueue_t *rq_dest, *rq_src;
+- if (unlikely(cpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
++ if (unlikely(vcpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
+ return;
+- rq_src = cpu_rq(src_cpu);
+- rq_dest = cpu_rq(dest_cpu);
++ BUG_ON(vcpu_vsched(src_cpu) == &idle_vsched);
++ rq_src = vcpu_rq(src_cpu);
++ rq_dest = vcpu_rq(dest_cpu);
+ double_rq_lock(rq_src, rq_dest);
+ /* Already moved. */
+- if (task_cpu(p) != src_cpu)
++ if (task_vcpu(p) != src_cpu)
+ goto out;
+ /* Affinity changed (again). */
+- if (!cpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
++ if (!vcpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
+ goto out;
+- set_task_cpu(p, dest_cpu);
++ BUG_ON(task_running(rq_src, p));
++ set_task_vsched(p, vcpu_vsched(dest_cpu));
++ set_task_vcpu(p, dest_cpu);
+ if (p->array) {
+ /*
+ * Sync timestamp with rq_dest's before activating.
+@@ -3415,9 +4512,9 @@ out:
+ static int migration_thread(void * data)
+ {
+ runqueue_t *rq;
+- int cpu = (long)data;
++ vcpu_t cpu = (vcpu_t)data;
+- rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
+ BUG_ON(rq->migration_thread != current);
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+@@ -3425,21 +4522,21 @@ static int migration_thread(void * data)
+ struct list_head *head;
+ migration_req_t *req;
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ spin_lock_irq(&rq->lock);
+- if (cpu_is_offline(cpu)) {
++ if (vcpu_is_offline(cpu)) {
+ spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
+ goto wait_to_die;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ if (rq->active_balance) {
+ active_load_balance(rq, cpu);
+ rq->active_balance = 0;
+ }
+ head = &rq->migration_queue;
+ if (list_empty(head)) {
+@@ -3453,12 +4550,14 @@ static int migration_thread(void * data)
+ if (req->type == REQ_MOVE_TASK) {
+ spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
+- __migrate_task(req->task, smp_processor_id(),
++ __migrate_task(req->task, this_vcpu(),
+ req->dest_cpu);
+ local_irq_enable();
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ } else if (req->type == REQ_SET_DOMAIN) {
+ rq->sd = req->sd;
+ spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
+ } else {
+ spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
+ WARN_ON(1);
+@@ -3480,10 +4579,10 @@ wait_to_die:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* migrate_all_tasks - function to migrate all tasks from the dead cpu. */
+-static void migrate_all_tasks(int src_cpu)
++static void migrate_all_tasks(vcpu_t src_vcpu)
+ {
++#if defined(CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU) && !defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
+ struct task_struct *tsk, *t;
+ int dest_cpu;
+ unsigned int node;
+@@ -3491,14 +4590,14 @@ static void migrate_all_tasks(int src_cp
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ /* watch out for per node tasks, let's stay on this node */
+- node = cpu_to_node(src_cpu);
++ node = cpu_to_node(src_vcpu);
+- do_each_thread(t, tsk) {
++ do_each_thread_all(t, tsk) {
+ cpumask_t mask;
+ if (tsk == current)
+ continue;
+- if (task_cpu(tsk) != src_cpu)
++ if (task_vcpu(tsk) != src_vcpu)
+ continue;
+ /* Figure out where this task should go (attempting to
+@@ -3520,22 +4619,43 @@ static void migrate_all_tasks(int src_cp
+ if (tsk->mm && printk_ratelimit())
+ printk(KERN_INFO "process %d (%s) no "
+ "longer affine to cpu%d\n",
+- tsk->pid, tsk->comm, src_cpu);
++ tsk->pid, tsk->comm, src_vcpu->id);
+ }
+- __migrate_task(tsk, src_cpu, dest_cpu);
+- } while_each_thread(t, tsk);
++ __migrate_task(tsk, src_vcpu,
++ vsched_vcpu(vcpu_vsched(src_vcpu), dest_cpu));
++ } while_each_thread_all(t, tsk);
+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++#elif defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
++ struct task_struct *tsk, *t;
++ /*
++ * FIXME: should migrate tasks from scr_vcpu to others if dynamic
++ * VCPU add/del is implemented. Right now just does sanity checks.
++ */
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ do_each_thread_all(t, tsk) {
++ if (task_vcpu(tsk) != src_vcpu)
++ continue;
++ if (tsk == vcpu_rq(src_vcpu)->migration_thread)
++ continue;
++ printk("VSCHED: task %s (%d) was left on src VCPU %d:%d\n",
++ tsk->comm, tsk->pid,
++ vcpu_vsched(src_vcpu)->id, src_vcpu->id);
++ } while_each_thread_all(t, tsk);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
+ /* Schedules idle task to be the next runnable task on current CPU.
+ * It does so by boosting its priority to highest possible and adding it to
+ * the _front_ of runqueue. Used by CPU offline code.
+ */
+ void sched_idle_next(void)
+ {
+- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
++ int cpu = this_vcpu();
+ runqueue_t *rq = this_rq();
+ struct task_struct *p = rq->idle;
+ unsigned long flags;
+@@ -3550,60 +4670,100 @@ void sched_idle_next(void)
+ __setscheduler(p, SCHED_FIFO, MAX_RT_PRIO-1);
+ /* Add idle task to _front_ of it's priority queue */
++#error "FIXME: VCPU vs. HOTPLUG: fix the code below"
+ __activate_idle_task(p, rq);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rq->lock, flags);
+ }
+ #endif /* CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU */
++static void migration_thread_bind(struct task_struct *k, vcpu_t cpu)
++ /* Must have done schedule() in kthread() before we set_task_cpu */
++ wait_task_inactive(k);
++ set_task_vsched(k, vcpu_vsched(cpu));
++ set_task_vcpu(k, cpu);
++ k->cpus_allowed = cpumask_of_cpu(cpu->id);
++static void migration_thread_stop(runqueue_t *rq)
++ struct task_struct *thread;
++ thread = rq->migration_thread;
++ if (thread == NULL)
++ return;
++ get_task_struct(thread);
++ kthread_stop(thread);
++ /* We MUST ensure, that the do_exit of the migration thread is
++ * completed and it will never scheduled again before vsched_destroy.
++ * The task with flag PF_DEAD if unscheduled will never receive
++ * CPU again. */
++ while (!(thread->flags & PF_DEAD) || task_running(rq, thread))
++ cpu_relax();
++ put_task_struct(thread);
++ rq->migration_thread = NULL;
+ /*
+ * migration_call - callback that gets triggered when a CPU is added.
+ * Here we can start up the necessary migration thread for the new CPU.
+ */
+-static int migration_call(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action,
++static int vmigration_call(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action,
+ void *hcpu)
+ {
+- int cpu = (long)hcpu;
++ vcpu_t cpu = (vcpu_t)hcpu;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ struct runqueue *rq;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ switch (action) {
+- p = kthread_create(migration_thread, hcpu, "migration/%d",cpu);
++ p = kthread_create(migration_thread, hcpu, "migration/%d/%d",
++ vsched_id(vcpu_vsched(cpu)), cpu->id);
+ if (IS_ERR(p))
+ return NOTIFY_BAD;
+ p->flags |= PF_NOFREEZE;
+- kthread_bind(p, cpu);
+- /* Must be high prio: stop_machine expects to yield to it. */
++ migration_thread_bind(p, cpu);
+ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
++ /* Must be high prio: stop_machine expects to yield to it. */
+ __setscheduler(p, SCHED_FIFO, MAX_RT_PRIO-1);
+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+- cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread = p;
++ vcpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread = p;
+ break;
+ case CPU_ONLINE:
+ /* Strictly unneccessary, as first user will wake it. */
+- wake_up_process(cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread);
++ wake_up_process(vcpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread);
+ break;
++#if defined(CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU) && defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
++#error "FIXME: CPU down code doesn't work yet with VCPUs"
+ /* Unbind it from offline cpu so it can run. Fall thru. */
+- kthread_bind(cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread,smp_processor_id());
+- kthread_stop(cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread);
+- cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread = NULL;
++ migration_thread_bind(vcpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread, this_vcpu());
++ migration_thread_stop(vcpu_rq(cpu));
+ break;
+ case CPU_DEAD:
+ migrate_all_tasks(cpu);
+- rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
+- kthread_stop(rq->migration_thread);
+- rq->migration_thread = NULL;
++ rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
++ migration_thread_stop(rq);
+ /* Idle task back to normal (off runqueue, low prio) */
+ rq = task_rq_lock(rq->idle, &flags);
+ deactivate_task(rq->idle, rq);
+ rq->idle->static_prio = MAX_PRIO;
+ __setscheduler(rq->idle, SCHED_NORMAL, 0);
+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
+- BUG_ON(rq->nr_running != 0);
+ /* No need to migrate the tasks: it was best-effort if
+ * they didn't do lock_cpu_hotplug(). Just wake up
+@@ -3619,11 +4779,17 @@ static int migration_call(struct notifie
+ }
+ spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
+ break;
+ }
+ return NOTIFY_OK;
+ }
++static int migration_call(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action,
++ void *hcpu)
++ /* we need to translate pcpu to vcpu */
++ return vmigration_call(nfb, action, vsched_default_vcpu((long)hcpu));
+ /* Register at highest priority so that task migration (migrate_all_tasks)
+ * happens before everything else.
+ */
+@@ -3664,13 +4830,14 @@ void cpu_attach_domain(struct sched_doma
+ {
+ migration_req_t req;
+ unsigned long flags;
+- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
++ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(vsched_default_vcpu(cpu));
+ int local = 1;
+ lock_cpu_hotplug();
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&rq->lock, flags);
++ pcpu(cpu)->sd = sd;
+ if (cpu == smp_processor_id() || !cpu_online(cpu)) {
+ rq->sd = sd;
+ } else {
+@@ -3815,11 +4982,10 @@ void sched_domain_debug(void)
+ int i;
+ for_each_cpu(i) {
+- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(i);
+ struct sched_domain *sd;
+ int level = 0;
+- sd = rq->sd;
++ sd = pcpu(i)->sd;
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "CPU%d: %s\n",
+ i, (cpu_online(i) ? " online" : "offline"));
+@@ -3836,7 +5002,8 @@ void sched_domain_debug(void)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG);
+ for (j = 0; j < level + 1; j++)
+ printk(" ");
+- printk("domain %d: span %s\n", level, str);
++ printk("domain %d: span %s flags 0x%x\n",
++ level, str, sd->flags);
+ if (!cpu_isset(i, sd->span))
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ERROR domain->span does not contain CPU%d\n", i);
+@@ -3907,16 +5074,13 @@ int in_sched_functions(unsigned long add
+ && addr < (unsigned long)__sched_text_end;
+ }
+-void __init sched_init(void)
+- runqueue_t *rq;
+- int i, j, k;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+- /* Set up an initial dummy domain for early boot */
+- static struct sched_domain sched_domain_init;
+- static struct sched_group sched_group_init;
++static struct sched_domain sched_domain_init;
++static struct sched_group sched_group_init;
++/* Set up an initial dummy domain for early boot */
++static void init_sd(void)
+ memset(&sched_domain_init, 0, sizeof(struct sched_domain));
+ sched_domain_init.span = CPU_MASK_ALL;
+ sched_domain_init.groups = &sched_group_init;
+@@ -3928,45 +5092,570 @@ void __init sched_init(void)
+ sched_group_init.cpumask = CPU_MASK_ALL;
+ = &sched_group_init;
+ sched_group_init.cpu_power = SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
++static void inline init_sd(void)
+ #endif
+- for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
+- prio_array_t *array;
++static void init_rq(struct runqueue *rq)
++ int j, k;
++ prio_array_t *array;
+- rq = cpu_rq(i);
+- spin_lock_init(&rq->lock);
+- rq->active = rq->arrays;
+- rq->expired = rq->arrays + 1;
+- rq->best_expired_prio = MAX_PRIO;
++ spin_lock_init(&rq->lock);
++ rq->active = &rq->arrays[0];
++ rq->expired = &rq->arrays[1];
++ rq->best_expired_prio = MAX_PRIO;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+- rq->sd = &sched_domain_init;
+- rq->cpu_load = 0;
+- rq->active_balance = 0;
+- rq->push_cpu = 0;
+- rq->migration_thread = NULL;
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rq->migration_queue);
+- atomic_set(&rq->nr_iowait, 0);
+- for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+- array = rq->arrays + j;
+- for (k = 0; k < MAX_PRIO; k++) {
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(array->queue + k);
+- __clear_bit(k, array->bitmap);
+- }
+- // delimiter for bitsearch
+- __set_bit(MAX_PRIO, array->bitmap);
++ rq->sd = &sched_domain_init;
++ rq->cpu_load = 0;
++ rq->active_balance = 0;
++ rq->push_cpu = 0;
++ rq->migration_thread = NULL;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rq->migration_queue);
++ atomic_set(&rq->nr_iowait, 0);
++ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
++ array = rq->arrays + j;
++ for (k = 0; k < MAX_PRIO; k++) {
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(array->queue + k);
++ __clear_bit(k, array->bitmap);
++ }
++ // delimiter for bitsearch
++ __set_bit(MAX_PRIO, array->bitmap);
++ }
++#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU) || defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED)
++/* both rq and vsched lock should be taken */
++static void __install_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, vcpu_t vcpu)
++ int id;
++ id = vcpu->id;
++ vcpu->vsched = vsched;
++ vsched->vcpu[id] = vcpu;
++ vcpu->last_pcpu = id;
++ wmb();
++ /* FIXME: probably locking should be reworked, e.g.
++ we don't have corresponding rmb(), so we need to update mask
++ only after quiscent state */
++ /* init_boot_vcpu() should be remade if RCU is used here */
++ list_add(&vcpu->list, &vsched->idle_list);
++ cpu_set(id, vsched->vcpu_online_map);
++ vsched->num_online_vcpus++;
++static int install_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int res = 0;
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&rq->lock, flags);
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ if (vsched->vcpu[vcpu->id] != NULL)
++ res = -EBUSY;
++ else
++ __install_vcpu(vsched, vcpu);
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rq->lock, flags);
++ return res;
++static int __add_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, int id)
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ int res;
++ res = -ENOMEM;
++ vcpu = kmalloc(sizeof(struct vcpu_info), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (vcpu == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ init_vcpu(vcpu, id);
++ vcpu_rq(vcpu)->curr = this_pcpu()->idle;
++ res = install_vcpu(vcpu, vsched);
++ if (res < 0)
++ goto out_free;
++ return 0;
++ kfree(vcpu);
++ return res;
++void vsched_init(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, int id)
++ memset(vsched, 0, sizeof(*vsched));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vsched->idle_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vsched->active_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vsched->running_list);
++ vsched->num_online_vcpus = 0;
++ vsched->vcpu_online_map = CPU_MASK_NONE;
++ vsched->vcpu_running_map = CPU_MASK_NONE;
++ vsched->pcpu_running_map = CPU_MASK_NONE;
++ vsched->id = id;
++/* No locks supposed to be held */
++static void vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu);
++static int vsched_add_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ int res, err;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ int id;
++ static DECLARE_MUTEX(id_mutex);
++ down(&id_mutex);
++ id = find_first_zero_bit(vsched->vcpu_online_map.bits, NR_CPUS);
++ if (id >= NR_CPUS) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ goto out_up;
++ }
++ err = __add_vcpu(vsched, id);
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out_up;
++ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, id);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ res = vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_UP_PREPARE, vcpu);
++ if (res != NOTIFY_OK)
++ goto out_del_up;
++ res = vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_ONLINE, vcpu);
++ if (res != NOTIFY_OK)
++ goto out_cancel_del_up;
++ err = 0;
++ up(&id_mutex);
++ return err;
++ vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_UP_CANCELED, vcpu);
++ vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu);
++ goto out_up;
++static void vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu)
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ spin_lock_irq(&rq->lock);
++ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
++ cpu_clear(vcpu->id, vsched->vcpu_online_map);
++ vsched->num_online_vcpus--;
++ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
++ /*
++ * all tasks should migrate from this VCPU somewhere,
++ * also, since this moment VCPU is offline, so migration_thread
++ * won't accept any new tasks...
++ */
++ vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_DEAD, vcpu);
++ BUG_ON(rq->nr_running != 0);
++ /* vcpu_put() is called after deactivate_task. This loop makes sure
++ * that vcpu_put() was finished and vcpu can be freed */
++ while ((volatile int)vcpu->running)
++ cpu_relax();
++ BUG_ON(vcpu->active); /* should be in idle_list */
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ list_del(&vcpu->list);
++ vsched_vcpu(vsched, vcpu->id) = NULL;
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ kfree(vcpu);
++int vsched_mvpr(struct task_struct *p, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ vcpu_t dest_vcpu;
++ int id;
++ int res;
++ res = 0;
++ while(1) {
++ /* FIXME: we suppose here that vcpu can't dissapear on the fly */
++ for(id = first_cpu(vsched->vcpu_online_map); id < NR_CPUS;
++ id++) {
++ if ((vsched->vcpu[id] != NULL) &&
++ !vcpu_isset(vsched->vcpu[id], p->cpus_allowed))
++ continue;
++ else
++ break;
++ }
++ if (id >= NR_CPUS) {
++ res = -EINVAL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dest_vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, id);
++ while(1) {
++ sched_migrate_task(p, dest_vcpu);
++ if (task_vsched_id(p) == vsched_id(vsched))
++ goto out;
++ if (!vcpu_isset(vsched->vcpu[id], p->cpus_allowed))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return res;
++void vsched_fairsched_link(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched,
++ struct fairsched_node *node)
++ vsched->node = node;
++ node->vsched = vsched;
++void vsched_fairsched_unlink(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched,
++ struct fairsched_node *node)
++ vsched->node = NULL;
++ node->vsched = NULL;
++int vsched_create(int id, struct fairsched_node *node)
++ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
++ int i, res;
++ vsched = kmalloc(sizeof(*vsched), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (vsched == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ vsched_init(vsched, node->id);
++ vsched_fairsched_link(vsched, node);
++ for(i = 0; i < num_online_cpus(); i++) {
++ res = vsched_add_vcpu(vsched);
++ if (res < 0)
++ goto err_add;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ vsched_destroy(vsched);
++ return res;
++int vsched_destroy(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ if (vsched == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ while(1) {
++ if (!list_empty(&vsched->running_list))
++ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
++ struct vcpu_info, list);
++ else if (!list_empty(&vsched->active_list))
++ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
++ struct vcpu_info, list);
++ else if (!list_empty(&vsched->idle_list))
++ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
++ struct vcpu_info, list);
++ else
++ break;
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu);
++ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ }
++ if (vsched->num_online_vcpus)
++ goto err_busy;
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ vsched_fairsched_unlink(vsched, vsched->node);
++ kfree(vsched);
++ return 0;
++ printk(KERN_ERR "BUG in vsched_destroy, vsched id %d\n",
++ vsched->id);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
++ return -EBUSY;
++#endif /* defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED) */
++#endif /* defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU) || defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED) */
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ * This function is used to show fake CPU information.
++ *
++ * I'm still quite unsure that faking CPU speed is such a good idea,
++ * but someone (Kirill?) has made this decision.
++ * What I'm absolutely sure is that it's a part of virtualization,
++ * not a scheduler. 20050727 SAW
++ */
++unsigned long ve_scale_khz(unsigned long khz)
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ int cpus;
++ unsigned long rate;
++ cpus = fairsched_nr_cpus;
++ rate = cpus << FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
++ /*
++ * Ideally fairsched node should be taken from the current ve_struct.
++ * However, to simplify the code and locking, it is taken from current
++ * (currently fairsched_node can be changed only for a sleeping task).
++ * That means that VE0 processes moved to some special node will get
++ * fake CPU speed, but that shouldn't be a big problem.
++ */
++ preempt_disable();
++ node = current->vsched->node;
++ if (node->rate_limited)
++ rate = node->rate;
++ preempt_enable();
++ return ((unsigned long long)khz * (rate / cpus)) >> FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
++static void init_boot_vcpu(void)
++ int res;
++ /*
++ * We setup boot_vcpu and it's runqueue until init_idle() happens
++ * on cpu0. This is required since timer interrupts can happen
++ * between sched_init() and init_idle().
++ */
++ init_vcpu(&boot_vcpu, 0);
++ vcpu_rq(&boot_vcpu)->curr = current;
++ res = install_vcpu(&boot_vcpu, &default_vsched);
++ if (res < 0)
++ panic("Can't install boot vcpu");
++ this_pcpu()->vcpu = &boot_vcpu;
++ this_pcpu()->vsched = boot_vcpu.vsched;
++static void init_pcpu(int id)
++ struct pcpu_info *pcpu;
++ pcpu = pcpu(id);
++ pcpu->id = id;
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ pcpu->sd = &sched_domain_init;
++ init_vcpu(vcpu(id), id);
++static void init_pcpus(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ init_pcpu(i);
++static void show_vcpu_list(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, struct list_head *lh)
++ cpumask_t m;
++ vcpu_t vcpu;
++ int i;
++ cpus_clear(m);
++ list_for_each_entry(vcpu, lh, list)
++ cpu_set(vcpu->id, m);
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ if (cpu_isset(i, m))
++ printk("%d ", i);
++#define PRINT(s, sz, fmt...) \
++ do { \
++ int __out; \
++ __out = scnprintf(*s, *sz, fmt); \
++ *s += __out; \
++ *sz -= __out; \
++ } while(0)
++static void show_rq_array(prio_array_t *array, char *header, char **s, int *sz)
++ struct list_head *list;
++ task_t *p;
++ int k, h;
++ h = 0;
++ for (k = 0; k < MAX_PRIO; k++) {
++ list = array->queue + k;
++ if (list_empty(list))
++ continue;
++ if (!h) {
++ PRINT(s, sz, header);
++ h = 1;
+ }
++ PRINT(s, sz, " prio %d (", k);
++ list_for_each_entry(p, list, run_list)
++ PRINT(s, sz, "%s[%d] ", p->comm, p->pid);
++ PRINT(s, sz, ")");
+ }
++ if (h)
++ PRINT(s, sz, "\n");
++static void show_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu)
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ char buf[1024], *s;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int sz;
++ if (vcpu == NULL)
++ return;
++ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&rq->lock, flags);
++ printk(" vcpu %d: last_pcpu %d, state %s%s\n",
++ vcpu->id, vcpu->last_pcpu,
++ vcpu->active ? "A" : "",
++ vcpu->running ? "R" : "");
++ printk(" rq: running %lu, load %lu, sw %Lu, sd %p\n",
++ rq->nr_running,
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ rq->cpu_load,
++ 0LU,
++ rq->nr_switches,
++#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
++ rq->sd
++ );
++ s = buf;
++ sz = sizeof(buf) - 1;
++ show_rq_array(rq->active, " active:", &s, &sz);
++ show_rq_array(rq->expired, " expired:", &s, &sz);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rq->lock, flags);
++ *s = 0;
++ printk(buf);
++static inline void fairsched_show_node(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ struct fairsched_node *node;
++ node = vsched->node;
++ printk("fsnode: ready %d run %d cpu %d vsched %p, pcpu %d\n",
++ node->nr_ready, node->nr_runnable, node->nr_pcpu,
++ node->vsched, smp_processor_id());
++static void __show_vsched(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
++ char mask[NR_CPUS + 1];
++ int i;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&fairsched_lock, flags);
++ printk("vsched id=%d\n", vsched_id(vsched));
++ fairsched_show_node(vsched);
++ printk(" idle cpus ");
++ show_vcpu_list(vsched, &vsched->idle_list);
++ printk("; active cpus ");
++ show_vcpu_list(vsched, &vsched->active_list);
++ printk("; running cpus ");
++ show_vcpu_list(vsched, &vsched->running_list);
++ printk("\n");
++ cpumask_scnprintf(mask, NR_CPUS, vsched->vcpu_online_map);
++ printk(" num_online_cpus=%d, mask=%s (w=%d)\n",
++ vsched->num_online_vcpus, mask,
++ cpus_weight(vsched->vcpu_online_map));
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
++ show_vcpu(vsched->vcpu[i]);
++void show_vsched(void)
++ oops_in_progress = 1;
++ __show_vsched(&idle_vsched);
++ __show_vsched(&default_vsched);
++ oops_in_progress = 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
++void __init sched_init(void)
++ runqueue_t *rq;
++ init_sd();
++ init_pcpus();
++#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
++ vsched_init(&idle_vsched, -1);
++ vsched_init(&default_vsched, 0);
++#if defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED)
++ fairsched_init_early();
++ vsched_fairsched_link(&idle_vsched, &fairsched_idle_node);
++ vsched_fairsched_link(&default_vsched, &fairsched_init_node);
++ init_boot_vcpu();
++#if defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED)
++ fairsched_init_early();
+ /*
+ * We have to do a little magic to get the first
+ * thread right in SMP mode.
+ */
++ set_task_vsched(current, &default_vsched);
++ set_task_cpu(current, smp_processor_id());
++ /* FIXME: remove or is it required for UP? --set in vsched_init() */
+ rq = this_rq();
+ rq->curr = current;
+- rq->idle = current;
+- set_task_cpu(current, smp_processor_id());
++ this_pcpu()->idle = current;
+ wake_up_forked_process(current);
+ /*
+@@ -4043,3 +5732,7 @@ void __sched __preempt_write_lock(rwlock
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__preempt_write_lock);
+ #endif /* defined(CONFIG_SMP) && defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT) */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+@@ -26,6 +27,9 @@
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+ #include <asm/siginfo.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
+ /*
+ * SLAB caches for signal bits.
+ */
+@@ -214,6 +218,7 @@ static inline int has_pending_signals(si
+ fastcall void recalc_sigpending_tsk(struct task_struct *t)
+ {
+ if (t->signal->group_stop_count > 0 ||
++ test_tsk_thread_flag(t,TIF_FREEZE) ||
+ PENDING(&t->pending, &t->blocked) ||
+ PENDING(&t->signal->shared_pending, &t->blocked))
+ set_tsk_thread_flag(t, TIF_SIGPENDING);
+@@ -267,13 +272,26 @@ static struct sigqueue *__sigqueue_alloc
+ struct sigqueue *q = NULL;
+ if (atomic_read(&current->user->sigpending) <
+- current->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur)
++ current->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur) {
+ q = kmem_cache_alloc(sigqueue_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (q != NULL) {
++ /*
++ * Note: use of get_exec_ub() here vs get_task_ub()
++ * in send_signal() is not intentional. SAW 2005/03/09
++ */
++ if (ub_siginfo_charge(get_exec_ub(),
++ kmem_cache_memusage(sigqueue_cachep))) {
++ kfree(q);
++ q = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ if (q) {
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->list);
+ q->flags = 0;
+ q->lock = NULL;
+ q->user = get_uid(current->user);
++ sig_ub(q) = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
+ atomic_inc(&q->user->sigpending);
+ }
+ return(q);
+@@ -283,6 +301,8 @@ static inline void __sigqueue_free(struc
+ {
+ if (q->flags & SIGQUEUE_PREALLOC)
+ return;
++ ub_siginfo_uncharge(sig_ub(q), kmem_cache_memusage(sigqueue_cachep));
++ put_beancounter(sig_ub(q));
+ atomic_dec(&q->user->sigpending);
+ free_uid(q->user);
+ kmem_cache_free(sigqueue_cachep, q);
+@@ -500,7 +520,16 @@ static int __dequeue_signal(struct sigpe
+ {
+ int sig = 0;
+- sig = next_signal(pending, mask);
++ /* SIGKILL must have priority, otherwise it is quite easy
++ * to create an unkillable process, sending sig < SIGKILL
++ * to self */
++ if (unlikely(sigismember(&pending->signal, SIGKILL))) {
++ if (!sigismember(mask, SIGKILL))
++ sig = SIGKILL;
++ }
++ if (likely(!sig))
++ sig = next_signal(pending, mask);
+ if (sig) {
+ if (current->notifier) {
+ if (sigismember(current->notifier_mask, sig)) {
+@@ -721,12 +750,21 @@ static int send_signal(int sig, struct s
+ pass on the info struct. */
+ if (atomic_read(&t->user->sigpending) <
+- t->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur)
++ t->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur) {
+ q = kmem_cache_alloc(sigqueue_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (q != NULL) {
++ if (ub_siginfo_charge(get_task_ub(t),
++ kmem_cache_memusage(sigqueue_cachep))) {
++ kfree(q);
++ q = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ if (q) {
+ q->flags = 0;
+ q->user = get_uid(t->user);
++ sig_ub(q) = get_beancounter(get_task_ub(t));
+ atomic_inc(&q->user->sigpending);
+ list_add_tail(&q->list, &signals->list);
+ switch ((unsigned long) info) {
+@@ -734,7 +772,7 @@ static int send_signal(int sig, struct s
+ q->info.si_signo = sig;
+ q->info.si_errno = 0;
+ q->info.si_code = SI_USER;
+- q->info.si_pid = current->pid;
++ q->info.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
+ q->info.si_uid = current->uid;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+@@ -855,7 +893,7 @@ force_sig_specific(int sig, struct task_
+ */
+ #define wants_signal(sig, p, mask) \
+ (!sigismember(&(p)->blocked, sig) \
+- && !((p)->state & mask) \
++ && !(((p)->state | (p)->exit_state) & mask) \
+ && !((p)->flags & PF_EXITING) \
+ && (task_curr(p) || !signal_pending(p)))
+@@ -993,7 +1031,7 @@ __group_send_sig_info(int sig, struct si
+ * Don't bother zombies and stopped tasks (but
+ * SIGKILL will punch through stopped state)
+ */
+ if (sig != SIGKILL)
+ mask |= TASK_STOPPED;
+@@ -1026,7 +1064,7 @@ void zap_other_threads(struct task_struc
+ /*
+ * Don't bother with already dead threads
+ */
+- if (t->state & (TASK_ZOMBIE|TASK_DEAD))
++ if (t->exit_state & (EXIT_ZOMBIE|EXIT_DEAD))
+ continue;
+ /*
+@@ -1072,20 +1110,23 @@ int group_send_sig_info(int sig, struct
+ int __kill_pg_info(int sig, struct siginfo *info, pid_t pgrp)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ int retval, success;
+ if (pgrp <= 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
++ /* Use __vpid_to_pid(). This function is used under write_lock
++ * tasklist_lock. */
++ if (is_virtual_pid(pgrp))
++ pgrp = __vpid_to_pid(pgrp);
+ success = 0;
+ retval = -ESRCH;
+- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
+ int err = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
+ success |= !err;
+ retval = err;
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
+ return success ? 0 : retval;
+ }
+@@ -1112,22 +1153,22 @@ int
+ kill_sl_info(int sig, struct siginfo *info, pid_t sid)
+ {
+ int err, retval = -EINVAL;
+- struct pid *pid;
+- struct list_head *l;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ if (sid <= 0)
+ goto out;
++ sid = vpid_to_pid(sid);
+ retval = -ESRCH;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_task_pid(sid, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid) {
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(sid, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
+ if (!p->signal->leader)
+ continue;
+ err = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
+ if (retval)
+ retval = err;
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(sid, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ out:
+ return retval;
+@@ -1140,7 +1181,7 @@ kill_proc_info(int sig, struct siginfo *
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ error = -ESRCH;
+ if (p)
+ error = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
+@@ -1165,8 +1206,8 @@ static int kill_something_info(int sig,
+ struct task_struct * p;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- for_each_process(p) {
+- if (p->pid > 1 && p->tgid != current->tgid) {
++ for_each_process_ve(p) {
++ if (virt_pid(p) > 1 && p->tgid != current->tgid) {
+ int err = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
+ ++count;
+ if (err != -EPERM)
+@@ -1377,7 +1418,7 @@ send_group_sigqueue(int sig, struct sigq
+ * Don't bother zombies and stopped tasks (but
+ * SIGKILL will punch through stopped state)
+ */
+ if (sig != SIGKILL)
+ mask |= TASK_STOPPED;
+@@ -1436,12 +1477,22 @@ void do_notify_parent(struct task_struct
+ if (sig == -1)
+ BUG();
+- BUG_ON(tsk->group_leader != tsk && tsk->group_leader->state != TASK_ZOMBIE && !tsk->ptrace);
++ BUG_ON(tsk->group_leader != tsk &&
++ tsk->group_leader->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE &&
++ tsk->group_leader->exit_state != EXIT_DEAD &&
++ !tsk->ptrace);
+ BUG_ON(tsk->group_leader == tsk && !thread_group_empty(tsk) && !tsk->ptrace);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ /* Allow to send only SIGCHLD from VE */
++ if (sig != SIGCHLD &&
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env != VE_TASK_INFO(tsk->parent)->owner_env)
++ sig = SIGCHLD;
+ info.si_signo = sig;
+ info.si_errno = 0;
+- info.si_pid = tsk->pid;
++ info.si_pid = get_task_pid_ve(tsk, VE_TASK_INFO(tsk->parent)->owner_env);
+ info.si_uid = tsk->uid;
+ /* FIXME: find out whether or not this is supposed to be c*time. */
+@@ -1475,7 +1526,7 @@ void do_notify_parent(struct task_struct
+ psig = tsk->parent->sighand;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&psig->siglock, flags);
+- if (sig == SIGCHLD && tsk->state != TASK_STOPPED &&
++ if (!tsk->ptrace && sig == SIGCHLD && tsk->state != TASK_STOPPED &&
+ (psig->action[SIGCHLD-1].sa.sa_handler == SIG_IGN ||
+ (psig->action[SIGCHLD-1].sa.sa_flags & SA_NOCLDWAIT))) {
+ /*
+@@ -1530,7 +1581,7 @@ do_notify_parent_cldstop(struct task_str
+ info.si_signo = SIGCHLD;
+ info.si_errno = 0;
+- info.si_pid = tsk->pid;
++ info.si_pid = get_task_pid_ve(tsk, VE_TASK_INFO(parent)->owner_env);
+ info.si_uid = tsk->uid;
+ /* FIXME: find out whether or not this is supposed to be c*time. */
+@@ -1575,7 +1626,9 @@ finish_stop(int stop_count)
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
++ set_stop_state(current);
+ schedule();
++ clear_stop_state(current);
+ /*
+ * Now we don't run again until continued.
+ */
+@@ -1756,10 +1809,12 @@ relock:
+ /* Let the debugger run. */
+ current->exit_code = signr;
+ current->last_siginfo = info;
++ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_SIGNAL);
+ set_current_state(TASK_STOPPED);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
+ notify_parent(current, SIGCHLD);
+ schedule();
++ clear_pn_state(current);
+ current->last_siginfo = NULL;
+@@ -1779,7 +1834,7 @@ relock:
+ info->si_signo = signr;
+ info->si_errno = 0;
+ info->si_code = SI_USER;
+- info->si_pid = current->parent->pid;
++ info->si_pid = virt_pid(current->parent);
+ info->si_uid = current->parent->uid;
+ }
+@@ -1803,8 +1858,14 @@ relock:
+ continue;
+ /* Init gets no signals it doesn't want. */
+- if (current->pid == 1)
++ if (virt_pid(current) == 1) {
++ /* Allow SIGKILL for non-root VE */
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ||
++ signr != SIGKILL)
+ continue;
++ }
+ if (sig_kernel_stop(signr)) {
+ /*
+@@ -2174,7 +2235,7 @@ sys_kill(int pid, int sig)
+ info.si_signo = sig;
+ info.si_errno = 0;
+ info.si_code = SI_USER;
+- info.si_pid = current->tgid;
++ info.si_pid = virt_tgid(current);
+ info.si_uid = current->uid;
+ return kill_something_info(sig, &info, pid);
+@@ -2203,13 +2264,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_tgkill(int tgid, int
+ info.si_signo = sig;
+ info.si_errno = 0;
+ info.si_code = SI_TKILL;
+- info.si_pid = current->tgid;
++ info.si_pid = virt_tgid(current);
+ info.si_uid = current->uid;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ error = -ESRCH;
+- if (p && (p->tgid == tgid)) {
++ if (p && (virt_tgid(p) == tgid)) {
+ error = check_kill_permission(sig, &info, p);
+ /*
+ * The null signal is a permissions and process existence
+@@ -2243,11 +2304,11 @@ sys_tkill(int pid, int sig)
+ info.si_signo = sig;
+ info.si_errno = 0;
+ info.si_code = SI_TKILL;
+- info.si_pid = current->tgid;
++ info.si_pid = virt_tgid(current);
+ info.si_uid = current->uid;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ error = -ESRCH;
+ if (p) {
+ error = check_kill_permission(sig, &info, p);
+@@ -2579,5 +2640,5 @@ void __init signals_init(void)
+ kmem_cache_create("sigqueue",
+ sizeof(struct sigqueue),
+ __alignof__(struct sigqueue),
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
+ #include <linux/percpu.h>
+ #include <linux/cpu.h>
+ #include <linux/kthread.h>
++#include <linux/sysctl.h>
+ #include <asm/irq.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ /*
+ - No shared variables, all the data are CPU local.
+ - If a softirq needs serialization, let it serialize itself
+@@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(irq_stat);
+ static struct softirq_action softirq_vec[32] __cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
+ static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, ksoftirqd);
++static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, ksoftirqd_wakeup);
++static int ksoftirqd_stat[NR_CPUS];
+ /*
+ * we cannot loop indefinitely here to avoid userspace starvation,
+@@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct
+ static inline void wakeup_softirqd(void)
+ {
+ /* Interrupts are disabled: no need to stop preemption */
+- struct task_struct *tsk = __get_cpu_var(ksoftirqd);
++ struct task_struct *tsk = __get_cpu_var(ksoftirqd_wakeup);
+ if (tsk && tsk->state != TASK_RUNNING)
+ wake_up_process(tsk);
+@@ -75,10 +79,13 @@ asmlinkage void __do_softirq(void)
+ struct softirq_action *h;
+ __u32 pending;
+ int max_restart = MAX_SOFTIRQ_RESTART;
++ struct user_beancounter *old_exec_ub;
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
+ pending = local_softirq_pending();
+ local_bh_disable();
++ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ restart:
+ /* Reset the pending bitmask before enabling irqs */
+ local_softirq_pending() = 0;
+@@ -87,6 +94,8 @@ restart:
+ h = softirq_vec;
++ old_exec_ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
+ do {
+ if (pending & 1)
+ h->action(h);
+@@ -94,6 +103,8 @@ restart:
+ pending >>= 1;
+ } while (pending);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(old_exec_ub);
+ local_irq_disable();
+ pending = local_softirq_pending();
+@@ -103,6 +114,7 @@ restart:
+ if (pending)
+ wakeup_softirqd();
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ __local_bh_enable();
+ }
+@@ -451,6 +463,52 @@ static int __devinit cpu_callback(struct
+ return NOTIFY_OK;
+ }
++static int proc_ksoftirqd(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
++ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
++ int ret, cpu;
++ ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
++ if (!write)
++ return ret;
++ for_each_online_cpu(cpu) {
++ per_cpu(ksoftirqd_wakeup, cpu) =
++ ksoftirqd_stat[cpu] ? per_cpu(ksoftirqd, cpu) : NULL;
++ }
++ return ret;
++static int sysctl_ksoftirqd(ctl_table *table, int *name, int nlen,
++ void *oldval, size_t *oldlenp, void *newval, size_t newlen,
++ void **context)
++ return -EINVAL;
++static ctl_table debug_table[] = {
++ {
++ .ctl_name = 1246,
++ .procname = "ksoftirqd",
++ .data = ksoftirqd_stat,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(ksoftirqd_stat),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_ksoftirqd,
++ .strategy = &sysctl_ksoftirqd
++ },
++ {0}
++static ctl_table root_table[] = {
++ {
++ .ctl_name = CTL_DEBUG,
++ .procname = "debug",
++ .mode = 0555,
++ .child = debug_table
++ },
++ {0}
+ static struct notifier_block __devinitdata cpu_nfb = {
+ .notifier_call = cpu_callback
+ };
+@@ -461,5 +519,6 @@ __init int spawn_ksoftirqd(void)
+ cpu_callback(&cpu_nfb, CPU_UP_PREPARE, cpu);
+ cpu_callback(&cpu_nfb, CPU_ONLINE, cpu);
+ register_cpu_notifier(&cpu_nfb);
++ register_sysctl_table(root_table, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+ #include <linux/syscalls.h>
+ #include <asm/atomic.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ /* Since we effect priority and affinity (both of which are visible
+ * to, and settable by outside processes) we do indirection via a
+@@ -81,16 +82,20 @@ static int stop_machine(void)
+ {
+ int i, ret = 0;
+ struct sched_param param = { .sched_priority = MAX_RT_PRIO-1 };
++ mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
+ /* One high-prio thread per cpu. We'll do this one. */
+- sys_sched_setscheduler(current->pid, SCHED_FIFO, &param);
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ sys_sched_setscheduler(current->pid, SCHED_FIFO,
++ (struct sched_param __user *)&param);
++ set_fs(old_fs);
+ atomic_set(&stopmachine_thread_ack, 0);
+ stopmachine_num_threads = 0;
+ stopmachine_state = STOPMACHINE_WAIT;
+ for_each_online_cpu(i) {
+- if (i == smp_processor_id())
++ if (i == task_cpu(current))
+ continue;
+ ret = kernel_thread(stopmachine, (void *)(long)i,CLONE_KERNEL);
+ if (ret < 0)
+@@ -109,13 +114,12 @@ static int stop_machine(void)
+ return ret;
+ }
+- /* Don't schedule us away at this point, please. */
+- local_irq_disable();
+ /* Now they are all started, make them hold the CPUs, ready. */
++ preempt_disable();
+ stopmachine_set_state(STOPMACHINE_PREPARE);
+ /* Make them disable irqs. */
++ local_irq_disable();
+ stopmachine_set_state(STOPMACHINE_DISABLE_IRQ);
+ return 0;
+@@ -125,6 +129,7 @@ static void restart_machine(void)
+ {
+ stopmachine_set_state(STOPMACHINE_EXIT);
+ local_irq_enable();
++ preempt_enable_no_resched();
+ }
+ struct stop_machine_data
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ #include <linux/mman.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+ #include <linux/notifier.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
+ #include <linux/reboot.h>
+ #include <linux/prctl.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include <linux/security.h>
+ #include <linux/dcookies.h>
+ #include <linux/suspend.h>
++#include <linux/tty.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+@@ -213,6 +215,94 @@ int unregister_reboot_notifier(struct no
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_reboot_notifier);
++static DECLARE_MUTEX(virtinfo_sem);
++static struct vnotifier_block *virtinfo_chain[VIRT_TYPES];
++void virtinfo_notifier_register(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb)
++ struct vnotifier_block **p;
++ down(&virtinfo_sem);
++ for (p = &virtinfo_chain[type];
++ *p != NULL && nb->priority < (*p)->priority;
++ p = &(*p)->next);
++ nb->next = *p;
++ smp_wmb();
++ *p = nb;
++ up(&virtinfo_sem);
++struct virtinfo_cnt_struct {
++ volatile unsigned long exit[NR_CPUS];
++ volatile unsigned long entry;
++static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct virtinfo_cnt_struct, virtcnt);
++void virtinfo_notifier_unregister(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb)
++ struct vnotifier_block **p;
++ int entry_cpu, exit_cpu;
++ unsigned long cnt, ent;
++ down(&virtinfo_sem);
++ for (p = &virtinfo_chain[type]; *p != nb; p = &(*p)->next);
++ *p = nb->next;
++ smp_mb();
++ for_each_cpu_mask(entry_cpu, cpu_possible_map) {
++ while (1) {
++ cnt = 0;
++ for_each_cpu_mask(exit_cpu, cpu_possible_map)
++ cnt +=
++ per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).exit[exit_cpu];
++ smp_rmb();
++ ent = per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).entry;
++ if (cnt == ent)
++ break;
++ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(HZ / 100);
++ }
++ }
++ up(&virtinfo_sem);
++int virtinfo_notifier_call(int type, unsigned long n, void *data)
++ int ret;
++ int entry_cpu, exit_cpu;
++ struct vnotifier_block *nb;
++ entry_cpu = get_cpu();
++ per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).entry++;
++ smp_wmb();
++ put_cpu();
++ nb = virtinfo_chain[type];
++ ret = NOTIFY_DONE;
++ while (nb)
++ {
++ ret = nb->notifier_call(nb, n, data, ret);
++ if(ret & NOTIFY_STOP_MASK) {
++ ret &= ~NOTIFY_STOP_MASK;
++ break;
++ }
++ nb = nb->next;
++ }
++ exit_cpu = get_cpu();
++ smp_wmb();
++ per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).exit[exit_cpu]++;
++ put_cpu();
++ return ret;
+ asmlinkage long sys_ni_syscall(void)
+ {
+ return -ENOSYS;
+@@ -310,8 +400,6 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpriority(int whic
+ {
+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
+ struct user_struct *user;
+- struct pid *pid;
+- struct list_head *l;
+ int error = -EINVAL;
+ if (which > 2 || which < 0)
+@@ -328,16 +416,19 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpriority(int whic
+ switch (which) {
+ if (!who)
+- who = current->pid;
+- p = find_task_by_pid(who);
++ who = virt_pid(current);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(who);
+ if (p)
+ error = set_one_prio(p, niceval, error);
+ break;
+ case PRIO_PGRP:
+ if (!who)
+ who = process_group(current);
+- for_each_task_pid(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid)
++ else
++ who = vpid_to_pid(who);
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
+ error = set_one_prio(p, niceval, error);
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
+ break;
+ case PRIO_USER:
+ if (!who)
+@@ -348,10 +439,10 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpriority(int whic
+ if (!user)
+ goto out_unlock;
+- do_each_thread(g, p)
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
+ if (p->uid == who)
+ error = set_one_prio(p, niceval, error);
+- while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
+ if (who)
+ free_uid(user); /* For find_user() */
+ break;
+@@ -371,8 +462,6 @@ out:
+ asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int which, int who)
+ {
+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- struct pid *pid;
+ struct user_struct *user;
+ long niceval, retval = -ESRCH;
+@@ -383,8 +472,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int whic
+ switch (which) {
+ if (!who)
+- who = current->pid;
+- p = find_task_by_pid(who);
++ who = virt_pid(current);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(who);
+ if (p) {
+ niceval = 20 - task_nice(p);
+ if (niceval > retval)
+@@ -394,11 +483,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int whic
+ case PRIO_PGRP:
+ if (!who)
+ who = process_group(current);
+- for_each_task_pid(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
++ else
++ who = vpid_to_pid(who);
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
+ niceval = 20 - task_nice(p);
+ if (niceval > retval)
+ retval = niceval;
+- }
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
+ break;
+ case PRIO_USER:
+ if (!who)
+@@ -409,13 +500,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int whic
+ if (!user)
+ goto out_unlock;
+- do_each_thread(g, p)
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
+ if (p->uid == who) {
+ niceval = 20 - task_nice(p);
+ if (niceval > retval)
+ retval = niceval;
+ }
+- while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
+ if (who)
+ free_uid(user); /* for find_user() */
+ break;
+@@ -451,6 +542,35 @@ asmlinkage long sys_reboot(int magic1, i
+ magic2 != LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2C))
+ return -EINVAL;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ switch (cmd) {
++ struct siginfo info;
++ info.si_errno = 0;
++ info.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
++ info.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
++ info.si_uid = current->uid;
++ info.si_signo = SIGKILL;
++ /* Sending to real init is safe */
++ send_sig_info(SIGKILL, &info,
++ get_exec_env()->init_entry);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ default:
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
+ lock_kernel();
+ switch (cmd) {
+@@ -641,7 +761,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setgid(gid_t gid)
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int dumpclear)
++int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int dumpclear)
+ {
+ struct user_struct *new_user;
+@@ -666,6 +786,7 @@ static int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int
+ current->uid = new_ruid;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Unprivileged users may change the real uid to the effective uid
+@@ -954,7 +1075,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_times(struct tms __u
+ if (copy_to_user(tbuf, &tmp, sizeof(struct tms)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ return (long) jiffies_64_to_clock_t(get_jiffies_64());
++ return (long) jiffies_64_to_clock_t(get_jiffies_64() -
++ get_exec_env()->init_entry->start_time);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -974,21 +1100,24 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpgid(pid_t pid, p
+ {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ int err = -EINVAL;
++ pid_t _pgid;
+ if (!pid)
+- pid = current->pid;
++ pid = virt_pid(current);
+ if (!pgid)
+ pgid = pid;
+ if (pgid < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
++ _pgid = vpid_to_pid(pgid);
+ /* From this point forward we keep holding onto the tasklist lock
+ * so that our parent does not change from under us. -DaveM
+ */
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ err = -ESRCH;
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (!p)
+ goto out;
+@@ -1013,26 +1142,35 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpgid(pid_t pid, p
+ if (p->signal->leader)
+ goto out;
+- if (pgid != pid) {
++ pgid = virt_pid(p);
++ if (_pgid != p->pid) {
+ struct task_struct *p;
+- struct pid *pid;
+- struct list_head *l;
+- for_each_task_pid(pgid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid)
+- if (p->signal->session == current->signal->session)
++ do_each_task_pid_ve(_pgid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
++ if (p->signal->session == current->signal->session) {
++ pgid = virt_pgid(p);
+ goto ok_pgid;
++ }
++ } while_each_task_pid_ve(_pgid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ok_pgid:
+- err = security_task_setpgid(p, pgid);
++ err = security_task_setpgid(p, _pgid);
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+- if (process_group(p) != pgid) {
++ if (process_group(p) != _pgid) {
+ detach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID);
+- p->signal->pgrp = pgid;
+- attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID, pgid);
++ p->signal->pgrp = _pgid;
++ set_virt_pgid(p, pgid);
++ attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID, _pgid);
++ if (atomic_read(&p->signal->count) != 1) {
++ task_t *t;
++ for (t = next_thread(p); t != p; t = next_thread(t)) {
++ set_virt_pgid(t, pgid);
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ err = 0;
+@@ -1045,19 +1183,19 @@ out:
+ asmlinkage long sys_getpgid(pid_t pid)
+ {
+ if (!pid) {
+- return process_group(current);
++ return virt_pgid(current);
+ } else {
+ int retval;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ retval = -ESRCH;
+ if (p) {
+ retval = security_task_getpgid(p);
+ if (!retval)
+- retval = process_group(p);
++ retval = virt_pgid(p);
+ }
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ return retval;
+@@ -1069,7 +1207,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpgid(pid_t pid)
+ asmlinkage long sys_getpgrp(void)
+ {
+ /* SMP - assuming writes are word atomic this is fine */
+- return process_group(current);
++ return virt_pgid(current);
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -1077,19 +1215,19 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpgrp(void)
+ asmlinkage long sys_getsid(pid_t pid)
+ {
+ if (!pid) {
+- return current->signal->session;
++ return virt_sid(current);
+ } else {
+ int retval;
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ retval = -ESRCH;
+ if(p) {
+ retval = security_task_getsid(p);
+ if (!retval)
+- retval = p->signal->session;
++ retval = virt_sid(p);
+ }
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ return retval;
+@@ -1104,6 +1242,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setsid(void)
+ if (!thread_group_leader(current))
+ return -EINVAL;
++ down(&tty_sem);
+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
+ pid = find_pid(PIDTYPE_PGID, current->pid);
+@@ -1112,11 +1251,22 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setsid(void)
+ current->signal->leader = 1;
+ __set_special_pids(current->pid, current->pid);
++ set_virt_pgid(current, virt_pid(current));
++ set_virt_sid(current, virt_pid(current));
+ current->signal->tty = NULL;
+ current->signal->tty_old_pgrp = 0;
+- err = process_group(current);
++ if (atomic_read(&current->signal->count) != 1) {
++ task_t *t;
++ for (t = next_thread(current); t != current; t = next_thread(t)) {
++ set_virt_pgid(t, virt_pid(current));
++ set_virt_sid(t, virt_pid(current));
++ }
++ }
++ err = virt_pgid(current);
+ out:
+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ up(&tty_sem);
+ return err;
+ }
+@@ -1393,7 +1543,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_newuname(struct new_
+ int errno = 0;
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+- if (copy_to_user(name,&system_utsname,sizeof *name))
++ if (copy_to_user(name,&ve_utsname,sizeof *name))
+ errno = -EFAULT;
+ up_read(&uts_sem);
+ return errno;
+@@ -1404,15 +1554,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sethostname(char __u
+ int errno;
+ char tmp[__NEW_UTS_LEN];
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ if (len < 0 || len > __NEW_UTS_LEN)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ down_write(&uts_sem);
+ errno = -EFAULT;
+ if (!copy_from_user(tmp, name, len)) {
+- memcpy(system_utsname.nodename, tmp, len);
+- system_utsname.nodename[len] = 0;
++ memcpy(ve_utsname.nodename, tmp, len);
++ ve_utsname.nodename[len] = 0;
+ errno = 0;
+ }
+ up_write(&uts_sem);
+@@ -1428,11 +1578,11 @@ asmlinkage long sys_gethostname(char __u
+ if (len < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ down_read(&uts_sem);
+- i = 1 + strlen(system_utsname.nodename);
++ i = 1 + strlen(ve_utsname.nodename);
+ if (i > len)
+ i = len;
+ errno = 0;
+- if (copy_to_user(name, system_utsname.nodename, i))
++ if (copy_to_user(name, ve_utsname.nodename, i))
+ errno = -EFAULT;
+ up_read(&uts_sem);
+ return errno;
+@@ -1449,7 +1599,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setdomainname(char _
+ int errno;
+ char tmp[__NEW_UTS_LEN];
+- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ if (len < 0 || len > __NEW_UTS_LEN)
+ return -EINVAL;
+@@ -1457,8 +1607,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setdomainname(char _
+ down_write(&uts_sem);
+ errno = -EFAULT;
+ if (!copy_from_user(tmp, name, len)) {
+- memcpy(system_utsname.domainname, tmp, len);
+- system_utsname.domainname[len] = 0;
++ memcpy(ve_utsname.domainname, tmp, len);
++ ve_utsname.domainname[len] = 0;
+ errno = 0;
+ }
+ up_write(&uts_sem);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:36.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/sysctl.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
+ #include <linux/ctype.h>
+ #include <linux/utsname.h>
+ #include <linux/capability.h>
+@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ extern int sysctl_overcommit_ratio;
+ extern int max_threads;
+ extern int sysrq_enabled;
+ extern int core_uses_pid;
++extern int sysctl_at_vsyscall;
+ extern char core_pattern[];
+ extern int cad_pid;
+ extern int pid_max;
+@@ -64,6 +67,10 @@ extern int sysctl_lower_zone_protection;
+ extern int min_free_kbytes;
+ extern int printk_ratelimit_jiffies;
+ extern int printk_ratelimit_burst;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++int glob_virt_pids = 1;
+ /* this is needed for the proc_dointvec_minmax for [fs_]overflow UID and GID */
+ static int maxolduid = 65535;
+@@ -120,10 +127,14 @@ int proc_dol2crvec(ctl_table *table, int
+ extern int acct_parm[];
+ #endif
++extern int fairsched_max_latency;
++int fsch_sysctl_latency(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
++ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
+ static int parse_table(int __user *, int, void __user *, size_t __user *, void __user *, size_t,
+ ctl_table *, void **);
+-static int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
+- void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
+ static ctl_table root_table[];
+ static struct ctl_table_header root_table_header =
+@@ -143,6 +154,8 @@ extern ctl_table random_table[];
+ extern ctl_table pty_table[];
+ #endif
++extern int ve_area_access_check; /* fs/namei.c */
+ /* /proc declarations: */
+@@ -159,7 +172,7 @@ struct file_operations proc_sys_file_ope
+ extern struct proc_dir_entry *proc_sys_root;
+-static void register_proc_table(ctl_table *, struct proc_dir_entry *);
++static void register_proc_table(ctl_table *, struct proc_dir_entry *, void *);
+ static void unregister_proc_table(ctl_table *, struct proc_dir_entry *);
+ #endif
+@@ -587,6 +600,16 @@ static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
+ .mode = 0644,
+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
+ },
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_VIRT_PIDS,
++ .procname = "virt_pids",
++ .data = &glob_virt_pids,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
++ },
+ {
+ .ctl_name = KERN_PANIC_ON_OOPS,
+ .procname = "panic_on_oops",
+@@ -620,6 +643,32 @@ static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
+ .mode = 0444,
+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
+ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_SILENCE_LEVEL,
++ .procname = "silence-level",
++ .data = &console_silence_loglevel,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_ALLOC_FAIL_WARN,
++ .procname = "alloc_fail_warn",
++ .data = &alloc_fail_warn,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
++ },
++ {
++ .procname = "fairsched-max-latency",
++ .data = &fairsched_max_latency,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &fsch_sysctl_latency
++ },
+ { .ctl_name = 0 }
+ };
+@@ -899,6 +948,14 @@ static ctl_table fs_table[] = {
+ .mode = 0644,
+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
+ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = FS_AT_VSYSCALL,
++ .procname = "vsyscall",
++ .data = &sysctl_at_vsyscall,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
++ },
+ { .ctl_name = 0 }
+ };
+@@ -912,10 +969,51 @@ static ctl_table dev_table[] = {
+ extern void init_irq_proc (void);
++static spinlock_t sysctl_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++/* called under sysctl_lock */
++static int use_table(struct ctl_table_header *p)
++ if (unlikely(p->unregistering))
++ return 0;
++ p->used++;
++ return 1;
++/* called under sysctl_lock */
++static void unuse_table(struct ctl_table_header *p)
++ if (!--p->used)
++ if (unlikely(p->unregistering))
++ complete(p->unregistering);
++/* called under sysctl_lock, will reacquire if has to wait */
++static void start_unregistering(struct ctl_table_header *p)
++ /*
++ * if p->used is 0, nobody will ever touch that entry again;
++ * we'll eliminate all paths to it before dropping sysctl_lock
++ */
++ if (unlikely(p->used)) {
++ struct completion wait;
++ init_completion(&wait);
++ p->unregistering = &wait;
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
++ wait_for_completion(&wait);
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
++ }
++ /*
++ * do not remove from the list until nobody holds it; walking the
++ * list in do_sysctl() relies on that.
++ */
++ list_del_init(&p->ctl_entry);
+ void __init sysctl_init(void)
+ {
+- register_proc_table(root_table, proc_sys_root);
++ register_proc_table(root_table, proc_sys_root, &root_table_header);
+ init_irq_proc();
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -924,6 +1022,8 @@ int do_sysctl(int __user *name, int nlen
+ void __user *newval, size_t newlen)
+ {
+ struct list_head *tmp;
++ int error = -ENOTDIR;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
+ if (nlen <= 0 || nlen >= CTL_MAXNAME)
+ return -ENOTDIR;
+@@ -932,21 +1032,35 @@ int do_sysctl(int __user *name, int nlen
+ if (!oldlenp || get_user(old_len, oldlenp))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+- tmp = &root_table_header.ctl_entry;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
++ tmp = ve->;
+ do {
+- struct ctl_table_header *head =
+- list_entry(tmp, struct ctl_table_header, ctl_entry);
++ struct ctl_table_header *head;
+ void *context = NULL;
+- int error = parse_table(name, nlen, oldval, oldlenp,
++ if (tmp == &ve->sysctl_lh)
++ /* second pass over global variables */
++ tmp = &root_table_header.ctl_entry;
++ head = list_entry(tmp, struct ctl_table_header, ctl_entry);
++ if (!use_table(head))
++ continue;
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
++ error = parse_table(name, nlen, oldval, oldlenp,
+ newval, newlen, head->ctl_table,
+ &context);
+- if (context)
+- kfree(context);
++ kfree(context);
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
++ unuse_table(head);
+ if (error != -ENOTDIR)
+- return error;
+- tmp = tmp->next;
+- } while (tmp != &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
+- return -ENOTDIR;
++ break;
++ } while ((tmp = tmp->next) != &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
++ return error;
+ }
+ asmlinkage long sys_sysctl(struct __sysctl_args __user *args)
+@@ -983,10 +1097,14 @@ static int test_perm(int mode, int op)
+ static inline int ctl_perm(ctl_table *table, int op)
+ {
+ int error;
++ int mode = table->mode;
+ error = security_sysctl(table, op);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+- return test_perm(table->mode, op);
++ if (!ve_accessible(table->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
++ mode &= ~0222; /* disable write access */
++ return test_perm(mode, op);
+ }
+ static int parse_table(int __user *name, int nlen,
+@@ -1152,21 +1270,62 @@ struct ctl_table_header *register_sysctl
+ int insert_at_head)
+ {
+ struct ctl_table_header *tmp;
++ struct list_head *lh;
+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ctl_table_header), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!tmp)
+ return NULL;
+ tmp->ctl_table = table;
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tmp->ctl_entry);
++ tmp->used = 0;
++ tmp->unregistering = NULL;
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ lh = &get_exec_env()->sysctl_lh;
++ lh = &root_table_header.ctl_entry;
+ if (insert_at_head)
+- list_add(&tmp->ctl_entry, &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
++ list_add(&tmp->ctl_entry, lh);
+ else
+- list_add_tail(&tmp->ctl_entry, &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
++ list_add_tail(&tmp->ctl_entry, lh);
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
+- register_proc_table(table, proc_sys_root);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ register_proc_table(table, get_exec_env()->proc_sys_root, tmp);
++ register_proc_table(table, proc_sys_root, tmp);
+ #endif
+ return tmp;
+ }
++void free_sysctl_clone(ctl_table *clone)
++ kfree(clone);
++ctl_table *clone_sysctl_template(ctl_table *tmpl, int nr)
++ int i;
++ ctl_table *clone;
++ clone = kmalloc(nr * sizeof(ctl_table), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (clone == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ memcpy(clone, tmpl, nr * sizeof(ctl_table));
++ for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
++ if (tmpl[i].ctl_name == 0)
++ continue;
++ clone[i].owner_env = get_exec_env();
++ if (tmpl[i].child == NULL)
++ continue;
++ clone[i].child = clone + (tmpl[i].child - tmpl);
++ }
++ return clone;
+ /**
+ * unregister_sysctl_table - unregister a sysctl table hierarchy
+ * @header: the header returned from register_sysctl_table
+@@ -1176,10 +1335,17 @@ struct ctl_table_header *register_sysctl
+ */
+ void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_table_header * header)
+ {
+- list_del(&header->ctl_entry);
++ might_sleep();
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
++ start_unregistering(header);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ unregister_proc_table(header->ctl_table, get_exec_env()->proc_sys_root);
+ unregister_proc_table(header->ctl_table, proc_sys_root);
+ #endif
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
+ kfree(header);
+ }
+@@ -1190,7 +1356,7 @@ void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_
+ /* Scan the sysctl entries in table and add them all into /proc */
+-static void register_proc_table(ctl_table * table, struct proc_dir_entry *root)
++static void register_proc_table(ctl_table * table, struct proc_dir_entry *root, void *set)
+ {
+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
+ int len;
+@@ -1226,13 +1392,14 @@ static void register_proc_table(ctl_tabl
+ de = create_proc_entry(table->procname, mode, root);
+ if (!de)
+ continue;
++ de->set = set;
+ de->data = (void *) table;
+ if (table->proc_handler)
+ de->proc_fops = &proc_sys_file_operations;
+ }
+ table->de = de;
+ if (de->mode & S_IFDIR)
+- register_proc_table(table->child, de);
++ register_proc_table(table->child, de, set);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1257,12 +1424,15 @@ static void unregister_proc_table(ctl_ta
+ continue;
+ }
+- /* Don't unregister proc entries that are still being used.. */
+- if (atomic_read(&de->count))
+- continue;
++ de->data = NULL;
+ table->de = NULL;
++ /*
++ * sys_sysctl can't find us, since we are removed from list.
++ * proc won't touch either, since de->data is NULL.
++ */
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
+ remove_proc_entry(table->procname, root);
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1270,27 +1440,38 @@ static ssize_t do_rw_proc(int write, str
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ {
+ int op;
+- struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de = PDE(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
+ struct ctl_table *table;
+ size_t res;
+- ssize_t error;
++ ssize_t error = -ENOTDIR;
+- de = PDE(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
+- if (!de || !de->data)
+- return -ENOTDIR;
+- table = (struct ctl_table *) de->data;
+- if (!table || !table->proc_handler)
+- return -ENOTDIR;
+- op = (write ? 002 : 004);
+- if (ctl_perm(table, op))
+- return -EPERM;
+- res = count;
+- error = (*table->proc_handler) (table, write, file, buf, &res, ppos);
+- if (error)
+- return error;
+- return res;
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
++ if (de && de->data && use_table(de->set)) {
++ /*
++ * at that point we know that sysctl was not unregistered
++ * and won't be until we finish
++ */
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
++ table = (struct ctl_table *) de->data;
++ if (!table || !table->proc_handler)
++ goto out;
++ error = -EPERM;
++ op = (write ? 002 : 004);
++ if (ctl_perm(table, op))
++ goto out;
++ /* careful: calling conventions are nasty here */
++ res = count;
++ error = (*table->proc_handler)(table, write, file,
++ buf, &res, ppos);
++ if (!error)
++ error = res;
++ out:
++ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
++ unuse_table(de->set);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
++ return error;
+ }
+ static int proc_opensys(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+@@ -1390,7 +1571,7 @@ int proc_dostring(ctl_table *table, int
+ * to observe. Should this be in kernel/sys.c ????
+ */
+-static int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
++int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
+ {
+ int r;
+@@ -1914,7 +2095,7 @@ int proc_dostring(ctl_table *table, int
+ return -ENOSYS;
+ }
+-static int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
++int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
+ {
+ return -ENOSYS;
+@@ -1967,7 +2148,6 @@ int proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax(ct
+ #endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
+ /*
+ * General sysctl support routines
+ */
+@@ -2169,6 +2349,14 @@ void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_
+ {
+ }
++ctl_table * clone_sysctl_template(ctl_table *tmpl, int nr)
++ return NULL;
++void free_sysctl_clone(ctl_table *tmpl)
+ #endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
+ /*
+@@ -2180,9 +2368,12 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dointvec_jiffies);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dointvec_minmax);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dostring);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_doulongvec_minmax);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(register_sysctl_table);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_intvec);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_jiffies);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_string);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:30.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+ #include <linux/jiffies.h>
+ #include <linux/cpu.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+@@ -444,6 +445,7 @@ repeat:
+ if (!list_empty(head)) {
+ void (*fn)(unsigned long);
+ unsigned long data;
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
+ timer = list_entry(head->next,struct timer_list,entry);
+ fn = timer->function;
+@@ -453,9 +455,11 @@ repeat:
+ set_running_timer(base, timer);
+ smp_wmb();
+ timer->base = NULL;
++ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ spin_unlock_irq(&base->lock);
+ fn(data);
+ spin_lock_irq(&base->lock);
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ goto repeat;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -869,6 +873,22 @@ static unsigned long count_active_tasks(
+ */
+ unsigned long avenrun[3];
++static void calc_load_ve(void)
++ unsigned long flags, nr_unint;
++ nr_unint = nr_uninterruptible() * FIXED_1;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
++ CALC_LOAD(kstat_glob.nr_unint_avg[0], EXP_1, nr_unint);
++ CALC_LOAD(kstat_glob.nr_unint_avg[1], EXP_5, nr_unint);
++ CALC_LOAD(kstat_glob.nr_unint_avg[2], EXP_15, nr_unint);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ do_update_load_avg_ve();
+ /*
+ * calc_load - given tick count, update the avenrun load estimates.
+ * This is called while holding a write_lock on xtime_lock.
+@@ -885,6 +905,7 @@ static inline void calc_load(unsigned lo
+ CALC_LOAD(avenrun[0], EXP_1, active_tasks);
+ CALC_LOAD(avenrun[1], EXP_5, active_tasks);
+ CALC_LOAD(avenrun[2], EXP_15, active_tasks);
++ calc_load_ve();
+ }
+ }
+@@ -996,7 +1017,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned long sys_alarm(unsig
+ */
+ asmlinkage long sys_getpid(void)
+ {
+- return current->tgid;
++ return virt_tgid(current);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1018,28 +1039,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpid(void)
+ asmlinkage long sys_getppid(void)
+ {
+ int pid;
+- struct task_struct *me = current;
+- struct task_struct *parent;
+- parent = me->group_leader->real_parent;
+- for (;;) {
+- pid = parent->tgid;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+- struct task_struct *old = parent;
+- /*
+- * Make sure we read the pid before re-reading the
+- * parent pointer:
+- */
+- rmb();
+- parent = me->group_leader->real_parent;
+- if (old != parent)
+- continue;
+- break;
+- }
++ /* Some smart code used to be here. It was wrong.
++ * ->real_parent could be released before dereference and
++ * we accessed freed kernel memory, which faults with debugging on.
++ * Keep it simple and stupid.
++ */
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ pid = virt_tgid(current->group_leader->real_parent);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ return pid;
+ }
+@@ -1157,7 +1165,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(schedule_timeout);
+ /* Thread ID - the internal kernel "pid" */
+ asmlinkage long sys_gettid(void)
+ {
+- return current->pid;
++ return virt_pid(current);
+ }
+ static long __sched nanosleep_restart(struct restart_block *restart)
+@@ -1227,11 +1235,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sysinfo(struct sysin
+ unsigned long mem_total, sav_total;
+ unsigned int mem_unit, bitcount;
+ unsigned long seq;
++ unsigned long *__avenrun;
++ struct timespec tp;
+ memset((char *)&val, 0, sizeof(struct sysinfo));
+ do {
+- struct timespec tp;
+ seq = read_seqbegin(&xtime_lock);
+ /*
+@@ -1249,18 +1258,32 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sysinfo(struct sysin
+ tp.tv_nsec = tp.tv_nsec - NSEC_PER_SEC;
+ tp.tv_sec++;
+ }
+- val.uptime = tp.tv_sec + (tp.tv_nsec ? 1 : 0);
+- val.loads[0] = avenrun[0] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
+- val.loads[1] = avenrun[1] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
+- val.loads[2] = avenrun[2] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
++ } while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ val.uptime = tp.tv_sec + (tp.tv_nsec ? 1 : 0);
++ __avenrun = &avenrun[0];
+ val.procs = nr_threads;
+- } while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));
++ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ else {
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
++ __avenrun = &ve->avenrun[0];
++ val.procs = atomic_read(&ve->pcounter);
++ val.uptime = tp.tv_sec - ve->start_timespec.tv_sec;
++ }
++ val.loads[0] = __avenrun[0] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
++ val.loads[1] = __avenrun[1] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
++ val.loads[2] = __avenrun[2] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
+ si_meminfo(&val);
+ si_swapinfo(&val);
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_SYSINFO, &val)
++ return -ENOMSG;
+ /*
+ * If the sum of all the available memory (i.e. ram + swap)
+ * is less than can be stored in a 32 bit unsigned long then
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
++# User resources part (UBC)
++# Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++# All rights reserved.
++# Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++menu "User resources"
++ bool "Enable user resource accounting"
++ default y
++ help
++ This patch provides accounting and allows to configure
++ limits for user's consumption of exhaustible system resources.
++ The most important resource controlled by this patch is unswappable
++ memory (either mlock'ed or used by internal kernel structures and
++ buffers). The main goal of this patch is to protect processes
++ from running short of important resources because of an accidental
++ misbehavior of processes or malicious activity aiming to ``kill''
++ the system. It's worth to mention that resource limits configured
++ by setrlimit(2) do not give an acceptable level of protection
++ because they cover only small fraction of resources and work on a
++ per-process basis. Per-process accounting doesn't prevent malicious
++ users from spawning a lot of resource-consuming processes.
++ bool "Account physical memory usage"
++ default y
++ depends on USER_RESOURCE
++ help
++ This allows to estimate per beancounter physical memory usage.
++ Implemented alghorithm accounts shared pages of memory as well,
++ dividing them by number of beancounter which use the page.
++ bool "Account swap usage"
++ default y
++ depends on USER_RESOURCE
++ help
++ This allows accounting of swap usage.
++ bool "Report resource usage in /proc"
++ default y
++ depends on USER_RESOURCE
++ help
++ Allows a system administrator to inspect resource accounts and limits.
++config UBC_DEBUG
++ bool "User resources debug features"
++ default n
++ depends on USER_RESOURCE
++ help
++ Enables to setup debug features for user resource accounting
++ bool "Debug kmemsize with cache counters"
++ default n
++ depends on UBC_DEBUG
++ help
++ Adds /proc/user_beancounters_debug entry to get statistics
++ about cache usage of each beancounter
++ bool "Keep unused beancounter alive"
++ default y
++ depends on UBC_DEBUG
++ help
++ If on, unused beancounters are kept on the hash and maxheld value
++ can be looked through.
++ bool "Account resources in items rather than in bytes"
++ default y
++ depends on UBC_DEBUG
++ help
++ When true some of the resources (e.g. kmemsize) are accounted
++ in items instead of bytes.
++ bool "Use unlimited ubc settings"
++ default y
++ depends on UBC_DEBUG
++ help
++ When ON all limits and barriers are set to max values.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++# User resources part (UBC)
++# Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++# All rights reserved.
++# Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++obj-y := ub_sys.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += beancounter.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_dcache.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_mem.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_misc.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_net.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_pages.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_stat.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_oom.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RSS_ACCOUNTING) += ub_page_bc.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE_PROC) += ub_proc.o
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
++ * linux/kernel/ub/beancounter.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 1998 Alan Cox
++ * 1998-2000 Andrey V. Savochkin <>
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * TODO:
++ * - more intelligent limit check in mremap(): currently the new size is
++ * charged and _then_ old size is uncharged
++ * (almost done: !move_vma case is completely done,
++ * move_vma in its current implementation requires too many conditions to
++ * do things right, because it may be not only expansion, but shrinking
++ * also, plus do_munmap will require an additional parameter...)
++ * - problem: bad pmd page handling
++ * - consider /proc redesign
++ * - TCP/UDP ports
++ * + consider whether __charge_beancounter_locked should be inline
++ *
++ * Changes:
++ * 1999/08/17 Marcelo Tosatti <>
++ * - Set "barrier" and "limit" parts of limits atomically.
++ * 1999/10/06 Marcelo Tosatti <>
++ * - setublimit system call.
++ */
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
++static kmem_cache_t *ub_cachep;
++static struct user_beancounter default_beancounter;
++struct user_beancounter ub0;
++const char *ub_rnames[] = {
++ "kmemsize", /* 0 */
++ "lockedpages",
++ "privvmpages",
++ "shmpages",
++ "dummy",
++ "numproc", /* 5 */
++ "physpages",
++ "vmguarpages",
++ "oomguarpages",
++ "numtcpsock",
++ "numflock", /* 10 */
++ "numpty",
++ "numsiginfo",
++ "tcpsndbuf",
++ "tcprcvbuf",
++ "othersockbuf", /* 15 */
++ "dgramrcvbuf",
++ "numothersock",
++ "dcachesize",
++ "numfile",
++ "dummy", /* 20 */
++ "dummy",
++ "dummy",
++ "numiptent",
++ "unused_privvmpages", /* UB_RESOURCES */
++ "tmpfs_respages",
++ "swap_pages",
++ "held_pages",
++static void init_beancounter_struct(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++static void init_beancounter_store(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++static void init_beancounter_nolimits(struct user_beancounter *ub);
++void print_ub_uid(struct user_beancounter *ub, char *buf, int size)
++ if (ub->parent != NULL)
++ snprintf(buf, size, "%u.%u", ub->parent->ub_uid, ub->ub_uid);
++ else
++ snprintf(buf, size, "%u", ub->ub_uid);
++#define ub_hash_fun(x) ((((x) >> 8) ^ (x)) & (UB_HASH_SIZE - 1))
++struct ub_hash_slot ub_hash[UB_HASH_SIZE];
++spinlock_t ub_hash_lock;
++ * Per user resource beancounting. Resources are tied to their luid.
++ * The resource structure itself is tagged both to the process and
++ * the charging resources (a socket doesn't want to have to search for
++ * things at irq time for example). Reference counters keep things in
++ * hand.
++ *
++ * The case where a user creates resource, kills all his processes and
++ * then starts new ones is correctly handled this way. The refcounters
++ * will mean the old entry is still around with resource tied to it.
++ */
++struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter_byuid(uid_t uid, int create)
++ struct user_beancounter *new_ub, *ub;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
++ slot = &ub_hash[ub_hash_fun(uid)];
++ new_ub = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
++ while (ub != NULL && (ub->ub_uid != uid || ub->parent != NULL))
++ ub = ub->ub_next;
++ if (ub != NULL) {
++ /* found */
++ get_beancounter(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ if (new_ub != NULL)
++ kmem_cache_free(ub_cachep, new_ub);
++ return ub;
++ }
++ if (!create) {
++ /* no ub found */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (new_ub != NULL) {
++ /* install new ub */
++ new_ub->ub_next = slot->ubh_beans;
++ slot->ubh_beans = new_ub;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ return new_ub;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ /* alloc new ub */
++ new_ub = (struct user_beancounter *)kmem_cache_alloc(ub_cachep,
++ if (new_ub == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, "Creating ub %p in slot %p\n", new_ub, slot);
++ memcpy(new_ub, &default_beancounter, sizeof(*new_ub));
++ init_beancounter_struct(new_ub);
++ new_ub->ub_uid = uid;
++ goto retry;
++struct user_beancounter *get_subbeancounter_byid(struct user_beancounter *p,
++ int id, int create)
++ struct user_beancounter *new_ub, *ub;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
++ slot = &ub_hash[ub_hash_fun(p->ub_uid + id * 17)];
++ new_ub = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
++ while (ub != NULL && (ub->parent != p || ub->ub_uid != id))
++ ub = ub->ub_next;
++ if (ub != NULL) {
++ /* found */
++ get_beancounter(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ if (new_ub != NULL) {
++ put_beancounter(new_ub->parent);
++ kmem_cache_free(ub_cachep, new_ub);
++ }
++ return ub;
++ }
++ if (!create) {
++ /* no ub found */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (new_ub != NULL) {
++ /* install new ub */
++ get_beancounter(new_ub);
++ new_ub->ub_next = slot->ubh_beans;
++ slot->ubh_beans = new_ub;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ return new_ub;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ /* alloc new ub */
++ new_ub = (struct user_beancounter *)kmem_cache_alloc(ub_cachep,
++ if (new_ub == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, "Creating sub %p in slot %p\n", new_ub, slot);
++ memset(new_ub, 0, sizeof(*new_ub));
++ init_beancounter_nolimits(new_ub);
++ init_beancounter_store(new_ub);
++ init_beancounter_struct(new_ub);
++ atomic_set(&new_ub->ub_refcount, 0);
++ new_ub->ub_uid = id;
++ new_ub->parent = get_beancounter(p);
++ goto retry;
++static int verify_res(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource,
++ unsigned long held)
++ char id[64];
++ if (likely(held == 0))
++ return 1;
++ print_ub_uid(ub, id, sizeof(id));
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Ub %s helds %lu in %s on put\n",
++ id, held, ub_rnames[resource]);
++ return 0;
++static inline void verify_held(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ int i, clean;
++ clean = 1;
++ for (i = 0; i < UB_RESOURCES; i++)
++ clean &= verify_res(ub, i, ub->ub_parms[i].held);
++ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_UNUSEDPRIVVM, ub->ub_unused_privvmpages);
++ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_TMPFSPAGES, ub->ub_tmpfs_respages);
++ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_SWAPPAGES, ub->ub_swap_pages);
++ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_HELDPAGES, (unsigned long)ub->ub_held_pages);
++ ub_debug_trace(!clean, 5, 60*HZ);
++static void __unhash_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ struct user_beancounter **ubptr;
++ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
++ slot = &ub_hash[ub_hash_fun(ub->ub_uid)];
++ ubptr = &slot->ubh_beans;
++ while (*ubptr != NULL) {
++ if (*ubptr == ub) {
++ verify_held(ub);
++ *ubptr = ub->ub_next;
++ return;
++ }
++ ubptr = &((*ubptr)->ub_next);
++ }
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid beancounter %p, luid=%d on free, slot %p\n",
++ ub, ub->ub_uid, slot);
++void __put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct user_beancounter *parent;
++ parent = ub->parent;
++ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, "__put bc %p (cnt %d) for %.20s pid %d "
++ "cur %08lx cpu %d.\n",
++ ub, atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount),
++ current->comm, current->pid,
++ (unsigned long)current, smp_processor_id());
++ /* equevalent to atomic_dec_and_lock_irqsave() */
++ local_irq_save(flags);
++ if (likely(!atomic_dec_and_lock(&ub->ub_refcount, &ub_hash_lock))) {
++ if (unlikely(atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount) < 0))
++ printk(KERN_ERR "UB: Bad ub refcount: ub=%p, "
++ "luid=%d, ref=%d\n",
++ ub, ub->ub_uid,
++ atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount));
++ local_irq_restore(flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(ub == get_ub0())) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Trying to put ub0\n");
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ __unhash_beancounter(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ ub_free_counters(ub);
++ kmem_cache_free(ub_cachep, ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ ub = parent;
++ if (ub != NULL)
++ goto again;
++ * Generic resource charging stuff
++ */
++int __charge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict)
++ ub_debug_resource(resource, "Charging %lu for %d of %p with %lu\n",
++ val, resource, ub, ub->ub_parms[resource].held);
++ /*
++ * ub_value <= UB_MAXVALUE, value <= UB_MAXVALUE, and only one addition
++ * at the moment is possible so an overflow is impossible.
++ */
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].held += val;
++ switch (strict) {
++ case UB_HARD:
++ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].held >
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier)
++ break;
++ case UB_SOFT:
++ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].held >
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].limit)
++ break;
++ case UB_FORCE:
++ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, resource);
++ return 0;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ if (strict == UB_SOFT && ub_ratelimit(&ub->ub_limit_rl))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Fatal resource shortage: %s, UB %d.\n",
++ ub_rnames[resource], ub->ub_uid);
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].failcnt++;
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].held -= val;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int charge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict)
++ int retval;
++ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ if (val > UB_MAXVALUE)
++ goto out;
++ local_irq_save(flags);
++ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
++ spin_lock(&p->ub_lock);
++ retval = __charge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val, strict);
++ spin_unlock(&p->ub_lock);
++ if (retval)
++ goto unroll;
++ }
++ local_irq_restore(flags);
++ return retval;
++ for (q = ub; q != p; q = q->parent) {
++ spin_lock(&q->ub_lock);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(q, resource, val);
++ spin_unlock(&q->ub_lock);
++ }
++ goto out_restore;
++void charge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val)
++ struct user_beancounter *p;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ local_irq_save(flags);
++ for (p = ub; p->parent != NULL; p = p->parent) {
++ spin_lock(&p->ub_lock);
++ __charge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val, UB_FORCE);
++ spin_unlock(&p->ub_lock);
++ }
++ local_irq_restore(flags);
++void uncharge_warn(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource,
++ unsigned long val, unsigned long held)
++ char id[64];
++ print_ub_uid(ub, id, sizeof(id));
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Uncharging too much %lu h %lu, res %s ub %s\n",
++ val, held, ub_rnames[resource], id);
++ ub_debug_trace(1, 10, 10*HZ);
++void __uncharge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val)
++ ub_debug_resource(resource, "Uncharging %lu for %d of %p with %lu\n",
++ val, resource, ub, ub->ub_parms[resource].held);
++ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].held < val) {
++ uncharge_warn(ub, resource,
++ val, ub->ub_parms[resource].held);
++ val = ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
++ }
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].held -= val;
++void uncharge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct user_beancounter *p;
++ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&p->ub_lock, flags);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&p->ub_lock, flags);
++ }
++void uncharge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ int resource, unsigned long val)
++ struct user_beancounter *p;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ local_irq_save(flags);
++ for (p = ub; p->parent != NULL; p = p->parent) {
++ spin_lock(&p->ub_lock);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val);
++ spin_unlock(&p->ub_lock);
++ }
++ local_irq_restore(flags);
++ * Rate limiting stuff.
++ */
++int ub_ratelimit(struct ub_rate_info *p)
++ unsigned long cjif, djif;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ static spinlock_t ratelimit_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++ long new_bucket;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
++ cjif = jiffies;
++ djif = cjif - p->last;
++ if (djif < p->interval) {
++ if (p->bucket >= p->burst) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ p->bucket++;
++ } else {
++ new_bucket = p->bucket - (djif / (unsigned)p->interval);
++ if (new_bucket < 0)
++ new_bucket = 0;
++ p->bucket = new_bucket + 1;
++ }
++ p->last = cjif;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
++ return 1;
++ * Initialization
++ *
++ * struct user_beancounter contains
++ * - limits and other configuration settings,
++ * with a copy stored for accounting purposes,
++ * - structural fields: lists, spinlocks and so on.
++ *
++ * Before these parts are initialized, the structure should be memset
++ * to 0 or copied from a known clean structure. That takes care of a lot
++ * of fields not initialized explicitly.
++ */
++static void init_beancounter_struct(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ ub->ub_magic = UB_MAGIC;
++ atomic_set(&ub->ub_refcount, 1);
++ spin_lock_init(&ub->ub_lock);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ub->ub_tcp_sk_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ub->ub_other_sk_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ub->ub_cclist);
++static void init_beancounter_store(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ int k;
++ for (k = 0; k < UB_RESOURCES; k++) {
++ memcpy(&ub->ub_store[k], &ub->ub_parms[k],
++ sizeof(struct ubparm));
++ }
++static void init_beancounter_nolimits(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ int k;
++ for (k = 0; k < UB_RESOURCES; k++) {
++ ub->ub_parms[k].limit = UB_MAXVALUE;
++ /* FIXME: whether this is right for physpages and guarantees? */
++ ub->ub_parms[k].barrier = UB_MAXVALUE;
++ }
++ /* FIXME: set unlimited rate? */
++ ub->ub_limit_rl.burst = 4;
++ ub->ub_limit_rl.interval = 300*HZ;
++static void init_beancounter_syslimits(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long mp)
++ extern int max_threads;
++ int k;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_KMEMSIZE].limit =
++ mp > (192*1024*1024 >> PAGE_SHIFT) ?
++ 32*1024*1024 : (mp << PAGE_SHIFT) / 6;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_LOCKEDPAGES].limit = 8;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_PRIVVMPAGES].limit = UB_MAXVALUE;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_SHMPAGES].limit = 64;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMPROC].limit = max_threads / 2;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].limit = 1024;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPSNDBUF].limit = 1024*4*1024; /* 4k per socket */
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].limit = 1024*6*1024; /* 6k per socket */
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMOTHERSOCK].limit = 256;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_DGRAMRCVBUF].limit = 256*4*1024; /* 4k per socket */
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_OTHERSOCKBUF].limit = 256*8*1024; /* 8k per socket */
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMFLOCK].limit = 1024;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMPTY].limit = 16;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMSIGINFO].limit = 1024;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_DCACHESIZE].limit = 1024*1024;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMFILE].limit = 1024;
++ for (k = 0; k < UB_RESOURCES; k++)
++ ub->ub_parms[k].barrier = ub->ub_parms[k].limit;
++ ub->ub_limit_rl.burst = 4;
++ ub->ub_limit_rl.interval = 300*HZ;
++void __init ub0_init(void)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ init_cache_counters();
++ ub = get_ub0();
++ memset(ub, 0, sizeof(*ub));
++ ub->ub_uid = 0;
++ init_beancounter_nolimits(ub);
++ init_beancounter_store(ub);
++ init_beancounter_struct(ub);
++ memset(task_bc(current), 0, sizeof(struct task_beancounter));
++ (void)set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
++ task_bc(current)->fork_sub = get_beancounter(get_ub0());
++ mm_ub(&init_mm) = get_beancounter(ub);
++void __init ub_hash_init(void)
++ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
++ spin_lock_init(&ub_hash_lock);
++ /* insert ub0 into the hash */
++ slot = &ub_hash[ub_hash_fun(get_ub0()->ub_uid)];
++ slot->ubh_beans = get_ub0();
++void __init beancounter_init(unsigned long mempages)
++ extern int skbc_cache_init(void);
++ int res;
++ res = skbc_cache_init();
++ ub_cachep = kmem_cache_create("user_beancounters",
++ sizeof(struct user_beancounter),
++ if (res < 0 || ub_cachep == NULL)
++ panic("Can't create ubc caches\n");
++ memset(&default_beancounter, 0, sizeof(default_beancounter));
++ init_beancounter_nolimits(&default_beancounter);
++ init_beancounter_syslimits(&default_beancounter, mempages);
++ init_beancounter_store(&default_beancounter);
++ init_beancounter_struct(&default_beancounter);
++ ub_hash_init();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_dcache.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
++#include <linux/err.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++#include <ub/ub_dcache.h>
++ * Locking
++ * traverse dcache_lock d_lock
++ * ub_dentry_charge + + +
++ * ub_dentry_uncharge + - +
++ * ub_dentry_charge_nofail + + -
++ *
++ * d_inuse is atomic so that we can inc dentry's parent d_inuse in
++ * ub_dentry_charhe with the only dentry's d_lock held.
++ *
++ * Race in uncharge vs charge_nofail is handled with dcache_lock.
++ * Race in charge vs charge_nofail is inessential since they both inc d_inuse.
++ * Race in uncharge vs charge is handled by altering d_inuse under d_lock.
++ *
++ * Race with d_move is handled this way:
++ * - charge_nofail and uncharge are protected by dcache_lock;
++ * - charge works only with dentry and dentry->d_parent->d_inuse, so
++ * it's enough to lock only the dentry.
++ */
++ * Beancounting
++ * UB argument must NOT be NULL
++ */
++static int do_charge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
++ enum severity sv)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_SIZE(size), sv))
++ goto out_mem;
++ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_DCACHESIZE, size, sv))
++ goto out_dcache;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_SIZE(size));
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void do_uncharge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_SIZE(size));
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_DCACHESIZE, size);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++static int charge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
++ enum severity sv)
++ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
++ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
++ if (do_charge_dcache(p, size, sv))
++ goto unroll;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ for (q = ub; q != p; q = q->parent)
++ do_uncharge_dcache(q, size);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++void uncharge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_uncharge_dcache(ub, size);
++static inline void charge_dcache_forced(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ charge_dcache(ub, size, UB_FORCE);
++static inline void d_forced_charge(struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc)
++ d_bc->d_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
++ if (d_bc->d_ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ charge_dcache_forced(d_bc->d_ub, d_bc->d_ubsize);
++static inline void d_uncharge(struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc)
++ if (d_bc->d_ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ uncharge_dcache(d_bc->d_ub, d_bc->d_ubsize);
++ put_beancounter(d_bc->d_ub);
++ d_bc->d_ub = NULL;
++ * Alloc / free dentry_beancounter
++ */
++static inline int d_alloc_beancounter(struct dentry *d)
++ return 0;
++static inline void d_free_beancounter(struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc)
++static inline unsigned long d_charge_size(struct dentry *dentry)
++ /* dentry's d_name is already set to appropriate value (see d_alloc) */
++ return inode_memusage() + dentry_memusage() +
++ (dname_external(dentry) ?
++ kmem_obj_memusage((void *)dentry-> : 0);
++ * dentry mark in use operation
++ * d_lock is held
++ */
++static int d_inc_inuse(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
++ if (dentry != dentry->d_parent) {
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ /*
++ * Increment d_inuse of parent.
++ * It can't change since dentry->d_lock is held.
++ */
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ if (atomic_inc_and_test(&dentry_bc(parent)->d_inuse))
++ BUG();
++ }
++ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
++ ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
++ if (ub != NULL && charge_dcache(ub, d_bc->d_ubsize, UB_SOFT))
++ goto out_err;
++ d_bc->d_ub = ub;
++ return 0;
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++ d_bc->d_ub = NULL;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ * no locks
++ */
++int ub_dentry_alloc(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
++ err = d_alloc_beancounter(dentry);
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
++ d_bc->d_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
++ atomic_set(&d_bc->d_inuse, 0); /* see comment in ub_dcache.h */
++ d_bc->d_ubsize = d_charge_size(dentry);
++ err = 0;
++ if (d_bc->d_ub != NULL &&
++ charge_dcache(d_bc->d_ub, d_bc->d_ubsize, UB_HARD)) {
++ put_beancounter(d_bc->d_ub);
++ d_free_beancounter(d_bc);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ return err;
++void ub_dentry_free(struct dentry *dentry)
++ * Charge / uncharge functions.
++ *
++ * We take d_lock to protect dentry_bc from concurrent acces
++ * when simultaneous __d_lookup and d_put happens on one dentry.
++ */
++ * no dcache_lock, d_lock and rcu_read_lock are held
++ * drops d_lock, rcu_read_lock and returns error if any
++ */
++int ub_dentry_charge(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (atomic_inc_and_test(&dentry_bc(dentry)->d_inuse))
++ err = d_inc_inuse(dentry);
++ /*
++ * d_lock and rcu_read_lock are dropped here
++ * (see also __d_lookup)
++ */
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
++ rcu_read_unlock();
++ if (!err)
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * d_invlaidate is required for real_lookup
++ * since it tries to create new dentry on
++ * d_lookup failure.
++ */
++ if (!d_invalidate(dentry))
++ return err;
++ /* didn't succeeded, force dentry to be charged */
++ d_forced_charge(dentry_bc(dentry));
++ return 0;
++ * dcache_lock is held
++ * no d_locks, sequentaly takes and drops from dentry upward
++ */
++void ub_dentry_uncharge(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ /* go up until status is changed and root is not reached */
++ while (1) {
++ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
++ /*
++ * We need d_lock here to handle
++ * the race with ub_dentry_charge
++ */
++ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
++ if (!atomic_add_negative(-1, &d_bc->d_inuse)) {
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
++ break;
++ }
++ /* state transition 0 => -1 */
++ d_uncharge(d_bc);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
++ /*
++ * dcache_lock is held (see comment in __dget_locked)
++ * so we can safely move upwards.
++ */
++ if (dentry == parent)
++ break;
++ dentry = parent;
++ }
++ * forced version. for dget in clean cache, when error is not an option
++ *
++ * dcache_lock is held
++ * no d_locks
++ */
++void ub_dentry_charge_nofail(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ /* go up until status is changed and root is not reached */
++ while (1) {
++ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
++ if (!atomic_inc_and_test(&d_bc->d_inuse))
++ break;
++ /*
++ * state transition -1 => 0
++ *
++ * No need to lock dentry before atomic_inc
++ * like we do in ub_dentry_uncharge.
++ * We can't race with ub_dentry_uncharge due
++ * to dcache_lock. The only possible race with
++ * ub_dentry_charge is OK since they both
++ * do atomic_inc.
++ */
++ d_forced_charge(d_bc);
++ /*
++ * dcache_lock is held (see comment in __dget_locked)
++ * so we can safely move upwards.
++ */
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ if (dentry == parent)
++ break;
++ dentry = parent;
++ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_mem.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_slab.h>
++#include <linux/highmem.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/gfp.h>
++#include <linux/swap.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
++ * Initialization
++ */
++extern void __init page_beancounters_init(void);
++void __init page_ubc_init(void)
++ page_beancounters_init();
++ * Slab accounting
++ */
++#define CC_HASH_SIZE 1024
++static struct ub_cache_counter *cc_hash[CC_HASH_SIZE];
++spinlock_t cc_lock;
++static void __free_cache_counters(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ kmem_cache_t *cachep)
++ struct ub_cache_counter *cc, **pprev, *del;
++ int i;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ del = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&cc_lock, flags);
++ for (i = 0; i < CC_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
++ pprev = &cc_hash[i];
++ cc = cc_hash[i];
++ while (cc != NULL) {
++ if (cc->ub != ub && cc->cachep != cachep) {
++ pprev = &cc->next;
++ cc = cc->next;
++ continue;
++ }
++ list_del(&cc->ulist);
++ *pprev = cc->next;
++ cc->next = del;
++ del = cc;
++ cc = *pprev;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cc_lock, flags);
++ while (del != NULL) {
++ cc = del->next;
++ kfree(del);
++ del = cc;
++ }
++void ub_free_counters(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ __free_cache_counters(ub, NULL);
++void ub_kmemcache_free(kmem_cache_t *cachep)
++ __free_cache_counters(NULL, cachep);
++void __init init_cache_counters(void)
++ memset(cc_hash, 0, CC_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(cc_hash[0]));
++ spin_lock_init(&cc_lock);
++#define cc_hash_fun(ub, cachep) ( \
++ (((unsigned long)(ub) >> L1_CACHE_SHIFT) ^ \
++ ((unsigned long)(ub) >> (BITS_PER_LONG / 2)) ^ \
++ ((unsigned long)(cachep) >> L1_CACHE_SHIFT) ^ \
++ ((unsigned long)(cachep) >> (BITS_PER_LONG / 2)) \
++ ) & (CC_HASH_SIZE - 1))
++static int change_slab_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *objp,
++ unsigned long val, int mask)
++ struct ub_cache_counter *cc, *new_cnt, **pprev;
++ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ cachep = GET_PAGE_CACHE(virt_to_page(objp));
++ new_cnt = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&cc_lock, flags);
++ cc = cc_hash[cc_hash_fun(ub, cachep)];
++ while (cc) {
++ if (cc->ub == ub && cc->cachep == cachep)
++ goto found;
++ cc = cc->next;
++ }
++ if (new_cnt != NULL)
++ goto insert;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cc_lock, flags);
++ new_cnt = kmalloc(sizeof(*new_cnt), mask & ~__GFP_UBC);
++ if (new_cnt == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ new_cnt->counter = 0;
++ new_cnt->ub = ub;
++ new_cnt->cachep = cachep;
++ goto again;
++ pprev = &cc_hash[cc_hash_fun(ub, cachep)];
++ new_cnt->next = *pprev;
++ *pprev = new_cnt;
++ list_add(&new_cnt->ulist, &ub->ub_cclist);
++ cc = new_cnt;
++ new_cnt = NULL;
++ cc->counter += val;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cc_lock, flags);
++ if (new_cnt)
++ kfree(new_cnt);
++ return 0;
++static inline int inc_slab_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ void *objp, int mask)
++ return change_slab_charged(ub, objp, 1, mask);
++static inline void dec_slab_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *objp)
++ if (change_slab_charged(ub, objp, -1, 0) < 0)
++ BUG();
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++static inline int inc_pages_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ struct page *pg, int order)
++ int cpu;
++ cpu = get_cpu();
++ ub->ub_pages_charged[cpu]++;
++ put_cpu();
++ return 0;
++static inline void dec_pages_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ struct page *pg, int order)
++ int cpu;
++ cpu = get_cpu();
++ ub->ub_pages_charged[cpu]--;
++ put_cpu();
++void inc_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *vm, int flags)
++ int cpu;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ if (!(flags & __GFP_UBC))
++ return;
++ ub = get_exec_ub();
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ cpu = get_cpu();
++ ub->ub_vmalloc_charged[cpu] += vm->nr_pages;
++ put_cpu();
++void dec_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *vm)
++ int cpu;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = page_ub(vm->pages[0]);
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ cpu = get_cpu();
++ ub->ub_vmalloc_charged[cpu] -= vm->nr_pages;
++ put_cpu();
++#define inc_slab_charged(ub, o, m) (0)
++#define dec_slab_charged(ub, o) do { } while (0)
++#define inc_pages_charged(ub, pg, o) (0)
++#define dec_pages_charged(ub, pg, o) do { } while (0)
++static inline struct user_beancounter **slab_ub_ref(void *objp)
++ struct page *pg;
++ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
++ struct slab *slabp;
++ int objnr;
++ pg = virt_to_page(objp);
++ cachep = GET_PAGE_CACHE(pg);
++ BUG_ON(!(cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC));
++ slabp = GET_PAGE_SLAB(pg);
++ objnr = (objp - slabp->s_mem) / cachep->objsize;
++ return slab_ubcs(cachep, slabp) + objnr;
++struct user_beancounter *slab_ub(void *objp)
++ struct user_beancounter **ub_ref;
++ ub_ref = slab_ub_ref(objp);
++ return *ub_ref;
++int ub_slab_charge(void *objp, int flags)
++ unsigned int size;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ size = CHARGE_SIZE(kmem_obj_memusage(objp));
++ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size,
++ (flags & __GFP_SOFT_UBC ? UB_SOFT : UB_HARD)))
++ goto out_err;
++ if (inc_slab_charged(ub, objp, flags) < 0) {
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ *slab_ub_ref(objp) = ub;
++ return 0;
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++void ub_slab_uncharge(void *objp)
++ unsigned int size;
++ struct user_beancounter **ub_ref;
++ ub_ref = slab_ub_ref(objp);
++ if (*ub_ref == NULL)
++ return;
++ dec_slab_charged(*ub_ref, objp);
++ size = CHARGE_SIZE(kmem_obj_memusage(objp));
++ uncharge_beancounter(*ub_ref, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
++ put_beancounter(*ub_ref);
++ *ub_ref = NULL;
++ * Pages accounting
++ */
++inline int ub_page_charge(struct page *page, int order, int mask)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = NULL;
++ if (!(mask & __GFP_UBC))
++ goto out;
++ ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_ORDER(order),
++ (mask & __GFP_SOFT_UBC ? UB_SOFT : UB_HARD)))
++ goto err;
++ if (inc_pages_charged(ub, page, order) < 0) {
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_ORDER(order));
++ goto err;
++ }
++ BUG_ON(page_ub(page) != NULL);
++ page_ub(page) = ub;
++ return 0;
++ BUG_ON(page_ub(page) != NULL);
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++inline void ub_page_uncharge(struct page *page, int order)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = page_ub(page);
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ dec_pages_charged(ub, page, order);
++ BUG_ON(ub->ub_magic != UB_MAGIC);
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_ORDER(order));
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++ page_ub(page) = NULL;
++ * takes init_mm.page_table_lock
++ * some outer lock to protect pages from vmalloced area must be held
++ */
++struct user_beancounter *vmalloc_ub(void *obj)
++ struct page *pg;
++ spin_lock(&init_mm.page_table_lock);
++ pg = follow_page_k((unsigned long)obj, 0);
++ spin_unlock(&init_mm.page_table_lock);
++ if (pg == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ return page_ub(pg);
++struct user_beancounter *mem_ub(void *obj)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ if ((unsigned long)obj >= VMALLOC_START &&
++ (unsigned long)obj < VMALLOC_END)
++ ub = vmalloc_ub(obj);
++ else
++ ub = slab_ub(obj);
++ return ub;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_misc.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/tty.h>
++#include <linux/tty_driver.h>
++#include <linux/signal.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++ * Task staff
++ */
++static void init_task_sub(struct task_struct *tsk,
++ struct task_beancounter *old_bc)
++ struct task_beancounter *new_bc;
++ struct user_beancounter *sub;
++ new_bc = task_bc(tsk);
++ sub = old_bc->fork_sub;
++ new_bc->fork_sub = get_beancounter(sub);
++ new_bc->task_fnode = NULL;
++ new_bc->task_freserv = old_bc->task_freserv;
++ old_bc->task_freserv = NULL;
++ memset(&new_bc->task_data, 0, sizeof(new_bc->task_data));
++int ub_task_charge(struct task_struct *parent, struct task_struct *task)
++ struct task_beancounter *old_bc;
++ struct task_beancounter *new_bc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ old_bc = task_bc(parent);
++#if 0
++ if (old_bc->exec_ub == NULL) {
++ /* FIXME: this won't work if task_bc is outside task_struct */
++ init_task_sub(task, old_bc);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ ub = old_bc->fork_sub;
++ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMPROC, 1, UB_HARD) < 0)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ new_bc = task_bc(task);
++ new_bc->task_ub = get_beancounter(ub);
++ new_bc->exec_ub = get_beancounter(ub);
++ init_task_sub(task, old_bc);
++ return 0;
++void ub_task_uncharge(struct task_struct *task)
++ struct task_beancounter *task_bc;
++ task_bc = task_bc(task);
++ if (task_bc->task_ub != NULL)
++ uncharge_beancounter(task_bc->task_ub, UB_NUMPROC, 1);
++ put_beancounter(task_bc->exec_ub);
++ put_beancounter(task_bc->task_ub);
++ put_beancounter(task_bc->fork_sub);
++ /* can't be freed elsewhere, failures possible in the middle of fork */
++ if (task_bc->task_freserv != NULL)
++ kfree(task_bc->task_freserv);
++ task_bc->exec_ub = (struct user_beancounter *)0xdeadbcbc;
++ * Files and file locks.
++ */
++int ub_file_charge(struct file *f)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ /* No need to get_beancounter here since it's already got in slab */
++ ub = slab_ub(f);
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ return charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFILE, 1, UB_HARD);
++void ub_file_uncharge(struct file *f)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ /* Ub will be put in slab */
++ ub = slab_ub(f);
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFILE, 1);
++int ub_flock_charge(struct file_lock *fl, int hard)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ int err;
++ /* No need to get_beancounter here since it's already got in slab */
++ ub = slab_ub(fl);
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ err = charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFLOCK, 1, hard ? UB_HARD : UB_SOFT);
++ if (!err)
++ fl->fl_charged = 1;
++ return err;
++void ub_flock_uncharge(struct file_lock *fl)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ /* Ub will be put in slab */
++ ub = slab_ub(fl);
++ if (ub == NULL || !fl->fl_charged)
++ return;
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFLOCK, 1);
++ fl->fl_charged = 0;
++ * Signal handling
++ */
++static int do_ub_siginfo_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size, UB_HARD))
++ goto out_kmem;
++ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_NUMSIGINFO, 1, UB_HARD))
++ goto out_num;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void do_ub_siginfo_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_NUMSIGINFO, 1);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++int ub_siginfo_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
++ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
++ size = CHARGE_SIZE(size);
++ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
++ if (do_ub_siginfo_charge(p, size))
++ goto unroll;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ for (q = ub; q != p; q = q->parent)
++ do_ub_siginfo_uncharge(q, size);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++void ub_siginfo_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
++ size = CHARGE_SIZE(size);
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_ub_siginfo_uncharge(ub, size);
++ * PTYs
++ */
++int ub_pty_charge(struct tty_struct *tty)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ int retval;
++ ub = tty_ub(tty);
++ retval = 0;
++ if (ub && tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER &&
++ !test_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags)) {
++ retval = charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMPTY, 1, UB_HARD);
++ if (!retval)
++ set_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags);
++ }
++ return retval;
++void ub_pty_uncharge(struct tty_struct *tty)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = tty_ub(tty);
++ if (ub && tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER &&
++ test_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags)) {
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMPTY, 1);
++ clear_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags);
++ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
++ * linux/kernel/ub/ub_net.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Andrey V. Savochkin <>
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * TODO:
++ * - sizeof(struct inode) charge
++ * = tcp_mem_schedule() feedback based on ub limits
++ * + measures so that one socket won't exhaust all send buffers,
++ * see bug in bugzilla
++ * = sk->socket check for NULL in snd_wakeups
++ * (tcp_write_space checks for NULL itself)
++ * + in tcp_close(), orphaned socket abortion should be based on ubc
++ * resources (same in tcp_out_of_resources)
++ * Beancounter should also have separate orphaned socket counter...
++ * + for rcv, in-order segment should be accepted
++ * if only barrier is exceeded
++ * = tcp_rmem_schedule() feedback based on ub limits
++ * - repair forward_alloc mechanism for receive buffers
++ * It's idea is that some buffer space is pre-charged so that receive fast
++ * path doesn't need to take spinlocks and do other heavy stuff
++ * + tcp_prune_queue actions based on ub limits
++ * + window adjustments depending on available buffers for receive
++ * - window adjustments depending on available buffers for send
++ * + race around usewreserv
++ * + avoid allocating new page for each tiny-gram, see letter from ANK
++ * + rename ub_sock_lock
++ * + sk->sleep wait queue probably can be used for all wakeups, and
++ * sk->ub_wait is unnecessary
++ * + for UNIX sockets, the current algorithm will lead to
++ * UB_UNIX_MINBUF-sized messages only for non-blocking case
++ * - charge for af_packet sockets
++ * + all datagram sockets should be charged to NUMUNIXSOCK
++ * - we do not charge for skb copies and clones staying in device queues
++ * + live-lock if number of sockets is big and buffer limits are small
++ * [diff-ubc-dbllim3]
++ * - check that multiple readers/writers on the same socket won't cause fatal
++ * consequences
++ * - check allocation/charge orders
++ * + There is potential problem with callback_lock. In *snd_wakeup we take
++ * beancounter first, in sock_def_error_report - callback_lock first.
++ * then beancounter. This is not a problem if callback_lock taken
++ * readonly, but anyway...
++ * - SKB_CHARGE_SIZE doesn't include the space wasted by slab allocator
++ * General kernel problems:
++ * - in tcp_sendmsg(), if allocation fails, non-blocking sockets with ASYNC
++ * notification won't get signals
++ * - datagram_poll looks racy
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/net.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
++#include <linux/gfp.h>
++#include <linux/err.h>
++#include <linux/socket.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <net/sock.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
++#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
++/* Skb truesize definition. Bad place. Den */
++static inline int skb_chargesize_head(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ return skb_charge_size(skb->end - skb->head +
++ sizeof(struct skb_shared_info));
++int skb_charge_fullsize(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ int chargesize;
++ struct sk_buff *skbfrag;
++ chargesize = skb_chargesize_head(skb) +
++ PAGE_SIZE * skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
++ if (likely(skb_shinfo(skb)->frag_list == NULL))
++ return chargesize;
++ for (skbfrag = skb_shinfo(skb)->frag_list;
++ skbfrag != NULL;
++ skbfrag = skbfrag->next) {
++ chargesize += skb_charge_fullsize(skbfrag);
++ }
++ return chargesize;
++static int ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(struct sock *sk,
++ int bufid, int sockid, unsigned long size);
++int ub_too_many_orphans(struct sock *sk, int count)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ if (sock_has_ubc(sk)) {
++ for (ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ if (count >= ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].barrier >> 2)
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * Queueing
++ */
++static void ub_sock_snd_wakeup(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ struct list_head *p;
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct sock *sk;
++ struct user_beancounter *cub;
++ unsigned long added;
++ while (!list_empty(&ub->ub_other_sk_list)) {
++ p = ub->;
++ skbc = list_entry(p, struct sock_beancounter, ub_sock_list);
++ sk = skbc_sock(skbc);
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP, "Found sock to wake up\n");
++ added = -skbc->poll_reserv;
++ if (ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF,
++ UB_NUMOTHERSOCK, skbc->ub_waitspc))
++ break;
++ added += skbc->poll_reserv;
++ /*
++ * See comments in ub_tcp_snd_wakeup.
++ * Locking note: both unix_write_space and
++ * sock_def_write_space take callback_lock themselves.
++ * We take it here just to be on the safe side and to
++ * act the same way as ub_tcp_snd_wakeup does.
++ */
++ sk->sk_write_space(sk);
++ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
++ if (skbc->ub != ub && added) {
++ cub = get_beancounter(skbc->ub);
++ spin_unlock(&ub->ub_lock);
++ charge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, added);
++ put_beancounter(cub);
++ spin_lock(&ub->ub_lock);
++ }
++ }
++static void ub_tcp_snd_wakeup(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ struct list_head *p;
++ struct sock *sk;
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct socket *sock;
++ struct user_beancounter *cub;
++ unsigned long added;
++ while (!list_empty(&ub->ub_tcp_sk_list)) {
++ p = ub->;
++ skbc = list_entry(p, struct sock_beancounter, ub_sock_list);
++ sk = skbc_sock(skbc);
++ added = 0;
++ sock = sk->sk_socket;
++ if (sock == NULL)
++ /* sk being destroyed */
++ goto cont;
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP,
++ "Checking queue, waiting %lu, reserv %lu\n",
++ skbc->ub_waitspc, skbc->poll_reserv);
++ added = -skbc->poll_reserv;
++ if (ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF,
++ UB_NUMTCPSOCK, skbc->ub_waitspc))
++ break;
++ added += skbc->poll_reserv;
++ /*
++ * Send async notifications and wake up.
++ * Locking note: we get callback_lock here because
++ * tcp_write_space is over-optimistic about calling context
++ * (socket lock is presumed). So we get the lock here although
++ * it belongs to the callback.
++ */
++ sk->sk_write_space(sk);
++ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
++ if (skbc->ub != ub && added) {
++ cub = get_beancounter(skbc->ub);
++ spin_unlock(&ub->ub_lock);
++ charge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, added);
++ put_beancounter(cub);
++ spin_lock(&ub->ub_lock);
++ }
++ }
++void ub_sock_snd_queue_add(struct sock *sk, int res, unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long added_reserv;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP, "attempt to charge for %lu\n", size);
++ added_reserv = -skbc->poll_reserv;
++ if (!ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, res, bid2sid(res), size)) {
++ /*
++ * It looks a bit hackish, but it is compatible with both
++ * wait_for_xx_ubspace and poll.
++ * This __set_current_state is equivalent to a wakeup event
++ * right after spin_unlock_irqrestore.
++ */
++ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ added_reserv += skbc->poll_reserv;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (added_reserv)
++ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, res, added_reserv);
++ return;
++ }
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP, "Adding sk to queue\n");
++ skbc->ub_waitspc = size;
++ if (!list_empty(&skbc->ub_sock_list)) {
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SOCKET,
++ "re-adding socket to beancounter %p.\n", ub);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ switch (res) {
++ list_add_tail(&skbc->ub_sock_list,
++ &ub->ub_tcp_sk_list);
++ break;
++ list_add_tail(&skbc->ub_sock_list,
++ &ub->ub_other_sk_list);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ * Helpers
++ */
++void ub_skb_set_charge(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *sk,
++ unsigned long size, int resource)
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return;
++ if (sock_bc(sk)->ub == NULL)
++ BUG();
++ skb_bc(skb)->ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub;
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged = size;
++ skb_bc(skb)->resource = resource;
++ /* Ugly. Ugly. Skb in sk writequeue can live without ref to sk */
++ if (skb->sk == NULL)
++ skb->sk = sk;
++static inline void ub_skb_set_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ skb_bc(skb)->ub = NULL;
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged = 0;
++ skb_bc(skb)->resource = 0;
++static inline void __uncharge_sockbuf(struct sock_beancounter *skbc,
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource, unsigned long size)
++ if (ub != NULL)
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, resource, size);
++ if (skbc != NULL) {
++ if (skbc->ub_wcharged > size)
++ skbc->ub_wcharged -= size;
++ else
++ skbc->ub_wcharged = 0;
++ }
++static void ub_update_rmem_thres(struct sock_beancounter *skub)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ if (skub && skub->ub) {
++ for (ub = skub->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ ub->ub_rmem_thres = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].barrier /
++ (ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].held + 1);
++ }
++inline int ub_skb_alloc_bc(struct sk_buff *skb, int gfp_mask)
++ memset(skb_bc(skb), 0, sizeof(struct skb_beancounter));
++ return 0;
++inline void ub_skb_free_bc(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * Charge socket number
++ */
++static inline int sk_alloc_beancounter(struct sock *sk)
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ memset(skbc, 0, sizeof(struct sock_beancounter));
++ return 0;
++static inline void sk_free_beancounter(struct sock *sk)
++static int __sock_charge(struct sock *sk, int res)
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = get_exec_ub();
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ if (sk_alloc_beancounter(sk) < 0)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
++ if (charge_beancounter(ub, res, 1, UB_HARD) < 0)
++ goto out_limit;
++ /* TCP listen sock or process keeps referrence to UB */
++ skbc->ub = get_beancounter(ub);
++ return 0;
++ sk_free_beancounter(sk);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int ub_tcp_sock_charge(struct sock *sk)
++ int ret;
++ ret = __sock_charge(sk, UB_NUMTCPSOCK);
++ ub_update_rmem_thres(sock_bc(sk));
++ return ret;
++int ub_other_sock_charge(struct sock *sk)
++ return __sock_charge(sk, UB_NUMOTHERSOCK);
++int ub_sock_charge(struct sock *sk, int family, int type)
++ return (IS_TCP_SOCK(family, type) ?
++ ub_tcp_sock_charge(sk) : ub_other_sock_charge(sk));
++ * Uncharge socket number
++ */
++void ub_sock_uncharge(struct sock *sk)
++ int is_tcp_sock;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long reserv;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return;
++ is_tcp_sock = IS_TCP_SOCK(sk->sk_family, sk->sk_type);
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SOCKET, "Calling ub_sock_uncharge on %p\n", sk);
++ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (!list_empty(&skbc->ub_sock_list)) {
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SOCKET,
++ "ub_sock_uncharge: removing from ub(%p) queue.\n",
++ skbc);
++ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
++ }
++ reserv = skbc->poll_reserv;
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub,
++ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_TCPSNDBUF : UB_OTHERSOCKBUF),
++ reserv);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub,
++ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_NUMTCPSOCK : UB_NUMOTHERSOCK), 1);
++ /* The check sk->sk_family != PF_NETLINK is made as the skb is
++ * queued to the kernel end of socket while changed to the user one.
++ * Den */
++ if (skbc->ub_wcharged > reserv &&
++ sk->sk_family != PF_NETLINK) {
++ skbc->ub_wcharged -= reserv;
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "ub_sock_uncharge: wch=%lu for ub %p (%d).\n",
++ skbc->ub_wcharged, skbc->ub, skbc->ub->ub_uid);
++ } else
++ skbc->ub_wcharged = 0;
++ skbc->poll_reserv = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub,
++ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_TCPSNDBUF : UB_OTHERSOCKBUF),
++ reserv);
++ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub,
++ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_NUMTCPSOCK : UB_NUMOTHERSOCK), 1);
++ put_beancounter(skbc->ub);
++ sk_free_beancounter(sk);
++ * Send - receive buffers
++ */
++/* Special case for netlink_dump - (un)charges precalculated size */
++int ub_nlrcvbuf_charge(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *sk)
++ int ret;
++ unsigned long chargesize;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return 0;
++ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ ret = charge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub,
++ UB_DGRAMRCVBUF, chargesize, UB_HARD);
++ if (ret < 0)
++ return ret;
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF);
++ return ret;
++ * Poll reserv accounting
++ */
++static int ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(struct sock *sk,
++ int bufid, int sockid, unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long wcharge_added;
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ goto out;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ if (skbc->poll_reserv >= size) /* no work to be done */
++ goto out;
++ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held += size - skbc->poll_reserv;
++ wcharge_added = 0;
++ /*
++ * Logic:
++ * 1) when used memory hits barrier, we set wmem_pressure;
++ * wmem_pressure is reset under barrier/2;
++ * between barrier/2 and barrier we limit per-socket buffer growth;
++ * 2) each socket is guaranteed to get (limit-barrier)/maxsockets
++ * calculated on the base of memory eaten after the barrier is hit
++ */
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ if (!ub_hfbarrier_hit(ub, bufid)) {
++ if (ub->ub_wmem_pressure)
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SEND, "makewres: pressure -> 0 "
++ "sk %p sz %lu pr %lu hd %lu wc %lu sb %d.\n",
++ sk, size, skbc->poll_reserv,
++ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held,
++ skbc->ub_wcharged, sk->sk_sndbuf);
++ ub->ub_wmem_pressure = 0;
++ }
++ if (ub_barrier_hit(ub, bufid)) {
++ if (!ub->ub_wmem_pressure)
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SEND, "makewres: pressure -> 1 "
++ "sk %p sz %lu pr %lu hd %lu wc %lu sb %d.\n",
++ sk, size, skbc->poll_reserv,
++ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held,
++ skbc->ub_wcharged, sk->sk_sndbuf);
++ ub->ub_wmem_pressure = 1;
++ wcharge_added = size - skbc->poll_reserv;
++ skbc->ub_wcharged += wcharge_added;
++ if (skbc->ub_wcharged * ub->ub_parms[sockid].limit +
++ ub->ub_parms[bufid].barrier >
++ ub->ub_parms[bufid].limit)
++ goto unroll;
++ }
++ if (ub->ub_parms[bufid].held > ub->ub_parms[bufid].limit)
++ goto unroll;
++ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, bufid);
++ skbc->poll_reserv = size;
++ return 0;
++ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SEND,
++ "makewres: deny "
++ "sk %p sz %lu pr %lu hd %lu wc %lu sb %d.\n",
++ sk, size, skbc->poll_reserv, ub->ub_parms[bufid].held,
++ skbc->ub_wcharged, sk->sk_sndbuf);
++ skbc->ub_wcharged -= wcharge_added;
++ ub->ub_parms[bufid].failcnt++;
++ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held -= size - skbc->poll_reserv;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int ub_sock_make_wreserv(struct sock *sk, int bufid, unsigned long size)
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ unsigned long added_reserv;
++ int err;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ /*
++ * This function provides that there is sufficient reserve upon return
++ * only if sk has only one user. We can check poll_reserv without
++ * serialization and avoid locking if the reserve already exists.
++ */
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk) || skbc->poll_reserv >= size)
++ return 0;
++ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ added_reserv = -skbc->poll_reserv;
++ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, bufid, bid2sid(bufid), size);
++ added_reserv += skbc->poll_reserv;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (added_reserv)
++ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, bufid, added_reserv);
++ return err;
++int ub_sock_get_wreserv(struct sock *sk, int bufid, unsigned long size)
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ unsigned long added_reserv;
++ int err;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return 0;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ added_reserv = -skbc->poll_reserv;
++ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, bufid, bid2sid(bufid), size);
++ added_reserv += skbc->poll_reserv;
++ if (!err)
++ skbc->poll_reserv -= size;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (added_reserv)
++ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, bufid, added_reserv);
++ return err;
++void ub_sock_ret_wreserv(struct sock *sk, int bufid,
++ unsigned long size, unsigned long ressize)
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long extra;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return;
++ extra = 0;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ skbc->poll_reserv += size;
++ if (skbc->poll_reserv > ressize) {
++ extra = skbc->poll_reserv - ressize;
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, bufid, extra);
++ if (skbc->ub_wcharged > skbc->poll_reserv - ressize)
++ skbc->ub_wcharged -= skbc->poll_reserv - ressize;
++ else
++ skbc->ub_wcharged = 0;
++ skbc->poll_reserv = ressize;
++ }
++ ub_tcp_snd_wakeup(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (extra)
++ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, bufid, extra);
++long ub_sock_wait_for_space(struct sock *sk, long timeo, unsigned long size)
++ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
++ add_wait_queue(sk->sk_sleep, &wait);
++ for (;;) {
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ break;
++ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ if (!ub_sock_make_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size))
++ break;
++ if (sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)
++ break;
++ if (sk->sk_err)
++ break;
++ ub_sock_snd_queue_add(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size);
++ timeo = schedule_timeout(timeo);
++ }
++ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ remove_wait_queue(sk->sk_sleep, &wait);
++ return timeo;
++int ub_sock_makewres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
++ return ub_sock_make_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size);
++int ub_sock_makewres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
++ return ub_sock_make_wreserv(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, size);
++int ub_sock_getwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
++ return ub_sock_get_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size);
++int ub_sock_getwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
++ return ub_sock_get_wreserv(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, size);
++void ub_sock_retwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long ressize)
++ ub_sock_ret_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size, ressize);
++void ub_sock_retwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long ressize)
++ ub_sock_ret_wreserv(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, size, ressize);
++void ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz)
++ ub_sock_snd_queue_add(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, sz);
++void ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz)
++ ub_sock_snd_queue_add(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, sz);
++void ub_sock_sndqueuedel(struct sock *sk)
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ /* race with write_space callback of other socket */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&skbc->ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&skbc->ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ */
++int ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
++ unsigned long chargesize;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return 0;
++ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ if (charge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF,
++ chargesize, UB_HARD))
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF);
++ return 0;
++static void ub_sockrcvbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ uncharge_beancounter(skb_bc(skb)->ub, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF,
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
++ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
++ */
++static int charge_tcprcvbuf(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
++ enum severity strict)
++ int retval;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long chargesize;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * Memory pressure reactions:
++ * 1) set UB_RMEM_KEEP (clearing UB_RMEM_EXPAND)
++ * 2) set UB_RMEM_SHRINK and tcp_clamp_window()
++ * tcp_collapse_queues() if rmem_alloc > rcvbuf
++ * 3) drop OFO, tcp_purge_ofo()
++ * 4) drop all.
++ * Currently, we do #2 and #3 at once (which means that current
++ * collapsing of OFO queue in tcp_collapse_queues() is a waste of time,
++ * for example...)
++ * On memory pressure we jump from #0 to #3, and when the pressure
++ * subsides, to #1.
++ */
++ retval = 0;
++ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ for (ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held += chargesize;
++ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held >
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].barrier &&
++ strict != UB_FORCE)
++ goto excess;
++ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (retval == 0) {
++ charge_beancounter_notop(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF,
++ chargesize);
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_TCPRCVBUF);
++ }
++ return retval;
++ ub->ub_rmem_pressure = UB_RMEM_SHRINK;
++ if (strict == UB_HARD)
++ retval = -ENOMEM;
++ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held > ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].limit)
++ retval = -ENOMEM;
++ /*
++ * We try to leave numsock*maxadvmss as a reserve for sockets not
++ * queueing any data yet (if the difference between the barrier and the
++ * limit is enough for this reserve).
++ */
++ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held +
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].limit * ub->ub_maxadvmss
++ > ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].limit &&
++ atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc))
++ retval = -ENOMEM;
++ if (retval) {
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held -= chargesize;
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].failcnt++;
++ }
++ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ goto out;
++int ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
++ return charge_tcprcvbuf(sk, skb, UB_HARD);
++int ub_tcprcvbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
++ return charge_tcprcvbuf(sk, skb, UB_FORCE);
++static void ub_tcprcvbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ unsigned long held, bar;
++ int prev_pres;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ for (ub = skb_bc(skb)->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held < skb_bc(skb)->charged) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Uncharging %d for tcprcvbuf of %p with %lu\n",
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged,
++ ub, ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held);
++ /* ass-saving bung */
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held;
++ }
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held -= skb_bc(skb)->charged;
++ held = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held;
++ bar = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].barrier;
++ prev_pres = ub->ub_rmem_pressure;
++ if (held <= bar - (bar >> 2))
++ ub->ub_rmem_pressure = UB_RMEM_EXPAND;
++ else if (held <= bar)
++ ub->ub_rmem_pressure = UB_RMEM_KEEP;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skb_bc(skb)->ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF,
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
++ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
++ */
++static void ub_socksndbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, *cub;
++ struct sock_beancounter *sk_bc;
++ /* resource was set. no check for ub required */
++ cub = skb_bc(skb)->ub;
++ for (ub = cub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ skb_bc(skb)->ub = NULL;
++ if (skb->sk != NULL)
++ sk_bc = sock_bc(skb->sk);
++ else
++ sk_bc = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __uncharge_sockbuf(sk_bc, ub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF,
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
++ ub_sock_snd_wakeup(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ uncharge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, skb_bc(skb)->charged);
++ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
++static void ub_tcpsndbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, *cub;
++ /* resource can be not set, called manually */
++ cub = skb_bc(skb)->ub;
++ if (cub == NULL)
++ return;
++ for (ub = cub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ skb_bc(skb)->ub = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __uncharge_sockbuf(sock_bc(skb->sk), ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF,
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
++ ub_tcp_snd_wakeup(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ uncharge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, skb_bc(skb)->charged);
++ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
++void ub_skb_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ switch (skb_bc(skb)->resource) {
++ ub_tcpsndbuf_uncharge(skb);
++ break;
++ ub_tcprcvbuf_uncharge(skb);
++ break;
++ ub_sockrcvbuf_uncharge(skb);
++ break;
++ ub_socksndbuf_uncharge(skb);
++ break;
++ }
++EXPORT_SYMBOL(ub_skb_uncharge); /* due to skb_orphan()/conntracks */
++ * TCP send buffers accouting. Paged part
++ */
++int ub_sock_tcp_chargepage(struct sock *sk)
++ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long added;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int err;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return 0;
++ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
++ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ /* Try to charge full page */
++ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, UB_NUMTCPSOCK,
++ if (err == 0) {
++ skbc->poll_reserv -= PAGE_SIZE;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, PAGE_SIZE);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* Try to charge page enough to satisfy sys_select. The possible
++ overdraft for the rest of the page is generally better then
++ requesting full page in tcp_poll. This should not happen
++ frequently. Den */
++ added = -skbc->poll_reserv;
++ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, UB_NUMTCPSOCK,
++ if (err < 0) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return err;
++ }
++ __charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF,
++ PAGE_SIZE - skbc->poll_reserv,
++ added += PAGE_SIZE;
++ skbc->poll_reserv = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, added);
++ return 0;
++void ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(struct sock *sk)
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return;
++ /* The page is just detached from socket. The last skb in queue
++ with paged part holds referrence to it */
++ skb = skb_peek_tail(&sk->sk_write_queue);
++ if (skb == NULL) {
++ /* If the queue is empty - all data is sent and page is about
++ to be freed */
++ uncharge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, PAGE_SIZE);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Last skb is a good aproximation for a last skb with paged part */
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged += PAGE_SIZE;
++static int charge_tcpsndbuf(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
++ enum severity strict)
++ int ret;
++ unsigned long chargesize;
++ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
++ return 0;
++ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ ret = charge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, chargesize,
++ strict);
++ if (ret < 0)
++ return ret;
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_TCPSNDBUF);
++ sock_bc(sk)->ub_wcharged += chargesize;
++ return ret;
++int ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
++ return charge_tcpsndbuf(sk, skb, UB_HARD);
++int ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
++ return charge_tcpsndbuf(sk, skb, UB_FORCE);
++ * Initialization staff
++ */
++int __init skbc_cache_init(void)
++ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_oom.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/swap.h>
++#include <asm/page.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
++#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
++static inline long ub_current_overdraft(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ return ub->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].held +
++ ((ub->ub_parms[UB_KMEMSIZE].held
++ + ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPSNDBUF].held
++ + ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held
++ + ub->ub_parms[UB_OTHERSOCKBUF].held
++ + ub->ub_parms[UB_DGRAMRCVBUF].held)
++ >> PAGE_SHIFT) - ub->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].barrier;
++ * Select an user_beancounter to find task inside it to be killed.
++ * Select the beancounter with the biggest excess of resource usage
++ * to kill a process belonging to that beancounter later, or returns
++ * NULL if there are no beancounters with such excess.
++ */
++struct user_beancounter *ub_select_worst(long *ub_maxover)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, *walkp;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i;
++ *ub_maxover = 0;
++ ub = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ for_each_beancounter(i, walkp) {
++ long ub_overdraft;
++ if (walkp->parent != NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (walkp->ub_oom_noproc)
++ continue;
++ ub_overdraft = ub_current_overdraft(walkp);
++ if (ub_overdraft > *ub_maxover) {
++ ub = walkp;
++ *ub_maxover = ub_overdraft;
++ }
++ }
++ get_beancounter(ub);
++ if(ub)
++ ub->ub_oom_noproc = 1;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ return ub;
++static inline void show_worst_mm(struct mm_struct *mm,
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, long ub_maxover)
++ static struct ub_rate_info ri = { 5, 60*HZ };
++ uid_t ub_uid;
++ ub_uid = (ub ? ub->ub_uid : -1);
++ printk(KERN_INFO"MM to kill %p (UB=%d, UBover=%ld, VM=%lu, free=%u).\n",
++ mm, ub_uid, ub_maxover,
++ mm->total_vm, nr_free_pages());
++ if (ub_ratelimit(&ri))
++ show_mem();
++void ub_oomkill_task(struct mm_struct * mm, struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ long maxover)
++ show_worst_mm(mm, ub, maxover);
++ /* increment is serialized with oom_generation_lock */
++ mm_ub(mm)->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].failcnt++;
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++void ub_clear_oom(void)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i;
++ struct user_beancounter *walkp;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ for_each_beancounter(i, walkp)
++ walkp->ub_oom_noproc = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_page_bc.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/gfp.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
++#include <ub/ub_page.h>
++static kmem_cache_t *pb_cachep;
++static spinlock_t pb_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++static struct page_beancounter **pb_hash_table;
++static unsigned int pb_hash_mask;
++ * Auxiliary staff
++ */
++static inline struct page_beancounter *next_page_pb(struct page_beancounter *p)
++ return list_entry(p->, struct page_beancounter,
++ page_list);
++static inline struct page_beancounter *prev_page_pb(struct page_beancounter *p)
++ return list_entry(p->page_list.prev, struct page_beancounter,
++ page_list);
++ * Held pages manipulation
++ */
++static inline void set_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *bc)
++ /* all three depend on ub_held_pages */
++ __ub_update_physpages(bc);
++ __ub_update_oomguarpages(bc);
++ __ub_update_privvm(bc);
++static inline void do_dec_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub->ub_held_pages -= value;
++ set_held_pages(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++static void dec_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_dec_held_pages(ub, value);
++static inline void do_inc_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub->ub_held_pages += value;
++ set_held_pages(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++static void inc_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_inc_held_pages(ub, value);
++ * Alloc - free
++ */
++inline int pb_alloc(struct page_beancounter **pbc)
++ *pbc = kmem_cache_alloc(pb_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (*pbc != NULL)
++ (*pbc)->pb_magic = PB_MAGIC;
++ return (*pbc == NULL);
++inline void pb_free(struct page_beancounter **pb)
++ if (*pb != NULL) {
++ kmem_cache_free(pb_cachep, *pb);
++ *pb = NULL;
++ }
++void pb_free_list(struct page_beancounter **p_pb)
++ struct page_beancounter *list = *p_pb, *pb;
++ while (list) {
++ pb = list;
++ list = list->next_hash;
++ pb_free(&pb);
++ }
++ *p_pb = NULL;
++ * head -> <new objs> -> <old objs> -> ...
++ */
++static int __alloc_list(struct page_beancounter **head, int num)
++ struct page_beancounter *pb;
++ while (num > 0) {
++ if (pb_alloc(&pb))
++ return -1;
++ pb->next_hash = *head;
++ *head = pb;
++ num--;
++ }
++ return num;
++ * Ensure that the list contains at least num elements.
++ * p_pb points to an initialized list, may be of the zero length.
++ *
++ * mm->page_table_lock should be held
++ */
++int pb_alloc_list(struct page_beancounter **p_pb, int num,
++ struct mm_struct *mm)
++ struct page_beancounter *list;
++ for (list = *p_pb; list != NULL && num; list = list->next_hash, num--);
++ if (!num)
++ return 0;
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ /*
++ * *p_pb(after) *p_pb (before)
++ * \ \
++ * <new objs> -...-> <old objs> -> ...
++ */
++ if (__alloc_list(p_pb, num) < 0)
++ goto nomem;
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ return 0;
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ pb_free_list(p_pb);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ * Hash routines
++ */
++static inline int pb_hash(struct user_beancounter *ub, struct page *page)
++ return (((unsigned long)ub << 16) + ((unsigned long)ub >> 16) +
++ (page_to_pfn(page) >> 7)) & pb_hash_mask;
++/* pb_lock should be held */
++static inline void insert_pb(struct page_beancounter *p, struct page *page,
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, int hash)
++ p->page = page;
++ p->ub = get_beancounter(ub);
++ p->next_hash = pb_hash_table[hash];
++ pb_hash_table[hash] = p;
++ * Heart
++ */
++int pb_reserve_all(struct page_beancounter **pbs)
++ int i, need_alloc;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ need_alloc = 0;
++ for_each_beancounter(i, ub)
++ need_alloc++;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ if (!__alloc_list(pbs, need_alloc))
++ return 0;
++ pb_free_list(pbs);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int pb_add_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *bc,
++ struct page_beancounter **p_pb)
++ int hash;
++ struct page_beancounter *p;
++ int shift;
++ struct page_beancounter *head;
++ if (bc == NULL || is_shmem_mapping(page->mapping))
++ return 0;
++ hash = pb_hash(bc, page);
++ spin_lock(&pb_lock);
++ for (p = pb_hash_table[hash];
++ p != NULL && (p->page != page || p->ub != bc);
++ p = p->next_hash);
++ if (p != NULL) {
++ /*
++ * This page is already associated with this beancounter,
++ * increment the usage counter.
++ */
++ PB_COUNT_INC(p->refcount);
++ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ p = *p_pb;
++ if (p == NULL) {
++ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ *p_pb = NULL;
++ insert_pb(p, page, bc, hash);
++ head = page_pbc(page);
++ if (head != NULL) {
++ /*
++ * Move the first element to the end of the list.
++ * List head (pb_head) is set to the next entry.
++ * Note that this code works even if head is the only element
++ * on the list (because it's cyclic).
++ */
++ BUG_ON(head->pb_magic != PB_MAGIC);
++ page_pbc(page) = next_page_pb(head);
++ PB_SHIFT_INC(head->refcount);
++ shift = PB_SHIFT_GET(head->refcount);
++ /*
++ * Update user beancounter, the share of head has been changed.
++ * Note that the shift counter is taken after increment.
++ */
++ dec_held_pages(head->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shift);
++ /* add the new page beancounter to the end of the list */
++ list_add_tail(&p->page_list, &page_pbc(page)->page_list);
++ } else {
++ page_pbc(page) = p;
++ shift = 0;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->page_list);
++ }
++ p->refcount = PB_REFCOUNT_MAKE(shift, 1);
++ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
++ /* update user beancounter for the new page beancounter */
++ inc_held_pages(bc, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shift);
++ return 0;
++void pb_remove_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *bc)
++ int hash;
++ struct page_beancounter *p, **q;
++ int shift, shiftt;
++ if (bc == NULL || is_shmem_mapping(page->mapping))
++ return;
++ hash = pb_hash(bc, page);
++ spin_lock(&pb_lock);
++ BUG_ON(page_pbc(page) != NULL && page_pbc(page)->pb_magic != PB_MAGIC);
++ for (q = pb_hash_table + hash, p = *q;
++ p != NULL && (p->page != page || p->ub != bc);
++ q = &p->next_hash, p = *q);
++ if (p == NULL)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ PB_COUNT_DEC(p->refcount);
++ if (PB_COUNT_GET(p->refcount))
++ /*
++ * More references from the same user beancounter exist.
++ * Nothing needs to be done.
++ */
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* remove from the hash list */
++ *q = p->next_hash;
++ shift = PB_SHIFT_GET(p->refcount);
++ dec_held_pages(p->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shift);
++ if (page_pbc(page) == p) {
++ if (list_empty(&p->page_list))
++ goto out_free;
++ page_pbc(page) = next_page_pb(p);
++ }
++ list_del(&p->page_list);
++ put_beancounter(p->ub);
++ pb_free(&p);
++ /* Now balance the list. Move the tail and adjust its shift counter. */
++ p = prev_page_pb(page_pbc(page));
++ shiftt = PB_SHIFT_GET(p->refcount);
++ page_pbc(page) = p;
++ PB_SHIFT_DEC(p->refcount);
++ inc_held_pages(p->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shiftt);
++ /*
++ * If the shift counter of the moved beancounter is different from the
++ * removed one's, repeat the procedure for one more tail beancounter
++ */
++ if (shiftt > shift) {
++ p = prev_page_pb(page_pbc(page));
++ page_pbc(page) = p;
++ PB_SHIFT_DEC(p->refcount);
++ inc_held_pages(p->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shiftt);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
++ return;
++ page_pbc(page) = NULL;
++ put_beancounter(p->ub);
++ pb_free(&p);
++ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
++ return;
++void pb_add_list_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *bc,
++ struct page_beancounter **p_pb)
++ struct page_beancounter *list, *pb;
++ pb = *p_pb;
++ if (pb == NULL) {
++ /* Typical case due to caller constraints */
++ if (pb_add_ref(page, bc, &pb))
++ BUG();
++ return;
++ }
++ list = pb->next_hash;
++ if (pb_add_ref(page, bc, &pb))
++ BUG();
++ if (pb != NULL) {
++ pb->next_hash = list;
++ list = pb;
++ }
++ *p_pb = list;
++struct user_beancounter *pb_grab_page_ub(struct page *page)
++ struct page_beancounter *pb;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ spin_lock(&pb_lock);
++ pb = page_pbc(page);
++ ub = (pb == NULL ? ERR_PTR(-EINVAL) :
++ get_beancounter(pb->ub));
++ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
++ return ub;
++void __init page_beancounters_init(void)
++ unsigned long hash_size;
++ pb_cachep = kmem_cache_create("page_beancounter",
++ sizeof(struct page_beancounter), 0,
++ hash_size = num_physpages >> 2;
++ for (pb_hash_mask = 1;
++ (hash_size & pb_hash_mask) != hash_size;
++ pb_hash_mask = (pb_hash_mask << 1) + 1);
++ hash_size = pb_hash_mask + 1;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Page beancounter hash is %lu entries.\n", hash_size);
++ pb_hash_table = vmalloc(hash_size * sizeof(struct page_beancounter *));
++ memset(pb_hash_table, 0, hash_size * sizeof(struct page_beancounter *));
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_pages.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/highmem.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <asm/page.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
++void fastcall __ub_update_physpages(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_PHYSPAGES].held = ub->ub_tmpfs_respages
++ + (ub->ub_held_pages >> UB_PAGE_WEIGHT_SHIFT);
++ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_PHYSPAGES);
++void fastcall __ub_update_oomguarpages(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].held =
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_PHYSPAGES].held + ub->ub_swap_pages;
++ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_OOMGUARPAGES);
++void fastcall __ub_update_privvm(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_PRIVVMPAGES].held =
++ (ub->ub_held_pages >> UB_PAGE_WEIGHT_SHIFT)
++ + ub->ub_unused_privvmpages
++ + ub->ub_parms[UB_SHMPAGES].held;
++ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_PRIVVMPAGES);
++static inline unsigned long pages_in_pte(pte_t *pte)
++ struct page *pg;
++ if (!pte_present(*pte))
++ return 0;
++ pg = pte_page(*pte);
++ if (!pfn_valid(page_to_pfn(pg)))
++ return 0;
++ if (PageReserved(pg))
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static inline unsigned long pages_in_pmd(pmd_t *pmd,
++ unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
++ unsigned long pages, pmd_end, address;
++ pte_t *pte;
++ pages = 0;
++ if (pmd_none(*pmd))
++ goto out;
++ if (pmd_bad(*pmd)) {
++ pmd_ERROR(*pmd);
++ pmd_clear(pmd);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, start);
++ pmd_end = (start + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
++ if (pmd_end && (end > pmd_end))
++ end = pmd_end;
++ address = start;
++ do {
++ pages += pages_in_pte(pte);
++ address += PAGE_SIZE;
++ pte++;
++ } while (address && (address < end));
++ pte_unmap(pte-1);
++ return pages;
++static inline unsigned long pages_in_pgd(pgd_t *pgd,
++ unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
++ unsigned long pages, pgd_end, address;
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ pages = 0;
++ if (pgd_none(*pgd))
++ goto out;
++ if (pgd_bad(*pgd)) {
++ pgd_ERROR(*pgd);
++ pgd_clear(pgd);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, start);
++ pgd_end = (start + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
++ if (pgd_end && (end > pgd_end))
++ end = pgd_end;
++ address = start;
++ do {
++ pages += pages_in_pmd(pmd, address, end);
++ address = (address + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
++ pmd++;
++ } while (address && (address < end));
++ return pages;
++ * Calculate number of pages presenting in the address space within single
++ * vm_area. mm->page_table_lock must be already held.
++ */
++unsigned long pages_in_vma_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
++ unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
++ unsigned long address, pages;
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ pages = 0;
++ address = start;
++ pgd = pgd_offset(vma->vm_mm, start);
++ do {
++ pages += pages_in_pgd(pgd, address, end);
++ address = (address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
++ pgd++;
++ } while (address && (address < end));
++ return pages;
++int ub_unused_privvm_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (ub == NULL || !VM_UB_PRIVATE(vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file))
++ return 0;
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages += size;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++static void __unused_privvm_dec_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ long size)
++ /* catch possible overflow */
++ if (ub->ub_unused_privvmpages < size) {
++ uncharge_warn(ub, UB_UNUSEDPRIVVM,
++ size, ub->ub_unused_privvmpages);
++ size = ub->ub_unused_privvmpages;
++ }
++ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages -= size;
++ __ub_update_privvm(ub);
++void __ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __unused_privvm_dec_locked(ub, size);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++void ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ if (VM_UB_PRIVATE(vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file))
++ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(ub, size);
++static inline int __charge_privvm_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long s, enum severity strict)
++ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_PRIVVMPAGES, s, strict) < 0)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages += s;
++ return 0;
++int ub_privvm_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long vm_flags,
++ struct file *vm_file, unsigned long size)
++ int retval;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (ub == NULL || !VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file))
++ return 0;
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ retval = __charge_privvm_locked(ub, size >> PAGE_SHIFT, UB_SOFT);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return retval;
++void ub_privvm_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long vm_flags,
++ struct file *vm_file, unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (ub == NULL || !VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file))
++ return;
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __unused_privvm_dec_locked(ub, size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++int ub_protected_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long newflags, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct file *file;
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ flags = vma->vm_flags;
++ if (!((newflags ^ flags) & VM_WRITE))
++ file = vma->vm_file;
++ if (!VM_UB_PRIVATE(newflags | VM_WRITE, file))
++ if (flags & VM_WRITE)
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (__charge_privvm_locked(ub, size, UB_SOFT) < 0)
++ goto err;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return PRIVVM_ERROR;
++int ub_locked_mem_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ return charge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES,
++ size >> PAGE_SHIFT, UB_HARD);
++void ub_locked_mem_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++int ub_shmpages_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
++ int ret;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ ret = 0;
++ if (ub == NULL || size <= 0)
++ return 0;
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ret = __charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_SHMPAGES, size, UB_HARD);
++ if (ret == 0)
++ __ub_update_privvm(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ return ret;
++void ub_shmpages_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_SHMPAGES, size);
++ __ub_update_privvm(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++int ub_memory_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned vm_flags, struct file *vm_file, int sv)
++ struct user_beancounter *ubl;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ size >>= PAGE_SHIFT;
++ if (size > UB_MAXVALUE)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ BUG_ON(sv != UB_SOFT && sv != UB_HARD);
++ if ((vm_flags & VM_LOCKED) &&
++ charge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size, sv))
++ goto out_err;
++ if (VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file)) {
++ for (ubl = ub; ubl->parent != NULL; ubl = ubl->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ubl->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (__charge_privvm_locked(ubl, size, sv))
++ goto out_private;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubl->ub_lock, flags);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubl->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++void ub_memory_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned vm_flags, struct file *vm_file)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ size >>= PAGE_SHIFT;
++ if (vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size);
++ if (VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file)) {
++ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ __unused_privvm_dec_locked(ub, size);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ }
++static inline void do_ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub->ub_tmpfs_respages += size;
++ __ub_update_physpages(ub);
++ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++void ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(ub, size);
++static inline void do_ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ /* catch possible overflow */
++ if (ub->ub_tmpfs_respages < size) {
++ uncharge_warn(ub, UB_TMPFSPAGES,
++ size, ub->ub_tmpfs_respages);
++ size = ub->ub_tmpfs_respages;
++ }
++ ub->ub_tmpfs_respages -= size;
++ /* update values what is the most interesting */
++ __ub_update_physpages(ub);
++ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++void ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ unsigned long size)
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(ub, size);
++static inline void do_ub_swapentry_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub->ub_swap_pages++;
++ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++void ub_swapentry_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_ub_swapentry_inc(ub);
++static inline void do_ub_swapentry_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ if (ub->ub_swap_pages < 1)
++ uncharge_warn(ub, UB_SWAPPAGES, 1, ub->ub_swap_pages);
++ else
++ ub->ub_swap_pages -= 1;
++ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++void ub_swapentry_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
++ do_ub_swapentry_dec(ub);
++static int vmguar_enough_memory(struct vnotifier_block *self,
++ unsigned long event, void *arg, int old_ret)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ if (event != VIRTINFO_ENOUGHMEM)
++ return old_ret;
++ for (ub = mm_ub(current->mm); ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
++ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_PRIVVMPAGES].held >
++ ub->ub_parms[UB_VMGUARPAGES].barrier)
++ return old_ret;
++ return NOTIFY_OK;
++static struct vnotifier_block vmguar_notifier_block = {
++ .notifier_call = vmguar_enough_memory
++static int __init init_vmguar_notifier(void)
++ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_GENERAL, &vmguar_notifier_block);
++ return 0;
++static void __exit fini_vmguar_notifier(void)
++ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_GENERAL, &vmguar_notifier_block);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
++ * linux/fs/proc/proc_ub.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Andrey V. Savochkin <>
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ * TODO:
++ *
++ * Changes:
++ */
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
++#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
++#include <asm/page.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++ * we have 8 format strings depending on:
++ * 3. resource number (see out_proc_beancounter)
++ */
++#define REF_FORMAT "%5.5s %4i: %-12s "
++#define UID_HEAD_STR "uid ref"
++#define REF_FORMAT "%10.10s: %-12s "
++#define UID_HEAD_STR "uid"
++#define REF2_FORMAT "%10s %-12s "
++#if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
++#define RES_FORMAT "%10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu"
++#define HEAD_FORMAT "%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s"
++#define UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT (10+2+12+1+10+1+10+1+10+1+10+1+10)
++#define RES_FORMAT "%20lu %20lu %20lu %20lu %20lu"
++#define HEAD_FORMAT "%20s %20s %20s %20s %20s"
++#define UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT (10+2+12+1+20+1+20+1+20+1+20+1+20)
++static void out_proc_version(char *buf)
++ int len;
++ len = sprintf(buf, "Version: 2.5");
++ memset(buf + len, ' ', UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT - len);
++ buf[UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT] = '\n';
++static void out_proc_head(char *buf)
++ sprintf(buf, REF2_FORMAT HEAD_FORMAT,
++ UID_HEAD_STR, "resource", "held", "maxheld",
++ "barrier", "limit", "failcnt");
++ buf[UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT] = '\n';
++static void out_proc_beancounter(char *buf, struct user_beancounter *ub, int r)
++ if (r == 0) {
++ char tmpbuf[64];
++ print_ub_uid(ub, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
++ sprintf(buf, REF_FORMAT RES_FORMAT,
++ tmpbuf,
++ atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount),
++ ub_rnames[r], ub->ub_parms[r].held,
++ ub->ub_parms[r].maxheld, ub->ub_parms[r].barrier,
++ ub->ub_parms[r].limit, ub->ub_parms[r].failcnt);
++ } else
++ sprintf(buf, REF2_FORMAT RES_FORMAT,
++ "", ub_rnames[r],
++ ub->ub_parms[r].held, ub->ub_parms[r].maxheld,
++ ub->ub_parms[r].barrier, ub->ub_parms[r].limit,
++ ub->ub_parms[r].failcnt);
++ buf[UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT] = '\n';
++static int ub_accessible(struct user_beancounter *ub,
++ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
++ for (p = exec_ub; p->parent != NULL; p = p->parent);
++ for (q = ub; q->parent != NULL; q = q->parent);
++ if (p != get_ub0() && q != p)
++ return 0;
++ if (ub->parent == NULL)
++ return 1;
++ return file->private_data == NULL ? 0 : 1;
++static ssize_t ub_proc_read(struct file *file, char *usrbuf, size_t len,
++ loff_t *poff)
++ ssize_t retval;
++ char *buf;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i, resource;
++ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub = get_exec_ub();
++ loff_t n, off;
++ int rem, produced, job, tocopy;
++ const int is_capable =
++ (capable(CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE) || capable(CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH));
++ retval = -ENOBUFS;
++ buf = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (buf == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ retval = 0;
++ if (!is_capable)
++ goto out_free;
++ off = *poff;
++ if (off < 0) /* can't happen, just in case */
++ goto inval;
++ i = 0;
++ slot = ub_hash;
++ n = off; /* The amount of data tp skip */
++ produced = 0;
++ if (n < (UB_PROC_LINE_LEN * 2)) {
++ if (n < UB_PROC_LINE_LEN) {
++ out_proc_version(buf);
++ produced += UB_PROC_LINE_LEN;
++ }
++ out_proc_head(buf + produced);
++ produced += UB_PROC_LINE_LEN;
++ }
++ n -= (2 * UB_PROC_LINE_LEN);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ while (1) {
++ for (ub = slot->ubh_beans;
++ ub != NULL && n >= (UB_RESOURCES * UB_PROC_LINE_LEN);
++ ub = ub->ub_next)
++ if (is_capable && ub_accessible(ub, exec_ub, file))
++ if (ub != NULL || ++i >= UB_HASH_SIZE)
++ break;
++ ++slot;
++ }
++ rem = n; /* the amount of the data in the buffer to skip */
++ job = PAGE_SIZE - UB_PROC_LINE_LEN + 1; /* end of buffer data */
++ if (len < job - rem)
++ job = rem + len;
++ while (ub != NULL && produced < job) {
++ if (is_capable && ub_accessible(ub, exec_ub, file))
++ for (resource = 0;
++ produced < job && resource < UB_RESOURCES;
++ resource++, produced += UB_PROC_LINE_LEN)
++ {
++ out_proc_beancounter(buf + produced,
++ ub, resource);
++ }
++ if (produced >= job)
++ break;
++ /* Find the next beancounter to produce more data. */
++ ub = ub->ub_next;
++ while (ub == NULL && ++i < UB_HASH_SIZE) {
++ ++slot;
++ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, KERN_DEBUG "UB_PROC: produced %d, job %d, rem %d\n",
++ produced, job, rem);
++ /*
++ * Temporary buffer `buf' contains `produced' bytes.
++ * Extract no more than `len' bytes at offset `rem'.
++ */
++ if (produced <= rem)
++ goto out_free;
++ tocopy = produced - rem;
++ if (len < tocopy)
++ tocopy = len;
++ if (!tocopy)
++ goto out_free;
++ if (copy_to_user(usrbuf, buf + rem, tocopy))
++ goto fault;
++ off += tocopy; /* can't overflow */
++ *poff = off;
++ len -= tocopy;
++ retval += tocopy;
++ if (!len)
++ goto out_free;
++ usrbuf += tocopy;
++ goto again;
++ retval = -EFAULT;
++ free_page((unsigned long)buf);
++ return retval;
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ goto out_free;
++static int ub_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ file->private_data = strcmp(file->f_dentry->,
++ "user_beancounters") ?
++ (void *)-1 : NULL;
++ return 0;
++static struct file_operations ub_file_operations = {
++ .read = &ub_proc_read,
++ .open = &ub_proc_open
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
++static void *ubd_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
++ loff_t n = *pos;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ long slot;
++ spin_lock_irq(&ub_hash_lock);
++ for (slot = 0; slot < UB_HASH_SIZE; slot++)
++ for (ub = ub_hash[slot].ubh_beans; ub; ub = ub->ub_next) {
++ if (n == 0) {
++ m->private = (void *)slot;
++ return (void *)ub;
++ }
++ n--;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void *ubd_next(struct seq_file *m, void *p, loff_t *pos)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ long slot;
++ ub = (struct user_beancounter *)p;
++ slot = (long)m->private;
++ ++*pos;
++ ub = ub->ub_next;
++ while (1) {
++ for (; ub; ub = ub->ub_next) {
++ m->private = (void *)slot;
++ return (void *)ub;
++ }
++ slot++;
++ if (slot == UB_HASH_SIZE)
++ break;
++ ub = ub_hash[slot].ubh_beans;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void ubd_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *p)
++ spin_unlock_irq(&ub_hash_lock);
++#define PROC_LINE_FMT "\t%-17s\t%5lu\t%5lu\n"
++static int ubd_show(struct seq_file *m, void *p)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ struct ub_cache_counter *cc;
++ long pages, vmpages;
++ int i;
++ char id[64];
++ ub = (struct user_beancounter *)p;
++ print_ub_uid(ub, id, sizeof(id));
++ seq_printf(m, "%s:\n", id);
++ pages = vmpages = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
++ pages += ub->ub_pages_charged[i];
++ vmpages += ub->ub_vmalloc_charged[i];
++ }
++ if (pages < 0)
++ pages = 0;
++ if (vmpages < 0)
++ vmpages = 0;
++ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, "pages", pages, PAGE_SIZE);
++ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, "vmalloced", vmpages, PAGE_SIZE);
++ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, ub_rnames[UB_UNUSEDPRIVVM],
++ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages, PAGE_SIZE);
++ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, ub_rnames[UB_TMPFSPAGES],
++ ub->ub_tmpfs_respages, PAGE_SIZE);
++ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, ub_rnames[UB_SWAPPAGES],
++ ub->ub_swap_pages, PAGE_SIZE);
++ /* interrupts are disabled by locking ub_hash_lock */
++ spin_lock(&cc_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry (cc, &ub->ub_cclist, ulist) {
++ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
++ cachep = cc->cachep;
++ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT,
++ cachep->name,
++ cc->counter,
++ (unsigned long)cachep->objuse);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&cc_lock);
++ return 0;
++static struct seq_operations kmemdebug_op = {
++ .start = ubd_start,
++ .next = ubd_next,
++ .stop = ubd_stop,
++ .show = ubd_show,
++static int kmem_debug_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ return seq_open(file, &kmemdebug_op);
++static struct file_operations kmem_debug_ops = {
++ .open = kmem_debug_open,
++ .read = seq_read,
++ .llseek = seq_lseek,
++ .release = seq_release,
++void __init beancounter_proc_init(void)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *entry;
++ entry = create_proc_entry("user_beancounters", S_IRUGO, NULL);
++ if (entry)
++ entry->proc_fops = &ub_file_operations;
++ else
++ panic("Can't create /proc/user_beancounters entry!\n");
++ entry = create_proc_entry("user_beancounters_sub", S_IRUGO, NULL);
++ if (entry)
++ entry->proc_fops = &ub_file_operations;
++ else
++ panic("Can't create /proc/user_beancounters2 entry!\n");
++ entry = create_proc_entry("user_beancounters_debug", S_IRUGO, NULL);
++ if (entry)
++ entry->proc_fops = &kmem_debug_ops;
++ else
++ panic("Can't create /proc/user_beancounters_debug entry!\n");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_stat.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/timer.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/jiffies.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/suspend.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <asm/param.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
++#include <ub/ub_stat.h>
++static spinlock_t ubs_notify_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++static LIST_HEAD(ubs_notify_list);
++static long ubs_min_interval;
++static ubstattime_t ubs_start_time, ubs_end_time;
++static struct timer_list ubs_timer;
++static int ubstat_get_list(void *buf, long size)
++ int retval;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int slotnr;
++ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub, *last_ub;
++ long *page, *ptr, *end;
++ int len;
++ page = (long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (page == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ retval = 0;
++ slotnr = 0;
++ slot = ub_hash;
++ last_ub = NULL;
++ while (1) {
++ ptr = page;
++ end = page + PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*ptr);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ if (last_ub == NULL)
++ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
++ else
++ ub = last_ub->ub_next;
++ while (1) {
++ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->ub_next) {
++ if (ub->parent != NULL)
++ continue;
++ *ptr++ = ub->ub_uid;
++ if (ptr == end)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ptr == end)
++ break;
++ ++slot;
++ if (++slotnr >= UB_HASH_SIZE)
++ break;
++ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
++ }
++ if (ptr == page)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (ub != NULL)
++ get_beancounter(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ if (last_ub != NULL)
++ put_beancounter(last_ub);
++ last_ub = ub; /* last visited beancounter in the slot */
++ len = min_t(long, (ptr - page) * sizeof(*ptr), size);
++ if (copy_to_user(buf, page, len)) {
++ retval = -EFAULT;
++ break;
++ }
++ retval += len;
++ if (len < PAGE_SIZE)
++ break;
++ buf += len;
++ size -= len;
++ }
++ if (last_ub != NULL)
++ put_beancounter(last_ub);
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ return retval;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ goto out;
++static int ubstat_gettime(void *buf, long size)
++ ubgettime_t data;
++ int retval;
++ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ data.start_time = ubs_start_time;
++ data.end_time = ubs_end_time;
++ data.cur_time = ubs_start_time + (jiffies - ubs_start_time * HZ) / HZ;
++ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ retval = min_t(long, sizeof(data), size);
++ if (copy_to_user(buf, &data, retval))
++ retval = -EFAULT;
++ return retval;
++static int ubstat_do_read_one(struct user_beancounter *ub, int res, void *kbuf)
++ struct {
++ ubstattime_t start_time;
++ ubstattime_t end_time;
++ ubstatparm_t param[1];
++ } *data;
++ data = kbuf;
++ data->start_time = ubs_start_time;
++ data->end_time = ubs_end_time;
++ data->param[0].maxheld = ub->ub_store[res].maxheld;
++ data->param[0].failcnt = ub->ub_store[res].failcnt;
++ return sizeof(*data);
++static int ubstat_do_read_all(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *kbuf, int size)
++ int wrote;
++ struct {
++ ubstattime_t start_time;
++ ubstattime_t end_time;
++ ubstatparm_t param[UB_RESOURCES];
++ } *data;
++ int resource;
++ data = kbuf;
++ data->start_time = ubs_start_time;
++ data->end_time = ubs_end_time;
++ wrote = sizeof(data->start_time) + sizeof(data->end_time);
++ for (resource = 0; resource < UB_RESOURCES; resource++) {
++ if (size < wrote + sizeof(data->param[resource]))
++ break;
++ data->param[resource].maxheld = ub->ub_store[resource].maxheld;
++ data->param[resource].failcnt = ub->ub_store[resource].failcnt;
++ wrote += sizeof(data->param[resource]);
++ }
++ return wrote;
++static int ubstat_do_read_full(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *kbuf,
++ int size)
++ int wrote;
++ struct {
++ ubstattime_t start_time;
++ ubstattime_t end_time;
++ ubstatparmf_t param[UB_RESOURCES];
++ } *data;
++ int resource;
++ data = kbuf;
++ data->start_time = ubs_start_time;
++ data->end_time = ubs_end_time;
++ wrote = sizeof(data->start_time) + sizeof(data->end_time);
++ for (resource = 0; resource < UB_RESOURCES; resource++) {
++ if (size < wrote + sizeof(data->param[resource]))
++ break;
++ /* The beginning of ubstatparmf_t matches struct ubparm. */
++ memcpy(&data->param[resource], &ub->ub_store[resource],
++ sizeof(ub->ub_store[resource]));
++ data->param[resource].__unused1 = 0;
++ data->param[resource].__unused2 = 0;
++ wrote += sizeof(data->param[resource]);
++ }
++ return wrote;
++static int ubstat_get_stat(struct user_beancounter *ub, long cmd,
++ void *buf, long size)
++ void *kbuf;
++ int retval;
++ kbuf = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (kbuf == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ switch (UBSTAT_CMD(cmd)) {
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ break;
++ retval = ubstat_do_read_one(ub,
++ UBSTAT_PARMID(cmd), kbuf);
++ break;
++ retval = ubstat_do_read_all(ub, kbuf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ retval = ubstat_do_read_full(ub, kbuf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ default:
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ if (retval > 0) {
++ retval = min_t(long, retval, size);
++ if (copy_to_user(buf, kbuf, retval))
++ retval = -EFAULT;
++ }
++ free_page((unsigned long)kbuf);
++ return retval;
++static int ubstat_handle_notifrq(ubnotifrq_t *req)
++ int retval;
++ struct ub_stat_notify *new_notify;
++ struct list_head *entry;
++ struct task_struct *tsk_to_free;
++ new_notify = kmalloc(sizeof(new_notify), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (new_notify == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ tsk_to_free = NULL;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&new_notify->list);
++ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ list_for_each(entry, &ubs_notify_list) {
++ struct ub_stat_notify *notify;
++ notify = list_entry(entry, struct ub_stat_notify, list);
++ if (notify->task == current) {
++ kfree(new_notify);
++ new_notify = notify;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ if (req->maxinterval < 1)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (req->maxinterval > TIME_MAX_SEC)
++ req->maxinterval = TIME_MAX_SEC;
++ if (req->maxinterval < ubs_min_interval) {
++ unsigned long dif;
++ ubs_min_interval = req->maxinterval;
++ dif = (ubs_timer.expires - jiffies + HZ - 1) / HZ;
++ if (dif > req->maxinterval)
++ mod_timer(&ubs_timer,
++ ubs_timer.expires -
++ (dif - req->maxinterval) * HZ);
++ }
++ if (entry != &ubs_notify_list) {
++ list_del(&new_notify->list);
++ tsk_to_free = new_notify->task;
++ }
++ if (req->signum) {
++ new_notify->task = current;
++ get_task_struct(new_notify->task);
++ new_notify->signum = req->signum;
++ list_add(&new_notify->list, &ubs_notify_list);
++ } else
++ kfree(new_notify);
++ retval = 0;
++ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ if (tsk_to_free != NULL)
++ put_task_struct(tsk_to_free);
++ return retval;
++ * former sys_ubstat
++ */
++long do_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2, void *buf,
++ long size)
++ int retval;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ if (func == UBSTAT_UBPARMNUM)
++ return UB_RESOURCES;
++ if (func == UBSTAT_UBLIST)
++ return ubstat_get_list(buf, size);
++ if (!(capable(CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE) || capable(CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH)))
++ return -EPERM;
++ if (func == UBSTAT_GETTIME) {
++ retval = ubstat_gettime(buf, size);
++ goto notify;
++ }
++ ub = get_exec_ub();
++ if (ub != NULL && ub->ub_uid == arg1)
++ get_beancounter(ub);
++ else /* FIXME must be if (ve_is_super) */
++ ub = get_beancounter_byuid(arg1, 0);
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return -ESRCH;
++ retval = ubstat_get_stat(ub, func, buf, size);
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++ /* Handle request for notification */
++ if (retval >= 0) {
++ ubnotifrq_t notifrq;
++ int err;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (!copy_from_user(&notifrq, (void *)arg2, sizeof(notifrq)))
++ err = ubstat_handle_notifrq(&notifrq);
++ if (err)
++ retval = err;
++ }
++ return retval;
++static void ubstat_save_onestat(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ int resource;
++ /* called with local irq disabled */
++ spin_lock(&ub->ub_lock);
++ for (resource = 0; resource < UB_RESOURCES; resource++) {
++ memcpy(&ub->ub_store[resource], &ub->ub_parms[resource],
++ sizeof(struct ubparm));
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].minheld =
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].maxheld =
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&ub->ub_lock);
++static void ubstat_save_statistics(void)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++ for_each_beancounter(i, ub)
++ ubstat_save_onestat(ub);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
++static void ubstatd_timeout(unsigned long __data)
++ struct task_struct *p;
++ p = (struct task_struct *) __data;
++ wake_up_process(p);
++ * Safe wrapper for send_sig. It prevents a race with release_task
++ * for sighand.
++ * Should be called under tasklist_lock.
++ */
++static void task_send_sig(struct ub_stat_notify *notify)
++ if (likely(notify->task->sighand != NULL))
++ send_sig(notify->signum, notify->task, 1);
++static inline void do_notifies(void)
++ LIST_HEAD(notif_free_list);
++ struct ub_stat_notify *notify;
++ struct ub_stat_notify *tmp;
++ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ ubs_start_time = ubs_end_time;
++ /*
++ * the expression below relies on time being unsigned long and
++ * arithmetic promotion rules
++ */
++ ubs_end_time += (ubs_timer.expires - ubs_start_time * HZ) / HZ;
++ mod_timer(&ubs_timer, ubs_timer.expires + ubs_min_interval * HZ);
++ ubs_min_interval = TIME_MAX_SEC;
++ /* save statistics accumulated for the interval */
++ ubstat_save_statistics();
++ /* send signals */
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ while (!list_empty(&ubs_notify_list)) {
++ notify = list_entry(,
++ struct ub_stat_notify, list);
++ task_send_sig(notify);
++ list_del(&notify->list);
++ list_add(&notify->list, &notif_free_list);
++ }
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(notify, tmp, &notif_free_list, list) {
++ put_task_struct(notify->task);
++ kfree(notify);
++ }
++ * Kernel thread
++ */
++static int ubstatd(void *unused)
++ /* daemonize call will take care of signals */
++ daemonize("ubstatd");
++ = (unsigned long)current;
++ ubs_timer.function = ubstatd_timeout;
++ add_timer(&ubs_timer);
++ while (1) {
++ set_task_state(current, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ if (time_after(ubs_timer.expires, jiffies)) {
++ schedule();
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
++ continue;
++ }
++ __set_task_state(current, TASK_RUNNING);
++ do_notifies();
++ }
++static int __init ubstatd_init(void)
++ init_timer(&ubs_timer);
++ ubs_timer.expires = TIME_MAX_JIF;
++ ubs_min_interval = TIME_MAX_SEC;
++ ubs_start_time = ubs_end_time = 0;
++ kernel_thread(ubstatd, NULL, 0);
++ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
++ * kernel/ub/ub_sys.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++asmlinkage long sys_getluid(void)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++asmlinkage long sys_setluid(uid_t uid)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++asmlinkage long sys_setublimit(uid_t uid, unsigned long resource,
++ unsigned long *limits)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++asmlinkage long sys_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2,
++ void *buf, long size)
++ return -ENOSYS;
++ * The (rather boring) getluid syscall
++ */
++asmlinkage long sys_getluid(void)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = get_exec_ub();
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ return ub->ub_uid;
++ * The setluid syscall
++ */
++asmlinkage long sys_setluid(uid_t uid)
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ struct task_beancounter *task_bc;
++ int error;
++ task_bc = task_bc(current);
++ /* You may not disown a setluid */
++ error = -EINVAL;
++ if (uid == (uid_t)-1)
++ goto out;
++ /* You may only set an ub as root */
++ error = -EPERM;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETUID))
++ goto out;
++ /*
++ * The ub once set is irrevocable to all
++ * unless it's set from ve0.
++ */
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ goto out;
++ /* Ok - set up a beancounter entry for this user */
++ error = -ENOBUFS;
++ ub = get_beancounter_byuid(uid, 1);
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC | UBD_LIMIT, "setluid, bean %p (count %d) "
++ "for %.20s pid %d\n",
++ ub, atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount),
++ current->comm, current->pid);
++ /* install bc */
++ put_beancounter(task_bc->exec_ub);
++ task_bc->exec_ub = ub;
++ put_beancounter(task_bc->fork_sub);
++ task_bc->fork_sub = get_beancounter(ub);
++ error = 0;
++ return error;
++ * The setbeanlimit syscall
++ */
++asmlinkage long sys_setublimit(uid_t uid, unsigned long resource,
++ unsigned long *limits)
++ int error;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ unsigned long new_limits[2];
++ error = -EPERM;
++ if(!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))
++ goto out;
++ error = -EINVAL;
++ if (resource >= UB_RESOURCES)
++ goto out;
++ error = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&new_limits, limits, sizeof(new_limits)))
++ goto out;
++ error = -EINVAL;
++ if (new_limits[0] > UB_MAXVALUE || new_limits[1] > UB_MAXVALUE)
++ goto out;
++ error = -ENOENT;
++ ub = get_beancounter_byuid(uid, 0);
++ if (ub == NULL) {
++ ub_debug(UBD_LIMIT, "No login bc for uid %d\n", uid);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier = new_limits[0];
++ ub->ub_parms[resource].limit = new_limits[1];
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++ error = 0;
++ return error;
++extern long do_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2,
++ void *buf, long size);
++asmlinkage long sys_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2,
++ void *buf, long size)
++ return do_ubstat(func, arg1, arg2, buf, size);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -21,7 +21,20 @@
+ #define UIDHASH_SZ (1 << UIDHASH_BITS)
+ #define __uidhashfn(uid) (((uid >> UIDHASH_BITS) + uid) & UIDHASH_MASK)
+-#define uidhashentry(uid) (uidhash_table + __uidhashfn((uid)))
++#define __uidhashentry(uid) (uidhash_table + __uidhashfn((uid)))
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define __uidhashfn_ve(uid) (((uid >> UIDHASH_BITS_VE) ^ uid) & \
++#define __uidhashentry_ve(uid, envid) ((envid)->uidhash_table + \
++ __uidhashfn_ve(uid))
++#define uidhashentry_ve(uid) (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? \
++ __uidhashentry(uid) : \
++ __uidhashentry_ve(uid, get_exec_env()))
++#define uidhashentry_ve(uid) __uidhashentry(uid)
+ static kmem_cache_t *uid_cachep;
+ static struct list_head uidhash_table[UIDHASH_SZ];
+@@ -77,7 +90,7 @@ struct user_struct *find_user(uid_t uid)
+ struct user_struct *ret;
+ spin_lock(&uidhash_lock);
+- ret = uid_hash_find(uid, uidhashentry(uid));
++ ret = uid_hash_find(uid, uidhashentry_ve(uid));
+ spin_unlock(&uidhash_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -93,7 +106,7 @@ void free_uid(struct user_struct *up)
+ struct user_struct * alloc_uid(uid_t uid)
+ {
+- struct list_head *hashent = uidhashentry(uid);
++ struct list_head *hashent = uidhashentry_ve(uid);
+ struct user_struct *up;
+ spin_lock(&uidhash_lock);
+@@ -154,14 +167,14 @@ static int __init uid_cache_init(void)
+ int n;
+ uid_cachep = kmem_cache_create("uid_cache", sizeof(struct user_struct),
+ for(n = 0; n < UIDHASH_SZ; ++n)
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(uidhash_table + n);
+ /* Insert the root user immediately (init already runs as root) */
+ spin_lock(&uidhash_lock);
+- uid_hash_insert(&root_user, uidhashentry(0));
++ uid_hash_insert(&root_user, __uidhashentry(0));
+ spin_unlock(&uidhash_lock);
+ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
++ * linux/kernel/ve.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++ * 've.c' helper file performing VE sub-system initialization
++ */
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/capability.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/unistd.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/sys.h>
++#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
++#include <linux/termios.h>
++#include <linux/tty_driver.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h>
++#include <linux/utsname.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
++#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
++unsigned long vz_rstamp = 0x37e0f59d;
++struct module no_module = { .state = MODULE_STATE_GOING };
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++DCL_VE_OWNER(SKB, SLAB, struct sk_buff, owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
++DCL_VE_OWNER(SK, SLAB, struct sock, sk_owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
++DCL_VE_OWNER(TW, SLAB, struct tcp_tw_bucket, tw_owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
++DCL_VE_OWNER(FILP, GENERIC, struct file, owner_env, inline, (always_inline))
++DCL_VE_OWNER(FSTYPE, MODULE, struct file_system_type, owner_env, , ())
++#if defined(CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES)
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_netfilter, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptables, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_filter, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_mangle, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_limit, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_multiport, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tos, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TOS, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_REJECT, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ttl, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_LOG, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_length, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ftp, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_irc, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_state, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_helper, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_helper, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_state, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_irc, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ftp, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_length, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_LOG, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ttl, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_REJECT, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TOS, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tos, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_multiport, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_limit, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_filter, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_mangle, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptables, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_netfilter, (void));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, ipt_flush_table, (struct ipt_table *table));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, real_get_device_perms_ve,
++ (int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_cleanup, (struct ve_struct *env));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_free, (struct ve_struct *env));
++INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, real_update_load_avg_ve, (void));
++int get_device_perms_ve(int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode)
++ return KSYMSAFECALL(int, vzmon, real_get_device_perms_ve,
++ (dev_type, dev, access_mode));
++void do_env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *env)
++ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(vzmon, real_do_env_cleanup, (env));
++void do_env_free(struct ve_struct *env)
++ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(vzmon, real_do_env_free, (env));
++void do_update_load_avg_ve(void)
++ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(vzmon, real_update_load_avg_ve, ());
++extern struct ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf;
++extern struct ipv4_devconf *get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr(void);
++struct ve_struct ve0 = {
++ .utsname = &system_utsname,
++ .vetask_lh = LIST_HEAD_INIT(ve0.vetask_lh),
++ .ifindex = -1,
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,3174 @@
++ * linux/kernel/vecalls.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ */
++ * 'vecalls.c' is file with basic VE support. It provides basic primities
++ * along with initialization script
++ */
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/capability.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/unistd.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#include <linux/sys.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/namespace.h>
++#include <linux/termios.h>
++#include <linux/tty_driver.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
++#include <linux/utsname.h>
++#include <linux/sysctl.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/suspend.h>
++#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
++#include <linux/in.h>
++#include <linux/major.h>
++#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
++#include <linux/idr.h>
++#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
++#include <net/pkt_sched.h>
++#include <linux/divert.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <net/route.h>
++#include <net/ip_fib.h>
++#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
++#include <linux/venet.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl.h>
++#include <linux/vzcalluser.h>
++#include <linux/fairsched.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
++struct ve_struct *ve_list_head = NULL;
++int nr_ve = 1; /* One VE always exists. Compatibility with vestat */
++rwlock_t ve_list_guard = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++static rwlock_t devperms_hash_guard = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++extern int glob_virt_pids;
++static int do_env_enter(struct ve_struct *ve);
++int real_env_create(envid_t veid, unsigned flags, u32 class_id,
++ struct env_create_param *data, int datalen);
++static void do_clean_devperms(envid_t veid);
++static int alloc_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
++static void free_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
++static int register_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
++static void unregister_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
++static int init_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *);
++static void fini_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *);
++static void clear_termios(struct tty_driver* driver );
++static void ve_mapped_devs_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve);
++static int ve_get_cpu_stat(envid_t veid, struct vz_cpu_stat *buf);
++static void vecalls_exit(void);
++struct ve_struct *__find_ve_by_id(envid_t veid)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ for (ve = ve_list_head;
++ ve != NULL && ve->veid != veid;
++ ve = ve->next);
++ return ve;
++struct ve_struct *get_ve_by_id(envid_t veid)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
++ ve = __find_ve_by_id(veid);
++ get_ve(ve);
++ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
++ return ve;
++ * real_put_ve() MUST be used instead of put_ve() inside vecalls.
++ */
++void real_do_env_free(struct ve_struct *ve);
++static inline void real_put_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ if (ve && atomic_dec_and_test(&ve->counter)) {
++ if (atomic_read(&ve->pcounter) > 0)
++ BUG();
++ if (ve->is_running)
++ BUG();
++ real_do_env_free(ve);
++ }
++extern struct file_system_type devpts_fs_type;
++extern struct file_system_type sysfs_fs_type;
++extern struct file_system_type tmpfs_fs_type;
++extern struct file_system_type proc_fs_type;
++extern spinlock_t task_capability_lock;
++extern void ve_ipc_free(struct ve_struct * ve);
++extern void ip_fragment_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve);
++static int ve_get_cpu_stat(envid_t veid, struct vz_cpu_stat *buf)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ struct vz_cpu_stat *vstat;
++ int retval;
++ int i, cpu;
++ unsigned long tmp;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && (veid != get_exec_env()->veid))
++ return -EPERM;
++ if (veid == 0)
++ return -ESRCH;
++ vstat = kmalloc(sizeof(*vstat), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!vstat)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(vstat, 0, sizeof(*vstat));
++ retval = -ESRCH;
++ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
++ ve = __find_ve_by_id(veid);
++ if (ve == NULL)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ for (cpu = 0; cpu < NR_CPUS; cpu++) {
++ vstat->user_jif += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->user;
++ vstat->nice_jif += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->nice;
++ vstat->system_jif += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->system;
++ vstat->idle_clk += ve_sched_get_idle_time(ve, cpu);
++ }
++ vstat->uptime_clk = get_cycles() - ve->start_cycles;
++ vstat->uptime_jif = jiffies - ve->start_jiffies;
++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
++ tmp = ve->avenrun[i] + (FIXED_1/200);
++ vstat->avenrun[i].val_int = LOAD_INT(tmp);
++ vstat->avenrun[i].val_frac = LOAD_FRAC(tmp);
++ }
++ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
++ retval = 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(buf, vstat, sizeof(*vstat)))
++ retval = -EFAULT;
++ kfree(vstat);
++ return retval;
++ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
++ goto out_free;
++ * Devices permissions routines,
++ * character and block devices separately
++ **********************************************************************/
++/* Rules applied in the following order:
++ MAJOR!=0, MINOR!=0
++ MAJOR!=0, MINOR==0
++ MAJOR==0, MINOR==0
++struct devperms_struct
++ dev_t dev; /* device id */
++ unsigned char mask;
++ unsigned type;
++ envid_t veid;
++ struct devperms_struct *devhash_next;
++ struct devperms_struct **devhash_pprev;
++static struct devperms_struct original_perms[] =
++ MKDEV(0,0), /*device*/
++ S_IFCHR, /*type*/
++ 0, /*veid*/
++ MKDEV(0,0), /*device*/
++ S_IFBLK, /*type*/
++ 0, /*veid*/
++static struct devperms_struct default_major_perms[] = {
++static struct devperms_struct default_minor_perms[] = {
++ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 3), S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, S_IFCHR}, /* null */
++ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 5), S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, S_IFCHR}, /* zero */
++ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 7), S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, S_IFCHR}, /* full */
++ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 8), S_IROTH, S_IFCHR}, /* random */
++ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 9), S_IROTH, S_IFCHR}, /* urandom */
++static struct devperms_struct default_deny_perms = {
++ MKDEV(0, 0), 0, S_IFCHR
++static inline struct devperms_struct *find_default_devperms(int type,
++ dev_t dev)
++ int i;
++ /* XXX all defaults perms are S_IFCHR */
++ if (type != S_IFCHR)
++ return &default_deny_perms;
++ for (i = 0;
++ i < sizeof(default_minor_perms)/sizeof(struct devperms_struct);
++ i++)
++ if (MAJOR(dev) == MAJOR(default_minor_perms[i].dev) &&
++ MINOR(dev) == MINOR(default_minor_perms[i].dev))
++ return &default_minor_perms[i];
++ for (i = 0;
++ i < sizeof(default_major_perms)/sizeof(struct devperms_struct);
++ i++)
++ if (MAJOR(dev) == MAJOR(default_major_perms[i].dev))
++ return &default_major_perms[i];
++ return &default_deny_perms;
++#define DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ 512
++struct devperms_struct *devperms_hash[DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ];
++#define devperms_hashfn(id,dev) \
++ ( (id << 5) ^ (id >> 5) ^ (MAJOR(dev)) ^ MINOR(dev) ) & \
++static inline void hash_devperms(struct devperms_struct *p)
++ struct devperms_struct **htable =
++ &devperms_hash[devperms_hashfn(p->veid,p->dev)];
++ if ((p->devhash_next = *htable) != NULL)
++ (*htable)->devhash_pprev = &p->devhash_next;
++ *htable = p;
++ p->devhash_pprev = htable;
++static inline void unhash_devperms(struct devperms_struct *p)
++ if (p->devhash_next)
++ p->devhash_next->devhash_pprev = p->devhash_pprev;
++ *p->devhash_pprev = p->devhash_next;
++static int __init init_devperms_hash(void)
++ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ memset(devperms_hash, 0, sizeof(devperms_hash));
++ hash_devperms(original_perms);
++ hash_devperms(original_perms+1);
++ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ return 0;
++static inline void fini_devperms_hash(void)
++static inline struct devperms_struct *find_devperms(envid_t veid,
++ int type,
++ dev_t dev)
++ struct devperms_struct *p, **htable =
++ &devperms_hash[devperms_hashfn(veid,dev)];
++ for (p = *htable; p && !(p->type==type &&
++ MAJOR(dev)==MAJOR(p->dev) &&
++ MINOR(dev)==MINOR(p->dev) &&
++ p->veid==veid);
++ p = p->devhash_next)
++ ;
++ return p;
++static void do_clean_devperms(envid_t veid)
++ int i;
++ struct devperms_struct* ve;
++ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ for (i = 0; i < DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ; i++)
++ for (ve = devperms_hash[i]; ve;) {
++ struct devperms_struct *next = ve->devhash_next;
++ if (ve->veid == veid) {
++ unhash_devperms(ve);
++ kfree(ve);
++ }
++ ve = next;
++ }
++ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ * Mode is a mask of
++ * FMODE_READ for read access (configurable by S_IROTH)
++ * FMODE_WRITE for write access (configurable by S_IWOTH)
++ * FMODE_QUOTACTL for quotactl access (configurable by S_IXGRP)
++ */
++int real_get_device_perms_ve(int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode)
++ struct devperms_struct *perms;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ envid_t veid;
++ perms = NULL;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
++ veid = ve->veid;
++ read_lock(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ perms = find_devperms(veid, dev_type|VE_USE_MINOR, dev);
++ if (perms)
++ goto end;
++ perms = find_devperms(veid, dev_type|VE_USE_MAJOR, MKDEV(MAJOR(dev),0));
++ if (perms)
++ goto end;
++ perms = find_devperms(veid, dev_type, MKDEV(0,0));
++ if (perms)
++ goto end;
++ perms = find_default_devperms(dev_type, dev);
++ read_unlock(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ access_mode = "\000\004\002\006\010\014\012\016"[access_mode];
++ return perms ?
++ (((perms->mask & access_mode) == access_mode) ? 0 : -EACCES) :
++int do_setdevperms(envid_t veid, unsigned type, dev_t dev, unsigned mask)
++ struct devperms_struct *perms;
++ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ perms = find_devperms(veid, type, dev);
++ if (!perms) {
++ struct devperms_struct *perms_new;
++ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ perms_new = kmalloc(sizeof(struct devperms_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!perms_new)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ perms = find_devperms(veid, type, dev);
++ if (perms) {
++ kfree(perms_new);
++ perms_new = perms;
++ }
++ switch (type & VE_USE_MASK) {
++ case 0:
++ dev = 0;
++ break;
++ case VE_USE_MAJOR:
++ dev = MKDEV(MAJOR(dev),0);
++ break;
++ }
++ perms_new->veid = veid;
++ perms_new->dev = dev;
++ perms_new->type = type;
++ perms_new->mask = mask & S_IALLUGO;
++ hash_devperms(perms_new);
++ } else
++ perms->mask = mask & S_IALLUGO;
++ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ return 0;
++int real_setdevperms(envid_t veid, unsigned type, dev_t dev, unsigned mask)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ int err;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID) || veid == 0)
++ return -EPERM;
++ if ((ve = get_ve_by_id(veid)) == NULL)
++ return -ESRCH;
++ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ if (ve->is_running)
++ err = do_setdevperms(veid, type, dev, mask);
++ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ real_put_ve(ve);
++ return err;
++void real_update_load_avg_ve(void)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ unsigned long nr_active;
++ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
++ for (ve = ve_list_head; ve != NULL; ve = ve->next) {
++ nr_active = nr_running_ve(ve) + nr_uninterruptible_ve(ve);
++ nr_active *= FIXED_1;
++ CALC_LOAD(ve->avenrun[0], EXP_1, nr_active);
++ CALC_LOAD(ve->avenrun[1], EXP_5, nr_active);
++ CALC_LOAD(ve->avenrun[2], EXP_15, nr_active);
++ }
++ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * FS-related helpers to VE start/stop
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++ * DEVPTS needs a virtualization: each environment should see each own list of
++ * pseudo-terminals.
++ * To implement it we need to have separate devpts superblocks for each
++ * VE, and each VE should mount its own one.
++ * Thus, separate vfsmount structures are required.
++ * To minimize intrusion into vfsmount lookup code, separate file_system_type
++ * structures are created.
++ *
++ * In addition to this, patch fo character device itself is required, as file
++ * system itself is used only for MINOR/MAJOR lookup.
++ */
++static int register_ve_fs_type(struct ve_struct *ve,
++ struct file_system_type *template,
++ struct file_system_type **p_fs_type, struct vfsmount **p_mnt)
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct file_system_type *local_fs_type;
++ int ret;
++ VZTRACE("register_ve_fs_type(\"%s\")\n", template->name);
++ local_fs_type = kmalloc(sizeof(*local_fs_type) + sizeof(void *),
++ if (local_fs_type == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(local_fs_type, 0, sizeof(*local_fs_type));
++ local_fs_type->name = template->name;
++ local_fs_type->fs_flags = template->fs_flags;
++ local_fs_type->get_sb = template->get_sb;
++ local_fs_type->kill_sb = template->kill_sb;
++ local_fs_type->owner = template->owner;
++ /*
++ * 1. we do not have refcounter on fstype
++ * 2. fstype holds reference to ve using get_ve()/put_ve().
++ * so we free fstype when freeing ve and we are sure it's ok to free it
++ */
++ SET_VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(local_fs_type, ve);
++ get_filesystem(local_fs_type); /* get_ve() inside */
++ ret = register_filesystem(local_fs_type); /* does not get */
++ if (ret)
++ goto reg_err;
++ mnt = kern_mount(local_fs_type);
++ if (IS_ERR(mnt))
++ goto mnt_err;
++ /* Usage counters after succesful execution kern_mount:
++ * local_fs_type - +1 (get_fs_type,get_sb_single,put_filesystem)
++ * mnt - +1 == 1 (alloc_vfsmnt)
++ */
++ *p_fs_type = local_fs_type;
++ *p_mnt = mnt;
++ return 0;
++ ret = PTR_ERR(mnt);
++ unregister_filesystem(local_fs_type); /* does not put */
++ put_filesystem(local_fs_type);
++ kfree(local_fs_type);
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG
++ "register_ve_fs_type(\"%s\") err=%d\n", template->name, ret);
++ return ret;
++static void umount_ve_fs_type(struct file_system_type *local_fs_type)
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct list_head *p, *q;
++ LIST_HEAD(kill);
++ down_write(&current->namespace->sem);
++ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ list_for_each_safe(p, q, &current->namespace->list) {
++ mnt = list_entry(p, struct vfsmount, mnt_list);
++ if (mnt->mnt_sb->s_type != local_fs_type)
++ continue;
++ list_del(p);
++ list_add(p, &kill);
++ }
++ while (!list_empty(&kill)) {
++ mnt = list_entry(, struct vfsmount, mnt_list);
++ umount_tree(mnt);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ up_write(&current->namespace->sem);
++static void unregister_ve_fs_type(struct file_system_type *local_fs_type,
++ struct vfsmount *local_fs_mount)
++ if (local_fs_mount == NULL ||
++ local_fs_type == NULL) {
++ if (local_fs_mount != NULL ||
++ local_fs_type != NULL)
++ BUG();
++ return;
++ }
++ VZTRACE("unregister_ve_fs_type(\"%s\")\n", local_fs_type->name);
++ unregister_filesystem(local_fs_type);
++ umount_ve_fs_type(local_fs_type);
++ kern_umount(local_fs_mount); /* alias to mntput, drop our ref */
++ put_filesystem(local_fs_type);
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * FS-related helpers to VE start/stop
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++static ctl_table ve_sysctl_tables[] = {
++ /* kernel */
++ {
++ .ctl_name = CTL_KERN,
++ .procname = "kernel",
++ .mode = 0555,
++ .child = &ve_sysctl_tables[2],
++ },
++ { .ctl_name = 0 },
++ /* kernel/[vars] */
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_NODENAME,
++ .procname = "hostname",
++ .maxlen = 64,
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_doutsstring,
++ .strategy = &sysctl_string,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_DOMAINNAME,
++ .procname = "domainname",
++ .maxlen = 64,
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_doutsstring,
++ .strategy = &sysctl_string,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_SHMMAX,
++ .procname = "shmmax",
++ .maxlen = sizeof(size_t),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_doulongvec_minmax,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_SHMALL,
++ .procname = "shmall",
++ .maxlen = sizeof(size_t),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_doulongvec_minmax,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_SHMMNI,
++ .procname = "shmmni",
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_MSGMAX,
++ .procname = "msgmax",
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_MSGMNI,
++ .procname = "msgmni",
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_MSGMNB,
++ .procname = "msgmnb",
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = KERN_SEM,
++ .procname = "sem",
++ .maxlen = 4 * sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
++ },
++ { .ctl_name = 0, }
++static int register_ve_sysctltables(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct ctl_table_header *header;
++ ctl_table *root, *table;
++ VZTRACE("register_ve_sysctltables\n");
++ root = clone_sysctl_template(ve_sysctl_tables,
++ sizeof(ve_sysctl_tables) / sizeof(ctl_table));
++ if (root == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ table = root->child;
++ table[0].data = &ve->utsname->nodename;
++ table[1].data = &ve->utsname->domainname;
++ table[2].data = &ve->_shm_ctlmax;
++ table[3].data = &ve->_shm_ctlall;
++ table[4].data = &ve->_shm_ctlmni;
++ table[5].data = &ve->_msg_ctlmax;
++ table[6].data = &ve->_msg_ctlmni;
++ table[7].data = &ve->_msg_ctlmnb;
++ table[8].data = &ve->_sem_ctls[0];
++ /* insert at head to override kern entries */
++ header = register_sysctl_table(root, 1);
++ if (header == NULL)
++ goto out_free;
++ ve->kern_header = header;
++ ve->kern_table = root;
++ return 0;
++ free_sysctl_clone(root);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static inline void unregister_ve_sysctltables(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ unregister_sysctl_table(ve->kern_header);
++static inline void free_ve_sysctltables(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ free_sysctl_clone(ve->kern_table);
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * VE start: subsystems
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++#include <net/ip.h>
++#include <net/tcp.h>
++#include <net/udp.h>
++#include <net/icmp.h>
++static int init_ve_utsname(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ ve->utsname = kmalloc(sizeof(*ve->utsname), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (ve->utsname == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ down_read(&uts_sem); /* protect the source */
++ memcpy(ve->utsname, &system_utsname, sizeof(*ve->utsname));
++ up_read(&uts_sem);
++ return 0;
++static void free_ve_utsname(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ kfree(ve->utsname);
++ ve->utsname = NULL;
++static int init_fini_ve_mibs(struct ve_struct *ve, int fini)
++ if (fini)
++ goto fini;
++ if (!(ve->_net_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib)))
++ goto out1;
++ if (!(ve->_net_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib)))
++ goto out2;
++ if (!(ve->_ip_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib)))
++ goto out3;
++ if (!(ve->_ip_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib)))
++ goto out4;
++ if (!(ve->_icmp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib)))
++ goto out5;
++ if (!(ve->_icmp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib)))
++ goto out6;
++ if (!(ve->_tcp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib)))
++ goto out7;
++ if (!(ve->_tcp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib)))
++ goto out8;
++ if (!(ve->_udp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib)))
++ goto out9;
++ if (!(ve->_udp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib)))
++ goto out10;
++ return 0;
++ free_percpu(ve->_udp_statistics[1]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_udp_statistics[0]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_tcp_statistics[1]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_tcp_statistics[0]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_icmp_statistics[1]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_icmp_statistics[0]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_ip_statistics[1]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_ip_statistics[0]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_net_statistics[1]);
++ free_percpu(ve->_net_statistics[0]);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static inline int init_ve_mibs(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ return init_fini_ve_mibs(ve, 0);
++static inline void fini_ve_mibs(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ (void)init_fini_ve_mibs(ve, 1);
++extern struct net_device templ_loopback_dev;
++static void veloop_setup(struct net_device *dev)
++ int padded;
++ padded = dev->padded;
++ memcpy(dev, &templ_loopback_dev, sizeof(struct net_device));
++ dev->padded = padded;
++static int init_ve_netdev(void)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ struct net_device_stats *stats;
++ int err;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&ve->_net_dev_head);
++ ve->_net_dev_base = NULL;
++ ve->_net_dev_tail = &ve->_net_dev_base;
++ ve->_loopback_dev = alloc_netdev(0,,
++ veloop_setup);
++ if (ve->_loopback_dev == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ if (loopback_dev.get_stats != NULL) {
++ stats = kmalloc(sizeof(struct net_device_stats), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (stats != NULL) {
++ memset(stats, 0, sizeof(struct net_device_stats));
++ ve->_loopback_dev->priv = stats;
++ ve->_loopback_dev->get_stats = loopback_dev.get_stats;
++ ve->_loopback_dev->destructor = loopback_dev.destructor;
++ }
++ }
++ err = register_netdev(ve->_loopback_dev);
++ if (err) {
++ if (ve->_loopback_dev->priv != NULL)
++ kfree(ve->_loopback_dev->priv);
++ free_netdev(ve->_loopback_dev);
++ }
++ return err;
++static void fini_ve_netdev(void)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ struct net_device *dev;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
++ while (1) {
++ rtnl_lock();
++ /*
++ * loopback is special, it can be referenced in fib's,
++ * so it must be freed the last. Doing so is
++ * sufficient to guarantee absence of such references.
++ */
++ if (visible_dev_base == ve->_loopback_dev)
++ dev = visible_dev_base->next;
++ else
++ dev = visible_dev_base;
++ if (dev == NULL)
++ break;
++ unregister_netdevice(dev);
++ rtnl_unlock();
++ free_netdev(dev);
++ }
++ unregister_netdevice(ve->_loopback_dev);
++ rtnl_unlock();
++ free_netdev(ve->_loopback_dev);
++ ve->_loopback_dev = NULL;
++#define init_ve_mibs(ve) (0)
++#define fini_ve_mibs(ve) do { } while (0)
++#define init_ve_netdev() (0)
++#define fini_ve_netdev() do { } while (0)
++static int prepare_proc_root(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ de = kmalloc(sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry) + 6, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (de == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(de, 0, sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry));
++ memcpy(de + 1, "/proc", 6);
++ de->name = (char *)(de + 1);
++ de->namelen = 5;
++ de->mode = S_IFDIR | S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO;
++ de->nlink = 2;
++ atomic_set(&de->count, 1);
++ ve->proc_root = de;
++ return 0;
++static int init_ve_proc(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int err;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ err = prepare_proc_root(ve);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_root;
++ err = register_ve_fs_type(ve, &proc_fs_type,
++ &ve->proc_fstype, &ve->proc_mnt);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_reg;
++ /* create /proc/vz in VE local proc tree */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ de = create_proc_entry("vz", S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO, NULL);
++ if (!de)
++ goto out_vz;
++ return 0;
++ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->proc_fstype, ve->proc_mnt);
++ ve->proc_mnt = NULL;
++ /* proc_fstype and proc_root are freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_proc */
++ ;
++ return err;
++static void fini_ve_proc(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ remove_proc_entry("vz", NULL);
++ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->proc_fstype, ve->proc_mnt);
++ ve->proc_mnt = NULL;
++static void free_ve_proc(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ /* proc filesystem frees proc_dir_entries on remove_proc_entry() only,
++ so we check that everything was removed and not lost */
++ if (ve->proc_root && ve->proc_root->subdir) {
++ struct proc_dir_entry *p = ve->proc_root;
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "VPS: %d: proc entry /proc", ve->veid);
++ while ((p = p->subdir) != NULL)
++ printk("/%s", p->name);
++ printk(" is not removed!\n");
++ }
++ kfree(ve->proc_root);
++ kfree(ve->proc_fstype);
++ ve->proc_fstype = NULL;
++ ve->proc_root = NULL;
++#define init_ve_proc(ve) (0)
++#define fini_ve_proc(ve) do { } while (0)
++#define free_ve_proc(ve) do { } while (0)
++static int init_ve_sysctl(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ ve->proc_sys_root = proc_mkdir("sys", 0);
++ if (ve->proc_sys_root == NULL)
++ goto out_proc;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve->sysctl_lh);
++ err = register_ve_sysctltables(ve);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_reg;
++ err = devinet_sysctl_init(ve);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_dev;
++ return 0;
++ unregister_ve_sysctltables(ve);
++ free_ve_sysctltables(ve);
++ remove_proc_entry("sys", NULL);
++ return err;
++static void fini_ve_sysctl(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ devinet_sysctl_fini(ve);
++ unregister_ve_sysctltables(ve);
++ remove_proc_entry("sys", NULL);
++static void free_ve_sysctl(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ devinet_sysctl_free(ve);
++ free_ve_sysctltables(ve);
++#define init_ve_sysctl(ve) (0)
++#define fini_ve_sysctl(ve) do { } while (0)
++#define free_ve_sysctl(ve) do { } while (0)
++#include <linux/devpts_fs.h>
++static int init_ve_devpts(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ ve->devpts_config = kmalloc(sizeof(struct devpts_config), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (ve->devpts_config == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ memset(ve->devpts_config, 0, sizeof(struct devpts_config));
++ ve->devpts_config->mode = 0600;
++ err = register_ve_fs_type(ve, &devpts_fs_type,
++ &ve->devpts_fstype, &ve->devpts_mnt);
++ if (err) {
++ kfree(ve->devpts_config);
++ ve->devpts_config = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static void fini_ve_devpts(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->devpts_fstype, ve->devpts_mnt);
++ /* devpts_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
++ ve->devpts_mnt = NULL;
++ kfree(ve->devpts_config);
++ ve->devpts_config = NULL;
++#define init_ve_devpts(ve) (0)
++#define fini_ve_devpts(ve) do { } while (0)
++static int init_ve_shmem(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ return register_ve_fs_type(ve,
++ &tmpfs_fs_type,
++ &ve->shmem_fstype,
++ &ve->shmem_mnt);
++static void fini_ve_shmem(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->shmem_fstype, ve->shmem_mnt);
++ /* shmem_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
++ ve->shmem_mnt = NULL;
++static int init_ve_sysfs(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct subsystem *subsys;
++ struct class *nc;
++ int err;
++ extern struct subsystem class_obj_subsys;
++ extern struct subsystem class_subsys;
++ extern struct class net_class;
++ err = register_ve_fs_type(ve,
++ &sysfs_fs_type,
++ &ve->sysfs_fstype,
++ &ve->sysfs_mnt);
++ if (err != 0)
++ goto out_fs_type;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ subsys = kmalloc(sizeof(*subsys), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (subsys == NULL)
++ goto out_class_obj;
++ /* ick, this is ugly, the things we go through to keep from showing up
++ * in sysfs... */
++ memset(subsys, 0, sizeof(*subsys));
++ memcpy(&subsys->, &,
++ sizeof(subsys->;
++ subsys->kset.ktype = class_obj_subsys.kset.ktype;
++ subsys->kset.hotplug_ops = class_obj_subsys.kset.hotplug_ops;
++ subsystem_init(subsys);
++ if (!subsys->kset.subsys)
++ subsys->kset.subsys = subsys;
++ ve->class_obj_subsys = subsys;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ subsys = kmalloc(sizeof(*subsys), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (subsys == NULL)
++ goto out_class_subsys;
++ /* ick, this is ugly, the things we go through to keep from showing up
++ * in sysfs... */
++ memset(subsys, 0, sizeof(*subsys));
++ memcpy(&subsys->, &,
++ sizeof(subsys->;
++ subsys->kset.ktype = class_subsys.kset.ktype;
++ subsys->kset.hotplug_ops = class_subsys.kset.hotplug_ops;
++ ve->class_subsys = subsys;
++ err = subsystem_register(subsys);
++ if (err != 0)
++ goto out_register;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ nc = kmalloc(sizeof(*nc), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (nc == NULL)
++ goto out_nc;
++ memset(nc, 0, sizeof(*nc));
++ nc->name =;
++ nc->release = net_class.release;
++ nc->hotplug = net_class.hotplug;
++ err = class_register(nc);
++ if (err != 0)
++ goto out_class_register;
++ ve->net_class = nc;
++ return err;
++ kfree(nc);
++ subsystem_unregister(subsys);
++ kfree(ve->class_subsys);
++ kfree(ve->class_obj_subsys);
++ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->sysfs_fstype, ve->sysfs_mnt);
++ /* sysfs_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
++ ve->class_subsys = NULL;
++ ve->class_obj_subsys = NULL;
++ return err;
++static void fini_ve_sysfs(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ class_unregister(ve->net_class);
++ subsystem_unregister(ve->class_subsys);
++ kfree(ve->net_class);
++ kfree(ve->class_subsys);
++ kfree(ve->class_obj_subsys);
++ ve->net_class = NULL;
++ ve->class_subsys = NULL;
++ ve->class_obj_subsys = NULL;
++ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->sysfs_fstype, ve->sysfs_mnt);
++ ve->sysfs_mnt = NULL;
++ /* sysfs_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
++static void free_ve_filesystems(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ kfree(ve->sysfs_fstype);
++ ve->sysfs_fstype = NULL;
++ kfree(ve->shmem_fstype);
++ ve->shmem_fstype = NULL;
++ kfree(ve->devpts_fstype);
++ ve->devpts_fstype = NULL;
++ free_ve_proc(ve);
++static int init_printk(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct ve_prep_printk {
++ wait_queue_head_t log_wait;
++ unsigned long log_start;
++ unsigned long log_end;
++ unsigned long logged_chars;
++ } *tmp;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ve_prep_printk), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(struct ve_prep_printk));
++ init_waitqueue_head(&tmp->log_wait);
++ ve->_log_wait = &tmp->log_wait;
++ ve->_log_start = &tmp->log_start;
++ ve->_log_end = &tmp->log_end;
++ ve->_logged_chars = &tmp->logged_chars;
++ /* ve->log_buf will be initialized later by ve_log_init() */
++ return 0;
++static void fini_printk(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ /*
++ * there is no spinlock protection here because nobody can use
++ * log_buf at the moments when this code is called.
++ */
++ kfree(ve->log_buf);
++ kfree(ve->_log_wait);
++static void fini_venet(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ tcp_v4_kill_ve_sockets(ve);
++ ve_mapped_devs_cleanup(ve);
++static int init_ve_sched(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * We refuse to switch to an already existing node since nodes
++ * keep a pointer to their ve_struct...
++ */
++ err = sys_fairsched_mknod(0, 1, ve->veid);
++ if (err < 0) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't create fairsched node %d\n",
++ ve->veid);
++ return err;
++ }
++ err = sys_fairsched_mvpr(current->pid, ve->veid);
++ if (err) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't switch to fairsched node %d\n",
++ ve->veid);
++ if (sys_fairsched_rmnod(ve->veid))
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Can't clean fairsched node %d\n",
++ ve->veid);
++ return err;
++ }
++ ve_sched_attach(ve);
++ return 0;
++static void fini_ve_sched(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ if (task_vsched_id(current) == ve->veid)
++ if (sys_fairsched_mvpr(current->pid,
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't leave fairsched node %d\n",
++ ve->veid);
++ if (sys_fairsched_rmnod(ve->veid))
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Can't remove fairsched node %d\n",
++ ve->veid);
++static int init_ve_struct(struct ve_struct *ve, envid_t veid,
++ u32 class_id, struct task_struct *init_tsk)
++ int n;
++ memset(ve, 0, sizeof(struct ve_struct));
++ (void)get_ve(ve);
++ ve->veid = veid;
++ ve->class_id = class_id;
++ ve->init_entry = init_tsk;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve->vetask_lh);
++ init_rwsem(&ve->op_sem);
++ ve->ifindex = -1;
++ for(n = 0; n < UIDHASH_SZ_VE; ++n)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve->uidhash_table[n]);
++ do_posix_clock_monotonic_gettime(&ve->start_timespec);
++ ve->start_jiffies = jiffies;
++ ve->start_cycles = get_cycles();
++ ve->virt_pids = glob_virt_pids;
++ return 0;
++static void set_ve_root(struct ve_struct *ve, struct task_struct *tsk)
++ read_lock(&tsk->fs->lock);
++ ve->fs_rootmnt = tsk->fs->rootmnt;
++ ve->fs_root = tsk->fs->root;
++ read_unlock(&tsk->fs->lock);
++ mark_tree_virtual(ve->fs_rootmnt, ve->fs_root);
++static void set_ve_caps(struct ve_struct *ve, struct task_struct *tsk)
++ /* required for real_setdevperms from register_ve_<fs> above */
++ memcpy(&ve->cap_default, &tsk->cap_effective, sizeof(kernel_cap_t));
++ cap_lower(ve->cap_default, CAP_SETVEID);
++static int ve_list_add(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ write_lock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
++ if (__find_ve_by_id(ve->veid) != NULL)
++ goto err_exists;
++ ve->prev = NULL;
++ ve->next = ve_list_head;
++ if (ve_list_head)
++ ve_list_head->prev = ve;
++ ve_list_head = ve;
++ nr_ve++;
++ write_unlock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
++ return 0;
++ write_unlock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
++ return -EEXIST;
++static void ve_list_del(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ write_lock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
++ if (ve->prev)
++ ve->prev->next = ve->next;
++ else
++ ve_list_head = ve->next;
++ if (ve->next)
++ ve->next->prev = ve->prev;
++ nr_ve--;
++ write_unlock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
++static void set_task_ve_caps(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *ve)
++ spin_lock(&task_capability_lock);
++ cap_mask(tsk->cap_effective, ve->cap_default);
++ cap_mask(tsk->cap_inheritable, ve->cap_default);
++ cap_mask(tsk->cap_permitted, ve->cap_default);
++ spin_unlock(&task_capability_lock);
++static void move_task(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *new,
++ struct ve_struct *old)
++ /* this probihibts ptracing of task entered to VPS from host system */
++ tsk->mm->vps_dumpable = 0;
++ /* setup capabilities before enter */
++ set_task_ve_caps(tsk, new);
++ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = new;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->exec_env = new;
++ SET_VE_LINKS(tsk);
++ atomic_dec(&old->pcounter);
++ atomic_inc(&new->pcounter);
++ real_put_ve(old);
++ get_ve(new);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
++#if (defined(CONFIG_VE_NETDEV) || defined(CONFIG_VE_NETDEV_MODULE)) && \
++#define init_ve_netfilter() init_netfilter()
++#define fini_ve_netfilter() fini_netfilter()
++#define init_ve_netfilter() (0)
++#define fini_ve_netfilter() do { } while (0)
++#define KSYMIPTINIT(mask, ve, full_mask, mod, name, args) \
++({ \
++ int ret = 0; \
++ if (VE_IPT_CMP(mask, full_mask) && \
++ VE_IPT_CMP((ve)->_iptables_modules, \
++ full_mask & ~(full_mask##_MOD))) { \
++ ret = KSYMERRCALL(1, mod, name, args); \
++ if (ret == 0) \
++ (ve)->_iptables_modules |= \
++ full_mask##_MOD; \
++ if (ret == 1) \
++ ret = 0; \
++ } \
++ ret; \
++#define KSYMIPTFINI(mask, full_mask, mod, name, args) \
++({ \
++ if (VE_IPT_CMP(mask, full_mask##_MOD)) \
++ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args); \
++static int do_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve, __u64 init_mask,
++ int init_or_cleanup)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!init_or_cleanup)
++ goto cleanup;
++ /* init part */
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_IPTABLES,
++ ip_tables, init_iptables, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptables;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_CONNTRACK,
++ ip_conntrack, init_iptable_conntrack, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_conntrack;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FTP) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_FTP,
++ ip_conntrack_ftp, init_iptable_ftp, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_ftp;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IRC) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_IRC,
++ ip_conntrack_irc, init_iptable_irc, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_irc;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_CONNTRACK) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_CONNTRACK,
++ ipt_conntrack, init_iptable_conntrack_match, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_conntrack_match;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_STATE) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_STATE,
++ ipt_state, init_iptable_state, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_state;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_HELPER) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_HELPER,
++ ipt_helper, init_iptable_helper, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_helper;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_NAT,
++ iptable_nat, init_iptable_nat, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_nat;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_FTP) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_NAT_FTP,
++ ip_nat_ftp, init_iptable_nat_ftp, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_nat_ftp;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_IRC) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_NAT_IRC,
++ ip_nat_irc, init_iptable_nat_irc, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_nat_irc;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FILTER) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_FILTER,
++ iptable_filter, init_iptable_filter, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_filter;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MANGLE) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MANGLE,
++ iptable_mangle, init_iptable_mangle, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_mangle;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LIMIT) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_LIMIT,
++ ipt_limit, init_iptable_limit, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_limit;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_MULTIPORT) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_MULTIPORT,
++ ipt_multiport, init_iptable_multiport, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_multiport;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TOS) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_TOS,
++ ipt_tos, init_iptable_tos, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_tos;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TOS) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_TOS,
++ ipt_TOS, init_iptable_TOS, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_TOS;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_REJECT,
++ ipt_REJECT, init_iptable_REJECT, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_REJECT;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TCPMSS) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_TCPMSS,
++ ipt_TCPMSS, init_iptable_TCPMSS, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_TCPMSS;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TCPMSS) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_TCPMSS,
++ ipt_tcpmss, init_iptable_tcpmss, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_tcpmss;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TTL) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_TTL,
++ ipt_ttl, init_iptable_ttl, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_ttl;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_LOG) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_LOG,
++ ipt_LOG, init_iptable_LOG, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_LOG;
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LENGTH) || \
++ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_LENGTH,
++ ipt_length, init_iptable_length, ());
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto err_iptable_length;
++ return 0;
++/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LENGTH) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_LENGTH,
++ ipt_length, fini_iptable_length, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_LOG) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_LOG,
++ ipt_LOG, fini_iptable_LOG, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TTL) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_TTL,
++ ipt_ttl, fini_iptable_ttl, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TCPMSS) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_TCPMSS,
++ ipt_tcpmss, fini_iptable_tcpmss, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TCPMSS) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_TCPMSS,
++ ipt_TCPMSS, fini_iptable_TCPMSS, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_REJECT,
++ ipt_REJECT, fini_iptable_REJECT, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TOS) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_TOS,
++ ipt_TOS, fini_iptable_TOS, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TOS) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_TOS,
++ ipt_tos, fini_iptable_tos, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_MULTIPORT) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_MULTIPORT,
++ ipt_multiport, fini_iptable_multiport, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LIMIT) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_LIMIT,
++ ipt_limit, fini_iptable_limit, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MANGLE) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MANGLE,
++ iptable_mangle, fini_iptable_mangle, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FILTER) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_FILTER,
++ iptable_filter, fini_iptable_filter, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_IRC) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT_IRC,
++ ip_nat_irc, fini_iptable_nat_irc, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_FTP) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT_FTP,
++ ip_nat_ftp, fini_iptable_nat_ftp, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT,
++ iptable_nat, fini_iptable_nat, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_HELPER) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_HELPER,
++ ipt_helper, fini_iptable_helper, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_STATE) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_STATE,
++ ipt_state, fini_iptable_state, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_CONNTRACK) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_CONNTRACK,
++ ipt_conntrack, fini_iptable_conntrack_match, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IRC) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_IRC,
++ ip_conntrack_irc, fini_iptable_irc, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FTP) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_FTP,
++ ip_conntrack_ftp, fini_iptable_ftp, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_CONNTRACK,
++ ip_conntrack, fini_iptable_conntrack, ());
++#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES) || \
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_IPTABLES,
++ ip_tables, fini_iptables, ());
++ ve->_iptables_modules = 0;
++ return err;
++#define do_ve_iptables(ve, initmask, init) (0)
++static inline int init_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve, __u64 init_mask)
++ return do_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask, 1);
++static inline void fini_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve, __u64 init_mask)
++ (void)do_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask, 0);
++static void flush_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ /*
++ * flush all rule tables first,
++ * this helps us to avoid refs to freed objs
++ */
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MANGLE, ip_tables,
++ ipt_flush_table, (ve->_ipt_mangle_table));
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_FILTER, ip_tables,
++ ipt_flush_table, (ve->_ve_ipt_filter_pf));
++ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT, ip_tables,
++ ipt_flush_table, (ve->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_table));
++static struct list_head ve_hooks[VE_MAX_HOOKS];
++static DECLARE_RWSEM(ve_hook_sem);
++int ve_hook_register(struct ve_hook *vh)
++ struct list_head *lh;
++ struct ve_hook *tmp;
++ down_write(&ve_hook_sem);
++ list_for_each(lh, &ve_hooks[vh->hooknum]) {
++ tmp = list_entry(lh, struct ve_hook, list);
++ if (vh->priority < tmp->priority)
++ break;
++ }
++ list_add_tail(&vh->list, lh);
++ up_write(&ve_hook_sem);
++ return 0;
++void ve_hook_unregister(struct ve_hook *vh)
++ down_write(&ve_hook_sem);
++ list_del(&vh->list);
++ up_write(&ve_hook_sem);
++static int ve_hook_iterate(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
++ struct ve_hook *vh;
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ down_read(&ve_hook_sem);
++ list_for_each_entry(vh, &ve_hooks[hooknum], list) {
++ err = vh->hook(hooknum, data);
++ if (err)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (err) {
++ list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse(vh,
++ &ve_hooks[hooknum], list)
++ if (vh->undo)
++ vh->undo(hooknum, data);
++ }
++ up_read(&ve_hook_sem);
++ return err;
++static void ve_hook_iterate_cleanup(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
++ struct ve_hook *vh;
++ down_read(&ve_hook_sem);
++ list_for_each_entry_reverse(vh, &ve_hooks[hooknum], list)
++ (void)vh->hook(hooknum, data);
++ up_read(&ve_hook_sem);
++static int do_env_create(envid_t veid, u32 class_id,
++ struct env_create_param *data, int datalen)
++ struct task_struct *tsk;
++ struct ve_struct *old;
++ struct ve_struct *old_exec;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ struct ve_hook_init_data vhd;
++ __u64 init_mask;
++ int err;
++ tsk = current;
++ old = VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env;
++ if (!thread_group_leader(tsk))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (tsk->signal->tty) {
++ printk("ERR: VE init has controlling terminal\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ if (tsk->signal->pgrp != tsk->pid || tsk->signal->session != tsk->pid) {
++ int may_setsid;
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ may_setsid = (find_pid(PIDTYPE_PGID, tsk->pid) == NULL);
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ if (!may_setsid) {
++ printk("ERR: VE init is process group leader\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ VZTRACE("%s: veid=%d classid=%d pid=%d\n",
++ __FUNCTION__, veid, class_id, current->pid);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ ve = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ve_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (ve == NULL)
++ goto err_struct;
++ init_ve_struct(ve, veid, class_id, tsk);
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ down_write(&ve->op_sem);
++ if ((err = ve_list_add(ve)) < 0)
++ goto err_exist;
++ /* this should be done before context switching */
++ if ((err = init_printk(ve)) < 0)
++ goto err_log_wait;
++ old_exec = set_exec_env(ve);
++ if ((err = init_ve_sched(ve)) < 0)
++ goto err_sched;
++ /* move user to VE */
++ if ((err = set_user(0, 0)) < 0)
++ goto err_set_user;
++ set_ve_root(ve, tsk);
++ if ((err = init_ve_utsname(ve)))
++ goto err_utsname;
++ if ((err = init_ve_mibs(ve)))
++ goto err_mibs;
++ if ((err = init_ve_proc(ve)))
++ goto err_proc;
++ if ((err = init_ve_sysctl(ve)))
++ goto err_sysctl;
++ if ((err = init_ve_sysfs(ve)))
++ goto err_sysfs;
++ if ((err = init_ve_netdev()))
++ goto err_dev;
++ if ((err = init_ve_tty_drivers(ve)) < 0)
++ goto err_tty;
++ if ((err = init_ve_shmem(ve)))
++ goto err_shmem;
++ if ((err = init_ve_devpts(ve)))
++ goto err_devpts;
++ /* init SYSV IPC variables */
++ if ((err = init_ve_ipc(ve)) < 0)
++ goto err_ipc;
++ set_ve_caps(ve, tsk);
++ if (alloc_vpid(tsk->pid, 1) < 0) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ goto err_ipc;
++ }
++ set_virt_pid(tsk, 1);
++ set_virt_tgid(tsk, 1);
++ set_special_pids(tsk->pid, tsk->pid);
++ current->signal->tty_old_pgrp = 0;
++ set_virt_pgid(tsk, 1);
++ set_virt_sid(tsk, 1);
++ /* It is safe to initialize netfilter here as routing initialization and
++ interface setup will be done below. This means that NO skb can be
++ passed inside. Den */
++ /* iptables ve initialization for non ve0;
++ ve0 init is in module_init */
++ if ((err = init_ve_netfilter()) < 0)
++ goto err_netfilter;
++ init_mask = (data)? *((__u64 *)data): VE_IP_DEFAULT;
++ if ((err = init_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask)) < 0)
++ goto err_iptables;
++ if ((err = init_ve_route(ve)) < 0)
++ goto err_route;
++ vhd.env = ve;
++ vhd.class_id = class_id;
++ = data;
++ vhd.datalen = datalen;
++ if ((err = ve_hook_iterate(VE_HOOK_INIT, (void *)&vhd)) < 0)
++ goto err_ve_hook;
++ move_task(tsk, ve, old);
++ ve->is_running = 1;
++ up_write(&ve->op_sem);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "VPS: %d: started\n", veid);
++ return veid;
++ fini_venet(ve);
++ fini_ve_route(ve);
++ fini_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask);
++ fini_ve_netfilter();
++ fini_ve_ipc(ve);
++ fini_ve_devpts(ve);
++ fini_ve_shmem(ve);
++ fini_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
++ fini_ve_netdev();
++ fini_ve_sysfs(ve);
++ fini_ve_sysctl(ve);
++ fini_ve_proc(ve);
++ do_clean_devperms(ve->veid); /* register procfs adds devperms */
++ fini_ve_mibs(ve);
++ /* free_ve_utsname() is called inside real_put_ve() */ ;
++ /* It is safe to restore current->envid here because
++ * ve_fairsched_detach does not use current->envid. */
++ /* Really fairsched code uses current->envid in sys_fairsched_mknod
++ * only. It is correct if sys_fairsched_mknod is called from
++ * userspace. If sys_fairsched_mknod is called from
++ * ve_fairsched_attach, then node->envid and node->parent_node->envid
++ * are explicitly set to valid value after the call. */
++ /* FIXME */
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = old;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->exec_env = old_exec;
++ /* move user back */
++ if (set_user(0, 0) < 0)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING"Can't restore UID\n");
++ fini_ve_sched(ve);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_exec);
++ /* we can jump here having incorrect envid */
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = old;
++ fini_printk(ve);
++ ve_list_del(ve);
++ up_write(&ve->op_sem);
++ real_put_ve(ve);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "VPS: %d: failed to start with err=%d\n", veid, err);
++ return err;
++ kfree(ve);
++ goto err_struct;
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * VE start/stop callbacks
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++int real_env_create(envid_t veid, unsigned flags, u32 class_id,
++ struct env_create_param *data, int datalen)
++ int status;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ if (!flags) {
++ status = get_exec_env()->veid;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ status = -EPERM;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ goto out;
++ status = -EINVAL;
++ if ((flags & VE_TEST) && (flags & (VE_ENTER|VE_CREATE)))
++ goto out;
++ status = -EINVAL;
++ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
++ if (ve) {
++ if (flags & VE_TEST) {
++ status = 0;
++ goto out_put;
++ }
++ if (flags & VE_EXCLUSIVE) {
++ status = -EACCES;
++ goto out_put;
++ }
++ if (flags & VE_CREATE) {
++ flags &= ~VE_CREATE;
++ flags |= VE_ENTER;
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (flags & (VE_TEST|VE_ENTER)) {
++ status = -ESRCH;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ if (flags & VE_CREATE) {
++ status = do_env_create(veid, class_id, data, datalen);
++ goto out;
++ } else if (flags & VE_ENTER)
++ status = do_env_enter(ve);
++ /* else: returning EINVAL */
++ real_put_ve(ve);
++ return status;
++static int do_env_enter(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct task_struct *tsk = current;
++ int err;
++ VZTRACE("%s: veid=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ve->veid);
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ if (!ve->is_running)
++ goto out_up;
++ err = sys_fairsched_mvpr(current->pid, ve->veid);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_up;
++ move_task(current, ve, VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env);
++ ve_sched_attach(ve);
++ err = VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env->veid;
++ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ return err;
++static void env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct ve_struct *old_ve;
++ VZTRACE("real_do_env_cleanup\n");
++ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ old_ve = set_exec_env(ve);
++ ve_hook_iterate_cleanup(VE_HOOK_FINI, (void *)ve);
++ fini_venet(ve);
++ fini_ve_route(ve);
++ /* no new packets in flight beyond this point */
++ synchronize_net();
++ /* skb hold dst_entry, and in turn lies in the ip fragment queue */
++ ip_fragment_cleanup(ve);
++ fini_ve_netdev();
++ /* kill iptables */
++ /* No skb belonging to VE can exist at this point as unregister_netdev
++ is an operation awaiting until ALL skb's gone */
++ flush_ve_iptables(ve);
++ fini_ve_iptables(ve, ve->_iptables_modules);
++ fini_ve_netfilter();
++ ve_ipc_cleanup();
++ fini_ve_sched(ve);
++ do_clean_devperms(ve->veid);
++ fini_ve_devpts(ve);
++ fini_ve_shmem(ve);
++ fini_ve_sysfs(ve);
++ unregister_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
++ fini_ve_sysctl(ve);
++ fini_ve_proc(ve);
++ fini_ve_mibs(ve);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_ve);
++ fini_printk(ve); /* no printk can happen in ve context anymore */
++ ve_list_del(ve);
++ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
++ real_put_ve(ve);
++static struct list_head ve_cleanup_list;
++static spinlock_t ve_cleanup_lock;
++static DECLARE_COMPLETION(vzmond_complete);
++static struct task_struct *vzmond_thread;
++static volatile int stop_vzmond;
++void real_do_env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ spin_lock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
++ list_add_tail(&ve->cleanup_list, &ve_cleanup_list);
++ spin_unlock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
++ wake_up_process(vzmond_thread);
++static void do_pending_env_cleanups(void)
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ spin_lock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
++ while (1) {
++ if (list_empty(&ve_cleanup_list) || need_resched())
++ break;
++ ve = list_first_entry(&ve_cleanup_list, struct ve_struct,
++ cleanup_list);
++ list_del(&ve->cleanup_list);
++ spin_unlock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
++ env_cleanup(ve);
++ spin_lock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
++static int have_pending_cleanups(void)
++ return !list_empty(&ve_cleanup_list);
++static int vzmond(void *arg)
++ daemonize("vzmond");
++ vzmond_thread = current;
++ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ while (!stop_vzmond) {
++ schedule();
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ flush_signals(current);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
++ do_pending_env_cleanups();
++ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ if (have_pending_cleanups())
++ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ }
++ __set_task_state(current, TASK_RUNNING);
++ complete_and_exit(&vzmond_complete, 0);
++static int __init init_vzmond(void)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_cleanup_list);
++ spin_lock_init(&ve_cleanup_lock);
++ stop_vzmond = 0;
++ return kernel_thread(vzmond, NULL, 0);
++static void fini_vzmond(void)
++ stop_vzmond = 1;
++ wake_up_process(vzmond_thread);
++ wait_for_completion(&vzmond_complete);
++ WARN_ON(!list_empty(&ve_cleanup_list));
++void real_do_env_free(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ VZTRACE("real_do_env_free\n");
++ ve_ipc_free(ve); /* free SYSV IPC resources */
++ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
++ free_ve_utsname(ve);
++ free_ve_sysctl(ve); /* free per ve sysctl data */
++ free_ve_filesystems(ve);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "VPS: %d: stopped\n", VEID(ve));
++ kfree(ve);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * VE TTY handling
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++DCL_VE_OWNER(TTYDRV, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_driver, owner_env, , ())
++static struct tty_driver *alloc_ve_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *base,
++ struct ve_struct *ve)
++ size_t size;
++ struct tty_driver *driver;
++ driver = kmalloc(sizeof(struct tty_driver), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!driver)
++ goto out;
++ memcpy(driver, base, sizeof(struct tty_driver));
++ driver->driver_state = NULL;
++ size = base->num * 3 * sizeof(void *);
++ if (!(driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM)) {
++ void **p;
++ p = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!p)
++ goto out_free;
++ memset(p, 0, size);
++ driver->ttys = (struct tty_struct **)p;
++ driver->termios = (struct termios **)(p + driver->num);
++ driver->termios_locked = (struct termios **)(p + driver->num * 2);
++ } else {
++ driver->ttys = NULL;
++ driver->termios = NULL;
++ driver->termios_locked = NULL;
++ }
++ SET_VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(driver, ve);
++ driver->flags |= TTY_DRIVER_INSTALLED;
++ return driver;
++ kfree(driver);
++ return NULL;
++static void free_ve_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver)
++ if (!driver)
++ return;
++ clear_termios(driver);
++ kfree(driver->ttys);
++ kfree(driver);
++static int alloc_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
++ extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_driver(void);
++ extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_slave_driver(void);
++ /* Traditional BSD devices */
++ ve->pty_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(get_pty_driver(), ve);
++ if (!ve->pty_driver)
++ goto out_mem;
++ ve->pty_slave_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(
++ get_pty_slave_driver(), ve);
++ if (!ve->pty_slave_driver)
++ goto out_mem;
++ ve->pty_driver->other = ve->pty_slave_driver;
++ ve->pty_slave_driver->other = ve->pty_driver;
++ ve->ptm_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(ptm_driver, ve);
++ if (!ve->ptm_driver)
++ goto out_mem;
++ ve->pts_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(pts_driver, ve);
++ if (!ve->pts_driver)
++ goto out_mem;
++ ve->ptm_driver->other = ve->pts_driver;
++ ve->pts_driver->other = ve->ptm_driver;
++ ve->allocated_ptys = kmalloc(sizeof(*ve->allocated_ptys), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!ve->allocated_ptys)
++ goto out_mem;
++ idr_init(ve->allocated_ptys);
++ return 0;
++ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void free_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
++ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->pty_driver);
++ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->pty_slave_driver);
++ ve->pty_driver = ve->pty_slave_driver = NULL;
++ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->ptm_driver);
++ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->pts_driver);
++ kfree(ve->allocated_ptys);
++ ve->ptm_driver = ve->pts_driver = NULL;
++ ve->allocated_ptys = NULL;
++static inline void __register_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver)
++ list_add(&driver->tty_drivers, &tty_drivers);
++static inline void __unregister_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver)
++ if (!driver)
++ return;
++ list_del(&driver->tty_drivers);
++static int register_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
++ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
++ __register_tty_driver(ve->ptm_driver);
++ __register_tty_driver(ve->pts_driver);
++ __register_tty_driver(ve->pty_driver);
++ __register_tty_driver(ve->pty_slave_driver);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
++ return 0;
++static void unregister_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
++ VZTRACE("unregister_ve_tty_drivers\n");
++ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
++ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->pty_driver);
++ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->pty_slave_driver);
++ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->ptm_driver);
++ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->pts_driver);
++ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
++static int init_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int err;
++ if ((err = alloc_ve_tty_drivers(ve)))
++ goto err_ttyalloc;
++ if ((err = register_ve_tty_drivers(ve)))
++ goto err_ttyreg;
++ return 0;
++ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
++ return err;
++static void fini_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ unregister_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
++ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
++ * Free the termios and termios_locked structures because
++ * we don't want to get memory leaks when modular tty
++ * drivers are removed from the kernel.
++ */
++static void clear_termios(struct tty_driver *driver)
++ int i;
++ struct termios *tp;
++ if (driver->termios == NULL)
++ return;
++ for (i = 0; i < driver->num; i++) {
++ tp = driver->termios[i];
++ if (tp) {
++ driver->termios[i] = NULL;
++ kfree(tp);
++ }
++ tp = driver->termios_locked[i];
++ if (tp) {
++ driver->termios_locked[i] = NULL;
++ kfree(tp);
++ }
++ }
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * Pieces of VE network
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <net/sock.h>
++#include <linux/netlink.h>
++#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
++#include <net/route.h>
++#include <net/ip_fib.h>
++static void ve_del_ip_addrs(struct net_device *dev)
++ struct in_device *in_dev;
++ in_dev = in_dev_get(dev);
++ if (in_dev == NULL)
++ return;
++ while (in_dev->ifa_list != NULL) {
++ inet_del_ifa(in_dev, &in_dev->ifa_list, 1);
++ }
++ in_dev_put(in_dev);
++static int ve_netdev_cleanup(struct net_device *dev, int to_ve)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ ve_del_ip_addrs(dev);
++ if ((dev->flags & IFF_UP) != 0)
++ err = dev_close(dev);
++ synchronize_net();
++ dev_shutdown(dev);
++ dev_mc_discard(dev);
++ free_divert_blk(dev);
++ synchronize_net();
++ if (to_ve)
++ dev->orig_mtu = dev->mtu;
++ else {
++ int rc = dev_set_mtu(dev, dev->orig_mtu);
++ if (err == 0)
++ err = rc;
++ }
++#if (defined(CONFIG_ATALK) || defined(CONFIG_ATALK_MODULE) || \
++ defined(CONFIG_DECNET) || defined(CONFIG_DECNET_MODULE) || \
++ defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE) || \
++ defined(CONFIG_ECONET) || defined(CONFIG_ECONET_MODULE) || \
++#error "AppleTalk, DECnet, IPv6, Econet or FASTROUTE is (are) unsupported"
++ return err;
++static void __ve_dev_move(struct net_device *dev, struct ve_struct *ve_src,
++ struct ve_struct *ve_dst, struct user_beancounter *exec_ub)
++ struct net_device **dp, *d;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ for (d = ve_src->_net_dev_base, dp = NULL; d != NULL;
++ dp = &d->next, d = d->next) {
++ if (d == dev) {
++ hlist_del(&dev->name_hlist);
++ hlist_del(&dev->index_hlist);
++ if (ve_src->_net_dev_tail == &dev->next)
++ ve_src->_net_dev_tail = dp;
++ if (dp)
++ *dp = dev->next;
++ dev->next = NULL;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ *ve_dst->_net_dev_tail = dev;
++ ve_dst->_net_dev_tail = &dev->next;
++ hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, dev_name_hash(dev->name, ve_dst));
++ hlist_add_head(&dev->index_hlist, dev_index_hash(dev->ifindex, ve_dst));
++ dev->owner_env = ve_dst;
++ ub = netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub;
++ netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub = get_beancounter(exec_ub);
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++static int ve_dev_add(envid_t veid, char *dev_name)
++ int err;
++ struct net_device *dev;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ struct hlist_node *p;
++ dev = NULL;
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
++ if (ve == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ rtnl_lock();
++ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
++ hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(dev_name, get_ve0())) {
++ struct net_device *d = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device,
++ name_hlist);
++ if (strncmp(d->name, dev_name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0) {
++ dev = d;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ read_unlock(&dev_base_lock);
++ if (dev == NULL)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ if (!ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (dev->flags & (IFF_SLAVE|IFF_MASTER))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ ve_netdev_cleanup(dev, 1);
++ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ __ve_dev_move(dev, get_ve0(), ve, get_exec_ub());
++ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ err = 0;
++ rtnl_unlock();
++ real_put_ve(ve);
++ if (dev == NULL)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Device %s not found\n", dev_name);
++ return err;
++static int ve_dev_del(envid_t veid, char *dev_name)
++ int err;
++ struct net_device *dev;
++ struct ve_struct *ve, *old_exec;
++ struct hlist_node *p;
++ dev = NULL;
++ err = -ESRCH;
++ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
++ if (ve == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ rtnl_lock();
++ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
++ hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(dev_name, ve)) {
++ struct net_device *d = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device,
++ name_hlist);
++ if (strncmp(d->name, dev_name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0) {
++ dev = d;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ read_unlock(&dev_base_lock);
++ if (dev == NULL)
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ if (!ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ old_exec = set_exec_env(ve);
++ ve_netdev_cleanup(dev, 0);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_exec);
++ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ __ve_dev_move(dev, ve, get_ve0(), netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub);
++ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ err = 0;
++ rtnl_unlock();
++ real_put_ve(ve);
++ if (dev == NULL)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Device %s not found\n", dev_name);
++ return err;
++int real_ve_dev_map(envid_t veid, int op, char *dev_name)
++ int err;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
++ goto out;
++ switch (op)
++ {
++ case VE_NETDEV_ADD:
++ err = ve_dev_add(veid, dev_name);
++ break;
++ case VE_NETDEV_DEL:
++ err = ve_dev_del(veid, dev_name);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static void ve_mapped_devs_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ struct net_device *dev;
++ rtnl_lock();
++ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ for (dev = ve->_net_dev_base; dev != NULL; dev = dev->next)
++ {
++ if ((dev->features & NETIF_F_VENET) ||
++ (dev == ve->_loopback_dev)) /* Skip loopback dev */
++ continue;
++ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ ve_netdev_cleanup(dev, 0);
++ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ __ve_dev_move(dev, ve, get_ve0(), netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub);
++ goto restart;
++ }
++ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ rtnl_unlock();
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * VE information via /proc
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++static int devperms_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ struct devperms_struct *dp;
++ char dev_s[32], type_c;
++ unsigned use, type;
++ dev_t dev;
++ dp = (struct devperms_struct *)v;
++ if (dp == (struct devperms_struct *)1L) {
++ seq_printf(m, "Version: 2.7\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ use = dp->type & VE_USE_MASK;
++ type = dp->type & S_IFMT;
++ dev = dp->dev;
++ if ((use | VE_USE_MINOR) == use)
++ snprintf(dev_s, sizeof(dev_s), "%d:%d", MAJOR(dev), MINOR(dev));
++ else if ((use | VE_USE_MAJOR) == use)
++ snprintf(dev_s, sizeof(dev_s), "%d:*", MAJOR(dp->dev));
++ else
++ snprintf(dev_s, sizeof(dev_s), "*:*");
++ if (type == S_IFCHR)
++ type_c = 'c';
++ else if (type == S_IFBLK)
++ type_c = 'b';
++ else
++ type_c = '?';
++ seq_printf(m, "%10u %c %03o %s\n", dp->veid, type_c, dp->mask, dev_s);
++ return 0;
++static void *devperms_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
++ loff_t cpos;
++ long slot;
++ struct devperms_struct *dp;
++ cpos = *pos;
++ read_lock(&devperms_hash_guard);
++ if (cpos-- == 0)
++ return (void *)1L;
++ for (slot = 0; slot < DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ; slot++)
++ for (dp = devperms_hash[slot]; dp; dp = dp->devhash_next)
++ if (cpos-- == 0) {
++ m->private = (void *)slot;
++ return dp;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void *devperms_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
++ long slot;
++ struct devperms_struct *dp;
++ dp = (struct devperms_struct *)v;
++ if (dp == (struct devperms_struct *)1L)
++ slot = 0;
++ else if (dp->devhash_next == NULL)
++ slot = (long)m->private + 1;
++ else {
++ (*pos)++;
++ return dp->devhash_next;
++ }
++ for (; slot < DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ; slot++)
++ if (devperms_hash[slot]) {
++ (*pos)++;
++ m->private = (void *)slot;
++ return devperms_hash[slot];
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void devperms_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ read_unlock(&devperms_hash_guard);
++static struct seq_operations devperms_seq_op = {
++ .start = devperms_seq_start,
++ .next = devperms_seq_next,
++ .stop = devperms_seq_stop,
++ .show = devperms_seq_show,
++static int devperms_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ return seq_open(file, &devperms_seq_op);
++static struct file_operations proc_devperms_ops = {
++ .open = devperms_open,
++ .read = seq_read,
++ .llseek = seq_lseek,
++ .release = seq_release,
++#if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
++#define VESTAT_LINE_WIDTH (6 * 11 + 6 * 21)
++#define VESTAT_LINE_FMT "%10u %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %10lu\n"
++#define VESTAT_HEAD_FMT "%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %10s\n"
++#define VESTAT_LINE_WIDTH (12 * 21)
++#define VESTAT_LINE_FMT "%20u %20lu %20lu %20lu %20lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20lu\n"
++#define VESTAT_HEAD_FMT "%20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s\n"
++static int vestat_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
++ struct ve_struct *curve;
++ int cpu;
++ unsigned long user_ve, nice_ve, system_ve, uptime;
++ cycles_t uptime_cycles, idle_time, strv_time, used;
++ curve = get_exec_env();
++ if (ve == ve_list_head ||
++ (!ve_is_super(curve) && ve == curve)) {
++ /* print header */
++ seq_printf(m, "%-*s\n",
++ "Version: 2.2");
++ seq_printf(m, VESTAT_HEAD_FMT, "VEID",
++ "user", "nice", "system",
++ "uptime", "idle",
++ "strv", "uptime", "used",
++ "maxlat", "totlat", "numsched");
++ }
++ if (ve == get_ve0())
++ return 0;
++ user_ve = nice_ve = system_ve = 0;
++ idle_time = strv_time = used = 0;
++ for (cpu = 0; cpu < NR_CPUS; cpu++) {
++ user_ve += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->nice;
++ nice_ve += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->nice;
++ system_ve += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->system;
++ used += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->used_time;
++ idle_time += ve_sched_get_idle_time(ve, cpu);
++ }
++ uptime_cycles = get_cycles() - ve->start_cycles;
++ uptime = jiffies - ve->start_jiffies;
++ seq_printf(m, VESTAT_LINE_FMT, ve->veid,
++ user_ve, nice_ve, system_ve,
++ uptime, idle_time,
++ strv_time, uptime_cycles, used,
++ ve->sched_lat_ve.last.maxlat,
++ ve->sched_lat_ve.last.totlat,
++ ve->sched_lat_ve.last.count);
++ return 0;
++static void *ve_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
++ struct ve_struct *ve, *curve;
++ loff_t l;
++ curve = get_exec_env();
++ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
++ if (!ve_is_super(curve)) {
++ if (*pos != 0)
++ return NULL;
++ return curve;
++ }
++ for (ve = ve_list_head, l = *pos;
++ ve != NULL && l > 0;
++ ve = ve->next, l--);
++ return ve;
++static void *ve_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
++ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return NULL;
++ (*pos)++;
++ return ve->next;
++static void ve_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
++ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
++static struct seq_operations vestat_seq_op = {
++ start: ve_seq_start,
++ next: ve_seq_next,
++ stop: ve_seq_stop,
++ show: vestat_seq_show
++static int vestat_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ return seq_open(file, &vestat_seq_op);
++static struct file_operations proc_vestat_operations = {
++ open: vestat_open,
++ read: seq_read,
++ llseek: seq_lseek,
++ release: seq_release
++static int __init init_vecalls_proc(void)
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/vestat",
++ if (de == NULL) {
++ /* create "vz" subdirectory, if not exist */
++ (void) create_proc_glob_entry("vz",
++ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/vestat",
++ }
++ if (de)
++ de->proc_fops = &proc_vestat_operations;
++ else
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "VZMON: can't make vestat proc entry\n");
++ de = create_proc_entry("vz/devperms", S_IFREG | S_IRUSR, NULL);
++ if (de)
++ de->proc_fops = &proc_devperms_ops;
++ else
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "VZMON: can't make devperms proc entry\n");
++ return 0;
++static void fini_vecalls_proc(void)
++ remove_proc_entry("vz/devperms", NULL);
++ remove_proc_entry("vz/vestat", NULL);
++#define init_vecalls_proc() (0)
++#define fini_vecalls_proc() do { } while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * User ctl
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++int vzcalls_ioctl(struct inode *, struct file *, unsigned int, unsigned long);
++static struct vzioctlinfo vzcalls = {
++ type: VZCTLTYPE,
++ func: vzcalls_ioctl,
++ owner: THIS_MODULE,
++int vzcalls_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOTTY;
++ switch(cmd) {
++ /* Compatibility issue */
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ break;
++ /* Device type was mistakenly declared as dev_t
++ * in the old user-kernel interface.
++ * That's wrong, dev_t is a kernel internal type.
++ * I use `unsigned' not having anything better in mind.
++ * 2001/08/11 SAW */
++ struct vzctl_setdevperms s;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
++ break;
++ err = real_setdevperms(s.veid, s.type,
++ new_decode_dev(, s.mask);
++ }
++ break;
++ case VZCTL_VE_NETDEV: {
++ struct vzctl_ve_netdev d;
++ char *s;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&d, (void *)arg, sizeof(d)))
++ break;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ s = kmalloc(IFNAMSIZ+1, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (s == NULL)
++ break;
++ strncpy_from_user(s, d.dev_name, IFNAMSIZ);
++ s[IFNAMSIZ] = 0;
++ err = real_ve_dev_map(d.veid, d.op, s);
++ kfree(s);
++ }
++ break;
++ struct vzctl_env_create s;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
++ break;
++ err = real_env_create(s.veid, s.flags, s.class_id,
++ NULL, 0);
++ }
++ break;
++ struct vzctl_env_create_data s;
++ struct env_create_param *data;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
++ break;
++ err=-EINVAL;
++ if (s.datalen < VZCTL_ENV_CREATE_DATA_MINLEN ||
++ == 0)
++ break;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ data = kmalloc(s.datalen, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!data)
++ break;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(data, (void *), s.datalen))
++ goto free_data;
++ err = real_env_create(s.veid, s.flags, s.class_id,
++ data, s.datalen);
++ kfree(data);
++ }
++ break;
++ struct vzctl_cpustatctl s;
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
++ break;
++ err = ve_get_cpu_stat(s.veid, s.cpustat);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ **********************************************************************
++ *
++ * Init/exit stuff
++ *
++ **********************************************************************
++ **********************************************************************/
++static int __init init_vecalls_symbols(void)
++ KSYMRESOLVE(real_get_device_perms_ve);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(real_do_env_cleanup);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(real_do_env_free);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(real_update_load_avg_ve);
++ return 0;
++static void fini_vecalls_symbols(void)
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_get_device_perms_ve);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_do_env_cleanup);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_do_env_free);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_update_load_avg_ve);
++#define init_vecalls_symbols() (0)
++#define fini_vecalls_symbols() do { } while (0)
++static inline __init int init_vecalls_ioctls(void)
++ vzioctl_register(&vzcalls);
++ return 0;
++static inline void fini_vecalls_ioctls(void)
++ vzioctl_unregister(&vzcalls);
++static int __init vecalls_init(void)
++ int err;
++ int i;
++ ve_list_head = get_ve0();
++ err = init_vzmond();
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out_vzmond;
++ err = init_devperms_hash();
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out_perms;
++ err = init_vecalls_symbols();
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out_sym;
++ err = init_vecalls_proc();
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out_proc;
++ err = init_vecalls_ioctls();
++ if (err < 0)
++ goto out_ioctls;
++ for (i = 0; i < VE_MAX_HOOKS; i++)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_hooks[i]);
++ return 0;
++ fini_vecalls_proc();
++ fini_vecalls_symbols();
++ fini_devperms_hash();
++ fini_vzmond();
++ return err;
++static void vecalls_exit(void)
++ fini_vecalls_ioctls();
++ fini_vecalls_proc();
++ fini_vecalls_symbols();
++ fini_devperms_hash();
++ fini_vzmond();
++MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Control");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
++ * kernel/veowner.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
++#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
++#include <linux/ipc.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <asm/system.h>
++#include <asm/io.h>
++#include <net/tcp.h>
++void prepare_ve0_process(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ set_virt_pid(tsk, tsk->pid);
++ set_virt_tgid(tsk, tsk->tgid);
++ if (tsk->signal) {
++ set_virt_pgid(tsk, tsk->signal->pgrp);
++ set_virt_sid(tsk, tsk->signal->session);
++ }
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->exec_env = get_ve0();
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = get_ve0();
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->sleep_time = 0;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->wakeup_stamp = 0;
++ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->sched_time = 0;
++ seqcount_init(&VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->wakeup_lock);
++ if (tsk->pid) {
++ SET_VE_LINKS(tsk);
++ atomic_inc(&get_ve0()->pcounter);
++ }
++void prepare_ve0_loopback(void)
++ get_ve0()->_loopback_dev = &loopback_dev;
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * proc entries
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ */
++static void proc_move(struct proc_dir_entry *ddir,
++ struct proc_dir_entry *sdir,
++ const char *name)
++ struct proc_dir_entry **p, *q;
++ int len;
++ len = strlen(name);
++ for (p = &sdir->subdir, q = *p; q != NULL; p = &q->next, q = *p)
++ if (proc_match(len, name, q))
++ break;
++ if (q == NULL)
++ return;
++ *p = q->next;
++ q->parent = ddir;
++ q->next = ddir->subdir;
++ ddir->subdir = q;
++static void prepare_proc_misc(void)
++ static char *table[] = {
++ "loadavg",
++ "uptime",
++ "meminfo",
++ "version",
++ "stat",
++ "filesystems",
++ "locks",
++ "swaps",
++ "mounts",
++ "cpuinfo",
++ "net",
++ "sysvipc",
++ "sys",
++ "fs",
++ "vz",
++ "user_beancounters",
++ "cmdline",
++ NULL,
++ };
++ char **p;
++ for (p = table; *p != NULL; p++)
++ proc_move(&proc_root, ve0.proc_root, *p);
++int prepare_proc(void)
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *ve_root;
++ envid = set_exec_env(&ve0);
++ ve_root = ve0.proc_root->subdir;
++ /* move the whole tree to be visible in VE0 only */
++ ve0.proc_root->subdir = proc_root.subdir;
++ for (de = ve0.proc_root->subdir; de->next != NULL; de = de->next)
++ de->parent = ve0.proc_root;
++ de->parent = ve0.proc_root;
++ de->next = ve_root;
++ /* move back into the global scope some specific entries */
++ proc_root.subdir = NULL;
++ prepare_proc_misc();
++ proc_mkdir("net", 0);
++ proc_mkdir("vz", 0);
++ proc_mkdir("sysvipc", 0);
++ proc_root_fs = proc_mkdir("fs", 0);
++ /* XXX proc_tty_init(); */
++ /* XXX process inodes */
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
++ (void)create_proc_glob_entry("vz", S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO, NULL);
++ return 0;
++static struct proc_dir_entry ve0_proc_root = {
++ .name = "/proc",
++ .namelen = 5,
++ .mode = S_IFDIR | S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO,
++ .nlink = 2
++void prepare_ve0_proc_root(void)
++ ve0.proc_root = &ve0_proc_root;
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Virtualized sysctl
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ */
++static int semmin[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
++static int semmax[4] = { 8000, INT_MAX, 1000, IPCMNI };
++static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
++ {KERN_NODENAME, "hostname", system_utsname.nodename, 64,
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_doutsstring, &sysctl_string},
++ {KERN_DOMAINNAME, "domainname", system_utsname.domainname, 64,
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_doutsstring, &sysctl_string},
++#define get_ve0_field(fname) &ve0._##fname
++ {KERN_SHMMAX, "shmmax", get_ve0_field(shm_ctlmax), sizeof (size_t),
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_doulongvec_minmax },
++ {KERN_SHMALL, "shmall", get_ve0_field(shm_ctlall), sizeof (size_t),
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_doulongvec_minmax },
++ {KERN_SHMMNI, "shmmni", get_ve0_field(shm_ctlmni), sizeof (int),
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec_minmax, NULL,
++ NULL, &semmin[0], &semmax[3] },
++ {KERN_MSGMAX, "msgmax", get_ve0_field(msg_ctlmax), sizeof (int),
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec },
++ {KERN_MSGMNI, "msgmni", get_ve0_field(msg_ctlmni), sizeof (int),
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec_minmax, NULL,
++ NULL, &semmin[0], &semmax[3] },
++ {KERN_MSGMNB, "msgmnb", get_ve0_field(msg_ctlmnb), sizeof (int),
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec },
++ {KERN_SEM, "sem", get_ve0_field(sem_ctls), 4*sizeof (int),
++ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec_minmax, NULL,
++ NULL, semmin, semmax },
++ {0}
++static ctl_table root_table[] = {
++ {CTL_KERN, "kernel", NULL, 0, 0555, kern_table},
++ {0}
++extern int ip_rt_src_check;
++extern int ve_area_access_check;
++static ctl_table ipv4_route_table[] = {
++ {
++ ctl_name: NET_IPV4_ROUTE_SRC_CHECK,
++ procname: "src_check",
++ data: &ip_rt_src_check,
++ maxlen: sizeof(int),
++ mode: 0644,
++ proc_handler: &proc_dointvec,
++ },
++ { 0 }
++static ctl_table ipv4_table[] = {
++ {NET_IPV4_ROUTE, "route", NULL, 0, 0555, ipv4_route_table},
++ { 0 }
++static ctl_table net_table[] = {
++ {NET_IPV4, "ipv4", NULL, 0, 0555, ipv4_table},
++ { 0 }
++static ctl_table fs_table[] = {
++ {
++ ctl_name: 226,
++ procname: "ve-area-access-check",
++ data: &ve_area_access_check,
++ maxlen: sizeof(int),
++ mode: 0644,
++ proc_handler: &proc_dointvec,
++ },
++ { 0 }
++static ctl_table root_table2[] = {
++ {CTL_NET, "net", NULL, 0, 0555, net_table},
++ {CTL_FS, "fs", NULL, 0, 0555, fs_table},
++ { 0 }
++int prepare_sysctl(void)
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ envid = set_exec_env(&ve0);
++ ve0.kern_header = register_sysctl_table(root_table, 1);
++ register_sysctl_table(root_table2, 0);
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
++ return 0;
++void prepare_ve0_sysctl(void)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve0.sysctl_lh);
++ ve0.proc_sys_root = proc_mkdir("sys", 0);
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * XXX init_ve_system
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ */
++extern struct ipv4_devconf *get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr(void);
++void init_ve_system(void)
++ struct task_struct *init_entry, *p, *tsk;
++ struct ve_struct *ptr;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i;
++ ptr = get_ve0();
++ (void)get_ve(ptr);
++ atomic_set(&ptr->pcounter, 1);
++ /* Don't forget about idle tasks */
++ write_lock_irqsave(&tasklist_lock, flags);
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
++ tsk = idle_task(i);
++ if (tsk == NULL)
++ continue;
++ prepare_ve0_process(tsk);
++ }
++ do_each_thread_all(p, tsk) {
++ prepare_ve0_process(tsk);
++ } while_each_thread_all(p, tsk);
++ write_unlock_irqrestore(&tasklist_lock, flags);
++ init_entry = child_reaper;
++ ptr->init_entry = init_entry;
++ /* XXX: why? */
++ cap_set_full(ptr->cap_default);
++ ptr->_ipv4_devconf = &ipv4_devconf;
++ ptr->_ipv4_devconf_dflt = get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr();
++ read_lock(&init_entry->fs->lock);
++ ptr->fs_rootmnt = init_entry->fs->rootmnt;
++ ptr->fs_root = init_entry->fs->root;
++ read_unlock(&init_entry->fs->lock);
++ /* common prepares */
++ prepare_proc();
++ prepare_sysctl();
++ prepare_ipc();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
++ * kernel/vzdev.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/vzctl.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#include <linux/vzcalluser.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <asm/pgalloc.h>
++#define VZCTL_MAJOR 126
++#define VZCTL_NAME "vzctl"
++MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Interface");
++static LIST_HEAD(ioctls);
++static spinlock_t ioctl_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++int vzctl_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg)
++ int err;
++ struct list_head *p;
++ struct vzioctlinfo *inf;
++ err = -ENOTTY;
++ spin_lock(&ioctl_lock);
++ list_for_each(p, &ioctls) {
++ inf = list_entry(p, struct vzioctlinfo, list);
++ if (inf->type != _IOC_TYPE(cmd))
++ continue;
++ err = try_module_get(inf->owner) ? 0 : -EBUSY;
++ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = (*inf->func)(ino, file, cmd, arg);
++ module_put(inf->owner);
++ }
++ return err;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
++ return err;
++void vzioctl_register(struct vzioctlinfo *inf)
++ spin_lock(&ioctl_lock);
++ list_add(&inf->list, &ioctls);
++ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
++void vzioctl_unregister(struct vzioctlinfo *inf)
++ spin_lock(&ioctl_lock);
++ list_del_init(&inf->list);
++ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
++ * Init/exit stuff.
++ */
++static struct file_operations vzctl_fops = {
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ .ioctl = vzctl_ioctl,
++static void __exit vzctl_exit(void)
++ unregister_chrdev(VZCTL_MAJOR, VZCTL_NAME);
++static int __init vzctl_init(void)
++ int ret;
++ ret = register_chrdev(VZCTL_MAJOR, VZCTL_NAME, &vzctl_fops);
++ return ret;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
++ * kernel/vzwdog.c
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
++ * All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/ctype.h>
++#include <linux/kobject.h>
++#include <linux/genhd.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/suspend.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
++#include <linux/vzstat.h>
++/* Staff regading kernel thread polling VE validity */
++static int sleep_timeout = 60;
++static pid_t wdog_thread_pid;
++static int wdog_thread_continue = 1;
++static DECLARE_COMPLETION(license_thread_exited);
++extern void show_mem(void);
++extern struct ve_struct *ve_list_head;
++#if 0
++static char page[PAGE_SIZE];
++static void parse_irq_list(int len)
++ int i, k, skip;
++ for (i = 0; i < len; ) {
++ k = i;
++ while (i < len && page[i] != '\n' && page[i] != ':')
++ i++;
++ skip = 0;
++ if (i < len && page[i] != '\n') {
++ i++; /* skip ':' */
++ while (i < len && (page[i] == ' ' || page[i] == '0'))
++ i++;
++ skip = (i < len && (page[i] < '0' || page[i] > '9'));
++ while (i < len && page[i] != '\n')
++ i++;
++ }
++ if (!skip)
++ printk("\n%.*s", i - k, page + k);
++ if (i < len)
++ i++; /* skip '\n' */
++ }
++static void show_irq_list(void)
++#if 0
++ i = KSYMSAFECALL(int, get_irq_list, (page));
++ parse_irq_list(i); /* Safe, zero was returned if unassigned */
++static void show_alloc_latency(void)
++ static const char *alloc_descr[KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR] = {
++ "A0",
++ "L0",
++ "H0",
++ "L1",
++ "H1"
++ };
++ int i;
++ printk("lat: ");
++ for (i = 0; i < KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR; i++) {
++ struct kstat_lat_struct *p;
++ cycles_t maxlat, avg0, avg1, avg2;
++ p = &kstat_glob.alloc_lat[i];
++ spin_lock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
++ maxlat = p->last.maxlat;
++ avg0 = p->avg[0];
++ avg1 = p->avg[1];
++ avg2 = p->avg[2];
++ spin_unlock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
++ printk("%s %Lu (%Lu %Lu %Lu)",
++ alloc_descr[i],
++ maxlat,
++ avg0,
++ avg1,
++ avg2);
++ }
++ printk("\n");
++static void show_schedule_latency(void)
++ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct *p;
++ cycles_t maxlat, totlat, avg0, avg1, avg2;
++ unsigned long count;
++ p = &kstat_glob.sched_lat;
++ spin_lock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
++ maxlat = p->last.maxlat;
++ totlat = p->last.totlat;
++ count = p->last.count;
++ avg0 = p->avg[0];
++ avg1 = p->avg[1];
++ avg2 = p->avg[2];
++ spin_unlock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
++ printk("sched lat: %Lu/%Lu/%lu (%Lu %Lu %Lu)\n",
++ maxlat,
++ totlat,
++ count,
++ avg0,
++ avg1,
++ avg2);
++static void show_header(void)
++ struct timeval tv;
++ do_gettimeofday(&tv);
++ printk("*** VZWDOG 1.14: time %lu.%06lu uptime %Lu CPU %d ***\n",
++ tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec,
++ get_jiffies_64(), smp_processor_id());
++ printk("*** cycles_per_jiffy %lu jiffies_per_second %u ***\n",
++ cycles_per_jiffy, HZ);
++static void show_pgdatinfo(void)
++ pg_data_t *pgdat;
++ printk("pgdat:");
++ for_each_pgdat(pgdat) {
++ printk(" %d: %lu,%lu,%lu,%p",
++ pgdat->node_id,
++ pgdat->node_start_pfn,
++ pgdat->node_present_pages,
++ pgdat->node_spanned_pages,
++ pgdat->node_mem_map);
++ }
++ printk("\n");
++extern struct subsystem *get_block_subsys(void);
++static void show_diskio(void)
++ struct gendisk *gd;
++ struct subsystem *block_subsys;
++ char buf[BDEVNAME_SIZE];
++ printk("disk_io: ");
++ block_subsys = get_block_subsys();
++ down_read(&block_subsys->rwsem);
++ list_for_each_entry(gd, &block_subsys->kset.list, kobj.entry) {
++ char *name;
++ name = disk_name(gd, 0, buf);
++ if ((strlen(name) > 4) && (strncmp(name, "loop", 4) == 0) &&
++ isdigit(name[4]))
++ continue;
++ if ((strlen(name) > 3) && (strncmp(name, "ram", 3) == 0) &&
++ isdigit(name[3]))
++ continue;
++ printk("(%u,%u) %s r(%u %u %u) w(%u %u %u)\n",
++ gd->major, gd->first_minor,
++ name,
++ disk_stat_read(gd, reads),
++ disk_stat_read(gd, read_sectors),
++ disk_stat_read(gd, read_merges),
++ disk_stat_read(gd, writes),
++ disk_stat_read(gd, write_sectors),
++ disk_stat_read(gd, write_merges));
++ }
++ up_read(&block_subsys->rwsem);
++ printk("\n");
++static void show_nrprocs(void)
++ unsigned long _nr_running, _nr_sleeping,
++ _nr_unint, _nr_zombie, _nr_dead, _nr_stopped;
++ _nr_running = nr_running();
++ _nr_unint = nr_uninterruptible();
++ _nr_sleeping = nr_sleeping();
++ _nr_zombie = nr_zombie;
++ _nr_dead = nr_dead;
++ _nr_stopped = nr_stopped();
++ printk("VEnum: %d, proc R %lu, S %lu, D %lu, "
++ "Z %lu, X %lu, T %lu (tot %d)\n",
++ nr_ve, _nr_running, _nr_sleeping, _nr_unint,
++ _nr_zombie, _nr_dead, _nr_stopped, nr_threads);
++static void wdog_print(void)
++ show_header();
++ show_irq_list();
++ show_pgdatinfo();
++ show_mem();
++ show_diskio();
++ show_schedule_latency();
++ show_alloc_latency();
++ show_nrprocs();
++static int wdog_loop(void* data)
++ struct task_struct *tsk = current;
++ DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(thread_wait_queue);
++ /*
++ * This thread doesn't need any user-level access,
++ * so get rid of all our resources
++ */
++ daemonize("wdogd");
++ spin_lock_irq(&tsk->sighand->siglock);
++ sigfillset(&tsk->blocked);
++ sigdelset(&tsk->blocked, SIGHUP);
++ recalc_sigpending();
++ spin_unlock_irq(&tsk->sighand->siglock);
++ while (wdog_thread_continue) {
++ wdog_print();
++ interruptible_sleep_on_timeout(&thread_wait_queue,
++ sleep_timeout*HZ);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
++ /* clear all signals */
++ if (signal_pending(tsk))
++ flush_signals(tsk);
++ }
++ complete_and_exit(&license_thread_exited, 0);
++static int __init wdog_init(void)
++ wdog_thread_pid = kernel_thread(wdog_loop, NULL, 0);
++ if (wdog_thread_pid < 0)
++ return wdog_thread_pid;
++ return 0;
++static void __exit wdog_exit(void)
++ wdog_thread_continue = 0;
++ if (wdog_thread_pid > 0) {
++ kill_proc(wdog_thread_pid, SIGHUP, 1);
++ wait_for_completion(&license_thread_exited);
++ }
++MODULE_PARM(sleep_timeout, "i");
++MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:18.000000000 +0300
+@@ -14,26 +14,15 @@
+ #include <linux/wait.h>
+ #include <linux/vt_kern.h>
+ void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
+ {
+ if (yes) {
+ oops_in_progress = 1;
+ } else {
+- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_VT
+ unblank_screen();
+ #endif
+ oops_in_progress = 0;
+- /*
+- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
+- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk() will give klogd
+- * and the blanked console a poke. Hold onto your hats...
+- */
+- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
+- printk(" ");
+- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
++ wake_up_klogd();
+ }
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ DEBG("huft1 ");
+ {
+ *t = (struct huft *)NULL;
+ *m = 0;
+- return 0;
++ return 2;
+ }
+ DEBG("huft2 ");
+@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ DEBG("huft5 ");
+ if ((j = *p++) != 0)
+ v[x[j]++] = i;
+ } while (++i < n);
++ n = x[g]; /* set n to length of v */
+ DEBG("h6 ");
+@@ -406,12 +407,13 @@ DEBG1("1 ");
+ DEBG1("2 ");
+ f -= a + 1; /* deduct codes from patterns left */
+ xp = c + k;
+- while (++j < z) /* try smaller tables up to z bits */
+- {
+- if ((f <<= 1) <= *++xp)
+- break; /* enough codes to use up j bits */
+- f -= *xp; /* else deduct codes from patterns */
+- }
++ if (j < z)
++ while (++j < z) /* try smaller tables up to z bits */
++ {
++ if ((f <<= 1) <= *++xp)
++ break; /* enough codes to use up j bits */
++ f -= *xp; /* else deduct codes from patterns */
++ }
+ }
+ DEBG1("3 ");
+ z = 1 << j; /* table entries for j-bit table */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_read(struct
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_read");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ if (sem->activity >= 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
+ /* granted */
+ sem->activity++;
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ goto out;
+ }
+@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_read(struct
+ list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &sem->wait_list);
+ /* we don't need to touch the semaphore struct anymore */
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ /* wait to be given the lock */
+ for (;;) {
+@@ -181,10 +181,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_read(struct
+ */
+ int fastcall __down_read_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_read_trylock");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ if (sem->activity >= 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
+ /* granted */
+@@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ int fastcall __down_read_trylock(struct
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __down_read_trylock");
+ return ret;
+@@ -209,12 +211,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_write(struc
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_write");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ if (sem->activity == 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
+ /* granted */
+ sem->activity = -1;
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ goto out;
+ }
+@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_write(struc
+ list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &sem->wait_list);
+ /* we don't need to touch the semaphore struct anymore */
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ /* wait to be given the lock */
+ for (;;) {
+@@ -250,10 +252,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_write(struc
+ */
+ int fastcall __down_write_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_write_trylock");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ if (sem->activity == 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
+ /* granted */
+@@ -261,7 +265,7 @@ int fastcall __down_write_trylock(struct
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __down_write_trylock");
+ return ret;
+@@ -272,14 +276,16 @@ int fastcall __down_write_trylock(struct
+ */
+ void fastcall __up_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __up_read");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ if (--sem->activity == 0 && !list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
+ sem = __rwsem_wake_one_writer(sem);
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __up_read");
+ }
+@@ -289,15 +295,17 @@ void fastcall __up_read(struct rw_semaph
+ */
+ void fastcall __up_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __up_write");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ sem->activity = 0;
+ if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
+ sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 1);
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __up_write");
+ }
+@@ -308,15 +316,17 @@ void fastcall __up_write(struct rw_semap
+ */
+ void fastcall __downgrade_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __downgrade_write");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ sem->activity = 1;
+ if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
+ sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 0);
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __downgrade_write");
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ rwsem_down_failed_common(struct rw_semap
+ set_task_state(tsk, TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+ /* set up my own style of waitqueue */
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ waiter->task = tsk;
+ get_task_struct(tsk);
+@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ rwsem_down_failed_common(struct rw_semap
+ if (!(count & RWSEM_ACTIVE_MASK))
+ sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 0);
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
+ /* wait to be given the lock */
+ for (;;) {
+@@ -219,15 +219,17 @@ rwsem_down_write_failed(struct rw_semaph
+ */
+ struct rw_semaphore fastcall *rwsem_wake(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering rwsem_wake");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ /* do nothing if list empty */
+ if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
+ sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 0);
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving rwsem_wake");
+@@ -241,15 +243,17 @@ struct rw_semaphore fastcall *rwsem_wake
+ */
+ struct rw_semaphore fastcall *rwsem_downgrade_wake(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering rwsem_downgrade_wake");
+- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ /* do nothing if list empty */
+ if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
+ sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 1);
+- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
+ rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving rwsem_downgrade_wake");
+ return sem;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ obj-y := bootmem.o filemap.o mempool.o
+ $(mmu-y)
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SWAP) += page_io.o swap_state.o swapfile.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_X86_4G) += usercopy.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_HUGETLBFS) += hugetlb.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NUMA) += mempolicy.o
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -127,20 +127,6 @@ void remove_from_page_cache(struct page
+ spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
+ }
+-static inline int sync_page(struct page *page)
+- struct address_space *mapping;
+- /*
+- * FIXME, fercrissake. What is this barrier here for?
+- */
+- smp_mb();
+- mapping = page_mapping(page);
+- if (mapping && mapping->a_ops && mapping->a_ops->sync_page)
+- return mapping->a_ops->sync_page(page);
+- return 0;
+ /**
+ * filemap_fdatawrite - start writeback against all of a mapping's dirty pages
+ * @mapping: address space structure to write
+@@ -828,6 +814,8 @@ int file_read_actor(read_descriptor_t *d
+ if (size > count)
+ size = count;
++ left = size;
+ /*
+ * Faults on the destination of a read are common, so do it before
+ * taking the kmap.
+@@ -836,20 +824,21 @@ int file_read_actor(read_descriptor_t *d
+ kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
+ left = __copy_to_user(desc->arg.buf, kaddr + offset, size);
+ kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
+- if (left == 0)
+- goto success;
+ }
+- /* Do it the slow way */
+- kaddr = kmap(page);
+- left = __copy_to_user(desc->arg.buf, kaddr + offset, size);
+- kunmap(page);
+- if (left) {
+- size -= left;
+- desc->error = -EFAULT;
++ if (left != 0) {
++ /* Do it the slow way */
++ kaddr = kmap(page);
++ left = __copy_to_user(desc->arg.buf, kaddr + offset, size);
++ kunmap(page);
++ if (left) {
++ size -= left;
++ desc->error = -EFAULT;
++ }
+ }
+ desc->count = count - size;
+ desc->written += size;
+ desc->arg.buf += size;
+@@ -1629,9 +1618,13 @@ filemap_copy_from_user(struct page *page
+ char *kaddr;
+ int left;
+ kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
+ left = __copy_from_user(kaddr + offset, buf, bytes);
+ kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
++ left = bytes;
+ if (left != 0) {
+ /* Do it the slow way */
+@@ -1682,10 +1675,14 @@ filemap_copy_from_user_iovec(struct page
+ char *kaddr;
+ size_t copied;
+ kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
+ copied = __filemap_copy_from_user_iovec(kaddr + offset, iov,
+ base, bytes);
+ kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
++ copied = 0;
+ if (copied != bytes) {
+ kaddr = kmap(page);
+ copied = __filemap_copy_from_user_iovec(kaddr + offset, iov,
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
+ #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ static inline void zap_pte(struct mm_struct *mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+ unsigned long addr, pte_t *ptep)
+ {
+@@ -37,8 +39,11 @@ static inline void zap_pte(struct mm_str
+ if (pte_dirty(pte))
+ set_page_dirty(page);
+ page_remove_rmap(page);
++ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(mm));
+ page_cache_release(page);
+ mm->rss--;
++ vma->vm_rss--;
++ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+@@ -62,7 +67,10 @@ int install_page(struct mm_struct *mm, s
+ pgd_t *pgd;
+ pmd_t *pmd;
+ pte_t pte_val;
++ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
++ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
++ goto err_pb;
+ pgd = pgd_offset(mm, addr);
+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+@@ -87,6 +95,9 @@ int install_page(struct mm_struct *mm, s
+ zap_pte(mm, vma, addr, pte);
+ mm->rss++;
++ vma->vm_rss++;
++ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
+ flush_icache_page(vma, page);
+ set_pte(pte, mk_pte(page, prot));
+ page_add_file_rmap(page);
+@@ -97,6 +108,8 @@ int install_page(struct mm_struct *mm, s
+ err = 0;
+ err_unlock:
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ pb_free(&pbc);
+ return err;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(install_page);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
+ #include <linux/swapops.h>
+ #include <linux/elf.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ /* use the per-pgdat data instead for discontigmem - mbligh */
+ unsigned long max_mapnr;
+@@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ static inline void free_one_pmd(struct m
+ pte_free_tlb(tlb, page);
+ }
+-static inline void free_one_pgd(struct mmu_gather *tlb, pgd_t * dir)
++static inline void free_one_pgd(struct mmu_gather *tlb, pgd_t * dir,
++ int pgd_idx)
+ {
+ int j;
+ pmd_t * pmd;
+@@ -131,8 +135,11 @@ static inline void free_one_pgd(struct m
+ }
+ pmd = pmd_offset(dir, 0);
+ pgd_clear(dir);
+- for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD ; j++)
++ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD ; j++) {
++ if (pgd_idx * PGDIR_SIZE + j * PMD_SIZE >= TASK_SIZE)
++ break;
+ free_one_pmd(tlb, pmd+j);
++ }
+ pmd_free_tlb(tlb, pmd);
+ }
+@@ -145,11 +152,13 @@ static inline void free_one_pgd(struct m
+ void clear_page_tables(struct mmu_gather *tlb, unsigned long first, int nr)
+ {
+ pgd_t * page_dir = tlb->mm->pgd;
++ int pgd_idx = first;
+ page_dir += first;
+ do {
+- free_one_pgd(tlb, page_dir);
++ free_one_pgd(tlb, page_dir, pgd_idx);
+ page_dir++;
++ pgd_idx++;
+ } while (--nr);
+ }
+@@ -205,6 +214,8 @@ out:
+ }
+ #define PTE_TABLE_MASK ((PTRS_PER_PTE-1) * sizeof(pte_t))
+ #define PMD_TABLE_MASK ((PTRS_PER_PMD-1) * sizeof(pmd_t))
++#define pb_list_size(addr) \
++ (PTRS_PER_PTE - ((addr >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1)))
+ /*
+ * copy one vm_area from one task to the other. Assumes the page tables
+@@ -217,13 +228,15 @@ out:
+ * dst->page_table_lock is held on entry and exit,
+ * but may be dropped within pmd_alloc() and pte_alloc_map().
+ */
+-int copy_page_range(struct mm_struct *dst, struct mm_struct *src,
+- struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++int __copy_page_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct mm_struct *src,
++ unsigned long address, size_t size)
+ {
++ struct mm_struct *dst = vma->vm_mm;
+ pgd_t * src_pgd, * dst_pgd;
+- unsigned long address = vma->vm_start;
+- unsigned long end = vma->vm_end;
++ unsigned long end = address + size;
+ unsigned long cow;
++ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
++ int need_pbc;
+ if (is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma))
+ return copy_hugetlb_page_range(dst, src, vma);
+@@ -231,6 +244,8 @@ int copy_page_range(struct mm_struct *ds
+ cow = (vma->vm_flags & (VM_SHARED | VM_MAYWRITE)) == VM_MAYWRITE;
+ src_pgd = pgd_offset(src, address)-1;
+ dst_pgd = pgd_offset(dst, address)-1;
++ pbc = NULL;
++ need_pbc = (mm_ub(dst) != mm_ub(src));
+ for (;;) {
+ pmd_t * src_pmd, * dst_pmd;
+@@ -272,6 +287,10 @@ skip_copy_pte_range:
+ goto cont_copy_pmd_range;
+ }
++ if (need_pbc &&
++ pb_alloc_list(&pbc, pb_list_size(address), dst))
++ goto nomem;
+ dst_pte = pte_alloc_map(dst, dst_pmd, address);
+ if (!dst_pte)
+ goto nomem;
+@@ -326,6 +345,9 @@ skip_copy_pte_range:
+ pte = pte_mkold(pte);
+ get_page(page);
+ dst->rss++;
++ vma->vm_rss++;
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(dst), 1, vma);
++ pb_add_list_ref(page, mm_ub(dst), &pbc);
+ set_pte(dst_pte, pte);
+ page_dup_rmap(page);
+ cont_copy_pte_range_noset:
+@@ -350,11 +372,21 @@ cont_copy_pmd_range:
+ out_unlock:
+ spin_unlock(&src->page_table_lock);
+ out:
++ pb_free_list(&pbc);
+ return 0;
+ nomem:
++ pb_free_list(&pbc);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
++int copy_page_range(struct mm_struct *dst, struct mm_struct *src,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ if (vma->vm_mm != dst)
++ BUG();
++ return __copy_page_range(vma, src, vma->vm_start, vma->vm_end-vma->vm_start);
+ static void zap_pte_range(struct mmu_gather *tlb,
+ pmd_t *pmd, unsigned long address,
+ unsigned long size, struct zap_details *details)
+@@ -420,6 +452,7 @@ static void zap_pte_range(struct mmu_gat
+ mark_page_accessed(page);
+ tlb->freed++;
+ page_remove_rmap(page);
++ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(tlb->mm));
+ tlb_remove_page(tlb, page);
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -441,7 +474,7 @@ static void zap_pmd_range(struct mmu_gat
+ unsigned long size, struct zap_details *details)
+ {
+ pmd_t * pmd;
+- unsigned long end;
++ unsigned long end, pgd_boundary;
+ if (pgd_none(*dir))
+ return;
+@@ -452,8 +485,9 @@ static void zap_pmd_range(struct mmu_gat
+ }
+ pmd = pmd_offset(dir, address);
+ end = address + size;
+- if (end > ((address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK))
+- end = ((address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK);
++ pgd_boundary = ((address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK);
++ if (pgd_boundary && (end > pgd_boundary))
++ end = pgd_boundary;
+ do {
+ zap_pte_range(tlb, pmd, address, end - address, details);
+ address = (address + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
+@@ -461,20 +495,63 @@ static void zap_pmd_range(struct mmu_gat
+ } while (address && (address < end));
+ }
++static void warn_bad_zap(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long freed)
++ static struct ub_rate_info ri = {
++ .burst = 10,
++ .interval = 40 * HZ,
++ };
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ char ubuid[64] = "No UB";
++ if (!ub_ratelimit(&ri))
++ return;
++ ub = mm_ub(vma->vm_mm);
++ if (ub)
++ print_ub_uid(ub, ubuid, sizeof(ubuid));
++ const char ubuid[] = "0";
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "%s vm_rss: process pid %d comm %.20s flags %lx, "
++ "vma %p %08lx-%08lx %p rss %lu freed %lu\n flags %lx, "
++ "ub %s\n",
++ vma->vm_rss > freed ? "Positive" : "Negative",
++ current->pid, current->comm, current->flags,
++ vma, vma->vm_start, vma->vm_end, vma->vm_file,
++ vma->vm_rss, freed, vma->vm_flags, ubuid);
++ dump_stack();
+ static void unmap_page_range(struct mmu_gather *tlb,
+ struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address,
+ unsigned long end, struct zap_details *details)
+ {
++ unsigned long freed;
+ pgd_t * dir;
+ BUG_ON(address >= end);
+ dir = pgd_offset(vma->vm_mm, address);
+ tlb_start_vma(tlb, vma);
++ freed = tlb->freed;
+ do {
+ zap_pmd_range(tlb, dir, address, end - address, details);
+ address = (address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
+ dir++;
+ } while (address && (address < end));
++ freed = tlb->freed - freed;
++ if (freed) {
++ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(tlb->mm), freed, vma);
++ if (vma->vm_rss < freed) {
++ warn_bad_zap(vma, freed);
++ freed = vma->vm_rss;
++ }
++ vma->vm_rss -= freed;
++ }
+ tlb_end_vma(tlb, vma);
+ }
+@@ -596,6 +673,7 @@ void zap_page_range(struct vm_area_struc
+ unsigned long nr_accounted = 0;
+ if (is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma)) {
++ /* ub acct is performed in unmap_hugepage_range */
+ zap_hugepage_range(vma, address, size);
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -604,6 +682,8 @@ void zap_page_range(struct vm_area_struc
+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ tlb = tlb_gather_mmu(mm, 0);
+ unmap_vmas(&tlb, mm, vma, address, end, &nr_accounted, details);
++ if (vma->vm_rss && address == vma->vm_start && end == vma->vm_end)
++ warn_bad_zap(vma, 0);
+ tlb_finish_mmu(tlb, address, end);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ }
+@@ -612,21 +692,98 @@ void zap_page_range(struct vm_area_struc
+ * Do a quick page-table lookup for a single page.
+ * mm->page_table_lock must be held.
+ */
+-struct page *
+-follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address, int write)
++static struct page *
++pgd_follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, pgd_t *pgd, unsigned long address,
++ int write)
+ {
+- pgd_t *pgd;
+ pmd_t *pmd;
+ pte_t *ptep, pte;
+ unsigned long pfn;
+ struct page *page;
++ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
++ if (pmd_none(*pmd))
++ goto out;
++ if (pmd_huge(*pmd))
++ return follow_huge_pmd(mm, address, pmd, write);
++ if (unlikely(pmd_bad(*pmd)))
++ goto out;
++ ptep = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
++ if (!ptep)
++ goto out;
++ pte = *ptep;
++ pte_unmap(ptep);
++ if (pte_present(pte)) {
++ if (write && !pte_write(pte))
++ goto out;
++ pfn = pte_pfn(pte);
++ if (pfn_valid(pfn)) {
++ page = pfn_to_page(pfn);
++ if (write && !pte_dirty(pte) && !PageDirty(page))
++ set_page_dirty(page);
++ mark_page_accessed(page);
++ return page;
++ }
++ }
++ return NULL;
++struct page *
++follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address, int write)
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ struct page *page;
+ page = follow_huge_addr(mm, address, write);
+ if (! IS_ERR(page))
+ return page;
+ pgd = pgd_offset(mm, address);
+ if (pgd_none(*pgd) || unlikely(pgd_bad(*pgd)))
++ return NULL;
++ return pgd_follow_page(mm, pgd, address, write);
++struct page *
++follow_page_k(unsigned long address, int write)
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ struct page *page;
++ page = follow_huge_addr(mm, address, write);
++ if (! IS_ERR(page))
++ return page;
++ pgd = pgd_offset_k(address);
++ if (pgd_none(*pgd) || unlikely(pgd_bad(*pgd)))
++ return NULL;
++ return pgd_follow_page(&init_mm, pgd, address, write);
++struct page *
++follow_page_pte(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address, int write,
++ pte_t *page_pte)
++ pgd_t *pgd;
++ pmd_t *pmd;
++ pte_t *ptep, pte;
++ unsigned long pfn;
++ struct page *page;
++ memset(page_pte, 0, sizeof(*page_pte));
++ page = follow_huge_addr(mm, address, write);
++ if (!IS_ERR(page))
++ return page;
++ pgd = pgd_offset(mm, address);
++ if (pgd_none(*pgd) || pgd_bad(*pgd))
+ goto out;
+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
+@@ -634,7 +791,7 @@ follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsign
+ goto out;
+ if (pmd_huge(*pmd))
+ return follow_huge_pmd(mm, address, pmd, write);
+- if (unlikely(pmd_bad(*pmd)))
++ if (pmd_bad(*pmd))
+ goto out;
+ ptep = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
+@@ -643,16 +800,23 @@ follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsign
+ pte = *ptep;
+ pte_unmap(ptep);
+- if (pte_present(pte)) {
++ if (pte_present(pte) && pte_read(pte)) {
+ if (write && !pte_write(pte))
+ goto out;
++ if (write && !pte_dirty(pte)) {
++ struct page *page = pte_page(pte);
++ if (!PageDirty(page))
++ set_page_dirty(page);
++ }
+ pfn = pte_pfn(pte);
+ if (pfn_valid(pfn)) {
+- page = pfn_to_page(pfn);
+- if (write && !pte_dirty(pte) && !PageDirty(page))
+- set_page_dirty(page);
++ struct page *page = pfn_to_page(pfn);
+ mark_page_accessed(page);
+ return page;
++ } else {
++ *page_pte = pte;
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -660,6 +824,7 @@ out:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Given a physical address, is there a useful struct page pointing to
+ * it? This may become more complex in the future if we start dealing
+@@ -674,6 +839,7 @@ static inline struct page *get_page_map(
+ }
++#ifndef CONFIG_X86_4G
+ static inline int
+ untouched_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct* mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+ unsigned long address)
+@@ -698,6 +864,7 @@ untouched_anonymous_page(struct mm_struc
+ /* There is a pte slot for 'address' in 'mm'. */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int get_user_pages(struct task_struct *tsk, struct mm_struct *mm,
+@@ -727,16 +894,16 @@ int get_user_pages(struct task_struct *t
+ pte_t *pte;
+ if (write) /* user gate pages are read-only */
+ return i ? : -EFAULT;
+- pgd = pgd_offset_gate(mm, pg);
+- if (!pgd)
+- return i ? : -EFAULT;
++ if (pg > TASK_SIZE)
++ pgd = pgd_offset_k(pg);
++ else
++ pgd = pgd_offset_gate(mm, pg);
++ BUG_ON(pgd_none(*pgd));
+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, pg);
+- if (!pmd)
++ if (pmd_none(*pmd))
+ return i ? : -EFAULT;
+ pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, pg);
+- if (!pte)
+- return i ? : -EFAULT;
+- if (!pte_present(*pte)) {
++ if (pte_none(*pte)) {
+ pte_unmap(pte);
+ return i ? : -EFAULT;
+ }
+@@ -773,12 +940,21 @@ int get_user_pages(struct task_struct *t
+ * insanly big anonymously mapped areas that
+ * nobody touched so far. This is important
+ * for doing a core dump for these mappings.
++ *
++ * disable this for 4:4 - it prevents
++ * follow_page() from ever seeing these pages.
++ *
++ * (The 'fix' is dubious anyway, there's
++ * nothing that this code avoids which couldnt
++ * be triggered from userspace anyway.)
+ */
++#ifndef CONFIG_X86_4G
+ if (!lookup_write &&
+ untouched_anonymous_page(mm,vma,start)) {
+ map = ZERO_PAGE(start);
+ break;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ switch (handle_mm_fault(mm,vma,start,write)) {
+@@ -968,6 +1144,15 @@ int remap_page_range(struct vm_area_stru
+ if (from >= end)
+ BUG();
++ /*
++ * Physically remapped pages are special. Tell the
++ * rest of the world about it:
++ * VM_IO tells people not to look at these pages
++ * (accesses can have side effects).
++ * VM_RESERVED tells swapout not to try to touch
++ * this region.
++ */
++ vma->vm_flags |= VM_IO | VM_RESERVED;
+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ do {
+ pmd_t *pmd = pmd_alloc(mm, dir, from);
+@@ -1042,6 +1227,7 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
+ unsigned long address, pte_t *page_table, pmd_t *pmd, pte_t pte)
+ {
+ struct page *old_page, *new_page;
++ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
+ unsigned long pfn = pte_pfn(pte);
+ pte_t entry;
+@@ -1082,6 +1268,9 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
+ page_cache_get(old_page);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
++ goto out;
+ if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
+ goto no_new_page;
+ new_page = alloc_page_vma(GFP_HIGHUSER, vma, address);
+@@ -1095,10 +1284,16 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ page_table = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
+ if (likely(pte_same(*page_table, pte))) {
+- if (PageReserved(old_page))
++ if (PageReserved(old_page)) {
+ ++mm->rss;
+- else
++ ++vma->vm_rss;
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
++ } else {
+ page_remove_rmap(old_page);
++ pb_remove_ref(old_page, mm_ub(mm));
++ }
++ pb_add_ref(new_page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
+ break_cow(vma, new_page, address, page_table);
+ lru_cache_add_active(new_page);
+ page_add_anon_rmap(new_page, vma, address);
+@@ -1113,6 +1308,8 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
+ return VM_FAULT_MINOR;
+ no_new_page:
++ pb_free(&pbc);
+ page_cache_release(old_page);
+ return VM_FAULT_OOM;
+ }
+@@ -1322,12 +1519,21 @@ static int do_swap_page(struct mm_struct
+ pte_t *page_table, pmd_t *pmd, pte_t orig_pte, int write_access)
+ {
+ struct page *page;
++ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
+ swp_entry_t entry = pte_to_swp_entry(orig_pte);
+ pte_t pte;
+- int ret = VM_FAULT_MINOR;
++ int ret;
++ cycles_t start;
+ pte_unmap(page_table);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ start = get_cycles();
++ pbc = NULL;
++ ret = VM_FAULT_OOM;
++ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
++ goto out_nopbc;
++ ret = VM_FAULT_MINOR;
+ page = lookup_swap_cache(entry);
+ if (!page) {
+ swapin_readahead(entry, address, vma);
+@@ -1363,21 +1569,25 @@ static int do_swap_page(struct mm_struct
+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ page_table = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
+ if (unlikely(!pte_same(*page_table, orig_pte))) {
+- pte_unmap(page_table);
+- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+- unlock_page(page);
+- page_cache_release(page);
+- goto out;
++ goto out_nomap;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(!PageUptodate(page))) {
++ goto out_nomap;
+ }
+ /* The page isn't present yet, go ahead with the fault. */
+ swap_free(entry);
+- if (vm_swap_full())
+- remove_exclusive_swap_page(page);
++ try_to_remove_exclusive_swap_page(page);
+ mm->rss++;
++ vma->vm_rss++;
++ mm_ub(mm)->ub_perfstat[smp_processor_id()].swapin++;
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
++ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
+ pte = mk_pte(page, vma->vm_page_prot);
+ if (write_access && can_share_swap_page(page)) {
+ pte = maybe_mkwrite(pte_mkdirty(pte), vma);
+@@ -1401,7 +1611,19 @@ static int do_swap_page(struct mm_struct
+ pte_unmap(page_table);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ out:
++ pb_free(&pbc);
++ spin_lock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
++ KSTAT_LAT_ADD(&kstat_glob.swap_in, get_cycles() - start);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
+ return ret;
++ pte_unmap(page_table);
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ unlock_page(page);
++ page_cache_release(page);
++ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1416,16 +1638,20 @@ do_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct *mm,
+ {
+ pte_t entry;
+ struct page * page = ZERO_PAGE(addr);
++ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
+ /* Read-only mapping of ZERO_PAGE. */
+ entry = pte_wrprotect(mk_pte(ZERO_PAGE(addr), vma->vm_page_prot));
+ /* ..except if it's a write access */
++ pbc = NULL;
+ if (write_access) {
+ /* Allocate our own private page. */
+ pte_unmap(page_table);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
++ goto no_mem;
+ if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
+ goto no_mem;
+ page = alloc_page_vma(GFP_HIGHUSER, vma, addr);
+@@ -1443,6 +1669,9 @@ do_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct *mm,
+ goto out;
+ }
+ mm->rss++;
++ vma->vm_rss++;
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
++ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
+ entry = maybe_mkwrite(pte_mkdirty(mk_pte(page,
+ vma->vm_page_prot)),
+ vma);
+@@ -1458,8 +1687,10 @@ do_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct *mm,
+ update_mmu_cache(vma, addr, entry);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ out:
++ pb_free(&pbc);
+ return VM_FAULT_MINOR;
+ no_mem:
++ pb_free(&pbc);
+ return VM_FAULT_OOM;
+ }
+@@ -1480,6 +1711,7 @@ do_no_page(struct mm_struct *mm, struct
+ unsigned long address, int write_access, pte_t *page_table, pmd_t *pmd)
+ {
+ struct page * new_page;
++ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
+ struct address_space *mapping = NULL;
+ pte_t entry;
+ int sequence = 0;
+@@ -1492,6 +1724,9 @@ do_no_page(struct mm_struct *mm, struct
+ pte_unmap(page_table);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
++ return VM_FAULT_OOM;
+ if (vma->vm_file) {
+ mapping = vma->vm_file->f_mapping;
+ sequence = atomic_read(&mapping->truncate_count);
+@@ -1501,10 +1736,14 @@ retry:
+ new_page = vma->vm_ops->nopage(vma, address & PAGE_MASK, &ret);
+ /* no page was available -- either SIGBUS or OOM */
+- if (new_page == NOPAGE_SIGBUS)
++ if (new_page == NOPAGE_SIGBUS) {
++ pb_free(&pbc);
+- if (new_page == NOPAGE_OOM)
++ }
++ if (new_page == NOPAGE_OOM) {
++ pb_free(&pbc);
+ return VM_FAULT_OOM;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Should we do an early C-O-W break?
+@@ -1550,8 +1789,12 @@ retry:
+ */
+ /* Only go through if we didn't race with anybody else... */
+ if (pte_none(*page_table)) {
+- if (!PageReserved(new_page))
++ if (!PageReserved(new_page)) {
+ ++mm->rss;
++ ++vma->vm_rss;
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
++ pb_add_ref(new_page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
++ }
+ flush_icache_page(vma, new_page);
+ entry = mk_pte(new_page, vma->vm_page_prot);
+ if (write_access)
+@@ -1575,6 +1818,7 @@ retry:
+ update_mmu_cache(vma, address, entry);
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ out:
++ pb_free(&pbc);
+ return ret;
+ oom:
+ page_cache_release(new_page);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_set_mempolicy(int mo
+ struct mempolicy *new;
+- if (mode > MPOL_MAX)
++ if (mode < 0 || mode > MPOL_MAX)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ err = get_nodes(nodes, nmask, maxnode, mode);
+ if (err)
+@@ -508,9 +508,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_get_mempolicy(int __
+ } else
+ pval = pol->policy;
+- err = -EFAULT;
++ if (vma) {
++ up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
++ vma = NULL;
++ }
+ if (policy && put_user(pval, policy))
+- goto out;
++ return -EFAULT;
+ err = 0;
+ if (nmask) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/mempool.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ mempool_t * mempool_create(int min_nr, m
+ pool->alloc = alloc_fn;
+ pool->free = free_fn;
++ if (alloc_fn == mempool_alloc_slab)
++ kmem_mark_nocharge((kmem_cache_t *)pool_data);
+ /*
+ * First pre-allocate the guaranteed number of buffers.
+ */
+@@ -112,6 +116,7 @@ int mempool_resize(mempool_t *pool, int
+ unsigned long flags;
+ BUG_ON(new_min_nr <= 0);
++ gfp_mask &= ~__GFP_UBC;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pool->lock, flags);
+ if (new_min_nr < pool->min_nr) {
+@@ -194,6 +199,9 @@ void * mempool_alloc(mempool_t *pool, in
+ DEFINE_WAIT(wait);
+ int gfp_nowait = gfp_mask & ~(__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO);
++ gfp_mask &= ~__GFP_UBC;
++ gfp_nowait &= ~__GFP_UBC;
+ repeat_alloc:
+ element = pool->alloc(gfp_nowait|__GFP_NOWARN, pool->pool_data);
+ if (likely(element != NULL))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
+ #include <linux/mman.h>
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ static int mlock_fixup(struct vm_area_struct * vma,
+ unsigned long start, unsigned long end, unsigned int newflags)
+@@ -19,17 +21,23 @@ static int mlock_fixup(struct vm_area_st
+ if (newflags == vma->vm_flags)
+ goto out;
++ if (newflags & VM_LOCKED) {
++ ret = ub_locked_mem_charge(mm_ub(mm), end - start);
++ if (ret < 0)
++ goto out;
++ }
+ if (start != vma->vm_start) {
+ if (split_vma(mm, vma, start, 1)) {
+ ret = -EAGAIN;
+- goto out;
++ goto out_uncharge;
+ }
+ }
+ if (end != vma->vm_end) {
+ if (split_vma(mm, vma, end, 0)) {
+ ret = -EAGAIN;
+- goto out;
++ goto out_uncharge;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -47,9 +55,17 @@ static int mlock_fixup(struct vm_area_st
+ if (newflags & VM_LOCKED) {
+ pages = -pages;
+ ret = make_pages_present(start, end);
++ } else {
++ /* uncharge this memory, since it was unlocked */
++ ub_locked_mem_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), end - start);
+ }
+ vma->vm_mm->locked_vm -= pages;
++ return ret;
++ if (newflags & VM_LOCKED)
++ ub_locked_mem_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), end - start);
+ out:
+ return ret;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
+ #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
+ #include <asm/tlb.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ /*
+ * WARNING: the debugging will use recursive algorithms so never enable this
+ * unless you know what you are doing.
+@@ -90,6 +92,8 @@ static void remove_vm_struct(struct vm_a
+ {
+ struct file *file = vma->vm_file;
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start,
++ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file);
+ if (file) {
+ struct address_space *mapping = file->f_mapping;
+ spin_lock(&mapping->i_mmap_lock);
+@@ -105,6 +109,7 @@ static void remove_vm_struct(struct vm_a
+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
+ }
++static unsigned long __do_brk(unsigned long, unsigned long, int);
+ /*
+ * sys_brk() for the most part doesn't need the global kernel
+ * lock, except when an application is doing something nasty
+@@ -144,7 +149,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned long sys_brk(unsigne
+ goto out;
+ /* Ok, looks good - let it rip. */
+- if (do_brk(oldbrk, newbrk-oldbrk) != oldbrk)
++ if (__do_brk(oldbrk, newbrk-oldbrk, UB_HARD) != oldbrk)
+ goto out;
+ set_brk:
+ mm->brk = brk;
+@@ -607,6 +612,7 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
+ {
+ pgoff_t pglen = (end - addr) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ struct vm_area_struct *area, *next;
++ unsigned long extra_rss;
+ /*
+ * We later require that vma->vm_flags == vm_flags,
+@@ -620,8 +626,12 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
+ else
+ next = mm->mmap;
+ area = next;
+- if (next && next->vm_end == end) /* cases 6, 7, 8 */
++ extra_rss = 0;
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ if (next && next->vm_end == end) { /* cases 6, 7, 8 */
+ next = next->vm_next;
++ extra_rss = area->vm_rss; /* asterix below */
++ }
+ /*
+ * Can it merge with the predecessor?
+@@ -640,11 +650,28 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
+ is_mergeable_anon_vma(prev->anon_vma,
+ next->anon_vma)) {
+ /* cases 1, 6 */
++ /* case 1 : prev->vm_rss += next->vm_rss
++ * case 6*: prev->vm_rss += area->vm_rss + next->vm_rss
++ */
++ prev->vm_rss += next->vm_rss + extra_rss;
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ vma_adjust(prev, prev->vm_start,
+ next->vm_end, prev->vm_pgoff, NULL);
+- } else /* cases 2, 5, 7 */
++ } else { /* cases 2, 5, 7 */
++ /* case 2 : nothing
++ * case 5 : prev->vm_rss += pages_in(addr, end)
++ * next->vm_rss -= pages_in(addr, end)
++ * case 7*: prev->vm_rss += area->vm_rss
++ */
++ if (next && addr == next->vm_start) { /* case 5 */
++ extra_rss = pages_in_vma_range(prev, addr, end);
++ next->vm_rss -= extra_rss;
++ }
++ prev->vm_rss += extra_rss;
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ vma_adjust(prev, prev->vm_start,
+ end, prev->vm_pgoff, NULL);
++ }
+ return prev;
+ }
+@@ -655,15 +682,29 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
+ mpol_equal(policy, vma_policy(next)) &&
+ can_vma_merge_before(next, vm_flags,
+ anon_vma, file, pgoff+pglen)) {
+- if (prev && addr < prev->vm_end) /* case 4 */
++ if (prev && addr < prev->vm_end) { /* case 4 */
++ /* case 4 : prev->vm_rss -= pages_in(addr, end)
++ * next->vm_rss += pages_in(addr, end)
++ */
++ extra_rss = pages_in_vma_range(prev, addr, end);
++ prev->vm_rss -= extra_rss;
++ next->vm_rss += extra_rss;
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ vma_adjust(prev, prev->vm_start,
+ addr, prev->vm_pgoff, NULL);
+- else /* cases 3, 8 */
++ } else { /* cases 3, 8 */
++ /* case 3 : nothing
++ * case 8*: next->vm_rss += area->vm_rss
++ */
++ next->vm_rss += extra_rss;
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ vma_adjust(area, addr, next->vm_end,
+ next->vm_pgoff - pglen, NULL);
++ }
+ return area;
+ }
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -785,6 +826,12 @@ unsigned long do_mmap_pgoff(struct file
+ if (mm->map_count > sysctl_max_map_count)
+ return -ENOMEM;
++ if (file && (prot & PROT_EXEC)) {
++ error = check_area_execute_ve(file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt);
++ if (error)
++ return error;
++ }
+ /* Obtain the address to map to. we verify (or select) it and ensure
+ * that it represents a valid section of the address space.
+ */
+@@ -897,6 +944,11 @@ munmap_back:
+ }
+ }
++ error = -ENOMEM;
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), len, vm_flags, file,
++ (flags & MAP_EXECPRIO ? UB_SOFT : UB_HARD)))
++ goto uncharge_error;
+ /*
+ * Can we just expand an old private anonymous mapping?
+ * The VM_SHARED test is necessary because shmem_zero_setup
+@@ -912,7 +964,8 @@ munmap_back:
+ * specific mapper. the address has already been validated, but
+ * not unmapped, but the maps are removed from the list.
+ */
+- vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL |
++ (flags & MAP_EXECPRIO ? __GFP_SOFT_UBC : 0));
+ if (!vma) {
+ error = -ENOMEM;
+ goto unacct_error;
+@@ -923,6 +976,7 @@ munmap_back:
+ vma->vm_start = addr;
+ vma->vm_end = addr + len;
+ vma->vm_flags = vm_flags;
++ vma->vm_rss = 0;
+ vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[vm_flags & 0x0f];
+ vma->vm_pgoff = pgoff;
+@@ -1001,6 +1055,8 @@ unmap_and_free_vma:
+ free_vma:
+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
+ unacct_error:
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), len, vm_flags, file);
+ if (charged)
+ vm_unacct_memory(charged);
+ return error;
+@@ -1210,15 +1266,28 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
+ address &= PAGE_MASK;
+ grow = (address - vma->vm_end) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ /* Somebody else might have raced and expanded it already */
++ if (address <= vma->vm_end)
++ goto raced;
+ /* Overcommit.. */
+ if (security_vm_enough_memory(grow)) {
+ anon_vma_unlock(vma);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
++ if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED) &&
++ ((vma->vm_mm->locked_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
++ current->rlim[RLIMIT_MEMLOCK].rlim_cur)
++ goto nomem;
+ if (address - vma->vm_start > current->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur ||
+ ((vma->vm_mm->total_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
+- current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur) {
++ current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur ||
++ ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm),
++ address - vma->vm_end,
++ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file, UB_SOFT)) {
+ anon_vma_unlock(vma);
+ vm_unacct_memory(grow);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -1227,6 +1296,7 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
+ vma->vm_mm->total_vm += grow;
+ if (vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
+ vma->vm_mm->locked_vm += grow;
+ anon_vma_unlock(vma);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1271,15 +1341,28 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
+ address &= PAGE_MASK;
+ grow = (vma->vm_start - address) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ /* Somebody else might have raced and expanded it already */
++ if (address >= vma->vm_start)
++ goto raced;
+ /* Overcommit.. */
+ if (security_vm_enough_memory(grow)) {
+ anon_vma_unlock(vma);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
++ if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED) &&
++ ((vma->vm_mm->locked_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
++ current->rlim[RLIMIT_MEMLOCK].rlim_cur)
++ goto nomem;
+ if (vma->vm_end - address > current->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur ||
+ ((vma->vm_mm->total_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
+- current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur) {
++ current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur ||
++ ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm),
++ vma->vm_start - address,
++ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file, UB_SOFT)) {
+ anon_vma_unlock(vma);
+ vm_unacct_memory(grow);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -1289,6 +1372,7 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
+ vma->vm_mm->total_vm += grow;
+ if (vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
+ vma->vm_mm->locked_vm += grow;
+ anon_vma_unlock(vma);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1517,6 +1601,11 @@ int split_vma(struct mm_struct * mm, str
+ else
+ vma_adjust(vma, vma->vm_start, addr, vma->vm_pgoff, new);
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ new->vm_rss = pages_in_vma(new);
++ vma->vm_rss = pages_in_vma(vma);
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1611,7 +1700,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_munmap(unsigned long
+ * anonymous maps. eventually we may be able to do some
+ * brk-specific accounting here.
+ */
+-unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len)
++static unsigned long __do_brk(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len, int lowpri)
+ {
+ struct mm_struct * mm = current->mm;
+ struct vm_area_struct * vma, * prev;
+@@ -1637,6 +1726,12 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
+ }
+ /*
++ * mm->mmap_sem is required to protect against another thread
++ * changing the mappings in case we sleep.
++ */
++ WARN_ON(down_read_trylock(&mm->mmap_sem));
++ /*
+ * Clear old maps. this also does some error checking for us
+ */
+ munmap_back:
+@@ -1660,6 +1755,10 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
+ flags = VM_DATA_DEFAULT_FLAGS | VM_ACCOUNT | mm->def_flags;
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), len, flags, NULL, lowpri))
++ goto out_unacct;
+ /* Can we just expand an old private anonymous mapping? */
+ if (vma_merge(mm, prev, addr, addr + len, flags,
+ NULL, NULL, pgoff, NULL))
+@@ -1668,8 +1767,11 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
+ /*
+ * create a vma struct for an anonymous mapping
+ */
+- vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
++ vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep,
++ SLAB_KERNEL | (lowpri ? 0 : __GFP_SOFT_UBC));
+ if (!vma) {
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), len, flags, NULL);
+ vm_unacct_memory(len >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+@@ -1680,6 +1782,7 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
+ vma->vm_end = addr + len;
+ vma->vm_pgoff = pgoff;
+ vma->vm_flags = flags;
++ vma->vm_rss = 0;
+ vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[flags & 0x0f];
+ vma_link(mm, vma, prev, rb_link, rb_parent);
+ out:
+@@ -1691,6 +1794,11 @@ out:
+ return addr;
+ }
++unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len)
++ return __do_brk(addr, len, UB_SOFT);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(do_brk);
+ /* Release all mmaps. */
+@@ -1740,7 +1848,7 @@ void exit_mmap(struct mm_struct *mm)
+ * and into the inode's i_mmap tree. If vm_file is non-NULL
+ * then i_mmap_lock is taken here.
+ */
+-void insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct * mm, struct vm_area_struct * vma)
++int insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct * mm, struct vm_area_struct * vma)
+ {
+ struct vm_area_struct * __vma, * prev;
+ struct rb_node ** rb_link, * rb_parent;
+@@ -1763,8 +1871,9 @@ void insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct *
+ }
+ __vma = find_vma_prepare(mm,vma->vm_start,&prev,&rb_link,&rb_parent);
+ if (__vma && __vma->vm_start < vma->vm_end)
+- BUG();
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ vma_link(mm, vma, prev, rb_link, rb_parent);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1812,6 +1921,7 @@ struct vm_area_struct *copy_vma(struct v
+ new_vma->vm_start = addr;
+ new_vma->vm_end = addr + len;
+ new_vma->vm_pgoff = pgoff;
++ new_vma->vm_rss = 0;
+ if (new_vma->vm_file)
+ get_file(new_vma->vm_file);
+ if (new_vma->vm_ops && new_vma->vm_ops->open)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+ #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ static inline void
+ change_pte_range(pmd_t *pmd, unsigned long address,
+ unsigned long size, pgprot_t newprot)
+@@ -114,6 +116,8 @@ mprotect_fixup(struct vm_area_struct *vm
+ {
+ struct mm_struct * mm = vma->vm_mm;
+ unsigned long charged = 0;
++ unsigned long vma_rss;
++ int prot_dir;
+ pgprot_t newprot;
+ pgoff_t pgoff;
+ int error;
+@@ -123,6 +127,17 @@ mprotect_fixup(struct vm_area_struct *vm
+ return 0;
+ }
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ vma_rss = pages_in_vma_range(vma, start, end);
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ charged = ((end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ prot_dir = ub_protected_charge(mm_ub(mm), charged - vma_rss,
++ newflags, vma);
++ error = -ENOMEM;
++ if (prot_dir == PRIVVM_ERROR)
++ goto fail_nocharge;
+ /*
+ * If we make a private mapping writable we increase our commit;
+ * but (without finer accounting) cannot reduce our commit if we
+@@ -133,9 +148,8 @@ mprotect_fixup(struct vm_area_struct *vm
+ */
+ if (newflags & VM_WRITE) {
+ if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_ACCOUNT|VM_WRITE|VM_SHARED|VM_HUGETLB))) {
+- charged = (end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ if (security_vm_enough_memory(charged))
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ goto fail_noacct;
+ newflags |= VM_ACCOUNT;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -178,10 +192,16 @@ success:
+ vma->vm_flags = newflags;
+ vma->vm_page_prot = newprot;
+ change_protection(vma, start, end, newprot);
++ if (prot_dir == PRIVVM_TO_SHARED)
++ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), charged - vma_rss);
+ return 0;
+ fail:
+ vm_unacct_memory(charged);
++ if (prot_dir == PRIVVM_TO_PRIVATE)
++ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), charged - vma_rss);
+ return error;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+ #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ static pte_t *get_one_pte_map_nested(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
+ {
+ pgd_t *pgd;
+@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ static inline pte_t *alloc_one_pte_map(s
+ static int
+ move_one_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long old_addr,
++ struct vm_area_struct *new_vma,
+ unsigned long new_addr)
+ {
+ struct address_space *mapping = NULL;
+@@ -129,6 +132,8 @@ move_one_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma
+ pte_t pte;
+ pte = ptep_clear_flush(vma, old_addr, src);
+ set_pte(dst, pte);
++ vma->vm_rss--;
++ new_vma->vm_rss++;
+ } else
+ error = -ENOMEM;
+ pte_unmap_nested(src);
+@@ -143,6 +148,7 @@ move_one_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma
+ }
+ static unsigned long move_page_tables(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
++ struct vm_area_struct *new_vma,
+ unsigned long new_addr, unsigned long old_addr,
+ unsigned long len)
+ {
+@@ -156,7 +162,8 @@ static unsigned long move_page_tables(st
+ * only a few pages.. This also makes error recovery easier.
+ */
+ for (offset = 0; offset < len; offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
+- if (move_one_page(vma, old_addr+offset, new_addr+offset) < 0)
++ if (move_one_page(vma, old_addr+offset,
++ new_vma, new_addr+offset) < 0)
+ break;
+ cond_resched();
+ }
+@@ -175,26 +182,29 @@ static unsigned long move_vma(struct vm_
+ unsigned long excess = 0;
+ int split = 0;
++ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), new_len, vma->vm_flags,
++ vma->vm_file, UB_HARD))
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ /*
+ * We'd prefer to avoid failure later on in do_munmap:
+ * which may split one vma into three before unmapping.
+ */
+ if (mm->map_count >= sysctl_max_map_count - 3)
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ goto out_nomem;
+ new_pgoff = vma->vm_pgoff + ((old_addr - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ new_vma = copy_vma(&vma, new_addr, new_len, new_pgoff);
+ if (!new_vma)
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ goto out_nomem;
+- moved_len = move_page_tables(vma, new_addr, old_addr, old_len);
++ moved_len = move_page_tables(vma, new_vma, new_addr, old_addr, old_len);
+ if (moved_len < old_len) {
+ /*
+ * On error, move entries back from new area to old,
+ * which will succeed since page tables still there,
+ * and then proceed to unmap new area instead of old.
+ */
+- move_page_tables(new_vma, old_addr, new_addr, moved_len);
++ move_page_tables(new_vma, vma, old_addr, new_addr, moved_len);
+ vma = new_vma;
+ old_len = new_len;
+ old_addr = new_addr;
+@@ -231,7 +241,12 @@ static unsigned long move_vma(struct vm_
+ new_addr + new_len);
+ }
+- return new_addr;
++ if (new_addr != -ENOMEM)
++ return new_addr;
++ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), new_len, vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file);
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -354,6 +369,12 @@ unsigned long do_mremap(unsigned long ad
+ if (max_addr - addr >= new_len) {
+ int pages = (new_len - old_len) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
++ ret = ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm),
++ new_len - old_len, vma->vm_flags,
++ vma->vm_file, UB_HARD);
++ if (ret < 0)
++ goto out;
+ vma_adjust(vma, vma->vm_start,
+ addr + new_len, vma->vm_pgoff, NULL);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -17,10 +17,18 @@
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
+ #include <linux/swap.h>
+ #include <linux/timex.h>
+ #include <linux/jiffies.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++spinlock_t oom_generation_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++int oom_kill_counter;
++int oom_generation;
+ /* #define DEBUG */
+ /**
+@@ -106,23 +114,29 @@ static int badness(struct task_struct *p
+ *
+ * (not docbooked, we don't want this one cluttering up the manual)
+ */
+-static struct task_struct * select_bad_process(void)
++static struct task_struct * select_bad_process(struct user_beancounter *ub)
+ {
+ int maxpoints = 0;
+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
+ struct task_struct *chosen = NULL;
+- do_each_thread(g, p)
++ do_each_thread_all(g, p)
+ if (p->pid) {
+- int points = badness(p);
++ int points;
++ if (!p->mm || (ub != NULL && mm_ub(p->mm) != ub))
++ goto skip_task;
++ points = badness(p);
+ if (points > maxpoints) {
+ chosen = p;
+ maxpoints = points;
+ }
+- if (p->flags & PF_SWAPOFF)
++ if (!(p->flags & PF_MEMDIE) && (p->flags & PF_SWAPOFF))
+ return p;
+ }
+- while_each_thread(g, p);
++ while_each_thread_all(g, p);
+ return chosen;
+ }
+@@ -141,7 +155,8 @@ static void __oom_kill_task(task_t *p)
+ return;
+ }
+ task_unlock(p);
+- printk(KERN_ERR "Out of Memory: Killed process %d (%s).\n", p->pid, p->comm);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Out of Memory: Killing process %d (%.20s), flags=%lx, "
++ "mm=%p.\n", p->pid, p->comm, p->flags, p->mm);
+ /*
+ * We give our sacrificial lamb high priority and access to
+@@ -150,6 +165,8 @@ static void __oom_kill_task(task_t *p)
+ */
+ p->time_slice = HZ;
+ p->flags |= PF_MEMALLOC | PF_MEMDIE;
++ /* oom_generation_lock must be held */
++ oom_kill_counter++;
+ /* This process has hardware access, be more careful. */
+ if (cap_t(p->cap_effective) & CAP_TO_MASK(CAP_SYS_RAWIO)) {
+@@ -176,36 +193,60 @@ static struct mm_struct *oom_kill_task(t
+ * killing a random task (bad), letting the system crash (worse)
+ * OR try to be smart about which process to kill. Note that we
+ * don't have to be perfect here, we just have to be good.
++ *
++ * Called with oom_generation_lock held, drops it.
+ */
+ static void oom_kill(void)
+ {
+ struct mm_struct *mm;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
+ struct task_struct *g, *p, *q;
++ long ub_maxover;
++ pid_t tgid;
++ int suicide;
++ ub_clear_oom();
++ ub = NULL;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ retry:
+- p = select_bad_process();
++ put_beancounter(ub);
++ ub = ub_select_worst(&ub_maxover);
++ p = select_bad_process(ub);
+ /* Found nothing?!?! Either we hang forever, or we panic. */
+ if (!p) {
+- show_free_areas();
+- panic("Out of memory and no killable processes...\n");
++ if (!ub) {
++ show_free_areas();
++ panic("Out of memory and no killable processes...\n");
++ }
++ goto retry;
+ }
+ mm = oom_kill_task(p);
+ if (!mm)
+ goto retry;
++ tgid = p->tgid;
++ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ ub_oomkill_task(mm, ub, ub_maxover);
+ /*
+ * kill all processes that share the ->mm (i.e. all threads),
+ * but are in a different thread group
+ */
+- do_each_thread(g, q)
+- if (q->mm == mm && q->tgid != p->tgid)
++ suicide = 0;
++ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
++ do_each_thread_all(g, q) {
++ if (q->mm == mm && q->tgid != tgid) {
+ __oom_kill_task(q);
+- while_each_thread(g, q);
+- if (!p->mm)
+- printk(KERN_INFO "Fixed up OOM kill of mm-less task\n");
++ if (q == current)
++ suicide = 1;
++ }
++ } while_each_thread_all(g, q);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
++ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
+ mmput(mm);
+ /*
+@@ -213,81 +254,55 @@ retry:
+ * killing itself before someone else gets the chance to ask
+ * for more memory.
+ */
+- yield();
++ if (!suicide)
++ yield();
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * out_of_memory - is the system out of memory?
+ */
+-void out_of_memory(int gfp_mask)
++void out_of_memory(struct oom_freeing_stat *stat, int gfp_mask)
+ {
+- /*
+- * oom_lock protects out_of_memory()'s static variables.
+- * It's a global lock; this is not performance-critical.
+- */
+- static spinlock_t oom_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+- static unsigned long first, last, count, lastkill;
+- unsigned long now, since;
+- spin_lock(&oom_lock);
+- now = jiffies;
+- since = now - last;
+- last = now;
+- /*
+- * If it's been a long time since last failure,
+- * we're not oom.
+- */
+- if (since > 5*HZ)
+- goto reset;
+- /*
+- * If we haven't tried for at least one second,
+- * we're not really oom.
+- */
+- since = now - first;
+- if (since < HZ)
+- goto out_unlock;
+- /*
+- * If we have gotten only a few failures,
+- * we're not really oom.
+- */
+- if (++count < 10)
+- goto out_unlock;
+- /*
+- * If we just killed a process, wait a while
+- * to give that task a chance to exit. This
+- * avoids killing multiple processes needlessly.
+- */
+- since = now - lastkill;
+- if (since < HZ*5)
+- goto out_unlock;
+- /*
+- * Ok, really out of memory. Kill something.
+- */
+- lastkill = now;
+- printk("oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x\n", gfp_mask);
+- show_free_areas();
++ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_OUTOFMEM, stat)
++ return;
+- /* oom_kill() sleeps */
+- spin_unlock(&oom_lock);
++ if (nr_swap_pages > 0) {
++ /* some pages have been freed */
++ if (stat->freed)
++ return;
++ /* some IO was started */
++ if (stat->written)
++ return;
++ /* some pages have been swapped out, ref. counter removed */
++ if (stat->swapped)
++ return;
++ /* some slabs were shrinked */
++ if (stat->slabs)
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Someone already helped us */
++ spin_lock(&oom_generation_lock);
++ if (oom_generation != stat->oom_generation) {
++ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* OOM in progress */
++ if (oom_kill_counter) {
++ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
++ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(5 * HZ);
++ spin_lock(&oom_generation_lock);
++ if (oom_generation != stat->oom_generation) {
++ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Some process is stuck exiting.
++ * No choice other than to kill something else.
++ */
++ }
+ oom_kill();
+- spin_lock(&oom_lock);
+- /*
+- * We dropped the lock above, so check to be sure the variable
+- * first only ever increases to prevent false OOM's.
+- */
+- if (time_after(now, first))
+- first = now;
+- count = 0;
+- spin_unlock(&oom_lock);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,9 +31,12 @@
+ #include <linux/topology.h>
+ #include <linux/sysctl.h>
+ #include <linux/cpu.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ DECLARE_BITMAP(node_online_map, MAX_NUMNODES);
+ struct pglist_data *pgdat_list;
+ unsigned long totalram_pages;
+@@ -41,7 +44,9 @@ unsigned long totalhigh_pages;
+ long nr_swap_pages;
+ int numnodes = 1;
+ int sysctl_lower_zone_protection = 0;
++int alloc_fail_warn = 0;
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(totalram_pages);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nr_swap_pages);
+@@ -284,6 +289,7 @@ void __free_pages_ok(struct page *page,
+ free_pages_check(__FUNCTION__, page + i);
+ list_add(&page->lru, &list);
+ kernel_map_pages(page, 1<<order, 0);
++ ub_page_uncharge(page, order);
+ free_pages_bulk(page_zone(page), 1, &list, order);
+ }
+@@ -516,6 +522,7 @@ static void fastcall free_hot_cold_page(
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ if (pcp->count >= pcp->high)
+ pcp->count -= free_pages_bulk(zone, pcp->batch, &pcp->list, 0);
++ ub_page_uncharge(page, 0);
+ list_add(&page->lru, &pcp->list);
+ pcp->count++;
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+@@ -578,6 +585,26 @@ buffered_rmqueue(struct zone *zone, int
+ return page;
+ }
++static void __alloc_collect_stats(unsigned int gfp_mask,
++ unsigned int order, struct page *page, cycles_t time)
++ int ind;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ time = get_cycles() - time;
++ if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_WAIT))
++ ind = 0;
++ else if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_HIGHMEM))
++ ind = (order > 0 ? 2 : 1);
++ else
++ ind = (order > 0 ? 4 : 3);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
++ KSTAT_LAT_ADD(&kstat_glob.alloc_lat[ind], time);
++ if (!page)
++ kstat_glob.alloc_fails[ind]++;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
+ /*
+ * This is the 'heart' of the zoned buddy allocator.
+ *
+@@ -607,6 +634,7 @@ __alloc_pages(unsigned int gfp_mask, uns
+ int i;
+ int alloc_type;
+ int do_retry;
++ cycles_t start_time;
+ might_sleep_if(wait);
+@@ -614,6 +642,7 @@ __alloc_pages(unsigned int gfp_mask, uns
+ if (zones[0] == NULL) /* no zones in the zonelist */
+ return NULL;
++ start_time = get_cycles();
+ alloc_type = zone_idx(zones[0]);
+ /* Go through the zonelist once, looking for a zone with enough free */
+@@ -678,6 +707,10 @@ rebalance:
+ goto got_pg;
+ }
+ }
++ if (gfp_mask & __GFP_NOFAIL) {
++ blk_congestion_wait(WRITE, HZ/50);
++ goto rebalance;
++ }
+ goto nopage;
+ }
+@@ -730,15 +763,24 @@ rebalance:
+ }
+ nopage:
+- if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_NOWARN) && printk_ratelimit()) {
++ if (alloc_fail_warn && !(gfp_mask & __GFP_NOWARN)
++ && printk_ratelimit()) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: page allocation failure."
+ " order:%d, mode:0x%x\n",
+ p->comm, order, gfp_mask);
+ dump_stack();
+ }
++ __alloc_collect_stats(gfp_mask, order, NULL, start_time);
+ return NULL;
+ got_pg:
+ kernel_map_pages(page, 1 << order, 1);
++ __alloc_collect_stats(gfp_mask, order, page, start_time);
++ if (ub_page_charge(page, order, gfp_mask)) {
++ __free_pages(page, order);
++ page = NULL;
++ }
+ return page;
+ }
+@@ -887,6 +929,17 @@ unsigned int nr_free_highpages (void)
+ }
+ #endif
++unsigned int nr_free_lowpages (void)
++ pg_data_t *pgdat;
++ unsigned int pages = 0;
++ for_each_pgdat(pgdat)
++ pages += pgdat->node_zones[ZONE_NORMAL].free_pages;
++ return pages;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
+ static void show_node(struct zone *zone)
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:19.000000000 +0300
+@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ static int __pdflush(struct pdflush_work
+ spin_unlock_irq(&pdflush_lock);
+ schedule();
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
++ refrigerator();
+ spin_lock_irq(&pdflush_lock);
+ continue;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ static inline unsigned long prio_tree_ma
+ return index_bits_to_maxindex[bits - 1];
+ }
++static void prio_tree_remove(struct prio_tree_root *, struct prio_tree_node *);
+ /*
+ * Extend a priority search tree so that it can store a node with heap_index
+ * max_heap_index. In the worst case, this algorithm takes O((log n)^2).
+@@ -90,8 +92,6 @@ static inline unsigned long prio_tree_ma
+ static struct prio_tree_node *prio_tree_expand(struct prio_tree_root *root,
+ struct prio_tree_node *node, unsigned long max_heap_index)
+ {
+- static void prio_tree_remove(struct prio_tree_root *,
+- struct prio_tree_node *);
+ struct prio_tree_node *first = NULL, *prev, *last = NULL;
+ if (max_heap_index > prio_tree_maxindex(root->index_bits))
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ //#define RMAP_DEBUG /* can be enabled only for debugging */
+ kmem_cache_t *anon_vma_cachep;
+@@ -160,7 +162,8 @@ static void anon_vma_ctor(void *data, km
+ void __init anon_vma_init(void)
+ {
+ anon_vma_cachep = kmem_cache_create("anon_vma",
+- sizeof(struct anon_vma), 0, SLAB_PANIC, anon_vma_ctor, NULL);
++ sizeof(struct anon_vma), 0, SLAB_PANIC | SLAB_UBC,
++ anon_vma_ctor, NULL);
+ }
+ /* this needs the page->flags PG_maplock held */
+@@ -513,6 +516,10 @@ static int try_to_unmap_one(struct page
+ }
+ mm->rss--;
++ vma->vm_rss--;
++ mm_ub(mm)->ub_perfstat[smp_processor_id()].unmap++;
++ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
++ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(mm));
+ BUG_ON(!page->mapcount);
+ page->mapcount--;
+ page_cache_release(page);
+@@ -553,12 +560,13 @@ static int try_to_unmap_cluster(unsigned
+ struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
+ pgd_t *pgd;
+ pmd_t *pmd;
+- pte_t *pte;
++ pte_t *pte, *original_pte;
+ pte_t pteval;
+ struct page *page;
+ unsigned long address;
+ unsigned long end;
+ unsigned long pfn;
++ unsigned long old_rss;
+ /*
+ * We need the page_table_lock to protect us from page faults,
+@@ -582,7 +590,8 @@ static int try_to_unmap_cluster(unsigned
+ if (!pmd_present(*pmd))
+ goto out_unlock;
+- for (pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
++ old_rss = mm->rss;
++ for (original_pte = pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
+ address < end; pte++, address += PAGE_SIZE) {
+ if (!pte_present(*pte))
+@@ -613,12 +622,17 @@ static int try_to_unmap_cluster(unsigned
+ set_page_dirty(page);
+ page_remove_rmap(page);
+- page_cache_release(page);
+ mm->rss--;
++ vma->vm_rss--;
++ mm_ub(mm)->ub_perfstat[smp_processor_id()].unmap++;
++ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(mm));
++ page_cache_release(page);
+ (*mapcount)--;
+ }
++ if (old_rss > mm->rss)
++ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), old_rss - mm->rss, vma);
+- pte_unmap(pte);
++ pte_unmap(original_pte);
+ out_unlock:
+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
+ #include <asm/div64.h>
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ /* This magic number is used in glibc for posix shared memory */
+ #define TMPFS_MAGIC 0x01021994
+@@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ static void shmem_free_block(struct inod
+ *
+ * It has to be called with the spinlock held.
+ */
+-static void shmem_recalc_inode(struct inode *inode)
++static void shmem_recalc_inode(struct inode *inode, unsigned long swp_freed)
+ {
+ struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
+ long freed;
+@@ -217,6 +220,9 @@ static void shmem_recalc_inode(struct in
+ sbinfo->free_blocks += freed;
+ inode->i_blocks -= freed*BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
+ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
++ if (freed > swp_freed)
++ ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(shm_info_ub(info),
++ freed - swp_freed);
+ shmem_unacct_blocks(info->flags, freed);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -321,6 +327,11 @@ static void shmem_swp_set(struct shmem_i
+ info->swapped += incdec;
+ if ((unsigned long)(entry - info->i_direct) >= SHMEM_NR_DIRECT)
+ kmap_atomic_to_page(entry)->nr_swapped += incdec;
++ if (incdec == 1)
++ ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(shm_info_ub(info), 1);
++ else
++ ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(shm_info_ub(info), 1);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -342,6 +353,10 @@ static swp_entry_t *shmem_swp_alloc(stru
+ ((loff_t) index << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) >= i_size_read(inode))
+ return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ if (ub_shmpages_charge(shm_info_ub(info),
++ index - info->next_index + 1))
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSPC);
+ while (!(entry = shmem_swp_entry(info, index, &page))) {
+ if (sgp == SGP_READ)
+ return shmem_swp_map(ZERO_PAGE(0));
+@@ -360,7 +375,8 @@ static swp_entry_t *shmem_swp_alloc(stru
+ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
+ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
+- page = shmem_dir_alloc(mapping_gfp_mask(inode->i_mapping));
++ page = shmem_dir_alloc(mapping_gfp_mask(inode->i_mapping) |
++ __GFP_UBC);
+ if (page) {
+ clear_highpage(page);
+ page->nr_swapped = 0;
+@@ -423,13 +439,16 @@ static void shmem_truncate(struct inode
+ swp_entry_t *ptr;
+ int offset;
+ int freed;
++ unsigned long swp_freed;
++ swp_freed = 0;
+ inode->i_ctime = inode->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
+ idx = (inode->i_size + PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
+ if (idx >= info->next_index)
+ return;
+ spin_lock(&info->lock);
++ ub_shmpages_uncharge(shm_info_ub(info), info->next_index - idx);
+ info->flags |= SHMEM_TRUNCATE;
+ limit = info->next_index;
+ info->next_index = idx;
+@@ -438,7 +457,9 @@ static void shmem_truncate(struct inode
+ size = limit;
+ if (size > SHMEM_NR_DIRECT)
+- info->swapped -= shmem_free_swp(ptr+idx, ptr+size);
++ freed = shmem_free_swp(ptr+idx, ptr+size);
++ swp_freed += freed;
++ info->swapped -= freed;
+ }
+ if (!info->i_indirect)
+ goto done2;
+@@ -508,6 +529,7 @@ static void shmem_truncate(struct inode
+ shmem_swp_unmap(ptr);
+ info->swapped -= freed;
+ subdir->nr_swapped -= freed;
++ swp_freed += freed;
+ BUG_ON(subdir->nr_swapped > offset);
+ }
+ if (offset)
+@@ -544,7 +566,7 @@ done2:
+ spin_lock(&info->lock);
+ }
+ info->flags &= ~SHMEM_TRUNCATE;
+- shmem_recalc_inode(inode);
++ shmem_recalc_inode(inode, swp_freed);
+ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
+ }
+@@ -609,6 +631,8 @@ static void shmem_delete_inode(struct in
+ spin_lock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
+ sbinfo->free_inodes++;
+ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
++ put_beancounter(shm_info_ub(info));
++ shm_info_ub(info) = NULL;
+ clear_inode(inode);
+ }
+@@ -752,12 +776,11 @@ static int shmem_writepage(struct page *
+ info = SHMEM_I(inode);
+ if (info->flags & VM_LOCKED)
+ goto redirty;
+- swap = get_swap_page();
++ swap = get_swap_page(shm_info_ub(info));
+ if (!swap.val)
+ goto redirty;
+ spin_lock(&info->lock);
+- shmem_recalc_inode(inode);
+ if (index >= info->next_index) {
+ BUG_ON(!(info->flags & SHMEM_TRUNCATE));
+ goto unlock;
+@@ -890,7 +913,6 @@ repeat:
+ goto failed;
+ spin_lock(&info->lock);
+- shmem_recalc_inode(inode);
+ entry = shmem_swp_alloc(info, idx, sgp);
+ if (IS_ERR(entry)) {
+ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
+@@ -1051,6 +1073,7 @@ repeat:
+ clear_highpage(filepage);
+ flush_dcache_page(filepage);
+ SetPageUptodate(filepage);
++ ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(shm_info_ub(info), 1);
+ }
+ done:
+ if (!*pagep) {
+@@ -1082,6 +1105,8 @@ struct page *shmem_nopage(struct vm_area
+ idx = (address - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ idx += vma->vm_pgoff;
++ if (((loff_t) idx << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) >= i_size_read(inode))
++ return NOPAGE_SIGBUS;
+ error = shmem_getpage(inode, idx, &page, SGP_CACHE, type);
+ if (error)
+@@ -1151,19 +1176,6 @@ shmem_get_policy(struct vm_area_struct *
+ }
+ #endif
+-void shmem_lock(struct file *file, int lock)
+- struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
+- struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
+- spin_lock(&info->lock);
+- if (lock)
+- info->flags |= VM_LOCKED;
+- else
+- info->flags &= ~VM_LOCKED;
+- spin_unlock(&info->lock);
+ static int shmem_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+ {
+ file_accessed(file);
+@@ -1198,6 +1210,7 @@ shmem_get_inode(struct super_block *sb,
+ inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
+ info = SHMEM_I(inode);
+ memset(info, 0, (char *)inode - (char *)info);
++ shm_info_ub(info) = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
+ spin_lock_init(&info->lock);
+ mpol_shared_policy_init(&info->policy);
+ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
+@@ -1317,6 +1330,7 @@ shmem_file_write(struct file *file, cons
+ break;
+ left = bytes;
+ if (PageHighMem(page)) {
+ volatile unsigned char dummy;
+ __get_user(dummy, buf);
+@@ -1326,6 +1340,7 @@ shmem_file_write(struct file *file, cons
+ left = __copy_from_user(kaddr + offset, buf, bytes);
+ kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
+ }
+ if (left) {
+ kaddr = kmap(page);
+ left = __copy_from_user(kaddr + offset, buf, bytes);
+@@ -1960,6 +1975,11 @@ static struct vm_operations_struct shmem
+ #endif
+ };
++int is_shmem_mapping(struct address_space *map)
++ return (map != NULL && map->a_ops == &shmem_aops);
+ static struct super_block *shmem_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type,
+ int flags, const char *dev_name, void *data)
+ {
+@@ -1972,8 +1992,25 @@ static struct file_system_type tmpfs_fs_
+ .get_sb = shmem_get_sb,
+ .kill_sb = kill_litter_super,
+ };
+ static struct vfsmount *shm_mnt;
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define visible_shm_mnt shm_mnt
++#define visible_shm_mnt (get_exec_env()->shmem_mnt)
++void prepare_shmmnt(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->shmem_mnt = shm_mnt;
++ shm_mnt = (struct vfsmount *)0x10111213;
+ static int __init init_tmpfs(void)
+ {
+ int error;
+@@ -1999,6 +2036,7 @@ static int __init init_tmpfs(void)
+ /* The internal instance should not do size checking */
+ shmem_set_size(SHMEM_SB(shm_mnt->mnt_sb), ULONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX);
++ prepare_shmmnt();
+ return 0;
+ out1:
+@@ -2011,6 +2049,32 @@ out3:
+ }
+ module_init(init_tmpfs)
++static inline int shm_charge_ahead(struct inode *inode)
++ struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
++ unsigned long idx;
++ swp_entry_t *entry;
++ if (!inode->i_size)
++ return 0;
++ idx = (inode->i_size - 1) >> PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
++ /*
++ * Just touch info to allocate space for entry and
++ * make all UBC checks
++ */
++ spin_lock(&info->lock);
++ entry = shmem_swp_alloc(info, idx, SGP_CACHE);
++ if (IS_ERR(entry))
++ goto err;
++ shmem_swp_unmap(entry);
++ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
++ return 0;
++ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
++ return PTR_ERR(entry);
+ /*
+ * shmem_file_setup - get an unlinked file living in tmpfs
+ *
+@@ -2026,8 +2090,8 @@ struct file *shmem_file_setup(char *name
+ struct dentry *dentry, *root;
+ struct qstr this;
+- if (IS_ERR(shm_mnt))
+- return (void *)shm_mnt;
++ if (IS_ERR(visible_shm_mnt))
++ return (void *)visible_shm_mnt;
+ if (size > SHMEM_MAX_BYTES)
+ return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+@@ -2039,7 +2103,7 @@ struct file *shmem_file_setup(char *name
+ = name;
+ this.len = strlen(name);
+ this.hash = 0; /* will go */
+- root = shm_mnt->mnt_root;
++ root = visible_shm_mnt->mnt_root;
+ dentry = d_alloc(root, &this);
+ if (!dentry)
+ goto put_memory;
+@@ -2058,7 +2122,10 @@ struct file *shmem_file_setup(char *name
+ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ inode->i_size = size;
+ inode->i_nlink = 0; /* It is unlinked */
+- file->f_vfsmnt = mntget(shm_mnt);
++ error = shm_charge_ahead(inode);
++ if (error)
++ goto close_file;
++ file->f_vfsmnt = mntget(visible_shm_mnt);
+ file->f_dentry = dentry;
+ file->f_mapping = inode->i_mapping;
+ file->f_op = &shmem_file_operations;
+@@ -2090,6 +2157,8 @@ int shmem_zero_setup(struct vm_area_stru
+ if (vma->vm_file)
+ fput(vma->vm_file);
++ else if (vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE) /* should match VM_UB_PRIVATE */
++ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ vma->vm_file = file;
+ vma->vm_ops = &shmem_vm_ops;
+ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -91,32 +91,21 @@
+ #include <linux/cpu.h>
+ #include <linux/sysctl.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
+- * DEBUG - 1 for kmem_cache_create() to honour; SLAB_DEBUG_INITIAL,
+- * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
+- *
+- * STATS - 1 to collect stats for /proc/slabinfo.
+- * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
+- *
+- * FORCED_DEBUG - 1 enables SLAB_RED_ZONE and SLAB_POISON (if possible)
+- */
+-#define DEBUG 1
+-#define STATS 1
+-#define FORCED_DEBUG 1
+-#define DEBUG 0
+-#define STATS 0
+-#define FORCED_DEBUG 0
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ /* Shouldn't this be in a header file somewhere? */
+ #define BYTES_PER_WORD sizeof(void *)
+@@ -139,182 +128,20 @@
+ #else
+ #endif
+- * kmem_bufctl_t:
+- *
+- * Bufctl's are used for linking objs within a slab
+- * linked offsets.
+- *
+- * This implementation relies on "struct page" for locating the cache &
+- * slab an object belongs to.
+- * This allows the bufctl structure to be small (one int), but limits
+- * the number of objects a slab (not a cache) can contain when off-slab
+- * bufctls are used. The limit is the size of the largest general cache
+- * that does not use off-slab slabs.
+- * For 32bit archs with 4 kB pages, is this 56.
+- * This is not serious, as it is only for large objects, when it is unwise
+- * to have too many per slab.
+- * Note: This limit can be raised by introducing a general cache whose size
+- * is less than 512 (PAGE_SIZE<<3), but greater than 256.
+- */
+-#define BUFCTL_END (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-0)
+-#define BUFCTL_FREE (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-1)
+-#define SLAB_LIMIT (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-2)
+ /* Max number of objs-per-slab for caches which use off-slab slabs.
+ * Needed to avoid a possible looping condition in cache_grow().
+ */
+ static unsigned long offslab_limit;
+- * struct slab
+- *
+- * Manages the objs in a slab. Placed either at the beginning of mem allocated
+- * for a slab, or allocated from an general cache.
+- * Slabs are chained into three list: fully used, partial, fully free slabs.
+- */
+-struct slab {
+- struct list_head list;
+- unsigned long colouroff;
+- void *s_mem; /* including colour offset */
+- unsigned int inuse; /* num of objs active in slab */
+- kmem_bufctl_t free;
+- * struct array_cache
+- *
+- * Per cpu structures
+- * Purpose:
+- * - LIFO ordering, to hand out cache-warm objects from _alloc
+- * - reduce the number of linked list operations
+- * - reduce spinlock operations
+- *
+- * The limit is stored in the per-cpu structure to reduce the data cache
+- * footprint.
+- *
+- */
+-struct array_cache {
+- unsigned int avail;
+- unsigned int limit;
+- unsigned int batchcount;
+- unsigned int touched;
+-/* bootstrap: The caches do not work without cpuarrays anymore,
+- * but the cpuarrays are allocated from the generic caches...
+- */
+-struct arraycache_init {
+- struct array_cache cache;
+- void * entries[BOOT_CPUCACHE_ENTRIES];
+- * The slab lists of all objects.
+- * Hopefully reduce the internal fragmentation
+- * NUMA: The spinlock could be moved from the kmem_cache_t
+- * into this structure, too. Figure out what causes
+- * fewer cross-node spinlock operations.
+- */
+-struct kmem_list3 {
+- struct list_head slabs_partial; /* partial list first, better asm code */
+- struct list_head slabs_full;
+- struct list_head slabs_free;
+- unsigned long free_objects;
+- int free_touched;
+- unsigned long next_reap;
+- struct array_cache *shared;
+-#define LIST3_INIT(parent) \
+- { \
+- .slabs_full = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_full), \
+- .slabs_partial = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_partial), \
+- .slabs_free = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_free) \
+- }
+-#define list3_data(cachep) \
+- (&(cachep)->lists)
+-/* NUMA: per-node */
+-#define list3_data_ptr(cachep, ptr) \
+- list3_data(cachep)
+- * kmem_cache_t
+- *
+- * manages a cache.
+- */
+-struct kmem_cache_s {
+-/* 1) per-cpu data, touched during every alloc/free */
+- struct array_cache *array[NR_CPUS];
+- unsigned int batchcount;
+- unsigned int limit;
+-/* 2) touched by every alloc & free from the backend */
+- struct kmem_list3 lists;
+- /* NUMA: kmem_3list_t *nodelists[MAX_NUMNODES] */
+- unsigned int objsize;
+- unsigned int flags; /* constant flags */
+- unsigned int num; /* # of objs per slab */
+- unsigned int free_limit; /* upper limit of objects in the lists */
+- spinlock_t spinlock;
+-/* 3) cache_grow/shrink */
+- /* order of pgs per slab (2^n) */
+- unsigned int gfporder;
+- /* force GFP flags, e.g. GFP_DMA */
+- unsigned int gfpflags;
+- size_t colour; /* cache colouring range */
+- unsigned int colour_off; /* colour offset */
+- unsigned int colour_next; /* cache colouring */
+- kmem_cache_t *slabp_cache;
+- unsigned int slab_size;
+- unsigned int dflags; /* dynamic flags */
+- /* constructor func */
+- void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
+- /* de-constructor func */
+- void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
+-/* 4) cache creation/removal */
+- const char *name;
+- struct list_head next;
+-/* 5) statistics */
+-#if STATS
+- unsigned long num_active;
+- unsigned long num_allocations;
+- unsigned long high_mark;
+- unsigned long grown;
+- unsigned long reaped;
+- unsigned long errors;
+- unsigned long max_freeable;
+- atomic_t allochit;
+- atomic_t allocmiss;
+- atomic_t freehit;
+- atomic_t freemiss;
+-#if DEBUG
+- int dbghead;
+- int reallen;
+-#define CFLGS_OFF_SLAB (0x80000000UL)
+-#define OFF_SLAB(x) ((x)->flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB)
+ /* Optimization question: fewer reaps means less
+ * probability for unnessary cpucache drain/refill cycles.
+@@ -446,15 +273,6 @@ static void **dbg_userword(kmem_cache_t
+ #define BREAK_GFP_ORDER_LO 0
+ static int slab_break_gfp_order = BREAK_GFP_ORDER_LO;
+-/* Macros for storing/retrieving the cachep and or slab from the
+- * global 'mem_map'. These are used to find the slab an obj belongs to.
+- * With kfree(), these are used to find the cache which an obj belongs to.
+- */
+-#define SET_PAGE_CACHE(pg,x) ((pg)-> = (struct list_head *)(x))
+-#define GET_PAGE_CACHE(pg) ((kmem_cache_t *)(pg)->
+-#define SET_PAGE_SLAB(pg,x) ((pg)->lru.prev = (struct list_head *)(x))
+-#define GET_PAGE_SLAB(pg) ((struct slab *)(pg)->lru.prev)
+ /* These are the default caches for kmalloc. Custom caches can have other sizes. */
+ struct cache_sizes malloc_sizes[] = {
+ #define CACHE(x) { .cs_size = (x) },
+@@ -543,13 +361,24 @@ static void cache_estimate (unsigned lon
+ size_t wastage = PAGE_SIZE<<gfporder;
+ size_t extra = 0;
+ size_t base = 0;
++ size_t ub_align, ub_extra;
++ ub_align = 1;
++ ub_extra = 0;
+ if (!(flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB)) {
+ base = sizeof(struct slab);
+ extra = sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t);
++ if (flags & SLAB_UBC) {
++ ub_extra = sizeof(void *);
++ ub_align = sizeof(void *);
++ }
+ }
+ i = 0;
+- while (i*size + ALIGN(base+i*extra, align) <= wastage)
++ while (i * size + ALIGN(ALIGN(base + i * extra, ub_align) +
++ i * ub_extra, align) <= wastage)
+ i++;
+ if (i > 0)
+ i--;
+@@ -558,8 +387,8 @@ static void cache_estimate (unsigned lon
+ *num = i;
+- wastage -= i*size;
+- wastage -= ALIGN(base+i*extra, align);
++ wastage -= i * size + ALIGN(ALIGN(base + i * extra, ub_align) +
++ i * ub_extra, align);
+ *left_over = wastage;
+ }
+@@ -747,17 +576,18 @@ void __init kmem_cache_init(void)
+ * allow tighter packing of the smaller caches. */
+ sizes->cs_cachep = kmem_cache_create(names->name,
+ sizes->cs_size, ARCH_KMALLOC_MINALIGN,
+ /* Inc off-slab bufctl limit until the ceiling is hit. */
+- if (!(OFF_SLAB(sizes->cs_cachep))) {
+- offslab_limit = sizes->cs_size-sizeof(struct slab);
+- offslab_limit /= sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t);
+- }
++ if (!(OFF_SLAB(sizes->cs_cachep)))
++ offslab_limit = sizes->cs_size;
+ sizes->cs_dmacachep = kmem_cache_create(names->name_dma,
+ sizes->cs_size, ARCH_KMALLOC_MINALIGN,
+ sizes++;
+@@ -1115,7 +945,7 @@ kmem_cache_create (const char *name, siz
+ unsigned long flags, void (*ctor)(void*, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long),
+ void (*dtor)(void*, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long))
+ {
+- size_t left_over, slab_size;
++ size_t left_over, slab_size, ub_size, ub_align;
+ kmem_cache_t *cachep = NULL;
+ /*
+@@ -1249,6 +1079,7 @@ kmem_cache_create (const char *name, siz
+ */
+ do {
+ unsigned int break_flag = 0;
++ unsigned long off_slab_size;
+ cal_wastage:
+ cache_estimate(cachep->gfporder, size, align, flags,
+ &left_over, &cachep->num);
+@@ -1258,12 +1089,22 @@ cal_wastage:
+ break;
+ if (!cachep->num)
+ goto next;
+- if (flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB &&
+- cachep->num > offslab_limit) {
++ if (flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB) {
++ off_slab_size = sizeof(struct slab) +
++ cachep->num * sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t);
++ if (flags & SLAB_UBC)
++ off_slab_size = ALIGN(off_slab_size,
++ sizeof(void *)) +
++ cachep->num * sizeof(void *);
+ /* This num of objs will cause problems. */
+- cachep->gfporder--;
+- break_flag++;
+- goto cal_wastage;
++ if (off_slab_size > offslab_limit) {
++ cachep->gfporder--;
++ break_flag++;
++ goto cal_wastage;
++ }
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1286,8 +1127,19 @@ next:
+ cachep = NULL;
+ goto opps;
+ }
+- slab_size = ALIGN(cachep->num*sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t)
+- + sizeof(struct slab), align);
++ ub_size = 0;
++ ub_align = 1;
++ if (flags & SLAB_UBC) {
++ ub_size = sizeof(void *);
++ ub_align = sizeof(void *);
++ }
++ slab_size = ALIGN(ALIGN(cachep->num * sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t) +
++ sizeof(struct slab), ub_align) +
++ cachep->num * ub_size, align);
+ /*
+ * If the slab has been placed off-slab, and we have enough space then
+@@ -1300,7 +1152,9 @@ next:
+ if (flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB) {
+ /* really off slab. No need for manual alignment */
+- slab_size = cachep->num*sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t)+sizeof(struct slab);
++ slab_size = ALIGN(cachep->num * sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t) +
++ sizeof(struct slab), ub_align) +
++ cachep->num * ub_size;
+ }
+ cachep->colour_off = cache_line_size();
+@@ -1337,10 +1191,13 @@ next:
+ * the cache that's used by kmalloc(24), otherwise
+ * the creation of further caches will BUG().
+ */
+- cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] = &initarray_generic.cache;
++ cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] =
++ &initarray_generic.cache;
+ g_cpucache_up = PARTIAL;
+ } else {
+- cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct arraycache_init),GFP_KERNEL);
++ cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] =
++ kmalloc(sizeof(struct arraycache_init),
+ }
+ BUG_ON(!ac_data(cachep));
+ ac_data(cachep)->avail = 0;
+@@ -1354,7 +1211,7 @@ next:
+ }
+ cachep->lists.next_reap = jiffies + REAPTIMEOUT_LIST3 +
+- ((unsigned long)cachep)%REAPTIMEOUT_LIST3;
++ ((unsigned long)cachep)%REAPTIMEOUT_LIST3;
+ /* Need the semaphore to access the chain. */
+ down(&cache_chain_sem);
+@@ -1367,16 +1224,24 @@ next:
+ list_for_each(p, &cache_chain) {
+ kmem_cache_t *pc = list_entry(p, kmem_cache_t, next);
+ char tmp;
+- /* This happens when the module gets unloaded and doesn't
+- destroy its slab cache and noone else reuses the vmalloc
+- area of the module. Print a warning. */
+- if (__get_user(tmp,pc->name)) {
+- printk("SLAB: cache with size %d has lost its name\n",
+- pc->objsize);
++ /*
++ * This happens when the module gets unloaded and
++ * doesn't destroy its slab cache and noone else reuses
++ * the vmalloc area of the module. Print a warning.
++ */
++ if (__direct_get_user(tmp,pc->name)) {
++ if (__get_user(tmp,pc->name)) {
++ printk("SLAB: cache with size %d has lost its "
++ "name\n", pc->objsize);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(pc->name,name)) {
+- printk("kmem_cache_create: duplicate cache %s\n",name);
++ printk("kmem_cache_create: duplicate "
++ "cache %s\n",name);
+ up(&cache_chain_sem);
+ unlock_cpu_hotplug();
+ BUG();
+@@ -1389,6 +1254,16 @@ next:
+ list_add(&cachep->next, &cache_chain);
+ up(&cache_chain_sem);
+ unlock_cpu_hotplug();
++ cachep->objuse = ((PAGE_SIZE << cachep->gfporder) + cachep->num - 1) /
++ cachep->num;
++ if (OFF_SLAB(cachep))
++ cachep->objuse +=
++ (cachep->slabp_cache->objuse + cachep->num - 1)
++ / cachep->num;
+ opps:
+ if (!cachep && (flags & SLAB_PANIC))
+ panic("kmem_cache_create(): failed to create slab `%s'\n",
+@@ -1572,6 +1447,7 @@ int kmem_cache_destroy (kmem_cache_t * c
+ /* NUMA: free the list3 structures */
+ kfree(cachep->lists.shared);
+ cachep->lists.shared = NULL;
++ ub_kmemcache_free(cachep);
+ kmem_cache_free(&cache_cache, cachep);
+ unlock_cpu_hotplug();
+@@ -1586,28 +1462,30 @@ static struct slab* alloc_slabmgmt (kmem
+ void *objp, int colour_off, int local_flags)
+ {
+ struct slab *slabp;
+ if (OFF_SLAB(cachep)) {
+ /* Slab management obj is off-slab. */
+- slabp = kmem_cache_alloc(cachep->slabp_cache, local_flags);
++ slabp = kmem_cache_alloc(cachep->slabp_cache,
++ local_flags & (~__GFP_UBC));
+ if (!slabp)
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ slabp = objp+colour_off;
+ colour_off += cachep->slab_size;
+ }
+ slabp->inuse = 0;
+ slabp->colouroff = colour_off;
+ slabp->s_mem = objp+colour_off;
++ if (cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC)
++ memset(slab_ubcs(cachep, slabp), 0, cachep->num *
++ sizeof(struct user_beancounter *));
+ return slabp;
+ }
+-static inline kmem_bufctl_t *slab_bufctl(struct slab *slabp)
+- return (kmem_bufctl_t *)(slabp+1);
+ static void cache_init_objs (kmem_cache_t * cachep,
+ struct slab * slabp, unsigned long ctor_flags)
+ {
+@@ -1735,7 +1613,7 @@ static int cache_grow (kmem_cache_t * ca
+ /* Get mem for the objs. */
+- if (!(objp = kmem_getpages(cachep, flags, -1)))
++ if (!(objp = kmem_getpages(cachep, flags & (~__GFP_UBC), -1)))
+ goto failed;
+ /* Get slab management. */
+@@ -2038,6 +1916,16 @@ cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(kmem_cache_
+ #define cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(a,b,objp,d) (objp)
+ #endif
++static inline int should_charge(kmem_cache_t *cachep, int flags, void *objp)
++ if (objp == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ if (!(cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC))
++ return 0;
++ if ((cachep->flags & SLAB_NO_CHARGE) && !(flags & __GFP_UBC))
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
+ static inline void * __cache_alloc (kmem_cache_t *cachep, int flags)
+ {
+@@ -2058,8 +1946,18 @@ static inline void * __cache_alloc (kmem
+ objp = cache_alloc_refill(cachep, flags);
+ }
+ local_irq_restore(save_flags);
++ if (should_charge(cachep, flags, objp) &&
++ ub_slab_charge(objp, flags) < 0)
++ goto out_err;
+ objp = cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(cachep, flags, objp, __builtin_return_address(0));
+ return objp;
++ objp = cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(cachep, flags, objp, __builtin_return_address(0));
++ kmem_cache_free(cachep, objp);
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -2182,6 +2080,9 @@ static inline void __cache_free (kmem_ca
+ check_irq_off();
+ objp = cache_free_debugcheck(cachep, objp, __builtin_return_address(0));
++ if (cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC)
++ ub_slab_uncharge(objp);
+ if (likely(ac->avail < ac->limit)) {
+ ac_entry(ac)[ac->avail++] = objp;
+@@ -2475,6 +2376,7 @@ free_percpu(const void *objp)
+ continue;
+ kfree(p->ptrs[i]);
+ }
++ kfree(p);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(free_percpu);
+@@ -2693,6 +2595,7 @@ static void cache_reap (void)
+ if (down_trylock(&cache_chain_sem))
+ return;
++ {KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(cache_reap)
+ list_for_each(walk, &cache_chain) {
+ kmem_cache_t *searchp;
+ struct list_head* p;
+@@ -2755,6 +2658,7 @@ next:
+ }
+ check_irq_on();
+ up(&cache_chain_sem);
++ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(cache_reap)}
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -14,9 +14,15 @@
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <linux/buffer_head.h>
+ #include <linux/backing-dev.h>
++#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
+ #include <asm/pgtable.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++#include <ub/ub_page.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ /*
+ * swapper_space is a fiction, retained to simplify the path through
+ * vmscan's shrink_list, to make sync_page look nicer, and to allow
+@@ -42,23 +48,20 @@ struct address_space swapper_space = {
+ };
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(swapper_space);
++/* can't remove variable swap_cache_info due to dynamic kernel */
+ #define INC_CACHE_INFO(x) do { swap_cache_info.x++; } while (0)
+-static struct {
+- unsigned long add_total;
+- unsigned long del_total;
+- unsigned long find_success;
+- unsigned long find_total;
+- unsigned long noent_race;
+- unsigned long exist_race;
+-} swap_cache_info;
++static struct swap_cache_info_struct swap_cache_info;
+ void show_swap_cache_info(void)
+ {
+- printk("Swap cache: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu, race %lu+%lu\n",
++ printk("Swap cache: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu, "
++ "race %lu+%lu+%lu\n",
+ swap_cache_info.add_total, swap_cache_info.del_total,
+ swap_cache_info.find_success, swap_cache_info.find_total,
+- swap_cache_info.noent_race, swap_cache_info.exist_race);
++ swap_cache_info.noent_race, swap_cache_info.exist_race,
++ swap_cache_info.remove_race);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -148,7 +151,14 @@ int add_to_swap(struct page * page)
+ BUG();
+ for (;;) {
+- entry = get_swap_page();
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = pb_grab_page_ub(page);
++ if (IS_ERR(ub))
++ return 0;
++ entry = get_swap_page(ub);
++ put_beancounter(ub);
+ if (!entry.val)
+ return 0;
+@@ -264,10 +274,13 @@ int move_from_swap_cache(struct page *pa
+ */
+ static inline void free_swap_cache(struct page *page)
+ {
+- if (PageSwapCache(page) && !TestSetPageLocked(page)) {
++ if (!PageSwapCache(page))
++ return;
++ if (!TestSetPageLocked(page)) {
+ remove_exclusive_swap_page(page);
+ unlock_page(page);
+- }
++ } else
++ INC_CACHE_INFO(remove_race);
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:32.000000000 +0300
+@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
+ #include <linux/swapops.h>
++#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
+ spinlock_t swaplock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ unsigned int nr_swapfiles;
+ long total_swap_pages;
+@@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ static inline int scan_swap_map(struct s
+ return 0;
+ }
+-swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
++swp_entry_t get_swap_page(struct user_beancounter *ub)
+ {
+ struct swap_info_struct * p;
+ unsigned long offset;
+@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
+ while (1) {
+ p = &swap_info[type];
+- if ((p->flags & SWP_ACTIVE) == SWP_ACTIVE) {
++ if ((p->flags & (SWP_ACTIVE|SWP_READONLY)) == SWP_ACTIVE) {
+ swap_device_lock(p);
+ offset = scan_swap_map(p);
+ swap_device_unlock(p);
+@@ -177,6 +179,12 @@ swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
+ } else {
+ = type;
+ }
++ if (p->owner_map[offset] != NULL)
++ BUG();
++ ub_swapentry_inc(ub);
++ p->owner_map[offset] = get_beancounter(ub);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -248,6 +256,11 @@ static int swap_entry_free(struct swap_i
+ count--;
+ p->swap_map[offset] = count;
+ if (!count) {
++ ub_swapentry_dec(p->owner_map[offset]);
++ put_beancounter(p->owner_map[offset]);
++ p->owner_map[offset] = NULL;
+ if (offset < p->lowest_bit)
+ p->lowest_bit = offset;
+ if (offset > p->highest_bit)
+@@ -288,7 +301,8 @@ static int exclusive_swap_page(struct pa
+ p = swap_info_get(entry);
+ if (p) {
+ /* Is the only swap cache user the cache itself? */
+- if (p->swap_map[swp_offset(entry)] == 1) {
++ if ((p->flags & (SWP_ACTIVE|SWP_READONLY)) == SWP_ACTIVE &&
++ p->swap_map[swp_offset(entry)] == 1) {
+ /* Recheck the page count with the swapcache lock held.. */
+ spin_lock_irq(&swapper_space.tree_lock);
+ if (page_count(page) == 2)
+@@ -379,6 +393,54 @@ int remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct pa
+ return retval;
+ }
++int try_to_remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct page *page)
++ int retval;
++ struct swap_info_struct * p;
++ swp_entry_t entry;
++ BUG_ON(PagePrivate(page));
++ BUG_ON(!PageLocked(page));
++ if (!PageSwapCache(page))
++ return 0;
++ if (PageWriteback(page))
++ return 0;
++ if (page_count(page) != 2) /* 2: us + cache */
++ return 0;
++ entry.val = page->private;
++ p = swap_info_get(entry);
++ if (!p)
++ return 0;
++ if (!vm_swap_full() &&
++ (p->flags & (SWP_ACTIVE|SWP_READONLY)) == SWP_ACTIVE) {
++ swap_info_put(p);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* Is the only swap cache user the cache itself? */
++ retval = 0;
++ if (p->swap_map[swp_offset(entry)] == 1) {
++ /* Recheck the page count with the swapcache lock held.. */
++ spin_lock_irq(&swapper_space.tree_lock);
++ if ((page_count(page) == 2) && !PageWriteback(page)) {
++ __delete_from_swap_cache(page);
++ SetPageDirty(page);
++ retval = 1;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(&swapper_space.tree_lock);
++ }
++ swap_info_put(p);
++ if (retval) {
++ swap_free(entry);
++ page_cache_release(page);
++ }
++ return retval;
+ /*
+ * Free the swap entry like above, but also try to
+ * free the page cache entry if it is the last user.
+@@ -428,9 +490,12 @@ void free_swap_and_cache(swp_entry_t ent
+ /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
+ static void
+ unuse_pte(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address, pte_t *dir,
+- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
++ swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
+ {
+ vma->vm_mm->rss++;
++ vma->vm_rss++;
++ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), 1, vma);
++ pb_add_list_ref(page, mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), ppbs);
+ get_page(page);
+ set_pte(dir, pte_mkold(mk_pte(page, vma->vm_page_prot)));
+ page_add_anon_rmap(page, vma, address);
+@@ -440,7 +505,7 @@ unuse_pte(struct vm_area_struct *vma, un
+ /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
+ static unsigned long unuse_pmd(struct vm_area_struct * vma, pmd_t *dir,
+ unsigned long address, unsigned long size, unsigned long offset,
+- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
++ swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
+ {
+ pte_t * pte;
+ unsigned long end;
+@@ -465,7 +530,8 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pmd(struct vm
+ * Test inline before going to call unuse_pte.
+ */
+ if (unlikely(pte_same(*pte, swp_pte))) {
+- unuse_pte(vma, offset + address, pte, entry, page);
++ unuse_pte(vma, offset + address, pte, entry, page,
++ ppbs);
+ pte_unmap(pte);
+ /*
+@@ -486,8 +552,8 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pmd(struct vm
+ /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
+ static unsigned long unuse_pgd(struct vm_area_struct * vma, pgd_t *dir,
+- unsigned long address, unsigned long size,
+- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
++ unsigned long address, unsigned long size, swp_entry_t entry,
++ struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
+ {
+ pmd_t * pmd;
+ unsigned long offset, end;
+@@ -510,7 +576,7 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pgd(struct vm
+ BUG();
+ do {
+ foundaddr = unuse_pmd(vma, pmd, address, end - address,
+- offset, entry, page);
++ offset, entry, page, ppbs);
+ if (foundaddr)
+ return foundaddr;
+ address = (address + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
+@@ -521,7 +587,7 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pgd(struct vm
+ /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
+ static unsigned long unuse_vma(struct vm_area_struct * vma, pgd_t *pgdir,
+- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
++ swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
+ {
+ unsigned long start = vma->vm_start, end = vma->vm_end;
+ unsigned long foundaddr;
+@@ -530,7 +596,7 @@ static unsigned long unuse_vma(struct vm
+ BUG();
+ do {
+ foundaddr = unuse_pgd(vma, pgdir, start, end - start,
+- entry, page);
++ entry, page, ppbs);
+ if (foundaddr)
+ return foundaddr;
+ start = (start + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
+@@ -540,7 +606,8 @@ static unsigned long unuse_vma(struct vm
+ }
+ static int unuse_process(struct mm_struct * mm,
+- swp_entry_t entry, struct page* page)
++ swp_entry_t entry, struct page* page,
++ struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
+ {
+ struct vm_area_struct* vma;
+ unsigned long foundaddr = 0;
+@@ -561,7 +628,7 @@ static int unuse_process(struct mm_struc
+ for (vma = mm->mmap; vma; vma = vma->vm_next) {
+ if (!is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma)) {
+ pgd_t * pgd = pgd_offset(mm, vma->vm_start);
+- foundaddr = unuse_vma(vma, pgd, entry, page);
++ foundaddr = unuse_vma(vma, pgd, entry, page, ppbs);
+ if (foundaddr)
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -629,6 +696,7 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
+ int retval = 0;
+ int reset_overflow = 0;
+ int shmem;
++ struct page_beancounter *pb_list;
+ /*
+ * When searching mms for an entry, a good strategy is to
+@@ -687,6 +755,13 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
+ break;
+ }
++ pb_list = NULL;
++ if (pb_reserve_all(&pb_list)) {
++ page_cache_release(page);
++ retval = -ENOMEM;
++ break;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Don't hold on to start_mm if it looks like exiting.
+ */
+@@ -709,6 +784,20 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
+ lock_page(page);
+ wait_on_page_writeback(page);
++ /* If read failed we cannot map not-uptodate page to
++ * user space. Actually, we are in serious troubles,
++ * we do not even know what process to kill. So, the only
++ * variant remains: to stop swapoff() and allow someone
++ * to kill processes to zap invalid pages.
++ */
++ if (unlikely(!PageUptodate(page))) {
++ pb_free_list(&pb_list);
++ unlock_page(page);
++ page_cache_release(page);
++ retval = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Remove all references to entry, without blocking.
+ * Whenever we reach init_mm, there's no address space
+@@ -720,8 +809,10 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
+ if (start_mm == &init_mm)
+ shmem = shmem_unuse(entry, page);
+ else
+- retval = unuse_process(start_mm, entry, page);
++ retval = unuse_process(start_mm, entry, page,
++ &pb_list);
+ }
+ if (*swap_map > 1) {
+ int set_start_mm = (*swap_map >= swcount);
+ struct list_head *p = &start_mm->mmlist;
+@@ -749,7 +840,8 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
+ set_start_mm = 1;
+ shmem = shmem_unuse(entry, page);
+ } else
+- retval = unuse_process(mm, entry, page);
++ retval = unuse_process(mm, entry, page,
++ &pb_list);
+ if (set_start_mm && *swap_map < swcount) {
+ mmput(new_start_mm);
+ atomic_inc(&mm->mm_users);
+@@ -763,6 +855,8 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
+ mmput(start_mm);
+ start_mm = new_start_mm;
+ }
++ pb_free_list(&pb_list);
+ if (retval) {
+ unlock_page(page);
+ page_cache_release(page);
+@@ -1078,6 +1172,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapoff(const char _
+ {
+ struct swap_info_struct * p = NULL;
+ unsigned short *swap_map;
++ struct user_beancounter **owner_map;
+ struct file *swap_file, *victim;
+ struct address_space *mapping;
+ struct inode *inode;
+@@ -1085,6 +1180,10 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapoff(const char _
+ int i, type, prev;
+ int err;
++ /* VE admin check is just to be on the safe side, the admin may affect
++ * swaps only if he has access to special, i.e. if he has been granted
++ * access to the block device or if the swap file is in the area
++ * visible to him. */
+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+@@ -1168,12 +1267,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapoff(const char _
+ p->max = 0;
+ swap_map = p->swap_map;
+ p->swap_map = NULL;
++ owner_map = p->owner_map;
++ p->owner_map = NULL;
+ p->flags = 0;
+ destroy_swap_extents(p);
+ swap_device_unlock(p);
+ swap_list_unlock();
+ up(&swapon_sem);
+ vfree(swap_map);
++ vfree(owner_map);
+ inode = mapping->host;
+ if (S_ISBLK(inode->i_mode)) {
+ struct block_device *bdev = I_BDEV(inode);
+@@ -1310,6 +1412,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
+ struct page *page = NULL;
+ struct inode *inode = NULL;
+ int did_down = 0;
++ struct user_beancounter **owner_map;
+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+@@ -1347,6 +1450,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
+ p->highest_bit = 0;
+ p->cluster_nr = 0;
+ p->inuse_pages = 0;
++ p->owner_map = NULL;
+ p->sdev_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ p->next = -1;
+ if (swap_flags & SWAP_FLAG_PREFER) {
+@@ -1513,6 +1617,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
+ error = -EINVAL;
+ goto bad_swap;
+ }
++ p->owner_map = vmalloc(maxpages * sizeof(struct user_beancounter *));
++ if (!p->owner_map) {
++ error = -ENOMEM;
++ goto bad_swap;
++ }
++ memset(p->owner_map, 0,
++ maxpages * sizeof(struct user_beancounter *));
+ p->swap_map[0] = SWAP_MAP_BAD;
+ p->max = maxpages;
+ p->pages = nr_good_pages;
+@@ -1525,6 +1638,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
+ swap_list_lock();
+ swap_device_lock(p);
+ p->flags = SWP_ACTIVE;
++ if (swap_flags & SWAP_FLAG_READONLY)
++ p->flags |= SWP_READONLY;
+ nr_swap_pages += nr_good_pages;
+ total_swap_pages += nr_good_pages;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Adding %dk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d\n",
+@@ -1558,6 +1673,7 @@ bad_swap:
+ bad_swap_2:
+ swap_list_lock();
+ swap_map = p->swap_map;
++ owner_map = p->owner_map;
+ p->swap_file = NULL;
+ p->swap_map = NULL;
+ p->flags = 0;
+@@ -1567,6 +1683,8 @@ bad_swap_2:
+ destroy_swap_extents(p);
+ if (swap_map)
+ vfree(swap_map);
++ if (owner_map)
++ vfree(owner_map);
+ if (swap_file)
+ filp_close(swap_file, NULL);
+ out:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ invalidate_complete_page(struct address_
+ spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
++ BUG_ON(PagePrivate(page));
++ if (page_count(page) != 2) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
++ return 0;
++ }
+ __remove_from_page_cache(page);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
+ ClearPageUptodate(page);
+@@ -268,7 +274,11 @@ void invalidate_inode_pages2(struct addr
+ clear_page_dirty(page);
+ ClearPageUptodate(page);
+ } else {
+- invalidate_complete_page(mapping, page);
++ if (!invalidate_complete_page(mapping,
++ page)) {
++ clear_page_dirty(page);
++ ClearPageUptodate(page);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ unlock_page(page);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
++ * linux/mm/usercopy.c
++ *
++ * (C) Copyright 2003 Ingo Molnar
++ *
++ * Generic implementation of all the user-VM access functions, without
++ * relying on being able to access the VM directly.
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/errno.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/highmem.h>
++#include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/ptrace.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <asm/pgtable.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
++ * Get kernel address of the user page and pin it.
++ */
++static inline struct page *pin_page(unsigned long addr, int write,
++ pte_t *pte)
++ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm ? : &init_mm;
++ struct page *page = NULL;
++ int ret;
++ /*
++ * Do a quick atomic lookup first - this is the fastpath.
++ */
++ page = follow_page_pte(mm, addr, write, pte);
++ if (likely(page != NULL)) {
++ if (!PageReserved(page))
++ get_page(page);
++ return page;
++ }
++ if (pte_present(*pte))
++ return NULL;
++ /*
++ * No luck - bad address or need to fault in the page:
++ */
++ /* Release the lock so get_user_pages can sleep */
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ /*
++ * In the context of filemap_copy_from_user(), we are not allowed
++ * to sleep. We must fail this usercopy attempt and allow
++ * filemap_copy_from_user() to recover: drop its atomic kmap and use
++ * a sleeping kmap instead.
++ */
++ if (in_atomic()) {
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ ret = get_user_pages(current, mm, addr, 1, write, 0, NULL, NULL);
++ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ if (ret <= 0)
++ return NULL;
++ /*
++ * Go try the follow_page again.
++ */
++ goto retry;
++static inline void unpin_page(struct page *page)
++ put_page(page);
++ * Access another process' address space.
++ * Source/target buffer must be kernel space,
++ * Do not walk the page table directly, use get_user_pages
++ */
++static int rw_vm(unsigned long addr, void *buf, int len, int write)
++ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm ? : &init_mm;
++ if (!len)
++ return 0;
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ /* ignore errors, just check how much was sucessfully transfered */
++ while (len) {
++ struct page *page = NULL;
++ pte_t pte;
++ int bytes, offset;
++ void *maddr;
++ page = pin_page(addr, write, &pte);
++ if (!page && !pte_present(pte))
++ break;
++ bytes = len;
++ offset = addr & (PAGE_SIZE-1);
++ if (bytes > PAGE_SIZE-offset)
++ bytes = PAGE_SIZE-offset;
++ if (page)
++ maddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER_COPY);
++ else
++ /* we will map with user pte
++ */
++ maddr = kmap_atomic_pte(&pte, KM_USER_COPY);
++#define HANDLE_TYPE(type) \
++ case sizeof(type): *(type *)(maddr+offset) = *(type *)(buf); break;
++ if (write) {
++ switch (bytes) {
++ HANDLE_TYPE(char);
++ HANDLE_TYPE(int);
++ HANDLE_TYPE(long long);
++ default:
++ memcpy(maddr + offset, buf, bytes);
++ }
++ } else {
++#undef HANDLE_TYPE
++#define HANDLE_TYPE(type) \
++ case sizeof(type): *(type *)(buf) = *(type *)(maddr+offset); break;
++ switch (bytes) {
++ HANDLE_TYPE(char);
++ HANDLE_TYPE(int);
++ HANDLE_TYPE(long long);
++ default:
++ memcpy(buf, maddr + offset, bytes);
++ }
++#undef HANDLE_TYPE
++ }
++ kunmap_atomic(maddr, KM_USER_COPY);
++ if (page)
++ unpin_page(page);
++ len -= bytes;
++ buf += bytes;
++ addr += bytes;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ return len;
++static int str_vm(unsigned long addr, void *buf0, int len, int copy)
++ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm ? : &init_mm;
++ struct page *page;
++ void *buf = buf0;
++ if (!len)
++ return len;
++ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ /* ignore errors, just check how much was sucessfully transfered */
++ while (len) {
++ int bytes, offset, left, copied;
++ pte_t pte;
++ char *maddr;
++ page = pin_page(addr, copy == 2, &pte);
++ if (!page && !pte_present(pte)) {
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ bytes = len;
++ offset = addr & (PAGE_SIZE-1);
++ if (bytes > PAGE_SIZE-offset)
++ bytes = PAGE_SIZE-offset;
++ if (page)
++ maddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER_COPY);
++ else
++ /* we will map with user pte
++ */
++ maddr = kmap_atomic_pte(&pte, KM_USER_COPY);
++ if (copy == 2) {
++ memset(maddr + offset, 0, bytes);
++ copied = bytes;
++ left = 0;
++ } else if (copy == 1) {
++ left = strncpy_count(buf, maddr + offset, bytes);
++ copied = bytes - left;
++ } else {
++ copied = strnlen(maddr + offset, bytes);
++ left = bytes - copied;
++ }
++ BUG_ON(bytes < 0 || copied < 0);
++ kunmap_atomic(maddr, KM_USER_COPY);
++ if (page)
++ unpin_page(page);
++ len -= copied;
++ buf += copied;
++ addr += copied;
++ if (left)
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
++ return len;
++ * Copies memory from userspace (ptr) into kernelspace (val).
++ *
++ * returns # of bytes not copied.
++ */
++int get_user_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr)
++ int ret;
++ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS)))
++ ret = __direct_copy_from_user(val, ptr, size);
++ else
++ ret = rw_vm((unsigned long)ptr, val, size, 0);
++ if (ret)
++ /*
++ * Zero the rest:
++ */
++ memset(val + size - ret, 0, ret);
++ return ret;
++ * Copies memory from kernelspace (val) into userspace (ptr).
++ *
++ * returns # of bytes not copied.
++ */
++int put_user_size(unsigned int size, const void *val, void *ptr)
++ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS)))
++ return __direct_copy_to_user(ptr, val, size);
++ else
++ return rw_vm((unsigned long)ptr, (void *)val, size, 1);
++int copy_str_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr)
++ int copied, left;
++ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))) {
++ left = strncpy_count(val, ptr, size);
++ copied = size - left;
++ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
++ return copied;
++ }
++ left = str_vm((unsigned long)ptr, val, size, 1);
++ if (left < 0)
++ return left;
++ copied = size - left;
++ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
++ return copied;
++int strlen_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, const void *ptr)
++ int copied, left;
++ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))) {
++ copied = strnlen(ptr, size) + 1;
++ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
++ return copied;
++ }
++ left = str_vm((unsigned long)ptr, NULL, size, 0);
++ if (left < 0)
++ return 0;
++ copied = size - left + 1;
++ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
++ return copied;
++int zero_user_size(unsigned int size, void *ptr)
++ int left;
++ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))) {
++ memset(ptr, 0, size);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ left = str_vm((unsigned long)ptr, NULL, size, 2);
++ if (left < 0)
++ return size;
++ return left;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
++#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
+ rwlock_t vmlist_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ struct vm_struct *vmlist;
+@@ -246,6 +247,66 @@ struct vm_struct *get_vm_area(unsigned l
+ return __get_vm_area(size, flags, VMALLOC_START, VMALLOC_END);
+ }
++struct vm_struct * get_vm_area_best(unsigned long size, unsigned long flags)
++ unsigned long addr, best_addr, delta, best_delta;
++ struct vm_struct **p, **best_p, *tmp, *area;
++ area = (struct vm_struct *) kmalloc(sizeof(*area), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!area)
++ return NULL;
++ size += PAGE_SIZE; /* one-page gap at the end */
++ addr = VMALLOC_START;
++ best_addr = 0UL;
++ best_p = NULL;
++ write_lock(&vmlist_lock);
++ for (p = &vmlist; (tmp = *p) ; p = &tmp->next) {
++ if ((size + addr) < addr)
++ break;
++ delta = (unsigned long) tmp->addr - (size + addr);
++ if (delta < best_delta) {
++ best_delta = delta;
++ best_addr = addr;
++ best_p = p;
++ }
++ addr = tmp->size + (unsigned long) tmp->addr;
++ if (addr > VMALLOC_END-size)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!tmp) {
++ /* check free area after list end */
++ delta = (unsigned long) PAGE_ALIGN(VMALLOC_END) - (size + addr);
++ if (delta < best_delta) {
++ best_delta = delta;
++ best_addr = addr;
++ best_p = p;
++ }
++ }
++ if (best_addr) {
++ area->flags = flags;
++ /* allocate at the end of this area */
++ area->addr = (void *)(best_addr + best_delta);
++ area->size = size;
++ area->next = *best_p;
++ area->pages = NULL;
++ area->nr_pages = 0;
++ area->phys_addr = 0;
++ *best_p = area;
++ /* check like in __vunmap */
++ WARN_ON((PAGE_SIZE - 1) & (unsigned long)area->addr);
++ } else {
++ kfree(area);
++ area = NULL;
++ }
++ write_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
++ return area;
+ /**
+ * remove_vm_area - find and remove a contingous kernel virtual area
+ *
+@@ -298,6 +359,7 @@ void __vunmap(void *addr, int deallocate
+ if (deallocate_pages) {
+ int i;
++ dec_vmalloc_charged(area);
+ for (i = 0; i < area->nr_pages; i++) {
+ if (unlikely(!area->pages[i]))
+ BUG();
+@@ -390,17 +452,20 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(vmap);
+ * allocator with @gfp_mask flags. Map them into contiguous
+ * kernel virtual space, using a pagetable protection of @prot.
+ */
+-void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot)
++void *____vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot, int best)
+ {
+ struct vm_struct *area;
+ struct page **pages;
+- unsigned int nr_pages, array_size, i;
++ unsigned int nr_pages, array_size, i, j;
+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size);
+ if (!size || (size >> PAGE_SHIFT) > num_physpages)
+ return NULL;
+- area = get_vm_area(size, VM_ALLOC);
++ if (best)
++ area = get_vm_area_best(size, VM_ALLOC);
++ else
++ area = get_vm_area(size, VM_ALLOC);
+ if (!area)
+ return NULL;
+@@ -409,31 +474,38 @@ void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int
+ area->nr_pages = nr_pages;
+ area->pages = pages = kmalloc(array_size, (gfp_mask & ~__GFP_HIGHMEM));
+- if (!area->pages) {
+- remove_vm_area(area->addr);
+- kfree(area);
+- return NULL;
+- }
++ if (!area->pages)
++ goto fail_area;
+ memset(area->pages, 0, array_size);
+ for (i = 0; i < area->nr_pages; i++) {
+ area->pages[i] = alloc_page(gfp_mask);
+- if (unlikely(!area->pages[i])) {
+- /* Successfully allocated i pages, free them in __vunmap() */
+- area->nr_pages = i;
++ if (unlikely(!area->pages[i]))
+ goto fail;
+- }
+ }
+ if (map_vm_area(area, prot, &pages))
+ goto fail;
++ inc_vmalloc_charged(area, gfp_mask);
+ return area->addr;
+ fail:
+- vfree(area->addr);
++ for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
++ __free_page(area->pages[j]);
++ kfree(area->pages);
++ remove_vm_area(area->addr);
++ kfree(area);
+ return NULL;
+ }
++void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot)
++ return ____vmalloc(size, gfp_mask, prot, 0);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__vmalloc);
+ /**
+@@ -454,6 +526,20 @@ void *vmalloc(unsigned long size)
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(vmalloc);
++void *vmalloc_best(unsigned long size)
++ return ____vmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_HIGHMEM, PAGE_KERNEL, 1);
++void *ub_vmalloc_best(unsigned long size)
++ return ____vmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL_UBC | __GFP_HIGHMEM, PAGE_KERNEL, 1);
+ /**
+ * vmalloc_exec - allocate virtually contiguous, executable memory
+ *
+@@ -565,3 +651,37 @@ finished:
+ read_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
+ return buf - buf_start;
+ }
++void vprintstat(void)
++ struct vm_struct *p, *last_p = NULL;
++ unsigned long addr, size, free_size, max_free_size;
++ int num;
++ addr = VMALLOC_START;
++ size = max_free_size = 0;
++ num = 0;
++ read_lock(&vmlist_lock);
++ for (p = vmlist; p; p = p->next) {
++ free_size = (unsigned long)p->addr - addr;
++ if (free_size > max_free_size)
++ max_free_size = free_size;
++ addr = (unsigned long)p->addr + p->size;
++ size += p->size;
++ ++num;
++ last_p = p;
++ }
++ if (last_p) {
++ free_size = VMALLOC_END -
++ ((unsigned long)last_p->addr + last_p->size);
++ if (free_size > max_free_size)
++ max_free_size = free_size;
++ }
++ read_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
++ printk("VMALLOC Used: %luKB Total: %luKB Entries: %d\n"
++ " Max_Free: %luKB Start: %lx End: %lx\n",
++ size/1024, (VMALLOC_END - VMALLOC_START)/1024, num,
++ max_free_size/1024, VMALLOC_START, VMALLOC_END);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
+ #include <linux/swapops.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ /* possible outcome of pageout() */
+ typedef enum {
+ /* failed to write page out, page is locked */
+@@ -72,6 +74,8 @@ struct scan_control {
+ unsigned int gfp_mask;
+ int may_writepage;
++ struct oom_freeing_stat oom_stat;
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -174,14 +178,16 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(remove_shrinker);
+ * are eligible for the caller's allocation attempt. It is used for balancing
+ * slab reclaim versus page reclaim.
+ */
+-static int shrink_slab(unsigned long scanned, unsigned int gfp_mask,
++static int shrink_slab(struct scan_control *sc, unsigned int gfp_mask,
+ unsigned long lru_pages)
+ {
+ struct shrinker *shrinker;
++ unsigned long scanned;
+ if (down_trylock(&shrinker_sem))
+ return 0;
++ scanned = sc->nr_scanned;
+ list_for_each_entry(shrinker, &shrinker_list, list) {
+ unsigned long long delta;
+@@ -205,6 +211,7 @@ static int shrink_slab(unsigned long sca
+ shrinker->nr -= this_scan;
+ if (shrink_ret == -1)
+ break;
++ sc->oom_stat.slabs += shrink_ret;
+ cond_resched();
+ }
+ }
+@@ -389,6 +396,7 @@ static int shrink_list(struct list_head
+ page_map_unlock(page);
+ if (!add_to_swap(page))
+ goto activate_locked;
++ sc->oom_stat.swapped++;
+ page_map_lock(page);
+ }
+ #endif /* CONFIG_SWAP */
+@@ -430,6 +438,7 @@ static int shrink_list(struct list_head
+ goto activate_locked;
++ sc->oom_stat.written++;
+ if (PageWriteback(page) || PageDirty(page))
+ goto keep;
+ /*
+@@ -589,6 +598,7 @@ static void shrink_cache(struct zone *zo
+ else
+ mod_page_state_zone(zone, pgscan_direct, nr_scan);
+ nr_freed = shrink_list(&page_list, sc);
++ sc->oom_stat.freed += nr_freed;
+ if (current_is_kswapd())
+ mod_page_state(kswapd_steal, nr_freed);
+ mod_page_state_zone(zone, pgsteal, nr_freed);
+@@ -653,6 +663,7 @@ refill_inactive_zone(struct zone *zone,
+ long distress;
+ long swap_tendency;
++ KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(refill_inact)
+ lru_add_drain();
+ pgmoved = 0;
+ spin_lock_irq(&zone->lru_lock);
+@@ -793,6 +804,8 @@ refill_inactive_zone(struct zone *zone,
+ mod_page_state_zone(zone, pgrefill, pgscanned);
+ mod_page_state(pgdeactivate, pgdeactivate);
++ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(refill_inact);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -902,6 +915,10 @@ int try_to_free_pages(struct zone **zone
+ unsigned long lru_pages = 0;
+ int i;
++ memset(&sc.oom_stat, 0, sizeof(struct oom_freeing_stat));
++ sc.oom_stat.oom_generation = oom_generation;
+ sc.gfp_mask = gfp_mask;
+ sc.may_writepage = 0;
+@@ -920,7 +937,7 @@ int try_to_free_pages(struct zone **zone
+ sc.nr_reclaimed = 0;
+ sc.priority = priority;
+ shrink_caches(zones, &sc);
+- shrink_slab(sc.nr_scanned, gfp_mask, lru_pages);
++ shrink_slab(&sc, gfp_mask, lru_pages);
+ if (reclaim_state) {
+ sc.nr_reclaimed += reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab;
+ reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab = 0;
+@@ -949,10 +966,11 @@ int try_to_free_pages(struct zone **zone
+ blk_congestion_wait(WRITE, HZ/10);
+ }
+ if ((gfp_mask & __GFP_FS) && !(gfp_mask & __GFP_NORETRY))
+- out_of_memory(gfp_mask);
++ out_of_memory(&sc.oom_stat, gfp_mask);
+ out:
+ for (i = 0; zones[i] != 0; i++)
+ zones[i]->prev_priority = zones[i]->temp_priority;
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1062,7 +1080,7 @@ scan:
+ sc.priority = priority;
+ shrink_zone(zone, &sc);
+ reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab = 0;
+- shrink_slab(sc.nr_scanned, GFP_KERNEL, lru_pages);
++ shrink_slab(&sc, GFP_KERNEL, lru_pages);
+ sc.nr_reclaimed += reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab;
+ total_reclaimed += sc.nr_reclaimed;
+ if (zone->all_unreclaimable)
+@@ -1142,8 +1160,8 @@ static int kswapd(void *p)
+ tsk->flags |= PF_MEMALLOC|PF_KSWAPD;
+ for ( ; ; ) {
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ prepare_to_wait(&pgdat->kswapd_wait, &wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+ schedule();
+ finish_wait(&pgdat->kswapd_wait, &wait);
+@@ -1223,7 +1241,7 @@ static int __init kswapd_init(void)
+ swap_setup();
+ for_each_pgdat(pgdat)
+ pgdat->kswapd
+- = find_task_by_pid(kernel_thread(kswapd, pgdat, CLONE_KERNEL));
++ = find_task_by_pid_all(kernel_thread(kswapd, pgdat, CLONE_KERNEL));
+ total_memory = nr_free_pagecache_pages();
+ hotcpu_notifier(cpu_callback, 0);
+ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static kmem_cache_t *bt_sock_cache;
+ int bt_sock_register(int proto, struct net_proto_family *ops)
+ {
+- if (proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
++ if (proto < 0 || proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (bt_proto[proto])
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(bt_sock_register);
+ int bt_sock_unregister(int proto)
+ {
+- if (proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
++ if (proto < 0 || proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!bt_proto[proto])
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static int bt_sock_create(struct socket
+ {
+ int err = 0;
+- if (proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
++ if (proto < 0 || proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ #if defined(CONFIG_KMOD)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void __exit br_cleanup_bridges(void)
+ struct net_device *dev, *nxt;
+ rtnl_lock();
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = nxt) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = nxt) {
+ nxt = dev->next;
+ if (dev->priv_flags & IFF_EBRIDGE)
+ del_br(dev->priv);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ static int get_bridge_ifindices(int *ind
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ int i = 0;
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev && i < num; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev && i < num; dev = dev->next) {
+ if (dev->priv_flags & IFF_EBRIDGE)
+ indices[i++] = dev->ifindex;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ int verify_compat_iovec(struct msghdr *k
+ (struct compat_cmsghdr __user *)((msg)->msg_control) : \
+ (struct compat_cmsghdr __user *)NULL)
++#define CMSG_COMPAT_OK(ucmlen, ucmsg, mhdr) \
++ ((ucmlen) >= sizeof(struct compat_cmsghdr) && \
++ (ucmlen) <= (unsigned long) \
++ ((mhdr)->msg_controllen - \
++ ((char *)(ucmsg) - (char *)(mhdr)->msg_control)))
+ static inline struct compat_cmsghdr __user *cmsg_compat_nxthdr(struct msghdr *msg,
+ struct compat_cmsghdr __user *cmsg, int cmsg_len)
+ {
+@@ -137,13 +143,14 @@ static inline struct compat_cmsghdr __us
+ * thus placement) of cmsg headers and length are different for
+ * 32-bit apps. -DaveM
+ */
+-int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *kmsg,
++int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *kmsg, struct sock *sk,
+ unsigned char *stackbuf, int stackbuf_size)
+ {
+ struct compat_cmsghdr __user *ucmsg;
+ struct cmsghdr *kcmsg, *kcmsg_base;
+ compat_size_t ucmlen;
+ __kernel_size_t kcmlen, tmp;
++ int err = -EFAULT;
+ kcmlen = 0;
+ kcmsg_base = kcmsg = (struct cmsghdr *)stackbuf;
+@@ -153,15 +160,12 @@ int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(str
+ return -EFAULT;
+ /* Catch bogons. */
+- if(CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(ucmlen) <
+- CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct compat_cmsghdr)))
+- return -EINVAL;
+- if((unsigned long)(((char __user *)ucmsg - (char __user *)kmsg->msg_control)
+- + ucmlen) > kmsg->msg_controllen)
++ if (!CMSG_COMPAT_OK(ucmlen, ucmsg, kmsg))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ tmp = ((ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg))) +
+ CMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)));
++ tmp = CMSG_ALIGN(tmp);
+ kcmlen += tmp;
+ ucmsg = cmsg_compat_nxthdr(kmsg, ucmsg, ucmlen);
+ }
+@@ -173,30 +177,34 @@ int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(str
+ * until we have successfully copied over all of the data
+ * from the user.
+ */
+- if(kcmlen > stackbuf_size)
+- kcmsg_base = kcmsg = kmalloc(kcmlen, GFP_KERNEL);
+- if(kcmsg == NULL)
++ if (kcmlen > stackbuf_size)
++ kcmsg_base = kcmsg = sock_kmalloc(sk, kcmlen, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (kcmsg == NULL)
+ return -ENOBUFS;
+ /* Now copy them over neatly. */
+ memset(kcmsg, 0, kcmlen);
+ ucmsg = CMSG_COMPAT_FIRSTHDR(kmsg);
+ while(ucmsg != NULL) {
+- __get_user(ucmlen, &ucmsg->cmsg_len);
++ if (__get_user(ucmlen, &ucmsg->cmsg_len))
++ goto Efault;
++ if (!CMSG_COMPAT_OK(ucmlen, ucmsg, kmsg))
++ goto Einval;
+ tmp = ((ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg))) +
+ CMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)));
++ if ((char *)kcmsg_base + kcmlen - (char *)kcmsg < CMSG_ALIGN(tmp))
++ goto Einval;
+ kcmsg->cmsg_len = tmp;
+- __get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_level, &ucmsg->cmsg_level);
+- __get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_type, &ucmsg->cmsg_type);
+- /* Copy over the data. */
+- if(copy_from_user(CMSG_DATA(kcmsg),
+- (ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg)))))
+- goto out_free_efault;
++ tmp = CMSG_ALIGN(tmp);
++ if (__get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_level, &ucmsg->cmsg_level) ||
++ __get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_type, &ucmsg->cmsg_type) ||
++ copy_from_user(CMSG_DATA(kcmsg),
++ (ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg)))))
++ goto Efault;
+ /* Advance. */
+- kcmsg = (struct cmsghdr *)((char *)kcmsg + CMSG_ALIGN(tmp));
++ kcmsg = (struct cmsghdr *)((char *)kcmsg + tmp);
+ ucmsg = cmsg_compat_nxthdr(kmsg, ucmsg, ucmlen);
+ }
+@@ -205,10 +213,12 @@ int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(str
+ kmsg->msg_controllen = kcmlen;
+ return 0;
+- if(kcmsg_base != (struct cmsghdr *)stackbuf)
+- kfree(kcmsg_base);
+- return -EFAULT;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (kcmsg_base != (struct cmsghdr *)stackbuf)
++ sock_kfree_s(sk, kcmsg_base, kcmlen);
++ return err;
+ }
+ int put_cmsg_compat(struct msghdr *kmsg, int level, int type, int len, void *data)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
+ #include <net/sock.h>
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ /*
+ * Is a socket 'connection oriented' ?
+@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ unsigned int datagram_poll(struct file *
+ {
+ struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
+ unsigned int mask;
++ int no_ubc_space;
+ poll_wait(file, sk->sk_sleep, wait);
+ mask = 0;
+@@ -461,8 +464,14 @@ unsigned int datagram_poll(struct file *
+ /* exceptional events? */
+ if (sk->sk_err || !skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_error_queue))
+ mask |= POLLERR;
+- if (sk->sk_shutdown == SHUTDOWN_MASK)
++ if (sk->sk_shutdown == SHUTDOWN_MASK) {
++ no_ubc_space = 0;
+ mask |= POLLHUP;
++ } else {
++ no_ubc_space = ub_sock_makewres_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
++ if (no_ubc_space)
++ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
++ }
+ /* readable? */
+ if (!skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_receive_queue) ||
+@@ -479,7 +488,7 @@ unsigned int datagram_poll(struct file *
+ }
+ /* writable? */
+- if (sock_writeable(sk))
++ if (!no_ubc_space && sock_writeable(sk))
+ else
+ set_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
+ #include <net/iw_handler.h>
+ #endif /* CONFIG_NET_RADIO */
+ #include <asm/current.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ /* This define, if set, will randomly drop a packet when congestion
+ * is more than moderate. It helps fairness in the multi-interface
+@@ -189,18 +190,42 @@ rwlock_t dev_base_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKE
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_base);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_base_lock);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++static uint8_t unmovable_ifindex_list[MAX_UNMOVABLE_NETDEVICES/8];
++static LIST_HEAD(dev_global_list);
++void prepare_netdev(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->_net_dev_base = dev_base;
++ dev_base = (struct net_device *)0x10101011;
++ /* we should setup dev_base/dev_tail before any dev inserted */
++ BUG_ON(dev_tail != &dev_base);
++ get_ve0()->_net_dev_tail = &get_ve0()->_net_dev_base;
++ dev_tail = (struct net_device **)0x10101013;
+ static struct hlist_head dev_name_head[1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS];
+ static struct hlist_head dev_index_head[1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS];
+-static inline struct hlist_head *dev_name_hash(const char *name)
++struct hlist_head *dev_name_hash(const char *name, struct ve_struct *env)
+ {
+- unsigned hash = full_name_hash(name, strnlen(name, IFNAMSIZ));
++ unsigned hash;
++ if (!ve_is_super(env))
++ return visible_dev_head(env);
++ hash = full_name_hash(name, strnlen(name, IFNAMSIZ));
+ return &dev_name_head[hash & ((1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS)-1)];
+ }
+-static inline struct hlist_head *dev_index_hash(int ifindex)
++struct hlist_head *dev_index_hash(int ifindex, struct ve_struct *env)
+ {
++ if (!ve_is_super(env))
++ return visible_dev_index_head(env);
+ return &dev_index_head[ifindex & ((1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS)-1)];
+ }
+@@ -488,7 +513,7 @@ struct net_device *__dev_get_by_name(con
+ {
+ struct hlist_node *p;
+- hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(name)) {
++ hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(name, get_exec_env())) {
+ struct net_device *dev
+ = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device, name_hlist);
+ if (!strncmp(dev->name, name, IFNAMSIZ))
+@@ -520,6 +545,28 @@ struct net_device *dev_get_by_name(const
+ return dev;
+ }
++ * __dev_global_get_by_name - find a device by its name in dev_global_list
++ * @name: name to find
++ *
++ * Find an interface by name. Must be called under RTNL semaphore
++ * If the name is found a pointer to the device
++ * is returned. If the name is not found then %NULL is returned. The
++ * reference counters are not incremented so the caller must be
++ * careful with locks.
++ */
++struct net_device *__dev_global_get_by_name(const char *name)
++ struct net_device *dev;
++ /* It's called relatively rarely */
++ list_for_each_entry(dev, &dev_global_list, dev_global_list_entry) {
++ if (strncmp(dev->name, name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0)
++ return dev;
++ }
++ return NULL;
+ /*
+ Return value is changed to int to prevent illegal usage in future.
+ It is still legal to use to check for device existence.
+@@ -564,7 +611,7 @@ struct net_device *__dev_get_by_index(in
+ {
+ struct hlist_node *p;
+- hlist_for_each(p, dev_index_hash(ifindex)) {
++ hlist_for_each(p, dev_index_hash(ifindex, get_exec_env())) {
+ struct net_device *dev
+ = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device, index_hlist);
+ if (dev->ifindex == ifindex)
+@@ -616,7 +663,7 @@ struct net_device *dev_getbyhwaddr(unsig
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next)
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next)
+ if (dev->type == type &&
+ !memcmp(dev->dev_addr, ha, dev->addr_len))
+ break;
+@@ -627,7 +674,7 @@ struct net_device *__dev_getfirstbyhwtyp
+ {
+ struct net_device *dev;
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next)
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next)
+ if (dev->type == type)
+ break;
+ return dev;
+@@ -686,7 +733,7 @@ struct net_device *__dev_get_by_flags(un
+ {
+ struct net_device *dev;
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev != NULL; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev != NULL; dev = dev->next) {
+ if (((dev->flags ^ if_flags) & mask) == 0)
+ return dev;
+ }
+@@ -720,6 +767,23 @@ int dev_valid_name(const char *name)
+ * of the unit assigned or a negative errno code.
+ */
++static inline void __dev_check_name(const char *dev_name, const char *name,
++ long *inuse, const int max_netdevices)
++ int i = 0;
++ char buf[IFNAMSIZ];
++ if (!sscanf(dev_name, name, &i))
++ return;
++ if (i < 0 || i >= max_netdevices)
++ return;
++ /* avoid cases where sscanf is not exact inverse of printf */
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), name, i);
++ if (!strncmp(buf, dev_name, IFNAMSIZ))
++ set_bit(i, inuse);
+ int dev_alloc_name(struct net_device *dev, const char *name)
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+@@ -744,16 +808,18 @@ int dev_alloc_name(struct net_device *de
+ if (!inuse)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- for (d = dev_base; d; d = d->next) {
+- if (!sscanf(d->name, name, &i))
+- continue;
+- if (i < 0 || i >= max_netdevices)
+- continue;
+- /* avoid cases where sscanf is not exact inverse of printf */
+- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), name, i);
+- if (!strncmp(buf, d->name, IFNAMSIZ))
+- set_bit(i, inuse);
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &dev_global_list,
++ dev_global_list_entry) {
++ __dev_check_name(d->name, name, inuse,
++ max_netdevices);
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ for (d = visible_dev_base; d; d = d->next) {
++ __dev_check_name(d->name, name, inuse,
++ max_netdevices);
++ }
+ }
+ i = find_first_zero_bit(inuse, max_netdevices);
+@@ -761,7 +827,11 @@ int dev_alloc_name(struct net_device *de
+ }
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), name, i);
+- if (!__dev_get_by_name(buf)) {
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ d = __dev_global_get_by_name(buf);
++ else
++ d = __dev_get_by_name(buf);
++ if (d == NULL) {
+ strlcpy(dev->name, buf, IFNAMSIZ);
+ return i;
+ }
+@@ -794,13 +864,15 @@ int dev_change_name(struct net_device *d
+ if (!dev_valid_name(newname))
+ return -EINVAL;
++ /* Rename of devices in VE is prohibited by CAP_NET_ADMIN */
+ if (strchr(newname, '%')) {
+ err = dev_alloc_name(dev, newname);
+ if (err < 0)
+ return err;
+ strcpy(newname, dev->name);
+ }
+- else if (__dev_get_by_name(newname))
++ else if (__dev_global_get_by_name(newname))
+ return -EEXIST;
+ else
+ strlcpy(dev->name, newname, IFNAMSIZ);
+@@ -808,7 +880,8 @@ int dev_change_name(struct net_device *d
+ err = class_device_rename(&dev->class_dev, dev->name);
+ if (!err) {
+ hlist_del(&dev->name_hlist);
+- hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, dev_name_hash(dev->name));
++ hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, dev_name_hash(dev->name,
++ get_exec_env()));
+ notifier_call_chain(&netdev_chain, NETDEV_CHANGENAME, dev);
+ }
+@@ -1045,7 +1118,7 @@ int register_netdevice_notifier(struct n
+ rtnl_lock();
+ err = notifier_chain_register(&netdev_chain, nb);
+ if (!err) {
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
+ nb->notifier_call(nb, NETDEV_REGISTER, dev);
+ if (dev->flags & IFF_UP)
+@@ -1338,6 +1411,25 @@ int dev_queue_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ skb->tc_verd = SET_TC_AT(skb->tc_verd,AT_EGRESS);
+ #endif
+ if (q->enqueue) {
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub;
++ /* the skb CAN be already charged if it transmitted via
++ * something like bonding device */
++ if (ub && (skb_bc(skb)->resource == 0)) {
++ unsigned long chargesize;
++ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF,
++ chargesize, UB_SOFT)) {
++ rcu_read_unlock();
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto out_kfree_skb;
++ }
++ skb_bc(skb)->ub = ub;
++ skb_bc(skb)->charged = chargesize;
++ skb_bc(skb)->resource = UB_OTHERSOCKBUF;
++ }
+ /* Grab device queue */
+ spin_lock_bh(&dev->queue_lock);
+@@ -1761,6 +1853,7 @@ int netif_receive_skb(struct sk_buff *sk
+ struct packet_type *ptype, *pt_prev;
+ int ret = NET_RX_DROP;
+ unsigned short type;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ if (skb->dev->netpoll_rx && skb->dev->poll && netpoll_rx(skb)) {
+@@ -1779,6 +1872,15 @@ int netif_receive_skb(struct sk_buff *sk
+ skb->h.raw = skb->nh.raw = skb->data;
+ skb->mac_len = skb->nh.raw - skb->mac.raw;
++ /*
++ * Skb might be alloced in another VE context, than its device works.
++ * So, set the correct owner_env.
++ */
++ skb->owner_env = skb->dev->owner_env;
++ BUG_ON(skb->owner_env == NULL);
++ old_env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
+ pt_prev = NULL;
+ if (skb->tc_verd & TC_NCLS) {
+@@ -1844,6 +1946,7 @@ ncls:
+ out:
+ rcu_read_unlock();
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -2041,7 +2144,7 @@ static int dev_ifconf(char __user *arg)
+ */
+ total = 0;
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
+ for (i = 0; i < NPROTO; i++) {
+ if (gifconf_list[i]) {
+ int done;
+@@ -2078,7 +2181,7 @@ static __inline__ struct net_device *dev
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ loff_t i;
+- for (i = 0, dev = dev_base; dev && i < pos; ++i, dev = dev->next);
++ for (i = 0, dev = visible_dev_base; dev && i < pos; ++i, dev = dev->next);
+ return i == pos ? dev : NULL;
+ }
+@@ -2092,7 +2195,7 @@ void *dev_seq_start(struct seq_file *seq
+ void *dev_seq_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *v, loff_t *pos)
+ {
+ ++*pos;
+- return v == SEQ_START_TOKEN ? dev_base : ((struct net_device *)v)->next;
++ return v == SEQ_START_TOKEN ? visible_dev_base : ((struct net_device *)v)->next;
+ }
+ void dev_seq_stop(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)
+@@ -2240,7 +2343,8 @@ static int __init dev_proc_init(void)
+ if (!proc_net_fops_create("dev", S_IRUGO, &dev_seq_fops))
+ goto out;
+- if (!proc_net_fops_create("softnet_stat", S_IRUGO, &softnet_seq_fops))
++ if (!__proc_net_fops_create("net/softnet_stat", S_IRUGO,
++ &softnet_seq_fops, NULL))
+ goto out_dev;
+ if (wireless_proc_init())
+ goto out_softnet;
+@@ -2248,7 +2352,7 @@ static int __init dev_proc_init(void)
+ out:
+ return rc;
+ out_softnet:
+- proc_net_remove("softnet_stat");
++ __proc_net_remove("net/softnet_stat");
+ out_dev:
+ proc_net_remove("dev");
+ goto out;
+@@ -2314,6 +2418,9 @@ void dev_set_promiscuity(struct net_devi
+ dev->flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
+ if ((dev->promiscuity += inc) == 0)
+ dev->flags &= ~IFF_PROMISC;
++ /* Promiscous mode on these devices does not mean anything */
++ if (dev->flags & (IFF_LOOPBACK|IFF_POINTOPOINT))
++ return;
+ if (dev->flags ^ old_flags) {
+ dev_mc_upload(dev);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "device %s %s promiscuous mode\n",
+@@ -2720,9 +2827,28 @@ int dev_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void __u
+ * - require strict serialization.
+ * - do not return a value
+ */
++ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN) &&
++ !capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
++ return -EPERM;
++ dev_load(ifr.ifr_name);
++ rtnl_lock();
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct net_device *dev;
++ ret = -ENODEV;
++ if ((dev = __dev_get_by_name(ifr.ifr_name)) == NULL)
++ goto out_set_mtu_unlock;
++ ret = -EPERM;
++ if (ifr.ifr_mtu > dev->orig_mtu)
++ goto out_set_mtu_unlock;
++ }
++ ret = dev_ifsioc(&ifr, cmd);
++ rtnl_unlock();
++ return ret;
+@@ -2798,25 +2924,75 @@ int dev_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void __u
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * dev_new_index - allocate an ifindex
+ *
+ * Returns a suitable unique value for a new device interface
+- * number. The caller must hold the rtnl semaphore or the
++ * number. The caller must hold the rtnl semaphore or the
+ * dev_base_lock to be sure it remains unique.
++ *
++ * Note: dev->name must be valid on entrance
+ */
+-int dev_new_index(void)
++static int dev_ve_new_index(void)
+ {
+- static int ifindex;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int *ifindex = &get_exec_env()->ifindex;
++ int delta = 2;
++ static int s_ifindex;
++ int *ifindex = &s_ifindex;
++ int delta = 1;
+ for (;;) {
+- if (++ifindex <= 0)
+- ifindex = 1;
+- if (!__dev_get_by_index(ifindex))
+- return ifindex;
++ *ifindex += delta;
++ if (*ifindex <= 0)
++ *ifindex = 1;
++ if (!__dev_get_by_index(*ifindex))
++ return *ifindex;
+ }
+ }
++static int dev_glb_new_index(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int i;
++ i = find_first_zero_bit((long*)unmovable_ifindex_list,
++ return -EMFILE;
++ __set_bit(i, (long*)unmovable_ifindex_list);
++ return (i + 1) * 2;
++static void dev_glb_free_index(struct net_device *dev)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int bit;
++ bit = dev->ifindex / 2 - 1;
++ __clear_bit(bit, (long*)unmovable_ifindex_list);
++int dev_new_index(struct net_device *dev)
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
++ return dev_glb_new_index();
++ return dev_ve_new_index();
++void dev_free_index(struct net_device *dev)
++ if ((dev->ifindex % 2) == 0)
++ dev_glb_free_index(dev);
+ static int dev_boot_phase = 1;
+ /* Delayed registration/unregisteration */
+@@ -2860,6 +3036,10 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
+ /* When net_device's are persistent, this will be fatal. */
+ BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_UNINITIALIZED);
++ ret = -EPERM;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
++ goto out;
+ spin_lock_init(&dev->queue_lock);
+ spin_lock_init(&dev->xmit_lock);
+ dev->xmit_lock_owner = -1;
+@@ -2879,27 +3059,32 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
+ if (ret) {
+ if (ret > 0)
+ ret = -EIO;
+- goto out_err;
++ goto out_free_div;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dev_valid_name(dev->name)) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+- goto out_err;
++ goto out_free_div;
++ }
++ dev->ifindex = dev_new_index(dev);
++ if (dev->ifindex < 0) {
++ ret = dev->ifindex;
++ goto out_free_div;
+ }
+- dev->ifindex = dev_new_index();
+ if (dev->iflink == -1)
+ dev->iflink = dev->ifindex;
+ /* Check for existence of name */
+- head = dev_name_hash(dev->name);
++ head = dev_name_hash(dev->name, get_exec_env());
+ hlist_for_each(p, head) {
+ struct net_device *d
+ = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device, name_hlist);
+ if (!strncmp(d->name, dev->name, IFNAMSIZ)) {
+ ret = -EEXIST;
+- goto out_err;
++ goto out_free_ind;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2929,12 +3114,19 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
+ set_bit(__LINK_STATE_PRESENT, &dev->state);
+ dev->next = NULL;
++ dev->owner_env = get_exec_env();
++ dev->orig_mtu = dev->mtu;
++ netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
++ netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
+ dev_init_scheduler(dev);
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ list_add_tail(&dev->dev_global_list_entry, &dev_global_list);
+ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
+- *dev_tail = dev;
+- dev_tail = &dev->next;
++ *visible_dev_tail = dev;
++ visible_dev_tail = &dev->next;
+ hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, head);
+- hlist_add_head(&dev->index_hlist, dev_index_hash(dev->ifindex));
++ hlist_add_head(&dev->index_hlist, dev_index_hash(dev->ifindex,
++ get_exec_env()));
+ dev_hold(dev);
+ dev->reg_state = NETREG_REGISTERING;
+ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
+@@ -2948,7 +3140,9 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
+ out:
+ return ret;
++ dev_free_index(dev);
+ free_divert_blk(dev);
+ goto out;
+ }
+@@ -3032,6 +3226,7 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
+ {
+ struct list_head list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(list);
+ int err;
++ struct ve_struct *current_env;
+ /* Need to guard against multiple cpu's getting out of order. */
+@@ -3050,22 +3245,30 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
+ list_splice_init(&net_todo_list, &list);
+ spin_unlock(&net_todo_list_lock);
++ current_env = get_exec_env();
+ while (!list_empty(&list)) {
+ struct net_device *dev
+ = list_entry(, struct net_device, todo_list);
+ list_del(&dev->todo_list);
++ (void)set_exec_env(dev->owner_env);
+ switch(dev->reg_state) {
+ err = netdev_register_sysfs(dev);
+- if (err)
++ if (err) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed sysfs registration (%d)\n",
+ dev->name, err);
++ dev->reg_state = NETREG_REGISTER_ERR;
++ break;
++ }
+ dev->reg_state = NETREG_REGISTERED;
+ break;
+ netdev_unregister_sysfs(dev);
++ /* fall through */
+ dev->reg_state = NETREG_UNREGISTERED;
+ netdev_wait_allrefs(dev);
+@@ -3076,6 +3279,10 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
+ BUG_TRAP(!dev->ip6_ptr);
+ BUG_TRAP(!dev->dn_ptr);
++ put_beancounter(netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub);
++ put_beancounter(netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub);
++ netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub = NULL;
++ netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub = NULL;
+ /* It must be the very last action,
+ * after this 'dev' may point to freed up memory.
+@@ -3090,6 +3297,7 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
++ (void)set_exec_env(current_env);
+ out:
+ up(&net_todo_run_mutex);
+@@ -3156,22 +3364,25 @@ int unregister_netdevice(struct net_devi
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+- BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED);
++ BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED &&
++ dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTER_ERR);
+ /* If device is running, close it first. */
+ if (dev->flags & IFF_UP)
+ dev_close(dev);
+ /* And unlink it from device chain. */
+- for (dp = &dev_base; (d = *dp) != NULL; dp = &d->next) {
++ for (dp = &visible_dev_base; (d = *dp) != NULL; dp = &d->next) {
+ if (d == dev) {
+ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
+ hlist_del(&dev->name_hlist);
+ hlist_del(&dev->index_hlist);
+- if (dev_tail == &dev->next)
+- dev_tail = dp;
++ if (visible_dev_tail == &dev->next)
++ visible_dev_tail = dp;
+ *dp = d->next;
+ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ list_del(&dev->dev_global_list_entry);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -3181,7 +3392,8 @@ int unregister_netdevice(struct net_devi
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+- dev->reg_state = NETREG_UNREGISTERING;
++ if (dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTER_ERR)
++ dev->reg_state = NETREG_UNREGISTERING;
+ synchronize_net();
+@@ -3205,6 +3417,8 @@ int unregister_netdevice(struct net_devi
+ /* Notifier chain MUST detach us from master device. */
+ BUG_TRAP(!dev->master);
++ dev_free_index(dev);
+ free_divert_blk(dev);
+ /* Finish processing unregister after unlock */
+@@ -3280,6 +3494,8 @@ static int __init net_dev_init(void)
+ BUG_ON(!dev_boot_phase);
++ prepare_netdev();
+ if (dev_proc_init())
+ goto out;
+@@ -3352,6 +3568,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_get_by_name);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_getbyhwaddr);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_ioctl);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_new_index);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_open);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_queue_xmit);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_queue_xmit_nit);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ static void *dev_mc_seq_start(struct seq
+ loff_t off = 0;
+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
+ if (off++ == *pos)
+ return dev;
+ }
+@@ -297,3 +297,4 @@ void __init dev_mcast_init(void)
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_mc_add);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_mc_delete);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_mc_upload);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ static struct timer_list dst_gc_timer =
+ static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dummy)
+ {
+ int delayed = 0;
++ int work_performed;
+ struct dst_entry * dst, **dstp;
+ if (!spin_trylock(&dst_lock)) {
+@@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dum
+ return;
+ }
+ del_timer(&dst_gc_timer);
+ dstp = &dst_garbage_list;
++ work_performed = 0;
+ while ((dst = *dstp) != NULL) {
+ if (atomic_read(&dst->__refcnt)) {
+ dstp = &dst->next;
+@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dum
+ continue;
+ }
+ *dstp = dst->next;
++ work_performed = 1;
+ dst = dst_destroy(dst);
+ if (dst) {
+@@ -88,9 +90,14 @@ static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dum
+ dst_gc_timer_inc = DST_GC_MAX;
+ goto out;
+ }
+- if ((dst_gc_timer_expires += dst_gc_timer_inc) > DST_GC_MAX)
+- dst_gc_timer_expires = DST_GC_MAX;
+- dst_gc_timer_inc += DST_GC_INC;
++ if (!work_performed) {
++ if ((dst_gc_timer_expires += dst_gc_timer_inc) > DST_GC_MAX)
++ dst_gc_timer_expires = DST_GC_MAX;
++ dst_gc_timer_inc += DST_GC_INC;
++ } else {
++ dst_gc_timer_inc = DST_GC_INC;
++ dst_gc_timer_expires = DST_GC_MIN;
++ }
+ dst_gc_timer.expires = jiffies + dst_gc_timer_expires;
+ #if RT_CACHE_DEBUG >= 2
+ printk("dst_total: %d/%d %ld\n",
+@@ -231,13 +238,13 @@ static void dst_ifdown(struct dst_entry
+ do {
+ if (unregister) {
+- dst->dev = &loopback_dev;
+- dev_hold(&loopback_dev);
++ dst->dev = &visible_loopback_dev;
++ dev_hold(&visible_loopback_dev);
+ dev_put(dev);
+ if (dst->neighbour && dst->neighbour->dev == dev) {
+- dst->neighbour->dev = &loopback_dev;
++ dst->neighbour->dev = &visible_loopback_dev;
+ dev_put(dev);
+- dev_hold(&loopback_dev);
++ dev_hold(&visible_loopback_dev);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -255,12 +262,15 @@ static int dst_dev_event(struct notifier
+ switch (event) {
+- spin_lock_bh(&dst_lock);
++ local_bh_disable();
++ dst_run_gc(0);
++ spin_lock(&dst_lock);
+ for (dst = dst_garbage_list; dst; dst = dst->next) {
+ if (dst->dev == dev)
+ dst_ifdown(dst, event != NETDEV_DOWN);
+ }
+- spin_unlock_bh(&dst_lock);
++ spin_unlock(&dst_lock);
++ local_bh_enable();
+ break;
+ }
+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ int sk_attach_filter(struct sock_fprog *
+ if (fprog->filter == NULL || fprog->len > BPF_MAXINSNS)
+ return -EINVAL;
+- fp = sock_kmalloc(sk, fsize+sizeof(*fp), GFP_KERNEL);
++ fp = sock_kmalloc(sk, fsize+sizeof(*fp), GFP_KERNEL_UBC);
+ if (!fp)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (copy_from_user(fp->insns, fprog->filter, fsize)) {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -652,6 +652,11 @@ static void neigh_timer_handler(unsigned
+ struct neighbour *neigh = (struct neighbour *)arg;
+ unsigned state;
+ int notify = 0;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ env = set_exec_env(neigh->dev->owner_env);
++ ub = set_exec_ub(netdev_bc(neigh->dev)->exec_ub);
+ write_lock(&neigh->lock);
+@@ -706,6 +711,8 @@ static void neigh_timer_handler(unsigned
+ neigh->ops->solicit(neigh, skb_peek(&neigh->arp_queue));
+ atomic_inc(&neigh->probes);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
++ set_exec_env(env);
+ return;
+ out:
+@@ -715,6 +722,8 @@ out:
+ neigh_app_notify(neigh);
+ #endif
+ neigh_release(neigh);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
++ set_exec_env(env);
+ }
+ int __neigh_event_send(struct neighbour *neigh, struct sk_buff *skb)
+@@ -1068,6 +1077,12 @@ static void neigh_proxy_process(unsigned
+ skb = skb->next;
+ if (tdif <= 0) {
+ struct net_device *dev = back->dev;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ env = set_exec_env(dev->owner_env);
++ ub = set_exec_ub(netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub);
+ __skb_unlink(back, &tbl->proxy_queue);
+ if (tbl->proxy_redo && netif_running(dev))
+ tbl->proxy_redo(back);
+@@ -1075,6 +1090,9 @@ static void neigh_proxy_process(unsigned
+ kfree_skb(back);
+ dev_put(dev);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
++ set_exec_env(env);
+ } else if (!sched_next || tdif < sched_next)
+ sched_next = tdif;
+ }
+@@ -1222,6 +1240,9 @@ int neigh_delete(struct sk_buff *skb, st
+ struct net_device *dev = NULL;
+ int err = -ENODEV;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EACCES;
+ if (ndm->ndm_ifindex &&
+ (dev = dev_get_by_index(ndm->ndm_ifindex)) == NULL)
+ goto out;
+@@ -1272,6 +1293,9 @@ int neigh_add(struct sk_buff *skb, struc
+ struct net_device *dev = NULL;
+ int err = -ENODEV;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EACCES;
+ if (ndm->ndm_ifindex &&
+ (dev = dev_get_by_index(ndm->ndm_ifindex)) == NULL)
+ goto out;
+@@ -1418,6 +1442,9 @@ int neigh_dump_info(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ struct neigh_table *tbl;
+ int t, family, s_t;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EACCES;
+ read_lock(&neigh_tbl_lock);
+ family = ((struct rtgenmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(cb->nlh))->rtgen_family;
+ s_t = cb->args[0];
+@@ -1636,11 +1663,17 @@ int neigh_sysctl_register(struct net_dev
+ int p_id, int pdev_id, char *p_name,
+ proc_handler *handler)
+ {
+- struct neigh_sysctl_table *t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ struct neigh_sysctl_table *t;
+ const char *dev_name_source = NULL;
+ char *dev_name = NULL;
+ int err = 0;
++ /* This function is called from VExx only from devinet_init,
++ and it is does not matter what is returned */
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return 0;
++ t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!t)
+ return -ENOBUFS;
+ memcpy(t, &neigh_sysctl_template, sizeof(*t));
+@@ -1710,6 +1743,8 @@ int neigh_sysctl_register(struct net_dev
+ void neigh_sysctl_unregister(struct neigh_parms *p)
+ {
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return;
+ if (p->sysctl_table) {
+ struct neigh_sysctl_table *t = p->sysctl_table;
+ p->sysctl_table = NULL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -370,7 +370,8 @@ static void netdev_release(struct class_
+ struct net_device *dev
+ = container_of(cd, struct net_device, class_dev);
+- BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_RELEASED);
++ BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_RELEASED &&
++ dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERING);
+ kfree((char *)dev - dev->padded);
+ }
+@@ -382,6 +383,13 @@ static struct class net_class = {
+ .hotplug = netdev_hotplug,
+ #endif
+ };
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
++#define visible_net_class net_class
++#define visible_net_class (*get_exec_env()->net_class)
+ void netdev_unregister_sysfs(struct net_device * net)
+ {
+@@ -406,7 +414,7 @@ int netdev_register_sysfs(struct net_dev
+ struct class_device_attribute *attr;
+ int ret;
+- class_dev->class = &net_class;
++ class_dev->class = &visible_net_class;
+ class_dev->class_data = net;
+ net->last_stats = net->get_stats;
+@@ -440,12 +448,21 @@ out_cleanup:
+ out_unreg:
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: sysfs attribute registration failed %d\n",
+ net->name, ret);
+- class_device_unregister(class_dev);
++ /* put is called in free_netdev() */
++ class_device_del(class_dev);
+ out:
+ return ret;
+ }
++void prepare_sysfs_netdev(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->net_class = &net_class;
+ int netdev_sysfs_init(void)
+ {
++ prepare_sysfs_netdev();
+ return class_register(&net_class);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ struct list_head nf_hooks[NPROTO][NF_MAX
+ static LIST_HEAD(nf_sockopts);
+ static spinlock_t nf_hook_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++#define ve_nf_hooks \
++ ((struct list_head (*)[NF_MAX_HOOKS])(get_exec_env()->_nf_hooks))
++#define ve_nf_hooks nf_hooks
+ /*
+ * A queue handler may be registered for each protocol. Each is protected by
+ * long term mutex. The handler must provide an an outfn() to accept packets
+@@ -65,7 +72,7 @@ int nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops
+ struct list_head *i;
+ spin_lock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
+- list_for_each(i, &nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum]) {
++ list_for_each(i, &ve_nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum]) {
+ if (reg->priority < ((struct nf_hook_ops *)i)->priority)
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -76,6 +83,32 @@ int nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops
+ return 0;
+ }
++int visible_nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg)
++ int ret = 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct nf_hook_ops *tmp;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto nomem;
++ memcpy(tmp, reg, sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops));
++ reg = tmp;
++ }
++ ret = nf_register_hook(reg);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ return 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(reg);
++ return ret;
+ void nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg)
+ {
+ spin_lock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
+@@ -85,6 +118,28 @@ void nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_o
+ synchronize_net();
+ }
++int visible_nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg)
++ struct nf_hook_ops *i;
++ spin_lock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum], list) {
++ if (reg->hook == i->hook) {
++ reg = i;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
++ if (reg != i)
++ return -ENOENT;
++ nf_unregister_hook(reg);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(reg);
++ return 0;
+ /* Do exclusive ranges overlap? */
+ static inline int overlap(int min1, int max1, int min2, int max2)
+ {
+@@ -292,6 +347,12 @@ static int nf_sockopt(struct sock *sk, i
+ struct nf_sockopt_ops *ops;
+ int ret;
++ if (!get_exec_env()->_nf_hooks ||
++ !get_exec_env()->_ipt_standard_target)
++ return -ENOPROTOOPT;
+ if (down_interruptible(&nf_sockopt_mutex) != 0)
+ return -EINTR;
+@@ -515,9 +576,9 @@ int nf_hook_slow(int pf, unsigned int ho
+ skb->nf_debug |= (1 << hook);
+ #endif
+- elem = &nf_hooks[pf][hook];
++ elem = &ve_nf_hooks[pf][hook];
+ next_hook:
+- verdict = nf_iterate(&nf_hooks[pf][hook], &skb, hook, indev,
++ verdict = nf_iterate(&ve_nf_hooks[pf][hook], &skb, hook, indev,
+ outdev, &elem, okfn, hook_thresh);
+ if (verdict == NF_QUEUE) {
+ NFDEBUG("nf_hook: Verdict = QUEUE.\n");
+@@ -563,12 +624,12 @@ void nf_reinject(struct sk_buff *skb, st
+ /* Drop reference to owner of hook which queued us. */
+ module_put(info->elem->owner);
+- list_for_each_rcu(i, &nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
++ list_for_each_rcu(i, &ve_nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
+ if (i == elem)
+ break;
+ }
+- if (elem == &nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
++ if (elem == &ve_nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
+ /* The module which sent it to userspace is gone. */
+ NFDEBUG("%s: module disappeared, dropping packet.\n",
+ __FUNCTION__);
+@@ -583,7 +644,7 @@ void nf_reinject(struct sk_buff *skb, st
+ if (verdict == NF_ACCEPT) {
+ next_hook:
+- verdict = nf_iterate(&nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook],
++ verdict = nf_iterate(&ve_nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook],
+ &skb, info->hook,
+ info->indev, info->outdev, &elem,
+ info->okfn, INT_MIN);
+@@ -808,26 +869,69 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_log_packet);
+ with it. */
+ void (*ip_ct_attach)(struct sk_buff *, struct nf_ct_info *);
+-void __init netfilter_init(void)
++void init_nf_hooks(struct list_head (*nh)[NF_MAX_HOOKS])
+ {
+ int i, h;
+ for (i = 0; i < NPROTO; i++) {
+ for (h = 0; h < NF_MAX_HOOKS; h++)
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nf_hooks[i][h]);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nh[i][h]);
+ }
+ }
++int init_netfilter(void)
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ envid = get_exec_env();
++ envid->_nf_hooks = kmalloc(sizeof(nf_hooks), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (envid->_nf_hooks == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ /* FIXME: charge ubc */
++ init_nf_hooks(envid->_nf_hooks);
++ return 0;
++ init_nf_hooks(nf_hooks);
++ return 0;
++void fini_netfilter(void)
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ envid = get_exec_env();
++ if (envid->_nf_hooks != NULL)
++ kfree(envid->_nf_hooks);
++ envid->_nf_hooks = NULL;
++ /* FIXME: uncharge ubc */
++void __init netfilter_init(void)
++ init_netfilter();
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_attach);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_route_me_harder);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_getsockopt);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_hook_slow);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_hooks);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_register_hook);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_register_queue_handler);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_register_sockopt);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_reinject);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_setsockopt);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_unregister_hook);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_unregister_queue_handler);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_unregister_sockopt);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ int rtnetlink_dump_ifinfo(struct sk_buff
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
+- for (dev=dev_base, idx=0; dev; dev = dev->next, idx++) {
++ for (dev=visible_dev_base, idx=0; dev; dev = dev->next, idx++) {
+ if (idx < s_idx)
+ continue;
+ if (rtnetlink_fill_ifinfo(skb, dev, RTM_NEWLINK, NETLINK_CB(cb->skb).pid, cb->nlh->nlmsg_seq, 0) <= 0)
+@@ -488,7 +488,13 @@ static void rtnetlink_rcv(struct sock *s
+ return;
+ while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_receive_queue)) != NULL) {
+- if (rtnetlink_rcv_skb(skb)) {
++ int ret;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
++ old_env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
++ ret = rtnetlink_rcv_skb(skb);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
++ if (ret) {
+ if (skb->len)
+ skb_queue_head(&sk->sk_receive_queue,
+ skb);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+ #include <net/compat.h>
+ #include <net/scm.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ /*
+ * Only allow a user to send credentials, that they could set with
+@@ -42,7 +43,9 @@
+ static __inline__ int scm_check_creds(struct ucred *creds)
+ {
+- if ((creds->pid == current->tgid || capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) &&
++ if ((creds->pid == virt_tgid(current) ||
++ creds->pid == current->tgid ||
++ capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) &&
+ ((creds->uid == current->uid || creds->uid == current->euid ||
+ creds->uid == current->suid) || capable(CAP_SETUID)) &&
+ ((creds->gid == current->gid || creds->gid == current->egid ||
+@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ static int scm_fp_copy(struct cmsghdr *c
+ if (!fpl)
+ {
+- fpl = kmalloc(sizeof(struct scm_fp_list), GFP_KERNEL);
++ fpl = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct scm_fp_list), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!fpl)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ *fplp = fpl;
+@@ -127,9 +130,7 @@ int __scm_send(struct socket *sock, stru
+ for too short ancillary data object at all! Oops.
+ OK, let's add it...
+ */
+- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
+- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
+- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen)
++ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg))
+ goto error;
+ if (cmsg->cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET)
+@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ struct scm_fp_list *scm_fp_dup(struct sc
+ if (!fpl)
+ return NULL;
+- new_fpl = kmalloc(sizeof(*fpl), GFP_KERNEL);
++ new_fpl = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*fpl), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (new_fpl) {
+ for (i=fpl->count-1; i>=0; i--)
+ get_file(fpl->fp[i]);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
+ #include <linux/in.h>
+ #include <linux/inet.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ #include <linux/netdevice.h>
+ #include <net/pkt_sched.h>
+@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/system.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ static kmem_cache_t *skbuff_head_cache;
+ /*
+@@ -136,6 +139,9 @@ struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned int s
+ if (!skb)
+ goto out;
++ if (ub_skb_alloc_bc(skb, gfp_mask))
++ goto nobc;
+ /* Get the DATA. Size must match skb_add_mtu(). */
+ size = SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size);
+ data = kmalloc(size + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info), gfp_mask);
+@@ -149,6 +155,7 @@ struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned int s
+ skb->data = data;
+ skb->tail = data;
+ skb->end = data + size;
++ SET_VE_OWNER_SKB(skb, get_exec_env());
+ atomic_set(&(skb_shinfo(skb)->dataref), 1);
+ skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags = 0;
+@@ -158,6 +165,8 @@ struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned int s
+ out:
+ return skb;
+ nodata:
++ ub_skb_free_bc(skb);
+ kmem_cache_free(skbuff_head_cache, skb);
+ skb = NULL;
+ goto out;
+@@ -208,6 +217,7 @@ void skb_release_data(struct sk_buff *sk
+ void kfree_skbmem(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+ skb_release_data(skb);
++ ub_skb_free_bc(skb);
+ kmem_cache_free(skbuff_head_cache, skb);
+ }
+@@ -232,6 +242,7 @@ void __kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ #ifdef CONFIG_XFRM
+ secpath_put(skb->sp);
+ #endif
++ ub_skb_uncharge(skb);
+ if(skb->destructor) {
+ if (in_irq())
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Warning: kfree_skb on "
+@@ -277,6 +288,11 @@ struct sk_buff *skb_clone(struct sk_buff
+ if (!n)
+ return NULL;
++ if (ub_skb_alloc_bc(n, gfp_mask)) {
++ kmem_cache_free(skbuff_head_cache, n);
++ return NULL;
++ }
+ #define C(x) n->x = skb->x
+ n->next = n->prev = NULL;
+@@ -305,6 +321,7 @@ struct sk_buff *skb_clone(struct sk_buff
+ C(priority);
+ C(protocol);
+ C(security);
+ n->destructor = NULL;
+ C(nfmark);
+@@ -372,6 +389,7 @@ static void copy_skb_header(struct sk_bu
+ new->stamp = old->stamp;
+ new->destructor = NULL;
+ new->security = old->security;
++ SET_VE_OWNER_SKB(new, VE_OWNER_SKB((struct sk_buff *)old));
+ new->nfmark = old->nfmark;
+ new->nfcache = old->nfcache;
+@@ -1434,6 +1452,7 @@ void __init skb_init(void)
+ if (!skbuff_head_cache)
+ panic("cannot create skbuff cache");
++ skbuff_head_cache->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(___pskb_trim);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
+ #include <linux/net.h>
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ #include <linux/poll.h>
+ #include <linux/tcp.h>
+@@ -121,6 +122,9 @@
+ #include <net/xfrm.h>
+ #include <linux/ipsec.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ #include <linux/filter.h>
+ #ifdef CONFIG_INET
+@@ -621,6 +625,7 @@ struct sock *sk_alloc(int family, int pr
+ zero_it == 1 ? sizeof(struct sock) : zero_it);
+ sk->sk_family = family;
+ sock_lock_init(sk);
++ SET_VE_OWNER_SK(sk, get_exec_env());
+ }
+ sk->sk_slab = slab;
+@@ -653,6 +658,7 @@ void sk_free(struct sock *sk)
+ __FUNCTION__, atomic_read(&sk->sk_omem_alloc));
+ security_sk_free(sk);
++ ub_sock_uncharge(sk);
+ kmem_cache_free(sk->sk_slab, sk);
+ module_put(owner);
+ }
+@@ -663,6 +669,7 @@ void __init sk_init(void)
+ if (!sk_cachep)
+ printk(KERN_CRIT "sk_init: Cannot create sock SLAB cache!");
++ sk_cachep->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
+ if (num_physpages <= 4096) {
+ sysctl_wmem_max = 32767;
+@@ -819,6 +826,7 @@ static long sock_wait_for_wmem(struct so
+ struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_pskb(struct sock *sk, unsigned long header_len,
+ unsigned long data_len, int noblock, int *errcode)
+ {
++#if 0
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ unsigned int gfp_mask;
+ long timeo;
+@@ -895,13 +903,87 @@ interrupted:
+ err = sock_intr_errno(timeo);
+ failure:
+ *errcode = err;
++ return NULL;
++struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_skb2(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
++ unsigned long size2, int noblock,
++ int *errcode)
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ unsigned int gfp_mask;
++ long timeo;
++ int err;
++ gfp_mask = sk->sk_allocation;
++ if (gfp_mask & __GFP_WAIT)
++ gfp_mask |= __GFP_REPEAT;
++ timeo = sock_sndtimeo(sk, noblock);
++ while (1) {
++ err = sock_error(sk);
++ if (err != 0)
++ goto failure;
++ err = -EPIPE;
++ if (sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)
++ goto failure;
++ if (ub_sock_getwres_other(sk, skb_charge_size(size))) {
++ if (size2 < size) {
++ size = size2;
++ continue;
++ }
++ set_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
++ err = -EAGAIN;
++ if (!timeo)
++ goto failure;
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ goto interrupted;
++ timeo = ub_sock_wait_for_space(sk, timeo,
++ skb_charge_size(size));
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_wmem_alloc) < sk->sk_sndbuf) {
++ skb = alloc_skb(size, sk->sk_allocation);
++ if (skb)
++ /* Full success... */
++ break;
++ ub_sock_retwres_other(sk, skb_charge_size(size),
++ err = -ENOBUFS;
++ goto failure;
++ }
++ ub_sock_retwres_other(sk,
++ skb_charge_size(size),
++ set_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
++ set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
++ err = -EAGAIN;
++ if (!timeo)
++ goto failure;
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ goto interrupted;
++ timeo = sock_wait_for_wmem(sk, timeo);
++ }
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, skb_charge_size(size), UB_OTHERSOCKBUF);
++ skb_set_owner_w(skb, sk);
++ return skb;
++ err = sock_intr_errno(timeo);
++ *errcode = err;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_skb(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
+ int noblock, int *errcode)
+ {
+- return sock_alloc_send_pskb(sk, size, 0, noblock, errcode);
++ return sock_alloc_send_skb2(sk, size, size, noblock, errcode);
+ }
+ void __lock_sock(struct sock *sk)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -109,8 +109,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(sk_stream_wait_close);
+ * sk_stream_wait_memory - Wait for more memory for a socket
+ * @sk - socket to wait for memory
+ * @timeo_p - for how long
++ * @amount - amount of memory to wait for (in UB space!)
+ */
+-int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p)
++int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p, unsigned long amount)
+ {
+ int err = 0;
+ long vm_wait = 0;
+@@ -132,14 +133,19 @@ int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *s
+ if (signal_pending(current))
+ goto do_interrupted;
+ clear_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
+- if (sk_stream_memory_free(sk) && !vm_wait)
+- break;
++ if (amount == 0) {
++ if (sk_stream_memory_free(sk) && !vm_wait)
++ break;
++ } else
++ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(sk, amount);
+ set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
+ sk->sk_write_pending++;
+ sk_wait_event(sk, &current_timeo, sk_stream_memory_free(sk) &&
+ vm_wait);
+ sk->sk_write_pending--;
++ if (amount > 0)
++ ub_sock_sndqueuedel(sk);
+ if (vm_wait) {
+ vm_wait -= current_timeo;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
+ #include <linux/mroute.h>
+ #endif
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ DEFINE_SNMP_STAT(struct linux_mib, net_statistics);
+@@ -299,6 +301,13 @@ static int inet_create(struct socket *so
+ if (!protocol)
+ goto out_sk_free;
++ err = -ENOBUFS;
++ if (ub_sock_charge(sk, PF_INET, sock->type))
++ goto out_sk_free;
++ /* if charge was successful, sock_init_data() MUST be called to
++ * set sk->sk_type. otherwise sk will be uncharged to wrong resource
++ */
+ err = 0;
+ sock->ops = answer->ops;
+ sk->sk_prot = answer->prot;
+@@ -981,20 +990,20 @@ static struct net_protocol icmp_protocol
+ static int __init init_ipv4_mibs(void)
+ {
+- net_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
+- net_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
+- ip_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
+- ip_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
+- icmp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
+- icmp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
+- tcp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
+- tcp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
+- udp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
+- udp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
++ ve_net_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
++ ve_net_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
++ ve_ip_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
++ ve_ip_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
++ ve_icmp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
++ ve_icmp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
++ ve_tcp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
++ ve_tcp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
++ ve_udp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
++ ve_udp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
+ if (!
+- (net_statistics[0] && net_statistics[1] && ip_statistics[0]
+- && ip_statistics[1] && tcp_statistics[0] && tcp_statistics[1]
+- && udp_statistics[0] && udp_statistics[1]))
++ (ve_net_statistics[0] && ve_net_statistics[1] && ve_ip_statistics[0]
++ && ve_ip_statistics[1] && ve_tcp_statistics[0] && ve_tcp_statistics[1]
++ && ve_udp_statistics[0] && ve_udp_statistics[1]))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ (void) tcp_mib_init();
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -695,6 +695,9 @@ void arp_send(int type, int ptype, u32 d
+ static void parp_redo(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
++ skb->nf_debug = 0;
+ arp_rcv(skb, skb->dev, NULL);
+ }
+@@ -980,7 +983,7 @@ int arp_req_set(struct arpreq *r, struct
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (dev == NULL) {
+- ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 1;
++ ve_ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (__in_dev_get(dev)) {
+@@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ int arp_req_delete(struct arpreq *r, str
+ return pneigh_delete(&arp_tbl, &ip, dev);
+ if (mask == 0) {
+ if (dev == NULL) {
+- ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 0;
++ ve_ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (__in_dev_get(dev)) {
+@@ -1115,6 +1118,8 @@ int arp_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void __u
+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ case SIOCGARP:
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EACCES;
+ err = copy_from_user(&r, arg, sizeof(struct arpreq));
+ if (err)
+ return -EFAULT;
+@@ -1486,8 +1491,12 @@ static int arp_seq_open(struct inode *in
+ {
+ struct seq_file *seq;
+ int rc = -ENOMEM;
+- struct arp_iter_state *s = kmalloc(sizeof(*s), GFP_KERNEL);
++ struct arp_iter_state *s;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ return -EPERM;
++ s = kmalloc(sizeof(*s), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!s)
+ goto out;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -77,10 +77,21 @@ static struct ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf_
+ .accept_source_route = 1,
+ };
++struct ipv4_devconf *get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr(void)
++ return &ipv4_devconf_dflt;
++#define ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt (*(get_exec_env()->_ipv4_devconf_dflt))
++#define ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt ipv4_devconf_dflt
+ static void rtmsg_ifa(int event, struct in_ifaddr *);
+ static struct notifier_block *inetaddr_chain;
+-static void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
++void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
+ int destroy);
+ static void devinet_sysctl_register(struct in_device *in_dev,
+@@ -221,7 +232,7 @@ int inet_addr_onlink(struct in_device *i
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
++void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
+ int destroy)
+ {
+ struct in_ifaddr *ifa1 = *ifap;
+@@ -537,7 +548,7 @@ int devinet_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void
+ ret = -EACCES;
+- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
+ goto out;
+ break;
+ case SIOCSIFADDR: /* Set interface address (and family) */
+@@ -545,7 +556,7 @@ int devinet_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void
+ case SIOCSIFDSTADDR: /* Set the destination address */
+ case SIOCSIFNETMASK: /* Set the netmask for the interface */
+ ret = -EACCES;
+- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
+ goto out;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ if (sin->sin_family != AF_INET)
+@@ -799,7 +810,7 @@ u32 inet_select_addr(const struct net_de
+ */
+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
+ read_lock(&inetdev_lock);
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
+ if ((in_dev = __in_dev_get(dev)) == NULL)
+ continue;
+@@ -887,7 +898,7 @@ u32 inet_confirm_addr(const struct net_d
+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
+ read_lock(&inetdev_lock);
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
+ if ((in_dev = __in_dev_get(dev))) {
+ read_lock(&in_dev->lock);
+ addr = confirm_addr_indev(in_dev, dst, local, scope);
+@@ -965,7 +976,7 @@ static int inetdev_event(struct notifier
+ case NETDEV_UP:
+ if (dev->mtu < 68)
+ break;
+- if (dev == &loopback_dev) {
++ if (dev == &visible_loopback_dev) {
+ struct in_ifaddr *ifa;
+ if ((ifa = inet_alloc_ifa()) != NULL) {
+ ifa->ifa_local =
+@@ -1060,7 +1071,7 @@ static int inet_dump_ifaddr(struct sk_bu
+ s_ip_idx = ip_idx = cb->args[1];
+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
+- for (dev = dev_base, idx = 0; dev; dev = dev->next, idx++) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base, idx = 0; dev; dev = dev->next, idx++) {
+ if (idx < s_idx)
+ continue;
+ if (idx > s_idx)
+@@ -1130,13 +1141,13 @@ static struct rtnetlink_link inet_rtnetl
+ void inet_forward_change(void)
+ {
+ struct net_device *dev;
+- int on = ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
++ int on = ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
+- ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects = !on;
+- ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding = on;
++ ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects = !on;
++ ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding = on;
+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
+ struct in_device *in_dev;
+ read_lock(&inetdev_lock);
+ in_dev = __in_dev_get(dev);
+@@ -1158,9 +1169,9 @@ static int devinet_sysctl_forward(ctl_ta
+ int ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
+ if (write && *valp != val) {
+- if (valp == &ipv4_devconf.forwarding)
++ if (valp == &ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding)
+ inet_forward_change();
+- else if (valp != &ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding)
++ else if (valp != &ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding)
+ rt_cache_flush(0);
+ }
+@@ -1422,30 +1433,22 @@ static struct devinet_sysctl_table {
+ },
+ };
+-static void devinet_sysctl_register(struct in_device *in_dev,
+- struct ipv4_devconf *p)
++static struct devinet_sysctl_table *__devinet_sysctl_register(char *dev_name,
++ int ifindex, struct ipv4_devconf *p)
+ {
+ int i;
+- struct net_device *dev = in_dev ? in_dev->dev : NULL;
+- struct devinet_sysctl_table *t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
+- char *dev_name = NULL;
++ struct devinet_sysctl_table *t;
++ t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!t)
+- return;
++ goto out;
+ memcpy(t, &devinet_sysctl, sizeof(*t));
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(t->devinet_vars) - 1; i++) {
+ t->devinet_vars[i].data += (char *)p - (char *)&ipv4_devconf;
+ t->devinet_vars[i].de = NULL;
+ }
+- if (dev) {
+- dev_name = dev->name;
+- t->devinet_dev[0].ctl_name = dev->ifindex;
+- } else {
+- dev_name = "default";
+- t->devinet_dev[0].ctl_name = NET_PROTO_CONF_DEFAULT;
+- }
+ /*
+ * Make a copy of dev_name, because '.procname' is regarded as const
+ * by sysctl and we wouldn't want anyone to change it under our feet
+@@ -1453,8 +1456,9 @@ static void devinet_sysctl_register(stru
+ */
+ dev_name = net_sysctl_strdup(dev_name);
+ if (!dev_name)
+- goto free;
++ goto out_free_table;
++ t->devinet_dev[0].ctl_name = ifindex;
+ t->devinet_dev[0].procname = dev_name;
+ t->devinet_dev[0].child = t->devinet_vars;
+ t->devinet_dev[0].de = NULL;
+@@ -1467,17 +1471,38 @@ static void devinet_sysctl_register(stru
+ t->sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(t->devinet_root_dir, 0);
+ if (!t->sysctl_header)
+- goto free_procname;
++ goto out_free_procname;
+- p->sysctl = t;
+- return;
++ return t;
+ /* error path */
+- free_procname:
+ kfree(dev_name);
+- free:
+ kfree(t);
+- return;
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Can't register net/ipv4/conf sysctls.\n");
++ return NULL;
++static void devinet_sysctl_register(struct in_device *in_dev,
++ struct ipv4_devconf *p)
++ struct net_device *dev;
++ char *dev_name;
++ int ifindex;
++ dev = in_dev ? in_dev->dev : NULL;
++ if (dev) {
++ dev_name = dev->name;
++ ifindex = dev->ifindex;
++ } else {
++ dev_name = "default";
++ }
++ p->sysctl = __devinet_sysctl_register(dev_name, ifindex, p);
+ }
+ static void devinet_sysctl_unregister(struct ipv4_devconf *p)
+@@ -1490,7 +1515,189 @@ static void devinet_sysctl_unregister(st
+ kfree(t);
+ }
+ }
++extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
++ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
++extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(ctl_table *table, int *name, int nlen,
++ void *oldval, size_t *oldlenp,
++ void *newval, size_t newlen,
++ void **context);
++extern void *get_flush_delay_addr(void);
++extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
++ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
++extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(ctl_table *table,
++ int __user *name,
++ int nlen,
++ void __user *oldval,
++ size_t __user *oldlenp,
++ void __user *newval,
++ size_t newlen,
++ void **context);
++static ctl_table net_sysctl_tables[] = {
++ /* 0: net */
++ {
++ .ctl_name = CTL_NET,
++ .procname = "net",
++ .mode = 0555,
++ .child = &net_sysctl_tables[2],
++ },
++ { .ctl_name = 0, },
++ /* 2: net/ipv4 */
++ {
++ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4,
++ .procname = "ipv4",
++ .mode = 0555,
++ .child = &net_sysctl_tables[4],
++ },
++ { .ctl_name = 0, },
++ /* 4, 5: net/ipv4/[vars] */
++ {
++ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_FORWARD,
++ .procname = "ip_forward",
++ .data = &ipv4_devconf.forwarding,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward,
++ .strategy = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy,
++ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_ROUTE,
++ .procname = "route",
++ .maxlen = 0,
++ .mode = 0555,
++ .child = &net_sysctl_tables[7],
++ },
++ { .ctl_name = 0 },
++ /* 7: net/ipv4/route/flush */
++ {
++ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_ROUTE_FLUSH,
++ .procname = "flush",
++ .data = NULL, /* setuped below */
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush,
++ .strategy = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy,
++ },
++ { .ctl_name = 0 },
++static int ip_forward_sysctl_register(struct ve_struct *ve,
++ struct ipv4_devconf *p)
++ struct ctl_table_header *hdr;
++ ctl_table *root;
++ root = clone_sysctl_template(net_sysctl_tables,
++ sizeof(net_sysctl_tables) / sizeof(ctl_table));
++ if (root == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ root[4].data = &p->forwarding;
++ root[7].data = get_flush_delay_addr();
++ hdr = register_sysctl_table(root, 1);
++ if (hdr == NULL)
++ goto out_free;
++ ve->forward_header = hdr;
++ ve->forward_table = root;
++ return 0;
++ free_sysctl_clone(root);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static inline void ip_forward_sysctl_unregister(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ unregister_sysctl_table(ve->forward_header);
++ ve->forward_header = NULL;
++static inline void ip_forward_sysctl_free(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ free_sysctl_clone(ve->forward_table);
++ ve->forward_table = NULL;
+ #endif
++int devinet_sysctl_init(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int err = 0;
++ struct ipv4_devconf *conf, *conf_def;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ conf = kmalloc(sizeof(*conf), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!conf)
++ goto err1;
++ memcpy(conf, &ipv4_devconf, sizeof(*conf));
++ conf->sysctl = __devinet_sysctl_register("all",
++ if (!conf->sysctl)
++ goto err2;
++ conf_def = kmalloc(sizeof(*conf_def), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!conf_def)
++ goto err3;
++ memcpy(conf_def, &ipv4_devconf_dflt, sizeof(*conf_def));
++ conf_def->sysctl = __devinet_sysctl_register("default",
++ if (!conf_def->sysctl)
++ goto err4;
++ err = ip_forward_sysctl_register(ve, conf);
++ if (err)
++ goto err5;
++ ve->_ipv4_devconf = conf;
++ ve->_ipv4_devconf_dflt = conf_def;
++ return 0;
++ devinet_sysctl_unregister(conf_def);
++ kfree(conf_def);
++ devinet_sysctl_unregister(conf);
++ kfree(conf);
++ return err;
++void devinet_sysctl_fini(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ ip_forward_sysctl_unregister(ve);
++ devinet_sysctl_unregister(ve->_ipv4_devconf);
++ devinet_sysctl_unregister(ve->_ipv4_devconf_dflt);
++void devinet_sysctl_free(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ ip_forward_sysctl_free(ve);
++ kfree(ve->_ipv4_devconf);
++ kfree(ve->_ipv4_devconf_dflt);
+ void __init devinet_init(void)
+ {
+@@ -1500,14 +1707,19 @@ void __init devinet_init(void)
+ devinet_sysctl.sysctl_header =
+ register_sysctl_table(devinet_sysctl.devinet_root_dir, 0);
+- devinet_sysctl_register(NULL, &ipv4_devconf_dflt);
++ __devinet_sysctl_register("default", NET_PROTO_CONF_DEFAULT,
++ &ipv4_devconf_dflt);
+ #endif
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(devinet_ioctl);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(in_dev_finish_destroy);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(inet_select_addr);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(inetdev_by_index);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(inetdev_lock);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(register_inetaddr_notifier);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_inetaddr_notifier);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -51,14 +51,46 @@
++#undef ip_fib_local_table
++#undef ip_fib_main_table
+ struct fib_table *ip_fib_local_table;
+ struct fib_table *ip_fib_main_table;
++void prepare_fib_tables(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->_local_table = ip_fib_local_table;
++ ip_fib_local_table = (struct fib_table *)0x12345678;
++ get_ve0()->_main_table = ip_fib_main_table;
++ ip_fib_main_table = (struct fib_table *)0x12345678;
++#define ip_fib_local_table get_exec_env()->_local_table
++#define ip_fib_main_table get_exec_env()->_main_table
+ #else
+ #define RT_TABLE_MIN 1
++#undef fib_tables
+ struct fib_table *fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAX+1];
++void prepare_fib_tables(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ int i;
++ BUG_ON(sizeof(fib_tables) !=
++ sizeof(((struct ve_struct *)0)->_fib_tables));
++ memcpy(get_ve0()->_fib_tables, fib_tables, sizeof(fib_tables));
++ for (i = 0; i <= RT_TABLE_MAX; i++)
++ fib_tables[i] = (void *)0x12366678;
++#define fib_tables get_exec_env()->_fib_tables
+ struct fib_table *__fib_new_table(int id)
+ {
+@@ -248,7 +280,7 @@ int ip_rt_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void _
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCADDRT: /* Add a route */
+ case SIOCDELRT: /* Delete a route */
+- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ if (copy_from_user(&r, arg, sizeof(struct rtentry)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+@@ -595,6 +627,7 @@ struct notifier_block fib_netdev_notifie
+ void __init ip_fib_init(void)
+ {
++ prepare_fib_tables();
+ ip_fib_local_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_LOCAL);
+ ip_fib_main_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_MAIN);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
+ #include <linux/netlink.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
+ #include <net/ip.h>
+ #include <net/protocol.h>
+@@ -101,12 +102,6 @@ struct fn_zone
+ can be cheaper than memory lookup, so that FZ_* macros are used.
+ */
+-struct fn_hash
+- struct fn_zone *fn_zones[33];
+- struct fn_zone *fn_zone_list;
+ static __inline__ fn_hash_idx_t fn_hash(fn_key_t key, struct fn_zone *fz)
+ {
+ u32 h = ntohl(key.datum)>>(32 - fz->fz_order);
+@@ -701,7 +696,14 @@ FTprint("tb(%d)_delete: %d %08x/%d %d\n"
+ f = *del_fp;
+ rtmsg_fib(RTM_DELROUTE, f, z, tb->tb_id, n, req);
+- if (matched != 1) {
++ if (matched != 1 ||
++ /*
++ * Don't try to be excessively smart if it's not one of
++ * the host system tables, it would be a waste of
++ * memory.
++ */
++ !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ {
+ write_lock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
+ *del_fp = f->fn_next;
+ write_unlock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
+@@ -766,6 +768,92 @@ static int fn_hash_flush(struct fib_tabl
+ return found;
+ }
++static __inline__ void
++fib_destroy_list(struct fib_node ** fp, int z, struct fn_hash *table)
++ struct fib_node *f;
++ while ((f = *fp) != NULL) {
++ write_lock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
++ *fp = f->fn_next;
++ write_unlock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
++ fn_free_node(f);
++ }
++void fib_hash_destroy(struct fib_table *tb)
++ struct fn_hash *table = (struct fn_hash*)tb->tb_data;
++ struct fn_zone *fz;
++ for (fz = table->fn_zone_list; fz; fz = fz->fz_next) {
++ int i;
++ for (i=fz->fz_divisor-1; i>=0; i--)
++ fib_destroy_list(&fz->fz_hash[i], fz->fz_order, table);
++ fz->fz_nent = 0;
++ }
++ * Initialization of virtualized networking subsystem.
++ */
++int init_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ if (fib_rules_create())
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL] = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_LOCAL);
++ if (!ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL])
++ goto out_destroy;
++ ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAIN] = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_MAIN);
++ if (!ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAIN])
++ goto out_destroy_local;
++ return 0;
++ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL]);
++ fib_rules_destroy();
++ ve->_local_rule = NULL;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ ve->_local_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_LOCAL);
++ if (!ve->_local_table)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ ve->_main_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_MAIN);
++ if (!ve->_main_table) {
++ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_local_table);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ return 0;
++void fini_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve)
++ int i;
++ for (i=0; i<RT_TABLE_MAX+1; i++)
++ {
++ if (!ve->_fib_tables[i])
++ continue;
++ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_fib_tables[i]);
++ }
++ fib_rules_destroy();
++ ve->_local_rule = NULL;
++ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_local_table);
++ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_main_table);
+ static __inline__ int
+ fn_hash_dump_bucket(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb,
+@@ -863,7 +951,7 @@ static void rtmsg_fib(int event, struct
+ netlink_unicast(rtnl, skb, pid, MSG_DONTWAIT);
+ }
+ struct fib_table * fib_hash_init(int id)
+ #else
+ struct fib_table * __init fib_hash_init(int id)
+@@ -973,13 +1061,23 @@ out:
+ return iter->node;
+ }
++static struct fib_node *fib_get_idx(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t pos)
++ struct fib_node *fn = fib_get_first(seq);
++ if (fn)
++ while (pos && (fn = fib_get_next(seq)))
++ --pos;
++ return pos ? NULL : fn;
+ static void *fib_seq_start(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t *pos)
+ {
+ void *v = NULL;
+ read_lock(&fib_hash_lock);
+ if (ip_fib_main_table)
+- v = *pos ? fib_get_next(seq) : SEQ_START_TOKEN;
++ v = *pos ? fib_get_idx(seq, *pos - 1) : SEQ_START_TOKEN;
+ return v;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
+ #include <linux/netlink.h>
++#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <net/ip.h>
+@@ -101,6 +102,87 @@ static struct fib_rule local_rule = {
+ static struct fib_rule *fib_rules = &local_rule;
+ static rwlock_t fib_rules_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++void prepare_fib_rules(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->_local_rule = &local_rule;
++ get_ve0()->_fib_rules = fib_rules;
++ fib_rules = (void *)0x12345678;
++#define ve_local_rule (get_exec_env()->_local_rule)
++#define ve_fib_rules (get_exec_env()->_fib_rules)
++#define ve_local_rule (&local_rule)
++#define ve_fib_rules fib_rules
++#if defined(CONFIG_VE_CALLS) || defined(CONFIG_VE_CALLS_MODULE)
++int fib_rules_create()
++ struct fib_rule *default_rule, *main_rule, *loc_rule;
++ default_rule = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib_rule), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (default_rule == NULL)
++ goto out_def;
++ memset(default_rule, 0, sizeof(struct fib_rule));
++ atomic_set(&default_rule->r_clntref, 1);
++ default_rule->r_preference = 0x7FFF;
++ default_rule->r_table = RT_TABLE_DEFAULT;
++ default_rule->r_action = RTN_UNICAST;
++ main_rule = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib_rule), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (main_rule == NULL)
++ goto out_main;
++ memset(main_rule, 0, sizeof(struct fib_rule));
++ atomic_set(&main_rule->r_clntref, 1);
++ main_rule->r_preference = 0x7FFE;
++ main_rule->r_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN;
++ main_rule->r_action = RTN_UNICAST;
++ main_rule->r_next = default_rule;
++ loc_rule = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib_rule), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (loc_rule == NULL)
++ goto out_loc;
++ memset(loc_rule, 0, sizeof(struct fib_rule));
++ atomic_set(&loc_rule->r_clntref, 1);
++ loc_rule->r_preference = 0;
++ loc_rule->r_table = RT_TABLE_LOCAL;
++ loc_rule->r_action = RTN_UNICAST;
++ loc_rule->r_next = main_rule;
++ ve_local_rule = loc_rule;
++ ve_fib_rules = loc_rule;
++ return 0;
++ kfree(main_rule);
++ kfree(default_rule);
++ return -1;
++void fib_rules_destroy()
++ struct fib_rule *r;
++ rtnl_lock();
++ write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
++ while(ve_fib_rules != NULL) {
++ r = ve_fib_rules;
++ ve_fib_rules = ve_fib_rules->r_next;
++ r->r_dead = 1;
++ fib_rule_put(r);
++ }
++ write_unlock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
++ rtnl_unlock();
+ int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg)
+ {
+ struct rtattr **rta = arg;
+@@ -108,7 +190,7 @@ int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb
+ struct fib_rule *r, **rp;
+ int err = -ESRCH;
+- for (rp=&fib_rules; (r=*rp) != NULL; rp=&r->r_next) {
++ for (rp=&ve_fib_rules; (r=*rp) != NULL; rp=&r->r_next) {
+ if ((!rta[RTA_SRC-1] || memcmp(RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_SRC-1]), &r->r_src, 4) == 0) &&
+ rtm->rtm_src_len == r->r_src_len &&
+ rtm->rtm_dst_len == r->r_dst_len &&
+@@ -122,7 +204,7 @@ int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb
+ (!rta[RTA_IIF-1] || strcmp(RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_IIF-1]), r->r_ifname) == 0) &&
+ (!rtm->rtm_table || (r && rtm->rtm_table == r->r_table))) {
+ err = -EPERM;
+- if (r == &local_rule)
++ if (r == ve_local_rule)
+ break;
+ write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
+@@ -186,6 +268,7 @@ int inet_rtm_newrule(struct sk_buff *skb
+ new_r = kmalloc(sizeof(*new_r), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!new_r)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ memset(new_r, 0, sizeof(*new_r));
+ if (rta[RTA_SRC-1])
+ memcpy(&new_r->r_src, RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_SRC-1]), 4);
+@@ -221,11 +304,11 @@ int inet_rtm_newrule(struct sk_buff *skb
+ memcpy(&new_r->r_tclassid, RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_FLOW-1]), 4);
+ #endif
+- rp = &fib_rules;
++ rp = &ve_fib_rules;
+ if (!new_r->r_preference) {
+- r = fib_rules;
++ r = ve_fib_rules;
+ if (r && (r = r->r_next) != NULL) {
+- rp = &fib_rules->r_next;
++ rp = &ve_fib_rules->r_next;
+ if (r->r_preference)
+ new_r->r_preference = r->r_preference - 1;
+ }
+@@ -285,7 +368,7 @@ static void fib_rules_detach(struct net_
+ {
+ struct fib_rule *r;
+- for (r=fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
++ for (r=ve_fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
+ if (r->r_ifindex == dev->ifindex) {
+ write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
+ r->r_ifindex = -1;
+@@ -298,7 +381,7 @@ static void fib_rules_attach(struct net_
+ {
+ struct fib_rule *r;
+- for (r=fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
++ for (r=ve_fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
+ if (r->r_ifindex == -1 && strcmp(dev->name, r->r_ifname) == 0) {
+ write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
+ r->r_ifindex = dev->ifindex;
+@@ -319,7 +402,7 @@ int fib_lookup(const struct flowi *flp,
+ FRprintk("Lookup: %u.%u.%u.%u <- %u.%u.%u.%u ",
+ NIPQUAD(flp->fl4_dst), NIPQUAD(flp->fl4_src));
+ read_lock(&fib_rules_lock);
+- for (r = fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
++ for (r = ve_fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
+ if (((saddr^r->r_src) & r->r_srcmask) ||
+ ((daddr^r->r_dst) & r->r_dstmask) ||
+@@ -449,7 +532,7 @@ int inet_dump_rules(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ struct fib_rule *r;
+ read_lock(&fib_rules_lock);
+- for (r=fib_rules, idx=0; r; r = r->r_next, idx++) {
++ for (r=ve_fib_rules, idx=0; r; r = r->r_next, idx++) {
+ if (idx < s_idx)
+ continue;
+ if (inet_fill_rule(skb, r, cb) < 0)
+@@ -463,5 +546,6 @@ int inet_dump_rules(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ void __init fib_rules_init(void)
+ {
++ prepare_fib_rules();
+ register_netdevice_notifier(&fib_rules_notifier);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+ #include <linux/netdevice.h>
+ #include <linux/if_arp.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/ve.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
+ #include <linux/netlink.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+@@ -49,6 +50,18 @@ static struct fib_info *fib_info_list;
+ static rwlock_t fib_info_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ int fib_info_cnt;
++void prepare_fib_info(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ get_ve0()->_fib_info_list = fib_info_list;
++ fib_info_list = (void *)0x12345678;
++#define fib_info_list (get_exec_env()->_fib_info_list)
+ #define for_fib_info() { struct fib_info *fi; \
+ for (fi = fib_info_list; fi; fi = fi->fib_next)
+@@ -155,7 +168,6 @@ void free_fib_info(struct fib_info *fi)
+ dev_put(nh->nh_dev);
+ nh->nh_dev = NULL;
+ } endfor_nexthops(fi);
+- fib_info_cnt--;
+ kfree(fi);
+ }
+@@ -483,11 +495,13 @@ fib_create_info(const struct rtmsg *r, s
+ }
+ #endif
+- fi = kmalloc(sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh), GFP_KERNEL);
+ err = -ENOBUFS;
++ fi = kmalloc(sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (fi == NULL)
+ goto failure;
+- fib_info_cnt++;
+ memset(fi, 0, sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh));
+ fi->fib_protocol = r->rtm_protocol;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ static void icmp_push_reply(struct icmp_
+ {
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+- ip_append_data(icmp_socket->sk, icmp_glue_bits, icmp_param,
+- icmp_param->data_len+icmp_param->head_len,
+- icmp_param->head_len,
+- ipc, rt, MSG_DONTWAIT);
+- if ((skb = skb_peek(&icmp_socket->sk->sk_write_queue)) != NULL) {
++ if (ip_append_data(icmp_socket->sk, icmp_glue_bits, icmp_param,
++ icmp_param->data_len+icmp_param->head_len,
++ icmp_param->head_len,
++ ipc, rt, MSG_DONTWAIT) < 0)
++ ip_flush_pending_frames(icmp_socket->sk);
++ else if ((skb = skb_peek(&icmp_socket->sk->sk_write_queue)) != NULL) {
+ struct icmphdr *icmph = skb->h.icmph;
+ unsigned int csum = 0;
+ struct sk_buff *skb1;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1776,12 +1776,12 @@ int ip_mc_source(int add, int omode, str
+ goto done;
+ rv = !0;
+ for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
+- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, &mreqs->imr_multiaddr,
++ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], &mreqs->imr_sourceaddr,
+ sizeof(__u32));
+- if (rv >= 0)
++ if (rv == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+- if (!rv) /* source not found */
++ if (rv) /* source not found */
+ goto done;
+ /* update the interface filter */
+@@ -1823,9 +1823,9 @@ int ip_mc_source(int add, int omode, str
+ }
+ rv = 1; /* > 0 for insert logic below if sl_count is 0 */
+ for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
+- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, &mreqs->imr_multiaddr,
++ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], &mreqs->imr_sourceaddr,
+ sizeof(__u32));
+- if (rv >= 0)
++ if (rv == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rv == 0) /* address already there is an error */
+@@ -2134,7 +2134,7 @@ static inline struct ip_mc_list *igmp_mc
+ struct ip_mc_list *im = NULL;
+ struct igmp_mc_iter_state *state = igmp_mc_seq_private(seq);
+- for (state->dev = dev_base, state->in_dev = NULL;
++ for (state->dev = visible_dev_base, state->in_dev = NULL;
+ state->dev;
+ state->dev = state->dev->next) {
+ struct in_device *in_dev;
+@@ -2297,7 +2297,8 @@ static inline struct ip_sf_list *igmp_mc
+ struct ip_mc_list *im = NULL;
+ struct igmp_mcf_iter_state *state = igmp_mcf_seq_private(seq);
+- for (state->dev = dev_base, state->idev = NULL, state->im = NULL;
++ for (state->dev = visible_dev_base,
++ state->idev = NULL, state->im = NULL;
+ state->dev;
+ state->dev = state->dev->next) {
+ struct in_device *idev;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -91,6 +91,23 @@ int ip_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ if (opt->is_strictroute && rt->rt_dst != rt->rt_gateway)
+ goto sr_failed;
++ /*
++ * We try to optimize forwarding of VE packets:
++ * do not decrement TTL (and so save skb_cow)
++ * during forwarding of outgoing pkts from VE.
++ * For incoming pkts we still do ttl decr,
++ * since such skb is not cloned and does not require
++ * actual cow. So, there is at least one place
++ * in pkts path with mandatory ttl decr, that is
++ * sufficient to prevent routing loops.
++ */
++ if (
++ (rt->rt_flags & RTCF_NAT) == 0 && /* no NAT mangling expected */
++#endif /* and */
++ (skb->dev->features & NETIF_F_VENET)) /* src is VENET device */
++ goto no_ttl_decr;
+ /* We are about to mangle packet. Copy it! */
+ if (skb_cow(skb, LL_RESERVED_SPACE(rt->>u.dst.header_len))
+ goto drop;
+@@ -99,6 +116,8 @@ int ip_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ /* Decrease ttl after skb cow done */
+ ip_decrease_ttl(iph);
+ /*
+ * We now generate an ICMP HOST REDIRECT giving the route
+ * we calculated.
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+ #include <linux/udp.h>
+ #include <linux/inet.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ /* NOTE. Logic of IP defragmentation is parallel to corresponding IPv6
+ * code now. If you change something here, _PLEASE_ update ipv6/reassembly.c
+@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ struct ipfrag_skb_cb
+ struct ipq {
+ struct ipq *next; /* linked list pointers */
+ struct list_head lru_list; /* lru list member */
++ u32 user;
+ u32 saddr;
+ u32 daddr;
+ u16 id;
+@@ -91,8 +93,12 @@ struct ipq {
+ struct ipq **pprev;
+ int iif;
+ struct timeval stamp;
++ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
+ };
++DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(IPQ, TAIL_SOFT, struct ipq, owner_env, inline, (always_inline))
++DCL_VE_OWNER(IPQ, TAIL_SOFT, struct ipq, owner_env, inline, (always_inline))
+ /* Hash table. */
+ #define IPQ_HASHSZ 64
+@@ -104,6 +110,20 @@ static u32 ipfrag_hash_rnd;
+ static LIST_HEAD(ipq_lru_list);
+ int ip_frag_nqueues = 0;
++void prepare_ipq(void)
++ struct ipq *qp;
++ unsigned int hash;
++ write_lock(&ipfrag_lock);
++ for (hash = 0; hash < IPQ_HASHSZ; hash++) {
++ for(qp = ipq_hash[hash]; qp; qp = qp->next) {
++ SET_VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp, get_ve0());
++ }
++ }
++ write_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
+ static __inline__ void __ipq_unlink(struct ipq *qp)
+ {
+ if(qp->next)
+@@ -183,7 +203,8 @@ static __inline__ void frag_free_queue(s
+ static __inline__ struct ipq *frag_alloc_queue(void)
+ {
+- struct ipq *qp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipq), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ struct ipq *qp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipq) + sizeof(void *),
+ if(!qp)
+ return NULL;
+@@ -273,6 +294,9 @@ static void ip_evictor(void)
+ static void ip_expire(unsigned long arg)
+ {
+ struct ipq *qp = (struct ipq *) arg;
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ envid = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp));
+ spin_lock(&qp->lock);
+@@ -295,6 +319,8 @@ static void ip_expire(unsigned long arg)
+ out:
+ spin_unlock(&qp->lock);
+ ipq_put(qp);
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ }
+ /* Creation primitives. */
+@@ -313,7 +339,9 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_intern(unsign
+ if(qp->id == qp_in->id &&
+ qp->saddr == qp_in->saddr &&
+ qp->daddr == qp_in->daddr &&
+- qp->protocol == qp_in->protocol) {
++ qp->protocol == qp_in->protocol &&
++ qp->user == qp_in->user &&
++ qp->owner_env == get_exec_env()) {
+ atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);
+ write_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
+ qp_in->last_in |= COMPLETE;
+@@ -340,7 +368,7 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_intern(unsign
+ }
+ /* Add an entry to the 'ipq' queue for a newly received IP datagram. */
+-static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsigned hash, struct iphdr *iph)
++static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsigned hash, struct iphdr *iph, u32 user)
+ {
+ struct ipq *qp;
+@@ -352,6 +380,7 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsign
+ qp->id = iph->id;
+ qp->saddr = iph->saddr;
+ qp->daddr = iph->daddr;
++ qp->user = user;
+ qp->len = 0;
+ qp->meat = 0;
+ qp->fragments = NULL;
+@@ -364,6 +393,8 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsign
+ qp->lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ atomic_set(&qp->refcnt, 1);
++ SET_VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp, get_exec_env());
+ return ip_frag_intern(hash, qp);
+ out_nomem:
+@@ -374,7 +405,7 @@ out_nomem:
+ /* Find the correct entry in the "incomplete datagrams" queue for
+ * this IP datagram, and create new one, if nothing is found.
+ */
+-static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct iphdr *iph)
++static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct iphdr *iph, u32 user)
+ {
+ __u16 id = iph->id;
+ __u32 saddr = iph->saddr;
+@@ -388,7 +419,9 @@ static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct
+ if(qp->id == id &&
+ qp->saddr == saddr &&
+ qp->daddr == daddr &&
+- qp->protocol == protocol) {
++ qp->protocol == protocol &&
++ qp->user == user &&
++ qp->owner_env == get_exec_env()) {
+ atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);
+ read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
+ return qp;
+@@ -396,7 +429,7 @@ static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct
+ }
+ read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
+- return ip_frag_create(hash, iph);
++ return ip_frag_create(hash, iph, user);
+ }
+ /* Add new segment to existing queue. */
+@@ -630,7 +663,7 @@ out_fail:
+ }
+ /* Process an incoming IP datagram fragment. */
+-struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb)
++struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 user)
+ {
+ struct iphdr *iph = skb->nh.iph;
+ struct ipq *qp;
+@@ -645,7 +678,7 @@ struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff
+ dev = skb->dev;
+ /* Lookup (or create) queue header */
+- if ((qp = ip_find(iph)) != NULL) {
++ if ((qp = ip_find(iph, user)) != NULL) {
+ struct sk_buff *ret = NULL;
+ spin_lock(&qp->lock);
+@@ -656,6 +689,9 @@ struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff
+ qp->meat == qp->len)
+ ret = ip_frag_reasm(qp, dev);
++ if (ret)
+ spin_unlock(&qp->lock);
+ ipq_put(qp);
+ return ret;
+@@ -666,6 +702,48 @@ struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff
+ return NULL;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++/* XXX */
++void ip_fragment_cleanup(struct ve_struct *envid)
++ int i, progress;
++ /* All operations with fragment queues are performed from NET_RX/TX
++ * soft interrupts or from timer context. --Den */
++ local_bh_disable();
++ do {
++ progress = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < IPQ_HASHSZ; i++) {
++ struct ipq *qp;
++ if (ipq_hash[i] == NULL)
++ continue;
++ read_lock(&ipfrag_lock);
++ for (qp = ipq_hash[i]; qp; qp = qp->next) {
++ if (!ve_accessible_strict(
++ VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp),
++ envid))
++ continue;
++ atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);
++ read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
++ spin_lock(&qp->lock);
++ if (!(qp->last_in&COMPLETE))
++ ipq_kill(qp);
++ spin_unlock(&qp->lock);
++ ipq_put(qp);
++ progress = 1;
++ goto inner_restart;
++ }
++ read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
++ }
++ } while(progress);
++ local_bh_enable();
+ void ipfrag_init(void)
+ {
+ ipfrag_hash_rnd = (u32) ((num_physpages ^ (num_physpages>>7)) ^
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:19.000000000 +0300
+@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb
+ (!sk->sk_bound_dev_if ||
+ sk->sk_bound_dev_if == skb->dev->ifindex)) {
+ if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
+- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
++ skb = ip_defrag(skb, IP_DEFRAG_CALL_RA_CHAIN);
+ if (skb == NULL) {
+ read_unlock(&ip_ra_lock);
+ return 1;
+@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ int ip_local_deliver(struct sk_buff *skb
+ */
+ if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
+- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
++ skb = ip_defrag(skb, IP_DEFRAG_LOCAL_DELIVER);
+ if (!skb)
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -515,6 +515,8 @@ int ip_options_get(struct ip_options **o
+ kfree(opt);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
++ if (*optp)
++ kfree(*optp);
+ *optp = opt;
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ static void ip_copy_metadata(struct sk_b
+ to->priority = from->priority;
+ to->protocol = from->protocol;
+ to->security = from->security;
++ dst_release(to->dst);
+ to->dst = dst_clone(from->dst);
+ to->dev = from->dev;
+@@ -519,6 +520,7 @@ int ip_fragment(struct sk_buff *skb, int
+ /* Prepare header of the next frame,
+ * before previous one went down. */
+ if (frag) {
++ frag->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
+ frag->h.raw = frag->data;
+ frag->nh.raw = __skb_push(frag, hlen);
+ memcpy(frag->nh.raw, iph, hlen);
+@@ -1242,13 +1244,14 @@ void ip_send_reply(struct sock *sk, stru
+ char data[40];
+ } replyopts;
+ struct ipcm_cookie ipc;
+- u32 daddr;
++ u32 saddr, daddr;
+ struct rtable *rt = (struct rtable*)skb->dst;
+ if (ip_options_echo(&replyopts.opt, skb))
+ return;
+- daddr = ipc.addr = rt->rt_src;
++ saddr = skb->nh.iph->daddr;
++ daddr = ipc.addr = skb->nh.iph->saddr;
+ ipc.opt = NULL;
+ if (replyopts.opt.optlen) {
+@@ -1261,7 +1264,7 @@ void ip_send_reply(struct sock *sk, stru
+ {
+ struct flowi fl = { .nl_u = { .ip4_u =
+ { .daddr = daddr,
+- .saddr = rt->rt_spec_dst,
++ .saddr = saddr,
+ .tos = RT_TOS(skb->nh.iph->tos) } },
+ /* Not quite clean, but right. */
+ .uli_u = { .ports =
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -146,11 +146,8 @@ int ip_cmsg_send(struct msghdr *msg, str
+ struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
+ for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(msg); cmsg; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(msg, cmsg)) {
+- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
+- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
+- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen) {
++ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg))
+ return -EINVAL;
+- }
+ if (cmsg->cmsg_level != SOL_IP)
+ continue;
+ switch (cmsg->cmsg_type) {
+@@ -851,6 +848,9 @@ mc_msf_out:
++ err = -EPERM;
++ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ break;
+ err = xfrm_user_policy(sk, optname, optval, optlen);
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static int __init ic_open_devs(void)
+ if (dev_change_flags(&loopback_dev, loopback_dev.flags | IFF_UP) < 0)
+ printk(KERN_ERR "IP-Config: Failed to open %s\n",;
+- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
++ for (dev = visible_dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
+ if (dev == &loopback_dev)
+ continue;
+ if (user_dev_name[0] ? !strcmp(dev->name, user_dev_name) :
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ static void mrtsock_destruct(struct sock
+ {
+ rtnl_lock();
+ if (sk == mroute_socket) {
+- ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding--;
++ ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding--;
+ write_lock_bh(&mrt_lock);
+ mroute_socket=NULL;
+@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ int ip_mroute_setsockopt(struct sock *sk
+ mroute_socket=sk;
+ write_unlock_bh(&mrt_lock);
+- ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding++;
++ ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding++;
+ }
+ rtnl_unlock();
+ return ret;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -876,7 +876,8 @@ int ip_vs_conn_init(void)
+ /* Allocate ip_vs_conn slab cache */
+ ip_vs_conn_cachep = kmem_cache_create("ip_vs_conn",
+ sizeof(struct ip_vs_conn), 0,
+ if (!ip_vs_conn_cachep) {
+ vfree(ip_vs_conn_tab);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ u16 ip_vs_checksum_complete(struct sk_bu
+ }
+ static inline struct sk_buff *
+-ip_vs_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ip_vs_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb, u_int32_t user)
+ {
+- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
++ skb = ip_defrag(skb, user);
+ if (skb)
+ ip_send_check(skb->nh.iph);
+ return skb;
+@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ static int ip_vs_out_icmp(struct sk_buff
+ /* reassemble IP fragments */
+ if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & __constant_htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
+- skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb);
++ skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb, IP_DEFRAG_VS_OUT);
+ if (!skb)
+ return NF_STOLEN;
+ *pskb = skb;
+@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ ip_vs_out(unsigned int hooknum, struct s
+ /* reassemble IP fragments */
+ if (unlikely(iph->frag_off & __constant_htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET) &&
+ !pp->dont_defrag)) {
+- skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb);
++ skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb, IP_DEFRAG_VS_OUT);
+ if (!skb)
+ return NF_STOLEN;
+ iph = skb->nh.iph;
+@@ -862,7 +862,8 @@ check_for_ip_vs_out(struct sk_buff **psk
+ * forward to the right destination host if relevant.
+ * Currently handles error types - unreachable, quench, ttl exceeded.
+ */
+-static int ip_vs_in_icmp(struct sk_buff **pskb, int *related)
++static int
++ip_vs_in_icmp(struct sk_buff **pskb, int *related, unsigned int hooknum)
+ {
+ struct sk_buff *skb = *pskb;
+ struct iphdr *iph;
+@@ -876,7 +877,9 @@ static int ip_vs_in_icmp(struct sk_buff
+ /* reassemble IP fragments */
+ if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & __constant_htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
+- skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb);
++ skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb,
++ hooknum == NF_IP_LOCAL_IN ?
+ if (!skb)
+ return NF_STOLEN;
+ *pskb = skb;
+@@ -972,6 +975,10 @@ ip_vs_in(unsigned int hooknum, struct sk
+ * Big tappo: only PACKET_HOST (neither loopback nor mcasts)
+ * ... don't know why 1st test DOES NOT include 2nd (?)
+ */
++ /*
++ * VZ: the question above is right.
++ * The second test is superfluous.
++ */
+ if (unlikely(skb->pkt_type != PACKET_HOST
+ || skb->dev == &loopback_dev || skb->sk)) {
+ IP_VS_DBG(12, "packet type=%d proto=%d daddr=%d.%d.%d.%d ignored\n",
+@@ -990,7 +997,7 @@ ip_vs_in(unsigned int hooknum, struct sk
+ iph = skb->nh.iph;
+ if (unlikely(iph->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP)) {
+- int related, verdict = ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &related);
++ int related, verdict = ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &related, hooknum);
+ if (related)
+ return verdict;
+@@ -1085,7 +1092,7 @@ ip_vs_forward_icmp(unsigned int hooknum,
+ if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->protocol != IPPROTO_ICMP)
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+- return ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &r);
++ return ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &r, hooknum);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:33.000000000 +0300
+@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_core.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/listhelp.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ #define IP_CONNTRACK_VERSION "2.1"
+@@ -62,10 +63,10 @@ DECLARE_RWLOCK(ip_conntrack_expect_tuple
+ void (*ip_conntrack_destroyed)(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack) = NULL;
+ LIST_HEAD(ip_conntrack_expect_list);
+ LIST_HEAD(protocol_list);
+-static LIST_HEAD(helpers);
+ unsigned int ip_conntrack_htable_size = 0;
+ int ip_conntrack_max;
+-static atomic_t ip_conntrack_count = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
++atomic_t ip_conntrack_count = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
+ struct list_head *ip_conntrack_hash;
+ static kmem_cache_t *ip_conntrack_cachep;
+ struct ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_untracked;
+@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *__ip_ct_fi
+ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *p;
+ MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+- p = LIST_FIND(&protocol_list, proto_cmpfn,
++ p = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, proto_cmpfn,
+ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *, protocol);
+ if (!p)
+ p = &ip_conntrack_generic_protocol;
+@@ -126,6 +127,28 @@ hash_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
+ ip_conntrack_hash_rnd) % ip_conntrack_htable_size);
+ }
++/* this function gives us an ability to safely restore
++ * connection in case of failure */
++void ip_conntrack_hash_insert(struct ip_conntrack *ct)
++ u_int32_t hash, repl_hash;
++ if (!ip_conntrack_hash_rnd_initted) {
++ get_random_bytes(&ip_conntrack_hash_rnd, 4);
++ ip_conntrack_hash_rnd_initted = 1;
++ }
++ hash = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple);
++ repl_hash = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple);
++ list_add(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].list,
++ &ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash]);
++ list_add(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].list,
++ &ve_ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash]);
+ int
+ get_tuple(const struct iphdr *iph,
+ const struct sk_buff *skb,
+@@ -195,7 +218,7 @@ __ip_ct_expect_find(const struct ip_conn
+ {
+ MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
+- return LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
++ return LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *, tuple);
+ }
+@@ -278,7 +301,11 @@ static void remove_expectations(struct i
+ continue;
+ }
++ IP_NF_ASSERT(list_inlist(&(ct->ct_env)->_ip_conntrack_expect_list, exp));
+ IP_NF_ASSERT(list_inlist(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, exp));
+ IP_NF_ASSERT(exp->expectant == ct);
+ /* delete expectation from global and private lists */
+@@ -296,8 +323,15 @@ clean_from_lists(struct ip_conntrack *ct
+ ho = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple);
+ hr = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple);
++ LIST_DELETE(&((ct->ct_env)->_ip_conntrack_hash)[ho],
++ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
++ LIST_DELETE(&((ct->ct_env)->_ip_conntrack_hash)[hr],
++ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
+ LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_hash[ho], &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
+ LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_hash[hr], &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
+ /* Destroy all un-established, pending expectations */
+ remove_expectations(ct, 1);
+@@ -320,8 +354,8 @@ destroy_conntrack(struct nf_conntrack *n
+ if (proto && proto->destroy)
+ proto->destroy(ct);
+- if (ip_conntrack_destroyed)
+- ip_conntrack_destroyed(ct);
++ if (ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed)
++ ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed(ct);
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ /* Make sure don't leave any orphaned expectations lying around */
+@@ -343,9 +377,13 @@ destroy_conntrack(struct nf_conntrack *n
+ if (master)
+ ip_conntrack_put(master);
++ atomic_dec(&(ct->ct_env->_ip_conntrack_count));
++ atomic_dec(&ip_conntrack_count);
+ DEBUGP("destroy_conntrack: returning ct=%p to slab\n", ct);
+ kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, ct);
+- atomic_dec(&ip_conntrack_count);
+ }
+ static void death_by_timeout(unsigned long ul_conntrack)
+@@ -376,7 +414,7 @@ __ip_conntrack_find(const struct ip_conn
+ unsigned int hash = hash_conntrack(tuple);
+ MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+- h = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
++ h = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
+ conntrack_tuple_cmp,
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
+ tuple, ignored_conntrack);
+@@ -454,17 +492,23 @@ __ip_conntrack_confirm(struct nf_ct_info
+ /* See if there's one in the list already, including reverse:
+ NAT could have grabbed it without realizing, since we're
+ not in the hash. If there is, we lost race. */
+- if (!LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
++ if (!LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
+ conntrack_tuple_cmp,
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
+ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple, NULL)
+- && !LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
++ && !LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
+ conntrack_tuple_cmp,
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
+ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple, NULL)) {
+- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
++ /*
++ * Just to avoid one ct to be inserted in 2 or more
++ * ve_ip_conntrack_hash'es... Otherwise it can crash.
++ */
++ if (is_confirmed(ct))
++ goto ok;
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
+ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
+- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
+ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
+ /* Timer relative to confirmation time, not original
+ setting time, otherwise we'd get timer wrap in
+@@ -473,6 +517,7 @@ __ip_conntrack_confirm(struct nf_ct_info
+ add_timer(&ct->timeout);
+ atomic_inc(&ct->ct_general.use);
+ set_bit(IPS_CONFIRMED_BIT, &ct->status);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+ }
+@@ -611,11 +656,45 @@ static inline int helper_cmp(const struc
+ struct ip_conntrack_helper *ip_ct_find_helper(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple)
+ {
+- return LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp,
++ return LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, helper_cmp,
+ struct ip_conntrack_helper *,
+ tuple);
+ }
++struct ip_conntrack *
++ip_conntrack_alloc(struct user_beancounter *ub)
++ int i;
++ struct ip_conntrack *conntrack;
++ struct user_beancounter *old_ub;
++ old_ub = set_exec_ub(ub);
++ conntrack = kmem_cache_alloc(ip_conntrack_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(old_ub);
++ if (unlikely(!conntrack)) {
++ DEBUGP("Can't allocate conntrack.\n");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ memset(conntrack, 0, sizeof(*conntrack));
++ atomic_set(&conntrack->ct_general.use, 1);
++ conntrack->ct_general.destroy = destroy_conntrack;
++ for (i=0; i < IP_CT_NUMBER; i++)
++ conntrack->infos[i].master = &conntrack->ct_general;
++ /* Don't set timer yet: wait for confirmation */
++ init_timer(&conntrack->timeout);
++ conntrack-> = (unsigned long)conntrack;
++ conntrack->timeout.function = death_by_timeout;
++ conntrack->ct_env = (get_exec_env())->_ip_conntrack;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conntrack->sibling_list);
++ return conntrack;
+ /* Allocate a new conntrack: we return -ENOMEM if classification
+ failed due to stress. Otherwise it really is unclassifiable. */
+ static struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *
+@@ -625,10 +704,11 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
+ {
+ struct ip_conntrack *conntrack;
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple repl_tuple;
++ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *ret;
+ size_t hash;
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *expected;
+- int i;
+ static unsigned int drop_next;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
+ if (!ip_conntrack_hash_rnd_initted) {
+ get_random_bytes(&ip_conntrack_hash_rnd, 4);
+@@ -637,19 +717,19 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
+ hash = hash_conntrack(tuple);
+- if (ip_conntrack_max &&
+- atomic_read(&ip_conntrack_count) >= ip_conntrack_max) {
++ if (ve_ip_conntrack_max &&
++ atomic_read(&ve_ip_conntrack_count) >= ve_ip_conntrack_max) {
+ /* Try dropping from random chain, or else from the
+ chain about to put into (in case they're trying to
+ bomb one hash chain). */
+ unsigned int next = (drop_next++)%ip_conntrack_htable_size;
+- if (!early_drop(&ip_conntrack_hash[next])
+- && !early_drop(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash])) {
++ if (!early_drop(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[next])
++ && !early_drop(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash])) {
+ if (net_ratelimit())
+- printk(KERN_WARNING
+- "ip_conntrack: table full, dropping"
+- " packet.\n");
++ "ip_conntrack: VPS %d: table full, dropping"
++ " packet.\n", VEID(get_exec_env()));
+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -659,37 +739,33 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
+ return NULL;
+ }
+- conntrack = kmem_cache_alloc(ip_conntrack_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
+- if (!conntrack) {
+- DEBUGP("Can't allocate conntrack.\n");
+- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+- }
++ if (skb->dev != NULL) /* received skb */
++ ub = netdev_bc(skb->dev)->exec_ub;
++ else if (skb->sk != NULL) /* sent skb */
++ ub = sock_bc(skb->sk)->ub;
++ else
++ ub = NULL;
++ ret = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ conntrack = ip_conntrack_alloc(ub);
++ if (!conntrack)
++ goto out;
+- memset(conntrack, 0, sizeof(*conntrack));
+- atomic_set(&conntrack->ct_general.use, 1);
+- conntrack->ct_general.destroy = destroy_conntrack;
+ conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple = *tuple;
+ conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].ctrack = conntrack;
+ conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple = repl_tuple;
+ conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].ctrack = conntrack;
+- for (i=0; i < IP_CT_NUMBER; i++)
+- conntrack->infos[i].master = &conntrack->ct_general;
+- if (!protocol->new(conntrack, skb)) {
+- kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, conntrack);
+- return NULL;
+- }
+- /* Don't set timer yet: wait for confirmation */
+- init_timer(&conntrack->timeout);
+- conntrack-> = (unsigned long)conntrack;
+- conntrack->timeout.function = death_by_timeout;
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conntrack->sibling_list);
++ ret = NULL;
++ if (!protocol->new(conntrack, skb))
++ goto free_ct;
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ /* Need finding and deleting of expected ONLY if we win race */
+ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
+- expected = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
++ expected = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *, tuple);
+ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
+@@ -718,16 +794,21 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
+ __set_bit(IPS_EXPECTED_BIT, &conntrack->status);
+ conntrack->master = expected;
+ expected->sibling = conntrack;
+- LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expected);
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expected);
+ expected->expectant->expecting--;
+ nf_conntrack_get(&master_ct(conntrack)->infos[0]);
+ }
+- atomic_inc(&ip_conntrack_count);
++ atomic_inc(&ve_ip_conntrack_count);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ if (expected && expected->expectfn)
+ expected->expectfn(conntrack);
+ return &conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL];
++ kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, conntrack);
++ return ret;
+ }
+ /* On success, returns conntrack ptr, sets skb->nfct and ctinfo */
+@@ -937,7 +1018,7 @@ ip_conntrack_expect_alloc(void)
+ return new;
+ }
+-static void
+ ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_conntrack_expect *new,
+ struct ip_conntrack *related_to)
+ {
+@@ -949,7 +1030,7 @@ ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_con
+ /* add to expected list for this connection */
+ list_add_tail(&new->expected_list, &related_to->sibling_list);
+ /* add to global list of expectations */
+- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, &new->list);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, &new->list);
+ /* add and start timer if required */
+ if (related_to->helper->timeout) {
+ init_timer(&new->timeout);
+@@ -961,6 +1042,7 @@ ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_con
+ }
+ related_to->expecting++;
+ }
+ /* Add a related connection. */
+ int ip_conntrack_expect_related(struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect,
+@@ -977,7 +1059,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_expect_related(struct i
+ DEBUGP("tuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->tuple);
+ DEBUGP("mask: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->mask);
+- old = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, resent_expect,
++ old = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, resent_expect,
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *, &expect->tuple,
+ &expect->mask);
+ if (old) {
+@@ -1043,7 +1125,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_expect_related(struct i
+ */
+ unexpect_related(old);
+ ret = -EPERM;
+- } else if (LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
++ } else if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *, &expect->tuple,
+ &expect->mask)) {
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+@@ -1077,7 +1159,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_change_expect(struct ip
+ /* Never seen before */
+ DEBUGP("change expect: never seen before\n");
+ if (!ip_ct_tuple_equal(&expect->tuple, newtuple)
+- && LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
++ && LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *, newtuple, &expect->mask)) {
+ /* Force NAT to find an unused tuple */
+ ret = -1;
+@@ -1128,12 +1210,42 @@ int ip_conntrack_alter_reply(struct ip_c
+ int ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
+ {
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+- list_prepend(&helpers, me);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, me);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
++int visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
++ int ret;
++ struct module *mod = me->me;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct ip_conntrack_helper *tmp;
++ __module_get(mod);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_helper), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto nomem;
++ memcpy(tmp, me, sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_helper));
++ me = tmp;
++ }
++ ret = ip_conntrack_helper_register(me);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ return 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())){
++ kfree(me);
++ module_put(mod);
++ }
++ return ret;
+ static inline int unhelp(struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *i,
+ const struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
+ {
+@@ -1152,11 +1264,11 @@ void ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(stru
+ /* Need write lock here, to delete helper. */
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+- LIST_DELETE(&helpers, me);
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, me);
+ /* Get rid of expecteds, set helpers to NULL. */
+ for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++)
+- LIST_FIND_W(&ip_conntrack_hash[i], unhelp,
++ LIST_FIND_W(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[i], unhelp,
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *, me);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+@@ -1164,6 +1276,29 @@ void ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(stru
+ synchronize_net();
+ }
++void visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
++ struct ip_conntrack_helper *i;
++ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, list) {
++ if (i->name == me->name) {
++ me = i;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
++ if (me != i)
++ return;
++ ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(me);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ module_put(me->me);
++ kfree(me);
++ }
+ /* Refresh conntrack for this many jiffies. */
+ void ip_ct_refresh(struct ip_conntrack *ct, unsigned long extra_jiffies)
+ {
+@@ -1185,7 +1320,7 @@ void ip_ct_refresh(struct ip_conntrack *
+ /* Returns new sk_buff, or NULL */
+ struct sk_buff *
+-ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb, u_int32_t user)
+ {
+ struct sock *sk = skb->sk;
+@@ -1197,7 +1332,7 @@ ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ }
+ local_bh_disable();
+- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
++ skb = ip_defrag(skb, user);
+ local_bh_enable();
+ if (!skb) {
+@@ -1257,7 +1392,7 @@ get_next_corpse(int (*kill)(const struct
+ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ for (; !h && *bucket < ip_conntrack_htable_size; (*bucket)++) {
+- h = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[*bucket], do_kill,
++ h = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[*bucket], do_kill,
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *, kill, data);
+ }
+ if (h)
+@@ -1354,6 +1489,9 @@ static int kill_all(const struct ip_conn
+ supposed to kill the mall. */
+ void ip_conntrack_cleanup(void)
+ {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct ve_struct *env;
+ ip_ct_attach = NULL;
+ /* This makes sure all current packets have passed through
+ netfilter framework. Roll on, two-stage module
+@@ -1362,22 +1500,43 @@ void ip_conntrack_cleanup(void)
+ i_see_dead_people:
+ ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_all, NULL);
+- if (atomic_read(&ip_conntrack_count) != 0) {
++ if (atomic_read(&ve_ip_conntrack_count) != 0) {
+ schedule();
+ goto i_see_dead_people;
+ }
++ env = get_exec_env();
++ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
++ kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
++ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
++ } else {
++ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
++ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
++ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
++ }
++ vfree(ve_ip_conntrack_hash);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers);
++ ve_ip_conntrack_max = 0;
++ atomic_set(&ve_ip_conntrack_count, 0);
++ kfree(env->_ip_conntrack);
+ kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
+ vfree(ip_conntrack_hash);
+ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
+ }
+ static int hashsize;
+ MODULE_PARM(hashsize, "i");
+-int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
++static int ip_conntrack_cache_create(void)
+ {
+- unsigned int i;
+ int ret;
+ /* Idea from tcp.c: use 1/16384 of memory. On i386: 32MB
+@@ -1393,33 +1552,135 @@ int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
+ if (ip_conntrack_htable_size < 16)
+ ip_conntrack_htable_size = 16;
+ }
+- ip_conntrack_max = 8 * ip_conntrack_htable_size;
++ ve_ip_conntrack_max = 8 * ip_conntrack_htable_size;
+ printk("ip_conntrack version %s (%u buckets, %d max)"
+ " - %Zd bytes per conntrack\n", IP_CONNTRACK_VERSION,
+- ip_conntrack_htable_size, ip_conntrack_max,
++ ip_conntrack_htable_size, ve_ip_conntrack_max,
+ sizeof(struct ip_conntrack));
+ ret = nf_register_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to register netfilter socket option\n");
+- return ret;
+- }
+- ip_conntrack_hash = vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)
+- * ip_conntrack_htable_size);
+- if (!ip_conntrack_hash) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack_hash\n");
+- goto err_unreg_sockopt;
++ goto out_sockopt;
+ }
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ ip_conntrack_cachep = kmem_cache_create("ip_conntrack",
+- sizeof(struct ip_conntrack), 0,
++ sizeof(struct ip_conntrack), 0,
+ if (!ip_conntrack_cachep) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack slab cache\n");
+- goto err_free_hash;
++ goto err_unreg_sockopt;
+ }
++ return 0;
++ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
++ return ret;
++/* From ip_conntrack_proto_tcp.c */
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_sent;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_recv;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_fin_wait;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close_wait;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_last_ack;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_time_wait;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close;
++/* From ip_conntrack_proto_udp.c */
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_udp_timeout;
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
++/* From ip_conntrack_proto_icmp.c */
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
++/* From ip_conntrack_proto_icmp.c */
++extern unsigned long ip_ct_generic_timeout;
++int ip_conntrack_init(void)
++ unsigned int i;
++ int ret;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = get_exec_env();
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ env->_ip_conntrack =
++ kmalloc(sizeof(struct ve_ip_conntrack), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!env->_ip_conntrack)
++ goto out;
++ memset(env->_ip_conntrack, 0, sizeof(struct ve_ip_conntrack));
++ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
++ ret = ip_conntrack_cache_create();
++ if (ret)
++ goto cache_fail;
++ } else
++ ve_ip_conntrack_max = 8 * ip_conntrack_htable_size;
++#else /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
++ ret = ip_conntrack_cache_create();
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ ve_ip_conntrack_hash = ub_vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)
++ * ip_conntrack_htable_size);
++ if (!ve_ip_conntrack_hash) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack_hash\n");
++ goto err_free_cache;
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers);
++ ve_ip_conntrack_max = ip_conntrack_max;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[1] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[2] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_sent;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[3] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_recv;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[4] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_fin_wait;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[5] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_time_wait;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[6] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[7] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close_wait;
++ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[8] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_last_ack;
++ ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout = ip_ct_udp_timeout;
++ ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream = ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
++ ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout = ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
++ ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout = ip_ct_generic_timeout;
++ if (!ve_is_super(env)) {
++ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
++ if (ret)
++ goto tcp_fail;
++ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
++ if (ret)
++ goto udp_fail;
++ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
++ if (ret)
++ goto icmp_fail;
++ } else {
++ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
++ list_append(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list,
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
++ list_append(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list,
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
++ list_append(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list,
++ &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
++ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
++ }
+ /* Don't NEED lock here, but good form anyway. */
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ /* Sew in builtin protocols. */
+@@ -1427,12 +1688,18 @@ int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
+ list_append(&protocol_list, &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
+ list_append(&protocol_list, &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
+ for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++)
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ip_conntrack_hash[i]);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[i]);
++ if (ve_is_super(env))
++ ip_ct_attach = ip_conntrack_attach;
+ /* For use by ipt_REJECT */
+ ip_ct_attach = ip_conntrack_attach;
+ /* Set up fake conntrack:
+ - to never be deleted, not in any hashes */
+@@ -1445,12 +1712,27 @@ int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
+ ip_conntrack_untracked.infos[IP_CT_RELATED + IP_CT_IS_REPLY].master =
+ &ip_conntrack_untracked.ct_general;
+- return ret;
++ return 0;
+- vfree(ip_conntrack_hash);
++ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(&ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
++ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(&ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
++ vfree(ve_ip_conntrack_hash);
++ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
++ kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
++ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
++ }
++ kfree(env->_ip_conntrack);
++ kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
+ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
+- return -ENOMEM;
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
++ return ret;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ #include <linux/ctype.h>
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+ #include <net/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
+@@ -27,17 +28,25 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ftp connection track
+ /* This is slow, but it's simple. --RR */
+ static char ftp_buffer[65536];
++static DECLARE_LOCK(ip_ftp_lock);
+ struct module *ip_conntrack_ftp = THIS_MODULE;
+ #define MAX_PORTS 8
+ static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
+-static int ports_c;
+ static int loose;
+ MODULE_PARM(loose, "i");
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ports_c \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_ftp_ports_c)
++static int ports_c = 0;
++#define ve_ports_c ports_c
+ #if 0
+ #define DEBUGP printk
+ #else
+@@ -375,6 +384,7 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ problem (DMZ machines opening holes to internal
+ networks, or the packet filter itself). */
+ if (!loose) {
++ ip_conntrack_expect_put(exp);
+ ret = NF_ACCEPT;
+ goto out;
+ }
+@@ -404,15 +414,43 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ static struct ip_conntrack_helper ftp[MAX_PORTS];
+ static char ftp_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
+-/* Not __exit: called from init() */
+-static void fini(void)
++void fini_iptable_ftp(void)
+ {
+ int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
++ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
+ DEBUGP("ip_ct_ftp: unregistering helper for port %d\n",
+ ports[i]);
+- ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
++ visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
++ }
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++int init_iptable_ftp(void)
++ int i, ret;
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
++ DEBUGP("ip_ct_ftp: registering helper for port %d\n",
++ ports[i]);
++ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
++ if (ret) {
++ fini_iptable_ftp();
++ return ret;
++ }
++ ve_ports_c++;
+ }
++ return 0;
++/* Not __exit: called from init() */
++static void fini(void)
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_ftp);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_ftp);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ftp);
++ fini_iptable_ftp();
+ }
+ static int __init init(void)
+@@ -423,6 +461,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ if (ports[0] == 0)
+ ports[0] = FTP_PORT;
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
+ ftp[i].tuple.src.u.tcp.port = htons(ports[i]);
+ ftp[i].tuple.dst.protonum = IPPROTO_TCP;
+@@ -443,19 +482,22 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ DEBUGP("ip_ct_ftp: registering helper for port %d\n",
+ ports[i]);
+- ret = ip_conntrack_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
++ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
+ if (ret) {
+ fini();
+ return ret;
+ }
+- ports_c++;
++ ve_ports_c++;
+ }
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_ftp);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ftp);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_ftp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+ module_exit(fini);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include <linux/ip.h>
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+ #include <net/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
+@@ -35,11 +36,11 @@
+ #define MAX_PORTS 8
+ static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
+-static int ports_c;
+ static int max_dcc_channels = 8;
+ static unsigned int dcc_timeout = 300;
+ /* This is slow, but it's simple. --RR */
+ static char irc_buffer[65536];
++static DECLARE_LOCK(irc_buffer_lock);
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Harald Welte <>");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("IRC (DCC) connection tracking helper");
+@@ -54,9 +55,17 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(dcc_timeout, "timeout o
+ static char *dccprotos[] = { "SEND ", "CHAT ", "MOVE ", "TSEND ", "SCHAT " };
+ #define MINMATCHLEN 5
+ struct module *ip_conntrack_irc = THIS_MODULE;
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ports_c \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_irc_ports_c)
++static int ports_c = 0;
++#define ve_ports_c ports_c
+ #if 0
+ #define DEBUGP(format, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s:%s:" format, \
+ __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ , ## args)
+@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ if (dataoff >= skb->len)
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+- LOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
++ LOCK_BH(&irc_buffer_lock);
+ skb_copy_bits(skb, dataoff, irc_buffer, skb->len - dataoff);
+ data = irc_buffer;
+@@ -227,7 +236,7 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ } /* while data < ... */
+ out:
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
++ UNLOCK_BH(&irc_buffer_lock);
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+ }
+@@ -236,6 +245,37 @@ static char irc_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
+ static void fini(void);
++void fini_iptable_irc(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
++ DEBUGP("unregistering port %d\n",
++ ports[i]);
++ visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&irc_helpers[i]);
++ }
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++int init_iptable_irc(void)
++ int i, ret;
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
++ DEBUGP("port #%d: %d\n", i, ports[i]);
++ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(&irc_helpers[i]);
++ if (ret) {
++ printk("ip_conntrack_irc: ERROR registering port %d\n",
++ ports[i]);
++ fini_iptable_irc();
++ return -EBUSY;
++ }
++ ve_ports_c++;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+ int i, ret;
+@@ -255,6 +295,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ if (ports[0] == 0)
+ ports[0] = IRC_PORT;
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
+ hlpr = &irc_helpers[i];
+ hlpr->tuple.src.u.tcp.port = htons(ports[i]);
+@@ -276,7 +317,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ DEBUGP("port #%d: %d\n", i, ports[i]);
+- ret = ip_conntrack_helper_register(hlpr);
++ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(hlpr);
+ if (ret) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack_irc: ERROR registering port %d\n",
+@@ -284,8 +325,12 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ fini();
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+- ports_c++;
++ ve_ports_c++;
+ }
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_irc);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_irc);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_irc);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -293,16 +338,13 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ * it is needed by the init function */
+ static void fini(void)
+ {
+- int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
+- DEBUGP("unregistering port %d\n",
+- ports[i]);
+- ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&irc_helpers[i]);
+- }
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_irc);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_irc);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_irc);
++ fini_iptable_irc();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+ module_exit(fini);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_last_ack
+ unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_time_wait = 2 MINS;
+ unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close = 10 SECS;
+-static unsigned long * tcp_timeouts[]
++unsigned long * tcp_timeouts[]
+ &ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established, /* TCP_CONNTRACK_ESTABLISHED, */
+ &ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_sent, /* TCP_CONNTRACK_SYN_SENT, */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+ #include <net/ip.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock)
+ #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock)
+@@ -43,6 +44,9 @@
++int ip_conntrack_enable_ve0 = 0;
++MODULE_PARM(ip_conntrack_enable_ve0, "i");
+ static int kill_proto(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *data)
+ {
+ return (i->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.dst.protonum ==
+@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@ list_conntracks(char *buffer, char **sta
+ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ /* Traverse hash; print originals then reply. */
+ for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++) {
+- if (LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[i], conntrack_iterate,
++ if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[i], conntrack_iterate,
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
+ buffer, offset, &upto, &len, length))
+ goto finished;
+@@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ list_conntracks(char *buffer, char **sta
+ /* Now iterate through expecteds. */
+ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
+- list_for_each(e, &ip_conntrack_expect_list) {
++ list_for_each(e, &ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list) {
+ unsigned int last_len;
+ struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect
+ = (struct ip_conntrack_expect *)e;
+@@ -208,7 +212,10 @@ static unsigned int ip_conntrack_defrag(
+ /* Gather fragments. */
+ if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
+- *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb);
++ *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb,
++ hooknum == NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING ?
+ if (!*pskb)
+ return NF_STOLEN;
+ }
+@@ -334,7 +341,25 @@ extern unsigned long ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
+ /* From ip_conntrack_proto_icmp.c */
+ extern unsigned long ip_ct_generic_timeout;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_sysctl_header)
++#define ve_ip_ct_net_table \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_net_table)
++#define ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_ipv4_table)
++#define ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_netfilter_table)
++#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_sysctl_table)
+ static struct ctl_table_header *ip_ct_sysctl_header;
++#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header ip_ct_sysctl_header
++#define ve_ip_ct_net_table ip_ct_net_table
++#define ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table ip_ct_ipv4_table
++#define ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table ip_ct_netfilter_table
++#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table ip_ct_sysctl_table
+ static ctl_table ip_ct_sysctl_table[] = {
+ {
+@@ -491,7 +516,89 @@ static ctl_table ip_ct_net_table[] = {
+ },
+ { .ctl_name = 0 }
+ };
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++static void ip_conntrack_sysctl_cleanup(void)
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ kfree(ve_ip_ct_net_table);
++ kfree(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table);
++ kfree(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table);
++ kfree(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table);
++ }
++ ve_ip_ct_net_table = NULL;
++ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table = NULL;
++ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table = NULL;
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table = NULL;
++#define ALLOC_ENVCTL(field,k,label) \
++ if ( !(field = kmalloc(k*sizeof(ctl_table), GFP_KERNEL)) ) \
++ goto label;
++static int ip_conntrack_sysctl_init(void)
++ int i, ret = 0;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ ve_ip_ct_net_table = ip_ct_net_table;
++ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table = ip_ct_ipv4_table;
++ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table = ip_ct_netfilter_table;
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table = ip_ct_sysctl_table;
++ } else {
++ /* allocate structures in ve_struct */
++ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_net_table, 2, out);
++ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table, 2, nomem_1);
++ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table, 3, nomem_2);
++ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table, 15, nomem_3);
++ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_net_table, ip_ct_net_table,
++ 2*sizeof(ctl_table));
++ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table, ip_ct_ipv4_table,
++ 2*sizeof(ctl_table));
++ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table, ip_ct_netfilter_table,
++ 3*sizeof(ctl_table));
++ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table, ip_ct_sysctl_table,
++ 15*sizeof(ctl_table));
++ ve_ip_ct_net_table[0].child = ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table;
++ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table[0].child = ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table;
++ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table[0].child = ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table;
++ }
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[0].data = &ve_ip_conntrack_max;
++ /* skip ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[1].data as it is read-only and common
++ * for all environments */
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[2].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[2];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[3].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[3];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[4].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[1];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[5].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[4];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[6].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[7];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[7].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[8];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[8].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[5];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[9].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[6];
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[10].data = &ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout;
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[11].data = &ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[12].data = &ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[13].data = &ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout;
++ for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[i].owner_env = get_exec_env();
++ return 0;
++ kfree(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table);
++ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table = NULL;
++ kfree(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table);
++ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table = NULL;
++ kfree(ve_ip_ct_net_table);
++ ve_ip_ct_net_table = NULL;
++ return ret;
++#endif /*CONFIG_VE*/
++#endif /*CONFIG_SYSCTL*/
+ static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
+ {
+ struct proc_dir_entry *proc;
+@@ -499,77 +606,115 @@ static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
+ if (!init) goto cleanup;
++ ret = -ENOENT;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
+ ret = ip_conntrack_init();
+ if (ret < 0)
+- goto cleanup_nothing;
++ goto cleanup_unget;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
++ return 0;
+- proc = proc_net_create("ip_conntrack", 0440, list_conntracks);
++ ret = -ENOENT;
++ proc = proc_mkdir("net", NULL);
+ if (!proc) goto cleanup_init;
++ proc = create_proc_info_entry("net/ip_conntrack", 0440,
++ NULL, list_conntracks);
++ if (!proc) goto cleanup_proc2;
+ proc->owner = THIS_MODULE;
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack: can't register pre-routing defrag hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_proc;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack: can't register local_out defrag hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_defragops;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack: can't register pre-routing hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_defraglocalops;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack: can't register local out hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_inops;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack: can't register post-routing hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_inandlocalops;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack: can't register local in hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_inoutandlocalops;
+ }
+- ip_ct_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(ip_ct_net_table, 0);
+- if (ip_ct_sysctl_header == NULL) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ ret = ip_conntrack_sysctl_init();
++ if (ret < 0)
++ goto cleanup_sysctl;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(ve_ip_ct_net_table, 0);
++ if (ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header == NULL) {
+ printk("ip_conntrack: can't register to sysctl.\n");
+- goto cleanup;
++ goto cleanup_sysctl2;
+ }
+ #endif
++ return 0;
+- return ret;
+- cleanup:
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
++ goto cleanup_init;
+- unregister_sysctl_table(ip_ct_sysctl_header);
++ unregister_sysctl_table(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ ip_conntrack_sysctl_cleanup();
+ #endif
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
+ cleanup_inoutandlocalops:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
+ cleanup_inandlocalops:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
+ cleanup_inops:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
+ cleanup_defraglocalops:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
+ cleanup_defragops:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
+ cleanup_proc:
+- proc_net_remove("ip_conntrack");
++ remove_proc_entry("net/ip_conntrack", NULL);
++ cleanup_proc2:
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ remove_proc_entry("net", NULL);
+ cleanup_init:
+ ip_conntrack_cleanup();
+- cleanup_nothing:
++ cleanup_unget:
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
+ return ret;
+ }
++int init_iptable_conntrack(void)
++ return init_or_cleanup(1);
++void fini_iptable_conntrack(void)
++ init_or_cleanup(0);
+ /* FIXME: Allow NULL functions and sub in pointers to generic for
+ them. --RR */
+ int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
+@@ -578,7 +723,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struc
+ struct list_head *i;
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+- list_for_each(i, &protocol_list) {
++ list_for_each(i, &ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list) {
+ if (((struct ip_conntrack_protocol *)i)->proto
+ == proto->proto) {
+ ret = -EBUSY;
+@@ -586,20 +731,47 @@ int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struc
+ }
+ }
+- list_prepend(&protocol_list, proto);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, proto);
+ out:
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
++int visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
++ int ret = 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *tmp;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_protocol),
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto nomem;
++ memcpy(tmp, proto, sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_protocol));
++ proto = tmp;
++ }
++ ret = ip_conntrack_protocol_register(proto);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ return 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(proto);
++ return ret;
+ void ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
+ {
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ /* ip_ct_find_proto() returns proto_generic in case there is no protocol
+ * helper. So this should be enough - HW */
+- LIST_DELETE(&protocol_list, proto);
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, proto);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
+ /* Somebody could be still looking at the proto in bh. */
+@@ -609,17 +781,53 @@ void ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(st
+ ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_proto, &proto->proto);
+ }
++void visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
++ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *i;
++ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, list) {
++ if (i->proto == proto->proto) {
++ proto = i;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
++ if (proto != i)
++ return;
++ ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(proto);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(proto);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return init_or_cleanup(1);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_conntrack();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_conntrack);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- init_or_cleanup(0);
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_conntrack);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack);
++ fini_iptable_conntrack();
+ }
+ module_exit(fini);
+ /* Some modules need us, but don't depend directly on any symbol.
+@@ -628,8 +836,11 @@ void need_ip_conntrack(void)
+ {
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_protocol_register);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(invert_tuplepr);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_alter_reply);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_destroyed);
+@@ -637,6 +848,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_get);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(need_ip_conntrack);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_helper_register);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_helper_unregister);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_selective_cleanup);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_refresh);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_find_proto);
+@@ -652,8 +865,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_tuple_taken);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_gather_frags);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_htable_size);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_expect_list);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_hash);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_untracked);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ip_conntrack_find_get);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ip_conntrack_put);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:19.000000000 +0300
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ fw_in(unsigned int hooknum,
+ &redirpt, pskb);
+ if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
+- *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb);
++ *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb, IP_DEFRAG_FW_COMPAT);
+ if (!*pskb)
+ return NF_STOLEN;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:33.000000000 +0300
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ #include <net/tcp.h> /* For tcp_prot in getorigdst */
+ #include <linux/icmp.h>
+ #include <linux/udp.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
+ #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
+@@ -46,10 +47,19 @@ DECLARE_RWLOCK_EXTERN(ip_conntrack_lock)
+ /* Calculated at init based on memory size */
+ static unsigned int ip_nat_htable_size;
+-static struct list_head *bysource;
+-static struct list_head *byipsproto;
++#define ve_ip_nat_bysource \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_bysource)
++#define ve_ip_nat_byipsproto \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_bysource+ip_nat_htable_size)
+ LIST_HEAD(protos);
+ LIST_HEAD(helpers);
++static struct list_head *bysource;
++static struct list_head *byipsproto;
++#define ve_ip_nat_bysource bysource
++#define ve_ip_nat_byipsproto byipsproto
+ extern struct ip_nat_protocol unknown_nat_protocol;
+@@ -74,7 +84,9 @@ static void ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack(str
+ {
+ struct ip_nat_info *info = &conn->;
+ unsigned int hs, hp;
++ struct ve_ip_conntrack *env;
+ if (!info->initialized)
+ return;
+@@ -91,8 +103,15 @@ static void ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack(str
+ .tuple.dst.protonum);
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ env = conn->ct_env;
++ LIST_DELETE(&(env->_ip_nat_bysource)[hs], &info->bysource);
++ LIST_DELETE(&(env->_ip_nat_bysource + ip_nat_htable_size)[hp],
++ &info->byipsproto);
+ LIST_DELETE(&bysource[hs], &info->bysource);
+ LIST_DELETE(&byipsproto[hp], &info->byipsproto);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+ }
+@@ -118,7 +137,8 @@ find_nat_proto(u_int16_t protonum)
+ struct ip_nat_protocol *i;
+ MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock);
+- i = LIST_FIND(&protos, cmp_proto, struct ip_nat_protocol *, protonum);
++ i = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_protos, cmp_proto,
++ struct ip_nat_protocol *, protonum);
+ if (!i)
+ i = &unknown_nat_protocol;
+ return i;
+@@ -197,7 +217,8 @@ find_appropriate_src(const struct ip_con
+ struct ip_nat_hash *i;
+ MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock);
+- i = LIST_FIND(&bysource[h], src_cmp, struct ip_nat_hash *, tuple, mr);
++ i = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[h], src_cmp,
++ struct ip_nat_hash *, tuple, mr);
+ if (i)
+ return &i->conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.src;
+ else
+@@ -253,7 +274,7 @@ count_maps(u_int32_t src, u_int32_t dst,
+ MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock);
+ h = hash_by_ipsproto(src, dst, protonum);
+- LIST_FIND(&byipsproto[h], fake_cmp, struct ip_nat_hash *,
++ LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[h], fake_cmp, struct ip_nat_hash *,
+ src, dst, protonum, &score, conntrack);
+ return score;
+@@ -505,6 +526,28 @@ helper_cmp(const struct ip_nat_helper *h
+ return ip_ct_tuple_mask_cmp(tuple, &helper->tuple, &helper->mask);
+ }
++/* this function gives us an ability to safely restore
++ * connection in case of failure */
++int ip_nat_install_conntrack(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack, int helper)
++ int ret = 0;
++ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ if (helper) {
++ conntrack-> = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers,
++ helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,
++ &conntrack->tuplehash[1].tuple);
++ if (conntrack-> == NULL)
++ ret = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ if (!ret)
++ place_in_hashes(conntrack, &conntrack->;
++ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ return ret;
+ /* Where to manip the reply packets (will be reverse manip). */
+ static unsigned int opposite_hook[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS]
+@@ -643,8 +686,8 @@ ip_nat_setup_info(struct ip_conntrack *c
+ /* If there's a helper, assign it; based on new tuple. */
+ if (!conntrack->master)
+- info->helper = LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,
+- &reply);
++ info->helper = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers,
++ helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *, &reply);
+ /* It's done. */
+ info->initialized |= (1 << HOOK2MANIP(hooknum));
+@@ -684,8 +727,8 @@ void replace_in_hashes(struct ip_conntra
+ list_del(&info->bysource.list);
+ list_del(&info->byipsproto.list);
+- list_prepend(&bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
+- list_prepend(&byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
+ }
+ void place_in_hashes(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack,
+@@ -712,8 +755,8 @@ void place_in_hashes(struct ip_conntrack
+ info->byipsproto.conntrack = conntrack;
+ info->bysource.conntrack = conntrack;
+- list_prepend(&bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
+- list_prepend(&byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
+ }
+ /* Returns true if succeeded. */
+@@ -988,41 +1031,64 @@ icmp_reply_translation(struct sk_buff **
+ return 0;
+ }
+-int __init ip_nat_init(void)
++int ip_nat_init(void)
+ {
+ size_t i;
++ int ret;
+- /* Leave them the same for the moment. */
+- ip_nat_htable_size = ip_conntrack_htable_size;
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ ip_nat_htable_size = ip_conntrack_htable_size;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_protos);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_helpers);
+ /* One vmalloc for both hash tables */
+- bysource = vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head) * ip_nat_htable_size*2);
+- if (!bysource) {
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- }
+- byipsproto = bysource + ip_nat_htable_size;
+- /* Sew in builtin protocols. */
+- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+- list_append(&protos, &ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
+- list_append(&protos, &ip_nat_protocol_udp);
+- list_append(&protos, &ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
+- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ ve_ip_nat_bysource = ub_vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)*ip_nat_htable_size*2);
++ if (!ve_ip_nat_bysource)
++ goto err;
++ /*byipsproto = bysource + ip_nat_htable_size;*/
+ for (i = 0; i < ip_nat_htable_size; i++) {
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bysource[i]);
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&byipsproto[i]);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[i]);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[i]);
++ }
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ ret = visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(&ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
++ if (ret)
++ goto tcp_fail;
++ ret = visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(&ip_nat_protocol_udp);
++ if (ret)
++ goto udp_fail;
++ ret = visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(&ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
++ if (ret)
++ goto icmp_fail;
++ } else {
++ /* Sew in builtin protocols. */
++ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ list_append(&ve_ip_nat_protos, &ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
++ list_append(&ve_ip_nat_protos, &ip_nat_protocol_udp);
++ list_append(&ve_ip_nat_protos, &ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
++ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ /* Initialize fake conntrack so that NAT will skip it */
++ |=
++ (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC) | (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_DST);
+ }
+ /* FIXME: Man, this is a hack. <SIGH> */
+- IP_NF_ASSERT(ip_conntrack_destroyed == NULL);
+- ip_conntrack_destroyed = &ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack;
+- /* Initialize fake conntrack so that NAT will skip it */
+- |=
+- (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC) | (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_DST);
++ IP_NF_ASSERT(ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed == NULL);
++ ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed = &ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack;
+ return 0;
++ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_udp);
++ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
++ vfree(ve_ip_nat_bysource);
++ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Clear NAT section of all conntracks, in case we're loaded again. */
+@@ -1036,6 +1102,13 @@ static int clean_nat(const struct ip_con
+ void ip_nat_cleanup(void)
+ {
+ ip_ct_selective_cleanup(&clean_nat, NULL);
+- ip_conntrack_destroyed = NULL;
+- vfree(bysource);
++ ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed = NULL;
++ vfree(ve_ip_nat_bysource);
++ ve_ip_nat_bysource = NULL;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())){
++ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
++ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_udp);
++ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
++ }
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_nat_rule.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_ftp.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Rusty Russell <>");
+@@ -31,11 +32,17 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ftp NAT helper");
+ #define MAX_PORTS 8
+ static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
+-static int ports_c;
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ports_c \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_ftp_ports_c)
++static int ports_c = 0;
++#define ve_ports_c ports_c
+ /* FIXME: Time out? --RR */
+@@ -59,8 +66,6 @@ ftp_nat_expected(struct sk_buff **pskb,
+ DEBUGP("nat_expected: We have a connection!\n");
+ exp_ftp_info = &ct->master->help.exp_ftp_info;
+- LOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ if (exp_ftp_info->ftptype == IP_CT_FTP_PORT
+ || exp_ftp_info->ftptype == IP_CT_FTP_EPRT) {
+ /* PORT command: make connection go to the client. */
+@@ -75,7 +80,6 @@ ftp_nat_expected(struct sk_buff **pskb,
+ DEBUGP("nat_expected: PASV cmd. %u.%u.%u.%u->%u.%u.%u.%u\n",
+ NIPQUAD(newsrcip), NIPQUAD(newdstip));
+ }
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ if (HOOK2MANIP(hooknum) == IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC)
+ newip = newsrcip;
+@@ -111,8 +115,6 @@ mangle_rfc959_packet(struct sk_buff **ps
+ {
+ char buffer[sizeof("nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn")];
+- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ sprintf(buffer, "%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u",
+ NIPQUAD(newip), port>>8, port&0xFF);
+@@ -134,8 +136,6 @@ mangle_eprt_packet(struct sk_buff **pskb
+ {
+ char buffer[sizeof("|1||65535|")];
+- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ sprintf(buffer, "|1|%u.%u.%u.%u|%u|", NIPQUAD(newip), port);
+ DEBUGP("calling ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet\n");
+@@ -156,8 +156,6 @@ mangle_epsv_packet(struct sk_buff **pskb
+ {
+ char buffer[sizeof("|||65535|")];
+- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ sprintf(buffer, "|||%u|", port);
+ DEBUGP("calling ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet\n");
+@@ -189,7 +187,6 @@ static int ftp_data_fixup(const struct i
+ u_int16_t port;
+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple newtuple;
+- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ DEBUGP("FTP_NAT: seq %u + %u in %u\n",
+ expect->seq, ct_ftp_info->len,
+ ntohl(tcph->seq));
+@@ -268,13 +265,11 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
+ }
+ datalen = (*pskb)->len - iph->ihl * 4 - tcph->doff * 4;
+- LOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ /* If it's in the right range... */
+ if (between(exp->seq + ct_ftp_info->len,
+ ntohl(tcph->seq),
+ ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen)) {
+ if (!ftp_data_fixup(ct_ftp_info, ct, pskb, ctinfo, exp)) {
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ return NF_DROP;
+ }
+ } else {
+@@ -286,26 +281,52 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
+ ntohl(tcph->seq),
+ ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen);
+ }
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ return NF_DROP;
+ }
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+ }
+ static struct ip_nat_helper ftp[MAX_PORTS];
+ static char ftp_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
+-/* Not __exit: called from init() */
+-static void fini(void)
++void fini_iptable_nat_ftp(void)
+ {
+ int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
++ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
+ DEBUGP("ip_nat_ftp: unregistering port %d\n", ports[i]);
+- ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
++ visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
++ }
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++int init_iptable_nat_ftp(void)
++ int i, ret = 0;
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
++ DEBUGP("ip_nat_ftp: Trying to register for port %d\n",
++ ports[i]);
++ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
++ if (ret) {
++ printk("ip_nat_ftp: error registering "
++ "helper for port %d\n", ports[i]);
++ fini_iptable_nat_ftp();
++ return ret;
++ }
++ ve_ports_c++;
+ }
++ return 0;
++/* Not __exit: called from init() */
++static void fini(void)
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_nat_ftp);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_ftp);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_ftp);
++ fini_iptable_nat_ftp();
+ }
+ static int __init init(void)
+@@ -316,6 +337,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ if (ports[0] == 0)
+ ports[0] = FTP_PORT;
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
+ ftp[i].tuple.dst.protonum = IPPROTO_TCP;
+ ftp[i].tuple.src.u.tcp.port = htons(ports[i]);
+@@ -335,7 +357,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ DEBUGP("ip_nat_ftp: Trying to register for port %d\n",
+ ports[i]);
+- ret = ip_nat_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
++ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
+ if (ret) {
+ printk("ip_nat_ftp: error registering "
+@@ -343,9 +365,12 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ fini();
+ return ret;
+ }
+- ports_c++;
++ ve_ports_c++;
+ }
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_ftp);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_ftp);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_nat_ftp);
+ return ret;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -410,33 +410,59 @@ int ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat
+ int ret = 0;
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+- if (LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple))
++ if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, helper_cmp,
++ struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple))
+ ret = -EBUSY;
+ else
+- list_prepend(&helpers, me);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, me);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+-static int
+-kill_helper(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *helper)
++int visible_ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat_helper *me)
+ {
+ int ret;
++ struct module *mod = me->me;
+- READ_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+- ret = (i-> == helper);
+- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct ip_nat_helper *tmp;
++ __module_get(mod);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_nat_helper), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto nomem;
++ memcpy(tmp, me, sizeof(struct ip_nat_helper));
++ me = tmp;
++ }
++ ret = ip_nat_helper_register(me);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ return 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ kfree(me);
++ module_put(mod);
++ }
+ return ret;
+ }
++static int
++kill_helper(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *helper)
++ return (i-> == helper);
+ void ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me)
+ {
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+ /* Autoloading conntrack helper might have failed */
+- if (LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple)) {
+- LIST_DELETE(&helpers, me);
++ if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, helper_cmp,
++ struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple)) {
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, me);
+ }
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+@@ -452,3 +478,26 @@ void ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_
+ worse. --RR */
+ ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_helper, me);
+ }
++void visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me)
++ struct ip_nat_helper *i;
++ READ_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_nat_helpers, list) {
++ if (i->name == me->name) {
++ me = i;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ if (me != i)
++ return;
++ ip_nat_helper_unregister(me);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ module_put(me->me);
++ kfree(me);
++ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_nat_rule.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_irc.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #if 0
+ #define DEBUGP printk
+@@ -36,7 +37,15 @@
+ #define MAX_PORTS 8
+ static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
+-static int ports_c;
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ports_c \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_irc_ports_c)
++static int ports_c = 0;
++#define ve_ports_c ports_c
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Harald Welte <>");
+@@ -44,9 +53,6 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
+ MODULE_PARM_DESC(ports, "port numbers of IRC servers");
+-/* protects irc part of conntracks */
+ /* FIXME: Time out? --RR */
+ static unsigned int
+@@ -102,8 +108,6 @@ static int irc_data_fixup(const struct i
+ /* "4294967296 65635 " */
+ char buffer[18];
+- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_irc_lock);
+ DEBUGP("IRC_NAT: info (seq %u + %u) in %u\n",
+ expect->seq, ct_irc_info->len,
+ ntohl(tcph->seq));
+@@ -111,11 +115,6 @@ static int irc_data_fixup(const struct i
+ newip = ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple.dst.ip;
+ /* Alter conntrack's expectations. */
+- /* We can read expect here without conntrack lock, since it's
+- only set in ip_conntrack_irc, with ip_irc_lock held
+- writable */
+ t = expect->tuple;
+ t.dst.ip = newip;
+ for (port = ct_irc_info->port; port != 0; port++) {
+@@ -185,13 +184,11 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
+ DEBUGP("got beyond not touching\n");
+ datalen = (*pskb)->len - iph->ihl * 4 - tcph->doff * 4;
+- LOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
+ /* Check whether the whole IP/address pattern is carried in the payload */
+ if (between(exp->seq + ct_irc_info->len,
+ ntohl(tcph->seq),
+ ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen)) {
+ if (!irc_data_fixup(ct_irc_info, ct, pskb, ctinfo, exp)) {
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
+ return NF_DROP;
+ }
+ } else {
+@@ -204,28 +201,59 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
+ ntohl(tcph->seq),
+ ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen);
+ }
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
+ return NF_DROP;
+ }
+- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+ }
+ static struct ip_nat_helper ip_nat_irc_helpers[MAX_PORTS];
+ static char irc_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
+-/* This function is intentionally _NOT_ defined as __exit, because
+- * it is needed by init() */
+-static void fini(void)
++void fini_iptable_nat_irc(void)
+ {
+ int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
++ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
+ DEBUGP("ip_nat_irc: unregistering helper for port %d\n",
+ ports[i]);
+- ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ip_nat_irc_helpers[i]);
++ visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ip_nat_irc_helpers[i]);
+ }
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++/* This function is intentionally _NOT_ defined as __exit, because
++ * it is needed by the init function */
++static void fini(void)
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_nat_irc);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_irc);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_irc);
++ fini_iptable_nat_irc();
++int init_iptable_nat_irc(void)
++ int ret = 0;
++ int i;
++ struct ip_nat_helper *hlpr;
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
++ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
++ hlpr = &ip_nat_irc_helpers[i];
++ ("ip_nat_irc: Trying to register helper for port %d: name %s\n",
++ ports[i], hlpr->name);
++ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(hlpr);
++ if (ret) {
++ printk
++ ("ip_nat_irc: error registering helper for port %d\n",
++ ports[i]);
++ fini_iptable_nat_irc();
++ return 1;
++ }
++ ve_ports_c++;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static int __init init(void)
+@@ -239,6 +267,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ ports[0] = IRC_PORT;
+ }
++ ve_ports_c = 0;
+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i] != 0; i++) {
+ hlpr = &ip_nat_irc_helpers[i];
+ hlpr->tuple.dst.protonum = IPPROTO_TCP;
+@@ -260,7 +289,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ ("ip_nat_irc: Trying to register helper for port %d: name %s\n",
+ ports[i], hlpr->name);
+- ret = ip_nat_helper_register(hlpr);
++ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(hlpr);
+ if (ret) {
+ printk
+@@ -269,8 +298,12 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ fini();
+ return 1;
+ }
+- ports_c++;
++ ve_ports_c++;
+ }
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_irc);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_irc);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_nat_irc);
+ return ret;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ tcp_unique_tuple(struct ip_conntrack_tup
+ enum ip_nat_manip_type maniptype,
+ const struct ip_conntrack *conntrack)
+ {
+- static u_int16_t port, *portptr;
++ static u_int16_t port;
++ u_int16_t *portptr;
+ unsigned int range_size, min, i;
+ if (maniptype == IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ udp_unique_tuple(struct ip_conntrack_tup
+ enum ip_nat_manip_type maniptype,
+ const struct ip_conntrack *conntrack)
+ {
+- static u_int16_t port, *portptr;
++ static u_int16_t port;
++ u_int16_t *portptr;
+ unsigned int range_size, min, i;
+ if (maniptype == IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+ #include <linux/bitops.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
+ #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
+@@ -33,6 +34,16 @@
+ #define DEBUGP(format, args...)
+ #endif
++#define ve_ip_nat_table \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_table)
++#define ve_ip_nat_initial_table \
++ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_initial_table)
++#define ve_ip_nat_table &nat_table
++#define ve_ip_nat_initial_table &nat_initial_table
+ /* Standard entry. */
+@@ -54,12 +65,12 @@ struct ipt_error
+ struct ipt_error_target target;
+ };
+-static struct
++static struct ipt_nat_initial_table
+ {
+ struct ipt_replace repl;
+ struct ipt_standard entries[3];
+ struct ipt_error term;
+-} nat_initial_table __initdata
++} nat_initial_table
+ = { { "nat", NAT_VALID_HOOKS, 4,
+ sizeof(struct ipt_standard) * 3 + sizeof(struct ipt_error),
+ { [NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING] = 0,
+@@ -271,7 +282,7 @@ int ip_nat_rule_find(struct sk_buff **ps
+ {
+ int ret;
+- ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hooknum, in, out, &nat_table, NULL);
++ ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hooknum, in, out, ve_ip_nat_table, NULL);
+ if (ret == NF_ACCEPT) {
+ if (!(info->initialized & (1 << HOOK2MANIP(hooknum))))
+@@ -293,34 +304,77 @@ static struct ipt_target ipt_dnat_reg =
+ .checkentry = ipt_dnat_checkentry,
+ };
+-int __init ip_nat_rule_init(void)
++int ip_nat_rule_init(void)
+ {
+ int ret;
+- ret = ipt_register_table(&nat_table);
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ ve_ip_nat_table = &nat_table;
++ ve_ip_nat_initial_table = &nat_initial_table;
++ } else {
++ /* allocate structures in ve_struct */
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ ve_ip_nat_initial_table =
++ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(nat_initial_table), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!ve_ip_nat_initial_table)
++ goto nomem_initial;
++ ve_ip_nat_table = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(nat_table), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!ve_ip_nat_table)
++ goto nomem_table;
++ memcpy(ve_ip_nat_initial_table, &nat_initial_table,
++ sizeof(nat_initial_table));
++ memcpy(ve_ip_nat_table, &nat_table,
++ sizeof(nat_table));
++ ve_ip_nat_table->table =
++ &ve_ip_nat_initial_table->repl;
++ }
++ ret = ipt_register_table(ve_ip_nat_table);
+ if (ret != 0)
+- return ret;
+- ret = ipt_register_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
++ goto out;
++ ret = visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ goto unregister_table;
+- ret = ipt_register_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
++ ret = visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ goto unregister_snat;
+ return ret;
+ unregister_snat:
+- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
++ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
+ unregister_table:
+- ipt_unregister_table(&nat_table);
++ ipt_unregister_table(ve_ip_nat_table);
++ out:
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(ve_ip_nat_table);
++ ve_ip_nat_table = NULL;
++ nomem_table:
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(ve_ip_nat_initial_table);
++ ve_ip_nat_initial_table = NULL;
++ nomem_initial:
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void ip_nat_rule_cleanup(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
+- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
+- ipt_unregister_table(&nat_table);
++ ipt_unregister_table(ve_ip_nat_table);
++ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
++ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ kfree(ve_ip_nat_initial_table);
++ kfree(ve_ip_nat_table);
++ }
++ ve_ip_nat_initial_table = NULL;
++ ve_ip_nat_table = NULL;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <net/ip.h>
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
+ #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
+@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ ip_nat_out(unsigned int hooknum,
+ I'm starting to have nightmares about fragments. */
+ if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
+- *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb);
++ *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb, IP_DEFRAG_NAT_OUT);
+ if (!*pskb)
+ return NF_STOLEN;
+@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ int ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_n
+ struct list_head *i;
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+- list_for_each(i, &protos) {
++ list_for_each(i, &ve_ip_nat_protos) {
+ if (((struct ip_nat_protocol *)i)->protonum
+ == proto->protonum) {
+ ret = -EBUSY;
+@@ -292,23 +293,70 @@ int ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_n
+ }
+ }
+- list_prepend(&protos, proto);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_protos, proto);
+ out:
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
++int visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto)
++ int ret = 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct ip_nat_protocol *tmp;
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_nat_protocol), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto nomem;
++ memcpy(tmp, proto, sizeof(struct ip_nat_protocol));
++ proto = tmp;
++ }
++ ret = ip_nat_protocol_register(proto);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ return 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(proto);
++ return ret;
+ /* Noone stores the protocol anywhere; simply delete it. */
+ void ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto)
+ {
+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+- LIST_DELETE(&protos, proto);
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_nat_protos, proto);
+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
+ /* Someone could be still looking at the proto in a bh. */
+ synchronize_net();
+ }
++void visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto)
++ struct ip_nat_protocol *i;
++ READ_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_nat_protos, list) {
++ if (i->protonum == proto->protonum) {
++ proto = i;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
++ if (proto != i)
++ return;
++ ip_nat_protocol_unregister(proto);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ kfree(proto);
+ static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
+ {
+ int ret = 0;
+@@ -317,77 +365,113 @@ static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
+ if (!init) goto cleanup;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
+ ret = ip_nat_rule_init();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_nat_init: can't setup rules.\n");
+- goto cleanup_nothing;
++ goto cleanup_modput;
+ }
+ ret = ip_nat_init();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_nat_init: can't setup rules.\n");
+ goto cleanup_rule_init;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
++ return 0;
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_nat_init: can't register in hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_nat;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_nat_init: can't register out hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_inops;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_nat_init: can't register local out hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_outops;
+ }
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
++ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk("ip_nat_init: can't register local in hook.\n");
+ goto cleanup_localoutops;
+ }
+ #endif
+- return ret;
++ return 0;
+ cleanup:
++ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
++ goto cleanup_nat;
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
+ cleanup_localoutops:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
+ cleanup_outops:
+ #endif
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
+ cleanup_inops:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
++ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
+ cleanup_nat:
+ ip_nat_cleanup();
+ cleanup_rule_init:
+ ip_nat_rule_cleanup();
+- cleanup_nothing:
++ cleanup_modput:
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
+ return ret;
+ }
+-static int __init init(void)
++int init_iptable_nat(void)
+ {
+ return init_or_cleanup(1);
+ }
+-static void __exit fini(void)
++void fini_iptable_nat(void)
+ {
+ init_or_cleanup(0);
+ }
++static int __init init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_nat();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(iptable_nat);
++ return 0;
++static void __exit fini(void)
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(iptable_nat);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat);
++ fini_iptable_nat();
+ module_exit(fini);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_setup_info);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_protocol_register);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_protocol_unregister);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_helper_register);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_helper_unregister);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_cheat_check);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_mangle_udp_packet);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ * communicating with userspace via netlink.
+ *
+ * (C) 2000-2002 James Morris <>
++ * (C) 2003-2005 Netfilter Core Team <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
+ * Zander).
+ * 2000-08-01: Added Nick Williams' MAC support.
+ * 2002-06-25: Code cleanup.
++ * 2005-05-26: local_bh_{disable,enable} around nf_reinject (Harald Welte)
+ *
+ */
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+@@ -66,7 +68,15 @@ static DECLARE_MUTEX(ipqnl_sem);
+ static void
+ ipq_issue_verdict(struct ipq_queue_entry *entry, int verdict)
+ {
++ /* TCP input path (and probably other bits) assume to be called
++ * from softirq context, not from syscall, like ipq_issue_verdict is
++ * called. TCP input path deadlocks with locks taken from timer
++ * softirq, e.g. We therefore emulate this by local_bh_disable() */
++ local_bh_disable();
+ nf_reinject(entry->skb, entry->info, verdict);
++ local_bh_enable();
+ kfree(entry);
+ }
+@@ -540,7 +550,14 @@ ipq_rcv_sk(struct sock *sk, int len)
+ return;
+ while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_receive_queue)) != NULL) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
+ ipq_rcv_skb(skb);
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ (void)set_exec_env(env);
+ kfree_skb(skb);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("IPv4 packet filter");
+@@ -108,6 +115,52 @@ struct ipt_table_info
+ static LIST_HEAD(ipt_target);
+ static LIST_HEAD(ipt_match);
+ static LIST_HEAD(ipt_tables);
++/* include ve.h and define get_exec_env */
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++int init_iptables(void);
++#define ve_ipt_target (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_target))
++#define ve_ipt_match (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_match))
++#define ve_ipt_tables (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_tables))
++#define ve_ipt_standard_target (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_standard_target))
++#define ve_ipt_error_target (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_error_target))
++#define ve_tcp_matchstruct (*(get_exec_env()->_tcp_matchstruct))
++#define ve_udp_matchstruct (*(get_exec_env()->_udp_matchstruct))
++#define ve_icmp_matchstruct (*(get_exec_env()->_icmp_matchstruct))
++#define UB_NUMIPTENT 23
++static int charge_iptables(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ return charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMIPTENT, size, 1);
++static void uncharge_iptables(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
++ if (ub == NULL)
++ return;
++ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMIPTENT, size);
++#else /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
++#define ve_ipt_target ipt_target
++#define ve_ipt_match ipt_match
++#define ve_ipt_tables ipt_tables
++#define ve_ipt_standard_target ipt_standard_target
++#define ve_ipt_error_target ipt_error_target
++#define ve_tcp_matchstruct tcp_matchstruct
++#define ve_udp_matchstruct udp_matchstruct
++#define ve_icmp_matchstruct icmp_matchstruct
++#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
+ #define ADD_COUNTER(c,b,p) do { (c).bcnt += (b); (c).pcnt += (p); } while(0)
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+@@ -122,6 +175,29 @@ static LIST_HEAD(ipt_tables);
+ #define up(x) do { printk("UP:%u:" #x "\n", __LINE__); up(x); } while(0)
+ #endif
++static struct ipt_table_info *ipt_table_info_alloc(int size)
++ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo;
++ if (size >= PAGE_SIZE)
++ newinfo = ub_vmalloc_best(size);
++ else
++ newinfo = ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ return newinfo;
++static void ipt_table_info_free(struct ipt_table_info *info)
++ if ((unsigned long)info >= VMALLOC_START &&
++ (unsigned long)info < VMALLOC_END)
++ vfree(info);
++ else
++ kfree(info);
++#define ipt_table_info_ub(info) (mem_ub(info))
+ /* Returns whether matches rule or not. */
+ static inline int
+ ip_packet_match(const struct iphdr *ip,
+@@ -310,7 +386,7 @@ ipt_do_table(struct sk_buff **pskb,
+ do {
+ IP_NF_ASSERT(back);
+- (*pskb)->nfcache |= e->nfcache;
++ (*pskb)->nfcache |= e->nfcache & NFC_IPT_MASK;
+ if (ip_packet_match(ip, indev, outdev, &e->ip, offset)) {
+ struct ipt_entry_target *t;
+@@ -417,9 +493,9 @@ find_inlist_lock_noload(struct list_head
+ #if 0
+ duprintf("find_inlist: searching for `%s' in %s.\n",
+- name, head == &ipt_target ? "ipt_target"
+- : head == &ipt_match ? "ipt_match"
+- : head == &ipt_tables ? "ipt_tables" : "UNKNOWN");
++ name, head == &ve_ipt_target ? "ipt_target"
++ : head == &ve_ipt_match ? "ipt_match"
++ : head == &ve_ipt_tables ? "ipt_tables" : "UNKNOWN");
+ #endif
+ *error = down_interruptible(mutex);
+@@ -460,19 +536,19 @@ find_inlist_lock(struct list_head *head,
+ static inline struct ipt_table *
+ ipt_find_table_lock(const char *name, int *error, struct semaphore *mutex)
+ {
+- return find_inlist_lock(&ipt_tables, name, "iptable_", error, mutex);
++ return find_inlist_lock(&ve_ipt_tables, name, "iptable_", error, mutex);
+ }
+ static inline struct ipt_match *
+ find_match_lock(const char *name, int *error, struct semaphore *mutex)
+ {
+- return find_inlist_lock(&ipt_match, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
++ return find_inlist_lock(&ve_ipt_match, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
+ }
+ struct ipt_target *
+ ipt_find_target_lock(const char *name, int *error, struct semaphore *mutex)
+ {
+- return find_inlist_lock(&ipt_target, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
++ return find_inlist_lock(&ve_ipt_target, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
+ }
+ /* All zeroes == unconditional rule. */
+@@ -513,7 +589,7 @@ mark_source_chains(struct ipt_table_info
+ = (void *)ipt_get_target(e);
+ if (e->comefrom & (1 << NF_IP_NUMHOOKS)) {
+- printk("iptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X.\n",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "iptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X.\n",
+ hook, pos, e->comefrom);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -698,7 +774,7 @@ check_entry(struct ipt_entry *e, const c
+ t-> = target;
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
+- if (t-> == &ipt_standard_target) {
++ if (t-> == &ve_ipt_standard_target) {
+ if (!standard_check(t, size)) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto cleanup_matches;
+@@ -866,6 +942,69 @@ translate_table(const char *name,
+ return ret;
+ }
++static int charge_replace_table(struct ipt_table_info *oldinfo,
++ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo)
++ struct user_beancounter *old_ub, *new_ub;
++ int old_number, new_number;
++ old_ub = ipt_table_info_ub(oldinfo);
++ new_ub = ipt_table_info_ub(newinfo);
++ old_number = oldinfo->number;
++ new_number = newinfo->number;
++ /* XXX: I don't understand the code below and am not sure that it does
++ * something reasonable. 2002/04/26 SAW */
++ if (old_ub == new_ub) {
++ int charge;
++ /* charge only differences in entries */
++ charge = new_number - old_number;
++ if (charge > 0) {
++ if (charge_iptables(old_ub, charge))
++ return -1;
++ } else
++ uncharge_iptables(old_ub, -charge);
++ } else {
++ /* different contexts; do charge current and uncharge old */
++ if (charge_iptables(new_ub, new_number))
++ return -1;
++ uncharge_iptables(old_ub, old_number);
++ }
++ return 0;
++static int setup_table(struct ipt_table *table, struct ipt_table_info *info)
++ {
++ struct ipt_entry *table_base;
++ unsigned int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
++ table_base =
++ (void *)newinfo->entries
++ + TABLE_OFFSET(newinfo, i);
++ table_base->comefrom = 0xdead57ac;
++ }
++ }
++ {
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = ipt_table_info_ub(info);
++ if (charge_iptables(ub, info->number))
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ table->private = info;
++ info->initial_entries = 0;
++ return 0;
+ static struct ipt_table_info *
+ replace_table(struct ipt_table *table,
+ unsigned int num_counters,
+@@ -881,8 +1020,8 @@ replace_table(struct ipt_table *table,
+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
+ table_base =
+- (void *)newinfo->entries
+- + TABLE_OFFSET(newinfo, i);
++ (void *)info->entries
++ + TABLE_OFFSET(info, i);
+ table_base->comefrom = 0xdead57ac;
+ }
+@@ -900,6 +1039,16 @@ replace_table(struct ipt_table *table,
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ oldinfo = table->private;
++ if (charge_replace_table(oldinfo, newinfo)) {
++ oldinfo = NULL;
++ write_unlock_bh(&table->lock);
++ *error = -ENOMEM;
++ return NULL;
++ }
+ table->private = newinfo;
+ newinfo->initial_entries = oldinfo->initial_entries;
+ write_unlock_bh(&table->lock);
+@@ -950,7 +1099,7 @@ copy_entries_to_user(unsigned int total_
+ (other than comefrom, which userspace doesn't care
+ about). */
+ countersize = sizeof(struct ipt_counters) * table->private->number;
+- counters = vmalloc(countersize);
++ counters = vmalloc_best(countersize);
+ if (counters == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -1063,18 +1212,18 @@ do_replace(void __user *user, unsigned i
+ if ((SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 2 > num_physpages)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- newinfo = vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
++ newinfo = ipt_table_info_alloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
+ + SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) * NR_CPUS);
+ if (!newinfo)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- if (copy_from_user(newinfo->entries, user + sizeof(tmp),
+- tmp.size) != 0) {
++ if (copy_from_user(newinfo->entries, user + sizeof(tmp), tmp.size) != 0) {
+ ret = -EFAULT;
+ goto free_newinfo;
+ }
+- counters = vmalloc(tmp.num_counters * sizeof(struct ipt_counters));
++ counters = ub_vmalloc_best(tmp.num_counters *
++ sizeof(struct ipt_counters));
+ if (!counters) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto free_newinfo;
+@@ -1126,7 +1275,7 @@ do_replace(void __user *user, unsigned i
+ get_counters(oldinfo, counters);
+ /* Decrease module usage counts and free resource */
+ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(oldinfo->entries, oldinfo->size, cleanup_entry,NULL);
+- vfree(oldinfo);
++ ipt_table_info_free(oldinfo);
+ /* Silent error: too late now. */
+ copy_to_user(tmp.counters, counters,
+ sizeof(struct ipt_counters) * tmp.num_counters);
+@@ -1143,7 +1292,7 @@ do_replace(void __user *user, unsigned i
+ free_newinfo_counters:
+ vfree(counters);
+ free_newinfo:
+- vfree(newinfo);
++ ipt_table_info_free(newinfo);
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1183,7 +1332,7 @@ do_add_counters(void __user *user, unsig
+ if (len != sizeof(tmp) + tmp.num_counters*sizeof(struct ipt_counters))
+ return -EINVAL;
+- paddc = vmalloc(len);
++ paddc = ub_vmalloc_best(len);
+ if (!paddc)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -1222,7 +1371,7 @@ do_ipt_set_ctl(struct sock *sk, int cmd,
+ {
+ int ret;
+- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ switch (cmd) {
+@@ -1247,7 +1396,7 @@ do_ipt_get_ctl(struct sock *sk, int cmd,
+ {
+ int ret;
+- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ switch (cmd) {
+@@ -1325,7 +1474,7 @@ ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *t
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+- if (!list_named_insert(&ipt_target, target)) {
++ if (!list_named_insert(&ve_ipt_target, target)) {
+ duprintf("ipt_register_target: `%s' already in list!\n",
+ target->name);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+@@ -1334,14 +1483,62 @@ ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *t
+ return ret;
+ }
++visible_ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *target)
++ int ret;
++ struct module *mod = target->me;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct ipt_target *tmp;
++ __module_get(mod);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_target), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto nomem;
++ memcpy(tmp, target, sizeof(struct ipt_target));
++ target = tmp;
++ }
++ ret = ipt_register_target(target);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ return 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ kfree(target);
++ module_put(mod);
++ }
++ return ret;
+ void
+ ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target)
+ {
+ down(&ipt_mutex);
+- LIST_DELETE(&ipt_target, target);
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ipt_target, target);
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
+ }
++visible_ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target)
++ down(&ipt_mutex);
++ target = list_named_find(&ve_ipt_target, target->name);
++ up(&ipt_mutex);
++ if (!target)
++ return;
++ ipt_unregister_target(target);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ module_put(target->me);
++ kfree(target);
++ }
+ int
+ ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *match)
+ {
+@@ -1351,13 +1548,43 @@ ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *mat
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+- if (!list_named_insert(&ipt_match, match)) {
++ if (!list_named_insert(&ve_ipt_match, match)) {
+ duprintf("ipt_register_match: `%s' already in list!\n",
+ match->name);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
++ return ret;
++visible_ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *match)
++ int ret;
++ struct module *mod = match->me;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ struct ipt_match *tmp;
++ __module_get(mod);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_match), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!tmp)
++ goto nomem;
++ memcpy(tmp, match, sizeof(struct ipt_match));
++ match = tmp;
++ }
++ ret = ipt_register_match(match);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out;
++ return 0;
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ kfree(match);
++ module_put(mod);
++ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1365,7 +1592,38 @@ void
+ ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match)
+ {
+ down(&ipt_mutex);
+- LIST_DELETE(&ipt_match, match);
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ipt_match, match);
++ up(&ipt_mutex);
++visible_ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match)
++ down(&ipt_mutex);
++ match = list_named_find(&ve_ipt_match, match->name);
++ up(&ipt_mutex);
++ if (!match)
++ return;
++ ipt_unregister_match(match);
++ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
++ module_put(match->me);
++ kfree(match);
++ }
++void ipt_flush_table(struct ipt_table *table)
++ if (table == NULL)
++ return;
++ down(&ipt_mutex);
++ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(table->private->entries, table->private->size,
++ cleanup_entry, NULL);
++ if (table->private->number > table->private->initial_entries)
++ module_put(table->me);
++ table->private->size = 0;
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
+ }
+@@ -1373,13 +1631,12 @@ int ipt_register_table(struct ipt_table
+ {
+ int ret;
+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo;
+- static struct ipt_table_info bootstrap
+- = { 0, 0, 0, { 0 }, { 0 }, { } };
+- newinfo = vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ newinfo = ipt_table_info_alloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
+ + SMP_ALIGN(table->table->size) * NR_CPUS);
+ if (!newinfo)
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ goto out;
+ memcpy(newinfo->entries, table->table->entries, table->table->size);
+@@ -1388,56 +1645,58 @@ int ipt_register_table(struct ipt_table
+ table->table->num_entries,
+ table->table->hook_entry,
+ table->table->underflow);
+- if (ret != 0) {
+- vfree(newinfo);
+- return ret;
+- }
++ if (ret != 0)
++ goto out_free;
+ ret = down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex);
+- if (ret != 0) {
+- vfree(newinfo);
+- return ret;
+- }
++ if (ret != 0)
++ goto out_free;
+ /* Don't autoload: we'd eat our tail... */
+- if (list_named_find(&ipt_tables, table->name)) {
+- ret = -EEXIST;
+- goto free_unlock;
+- }
++ ret = -EEXIST;
++ if (list_named_find(&ve_ipt_tables, table->name))
++ goto out_free_unlock;
+- /* Simplifies replace_table code. */
+- table->private = &bootstrap;
+- if (!replace_table(table, 0, newinfo, &ret))
+- goto free_unlock;
++ table->lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++ ret = setup_table(table, newinfo);
++ if (ret)
++ goto out_free_unlock;
+ duprintf("table->private->number = %u\n",
+ table->private->number);
+ /* save number of initial entries */
+ table->private->initial_entries = table->private->number;
+- table->lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+- list_prepend(&ipt_tables, table);
++ list_prepend(&ve_ipt_tables, table);
+- unlock:
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
+- return ret;
++ return 0;
+- free_unlock:
+- vfree(newinfo);
+- goto unlock;
++ up(&ipt_mutex);
++ ipt_table_info_free(newinfo);
++ return ret;
+ }
+ void ipt_unregister_table(struct ipt_table *table)
+ {
+ down(&ipt_mutex);
+- LIST_DELETE(&ipt_tables, table);
++ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ipt_tables, table);
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
++ /* size to uncharge taken from ipt_register_table */
++ uncharge_iptables(ipt_table_info_ub(table->private),
++ table->private->number);
+ /* Decrease module usage counts and free resources */
+ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(table->private->entries, table->private->size,
+ cleanup_entry, NULL);
+- vfree(table->private);
++ ipt_table_info_free(table->private);
+ }
+ /* Returns 1 if the port is matched by the range, 0 otherwise */
+@@ -1735,7 +1994,7 @@ static inline int print_target(const str
+ off_t start_offset, char *buffer, int length,
+ off_t *pos, unsigned int *count)
+ {
+- if (t == &ipt_standard_target || t == &ipt_error_target)
++ if (t == &ve_ipt_standard_target || t == &ve_ipt_error_target)
+ return 0;
+ return print_name((char *)t, start_offset, buffer, length, pos, count);
+ }
+@@ -1745,10 +2004,16 @@ static int ipt_get_tables(char *buffer,
+ off_t pos = 0;
+ unsigned int count = 0;
++ /* if we don't initialized for current VE exiting */
++ if (&ve_ipt_standard_target == NULL)
++ return 0;
+ if (down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex) != 0)
+ return 0;
+- LIST_FIND(&ipt_tables, print_name, void *,
++ LIST_FIND(&ve_ipt_tables, print_name, void *,
+ offset, buffer, length, &pos, &count);
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
+@@ -1766,7 +2031,7 @@ static int ipt_get_targets(char *buffer,
+ if (down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex) != 0)
+ return 0;
+- LIST_FIND(&ipt_target, print_target, struct ipt_target *,
++ LIST_FIND(&ve_ipt_target, print_target, struct ipt_target *,
+ offset, buffer, length, &pos, &count);
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
+@@ -1783,7 +2048,7 @@ static int ipt_get_matches(char *buffer,
+ if (down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex) != 0)
+ return 0;
+- LIST_FIND(&ipt_match, print_name, void *,
++ LIST_FIND(&ve_ipt_match, print_name, void *,
+ offset, buffer, length, &pos, &count);
+ up(&ipt_mutex);
+@@ -1799,6 +2064,7 @@ static struct { char *name; get_info_t *
+ { NULL, NULL} };
+ #endif /*CONFIG_PROC_FS*/
++void fini_iptables(void);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -1839,11 +2105,132 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ #endif
+ printk("ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team\n");
++#if defined(CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES)
++ /* init ve0 */
++ ret = init_iptables();
++ if (ret == 0) {
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptables);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptables);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(ipt_flush_table);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_tables);
++ }
++ ret = 0;
++ return ret;
++/* alloc helper */
++#define ALLOC_ENVF(field,label) \
++ if ( !(envid->field = kmalloc(sizeof(*(envid->field)), GFP_KERNEL)) ) \
++ goto label;
++int init_iptables(void)
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ envid = get_exec_env();
++ if (ve_is_super(envid)) {
++ envid->_ipt_target = &ipt_target;
++ envid->_ipt_match = &ipt_match;
++ envid->_ipt_tables = &ipt_tables;
++ envid->_ipt_standard_target = &ipt_standard_target;
++ envid->_ipt_error_target = &ipt_error_target;
++ envid->_tcp_matchstruct = &tcp_matchstruct;
++ envid->_udp_matchstruct = &udp_matchstruct;
++ envid->_icmp_matchstruct = &icmp_matchstruct;
++ } else {
++ /* allocate structures in ve_struct */
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_target,nomem0);
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_match,nomem1);
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_tables,nomem2);
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_standard_target,nomem3);
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_error_target,nomem4);
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_tcp_matchstruct,nomem5);
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_udp_matchstruct,nomem6);
++ ALLOC_ENVF(_icmp_matchstruct,nomem7);
++ /* FIXME: charge ubc */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(envid->_ipt_target);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(envid->_ipt_match);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(envid->_ipt_tables);
++ memcpy(envid->_ipt_standard_target, &ipt_standard_target,
++ sizeof(ipt_standard_target));
++ memcpy(envid->_ipt_error_target, &ipt_error_target,
++ sizeof(ipt_error_target));
++ memcpy(envid->_tcp_matchstruct, &tcp_matchstruct,
++ sizeof(tcp_matchstruct));
++ memcpy(envid->_udp_matchstruct, &udp_matchstruct,
++ sizeof(udp_matchstruct));
++ memcpy(envid->_icmp_matchstruct, &icmp_matchstruct,
++ sizeof(icmp_matchstruct));
++ down(&ipt_mutex);
++ list_append(envid->_ipt_target, envid->_ipt_standard_target);
++ list_append(envid->_ipt_target, envid->_ipt_error_target);
++ list_append(envid->_ipt_match, envid->_tcp_matchstruct);
++ list_append(envid->_ipt_match, envid->_udp_matchstruct);
++ list_append(envid->_ipt_match, envid->_icmp_matchstruct);
++ up(&ipt_mutex);
++ }
+ return 0;
++ kfree(envid->_udp_matchstruct); envid->_udp_matchstruct = NULL;
++ kfree(envid->_tcp_matchstruct); envid->_tcp_matchstruct = NULL;
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_error_target); envid->_ipt_error_target = NULL;
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_standard_target); envid->_ipt_standard_target = NULL;
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_tables); envid->_ipt_tables = NULL;
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_match); envid->_ipt_match = NULL;
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_target); envid->_ipt_target = NULL;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++void fini_iptables(void)
++ /* some cleanup */
++ struct ve_struct *envid = get_exec_env();
++ if (envid->_ipt_tables != NULL && !ve_is_super(envid)) {
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_tables);
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_target);
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_match);
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_standard_target);
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_error_target);
++ kfree(envid->_tcp_matchstruct);
++ kfree(envid->_udp_matchstruct);
++ kfree(envid->_icmp_matchstruct);
++ }
++ envid->_ipt_tables = NULL;
++ envid->_ipt_target = NULL;
++ envid->_ipt_match = NULL;
++ envid->_ipt_standard_target = NULL;
++ envid->_ipt_error_target = NULL;
++ envid->_tcp_matchstruct = NULL;
++ envid->_udp_matchstruct = NULL;
++ envid->_icmp_matchstruct = NULL;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptables);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptables);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(ipt_flush_table);
+ nf_unregister_sockopt(&ipt_sockopts);
+ {
+@@ -1852,16 +2239,24 @@ static void __exit fini(void)
+ proc_net_remove(ipt_proc_entry[i].name);
+ }
+ #endif
++ fini_iptables();
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_register_table);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_unregister_table);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_register_match);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_unregister_match);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_do_table);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_register_target);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_unregister_target);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_find_target_lock);
+ module_exit(fini);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ unsigned int hook_mask)
+ {
+ if (targinfosize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_classify_target_info))){
+- printk(KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: invalid size (%u != %Zu).\n",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR
++ "CLASSIFY: invalid size (%u != %Zu).\n",
+ targinfosize,
+ IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_classify_target_info)));
+ return 0;
+@@ -56,13 +57,14 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ if (hook_mask & ~((1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT) | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) |
+ (1 << NF_IP_POST_ROUTING))) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: only valid in LOCAL_OUT, FORWARD "
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR
++ "CLASSIFY: only valid in LOCAL_OUT, FORWARD "
+ "and POST_ROUTING.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(tablename, "mangle") != 0) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: can only be called from "
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: can only be called from "
+ "\"mangle\" table, not \"%s\".\n",
+ tablename);
+ return 0;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ #include <net/udp.h>
+ #include <net/tcp.h>
+ #include <net/route.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+@@ -48,32 +49,32 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ struct iphdr iph;
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff, &iph, sizeof(iph)) < 0) {
+- printk("TRUNCATED");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TRUNCATED");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Important fields:
+ * TOS, len, DF/MF, fragment offset, TTL, src, dst, options. */
+ /* Max length: 40 "SRC= DST= " */
+- printk("SRC=%u.%u.%u.%u DST=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SRC=%u.%u.%u.%u DST=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
+ NIPQUAD(iph.saddr), NIPQUAD(iph.daddr));
+ /* Max length: 46 "LEN=65535 TOS=0xFF PREC=0xFF TTL=255 ID=65535 " */
+- printk("LEN=%u TOS=0x%02X PREC=0x%02X TTL=%u ID=%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "LEN=%u TOS=0x%02X PREC=0x%02X TTL=%u ID=%u ",
+ ntohs(iph.tot_len), iph.tos & IPTOS_TOS_MASK,
+ iph.tos & IPTOS_PREC_MASK, iph.ttl, ntohs(;
+ /* Max length: 6 "CE DF MF " */
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_CE)
+- printk("CE ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "CE ");
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_DF)
+- printk("DF ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "DF ");
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_MF)
+- printk("MF ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "MF ");
+ /* Max length: 11 "FRAG:65535 " */
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
+- printk("FRAG:%u ", ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "FRAG:%u ", ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET);
+ if ((info->logflags & IPT_LOG_IPOPT)
+ && iph.ihl * 4 > sizeof(struct iphdr)) {
+@@ -82,15 +83,15 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ optsize = iph.ihl * 4 - sizeof(struct iphdr);
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+sizeof(iph), opt, optsize) < 0) {
+- printk("TRUNCATED");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TRUNCATED");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */
+- printk("OPT (");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "OPT (");
+ for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++)
+- printk("%02X", opt[i]);
+- printk(") ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%02X", opt[i]);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, ") ");
+ }
+ switch (iph.protocol) {
+@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ struct tcphdr tcph;
+ /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=TCP " */
+- printk("PROTO=TCP ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=TCP ");
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
+ break;
+@@ -106,41 +107,41 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &tcph, sizeof(tcph))
+ < 0) {
+- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
+ skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */
+- printk("SPT=%u DPT=%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPT=%u DPT=%u ",
+ ntohs(tcph.source), ntohs(tcph.dest));
+ /* Max length: 30 "SEQ=4294967295 ACK=4294967295 " */
+ if (info->logflags & IPT_LOG_TCPSEQ)
+- printk("SEQ=%u ACK=%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SEQ=%u ACK=%u ",
+ ntohl(tcph.seq), ntohl(tcph.ack_seq));
+ /* Max length: 13 "WINDOW=65535 " */
+- printk("WINDOW=%u ", ntohs(tcph.window));
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "WINDOW=%u ", ntohs(tcph.window));
+ /* Max length: 9 "RES=0x3F " */
+- printk("RES=0x%02x ", (u8)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(&tcph) & TCP_RESERVED_BITS) >> 22));
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "RES=0x%02x ", (u8)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(&tcph) & TCP_RESERVED_BITS) >> 22));
+ /* Max length: 32 "CWR ECE URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN " */
+ if (tcph.cwr)
+- printk("CWR ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "CWR ");
+ if (tcph.ece)
+- printk("ECE ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ECE ");
+ if (tcph.urg)
+- printk("URG ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "URG ");
+ if (tcph.ack)
+- printk("ACK ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ACK ");
+ if (tcph.psh)
+- printk("PSH ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PSH ");
+ if (tcph.rst)
+- printk("RST ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "RST ");
+ if (tcph.syn)
+- printk("SYN ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SYN ");
+ if (tcph.fin)
+- printk("FIN ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "FIN ");
+ /* Max length: 11 "URGP=65535 " */
+- printk("URGP=%u ", ntohs(tcph.urg_ptr));
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "URGP=%u ", ntohs(tcph.urg_ptr));
+ if ((info->logflags & IPT_LOG_TCPOPT)
+ && tcph.doff * 4 > sizeof(struct tcphdr)) {
+@@ -150,15 +151,15 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ optsize = tcph.doff * 4 - sizeof(struct tcphdr);
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4 + sizeof(tcph),
+ opt, optsize) < 0) {
+- printk("TRUNCATED");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TRUNCATED");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */
+- printk("OPT (");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "OPT (");
+ for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++)
+- printk("%02X", opt[i]);
+- printk(") ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%02X", opt[i]);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, ") ");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ struct udphdr udph;
+ /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=UDP " */
+- printk("PROTO=UDP ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=UDP ");
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
+ break;
+@@ -174,13 +175,13 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &udph, sizeof(udph))
+ < 0) {
+- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
+ skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */
+- printk("SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u ",
+ ntohs(udph.source), ntohs(udph.dest),
+ ntohs(udph.len));
+ break;
+@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ /* Max length: 11 "PROTO=ICMP " */
+- printk("PROTO=ICMP ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=ICMP ");
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
+ break;
+@@ -214,19 +215,19 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &icmph, sizeof(icmph))
+ < 0) {
+- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
+ skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Max length: 18 "TYPE=255 CODE=255 " */
+- printk("TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", icmph.type, icmph.code);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", icmph.type, icmph.code);
+ /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
+ if (icmph.type <= NR_ICMP_TYPES
+ && required_len[icmph.type]
+ && skb->len-iphoff-iph.ihl*4 < required_len[icmph.type]) {
+- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
+ skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -235,19 +236,19 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ case ICMP_ECHO:
+ /* Max length: 19 "ID=65535 SEQ=65535 " */
+- printk("ID=%u SEQ=%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ID=%u SEQ=%u ",
+ ntohs(,
+ ntohs(icmph.un.echo.sequence));
+ break;
+ /* Max length: 14 "PARAMETER=255 " */
+- printk("PARAMETER=%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PARAMETER=%u ",
+ ntohl(icmph.un.gateway) >> 24);
+ break;
+ /* Max length: 24 "GATEWAY= " */
+- printk("GATEWAY=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "GATEWAY=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
+ NIPQUAD(icmph.un.gateway));
+ /* Fall through */
+@@ -255,16 +256,16 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ /* Max length: 3+maxlen */
+ if (!iphoff) { /* Only recurse once. */
+- printk("[");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "[");
+ dump_packet(info, skb,
+ iphoff + iph.ihl*4+sizeof(icmph));
+- printk("] ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "] ");
+ }
+ /* Max length: 10 "MTU=65535 " */
+ if (icmph.type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH
+ && icmph.code == ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED)
+- printk("MTU=%u ", ntohs(icmph.un.frag.mtu));
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "MTU=%u ", ntohs(icmph.un.frag.mtu));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -276,24 +277,24 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ break;
+ /* Max length: 9 "PROTO=AH " */
+- printk("PROTO=AH ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=AH ");
+ /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &ah, sizeof(ah)) < 0) {
+- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
+ skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */
+- printk("SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah.spi));
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah.spi));
+ break;
+ }
+ case IPPROTO_ESP: {
+ struct ip_esp_hdr esph;
+ /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=ESP " */
+- printk("PROTO=ESP ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=ESP ");
+ if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
+ break;
+@@ -301,18 +302,18 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
+ /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &esph, sizeof(esph))
+ < 0) {
+- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
+ skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */
+- printk("SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(esph.spi));
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(esph.spi));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Max length: 10 "PROTO 255 " */
+ default:
+- printk("PROTO=%u ", iph.protocol);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=%u ", iph.protocol);
+ }
+ /* Proto Max log string length */
+@@ -339,8 +340,8 @@ ipt_log_packet(unsigned int hooknum,
+ const char *prefix)
+ {
+ spin_lock_bh(&log_lock);
+- printk(level_string);
+- printk("%sIN=%s OUT=%s ",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, level_string);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%sIN=%s OUT=%s ",
+ prefix == NULL ? loginfo->prefix : prefix,
+ in ? in->name : "",
+ out ? out->name : "");
+@@ -350,29 +351,29 @@ ipt_log_packet(unsigned int hooknum,
+ struct net_device *physoutdev = skb->nf_bridge->physoutdev;
+ if (physindev && in != physindev)
+- printk("PHYSIN=%s ", physindev->name);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PHYSIN=%s ", physindev->name);
+ if (physoutdev && out != physoutdev)
+- printk("PHYSOUT=%s ", physoutdev->name);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PHYSOUT=%s ", physoutdev->name);
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (in && !out) {
+ /* MAC logging for input chain only. */
+- printk("MAC=");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "MAC=");
+ if (skb->dev && skb->dev->hard_header_len
+ && skb->mac.raw != (void*)skb->nh.iph) {
+ int i;
+ unsigned char *p = skb->mac.raw;
+ for (i = 0; i < skb->dev->hard_header_len; i++,p++)
+- printk("%02x%c", *p,
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%02x%c", *p,
+ i==skb->dev->hard_header_len - 1
+ ? ' ':':');
+ } else
+- printk(" ");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, " ");
+ }
+ dump_packet(loginfo, skb, 0);
+- printk("\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "\n");
+ spin_unlock_bh(&log_lock);
+ }
+@@ -444,21 +445,40 @@ static struct ipt_target ipt_log_reg = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_LOG(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_log_reg);
++void fini_iptable_LOG(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_log_reg);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- if (ipt_register_target(&ipt_log_reg))
+- return -EINVAL;
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_LOG();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
+ if (nflog)
+ nf_log_register(PF_INET, &ipt_logfn);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_LOG);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_LOG);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_LOG);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_LOG);
+ if (nflog)
+ nf_log_unregister(PF_INET, &ipt_logfn);
+- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_log_reg);
++ fini_iptable_LOG();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -44,14 +44,15 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ unsigned int hook_mask)
+ {
+ if (targinfosize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_mark_target_info))) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "MARK: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "MARK: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
+ targinfosize,
+ IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_mark_target_info)));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(tablename, "mangle") != 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "MARK: can only be called from \"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "MARK: can only be called from "
++ "\"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ masquerade_target(struct sk_buff **pskb,
+ return ip_nat_setup_info(ct, &newrange, hooknum);
+ }
++#if 0
+ static inline int
+ device_cmp(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *_ina)
+ {
+@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ static int masq_inet_event(struct notifi
+ static struct notifier_block masq_inet_notifier = {
+ .notifier_call = masq_inet_event,
+ };
+ static struct ipt_target masquerade = {
+ .name = "MASQUERADE",
+@@ -187,9 +189,13 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ ret = ipt_register_target(&masquerade);
++#if 0
++/* This notifier is unnecessary and may
++ lead to oops in virtual environments */
+ if (ret == 0)
+ /* Register IP address change reports */
+ register_inetaddr_notifier(&masq_inet_notifier);
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -197,7 +203,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+ ipt_unregister_target(&masquerade);
+- unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&masq_inet_notifier);
++/* unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&masq_inet_notifier); */
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <net/ip.h>
+ #include <net/tcp.h>
+ #include <net/route.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_REJECT.h>
+@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ static int check(const char *tablename,
+ }
+ if (rejinfo->with == IPT_ICMP_ECHOREPLY) {
+- printk("REJECT: ECHOREPLY no longer supported.\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "REJECT: ECHOREPLY no longer supported.\n");
+ return 0;
+ } else if (rejinfo->with == IPT_TCP_RESET) {
+ /* Must specify that it's a TCP packet */
+@@ -461,14 +462,36 @@ static struct ipt_target ipt_reject_reg
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_REJECT(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
++void fini_iptable_REJECT(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_REJECT();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_REJECT);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_REJECT);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_REJECT);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_REJECT);
++ fini_iptable_REJECT();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #include <linux/ip.h>
+ #include <net/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_TCPMSS.h>
+@@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ ipt_tcpmss_checkentry(const char *tablen
+ ((hook_mask & ~((1 << NF_IP_FORWARD)
+ | (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT)
+ | (1 << NF_IP_POST_ROUTING))) != 0)) {
+- printk("TCPMSS: path-MTU clamping only supported in FORWARD, OUTPUT and POSTROUTING hooks\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TCPMSS: path-MTU clamping only supported in "
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ ipt_tcpmss_checkentry(const char *tablen
+ && IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(e, find_syn_match))
+ return 1;
+- printk("TCPMSS: Only works on TCP SYN packets\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TCPMSS: Only works on TCP SYN packets\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -248,14 +250,36 @@ static struct ipt_target ipt_tcpmss_reg
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_TCPMSS(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
++void fini_iptable_TCPMSS(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_TCPMSS();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_TCPMSS);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TCPMSS);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_TCPMSS);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TCPMSS);
++ fini_iptable_TCPMSS();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_TOS.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
+@@ -61,14 +62,15 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ const u_int8_t tos = ((struct ipt_tos_target_info *)targinfo)->tos;
+ if (targinfosize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_target_info))) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "TOS: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "TOS: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
+ targinfosize,
+ IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_target_info)));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(tablename, "mangle") != 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "TOS: can only be called from \"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "TOS: can only be called from "
++ "\"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ && tos != IPTOS_MINCOST
+ && tos != IPTOS_NORMALSVC) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "TOS: bad tos value %#x\n", tos);
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "TOS: bad tos value %#x\n", tos);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -91,14 +93,36 @@ static struct ipt_target ipt_tos_reg = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_TOS(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
++void fini_iptable_TOS(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_TOS();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_TOS);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TOS);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_TOS);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TOS);
++ fini_iptable_TOS();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ static void ulog_send(unsigned int nlgro
+ /* timer function to flush queue in ULOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL time */
+ static void ulog_timer(unsigned long data)
+ {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++#error timer context should be evaluated
+ DEBUGP("ipt_ULOG: timer function called, calling ulog_send\n");
+ /* lock to protect against somebody modifying our structure
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_conntrack.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Marc Boucher <>");
+@@ -121,15 +122,37 @@ static struct ipt_match conntrack_match
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_conntrack_match(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&conntrack_match);
++void fini_iptable_conntrack_match(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&conntrack_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
++ int err;
+ need_ip_conntrack();
+- return ipt_register_match(&conntrack_match);
++ err = init_iptable_conntrack_match();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack_match);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack_match);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_conntrack);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&conntrack_match);
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_conntrack);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack_match);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack_match);
++ fini_iptable_conntrack_match();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_helper.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Martin Josefsson <>");
+@@ -105,14 +106,36 @@ static struct ipt_match helper_match = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_helper(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&helper_match);
++void fini_iptable_helper(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&helper_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_match(&helper_match);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_helper();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_helper);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_helper);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_helper);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&helper_match);
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_helper);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_helper);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_helper);
++ fini_iptable_helper();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_length.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+@@ -50,14 +51,36 @@ static struct ipt_match length_match = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_length(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&length_match);
++void fini_iptable_length(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&length_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_match(&length_match);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_length();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_length);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_length);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_length);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&length_match);
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_length);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_length);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_length);
++ fini_iptable_length();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_limit.h>
+@@ -25,6 +26,13 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Herve Eychenne <>");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables rate limit match");
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_ipt_limit_reg (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_limit_reg))
++#define ve_ipt_limit_reg ipt_limit_reg
+ /* The algorithm used is the Simple Token Bucket Filter (TBF)
+ * see net/sched/sch_tbf.c in the linux source tree
+ */
+@@ -116,7 +124,7 @@ ipt_limit_checkentry(const char *tablena
+ /* Check for overflow. */
+ if (r->burst == 0
+ || user2credits(r->avg * r->burst) < user2credits(r->avg)) {
+- printk("Overflow in ipt_limit, try lower: %u/%u\n",
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "Overflow in ipt_limit, try lower: %u/%u\n",
+ r->avg, r->burst);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -141,16 +149,36 @@ static struct ipt_match ipt_limit_reg =
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_limit(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&ipt_limit_reg);
++void fini_iptable_limit(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&ipt_limit_reg);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- if (ipt_register_match(&ipt_limit_reg))
+- return -EINVAL;
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_limit();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_limit);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_limit);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_limit);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&ipt_limit_reg);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_limit);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_limit);
++ fini_iptable_limit();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ ipt_mac_checkentry(const char *tablename
+ if (hook_mask
+ & ~((1 << NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING) | (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN)
+ | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD))) {
+- printk("ipt_mac: only valid for PRE_ROUTING, LOCAL_IN or FORWARD.\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ipt_mac: only valid for PRE_ROUTING, "
++ "LOCAL_IN or FORWARD.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #include <linux/types.h>
+ #include <linux/udp.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_multiport.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+@@ -21,6 +22,13 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables multiple port match module");
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_multiport_match (*(get_exec_env()->_multiport_match))
++#define ve_multiport_match multiport_match
+ #if 0
+ #define duprintf(format, args...) printk(format , ## args)
+ #else
+@@ -107,14 +115,36 @@ static struct ipt_match multiport_match
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_multiport(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&multiport_match);
++void fini_iptable_multiport(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&multiport_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_match(&multiport_match);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_multiport();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_multiport);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_multiport);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_multiport);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&multiport_match);
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_multiport);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_multiport);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_multiport);
++ fini_iptable_multiport();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables owner match
+ static int
+ match_comm(const struct sk_buff *skb, const char *comm)
+ {
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
+ struct files_struct *files;
+ int i;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
+ if(strncmp(p->comm, comm, sizeof(p->comm)))
+ continue;
+@@ -48,20 +49,22 @@ match_comm(const struct sk_buff *skb, co
+ spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
+ }
+ task_unlock(p);
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ match_pid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid_t pid)
+ {
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ struct task_struct *p;
+ struct files_struct *files;
+ int i;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
++ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
+ if (!p)
+ goto out;
+ task_lock(p);
+@@ -82,18 +85,20 @@ match_pid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid
+ task_unlock(p);
+ out:
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ match_sid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid_t sid)
+ {
++#ifndef CONFIG_VE
+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
+ struct file *file = skb->sk->sk_socket->file;
+ int i, found=0;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+- do_each_thread(g, p) {
++ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
+ struct files_struct *files;
+ if (p->signal->session != sid)
+ continue;
+@@ -113,11 +118,14 @@ match_sid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid
+ task_unlock(p);
+ if (found)
+ goto out;
+- } while_each_thread(g, p);
++ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
+ out:
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ return found;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ static int ip_recent_ctrl(struct file *f
+ curr_table->table[count].last_seen = 0;
+ curr_table->table[count].addr = 0;
+ curr_table->table[count].ttl = 0;
+- memset(curr_table->table[count].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(u_int32_t));
++ memset(curr_table->table[count].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(unsigned long));
+ curr_table->table[count].oldest_pkt = 0;
+ curr_table->table[count].time_pos = 0;
+ curr_table->time_info[count].position = count;
+@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ match(const struct sk_buff *skb,
+ location = time_info[curr_table->time_pos].position;
+ hash_table[r_list[location].hash_entry] = -1;
+ hash_table[hash_result] = location;
+- memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(u_int32_t));
++ memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(unsigned long));
+ r_list[location].time_pos = curr_table->time_pos;
+ r_list[location].addr = addr;
+ r_list[location].ttl = ttl;
+@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ match(const struct sk_buff *skb,
+ r_list[location].last_seen = 0;
+ r_list[location].addr = 0;
+ r_list[location].ttl = 0;
+- memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(u_int32_t));
++ memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(unsigned long));
+ r_list[location].oldest_pkt = 0;
+ ans = !info->invert;
+ }
+@@ -733,10 +733,10 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ memset(curr_table->table,0,sizeof(struct recent_ip_list)*ip_list_tot);
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ if(debug) printk(KERN_INFO RECENT_NAME ": checkentry: Allocating %d for pkt_list.\n",
+- sizeof(u_int32_t)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
++ sizeof(unsigned long)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
+ #endif
+- hold = vmalloc(sizeof(u_int32_t)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
++ hold = vmalloc(sizeof(unsigned long)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ if(debug) printk(KERN_INFO RECENT_NAME ": checkentry: After pkt_list allocation.\n");
+ #endif
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_state.h>
+@@ -59,15 +60,37 @@ static struct ipt_match state_match = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_state(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&state_match);
++void fini_iptable_state(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&state_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
++ int err;
+ need_ip_conntrack();
+- return ipt_register_match(&state_match);
++ err = init_iptable_state();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_state);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_state);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_state);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&state_match);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_state);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_state);
++ fini_iptable_state();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
+ #include <net/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_tcpmss.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ /* Must specify -p tcp */
+ if (ip->proto != IPPROTO_TCP || (ip->invflags & IPT_INV_PROTO)) {
+- printk("tcpmss: Only works on TCP packets\n");
++ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "tcpmss: Only works on TCP packets\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -117,14 +118,36 @@ static struct ipt_match tcpmss_match = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_tcpmss(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&tcpmss_match);
++void fini_iptable_tcpmss(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&tcpmss_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_match(&tcpmss_match);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_tcpmss();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_tcpmss);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tcpmss);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_tcpmss);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&tcpmss_match);
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_tcpmss);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_tcpmss);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tcpmss);
++ fini_iptable_tcpmss();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_tos.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+@@ -17,6 +18,13 @@
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables TOS match module");
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_tos_match (*(get_exec_env()->_tos_match))
++#define ve_tos_match tos_match
+ static int
+ match(const struct sk_buff *skb,
+ const struct net_device *in,
+@@ -50,14 +58,36 @@ static struct ipt_match tos_match = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_tos(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&tos_match);
++void fini_iptable_tos(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&tos_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_match(&tos_match);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_tos();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_tos);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tos);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&tos_match);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_tos);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tos);
++ fini_iptable_tos();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_ttl.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+@@ -64,15 +65,36 @@ static struct ipt_match ttl_match = {
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++int init_iptable_ttl(void)
++ return visible_ipt_register_match(&ttl_match);
++void fini_iptable_ttl(void)
++ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&ttl_match);
+ static int __init init(void)
+ {
+- return ipt_register_match(&ttl_match);
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_ttl();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_ttl);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ttl);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit fini(void)
+ {
+- ipt_unregister_match(&ttl_match);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_ttl);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ttl);
++ fini_iptable_ttl();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -11,12 +11,23 @@
+ */
+ #include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
++#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables filter table");
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_packet_filter (*(get_exec_env()->_ve_ipt_filter_pf))
++#define ve_ipt_ops (get_exec_env()->_ve_ipt_filter_io)
++#define ve_packet_filter packet_filter
++#define ve_ipt_ops ipt_ops
+ #define FILTER_VALID_HOOKS ((1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN) | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) | (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT))
+ /* Standard entry. */
+@@ -38,12 +49,12 @@ struct ipt_error
+ struct ipt_error_target target;
+ };
+-static struct
++static struct ipt_filter_initial_table
+ {
+ struct ipt_replace repl;
+ struct ipt_standard entries[3];
+ struct ipt_error term;
+-} initial_table __initdata
++} initial_table
+ = { { "filter", FILTER_VALID_HOOKS, 4,
+ sizeof(struct ipt_standard) * 3 + sizeof(struct ipt_error),
+ { [NF_IP_LOCAL_IN] = 0,
+@@ -108,7 +119,7 @@ ipt_hook(unsigned int hook,
+ const struct net_device *out,
+ int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
+ {
+- return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_filter, NULL);
++ return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_filter, NULL);
+ }
+ static unsigned int
+@@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ ipt_local_out_hook(unsigned int hook,
+ return NF_ACCEPT;
+ }
+- return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_filter, NULL);
++ return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_filter, NULL);
+ }
+ static struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[] = {
+@@ -157,56 +168,161 @@ static struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[] = {
+ static int forward = NF_ACCEPT;
+ MODULE_PARM(forward, "i");
+-static int __init init(void)
++static void init_ve0_iptable_filter(struct ve_struct *envid)
++ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table = &initial_table;
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf = &packet_filter;
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io = ipt_ops;
++int init_iptable_filter(void)
+ {
+ int ret;
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
+- if (forward < 0 || forward > NF_MAX_VERDICT) {
+- printk("iptables forward must be 0 or 1\n");
+- return -EINVAL;
+- }
++ envid = get_exec_env();
+- /* Entry 1 is the FORWARD hook */
+- initial_table.entries[1].target.verdict = -forward - 1;
++ if (ve_is_super(envid)) {
++ init_ve0_iptable_filter(envid);
++ } else {
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ ret = -ENOMEM;
++ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table =
++ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(initial_table), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table)
++ goto nomem_1;
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf =
++ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(packet_filter), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf)
++ goto nomem_2;
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io =
++ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(ipt_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io)
++ goto nomem_3;
++ /*
++ * Note: in general, it isn't safe to copy the static table
++ * used for VE0, since that table is already registered
++ * and now has some run-time information.
++ * However, inspection of ip_tables.c shows that the only
++ * dynamically changed fields `list' and `private' are
++ * given new values in ipt_register_table() without looking
++ * at the old values. 2004/06/01 SAW
++ */
++ memcpy(envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table, &initial_table,
++ sizeof(initial_table));
++ memcpy(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf, &packet_filter,
++ sizeof(packet_filter));
++ memcpy(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io, &ipt_ops[0], sizeof(ipt_ops));
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf->table =
++ &envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table->repl;
++ }
+ /* Register table */
+- ret = ipt_register_table(&packet_filter);
++ ret = ipt_register_table(&ve_packet_filter);
+ if (ret < 0)
+- return ret;
++ goto nomem_4;
+ /* Register hooks */
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ipt_ops[0]);
++ ret = nf_register_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[0]);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto cleanup_table;
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ipt_ops[1]);
++ ret = nf_register_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[1]);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto cleanup_hook0;
+- ret = nf_register_hook(&ipt_ops[2]);
++ ret = nf_register_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[2]);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto cleanup_hook1;
+ return ret;
+ cleanup_hook1:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[1]);
++ nf_unregister_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[1]);
+ cleanup_hook0:
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[0]);
++ nf_unregister_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[0]);
+ cleanup_table:
+- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_filter);
++ ipt_unregister_table(&ve_packet_filter);
++ nomem_4:
++ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
++ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io);
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io = NULL;
++ nomem_3:
++ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
++ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf);
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf = NULL;
++ nomem_2:
++ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table);
++ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table = NULL;
++ nomem_1:
++ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
+ return ret;
+ }
+-static void __exit fini(void)
++void fini_iptable_filter(void)
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ipt_ops)/sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops); i++)
+- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[i]);
++ nf_unregister_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[i]);
++ ipt_unregister_table(&ve_packet_filter);
++ envid = get_exec_env();
++ if (envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table != NULL && !ve_is_super(envid)) {
++ kfree(envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table);
++ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf);
++ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ }
++ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table = NULL;
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf = NULL;
++ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io = NULL;
++static int __init init(void)
++ int err;
+- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_filter);
++ if (forward < 0 || forward > NF_MAX_VERDICT) {
++ printk("iptables forward must be 0 or 1\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ /* Entry 1 is the FORWARD hook */
++ initial_table.entries[1].target.verdict = -forward - 1;
++ err = init_iptable_filter();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_filter);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_filter);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(iptable_filter);
++ return 0;
++static void __exit fini(void)
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(iptable_filter);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_filter);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_filter);
++ fini_iptable_filter();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
+ #include <net/sock.h>
+ #include <net/route.h>
++#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
+ #include <linux/ip.h>
+@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ static struct
+ struct ipt_replace repl;
+ struct ipt_standard entries[5];
+ struct ipt_error term;
+-} initial_table __initdata
++} initial_table
+ = { { "mangle", MANGLE_VALID_HOOKS, 6,
+ sizeof(struct ipt_standard) * 5 + sizeof(struct ipt_error),
+ { [NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING] = 0,
+@@ -131,6 +132,13 @@ static struct ipt_table packet_mangler =
+ .me = THIS_MODULE,
+ };
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#define ve_packet_mangler (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_mangle_table))
++#define ve_packet_mangler packet_mangler
+ /* The work comes in here from netfilter.c. */
+ static unsigned int
+ ipt_route_hook(unsigned int hook,
+@@ -139,7 +147,7 @@ ipt_route_hook(unsigned int hook,
+ const struct net_device *out,
+ int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
+ {
+- return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_mangler, NULL);
++ return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_mangler, NULL);
+ }
+ static unsigned int
+@@ -168,7 +176,8 @@ ipt_local_hook(unsigned int hook,
+ daddr = (*pskb)->nh.iph->daddr;
+ tos = (*pskb)->nh.iph->tos;
+- ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_mangler, NULL);
++ ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_mangler, NULL);
+ /* Reroute for ANY change. */
+ if (ret != NF_DROP && ret != NF_STOLEN && ret != NF_QUEUE
+ && ((*pskb)->nh.iph->saddr != saddr
+@@ -220,12 +229,12 @@ static struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[] = {
+ },
+ };
+-static int __init init(void)
++static int mangle_init(struct ipt_table *packet_mangler, struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[])
+ {
+ int ret;
+ /* Register table */
+- ret = ipt_register_table(&packet_mangler);
++ ret = ipt_register_table(packet_mangler);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+@@ -261,19 +270,117 @@ static int __init init(void)
+ cleanup_hook0:
+ nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[0]);
+ cleanup_table:
+- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_mangler);
++ ipt_unregister_table(packet_mangler);
+ return ret;
+ }
+-static void __exit fini(void)
++static void mangle_fini(struct ipt_table *packet_mangler, struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[])
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ipt_ops)/sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops); i++)
++ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[i]);
+- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_mangler);
++ ipt_unregister_table(packet_mangler);
++static int init_iptable_mangle(void)
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ struct ipt_table *table;
++ struct nf_hook_ops *hooks;
++ int err;
++ envid = get_exec_env();
++ if (ve_is_super(envid)) {
++ table = &packet_mangler;
++ hooks = ipt_ops;
++ } else {
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ table = kmalloc(sizeof(packet_mangler), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (table == NULL)
++ goto nomem_1;
++ hooks = kmalloc(sizeof(ipt_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (hooks == NULL)
++ goto nomem_2;
++ memcpy(table, &packet_mangler, sizeof(packet_mangler));
++ memcpy(hooks, ipt_ops, sizeof(ipt_ops));
++ }
++ envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks = hooks;
++ envid->_ipt_mangle_table = table;
++ err = mangle_init(table, hooks);
++ if (err)
++ goto err_minit;
++ return 0;
++ envid->_ipt_mangle_table = NULL;
++ envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks = NULL;
++ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
++ kfree(hooks);
++ if (!ve_is_super(envid)) {
++ kfree(table);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ }
++ return err;
++ return mangle_init(&packet_mangler, ipt_ops);
++static void fini_iptable_mangle(void)
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ struct ipt_table *table;
++ struct nf_hook_ops *hooks;
++ envid = get_exec_env();
++ table = envid->_ipt_mangle_table;
++ hooks = envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks;
++ if (table == NULL)
++ return;
++ mangle_fini(table, hooks);
++ envid->_ipt_mangle_table = NULL;
++ envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks = NULL;
++ if (!ve_is_super(envid)) {
++ kfree(hooks);
++ kfree(table);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ }
++ mangle_fini(&packet_mangler, ipt_ops);
++static int __init init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = init_iptable_mangle();
++ if (err < 0)
++ return err;
++ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_mangle);
++ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_mangle);
++ KSYMMODRESOLVE(iptable_mangle);
++ return 0;
++static void __exit fini(void)
++ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(iptable_mangle);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_mangle);
++ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_mangle);
++ fini_iptable_mangle();
+ }
+ module_init(init);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -262,11 +262,12 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
+ seq_printf(seq, " %s", snmp4_ipstats_list[i].name);
+ seq_printf(seq, "\nIp: %d %d",
+- ipv4_devconf.forwarding ? 1 : 2, sysctl_ip_default_ttl);
++ ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding ? 1 : 2,
++ sysctl_ip_default_ttl);
+ for (i = 0; snmp4_ipstats_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
+ seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
+- fold_field((void **) ip_statistics,
++ fold_field((void **) ve_ip_statistics,
+ snmp4_ipstats_list[i].entry));
+ seq_puts(seq, "\nIcmp:");
+@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
+ seq_puts(seq, "\nIcmp:");
+ for (i = 0; snmp4_icmp_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
+ seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
+- fold_field((void **) icmp_statistics,
++ fold_field((void **) ve_icmp_statistics,
+ snmp4_icmp_list[i].entry));
+ seq_puts(seq, "\nTcp:");
+@@ -288,11 +289,11 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
+ /* MaxConn field is signed, RFC 2012 */
+ if (snmp4_tcp_list[i].entry == TCP_MIB_MAXCONN)
+ seq_printf(seq, " %ld",
+- fold_field((void **) tcp_statistics,
++ fold_field((void **) ve_tcp_statistics,
+ snmp4_tcp_list[i].entry));
+ else
+ seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
+- fold_field((void **) tcp_statistics,
++ fold_field((void **) ve_tcp_statistics,
+ snmp4_tcp_list[i].entry));
+ }
+@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
+ seq_puts(seq, "\nUdp:");
+ for (i = 0; snmp4_udp_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
+ seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
+- fold_field((void **) udp_statistics,
++ fold_field((void **) ve_udp_statistics,
+ snmp4_udp_list[i].entry));
+ seq_putc(seq, '\n');
+@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ static int netstat_seq_show(struct seq_f
+ seq_puts(seq, "\nTcpExt:");
+ for (i = 0; snmp4_net_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
+ seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
+- fold_field((void **) net_statistics,
++ fold_field((void **) ve_net_statistics,
+ snmp4_net_list[i].entry));
+ seq_putc(seq, '\n');
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ struct sock *__raw_v4_lookup(struct sock
+ if (inet->num == num &&
+ !(inet->daddr && inet->daddr != raddr) &&
+ !(inet->rcv_saddr && inet->rcv_saddr != laddr) &&
+- !(sk->sk_bound_dev_if && sk->sk_bound_dev_if != dif))
++ !(sk->sk_bound_dev_if && sk->sk_bound_dev_if != dif) &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), get_exec_env()))
+ goto found; /* gotcha */
+ }
+ sk = NULL;
+@@ -689,8 +690,12 @@ static struct sock *raw_get_first(struct
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &raw_v4_htable[state->bucket])
+- if (sk->sk_family == PF_INET)
++ if (sk->sk_family == PF_INET) {
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk),
++ get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
+ goto found;
++ }
+ }
+ sk = NULL;
+ found:
+@@ -704,8 +709,14 @@ static struct sock *raw_get_next(struct
+ do {
+ sk = sk_next(sk);
+ try_again:
+- ;
+- } while (sk && sk->sk_family != PF_INET);
++ if (!sk)
++ break;
++ if (sk->sk_family != PF_INET)
++ continue;
++ if (ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk),
++ get_exec_env()))
++ break;
++ } while (1);
+ if (!sk && ++state->bucket < RAWV4_HTABLE_SIZE) {
+ sk = sk_head(&raw_v4_htable[state->bucket]);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@
+ #define RT_GC_TIMEOUT (300*HZ)
++int ip_rt_src_check = 1;
+ int ip_rt_min_delay = 2 * HZ;
+ int ip_rt_max_delay = 10 * HZ;
+ int ip_rt_max_size;
+@@ -215,11 +217,28 @@ static unsigned int rt_hash_code(u32 dad
+ & rt_hash_mask);
+ }
++void prepare_rt_cache(void)
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct rtable *r;
++ int i;
++ for (i = rt_hash_mask; i >= 0; i--) {
++ spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
++ for (r = rt_hash_table[i].chain; r; r = r->u.rt_next) {
++ r->fl.owner_env = get_ve0();
++ }
++ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
++ }
+ struct rt_cache_iter_state {
+ int bucket;
+ };
++static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_next(struct seq_file *seq, struct rtable *r);
+ static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_first(struct seq_file *seq)
+ {
+ struct rtable *r = NULL;
+@@ -232,6 +251,8 @@ static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_first
+ break;
+ rcu_read_unlock();
+ }
++ if (r && !ve_accessible_strict(r->fl.owner_env, get_exec_env()))
++ r = rt_cache_get_next(seq, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+@@ -239,15 +260,20 @@ static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_next(
+ {
+ struct rt_cache_iter_state *st = seq->private;
+ smp_read_barrier_depends();
+- r = r->u.rt_next;
++ do {
++ r = r->u.rt_next;
++ } while (r && !ve_accessible_strict(r->fl.owner_env, get_exec_env()));
+ while (!r) {
+ rcu_read_unlock();
+ if (--st->bucket < 0)
+- break;
++ goto out;
+ rcu_read_lock();
+ r = rt_hash_table[st->bucket].chain;
+ }
++ goto start;
+ return r;
+ }
+@@ -549,26 +575,106 @@ static void rt_check_expire(unsigned lon
+ mod_timer(&rt_periodic_timer, now + ip_rt_gc_interval);
+ }
++typedef unsigned long rt_flush_gen_t;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++static rt_flush_gen_t rt_flush_gen;
++/* called under rt_flush_lock */
++static void set_rt_flush_required(struct ve_struct *env)
++ /*
++ * If the global generation rt_flush_gen is equal to G, then
++ * the pass considering entries labelled by G is yet to come.
++ */
++ env->rt_flush_required = rt_flush_gen;
++static spinlock_t rt_flush_lock;
++static rt_flush_gen_t reset_rt_flush_required(void)
++ rt_flush_gen_t g;
++ spin_lock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
++ g = rt_flush_gen++;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
++ return g;
++static int check_rt_flush_required(struct ve_struct *env, rt_flush_gen_t gen)
++ /* can be checked without the lock */
++ return env->rt_flush_required >= gen;
++static void set_rt_flush_required(struct ve_struct *env)
++static rt_flush_gen_t reset_rt_flush_required(void)
++ return 0;
+ /* This can run from both BH and non-BH contexts, the latter
+ * in the case of a forced flush event.
+ */
+ static void rt_run_flush(unsigned long dummy)
+ {
+ int i;
+- struct rtable *rth, *next;
++ struct rtable * rth, * next;
++ struct rtable * tail;
++ rt_flush_gen_t gen;
+ rt_deadline = 0;
+ get_random_bytes(&rt_hash_rnd, 4);
++ gen = reset_rt_flush_required();
+ for (i = rt_hash_mask; i >= 0; i--) {
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ struct rtable ** prev, * p;
+ spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
+ rth = rt_hash_table[i].chain;
++ /* defer releasing the head of the list after spin_unlock */
++ for (tail = rth; tail; tail = tail->u.rt_next)
++ if (!check_rt_flush_required(tail->fl.owner_env, gen))
++ break;
++ if (rth != tail)
++ rt_hash_table[i].chain = tail;
++ /* call rt_free on entries after the tail requiring flush */
++ prev = &rt_hash_table[i].chain;
++ for (p = *prev; p; p = next) {
++ next = p->u.rt_next;
++ if (!check_rt_flush_required(p->fl.owner_env, gen)) {
++ prev = &p->u.rt_next;
++ } else {
++ *prev = next;
++ rt_free(p);
++ }
++ }
++ spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
++ rth = rt_hash_table[i].chain;
+ if (rth)
+ rt_hash_table[i].chain = NULL;
++ tail = NULL;
+ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
+- for (; rth; rth = next) {
++ for (; rth != tail; rth = next) {
+ next = rth->u.rt_next;
+ rt_free(rth);
+ }
+@@ -604,6 +710,8 @@ void rt_cache_flush(int delay)
+ delay = tmo;
+ }
++ set_rt_flush_required(get_exec_env());
+ if (delay <= 0) {
+ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
+ rt_run_flush(0);
+@@ -619,9 +727,30 @@ void rt_cache_flush(int delay)
+ static void rt_secret_rebuild(unsigned long dummy)
+ {
++ int i;
++ struct rtable *rth, *next;
+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
+- rt_cache_flush(0);
++ spin_lock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
++ del_timer(&rt_flush_timer);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
++ rt_deadline = 0;
++ get_random_bytes(&rt_hash_rnd, 4);
++ for (i = rt_hash_mask; i >= 0; i--) {
++ spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
++ rth = rt_hash_table[i].chain;
++ if (rth)
++ rt_hash_table[i].chain = NULL;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
++ for (; rth; rth = next) {
++ next = rth->u.rt_next;
++ rt_free(rth);
++ }
++ }
+ mod_timer(&rt_secret_timer, now + ip_rt_secret_interval);
+ }
+@@ -763,7 +892,8 @@ static inline int compare_keys(struct fl
+ {
+ return memcmp(&fl1->nl_u.ip4_u, &fl2->nl_u.ip4_u, sizeof(fl1->nl_u.ip4_u)) == 0 &&
+ fl1->oif == fl2->oif &&
+- fl1->iif == fl2->iif;
++ fl1->iif == fl2->iif &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(fl1->owner_env, fl2->owner_env);
+ }
+ static int rt_intern_hash(unsigned hash, struct rtable *rt, struct rtable **rp)
+@@ -975,7 +1105,9 @@ void ip_rt_redirect(u32 old_gw, u32 dadd
+ struct rtable *rth, **rthp;
+ u32 skeys[2] = { saddr, 0 };
+ int ikeys[2] = { dev->ifindex, 0 };
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
+ tos &= IPTOS_RT_MASK;
+ if (!in_dev)
+@@ -1012,6 +1144,10 @@ void ip_rt_redirect(u32 old_gw, u32 dadd
+ rth->fl.fl4_src != skeys[i] ||
+ rth->fl.fl4_tos != tos ||
+ rth->fl.oif != ikeys[k] ||
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ !ve_accessible_strict(rth->fl.owner_env,
++ ve) ||
+ rth->fl.iif != 0) {
+ rthp = &rth->u.rt_next;
+ continue;
+@@ -1050,6 +1186,9 @@ void ip_rt_redirect(u32 old_gw, u32 dadd
+ rt->u.dst.neighbour = NULL;
+ rt->u.dst.hh = NULL;
+ rt->u.dst.xfrm = NULL;
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ rt->fl.owner_env = ve;
+ rt->rt_flags |= RTCF_REDIRECTED;
+@@ -1495,6 +1634,9 @@ static int ip_route_input_mc(struct sk_b
+ rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= skb->nfmark;
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
+ rth->fl.fl4_src = saddr;
+ rth->rt_src = saddr;
+@@ -1506,7 +1648,7 @@ static int ip_route_input_mc(struct sk_b
+ #endif
+ rth->rt_iif =
+ rth->fl.iif = dev->ifindex;
+- rth-> = &loopback_dev;
++ rth-> = &visible_loopback_dev;
+ dev_hold(rth->;
+ rth->idev = in_dev_get(rth->;
+ rth->fl.oif = 0;
+@@ -1641,7 +1783,7 @@ static int ip_route_input_slow(struct sk
+ if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) {
+ int result;
+ result = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos,
+- loopback_dev.ifindex,
++ visible_loopback_dev.ifindex,
+ dev, &spec_dst, &itag);
+ if (result < 0)
+ goto martian_source;
+@@ -1705,6 +1847,9 @@ static int ip_route_input_slow(struct sk
+ rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= skb->nfmark;
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
+ rth->fl.fl4_src = saddr;
+ rth->rt_src = saddr;
+ rth->rt_gateway = daddr;
+@@ -1774,6 +1919,9 @@ local_input:
+ rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= skb->nfmark;
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
+ rth->fl.fl4_src = saddr;
+ rth->rt_src = saddr;
+@@ -1785,7 +1933,7 @@ local_input:
+ #endif
+ rth->rt_iif =
+ rth->fl.iif = dev->ifindex;
+- rth-> = &loopback_dev;
++ rth-> = &visible_loopback_dev;
+ dev_hold(rth->;
+ rth->idev = in_dev_get(rth->;
+ rth->rt_gateway = daddr;
+@@ -1873,6 +2021,9 @@ int ip_route_input(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ rth->fl.fl4_fwmark == skb->nfmark &&
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ rth->fl.owner_env == get_exec_env() &&
+ rth->fl.fl4_tos == tos) {
+ rth->u.dst.lastuse = jiffies;
+ dst_hold(&rth->u.dst);
+@@ -1938,7 +2089,7 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
+ .fwmark = oldflp->fl4_fwmark
+ #endif
+ } },
+- .iif = loopback_dev.ifindex,
++ .iif = visible_loopback_dev.ifindex,
+ .oif = oldflp->oif };
+ struct fib_result res;
+ unsigned flags = 0;
+@@ -1961,10 +2112,13 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
+ ZERONET(oldflp->fl4_src))
+ goto out;
+- /* It is equivalent to inet_addr_type(saddr) == RTN_LOCAL */
+- dev_out = ip_dev_find(oldflp->fl4_src);
+- if (dev_out == NULL)
+- goto out;
++ if (ip_rt_src_check) {
++ /* It is equivalent to
++ inet_addr_type(saddr) == RTN_LOCAL */
++ dev_out = ip_dev_find(oldflp->fl4_src);
++ if (dev_out == NULL)
++ goto out;
++ }
+ /* I removed check for oif == dev_out->oif here.
+ It was wrong for two reasons:
+@@ -2030,9 +2184,9 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
+ fl.fl4_dst = fl.fl4_src = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ if (dev_out)
+ dev_put(dev_out);
+- dev_out = &loopback_dev;
++ dev_out = &visible_loopback_dev;
+ dev_hold(dev_out);
+- fl.oif = loopback_dev.ifindex;
++ fl.oif = visible_loopback_dev.ifindex;
+ res.type = RTN_LOCAL;
+ flags |= RTCF_LOCAL;
+ goto make_route;
+@@ -2080,7 +2234,7 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
+ fl.fl4_src = fl.fl4_dst;
+ if (dev_out)
+ dev_put(dev_out);
+- dev_out = &loopback_dev;
++ dev_out = &visible_loopback_dev;
+ dev_hold(dev_out);
+ fl.oif = dev_out->ifindex;
+ if (
+@@ -2162,6 +2316,9 @@ make_route:
+ rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= oldflp->fl4_fwmark;
+ #endif
++#ifdef CONFIG_VE
++ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
+ rth->rt_dst = fl.fl4_dst;
+ rth->rt_src = fl.fl4_src;
+@@ -2241,6 +2398,7 @@ int __ip_route_output_key(struct rtable
+ rth->fl.fl4_fwmark == flp->fl4_fwmark &&
+ #endif
++ ve_accessible_strict(rth->fl.owner_env, get_exec_env()) &&
+ !((rth->fl.fl4_tos ^ flp->fl4_tos) &
+ rth->u.dst.lastuse = jiffies;
+@@ -2345,7 +2503,7 @@ static int rt_fill_info(struct sk_buff *
+ u32 dst = rt->rt_dst;
+ if (MULTICAST(dst) && !LOCAL_MCAST(dst) &&
+- ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding) {
++ ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding) {
+ int err = ipmr_get_route(skb, r, nowait);
+ if (err <= 0) {
+ if (!nowait) {
+@@ -2496,6 +2654,11 @@ void ip_rt_multicast_event(struct in_dev
+ static int flush_delay;
++void *get_flush_delay_addr(void)
++ return &flush_delay;
+ static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl_table *ctl, int write,
+ struct file *filp, void __user *buffer,
+ size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
+@@ -2509,6 +2672,13 @@ static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
++int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl_table *ctl, int write,
++ struct file *filp, void __user *buffer,
++ size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
++ return ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
+ static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(ctl_table *table,
+ int __user *name,
+ int nlen,
+@@ -2527,6 +2697,19 @@ static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_str
+ return 0;
+ }
++int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(ctl_table *table,
++ int __user *name,
++ int nlen,
++ void __user *oldval,
++ size_t __user *oldlenp,
++ void __user *newval,
++ size_t newlen,
++ void **context)
++ return ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(table, name, nlen, oldval,
++ oldlenp, newval, newlen, context);
+ ctl_table ipv4_route_table[] = {
+ {
+ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_ROUTE_FLUSH,
+@@ -2838,7 +3021,7 @@ int __init ip_rt_init(void)
+ }
+- create_proc_read_entry("rt_acct", 0, proc_net, ip_rt_acct_read, NULL);
++ create_proc_read_entry("net/rt_acct", 0, NULL, ip_rt_acct_read, NULL);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #ifdef CONFIG_XFRM
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ extern int inet_peer_maxttl;
+ extern int inet_peer_gc_mintime;
+ extern int inet_peer_gc_maxtime;
++int sysctl_tcp_use_sg = 1;
+ static int tcp_retr1_max = 255;
+ static int ip_local_port_range_min[] = { 1, 1 };
+@@ -64,17 +66,23 @@ static
+ int ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
+ {
+- int val = ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
++ int val = ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
+ int ret;
+ ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
+- if (write && ipv4_devconf.forwarding != val)
++ if (write && ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding != val)
+ inet_forward_change();
+ return ret;
+ }
++int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
++ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
++ return ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
+ static int ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(ctl_table *table,
+ int __user *name, int nlen,
+ void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
+@@ -117,6 +125,16 @@ static int ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(
+ return 1;
+ }
++int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(ctl_table *table,
++ int __user *name, int nlen,
++ void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
++ void __user *newval, size_t newlen,
++ void **context)
++ return ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(table, name, nlen,
++ oldval, oldlenp, newval, newlen, context);
+ ctl_table ipv4_table[] = {
+ {
+ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_TCP_TIMESTAMPS,
+@@ -682,6 +700,14 @@ ctl_table ipv4_table[] = {
+ .mode = 0644,
+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
+ },
++ {
++ .ctl_name = NET_TCP_USE_SG,
++ .procname = "tcp_use_sg",
++ .data = &sysctl_tcp_use_sg,
++ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
++ .mode = 0644,
++ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
++ },
+ { .ctl_name = 0 }
+ };
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@
+ */
+ #include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/types.h>
+ #include <linux/fcntl.h>
+@@ -262,6 +263,9 @@
+ #include <net/xfrm.h>
+ #include <net/ip.h>
++#include <ub/ub_orphan.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
++#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/ioctls.h>
+@@ -333,6 +337,7 @@ unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file,
+ unsigned int mask;
+ struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
++ int check_send_space;
+ poll_wait(file, sk->sk_sleep, wait);
+ if (sk->sk_state == TCP_LISTEN)
+@@ -347,6 +352,21 @@ unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file,
+ if (sk->sk_err)
+ mask = POLLERR;
++ check_send_space = 1;
++ if (!(sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN) && sock_has_ubc(sk)) {
++ unsigned long size;
++ size = MAX_TCP_HEADER + tp->mss_cache;
++ if (size > SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE)
++ size = skb_charge_size(size);
++ if (ub_sock_makewres_tcp(sk, size)) {
++ check_send_space = 0;
++ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(sk, size);
++ }
++ }
+ /*
+ * POLLHUP is certainly not done right. But poll() doesn't
+ * have a notion of HUP in just one direction, and for a
+@@ -390,7 +410,7 @@ unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file,
+ sock_flag(sk, SOCK_URGINLINE) || !tp->urg_data))
+- if (!(sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)) {
++ if (check_send_space && !(sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)) {
+ if (sk_stream_wspace(sk) >= sk_stream_min_wspace(sk)) {
+ } else { /* send SIGIO later */
+@@ -566,7 +586,7 @@ static void tcp_listen_stop (struct sock
+ sock_orphan(child);
+- atomic_inc(&tcp_orphan_count);
++ tcp_inc_orphan_count(child);
+ tcp_destroy_sock(child);
+@@ -659,16 +679,23 @@ static ssize_t do_tcp_sendpages(struct s
+ int copy, i;
+ int offset = poffset % PAGE_SIZE;
+ int size = min_t(size_t, psize, PAGE_SIZE - offset);
++ unsigned long chargesize = 0;
+ if (!sk->sk_send_head || (copy = mss_now - skb->len) <= 0) {
+ new_segment:
++ chargesize = 0;
+ if (!sk_stream_memory_free(sk))
+ goto wait_for_sndbuf;
++ chargesize = skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER +
++ tp->mss_cache);
++ if (ub_sock_getwres_tcp(sk, chargesize) < 0)
++ goto wait_for_ubspace;
+ skb = sk_stream_alloc_pskb(sk, 0, tp->mss_cache,
+ sk->sk_allocation);
+ if (!skb)
+ goto wait_for_memory;
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_TCPSNDBUF);
+ skb_entail(sk, tp, skb);
+ copy = mss_now;
+@@ -715,10 +742,14 @@ new_segment:
+ wait_for_sndbuf:
+ set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
+ wait_for_memory:
++ ub_sock_retwres_tcp(sk, chargesize,
++ skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER + tp->mss_cache));
++ chargesize = 0;
+ if (copied)
+ tcp_push(sk, tp, flags & ~MSG_MORE, mss_now, TCP_NAGLE_PUSH);
+- if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo)) != 0)
++ if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo, chargesize)) != 0)
+ goto do_error;
+ mss_now = tcp_current_mss(sk, !(flags&MSG_OOB));
+@@ -758,9 +789,6 @@ ssize_t tcp_sendpage(struct socket *sock
+ return res;
+ }
+-#define TCP_PAGE(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_page)
+-#define TCP_OFF(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_off)
+ static inline int select_size(struct sock *sk, struct tcp_opt *tp)
+ {
+ int tmp = tp->mss_cache_std;
+@@ -814,6 +842,7 @@ int tcp_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
+ while (--iovlen >= 0) {
+ int seglen = iov->iov_len;
+ unsigned char __user *from = iov->iov_base;
++ unsigned long chargesize = 0;
+ iov++;
+@@ -824,18 +853,26 @@ int tcp_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
+ if (!sk->sk_send_head ||
+ (copy = mss_now - skb->len) <= 0) {
++ unsigned long size;
+ new_segment:
+ /* Allocate new segment. If the interface is SG,
+ * allocate skb fitting to single page.
+ */
++ chargesize = 0;
+ if (!sk_stream_memory_free(sk))
+ goto wait_for_sndbuf;
+- skb = sk_stream_alloc_pskb(sk, select_size(sk, tp),
+- 0, sk->sk_allocation);
++ size = select_size(sk, tp);
++ chargesize = skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER +
++ size);
++ if (ub_sock_getwres_tcp(sk, chargesize) < 0)
++ goto wait_for_ubspace;
++ skb = sk_stream_alloc_pskb(sk, size, 0,
++ sk->sk_allocation);
+ if (!skb)
+ goto wait_for_memory;
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize,
+ /*
+ * Check whether we can use HW checksum.
+@@ -888,11 +925,15 @@ new_segment:
+ ~(L1_CACHE_BYTES - 1);
+ if (off == PAGE_SIZE) {
+ put_page(page);
++ ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(sk);
+ TCP_PAGE(sk) = page = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!page) {
++ chargesize = PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (ub_sock_tcp_chargepage(sk) < 0)
++ goto wait_for_ubspace;
+ /* Allocate new cache page. */
+ if (!(page = sk_stream_alloc_page(sk)))
+ goto wait_for_memory;
+@@ -928,7 +969,8 @@ new_segment:
+ } else if (off + copy < PAGE_SIZE) {
+ get_page(page);
+ TCP_PAGE(sk) = page;
+- }
++ } else
++ ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(sk);
+ }
+ TCP_OFF(sk) = off + copy;
+@@ -958,10 +1000,15 @@ new_segment:
+ wait_for_sndbuf:
+ set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
+ wait_for_memory:
++ ub_sock_retwres_tcp(sk, chargesize,
++ skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER+tp->mss_cache));
++ chargesize = 0;
+ if (copied)
+ tcp_push(sk, tp, flags & ~MSG_MORE, mss_now, TCP_NAGLE_PUSH);
+- if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo)) != 0)
++ if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo,
++ chargesize)) != 0)
+ goto do_error;
+ mss_now = tcp_current_mss(sk, !(flags&MSG_OOB));
+@@ -1058,7 +1105,18 @@ static void cleanup_rbuf(struct sock *sk
+ struct sk_buff *skb = skb_peek(&sk->sk_receive_queue);
+- BUG_TRAP(!skb || before(tp->copied_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq));
++ if (!(skb==NULL || before(tp->copied_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq))) {
++ printk("KERNEL: assertion: skb==NULL || "
++ "before(tp->copied_seq, skb->end_seq)\n");
++ printk("VE%u pid %d comm %.16s\n",
++ (get_exec_env() ? VEID(get_exec_env()) : 0),
++ current->pid, current->comm);
++ printk("copied=%d, copied_seq=%d, rcv_nxt=%d\n", copied,
++ tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt);
++ printk("skb->len=%d, skb->seq=%d, skb->end_seq=%d\n",
++ skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq,
++ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq);
++ }
+ #endif
+ if (tcp_ack_scheduled(tp)) {
+@@ -1281,7 +1339,22 @@ int tcp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
+ goto found_ok_skb;
+ if (skb->>fin)
+ goto found_fin_ok;
+- BUG_TRAP(flags & MSG_PEEK);
++ if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK)) {
++ printk("KERNEL: assertion: flags&MSG_PEEK\n");
++ printk("VE%u pid %d comm %.16s\n",
++ (get_exec_env() ?
++ VEID(get_exec_env()) : 0),
++ current->pid, current->comm);
++ printk("flags=0x%x, len=%d, copied_seq=%d, "
++ "rcv_nxt=%d\n", flags, len,
++ tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt);
++ printk("skb->len=%d, *seq=%d, skb->seq=%d, "
++ "skb->end_seq=%d, offset=%d\n",
++ skb->len, *seq,
++ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq,
++ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq,
++ offset);
++ }
+ skb = skb->next;
+ } while (skb != (struct sk_buff *)&sk->sk_receive_queue);
+@@ -1344,8 +1417,18 @@ int tcp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
+ tp->ucopy.len = len;
+- BUG_TRAP(tp->copied_seq == tp->rcv_nxt ||
+- (flags & (MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC)));
++ if (!(tp->copied_seq == tp->rcv_nxt ||
++ (flags&(MSG_PEEK|MSG_TRUNC)))) {
++ printk("KERNEL: assertion: tp->copied_seq == "
++ "tp->rcv_nxt || ...\n");
++ printk("VE%u pid %d comm %.16s\n",
++ (get_exec_env() ?
++ VEID(get_exec_env()) : 0),
++ current->pid, current->comm);
++ printk("flags=0x%x, len=%d, copied_seq=%d, "
++ "rcv_nxt=%d\n", flags, len,
++ tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt);
++ }
+ /* Ugly... If prequeue is not empty, we have to
+ * process it before releasing socket, otherwise
+@@ -1614,7 +1697,7 @@ void tcp_destroy_sock(struct sock *sk)
+ }
+ #endif
+- atomic_dec(&tcp_orphan_count);
++ tcp_dec_orphan_count(sk);
+ sock_put(sk);
+ }
+@@ -1738,7 +1821,7 @@ adjudge_to_death:
+ if (tmo > TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN) {
+ tcp_reset_keepalive_timer(sk, tcp_fin_time(tp));
+ } else {
+- atomic_inc(&tcp_orphan_count);
++ tcp_inc_orphan_count(sk);
+ tcp_time_wait(sk, TCP_FIN_WAIT2, tmo);
+ goto out;
+ }
+@@ -1746,9 +1829,7 @@ adjudge_to_death:
+ }
+ if (sk->sk_state != TCP_CLOSE) {
+ sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
+- if (atomic_read(&tcp_orphan_count) > sysctl_tcp_max_orphans ||
+- (sk->sk_wmem_queued > SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF &&
+- atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) > sysctl_tcp_mem[2])) {
++ if (tcp_too_many_orphans(sk, tcp_get_orphan_count(sk))) {
+ if (net_ratelimit())
+ printk(KERN_INFO "TCP: too many of orphaned "
+ "sockets\n");
+@@ -1757,7 +1838,7 @@ adjudge_to_death:
+ }
+ }
+- atomic_inc(&tcp_orphan_count);
++ tcp_inc_orphan_count(sk);
+ if (sk->sk_state == TCP_CLOSE)
+ tcp_destroy_sock(sk);
+@@ -1823,12 +1904,13 @@ int tcp_disconnect(struct sock *sk, int
+ tp->packets_out = 0;
+ tp->snd_ssthresh = 0x7fffffff;
+ tp->snd_cwnd_cnt = 0;
++ tp->advmss = 65535;
+ tcp_set_ca_state(tp, TCP_CA_Open);
+ tcp_clear_retrans(tp);
+ tcp_delack_init(tp);
+ sk->sk_send_head = NULL;
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
+- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
++ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tcp_sack_reset(&tp->rx_opt);
+ __sk_dst_reset(sk);
+ BUG_TRAP(!inet->num || tp->bind_hash);
+@@ -1967,7 +2049,7 @@ int tcp_setsockopt(struct sock *sk, int
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+- tp->user_mss = val;
++ tp->rx_opt.user_mss = val;
+ break;
+@@ -2125,7 +2207,7 @@ int tcp_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int
+ case TCP_MAXSEG:
+ val = tp->mss_cache_std;
+ if (!val && ((1 << sk->sk_state) & (TCPF_CLOSE | TCPF_LISTEN)))
+- val = tp->user_mss;
++ val = tp->rx_opt.user_mss;
+ break;
+ val = !!(tp->nonagle&TCP_NAGLE_OFF);
+@@ -2189,6 +2271,7 @@ int tcp_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int
+ extern void __skb_cb_too_small_for_tcp(int, int);
+ extern void tcpdiag_init(void);
++extern unsigned int nr_free_lowpages(void);
+ static __initdata unsigned long thash_entries;
+ static int __init set_thash_entries(char *str)
+@@ -2212,24 +2295,26 @@ void __init tcp_init(void)
+ tcp_openreq_cachep = kmem_cache_create("tcp_open_request",
+ sizeof(struct open_request),
+ if (!tcp_openreq_cachep)
+ panic("tcp_init: Cannot alloc open_request cache.");
+ tcp_bucket_cachep = kmem_cache_create("tcp_bind_bucket",
+ sizeof(struct tcp_bind_bucket),
+ if (!tcp_bucket_cachep)
+ panic("tcp_init: Cannot alloc tcp_bind_bucket cache.");
+ tcp_timewait_cachep = kmem_cache_create("tcp_tw_bucket",
+ sizeof(struct tcp_tw_bucket),
++ 0,
+ if (!tcp_timewait_cachep)
+ panic("tcp_init: Cannot alloc tcp_tw_bucket cache.");
++ tcp_timewait_cachep->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
+ /* Size and allocate the main established and bind bucket
+ * hash tables.
+@@ -2295,10 +2380,19 @@ void __init tcp_init(void)
+ }
+ tcp_port_rover = sysctl_local_port_range[0] - 1;
++ goal = nr_free_lowpages() / 6;
++ while (order >= 3 && (1536<<order) > goal)
++ order--;
+ sysctl_tcp_mem[0] = 768 << order;
+ sysctl_tcp_mem[1] = 1024 << order;
+ sysctl_tcp_mem[2] = 1536 << order;
++ if (sysctl_tcp_mem[2] - sysctl_tcp_mem[1] > 4096)
++ sysctl_tcp_mem[1] = sysctl_tcp_mem[2] - 4096;
++ if (sysctl_tcp_mem[1] - sysctl_tcp_mem[0] > 4096)
++ sysctl_tcp_mem[0] = sysctl_tcp_mem[1] - 4096;
+ if (order < 3) {
+ sysctl_tcp_wmem[2] = 64 * 1024;
+ sysctl_tcp_rmem[0] = PAGE_SIZE;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ void tcp_get_info(struct sock *sk, struc
+ info->tcpi_probes = tp->probes_out;
+ info->tcpi_backoff = tp->backoff;
+- if (tp->tstamp_ok)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok)
+ info->tcpi_options |= TCPI_OPT_TIMESTAMPS;
+- if (tp->sack_ok)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
+ info->tcpi_options |= TCPI_OPT_SACK;
+- if (tp->wscale_ok) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.wscale_ok) {
+ info->tcpi_options |= TCPI_OPT_WSCALE;
+- info->tcpi_snd_wscale = tp->snd_wscale;
+- info->tcpi_rcv_wscale = tp->rcv_wscale;
++ info->tcpi_snd_wscale = tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
++ info->tcpi_rcv_wscale = tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale;
+ }
+ if (tp->ecn_flags&TCP_ECN_OK)
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ static int tcpdiag_get_exact(struct sk_b
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+- if (sk == NULL)
++ if (sk == NULL || !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), get_exec_env()))
+ return -ENOENT;
+ err = -ESTALE;
+@@ -465,6 +465,9 @@ static int tcpdiag_dump(struct sk_buff *
+ int s_i, s_num;
+ struct tcpdiagreq *r = NLMSG_DATA(cb->nlh);
+ struct rtattr *bc = NULL;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
+ if (cb->nlh->nlmsg_len > 4+NLMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct tcpdiagreq)))
+ bc = (struct rtattr*)(r+1);
+@@ -486,6 +489,9 @@ static int tcpdiag_dump(struct sk_buff *
+ num = 0;
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &tcp_listening_hash[i]) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
++ continue;
+ if (num < s_num)
+ continue;
+ if (!(r->tcpdiag_states&TCPF_LISTEN) ||
+@@ -528,6 +534,8 @@ skip_listen_ht:
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &head->chain) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
++ continue;
+ if (num < s_num)
+ continue;
+ if (!(r->tcpdiag_states & (1 << sk->sk_state)))
+@@ -552,10 +560,14 @@ skip_listen_ht:
+ sk_for_each(sk, node,
+ &tcp_ehash[i + tcp_ehash_size].chain) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
++ struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw;
++ tw = (struct tcp_tw_bucket*)sk;
++ if (!ve_accessible_veid(TW_VEID(tw), VEID(ve)))
++ continue;
+ if (num < s_num)
+ continue;
+- if (!(r->tcpdiag_states & (1 << sk->sk_zapped)))
++ if (!(r->tcpdiag_states & (1 << tw->tw_substate)))
+ continue;
+ if (r->id.tcpdiag_sport != inet->sport &&
+ r->id.tcpdiag_sport)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:25.000000000 +0300
+@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@
+ #include <net/inet_common.h>
+ #include <linux/ipsec.h>
++#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
+ int sysctl_tcp_timestamps = 1;
+ int sysctl_tcp_window_scaling = 1;
+ int sysctl_tcp_sack = 1;
+@@ -118,9 +120,9 @@ int sysctl_tcp_bic_low_window = 14;
+-#define IsReno(tp) ((tp)->sack_ok == 0)
+-#define IsFack(tp) ((tp)->sack_ok & 2)
+-#define IsDSack(tp) ((tp)->sack_ok & 4)
++#define IsReno(tp) ((tp)->rx_opt.sack_ok == 0)
++#define IsFack(tp) ((tp)->rx_opt.sack_ok & 2)
++#define IsDSack(tp) ((tp)->rx_opt.sack_ok & 4)
+@@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ static __inline__ int tcp_in_quickack_mo
+ static void tcp_fixup_sndbuf(struct sock *sk)
+ {
+- int sndmem = tcp_sk(sk)->mss_clamp + MAX_TCP_HEADER + 16 +
++ int sndmem = tcp_sk(sk)->rx_opt.mss_clamp + MAX_TCP_HEADER + 16 +
+ sizeof(struct sk_buff);
+ if (sk->sk_sndbuf < 3 * sndmem)
+@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@ tcp_grow_window(struct sock *sk, struct
+ /* Check #1 */
+ if (tp->rcv_ssthresh < tp->window_clamp &&
+ (int)tp->rcv_ssthresh < tcp_space(sk) &&
+- !tcp_memory_pressure) {
++ ub_tcp_rmem_allows_expand(sk)) {
+ int incr;
+ /* Check #2. Increase window, if skb with such overhead
+@@ -328,6 +330,8 @@ static void tcp_init_buffer_space(struct
+ tp->rcv_ssthresh = min(tp->rcv_ssthresh, tp->window_clamp);
+ tp->snd_cwnd_stamp = tcp_time_stamp;
++ ub_tcp_update_maxadvmss(sk);
+ }
+ static void init_bictcp(struct tcp_opt *tp)
+@@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ static void tcp_clamp_window(struct sock
+ if (ofo_win) {
+ if (sk->sk_rcvbuf < sysctl_tcp_rmem[2] &&
+ !(sk->sk_userlocks & SOCK_RCVBUF_LOCK) &&
+- !tcp_memory_pressure &&
++ !ub_tcp_memory_pressure(sk) &&
+ atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) < sysctl_tcp_mem[0])
+ sk->sk_rcvbuf = min(atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc),
+ sysctl_tcp_rmem[2]);
+@@ -438,10 +442,10 @@ new_measure:
+ static inline void tcp_rcv_rtt_measure_ts(struct tcp_opt *tp, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+- if (tp->rcv_tsecr &&
++ if (tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
+ (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq -
+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq >= tp->ack.rcv_mss))
+- tcp_rcv_rtt_update(tp, tcp_time_stamp - tp->rcv_tsecr, 0);
++ tcp_rcv_rtt_update(tp, tcp_time_stamp - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr, 0);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -828,7 +832,7 @@ static void tcp_init_metrics(struct sock
+ }
+ if (dst_metric(dst, RTAX_REORDERING) &&
+ tp->reordering != dst_metric(dst, RTAX_REORDERING)) {
+- tp->sack_ok &= ~2;
++ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok &= ~2;
+ tp->reordering = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_REORDERING);
+ }
+@@ -860,7 +864,7 @@ static void tcp_init_metrics(struct sock
+ }
+ tcp_set_rto(tp);
+ tcp_bound_rto(tp);
+- if (tp->rto < TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT && !tp->saw_tstamp)
++ if (tp->rto < TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT && !tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp)
+ goto reset;
+ tp->snd_cwnd = tcp_init_cwnd(tp, dst);
+ tp->snd_cwnd_stamp = tcp_time_stamp;
+@@ -871,7 +875,7 @@ reset:
+ * supported, TCP will fail to recalculate correct
+ * rtt, if initial rto is too small. FORGET ALL AND RESET!
+ */
+- if (!tp->saw_tstamp && tp->srtt) {
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->srtt) {
+ tp->srtt = 0;
+ tp->mdev = tp->mdev_max = tp->rttvar = TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT;
+ tp->rto = TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT;
+@@ -894,12 +898,12 @@ static void tcp_update_reordering(struct
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Disorder%d %d %u f%u s%u rr%d\n",
+- tp->sack_ok, tp->ca_state,
++ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok, tp->ca_state,
+ tp->reordering, tp->fackets_out, tp->sacked_out,
+ tp->undo_marker ? tp->undo_retrans : 0);
+ #endif
+ /* Disable FACK yet. */
+- tp->sack_ok &= ~2;
++ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok &= ~2;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -989,13 +993,13 @@ tcp_sacktag_write_queue(struct sock *sk,
+ if (before(start_seq, ack)) {
+ dup_sack = 1;
+- tp->sack_ok |= 4;
++ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 4;
+ } else if (num_sacks > 1 &&
+ !after(end_seq, ntohl(sp[1].end_seq)) &&
+ !before(start_seq, ntohl(sp[1].start_seq))) {
+ dup_sack = 1;
+- tp->sack_ok |= 4;
++ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 4;
+ }
+@@ -1617,8 +1621,8 @@ static void tcp_cwnd_down(struct tcp_opt
+ static __inline__ int tcp_packet_delayed(struct tcp_opt *tp)
+ {
+ return !tp->retrans_stamp ||
+- (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr &&
+- (__s32)(tp->rcv_tsecr - tp->retrans_stamp) < 0);
++ (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
++ (__s32)(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr - tp->retrans_stamp) < 0);
+ }
+ /* Undo procedures. */
+@@ -1966,7 +1970,7 @@ static void tcp_ack_saw_tstamp(struct tc
+ * answer arrives rto becomes 120 seconds! If at least one of segments
+ * in window is lost... Voila. --ANK (010210)
+ */
+- seq_rtt = tcp_time_stamp - tp->rcv_tsecr;
++ seq_rtt = tcp_time_stamp - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr;
+ tcp_rtt_estimator(tp, seq_rtt);
+ tcp_set_rto(tp);
+ tp->backoff = 0;
+@@ -1997,7 +2001,7 @@ static __inline__ void
+ tcp_ack_update_rtt(struct tcp_opt *tp, int flag, s32 seq_rtt)
+ {
+ /* Note that peer MAY send zero echo. In this case it is ignored. (rfc1323) */
+- if (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr)
+ tcp_ack_saw_tstamp(tp, flag);
+ else if (seq_rtt >= 0)
+ tcp_ack_no_tstamp(tp, seq_rtt, flag);
+@@ -2401,7 +2405,7 @@ static int tcp_clean_rtx_queue(struct so
+ BUG_TRAP((int)tp->sacked_out >= 0);
+ BUG_TRAP((int)tp->lost_out >= 0);
+ BUG_TRAP((int)tp->retrans_out >= 0);
+- if (!tp->packets_out && tp->sack_ok) {
++ if (!tp->packets_out && tp->rx_opt.sack_ok) {
+ if (tp->lost_out) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Leak l=%u %d\n", tp->lost_out,
+ tp->ca_state);
+@@ -2477,7 +2481,7 @@ static int tcp_ack_update_window(struct
+ u32 nwin = ntohs(skb->>window);
+ if (likely(!skb->>syn))
+- nwin <<= tp->snd_wscale;
++ nwin <<= tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
+ if (tcp_may_update_window(tp, ack, ack_seq, nwin)) {
+ flag |= FLAG_WIN_UPDATE;
+@@ -2888,14 +2892,15 @@ uninteresting_ack:
+ * But, this can also be called on packets in the established flow when
+ * the fast version below fails.
+ */
+-void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb, struct tcp_opt *tp, int estab)
++void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb,
++ struct tcp_options_received *opt_rx, int estab)
+ {
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ struct tcphdr *th = skb->;
+ int length=(th->doff*4)-sizeof(struct tcphdr);
+ ptr = (unsigned char *)(th + 1);
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
++ opt_rx->saw_tstamp = 0;
+ while(length>0) {
+ int opcode=*ptr++;
+@@ -2918,41 +2923,41 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *s
+ if(opsize==TCPOLEN_MSS && th->syn && !estab) {
+ u16 in_mss = ntohs(*(__u16 *)ptr);
+ if (in_mss) {
+- if (tp->user_mss && tp->user_mss < in_mss)
+- in_mss = tp->user_mss;
+- tp->mss_clamp = in_mss;
++ if (opt_rx->user_mss && opt_rx->user_mss < in_mss)
++ in_mss = opt_rx->user_mss;
++ opt_rx->mss_clamp = in_mss;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if(opsize==TCPOLEN_WINDOW && th->syn && !estab)
+ if (sysctl_tcp_window_scaling) {
+- tp->wscale_ok = 1;
+- tp->snd_wscale = *(__u8 *)ptr;
+- if(tp->snd_wscale > 14) {
++ opt_rx->wscale_ok = 1;
++ opt_rx->snd_wscale = *(__u8 *)ptr;
++ if(opt_rx->snd_wscale > 14) {
+ if(net_ratelimit())
+ printk("tcp_parse_options: Illegal window "
+ "scaling value %d >14 received.",
+- tp->snd_wscale);
+- tp->snd_wscale = 14;
++ opt_rx->snd_wscale);
++ opt_rx->snd_wscale = 14;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if(opsize==TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP) {
+- if ((estab && tp->tstamp_ok) ||
++ if ((estab && opt_rx->tstamp_ok) ||
+ (!estab && sysctl_tcp_timestamps)) {
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 1;
+- tp->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*(__u32 *)ptr);
+- tp->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*(__u32 *)(ptr+4));
++ opt_rx->saw_tstamp = 1;
++ opt_rx->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*(__u32 *)ptr);
++ opt_rx->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*(__u32 *)(ptr+4));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if(opsize==TCPOLEN_SACK_PERM && th->syn && !estab) {
+ if (sysctl_tcp_sack) {
+- tp->sack_ok = 1;
+- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
++ opt_rx->sack_ok = 1;
++ tcp_sack_reset(opt_rx);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -2960,7 +2965,7 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *s
+- tp->sack_ok) {
++ opt_rx->sack_ok) {
+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->sacked = (ptr - 2) - (unsigned char *)th;
+ }
+ };
+@@ -2976,36 +2981,36 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *s
+ static __inline__ int tcp_fast_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb, struct tcphdr *th, struct tcp_opt *tp)
+ {
+ if (th->doff == sizeof(struct tcphdr)>>2) {
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
+ return 0;
+- } else if (tp->tstamp_ok &&
++ } else if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok &&
+ th->doff == (sizeof(struct tcphdr)>>2)+(TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED>>2)) {
+ __u32 *ptr = (__u32 *)(th + 1);
+ if (*ptr == ntohl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) | (TCPOPT_NOP << 16)
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 1;
++ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 1;
+ ++ptr;
+- tp->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
++ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
+ ++ptr;
+- tp->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
++ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+- tcp_parse_options(skb, tp, 1);
++ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp->rx_opt, 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static __inline__ void
+ tcp_store_ts_recent(struct tcp_opt *tp)
+ {
+- tp->ts_recent = tp->rcv_tsval;
+- tp->ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
+ }
+ static __inline__ void
+ tcp_replace_ts_recent(struct tcp_opt *tp, u32 seq)
+ {
+- if (tp->saw_tstamp && !after(seq, tp->rcv_wup)) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && !after(seq, tp->rcv_wup)) {
+ /* PAWS bug workaround wrt. ACK frames, the PAWS discard
+ * extra check below makes sure this can only happen
+ * for pure ACK frames. -DaveM
+@@ -3013,8 +3018,8 @@ tcp_replace_ts_recent(struct tcp_opt *tp
+ * Not only, also it occurs for expired timestamps.
+ */
+- if((s32)(tp->rcv_tsval - tp->ts_recent) >= 0 ||
+- xtime.tv_sec >= tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
++ if((s32)(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval - tp->rx_opt.ts_recent) >= 0 ||
++ xtime.tv_sec >= tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
+ tcp_store_ts_recent(tp);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -3055,16 +3060,16 @@ static int tcp_disordered_ack(struct tcp
+ ack == tp->snd_una &&
+ /* 3. ... and does not update window. */
+- !tcp_may_update_window(tp, ack, seq, ntohs(th->window)<<tp->snd_wscale) &&
++ !tcp_may_update_window(tp, ack, seq, ntohs(th->window)<<tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale) &&
+ /* 4. ... and sits in replay window. */
+- (s32)(tp->ts_recent - tp->rcv_tsval) <= (tp->rto*1024)/HZ);
++ (s32)(tp->rx_opt.ts_recent - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval) <= (tp->rto*1024)/HZ);
+ }
+ static __inline__ int tcp_paws_discard(struct tcp_opt *tp, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+- return ((s32)(tp->ts_recent - tp->rcv_tsval) > TCP_PAWS_WINDOW &&
+- xtime.tv_sec < tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS &&
++ return ((s32)(tp->rx_opt.ts_recent - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval) > TCP_PAWS_WINDOW &&
++ xtime.tv_sec < tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS &&
+ !tcp_disordered_ack(tp, skb));
+ }
+@@ -3177,8 +3182,8 @@ static void tcp_fin(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ * Probably, we should reset in this case. For now drop them.
+ */
+ __skb_queue_purge(&tp->out_of_order_queue);
+- if (tp->sack_ok)
+- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
++ tcp_sack_reset(&tp->rx_opt);
+ sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
+ if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) {
+@@ -3208,22 +3213,22 @@ tcp_sack_extend(struct tcp_sack_block *s
+ static __inline__ void tcp_dsack_set(struct tcp_opt *tp, u32 seq, u32 end_seq)
+ {
+- if (tp->sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
+ if (before(seq, tp->rcv_nxt))
+ else
+- tp->dsack = 1;
++ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 1;
+ tp->duplicate_sack[0].start_seq = seq;
+ tp->duplicate_sack[0].end_seq = end_seq;
+- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks+1, 4-tp->tstamp_ok);
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks+1, 4-tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
+ }
+ }
+ static __inline__ void tcp_dsack_extend(struct tcp_opt *tp, u32 seq, u32 end_seq)
+ {
+- if (!tp->dsack)
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.dsack)
+ tcp_dsack_set(tp, seq, end_seq);
+ else
+ tcp_sack_extend(tp->duplicate_sack, seq, end_seq);
+@@ -3238,7 +3243,7 @@ static void tcp_send_dupack(struct sock
+ tcp_enter_quickack_mode(tp);
+- if (tp->sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
+ u32 end_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
+ if (after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq, tp->rcv_nxt))
+@@ -3262,16 +3267,16 @@ static void tcp_sack_maybe_coalesce(stru
+ /* See if the recent change to the first SACK eats into
+ * or hits the sequence space of other SACK blocks, if so coalesce.
+ */
+- for (this_sack = 1; this_sack < tp->num_sacks; ) {
++ for (this_sack = 1; this_sack < tp->rx_opt.num_sacks; ) {
+ if (tcp_sack_extend(sp, swalk->start_seq, swalk->end_seq)) {
+ int i;
+ /* Zap SWALK, by moving every further SACK up by one slot.
+ * Decrease num_sacks.
+ */
+- tp->num_sacks--;
+- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks+tp->dsack, 4-tp->tstamp_ok);
+- for(i=this_sack; i < tp->num_sacks; i++)
++ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks--;
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks + tp->rx_opt.dsack, 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
++ for(i=this_sack; i < tp->rx_opt.num_sacks; i++)
+ sp[i] = sp[i+1];
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -3296,7 +3301,7 @@ static void tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(struct
+ {
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ struct tcp_sack_block *sp = &tp->selective_acks[0];
+- int cur_sacks = tp->num_sacks;
++ int cur_sacks = tp->rx_opt.num_sacks;
+ int this_sack;
+ if (!cur_sacks)
+@@ -3321,7 +3326,7 @@ static void tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(struct
+ */
+ if (this_sack >= 4) {
+ this_sack--;
+- tp->num_sacks--;
++ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks--;
+ sp--;
+ }
+ for(; this_sack > 0; this_sack--, sp--)
+@@ -3331,8 +3336,8 @@ new_sack:
+ /* Build the new head SACK, and we're done. */
+ sp->start_seq = seq;
+ sp->end_seq = end_seq;
+- tp->num_sacks++;
+- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks + tp->dsack, 4 - tp->tstamp_ok);
++ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks++;
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks + tp->rx_opt.dsack, 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
+ }
+ /* RCV.NXT advances, some SACKs should be eaten. */
+@@ -3340,13 +3345,13 @@ new_sack:
+ static void tcp_sack_remove(struct tcp_opt *tp)
+ {
+ struct tcp_sack_block *sp = &tp->selective_acks[0];
+- int num_sacks = tp->num_sacks;
++ int num_sacks = tp->rx_opt.num_sacks;
+ int this_sack;
+ /* Empty ofo queue, hence, all the SACKs are eaten. Clear. */
+ if (skb_queue_len(&tp->out_of_order_queue) == 0) {
+- tp->num_sacks = 0;
+- tp->eff_sacks = tp->dsack;
++ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = tp->rx_opt.dsack;
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -3367,9 +3372,9 @@ static void tcp_sack_remove(struct tcp_o
+ this_sack++;
+ sp++;
+ }
+- if (num_sacks != tp->num_sacks) {
+- tp->num_sacks = num_sacks;
+- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks+tp->dsack, 4-tp->tstamp_ok);
++ if (num_sacks != tp->rx_opt.num_sacks) {
++ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = num_sacks;
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks + tp->rx_opt.dsack, 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -3427,10 +3432,10 @@ static void tcp_data_queue(struct sock *
+ TCP_ECN_accept_cwr(tp, skb);
+- if (tp->dsack) {
+- tp->dsack = 0;
+- tp->eff_sacks = min_t(unsigned int, tp->num_sacks,
+- 4 - tp->tstamp_ok);
++ if (tp->rx_opt.dsack) {
++ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min_t(unsigned int, tp->rx_opt.num_sacks,
++ 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
+ }
+ /* Queue data for delivery to the user.
+@@ -3467,7 +3472,7 @@ queue_and_out:
+ !sk_stream_rmem_schedule(sk, skb))) {
+ if (tcp_prune_queue(sk) < 0 ||
+ !sk_stream_rmem_schedule(sk, skb))
+- goto drop;
++ goto drop_part;
+ }
+ sk_stream_set_owner_r(skb, sk);
+ __skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
+@@ -3488,7 +3493,7 @@ queue_and_out:
+ tp->ack.pingpong = 0;
+ }
+- if (tp->num_sacks)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.num_sacks)
+ tcp_sack_remove(tp);
+ tcp_fast_path_check(sk, tp);
+@@ -3511,6 +3516,12 @@ out_of_window:
+ drop:
+ __kfree_skb(skb);
+ return;
++ if (after(tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt))
++ tp->rcv_nxt = tp->copied_seq;
++ __kfree_skb(skb);
++ return;
+ }
+ /* Out of window. F.e. zero window probe. */
+@@ -3555,10 +3566,10 @@ drop:
+ if (!skb_peek(&tp->out_of_order_queue)) {
+ /* Initial out of order segment, build 1 SACK. */
+- if (tp->sack_ok) {
+- tp->num_sacks = 1;
+- tp->dsack = 0;
+- tp->eff_sacks = 1;
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok) {
++ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 1;
++ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = 1;
+ tp->selective_acks[0].start_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq;
+ tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq =
+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
+@@ -3572,7 +3583,7 @@ drop:
+ if (seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq) {
+ __skb_append(skb1, skb);
+- if (!tp->num_sacks ||
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.num_sacks ||
+ tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq != seq)
+ goto add_sack;
+@@ -3620,7 +3631,7 @@ drop:
+ }
+ add_sack:
+- if (tp->sack_ok)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
+ tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(sk, seq, end_seq);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -3682,6 +3693,10 @@ tcp_collapse(struct sock *sk, struct sk_
+ nskb = alloc_skb(copy+header, GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (!nskb)
+ return;
++ if (ub_tcprcvbuf_charge_forced(skb->sk, nskb) < 0) {
++ kfree_skb(nskb);
++ return;
++ }
+ skb_reserve(nskb, header);
+ memcpy(nskb->head, skb->head, header);
+ nskb->nh.raw = nskb->head + (skb->nh.raw-skb->head);
+@@ -3777,7 +3792,7 @@ static int tcp_prune_queue(struct sock *
+ if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc) >= sk->sk_rcvbuf)
+ tcp_clamp_window(sk, tp);
+- else if (tcp_memory_pressure)
++ else if (ub_tcp_memory_pressure(sk))
+ tp->rcv_ssthresh = min(tp->rcv_ssthresh, 4U * tp->advmss);
+ tcp_collapse_ofo_queue(sk);
+@@ -3803,8 +3818,8 @@ static int tcp_prune_queue(struct sock *
+ * is in a sad state like this, we care only about integrity
+ * of the connection not performance.
+ */
+- if (tp->sack_ok)
+- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
++ tcp_sack_reset(&tp->rx_opt);
+ sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
+ }
+@@ -3859,7 +3874,7 @@ static void tcp_new_space(struct sock *s
+ !(sk->sk_userlocks & SOCK_SNDBUF_LOCK) &&
+ !tcp_memory_pressure &&
+ atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) < sysctl_tcp_mem[0]) {
+- int sndmem = max_t(u32, tp->mss_clamp, tp->mss_cache) +
++ int sndmem = max_t(u32, tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp, tp->mss_cache) +
+ MAX_TCP_HEADER + 16 + sizeof(struct sk_buff),
+ demanded = max_t(unsigned int, tp->snd_cwnd,
+ tp->reordering + 1);
+@@ -4126,7 +4141,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_established(struct sock *sk,
+ * We do checksum and copy also but from device to kernel.
+ */
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
+ /* pred_flags is 0xS?10 << 16 + snd_wnd
+ * if header_predition is to be made
+@@ -4155,14 +4170,14 @@ int tcp_rcv_established(struct sock *sk,
+ goto slow_path;
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 1;
++ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 1;
+ ++ptr;
+- tp->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
++ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
+ ++ptr;
+- tp->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
++ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
+ /* If PAWS failed, check it more carefully in slow path */
+- if ((s32)(tp->rcv_tsval - tp->ts_recent) < 0)
++ if ((s32)(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval - tp->rx_opt.ts_recent) < 0)
+ goto slow_path;
+ /* DO NOT update ts_recent here, if checksum fails
+@@ -4242,6 +4257,10 @@ int tcp_rcv_established(struct sock *sk,
+ if ((int)skb->truesize > sk->sk_forward_alloc)
+ goto step5;
++ /* This is OK not to try to free memory here.
++ * Do this below on slow path. Den */
++ if (ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(sk, skb) < 0)
++ goto step5;
+@@ -4288,7 +4307,7 @@ slow_path:
+ /*
+ * RFC1323: H1. Apply PAWS check first.
+ */
+- if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->saw_tstamp &&
++ if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp &&
+ tcp_paws_discard(tp, skb)) {
+ if (!th->rst) {
+@@ -4360,9 +4379,9 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
+ struct tcphdr *th, unsigned len)
+ {
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+- int saved_clamp = tp->mss_clamp;
++ int saved_clamp = tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp;
+- tcp_parse_options(skb, tp, 0);
++ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp->rx_opt, 0);
+ if (th->ack) {
+ /* rfc793:
+@@ -4379,8 +4398,8 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
+ if (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq != tp->snd_nxt)
+ goto reset_and_undo;
+- if (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr &&
+- !between(tp->rcv_tsecr, tp->retrans_stamp,
++ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
++ !between(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr, tp->retrans_stamp,
+ tcp_time_stamp)) {
+ goto reset_and_undo;
+@@ -4435,13 +4454,13 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
+ tp->snd_wnd = ntohs(th->window);
+ tcp_init_wl(tp, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq);
+- if (!tp->wscale_ok) {
+- tp->snd_wscale = tp->rcv_wscale = 0;
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.wscale_ok) {
++ tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale = tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale = 0;
+ tp->window_clamp = min(tp->window_clamp, 65535U);
+ }
+- if (tp->saw_tstamp) {
+- tp->tstamp_ok = 1;
++ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp) {
++ tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok = 1;
+ tp->tcp_header_len =
+ sizeof(struct tcphdr) + TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED;
+@@ -4450,8 +4469,8 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
+ tp->tcp_header_len = sizeof(struct tcphdr);
+ }
+- if (tp->sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_fack)
+- tp->sack_ok |= 2;
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_fack)
++ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 2;
+ tcp_sync_mss(sk, tp->pmtu_cookie);
+ tcp_initialize_rcv_mss(sk);
+@@ -4478,7 +4497,7 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
+ if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN))
+ tcp_reset_keepalive_timer(sk, keepalive_time_when(tp));
+- if (!tp->snd_wscale)
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale)
+ __tcp_fast_path_on(tp, tp->snd_wnd);
+ else
+ tp->pred_flags = 0;
+@@ -4525,7 +4544,7 @@ discard:
+ }
+ /* PAWS check. */
+- if (tp->ts_recent_stamp && tp->saw_tstamp && tcp_paws_check(tp, 0))
++ if (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tcp_paws_check(&tp->rx_opt, 0))
+ goto discard_and_undo;
+ if (th->syn) {
+@@ -4535,8 +4554,8 @@ discard:
+ */
+ tcp_set_state(sk, TCP_SYN_RECV);
+- if (tp->saw_tstamp) {
+- tp->tstamp_ok = 1;
++ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp) {
++ tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok = 1;
+ tcp_store_ts_recent(tp);
+ tp->tcp_header_len =
+ sizeof(struct tcphdr) + TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED;
+@@ -4583,13 +4602,13 @@ discard:
+ */
+ discard_and_undo:
+- tcp_clear_options(tp);
+- tp->mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
++ tcp_clear_options(&tp->rx_opt);
++ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
+ goto discard;
+ reset_and_undo:
+- tcp_clear_options(tp);
+- tp->mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
++ tcp_clear_options(&tp->rx_opt);
++ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
+ return 1;
+ }
+@@ -4607,7 +4626,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ int queued = 0;
+- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
+ switch (sk->sk_state) {
+ case TCP_CLOSE:
+@@ -4662,7 +4681,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
+ return 0;
+ }
+- if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->saw_tstamp &&
++ if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp &&
+ tcp_paws_discard(tp, skb)) {
+ if (!th->rst) {
+@@ -4722,7 +4741,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
+ tp->snd_una = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq;
+ tp->snd_wnd = ntohs(th->window) <<
+- tp->snd_wscale;
++ tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
+ tcp_init_wl(tp, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq,
+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq);
+@@ -4730,11 +4749,11 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
+ * and does not calculate rtt.
+ * Fix it at least with timestamps.
+ */
+- if (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr &&
++ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
+ !tp->srtt)
+ tcp_ack_saw_tstamp(tp, 0);
+- if (tp->tstamp_ok)
++ if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok)
+ /* Make sure socket is routed, for
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -69,12 +69,16 @@
+ #include <net/inet_common.h>
+ #include <net/xfrm.h>
++#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
+ #include <linux/inet.h>
+ #include <linux/ipv6.h>
+ #include <linux/stddef.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
+ extern int sysctl_ip_dynaddr;
+ int sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse;
+ int sysctl_tcp_low_latency;
+@@ -105,9 +109,10 @@ int sysctl_local_port_range[2] = { 1024,
+ int tcp_port_rover = 1024 - 1;
+ static __inline__ int tcp_hashfn(__u32 laddr, __u16 lport,
+- __u32 faddr, __u16 fport)
++ __u32 faddr, __u16 fport,
++ envid_t veid)
+ {
+- int h = (laddr ^ lport) ^ (faddr ^ fport);
++ int h = (laddr ^ lport) ^ (faddr ^ fport) ^ (veid ^ (veid >> 16));
+ h ^= h >> 16;
+ h ^= h >> 8;
+ return h & (tcp_ehash_size - 1);
+@@ -120,15 +125,20 @@ static __inline__ int tcp_sk_hashfn(stru
+ __u16 lport = inet->num;
+ __u32 faddr = inet->daddr;
+ __u16 fport = inet->dport;
++ envid_t veid = VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
+- return tcp_hashfn(laddr, lport, faddr, fport);
++ return tcp_hashfn(laddr, lport, faddr, fport, veid);
+ }
++DCL_VE_OWNER(TB, GENERIC, struct tcp_bind_bucket, owner_env,
++ inline, (always_inline))
+ /* Allocate and initialize a new TCP local port bind bucket.
+ * The bindhash mutex for snum's hash chain must be held here.
+ */
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tcp_bucket_create(struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head,
+- unsigned short snum)
++ unsigned short snum,
++ struct ve_struct *env)
+ {
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb = kmem_cache_alloc(tcp_bucket_cachep,
+@@ -136,6 +146,7 @@ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tcp_bucket_creat
+ tb->port = snum;
+ tb->fastreuse = 0;
+ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&tb->owners);
++ SET_VE_OWNER_TB(tb, env);
+ hlist_add_head(&tb->node, &head->chain);
+ }
+ return tb;
+@@ -153,10 +164,11 @@ void tcp_bucket_destroy(struct tcp_bind_
+ /* Caller must disable local BH processing. */
+ static __inline__ void __tcp_inherit_port(struct sock *sk, struct sock *child)
+ {
+- struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head =
+- &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(child)->num)];
++ struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
++ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(child)->num,
++ VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(child)))];
+ spin_lock(&head->lock);
+ tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
+ sk_add_bind_node(child, &tb->owners);
+@@ -212,8 +224,10 @@ static int tcp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
+ struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
+ int ret;
++ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
+ local_bh_disable();
+ if (!snum) {
+ int low = sysctl_local_port_range[0];
+@@ -227,10 +241,11 @@ static int tcp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
+ rover++;
+ if (rover < low || rover > high)
+ rover = low;
+- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover)];
++ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover, VEID(env))];
+ spin_lock(&head->lock);
+ tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain)
+- if (tb->port == rover)
++ if (tb->port == rover &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TB(tb), env))
+ goto next;
+ break;
+ next:
+@@ -249,10 +264,11 @@ static int tcp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
+ */
+ snum = rover;
+ } else {
+- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum)];
++ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum, VEID(env))];
+ spin_lock(&head->lock);
+ tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain)
+- if (tb->port == snum)
++ if (tb->port == snum &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TB(tb), env))
+ goto tb_found;
+ }
+ tb = NULL;
+@@ -272,7 +288,7 @@ tb_found:
+ }
+ tb_not_found:
+ ret = 1;
+- if (!tb && (tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, snum)) == NULL)
++ if (!tb && (tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, snum, env)) == NULL)
+ goto fail_unlock;
+ if (hlist_empty(&tb->owners)) {
+ if (sk->sk_reuse && sk->sk_state != TCP_LISTEN)
+@@ -301,9 +317,10 @@ fail:
+ static void __tcp_put_port(struct sock *sk)
+ {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
+- struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet->num)];
++ struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
++ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet->num, VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))];
+ spin_lock(&head->lock);
+ tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
+ __sk_del_bind_node(sk);
+@@ -412,7 +429,8 @@ void tcp_unhash(struct sock *sk)
+ * during the search since they can never be otherwise.
+ */
+ static struct sock *__tcp_v4_lookup_listener(struct hlist_head *head, u32 daddr,
+- unsigned short hnum, int dif)
++ unsigned short hnum, int dif,
++ struct ve_struct *env)
+ {
+ struct sock *result = NULL, *sk;
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+@@ -422,7 +440,9 @@ static struct sock *__tcp_v4_lookup_list
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, head) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
+- if (inet->num == hnum && !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
++ if (inet->num == hnum &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env) &&
++ !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
+ __u32 rcv_saddr = inet->rcv_saddr;
+ score = (sk->sk_family == PF_INET ? 1 : 0);
+@@ -453,18 +473,21 @@ inline struct sock *tcp_v4_lookup_listen
+ {
+ struct sock *sk = NULL;
+ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = get_exec_env();
+ read_lock(&tcp_lhash_lock);
+- head = &tcp_listening_hash[tcp_lhashfn(hnum)];
++ head = &tcp_listening_hash[tcp_lhashfn(hnum, VEID(env))];
+ if (!hlist_empty(head)) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk((sk = __sk_head(head)));
+ if (inet->num == hnum && !sk-> &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env) &&
+ (!inet->rcv_saddr || inet->rcv_saddr == daddr) &&
+ (sk->sk_family == PF_INET || !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) &&
+ !sk->sk_bound_dev_if)
+ goto sherry_cache;
+- sk = __tcp_v4_lookup_listener(head, daddr, hnum, dif);
++ sk = __tcp_v4_lookup_listener(head, daddr, hnum, dif, env);
+ }
+ if (sk) {
+ sherry_cache:
+@@ -492,17 +515,22 @@ static inline struct sock *__tcp_v4_look
+ /* Optimize here for direct hit, only listening connections can
+ * have wildcards anyways.
+ */
+- int hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, hnum, saddr, sport);
++ int hash;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = get_exec_env();
++ hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, hnum, saddr, sport, VEID(env));
+ head = &tcp_ehash[hash];
+ read_lock(&head->lock);
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &head->chain) {
+- if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif))
++ if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif, env))
+ goto hit; /* You sunk my battleship! */
+ }
+ /* Must check for a TIME_WAIT'er before going to listener hash. */
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &(head + tcp_ehash_size)->chain) {
+- if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif))
++ if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr,
++ ports, dif, env))
+ goto hit;
+ }
+ sk = NULL;
+@@ -553,11 +581,16 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
+ int dif = sk->sk_bound_dev_if;
+ TCP_V4_ADDR_COOKIE(acookie, saddr, daddr)
+ __u32 ports = TCP_COMBINED_PORTS(inet->dport, lport);
+- int hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, lport, saddr, inet->dport);
+- struct tcp_ehash_bucket *head = &tcp_ehash[hash];
++ int hash;
++ struct tcp_ehash_bucket *head;
+ struct sock *sk2;
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
++ hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, lport, saddr, inet->dport, VEID(env));
++ head = &tcp_ehash[hash];
+ write_lock(&head->lock);
+@@ -565,7 +598,8 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
+ sk_for_each(sk2, node, &(head + tcp_ehash_size)->chain) {
+ tw = (struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk2;
+- if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif)) {
++ if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr,
++ ports, dif, env)) {
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ /* With PAWS, it is safe from the viewpoint
+@@ -589,8 +623,8 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
+ if ((tp->write_seq =
+ tw->tw_snd_nxt + 65535 + 2) == 0)
+ tp->write_seq = 1;
+- tp->ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
+- tp->ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
+ sock_hold(sk2);
+ goto unique;
+ } else
+@@ -601,7 +635,7 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
+ /* And established part... */
+ sk_for_each(sk2, node, &head->chain) {
+- if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif))
++ if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif, env))
+ goto not_unique;
+ }
+@@ -643,7 +677,9 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
+ struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
+ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
+ int ret;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
+ if (!snum) {
+ int rover;
+ int low = sysctl_local_port_range[0];
+@@ -674,7 +710,7 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
+ rover++;
+ if ((rover < low) || (rover > high))
+ rover = low;
+- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover)];
++ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover, VEID(env))];
+ spin_lock(&head->lock);
+ /* Does not bother with rcv_saddr checks,
+@@ -682,7 +718,9 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
+ * unique enough.
+ */
+ tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain) {
+- if (tb->port == rover) {
++ if (tb->port == rover &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TB(tb), env))
++ {
+ BUG_TRAP(!hlist_empty(&tb->owners));
+ if (tb->fastreuse >= 0)
+ goto next_port;
+@@ -694,7 +732,7 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
+ }
+ }
+- tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, rover);
++ tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, rover, env);
+ if (!tb) {
+ spin_unlock(&head->lock);
+ break;
+@@ -733,7 +771,7 @@ ok:
+ goto out;
+ }
+- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum)];
++ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum, VEID(env))];
+ tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
+ spin_lock_bh(&head->lock);
+ if (sk_head(&tb->owners) == sk && !sk-> {
+@@ -793,25 +831,25 @@ int tcp_v4_connect(struct sock *sk, stru
+ inet->saddr = rt->rt_src;
+ inet->rcv_saddr = inet->saddr;
+- if (tp->ts_recent_stamp && inet->daddr != daddr) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && inet->daddr != daddr) {
+ /* Reset inherited state */
+- tp->ts_recent = 0;
+- tp->ts_recent_stamp = 0;
+- tp->write_seq = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = 0;
++ tp->write_seq = 0;
+ }
+ if (sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle &&
+- !tp->ts_recent_stamp && rt->rt_dst == daddr) {
++ !tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && rt->rt_dst == daddr) {
+ struct inet_peer *peer = rt_get_peer(rt);
+ /* VJ's idea. We save last timestamp seen from
+ * the destination in peer table, when entering state TIME-WAIT
+- * and initialize ts_recent from it, when trying new connection.
++ * and initialize rx_opt.ts_recent from it, when trying new connection.
+ */
+ if (peer && peer->tcp_ts_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL >= xtime.tv_sec) {
+- tp->ts_recent_stamp = peer->tcp_ts_stamp;
+- tp->ts_recent = peer->tcp_ts;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = peer->tcp_ts_stamp;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = peer->tcp_ts;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -822,7 +860,7 @@ int tcp_v4_connect(struct sock *sk, stru
+ if (inet->opt)
+ tp->ext_header_len = inet->opt->optlen;
+- tp->mss_clamp = 536;
++ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = 536;
+ /* Socket identity is still unknown (sport may be zero).
+ * However we set state to SYN-SENT and not releasing socket
+@@ -1033,11 +1071,7 @@ void tcp_v4_err(struct sk_buff *skb, u32
+ switch (type) {
+- /* This is deprecated, but if someone generated it,
+- * we have no reasons to ignore it.
+- */
+- if (!sock_owned_by_user(sk))
+- tcp_enter_cwr(tp);
++ /* Just silently ignore these. */
+ goto out;
+ err = EPROTO;
+@@ -1261,9 +1295,8 @@ static void tcp_v4_timewait_ack(struct s
+ struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw = (struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk;
+ tcp_v4_send_ack(skb, tw->tw_snd_nxt, tw->tw_rcv_nxt,
+- tw->tw_rcv_wnd >> tw->tw_rcv_wscale, tw->tw_ts_recent);
+- tcp_tw_put(tw);
++ tw->tw_rcv_wnd >> (tw->tw_rcv_wscale & TW_WSCALE_MASK),
++ tw->tw_ts_recent);
+ }
+ static void tcp_v4_or_send_ack(struct sk_buff *skb, struct open_request *req)
+@@ -1407,7 +1440,7 @@ struct or_calltable or_ipv4 = {
+ int tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+- struct tcp_opt tp;
++ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
+ struct open_request *req;
+ __u32 saddr = skb->nh.iph->saddr;
+ __u32 daddr = skb->nh.iph->daddr;
+@@ -1449,29 +1482,29 @@ int tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk,
+ if (!req)
+ goto drop;
+- tcp_clear_options(&tp);
+- tp.mss_clamp = 536;
+- tp.user_mss = tcp_sk(sk)->user_mss;
++ tcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);
++ tmp_opt.mss_clamp = 536;
++ tmp_opt.user_mss = tcp_sk(sk)->rx_opt.user_mss;
+- tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp, 0);
++ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
+ if (want_cookie) {
+- tcp_clear_options(&tp);
+- tp.saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);
++ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
+ }
+- if (tp.saw_tstamp && !tp.rcv_tsval) {
++ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp && !tmp_opt.rcv_tsval) {
+ /* Some OSes (unknown ones, but I see them on web server, which
+ * contains information interesting only for windows'
+ * users) do not send their stamp in SYN. It is easy case.
+ * We simply do not advertise TS support.
+ */
+- tp.saw_tstamp = 0;
+- tp.tstamp_ok = 0;
++ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tmp_opt.tstamp_ok = 0;
+ }
+- tp.tstamp_ok = tp.saw_tstamp;
++ tmp_opt.tstamp_ok = tmp_opt.saw_tstamp;
+- tcp_openreq_init(req, &tp, skb);
++ tcp_openreq_init(req, &tmp_opt, skb);
+ req->af.v4_req.loc_addr = daddr;
+ req->af.v4_req.rmt_addr = saddr;
+@@ -1497,7 +1530,7 @@ int tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk,
+ * timewait bucket, so that all the necessary checks
+ * are made in the function processing timewait state.
+ */
+- if (tp.saw_tstamp &&
++ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp &&
+ sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle &&
+ (dst = tcp_v4_route_req(sk, req)) != NULL &&
+ (peer = rt_get_peer((struct rtable *)dst)) != NULL &&
+@@ -1684,12 +1717,15 @@ static int tcp_v4_checksum_init(struct s
+ */
+ int tcp_v4_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
++ ub = set_sk_exec_ub(sk);
+ if (sk->sk_state == TCP_ESTABLISHED) { /* Fast path */
+ if (tcp_rcv_established(sk, skb, skb->, skb->len))
+ goto reset;
+- return 0;
++ goto restore_context;
+ }
+ if (skb->len < (skb->>doff << 2) || tcp_checksum_complete(skb))
+@@ -1703,7 +1739,7 @@ int tcp_v4_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struc
+ if (nsk != sk) {
+ if (tcp_child_process(sk, nsk, skb))
+ goto reset;
+- return 0;
++ goto restore_context;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1711,6 +1747,9 @@ int tcp_v4_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struc
+ if (tcp_rcv_state_process(sk, skb, skb->, skb->len))
+ goto reset;
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
+ return 0;
+ reset:
+@@ -1722,7 +1761,7 @@ discard:
+ * might be destroyed here. This current version compiles correctly,
+ * but you have been warned.
+ */
+- return 0;
++ goto restore_context;
+ csum_err:
+@@ -1835,13 +1874,17 @@ do_time_wait:
+ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *) sk);
+ goto discard_it;
+ }
++ spin_lock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
+ switch (tcp_timewait_state_process((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk,
+ skb, th, skb->len)) {
+ case TCP_TW_SYN: {
+- struct sock *sk2 = tcp_v4_lookup_listener(skb->nh.iph->daddr,
++ struct sock *sk2;
++ sk2 = tcp_v4_lookup_listener(skb->nh.iph->daddr,
+ ntohs(th->dest),
+ tcp_v4_iif(skb));
+ if (sk2) {
++ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
+ tcp_tw_deschedule((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
+ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
+ sk = sk2;
+@@ -1853,9 +1896,13 @@ do_time_wait:
+ tcp_v4_timewait_ack(sk, skb);
+ break;
+ case TCP_TW_RST:
++ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
++ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
+ goto no_tcp_socket;
+ }
++ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
++ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
+ goto discard_it;
+ }
+@@ -2001,11 +2048,11 @@ int tcp_v4_remember_stamp(struct sock *s
+ }
+ if (peer) {
+- if ((s32)(peer->tcp_ts - tp->ts_recent) <= 0 ||
++ if ((s32)(peer->tcp_ts - tp->rx_opt.ts_recent) <= 0 ||
+ (peer->tcp_ts_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL < xtime.tv_sec &&
+- peer->tcp_ts_stamp <= tp->ts_recent_stamp)) {
+- peer->tcp_ts_stamp = tp->ts_recent_stamp;
+- peer->tcp_ts = tp->ts_recent;
++ peer->tcp_ts_stamp <= tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp)) {
++ peer->tcp_ts_stamp = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp;
++ peer->tcp_ts = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent;
+ }
+ if (release_it)
+ inet_putpeer(peer);
+@@ -2077,6 +2124,8 @@ static int tcp_v4_init_sock(struct sock
+ tp->snd_cwnd_clamp = ~0;
+ tp->mss_cache = 536;
++ tp->advmss = 65535; /* max value */
+ tp->reordering = sysctl_tcp_reordering;
+ sk->sk_state = TCP_CLOSE;
+@@ -2117,6 +2166,8 @@ int tcp_v4_destroy_sock(struct sock *sk)
+ * If sendmsg cached page exists, toss it.
+ */
+ if (sk->sk_sndmsg_page) {
++ /* queue is empty, uncharge */
++ ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(sk);
+ __free_page(sk->sk_sndmsg_page);
+ sk->sk_sndmsg_page = NULL;
+ }
+@@ -2137,10 +2188,18 @@ static inline struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw_h
+ list_entry(head->first, struct tcp_tw_bucket, tw_node);
+ }
+-static inline struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw_next(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw)
++static inline struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw_next(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw,
++ envid_t veid)
+ {
+- return tw-> ?
+- hlist_entry(tw->, typeof(*tw), tw_node) : NULL;
++ while (1) {
++ if (tw-> == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ tw = hlist_entry(tw->, typeof(*tw), tw_node);
++ if (!ve_accessible_veid(TW_VEID(tw), veid))
++ continue;
++ return tw;
++ }
++ return NULL; /* make compiler happy */
+ }
+ static void *listening_get_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *cur)
+@@ -2149,7 +2208,9 @@ static void *listening_get_next(struct s
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ struct sock *sk = cur;
+ struct tcp_iter_state* st = seq->private;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
+ if (!sk) {
+ st->bucket = 0;
+ sk = sk_head(&tcp_listening_hash[0]);
+@@ -2183,6 +2244,8 @@ get_req:
+ sk = sk_next(sk);
+ get_sk:
+ sk_for_each_from(sk, node) {
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
++ continue;
+ if (sk->sk_family == st->family) {
+ cur = sk;
+ goto out;
+@@ -2222,7 +2285,9 @@ static void *established_get_first(struc
+ {
+ struct tcp_iter_state* st = seq->private;
+ void *rc = NULL;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
+ for (st->bucket = 0; st->bucket < tcp_ehash_size; ++st->bucket) {
+ struct sock *sk;
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+@@ -2230,6 +2295,8 @@ static void *established_get_first(struc
+ read_lock(&tcp_ehash[st->bucket].lock);
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &tcp_ehash[st->bucket].chain) {
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
++ continue;
+ if (sk->sk_family != st->family) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -2239,6 +2306,8 @@ static void *established_get_first(struc
+ st->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT;
+ tw_for_each(tw, node,
+ &tcp_ehash[st->bucket + tcp_ehash_size].chain) {
++ if (!ve_accessible_veid(TW_VEID(tw), VEID(ve)))
++ continue;
+ if (tw->tw_family != st->family) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -2258,16 +2327,17 @@ static void *established_get_next(struct
+ struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw;
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ struct tcp_iter_state* st = seq->private;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
+ ++st->num;
+ if (st->state == TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT) {
+ tw = cur;
+- tw = tw_next(tw);
++ tw = tw_next(tw, VEID(ve));
+ get_tw:
+- while (tw && tw->tw_family != st->family) {
+- tw = tw_next(tw);
+- }
++ while (tw && tw->tw_family != st->family)
++ tw = tw_next(tw, VEID(ve));
+ if (tw) {
+ cur = tw;
+ goto out;
+@@ -2285,6 +2355,8 @@ get_tw:
+ sk = sk_next(sk);
+ sk_for_each_from(sk, node) {
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
++ continue;
+ if (sk->sk_family == st->family)
+ goto found;
+ }
+@@ -2636,6 +2708,85 @@ void __init tcp_v4_init(struct net_proto
+ tcp_socket->sk->sk_prot->unhash(tcp_socket->sk);
+ }
++static void tcp_kill_ve_onesk(struct sock *sk)
++ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
++ /* Check the assumed state of the socket. */
++ if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) {
++ static int printed;
++ if (!printed)
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Killing sk: dead %d, state %d, "
++ "wrseq %u unseq %u, wrqu %d.\n",
++ sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD), sk->sk_state,
++ tp->write_seq, tp->snd_una,
++ !skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_write_queue));
++ printed = 1;
++ return;
++ }
++ tcp_send_active_reset(sk, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ switch (sk->sk_state) {
++ case TCP_FIN_WAIT1:
++ case TCP_CLOSING:
++ /* In these 2 states the peer may want us to retransmit
++ * some data and/or FIN. Entering "resetting mode"
++ * instead.
++ */
++ tcp_time_wait(sk, TCP_CLOSE, 0);
++ break;
++ case TCP_FIN_WAIT2:
++ /* By some reason the socket may stay in this state
++ * without turning into a TW bucket. Fix it.
++ */
++ tcp_time_wait(sk, TCP_FIN_WAIT2, 0);
++ break;
++ case TCP_LAST_ACK:
++ /* Just jump into CLOSED state. */
++ tcp_done(sk);
++ break;
++ default:
++ /* The socket must be already close()d. */
++ goto invalid;
++ }
++void tcp_v4_kill_ve_sockets(struct ve_struct *envid)
++ struct tcp_ehash_bucket *head;
++ int i;
++ /* alive */
++ local_bh_disable();
++ head = tcp_ehash;
++ for (i = 0; i < tcp_ehash_size; i++) {
++ struct sock *sk;
++ struct hlist_node *node;
++ write_lock(&head[i].lock);
++ sk_for_each(sk, node, &head[i].chain) {
++ if (ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), envid)) {
++ sock_hold(sk);
++ write_unlock(&head[i].lock);
++ bh_lock_sock(sk);
++ /* sk might have disappeared from the hash before
++ * we got the lock */
++ if (sk->sk_state != TCP_CLOSE)
++ tcp_kill_ve_onesk(sk);
++ bh_unlock_sock(sk);
++ sock_put(sk);
++ goto more_work;
++ }
++ }
++ write_unlock(&head[i].lock);
++ }
++ local_bh_enable();
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipv4_specific);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_bind_hash);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_bucket_create);
+@@ -2654,6 +2805,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_rebuild_header);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_remember_stamp);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_send_check);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_proc_register);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
+ #include <net/inet_common.h>
+ #include <net/xfrm.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ #define SYNC_INIT 0 /* let the user enable it */
+ #else
+@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ static void tcp_timewait_kill(struct tcp
+ write_unlock(&ehead->lock);
+ /* Disassociate with bind bucket. */
+- bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(tw->tw_num)];
++ bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(tw->tw_num, TW_VEID(tw))];
+ spin_lock(&bhead->lock);
+ tb = tw->tw_tb;
+ __hlist_del(&tw->tw_bind_node);
+@@ -123,17 +125,17 @@ enum tcp_tw_status
+ tcp_timewait_state_process(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw, struct sk_buff *skb,
+ struct tcphdr *th, unsigned len)
+ {
+- struct tcp_opt tp;
++ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
+ int paws_reject = 0;
+- tp.saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
+ if (th->doff > (sizeof(struct tcphdr) >> 2) && tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp) {
+- tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp, 0);
++ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
+- if (tp.saw_tstamp) {
+- tp.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
+- tp.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
+- paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&tp, th->rst);
++ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
++ tmp_opt.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
++ tmp_opt.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
++ paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&tmp_opt, th->rst);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -150,33 +152,28 @@ tcp_timewait_state_process(struct tcp_tw
+ if (th->rst)
+ goto kill;
+- if (th->syn && !before(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt))
+- goto kill_with_rst;
++ if (th->syn && !before(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt)) {
++ tw->tw_substate = TCP_CLOSE;
++ tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
++ return TCP_TW_RST;
++ }
+ /* Dup ACK? */
+ if (!after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt) ||
+- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq) {
+- tcp_tw_put(tw);
++ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq)
+ return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
+- }
+- /* New data or FIN. If new data arrive after half-duplex close,
+- * reset.
+- */
+- if (!th->fin ||
+- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq != tw->tw_rcv_nxt + 1) {
+- tcp_tw_deschedule(tw);
+- tcp_tw_put(tw);
+- return TCP_TW_RST;
+- }
+- /* FIN arrived, enter true time-wait state. */
+- tw->tw_substate = TCP_TIME_WAIT;
+- tw->tw_rcv_nxt = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
+- if (tp.saw_tstamp) {
++ /* New data or FIN. */
++ if (th->fin && TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == tw->tw_rcv_nxt + 1) {
++ /* FIN arrived, enter true time-wait state. */
++ tw->tw_substate = TCP_TIME_WAIT;
++ tw->tw_rcv_nxt = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
++ } else
++ /* If new data arrive after half-duplex close, reset. */
++ tw->tw_substate = TCP_CLOSE;
++ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
+ tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
+- tw->tw_ts_recent = tp.rcv_tsval;
++ tw->tw_ts_recent = tmp_opt.rcv_tsval;
+ }
+ /* I am shamed, but failed to make it more elegant.
+@@ -190,7 +187,9 @@ kill_with_rst:
+ tcp_tw_schedule(tw, tw->tw_timeout);
+ else
+ tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
+- return TCP_TW_ACK;
++ return (tw->tw_substate == TCP_TIME_WAIT) ?
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -223,18 +222,16 @@ kill_with_rst:
+ if (sysctl_tcp_rfc1337 == 0) {
+ kill:
+ tcp_tw_deschedule(tw);
+- tcp_tw_put(tw);
+ return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
+- if (tp.saw_tstamp) {
+- tw->tw_ts_recent = tp.rcv_tsval;
++ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
++ tw->tw_ts_recent = tmp_opt.rcv_tsval;
+ tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
+ }
+- tcp_tw_put(tw);
+ return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -257,7 +254,7 @@ kill:
+ if (th->syn && !th->rst && !th->ack && !paws_reject &&
+ (after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt) ||
+- (tp.saw_tstamp && (s32)(tw->tw_ts_recent - tp.rcv_tsval) < 0))) {
++ (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp && (s32)(tw->tw_ts_recent - tmp_opt.rcv_tsval) < 0))) {
+ u32 isn = tw->tw_snd_nxt + 65535 + 2;
+ if (isn == 0)
+ isn++;
+@@ -268,7 +265,7 @@ kill:
+ if (paws_reject)
+- if(!th->rst) {
++ if (!th->rst) {
+ /* In this case we must reset the TIMEWAIT timer.
+ *
+ * If it is ACKless SYN it may be both old duplicate
+@@ -278,12 +275,9 @@ kill:
+ if (paws_reject || th->ack)
+ tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
+- /* Send ACK. Note, we do not put the bucket,
+- * it will be released by caller.
+- */
+- return TCP_TW_ACK;
++ return (tw->tw_substate == TCP_TIME_WAIT) ?
+ }
+- tcp_tw_put(tw);
+ return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -301,7 +295,8 @@ static void __tcp_tw_hashdance(struct so
+ Note, that any socket with inet_sk(sk)->num != 0 MUST be bound in
+ binding cache, even if it is closed.
+ */
+- bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num)];
++ bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num,
++ VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))];
+ spin_lock(&bhead->lock);
+ tw->tw_tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
+ BUG_TRAP(tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash);
+@@ -329,12 +324,15 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
+ struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw = NULL;
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ int recycle_ok = 0;
++ struct user_beancounter *ub;
+- if (sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle && tp->ts_recent_stamp)
++ if (sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle && tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp)
+ recycle_ok = tp->af_specific->remember_stamp(sk);
++ ub = set_sk_exec_ub(sk);
+ if (tcp_tw_count < sysctl_tcp_max_tw_buckets)
+ tw = kmem_cache_alloc(tcp_timewait_cachep, SLAB_ATOMIC);
++ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
+ if(tw != NULL) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
+@@ -351,16 +349,19 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
+ tw->tw_dport = inet->dport;
+ tw->tw_family = sk->sk_family;
+ tw->tw_reuse = sk->sk_reuse;
+- tw->tw_rcv_wscale = tp->rcv_wscale;
++ tw->tw_rcv_wscale = tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale;
++ if (sk->sk_user_data != NULL)
++ tw->tw_rcv_wscale |= TW_WSCALE_SPEC;
+ atomic_set(&tw->tw_refcnt, 1);
+ tw->tw_hashent = sk->sk_hashent;
+ tw->tw_rcv_nxt = tp->rcv_nxt;
+ tw->tw_snd_nxt = tp->snd_nxt;
+ tw->tw_rcv_wnd = tcp_receive_window(tp);
+- tw->tw_ts_recent = tp->ts_recent;
+- tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = tp->ts_recent_stamp;
++ tw->tw_ts_recent = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent;
++ tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp;
+ tw_dead_node_init(tw);
++ spin_lock_init(&tw->tw_lock);
+ #if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
+ if (tw->tw_family == PF_INET6) {
+@@ -375,6 +376,8 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
+ tw->tw_v6_ipv6only = 0;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /* Linkage updates. */
+ __tcp_tw_hashdance(sk, tw);
+@@ -401,7 +404,8 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
+ printk(KERN_INFO "TCP: time wait bucket table overflow\n");
+ }
+- tcp_update_metrics(sk);
++ if (state != TCP_CLOSE)
++ tcp_update_metrics(sk);
+ tcp_done(sk);
+ }
+@@ -694,6 +698,10 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
+ struct sk_filter *filter;
+ memcpy(newsk, sk, sizeof(struct tcp_sock));
++ if (ub_tcp_sock_charge(newsk) < 0)
++ goto out_sk_free;
+ newsk->sk_state = TCP_SYN_RECV;
+ /* SANITY */
+@@ -703,6 +711,7 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
+ /* Clone the TCP header template */
+ inet_sk(newsk)->dport = req->rmt_port;
++ SET_VE_OWNER_SK(newsk, VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
+ sock_lock_init(newsk);
+ bh_lock_sock(newsk);
+@@ -729,6 +738,7 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
+ if (unlikely(xfrm_sk_clone_policy(newsk))) {
+ /* It is still raw copy of parent, so invalidate
+ * destructor and make plain sk_free() */
+ newsk->sk_destruct = NULL;
+ sk_free(newsk);
+ return NULL;
+@@ -778,13 +788,13 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
+ newtp->pushed_seq = newtp->write_seq;
+ newtp->copied_seq = req->rcv_isn + 1;
+- newtp->saw_tstamp = 0;
++ newtp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
+- newtp->dsack = 0;
+- newtp->eff_sacks = 0;
++ newtp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
++ newtp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = 0;
+ newtp->probes_out = 0;
+- newtp->num_sacks = 0;
++ newtp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 0;
+ newtp->urg_data = 0;
+ newtp->listen_opt = NULL;
+ newtp->accept_queue = newtp->accept_queue_tail = NULL;
+@@ -807,36 +817,36 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
+ newsk->sk_sleep = NULL;
+ newsk->sk_owner = NULL;
+- newtp->tstamp_ok = req->tstamp_ok;
+- if((newtp->sack_ok = req->sack_ok) != 0) {
++ newtp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok = req->tstamp_ok;
++ if((newtp->rx_opt.sack_ok = req->sack_ok) != 0) {
+ if (sysctl_tcp_fack)
+- newtp->sack_ok |= 2;
++ newtp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 2;
+ }
+ newtp->window_clamp = req->window_clamp;
+ newtp->rcv_ssthresh = req->rcv_wnd;
+ newtp->rcv_wnd = req->rcv_wnd;
+- newtp->wscale_ok = req->wscale_ok;
+- if (newtp->wscale_ok) {
+- newtp->snd_wscale = req->snd_wscale;
+- newtp->rcv_wscale = req->rcv_wscale;
++ newtp->rx_opt.wscale_ok = req->wscale_ok;
++ if (newtp->rx_opt.wscale_ok) {
++ newtp->rx_opt.snd_wscale = req->snd_wscale;
++ newtp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale = req->rcv_wscale;
+ } else {
+- newtp->snd_wscale = newtp->rcv_wscale = 0;
++ newtp->rx_opt.snd_wscale = newtp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale = 0;
+ newtp->window_clamp = min(newtp->window_clamp, 65535U);
+ }
+- newtp->snd_wnd = ntohs(skb->>window) << newtp->snd_wscale;
++ newtp->snd_wnd = ntohs(skb->>window) << newtp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
+ newtp->max_window = newtp->snd_wnd;
+- if (newtp->tstamp_ok) {
+- newtp->ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
+- newtp->ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
++ if (newtp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok) {
++ newtp->rx_opt.ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
++ newtp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
+ newtp->tcp_header_len = sizeof(struct tcphdr) + TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED;
+ } else {
+- newtp->ts_recent_stamp = 0;
++ newtp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = 0;
+ newtp->tcp_header_len = sizeof(struct tcphdr);
+ }
+ if (skb->len >= TCP_MIN_RCVMSS+newtp->tcp_header_len)
+ newtp->ack.last_seg_size = skb->len-newtp->tcp_header_len;
+- newtp->mss_clamp = req->mss;
++ newtp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = req->mss;
+ TCP_ECN_openreq_child(newtp, req);
+ if (newtp->ecn_flags&TCP_ECN_OK)
+ newsk->sk_no_largesend = 1;
+@@ -860,21 +870,21 @@ struct sock *tcp_check_req(struct sock *
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ u32 flg = tcp_flag_word(th) & (TCP_FLAG_RST|TCP_FLAG_SYN|TCP_FLAG_ACK);
+ int paws_reject = 0;
+- struct tcp_opt ttp;
++ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
+ struct sock *child;
+- ttp.saw_tstamp = 0;
++ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
+ if (th->doff > (sizeof(struct tcphdr)>>2)) {
+- tcp_parse_options(skb, &ttp, 0);
++ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
+- if (ttp.saw_tstamp) {
+- ttp.ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
++ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
++ tmp_opt.ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
+ /* We do not store true stamp, but it is not required,
+ * it can be estimated (approximately)
+ * from another data.
+ */
+- ttp.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec - ((TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT/HZ)<<req->retrans);
+- paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&ttp, th->rst);
++ tmp_opt.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec - ((TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT/HZ)<<req->retrans);
++ paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&tmp_opt, th->rst);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -979,63 +989,63 @@ struct sock *tcp_check_req(struct sock *
+ /* In sequence, PAWS is OK. */
+- if (ttp.saw_tstamp && !after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, req->rcv_isn+1))
+- req->ts_recent = ttp.rcv_tsval;
++ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp && !after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, req->rcv_isn+1))
++ req->ts_recent = tmp_opt.rcv_tsval;
+- if (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq == req->rcv_isn) {
+- /* Truncate SYN, it is out of window starting
+- at req->rcv_isn+1. */
+- flg &= ~TCP_FLAG_SYN;
+- }
++ if (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq == req->rcv_isn) {
++ /* Truncate SYN, it is out of window starting
++ at req->rcv_isn+1. */
++ flg &= ~TCP_FLAG_SYN;
++ }
+- /* RFC793: "second check the RST bit" and
+- * "fourth, check the SYN bit"
+- */
+- if (flg & (TCP_FLAG_RST|TCP_FLAG_SYN))
+- goto embryonic_reset;
++ /* RFC793: "second check the RST bit" and
++ * "fourth, check the SYN bit"
++ */
++ if (flg & (TCP_FLAG_RST|TCP_FLAG_SYN))
++ goto embryonic_reset;
+- /* ACK sequence verified above, just make sure ACK is
+- * set. If ACK not set, just silently drop the packet.
+- */
+- if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_ACK))
+- return NULL;
++ /* ACK sequence verified above, just make sure ACK is
++ * set. If ACK not set, just silently drop the packet.
++ */
++ if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_ACK))
++ return NULL;
+- /* If TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is set, drop bare ACK. */
+- if (tp->defer_accept && TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == req->rcv_isn+1) {
+- req->acked = 1;
+- return NULL;
+- }
++ /* If TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is set, drop bare ACK. */
++ if (tp->defer_accept && TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == req->rcv_isn+1) {
++ req->acked = 1;
++ return NULL;
++ }
+- /* OK, ACK is valid, create big socket and
+- * feed this segment to it. It will repeat all
+- * ESTABLISHED STATE. If it will be dropped after
+- * socket is created, wait for troubles.
+- */
+- child = tp->af_specific->syn_recv_sock(sk, skb, req, NULL);
+- if (child == NULL)
+- goto listen_overflow;
+- sk_set_owner(child, sk->sk_owner);
+- tcp_synq_unlink(tp, req, prev);
+- tcp_synq_removed(sk, req);
+- tcp_acceptq_queue(sk, req, child);
+- return child;
+- if (!sysctl_tcp_abort_on_overflow) {
+- req->acked = 1;
+- return NULL;
+- }
++ /* OK, ACK is valid, create big socket and
++ * feed this segment to it. It will repeat all
++ * ESTABLISHED STATE. If it will be dropped after
++ * socket is created, wait for troubles.
++ */
++ child = tp->af_specific->syn_recv_sock(sk, skb, req, NULL);
++ if (child == NULL)
++ goto listen_overflow;
++ sk_set_owner(child, sk->sk_owner);
++ tcp_synq_unlink(tp, req, prev);
++ tcp_synq_removed(sk, req);
++ tcp_acceptq_queue(sk, req, child);
++ return child;
++ listen_overflow:
++ if (!sysctl_tcp_abort_on_overflow) {
++ req->acked = 1;
++ return NULL;
++ }
+- if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_RST))
+- req->class->send_reset(skb);
++ embryonic_reset:
++ if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_RST))
++ req->class->send_reset(skb);
+- tcp_synq_drop(sk, req, prev);
+- return NULL;
++ tcp_synq_drop(sk, req, prev);
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:29.000000000 +0300
+@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
++#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
+ /* People can turn this off for buggy TCP's found in printers etc. */
+ int sysctl_tcp_retrans_collapse = 1;
+@@ -171,13 +174,13 @@ static __inline__ u16 tcp_select_window(
+ /* Make sure we do not exceed the maximum possible
+ * scaled window.
+ */
+- if (!tp->rcv_wscale)
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale)
+ new_win = min(new_win, MAX_TCP_WINDOW);
+ else
+- new_win = min(new_win, (65535U << tp->rcv_wscale));
++ new_win = min(new_win, (65535U << tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale));
+ /* RFC1323 scaling applied */
+- new_win >>= tp->rcv_wscale;
++ new_win >>= tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale;
+ /* If we advertise zero window, disable fast path. */
+ if (new_win == 0)
+@@ -187,6 +190,13 @@ static __inline__ u16 tcp_select_window(
+ }
++static int skb_header_size(struct sock *sk, int tcp_hlen)
++ struct ip_options *opt = inet_sk(sk)->opt;
++ return tcp_hlen + sizeof(struct iphdr) +
++ (opt ? opt->optlen : 0) + ETH_HLEN /* For hard header */;
+ /* This routine actually transmits TCP packets queued in by
+ * tcp_do_sendmsg(). This is used by both the initial
+ * transmission and possible later retransmissions.
+@@ -205,6 +215,7 @@ int tcp_transmit_skb(struct sock *sk, st
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ struct tcp_skb_cb *tcb = TCP_SKB_CB(skb);
+ int tcp_header_size = tp->tcp_header_len;
++ int header_size;
+ struct tcphdr *th;
+ int sysctl_flags;
+ int err;
+@@ -229,14 +240,28 @@ int tcp_transmit_skb(struct sock *sk, st
+ if(!(sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_TSTAMPS))
+ tcp_header_size += TCPOLEN_SACKPERM_ALIGNED;
+ }
+- } else if (tp->eff_sacks) {
++ } else if (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks) {
+ /* A SACK is 2 pad bytes, a 2 byte header, plus
+ * 2 32-bit sequence numbers for each SACK block.
+ */
+ tcp_header_size += (TCPOLEN_SACK_BASE_ALIGNED +
+- (tp->eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
++ (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
+ }
++ /* Unfortunately, we can have skb from outside world here
++ * with size insufficient for header. It is impossible to make
++ * guess when we queue skb, so the decision should be made
++ * here. Den
++ */
++ header_size = skb_header_size(sk, tcp_header_size);
++ if (skb->data - header_size < skb->head) {
++ int delta = header_size - skb_headroom(skb);
++ err = pskb_expand_head(skb, SKB_DATA_ALIGN(delta),
++ 0, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ }
+ /*
+ * If the connection is idle and we are restarting,
+ * then we don't want to do any Vegas calculations
+@@ -282,9 +307,9 @@ int tcp_transmit_skb(struct sock *sk, st
+ (sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_TSTAMPS),
+ (sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_SACK),
+ (sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_WSCALE),
+- tp->rcv_wscale,
++ tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale,
+ tcb->when,
+- tp->ts_recent);
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent);
+ } else {
+ tcp_build_and_update_options((__u32 *)(th + 1),
+ tp, tcb->when);
+@@ -374,15 +399,23 @@ static int tcp_fragment(struct sock *sk,
+ int nsize = skb->len - len;
+ u16 flags;
+- if (skb_cloned(skb) &&
+- skb_is_nonlinear(skb) &&
+- pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC))
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ if (skb_cloned(skb) && skb_is_nonlinear(skb)) {
++ unsigned long chargesize;
++ chargesize = skb_bc(skb)->charged;
++ if (pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC))
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ ub_sock_retwres_tcp(sk, chargesize, chargesize);
++ ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(sk, skb);
++ }
+ /* Get a new skb... force flag on. */
+ buff = sk_stream_alloc_skb(sk, nsize, GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (buff == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM; /* We'll just try again later. */
++ if (ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(sk, buff) < 0) {
++ kfree_skb(buff);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
+ sk_charge_skb(sk, buff);
+ /* Correct the sequence numbers. */
+@@ -479,10 +512,10 @@ static int tcp_trim_head(struct sock *sk
+ /* This function synchronize snd mss to current pmtu/exthdr set.
+- tp->user_mss is mss set by user by TCP_MAXSEG. It does NOT counts
++ tp->rx_opt.user_mss is mss set by user by TCP_MAXSEG. It does NOT counts
+ for TCP options, but includes only bare TCP header.
+- tp->mss_clamp is mss negotiated at connection setup.
++ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp is mss negotiated at connection setup.
+ It is minumum of user_mss and mss received with SYN.
+ It also does not include TCP options.
+@@ -491,7 +524,7 @@ static int tcp_trim_head(struct sock *sk
+ tp->mss_cache is current effective sending mss, including
+ all tcp options except for SACKs. It is evaluated,
+ taking into account current pmtu, but never exceeds
+- tp->mss_clamp.
++ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp.
+ NOTE1. rfc1122 clearly states that advertised MSS
+ DOES NOT include either tcp or ip options.
+@@ -515,8 +548,8 @@ int tcp_sync_mss(struct sock *sk, u32 pm
+ mss_now = pmtu - tp->af_specific->net_header_len - sizeof(struct tcphdr);
+ /* Clamp it (mss_clamp does not include tcp options) */
+- if (mss_now > tp->mss_clamp)
+- mss_now = tp->mss_clamp;
++ if (mss_now > tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp)
++ mss_now = tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp;
+ /* Now subtract optional transport overhead */
+ mss_now -= tp->ext_header_len + tp->ext2_header_len;
+@@ -680,7 +713,7 @@ u32 __tcp_select_window(struct sock *sk)
+ if (free_space < full_space/2) {
+ tp->ack.quick = 0;
+- if (tcp_memory_pressure)
++ if (ub_tcp_shrink_rcvbuf(sk))
+ tp->rcv_ssthresh = min(tp->rcv_ssthresh, 4U*tp->advmss);
+ if (free_space < mss)
+@@ -694,16 +727,16 @@ u32 __tcp_select_window(struct sock *sk)
+ * scaled window will not line up with the MSS boundary anyway.
+ */
+ window = tp->rcv_wnd;
+- if (tp->rcv_wscale) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) {
+ window = free_space;
+ /* Advertise enough space so that it won't get scaled away.
+ * Import case: prevent zero window announcement if
+ * 1<<rcv_wscale > mss.
+ */
+- if (((window >> tp->rcv_wscale) << tp->rcv_wscale) != window)
+- window = (((window >> tp->rcv_wscale) + 1)
+- << tp->rcv_wscale);
++ if (((window >> tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) << tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) != window)
++ window = (((window >> tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) + 1)
++ << tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale);
+ } else {
+ /* Get the largest window that is a nice multiple of mss.
+ * Window clamp already applied above.
+@@ -778,7 +811,7 @@ static void tcp_retrans_try_collapse(str
+ tp->left_out--;
+ }
+ /* Reno case is special. Sigh... */
+- if (!tp->sack_ok && tp->sacked_out) {
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && tp->sacked_out) {
+ tp->sacked_out--;
+ tp->left_out--;
+ }
+@@ -998,7 +1031,7 @@ void tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue(struct so
+ return;
+ /* No forward retransmissions in Reno are possible. */
+- if (!tp->sack_ok)
++ if (!tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
+ return;
+ /* Yeah, we have to make difficult choice between forward transmission
+@@ -1062,6 +1095,7 @@ void tcp_send_fin(struct sock *sk)
+ break;
+ yield();
+ }
++ ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(sk, skb);
+ /* Reserve space for headers and prepare control bits. */
+ skb_reserve(skb, MAX_TCP_HEADER);
+@@ -1127,6 +1161,10 @@ int tcp_send_synack(struct sock *sk)
+ struct sk_buff *nskb = skb_copy(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (nskb == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
++ if (ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(sk, skb) < 0) {
++ kfree_skb(nskb);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
+ __skb_unlink(skb, &sk->sk_write_queue);
+ __skb_queue_head(&sk->sk_write_queue, nskb);
+ sk_stream_free_skb(sk, skb);
+@@ -1224,23 +1262,38 @@ static inline void tcp_connect_init(stru
+ (sysctl_tcp_timestamps ? TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED : 0);
+ /* If user gave his TCP_MAXSEG, record it to clamp */
+- if (tp->user_mss)
+- tp->mss_clamp = tp->user_mss;
++ if (tp->rx_opt.user_mss)
++ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = tp->rx_opt.user_mss;
+ tp->max_window = 0;
+ tcp_sync_mss(sk, dst_pmtu(dst));
++ if (tp->advmss == 0 || dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS) == 0) {
++ printk("Oops in connect_init! tp->advmss=%d, dst->advmss=%d\n",
++ tp->advmss, dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS));
++ printk("dst: pmtu=%u, advmss=%u\n",
++ dst_metric(dst, RTAX_MTU),
++ dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS));
++ printk("sk->state=%d, tp: ack.rcv_mss=%d, mss_cache=%d, "
++ "advmss=%d, user_mss=%d\n",
++ sk->sk_state, tp->ack.rcv_mss, tp->mss_cache,
++ tp->advmss, tp->rx_opt.user_mss);
++ }
+ if (!tp->window_clamp)
+ tp->window_clamp = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_WINDOW);
+- tp->advmss = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS);
++ if (dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS) < tp->advmss)
++ tp->advmss = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS);
++ if (tp->advmss == 0)
++ tp->advmss = 1460;
+ tcp_initialize_rcv_mss(sk);
+ tcp_vegas_init(tp);
+ tcp_select_initial_window(tcp_full_space(sk),
+- tp->advmss - (tp->ts_recent_stamp ? tp->tcp_header_len - sizeof(struct tcphdr) : 0),
++ tp->advmss - (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp ? tp->tcp_header_len - sizeof(struct tcphdr) : 0),
+ &tp->rcv_wnd,
+ &tp->window_clamp,
+ sysctl_tcp_window_scaling,
+- &tp->rcv_wscale);
++ &tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale);
+ tp->rcv_ssthresh = tp->rcv_wnd;
+@@ -1272,6 +1325,10 @@ int tcp_connect(struct sock *sk)
+ buff = alloc_skb(MAX_TCP_HEADER + 15, sk->sk_allocation);
+ if (unlikely(buff == NULL))
+ return -ENOBUFS;
++ if (ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(sk, buff) < 0) {
++ kfree_skb(buff);
++ return -ENOBUFS;
++ }
+ /* Reserve space for headers. */
+ skb_reserve(buff, MAX_TCP_HEADER);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <net/tcp.h>
++#include <ub/ub_orphan.h>
++#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
+ int sysctl_tcp_syn_retries = TCP_SYN_RETRIES;
+ int sysctl_tcp_synack_retries = TCP_SYNACK_RETRIES;
+@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ static void tcp_write_err(struct sock *s
+ static int tcp_out_of_resources(struct sock *sk, int do_reset)
+ {
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+- int orphans = atomic_read(&tcp_orphan_count);
++ int orphans = tcp_get_orphan_count(sk);
+ /* If peer does not open window for long time, or did not transmit
+ * anything for long time, penalize it. */
+@@ -111,9 +113,7 @@ static int tcp_out_of_resources(struct s
+ if (sk->sk_err_soft)
+ orphans <<= 1;
+- if (orphans >= sysctl_tcp_max_orphans ||
+- (sk->sk_wmem_queued > SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF &&
+- atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) > sysctl_tcp_mem[2])) {
++ if (tcp_too_many_orphans(sk, orphans)) {
+ if (net_ratelimit())
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Out of socket memory\n");
+@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ static int tcp_write_timeout(struct sock
+ static void tcp_delack_timer(unsigned long data)
+ {
+ struct sock *sk = (struct sock*)data;
++ struct ve_struct *env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ bh_lock_sock(sk);
+@@ -257,11 +258,12 @@ static void tcp_delack_timer(unsigned lo
+ out:
+- if (tcp_memory_pressure)
++ if (ub_tcp_memory_pressure(sk))
+ sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
+ out_unlock:
+ bh_unlock_sock(sk);
+ sock_put(sk);
++ (void)set_exec_env(env);
+ }
+ static void tcp_probe_timer(struct sock *sk)
+@@ -315,6 +317,9 @@ static void tcp_probe_timer(struct sock
+ static void tcp_retransmit_timer(struct sock *sk)
+ {
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
++ struct ve_struct *ve_old;
++ ve_old = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
+ if (tp->packets_out == 0)
+ goto out;
+@@ -351,7 +356,7 @@ static void tcp_retransmit_timer(struct
+ if (tp->retransmits == 0) {
+ if (tp->ca_state == TCP_CA_Disorder || tp->ca_state == TCP_CA_Recovery) {
+- if (tp->sack_ok) {
++ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok) {
+ if (tp->ca_state == TCP_CA_Recovery)
+ else
+@@ -410,12 +415,14 @@ out_reset_timer:
+ if (tp->retransmits > sysctl_tcp_retries1)
+ __sk_dst_reset(sk);
++ (void)set_exec_env(ve_old);
+ }
+ static void tcp_write_timer(unsigned long data)
+ {
+ struct sock *sk = (struct sock*)data;
++ struct ve_struct *env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ int event;
+@@ -452,6 +459,7 @@ out:
+ out_unlock:
+ bh_unlock_sock(sk);
+ sock_put(sk);
++ (void)set_exec_env(env);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -571,6 +579,7 @@ void tcp_set_keepalive(struct sock *sk,
+ static void tcp_keepalive_timer (unsigned long data)
+ {
+ struct sock *sk = (struct sock *) data;
++ struct ve_struct *env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ __u32 elapsed;
+@@ -645,6 +654,7 @@ death:
+ out:
+ bh_unlock_sock(sk);
+ sock_put(sk);
++ (void)set_exec_env(env);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_clear_xmit_timers);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -125,7 +125,9 @@ static int udp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ struct sock *sk2;
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
+ write_lock_bh(&udp_hash_lock);
+ if (snum == 0) {
+ int best_size_so_far, best, result, i;
+@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ static int udp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
+ struct hlist_head *list;
+ int size;
+- list = &udp_hash[result & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)];
++ list = &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(result, VEID(env))];
+ if (hlist_empty(list)) {
+ if (result > sysctl_local_port_range[1])
+ result = sysctl_local_port_range[0] +
+@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ static int udp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
+ result = sysctl_local_port_range[0]
+ + ((result - sysctl_local_port_range[0]) &
+- if (!udp_lport_inuse(result))
++ if (!udp_lport_inuse(result, env))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i >= (1 << 16) / UDP_HTABLE_SIZE)
+@@ -170,11 +172,12 @@ gotit:
+ udp_port_rover = snum = result;
+ } else {
+ sk_for_each(sk2, node,
+- &udp_hash[snum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]) {
++ &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(snum, VEID(env))]) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet2 = inet_sk(sk2);
+ if (inet2->num == snum &&
+ sk2 != sk &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk2), env) &&
+ !ipv6_only_sock(sk2) &&
+ (!sk2->sk_bound_dev_if ||
+ !sk->sk_bound_dev_if ||
+@@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ gotit:
+ }
+ inet->num = snum;
+ if (sk_unhashed(sk)) {
+- struct hlist_head *h = &udp_hash[snum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)];
++ struct hlist_head *h = &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(snum, VEID(env))];
+ sk_add_node(sk, h);
+ sock_prot_inc_use(sk->sk_prot);
+@@ -225,11 +228,15 @@ struct sock *udp_v4_lookup_longway(u32 s
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ unsigned short hnum = ntohs(dport);
+ int badness = -1;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
+- sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[hnum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]) {
++ env = get_exec_env();
++ sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(hnum, VEID(env))]) {
+ struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
+- if (inet->num == hnum && !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
++ if (inet->num == hnum &&
++ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env) &&
++ !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
+ int score = (sk->sk_family == PF_INET ? 1 : 0);
+ if (inet->rcv_saddr) {
+ if (inet->rcv_saddr != daddr)
+@@ -1053,7 +1060,8 @@ static int udp_v4_mcast_deliver(struct s
+ int dif;
+ read_lock(&udp_hash_lock);
+- sk = sk_head(&udp_hash[ntohs(uh->dest) & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]);
++ sk = sk_head(&udp_hash[udp_hashfn(ntohs(uh->dest),
++ VEID(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb)))]);
+ dif = skb->dev->ifindex;
+ sk = udp_v4_mcast_next(sk, uh->dest, daddr, uh->source, saddr, dif);
+ if (sk) {
+@@ -1329,10 +1337,14 @@ static struct sock *udp_get_first(struct
+ {
+ struct sock *sk;
+ struct udp_iter_state *state = seq->private;
++ struct ve_struct *env;
++ env = get_exec_env();
+ for (state->bucket = 0; state->bucket < UDP_HTABLE_SIZE; ++state->bucket) {
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[state->bucket]) {
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env))
++ continue;
+ if (sk->sk_family == state->family)
+ goto found;
+ }
+@@ -1349,8 +1361,13 @@ static struct sock *udp_get_next(struct
+ do {
+ sk = sk_next(sk);
+ try_again:
+- ;
+- } while (sk && sk->sk_family != state->family);
++ if (!sk)
++ break;
++ if (sk->sk_family != state->family)
++ continue;
++ if (ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), get_exec_env()))
++ break;
++ } while (1);
+ if (!sk && ++state->bucket < UDP_HTABLE_SIZE) {
+ sk = sk_head(&udp_hash[state->bucket]);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -416,9 +416,7 @@ int datagram_send_ctl(struct msghdr *msg
+ int addr_type;
+ struct net_device *dev = NULL;
+- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
+- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
+- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen) {
++ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg)) {
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ goto exit_f;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:19.000000000 +0300
+@@ -593,6 +593,7 @@ static int ip6_fragment(struct sk_buff *
+ /* Prepare header of the next frame,
+ * before previous one went down. */
+ if (frag) {
++ frag->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
+ frag->h.raw = frag->data;
+ fh = (struct frag_hdr*)__skb_push(frag, sizeof(struct frag_hdr));
+ frag->nh.raw = __skb_push(frag, hlen);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -503,6 +503,9 @@ done:
+ break;
++ retv = -EPERM;
++ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ break;
+ retv = xfrm_user_policy(sk, optname, optval, optlen);
+ break;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ int ip6_mc_source(int add, int omode, st
+ goto done;
+ rv = !0;
+ for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
+- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, group,
++ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], source,
+ sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+- if (rv >= 0)
++ if (rv == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+- if (!rv) /* source not found */
++ if (rv) /* source not found */
+ goto done;
+ /* update the interface filter */
+@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ int ip6_mc_source(int add, int omode, st
+ }
+ rv = 1; /* > 0 for insert logic below if sl_count is 0 */
+ for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
+- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, group, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+- if (rv >= 0)
++ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], source, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
++ if (rv == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rv == 0) /* address already there is an error */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ static DECLARE_MUTEX(ipqnl_sem);
+ static void
+ ipq_issue_verdict(struct ipq_queue_entry *entry, int verdict)
+ {
++ local_bh_disable();
+ nf_reinject(entry->skb, entry->info, verdict);
++ local_bh_enable();
+ kfree(entry);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ static int tcp_v6_check_established(stru
+ tp->write_seq = tw->tw_snd_nxt + 65535 + 2;
+ if (!tp->write_seq)
+ tp->write_seq = 1;
+- tp->ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
+- tp->ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
+ sock_hold(sk2);
+ goto unique;
+ } else
+@@ -606,10 +606,10 @@ static int tcp_v6_connect(struct sock *s
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+- if (tp->ts_recent_stamp &&
++ if (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp &&
+ ipv6_addr_cmp(&np->daddr, &usin->sin6_addr)) {
+- tp->ts_recent = 0;
+- tp->ts_recent_stamp = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = 0;
++ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = 0;
+ tp->write_seq = 0;
+ }
+@@ -686,13 +686,15 @@ static int tcp_v6_connect(struct sock *s
+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
+ sk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
++ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
++ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
+ tp->ext_header_len = 0;
+ if (np->opt)
+ tp->ext_header_len = np->opt->opt_flen + np->opt->opt_nflen;
+ tp->ext2_header_len = dst->header_len;
+- tp->mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
++ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
+ inet->dport = usin->sin6_port;
+@@ -1166,7 +1168,8 @@ static void tcp_v6_synq_add(struct sock
+ static int tcp_v6_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+ struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk);
+- struct tcp_opt tmptp, *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
++ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
++ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ struct open_request *req = NULL;
+ __u32 isn = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->when;
+@@ -1192,14 +1195,14 @@ static int tcp_v6_conn_request(struct so
+ if (req == NULL)
+ goto drop;
+- tcp_clear_options(&tmptp);
+- tmptp.mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
+- tmptp.user_mss = tp->user_mss;
++ tcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);
++ tmp_opt.mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
++ tmp_opt.user_mss = tp->rx_opt.user_mss;
+- tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmptp, 0);
++ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
+- tmptp.tstamp_ok = tmptp.saw_tstamp;
+- tcp_openreq_init(req, &tmptp, skb);
++ tmp_opt.tstamp_ok = tmp_opt.saw_tstamp;
++ tcp_openreq_init(req, &tmp_opt, skb);
+ req->class = &or_ipv6;
+ ipv6_addr_copy(&req->af.v6_req.rmt_addr, &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr);
+@@ -1343,6 +1346,8 @@ static struct sock * tcp_v6_syn_recv_soc
+ ip6_dst_store(newsk, dst, NULL);
+ newsk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
++ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
++ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
+ newtcp6sk = (struct tcp6_sock *)newsk;
+ newtcp6sk->pinet6 = &newtcp6sk->inet6;
+@@ -1675,12 +1680,14 @@ do_time_wait:
+ goto discard_it;
+ }
++ spin_lock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
+ switch(tcp_timewait_state_process((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk,
+ skb, th, skb->len)) {
+ case TCP_TW_SYN:
+ {
+ struct sock *sk2;
++ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
+ sk2 = tcp_v6_lookup_listener(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr, ntohs(th->dest), tcp_v6_iif(skb));
+ if (sk2 != NULL) {
+ tcp_tw_deschedule((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
+@@ -1694,9 +1701,13 @@ do_time_wait:
+ tcp_v6_timewait_ack(sk, skb);
+ break;
+ case TCP_TW_RST:
++ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
++ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
+ goto no_tcp_socket;
+ }
++ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
++ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
+ goto discard_it;
+ }
+@@ -1736,6 +1747,8 @@ static int tcp_v6_rebuild_header(struct
+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
+ sk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
++ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
++ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
+ tcp_sk(sk)->ext2_header_len = dst->header_len;
+ }
+@@ -1778,6 +1791,8 @@ static int tcp_v6_xmit(struct sk_buff *s
+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
+ sk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
++ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
++ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
+ tcp_sk(sk)->ext2_header_len = dst->header_len;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:31.000000000 +0300
+@@ -47,26 +47,15 @@
+ #include <net/sock.h>
+ #include <net/scm.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ #define Nprintk(a...)
+ #define NL_EMULATE_DEV
+ #endif
+-struct netlink_opt
+- u32 pid;
+- unsigned groups;
+- u32 dst_pid;
+- unsigned dst_groups;
+- unsigned long state;
+- int (*handler)(int unit, struct sk_buff *skb);
+- wait_queue_head_t wait;
+- struct netlink_callback *cb;
+- spinlock_t cb_lock;
+- void (*data_ready)(struct sock *sk, int bytes);
+ #define nlk_sk(__sk) ((struct netlink_opt *)(__sk)->sk_protinfo)
+ static struct hlist_head nl_table[MAX_LINKS];
+@@ -226,15 +215,16 @@ static int netlink_create(struct socket
+ sk = sk_alloc(PF_NETLINK, GFP_KERNEL, 1, NULL);
+ if (!sk)
+ return -ENOMEM;
++ if (ub_other_sock_charge(sk))
++ goto out_free;
+ sock_init_data(sock,sk);
+ sk_set_owner(sk, THIS_MODULE);
+ nlk = sk->sk_protinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*nlk), GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!nlk) {
+- sk_free(sk);
+- return -ENOMEM;
+- }
++ if (!nlk)
++ goto out_free;
+ memset(nlk, 0, sizeof(*nlk));
+ spin_lock_init(&nlk->cb_lock);
+@@ -244,6 +234,10 @@ static int netlink_create(struct socket
+ sk->sk_protocol = protocol;
+ return 0;
++ sk_free(sk);
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ static int netlink_release(struct socket *sock)
+@@ -255,6 +249,7 @@ static int netlink_release(struct socket
+ return 0;
+ netlink_remove(sk);
++ sock_orphan(sk);
+ nlk = nlk_sk(sk);
+ spin_lock(&nlk->cb_lock);
+@@ -269,7 +264,6 @@ static int netlink_release(struct socket
+ /* OK. Socket is unlinked, and, therefore,
+ no new packets will arrive */
+- sock_orphan(sk);
+ sock->sk = NULL;
+ wake_up_interruptible_all(&nlk->wait);
+@@ -319,7 +313,7 @@ retry:
+ static inline int netlink_capable(struct socket *sock, unsigned flag)
+ {
+ return (nl_nonroot[sock->sk->sk_protocol] & flag) ||
+- capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN);
++ capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN);
+ }
+ static int netlink_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_len)
+@@ -523,6 +517,11 @@ int netlink_sendskb(struct sock *sk, str
+ return len;
+ }
+ #endif
++ if (ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb) < 0) {
++ sock_put(sk);
++ kfree_skb(skb);
++ return -EACCES;
++ }
+ skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
+ sk->sk_data_ready(sk, len);
+@@ -570,12 +569,15 @@ static __inline__ int netlink_broadcast_
+ #endif
+ if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc) <= sk->sk_rcvbuf &&
+ !test_bit(0, &nlk->state)) {
++ if (ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb))
++ goto out;
+ skb_orphan(skb);
+ skb_set_owner_r(skb, sk);
+ skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
+ sk->sk_data_ready(sk, skb->len);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+@@ -601,6 +603,9 @@ int netlink_broadcast(struct sock *ssk,
+ if (nlk->pid == pid || !(nlk->groups & group))
+ continue;
++ if (!ve_accessible_strict(get_exec_env(), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
++ continue;
+ if (failure) {
+ netlink_overrun(sk);
+ continue;
+@@ -678,12 +683,17 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
+ struct sock_iocb *siocb = kiocb_to_siocb(kiocb);
+ struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
+ struct netlink_opt *nlk = nlk_sk(sk);
+- struct sockaddr_nl *addr=msg->msg_name;
++ struct sockaddr_nl *addr = msg->msg_name;
+ u32 dst_pid;
+- u32 dst_groups;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ int err;
+ struct scm_cookie scm;
++ struct sock *dstsk;
++ long timeo;
++ int no_ubc, no_buf;
++ unsigned long chargesize;
++ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
+ if (msg->msg_flags&MSG_OOB)
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+@@ -694,17 +704,16 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
+ if (err < 0)
+ return err;
++ /* Broadcasts are disabled as it was in 2.4 with UBC. According to
++ * ANK this is OK. Den */
+ if (msg->msg_namelen) {
+ if (addr->nl_family != AF_NETLINK)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ dst_pid = addr->nl_pid;
+- dst_groups = addr->nl_groups;
+- if (dst_groups && !netlink_capable(sock, NL_NONROOT_SEND))
++ if (addr->nl_groups && !netlink_capable(sock, NL_NONROOT_SEND))
+ return -EPERM;
+- } else {
++ } else
+ dst_pid = nlk->dst_pid;
+- dst_groups = nlk->dst_groups;
+- }
+ if (!nlk->pid) {
+ err = netlink_autobind(sock);
+@@ -717,13 +726,13 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
+ goto out;
+ err = -ENOBUFS;
+ skb = alloc_skb(len, GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (skb==NULL)
++ if (skb == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ NETLINK_CB(skb).pid = nlk->pid;
+ NETLINK_CB(skb).groups = nlk->groups;
+ NETLINK_CB(skb).dst_pid = dst_pid;
+- NETLINK_CB(skb).dst_groups = dst_groups;
++ NETLINK_CB(skb).dst_groups = 0;
+ memcpy(NETLINK_CREDS(skb), &siocb->scm->creds, sizeof(struct ucred));
+ /* What can I do? Netlink is asynchronous, so that
+@@ -733,25 +742,90 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
+ */
+ err = -EFAULT;
+- if (memcpy_fromiovec(skb_put(skb,len), msg->msg_iov, len)) {
+- kfree_skb(skb);
+- goto out;
+- }
++ if (memcpy_fromiovec(skb_put(skb,len), msg->msg_iov, len))
++ goto out_free;
+ err = security_netlink_send(sk, skb);
+- if (err) {
+- kfree_skb(skb);
+- goto out;
++ if (err)
++ goto out_free;
++ timeo = sock_sndtimeo(sk, msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT);
++ dstsk = netlink_getsockbypid(sk, dst_pid);
++ if (IS_ERR(dstsk)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(dstsk);
++ goto out_free;
+ }
+- if (dst_groups) {
+- atomic_inc(&skb->users);
+- netlink_broadcast(sk, skb, dst_pid, dst_groups, GFP_KERNEL);
++ nlk = nlk_sk(dstsk);
++ if (nlk->handler) {
++ skb_orphan(skb);
++ err = nlk->handler(protocol, skb);
++ goto out_put;
+ }
+- err = netlink_unicast(sk, skb, dst_pid, msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT);
++ /* BTW, it could be done once, before the retry loop */
++ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ no_ubc = ub_sock_getwres_other(sk, chargesize);
++ no_buf = atomic_read(&dstsk->sk_rmem_alloc) > dstsk->sk_rcvbuf ||
++ test_bit(0, &nlk->state);
++ if (no_ubc || no_buf) {
++ wait_queue_head_t *sleep;
++ if (!no_ubc)
++ ub_sock_retwres_other(sk, chargesize,
++ err = -EAGAIN;
++ if (timeo == 0) {
++ if (!nlk->pid)
++ netlink_overrun(dstsk);
++ kfree_skb(skb);
++ goto out_put;
++ }
++ /* wake up comes to different queues */
++ sleep = no_ubc ? sk->sk_sleep : &nlk->wait;
++ __set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ add_wait_queue(sleep, &wait);
++ /* this if can't be moved upper because ub_sock_snd_queue_add()
++ * may change task state to TASK_RUNNING */
++ if (no_ubc)
++ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(sk, chargesize);
++ if ((atomic_read(&dstsk->sk_rmem_alloc) > dstsk->sk_rcvbuf ||
++ test_bit(0, &nlk->state) || no_ubc) &&
++ !sock_flag(dstsk, SOCK_DEAD))
++ timeo = schedule_timeout(timeo);
++ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ remove_wait_queue(sleep, &wait);
++ if (no_ubc)
++ ub_sock_sndqueuedel(sk);
++ sock_put(dstsk);
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto retry;
++ err = sock_intr_errno(timeo);
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ skb_orphan(skb);
++ skb_set_owner_r(skb, dstsk);
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF);
++ skb_queue_tail(&dstsk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
++ dstsk->sk_data_ready(dstsk, len);
++ err = len;
++ sock_put(dstsk);
+ out:
+ return err;
++ kfree_skb(skb);
++ return err;
+ }
+ static int netlink_recvmsg(struct kiocb *kiocb, struct socket *sock,
+@@ -882,6 +956,10 @@ static int netlink_dump(struct sock *sk)
+ skb = sock_rmalloc(sk, NLMSG_GOODSIZE, 0, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!skb)
+ return -ENOBUFS;
++ if (ub_nlrcvbuf_charge(skb, sk) < 0) {
++ kfree_skb(skb);
++ return -EACCES;
++ }
+ spin_lock(&nlk->cb_lock);
+@@ -942,9 +1020,9 @@ int netlink_dump_start(struct sock *ssk,
+ }
+ nlk = nlk_sk(sk);
+- /* A dump is in progress... */
++ /* A dump or destruction is in progress... */
+ spin_lock(&nlk->cb_lock);
+- if (nlk->cb) {
++ if (nlk->cb || sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) {
+ spin_unlock(&nlk->cb_lock);
+ netlink_destroy_callback(cb);
+ sock_put(sk);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
+ #ifdef CONFIG_INET
+ #include <net/inet_common.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -260,7 +262,8 @@ static int packet_rcv_spkt(struct sk_buf
+ * so that this procedure is noop.
+ */
+- if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_LOOPBACK)
++ if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_LOOPBACK ||
++ !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
+ goto out;
+ if ((skb = skb_share_check(skb, GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL)
+@@ -449,6 +452,9 @@ static int packet_rcv(struct sk_buff *sk
+ sk = pt->af_packet_priv;
+ po = pkt_sk(sk);
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
++ goto drop;
+ skb->dev = dev;
+ if (dev->hard_header) {
+@@ -508,6 +514,9 @@ static int packet_rcv(struct sk_buff *sk
+ if (pskb_trim(skb, snaplen))
+ goto drop_n_acct;
++ if (ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb))
++ goto drop_n_acct;
+ skb_set_owner_r(skb, sk);
+ skb->dev = NULL;
+ dst_release(skb->dst);
+@@ -555,6 +564,9 @@ static int tpacket_rcv(struct sk_buff *s
+ sk = pt->af_packet_priv;
+ po = pkt_sk(sk);
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
++ goto drop;
+ if (dev->hard_header) {
+ if (sk->sk_type != SOCK_DGRAM)
+ skb_push(skb, skb->data - skb->mac.raw);
+@@ -604,6 +616,12 @@ static int tpacket_rcv(struct sk_buff *s
+ if (snaplen > skb->len-skb->data_len)
+ snaplen = skb->len-skb->data_len;
++ if (copy_skb &&
++ ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, copy_skb)) {
++ spin_lock(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock);
++ goto ring_is_full;
++ }
+ spin_lock(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock);
+ h = (struct tpacket_hdr *)packet_lookup_frame(po, po->head);
+@@ -975,6 +993,8 @@ static int packet_create(struct socket *
+ sk = sk_alloc(PF_PACKET, GFP_KERNEL, 1, NULL);
+ if (sk == NULL)
+ goto out;
++ if (ub_other_sock_charge(sk))
++ goto out_free;
+ sock->ops = &packet_ops;
+@@ -1394,11 +1414,16 @@ static int packet_notifier(struct notifi
+ struct sock *sk;
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device*)data;
++ struct ve_struct *ve;
++ ve = get_exec_env();
+ read_lock(&packet_sklist_lock);
+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &packet_sklist) {
+ struct packet_opt *po = pkt_sk(sk);
++ if (!ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
++ continue;
+ switch (msg) {
+@@ -1797,6 +1822,8 @@ static inline struct sock *packet_seq_id
+ struct hlist_node *node;
+ sk_for_each(s, node, &packet_sklist) {
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
+ if (!off--)
+ return s;
+ }
+@@ -1812,9 +1839,13 @@ static void *packet_seq_start(struct seq
+ static void *packet_seq_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *v, loff_t *pos)
+ {
+ ++*pos;
+- return (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN)
+- ? sk_head(&packet_sklist)
+- : sk_next((struct sock*)v) ;
++ do {
++ v = (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN)
++ ? sk_head(&packet_sklist)
++ : sk_next((struct sock*)v);
++ } while (v != NULL &&
++ !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK((struct sock*)v), get_exec_env()));
++ return v;
+ }
+ static void packet_seq_stop(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -727,7 +727,8 @@ int rose_rt_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void
+ }
+ if (rose_route.mask > 10) /* Mask can't be more than 10 digits */
+ return -EINVAL;
++ if (rose_route.ndigis > 8) /* No more than 8 digipeats */
++ return -EINVAL;
+ err = rose_add_node(&rose_route, dev);
+ dev_put(dev);
+ return err;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ static int tc_dump_qdisc(struct sk_buff
+ s_idx = cb->args[0];
+ s_q_idx = q_idx = cb->args[1];
+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
+- for (dev=dev_base, idx=0; dev; dev = dev->next, idx++) {
++ for (dev=visible_dev_base, idx=0; dev; dev = dev->next, idx++) {
+ if (idx < s_idx)
+ continue;
+ if (idx > s_idx)
+@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ static int __init pktsched_init(void)
+ register_qdisc(&pfifo_qdisc_ops);
+ register_qdisc(&bfifo_qdisc_ops);
+- proc_net_fops_create("psched", 0, &psched_fops);
++ __proc_net_fops_create("net/psched", 0, &psched_fops, NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:23.000000000 +0300
+@@ -956,8 +956,8 @@ cbq_dequeue_prio(struct Qdisc *sch, int
+ if (cl->deficit <= 0) {
+ q->active[prio] = cl;
+- cl = cl->next_alive;
+ cl->deficit += cl->quantum;
++ cl = cl->next_alive;
+ }
+ return skb;
+@@ -1133,17 +1133,19 @@ static void cbq_normalize_quanta(struct
+ for (h=0; h<16; h++) {
+ for (cl = q->classes[h]; cl; cl = cl->next) {
++ long mtu;
+ /* BUGGGG... Beware! This expression suffer of
+ arithmetic overflows!
+ */
+ if (cl->priority == prio) {
+- cl->quantum = (cl->weight*cl->allot*q->nclasses[prio])/
+- q->quanta[prio];
+- }
+- if (cl->quantum <= 0 || cl->quantum>32*cl->qdisc->dev->mtu) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "CBQ: class %08x has bad quantum==%ld, repaired.\n", cl->classid, cl->quantum);
+- cl->quantum = cl->qdisc->dev->mtu/2 + 1;
++ cl->quantum = (cl->weight * cl->allot) /
++ (q->quanta[prio] / q->nclasses[prio]);
+ }
++ mtu = cl->qdisc->dev->mtu;
++ if (cl->quantum <= mtu/2)
++ cl->quantum = mtu/2 + 1;
++ else if (cl->quantum > 32*mtu)
++ cl->quantum = 32*mtu;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1746,15 +1748,20 @@ static void cbq_destroy_filters(struct c
+ }
+ }
+-static void cbq_destroy_class(struct cbq_class *cl)
++static void cbq_destroy_class(struct Qdisc *sch, struct cbq_class *cl)
+ {
++ struct cbq_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
++ BUG_TRAP(!cl->filters);
+ cbq_destroy_filters(cl);
+ qdisc_destroy(cl->q);
+ qdisc_put_rtab(cl->R_tab);
+ qdisc_kill_estimator(&cl->stats);
+ #endif
+- kfree(cl);
++ if (cl != &q->link)
++ kfree(cl);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -1767,22 +1774,23 @@ cbq_destroy(struct Qdisc* sch)
+ q->rx_class = NULL;
+ #endif
+- for (h = 0; h < 16; h++) {
++ /*
++ * Filters must be destroyed first because we don't destroy the
++ * classes from root to leafs which means that filters can still
++ * be bound to classes which have been destroyed already. --TGR '04
++ */
++ for (h = 0; h < 16; h++)
+ for (cl = q->classes[h]; cl; cl = cl->next)
+ cbq_destroy_filters(cl);
+- }
+ for (h = 0; h < 16; h++) {
+ struct cbq_class *next;
+ for (cl = q->classes[h]; cl; cl = next) {
+ next = cl->next;
+- if (cl != &q->link)
+- cbq_destroy_class(cl);
++ cbq_destroy_class(sch, cl);
+ }
+ }
+- qdisc_put_rtab(q->link.R_tab);
+ }
+ static void cbq_put(struct Qdisc *sch, unsigned long arg)
+@@ -1799,7 +1807,7 @@ static void cbq_put(struct Qdisc *sch, u
+ spin_unlock_bh(&sch->dev->queue_lock);
+ #endif
+- cbq_destroy_class(cl);
++ cbq_destroy_class(sch, cl);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2035,7 +2043,7 @@ static int cbq_delete(struct Qdisc *sch,
+ sch_tree_unlock(sch);
+ if (--cl->refcnt == 0)
+- cbq_destroy_class(cl);
++ cbq_destroy_class(sch, cl);
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
+ /* Dequeue packet */
+ if ((skb = q->dequeue(q)) != NULL) {
++ struct ve_struct *envid;
++ envid = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
+ if (spin_trylock(&dev->xmit_lock)) {
+ /* Remember that the driver is grabbed by us. */
+ dev->xmit_lock_owner = smp_processor_id();
+@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
+ spin_unlock(&dev->xmit_lock);
+ spin_lock(&dev->queue_lock);
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -134,6 +138,7 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
+ kfree_skb(skb);
+ if (net_ratelimit())
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Dead loop on netdevice %s, fix it urgently!\n", dev->name);
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ __get_cpu_var(netdev_rx_stat).cpu_collision++;
+@@ -151,6 +156,7 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
+ q->ops->requeue(skb, q);
+ netif_schedule(dev);
++ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return q->q.qlen;
+@@ -557,3 +563,4 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_reset);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_restart);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_lock_tree);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_unlock_tree);
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ static int teql_qdisc_init(struct Qdisc
+ struct teql_master *m = (struct teql_master*)sch->ops;
+ struct teql_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
++ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
++ return -EPERM;
+ if (dev->hard_header_len > m->dev->hard_header_len)
+ return -EINVAL;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -4052,12 +4052,8 @@ SCTP_STATIC int sctp_msghdr_parse(const
+ for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(msg);
+ cmsg != NULL;
+ cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR((struct msghdr*)msg, cmsg)) {
+- /* Check for minimum length. The SCM code has this check. */
+- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
+- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
+- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen) {
++ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg))
+ return -EINVAL;
+- }
+ /* Should we parse this header or ignore? */
+ if (cmsg->cmsg_level != IPPROTO_SCTP)
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1746,10 +1746,11 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sendmsg(int fd, stru
+ goto out_freeiov;
+ ctl_len = msg_sys.msg_controllen;
+ if ((MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) && ctl_len) {
+- err = cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(&msg_sys, ctl, sizeof(ctl));
++ err = cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(&msg_sys, sock->sk, ctl, sizeof(ctl));
+ if (err)
+ goto out_freeiov;
+ ctl_buf = msg_sys.msg_control;
++ ctl_len = msg_sys.msg_controllen;
+ } else if (ctl_len) {
+ if (ctl_len > sizeof(ctl))
+ {
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ rpc_create_client(struct rpc_xprt *xprt,
+ }
+ /* save the nodename */
+- clnt->cl_nodelen = strlen(system_utsname.nodename);
++ clnt->cl_nodelen = strlen(ve_utsname.nodename);
+ if (clnt->cl_nodelen > UNX_MAXNODENAME)
+ clnt->cl_nodelen = UNX_MAXNODENAME;
+- memcpy(clnt->cl_nodename, system_utsname.nodename, clnt->cl_nodelen);
++ memcpy(clnt->cl_nodename, ve_utsname.nodename, clnt->cl_nodelen);
+ return clnt;
+ out_no_auth:
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:19.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1125,9 +1125,9 @@ rpciod(void *ptr)
+ spin_lock_bh(&rpc_queue_lock);
+ }
+ __rpc_schedule();
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
+ spin_unlock_bh(&rpc_queue_lock);
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ refrigerator();
+ spin_lock_bh(&rpc_queue_lock);
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:28.000000000 +0300
+@@ -362,6 +362,9 @@ svc_sendto(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, struc
+ size_t base = xdr->page_base;
+ unsigned int pglen = xdr->page_len;
+ unsigned int flags = MSG_MORE;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ slen = xdr->len;
+@@ -426,6 +429,8 @@ out:
+ rqstp->rq_sock, xdr->head[0].iov_base, xdr->head[0].iov_len, xdr->len, len,
+ rqstp->rq_addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ return len;
+ }
+@@ -438,9 +443,12 @@ svc_recv_available(struct svc_sock *svsk
+ mm_segment_t oldfs;
+ struct socket *sock = svsk->sk_sock;
+ int avail, err;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ oldfs = get_fs(); set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ err = sock->ops->ioctl(sock, TIOCINQ, (unsigned long) &avail);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ set_fs(oldfs);
+ return (err >= 0)? avail : err;
+@@ -455,6 +463,7 @@ svc_recvfrom(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, str
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ struct socket *sock;
+ int len, alen;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ rqstp->rq_addrlen = sizeof(rqstp->rq_addr);
+ sock = rqstp->rq_sock->sk_sock;
+@@ -466,7 +475,9 @@ svc_recvfrom(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, str
+ msg.msg_flags = MSG_DONTWAIT;
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ len = kernel_recvmsg(sock, &msg, iov, nr, buflen, MSG_DONTWAIT);
++ (void)set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ /* sock_recvmsg doesn't fill in the name/namelen, so we must..
+ * possibly we should cache this in the svc_sock structure
+@@ -770,17 +781,19 @@ svc_tcp_accept(struct svc_sock *svsk)
+ struct proto_ops *ops;
+ struct svc_sock *newsvsk;
+ int err, slen;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ dprintk("svc: tcp_accept %p sock %p\n", svsk, sock);
+ if (!sock)
+ return;
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ err = sock_create_lite(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, &newsock);
+ if (err) {
+ if (err == -ENOMEM)
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: no more sockets!\n",
+ serv->sv_name);
+- return;
++ goto restore;
+ }
+ dprintk("svc: tcp_accept %p allocated\n", newsock);
+@@ -874,6 +887,8 @@ svc_tcp_accept(struct svc_sock *svsk)
+ }
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ if (serv->sv_stats)
+ serv->sv_stats->nettcpconn++;
+@@ -881,6 +896,8 @@ svc_tcp_accept(struct svc_sock *svsk)
+ failed:
+ sock_release(newsock);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -1227,8 +1244,8 @@ svc_recv(struct svc_serv *serv, struct s
+ schedule_timeout(timeout);
+- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
+- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
++ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
++ refrigerator();
+ spin_lock_bh(&serv->sv_lock);
+ remove_wait_queue(&rqstp->rq_wait, &wait);
+@@ -1397,6 +1414,7 @@ svc_create_socket(struct svc_serv *serv,
+ struct socket *sock;
+ int error;
+ int type;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ dprintk("svc: svc_create_socket(%s, %d, %u.%u.%u.%u:%d)\n",
+ serv->sv_program->pg_name, protocol,
+@@ -1410,8 +1428,10 @@ svc_create_socket(struct svc_serv *serv,
+ }
+ type = (protocol == IPPROTO_UDP)? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ if ((error = sock_create_kern(PF_INET, type, protocol, &sock)) < 0)
+- return error;
++ goto restore;
+ if (sin != NULL) {
+ if (type == SOCK_STREAM)
+@@ -1427,12 +1447,16 @@ svc_create_socket(struct svc_serv *serv,
+ goto bummer;
+ }
+- if ((svsk = svc_setup_socket(serv, sock, &error, 1)) != NULL)
++ if ((svsk = svc_setup_socket(serv, sock, &error, 1)) != NULL) {
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ return 0;
++ }
+ bummer:
+ dprintk("svc: svc_create_socket error = %d\n", -error);
+ sock_release(sock);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ return error;
+ }
+@@ -1450,6 +1474,8 @@ svc_delete_socket(struct svc_sock *svsk)
+ serv = svsk->sk_server;
+ sk = svsk->sk_sk;
++ /* XXX: serialization? */
++ sk->sk_user_data = NULL;
+ sk->sk_state_change = svsk->sk_ostate;
+ sk->sk_data_ready = svsk->sk_odata;
+ sk->sk_write_space = svsk->sk_owspace;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ xprt_sendmsg(struct rpc_xprt *xprt, stru
+ int addrlen = 0;
+ unsigned int skip;
+ int result;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ if (!sock)
+ return -ENOTCONN;
+@@ -263,7 +264,9 @@ xprt_sendmsg(struct rpc_xprt *xprt, stru
+ skip = req->rq_bytes_sent;
+ clear_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sock->flags);
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ result = xdr_sendpages(sock, addr, addrlen, xdr, skip, MSG_DONTWAIT);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ dprintk("RPC: xprt_sendmsg(%d) = %d\n", xdr->len - skip, result);
+@@ -484,6 +487,7 @@ static void xprt_socket_connect(void *ar
+ struct rpc_xprt *xprt = (struct rpc_xprt *)args;
+ struct socket *sock = xprt->sock;
+ int status = -EIO;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ if (xprt->shutdown || xprt->addr.sin_port == 0)
+ goto out;
+@@ -508,8 +512,10 @@ static void xprt_socket_connect(void *ar
+ /*
+ * Tell the socket layer to start connecting...
+ */
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ status = sock->ops->connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &xprt->addr,
+ sizeof(xprt->addr), O_NONBLOCK);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ dprintk("RPC: %p connect status %d connected %d sock state %d\n",
+ xprt, -status, xprt_connected(xprt), sock->sk->sk_state);
+ if (status < 0) {
+@@ -1506,13 +1512,16 @@ static inline int xprt_bindresvport(stru
+ .sin_family = AF_INET,
+ };
+ int err, port;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ /* Were we already bound to a given port? Try to reuse it */
+ port = xprt->port;
+ do {
+ myaddr.sin_port = htons(port);
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ err = sock->ops->bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &myaddr,
+ sizeof(myaddr));
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ if (err == 0) {
+ xprt->port = port;
+ return 0;
+@@ -1588,15 +1597,18 @@ static struct socket * xprt_create_socke
+ {
+ struct socket *sock;
+ int type, err;
++ struct ve_struct *old_env;
+ dprintk("RPC: xprt_create_socket(%s %d)\n",
+ (proto == IPPROTO_UDP)? "udp" : "tcp", proto);
+ type = (proto == IPPROTO_UDP)? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
++ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
+ if ((err = sock_create_kern(PF_INET, type, proto, &sock)) < 0) {
+ printk("RPC: can't create socket (%d).\n", -err);
+- return NULL;
++ goto out;
+ }
+ /* If the caller has the capability, bind to a reserved port */
+@@ -1605,10 +1617,13 @@ static struct socket * xprt_create_socke
+ goto failed;
+ }
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ return sock;
+ failed:
+ sock_release(sock);
++ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+ #include <linux/security.h>
++#include <ub/ub_net.h>
++#include <ub/beancounter.h>
+ int sysctl_unix_max_dgram_qlen = 10;
+ kmem_cache_t *unix_sk_cachep;
+@@ -242,6 +245,8 @@ static struct sock *__unix_find_socket_b
+ sk_for_each(s, node, &unix_socket_table[hash ^ type]) {
+ struct unix_sock *u = unix_sk(s);
++ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), get_exec_env()))
++ continue;
+ if (u->addr->len == len &&
+ !memcmp(u->addr->name, sunname, len))
+ goto found;
+@@ -446,7 +451,7 @@ static int unix_listen(struct socket *so
+ sk->sk_max_ack_backlog = backlog;
+ sk->sk_state = TCP_LISTEN;
+ /* set credentials so connect can copy them */
+- sk-> = current->tgid;
++ sk-> = virt_tgid(current);
+ sk->sk_peercred.uid = current->euid;
+ sk->sk_peercred.gid = current->egid;
+ err = 0;
+@@ -553,6 +558,8 @@ static struct sock * unix_create1(struct
+ unix_sk_cachep);
+ if (!sk)
+ goto out;
++ if (ub_other_sock_charge(sk))
++ goto out_sk_free;
+ atomic_inc(&unix_nr_socks);
+@@ -572,6 +579,9 @@ static struct sock * unix_create1(struct
+ unix_insert_socket(unix_sockets_unbound, sk);
+ out:
+ return sk;
++ sk_free(sk);
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ static int unix_create(struct socket *sock, int protocol)
+@@ -677,7 +687,7 @@ static struct sock *unix_find_other(stru
+ err = path_lookup(sunname->sun_path, LOOKUP_FOLLOW, &nd);
+ if (err)
+ goto fail;
+- err = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_WRITE, &nd);
++ err = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, &nd, NULL);
+ if (err)
+ goto put_fail;
+@@ -955,6 +965,7 @@ static int unix_stream_connect(struct so
+ int st;
+ int err;
+ long timeo;
++ unsigned long chargesize;
+ err = unix_mkname(sunaddr, addr_len, &hash);
+ if (err < 0)
+@@ -982,6 +993,10 @@ static int unix_stream_connect(struct so
+ skb = sock_wmalloc(newsk, 1, 0, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (skb == NULL)
+ goto out;
++ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
++ if (ub_sock_getwres_other(newsk, chargesize) < 0)
++ goto out;
++ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, newsk, chargesize, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF);
+ restart:
+ /* Find listening sock. */
+@@ -1065,7 +1080,7 @@ restart:
+ unix_peer(newsk) = sk;
+ newsk->sk_state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
+ newsk->sk_type = sk->sk_type;
+- newsk-> = current->tgid;
++ newsk-> = virt_tgid(current);
+ newsk->sk_peercred.uid = current->euid;
+ newsk->sk_peercred.gid = current->egid;
+ newu = unix_sk(newsk);
+@@ -1127,7 +1142,7 @@ static int unix_socketpair(struct socket
+ sock_hold(skb);
+ unix_peer(ska)=skb;
+ unix_peer(skb)=ska;
+- ska-> = skb-> = current->tgid;
++ ska-> = skb-> = virt_tgid(current);
+ ska->sk_peercred.uid = skb->sk_peercred.uid = current->euid;
+ ska->sk_peercred.gid = skb->sk_peercred.gid = current->egid;
+@@ -1450,6 +1465,16 @@ static int unix_stream_sendmsg(struct ki
+ size=len-sent;
++ if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT)
++ ub_sock_makewres_other(sk, skb_charge_size(size));
++ if (sock_bc(sk) != NULL &&
++ sock_bc(sk)->poll_reserv >=
++ skb_charge_size(size) >
++ sock_bc(sk)->poll_reserv)
++ size = skb_charge_datalen(sock_bc(sk)->poll_reserv);
+ /* Keep two messages in the pipe so it schedules better */
+ if (size > sk->sk_sndbuf / 2 - 64)
+ size = sk->sk_sndbuf / 2 - 64;
+@@ -1461,7 +1486,8 @@ static int unix_stream_sendmsg(struct ki
+ * Grab a buffer
+ */
+- skb=sock_alloc_send_skb(sk,size,msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT, &err);
++ skb = sock_alloc_send_skb2(sk, size, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE,
++ msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT, &err);
+ if (skb==NULL)
+ goto out_err;
+@@ -1546,9 +1572,11 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kio
+ msg->msg_namelen = 0;
++ down(&u->readsem);
+ skb = skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags, noblock, &err);
+ if (!skb)
+- goto out;
++ goto out_unlock;
+ wake_up_interruptible(&u->peer_wait);
+@@ -1598,6 +1626,8 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kio
+ out_free:
+ skb_free_datagram(sk,skb);
++ up(&u->readsem);
+ out:
+ return err;
+ }
+@@ -1859,6 +1889,7 @@ static unsigned int unix_poll(struct fil
+ {
+ struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
+ unsigned int mask;
++ int no_ub_res;
+ poll_wait(file, sk->sk_sleep, wait);
+ mask = 0;
+@@ -1869,6 +1900,10 @@ static unsigned int unix_poll(struct fil
+ if (sk->sk_shutdown == SHUTDOWN_MASK)
+ mask |= POLLHUP;
++ no_ub_res = ub_sock_makewres_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
++ if (no_ub_res)
++ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
+ /* readable? */
+ if (!skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_receive_queue) ||
+ (sk->sk_shutdown & RCV_SHUTDOWN))
+@@ -1882,7 +1917,7 @@ static unsigned int unix_poll(struct fil
+ * we set writable also when the other side has shut down the
+ * connection. This prevents stuck sockets.
+ */
+- if (unix_writable(sk))
++ if (!no_ub_res && unix_writable(sk))
+ return mask;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:22.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1139,6 +1139,9 @@ struct xfrm_policy *xfrm_compile_policy(
+ if (nr > XFRM_MAX_DEPTH)
+ return NULL;
++ if (p->dir > XFRM_POLICY_OUT)
++ return NULL;
+ xp = xfrm_policy_alloc(GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (xp == NULL) {
+ *dir = -ENOBUFS;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static char *args[1024], **argptr = args
+ static int indent;
+ static struct termios ios_org;
+ static int rows = 0, cols = 0;
+-static struct menu *current_menu;
++struct menu *current_menu;
+ static int child_count;
+ static int do_resize;
+ static int single_menu_mode;
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-11-25 21:58:26.000000000 +0300
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ #include <linux/mman.h>
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <linux/swap.h>
++#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
+ #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+ #include <linux/skbuff.h>
+ #include <linux/netlink.h>
+@@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ void cap_task_reparent_to_init (struct t
+ int cap_syslog (int type)
+ {
+- if ((type != 3 && type != 10) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ if ((type != 3 && type != 10) && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -311,6 +312,16 @@ int cap_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
+ vm_acct_memory(pages);
++ switch (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_ENOUGHMEM,
++ (void *)pages)
++ case NOTIFY_OK:
++ return 0;
++ case NOTIFY_FAIL:
++ vm_unacct_memory(pages);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Sometimes we want to use more memory than we have
+ */
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-06-08 13:32:09.000000000 +0400
+@@ -424,6 +424,54 @@ config X86_OOSTORE
+ depends on (MWINCHIP3D || MWINCHIP2 || MWINCHIPC6) && MTRR
+ default y
++config X86_4G
++ bool "4 GB kernel-space and 4 GB user-space virtual memory support"
++ help
++ This option is only useful for systems that have more than 1 GB
++ of RAM.
++ The default kernel VM layout leaves 1 GB of virtual memory for
++ kernel-space mappings, and 3 GB of VM for user-space applications.
++ This option ups both the kernel-space VM and the user-space VM to
++ 4 GB.
++ The cost of this option is additional TLB flushes done at
++ system-entry points that transition from user-mode into kernel-mode.
++ I.e. system calls and page faults, and IRQs that interrupt user-mode
++ code. There's also additional overhead to kernel operations that copy
++ memory to/from user-space. The overhead from this is hard to tell and
++ depends on the workload - it can be anything from no visible overhead
++ to 20-30% overhead. A good rule of thumb is to count with a runtime
++ overhead of 20%.
++ The upside is the much increased kernel-space VM, which more than
++ quadruples the maximum amount of RAM supported. Kernels compiled with
++ this option boot on 64GB of RAM and still have more than 3.1 GB of
++ 'lowmem' left. Another bonus is that highmem IO bouncing decreases,
++ if used with drivers that still use bounce-buffers.
++ There's also a 33% increase in user-space VM size - database
++ applications might see a boost from this.
++ But the cost of the TLB flushes and the runtime overhead has to be
++ weighed against the bonuses offered by the larger VM spaces. The
++ dividing line depends on the actual workload - there might be 4 GB
++ systems that benefit from this option. Systems with less than 4 GB
++ of RAM will rarely see a benefit from this option - but it's not
++ out of question, the exact circumstances have to be considered.
++ def_bool X86_4G
++config X86_4G_VM_LAYOUT
++ def_bool X86_4G
++ def_bool X86_4G
++config X86_HIGH_ENTRY
++ def_bool X86_4G
+ config HPET_TIMER
+ bool "HPET Timer Support"
+ help
+@@ -482,6 +530,28 @@ config NR_CPUS
+ This is purely to save memory - each supported CPU adds
+ approximately eight kilobytes to the kernel image.
++config FAIRSCHED
++ bool "Fair CPU scheduler (EXPERIMENTAL)"
++ default y
++ help
++ Config option for Fair CPU scheduler (fairsched).
++ This option allows to group processes to scheduling nodes
++ which receive CPU proportional to their weight.
++ This is very important feature for process groups isolation and
++ QoS management.
++ If unsure, say N.
++config SCHED_VCPU
++ bool "VCPU scheduler support"
++ depends on SMP || FAIRSCHED
++ default FAIRSCHED
++ help
++ VCPU scheduler support adds additional layer of abstraction
++ which allows to virtualize cpu notion and split physical cpus
++ and virtual cpus. This support allows to use CPU fair scheduler,
++ dynamically add/remove cpus to/from VPS and so on.
+ config SCHED_SMT
+ bool "SMT (Hyperthreading) scheduler support"
+ depends on SMP
+@@ -1242,6 +1316,14 @@ config MAGIC_SYSRQ
+ keys are documented in <file:Documentation/sysrq.txt>. Don't say Y
+ unless you really know what this hack does.
++config SYSRQ_DEBUG
++ bool "Debugging via sysrq keys"
++ depends on MAGIC_SYSRQ
++ help
++ Say Y if you want to extend functionality of magic key. It will
++ provide you with some debugging facilities such as dumping and
++ writing memory, resolving symbols and some other.
+ bool "Spinlock debugging"
+ depends on DEBUG_KERNEL
+@@ -1298,6 +1380,14 @@ config 4KSTACKS
+ on the VM subsystem for higher order allocations. This option
+ will also use IRQ stacks to compensate for the reduced stackspace.
++ bool "NMI Watchdog"
++ default y
++ help
++ If you say Y here the kernel will activate NMI watchdog by default
++ on boot. You can still activate NMI watchdog via nmi_watchdog
++ command line option even if you say N here.
+ config X86_FIND_SMP_CONFIG
+ bool
+ depends on X86_LOCAL_APIC || X86_VOYAGER
+@@ -1310,12 +1400,18 @@ config X86_MPPARSE
+ endmenu
++menu "OpenVZ"
++source "kernel/Kconfig.openvz"
+ source "security/Kconfig"
+ source "crypto/Kconfig"
+ source "lib/Kconfig"
++source "kernel/ub/Kconfig"
+ config X86_SMP
+ bool
+ depends on SMP && !X86_VOYAGER
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-07-22 11:16:23.000000000 +0400
+@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_IBM_EMAC) += ibm_emac/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_IXGB) += ixgb/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BONDING) += bonding/
++obj-$(CONFIG_VE_NETDEV) += vznetdev.o
++vznetdev-objs := open_vznet.o venet_core.o
+ #
+ # link order important here
+ #
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-09-22 14:49:52.000000000 +0400
+@@ -417,6 +417,15 @@ config QUOTA
+ with the quota tools. Probably the quota support is only useful for
+ multi user systems. If unsure, say N.
++ bool "Compatibility with older quotactl interface"
++ depends on QUOTA
++ help
++ This option enables compatibility layer for older version
++ of quotactl interface with byte granularity (QUOTAON at 0x0100,
++ GETQUOTA at 0x0D00). Interface versions older than that one and
++ with block granularity are still not supported.
+ config QFMT_V1
+ tristate "Old quota format support"
+ depends on QUOTA
+@@ -433,6 +442,38 @@ config QFMT_V2
+ need this functionality say Y here. Note that you will need recent
+ quota utilities (>= 3.01) for new quota format with this kernel.
++config SIM_FS
++ tristate "VPS filesystem"
++ depends on VZ_QUOTA
++ default m
++ help
++ This file system is a part of Virtuozzo. It intoduces a fake
++ superblock and blockdev to VE to hide real device and show
++ statfs results taken from quota.
++config VZ_QUOTA
++ tristate "Virtuozzo Disk Quota support"
++ depends on QUOTA
++ default m
++ help
++ Virtuozzo Disk Quota imposes disk quota on directories with their
++ files and subdirectories in total. Such disk quota is used to
++ account and limit disk usage by Virtuozzo VPS, but also may be used
++ separately.
++ bool "Unloadable Virtuozzo Disk Quota module"
++ depends on VZ_QUOTA=m
++ default n
++ help
++ Make Virtuozzo Disk Quota module unloadable.
++ Doesn't work reliably now.
++config VZ_QUOTA_UGID
++ bool "Per-user and per-group quota in Virtuozzo quota partitions"
++ depends on VZ_QUOTA!=n
++ default y
+ config QUOTACTL
+ bool
+ depends on XFS_QUOTA || QUOTA
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-09-17 15:18:16.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,13 +2,22 @@
+ # Makefile for the linux kernel.
+ #
+-obj-y = sched.o fork.o exec_domain.o panic.o printk.o profile.o \
++obj-y = sched.o fairsched.o \
++ fork.o exec_domain.o panic.o printk.o profile.o \
+ exit.o itimer.o time.o softirq.o resource.o \
+ sysctl.o capability.o ptrace.o timer.o user.o \
+ signal.o sys.o kmod.o workqueue.o pid.o \
+ rcupdate.o intermodule.o extable.o params.o posix-timers.o \
+ kthread.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_VE) += ve.o
++obj-y += ub/
++obj-y += veowner.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_VE_CALLS) += vzdev.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_VZ_WDOG) += vzwdog.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_VE_CALLS) += vzmon.o
++vzmon-objs = vecalls.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_FUTEX) += futex.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_GENERIC_ISA_DMA) += dma.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SMP) += cpu.o
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-07-08 16:26:55.000000000 +0400
+@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_QUOTA) += dquot.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_QFMT_V1) += quota_v1.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_QFMT_V2) += quota_v2.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_QUOTACTL) += quota.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) += vzdquota.o
++vzdquota-y += vzdquot.o vzdq_mgmt.o vzdq_ops.o vzdq_tree.o
++vzdquota-$(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID) += vzdq_ugid.o
++vzdquota-$(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID) += vzdq_file.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_SIM_FS) += simfs.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_PROC_FS) += proc/
+ obj-y += partitions/
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-09-17 15:18:15.000000000 +0400
+@@ -239,6 +239,28 @@ config PREEMPT
+ Say Y here if you are feeling brave and building a kernel for a
+ desktop, embedded or real-time system. Say N if you are unsure.
++config FAIRSCHED
++ bool "Fair CPU scheduler (EXPERIMENTAL)"
++ default y
++ help
++ Config option for Fair CPU scheduler (fairsched).
++ This option allows to group processes to scheduling nodes
++ which receive CPU proportional to their weight.
++ This is very important feature for process groups isolation and
++ QoS management.
++ If unsure, say N.
++config SCHED_VCPU
++ bool "VCPU scheduler support"
++ depends on SMP || FAIRSCHED
++ default FAIRSCHED
++ help
++ VCPU scheduler support adds additional layer of abstraction
++ which allows to virtualize cpu notion and split physical cpus
++ and virtual cpus. This support allows to use CPU fair scheduler,
++ dynamically add/remove cpus to/from VPS and so on.
+ config SCHED_SMT
+ bool "SMT (Hyperthreading) scheduler support"
+ depends on SMP
+@@ -499,9 +525,14 @@ config IOMMU_LEAK
+ endmenu
++menu "OpenVZ"
++source "kernel/Kconfig.openvz"
+ source "security/Kconfig"
+ source "crypto/Kconfig"
+ source "lib/Kconfig"
++source "kernel/ub/Kconfig"
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-10-14 14:56:03.000000000 +0400
+@@ -251,6 +251,28 @@ config PREEMPT
+ Say Y here if you are building a kernel for a desktop, embedded
+ or real-time system. Say N if you are unsure.
++config FAIRSCHED
++ bool "Fair CPU scheduler (EXPERIMENTAL)"
++ default y
++ help
++ Config option for Fair CPU scheduler (fairsched).
++ This option allows to group processes to scheduling nodes
++ which receive CPU proportional to their weight.
++ This is very important feature for process groups isolation and
++ QoS management.
++ If unsure, say N.
++config SCHED_VCPU
++ bool "VCPU scheduler support"
++ depends on SMP || FAIRSCHED
++ default FAIRSCHED
++ help
++ VCPU scheduler support adds additional layer of abstraction
++ which allows to virtualize cpu notion and split physical cpus
++ and virtual cpus. This support allows to use CPU fair scheduler,
++ dynamically add/remove cpus to/from VPS and so on.
+ config HAVE_DEC_LOCK
+ bool
+ depends on (SMP || PREEMPT)
+@@ -486,6 +512,12 @@ config SYSVIPC_COMPAT
+ default y
+ endmenu
++menu "OpenVZ"
++source "kernel/Kconfig.openvz"
+ source "security/Kconfig"
+ source "crypto/Kconfig"
++source "kernel/ub/Kconfig"
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5000_diff-ms-iomem-20051024.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5000_diff-ms-iomem-20051024.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7573ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5000_diff-ms-iomem-20051024.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff -uprN linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-10-21 11:17:12.000000000 +0400
+@@ -6,13 +6,17 @@
+ # define __kernel /* default address space */
+ # define __safe __attribute__((safe))
+ # define __force __attribute__((force))
++# define __iomem __attribute__((noderef, address_space(2)))
+ extern void __chk_user_ptr(void __user *);
++extern void __chk_io_ptr(void __iomem *);
+ #else
+ # define __user
+ # define __kernel
+ # define __safe
+ # define __force
++# define __iomem
+ # define __chk_user_ptr(x) (void)0
++# define __chk_io_ptr(x) (void)0
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __KERNEL__
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5001_diff-ms-nthpage-20051020.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5001_diff-ms-nthpage-20051020.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af17e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5001_diff-ms-nthpage-20051020.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+diff -Naru a/include/linux/mm.h b/include/linux/mm.h
+--- a/include/linux/mm.h 2005-10-20 02:28:22 -07:00
++++ b/include/linux/mm.h 2005-10-20 02:28:22 -07:00
+@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
+ #define MM_VM_SIZE(mm) TASK_SIZE
+ #endif
++#define nth_page(page,n) (pfn_to_page(page_to_pfn((page)) + n))
+ /*
+ * Linux kernel virtual memory manager primitives.
+ * The idea being to have a "virtual" mm in the same way
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/10/28 08:18:25-07:00
+# [PATCH] add nth_page()
+# Provide a function to get the pageframe number of the nth page at
+# We cannot just index off because the
+# physically-contiguous pages may not be contiguous in mem_map[].
+# Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
+# Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
+# include/linux/mm.h
+# 2004/10/28 00:56:39-07:00 +2 -0
+# add nth_page()
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5002_diff-ms-bitwise-20051020.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5002_diff-ms-bitwise-20051020.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273ecef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5002_diff-ms-bitwise-20051020.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Patch from mainstream, cuted by Pavel (xemul@):
+Add __bitwise macro for e100 driver
+This is a 5-lines part of 12K patch from viro@:
+--- a/include/linux/types.h 2005-10-20 06:02:26 -07:00
++++ b/include/linux/types.h 2005-10-20 06:02:26 -07:00
+@@ -140,6 +140,11 @@
+ #define pgoff_t unsigned long
+ #endif
++#ifdef __CHECKER__
++#define __bitwise __attribute__((bitwise))
++#define __bitwise
+ #endif /* __KERNEL_STRICT_NAMES */
+ /*
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/09/09 10:35:01-07:00
+# [PATCH] beginning of endianness annotations
+# This adds the types and annotates conversion functions. I've converted
+# the ...p() versions to inlines; AFAICS, everything's still happy...
+# Signed-off-by: Al Viro <>
+# Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
+# include/linux/byteorder/big_endian.h
+# 2004/09/09 01:24:41-07:00 +74 -36
+# beginning of endianness annotations
+# include/linux/byteorder/little_endian.h
+# 2004/09/09 01:23:56-07:00 +74 -36
+# beginning of endianness annotations
+# include/linux/types.h
+# 2004/09/08 18:32:39-07:00 +13 -0
+# beginning of endianness annotations
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5003_diff-ms-netdev-constants-20051020.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5003_diff-ms-netdev-constants-20051020.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adcacf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5003_diff-ms-netdev-constants-20051020.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+--- a/include/linux/netdevice.h 2005-10-20 06:36:27 -07:00
++++ b/include/linux/netdevice.h 2005-10-20 06:36:27 -07:00
+@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@
+ #define MAX_ADDR_LEN 32 /* Largest hardware address length */
++/* Driver transmit return codes */
++#define NETDEV_TX_OK 0 /* driver took care of packet */
++#define NETDEV_TX_BUSY 1 /* driver tx path was busy*/
++#define NETDEV_TX_LOCKED -1 /* driver tx lock was already taken */
+ /*
+ * Compute the worst case header length according to the protocols
+ * used.
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/09/12 16:53:16-07:00
+# [NET]: Use NETDEV_TX_* macros instead of magic numbers.
+# Signed-off-by: Jamal Hadi Salim <>
+# Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
+# drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c
+# 2004/09/12 16:52:48-07:00 +5 -5
+# [NET]: Use NETDEV_TX_* macros instead of magic numbers.
+# Signed-off-by: Jamal Hadi Salim <>
+# Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
+# drivers/net/tg3.c
+# 2004/09/12 16:52:48-07:00 +3 -3
+# [NET]: Use NETDEV_TX_* macros instead of magic numbers.
+# Signed-off-by: Jamal Hadi Salim <>
+# Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
+# include/linux/netdevice.h
+# 2004/09/12 16:52:49-07:00 +5 -0
+# [NET]: Use NETDEV_TX_* macros instead of magic numbers.
+# Signed-off-by: Jamal Hadi Salim <>
+# Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
+# net/sched/sch_generic.c
+# 2004/09/12 16:52:49-07:00 +4 -8
+# [NET]: Use NETDEV_TX_* macros instead of magic numbers.
+# Signed-off-by: Jamal Hadi Salim <>
+# Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5004_diff-ms-msleep-int-20051020.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5004_diff-ms-msleep-int-20051020.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7bd3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5004_diff-ms-msleep-int-20051020.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Patch frmo mainstream, merged by Pavel (xemul@):
+Add msleep_interruptible() function to kernel/timer.c
+This is a merge of three patches from janitor@ and Co:
+--- ./kernel/timer.c.msi 2005-10-20 13:33:52.000000000 +0400
++++ ./kernel/timer.c 2005-10-20 17:15:42.775194800 +0400
+@@ -1526,3 +1526,19 @@ void msleep(unsigned int msecs)
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(msleep);
++ * msleep_interruptible - sleep waiting for signals
++ * @msecs: Time in milliseconds to sleep for
++ */
++unsigned long msleep_interruptible(unsigned int msecs)
++ unsigned long timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(msecs) + 1;
++ while (timeout && !signal_pending(current)) {
++ __set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);
++ }
++ return jiffies_to_msecs(timeout);
+--- ./include/linux/delay.h.msi 2005-09-26 13:31:46.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/linux/delay.h 2005-10-20 17:11:37.132538160 +0400
+@@ -39,5 +39,6 @@ extern unsigned long loops_per_jiffy;
+ #endif
+ void msleep(unsigned int msecs);
++unsigned long msleep_interruptible(unsigned int msecs);
+ #endif /* defined(_LINUX_DELAY_H) */
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5005_diff-ms-mmiowb-20051024.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5005_diff-ms-mmiowb-20051024.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..258dec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5005_diff-ms-mmiowb-20051024.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+--- ./Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl.mmiowb 2005-10-20 19:13:17.000000000 +0400
++++ ./Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl 2005-10-24 15:14:33.026178680 +0400
+@@ -147,8 +147,7 @@
+ compiler is not permitted to reorder the I/O sequence. When the
+ ordering can be compiler optimised, you can use <function>
+ __readb</function> and friends to indicate the relaxed ordering. Use
+- this with care. The <function>rmb</function> provides a read memory
+- barrier. The <function>wmb</function> provides a write memory barrier.
++ this with care.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+@@ -159,8 +158,70 @@
+ asynchronously. A driver author must issue a read from the same
+ device to ensure that writes have occurred in the specific cases the
+ author cares. This kind of property cannot be hidden from driver
+- writers in the API.
+- </para>
++ writers in the API. In some cases, the read used to flush the device
++ may be expected to fail (if the card is resetting, for example). In
++ that case, the read should be done from config space, which is
++ guaranteed to soft-fail if the card doesn't respond.
++ </para>
++ <para>
++ The following is an example of flushing a write to a device when
++ the driver would like to ensure the write's effects are visible prior
++ to continuing execution.
++ </para>
++static inline void
++qla1280_disable_intrs(struct scsi_qla_host *ha)
++ struct device_reg *reg;
++ reg = ha->iobase;
++ /* disable risc and host interrupts */
++ WRT_REG_WORD(&amp;reg->ictrl, 0);
++ /*
++ * The following read will ensure that the above write
++ * has been received by the device before we return from this
++ * function.
++ */
++ RD_REG_WORD(&amp;reg->ictrl);
++ ha->flags.ints_enabled = 0;
++ <para>
++ In addition to write posting, on some large multiprocessing systems
++ (e.g. SGI Challenge, Origin and Altix machines) posted writes won't
++ be strongly ordered coming from different CPUs. Thus it's important
++ to properly protect parts of your driver that do memory-mapped writes
++ with locks and use the <function>mmiowb</function> to make sure they
++ arrive in the order intended.
++ </para>
++ <para>
++ Generally, one should use <function>mmiowb</function> prior to
++ releasing a spinlock that protects regions using <function>writeb
++ </function> or similar functions that aren't surrounded by <function>
++ readb</function> calls, which will ensure ordering and flushing. The
++ following example (again from qla1280.c) illustrates its use.
++ </para>
++ sp->flags |= SRB_SENT;
++ ha->actthreads++;
++ WRT_REG_WORD(&amp;reg->mailbox4, ha->req_ring_index);
++ /*
++ * A Memory Mapped I/O Write Barrier is needed to ensure that this write
++ * of the request queue in register is ordered ahead of writes issued
++ * after this one by other CPUs. Access to the register is protected
++ * by the host_lock. Without the mmiowb, however, it is possible for
++ * this CPU to release the host lock, another CPU acquire the host lock,
++ * and write to the request queue in, and have the second write make it
++ * to the chip first.
++ */
++ mmiowb(); /* posted write ordering */
+ <para>
+ PCI ordering rules also guarantee that PIO read responses arrive
+@@ -171,7 +232,9 @@
+ <function>readb</function> call has no relation to any previous DMA
+ writes performed by the device. The driver can use
+ <function>readb_relaxed</function> for these cases, although only
+- some platforms will honor the relaxed semantics.
++ some platforms will honor the relaxed semantics. Using the relaxed
++ read functions will provide significant performance benefits on
++ platforms that support it.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+--- ./include/asm-x86_64/io.h.mmiowb 2005-10-20 19:13:17.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/asm-x86_64/io.h 2005-10-24 15:15:21.200855016 +0400
+@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ extern void iounmap(void *addr);
+ #define __raw_readl readl
+ #define __raw_readq readq
++#define mmiowb()
+ #define writeb(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned char *) (addr) = (b))
+ #define writew(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned short *) (addr) = (b))
+ #define writel(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned int *) (addr) = (b))
+--- ./include/asm-i386/io.h.mmiowb 2005-10-20 19:13:17.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/asm-i386/io.h 2005-10-24 15:14:33.026178680 +0400
+@@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ static inline void writel(unsigned int b
+ #define __raw_writew writew
+ #define __raw_writel writel
++#define mmiowb()
+ #define memset_io(a,b,c) memset((void *)(a),(b),(c))
+ #define memcpy_fromio(a,b,c) __memcpy((a),(void *)(b),(c))
+ #define memcpy_toio(a,b,c) __memcpy((void *)(a),(b),(c))
+--- ./include/asm-ia64/machvec.h.mmiowb 2005-10-20 19:13:17.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/asm-ia64/machvec.h 2005-10-24 15:14:55.417774640 +0400
+@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ typedef unsigned int ia64_mv_inl_t (unsi
+ typedef void ia64_mv_outb_t (unsigned char, unsigned long);
+ typedef void ia64_mv_outw_t (unsigned short, unsigned long);
+ typedef void ia64_mv_outl_t (unsigned int, unsigned long);
++typedef void ia64_mv_mmiowb_t (void);
+ typedef unsigned char ia64_mv_readb_t (void *);
+ typedef unsigned short ia64_mv_readw_t (void *);
+ typedef unsigned int ia64_mv_readl_t (void *);
+@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ extern void machvec_tlb_migrate_finish (
+ # define platform_outb ia64_mv.outb
+ # define platform_outw ia64_mv.outw
+ # define platform_outl ia64_mv.outl
++# define platform_mmiowb ia64_mv.mmiowb
+ # define platform_readb ia64_mv.readb
+ # define platform_readw ia64_mv.readw
+ # define platform_readl ia64_mv.readl
+@@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ struct ia64_machine_vector {
+ ia64_mv_outb_t *outb;
+ ia64_mv_outw_t *outw;
+ ia64_mv_outl_t *outl;
++ ia64_mv_mmiowb_t *mmiowb;
+ ia64_mv_readb_t *readb;
+ ia64_mv_readw_t *readw;
+ ia64_mv_readl_t *readl;
+@@ -218,6 +221,7 @@ struct ia64_machine_vector {
+ platform_outb, \
+ platform_outw, \
+ platform_outl, \
++ platform_mmiowb, \
+ platform_readb, \
+ platform_readw, \
+ platform_readl, \
+@@ -344,6 +348,9 @@ extern ia64_mv_dma_supported swiotlb_dm
+ #ifndef platform_outl
+ # define platform_outl __ia64_outl
+ #endif
++#ifndef platform_mmiowb
++# define platform_mmiowb __ia64_mmiowb
+ #ifndef platform_readb
+ # define platform_readb __ia64_readb
+ #endif
+--- ./include/asm-ia64/io.h.mmiowb 2005-10-20 19:13:17.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/asm-ia64/io.h 2005-10-24 15:14:33.042176248 +0400
+@@ -91,6 +91,20 @@ extern int valid_phys_addr_range (unsign
+ */
+ #define __ia64_mf_a() ia64_mfa()
++ * __ia64_mmiowb - I/O write barrier
++ *
++ * Ensure ordering of I/O space writes. This will make sure that writes
++ * following the barrier will arrive after all previous writes. For most
++ * ia64 platforms, this is a simple 'mf.a' instruction.
++ *
++ * See Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl for more information.
++ */
++static inline void __ia64_mmiowb(void)
++ ia64_mfa();
+ static inline const unsigned long
+ __ia64_get_io_port_base (void)
+ {
+@@ -267,6 +281,7 @@ __outsl (unsigned long port, void *src,
+ #define __outb platform_outb
+ #define __outw platform_outw
+ #define __outl platform_outl
++#define __mmiowb platform_mmiowb
+ #define inb(p) __inb(p)
+ #define inw(p) __inw(p)
+@@ -280,6 +295,7 @@ __outsl (unsigned long port, void *src,
+ #define outsb(p,s,c) __outsb(p,s,c)
+ #define outsw(p,s,c) __outsw(p,s,c)
+ #define outsl(p,s,c) __outsl(p,s,c)
++#define mmiowb() __mmiowb()
+ /*
+ * The address passed to these functions are ioremap()ped already.
+--- ./include/asm-ia64/machvec_sn2.h.mmiowb 2005-10-20 19:13:17.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/asm-ia64/machvec_sn2.h 2005-10-24 15:16:15.025672400 +0400
+@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ extern ia64_mv_dma_supported sn_dma_sup
+ #define platform_outb __sn_outb
+ #define platform_outw __sn_outw
+ #define platform_outl __sn_outl
++#ifdef CONFIG_IA64_SGI_SN2
++#error "MMIOWB is broken on this arch!!!"
+ #define platform_readb __sn_readb
+ #define platform_readw __sn_readw
+ #define platform_readl __sn_readl
+--- ./include/asm-ia64/machvec_init.h.mmiowb 2005-10-20 19:13:17.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/asm-ia64/machvec_init.h 2005-10-24 15:14:33.045175792 +0400
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ extern ia64_mv_inl_t __ia64_inl;
+ extern ia64_mv_outb_t __ia64_outb;
+ extern ia64_mv_outw_t __ia64_outw;
+ extern ia64_mv_outl_t __ia64_outl;
++extern ia64_mv_mmiowb_t __ia64_mmiowb;
+ extern ia64_mv_readb_t __ia64_readb;
+ extern ia64_mv_readw_t __ia64_readw;
+ extern ia64_mv_readl_t __ia64_readl;
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5006_diff-ms-disk-attribute-20051025.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5006_diff-ms-disk-attribute-20051025.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6cf1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5006_diff-ms-disk-attribute-20051025.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+--- a/drivers/block/genhd.c 2005-10-25 04:22:32 -07:00
++++ b/drivers/block/genhd.c 2005-10-25 04:22:32 -07:00
+@@ -322,12 +322,6 @@
+ /*
+ * kobject & sysfs bindings for block devices
+ */
+-struct disk_attribute {
+- struct attribute attr;
+- ssize_t (*show)(struct gendisk *, char *);
+ static ssize_t disk_attr_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
+ char *page)
+ {
+--- a/include/linux/genhd.h 2005-10-25 04:22:32 -07:00
++++ b/include/linux/genhd.h 2005-10-25 04:22:32 -07:00
+@@ -110,6 +110,12 @@
+ #endif
+ };
++/* Structure for sysfs attributes on block devices */
++struct disk_attribute {
++ struct attribute attr;
++ ssize_t (*show)(struct gendisk *, char *);
+ /*
+ * Macros to operate on percpu disk statistics:
+ * Since writes to disk_stats are serialised through the queue_lock,
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2005/01/14 11:57:48-08:00
+# [PATCH] Block: move struct disk_attribute to genhd.h
+# This allows other block devices to add attributes to their sysfs
+# entries.
+# Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
+# drivers/block/aoe/aoeblk.c
+# 2005/01/14 11:21:23-08:00 +1 -8
+# Block: move struct disk_attribute to genhd.h
+# drivers/block/genhd.c
+# 2005/01/14 11:21:23-08:00 +0 -6
+# Block: move struct disk_attribute to genhd.h
+# include/linux/genhd.h
+# 2005/01/14 11:21:23-08:00 +6 -0
+# Block: move struct disk_attribute to genhd.h
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5007_diff-rh-ssleep-20051026.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5007_diff-rh-ssleep-20051026.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5be13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5007_diff-rh-ssleep-20051026.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- ./include/linux/delay.h.ssleep 2005-10-26 11:03:07.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/linux/delay.h 2005-10-26 12:45:44.926451160 +0400
+@@ -41,4 +41,9 @@ extern unsigned long loops_per_jiffy;
+ void msleep(unsigned int msecs);
+ unsigned long msleep_interruptible(unsigned int msecs);
++static inline void ssleep(unsigned int seconds)
++ msleep(seconds * 1000);
+ #endif /* defined(_LINUX_DELAY_H) */
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5008_diff-ms-ioctl32-compat-20051026.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5008_diff-ms-ioctl32-compat-20051026.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc303ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5008_diff-ms-ioctl32-compat-20051026.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/08/27 10:32:29-07:00
+# [PATCH] [un]register_ioctl32_conversion() stubs
+# The megaraid driver is calling these, but they don't exist if !CONFIG_COMPAT.
+# Add the necessary stubs, and clean a few things up.
+# Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
+# Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
+# fs/compat.c
+# 2004/08/27 00:26:26-07:00 +2 -2
+# [un]register_ioctl32_conversion() stubs
+# include/linux/ioctl32.h
+# 2004/08/26 23:30:32-07:00 +17 -8
+# [un]register_ioctl32_conversion() stubs
+diff -Naru a/fs/compat.c b/fs/compat.c
+--- a/fs/compat.c 2005-10-26 01:53:18 -07:00
++++ b/fs/compat.c 2005-10-26 01:53:18 -07:00
+@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@
+ __initcall(init_sys32_ioctl);
+-int register_ioctl32_conversion(unsigned int cmd, int (*handler)(unsigned int,
+- unsigned int, unsigned long, struct file *))
++int register_ioctl32_conversion(unsigned int cmd,
++ ioctl_trans_handler_t handler)
+ {
+ struct ioctl_trans *t;
+ struct ioctl_trans *new_t;
+diff -Naru a/include/linux/ioctl32.h b/include/linux/ioctl32.h
+--- a/include/linux/ioctl32.h 2005-10-26 01:53:18 -07:00
++++ b/include/linux/ioctl32.h 2005-10-26 01:53:18 -07:00
+@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@
+ struct file;
++typedef int (*ioctl_trans_handler_t)(unsigned int, unsigned int,
++ unsigned long, struct file *);
++struct ioctl_trans {
++ unsigned long cmd;
++ ioctl_trans_handler_t handler;
++ struct ioctl_trans *next;
+ /*
+ * Register an 32bit ioctl translation handler for ioctl cmd.
+ *
+@@ -13,16 +22,16 @@
+ * struct file *file: file descriptor pointer.
+ */
+-extern int register_ioctl32_conversion(unsigned int cmd, int (*handler)(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, struct file *));
++extern int register_ioctl32_conversion(unsigned int cmd,
++ ioctl_trans_handler_t handler);
+ extern int unregister_ioctl32_conversion(unsigned int cmd);
+-typedef int (*ioctl_trans_handler_t)(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, struct file *);
+-struct ioctl_trans {
+- unsigned long cmd;
+- ioctl_trans_handler_t handler;
+- struct ioctl_trans *next;
++#define register_ioctl32_conversion(cmd, handler) ({ 0; })
++#define unregister_ioctl32_conversion(cmd) ({ 0; })
+ #endif
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5009_diff-ms-types-20051122.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5009_diff-ms-types-20051122.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c250e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5009_diff-ms-types-20051122.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- ./include/linux/types.h.types 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/linux/types.h 2005-11-22 18:04:33.169727784 +0300
+@@ -123,6 +123,13 @@ typedef __u64 u_int64_t;
+ typedef __s64 int64_t;
+ #endif
++typedef __u16 __le16;
++typedef __u16 __be16;
++typedef __u32 __le32;
++typedef __u32 __be32;
++typedef __u64 __le64;
++typedef __u64 __be64;
+ /*
+ * The type used for indexing onto a disc or disc partition.
+ * If required, asm/types.h can override it and define
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5100_linux-2.6.10-scsi-midlayer-updates.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5100_linux-2.6.10-scsi-midlayer-updates.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9643bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5100_linux-2.6.10-scsi-midlayer-updates.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2878 @@
+--- ./drivers/s390/scsi/zfcp_scsi.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:18.813177200 +0400
++++ ./drivers/s390/scsi/zfcp_scsi.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.287136944 +0400
+@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ static int zfcp_task_management_function
+ static struct zfcp_unit *zfcp_unit_lookup(struct zfcp_adapter *, int, scsi_id_t,
+ scsi_lun_t);
++static struct zfcp_port * zfcp_port_lookup(struct zfcp_adapter *, int,
++ scsi_id_t);
+ static struct device_attribute *zfcp_sysfs_sdev_attrs[];
+@@ -387,6 +389,26 @@ zfcp_unit_lookup(struct zfcp_adapter *ad
+ out:
+ return retval;
+ }
++ * function: zfcp_unit_tgt_lookup
++ *
++ * purpose:
++ *
++ * returns:
++ *
++ * context:
++ */
++static struct zfcp_port *
++zfcp_port_lookup(struct zfcp_adapter *adapter, int channel, scsi_id_t id)
++ struct zfcp_port *port;
++ list_for_each_entry(port, &adapter->port_list_head, list) {
++ if (id == port->scsi_id)
++ return port;
++ }
++ return (struct zfcp_port *)NULL;
+ /*
+ * function: zfcp_scsi_eh_abort_handler
+@@ -828,39 +850,63 @@ zfcp_fsf_start_scsi_er_timer(struct zfcp
+ * Support functions for FC transport class
+ */
+ static void
+-zfcp_get_port_id(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++zfcp_get_port_id(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- struct zfcp_unit *unit;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct zfcp_adapter *adapter = (struct zfcp_adapter *)shost->hostdata[0];
++ struct zfcp_port *port;
++ unsigned long flags;
+- unit = (struct zfcp_unit *) sdev->hostdata;
+- fc_port_id(sdev) = unit->port->d_id;
++ read_lock_irqsave(&zfcp_data.config_lock, flags);
++ port = zfcp_port_lookup(adapter, starget->channel, starget->id);
++ if (port)
++ fc_starget_port_id(starget) = port->d_id;
++ else
++ fc_starget_port_id(starget) = -1;
++ read_unlock_irqrestore(&zfcp_data.config_lock, flags);
+ }
+ static void
+-zfcp_get_port_name(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++zfcp_get_port_name(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- struct zfcp_unit *unit;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct zfcp_adapter *adapter = (struct zfcp_adapter *)shost->hostdata[0];
++ struct zfcp_port *port;
++ unsigned long flags;
+- unit = (struct zfcp_unit *) sdev->hostdata;
+- fc_port_name(sdev) = unit->port->wwpn;
++ read_lock_irqsave(&zfcp_data.config_lock, flags);
++ port = zfcp_port_lookup(adapter, starget->channel, starget->id);
++ if (port)
++ fc_starget_port_name(starget) = port->wwpn;
++ else
++ fc_starget_port_name(starget) = -1;
++ read_unlock_irqrestore(&zfcp_data.config_lock, flags);
+ }
+ static void
+-zfcp_get_node_name(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++zfcp_get_node_name(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- struct zfcp_unit *unit;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct zfcp_adapter *adapter = (struct zfcp_adapter *)shost->hostdata[0];
++ struct zfcp_port *port;
++ unsigned long flags;
+- unit = (struct zfcp_unit *) sdev->hostdata;
+- fc_node_name(sdev) = unit->port->wwnn;
++ read_lock_irqsave(&zfcp_data.config_lock, flags);
++ port = zfcp_port_lookup(adapter, starget->channel, starget->id);
++ if (port)
++ fc_starget_node_name(starget) = port->wwnn;
++ else
++ fc_starget_node_name(starget) = -1;
++ read_unlock_irqrestore(&zfcp_data.config_lock, flags);
+ }
+ struct fc_function_template zfcp_transport_functions = {
+- .get_port_id = zfcp_get_port_id,
+- .get_port_name = zfcp_get_port_name,
+- .get_node_name = zfcp_get_node_name,
+- .show_port_id = 1,
+- .show_port_name = 1,
+- .show_node_name = 1,
++ .get_starget_port_id = zfcp_get_port_id,
++ .get_starget_port_name = zfcp_get_port_name,
++ .get_starget_node_name = zfcp_get_node_name,
++ .show_starget_port_id = 1,
++ .show_starget_port_name = 1,
++ .show_starget_node_name = 1,
+ };
+ /**
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.469077488 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.300134968 +0400
+@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ static void scsi_single_lun_run(struct s
+ unsigned long flags;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(shost->host_lock, flags);
+- current_sdev->sdev_target->starget_sdev_user = NULL;
++ scsi_target(current_sdev)->starget_sdev_user = NULL;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->host_lock, flags);
+ /*
+@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ static void scsi_single_lun_run(struct s
+ blk_run_queue(current_sdev->request_queue);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(shost->host_lock, flags);
+- if (current_sdev->sdev_target->starget_sdev_user)
++ if (scsi_target(current_sdev)->starget_sdev_user)
+ goto out;
+ list_for_each_entry_safe(sdev, tmp, &current_sdev->same_target_siblings,
+ same_target_siblings) {
+@@ -1008,7 +1008,8 @@ static int scsi_prep_fn(struct request_q
+ } else if (req->flags & (REQ_CMD | REQ_BLOCK_PC)) {
+ if(unlikely(specials_only)) {
+- if(specials_only == SDEV_QUIESCE)
++ if(specials_only == SDEV_QUIESCE ||
++ specials_only == SDEV_BLOCK)
+ printk(KERN_ERR "scsi%d (%d:%d): rejecting I/O to device being removed\n",
+@@ -1231,10 +1232,10 @@ static void scsi_request_fn(struct reque
+ if (!scsi_host_queue_ready(q, shost, sdev))
+ goto not_ready;
+ if (sdev->single_lun) {
+- if (sdev->sdev_target->starget_sdev_user &&
+- sdev->sdev_target->starget_sdev_user != sdev)
++ if (scsi_target(sdev)->starget_sdev_user &&
++ scsi_target(sdev)->starget_sdev_user != sdev)
+ goto not_ready;
+- sdev->sdev_target->starget_sdev_user = sdev;
++ scsi_target(sdev)->starget_sdev_user = sdev;
+ }
+ shost->host_busy++;
+@@ -1584,6 +1585,7 @@ scsi_device_set_state(struct scsi_device
++ case SDEV_BLOCK:
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto illegal;
+@@ -1605,6 +1607,17 @@ scsi_device_set_state(struct scsi_device
++ case SDEV_BLOCK:
++ break;
++ default:
++ goto illegal;
++ }
++ break;
++ case SDEV_BLOCK:
++ switch (oldstate) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto illegal;
+@@ -1616,6 +1629,7 @@ scsi_device_set_state(struct scsi_device
++ case SDEV_BLOCK:
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto illegal;
+@@ -1694,3 +1708,130 @@ scsi_device_resume(struct scsi_device *s
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(scsi_device_resume);
++static int
++device_quiesce_fn(struct device *dev, void *data)
++ scsi_device_quiesce(to_scsi_device(dev));
++ return 0;
++scsi_target_quiesce(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ device_for_each_child(&starget->dev, NULL, device_quiesce_fn);
++static int
++device_resume_fn(struct device *dev, void *data)
++ scsi_device_resume(to_scsi_device(dev));
++ return 0;
++scsi_target_resume(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ device_for_each_child(&starget->dev, NULL, device_resume_fn);
++ * scsi_internal_device_block - internal function to put a device
++ * temporarily into the SDEV_BLOCK state
++ * @sdev: device to block
++ *
++ * Block request made by scsi lld's to temporarily stop all
++ * scsi commands on the specified device. Called from interrupt
++ * or normal process context.
++ *
++ * Returns zero if successful or error if not
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This routine transitions the device to the SDEV_BLOCK state
++ * (which must be a legal transition). When the device is in this
++ * state, all commands are deferred until the scsi lld reenables
++ * the device with scsi_device_unblock or device_block_tmo fires.
++ * This routine assumes the host_lock is held on entry.
++ *
++ * As the LLDD/Transport that is calling this function doesn't
++ * actually know what the device state is, the function may be
++ * called at an inappropriate time. Therefore, before requesting
++ * the state change, the function validates that the transition is
++ * valid.
++ **/
++scsi_internal_device_block(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ request_queue_t *q = sdev->request_queue;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int err = 0;
++ if ((sdev->sdev_state != SDEV_CREATED) &&
++ (sdev->sdev_state != SDEV_RUNNING))
++ return 0;
++ err = scsi_device_set_state(sdev, SDEV_BLOCK);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ /*
++ * The device has transitioned to SDEV_BLOCK. Stop the
++ * block layer from calling the midlayer with this device's
++ * request queue.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->queue_lock, flags);
++ blk_stop_queue(q);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->queue_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ * scsi_internal_device_unblock - resume a device after a block request
++ * @sdev: device to resume
++ *
++ * Called by scsi lld's or the midlayer to restart the device queue
++ * for the previously suspended scsi device. Called from interrupt or
++ * normal process context.
++ *
++ * Returns zero if successful or error if not.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This routine transitions the device to the SDEV_RUNNING state
++ * (which must be a legal transition) allowing the midlayer to
++ * goose the queue for this device. This routine assumes the
++ * host_lock is held upon entry.
++ *
++ * As the LLDD/Transport that is calling this function doesn't
++ * actually know what the device state is, the function may be
++ * called at an inappropriate time. Therefore, before requesting
++ * the state change, the function validates that the transition is
++ * valid.
++ **/
++scsi_internal_device_unblock(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ request_queue_t *q = sdev->request_queue;
++ int err;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (sdev->sdev_state != SDEV_BLOCK)
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * Try to transition the scsi device to SDEV_RUNNING
++ * and goose the device queue if successful.
++ */
++ err = scsi_device_set_state(sdev, SDEV_RUNNING);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->queue_lock, flags);
++ blk_start_queue(q);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->queue_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_fc.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:20.163971848 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_fc.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.306134056 +0400
+@@ -23,23 +23,33 @@
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h>
++#include "scsi_priv.h"
+ #define FC_PRINTK(x, l, f, a...) printk(l "scsi(%d:%d:%d:%d): " f, (x)->host->host_no, (x)->channel, (x)->id, (x)->lun , ##a)
+ static void transport_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev);
+-#define FC_NUM_ATTRS 3 /* increase this if you add attributes */
+-#define FC_OTHER_ATTRS 0 /* increase this if you add "always on"
+- * attributes */
++static void host_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev);
++static void fc_timeout_blocked_host(void *data);
++static void fc_timeout_blocked_tgt(void *data);
++#define FC_STARGET_NUM_ATTRS 4 /* increase this if you add attributes */
++#define FC_STARGET_OTHER_ATTRS 0 /* increase this if you add "always on"
++ * attributes */
++#define FC_HOST_NUM_ATTRS 1
+ struct fc_internal {
+ struct scsi_transport_template t;
+ struct fc_function_template *f;
+ /* The actual attributes */
+- struct class_device_attribute private_attrs[FC_NUM_ATTRS];
++ struct class_device_attribute private_starget_attrs[
+ /* The array of null terminated pointers to attributes
+ * needed by scsi_sysfs.c */
+- struct class_device_attribute *attrs[FC_NUM_ATTRS + FC_OTHER_ATTRS + 1];
++ struct class_device_attribute *starget_attrs[
++ struct class_device_attribute private_host_attrs[FC_HOST_NUM_ATTRS];
++ struct class_device_attribute *host_attrs[FC_HOST_NUM_ATTRS + 1];
+ };
+ #define to_fc_internal(tmpl) container_of(tmpl, struct fc_internal, t)
+@@ -49,101 +59,227 @@ struct class fc_transport_class = {
+ .release = transport_class_release,
+ };
++struct class fc_host_class = {
++ .name = "fc_host",
++ .release = host_class_release,
+ static __init int fc_transport_init(void)
+ {
++ int error = class_register(&fc_host_class);
++ if (error)
++ return error;
+ return class_register(&fc_transport_class);
+ }
+ static void __exit fc_transport_exit(void)
+ {
+ class_unregister(&fc_transport_class);
++ class_unregister(&fc_host_class);
++static int fc_setup_starget_transport_attrs(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ /*
++ * Set default values easily detected by the midlayer as
++ * failure cases. The scsi lldd is responsible for initializing
++ * all transport attributes to valid values per target.
++ */
++ fc_starget_node_name(starget) = -1;
++ fc_starget_port_name(starget) = -1;
++ fc_starget_port_id(starget) = -1;
++ fc_starget_dev_loss_tmo(starget) = -1;
++ INIT_WORK(&fc_starget_dev_loss_work(starget),
++ fc_timeout_blocked_tgt, starget);
++ return 0;
+ }
+-static int fc_setup_transport_attrs(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++static void fc_destroy_starget(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- /* I'm not sure what values are invalid. We should pick some invalid
+- * values for the defaults */
+- fc_node_name(sdev) = -1;
+- fc_port_name(sdev) = -1;
+- fc_port_id(sdev) = -1;
++ /* Stop the target timer */
++ if (cancel_delayed_work(&fc_starget_dev_loss_work(starget)))
++ flush_scheduled_work();
++static int fc_setup_host_transport_attrs(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
++ /*
++ * Set default values easily detected by the midlayer as
++ * failure cases. The scsi lldd is responsible for initializing
++ * all transport attributes to valid values per host.
++ */
++ fc_host_link_down_tmo(shost) = -1;
++ INIT_WORK(&fc_host_link_down_work(shost),
++ fc_timeout_blocked_host, shost);
+ return 0;
+ }
++static void fc_destroy_host(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
++ /* Stop the host timer */
++ if (cancel_delayed_work(&fc_host_link_down_work(shost)))
++ flush_scheduled_work();
+ static void transport_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev)
+ {
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(class_dev);
+- put_device(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(class_dev);
++ put_device(&starget->dev);
+ }
+-#define fc_transport_show_function(field, format_string, cast) \
+- \
++static void host_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(class_dev);
++ put_device(&shost->shost_gendev);
++ * Remote Port Attribute Management
++ */
++#define fc_starget_show_function(field, format_string, cast) \
+ static ssize_t \
+-show_fc_transport_##field (struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++show_fc_starget_##field (struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
+ { \
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(cdev); \
+- struct fc_transport_attrs *tp; \
+- struct fc_internal *i = to_fc_internal(sdev->host->transportt); \
+- tp = (struct fc_transport_attrs *)&sdev->transport_data; \
+- if (i->f->get_##field) \
+- i->f->get_##field(sdev); \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
++ struct fc_starget_attrs *tp; \
++ struct fc_internal *i = to_fc_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ tp = (struct fc_starget_attrs *)&starget->starget_data; \
++ if (i->f->get_starget_##field) \
++ i->f->get_starget_##field(starget); \
+ return snprintf(buf, 20, format_string, cast tp->field); \
+ }
+-#define fc_transport_store_function(field, format_string) \
++#define fc_starget_store_function(field, format_string) \
+ static ssize_t \
+-store_fc_transport_##field(struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf, \
++store_fc_starget_##field(struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf, \
+ size_t count) \
+ { \
+ int val; \
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(cdev); \
+- struct fc_internal *i = to_fc_internal(sdev->host->transportt); \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
++ struct fc_internal *i = to_fc_internal(shost->transportt); \
+ \
+ val = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); \
+- i->f->set_##field(sdev, val); \
++ i->f->set_starget_##field(starget, val); \
+ return count; \
+ }
+-#define fc_transport_rd_attr(field, format_string) \
+- fc_transport_show_function(field, format_string, ) \
++#define fc_starget_rd_attr(field, format_string) \
++ fc_starget_show_function(field, format_string, ) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, \
++ show_fc_starget_##field, NULL)
++#define fc_starget_rd_attr_cast(field, format_string, cast) \
++ fc_starget_show_function(field, format_string, (cast)) \
+ static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, \
+- show_fc_transport_##field, NULL)
++ show_fc_starget_##field, NULL)
+-#define fc_transport_rd_attr_cast(field, format_string, cast) \
+- fc_transport_show_function(field, format_string, (cast)) \
+-static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR( field, S_IRUGO, \
+- show_fc_transport_##field, NULL)
+-#define fc_transport_rw_attr(field, format_string) \
+- fc_transport_show_function(field, format_string, ) \
+- fc_transport_store_function(field, format_string) \
++#define fc_starget_rw_attr(field, format_string) \
++ fc_starget_show_function(field, format_string, ) \
++ fc_starget_store_function(field, format_string) \
+ static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, \
+- show_fc_transport_##field, \
+- store_fc_transport_##field)
++ show_fc_starget_##field, \
++ store_fc_starget_##field)
+-/* the FiberChannel Tranport Attributes: */
+-fc_transport_rd_attr_cast(node_name, "0x%llx\n", unsigned long long);
+-fc_transport_rd_attr_cast(port_name, "0x%llx\n", unsigned long long);
+-fc_transport_rd_attr(port_id, "0x%06x\n");
+-#define SETUP_ATTRIBUTE_RD(field) \
+- i->private_attrs[count] = class_device_attr_##field; \
+- i->private_attrs[count].attr.mode = S_IRUGO; \
+- i->private_attrs[count].store = NULL; \
+- i->attrs[count] = &i->private_attrs[count]; \
+- if (i->f->show_##field) \
++ i->private_starget_attrs[count] = class_device_attr_##field; \
++ i->private_starget_attrs[count].attr.mode = S_IRUGO; \
++ i->private_starget_attrs[count].store = NULL; \
++ i->starget_attrs[count] = &i->private_starget_attrs[count]; \
++ if (i->f->show_starget_##field) \
+ count++
+-#define SETUP_ATTRIBUTE_RW(field) \
+- i->private_attrs[count] = class_device_attr_##field; \
+- if (!i->f->set_##field) { \
+- i->private_attrs[count].attr.mode = S_IRUGO; \
+- i->private_attrs[count].store = NULL; \
+- } \
+- i->attrs[count] = &i->private_attrs[count]; \
+- if (i->f->show_##field) \
++ i->private_starget_attrs[count] = class_device_attr_##field; \
++ if (!i->f->set_starget_##field) { \
++ i->private_starget_attrs[count].attr.mode = S_IRUGO; \
++ i->private_starget_attrs[count].store = NULL; \
++ } \
++ i->starget_attrs[count] = &i->private_starget_attrs[count]; \
++ if (i->f->show_starget_##field) \
+ count++
++/* The FC Tranport Remote Port (Target) Attributes: */
++fc_starget_rd_attr_cast(node_name, "0x%llx\n", unsigned long long);
++fc_starget_rd_attr_cast(port_name, "0x%llx\n", unsigned long long);
++fc_starget_rd_attr(port_id, "0x%06x\n");
++fc_starget_rw_attr(dev_loss_tmo, "%d\n");
++ * Host Attribute Management
++ */
++#define fc_host_show_function(field, format_string, cast) \
++static ssize_t \
++show_fc_host_##field (struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(cdev); \
++ struct fc_host_attrs *tp; \
++ struct fc_internal *i = to_fc_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ tp = (struct fc_host_attrs *)shost->shost_data; \
++ if (i->f->get_host_##field) \
++ i->f->get_host_##field(shost); \
++ return snprintf(buf, 20, format_string, cast tp->field); \
++#define fc_host_store_function(field, format_string) \
++static ssize_t \
++store_fc_host_##field(struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf, \
++ size_t count) \
++{ \
++ int val; \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(cdev); \
++ struct fc_internal *i = to_fc_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ \
++ val = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); \
++ i->f->set_host_##field(shost, val); \
++ return count; \
++#define fc_host_rd_attr(field, format_string) \
++ fc_host_show_function(field, format_string, ) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(host_##field, S_IRUGO, \
++ show_fc_host_##field, NULL)
++#define fc_host_rd_attr_cast(field, format_string, cast) \
++ fc_host_show_function(field, format_string, (cast)) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(host_##field, S_IRUGO, \
++ show_fc_host_##field, NULL)
++#define fc_host_rw_attr(field, format_string) \
++ fc_host_show_function(field, format_string, ) \
++ fc_host_store_function(field, format_string) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(host_##field, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, \
++ show_fc_host_##field, \
++ store_fc_host_##field)
++#define SETUP_HOST_ATTRIBUTE_RD(field) \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count] = class_device_attr_host_##field; \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count].attr.mode = S_IRUGO; \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count].store = NULL; \
++ i->host_attrs[count] = &i->private_host_attrs[count]; \
++ if (i->f->show_host_##field) \
++ count++
++#define SETUP_HOST_ATTRIBUTE_RW(field) \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count] = class_device_attr_host_##field; \
++ if (!i->f->set_host_##field) { \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count].attr.mode = S_IRUGO; \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count].store = NULL; \
++ } \
++ i->host_attrs[count] = &i->private_host_attrs[count]; \
++ if (i->f->show_host_##field) \
++ count++
++/* The FC Tranport Host Attributes: */
++fc_host_rw_attr(link_down_tmo, "%d\n");
+ struct scsi_transport_template *
+ fc_attach_transport(struct fc_function_template *ft)
+ {
+@@ -156,21 +292,45 @@ fc_attach_transport(struct fc_function_t
+ memset(i, 0, sizeof(struct fc_internal));
+- i->t.attrs = &i->attrs[0];
+- i->t.class = &fc_transport_class;
+- i->t.setup = &fc_setup_transport_attrs;
+- i->t.size = sizeof(struct fc_transport_attrs);
++ i->t.target_attrs = &i->starget_attrs[0];
++ i->t.target_class = &fc_transport_class;
++ i->t.target_setup = &fc_setup_starget_transport_attrs;
++ i->t.target_destroy = &fc_destroy_starget;
++ i->t.target_size = sizeof(struct fc_starget_attrs);
++ i->t.host_attrs = &i->host_attrs[0];
++ i->t.host_class = &fc_host_class;
++ i->t.host_setup = &fc_setup_host_transport_attrs;
++ i->t.host_destroy = &fc_destroy_host;
++ i->t.host_size = sizeof(struct fc_host_attrs);
+ i->f = ft;
+- SETUP_ATTRIBUTE_RD(port_name);
+- SETUP_ATTRIBUTE_RD(node_name);
++ /*
++ * setup remote port (target) attributes
++ */
+- BUG_ON(count > FC_NUM_ATTRS);
+ /* Setup the always-on attributes here */
+- i->attrs[count] = NULL;
++ i->starget_attrs[count] = NULL;
++ /* setup host attributes */
++ count=0;
++ SETUP_HOST_ATTRIBUTE_RW(link_down_tmo);
++ /* Setup the always-on attributes here */
++ i->host_attrs[count] = NULL;
+ return &i->t;
+ }
+@@ -185,6 +345,200 @@ void fc_release_transport(struct scsi_tr
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(fc_release_transport);
++ * fc_device_block - called by target functions to block a scsi device
++ * @dev: scsi device
++ * @data: unused
++ **/
++static int fc_device_block(struct device *dev, void *data)
++ scsi_internal_device_block(to_scsi_device(dev));
++ return 0;
++ * fc_device_unblock - called by target functions to unblock a scsi device
++ * @dev: scsi device
++ * @data: unused
++ **/
++static int fc_device_unblock(struct device *dev, void *data)
++ scsi_internal_device_unblock(to_scsi_device(dev));
++ return 0;
++ * fc_timeout_blocked_tgt - Timeout handler for blocked scsi targets
++ * that fail to recover in the alloted time.
++ * @data: scsi target that failed to reappear in the alloted time.
++ **/
++static void fc_timeout_blocked_tgt(void *data)
++ struct scsi_target *starget = (struct scsi_target *)data;
++ dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &starget->dev,
++ "blocked target time out: target resuming\n");
++ /*
++ * set the device going again ... if the scsi lld didn't
++ * unblock this device, then IO errors will probably
++ * result if the host still isn't ready.
++ */
++ device_for_each_child(&starget->dev, NULL, fc_device_unblock);
++ * fc_target_block - block a target by temporarily putting all its scsi devices
++ * into the SDEV_BLOCK state.
++ * @starget: scsi target managed by this fc scsi lldd.
++ *
++ * scsi lldd's with a FC transport call this routine to temporarily stop all
++ * scsi commands to all devices managed by this scsi target. Called
++ * from interrupt or normal process context.
++ *
++ * Returns zero if successful or error if not
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * The timeout and timer types are extracted from the fc transport
++ * attributes from the caller's target pointer. This routine assumes no
++ * locks are held on entry.
++ **/
++fc_target_block(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ int timeout = fc_starget_dev_loss_tmo(starget);
++ struct work_struct *work = &fc_starget_dev_loss_work(starget);
++ if (timeout < 0 || timeout > SCSI_DEVICE_BLOCK_MAX_TIMEOUT)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ device_for_each_child(&starget->dev, NULL, fc_device_block);
++ /* The scsi lld blocks this target for the timeout period only. */
++ schedule_delayed_work(work, timeout * HZ);
++ return 0;
++ * fc_target_unblock - unblock a target following a fc_target_block request.
++ * @starget: scsi target managed by this fc scsi lldd.
++ *
++ * scsi lld's with a FC transport call this routine to restart IO to all
++ * devices associated with the caller's scsi target following a fc_target_block
++ * request. Called from interrupt or normal process context.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This routine assumes no locks are held on entry.
++ **/
++fc_target_unblock(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ /*
++ * Stop the target timer first. Take no action on the del_timer
++ * failure as the state machine state change will validate the
++ * transaction.
++ */
++ if (cancel_delayed_work(&fc_starget_dev_loss_work(starget)))
++ flush_scheduled_work();
++ device_for_each_child(&starget->dev, NULL, fc_device_unblock);
++ * fc_timeout_blocked_host - Timeout handler for blocked scsi hosts
++ * that fail to recover in the alloted time.
++ * @data: scsi host that failed to recover its devices in the alloted
++ * time.
++ **/
++static void fc_timeout_blocked_host(void *data)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = (struct Scsi_Host *)data;
++ struct scsi_device *sdev;
++ dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &shost->shost_gendev,
++ "blocked host time out: host resuming\n");
++ shost_for_each_device(sdev, shost) {
++ /*
++ * set the device going again ... if the scsi lld didn't
++ * unblock this device, then IO errors will probably
++ * result if the host still isn't ready.
++ */
++ scsi_internal_device_unblock(sdev);
++ }
++ * fc_host_block - block all scsi devices managed by the calling host temporarily
++ * by putting each device in the SDEV_BLOCK state.
++ * @shost: scsi host pointer that contains all scsi device siblings.
++ *
++ * scsi lld's with a FC transport call this routine to temporarily stop all
++ * scsi commands to all devices managed by this host. Called
++ * from interrupt or normal process context.
++ *
++ * Returns zero if successful or error if not
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * The timeout and timer types are extracted from the fc transport
++ * attributes from the caller's host pointer. This routine assumes no
++ * locks are held on entry.
++ **/
++fc_host_block(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
++ struct scsi_device *sdev;
++ int timeout = fc_host_link_down_tmo(shost);
++ struct work_struct *work = &fc_host_link_down_work(shost);
++ if (timeout < 0 || timeout > SCSI_DEVICE_BLOCK_MAX_TIMEOUT)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ shost_for_each_device(sdev, shost) {
++ scsi_internal_device_block(sdev);
++ }
++ schedule_delayed_work(work, timeout * HZ);
++ return 0;
++ * fc_host_unblock - unblock all devices managed by this host following a
++ * fc_host_block request.
++ * @shost: scsi host containing all scsi device siblings to unblock.
++ *
++ * scsi lld's with a FC transport call this routine to restart IO to all scsi
++ * devices managed by the specified scsi host following an fc_host_block
++ * request. Called from interrupt or normal process context.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This routine assumes no locks are held on entry.
++ **/
++fc_host_unblock(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
++ struct scsi_device *sdev;
++ /*
++ * Stop the host timer first. Take no action on the del_timer
++ * failure as the state machine state change will validate the
++ * transaction.
++ */
++ if (cancel_delayed_work(&fc_host_link_down_work(shost)))
++ flush_scheduled_work();
++ shost_for_each_device(sdev, shost) {
++ scsi_internal_device_unblock(sdev);
++ }
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Martin Hicks");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("FC Transport Attributes");
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:20.089983096 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.298135272 +0400
+@@ -518,6 +518,26 @@ int scsi_dispatch_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ /* return 0 (because the command has been processed) */
+ goto out;
+ }
++ /* Check to see if the scsi lld put this device into state SDEV_BLOCK. */
++ if (unlikely(cmd->device->sdev_state == SDEV_BLOCK)) {
++ /*
++ * in SDEV_BLOCK, the command is just put back on the device
++ * queue. The suspend state has already blocked the queue so
++ * future requests should not occur until the device
++ * transitions out of the suspend state.
++ */
++ scsi_queue_insert(cmd, SCSI_MLQUEUE_DEVICE_BUSY);
++ SCSI_LOG_MLQUEUE(3, printk("queuecommand : device blocked \n"));
++ /*
++ * NOTE: rtn is still zero here because we don't need the
++ * queue to be plugged on return (it's already stopped)
++ */
++ goto out;
++ }
+ /* Assign a unique nonzero serial_number. */
+ /* XXX(hch): this is racy */
+ if (++serial_number == 0)
+@@ -1100,8 +1120,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(scsi_device_lookup);
+ /**
+ * scsi_device_cancel - cancel outstanding IO to this device
+- * @sdev: pointer to struct scsi_device
+- * @data: pointer to cancel value.
++ * @sdev: Pointer to struct scsi_device
++ * @recovery: Boolean instructing function to recover device or not.
+ *
+ **/
+ int scsi_device_cancel(struct scsi_device *sdev, int recovery)
+--- ./drivers/scsi/hosts.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:20.144974736 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/hosts.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.291136336 +0400
+@@ -81,7 +81,11 @@ void scsi_remove_host(struct Scsi_Host *
+ set_bit(SHOST_DEL, &shost->shost_state);
++ if (shost->transportt->host_destroy)
++ shost->transportt->host_destroy(shost);
+ class_device_unregister(&shost->shost_classdev);
++ if (shost->transport_classdev.class)
++ class_device_unregister(&shost->transport_classdev);
+ device_del(&shost->shost_gendev);
+ }
+@@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ void scsi_remove_host(struct Scsi_Host *
+ int scsi_add_host(struct Scsi_Host *shost, struct device *dev)
+ {
+ struct scsi_host_template *sht = shost->hostt;
+- int error;
++ int error = -EINVAL;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d : %s\n", shost->host_no,
+ sht->info ? sht->info(shost) : sht->name);
+@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ int scsi_add_host(struct Scsi_Host *shos
+ if (!shost->can_queue) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: can_queue = 0 no longer supported\n",
+ sht->name);
+- return -EINVAL;
++ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!shost->shost_gendev.parent)
+@@ -123,13 +127,24 @@ int scsi_add_host(struct Scsi_Host *shos
+ get_device(&shost->shost_gendev);
++ if (shost->transportt->host_size &&
++ (shost->shost_data = kmalloc(shost->transportt->host_size,
++ goto out_del_classdev;
++ if (shost->transportt->host_setup)
++ shost->transportt->host_setup(shost);
+ error = scsi_sysfs_add_host(shost);
+ if (error)
+- goto out_del_classdev;
++ goto out_destroy_host;
+ scsi_proc_host_add(shost);
+ return error;
++ out_destroy_host:
++ if (shost->transportt->host_destroy)
++ shost->transportt->host_destroy(shost);
+ out_del_classdev:
+ class_device_del(&shost->shost_classdev);
+ out_del_gendev:
+@@ -154,6 +169,7 @@ static void scsi_host_dev_release(struct
+ scsi_proc_hostdir_rm(shost->hostt);
+ scsi_destroy_command_freelist(shost);
++ kfree(shost->shost_data);
+ /*
+ * Some drivers (eg aha1542) do scsi_register()/scsi_unregister()
+@@ -221,10 +237,8 @@ struct Scsi_Host *scsi_host_alloc(struct
+ shost->max_id = 8;
+ shost->max_lun = 8;
+- /* Give each shost a default transportt if the driver
+- * doesn't yet support Transport Attributes */
+- if (!shost->transportt)
+- shost->transportt = &blank_transport_template;
++ /* Give each shost a default transportt */
++ shost->transportt = &blank_transport_template;
+ /*
+ * All drivers right now should be able to handle 12 byte
+@@ -284,6 +298,7 @@ struct Scsi_Host *scsi_host_alloc(struct
+ goto fail_destroy_freelist;
+ wait_for_completion(&complete);
+ shost->eh_notify = NULL;
+ scsi_proc_hostdir_add(shost->hostt);
+ return shost;
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sim710.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.934006808 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sim710.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.309133600 +0400
+@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
+ #include <linux/eisa.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_spi.h>
+ #include "53c700.h"
+--- ./drivers/scsi/lasi700.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.468077640 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/lasi700.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.292136184 +0400
+@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
+ #include <asm/delay.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_spi.h>
+ #include "lasi700.h"
+ #include "53c700.h"
+--- ./drivers/scsi/53c700.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.938006200 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/53c700.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.289136640 +0400
+@@ -287,8 +287,9 @@ NCR_700_get_SXFER(struct scsi_device *SD
+ struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata =
+ (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)SDp->host->hostdata[0];
+- return NCR_700_offset_period_to_sxfer(hostdata, spi_offset(SDp),
+- spi_period(SDp));
++ return NCR_700_offset_period_to_sxfer(hostdata,
++ spi_offset(SDp->sdev_target),
++ spi_period(SDp->sdev_target));
+ }
+ struct Scsi_Host *
+@@ -403,6 +404,8 @@ NCR_700_detect(struct scsi_host_template
+ (hostdata->fast ? "53c700-66" : "53c700"),
+ hostdata->rev, hostdata->differential ?
+ "(Differential)" : "");
++ spi_signalling(host) = hostdata->differential ? SPI_SIGNAL_HVD :
+ /* reset the chip */
+ NCR_700_chip_reset(host);
+@@ -803,7 +806,7 @@ process_extended_message(struct Scsi_Hos
+ }
+ if(NCR_700_is_flag_set(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_PRINT_SYNC_NEGOTIATION)) {
+- if(spi_offset(SCp->device) != 0)
++ if(spi_offset(SCp->device->sdev_target) != 0)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: (%d:%d) Synchronous at offset %d, period %dns\n",
+ host->host_no, pun, lun,
+ offset, period*4);
+@@ -813,8 +816,8 @@ process_extended_message(struct Scsi_Hos
+ NCR_700_clear_flag(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_PRINT_SYNC_NEGOTIATION);
+ }
+- spi_offset(SCp->device) = offset;
+- spi_period(SCp->device) = period;
++ spi_offset(SCp->device->sdev_target) = offset;
++ spi_period(SCp->device->sdev_target) = period;
+ NCR_700_set_flag(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC);
+@@ -894,7 +897,8 @@ process_message(struct Scsi_Host *host,
+ case A_REJECT_MSG:
+ if(SCp != NULL && NCR_700_is_flag_set(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_BEGIN_SYNC_NEGOTIATION)) {
+ /* Rejected our sync negotiation attempt */
+- spi_period(SCp->device) = spi_offset(SCp->device) = 0;
++ spi_period(SCp->device->sdev_target) =
++ spi_offset(SCp->device->sdev_target) = 0;
+ NCR_700_set_flag(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC);
+ NCR_700_clear_flag(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_BEGIN_SYNC_NEGOTIATION);
+ } else if(SCp != NULL && NCR_700_is_flag_set(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_BEGIN_TAG_QUEUEING)) {
+@@ -1420,8 +1424,8 @@ NCR_700_start_command(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ NCR_700_is_flag_clear(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC)) {
+ memcpy(&hostdata->msgout[count], NCR_700_SDTR_msg,
+ sizeof(NCR_700_SDTR_msg));
+- hostdata->msgout[count+3] = spi_period(SCp->device);
+- hostdata->msgout[count+4] = spi_offset(SCp->device);
++ hostdata->msgout[count+3] = spi_period(SCp->device->sdev_target);
++ hostdata->msgout[count+4] = spi_offset(SCp->device->sdev_target);
+ count += sizeof(NCR_700_SDTR_msg);
+ NCR_700_set_flag(SCp->device, NCR_700_DEV_BEGIN_SYNC_NEGOTIATION);
+ }
+@@ -1999,10 +2003,11 @@ NCR_700_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd * SC
+ }
+ STATIC void
+-NCR_700_set_period(struct scsi_device *SDp, int period)
++NCR_700_set_period(struct scsi_target *STp, int period)
+ {
++ struct Scsi_Host *SHp = dev_to_shost(STp->dev.parent);
+ struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata =
+- (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)SDp->host->hostdata[0];
++ (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)SHp->hostdata[0];
+ if(!hostdata->fast)
+ return;
+@@ -2010,17 +2015,18 @@ NCR_700_set_period(struct scsi_device *S
+ if(period < hostdata->min_period)
+ period = hostdata->min_period;
+- spi_period(SDp) = period;
+- NCR_700_clear_flag(SDp, NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC);
+- NCR_700_clear_flag(SDp, NCR_700_DEV_BEGIN_SYNC_NEGOTIATION);
++ spi_period(STp) = period;
++ spi_flags(STp) &= ~(NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC |
++ spi_flags(STp) |= NCR_700_DEV_PRINT_SYNC_NEGOTIATION;
+ }
+ STATIC void
+-NCR_700_set_offset(struct scsi_device *SDp, int offset)
++NCR_700_set_offset(struct scsi_target *STp, int offset)
+ {
++ struct Scsi_Host *SHp = dev_to_shost(STp->dev.parent);
+ struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *hostdata =
+- (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)SDp->host->hostdata[0];
++ (struct NCR_700_Host_Parameters *)SHp->hostdata[0];
+ int max_offset = hostdata->chip710
+@@ -2031,14 +2037,14 @@ NCR_700_set_offset(struct scsi_device *S
+ offset = max_offset;
+ /* if we're currently async, make sure the period is reasonable */
+- if(spi_offset(SDp) == 0 && (spi_period(SDp) < hostdata->min_period ||
+- spi_period(SDp) > 0xff))
+- spi_period(SDp) = hostdata->min_period;
+- spi_offset(SDp) = offset;
+- NCR_700_clear_flag(SDp, NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC);
+- NCR_700_clear_flag(SDp, NCR_700_DEV_BEGIN_SYNC_NEGOTIATION);
++ if(spi_offset(STp) == 0 && (spi_period(STp) < hostdata->min_period ||
++ spi_period(STp) > 0xff))
++ spi_period(STp) = hostdata->min_period;
++ spi_offset(STp) = offset;
++ spi_flags(STp) &= ~(NCR_700_DEV_NEGOTIATED_SYNC |
++ spi_flags(STp) |= NCR_700_DEV_PRINT_SYNC_NEGOTIATION;
+ }
+@@ -2058,10 +2064,11 @@ NCR_700_slave_configure(struct scsi_devi
+ }
+ if(hostdata->fast) {
+ /* Find the correct offset and period via domain validation */
+- spi_dv_device(SDp);
++ if (!spi_initial_dv(SDp->sdev_target))
++ spi_dv_device(SDp);
+ } else {
+- spi_offset(SDp) = 0;
+- spi_period(SDp) = 0;
++ spi_offset(SDp->sdev_target) = 0;
++ spi_period(SDp->sdev_target) = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_spi.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.938006200 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_spi.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.308133752 +0400
+@@ -27,25 +27,28 @@
+ #include <asm/scatterlist.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include "scsi_priv.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_request.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_transport_spi.h>
+-#define SPI_PRINTK(x, l, f, a...) printk(l "scsi(%d:%d:%d:%d): " f, (x)->host->host_no, (x)->channel, (x)->id, (x)->lun , ##a)
++#define SPI_PRINTK(x, l, f, a...) dev_printk(l, &(x)->dev, f , ##a)
+ static void transport_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev);
++static void host_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev);
+ #define SPI_NUM_ATTRS 10 /* increase this if you add attributes */
+ #define SPI_OTHER_ATTRS 1 /* Increase this if you add "always
+ * on" attributes */
++#define SPI_HOST_ATTRS 1
+ /* Private data accessors (keep these out of the header file) */
+-#define spi_dv_pending(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->dv_pending)
+-#define spi_dv_sem(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->dv_sem)
++#define spi_dv_pending(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->dv_pending)
++#define spi_dv_sem(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->dv_sem)
+ struct spi_internal {
+ struct scsi_transport_template t;
+@@ -55,6 +58,8 @@ struct spi_internal {
+ /* The array of null terminated pointers to attributes
+ * needed by scsi_sysfs.c */
+ struct class_device_attribute *attrs[SPI_NUM_ATTRS + SPI_OTHER_ATTRS + 1];
++ struct class_device_attribute private_host_attrs[SPI_HOST_ATTRS];
++ struct class_device_attribute *host_attrs[SPI_HOST_ATTRS + 1];
+ };
+ #define to_spi_internal(tmpl) container_of(tmpl, struct spi_internal, t)
+@@ -80,43 +85,117 @@ static const char *const ppr_to_ns[] = {
+ * by 4 */
+ #define SPI_STATIC_PPR 0x0c
++static struct {
++ enum spi_signal_type value;
++ char *name;
++} signal_types[] = {
++ { SPI_SIGNAL_UNKNOWN, "unknown" },
++ { SPI_SIGNAL_SE, "SE" },
++static inline const char *spi_signal_to_string(enum spi_signal_type type)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(signal_types)/sizeof(signal_types[0]); i++) {
++ if (type == signal_types[i].value)
++ return signal_types[i].name;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static inline enum spi_signal_type spi_signal_to_value(const char *name)
++ int i, len;
++ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(signal_types)/sizeof(signal_types[0]); i++) {
++ len = strlen(signal_types[i].name);
++ if (strncmp(name, signal_types[i].name, len) == 0 &&
++ (name[len] == '\n' || name[len] == '\0'))
++ return signal_types[i].value;
++ }
+ struct class spi_transport_class = {
+ .name = "spi_transport",
+ .release = transport_class_release,
+ };
++struct class spi_host_class = {
++ .name = "spi_host",
++ .release = host_class_release,
+ static __init int spi_transport_init(void)
+ {
++ int error = class_register(&spi_host_class);
++ if (error)
++ return error;
+ return class_register(&spi_transport_class);
+ }
+ static void __exit spi_transport_exit(void)
+ {
+ class_unregister(&spi_transport_class);
++ class_unregister(&spi_host_class);
++static int spi_setup_host_attrs(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
++ spi_signalling(shost) = SPI_SIGNAL_UNKNOWN;
++ return 0;
+ }
+-static int spi_setup_transport_attrs(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++static int spi_configure_device(struct scsi_device *sdev)
+ {
+- spi_period(sdev) = -1; /* illegal value */
+- spi_offset(sdev) = 0; /* async */
+- spi_width(sdev) = 0; /* narrow */
+- spi_iu(sdev) = 0; /* no IU */
+- spi_dt(sdev) = 0; /* ST */
+- spi_qas(sdev) = 0;
+- spi_wr_flow(sdev) = 0;
+- spi_rd_strm(sdev) = 0;
+- spi_rti(sdev) = 0;
+- spi_pcomp_en(sdev) = 0;
+- spi_dv_pending(sdev) = 0;
+- init_MUTEX(&spi_dv_sem(sdev));
++ struct scsi_target *starget = sdev->sdev_target;
++ /* Populate the target capability fields with the values
++ * gleaned from the device inquiry */
++ spi_support_sync(starget) = scsi_device_sync(sdev);
++ spi_support_wide(starget) = scsi_device_wide(sdev);
++ spi_support_dt(starget) = scsi_device_dt(sdev);
++ spi_support_dt_only(starget) = scsi_device_dt_only(sdev);
++ spi_support_ius(starget) = scsi_device_ius(sdev);
++ spi_support_qas(starget) = scsi_device_qas(sdev);
++ return 0;
++static int spi_setup_transport_attrs(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ spi_period(starget) = -1; /* illegal value */
++ spi_offset(starget) = 0; /* async */
++ spi_width(starget) = 0; /* narrow */
++ spi_iu(starget) = 0; /* no IU */
++ spi_dt(starget) = 0; /* ST */
++ spi_qas(starget) = 0;
++ spi_wr_flow(starget) = 0;
++ spi_rd_strm(starget) = 0;
++ spi_rti(starget) = 0;
++ spi_pcomp_en(starget) = 0;
++ spi_dv_pending(starget) = 0;
++ spi_initial_dv(starget) = 0;
++ init_MUTEX(&spi_dv_sem(starget));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void transport_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev)
+ {
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(class_dev);
+- put_device(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(class_dev);
++ put_device(&starget->dev);
++static void host_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(class_dev);
++ put_device(&shost->shost_gendev);
+ }
+ #define spi_transport_show_function(field, format_string) \
+@@ -124,12 +203,13 @@ static void transport_class_release(stru
+ static ssize_t \
+ show_spi_transport_##field(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
+ { \
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(cdev); \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
+ struct spi_transport_attrs *tp; \
+- struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(sdev->host->transportt); \
+- tp = (struct spi_transport_attrs *)&sdev->transport_data; \
++ struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ tp = (struct spi_transport_attrs *)&starget->starget_data; \
+ if (i->f->get_##field) \
+- i->f->get_##field(sdev); \
++ i->f->get_##field(starget); \
+ return snprintf(buf, 20, format_string, tp->field); \
+ }
+@@ -139,11 +219,12 @@ store_spi_transport_##field(struct class
+ size_t count) \
+ { \
+ int val; \
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(cdev); \
+- struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(sdev->host->transportt); \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
++ struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(shost->transportt); \
+ \
+ val = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); \
+- i->f->set_##field(sdev, val); \
++ i->f->set_##field(starget, val); \
+ return count; \
+ }
+@@ -168,8 +249,13 @@ spi_transport_rd_attr(pcomp_en, "%d\n");
+ static ssize_t
+ store_spi_revalidate(struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf, size_t count)
+ {
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(cdev);
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev);
++ /* FIXME: we're relying on an awful lot of device internals
++ * here. We really need a function to get the first available
++ * child */
++ struct device *dev = container_of(starget->, struct device, node);
++ struct scsi_device *sdev = to_scsi_device(dev);
+ spi_dv_device(sdev);
+ return count;
+ }
+@@ -180,15 +266,16 @@ static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(revalidate, S_I
+ static ssize_t show_spi_transport_period(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
+ {
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(cdev);
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
+ struct spi_transport_attrs *tp;
+ const char *str;
+- struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(sdev->host->transportt);
++ struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(shost->transportt);
+- tp = (struct spi_transport_attrs *)&sdev->transport_data;
++ tp = (struct spi_transport_attrs *)&starget->starget_data;
+ if (i->f->get_period)
+- i->f->get_period(sdev);
++ i->f->get_period(starget);
+ switch(tp->period) {
+@@ -212,8 +299,9 @@ static ssize_t
+ store_spi_transport_period(struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf,
+ size_t count)
+ {
+- struct scsi_device *sdev = transport_class_to_sdev(cdev);
+- struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(sdev->host->transportt);
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(shost->transportt);
+ int j, period = -1;
+ for (j = 0; j < SPI_STATIC_PPR; j++) {
+@@ -246,7 +334,7 @@ store_spi_transport_period(struct class_
+ if (period > 0xff)
+ period = 0xff;
+- i->f->set_period(sdev, period);
++ i->f->set_period(starget, period);
+ return count;
+ }
+@@ -255,9 +343,36 @@ static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(period, S_IRUGO
+ show_spi_transport_period,
+ store_spi_transport_period);
++static ssize_t show_spi_host_signalling(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(shost->transportt);
++ if (i->f->get_signalling)
++ i->f->get_signalling(shost);
++ return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", spi_signal_to_string(spi_signalling(shost)));
++static ssize_t store_spi_host_signalling(struct class_device *cdev,
++ const char *buf, size_t count)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct spi_internal *i = to_spi_internal(shost->transportt);
++ enum spi_signal_type type = spi_signal_to_value(buf);
++ if (type != SPI_SIGNAL_UNKNOWN)
++ return count;
++ i->f->set_signalling(shost, type);
++ return count;
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(signalling, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
++ show_spi_host_signalling,
++ store_spi_host_signalling);
+ #define DV_SET(x, y) \
+ if(i->f->set_##x) \
+- i->f->set_##x(sdev, y)
++ i->f->set_##x(sdev->sdev_target, y)
+ #define DV_LOOPS 3
+ #define DV_TIMEOUT (10*HZ)
+@@ -325,7 +440,7 @@ spi_dv_device_echo_buffer(struct scsi_re
+ if(sreq->sr_result || !scsi_device_online(sdev)) {
+ scsi_device_set_state(sdev, SDEV_QUIESCE);
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_ERR, "Write Buffer failure %x\n", sreq->sr_result);
++ SPI_PRINTK(sdev->sdev_target, KERN_ERR, "Write Buffer failure %x\n", sreq->sr_result);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -401,8 +516,8 @@ spi_dv_retrain(struct scsi_request *sreq
+ /* OK, retrain, fallback */
+ if (i->f->get_period)
+- i->f->get_period(sdev);
+- newperiod = spi_period(sdev);
++ i->f->get_period(sdev->sdev_target);
++ newperiod = spi_period(sdev->sdev_target);
+ period = newperiod > period ? newperiod : period;
+ if (period < 0x0d)
+ period++;
+@@ -411,11 +526,11 @@ spi_dv_retrain(struct scsi_request *sreq
+ if (unlikely(period > 0xff || period == prevperiod)) {
+ /* Total failure; set to async and return */
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_ERR, "Domain Validation Failure, dropping back to Asynchronous\n");
++ SPI_PRINTK(sdev->sdev_target, KERN_ERR, "Domain Validation Failure, dropping back to Asynchronous\n");
+ DV_SET(offset, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_ERR, "Domain Validation detected failure, dropping back\n");
++ SPI_PRINTK(sdev->sdev_target, KERN_ERR, "Domain Validation detected failure, dropping back\n");
+ DV_SET(period, period);
+ prevperiod = period;
+ }
+@@ -486,20 +601,20 @@ spi_dv_device_internal(struct scsi_reque
+ DV_SET(width, 0);
+ if (!spi_dv_device_compare_inquiry(sreq, buffer, buffer, DV_LOOPS)) {
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_ERR, "Domain Validation Initial Inquiry Failed\n");
++ SPI_PRINTK(sdev->sdev_target, KERN_ERR, "Domain Validation Initial Inquiry Failed\n");
+ /* FIXME: should probably offline the device here? */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* test width */
+ if (i->f->set_width && sdev->wdtr) {
+- i->f->set_width(sdev, 1);
++ i->f->set_width(sdev->sdev_target, 1);
+ if (!spi_dv_device_compare_inquiry(sreq, buffer,
+ buffer + len,
+ DV_LOOPS)) {
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_ERR, "Wide Transfers Fail\n");
+- i->f->set_width(sdev, 0);
++ SPI_PRINTK(sdev->sdev_target, KERN_ERR, "Wide Transfers Fail\n");
++ i->f->set_width(sdev->sdev_target, 0);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -521,11 +636,11 @@ spi_dv_device_internal(struct scsi_reque
+ * test, now try an echo buffer test (if the device allows it) */
+ if ((len = spi_dv_device_get_echo_buffer(sreq, buffer)) == 0) {
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_INFO, "Domain Validation skipping write tests\n");
++ SPI_PRINTK(sdev->sdev_target, KERN_INFO, "Domain Validation skipping write tests\n");
+ return;
+ }
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_WARNING, "Echo buffer size %d is too big, trimming to %d\n", len, SPI_MAX_ECHO_BUFFER_SIZE);
++ SPI_PRINTK(sdev->sdev_target, KERN_WARNING, "Echo buffer size %d is too big, trimming to %d\n", len, SPI_MAX_ECHO_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ }
+@@ -547,6 +662,7 @@ void
+ spi_dv_device(struct scsi_device *sdev)
+ {
+ struct scsi_request *sreq = scsi_allocate_request(sdev, GFP_KERNEL);
++ struct scsi_target *starget = sdev->sdev_target;
+ u8 *buffer;
+ const int len = SPI_MAX_ECHO_BUFFER_SIZE*2;
+@@ -563,22 +679,28 @@ spi_dv_device(struct scsi_device *sdev)
+ memset(buffer, 0, len);
++ /* We need to verify that the actual device will quiesce; the
++ * later target quiesce is just a nice to have */
+ if (unlikely(scsi_device_quiesce(sdev)))
+ goto out_free;
+- spi_dv_pending(sdev) = 1;
+- down(&spi_dv_sem(sdev));
++ scsi_target_quiesce(starget);
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_INFO, "Beginning Domain Validation\n");
++ spi_dv_pending(starget) = 1;
++ down(&spi_dv_sem(starget));
++ SPI_PRINTK(starget, KERN_INFO, "Beginning Domain Validation\n");
+ spi_dv_device_internal(sreq, buffer);
+- SPI_PRINTK(sdev, KERN_INFO, "Ending Domain Validation\n");
++ SPI_PRINTK(starget, KERN_INFO, "Ending Domain Validation\n");
++ up(&spi_dv_sem(starget));
++ spi_dv_pending(starget) = 0;
+- up(&spi_dv_sem(sdev));
+- spi_dv_pending(sdev) = 0;
++ scsi_target_resume(starget);
+- scsi_device_resume(sdev);
++ spi_initial_dv(starget) = 1;
+ out_free:
+ kfree(buffer);
+@@ -602,7 +724,7 @@ spi_dv_device_work_wrapper(void *data)
+ kfree(wqw);
+ spi_dv_device(sdev);
+- spi_dv_pending(sdev) = 0;
++ spi_dv_pending(sdev->sdev_target) = 0;
+ scsi_device_put(sdev);
+ }
+@@ -625,15 +747,15 @@ spi_schedule_dv_device(struct scsi_devic
+ if (unlikely(!wqw))
+ return;
+- if (unlikely(spi_dv_pending(sdev))) {
++ if (unlikely(spi_dv_pending(sdev->sdev_target))) {
+ kfree(wqw);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Set pending early (dv_device doesn't check it, only sets it) */
+- spi_dv_pending(sdev) = 1;
++ spi_dv_pending(sdev->sdev_target) = 1;
+ if (unlikely(scsi_device_get(sdev))) {
+ kfree(wqw);
+- spi_dv_pending(sdev) = 0;
++ spi_dv_pending(sdev->sdev_target) = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -654,6 +776,15 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(spi_schedule_dv_device);
+ if (i->f->show_##field) \
+ count++
++#define SETUP_HOST_ATTRIBUTE(field) \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count] = class_device_attr_##field; \
++ if (!i->f->set_##field) { \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count].attr.mode = S_IRUGO; \
++ i->private_host_attrs[count].store = NULL; \
++ } \
++ i->host_attrs[count] = &i->private_host_attrs[count]; \
++ count++
+ struct scsi_transport_template *
+ spi_attach_transport(struct spi_function_template *ft)
+ {
+@@ -666,10 +797,15 @@ spi_attach_transport(struct spi_function
+ memset(i, 0, sizeof(struct spi_internal));
+- i->t.attrs = &i->attrs[0];
+- i->t.class = &spi_transport_class;
+- i->t.setup = &spi_setup_transport_attrs;
+- i->t.size = sizeof(struct spi_transport_attrs);
++ i->t.target_attrs = &i->attrs[0];
++ i->t.target_class = &spi_transport_class;
++ i->t.target_setup = &spi_setup_transport_attrs;
++ i->t.device_configure = &spi_configure_device;
++ i->t.target_size = sizeof(struct spi_transport_attrs);
++ i->t.host_attrs = &i->host_attrs[0];
++ i->t.host_class = &spi_host_class;
++ i->t.host_setup = &spi_setup_host_attrs;
++ i->t.host_size = sizeof(struct spi_host_attrs);
+ i->f = ft;
+@@ -691,6 +827,13 @@ spi_attach_transport(struct spi_function
+ i->attrs[count] = NULL;
++ count = 0;
++ SETUP_HOST_ATTRIBUTE(signalling);
++ BUG_ON(count > SPI_HOST_ATTRS);
++ i->host_attrs[count] = NULL;
+ return &i->t;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(spi_attach_transport);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/53c700.h.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.463078400 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/53c700.h 2005-10-25 16:42:14.290136488 +0400
+@@ -121,22 +121,22 @@ NCR_700_get_depth(struct scsi_device *SD
+ static inline int
+ NCR_700_is_flag_set(struct scsi_device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+ {
+- return (((unsigned long)SDp->hostdata) & flag) == flag;
++ return (spi_flags(SDp->sdev_target) & flag) == flag;
+ }
+ static inline int
+ NCR_700_is_flag_clear(struct scsi_device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+ {
+- return (((unsigned long)SDp->hostdata) & flag) == 0;
++ return (spi_flags(SDp->sdev_target) & flag) == 0;
+ }
+ static inline void
+ NCR_700_set_flag(struct scsi_device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+ {
+- SDp->hostdata = (void *)((long)SDp->hostdata | (flag & 0xffff0000));
++ spi_flags(SDp->sdev_target) |= flag;
+ }
+ static inline void
+ NCR_700_clear_flag(struct scsi_device *SDp, __u32 flag)
+ {
+- SDp->hostdata = (void *)((long)SDp->hostdata & ~(flag & 0xffff0000));
++ spi_flags(SDp->sdev_target) &= ~flag;
+ }
+ struct NCR_700_command_slot {
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.937006352 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.303134512 +0400
+@@ -202,10 +202,12 @@ static void print_inquiry(unsigned char
+ static struct scsi_device *scsi_alloc_sdev(struct Scsi_Host *shost,
+ uint channel, uint id, uint lun)
+ {
+- struct scsi_device *sdev, *device;
++ struct scsi_device *sdev;
+ unsigned long flags;
++ int display_failure_msg = 1, ret;
+- sdev = kmalloc(sizeof(*sdev) + shost->transportt->size, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ sdev = kmalloc(sizeof(*sdev) + shost->transportt->device_size,
+ if (!sdev)
+ goto out;
+@@ -249,81 +251,53 @@ static struct scsi_device *scsi_alloc_sd
+ sdev->request_queue->queuedata = sdev;
+ scsi_adjust_queue_depth(sdev, 0, sdev->host->cmd_per_lun);
+- if (shost->hostt->slave_alloc) {
+- if (shost->hostt->slave_alloc(sdev))
++ if (shost->transportt->device_setup) {
++ if (shost->transportt->device_setup(sdev))
+ goto out_free_queue;
+ }
+- if (shost->transportt->setup) {
+- if (shost->transportt->setup(sdev))
+- goto out_cleanup_slave;
++ if (shost->hostt->slave_alloc) {
++ ret = shost->hostt->slave_alloc(sdev);
++ if (ret) {
++ /*
++ * if LLDD reports slave not present, don't clutter
++ * console with alloc failure messages
++ */
++ if (ret == -ENXIO)
++ display_failure_msg = 0;
++ goto out_device_destroy;
++ }
+ }
+- if (get_device(&sdev->host->shost_gendev)) {
++ if (scsi_sysfs_device_initialize(sdev) != 0)
++ goto out_cleanup_slave;
+- device_initialize(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
+- sdev->sdev_gendev.parent = &sdev->host->shost_gendev;
+- sdev->sdev_gendev.bus = &scsi_bus_type;
+- sdev->sdev_gendev.release = scsi_device_dev_release;
+- sprintf(sdev->sdev_gendev.bus_id,"%d:%d:%d:%d",
+- sdev->host->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id,
+- sdev->lun);
+- class_device_initialize(&sdev->sdev_classdev);
+- sdev-> = &sdev->sdev_gendev;
+- sdev->sdev_classdev.class = &sdev_class;
+- snprintf(sdev->sdev_classdev.class_id, BUS_ID_SIZE,
+- "%d:%d:%d:%d", sdev->host->host_no,
+- sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
+- class_device_initialize(&sdev->transport_classdev);
+- sdev-> = &sdev->sdev_gendev;
+- sdev->transport_classdev.class = sdev->host->transportt->class;
+- snprintf(sdev->transport_classdev.class_id, BUS_ID_SIZE,
+- "%d:%d:%d:%d", sdev->host->host_no,
+- sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
+- } else
+- goto out_cleanup_transport;
+- /*
+- * If there are any same target siblings, add this to the
+- * sibling list
+- */
+- spin_lock_irqsave(shost->host_lock, flags);
+- list_for_each_entry(device, &shost->__devices, siblings) {
+- if (device->id == sdev->id &&
+- device->channel == sdev->channel) {
+- list_add_tail(&sdev->same_target_siblings,
+- &device->same_target_siblings);
+- sdev->scsi_level = device->scsi_level;
+- break;
+- }
+- }
++ /* NOTE: this target initialisation code depends critically on
++ * lun scanning being sequential. */
++ if (scsi_sysfs_target_initialize(sdev))
++ goto out_remove_siblings;
+- /*
+- * If there wasn't another lun already configured at this
+- * target, then default this device to SCSI_2 until we
+- * know better
+- */
+- if (!sdev->scsi_level)
+- sdev->scsi_level = SCSI_2;
+- list_add_tail(&sdev->siblings, &shost->__devices);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->host_lock, flags);
+ return sdev;
+- if (shost->transportt->cleanup)
+- shost->transportt->cleanup(sdev);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(shost->host_lock, flags);
++ list_del(&sdev->siblings);
++ list_del(&sdev->same_target_siblings);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->host_lock, flags);
+ out_cleanup_slave:
+ if (shost->hostt->slave_destroy)
+ shost->hostt->slave_destroy(sdev);
++ if (shost->transportt->device_destroy)
++ shost->transportt->device_destroy(sdev);
+ out_free_queue:
+ scsi_free_queue(sdev->request_queue);
+ out_free_dev:
+ kfree(sdev);
+ out:
++ if (display_failure_msg)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -498,10 +472,6 @@ static void scsi_probe_lun(struct scsi_r
+ **/
+ static int scsi_add_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, char *inq_result, int *bflags)
+ {
+- struct scsi_device *sdev_sibling;
+- struct scsi_target *starget;
+- unsigned long flags;
+ /*
+ * XXX do not save the inquiry, since it can change underneath us,
+ * save just vendor/model/rev.
+@@ -610,40 +580,9 @@ static int scsi_add_lun(struct scsi_devi
+ if (*bflags & BLIST_NOSTARTONADD)
+ sdev->no_start_on_add = 1;
+- /*
+- * If we need to allow I/O to only one of the luns attached to
+- * this target id at a time set single_lun, and allocate or modify
+- * sdev_target.
+- */
+- if (*bflags & BLIST_SINGLELUN) {
++ if (*bflags & BLIST_SINGLELUN)
+ sdev->single_lun = 1;
+- spin_lock_irqsave(sdev->host->host_lock, flags);
+- starget = NULL;
+- /*
+- * Search for an existing target for this sdev.
+- */
+- list_for_each_entry(sdev_sibling, &sdev->same_target_siblings,
+- same_target_siblings) {
+- if (sdev_sibling->sdev_target != NULL) {
+- starget = sdev_sibling->sdev_target;
+- break;
+- }
+- }
+- if (!starget) {
+- starget = kmalloc(sizeof(*starget), GFP_ATOMIC);
+- if (!starget) {
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(sdev->host->host_lock,
+- flags);
+- }
+- starget->starget_refcnt = 0;
+- starget->starget_sdev_user = NULL;
+- }
+- starget->starget_refcnt++;
+- sdev->sdev_target = starget;
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(sdev->host->host_lock, flags);
+- }
+ sdev->use_10_for_rw = 1;
+@@ -666,7 +605,10 @@ static int scsi_add_lun(struct scsi_devi
+ if (*bflags & BLIST_NOT_LOCKABLE)
+ sdev->lockable = 0;
+- if(sdev->host->hostt->slave_configure)
++ if (sdev->host->transportt->device_configure)
++ sdev->host->transportt->device_configure(sdev);
++ if (sdev->host->hostt->slave_configure)
+ sdev->host->hostt->slave_configure(sdev);
+ /*
+@@ -783,8 +725,8 @@ static int scsi_probe_and_add_lun(struct
+ } else {
+ if (sdev->host->hostt->slave_destroy)
+ sdev->host->hostt->slave_destroy(sdev);
+- if (sdev->host->transportt->cleanup)
+- sdev->host->transportt->cleanup(sdev);
++ if (sdev->host->transportt->device_destroy)
++ sdev->host->transportt->device_destroy(sdev);
+ put_device(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
+ }
+ out:
+@@ -1342,7 +1284,7 @@ void scsi_free_host_dev(struct scsi_devi
+ if (sdev->host->hostt->slave_destroy)
+ sdev->host->hostt->slave_destroy(sdev);
+- if (sdev->host->transportt->cleanup)
+- sdev->host->transportt->cleanup(sdev);
++ if (sdev->host->transportt->device_destroy)
++ sdev->host->transportt->device_destroy(sdev);
+ put_device(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
+ }
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_glue.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:20.130976864 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_glue.c 2005-10-25 16:44:22.780602968 +0400
+@@ -1163,7 +1163,8 @@ static int sym53c8xx_slave_configure(str
+ lp->s.scdev_depth = depth_to_use;
+ sym_tune_dev_queuing(np, device->id, device->lun, reqtags);
+- spi_dv_device(device);
++ if (!spi_initial_dv(device->sdev_target))
++ spi_dv_device(device);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -2370,42 +2371,60 @@ static void __devexit sym2_remove(struct
+ attach_count--;
+ }
+-static void sym2_get_offset(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++static void sym2_get_signalling(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ enum spi_signal_type type;
+- spi_offset(sdev) = tp->tinfo.curr.offset;
++ switch (np->scsi_mode) {
++ case SMODE_SE:
++ type = SPI_SIGNAL_SE;
++ break;
++ case SMODE_LVD:
++ type = SPI_SIGNAL_LVD;
++ break;
++ case SMODE_HVD:
++ type = SPI_SIGNAL_HVD;
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ spi_signalling(shost) = type;
+ }
+-static void sym2_set_offset(struct scsi_device *sdev, int offset)
++static void sym2_get_offset(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
+- if (tp->tinfo.curr.options & PPR_OPT_DT) {
+- if (offset > np->maxoffs_dt)
+- offset = np->maxoffs_dt;
+- } else {
+- if (offset > np->maxoffs)
+- offset = np->maxoffs;
+- }
+- tp->tinfo.goal.offset = offset;
++ spi_offset(starget) = tp->tinfo.curr.offset;
+ }
++static void sym2_set_offset(struct scsi_target *starget, int offset)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
++ tp->tinfo.goal.offset = offset;
+-static void sym2_get_period(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++static void sym2_get_period(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
+- spi_period(sdev) = tp->tinfo.curr.period;
++ spi_period(starget) = tp->tinfo.curr.period;
+ }
+-static void sym2_set_period(struct scsi_device *sdev, int period)
++static void sym2_set_period(struct scsi_target *starget, int period)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
+ if (period <= 9 && np->minsync_dt) {
+ if (period < np->minsync_dt)
+@@ -2426,34 +2445,38 @@ static void sym2_set_period(struct scsi_
+ }
+ }
+-static void sym2_get_width(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++static void sym2_get_width(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
+- spi_width(sdev) = tp->tinfo.curr.width ? 1 : 0;
++ spi_width(starget) = tp->tinfo.curr.width ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+-static void sym2_set_width(struct scsi_device *sdev, int width)
++static void sym2_set_width(struct scsi_target *starget, int width)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
+ tp->tinfo.goal.width = width;
+ }
+-static void sym2_get_dt(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++static void sym2_get_dt(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
+- spi_dt(sdev) = (tp->tinfo.curr.options & PPR_OPT_DT) ? 1 : 0;
++ spi_dt(starget) = (tp->tinfo.curr.options & PPR_OPT_DT) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+-static void sym2_set_dt(struct scsi_device *sdev, int dt)
++static void sym2_set_dt(struct scsi_target *starget, int dt)
+ {
+- struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)sdev->host->hostdata)->ncb;
+- struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[sdev->id];
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct sym_hcb *np = ((struct host_data *)shost->hostdata)->ncb;
++ struct sym_tcb *tp = &np->target[starget->id];
+ if (!dt) {
+ /* if clearing DT, then we may need to reduce the
+@@ -2482,6 +2505,7 @@ static struct spi_function_template sym2
+ .get_dt = sym2_get_dt,
+ .set_dt = sym2_set_dt,
+ .show_dt = 1,
++ .get_signalling = sym2_get_signalling,
+ };
+ static struct pci_device_id sym2_id_table[] __devinitdata = {
+--- ./drivers/scsi/NCR_D700.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.934006808 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/NCR_D700.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.294135880 +0400
+@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
+ #include <linux/mca.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_spi.h>
+ #include "53c700.h"
+ #include "NCR_D700.h"
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi_priv.h.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:20.111979752 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi_priv.h 2005-10-25 16:42:14.301134816 +0400
+@@ -58,16 +58,6 @@ struct Scsi_Host;
+ */
+ #define SCAN_WILD_CARD ~0
+- * scsi_target: representation of a scsi target, for now, this is only
+- * used for single_lun devices. If no one has active IO to the target,
+- * starget_sdev_user is NULL, else it points to the active sdev.
+- */
+-struct scsi_target {
+- struct scsi_device *starget_sdev_user;
+- unsigned int starget_refcnt;
+ /* hosts.c */
+ extern int scsi_init_hosts(void);
+ extern void scsi_exit_hosts(void);
+@@ -156,9 +146,20 @@ extern int scsi_sysfs_add_sdev(struct sc
+ extern int scsi_sysfs_add_host(struct Scsi_Host *);
+ extern int scsi_sysfs_register(void);
+ extern void scsi_sysfs_unregister(void);
++extern int scsi_sysfs_device_initialize(struct scsi_device *);
++extern int scsi_sysfs_target_initialize(struct scsi_device *);
+ extern struct scsi_transport_template blank_transport_template;
+ extern struct class sdev_class;
+ extern struct bus_type scsi_bus_type;
++ * internal scsi timeout functions: for use by mid-layer and transport
++ * classes.
++ */
++extern int scsi_internal_device_block(struct scsi_device *sdev);
++extern int scsi_internal_device_unblock(struct scsi_device *sdev);
+ #endif /* _SCSI_PRIV_H */
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi_sysfs.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:19.950004376 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi_sysfs.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.305134208 +0400
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ static struct {
+ { SDEV_DEL, "deleted" },
+ { SDEV_QUIESCE, "quiesce" },
+ { SDEV_OFFLINE, "offline" },
++ { SDEV_BLOCK, "blocked" },
+ };
+ const char *scsi_device_state_name(enum scsi_device_state state)
+@@ -153,25 +154,39 @@ void scsi_device_dev_release(struct devi
+ struct scsi_device *sdev;
+ struct device *parent;
+ unsigned long flags;
++ int delete;
+ parent = dev->parent;
+ sdev = to_scsi_device(dev);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(sdev->host->host_lock, flags);
++ /* If we're the last LUN on the target, destroy the target */
++ delete = list_empty(&sdev->same_target_siblings);
+ list_del(&sdev->siblings);
+ list_del(&sdev->same_target_siblings);
+ list_del(&sdev->starved_entry);
+- if (sdev->single_lun && --sdev->sdev_target->starget_refcnt == 0)
+- kfree(sdev->sdev_target);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(sdev->host->host_lock, flags);
++ if (delete) {
++ struct scsi_target *starget = to_scsi_target(parent);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ if (!starget->create) {
++ if (shost->transportt->target_destroy)
++ shost->transportt->target_destroy(starget);
++ device_del(parent);
++ if (starget->transport_classdev.class)
++ class_device_unregister(&starget->transport_classdev);
++ }
++ put_device(parent);
++ }
+ if (sdev->request_queue)
+ scsi_free_queue(sdev->request_queue);
+ kfree(sdev->inquiry);
+ kfree(sdev);
+- put_device(parent);
++ if (parent)
++ put_device(parent);
+ }
+ struct class sdev_class = {
+@@ -430,6 +445,14 @@ static int attr_add(struct device *dev,
+ return device_create_file(dev, attr);
+ }
++static void scsi_target_dev_release(struct device *dev)
++ struct scsi_target *starget = to_scsi_target(dev);
++ struct device *parent = dev->parent;
++ kfree(starget);
++ put_device(parent);
+ /**
+ * scsi_sysfs_add_sdev - add scsi device to sysfs
+ * @sdev: scsi_device to add
+@@ -440,13 +463,55 @@ static int attr_add(struct device *dev,
+ int scsi_sysfs_add_sdev(struct scsi_device *sdev)
+ {
+ struct class_device_attribute **attrs;
+- int error, i;
++ struct scsi_target *starget = sdev->sdev_target;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = sdev->host;
++ int error, i, create;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(shost->host_lock, flags);
++ create = starget->create;
++ starget->create = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->host_lock, flags);
++ if (create) {
++ error = device_add(&starget->dev);
++ if (error) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Target device_add failed\n");
++ return error;
++ }
++ if (starget->transport_classdev.class) {
++ int i;
++ struct class_device_attribute **attrs =
++ sdev->host->transportt->target_attrs;
++ error = class_device_add(&starget->transport_classdev);
++ if (error) {
++ dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &starget->dev,
++ "Target transport add failed\n");
++ return error;
++ }
++ /* take a reference for the transport_classdev; this
++ * is released by the transport_class .release */
++ get_device(&starget->dev);
++ for (i = 0; attrs[i]; i++) {
++ error = class_device_create_file(&starget->transport_classdev,
++ attrs[i]);
++ if (error) {
++ dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &starget->dev,
++ "Target transport attr add failed\n");
++ return error;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ if ((error = scsi_device_set_state(sdev, SDEV_RUNNING)) != 0)
+ return error;
+ error = device_add(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
+ if (error) {
++ put_device(sdev->sdev_gendev.parent);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "error 1\n");
+ return error;
+ }
+@@ -459,7 +524,6 @@ int scsi_sysfs_add_sdev(struct scsi_devi
+ /* take a reference for the sdev_classdev; this is
+ * released by the sdev_class .release */
+ get_device(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
+ if (sdev->transport_classdev.class) {
+ error = class_device_add(&sdev->transport_classdev);
+ if (error)
+@@ -494,7 +558,7 @@ int scsi_sysfs_add_sdev(struct scsi_devi
+ }
+ if (sdev->transport_classdev.class) {
+- attrs = sdev->host->transportt->attrs;
++ attrs = sdev->host->transportt->device_attrs;
+ for (i = 0; attrs[i]; i++) {
+ error = class_device_create_file(&sdev->transport_classdev,
+ attrs[i]);
+@@ -535,8 +599,8 @@ void scsi_remove_device(struct scsi_devi
+ scsi_device_set_state(sdev, SDEV_DEL);
+ if (sdev->host->hostt->slave_destroy)
+ sdev->host->hostt->slave_destroy(sdev);
+- if (sdev->host->transportt->cleanup)
+- sdev->host->transportt->cleanup(sdev);
++ if (sdev->host->transportt->device_destroy)
++ sdev->host->transportt->device_destroy(sdev);
+ put_device(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
+ }
+@@ -620,6 +684,121 @@ int scsi_sysfs_add_host(struct Scsi_Host
+ }
+ }
++ class_device_initialize(&shost->transport_classdev);
++ shost->transport_classdev.class = shost->transportt->host_class;
++ shost-> = &shost->shost_gendev;
++ snprintf(shost->transport_classdev.class_id, BUS_ID_SIZE,
++ "host%d", shost->host_no);
++ if (shost->transport_classdev.class) {
++ struct class_device_attribute **attrs =
++ shost->transportt->host_attrs;
++ error = class_device_add(&shost->transport_classdev);
++ if (error)
++ return error;
++ /* take a reference for the transport_classdev; this
++ * is released by the transport_class .release */
++ get_device(&shost->shost_gendev);
++ for (i = 0; attrs[i]; i++) {
++ error = class_device_create_file(&shost->transport_classdev,
++ attrs[i]);
++ if (error)
++ return error;
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++int scsi_sysfs_device_initialize(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ device_initialize(&sdev->sdev_gendev);
++ sdev->sdev_gendev.bus = &scsi_bus_type;
++ sdev->sdev_gendev.release = scsi_device_dev_release;
++ sprintf(sdev->sdev_gendev.bus_id,"%d:%d:%d:%d",
++ sdev->host->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id,
++ sdev->lun);
++ class_device_initialize(&sdev->sdev_classdev);
++ sdev-> = &sdev->sdev_gendev;
++ sdev->sdev_classdev.class = &sdev_class;
++ snprintf(sdev->sdev_classdev.class_id, BUS_ID_SIZE,
++ "%d:%d:%d:%d", sdev->host->host_no,
++ sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
++ class_device_initialize(&sdev->transport_classdev);
++ sdev-> = &sdev->sdev_gendev;
++ sdev->transport_classdev.class = sdev->host->transportt->device_class;
++ snprintf(sdev->transport_classdev.class_id, BUS_ID_SIZE,
++ "%d:%d:%d:%d", sdev->host->host_no,
++ sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
++ return 0;
++int scsi_sysfs_target_initialize(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct scsi_target *starget = NULL;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = sdev->host;
++ struct scsi_device *device;
++ struct device *dev = NULL;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int create = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(shost->host_lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * Search for an existing target for this sdev.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry(device, &shost->__devices, siblings) {
++ if (device->id == sdev->id &&
++ device->channel == sdev->channel) {
++ list_add_tail(&sdev->same_target_siblings,
++ &device->same_target_siblings);
++ sdev->scsi_level = device->scsi_level;
++ starget = device->sdev_target;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!starget) {
++ const int size = sizeof(*starget) +
++ shost->transportt->target_size;
++ starget = kmalloc(size, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!starget) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: allocation failure\n", __FUNCTION__);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->host_lock,
++ flags);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memset(starget, 0, size);
++ dev = &starget->dev;
++ device_initialize(dev);
++ dev->parent = get_device(&shost->shost_gendev);
++ dev->release = scsi_target_dev_release;
++ sprintf(dev->bus_id, "target%d:%d:%d",
++ shost->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id);
++ class_device_initialize(&starget->transport_classdev);
++ starget-> = &starget->dev;
++ starget->transport_classdev.class = shost->transportt->target_class;
++ snprintf(starget->transport_classdev.class_id, BUS_ID_SIZE,
++ "target%d:%d:%d",
++ shost->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id);
++ starget->id = sdev->id;
++ starget->channel = sdev->channel;
++ create = starget->create = 1;
++ /*
++ * If there wasn't another lun already configured at
++ * this target, then default this device to SCSI_2
++ * until we know better
++ */
++ sdev->scsi_level = SCSI_2;
++ }
++ get_device(&starget->dev);
++ sdev->sdev_gendev.parent = &starget->dev;
++ sdev->sdev_target = starget;
++ list_add_tail(&sdev->siblings, &shost->__devices);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->host_lock, flags);
++ if (create && shost->transportt->target_setup)
++ shost->transportt->target_setup(starget);
+ return 0;
+ }
+--- ./drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:20.429931416 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c 2005-10-25 16:42:14.296135576 +0400
+@@ -4403,61 +4403,64 @@ qla2x00_down_timeout(struct semaphore *s
+ }
+ static void
+-qla2xxx_get_port_id(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++qla2xxx_get_port_id(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- scsi_qla_host_t *ha = to_qla_host(sdev->host);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = to_qla_host(shost);
+ struct fc_port *fc;
+ list_for_each_entry(fc, &ha->fcports, list) {
+- if (fc->os_target_id == sdev->id) {
+- fc_port_id(sdev) = fc->d_id.b.domain << 16 |
++ if (fc->os_target_id == starget->id) {
++ fc_starget_port_id(starget) = fc->d_id.b.domain << 16 |
+ fc->d_id.b.area << 8 |
+ fc->d_id.b.al_pa;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+- fc_port_id(sdev) = -1;
++ fc_starget_port_id(starget) = -1;
+ }
+ static void
+-qla2xxx_get_port_name(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++qla2xxx_get_port_name(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- scsi_qla_host_t *ha = to_qla_host(sdev->host);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = to_qla_host(shost);
+ struct fc_port *fc;
+ list_for_each_entry(fc, &ha->fcports, list) {
+- if (fc->os_target_id == sdev->id) {
+- fc_port_name(sdev) =
++ if (fc->os_target_id == starget->id) {
++ fc_starget_port_name(starget) =
+ __be64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t *)fc->port_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+- fc_port_name(sdev) = -1;
++ fc_starget_port_name(starget) = -1;
+ }
+ static void
+-qla2xxx_get_node_name(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++qla2xxx_get_node_name(struct scsi_target *starget)
+ {
+- scsi_qla_host_t *ha = to_qla_host(sdev->host);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = to_qla_host(shost);
+ struct fc_port *fc;
+ list_for_each_entry(fc, &ha->fcports, list) {
+- if (fc->os_target_id == sdev->id) {
+- fc_node_name(sdev) =
++ if (fc->os_target_id == starget->id) {
++ fc_starget_node_name(starget) =
+ __be64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t *)fc->node_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+- fc_node_name(sdev) = -1;
++ fc_starget_node_name(starget) = -1;
+ }
+ static struct fc_function_template qla2xxx_transport_functions = {
+- .get_port_id = qla2xxx_get_port_id,
+- .show_port_id = 1,
+- .get_port_name = qla2xxx_get_port_name,
+- .show_port_name = 1,
+- .get_node_name = qla2xxx_get_node_name,
+- .show_node_name = 1,
++ .get_starget_port_id = qla2xxx_get_port_id,
++ .show_starget_port_id = 1,
++ .get_starget_port_name = qla2xxx_get_port_name,
++ .show_starget_port_name = 1,
++ .get_starget_node_name = qla2xxx_get_node_name,
++ .show_starget_node_name = 1,
+ };
+ /**
+--- ./include/scsi/scsi_transport.h.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:23.979391816 +0400
++++ ./include/scsi/scsi_transport.h 2005-10-25 16:42:14.315132688 +0400
+@@ -24,18 +24,33 @@ struct scsi_transport_template {
+ /* The NULL terminated list of transport attributes
+ * that should be exported.
+ */
+- struct class_device_attribute **attrs;
++ struct class_device_attribute **device_attrs;
++ struct class_device_attribute **target_attrs;
++ struct class_device_attribute **host_attrs;
+ /* The transport class that the device is in */
+- struct class *class;
++ struct class *device_class;
++ struct class *target_class;
++ struct class *host_class;
++ /* Constructor functions */
++ int (*device_setup)(struct scsi_device *);
++ int (*device_configure)(struct scsi_device *);
++ int (*target_setup)(struct scsi_target *);
++ int (*host_setup)(struct Scsi_Host *);
++ /* Destructor functions */
++ void (*device_destroy)(struct scsi_device *);
++ void (*target_destroy)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*host_destroy)(struct Scsi_Host *);
+- /* Constructor/Destructor functions */
+- int (* setup)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (* cleanup)(struct scsi_device *);
+ /* The size of the specific transport attribute structure (a
+ * space of this size will be left at the end of the
+- * scsi_device structure */
+- int size;
++ * scsi_* structure */
++ int device_size;
++ int target_size;
++ int host_size;
+ };
+ #endif /* SCSI_TRANSPORT_H */
+--- ./include/scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:23.979391816 +0400
++++ ./include/scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h 2005-10-25 16:42:14.314132840 +0400
+@@ -24,33 +24,68 @@
+ struct scsi_transport_template;
+-struct fc_transport_attrs {
++struct fc_starget_attrs { /* aka fc_target_attrs */
+ int port_id;
+ uint64_t node_name;
+ uint64_t port_name;
++ uint32_t dev_loss_tmo; /* Remote Port loss timeout in seconds. */
++ struct work_struct dev_loss_work;
+ };
+-/* accessor functions */
+-#define fc_port_id(x) (((struct fc_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->port_id)
+-#define fc_node_name(x) (((struct fc_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->node_name)
+-#define fc_port_name(x) (((struct fc_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->port_name)
++#define fc_starget_port_id(x) \
++ (((struct fc_starget_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->port_id)
++#define fc_starget_node_name(x) \
++ (((struct fc_starget_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->node_name)
++#define fc_starget_port_name(x) \
++ (((struct fc_starget_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->port_name)
++#define fc_starget_dev_loss_tmo(x) \
++ (((struct fc_starget_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->dev_loss_tmo)
++#define fc_starget_dev_loss_work(x) \
++ (((struct fc_starget_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->dev_loss_work)
++struct fc_host_attrs {
++ uint32_t link_down_tmo; /* Link Down timeout in seconds. */
++ struct work_struct link_down_work;
++#define fc_host_link_down_tmo(x) \
++ (((struct fc_host_attrs *)(x)->shost_data)->link_down_tmo)
++#define fc_host_link_down_work(x) \
++ (((struct fc_host_attrs *)(x)->shost_data)->link_down_work)
+ /* The functions by which the transport class and the driver communicate */
+ struct fc_function_template {
+- void (*get_port_id)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*get_node_name)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*get_port_name)(struct scsi_device *);
+- /* The driver sets these to tell the transport class it
++ void (*get_starget_port_id)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_starget_node_name)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_starget_port_name)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_starget_dev_loss_tmo)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_starget_dev_loss_tmo)(struct scsi_target *, uint32_t);
++ void (*get_host_link_down_tmo)(struct Scsi_Host *);
++ void (*set_host_link_down_tmo)(struct Scsi_Host *, uint32_t);
++ /*
++ * The driver sets these to tell the transport class it
+ * wants the attributes displayed in sysfs. If the show_ flag
+ * is not set, the attribute will be private to the transport
+- * class */
+- unsigned long show_port_id:1;
+- unsigned long show_node_name:1;
+- unsigned long show_port_name:1;
++ * class
++ */
++ unsigned long show_starget_port_id:1;
++ unsigned long show_starget_node_name:1;
++ unsigned long show_starget_port_name:1;
++ unsigned long show_starget_dev_loss_tmo:1;
++ unsigned long show_host_link_down_tmo:1;
+ /* Private Attributes */
+ };
+ struct scsi_transport_template *fc_attach_transport(struct fc_function_template *);
+ void fc_release_transport(struct scsi_transport_template *);
++int fc_target_block(struct scsi_target *starget);
++void fc_target_unblock(struct scsi_target *starget);
++int fc_host_block(struct Scsi_Host *shost);
++void fc_host_unblock(struct Scsi_Host *shost);
+ #endif /* SCSI_TRANSPORT_FC_H */
+--- ./include/scsi/scsi_transport_spi.h.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:23.979391816 +0400
++++ ./include/scsi/scsi_transport_spi.h 2005-10-25 16:42:14.316132536 +0400
+@@ -35,45 +35,80 @@ struct spi_transport_attrs {
+ unsigned int rd_strm:1; /* Read streaming enabled */
+ unsigned int rti:1; /* Retain Training Information */
+ unsigned int pcomp_en:1;/* Precompensation enabled */
++ unsigned int initial_dv:1; /* DV done to this target yet */
++ unsigned long flags; /* flags field for drivers to use */
++ /* Device Properties fields */
++ unsigned int support_sync:1; /* synchronous support */
++ unsigned int support_wide:1; /* wide support */
++ unsigned int support_dt:1; /* allows DT phases */
++ unsigned int support_dt_only; /* disallows ST phases */
++ unsigned int support_ius; /* support Information Units */
++ unsigned int support_qas; /* supports quick arbitration and selection */
+ /* Private Fields */
+ unsigned int dv_pending:1; /* Internal flag */
+ struct semaphore dv_sem; /* semaphore to serialise dv */
+ };
++enum spi_signal_type {
++struct spi_host_attrs {
++ enum spi_signal_type signalling;
+ /* accessor functions */
+-#define spi_period(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->period)
+-#define spi_offset(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->offset)
+-#define spi_width(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->width)
+-#define spi_iu(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->iu)
+-#define spi_dt(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->dt)
+-#define spi_qas(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->qas)
+-#define spi_wr_flow(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->wr_flow)
+-#define spi_rd_strm(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->rd_strm)
+-#define spi_rti(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->rti)
+-#define spi_pcomp_en(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->transport_data)->pcomp_en)
++#define spi_period(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->period)
++#define spi_offset(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->offset)
++#define spi_width(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->width)
++#define spi_iu(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->iu)
++#define spi_dt(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->dt)
++#define spi_qas(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->qas)
++#define spi_wr_flow(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->wr_flow)
++#define spi_rd_strm(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->rd_strm)
++#define spi_rti(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->rti)
++#define spi_pcomp_en(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->pcomp_en)
++#define spi_initial_dv(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->initial_dv)
++#define spi_support_sync(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->support_sync)
++#define spi_support_wide(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->support_wide)
++#define spi_support_dt(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->support_dt)
++#define spi_support_dt_only(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->support_dt_only)
++#define spi_support_ius(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->support_ius)
++#define spi_support_qas(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->support_qas)
++#define spi_flags(x) (((struct spi_transport_attrs *)&(x)->starget_data)->flags)
++#define spi_signalling(h) (((struct spi_host_attrs *)(h)->shost_data)->signalling)
+ /* The functions by which the transport class and the driver communicate */
+ struct spi_function_template {
+- void (*get_period)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_period)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_offset)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_offset)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_width)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_width)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_iu)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_iu)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_dt)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_dt)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_qas)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_qas)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_wr_flow)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_wr_flow)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_rd_strm)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_rd_strm)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_rti)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_rti)(struct scsi_device *, int);
+- void (*get_pcomp_en)(struct scsi_device *);
+- void (*set_pcomp_en)(struct scsi_device *, int);
++ void (*get_period)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_period)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_offset)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_offset)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_width)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_width)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_iu)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_iu)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_dt)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_dt)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_qas)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_qas)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_wr_flow)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_wr_flow)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_rd_strm)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_rd_strm)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_rti)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_rti)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_pcomp_en)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*set_pcomp_en)(struct scsi_target *, int);
++ void (*get_signalling)(struct Scsi_Host *);
++ void (*set_signalling)(struct Scsi_Host *, enum spi_signal_type);
+ /* The driver sets these to tell the transport class it
+ * wants the attributes displayed in sysfs. If the show_ flag
+ * is not set, the attribute will be private to the transport
+--- ./include/scsi/scsi_device.h.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:23.979391816 +0400
++++ ./include/scsi/scsi_device.h 2005-10-25 16:47:54.703385808 +0400
+@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ enum scsi_device_state {
+ * originate in the mid-layer) */
+ SDEV_OFFLINE, /* Device offlined (by error handling or
+ * user request */
++ SDEV_BLOCK, /* Device blocked by scsi lld. No scsi
++ * commands from user or midlayer should be issued
++ * to the scsi lld. */
+ };
+ struct scsi_device {
+@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ struct scsi_device {
+ struct class_device transport_classdev;
+ enum scsi_device_state sdev_state;
+- unsigned long transport_data[0];
++ unsigned long sdev_data[0];
+ } __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(unsigned long))));
+ #define to_scsi_device(d) \
+ container_of(d, struct scsi_device, sdev_gendev)
+@@ -129,6 +132,30 @@ struct scsi_device {
+ #define transport_class_to_sdev(class_dev) \
+ container_of(class_dev, struct scsi_device, transport_classdev)
++ * scsi_target: representation of a scsi target, for now, this is only
++ * used for single_lun devices. If no one has active IO to the target,
++ * starget_sdev_user is NULL, else it points to the active sdev.
++ */
++struct scsi_target {
++ struct scsi_device *starget_sdev_user;
++ struct device dev;
++ unsigned int channel;
++ unsigned int id; /* target id ... replace
++ * eventually */
++ struct class_device transport_classdev;
++ unsigned long create:1; /* signal that it needs to be added */
++ unsigned long starget_data[0];
++} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(unsigned long))));
++#define to_scsi_target(d) container_of(d, struct scsi_target, dev)
++static inline struct scsi_target *scsi_target(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ return to_scsi_target(sdev->sdev_gendev.parent);
++#define transport_class_to_starget(class_dev) \
++ container_of(class_dev, struct scsi_target, transport_classdev)
+ extern struct scsi_device *scsi_add_device(struct Scsi_Host *,
+ uint, uint, uint);
+ extern void scsi_remove_device(struct scsi_device *);
+@@ -187,9 +214,43 @@ extern int scsi_device_set_state(struct
+ enum scsi_device_state state);
+ extern int scsi_device_quiesce(struct scsi_device *sdev);
+ extern void scsi_device_resume(struct scsi_device *sdev);
++extern void scsi_target_quiesce(struct scsi_target *);
++extern void scsi_target_resume(struct scsi_target *);
+ extern const char *scsi_device_state_name(enum scsi_device_state);
+ static int inline scsi_device_online(struct scsi_device *sdev)
+ {
+ return sdev->sdev_state != SDEV_OFFLINE;
+ }
++/* accessor functions for the SCSI parameters */
++static inline int scsi_device_sync(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ return sdev->sdtr;
++static inline int scsi_device_wide(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ return sdev->wdtr;
++static inline int scsi_device_dt(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ return sdev->ppr;
++static inline int scsi_device_dt_only(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ if (sdev->inquiry_len < 57)
++ return 0;
++ return (sdev->inquiry[56] & 0x0c) == 0x04;
++static inline int scsi_device_ius(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ if (sdev->inquiry_len < 57)
++ return 0;
++ return sdev->inquiry[56] & 0x01;
++static inline int scsi_device_qas(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ if (sdev->inquiry_len < 57)
++ return 0;
++ return sdev->inquiry[56] & 0x02;
+ #endif /* _SCSI_SCSI_DEVICE_H */
+--- ./include/scsi/scsi_host.h.scsimlu 2005-10-25 16:36:23.980391664 +0400
++++ ./include/scsi/scsi_host.h 2005-10-25 16:42:14.314132840 +0400
+@@ -511,6 +511,13 @@ struct Scsi_Host {
+ struct list_head sht_legacy_list;
+ /*
++ * Points to the transport data (if any) which is allocated
++ * separately
++ */
++ void *shost_data;
++ struct class_device transport_classdev;
++ /*
+ * We should ensure that this is aligned, both for better performance
+ * and also because some compilers (m68k) don't automatically force
+ * alignment to a long boundary.
+@@ -522,6 +529,9 @@ struct Scsi_Host {
+ container_of(d, struct Scsi_Host, shost_gendev)
+ #define class_to_shost(d) \
+ container_of(d, struct Scsi_Host, shost_classdev)
++#define transport_class_to_shost(class_dev) \
++ container_of(class_dev, struct Scsi_Host, transport_classdev)
+ extern struct Scsi_Host *scsi_host_alloc(struct scsi_host_template *, int);
+ extern int scsi_add_host(struct Scsi_Host *, struct device *);
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5101_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5101_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c2d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5101_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,9939 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/Makefile.libata 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/Makefile 2005-11-14 17:07:38.175257768 +0300
+@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_CPQFCTS) += cpqfc.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_LASI700) += 53c700.o lasi700.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_NSP32) += nsp32.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_IPR) += ipr.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_AHCI) += ahci.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SATA_SVW) += libata.o sata_svw.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ATA_PIIX) += libata.o ata_piix.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SATA_PROMISE) += libata.o sata_promise.o
+@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ zalon7xx-objs := zalon.o ncr53c8xx.o
+ NCR_Q720_mod-objs := NCR_Q720.o ncr53c8xx.o
+ cpqfc-objs := cpqfcTSinit.o cpqfcTScontrol.o cpqfcTSi2c.o \
+ cpqfcTSworker.o cpqfcTStrigger.o
+-libata-objs := libata-core.o libata-scsi.o
++libata-objs := libata-core.o libata-scsi.o libata-dump.o
+ # Files generated that shall be removed upon make clean
+ clean-files := 53c7xx_d.h 53c700_d.h \
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_promise.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:14.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_promise.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.999916400 +0400
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ #include "sata_promise.h"
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_promise"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "1.00"
++#define DRV_VERSION "1.01"
+ enum {
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ enum {
+ board_2037x = 0, /* FastTrak S150 TX2plus */
+ board_20319 = 1, /* FastTrak S150 TX4 */
++ board_20619 = 2, /* FastTrak TX4000 */
+ PDC_HAS_PATA = (1 << 1), /* PDC20375 has PATA */
+@@ -73,8 +74,7 @@ struct pdc_port_priv {
+ static u32 pdc_sata_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg);
+ static void pdc_sata_scr_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg, u32 val);
+-static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
+-static void pdc_dma_start(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++static int pdc_ata_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
+ static irqreturn_t pdc_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
+ static void pdc_eng_timeout(struct ata_port *ap);
+ static int pdc_port_start(struct ata_port *ap);
+@@ -83,14 +83,13 @@ static void pdc_phy_reset(struct ata_por
+ static void pdc_qc_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ static void pdc_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ static void pdc_exec_command_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+-static inline void pdc_dma_complete (struct ata_port *ap,
+- struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, int have_err);
+ static void pdc_irq_clear(struct ata_port *ap);
+ static int pdc_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+-static Scsi_Host_Template pdc_sata_sht = {
++static Scsi_Host_Template pdc_ata_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -104,14 +103,18 @@ static Scsi_Host_Template pdc_sata_sht =
+ .dma_boundary = ATA_DMA_BOUNDARY,
+ .slave_configure = ata_scsi_slave_config,
+ .bios_param = ata_std_bios_param,
++ .dump_sanity_check = ata_scsi_dump_sanity_check,
++ .dump_quiesce = ata_scsi_dump_quiesce,
++ .dump_poll = ata_scsi_dump_poll,
+ };
+-static struct ata_port_operations pdc_sata_ops = {
++static struct ata_port_operations pdc_ata_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+ .tf_load = pdc_tf_load_mmio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_mmio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_mmio,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
+ .exec_command = pdc_exec_command_mmio,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = pdc_phy_reset,
+ .qc_prep = pdc_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = pdc_qc_issue_prot,
+@@ -122,58 +125,85 @@ static struct ata_port_operations pdc_sa
+ .scr_write = pdc_sata_scr_write,
+ .port_start = pdc_port_start,
+ .port_stop = pdc_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
+ };
+ static struct ata_port_info pdc_port_info[] = {
+ /* board_2037x */
+ {
+- .sht = &pdc_sata_sht,
++ .sht = &pdc_ata_sht,
+ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY |
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
+ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 ; FIXME */
+- .port_ops = &pdc_sata_ops,
++ .port_ops = &pdc_ata_ops,
+ },
+ /* board_20319 */
+ {
+- .sht = &pdc_sata_sht,
++ .sht = &pdc_ata_sht,
+ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY |
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
+ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 ; FIXME */
+- .port_ops = &pdc_sata_ops,
++ .port_ops = &pdc_ata_ops,
++ },
++ /* board_20619 */
++ {
++ .sht = &pdc_ata_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY | ATA_FLAG_SRST |
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 ; FIXME */
++ .port_ops = &pdc_ata_ops,
+ },
+ };
+-static struct pci_device_id pdc_sata_pci_tbl[] = {
++static struct pci_device_id pdc_ata_pci_tbl[] = {
+ board_2037x },
++ board_2037x },
+ board_2037x },
+ board_2037x },
+ board_2037x },
++ board_2037x },
++ board_2037x },
+ board_20319 },
+ board_20319 },
++ board_20319 },
++ board_20619 },
+ { } /* terminate list */
+ };
+-static struct pci_driver pdc_sata_pci_driver = {
++static struct pci_driver pdc_ata_pci_driver = {
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
+- .id_table = pdc_sata_pci_tbl,
+- .probe = pdc_sata_init_one,
++ .id_table = pdc_ata_pci_tbl,
++ .probe = pdc_ata_init_one,
+ .remove = ata_pci_remove_one,
+ };
+ static int pdc_port_start(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
+ struct pdc_port_priv *pp;
+ int rc;
+@@ -188,7 +218,7 @@ static int pdc_port_start(struct ata_por
+ }
+ memset(pp, 0, sizeof(*pp));
+- pp->pkt = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, 128, &pp->pkt_dma);
++ pp->pkt = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, 128, &pp->pkt_dma, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!pp->pkt) {
+ rc = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_out_kfree;
+@@ -208,11 +238,11 @@ err_out:
+ static void pdc_port_stop(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
+ struct pdc_port_priv *pp = ap->private_data;
+ ap->private_data = NULL;
+- pci_free_consistent(pdev, 128, pp->pkt, pp->pkt_dma);
++ dma_free_coherent(dev, 128, pp->pkt, pp->pkt_dma);
+ kfree(pp);
+ ata_port_stop(ap);
+ }
+@@ -269,26 +299,26 @@ static void pdc_qc_prep(struct ata_queue
+- ata_qc_prep(qc);
+- i = pdc_pkt_header(&qc->tf, qc->ap->prd_dma, qc->dev->devno, pp->pkt);
++ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
++ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
++ ata_qc_prep(qc);
++ /* fall through */
+- if (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48)
+- i = pdc_prep_lba48(&qc->tf, pp->pkt, i);
+- else
+- i = pdc_prep_lba28(&qc->tf, pp->pkt, i);
++ i = pdc_pkt_header(&qc->tf, qc->ap->prd_dma,
++ qc->dev->devno, pp->pkt);
+- pdc_pkt_footer(&qc->tf, pp->pkt, i);
++ if (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48)
++ i = pdc_prep_lba48(&qc->tf, pp->pkt, i);
++ else
++ i = pdc_prep_lba28(&qc->tf, pp->pkt, i);
+-static inline void pdc_dma_complete (struct ata_port *ap,
+- struct ata_queued_cmd *qc,
+- int have_err)
+- u8 err_bit = have_err ? ATA_ERR : 0;
++ pdc_pkt_footer(&qc->tf, pp->pkt, i);
++ break;
+- /* get drive status; clear intr; complete txn */
+- ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap) | err_bit);
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ static void pdc_eng_timeout(struct ata_port *ap)
+@@ -315,17 +345,9 @@ static void pdc_eng_timeout(struct ata_p
+ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
+ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: DMA timeout\n", ap->id);
+- ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap) | ATA_ERR);
+- break;
+- drv_stat = ata_busy_wait(ap, ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ, 1000);
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: command 0x%x timeout, stat 0x%x\n",
+- ap->id, qc->tf.command, drv_stat);
+- ata_qc_complete(qc, drv_stat);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: command timeout\n", ap->id);
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap) | ATA_ERR);
+ break;
+ default:
+@@ -358,13 +380,8 @@ static inline unsigned int pdc_host_intr
+ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
+ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
+- pdc_dma_complete(ap, qc, have_err);
+- handled = 1;
+- break;
+- case ATA_PROT_NODATA: /* command completion, but no data xfer */
+- status = ata_busy_wait(ap, ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ, 1000);
+- DPRINTK("BUS_NODATA (drv_stat 0x%X)\n", status);
++ status = ata_wait_idle(ap);
+ if (have_err)
+ status |= ATA_ERR;
+ ata_qc_complete(qc, status);
+@@ -418,9 +435,11 @@ static irqreturn_t pdc_interrupt (int ir
+ return IRQ_NONE;
+ }
+- spin_lock(&host_set->lock);
++ spin_lock(&host_set->lock);
++ writel(mask, mmio_base + PDC_INT_SEQMASK);
+- for (i = 0; i < host_set->n_ports; i++) {
++ for (i = 0; i < host_set->n_ports; i++) {
+ VPRINTK("port %u\n", i);
+ ap = host_set->ports[i];
+ tmp = mask & (1 << (i + 1));
+@@ -440,7 +459,7 @@ static irqreturn_t pdc_interrupt (int ir
+ return IRQ_RETVAL(handled);
+ }
+-static inline void pdc_dma_start(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++static inline void pdc_packet_start(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+ struct pdc_port_priv *pp = ap->private_data;
+@@ -462,7 +481,8 @@ static int pdc_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_
+ {
+ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
+ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
+- pdc_dma_start(qc);
++ pdc_packet_start(qc);
+ return 0;
+@@ -478,19 +498,21 @@ static int pdc_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_
+ static void pdc_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+- WARN_ON (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA);
+- ata_tf_load_mmio(ap, tf);
++ WARN_ON (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA ||
++ tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_NODATA);
++ ata_tf_load(ap, tf);
+ }
+ static void pdc_exec_command_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+- WARN_ON (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA);
+- ata_exec_command_mmio(ap, tf);
++ WARN_ON (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA ||
++ tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_NODATA);
++ ata_exec_command(ap, tf);
+ }
+-static void pdc_sata_setup_port(struct ata_ioports *port, unsigned long base)
++static void pdc_ata_setup_port(struct ata_ioports *port, unsigned long base)
+ {
+ port->cmd_addr = base;
+ port->data_addr = base;
+@@ -539,8 +561,7 @@ static void pdc_host_init(unsigned int c
+ writel(tmp, mmio + PDC_TBG_MODE);
+ readl(mmio + PDC_TBG_MODE); /* flush */
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(msecs_to_jiffies(10) + 1);
++ msleep(10);
+ /* adjust slew rate control register. */
+ tmp = readl(mmio + PDC_SLEW_CTL);
+@@ -549,13 +570,14 @@ static void pdc_host_init(unsigned int c
+ writel(tmp, mmio + PDC_SLEW_CTL);
+ }
+-static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
++static int pdc_ata_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
+ {
+ static int printed_version;
+ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent = NULL;
+ unsigned long base;
+ void *mmio_base;
+ unsigned int board_idx = (unsigned int) ent->driver_data;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ int rc;
+ if (!printed_version++)
+@@ -570,8 +592,10 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ return rc;
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+@@ -587,7 +611,7 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ }
+ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
++ probe_ent->dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+ mmio_base = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, 3),
+@@ -601,6 +625,7 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ probe_ent->sht = pdc_port_info[board_idx].sht;
+ probe_ent->host_flags = pdc_port_info[board_idx].host_flags;
+ probe_ent->pio_mask = pdc_port_info[board_idx].pio_mask;
++ probe_ent->mwdma_mask = pdc_port_info[board_idx].mwdma_mask;
+ probe_ent->udma_mask = pdc_port_info[board_idx].udma_mask;
+ probe_ent->port_ops = pdc_port_info[board_idx].port_ops;
+@@ -608,8 +633,8 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
+ probe_ent->mmio_base = mmio_base;
+- pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[0], base + 0x200);
+- pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[1], base + 0x280);
++ pdc_ata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[0], base + 0x200);
++ pdc_ata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[1], base + 0x280);
+ probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr = base + 0x400;
+ probe_ent->port[1].scr_addr = base + 0x500;
+@@ -619,8 +644,8 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ case board_20319:
+ probe_ent->n_ports = 4;
+- pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[2], base + 0x300);
+- pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[3], base + 0x380);
++ pdc_ata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[2], base + 0x300);
++ pdc_ata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[3], base + 0x380);
+ probe_ent->port[2].scr_addr = base + 0x600;
+ probe_ent->port[3].scr_addr = base + 0x700;
+@@ -628,6 +653,15 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ case board_2037x:
+ probe_ent->n_ports = 2;
+ break;
++ case board_20619:
++ probe_ent->n_ports = 4;
++ pdc_ata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[2], base + 0x300);
++ pdc_ata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[3], base + 0x380);
++ probe_ent->port[2].scr_addr = base + 0x600;
++ probe_ent->port[3].scr_addr = base + 0x700;
++ break;
+ default:
+ BUG();
+ break;
+@@ -649,27 +683,29 @@ err_out_free_ent:
+ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+-static int __init pdc_sata_init(void)
++static int __init pdc_ata_init(void)
+ {
+- return pci_module_init(&pdc_sata_pci_driver);
++ return pci_module_init(&pdc_ata_pci_driver);
+ }
+-static void __exit pdc_sata_exit(void)
++static void __exit pdc_ata_exit(void)
+ {
+- pci_unregister_driver(&pdc_sata_pci_driver);
++ pci_unregister_driver(&pdc_ata_pci_driver);
+ }
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff Garzik");
+-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Promise SATA TX2/TX4 low-level driver");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Promise ATA TX2/TX4/TX4000 low-level driver");
+-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pdc_sata_pci_tbl);
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pdc_ata_pci_tbl);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/ata_piix.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:13.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/ata_piix.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.991917616 +0400
+@@ -32,13 +32,15 @@
+ #include <linux/libata.h>
+ #define DRV_NAME "ata_piix"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "1.02"
++#define DRV_VERSION "1.03"
+ enum {
+ PIIX_IOCFG = 0x54, /* IDE I/O configuration register */
+ ICH5_PMR = 0x90, /* port mapping register */
+ ICH5_PCS = 0x92, /* port control and status */
++ PIIX_SCC = 0x0A, /* sub-class code register */
++ PIIX_FLAG_AHCI = (1 << 28), /* AHCI possible */
+ PIIX_FLAG_CHECKINTR = (1 << 29), /* make sure PCI INTx enabled */
+ PIIX_FLAG_COMBINED = (1 << 30), /* combined mode possible */
+@@ -58,6 +60,11 @@ enum {
+ ich5_sata = 1,
+ piix4_pata = 2,
+ ich6_sata = 3,
++ ich6_sata_rm = 4,
++ ich7_sata = 5,
++ esb2_sata = 6,
+ };
+ static int piix_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev,
+@@ -65,10 +72,8 @@ static int piix_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ static void piix_pata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap);
+ static void piix_sata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap);
+-static void piix_set_piomode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev,
+- unsigned int pio);
+-static void piix_set_udmamode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev,
+- unsigned int udma);
++static void piix_set_piomode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev);
++static void piix_set_dmamode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev);
+ static unsigned int in_module_init = 1;
+@@ -87,13 +92,12 @@ static struct pci_device_id piix_pci_tbl
+ { 0x8086, 0x24df, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich5_sata },
+ { 0x8086, 0x25a3, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich5_sata },
+ { 0x8086, 0x25b0, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich5_sata },
+- /* ICH6 operates in two modes, "looks-like-ICH5" mode,
+- * and enhanced mode, with queueing and other fancy stuff.
+- * This is distinguished by PCI class code.
+- */
+ { 0x8086, 0x2651, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich6_sata },
+- { 0x8086, 0x2652, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich6_sata },
++ { 0x8086, 0x2652, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich6_sata_rm },
++ { 0x8086, 0x2653, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich6_sata_rm },
++ { 0x8086, 0x27c0, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich7_sata },
++ { 0x8086, 0x27c4, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich7_sata },
++ { 0x8086, 0x2680, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, esb2_sata },
+ { } /* terminate list */
+ };
+@@ -108,6 +112,7 @@ static struct pci_driver piix_pci_driver
+ static Scsi_Host_Template piix_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -121,22 +126,28 @@ static Scsi_Host_Template piix_sht = {
+ .dma_boundary = ATA_DMA_BOUNDARY,
+ .slave_configure = ata_scsi_slave_config,
+ .bios_param = ata_std_bios_param,
++ .dump_sanity_check = ata_scsi_dump_sanity_check,
++ .dump_quiesce = ata_scsi_dump_quiesce,
++ .dump_poll = ata_scsi_dump_poll,
+ };
+ static struct ata_port_operations piix_pata_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+ .set_piomode = piix_set_piomode,
+- .set_udmamode = piix_set_udmamode,
++ .set_dmamode = piix_set_dmamode,
+- .tf_load = ata_tf_load_pio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_pio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_pio,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_pio,
++ .tf_load = ata_tf_load,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = piix_pata_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_pio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_pio,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+@@ -147,22 +158,24 @@ static struct ata_port_operations piix_p
+ .port_start = ata_port_start,
+ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
+ };
+ static struct ata_port_operations piix_sata_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+- .set_piomode = piix_set_piomode,
+- .set_udmamode = piix_set_udmamode,
+- .tf_load = ata_tf_load_pio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_pio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_pio,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_pio,
++ .tf_load = ata_tf_load,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = piix_sata_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_pio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_pio,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+@@ -173,6 +186,7 @@ static struct ata_port_operations piix_s
+ .port_start = ata_port_start,
+ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
+ };
+ static struct ata_port_info piix_port_info[] = {
+@@ -181,8 +195,13 @@ static struct ata_port_info piix_port_in
+ .sht = &piix_sht,
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
+- .udma_mask = ATA_UDMA_MASK_40C, /* FIXME: cbl det */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++#if 0
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x06, /* mwdma1-2 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x00, /* mwdma broken */
++ .udma_mask = 0x3f, /* udma0-5 */
+ .port_ops = &piix_pata_ops,
+ },
+@@ -191,8 +210,9 @@ static struct ata_port_info piix_port_in
+ .sht = &piix_sht,
+ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SRST |
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
+- .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 ; FIXME */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 */
+ .port_ops = &piix_sata_ops,
+ },
+@@ -200,8 +220,13 @@ static struct ata_port_info piix_port_in
+ {
+ .sht = &piix_sht,
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
+- .udma_mask = ATA_UDMA_MASK_40C, /* FIXME: cbl det */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++#if 0
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x06, /* mwdma1-2 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x00, /* mwdma broken */
++ .udma_mask = ATA_UDMA_MASK_40C,
+ .port_ops = &piix_pata_ops,
+ },
+@@ -211,8 +236,45 @@ static struct ata_port_info piix_port_in
+ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SRST |
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
+- .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 ; FIXME */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 */
++ .port_ops = &piix_sata_ops,
++ },
++ /* ich6_sata_rm */
++ {
++ .sht = &piix_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SRST |
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 */
++ .port_ops = &piix_sata_ops,
++ },
++ /* ich7_sata */
++ {
++ .sht = &piix_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SRST |
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 */
++ .port_ops = &piix_sata_ops,
++ },
++ /* esb2_sata */
++ {
++ .sht = &piix_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SRST |
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 */
+ .port_ops = &piix_sata_ops,
+ },
+ };
+@@ -226,12 +288,13 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Andre Hedrick, Alan Cox,
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("SCSI low-level driver for Intel PIIX/ICH ATA controllers");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, piix_pci_tbl);
+ /**
+ * piix_pata_cbl_detect - Probe host controller cable detect info
+ * @ap: Port for which cable detect info is desired
+ *
+- * Read 80c cable indicator from SATA PCI device's PCI config
++ * Read 80c cable indicator from ATA PCI device's PCI config
+ * register. This register is normally set by firmware (BIOS).
+ *
+@@ -239,7 +302,7 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, piix_pci_tbl);
+ */
+ static void piix_pata_cbl_detect(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
+ u8 tmp, mask;
+ /* no 80c support in host controller? */
+@@ -247,7 +310,7 @@ static void piix_pata_cbl_detect(struct
+ goto cbl40;
+ /* check BIOS cable detect results */
+- mask = ap->port_no == 0 ? PIIX_80C_PRI : PIIX_80C_SEC;
++ mask = ap->hard_port_no == 0 ? PIIX_80C_PRI : PIIX_80C_SEC;
+ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PIIX_IOCFG, &tmp);
+ if ((tmp & mask) == 0)
+ goto cbl40;
+@@ -272,8 +335,9 @@ cbl40:
+ static void piix_pata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- if (!pci_test_config_bits(ap->host_set->pdev,
+- &piix_enable_bits[ap->port_no])) {
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
++ if (!pci_test_config_bits(pdev, &piix_enable_bits[ap->hard_port_no])) {
+ ata_port_disable(ap);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: port disabled. ignoring.\n", ap->id);
+ return;
+@@ -301,13 +365,13 @@ static void piix_pata_phy_reset(struct a
+ */
+ static int piix_sata_probe (struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
+ int combined = (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_SLAVE_POSS);
+ int orig_mask, mask, i;
+ u8 pcs;
+- mask = (PIIX_PORT_PRESENT << ap->port_no) |
+- (PIIX_PORT_ENABLED << ap->port_no);
++ mask = (PIIX_PORT_PRESENT << ap->hard_port_no) |
++ (PIIX_PORT_ENABLED << ap->hard_port_no);
+ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, ICH5_PCS, &pcs);
+ orig_mask = (int) pcs & 0xff;
+@@ -324,7 +388,7 @@ static int piix_sata_probe (struct ata_p
+ mask = (PIIX_PORT_PRESENT << i) | (PIIX_PORT_ENABLED << i);
+ if ((orig_mask & mask) == mask)
+- if (combined || (i == ap->port_no))
++ if (combined || (i == ap->hard_port_no))
+ return 1;
+ }
+@@ -368,12 +432,12 @@ static void piix_sata_phy_reset(struct a
+ * None (inherited from caller).
+ */
+-static void piix_set_piomode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev,
+- unsigned int pio)
++static void piix_set_piomode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *dev = ap->host_set->pdev;
+- unsigned int is_slave = (adev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_MASTER) ? 0 : 1;
+- unsigned int master_port= ap->port_no ? 0x42 : 0x40;
++ unsigned int pio = adev->pio_mode - XFER_PIO_0;
++ struct pci_dev *dev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
++ unsigned int is_slave = (adev->devno != 0);
++ unsigned int master_port= ap->hard_port_no ? 0x42 : 0x40;
+ unsigned int slave_port = 0x44;
+ u16 master_data;
+ u8 slave_data;
+@@ -391,10 +455,10 @@ static void piix_set_piomode (struct ata
+ /* enable PPE, IE and TIME */
+ master_data |= 0x0070;
+ pci_read_config_byte(dev, slave_port, &slave_data);
+- slave_data &= (ap->port_no ? 0x0f : 0xf0);
++ slave_data &= (ap->hard_port_no ? 0x0f : 0xf0);
+ slave_data |=
+ (timings[pio][0] << 2) |
+- (timings[pio][1] << (ap->port_no ? 4 : 0));
++ (timings[pio][1] << (ap->hard_port_no ? 4 : 0));
+ } else {
+ master_data &= 0xccf8;
+ /* enable PPE, IE and TIME */
+@@ -409,7 +473,7 @@ static void piix_set_piomode (struct ata
+ }
+ /**
+- * piix_set_udmamode - Initialize host controller PATA PIO timings
++ * piix_set_dmamode - Initialize host controller PATA PIO timings
+ * @ap: Port whose timings we are configuring
+ * @adev: um
+ * @udma: udma mode, 0 - 6
+@@ -420,13 +484,13 @@ static void piix_set_piomode (struct ata
+ * None (inherited from caller).
+ */
+-static void piix_set_udmamode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev,
+- unsigned int udma)
++static void piix_set_dmamode (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *adev)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *dev = ap->host_set->pdev;
+- u8 maslave = ap->port_no ? 0x42 : 0x40;
++ unsigned int udma = adev->dma_mode; /* FIXME: MWDMA too */
++ struct pci_dev *dev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
++ u8 maslave = ap->hard_port_no ? 0x42 : 0x40;
+ u8 speed = udma;
+- unsigned int drive_dn = (ap->port_no ? 2 : 0) + adev->devno;
++ unsigned int drive_dn = (ap->hard_port_no ? 2 : 0) + adev->devno;
+ int a_speed = 3 << (drive_dn * 4);
+ int u_flag = 1 << drive_dn;
+ int v_flag = 0x01 << drive_dn;
+@@ -452,25 +516,38 @@ static void piix_set_udmamode (struct at
+ case XFER_UDMA_3:
+ case XFER_UDMA_1: u_speed = 1 << (drive_dn * 4); break;
+ case XFER_UDMA_0: u_speed = 0 << (drive_dn * 4); break;
++ case XFER_MW_DMA_2:
++ case XFER_MW_DMA_1: break;
+ default:
+ BUG();
+ return;
+ }
+- if (!(reg48 & u_flag))
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x48, reg48 | u_flag);
+- if (speed == XFER_UDMA_5) {
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x55, (u8) reg55|w_flag);
++ if (speed >= XFER_UDMA_0) {
++ if (!(reg48 & u_flag))
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x48, reg48 | u_flag);
++ if (speed == XFER_UDMA_5) {
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x55, (u8) reg55|w_flag);
++ } else {
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x55, (u8) reg55 & ~w_flag);
++ }
++ if ((reg4a & a_speed) != u_speed)
++ pci_write_config_word(dev, 0x4a, (reg4a & ~a_speed) | u_speed);
++ if (speed > XFER_UDMA_2) {
++ if (!(reg54 & v_flag))
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x54, reg54 | v_flag);
++ } else
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x54, reg54 & ~v_flag);
+ } else {
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x55, (u8) reg55 & ~w_flag);
++ if (reg48 & u_flag)
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x48, reg48 & ~u_flag);
++ if (reg4a & a_speed)
++ pci_write_config_word(dev, 0x4a, reg4a & ~a_speed);
++ if (reg54 & v_flag)
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x54, reg54 & ~v_flag);
++ if (reg55 & w_flag)
++ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x55, (u8) reg55 & ~w_flag);
+ }
+- if ((reg4a & a_speed) != u_speed)
+- pci_write_config_word(dev, 0x4a, (reg4a & ~a_speed) | u_speed);
+- if (speed > XFER_UDMA_2) {
+- if (!(reg54 & v_flag))
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x54, reg54 | v_flag);
+- } else
+- pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x54, reg54 & ~v_flag);
+ }
+ /* move to PCI layer, integrate w/ MSI stuff */
+@@ -485,6 +562,42 @@ static void pci_enable_intx(struct pci_d
+ }
+ }
++#define AHCI_PCI_BAR 5
++#define AHCI_GLOBAL_CTL 0x04
++#define AHCI_ENABLE (1 << 31)
++static int piix_disable_ahci(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ void *mmio;
++ unsigned long addr;
++ u32 tmp;
++ int rc = 0;
++ /* BUG: pci_enable_device has not yet been called. This
++ * works because this device is usually set up by BIOS.
++ */
++ addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, AHCI_PCI_BAR);
++ if (!addr || !pci_resource_len(pdev, AHCI_PCI_BAR))
++ return 0;
++ mmio = ioremap(addr, 64);
++ if (!mmio)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ tmp = readl(mmio + AHCI_GLOBAL_CTL);
++ if (tmp & AHCI_ENABLE) {
++ tmp &= ~AHCI_ENABLE;
++ writel(tmp, mmio + AHCI_GLOBAL_CTL);
++ tmp = readl(mmio + AHCI_GLOBAL_CTL);
++ if (tmp & AHCI_ENABLE)
++ rc = -EIO;
++ }
++ iounmap(mmio);
++ return rc;
+ /**
+ * piix_init_one - Register PIIX ATA PCI device with kernel services
+ * @pdev: PCI device to register
+@@ -517,6 +630,16 @@ static int piix_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ port_info[0] = &piix_port_info[ent->driver_data];
+ port_info[1] = NULL;
++ if (port_info[0]->host_flags & PIIX_FLAG_AHCI) {
++ u8 tmp;
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PIIX_SCC, &tmp);
++ if (tmp == PIIX_AHCI_DEVICE) {
++ int rc = piix_disable_ahci(pdev);
++ if (rc)
++ return rc;
++ }
++ }
+ if (port_info[0]->host_flags & PIIX_FLAG_COMBINED) {
+ u8 tmp;
+ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, ICH5_PMR, &tmp);
+@@ -551,15 +674,6 @@ static int piix_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ return ata_pci_init_one(pdev, port_info, n_ports);
+ }
+- * piix_init -
+- *
+- *
+- *
+- */
+ static int __init piix_init(void)
+ {
+ int rc;
+@@ -575,13 +689,6 @@ static int __init piix_init(void)
+ return 0;
+ }
+- * piix_exit -
+- *
+- *
+- */
+ static void __exit piix_exit(void)
+ {
+ pci_unregister_driver(&piix_pci_driver);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/libata.h.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:13.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/libata.h 2005-10-26 14:55:16.989917920 +0400
+@@ -26,26 +26,29 @@
+ #define __LIBATA_H__
+ #define DRV_NAME "libata"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "1.02" /* must be exactly four chars */
++#define DRV_VERSION "1.11" /* must be exactly four chars */
+ struct ata_scsi_args {
+- struct ata_port *ap;
+- struct ata_device *dev;
+- struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ u16 *id;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
+ void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *);
+ };
+ /* libata-core.c */
+ extern struct ata_queued_cmd *ata_qc_new_init(struct ata_port *ap,
+ struct ata_device *dev);
++extern void ata_qc_free(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ extern int ata_qc_issue(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++extern int ata_check_atapi_dma(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ extern void ata_dev_select(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device,
+ unsigned int wait, unsigned int can_sleep);
+ extern void ata_tf_to_host_nolock(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
++extern void swap_buf_le16(u16 *buf, unsigned int buf_words);
++extern void ata_pio_task(void *_data);
+ /* libata-scsi.c */
+-extern void ata_to_sense_error(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++extern void ata_to_sense_error(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 drv_stat);
+ extern int ata_scsi_error(struct Scsi_Host *host);
+ extern unsigned int ata_scsiop_inq_std(struct ata_scsi_args *args, u8 *rbuf,
+ unsigned int buflen);
+@@ -73,6 +76,8 @@ extern void ata_scsi_badcmd(struct scsi_
+ extern void ata_scsi_rbuf_fill(struct ata_scsi_args *args,
+ unsigned int (*actor) (struct ata_scsi_args *args,
+ u8 *rbuf, unsigned int buflen));
++extern struct ata_device *ata_scsi_find_dev(struct ata_port *ap,
++ struct scsi_device *scsidev);
+ static inline void ata_bad_scsiop(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *))
+ {
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_vsc.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:14.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_vsc.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.994917160 +0400
+@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+ #include <linux/delay.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+ #include "scsi.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include <linux/libata.h>
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_vsc"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "0.01"
++#define DRV_VERSION "1.0"
+ /* Interrupt register offsets (from chip base address) */
+@@ -155,7 +156,8 @@ static void vsc_sata_tf_read(struct ata_
+ *
+ * Read the interrupt register and process for the devices that have them pending.
+ */
+-irqreturn_t vsc_sata_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs)
++static irqreturn_t vsc_sata_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance,
++ struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
+ struct ata_host_set *host_set = dev_instance;
+ unsigned int i;
+@@ -190,6 +192,7 @@ irqreturn_t vsc_sata_interrupt (int irq,
+ static Scsi_Host_Template vsc_sata_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -210,11 +213,14 @@ static struct ata_port_operations vsc_sa
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+ .tf_load = vsc_sata_tf_load,
+ .tf_read = vsc_sata_tf_read,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_mmio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_mmio,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = sata_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_mmio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_mmio,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+ .eng_timeout = ata_eng_timeout,
+@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@ static struct ata_port_operations vsc_sa
+ .scr_write = vsc_sata_scr_write,
+ .port_start = ata_port_start,
+ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
+ };
+ static void __devinit vsc_sata_setup_port(struct ata_ioports *port, unsigned long base)
+@@ -253,6 +260,7 @@ static int __devinit vsc_sata_init_one (
+ static int printed_version;
+ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent = NULL;
+ unsigned long base;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ void *mmio_base;
+ int rc;
+@@ -272,16 +280,18 @@ static int __devinit vsc_sata_init_one (
+ }
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Use 32 bit DMA mask, because 64 bit address support is poor.
+ */
+- rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, 0xFFFFFFFFULL);
++ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+ goto err_out_regions;
+- rc = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, 0xFFFFFFFFULL);
++ rc = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+ goto err_out_regions;
+@@ -291,7 +301,7 @@ static int __devinit vsc_sata_init_one (
+ goto err_out_regions;
+ }
+ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
++ probe_ent->dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+ mmio_base = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, 0),
+@@ -320,6 +330,7 @@ static int __devinit vsc_sata_init_one (
+ * if we don't fill these
+ */
+ probe_ent->pio_mask = 0x1f;
++ probe_ent->mwdma_mask = 0x07;
+ probe_ent->udma_mask = 0x7f;
+ /* We have 4 ports per PCI function */
+@@ -330,6 +341,14 @@ static int __devinit vsc_sata_init_one (
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
++ /*
++ * Config offset 0x98 is "Extended Control and Status Register 0"
++ * Default value is (1 << 28). All bits except bit 28 are reserved in
++ * DPA mode. If bit 28 is set, LED 0 reflects all ports' activity.
++ * If bit 28 is clear, each port has its own LED.
++ */
++ pci_write_config_dword(pdev, 0x98, 0);
+ /* FIXME: check ata_device_add return value */
+ ata_device_add(probe_ent);
+ kfree(probe_ent);
+@@ -341,7 +360,8 @@ err_out_free_ent:
+ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+@@ -382,6 +402,7 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeremy Higdon");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("low-level driver for Vitesse VSC7174 SATA controller");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, vsc_sata_pci_tbl);
+ module_init(vsc_sata_init);
+ module_exit(vsc_sata_exit);
+--- /dev/null 2005-10-24 22:31:15.478015192 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/libata-dump.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.988918072 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
++ libata-dump.c - helper library for SATA diskdump
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <linux/libata.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include "libata.h"
++int ata_scsi_dump_sanity_check(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct ata_port *ap;
++ struct ata_device *dev;
++ ap = (struct ata_port *) &sdev->host->hostdata[0];
++ dev = ata_scsi_find_dev(ap, sdev);
++ if (!ata_dev_present(dev))
++ return -EIO;
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED)
++ return -EIO;
++ return 0;
++static int ata_scsi_dump_run_bottomhalf(struct ata_port *ap)
++ static struct pt_regs regs; /* dummy */
++ struct ata_host_set *host_set;
++ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
++ int handled = 0;
++ host_set = ap->host_set;
++ if (!list_empty(&ap->pio_task.entry)) {
++ list_del_init(&ap->pio_task.entry);
++ clear_bit(0, &ap->pio_task.pending);
++ ata_pio_task(ap);
++ handled = 1;
++ }
++ qc = ata_qc_from_tag(ap, ap->active_tag);
++ if (qc) {
++ ap->ops->irq_handler(host_set->irq, host_set, &regs);
++ handled = 1;
++ }
++ return handled;
++int ata_scsi_dump_quiesce(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct ata_port *ap;
++ struct ata_device *dev;
++ int handled;
++ ap = (struct ata_port *) &sdev->host->hostdata[0];
++ dev = ata_scsi_find_dev(ap, sdev);
++ do {
++ handled = ata_scsi_dump_run_bottomhalf(ap);
++ } while (handled);
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED)
++ return -EIO;
++ return 0;
++void ata_scsi_dump_poll(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct ata_port *ap;
++ struct ata_device *dev;
++ ap = (struct ata_port *) &sdev->host->hostdata[0];
++ dev = ata_scsi_find_dev(ap, sdev);
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u(%u): port disabled\n",
++ ap->id, dev->devno);
++ return;
++ }
++ ata_scsi_dump_run_bottomhalf(ap);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_svw.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:14.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_svw.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.997916704 +0400
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+ #endif /* CONFIG_PPC_OF */
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_svw"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "1.04"
++#define DRV_VERSION "1.06"
+ /* Taskfile registers offsets */
+ #define K2_SATA_TF_CMD_OFFSET 0x00
+@@ -148,7 +148,73 @@ static void k2_sata_tf_read(struct ata_p
+ }
+ }
++ * k2_bmdma_setup_mmio - Set up PCI IDE BMDMA transaction (MMIO)
++ * @qc: Info associated with this ATA transaction.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++static void k2_bmdma_setup_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ unsigned int rw = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE);
++ u8 dmactl;
++ void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
++ /* load PRD table addr. */
++ mb(); /* make sure PRD table writes are visible to controller */
++ writel(ap->prd_dma, mmio + ATA_DMA_TABLE_OFS);
++ /* specify data direction, triple-check start bit is clear */
++ dmactl = readb(mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD);
++ dmactl &= ~(ATA_DMA_WR | ATA_DMA_START);
++ if (!rw)
++ dmactl |= ATA_DMA_WR;
++ writeb(dmactl, mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD);
++ /* issue r/w command if this is not a ATA DMA command*/
++ if (qc->tf.protocol != ATA_PROT_DMA)
++ ap->ops->exec_command(ap, &qc->tf);
++ * k2_bmdma_start_mmio - Start a PCI IDE BMDMA transaction (MMIO)
++ * @qc: Info associated with this ATA transaction.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++static void k2_bmdma_start_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
++ u8 dmactl;
++ /* start host DMA transaction */
++ dmactl = readb(mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD);
++ writeb(dmactl | ATA_DMA_START, mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD);
++ /* There is a race condition in certain SATA controllers that can
++ be seen when the r/w command is given to the controller before the
++ host DMA is started. On a Read command, the controller would initiate
++ the command to the drive even before it sees the DMA start. When there
++ are very fast drives connected to the controller, or when the data request
++ hits in the drive cache, there is the possibility that the drive returns a part
++ or all of the requested data to the controller before the DMA start is issued.
++ In this case, the controller would become confused as to what to do with the data.
++ In the worst case when all the data is returned back to the controller, the
++ controller could hang. In other cases it could return partial data returning
++ in data corruption. This problem has been seen in PPC systems and can also appear
++ on an system with very fast disks, where the SATA controller is sitting behind a
++ number of bridges, and hence there is significant latency between the r/w command
++ and the start command. */
++ /* issue r/w command if the access is to ATA*/
++ if (qc->tf.protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA)
++ ap->ops->exec_command(ap, &qc->tf);
+ static u8 k2_stat_check_status(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ return readl((void *) ap->ioaddr.status_addr);
+@@ -179,7 +245,7 @@ static int k2_sata_proc_info(struct Scsi
+ return 0;
+ /* Find the OF node for the PCI device proper */
+- np = pci_device_to_OF_node(ap->host_set->pdev);
++ np = pci_device_to_OF_node(to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev));
+ if (np == NULL)
+ return 0;
+@@ -205,6 +271,7 @@ static int k2_sata_proc_info(struct Scsi
+ static Scsi_Host_Template k2_sata_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -229,10 +296,13 @@ static struct ata_port_operations k2_sat
+ .tf_load = k2_sata_tf_load,
+ .tf_read = k2_sata_tf_read,
+ .check_status = k2_stat_check_status,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_mmio,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = sata_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_mmio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_mmio,
++ .bmdma_setup = k2_bmdma_setup_mmio,
++ .bmdma_start = k2_bmdma_start_mmio,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+ .eng_timeout = ata_eng_timeout,
+@@ -242,6 +312,7 @@ static struct ata_port_operations k2_sat
+ .scr_write = k2_sata_scr_write,
+ .port_start = ata_port_start,
+ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
+ };
+ static void k2_sata_setup_port(struct ata_ioports *port, unsigned long base)
+@@ -270,7 +341,9 @@ static int k2_sata_init_one (struct pci_
+ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent = NULL;
+ unsigned long base;
+ void *mmio_base;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ int rc;
++ int i;
+ if (!printed_version++)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME " version " DRV_VERSION "\n");
+@@ -291,8 +364,10 @@ static int k2_sata_init_one (struct pci_
+ /* Request PCI regions */
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+@@ -308,7 +383,7 @@ static int k2_sata_init_one (struct pci_
+ }
+ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
++ probe_ent->dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+ mmio_base = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, 5),
+@@ -321,7 +396,7 @@ static int k2_sata_init_one (struct pci_
+ /* Clear a magic bit in SCR1 according to Darwin, those help
+ * some funky seagate drives (though so far, those were already
+- * set by the firmware on the machines I had access to
++ * set by the firmware on the machines I had access to)
+ */
+ writel(readl(mmio_base + K2_SATA_SICR1_OFFSET) & ~0x00040000,
+ mmio_base + K2_SATA_SICR1_OFFSET);
+@@ -343,13 +418,14 @@ static int k2_sata_init_one (struct pci_
+ * if we don't fill these
+ */
+ probe_ent->pio_mask = 0x1f;
++ probe_ent->mwdma_mask = 0x7;
+ probe_ent->udma_mask = 0x7f;
+- /* We have 4 ports per PCI function */
+- k2_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[0], base + 0 * K2_SATA_PORT_OFFSET);
+- k2_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[1], base + 1 * K2_SATA_PORT_OFFSET);
+- k2_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[2], base + 2 * K2_SATA_PORT_OFFSET);
+- k2_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[3], base + 3 * K2_SATA_PORT_OFFSET);
++ /* different controllers have different number of ports - currently 4 or 8 */
++ /* All ports are on the same function. Multi-function device is no
++ * longer available. This should not be seen in any system. */
++ for (i = 0; i < ent->driver_data; i++)
++ k2_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[i], base + i * K2_SATA_PORT_OFFSET);
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+@@ -364,13 +440,22 @@ err_out_free_ent:
+ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
++/* 0x240 is device ID for Apple K2 device
++ * 0x241 is device ID for Serverworks Frodo4
++ * 0x242 is device ID for Serverworks Frodo8
++ * 0x24a is device ID for BCM5785 (aka HT1000) HT southbridge integrated SATA
++ * controller
++ * */
+ static struct pci_device_id k2_sata_pci_tbl[] = {
+- { 0x1166, 0x0240, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0 },
++ { 0x1166, 0x0240, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 4 },
++ { 0x1166, 0x0241, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 4 },
++ { 0x1166, 0x0242, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 8 },
++ { 0x1166, 0x024a, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 4 },
+ { }
+ };
+@@ -388,6 +473,7 @@ static int __init k2_sata_init(void)
+ return pci_module_init(&k2_sata_pci_driver);
+ }
+ static void __exit k2_sata_exit(void)
+ {
+ pci_unregister_driver(&k2_sata_pci_driver);
+@@ -398,6 +484,7 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Benjamin Herrenschmidt");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("low-level driver for K2 SATA controller");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, k2_sata_pci_tbl);
+ module_init(k2_sata_init);
+ module_exit(k2_sata_exit);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/libata-core.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:11.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/libata-core.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.987918224 +0400
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include <linux/pci.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <linux/highmem.h>
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+@@ -39,22 +40,27 @@
+ #include <linux/workqueue.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi.h>
+ #include "scsi.h"
++#include "scsi_priv.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include <linux/libata.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+ #include "libata.h"
+ static unsigned int ata_busy_sleep (struct ata_port *ap,
+ unsigned long tmout_pat,
+ unsigned long tmout);
+-static void __ata_dev_select (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
+-static void ata_host_set_pio(struct ata_port *ap);
+-static void ata_host_set_udma(struct ata_port *ap);
+-static void ata_dev_set_pio(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
+-static void ata_dev_set_udma(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
+ static void ata_set_mode(struct ata_port *ap);
++static void ata_dev_set_xfermode(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev);
++static unsigned int ata_get_mode_mask(struct ata_port *ap, int shift);
++static int fgb(u32 bitmap);
++static int ata_choose_xfer_mode(struct ata_port *ap,
++ u8 *xfer_mode_out,
++ unsigned int *xfer_shift_out);
++static int ata_qc_complete_noop(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 drv_stat);
++static void __ata_qc_complete(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ static unsigned int ata_unique_id = 1;
+ static struct workqueue_struct *ata_wq;
+@@ -62,19 +68,20 @@ static struct workqueue_struct *ata_wq;
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff Garzik");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Library module for ATA devices");
+ /**
+- * ata_tf_load_pio - send taskfile registers to host controller
++ * ata_tf_load - send taskfile registers to host controller
+ * @ap: Port to which output is sent
+ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set
+ *
+- * Outputs ATA taskfile to standard ATA host controller using PIO.
++ * Outputs ATA taskfile to standard ATA host controller.
+ *
+ * Inherited from caller.
+ */
+-void ata_tf_load_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++static void ata_tf_load_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+ unsigned int is_addr = tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_ISADDR;
+@@ -132,23 +139,23 @@ void ata_tf_load_pio(struct ata_port *ap
+ * Inherited from caller.
+ */
+-void ata_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++static void ata_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+ unsigned int is_addr = tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_ISADDR;
+ if (tf->ctl != ap->last_ctl) {
+- writeb(tf->ctl, ap->ioaddr.ctl_addr);
++ writeb(tf->ctl, (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.ctl_addr);
+ ap->last_ctl = tf->ctl;
+ ata_wait_idle(ap);
+ }
+ if (is_addr && (tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48)) {
+- writeb(tf->hob_feature, (void *) ioaddr->feature_addr);
+- writeb(tf->hob_nsect, (void *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- writeb(tf->hob_lbal, (void *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+- writeb(tf->hob_lbam, (void *) ioaddr->lbam_addr);
+- writeb(tf->hob_lbah, (void *) ioaddr->lbah_addr);
++ writeb(tf->hob_feature, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->feature_addr);
++ writeb(tf->hob_nsect, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ writeb(tf->hob_lbal, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ writeb(tf->hob_lbam, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbam_addr);
++ writeb(tf->hob_lbah, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbah_addr);
+ VPRINTK("hob: feat 0x%X nsect 0x%X, lba 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X\n",
+ tf->hob_feature,
+ tf->hob_nsect,
+@@ -158,11 +165,11 @@ void ata_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *a
+ }
+ if (is_addr) {
+- writeb(tf->feature, (void *) ioaddr->feature_addr);
+- writeb(tf->nsect, (void *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- writeb(tf->lbal, (void *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+- writeb(tf->lbam, (void *) ioaddr->lbam_addr);
+- writeb(tf->lbah, (void *) ioaddr->lbah_addr);
++ writeb(tf->feature, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->feature_addr);
++ writeb(tf->nsect, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ writeb(tf->lbal, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ writeb(tf->lbam, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbam_addr);
++ writeb(tf->lbah, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbah_addr);
+ VPRINTK("feat 0x%X nsect 0x%X lba 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X\n",
+ tf->feature,
+ tf->nsect,
+@@ -172,13 +179,43 @@ void ata_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *a
+ }
+ if (tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_DEVICE) {
+- writeb(tf->device, (void *) ioaddr->device_addr);
++ writeb(tf->device, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->device_addr);
+ VPRINTK("device 0x%X\n", tf->device);
+ }
+ ata_wait_idle(ap);
+ }
++ * ata_tf_load - send taskfile registers to host controller
++ * @ap: Port to which output is sent
++ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set
++ *
++ * Outputs ATA taskfile to standard ATA host controller using MMIO
++ * or PIO as indicated by the ATA_FLAG_MMIO flag.
++ * Writes the control, feature, nsect, lbal, lbam, and lbah registers.
++ * Optionally (ATA_TFLAG_LBA48) writes hob_feature, hob_nsect,
++ * hob_lbal, hob_lbam, and hob_lbah.
++ *
++ * This function waits for idle (!BUSY and !DRQ) after writing
++ * registers. If the control register has a new value, this
++ * function also waits for idle after writing control and before
++ * writing the remaining registers.
++ *
++ * May be used as the tf_load() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
++void ata_tf_load(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ ata_tf_load_mmio(ap, tf);
++ else
++ ata_tf_load_pio(ap, tf);
+ /**
+ * ata_exec_command_pio - issue ATA command to host controller
+ * @ap: port to which command is being issued
+@@ -191,7 +228,7 @@ void ata_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *a
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-void ata_exec_command_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++static void ata_exec_command_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ DPRINTK("ata%u: cmd 0x%X\n", ap->id, tf->command);
+@@ -212,20 +249,40 @@ void ata_exec_command_pio(struct ata_por
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-void ata_exec_command_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++static void ata_exec_command_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ DPRINTK("ata%u: cmd 0x%X\n", ap->id, tf->command);
+- writeb(tf->command, (void *) ap->ioaddr.command_addr);
++ writeb(tf->command, (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.command_addr);
+ ata_pause(ap);
+ }
++ * ata_exec_command - issue ATA command to host controller
++ * @ap: port to which command is being issued
++ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set
++ *
++ * Issues PIO/MMIO write to ATA command register, with proper
++ * synchronization with interrupt handler / other threads.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++void ata_exec_command(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ ata_exec_command_mmio(ap, tf);
++ else
++ ata_exec_command_pio(ap, tf);
+ /**
+ * ata_exec - issue ATA command to host controller
+ * @ap: port to which command is being issued
+ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set
+ *
+- * Issues PIO write to ATA command register, with proper
++ * Issues PIO/MMIO write to ATA command register, with proper
+ * synchronization with interrupt handler / other threads.
+ *
+@@ -248,7 +305,7 @@ static inline void ata_exec(struct ata_p
+ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set
+ *
+ * Issues ATA taskfile register set to ATA host controller,
+- * via PIO, with proper synchronization with interrupt handler and
++ * with proper synchronization with interrupt handler and
+ * other threads.
+ *
+@@ -268,7 +325,7 @@ static void ata_tf_to_host(struct ata_po
+ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set
+ *
+ * Issues ATA taskfile register set to ATA host controller,
+- * via PIO, with proper synchronization with interrupt handler and
++ * with proper synchronization with interrupt handler and
+ * other threads.
+ *
+@@ -287,13 +344,13 @@ void ata_tf_to_host_nolock(struct ata_po
+ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set for storing input
+ *
+ * Reads ATA taskfile registers for currently-selected device
+- * into @tf via PIO.
++ * into @tf.
+ *
+ * Inherited from caller.
+ */
+-void ata_tf_read_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++static void ata_tf_read_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+@@ -325,38 +382,63 @@ void ata_tf_read_pio(struct ata_port *ap
+ * Inherited from caller.
+ */
+-void ata_tf_read_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++static void ata_tf_read_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+- tf->nsect = readb((void *)ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- tf->lbal = readb((void *)ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+- tf->lbam = readb((void *)ioaddr->lbam_addr);
+- tf->lbah = readb((void *)ioaddr->lbah_addr);
+- tf->device = readb((void *)ioaddr->device_addr);
++ tf->nsect = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ tf->lbal = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ tf->lbam = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->lbam_addr);
++ tf->lbah = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->lbah_addr);
++ tf->device = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->device_addr);
+ if (tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48) {
+- writeb(tf->ctl | ATA_HOB, ap->ioaddr.ctl_addr);
+- tf->hob_feature = readb((void *)ioaddr->error_addr);
+- tf->hob_nsect = readb((void *)ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- tf->hob_lbal = readb((void *)ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+- tf->hob_lbam = readb((void *)ioaddr->lbam_addr);
+- tf->hob_lbah = readb((void *)ioaddr->lbah_addr);
++ writeb(tf->ctl | ATA_HOB, (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.ctl_addr);
++ tf->hob_feature = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->error_addr);
++ tf->hob_nsect = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ tf->hob_lbal = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ tf->hob_lbam = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->lbam_addr);
++ tf->hob_lbah = readb((void __iomem *)ioaddr->lbah_addr);
+ }
+ }
++ * ata_tf_read - input device's ATA taskfile shadow registers
++ * @ap: Port from which input is read
++ * @tf: ATA taskfile register set for storing input
++ *
++ * Reads ATA taskfile registers for currently-selected device
++ * into @tf.
++ *
++ * Reads nsect, lbal, lbam, lbah, and device. If ATA_TFLAG_LBA48
++ * is set, also reads the hob registers.
++ *
++ * May be used as the tf_read() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
++void ata_tf_read(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ ata_tf_read_mmio(ap, tf);
++ else
++ ata_tf_read_pio(ap, tf);
+ /**
+ * ata_check_status_pio - Read device status reg & clear interrupt
+ * @ap: port where the device is
+ *
+ * Reads ATA taskfile status register for currently-selected device
+- * via PIO and return it's value. This also clears pending interrupts
++ * and return its value. This also clears pending interrupts
+ * from this device
+ *
+ * Inherited from caller.
+ */
+-u8 ata_check_status_pio(struct ata_port *ap)
++static u8 ata_check_status_pio(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ return inb(ap->ioaddr.status_addr);
+ }
+@@ -366,15 +448,85 @@ u8 ata_check_status_pio(struct ata_port
+ * @ap: port where the device is
+ *
+ * Reads ATA taskfile status register for currently-selected device
+- * via MMIO and return it's value. This also clears pending interrupts
++ * via MMIO and return its value. This also clears pending interrupts
+ * from this device
+ *
+ * Inherited from caller.
+ */
+-u8 ata_check_status_mmio(struct ata_port *ap)
++static u8 ata_check_status_mmio(struct ata_port *ap)
++ return readb((void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.status_addr);
++ * ata_check_status - Read device status reg & clear interrupt
++ * @ap: port where the device is
++ *
++ * Reads ATA taskfile status register for currently-selected device
++ * and return its value. This also clears pending interrupts
++ * from this device
++ *
++ * May be used as the check_status() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
++u8 ata_check_status(struct ata_port *ap)
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ return ata_check_status_mmio(ap);
++ return ata_check_status_pio(ap);
++ * ata_altstatus - Read device alternate status reg
++ * @ap: port where the device is
++ *
++ * Reads ATA taskfile alternate status register for
++ * currently-selected device and return its value.
++ *
++ * Note: may NOT be used as the check_altstatus() entry in
++ * ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
++u8 ata_altstatus(struct ata_port *ap)
++ if (ap->ops->check_altstatus)
++ return ap->ops->check_altstatus(ap);
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ return readb((void __iomem *)ap->ioaddr.altstatus_addr);
++ return inb(ap->ioaddr.altstatus_addr);
++ * ata_chk_err - Read device error reg
++ * @ap: port where the device is
++ *
++ * Reads ATA taskfile error register for
++ * currently-selected device and return its value.
++ *
++ * Note: may NOT be used as the check_err() entry in
++ * ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
++u8 ata_chk_err(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- return readb((void *) ap->ioaddr.status_addr);
++ if (ap->ops->check_err)
++ return ap->ops->check_err(ap);
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
++ return readb((void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.error_addr);
++ }
++ return inb(ap->ioaddr.error_addr);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -524,7 +676,7 @@ static void ata_dev_set_protocol(struct
+ dev->write_cmd = (cmd >> 8) & 0xff;
+ }
+-static const char * udma_str[] = {
++static const char * xfer_mode_str[] = {
+ "UDMA/16",
+ "UDMA/25",
+ "UDMA/33",
+@@ -533,11 +685,19 @@ static const char * udma_str[] = {
+ "UDMA/100",
+ "UDMA/133",
+ "UDMA7",
++ "MWDMA0",
++ "MWDMA1",
++ "MWDMA2",
++ "PIO0",
++ "PIO1",
++ "PIO2",
++ "PIO3",
++ "PIO4",
+ };
+ /**
+ * ata_udma_string - convert UDMA bit offset to string
+- * @udma_mask: mask of bits supported; only highest bit counts.
++ * @mask: mask of bits supported; only highest bit counts.
+ *
+ * Determine string which represents the highest speed
+ * (highest bit in @udma_mask).
+@@ -550,16 +710,24 @@ static const char * udma_str[] = {
+ * @udma_mask, or the constant C string "<n/a>".
+ */
+-static const char *ata_udma_string(unsigned int udma_mask)
++static const char *ata_mode_string(unsigned int mask)
+ {
+ int i;
+- for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
+- if (udma_mask & (1 << i))
+- return udma_str[i];
+- }
++ for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
++ if (mask & (1 << i))
++ goto out;
++ for (i = ATA_SHIFT_MWDMA + 2; i >= ATA_SHIFT_MWDMA; i--)
++ if (mask & (1 << i))
++ goto out;
++ for (i = ATA_SHIFT_PIO + 4; i >= ATA_SHIFT_PIO; i--)
++ if (mask & (1 << i))
++ goto out;
+ return "<n/a>";
++ return xfer_mode_str[i];
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -586,7 +754,7 @@ static unsigned int ata_pio_devchk(struc
+ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+ u8 nsect, lbal;
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, device);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, device);
+ outb(0x55, ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+ outb(0xaa, ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+@@ -630,19 +798,19 @@ static unsigned int ata_mmio_devchk(stru
+ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+ u8 nsect, lbal;
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, device);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, device);
+- writeb(0x55, (void *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- writeb(0xaa, (void *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ writeb(0x55, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ writeb(0xaa, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+- writeb(0xaa, (void *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- writeb(0x55, (void *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ writeb(0xaa, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ writeb(0x55, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+- writeb(0x55, (void *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- writeb(0xaa, (void *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ writeb(0x55, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ writeb(0xaa, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+- nsect = readb((void *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- lbal = readb((void *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ nsect = readb((void __iomem *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ lbal = readb((void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+ if ((nsect == 0x55) && (lbal == 0xaa))
+ return 1; /* we found a device */
+@@ -651,7 +819,7 @@ static unsigned int ata_mmio_devchk(stru
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_dev_devchk - PATA device presence detection
++ * ata_devchk - PATA device presence detection
+ * @ap: ATA channel to examine
+ * @device: Device to examine (starting at zero)
+ *
+@@ -663,7 +831,7 @@ static unsigned int ata_mmio_devchk(stru
+ * caller.
+ */
+-static unsigned int ata_dev_devchk(struct ata_port *ap,
++static unsigned int ata_devchk(struct ata_port *ap,
+ unsigned int device)
+ {
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
+@@ -687,7 +855,7 @@ static unsigned int ata_dev_devchk(struc
+ * the event of failure.
+ */
+-static unsigned int ata_dev_classify(struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++unsigned int ata_dev_classify(struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ /* Apple's open source Darwin code hints that some devices only
+ * put a proper signature into the LBA mid/high registers,
+@@ -735,7 +903,7 @@ static u8 ata_dev_try_classify(struct at
+ unsigned int class;
+ u8 err;
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, device);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, device);
+ memset(&tf, 0, sizeof(tf));
+@@ -766,7 +934,7 @@ static u8 ata_dev_try_classify(struct at
+ /**
+ * ata_dev_id_string - Convert IDENTIFY DEVICE page into string
+- * @dev: Device whose IDENTIFY DEVICE results we will examine
++ * @id: IDENTIFY DEVICE results we will examine
+ * @s: string into which data is output
+ * @ofs: offset into identify device page
+ * @len: length of string to return. must be an even number.
+@@ -779,17 +947,17 @@ static u8 ata_dev_try_classify(struct at
+ * caller.
+ */
+-void ata_dev_id_string(struct ata_device *dev, unsigned char *s,
++void ata_dev_id_string(u16 *id, unsigned char *s,
+ unsigned int ofs, unsigned int len)
+ {
+ unsigned int c;
+ while (len > 0) {
+- c = dev->id[ofs] >> 8;
++ c = id[ofs] >> 8;
+ *s = c;
+ s++;
+- c = dev->id[ofs] & 0xff;
++ c = id[ofs] & 0xff;
+ *s = c;
+ s++;
+@@ -798,20 +966,40 @@ void ata_dev_id_string(struct ata_device
+ }
+ }
++ * ata_noop_dev_select - Select device 0/1 on ATA bus
++ * @ap: ATA channel to manipulate
++ * @device: ATA device (numbered from zero) to select
++ *
++ * This function performs no actual function.
++ *
++ * May be used as the dev_select() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * caller.
++ */
++void ata_noop_dev_select (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device)
+ /**
+- * __ata_dev_select - Select device 0/1 on ATA bus
++ * ata_std_dev_select - Select device 0/1 on ATA bus
+ * @ap: ATA channel to manipulate
+ * @device: ATA device (numbered from zero) to select
+ *
+ * Use the method defined in the ATA specification to
+ * make either device 0, or device 1, active on the
+- * ATA channel.
++ * ATA channel. Works with both PIO and MMIO.
++ *
++ * May be used as the dev_select() entry in ata_port_operations.
+ *
+ * caller.
+ */
+-static void __ata_dev_select (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device)
++void ata_std_dev_select (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device)
+ {
+ u8 tmp;
+@@ -821,7 +1009,7 @@ static void __ata_dev_select (struct ata
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- writeb(tmp, (void *) ap->ioaddr.device_addr);
++ writeb(tmp, (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.device_addr);
+ } else {
+ outb(tmp, ap->ioaddr.device_addr);
+ }
+@@ -839,7 +1027,7 @@ static void __ata_dev_select (struct ata
+ * make either device 0, or device 1, active on the
+ * ATA channel.
+ *
+- * This is a high-level version of __ata_dev_select(),
++ * This is a high-level version of ata_std_dev_select(),
+ * which additionally provides the services of inserting
+ * the proper pauses and status polling, where needed.
+ *
+@@ -856,7 +1044,7 @@ void ata_dev_select(struct ata_port *ap,
+ if (wait)
+ ata_wait_idle(ap);
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, device);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, device);
+ if (wait) {
+ if (can_sleep && ap->device[device].class == ATA_DEV_ATAPI)
+@@ -930,10 +1118,14 @@ static void ata_dev_identify(struct ata_
+ {
+ struct ata_device *dev = &ap->device[device];
+ unsigned int i;
+- u16 tmp, udma_modes;
++ u16 tmp;
++ unsigned long xfer_modes;
+ u8 status;
+- struct ata_taskfile tf;
+ unsigned int using_edd;
++ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int rc;
+ if (!ata_dev_present(dev)) {
+ DPRINTK("ENTER/EXIT (host %u, dev %u) -- nodev\n",
+@@ -953,27 +1145,34 @@ static void ata_dev_identify(struct ata_
+ ata_dev_select(ap, device, 1, 1); /* select device 0/1 */
+- ata_tf_init(ap, &tf, device);
+- tf.ctl |= ATA_NIEN;
+- tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_PIO;
++ qc = ata_qc_new_init(ap, dev);
++ BUG_ON(qc == NULL);
++ ata_sg_init_one(qc, dev->id, sizeof(dev->id));
++ qc->dma_dir = DMA_FROM_DEVICE;
++ qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_PIO;
++ qc->nsect = 1;
+ if (dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATA) {
+- tf.command = ATA_CMD_ID_ATA;
++ qc->tf.command = ATA_CMD_ID_ATA;
+ DPRINTK("do ATA identify\n");
+ } else {
+- tf.command = ATA_CMD_ID_ATAPI;
++ qc->tf.command = ATA_CMD_ID_ATAPI;
+ DPRINTK("do ATAPI identify\n");
+ }
+- ata_tf_to_host(ap, &tf);
++ qc->waiting = &wait;
++ qc->complete_fn = ata_qc_complete_noop;
+- /* crazy ATAPI devices... */
+- if (dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATAPI)
+- msleep(150);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ap->host_set->lock, flags);
++ rc = ata_qc_issue(qc);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ap->host_set->lock, flags);
+- if (ata_busy_sleep(ap, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT_QUICK, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT))
++ if (rc)
+ goto err_out;
++ else
++ wait_for_completion(&wait);
+ status = ata_chk_status(ap);
+ if (status & ATA_ERR) {
+@@ -988,44 +1187,21 @@ retry:
+ * ATA software reset (SRST, the default) does not appear
+ * to have this problem.
+ */
+- if ((using_edd) && (tf.command == ATA_CMD_ID_ATA)) {
++ if ((using_edd) && (qc->tf.command == ATA_CMD_ID_ATA)) {
+ u8 err = ata_chk_err(ap);
+ if (err & ATA_ABORTED) {
+ dev->class = ATA_DEV_ATAPI;
++ qc->cursg = 0;
++ qc->cursg_ofs = 0;
++ qc->cursect = 0;
++ qc->nsect = 1;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ goto err_out;
+ }
+- /* make sure we have BSY=0, DRQ=1 */
+- if ((status & ATA_DRQ) == 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: dev %u (ATA%s?) not returning id page (0x%x)\n",
+- ap->id, device,
+- dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATA ? "" : "PI",
+- status);
+- goto err_out;
+- }
+- /* read IDENTIFY [X] DEVICE page */
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- for (i = 0; i < ATA_ID_WORDS; i++)
+- dev->id[i] = readw((void *)ap->ioaddr.data_addr);
+- } else
+- for (i = 0; i < ATA_ID_WORDS; i++)
+- dev->id[i] = inw(ap->ioaddr.data_addr);
+- /* wait for host_idle */
+- status = ata_wait_idle(ap);
+- if (status & (ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ)) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: dev %u (ATA%s?) error after id page (0x%x)\n",
+- ap->id, device,
+- dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATA ? "" : "PI",
+- status);
+- goto err_out;
+- }
+- ata_irq_on(ap); /* re-enable interrupts */
++ swap_buf_le16(dev->id, ATA_ID_WORDS);
+ /* print device capabilities */
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ata%u: dev %u cfg "
+@@ -1040,24 +1216,25 @@ retry:
+ */
+ /* we require LBA and DMA support (bits 8 & 9 of word 49) */
+- if (!ata_id_has_dma(dev) || !ata_id_has_lba(dev)) {
++ if (!ata_id_has_dma(dev->id) || !ata_id_has_lba(dev->id)) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ata%u: no dma/lba\n", ap->id);
+ goto err_out_nosup;
+ }
+- /* we require UDMA support */
+- udma_modes =
+- tmp = dev->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES];
+- if ((tmp & 0xff) == 0) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG "ata%u: no udma\n", ap->id);
+- goto err_out_nosup;
++ /* quick-n-dirty find max transfer mode; for printk only */
++ xfer_modes = dev->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES];
++ if (!xfer_modes)
++ xfer_modes = (dev->id[ATA_ID_MWDMA_MODES]) << ATA_SHIFT_MWDMA;
++ if (!xfer_modes) {
++ xfer_modes = (dev->id[ATA_ID_PIO_MODES]) << (ATA_SHIFT_PIO + 3);
++ xfer_modes |= (0x7 << ATA_SHIFT_PIO);
+ }
+ ata_dump_id(dev);
+ /* ATA-specific feature tests */
+ if (dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATA) {
+- if (!ata_id_is_ata(dev)) /* sanity check */
++ if (!ata_id_is_ata(dev->id)) /* sanity check */
+ goto err_out_nosup;
+ tmp = dev->id[ATA_ID_MAJOR_VER];
+@@ -1071,11 +1248,11 @@ retry:
+ goto err_out_nosup;
+ }
+- if (ata_id_has_lba48(dev)) {
++ if (ata_id_has_lba48(dev->id)) {
+ dev->flags |= ATA_DFLAG_LBA48;
+- dev->n_sectors = ata_id_u64(dev, 100);
++ dev->n_sectors = ata_id_u64(dev->id, 100);
+ } else {
+- dev->n_sectors = ata_id_u32(dev, 60);
++ dev->n_sectors = ata_id_u32(dev->id, 60);
+ }
+ ap->host->max_cmd_len = 16;
+@@ -1083,25 +1260,28 @@ retry:
+ /* print device info to dmesg */
+ printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: dev %u ATA, max %s, %Lu sectors:%s\n",
+ ap->id, device,
+- ata_udma_string(udma_modes),
++ ata_mode_string(xfer_modes),
+ (unsigned long long)dev->n_sectors,
+ dev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_LBA48 ? " lba48" : "");
+ }
+ /* ATAPI-specific feature tests */
+ else {
+- if (ata_id_is_ata(dev)) /* sanity check */
++ if (ata_id_is_ata(dev->id)) /* sanity check */
+ goto err_out_nosup;
+- /* see if 16-byte commands supported */
+- tmp = dev->id[0] & 0x3;
+- if (tmp == 1)
+- ap->host->max_cmd_len = 16;
++ rc = atapi_cdb_len(dev->id);
++ if ((rc < 12) || (rc > ATAPI_CDB_LEN)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: unsupported CDB len\n", ap->id);
++ goto err_out_nosup;
++ }
++ ap->cdb_len = (unsigned int) rc;
++ ap->host->max_cmd_len = (unsigned char) ap->cdb_len;
+ /* print device info to dmesg */
+ printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: dev %u ATAPI, max %s\n",
+ ap->id, device,
+- ata_udma_string(udma_modes));
++ ata_mode_string(xfer_modes));
+ }
+ DPRINTK("EXIT, drv_stat = 0x%x\n", ata_chk_status(ap));
+@@ -1111,16 +1291,51 @@ err_out_nosup:
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: dev %u not supported, ignoring\n",
+ ap->id, device);
+ err_out:
+- ata_irq_on(ap); /* re-enable interrupts */
+ dev->class++; /* converts ATA_DEV_xxx into ATA_DEV_xxx_UNSUP */
+ DPRINTK("EXIT, err\n");
+ }
++static inline u8 ata_dev_knobble(struct ata_port *ap)
++ return ((ap->cbl == ATA_CBL_SATA) && (!ata_id_is_sata(ap->device->id)));
++ * ata_dev_config - Run device specific handlers and check for
++ * SATA->PATA bridges
++ * @ap: Bus
++ * @i: Device
++ *
++ */
++void ata_dev_config(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int i)
++ /* limit bridge transfers to udma5, 200 sectors */
++ if (ata_dev_knobble(ap)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u(%u): applying bridge limits\n",
++ ap->id, ap->device->devno);
++ ap->udma_mask &= ATA_UDMA5;
++ ap->host->max_sectors = ATA_MAX_SECTORS;
++ ap->host->hostt->max_sectors = ATA_MAX_SECTORS;
++ ap->device->flags |= ATA_DFLAG_LOCK_SECTORS;
++ }
++ if (ap->ops->dev_config)
++ ap->ops->dev_config(ap, &ap->device[i]);
+ /**
+ * ata_bus_probe - Reset and probe ATA bus
+ * @ap: Bus to probe
+ *
++ * Master ATA bus probing function. Initiates a hardware-dependent
++ * bus reset, then attempts to identify any devices found on
++ * the bus.
++ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
+ *
+ * Zero on success, non-zero on error.
+@@ -1138,8 +1353,7 @@ static int ata_bus_probe(struct ata_port
+ ata_dev_identify(ap, i);
+ if (ata_dev_present(&ap->device[i])) {
+ found = 1;
+- if (ap->ops->dev_config)
+- ap->ops->dev_config(ap, &ap->device[i]);
++ ata_dev_config(ap,i);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1159,10 +1373,14 @@ err_out:
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_port_probe -
+- * @ap:
++ * ata_port_probe - Mark port as enabled
++ * @ap: Port for which we indicate enablement
+ *
++ * Modify @ap data structure such that the system
++ * thinks that the entire port is enabled.
++ *
++ * LOCKING: host_set lock, or some other form of
++ * serialization.
+ */
+ void ata_port_probe(struct ata_port *ap)
+@@ -1171,23 +1389,30 @@ void ata_port_probe(struct ata_port *ap)
+ }
+ /**
+- * sata_phy_reset -
+- * @ap:
++ * __sata_phy_reset - Wake/reset a low-level SATA PHY
++ * @ap: SATA port associated with target SATA PHY.
++ *
++ * This function issues commands to standard SATA Sxxx
++ * PHY registers, to wake up the phy (and device), and
++ * clear any reset condition.
+ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
+ *
+ */
+-void sata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
++void __sata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ u32 sstatus;
+ unsigned long timeout = jiffies + (HZ * 5);
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET) {
+- scr_write(ap, SCR_CONTROL, 0x301); /* issue phy wake/reset */
+- scr_read(ap, SCR_STATUS); /* dummy read; flush */
+- udelay(400); /* FIXME: a guess */
++ /* issue phy wake/reset */
++ scr_write_flush(ap, SCR_CONTROL, 0x301);
++ /* Couldn't find anything in SATA I/II specs, but
++ * AHCI-1.1 10.4.2 says at least 1 ms. */
++ mdelay(1);
+ }
+- scr_write(ap, SCR_CONTROL, 0x300); /* issue phy wake/clear reset */
++ scr_write_flush(ap, SCR_CONTROL, 0x300); /* phy wake/clear reset */
+ /* wait for phy to become ready, if necessary */
+ do {
+@@ -1215,14 +1440,39 @@ void sata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ return;
+ }
+- ata_bus_reset(ap);
++ ap->cbl = ATA_CBL_SATA;
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_port_disable -
+- * @ap:
++ * sata_phy_reset - Reset SATA bus.
++ * @ap: SATA port associated with target SATA PHY.
++ *
++ * This function resets the SATA bus, and then probes
++ * the bus for devices.
+ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
++ *
++ */
++void sata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
++ __sata_phy_reset(ap);
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED)
++ return;
++ ata_bus_reset(ap);
++ * ata_port_disable - Disable port.
++ * @ap: Port to be disabled.
++ *
++ * Modify @ap data structure such that the system
++ * thinks that the entire port is disabled, and should
++ * never attempt to probe or communicate with devices
++ * on this port.
++ *
++ * LOCKING: host_set lock, or some other form of
++ * serialization.
+ */
+ void ata_port_disable(struct ata_port *ap)
+@@ -1232,38 +1482,135 @@ void ata_port_disable(struct ata_port *a
+ ap->flags |= ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED;
+ }
++static struct {
++ unsigned int shift;
++ u8 base;
++} xfer_mode_classes[] = {
++static inline u8 base_from_shift(unsigned int shift)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(xfer_mode_classes); i++)
++ if (xfer_mode_classes[i].shift == shift)
++ return xfer_mode_classes[i].base;
++ return 0xff;
++static void ata_dev_set_mode(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev)
++ int ofs, idx;
++ u8 base;
++ if (!ata_dev_present(dev) || (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED))
++ return;
++ if (dev->xfer_shift == ATA_SHIFT_PIO)
++ dev->flags |= ATA_DFLAG_PIO;
++ ata_dev_set_xfermode(ap, dev);
++ base = base_from_shift(dev->xfer_shift);
++ ofs = dev->xfer_mode - base;
++ idx = ofs + dev->xfer_shift;
++ WARN_ON(idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(xfer_mode_str));
++ DPRINTK("idx=%d xfer_shift=%u, xfer_mode=0x%x, base=0x%x, offset=%d\n",
++ idx, dev->xfer_shift, (int)dev->xfer_mode, (int)base, ofs);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: dev %u configured for %s\n",
++ ap->id, dev->devno, xfer_mode_str[idx]);
++static int ata_host_set_pio(struct ata_port *ap)
++ unsigned int mask;
++ int x, i;
++ u8 base, xfer_mode;
++ mask = ata_get_mode_mask(ap, ATA_SHIFT_PIO);
++ x = fgb(mask);
++ if (x < 0) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: no PIO support\n", ap->id);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ base = base_from_shift(ATA_SHIFT_PIO);
++ xfer_mode = base + x;
++ DPRINTK("base 0x%x xfer_mode 0x%x mask 0x%x x %d\n",
++ (int)base, (int)xfer_mode, mask, x);
++ for (i = 0; i < ATA_MAX_DEVICES; i++) {
++ struct ata_device *dev = &ap->device[i];
++ if (ata_dev_present(dev)) {
++ dev->pio_mode = xfer_mode;
++ dev->xfer_mode = xfer_mode;
++ dev->xfer_shift = ATA_SHIFT_PIO;
++ if (ap->ops->set_piomode)
++ ap->ops->set_piomode(ap, dev);
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void ata_host_set_dma(struct ata_port *ap, u8 xfer_mode,
++ unsigned int xfer_shift)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < ATA_MAX_DEVICES; i++) {
++ struct ata_device *dev = &ap->device[i];
++ if (ata_dev_present(dev)) {
++ dev->dma_mode = xfer_mode;
++ dev->xfer_mode = xfer_mode;
++ dev->xfer_shift = xfer_shift;
++ if (ap->ops->set_dmamode)
++ ap->ops->set_dmamode(ap, dev);
++ }
++ }
+ /**
+ * ata_set_mode - Program timings and issue SET FEATURES - XFER
+ * @ap: port on which timings will be programmed
+ *
++ * Set ATA device disk transfer mode (PIO3, UDMA6, etc.).
++ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
+ *
+ */
+ static void ata_set_mode(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- unsigned int force_pio, i;
+- ata_host_set_pio(ap);
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED)
+- return;
++ unsigned int i, xfer_shift;
++ u8 xfer_mode;
++ int rc;
+- ata_host_set_udma(ap);
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED)
+- return;
++ /* step 1: always set host PIO timings */
++ rc = ata_host_set_pio(ap);
++ if (rc)
++ goto err_out;
+-#ifdef ATA_FORCE_PIO
+- force_pio = 1;
+- force_pio = 0;
++ /* step 2: choose the best data xfer mode */
++ xfer_mode = xfer_shift = 0;
++ rc = ata_choose_xfer_mode(ap, &xfer_mode, &xfer_shift);
++ if (rc)
++ goto err_out;
+- if (force_pio) {
+- ata_dev_set_pio(ap, 0);
+- ata_dev_set_pio(ap, 1);
+- } else {
+- ata_dev_set_udma(ap, 0);
+- ata_dev_set_udma(ap, 1);
+- }
++ /* step 3: if that xfer mode isn't PIO, set host DMA timings */
++ if (xfer_shift != ATA_SHIFT_PIO)
++ ata_host_set_dma(ap, xfer_mode, xfer_shift);
++ /* step 4: update devices' xfer mode */
++ ata_dev_set_mode(ap, &ap->device[0]);
++ ata_dev_set_mode(ap, &ap->device[1]);
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED)
+ return;
+@@ -1275,6 +1622,11 @@ static void ata_set_mode(struct ata_port
+ struct ata_device *dev = &ap->device[i];
+ ata_dev_set_protocol(dev);
+ }
++ return;
++ ata_port_disable(ap);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -1283,7 +1635,10 @@ static void ata_set_mode(struct ata_port
+ * @tmout_pat: impatience timeout
+ * @tmout: overall timeout
+ *
++ * Sleep until ATA Status register bit BSY clears,
++ * or a timeout occurs.
++ *
++ * LOCKING: None.
+ *
+ */
+@@ -1328,23 +1683,23 @@ static void ata_bus_post_reset(struct at
+ unsigned int dev1 = devmask & (1 << 1);
+ unsigned long timeout;
+- /* if device 0 was found in ata_dev_devchk, wait for its
++ /* if device 0 was found in ata_devchk, wait for its
+ * BSY bit to clear
+ */
+ if (dev0)
+ ata_busy_sleep(ap, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT_QUICK, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT);
+- /* if device 1 was found in ata_dev_devchk, wait for
++ /* if device 1 was found in ata_devchk, wait for
+ * register access, then wait for BSY to clear
+ */
+ timeout = jiffies + ATA_TMOUT_BOOT;
+ while (dev1) {
+ u8 nsect, lbal;
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, 1);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, 1);
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- nsect = readb((void *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+- lbal = readb((void *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
++ nsect = readb((void __iomem *) ioaddr->nsect_addr);
++ lbal = readb((void __iomem *) ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+ } else {
+ nsect = inb(ioaddr->nsect_addr);
+ lbal = inb(ioaddr->lbal_addr);
+@@ -1361,18 +1716,22 @@ static void ata_bus_post_reset(struct at
+ ata_busy_sleep(ap, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT_QUICK, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT);
+ /* is all this really necessary? */
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, 0);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, 0);
+ if (dev1)
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, 1);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, 1);
+ if (dev0)
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, 0);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, 0);
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_bus_edd -
+- * @ap:
++ * ata_bus_edd - Issue EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC command.
++ * @ap: Port to reset and probe
++ *
++ * Use the EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC command to reset and
++ * probe the bus. Not often used these days.
+ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
+ *
+ */
+@@ -1408,11 +1767,11 @@ static unsigned int ata_bus_softreset(st
+ /* software reset. causes dev0 to be selected */
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- writeb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
++ writeb(ap->ctl, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ udelay(20); /* FIXME: flush */
+- writeb(ap->ctl | ATA_SRST, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
++ writeb(ap->ctl | ATA_SRST, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ udelay(20); /* FIXME: flush */
+- writeb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
++ writeb(ap->ctl, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ } else {
+ outb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ udelay(10);
+@@ -1449,8 +1808,8 @@ static unsigned int ata_bus_softreset(st
+ * the device is ATA or ATAPI.
+ *
+- * Inherited from caller. Some functions called by this function
+- * obtain the host_set lock.
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
++ * Obtains host_set lock.
+ *
+ * Sets ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED if bus reset fails.
+@@ -1469,9 +1828,9 @@ void ata_bus_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET)
+ dev0 = 1;
+ else {
+- dev0 = ata_dev_devchk(ap, 0);
++ dev0 = ata_devchk(ap, 0);
+ if (slave_possible)
+- dev1 = ata_dev_devchk(ap, 1);
++ dev1 = ata_devchk(ap, 1);
+ }
+ if (dev0)
+@@ -1480,7 +1839,7 @@ void ata_bus_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ devmask |= (1 << 1);
+ /* select device 0 again */
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, 0);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, 0);
+ /* issue bus reset */
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_SRST)
+@@ -1488,7 +1847,7 @@ void ata_bus_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ else if ((ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET) == 0) {
+ /* set up device control */
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
+- writeb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
++ writeb(ap->ctl, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ else
+ outb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ rc = ata_bus_edd(ap);
+@@ -1505,13 +1864,14 @@ void ata_bus_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ ata_dev_try_classify(ap, 1);
+ /* re-enable interrupts */
+- ata_irq_on(ap);
++ if (ap->ioaddr.ctl_addr) /* FIXME: hack. create a hook instead */
++ ata_irq_on(ap);
+ /* is double-select really necessary? */
+ if (ap->device[1].class != ATA_DEV_NONE)
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, 1);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, 1);
+ if (ap->device[0].class != ATA_DEV_NONE)
+- __ata_dev_select(ap, 0);
++ ap->ops->dev_select(ap, 0);
+ /* if no devices were detected, disable this port */
+ if ((ap->device[0].class == ATA_DEV_NONE) &&
+@@ -1521,7 +1881,7 @@ void ata_bus_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
+ if (ap->flags & (ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET | ATA_FLAG_SRST)) {
+ /* set up device control for ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET */
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
+- writeb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
++ writeb(ap->ctl, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ else
+ outb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ }
+@@ -1536,222 +1896,254 @@ err_out:
+ }
+- * ata_host_set_pio -
+- * @ap:
+- *
+- */
+-static void ata_host_set_pio(struct ata_port *ap)
++static void ata_pr_blacklisted(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct ata_device *master, *slave;
+- unsigned int pio, i;
+- u16 mask;
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: dev %u is on DMA blacklist, disabling DMA\n",
++ ap->id, dev->devno);
+- master = &ap->device[0];
+- slave = &ap->device[1];
++static const char * ata_dma_blacklist [] = {
++ "WDC AC11000H",
++ "WDC AC22100H",
++ "WDC AC32500H",
++ "WDC AC33100H",
++ "WDC AC31600H",
++ "WDC AC32100H",
++ "WDC AC23200L",
++ "Compaq CRD-8241B",
++ "CRD-8400B",
++ "CRD-8480B",
++ "CRD-8482B",
++ "CRD-84",
++ "SanDisk SDP3B",
++ "SanDisk SDP3B-64",
++ "HITACHI CDR-8335",
++ "HITACHI CDR-8435",
++ "Toshiba CD-ROM XM-6202B",
++ "CD-532E-A",
++ "E-IDE CD-ROM CR-840",
++ "CD-ROM Drive/F5A",
++ "WPI CDD-820",
++ "SanDisk SDP3B-64",
++ "_NEC DV5800A",
+- assert (ata_dev_present(master) || ata_dev_present(slave));
++static int ata_dma_blacklisted(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev)
++ unsigned char model_num[40];
++ char *s;
++ unsigned int len;
++ int i;
+- mask = ap->pio_mask;
+- if (ata_dev_present(master))
+- mask &= (master->id[ATA_ID_PIO_MODES] & 0x03);
+- if (ata_dev_present(slave))
+- mask &= (slave->id[ATA_ID_PIO_MODES] & 0x03);
+- /* require pio mode 3 or 4 support for host and all devices */
+- if (mask == 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: no PIO3/4 support, ignoring\n",
+- ap->id);
+- goto err_out;
++ ata_dev_id_string(dev->id, model_num, ATA_ID_PROD_OFS,
++ sizeof(model_num));
++ s = &model_num[0];
++ len = strnlen(s, sizeof(model_num));
++ /* ATAPI specifies that empty space is blank-filled; remove blanks */
++ while ((len > 0) && (s[len - 1] == ' ')) {
++ len--;
++ s[len] = 0;
+ }
+- pio = (mask & ATA_ID_PIO4) ? 4 : 3;
+- for (i = 0; i < ATA_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
+- if (ata_dev_present(&ap->device[i])) {
+- ap->device[i].pio_mode = (pio == 3) ?
+- if (ap->ops->set_piomode)
+- ap->ops->set_piomode(ap, &ap->device[i], pio);
+- }
+- return;
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ata_dma_blacklist); i++)
++ if (!strncmp(ata_dma_blacklist[i], s, len))
++ return 1;
+- ap->ops->port_disable(ap);
++ return 0;
+ }
+- * ata_host_set_udma -
+- * @ap:
+- *
+- */
+-static void ata_host_set_udma(struct ata_port *ap)
++static unsigned int ata_get_mode_mask(struct ata_port *ap, int shift)
+ {
+ struct ata_device *master, *slave;
+- u16 mask;
+- unsigned int i, j;
+- int udma_mode = -1;
++ unsigned int mask;
+ master = &ap->device[0];
+ slave = &ap->device[1];
+ assert (ata_dev_present(master) || ata_dev_present(slave));
+- assert ((ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED) == 0);
+- DPRINTK("udma masks: host 0x%X, master 0x%X, slave 0x%X\n",
+- ap->udma_mask,
+- (!ata_dev_present(master)) ? 0xff :
+- (master->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES] & 0xff),
+- (!ata_dev_present(slave)) ? 0xff :
+- (slave->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES] & 0xff));
+- mask = ap->udma_mask;
+- if (ata_dev_present(master))
+- mask &= (master->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES] & 0xff);
+- if (ata_dev_present(slave))
+- mask &= (slave->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES] & 0xff);
+- i = XFER_UDMA_7;
+- while (i >= XFER_UDMA_0) {
+- j = i - XFER_UDMA_0;
+- DPRINTK("mask 0x%X i 0x%X j %u\n", mask, i, j);
+- if (mask & (1 << j)) {
+- udma_mode = i;
+- break;
++ if (shift == ATA_SHIFT_UDMA) {
++ mask = ap->udma_mask;
++ if (ata_dev_present(master)) {
++ mask &= (master->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES] & 0xff);
++ if (ata_dma_blacklisted(ap, master)) {
++ mask = 0;
++ ata_pr_blacklisted(ap, master);
++ }
++ }
++ if (ata_dev_present(slave)) {
++ mask &= (slave->id[ATA_ID_UDMA_MODES] & 0xff);
++ if (ata_dma_blacklisted(ap, slave)) {
++ mask = 0;
++ ata_pr_blacklisted(ap, slave);
++ }
+ }
+- i--;
+ }
+- /* require udma for host and all attached devices */
+- if (udma_mode < 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: no UltraDMA support, ignoring\n",
+- ap->id);
+- goto err_out;
++ else if (shift == ATA_SHIFT_MWDMA) {
++ mask = ap->mwdma_mask;
++ if (ata_dev_present(master)) {
++ mask &= (master->id[ATA_ID_MWDMA_MODES] & 0x07);
++ if (ata_dma_blacklisted(ap, master)) {
++ mask = 0;
++ ata_pr_blacklisted(ap, master);
++ }
++ }
++ if (ata_dev_present(slave)) {
++ mask &= (slave->id[ATA_ID_MWDMA_MODES] & 0x07);
++ if (ata_dma_blacklisted(ap, slave)) {
++ mask = 0;
++ ata_pr_blacklisted(ap, slave);
++ }
++ }
+ }
+- for (i = 0; i < ATA_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
+- if (ata_dev_present(&ap->device[i])) {
+- ap->device[i].udma_mode = udma_mode;
+- if (ap->ops->set_udmamode)
+- ap->ops->set_udmamode(ap, &ap->device[i],
+- udma_mode);
++ else if (shift == ATA_SHIFT_PIO) {
++ mask = ap->pio_mask;
++ if (ata_dev_present(master)) {
++ /* spec doesn't return explicit support for
++ * PIO0-2, so we fake it
++ */
++ u16 tmp_mode = master->id[ATA_ID_PIO_MODES] & 0x03;
++ tmp_mode <<= 3;
++ tmp_mode |= 0x7;
++ mask &= tmp_mode;
+ }
++ if (ata_dev_present(slave)) {
++ /* spec doesn't return explicit support for
++ * PIO0-2, so we fake it
++ */
++ u16 tmp_mode = slave->id[ATA_ID_PIO_MODES] & 0x03;
++ tmp_mode <<= 3;
++ tmp_mode |= 0x7;
++ mask &= tmp_mode;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ mask = 0xffffffff; /* shut up compiler warning */
++ BUG();
++ }
+- return;
+- ap->ops->port_disable(ap);
++ return mask;
+ }
+- * ata_dev_set_xfermode - Issue SET FEATURES - XFER MODE command
+- * @ap: Port associated with device @dev
+- * @dev: Device to which command will be sent
+- *
+- */
+-static void ata_dev_set_xfermode(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev)
++/* find greatest bit */
++static int fgb(u32 bitmap)
+ {
+- struct ata_taskfile tf;
+- /* set up set-features taskfile */
+- DPRINTK("set features - xfer mode\n");
+- ata_tf_init(ap, &tf, dev->devno);
+- tf.ctl |= ATA_NIEN;
+- tf.command = ATA_CMD_SET_FEATURES;
+- tf.feature = SETFEATURES_XFER;
+- tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_NODATA;
+- if (dev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_PIO)
+- tf.nsect = dev->pio_mode;
+- else
+- tf.nsect = dev->udma_mode;
+- /* do bus reset */
+- ata_tf_to_host(ap, &tf);
+- /* crazy ATAPI devices... */
+- if (dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATAPI)
+- msleep(150);
+- ata_busy_sleep(ap, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT_QUICK, ATA_TMOUT_BOOT);
+- ata_irq_on(ap); /* re-enable interrupts */
++ unsigned int i;
++ int x = -1;
+- ata_wait_idle(ap);
++ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
++ if (bitmap & (1 << i))
++ x = i;
++ return x;
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_dev_set_udma - Set ATA device's transfer mode to Ultra DMA
+- * @ap: Port associated with device @dev
+- * @device: Device whose mode will be set
++ * ata_choose_xfer_mode - attempt to find best transfer mode
++ * @ap: Port for which an xfer mode will be selected
++ * @xfer_mode_out: (output) SET FEATURES - XFER MODE code
++ * @xfer_shift_out: (output) bit shift that selects this mode
++ *
++ * Based on host and device capabilities, determine the
++ * maximum transfer mode that is amenable to all.
+ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
++ *
++ * Zero on success, negative on error.
+ */
+-static void ata_dev_set_udma(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device)
+- struct ata_device *dev = &ap->device[device];
+- if (!ata_dev_present(dev) || (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED))
+- return;
+- ata_dev_set_xfermode(ap, dev);
++static int ata_choose_xfer_mode(struct ata_port *ap,
++ u8 *xfer_mode_out,
++ unsigned int *xfer_shift_out)
++ unsigned int mask, shift;
++ int x, i;
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(xfer_mode_classes); i++) {
++ shift = xfer_mode_classes[i].shift;
++ mask = ata_get_mode_mask(ap, shift);
++ x = fgb(mask);
++ if (x >= 0) {
++ *xfer_mode_out = xfer_mode_classes[i].base + x;
++ *xfer_shift_out = shift;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ }
+- assert((dev->udma_mode >= XFER_UDMA_0) &&
+- (dev->udma_mode <= XFER_UDMA_7));
+- printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: dev %u configured for %s\n",
+- ap->id, device,
+- udma_str[dev->udma_mode - XFER_UDMA_0]);
++ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_dev_set_pio - Set ATA device's transfer mode to PIO
++ * ata_dev_set_xfermode - Issue SET FEATURES - XFER MODE command
+ * @ap: Port associated with device @dev
+- * @device: Device whose mode will be set
++ * @dev: Device to which command will be sent
++ *
++ * Issue SET FEATURES - XFER MODE command to device @dev
++ * on port @ap.
+ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
+ */
+-static void ata_dev_set_pio(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device)
++static void ata_dev_set_xfermode(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct ata_device *dev = &ap->device[device];
++ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
++ int rc;
++ unsigned long flags;
+- if (!ata_dev_present(dev) || (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED))
+- return;
++ /* set up set-features taskfile */
++ DPRINTK("set features - xfer mode\n");
+- /* force PIO mode */
+- dev->flags |= ATA_DFLAG_PIO;
++ qc = ata_qc_new_init(ap, dev);
++ BUG_ON(qc == NULL);
+- ata_dev_set_xfermode(ap, dev);
++ qc->tf.command = ATA_CMD_SET_FEATURES;
++ qc->tf.feature = SETFEATURES_XFER;
++ qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_NODATA;
++ qc->tf.nsect = dev->xfer_mode;
++ qc->waiting = &wait;
++ qc->complete_fn = ata_qc_complete_noop;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ap->host_set->lock, flags);
++ rc = ata_qc_issue(qc);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ap->host_set->lock, flags);
+- assert((dev->pio_mode >= XFER_PIO_3) &&
+- (dev->pio_mode <= XFER_PIO_4));
+- printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: dev %u configured for PIO%c\n",
+- ap->id, device,
+- dev->pio_mode == 3 ? '3' : '4');
++ if (rc)
++ ata_port_disable(ap);
++ else
++ wait_for_completion(&wait);
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_sg_clean -
+- * @qc:
++ * ata_sg_clean - Unmap DMA memory associated with command
++ * @qc: Command containing DMA memory to be released
++ *
++ * Unmap all mapped DMA memory associated with this command.
+ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+ static void ata_sg_clean(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+ struct scatterlist *sg = qc->sg;
+- int dir = qc->pci_dma_dir;
++ int dir = qc->dma_dir;
+ assert(qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_DMAMAP);
+ assert(sg != NULL);
+@@ -1762,9 +2154,9 @@ static void ata_sg_clean(struct ata_queu
+ DPRINTK("unmapping %u sg elements\n", qc->n_elem);
+ if (qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_SG)
+- pci_unmap_sg(ap->host_set->pdev, sg, qc->n_elem, dir);
++ dma_unmap_sg(ap->host_set->dev, sg, qc->n_elem, dir);
+ else
+- pci_unmap_single(ap->host_set->pdev, sg_dma_address(&sg[0]),
++ dma_unmap_single(ap->host_set->dev, sg_dma_address(&sg[0]),
+ sg_dma_len(&sg[0]), dir);
+ qc->flags &= ~ATA_QCFLAG_DMAMAP;
+@@ -1775,7 +2167,11 @@ static void ata_sg_clean(struct ata_queu
+ * ata_fill_sg - Fill PCI IDE PRD table
+ * @qc: Metadata associated with taskfile to be transferred
+ *
++ * Fill PCI IDE PRD (scatter-gather) table with segments
++ * associated with the current disk command.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ *
+ */
+ static void ata_fill_sg(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+@@ -1789,7 +2185,7 @@ static void ata_fill_sg(struct ata_queue
+ idx = 0;
+ for (nelem = qc->n_elem; nelem; nelem--,sg++) {
+- u32 addr, boundary;
++ u32 addr, offset;
+ u32 sg_len, len;
+ /* determine if physical DMA addr spans 64K boundary.
+@@ -1800,10 +2196,10 @@ static void ata_fill_sg(struct ata_queue
+ sg_len = sg_dma_len(sg);
+ while (sg_len) {
+- boundary = (addr & ~0xffff) + (0xffff + 1);
++ offset = addr & 0xffff;
+ len = sg_len;
+- if ((addr + sg_len) > boundary)
+- len = boundary - addr;
++ if ((offset + sg_len) > 0x10000)
++ len = 0x10000 - offset;
+ ap->prd[idx].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr);
+ ap->prd[idx].flags_len = cpu_to_le32(len & 0xffff);
+@@ -1818,11 +2214,36 @@ static void ata_fill_sg(struct ata_queue
+ if (idx)
+ ap->prd[idx - 1].flags_len |= cpu_to_le32(ATA_PRD_EOT);
+ }
++ * ata_check_atapi_dma - Check whether ATAPI DMA can be supported
++ * @qc: Metadata associated with taskfile to check
++ *
++ * Allow low-level driver to filter ATA PACKET commands, returning
++ * a status indicating whether or not it is OK to use DMA for the
++ * supplied PACKET command.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ *
++ * RETURNS: 0 when ATAPI DMA can be used
++ * nonzero otherwise
++ */
++int ata_check_atapi_dma(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ int rc = 0; /* Assume ATAPI DMA is OK by default */
++ if (ap->ops->check_atapi_dma)
++ rc = ap->ops->check_atapi_dma(qc);
++ return rc;
+ /**
+ * ata_qc_prep - Prepare taskfile for submission
+ * @qc: Metadata associated with taskfile to be prepared
+ *
++ * Prepare ATA taskfile for submission.
++ *
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+@@ -1834,6 +2255,32 @@ void ata_qc_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *
+ ata_fill_sg(qc);
+ }
++ * ata_sg_init_one - Associate command with memory buffer
++ * @qc: Command to be associated
++ * @buf: Memory buffer
++ * @buflen: Length of memory buffer, in bytes.
++ *
++ * Initialize the data-related elements of queued_cmd @qc
++ * to point to a single memory buffer, @buf of byte length @buflen.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++ * ata_sg_init_one - Prepare a one-entry scatter-gather list.
++ * @qc: Queued command
++ * @buf: transfer buffer
++ * @buflen: length of buf
++ *
++ * Builds a single-entry scatter-gather list to initiate a
++ * transfer utilizing the specified buffer.
++ *
++ */
+ void ata_sg_init_one(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+ {
+ struct scatterlist *sg;
+@@ -1848,11 +2295,35 @@ void ata_sg_init_one(struct ata_queued_c
+ sg = qc->sg;
+ sg->page = virt_to_page(buf);
+ sg->offset = (unsigned long) buf & ~PAGE_MASK;
+- sg_dma_len(sg) = buflen;
+- WARN_ON(buflen > PAGE_SIZE);
++ sg->length = buflen;
+ }
++ * ata_sg_init - Associate command with scatter-gather table.
++ * @qc: Command to be associated
++ * @sg: Scatter-gather table.
++ * @n_elem: Number of elements in s/g table.
++ *
++ * Initialize the data-related elements of queued_cmd @qc
++ * to point to a scatter-gather table @sg, containing @n_elem
++ * elements.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++ * ata_sg_init - Assign a scatter gather list to a queued command
++ * @qc: Queued command
++ * @sg: Scatter-gather list
++ * @n_elem: length of sg list
++ *
++ * Attaches a scatter-gather list to a queued command.
++ *
++ */
+ void ata_sg_init(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, struct scatterlist *sg,
+ unsigned int n_elem)
+ {
+@@ -1862,29 +2333,32 @@ void ata_sg_init(struct ata_queued_cmd *
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_sg_setup_one -
+- * @qc:
++ * ata_sg_setup_one - DMA-map the memory buffer associated with a command.
++ * @qc: Command with memory buffer to be mapped.
++ *
++ * DMA-map the memory buffer associated with queued_cmd @qc.
+ *
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ *
+- *
++ * Zero on success, negative on error.
+ */
+ static int ata_sg_setup_one(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+- int dir = qc->pci_dma_dir;
++ int dir = qc->dma_dir;
+ struct scatterlist *sg = qc->sg;
+ dma_addr_t dma_address;
+- dma_address = pci_map_single(ap->host_set->pdev, qc->buf_virt,
+- sg_dma_len(sg), dir);
+- if (pci_dma_mapping_error(dma_address))
++ dma_address = dma_map_single(ap->host_set->dev, qc->buf_virt,
++ sg->length, dir);
++ if (dma_mapping_error(dma_address))
+ return -1;
+ sg_dma_address(sg) = dma_address;
++ sg_dma_len(sg) = sg->length;
+ DPRINTK("mapped buffer of %d bytes for %s\n", sg_dma_len(sg),
+ qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE ? "write" : "read");
+@@ -1893,13 +2367,16 @@ static int ata_sg_setup_one(struct ata_q
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_sg_setup -
+- * @qc:
++ * ata_sg_setup - DMA-map the scatter-gather table associated with a command.
++ * @qc: Command with scatter-gather table to be mapped.
++ *
++ * DMA-map the scatter-gather table associated with queued_cmd @qc.
+ *
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ *
++ * Zero on success, negative on error.
+ *
+ */
+@@ -1912,8 +2389,8 @@ static int ata_sg_setup(struct ata_queue
+ VPRINTK("ENTER, ata%u\n", ap->id);
+ assert(qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_SG);
+- dir = qc->pci_dma_dir;
+- n_elem = pci_map_sg(ap->host_set->pdev, sg, qc->n_elem, dir);
++ dir = qc->dma_dir;
++ n_elem = dma_map_sg(ap->host_set->dev, sg, qc->n_elem, dir);
+ if (n_elem < 1)
+ return -1;
+@@ -1929,6 +2406,7 @@ static int ata_sg_setup(struct ata_queue
+ * @ap:
+ *
++ * None. (executing in kernel thread context)
+ *
+ *
+@@ -1976,6 +2454,7 @@ static unsigned long ata_pio_poll(struct
+ * @ap:
+ *
++ * None. (executing in kernel thread context)
+ */
+ static void ata_pio_complete (struct ata_port *ap)
+@@ -2003,7 +2482,7 @@ static void ata_pio_complete (struct ata
+ }
+ drv_stat = ata_wait_idle(ap);
+- if (drv_stat & (ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ)) {
++ if (!ata_ok(drv_stat)) {
+ ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_ERR;
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2018,19 +2497,197 @@ static void ata_pio_complete (struct ata
+ ata_qc_complete(qc, drv_stat);
+ }
++ * swap_buf_le16 -
++ * @buf: Buffer to swap
++ * @buf_words: Number of 16-bit words in buffer.
++ *
++ * Swap halves of 16-bit words if needed to convert from
++ * little-endian byte order to native cpu byte order, or
++ * vice-versa.
++ *
++ */
++void swap_buf_le16(u16 *buf, unsigned int buf_words)
++#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
++ unsigned int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < buf_words; i++)
++ buf[i] = le16_to_cpu(buf[i]);
++#endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
++static void ata_mmio_data_xfer(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned char *buf,
++ unsigned int buflen, int write_data)
++ unsigned int i;
++ unsigned int words = buflen >> 1;
++ u16 *buf16 = (u16 *) buf;
++ void __iomem *mmio = (void __iomem *)ap->ioaddr.data_addr;
++ if (write_data) {
++ for (i = 0; i < words; i++)
++ writew(le16_to_cpu(buf16[i]), mmio);
++ } else {
++ for (i = 0; i < words; i++)
++ buf16[i] = cpu_to_le16(readw(mmio));
++ }
++static void ata_pio_data_xfer(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned char *buf,
++ unsigned int buflen, int write_data)
++ unsigned int dwords = buflen >> 1;
++ if (write_data)
++ outsw(ap->ioaddr.data_addr, buf, dwords);
++ else
++ insw(ap->ioaddr.data_addr, buf, dwords);
++static void ata_data_xfer(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned char *buf,
++ unsigned int buflen, int do_write)
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ ata_mmio_data_xfer(ap, buf, buflen, do_write);
++ else
++ ata_pio_data_xfer(ap, buf, buflen, do_write);
++static void ata_pio_sector(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ int do_write = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE);
++ struct scatterlist *sg = qc->sg;
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ struct page *page;
++ unsigned int offset;
++ unsigned char *buf;
++ if (qc->cursect == (qc->nsect - 1))
++ ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_LAST;
++ page = sg[qc->cursg].page;
++ offset = sg[qc->cursg].offset + qc->cursg_ofs * ATA_SECT_SIZE;
++ /* get the current page and offset */
++ page = nth_page(page, (offset >> PAGE_SHIFT));
++ offset %= PAGE_SIZE;
++ buf = kmap(page) + offset;
++ qc->cursect++;
++ qc->cursg_ofs++;
++ if ((qc->cursg_ofs * ATA_SECT_SIZE) == (&sg[qc->cursg])->length) {
++ qc->cursg++;
++ qc->cursg_ofs = 0;
++ }
++ DPRINTK("data %s\n", qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE ? "write" : "read");
++ /* do the actual data transfer */
++ do_write = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE);
++ ata_data_xfer(ap, buf, ATA_SECT_SIZE, do_write);
++ kunmap(page);
++static void __atapi_pio_bytes(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, unsigned int bytes)
++ int do_write = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE);
++ struct scatterlist *sg = qc->sg;
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ struct page *page;
++ unsigned char *buf;
++ unsigned int offset, count;
++ if (qc->curbytes == qc->nbytes - bytes)
++ ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_LAST;
++ sg = &qc->sg[qc->cursg];
++ page = sg->page;
++ offset = sg->offset + qc->cursg_ofs;
++ /* get the current page and offset */
++ page = nth_page(page, (offset >> PAGE_SHIFT));
++ offset %= PAGE_SIZE;
++ /* don't overrun current sg */
++ count = min(sg->length - qc->cursg_ofs, bytes);
++ /* don't cross page boundaries */
++ count = min(count, (unsigned int)PAGE_SIZE - offset);
++ buf = kmap(page) + offset;
++ bytes -= count;
++ qc->curbytes += count;
++ qc->cursg_ofs += count;
++ if (qc->cursg_ofs == sg->length) {
++ qc->cursg++;
++ qc->cursg_ofs = 0;
++ }
++ DPRINTK("data %s\n", qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE ? "write" : "read");
++ /* do the actual data transfer */
++ ata_data_xfer(ap, buf, count, do_write);
++ kunmap(page);
++ if (bytes) {
++ goto next_sg;
++ }
++static void atapi_pio_bytes(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ struct ata_device *dev = qc->dev;
++ unsigned int ireason, bc_lo, bc_hi, bytes;
++ int i_write, do_write = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE) ? 1 : 0;
++ ap->ops->tf_read(ap, &qc->tf);
++ ireason = qc->tf.nsect;
++ bc_lo = qc->tf.lbam;
++ bc_hi = qc->tf.lbah;
++ bytes = (bc_hi << 8) | bc_lo;
++ /* shall be cleared to zero, indicating xfer of data */
++ if (ireason & (1 << 0))
++ goto err_out;
++ /* make sure transfer direction matches expected */
++ i_write = ((ireason & (1 << 1)) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
++ if (do_write != i_write)
++ goto err_out;
++ __atapi_pio_bytes(qc, bytes);
++ return;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: dev %u: ATAPI check failed\n",
++ ap->id, dev->devno);
++ ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_ERR;
+ /**
+ * ata_pio_sector -
+ * @ap:
+ *
++ * None. (executing in kernel thread context)
+ */
+-static void ata_pio_sector(struct ata_port *ap)
++static void ata_pio_block(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
+- struct scatterlist *sg;
+- struct page *page;
+- unsigned char *buf;
+ u8 status;
+ /*
+@@ -2052,55 +2709,62 @@ static void ata_pio_sector(struct ata_po
+ }
+ }
+- /* handle BSY=0, DRQ=0 as error */
+- if ((status & ATA_DRQ) == 0) {
+- ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_ERR;
+- return;
+- }
+ qc = ata_qc_from_tag(ap, ap->active_tag);
+ assert(qc != NULL);
+- sg = qc->sg;
++ if (is_atapi_taskfile(&qc->tf)) {
++ /* no more data to transfer or unsupported ATAPI command */
++ if ((status & ATA_DRQ) == 0) {
++ ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_IDLE;
+- if (qc->cursect == (qc->nsect - 1))
+- ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_LAST;
++ ata_irq_on(ap);
+- page = sg[qc->cursg].page;
+- buf = kmap(page) +
+- sg[qc->cursg].offset + (qc->cursg_ofs * ATA_SECT_SIZE);
+- qc->cursect++;
+- qc->cursg_ofs++;
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, status);
++ return;
++ }
+- if (qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_SG)
+- if ((qc->cursg_ofs * ATA_SECT_SIZE) == sg_dma_len(&sg[qc->cursg])) {
+- qc->cursg++;
+- qc->cursg_ofs = 0;
++ atapi_pio_bytes(qc);
++ } else {
++ /* handle BSY=0, DRQ=0 as error */
++ if ((status & ATA_DRQ) == 0) {
++ ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_ERR;
++ return;
+ }
+- DPRINTK("data %s, drv_stat 0x%X\n",
+- qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE ? "write" : "read",
+- status);
++ ata_pio_sector(qc);
++ }
+- /* do the actual data transfer */
+- /* FIXME: mmio-ize */
+- if (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE)
+- outsl(ap->ioaddr.data_addr, buf, ATA_SECT_DWORDS);
+- else
+- insl(ap->ioaddr.data_addr, buf, ATA_SECT_DWORDS);
++static void ata_pio_error(struct ata_port *ap)
++ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
++ u8 drv_stat;
+- kunmap(page);
++ qc = ata_qc_from_tag(ap, ap->active_tag);
++ assert(qc != NULL);
++ drv_stat = ata_chk_status(ap);
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: PIO error, drv_stat 0x%x\n",
++ ap->id, drv_stat);
++ ap->pio_task_state = PIO_ST_IDLE;
++ ata_irq_on(ap);
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, drv_stat | ATA_ERR);
+ }
+-static void ata_pio_task(void *_data)
++void ata_pio_task(void *_data)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = _data;
+ unsigned long timeout = 0;
+ switch (ap->pio_task_state) {
++ case PIO_ST_IDLE:
++ return;
+ case PIO_ST:
+- ata_pio_sector(ap);
++ ata_pio_block(ap);
+ break;
+ case PIO_ST_LAST:
+@@ -2113,27 +2777,62 @@ static void ata_pio_task(void *_data)
+ break;
+ case PIO_ST_TMOUT:
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ata%d: FIXME: PIO_ST_TMOUT\n", /* FIXME */
+- ap->id);
+- timeout = 11 * HZ;
+- break;
+ case PIO_ST_ERR:
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ata%d: FIXME: PIO_ST_ERR\n", /* FIXME */
+- ap->id);
+- timeout = 11 * HZ;
+- break;
++ ata_pio_error(ap);
++ return;
+ }
+- if ((ap->pio_task_state != PIO_ST_IDLE) &&
+- (ap->pio_task_state != PIO_ST_TMOUT) &&
+- (ap->pio_task_state != PIO_ST_ERR)) {
+- if (timeout)
+- queue_delayed_work(ata_wq, &ap->pio_task,
+- timeout);
+- else
+- queue_work(ata_wq, &ap->pio_task);
+- }
++ if (timeout)
++ queue_delayed_work(ata_wq, &ap->pio_task,
++ timeout);
++ else
++ queue_work(ata_wq, &ap->pio_task);
++static void atapi_request_sense(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev,
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int rc;
++ DPRINTK("ATAPI request sense\n");
++ qc = ata_qc_new_init(ap, dev);
++ BUG_ON(qc == NULL);
++ /* FIXME: is this needed? */
++ memset(cmd->sense_buffer, 0, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer));
++ ata_sg_init_one(qc, cmd->sense_buffer, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer));
++ qc->dma_dir = DMA_FROM_DEVICE;
++ memset(&qc->cdb, 0, ap->cdb_len);
++ qc->cdb[0] = REQUEST_SENSE;
++ qc->cdb[4] = SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE;
++ qc->tf.command = ATA_CMD_PACKET;
++ qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_ATAPI;
++ qc->tf.lbam = (8 * 1024) & 0xff;
++ qc->tf.lbah = (8 * 1024) >> 8;
++ qc->nbytes = SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE;
++ qc->waiting = &wait;
++ qc->complete_fn = ata_qc_complete_noop;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ap->host_set->lock, flags);
++ rc = ata_qc_issue(qc);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ap->host_set->lock, flags);
++ if (rc)
++ ata_port_disable(ap);
++ else
++ wait_for_completion(&wait);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -2152,15 +2851,35 @@ static void ata_pio_task(void *_data)
+ * transaction completed successfully.
+ *
++ * Inherited from SCSI layer (none, can sleep)
+ */
+ static void ata_qc_timeout(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ struct ata_device *dev = qc->dev;
+ u8 host_stat = 0, drv_stat;
++ /* FIXME: doesn't this conflict with timeout handling? */
++ if (qc->dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATAPI && qc->scsicmd) {
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = qc->scsicmd;
++ if (!scsi_eh_eflags_chk(cmd, SCSI_EH_CANCEL_CMD)) {
++ /* finish completing original command */
++ __ata_qc_complete(qc);
++ atapi_request_sense(ap, dev, cmd);
++ cmd->result = (CHECK_CONDITION << 1) | (DID_OK << 16);
++ scsi_finish_command(cmd);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
+ /* hack alert! We cannot use the supplied completion
+ * function from inside the ->eh_strategy_handler() thread.
+ * libata is the only user of ->eh_strategy_handler() in
+@@ -2173,20 +2892,19 @@ static void ata_qc_timeout(struct ata_qu
+ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
+- host_stat = ata_bmdma_status(ap);
++ host_stat = ap->ops->bmdma_status(ap);
+ /* before we do anything else, clear DMA-Start bit */
+- ata_bmdma_stop(ap);
++ ap->ops->bmdma_stop(ap);
+ /* fall through */
+ default:
+ ata_altstatus(ap);
+ drv_stat = ata_chk_status(ap);
+ /* ack bmdma irq events */
+- ata_bmdma_ack_irq(ap);
++ ap->ops->irq_clear(ap);
+ printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: command 0x%x timeout, stat 0x%x host_stat 0x%x\n",
+ ap->id, qc->tf.command, drv_stat, host_stat);
+@@ -2195,7 +2913,7 @@ static void ata_qc_timeout(struct ata_qu
+ ata_qc_complete(qc, drv_stat);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2243,6 +2961,7 @@ out:
+ * @dev: Device from whom we request an available command structure
+ *
++ * None.
+ */
+ static struct ata_queued_cmd *ata_qc_new(struct ata_port *ap)
+@@ -2268,6 +2987,7 @@ static struct ata_queued_cmd *ata_qc_new
+ * @dev: Device from whom we request an available command structure
+ *
++ * None.
+ */
+ struct ata_queued_cmd *ata_qc_new_init(struct ata_port *ap,
+@@ -2284,31 +3004,80 @@ struct ata_queued_cmd *ata_qc_new_init(s
+ qc->dev = dev;
+ qc->cursect = qc->cursg = qc->cursg_ofs = 0;
+ qc->nsect = 0;
++ qc->nbytes = qc->curbytes = 0;
+ ata_tf_init(ap, &qc->tf, dev->devno);
+- if (likely((dev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_PIO) == 0))
+- qc->flags |= ATA_QCFLAG_DMA;
+ if (dev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_LBA48)
+ qc->tf.flags |= ATA_TFLAG_LBA48;
+ }
+- return qc;
++ return qc;
++static int ata_qc_complete_noop(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 drv_stat)
++ return 0;
++static void __ata_qc_complete(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ unsigned int tag, do_clear = 0;
++ qc->flags = 0;
++ tag = qc->tag;
++ if (likely(ata_tag_valid(tag))) {
++ if (tag == ap->active_tag)
++ ap->active_tag = ATA_TAG_POISON;
++ qc->tag = ATA_TAG_POISON;
++ do_clear = 1;
++ }
++ if (qc->waiting) {
++ struct completion *waiting = qc->waiting;
++ qc->waiting = NULL;
++ complete(waiting);
++ }
++ if (likely(do_clear))
++ clear_bit(tag, &ap->qactive);
++ * ata_qc_free - free unused ata_queued_cmd
++ * @qc: Command to complete
++ *
++ * Designed to free unused ata_queued_cmd object
++ * in case something prevents using it.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ *
++ */
++void ata_qc_free(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ assert(qc != NULL); /* ata_qc_from_tag _might_ return NULL */
++ assert(qc->waiting == NULL); /* nothing should be waiting */
++ __ata_qc_complete(qc);
+ }
+ /**
+ * ata_qc_complete - Complete an active ATA command
+ * @qc: Command to complete
+- * @drv_stat: ATA status register contents
++ * @drv_stat: ATA Status register contents
++ *
++ * Indicate to the mid and upper layers that an ATA
++ * command has completed, with either an ok or not-ok status.
+ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ *
+ */
+ void ata_qc_complete(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 drv_stat)
+ {
+- struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+- unsigned int tag, do_clear = 0;
+ int rc;
+ assert(qc != NULL); /* ata_qc_from_tag _might_ return NULL */
+@@ -2319,6 +3088,7 @@ void ata_qc_complete(struct ata_queued_c
+ /* call completion callback */
+ rc = qc->complete_fn(qc, drv_stat);
++ qc->flags &= ~ATA_QCFLAG_ACTIVE;
+ /* if callback indicates not to complete command (non-zero),
+ * return immediately
+@@ -2326,20 +3096,33 @@ void ata_qc_complete(struct ata_queued_c
+ if (rc != 0)
+ return;
+- qc->flags = 0;
+- tag = qc->tag;
+- if (likely(ata_tag_valid(tag))) {
+- if (tag == ap->active_tag)
+- ap->active_tag = ATA_TAG_POISON;
+- qc->tag = ATA_TAG_POISON;
+- do_clear = 1;
+- }
++ __ata_qc_complete(qc);
+- if (qc->waiting)
+- complete(qc->waiting);
+- if (likely(do_clear))
+- clear_bit(tag, &ap->qactive);
++static inline int ata_should_dma_map(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
++ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
++ return 1;
++ case ATA_PROT_PIO:
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PIO_DMA)
++ return 1;
++ /* fall through */
++ default:
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* never reached */
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -2362,12 +3145,16 @@ int ata_qc_issue(struct ata_queued_cmd *
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+- if (qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_SG) {
+- if (ata_sg_setup(qc))
+- goto err_out;
+- } else if (qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_SINGLE) {
+- if (ata_sg_setup_one(qc))
+- goto err_out;
++ if (ata_should_dma_map(qc)) {
++ if (qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_SG) {
++ if (ata_sg_setup(qc))
++ goto err_out;
++ } else if (qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_SINGLE) {
++ if (ata_sg_setup_one(qc))
++ goto err_out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ qc->flags &= ~ATA_QCFLAG_DMAMAP;
+ }
+ ap->ops->qc_prep(qc);
+@@ -2381,6 +3168,7 @@ err_out:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * ata_qc_issue_prot - issue taskfile to device in proto-dependent manner
+ * @qc: command to issue to device
+@@ -2390,6 +3178,8 @@ err_out:
+ * classes called "protocols", and issuing each type of protocol
+ * is slightly different.
+ *
++ * May be used as the qc_issue() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ *
+@@ -2422,6 +3212,12 @@ int ata_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_queued_
+ break;
++ ata_qc_set_polling(qc);
++ ata_tf_to_host_nolock(ap, &qc->tf);
++ queue_work(ata_wq, &ap->packet_task);
++ break;
+ ata_tf_to_host_nolock(ap, &qc->tf);
+ queue_work(ata_wq, &ap->packet_task);
+ break;
+@@ -2441,19 +3237,19 @@ int ata_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_queued_
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_bmdma_setup_mmio - Set up PCI IDE BMDMA transaction (MMIO)
++ * ata_bmdma_setup_mmio - Set up PCI IDE BMDMA transaction
+ * @qc: Info associated with this ATA transaction.
+ *
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-void ata_bmdma_setup_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++static void ata_bmdma_setup_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+ unsigned int rw = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE);
+ u8 dmactl;
+- void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
++ void __iomem *mmio = (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
+ /* load PRD table addr. */
+ mb(); /* make sure PRD table writes are visible to controller */
+@@ -2471,17 +3267,17 @@ void ata_bmdma_setup_mmio (struct ata_qu
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_bmdma_start_mmio - Start a PCI IDE BMDMA transaction (MMIO)
++ * ata_bmdma_start - Start a PCI IDE BMDMA transaction
+ * @qc: Info associated with this ATA transaction.
+ *
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-void ata_bmdma_start_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++static void ata_bmdma_start_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+- void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
++ void __iomem *mmio = (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
+ u8 dmactl;
+ /* start host DMA transaction */
+@@ -2509,7 +3305,7 @@ void ata_bmdma_start_mmio (struct ata_qu
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-void ata_bmdma_setup_pio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++static void ata_bmdma_setup_pio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+ unsigned int rw = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE);
+@@ -2537,7 +3333,7 @@ void ata_bmdma_setup_pio (struct ata_que
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-void ata_bmdma_start_pio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++static void ata_bmdma_start_pio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+ u8 dmactl;
+@@ -2548,9 +3344,126 @@ void ata_bmdma_start_pio (struct ata_que
+ ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_CMD);
+ }
++ * ata_bmdma_start - Start a PCI IDE BMDMA transaction
++ * @qc: Info associated with this ATA transaction.
++ *
++ * Writes the ATA_DMA_START flag to the DMA command register.
++ *
++ * May be used as the bmdma_start() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++void ata_bmdma_start(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ if (qc->ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ ata_bmdma_start_mmio(qc);
++ else
++ ata_bmdma_start_pio(qc);
++ * ata_bmdma_setup - Set up PCI IDE BMDMA transaction
++ * @qc: Info associated with this ATA transaction.
++ *
++ * Writes address of PRD table to device's PRD Table Address
++ * register, sets the DMA control register, and calls
++ * ops->exec_command() to start the transfer.
++ *
++ * May be used as the bmdma_setup() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++void ata_bmdma_setup(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ if (qc->ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
++ ata_bmdma_setup_mmio(qc);
++ else
++ ata_bmdma_setup_pio(qc);
++ * ata_bmdma_irq_clear - Clear PCI IDE BMDMA interrupt.
++ * @ap: Port associated with this ATA transaction.
++ *
++ * Clear interrupt and error flags in DMA status register.
++ *
++ * May be used as the irq_clear() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
+ void ata_bmdma_irq_clear(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- ata_bmdma_ack_irq(ap);
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
++ void __iomem *mmio = ((void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr) + ATA_DMA_STATUS;
++ writeb(readb(mmio), mmio);
++ } else {
++ unsigned long addr = ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_STATUS;
++ outb(inb(addr), addr);
++ }
++ * ata_bmdma_status - Read PCI IDE BMDMA status
++ * @ap: Port associated with this ATA transaction.
++ *
++ * Read and return BMDMA status register.
++ *
++ * May be used as the bmdma_status() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++u8 ata_bmdma_status(struct ata_port *ap)
++ u8 host_stat;
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
++ void __iomem *mmio = (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
++ host_stat = readb(mmio + ATA_DMA_STATUS);
++ } else
++ host_stat = inb(ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_STATUS);
++ return host_stat;
++ * ata_bmdma_stop - Stop PCI IDE BMDMA transfer
++ * @ap: Port associated with this ATA transaction.
++ *
++ * Clears the ATA_DMA_START flag in the dma control register
++ *
++ * May be used as the bmdma_stop() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ */
++void ata_bmdma_stop(struct ata_port *ap)
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
++ void __iomem *mmio = (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
++ /* clear start/stop bit */
++ writeb(readb(mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD) & ~ATA_DMA_START,
++ mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD);
++ } else {
++ /* clear start/stop bit */
++ outb(inb(ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_CMD) & ~ATA_DMA_START,
++ ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_CMD);
++ }
++ /* one-PIO-cycle guaranteed wait, per spec, for HDMA1:0 transition */
++ ata_altstatus(ap); /* dummy read */
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -2580,18 +3493,19 @@ inline unsigned int ata_host_intr (struc
+ /* check status of DMA engine */
+- host_stat = ata_bmdma_status(ap);
+- VPRINTK("BUS_DMA (host_stat 0x%X)\n", host_stat);
++ host_stat = ap->ops->bmdma_status(ap);
++ VPRINTK("ata%u: host_stat 0x%X\n", ap->id, host_stat);
+ /* if it's not our irq... */
+ if (!(host_stat & ATA_DMA_INTR))
+ goto idle_irq;
+ /* before we do anything else, clear DMA-Start bit */
+- ata_bmdma_stop(ap);
++ ap->ops->bmdma_stop(ap);
+ /* fall through */
+ /* check altstatus */
+ status = ata_altstatus(ap);
+@@ -2602,10 +3516,11 @@ inline unsigned int ata_host_intr (struc
+ status = ata_chk_status(ap);
+ if (unlikely(status & ATA_BUSY))
+ goto idle_irq;
+- DPRINTK("BUS_NODATA (dev_stat 0x%X)\n", status);
++ DPRINTK("ata%u: protocol %d (dev_stat 0x%X)\n",
++ ap->id, qc->tf.protocol, status);
+ /* ack bmdma irq events */
+- ata_bmdma_ack_irq(ap);
++ ap->ops->irq_clear(ap);
+ /* complete taskfile transaction */
+ ata_qc_complete(qc, status);
+@@ -2632,13 +3547,18 @@ idle_irq:
+ /**
+ * ata_interrupt - Default ATA host interrupt handler
+- * @irq: irq line
+- * @dev_instance: pointer to our host information structure
++ * @irq: irq line (unused)
++ * @dev_instance: pointer to our ata_host_set information structure
+ * @regs: unused
+ *
++ * Default interrupt handler for PCI IDE devices. Calls
++ * ata_host_intr() for each port that is not disabled.
++ *
++ * Obtains host_set lock during operation.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+@@ -2660,7 +3580,8 @@ irqreturn_t ata_interrupt (int irq, void
+ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
+ qc = ata_qc_from_tag(ap, ap->active_tag);
+- if (qc && (!(qc->tf.ctl & ATA_NIEN)))
++ if (qc && (!(qc->tf.ctl & ATA_NIEN)) &&
++ (qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_ACTIVE))
+ handled |= ata_host_intr(ap, qc);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2701,21 +3622,20 @@ static void atapi_packet_task(void *_dat
+ /* make sure DRQ is set */
+ status = ata_chk_status(ap);
+- if ((status & ATA_DRQ) == 0)
++ if ((status & (ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ)) != ATA_DRQ)
+ goto err_out;
+ /* send SCSI cdb */
+- /* FIXME: mmio-ize */
+ DPRINTK("send cdb\n");
+- outsl(ap->ioaddr.data_addr,
+- qc->scsicmd->cmnd, ap->host->max_cmd_len / 4);
++ assert(ap->cdb_len >= 12);
++ ata_data_xfer(ap, qc->cdb, ap->cdb_len, 1);
+ /* if we are DMA'ing, irq handler takes over from here */
+ if (qc->tf.protocol == ATA_PROT_ATAPI_DMA)
+ ap->ops->bmdma_start(qc); /* initiate bmdma */
+ /* non-data commands are also handled via irq */
+- else if (qc->scsicmd->sc_data_direction == SCSI_DATA_NONE) {
++ else if (qc->tf.protocol == ATA_PROT_ATAPI_NODATA) {
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+@@ -2731,11 +3651,24 @@ err_out:
+ ata_qc_complete(qc, ATA_ERR);
+ }
++ * ata_port_start - Set port up for dma.
++ * @ap: Port to initialize
++ *
++ * Called just after data structures for each port are
++ * initialized. Allocates space for PRD table.
++ *
++ * May be used as the port_start() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ */
+ int ata_port_start (struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
+- ap->prd = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, ATA_PRD_TBL_SZ, &ap->prd_dma);
++ ap->prd = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, ATA_PRD_TBL_SZ, &ap->prd_dma, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!ap->prd)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -2744,13 +3677,32 @@ int ata_port_start (struct ata_port *ap)
+ return 0;
+ }
++ * ata_port_stop - Undo ata_port_start()
++ * @ap: Port to shut down
++ *
++ * Frees the PRD table.
++ *
++ * May be used as the port_stop() entry in ata_port_operations.
++ *
++ */
+ void ata_port_stop (struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
++ dma_free_coherent(dev, ATA_PRD_TBL_SZ, ap->prd, ap->prd_dma);
+- pci_free_consistent(pdev, ATA_PRD_TBL_SZ, ap->prd, ap->prd_dma);
++void ata_host_stop (struct ata_host_set *host_set)
++ if (host_set->mmio_base)
++ iounmap(host_set->mmio_base);
+ }
+ /**
+ * ata_host_remove - Unregister SCSI host structure with upper layers
+ * @ap: Port to unregister
+@@ -2779,7 +3731,11 @@ static void ata_host_remove(struct ata_p
+ * @ent: Probe information provided by low-level driver
+ * @port_no: Port number associated with this ata_port
+ *
++ * Initialize a new ata_port structure, and its associated
++ * scsi_host.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
+ *
+ */
+@@ -2794,7 +3750,7 @@ static void ata_host_init(struct ata_por
+ host->max_channel = 1;
+ host->unique_id = ata_unique_id++;
+ host->max_cmd_len = 12;
+- scsi_set_device(host, &ent->pdev->dev);
++ scsi_set_device(host, ent->dev);
+ scsi_assign_lock(host, &host_set->lock);
+@@ -2803,12 +3759,14 @@ static void ata_host_init(struct ata_por
+ ap->ctl = ATA_DEVCTL_OBS;
+ ap->host_set = host_set;
+ ap->port_no = port_no;
++ ap->hard_port_no =
++ ent->legacy_mode ? ent->hard_port_no : port_no;
+ ap->pio_mask = ent->pio_mask;
++ ap->mwdma_mask = ent->mwdma_mask;
+ ap->udma_mask = ent->udma_mask;
+ ap->flags |= ent->host_flags;
+ ap->ops = ent->port_ops;
+ ap->cbl = ATA_CBL_NONE;
+- ap->device[0].flags = ATA_DFLAG_MASTER;
+ ap->active_tag = ATA_TAG_POISON;
+ ap->last_ctl = 0xFF;
+@@ -2832,9 +3790,13 @@ static void ata_host_init(struct ata_por
+ * @host_set: Collections of ports to which we add
+ * @port_no: Port number associated with this host
+ *
++ * Attach low-level ATA driver to system.
++ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
+ *
++ * New ata_port on success, for NULL on error.
+ *
+ */
+@@ -2867,19 +3829,29 @@ err_out:
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_device_add -
+- * @ent:
++ * ata_device_add - Register hardware device with ATA and SCSI layers
++ * @ent: Probe information describing hardware device to be registered
++ *
++ * This function processes the information provided in the probe
++ * information struct @ent, allocates the necessary ATA and SCSI
++ * host information structures, initializes them, and registers
++ * everything with requisite kernel subsystems.
++ *
++ * This function requests irqs, probes the ATA bus, and probes
++ * the SCSI bus.
+ *
++ * PCI/etc. bus probe sem.
+ *
++ * Number of ports registered. Zero on error (no ports registered).
+ *
+ */
+ int ata_device_add(struct ata_probe_ent *ent)
+ {
+ unsigned int count = 0, i;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ent->pdev;
++ struct device *dev = ent->dev;
+ struct ata_host_set *host_set;
+@@ -2891,7 +3863,7 @@ int ata_device_add(struct ata_probe_ent
+ memset(host_set, 0, sizeof(struct ata_host_set) + (ent->n_ports * sizeof(void *)));
+ spin_lock_init(&host_set->lock);
+- host_set->pdev = pdev;
++ host_set->dev = dev;
+ host_set->n_ports = ent->n_ports;
+ host_set->irq = ent->irq;
+ host_set->mmio_base = ent->mmio_base;
+@@ -2901,19 +3873,23 @@ int ata_device_add(struct ata_probe_ent
+ /* register each port bound to this device */
+ for (i = 0; i < ent->n_ports; i++) {
+ struct ata_port *ap;
++ unsigned long xfer_mode_mask;
+ ap = ata_host_add(ent, host_set, i);
+ if (!ap)
+ goto err_out;
+ host_set->ports[i] = ap;
++ xfer_mode_mask =(ap->udma_mask << ATA_SHIFT_UDMA) |
++ (ap->mwdma_mask << ATA_SHIFT_MWDMA) |
++ (ap->pio_mask << ATA_SHIFT_PIO);
+ /* print per-port info to dmesg */
+ printk(KERN_INFO "ata%u: %cATA max %s cmd 0x%lX ctl 0x%lX "
+ "bmdma 0x%lX irq %lu\n",
+ ap->id,
+ ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_SATA ? 'S' : 'P',
+- ata_udma_string(ent->udma_mask),
++ ata_mode_string(xfer_mode_mask),
+ ap->ioaddr.cmd_addr,
+ ap->ioaddr.ctl_addr,
+ ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr,
+@@ -2955,7 +3931,7 @@ int ata_device_add(struct ata_probe_ent
+ */
+ }
+- rc = scsi_add_host(ap->host, &pdev->dev);
++ rc = scsi_add_host(ap->host, dev);
+ if (rc) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: scsi_add_host failed\n",
+ ap->id);
+@@ -2975,7 +3951,7 @@ int ata_device_add(struct ata_probe_ent
+ scsi_scan_host(ap->host);
+ }
+- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, host_set);
++ dev_set_drvdata(dev, host_set);
+ VPRINTK("EXIT, returning %u\n", ent->n_ports);
+ return ent->n_ports; /* success */
+@@ -3020,7 +3996,15 @@ int ata_scsi_release(struct Scsi_Host *h
+ /**
+ * ata_std_ports - initialize ioaddr with standard port offsets.
+ * @ioaddr: IO address structure to be initialized
++ *
++ * Utility function which initializes data_addr, error_addr,
++ * feature_addr, nsect_addr, lbal_addr, lbam_addr, lbah_addr,
++ * device_addr, status_addr, and command_addr to standard offsets
++ * relative to cmd_addr.
++ *
++ * Does not set ctl_addr, altstatus_addr, bmdma_addr, or scr_addr.
+ */
+ void ata_std_ports(struct ata_ioports *ioaddr)
+ {
+ ioaddr->data_addr = ioaddr->cmd_addr + ATA_REG_DATA;
+@@ -3035,16 +4019,141 @@ void ata_std_ports(struct ata_ioports *i
+ ioaddr->command_addr = ioaddr->cmd_addr + ATA_REG_CMD;
+ }
++static struct ata_probe_ent *
++ata_probe_ent_alloc(struct device *dev, struct ata_port_info *port)
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent;
++ probe_ent = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!probe_ent) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): out of memory\n",
++ kobject_name(&(dev->kobj)));
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
++ probe_ent->dev = dev;
++ probe_ent->sht = port->sht;
++ probe_ent->host_flags = port->host_flags;
++ probe_ent->pio_mask = port->pio_mask;
++ probe_ent->mwdma_mask = port->mwdma_mask;
++ probe_ent->udma_mask = port->udma_mask;
++ probe_ent->port_ops = port->port_ops;
++ return probe_ent;
++ * ata_pci_init_native_mode - Initialize native-mode driver
++ * @pdev: pci device to be initialized
++ * @port: array[2] of pointers to port info structures.
++ *
++ * Utility function which allocates and initializes an
++ * ata_probe_ent structure for a standard dual-port
++ * PIO-based IDE controller. The returned ata_probe_ent
++ * structure can be passed to ata_device_add(). The returned
++ * ata_probe_ent structure should then be freed with kfree().
++ */
++#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
++struct ata_probe_ent *
++ata_pci_init_native_mode(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ata_port_info **port)
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent =
++ ata_probe_ent_alloc(pci_dev_to_dev(pdev), port[0]);
++ if (!probe_ent)
++ return NULL;
++ probe_ent->n_ports = 2;
++ probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
++ probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
++ probe_ent->port[0].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
++ probe_ent->port[0].altstatus_addr =
++ probe_ent->port[0].ctl_addr =
++ pci_resource_start(pdev, 1) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
++ probe_ent->port[0].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4);
++ probe_ent->port[1].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
++ probe_ent->port[1].altstatus_addr =
++ probe_ent->port[1].ctl_addr =
++ pci_resource_start(pdev, 3) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
++ probe_ent->port[1].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) + 8;
++ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[0]);
++ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[1]);
++ return probe_ent;
++static struct ata_probe_ent *
++ata_pci_init_legacy_mode(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ata_port_info **port,
++ struct ata_probe_ent **ppe2)
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent, *probe_ent2;
++ probe_ent = ata_probe_ent_alloc(pci_dev_to_dev(pdev), port[0]);
++ if (!probe_ent)
++ return NULL;
++ probe_ent2 = ata_probe_ent_alloc(pci_dev_to_dev(pdev), port[1]);
++ if (!probe_ent2) {
++ kfree(probe_ent);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ probe_ent->n_ports = 1;
++ probe_ent->irq = 14;
++ probe_ent->hard_port_no = 0;
++ probe_ent->legacy_mode = 1;
++ probe_ent2->n_ports = 1;
++ probe_ent2->irq = 15;
++ probe_ent2->hard_port_no = 1;
++ probe_ent2->legacy_mode = 1;
++ probe_ent->port[0].cmd_addr = 0x1f0;
++ probe_ent->port[0].altstatus_addr =
++ probe_ent->port[0].ctl_addr = 0x3f6;
++ probe_ent->port[0].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4);
++ probe_ent2->port[0].cmd_addr = 0x170;
++ probe_ent2->port[0].altstatus_addr =
++ probe_ent2->port[0].ctl_addr = 0x376;
++ probe_ent2->port[0].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4)+8;
++ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[0]);
++ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent2->port[0]);
++ *ppe2 = probe_ent2;
++ return probe_ent;
+ /**
+ * ata_pci_init_one - Initialize/register PCI IDE host controller
+ * @pdev: Controller to be initialized
+ * @port_info: Information from low-level host driver
+ * @n_ports: Number of ports attached to host controller
+ *
++ * This is a helper function which can be called from a driver's
++ * xxx_init_one() probe function if the hardware uses traditional
++ * IDE taskfile registers.
++ *
++ * This function calls pci_enable_device(), reserves its register
++ * regions, sets the dma mask, enables bus master mode, and calls
++ * ata_device_add()
++ *
+ * Inherited from PCI layer (may sleep).
+ *
++ * Zero on success, negative on errno-based value on error.
+ *
+ */
+@@ -3052,20 +4161,22 @@ int ata_pci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pd
+ unsigned int n_ports)
+ {
+ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent, *probe_ent2 = NULL;
+- struct ata_port_info *port0, *port1;
++ struct ata_port_info *port[2];
+ u8 tmp8, mask;
+ unsigned int legacy_mode = 0;
++ int disable_dev_on_err = 1;
+ int rc;
+- port0 = port_info[0];
++ port[0] = port_info[0];
+ if (n_ports > 1)
+- port1 = port_info[1];
++ port[1] = port_info[1];
+ else
+- port1 = port0;
++ port[1] = port[0];
+- if ((port0->host_flags & ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY) == 0) {
++ if ((port[0]->host_flags & ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY) == 0
++ && (pdev->class >> 8) == PCI_CLASS_STORAGE_IDE) {
+ /* TODO: support transitioning to native mode? */
+ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PCI_CLASS_PROG, &tmp8);
+ mask = (1 << 2) | (1 << 0);
+@@ -3084,8 +4195,10 @@ int ata_pci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pd
+ return rc;
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ disable_dev_on_err = 0;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+ if (legacy_mode) {
+ if (!request_region(0x1f0, 8, "libata")) {
+@@ -3095,8 +4208,10 @@ int ata_pci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pd
+ conflict = ____request_resource(&ioport_resource, &res);
+ if (!strcmp(conflict->name, "libata"))
+ legacy_mode |= (1 << 0);
+- else
++ else {
++ disable_dev_on_err = 0;
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata: 0x1f0 IDE port busy\n");
++ }
+ } else
+ legacy_mode |= (1 << 0);
+@@ -3107,8 +4222,10 @@ int ata_pci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pd
+ conflict = ____request_resource(&ioport_resource, &res);
+ if (!strcmp(conflict->name, "libata"))
+ legacy_mode |= (1 << 1);
+- else
++ else {
++ disable_dev_on_err = 0;
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata: 0x170 IDE port busy\n");
++ }
+ } else
+ legacy_mode |= (1 << 1);
+ }
+@@ -3126,75 +4243,15 @@ int ata_pci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pd
+ if (rc)
+ goto err_out_regions;
+- probe_ent = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (legacy_mode) {
++ probe_ent = ata_pci_init_legacy_mode(pdev, port, &probe_ent2);
++ } else
++ probe_ent = ata_pci_init_native_mode(pdev, port);
+ if (!probe_ent) {
+ rc = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_out_regions;
+ }
+- memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+- if (legacy_mode) {
+- probe_ent2 = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!probe_ent2) {
+- rc = -ENOMEM;
+- goto err_out_free_ent;
+- }
+- memset(probe_ent2, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- probe_ent2->pdev = pdev;
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent2->node);
+- }
+- probe_ent->port[0].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4);
+- probe_ent->sht = port0->sht;
+- probe_ent->host_flags = port0->host_flags;
+- probe_ent->pio_mask = port0->pio_mask;
+- probe_ent->udma_mask = port0->udma_mask;
+- probe_ent->port_ops = port0->port_ops;
+- if (legacy_mode) {
+- probe_ent->port[0].cmd_addr = 0x1f0;
+- probe_ent->port[0].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent->port[0].ctl_addr = 0x3f6;
+- probe_ent->n_ports = 1;
+- probe_ent->irq = 14;
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[0]);
+- probe_ent2->port[0].cmd_addr = 0x170;
+- probe_ent2->port[0].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent2->port[0].ctl_addr = 0x376;
+- probe_ent2->port[0].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4)+8;
+- probe_ent2->n_ports = 1;
+- probe_ent2->irq = 15;
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent2->port[0]);
+- probe_ent2->sht = port1->sht;
+- probe_ent2->host_flags = port1->host_flags;
+- probe_ent2->pio_mask = port1->pio_mask;
+- probe_ent2->udma_mask = port1->udma_mask;
+- probe_ent2->port_ops = port1->port_ops;
+- } else {
+- probe_ent->port[0].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[0]);
+- probe_ent->port[0].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent->port[0].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 1) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[1].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[1]);
+- probe_ent->port[1].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent->port[1].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 3) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[1].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) + 8;
+- probe_ent->n_ports = 2;
+- probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
+- probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
+- }
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+ /* FIXME: check ata_device_add return */
+@@ -3203,17 +4260,14 @@ int ata_pci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pd
+ ata_device_add(probe_ent);
+ if (legacy_mode & (1 << 1))
+ ata_device_add(probe_ent2);
+- kfree(probe_ent2);
+- } else {
++ } else
+ ata_device_add(probe_ent);
+- assert(probe_ent2 == NULL);
+- }
+ kfree(probe_ent);
++ kfree(probe_ent2);
+ return 0;
+- kfree(probe_ent);
+ err_out_regions:
+ if (legacy_mode & (1 << 0))
+ release_region(0x1f0, 8);
+@@ -3221,7 +4275,8 @@ err_out_regions:
+ release_region(0x170, 8);
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (disable_dev_on_err)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+@@ -3241,7 +4296,8 @@ err_out:
+ void ata_pci_remove_one (struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ {
+- struct ata_host_set *host_set = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ struct device *dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
++ struct ata_host_set *host_set = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ struct ata_port *ap;
+ unsigned int i;
+@@ -3252,37 +4308,32 @@ void ata_pci_remove_one (struct pci_dev
+ }
+ free_irq(host_set->irq, host_set);
+- if (host_set->ops->host_stop)
+- host_set->ops->host_stop(host_set);
+- if (host_set->mmio_base)
+- iounmap(host_set->mmio_base);
+ for (i = 0; i < host_set->n_ports; i++) {
+ ap = host_set->ports[i];
+ ata_scsi_release(ap->host);
+- scsi_host_put(ap->host);
+- }
+- pci_release_regions(pdev);
+- for (i = 0; i < host_set->n_ports; i++) {
+- struct ata_ioports *ioaddr;
+- ap = host_set->ports[i];
+- ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+ if ((ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY) == 0) {
++ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+ if (ioaddr->cmd_addr == 0x1f0)
+ release_region(0x1f0, 8);
+ else if (ioaddr->cmd_addr == 0x170)
+ release_region(0x170, 8);
+ }
++ scsi_host_put(ap->host);
+ }
++ if (host_set->ops->host_stop)
++ host_set->ops->host_stop(host_set);
+ kfree(host_set);
++ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
++ dev_set_drvdata(dev, NULL);
+ }
+ /* move to PCI subsystem */
+@@ -3318,17 +4369,9 @@ int pci_test_config_bits(struct pci_dev
+ return (tmp == bits->val) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
++#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
+- * ata_init -
+- *
+- *
+- *
+- */
+ static int __init ata_init(void)
+ {
+ ata_wq = create_workqueue("ata");
+@@ -3354,7 +4397,6 @@ module_exit(ata_exit);
+ * Do not depend on ABI/API stability.
+ */
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_std_bios_param);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_std_ports);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_device_add);
+@@ -3363,34 +4405,48 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_sg_init_one);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_qc_complete);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_qc_issue_prot);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_eng_timeout);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_tf_to_fis);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_tf_from_fis);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_port_start);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_port_stop);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_interrupt);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_qc_prep);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_bmdma_irq_clear);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_port_probe);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(sata_phy_reset);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_bus_reset);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_port_disable);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_scsi_queuecmd);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_scsi_error);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_scsi_slave_config);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_scsi_release);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_host_intr);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ata_dev_id_string);
++#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
++#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_sil.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:11.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_sil.c 2005-10-26 14:55:17.005915488 +0400
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ * on emails.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003 Red Hat, Inc.
+- * Copyright 2003 Benjamin Herrenschmidt <>
++ * Copyright 2003 Benjamin Herrenschmidt
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Open
+ * Software License version 1.1 that can be found at
+@@ -38,12 +38,21 @@
+ #include <linux/libata.h>
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_sil"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "0.54"
++#define DRV_VERSION "0.9"
+ enum {
+ sil_3112 = 0,
+ sil_3114 = 1,
++ SIL_FIFO_R0 = 0x40,
++ SIL_FIFO_W0 = 0x41,
++ SIL_FIFO_R1 = 0x44,
++ SIL_FIFO_W1 = 0x45,
++ SIL_FIFO_R2 = 0x240,
++ SIL_FIFO_W2 = 0x241,
++ SIL_FIFO_R3 = 0x244,
++ SIL_FIFO_W3 = 0x245,
+ SIL_SYSCFG = 0x48,
+ SIL_MASK_IDE0_INT = (1 << 22),
+ SIL_MASK_IDE1_INT = (1 << 23),
+@@ -71,12 +80,15 @@ static struct pci_device_id sil_pci_tbl[
+ { 0x1095, 0x0240, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, sil_3112 },
+ { 0x1095, 0x3512, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, sil_3112 },
+ { 0x1095, 0x3114, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, sil_3114 },
++ { 0x1002, 0x436e, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, sil_3112 },
++ { 0x1002, 0x4379, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, sil_3112 },
++ { 0x1002, 0x437a, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, sil_3112 },
+ { } /* terminate list */
+ };
+ /* TODO firmware versions should be added - eric */
+-struct sil_drivelist {
++static const struct sil_drivelist {
+ const char * product;
+ unsigned int quirk;
+ } sil_blacklist [] = {
+@@ -84,9 +96,12 @@ struct sil_drivelist {
+ { "ST330013AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST340017AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST360015AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
++ { "ST380013AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST380023AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST3120023AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST3160023AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
++ { "ST3120026AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
++ { "ST3200822AS", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST340014ASL", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST360014ASL", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+ { "ST380011ASL", SIL_QUIRK_MOD15WRITE },
+@@ -106,6 +121,7 @@ static struct pci_driver sil_pci_driver
+ static Scsi_Host_Template sil_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -124,14 +140,17 @@ static Scsi_Host_Template sil_sht = {
+ static struct ata_port_operations sil_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+ .dev_config = sil_dev_config,
+- .tf_load = ata_tf_load_mmio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_mmio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_mmio,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_mmio,
++ .tf_load = ata_tf_load,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = sata_phy_reset,
+ .post_set_mode = sil_post_set_mode,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_mmio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_mmio,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+ .eng_timeout = ata_eng_timeout,
+@@ -141,6 +160,7 @@ static struct ata_port_operations sil_op
+ .scr_write = sil_scr_write,
+ .port_start = ata_port_start,
+ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
+ };
+ static struct ata_port_info sil_port_info[] = {
+@@ -149,7 +169,8 @@ static struct ata_port_info sil_port_inf
+ .sht = &sil_sht,
+ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY |
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
+ .udma_mask = 0x3f, /* udma0-5 */
+ .port_ops = &sil_ops,
+ }, /* sil_3114 */
+@@ -157,7 +178,8 @@ static struct ata_port_info sil_port_inf
+ .sht = &sil_sht,
+ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY |
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
+ .udma_mask = 0x3f, /* udma0-5 */
+ .port_ops = &sil_ops,
+ },
+@@ -185,6 +207,14 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff Garzik");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("low-level driver for Silicon Image SATA controller");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, sil_pci_tbl);
++static unsigned char sil_get_device_cache_line(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ u8 cache_line = 0;
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, &cache_line);
++ return cache_line;
+ static void sil_post_set_mode (struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+@@ -283,7 +313,7 @@ static void sil_dev_config(struct ata_po
+ const char *s;
+ unsigned int len;
+- ata_dev_id_string(dev, model_num, ATA_ID_PROD_OFS,
++ ata_dev_id_string(dev->id, model_num, ATA_ID_PROD_OFS,
+ sizeof(model_num));
+ s = &model_num[0];
+ len = strnlen(s, sizeof(model_num));
+@@ -326,7 +356,9 @@ static int sil_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ void *mmio_base;
+ int rc;
+ unsigned int i;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ u32 tmp, irq_mask;
++ u8 cls;
+ if (!printed_version++)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME " version " DRV_VERSION "\n");
+@@ -340,8 +372,10 @@ static int sil_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ return rc;
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+@@ -358,11 +392,12 @@ static int sil_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
++ probe_ent->dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
+ probe_ent->port_ops = sil_port_info[ent->driver_data].port_ops;
+ probe_ent->sht = sil_port_info[ent->driver_data].sht;
+ probe_ent->n_ports = (ent->driver_data == sil_3114) ? 4 : 2;
+ probe_ent->pio_mask = sil_port_info[ent->driver_data].pio_mask;
++ probe_ent->mwdma_mask = sil_port_info[ent->driver_data].mwdma_mask;
+ probe_ent->udma_mask = sil_port_info[ent->driver_data].udma_mask;
+ probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
+ probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
+@@ -388,6 +423,25 @@ static int sil_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[i]);
+ }
++ /* Initialize FIFO PCI bus arbitration */
++ cls = sil_get_device_cache_line(pdev);
++ if (cls) {
++ cls >>= 3;
++ cls++; /* cls = (line_size/8)+1 */
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_R0);
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_W0);
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_R1);
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_W1);
++ if (ent->driver_data == sil_3114) {
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_R2);
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_W2);
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_R3);
++ writeb(cls, mmio_base + SIL_FIFO_W3);
++ }
++ } else
++ printk(KERN_WARNING DRV_NAME "(%s): cache line size not set. Driver may not function\n",
++ pci_name(pdev));
+ if (ent->driver_data == sil_3114) {
+ irq_mask = SIL_MASK_4PORT;
+@@ -427,7 +481,8 @@ err_out_free_ent:
+ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_nv.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:13.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_nv.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.992917464 +0400
+@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
+ * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
+ * version of this file under either the OSL or the GPL.
+ *
++ * 0.06
++ * - Added generic SATA support by using a pci_device_id that filters on
++ * the IDE storage class code.
++ *
++ * 0.03
++ * - Fixed a bug where the hotplug handlers for non-CK804/MCP04 were using
++ * mmio_base, which is only set for the CK804/MCP04 case.
++ *
+ * 0.02
+ * - Added support for CK804 SATA controller.
+ *
+@@ -40,13 +48,12 @@
+ #include <linux/libata.h>
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_nv"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "0.02"
++#define DRV_VERSION "0.6"
+ #define NV_PORTS 2
+ #define NV_PIO_MASK 0x1f
++#define NV_MWDMA_MASK 0x07
+ #define NV_UDMA_MASK 0x7f
+-#define NV_PORT0_BMDMA_REG_OFFSET 0x00
+-#define NV_PORT1_BMDMA_REG_OFFSET 0x08
+ #define NV_PORT0_SCR_REG_OFFSET 0x00
+ #define NV_PORT1_SCR_REG_OFFSET 0x40
+@@ -92,7 +99,8 @@
+ #define NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20_SATA_SPACE_EN 0x04
+ static int nv_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
+-irqreturn_t nv_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
++static irqreturn_t nv_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance,
++ struct pt_regs *regs);
+ static u32 nv_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg);
+ static void nv_scr_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg, u32 val);
+ static void nv_host_stop (struct ata_host_set *host_set);
+@@ -105,6 +113,7 @@ static void nv_check_hotplug_ck804(struc
+ enum nv_host_type
+ {
+ CK804
+@@ -125,6 +134,9 @@ static struct pci_device_id nv_pci_tbl[]
+ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, CK804 },
+ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, CK804 },
+ { 0, } /* terminate list */
+ };
+@@ -133,7 +145,6 @@ static struct pci_device_id nv_pci_tbl[]
+ struct nv_host_desc
+ {
+ enum nv_host_type host_type;
+- unsigned long host_flags;
+ void (*enable_hotplug)(struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent);
+ void (*disable_hotplug)(struct ata_host_set *host_set);
+ void (*check_hotplug)(struct ata_host_set *host_set);
+@@ -141,21 +152,24 @@ struct nv_host_desc
+ };
+ static struct nv_host_desc nv_device_tbl[] = {
+ {
++ .host_type = GENERIC,
++ .enable_hotplug = NULL,
++ .disable_hotplug= NULL,
++ .check_hotplug = NULL,
++ },
++ {
+ .host_type = NFORCE2,
+- .host_flags = 0x00000000,
+ .enable_hotplug = nv_enable_hotplug,
+ .disable_hotplug= nv_disable_hotplug,
+ .check_hotplug = nv_check_hotplug,
+ },
+ {
+ .host_type = NFORCE3,
+- .host_flags = 0x00000000,
+ .enable_hotplug = nv_enable_hotplug,
+ .disable_hotplug= nv_disable_hotplug,
+ .check_hotplug = nv_check_hotplug,
+ },
+ { .host_type = CK804,
+- .host_flags = NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO,
+ .enable_hotplug = nv_enable_hotplug_ck804,
+ .disable_hotplug= nv_disable_hotplug_ck804,
+ .check_hotplug = nv_check_hotplug_ck804,
+@@ -165,6 +179,7 @@ static struct nv_host_desc nv_device_tbl
+ struct nv_host
+ {
+ struct nv_host_desc *host_desc;
++ unsigned long host_flags;
+ };
+ static struct pci_driver nv_pci_driver = {
+@@ -177,11 +192,12 @@ static struct pci_driver nv_pci_driver =
+ static Scsi_Host_Template nv_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+ .this_id = ATA_SHT_THIS_ID,
+- .sg_tablesize = ATA_MAX_PRD,
++ .sg_tablesize = LIBATA_MAX_PRD,
+ .max_sectors = ATA_MAX_SECTORS,
+ .cmd_per_lun = ATA_SHT_CMD_PER_LUN,
+ .emulated = ATA_SHT_EMULATED,
+@@ -194,13 +210,16 @@ static Scsi_Host_Template nv_sht = {
+ static struct ata_port_operations nv_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+- .tf_load = ata_tf_load_pio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_pio,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_pio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_pio,
++ .tf_load = ata_tf_load,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = sata_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_pio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_pio,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+ .eng_timeout = ata_eng_timeout,
+@@ -213,12 +232,34 @@ static struct ata_port_operations nv_ops
+ .host_stop = nv_host_stop,
+ };
++/* FIXME: The hardware provides the necessary SATA PHY controls
++ * to support ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET. However, it is currently
++ * necessary to disable that flag, to solve misdetection problems.
++ * See for more info.
++ *
++ * This problem really needs to be investigated further. But in the
++ * meantime, we avoid ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET to get people working.
++ */
++static struct ata_port_info nv_port_info = {
++ .sht = &nv_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA |
++ .pio_mask = NV_PIO_MASK,
++ .mwdma_mask = NV_MWDMA_MASK,
++ .udma_mask = NV_UDMA_MASK,
++ .port_ops = &nv_ops,
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("low-level driver for NVIDIA nForce SATA controller");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, nv_pci_tbl);
+-irqreturn_t nv_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs)
++static irqreturn_t nv_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance,
++ struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
+ struct ata_host_set *host_set = dev_instance;
+ struct nv_host *host = host_set->private_data;
+@@ -258,8 +299,8 @@ static u32 nv_scr_read (struct ata_port
+ if (sc_reg > SCR_CONTROL)
+ return 0xffffffffU;
+- if (host->host_desc->host_flags & NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO)
+- return readl(ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
++ if (host->host_flags & NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO)
++ return readl((void*)ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
+ else
+ return inl(ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
+ }
+@@ -272,8 +313,8 @@ static void nv_scr_write (struct ata_por
+ if (sc_reg > SCR_CONTROL)
+ return;
+- if (host->host_desc->host_flags & NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO)
+- writel(val, ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
++ if (host->host_flags & NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO)
++ writel(val, (void*)ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
+ else
+ outl(val, ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
+ }
+@@ -287,25 +328,39 @@ static void nv_host_stop (struct ata_hos
+ host->host_desc->disable_hotplug(host_set);
+ kfree(host);
++ ata_host_stop(host_set);
+ }
+ static int nv_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
+ {
+ static int printed_version = 0;
+ struct nv_host *host;
+- struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent = NULL;
++ struct ata_port_info *ppi;
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ int rc;
++ u32 bar;
++ // Make sure this is a SATA controller by counting the number of bars
++ // (NVIDIA SATA controllers will always have six bars). Otherwise,
++ // it's an IDE controller and we ignore it.
++ for (bar=0; bar<6; bar++)
++ if (pci_resource_start(pdev, bar) == 0)
++ return -ENODEV;
+ if (!printed_version++)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME " version " DRV_VERSION "\n");
+ rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
+ if (rc)
+- return rc;
++ goto err_out;
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
+- goto err_out;
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
++ goto err_out_disable;
++ }
+ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+@@ -314,62 +369,34 @@ static int nv_init_one (struct pci_dev *
+ if (rc)
+ goto err_out_regions;
+- probe_ent = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!probe_ent) {
+- rc = -ENOMEM;
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ ppi = &nv_port_info;
++ probe_ent = ata_pci_init_native_mode(pdev, &ppi);
++ if (!probe_ent)
+ goto err_out_regions;
+- }
+ host = kmalloc(sizeof(struct nv_host), GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!host) {
+- rc = -ENOMEM;
++ if (!host)
+ goto err_out_free_ent;
+- }
++ memset(host, 0, sizeof(struct nv_host));
+ host->host_desc = &nv_device_tbl[ent->driver_data];
+- memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
+- probe_ent->sht = &nv_sht;
+- probe_ent->host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA |
+- probe_ent->port_ops = &nv_ops;
+- probe_ent->n_ports = NV_PORTS;
+- probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
+- probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
+- probe_ent->pio_mask = NV_PIO_MASK;
+- probe_ent->udma_mask = NV_UDMA_MASK;
+- probe_ent->port[0].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[0]);
+- probe_ent->port[0].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent->port[0].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 1) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[0].bmdma_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) | NV_PORT0_BMDMA_REG_OFFSET;
+- probe_ent->port[1].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[1]);
+- probe_ent->port[1].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent->port[1].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 3) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[1].bmdma_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) | NV_PORT1_BMDMA_REG_OFFSET;
+ probe_ent->private_data = host;
+- if (host->host_desc->host_flags & NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO) {
++ if (pci_resource_flags(pdev, 5) & IORESOURCE_MEM)
++ host->host_flags |= NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO;
++ if (host->host_flags & NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO) {
+ unsigned long base;
+ probe_ent->mmio_base = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, 5),
+ pci_resource_len(pdev, 5));
+- if (probe_ent->mmio_base == NULL)
+- goto err_out_free_ent;
++ if (probe_ent->mmio_base == NULL) {
++ rc = -EIO;
++ goto err_out_free_host;
++ }
+ base = (unsigned long)probe_ent->mmio_base;
+@@ -387,26 +414,31 @@ static int nv_init_one (struct pci_dev *
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
++ rc = ata_device_add(probe_ent);
++ if (rc != NV_PORTS)
++ goto err_out_iounmap;
+ // Enable hotplug event interrupts.
+ if (host->host_desc->enable_hotplug)
+ host->host_desc->enable_hotplug(probe_ent);
+- rc = ata_device_add(probe_ent);
+- if (rc != NV_PORTS)
+- goto err_out_free_ent;
+ kfree(probe_ent);
+ return 0;
++ if (host->host_flags & NV_HOST_FLAGS_SCR_MMIO)
++ iounmap(probe_ent->mmio_base);
++ kfree(host);
+ err_out_free_ent:
+ kfree(probe_ent);
+ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+@@ -415,33 +447,33 @@ static void nv_enable_hotplug(struct ata
+ u8 intr_mask;
+- (unsigned long)probe_ent->mmio_base + NV_INT_STATUS);
++ probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr + NV_INT_STATUS);
+- intr_mask = inb((unsigned long)probe_ent->mmio_base + NV_INT_ENABLE);
++ intr_mask = inb(probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr + NV_INT_ENABLE);
+ intr_mask |= NV_INT_ENABLE_HOTPLUG;
+- outb(intr_mask, (unsigned long)probe_ent->mmio_base + NV_INT_ENABLE);
++ outb(intr_mask, probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr + NV_INT_ENABLE);
+ }
+ static void nv_disable_hotplug(struct ata_host_set *host_set)
+ {
+ u8 intr_mask;
+- intr_mask = inb((unsigned long)host_set->mmio_base + NV_INT_ENABLE);
++ intr_mask = inb(host_set->ports[0]->ioaddr.scr_addr + NV_INT_ENABLE);
+ intr_mask &= ~(NV_INT_ENABLE_HOTPLUG);
+- outb(intr_mask, (unsigned long)host_set->mmio_base + NV_INT_ENABLE);
++ outb(intr_mask, host_set->ports[0]->ioaddr.scr_addr + NV_INT_ENABLE);
+ }
+ static void nv_check_hotplug(struct ata_host_set *host_set)
+ {
+ u8 intr_status;
+- intr_status = inb((unsigned long)host_set->mmio_base + NV_INT_STATUS);
++ intr_status = inb(host_set->ports[0]->ioaddr.scr_addr + NV_INT_STATUS);
+ // Clear interrupt status.
+- outb(0xff, (unsigned long)host_set->mmio_base + NV_INT_STATUS);
++ outb(0xff, host_set->ports[0]->ioaddr.scr_addr + NV_INT_STATUS);
+ if (intr_status & NV_INT_STATUS_HOTPLUG) {
+ if (intr_status & NV_INT_STATUS_PDEV_ADDED)
+@@ -464,12 +496,13 @@ static void nv_check_hotplug(struct ata_
+ static void nv_enable_hotplug_ck804(struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent)
+ {
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(probe_ent->dev);
+ u8 intr_mask;
+ u8 regval;
+- pci_read_config_byte(probe_ent->pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, &regval);
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, &regval);
+- pci_write_config_byte(probe_ent->pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, regval);
++ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, regval);
+ writeb(NV_INT_STATUS_HOTPLUG, probe_ent->mmio_base + NV_INT_STATUS_CK804);
+@@ -481,6 +514,7 @@ static void nv_enable_hotplug_ck804(stru
+ static void nv_disable_hotplug_ck804(struct ata_host_set *host_set)
+ {
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(host_set->dev);
+ u8 intr_mask;
+ u8 regval;
+@@ -490,9 +524,9 @@ static void nv_disable_hotplug_ck804(str
+ writeb(intr_mask, host_set->mmio_base + NV_INT_ENABLE_CK804);
+- pci_read_config_byte(host_set->pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, &regval);
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, &regval);
+ regval &= ~NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20_SATA_SPACE_EN;
+- pci_write_config_byte(host_set->pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, regval);
++ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, NV_MCP_SATA_CFG_20, regval);
+ }
+ static void nv_check_hotplug_ck804(struct ata_host_set *host_set)
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_via.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_via.c 2005-10-26 14:55:17.000916248 +0400
+@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
+ If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
+ version of this file under either the OSL or the GPL.
++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ To-do list:
++ * VT6421 PATA support
+ */
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+@@ -38,11 +43,14 @@
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_via"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "0.20"
++#define DRV_VERSION "1.1"
+-enum {
+- via_sata = 0,
++enum board_ids_enum {
++ vt6420,
++ vt6421,
++enum {
+ SATA_CHAN_ENAB = 0x40, /* SATA channel enable */
+ SATA_INT_GATE = 0x41, /* SATA interrupt gating */
+ SATA_NATIVE_MODE = 0x42, /* Native mode enable */
+@@ -50,10 +58,8 @@ enum {
+ PORT0 = (1 << 1),
+ PORT1 = (1 << 0),
++ N_PORTS = 2,
+ NATIVE_MODE_ALL = (1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 4),
+@@ -66,7 +72,8 @@ static u32 svia_scr_read (struct ata_por
+ static void svia_scr_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg, u32 val);
+ static struct pci_device_id svia_pci_tbl[] = {
+- { 0x1106, 0x3149, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, via_sata },
++ { 0x1106, 0x3149, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, vt6420 },
++ { 0x1106, 0x3249, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, vt6421 },
+ { } /* terminate list */
+ };
+@@ -81,6 +88,7 @@ static struct pci_driver svia_pci_driver
+ static Scsi_Host_Template svia_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -99,15 +107,19 @@ static Scsi_Host_Template svia_sht = {
+ static struct ata_port_operations svia_sata_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+- .tf_load = ata_tf_load_pio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_pio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_pio,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_pio,
++ .tf_load = ata_tf_load,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = sata_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_pio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_pio,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+@@ -121,12 +133,23 @@ static struct ata_port_operations svia_s
+ .port_start = ata_port_start,
+ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
++static struct ata_port_info svia_port_info = {
++ .sht = &svia_sht,
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f,
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07,
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f,
++ .port_ops = &svia_sata_ops,
+ };
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff Garzik");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("SCSI low-level driver for VIA SATA controllers");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, svia_pci_tbl);
+ static u32 svia_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg)
+ {
+@@ -146,17 +169,132 @@ static const unsigned int svia_bar_sizes
+ 8, 4, 8, 4, 16, 256
+ };
++static const unsigned int vt6421_bar_sizes[] = {
++ 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 128
+ static unsigned long svia_scr_addr(unsigned long addr, unsigned int port)
+ {
+ return addr + (port * 128);
+ }
++static unsigned long vt6421_scr_addr(unsigned long addr, unsigned int port)
++ return addr + (port * 64);
++static void vt6421_init_addrs(struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent,
++ struct pci_dev *pdev,
++ unsigned int port)
++ unsigned long reg_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, port);
++ unsigned long bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) + (port * 8);
++ unsigned long scr_addr;
++ probe_ent->port[port].cmd_addr = reg_addr;
++ probe_ent->port[port].altstatus_addr =
++ probe_ent->port[port].ctl_addr = (reg_addr + 8) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
++ probe_ent->port[port].bmdma_addr = bmdma_addr;
++ scr_addr = vt6421_scr_addr(pci_resource_start(pdev, 5), port);
++ probe_ent->port[port].scr_addr = scr_addr;
++ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[port]);
++static struct ata_probe_ent *vt6420_init_probe_ent(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent;
++ struct ata_port_info *ppi = &svia_port_info;
++ probe_ent = ata_pci_init_native_mode(pdev, &ppi);
++ if (!probe_ent)
++ return NULL;
++ probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr =
++ svia_scr_addr(pci_resource_start(pdev, 5), 0);
++ probe_ent->port[1].scr_addr =
++ svia_scr_addr(pci_resource_start(pdev, 5), 1);
++ return probe_ent;
++static struct ata_probe_ent *vt6421_init_probe_ent(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent;
++ unsigned int i;
++ probe_ent = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!probe_ent)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
++ probe_ent->dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
++ probe_ent->sht = &svia_sht;
++ probe_ent->host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET |
++ probe_ent->port_ops = &svia_sata_ops;
++ probe_ent->n_ports = N_PORTS;
++ probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
++ probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
++ probe_ent->pio_mask = 0x1f;
++ probe_ent->mwdma_mask = 0x07;
++ probe_ent->udma_mask = 0x7f;
++ for (i = 0; i < N_PORTS; i++)
++ vt6421_init_addrs(probe_ent, pdev, i);
++ return probe_ent;
++static void svia_configure(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ u8 tmp8;
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &tmp8);
++ printk(KERN_INFO DRV_NAME "(%s): routed to hard irq line %d\n",
++ pci_name(pdev),
++ (int) (tmp8 & 0xf0) == 0xf0 ? 0 : tmp8 & 0x0f);
++ /* make sure SATA channels are enabled */
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_CHAN_ENAB, &tmp8);
++ if ((tmp8 & ALL_PORTS) != ALL_PORTS) {
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME "(%s): enabling SATA channels (0x%x)\n",
++ pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
++ tmp8 |= ALL_PORTS;
++ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, SATA_CHAN_ENAB, tmp8);
++ }
++ /* make sure interrupts for each channel sent to us */
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_INT_GATE, &tmp8);
++ if ((tmp8 & ALL_PORTS) != ALL_PORTS) {
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME "(%s): enabling SATA channel interrupts (0x%x)\n",
++ pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
++ tmp8 |= ALL_PORTS;
++ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, SATA_INT_GATE, tmp8);
++ }
++ /* make sure native mode is enabled */
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_NATIVE_MODE, &tmp8);
++ if ((tmp8 & NATIVE_MODE_ALL) != NATIVE_MODE_ALL) {
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME "(%s): enabling SATA channel native mode (0x%x)\n",
++ pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
++ tmp8 |= NATIVE_MODE_ALL;
++ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, SATA_NATIVE_MODE, tmp8);
++ }
+ static int svia_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
+ {
+ static int printed_version;
+ unsigned int i;
+ int rc;
+ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent;
++ int board_id = (int) ent->driver_data;
++ const int *bar_sizes;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ u8 tmp8;
+ if (!printed_version++)
+@@ -167,20 +305,28 @@ static int svia_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ return rc;
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+- pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_PATA_SHARING, &tmp8);
+- if (tmp8 & SATA_2DEV) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): SATA master/slave not supported (0x%x)\n",
+- pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
+- rc = -EIO;
+- goto err_out_regions;
++ if (board_id == vt6420) {
++ pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_PATA_SHARING, &tmp8);
++ if (tmp8 & SATA_2DEV) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): SATA master/slave not supported (0x%x)\n",
++ pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
++ rc = -EIO;
++ goto err_out_regions;
++ }
++ bar_sizes = &svia_bar_sizes[0];
++ } else {
++ bar_sizes = &vt6421_bar_sizes[0];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(svia_bar_sizes); i++)
+ if ((pci_resource_start(pdev, i) == 0) ||
+- (pci_resource_len(pdev, i) < svia_bar_sizes[i])) {
++ (pci_resource_len(pdev, i) < bar_sizes[i])) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): invalid PCI BAR %u (sz 0x%lx, val 0x%lx)\n",
+ pci_name(pdev), i,
+ pci_resource_start(pdev, i),
+@@ -196,75 +342,19 @@ static int svia_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ if (rc)
+ goto err_out_regions;
+- probe_ent = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (board_id == vt6420)
++ probe_ent = vt6420_init_probe_ent(pdev);
++ else
++ probe_ent = vt6421_init_probe_ent(pdev);
+ if (!probe_ent) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): out of memory\n",
+ pci_name(pdev));
+ rc = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_out_regions;
+ }
+- memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
+- probe_ent->sht = &svia_sht;
+- probe_ent->host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SRST |
+- probe_ent->port_ops = &svia_sata_ops;
+- probe_ent->n_ports = 2;
+- probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
+- probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
+- probe_ent->pio_mask = 0x1f;
+- probe_ent->udma_mask = 0x7f;
+- probe_ent->port[0].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[0]);
+- probe_ent->port[0].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent->port[0].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 1) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[0].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4);
+- probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr =
+- svia_scr_addr(pci_resource_start(pdev, 5), 0);
+- probe_ent->port[1].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[1]);
+- probe_ent->port[1].altstatus_addr =
+- probe_ent->port[1].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 3) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[1].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) + 8;
+- probe_ent->port[1].scr_addr =
+- svia_scr_addr(pci_resource_start(pdev, 5), 1);
+- pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &tmp8);
+- printk(KERN_INFO DRV_NAME "(%s): routed to hard irq line %d\n",
+- pci_name(pdev),
+- (int) (tmp8 & 0xf0) == 0xf0 ? 0 : tmp8 & 0x0f);
+- /* make sure SATA channels are enabled */
+- pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_CHAN_ENAB, &tmp8);
+- if ((tmp8 & ENAB_ALL) != ENAB_ALL) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME "(%s): enabling SATA channels (0x%x)\n",
+- pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
+- tmp8 |= ENAB_ALL;
+- pci_write_config_byte(pdev, SATA_CHAN_ENAB, tmp8);
+- }
+- /* make sure interrupts for each channel sent to us */
+- pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_INT_GATE, &tmp8);
+- if ((tmp8 & INT_GATE_ALL) != INT_GATE_ALL) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME "(%s): enabling SATA channel interrupts (0x%x)\n",
+- pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
+- tmp8 |= INT_GATE_ALL;
+- pci_write_config_byte(pdev, SATA_INT_GATE, tmp8);
+- }
+- /* make sure native mode is enabled */
+- pci_read_config_byte(pdev, SATA_NATIVE_MODE, &tmp8);
+- if ((tmp8 & NATIVE_MODE_ALL) != NATIVE_MODE_ALL) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME "(%s): enabling SATA channel native mode (0x%x)\n",
+- pci_name(pdev), (int) tmp8);
+- tmp8 |= NATIVE_MODE_ALL;
+- pci_write_config_byte(pdev, SATA_NATIVE_MODE, tmp8);
+- }
++ svia_configure(pdev);
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+@@ -277,7 +367,8 @@ static int svia_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_sis.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:14.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_sis.c 2005-10-26 14:55:17.004915640 +0400
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+ #include <linux/libata.h>
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_sis"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "0.10"
++#define DRV_VERSION "0.5"
+ enum {
+ sis_180 = 0,
+@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ static struct pci_driver sis_pci_driver
+ static Scsi_Host_Template sis_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -93,13 +94,16 @@ static Scsi_Host_Template sis_sht = {
+ static struct ata_port_operations sis_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+- .tf_load = ata_tf_load_pio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_pio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_pio,
+- .exec_command = ata_exec_command_pio,
++ .tf_load = ata_tf_load,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = sata_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup_pio,
+- .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start_pio,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
+ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
+ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
+ .eng_timeout = ata_eng_timeout,
+@@ -109,6 +113,17 @@ static struct ata_port_operations sis_op
+ .scr_write = sis_scr_write,
+ .port_start = ata_port_start,
+ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
++static struct ata_port_info sis_port_info = {
++ .sht = &sis_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET |
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f,
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x7,
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f,
++ .port_ops = &sis_ops,
+ };
+@@ -116,6 +131,7 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Uwe Koziolek");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("low-level driver for Silicon Integratad Systems SATA controller");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, sis_pci_tbl);
+ static unsigned int get_scr_cfg_addr(unsigned int port_no, unsigned int sc_reg)
+ {
+@@ -128,22 +144,24 @@ static unsigned int get_scr_cfg_addr(uns
+ static u32 sis_scr_cfg_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg)
+ {
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
+ unsigned int cfg_addr = get_scr_cfg_addr(ap->port_no, sc_reg);
+ u32 val;
+ if (sc_reg == SCR_ERROR) /* doesn't exist in PCI cfg space */
+ return 0xffffffff;
+- pci_read_config_dword(ap->host_set->pdev, cfg_addr, &val);
++ pci_read_config_dword(pdev, cfg_addr, &val);
+ return val;
+ }
+ static void sis_scr_cfg_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int scr, u32 val)
+ {
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
+ unsigned int cfg_addr = get_scr_cfg_addr(ap->port_no, scr);
+ if (scr == SCR_ERROR) /* doesn't exist in PCI cfg space */
+ return;
+- pci_write_config_dword(ap->host_set->pdev, cfg_addr, val);
++ pci_write_config_dword(pdev, cfg_addr, val);
+ }
+ static u32 sis_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg)
+@@ -184,14 +202,18 @@ static int sis_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ u32 genctl;
++ struct ata_port_info *ppi;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
+ if (rc)
+ return rc;
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+@@ -200,20 +222,13 @@ static int sis_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ if (rc)
+ goto err_out_regions;
+- probe_ent = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
++ ppi = &sis_port_info;
++ probe_ent = ata_pci_init_native_mode(pdev, &ppi);
+ if (!probe_ent) {
+ rc = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_out_regions;
+ }
+- memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
+- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+- probe_ent->sht = &sis_sht;
+- probe_ent->host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET |
+ /* check and see if the SCRs are in IO space or PCI cfg space */
+ pci_read_config_dword(pdev, SIS_GENCTL, &genctl);
+ if ((genctl & GENCTL_IOMAPPED_SCR) == 0)
+@@ -230,31 +245,12 @@ static int sis_init_one (struct pci_dev
+ probe_ent->host_flags |= SIS_FLAG_CFGSCR;
+ }
+- probe_ent->pio_mask = 0x03;
+- probe_ent->udma_mask = 0x7f;
+- probe_ent->port_ops = &sis_ops;
+- probe_ent->port[0].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[0]);
+- probe_ent->port[0].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 1) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[0].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4);
+- if (!(probe_ent->host_flags & SIS_FLAG_CFGSCR))
++ if (!(probe_ent->host_flags & SIS_FLAG_CFGSCR)) {
+ probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr =
+ pci_resource_start(pdev, SIS_SCR_PCI_BAR);
+- probe_ent->port[1].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2);
+- ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[1]);
+- probe_ent->port[1].ctl_addr =
+- pci_resource_start(pdev, 3) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS;
+- probe_ent->port[1].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) + 8;
+- if (!(probe_ent->host_flags & SIS_FLAG_CFGSCR))
+ probe_ent->port[1].scr_addr =
+ pci_resource_start(pdev, SIS_SCR_PCI_BAR) + 64;
+- probe_ent->n_ports = 2;
+- probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
+- probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
++ }
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+ pci_enable_intx(pdev);
+@@ -269,7 +265,8 @@ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+@@ -284,6 +281,6 @@ static void __exit sis_exit(void)
+ pci_unregister_driver(&sis_pci_driver);
+ }
+ module_init(sis_init);
+ module_exit(sis_exit);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_sx4.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:10.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_sx4.c 2005-10-26 14:55:17.002915944 +0400
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ #include "sata_promise.h"
+ #define DRV_NAME "sata_sx4"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "0.50"
++#define DRV_VERSION "0.7"
+ enum {
+@@ -146,8 +146,6 @@ struct pdc_host_priv {
+ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
+-static void pdc20621_dma_setup(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+-static void pdc20621_dma_start(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ static irqreturn_t pdc20621_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
+ static void pdc_eng_timeout(struct ata_port *ap);
+ static void pdc_20621_phy_reset (struct ata_port *ap);
+@@ -157,8 +155,6 @@ static void pdc20621_qc_prep(struct ata_
+ static void pdc_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ static void pdc_exec_command_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ static void pdc20621_host_stop(struct ata_host_set *host_set);
+-static inline void pdc_dma_complete (struct ata_port *ap,
+- struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, int have_err);
+ static unsigned int pdc20621_dimm_init(struct ata_probe_ent *pe);
+ static int pdc20621_detect_dimm(struct ata_probe_ent *pe);
+ static unsigned int pdc20621_i2c_read(struct ata_probe_ent *pe,
+@@ -172,11 +168,13 @@ static void pdc20621_get_from_dimm(struc
+ static void pdc20621_put_to_dimm(struct ata_probe_ent *pe,
+ void *psource, u32 offset, u32 size);
+ static void pdc20621_irq_clear(struct ata_port *ap);
++static int pdc20621_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ static Scsi_Host_Template pdc_sata_sht = {
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
+ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
+ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
+@@ -195,14 +193,13 @@ static Scsi_Host_Template pdc_sata_sht =
+ static struct ata_port_operations pdc_20621_ops = {
+ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
+ .tf_load = pdc_tf_load_mmio,
+- .tf_read = ata_tf_read_mmio,
+- .check_status = ata_check_status_mmio,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
+ .exec_command = pdc_exec_command_mmio,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
+ .phy_reset = pdc_20621_phy_reset,
+- .bmdma_setup = pdc20621_dma_setup,
+- .bmdma_start = pdc20621_dma_start,
+ .qc_prep = pdc20621_qc_prep,
+- .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
++ .qc_issue = pdc20621_qc_issue_prot,
+ .eng_timeout = pdc_eng_timeout,
+ .irq_handler = pdc20621_interrupt,
+ .irq_clear = pdc20621_irq_clear,
+@@ -217,7 +214,8 @@ static struct ata_port_info pdc_port_inf
+ .sht = &pdc_sata_sht,
+ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY |
+- .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
++ .pio_mask = 0x1f, /* pio0-4 */
++ .mwdma_mask = 0x07, /* mwdma0-2 */
+ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 ; FIXME */
+ .port_ops = &pdc_20621_ops,
+ },
+@@ -246,11 +244,13 @@ static void pdc20621_host_stop(struct at
+ iounmap(dimm_mmio);
+ kfree(hpriv);
++ ata_host_stop(host_set);
+ }
+ static int pdc_port_start(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
+ struct pdc_port_priv *pp;
+ int rc;
+@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ static int pdc_port_start(struct ata_por
+ }
+ memset(pp, 0, sizeof(*pp));
+- pp->pkt = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, 128, &pp->pkt_dma);
++ pp->pkt = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, 128, &pp->pkt_dma, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!pp->pkt) {
+ rc = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_out_kfree;
+@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ err_out:
+ static void pdc_port_stop(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = ap->host_set->pdev;
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
+ struct pdc_port_priv *pp = ap->private_data;
+ ap->private_data = NULL;
+- pci_free_consistent(pdev, 128, pp->pkt, pp->pkt_dma);
++ dma_free_coherent(dev, 128, pp->pkt, pp->pkt_dma);
+ kfree(pp);
+ ata_port_stop(ap);
+ }
+@@ -377,7 +377,10 @@ static inline unsigned int pdc20621_ata_
+ /* dimm dma S/G, and next-pkt */
+ dw = i >> 2;
+- buf32[dw] = cpu_to_le32(dimm_sg);
++ if (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_NODATA)
++ buf32[dw] = 0;
++ else
++ buf32[dw] = cpu_to_le32(dimm_sg);
+ buf32[dw + 1] = 0;
+ i += 8;
+@@ -437,7 +440,7 @@ static inline void pdc20621_host_pkt(str
+ buf32[dw + 3]);
+ }
+-static void pdc20621_qc_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++static void pdc20621_dma_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct scatterlist *sg = qc->sg;
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+@@ -449,8 +452,7 @@ static void pdc20621_qc_prep(struct ata_
+ unsigned int i, last, idx, total_len = 0, sgt_len;
+ u32 *buf = (u32 *) &pp->dimm_buf[PDC_DIMM_HEADER_SZ];
+- if (!(qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_DMAMAP))
+- return;
++ assert(qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_DMAMAP);
+ VPRINTK("ata%u: ENTER\n", ap->id);
+@@ -501,6 +503,56 @@ static void pdc20621_qc_prep(struct ata_
+ VPRINTK("ata pkt buf ofs %u, prd size %u, mmio copied\n", i, sgt_len);
+ }
++static void pdc20621_nodata_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ struct pdc_port_priv *pp = ap->private_data;
++ void *mmio = ap->host_set->mmio_base;
++ struct pdc_host_priv *hpriv = ap->host_set->private_data;
++ void *dimm_mmio = hpriv->dimm_mmio;
++ unsigned int portno = ap->port_no;
++ unsigned int i;
++ VPRINTK("ata%u: ENTER\n", ap->id);
++ /* hard-code chip #0 */
++ mmio += PDC_CHIP0_OFS;
++ i = pdc20621_ata_pkt(&qc->tf, qc->dev->devno, &pp->dimm_buf[0], portno);
++ if (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48)
++ i = pdc_prep_lba48(&qc->tf, &pp->dimm_buf[0], i);
++ else
++ i = pdc_prep_lba28(&qc->tf, &pp->dimm_buf[0], i);
++ pdc_pkt_footer(&qc->tf, &pp->dimm_buf[0], i);
++ /* copy three S/G tables and two packets to DIMM MMIO window */
++ memcpy_toio(dimm_mmio + (portno * PDC_DIMM_WINDOW_STEP),
++ &pp->dimm_buf, PDC_DIMM_HEADER_SZ);
++ /* force host FIFO dump */
++ writel(0x00000001, mmio + PDC_20621_GENERAL_CTL);
++ readl(dimm_mmio); /* MMIO PCI posting flush */
++ VPRINTK("ata pkt buf ofs %u, mmio copied\n", i);
++static void pdc20621_qc_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
++ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
++ pdc20621_dma_prep(qc);
++ break;
++ pdc20621_nodata_prep(qc);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
+ static void __pdc20621_push_hdma(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc,
+ unsigned int seq,
+ u32 pkt_ofs)
+@@ -576,13 +628,7 @@ static void pdc20621_dump_hdma(struct at
+ static inline void pdc20621_dump_hdma(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc) { }
+ #endif /* ATA_VERBOSE_DEBUG */
+-static void pdc20621_dma_setup(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+- /* nothing for now. later, we will call standard
+- * code in libata-core for ATAPI here */
+-static void pdc20621_dma_start(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++static void pdc20621_packet_start(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
+ struct ata_host_set *host_set = ap->host_set;
+@@ -590,24 +636,21 @@ static void pdc20621_dma_start(struct at
+ void *mmio = host_set->mmio_base;
+ unsigned int rw = (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE);
+ u8 seq = (u8) (port_no + 1);
+- unsigned int doing_hdma = 0, port_ofs;
++ unsigned int port_ofs;
+ /* hard-code chip #0 */
+ mmio += PDC_CHIP0_OFS;
+ VPRINTK("ata%u: ENTER\n", ap->id);
++ wmb(); /* flush PRD, pkt writes */
+ port_ofs = PDC_20621_DIMM_BASE + (PDC_DIMM_WINDOW_STEP * port_no);
+ /* if writing, we (1) DMA to DIMM, then (2) do ATA command */
+- if (rw) {
+- doing_hdma = 1;
++ if (rw && qc->tf.protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA) {
+ seq += 4;
+- }
+- wmb(); /* flush PRD, pkt writes */
+- if (doing_hdma) {
+ pdc20621_dump_hdma(qc);
+ pdc20621_push_hdma(qc, seq, port_ofs + PDC_DIMM_HOST_PKT);
+ VPRINTK("queued ofs 0x%x (%u), seq %u\n",
+@@ -628,6 +671,25 @@ static void pdc20621_dma_start(struct at
+ }
+ }
++static int pdc20621_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
++ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
++ pdc20621_packet_start(qc);
++ return 0;
++ BUG();
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ return ata_qc_issue_prot(qc);
+ static inline unsigned int pdc20621_host_intr( struct ata_port *ap,
+ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc,
+ unsigned int doing_hdma,
+@@ -648,7 +710,8 @@ static inline unsigned int pdc20621_host
+ if (doing_hdma) {
+ VPRINTK("ata%u: read hdma, 0x%x 0x%x\n", ap->id,
+ readl(mmio + 0x104), readl(mmio + PDC_HDMA_CTLSTAT));
+- pdc_dma_complete(ap, qc, 0);
++ /* get drive status; clear intr; complete txn */
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap));
+ pdc20621_pop_hdma(qc);
+ }
+@@ -685,7 +748,8 @@ static inline unsigned int pdc20621_host
+ else {
+ VPRINTK("ata%u: write ata, 0x%x 0x%x\n", ap->id,
+ readl(mmio + 0x104), readl(mmio + PDC_HDMA_CTLSTAT));
+- pdc_dma_complete(ap, qc, 0);
++ /* get drive status; clear intr; complete txn */
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap));
+ pdc20621_pop_hdma(qc);
+ }
+ handled = 1;
+@@ -779,16 +843,6 @@ static irqreturn_t pdc20621_interrupt (i
+ return IRQ_RETVAL(handled);
+ }
+-static inline void pdc_dma_complete (struct ata_port *ap,
+- struct ata_queued_cmd *qc,
+- int have_err)
+- u8 err_bit = have_err ? ATA_ERR : 0;
+- /* get drive status; clear intr; complete txn */
+- ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap) | err_bit);
+ static void pdc_eng_timeout(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ u8 drv_stat;
+@@ -813,17 +867,9 @@ static void pdc_eng_timeout(struct ata_p
+ switch (qc->tf.protocol) {
+ case ATA_PROT_DMA:
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: DMA timeout\n", ap->id);
+- ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap) | ATA_ERR);
+- break;
+- drv_stat = ata_busy_wait(ap, ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ, 1000);
+- printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: command 0x%x timeout, stat 0x%x\n",
+- ap->id, qc->tf.command, drv_stat);
+- ata_qc_complete(qc, drv_stat);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: command timeout\n", ap->id);
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, ata_wait_idle(ap) | ATA_ERR);
+ break;
+ default:
+@@ -842,15 +888,17 @@ out:
+ static void pdc_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+- if (tf->protocol != ATA_PROT_DMA)
+- ata_tf_load_mmio(ap, tf);
++ WARN_ON (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA ||
++ tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_NODATA);
++ ata_tf_load(ap, tf);
+ }
+ static void pdc_exec_command_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+- if (tf->protocol != ATA_PROT_DMA)
+- ata_exec_command_mmio(ap, tf);
++ WARN_ON (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_DMA ||
++ tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_NODATA);
++ ata_exec_command(ap, tf);
+ }
+@@ -1144,8 +1192,7 @@ static unsigned int pdc20621_prog_dimm_g
+ error = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout((i * 100) * HZ / 1000 + 1);
++ msleep(i*100);
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+@@ -1178,8 +1225,7 @@ static unsigned int pdc20621_dimm_init(s
+ readl(mmio + PDC_TIME_CONTROL);
+ /* Wait 3 seconds */
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(3 * HZ);
++ msleep(3000);
+ /*
+ When timer is enabled, counter is decreased every internal
+@@ -1322,6 +1368,7 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ void *mmio_base, *dimm_mmio = NULL;
+ struct pdc_host_priv *hpriv = NULL;
+ unsigned int board_idx = (unsigned int) ent->driver_data;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
+ int rc;
+ if (!printed_version++)
+@@ -1336,8 +1383,10 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ return rc;
+ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
+- if (rc)
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
+ goto err_out;
++ }
+ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
+ if (rc)
+@@ -1353,7 +1402,7 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ }
+ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
+- probe_ent->pdev = pdev;
++ probe_ent->dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
+ mmio_base = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, 3),
+@@ -1384,6 +1433,7 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ probe_ent->sht = pdc_port_info[board_idx].sht;
+ probe_ent->host_flags = pdc_port_info[board_idx].host_flags;
+ probe_ent->pio_mask = pdc_port_info[board_idx].pio_mask;
++ probe_ent->mwdma_mask = pdc_port_info[board_idx].mwdma_mask;
+ probe_ent->udma_mask = pdc_port_info[board_idx].udma_mask;
+ probe_ent->port_ops = pdc_port_info[board_idx].port_ops;
+@@ -1394,21 +1444,11 @@ static int pdc_sata_init_one (struct pci
+ probe_ent->private_data = hpriv;
+ base += PDC_CHIP0_OFS;
++ probe_ent->n_ports = 4;
+ pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[0], base + 0x200);
+ pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[1], base + 0x280);
+- /* notice 4-port boards */
+- switch (board_idx) {
+- case board_20621:
+- probe_ent->n_ports = 4;
+- pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[2], base + 0x300);
+- pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[3], base + 0x380);
+- break;
+- default:
+- BUG();
+- break;
+- }
++ pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[2], base + 0x300);
++ pdc_sata_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[3], base + 0x380);
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+@@ -1436,7 +1476,8 @@ err_out_free_ent:
+ err_out_regions:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ err_out:
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+@@ -1457,6 +1498,7 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff Garzik");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Promise SATA low-level driver");
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pdc_sata_pci_tbl);
+ module_init(pdc_sata_init);
+ module_exit(pdc_sata_exit);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/libata-scsi.c.libata 2005-09-26 13:33:13.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/libata-scsi.c 2005-10-26 14:55:16.996916856 +0400
+@@ -29,13 +29,11 @@
+ #include "scsi.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include <linux/libata.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include "libata.h"
+ typedef unsigned int (*ata_xlat_func_t)(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 *scsicmd);
+-static void ata_scsi_simulate(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev,
+- struct scsi_cmnd *cmd,
+- void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *));
+ /**
+@@ -67,6 +65,43 @@ int ata_std_bios_param(struct scsi_devic
+ return 0;
+ }
++int ata_scsi_ioctl(struct scsi_device *scsidev, int cmd, void __user *arg)
++ struct ata_port *ap;
++ struct ata_device *dev;
++ int val = -EINVAL, rc = -EINVAL;
++ ap = (struct ata_port *) &scsidev->host->hostdata[0];
++ if (!ap)
++ goto out;
++ dev = ata_scsi_find_dev(ap, scsidev);
++ if (!dev) {
++ rc = -ENODEV;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ switch (cmd) {
++ case ATA_IOC_GET_IO32:
++ val = 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(arg, &val, 1))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return 0;
++ case ATA_IOC_SET_IO32:
++ val = (unsigned long) arg;
++ if (val != 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ return 0;
++ default:
++ rc = -ENOTTY;
++ break;
++ }
++ return rc;
+ /**
+ * ata_scsi_qc_new - acquire new ata_queued_cmd reference
+@@ -119,35 +154,161 @@ struct ata_queued_cmd *ata_scsi_qc_new(s
+ /**
+ * ata_to_sense_error - convert ATA error to SCSI error
+ * @qc: Command that we are erroring out
++ * @drv_stat: value contained in ATA status register
+ *
+- * Converts an ATA error into a SCSI error.
+- *
+- * Right now, this routine is laughably primitive. We
+- * don't even examine what ATA told us, we just look at
+- * the command data direction, and return a fatal SCSI
+- * sense error based on that.
++ * Converts an ATA error into a SCSI error. While we are at it
++ * we decode and dump the ATA error for the user so that they
++ * have some idea what really happened at the non make-believe
++ * layer.
+ *
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-void ata_to_sense_error(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++void ata_to_sense_error(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 drv_stat)
+ {
+ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = qc->scsicmd;
++ u8 err = 0;
++ unsigned char *sb = cmd->sense_buffer;
++ /* Based on the 3ware driver translation table */
++ static unsigned char sense_table[][4] = {
++ /* BBD|ECC|ID|MAR */
++ {0xd1, ABORTED_COMMAND, 0x00, 0x00}, // Device busy Aborted command
++ /* BBD|ECC|ID */
++ {0xd0, ABORTED_COMMAND, 0x00, 0x00}, // Device busy Aborted command
++ /* ECC|MC|MARK */
++ {0x61, HARDWARE_ERROR, 0x00, 0x00}, // Device fault Hardware error
++ /* ICRC|ABRT */ /* NB: ICRC & !ABRT is BBD */
++ {0x84, ABORTED_COMMAND, 0x47, 0x00}, // Data CRC error SCSI parity error
++ {0x37, NOT_READY, 0x04, 0x00}, // Unit offline Not ready
++ /* MCR|MARK */
++ {0x09, NOT_READY, 0x04, 0x00}, // Unrecovered disk error Not ready
++ /* Bad address mark */
++ {0x01, MEDIUM_ERROR, 0x13, 0x00}, // Address mark not found Address mark not found for data field
++ /* TRK0 */
++ {0x02, HARDWARE_ERROR, 0x00, 0x00}, // Track 0 not found Hardware error
++ /* Abort & !ICRC */
++ {0x04, ABORTED_COMMAND, 0x00, 0x00}, // Aborted command Aborted command
++ /* Media change request */
++ {0x08, NOT_READY, 0x04, 0x00}, // Media change request FIXME: faking offline
++ /* SRV */
++ {0x10, ABORTED_COMMAND, 0x14, 0x00}, // ID not found Recorded entity not found
++ /* Media change */
++ {0x08, NOT_READY, 0x04, 0x00}, // Media change FIXME: faking offline
++ /* ECC */
++ {0x40, MEDIUM_ERROR, 0x11, 0x04}, // Uncorrectable ECC error Unrecovered read error
++ /* BBD - block marked bad */
++ {0x80, MEDIUM_ERROR, 0x11, 0x04}, // Block marked bad Medium error, unrecovered read error
++ {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, // END mark
++ };
++ static unsigned char stat_table[][4] = {
++ /* Must be first because BUSY means no other bits valid */
++ {0x80, ABORTED_COMMAND, 0x47, 0x00}, // Busy, fake parity for now
++ {0x20, HARDWARE_ERROR, 0x00, 0x00}, // Device fault
++ {0x08, ABORTED_COMMAND, 0x47, 0x00}, // Timed out in xfer, fake parity for now
++ {0x04, RECOVERED_ERROR, 0x11, 0x00}, // Recovered ECC error Medium error, recovered
++ {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, // END mark
++ };
++ int i = 0;
+- cmd->sense_buffer[0] = 0x70;
+- cmd->sense_buffer[2] = MEDIUM_ERROR;
+- cmd->sense_buffer[7] = 14 - 8; /* addnl. sense len. FIXME: correct? */
++ /*
++ * Is this an error we can process/parse
++ */
++ if(drv_stat & ATA_ERR)
++ /* Read the err bits */
++ err = ata_chk_err(qc->ap);
++ /* Display the ATA level error info */
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: status=0x%02x { ", qc->ap->id, drv_stat);
++ if(drv_stat & 0x80)
++ {
++ printk("Busy ");
++ err = 0; /* Data is not valid in this case */
++ }
++ else {
++ if(drv_stat & 0x40) printk("DriveReady ");
++ if(drv_stat & 0x20) printk("DeviceFault ");
++ if(drv_stat & 0x10) printk("SeekComplete ");
++ if(drv_stat & 0x08) printk("DataRequest ");
++ if(drv_stat & 0x04) printk("CorrectedError ");
++ if(drv_stat & 0x02) printk("Index ");
++ if(drv_stat & 0x01) printk("Error ");
++ }
++ printk("}\n");
++ if(err)
++ {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: error=0x%02x { ", qc->ap->id, err);
++ if(err & 0x04) printk("DriveStatusError ");
++ if(err & 0x80)
++ {
++ if(err & 0x04)
++ printk("BadCRC ");
++ else
++ printk("Sector ");
++ }
++ if(err & 0x40) printk("UncorrectableError ");
++ if(err & 0x10) printk("SectorIdNotFound ");
++ if(err & 0x02) printk("TrackZeroNotFound ");
++ if(err & 0x01) printk("AddrMarkNotFound ");
++ printk("}\n");
++ /* Should we dump sector info here too ?? */
++ }
++ /* Look for err */
++ while(sense_table[i][0] != 0xFF)
++ {
++ /* Look for best matches first */
++ if((sense_table[i][0] & err) == sense_table[i][0])
++ {
++ sb[0] = 0x70;
++ sb[2] = sense_table[i][1];
++ sb[7] = 0x0a;
++ sb[12] = sense_table[i][2];
++ sb[13] = sense_table[i][3];
++ return;
++ }
++ i++;
++ }
++ /* No immediate match */
++ if(err)
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ata%u: no sense translation for 0x%02x\n", qc->ap->id, err);
++ i = 0;
++ /* Fall back to interpreting status bits */
++ while(stat_table[i][0] != 0xFF)
++ {
++ if(stat_table[i][0] & drv_stat)
++ {
++ sb[0] = 0x70;
++ sb[2] = stat_table[i][1];
++ sb[7] = 0x0a;
++ sb[12] = stat_table[i][2];
++ sb[13] = stat_table[i][3];
++ return;
++ }
++ i++;
++ }
++ /* No error ?? */
++ printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: called with no error (%02X)!\n", qc->ap->id, drv_stat);
+ /* additional-sense-code[-qualifier] */
+- if (cmd->sc_data_direction == SCSI_DATA_READ) {
+- cmd->sense_buffer[12] = 0x11; /* "unrecovered read error" */
+- cmd->sense_buffer[13] = 0x04;
++ sb[0] = 0x70;
++ sb[2] = MEDIUM_ERROR;
++ sb[7] = 0x0A;
++ if (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE) {
++ sb[12] = 0x11; /* "unrecovered read error" */
++ sb[13] = 0x04;
+ } else {
+- cmd->sense_buffer[12] = 0x0C; /* "write error - */
+- cmd->sense_buffer[13] = 0x02; /* auto-reallocation failed" */
++ sb[12] = 0x0C; /* "write error - */
++ sb[13] = 0x02; /* auto-reallocation failed" */
+ }
+ }
+@@ -184,7 +345,10 @@ int ata_scsi_slave_config(struct scsi_de
+ */
+ if ((dev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_LBA48) &&
+ ((dev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_LOCK_SECTORS) == 0)) {
+- sdev->host->max_sectors = 2048;
++ /*
++ * do not overwrite sdev->host->max_sectors, since
++ * other drives on this host may not support LBA48
++ */
+ blk_queue_max_sectors(sdev->request_queue, 2048);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -214,11 +378,140 @@ int ata_scsi_error(struct Scsi_Host *hos
+ ap = (struct ata_port *) &host->hostdata[0];
+ ap->ops->eng_timeout(ap);
++ /* TODO: this is per-command; when queueing is supported
++ * this code will either change or move to a more
++ * appropriate place
++ */
++ host->host_failed--;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
++ * ata_scsi_flush_xlat - Translate SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command
++ * @qc: Storage for translated ATA taskfile
++ * @scsicmd: SCSI command to translate (ignored)
++ *
++ * Sets up an ATA taskfile to issue FLUSH CACHE or
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ *
++ * Zero on success, non-zero on error.
++ */
++static unsigned int ata_scsi_flush_xlat(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 *scsicmd)
++ struct ata_taskfile *tf = &qc->tf;
++ tf->flags |= ATA_TFLAG_DEVICE;
++ tf->protocol = ATA_PROT_NODATA;
++ if ((tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48) &&
++ (ata_id_has_flush_ext(qc->dev->id)))
++ tf->command = ATA_CMD_FLUSH_EXT;
++ else
++ tf->command = ATA_CMD_FLUSH;
++ return 0;
++ * ata_scsi_verify_xlat - Translate SCSI VERIFY command into an ATA one
++ * @qc: Storage for translated ATA taskfile
++ * @scsicmd: SCSI command to translate
++ *
++ * Converts SCSI VERIFY command to an ATA READ VERIFY command.
++ *
++ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
++ *
++ * Zero on success, non-zero on error.
++ */
++static unsigned int ata_scsi_verify_xlat(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 *scsicmd)
++ struct ata_taskfile *tf = &qc->tf;
++ unsigned int lba48 = tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48;
++ u64 dev_sectors = qc->dev->n_sectors;
++ u64 sect = 0;
++ u32 n_sect = 0;
++ tf->protocol = ATA_PROT_NODATA;
++ tf->device |= ATA_LBA;
++ if (scsicmd[0] == VERIFY) {
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[2]) << 24;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[3]) << 16;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[4]) << 8;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[5]);
++ n_sect |= ((u32)scsicmd[7]) << 8;
++ n_sect |= ((u32)scsicmd[8]);
++ }
++ else if (scsicmd[0] == VERIFY_16) {
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[2]) << 56;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[3]) << 48;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[4]) << 40;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[5]) << 32;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[6]) << 24;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[7]) << 16;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[8]) << 8;
++ sect |= ((u64)scsicmd[9]);
++ n_sect |= ((u32)scsicmd[10]) << 24;
++ n_sect |= ((u32)scsicmd[11]) << 16;
++ n_sect |= ((u32)scsicmd[12]) << 8;
++ n_sect |= ((u32)scsicmd[13]);
++ }
++ else
++ return 1;
++ if (!n_sect)
++ return 1;
++ if (sect >= dev_sectors)
++ return 1;
++ if ((sect + n_sect) > dev_sectors)
++ return 1;
++ if (lba48) {
++ if (n_sect > (64 * 1024))
++ return 1;
++ } else {
++ if (n_sect > 256)
++ return 1;
++ }
++ if (lba48) {
++ tf->command = ATA_CMD_VERIFY_EXT;
++ tf->hob_nsect = (n_sect >> 8) & 0xff;
++ tf->hob_lbah = (sect >> 40) & 0xff;
++ tf->hob_lbam = (sect >> 32) & 0xff;
++ tf->hob_lbal = (sect >> 24) & 0xff;
++ } else {
++ tf->command = ATA_CMD_VERIFY;
++ tf->device |= (sect >> 24) & 0xf;
++ }
++ tf->nsect = n_sect & 0xff;
++ tf->lbah = (sect >> 16) & 0xff;
++ tf->lbam = (sect >> 8) & 0xff;
++ tf->lbal = sect & 0xff;
++ return 0;
+ * ata_scsi_rw_xlat - Translate SCSI r/w command into an ATA one
+ * @qc: Storage for translated ATA taskfile
+ * @scsicmd: SCSI command to translate
+@@ -244,10 +537,6 @@ static unsigned int ata_scsi_rw_xlat(str
+ unsigned int lba48 = tf->flags & ATA_TFLAG_LBA48;
+- tf->hob_nsect = 0;
+- tf->hob_lbal = 0;
+- tf->hob_lbam = 0;
+- tf->hob_lbah = 0;
+ tf->protocol = qc->dev->xfer_protocol;
+ tf->device |= ATA_LBA;
+@@ -317,7 +606,7 @@ static unsigned int ata_scsi_rw_xlat(str
+ return 1;
+ /* stores LBA27:24 in lower 4 bits of device reg */
+- tf->device |= scsicmd[2];
++ tf->device |= scsicmd[6];
+ qc->nsect = scsicmd[13];
+ }
+@@ -339,14 +628,10 @@ static int ata_scsi_qc_complete(struct a
+ {
+ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = qc->scsicmd;
+- if (unlikely(drv_stat & (ATA_ERR | ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ))) {
+- if (is_atapi_taskfile(&qc->tf))
+- cmd->result = SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
+- else
+- ata_to_sense_error(qc);
+- } else {
++ if (unlikely(drv_stat & (ATA_ERR | ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ)))
++ ata_to_sense_error(qc, drv_stat);
++ else
+ cmd->result = SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+- }
+ qc->scsidone(cmd);
+@@ -387,8 +672,8 @@ static void ata_scsi_translate(struct at
+ return;
+ /* data is present; dma-map it */
+- if (cmd->sc_data_direction == SCSI_DATA_READ ||
+- cmd->sc_data_direction == SCSI_DATA_WRITE) {
++ if (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE ||
++ cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
+ if (unlikely(cmd->request_bufflen < 1)) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u(%u): WARNING: zero len r/w req\n",
+ ap->id, dev->devno);
+@@ -401,7 +686,7 @@ static void ata_scsi_translate(struct at
+ ata_sg_init_one(qc, cmd->request_buffer,
+ cmd->request_bufflen);
+- qc->pci_dma_dir = scsi_to_pci_dma_dir(cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ qc->dma_dir = cmd->sc_data_direction;
+ }
+ qc->complete_fn = ata_scsi_qc_complete;
+@@ -417,6 +702,7 @@ static void ata_scsi_translate(struct at
+ return;
+ err_out:
++ ata_qc_free(qc);
+ ata_bad_cdb(cmd, done);
+ DPRINTK("EXIT - badcmd\n");
+ }
+@@ -451,7 +737,6 @@ static unsigned int ata_scsi_rbuf_get(st
+ buflen = cmd->request_bufflen;
+ }
+- memset(buf, 0, buflen);
+ *buf_out = buf;
+ return buflen;
+ }
+@@ -459,6 +744,7 @@ static unsigned int ata_scsi_rbuf_get(st
+ /**
+ * ata_scsi_rbuf_put - Unmap response buffer.
+ * @cmd: SCSI command containing buffer to be unmapped.
++ * @buf: buffer to unmap
+ *
+ * Unmaps response buffer contained within @cmd.
+ *
+@@ -466,19 +752,19 @@ static unsigned int ata_scsi_rbuf_get(st
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-static inline void ata_scsi_rbuf_put(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++static inline void ata_scsi_rbuf_put(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, u8 *buf)
+ {
+ if (cmd->use_sg) {
+ struct scatterlist *sg;
+ sg = (struct scatterlist *) cmd->request_buffer;
+- kunmap_atomic(sg->page, KM_USER0);
++ kunmap_atomic(buf - sg->offset, KM_USER0);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * ata_scsi_rbuf_fill - wrapper for SCSI command simulators
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @actor: Callback hook for desired SCSI command simulator
+ *
+ * Takes care of the hard work of simulating a SCSI command...
+@@ -500,8 +786,9 @@ void ata_scsi_rbuf_fill(struct ata_scsi_
+ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = args->cmd;
+ buflen = ata_scsi_rbuf_get(cmd, &rbuf);
++ memset(rbuf, 0, buflen);
+ rc = actor(args, rbuf, buflen);
+- ata_scsi_rbuf_put(cmd);
++ ata_scsi_rbuf_put(cmd, rbuf);
+ if (rc)
+ ata_bad_cdb(cmd, args->done);
+@@ -513,7 +800,7 @@ void ata_scsi_rbuf_fill(struct ata_scsi_
+ /**
+ * ata_scsiop_inq_std - Simulate INQUIRY command
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -527,28 +814,26 @@ void ata_scsi_rbuf_fill(struct ata_scsi_
+ unsigned int ata_scsiop_inq_std(struct ata_scsi_args *args, u8 *rbuf,
+ unsigned int buflen)
+ {
+- struct ata_device *dev = args->dev;
+ u8 hdr[] = {
+ 0,
+ 0x5, /* claim SPC-3 version compatibility */
+ 2,
+- 96 - 4
++ 95 - 4
+ };
+ /* set scsi removeable (RMB) bit per ata bit */
+- if (ata_id_removeable(dev))
++ if (ata_id_removeable(args->id))
+ hdr[1] |= (1 << 7);
+ memcpy(rbuf, hdr, sizeof(hdr));
+- if (buflen > 36) {
++ if (buflen > 35) {
+ memcpy(&rbuf[8], "ATA ", 8);
+- ata_dev_id_string(dev, &rbuf[16], ATA_ID_PROD_OFS, 16);
+- ata_dev_id_string(dev, &rbuf[32], ATA_ID_FW_REV_OFS, 4);
++ ata_dev_id_string(args->id, &rbuf[16], ATA_ID_PROD_OFS, 16);
++ ata_dev_id_string(args->id, &rbuf[32], ATA_ID_FW_REV_OFS, 4);
+ if (rbuf[32] == 0 || rbuf[32] == ' ')
+ memcpy(&rbuf[32], "n/a ", 4);
+ }
+@@ -572,7 +857,7 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_inq_std(struct a
+ /**
+ * ata_scsiop_inq_00 - Simulate INQUIRY EVPD page 0, list of pages
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -600,7 +885,7 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_inq_00(struct at
+ /**
+ * ata_scsiop_inq_80 - Simulate INQUIRY EVPD page 80, device serial number
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -621,8 +906,8 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_inq_80(struct at
+ };
+ memcpy(rbuf, hdr, sizeof(hdr));
+- if (buflen > (ATA_SERNO_LEN + 4))
+- ata_dev_id_string(args->dev, (unsigned char *) &rbuf[4],
++ if (buflen > (ATA_SERNO_LEN + 4 - 1))
++ ata_dev_id_string(args->id, (unsigned char *) &rbuf[4],
+ return 0;
+@@ -632,7 +917,7 @@ static const char *inq_83_str = "Linux A
+ /**
+ * ata_scsiop_inq_83 - Simulate INQUIRY EVPD page 83, device identity
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -650,7 +935,7 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_inq_83(struct at
+ rbuf[3] = 4 + strlen(inq_83_str); /* page len */
+ /* our one and only identification descriptor (vendor-specific) */
+- if (buflen > (strlen(inq_83_str) + 4 + 4)) {
++ if (buflen > (strlen(inq_83_str) + 4 + 4 - 1)) {
+ rbuf[4 + 0] = 2; /* code set: ASCII */
+ rbuf[4 + 3] = strlen(inq_83_str);
+ memcpy(rbuf + 4 + 4, inq_83_str, strlen(inq_83_str));
+@@ -660,8 +945,8 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_inq_83(struct at
+ }
+ /**
+- * ata_scsiop_noop -
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * ata_scsiop_noop - Command handler that simply returns success.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -709,7 +994,7 @@ static void ata_msense_push(u8 **ptr_io,
+ /**
+ * ata_msense_caching - Simulate MODE SENSE caching info page
+- * @dev: Device associated with this MODE SENSE command
++ * @id: device IDENTIFY data
+ * @ptr_io: (input/output) Location to store more output data
+ * @last: End of output data buffer
+ *
+@@ -721,7 +1006,7 @@ static void ata_msense_push(u8 **ptr_io,
+ * None.
+ */
+-static unsigned int ata_msense_caching(struct ata_device *dev, u8 **ptr_io,
++static unsigned int ata_msense_caching(u16 *id, u8 **ptr_io,
+ const u8 *last)
+ {
+ u8 page[] = {
+@@ -731,9 +1016,9 @@ static unsigned int ata_msense_caching(s
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* 8 zeroes */
+ };
+- if (ata_id_wcache_enabled(dev))
++ if (ata_id_wcache_enabled(id))
+ page[2] |= (1 << 2); /* write cache enable */
+- if (!ata_id_rahead_enabled(dev))
++ if (!ata_id_rahead_enabled(id))
+ page[12] |= (1 << 5); /* disable read ahead */
+ ata_msense_push(ptr_io, last, page, sizeof(page));
+@@ -754,7 +1039,12 @@ static unsigned int ata_msense_caching(s
+ static unsigned int ata_msense_ctl_mode(u8 **ptr_io, const u8 *last)
+ {
+- const u8 page[] = {0xa, 0xa, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 30};
++ const u8 page[] = {0xa, 0xa, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 30};
++ /* byte 2: set the descriptor format sense data bit (bit 2)
++ * since we need to support returning this format for SAT
++ * commands and any SCSI commands against a 48b LBA device.
++ */
+ ata_msense_push(ptr_io, last, page, sizeof(page));
+ return sizeof(page);
+@@ -787,7 +1077,7 @@ static unsigned int ata_msense_rw_recove
+ /**
+ * ata_scsiop_mode_sense - Simulate MODE SENSE 6, 10 commands
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -801,7 +1091,6 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_mode_sense(struc
+ unsigned int buflen)
+ {
+ u8 *scsicmd = args->cmd->cmnd, *p, *last;
+- struct ata_device *dev = args->dev;
+ unsigned int page_control, six_byte, output_len;
+@@ -829,7 +1118,7 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_mode_sense(struc
+ break;
+ case 0x08: /* caching */
+- output_len += ata_msense_caching(dev, &p, last);
++ output_len += ata_msense_caching(args->id, &p, last);
+ break;
+ case 0x0a: { /* control mode */
+@@ -839,7 +1128,7 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_mode_sense(struc
+ case 0x3f: /* all pages */
+ output_len += ata_msense_rw_recovery(&p, last);
+- output_len += ata_msense_caching(dev, &p, last);
++ output_len += ata_msense_caching(args->id, &p, last);
+ output_len += ata_msense_ctl_mode(&p, last);
+ break;
+@@ -861,7 +1150,7 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_mode_sense(struc
+ /**
+ * ata_scsiop_read_cap - Simulate READ CAPACITY[ 16] commands
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -874,15 +1163,23 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_mode_sense(struc
+ unsigned int ata_scsiop_read_cap(struct ata_scsi_args *args, u8 *rbuf,
+ unsigned int buflen)
+ {
+- u64 n_sectors = args->dev->n_sectors;
++ u64 n_sectors;
+ u32 tmp;
++ if (ata_id_has_lba48(args->id))
++ n_sectors = ata_id_u64(args->id, 100);
++ else
++ n_sectors = ata_id_u32(args->id, 60);
+ n_sectors--; /* ATA TotalUserSectors - 1 */
+- tmp = n_sectors; /* note: truncates, if lba48 */
+ if (args->cmd->cmnd[0] == READ_CAPACITY) {
++ if( n_sectors >= 0xffffffffULL )
++ tmp = 0xffffffff ; /* Return max count on overflow */
++ else
++ tmp = n_sectors ;
+ /* sector count, 32-bit */
+ rbuf[0] = tmp >> (8 * 3);
+ rbuf[1] = tmp >> (8 * 2);
+@@ -896,10 +1193,12 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_read_cap(struct
+ } else {
+ /* sector count, 64-bit */
+- rbuf[2] = n_sectors >> (8 * 7);
+- rbuf[3] = n_sectors >> (8 * 6);
+- rbuf[4] = n_sectors >> (8 * 5);
+- rbuf[5] = n_sectors >> (8 * 4);
++ tmp = n_sectors >> (8 * 4);
++ rbuf[2] = tmp >> (8 * 3);
++ rbuf[3] = tmp >> (8 * 2);
++ rbuf[4] = tmp >> (8 * 1);
++ rbuf[5] = tmp;
++ tmp = n_sectors;
+ rbuf[6] = tmp >> (8 * 3);
+ rbuf[7] = tmp >> (8 * 2);
+ rbuf[8] = tmp >> (8 * 1);
+@@ -916,7 +1215,7 @@ unsigned int ata_scsiop_read_cap(struct
+ /**
+ * ata_scsiop_report_luns - Simulate REPORT LUNS command
+- * @args: Port / device / SCSI command of interest.
++ * @args: device IDENTIFY data / SCSI command of interest.
+ * @rbuf: Response buffer, to which simulated SCSI cmd output is sent.
+ * @buflen: Response buffer length.
+ *
+@@ -964,6 +1263,37 @@ void ata_scsi_badcmd(struct scsi_cmnd *c
+ done(cmd);
+ }
++static int atapi_qc_complete(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 drv_stat)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = qc->scsicmd;
++ if (unlikely(drv_stat & (ATA_ERR | ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ))) {
++ DPRINTK("request check condition\n");
++ cmd->result = SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
++ qc->scsidone(cmd);
++ return 1;
++ } else {
++ u8 *scsicmd = cmd->cmnd;
++ if (scsicmd[0] == INQUIRY) {
++ u8 *buf = NULL;
++ unsigned int buflen;
++ buflen = ata_scsi_rbuf_get(cmd, &buf);
++ buf[2] = 0x5;
++ buf[3] = (buf[3] & 0xf0) | 2;
++ ata_scsi_rbuf_put(cmd, buf);
++ }
++ cmd->result = SAM_STAT_GOOD;
++ }
++ qc->scsidone(cmd);
++ return 0;
+ /**
+ * atapi_xlat - Initialize PACKET taskfile
+ * @qc: command structure to be initialized
+@@ -979,45 +1309,58 @@ void ata_scsi_badcmd(struct scsi_cmnd *c
+ static unsigned int atapi_xlat(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 *scsicmd)
+ {
+ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = qc->scsicmd;
++ struct ata_device *dev = qc->dev;
++ int using_pio = (dev->flags & ATA_DFLAG_PIO);
++ int nodata = (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_NONE);
++ if (!using_pio)
++ /* Check whether ATAPI DMA is safe */
++ if (ata_check_atapi_dma(qc))
++ using_pio = 1;
++ memcpy(&qc->cdb, scsicmd, qc->ap->cdb_len);
++ qc->complete_fn = atapi_qc_complete;
+- if (cmd->sc_data_direction == SCSI_DATA_WRITE) {
++ if (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
+ qc->tf.flags |= ATA_TFLAG_WRITE;
+ DPRINTK("direction: write\n");
+ }
+ qc->tf.command = ATA_CMD_PACKET;
+- /* no data - interrupt-driven */
+- if (cmd->sc_data_direction == SCSI_DATA_NONE)
+- qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_ATAPI;
+- /* PIO data xfer - polling */
+- else if ((qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_DMA) == 0) {
+- ata_qc_set_polling(qc);
+- qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_ATAPI;
++ /* no data, or PIO data xfer */
++ if (using_pio || nodata) {
++ if (nodata)
++ qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_ATAPI_NODATA;
++ else
++ qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_ATAPI;
+ qc->tf.lbam = (8 * 1024) & 0xff;
+ qc->tf.lbah = (8 * 1024) >> 8;
++ }
+- /* DMA data xfer - interrupt-driven */
+- } else {
++ /* DMA data xfer */
++ else {
+ qc->tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_ATAPI_DMA;
+ qc->tf.feature |= ATAPI_PKT_DMA;
+ /* some SATA bridges need us to indicate data xfer direction */
+- if (cmd->sc_data_direction != SCSI_DATA_WRITE)
++ if (cmd->sc_data_direction != DMA_TO_DEVICE)
+ qc->tf.feature |= ATAPI_DMADIR;
+ #endif
+ }
++ qc->nbytes = cmd->bufflen;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * ata_scsi_find_dev - lookup ata_device from scsi_cmnd
+ * @ap: ATA port to which the device is attached
+- * @cmd: SCSI command to be sent to the device
++ * @scsidev: SCSI device from which we derive the ATA device
+ *
+ * Given various information provided in struct scsi_cmnd,
+ * map that onto an ATA bus, and using that mapping
+@@ -1031,19 +1374,19 @@ static unsigned int atapi_xlat(struct at
+ * Associated ATA device, or %NULL if not found.
+ */
+-static inline struct ata_device *
+-ata_scsi_find_dev(struct ata_port *ap, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++struct ata_device *
++ata_scsi_find_dev(struct ata_port *ap, struct scsi_device *scsidev)
+ {
+ struct ata_device *dev;
+ /* skip commands not addressed to targets we simulate */
+- if (likely(cmd->device->id < ATA_MAX_DEVICES))
+- dev = &ap->device[cmd->device->id];
++ if (likely(scsidev->id < ATA_MAX_DEVICES))
++ dev = &ap->device[scsidev->id];
+ else
+ return NULL;
+- if (unlikely((cmd->device->channel != 0) ||
+- (cmd->device->lun != 0)))
++ if (unlikely((scsidev->channel != 0) ||
++ (scsidev->lun != 0)))
+ return NULL;
+ if (unlikely(!ata_dev_present(dev)))
+@@ -1059,6 +1402,7 @@ ata_scsi_find_dev(struct ata_port *ap, s
+ /**
+ * ata_get_xlat_func - check if SCSI to ATA translation is possible
++ * @dev: ATA device
+ * @cmd: SCSI command opcode to consider
+ *
+ * Look up the SCSI command given, and determine whether the
+@@ -1068,7 +1412,7 @@ ata_scsi_find_dev(struct ata_port *ap, s
+ * Pointer to translation function if possible, %NULL if not.
+ */
+-static inline ata_xlat_func_t ata_get_xlat_func(u8 cmd)
++static inline ata_xlat_func_t ata_get_xlat_func(struct ata_device *dev, u8 cmd)
+ {
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case READ_6:
+@@ -1079,6 +1423,15 @@ static inline ata_xlat_func_t ata_get_xl
+ case WRITE_10:
+ case WRITE_16:
+ return ata_scsi_rw_xlat;
++ if (ata_try_flush_cache(dev))
++ return ata_scsi_flush_xlat;
++ break;
++ case VERIFY:
++ case VERIFY_16:
++ return ata_scsi_verify_xlat;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+@@ -1096,11 +1449,12 @@ static inline void ata_scsi_dump_cdb(str
+ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
+ {
+ #ifdef ATA_DEBUG
++ struct scsi_device *scsidev = cmd->device;
+ u8 *scsicmd = cmd->cmnd;
+ DPRINTK("CDB (%u:%d,%d,%d) %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
+ ap->id,
+- cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun,
++ scsidev->channel, scsidev->id, scsidev->lun,
+ scsicmd[0], scsicmd[1], scsicmd[2], scsicmd[3],
+ scsicmd[4], scsicmd[5], scsicmd[6], scsicmd[7],
+ scsicmd[8]);
+@@ -1130,12 +1484,13 @@ int ata_scsi_queuecmd(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ {
+ struct ata_port *ap;
+ struct ata_device *dev;
++ struct scsi_device *scsidev = cmd->device;
+- ap = (struct ata_port *) &cmd->device->host->hostdata[0];
++ ap = (struct ata_port *) &scsidev->host->hostdata[0];
+ ata_scsi_dump_cdb(ap, cmd);
+- dev = ata_scsi_find_dev(ap, cmd);
++ dev = ata_scsi_find_dev(ap, scsidev);
+ if (unlikely(!dev)) {
+ cmd->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16);
+ done(cmd);
+@@ -1143,12 +1498,13 @@ int ata_scsi_queuecmd(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ }
+ if (dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATA) {
+- ata_xlat_func_t xlat_func = ata_get_xlat_func(cmd->cmnd[0]);
++ ata_xlat_func_t xlat_func = ata_get_xlat_func(dev,
++ cmd->cmnd[0]);
+ if (xlat_func)
+ ata_scsi_translate(ap, dev, cmd, done, xlat_func);
+ else
+- ata_scsi_simulate(ap, dev, cmd, done);
++ ata_scsi_simulate(dev->id, cmd, done);
+ } else
+ ata_scsi_translate(ap, dev, cmd, done, atapi_xlat);
+@@ -1158,8 +1514,7 @@ out_unlock:
+ /**
+ * ata_scsi_simulate - simulate SCSI command on ATA device
+- * @ap: Port to which ATA device is attached.
+- * @dev: Target device for CDB.
++ * @id: current IDENTIFY data for target device.
+ * @cmd: SCSI command being sent to device.
+ * @done: SCSI command completion function.
+ *
+@@ -1170,21 +1525,20 @@ out_unlock:
+ * spin_lock_irqsave(host_set lock)
+ */
+-static void ata_scsi_simulate(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev,
+- struct scsi_cmnd *cmd,
+- void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *))
++void ata_scsi_simulate(u16 *id,
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd,
++ void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *))
+ {
+ struct ata_scsi_args args;
+ u8 *scsicmd = cmd->cmnd;
+- args.ap = ap;
+- = dev;
++ = id;
+ args.cmd = cmd;
+ args.done = done;
+ switch(scsicmd[0]) {
+ /* no-op's, complete with success */
+- case SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE: /* FIXME: temporary */
+ case SEEK_6:
+ case SEEK_10:
+--- ./include/linux/libata.h.libata 2005-09-26 13:31:45.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/linux/libata.h 2005-10-26 14:55:17.007915184 +0400
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include <linux/delay.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <linux/ata.h>
+ #include <linux/workqueue.h>
+@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@
+ /*
+ * compile-time options
+ */
+-#undef ATA_FORCE_PIO /* do not configure or use DMA */
+ #undef ATA_DEBUG /* debugging output */
+ #undef ATA_VERBOSE_DEBUG /* yet more debugging output */
+ #undef ATA_IRQ_TRAP /* define to ack screaming irqs */
+@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@
+ /* defines only for the constants which don't work well as enums */
+ #define ATA_TAG_POISON 0xfafbfcfdU
++/* move to PCI layer? */
++static inline struct device *pci_dev_to_dev(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ return &pdev->dev;
+ enum {
+ /* various global constants */
+@@ -88,10 +94,7 @@ enum {
+ /* struct ata_device stuff */
+ ATA_DFLAG_LBA48 = (1 << 0), /* device supports LBA48 */
+ ATA_DFLAG_PIO = (1 << 1), /* device currently in PIO mode */
+- ATA_DFLAG_MASTER = (1 << 2), /* is device 0? */
+- ATA_DFLAG_WCACHE = (1 << 3), /* has write cache we can
+- * (hopefully) flush? */
+- ATA_DFLAG_LOCK_SECTORS = (1 << 4), /* don't adjust max_sectors */
++ ATA_DFLAG_LOCK_SECTORS = (1 << 2), /* don't adjust max_sectors */
+ ATA_DEV_UNKNOWN = 0, /* unknown device */
+ ATA_DEV_ATA = 1, /* ATA device */
+@@ -109,9 +112,9 @@ enum {
+ ATA_FLAG_SRST = (1 << 5), /* use ATA SRST, not E.D.D. */
+ ATA_FLAG_MMIO = (1 << 6), /* use MMIO, not PIO */
+ ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET = (1 << 7), /* use COMRESET */
++ ATA_FLAG_PIO_DMA = (1 << 8), /* PIO cmds via DMA */
+ ATA_QCFLAG_ACTIVE = (1 << 1), /* cmd not yet ack'd to scsi lyer */
+- ATA_QCFLAG_DMA = (1 << 2), /* data delivered via DMA */
+ ATA_QCFLAG_SG = (1 << 3), /* have s/g table? */
+ ATA_QCFLAG_SINGLE = (1 << 4), /* no s/g, just a single buffer */
+@@ -140,6 +143,13 @@ enum {
++ /* encoding various smaller bitmaps into a single
++ * unsigned long bitmap
++ */
++ ATA_SHIFT_PIO = 11,
+ };
+ enum pio_task_states {
+@@ -182,26 +192,28 @@ struct ata_ioports {
+ struct ata_probe_ent {
+ struct list_head node;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev;
++ struct device *dev;
+ struct ata_port_operations *port_ops;
+ Scsi_Host_Template *sht;
+ struct ata_ioports port[ATA_MAX_PORTS];
+ unsigned int n_ports;
++ unsigned int hard_port_no;
+ unsigned int pio_mask;
++ unsigned int mwdma_mask;
+ unsigned int udma_mask;
+ unsigned int legacy_mode;
+ unsigned long irq;
+ unsigned int irq_flags;
+ unsigned long host_flags;
+- void *mmio_base;
++ void __iomem *mmio_base;
+ void *private_data;
+ };
+ struct ata_host_set {
+ spinlock_t lock;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev;
++ struct device *dev;
+ unsigned long irq;
+- void *mmio_base;
++ void __iomem *mmio_base;
+ unsigned int n_ports;
+ void *private_data;
+ struct ata_port_operations *ops;
+@@ -215,18 +227,24 @@ struct ata_queued_cmd {
+ struct scsi_cmnd *scsicmd;
+ void (*scsidone)(struct scsi_cmnd *);
++ struct ata_taskfile tf;
++ u8 cdb[ATAPI_CDB_LEN];
+ unsigned long flags; /* ATA_QCFLAG_xxx */
+ unsigned int tag;
+ unsigned int n_elem;
+- int pci_dma_dir;
++ int dma_dir;
+ unsigned int nsect;
+ unsigned int cursect;
++ unsigned int nbytes;
++ unsigned int curbytes;
+ unsigned int cursg;
+ unsigned int cursg_ofs;
+- struct ata_taskfile tf;
+ struct scatterlist sgent;
+ void *buf_virt;
+@@ -251,8 +269,10 @@ struct ata_device {
+ unsigned int class; /* ATA_DEV_xxx */
+ unsigned int devno; /* 0 or 1 */
+ u16 id[ATA_ID_WORDS]; /* IDENTIFY xxx DEVICE data */
+- unsigned int pio_mode;
+- unsigned int udma_mode;
++ u8 pio_mode;
++ u8 dma_mode;
++ u8 xfer_mode;
++ unsigned int xfer_shift; /* ATA_SHIFT_xxx */
+ /* cache info about current transfer mode */
+ u8 xfer_protocol; /* taskfile xfer protocol */
+@@ -266,6 +286,7 @@ struct ata_port {
+ unsigned long flags; /* ATA_FLAG_xxx */
+ unsigned int id; /* unique id req'd by scsi midlyr */
+ unsigned int port_no; /* unique port #; from zero */
++ unsigned int hard_port_no; /* hardware port #; from zero */
+ struct ata_prd *prd; /* our SG list */
+ dma_addr_t prd_dma; /* and its DMA mapping */
+@@ -277,8 +298,10 @@ struct ata_port {
+ unsigned int bus_state;
+ unsigned int port_state;
+ unsigned int pio_mask;
++ unsigned int mwdma_mask;
+ unsigned int udma_mask;
+ unsigned int cbl; /* cable type; ATA_CBL_xxx */
++ unsigned int cdb_len;
+ struct ata_device device[ATA_MAX_DEVICES];
+@@ -303,20 +326,23 @@ struct ata_port_operations {
+ void (*dev_config) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *);
+- void (*set_piomode) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *,
+- unsigned int);
+- void (*set_udmamode) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *,
+- unsigned int);
++ void (*set_piomode) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *);
++ void (*set_dmamode) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *);
+ void (*tf_load) (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ void (*tf_read) (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ void (*exec_command)(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ u8 (*check_status)(struct ata_port *ap);
++ u8 (*check_altstatus)(struct ata_port *ap);
++ u8 (*check_err)(struct ata_port *ap);
++ void (*dev_select)(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
+ void (*phy_reset) (struct ata_port *ap);
+ void (*post_set_mode) (struct ata_port *ap);
++ int (*check_atapi_dma) (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ void (*bmdma_setup) (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ void (*bmdma_start) (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+@@ -336,33 +362,35 @@ struct ata_port_operations {
+ void (*port_stop) (struct ata_port *ap);
+ void (*host_stop) (struct ata_host_set *host_set);
++ void (*bmdma_stop) (struct ata_port *ap);
++ u8 (*bmdma_status) (struct ata_port *ap);
+ };
+ struct ata_port_info {
+ Scsi_Host_Template *sht;
+ unsigned long host_flags;
+ unsigned long pio_mask;
++ unsigned long mwdma_mask;
+ unsigned long udma_mask;
+ struct ata_port_operations *port_ops;
+ };
+-struct pci_bits {
+- unsigned int reg; /* PCI config register to read */
+- unsigned int width; /* 1 (8 bit), 2 (16 bit), 4 (32 bit) */
+- unsigned long mask;
+- unsigned long val;
+ extern void ata_port_probe(struct ata_port *);
++extern void __sata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap);
+ extern void sata_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap);
+ extern void ata_bus_reset(struct ata_port *ap);
+ extern void ata_port_disable(struct ata_port *);
+ extern void ata_std_ports(struct ata_ioports *ioaddr);
++#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+ extern int ata_pci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ata_port_info **port_info,
+ unsigned int n_ports);
+ extern void ata_pci_remove_one (struct pci_dev *pdev);
++#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
+ extern int ata_device_add(struct ata_probe_ent *ent);
+ extern int ata_scsi_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *sht);
++extern int ata_scsi_ioctl(struct scsi_device *dev, int cmd, void __user *arg);
+ extern int ata_scsi_queuecmd(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *));
+ extern int ata_scsi_error(struct Scsi_Host *host);
+ extern int ata_scsi_release(struct Scsi_Host *host);
+@@ -370,18 +398,19 @@ extern unsigned int ata_host_intr(struct
+ /*
+ * Default driver ops implementations
+ */
+-extern void ata_tf_load_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+-extern void ata_tf_load_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+-extern void ata_tf_read_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+-extern void ata_tf_read_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
++extern void ata_tf_load(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
++extern void ata_tf_read(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ extern void ata_tf_to_fis(struct ata_taskfile *tf, u8 *fis, u8 pmp);
+ extern void ata_tf_from_fis(u8 *fis, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+-extern u8 ata_check_status_pio(struct ata_port *ap);
+-extern u8 ata_check_status_mmio(struct ata_port *ap);
+-extern void ata_exec_command_pio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+-extern void ata_exec_command_mmio(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
++extern void ata_noop_dev_select (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
++extern void ata_std_dev_select (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
++extern u8 ata_check_status(struct ata_port *ap);
++extern u8 ata_altstatus(struct ata_port *ap);
++extern u8 ata_chk_err(struct ata_port *ap);
++extern void ata_exec_command(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
+ extern int ata_port_start (struct ata_port *ap);
+ extern void ata_port_stop (struct ata_port *ap);
++extern void ata_host_stop (struct ata_host_set *host_set);
+ extern irqreturn_t ata_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
+ extern void ata_qc_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+ extern int ata_qc_issue_prot(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+@@ -389,20 +418,41 @@ extern void ata_sg_init_one(struct ata_q
+ unsigned int buflen);
+ extern void ata_sg_init(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, struct scatterlist *sg,
+ unsigned int n_elem);
+-extern void ata_dev_id_string(struct ata_device *dev, unsigned char *s,
++extern unsigned int ata_dev_classify(struct ata_taskfile *tf);
++extern void ata_dev_id_string(u16 *id, unsigned char *s,
+ unsigned int ofs, unsigned int len);
+-extern void ata_bmdma_setup_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+-extern void ata_bmdma_start_mmio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+-extern void ata_bmdma_setup_pio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
+-extern void ata_bmdma_start_pio (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++extern void ata_dev_config(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int i);
++extern void ata_bmdma_setup (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++extern void ata_bmdma_start (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++extern void ata_bmdma_stop(struct ata_port *ap);
++extern u8 ata_bmdma_status(struct ata_port *ap);
+ extern void ata_bmdma_irq_clear(struct ata_port *ap);
+-extern int pci_test_config_bits(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct pci_bits *bits);
+ extern void ata_qc_complete(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc, u8 drv_stat);
+ extern void ata_eng_timeout(struct ata_port *ap);
++extern void ata_scsi_simulate(u16 *id, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd,
++ void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *));
+ extern int ata_std_bios_param(struct scsi_device *sdev,
+ struct block_device *bdev,
+ sector_t capacity, int geom[]);
+ extern int ata_scsi_slave_config(struct scsi_device *sdev);
++extern int ata_scsi_dump_sanity_check(struct scsi_device *sdev);
++extern int ata_scsi_dump_quiesce(struct scsi_device *sdev);
++extern void ata_scsi_dump_poll(struct scsi_device *sdev);
++#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
++struct pci_bits {
++ unsigned int reg; /* PCI config register to read */
++ unsigned int width; /* 1 (8 bit), 2 (16 bit), 4 (32 bit) */
++ unsigned long mask;
++ unsigned long val;
++extern struct ata_probe_ent *
++ata_pci_init_native_mode(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ata_port_info **port);
++extern int pci_test_config_bits(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct pci_bits *bits);
++#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
+ static inline unsigned int ata_tag_valid(unsigned int tag)
+@@ -416,25 +466,19 @@ static inline unsigned int ata_dev_prese
+ (dev->class == ATA_DEV_ATAPI));
+ }
+-static inline u8 ata_chk_err(struct ata_port *ap)
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- return readb((void *) ap->ioaddr.error_addr);
+- }
+- return inb(ap->ioaddr.error_addr);
+ static inline u8 ata_chk_status(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ return ap->ops->check_status(ap);
+ }
+-static inline u8 ata_altstatus(struct ata_port *ap)
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
+- return readb(ap->ioaddr.altstatus_addr);
+- return inb(ap->ioaddr.altstatus_addr);
++ * ata_pause - Flush writes and pause 400 nanoseconds.
++ * @ap: Port to wait for.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
+ static inline void ata_pause(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+@@ -442,6 +486,19 @@ static inline void ata_pause(struct ata_
+ ndelay(400);
+ }
++ * ata_busy_wait - Wait for a port status register
++ * @ap: Port to wait for.
++ *
++ * Waits up to max*10 microseconds for the selected bits in the port's
++ * status register to be cleared.
++ * Returns final value of status register.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
+ static inline u8 ata_busy_wait(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int bits,
+ unsigned int max)
+ {
+@@ -456,6 +513,18 @@ static inline u8 ata_busy_wait(struct at
+ return status;
+ }
++ * ata_wait_idle - Wait for a port to be idle.
++ * @ap: Port to wait for.
++ *
++ * Waits up to 10ms for port's BUSY and DRQ signals to clear.
++ * Returns final value of status register.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
+ static inline u8 ata_wait_idle(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ u8 status = ata_busy_wait(ap, ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ, 1000);
+@@ -472,7 +541,6 @@ static inline u8 ata_wait_idle(struct at
+ static inline void ata_qc_set_polling(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
+ {
+- qc->flags &= ~ATA_QCFLAG_DMA;
+ qc->tf.ctl |= ATA_NIEN;
+ }
+@@ -495,6 +563,18 @@ static inline void ata_tf_init(struct at
+ tf->device = ATA_DEVICE_OBS | ATA_DEV1;
+ }
++ * ata_irq_on - Enable interrupts on a port.
++ * @ap: Port on which interrupts are enabled.
++ *
++ * Enable interrupts on a legacy IDE device using MMIO or PIO,
++ * wait for idle, clear any pending interrupts.
++ *
++ * Inherited from caller.
++ */
+ static inline u8 ata_irq_on(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ struct ata_ioports *ioaddr = &ap->ioaddr;
+@@ -504,7 +584,7 @@ static inline u8 ata_irq_on(struct ata_p
+ ap->last_ctl = ap->ctl;
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO)
+- writeb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
++ writeb(ap->ctl, (void __iomem *) ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ else
+ outb(ap->ctl, ioaddr->ctl_addr);
+ tmp = ata_wait_idle(ap);
+@@ -514,6 +594,18 @@ static inline u8 ata_irq_on(struct ata_p
+ return tmp;
+ }
++ * ata_irq_ack - Acknowledge a device interrupt.
++ * @ap: Port on which interrupts are enabled.
++ *
++ * Wait up to 10 ms for legacy IDE device to become idle (BUSY
++ * or BUSY+DRQ clear). Obtain dma status and port status from
++ * device. Clear the interrupt. Return port status.
++ *
++ */
+ static inline u8 ata_irq_ack(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int chk_drq)
+ {
+ unsigned int bits = chk_drq ? ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ : ATA_BUSY;
+@@ -525,7 +617,7 @@ static inline u8 ata_irq_ack(struct ata_
+ /* get controller status; clear intr, err bits */
+ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
++ void __iomem *mmio = (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
+ host_stat = readb(mmio + ATA_DMA_STATUS);
+ writeb(host_stat | ATA_DMA_INTR | ATA_DMA_ERR,
+ mmio + ATA_DMA_STATUS);
+@@ -555,49 +647,23 @@ static inline void scr_write(struct ata_
+ ap->ops->scr_write(ap, reg, val);
+ }
+-static inline unsigned int sata_dev_present(struct ata_port *ap)
++static inline void scr_write_flush(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int reg,
++ u32 val)
+ {
+- return ((scr_read(ap, SCR_STATUS) & 0xf) == 0x3) ? 1 : 0;
+-static inline void ata_bmdma_stop(struct ata_port *ap)
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
+- /* clear start/stop bit */
+- writeb(readb(mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD) & ~ATA_DMA_START,
+- mmio + ATA_DMA_CMD);
+- } else {
+- /* clear start/stop bit */
+- outb(inb(ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_CMD) & ~ATA_DMA_START,
+- ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_CMD);
+- }
+- /* one-PIO-cycle guaranteed wait, per spec, for HDMA1:0 transition */
+- ata_altstatus(ap); /* dummy read */
++ ap->ops->scr_write(ap, reg, val);
++ (void) ap->ops->scr_read(ap, reg);
+ }
+-static inline void ata_bmdma_ack_irq(struct ata_port *ap)
++static inline unsigned int sata_dev_present(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- void *mmio = ((void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr) + ATA_DMA_STATUS;
+- writeb(readb(mmio), mmio);
+- } else {
+- unsigned long addr = ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_STATUS;
+- outb(inb(addr), addr);
+- }
++ return ((scr_read(ap, SCR_STATUS) & 0xf) == 0x3) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+-static inline u8 ata_bmdma_status(struct ata_port *ap)
++static inline int ata_try_flush_cache(struct ata_device *dev)
+ {
+- u8 host_stat;
+- if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_MMIO) {
+- void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr;
+- host_stat = readb(mmio + ATA_DMA_STATUS);
+- } else
+- host_stat = inb(ap->ioaddr.bmdma_addr + ATA_DMA_STATUS);
+- return host_stat;
++ return ata_id_wcache_enabled(dev->id) ||
++ ata_id_has_flush(dev->id) ||
++ ata_id_has_flush_ext(dev->id);
+ }
+ #endif /* __LINUX_LIBATA_H__ */
+--- ./include/linux/ata.h.libata 2005-09-26 13:31:47.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/linux/ata.h 2005-10-26 14:55:17.009914880 +0400
+@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+ #ifndef __LINUX_ATA_H__
+ #define __LINUX_ATA_H__
++#include <linux/types.h>
+ /* defines only for the constants which don't work well as enums */
+ #define ATA_DMA_BOUNDARY 0xffffUL
+ #define ATA_DMA_MASK 0xffffffffULL
+@@ -33,8 +35,6 @@ enum {
+ ATA_MAX_DEVICES = 2, /* per bus/port */
+ ATA_MAX_PRD = 256, /* we could make these 256/256 */
+ ATA_SECT_SIZE = 512,
+- ATA_SECT_DWORDS = ATA_SECT_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
+ ATA_ID_WORDS = 256,
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ enum {
+ ATA_ID_PIO4 = (1 << 1),
+@@ -122,6 +123,8 @@ enum {
++ ATA_CMD_VERIFY = 0x40,
+ /* SETFEATURES stuff */
+@@ -133,13 +136,24 @@ enum {
+ XFER_UDMA_2 = 0x42,
+ XFER_UDMA_1 = 0x41,
+ XFER_UDMA_0 = 0x40,
++ XFER_MW_DMA_2 = 0x22,
++ XFER_MW_DMA_1 = 0x21,
++ XFER_MW_DMA_0 = 0x20,
+ XFER_PIO_4 = 0x0C,
+ XFER_PIO_3 = 0x0B,
++ XFER_PIO_2 = 0x0A,
++ XFER_PIO_1 = 0x09,
++ XFER_PIO_0 = 0x08,
++ XFER_SW_DMA_2 = 0x12,
++ XFER_SW_DMA_1 = 0x11,
++ XFER_SW_DMA_0 = 0x10,
++ XFER_PIO_SLOW = 0x00,
+ /* ATAPI stuff */
+ ATAPI_PKT_DMA = (1 << 0),
+ ATAPI_DMADIR = (1 << 2), /* ATAPI data dir:
+ 0=to device, 1=to host */
++ ATAPI_CDB_LEN = 16,
+ /* cable types */
+@@ -169,16 +183,22 @@ enum ata_tf_protocols {
+ ATA_PROT_PIO, /* PIO single sector */
+ ATA_PROT_PIO_MULT, /* PIO multiple sector */
+- ATA_PROT_ATAPI, /* packet command */
++ ATA_PROT_ATAPI, /* packet command, PIO data xfer*/
++ ATA_PROT_ATAPI_NODATA, /* packet command, no data */
+ ATA_PROT_ATAPI_DMA, /* packet command with special DMA sauce */
+ };
++enum ata_ioctls {
++ ATA_IOC_GET_IO32 = 0x309,
++ ATA_IOC_SET_IO32 = 0x324,
+ /* core structures */
+ struct ata_prd {
+ u32 addr;
+ u32 flags_len;
+-} __attribute__((packed));
+ struct ata_taskfile {
+ unsigned long flags; /* ATA_TFLAG_xxx */
+@@ -203,26 +223,40 @@ struct ata_taskfile {
+ u8 command; /* IO operation */
+ };
+-#define ata_id_is_ata(dev) (((dev)->id[0] & (1 << 15)) == 0)
+-#define ata_id_rahead_enabled(dev) ((dev)->id[85] & (1 << 6))
+-#define ata_id_wcache_enabled(dev) ((dev)->id[85] & (1 << 5))
+-#define ata_id_has_lba48(dev) ((dev)->id[83] & (1 << 10))
+-#define ata_id_has_wcache(dev) ((dev)->id[82] & (1 << 5))
+-#define ata_id_has_pm(dev) ((dev)->id[82] & (1 << 3))
+-#define ata_id_has_lba(dev) ((dev)->id[49] & (1 << 9))
+-#define ata_id_has_dma(dev) ((dev)->id[49] & (1 << 8))
+-#define ata_id_removeable(dev) ((dev)->id[0] & (1 << 7))
+-#define ata_id_u32(dev,n) \
+- (((u32) (dev)->id[(n) + 1] << 16) | ((u32) (dev)->id[(n)]))
+-#define ata_id_u64(dev,n) \
+- ( ((u64) dev->id[(n) + 3] << 48) | \
+- ((u64) dev->id[(n) + 2] << 32) | \
+- ((u64) dev->id[(n) + 1] << 16) | \
+- ((u64) dev->id[(n) + 0]) )
++#define ata_id_is_ata(id) (((id)[0] & (1 << 15)) == 0)
++#define ata_id_is_sata(id) ((id)[93] == 0)
++#define ata_id_rahead_enabled(id) ((id)[85] & (1 << 6))
++#define ata_id_wcache_enabled(id) ((id)[85] & (1 << 5))
++#define ata_id_has_flush(id) ((id)[83] & (1 << 12))
++#define ata_id_has_flush_ext(id) ((id)[83] & (1 << 13))
++#define ata_id_has_lba48(id) ((id)[83] & (1 << 10))
++#define ata_id_has_wcache(id) ((id)[82] & (1 << 5))
++#define ata_id_has_pm(id) ((id)[82] & (1 << 3))
++#define ata_id_has_lba(id) ((id)[49] & (1 << 9))
++#define ata_id_has_dma(id) ((id)[49] & (1 << 8))
++#define ata_id_removeable(id) ((id)[0] & (1 << 7))
++#define ata_id_u32(id,n) \
++ (((u32) (id)[(n) + 1] << 16) | ((u32) (id)[(n)]))
++#define ata_id_u64(id,n) \
++ ( ((u64) (id)[(n) + 3] << 48) | \
++ ((u64) (id)[(n) + 2] << 32) | \
++ ((u64) (id)[(n) + 1] << 16) | \
++ ((u64) (id)[(n) + 0]) )
++static inline int atapi_cdb_len(u16 *dev_id)
++ u16 tmp = dev_id[0] & 0x3;
++ switch (tmp) {
++ case 0: return 12;
++ case 1: return 16;
++ default: return -1;
++ }
+ static inline int is_atapi_taskfile(struct ata_taskfile *tf)
+ {
+ return (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_ATAPI) ||
++ (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_ATAPI_NODATA) ||
+ (tf->protocol == ATA_PROT_ATAPI_DMA);
+ }
+--- ./include/scsi/scsi.h.libata 2005-09-26 13:32:02.000000000 +0400
++++ ./include/scsi/scsi.h 2005-10-26 14:55:17.009914880 +0400
+@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ extern const char *const scsi_device_typ
+ #define WRITE_LONG_2 0xea
+ #define READ_16 0x88
+ #define WRITE_16 0x8a
++#define VERIFY_16 0x8f
+ #define SERVICE_ACTION_IN 0x9e
+ /* values for service action in */
+ #define SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16 0x10
+@@ -353,14 +354,19 @@ struct scsi_lun {
+ ((lun) & 0x07))
+ /*
+- * SCSI command sets
++ * struct scsi_device::scsi_level values. For SCSI devices other than those
++ * prior to SCSI-2 (i.e. over 12 years old) this value is (resp[2] + 1)
++ * where "resp" is a byte array of the response to an INQUIRY. The scsi_level
++ * variable is visible to the user via sysfs.
+ */
+ #define SCSI_UNKNOWN 0
+ #define SCSI_1 1
+ #define SCSI_1_CCS 2
+ #define SCSI_2 3
+-#define SCSI_3 4
++#define SCSI_3 4 /* SPC */
++#define SCSI_SPC_2 5
++#define SCSI_SPC_3 6
+ /*
+--- ./include/scsi/scsi_host.h.libata 2005-10-26 14:54:51.644770968 +0400
++++ ./include/scsi/scsi_host.h 2005-10-26 14:55:54.577203784 +0400
+@@ -370,6 +370,45 @@ struct scsi_host_template {
+ * module_init/module_exit.
+ */
+ struct list_head legacy_hosts;
++ /* operations for dump */
++ /*
++ * dump_sanity_check() checks if the selected device works normally.
++ * A device which returns an error status will not be selected as
++ * the dump device.
++ *
++ * Status: OPTIONAL
++ */
++ int (* dump_sanity_check)(struct scsi_device *);
++ /*
++ * dump_quiesce() is called after the device is selected as the
++ * dump device. Usually, host reset is executed and Write Cache
++ * Enable bit of the disk device is temporarily set for the
++ * dump operation.
++ *
++ * Status: OPTIONAL
++ */
++ int (* dump_quiesce)(struct scsi_device *);
++ /*
++ * dump_shutdown() is called after dump is completed. Usually
++ * "SYNCHRONIZE CACHE" command is issued to the disk.
++ *
++ * Status: OPTIONAL
++ */
++ int (* dump_shutdown)(struct scsi_device *);
++ /*
++ * dump_poll() should call the interrupt handler. It is called
++ * repeatedly after queuecommand() is issued, and until the command
++ * is completed. If the low level device driver support crash dump,
++ * it must have this routine.
++ *
++ * Status: OPTIONAL
++ */
++ void (* dump_poll)(struct scsi_device *);
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -534,7 +580,7 @@ struct Scsi_Host {
+ extern struct Scsi_Host *scsi_host_alloc(struct scsi_host_template *, int);
+-extern int scsi_add_host(struct Scsi_Host *, struct device *);
++extern int __must_check scsi_add_host(struct Scsi_Host *, struct device *);
+ extern void scsi_scan_host(struct Scsi_Host *);
+ extern void scsi_remove_host(struct Scsi_Host *);
+ extern struct Scsi_Host *scsi_host_get(struct Scsi_Host *);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/ahci.c.libata 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ ./drivers/scsi/ahci.c 2005-10-19 11:47:14.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
++ * ahci.c - AHCI SATA support
++ *
++ * Copyright 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
++ *
++ * The contents of this file are subject to the Open
++ * Software License version 1.1 that can be found at
++ * and is included herein
++ * by reference.
++ *
++ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
++ * of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL") as distributed
++ * in the kernel source COPYING file, in which case the provisions of
++ * the GPL are applicable instead of the above. If you wish to allow
++ * the use of your version of this file only under the terms of the
++ * GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under
++ * the OSL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
++ * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
++ * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
++ * version of this file under either the OSL or the GPL.
++ *
++ * Version 1.0 of the AHCI specification:
++ *
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <linux/libata.h>
++#include <asm/io.h>
++#define DRV_NAME "ahci"
++#define DRV_VERSION "1.01"
++enum {
++ AHCI_PCI_BAR = 5,
++ AHCI_MAX_SG = 168, /* hardware max is 64K */
++ AHCI_DMA_BOUNDARY = 0xffffffff,
++ AHCI_CMD_SLOT_SZ = 32 * 32,
++ AHCI_RX_FIS_SZ = 256,
++ AHCI_CMD_TBL_HDR = 0x80,
++ AHCI_CMD_TBL_CDB = 0x40,
++ AHCI_IRQ_ON_SG = (1 << 31),
++ AHCI_CMD_ATAPI = (1 << 5),
++ AHCI_CMD_WRITE = (1 << 6),
++ RX_FIS_D2H_REG = 0x40, /* offset of D2H Register FIS data */
++ board_ahci = 0,
++ /* global controller registers */
++ HOST_CAP = 0x00, /* host capabilities */
++ HOST_CTL = 0x04, /* global host control */
++ HOST_IRQ_STAT = 0x08, /* interrupt status */
++ HOST_PORTS_IMPL = 0x0c, /* bitmap of implemented ports */
++ HOST_VERSION = 0x10, /* AHCI spec. version compliancy */
++ /* HOST_CTL bits */
++ HOST_RESET = (1 << 0), /* reset controller; self-clear */
++ HOST_IRQ_EN = (1 << 1), /* global IRQ enable */
++ HOST_AHCI_EN = (1 << 31), /* AHCI enabled */
++ /* HOST_CAP bits */
++ HOST_CAP_64 = (1 << 31), /* PCI DAC (64-bit DMA) support */
++ /* registers for each SATA port */
++ PORT_LST_ADDR = 0x00, /* command list DMA addr */
++ PORT_LST_ADDR_HI = 0x04, /* command list DMA addr hi */
++ PORT_FIS_ADDR = 0x08, /* FIS rx buf addr */
++ PORT_FIS_ADDR_HI = 0x0c, /* FIS rx buf addr hi */
++ PORT_IRQ_STAT = 0x10, /* interrupt status */
++ PORT_IRQ_MASK = 0x14, /* interrupt enable/disable mask */
++ PORT_CMD = 0x18, /* port command */
++ PORT_TFDATA = 0x20, /* taskfile data */
++ PORT_SIG = 0x24, /* device TF signature */
++ PORT_CMD_ISSUE = 0x38, /* command issue */
++ PORT_SCR = 0x28, /* SATA phy register block */
++ PORT_SCR_STAT = 0x28, /* SATA phy register: SStatus */
++ PORT_SCR_CTL = 0x2c, /* SATA phy register: SControl */
++ PORT_SCR_ERR = 0x30, /* SATA phy register: SError */
++ PORT_SCR_ACT = 0x34, /* SATA phy register: SActive */
++ /* PORT_IRQ_{STAT,MASK} bits */
++ PORT_IRQ_COLD_PRES = (1 << 31), /* cold presence detect */
++ PORT_IRQ_TF_ERR = (1 << 30), /* task file error */
++ PORT_IRQ_HBUS_ERR = (1 << 29), /* host bus fatal error */
++ PORT_IRQ_HBUS_DATA_ERR = (1 << 28), /* host bus data error */
++ PORT_IRQ_IF_ERR = (1 << 27), /* interface fatal error */
++ PORT_IRQ_IF_NONFATAL = (1 << 26), /* interface non-fatal error */
++ PORT_IRQ_OVERFLOW = (1 << 24), /* xfer exhausted available S/G */
++ PORT_IRQ_BAD_PMP = (1 << 23), /* incorrect port multiplier */
++ PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY = (1 << 22), /* PhyRdy changed */
++ PORT_IRQ_DEV_ILCK = (1 << 7), /* device interlock */
++ PORT_IRQ_CONNECT = (1 << 6), /* port connect change status */
++ PORT_IRQ_SG_DONE = (1 << 5), /* descriptor processed */
++ PORT_IRQ_UNK_FIS = (1 << 4), /* unknown FIS rx'd */
++ PORT_IRQ_SDB_FIS = (1 << 3), /* Set Device Bits FIS rx'd */
++ PORT_IRQ_DMAS_FIS = (1 << 2), /* DMA Setup FIS rx'd */
++ PORT_IRQ_PIOS_FIS = (1 << 1), /* PIO Setup FIS rx'd */
++ PORT_IRQ_D2H_REG_FIS = (1 << 0), /* D2H Register FIS rx'd */
++ /* PORT_CMD bits */
++ PORT_CMD_LIST_ON = (1 << 15), /* cmd list DMA engine running */
++ PORT_CMD_FIS_ON = (1 << 14), /* FIS DMA engine running */
++ PORT_CMD_FIS_RX = (1 << 4), /* Enable FIS receive DMA engine */
++ PORT_CMD_POWER_ON = (1 << 2), /* Power up device */
++ PORT_CMD_SPIN_UP = (1 << 1), /* Spin up device */
++ PORT_CMD_START = (1 << 0), /* Enable port DMA engine */
++ PORT_CMD_ICC_ACTIVE = (0x1 << 28), /* Put i/f in active state */
++ PORT_CMD_ICC_PARTIAL = (0x2 << 28), /* Put i/f in partial state */
++ PORT_CMD_ICC_SLUMBER = (0x6 << 28), /* Put i/f in slumber state */
++ /* hpriv->flags bits */
++ AHCI_FLAG_MSI = (1 << 0),
++struct ahci_cmd_hdr {
++ u32 opts;
++ u32 status;
++ u32 tbl_addr;
++ u32 tbl_addr_hi;
++ u32 reserved[4];
++struct ahci_sg {
++ u32 addr;
++ u32 addr_hi;
++ u32 reserved;
++ u32 flags_size;
++struct ahci_host_priv {
++ unsigned long flags;
++ u32 cap; /* cache of HOST_CAP register */
++ u32 port_map; /* cache of HOST_PORTS_IMPL reg */
++struct ahci_port_priv {
++ struct ahci_cmd_hdr *cmd_slot;
++ dma_addr_t cmd_slot_dma;
++ void *cmd_tbl;
++ dma_addr_t cmd_tbl_dma;
++ struct ahci_sg *cmd_tbl_sg;
++ void *rx_fis;
++ dma_addr_t rx_fis_dma;
++static u32 ahci_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg);
++static void ahci_scr_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg, u32 val);
++static int ahci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
++static int ahci_qc_issue(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++static irqreturn_t ahci_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
++static void ahci_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap);
++static void ahci_irq_clear(struct ata_port *ap);
++static void ahci_eng_timeout(struct ata_port *ap);
++static int ahci_port_start(struct ata_port *ap);
++static void ahci_port_stop(struct ata_port *ap);
++static void ahci_host_stop(struct ata_host_set *host_set);
++static void ahci_tf_read(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
++static void ahci_qc_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++static u8 ahci_check_status(struct ata_port *ap);
++static u8 ahci_check_err(struct ata_port *ap);
++static inline int ahci_host_intr(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
++static void ahci_remove_one (struct pci_dev *pdev);
++static Scsi_Host_Template ahci_sht = {
++ .module = THIS_MODULE,
++ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
++ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
++ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
++ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
++ .this_id = ATA_SHT_THIS_ID,
++ .sg_tablesize = AHCI_MAX_SG,
++ .max_sectors = ATA_MAX_SECTORS,
++ .cmd_per_lun = ATA_SHT_CMD_PER_LUN,
++ .emulated = ATA_SHT_EMULATED,
++ .use_clustering = AHCI_USE_CLUSTERING,
++ .proc_name = DRV_NAME,
++ .dma_boundary = AHCI_DMA_BOUNDARY,
++ .slave_configure = ata_scsi_slave_config,
++ .bios_param = ata_std_bios_param,
++static struct ata_port_operations ahci_ops = {
++ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
++ .check_status = ahci_check_status,
++ .check_altstatus = ahci_check_status,
++ .check_err = ahci_check_err,
++ .dev_select = ata_noop_dev_select,
++ .tf_read = ahci_tf_read,
++ .phy_reset = ahci_phy_reset,
++ .qc_prep = ahci_qc_prep,
++ .qc_issue = ahci_qc_issue,
++ .eng_timeout = ahci_eng_timeout,
++ .irq_handler = ahci_interrupt,
++ .irq_clear = ahci_irq_clear,
++ .scr_read = ahci_scr_read,
++ .scr_write = ahci_scr_write,
++ .port_start = ahci_port_start,
++ .port_stop = ahci_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ahci_host_stop,
++static struct ata_port_info ahci_port_info[] = {
++ /* board_ahci */
++ {
++ .sht = &ahci_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_NO_LEGACY |
++ .pio_mask = 0x03, /* pio3-4 */
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, /* udma0-6 ; FIXME */
++ .port_ops = &ahci_ops,
++ },
++static struct pci_device_id ahci_pci_tbl[] = {
++ board_ahci }, /* ICH6 */
++ board_ahci }, /* ICH6M */
++ board_ahci }, /* ICH7 */
++ board_ahci }, /* ICH7M */
++ board_ahci }, /* ICH7R */
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_AL, 0x5288, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0,
++ board_ahci }, /* ULi M5288 */
++ board_ahci }, /* ESB2 */
++ board_ahci }, /* ESB2 */
++ board_ahci }, /* ESB2 */
++ { } /* terminate list */
++static struct pci_driver ahci_pci_driver = {
++ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .id_table = ahci_pci_tbl,
++ .probe = ahci_init_one,
++ .remove = ahci_remove_one,
++static inline unsigned long ahci_port_base_ul (unsigned long base, unsigned int port)
++ return base + 0x100 + (port * 0x80);
++static inline void *ahci_port_base (void *base, unsigned int port)
++ return (void *) ahci_port_base_ul((unsigned long)base, port);
++static void ahci_host_stop(struct ata_host_set *host_set)
++ struct ahci_host_priv *hpriv = host_set->private_data;
++ kfree(hpriv);
++ ata_host_stop(host_set);
++static int ahci_port_start(struct ata_port *ap)
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
++ struct ahci_host_priv *hpriv = ap->host_set->private_data;
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp;
++ void *mem, *mmio = ap->host_set->mmio_base;
++ void *port_mmio = ahci_port_base(mmio, ap->port_no);
++ dma_addr_t mem_dma;
++ pp = kmalloc(sizeof(*pp), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!pp)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset(pp, 0, sizeof(*pp));
++ mem = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, AHCI_PORT_PRIV_DMA_SZ, &mem_dma, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!mem) {
++ kfree(pp);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memset(mem, 0, AHCI_PORT_PRIV_DMA_SZ);
++ /*
++ * First item in chunk of DMA memory: 32-slot command table,
++ * 32 bytes each in size
++ */
++ pp->cmd_slot = mem;
++ pp->cmd_slot_dma = mem_dma;
++ mem += AHCI_CMD_SLOT_SZ;
++ mem_dma += AHCI_CMD_SLOT_SZ;
++ /*
++ * Second item: Received-FIS area
++ */
++ pp->rx_fis = mem;
++ pp->rx_fis_dma = mem_dma;
++ mem += AHCI_RX_FIS_SZ;
++ mem_dma += AHCI_RX_FIS_SZ;
++ /*
++ * Third item: data area for storing a single command
++ * and its scatter-gather table
++ */
++ pp->cmd_tbl = mem;
++ pp->cmd_tbl_dma = mem_dma;
++ pp->cmd_tbl_sg = mem + AHCI_CMD_TBL_HDR;
++ ap->private_data = pp;
++ if (hpriv->cap & HOST_CAP_64)
++ writel((pp->cmd_slot_dma >> 16) >> 16, port_mmio + PORT_LST_ADDR_HI);
++ writel(pp->cmd_slot_dma & 0xffffffff, port_mmio + PORT_LST_ADDR);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_LST_ADDR); /* flush */
++ if (hpriv->cap & HOST_CAP_64)
++ writel((pp->rx_fis_dma >> 16) >> 16, port_mmio + PORT_FIS_ADDR_HI);
++ writel(pp->rx_fis_dma & 0xffffffff, port_mmio + PORT_FIS_ADDR);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_FIS_ADDR); /* flush */
++ PORT_CMD_START, port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD); /* flush */
++ return 0;
++static void ahci_port_stop(struct ata_port *ap)
++ struct device *dev = ap->host_set->dev;
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp = ap->private_data;
++ void *mmio = ap->host_set->mmio_base;
++ void *port_mmio = ahci_port_base(mmio, ap->port_no);
++ u32 tmp;
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ writel(tmp, port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD); /* flush */
++ /* spec says 500 msecs for each PORT_CMD_{START,FIS_RX} bit, so
++ * this is slightly incorrect.
++ */
++ msleep(500);
++ ap->private_data = NULL;
++ dma_free_coherent(dev, AHCI_PORT_PRIV_DMA_SZ,
++ pp->cmd_slot, pp->cmd_slot_dma);
++ kfree(pp);
++static u32 ahci_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg_in)
++ unsigned int sc_reg;
++ switch (sc_reg_in) {
++ case SCR_STATUS: sc_reg = 0; break;
++ case SCR_CONTROL: sc_reg = 1; break;
++ case SCR_ERROR: sc_reg = 2; break;
++ case SCR_ACTIVE: sc_reg = 3; break;
++ default:
++ return 0xffffffffU;
++ }
++ return readl((void *) ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
++static void ahci_scr_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg_in,
++ u32 val)
++ unsigned int sc_reg;
++ switch (sc_reg_in) {
++ case SCR_STATUS: sc_reg = 0; break;
++ case SCR_CONTROL: sc_reg = 1; break;
++ case SCR_ERROR: sc_reg = 2; break;
++ case SCR_ACTIVE: sc_reg = 3; break;
++ default:
++ return;
++ }
++ writel(val, (void *) ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (sc_reg * 4));
++static void ahci_phy_reset(struct ata_port *ap)
++ void __iomem *port_mmio = (void __iomem *) ap->ioaddr.cmd_addr;
++ struct ata_taskfile tf;
++ struct ata_device *dev = &ap->device[0];
++ u32 tmp;
++ __sata_phy_reset(ap);
++ if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_PORT_DISABLED)
++ return;
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_SIG);
++ tf.lbah = (tmp >> 24) & 0xff;
++ tf.lbam = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;
++ tf.lbal = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;
++ tf.nsect = (tmp) & 0xff;
++ dev->class = ata_dev_classify(&tf);
++ if (!ata_dev_present(dev))
++ ata_port_disable(ap);
++static u8 ahci_check_status(struct ata_port *ap)
++ void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.cmd_addr;
++ return readl(mmio + PORT_TFDATA) & 0xFF;
++static u8 ahci_check_err(struct ata_port *ap)
++ void *mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.cmd_addr;
++ return (readl(mmio + PORT_TFDATA) >> 8) & 0xFF;
++static void ahci_tf_read(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf)
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp = ap->private_data;
++ u8 *d2h_fis = pp->rx_fis + RX_FIS_D2H_REG;
++ ata_tf_from_fis(d2h_fis, tf);
++static void ahci_fill_sg(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp = qc->ap->private_data;
++ unsigned int i;
++ /*
++ * Next, the S/G list.
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < qc->n_elem; i++) {
++ u32 sg_len;
++ dma_addr_t addr;
++ addr = sg_dma_address(&qc->sg[i]);
++ sg_len = sg_dma_len(&qc->sg[i]);
++ pp->cmd_tbl_sg[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr & 0xffffffff);
++ pp->cmd_tbl_sg[i].addr_hi = cpu_to_le32((addr >> 16) >> 16);
++ pp->cmd_tbl_sg[i].flags_size = cpu_to_le32(sg_len - 1);
++ }
++static void ahci_qc_prep(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp = ap->private_data;
++ u32 opts;
++ const u32 cmd_fis_len = 5; /* five dwords */
++ /*
++ * Fill in command slot information (currently only one slot,
++ * slot 0, is currently since we don't do queueing)
++ */
++ opts = (qc->n_elem << 16) | cmd_fis_len;
++ if (qc->tf.flags & ATA_TFLAG_WRITE)
++ opts |= AHCI_CMD_WRITE;
++ if (is_atapi_taskfile(&qc->tf))
++ opts |= AHCI_CMD_ATAPI;
++ pp->cmd_slot[0].opts = cpu_to_le32(opts);
++ pp->cmd_slot[0].status = 0;
++ pp->cmd_slot[0].tbl_addr = cpu_to_le32(pp->cmd_tbl_dma & 0xffffffff);
++ pp->cmd_slot[0].tbl_addr_hi = cpu_to_le32((pp->cmd_tbl_dma >> 16) >> 16);
++ /*
++ * Fill in command table information. First, the header,
++ * a SATA Register - Host to Device command FIS.
++ */
++ ata_tf_to_fis(&qc->tf, pp->cmd_tbl, 0);
++ if (opts & AHCI_CMD_ATAPI) {
++ memset(pp->cmd_tbl + AHCI_CMD_TBL_CDB, 0, 32);
++ memcpy(pp->cmd_tbl + AHCI_CMD_TBL_CDB, qc->cdb, ap->cdb_len);
++ }
++ if (!(qc->flags & ATA_QCFLAG_DMAMAP))
++ return;
++ ahci_fill_sg(qc);
++static void ahci_intr_error(struct ata_port *ap, u32 irq_stat)
++ void *mmio = ap->host_set->mmio_base;
++ void *port_mmio = ahci_port_base(mmio, ap->port_no);
++ u32 tmp;
++ int work;
++ /* stop DMA */
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ tmp &= ~PORT_CMD_START;
++ writel(tmp, port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ /* wait for engine to stop. TODO: this could be
++ * as long as 500 msec
++ */
++ work = 1000;
++ while (work-- > 0) {
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ if ((tmp & PORT_CMD_LIST_ON) == 0)
++ break;
++ udelay(10);
++ }
++ /* clear SATA phy error, if any */
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ERR);
++ writel(tmp, port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ERR);
++ /* if DRQ/BSY is set, device needs to be reset.
++ * if so, issue COMRESET
++ */
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_TFDATA);
++ if (tmp & (ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ)) {
++ writel(0x301, port_mmio + PORT_SCR_CTL);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_SCR_CTL); /* flush */
++ udelay(10);
++ writel(0x300, port_mmio + PORT_SCR_CTL);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_SCR_CTL); /* flush */
++ }
++ /* re-start DMA */
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ tmp |= PORT_CMD_START;
++ writel(tmp, port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD); /* flush */
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "ata%u: error occurred, port reset\n", ap->id);
++static void ahci_eng_timeout(struct ata_port *ap)
++ void *mmio = ap->host_set->mmio_base;
++ void *port_mmio = ahci_port_base(mmio, ap->port_no);
++ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
++ ahci_intr_error(ap, readl(port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_STAT));
++ qc = ata_qc_from_tag(ap, ap->active_tag);
++ if (!qc) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "ata%u: BUG: timeout without command\n",
++ ap->id);
++ } else {
++ /* hack alert! We cannot use the supplied completion
++ * function from inside the ->eh_strategy_handler() thread.
++ * libata is the only user of ->eh_strategy_handler() in
++ * any kernel, so the default scsi_done() assumes it is
++ * not being called from the SCSI EH.
++ */
++ qc->scsidone = scsi_finish_command;
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, ATA_ERR);
++ }
++static inline int ahci_host_intr(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ void *mmio = ap->host_set->mmio_base;
++ void *port_mmio = ahci_port_base(mmio, ap->port_no);
++ u32 status, serr, ci;
++ serr = readl(port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ERR);
++ writel(serr, port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ERR);
++ status = readl(port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_STAT);
++ writel(status, port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_STAT);
++ ci = readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD_ISSUE);
++ if (likely((ci & 0x1) == 0)) {
++ if (qc) {
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, 0);
++ qc = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (status & PORT_IRQ_FATAL) {
++ ahci_intr_error(ap, status);
++ if (qc)
++ ata_qc_complete(qc, ATA_ERR);
++ }
++ return 1;
++static void ahci_irq_clear(struct ata_port *ap)
++ /* TODO */
++static irqreturn_t ahci_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs)
++ struct ata_host_set *host_set = dev_instance;
++ struct ahci_host_priv *hpriv;
++ unsigned int i, handled = 0;
++ void *mmio;
++ u32 irq_stat, irq_ack = 0;
++ hpriv = host_set->private_data;
++ mmio = host_set->mmio_base;
++ /* sigh. 0xffffffff is a valid return from h/w */
++ irq_stat = readl(mmio + HOST_IRQ_STAT);
++ irq_stat &= hpriv->port_map;
++ if (!irq_stat)
++ return IRQ_NONE;
++ spin_lock(&host_set->lock);
++ for (i = 0; i < host_set->n_ports; i++) {
++ struct ata_port *ap;
++ u32 tmp;
++ VPRINTK("port %u\n", i);
++ ap = host_set->ports[i];
++ tmp = irq_stat & (1 << i);
++ if (tmp && ap) {
++ struct ata_queued_cmd *qc;
++ qc = ata_qc_from_tag(ap, ap->active_tag);
++ if (ahci_host_intr(ap, qc))
++ irq_ack |= (1 << i);
++ }
++ }
++ if (irq_ack) {
++ writel(irq_ack, mmio + HOST_IRQ_STAT);
++ handled = 1;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&host_set->lock);
++ return IRQ_RETVAL(handled);
++static int ahci_qc_issue(struct ata_queued_cmd *qc)
++ struct ata_port *ap = qc->ap;
++ void *port_mmio = (void *) ap->ioaddr.cmd_addr;
++ writel(1, port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ACT);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ACT); /* flush */
++ writel(1, port_mmio + PORT_CMD_ISSUE);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD_ISSUE); /* flush */
++ return 0;
++static void ahci_setup_port(struct ata_ioports *port, unsigned long base,
++ unsigned int port_idx)
++ VPRINTK("ENTER, base==0x%lx, port_idx %u\n", base, port_idx);
++ base = ahci_port_base_ul(base, port_idx);
++ VPRINTK("base now==0x%lx\n", base);
++ port->cmd_addr = base;
++ port->scr_addr = base + PORT_SCR;
++static int ahci_host_init(struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent)
++ struct ahci_host_priv *hpriv = probe_ent->private_data;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(probe_ent->dev);
++ void __iomem *mmio = probe_ent->mmio_base;
++ u32 tmp, cap_save;
++ u16 tmp16;
++ unsigned int i, j, using_dac;
++ int rc;
++ void __iomem *port_mmio;
++ cap_save = readl(mmio + HOST_CAP);
++ cap_save &= ( (1<<28) | (1<<17) );
++ cap_save |= (1 << 27);
++ /* global controller reset */
++ tmp = readl(mmio + HOST_CTL);
++ if ((tmp & HOST_RESET) == 0) {
++ writel(tmp | HOST_RESET, mmio + HOST_CTL);
++ readl(mmio + HOST_CTL); /* flush */
++ }
++ /* reset must complete within 1 second, or
++ * the hardware should be considered fried.
++ */
++ ssleep(1);
++ tmp = readl(mmio + HOST_CTL);
++ if (tmp & HOST_RESET) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): controller reset failed (0x%x)\n",
++ pci_name(pdev), tmp);
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ writel(HOST_AHCI_EN, mmio + HOST_CTL);
++ (void) readl(mmio + HOST_CTL); /* flush */
++ writel(cap_save, mmio + HOST_CAP);
++ writel(0xf, mmio + HOST_PORTS_IMPL);
++ (void) readl(mmio + HOST_PORTS_IMPL); /* flush */
++ pci_read_config_word(pdev, 0x92, &tmp16);
++ tmp16 |= 0xf;
++ pci_write_config_word(pdev, 0x92, tmp16);
++ hpriv->cap = readl(mmio + HOST_CAP);
++ hpriv->port_map = readl(mmio + HOST_PORTS_IMPL);
++ probe_ent->n_ports = (hpriv->cap & 0x1f) + 1;
++ VPRINTK("cap 0x%x port_map 0x%x n_ports %d\n",
++ hpriv->cap, hpriv->port_map, probe_ent->n_ports);
++ using_dac = hpriv->cap & HOST_CAP_64;
++ if (using_dac &&
++ !pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK)) {
++ rc = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK);
++ if (rc) {
++ rc = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
++ if (rc) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): 64-bit DMA enable failed\n",
++ pci_name(pdev));
++ return rc;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
++ if (rc) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): 32-bit DMA enable failed\n",
++ pci_name(pdev));
++ return rc;
++ }
++ rc = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
++ if (rc) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR DRV_NAME "(%s): 32-bit consistent DMA enable failed\n",
++ pci_name(pdev));
++ return rc;
++ }
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < probe_ent->n_ports; i++) {
++#if 0 /* BIOSen initialize this incorrectly */
++ if (!(hpriv->port_map & (1 << i)))
++ continue;
++ port_mmio = ahci_port_base(mmio, i);
++ VPRINTK("mmio %p port_mmio %p\n", mmio, port_mmio);
++ ahci_setup_port(&probe_ent->port[i],
++ (unsigned long) mmio, i);
++ /* make sure port is not active */
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ VPRINTK("PORT_CMD 0x%x\n", tmp);
++ if (tmp & (PORT_CMD_LIST_ON | PORT_CMD_FIS_ON |
++ writel(tmp, port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ readl(port_mmio + PORT_CMD); /* flush */
++ /* spec says 500 msecs for each bit, so
++ * this is slightly incorrect.
++ */
++ msleep(500);
++ }
++ writel(PORT_CMD_SPIN_UP, port_mmio + PORT_CMD);
++ j = 0;
++ while (j < 100) {
++ msleep(10);
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_SCR_STAT);
++ if ((tmp & 0xf) == 0x3)
++ break;
++ j++;
++ }
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ERR);
++ VPRINTK("PORT_SCR_ERR 0x%x\n", tmp);
++ writel(tmp, port_mmio + PORT_SCR_ERR);
++ /* ack any pending irq events for this port */
++ tmp = readl(port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_STAT);
++ VPRINTK("PORT_IRQ_STAT 0x%x\n", tmp);
++ if (tmp)
++ writel(tmp, port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_STAT);
++ writel(1 << i, mmio + HOST_IRQ_STAT);
++ /* set irq mask (enables interrupts) */
++ writel(DEF_PORT_IRQ, port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_MASK);
++ }
++ tmp = readl(mmio + HOST_CTL);
++ VPRINTK("HOST_CTL 0x%x\n", tmp);
++ writel(tmp | HOST_IRQ_EN, mmio + HOST_CTL);
++ tmp = readl(mmio + HOST_CTL);
++ VPRINTK("HOST_CTL 0x%x\n", tmp);
++ pci_set_master(pdev);
++ return 0;
++/* move to PCI layer, integrate w/ MSI stuff */
++static void pci_intx(struct pci_dev *pdev, int enable)
++ u16 pci_command, new;
++ pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_command);
++ if (enable)
++ new = pci_command & ~PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE;
++ else
++ new = pci_command | PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE;
++ if (new != pci_command)
++ pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_command);
++static void ahci_print_info(struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent)
++ struct ahci_host_priv *hpriv = probe_ent->private_data;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(probe_ent->dev);
++ void *mmio = probe_ent->mmio_base;
++ u32 vers, cap, impl, speed;
++ const char *speed_s;
++ u16 cc;
++ const char *scc_s;
++ vers = readl(mmio + HOST_VERSION);
++ cap = hpriv->cap;
++ impl = hpriv->port_map;
++ speed = (cap >> 20) & 0xf;
++ if (speed == 1)
++ speed_s = "1.5";
++ else if (speed == 2)
++ speed_s = "3";
++ else
++ speed_s = "?";
++ pci_read_config_word(pdev, 0x0a, &cc);
++ if (cc == 0x0101)
++ scc_s = "IDE";
++ else if (cc == 0x0106)
++ scc_s = "SATA";
++ else if (cc == 0x0104)
++ scc_s = "RAID";
++ else
++ scc_s = "unknown";
++ printk(KERN_INFO DRV_NAME "(%s) AHCI %02x%02x.%02x%02x "
++ "%u slots %u ports %s Gbps 0x%x impl %s mode\n"
++ ,
++ pci_name(pdev),
++ (vers >> 24) & 0xff,
++ (vers >> 16) & 0xff,
++ (vers >> 8) & 0xff,
++ vers & 0xff,
++ ((cap >> 8) & 0x1f) + 1,
++ (cap & 0x1f) + 1,
++ speed_s,
++ impl,
++ scc_s);
++ printk(KERN_INFO DRV_NAME "(%s) flags: "
++ "%s%s%s%s%s%s"
++ "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n"
++ ,
++ pci_name(pdev),
++ cap & (1 << 31) ? "64bit " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 30) ? "ncq " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 28) ? "ilck " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 27) ? "stag " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 26) ? "pm " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 25) ? "led " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 24) ? "clo " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 19) ? "nz " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 18) ? "only " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 17) ? "pmp " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 15) ? "pio " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 14) ? "slum " : "",
++ cap & (1 << 13) ? "part " : ""
++ );
++static int ahci_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
++ static int printed_version;
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent = NULL;
++ struct ahci_host_priv *hpriv;
++ unsigned long base;
++ void *mmio_base;
++ unsigned int board_idx = (unsigned int) ent->driver_data;
++ int have_msi, pci_dev_busy = 0;
++ int rc;
++ if (!printed_version++)
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG DRV_NAME " version " DRV_VERSION "\n");
++ rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
++ if (rc)
++ return rc;
++ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
++ goto err_out;
++ }
++ if (pci_enable_msi(pdev) == 0)
++ have_msi = 1;
++ else {
++ pci_intx(pdev, 1);
++ have_msi = 0;
++ }
++ probe_ent = kmalloc(sizeof(*probe_ent), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (probe_ent == NULL) {
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto err_out_msi;
++ }
++ memset(probe_ent, 0, sizeof(*probe_ent));
++ probe_ent->dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&probe_ent->node);
++ mmio_base = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, AHCI_PCI_BAR),
++ pci_resource_len(pdev, AHCI_PCI_BAR));
++ if (mmio_base == NULL) {
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto err_out_free_ent;
++ }
++ base = (unsigned long) mmio_base;
++ hpriv = kmalloc(sizeof(*hpriv), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!hpriv) {
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto err_out_iounmap;
++ }
++ memset(hpriv, 0, sizeof(*hpriv));
++ probe_ent->sht = ahci_port_info[board_idx].sht;
++ probe_ent->host_flags = ahci_port_info[board_idx].host_flags;
++ probe_ent->pio_mask = ahci_port_info[board_idx].pio_mask;
++ probe_ent->udma_mask = ahci_port_info[board_idx].udma_mask;
++ probe_ent->port_ops = ahci_port_info[board_idx].port_ops;
++ probe_ent->irq = pdev->irq;
++ probe_ent->irq_flags = SA_SHIRQ;
++ probe_ent->mmio_base = mmio_base;
++ probe_ent->private_data = hpriv;
++ if (have_msi)
++ hpriv->flags |= AHCI_FLAG_MSI;
++ /* initialize adapter */
++ rc = ahci_host_init(probe_ent);
++ if (rc)
++ goto err_out_hpriv;
++ ahci_print_info(probe_ent);
++ /* FIXME: check ata_device_add return value */
++ ata_device_add(probe_ent);
++ kfree(probe_ent);
++ return 0;
++ kfree(hpriv);
++ iounmap(mmio_base);
++ kfree(probe_ent);
++ if (have_msi)
++ pci_disable_msi(pdev);
++ else
++ pci_intx(pdev, 0);
++ pci_release_regions(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ return rc;
++static void ahci_remove_one (struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ struct device *dev = pci_dev_to_dev(pdev);
++ struct ata_host_set *host_set = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
++ struct ahci_host_priv *hpriv = host_set->private_data;
++ struct ata_port *ap;
++ unsigned int i;
++ int have_msi;
++ for (i = 0; i < host_set->n_ports; i++) {
++ ap = host_set->ports[i];
++ scsi_remove_host(ap->host);
++ }
++ have_msi = hpriv->flags & AHCI_FLAG_MSI;
++ free_irq(host_set->irq, host_set);
++ for (i = 0; i < host_set->n_ports; i++) {
++ ap = host_set->ports[i];
++ ata_scsi_release(ap->host);
++ scsi_host_put(ap->host);
++ }
++ host_set->ops->host_stop(host_set);
++ kfree(host_set);
++ if (have_msi)
++ pci_disable_msi(pdev);
++ else
++ pci_intx(pdev, 0);
++ pci_release_regions(pdev);
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ dev_set_drvdata(dev, NULL);
++static int __init ahci_init(void)
++ return pci_module_init(&ahci_pci_driver);
++static void __exit ahci_exit(void)
++ pci_unregister_driver(&ahci_pci_driver);
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff Garzik");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AHCI SATA low-level driver");
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, ahci_pci_tbl);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_uli.c.libata 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_uli.c 2005-10-19 11:47:14.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
++ * sata_uli.c - ULi Electronics SATA
++ *
++ * The contents of this file are subject to the Open
++ * Software License version 1.1 that can be found at
++ * and is included herein
++ * by reference.
++ *
++ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
++ * of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL") as distributed
++ * in the kernel source COPYING file, in which case the provisions of
++ * the GPL are applicable instead of the above. If you wish to allow
++ * the use of your version of this file only under the terms of the
++ * GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under
++ * the OSL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
++ * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
++ * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
++ * version of this file under either the OSL or the GPL.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <linux/libata.h>
++#define DRV_NAME "sata_uli"
++#define DRV_VERSION "0.5"
++enum {
++ uli_5289 = 0,
++ uli_5287 = 1,
++ uli_5281 = 2,
++ /* PCI configuration registers */
++ ULI5287_BASE = 0x90, /* sata0 phy SCR registers */
++ ULI5287_OFFS = 0x10, /* offset from sata0->sata1 phy regs */
++ ULI5281_BASE = 0x60, /* sata0 phy SCR registers */
++ ULI5281_OFFS = 0x60, /* offset from sata0->sata1 phy regs */
++static int uli_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
++static u32 uli_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg);
++static void uli_scr_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg, u32 val);
++static struct pci_device_id uli_pci_tbl[] = {
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_AL, 0x5289, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, uli_5289 },
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_AL, 0x5287, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, uli_5287 },
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_AL, 0x5281, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, uli_5281 },
++ { } /* terminate list */
++static struct pci_driver uli_pci_driver = {
++ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .id_table = uli_pci_tbl,
++ .probe = uli_init_one,
++ .remove = ata_pci_remove_one,
++static Scsi_Host_Template uli_sht = {
++ .module = THIS_MODULE,
++ .name = DRV_NAME,
++ .ioctl = ata_scsi_ioctl,
++ .queuecommand = ata_scsi_queuecmd,
++ .eh_strategy_handler = ata_scsi_error,
++ .can_queue = ATA_DEF_QUEUE,
++ .this_id = ATA_SHT_THIS_ID,
++ .sg_tablesize = LIBATA_MAX_PRD,
++ .max_sectors = ATA_MAX_SECTORS,
++ .cmd_per_lun = ATA_SHT_CMD_PER_LUN,
++ .emulated = ATA_SHT_EMULATED,
++ .use_clustering = ATA_SHT_USE_CLUSTERING,
++ .proc_name = DRV_NAME,
++ .dma_boundary = ATA_DMA_BOUNDARY,
++ .slave_configure = ata_scsi_slave_config,
++ .bios_param = ata_std_bios_param,
++static struct ata_port_operations uli_ops = {
++ .port_disable = ata_port_disable,
++ .tf_load = ata_tf_load,
++ .tf_read = ata_tf_read,
++ .check_status = ata_check_status,
++ .exec_command = ata_exec_command,
++ .dev_select = ata_std_dev_select,
++ .phy_reset = sata_phy_reset,
++ .bmdma_setup = ata_bmdma_setup,
++ .bmdma_start = ata_bmdma_start,
++ .bmdma_stop = ata_bmdma_stop,
++ .bmdma_status = ata_bmdma_status,
++ .qc_prep = ata_qc_prep,
++ .qc_issue = ata_qc_issue_prot,
++ .eng_timeout = ata_eng_timeout,
++ .irq_handler = ata_interrupt,
++ .irq_clear = ata_bmdma_irq_clear,
++ .scr_read = uli_scr_read,
++ .scr_write = uli_scr_write,
++ .port_start = ata_port_start,
++ .port_stop = ata_port_stop,
++ .host_stop = ata_host_stop,
++static struct ata_port_info uli_port_info = {
++ .sht = &uli_sht,
++ .host_flags = ATA_FLAG_SATA | ATA_FLAG_SATA_RESET |
++ .pio_mask = 0x03, //support pio mode 4 (FIXME)
++ .udma_mask = 0x7f, //support udma mode 6
++ .port_ops = &uli_ops,
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Peer Chen");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("low-level driver for ULi Electronics SATA controller");
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, uli_pci_tbl);
++static unsigned int get_scr_cfg_addr(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg)
++ return ap->ioaddr.scr_addr + (4 * sc_reg);
++static u32 uli_scr_cfg_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg)
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
++ unsigned int cfg_addr = get_scr_cfg_addr(ap, sc_reg);
++ u32 val;
++ pci_read_config_dword(pdev, cfg_addr, &val);
++ return val;
++static void uli_scr_cfg_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int scr, u32 val)
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(ap->host_set->dev);
++ unsigned int cfg_addr = get_scr_cfg_addr(ap, scr);
++ pci_write_config_dword(pdev, cfg_addr, val);
++static u32 uli_scr_read (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg)
++ if (sc_reg > SCR_CONTROL)
++ return 0xffffffffU;
++ return uli_scr_cfg_read(ap, sc_reg);
++static void uli_scr_write (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg, u32 val)
++ return;
++ uli_scr_cfg_write(ap, sc_reg, val);
++/* move to PCI layer, integrate w/ MSI stuff */
++static void pci_enable_intx(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ u16 pci_command;
++ pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_command);
++ if (pci_command & PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE) {
++ pci_command &= ~PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE;
++ pci_write_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_command);
++ }
++static int uli_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
++ struct ata_probe_ent *probe_ent;
++ struct ata_port_info *ppi;
++ int rc;
++ unsigned int board_idx = (unsigned int) ent->driver_data;
++ int pci_dev_busy = 0;
++ rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
++ if (rc)
++ return rc;
++ rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);
++ if (rc) {
++ pci_dev_busy = 1;
++ goto err_out;
++ }
++ rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
++ if (rc)
++ goto err_out_regions;
++ rc = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, ATA_DMA_MASK);
++ if (rc)
++ goto err_out_regions;
++ ppi = &uli_port_info;
++ probe_ent = ata_pci_init_native_mode(pdev, &ppi);
++ if (!probe_ent) {
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto err_out_regions;
++ }
++ switch (board_idx) {
++ case uli_5287:
++ probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr = ULI5287_BASE;
++ probe_ent->port[1].scr_addr = ULI5287_BASE + ULI5287_OFFS;
++ probe_ent->n_ports = 4;
++ probe_ent->port[2].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0) + 8;
++ probe_ent->port[2].altstatus_addr =
++ probe_ent->port[2].ctl_addr =
++ (pci_resource_start(pdev, 1) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS) + 4;
++ probe_ent->port[2].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) + 16;
++ probe_ent->port[2].scr_addr = ULI5287_BASE + ULI5287_OFFS*4;
++ probe_ent->port[3].cmd_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 2) + 8;
++ probe_ent->port[3].altstatus_addr =
++ probe_ent->port[3].ctl_addr =
++ (pci_resource_start(pdev, 3) | ATA_PCI_CTL_OFS) + 4;
++ probe_ent->port[3].bmdma_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 4) + 24;
++ probe_ent->port[3].scr_addr = ULI5287_BASE + ULI5287_OFFS*5;
++ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[2]);
++ ata_std_ports(&probe_ent->port[3]);
++ break;
++ case uli_5289:
++ probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr = ULI5287_BASE;
++ probe_ent->port[1].scr_addr = ULI5287_BASE + ULI5287_OFFS;
++ break;
++ case uli_5281:
++ probe_ent->port[0].scr_addr = ULI5281_BASE;
++ probe_ent->port[1].scr_addr = ULI5281_BASE + ULI5281_OFFS;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ break;
++ }
++ pci_set_master(pdev);
++ pci_enable_intx(pdev);
++ /* FIXME: check ata_device_add return value */
++ ata_device_add(probe_ent);
++ kfree(probe_ent);
++ return 0;
++ pci_release_regions(pdev);
++ if (!pci_dev_busy)
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ return rc;
++static int __init uli_init(void)
++ return pci_module_init(&uli_pci_driver);
++static void __exit uli_exit(void)
++ pci_unregister_driver(&uli_pci_driver);
+--- ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig.libata 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 2005-11-14 17:09:10.305251880 +0300
+@@ -414,6 +414,14 @@ config SCSI_SATA
+ If unsure, say N.
++ tristate "AHCI SATA support"
++ depends on SCSI_SATA && PCI && EXPERIMENTAL
++ help
++ This option enables support for AHCI Serial ATA.
++ If unsure, say N.
+ config SCSI_SATA_SVW
+ tristate "ServerWorks Frodo / Apple K2 SATA support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5102_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5102_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8708fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5102_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,7317 @@
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/Kconfig.megaraid 2005-10-19 11:47:15.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++ bool "LSI Logic New Generation RAID Device Drivers"
++ depends on PCI && SCSI
++ help
++ LSI Logic RAID Device Drivers
++config MEGARAID_MM
++ tristate "LSI Logic Management Module (New Driver)"
++ depends on PCI && SCSI && MEGARAID_NEWGEN
++ help
++ Management Module provides ioctl, sysfs support for LSI Logic
++ RAID controllers.
++ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
++ module will be called megaraid_mm
++ tristate "LSI Logic MegaRAID Driver (New Driver)"
++ depends on PCI && SCSI && MEGARAID_MM
++ help
++ List of supported controllers
++ OEM Product Name VID :DID :SVID:SSID
++ --- ------------ ---- ---- ---- ----
++ Dell PERC3/QC 101E:1960:1028:0471
++ Dell PERC3/DC 101E:1960:1028:0493
++ Dell PERC3/SC 101E:1960:1028:0475
++ Dell PERC3/Di 1028:000E:1028:0123
++ Dell PERC4/SC 1000:1960:1028:0520
++ Dell PERC4/DC 1000:1960:1028:0518
++ Dell PERC4/QC 1000:0407:1028:0531
++ Dell PERC4/Di 1028:000F:1028:014A
++ Dell PERC 4e/Si 1028:0013:1028:016c
++ Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028:0013:1028:016d
++ Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028:0013:1028:016e
++ Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028:0013:1028:016f
++ Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028:0013:1028:0170
++ Dell PERC 4e/DC 1000:0408:1028:0002
++ Dell PERC 4e/SC 1000:0408:1028:0001
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-0 1000:1960:1000:A520
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-1 1000:1960:1000:0520
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-2 1000:1960:1000:0518
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-0X 1000:0407:1000:0530
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-2X 1000:0407:1000:0532
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-4X 1000:0407:1000:0531
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-1E 1000:0408:1000:0001
++ LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-2E 1000:0408:1000:0002
++ LSI MegaRAID SATA 150-4 1000:1960:1000:4523
++ LSI MegaRAID SATA 150-6 1000:1960:1000:0523
++ LSI MegaRAID SATA 300-4X 1000:0409:1000:3004
++ LSI MegaRAID SATA 300-8X 1000:0409:1000:3008
++ INTEL RAID Controller SRCU42X 1000:0407:8086:0532
++ INTEL RAID Controller SRCS16 1000:1960:8086:0523
++ INTEL RAID Controller SRCU42E 1000:0408:8086:0002
++ INTEL RAID Controller SRCZCRX 1000:0407:8086:0530
++ INTEL RAID Controller SRCS28X 1000:0409:8086:3008
++ INTEL RAID Controller SROMBU42E 1000:0408:8086:3431
++ INTEL RAID Controller SROMBU42E 1000:0408:8086:3499
++ INTEL RAID Controller SRCU51L 1000:1960:8086:0520
++ FSC MegaRAID PCI Express ROMB 1000:0408:1734:1065
++ ACER MegaRAID ROMB-2E 1000:0408:1025:004D
++ NEC MegaRAID PCI Express ROMB 1000:0408:1033:8287
++ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
++ module will be called megaraid_mbox
++ tristate "LSI Logic Legacy MegaRAID Driver"
++ depends on PCI && SCSI
++ help
++ This driver supports the LSI MegaRAID 418, 428, 438, 466, 762, 490
++ and 467 SCSI host adapters. This driver also support the all U320
++ RAID controllers
++ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
++ module will be called megaraid
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/Makefile 2004-10-19 01:55:07.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_MM) += megaraid_mm.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_MAILBOX) += megaraid_mbox.o
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/mbox_defs.h 2005-10-20 14:41:08.039168992 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
++ *
++ * Linux MegaRAID Unified device driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 LSI Logic Corporation.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * FILE : mbox_defs.h
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _MRAID_MBOX_DEFS_H_
++#define _MRAID_MBOX_DEFS_H_
++#include <linux/types.h>
++ * Commands and states for mailbox based controllers
++ */
++#define MBOXCMD_LREAD 0x01
++#define MBOXCMD_LWRITE 0x02
++#define MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU 0x03
++#define MBOXCMD_ADPEXTINQ 0x04
++#define MBOXCMD_LREAD64 0xA7
++#define MBOXCMD_LWRITE64 0xA8
++#define MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU64 0xC3
++#define MAIN_MISC_OPCODE 0xA4
++#define GET_MAX_SG_SUPPORT 0x01
++#define SUPPORT_EXT_CDB 0x16
++#define FC_NEW_CONFIG 0xA1
++#define NC_SUBOP_ENQUIRY3 0x0F
++#define ENQ3_GET_SOLICITED_FULL 0x02
++#define OP_DCMD_READ_CONFIG 0x04
++#define NEW_READ_CONFIG_8LD 0x67
++#define READ_CONFIG_8LD 0x07
++#define FLUSH_ADAPTER 0x0A
++#define FLUSH_SYSTEM 0xFE
++ * Command for random deletion of logical drives
++ */
++#define FC_DEL_LOGDRV 0xA4
++#define OP_SUP_DEL_LOGDRV 0x2A
++#define OP_GET_LDID_MAP 0x18
++#define OP_DEL_LOGDRV 0x1C
++ * BIOS commands
++ */
++#define IS_BIOS_ENABLED 0x62
++#define GET_BIOS 0x01
++#define CHNL_CLASS 0xA9
++#define GET_CHNL_CLASS 0x00
++#define SET_CHNL_CLASS 0x01
++#define CH_RAID 0x01
++#define CH_SCSI 0x00
++#define BIOS_PVT_DATA 0x40
++#define GET_BIOS_PVT_DATA 0x00
++ * Commands to support clustering
++ */
++#define GET_TARGET_ID 0x7D
++#define CLUSTER_OP 0x70
++#define GET_CLUSTER_MODE 0x02
++#define CLUSTER_CMD 0x6E
++#define RESERVE_LD 0x01
++#define RELEASE_LD 0x02
++#define RESERVE_PD 0x05
++#define RELEASE_PD 0x06
++ * Module battery status
++ */
++#define BATTERY_LOW_VOLTAGE 0x02
++#define BATTERY_TEMP_HIGH 0x04
++#define BATTERY_CHARGE_MASK 0x30
++#define BATTERY_CHARGE_DONE 0x00
++#define BATTERY_CHARGE_FAIL 0x20
++ * Physical drive states.
++ */
++#define PDRV_UNCNF 0
++#define PDRV_ONLINE 3
++#define PDRV_FAILED 4
++#define PDRV_RBLD 5
++#define PDRV_HOTSPARE 6
++ * Raid logical drive states.
++ */
++#define RDRV_OFFLINE 0
++#define RDRV_DEGRADED 1
++#define RDRV_OPTIMAL 2
++#define RDRV_DELETED 3
++ * Read, write and cache policies
++ */
++#define NO_READ_AHEAD 0
++#define READ_AHEAD 1
++#define ADAP_READ_AHEAD 2
++#define CACHED_IO 0
++#define DIRECT_IO 1
++#define MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD 40
++#define MAX_MBOX_TARGET 15
++#define MAX_ROW_SIZE_40LD 32
++#define MAX_ROW_SIZE_8LD 8
++#define SPAN_DEPTH_8_SPANS 8
++#define SPAN_DEPTH_4_SPANS 4
++#define MAX_REQ_SENSE_LEN 0x20
++ * struct mbox_t - Driver and f/w handshake structure.
++ * @cmd : firmware command
++ * @cmdid : command id
++ * @numsectors : number of sectors to be transferred
++ * @lba : Logical Block Address on LD
++ * @xferaddr : DMA address for data transfer
++ * @logdrv : logical drive number
++ * @numsge : number of scatter gather elements in sg list
++ * @resvd : reserved
++ * @busy : f/w busy, must wait to issue more commands.
++ * @numstatus : number of commands completed.
++ * @status : status of the commands completed
++ * @completed : array of completed command ids.
++ * @poll : poll and ack sequence
++ * @ack : poll and ack sequence
++ *
++ * The central handshake structure between the driver and the firmware. This
++ * structure must be allocated by the driver and aligned at 8-byte boundary.
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t cmd;
++ uint8_t cmdid;
++ uint16_t numsectors;
++ uint32_t lba;
++ uint32_t xferaddr;
++ uint8_t logdrv;
++ uint8_t numsge;
++ uint8_t resvd;
++ uint8_t busy;
++ uint8_t numstatus;
++ uint8_t status;
++ uint8_t completed[MBOX_MAX_FIRMWARE_STATUS];
++ uint8_t poll;
++ uint8_t ack;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mbox_t;
++ * mbox64_t - 64-bit extension for the mailbox
++ * @segment_lo : the low 32-bits of the address of the scatter-gather list
++ * @segment_hi : the upper 32-bits of the address of the scatter-gather list
++ * @mbox : 32-bit mailbox, whose xferadder field must be set to
++ *
++ * This is the extension of the 32-bit mailbox to be able to perform DMA
++ * beyond 4GB address range.
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t xferaddr_lo;
++ uint32_t xferaddr_hi;
++ mbox_t mbox32;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mbox64_t;
++ * mailbox structure used for internal commands
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ u8 cmd;
++ u8 cmdid;
++ u8 opcode;
++ u8 subopcode;
++ u32 lba;
++ u32 xferaddr;
++ u8 logdrv;
++ u8 rsvd[3];
++ u8 numstatus;
++ u8 status;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) int_mbox_t;
++ * mraid_passthru_t - passthru structure to issue commands to physical devices
++ * @timeout : command timeout, 0=6sec, 1=60sec, 2=10min, 3=3hr
++ * @ars : set if ARS required after check condition
++ * @islogical : set if command meant for logical devices
++ * @logdrv : logical drive number if command for LD
++ * @channel : Channel on which physical device is located
++ * @target : SCSI target of the device
++ * @queuetag : unused
++ * @queueaction : unused
++ * @cdb : SCSI CDB
++ * @cdblen : length of the CDB
++ * @reqsenselen : amount of request sense data to be returned
++ * @reqsensearea : Sense information buffer
++ * @numsge : number of scatter-gather elements in the sg list
++ * @scsistatus : SCSI status of the command completed.
++ * @dataxferaddr : DMA data transfer address
++ * @dataxferlen : amount of the data to be transferred.
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t timeout :3;
++ uint8_t ars :1;
++ uint8_t reserved :3;
++ uint8_t islogical :1;
++ uint8_t logdrv;
++ uint8_t channel;
++ uint8_t target;
++ uint8_t queuetag;
++ uint8_t queueaction;
++ uint8_t cdb[10];
++ uint8_t cdblen;
++ uint8_t reqsenselen;
++ uint8_t reqsensearea[MAX_REQ_SENSE_LEN];
++ uint8_t numsge;
++ uint8_t scsistatus;
++ uint32_t dataxferaddr;
++ uint32_t dataxferlen;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_passthru_t;
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t dataxferaddr_lo;
++ uint32_t dataxferaddr_hi;
++ mraid_passthru_t pthru32;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mega_passthru64_t;
++ * mraid_epassthru_t - passthru structure to issue commands to physical devices
++ * @timeout : command timeout, 0=6sec, 1=60sec, 2=10min, 3=3hr
++ * @ars : set if ARS required after check condition
++ * @rsvd1 : reserved field
++ * @cd_rom : (?)
++ * @rsvd2 : reserved field
++ * @islogical : set if command meant for logical devices
++ * @logdrv : logical drive number if command for LD
++ * @channel : Channel on which physical device is located
++ * @target : SCSI target of the device
++ * @queuetag : unused
++ * @queueaction : unused
++ * @cdblen : length of the CDB
++ * @rsvd3 : reserved field
++ * @cdb : SCSI CDB
++ * @numsge : number of scatter-gather elements in the sg list
++ * @status : SCSI status of the command completed.
++ * @reqsenselen : amount of request sense data to be returned
++ * @reqsensearea : Sense information buffer
++ * @rsvd4 : reserved field
++ * @dataxferaddr : DMA data transfer address
++ * @dataxferlen : amount of the data to be transferred.
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t timeout :3;
++ uint8_t ars :1;
++ uint8_t rsvd1 :1;
++ uint8_t cd_rom :1;
++ uint8_t rsvd2 :1;
++ uint8_t islogical :1;
++ uint8_t logdrv;
++ uint8_t channel;
++ uint8_t target;
++ uint8_t queuetag;
++ uint8_t queueaction;
++ uint8_t cdblen;
++ uint8_t rsvd3;
++ uint8_t cdb[16];
++ uint8_t numsge;
++ uint8_t status;
++ uint8_t reqsenselen;
++ uint8_t reqsensearea[MAX_REQ_SENSE_LEN];
++ uint8_t rsvd4;
++ uint32_t dataxferaddr;
++ uint32_t dataxferlen;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_epassthru_t;
++ * mraid_pinfo_t - product info, static information about the controller
++ * @data_size : current size in bytes (not including resvd)
++ * @config_signature : Current value is 0x00282008
++ * @fw_version : Firmware version
++ * @bios_version : version of the BIOS
++ * @product_name : Name given to the controller
++ * @max_commands : Maximum concurrent commands supported
++ * @nchannels : Number of SCSI Channels detected
++ * @fc_loop_present : Number of Fibre Loops detected
++ * @mem_type : EDO, FPM, SDRAM etc
++ * @signature :
++ * @dram_size : In terms of MB
++ * @subsysid : device PCI subsystem ID
++ * @subsysvid : device PCI subsystem vendor ID
++ * @notify_counters :
++ * @pad1k : 135 + 889 resvd = 1024 total size
++ *
++ * This structures holds the information about the controller which is not
++ * expected to change dynamically.
++ *
++ * The current value of config signature is 0x00282008:
++ * 0x20 = Number of stripes and
++ * 0x08 = Number of spans
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t data_size;
++ uint32_t config_signature;
++ uint8_t fw_version[16];
++ uint8_t bios_version[16];
++ uint8_t product_name[80];
++ uint8_t max_commands;
++ uint8_t nchannels;
++ uint8_t fc_loop_present;
++ uint8_t mem_type;
++ uint32_t signature;
++ uint16_t dram_size;
++ uint16_t subsysid;
++ uint16_t subsysvid;
++ uint8_t notify_counters;
++ uint8_t pad1k[889];
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_pinfo_t;
++ * mraid_notify_t - the notification structure
++ * @global_counter : Any change increments this counter
++ * @param_counter : Indicates any params changed
++ * @param_id : Param modified - defined below
++ * @param_val : New val of last param modified
++ * @write_config_counter : write config occurred
++ * @write_config_rsvd :
++ * @ldrv_op_counter : Indicates ldrv op started/completed
++ * @ldrv_opid : ldrv num
++ * @ldrv_opcmd : ldrv operation - defined below
++ * @ldrv_opstatus : status of the operation
++ * @ldrv_state_counter : Indicates change of ldrv state
++ * @ldrv_state_id : ldrv num
++ * @ldrv_state_new : New state
++ * @ldrv_state_old : old state
++ * @pdrv_state_counter : Indicates change of ldrv state
++ * @pdrv_state_id : pdrv id
++ * @pdrv_state_new : New state
++ * @pdrv_state_old : old state
++ * @pdrv_fmt_counter : Indicates pdrv format started/over
++ * @pdrv_fmt_id : pdrv id
++ * @pdrv_fmt_val : format started/over
++ * @pdrv_fmt_rsvd :
++ * @targ_xfer_counter : Indicates SCSI-2 Xfer rate change
++ * @targ_xfer_id : pdrv Id
++ * @targ_xfer_val : new Xfer params of last pdrv
++ * @targ_xfer_rsvd :
++ * @fcloop_id_chg_counter : Indicates loopid changed
++ * @fcloopid_pdrvid : pdrv id
++ * @fcloop_id0 : loopid on fc loop 0
++ * @fcloop_id1 : loopid on fc loop 1
++ * @fcloop_state_counter : Indicates loop state changed
++ * @fcloop_state0 : state of fc loop 0
++ * @fcloop_state1 : state of fc loop 1
++ * @fcloop_state_rsvd :
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t global_counter;
++ uint8_t param_counter;
++ uint8_t param_id;
++ uint16_t param_val;
++ uint8_t write_config_counter;
++ uint8_t write_config_rsvd[3];
++ uint8_t ldrv_op_counter;
++ uint8_t ldrv_opid;
++ uint8_t ldrv_opcmd;
++ uint8_t ldrv_opstatus;
++ uint8_t ldrv_state_counter;
++ uint8_t ldrv_state_id;
++ uint8_t ldrv_state_new;
++ uint8_t ldrv_state_old;
++ uint8_t pdrv_state_counter;
++ uint8_t pdrv_state_id;
++ uint8_t pdrv_state_new;
++ uint8_t pdrv_state_old;
++ uint8_t pdrv_fmt_counter;
++ uint8_t pdrv_fmt_id;
++ uint8_t pdrv_fmt_val;
++ uint8_t pdrv_fmt_rsvd;
++ uint8_t targ_xfer_counter;
++ uint8_t targ_xfer_id;
++ uint8_t targ_xfer_val;
++ uint8_t targ_xfer_rsvd;
++ uint8_t fcloop_id_chg_counter;
++ uint8_t fcloopid_pdrvid;
++ uint8_t fcloop_id0;
++ uint8_t fcloop_id1;
++ uint8_t fcloop_state_counter;
++ uint8_t fcloop_state0;
++ uint8_t fcloop_state1;
++ uint8_t fcloop_state_rsvd;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_notify_t;
++ * mraid_inquiry3_t - enquiry for device information
++ *
++ * @data_size : current size in bytes (not including resvd)
++ * @notify :
++ * @notify_rsvd :
++ * @rebuild_rate : rebuild rate (0% - 100%)
++ * @cache_flush_int : cache flush interval in seconds
++ * @sense_alert :
++ * @drive_insert_count : drive insertion count
++ * @battery_status :
++ * @num_ldrv : no. of Log Drives configured
++ * @recon_state : state of reconstruct
++ * @ldrv_op_status : logdrv Status
++ * @ldrv_size : size of each log drv
++ * @ldrv_prop :
++ * @ldrv_state : state of log drives
++ * @pdrv_state : state of phys drvs.
++ * @pdrv_format :
++ * @targ_xfer : phys device transfer rate
++ * @pad1k : 761 + 263reserved = 1024 bytes total size
++ */
++#define MAX_NOTIFY_SIZE 0x80
++#define CUR_NOTIFY_SIZE sizeof(mraid_notify_t)
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t data_size;
++ mraid_notify_t notify;
++ uint8_t notify_rsvd[MAX_NOTIFY_SIZE - CUR_NOTIFY_SIZE];
++ uint8_t rebuild_rate;
++ uint8_t cache_flush_int;
++ uint8_t sense_alert;
++ uint8_t drive_insert_count;
++ uint8_t battery_status;
++ uint8_t num_ldrv;
++ uint8_t recon_state[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD / 8];
++ uint16_t ldrv_op_status[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD / 8];
++ uint32_t ldrv_size[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD];
++ uint8_t ldrv_prop[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD];
++ uint8_t ldrv_state[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD];
++ uint8_t pdrv_state[FC_MAX_PHYSICAL_DEVICES];
++ uint16_t pdrv_format[FC_MAX_PHYSICAL_DEVICES / 16];
++ uint8_t targ_xfer[80];
++ uint8_t pad1k[263];
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_inquiry3_t;
++ * mraid_adapinfo_t - information about the adapter
++ * @max_commands : max concurrent commands supported
++ * @rebuild_rate : rebuild rate - 0% thru 100%
++ * @max_targ_per_chan : max targ per channel
++ * @nchannels : number of channels on HBA
++ * @fw_version : firmware version
++ * @age_of_flash : number of times FW has been flashed
++ * @chip_set_value : contents of 0xC0000832
++ * @dram_size : in MB
++ * @cache_flush_interval : in seconds
++ * @bios_version :
++ * @board_type :
++ * @sense_alert :
++ * @write_config_count : increase with every configuration change
++ * @drive_inserted_count : increase with every drive inserted
++ * @inserted_drive : channel:Id of inserted drive
++ * @battery_status : bit 0: battery module missing
++ * bit 1: VBAD
++ * bit 2: temprature high
++ * bit 3: battery pack missing
++ * bit 4,5:
++ * 00 - charge complete
++ * 01 - fast charge in progress
++ * 10 - fast charge fail
++ * 11 - undefined
++ * bit 6: counter > 1000
++ * bit 7: Undefined
++ * @dec_fault_bus_info :
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t max_commands;
++ uint8_t rebuild_rate;
++ uint8_t max_targ_per_chan;
++ uint8_t nchannels;
++ uint8_t fw_version[4];
++ uint16_t age_of_flash;
++ uint8_t chip_set_value;
++ uint8_t dram_size;
++ uint8_t cache_flush_interval;
++ uint8_t bios_version[4];
++ uint8_t board_type;
++ uint8_t sense_alert;
++ uint8_t write_config_count;
++ uint8_t battery_status;
++ uint8_t dec_fault_bus_info;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_adapinfo_t;
++ * mraid_ldrv_info_t - information about the logical drives
++ * @nldrv : Number of logical drives configured
++ * @rsvd :
++ * @size : size of each logical drive
++ * @prop :
++ * @state : state of each logical drive
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t nldrv;
++ uint8_t rsvd[3];
++ uint32_t size[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_8LD];
++ uint8_t prop[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_8LD];
++ uint8_t state[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_8LD];
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_ldrv_info_t;
++ * mraid_pdrv_info_t - information about the physical drives
++ * @pdrv_state : state of each physical drive
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t pdrv_state[MBOX_MAX_PHYSICAL_DRIVES];
++ uint8_t rsvd;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_pdrv_info_t;
++ * mraid_inquiry_t - RAID inquiry, mailbox command 0x05
++ * @mraid_adapinfo_t : adapter information
++ * @mraid_ldrv_info_t : logical drives information
++ * @mraid_pdrv_info_t : physical drives information
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ mraid_adapinfo_t adapter_info;
++ mraid_ldrv_info_t logdrv_info;
++ mraid_pdrv_info_t pdrv_info;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_inquiry_t;
++ * mraid_extinq_t - RAID extended inquiry, mailbox command 0x04
++ *
++ * @raid_inq : raid inquiry
++ * @phys_drv_format :
++ * @stack_attn :
++ * @modem_status :
++ * @rsvd :
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ mraid_inquiry_t raid_inq;
++ uint16_t phys_drv_format[MAX_MBOX_CHANNELS];
++ uint8_t stack_attn;
++ uint8_t modem_status;
++ uint8_t rsvd[2];
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mraid_extinq_t;
++ * adap_device_t - device information
++ * @channel : channel fpor the device
++ * @target : target ID of the device
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t channel;
++ uint8_t target;
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) adap_device_t;
++ * adap_span_40ld_t - 40LD span
++ * @start_blk : starting block
++ * @num_blks : number of blocks
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t start_blk;
++ uint32_t num_blks;
++ adap_device_t device[MAX_ROW_SIZE_40LD];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) adap_span_40ld_t;
++ * adap_span_8ld_t - 8LD span
++ * @start_blk : starting block
++ * @num_blks : number of blocks
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t start_blk;
++ uint32_t num_blks;
++ adap_device_t device[MAX_ROW_SIZE_8LD];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) adap_span_8ld_t;
++ * logdrv_param_t - logical drives parameters
++ *
++ * @span_depth : total number of spans
++ * @level : RAID level
++ * @read_ahead : read ahead, no read ahead, adaptive read ahead
++ * @stripe_sz : encoded stripe size
++ * @status : status of the logical drive
++ * @write_mode : write mode, write_through/write_back
++ * @direct_io : direct io or through cache
++ * @row_size : number of stripes in a row
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t span_depth;
++ uint8_t level;
++ uint8_t read_ahead;
++ uint8_t stripe_sz;
++ uint8_t status;
++ uint8_t write_mode;
++ uint8_t direct_io;
++ uint8_t row_size;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) logdrv_param_t;
++ * logdrv_40ld_t - logical drive definition for 40LD controllers
++ * @lparam : logical drives parameters
++ * @span : span
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ logdrv_param_t lparam;
++ adap_span_40ld_t span[SPAN_DEPTH_8_SPANS];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) logdrv_40ld_t;
++ * logdrv_8ld_span8_t - logical drive definition for 8LD controllers
++ * @lparam : logical drives parameters
++ * @span : span
++ *
++ * 8-LD logical drive with upto 8 spans
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ logdrv_param_t lparam;
++ adap_span_8ld_t span[SPAN_DEPTH_8_SPANS];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) logdrv_8ld_span8_t;
++ * logdrv_8ld_span4_t - logical drive definition for 8LD controllers
++ * @lparam : logical drives parameters
++ * @span : span
++ *
++ * 8-LD logical drive with upto 4 spans
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ logdrv_param_t lparam;
++ adap_span_8ld_t span[SPAN_DEPTH_4_SPANS];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) logdrv_8ld_span4_t;
++ * phys_drive_t - physical device information
++ * @type : Type of the device
++ * @cur_status : current status of the device
++ * @tag_depth : Level of tagging
++ * @sync_neg : sync negotiation - ENABLE or DISBALE
++ * @size : configurable size in terms of 512 byte
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t type;
++ uint8_t cur_status;
++ uint8_t tag_depth;
++ uint8_t sync_neg;
++ uint32_t size;
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) phys_drive_t;
++ * disk_array_40ld_t - disk array for 40LD controllers
++ * @numldrv : number of logical drives
++ * @resvd :
++ * @ldrv : logical drives information
++ * @pdrv : physical drives information
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t numldrv;
++ uint8_t resvd[3];
++ logdrv_40ld_t ldrv[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD];
++ phys_drive_t pdrv[MBOX_MAX_PHYSICAL_DRIVES];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) disk_array_40ld_t;
++ * disk_array_8ld_span8_t - disk array for 8LD controllers
++ * @numldrv : number of logical drives
++ * @resvd :
++ * @ldrv : logical drives information
++ * @pdrv : physical drives information
++ *
++ * Disk array for 8LD logical drives with upto 8 spans
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t numldrv;
++ uint8_t resvd[3];
++ logdrv_8ld_span8_t ldrv[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_8LD];
++ phys_drive_t pdrv[MBOX_MAX_PHYSICAL_DRIVES];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) disk_array_8ld_span8_t;
++ * disk_array_8ld_span4_t - disk array for 8LD controllers
++ * @numldrv : number of logical drives
++ * @resvd :
++ * @ldrv : logical drives information
++ * @pdrv : physical drives information
++ *
++ * Disk array for 8LD logical drives with upto 4 spans
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t numldrv;
++ uint8_t resvd[3];
++ logdrv_8ld_span4_t ldrv[MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_8LD];
++ phys_drive_t pdrv[MBOX_MAX_PHYSICAL_DRIVES];
++}__attribute__ ((packed)) disk_array_8ld_span4_t;
++ * private_bios_data - bios private data for boot devices
++ * @geometry : bits 0-3 - BIOS geometry, 0x0001 - 1GB, 0x0010 - 2GB,
++ * 0x1000 - 8GB, Others values are invalid
++ * @unused : bits 4-7 are unused
++ * @boot_drv : logical drive set as boot drive, 0..7 - for 8LD cards,
++ * 0..39 - for 40LD cards
++ * @cksum : 0-(sum of first 13 bytes of this structure)
++ */
++struct private_bios_data {
++ uint8_t geometry :4;
++ uint8_t unused :4;
++ uint8_t boot_drv;
++ uint8_t rsvd[12];
++ uint16_t cksum;
++} __attribute__ ((packed));
++ * mbox_sgl64 - 64-bit scatter list for mailbox based controllers
++ * @address : address of the buffer
++ * @length : data transfer length
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint64_t address;
++ uint32_t length;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mbox_sgl64;
++ * mbox_sgl32 - 32-bit scatter list for mailbox based controllers
++ * @address : address of the buffer
++ * @length : data transfer length
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t address;
++ uint32_t length;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mbox_sgl32;
++#endif // _MRAID_MBOX_DEFS_H_
++/* vim: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=78: */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/mega_common.h 2005-10-20 14:48:47.529315872 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
++ *
++ * Linux MegaRAID device driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 LSI Logic Corporation.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * FILE : mega_common.h
++ *
++ * Libaray of common routine used by all low-level megaraid drivers
++ */
++#ifndef _MEGA_COMMON_H_
++#define _MEGA_COMMON_H_
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#define LSI_MAX_CHANNELS 16
++#define LSI_MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_64LD (64+1)
++ * scb_t - scsi command control block
++ * @param ccb : command control block for individual driver
++ * @param list : list of control blocks
++ * @param gp : general purpose field for LLDs
++ * @param sno : all SCBs have a serial number
++ * @param scp : associated scsi command
++ * @param state : current state of scb
++ * @param dma_dir : direction of data transfer
++ * @param dma_type : transfer with sg list, buffer, or no data transfer
++ * @param dev_channel : actual channel on the device
++ * @param dev_target : actual target on the device
++ * @param status : completion status
++ *
++ * This is our central data structure to issue commands the each driver.
++ * Driver specific data structures are maintained in the ccb field.
++ * scb provides a field 'gp', which can be used by LLD for its own purposes
++ *
++ * dev_channel and dev_target must be initialized with the actual channel and
++ * target on the controller.
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ caddr_t ccb;
++ struct list_head list;
++ unsigned long gp;
++ unsigned int sno;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
++ uint32_t state;
++ uint32_t dma_direction;
++ uint32_t dma_type;
++ uint16_t dev_channel;
++ uint16_t dev_target;
++ uint32_t status;
++} scb_t;
++ * SCB states as it transitions from one state to another
++ */
++#define SCB_FREE 0x0000 /* on the free list */
++#define SCB_ACTIVE 0x0001 /* off the free list */
++#define SCB_PENDQ 0x0002 /* on the pending queue */
++#define SCB_ISSUED 0x0004 /* issued - owner f/w */
++#define SCB_ABORT 0x0008 /* Got an abort for this one */
++#define SCB_RESET 0x0010 /* Got a reset for this one */
++ * DMA types for scb
++ */
++#define MRAID_DMA_NONE 0x0000 /* no data transfer for this command */
++#define MRAID_DMA_WSG 0x0001 /* data transfer using a sg list */
++#define MRAID_DMA_WBUF 0x0002 /* data transfer using a contiguous buffer */
++ * struct adapter_t - driver's initialization structure
++ * @param dpc_h : tasklet handle
++ * @param pdev : pci configuration pointer for kernel
++ * @param host : pointer to host structure of mid-layer
++ * @param host_lock : pointer to appropriate lock
++ * @param lock : synchronization lock for mid-layer and driver
++ * @param quiescent : driver is quiescent for now.
++ * @param outstanding_cmds : number of commands pending in the driver
++ * @param kscb_list : pointer to the bulk of SCBs pointers for IO
++ * @param kscb_pool : pool of free scbs for IO
++ * @param kscb_pool_lock : lock for pool of free scbs
++ * @param pend_list : pending commands list
++ * @param pend_list_lock : exlusion lock for pending commands list
++ * @param completed_list : list of completed commands
++ * @param completed_list_lock : exclusion lock for list of completed commands
++ * @param sglen : max sg elements supported
++ * @param device_ids : to convert kernel device addr to our devices.
++ * @param raid_device : raid adapter specific pointer
++ * @param max_channel : maximum channel number supported - inclusive
++ * @param max_target : max target supported - inclusive
++ * @param max_lun : max lun supported - inclusive
++ * @param unique_id : unique identifier for each adapter
++ * @param irq : IRQ for this adapter
++ * @param ito : internal timeout value, (-1) means no timeout
++ * @param ibuf : buffer to issue internal commands
++ * @param ibuf_dma_h : dma handle for the above buffer
++ * @param uscb_list : SCB pointers for user cmds, common mgmt module
++ * @param uscb_pool : pool of SCBs for user commands
++ * @param uscb_pool_lock : exclusion lock for these SCBs
++ * @param max_cmds : max outstanding commands
++ * @param fw_version : firmware version
++ * @param bios_version : bios version
++ * @param max_cdb_sz : biggest CDB size supported.
++ * @param ha : is high availability present - clustering
++ * @param init_id : initiator ID, the default value should be 7
++ * @param max_sectors : max sectors per request
++ * @param cmd_per_lun : max outstanding commands per LUN
++ * @param being_detached : set when unloading, no more mgmt calls
++ *
++ *
++ * mraid_setup_device_map() can be called anytime after the device map is
++ * available and MRAID_GET_DEVICE_MAP() can be called whenever the mapping is
++ * required, usually from LLD's queue entry point. The formar API sets up the
++ * MRAID_IS_LOGICAL(adapter_t *, struct scsi_cmnd *) to find out if the
++ * device in question is a logical drive.
++ *
++ * quiescent flag should be set by the driver if it is not accepting more
++ * commands
++ *
++ * NOTE: The fields of this structures are placed to minimize cache misses
++ */
++// amount of space required to store the bios and firmware version strings
++#define VERSION_SIZE 16
++typedef struct {
++ struct tasklet_struct dpc_h;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host;
++ spinlock_t *host_lock;
++ spinlock_t lock;
++ uint8_t quiescent;
++ int outstanding_cmds;
++ scb_t *kscb_list;
++ struct list_head kscb_pool;
++ spinlock_t kscb_pool_lock;
++ struct list_head pend_list;
++ spinlock_t pend_list_lock;
++ struct list_head completed_list;
++ spinlock_t completed_list_lock;
++ uint16_t sglen;
++ int device_ids[LSI_MAX_CHANNELS]
++ caddr_t raid_device;
++ uint8_t max_channel;
++ uint16_t max_target;
++ uint8_t max_lun;
++ uint32_t unique_id;
++ uint8_t irq;
++ uint8_t ito;
++ caddr_t ibuf;
++ dma_addr_t ibuf_dma_h;
++ scb_t *uscb_list;
++ struct list_head uscb_pool;
++ spinlock_t uscb_pool_lock;
++ int max_cmds;
++ uint8_t fw_version[VERSION_SIZE];
++ uint8_t bios_version[VERSION_SIZE];
++ uint8_t max_cdb_sz;
++ uint8_t ha;
++ uint16_t init_id;
++ uint16_t max_sectors;
++ uint16_t cmd_per_lun;
++ atomic_t being_detached;
++} adapter_t;
++#define SCSI_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter) (&adapter->kscb_pool_lock)
++#define USER_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter) (&adapter->uscb_pool_lock)
++#define PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter) (&adapter->pend_list_lock)
++#define COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter) (&adapter->completed_list_lock)
++// conversion from scsi command
++#define SCP2HOST(scp) (scp)->device->host // to host
++#define SCP2HOSTDATA(scp) SCP2HOST(scp)->hostdata // to soft state
++#define SCP2CHANNEL(scp) (scp)->device->channel // to channel
++#define SCP2TARGET(scp) (scp)->device->id // to target
++#define SCP2LUN(scp) (scp)->device->lun // to LUN
++// generic macro to convert scsi command and host to controller's soft state
++#define SCSIHOST2ADAP(host) (((caddr_t *)(host->hostdata))[0])
++#define SCP2ADAPTER(scp) (adapter_t *)SCSIHOST2ADAP(SCP2HOST(scp))
++ * MRAID_GET_DEVICE_MAP - device ids
++ * @param adp - Adapter's soft state
++ * @param scp - mid-layer scsi command pointer
++ * @param p_chan - physical channel on the controller
++ * @param target - target id of the device or logical drive number
++ * @param islogical - set if the command is for the logical drive
++ *
++ * Macro to retrieve information about device class, logical or physical and
++ * the corresponding physical channel and target or logical drive number
++ **/
++#define MRAID_IS_LOGICAL(adp, scp) \
++ (SCP2CHANNEL(scp) == (adp)->max_channel) ? 1 : 0
++#define MRAID_IS_LOGICAL_SDEV(adp, sdev) \
++ (sdev->channel == (adp)->max_channel) ? 1 : 0
++#define MRAID_GET_DEVICE_MAP(adp, scp, p_chan, target, islogical) \
++ /* \
++ * Is the request coming for the virtual channel \
++ */ \
++ islogical = MRAID_IS_LOGICAL(adp, scp); \
++ \
++ /* \
++ * Get an index into our table of drive ids mapping \
++ */ \
++ if (islogical) { \
++ p_chan = 0xFF; \
++ target = \
++ (adp)->device_ids[(adp)->max_channel][SCP2TARGET(scp)]; \
++ } \
++ else { \
++ p_chan = ((adp)->device_ids[SCP2CHANNEL(scp)] \
++ [SCP2TARGET(scp)] >> 8) & 0xFF; \
++ target = ((adp)->device_ids[SCP2CHANNEL(scp)] \
++ [SCP2TARGET(scp)] & 0xFF); \
++ }
++ * ### Helper routines ###
++ */
++#define LSI_DBGLVL mraid_debug_level // each LLD must define a global
++ // mraid_debug_level
++#ifdef DEBUG
++#if defined (_ASSERT_PANIC)
++#define ASSERT_ACTION panic
++#define ASSERT_ACTION printk
++#define ASSERT(expression) \
++ if (!(expression)) { \
++ ASSERT_ACTION("assertion failed:(%s), file: %s, line: %d:%s\n", \
++ #expression, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
++ }
++#define ASSERT(expression)
++ * struct mraid_pci_blk - structure holds DMA memory block info
++ * @param vaddr : virtual address to a memory block
++ * @param dma_addr : DMA handle to a memory block
++ *
++ * This structure is filled up for the caller. It is the responsibilty of the
++ * caller to allocate this array big enough to store addresses for all
++ * requested elements
++ */
++struct mraid_pci_blk {
++ caddr_t vaddr;
++ dma_addr_t dma_addr;
++#endif // _MEGA_COMMON_H_
++// vim: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=78:
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_ioctl.h 2005-10-19 11:47:15.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
++ *
++ * Linux MegaRAID device driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 LSI Logic Corporation.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * FILE : megaraid_ioctl.h
++ *
++ * Definitions to interface with user level applications
++ */
++#ifndef _MEGARAID_IOCTL_H_
++#define _MEGARAID_IOCTL_H_
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include "mbox_defs.h"
++ * con_log() - console log routine
++ * @param level : indicates the severity of the message.
++ * @fparam mt : format string
++ *
++ * con_log displays the error messages on the console based on the current
++ * debug level. Also it attaches the appropriate kernel severity level with
++ * the message.
++ *
++ *
++ * consolge messages debug levels
++ */
++#define CL_ANN 0 /* print unconditionally, announcements */
++#define CL_DLEVEL1 1 /* debug level 1, informative */
++#define CL_DLEVEL2 2 /* debug level 2, verbose */
++#define CL_DLEVEL3 3 /* debug level 3, very verbose */
++#define con_log(level, fmt) if (LSI_DBGLVL >= level) printk fmt;
++ * Definitions & Declarations needed to use common management module
++ */
++#define MEGAIOC_MAGIC 'm'
++#define MEGAIOCCMD _IOWR(MEGAIOC_MAGIC, 0, mimd_t)
++#define MEGAIOC_QNADAP 'm' /* Query # of adapters */
++#define MEGAIOC_QDRVRVER 'e' /* Query driver version */
++#define MEGAIOC_QADAPINFO 'g' /* Query adapter information */
++#define USCSICMD 0x80
++#define UIOC_RD 0x00001
++#define UIOC_WR 0x00002
++#define MBOX_CMD 0x00000
++#define GET_DRIVER_VER 0x10000
++#define GET_N_ADAP 0x20000
++#define GET_ADAP_INFO 0x30000
++#define GET_CAP 0x40000
++#define GET_STATS 0x50000
++#define GET_IOCTL_VERSION 0x01
++#define EXT_IOCTL_SIGN_SZ 16
++#define EXT_IOCTL_SIGN "$$_EXTD_IOCTL_$$"
++#define MBOX_LEGACY 0x00 /* ioctl has legacy mbox*/
++#define MBOX_HPE 0x01 /* ioctl has hpe mbox */
++#define APPTYPE_MIMD 0x00 /* old existing apps */
++#define APPTYPE_UIOC 0x01 /* new apps using uioc */
++#define IOCTL_ISSUE 0x00000001 /* Issue ioctl */
++#define IOCTL_ABORT 0x00000002 /* Abort previous ioctl */
++#define DRVRTYPE_MBOX 0x00000001 /* regular mbox driver */
++#define DRVRTYPE_HPE 0x00000002 /* new hpe driver */
++#define MKADAP(adapno) (MEGAIOC_MAGIC << 8 | (adapno) )
++#define GETADAP(mkadap) ((mkadap) ^ MEGAIOC_MAGIC << 8)
++#define MAX_DMA_POOLS 5 /* 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k*/
++ * struct uioc_t - the common ioctl packet structure
++ *
++ * @signature : Must be "$$_EXTD_IOCTL_$$"
++ * @mb_type : Type of the mail box (MB_LEGACY or MB_HPE)
++ * @app_type : Type of the issuing application (existing or new)
++ * @opcode : Opcode of the command
++ * @adapno : Adapter number
++ * @cmdbuf : Pointer to buffer - can point to mbox or plain data buffer
++ * @xferlen : xferlen for DCMD and non mailbox commands
++ * @data_dir : Direction of the data transfer
++ * @status : Status from the driver
++ * @reserved : reserved bytes for future expansion
++ *
++ * @user_data : user data transfer address is saved in this
++ * @user_data_len: length of the data buffer sent by user app
++ * @user_pthru : user passthru address is saves in this (null if DCMD)
++ * @pthru32 : kernel address passthru (allocated per kioc)
++ * @pthru32_h : physicall address of @pthru32
++ * @list : for kioc free pool list maintenance
++ * @done : call back routine for llds to call when kioc is completed
++ * @buf_vaddr : dma pool buffer attached to kioc for data transfer
++ * @buf_paddr : physical address of the dma pool buffer
++ * @pool_index : index of the dma pool that @buf_vaddr is taken from
++ * @free_buf : indicates if buffer needs to be freed after kioc completes
++ *
++ * Note : All LSI drivers understand only this packet. Any other
++ * : format sent by applications would be converted to this.
++ */
++typedef struct uioc {
++/* User Apps: */
++ uint8_t signature[EXT_IOCTL_SIGN_SZ];
++ uint16_t mb_type;
++ uint16_t app_type;
++ uint32_t opcode;
++ uint32_t adapno;
++ uint64_t cmdbuf;
++ uint32_t xferlen;
++ uint32_t data_dir;
++ int32_t status;
++ uint8_t reserved[128];
++/* Driver Data: */
++ void __user * user_data;
++ uint32_t user_data_len;
++ mraid_passthru_t __user *user_pthru;
++ mraid_passthru_t *pthru32;
++ dma_addr_t pthru32_h;
++ struct list_head list;
++ void (*done)(struct uioc*);
++ caddr_t buf_vaddr;
++ dma_addr_t buf_paddr;
++ int8_t pool_index;
++ uint8_t free_buf;
++ uint8_t timedout;
++} __attribute__ ((aligned(1024),packed)) uioc_t;
++ * struct mraid_hba_info - information about the controller
++ *
++ * @param pci_vendor_id : PCI vendor id
++ * @param pci_device_id : PCI device id
++ * @param subsystem_vendor_id : PCI subsystem vendor id
++ * @param subsystem_device_id : PCI subsystem device id
++ * @param baseport : base port of hba memory
++ * @param pci_bus : PCI bus
++ * @param pci_dev_fn : PCI device/function values
++ * @param irq : interrupt vector for the device
++ *
++ * Extended information of 256 bytes about the controller. Align on the single
++ * byte boundary so that 32-bit applications can be run on 64-bit platform
++ * drivers withoug re-compilation.
++ * NOTE: reduce the number of reserved bytes whenever new field are added, so
++ * that total size of the structure remains 256 bytes.
++ */
++typedef struct mraid_hba_info {
++ uint16_t pci_vendor_id;
++ uint16_t pci_device_id;
++ uint16_t subsys_vendor_id;
++ uint16_t subsys_device_id;
++ uint64_t baseport;
++ uint8_t pci_bus;
++ uint8_t pci_dev_fn;
++ uint8_t pci_slot;
++ uint8_t irq;
++ uint32_t unique_id;
++ uint32_t host_no;
++ uint8_t num_ldrv;
++} __attribute__ ((aligned(256), packed)) mraid_hba_info_t;
++ * mcontroller : adapter info structure for old mimd_t apps
++ *
++ * @base : base address
++ * @irq : irq number
++ * @numldrv : number of logical drives
++ * @pcibus : pci bus
++ * @pcidev : pci device
++ * @pcifun : pci function
++ * @pciid : pci id
++ * @pcivendor : vendor id
++ * @pcislot : slot number
++ * @uid : unique id
++ */
++typedef struct mcontroller {
++ uint64_t base;
++ uint8_t irq;
++ uint8_t numldrv;
++ uint8_t pcibus;
++ uint16_t pcidev;
++ uint8_t pcifun;
++ uint16_t pciid;
++ uint16_t pcivendor;
++ uint8_t pcislot;
++ uint32_t uid;
++} __attribute__ ((packed)) mcontroller_t;
++ * mm_dmapool_t : Represents one dma pool with just one buffer
++ *
++ * @vaddr : Virtual address
++ * @paddr : DMA physicall address
++ * @bufsize : In KB - 4 = 4k, 8 = 8k etc.
++ * @handle : Handle to the dma pool
++ * @lock : lock to synchronize access to the pool
++ * @in_use : If pool already in use, attach new block
++ */
++typedef struct mm_dmapool {
++ caddr_t vaddr;
++ dma_addr_t paddr;
++ uint32_t buf_size;
++ struct dma_pool *handle;
++ spinlock_t lock;
++ uint8_t in_use;
++} mm_dmapool_t;
++ * mraid_mmadp_t: Structure that drivers pass during (un)registration
++ *
++ * @unique_id : Any unique id (usually PCI bus+dev+fn)
++ * @drvr_type : megaraid or hpe (DRVRTYPE_MBOX or DRVRTYPE_HPE)
++ * @drv_data : Driver specific; not touched by the common module
++ * @timeout : timeout for issued kiocs
++ * @max_kioc : Maximum ioctl packets acceptable by the lld
++ * @pdev : pci dev; used for allocating dma'ble memory
++ * @issue_uioc : Driver supplied routine to issue uioc_t commands
++ * : issue_uioc(drvr_data, kioc, ISSUE/ABORT, uioc_done)
++ * @quiescent : flag to indicate if ioctl can be issued to this adp
++ * @list : attach with the global list of adapters
++ * @kioc_list : block of mem for @max_kioc number of kiocs
++ * @kioc_pool : pool of free kiocs
++ * @kioc_pool_lock : protection for free pool
++ * @kioc_semaphore : so as not to exceed @max_kioc parallel ioctls
++ * @mbox_list : block of mem for @max_kioc number of mboxes
++ * @pthru_dma_pool : DMA pool to allocate passthru packets
++ * @dma_pool_list : array of dma pools
++ */
++typedef struct mraid_mmadp {
++/* Filled by driver */
++ uint32_t unique_id;
++ uint32_t drvr_type;
++ unsigned long drvr_data;
++ uint16_t timeout;
++ uint8_t max_kioc;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev;
++ int(*issue_uioc)(unsigned long, uioc_t *, uint32_t);
++/* Maintained by common module */
++ uint32_t quiescent;
++ struct list_head list;
++ uioc_t *kioc_list;
++ struct list_head kioc_pool;
++ spinlock_t kioc_pool_lock;
++ struct semaphore kioc_semaphore;
++ mbox64_t *mbox_list;
++ struct dma_pool *pthru_dma_pool;
++ mm_dmapool_t dma_pool_list[MAX_DMA_POOLS];
++} mraid_mmadp_t;
++int mraid_mm_register_adp(mraid_mmadp_t *);
++int mraid_mm_unregister_adp(uint32_t);
++uint32_t mraid_mm_adapter_app_handle(uint32_t);
++#endif /* _MEGARAID_IOCTL_H_ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.c 2005-10-20 14:45:58.746974688 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,4183 @@
++ *
++ * Linux MegaRAID device driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 LSI Logic Corporation.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * FILE : megaraid_mbox.c
++ * Version : v2.20.4.6 (Mar 07 2005)
++ *
++ * Authors:
++ * Atul Mukker <>
++ * Sreenivas Bagalkote <>
++ * Manoj Jose <>
++ *
++ * List of supported controllers
++ *
++ * OEM Product Name VID DID SSVID SSID
++ * --- ------------ --- --- ---- ----
++ * Dell PERC3/QC 101E 1960 1028 0471
++ * Dell PERC3/DC 101E 1960 1028 0493
++ * Dell PERC3/SC 101E 1960 1028 0475
++ * Dell PERC3/Di 1028 1960 1028 0123
++ * Dell PERC4/SC 1000 1960 1028 0520
++ * Dell PERC4/DC 1000 1960 1028 0518
++ * Dell PERC4/QC 1000 0407 1028 0531
++ * Dell PERC4/Di 1028 000F 1028 014A
++ * Dell PERC 4e/Si 1028 0013 1028 016c
++ * Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028 0013 1028 016d
++ * Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028 0013 1028 016e
++ * Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028 0013 1028 016f
++ * Dell PERC 4e/Di 1028 0013 1028 0170
++ * Dell PERC 4e/DC 1000 0408 1028 0002
++ * Dell PERC 4e/SC 1000 0408 1028 0001
++ *
++ *
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-0 1000 1960 1000 A520
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-1 1000 1960 1000 0520
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-2 1000 1960 1000 0518
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-0X 1000 0407 1000 0530
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-2X 1000 0407 1000 0532
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-4X 1000 0407 1000 0531
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-1E 1000 0408 1000 0001
++ * LSI MegaRAID SCSI 320-2E 1000 0408 1000 0002
++ * LSI MegaRAID SATA 150-4 1000 1960 1000 4523
++ * LSI MegaRAID SATA 150-6 1000 1960 1000 0523
++ * LSI MegaRAID SATA 300-4X 1000 0409 1000 3004
++ * LSI MegaRAID SATA 300-8X 1000 0409 1000 3008
++ *
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SRCU42X 1000 0407 8086 0532
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SRCS16 1000 1960 8086 0523
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SRCU42E 1000 0408 8086 0002
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SRCZCRX 1000 0407 8086 0530
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SRCS28X 1000 0409 8086 3008
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SROMBU42E 1000 0408 8086 3431
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SROMBU42E 1000 0408 8086 3499
++ * INTEL RAID Controller SRCU51L 1000 1960 8086 0520
++ *
++ * FSC MegaRAID PCI Express ROMB 1000 0408 1734 1065
++ *
++ * ACER MegaRAID ROMB-2E 1000 0408 1025 004D
++ *
++ * NEC MegaRAID PCI Express ROMB 1000 0408 1033 8287
++ *
++ * For history of changes, see Documentation/ChangeLog.megaraid
++ */
++#include "megaraid_mbox.h"
++static int megaraid_init(void);
++static void megaraid_exit(void);
++static int megaraid_probe_one(struct pci_dev*, const struct pci_device_id *);
++static void megaraid_detach_one(struct pci_dev *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_shutdown(struct device *);
++static int megaraid_io_attach(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_io_detach(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_init_mbox(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_fini_mbox(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_alloc_cmd_packets(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_free_cmd_packets(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_mbox_setup_dma_pools(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_teardown_dma_pools(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_sysfs_alloc_resources(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_sysfs_free_resources(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *);
++static int megaraid_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *);
++static int mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter_t *, uint8_t []);
++static int mbox_post_sync_cmd_fast(adapter_t *, uint8_t []);
++static int megaraid_busywait_mbox(mraid_device_t *);
++static int megaraid_mbox_product_info(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_mbox_extended_cdb(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_mbox_support_ha(adapter_t *, uint16_t *);
++static int megaraid_mbox_support_random_del(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_mbox_get_max_sg(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_enum_raid_scsi(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_flush_cache(adapter_t *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_display_scb(adapter_t *, scb_t *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_setup_device_map(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_queue_command(struct scsi_cmnd *,
++ void (*)(struct scsi_cmnd *));
++static scb_t *megaraid_mbox_build_cmd(adapter_t *, struct scsi_cmnd *, int *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_runpendq(adapter_t *, scb_t *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_prepare_pthru(adapter_t *, scb_t *,
++ struct scsi_cmnd *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_prepare_epthru(adapter_t *, scb_t *,
++ struct scsi_cmnd *);
++static irqreturn_t megaraid_isr(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_dpc(unsigned long);
++static ssize_t megaraid_sysfs_show_app_hndl(struct class_device *, char *);
++static ssize_t megaraid_sysfs_show_ldnum(struct device *, char *);
++static int megaraid_cmm_register(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_cmm_unregister(adapter_t *);
++static int megaraid_mbox_mm_handler(unsigned long, uioc_t *, uint32_t);
++static int megaraid_mbox_mm_command(adapter_t *, uioc_t *);
++static void megaraid_mbox_mm_done(adapter_t *, scb_t *);
++static int gather_hbainfo(adapter_t *, mraid_hba_info_t *);
++static int wait_till_fw_empty(adapter_t *);
++MODULE_AUTHOR("LSI Logic Corporation");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("LSI Logic MegaRAID Mailbox Driver");
++ * ### modules parameters for driver ###
++ */
++ * Set to enable driver to expose unconfigured disk to kernel
++ */
++static int megaraid_expose_unconf_disks = 0;
++module_param_named(unconf_disks, megaraid_expose_unconf_disks, int, 0);
++ "Set to expose unconfigured disks to kernel (default=0)");
++ * driver wait time if the adapter's mailbox is busy
++ */
++static unsigned int max_mbox_busy_wait = MBOX_BUSY_WAIT;
++module_param_named(busy_wait, max_mbox_busy_wait, int, 0);
++ "Max wait for mailbox in microseconds if busy (default=10)");
++ * number of sectors per IO command
++ */
++static unsigned int megaraid_max_sectors = MBOX_MAX_SECTORS;
++module_param_named(max_sectors, megaraid_max_sectors, int, 0);
++ "Maximum number of sectors per IO command (default=128)");
++ * number of commands per logical unit
++ */
++static unsigned int megaraid_cmd_per_lun = MBOX_DEF_CMD_PER_LUN;
++module_param_named(cmd_per_lun, megaraid_cmd_per_lun, int, 0);
++ "Maximum number of commands per logical unit (default=64)");
++ * Fast driver load option, skip scanning for physical devices during load.
++ * This would result in non-disk devices being skipped during driver load
++ * time. These can be later added though, using /proc/scsi/scsi
++ */
++static unsigned int megaraid_fast_load = 0;
++module_param_named(fast_load, megaraid_fast_load, int, 0);
++ "Faster loading of the driver, skips physical devices! (default=0)");
++ * mraid_debug level - threshold for amount of information to be displayed by
++ * the driver. This level can be changed through modules parameters, ioctl or
++ * sysfs/proc interface. By default, print the announcement messages only.
++ */
++int mraid_debug_level = CL_ANN;
++module_param_named(debug_level, mraid_debug_level, int, 0);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_level, "Debug level for driver (default=0)");
++ * ### global data ###
++ */
++static uint8_t megaraid_mbox_version[8] =
++ { 0x02, 0x20, 0x04, 0x06, 3, 7, 20, 5 };
++ * PCI table for all supported controllers.
++ */
++static struct pci_device_id pci_id_table_g[] = {
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {
++ },
++ {0} /* Terminating entry */
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pci_id_table_g);
++static struct pci_driver megaraid_pci_driver_g = {
++ .name = "megaraid",
++ .id_table = pci_id_table_g,
++ .probe = megaraid_probe_one,
++ .remove = __devexit_p(megaraid_detach_one),
++ .driver = {
++ .shutdown = megaraid_mbox_shutdown,
++ }
++// definitions for the device attributes for exporting logical drive number
++// for a scsi address (Host, Channel, Id, Lun)
++CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(megaraid_mbox_app_hndl, S_IRUSR, megaraid_sysfs_show_app_hndl,
++ NULL);
++// Host template initializer for megaraid mbox sysfs device attributes
++static struct class_device_attribute *megaraid_shost_attrs[] = {
++ &class_device_attr_megaraid_mbox_app_hndl,
++ NULL,
++DEVICE_ATTR(megaraid_mbox_ld, S_IRUSR, megaraid_sysfs_show_ldnum, NULL);
++// Host template initializer for megaraid mbox sysfs device attributes
++static struct device_attribute *megaraid_sdev_attrs[] = {
++ &dev_attr_megaraid_mbox_ld,
++ NULL,
++ * Scsi host template for megaraid unified driver
++ */
++static struct scsi_host_template megaraid_template_g = {
++ .module = THIS_MODULE,
++ .name = "LSI Logic MegaRAID driver",
++ .proc_name = "megaraid",
++ .queuecommand = megaraid_queue_command,
++ .eh_abort_handler = megaraid_abort_handler,
++ .eh_device_reset_handler = megaraid_reset_handler,
++ .eh_bus_reset_handler = megaraid_reset_handler,
++ .eh_host_reset_handler = megaraid_reset_handler,
++ .use_clustering = ENABLE_CLUSTERING,
++ .sdev_attrs = megaraid_sdev_attrs,
++ .shost_attrs = megaraid_shost_attrs,
++ * megaraid_init - module load hook
++ *
++ * We register ourselves as hotplug enabled module and let PCI subsystem
++ * discover our adaters
++ **/
++static int __init
++ int rval;
++ // Announce the driver version
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO "megaraid: %s %s\n", MEGARAID_VERSION,
++ // check validity of module parameters
++ if (megaraid_cmd_per_lun > MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mailbox: max commands per lun reset to %d\n",
++ megaraid_cmd_per_lun = MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS;
++ }
++ // register as a PCI hot-plug driver module
++ rval = pci_register_driver(&megaraid_pci_driver_g);
++ if (rval < 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: could not register hotplug support.\n"));
++ }
++ return rval;
++ * megaraid_exit - driver unload entry point
++ *
++ * We simply unwrap the megaraid_init routine here
++ */
++static void __exit
++ con_log(CL_DLEVEL1, (KERN_NOTICE "megaraid: unloading framework\n"));
++ // unregister as PCI hotplug driver
++ pci_unregister_driver(&megaraid_pci_driver_g);
++ return;
++ * megaraid_probe_one - PCI hotplug entry point
++ * @param pdev : handle to this controller's PCI configuration space
++ * @param id : pci device id of the class of controllers
++ *
++ * This routine should be called whenever a new adapter is detected by the
++ * PCI hotplug susbsytem.
++ **/
++static int __devinit
++megaraid_probe_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *id)
++ adapter_t *adapter;
++ // detected a new controller
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO
++ "megaraid: probe new device %#4.04x:%#4.04x:%#4.04x:%#4.04x: ",
++ pdev->vendor, pdev->device, pdev->subsystem_vendor,
++ pdev->subsystem_device));
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("bus %d:slot %d:func %d\n", pdev->bus->number,
++ PCI_SLOT(pdev->devfn), PCI_FUNC(pdev->devfn)));
++ if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: pci_enable_device failed\n"));
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
++ // Enable bus-mastering on this controller
++ pci_set_master(pdev);
++ // Allocate the per driver initialization structure
++ adapter = kmalloc(sizeof(adapter_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (adapter == NULL) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__));
++ goto out_probe_one;
++ }
++ memset(adapter, 0, sizeof(adapter_t));
++ // set up PCI related soft state and other pre-known parameters
++ adapter->unique_id = pdev->bus->number << 8 | pdev->devfn;
++ adapter->irq = pdev->irq;
++ adapter->pdev = pdev;
++ atomic_set(&adapter->being_detached, 0);
++ // Setup the default DMA mask. This would be changed later on
++ // depending on hardware capabilities
++ if (pci_set_dma_mask(adapter->pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: pci_set_dma_mask failed:%d\n", __LINE__));
++ goto out_free_adapter;
++ }
++ // Initialize the synchronization lock for kernel and LLD
++ spin_lock_init(&adapter->lock);
++ adapter->host_lock = &adapter->lock;
++ // Initialize the command queues: the list of free SCBs and the list
++ // of pending SCBs.
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&adapter->kscb_pool);
++ spin_lock_init(SCSI_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&adapter->pend_list);
++ spin_lock_init(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&adapter->completed_list);
++ spin_lock_init(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter));
++ // Start the mailbox based controller
++ if (megaraid_init_mbox(adapter) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: maibox adapter did not initialize\n"));
++ goto out_free_adapter;
++ }
++ // Register with LSI Common Management Module
++ if (megaraid_cmm_register(adapter) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: could not register with management module\n"));
++ goto out_fini_mbox;
++ }
++ // setup adapter handle in PCI soft state
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, adapter);
++ // attach with scsi mid-layer
++ if (megaraid_io_attach(adapter) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING "megaraid: io attach failed\n"));
++ goto out_cmm_unreg;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
++ megaraid_cmm_unregister(adapter);
++ megaraid_fini_mbox(adapter);
++ kfree(adapter);
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ * megaraid_detach_one - release the framework resources and call LLD release
++ * routine
++ * @param pdev : handle for our PCI cofiguration space
++ *
++ * This routine is called during driver unload. We free all the allocated
++ * resources and call the corresponding LLD so that it can also release all
++ * its resources.
++ *
++ * This routine is also called from the PCI hotplug system
++ **/
++static void
++megaraid_detach_one(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ adapter_t *adapter;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host;
++ // Start a rollback on this adapter
++ adapter = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ if (!adapter) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_CRIT
++ "megaraid: Invalid detach on %#4.04x:%#4.04x:%#4.04x:%#4.04x\n",
++ pdev->vendor, pdev->device, pdev->subsystem_vendor,
++ pdev->subsystem_device));
++ return;
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: detaching device %#4.04x:%#4.04x:%#4.04x:%#4.04x\n",
++ pdev->vendor, pdev->device, pdev->subsystem_vendor,
++ pdev->subsystem_device));
++ }
++ host = adapter->host;
++ // do not allow any more requests from the management module for this
++ // adapter.
++ // FIXME: How do we account for the request which might still be
++ // pending with us?
++ atomic_set(&adapter->being_detached, 1);
++ // detach from the IO sub-system
++ megaraid_io_detach(adapter);
++ // reset the device state in the PCI structure. We check this
++ // condition when we enter here. If the device state is NULL,
++ // that would mean the device has already been removed
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
++ // Unregister from common management module
++ //
++ // FIXME: this must return success or failure for conditions if there
++ // is a command pending with LLD or not.
++ megaraid_cmm_unregister(adapter);
++ // finalize the mailbox based controller and release all resources
++ megaraid_fini_mbox(adapter);
++ kfree(adapter);
++ scsi_host_put(host);
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_shutdown - PCI shutdown for megaraid HBA
++ * @param device : generice driver model device
++ *
++ * Shutdown notification, perform flush cache
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_shutdown(struct device *device)
++ adapter_t *adapter = pci_get_drvdata(to_pci_dev(device));
++ static int counter;
++ if (!adapter) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: null device in shutdown\n"));
++ return;
++ }
++ // flush caches now
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO "megaraid: flushing adapter %d...",
++ counter++));
++ megaraid_mbox_flush_cache(adapter);
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("done\n"));
++ * megaraid_io_attach - attach a device with the IO subsystem
++ * @param adapter : controller's soft state
++ *
++ * Attach this device with the IO subsystem
++ **/
++static int
++megaraid_io_attach(adapter_t *adapter)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host;
++ // Initialize SCSI Host structure
++ host = scsi_host_alloc(&megaraid_template_g, 8);
++ if (!host) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mbox: scsi_register failed\n"));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ SCSIHOST2ADAP(host) = (caddr_t)adapter;
++ adapter->host = host;
++ // export the parameters required by the mid-layer
++ scsi_assign_lock(host, adapter->host_lock);
++ scsi_set_device(host, &adapter->pdev->dev);
++ host->irq = adapter->irq;
++ host->unique_id = adapter->unique_id;
++ host->can_queue = adapter->max_cmds;
++ host->this_id = adapter->init_id;
++ host->sg_tablesize = adapter->sglen;
++ host->max_sectors = adapter->max_sectors;
++ host->cmd_per_lun = adapter->cmd_per_lun;
++ host->max_channel = adapter->max_channel;
++ host->max_id = adapter->max_target;
++ host->max_lun = adapter->max_lun;
++ // notify mid-layer about the new controller
++ if (scsi_add_host(host, &adapter->pdev->dev)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mbox: scsi_add_host failed\n"));
++ scsi_host_put(host);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ scsi_scan_host(host);
++ return 0;
++ * megaraid_io_detach - detach a device from the IO subsystem
++ * @param adapter : controller's soft state
++ *
++ * Detach this device from the IO subsystem
++ **/
++static void
++megaraid_io_detach(adapter_t *adapter)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host;
++ con_log(CL_DLEVEL1, (KERN_INFO "megaraid: io detach\n"));
++ host = adapter->host;
++ scsi_remove_host(host);
++ return;
++ * START: Mailbox Low Level Driver
++ *
++ * This is section specific to the single mailbox based controllers
++ */
++ * megaraid_init_mbox - initialize controller
++ * @param adapter - our soft state
++ *
++ * . Allocate 16-byte aligned mailbox memory for firmware handshake
++ * . Allocate controller's memory resources
++ * . Find out all initialization data
++ * . Allocate memory required for all the commands
++ * . Use internal library of FW routines, build up complete soft state
++ */
++static int __init
++megaraid_init_mbox(adapter_t *adapter)
++ struct pci_dev *pdev;
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev;
++ int i;
++ adapter->ito = MBOX_TIMEOUT;
++ pdev = adapter->pdev;
++ /*
++ * Allocate and initialize the init data structure for mailbox
++ * controllers
++ */
++ raid_dev = kmalloc(sizeof(mraid_device_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (raid_dev == NULL) return -1;
++ memset(raid_dev, 0, sizeof(mraid_device_t));
++ /*
++ * Attach the adapter soft state to raid device soft state
++ */
++ adapter->raid_device = (caddr_t)raid_dev;
++ raid_dev->fast_load = megaraid_fast_load;
++ // our baseport
++ raid_dev->baseport = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
++ if (pci_request_regions(pdev, "MegaRAID: LSI Logic Corporation") != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: mem region busy\n"));
++ goto out_free_raid_dev;
++ }
++ raid_dev->baseaddr = ioremap_nocache(raid_dev->baseport, 128);
++ if (!raid_dev->baseaddr) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: could not map hba memory\n") );
++ goto out_release_regions;
++ }
++ //
++ // Setup the rest of the soft state using the library of FW routines
++ //
++ // request IRQ and register the interrupt service routine
++ if (request_irq(adapter->irq, megaraid_isr, SA_SHIRQ, "megaraid",
++ adapter)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: Couldn't register IRQ %d!\n", adapter->irq));
++ goto out_iounmap;
++ }
++ // initialize the mutual exclusion lock for the mailbox
++ spin_lock_init(&raid_dev->mailbox_lock);
++ // allocate memory required for commands
++ if (megaraid_alloc_cmd_packets(adapter) != 0) {
++ goto out_free_irq;
++ }
++ // Product info
++ if (megaraid_mbox_product_info(adapter) != 0) {
++ goto out_alloc_cmds;
++ }
++ // Do we support extended CDBs
++ adapter->max_cdb_sz = 10;
++ if (megaraid_mbox_extended_cdb(adapter) == 0) {
++ adapter->max_cdb_sz = 16;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Do we support cluster environment, if we do, what is the initiator
++ * id.
++ * NOTE: In a non-cluster aware firmware environment, the LLD should
++ * return 7 as initiator id.
++ */
++ adapter->ha = 0;
++ adapter->init_id = -1;
++ if (megaraid_mbox_support_ha(adapter, &adapter->init_id) == 0) {
++ adapter->ha = 1;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Prepare the device ids array to have the mapping between the kernel
++ * device address and megaraid device address.
++ * We export the physical devices on their actual addresses. The
++ * logical drives are exported on a virtual SCSI channel
++ */
++ megaraid_mbox_setup_device_map(adapter);
++ // If the firmware supports random deletion, update the device id map
++ if (megaraid_mbox_support_random_del(adapter)) {
++ // Change the logical drives numbers in device_ids array one
++ // slot in device_ids is reserved for target id, that's why
++ // "<=" below
++ for (i = 0; i <= MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD; i++) {
++ adapter->device_ids[adapter->max_channel][i] += 0x80;
++ }
++ adapter->device_ids[adapter->max_channel][adapter->init_id] =
++ 0xFF;
++ raid_dev->random_del_supported = 1;
++ }
++ /*
++ * find out the maximum number of scatter-gather elements supported by
++ * this firmware
++ */
++ adapter->sglen = megaraid_mbox_get_max_sg(adapter);
++ // enumerate RAID and SCSI channels so that all devices on SCSI
++ // channels can later be exported, including disk devices
++ megaraid_mbox_enum_raid_scsi(adapter);
++ /*
++ * Other parameters required by upper layer
++ *
++ * maximum number of sectors per IO command
++ */
++ adapter->max_sectors = megaraid_max_sectors;
++ /*
++ * number of queued commands per LUN.
++ */
++ adapter->cmd_per_lun = megaraid_cmd_per_lun;
++ /*
++ * Allocate resources required to issue FW calls, when sysfs is
++ * accessed
++ */
++ if (megaraid_sysfs_alloc_resources(adapter) != 0) {
++ goto out_alloc_cmds;
++ }
++ // Set the DMA mask to 64-bit. All supported controllers as capable of
++ // DMA in this range
++ if (pci_set_dma_mask(adapter->pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: could not set DMA mask for 64-bit.\n"));
++ goto out_free_sysfs_res;
++ }
++ // setup tasklet for DPC
++ tasklet_init(&adapter->dpc_h, megaraid_mbox_dpc,
++ (unsigned long)adapter);
++ con_log(CL_DLEVEL1, (KERN_INFO
++ "megaraid mbox hba successfully initialized\n"));
++ return 0;
++ megaraid_sysfs_free_resources(adapter);
++ megaraid_free_cmd_packets(adapter);
++ free_irq(adapter->irq, adapter);
++ iounmap(raid_dev->baseaddr);
++ pci_release_regions(pdev);
++ kfree(raid_dev);
++ return -1;
++ * megaraid_fini_mbox - undo controller initialization
++ * @param adapter : our soft state
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_fini_mbox(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ // flush all caches
++ megaraid_mbox_flush_cache(adapter);
++ tasklet_kill(&adapter->dpc_h);
++ megaraid_sysfs_free_resources(adapter);
++ megaraid_free_cmd_packets(adapter);
++ free_irq(adapter->irq, adapter);
++ iounmap(raid_dev->baseaddr);
++ pci_release_regions(adapter->pdev);
++ kfree(raid_dev);
++ return;
++ * megaraid_alloc_cmd_packets - allocate shared mailbox
++ * @param adapter : soft state of the raid controller
++ *
++ * Allocate and align the shared mailbox. This maibox is used to issue
++ * all the commands. For IO based controllers, the mailbox is also regsitered
++ * with the FW. Allocate memory for all commands as well.
++ * This is our big allocator
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_alloc_cmd_packets(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ struct pci_dev *pdev;
++ unsigned long align;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *epthru_pci_blk;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *sg_pci_blk;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *mbox_pci_blk;
++ int i;
++ pdev = adapter->pdev;
++ /*
++ * Setup the mailbox
++ * Allocate the common 16-byte aligned memory for the handshake
++ * mailbox.
++ */
++ raid_dev->una_mbox64 = pci_alloc_consistent(adapter->pdev,
++ sizeof(mbox64_t), &raid_dev->una_mbox64_dma);
++ if (!raid_dev->una_mbox64) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ memset(raid_dev->una_mbox64, 0, sizeof(mbox64_t));
++ /*
++ * Align the mailbox at 16-byte boundary
++ */
++ raid_dev->mbox = &raid_dev->una_mbox64->mbox32;
++ raid_dev->mbox = (mbox_t *)((((unsigned long)raid_dev->mbox) + 15) &
++ (~0UL ^ 0xFUL));
++ raid_dev->mbox64 = (mbox64_t *)(((unsigned long)raid_dev->mbox) - 8);
++ align = ((void *)raid_dev->mbox -
++ ((void *)&raid_dev->una_mbox64->mbox32));
++ raid_dev->mbox_dma = (unsigned long)raid_dev->una_mbox64_dma + 8 +
++ align;
++ // Allocate memory for commands issued internally
++ adapter->ibuf = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE,
++ &adapter->ibuf_dma_h);
++ if (!adapter->ibuf) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ goto out_free_common_mbox;
++ }
++ memset(adapter->ibuf, 0, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE);
++ // Allocate memory for our SCSI Command Blocks and their associated
++ // memory
++ /*
++ * Allocate memory for the base list of scb. Later allocate memory for
++ * CCBs and embedded components of each CCB and point the pointers in
++ * scb to the allocated components
++ * NOTE: The code to allocate SCB will be duplicated in all the LLD
++ * since the calling routine does not yet know the number of available
++ * commands.
++ */
++ adapter->kscb_list = kmalloc(sizeof(scb_t) * MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS,
++ if (adapter->kscb_list == NULL) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ goto out_free_ibuf;
++ }
++ memset(adapter->kscb_list, 0, sizeof(scb_t) * MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS);
++ // memory allocation for our command packets
++ if (megaraid_mbox_setup_dma_pools(adapter) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ goto out_free_scb_list;
++ }
++ // Adjust the scb pointers and link in the free pool
++ epthru_pci_blk = raid_dev->epthru_pool;
++ sg_pci_blk = raid_dev->sg_pool;
++ mbox_pci_blk = raid_dev->mbox_pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS; i++) {
++ scb = adapter->kscb_list + i;
++ ccb = raid_dev->ccb_list + i;
++ ccb->mbox = (mbox_t *)(mbox_pci_blk[i].vaddr + 16);
++ ccb->raw_mbox = (uint8_t *)ccb->mbox;
++ ccb->mbox64 = (mbox64_t *)(mbox_pci_blk[i].vaddr + 8);
++ ccb->mbox_dma_h = (unsigned long)mbox_pci_blk[i].dma_addr + 16;
++ // make sure the mailbox is aligned properly
++ if (ccb->mbox_dma_h & 0x0F) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_CRIT
++ "megaraid mbox: not aligned on 16-bytes\n"));
++ goto out_teardown_dma_pools;
++ }
++ ccb->epthru = (mraid_epassthru_t *)
++ epthru_pci_blk[i].vaddr;
++ ccb->epthru_dma_h = epthru_pci_blk[i].dma_addr;
++ ccb->pthru = (mraid_passthru_t *)ccb->epthru;
++ ccb->pthru_dma_h = ccb->epthru_dma_h;
++ ccb->sgl64 = (mbox_sgl64 *)sg_pci_blk[i].vaddr;
++ ccb->sgl_dma_h = sg_pci_blk[i].dma_addr;
++ ccb->sgl32 = (mbox_sgl32 *)ccb->sgl64;
++ scb->ccb = (caddr_t)ccb;
++ scb->gp = 0;
++ scb->sno = i; // command index
++ scb->scp = NULL;
++ scb->state = SCB_FREE;
++ scb->dma_direction = PCI_DMA_NONE;
++ scb->dma_type = MRAID_DMA_NONE;
++ scb->dev_channel = -1;
++ scb->dev_target = -1;
++ // put scb in the free pool
++ list_add_tail(&scb->list, &adapter->kscb_pool);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ megaraid_mbox_teardown_dma_pools(adapter);
++ kfree(adapter->kscb_list);
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE, (void *)adapter->ibuf,
++ adapter->ibuf_dma_h);
++ pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, sizeof(mbox64_t),
++ (caddr_t)raid_dev->una_mbox64, raid_dev->una_mbox64_dma);
++ return -1;
++ * megaraid_free_cmd_packets - free memory
++ * @param adapter : soft state of the raid controller
++ *
++ * Release memory resources allocated for commands
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_free_cmd_packets(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ megaraid_mbox_teardown_dma_pools(adapter);
++ kfree(adapter->kscb_list);
++ pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE,
++ (void *)adapter->ibuf, adapter->ibuf_dma_h);
++ pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, sizeof(mbox64_t),
++ (caddr_t)raid_dev->una_mbox64, raid_dev->una_mbox64_dma);
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_setup_dma_pools - setup dma pool for command packets
++ * @param adapter : HBA soft state
++ *
++ * setup the dma pools for mailbox, passthru and extended passthru structures,
++ * and scatter-gather lists
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_setup_dma_pools(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *epthru_pci_blk;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *sg_pci_blk;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *mbox_pci_blk;
++ int i;
++ // Allocate memory for 16-bytes aligned mailboxes
++ raid_dev->mbox_pool_handle = pci_pool_create("megaraid mbox pool",
++ adapter->pdev,
++ sizeof(mbox64_t) + 16,
++ 16, 0);
++ if (raid_dev->mbox_pool_handle == NULL) {
++ goto fail_setup_dma_pool;
++ }
++ mbox_pci_blk = raid_dev->mbox_pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS; i++) {
++ mbox_pci_blk[i].vaddr = pci_pool_alloc(
++ raid_dev->mbox_pool_handle,
++ &mbox_pci_blk[i].dma_addr);
++ if (!mbox_pci_blk[i].vaddr) {
++ goto fail_setup_dma_pool;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Allocate memory for each embedded passthru strucuture pointer
++ * Request for a 128 bytes aligned structure for each passthru command
++ * structure
++ * Since passthru and extended passthru commands are exclusive, they
++ * share common memory pool. Passthru structures piggyback on memory
++ * allocted to extended passthru since passthru is smaller of the two
++ */
++ raid_dev->epthru_pool_handle = pci_pool_create("megaraid mbox pthru",
++ adapter->pdev, sizeof(mraid_epassthru_t), 128, 0);
++ if (raid_dev->epthru_pool_handle == NULL) {
++ goto fail_setup_dma_pool;
++ }
++ epthru_pci_blk = raid_dev->epthru_pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS; i++) {
++ epthru_pci_blk[i].vaddr = pci_pool_alloc(
++ raid_dev->epthru_pool_handle,
++ &epthru_pci_blk[i].dma_addr);
++ if (!epthru_pci_blk[i].vaddr) {
++ goto fail_setup_dma_pool;
++ }
++ }
++ // Allocate memory for each scatter-gather list. Request for 512 bytes
++ // alignment for each sg list
++ raid_dev->sg_pool_handle = pci_pool_create("megaraid mbox sg",
++ adapter->pdev,
++ sizeof(mbox_sgl64) * MBOX_MAX_SG_SIZE,
++ 512, 0);
++ if (raid_dev->sg_pool_handle == NULL) {
++ goto fail_setup_dma_pool;
++ }
++ sg_pci_blk = raid_dev->sg_pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS; i++) {
++ sg_pci_blk[i].vaddr = pci_pool_alloc(
++ raid_dev->sg_pool_handle,
++ &sg_pci_blk[i].dma_addr);
++ if (!sg_pci_blk[i].vaddr) {
++ goto fail_setup_dma_pool;
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++ megaraid_mbox_teardown_dma_pools(adapter);
++ return -1;
++ * megaraid_mbox_teardown_dma_pools - teardown dma pools for command packets
++ * @param adapter : HBA soft state
++ *
++ * teardown the dma pool for mailbox, passthru and extended passthru
++ * structures, and scatter-gather lists
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_teardown_dma_pools(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *epthru_pci_blk;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *sg_pci_blk;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk *mbox_pci_blk;
++ int i;
++ sg_pci_blk = raid_dev->sg_pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS && sg_pci_blk[i].vaddr; i++) {
++ pci_pool_free(raid_dev->sg_pool_handle, sg_pci_blk[i].vaddr,
++ sg_pci_blk[i].dma_addr);
++ }
++ if (raid_dev->sg_pool_handle)
++ pci_pool_destroy(raid_dev->sg_pool_handle);
++ epthru_pci_blk = raid_dev->epthru_pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS && epthru_pci_blk[i].vaddr; i++) {
++ pci_pool_free(raid_dev->epthru_pool_handle,
++ epthru_pci_blk[i].vaddr, epthru_pci_blk[i].dma_addr);
++ }
++ if (raid_dev->epthru_pool_handle)
++ pci_pool_destroy(raid_dev->epthru_pool_handle);
++ mbox_pci_blk = raid_dev->mbox_pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS && mbox_pci_blk[i].vaddr; i++) {
++ pci_pool_free(raid_dev->mbox_pool_handle,
++ mbox_pci_blk[i].vaddr, mbox_pci_blk[i].dma_addr);
++ }
++ if (raid_dev->mbox_pool_handle)
++ pci_pool_destroy(raid_dev->mbox_pool_handle);
++ return;
++ * megaraid_alloc_scb - detach and return a scb from the free list
++ * @adapter : controller's soft state
++ *
++ * return the scb from the head of the free list. NULL if there are none
++ * available
++ **/
++static inline scb_t *
++megaraid_alloc_scb(adapter_t *adapter, struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
++ struct list_head *head = &adapter->kscb_pool;
++ scb_t *scb = NULL;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ // detach scb from free pool
++ spin_lock_irqsave(SCSI_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ if (list_empty(head)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(SCSI_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ scb = list_entry(head->next, scb_t, list);
++ list_del_init(&scb->list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(SCSI_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ scb->state = SCB_ACTIVE;
++ scb->scp = scp;
++ scb->dma_type = MRAID_DMA_NONE;
++ return scb;
++ * megaraid_dealloc_scb - return the scb to the free pool
++ * @adapter : controller's soft state
++ * @scb : scb to be freed
++ *
++ * return the scb back to the free list of scbs. The caller must 'flush' the
++ * SCB before calling us. E.g., performing pci_unamp and/or pci_sync etc.
++ * NOTE NOTE: Make sure the scb is not on any list before calling this
++ * routine.
++ **/
++static inline void
++megaraid_dealloc_scb(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ // put scb in the free pool
++ scb->state = SCB_FREE;
++ scb->scp = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(SCSI_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_add(&scb->list, &adapter->kscb_pool);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(SCSI_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_mksgl - make the scatter-gather list
++ * @adapter - controller's soft state
++ * @scb - scsi control block
++ *
++ * prepare the scatter-gather list
++ */
++static inline int
++megaraid_mbox_mksgl(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb)
++ struct scatterlist *sgl;
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ struct page *page;
++ unsigned long offset;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
++ int sgcnt;
++ int i;
++ scp = scb->scp;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ // no mapping required if no data to be transferred
++ if (!scp->request_buffer || !scp->request_bufflen)
++ return 0;
++ if (!scp->use_sg) { /* scatter-gather list not used */
++ page = virt_to_page(scp->request_buffer);
++ offset = ((unsigned long)scp->request_buffer & ~PAGE_MASK);
++ ccb->buf_dma_h = pci_map_page(adapter->pdev, page, offset,
++ scp->request_bufflen,
++ scb->dma_direction);
++ scb->dma_type = MRAID_DMA_WBUF;
++ /*
++ * We need to handle special 64-bit commands that need a
++ * minimum of 1 SG
++ */
++ sgcnt = 1;
++ ccb->sgl64[0].address = ccb->buf_dma_h;
++ ccb->sgl64[0].length = scp->request_bufflen;
++ return sgcnt;
++ }
++ sgl = (struct scatterlist *)scp->request_buffer;
++ // The number of sg elements returned must not exceed our limit
++ sgcnt = pci_map_sg(adapter->pdev, sgl, scp->use_sg,
++ scb->dma_direction);
++ if (sgcnt > adapter->sglen) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_CRIT
++ "megaraid critical: too many sg elements:%d\n",
++ sgcnt));
++ BUG();
++ }
++ scb->dma_type = MRAID_DMA_WSG;
++ for (i = 0; i < sgcnt; i++, sgl++) {
++ ccb->sgl64[i].address = sg_dma_address(sgl);
++ ccb->sgl64[i].length = sg_dma_len(sgl);
++ }
++ // Return count of SG nodes
++ return sgcnt;
++ * mbox_post_cmd - issue a mailbox command
++ * @adapter - controller's soft state
++ * @scb - command to be issued
++ *
++ * post the command to the controller if mailbox is availble.
++ */
++static inline int
++mbox_post_cmd(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ unsigned int i = 0;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ mbox = raid_dev->mbox;
++ mbox64 = raid_dev->mbox64;
++ /*
++ * Check for busy mailbox. If it is, return failure - the caller
++ * should retry later.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(MAILBOX_LOCK(raid_dev), flags);
++ if (unlikely(mbox->busy)) {
++ do {
++ udelay(1);
++ i++;
++ rmb();
++ } while(mbox->busy && (i < max_mbox_busy_wait));
++ if (mbox->busy) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(MAILBOX_LOCK(raid_dev), flags);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ }
++ // Copy this command's mailbox data into "adapter's" mailbox
++ memcpy((caddr_t)mbox64, (caddr_t)ccb->mbox64, 22);
++ mbox->cmdid = scb->sno;
++ adapter->outstanding_cmds++;
++ if (scb->dma_direction == PCI_DMA_TODEVICE) {
++ if (!scb->scp->use_sg) { // sg list not used
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(adapter->pdev,
++ ccb->buf_dma_h,
++ scb->scp->request_bufflen,
++ }
++ else {
++ pci_dma_sync_sg_for_device(adapter->pdev,
++ scb->scp->request_buffer,
++ scb->scp->use_sg, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
++ }
++ }
++ mbox->busy = 1; // Set busy
++ mbox->poll = 0;
++ mbox->ack = 0;
++ wmb();
++ WRINDOOR(raid_dev, raid_dev->mbox_dma | 0x1);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(MAILBOX_LOCK(raid_dev), flags);
++ return 0;
++ * megaraid_queue_command - generic queue entry point for all LLDs
++ * @scp : pointer to the scsi command to be executed
++ * @done : callback routine to be called after the cmd has be completed
++ *
++ * Queue entry point for mailbox based controllers.
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_queue_command(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, void (* done)(struct scsi_cmnd *))
++ adapter_t *adapter;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ int if_busy;
++ adapter = SCP2ADAPTER(scp);
++ scp->scsi_done = done;
++ scp->result = 0;
++ ASSERT(spin_is_locked(adapter->host_lock));
++ spin_unlock(adapter->host_lock);
++ /*
++ * Allocate and build a SCB request
++ * if_busy flag will be set if megaraid_mbox_build_cmd() command could
++ * not allocate scb. We will return non-zero status in that case.
++ * NOTE: scb can be null even though certain commands completed
++ * successfully, e.g., MODE_SENSE and TEST_UNIT_READY, it would
++ * return 0 in that case, and we would do the callback right away.
++ */
++ if_busy = 0;
++ scb = megaraid_mbox_build_cmd(adapter, scp, &if_busy);
++ if (scb) {
++ megaraid_mbox_runpendq(adapter, scb);
++ }
++ spin_lock(adapter->host_lock);
++ if (!scb) { // command already completed
++ done(scp);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return if_busy;
++ * megaraid_mbox_build_cmd - transform the mid-layer scsi command to megaraid
++ * firmware lingua
++ * @adapter - controller's soft state
++ * @scp - mid-layer scsi command pointer
++ * @busy - set if request could not be completed because of lack of
++ * resources
++ *
++ * convert the command issued by mid-layer to format understood by megaraid
++ * firmware. We also complete certain command without sending them to firmware
++ */
++static scb_t *
++megaraid_mbox_build_cmd(adapter_t *adapter, struct scsi_cmnd *scp, int *busy)
++ mraid_device_t *rdev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ int channel;
++ int target;
++ int islogical;
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ mraid_passthru_t *pthru;
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ char skip[] = "skipping";
++ char scan[] = "scanning";
++ char *ss;
++ /*
++ * Get the appropriate device map for the device this command is
++ * intended for
++ */
++ MRAID_GET_DEVICE_MAP(adapter, scp, channel, target, islogical);
++ /*
++ * Logical drive commands
++ */
++ if (islogical) {
++ switch (scp->cmnd[0]) {
++ /*
++ * Do we support clustering and is the support enabled
++ * If no, return success always
++ */
++ if (!adapter->ha) {
++ scp->result = (DID_OK << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (!(scb = megaraid_alloc_scb(adapter, scp))) {
++ scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
++ *busy = 1;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ scb->dma_direction = scp->sc_data_direction;
++ scb->dev_channel = 0xFF;
++ scb->dev_target = target;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ /*
++ * The command id will be provided by the command
++ * issuance routine
++ */
++ ccb->raw_mbox[0] = CLUSTER_CMD;
++ ccb->raw_mbox[2] = RESERVATION_STATUS;
++ ccb->raw_mbox[3] = target;
++ return scb;
++ case MODE_SENSE:
++ if (scp->use_sg) {
++ struct scatterlist *sgl;
++ caddr_t vaddr;
++ sgl = (struct scatterlist *)scp->request_buffer;
++ if (sgl->page) {
++ vaddr = (caddr_t)
++ (page_address((&sgl[0])->page)
++ + (&sgl[0])->offset);
++ memset(vaddr, 0, scp->cmnd[4]);
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mailbox: invalid sg:%d\n",
++ __LINE__));
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ memset(scp->request_buffer, 0, scp->cmnd[4]);
++ }
++ scp->result = (DID_OK << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ case INQUIRY:
++ /*
++ * Display the channel scan for logical drives
++ * Do not display scan for a channel if already done.
++ */
++ if (!(rdev->last_disp & (1L << SCP2CHANNEL(scp)))) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO
++ "scsi[%d]: scanning scsi channel %d",
++ adapter->host->host_no,
++ SCP2CHANNEL(scp)));
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (
++ " [virtual] for logical drives\n"));
++ rdev->last_disp |= (1L << SCP2CHANNEL(scp));
++ }
++ /* Fall through */
++ /*
++ * Do not allow LUN > 0 for logical drives and
++ * requests for more than 40 logical drives
++ */
++ if (SCP2LUN(scp)) {
++ scp->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if ((target % 0x80) >= MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD) {
++ scp->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /* Allocate a SCB and initialize passthru */
++ if (!(scb = megaraid_alloc_scb(adapter, scp))) {
++ scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
++ *busy = 1;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ scb->dev_channel = 0xFF;
++ scb->dev_target = target;
++ pthru = ccb->pthru;
++ mbox = ccb->mbox;
++ mbox64 = ccb->mbox64;
++ pthru->timeout = 0;
++ pthru->ars = 1;
++ pthru->reqsenselen = 14;
++ pthru->islogical = 1;
++ pthru->logdrv = target;
++ pthru->cdblen = scp->cmd_len;
++ memcpy(pthru->cdb, scp->cmnd, scp->cmd_len);
++ mbox->cmd = MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU64;
++ scb->dma_direction = scp->sc_data_direction;
++ pthru->dataxferlen = scp->request_bufflen;
++ pthru->dataxferaddr = ccb->sgl_dma_h;
++ pthru->numsge = megaraid_mbox_mksgl(adapter,
++ scb);
++ mbox->xferaddr = 0xFFFFFFFF;
++ mbox64->xferaddr_lo = (uint32_t )ccb->pthru_dma_h;
++ mbox64->xferaddr_hi = 0;
++ return scb;
++ case READ_6:
++ case WRITE_6:
++ case READ_10:
++ case WRITE_10:
++ case READ_12:
++ case WRITE_12:
++ /*
++ * Allocate a SCB and initialize mailbox
++ */
++ if (!(scb = megaraid_alloc_scb(adapter, scp))) {
++ scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
++ *busy = 1;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ scb->dev_channel = 0xFF;
++ scb->dev_target = target;
++ mbox = ccb->mbox;
++ mbox64 = ccb->mbox64;
++ mbox->logdrv = target;
++ /*
++ * A little HACK: 2nd bit is zero for all scsi read
++ * commands and is set for all scsi write commands
++ */
++ mbox->cmd = (scp->cmnd[0] & 0x02) ? MBOXCMD_LWRITE64:
++ /*
++ * 6-byte READ(0x08) or WRITE(0x0A) cdb
++ */
++ if (scp->cmd_len == 6) {
++ mbox->numsectors = (uint32_t)scp->cmnd[4];
++ mbox->lba =
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[1] << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[2] << 8) |
++ (uint32_t)scp->cmnd[3];
++ mbox->lba &= 0x1FFFFF;
++ }
++ /*
++ * 10-byte READ(0x28) or WRITE(0x2A) cdb
++ */
++ else if (scp->cmd_len == 10) {
++ mbox->numsectors =
++ (uint32_t)scp->cmnd[8] |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[7] << 8);
++ mbox->lba =
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[2] << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[3] << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[4] << 8) |
++ (uint32_t)scp->cmnd[5];
++ }
++ /*
++ * 12-byte READ(0xA8) or WRITE(0xAA) cdb
++ */
++ else if (scp->cmd_len == 12) {
++ mbox->lba =
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[2] << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[3] << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[4] << 8) |
++ (uint32_t)scp->cmnd[5];
++ mbox->numsectors =
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[6] << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[7] << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t)scp->cmnd[8] << 8) |
++ (uint32_t)scp->cmnd[9];
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: unsupported CDB length\n"));
++ megaraid_dealloc_scb(adapter, scb);
++ scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ scb->dma_direction = scp->sc_data_direction;
++ // Calculate Scatter-Gather info
++ mbox64->xferaddr_lo = (uint32_t )ccb->sgl_dma_h;
++ mbox->numsge = megaraid_mbox_mksgl(adapter,
++ scb);
++ mbox->xferaddr = 0xFFFFFFFF;
++ mbox64->xferaddr_hi = 0;
++ return scb;
++ case RESERVE:
++ case RELEASE:
++ /*
++ * Do we support clustering and is the support enabled
++ */
++ if (!adapter->ha) {
++ scp->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Allocate a SCB and initialize mailbox
++ */
++ if (!(scb = megaraid_alloc_scb(adapter, scp))) {
++ scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
++ *busy = 1;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ scb->dev_channel = 0xFF;
++ scb->dev_target = target;
++ ccb->raw_mbox[0] = CLUSTER_CMD;
++ ccb->raw_mbox[2] = (scp->cmnd[0] == RESERVE) ?
++ ccb->raw_mbox[3] = target;
++ scb->dma_direction = scp->sc_data_direction;
++ return scb;
++ default:
++ scp->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ else { // Passthru device commands
++ // Do not allow access to target id > 15 or LUN > 7
++ if (target > 15 || SCP2LUN(scp) > 7) {
++ scp->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ // if fast load option was set and scan for last device is
++ // over, reset the fast_load flag so that during a possible
++ // next scan, devices can be made available
++ if (rdev->fast_load && (target == 15) &&
++ (SCP2CHANNEL(scp) == adapter->max_channel -1)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO
++ "megaraid[%d]: physical device scan re-enabled\n",
++ adapter->host->host_no));
++ rdev->fast_load = 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Display the channel scan for physical devices
++ */
++ if (!(rdev->last_disp & (1L << SCP2CHANNEL(scp)))) {
++ ss = rdev->fast_load ? skip : scan;
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO
++ "scsi[%d]: %s scsi channel %d [Phy %d]",
++ adapter->host->host_no, ss, SCP2CHANNEL(scp),
++ channel));
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (
++ " for non-raid devices\n"));
++ rdev->last_disp |= (1L << SCP2CHANNEL(scp));
++ }
++ // disable channel sweep if fast load option given
++ if (rdev->fast_load) {
++ scp->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ // Allocate a SCB and initialize passthru
++ if (!(scb = megaraid_alloc_scb(adapter, scp))) {
++ scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
++ *busy = 1;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ scb->dev_channel = channel;
++ scb->dev_target = target;
++ scb->dma_direction = scp->sc_data_direction;
++ mbox = ccb->mbox;
++ mbox64 = ccb->mbox64;
++ // Does this firmware support extended CDBs
++ if (adapter->max_cdb_sz == 16) {
++ mbox->cmd = MBOXCMD_EXTPTHRU;
++ megaraid_mbox_prepare_epthru(adapter, scb, scp);
++ mbox64->xferaddr_lo = (uint32_t)ccb->epthru_dma_h;
++ mbox64->xferaddr_hi = 0;
++ mbox->xferaddr = 0xFFFFFFFF;
++ }
++ else {
++ mbox->cmd = MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU64;
++ megaraid_mbox_prepare_pthru(adapter, scb, scp);
++ mbox64->xferaddr_lo = (uint32_t)ccb->pthru_dma_h;
++ mbox64->xferaddr_hi = 0;
++ mbox->xferaddr = 0xFFFFFFFF;
++ }
++ return scb;
++ }
++ * megaraid_mbox_runpendq - execute commands queued in the pending queue
++ * @adapter : controller's soft state
++ * @scb : SCB to be queued in the pending list
++ *
++ * scan the pending list for commands which are not yet issued and try to
++ * post to the controller. The SCB can be a null pointer, which would indicate
++ * no SCB to be queue, just try to execute the ones in the pending list.
++ *
++ * NOTE: We do not actually traverse the pending list. The SCBs are plucked
++ * out from the head of the pending list. If it is successfully issued, the
++ * next SCB is at the head now.
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_runpendq(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb_q)
++ scb_t *scb;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ if (scb_q) {
++ scb_q->state = SCB_PENDQ;
++ list_add_tail(&scb_q->list, &adapter->pend_list);
++ }
++ // if the adapter in not in quiescent mode, post the commands to FW
++ if (adapter->quiescent) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ while (!list_empty(&adapter->pend_list)) {
++ ASSERT(spin_is_locked(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter)));
++ scb = list_entry(adapter->, scb_t, list);
++ // remove the scb from the pending list and try to
++ // issue. If we are unable to issue it, put back in
++ // the pending list and return
++ list_del_init(&scb->list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ // if mailbox was busy, return SCB back to pending
++ // list. Make sure to add at the head, since that's
++ // where it would have been removed from
++ scb->state = SCB_ISSUED;
++ if (mbox_post_cmd(adapter, scb) != 0) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ scb->state = SCB_PENDQ;
++ list_add(&scb->list, &adapter->pend_list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter),
++ flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_prepare_pthru - prepare a command for physical devices
++ * @adapter - pointer to controller's soft state
++ * @scb - scsi control block
++ * @scp - scsi command from the mid-layer
++ *
++ * prepare a command for the scsi physical devices
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_prepare_pthru(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb,
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ mraid_passthru_t *pthru;
++ uint8_t channel;
++ uint8_t target;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ pthru = ccb->pthru;
++ channel = scb->dev_channel;
++ target = scb->dev_target;
++ // 0=6sec, 1=60sec, 2=10min, 3=3hrs, 4=NO timeout
++ pthru->timeout = 4;
++ pthru->ars = 1;
++ pthru->islogical = 0;
++ pthru->channel = 0;
++ pthru->target = (channel << 4) | target;
++ pthru->logdrv = SCP2LUN(scp);
++ pthru->reqsenselen = 14;
++ pthru->cdblen = scp->cmd_len;
++ memcpy(pthru->cdb, scp->cmnd, scp->cmd_len);
++ if (scp->request_bufflen) {
++ pthru->dataxferlen = scp->request_bufflen;
++ pthru->dataxferaddr = ccb->sgl_dma_h;
++ pthru->numsge = megaraid_mbox_mksgl(adapter, scb);
++ }
++ else {
++ pthru->dataxferaddr = 0;
++ pthru->dataxferlen = 0;
++ pthru->numsge = 0;
++ }
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_prepare_epthru - prepare a command for physical devices
++ * @adapter - pointer to controller's soft state
++ * @scb - scsi control block
++ * @scp - scsi command from the mid-layer
++ *
++ * prepare a command for the scsi physical devices. This rountine prepares
++ * commands for devices which can take extended CDBs (>10 bytes)
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_prepare_epthru(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb,
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ mraid_epassthru_t *epthru;
++ uint8_t channel;
++ uint8_t target;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ epthru = ccb->epthru;
++ channel = scb->dev_channel;
++ target = scb->dev_target;
++ // 0=6sec, 1=60sec, 2=10min, 3=3hrs, 4=NO timeout
++ epthru->timeout = 4;
++ epthru->ars = 1;
++ epthru->islogical = 0;
++ epthru->channel = 0;
++ epthru->target = (channel << 4) | target;
++ epthru->logdrv = SCP2LUN(scp);
++ epthru->reqsenselen = 14;
++ epthru->cdblen = scp->cmd_len;
++ memcpy(epthru->cdb, scp->cmnd, scp->cmd_len);
++ if (scp->request_bufflen) {
++ epthru->dataxferlen = scp->request_bufflen;
++ epthru->dataxferaddr = ccb->sgl_dma_h;
++ epthru->numsge = megaraid_mbox_mksgl(adapter, scb);
++ }
++ else {
++ epthru->dataxferaddr = 0;
++ epthru->dataxferlen = 0;
++ epthru->numsge = 0;
++ }
++ return;
++ * megaraid_ack_sequence - interrupt ack sequence for memory mapped HBAs
++ * @adapter - controller's soft state
++ *
++ * Interrupt ackrowledgement sequence for memory mapped HBAs. Find out the
++ * completed command and put them on the completed list for later processing.
++ *
++ * Returns: 1 if the interrupt is valid, 0 otherwise
++ */
++static inline int
++megaraid_ack_sequence(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ uint8_t nstatus;
++ uint8_t completed[MBOX_MAX_FIRMWARE_STATUS];
++ struct list_head clist;
++ int handled;
++ uint32_t dword;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i, j;
++ mbox = raid_dev->mbox;
++ // move the SCBs from the firmware completed array to our local list
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&clist);
++ // loop till F/W has more commands for us to complete
++ handled = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(MAILBOX_LOCK(raid_dev), flags);
++ do {
++ /*
++ * Check if a valid interrupt is pending. If found, force the
++ * interrupt line low.
++ */
++ dword = RDOUTDOOR(raid_dev);
++ if (dword != 0x10001234) break;
++ handled = 1;
++ WROUTDOOR(raid_dev, 0x10001234);
++ nstatus = 0;
++ // wait for valid numstatus to post
++ for (i = 0; i < 0xFFFFF; i++) {
++ if (mbox->numstatus != 0xFF) {
++ nstatus = mbox->numstatus;
++ break;
++ }
++ rmb();
++ }
++ mbox->numstatus = 0xFF;
++ adapter->outstanding_cmds -= nstatus;
++ for (i = 0; i < nstatus; i++) {
++ // wait for valid command index to post
++ for (j = 0; j < 0xFFFFF; j++) {
++ if (mbox->completed[i] != 0xFF) break;
++ rmb();
++ }
++ completed[i] = mbox->completed[i];
++ mbox->completed[i] = 0xFF;
++ if (completed[i] == 0xFF) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_CRIT
++ "megaraid: command posting timed out\n"));
++ BUG();
++ continue;
++ }
++ // Get SCB associated with this command id
++ if (completed[i] >= MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS) {
++ // a cmm command
++ scb = adapter->uscb_list + (completed[i] -
++ }
++ else {
++ // an os command
++ scb = adapter->kscb_list + completed[i];
++ }
++ scb->status = mbox->status;
++ list_add_tail(&scb->list, &clist);
++ }
++ // Acknowledge interrupt
++ WRINDOOR(raid_dev, 0x02);
++ } while(1);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(MAILBOX_LOCK(raid_dev), flags);
++ // put the completed commands in the completed list. DPC would
++ // complete these commands later
++ spin_lock_irqsave(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_splice(&clist, &adapter->completed_list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ // schedule the DPC if there is some work for it
++ if (handled)
++ tasklet_schedule(&adapter->dpc_h);
++ return handled;
++ * megaraid_isr - isr for memory based mailbox based controllers
++ * @irq - irq
++ * @devp - pointer to our soft state
++ * @regs - unused
++ *
++ * Interrupt service routine for memory-mapped mailbox controllers.
++ */
++static irqreturn_t
++megaraid_isr(int irq, void *devp, struct pt_regs *regs)
++ adapter_t *adapter = devp;
++ int handled;
++ handled = megaraid_ack_sequence(adapter);
++ /* Loop through any pending requests */
++ if (!adapter->quiescent) {
++ megaraid_mbox_runpendq(adapter, NULL);
++ }
++ return IRQ_RETVAL(handled);
++ * megaraid_mbox_sync_scb - sync kernel buffers
++ * @adapter : controller's soft state
++ * @scb : pointer to the resource packet
++ *
++ * DMA sync if required.
++ */
++static inline void
++megaraid_mbox_sync_scb(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb)
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ switch (scb->dma_type) {
++ if (scb->dma_direction == PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) {
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(adapter->pdev,
++ ccb->buf_dma_h,
++ scb->scp->request_bufflen,
++ }
++ pci_unmap_page(adapter->pdev, ccb->buf_dma_h,
++ scb->scp->request_bufflen, scb->dma_direction);
++ break;
++ case MRAID_DMA_WSG:
++ if (scb->dma_direction == PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE) {
++ pci_dma_sync_sg_for_cpu(adapter->pdev,
++ scb->scp->request_buffer,
++ scb->scp->use_sg, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
++ }
++ pci_unmap_sg(adapter->pdev, scb->scp->request_buffer,
++ scb->scp->use_sg, scb->dma_direction);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_dpc - the tasklet to complete the commands from completed list
++ * @devp : pointer to HBA soft state
++ *
++ * Pick up the commands from the completed list and send back to the owners.
++ * This is a reentrant function and does not assume any locks are held while
++ * it is being called.
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_dpc(unsigned long devp)
++ adapter_t *adapter = (adapter_t *)devp;
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev;
++ struct list_head clist;
++ struct scatterlist *sgl;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ scb_t *tmp;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
++ mraid_passthru_t *pthru;
++ mraid_epassthru_t *epthru;
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ int islogical;
++ int pdev_index;
++ int pdev_state;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint8_t c;
++ int status;
++ if (!adapter) return;
++ raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ // move the SCBs from the completed list to our local list
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&clist);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_splice_init(&adapter->completed_list, &clist);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(scb, tmp, &clist, list) {
++ status = scb->status;
++ scp = scb->scp;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ pthru = ccb->pthru;
++ epthru = ccb->epthru;
++ mbox = ccb->mbox;
++ // Make sure f/w has completed a valid command
++ if (scb->state != SCB_ISSUED) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_CRIT
++ "megaraid critical err: invalid command %d:%d:%p\n",
++ scb->sno, scb->state, scp));
++ BUG();
++ continue; // Must never happen!
++ }
++ // check for the management command and complete it right away
++ if (scb->sno >= MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS) {
++ scb->state = SCB_FREE;
++ scb->status = status;
++ // remove from local clist
++ list_del_init(&scb->list);
++ megaraid_mbox_mm_done(adapter, scb);
++ continue;
++ }
++ // Was an abort issued for this command earlier
++ if (scb->state & SCB_ABORT) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: aborted cmd %lx[%x] completed\n",
++ scp->serial_number, scb->sno));
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the inquiry came of a disk drive which is not part of
++ * any RAID array, expose it to the kernel. For this to be
++ * enabled, user must set the "megaraid_expose_unconf_disks"
++ * flag to 1 by specifying it on module parameter list.
++ * This would enable data migration off drives from other
++ * configurations.
++ */
++ islogical = MRAID_IS_LOGICAL(adapter, scp);
++ if (scp->cmnd[0] == INQUIRY && status == 0 && islogical == 0
++ && IS_RAID_CH(raid_dev, scb->dev_channel)) {
++ if (scp->use_sg) {
++ sgl = (struct scatterlist *)
++ scp->request_buffer;
++ if (sgl->page) {
++ c = *(unsigned char *)
++ (page_address((&sgl[0])->page) +
++ (&sgl[0])->offset);
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mailbox: invalid sg:%d\n",
++ __LINE__));
++ c = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ c = *(uint8_t *)scp->request_buffer;
++ }
++ if ((c & 0x1F ) == TYPE_DISK) {
++ pdev_index = (scb->dev_channel * 16) +
++ scb->dev_target;
++ pdev_state =
++ raid_dev->pdrv_state[pdev_index] & 0x0F;
++ if (pdev_state == PDRV_ONLINE ||
++ pdev_state == PDRV_FAILED ||
++ pdev_state == PDRV_RBLD ||
++ pdev_state == PDRV_HOTSPARE ||
++ megaraid_expose_unconf_disks == 0) {
++ status = 0xF0;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ // Convert MegaRAID status to Linux error code
++ switch (status) {
++ case 0x00:
++ scp->result = (DID_OK << 16);
++ break;
++ case 0x02:
++ /* set sense_buffer and result fields */
++ if (mbox->cmd == MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU ||
++ mbox->cmd == MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU64) {
++ memcpy(scp->sense_buffer, pthru->reqsensearea,
++ 14);
++ scp->result = DRIVER_SENSE << 24 |
++ DID_OK << 16 | CHECK_CONDITION << 1;
++ }
++ else {
++ if (mbox->cmd == MBOXCMD_EXTPTHRU) {
++ memcpy(scp->sense_buffer,
++ epthru->reqsensearea, 14);
++ scp->result = DRIVER_SENSE << 24 |
++ DID_OK << 16 |
++ } else {
++ scp->sense_buffer[0] = 0x70;
++ scp->sense_buffer[2] = ABORTED_COMMAND;
++ scp->result = CHECK_CONDITION << 1;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case 0x08:
++ scp->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16 | status;
++ break;
++ default:
++ /*
++ * failed
++ */
++ if (scp->cmnd[0] == TEST_UNIT_READY) {
++ scp->result = DID_ERROR << 16 |
++ }
++ else
++ /*
++ * Error code returned is 1 if Reserve or Release
++ * failed or the input parameter is invalid
++ */
++ if (status == 1 && (scp->cmnd[0] == RESERVE ||
++ scp->cmnd[0] == RELEASE)) {
++ scp->result = DID_ERROR << 16 |
++ }
++ else {
++ scp->result = DID_BAD_TARGET << 16 | status;
++ }
++ }
++ // print a debug message for all failed commands
++ if (status) {
++ megaraid_mbox_display_scb(adapter, scb);
++ }
++ // Free our internal resources and call the mid-layer callback
++ // routine
++ megaraid_mbox_sync_scb(adapter, scb);
++ // remove from local clist
++ list_del_init(&scb->list);
++ // put back in free list
++ megaraid_dealloc_scb(adapter, scb);
++ // send the scsi packet back to kernel
++ spin_lock(adapter->host_lock);
++ scp->scsi_done(scp);
++ spin_unlock(adapter->host_lock);
++ }
++ return;
++ * megaraid_abort_handler - abort the scsi command
++ * @scp : command to be aborted
++ *
++ * Abort a previous SCSI request. Only commands on the pending list can be
++ * aborted. All the commands issued to the F/W must complete.
++ **/
++static int
++megaraid_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
++ adapter_t *adapter;
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ scb_t *tmp;
++ int found;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i;
++ adapter = SCP2ADAPTER(scp);
++ raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ ASSERT(spin_is_locked(adapter->host_lock));
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: aborting-%ld cmd=%x <c=%d t=%d l=%d>\n",
++ scp->serial_number, scp->cmnd[0], SCP2CHANNEL(scp),
++ SCP2TARGET(scp), SCP2LUN(scp)));
++ // If FW has stopped responding, simply return failure
++ if (raid_dev->hw_error) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: hw error, not aborting\n"));
++ return FAILED;
++ }
++ // There might a race here, where the command was completed by the
++ // firmware and now it is on the completed list. Before we could
++ // complete the command to the kernel in dpc, the abort came.
++ // Find out if this is the case to avoid the race.
++ scb = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(scb, tmp, &adapter->completed_list, list) {
++ if (scb->scp == scp) { // Found command
++ list_del_init(&scb->list); // from completed list
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: %ld:%d[%d:%d], abort from completed list\n",
++ scp->serial_number, scb->sno,
++ scb->dev_channel, scb->dev_target));
++ scp->result = (DID_ABORT << 16);
++ scp->scsi_done(scp);
++ megaraid_dealloc_scb(adapter, scb);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter),
++ flags);
++ return SUCCESS;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(COMPLETED_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ // Find out if this command is still on the pending list. If it is and
++ // was never issued, abort and return success. If the command is owned
++ // by the firmware, we must wait for it to complete by the FW.
++ spin_lock_irqsave(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(scb, tmp, &adapter->pend_list, list) {
++ if (scb->scp == scp) { // Found command
++ list_del_init(&scb->list); // from pending list
++ ASSERT(!(scb->state & SCB_ISSUED));
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid abort: %ld[%d:%d], driver owner\n",
++ scp->serial_number, scb->dev_channel,
++ scb->dev_target));
++ scp->result = (DID_ABORT << 16);
++ scp->scsi_done(scp);
++ megaraid_dealloc_scb(adapter, scb);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter),
++ flags);
++ return SUCCESS;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ // Check do we even own this command, in which case this would be
++ // owned by the firmware. The only way to locate the FW scb is to
++ // traverse through the list of all SCB, since driver does not
++ // maintain these SCBs on any list
++ found = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS; i++) {
++ scb = adapter->kscb_list + i;
++ if (scb->scp == scp) {
++ found = 1;
++ if (!(scb->state & SCB_ISSUED)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid abort: %ld%d[%d:%d], invalid state\n",
++ scp->serial_number, scb->sno, scb->dev_channel,
++ scb->dev_target));
++ BUG();
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid abort: %ld:%d[%d:%d], fw owner\n",
++ scp->serial_number, scb->sno, scb->dev_channel,
++ scb->dev_target));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!found) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid abort: scsi cmd:%ld, do now own\n",
++ scp->serial_number));
++ // FIXME: Should there be a callback for this command?
++ return SUCCESS;
++ }
++ // We cannot actually abort a command owned by firmware, return
++ // failure and wait for reset. In host reset handler, we will find out
++ // if the HBA is still live
++ return FAILED;
++ * megaraid_reset_handler - device reset hadler for mailbox based driver
++ * @scp : reference command
++ *
++ * Reset handler for the mailbox based controller. First try to find out if
++ * the FW is still live, in which case the outstanding commands counter mut go
++ * down to 0. If that happens, also issue the reservation reset command to
++ * relinquish (possible) reservations on the logical drives connected to this
++ * host
++ **/
++static int
++megaraid_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
++ adapter_t *adapter;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ scb_t *tmp;
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ int rval;
++ int recovery_window;
++ int recovering;
++ int i;
++ adapter = SCP2ADAPTER(scp);
++ raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ ASSERT(spin_is_locked(adapter->host_lock));
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING "megaraid: resetting the host...\n"));
++ // return failure if adapter is not responding
++ if (raid_dev->hw_error) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: hw error, cannot reset\n"));
++ return FAILED;
++ }
++ // Under exceptional conditions, FW can take up to 3 minutes to
++ // complete command processing. Wait for additional 2 minutes for the
++ // pending commands counter to go down to 0. If it doesn't, let the
++ // controller be marked offline
++ // Also, reset all the commands currently owned by the driver
++ spin_lock_irqsave(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(scb, tmp, &adapter->pend_list, list) {
++ list_del_init(&scb->list); // from pending list
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: %ld:%d[%d:%d], reset from pending list\n",
++ scp->serial_number, scb->sno,
++ scb->dev_channel, scb->dev_target));
++ scp->result = (DID_RESET << 16);
++ if (scp->scsi_done) {
++ scp->scsi_done(scp);
++ }
++ megaraid_dealloc_scb(adapter, scb);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(PENDING_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ if (adapter->outstanding_cmds) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: %d outstanding commands. Max wait %d sec\n",
++ adapter->outstanding_cmds, MBOX_RESET_WAIT));
++ }
++ spin_unlock(adapter->host_lock);
++ recovery_window = MBOX_RESET_WAIT + MBOX_RESET_EXT_WAIT;
++ recovering = adapter->outstanding_cmds;
++ for (i = 0; i < recovery_window && adapter->outstanding_cmds; i++) {
++ megaraid_ack_sequence(adapter);
++ // print a message once every 5 seconds only
++ if (!(i % 5)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (
++ "megaraid mbox: Wait for %d commands to complete:%d\n",
++ adapter->outstanding_cmds,
++ }
++ // bailout if no recovery happended in reset time
++ if ((i == MBOX_RESET_WAIT) &&
++ (recovering == adapter->outstanding_cmds)) {
++ break;
++ }
++ msleep(1000);
++ }
++ spin_lock(adapter->host_lock);
++ // If still outstanding commands, bail out
++ if (adapter->outstanding_cmds) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mbox: critical hardware error!\n"));
++ raid_dev->hw_error = 1;
++ return FAILED;
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid mbox: reset sequence completed successfully\n"));
++ }
++ // If the controller supports clustering, reset reservations
++ if (!adapter->ha) return SUCCESS;
++ // clear reservations if any
++ raw_mbox[0] = CLUSTER_CMD;
++ raw_mbox[2] = RESET_RESERVATIONS;
++ rval = SUCCESS;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd_fast(adapter, raw_mbox) == 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN,
++ (KERN_INFO "megaraid: reservation reset\n"));
++ }
++ else {
++ rval = FAILED;
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: reservation reset failed\n"));
++ }
++ return rval;
++ * START: internal commands library
++ *
++ * This section of the driver has the common routine used by the driver and
++ * also has all the FW routines
++ */
++ * mbox_post_sync_cmd() - blocking command to the mailbox based controllers
++ * @adapter - controller's soft state
++ * @raw_mbox - the mailbox
++ *
++ * Issue a scb in synchronous and non-interrupt mode for mailbox based
++ * controllers
++ */
++static int
++mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter_t *adapter, uint8_t raw_mbox[])
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t status;
++ int i;
++ mbox64 = raid_dev->mbox64;
++ mbox = raid_dev->mbox;
++ /*
++ * Wait until mailbox is free
++ */
++ if (megaraid_busywait_mbox(raid_dev) != 0)
++ goto blocked_mailbox;
++ /*
++ * Copy mailbox data into host structure
++ */
++ memcpy((caddr_t)mbox, (caddr_t)raw_mbox, 16);
++ mbox->cmdid = 0xFE;
++ mbox->busy = 1;
++ mbox->poll = 0;
++ mbox->ack = 0;
++ mbox->numstatus = 0xFF;
++ mbox->status = 0xFF;
++ wmb();
++ WRINDOOR(raid_dev, raid_dev->mbox_dma | 0x1);
++ // wait for maximum 1 second for status to post. If the status is not
++ // available within 1 second, assume FW is initializing and wait
++ // for an extended amount of time
++ if (mbox->numstatus == 0xFF) { // status not yet available
++ udelay(25);;
++ for (i = 0; mbox->numstatus == 0xFF && i < 1000; i++) {
++ rmb();
++ msleep(1);
++ }
++ if (i == 1000) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid mailbox: wait for FW to boot "));
++ for (i = 0; (mbox->numstatus == 0xFF) &&
++ (i < MBOX_RESET_WAIT); i++) {
++ rmb();
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("\b\b\b\b\b[%03d]",
++ msleep(1000);
++ }
++ if (i == MBOX_RESET_WAIT) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (
++ "\nmegaraid mailbox: status not available\n"));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("\b\b\b\b\b[ok] \n"));
++ }
++ }
++ // wait for maximum 1 second for poll semaphore
++ if (mbox->poll != 0x77) {
++ udelay(25);
++ for (i = 0; (mbox->poll != 0x77) && (i < 1000); i++) {
++ rmb();
++ msleep(1);
++ }
++ if (i == 1000) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mailbox: could not get poll semaphore\n"));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ }
++ WRINDOOR(raid_dev, raid_dev->mbox_dma | 0x2);
++ wmb();
++ // wait for maximum 1 second for acknowledgement
++ if (RDINDOOR(raid_dev) & 0x2) {
++ udelay(25);
++ for (i = 0; (RDINDOOR(raid_dev) & 0x2) && (i < 1000); i++) {
++ rmb();
++ msleep(1);
++ }
++ if (i == 1000) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mailbox: could not acknowledge\n"));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ }
++ mbox->poll = 0;
++ mbox->ack = 0x77;
++ status = mbox->status;
++ // invalidate the completed command id array. After command
++ // completion, firmware would write the valid id.
++ mbox->numstatus = 0xFF;
++ mbox->status = 0xFF;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_FIRMWARE_STATUS; i++) {
++ mbox->completed[i] = 0xFF;
++ }
++ return status;
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING "megaraid: blocked mailbox\n") );
++ return -1;
++ * mbox_post_sync_cmd_fast - blocking command to the mailbox based controllers
++ * @adapter - controller's soft state
++ * @raw_mbox - the mailbox
++ *
++ * Issue a scb in synchronous and non-interrupt mode for mailbox based
++ * controllers. This is a faster version of the synchronous command and
++ * therefore can be called in interrupt-context as well
++ */
++static int
++mbox_post_sync_cmd_fast(adapter_t *adapter, uint8_t raw_mbox[])
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ long i;
++ mbox = raid_dev->mbox;
++ // return immediately if the mailbox is busy
++ if (mbox->busy) return -1;
++ // Copy mailbox data into host structure
++ memcpy((caddr_t)mbox, (caddr_t)raw_mbox, 14);
++ mbox->cmdid = 0xFE;
++ mbox->busy = 1;
++ mbox->poll = 0;
++ mbox->ack = 0;
++ mbox->numstatus = 0xFF;
++ mbox->status = 0xFF;
++ wmb();
++ WRINDOOR(raid_dev, raid_dev->mbox_dma | 0x1);
++ for (i = 0; i < 0xFFFFF; i++) {
++ if (mbox->numstatus != 0xFF) break;
++ }
++ if (i == 0xFFFFF) {
++ // We may need to re-calibrate the counter
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_CRIT
++ "megaraid: fast sync command timed out\n"));
++ }
++ WRINDOOR(raid_dev, raid_dev->mbox_dma | 0x2);
++ wmb();
++ return mbox->status;
++ * megaraid_busywait_mbox() - Wait until the controller's mailbox is available
++ * @raid_dev - RAID device (HBA) soft state
++ *
++ * wait until the controller's mailbox is available to accept more commands.
++ * wait for at most 1 second
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_busywait_mbox(mraid_device_t *raid_dev)
++ mbox_t *mbox = raid_dev->mbox;
++ int i = 0;
++ if (mbox->busy) {
++ udelay(25);
++ for (i = 0; mbox->busy && i < 1000; i++)
++ msleep(1);
++ }
++ if (i < 1000) return 0;
++ else return -1;
++ * megaraid_mbox_product_info - some static information about the controller
++ * @adapter - our soft state
++ *
++ * issue commands to the controller to grab some parameters required by our
++ * caller.
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_product_info(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ mraid_pinfo_t *pinfo;
++ dma_addr_t pinfo_dma_h;
++ mraid_inquiry3_t *mraid_inq3;
++ int i;
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(raw_mbox));
++ mbox = (mbox_t *)raw_mbox;
++ /*
++ * Issue an ENQUIRY3 command to find out certain adapter parameters,
++ * e.g., max channels, max commands etc.
++ */
++ pinfo = pci_alloc_consistent(adapter->pdev, sizeof(mraid_pinfo_t),
++ &pinfo_dma_h);
++ if (pinfo == NULL) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ memset(pinfo, 0, sizeof(mraid_pinfo_t));
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)adapter->ibuf_dma_h;
++ memset((void *)adapter->ibuf, 0, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE);
++ raw_mbox[0] = FC_NEW_CONFIG;
++ raw_mbox[2] = NC_SUBOP_ENQUIRY3;
++ raw_mbox[3] = ENQ3_GET_SOLICITED_FULL;
++ // Issue the command
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING "megaraid: Inquiry3 failed\n"));
++ pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, sizeof(mraid_pinfo_t),
++ pinfo, pinfo_dma_h);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Collect information about state of each physical drive
++ * attached to the controller. We will expose all the disks
++ * which are not part of RAID
++ */
++ mraid_inq3 = (mraid_inquiry3_t *)adapter->ibuf;
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_PHYSICAL_DRIVES; i++) {
++ raid_dev->pdrv_state[i] = mraid_inq3->pdrv_state[i];
++ }
++ /*
++ * Get product info for information like number of channels,
++ * maximum commands supported.
++ */
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(raw_mbox));
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)pinfo_dma_h;
++ raw_mbox[0] = FC_NEW_CONFIG;
++ raw_mbox[2] = NC_SUBOP_PRODUCT_INFO;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: product info failed\n"));
++ pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, sizeof(mraid_pinfo_t),
++ pinfo, pinfo_dma_h);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Setup some parameters for host, as required by our caller
++ */
++ adapter->max_channel = pinfo->nchannels;
++ /*
++ * we will export all the logical drives on a single channel.
++ * Add 1 since inquires do not come for inititor ID
++ */
++ adapter->max_target = MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD + 1;
++ adapter->max_lun = 8; // up to 8 LUNs for non-disk devices
++ /*
++ * These are the maximum outstanding commands for the scsi-layer
++ */
++ adapter->max_cmds = MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS;
++ memset(adapter->fw_version, 0, VERSION_SIZE);
++ memset(adapter->bios_version, 0, VERSION_SIZE);
++ memcpy(adapter->fw_version, pinfo->fw_version, 4);
++ adapter->fw_version[4] = 0;
++ memcpy(adapter->bios_version, pinfo->bios_version, 4);
++ adapter->bios_version[4] = 0;
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: fw version:[%s] bios version:[%s]\n",
++ adapter->fw_version, adapter->bios_version));
++ pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, sizeof(mraid_pinfo_t), pinfo,
++ pinfo_dma_h);
++ return 0;
++ * megaraid_mbox_extended_cdb - check for support for extended CDBs
++ * @adapter - soft state for the controller
++ *
++ * this routine check whether the controller in question supports extended
++ * ( > 10 bytes ) CDBs
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_extended_cdb(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ int rval;
++ mbox = (mbox_t *)raw_mbox;
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(raw_mbox));
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)adapter->ibuf_dma_h;
++ memset((void *)adapter->ibuf, 0, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE);
++ raw_mbox[0] = MAIN_MISC_OPCODE;
++ raw_mbox[2] = SUPPORT_EXT_CDB;
++ /*
++ * Issue the command
++ */
++ rval = 0;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) != 0) {
++ rval = -1;
++ }
++ return rval;
++ * megaraid_mbox_support_ha - Do we support clustering
++ * @adapter - soft state for the controller
++ * @init_id - ID of the initiator
++ *
++ * Determine if the firmware supports clustering and the ID of the initiator.
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_support_ha(adapter_t *adapter, uint16_t *init_id)
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ int rval;
++ mbox = (mbox_t *)raw_mbox;
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(raw_mbox));
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)adapter->ibuf_dma_h;
++ memset((void *)adapter->ibuf, 0, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE);
++ raw_mbox[0] = GET_TARGET_ID;
++ // Issue the command
++ *init_id = 7;
++ rval = -1;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) == 0) {
++ *init_id = *(uint8_t *)adapter->ibuf;
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO
++ "megaraid: cluster firmware, initiator ID: %d\n",
++ *init_id));
++ rval = 0;
++ }
++ return rval;
++ * megaraid_mbox_support_random_del - Do we support random deletion
++ * @adapter - soft state for the controller
++ *
++ * Determine if the firmware supports random deletion
++ * Return: 1 is operation supported, 0 otherwise
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_support_random_del(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ int rval;
++ mbox = (mbox_t *)raw_mbox;
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(mbox_t));
++ raw_mbox[0] = FC_DEL_LOGDRV;
++ raw_mbox[2] = OP_SUP_DEL_LOGDRV;
++ // Issue the command
++ rval = 0;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) == 0) {
++ con_log(CL_DLEVEL1, ("megaraid: supports random deletion\n"));
++ rval = 1;
++ }
++ return rval;
++ * megaraid_mbox_get_max_sg - maximum sg elements supported by the firmware
++ * @adapter - soft state for the controller
++ *
++ * Find out the maximum number of scatter-gather elements supported by the
++ * firmware
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_get_max_sg(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ int nsg;
++ mbox = (mbox_t *)raw_mbox;
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(mbox_t));
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)adapter->ibuf_dma_h;
++ memset((void *)adapter->ibuf, 0, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE);
++ raw_mbox[0] = MAIN_MISC_OPCODE;
++ raw_mbox[2] = GET_MAX_SG_SUPPORT;
++ // Issue the command
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) == 0) {
++ nsg = *(uint8_t *)adapter->ibuf;
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ if (nsg > MBOX_MAX_SG_SIZE) nsg = MBOX_MAX_SG_SIZE;
++ return nsg;
++ * megaraid_mbox_enum_raid_scsi - enumerate the RAID and SCSI channels
++ * @adapter - soft state for the controller
++ *
++ * Enumerate the RAID and SCSI channels for ROMB platoforms so that channels
++ * can be exported as regular SCSI channels
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_enum_raid_scsi(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ mbox = (mbox_t *)raw_mbox;
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(mbox_t));
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)adapter->ibuf_dma_h;
++ memset((void *)adapter->ibuf, 0, MBOX_IBUF_SIZE);
++ raw_mbox[0] = CHNL_CLASS;
++ raw_mbox[2] = GET_CHNL_CLASS;
++ // Issue the command. If the command fails, all channels are RAID
++ // channels
++ raid_dev->channel_class = 0xFF;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) == 0) {
++ raid_dev->channel_class = *(uint8_t *)adapter->ibuf;
++ }
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_flush_cache - flush adapter and disks cache
++ * @param adapter : soft state for the controller
++ *
++ * Flush adapter cache followed by disks cache
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_flush_cache(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ uint8_t raw_mbox[sizeof(mbox_t)];
++ mbox = (mbox_t *)raw_mbox;
++ memset((caddr_t)raw_mbox, 0, sizeof(mbox_t));
++ raw_mbox[0] = FLUSH_ADAPTER;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("megaraid: flush adapter failed\n"));
++ }
++ raw_mbox[0] = FLUSH_SYSTEM;
++ if (mbox_post_sync_cmd(adapter, raw_mbox) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("megaraid: flush disks cache failed\n"));
++ }
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_display_scb - display SCB information, mostly debug purposes
++ * @param adapter : controllers' soft state
++ * @param scb : SCB to be displayed
++ * @param level : debug level for console print
++ *
++ * Diplay information about the given SCB iff the current debug level is
++ * verbose
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_display_scb(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb)
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ int level;
++ int i;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ scp = scb->scp;
++ mbox = ccb->mbox;
++ level = CL_DLEVEL3;
++ con_log(level, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid mailbox: status:%#x cmd:%#x id:%#x ", scb->status,
++ mbox->cmd, scb->sno));
++ con_log(level, ("sec:%#x lba:%#x addr:%#x ld:%d sg:%d\n",
++ mbox->numsectors, mbox->lba, mbox->xferaddr, mbox->logdrv,
++ mbox->numsge));
++ if (!scp) return;
++ con_log(level, (KERN_NOTICE "scsi cmnd: "));
++ for (i = 0; i < scp->cmd_len; i++) {
++ con_log(level, ("%#2.02x ", scp->cmnd[i]));
++ }
++ con_log(level, ("\n"));
++ return;
++ * megaraid_mbox_setup_device_map - manage device ids
++ * @adapter : Driver's soft state
++ *
++ * Manange the device ids to have an appropraite mapping between the kernel
++ * scsi addresses and megaraid scsi and logical drive addresses. We export
++ * scsi devices on their actual addresses, whereas the logical drives are
++ * exported on a virtual scsi channel.
++ **/
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_setup_device_map(adapter_t *adapter)
++ uint8_t c;
++ uint8_t t;
++ /*
++ * First fill the values on the logical drive channel
++ */
++ for (t = 0; t < LSI_MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_64LD; t++)
++ adapter->device_ids[adapter->max_channel][t] =
++ (t < adapter->init_id) ? t : t - 1;
++ adapter->device_ids[adapter->max_channel][adapter->init_id] = 0xFF;
++ /*
++ * Fill the values on the physical devices channels
++ */
++ for (c = 0; c < adapter->max_channel; c++)
++ for (t = 0; t < LSI_MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_64LD; t++)
++ adapter->device_ids[c][t] = (c << 8) | t;
++ * END: internal commands library
++ */
++ * START: Interface for the common management module
++ *
++ * This is the module, which interfaces with the common mangement module to
++ * provide support for ioctl and sysfs
++ */
++ * megaraid_cmm_register - register with the mangement module
++ * @param adapter : HBA soft state
++ *
++ * Register with the management module, which allows applications to issue
++ * ioctl calls to the drivers. This interface is used by the management module
++ * to setup sysfs support as well.
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_cmm_register(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ mraid_mmadp_t adp;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ int rval;
++ int i;
++ // Allocate memory for the base list of scb for management module.
++ adapter->uscb_list = kmalloc(sizeof(scb_t) * MBOX_MAX_USER_CMDS,
++ if (adapter->uscb_list == NULL) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ memset(adapter->uscb_list, 0, sizeof(scb_t) * MBOX_MAX_USER_CMDS);
++ // Initialize the synchronization parameters for resources for
++ // commands for management module
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&adapter->uscb_pool);
++ spin_lock_init(USER_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter));
++ // link all the packets. Note, CCB for commands, coming from the
++ // commom management module, mailbox physical address are already
++ // setup by it. We just need placeholder for that in our local command
++ // control blocks
++ for (i = 0; i < MBOX_MAX_USER_CMDS; i++) {
++ scb = adapter->uscb_list + i;
++ ccb = raid_dev->uccb_list + i;
++ scb->ccb = (caddr_t)ccb;
++ ccb->mbox64 = raid_dev->umbox64 + i;
++ ccb->mbox = &ccb->mbox64->mbox32;
++ ccb->raw_mbox = (uint8_t *)ccb->mbox;
++ scb->gp = 0;
++ scb->sno = i + MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS;
++ scb->scp = NULL;
++ scb->state = SCB_FREE;
++ scb->dma_direction = PCI_DMA_NONE;
++ scb->dma_type = MRAID_DMA_NONE;
++ scb->dev_channel = -1;
++ scb->dev_target = -1;
++ // put scb in the free pool
++ list_add_tail(&scb->list, &adapter->uscb_pool);
++ }
++ adp.unique_id = adapter->unique_id;
++ adp.drvr_type = DRVRTYPE_MBOX;
++ adp.drvr_data = (unsigned long)adapter;
++ adp.pdev = adapter->pdev;
++ adp.issue_uioc = megaraid_mbox_mm_handler;
++ adp.timeout = 300;
++ adp.max_kioc = MBOX_MAX_USER_CMDS;
++ if ((rval = mraid_mm_register_adp(&adp)) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mbox: did not register with CMM\n"));
++ kfree(adapter->uscb_list);
++ }
++ return rval;
++ * megaraid_cmm_unregister - un-register with the mangement module
++ * @param adapter : HBA soft state
++ *
++ * Un-register with the management module.
++ * FIXME: mgmt module must return failure for unregister if it has pending
++ * commands in LLD
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_cmm_unregister(adapter_t *adapter)
++ kfree(adapter->uscb_list);
++ mraid_mm_unregister_adp(adapter->unique_id);
++ return 0;
++ * megaraid_mbox_mm_handler - interface for CMM to issue commands to LLD
++ * @param drvr_data : LLD specific data
++ * @param kioc : CMM interface packet
++ * @param action : command action
++ *
++ * This routine is invoked whenever the Common Mangement Module (CMM) has a
++ * command for us. The 'action' parameter specifies if this is a new command
++ * or otherwise.
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_mm_handler(unsigned long drvr_data, uioc_t *kioc, uint32_t action)
++ adapter_t *adapter;
++ if (action != IOCTL_ISSUE) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: unsupported management action:%#2x\n",
++ action));
++ return (-ENOTSUPP);
++ }
++ adapter = (adapter_t *)drvr_data;
++ // make sure this adapter is not being detached right now.
++ if (atomic_read(&adapter->being_detached)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: reject management request, detaching\n"));
++ return (-ENODEV);
++ }
++ switch (kioc->opcode) {
++ case GET_ADAP_INFO:
++ kioc->status = gather_hbainfo(adapter, (mraid_hba_info_t *)
++ (unsigned long)kioc->buf_vaddr);
++ kioc->done(kioc);
++ return kioc->status;
++ case MBOX_CMD:
++ return megaraid_mbox_mm_command(adapter, kioc);
++ default:
++ kioc->status = (-EINVAL);
++ kioc->done(kioc);
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ }
++ return 0; // not reached
++ * megaraid_mbox_mm_command - issues commands routed through CMM
++ * @param adapter : HBA soft state
++ * @param kioc : management command packet
++ *
++ * Issues commands, which are routed through the management module.
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_mbox_mm_command(adapter_t *adapter, uioc_t *kioc)
++ struct list_head *head = &adapter->uscb_pool;
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ uint8_t *raw_mbox;
++ scb_t *scb;
++ mbox_ccb_t *ccb;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ // detach one scb from free pool
++ spin_lock_irqsave(USER_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ if (list_empty(head)) { // should never happen because of CMM
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid mbox: bug in cmm handler, lost resources\n"));
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(USER_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ }
++ scb = list_entry(head->next, scb_t, list);
++ list_del_init(&scb->list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(USER_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ scb->state = SCB_ACTIVE;
++ scb->dma_type = MRAID_DMA_NONE;
++ scb->dma_direction = PCI_DMA_NONE;
++ ccb = (mbox_ccb_t *)scb->ccb;
++ mbox64 = (mbox64_t *)(unsigned long)kioc->cmdbuf;
++ raw_mbox = (uint8_t *)&mbox64->mbox32;
++ memcpy(ccb->mbox64, mbox64, sizeof(mbox64_t));
++ scb->gp = (unsigned long)kioc;
++ /*
++ * If it is a logdrv random delete operation, we have to wait till
++ * there are no outstanding cmds at the fw and then issue it directly
++ */
++ if (raw_mbox[0] == FC_DEL_LOGDRV && raw_mbox[2] == OP_DEL_LOGDRV) {
++ if (wait_till_fw_empty(adapter)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid mbox: LD delete, timed out\n"));
++ kioc->status = -ETIME;
++ scb->status = -1;
++ megaraid_mbox_mm_done(adapter, scb);
++ return (-ETIME);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&scb->list);
++ scb->state = SCB_ISSUED;
++ if (mbox_post_cmd(adapter, scb) != 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid mbox: LD delete, mailbox busy\n"));
++ kioc->status = -EBUSY;
++ scb->status = -1;
++ megaraid_mbox_mm_done(adapter, scb);
++ return (-EBUSY);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ // put the command on the pending list and execute
++ megaraid_mbox_runpendq(adapter, scb);
++ return 0;
++static int
++wait_till_fw_empty(adapter_t *adapter)
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ int i;
++ /*
++ * Set the quiescent flag to stop issuing cmds to FW.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(adapter->host_lock, flags);
++ adapter->quiescent++;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(adapter->host_lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * Wait till there are no more cmds outstanding at FW. Try for at most
++ * 60 seconds
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < 60 && adapter->outstanding_cmds; i++) {
++ con_log(CL_DLEVEL1, (KERN_INFO
++ "megaraid: FW has %d pending commands\n",
++ adapter->outstanding_cmds));
++ msleep(1000);
++ }
++ return adapter->outstanding_cmds;
++ * megaraid_mbox_mm_done - callback for CMM commands
++ * @adapter : HBA soft state
++ * @scb : completed command
++ *
++ * Callback routine for internal commands originated from the management
++ * module.
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_mbox_mm_done(adapter_t *adapter, scb_t *scb)
++ uioc_t *kioc;
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ uint8_t *raw_mbox;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ kioc = (uioc_t *)scb->gp;
++ kioc->status = 0;
++ mbox64 = (mbox64_t *)(unsigned long)kioc->cmdbuf;
++ mbox64->mbox32.status = scb->status;
++ raw_mbox = (uint8_t *)&mbox64->mbox32;
++ // put scb in the free pool
++ scb->state = SCB_FREE;
++ scb->scp = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(USER_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ list_add(&scb->list, &adapter->uscb_pool);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(USER_FREE_LIST_LOCK(adapter), flags);
++ // if a delete logical drive operation succeeded, restart the
++ // controller
++ if (raw_mbox[0] == FC_DEL_LOGDRV && raw_mbox[2] == OP_DEL_LOGDRV) {
++ adapter->quiescent--;
++ megaraid_mbox_runpendq(adapter, NULL);
++ }
++ kioc->done(kioc);
++ return;
++ * gather_hbainfo - HBA characteristics for the applications
++ * @param adapter : HBA soft state
++ * @param hinfo : pointer to the caller's host info strucuture
++ */
++static int
++gather_hbainfo(adapter_t *adapter, mraid_hba_info_t *hinfo)
++ uint8_t dmajor;
++ dmajor = megaraid_mbox_version[0];
++ hinfo->pci_vendor_id = adapter->pdev->vendor;
++ hinfo->pci_device_id = adapter->pdev->device;
++ hinfo->subsys_vendor_id = adapter->pdev->subsystem_vendor;
++ hinfo->subsys_device_id = adapter->pdev->subsystem_device;
++ hinfo->pci_bus = adapter->pdev->bus->number;
++ hinfo->pci_dev_fn = adapter->pdev->devfn;
++ hinfo->pci_slot = PCI_SLOT(adapter->pdev->devfn);
++ hinfo->irq = adapter->host->irq;
++ hinfo->baseport = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter)->baseport;
++ hinfo->unique_id = (hinfo->pci_bus << 8) | adapter->pdev->devfn;
++ hinfo->host_no = adapter->host->host_no;
++ return 0;
++ * END: Interface for the common management module
++ */
++ * megaraid_sysfs_alloc_resources - allocate sysfs related resources
++ *
++ * Allocate packets required to issue FW calls whenever the sysfs attributes
++ * are read. These attributes would require up-to-date information from the
++ * FW. Also set up resources for mutual exclusion to share these resources and
++ * the wait queue.
++ *
++ * @param adapter : controller's soft state
++ *
++ * @return 0 on success
++ * @return -ERROR_CODE on failure
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_sysfs_alloc_resources(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ int rval = 0;
++ raid_dev->sysfs_uioc = kmalloc(sizeof(uioc_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ raid_dev->sysfs_mbox64 = kmalloc(sizeof(mbox64_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ raid_dev->sysfs_buffer = pci_alloc_consistent(adapter->pdev,
++ PAGE_SIZE, &raid_dev->sysfs_buffer_dma);
++ if (!raid_dev->sysfs_uioc || !raid_dev->sysfs_mbox64 ||
++ !raid_dev->sysfs_buffer) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ rval = -ENOMEM;
++ megaraid_sysfs_free_resources(adapter);
++ }
++ sema_init(&raid_dev->sysfs_sem, 1);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&raid_dev->sysfs_wait_q);
++ return rval;
++ * megaraid_sysfs_free_resources - free sysfs related resources
++ *
++ * Free packets allocated for sysfs FW commands
++ *
++ * @param adapter : controller's soft state
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_sysfs_free_resources(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ if (raid_dev->sysfs_uioc) kfree(raid_dev->sysfs_uioc);
++ if (raid_dev->sysfs_mbox64) kfree(raid_dev->sysfs_mbox64);
++ if (raid_dev->sysfs_buffer) {
++ pci_free_consistent(adapter->pdev, PAGE_SIZE,
++ raid_dev->sysfs_buffer, raid_dev->sysfs_buffer_dma);
++ }
++ * megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap_done - callback for get ldmap
++ *
++ * Callback routine called in the ISR/tasklet context for get ldmap call
++ *
++ * @param uioc : completed packet
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap_done(uioc_t *uioc)
++ adapter_t *adapter = (adapter_t *)uioc->buf_vaddr;
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ uioc->status = 0;
++ wake_up(&raid_dev->sysfs_wait_q);
++ * megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap_timeout - timeout handling for get ldmap
++ *
++ * Timeout routine to recover and return to application, in case the adapter
++ * has stopped responding. A timeout of 60 seconds for this command seem like
++ * a good value
++ *
++ * @param uioc : timed out packet
++ */
++static void
++megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap_timeout(unsigned long data)
++ uioc_t *uioc = (uioc_t *)data;
++ adapter_t *adapter = (adapter_t *)uioc->buf_vaddr;
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ uioc->status = -ETIME;
++ wake_up(&raid_dev->sysfs_wait_q);
++ * megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap - get update logical drive map
++ *
++ * This routine will be called whenever user reads the logical drive
++ * attributes, go get the current logical drive mapping table from the
++ * firmware. We use the managment API's to issue commands to the controller.
++ *
++ * NOTE: The commands issuance functionality is not generalized and
++ * implemented in context of "get ld map" command only. If required, the
++ * command issuance logical can be trivially pulled out and implemented as a
++ * standalone libary. For now, this should suffice since there is no other
++ * user of this interface.
++ *
++ * @param adapter : controller's soft state
++ *
++ * @return 0 on success
++ * @return -1 on failure
++ */
++static int
++megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap(adapter_t *adapter)
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ uioc_t *uioc;
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ char *raw_mbox;
++ struct timer_list sysfs_timer;
++ struct timer_list *timerp;
++ caddr_t ldmap;
++ int rval = 0;
++ /*
++ * Allow only one read at a time to go through the sysfs attributes
++ */
++ down(&raid_dev->sysfs_sem);
++ uioc = raid_dev->sysfs_uioc;
++ mbox64 = raid_dev->sysfs_mbox64;
++ ldmap = raid_dev->sysfs_buffer;
++ memset(uioc, 0, sizeof(uioc_t));
++ memset(mbox64, 0, sizeof(mbox64_t));
++ memset(ldmap, 0, sizeof(raid_dev->curr_ldmap));
++ mbox = &mbox64->mbox32;
++ raw_mbox = (char *)mbox;
++ uioc->cmdbuf = (uint64_t)(unsigned long)mbox64;
++ uioc->buf_vaddr = (caddr_t)adapter;
++ uioc->status = -ENODATA;
++ uioc->done = megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap_done;
++ /*
++ * Prepare the mailbox packet to get the current logical drive mapping
++ * table
++ */
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)raid_dev->sysfs_buffer_dma;
++ raw_mbox[0] = FC_DEL_LOGDRV;
++ raw_mbox[2] = OP_GET_LDID_MAP;
++ /*
++ * Setup a timer to recover from a non-responding controller
++ */
++ timerp = &sysfs_timer;
++ init_timer(timerp);
++ timerp->function = megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap_timeout;
++ timerp->data = (unsigned long)uioc;
++ timerp->expires = jiffies + 60 * HZ;
++ add_timer(timerp);
++ /*
++ * Send the command to the firmware
++ */
++ rval = megaraid_mbox_mm_command(adapter, uioc);
++ if (rval == 0) { // command successfully issued
++ wait_event(raid_dev->sysfs_wait_q, (uioc->status != -ENODATA));
++ /*
++ * Check if the command timed out
++ */
++ if (uioc->status == -ETIME) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: sysfs get ld map timed out\n"));
++ rval = -ETIME;
++ }
++ else {
++ rval = mbox->status;
++ }
++ if (rval == 0) {
++ memcpy(raid_dev->curr_ldmap, ldmap,
++ sizeof(raid_dev->curr_ldmap));
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: get ld map failed with %x\n", rval));
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: could not issue ldmap command:%x\n", rval));
++ }
++ del_timer_sync(timerp);
++ up(&raid_dev->sysfs_sem);
++ return rval;
++ * megaraid_sysfs_show_app_hndl - display application handle for this adapter
++ *
++ * Display the handle used by the applications while executing management
++ * tasks on the adapter. We invoke a management module API to get the adapter
++ * handle, since we do not interface with applications directly.
++ *
++ * @param cdev : class device object representation for the host
++ * @param buf : buffer to send data to
++ */
++static ssize_t
++megaraid_sysfs_show_app_hndl(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ adapter_t *adapter = (adapter_t *)SCSIHOST2ADAP(shost);
++ uint32_t app_hndl;
++ app_hndl = mraid_mm_adapter_app_handle(adapter->unique_id);
++ return snprintf(buf, 8, "%u\n", app_hndl);
++ * megaraid_sysfs_show_ldnum - display the logical drive number for this device
++ *
++ * Display the logical drive number for the device in question, if it a valid
++ * logical drive. For physical devices, "-1" is returned
++ * The logical drive number is displayed in following format
++ *
++ * <int> <int> <int> <int>
++ *
++ * @param dev : device object representation for the scsi device
++ * @param buf : buffer to send data to
++ */
++static ssize_t
++megaraid_sysfs_show_ldnum(struct device *dev, char *buf)
++ struct scsi_device *sdev = to_scsi_device(dev);
++ adapter_t *adapter = (adapter_t *)SCSIHOST2ADAP(sdev->host);
++ mraid_device_t *raid_dev = ADAP2RAIDDEV(adapter);
++ int scsi_id = -1;
++ int logical_drv = -1;
++ int ldid_map = -1;
++ uint32_t app_hndl = 0;
++ int mapped_sdev_id;
++ int rval;
++ int i;
++ if (raid_dev->random_del_supported &&
++ MRAID_IS_LOGICAL_SDEV(adapter, sdev)) {
++ rval = megaraid_sysfs_get_ldmap(adapter);
++ if (rval == 0) {
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_DRIVES_40LD; i++) {
++ mapped_sdev_id = sdev->id;
++ if (sdev->id > adapter->init_id) {
++ mapped_sdev_id -= 1;
++ }
++ if (raid_dev->curr_ldmap[i] == mapped_sdev_id) {
++ scsi_id = sdev->id;
++ logical_drv = i;
++ ldid_map = raid_dev->curr_ldmap[i];
++ app_hndl = mraid_mm_adapter_app_handle(
++ adapter->unique_id);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_NOTICE
++ "megaraid: sysfs get ld map failed: %x\n",
++ rval));
++ }
++ }
++ return snprintf(buf, 36, "%d %d %d %d\n", scsi_id, logical_drv,
++ ldid_map, app_hndl);
++ * END: Mailbox Low Level Driver
++ */
++/* vim: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=78 ai si: */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.h 2005-10-19 11:47:15.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
++ *
++ * Linux MegaRAID device driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 LSI Logic Corporation.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * FILE : megaraid_mbox.h
++ */
++#ifndef _MEGARAID_H_
++#define _MEGARAID_H_
++#include "mega_common.h"
++#include "mbox_defs.h"
++#include "megaraid_ioctl.h"
++#define MEGARAID_EXT_VERSION "(Release Date: Mon Mar 07 12:27:22 EST 2005)"
++ * Define some PCI values here until they are put in the kernel
++ */
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PERC4_SC 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_PERC4_SC 0x0520
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PERC4_DC 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_PERC4_DC 0x0518
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_VERDE 0x0407
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PERC4E_DI_KOBUK 0x0013
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_PERC4E_DI_KOBUK 0x016d
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_DOBSON 0x0408
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEGARAID_SCSI_320_0 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_MEGARAID_SCSI_320_0 0xA520
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEGARAID_SCSI_320_1 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_MEGARAID_SCSI_320_1 0x0520
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEGARAID_SCSI_320_2 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_MEGARAID_SCSI_320_2 0x0518
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEGARAID_I4_133_RAID 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_MEGARAID_I4_133_RAID 0x0522
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEGARAID_SATA_150_4 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_MEGARAID_SATA_150_4 0x4523
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEGARAID_SATA_150_6 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_MEGARAID_SATA_150_6 0x0523
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_LINDSAY 0x0409
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_RAID_SRCS16 0x1960
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_INTEL_RAID_SRCS16 0x0523
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_PERC3_QC 0x0471
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_PERC3_DC 0x0493
++#define PCI_SUBSYS_ID_PERC3_SC 0x0475
++#define MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS 128 // number of cmds reserved for kernel
++#define MBOX_MAX_USER_CMDS 32 // number of cmds for applications
++#define MBOX_DEF_CMD_PER_LUN 64 // default commands per lun
++#define MBOX_DEFAULT_SG_SIZE 26 // default sg size supported by all fw
++#define MBOX_MAX_SG_SIZE 32 // maximum scatter-gather list size
++#define MBOX_MAX_SECTORS 128 // maximum sectors per IO
++#define MBOX_TIMEOUT 30 // timeout value for internal cmds
++#define MBOX_BUSY_WAIT 10 // max usec to wait for busy mailbox
++#define MBOX_RESET_WAIT 180 // wait these many seconds in reset
++#define MBOX_RESET_EXT_WAIT 120 // extended wait reset
++ * maximum transfer that can happen through the firmware commands issued
++ * internnaly from the driver.
++ */
++#define MBOX_IBUF_SIZE 4096
++ * mbox_ccb_t - command control block specific to mailbox based controllers
++ * @raw_mbox : raw mailbox pointer
++ * @mbox : mailbox
++ * @mbox64 : extended mailbox
++ * @mbox_dma_h : maibox dma address
++ * @sgl64 : 64-bit scatter-gather list
++ * @sgl32 : 32-bit scatter-gather list
++ * @sgl_dma_h : dma handle for the scatter-gather list
++ * @pthru : passthru structure
++ * @pthru_dma_h : dma handle for the passthru structure
++ * @epthru : extended passthru structure
++ * @epthru_dma_h : dma handle for extended passthru structure
++ * @buf_dma_h : dma handle for buffers w/o sg list
++ *
++ * command control block specific to the mailbox based controllers
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t *raw_mbox;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ dma_addr_t mbox_dma_h;
++ mbox_sgl64 *sgl64;
++ mbox_sgl32 *sgl32;
++ dma_addr_t sgl_dma_h;
++ mraid_passthru_t *pthru;
++ dma_addr_t pthru_dma_h;
++ mraid_epassthru_t *epthru;
++ dma_addr_t epthru_dma_h;
++ dma_addr_t buf_dma_h;
++} mbox_ccb_t;
++ * mraid_device_t - adapter soft state structure for mailbox controllers
++ * @param una_mbox64 : 64-bit mbox - unaligned
++ * @param una_mbox64_dma : mbox dma addr - unaligned
++ * @param mbox : 32-bit mbox - aligned
++ * @param mbox64 : 64-bit mbox - aligned
++ * @param mbox_dma : mbox dma addr - aligned
++ * @param mailbox_lock : exclusion lock for the mailbox
++ * @param baseport : base port of hba memory
++ * @param baseaddr : mapped addr of hba memory
++ * @param mbox_pool : pool of mailboxes
++ * @param mbox_pool_handle : handle for the mailbox pool memory
++ * @param epthru_pool : a pool for extended passthru commands
++ * @param epthru_pool_handle : handle to the pool above
++ * @param sg_pool : pool of scatter-gather lists for this driver
++ * @param sg_pool_handle : handle to the pool above
++ * @param ccb_list : list of our command control blocks
++ * @param uccb_list : list of cmd control blocks for mgmt module
++ * @param umbox64 : array of mailbox for user commands (cmm)
++ * @param pdrv_state : array for state of each physical drive.
++ * @param last_disp : flag used to show device scanning
++ * @param hw_error : set if FW not responding
++ * @param fast_load : If set, skip physical device scanning
++ * @channel_class : channel class, RAID or SCSI
++ * @sysfs_sem : semaphore to serialize access to sysfs res.
++ * @sysfs_uioc : management packet to issue FW calls from sysfs
++ * @sysfs_mbox64 : mailbox packet to issue FW calls from sysfs
++ * @sysfs_buffer : data buffer for FW commands issued from sysfs
++ * @sysfs_buffer_dma : DMA buffer for FW commands issued from sysfs
++ * @sysfs_wait_q : wait queue for sysfs operations
++ * @random_del_supported : set if the random deletion is supported
++ * @curr_ldmap : current LDID map
++ *
++ * Initialization structure for mailbox controllers: memory based and IO based
++ * All the fields in this structure are LLD specific and may be discovered at
++ * init() or start() time.
++ *
++ * NOTE: The fields of this structures are placed to minimize cache misses
++ */
++#define MAX_LD_EXTENDED64 64
++typedef struct {
++ mbox64_t *una_mbox64;
++ dma_addr_t una_mbox64_dma;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ dma_addr_t mbox_dma;
++ spinlock_t mailbox_lock;
++ unsigned long baseport;
++ void __iomem * baseaddr;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk mbox_pool[MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS];
++ struct dma_pool *mbox_pool_handle;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk epthru_pool[MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS];
++ struct dma_pool *epthru_pool_handle;
++ struct mraid_pci_blk sg_pool[MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS];
++ struct dma_pool *sg_pool_handle;
++ mbox_ccb_t ccb_list[MBOX_MAX_SCSI_CMDS];
++ mbox_ccb_t uccb_list[MBOX_MAX_USER_CMDS];
++ mbox64_t umbox64[MBOX_MAX_USER_CMDS];
++ uint8_t pdrv_state[MBOX_MAX_PHYSICAL_DRIVES];
++ uint32_t last_disp;
++ int hw_error;
++ int fast_load;
++ uint8_t channel_class;
++ struct semaphore sysfs_sem;
++ uioc_t *sysfs_uioc;
++ mbox64_t *sysfs_mbox64;
++ caddr_t sysfs_buffer;
++ dma_addr_t sysfs_buffer_dma;
++ wait_queue_head_t sysfs_wait_q;
++ int random_del_supported;
++ uint16_t curr_ldmap[MAX_LD_EXTENDED64];
++} mraid_device_t;
++// route to raid device from adapter
++#define ADAP2RAIDDEV(adp) ((mraid_device_t *)((adp)->raid_device))
++#define MAILBOX_LOCK(rdev) (&(rdev)->mailbox_lock)
++// Find out if this channel is a RAID or SCSI
++#define IS_RAID_CH(rdev, ch) (((rdev)->channel_class >> (ch)) & 0x01)
++#define RDINDOOR(rdev) readl((rdev)->baseaddr + 0x20)
++#define RDOUTDOOR(rdev) readl((rdev)->baseaddr + 0x2C)
++#define WRINDOOR(rdev, value) writel(value, (rdev)->baseaddr + 0x20)
++#define WROUTDOOR(rdev, value) writel(value, (rdev)->baseaddr + 0x2C)
++#endif // _MEGARAID_H_
++// vim: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=78:
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mm.c 2005-10-20 14:44:46.220000464 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1256 @@
++ *
++ * Linux MegaRAID device driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 LSI Logic Corporation.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * FILE : megaraid_mm.c
++ * Version : v2.20.2.6 (Mar 7 2005)
++ *
++ * Common management module
++ */
++#include "megaraid_mm.h"
++// Entry points for char node driver
++static int mraid_mm_open(struct inode *, struct file *);
++static int mraid_mm_ioctl(struct inode *, struct file *, uint, unsigned long);
++// routines to convert to and from the old the format
++static int mimd_to_kioc(mimd_t __user *, mraid_mmadp_t *, uioc_t *);
++static int kioc_to_mimd(uioc_t *, mimd_t __user *);
++// Helper functions
++static int handle_drvrcmd(void __user *, uint8_t, int *);
++static int lld_ioctl(mraid_mmadp_t *, uioc_t *);
++static void ioctl_done(uioc_t *);
++static void lld_timedout(unsigned long);
++static void hinfo_to_cinfo(mraid_hba_info_t *, mcontroller_t *);
++static mraid_mmadp_t *mraid_mm_get_adapter(mimd_t __user *, int *);
++static uioc_t *mraid_mm_alloc_kioc(mraid_mmadp_t *);
++static void mraid_mm_dealloc_kioc(mraid_mmadp_t *, uioc_t *);
++static int mraid_mm_attach_buf(mraid_mmadp_t *, uioc_t *, int);
++static int mraid_mm_setup_dma_pools(mraid_mmadp_t *);
++static void mraid_mm_free_adp_resources(mraid_mmadp_t *);
++static void mraid_mm_teardown_dma_pools(mraid_mmadp_t *);
++static int mraid_mm_compat_ioctl(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long,
++ struct file *);
++MODULE_AUTHOR("LSI Logic Corporation");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("LSI Logic Management Module");
++static int dbglevel = CL_ANN;
++module_param_named(dlevel, dbglevel, int, 0);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(dlevel, "Debug level (default=0)");
++static int majorno;
++static uint32_t drvr_ver = 0x02200206;
++static int adapters_count_g;
++static struct list_head adapters_list_g;
++static wait_queue_head_t wait_q;
++static struct file_operations lsi_fops = {
++ .open = mraid_mm_open,
++ .ioctl = mraid_mm_ioctl,
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ * mraid_mm_open - open routine for char node interface
++ * @inod : unused
++ * @filep : unused
++ *
++ * allow ioctl operations by apps only if they superuser privilege
++ */
++static int
++mraid_mm_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filep)
++ /*
++ * Only allow superuser to access private ioctl interface
++ */
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) return (-EACCES);
++ return 0;
++ * mraid_mm_ioctl - module entry-point for ioctls
++ * @inode : inode (ignored)
++ * @filep : file operations pointer (ignored)
++ * @cmd : ioctl command
++ * @arg : user ioctl packet
++ */
++static int
++mraid_mm_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filep, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg)
++ uioc_t *kioc;
++ char signature[EXT_IOCTL_SIGN_SZ] = {0};
++ int rval;
++ mraid_mmadp_t *adp;
++ uint8_t old_ioctl;
++ int drvrcmd_rval;
++ void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
++ /*
++ * Make sure only USCSICMD are issued through this interface.
++ * MIMD application would still fire different command.
++ */
++ if ((_IOC_TYPE(cmd) != MEGAIOC_MAGIC) && (cmd != USCSICMD)) {
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Look for signature to see if this is the new or old ioctl format.
++ */
++ if (copy_from_user(signature, argp, EXT_IOCTL_SIGN_SZ)) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid cmm: copy from usr addr failed\n"));
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ }
++ if (memcmp(signature, EXT_IOCTL_SIGN, EXT_IOCTL_SIGN_SZ) == 0)
++ old_ioctl = 0;
++ else
++ old_ioctl = 1;
++ /*
++ * At present, we don't support the new ioctl packet
++ */
++ if (!old_ioctl )
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ /*
++ * If it is a driver ioctl (as opposed to fw ioctls), then we can
++ * handle the command locally. rval > 0 means it is not a drvr cmd
++ */
++ rval = handle_drvrcmd(argp, old_ioctl, &drvrcmd_rval);
++ if (rval < 0)
++ return rval;
++ else if (rval == 0)
++ return drvrcmd_rval;
++ rval = 0;
++ if ((adp = mraid_mm_get_adapter(argp, &rval)) == NULL) {
++ return rval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check if adapter can accept ioctl. We may have marked it offline
++ * if any previous kioc had timedout on this controller.
++ */
++ if (!adp->quiescent) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid cmm: controller cannot accept cmds due to "
++ "earlier errors\n" ));
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ /*
++ * The following call will block till a kioc is available
++ */
++ kioc = mraid_mm_alloc_kioc(adp);
++ /*
++ * User sent the old mimd_t ioctl packet. Convert it to uioc_t.
++ */
++ if ((rval = mimd_to_kioc(argp, adp, kioc))) {
++ mraid_mm_dealloc_kioc(adp, kioc);
++ return rval;
++ }
++ kioc->done = ioctl_done;
++ /*
++ * Issue the IOCTL to the low level driver. After the IOCTL completes
++ * release the kioc if and only if it was _not_ timedout. If it was
++ * timedout, that means that resources are still with low level driver.
++ */
++ if ((rval = lld_ioctl(adp, kioc))) {
++ if (!kioc->timedout)
++ mraid_mm_dealloc_kioc(adp, kioc);
++ return rval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Convert the kioc back to user space
++ */
++ rval = kioc_to_mimd(kioc, argp);
++ /*
++ * Return the kioc to free pool
++ */
++ mraid_mm_dealloc_kioc(adp, kioc);
++ return rval;
++ * mraid_mm_get_adapter - Returns corresponding adapters for the mimd packet
++ * @umimd : User space mimd_t ioctl packet
++ * @adapter : pointer to the adapter (OUT)
++ */
++static mraid_mmadp_t *
++mraid_mm_get_adapter(mimd_t __user *umimd, int *rval)
++ mraid_mmadp_t *adapter;
++ mimd_t mimd;
++ uint32_t adapno;
++ int iterator;
++ if (copy_from_user(&mimd, umimd, sizeof(mimd_t))) {
++ *rval = -EFAULT;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ adapno = GETADAP(mimd.ui.fcs.adapno);
++ if (adapno >= adapters_count_g) {
++ *rval = -ENODEV;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ adapter = NULL;
++ iterator = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(adapter, &adapters_list_g, list) {
++ if (iterator++ == adapno) break;
++ }
++ if (!adapter) {
++ *rval = -ENODEV;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ return adapter;
++ * handle_drvrcmd - This routine checks if the opcode is a driver
++ * cmd and if it is, handles it.
++ * @arg : packet sent by the user app
++ * @old_ioctl : mimd if 1; uioc otherwise
++ */
++static int
++handle_drvrcmd(void __user *arg, uint8_t old_ioctl, int *rval)
++ mimd_t __user *umimd;
++ mimd_t kmimd;
++ uint8_t opcode;
++ uint8_t subopcode;
++ if (old_ioctl)
++ goto old_packet;
++ else
++ goto new_packet;
++ return (-ENOTSUPP);
++ *rval = 0;
++ umimd = arg;
++ if (copy_from_user(&kmimd, umimd, sizeof(mimd_t)))
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ opcode = kmimd.ui.fcs.opcode;
++ subopcode = kmimd.ui.fcs.subopcode;
++ /*
++ * If the opcode is 0x82 and the subopcode is either GET_DRVRVER or
++ * GET_NUMADP, then we can handle. Otherwise we should return 1 to
++ * indicate that we cannot handle this.
++ */
++ if (opcode != 0x82)
++ return 1;
++ switch (subopcode) {
++ if (copy_to_user(, &drvr_ver, sizeof(uint32_t)))
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ return 0;
++ *rval = adapters_count_g;
++ if (copy_to_user(, &adapters_count_g,
++ sizeof(uint32_t)))
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ return 0;
++ default:
++ /* cannot handle */
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * mimd_to_kioc - Converter from old to new ioctl format
++ *
++ * @umimd : user space old MIMD IOCTL
++ * @kioc : kernel space new format IOCTL
++ *
++ * Routine to convert MIMD interface IOCTL to new interface IOCTL packet. The
++ * new packet is in kernel space so that driver can perform operations on it
++ * freely.
++ */
++static int
++mimd_to_kioc(mimd_t __user *umimd, mraid_mmadp_t *adp, uioc_t *kioc)
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ mbox_t *mbox;
++ mraid_passthru_t *pthru32;
++ uint32_t adapno;
++ uint8_t opcode;
++ uint8_t subopcode;
++ mimd_t mimd;
++ if (copy_from_user(&mimd, umimd, sizeof(mimd_t)))
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ /*
++ * Applications are not allowed to send extd pthru
++ */
++ if ((mimd.mbox[0] == MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU64) ||
++ (mimd.mbox[0] == MBOXCMD_EXTPTHRU))
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ opcode = mimd.ui.fcs.opcode;
++ subopcode = mimd.ui.fcs.subopcode;
++ adapno = GETADAP(mimd.ui.fcs.adapno);
++ if (adapno >= adapters_count_g)
++ return (-ENODEV);
++ kioc->adapno = adapno;
++ kioc->mb_type = MBOX_LEGACY;
++ kioc->app_type = APPTYPE_MIMD;
++ switch (opcode) {
++ case 0x82:
++ if (subopcode == MEGAIOC_QADAPINFO) {
++ kioc->opcode = GET_ADAP_INFO;
++ kioc->data_dir = UIOC_RD;
++ kioc->xferlen = sizeof(mraid_hba_info_t);
++ if (mraid_mm_attach_buf(adp, kioc, kioc->xferlen))
++ return (-ENOMEM);
++ }
++ else {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid cmm: Invalid subop\n"));
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ }
++ break;
++ case 0x81:
++ kioc->opcode = MBOX_CMD;
++ kioc->xferlen = mimd.ui.fcs.length;
++ kioc->user_data_len = kioc->xferlen;
++ kioc->user_data = mimd.ui.fcs.buffer;
++ if (mraid_mm_attach_buf(adp, kioc, kioc->xferlen))
++ return (-ENOMEM);
++ if (mimd.outlen) kioc->data_dir = UIOC_RD;
++ if (mimd.inlen) kioc->data_dir |= UIOC_WR;
++ break;
++ case 0x80:
++ kioc->opcode = MBOX_CMD;
++ kioc->xferlen = (mimd.outlen > mimd.inlen) ?
++ mimd.outlen : mimd.inlen;
++ kioc->user_data_len = kioc->xferlen;
++ kioc->user_data =;
++ if (mraid_mm_attach_buf(adp, kioc, kioc->xferlen))
++ return (-ENOMEM);
++ if (mimd.outlen) kioc->data_dir = UIOC_RD;
++ if (mimd.inlen) kioc->data_dir |= UIOC_WR;
++ break;
++ default:
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ }
++ /*
++ * If driver command, nothing else to do
++ */
++ if (opcode == 0x82)
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * This is a mailbox cmd; copy the mailbox from mimd
++ */
++ mbox64 = (mbox64_t *)((unsigned long)kioc->cmdbuf);
++ mbox = &mbox64->mbox32;
++ memcpy(mbox, mimd.mbox, 14);
++ if (mbox->cmd != MBOXCMD_PASSTHRU) { // regular DCMD
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)kioc->buf_paddr;
++ if (kioc->data_dir & UIOC_WR) {
++ if (copy_from_user(kioc->buf_vaddr, kioc->user_data,
++ kioc->xferlen)) {
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * This is a regular 32-bit pthru cmd; mbox points to pthru struct.
++ * Just like in above case, the beginning for memblk is treated as
++ * a mailbox. The passthru will begin at next 1K boundary. And the
++ * data will start 1K after that.
++ */
++ pthru32 = kioc->pthru32;
++ kioc->user_pthru = &umimd->pthru;
++ mbox->xferaddr = (uint32_t)kioc->pthru32_h;
++ if (copy_from_user(pthru32, kioc->user_pthru,
++ sizeof(mraid_passthru_t))) {
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ }
++ pthru32->dataxferaddr = kioc->buf_paddr;
++ if (kioc->data_dir & UIOC_WR) {
++ if (copy_from_user(kioc->buf_vaddr, kioc->user_data,
++ pthru32->dataxferlen)) {
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * mraid_mm_attch_buf - Attach a free dma buffer for required size
++ *
++ * @adp : Adapter softstate
++ * @kioc : kioc that the buffer needs to be attached to
++ * @xferlen : required length for buffer
++ *
++ * First we search for a pool with smallest buffer that is >= @xferlen. If
++ * that pool has no free buffer, we will try for the next bigger size. If none
++ * is available, we will try to allocate the smallest buffer that is >=
++ * @xferlen and attach it the pool.
++ */
++static int
++mraid_mm_attach_buf(mraid_mmadp_t *adp, uioc_t *kioc, int xferlen)
++ mm_dmapool_t *pool;
++ int right_pool = -1;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ int i;
++ kioc->pool_index = -1;
++ kioc->buf_vaddr = NULL;
++ kioc->buf_paddr = 0;
++ kioc->free_buf = 0;
++ /*
++ * We need xferlen amount of memory. See if we can get it from our
++ * dma pools. If we don't get exact size, we will try bigger buffer
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_DMA_POOLS; i++) {
++ pool = &adp->dma_pool_list[i];
++ if (xferlen > pool->buf_size)
++ continue;
++ if (right_pool == -1)
++ right_pool = i;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pool->lock, flags);
++ if (!pool->in_use) {
++ pool->in_use = 1;
++ kioc->pool_index = i;
++ kioc->buf_vaddr = pool->vaddr;
++ kioc->buf_paddr = pool->paddr;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pool->lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ else {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pool->lock, flags);
++ continue;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * If xferlen doesn't match any of our pools, return error
++ */
++ if (right_pool == -1)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ /*
++ * We did not get any buffer from the preallocated pool. Let us try
++ * to allocate one new buffer. NOTE: This is a blocking call.
++ */
++ pool = &adp->dma_pool_list[right_pool];
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pool->lock, flags);
++ kioc->pool_index = right_pool;
++ kioc->free_buf = 1;
++ kioc->buf_vaddr = pci_pool_alloc(pool->handle, GFP_KERNEL,
++ &kioc->buf_paddr);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pool->lock, flags);
++ if (!kioc->buf_vaddr)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ return 0;
++ * mraid_mm_alloc_kioc - Returns a uioc_t from free list
++ * @adp : Adapter softstate for this module
++ *
++ * The kioc_semaphore is initialized with number of kioc nodes in the
++ * free kioc pool. If the kioc pool is empty, this function blocks till
++ * a kioc becomes free.
++ */
++static uioc_t *
++mraid_mm_alloc_kioc(mraid_mmadp_t *adp)
++ uioc_t *kioc;
++ struct list_head* head;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ down(&adp->kioc_semaphore);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&adp->kioc_pool_lock, flags);
++ head = &adp->kioc_pool;
++ if (list_empty(head)) {
++ up(&adp->kioc_semaphore);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adp->kioc_pool_lock, flags);
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("megaraid cmm: kioc list empty!\n"));
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ kioc = list_entry(head->next, uioc_t, list);
++ list_del_init(&kioc->list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adp->kioc_pool_lock, flags);
++ memset((caddr_t)(unsigned long)kioc->cmdbuf, 0, sizeof(mbox64_t));
++ memset((caddr_t) kioc->pthru32, 0, sizeof(mraid_passthru_t));
++ kioc->buf_vaddr = NULL;
++ kioc->buf_paddr = 0;
++ kioc->pool_index =-1;
++ kioc->free_buf = 0;
++ kioc->user_data = NULL;
++ kioc->user_data_len = 0;
++ kioc->user_pthru = NULL;
++ kioc->timedout = 0;
++ return kioc;
++ * mraid_mm_dealloc_kioc - Return kioc to free pool
++ *
++ * @adp : Adapter softstate
++ * @kioc : uioc_t node to be returned to free pool
++ */
++static void
++mraid_mm_dealloc_kioc(mraid_mmadp_t *adp, uioc_t *kioc)
++ mm_dmapool_t *pool;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (kioc->pool_index != -1) {
++ pool = &adp->dma_pool_list[kioc->pool_index];
++ /* This routine may be called in non-isr context also */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pool->lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * While attaching the dma buffer, if we didn't get the
++ * required buffer from the pool, we would have allocated
++ * it at the run time and set the free_buf flag. We must
++ * free that buffer. Otherwise, just mark that the buffer is
++ * not in use
++ */
++ if (kioc->free_buf == 1)
++ pci_pool_free(pool->handle, kioc->buf_vaddr,
++ kioc->buf_paddr);
++ else
++ pool->in_use = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pool->lock, flags);
++ }
++ /* Return the kioc to the free pool */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&adp->kioc_pool_lock, flags);
++ list_add(&kioc->list, &adp->kioc_pool);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adp->kioc_pool_lock, flags);
++ /* increment the free kioc count */
++ up(&adp->kioc_semaphore);
++ return;
++ * lld_ioctl - Routine to issue ioctl to low level drvr
++ *
++ * @adp : The adapter handle
++ * @kioc : The ioctl packet with kernel addresses
++ */
++static int
++lld_ioctl(mraid_mmadp_t *adp, uioc_t *kioc)
++ int rval;
++ struct timer_list timer;
++ struct timer_list *tp = NULL;
++ kioc->status = -ENODATA;
++ rval = adp->issue_uioc(adp->drvr_data, kioc, IOCTL_ISSUE);
++ if (rval) return rval;
++ /*
++ * Start the timer
++ */
++ if (adp->timeout > 0) {
++ tp = &timer;
++ init_timer(tp);
++ tp->function = lld_timedout;
++ tp->data = (unsigned long)kioc;
++ tp->expires = jiffies + adp->timeout * HZ;
++ add_timer(tp);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Wait till the low level driver completes the ioctl. After this
++ * call, the ioctl either completed successfully or timedout.
++ */
++ wait_event(wait_q, (kioc->status != -ENODATA));
++ if (tp) {
++ del_timer_sync(tp);
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the command had timedout, we mark the controller offline
++ * before returning
++ */
++ if (kioc->timedout) {
++ adp->quiescent = 0;
++ }
++ return kioc->status;
++ * ioctl_done - callback from the low level driver
++ *
++ * @kioc : completed ioctl packet
++ */
++static void
++ioctl_done(uioc_t *kioc)
++ uint32_t adapno;
++ int iterator;
++ mraid_mmadp_t* adapter;
++ /*
++ * When the kioc returns from driver, make sure it still doesn't
++ * have ENODATA in status. Otherwise, driver will hang on wait_event
++ * forever
++ */
++ if (kioc->status == -ENODATA) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid cmm: lld didn't change status!\n"));
++ kioc->status = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check if this kioc was timedout before. If so, nobody is waiting
++ * on this kioc. We don't have to wake up anybody. Instead, we just
++ * have to free the kioc
++ */
++ if (kioc->timedout) {
++ iterator = 0;
++ adapter = NULL;
++ adapno = kioc->adapno;
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ( KERN_WARNING "megaraid cmm: completed "
++ "ioctl that was timedout before\n"));
++ list_for_each_entry(adapter, &adapters_list_g, list) {
++ if (iterator++ == adapno) break;
++ }
++ kioc->timedout = 0;
++ if (adapter) {
++ mraid_mm_dealloc_kioc( adapter, kioc );
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ wake_up(&wait_q);
++ }
++ * lld_timedout : callback from the expired timer
++ *
++ * @ptr : ioctl packet that timed out
++ */
++static void
++lld_timedout(unsigned long ptr)
++ uioc_t *kioc = (uioc_t *)ptr;
++ kioc->status = -ETIME;
++ kioc->timedout = 1;
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING "megaraid cmm: ioctl timed out\n"));
++ wake_up(&wait_q);
++ * kioc_to_mimd : Converter from new back to old format
++ *
++ * @kioc : Kernel space IOCTL packet (successfully issued)
++ * @mimd : User space MIMD packet
++ */
++static int
++kioc_to_mimd(uioc_t *kioc, mimd_t __user *mimd)
++ mimd_t kmimd;
++ uint8_t opcode;
++ uint8_t subopcode;
++ mbox64_t *mbox64;
++ mraid_passthru_t __user *upthru32;
++ mraid_passthru_t *kpthru32;
++ mcontroller_t cinfo;
++ mraid_hba_info_t *hinfo;
++ if (copy_from_user(&kmimd, mimd, sizeof(mimd_t)))
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ opcode = kmimd.ui.fcs.opcode;
++ subopcode = kmimd.ui.fcs.subopcode;
++ if (opcode == 0x82) {
++ switch (subopcode) {
++ hinfo = (mraid_hba_info_t *)(unsigned long)
++ kioc->buf_vaddr;
++ hinfo_to_cinfo(hinfo, &cinfo);
++ if (copy_to_user(, &cinfo, sizeof(cinfo)))
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ return 0;
++ default:
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ mbox64 = (mbox64_t *)(unsigned long)kioc->cmdbuf;
++ if (kioc->user_pthru) {
++ upthru32 = kioc->user_pthru;
++ kpthru32 = kioc->pthru32;
++ if (copy_to_user(&upthru32->scsistatus,
++ &kpthru32->scsistatus,
++ sizeof(uint8_t))) {
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ }
++ }
++ if (kioc->user_data) {
++ if (copy_to_user(kioc->user_data, kioc->buf_vaddr,
++ kioc->user_data_len)) {
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ }
++ }
++ if (copy_to_user(&mimd->mbox[17],
++ &mbox64->mbox32.status, sizeof(uint8_t))) {
++ return (-EFAULT);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * hinfo_to_cinfo - Convert new format hba info into old format
++ *
++ * @hinfo : New format, more comprehensive adapter info
++ * @cinfo : Old format adapter info to support mimd_t apps
++ */
++static void
++hinfo_to_cinfo(mraid_hba_info_t *hinfo, mcontroller_t *cinfo)
++ if (!hinfo || !cinfo)
++ return;
++ cinfo->base = hinfo->baseport;
++ cinfo->irq = hinfo->irq;
++ cinfo->numldrv = hinfo->num_ldrv;
++ cinfo->pcibus = hinfo->pci_bus;
++ cinfo->pcidev = hinfo->pci_slot;
++ cinfo->pcifun = PCI_FUNC(hinfo->pci_dev_fn);
++ cinfo->pciid = hinfo->pci_device_id;
++ cinfo->pcivendor = hinfo->pci_vendor_id;
++ cinfo->pcislot = hinfo->pci_slot;
++ cinfo->uid = hinfo->unique_id;
++ * mraid_mm_register_adp - Registration routine for low level drvrs
++ *
++ * @adp : Adapter objejct
++ */
++mraid_mm_register_adp(mraid_mmadp_t *lld_adp)
++ mraid_mmadp_t *adapter;
++ mbox64_t *mbox_list;
++ uioc_t *kioc;
++ uint32_t rval;
++ int i;
++ if (lld_adp->drvr_type != DRVRTYPE_MBOX)
++ return (-EINVAL);
++ adapter = kmalloc(sizeof(mraid_mmadp_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!adapter) {
++ rval = -ENOMEM;
++ goto memalloc_error;
++ }
++ memset(adapter, 0, sizeof(mraid_mmadp_t));
++ adapter->unique_id = lld_adp->unique_id;
++ adapter->drvr_type = lld_adp->drvr_type;
++ adapter->drvr_data = lld_adp->drvr_data;
++ adapter->pdev = lld_adp->pdev;
++ adapter->issue_uioc = lld_adp->issue_uioc;
++ adapter->timeout = lld_adp->timeout;
++ adapter->max_kioc = lld_adp->max_kioc;
++ adapter->quiescent = 1;
++ /*
++ * Allocate single blocks of memory for all required kiocs,
++ * mailboxes and passthru structures.
++ */
++ adapter->kioc_list = kmalloc(sizeof(uioc_t) * lld_adp->max_kioc,
++ adapter->mbox_list = kmalloc(sizeof(mbox64_t) * lld_adp->max_kioc,
++ adapter->pthru_dma_pool = pci_pool_create("megaraid mm pthru pool",
++ adapter->pdev,
++ sizeof(mraid_passthru_t),
++ 16, 0);
++ if (!adapter->kioc_list || !adapter->mbox_list ||
++ !adapter->pthru_dma_pool) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid cmm: out of memory, %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
++ __LINE__));
++ rval = (-ENOMEM);
++ goto memalloc_error;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Slice kioc_list and make a kioc_pool with the individiual kiocs
++ */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&adapter->kioc_pool);
++ spin_lock_init(&adapter->kioc_pool_lock);
++ sema_init(&adapter->kioc_semaphore, lld_adp->max_kioc);
++ mbox_list = (mbox64_t *)adapter->mbox_list;
++ for (i = 0; i < lld_adp->max_kioc; i++) {
++ kioc = adapter->kioc_list + i;
++ kioc->cmdbuf = (uint64_t)(unsigned long)(mbox_list + i);
++ kioc->pthru32 = pci_pool_alloc(adapter->pthru_dma_pool,
++ GFP_KERNEL, &kioc->pthru32_h);
++ if (!kioc->pthru32) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_WARNING
++ "megaraid cmm: out of memory, %s %d\n",
++ __FUNCTION__, __LINE__));
++ rval = (-ENOMEM);
++ goto pthru_dma_pool_error;
++ }
++ list_add_tail(&kioc->list, &adapter->kioc_pool);
++ }
++ // Setup the dma pools for data buffers
++ if ((rval = mraid_mm_setup_dma_pools(adapter)) != 0) {
++ goto dma_pool_error;
++ }
++ list_add_tail(&adapter->list, &adapters_list_g);
++ adapters_count_g++;
++ return 0;
++ /* Do nothing */
++ for (i = 0; i < lld_adp->max_kioc; i++) {
++ kioc = adapter->kioc_list + i;
++ if (kioc->pthru32) {
++ pci_pool_free(adapter->pthru_dma_pool, kioc->pthru32,
++ kioc->pthru32_h);
++ }
++ }
++ if (adapter->kioc_list)
++ kfree(adapter->kioc_list);
++ if (adapter->mbox_list)
++ kfree(adapter->mbox_list);
++ if (adapter->pthru_dma_pool)
++ pci_pool_destroy(adapter->pthru_dma_pool);
++ if (adapter)
++ kfree(adapter);
++ return rval;
++ * mraid_mm_adapter_app_handle - return the application handle for this adapter
++ *
++ * For the given driver data, locate the adadpter in our global list and
++ * return the corresponding handle, which is also used by applications to
++ * uniquely identify an adapter.
++ *
++ * @param unique_id : adapter unique identifier
++ *
++ * @return adapter handle if found in the list
++ * @return 0 if adapter could not be located, should never happen though
++ */
++mraid_mm_adapter_app_handle(uint32_t unique_id)
++ mraid_mmadp_t *adapter;
++ mraid_mmadp_t *tmp;
++ int index = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(adapter, tmp, &adapters_list_g, list) {
++ if (adapter->unique_id == unique_id) {
++ return MKADAP(index);
++ }
++ index++;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * mraid_mm_setup_dma_pools - Set up dma buffer pools per adapter
++ *
++ * @adp : Adapter softstate
++ *
++ * We maintain a pool of dma buffers per each adapter. Each pool has one
++ * buffer. E.g, we may have 5 dma pools - one each for 4k, 8k ... 64k buffers.
++ * We have just one 4k buffer in 4k pool, one 8k buffer in 8k pool etc. We
++ * dont' want to waste too much memory by allocating more buffers per each
++ * pool.
++ */
++static int
++mraid_mm_setup_dma_pools(mraid_mmadp_t *adp)
++ mm_dmapool_t *pool;
++ int bufsize;
++ int i;
++ /*
++ * Create MAX_DMA_POOLS number of pools
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_DMA_POOLS; i++){
++ pool = &adp->dma_pool_list[i];
++ pool->buf_size = bufsize;
++ spin_lock_init(&pool->lock);
++ pool->handle = pci_pool_create("megaraid mm data buffer",
++ adp->pdev, bufsize, 16, 0);
++ if (!pool->handle) {
++ goto dma_pool_setup_error;
++ }
++ pool->vaddr = pci_pool_alloc(pool->handle, GFP_KERNEL,
++ &pool->paddr);
++ if (!pool->vaddr)
++ goto dma_pool_setup_error;
++ bufsize = bufsize * 2;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ mraid_mm_teardown_dma_pools(adp);
++ return (-ENOMEM);
++ * mraid_mm_unregister_adp - Unregister routine for low level drivers
++ * Assume no outstanding ioctls to llds.
++ *
++ * @unique_id : UID of the adpater
++ */
++mraid_mm_unregister_adp(uint32_t unique_id)
++ mraid_mmadp_t *adapter;
++ mraid_mmadp_t *tmp;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(adapter, tmp, &adapters_list_g, list) {
++ if (adapter->unique_id == unique_id) {
++ adapters_count_g--;
++ list_del_init(&adapter->list);
++ mraid_mm_free_adp_resources(adapter);
++ kfree(adapter);
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (
++ "megaraid cmm: Unregistered one adapter:%#x\n",
++ unique_id));
++ return 0;
++ }
++ }
++ return (-ENODEV);
++ * mraid_mm_free_adp_resources - Free adapter softstate
++ *
++ * @adp : Adapter softstate
++ */
++static void
++mraid_mm_free_adp_resources(mraid_mmadp_t *adp)
++ uioc_t *kioc;
++ int i;
++ mraid_mm_teardown_dma_pools(adp);
++ for (i = 0; i < adp->max_kioc; i++) {
++ kioc = adp->kioc_list + i;
++ pci_pool_free(adp->pthru_dma_pool, kioc->pthru32,
++ kioc->pthru32_h);
++ }
++ kfree(adp->kioc_list);
++ kfree(adp->mbox_list);
++ pci_pool_destroy(adp->pthru_dma_pool);
++ return;
++ * mraid_mm_teardown_dma_pools - Free all per adapter dma buffers
++ *
++ * @adp : Adapter softstate
++ */
++static void
++mraid_mm_teardown_dma_pools(mraid_mmadp_t *adp)
++ int i;
++ mm_dmapool_t *pool;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_DMA_POOLS; i++) {
++ pool = &adp->dma_pool_list[i];
++ if (pool->handle) {
++ if (pool->vaddr)
++ pci_pool_free(pool->handle, pool->vaddr,
++ pool->paddr);
++ pci_pool_destroy(pool->handle);
++ pool->handle = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++ * mraid_mm_init : Module entry point
++ */
++static int __init
++ // Announce the driver version
++ con_log(CL_ANN, (KERN_INFO "megaraid cmm: %s %s\n",
++ majorno = register_chrdev(0, "megadev", &lsi_fops);
++ if (majorno < 0) {
++ con_log(CL_ANN, ("megaraid cmm: cannot get major\n"));
++ return majorno;
++ }
++ init_waitqueue_head(&wait_q);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&adapters_list_g);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(MEGAIOCCMD, mraid_mm_compat_ioctl);
++ return 0;
++ * mraid_mm_compat_ioctl : 32bit to 64bit ioctl conversion routine
++ */
++static int
++mraid_mm_compat_ioctl(unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg, struct file *filep)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode = filep->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = mraid_mm_ioctl(inode, filep, cmd, arg);
++ return err;
++ * mraid_mm_exit : Module exit point
++ */
++static void __exit
++ con_log(CL_DLEVEL1 , ("exiting common mod\n"));
++ unregister_chrdev(majorno, "megadev");
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(MEGAIOCCMD);
++/* vi: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=78: */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mm.h 2005-10-20 14:48:31.071817792 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
++ *
++ * Linux MegaRAID device driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 LSI Logic Corporation.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * FILE : megaraid_mm.h
++ */
++#ifndef MEGARAID_MM_H
++#define MEGARAID_MM_H
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/ioctl32.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include "mbox_defs.h"
++#include "megaraid_ioctl.h"
++ "(Release Date: Mon Mar 7 00:01:03 EST 2005)"
++#define LSI_DBGLVL dbglevel
++// The smallest dma pool
++#define MRAID_MM_INIT_BUFF_SIZE 4096
++ * mimd_t : Old style ioctl packet structure (deprecated)
++ *
++ * @inlen :
++ * @outlen :
++ * @fca :
++ * @opcode :
++ * @subopcode :
++ * @adapno :
++ * @buffer :
++ * @pad :
++ * @length :
++ * @mbox :
++ * @pthru :
++ * @data :
++ * @pad :
++ *
++ * Note : This structure is DEPRECATED. New applications must use
++ * : uioc_t structure instead. All new hba drivers use the new
++ * : format. If we get this mimd packet, we will convert it into
++ * : new uioc_t format and send it to the hba drivers.
++ */
++typedef struct mimd {
++ uint32_t inlen;
++ uint32_t outlen;
++ union {
++ uint8_t fca[16];
++ struct {
++ uint8_t opcode;
++ uint8_t subopcode;
++ uint16_t adapno;
++#if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
++ uint8_t __user *buffer;
++ uint8_t pad[4];
++#if BITS_PER_LONG == 64
++ uint8_t __user *buffer;
++ uint32_t length;
++ } __attribute__ ((packed)) fcs;
++ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ui;
++ uint8_t mbox[18]; /* 16 bytes + 2 status bytes */
++ mraid_passthru_t pthru;
++#if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
++ char __user *data; /* buffer <= 4096 for 0x80 commands */
++ char pad[4];
++#if BITS_PER_LONG == 64
++ char __user *data;
++} __attribute__ ((packed))mimd_t;
++#endif // MEGARAID_MM_H
++// vi: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=78:
+--- linux- 2005-10-20 14:47:51.579821488 +0400
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/megaraid.c 2004-10-19 01:53:05.000000000 +0400
+@@ -25,11 +25,8 @@
+ * 518, 520, 531, 532
+ *
+ * This driver is supported by LSI Logic, with assistance from Red Hat, Dell,
+- * and others. Please send updates to the public mailing list
+- *, and subscribe to and read archives of this
+- * list at
+- *
+- * For history of changes, see ChangeLog.megaraid.
++ * and others. Please send updates to the mailing list
++ * .
+ *
+ */
+@@ -53,9 +50,12 @@
+ #include "megaraid.h"
++#define MEGARAID_MODULE_VERSION "2.00.3"
+ MODULE_AUTHOR ("LSI Logic Corporation");
+ static unsigned int max_cmd_per_lun = DEF_CMD_PER_LUN;
+ MODULE_PARM(max_cmd_per_lun, "i");
+--- linux- 2005-10-20 14:47:51.580821336 +0400
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/Makefile 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_IBMMCA) += ibmmca.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_EATA) += eata.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_DC395x) += dc395x.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_DC390T) += tmscsim.o
+-obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_MEGARAID) += megaraid.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_LEGACY) += megaraid.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_NEWGEN) += megaraid/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ACARD) += atp870u.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SUNESP) += esp.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_GDTH) += gdth.o
+--- linux- 2005-10-20 14:47:51.582821032 +0400
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/scsi/Kconfig 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -395,15 +409,7 @@ config SCSI_IN2000
+ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+ module will be called in2000.
+- tristate "AMI MegaRAID support"
+- depends on PCI && SCSI
+- help
+- This driver supports the AMI MegaRAID 418, 428, 438, 466, 762, 490
+- and 467 SCSI host adapters.
+- To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+- module will be called megaraid.
++source "drivers/scsi/megaraid/Kconfig.megaraid"
+ config SCSI_SATA
+ bool "Serial ATA (SATA) support"
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5103_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5103_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c639a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5103_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,15575 @@
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aachba.c 2005-04-27 15:51:56.000000000 +0400
+@@ -32,16 +32,47 @@
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/version.h> /* For the following test */
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/blk.h> /* for DEVICE_NR & io_request_lock definition */
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
++#include "sd.h"
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_eh.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_tcq.h>
+ #include "aacraid.h"
++ * locking primitives
++ *
++ */
++#define aac_spin_lock_irqsave(host_lock, cpu_flags) spin_lock_irqsave(host_lock, cpu_flags)
++#define aac_spin_lock_irq(host_lock) spin_lock_irq(host_lock)
++#define aac_spin_unlock_irqrestore(host_lock, cpu_flags) spin_unlock_irqrestore(host_lock, cpu_flags)
++#define aac_spin_unlock_irq(host_lock) spin_unlock_irq(host_lock)
++#define aac_spin_lock_irqsave(host_lock, cpu_flags) spin_lock_irqsave(&io_request_lock, cpu_flags)
++#define aac_spin_lock_irq(host_lock) spin_lock_irq(&io_request_lock)
++#define aac_spin_unlock_irqrestore(host_lock, cpu_flags) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, cpu_flags)
++#define aac_spin_unlock_irq(host_lock) spin_unlock_irq(&io_request_lock)
+ /* values for inqd_pdt: Peripheral device type in plain English */
+ #define INQD_PDT_DA 0x00 /* Direct-access (DISK) device */
+ #define INQD_PDT_PROC 0x03 /* Processor device */
+@@ -53,10 +84,6 @@
+ #define INQD_PDT_DMASK 0x1F /* Peripheral Device Type Mask */
+ #define INQD_PDT_QMASK 0xE0 /* Peripheral Device Qualifer Mask */
+-#define MAX_FIB_DATA (sizeof(struct hw_fib) - sizeof(FIB_HEADER))
+ /*
+ * Sense codes
+ */
+@@ -114,6 +141,19 @@
+ #define BYTE2(x) (unsigned char)((x) >> 16)
+ #define BYTE3(x) (unsigned char)((x) >> 24)
++/* compatibility */
++#ifndef SAM_STAT_GOOD
++# define SAM_STAT_GOOD (GOOD << 1)
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * S T R U C T S / T Y P E D E F S
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+@@ -131,54 +171,217 @@ struct inquiry_data {
+ u8 inqd_prl[4]; /* Product Revision Level */
+ };
+-struct sense_data {
+- u8 error_code; /* 70h (current errors), 71h(deferred errors) */
+- u8 valid:1; /* A valid bit of one indicates that the information */
+- /* field contains valid information as defined in the
+- * SCSI-2 Standard.
+- */
+- u8 segment_number; /* Only used for COPY, COMPARE, or COPY AND VERIFY Commands */
+- u8 sense_key:4; /* Sense Key */
+- u8 reserved:1;
+- u8 ILI:1; /* Incorrect Length Indicator */
+- u8 EOM:1; /* End Of Medium - reserved for random access devices */
+- u8 filemark:1; /* Filemark - reserved for random access devices */
+- u8 information[4]; /* for direct-access devices, contains the unsigned
+- * logical block address or residue associated with
+- * the sense key
+- */
+- u8 add_sense_len; /* number of additional sense bytes to follow this field */
+- u8 cmnd_info[4]; /* not used */
+- u8 ASC; /* Additional Sense Code */
+- u8 ASCQ; /* Additional Sense Code Qualifier */
+- u8 FRUC; /* Field Replaceable Unit Code - not used */
+- u8 bit_ptr:3; /* indicates which byte of the CDB or parameter data
+- * was in error
+- */
+- u8 BPV:1; /* bit pointer valid (BPV): 1- indicates that
+- * the bit_ptr field has valid value
+- */
+- u8 reserved2:2;
+- u8 CD:1; /* command data bit: 1- illegal parameter in CDB.
+- * 0- illegal parameter in data.
+- */
+- u8 SKSV:1;
+- u8 field_ptr[2]; /* byte of the CDB or parameter data in error */
+ /*
+ * M O D U L E G L O B A L S
+ */
+-static struct sense_data sense_data[MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS];
+ static unsigned long aac_build_sg(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd, struct sgmap* sgmap);
+ static unsigned long aac_build_sg64(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd, struct sgmap64* psg);
++static unsigned long aac_build_sgraw(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd, struct sgmapraw* psg);
+ static int aac_send_srb_fib(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd);
+ static char *aac_get_status_string(u32 status);
+ #endif
++ * Non dasd selection is handled entirely in aachba now
++ */
++static int nondasd = -1;
++module_param(nondasd, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++MODULE_PARM(nondasd, "i");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(nondasd, "Control scanning of hba for nondasd devices. 0=off, 1=on");
++static int dacmode = -1;
++module_param(dacmode, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++MODULE_PARM(dacmode, "i");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(dacmode, "Control whether dma addressing is using 64 bit DAC. 0=off, 1=on");
++#if (defined(__arm__) || defined(CONFIG_EXTERNAL))
++static int commit = 1;
++static int commit = -1;
++module_param(commit, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++MODULE_PARM(commit, "i");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(commit, "Control whether a COMMIT_CONFIG is issued to the adapter for foreign arrays.\nThis is typically needed in systems that do not have a BIOS. 0=off, 1=on");
++#if (defined(__arm__) || defined(CONFIG_EXTERNAL) || (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) || defined(__VMKERNEL_MODULE__))
++static int coalescethreshold = 0;
++static int coalescethreshold = 16; /* 8KB coalesce knee */
++module_param(coalescethreshold, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++MODULE_PARM(coalescethreshold, "i");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(coalescethreshold, "Control the maximum block size of sequential requests that are fed back to the\nscsi_merge layer for coalescing. 0=off, 16 block (8KB) default.");
++int numacb = -1;
++module_param(numacb, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++MODULE_PARM(numacb, "i");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(numacb, "Request a limit to the number of adapter control blocks (FIB) allocated. Valid\nvalues are 512 and down. Default is to use suggestion from Firmware.");
++int acbsize = -1;
++module_param(acbsize, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++MODULE_PARM(acbsize, "i");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(acbsize, "Request a specific adapter control block (FIB) size. Valid values are 512,\n2048, 4096 and 8192. Default is to use suggestion from Firmware.");
++#if (defined(AAC_EXTENDED_TIMEOUT))
++int extendedtimeout = -1;
++module_param(extendedtimeout, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++static int extendedtimeout = -1;
++MODULE_PARM(extendedtimeout, "i");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(extendedtimeout, "Request a specific timeout to override I/O requests issed to the adapter.");
++static char aacraid[256];
++module_param_string(aacraid, aacraid, sizeof(aacraid), 0);
++static char * aacraid = NULL;
++MODULE_PARM(aacraid, "s");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(aacraid, "set the various published parameters of the aacraid driver with a syntax of aacraid=parm:value[,parm:value]...");
++static int aacraid_setup(char *str)
++ int i;
++ char *key;
++ char *value;
++ struct {
++ char * option_name;
++ int * option_flag;
++ int option_value;
++ } options[] = {
++ { "nondasd", &nondasd, 1 },
++ { "dacmode", &dacmode, 1 },
++ { "commit", &commit, 1 },
++ { "coalescethreshold", &coalescethreshold, 16 },
++ { "acbsize", &acbsize, 8192 },
++#if (defined(AAC_EXTENDED_TIMEOUT))
++ { "extendedtimeout", &extendedtimeout, AAC_EXTENDED_TIMEOUT },
++ };
++#if 0
++printk (KERN_INFO "aacraid_setup(\"%s\")\n", (str) ? str : "<null>");
++ if (str) while ((key = strsep(&str, ",."))) {
++ if (!*key)
++ continue;
++ value = strchr(key, ':');
++ if (value)
++ *value++ = '\0';
++ for (i = 0; i < (sizeof (options) / sizeof (options[0])); i++) {
++ if (strnicmp (key, options[i].option_name,
++ strlen(options[i].option_name)) == 0) {
++ *options[i].option_flag
++ = (value)
++ ? simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0)
++ : options[i].option_value;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (1);
++__setup("aacraid=", aacraid_setup);
++ * aac_get_config_status - check the adapter configuration
++ * @common: adapter to query
++ *
++ * Query config status, and commit the configuration if needed.
++ */
++int aac_get_config_status(struct aac_dev *dev)
++ int status = 0;
++ struct fib * fibptr;
++ if (!(fibptr = fib_alloc(dev)))
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ {
++ struct aac_get_config_status *dinfo;
++ dinfo = (struct aac_get_config_status *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ dinfo->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ dinfo->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_GET_CONFIG_STATUS);
++ dinfo->count = cpu_to_le32(sizeof(((struct aac_get_config_status_resp *)NULL)->data));
++ }
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof (struct aac_get_config_status),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ if (status < 0 ) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_get_config_status: SendFIB failed.\n");
++ } else {
++ struct aac_get_config_status_resp *reply
++ = (struct aac_get_config_status_resp *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ dprintk((KERN_WARNING
++ "aac_get_config_status: response=%d status=%d action=%d\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(reply->response),
++ le32_to_cpu(reply->status),
++ le32_to_cpu(reply->data.action)));
++ if ((le32_to_cpu(reply->response) != ST_OK) ||
++ (le32_to_cpu(reply->status) != CT_OK) ||
++ (le32_to_cpu(reply->data.action) > CFACT_PAUSE)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_get_config_status: Will not issue the Commit Configuration\n");
++ status = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ /* Send a CT_COMMIT_CONFIG to enable discovery of devices */
++ if (status >= 0) {
++ if (commit == 1) {
++ struct aac_commit_config * dinfo;
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ dinfo = (struct aac_commit_config *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ dinfo->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ dinfo->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_COMMIT_CONFIG);
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof (struct aac_commit_config),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ } else if (commit == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "aac_get_config_status: Foreign device configurations are being ignored\n");
++ }
++ }
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ return status;
+ /**
+ * aac_get_containers - list containers
+ * @common: adapter to probe
+@@ -187,21 +390,60 @@ static char *aac_get_status_string(u32 s
+ */
+ int aac_get_containers(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba *fsa_dev_ptr;
++ struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev_ptr;
+ u32 index;
+ int status = 0;
+- struct aac_query_mount *dinfo;
+- struct aac_mount *dresp;
+ struct fib * fibptr;
+ unsigned instance;
+- fsa_dev_ptr = &(dev->fsa_dev);
+ instance = dev->scsi_host_ptr->unique_id;
+ if (!(fibptr = fib_alloc(dev)))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- for (index = 0; index < MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS; index++) {
++ {
++ struct aac_get_container_count *dinfo;
++ struct aac_get_container_count_resp *dresp;
++ int maximum_num_containers = MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS;
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ dinfo = (struct aac_get_container_count *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ dinfo->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ dinfo->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_GET_CONTAINER_COUNT);
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof (struct aac_get_container_count),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ if (status >= 0) {
++ dresp = (struct aac_get_container_count_resp *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ maximum_num_containers = le32_to_cpu(dresp->ContainerSwitchEntries);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ }
++ if (maximum_num_containers < MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS)
++ maximum_num_containers = MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS;
++ fsa_dev_ptr = (struct fsa_dev_info *) kmalloc(
++ sizeof(*fsa_dev_ptr) * maximum_num_containers, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!fsa_dev_ptr) {
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memset(fsa_dev_ptr, 0, sizeof(*fsa_dev_ptr) * maximum_num_containers);
++ dev->fsa_dev = fsa_dev_ptr;
++ dev->maximum_num_containers = maximum_num_containers;
++ }
++ for (index = 0; index < dev->maximum_num_containers; index++) {
++ struct aac_query_mount *dinfo;
++ struct aac_mount *dresp;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[index].devname[0] = '\0';
+ fib_init(fibptr);
+ dinfo = (struct aac_query_mount *) fib_data(fibptr);
+@@ -221,14 +463,69 @@ int aac_get_containers(struct aac_dev *d
+ }
+ dresp = (struct aac_mount *)fib_data(fibptr);
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "dresp->mnt[0].vol=%d "
++ "dresp->mnt[0].capacity=%u"
++ "={%02x %02x %02x %02x}\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol),
++ le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacity),
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[0],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[1],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[2],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[3]);
++ if ((le32_to_cpu(dresp->status) == ST_OK) &&
++ (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol) == CT_NONE)) {
++ dinfo->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_NameServe64);
++ dinfo->count = cpu_to_le32(index);
++ dinfo->type = cpu_to_le32(FT_FILESYS);
++ if (fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof(struct aac_query_mount),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ NULL, NULL) < 0)
++ continue;
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "dresp->mnt[0].capacity64=%llu"
++ "={%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x}\n",
++ ((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacity)) +
++ (((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)) << 32),
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[0],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[1],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[2],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacity)[3],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)[0],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)[1],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)[2],
++ ((u8 *)&dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)[3]);
++ } else
++ dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh = 0;
++ dprintk ((KERN_DEBUG
++ "VM_NameServe cid=%d status=%d vol=%d state=%d cap=%llu\n",
++ (int)index, (int)le32_to_cpu(dresp->status),
++ (int)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol),
++ (int)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].state),
++ ((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacity)) +
++ (((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)) << 32)));
+ if ((le32_to_cpu(dresp->status) == ST_OK) &&
+ (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol) != CT_NONE) &&
+ (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].state) != FSCS_HIDDEN)) {
+- fsa_dev_ptr->valid[index] = 1;
+- fsa_dev_ptr->type[index] = le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol);
+- fsa_dev_ptr->size[index] = le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacity);
++ fsa_dev_ptr[index].valid = 1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[index].type = le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol);
++ fsa_dev_ptr[index].size
++ = ((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacity)) +
++ (((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)) << 32);
+ if (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].state) & FSCS_READONLY)
+- fsa_dev_ptr->ro[index] = 1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[index].ro = 1;
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Valid type=%u size=%llu ro=%d\n",
++ fsa_dev_ptr[index].type, fsa_dev_ptr[index].size,
++ fsa_dev_ptr[index].ro);
+ }
+ fib_complete(fibptr);
+ /*
+@@ -242,25 +539,190 @@ int aac_get_containers(struct aac_dev *d
+ return status;
+ }
++static void aac_io_done(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd)
++#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,4,0)) /* suppress unused variable warning */
++ unsigned long cpu_flags;
++#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) /* suppress unused variable warning */
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = scsicmd->device->host;
++ if (scsicmd->scsi_done == (void (*)(struct scsi_cmnd*))NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_io_done: scsi_done NULL\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ aac_spin_lock_irqsave(host->host_lock, cpu_flags);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
++ aac_spin_unlock_irqrestore(host->host_lock, cpu_flags);
++ {
++ u64 lba;
++ u32 count = 0;
++ struct timeval now;
++ do_gettimeofday(&now);
++ if ((scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_6) /* 6 byte command */
++ || (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_6)) {
++ lba = ((scsicmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1F) << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[3];
++ count = scsicmd->cmnd[4];
++ if (count == 0)
++ count = 256;
++#if (defined(WRITE_16))
++ } else if ((scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_16) /* 16 byte command */
++ || (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_16)) {
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 56)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 48)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 40)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[9] << 32)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[6] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[9];
++ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[10] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[11] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[12] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[13];
++ } else if ((scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_12) /* 12 byte command */
++ || (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_12)) {
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[6] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[9];
++ } else if ((scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_10) /* 10 byte command */
++ || (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_10)) {
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[8];
++ } else
++ lba = (u64)(long)scsicmd;
++ printk(((count)
++ ? KERN_DEBUG "%lu.%06lu d%lu %llu[%u]\n"
++ : KERN_DEBUG "%lu.%06lu d%lu 0x%llx\n"),
++ now.tv_sec % 100, now.tv_usec,
++ ((struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata)->queues->queue[AdapNormCmdQueue].numpending,
++ lba, count);
++ }
++static inline void __aac_io_done(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd)
++ struct timeval now;
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
++ do_gettimeofday(&now);
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "%lu.%06lu d%lu %p\n",
++ now.tv_sec % 100, now.tv_usec,
++ ((struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata)->queues->queue[AdapNormCmdQueue].numpending,
++ scsicmd);
++static void get_container_name_callback(void *context, struct fib * fibptr)
++ struct aac_get_name_resp * get_name_reply;
++ struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd;
++ scsicmd = (struct scsi_cmnd *) context;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "get_container_name_callback[cpu %d]: t = %ld.\n", smp_processor_id(), jiffies));
++ if (fibptr == NULL)
++ BUG();
++ get_name_reply = (struct aac_get_name_resp *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ /* Failure is irrelevant, using default value instead */
++ if ((le32_to_cpu(get_name_reply->status) == CT_OK)
++ && (get_name_reply->data[0] != '\0')) {
++ int count;
++ char * dp;
++ char * sp = get_name_reply->data;
++ sp[sizeof(((struct aac_get_name_resp *)NULL)->data)-1] = '\0';
++ while (*sp == ' ')
++ ++sp;
++ count = sizeof(((struct inquiry_data *)NULL)->inqd_pid);
++ dp = ((struct inquiry_data *)scsicmd->request_buffer)->inqd_pid;
++ if (*sp) do {
++ *dp++ = (*sp) ? *sp++ : ' ';
++ } while (--count > 0);
++ }
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ * aac_get_container_name - get container name, none blocking.
++ */
++static int aac_get_container_name(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd, int cid)
++ int status;
++ struct aac_get_name *dinfo;
++ struct fib * cmd_fibcontext;
++ struct aac_dev * dev;
++ dev = (struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ if (!(cmd_fibcontext = fib_alloc(dev)))
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ fib_init(cmd_fibcontext);
++ dinfo = (struct aac_get_name *) fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
++ dinfo->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ dinfo->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_READ_NAME);
++ dinfo->cid = cpu_to_le32(cid);
++ dinfo->count = cpu_to_le32(sizeof(((struct aac_get_name_resp *)NULL)->data));
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ cmd_fibcontext,
++ sizeof (struct aac_get_name),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 0, 1,
++ (fib_callback) get_container_name_callback,
++ (void *) scsicmd);
++ /*
++ * Check that the command queued to the controller
++ */
++ if (status == -EINPROGRESS)
++ return 0;
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_get_container_name: fib_send failed with status: %d.\n", status);
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_TASK_SET_FULL;
++ aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ fib_complete(cmd_fibcontext);
++ fib_free(cmd_fibcontext);
++ return 0;
+ /**
+ * probe_container - query a logical volume
+ * @dev: device to query
+ * @cid: container identifier
+ *
+ * Queries the controller about the given volume. The volume information
+- * is updated in the struct fsa_scsi_hba structure rather than returned.
++ * is updated in the struct fsa_dev_info structure rather than returned.
+ */
+-static int probe_container(struct aac_dev *dev, int cid)
++int probe_container(struct aac_dev *dev, int cid)
+ {
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba *fsa_dev_ptr;
++ struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev_ptr;
+ int status;
+ struct aac_query_mount *dinfo;
+ struct aac_mount *dresp;
+ struct fib * fibptr;
+ unsigned instance;
+- fsa_dev_ptr = &(dev->fsa_dev);
++ fsa_dev_ptr = dev->fsa_dev;
+ instance = dev->scsi_host_ptr->unique_id;
+ if (!(fibptr = fib_alloc(dev)))
+@@ -281,20 +743,38 @@ static int probe_container(struct aac_de
+ 1, 1,
+ if (status < 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid: probe_containers query failed.\n");
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid: probe_container query failed.\n");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ dresp = (struct aac_mount *) fib_data(fibptr);
+ if ((le32_to_cpu(dresp->status) == ST_OK) &&
++ (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol) == CT_NONE)) {
++ dinfo->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_NameServe64);
++ dinfo->count = cpu_to_le32(cid);
++ dinfo->type = cpu_to_le32(FT_FILESYS);
++ if (fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof(struct aac_query_mount),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ NULL, NULL) < 0)
++ goto error;
++ } else
++ dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh = 0;
++ if ((le32_to_cpu(dresp->status) == ST_OK) &&
+ (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol) != CT_NONE) &&
+ (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].state) != FSCS_HIDDEN)) {
+- fsa_dev_ptr->valid[cid] = 1;
+- fsa_dev_ptr->type[cid] = le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol);
+- fsa_dev_ptr->size[cid] = le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacity);
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].valid = 1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].type = le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].vol);
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].size
++ = ((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacity)) +
++ (((u64)le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].capacityhigh)) << 32);
+ if (le32_to_cpu(dresp->mnt[0].state) & FSCS_READONLY)
+- fsa_dev_ptr->ro[cid] = 1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].ro = 1;
+ }
+ error:
+@@ -343,6 +823,11 @@ static char *container_types[] = {
+ "PSEUDO R4",
+ "RAID50",
++ "RAID5D",
++ "RAID5D0",
++ "RAID1E",
++ "RAID6",
++ "RAID60",
+ "Unknown"
+ };
+@@ -353,35 +838,63 @@ static char *container_types[] = {
+ * Arguments: [1] pointer to void [1] int
+ *
+ * Purpose: Sets SCSI inquiry data strings for vendor, product
+- * and revision level. Allows strings to be set in platform dependent
+- * files instead of in OS dependent driver source.
++ * and revision level. Allows strings to be set in platform dependant
++ * files instead of in OS dependant driver source.
+ */
+-static void setinqstr(int devtype, void *data, int tindex)
++static void setinqstr(struct aac_dev *dev, void *data, int tindex)
+ {
+ struct scsi_inq *str;
+- char *findit;
+- struct aac_driver_ident *mp;
+- mp = aac_get_driver_ident(devtype);
+ str = (struct scsi_inq *)(data); /* cast data to scsi inq block */
++ memset(str, ' ', sizeof(*str));
+- inqstrcpy (mp->vname, str->vid);
+- inqstrcpy (mp->model, str->pid); /* last six chars reserved for vol type */
+- findit = str->pid;
++ if (dev->supplement_adapter_info.AdapterTypeText[0]) {
++ char * cp = dev->supplement_adapter_info.AdapterTypeText;
++ int c = sizeof(str->vid);
++ while (*cp && *cp != ' ' && --c)
++ ++cp;
++ c = *cp;
++ *cp = '\0';
++ inqstrcpy (dev->supplement_adapter_info.AdapterTypeText,
++ str->vid);
++ *cp = c;
++ while (*cp && *cp != ' ')
++ ++cp;
++ while (*cp == ' ')
++ ++cp;
++ /* last six chars reserved for vol type */
++ c = 0;
++ if (strlen(cp) > sizeof(str->pid)) {
++ c = cp[sizeof(str->pid)];
++ cp[sizeof(str->pid)] = '\0';
++ }
++ inqstrcpy (cp, str->pid);
++ if (c)
++ cp[sizeof(str->pid)] = c;
++ } else {
++ struct aac_driver_ident *mp = aac_get_driver_ident(dev->cardtype);
++ inqstrcpy (mp->vname, str->vid);
++ /* last six chars reserved for vol type */
++ inqstrcpy (mp->model, str->pid);
++ }
+- for ( ; *findit != ' '; findit++); /* walk till we find a space then incr by 1 */
+- findit++;
+ if (tindex < (sizeof(container_types)/sizeof(char *))){
+- inqstrcpy (container_types[tindex], findit);
++ char *findit = str->pid;
++ for ( ; *findit != ' '; findit++); /* walk till we find a space */
++ /* RAID is superfluous in the context of a RAID device */
++ if (memcmp(findit-4, "RAID", 4) == 0)
++ *(findit -= 4) = ' ';
++ if (((findit - str->pid) + strlen(container_types[tindex]))
++ < (sizeof(str->pid) + sizeof(str->prl)))
++ inqstrcpy (container_types[tindex], findit + 1);
+ }
+ inqstrcpy ("V1.0", str->prl);
+ }
+-void set_sense(u8 *sense_buf, u8 sense_key, u8 sense_code,
++static void set_sense(u8 *sense_buf, u8 sense_key, u8 sense_code,
+ u8 a_sense_code, u8 incorrect_length,
+ u8 bit_pointer, u16 field_pointer,
+ u32 residue)
+@@ -421,69 +934,213 @@ void set_sense(u8 *sense_buf, u8 sense_k
+ }
+ }
+-static void aac_io_done(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd)
+- unsigned long cpu_flags;
+- struct Scsi_Host *host = scsicmd->device->host;
+- spin_lock_irqsave(host->host_lock, cpu_flags);
+- scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(host->host_lock, cpu_flags);
+-static void __aac_io_done(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd)
+- scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ int aac_get_adapter_info(struct aac_dev* dev)
+ {
+ struct fib* fibptr;
+- struct aac_adapter_info* info;
+ int rcode;
+ u32 tmp;
+ if (!(fibptr = fib_alloc(dev)))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- fib_init(fibptr);
+- info = (struct aac_adapter_info*) fib_data(fibptr);
++ {
++ struct aac_adapter_info * info;
+- memset(info,0,sizeof(struct aac_adapter_info));
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ info = (struct aac_adapter_info *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ memset(info,0,sizeof(*info));
+- rcode = fib_send(RequestAdapterInfo,
++ rcode = fib_send(RequestAdapterInfo,
+ fibptr,
+- sizeof(struct aac_adapter_info),
++ sizeof(*info),
+ FsaNormal,
+- 1, 1,
++ -1, 1, /* First `interrupt' command uses special wait */
+ NULL);
+- memcpy(&dev->adapter_info, info, sizeof(struct aac_adapter_info));
++ if (rcode < 0) {
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ return rcode;
++ }
++ memcpy(&dev->adapter_info, info, sizeof(*info));
++ }
+- tmp = dev->adapter_info.kernelrev;
+- printk(KERN_INFO"%s%d: kernel %d.%d.%d build %d\n",
+- dev->name, dev->id,
+- tmp>>24,(tmp>>16)&0xff,(tmp>>8)&0xff,
+- dev->adapter_info.kernelbuild);
+- tmp = dev->adapter_info.monitorrev;
+- printk(KERN_INFO"%s%d: monitor %d.%d.%d build %d\n",
++ if (dev->adapter_info.options & le32_to_cpu(AAC_OPT_SUPPLEMENT_ADAPTER_INFO)) {
++ struct aac_supplement_adapter_info * info;
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ info = (struct aac_supplement_adapter_info *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ memset(info,0,sizeof(*info));
++ rcode = fib_send(RequestSupplementAdapterInfo,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof(*info),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ NULL,
++ NULL);
++ if (rcode >= 0)
++ memcpy(&dev->supplement_adapter_info, info, sizeof(*info));
++ }
++ if (dev->supplement_adapter_info.FeatureBits & le32_to_cpu(AAC_FEATURE_FALCON)) {
++ char * info;
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ info = (char *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ rcode = fib_send(RequestCompatibilityId,
++ fibptr,
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ NULL,
++ NULL);
++ if (rcode >= 0)
++ memcpy(dev->code_stream_identifier, info,
++ if (dev->code_stream_identifier[0]
++ dev->code_stream_identifier,
++ extern unsigned long aac_driver_version;
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "%s%d: Warning ! ! ! Compatibility Mismatch\n",
++ dev->name, dev->id);
++ tmp = le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelrev);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "%s%d: Firmware=%d.%d-%d[%d],"
++ " Device Driver=%d.%d-%d"
++#if (defined(AAC_DRIVER_BUILD))
++ "[%d]"
++ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__
++ "\n",
++ dev->name, dev->id,
++ tmp>>24,(tmp>>16)&0xff,tmp&0xff,
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelbuild),
++ (int)aac_driver_version >> 24,
++ (int)(aac_driver_version >> 16) & 0xFF,
++ (int)aac_driver_version & 0xFF
++#if (defined(AAC_DRIVER_BUILD))
++ );
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "%s%d: These should be a tested set to avoid possible compatibility problems.\n",
++ dev->name, dev->id);
++ }
++ }
++ /* GetBusInfo */
++ {
++ struct aac_bus_info * command;
++ struct aac_bus_info_response * info;
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ info = (struct aac_bus_info_response *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ memset(info,0,sizeof(*info));
++ command = (struct aac_bus_info *) info;
++ command->Command = cpu_to_le32(VM_Ioctl);
++ command->ObjType = cpu_to_le32(FT_DRIVE);
++ command->MethodId = cpu_to_le32(1);
++ command->CtlCmd = cpu_to_le32(GetBusInfo);
++ rcode = fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof (*info),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ if ((rcode >= 0 ) && (le32_to_cpu(info->Status) == ST_OK)) {
++ dev->maximum_num_physicals = le32_to_cpu(info->TargetsPerBus);
++ dev->maximum_num_channels = le32_to_cpu(info->BusCount);
++ }
++ }
++ tmp = le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelrev);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s%d: kernel %d.%d-%d[%d] %.*s\n",
++ dev->name,
++ dev->id,
++ tmp>>24,
++ (tmp>>16)&0xff,
++ tmp&0xff,
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelbuild),
++ (int)sizeof(dev->supplement_adapter_info.BuildDate),
++ dev->supplement_adapter_info.BuildDate);
++ tmp = le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.monitorrev);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s%d: monitor %d.%d-%d[%d]\n",
+ dev->name, dev->id,
+- tmp>>24,(tmp>>16)&0xff,(tmp>>8)&0xff,
+- dev->adapter_info.monitorbuild);
+- tmp = dev->adapter_info.biosrev;
+- printk(KERN_INFO"%s%d: bios %d.%d.%d build %d\n",
++ tmp>>24,(tmp>>16)&0xff,tmp&0xff,
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.monitorbuild));
++ tmp = le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosrev);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s%d: bios %d.%d-%d[%d]\n",
+ dev->name, dev->id,
+- tmp>>24,(tmp>>16)&0xff,(tmp>>8)&0xff,
+- dev->adapter_info.biosbuild);
+- printk(KERN_INFO"%s%d: serial %x%x\n",
++ tmp>>24,(tmp>>16)&0xff,tmp&0xff,
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosbuild));
++ if (le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.serial[0]) != 0xBAD0)
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s%d: serial %x\n",
+ dev->name, dev->id,
+- dev->adapter_info.serial[0],
+- dev->adapter_info.serial[1]);
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.serial[0]));
++ aacraid_setup(aacraid);
++#if 0
++#if (defined(AAC_EXTENDED_TIMEOUT))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "nondasd=%d dacmode=%d commit=%d "
++ "coalescethreshold=%d acbsize=%d extendedtimeout=%d\n",
++ nondasd, dacmode, commit, coalescethreshold, acbsize,
++ extendedtimeout);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "nondasd=%d dacmode=%d commit=%d "
++ "coalescethreshold=%d acbsize=%d\n",
++ nondasd, dacmode, commit, coalescethreshold, acbsize);
+ dev->nondasd_support = 0;
++ dev->raid_scsi_mode = 0;
+ if(dev->adapter_info.options & AAC_OPT_NONDASD){
+-// dev->nondasd_support = 1;
+-// dmb - temporarily disable nondasd
++ dev->nondasd_support = 1;
+ }
++ /*
++ * If the firmware supports ROMB RAID/SCSI mode and we are currently
++ * in RAID/SCSI mode, set the flag. For now if in this mode we will
++ * force nondasd support on. If we decide to allow the non-dasd flag
++ * additional changes changes will have to be made to support
++ * RAID/SCSI. the function aac_scsi_cmd in this module will have to be
++ * changed to support the new dev->raid_scsi_mode flag instead of
++ * leaching off of the dev->nondasd_support flag. Also in linit.c the
++ * function aac_detect will have to be modified where it sets up the
++ * max number of channels based on the aac->nondasd_support flag only.
++ */
++ if ((dev->adapter_info.options & AAC_OPT_SCSI_MANAGED) &&
++ (dev->adapter_info.options & AAC_OPT_RAID_SCSI_MODE)) {
++ dev->nondasd_support = 1;
++ dev->raid_scsi_mode = 1;
++ }
++ if (dev->raid_scsi_mode != 0)
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s%d: ROMB RAID/SCSI mode enabled\n",
++ dev->name, dev->id);
+ if(nondasd != -1) {
+ dev->nondasd_support = (nondasd!=0);
+ }
+@@ -491,18 +1148,72 @@ int aac_get_adapter_info(struct aac_dev*
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s%d: Non-DASD support enabled.\n",dev->name, dev->id);
+ }
+- dev->pae_support = 0;
+- if( (sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4) && (dev->adapter_info.options & AAC_OPT_SGMAP_HOST64)){
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s%d: 64bit support enabled.\n", dev->name, dev->id);
+- dev->pae_support = 1;
++ dev->dac_support = 0;
++ /*
++ * Only enable DAC mode if the dma_addr_t is larger than 32
++ * bit addressing, and we have more than 32 bit addressing worth of
++ * memory and if the controller supports 64 bit scatter gather elements.
++ */
++ if( (sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4) && (num_physpages > (0xFFFFFFFFULL >> PAGE_SHIFT)) && (dev->adapter_info.options & AAC_OPT_SGMAP_HOST64)){
++ dev->dac_support = 1;
+ }
+- if(paemode != -1){
+- dev->pae_support = (paemode!=0);
+- }
+- if(dev->pae_support != 0) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO"%s%d: 64 Bit PAE enabled\n", dev->name, dev->id);
+- pci_set_dma_mask(dev->pdev, (dma_addr_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL);
++ if(dacmode != -1) {
++ dev->dac_support = (dacmode!=0);
++ }
++ if(dev->dac_support != 0) {
++ if (!pci_set_dma_mask(dev->pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK) &&
++ !pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(dev->pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO"%s%d: 64 Bit DAC enabled\n",
++ dev->name, dev->id);
++ } else if (!pci_set_dma_mask(dev->pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK) &&
++ !pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(dev->pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO"%s%d: DMA mask set failed, 64 Bit DAC disabled\n",
++ dev->name, dev->id);
++ dev->dac_support = 0;
++ } else {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING"%s%d: No suitable DMA available.\n",
++ dev->name, dev->id);
++ rcode = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ }
++ /* 57 scatter gather elements */
++ if (!(dev->raw_io_interface)) {
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->sg_tablesize = (dev->max_fib_size
++ - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)
++ - sizeof(struct aac_write) + sizeof(struct sgmap))
++ / sizeof(struct sgmap);
++ if( (sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4) && (num_physpages >= (0xFFFFFFFFULL >> PAGE_SHIFT)) && (dev->adapter_info.options & AAC_OPT_SGMAP_HOST64) && (dev->dac_support) ){
++#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,4,18)) && (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,0)) && (!defined(__arm__)) && defined(CONFIG_HIGHMEM) && ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE != KERNEL_VERSION(2,4,19)) || defined(CONFIG_HIGHIO))
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->highmem_io = 1;
++ /* 38 scatter gather elements */
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->sg_tablesize
++ = (dev->max_fib_size
++ - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)
++ - sizeof(struct aac_write64)
++ + sizeof(struct sgmap64))
++ / sizeof(struct sgmap64);
++ }
++#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,4,18)) && (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,0)) && (!defined(__arm__)) && defined(CONFIG_HIGHMEM) && ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE != KERNEL_VERSION(2,4,19)) || defined(CONFIG_HIGHIO))
++ else {
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->highmem_io = 0;
++ }
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->max_sectors = AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT;
++ if(!(dev->adapter_info.options & AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM)) {
++ /*
++ * Worst case size that could cause sg overflow when
++ * we break up SG elements that are larger than 64KB.
++ * Would be nice if we could tell the SCSI layer what
++ * the maximum SG element size can be. Worst case is
++ * (sg_tablesize-1) 4KB elements with one 64KB
++ * element.
++ * 32bit -> 468 or 238KB 64bit -> 424 or 212KB
++ */
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->max_sectors
++ = (dev->scsi_host_ptr->sg_tablesize * 8) + 112;
++ }
+ }
+ fib_complete(fibptr);
+@@ -512,12 +1223,11 @@ int aac_get_adapter_info(struct aac_dev*
+ }
+-static void read_callback(void *context, struct fib * fibptr)
++static void io_callback(void *context, struct fib * fibptr)
+ {
+ struct aac_dev *dev;
+ struct aac_read_reply *readreply;
+ struct scsi_cmnd *scsicmd;
+- u32 lba;
+ u32 cid;
+ scsicmd = (struct scsi_cmnd *) context;
+@@ -525,8 +1235,36 @@ static void read_callback(void *context,
+ dev = (struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata;
+ cid = ID_LUN_TO_CONTAINER(scsicmd->device->id, scsicmd->device->lun);
+- lba = ((scsicmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1F) << 16) | (scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[3];
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "read_callback[cpu %d]: lba = %u, t = %ld.\n", smp_processor_id(), lba, jiffies));
++ if (nblank(dprintk(x))) {
++ u64 lba;
++ if ((scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_6) /* 6 byte command */
++ || (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_6))
++ lba = ((scsicmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1F) << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[3];
++#if (defined(WRITE_16))
++ else if ((scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_16) /* 16 byte command */
++ || (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_16))
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 56)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 48)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 40)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[9] << 32)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[6] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[9];
++ else if ((scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_12) /* 12 byte command */
++ || (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_12))
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ else
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG
++ "io_callback[cpu %d]: lba = %llu, t = %ld.\n",
++ smp_processor_id(), (unsigned long long)lba, jiffies);
++ }
+ if (fibptr == NULL)
+ BUG();
+@@ -537,77 +1275,106 @@ static void read_callback(void *context,
+ scsicmd->use_sg,
+ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+ else if(scsicmd->request_bufflen)
+- pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, (dma_addr_t)(ulong)scsicmd->SCp.ptr,
++ pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle,
+ scsicmd->request_bufflen,
+ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+ readreply = (struct aac_read_reply *)fib_data(fibptr);
+ if (le32_to_cpu(readreply->status) == ST_OK)
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ else {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "read_callback: read failed, status = %d\n", readreply->status);
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "io_callback: io failed, status = %d\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(readreply->status));
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
+- set_sense((u8 *) &sense_data[cid],
++ set_sense((u8 *) &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
+ 0, 0);
+- memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &sense_data[cid], sizeof(struct sense_data));
++ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ (sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data) > sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer))
++ ? sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer)
++ : sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data));
+ }
+ fib_complete(fibptr);
+ fib_free(fibptr);
+ aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ if (scsicmd->device->device_blocked) {
++ struct scsi_cmnd * cmd;
++ cid = 0;
++ for (cmd = scsicmd->device->device_queue; cmd; cmd = cmd->next)
++ if (cmd->serial_number)
++ ++cid;
++ if (cid < scsicmd->device->queue_depth)
++ scsicmd->device->device_blocked = 0;
++ }
+ }
+-static void write_callback(void *context, struct fib * fibptr)
++static inline void aac_select_queue_depth(
++ struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd,
++ int cid,
++ u64 lba,
++ u32 count)
+ {
++ struct scsi_device *device = scsicmd->device;
+ struct aac_dev *dev;
+- struct aac_write_reply *writereply;
+- struct scsi_cmnd *scsicmd;
+- u32 lba;
+- u32 cid;
+- scsicmd = (struct scsi_cmnd *) context;
+- dev = (struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata;
+- cid = ID_LUN_TO_CONTAINER(scsicmd->device->id, scsicmd->device->lun);
+- lba = ((scsicmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1F) << 16) | (scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[3];
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "write_callback[cpu %d]: lba = %u, t = %ld.\n", smp_processor_id(), lba, jiffies));
+- if (fibptr == NULL)
+- BUG();
++ unsigned depth;
+- if(scsicmd->use_sg)
+- pci_unmap_sg(dev->pdev,
+- (struct scatterlist *)scsicmd->buffer,
+- scsicmd->use_sg,
+- scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+- else if(scsicmd->request_bufflen)
+- pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, (dma_addr_t)(ulong)scsicmd->SCp.ptr,
+- scsicmd->request_bufflen,
+- scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+- writereply = (struct aac_write_reply *) fib_data(fibptr);
+- if (le32_to_cpu(writereply->status) == ST_OK)
+- scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+- else {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "write_callback: write failed, status = %d\n", writereply->status);
+- scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
+- set_sense((u8 *) &sense_data[cid],
+- 0, 0);
+- memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &sense_data[cid], sizeof(struct sense_data));
++ if (!device->tagged_supported)
++ return;
++ dev = (struct aac_dev *)device->host->hostdata;
++ if (dev->fsa_dev[cid].queue_depth <= 2)
++ dev->fsa_dev[cid].queue_depth = device->queue_depth;
++ if (lba == dev->fsa_dev[cid].last) {
++ struct scsi_cmnd * cmd;
++ /*
++ * If larger than coalescethreshold in size, coalescing has
++ * less effect on overall performance. Also, if we are
++ * coalescing right now, leave it alone if above the threshold.
++ */
++ if (count > coalescethreshold)
++ return;
++ depth = 0;
++ for (cmd = device->device_queue; cmd; cmd = cmd->next)
++ if ((cmd->serial_number)
++ && (cmd != scsicmd)
++ && (++depth > 1)) {
++ device->device_blocked = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ depth = 2;
++ } else {
++ device->device_blocked = 0;
++ depth = dev->fsa_dev[cid].queue_depth;
+ }
+- fib_complete(fibptr);
+- fib_free(fibptr);
+- aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsi_adjust_queue_depth(device, MSG_ORDERED_TAG, depth);
++ device->queue_depth = depth;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "l=%llu %llu[%u] q=%u %lu\n",
++ dev->fsa_dev[cid].last, lba, count, device->queue_depth,
++ dev->queues->queue[AdapNormCmdQueue].numpending));
++ dev->fsa_dev[cid].last = lba + count;
+ }
+-int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd, int cid)
++static int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd, int cid)
+ {
+- u32 lba;
++ u64 lba;
+ u32 count;
+ int status;
+@@ -619,6 +1386,15 @@ int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd,
+ /*
+ * Get block address and transfer length
+ */
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_IO))
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "aac_read: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ scsicmd->cmnd[0], scsicmd->cmnd[1], scsicmd->cmnd[2],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[3], scsicmd->cmnd[4], scsicmd->cmnd[5],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[6], scsicmd->cmnd[7], scsicmd->cmnd[8],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[9], scsicmd->cmnd[10], scsicmd->cmnd[11],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[12], scsicmd->cmnd[13], scsicmd->cmnd[14],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[15]);
+ if (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_6) /* 6 byte command */
+ {
+ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aachba: received a read(6) command on id %d.\n", cid));
+@@ -628,36 +1404,110 @@ int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd,
+ if (count == 0)
+ count = 256;
++#if (defined(READ_16))
++ } else if (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_16) { /* 16 byte command */
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aachba: received a read(16) command on id %d.\n", cid));
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 56)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 48)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 40)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[9] << 32)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[6] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[9];
++ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[10] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[11] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[12] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[13];
++ } else if (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == READ_12) { /* 12 byte command */
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aachba: received a read(12) command on id %d.\n", cid));
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[6] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[9];
+ } else {
+ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aachba: received a read(10) command on id %d.\n", cid));
+- lba = (scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16) | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16) | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
+ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[8];
+ }
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_read[cpu %d]: lba = %u, t = %ld.\n", smp_processor_id(), lba, jiffies));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_read[cpu %d]: lba = %llu, t = %ld.\n",
++ smp_processor_id(), (unsigned long long)lba, jiffies));
++ if ((!(dev->raw_io_interface) || !(dev->raw_io_64))
++ && (lba & 0xffffffff00000000LL)) {
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_read: Illegal lba\n"));
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
++ set_sense((u8 *) &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ 0, 0);
++ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ (sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data) > sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer))
++ ? sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer)
++ : sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data));
++ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Are we in a sequential mode?
++ */
++ aac_select_queue_depth(scsicmd, cid, lba, count);
+ /*
+ * Alocate and initialize a Fib
+ */
+ if (!(cmd_fibcontext = fib_alloc(dev))) {
+- return -1;
++ scsicmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ fib_init(cmd_fibcontext);
+- if(dev->pae_support == 1){
++ if (dev->raw_io_interface) {
++ struct aac_raw_io *readcmd;
++ readcmd = (struct aac_raw_io *) fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
++ readcmd->block[0] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(lba&0xffffffff));
++ readcmd->block[1] = cpu_to_le32((u32)((lba&0xffffffff00000000LL)>>32));
++ readcmd->count = cpu_to_le32(count<<9);
++ readcmd->cid = cpu_to_le16(cid);
++ readcmd->flags = cpu_to_le16(1);
++ readcmd->bpTotal = 0;
++ readcmd->bpComplete = 0;
++ aac_build_sgraw(scsicmd, &readcmd->sg);
++ fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_raw_io) + ((le32_to_cpu(readcmd->sg.count) - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentryraw));
++ if (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)))
++ BUG();
++ /*
++ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
++ */
++ status = fib_send(ContainerRawIo,
++ cmd_fibcontext,
++ fibsize,
++ FsaNormal,
++ 0, 1,
++ (fib_callback) io_callback,
++ (void *) scsicmd);
++ } else if (dev->dac_support == 1) {
+ struct aac_read64 *readcmd;
+ readcmd = (struct aac_read64 *) fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
+ readcmd->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_CtHostRead64);
+ readcmd->cid = cpu_to_le16(cid);
+ readcmd->sector_count = cpu_to_le16(count);
+- readcmd->block = cpu_to_le32(lba);
+- readcmd->pad = cpu_to_le16(0);
+- readcmd->flags = cpu_to_le16(0);
++ readcmd->block = cpu_to_le32((u32)(lba&0xffffffff));
++ readcmd->pad = 0;
++ readcmd->flags = 0;
+ aac_build_sg64(scsicmd, &readcmd->sg);
+- if(readcmd->sg.count > MAX_DRIVER_SG_SEGMENT_COUNT)
+- BUG();
+- fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_read64) + ((readcmd->sg.count - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry64));
++ fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_read64) +
++ ((le32_to_cpu(readcmd->sg.count) - 1) *
++ sizeof (struct sgentry64));
++ BUG_ON (fibsize > (sizeof(struct hw_fib) -
++ sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)));
+ /*
+ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
+ */
+@@ -666,23 +1516,22 @@ int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd,
+ fibsize,
+ FsaNormal,
+ 0, 1,
+- (fib_callback) read_callback,
++ (fib_callback) io_callback,
+ (void *) scsicmd);
+ } else {
+ struct aac_read *readcmd;
+ readcmd = (struct aac_read *) fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
+ readcmd->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_CtBlockRead);
+ readcmd->cid = cpu_to_le32(cid);
+- readcmd->block = cpu_to_le32(lba);
++ readcmd->block = cpu_to_le32((u32)(lba&0xffffffff));
+ readcmd->count = cpu_to_le32(count * 512);
+- if (count * 512 > (64 * 1024))
+- BUG();
+ aac_build_sg(scsicmd, &readcmd->sg);
+- if(readcmd->sg.count > MAX_DRIVER_SG_SEGMENT_COUNT)
+- BUG();
+- fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_read) + ((readcmd->sg.count - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry));
++ fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_read) +
++ ((le32_to_cpu(readcmd->sg.count) - 1) *
++ sizeof (struct sgentry));
++ BUG_ON (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size -
++ sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)));
+ /*
+ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
+ */
+@@ -691,7 +1540,7 @@ int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd,
+ fibsize,
+ FsaNormal,
+ 0, 1,
+- (fib_callback) read_callback,
++ (fib_callback) io_callback,
+ (void *) scsicmd);
+ }
+@@ -701,10 +1550,7 @@ int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd,
+ * Check that the command queued to the controller
+ */
+ if (status == -EINPROGRESS)
+- {
+- dprintk("read queued.\n");
+ return 0;
+- }
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_read: fib_send failed with status: %d.\n", status);
+ /*
+@@ -714,12 +1560,12 @@ int aac_read(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd,
+ aac_io_done(scsicmd);
+ fib_complete(cmd_fibcontext);
+ fib_free(cmd_fibcontext);
+- return -1;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static int aac_write(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd, int cid)
+ {
+- u32 lba;
++ u64 lba;
+ u32 count;
+ int status;
+ u16 fibsize;
+@@ -730,42 +1576,123 @@ static int aac_write(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ /*
+ * Get block address and transfer length
+ */
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_IO))
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "aac_write: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ scsicmd->cmnd[0], scsicmd->cmnd[1], scsicmd->cmnd[2],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[3], scsicmd->cmnd[4], scsicmd->cmnd[5],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[6], scsicmd->cmnd[7], scsicmd->cmnd[8],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[9], scsicmd->cmnd[10], scsicmd->cmnd[11],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[12], scsicmd->cmnd[13], scsicmd->cmnd[14],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[15]);
+ if (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_6) /* 6 byte command */
+ {
+ lba = ((scsicmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1F) << 16) | (scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[3];
+ count = scsicmd->cmnd[4];
+ if (count == 0)
+ count = 256;
++#if (defined(WRITE_16))
++ } else if (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_16) { /* 16 byte command */
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aachba: received a write(16) command on id %d.\n", cid));
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 56)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 48)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 40)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[9] << 32)
++ | ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[6] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[9];
++ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[10] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[11] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[12] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[13];
++ } else if (scsicmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_12) { /* 12 byte command */
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aachba: received a write(12) command on id %d.\n", cid));
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[6] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (scsicmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[9];
+ } else {
+ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aachba: received a write(10) command on id %d.\n", cid));
+- lba = (scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16) | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
++ lba = ((u64)scsicmd->cmnd[2] << 24) | (scsicmd->cmnd[3] << 16) | (scsicmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[5];
+ count = (scsicmd->cmnd[7] << 8) | scsicmd->cmnd[8];
+ }
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_write[cpu %d]: lba = %u, t = %ld.\n", smp_processor_id(), lba, jiffies));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_write[cpu %d]: lba = %llu, t = %ld.\n",
++ smp_processor_id(), (unsigned long long)lba, jiffies));
++ if ((!(dev->raw_io_interface) || !(dev->raw_io_64))
++ && (lba & 0xffffffff00000000LL)) {
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_write: Illegal lba\n"));
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
++ set_sense((u8 *) &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ 0, 0);
++ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ (sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data) > sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer))
++ ? sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer)
++ : sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data));
++ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Are we in a sequential mode?
++ */
++ aac_select_queue_depth(scsicmd, cid, lba, count);
+ /*
+ * Allocate and initialize a Fib then setup a BlockWrite command
+ */
+ if (!(cmd_fibcontext = fib_alloc(dev))) {
+ scsicmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
+ aac_io_done(scsicmd);
+- return -1;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ fib_init(cmd_fibcontext);
+- if(dev->pae_support == 1){
++ if (dev->raw_io_interface) {
++ struct aac_raw_io *writecmd;
++ writecmd = (struct aac_raw_io *) fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
++ writecmd->block[0] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(lba&0xffffffff));
++ writecmd->block[1] = cpu_to_le32((u32)((lba&0xffffffff00000000LL)>>32));
++ writecmd->count = cpu_to_le32(count<<9);
++ writecmd->cid = cpu_to_le16(cid);
++ writecmd->flags = 0;
++ writecmd->bpTotal = 0;
++ writecmd->bpComplete = 0;
++ aac_build_sgraw(scsicmd, &writecmd->sg);
++ fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_raw_io) + ((le32_to_cpu(writecmd->sg.count) - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentryraw));
++ if (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)))
++ BUG();
++ /*
++ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
++ */
++ status = fib_send(ContainerRawIo,
++ cmd_fibcontext,
++ fibsize,
++ FsaNormal,
++ 0, 1,
++ (fib_callback) io_callback,
++ (void *) scsicmd);
++ } else if (dev->dac_support == 1) {
+ struct aac_write64 *writecmd;
+ writecmd = (struct aac_write64 *) fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
+ writecmd->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_CtHostWrite64);
+ writecmd->cid = cpu_to_le16(cid);
+ writecmd->sector_count = cpu_to_le16(count);
+- writecmd->block = cpu_to_le32(lba);
+- writecmd->pad = cpu_to_le16(0);
+- writecmd->flags = cpu_to_le16(0);
++ writecmd->block = cpu_to_le32((u32)(lba&0xffffffff));
++ writecmd->pad = 0;
++ writecmd->flags = 0;
+ aac_build_sg64(scsicmd, &writecmd->sg);
+- if(writecmd->sg.count > MAX_DRIVER_SG_SEGMENT_COUNT)
+- BUG();
+- fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_write64) + ((writecmd->sg.count - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry64));
++ fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_write64) +
++ ((le32_to_cpu(writecmd->sg.count) - 1) *
++ sizeof (struct sgentry64));
++ BUG_ON (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size -
++ sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)));
+ /*
+ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
+ */
+@@ -774,26 +1701,24 @@ static int aac_write(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ fibsize,
+ FsaNormal,
+ 0, 1,
+- (fib_callback) write_callback,
++ (fib_callback) io_callback,
+ (void *) scsicmd);
+ } else {
+ struct aac_write *writecmd;
+ writecmd = (struct aac_write *) fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
+ writecmd->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_CtBlockWrite);
+ writecmd->cid = cpu_to_le32(cid);
+- writecmd->block = cpu_to_le32(lba);
++ writecmd->block = cpu_to_le32((u32)(lba&0xffffffff));
+ writecmd->count = cpu_to_le32(count * 512);
+ writecmd->sg.count = cpu_to_le32(1);
+ /* ->stable is not used - it did mean which type of write */
+- if (count * 512 > (64 * 1024)) {
+- BUG();
+- }
+ aac_build_sg(scsicmd, &writecmd->sg);
+- if(writecmd->sg.count > MAX_DRIVER_SG_SEGMENT_COUNT)
+- BUG();
+- fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_write) + ((writecmd->sg.count - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry));
++ fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_write) +
++ ((le32_to_cpu(writecmd->sg.count) - 1) *
++ sizeof (struct sgentry));
++ BUG_ON (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size -
++ sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)));
+ /*
+ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
+ */
+@@ -802,7 +1727,7 @@ static int aac_write(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ fibsize,
+ FsaNormal,
+ 0, 1,
+- (fib_callback) write_callback,
++ (fib_callback) io_callback,
+ (void *) scsicmd);
+ }
+@@ -811,7 +1736,6 @@ static int aac_write(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ */
+ if (status == -EINPROGRESS)
+ {
+- dprintk("write queued.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -824,9 +1748,164 @@ static int aac_write(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ fib_complete(cmd_fibcontext);
+ fib_free(cmd_fibcontext);
+- return -1;
++ return 0;
++static void synchronize_callback(void *context, struct fib *fibptr)
++ struct aac_synchronize_reply *synchronizereply;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ cmd = context;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "synchronize_callback[cpu %d]: t = %ld.\n",
++ smp_processor_id(), jiffies));
++ BUG_ON(fibptr == NULL);
++ synchronizereply = fib_data(fibptr);
++ if (le32_to_cpu(synchronizereply->status) == CT_OK)
++ cmd->result = DID_OK << 16 |
++ else {
++ struct scsi_device *sdev = cmd->device;
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)sdev->host->hostdata;
++ u32 cid = ID_LUN_TO_CONTAINER(sdev->id, sdev->lun);
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "synchronize_callback: synchronize failed, status = %d\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(synchronizereply->status));
++ cmd->result = DID_OK << 16 |
++ set_sense((u8 *)&dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ 0, 0);
++ memcpy(cmd->sense_buffer, &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ min(sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data),
++ sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer)));
++ }
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ aac_io_done(cmd);
++static int aac_synchronize(struct scsi_cmnd *scsicmd, int cid)
++ int status;
++ struct fib *cmd_fibcontext;
++ struct aac_synchronize *synchronizecmd;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ struct scsi_device *sdev = scsicmd->device;
++ int active = 0;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ /*
++ * Wait for all commands to complete to this specific
++ * target (block).
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&sdev->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry(cmd, &sdev->cmd_list, list)
++ if (cmd != scsicmd && cmd->serial_number != 0) {
++ ++active;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdev->list_lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * Wait for all commands to complete to this specific
++ * target (block).
++ */
++ for(cmd = sdev->device_queue; cmd; cmd = cmd->next)
++ if ((cmd != scsicmd) && (cmd->serial_number != 0)) {
++ ++active;
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Yield the processor (requeue for later)
++ */
++ if (active)
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_IO))
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "aac_synchronize[cpu %d]: t = %ld.\n",
++ smp_processor_id(), jiffies);
++ /*
++ * Allocate and initialize a Fib
++ */
++ if (!(cmd_fibcontext =
++ fib_alloc((struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata)))
++ fib_init(cmd_fibcontext);
++ synchronizecmd = fib_data(cmd_fibcontext);
++ synchronizecmd->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ synchronizecmd->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_FLUSH_CACHE);
++ synchronizecmd->cid = cpu_to_le32(cid);
++ synchronizecmd->count =
++ cpu_to_le32(sizeof(((struct aac_synchronize_reply *)NULL)->data));
++ /*
++ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
++ */
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand,
++ cmd_fibcontext,
++ sizeof(struct aac_synchronize),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 0, 1,
++ (fib_callback)synchronize_callback,
++ (void *)scsicmd);
++ /*
++ * Check that the command queued to the controller
++ */
++ if (status == -EINPROGRESS)
++ return 0;
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "aac_synchronize: fib_send failed with status: %d.\n", status);
++ fib_complete(cmd_fibcontext);
++ fib_free(cmd_fibcontext);
++static inline void get_sd_devname(int disknum, char *buffer)
++ if (disknum < 0) {
++ buffer[0] = '\0';
++ return;
++ }
++ buffer[0] = 's';
++ buffer[1] = 'd';
++ if (disknum < 26) {
++ buffer[2] = 'a' + disknum;
++ buffer[3] = '\0';
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * For larger numbers of disks, we need to go to a new
++ * naming scheme.
++ */
++ buffer[2] = 'a' - 1 + (disknum / 26);
++ buffer[3] = 'a' + (disknum % 26);
++ buffer[4] = '\0';
++ }
+ }
++# define strlcpy(s1,s2,n) strncpy(s1,s2,n);s1[n-1]='\0'
++# ifndef min
++# define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
++# endif
+ /**
+ * aac_scsi_cmd() - Process SCSI command
+@@ -839,12 +1918,20 @@ static int aac_write(struct scsi_cmnd *
+ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd)
+ {
+ u32 cid = 0;
+- int ret;
+ struct Scsi_Host *host = scsicmd->device->host;
+ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)host->hostdata;
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba *fsa_dev_ptr = &dev->fsa_dev;
+- int cardtype = dev->cardtype;
++ struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev_ptr = dev->fsa_dev;
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_NOTICE "scsicmd->cmnd={%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x}\n",
++ scsicmd->cmnd[0], scsicmd->cmnd[1], scsicmd->cmnd[2],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[3], scsicmd->cmnd[4], scsicmd->cmnd[5],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[6], scsicmd->cmnd[7], scsicmd->cmnd[8],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[9], scsicmd->cmnd[10], scsicmd->cmnd[11],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[12], scsicmd->cmnd[13], scsicmd->cmnd[14],
++ scsicmd->cmnd[15]);
++# endif
+ /*
+ * If the bus, id or lun is out of range, return fail
+ * Test does not apply to ID 16, the pseudo id for the controller
+@@ -852,9 +1939,19 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ */
+ if (scsicmd->device->id != host->this_id) {
+ if ((scsicmd->device->channel == 0) ){
+- if( (scsicmd->device->id >= MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS) || (scsicmd->device->lun != 0)){
++ if( (scsicmd->device->id >= dev->maximum_num_containers) || (scsicmd->device->lun != 0)){
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsicmd(0:%d:%d:0) No Connect\n",
++ scsicmd->device->channel,
++ scsicmd->device->id);
++# endif
+ scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cid = ID_LUN_TO_CONTAINER(scsicmd->device->id, scsicmd->device->lun);
+@@ -863,38 +1960,127 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ * If the target container doesn't exist, it may have
+ * been newly created
+ */
+- if (fsa_dev_ptr->valid[cid] == 0) {
++#if (!defined(__arm__) && !defined(CONFIG_EXTERNAL))
++ if ((fsa_dev_ptr[cid].valid & 1) == 0) {
+ switch (scsicmd->cmnd[0]) {
++#if (defined(SERVICE_ACTION_IN))
++ if (!(dev->raw_io_interface)
++ || !(dev->raw_io_64)
++ || ((scsicmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1f) != SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16))
++ break;
+ case INQUIRY:
+- spin_unlock_irq(host->host_lock);
++# if (MAX_NESTED == 1)
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested)
++ return -1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested = 1;
++# else
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested >= MAX_NESTED)
++ return -1;
++ ++(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested);
++# endif
++ aac_spin_unlock_irq(host->host_lock);
+ probe_container(dev, cid);
+- spin_lock_irq(host->host_lock);
+- if (fsa_dev_ptr->valid[cid] == 0) {
++ if ((fsa_dev_ptr[cid].valid & 1) == 0)
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].valid = 0;
++ aac_spin_lock_irq(host->host_lock);
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].valid == 0) {
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsicmd(0:%d:%d:0) "
++ "Invalid\n",
++ scsicmd->device->channel,
++ scsicmd->device->id);
++# endif
+ scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
++# if (MAX_NESTED == 1)
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested = 0;
++# else
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested != 0)
++ --(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested);
++# endif
+ return 0;
+ }
++# if (MAX_NESTED == 1)
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested = 0;
++# else
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested != 0)
++ --(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested);
++# endif
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
++#if (!defined(__arm__) && !defined(CONFIG_EXTERNAL))
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the target container still doesn't exist,
+ * return failure
+ */
+- if (fsa_dev_ptr->valid[cid] == 0) {
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].valid == 0) {
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsicmd(0:%d:%d:0) Does not exist\n",
++ scsicmd->device->channel,
++ scsicmd->device->id);
++# endif
++# if (MAX_NESTED == 1)
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested)
++ return -1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested = 1;
++# else
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested >= MAX_NESTED)
++ return -1;
++ ++(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested);
++# endif
+ scsicmd->result = DID_BAD_TARGET << 16;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
++# if (MAX_NESTED == 1)
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested = 0;
++# else
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested != 0)
++ --(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].nested);
++# endif
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else { /* check for physical non-dasd devices */
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsicmd(0:%d:%d:0) Phys\n",
++ scsicmd->device->channel,
++ scsicmd->device->id);
++# endif
+ if(dev->nondasd_support == 1){
+ return aac_send_srb_fib(scsicmd);
+ } else {
+ scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -907,17 +2093,27 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ {
+ dprintk((KERN_WARNING "Only INQUIRY & TUR command supported for controller, rcvd = 0x%x.\n", scsicmd->cmnd[0]));
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
+- set_sense((u8 *) &sense_data[cid],
++ set_sense((u8 *) &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ (sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data) > sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer))
++ ? sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer)
++ : sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data));
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
+- memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &sense_data[cid], sizeof(struct sense_data));
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Handle commands here that don't really require going out to the adapter */
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_NOTICE "cmnd[0]=%02x\n", scsicmd->cmnd[0]);
++# endif
+ switch (scsicmd->cmnd[0]) {
+ case INQUIRY:
+ {
+@@ -928,7 +2124,6 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ memset(inq_data_ptr, 0, sizeof (struct inquiry_data));
+ inq_data_ptr->inqd_ver = 2; /* claim compliance to SCSI-2 */
+- inq_data_ptr->inqd_dtq = 0x80; /* set RMB bit to one indicating that the medium is removable */
+ inq_data_ptr->inqd_rdf = 2; /* A response data format value of two indicates that the data shall be in the format specified in SCSI-2 */
+ inq_data_ptr->inqd_len = 31;
+ /*Format for "pad2" is RelAdr | WBus32 | WBus16 | Sync | Linked |Reserved| CmdQue | SftRe */
+@@ -937,22 +2132,88 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ * Set the Vendor, Product, and Revision Level
+ * see: <vendor>.c i.e. aac.c
+ */
+- setinqstr(cardtype, (void *) (inq_data_ptr->inqd_vid), fsa_dev_ptr->type[cid]);
+- if (scsicmd->device->id == host->this_id)
++ if (scsicmd->device->id == host->this_id) {
++ setinqstr(dev, (void *) (inq_data_ptr->inqd_vid), (sizeof(container_types)/sizeof(char *)));
+ inq_data_ptr->inqd_pdt = INQD_PDT_PROC; /* Processor device */
+- else
+- inq_data_ptr->inqd_pdt = INQD_PDT_DA; /* Direct/random access device */
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
++ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ setinqstr(dev, (void *) (inq_data_ptr->inqd_vid), fsa_dev_ptr[cid].type);
++ inq_data_ptr->inqd_pdt = INQD_PDT_DA; /* Direct/random access device */
++ return aac_get_container_name(scsicmd, cid);
++ }
++#if (defined(SERVICE_ACTION_IN))
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_NOTICE
++ "SERVICE_ACTION_IN, raw_io_interface=%d raw_io_64=%d\n",
++ dev->raw_io_interface, dev->raw_io_64);
++ if (!(dev->raw_io_interface)
++ || !(dev->raw_io_64)
++ || ((scsicmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1f) != SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16))
++ break;
++ {
++ u64 capacity;
++ char *cp;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "READ CAPACITY_16 command.\n"));
++ capacity = fsa_dev_ptr[cid].size - 1;
++ cp = scsicmd->request_buffer;
++ if (scsicmd->cmnd[13] > 12) {
++ memset(cp, 0, scsicmd->cmnd[13] - 12);
++ cp += scsicmd->cmnd[13] - 12;
++ }
++ cp[0] = (capacity >> 56) & 0xff;
++ cp[1] = (capacity >> 48) & 0xff;
++ cp[2] = (capacity >> 40) & 0xff;
++ cp[3] = (capacity >> 32) & 0xff;
++ cp[4] = (capacity >> 24) & 0xff;
++ cp[5] = (capacity >> 16) & 0xff;
++ cp[6] = (capacity >> 8) & 0xff;
++ cp[7] = (capacity >> 0) & 0xff;
++ cp[8] = 0;
++ cp[9] = 0;
++ cp[10] = 2;
++ cp[11] = 0;
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16(%d): "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ scsicmd->cmnd[13],
++ cp[0] & 0xff, cp[1] & 0xff, cp[2] & 0xff, cp[3] & 0xff,
++ cp[4] & 0xff, cp[5] & 0xff, cp[6] & 0xff, cp[7] & 0xff,
++ cp[8] & 0xff, cp[9] & 0xff, cp[10] & 0xff, cp[11] & 0xff);
++ /* Do not cache partition table for arrays */
++ scsicmd->device->removable = 1;
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+- int capacity;
++ u32 capacity;
+ char *cp;
+ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "READ CAPACITY command.\n"));
+- capacity = fsa_dev_ptr->size[cid] - 1;
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[cid].size <= 0x100000000ULL)
++ capacity = fsa_dev_ptr[cid].size - 1;
++ else
++ capacity = (u32)-1;
+ cp = scsicmd->request_buffer;
+ cp[0] = (capacity >> 24) & 0xff;
+ cp[1] = (capacity >> 16) & 0xff;
+@@ -962,9 +2223,22 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ cp[5] = 0;
+ cp[6] = 2;
+ cp[7] = 0;
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ cp[0] & 0xff, cp[1] & 0xff, cp[2] & 0xff, cp[3] & 0xff,
++ cp[4] & 0xff, cp[5] & 0xff, cp[6] & 0xff, cp[7] & 0xff);
++ /* Do not cache partition table for arrays */
++ scsicmd->device->removable = 1;
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -981,7 +2255,11 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ mode_buf[3] = 0; /* Block descriptor length */
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1001,27 +2279,39 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ mode_buf[7] = 0; /* Block descriptor length (LSB) */
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "REQUEST SENSE command.\n"));
+- memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &sense_data[cid], sizeof (struct sense_data));
+- memset(&sense_data[cid], 0, sizeof (struct sense_data));
++ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data, sizeof (struct sense_data));
++ memset(&dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data, 0, sizeof (struct sense_data));
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "LOCK command.\n"));
+ if (scsicmd->cmnd[4])
+- fsa_dev_ptr->locked[cid] = 1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].locked = 1;
+ else
+- fsa_dev_ptr->locked[cid] = 0;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[cid].locked = 0;
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * These commands are all No-Ops
+@@ -1034,7 +2324,11 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ case SEEK_10:
+ case START_STOP:
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_GOOD;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1042,57 +2336,136 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsi
+ {
+ case READ_6:
+ case READ_10:
++ case READ_12:
++#if (defined(READ_16))
++ case READ_16:
+ /*
+ * Hack to keep track of ordinal number of the device that
+ * corresponds to a container. Needed to convert
+ * containers to /dev/sd device names
+ */
++ if ((scsicmd->eh_state != SCSI_STATE_QUEUED)
++ && (extendedtimeout > 0)) {
++ mod_timer(&scsicmd->eh_timeout, jiffies + (extendedtimeout * HZ));
++ }
+- spin_unlock_irq(host->host_lock);
+- if (scsicmd->request->rq_disk)
+- memcpy(fsa_dev_ptr->devname[cid],
+- scsicmd->request->rq_disk->disk_name,
+- 8);
+- ret = aac_read(scsicmd, cid);
+- spin_lock_irq(host->host_lock);
+- return ret;
++ if(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].devname[0]=='\0') {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "rq_disk=%p disk_name=\"%s\"\n",
++ scsicmd->request->rq_disk,
++ scsicmd->request->rq_disk
++ ? scsicmd->request->rq_disk->disk_name
++ : "Aiiiii");
++ }
++ if (scsicmd->request->rq_disk)
++ strlcpy(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].devname,
++ scsicmd->request->rq_disk->disk_name,
++ min(
++ sizeof(fsa_dev_ptr[cid].devname),
++ sizeof(scsicmd->request->rq_disk->disk_name) + 1));
++ get_sd_devname(DEVICE_NR(scsicmd->request.rq_dev), fsa_dev_ptr[cid].devname);
++ return aac_read(scsicmd, cid);
+ case WRITE_6:
+ case WRITE_10:
+- spin_unlock_irq(host->host_lock);
+- ret = aac_write(scsicmd, cid);
+- spin_lock_irq(host->host_lock);
+- return ret;
++ case WRITE_12:
++#if (defined(WRITE_16))
++ case WRITE_16:
++ if ((scsicmd->eh_state != SCSI_STATE_QUEUED)
++ && (extendedtimeout > 0)) {
++ mod_timer(&scsicmd->eh_timeout, jiffies + (extendedtimeout * HZ));
++ }
++ return aac_write(scsicmd, cid);
++ /* Issue FIB to tell Firmware to flush it's cache */
++ return aac_synchronize(scsicmd, cid);
+ default:
+ /*
+ * Unhandled commands
+ */
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "Unhandled SCSI Command: 0x%x.\n", scsicmd->cmnd[0]);
++ dprintk((KERN_WARNING "Unhandled SCSI Command: 0x%x.\n", scsicmd->cmnd[0]));
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
+- set_sense((u8 *) &sense_data[cid],
++ set_sense((u8 *) &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
+- memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &sense_data[cid],
+- sizeof(struct sense_data));
++ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, &dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data,
++ (sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data) > sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer))
++ ? sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer)
++ : sizeof(dev->fsa_dev[cid].sense_data));
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
++static int busy_disk(struct aac_dev * dev, int cid)
++ if ((dev != (struct aac_dev *)NULL)
++ && (dev->scsi_host_ptr != (struct Scsi_Host *)NULL)) {
++ struct scsi_device *device;
++ shost_for_each_device(device, dev->scsi_host_ptr)
++ list_for_each_entry(device, &dev->scsi_host_ptr->my_devices, siblings)
++ for (device = dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_queue;
++ device != (struct scsi_device *)NULL;
++ device = device->next)
++ {
++ if ((device->channel == CONTAINER_TO_CHANNEL(cid))
++ && (device->id == CONTAINER_TO_ID(cid))
++ && (device->lun == CONTAINER_TO_LUN(cid))
++ && (atomic_read(&device->access_count)
++ || test_bit(SHOST_RECOVERY, &dev->scsi_host_ptr->shost_state))) {
++ && (device->device_busy
++ || test_bit(SHOST_RECOVERY, &dev->scsi_host_ptr->shost_state))) {
++ && (device->access_count
++ || dev->scsi_host_ptr->in_recovery)) {
++ scsi_device_put(device);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
+ static int query_disk(struct aac_dev *dev, void __user *arg)
+ {
+ struct aac_query_disk qd;
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba *fsa_dev_ptr;
++ struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev_ptr;
+- fsa_dev_ptr = &(dev->fsa_dev);
++ fsa_dev_ptr = dev->fsa_dev;
+ if (copy_from_user(&qd, arg, sizeof (struct aac_query_disk)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (qd.cnum == -1)
+ qd.cnum = ID_LUN_TO_CONTAINER(, qd.lun);
+ else if ((qd.bus == -1) && ( == -1) && (qd.lun == -1))
+ {
+- if (qd.cnum < 0 || qd.cnum >= MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS)
++ if (qd.cnum < 0 || qd.cnum >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ qd.instance = dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no;
+ qd.bus = 0;
+@@ -1101,16 +2474,17 @@ static int query_disk(struct aac_dev *de
+ }
+ else return -EINVAL;
+- qd.valid = fsa_dev_ptr->valid[qd.cnum];
+- qd.locked = fsa_dev_ptr->locked[qd.cnum];
+- qd.deleted = fsa_dev_ptr->deleted[qd.cnum];
++ qd.valid = fsa_dev_ptr[qd.cnum].valid != 0;
++ qd.locked = fsa_dev_ptr[qd.cnum].locked || busy_disk(dev, qd.cnum);
++ qd.deleted = fsa_dev_ptr[qd.cnum].deleted;
+- if (fsa_dev_ptr->devname[qd.cnum][0] == '\0')
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[qd.cnum].devname[0] == '\0')
+ qd.unmapped = 1;
+ else
+ qd.unmapped = 0;
+- strlcpy(, fsa_dev_ptr->devname[qd.cnum], sizeof(;
++ strlcpy(, fsa_dev_ptr[qd.cnum].devname,
++ min(sizeof(, sizeof(fsa_dev_ptr[qd.cnum].devname) + 1));
+ if (copy_to_user(arg, &qd, sizeof (struct aac_query_disk)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+@@ -1120,65 +2494,125 @@ static int query_disk(struct aac_dev *de
+ static int force_delete_disk(struct aac_dev *dev, void __user *arg)
+ {
+ struct aac_delete_disk dd;
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba *fsa_dev_ptr;
++ struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev_ptr;
+- fsa_dev_ptr = &(dev->fsa_dev);
++ fsa_dev_ptr = dev->fsa_dev;
+ if (copy_from_user(&dd, arg, sizeof (struct aac_delete_disk)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+- if (dd.cnum >= MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS)
++ if (dd.cnum >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ /*
+ * Mark this container as being deleted.
+ */
+- fsa_dev_ptr->deleted[dd.cnum] = 1;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[dd.cnum].deleted = 1;
+ /*
+ * Mark the container as no longer valid
+ */
+- fsa_dev_ptr->valid[dd.cnum] = 0;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[dd.cnum].valid = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int delete_disk(struct aac_dev *dev, void __user *arg)
+ {
+ struct aac_delete_disk dd;
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba *fsa_dev_ptr;
++ struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev_ptr;
+- fsa_dev_ptr = &(dev->fsa_dev);
++ fsa_dev_ptr = dev->fsa_dev;
+ if (copy_from_user(&dd, arg, sizeof (struct aac_delete_disk)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+- if (dd.cnum >= MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS)
++ if (dd.cnum >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ /*
+ * If the container is locked, it can not be deleted by the API.
+ */
+- if (fsa_dev_ptr->locked[dd.cnum])
++ if (fsa_dev_ptr[dd.cnum].locked || busy_disk(dev, dd.cnum))
+ return -EBUSY;
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Mark the container as no longer being valid.
+ */
+- fsa_dev_ptr->valid[dd.cnum] = 0;
+- fsa_dev_ptr->devname[dd.cnum][0] = '\0';
++ fsa_dev_ptr[dd.cnum].valid = 0;
++ fsa_dev_ptr[dd.cnum].devname[0] = '\0';
++ return 0;
++ }
++static int aac_register_fib_send(struct aac_dev *dev, void *arg)
++ fib_send_t callback;
++ if (arg == NULL) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ callback = *((fib_send_t *)arg);
++ *((fib_send_t *)arg) = aac_fib_send;
++ if (callback == (fib_send_t)NULL) {
++ fib_send = aac_fib_send;
+ return 0;
+ }
++ if (fib_send != aac_fib_send) {
++ return -EBUSY;
++ }
++ fib_send = callback;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ int aac_dev_ioctl(struct aac_dev *dev, int cmd, void __user *arg)
+ {
++ int retval;
++ printk("aac_dev_ioctl(%p,%x,%p)\n", dev, cmd, arg);
+ switch (cmd) {
++ retval = query_disk(dev, arg);
++ printk("aac_dev_ioctl returns %d\n", retval);
++ return retval;
+ return query_disk(dev, arg);
++ retval = delete_disk(dev, arg);
++ printk("aac_dev_ioctl returns %d\n", retval);
++ return retval;
+ return delete_disk(dev, arg);
++ retval = force_delete_disk(dev, arg);
++ printk("aac_dev_ioctl returns %d\n", retval);
++ return retval;
+ return force_delete_disk(dev, arg);
++ retval = aac_get_containers(dev);
++ printk("aac_dev_ioctl returns %d\n", retval);
++ return retval;
+ return aac_get_containers(dev);
++ retval = aac_register_fib_send(dev, arg);
++ printk("aac_dev_ioctl returns %d\n", retval);
++ return retval;
++ return aac_register_fib_send(dev, arg);
+ default:
++ printk("aac_dev_ioctl returns -ENOTTY\n");
+ return -ENOTTY;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1212,7 +2646,8 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ * Calculate resid for sg
+ */
+- scsicmd->resid = scsicmd->request_bufflen - srbreply->data_xfer_length;
++ scsicmd->resid = scsicmd->request_bufflen -
++ le32_to_cpu(srbreply->data_xfer_length);
+ if(scsicmd->use_sg)
+ pci_unmap_sg(dev->pdev,
+@@ -1220,7 +2655,7 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ scsicmd->use_sg,
+ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+ else if(scsicmd->request_bufflen)
+- pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, (ulong)scsicmd->SCp.ptr, scsicmd->request_bufflen,
++ pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle, scsicmd->request_bufflen,
+ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+ /*
+@@ -1230,8 +2665,10 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ if (le32_to_cpu(srbreply->status) != ST_OK){
+ int len;
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_srb_callback: srb failed, status = %d\n", le32_to_cpu(srbreply->status));
+- len = (srbreply->sense_data_size > sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer))?
+- sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer):srbreply->sense_data_size;
++ len = (le32_to_cpu(srbreply->sense_data_size) >
++ sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer)) ?
++ sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer) :
++ le32_to_cpu(srbreply->sense_data_size);
+ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, srbreply->sense_data, len);
+ }
+@@ -1255,8 +2692,17 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ || (b==TYPE_DISK && (b1&0x80)) ){
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8;
++ /*
++ * We will allow disk devices if in RAID/SCSI mode and
++ * the channel is 2
++ */
++ } else if ((dev->raid_scsi_mode) &&
++ (scsicmd->device->channel == 2)) {
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 |
+ } else {
+- scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8;
++ scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16 |
+ }
+ } else {
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8;
+@@ -1270,6 +2716,12 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ case WRITE_10:
+ case READ_12:
+ case WRITE_12:
++#if (defined(READ_16))
++ case READ_16:
++#if (defined(WRITE_16))
++ case WRITE_16:
+ if(le32_to_cpu(srbreply->data_xfer_length) < scsicmd->underflow ) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING"aacraid: SCSI CMD underflow\n");
+ } else {
+@@ -1288,8 +2740,17 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ || (b==TYPE_DISK && (b1&0x80)) ){
+ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8;
++ /*
++ * We will allow disk devices if in RAID/SCSI mode and
++ * the channel is 2
++ */
++ } else if ((dev->raid_scsi_mode) &&
++ (scsicmd->device->channel == 2)) {
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 |
+ } else {
+- scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8;
++ scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16 |
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -1348,7 +2809,12 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ default:
+- printk("aacraid: SRB ERROR(%u) %s scsi cmd 0x%x - scsi status 0x%x\n",le32_to_cpu(srbreply->srb_status&0x3f),aac_get_status_string(le32_to_cpu(srbreply->srb_status)), scsicmd->cmnd[0], le32_to_cpu(srbreply->scsi_status) );
++ printk("aacraid: SRB ERROR(%u) %s scsi cmd 0x%x - scsi status 0x%x\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(srbreply->srb_status) & 0x3F,
++ aac_get_status_string(
++ le32_to_cpu(srbreply->srb_status) & 0x3F),
++ scsicmd->cmnd[0],
++ le32_to_cpu(srbreply->scsi_status));
+ #endif
+ scsicmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8;
+ break;
+@@ -1356,9 +2822,14 @@ static void aac_srb_callback(void *conte
+ if (le32_to_cpu(srbreply->scsi_status) == 0x02 ){ // Check Condition
+ int len;
+ scsicmd->result |= SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
+- len = (srbreply->sense_data_size > sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer))?
+- sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer):srbreply->sense_data_size;
+- dprintk((KERN_WARNING "aac_srb_callback: check condition, status = %d len=%d\n", le32_to_cpu(srbreply->status), len));
++ len = (le32_to_cpu(srbreply->sense_data_size) >
++ sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer)) ?
++ sizeof(scsicmd->sense_buffer) :
++ le32_to_cpu(srbreply->sense_data_size);
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_srb_callback: check condition, status = %d len=%d\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(srbreply->status), len);
+ memcpy(scsicmd->sense_buffer, srbreply->sense_data, len);
+ }
+@@ -1391,13 +2862,18 @@ static int aac_send_srb_fib(struct scsi_
+ u32 flag;
+ u32 timeout;
+- if( scsicmd->device->id > 15 || scsicmd->device->lun > 7) {
++ dev = (struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ if ((scsicmd->device->id >= dev->maximum_num_physicals)
++ || (scsicmd->device->lun > 7)) {
+ scsicmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
+ __aac_io_done(scsicmd);
++ scsicmd->scsi_done(scsicmd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+- dev = (struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata;
+ switch(scsicmd->sc_data_direction){
+ flag = SRB_DataOut;
+@@ -1434,10 +2910,10 @@ static int aac_send_srb_fib(struct scsi_
+ timeout = 1;
+ }
+ srbcmd->timeout = cpu_to_le32(timeout); // timeout in seconds
+- srbcmd->retry_limit =cpu_to_le32(0); // Obsolete parameter
++ srbcmd->retry_limit = 0; /* Obsolete parameter */
+ srbcmd->cdb_size = cpu_to_le32(scsicmd->cmd_len);
+- if( dev->pae_support ==1 ) {
++ if( dev->dac_support == 1 ) {
+ aac_build_sg64(scsicmd, (struct sgmap64*) &srbcmd->sg);
+ srbcmd->count = cpu_to_le32(scsicmd->request_bufflen);
+@@ -1446,13 +2922,19 @@ static int aac_send_srb_fib(struct scsi_
+ /*
+ * Build Scatter/Gather list
+ */
+- fibsize = sizeof (struct aac_srb) + (((srbcmd->sg.count & 0xff) - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry64));
++ fibsize = sizeof (struct aac_srb) - sizeof (struct sgentry) +
++ ((le32_to_cpu(srbcmd->sg.count) & 0xff) *
++ sizeof (struct sgentry64));
++ BUG_ON (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size -
++ sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)));
+ /*
+ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
+ */
+- status = fib_send(ScsiPortCommand64, cmd_fibcontext, fibsize, FsaNormal, 0, 1,
+- (fib_callback) aac_srb_callback, (void *) scsicmd);
++ status = fib_send(ScsiPortCommand64, cmd_fibcontext,
++ fibsize, FsaNormal, 0, 1,
++ (fib_callback) aac_srb_callback,
++ (void *) scsicmd);
+ } else {
+ aac_build_sg(scsicmd, (struct sgmap*)&srbcmd->sg);
+ srbcmd->count = cpu_to_le32(scsicmd->request_bufflen);
+@@ -1462,7 +2944,11 @@ static int aac_send_srb_fib(struct scsi_
+ /*
+ * Build Scatter/Gather list
+ */
+- fibsize = sizeof (struct aac_srb) + (((srbcmd->sg.count & 0xff) - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry));
++ fibsize = sizeof (struct aac_srb) +
++ (((le32_to_cpu(srbcmd->sg.count) & 0xff) - 1) *
++ sizeof (struct sgentry));
++ BUG_ON (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size -
++ sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)));
+ /*
+ * Now send the Fib to the adapter
+@@ -1478,43 +2964,198 @@ static int aac_send_srb_fib(struct scsi_
+ }
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "aac_srb: fib_send failed with status: %d\n", status);
++ scsicmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | COMMAND_COMPLETE << 8 | SAM_STAT_TASK_SET_FULL;
++ aac_io_done(scsicmd);
+ fib_complete(cmd_fibcontext);
+ fib_free(cmd_fibcontext);
+- return -1;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static unsigned long aac_build_sg(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd, struct sgmap* psg)
+ {
+- struct aac_dev *dev;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = scsicmd->device->host;
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)host->hostdata;
+ unsigned long byte_count = 0;
+- dev = (struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata;
+ // Get rid of old data
+- psg->count = cpu_to_le32(0);
+- psg->sg[0].addr = cpu_to_le32(0);
+- psg->sg[0].count = cpu_to_le32(0);
++ psg->count = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].addr = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].count = 0;
+ if (scsicmd->use_sg) {
+ struct scatterlist *sg;
+ int i;
+- int sg_count;
++ int sg_count, sg_count_hold;
+ sg = (struct scatterlist *) scsicmd->request_buffer;
+- sg_count = pci_map_sg(dev->pdev, sg, scsicmd->use_sg,
+- scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
++ sg_count_hold = sg_count = pci_map_sg(dev->pdev, sg,
++ scsicmd->use_sg, scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
++ for (i = 0; i < sg_count; i++) {
++ int count = sg_dma_len(sg);
++ u32 addr = sg_dma_address(sg);
++ if (host->max_sectors < AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT)
++ while (count > 65536) {
++ psg->sg[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr);
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(65536);
++ ++i;
++ if (++sg_count > host->sg_tablesize) {
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_SG))
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "SG List[%d] too large based on original[%d]:\n",
++ sg_count, sg_count_hold);
++ sg = (struct scatterlist *) scsicmd->request_buffer;
++ for (i = 0; i < sg_count_hold; i++) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%llx[%d] ",
++ (u64)(sg_dma_address(sg)),
++ (int)(sg_dma_len(sg)));
++ ++sg;
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "...\n");
++ BUG();
++ }
++ byte_count += 65536;
++ addr += 65536;
++ count -= 65536;
++ }
++ psg->sg[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr);
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(count);
++ byte_count += count;
++ sg++;
++ }
+ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_count);
++ /* hba wants the size to be exact */
++ if(byte_count > scsicmd->request_bufflen){
++ u32 temp = le32_to_cpu(psg->sg[i-1].count) -
++ (byte_count - scsicmd->request_bufflen);
++ psg->sg[i-1].count = cpu_to_le32(temp);
++ byte_count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
++ }
++ /* Check for command underflow */
++ if(scsicmd->underflow && (byte_count < scsicmd->underflow)){
++ printk(KERN_WARNING"aacraid: cmd len %08lX cmd underflow %08X\n",
++ byte_count, scsicmd->underflow);
++ }
++ }
++ else if(scsicmd->request_bufflen) {
++ int i, count;
++ u32 addr;
++ scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle = pci_map_single(dev->pdev,
++ scsicmd->request_buffer,
++ scsicmd->request_bufflen,
++ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
++ addr = scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle;
++ count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
++ i = 0;
++ if (host->max_sectors < AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT)
++ while (count > 65536) {
++ psg->sg[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr);
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(65536);
++ if (++i >= host->sg_tablesize) {
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_SG))
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "SG List[%d] too large based on original single element %d in size\n",
++ i, scsicmd->request_bufflen);
++ BUG();
++ }
++ addr += 65536;
++ count -= 65536;
++ }
++ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(1+i);
++ psg->sg[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr);
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(count);
++ byte_count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
++ }
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_SG))
++ int i, sg_count = le32_to_cpu(psg->count);
++ printk("aac_build_sg:");
++ for (i = 0; i < sg_count; i++) {
++ int count = le32_to_cpu(psg->sg[i].count);
++ u32 addr = le32_to_cpu(psg->sg[i].addr);
++ printk(" %x[%d]", addr, count);
++ }
++ printk ("\n");
++ if (le32_to_cpu(psg->count) > aac_config.peak_sg) {
++ aac_config.peak_sg = le32_to_cpu(psg->count);
++ printk ("peak_sg=%u\n", aac_config.peak_sg);
++ }
++ if (byte_count > aac_config.peak_size) {
++ aac_config.peak_size = byte_count;
++ printk ("peak_size=%u\n", aac_config.peak_size);
++ }
++ return byte_count;
++static unsigned long aac_build_sg64(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd, struct sgmap64* psg)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = scsicmd->device->host;
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)host->hostdata;
++ unsigned long byte_count = 0;
++ // Get rid of old data
++ psg->count = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].addr[0] = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].addr[1] = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].count = 0;
++ if (scsicmd->use_sg) {
++ struct scatterlist *sg;
++ int i;
++ int sg_count, sg_count_hold;
++ sg = (struct scatterlist *) scsicmd->request_buffer;
+- byte_count = 0;
++ sg_count_hold = sg_count = pci_map_sg(dev->pdev, sg,
++ scsicmd->use_sg, scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+ for (i = 0; i < sg_count; i++) {
+- psg->sg[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(sg_dma_address(sg));
+- psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(sg_dma_len(sg));
+- byte_count += sg_dma_len(sg);
++ int count = sg_dma_len(sg);
++ u64 addr = sg_dma_address(sg);
++ if (host->max_sectors < AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT)
++ while (count > 65536) {
++ psg->sg[i].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr>>32));
++ psg->sg[i].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr & 0xffffffff));
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(65536);
++ ++i;
++ if (++sg_count > host->sg_tablesize) {
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_SG))
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "SG List[%d] too large based on original[%d]:\n",
++ sg_count, sg_count_hold);
++ sg = (struct scatterlist *) scsicmd->request_buffer;
++ for (i = 0; i < sg_count_hold; i++) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%llx[%d] ",
++ (u64)sg_dma_address(sg),
++ (int)sg_dma_len(sg));
++ ++sg;
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "...\n");
++ BUG();
++ }
++ byte_count += 65536;
++ addr += 65536;
++ count -= 65536;
++ }
++ psg->sg[i].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32(addr & 0xffffffff);
++ psg->sg[i].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32(addr>>32);
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(count);
++ byte_count += count;
+ sg++;
+ }
++ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_count);
+ /* hba wants the size to be exact */
+ if(byte_count > scsicmd->request_bufflen){
+- psg->sg[i-1].count -= (byte_count - scsicmd->request_bufflen);
++ u32 temp = le32_to_cpu(psg->sg[i-1].count) -
++ (byte_count - scsicmd->request_bufflen);
++ psg->sg[i-1].count = cpu_to_le32(temp);
+ byte_count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
+ }
+ /* Check for command underflow */
+@@ -1524,33 +3165,81 @@ static unsigned long aac_build_sg(struct
+ }
+ }
+ else if(scsicmd->request_bufflen) {
+- dma_addr_t addr;
+- addr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev,
++ int i, count;
++ u64 addr;
++ scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle = pci_map_single(dev->pdev,
+ scsicmd->request_buffer,
+ scsicmd->request_bufflen,
+ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+- psg->count = cpu_to_le32(1);
+- psg->sg[0].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr);
+- psg->sg[0].count = cpu_to_le32(scsicmd->request_bufflen);
+- scsicmd->SCp.ptr = (char *)(ulong)addr;
++ addr = scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle;
++ count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
++ i = 0;
++ if (host->max_sectors < AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT)
++ while (count > 65536) {
++ psg->sg[i].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr>>32));
++ psg->sg[i].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr & 0xffffffff));
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(65536);
++ if (++i >= host->sg_tablesize) {
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_SG))
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "SG List[%d] too large based on original single element %d in size\n",
++ i, scsicmd->request_bufflen);
++ BUG();
++ }
++ addr += 65536;
++ count -= 65536;
++ }
++ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(1+i);
++ psg->sg[i].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32(addr & 0xffffffff);
++ psg->sg[i].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32(addr>>32);
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(count);
+ byte_count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
+ }
++#if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_SG))
++ int i, sg_count = le32_to_cpu(psg->count);
++ printk("aac_build_sg64:");
++ for (i = 0; i < sg_count; i++) {
++ int count = le32_to_cpu(psg->sg[i].count);
++ u32 addr0 = le32_to_cpu(psg->sg[i].addr[0]);
++ u32 addr1 = le32_to_cpu(psg->sg[i].addr[1]);
++ if (addr1 == 0)
++ printk(" %x[%d]", addr0, count);
++ else
++ printk(" %x%08x[%d]", addr1, addr0, count);
++ }
++ printk ("\n");
++ if (le32_to_cpu(psg->count) > aac_config.peak_sg) {
++ aac_config.peak_sg = le32_to_cpu(psg->count);
++ printk ("peak_sg=%u\n", aac_config.peak_sg);
++ }
++ if (byte_count > aac_config.peak_size) {
++ aac_config.peak_size = byte_count;
++ printk ("peak_size=%u\n", aac_config.peak_size);
++ }
+ return byte_count;
+ }
+-static unsigned long aac_build_sg64(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd, struct sgmap64* psg)
++static unsigned long aac_build_sgraw(struct scsi_cmnd* scsicmd, struct sgmapraw* psg)
+ {
+- struct aac_dev *dev;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = scsicmd->device->host;
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)host->hostdata;
+ unsigned long byte_count = 0;
+- u64 le_addr;
+- dev = (struct aac_dev *)scsicmd->device->host->hostdata;
+ // Get rid of old data
+- psg->count = cpu_to_le32(0);
+- psg->sg[0].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32(0);
+- psg->sg[0].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32(0);
+- psg->sg[0].count = cpu_to_le32(0);
++ psg->count = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].next = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].prev = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].addr[0] = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].addr[1] = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].count = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].flags = 0;
+ if (scsicmd->use_sg) {
+ struct scatterlist *sg;
+ int i;
+@@ -1559,18 +3248,20 @@ static unsigned long aac_build_sg64(stru
+ sg_count = pci_map_sg(dev->pdev, sg, scsicmd->use_sg,
+ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
+- psg->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_count);
+- byte_count = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < sg_count; i++) {
+- le_addr = cpu_to_le64(sg_dma_address(sg));
+- psg->sg[i].addr[1] = (u32)(le_addr>>32);
+- psg->sg[i].addr[0] = (u32)(le_addr & 0xffffffff);
+- psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(sg_dma_len(sg));
+- byte_count += sg_dma_len(sg);
++ int count = sg_dma_len(sg);
++ u64 addr = sg_dma_address(sg);
++ psg->sg[i].next = 0;
++ psg->sg[i].prev = 0;
++ psg->sg[i].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr>>32));
++ psg->sg[i].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr & 0xffffffff));
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(count);
++ psg->sg[i].flags = 0;
++ byte_count += count;
+ sg++;
+ }
++ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_count);
+ /* hba wants the size to be exact */
+ if(byte_count > scsicmd->request_bufflen){
+ psg->sg[i-1].count -= (byte_count - scsicmd->request_bufflen);
+@@ -1583,19 +3274,33 @@ static unsigned long aac_build_sg64(stru
+ }
+ }
+ else if(scsicmd->request_bufflen) {
+- dma_addr_t addr;
+- addr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev,
++ int count;
++ u64 addr;
++ scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle = pci_map_single(dev->pdev,
+ scsicmd->request_buffer,
+ scsicmd->request_bufflen,
+ scsicmd->sc_data_direction);
++ addr = scsicmd->SCp.dma_handle;
++ count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
+ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(1);
+- le_addr = cpu_to_le64(addr);
+- psg->sg[0].addr[1] = (u32)(le_addr>>32);
+- psg->sg[0].addr[0] = (u32)(le_addr & 0xffffffff);
+- psg->sg[0].count = cpu_to_le32(scsicmd->request_bufflen);
+- scsicmd->SCp.ptr = (char *)(ulong)addr;
++ psg->sg[0].next = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].prev = 0;
++ psg->sg[0].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr>>32));
++ psg->sg[0].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr & 0xffffffff));
++ psg->sg[0].count = cpu_to_le32(count);
++ psg->sg[0].flags = 0;
+ byte_count = scsicmd->request_bufflen;
+ }
++ if (le32_to_cpu(psg->count) > aac_config.peak_sg) {
++ aac_config.peak_sg = le32_to_cpu(psg->count);
++ printk ("peak_sg=%u\n", aac_config.peak_sg);
++ }
++ if (byte_count > aac_config.peak_size) {
++ aac_config.peak_size = byte_count;
++ printk ("peak_size=%u\n", aac_config.peak_size);
++ }
+ return byte_count;
+ }
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/sa.c 2005-04-27 16:49:12.000000000 +0400
+@@ -40,9 +40,22 @@
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/version.h> /* Needed for the following */
++#if (!defined(IRQ_NONE))
++ typedef void irqreturn_t;
++# define IRQ_HANDLED
++# define IRQ_NONE
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include "aacraid.h"
+@@ -62,15 +75,15 @@ static irqreturn_t aac_sa_intr(int irq,
+ if (intstat & mask) {
+ if (intstat & PrintfReady) {
+- aac_printf(dev, le32_to_cpu(sa_readl(dev, Mailbox5)));
++ aac_printf(dev, sa_readl(dev, Mailbox5));
+ sa_writew(dev, DoorbellClrReg_p, PrintfReady); /* clear PrintfReady */
+ sa_writew(dev, DoorbellReg_s, PrintfDone);
+ } else if (intstat & DOORBELL_1) { // dev -> Host Normal Command Ready
+- aac_command_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue]);
+ sa_writew(dev, DoorbellClrReg_p, DOORBELL_1);
++ aac_command_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue]);
+ } else if (intstat & DOORBELL_2) { // dev -> Host Normal Response Ready
+- aac_response_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormRespQueue]);
+ sa_writew(dev, DoorbellClrReg_p, DOORBELL_2);
++ aac_response_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormRespQueue]);
+ } else if (intstat & DOORBELL_3) { // dev -> Host Normal Command Not Full
+ sa_writew(dev, DoorbellClrReg_p, DOORBELL_3);
+ } else if (intstat & DOORBELL_4) { // dev -> Host Normal Response Not Full
+@@ -82,65 +95,13 @@ static irqreturn_t aac_sa_intr(int irq,
+ }
+ /**
+- * aac_sa_enable_interrupt - enable an interrupt event
+- * @dev: Which adapter to enable.
+- * @event: Which adapter event.
+- *
+- * This routine will enable the corresponding adapter event to cause an interrupt on
+- * the host.
+- */
+-void aac_sa_enable_interrupt(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event)
+- switch (event) {
+- case HostNormCmdQue:
+- break;
+- case HostNormRespQue:
+- break;
+- case AdapNormCmdNotFull:
+- break;
+- case AdapNormRespNotFull:
+- break;
+- }
+- * aac_sa_disable_interrupt - disable an interrupt event
++ * aac_sa_disable_interrupt - disable interrupt
+ * @dev: Which adapter to enable.
+- * @event: Which adapter event.
+- *
+- * This routine will enable the corresponding adapter event to cause an interrupt on
+- * the host.
+ */
+-void aac_sa_disable_interrupt (struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event)
++void aac_sa_disable_interrupt (struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- switch (event) {
+- case HostNormCmdQue:
+- sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, DOORBELL_1);
+- break;
+- case HostNormRespQue:
+- sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, DOORBELL_2);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormCmdNotFull:
+- sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, DOORBELL_3);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormRespNotFull:
+- sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, DOORBELL_4);
+- break;
+- }
++ sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, cpu_to_le16(0xffff));
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -151,7 +112,7 @@ void aac_sa_disable_interrupt (struct aa
+ * Notify the adapter of an event
+ */
+-void aac_sa_notify_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event)
++static void aac_sa_notify_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event)
+ {
+ switch (event) {
+@@ -168,7 +129,8 @@ void aac_sa_notify_adapter(struct aac_de
+ sa_writew(dev, DoorbellReg_s,DOORBELL_3);
+ break;
+ case HostShutdown:
+- //sa_sync_cmd(dev, HOST_CRASHING, 0, &ret);
++ //sa_sync_cmd(dev, HOST_CRASHING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ break;
+ case FastIo:
+ sa_writew(dev, DoorbellReg_s,DOORBELL_6);
+@@ -190,25 +152,31 @@ void aac_sa_notify_adapter(struct aac_de
+ * @p1: first parameter
+ * @ret: adapter status
+ *
+- * This routine will send a synchronous comamnd to the adapter and wait
++ * This routine will send a synchronous command to the adapter and wait
+ * for its completion.
+ */
+-static int sa_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command, u32 p1, u32 *ret)
++static int sa_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command,
++ u32 p1, u32 p2, u32 p3, u32 p4, u32 p5, u32 p6,
++ u32 *ret, u32 * r1, u32 * r2, u32 * r3, u32 * r4)
+ {
+ unsigned long start;
+ int ok;
+ /*
+ * Write the Command into Mailbox 0
+ */
+- sa_writel(dev, Mailbox0, cpu_to_le32(command));
++ sa_writel(dev, Mailbox0, command);
+ /*
+ * Write the parameters into Mailboxes 1 - 4
+ */
+- sa_writel(dev, Mailbox1, cpu_to_le32(p1));
+- sa_writel(dev, Mailbox2, 0);
+- sa_writel(dev, Mailbox3, 0);
+- sa_writel(dev, Mailbox4, 0);
++ sa_writel(dev, Mailbox1, p1);
++ sa_writel(dev, Mailbox2, p2);
++ sa_writel(dev, Mailbox3, p3);
++ sa_writel(dev, Mailbox4, p4);
++#if (defined(AAC_LM_SENSOR))
++ sa_writel(dev, Mailbox5, p5);
++ sa_writel(dev, Mailbox6, p6);
+ /*
+ * Clear the synch command doorbell to start on a clean slate.
+ */
+@@ -248,7 +216,16 @@ static int sa_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *d
+ /*
+ * Pull the synch status from Mailbox 0.
+ */
+- *ret = le32_to_cpu(sa_readl(dev, Mailbox0));
++ if (ret)
++ *ret = sa_readl(dev, Mailbox0);
++ if (r1)
++ *r1 = sa_readl(dev, Mailbox1);
++ if (r2)
++ *r2 = sa_readl(dev, Mailbox2);
++ if (r3)
++ *r3 = sa_readl(dev, Mailbox3);
++ if (r4)
++ *r4 = sa_readl(dev, Mailbox4);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -261,8 +238,8 @@ static int sa_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *d
+ static void aac_sa_interrupt_adapter (struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- u32 ret;
+- sa_sync_cmd(dev, BREAKPOINT_REQUEST, 0, &ret);
++ sa_sync_cmd(dev, BREAKPOINT_REQUEST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -274,30 +251,15 @@ static void aac_sa_interrupt_adapter (st
+ static void aac_sa_start_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- u32 ret;
+ struct aac_init *init;
+ /*
+ * Fill in the remaining pieces of the init.
+ */
+ init = dev->init;
+- init->HostElapsedSeconds = cpu_to_le32(jiffies/HZ);
+- dprintk(("INIT\n"));
+- /*
+- * Tell the adapter we are back and up and running so it will scan its command
+- * queues and enable our interrupts
+- */
+- dev->irq_mask = (PrintfReady | DOORBELL_1 | DOORBELL_2 | DOORBELL_3 | DOORBELL_4);
+- /*
+- * First clear out all interrupts. Then enable the one's that
+- * we can handle.
+- */
+- dprintk(("MASK\n"));
+- sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, cpu_to_le16(0xffff));
+- sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRICLEARIRQMASK, (PrintfReady | DOORBELL_1 | DOORBELL_2 | DOORBELL_3 | DOORBELL_4));
+- dprintk(("SYNCCMD\n"));
++ init->HostElapsedSeconds = cpu_to_le32(get_seconds());
+ /* We can only use a 32 bit address here */
+- sa_sync_cmd(dev, INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS, (u32)(ulong)dev->init_pa, &ret);
++ sa_sync_cmd(dev, INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS, (u32)(ulong)dev->init_pa,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -348,21 +310,10 @@ int aac_sa_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ int instance;
+ const char *name;
+- dprintk(("PREINST\n"));
+ instance = dev->id;
+ name = dev->name;
+ /*
+- * Map in the registers from the adapter.
+- */
+- dprintk(("PREMAP\n"));
+- if((dev-> = (struct sa_registers *)ioremap((unsigned long)dev->scsi_host_ptr->base, 8192))==NULL)
+- {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid: unable to map ARM.\n" );
+- goto error_iounmap;
+- }
+- /*
+ * Check to see if the board failed any self tests.
+ */
+ if (sa_readl(dev, Mailbox7) & SELF_TEST_FAILED) {
+@@ -382,15 +333,15 @@ int aac_sa_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ */
+ while (!(sa_readl(dev, Mailbox7) & KERNEL_UP_AND_RUNNING)) {
+ if (time_after(jiffies, start+180*HZ)) {
+- status = sa_readl(dev, Mailbox7) >> 16;
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s%d: adapter kernel failed to start, init status = %d.\n", name, instance, le32_to_cpu(status));
++ status = sa_readl(dev, Mailbox7);
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s%d: adapter kernel failed to start, init status = %lx.\n",
++ name, instance, status);
+ goto error_iounmap;
+ }
+ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+ schedule_timeout(1);
+ }
+- dprintk(("ATIRQ\n"));
+ if (request_irq(dev->scsi_host_ptr->irq, aac_sa_intr, SA_SHIRQ|SA_INTERRUPT, "aacraid", (void *)dev ) < 0) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s%d: Interrupt unavailable.\n", name, instance);
+ goto error_iounmap;
+@@ -401,18 +352,24 @@ int aac_sa_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ */
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_interrupt = aac_sa_interrupt_adapter;
+- dev->a_ops.adapter_enable_int = aac_sa_enable_interrupt;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_disable_int = aac_sa_disable_interrupt;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_notify = aac_sa_notify_adapter;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_sync_cmd = sa_sync_cmd;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_check_health = aac_sa_check_health;
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++ dev->a_ops.adapter_intr = aac_sa_intr;
+- dprintk(("FUNCDONE\n"));
++ /*
++ * First clear out all interrupts. Then enable the one's that
++ * we can handle.
++ */
++ sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, cpu_to_le16(0xffff));
++ sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRICLEARIRQMASK, (PrintfReady | DOORBELL_1 | DOORBELL_2 | DOORBELL_3 | DOORBELL_4));
+ if(aac_init_adapter(dev) == NULL)
+ goto error_irq;
+- dprintk(("NEWADAPTDONE\n"));
+ /*
+ * Start any kernel threads needed
+ */
+@@ -426,9 +383,7 @@ int aac_sa_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ * Tell the adapter that all is configure, and it can start
+ * accepting requests
+ */
+- dprintk(("STARTING\n"));
+ aac_sa_start_adapter(dev);
+- dprintk(("STARTED\n"));
+ return 0;
+@@ -436,10 +391,10 @@ error_kfree:
+ kfree(dev->queues);
+ error_irq:
++ sa_writew(dev, SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQMASK, cpu_to_le16(0xffff));
+ free_irq(dev->scsi_host_ptr->irq, (void *)dev);
+ error_iounmap:
+- iounmap(dev->;
+ return -1;
+ }
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/fwdebug.h 2004-09-30 21:31:02.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Adaptec AAC series RAID controller driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2004 Adaptec, Inc. (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
++ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#define PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE 512 /* Debugging print buffer size */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FLAGS_MASK 0x0000ffff /* Mask for debug flags */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_KERNEL_PRINT_B 0x00000001 /* Kernel Debugger Print */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B 0x00000002 /* Firmware Debugger Print */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FUNCTION_ENTRY_B 0x00000004 /* Function Entry Point */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FUNCTION_EXIT_B 0x00000008 /* Function Exit */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_ERROR_B 0x00000010 /* Error Conditions */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_INIT_B 0x00000020 /* Init Prints */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_OS_COMMANDS_B 0x00000040 /* OS Command Info */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_SCAN_B 0x00000080 /* Device Scan */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_COALESCE_B 0x00000100 /* Coalescing Queueing flags */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_IOCTL_COMMANDS_B 0x00000200 /* IOCTL Command Info */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_SYNC_COMMANDS_B 0x00000400 /* SYNC Command Info */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_COMM_B 0x00000800 /* Comm Info */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_CSMI_COMMANDS_B 0x00001000 /* CSMI Command Info */
++#define HBA_FLAGS_DBG_AIF_B 0x00001000 /* Aif Info */
++#define FW_DEBUG_FLAGS_OFFSET 0x04
++#define FW_DEBUG_BLED_OFFSET 0x08
++int aac_get_fw_debug_buffer(struct aac_dev *);
++void aac_fw_printf(struct aac_dev *, unsigned long, const char *, ...);
++void aac_fw_print_mem(struct aac_dev *, unsigned long, u8 *, int);
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/comminit.c 2005-04-27 16:42:06.000000000 +0400
+@@ -41,22 +41,43 @@
+ #include <linux/mm.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/version.h> /* Needed for the following */
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
+ #include "aacraid.h"
+-struct aac_common aac_config;
++struct aac_common aac_config = {
++ .irq_mod = 1
+ static int aac_alloc_comm(struct aac_dev *dev, void **commaddr, unsigned long commsize, unsigned long commalign)
+ {
+ unsigned char *base;
+ unsigned long size, align;
+- unsigned long fibsize = 4096;
+- unsigned long printfbufsiz = 256;
++ const unsigned long fibsize = 4096;
++ const unsigned long printfbufsiz = 256;
+ struct aac_init *init;
+ dma_addr_t phys;
+ size = fibsize + sizeof(struct aac_init) + commsize + commalign + printfbufsiz;
++#if 0 && (defined(CONFIG_X86) || defined(CONFIG_X86_64))
++ base = kmalloc(size, GFP_ATOMIC|GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (base) {
++ phys = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, base, size, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
++ if (phys > (0x80000000UL - size)) {
++ kfree(base);
++ base = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (base == NULL)
+ base = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev, size, &phys);
+ if(base == NULL)
+@@ -74,6 +95,8 @@ static int aac_alloc_comm(struct aac_dev
+ init = dev->init;
+ init->InitStructRevision = cpu_to_le32(ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION);
++ if (dev->max_fib_size != sizeof(struct hw_fib))
++ init->InitStructRevision = cpu_to_le32(ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_4);
+ init->MiniPortRevision = cpu_to_le32(Sa_MINIPORT_REVISION);
+ init->fsrev = cpu_to_le32(dev->fsrev);
+@@ -83,7 +106,7 @@ static int aac_alloc_comm(struct aac_dev
+ */
+ dev->aif_base_va = (struct hw_fib *)base;
+- init->AdapterFibsVirtualAddress = cpu_to_le32(0);
++ init->AdapterFibsVirtualAddress = 0;
+ init->AdapterFibsPhysicalAddress = cpu_to_le32((u32)phys);
+ init->AdapterFibsSize = cpu_to_le32(fibsize);
+ init->AdapterFibAlign = cpu_to_le32(sizeof(struct hw_fib));
+@@ -110,6 +133,14 @@ static int aac_alloc_comm(struct aac_dev
+ init->HostPhysMemPages = cpu_to_le32(AAC_MAX_HOSTPHYSMEMPAGES);
+ }
++ init->InitFlags = 0;
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface) {
++ init->InitFlags = cpu_to_le32(INITFLAGS_NEW_COMM_SUPPORTED);
++ dprintk((KERN_WARNING"aacraid: New Comm Interface enabled\n"));
++ }
++ init->MaxIoCommands = cpu_to_le32(dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB);
++ init->MaxIoSize = cpu_to_le32(dev->scsi_host_ptr->max_sectors << 9);
++ init->MaxFibSize = cpu_to_le32(dev->max_fib_size);
+ /*
+ * Increment the base address by the amount already used
+@@ -152,8 +183,8 @@ static void aac_queue_init(struct aac_de
+ init_waitqueue_head(&q->qfull);
+ spin_lock_init(&q->lockdata);
+ q->lock = &q->lockdata;
+- q->headers.producer = mem;
+- q->headers.consumer = mem+1;
++ q->headers.producer = (__le32 *)mem;
++ q->headers.consumer = (__le32 *)(mem+1);
+ *(q->headers.producer) = cpu_to_le32(qsize);
+ *(q->headers.consumer) = cpu_to_le32(qsize);
+ q->entries = qsize;
+@@ -173,6 +204,8 @@ int aac_send_shutdown(struct aac_dev * d
+ int status;
+ fibctx = fib_alloc(dev);
++ if (!fibctx)
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ fib_init(fibctx);
+ cmd = (struct aac_close *) fib_data(fibctx);
+@@ -184,7 +217,7 @@ int aac_send_shutdown(struct aac_dev * d
+ fibctx,
+ sizeof(struct aac_close),
+ FsaNormal,
+- 1, 1,
++ -2 /* Timeout silently */, 1,
+ if (status == 0)
+@@ -204,7 +237,7 @@ int aac_send_shutdown(struct aac_dev * d
+ * 0 - If there were errors initing. This is a fatal error.
+ */
+-int aac_comm_init(struct aac_dev * dev)
++static int aac_comm_init(struct aac_dev * dev)
+ {
+ unsigned long hdrsize = (sizeof(u32) * NUMBER_OF_COMM_QUEUES) * 2;
+ unsigned long queuesize = sizeof(struct aac_entry) * TOTAL_QUEUE_ENTRIES;
+@@ -293,6 +326,113 @@ int aac_comm_init(struct aac_dev * dev)
+ struct aac_dev *aac_init_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
++ u32 status[5];
++ struct Scsi_Host * host = dev->scsi_host_ptr;
++ /*
++ * Check the preferred comm settings, defaults from template.
++ */
++ dev->max_fib_size = sizeof(struct hw_fib);
++ dev->sg_tablesize = host->sg_tablesize = (dev->max_fib_size
++ - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)
++ - sizeof(struct aac_write) + sizeof(struct sgmap))
++ / sizeof(struct sgmap);
++ dev->new_comm_interface = 0;
++ dev->raw_io_64 = 0;
++ if ((!aac_adapter_sync_cmd(dev, GET_ADAPTER_PROPERTIES,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ status+0, status+1, status+2, NULL, NULL))
++ && (status[0] == 0x00000001)) {
++ if (status[1] & AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM_64)
++ dev->raw_io_64 = 1;
++ if (status[1] & AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM)
++ dev->new_comm_interface = dev->a_ops.adapter_send != 0;
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface
++ && (status[2] > AAC_MIN_FOOTPRINT_SIZE)) {
++ iounmap((void * )dev->;
++ dev->base_size = status[2];
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "ioremap(%lx,%d)\n",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->base, status[2]));
++ if ((dev-> = (struct sa_registers *)ioremap(
++ (unsigned long)dev->scsi_host_ptr->base, status[2]))
++ == NULL) {
++ /* remap failed, go back ... */
++ dev->new_comm_interface = 0;
++ if ((dev->
++ = (struct sa_registers *)ioremap(
++ (unsigned long)dev->scsi_host_ptr->base,
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "aacraid: unable to map adapter.\n");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if ((!aac_adapter_sync_cmd(dev, GET_COMM_PREFERRED_SETTINGS,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ status+0, status+1, status+2, status+3, status+4))
++ && (status[0] == 0x00000001)) {
++ extern int acbsize;
++ /*
++ * status[1] >> 16 maximum command size in KB
++ * status[1] & 0xFFFF maximum FIB size
++ * status[2] >> 16 maximum SG elements to driver
++ * status[2] & 0xFFFF maximum SG elements from driver
++ * status[3] & 0xFFFF maximum number FIBs outstanding
++ */
++ host->max_sectors = (status[1] >> 16) << 1;
++ dev->max_fib_size = status[1] & 0xFFFF;
++ host->sg_tablesize = status[2] >> 16;
++ dev->sg_tablesize = status[2] & 0xFFFF;
++ host->can_queue = (status[3] & 0xFFFF) - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB;
++ /*
++ * NOTE:
++ * All these overrides are based on a fixed internal
++ * knowledge and understanding of existing adapters,
++ * acbsize should be set with caution.
++ */
++ if (acbsize == 512) {
++ host->max_sectors = AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT;
++ dev->max_fib_size = 512;
++ dev->sg_tablesize = host->sg_tablesize
++ = (512 - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)
++ - sizeof(struct aac_write) + sizeof(struct sgmap))
++ / sizeof(struct sgmap);
++ host->can_queue = AAC_NUM_IO_FIB;
++ } else if (acbsize == 2048) {
++ host->max_sectors = 512;
++ dev->max_fib_size = 2048;
++ host->sg_tablesize = 65;
++ dev->sg_tablesize = 81;
++ host->can_queue = 512 - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB;
++ } else if (acbsize == 4096) {
++ host->max_sectors = 1024;
++ dev->max_fib_size = 4096;
++ host->sg_tablesize = 129;
++ dev->sg_tablesize = 166;
++ host->can_queue = 256 - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB;
++ } else if (acbsize == 8192) {
++ host->max_sectors = 2048;
++ dev->max_fib_size = 8192;
++ host->sg_tablesize = 257;
++ dev->sg_tablesize = 337;
++ host->can_queue = 128 - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB;
++ } else if (acbsize > 0) {
++ printk("Illegal acbsize=%d ignored\n", acbsize);
++ }
++ }
++ {
++ extern int numacb;
++ if (numacb > 0) {
++ if (numacb < host->can_queue)
++ host->can_queue = numacb;
++ else
++ printk("numacb=%d ignored\n", numacb);
++ }
++ }
+ /*
+ * Ok now init the communication subsystem
+ */
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h 2005-05-13 19:59:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,20 +1,66 @@
++#define CODE_STREAM_IDENTIFIER "This is the code stream identifier"
++#define AAC_DRIVER_BRANCH "dkms"
++//#define dprintk(x) printk x
+ #if (!defined(dprintk))
+ # define dprintk(x)
+ #endif
++//#define fwprintf(x) aac_fw_printf x
++#if (!defined(fwprintf))
++# define fwprintf(x)
++/* eg: if (nblank(dprintk(x))) */
++#define _nblank(x) #x
++#define nblank(x) _nblank(x)[0]
++#include "compat.h"
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#if (!defined(IRQ_NONE))
++ typedef void irqreturn_t;
++# define IRQ_HANDLED
++# define IRQ_NONE
++#define AAC_CSMI
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * D E F I N E S
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++//#define AAC_EXTENDED_TIMEOUT 120
++# define AAC_DRIVER_BUILD 2400
+-#define AAC_NUM_FIB (256 + 64)
+-#define AAC_NUM_IO_FIB 100
++#define AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB 8
++#define AAC_NUM_IO_FIB (512-AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB)
+ #define AAC_MAX_LUN (8)
+ #define AAC_MAX_HOSTPHYSMEMPAGES (0xfffff)
++ * max_sectors is an unsigned short, otherwise limit is 0x100000000 / 512
++ * Linux has starvation problems if we permit larger than 4MB I/O ...
++ */
++#define AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT ((unsigned short)8192)
+ /*
+ * These macros convert from physical channels to virtual channels
+@@ -28,10 +74,10 @@
+ #define aac_phys_to_logical(x) (x+1)
+ #define aac_logical_to_phys(x) (x?x-1:0)
+-extern int nondasd;
+-extern int paemode;
++#if (defined(__arm__))
++#define AAC_LM_SENSOR
+ struct diskparm
+ {
+@@ -60,6 +106,7 @@ struct diskparm
+ #define CT_VOLUME_OF_MIRRORS 12 /* volume of mirror */
+ #define CT_PSEUDO_RAID 13 /* really raid4 */
+ #define CT_LAST_VOLUME_TYPE 14
++#define CT_OK 218
+ /*
+ * Types of objects addressable in some fashion by the client.
+@@ -92,15 +139,41 @@ struct diskparm
+ * on 64 bit systems not all cards support the 64 bit version
+ */
+ struct sgentry {
++ __le32 addr; /* 32-bit address. */
++ __le32 count; /* Length. */
++struct user_sgentry {
+ u32 addr; /* 32-bit address. */
+ u32 count; /* Length. */
+ };
+ struct sgentry64 {
++ __le32 addr[2]; /* 64-bit addr. 2 pieces for data alignment */
++ __le32 count; /* Length. */
++struct user_sgentry64 {
+ u32 addr[2]; /* 64-bit addr. 2 pieces for data alignment */
+ u32 count; /* Length. */
+ };
++struct sgentryraw {
++ __le32 next; /* reserved for F/W use */
++ __le32 prev; /* reserved for F/W use */
++ __le32 addr[2];
++ __le32 count;
++ __le32 flags; /* reserved for F/W use */
++struct user_sgentryraw {
++ u32 next; /* reserved for F/W use */
++ u32 prev; /* reserved for F/W use */
++ u32 addr[2];
++ u32 count;
++ u32 flags; /* reserved for F/W use */
+ /*
+ *
+@@ -109,15 +182,35 @@ struct sgentry64 {
+ */
+ struct sgmap {
+- u32 count;
++ __le32 count;
+ struct sgentry sg[1];
+ };
+-struct sgmap64 {
++struct user_sgmap {
+ u32 count;
++ struct user_sgentry sg[1];
++struct sgmap64 {
++ __le32 count;
+ struct sgentry64 sg[1];
+ };
++struct user_sgmap64 {
++ u32 count;
++ struct user_sgentry64 sg[1];
++struct sgmapraw {
++ __le32 count;
++ struct sgentryraw sg[1];
++struct user_sgmapraw {
++ u32 count;
++ struct user_sgentryraw sg[1];
+ struct creation_info
+ {
+ u8 buildnum; /* e.g., 588 */
+@@ -126,14 +219,14 @@ struct creation_info
+ * 2 = API
+ */
+ u8 year; /* e.g., 1997 = 97 */
+- u32 date; /*
++ __le32 date; /*
+ * unsigned Month :4; // 1 - 12
+ * unsigned Day :6; // 1 - 32
+ * unsigned Hour :6; // 0 - 23
+ * unsigned Minute :6; // 0 - 60
+ * unsigned Second :6; // 0 - 60
+ */
+- u32 serial[2]; /* e.g., 0x1DEADB0BFAFAF001 */
++ __le32 serial[2]; /* e.g., 0x1DEADB0BFAFAF001 */
+ };
+@@ -178,8 +271,8 @@ struct creation_info
+ */
+ struct aac_entry {
+- u32 size; /* Size in bytes of Fib which this QE points to */
+- u32 addr; /* Receiver address of the FIB */
++ __le32 size; /* Size in bytes of Fib which this QE points to */
++ __le32 addr; /* Receiver address of the FIB */
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -188,9 +281,10 @@ struct aac_entry {
+ */
+ struct aac_qhdr {
+- u64 header_addr; /* Address to hand the adapter to access to this queue head */
+- u32 *producer; /* The producer index for this queue (host address) */
+- u32 *consumer; /* The consumer index for this queue (host address) */
++ __le64 header_addr;/* Address to hand the adapter to access
++ to this queue head */
++ __le32 *producer; /* The producer index for this queue (host address) */
++ __le32 *consumer; /* The consumer index for this queue (host address) */
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -264,29 +358,30 @@ enum aac_queue_types {
+ */
+ struct aac_fibhdr {
+- u32 XferState; // Current transfer state for this CCB
+- u16 Command; // Routing information for the destination
+- u8 StructType; // Type FIB
+- u8 Flags; // Flags for FIB
+- u16 Size; // Size of this FIB in bytes
+- u16 SenderSize; // Size of the FIB in the sender (for response sizing)
+- u32 SenderFibAddress; // Host defined data in the FIB
+- u32 ReceiverFibAddress; // Logical address of this FIB for the adapter
+- u32 SenderData; // Place holder for the sender to store data
++ __le32 XferState; /* Current transfer state for this CCB */
++ __le16 Command; /* Routing information for the destination */
++ u8 StructType; /* Type FIB */
++ u8 Flags; /* Flags for FIB */
++ __le16 Size; /* Size of this FIB in bytes */
++ __le16 SenderSize; /* Size of the FIB in the sender
++ (for response sizing) */
++ __le32 SenderFibAddress; /* Host defined data in the FIB */
++ __le32 ReceiverFibAddress;/* Logical address of this FIB for
++ the adapter */
++ __le32 SenderData; /* Place holder for the sender to store data */
+ union {
+ struct {
+- u32 _ReceiverTimeStart; // Timestamp for receipt of fib
+- u32 _ReceiverTimeDone; // Timestamp for completion of fib
++ __le32 _ReceiverTimeStart; /* Timestamp for
++ receipt of fib */
++ __le32 _ReceiverTimeDone; /* Timestamp for
++ completion of fib */
+ } _s;
+ } _u;
+ };
+-#define FIB_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES (512 - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr))
+ struct hw_fib {
+ struct aac_fibhdr header;
+- u8 data[FIB_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; // Command specific data
++ u8 data[512-sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)]; // Command specific data
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -330,6 +425,7 @@ struct hw_fib {
+ */
+ #define ContainerCommand 500
+ #define ContainerCommand64 501
++#define ContainerRawIo 502
+ /*
+ * Cluster Commands
+ */
+@@ -348,11 +444,14 @@ struct hw_fib {
+ #define RequestAdapterInfo 703
+ #define IsAdapterPaused 704
+ #define SendHostTime 705
+-#define LastMiscCommand 706
++#define RequestSupplementAdapterInfo 706
++#define LastMiscCommand 707
++#define RequestCompatibilityId 802
+-// Commands that will target the failover level on the FSA adapter
++ * Commands that will target the failover level on the FSA adapter
++ */
+ enum fib_xfer_state {
+ HostOwned = (1<<0),
+@@ -385,49 +484,61 @@ enum fib_xfer_state {
+ */
++#define ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_4 4 // rocket science
+ struct aac_init
+ {
+- u32 InitStructRevision;
+- u32 MiniPortRevision;
+- u32 fsrev;
+- u32 CommHeaderAddress;
+- u32 FastIoCommAreaAddress;
+- u32 AdapterFibsPhysicalAddress;
+- u32 AdapterFibsVirtualAddress;
+- u32 AdapterFibsSize;
+- u32 AdapterFibAlign;
+- u32 printfbuf;
+- u32 printfbufsiz;
+- u32 HostPhysMemPages; // number of 4k pages of host physical memory
+- u32 HostElapsedSeconds; // number of seconds since 1970.
++ __le32 InitStructRevision;
++ __le32 MiniPortRevision;
++ __le32 fsrev;
++ __le32 CommHeaderAddress;
++ __le32 FastIoCommAreaAddress;
++ __le32 AdapterFibsPhysicalAddress;
++ __le32 AdapterFibsVirtualAddress;
++ __le32 AdapterFibsSize;
++ __le32 AdapterFibAlign;
++ __le32 printfbuf;
++ __le32 printfbufsiz;
++ __le32 HostPhysMemPages; /* number of 4k pages of host
++ physical memory */
++ __le32 HostElapsedSeconds; /* number of seconds since 1970. */
++ /* ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_4 begins here */
++ __le32 InitFlags; /* flags for supported features */
++# define INITFLAGS_NEW_COMM_SUPPORTED 0x00000001
++ __le32 MaxIoCommands; /* max outstanding commands */
++ __le32 MaxIoSize; /* largest I/O command */
++ __le32 MaxFibSize; /* largest FIB to adapter */
+ };
+ enum aac_log_level {
+- LOG_INIT = 10,
+- LOG_WARNING = 30,
+- LOG_LOW_ERROR = 40,
+- LOG_PANIC = 70,
+- LOG_DEBUG = 80,
++ LOG_AAC_INIT = 10,
++ LOG_AAC_PANIC = 70,
++ LOG_AAC_DEBUG = 80,
+ };
+ #define FSAFS_NTC_FIB_CONTEXT 0x030c
+ struct aac_dev;
++struct fib;
+ struct adapter_ops
+ {
+ void (*adapter_interrupt)(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ void (*adapter_notify)(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event);
+- void (*adapter_enable_int)(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event);
+- void (*adapter_disable_int)(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event);
+- int (*adapter_sync_cmd)(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command, u32 p1, u32 *status);
++ void (*adapter_disable_int)(struct aac_dev *dev);
++ int (*adapter_sync_cmd)(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command, u32 p1, u32 p2, u32 p3, u32 p4, u32 p5, u32 p6, u32 *status, u32 *r1, u32 *r2, u32 *r3, u32 *r4);
+ int (*adapter_check_health)(struct aac_dev *dev);
++ int (*adapter_send)(struct fib * fib);
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++ irqreturn_t (*adapter_intr)(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs);
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -449,7 +560,24 @@ struct aac_driver_ident
+ * dma mask such that fib memory will be allocated where the
+ * adapter firmware can get to it.
+ */
+-#define AAC_QUIRK_31BIT 1
++#define AAC_QUIRK_31BIT 0x0001
++ * Some adapter firmware, when the raid card's cache is turned off, can not
++ * split up scatter gathers in order to deal with the limits of the
++ * underlying CHIM. This limit is 34 scatter gather elements.
++ */
++#define AAC_QUIRK_34SG 0x0002
++ * This adapter is a slave (no Firmware)
++ */
++#define AAC_QUIRK_SLAVE 0x0004
++ * This adapter is a master.
++ */
++#define AAC_QUIRK_MASTER 0x0008
+ /*
+ * The adapter interface specs all queues to be located in the same
+@@ -471,8 +599,6 @@ struct aac_queue {
+ /* This is only valid for adapter to host command queues. */
+ spinlock_t *lock; /* Spinlock for this queue must take this lock before accessing the lock */
+ spinlock_t lockdata; /* Actual lock (used only on one side of the lock) */
+- unsigned long SavedIrql; /* Previous IRQL when the spin lock is taken */
+- u32 padding; /* Padding - FIXME - can remove I believe */
+ struct list_head cmdq; /* A queue of FIBs which need to be prcessed by the FS thread. This is */
+ /* only valid for command queues which receive entries from the adapter. */
+ struct list_head pendingq; /* A queue of outstanding fib's to the adapter. */
+@@ -495,40 +621,32 @@ struct aac_queue_block
+ */
+ struct sa_drawbridge_CSR {
+- // Offset | Name
+- u32 reserved[10]; // 00h-27h | Reserved
+- u8 LUT_Offset; // 28h | Looup Table Offset
+- u8 reserved1[3]; // 29h-2bh | Reserved
+- u32 LUT_Data; // 2ch | Looup Table Data
+- u32 reserved2[26]; // 30h-97h | Reserved
+- u16 PRICLEARIRQ; // 98h | Primary Clear Irq
+- u16 SECCLEARIRQ; // 9ah | Secondary Clear Irq
+- u16 PRISETIRQ; // 9ch | Primary Set Irq
+- u16 SECSETIRQ; // 9eh | Secondary Set Irq
+- u16 PRICLEARIRQMASK; // a0h | Primary Clear Irq Mask
+- u16 SECCLEARIRQMASK; // a2h | Secondary Clear Irq Mask
+- u16 PRISETIRQMASK; // a4h | Primary Set Irq Mask
+- u16 SECSETIRQMASK; // a6h | Secondary Set Irq Mask
+- u32 MAILBOX0; // a8h | Scratchpad 0
+- u32 MAILBOX1; // ach | Scratchpad 1
+- u32 MAILBOX2; // b0h | Scratchpad 2
+- u32 MAILBOX3; // b4h | Scratchpad 3
+- u32 MAILBOX4; // b8h | Scratchpad 4
+- u32 MAILBOX5; // bch | Scratchpad 5
+- u32 MAILBOX6; // c0h | Scratchpad 6
+- u32 MAILBOX7; // c4h | Scratchpad 7
+- u32 ROM_Setup_Data; // c8h | Rom Setup and Data
+- u32 ROM_Control_Addr; // cch | Rom Control and Address
+- u32 reserved3[12]; // d0h-ffh | reserved
+- u32 LUT[64]; // 100h-1ffh| Lookup Table Entries
+- //
+- // TO DO
+- // need to add DMA, I2O, UART, etc registers form 80h to 364h
+- //
++ /* Offset | Name */
++ __le32 reserved[10]; /* 00h-27h | Reserved */
++ u8 LUT_Offset; /* 28h | Lookup Table Offset */
++ u8 reserved1[3]; /* 29h-2bh | Reserved */
++ __le32 LUT_Data; /* 2ch | Looup Table Data */
++ __le32 reserved2[26]; /* 30h-97h | Reserved */
++ __le16 PRICLEARIRQ; /* 98h | Primary Clear Irq */
++ __le16 SECCLEARIRQ; /* 9ah | Secondary Clear Irq */
++ __le16 PRISETIRQ; /* 9ch | Primary Set Irq */
++ __le16 SECSETIRQ; /* 9eh | Secondary Set Irq */
++ __le16 PRICLEARIRQMASK;/* a0h | Primary Clear Irq Mask */
++ __le16 SECCLEARIRQMASK;/* a2h | Secondary Clear Irq Mask */
++ __le16 PRISETIRQMASK; /* a4h | Primary Set Irq Mask */
++ __le16 SECSETIRQMASK; /* a6h | Secondary Set Irq Mask */
++ __le32 MAILBOX0; /* a8h | Scratchpad 0 */
++ __le32 MAILBOX1; /* ach | Scratchpad 1 */
++ __le32 MAILBOX2; /* b0h | Scratchpad 2 */
++ __le32 MAILBOX3; /* b4h | Scratchpad 3 */
++ __le32 MAILBOX4; /* b8h | Scratchpad 4 */
++ __le32 MAILBOX5; /* bch | Scratchpad 5 */
++ __le32 MAILBOX6; /* c0h | Scratchpad 6 */
++ __le32 MAILBOX7; /* c4h | Scratchpad 7 */
++ __le32 ROM_Setup_Data; /* c8h | Rom Setup and Data */
++ __le32 ROM_Control_Addr;/* cch | Rom Control and Address */
++ __le32 reserved3[12]; /* d0h-ffh | reserved */
++ __le32 LUT[64]; /* 100h-1ffh | Lookup Table Entries */
+ };
+ #define Mailbox0 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX0
+@@ -537,6 +655,9 @@ struct sa_drawbridge_CSR {
+ #define Mailbox3 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX3
+ #define Mailbox4 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX4
+ #define Mailbox5 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX5
++#if (defined(AAC_LM_SENSOR))
++#define Mailbox6 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX6
+ #define Mailbox7 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX7
+ #define DoorbellReg_p SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQ
+@@ -544,13 +665,13 @@ struct sa_drawbridge_CSR {
+ #define DoorbellClrReg_p SaDbCSR.PRICLEARIRQ
+-#define DOORBELL_0 cpu_to_le16(0x0001)
+-#define DOORBELL_1 cpu_to_le16(0x0002)
+-#define DOORBELL_2 cpu_to_le16(0x0004)
+-#define DOORBELL_3 cpu_to_le16(0x0008)
+-#define DOORBELL_4 cpu_to_le16(0x0010)
+-#define DOORBELL_5 cpu_to_le16(0x0020)
+-#define DOORBELL_6 cpu_to_le16(0x0040)
++#define DOORBELL_0 0x0001
++#define DOORBELL_1 0x0002
++#define DOORBELL_2 0x0004
++#define DOORBELL_3 0x0008
++#define DOORBELL_4 0x0010
++#define DOORBELL_5 0x0020
++#define DOORBELL_6 0x0040
+ #define PrintfReady DOORBELL_5
+@@ -573,25 +694,33 @@ struct sa_registers {
+ */
+ struct rx_mu_registers {
+- // Local | PCI* | Name
+- // | |
+- u32 ARSR; // 1300h | 00h | APIC Register Select Register
+- u32 reserved0; // 1304h | 04h | Reserved
+- u32 AWR; // 1308h | 08h | APIC Window Register
+- u32 reserved1; // 130Ch | 0Ch | Reserved
+- u32 IMRx[2]; // 1310h | 10h | Inbound Message Registers
+- u32 OMRx[2]; // 1318h | 18h | Outbound Message Registers
+- u32 IDR; // 1320h | 20h | Inbound Doorbell Register
+- u32 IISR; // 1324h | 24h | Inbound Interrupt Status Register
+- u32 IIMR; // 1328h | 28h | Inbound Interrupt Mask Register
+- u32 ODR; // 132Ch | 2Ch | Outbound Doorbell Register
+- u32 OISR; // 1330h | 30h | Outbound Interrupt Status Register
+- u32 OIMR; // 1334h | 34h | Outbound Interrupt Mask Register
+- // * Must access through ATU Inbound Translation Window
++ /* Local | PCI*| Name */
++ __le32 ARSR; /* 1300h | 00h | APIC Register Select Register */
++ __le32 reserved0; /* 1304h | 04h | Reserved */
++ __le32 AWR; /* 1308h | 08h | APIC Window Register */
++ __le32 reserved1; /* 130Ch | 0Ch | Reserved */
++ __le32 IMRx[2]; /* 1310h | 10h | Inbound Message Registers */
++ __le32 OMRx[2]; /* 1318h | 18h | Outbound Message Registers */
++ __le32 IDR; /* 1320h | 20h | Inbound Doorbell Register */
++ __le32 IISR; /* 1324h | 24h | Inbound Interrupt
++ Status Register */
++ __le32 IIMR; /* 1328h | 28h | Inbound Interrupt
++ Mask Register */
++ __le32 ODR; /* 132Ch | 2Ch | Outbound Doorbell Register */
++ __le32 OISR; /* 1330h | 30h | Outbound Interrupt
++ Status Register */
++ __le32 OIMR; /* 1334h | 34h | Outbound Interrupt
++ Mask Register */
++ __le32 reserved2; /* 1338h | 38h | Reserved */
++ __le32 reserved3; /* 133Ch | 3Ch | Reserved */
++ __le32 InboundQueue;/* 1340h | 40h | Inbound Queue Port relative to firmware */
++ __le32 OutboundQueue;/*1344h | 44h | Outbound Queue Port relative to firmware */
++ /* * Must access through ATU Inbound
++ Translation Window */
+ };
+ struct rx_inbound {
+- u32 Mailbox[8];
++ __le32 Mailbox[8];
+ };
+ #define InboundMailbox0 IndexRegs.Mailbox[0]
+@@ -599,30 +728,31 @@ struct rx_inbound {
+ #define InboundMailbox2 IndexRegs.Mailbox[2]
+ #define InboundMailbox3 IndexRegs.Mailbox[3]
+ #define InboundMailbox4 IndexRegs.Mailbox[4]
++#if (defined(AAC_LM_SENSOR))
+ #define InboundMailbox5 IndexRegs.Mailbox[5]
+ #define InboundMailbox6 IndexRegs.Mailbox[6]
+-#define InboundMailbox7 IndexRegs.Mailbox[7]
+-#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_0 cpu_to_le32(0x00000001)
+-#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_1 cpu_to_le32(0x00000002)
+-#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_2 cpu_to_le32(0x00000004)
+-#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_3 cpu_to_le32(0x00000008)
+-#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_4 cpu_to_le32(0x00000010)
+-#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_5 cpu_to_le32(0x00000020)
+-#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_6 cpu_to_le32(0x00000040)
+-#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_0 cpu_to_le32(0x00000001)
+-#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_1 cpu_to_le32(0x00000002)
+-#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_2 cpu_to_le32(0x00000004)
+-#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_3 cpu_to_le32(0x00000008)
+-#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_4 cpu_to_le32(0x00000010)
++#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_0 0x00000001
++#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_1 0x00000002
++#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_2 0x00000004
++#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_3 0x00000008
++#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_4 0x00000010
++#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_5 0x00000020
++#define INBOUNDDOORBELL_6 0x00000040
++#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_0 0x00000001
++#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_1 0x00000002
++#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_2 0x00000004
++#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_3 0x00000008
++#define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_4 0x00000010
+ #define InboundDoorbellReg MUnit.IDR
+ #define OutboundDoorbellReg MUnit.ODR
+ struct rx_registers {
+- struct rx_mu_registers MUnit; // 1300h - 1334h
+- u32 reserved1[6]; // 1338h - 134ch
++ struct rx_mu_registers MUnit; /* 1300h - 1344h */
++ __le32 reserved1[2]; /* 1348h - 134ch */
+ struct rx_inbound IndexRegs;
+ };
+@@ -639,8 +769,8 @@ struct rx_registers {
+ #define rkt_inbound rx_inbound
+ struct rkt_registers {
+- struct rkt_mu_registers MUnit; /* 1300h - 1334h */
+- u32 reserved1[1010]; /* 1338h - 22fch */
++ struct rkt_mu_registers MUnit; /* 1300h - 1344h */
++ __le32 reserved1[1006]; /* 1348h - 22fch */
+ struct rkt_inbound IndexRegs; /* 2300h - */
+ };
+@@ -649,8 +779,6 @@ struct rkt_registers {
+ #define rkt_writeb(AEP, CSR, value) writeb(value, &((AEP)->regs.rkt->CSR))
+ #define rkt_writel(AEP, CSR, value) writel(value, &((AEP)->regs.rkt->CSR))
+-struct fib;
+ typedef void (*fib_callback)(void *ctxt, struct fib *fibctx);
+ struct aac_fib_context {
+@@ -665,14 +793,65 @@ struct aac_fib_context {
+ struct list_head fib_list; // this holds fibs and their attachd hw_fibs
+ };
+-struct fsa_scsi_hba {
+- char devname[MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS][8];
++struct sense_data {
++ u8 error_code; /* 70h (current errors), 71h(deferred errors) */
++ u8 valid:1; /* A valid bit of one indicates that the information */
++ /* field contains valid information as defined in the
++ * SCSI-2 Standard.
++ */
++ u8 segment_number; /* Only used for COPY, COMPARE, or COPY AND VERIFY Commands */
++ u8 sense_key:4; /* Sense Key */
++ u8 reserved:1;
++ u8 ILI:1; /* Incorrect Length Indicator */
++ u8 EOM:1; /* End Of Medium - reserved for random access devices */
++ u8 filemark:1; /* Filemark - reserved for random access devices */
++ u8 information[4]; /* for direct-access devices, contains the unsigned
++ * logical block address or residue associated with
++ * the sense key
++ */
++ u8 add_sense_len; /* number of additional sense bytes to follow this field */
++ u8 cmnd_info[4]; /* not used */
++ u8 ASC; /* Additional Sense Code */
++ u8 ASCQ; /* Additional Sense Code Qualifier */
++ u8 FRUC; /* Field Replaceable Unit Code - not used */
++ u8 bit_ptr:3; /* indicates which byte of the CDB or parameter data
++ * was in error
++ */
++ u8 BPV:1; /* bit pointer valid (BPV): 1- indicates that
++ * the bit_ptr field has valid value
++ */
++ u8 reserved2:2;
++ u8 CD:1; /* command data bit: 1- illegal parameter in CDB.
++ * 0- illegal parameter in data.
++ */
++ u8 SKSV:1;
++ u8 field_ptr[2]; /* byte of the CDB or parameter data in error */
++struct fsa_dev_info {
++ u64 last;
++ u64 size;
++ u32 type;
++ u32 ConfigWaitingOn;
++ u16 queue_depth;
++ u8 ConfigNeeded;
++ u8 valid;
++ u8 ro;
++ u8 locked;
++ u8 deleted;
++//# undef MAX_NESTED
++//# define MAX_NESTED 1
++# if (MAX_NESTED >= 256)
++ u16 nested;
++# else
++ u8 nested;
++# endif
++ char devname[8];
++ struct sense_data sense_data;
+ };
+ struct fib {
+@@ -707,6 +886,12 @@ struct fib {
+ void *data;
+ struct hw_fib *hw_fib; /* Actual shared object */
+ dma_addr_t hw_fib_pa; /* physical address of hw_fib*/
++ unsigned long DriverTimeStartS;
++ unsigned long DriverTimeStartuS;
++ unsigned long DriverTimeDoneS;
++ unsigned long DriverTimeDoneuS;
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -717,27 +902,68 @@ struct fib {
+ struct aac_adapter_info
+ {
+- u32 platform;
+- u32 cpu;
+- u32 subcpu;
+- u32 clock;
+- u32 execmem;
+- u32 buffermem;
+- u32 totalmem;
+- u32 kernelrev;
+- u32 kernelbuild;
+- u32 monitorrev;
+- u32 monitorbuild;
+- u32 hwrev;
+- u32 hwbuild;
+- u32 biosrev;
+- u32 biosbuild;
+- u32 cluster;
+- u32 clusterchannelmask;
+- u32 serial[2];
+- u32 battery;
+- u32 options;
+- u32 OEM;
++ __le32 platform;
++ __le32 cpu;
++ __le32 subcpu;
++ __le32 clock;
++ __le32 execmem;
++ __le32 buffermem;
++ __le32 totalmem;
++ __le32 kernelrev;
++ __le32 kernelbuild;
++ __le32 monitorrev;
++ __le32 monitorbuild;
++ __le32 hwrev;
++ __le32 hwbuild;
++ __le32 biosrev;
++ __le32 biosbuild;
++ __le32 cluster;
++ __le32 clusterchannelmask;
++ __le32 serial[2];
++ __le32 battery;
++ __le32 options;
++ __le32 OEM;
++struct aac_supplement_adapter_info
++ u8 AdapterTypeText[17+1];
++ u8 Pad[2];
++ u32 FlashMemoryByteSize;
++ u32 FlashImageId;
++ u32 MaxNumberPorts;
++ u32 Version;
++ u32 FeatureBits;
++ u8 SlotNumber;
++ u8 ReservedPad0[0];
++ u8 BuildDate[12];
++ u32 CurrentNumberPorts;
++ u32 ReservedGrowth[24];
++#define AAC_FEATURE_FALCON 0x00000010
++#define AAC_SIS_VERSION_V3 3
++#define GetBusInfo 0x00000009
++struct aac_bus_info {
++ u32 Command; /* VM_Ioctl */
++ u32 ObjType; /* FT_DRIVE */
++ u32 MethodId; /* 1 = SCSI Layer */
++ u32 ObjectId; /* Handle */
++ u32 CtlCmd; /* GetBusInfo */
++struct aac_bus_info_response {
++ u32 Status; /* ST_OK */
++ u32 ObjType;
++ u32 MethodId; /* unused */
++ u32 ObjectId; /* unused */
++ u32 CtlCmd; /* unused */
++ u32 ProbeComplete;
++ u32 BusCount;
++ u32 TargetsPerBus;
++ u8 InitiatorBusId[10];
++ u8 BusValid[10];
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -771,14 +997,24 @@ struct aac_adapter_info
+ #define AAC_OPT_SGMAP_HOST64 cpu_to_le32(1<<10)
+ #define AAC_OPT_ALARM cpu_to_le32(1<<11)
+ #define AAC_OPT_NONDASD cpu_to_le32(1<<12)
++#define AAC_OPT_SCSI_MANAGED cpu_to_le32(1<<13)
++#define AAC_OPT_RAID_SCSI_MODE cpu_to_le32(1<<14)
++#define AAC_OPT_SUPPLEMENT_ADAPTER_INFO cpu_to_le32(1<<16)
++#define AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM cpu_to_le32(1<<17)
++#define AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM_64 cpu_to_le32(1<<18)
+ struct aac_dev
+ {
+- struct aac_dev *next;
++ struct list_head entry;
+ const char *name;
+ int id;
+- u16 irq_mask;
++ /*
++ * negotiated FIB settings
++ */
++ unsigned max_fib_size;
++ unsigned sg_tablesize;
+ /*
+ * Map for 128 fib objects (64k)
+ */
+@@ -807,28 +1043,43 @@ struct aac_dev
+ struct adapter_ops a_ops;
+ unsigned long fsrev; /* Main driver's revision number */
++ unsigned base_size; /* Size of mapped in region */
+ struct aac_init *init; /* Holds initialization info to communicate with adapter */
+ dma_addr_t init_pa; /* Holds physical address of the init struct */
+ struct pci_dev *pdev; /* Our PCI interface */
+ void * printfbuf; /* pointer to buffer used for printf's from the adapter */
++ u32 DebugFlags; /* Debug print flags bitmap */
++ u8 * FwDebugBuffer_P;/* Addr FW Debug Buffer */
++ u32 * FwDebugFlags_P; /* Addr FW Debug Flags */
++ u32 FwDebugFlags; /* FW Debug Flags */
++ u32 * FwDebugStrLength_P;/* Addr FW Debug String Length */
++ u8 * FwDebugBLEDflag_P;/* Addr FW Debug BLED */
++ u8 * FwDebugBLEDvalue_P;/* Addr FW Debug BLED */
++ u32 FwDebugBufferSize;/* FW Debug Buffer Size in Bytes */
+ void * comm_addr; /* Base address of Comm area */
+ dma_addr_t comm_phys; /* Physical Address of Comm area */
+ size_t comm_size;
+ struct Scsi_Host *scsi_host_ptr;
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba fsa_dev;
++ int maximum_num_containers;
++ int maximum_num_physicals;
++ int maximum_num_channels;
++ struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev;
+ pid_t thread_pid;
+ int cardtype;
+ /*
+ * The following is the device specific extension.
+ */
++#if (!defined(AAC_MIN_FOOTPRINT_SIZE))
++# define AAC_MIN_FOOTPRINT_SIZE 8192
+ union
+ {
+- struct sa_registers *sa;
+- struct rx_registers *rx;
+- struct rkt_registers *rkt;
++ struct sa_registers __iomem *sa;
++ struct rx_registers __iomem *rx;
++ struct rkt_registers __iomem *rkt;
+ } regs;
+ u32 OIMR; /* Mask Register Cache */
+ /*
+@@ -837,34 +1088,50 @@ struct aac_dev
+ u32 aif_thread;
+ struct completion aif_completion;
+ struct aac_adapter_info adapter_info;
++ struct aac_supplement_adapter_info supplement_adapter_info;
++# endif
++ char code_stream_identifier[MAX_CODE_STREAM_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH];
+ /* These are in adapter info but they are in the io flow so
+ * lets break them out so we don't have to do an AND to check them
+ */
+ u8 nondasd_support;
+- u8 pae_support;
++ u8 dac_support;
++ u8 raid_scsi_mode;
++ u8 new_comm_interface;
++ /* macro side-effects BEWARE */
++# define raw_io_interface \
++ init->InitStructRevision==cpu_to_le32(ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_4)
++# define printf_enabled \
++ scsi_host_ptr->sg_tablesize<=34
++ u8 raw_io_64;
+ };
+-#define AllocateAndMapFibSpace(dev, MapFibContext) \
+- (dev)->a_ops.AllocateAndMapFibSpace(dev, MapFibContext)
+-#define UnmapAndFreeFibSpace(dev, MapFibContext) \
+- (dev)->a_ops.UnmapAndFreeFibSpace(dev, MapFibContext)
+ #define aac_adapter_interrupt(dev) \
+ (dev)->a_ops.adapter_interrupt(dev)
+ #define aac_adapter_notify(dev, event) \
+ (dev)->a_ops.adapter_notify(dev, event)
+-#define aac_adapter_enable_int(dev, event) \
+- (dev)->a_ops.adapter_enable_int(dev, event)
++#define aac_adapter_disable_int(dev) \
++ (dev)->a_ops.adapter_disable_int(dev)
+-#define aac_adapter_disable_int(dev, event) \
+- dev->a_ops.adapter_disable_int(dev, event)
++#define aac_adapter_sync_cmd(dev, command, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, status, r1, r2, r3, r4) \
++ (dev)->a_ops.adapter_sync_cmd(dev, command, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, status, r1, r2, r3, r4)
+ #define aac_adapter_check_health(dev) \
+ (dev)->a_ops.adapter_check_health(dev)
++#define aac_adapter_send(fib) \
++ ((fib)->dev)->a_ops.adapter_send(fib)
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++#define aac_adapter_intr(dev) \
++ (dev)->a_ops.adapter_intr(dev->scsi_host_ptr->irq, (void *)dev, (struct pt_regs *)NULL)
+ #define FIB_CONTEXT_FLAG_TIMED_OUT (0x00000001)
+@@ -974,59 +1241,113 @@ struct aac_dev
+ struct aac_read
+ {
+- u32 command;
+- u32 cid;
+- u32 block;
+- u32 count;
++ __le32 command;
++ __le32 cid;
++ __le32 block;
++ __le32 count;
+ struct sgmap sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
+ };
+ struct aac_read64
+ {
+- u32 command;
+- u16 cid;
+- u16 sector_count;
+- u32 block;
+- u16 pad;
+- u16 flags;
++ __le32 command;
++ __le16 cid;
++ __le16 sector_count;
++ __le32 block;
++ __le16 pad;
++ __le16 flags;
+ struct sgmap64 sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
+ };
+ struct aac_read_reply
+ {
+- u32 status;
+- u32 count;
++ __le32 status;
++ __le32 count;
+ };
+ struct aac_write
+ {
+- u32 command;
+- u32 cid;
+- u32 block;
+- u32 count;
+- u32 stable; // Not used
++ __le32 command;
++ __le32 cid;
++ __le32 block;
++ __le32 count;
++ __le32 stable; // Not used
+ struct sgmap sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
+ };
+ struct aac_write64
+ {
+- u32 command;
+- u16 cid;
+- u16 sector_count;
+- u32 block;
+- u16 pad;
+- u16 flags;
++ __le32 command;
++ __le16 cid;
++ __le16 sector_count;
++ __le32 block;
++ __le16 pad;
++ __le16 flags;
+ struct sgmap64 sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
+ };
+ struct aac_write_reply
+ {
+- u32 status;
+- u32 count;
+- u32 committed;
++ __le32 status;
++ __le32 count;
++ __le32 committed;
++struct aac_raw_io
++ __le32 block[2];
++ __le32 count;
++ __le16 cid;
++ __le16 flags; /* 00 W, 01 R */
++ __le16 bpTotal; /* reserved for F/W use */
++ __le16 bpComplete; /* reserved for F/W use */
++ struct sgmapraw sg;
++#define CT_FLUSH_CACHE 129
++struct aac_synchronize {
++ __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
++ __le32 type; /* CT_FLUSH_CACHE */
++ __le32 cid;
++ __le32 parm1;
++ __le32 parm2;
++ __le32 parm3;
++ __le32 parm4;
++ __le32 count; /* sizeof(((struct aac_synchronize_reply *)NULL)->data) */
++struct aac_synchronize_reply {
++ __le32 dummy0;
++ __le32 dummy1;
++ __le32 status; /* CT_OK */
++ __le32 parm1;
++ __le32 parm2;
++ __le32 parm3;
++ __le32 parm4;
++ __le32 parm5;
++ u8 data[16];
+ };
+ struct aac_srb
+ {
++ __le32 function;
++ __le32 channel;
++ __le32 id;
++ __le32 lun;
++ __le32 timeout;
++ __le32 flags;
++ __le32 count; // Data xfer size
++ __le32 retry_limit;
++ __le32 cdb_size;
++ u8 cdb[16];
++ struct sgmap sg;
++ * This and associated data structs are used by the
++ * ioctl caller and are in cpu order.
++ */
++struct user_aac_srb
+ u32 function;
+ u32 channel;
+ u32 id;
+@@ -1037,20 +1358,18 @@ struct aac_srb
+ u32 retry_limit;
+ u32 cdb_size;
+ u8 cdb[16];
+- struct sgmap sg;
++ struct user_sgmap sg;
+ };
+ struct aac_srb_reply
+ {
+- u32 status;
+- u32 srb_status;
+- u32 scsi_status;
+- u32 data_xfer_length;
+- u32 sense_data_size;
++ __le32 status;
++ __le32 srb_status;
++ __le32 scsi_status;
++ __le32 data_xfer_length;
++ __le32 sense_data_size;
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -1145,8 +1464,10 @@ struct aac_srb_reply
+ #define VM_CtBlockVerify64 18
+ #define VM_CtHostRead64 19
+ #define VM_CtHostWrite64 20
++#define VM_DrvErrTblLog 21
++#define VM_NameServe64 22
+-#define MAX_VMCOMMAND_NUM 21 /* used for sizing stats array - leave last */
++#define MAX_VMCOMMAND_NUM 23 /* used for sizing stats array - leave last */
+ /*
+ * Descriptive information (eg, vital stats)
+@@ -1157,14 +1478,14 @@ struct aac_srb_reply
+ */
+ struct aac_fsinfo {
+- u32 fsTotalSize; /* Consumed by fs, incl. metadata */
+- u32 fsBlockSize;
+- u32 fsFragSize;
+- u32 fsMaxExtendSize;
+- u32 fsSpaceUnits;
+- u32 fsMaxNumFiles;
+- u32 fsNumFreeFiles;
+- u32 fsInodeDensity;
++ __le32 fsTotalSize; /* Consumed by fs, incl. metadata */
++ __le32 fsBlockSize;
++ __le32 fsFragSize;
++ __le32 fsMaxExtendSize;
++ __le32 fsSpaceUnits;
++ __le32 fsMaxNumFiles;
++ __le32 fsNumFreeFiles;
++ __le32 fsInodeDensity;
+ }; /* valid iff ObjType == FT_FILESYS && !(ContentState & FSCS_NOTCLEAN) */
+ union aac_contentinfo {
+@@ -1172,20 +1493,90 @@ union aac_contentinfo {
+ };
+ /*
++ * Query for Container Configuration Status
++ */
++#define CT_GET_CONFIG_STATUS 147
++struct aac_get_config_status {
++ __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
++ __le32 type; /* CT_GET_CONFIG_STATUS */
++ __le32 parm1;
++ __le32 parm2;
++ __le32 parm3;
++ __le32 parm4;
++ __le32 parm5;
++ __le32 count; /* sizeof(((struct aac_get_config_status_resp *)NULL)->data) */
++#define CFACT_CONTINUE 0
++#define CFACT_PAUSE 1
++#define CFACT_ABORT 2
++struct aac_get_config_status_resp {
++ __le32 response; /* ST_OK */
++ __le32 dummy0;
++ __le32 status; /* CT_OK */
++ __le32 parm1;
++ __le32 parm2;
++ __le32 parm3;
++ __le32 parm4;
++ __le32 parm5;
++ struct {
++ __le32 action; /* CFACT_CONTINUE, CFACT_PAUSE or CFACT_ABORT */
++ __le16 flags;
++ __le16 count;
++ } data;
++ * Accept the configuration as-is
++ */
++#define CT_COMMIT_CONFIG 152
++struct aac_commit_config {
++ __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
++ __le32 type; /* CT_COMMIT_CONFIG */
++ * Query for Container Configuration Status
++ */
++struct aac_get_container_count {
++ __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
++ __le32 type; /* CT_GET_CONTAINER_COUNT */
++struct aac_get_container_count_resp {
++ __le32 response; /* ST_OK */
++ __le32 dummy0;
++ __le32 MaxContainers;
++ __le32 ContainerSwitchEntries;
++ __le32 MaxPartitions;
+ * Query for "mountable" objects, ie, objects that are typically
+ * associated with a drive letter on the client (host) side.
+ */
+ struct aac_mntent {
+- u32 oid;
+- u8 name[16]; // if applicable
+- struct creation_info create_info; // if applicable
+- u32 capacity;
+- u32 vol; // substrate structure
+- u32 obj; // FT_FILESYS, FT_DATABASE, etc.
+- u32 state; // unready for mounting, readonly, etc.
+- union aac_contentinfo fileinfo; // Info specific to content manager (eg, filesystem)
+- u32 altoid; // != oid <==> snapshot or broken mirror exists
++ __le32 oid;
++ u8 name[16]; /* if applicable */
++ struct creation_info create_info; /* if applicable */
++ __le32 capacity;
++ __le32 vol; /* substrate structure */
++ __le32 obj; /* FT_FILESYS,
++ FT_DATABASE, etc. */
++ __le32 state; /* unready for mounting,
++ readonly, etc. */
++ union aac_contentinfo fileinfo; /* Info specific to content
++ manager (eg, filesystem) */
++ __le32 altoid; /* != oid <==> snapshot or
++ broken mirror exists */
++ __le32 capacityhigh;
+ };
+ #define FSCS_NOTCLEAN 0x0001 /* fsck is neccessary before mounting */
+@@ -1193,25 +1584,49 @@ struct aac_mntent {
+ #define FSCS_HIDDEN 0x0004 /* should be ignored - set during a clear */
+ struct aac_query_mount {
+- u32 command;
+- u32 type;
+- u32 count;
++ __le32 command;
++ __le32 type;
++ __le32 count;
+ };
+ struct aac_mount {
+- u32 status;
+- u32 type; /* should be same as that requested */
+- u32 count;
++ __le32 status;
++ __le32 type; /* should be same as that requested */
++ __le32 count;
+ struct aac_mntent mnt[1];
+ };
++#define CT_READ_NAME 130
++struct aac_get_name {
++ __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
++ __le32 type; /* CT_READ_NAME */
++ __le32 cid;
++ __le32 parm1;
++ __le32 parm2;
++ __le32 parm3;
++ __le32 parm4;
++ __le32 count; /* sizeof(((struct aac_get_name_resp *)NULL)->data) */
++struct aac_get_name_resp {
++ __le32 dummy0;
++ __le32 dummy1;
++ __le32 status; /* CT_OK */
++ __le32 parm1;
++ __le32 parm2;
++ __le32 parm3;
++ __le32 parm4;
++ __le32 parm5;
++ u8 data[16];
+ /*
+ * The following command is sent to shut down each container.
+ */
+ struct aac_close {
+- u32 command;
+- u32 cid;
++ __le32 command;
++ __le32 cid;
+ };
+ struct aac_query_disk
+@@ -1246,6 +1661,17 @@ struct revision
+ u32 version;
+ u32 build;
+ };
++struct VersionMatch {
++ u32 status;
+ /*
+ * Ugly - non Linux like ioctl coding for back compat.
+@@ -1277,7 +1703,10 @@ struct revision
+ struct aac_common
+@@ -1290,6 +1719,13 @@ struct aac_common
+ u32 peak_fibs;
+ u32 zero_fibs;
+ u32 fib_timeouts;
++ u32 peak_size;
++ u32 peak_sg;
++ u32 peak_duration;
+ /*
+ * Statistical counters in debug mode
+ */
+@@ -1324,15 +1760,19 @@ extern struct aac_common aac_config;
+ * Monitor/Kernel API
+ */
+-#define BREAKPOINT_REQUEST cpu_to_le32(0x00000004)
+-#define INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS cpu_to_le32(0x00000005)
+-#define READ_PERMANENT_PARAMETERS cpu_to_le32(0x0000000a)
+-#define WRITE_PERMANENT_PARAMETERS cpu_to_le32(0x0000000b)
+-#define HOST_CRASHING cpu_to_le32(0x0000000d)
+-#define SEND_SYNCHRONOUS_FIB cpu_to_le32(0x0000000c)
+-#define COMMAND_POST_RESULTS cpu_to_le32(0x00000014)
+-#define GET_ADAPTER_PROPERTIES cpu_to_le32(0x00000019)
+-#define RE_INIT_ADAPTER cpu_to_le32(0x000000ee)
++#define BREAKPOINT_REQUEST 0x00000004
++#define INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS 0x00000005
++#define READ_PERMANENT_PARAMETERS 0x0000000a
++#define HOST_CRASHING 0x0000000d
++#define SEND_SYNCHRONOUS_FIB 0x0000000c
++#define COMMAND_POST_RESULTS 0x00000014
++#define GET_ADAPTER_PROPERTIES 0x00000019
++#define RCV_TEMP_READINGS 0x00000025
++#define GET_COMM_PREFERRED_SETTINGS 0x00000026
++#define IOP_RESET 0x00001000
++#define RE_INIT_ADAPTER 0x000000ee
+ /*
+ * Adapter Status Register
+@@ -1355,22 +1795,22 @@ extern struct aac_common aac_config;
+ * Phases are bit oriented. It is NOT valid to have multiple bits set
+ */
+-#define SELF_TEST_FAILED (cpu_to_le32(0x00000004))
+-#define MONITOR_PANIC (cpu_to_le32(0x00000020))
+-#define KERNEL_UP_AND_RUNNING (cpu_to_le32(0x00000080))
+-#define KERNEL_PANIC (cpu_to_le32(0x00000100))
++#define SELF_TEST_FAILED 0x00000004
++#define MONITOR_PANIC 0x00000020
++#define KERNEL_UP_AND_RUNNING 0x00000080
++#define KERNEL_PANIC 0x00000100
+ /*
+ * Doorbell bit defines
+ */
+-#define DoorBellSyncCmdAvailable cpu_to_le32(1<<0) // Host -> Adapter
+-#define DoorBellPrintfDone cpu_to_le32(1<<5) // Host -> Adapter
+-#define DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady cpu_to_le32(1<<1) // Adapter -> Host
+-#define DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady cpu_to_le32(1<<2) // Adapter -> Host
+-#define DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull cpu_to_le32(1<<3) // Adapter -> Host
+-#define DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull cpu_to_le32(1<<4) // Adapter -> Host
+-#define DoorBellPrintfReady cpu_to_le32(1<<5) // Adapter -> Host
++#define DoorBellSyncCmdAvailable (1<<0) /* Host -> Adapter */
++#define DoorBellPrintfDone (1<<5) /* Host -> Adapter */
++#define DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady (1<<1) /* Adapter -> Host */
++#define DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady (1<<2) /* Adapter -> Host */
++#define DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull (1<<3) /* Adapter -> Host */
++#define DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull (1<<4) /* Adapter -> Host */
++#define DoorBellPrintfReady (1<<5) /* Adapter -> Host */
+ /*
+ * For FIB communication, we need all of the following things
+@@ -1413,8 +1853,8 @@ extern struct aac_common aac_config;
+ */
+ struct aac_aifcmd {
+- u32 command; /* Tell host what type of notify this is */
+- u32 seqnum; /* To allow ordering of reports (if necessary) */
++ __le32 command; /* Tell host what type of notify this is */
++ __le32 seqnum; /* To allow ordering of reports (if necessary) */
+ u8 data[1]; /* Undefined length (from kernel viewpoint) */
+ };
+@@ -1423,9 +1863,17 @@ struct aac_aifcmd {
+ * accounting for the fact capacity could be a 64 bit value
+ *
+ */
++typedef unsigned long sector_t;
+ static inline u32 cap_to_cyls(sector_t capacity, u32 divisor)
+ {
+ sector_div(capacity, divisor);
++ capacity /= divisor;
+ return (u32)capacity;
+ }
+@@ -1437,27 +1885,44 @@ int fib_setup(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ void fib_map_free(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ void fib_free(struct fib * context);
+ void fib_init(struct fib * context);
+-void fib_dealloc(struct fib * context);
+ void aac_printf(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 val);
+-int fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * context, unsigned long size, int priority, int wait, int reply, fib_callback callback, void *ctxt);
++typedef int (*fib_send_t)(u16 command, struct fib * context, unsigned long size, int priority, int wait, int reply, fib_callback callback, void *ctxt);
++extern fib_send_t fib_send;
++#define aac_fib_send fib_send
++int aac_fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * context, unsigned long size, int priority, int wait, int reply, fib_callback callback, void *ctxt);
+ int aac_consumer_get(struct aac_dev * dev, struct aac_queue * q, struct aac_entry **entry);
+-int aac_consumer_avail(struct aac_dev * dev, struct aac_queue * q);
+ void aac_consumer_free(struct aac_dev * dev, struct aac_queue * q, u32 qnum);
+ int fib_complete(struct fib * context);
+ #define fib_data(fibctx) ((void *)(fibctx)->hw_fib->data)
+ struct aac_dev *aac_init_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev);
++int aac_get_config_status(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ int aac_get_containers(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
+ int aac_dev_ioctl(struct aac_dev *dev, int cmd, void __user *arg);
++#if (defined(AAC_CSMI))
++int aac_csmi_ioctl(struct aac_dev *dev, int cmd, void __user *arg);
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) ? defined(__x86_64__) : defined(CONFIG_COMPAT))
++void aac_csmi_register_ioctl32_conversion(void);
++void aac_csmi_unregister_ioctl32_conversion(void);
+ int aac_do_ioctl(struct aac_dev * dev, int cmd, void __user *arg);
+ int aac_rx_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ int aac_rkt_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ int aac_sa_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
+ unsigned int aac_response_normal(struct aac_queue * q);
+ unsigned int aac_command_normal(struct aac_queue * q);
++unsigned int aac_intr_normal(struct aac_dev * dev, u32 Index);
+ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev * dev);
+ int aac_close_fib_context(struct aac_dev * dev, struct aac_fib_context *fibctx);
++int aac_atoi(char ** str);
+ int fib_adapter_complete(struct fib * fibptr, unsigned short size);
+ struct aac_driver_ident* aac_get_driver_ident(int devtype);
++int probe_container(struct aac_dev *dev, int cid);
+ int aac_get_adapter_info(struct aac_dev* dev);
+ int aac_send_shutdown(struct aac_dev *dev);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/fwdebug.c 2005-01-13 17:19:21.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
++ * Adaptec AAC series RAID controller driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2004 Adaptec, Inc. (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
++ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
++ */
++#include <stdarg.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/completion.h>
++#include <linux/string.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
++#include "aacraid.h"
++#include "fwdebug.h"
++ * Debug flags to be put into the HBA flags field when initialized
++ */
++const unsigned long aac_debug_flags = /* Variable to setup with above flags. */
++int aac_get_fw_debug_buffer(struct aac_dev * dev)
++if (nblank(fwprintf(x))) {
++ u32 MonDriverBufferPhysAddrLow = 0;
++ u32 MonDriverBufferPhysAddrHigh = 0;
++ u32 MonDriverBufferSize = 0;
++ u32 MonDriverHeaderSize = 0;
++ u32 ReturnStatus = 0;
++ /*
++ * Initialize the firmware print buffer fields
++ */
++ dev->FwDebugBuffer_P = NULL;
++ dev->FwDebugFlags_P = NULL;
++ dev->FwDebugStrLength_P = NULL;
++ dev->FwDebugBLEDvalue_P = NULL;
++ dev->FwDebugBLEDflag_P = NULL;
++ dev->FwDebugBufferSize = 0;
++ dev->FwDebugFlags = 0;
++ dev->DebugFlags = 0;
++ /*
++ * Get the firmware print buffer parameters from the firmware
++ * If the command was successful map in the address.
++ */
++ if (!aac_adapter_sync_cmd(dev, GET_DRIVER_BUFFER_PROPERTIES,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ &ReturnStatus,
++ &MonDriverBufferPhysAddrLow,
++ &MonDriverBufferPhysAddrHigh,
++ &MonDriverBufferSize,
++ &MonDriverHeaderSize) && MonDriverBufferSize) {
++ unsigned long Offset = MonDriverBufferPhysAddrLow
++ - (dev->scsi_host_ptr->base & 0xffffffff);
++ /*
++ * See if the address is already mapped in and if so set it up
++ * from the base address
++ */
++ if (((u32)(((u64)dev->scsi_host_ptr->base) >> 32)
++ == MonDriverBufferPhysAddrHigh)
++ && ((Offset + MonDriverBufferSize) < dev->base_size))
++ dev->FwDebugBuffer_P
++ = ((unsigned char *)dev-> + Offset);
++ /*
++ * If mapping went well, Set up the debug buffer fields in the
++ * HBA structure from the data returned
++ */
++ if (dev->FwDebugBuffer_P != NULL) {
++ dev->FwDebugFlags_P
++ = (u32 *)(dev->FwDebugBuffer_P
++ dev->FwDebugStrLength_P
++ = (u32 *)(dev->FwDebugBuffer_P
++ dev->FwDebugBLEDvalue_P
++ = dev->FwDebugBuffer_P
++ dev->FwDebugBLEDflag_P
++ = dev->FwDebugBLEDvalue_P + 1;
++ dev->FwDebugBufferSize = MonDriverBufferSize;
++ dev->FwDebugBuffer_P += MonDriverHeaderSize;
++ dev->FwDebugFlags = 0;
++ dev->DebugFlags = aac_debug_flags;
++ return 1;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * The GET_DRIVER_BUFFER_PROPERTIES command failed
++ */
++ return 0;
++#define PRINT_TIMEOUT (HZ/4) /* 1/4 second */
++void aac_fw_printf(struct aac_dev * dev, unsigned long PrintFlags, const char * fmt, ...)
++if (nblank(fwprintf(x))) {
++ va_list args;
++ u32 Count;
++ unsigned long next_jiffies;
++ char PrintBuffer_P[PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE];
++ if ((((PrintFlags
++ && (dev != NULL)
++ && ((dev->DebugFlags & PrintFlags) == 0))
++ || ((dev != NULL) && (dev->DebugFlags
++ return;
++ /*
++ * Set up parameters and call sprintf function to format the data
++ */
++ va_start(args, fmt);
++ vsprintf(PrintBuffer_P, fmt, args);
++ va_end(args);
++ /*
++ * Make sure the HBA structure has been passed in for this section
++ */
++ if ((dev != NULL) && (dev->FwDebugBufferSize)) {
++ /*
++ * If we are set up for a Firmware print
++ */
++ if ((dev->DebugFlags & HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B)
++ && ((PrintFlags
++ /*
++ * Make sure the string size is within boundaries
++ */
++ Count = strlen(PrintBuffer_P);
++ if (Count > dev->FwDebugBufferSize)
++ Count = (u16)dev->FwDebugBufferSize;
++ /*
++ * Wait for no more than PRINT_TIMEOUT for the previous
++ * message length to clear (the handshake).
++ */
++ next_jiffies = jiffies + PRINT_TIMEOUT;
++ while ((next_jiffies - jiffies) >= 0) {
++ if (!(*dev->FwDebugStrLength_P))
++ break;
++ schedule();
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the Length is clear, copy over the message, the
++ * flags, and the length. Make sure the length is the
++ * last because that is the signal for the Firmware to
++ * pick it up.
++ */
++ if (!(*dev->FwDebugStrLength_P)) {
++ memcpy(dev->FwDebugBuffer_P,
++ PrintBuffer_P, Count);
++ *dev->FwDebugFlags_P = cpu_to_le32(dev->FwDebugFlags);
++ *dev->FwDebugStrLength_P = cpu_to_le32(Count);
++ } else
++ dev->DebugFlags &= ~HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the Kernel Debug Print flag is set, send it off to the
++ * Kernel debugger
++ */
++ if ((dev->DebugFlags & HBA_FLAGS_DBG_KERNEL_PRINT_B)
++ && ((PrintFlags
++ if (dev->FwDebugFlags & FW_DEBUG_FLAGS_NO_HEADERS_B)
++ printk ("%s", PrintBuffer_P);
++ else
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s: %s\n",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->hostt->proc_name,
++ PrintBuffer_P);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * No HBA structure passed in so it has to be for the Kernel Debugger
++ */
++ else if ((PrintFlags
++ if ((dev != NULL)
++ && (dev->FwDebugFlags & FW_DEBUG_FLAGS_NO_HEADERS_B))
++ printk ("%s", PrintBuffer_P);
++ else if (dev != NULL)
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s: %s\n",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->hostt->proc_name,
++ PrintBuffer_P);
++ else
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", PrintBuffer_P);
++ }
++void aac_fw_print_mem(struct aac_dev * dev, unsigned long PrintFlags, u8 * Addr, int Count)
++if (nblank(fwprintf(x))) {
++ int Offset, i;
++ u32 DebugFlags = 0;
++ char Buffer[100];
++ char * LineBuffer_P;
++ /*
++ * If we have an HBA structure, save off the flags and set the no
++ * headers flag so we don't have garbage between our lines of data
++ */
++ if (dev != NULL) {
++ DebugFlags = dev->FwDebugFlags;
++ dev->FwDebugFlags |= FW_DEBUG_FLAGS_NO_HEADERS_B;
++ }
++ Offset = 0;
++ /*
++ * Loop through all the data
++ */
++ while (Offset < Count) {
++ /*
++ * We will format each line into a buffer and then print out
++ * the entire line so set the pointer to the beginning of the
++ * buffer
++ */
++ LineBuffer_P = Buffer;
++ /*
++ * Set up the address in HEX
++ */
++ sprintf(LineBuffer_P, "\n%04x ", Offset);
++ LineBuffer_P += 6;
++ /*
++ * Set up 16 bytes in HEX format
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
++ /*
++ * If we are past the count of data bytes to output,
++ * pad with blanks
++ */
++ sprintf (LineBuffer_P,
++ (((Offset + i) >= Count) ? " " : "%02x "),
++ Addr[Offset + i]);
++ LineBuffer_P += 3;
++ /*
++ * At the mid point we will put in a divider
++ */
++ if (i == 7) {
++ sprintf (LineBuffer_P, "- ");
++ LineBuffer_P += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Now do the same 16 bytes at the end of the line in ASCII
++ * format
++ */
++ sprintf (LineBuffer_P, " ");
++ LineBuffer_P += 2;
++ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
++ /*
++ * If all data processed, OUT-O-HERE
++ */
++ if ((Offset + i) >= Count)
++ break;
++ /*
++ * If this is a printable ASCII character, convert it
++ */
++ sprintf (LineBuffer_P,
++ (((Addr[Offset + i] > 0x1F)
++ && (Addr[Offset + i] < 0x7F))
++ ? "%c"
++ : "."), Addr[Offset + i]);
++ ++LineBuffer_P;
++ }
++ /*
++ * The line is now formatted, so print it out
++ */
++ aac_fw_printf(dev, PrintFlags, "%s", Buffer);
++ /*
++ * Bump the offset by 16 for the next line
++ */
++ Offset += 16;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Restore the saved off flags
++ */
++ if (dev != NULL)
++ dev->FwDebugFlags = DebugFlags;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/csmi.h 2004-12-17 15:54:52.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
++ * Adaptec AAC series RAID controller driver
++ * (c) Copyright 2004 Adaptec, Inc
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2004 Adaptec, Inc. (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
++ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
++ *
++ * Module Name:
++ * csmi.h
++ *
++ * Abstract: All CSMI IOCTL definitions are here
++ */
++ * This file is based on the following CSMI revision
++ */
++ * IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ */
++#define CSMI_SAS_NO_SATA_DEVICE 2009
++ * Status.uStatus
++ */
++ * Status.uOfflineReason
++ */
++ * IoctlHeader.ControlCode
++ */
++ * Parameters.uFlags
++ */
++#define CSMI_SAS_STP_READ 0x00000001
++#define CSMI_SAS_STP_DMA 0x00000020
++#define CSMI_SAS_STP_DMA_QUEUED 0x00000080
++#define CSMI_SAS_STP_RESET_DEVICE 0x00000200
++ * Status.bConnectionStatus
++ */
++ * Configuration.bIoBusType
++ */
++ * Configuration.bControllerClass
++ */
++ * Configuration.uControllerFlags
++ */
++#define CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_SAS_HBA 0x00000001
++#define CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_SAS_RAID 0x00000002
++#define CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_SATA_HBA 0x00000004
++#define CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_SATA_RAID 0x00000008
++ * Configuration.usSlotNumber
++ */
++ * CSMI ioctl commands
++ */
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_DRIVER_INFO 0xCC770001
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_RAID_INFO 0xCC77000A
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_PHY_INFO 0xCC770014
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_SET_PHY_INFO 0xCC770015
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_LINK_ERRORS 0xCC770016
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_SSP_PASSTHRU 0xCC770017
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_SMP_PASSTHRU 0xCC770018
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_STP_PASSTHRU 0xCC770019
++#define CC_CSMI_SAS_PHY_CONTROL 0xCC77003C
++typedef struct {
++ u32 IOControllerNumber;
++ u32 Length;
++ u32 ReturnCode;
++ u32 Timeout;
++ u16 Direction;
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u16 Reserved[3];
++typedef struct {
++ u8 szName[81];
++ u8 szDescription[81];
++ u16 usMajorRevision;
++ u16 usMinorRevision;
++ u16 usBuildRevision;
++ u16 usReleaseRevision;
++ u16 usCSMIMajorRevision;
++ u16 usCSMIMinorRevision;
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u16 usReserved;
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++ CSMI_SAS_DRIVER_INFO Information;
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bBusNumber;
++ u8 bDeviceNumber;
++ u8 bFunctionNumber;
++ u8 bReserved;
++typedef union {
++ u8 bReserved[32];
++typedef struct {
++ u32 uBaseIoAddress;
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u32 uReserved;
++ struct {
++ u32 uLowPart;
++ u32 uHighPart;
++ } BaseMemoryAddress;
++ u32 uBoardID;
++ u16 usSlotNumber;
++ u8 bControllerClass;
++ u8 bIoBusType;
++ u8 szSerialNumber[81];
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u8 bReserve;
++ u16 usMajorRevision;
++ u16 usMinorRevision;
++ u16 usBuildRevision;
++ u16 usReleaseRevision;
++ u16 usBIOSMajorRevision;
++ u16 usBIOSMinorRevision;
++ u16 usBIOSBuildRevision;
++ u16 usBIOSReleaseRevision;
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u16 usReserved;
++ u32 uControllerFlags;
++ u16 usRromMajorRevision;
++ u16 usRromMinorRevision;
++ u16 usRromBuildRevision;
++ u16 usRromReleaseRevision;
++ u16 usRromBIOSMajorRevision;
++ u16 usRromBIOSMinorRevision;
++ u16 usRromBIOSBuildRevision;
++ u16 usRromBIOSReleaseRevision;
++ u8 bReserved[7];
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u8 bReserved1;
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++ CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_CONFIG Configuration;
++typedef struct {
++ u32 uStatus;
++ u32 uOfflineReason;
++ u8 bReserved[28];
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u8 bReserved[4];
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++typedef struct {
++ u8 pPhyIdentifier;
++ u8 bReserved[3];
++ u8 bSignatureFIS[20];
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++typedef struct {
++ u32 uNumRaidSets;
++ u32 uMaxDrivesPerSet;
++ u8 bReserved[92];
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u8 bReserved1[4];
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++ CSMI_SAS_RAID_INFO Information;
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bModel[40];
++ u8 bFirmware[8];
++ u8 bSerialNumber[40];
++ u8 bSASAddress[8];
++ u8 bSASLun[8];
++ u8 bDriveStatus;
++ u8 bDriveUsage;
++ u8 bReserved[30];
++typedef struct {
++ u32 uRaidSetIndex;
++ u32 uCapacity;
++ u32 uStripeSize;
++ u8 bRaidType;
++ u8 bStatus;
++ u8 bInformation;
++ u8 bDriveCount;
++ u8 bReserved[20];
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u8 bReserved1[4];
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++ CSMI_SAS_RAID_CONFIG Configuration;
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bDeviceType;
++ u8 bRestricted;
++ u8 bInitiatorPortProtocol;
++ u8 bTargetPortProtocol;
++ u8 bRestricted2[8];
++ u8 bSASAddress[8];
++ u8 bPhyIdentifier;
++ u8 bSignalClass;
++ u8 bReserved[6];
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u8 bReserved1[4];
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bPortIdentifier;
++ u8 bNegotiatedLinkRate;
++ u8 bMinimumLinkRate;
++ u8 bMaximumLinkRate;
++ u8 bPhyChangeCount;
++ u8 bAutoDiscover;
++ u8 bReserved[2];
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bNumberofPhys;
++ u8 bReserved[3];
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u8 bReserved1[4];
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++ CSMI_SAS_PHY_INFO Information;
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bPhyIdentifier;
++ u8 bNegotiatedLinkRate;
++ u8 bProgrammedMinimumLinkRate;
++ u8 bProgrammedMaximumLinkRate;
++ u8 bSignalClass;
++ u8 bReserved[3];
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++ CSMI_SAS_SET_PHY_INFO Information;
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bPhyIdentifier;
++ u8 bPortIdentifier;
++ u8 bConnectionRate;
++ u8 bReserved;
++ u8 bDestinationSASAddress[8];
++ u8 bReserved2[4];
++ u8 bCommandFIS[20];
++ u32 uFlags;
++ u32 uDataLength;
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u32 uReserved;
++typedef struct {
++ u8 bConnectionStatus;
++ u8 bReserved[3];
++ u8 bStatusFIS[20];
++ u32 uSCR[16];
++ u32 uDataBytes;
++#if (defined(CSMI_8_BYTE_ALIGNED))
++ u32 uReserved;
++typedef struct {
++ IOCTL_HEADER IoctlHeader;
++ u8 bDataBuffer[1];
++int aac_csmi_ioctl(struct aac_dev *, int, void __user *);
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/dpcsup.c 2005-04-27 16:46:03.000000000 +0400
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/version.h>
+ #include "aacraid.h"
+@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ unsigned int aac_response_normal(struct
+ int fast;
+ u32 index = le32_to_cpu(entry->addr);
+ fast = index & 0x01;
+- fib = &dev->fibs[index >> 1];
++ fib = &dev->fibs[index >> 2];
+ hwfib = fib->hw_fib;
+ aac_consumer_free(dev, q, HostNormRespQueue);
+@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ unsigned int aac_response_normal(struct
+ /*
+ * Doctor the fib
+ */
+- *(u32 *)hwfib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
++ *(__le32 *)hwfib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
+ hwfib->header.XferState |= cpu_to_le32(AdapterProcessed);
+ }
+@@ -134,8 +135,12 @@ unsigned int aac_response_normal(struct
+ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, flags);
+ }
+- if (consumed > aac_config.peak_fibs)
++ if (consumed > aac_config.peak_fibs) {
+ aac_config.peak_fibs = consumed;
++ printk("peak_fibs=%d\n", aac_config.peak_fibs);
++ }
+ if (consumed == 0)
+ aac_config.zero_fibs++;
+@@ -174,17 +179,27 @@ unsigned int aac_command_normal(struct a
+ u32 index;
+ struct fib *fib = &fibctx;
+- index = le32_to_cpu(entry->addr) / sizeof(struct hw_fib);
+- hw_fib = &dev->aif_base_va[index];
+ /*
+- * Allocate a FIB at all costs. For non queued stuff
++ * Allocate a FIB. For non queued stuff
+ * we can just use the stack so we are happy. We need
+ * a fib object in order to manage the linked lists
+ */
+- if (dev->aif_thread)
+- if((fib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib), GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL)
++ if (dev->aif_thread) {
++ /* Limit the number we retreive from fib pool */
++ struct list_head * each;
++ int i = (le32_to_cpu(dev->init->AdapterFibsSize) / sizeof(struct hw_fib)) - 1;
++ list_for_each(each, &(q->cmdq))
++ if (--i <= 0)
++ break;
++ if ((i <= 0) || (!(fib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib),GFP_ATOMIC))))
+ fib = &fibctx;
++ }
++ index = le32_to_cpu(entry->addr) / sizeof(struct hw_fib);
++#if 0
++ printk(KERN_INFO "index=%d or %d\n", index,
++ le32_to_cpu(entry->addr / sizeof(struct hw_fib)));
++ hw_fib = &dev->aif_base_va[index];
+ memset(fib, 0, sizeof(struct fib));
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fib->fiblink);
+@@ -205,7 +220,7 @@ unsigned int aac_command_normal(struct a
+ /*
+ * Set the status of this FIB
+ */
+- *(u32 *)hw_fib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
++ *(__le32 *)hw_fib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
+ fib_adapter_complete(fib, sizeof(u32));
+ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, flags);
+ }
+@@ -213,3 +228,139 @@ unsigned int aac_command_normal(struct a
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, flags);
+ return 0;
+ }
++ * aac_intr_normal - Handle command replies
++ * @dev: Device
++ * @index: completion reference
++ *
++ * This DPC routine will be run when the adapter interrupts us to let us
++ * know there is a response on our normal priority queue. We will pull off
++ * all QE there are and wake up all the waiters before exiting.
++ */
++unsigned int aac_intr_normal(struct aac_dev * dev, u32 Index)
++ u32 index = le32_to_cpu(Index);
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO "aac_intr_normal(%p,%x)\n", dev, Index));
++ if ((index & 0x00000002L)) {
++ struct hw_fib * hw_fib;
++ struct fib * fib;
++ struct aac_queue *q = &dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue];
++ unsigned long flags;
++ if (index == 0xFFFFFFFEL) /* Special Case */
++ return 0; /* Do nothing */
++ /*
++ * Allocate a FIB. For non queued stuff we can just use
++ * the stack so we are happy. We need a fib object in order to
++ * manage the linked lists.
++ */
++ if ((!dev->aif_thread)
++ || (!(fib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib),GFP_ATOMIC))))
++ return 1;
++ if (!(hw_fib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hw_fib),GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ kfree (fib);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ memset(hw_fib, 0, sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ memcpy(hw_fib, (struct hw_fib *)(((char *)(dev-> + (index & ~0x00000002L)), sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ memset(fib, 0, sizeof(struct fib));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fib->fiblink);
++ fib->type = FSAFS_NTC_FIB_CONTEXT;
++ fib->size = sizeof(struct fib);
++ fib->hw_fib = hw_fib;
++ fib->data = hw_fib->data;
++ fib->dev = dev;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, flags);
++ list_add_tail(&fib->fiblink, &q->cmdq);
++ wake_up_interruptible(&q->cmdready);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, flags);
++ return 1;
++ } else {
++ int fast = index & 0x01;
++ struct fib * fib = &dev->fibs[index >> 2];
++ struct hw_fib * hwfib = fib->hw_fib;
++ /*
++ * Remove this fib from the Outstanding I/O queue.
++ * But only if it has not already been timed out.
++ *
++ * If the fib has been timed out already, then just
++ * continue. The caller has already been notified that
++ * the fib timed out.
++ */
++ if ((fib->flags & FIB_CONTEXT_FLAG_TIMED_OUT)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid: FIB timeout (%x).\n", fib->flags);
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: hwfib=%p index=%i fib=%p\n",hwfib, hwfib->header.SenderData,fib);
++ return 0;
++ }
++#if 0
++ if (fib->queue.prev == NULL)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "aacraid: empty fib %d list prev\n", index >> 1);
++#if (defined(LIST_POISON2))
++ else if (fib->queue.prev == LIST_POISON2)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "aacraid: poison fib %d list prev\n", index >> 1);
++ if (fib-> == NULL)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "aacraid: empty fib %d list next\n", index >> 1);
++#if (defined(LIST_POISON1))
++ else if (fib-> == LIST_POISON1)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "aacraid: poison fib %d list next\n", index >> 1);
++ else if ((fib->queue.prev != NULL)
++#if (defined(LIST_POISON2))
++ && (fib->queue.prev != LIST_POISON2)
++ )
++ list_del(&fib->queue);
++ dev->queues->queue[AdapNormCmdQueue].numpending--;
++ if (fast) {
++ /*
++ * Doctor the fib
++ */
++ *(__le32 *)hwfib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
++ hwfib->header.XferState |= cpu_to_le32(AdapterProcessed);
++ }
++ FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(aac_config.FibRecved);
++ if (hwfib->header.Command == cpu_to_le16(NuFileSystem))
++ {
++ u32 *pstatus = (u32 *)hwfib->data;
++ if (*pstatus & cpu_to_le32(0xffff0000))
++ *pstatus = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
++ }
++ if (hwfib->header.XferState & cpu_to_le32(NoResponseExpected | Async))
++ {
++ if (hwfib->header.XferState & cpu_to_le32(NoResponseExpected))
++ FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(aac_config.NoResponseRecved);
++ else
++ FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(aac_config.AsyncRecved);
++ /*
++ * NOTE: we cannot touch the fib after this
++ * call, because it may have been deallocated.
++ */
++ fib->callback(fib->callback_data, fib);
++ } else {
++ unsigned long flagv;
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO "event_wait up\n"));
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&fib->event_lock, flagv);
++ fib->done = 1;
++ up(&fib->event_wait);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fib->event_lock, flagv);
++ FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(aac_config.NormalRecved);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/Makefile 2005-04-21 15:27:23.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,8 +1,114 @@
+ # Adaptec aacraid
++AAC_FLAGS := $(shell if [ ! -d ${TOPDIR}/drivers/scsi/aacraid ] ; then \
++ echo --error_Please_build_this_driver_in_the_Linux_Kernel_tree ; \
++AAC_FLAGS += $(shell if [ -s ${TOPDIR}/drivers/scsi/hosts.h ] ; then \
++ if grep vary_io ${TOPDIR}/drivers/scsi/hosts.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \
++ echo -DSCSI_HAS_VARY_IO ; \
++ fi ; \
++AAC_FLAGS += $(shell if [ -s ${TOPDIR}/include/linux/delay.h ] ; then \
++ if grep ssleep ${TOPDIR}/include/linux/delay.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \
++ echo -DSCSI_HAS_SSLEEP ; \
++ fi ; \
++AAC_FLAGS += $(shell if [ -s ${TOPDIR}/include/scsi/scsi_device.h ] ; then \
++ if grep scsi_device_online ${TOPDIR}/include/scsi/scsi_device.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \
++ fi ; \
++AAC_FLAGS += $(shell if [ -s ${TOPDIR}/include/scsi/scsi_host.h ] ; then \
++ if grep dump_poll ${TOPDIR}/include/scsi/scsi_host.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \
++ echo -DSCSI_HAS_DUMP ; \
++ fi ; \
++AAC_FLAGS += $(shell if [ -s ${TOPDIR}/include/scsi/scsi_host.h ] ; then \
++ if grep dump_sanity_check ${TOPDIR}/include/scsi/scsi_host.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \
++ fi ; \
++AAC_FLAGS += $(shell if [ -s ${TOPDIR}/include/linux/types.h ] ; then \
++ if grep __bitwise ${TOPDIR}/include/linux/types.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \
++ echo -DHAS_BITWISE_TYPE ; \
++ fi ; \
++ifeq (${VERSION},2) # 2.x.x
++ifeq (${PATCHLEVEL},2) # 2.2.x
++CFILES_DRIVER=linit.c aachba.c commctrl.c comminit.c commsup.c \
++ dpcsup.c rx.c sa.c rkt.c fwdebug.c csmi.c
++IFILES_DRIVER=aacraid.h compat.h
++GCCMACHINE:=$(shell ls -d /usr/lib/gcc-lib/*/${GCCVERSION} | sed -n 1s@/${GCCVERSION}@@p)
++INCS=-I. -I.. -I../../../include -I/usr/src/linux/include -I/usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi
++INCS=-nostdinc -I${GCCMACHINE}/${GCCVERSION}/include -I. -I..
++WARNINGS= -w -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-switch -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-implicit
++ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes \
++ ${INCS} \
++ ${WARNINGS} \
++ -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
++.SUFFIXES: .c .o .h .a
++all: source ${TARGET_OFILES} aacraid.o
++modules: all
++source: ${ALL_SOURCE}
++ rm *.o
++aacraid.o: source ${TARGET_OFILES}
++ ld -r -o $@ $(TARGET_OFILES)
++ cp -r aacraid.o ../
++endif # 2.2.x
++ifeq (${PATCHLEVEL},4) # 2.4.x
++O_TARGET := aacraid.o
++obj-m := $(O_TARGET)
++obj-y := linit.o aachba.o commctrl.o comminit.o commsup.o \
++ dpcsup.o rx.o sa.o rkt.o fwdebug.o csmi.o
++include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
++endif # 2.4.x
++ifeq (${PATCHLEVEL},6) # 2.6.x
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_AACRAID) := aacraid.o
+ aacraid-objs := linit.o aachba.o commctrl.o comminit.o commsup.o \
+- dpcsup.o rx.o sa.o rkt.o
++ dpcsup.o rx.o sa.o rkt.o fwdebug.o csmi.o
++EXTRA_CFLAGS := -Idrivers/scsi ${EXTRA_FLAGS} ${AAC_FLAGS}
++endif # 2.6.x
+-EXTRA_CFLAGS := -Idrivers/scsi
++endif # 2.x.x
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/rkt.c 2005-04-27 16:47:24.000000000 +0400
+@@ -40,111 +40,91 @@
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/version.h> /* Needed for the following */
++#if (!defined(IRQ_NONE))
++ typedef void irqreturn_t;
++# define IRQ_HANDLED
++# define IRQ_NONE
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include "aacraid.h"
+ static irqreturn_t aac_rkt_intr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
+ struct aac_dev *dev = dev_id;
+- unsigned long bellbits;
+- u8 intstat, mask;
+- intstat = rkt_readb(dev, MUnit.OISR);
+- /*
+- * Read mask and invert because drawbridge is reversed.
+- * This allows us to only service interrupts that have
+- * been enabled.
+- */
+- mask = ~(dev->OIMR);
+- /* Check to see if this is our interrupt. If it isn't just return */
+- if (intstat & mask)
+- {
+- bellbits = rkt_readl(dev, OutboundDoorbellReg);
+- if (bellbits & DoorBellPrintfReady) {
+- aac_printf(dev, le32_to_cpu(rkt_readl (dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[5])));
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellPrintfReady);
+- rkt_writel(dev, InboundDoorbellReg,DoorBellPrintfDone);
+- }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady) {
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady);
+- aac_command_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue]);
+- }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady) {
+- aac_response_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormRespQueue]);
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady);
+- }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull) {
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface) {
++ u32 Index = rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue);
++ if (Index == 0xFFFFFFFFL)
++ Index = rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue);
++ if (Index != 0xFFFFFFFFL) {
++ do {
++ if (aac_intr_normal(dev, Index)) {
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue, Index);
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady);
++ }
++ Index = rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue);
++ } while (Index != 0xFFFFFFFFL);
++ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull) {
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull);
++ } else {
++ unsigned long bellbits;
++ u8 intstat;
++ intstat = rkt_readb(dev, MUnit.OISR);
++ /*
++ * Read mask and invert because drawbridge is reversed.
++ * This allows us to only service interrupts that have
++ * been enabled.
++ * Check to see if this is our interrupt. If it isn't just return
++ */
++ if (intstat & ~(dev->OIMR))
++ {
++ bellbits = rkt_readl(dev, OutboundDoorbellReg);
++ if (bellbits & DoorBellPrintfReady) {
++ aac_printf(dev, rkt_readl (dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[5]));
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellPrintfReady);
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundDoorbellReg,DoorBellPrintfDone);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady) {
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady);
++ aac_command_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue]);
++// rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady) {
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady);
++ aac_response_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormRespQueue]);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull) {
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull) {
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull);
++ }
++ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+- return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+ return IRQ_NONE;
+ }
+ /**
+- * aac_rkt_enable_interrupt - Enable event reporting
++ * aac_rkt_disable_interrupt - Disable interrupts
+ * @dev: Adapter
+- * @event: Event to enable
+- *
+- * Enable event reporting from the i960 for a given event.
+ */
+-static void aac_rkt_enable_interrupt(struct aac_dev * dev, u32 event)
+- switch (event) {
+- case HostNormCmdQue:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_1);
+- break;
+- case HostNormRespQue:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_2);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormCmdNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_3);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormRespNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_4);
+- break;
+- }
+- * aac_rkt_disable_interrupt - Disable event reporting
+- * @dev: Adapter
+- * @event: Event to enable
+- *
+- * Disable event reporting from the i960 for a given event.
+- */
+-static void aac_rkt_disable_interrupt(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event)
++static void aac_rkt_disable_interrupt(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- switch (event) {
+- case HostNormCmdQue:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_1);
+- break;
+- case HostNormRespQue:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_2);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormCmdNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_3);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormRespNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_4);
+- break;
+- }
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xff);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -154,25 +134,31 @@ static void aac_rkt_disable_interrupt(st
+ * @p1: first parameter
+ * @ret: adapter status
+ *
+- * This routine will send a synchronous comamnd to the adapter and wait
++ * This routine will send a synchronous command to the adapter and wait
+ * for its completion.
+ */
+-static int rkt_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command, u32 p1, u32 *status)
++static int rkt_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command,
++ u32 p1, u32 p2, u32 p3, u32 p4, u32 p5, u32 p6,
++ u32 *status, u32 *r1, u32 *r2, u32 *r3, u32 *r4)
+ {
+ unsigned long start;
+ int ok;
+ /*
+ * Write the command into Mailbox 0
+ */
+- rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox0, cpu_to_le32(command));
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox0, command);
+ /*
+- * Write the parameters into Mailboxes 1 - 4
++ * Write the parameters into Mailboxes 1 - 6
+ */
+- rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox1, cpu_to_le32(p1));
+- rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox2, 0);
+- rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox3, 0);
+- rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox4, 0);
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox1, p1);
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox2, p2);
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox3, p3);
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox4, p4);
++#if (defined(AAC_LM_SENSOR))
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox5, p5);
++ rkt_writel(dev, InboundMailbox6, p6);
+ /*
+ * Clear the synch command doorbell to start on a clean slate.
+ */
+@@ -180,7 +166,7 @@ static int rkt_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *
+ /*
+ * Disable doorbell interrupts
+ */
+- rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR |= 0x04);
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xff);
+ /*
+ * Force the completion of the mask register write before issuing
+ * the interrupt.
+@@ -221,13 +207,25 @@ static int rkt_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *
+ /*
+ * Restore interrupt mask even though we timed out
+ */
+- rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR &= 0xfb);
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface)
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xf7);
++ else
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ return -ETIMEDOUT;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Pull the synch status from Mailbox 0.
+ */
+- *status = le32_to_cpu(rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[0]));
++ if (status)
++ *status = rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[0]);
++ if (r1)
++ *r1 = rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[1]);
++ if (r2)
++ *r2 = rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[2]);
++ if (r3)
++ *r3 = rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[3]);
++ if (r4)
++ *r4 = rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[4]);
+ /*
+ * Clear the synch command doorbell.
+ */
+@@ -235,7 +233,10 @@ static int rkt_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *
+ /*
+ * Restore interrupt mask
+ */
+- rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR &= 0xfb);
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface)
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xf7);
++ else
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -249,8 +250,8 @@ static int rkt_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *
+ static void aac_rkt_interrupt_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- u32 ret;
+- rkt_sync_cmd(dev, BREAKPOINT_REQUEST, 0, &ret);
++ rkt_sync_cmd(dev, BREAKPOINT_REQUEST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -279,7 +280,8 @@ static void aac_rkt_notify_adapter(struc
+ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.IDR,INBOUNDDOORBELL_3);
+ break;
+ case HostShutdown:
+-// rkt_sync_cmd(dev, HOST_CRASHING, 0, 0, 0, 0, &ret);
++// rkt_sync_cmd(dev, HOST_CRASHING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ break;
+ case FastIo:
+ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.IDR,INBOUNDDOORBELL_6);
+@@ -302,27 +304,13 @@ static void aac_rkt_notify_adapter(struc
+ static void aac_rkt_start_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- u32 status;
+ struct aac_init *init;
+ init = dev->init;
+ init->HostElapsedSeconds = cpu_to_le32(get_seconds());
+- /*
+- * Tell the adapter we are back and up and running so it will scan
+- * its command queues and enable our interrupts
+- */
+- /*
+- * First clear out all interrupts. Then enable the one's that we
+- * can handle.
+- */
+- rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, 0xff);
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, 0xffffffff);
+-// rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, ~(u8)OUTBOUND_DOORBELL_INTERRUPT_MASK);
+- rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ // We can only use a 32 bit address here
+- rkt_sync_cmd(dev, INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS, (u32)(ulong)dev->init_pa, &status);
++ rkt_sync_cmd(dev, INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS, (u32)(ulong)dev->init_pa,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -334,7 +322,7 @@ static void aac_rkt_start_adapter(struct
+ */
+ static int aac_rkt_check_health(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- long status = rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[7]);
++ u32 status = rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OMRx[0]);
+ /*
+ * Check to see if the board failed any self tests.
+@@ -344,34 +332,43 @@ static int aac_rkt_check_health(struct a
+ /*
+ * Check to see if the board panic'd.
+ */
+- if (status & KERNEL_PANIC)
+- {
+- char * buffer = kmalloc(512, GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_DMA);
++ if (status & KERNEL_PANIC) {
++ char * buffer;
+ struct POSTSTATUS {
+- u32 Post_Command;
+- u32 Post_Address;
+- } * post = kmalloc(sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS), GFP_KERNEL);
+- dma_addr_t paddr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, post, sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS), 2);
+- dma_addr_t baddr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, buffer, 512, 1);
+- u32 status = -1;
+- int ret = -2;
+- memset(buffer, 0, 512);
+- post->Post_Command = cpu_to_le32(COMMAND_POST_RESULTS);
+- post->Post_Address = cpu_to_le32(baddr);
+- rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.IMRx[0], cpu_to_le32(paddr));
+- rkt_sync_cmd(dev, COMMAND_POST_RESULTS, baddr, &status);
+- pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, paddr, sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS),2);
+- kfree(post);
+- if ((buffer[0] == '0') && (buffer[1] == 'x')) {
+- ret = (buffer[2] <= '9') ? (buffer[2] - '0') : (buffer[2] - 'A' + 10);
+- ret <<= 4;
+- ret += (buffer[3] <= '9') ? (buffer[3] - '0') : (buffer[3] - 'A' + 10);
++ __le32 Post_Command;
++ __le32 Post_Address;
++ } * post;
++ dma_addr_t paddr, baddr;
++ int ret;
++ if ((status & 0xFF000000L) == 0xBC000000L)
++ return (status >> 16) & 0xFF;
++ buffer = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev, 512, &baddr);
++ ret = -2;
++ if (buffer == NULL)
++ return ret;
++ post = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev,
++ sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS), &paddr);
++ if (post == NULL) {
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, 512, buffer, baddr);
++ return ret;
+ }
+- pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, baddr, 512, 1);
+- kfree(buffer);
+- return ret;
+- }
++ memset(buffer, 0, 512);
++ post->Post_Command = cpu_to_le32(COMMAND_POST_RESULTS);
++ post->Post_Address = cpu_to_le32(baddr);
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.IMRx[0], paddr);
++ rkt_sync_cmd(dev, COMMAND_POST_RESULTS, baddr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS),
++ post, paddr);
++ if ((buffer[0] == '0') && (buffer[1] == 'x')) {
++ ret = (buffer[2] <= '9') ? (buffer[2] - '0') : (buffer[2] - 'A' + 10);
++ ret <<= 4;
++ ret += (buffer[3] <= '9') ? (buffer[3] - '0') : (buffer[3] - 'A' + 10);
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, 512, buffer, baddr);
++ return ret;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Wait for the adapter to be up and running.
+ */
+@@ -384,6 +381,39 @@ static int aac_rkt_check_health(struct a
+ }
+ /**
++ * aac_rkt_send
++ * @fib: fib to issue
++ *
++ * Will send a fib, returning 0 if successful.
++ */
++static int aac_rkt_send(struct fib * fib)
++ u64 addr = fib->hw_fib_pa;
++ struct aac_dev *dev = fib->dev;
++ u32 * device = (u32 *)(dev->regs.rkt);
++ u32 Index;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "%p->aac_rkt_send(%p->%llx)\n", dev, fib, addr));
++ Index = rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.InboundQueue);
++ if (Index == 0xFFFFFFFFL)
++ Index = rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.InboundQueue);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "Index = 0x%x\n", Index));
++ if (Index == 0xFFFFFFFFL)
++ return Index;
++ device += Index / sizeof(u32);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "entry = %x %x %u\n", (u32)(addr & 0xffffffff),
++ (u32)(addr >> 32), (u32)le16_to_cpu(fib->hw_fib->header.Size)));
++ writel((u32)(addr & 0xffffffff), device);
++ ++device;
++ writel((u32)(addr >> 32), device);
++ ++device;
++ writel(le16_to_cpu(fib->hw_fib->header.Size), device);
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.InboundQueue, Index);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_rkt_send - return 0\n"));
++ return 0;
+ * aac_rkt_init - initialize an i960 based AAC card
+ * @dev: device to configure
+ *
+@@ -403,14 +433,6 @@ int aac_rkt_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ name = dev->name;
+ /*
+- * Map in the registers from the adapter.
+- */
+- if((dev->regs.rkt = (struct rkt_registers *)ioremap((unsigned long)dev->scsi_host_ptr->base, 8192))==NULL)
+- {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid: unable to map i960.\n" );
+- goto error_iounmap;
+- }
+- /*
+ * Check to see if the board failed any self tests.
+ */
+ if (rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OMRx[0]) & SELF_TEST_FAILED) {
+@@ -435,12 +457,13 @@ int aac_rkt_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ /*
+ * Wait for the adapter to be up and running. Wait up to 3 minutes
+ */
+- while (!(rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OMRx[0]) & KERNEL_UP_AND_RUNNING))
++ while (!(rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OMRx[0]) & KERNEL_UP_AND_RUNNING))
+ {
+ if(time_after(jiffies, start+180*HZ))
+ {
+- status = rkt_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[7]) >> 16;
+- printk(KERN_ERR "%s%d: adapter kernel failed to start, init status = %ld.\n", dev->name, instance, status);
++ status = rkt_readl(dev, MUnit.OMRx[0]);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "%s%d: adapter kernel failed to start, init status = %lx.\n",
++ dev->name, instance, status);
+ goto error_iounmap;
+ }
+ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+@@ -455,14 +478,43 @@ int aac_rkt_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ * Fill in the function dispatch table.
+ */
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_interrupt = aac_rkt_interrupt_adapter;
+- dev->a_ops.adapter_enable_int = aac_rkt_enable_interrupt;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_disable_int = aac_rkt_disable_interrupt;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_notify = aac_rkt_notify_adapter;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_sync_cmd = rkt_sync_cmd;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_check_health = aac_rkt_check_health;
++ dev->a_ops.adapter_send = aac_rkt_send;
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++ dev->a_ops.adapter_intr = aac_rkt_intr;
++ /*
++ * First clear out all interrupts. Then enable the one's that we
++ * can handle.
++ */
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, 0xff);
++ rkt_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, 0xffffffff);
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ if (aac_init_adapter(dev) == NULL)
+ goto error_irq;
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface) {
++ /*
++ * FIB Setup has already been done, but we can minimize the
++ * damage by at least ensuring the OS never issues more
++ * commands than we can handle. The Rocket adapters currently
++ * can only handle 246 commands and 8 AIFs at the same time,
++ * and in fact do notify us accordingly if we negotiate the
++ * FIB size. The problem that causes us to add this check is
++ * to ensure that we do not overdo it with the adapter when a
++ * hard coded FIB override is being utilized. This special
++ * case warrants this half baked, but convenient, check here.
++ */
++ if (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue > (246 - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB)) {
++ dev->init->MaxIoCommands = cpu_to_le32(246);
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue = 246 - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB;
++ }
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xf7);
++ }
+ /*
+ * Start any kernel threads needed
+ */
+@@ -483,10 +535,10 @@ error_kfree:
+ kfree(dev->queues);
+ error_irq:
++ rkt_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xff);
+ free_irq(dev->scsi_host_ptr->irq, (void *)dev);
+ error_iounmap:
+- iounmap(dev->regs.rkt);
+ return -1;
+ }
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/dkms.conf 2005-05-13 19:59:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++# Items below here should not have to change with each driver version
++MAKE[0]="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build modules"
++CLEAN="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build clean"
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/README 2005-04-21 00:11:43.000000000 +0400
+@@ -10,14 +10,24 @@ the original).
+ Supported Cards/Chipsets
+ -------------------------
+- AAR-2410SA SATA
++ Adaptec 2020S
++ Adaptec 2025S
+ Adaptec 2120S
++ Adaptec 2130S
+ Adaptec 2200S
+ Adaptec 2230S
++ Adaptec 2240S
++ Adaptec 2410SA
++ Adaptec 2610SA
++ Adaptec 2810SA
++ Adaptec 21610SA
+ Adaptec 3230S
+ Adaptec 3240S
++ Adaptec 4000SAS
++ Adaptec 4005SAS
++ Adaptec 4800SAS
++ Adaptec 4805SAS
+ Adaptec 5400S
+- ASR-2020S PCI-X
+ Dell PERC 2 Quad Channel
+ Dell PERC 2/Si
+ Dell PERC 3/Si
+@@ -26,6 +36,13 @@ Supported Cards/Chipsets
+ Legend S220
+ Legend S230
++ IBM ServeRAID 8i
++ ICP 9014R0
++ ICP 9024R0
++ ICP 9047MA
++ ICP 9087MA
++ ICP 9085LI
++ ICP 5085AU
+ People
+ -------------------------
+@@ -33,7 +50,7 @@ Alan Cox <>
+ Christoph Hellwig <> (updates for new-style PCI probing and SCSI host registration,
+ small cleanups/fixes)
+ Matt Domsch <> (revision ioctl, adapter messages)
+-Deanna Bonds <> (non-DASD support, PAE fibs and 64 bit, added new adaptec controllers
++Deanna Bonds (non-DASD support, PAE fibs and 64 bit, added new adaptec controllers
+ added new ioctls, changed scsi interface to use new error handler,
+ increased the number of fibs and outstanding commands to a container)
+@@ -49,7 +66,6 @@ Adaptec Unix OEM Product Group
+ Mailing List
+ -------------------------
+ (Interested parties troll here)
+- (Currently more Community Support than Devel Support)
+ Also note this is very different to Brian's original driver
+ so don't expect him to support it.
+ Adaptec does support this driver. Contact either tech support or Mark Salyzyn.
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/linit.c 2005-05-04 21:02:24.000000000 +0400
+@@ -27,25 +27,59 @@
+ * Abstract: Linux Driver entry module for Adaptec RAID Array Controller
+ */
+-#define AAC_DRIVER_VERSION "1.1.2-lk2"
++#define AAC_DRIVER_VERSION "1.1-5"
++#define AAC_DRIVER_BUILD_DATE __DATE__ " " __TIME__
+ #define AAC_DRIVERNAME "aacraid"
++#if (defined(AAC_DRIVER_BUILD))
++#define _str(x) #x
++#define str(x) _str(x)
++#if (defined(AAC_DRIVER_BRANCH))
++#if (defined(AAC_DRIVER_BRANCH))
++#include <linux/version.h> /* for the following test */
+ #include <linux/compat.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
+ #include <linux/pci.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #include <linux/syscalls.h>
+ #include <linux/ioctl32.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
+@@ -53,28 +87,49 @@
+ #include <scsi/scsi_tcq.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsicam.h>
+ #include <scsi/scsi_eh.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
++#include "sd.h"
++#include <linux/blk.h> /* for io_request_lock definition */
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) ? defined(__x86_64__) : defined(CONFIG_COMPAT))
++# include <asm-x86_64/ioctl32.h>
++# include <asm/ioctl32.h>
++# include <linux/ioctl32.h>
++ /* Cast the function, since sys_ioctl does not match */
++# define aac_ioctl32(x,y) register_ioctl32_conversion((x), \
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))(y))
++# include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <linux/reboot.h>
+ #include "aacraid.h"
++#include "fwdebug.h"
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Red Hat Inc and Adaptec");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Dell PERC2, 2/Si, 3/Si, 3/Di, "
+ "Adaptec Advanced Raid Products, "
+ "and HP NetRAID-4M SCSI driver");
+-int nondasd = -1;
+-module_param(nondasd, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
+-MODULE_PARM_DESC(nondasd, "Control scanning of hba for nondasd devices. 0=off, 1=on");
+-int paemode = -1;
+-module_param(paemode, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
+-MODULE_PARM_DESC(paemode, "Control whether dma addressing is using PAE. 0=off, 1=on");
+-struct aac_dev *aac_devices[MAXIMUM_NUM_ADAPTERS];
+-static unsigned aac_count;
+ static int aac_cfg_major = -1;
++char aac_driver_version[] = AAC_DRIVER_FULL_VERSION;
+ /*
+ * Because of the way Linux names scsi devices, the order in this table has
+@@ -83,44 +138,69 @@ static int aac_cfg_major = -1;
+ * Note: The last field is used to index into aac_drivers below.
+ */
+ static struct pci_device_id aac_pci_tbl[] = {
+- { 0x1028, 0x0001, 0x1028, 0x0001, 0, 0, 0 }, /* PERC 2/Si */
+- { 0x1028, 0x0002, 0x1028, 0x0002, 0, 0, 1 }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { 0x1028, 0x0003, 0x1028, 0x0003, 0, 0, 2 }, /* PERC 3/Si */
+- { 0x1028, 0x0004, 0x1028, 0x00d0, 0, 0, 3 }, /* PERC 3/Si */
+- { 0x1028, 0x0002, 0x1028, 0x00d1, 0, 0, 4 }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { 0x1028, 0x0002, 0x1028, 0x00d9, 0, 0, 5 }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { 0x1028, 0x000a, 0x1028, 0x0106, 0, 0, 6 }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { 0x1028, 0x000a, 0x1028, 0x011b, 0, 0, 7 }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { 0x1028, 0x000a, 0x1028, 0x0121, 0, 0, 8 }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0283, 0x9005, 0x0283, 0, 0, 9 }, /* catapult*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0284, 0x9005, 0x0284, 0, 0, 10 }, /* tomcat*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0286, 0, 0, 11 }, /* Adaptec 2120S (Crusader)*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0285, 0, 0, 12 }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan)*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0287, 0, 0, 13 }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan-2m)*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x17aa, 0x0286, 0, 0, 14 }, /* Legend S220*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x17aa, 0x0287, 0, 0, 15 }, /* Legend S230*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0288, 0, 0, 16 }, /* Adaptec 3230S (Harrier)*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0289, 0, 0, 17 }, /* Adaptec 3240S (Tornado)*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028a, 0, 0, 18 }, /* ASR-2020 ZCR PCI-X U320 */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028b, 0, 0, 19 }, /* ASR-2025 ZCR DIMM U320 */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0290, 0, 0, 20 }, /* AAR-2410SA PCI SATA 4ch (Jaguar II)*/
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1028, 0x0287, 0, 0, 21 }, /* Perc 320/DC*/
+- { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x9005, 0x0365, 0, 0, 22 }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
+- { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x9005, 0x0364, 0, 0, 23 }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
+- { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x9005, 0x1364, 0, 0, 24 }, /* Dell PERC2 "Quad Channel" */
+- { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x103c, 0x10c2, 0, 0, 25 }, /* HP NetRAID-4M */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1028, 0x0291, 0, 0, 26 }, /* CERC SATA RAID 2 PCI SATA 6ch (DellCorsair) */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0292, 0, 0, 27 }, /* AAR-2810SA PCI SATA 8ch (Corsair-8) */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0293, 0, 0, 28 }, /* AAR-21610SA PCI SATA 16ch (Corsair-16) */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0294, 0, 0, 29 }, /* ESD SO-DIMM PCI-X SATA ZCR (Prowler) */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x0E11, 0x0295, 0, 0, 30 }, /* SATA 6Ch (Bearcat) */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x028c, 0, 0, 31 }, /* ASR-2230S + ASR-2230SLP PCI-X (Lancer) */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028e, 0, 0, 32 }, /* ASR-2020SA (ZCR PCI-X SATA) */
+- { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028f, 0, 0, 33 }, /* ASR-2025SA (ZCR DIMM SATA) */
++ { 0x1028, 0x0001, 0x1028, 0x0001, 0, 0, 0 }, /* PERC 2/Si (Iguana/PERC2Si) */
++ { 0x1028, 0x0002, 0x1028, 0x0002, 0, 0, 1 }, /* PERC 3/Di (Opal/PERC3Di) */
++ { 0x1028, 0x0003, 0x1028, 0x0003, 0, 0, 2 }, /* PERC 3/Si (SlimFast/PERC3Si */
++ { 0x1028, 0x0004, 0x1028, 0x00d0, 0, 0, 3 }, /* PERC 3/Di (Iguana FlipChip/PERC3DiF */
++ { 0x1028, 0x0002, 0x1028, 0x00d1, 0, 0, 4 }, /* PERC 3/Di (Viper/PERC3DiV) */
++ { 0x1028, 0x0002, 0x1028, 0x00d9, 0, 0, 5 }, /* PERC 3/Di (Lexus/PERC3DiL) */
++ { 0x1028, 0x000a, 0x1028, 0x0106, 0, 0, 6 }, /* PERC 3/Di (Jaguar/PERC3DiJ) */
++ { 0x1028, 0x000a, 0x1028, 0x011b, 0, 0, 7 }, /* PERC 3/Di (Dagger/PERC3DiD) */
++ { 0x1028, 0x000a, 0x1028, 0x0121, 0, 0, 8 }, /* PERC 3/Di (Boxster/PERC3DiB) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0283, 0x9005, 0x0283, 0, 0, 9 }, /* catapult */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0284, 0x9005, 0x0284, 0, 0, 10 }, /* tomcat */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0286, 0, 0, 11 }, /* Adaptec 2120S (Crusader) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0285, 0, 0, 12 }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0287, 0, 0, 13 }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan-2m) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x17aa, 0x0286, 0, 0, 14 }, /* Legend S220 (Legend Crusader) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x17aa, 0x0287, 0, 0, 15 }, /* Legend S230 (Legend Vulcan) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0288, 0, 0, 16 }, /* Adaptec 3230S (Harrier) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0289, 0, 0, 17 }, /* Adaptec 3240S (Tornado) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028a, 0, 0, 18 }, /* ASR-2020ZCR SCSI PCI-X ZCR (Skyhawk) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028b, 0, 0, 19 }, /* ASR-2025ZCR SCSI SO-DIMM PCI-X ZCR (Terminator) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x028c, 0, 0, 20 }, /* ASR-2230S + ASR-2230SLP PCI-X (Lancer) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x028d, 0, 0, 21 }, /* ASR-2130S (Lancer) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x029b, 0, 0, 22 }, /* AAR-2820SA (Intruder) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x029c, 0, 0, 23 }, /* AAR-2620SA (Intruder) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x029d, 0, 0, 24 }, /* AAR-2420SA (Intruder) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x029e, 0, 0, 25 }, /* ICP9024R0 (Lancer) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x029f, 0, 0, 26 }, /* ICP9014R0 (Lancer) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x02a0, 0, 0, 27 }, /* ICP9047MA (Lancer) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x02a1, 0, 0, 28 }, /* ICP9087MA (Lancer) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x02a3, 0, 0, 29 }, /* ICP5085AU (Hurricane) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x02a4, 0, 0, 30 }, /* ICP9085LI (Marauder-X) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x02a5, 0, 0, 31 }, /* ICP5085BR (Marauder-E) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0287, 0x9005, 0x0800, 0, 0, 32 }, /* Themisto Jupiter Platform */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0200, 0x9005, 0x0200, 0, 0, 32 }, /* Themisto Jupiter Platform */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x0800, 0, 0, 33 }, /* Callisto Jupiter Platform */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028e, 0, 0, 34 }, /* ASR-2020SA SATA PCI-X ZCR (Skyhawk) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x028f, 0, 0, 35 }, /* ASR-2025SA SATA SO-DIMM PCI-X ZCR (Terminator) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0290, 0, 0, 36 }, /* AAR-2410SA PCI SATA 4ch (Jaguar II) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1028, 0x0291, 0, 0, 37 }, /* CERC SATA RAID 2 PCI SATA 6ch (DellCorsair) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0292, 0, 0, 38 }, /* AAR-2810SA PCI SATA 8ch (Corsair-8) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0293, 0, 0, 39 }, /* AAR-21610SA PCI SATA 16ch (Corsair-16) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0294, 0, 0, 40 }, /* ESD SO-DIMM PCI-X SATA ZCR (Prowler) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x103C, 0x3227, 0, 0, 41 }, /* AAR-2610SA PCI SATA 6ch */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0296, 0, 0, 42 }, /* ASR-2240S (SabreExpress) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0297, 0, 0, 43 }, /* ASR-4005SAS */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1014, 0x02F2, 0, 0, 44 }, /* IBM 8i (AvonPark) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1014, 0x0312, 0, 0, 44 }, /* IBM 8i (AvonPark Lite) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0298, 0, 0, 45 }, /* ASR-4000SAS (BlackBird) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0299, 0, 0, 46 }, /* ASR-4800SAS (Marauder-X) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x029a, 0, 0, 47 }, /* ASR-4805SAS (Marauder-E) */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, 0x9005, 0x02a2, 0, 0, 48 }, /* ASR-4810SAS (Hurricane */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1028, 0x0287, 0, 0, 49 }, /* Perc 320/DC*/
++ { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x9005, 0x0365, 0, 0, 50 }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
++ { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x9005, 0x0364, 0, 0, 51 }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
++ { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x9005, 0x1364, 0, 0, 52 }, /* Dell PERC2/QC */
++ { 0x1011, 0x0046, 0x103c, 0x10c2, 0, 0, 53 }, /* HP NetRAID-4M */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1028, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 54 }, /* Dell Catchall */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, 0x17aa, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 55 }, /* Legend Catchall */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0285, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 56 }, /* Adaptec Catch All */
++ { 0x9005, 0x0286, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 57 }, /* Adaptec Rocket Catch All */
+ { 0,}
+ };
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, aac_pci_tbl);
+@@ -131,53 +211,91 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, aac_pci_tbl);
+ * for the card. At that time we can remove the channels from here
+ */
+ static struct aac_driver_ident aac_drivers[] = {
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 2/Si */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Si */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Si */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* PERC 3/Di */
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "catapult ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* catapult*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "tomcat ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* tomcat*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 2120S ", 1, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* Adaptec 2120S (Crusader)*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 2200S ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan)*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 2200S ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan-2m)*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "Legend ", "Legend S220 ", 1, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* Legend S220*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "Legend ", "Legend S230 ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* Legend S230*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 3230S ", 2 }, /* Adaptec 3230S (Harrier)*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 3240S ", 2 }, /* Adaptec 3240S (Tornado)*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2020ZCR ", 2 }, /* ASR-2020 ZCR PCI-X U320 */
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2025ZCR ", 2 }, /* ASR-2025 ZCR DIMM U320 */
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-2410SA SATA ", 2 }, /* AAR-2410SA PCI SATA 4ch (Jaguar II)*/
+- { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERC 320/DC ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* Perc 320/DC*/
+- { aac_sa_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 5400S ", 4 }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
+- { aac_sa_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAC-364 ", 4 }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
+- { aac_sa_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 4, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT }, /* Dell PERC2 "Quad Channel" */
+- { aac_sa_init, "hpnraid", "HP ", "NetRAID ", 4 }, /* HP NetRAID-4M */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 2/Si (Iguana/PERC2Si) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Di (Opal/PERC3Di) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Si (SlimFast/PERC3Si */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Di (Iguana FlipChip/PERC3DiF */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Di (Viper/PERC3DiV) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Di (Lexus/PERC3DiL) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 1, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Di (Jaguar/PERC3DiJ) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Di (Dagger/PERC3DiD) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* PERC 3/Di (Boxster/PERC3DiB) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "catapult ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* catapult */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "tomcat ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* tomcat */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 2120S ", 1, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Adaptec 2120S (Crusader) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 2200S ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 2200S ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Adaptec 2200S (Vulcan-2m) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "Legend ", "Legend S220 ", 1, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Legend S220 (Legend Crusader) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "Legend ", "Legend S230 ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Legend S230 (Legend Vulcan) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 3230S ", 2 }, /* Adaptec 3230S (Harrier) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 3240S ", 2 }, /* Adaptec 3240S (Tornado) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2020ZCR ", 2 }, /* ASR-2020ZCR SCSI PCI-X ZCR (Skyhawk) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2025ZCR ", 2 }, /* ASR-2025ZCR SCSI SO-DIMM PCI-X ZCR (Terminator) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2230S PCI-X ", 2 }, /* ASR-2230S + ASR-2230SLP PCI-X (Lancer) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2130S PCI-X ", 1 }, /* ASR-2130S (Lancer) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-2820SA ", 1 }, /* AAR-2820SA (Intruder) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-2620SA ", 1 }, /* AAR-2620SA (Intruder) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-2420SA ", 1 }, /* AAR-2420SA (Intruder) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ICP ", "ICP9024R0 ", 2 }, /* ICP9024R0 (Lancer) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ICP ", "ICP9014R0 ", 1 }, /* ICP9014R0 (Lancer) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ICP ", "ICP9047MA ", 1 }, /* ICP9047MA (Lancer) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ICP ", "ICP9087MA ", 1 }, /* ICP9087MA (Lancer) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ICP ", "ICP5085AU ", 1 }, /* ICP5085AU (Hurricane) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ICP ", "ICP9085LI ", 1 }, /* ICP9085LI (Marauder-X) */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ICP ", "ICP5085BR ", 1 }, /* ICP5085BR (Marauder-E) */
++ { NULL , "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Themisto ", 0, AAC_QUIRK_SLAVE }, /* Jupiter Platform */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Callisto ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_MASTER }, /* Jupiter Platform */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2020SA ", 1 }, /* ASR-2020SA SATA PCI-X ZCR (Skyhawk) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2025SA ", 1 }, /* ASR-2025SA SATA SO-DIMM PCI-X ZCR (Terminator) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-2410SA SATA ", 1 }, /* AAR-2410SA PCI SATA 4ch (Jaguar II) */
+ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "DELL ", "CERC SR2 ", 1 }, /* CERC SATA RAID 2 PCI SATA 6ch (DellCorsair) */
+ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-2810SA SATA ", 1 }, /* AAR-2810SA PCI SATA 8ch (Corsair-8) */
+ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-21610SA SATA", 1 }, /* AAR-21610SA PCI SATA 16ch (Corsair-16) */
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "SO-DIMM SATA ZCR", 1 }, /* ESD SO-DIMM PCI-X SATA ZCR (Prowler) */
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "SATA 6Channel ", 1 }, /* SATA 6Ch (Bearcat) */
+- { aac_rkt_init,"aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2230S PCI-X ", 2 }, /* ASR-2230S + ASR-2230SLP PCI-X (Lancer) */
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2020SA ", 1 }, /* ASR-2020SA (ZCR PCI-X SATA) */
+- { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2025SA ", 1 }, /* ASR-2025SA (ZCR DIMM SATA) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2026ZCR ", 1 }, /* ESD SO-DIMM PCI-X SATA ZCR (Prowler) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAR-2610SA ", 1 }, /* SATA 6Ch (Bearcat) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-2240S ", 1 }, /* ASR-2240S (SabreExpress) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-4005SAS ", 1 }, /* ASR-4005SAS */
++ { aac_rx_init, "ServeRAID","IBM ", "ServeRAID 8i ", 1 }, /* IBM 8i (AvonPark) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-4000SAS ", 1 }, /* ASR-4000SAS (BlackBird & AvonPark) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-4800SAS ", 1 }, /* ASR-4800SAS (Marauder-X) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-4805SAS ", 1 }, /* ASR-4805SAS (Marauder-E) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "ASR-4810SAS ", 1 }, /* ASR-4810SAS (Hurricane) */
++ { aac_rx_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERC 320/DC ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Perc 320/DC*/
++ { aac_sa_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "Adaptec 5400S ", 4, AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
++ { aac_sa_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "AAC-364 ", 4, AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Adaptec 5400S (Mustang)*/
++ { aac_sa_init, "percraid", "DELL ", "PERCRAID ", 4, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Dell PERC2/QC */
++ { aac_sa_init, "hpnraid", "HP ", "NetRAID ", 4, AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* HP NetRAID-4M */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "DELL ", "RAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Dell Catchall */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "Legend ", "RAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Legend Catchall */
++ { aac_rx_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "RAID ", 2, AAC_QUIRK_31BIT | AAC_QUIRK_34SG }, /* Adaptec Catch All */
++ { aac_rkt_init, "aacraid", "ADAPTEC ", "RAID ", 2 } /* Adaptec Rocket Catch All */
+ };
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) ? defined(__x86_64__) : defined(CONFIG_COMPAT))
+ /*
+ * Promote 32 bit apps that call get_next_adapter_fib_ioctl to 64 bit version
+ */
+ static int aac_get_next_adapter_fib_ioctl(unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd,
+ unsigned long arg, struct file *file)
+ {
++ struct fib_ioctl f;
++ mm_segment_t fs;
++ int retval;
++ memset (&f, 0, sizeof(f));
++ if (copy_from_user(&f, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(f) - sizeof(u32)))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(get_ds());
++ retval = sys_ioctl(fd, cmd, (unsigned long)&f);
++ set_fs(fs);
++ return retval;
+ struct fib_ioctl __user *f;
+ f = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*f));
+@@ -185,13 +303,48 @@ static int aac_get_next_adapter_fib_ioct
+ return -EFAULT;
+ clear_user(f, sizeof(*f));
+- if (copy_in_user(f, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(struct fib_ioctl) - sizeof(u32)))
++ if (copy_in_user(f, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(*f) - sizeof(u32)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return sys_ioctl(fd, cmd, (unsigned long)f);
+ }
++#define sys_ioctl NULL /* register_ioctl32_conversion defaults to this when NULL passed in as a handler */
++static struct Scsi_Host * aac_dummy;
++ * aac_detect - Probe for aacraid cards
++ * @template: SCSI driver template
++ *
++ * This is but a stub to convince the 2.4 scsi layer to scan targets,
++ * the pci scan has already picked up the adapters.
++ */
++static int aac_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *template)
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "aac_detect(%p)\n", template);
+ #endif
++ /* By changing the host list we trick a scan */
++ if (aac_dummy) {
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "scsi_host_put(%p)\n", aac_dummy);
++ scsi_host_put(aac_dummy);
++ aac_dummy = NULL;
++ }
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "aac_detect()=%d\n", !list_empty(&aac_devices));
++ return !list_empty(&aac_devices);
+ /**
+ * aac_queuecommand - queue a SCSI command
+@@ -205,6 +358,55 @@ static int aac_get_next_adapter_fib_ioct
+ static int aac_queuecommand(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, void (*done)(struct scsi_cmnd *))
+ {
++ u64 lba;
++ u32 count = 0;
++ struct timeval now;
++ do_gettimeofday(&now);
++ if ((cmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_6) /* 6 byte command */
++ || (cmd->cmnd[0] == READ_6)) {
++ lba = ((cmd->cmnd[1] & 0x1F) << 16)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[2] << 8) | cmd->cmnd[3];
++ count = cmd->cmnd[4];
++ if (count == 0)
++ count = 256;
++#if (defined(WRITE_16))
++ } else if ((cmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_16) /* 16 byte command */
++ || (cmd->cmnd[0] == READ_16)) {
++ lba = ((u64)cmd->cmnd[2] << 56)
++ | ((u64)cmd->cmnd[3] << 48)
++ | ((u64)cmd->cmnd[4] << 40)
++ | ((u64)cmd->cmnd[9] << 32)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[6] << 24)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | cmd->cmnd[9];
++ count = (cmd->cmnd[10] << 24)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[11] << 16)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[12] << 8) | cmd->cmnd[13];
++ } else if ((cmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_12) /* 12 byte command */
++ || (cmd->cmnd[0] == READ_12)) {
++ lba = (cmd->cmnd[2] << 24)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | cmd->cmnd[5];
++ count = (cmd->cmnd[6] << 24)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[7] << 16)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[8] << 8) | cmd->cmnd[9];
++ } else if ((cmd->cmnd[0] == WRITE_10) /* 10 byte command */
++ || (cmd->cmnd[0] == READ_10)) {
++ lba = (cmd->cmnd[2] << 24)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[3] << 16)
++ | (cmd->cmnd[4] << 8) | cmd->cmnd[5];
++ count = (cmd->cmnd[7] << 8) | cmd->cmnd[8];
++ } else
++ lba = (u64)(long)cmd;
++ printk(((count)
++ ? KERN_DEBUG "%lu.%06lu q%lu %llu[%u]\n"
++ : KERN_DEBUG "%lu.%06lu q%lu 0x%llx\n"),
++ now.tv_sec % 100, now.tv_usec,
++ ((struct aac_dev *)cmd->device->host->hostdata)->queues->queue[AdapNormCmdQueue].numpending,
++ lba, count);
+ cmd->scsi_done = done;
+ return (aac_scsi_cmd(cmd) ? FAILED : 0);
+ }
+@@ -216,9 +418,21 @@ static int aac_queuecommand(struct scsi_
+ * Returns a static string describing the device in question
+ */
+-const char *aac_info(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
++static const char *aac_info(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
+ {
++ struct aac_dev *dev;
++ if (shost == aac_dummy)
++ return shost->hostt->name;
++ dev = (struct aac_dev *)shost->hostdata;
++ if (!dev
++ || (dev->cardtype >= (sizeof(aac_drivers)/sizeof(aac_drivers[0]))))
++ return shost->hostt->name;
++ if (dev->scsi_host_ptr != shost)
++ return shost->hostt->name;
+ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)shost->hostdata;
+ return aac_drivers[dev->cardtype].name;
+ }
+@@ -236,6 +450,10 @@ struct aac_driver_ident* aac_get_driver_
+ /**
+ * aac_biosparm - return BIOS parameters for disk
++ * @disk: SCSI disk object to process
++ * @device: kdev_t of the disk in question
+ * @sdev: The scsi device corresponding to the disk
+ * @bdev: the block device corresponding to the disk
+ * @capacity: the sector capacity of the disk
+@@ -256,11 +474,21 @@ struct aac_driver_ident* aac_get_driver_
+ * be displayed.
+ */
+-static int aac_biosparm(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct block_device *bdev,
+- sector_t capacity, int *geom)
++static int aac_biosparm(
++ struct scsi_device *sdev, struct block_device *bdev, sector_t capacity,
++ Scsi_Disk *disk, kdev_t dev,
++ int *geom)
+ {
+ struct diskparm *param = (struct diskparm *)geom;
+ unsigned char *buf;
++ struct buffer_head * buf;
++ sector_t capacity = disk->capacity;
+ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_biosparm.\n"));
+@@ -288,9 +516,20 @@ static int aac_biosparm(struct scsi_devi
+ * entry whose end_head matches one of the standard geometry
+ * translations ( 64/32, 128/32, 255/63 ).
+ */
+ buf = scsi_bios_ptable(bdev);
+- if(*(unsigned short *)(buf + 0x40) == cpu_to_le16(0xaa55)) {
++ buf = bread(MKDEV(MAJOR(dev), MINOR(dev)&~0xf), 0, block_size(dev));
++ if(buf == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ if(*(__le16 *)(buf + 0x40) == cpu_to_le16(0xaa55)) {
+ struct partition *first = (struct partition * )buf;
++ if(*(unsigned short *)(buf->b_data + 0x1fe) == cpu_to_le16(0xaa55)) {
++ struct partition *first = (struct partition * )(buf->b_data + 0x1be);
+ struct partition *entry = first;
+ int saved_cylinders = param->cylinders;
+ int num;
+@@ -333,12 +572,17 @@ static int aac_biosparm(struct scsi_devi
+ param->heads, param->sectors));
+ }
+ }
+ kfree(buf);
++ brelse(buf);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+- * aac_queuedepth - compute queue depths
++ * aac_slave_configure - compute queue depths
+ * @sdev: SCSI device we are considering
+ *
+ * Selects queue depths for each target device based on the host adapter's
+@@ -348,16 +592,107 @@ static int aac_biosparm(struct scsi_devi
+ static int aac_slave_configure(struct scsi_device *sdev)
+ {
+- if (sdev->tagged_supported)
+- scsi_adjust_queue_depth(sdev, MSG_ORDERED_TAG, 128);
+- else
++ if (sdev->tagged_supported) {
++ struct scsi_device * dev;
++ struct Scsi_Host * host = sdev->host;
++ unsigned num_lsu = 0;
++ unsigned num_one = 0;
++ unsigned depth;
++ __shost_for_each_device(dev, host) {
++ if (dev->tagged_supported && (dev->type == 0))
++ ++num_lsu;
++ else
++ ++num_one;
++ }
++ if (num_lsu == 0)
++ ++num_lsu;
++ depth = (host->can_queue - num_one) / num_lsu;
++ if (depth > 256)
++ depth = 256;
++ else if (depth < 2)
++ depth = 2;
++ scsi_adjust_queue_depth(sdev, MSG_ORDERED_TAG, depth);
++ } else
+ scsi_adjust_queue_depth(sdev, 0, 1);
++ {
++ extern int extendedtimeout;
++ if (extendedtimeout != -1)
++ sdev->timeout = extendedtimeout * HZ;
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
++ * aac_queuedepth - compute queue depths
++ * @host: SCSI host in question
++ * @dev: SCSI device we are considering
++ *
++ * Selects queue depths for each target device based on the host adapter's
++ * total capacity and the queue depth supported by the target device.
++ * A queue depth of one automatically disables tagged queueing.
++ */
++static void aac_queuedepth(struct Scsi_Host * host, struct scsi_device * dev )
++ struct scsi_device * dptr;
++ unsigned num = 0;
++ unsigned depth;
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "aac_queuedepth(%p,%p)\n", host, dev);
++ for(dptr = dev; dptr != NULL; dptr = dptr->next)
++ if((dptr->host == host) && (dptr->type == 0))
++ ++num;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "can_queue=%d num=%d\n", host->can_queue, num));
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "can_queue=%d num=%d\n", host->can_queue, num);
++ if (num == 0)
++ ++num;
++ depth = host->can_queue / num;
++ if (depth > 255)
++ depth = 255;
++ else if (depth < 2)
++ depth = 2;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_queuedepth.\n"));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "Device # Q Depth Online\n"));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "---------------------------\n"));
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "aac_queuedepth.\n");
++printk(KERN_INFO "Device # Q Depth Online\n");
++printk(KERN_INFO "---------------------------\n");
++ for(dptr = dev; dptr != NULL; dptr = dptr->next)
++ {
++ if(dptr->host == host)
++ {
++ dptr->queue_depth = depth;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " %2d %d %d\n",
++ dptr->id, dptr->queue_depth, scsi_device_online(dptr)));
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO " %2d %d %d\n", dptr->id, dptr->queue_depth, scsi_device_online(dptr));
++ }
++ }
+ static int aac_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, int cmd, void __user * arg)
+ {
+ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)sdev->host->hostdata;
++ int retval;
++ printk("aac_ioctl(%p, %x, %p)\n", sdev, cmd, arg);
++ retval = aac_do_ioctl(dev, cmd, arg);
++ printk("aac_ioctl returns %d\n", retval);
++ return retval;
+ return aac_do_ioctl(dev, cmd, arg);
+ }
+@@ -369,28 +704,255 @@ static int aac_eh_abort(struct scsi_cmnd
+ return FAILED;
+ }
++ * aac_eh_device_reset - Reset command handling
++ * @cmd: SCSI command block causing the reset
++ *
++ * Issue a reset of a SCSI device. We are ourselves not truely a SCSI
++ * controller and our firmware will do the work for us anyway. Thus this
++ * is a no-op. We just return FAILED.
++ */
++static int aac_eh_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ return FAILED;
++ * aac_eh_bus_reset - Reset command handling
++ * @scsi_cmd: SCSI command block causing the reset
++ *
++ * Issue a reset of a SCSI bus. We are ourselves not truely a SCSI
++ * controller and our firmware will do the work for us anyway. Thus this
++ * is a no-op. We just return FAILED.
++ */
++static int aac_eh_bus_reset(struct scsi_cmnd* cmd)
++ return FAILED;
+ /*
+ * aac_eh_reset - Reset command handling
+ * @scsi_cmd: SCSI command block causing the reset
+ *
+ */
++#if (defined(__arm__))
++# undef dprintk
++# define dprintk(x) printk x
+ static int aac_eh_reset(struct scsi_cmnd* cmd)
+ {
++#if (!defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_RESET) && defined(__arm__))
++// return FAILED;
++ return SUCCESS; /* Cause an immediate retry of the command with a ten second delay after successful tur */
+ struct scsi_device * dev = cmd->device;
+ struct Scsi_Host * host = dev->host;
+ struct scsi_cmnd * command;
+ int count;
+ struct aac_dev * aac;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Host adapter reset request. SCSI hang ?\n",
++ aac = (struct aac_dev *)host->hostdata;
++ fwprintf((aac, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B, "SCSI hang ?"));
++ if (nblank(dprintk(x))) {
++ int active = 0;
++ unsigned long DebugFlags = aac->FwDebugFlags;
++ active = active;
++ dprintk((KERN_ERR
++ "%s: Outstanding commands on (%d,%d,%d,%d):\n",
++ host->host_no, dev->channel, dev->id, dev->lun));
++ aac->FwDebugFlags |= FW_DEBUG_FLAGS_NO_HEADERS_B;
++ fwprintf((aac, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B,
++ "%s: Outstanding commands on (%d,%d,%d,%d):\n",
++ host->host_no, dev->channel, dev->id, dev->lun));
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry(command, &dev->cmd_list, list)
++ for(command = dev->device_queue; command; command = command->next)
++ {
++ if ((command->state != SCSI_STATE_FINISHED)
++ && (command->state != 0))
++ dprintk((KERN_ERR
++ "%4d %c%c %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ active++,
++ (command->serial_number) ? 'A' : 'C',
++ (cmd == command) ? '*' : ' ',
++ command->cmnd[0], command->cmnd[1], command->cmnd[2],
++ command->cmnd[3], command->cmnd[4], command->cmnd[5],
++ command->cmnd[6], command->cmnd[7], command->cmnd[8],
++ command->cmnd[9]));
++ fwprintf((aac, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B,
++ "%4d %c%c %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ active++,
++ (command->serial_number) ? 'A' : 'C',
++ (cmd == command) ? '*' : ' ',
++ command->cmnd[0], command->cmnd[1], command->cmnd[2],
++ command->cmnd[3], command->cmnd[4], command->cmnd[5],
++ command->cmnd[6], command->cmnd[7], command->cmnd[8],
++ command->cmnd[9]));
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->list_lock, flags);
++ aac->FwDebugFlags = DebugFlags;
++ }
+- aac = (struct aac_dev *)host->hostdata;
+- if (aac_adapter_check_health(aac)) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Host adapter appears dead\n",
++ if ((count = aac_adapter_check_health(aac))) {
++ /* Fake up an AIF:
++ * aac_aifcmd.command = AifCmdEventNotify = 1
++ * aac_aifcmd.seqnum = 0xFFFFFFFF
++ *[0] = AifEnExpEvent = 23
++ *[1] = AifExeFirmwarePanic = 3
++ *[2] = AifHighPriority = 3
++ *[3] = count
++ */
++ struct list_head *entry;
++ u32 time_now = jiffies/HZ;
++ unsigned long flagv;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&aac->fib_lock, flagv);
++ entry = aac->;
++ /*
++ * For each Context that is on the
++ * fibctxList, make a copy of the
++ * fib, and then set the event to wake up the
++ * thread that is waiting for it.
++ */
++ while (entry != &aac->fib_list) {
++ /*
++ * Extract the fibctx
++ */
++ struct aac_fib_context *fibctx = list_entry(entry, struct aac_fib_context, next);
++ struct hw_fib * hw_fib;
++ struct fib * fib;
++ /*
++ * Check if the queue is getting
++ * backlogged
++ */
++ if (fibctx->count > 20) {
++ /*
++ * It's *not* jiffies folks,
++ * but jiffies / HZ, so do not
++ * panic ...
++ */
++ u32 time_last = fibctx->jiffies;
++ /*
++ * Has it been > 2 minutes
++ * since the last read off
++ * the queue?
++ */
++ if ((time_now - time_last) > 120) {
++ entry = entry->next;
++ aac_close_fib_context(aac, fibctx);
++ continue;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Warning: no sleep allowed while
++ * holding spinlock
++ */
++ hw_fib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hw_fib), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ fib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (fib && hw_fib) {
++ struct aac_aifcmd * aif;
++ memset(hw_fib, 0, sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ memset(fib, 0, sizeof(struct fib));
++ fib->hw_fib = hw_fib;
++ fib->dev = aac;
++ fib_init(fib);
++ fib->type = FSAFS_NTC_FIB_CONTEXT;
++ fib->size = sizeof (struct fib);
++ fib->data = hw_fib->data;
++ aif = (struct aac_aifcmd *)hw_fib->data;
++ aif->command = AifCmdEventNotify;
++ aif->seqnum = 0xFFFFFFFF;
++ aif->data[0] = AifEnExpEvent;
++ aif->data[1] = AifExeFirmwarePanic;
++ aif->data[2] = AifHighPriority;
++ aif->data[3] = count;
++ /*
++ * Put the FIB onto the
++ * fibctx's fibs
++ */
++ list_add_tail(&fib->fiblink, &fibctx->fib_list);
++ fibctx->count++;
++ /*
++ * Set the event to wake up the
++ * thread that will waiting.
++ */
++ up(&fibctx->wait_sem);
++ } else {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aifd: didn't allocate NewFib.\n");
++ if(fib)
++ kfree(fib);
++ if(hw_fib)
++ kfree(hw_fib);
++ }
++ entry = entry->next;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&aac->fib_lock, flagv);
++ printk(((count < 0)
++ ? KERN_ERR "%s: Host adapter appears dead %d\n"
++ : KERN_ERR "%s: Host adapter BLINK LED 0x%x\n"),
++ AAC_DRIVERNAME, count);
++ /*
++ * If a positive health, means in a known DEAD PANIC
++ * state and the adapter could be reset to `try again'.
++ */
++#if 0
++ if ((count > 0)
++ && (!aac_adapter_sync_cmd(dev, IOP_RESET, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ &time_now, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
++ && (time_now == 0x00000001)) {
++ __shost_for_each_device(dev, host) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry(command, &dev->cmd_list, list) {
++ if (command->serial_number) {
++ command->result
++ = DID_RESET << 16
++ command->scsi_done(command);
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->list_lock, flags);
++ }
++ for (dev = host->host_queue; dev != (struct scsi_device *)NULL; dev = dev->next) {
++ for(command = dev->device_queue; command; command = command->next) {
++ if (command->serial_number) {
++ command->result
++ = DID_RESET << 16
++ command->scsi_done(command);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return SUCCESS;
++ }
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -399,6 +961,7 @@ static int aac_eh_reset(struct scsi_cmnd
+ */
+ for (count = 60; count; --count) {
+ int active = 0;
+ __shost_for_each_device(dev, host) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->list_lock, flags);
+ list_for_each_entry(command, &dev->cmd_list, list) {
+@@ -408,20 +971,510 @@ static int aac_eh_reset(struct scsi_cmnd
+ }
+ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->list_lock, flags);
++ if (active)
++ break;
+- /*
+- * We can exit If all the commands are complete
+- */
+- if (active == 0)
+- return SUCCESS;
+ }
++ for (dev = host->host_queue; dev != (struct scsi_device *)NULL; dev = dev->next) {
++ for(command = dev->device_queue; command; command = command->next) {
++ if (command->serial_number) {
++ ++active;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * We can exit If all the commands are complete
++ */
++ if (active == 0)
++ return SUCCESS;
+ spin_unlock_irq(host->host_lock);
+- scsi_sleep(HZ);
++ spin_unlock_irq(host->lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&io_request_lock);
++ ssleep(1);
+ spin_lock_irq(host->host_lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(host->lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(&io_request_lock);
+ }
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: SCSI bus appears hung\n", AAC_DRIVERNAME);
+- return -ETIMEDOUT;
++ fwprintf((aac, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B, "SCSI bus appears hung"));
++// return -ETIMEDOUT;
++ return SUCCESS; /* Cause an immediate retry of the command with a ten second delay after successful tur */
++/* We are making an assumption that dprintk was turned off */
++# undef dprintk
++# define dprintk(x)
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++static int aac_sanity_check(struct scsi_device * sdev)
++ return 0;
++static void aac_poll(struct scsi_device * sdev)
++ struct Scsi_Host * shost = sdev->host;
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)shost->hostdata;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(shost->host_lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(shost->lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&io_request_lock, flags);
++ aac_adapter_intr(dev);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->host_lock, flags);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(shost->lock, flags);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, flags);
++#define shost_to_class(shost) &shost->shost_classdev
++#define class_device Scsi_Host
++#define shost_to_class(shost) shost
++#define class_to_shost(class_dev) class_dev
++static ssize_t aac_show_host_version(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ int len;
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Adaptec Raid Controller %s\n",
++ aac_driver_version);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t aac_show_model(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev*)class_to_shost(class_dev)->hostdata;
++ int len;
++ if (dev->supplement_adapter_info.AdapterTypeText[0]) {
++ char * cp = dev->supplement_adapter_info.AdapterTypeText;
++ char * endp;
++ while (*cp && *cp != ' ')
++ ++cp;
++ endp = cp;
++ while (*cp == ' ')
++ ++cp;
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Vendor: %.*s Model: %s\n",
++ (int)(endp - (char *)dev->supplement_adapter_info.AdapterTypeText),
++ dev->supplement_adapter_info.AdapterTypeText, cp);
++ } else
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Vendor: %s Model: %s\n",
++ aac_drivers[dev->cardtype].vname,
++ aac_drivers[dev->cardtype].model);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t aac_show_flags(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ int len = 0;
++ if (nblank(dprintk(x)))
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "dprintk\n");
++# if (defined(AAC_DETAILED_STATUS_INFO))
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE- len,
++# endif
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_AIF))
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_FIB))
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_2TB))
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_IO))
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++# endif
++#if (defined(SERVICE_ACTION_IN) && defined(SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16))
++ {
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev*)class_to_shost(class_dev)->hostdata;
++ if (dev->raw_io_interface && dev->raw_io_64)
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len,
++ }
++ return len;
++static ssize_t aac_show_kernel_version(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev*)class_to_shost(class_dev)->hostdata;
++ int len, tmp;
++ tmp = le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelrev);
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "kernel: %d.%d-%d[%d]\n",
++ tmp >> 24, (tmp >> 16) & 0xff, tmp & 0xff,
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelbuild));
++ return len;
++static ssize_t aac_show_monitor_version(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev*)class_to_shost(class_dev)->hostdata;
++ int len, tmp;
++ tmp = le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.monitorrev);
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "monitor: %d.%d-%d[%d]\n",
++ tmp >> 24, (tmp >> 16) & 0xff, tmp & 0xff,
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.monitorbuild));
++ return len;
++static ssize_t aac_show_bios_version(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev*)class_to_shost(class_dev)->hostdata;
++ int len, tmp;
++ tmp = le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosrev);
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "bios: %d.%d-%d[%d]\n",
++ tmp >> 24, (tmp >> 16) & 0xff, tmp & 0xff,
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosbuild));
++ return len;
++static ssize_t aac_show_serial_number(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev*)class_to_shost(class_dev)->hostdata;
++ int len = 0;
++ if (le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.serial[0]) != 0xBAD0)
++ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "serial: %x\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.serial[0]));
++ return len;
++static struct class_device_attribute aac_host_version = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "aac_version",
++ .mode = S_IRUGO,
++ },
++ .show = aac_show_host_version,
++static struct class_device_attribute aac_model = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "aac_model",
++ .mode = S_IRUGO,
++ },
++ .show = aac_show_model,
++static struct class_device_attribute aac_flags = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "aac_flags",
++ .mode = S_IRUGO,
++ },
++ .show = aac_show_flags,
++static struct class_device_attribute aac_kernel_version = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "aac_kernel_version",
++ .mode = S_IRUGO,
++ },
++ .show = aac_show_kernel_version,
++static struct class_device_attribute aac_monitor_version = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "aac_monitor_version",
++ .mode = S_IRUGO,
++ },
++ .show = aac_show_monitor_version,
++static struct class_device_attribute aac_bios_version = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "aac_bios_version",
++ .mode = S_IRUGO,
++ },
++ .show = aac_show_bios_version,
++static struct class_device_attribute aac_serial_number = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "aac_serial_number",
++ .mode = S_IRUGO,
++ },
++ .show = aac_show_serial_number,
++static struct class_device_attribute *aac_attrs[] = {
++ &aac_host_version,
++ &aac_model,
++ &aac_flags,
++ &aac_kernel_version,
++ &aac_monitor_version,
++ &aac_bios_version,
++ &aac_serial_number,
++ * aac_procinfo - Implement /proc/scsi/<drivername>/<n>
++ * @proc_buffer: memory buffer for I/O
++ * @start_ptr: pointer to first valid data
++ * @offset: offset into file
++ * @bytes_available: space left
++ * @host_no: scsi host ident
++ * @write: direction of I/O
++ *
++ * Used to export driver statistics and other infos to the world outside
++ * the kernel using the proc file system. Also provides an interface to
++ * feed the driver with information.
++ *
++ * For reads
++ * - if offset > 0 return 0
++ * - if offset == 0 write data to proc_buffer and set the start_ptr to
++ * beginning of proc_buffer, return the number of characters written.
++ * For writes
++ * - writes currently not supported, return 0
++ *
++ * Bugs: Only offset zero is handled
++ */
++static int aac_procinfo(
++ struct Scsi_Host * shost,
++ char *proc_buffer, char **start_ptr,off_t offset,
++ int bytes_available,
++ int host_no,
++ int write)
++ struct aac_dev * dev = (struct aac_dev *)NULL;
++ struct Scsi_Host * shost = (struct Scsi_Host *)NULL;
++ char *buf;
++ int len;
++ int total_len = 0;
++#if (defined(AAC_LM_SENSOR))
++ if(offset > 0)
++ if(write || offset > 0)
++ return 0;
++ *start_ptr = proc_buffer;
++ dev = (struct aac_dev *)shost->hostdata;
++ list_for_each_entry(dev, &aac_devices, entry) {
++ shost = dev->scsi_host_ptr;
++ if (shost->host_no == host_no)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (dev == (struct aac_dev *)NULL)
++ return 0;
++ if (!write) {
++ buf = kmalloc(PAGE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!buf)
++ return 0;
++ len = aac_show_host_version(shost_to_class(shost), buf);
++ total_len += len;
++ memcpy(proc_buffer, buf, len);
++ proc_buffer += len;
++ len = aac_show_model(shost_to_class(shost), buf);
++ total_len += len;
++ if (total_len > bytes_available) {
++ kfree(buf);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memcpy(proc_buffer, buf, len);
++ proc_buffer += len;
++ len = aac_show_flags(shost_to_class(shost), buf);
++ if (len) {
++ static char flags_equal[] = "flags=";
++ char *cp;
++ total_len += len + sizeof(flags_equal) - 1;
++ if (total_len > bytes_available) {
++ kfree(buf);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memcpy(proc_buffer, flags_equal, sizeof(flags_equal) - 1);
++ cp = proc_buffer + (sizeof(flags_equal) - 1);
++ memcpy(cp, buf, len);
++ proc_buffer += len + sizeof(flags_equal) - 1;
++ while (--len > 0) {
++ if (*cp == '\n')
++ *cp = '+';
++ ++cp;
++ }
++ }
++ len = aac_show_kernel_version(shost_to_class(shost), buf);
++ total_len += len;
++ if (total_len > bytes_available) {
++ kfree(buf);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memcpy(proc_buffer, buf, len);
++ proc_buffer += len;
++ len = aac_show_monitor_version(shost_to_class(shost), buf);
++ total_len += len;
++ if (total_len > bytes_available) {
++ kfree(buf);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memcpy(proc_buffer, buf, len);
++ proc_buffer += len;
++ len = aac_show_bios_version(shost_to_class(shost), buf);
++ total_len += len;
++ if (total_len > bytes_available) {
++ kfree(buf);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memcpy(proc_buffer, buf, len);
++ proc_buffer += len;
++ len = aac_show_serial_number(shost_to_class(shost), buf);
++ total_len += len;
++ if (total_len > bytes_available) {
++ kfree(buf);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memcpy(proc_buffer, buf, len);
++ kfree(buf);
++ return total_len;
++ }
++#if (defined(AAC_LM_SENSOR))
++ {
++ int ret, tmp, index;
++ s32 temp[5];
++ static char temperature[] = "temperature=";
++ if (strnicmp (proc_buffer, temperature, sizeof(temperature) - 1))
++ return bytes_available;
++ for (index = 0;
++ index < (sizeof(temp)/sizeof(temp[0]));
++ ++index)
++ temp[index] = 0x80000000;
++ ret = sizeof(temperature) - 1;
++ for (index = 0;
++ index < (sizeof(temp)/sizeof(temp[0]));
++ ++index) {
++ int sign, mult, c;
++ if (ret >= bytes_available)
++ break;
++ c = proc_buffer[ret];
++ if (c == '\n') {
++ ++ret;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (c == ',') {
++ ++ret;
++ continue;
++ }
++ sign = 1;
++ mult = 0;
++ tmp = 0;
++ if (c == '-') {
++ sign = -1;
++ ++ret;
++ }
++ for (;
++ (ret < bytes_available) && ((c = proc_buffer[ret]));
++ ++ret) {
++ if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) {
++ tmp *= 10;
++ tmp += c - '0';
++ mult *= 10;
++ } else if ((c == '.') && (mult == 0))
++ mult = 1;
++ else
++ break;
++ }
++ if ((ret < bytes_available)
++ && ((c == ',') || (c == '\n')))
++ ++ret;
++ if (!mult)
++ mult = 1;
++ if (sign < 0)
++ tmp = -tmp;
++ temp[index] = ((tmp << 8) + (mult >> 1)) / mult;
++ if (c == '\n')
++ break;
++ }
++ ret = index;
++ if (nblank(dprintk(x))) {
++ for (index = 0; index < ret; ++index) {
++ int sign;
++ tmp = temp[index];
++ sign = tmp < 0;
++ if (sign)
++ tmp = -tmp;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "%s%s%d.%08doC",
++ (index ? "," : ""),
++ (sign ? "-" : ""),
++ tmp >> 8, (tmp % 256) * 390625));
++ }
++ }
++ /* Send temperature message to Firmware */
++ (void)aac_adapter_sync_cmd(dev, RCV_TEMP_READINGS,
++ ret, temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4],
++ return bytes_available;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * aac_cfg_open - open a configuration file
+@@ -437,14 +1490,37 @@ static int aac_eh_reset(struct scsi_cmnd
+ static int aac_cfg_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ {
+- unsigned minor = iminor(inode);
++ struct aac_dev *aac;
++ unsigned minor_number = iminor(inode);
++ int err = -ENODEV;
+- if (minor >= aac_count)
+- return -ENODEV;
+- file->private_data = aac_devices[minor];
++ list_for_each_entry(aac, &aac_devices, entry) {
++ if (aac->id == minor_number) {
++ file->private_data = aac;
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++ * aac_cfg_release - close down an AAC config device
++ * @inode: inode of configuration file
++ * @file: file handle of configuration file
++ *
++ * Called when the last close of the configuration file handle
++ * is performed.
++ */
++static int aac_cfg_release(struct inode * inode, struct file * file )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * aac_cfg_ioctl - AAC configuration request
+ * @inode: inode of device
+@@ -462,28 +1538,138 @@ static int aac_cfg_open(struct inode *in
+ static int aac_cfg_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
+ unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+ {
++ list_for_each_entry(aac, &aac_devices, entry) {
++ if (aac->id == iminor(inode);
++ file->private_data = aac;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (file->private_data == NULL)
++ return -ENODEV;
++ int retval;
++ printk("aac_cfg_ioctl(%p,%p,%x,%lx)\n", inode, file, cmd, arg);
++ retval = aac_do_ioctl(file->private_data, cmd, (void __user *)arg);
++ printk("aac_cfg_ioctl returns %d\n", retval);
++ return retval;
+ return aac_do_ioctl(file->private_data, cmd, (void __user *)arg);
++static long aac_compat_do_ioctl(struct aac_dev *dev, unsigned cmd, unsigned long arg)
++ long ret;
++ lock_kernel();
++ switch (cmd) {
++ ret = aac_do_ioctl(dev, cmd, (void __user *)arg);
++ break;
++ struct fib_ioctl __user *f;
++ f = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*f));
++ ret = 0;
++ if (clear_user(f, sizeof(*f) != sizeof(*f)))
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_in_user(f, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(struct fib_ioctl) - sizeof(u32)))
++ ret = -EFAULT;
++ if (!ret)
++ ret = aac_do_ioctl(dev, cmd, (void __user *)arg);
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++#if (defined(AAC_CSMI))
++ ret = aac_csmi_ioctl(dev, cmd, (void __user *)arg);
++ if (ret == -ENOTTY)
++ ret = -ENOIOCTLCMD;
++ break;
++ }
++ unlock_kernel();
++ return ret;
++static int aac_compat_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, int cmd, void __user *arg)
++ struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)sdev->host->hostdata;
++ return aac_compat_do_ioctl(dev, cmd, (unsigned long)arg);
++static long aac_compat_cfg_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned cmd, unsigned long arg)
++ return aac_compat_do_ioctl((struct aac_dev *)file->private_data, cmd, arg);
+ }
+ static struct file_operations aac_cfg_fops = {
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .ioctl = aac_cfg_ioctl,
++ .compat_ioctl = aac_compat_cfg_ioctl,
+ .open = aac_cfg_open,
++ .release = aac_cfg_release
+ };
+ static struct scsi_host_template aac_driver_template = {
++ .detect = aac_detect,
+ .module = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = "AAC",
+- .proc_name = "aacraid",
++ .proc_name = AAC_DRIVERNAME,
+ .info = aac_info,
+ .ioctl = aac_ioctl,
++ .compat_ioctl = aac_compat_ioctl,
+ .queuecommand = aac_queuecommand,
+ .bios_param = aac_biosparm,
++ .proc_info = aac_procinfo,
++ .shost_attrs = aac_attrs,
+ .slave_configure = aac_slave_configure,
+ .eh_abort_handler = aac_eh_abort,
++ .eh_device_reset_handler = aac_eh_device_reset,
++ .eh_bus_reset_handler = aac_eh_bus_reset,
+ .eh_host_reset_handler = aac_eh_reset,
+ .can_queue = AAC_NUM_IO_FIB,
+- .this_id = 16,
+ .sg_tablesize = 16,
+ .max_sectors = 128,
+ #if (AAC_NUM_IO_FIB > 256)
+@@ -491,7 +1677,19 @@ static struct scsi_host_template aac_dri
+ #else
+ .cmd_per_lun = AAC_NUM_IO_FIB,
+ #endif
++ .use_new_eh_code = 1,
+ .use_clustering = ENABLE_CLUSTERING,
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_VARY_IO))
++ .vary_io = 1,
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++ .dump_sanity_check = aac_sanity_check,
++ .dump_poll = aac_poll,
+ };
+@@ -500,16 +1698,88 @@ static int __devinit aac_probe_one(struc
+ {
+ unsigned index = id->driver_data;
+ struct Scsi_Host *shost;
+- struct fsa_scsi_hba *fsa_dev_ptr;
+ struct aac_dev *aac;
+- int container;
++ struct list_head *insert = &aac_devices;
+ int error = -ENODEV;
++ int unique_id = 0;
++ static struct pci_dev * slave = NULL;
++ static int nslave = 0;
++ if (aac_drivers[index].quirks & AAC_QUIRK_SLAVE) {
++ /* detect adjoining slaves */
++ if (slave) {
++ if ((pci_resource_start(pdev, 0)
++ + pci_resource_len(pdev, 0))
++ == pci_resource_start(slave, 0))
++ slave = pdev;
++ else if ((pci_resource_start(slave, 0)
++ + (pci_resource_len(slave, 0) * nslave))
++ != pci_resource_start(pdev, 0)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "%s: multiple sets of slave controllers discovered\n",
++ nslave = 0;
++ slave = pdev;
++ }
++ } else
++ slave = pdev;
++ if (pci_resource_start(slave,0)) {
++ error = pci_enable_device(pdev);
++ if (error) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "%s: failed to enable slave\n",
++ nslave = 0;
++ slave = NULL;
++ return error;
++ }
++ ++nslave;
++ pci_set_master(pdev);
++ } else {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "%s: slave BAR0 is not set\n", AAC_DRIVERNAME);
++ nslave = 0;
++ slave = NULL;
++ return error;
++ }
++ return 1;
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry(aac, &aac_devices, entry) {
++ if (aac->id > unique_id)
++ break;
++ insert = &aac->entry;
++ unique_id++;
++ }
+- if (pci_enable_device(pdev))
++ error = pci_enable_device(pdev);
++ if (error)
+ goto out;
+- if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, 0xFFFFFFFFULL) ||
+- pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, 0xFFFFFFFFULL))
++ if ((aac_drivers[index].quirks & AAC_QUIRK_MASTER) && (slave)) {
++ unsigned long base = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
++ struct master_registers {
++ u32 x[51];
++ u32 E_CONFIG1;
++ u32 y[3];
++ u32 E_CONFIG2;
++ } __iomem * map = ioremap(base, AAC_MIN_FOOTPRINT_SIZE);
++ if (!map) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "%s: unable to map master adapter to configure slaves.\n",
++ } else {
++ ((struct master_registers *)map)->E_CONFIG2
++ = cpu_to_le32(pci_resource_start(slave, 0));
++ ((struct master_registers *)map)->E_CONFIG1
++ = cpu_to_le32(0x5A000000 + nslave);
++ iounmap(map);
++ }
++ nslave = 0;
++ slave = NULL;
++ }
++ if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK) ||
++ pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK))
+ goto out;
+ /*
+ * If the quirk31 bit is set, the adapter needs adapter
+@@ -522,16 +1792,32 @@ static int __devinit aac_probe_one(struc
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+- /* Increment the host adapter count */
+- aac_count++;
+ shost = scsi_host_alloc(&aac_driver_template, sizeof(struct aac_dev));
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "scsi_host_alloc(%p,%d)=%p\n", &aac_driver_template, sizeof(struct aac_dev), shost);
+ if (!shost)
+ goto out_disable_pdev;
+ shost->irq = pdev->irq;
+ shost->base = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
+- shost->unique_id = aac_count - 1;
++ scsi_set_pci_device(shost, pdev);
++ scsi_set_device(shost, &pdev->dev);
++ shost->unique_id = unique_id;
++ /*
++ * This function is called after the device list
++ * has been built to find the tagged queueing
++ * depth supported for each device.
++ */
++ shost->select_queue_depths = aac_queuedepth;
++#if (defined(SERVICE_ACTION_IN))
++ shost->max_cmd_len = 16;
+ aac = (struct aac_dev *)shost->hostdata;
+ aac->scsi_host_ptr = shost;
+@@ -539,19 +1825,28 @@ static int __devinit aac_probe_one(struc
+ aac->name =;
+ aac->id = shost->unique_id;
+ aac->cardtype = index;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&aac->entry);
+- aac->fibs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib) * AAC_NUM_FIB, GFP_KERNEL);
++ aac->fibs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib) * (shost->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!aac->fibs)
+ goto out_free_host;
+ spin_lock_init(&aac->fib_lock);
+- /* Initialize the ordinal number of the device to -1 */
+- fsa_dev_ptr = &aac->fsa_dev;
+- for (container = 0; container < MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS; container++)
+- fsa_dev_ptr->devname[container][0] = '\0';
+- if ((*aac_drivers[index].init)(aac))
++ /*
++ * Map in the registers from the adapter.
++ */
++ aac->base_size = AAC_MIN_FOOTPRINT_SIZE;
++ if ((aac-> = ioremap(
++ (unsigned long)aac->scsi_host_ptr->base, AAC_MIN_FOOTPRINT_SIZE))
++ == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: unable to map adapter.\n",
+ goto out_free_fibs;
++ }
++ if ((*aac_drivers[index].init)(aac))
++ goto out_unmap;
++ aac_get_fw_debug_buffer(aac);
+ /*
+ * If we had set a smaller DMA mask earlier, set it to 4gig
+@@ -559,10 +1854,23 @@ static int __devinit aac_probe_one(struc
+ * address space.
+ */
+ if (aac_drivers[index].quirks & AAC_QUIRK_31BIT)
+- if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, 0xFFFFFFFFULL))
+- goto out_free_fibs;
++ if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK))
++ goto out_deinit;
++ aac->maximum_num_channels = aac_drivers[index].channels;
++ error = aac_get_adapter_info(aac);
++ if (error < 0)
++ goto out_deinit;
+- aac_get_adapter_info(aac);
++ /*
++ * Lets override negotiations and drop the maximum SG limit to 34
++ */
++ if ((aac_drivers[index].quirks & AAC_QUIRK_34SG)
++ && (aac->scsi_host_ptr->sg_tablesize > 34)) {
++ aac->scsi_host_ptr->sg_tablesize = 34;
++ aac->scsi_host_ptr->max_sectors
++ = (aac->scsi_host_ptr->sg_tablesize * 8) + 112;
++ }
+ /*
+ * max channel will be the physical channels plus 1 virtual channel
+@@ -570,25 +1878,36 @@ static int __devinit aac_probe_one(struc
+ * physical channels are address by their actual physical number+1
+ */
+ if (aac->nondasd_support == 1)
+- shost->max_channel = aac_drivers[index].channels+1;
++ shost->max_channel = aac->maximum_num_channels+1;
+ else
+ shost->max_channel = 1;
++ aac_get_config_status(aac);
+ aac_get_containers(aac);
+- aac_devices[aac_count-1] = aac;
++ list_add(&aac->entry, insert);
++ shost->max_id = aac->maximum_num_containers;
++ if (shost->max_id < aac->maximum_num_physicals)
++ shost->max_id = aac->maximum_num_physicals;
++ if (shost->max_id < MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS)
++ shost->max_id = MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS;
++ else
++ shost->this_id = shost->max_id;
+ /*
+ * dmb - we may need to move the setting of these parms somewhere else once
+ * we get a fib that can report the actual numbers
+ */
+- shost->max_id = MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS;
+ shost->max_lun = AAC_MAX_LUN;
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, shost);
+ error = scsi_add_host(shost, &pdev->dev);
+ if (error)
+ goto out_deinit;
+- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, shost);
++ fwprintf((aac, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FW_PRINT_B,
++ "Linux %s driver (%s)",
++ AAC_DRIVERNAME, aac_driver_version));
+ scsi_scan_host(shost);
+ return 0;
+@@ -598,18 +1917,20 @@ static int __devinit aac_probe_one(struc
+ wait_for_completion(&aac->aif_completion);
+ aac_send_shutdown(aac);
++ aac_adapter_disable_int(aac);
+ fib_map_free(aac);
+ pci_free_consistent(aac->pdev, aac->comm_size, aac->comm_addr, aac->comm_phys);
+ kfree(aac->queues);
+ free_irq(pdev->irq, aac);
+- iounmap((void * )aac->;
++ out_unmap:
++ iounmap(aac->;
+ out_free_fibs:
+ kfree(aac->fibs);
++ kfree(aac->fsa_dev);
+ out_free_host:
+ scsi_host_put(shost);
+ out_disable_pdev:
+ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+- aac_count--;
+ out:
+ return error;
+ }
+@@ -625,28 +1946,21 @@ static void __devexit aac_remove_one(str
+ wait_for_completion(&aac->aif_completion);
+ aac_send_shutdown(aac);
++ aac_adapter_disable_int(aac);
+ fib_map_free(aac);
+ pci_free_consistent(aac->pdev, aac->comm_size, aac->comm_addr,
+ aac->comm_phys);
+ kfree(aac->queues);
+ free_irq(pdev->irq, aac);
+- iounmap((void * )aac->;
++ iounmap(aac->;
+ kfree(aac->fibs);
++ kfree(aac->fsa_dev);
++ list_del(&aac->entry);
+ scsi_host_put(shost);
+ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+- /*
+- * We don't decrement aac_count here because adapters can be unplugged
+- * in a different order than they were detected. If we're ever going
+- * to overflow MAXIMUM_NUM_ADAPTERS we'll have to consider using a
+- * bintmap of free aac_devices slots.
+- */
+-#if 0
+- aac_count--;
+ }
+ static struct pci_driver aac_pci_driver = {
+@@ -656,15 +1970,35 @@ static struct pci_driver aac_pci_driver
+ .remove = __devexit_p(aac_remove_one),
+ };
++static int aac_reboot_event(struct notifier_block * n, ulong code, void *p)
++ if ((code == SYS_RESTART)
++ || (code == SYS_HALT)
++ || (code == SYS_POWER_OFF)) {
++ struct aac_dev *aac;
++ list_for_each_entry(aac, &aac_devices, entry)
++ aac_send_shutdown(aac);
++ }
++ return NOTIFY_DONE;
++static struct notifier_block aac_reboot_notifier =
++ aac_reboot_event,
++ NULL,
++ 0
+ static int __init aac_init(void)
+ {
+ int error;
+- printk(KERN_INFO "Red Hat/Adaptec aacraid driver (%s %s)\n",
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Adaptec %s driver (%s)\n",
++ AAC_DRIVERNAME, aac_driver_version);
+- error = pci_module_init(&aac_pci_driver);
+- if (error)
++ error = pci_register_driver(&aac_pci_driver);
++ if (error < 0)
+ return error;
+ aac_cfg_major = register_chrdev( 0, "aac", &aac_cfg_fops);
+@@ -672,27 +2006,57 @@ static int __init aac_init(void)
+ "aacraid: unable to register \"aac\" device.\n");
+ }
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_MINIPORT_REV_CHECK, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_SENDFIB, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_OPEN_GET_ADAPTER_FIB, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_GET_NEXT_ADAPTER_FIB,
+- aac_get_next_adapter_fib_ioctl);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_CLOSE_GET_ADAPTER_FIB, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_SEND_RAW_SRB, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_GET_PCI_INFO, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_QUERY_DISK, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_DELETE_DISK, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_FORCE_DELETE_DISK, NULL);
+- register_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_GET_CONTAINERS, NULL);
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) ? defined(__x86_64__) : defined(CONFIG_COMPAT))
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_MINIPORT_REV_CHECK, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_SENDFIB, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_OPEN_GET_ADAPTER_FIB, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_get_next_adapter_fib_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_CLOSE_GET_ADAPTER_FIB, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_SEND_RAW_SRB, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_GET_PCI_INFO, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_QUERY_DISK, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_DELETE_DISK, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_FORCE_DELETE_DISK, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_GET_CONTAINERS, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_REGISTER_FIB_SEND, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_GET_VERSION_MATCHING, sys_ioctl);
++ aac_ioctl32(FSACTL_SEND_LARGE_FIB, sys_ioctl);
++#if (defined(AAC_CSMI))
++ aac_csmi_register_ioctl32_conversion();
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "list_empty(&aac_devices)=%d\n", list_empty(&aac_devices));
++ if (!list_empty(&aac_devices)) {
++ register_reboot_notifier(&aac_reboot_notifier);
++ /* Trigger a target scan in the 2.4 tree */
++ if (!aac_dummy) {
++ aac_dummy = scsi_host_alloc(&aac_driver_template,0);
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "scsi_host_alloc(%p,0)=%p\n", &aac_driver_template, aac_dummy);
++ }
++#if 0
++printk(KERN_INFO "scsi_register_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA,%p)\n", &aac_driver_template);
++ scsi_register_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA,&aac_driver_template);
+ #endif
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit aac_exit(void)
+ {
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) ? defined(__x86_64__) : defined(CONFIG_COMPAT))
+ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_MINIPORT_REV_CHECK);
+ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_SENDFIB);
+ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_OPEN_GET_ADAPTER_FIB);
+@@ -704,10 +2068,23 @@ static void __exit aac_exit(void)
+ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_DELETE_DISK);
+ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_FORCE_DELETE_DISK);
+ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_GET_CONTAINERS);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_REGISTER_FIB_SEND);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_GET_VERSION_MATCHING);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(FSACTL_SEND_LARGE_FIB);
++#if (defined(AAC_CSMI))
++ aac_csmi_unregister_ioctl32_conversion();
+ #endif
+ unregister_chrdev(aac_cfg_major, "aac");
++ unregister_reboot_notifier(&aac_reboot_notifier);
+ pci_unregister_driver(&aac_pci_driver);
+ }
+ module_init(aac_init);
+ module_exit(aac_exit);
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/TODO 2005-03-03 19:08:40.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
+ o Testing
+ o More testing
+-o Feature request: display the firmware/bios/etc revisions in the
+- /proc info
+-o Drop irq_mask, basically unused
+ o I/O size increase
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/commctrl.c 2005-05-02 22:56:44.000000000 +0400
+@@ -36,12 +36,23 @@
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
++#include <linux/version.h> /* for the following test */
+ #include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
+ #include "aacraid.h"
++#if (defined(AAC_CSMI))
++# include "csmi.h"
+ /**
+ * ioctl_send_fib - send a FIB from userspace
+@@ -51,15 +62,45 @@
+ * This routine sends a fib to the adapter on behalf of a user level
+ * program.
+ */
++static char * aac_debug_timestamp(void)
++ unsigned long seconds = get_seconds();
++ static char buffer[80];
++ sprintf(buffer, "%02u:%02u:%02u: ",
++ (int)((seconds / 3600) % 24),
++ (int)((seconds / 60) % 60),
++ (int)(seconds % 60));
++ return buffer;
++# define AAC_DEBUG_PREAMBLE "%s"
++# define AAC_DEBUG_POSTAMBLE ,aac_debug_timestamp()
+ static int ioctl_send_fib(struct aac_dev * dev, void __user *arg)
+ {
+ struct hw_fib * kfib;
+ struct fib *fibptr;
++ struct hw_fib * hw_fib = (struct hw_fib *)0;
++ dma_addr_t hw_fib_pa = (dma_addr_t)0LL;
++ unsigned size;
++ int retval;
++ printk(AAC_DEBUG_PREAMBLE "ioctl_send_fib(%p,%p)\n" AAC_DEBUG_POSTAMBLE,
++ dev, arg);
+ fibptr = fib_alloc(dev);
+- if(fibptr == NULL)
++ if(fibptr == NULL) {
++ printk(AAC_DEBUG_PREAMBLE "ioctl_send_fib returns -ENOMEM\n"
+ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
+ kfib = fibptr->hw_fib;
+ /*
+@@ -67,6 +108,10 @@ static int ioctl_send_fib(struct aac_dev
+ */
+ if (copy_from_user((void *)kfib, arg, sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr))) {
+ fib_free(fibptr);
++ printk(AAC_DEBUG_PREAMBLE "ioctl_send_fib returns -EFAULT\n"
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -74,17 +119,24 @@ static int ioctl_send_fib(struct aac_dev
+ * will not overrun the buffer when we copy the memory. Return
+ * an error if we would.
+ */
+- if(le32_to_cpu(kfib->header.Size) > sizeof(struct hw_fib) - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)) {
+- fib_free(fibptr);
+- return -EINVAL;
++ size = le16_to_cpu(kfib->header.Size) + sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr);
++ if (size < le16_to_cpu(kfib->header.SenderSize))
++ size = le16_to_cpu(kfib->header.SenderSize);
++ if (size > dev->max_fib_size) {
++ /* Highjack the hw_fib */
++ hw_fib = fibptr->hw_fib;
++ hw_fib_pa = fibptr->hw_fib_pa;
++ fibptr->hw_fib = kfib = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev, size, &fibptr->hw_fib_pa);
++ memset(((char *)kfib) + dev->max_fib_size, 0, size - dev->max_fib_size);
++ memcpy(kfib, hw_fib, dev->max_fib_size);
+ }
+- if (copy_from_user((void *) kfib, arg, le32_to_cpu(kfib->header.Size) + sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr))) {
+- fib_free(fibptr);
+- return -EFAULT;
++ if (copy_from_user(kfib, arg, size)) {
++ retval = -EFAULT;
++ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- if (kfib->header.Command == cpu_to_le32(TakeABreakPt)) {
++ if (kfib->header.Command == cpu_to_le16(TakeABreakPt)) {
+ aac_adapter_interrupt(dev);
+ /*
+ * Since we didn't really send a fib, zero out the state to allow
+@@ -92,16 +144,43 @@ static int ioctl_send_fib(struct aac_dev
+ */
+ kfib->header.XferState = 0;
+ } else {
+- int retval = fib_send(kfib->header.Command, fibptr,
+- le32_to_cpu(kfib->header.Size) , FsaNormal,
++ {
++ u8 * fib = (u8 *)kfib;
++ unsigned len = le16_to_cpu(kfib->header.Size);
++ char buffer[80];
++ char * cp = buffer;
++ strcpy(cp, "FIB=");
++ cp += 4;
++ while (len > 0) {
++ if (cp >= &buffer[sizeof(buffer)-4]) {
++ buffer);
++ strcpy(cp = buffer, " ");
++ cp += 4;
++ }
++ sprintf (cp, "%02x ", *(fib++));
++ cp += strlen(cp);
++ --len;
++ }
++ if (cp > &buffer[4])
++ printk (AAC_DEBUG_PREAMBLE "%s\n"
++ }
++ printk(AAC_DEBUG_PREAMBLE "fib_send(%x,,%d,...)\n"
++ AAC_DEBUG_POSTAMBLE, kfib->header.Command,
++ le16_to_cpu(kfib->header.Size));
++# endif
++ retval = fib_send(le16_to_cpu(kfib->header.Command), fibptr,
++ le16_to_cpu(kfib->header.Size) , FsaNormal,
+ 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
+- if (retval) {
+- fib_free(fibptr);
+- return retval;
+- }
++ if (retval)
++ goto cleanup;
+ if (fib_complete(fibptr) != 0) {
+- fib_free(fibptr);
+- return -EINVAL;
++ retval = -EINVAL;
++ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -112,12 +191,21 @@ static int ioctl_send_fib(struct aac_dev
+ * was already included by the adapter.)
+ */
+- if (copy_to_user(arg, (void *)kfib, kfib->header.Size)) {
+- fib_free(fibptr);
+- return -EFAULT;
++ retval = 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(arg, (void *)kfib, size))
++ retval = -EFAULT;
++ if (hw_fib) {
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, size, kfib, fibptr->hw_fib_pa);
++ fibptr->hw_fib_pa = hw_fib_pa;
++ fibptr->hw_fib = hw_fib;
+ }
+ fib_free(fibptr);
+- return 0;
++ printk(AAC_DEBUG_PREAMBLE "ioctl_send_fib returns %d\n"
++ return retval;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -269,7 +357,6 @@ return_fib:
+ kfree(fib->hw_fib);
+ kfree(fib);
+ status = 0;
+- fibctx->jiffies = jiffies/HZ;
+ } else {
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->fib_lock, flags);
+ if (f.wait) {
+@@ -284,6 +371,7 @@ return_fib:
+ status = -EAGAIN;
+ }
+ }
++ fibctx->jiffies = jiffies/HZ;
+ return status;
+ }
+@@ -306,8 +394,10 @@ int aac_close_fib_context(struct aac_dev
+ /*
+ * Free the space occupied by this copy of the fib.
+ */
++ spin_unlock_irq(&dev->fib_lock);
+ kfree(fib->hw_fib);
+ kfree(fib);
++ spin_lock_irq(&dev->fib_lock);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Remove the Context from the AdapterFibContext List
+@@ -320,7 +410,9 @@ int aac_close_fib_context(struct aac_dev
+ /*
+ * Free the space occupied by the Context
+ */
++ spin_unlock_irq(&dev->fib_lock);
+ kfree(fibctx);
++ spin_lock_irq(&dev->fib_lock);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -374,6 +466,15 @@ static int close_getadapter_fib(struct a
+ return status;
+ }
++int aac_atoi(char ** str)
++ int c, result = 0;
++ while (('0' <= (c = *((*str)++))) && (c <= '9'))
++ result = (result * 10) + (c - '0');
++ return result;
+ /**
+ * check_revision - close down user fib context
+ * @dev: adapter
+@@ -387,28 +488,71 @@ static int close_getadapter_fib(struct a
+ static int check_revision(struct aac_dev *dev, void __user *arg)
+ {
+ struct revision response;
++ extern char aac_driver_version[];
++ char * driver_version = aac_driver_version;
++ u32 version;
+ response.compat = 1;
+- response.version = dev->adapter_info.kernelrev;
+- = dev->adapter_info.kernelbuild;
++ version = (aac_atoi(&driver_version) << 24) | 0x00000400;
++ version += aac_atoi(&driver_version) << 16;
++ version += aac_atoi(&driver_version);
++ response.version = cpu_to_le32(version);
++# if (defined(AAC_DRIVER_BUILD))
++ = cpu_to_le32(AAC_DRIVER_BUILD);
++# else
++ = cpu_to_le32(9999);
++# endif
+ if (copy_to_user(arg, &response, sizeof(response)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return 0;
+ }
++ * check_code_stream - close down user fib context
++ * @dev: adapter
++ * @arg: ioctl arguments
++ *
++ * This routine returns the driver code stream identifier
++ */
++static int check_code_stream_identifier(struct aac_dev *dev, void __user *arg)
++ struct VersionMatch response;
++ memset (&response, 0, sizeof(response));
++ strncpy (response.driver, CODE_STREAM_IDENTIFIER,
++ strncpy (response.firmware, dev->code_stream_identifier,
++ if (response.firmware[0] == '\0')
++ response.status = VERSION_MATCH_UNSUPPORTED;
++ else if (strncmp(response.driver, response.firmware,
++ response.status = VERSION_MATCH_FAILED;
++ else
++ response.status = VERSION_MATCH_SUCCESS;
++ if (copy_to_user(arg, &response, sizeof(response)))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return 0;
+ /**
+ *
+ * aac_send_raw_scb
+ *
+ */
+-int aac_send_raw_srb(struct aac_dev* dev, void __user * arg)
++static int aac_send_raw_srb(struct aac_dev* dev, void __user * arg)
+ {
+ struct fib* srbfib;
+ int status;
+- struct aac_srb *srbcmd;
+- struct aac_srb __user *user_srb = arg;
++ struct aac_srb *srbcmd = NULL;
++ struct user_aac_srb *user_srbcmd = NULL;
++ struct user_aac_srb __user *user_srb = arg;
+ struct aac_srb_reply __user *user_reply;
+ struct aac_srb_reply* reply;
+ u32 fibsize = 0;
+@@ -424,7 +568,7 @@ int aac_send_raw_srb(struct aac_dev* dev
+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: No permission to send raw srb\n");
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: No permission to send raw srb\n"));
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -437,37 +581,68 @@ int aac_send_raw_srb(struct aac_dev* dev
+ srbcmd = (struct aac_srb*) fib_data(srbfib);
++ memset(sg_list, 0, sizeof(sg_list)); /* cleanup may take issue */
+ if(copy_from_user(&fibsize, &user_srb->count,sizeof(u32))){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy data size from user\n");
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy data size from user\n"));
+ rcode = -EFAULT;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- if (fibsize > FIB_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES) {
++ if (fibsize > (dev->max_fib_size - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr))) {
+ rcode = -EINVAL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- if(copy_from_user(srbcmd, user_srb,fibsize)){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy srb from user\n");
++ user_srbcmd = kmalloc(GFP_KERNEL, fibsize);
++ if (!user_srbcmd) {
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not make a copy of the srb\n"));
++ rcode = -ENOMEM;
++ goto cleanup;
++ }
++ if(copy_from_user(user_srbcmd, user_srb,fibsize)){
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy srb from user\n"));
+ rcode = -EFAULT;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
++ {
++ u8 * srb = (u8 *)srbcmd;
++ unsigned len = fibsize;
++ char buffer[80];
++ char * cp = buffer;
++ strcpy(cp, "SRB=");
++ cp += 4;
++ while (len > 0) {
++ if (cp >= &buffer[sizeof(buffer)-4]) {
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s\n", buffer);
++ strcpy(cp = buffer, " ");
++ cp += 4;
++ }
++ sprintf (cp, "%02x ", *(srb++));
++ cp += strlen(cp);
++ --len;
++ }
++ if (cp > &buffer[4])
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s\n", buffer);
++ }
++# endif
+ user_reply = arg+fibsize;
+- flags = srbcmd->flags;
++ flags = user_srbcmd->flags; /* from user in cpu order */
+ // Fix up srb for endian and force some values
+ srbcmd->function = cpu_to_le32(SRBF_ExecuteScsi); // Force this
+- srbcmd->channel = cpu_to_le32(srbcmd->channel);
+- srbcmd->id = cpu_to_le32(srbcmd->id);
+- srbcmd->lun = cpu_to_le32(srbcmd->lun);
+- srbcmd->flags = cpu_to_le32(srbcmd->flags);
+- srbcmd->timeout = cpu_to_le32(srbcmd->timeout);
++ srbcmd->channel = cpu_to_le32(user_srbcmd->channel);
++ srbcmd->id = cpu_to_le32(user_srbcmd->id);
++ srbcmd->lun = cpu_to_le32(user_srbcmd->lun);
++ srbcmd->flags = cpu_to_le32(flags);
++ srbcmd->timeout = cpu_to_le32(user_srbcmd->timeout);
+ srbcmd->retry_limit =cpu_to_le32(0); // Obsolete parameter
+- srbcmd->cdb_size = cpu_to_le32(srbcmd->cdb_size);
++ srbcmd->cdb_size = cpu_to_le32(user_srbcmd->cdb_size);
+- switch (srbcmd->flags & (SRB_DataIn | SRB_DataOut)) {
++ switch (flags & (SRB_DataIn | SRB_DataOut)) {
+ case SRB_DataOut:
+ data_dir = DMA_TO_DEVICE;
+ break;
+@@ -480,116 +655,200 @@ int aac_send_raw_srb(struct aac_dev* dev
+ default:
+ data_dir = DMA_NONE;
+ }
+- if (dev->pae_support == 1) {
+- struct sgmap64* psg = (struct sgmap64*)&srbcmd->sg;
++ if (le32_to_cpu(srbcmd->sg.count) > (sizeof(sg_list)/sizeof(sg_list[0]))) {
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: too many sg entries %d\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(srbcmd->sg.count)));
++ rcode = -EINVAL;
++ goto cleanup;
++ }
++ if (dev->dac_support == 1) {
++ struct user_sgmap64* upsg = (struct user_sgmap64*)&user_srbcmd->sg;
++ struct sgmap64* psg = (struct sgmap64*)&user_srbcmd->sg;
++ struct user_sgmap* usg;
+ byte_count = 0;
+ /*
+ * This should also catch if user used the 32 bit sgmap
+ */
+ actual_fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_srb) -
+- sizeof(struct sgentry) + ((srbcmd->sg.count & 0xff) *
+- sizeof(struct sgentry64));
++ sizeof(struct sgentry) +
++ ((upsg->count & 0xff) *
++ sizeof(struct sgentry));
+ if(actual_fibsize != fibsize){ // User made a mistake - should not continue
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Bad Size specified in Raw SRB command\n");
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Bad Size specified in Raw SRB command\n"));
+ rcode = -EINVAL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- if ((data_dir == DMA_NONE) && psg->count) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: SG with no direction specified in Raw SRB command\n");
++ usg = kmalloc(actual_fibsize - sizeof(struct aac_srb)
++ + sizeof(struct sgmap), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!usg) {
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Allocation error in Raw SRB command\n"));
++ rcode = -ENOMEM;
++ goto cleanup;
++ }
++ memcpy (usg, upsg, actual_fibsize - sizeof(struct aac_srb)
++ + sizeof(struct sgmap));
++ actual_fibsize = sizeof(struct aac_srb) -
++ sizeof(struct sgentry) + ((usg->count & 0xff) *
++ sizeof(struct sgentry64));
++ if ((data_dir == DMA_NONE) && upsg->count) {
++ kfree (usg);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: SG with no direction specified in Raw SRB command\n"));
+ rcode = -EINVAL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- for (i = 0; i < psg->count; i++) {
+- dma_addr_t addr;
+- u64 le_addr;
++ for (i = 0; i < usg->count; i++) {
++ u64 addr;
+ void* p;
+- p = kmalloc(psg->sg[i].count,GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_DMA);
++ /* Does this really need to be GFP_DMA? */
++ p = kmalloc(usg->sg[i].count,GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_DMA);
+ if(p == 0) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not allocate SG buffer - size = %d buffer number %d of %d\n",
+- psg->sg[i].count,i,psg->count);
++ kfree (usg);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not allocate SG buffer - size = %d buffer number %d of %d\n",
++ usg->sg[i].count,i,usg->count));
+ rcode = -ENOMEM;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- sg_user[i] = (void __user *)psg->sg[i].addr;
++ sg_user[i] = (void __user *)usg->sg[i].addr;
+ sg_list[i] = p; // save so we can clean up later
+ sg_indx = i;
+ if( flags & SRB_DataOut ){
+- if(copy_from_user(p,sg_user[i],psg->sg[i].count)){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy sg data from user\n");
++ if(copy_from_user(p,sg_user[i],upsg->sg[i].count)){
++ kfree (usg);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy sg data from user\n"));
+ rcode = -EFAULT;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+- addr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, p, psg->sg[i].count, data_dir);
++ addr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, p, usg->sg[i].count, data_dir);
+- le_addr = cpu_to_le64(addr);
+- psg->sg[i].addr[1] = (u32)(le_addr>>32);
+- psg->sg[i].addr[0] = (u32)(le_addr & 0xffffffff);
+- psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(psg->sg[i].count);
+- byte_count += psg->sg[i].count;
++ psg->sg[i].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32(addr & 0xffffffff);
++ psg->sg[i].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32(addr>>32);
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(usg->sg[i].count);
++ byte_count += usg->sg[i].count;
+ }
++ kfree (usg);
+ srbcmd->count = cpu_to_le32(byte_count);
++ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_indx+1);
++ {
++ u8 * srb = (u8 *)srbfib->hw_fib;
++ unsigned len = actual_fibsize;
++ char buffer[80];
++ char * cp = buffer;
++ strcpy(cp, "FIB=");
++ cp += 4;
++ while (len > 0) {
++ if (cp >= &buffer[sizeof(buffer)-4]) {
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s\n", buffer);
++ strcpy(cp = buffer, " ");
++ cp += 4;
++ }
++ sprintf (cp, "%02x ", *(srb++));
++ cp += strlen(cp);
++ --len;
++ }
++ if (cp > &buffer[4])
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s\n", buffer);
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "fib_send(ScsiPortCommand64,,%d,...)\n",
++ actual_fibsize);
++# endif
+ status = fib_send(ScsiPortCommand64, srbfib, actual_fibsize, FsaNormal, 1, 1,NULL,NULL);
+ } else {
++ struct user_sgmap* upsg = &user_srbcmd->sg;
+ struct sgmap* psg = &srbcmd->sg;
+ byte_count = 0;
+- actual_fibsize = sizeof (struct aac_srb) + (((srbcmd->sg.count & 0xff) - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry));
++ actual_fibsize = sizeof (struct aac_srb) + (((le32_to_cpu(srbcmd->sg.count) & 0xff) - 1) * sizeof (struct sgentry));
+ if(actual_fibsize != fibsize){ // User made a mistake - should not continue
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Bad Size specified in Raw SRB command\n");
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Bad Size specified in Raw SRB command\n"));
+ rcode = -EINVAL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- if ((data_dir == DMA_NONE) && psg->count) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: SG with no direction specified in Raw SRB command\n");
++ if ((data_dir == DMA_NONE) && upsg->count) {
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: SG with no direction specified in Raw SRB command\n"));
+ rcode = -EINVAL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- for (i = 0; i < psg->count; i++) {
++ for (i = 0; i < upsg->count; i++) {
+ dma_addr_t addr;
+ void* p;
+- p = kmalloc(psg->sg[i].count,GFP_KERNEL);
++ p = kmalloc(upsg->sg[i].count,GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(p == 0) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not allocate SG buffer - size = %d buffer number %d of %d\n",
+- psg->sg[i].count,i,psg->count);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not allocate SG buffer - size = %d buffer number %d of %d\n",
++ upsg->sg[i].count,i,upsg->count));
+ rcode = -ENOMEM;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+- sg_user[i] = (void __user *)(psg->sg[i].addr);
++ sg_user[i] = (void __user *)upsg->sg[i].addr;
+ sg_list[i] = p; // save so we can clean up later
+ sg_indx = i;
+ if( flags & SRB_DataOut ){
+- if(copy_from_user(p,sg_user[i],psg->sg[i].count)){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy sg data from user\n");
++ if(copy_from_user(p, sg_user[i],
++ upsg->sg[i].count)) {
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy sg data from user\n"));
+ rcode = -EFAULT;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+- addr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, p, psg->sg[i].count, data_dir);
++ addr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, p,
++ upsg->sg[i].count, data_dir);
+ psg->sg[i].addr = cpu_to_le32(addr);
+- psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(psg->sg[i].count);
+- byte_count += psg->sg[i].count;
++ psg->sg[i].count = cpu_to_le32(upsg->sg[i].count);
++ byte_count += upsg->sg[i].count;
+ }
+ srbcmd->count = cpu_to_le32(byte_count);
++ psg->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_indx+1);
++ {
++ u8 * srb = (u8 *)srbfib->hw_fib;
++ unsigned len = actual_fibsize;
++ char buffer[80];
++ char * cp = buffer;
++ strcpy(cp, "FIB=");
++ cp += 4;
++ while (len > 0) {
++ if (cp >= &buffer[sizeof(buffer)-4]) {
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s\n", buffer);
++ strcpy(cp = buffer, " ");
++ cp += 4;
++ }
++ sprintf (cp, "%02x ", *(srb++));
++ cp += strlen(cp);
++ --len;
++ }
++ if (cp > &buffer[4])
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s\n", buffer);
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "fib_send(ScsiPortCommand,,%d,...)\n",
++ actual_fibsize);
++# endif
+ status = fib_send(ScsiPortCommand, srbfib, actual_fibsize, FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (status != 0){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not send raw srb fib to hba\n");
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not send raw srb fib to hba\n"));
+ rcode = -1;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if( flags & SRB_DataIn ) {
+ for(i = 0 ; i <= sg_indx; i++){
+- if(copy_to_user(sg_user[i],sg_list[i],le32_to_cpu(srbcmd->[i].count))){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy sg data to user\n");
++ byte_count = le32_to_cpu((dev->dac_support == 1)
++ ? ((struct sgmap64*)&srbcmd->sg)->sg[i].count
++ : srbcmd->[i].count);
++ if(copy_to_user(sg_user[i],sg_list[i],byte_count)){
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy sg data to user\n"));
+ rcode = -EFAULT;
+ goto cleanup;
+@@ -599,12 +858,13 @@ int aac_send_raw_srb(struct aac_dev* dev
+ reply = (struct aac_srb_reply *) fib_data(srbfib);
+ if(copy_to_user(user_reply,reply,sizeof(struct aac_srb_reply))){
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy reply to user\n");
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG"aacraid: Could not copy reply to user\n"));
+ rcode = -EFAULT;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ cleanup:
++ kfree(user_srbcmd);
+ for(i=0; i <= sg_indx; i++){
+ kfree(sg_list[i]);
+ }
+@@ -621,7 +881,7 @@ struct aac_pci_info {
+ };
+-int aac_get_pci_info(struct aac_dev* dev, void __user *arg)
++static int aac_get_pci_info(struct aac_dev* dev, void __user *arg)
+ {
+ struct aac_pci_info pci_info;
+@@ -629,29 +889,52 @@ int aac_get_pci_info(struct aac_dev* dev
+ pci_info.slot = PCI_SLOT(dev->pdev->devfn);
+ if (copy_to_user(arg, &pci_info, sizeof(struct aac_pci_info))) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG "aacraid: Could not copy pci info\n");
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aacraid: Could not copy pci info\n"));
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ return 0;
+- }
+ int aac_do_ioctl(struct aac_dev * dev, int cmd, void __user *arg)
+ {
+ int status;
++ printk("aac_do_ioctl(%p,%x,%p)\n", dev, cmd, arg);
+ /*
+ * HBA gets first crack
+ */
+ status = aac_dev_ioctl(dev, cmd, arg);
+- if(status != -ENOTTY)
++ if(status != -ENOTTY) {
++ printk("aac_do_ioctl returns %d\n", status);
+ return status;
++ }
++#if (defined(AAC_CSMI))
++ /*
++ * HP gets second crack
++ */
++ status = aac_csmi_ioctl(dev, cmd, arg);
++ if (status != -ENOTTY) {
++ printk("aac_do_ioctl returns %d\n", status);
++ return status;
++ }
+ switch (cmd) {
+ status = check_revision(dev, arg);
+ break;
+ status = ioctl_send_fib(dev, arg);
+ break;
+@@ -670,10 +953,19 @@ int aac_do_ioctl(struct aac_dev * dev, i
+ status = aac_get_pci_info(dev,arg);
+ break;
++ status = check_code_stream_identifier(dev,arg);
++ break;
+ default:
+ status = -ENOTTY;
+ break;
+ }
++ printk("aac_do_ioctl returns %d\n", status);
+ return status;
+ }
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/compat.h 2005-05-12 18:45:40.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
++ * Adaptec AAC series RAID controller driver
++ * (c) Copyright 2001 Red Hat Inc. <>
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
++ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
++ *
++ */
++ * This file is for backwards compatibility with older kernel versions
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#define ssleep(x) scsi_sleep((x)*HZ)
++#ifndef BUG_ON
++#ifndef unlikely
++#ifndef __builtin_expect
++#define __builtin_expect(x, expected_value) (x)
++#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)
++#define BUG_ON(condition) do { if (unlikely((condition)!=0)) BUG(); } while (0)
++#ifndef min
++#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
++ typedef unsigned long dma_addr_t;
++#include <linux/kcomp.h>
++#define PCI_ANY_ID (~0)
++#define SCSI_DATA_WRITE 1
++#define SCSI_DATA_READ 2
++#define SCSI_DATA_NONE 3
++ /* Sigh ... a *lot* more needs to be done for this Grandpa */
++#include <linux/time.h>
++static inline unsigned long get_seconds(void)
++ struct timeval now;
++ do_gettimeofday(&now);
++ return now.tv_sec;
++#define scsi_host_template SHT
++#define iminor(x) MINOR(x->i_rdev)
++#define scsi_host_alloc(t,s) scsi_register(t,s)
++#define scsi_host_put(s) scsi_unregister(s)
++#ifndef pci_set_consistent_dma_mask
++#define pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(d,m) 0
++#ifndef scsi_scan_host
++#define scsi_scan_host(s)
++#define scsi_add_host(s,d) 0
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,4,20)) && !defined(list_for_each_entry))
++#if (!defined(_LINUX_PREFETCH_H))
++static inline void prefetch(const void *x) {;}
++#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \
++ for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member), \
++ prefetch(pos->; \
++ &pos->member != (head); \
++ pos = list_entry(pos->, typeof(*pos), member), \
++ prefetch(pos->
++#if (defined(MODULE))
++# define scsi_remove_host(s) \
++ list_for_each_entry(aac, &aac_devices, entry) { \
++ if (aac != (struct aac_dev *)s->hostdata) \
++ break; \
++ } \
++ if (list_empty(&aac_devices) \
++ || (aac == (struct aac_dev *)s->hostdata)) scsi_unregister_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA,s->hostt)
++# define scsi_remove_host(s)
++#if (!defined(__devexit_p))
++# if (defined(MODULE))
++# define __devexit_p(x) x
++# else
++# define __devexit_p(x) NULL
++# endif
++#define __user
++#define scsi_device_online(d) ((d)->online)
++#define __iomem
++typedef u64 __le64;
++typedef u32 __le32;
++typedef u16 __le16;
++#ifndef DMA_64BIT_MASK
++#define DMA_64BIT_MASK ((dma_addr_t)0xffffffffffffffffULL)
++#ifndef DMA_32BIT_MASK
++#define DMA_32BIT_MASK ((dma_addr_t)0xffffffffULL)
++# define dma_handle ptr
++#include <linux/blk.h>
++static inline unsigned int block_size(kdev_t dev)
++ int retval = BLOCK_SIZE;
++ int major = MAJOR(dev);
++ if (blksize_size[major]) {
++ int minor = MINOR(dev);
++ if (blksize_size[major][minor])
++ retval = blksize_size[major][minor];
++ }
++ return retval;
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++struct completion {
++ unsigned int done;
++ wait_queue_head_t wait;
++ { 0, __WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD_INITIALIZER((work).wait) }
++#define DECLARE_COMPLETION(work) \
++ struct completion work = COMPLETION_INITIALIZER(work)
++#define INIT_COMPLETION(x) ((x).done = 0)
++static inline void init_completion(struct completion *x)
++ x->done = 0;
++ init_waitqueue_head(&x->wait);
++#ifndef complete_and_exit
++static inline void complete_and_exit(struct completion *comp, long code)
++ /*
++ if (comp)
++ complete(comp);
++ do_exit(code);
++ */
++static inline void scsi_set_pci_device(struct Scsi_Host *SHpnt,
++ struct pci_dev *pdev)
++// SHpnt->pci_dev = pdev;
++static inline void wait_for_completion(struct completion *x)
++ spin_lock_irq(&x->wait.lock);
++ if (!x->done) {
++ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
++ wait.flags |= WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE;
++ __add_wait_queue_tail(&x->wait, &wait);
++ do {
++ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&x->wait.lock);
++ schedule();
++ spin_lock_irq(&x->wait.lock);
++ } while (!x->done);
++ __remove_wait_queue(&x->wait, &wait);
++ }
++ x->done--;
++ spin_unlock_irq(&x->wait.lock);
++static inline int pci_set_dma_mask(struct pci_dev *dev, dma_addr_t mask)
++ dev->dma_mask = mask;
++ return 0;
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/commsup.c 2005-04-27 16:44:54.000000000 +0400
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ * commsup.c
+ *
+ * Abstract: Contain all routines that are required for FSA host/adapter
+- * commuication.
++ * communication.
+ *
+ */
+@@ -36,8 +36,20 @@
+ #include <linux/pci.h>
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/version.h> /* Needed for the following */
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_driver.h>
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
+ #include "aacraid.h"
+@@ -52,7 +64,31 @@
+ static int fib_map_alloc(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- if((dev->hw_fib_va = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev, sizeof(struct hw_fib) * AAC_NUM_FIB, &dev->hw_fib_pa))==NULL)
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO
++ "allocate hardware fibs pci_alloc_consistent(%p, %d * (%d + %d), %p)\n",
++ dev->pdev, dev->max_fib_size, dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue,
++ AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB, &dev->hw_fib_pa));
++#if 0 && (defined(CONFIG_X86) || defined(CONFIG_X86_64))
++ /* Bug in pci_alloc_consistent dealing with respecting dma map */
++ dev->hw_fib_va = kmalloc(
++ dev->max_fib_size * (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB),
++ if (dev->hw_fib_va) {
++ dev->hw_fib_pa = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, dev->hw_fib_va,
++ dev->max_fib_size * (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB),
++ if (dev->hw_fib_pa > (0x80000000UL
++ - (dev->max_fib_size
++ * (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB)))) {
++ kfree(dev->hw_fib_va);
++ dev->hw_fib_va = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (dev->hw_fib_va == NULL)
++ if((dev->hw_fib_va = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev, dev->max_fib_size
++ * (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB),
++ &dev->hw_fib_pa))==NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -67,7 +103,7 @@ static int fib_map_alloc(struct aac_dev
+ void fib_map_free(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, sizeof(struct hw_fib) * AAC_NUM_FIB, dev->hw_fib_va, dev->hw_fib_pa);
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, dev->max_fib_size * (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB), dev->hw_fib_va, dev->hw_fib_pa);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -84,17 +120,22 @@ int fib_setup(struct aac_dev * dev)
+ struct hw_fib *hw_fib_va;
+ dma_addr_t hw_fib_pa;
+ int i;
+- if(fib_map_alloc(dev)<0)
++ while (((i = fib_map_alloc(dev)) == -ENOMEM)
++ && (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue > (64 - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB))) {
++ dev->init->MaxIoCommands = cpu_to_le32((dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB) >> 1);
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue = le32_to_cpu(dev->init->MaxIoCommands) - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB;
++ }
++ if (i<0)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ hw_fib_va = dev->hw_fib_va;
+ hw_fib_pa = dev->hw_fib_pa;
+- memset(hw_fib_va, 0, sizeof(struct hw_fib) * AAC_NUM_FIB);
++ memset(hw_fib_va, 0, dev->max_fib_size * (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB));
+ /*
+ * Initialise the fibs
+ */
+- for (i = 0, fibptr = &dev->fibs[i]; i < AAC_NUM_FIB; i++, fibptr++)
++ for (i = 0, fibptr = &dev->fibs[i]; i < (dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB); i++, fibptr++)
+ {
+ fibptr->dev = dev;
+ fibptr->hw_fib = hw_fib_va;
+@@ -103,15 +144,15 @@ int fib_setup(struct aac_dev * dev)
+ init_MUTEX_LOCKED(&fibptr->event_wait);
+ spin_lock_init(&fibptr->event_lock);
+ hw_fib_va->header.XferState = cpu_to_le32(0xffffffff);
+- hw_fib_va->header.SenderSize = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ hw_fib_va->header.SenderSize = cpu_to_le16(dev->max_fib_size);
+ fibptr->hw_fib_pa = hw_fib_pa;
+- hw_fib_va = (struct hw_fib *)((unsigned char *)hw_fib_va + sizeof(struct hw_fib));
+- hw_fib_pa = hw_fib_pa + sizeof(struct hw_fib);
++ hw_fib_va = (struct hw_fib *)((unsigned char *)hw_fib_va + dev->max_fib_size);
++ hw_fib_pa = hw_fib_pa + dev->max_fib_size;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Add the fib chain to the free list
+ */
+- dev->fibs[AAC_NUM_FIB-1].next = NULL;
++ dev->fibs[dev->scsi_host_ptr->can_queue + AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB - 1].next = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Enable this to debug out of queue space
+ */
+@@ -124,7 +165,7 @@ int fib_setup(struct aac_dev * dev)
+ * @dev: Adapter to allocate the fib for
+ *
+ * Allocate a fib from the adapter fib pool. If the pool is empty we
+- * wait for fibs to become free.
++ * return NULL.
+ */
+ struct fib * fib_alloc(struct aac_dev *dev)
+@@ -133,10 +174,10 @@ struct fib * fib_alloc(struct aac_dev *d
+ unsigned long flags;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->fib_lock, flags);
+ fibptr = dev->free_fib;
+- /* Cannot sleep here or you get hangs. Instead we did the
+- maths at compile time. */
+- if(!fibptr)
+- BUG();
++ if(!fibptr){
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->fib_lock, flags);
++ return fibptr;
++ }
+ dev->free_fib = fibptr->next;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->fib_lock, flags);
+ /*
+@@ -148,9 +189,19 @@ struct fib * fib_alloc(struct aac_dev *d
+ * Null out fields that depend on being zero at the start of
+ * each I/O
+ */
+- fibptr->hw_fib->header.XferState = cpu_to_le32(0);
++ fibptr->hw_fib->header.XferState = 0;
+ fibptr->callback = NULL;
+ fibptr->callback_data = NULL;
++ {
++ struct timeval now;
++ do_gettimeofday(&now);
++ fibptr->DriverTimeStartS = now.tv_sec;
++ fibptr->DriverTimeStartuS = now.tv_usec;
++ }
++ fibptr->DriverTimeDoneS = 0;
++ fibptr->DriverTimeDoneuS = 0;
+ return fibptr;
+ }
+@@ -167,6 +218,18 @@ void fib_free(struct fib * fibptr)
+ {
+ unsigned long flags;
++ struct timeval now;
++ do_gettimeofday(&now);
++ fibptr->DriverTimeDoneS = now.tv_sec;
++ fibptr->DriverTimeDoneuS = now.tv_usec;
++ flags = (fibptr->DriverTimeDoneS - fibptr->DriverTimeStartS) * 1000000L
++ + fibptr->DriverTimeDoneuS - fibptr->DriverTimeStartuS;
++ if (flags > aac_config.peak_duration) {
++ aac_config.peak_duration = flags;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "peak_duration %lduseconds\n", flags);
++ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&fibptr->dev->fib_lock, flags);
+ if (fibptr->flags & FIB_CONTEXT_FLAG_TIMED_OUT) {
+ aac_config.fib_timeouts++;
+@@ -175,7 +238,8 @@ void fib_free(struct fib * fibptr)
+ } else {
+ if (fibptr->hw_fib->header.XferState != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "fib_free, XferState != 0, fibptr = 0x%p, XferState = 0x%x\n",
+- (void*)fibptr, fibptr->hw_fib->header.XferState);
++ (void*)fibptr,
++ le32_to_cpu(fibptr->hw_fib->header.XferState));
+ }
+ fibptr->next = fibptr->dev->free_fib;
+ fibptr->dev->free_fib = fibptr;
+@@ -195,11 +259,11 @@ void fib_init(struct fib *fibptr)
+ struct hw_fib *hw_fib = fibptr->hw_fib;
+ hw_fib->header.StructType = FIB_MAGIC;
+- hw_fib->header.Size = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct hw_fib));
+- hw_fib->header.XferState = cpu_to_le32(HostOwned | FibInitialized | FibEmpty | FastResponseCapable);
+- hw_fib->header.SenderFibAddress = cpu_to_le32(fibptr->hw_fib_pa);
++ hw_fib->header.Size = cpu_to_le16(fibptr->dev->max_fib_size);
++ hw_fib->header.XferState = cpu_to_le32(HostOwned | FibInitialized | FibEmpty | FastResponseCapable);
++ hw_fib->header.SenderFibAddress = 0; /* Filled in later if needed */
+ hw_fib->header.ReceiverFibAddress = cpu_to_le32(fibptr->hw_fib_pa);
+- hw_fib->header.SenderSize = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ hw_fib->header.SenderSize = cpu_to_le16(fibptr->dev->max_fib_size);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -210,12 +274,12 @@ void fib_init(struct fib *fibptr)
+ * caller.
+ */
+-void fib_dealloc(struct fib * fibptr)
++static void fib_dealloc(struct fib * fibptr)
+ {
+ struct hw_fib *hw_fib = fibptr->hw_fib;
+ if(hw_fib->header.StructType != FIB_MAGIC)
+ BUG();
+- hw_fib->header.XferState = cpu_to_le32(0);
++ hw_fib->header.XferState = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -241,6 +305,7 @@ void fib_dealloc(struct fib * fibptr)
+ static int aac_get_entry (struct aac_dev * dev, u32 qid, struct aac_entry **entry, u32 * index, unsigned long *nonotify)
+ {
+ struct aac_queue * q;
++ unsigned long idx;
+ /*
+ * All of the queues wrap when they reach the end, so we check
+@@ -250,10 +315,23 @@ static int aac_get_entry (struct aac_dev
+ */
+ q = &dev->queues->queue[qid];
+- *index = le32_to_cpu(*(q->headers.producer));
+- if ((*index - 2) == le32_to_cpu(*(q->headers.consumer)))
++ idx = *index = le32_to_cpu(*(q->headers.producer));
++ /* Interrupt Moderation, only interrupt for first two entries */
++ if (idx != le32_to_cpu(*(q->headers.consumer))) {
++ if (--idx == 0) {
++ if (qid == AdapHighCmdQueue)
++ else if (qid == AdapNormCmdQueue)
++ else if (qid == AdapHighRespQueue)
++ else if (qid == AdapNormRespQueue)
++ }
++ if (idx != le32_to_cpu(*(q->headers.consumer)))
+ *nonotify = 1;
++ }
+ if (qid == AdapHighCmdQueue) {
+ if (*index >= ADAP_HIGH_CMD_ENTRIES)
+@@ -278,7 +356,7 @@ static int aac_get_entry (struct aac_dev
+ }
+ if ((*index + 1) == le32_to_cpu(*(q->headers.consumer))) { /* Queue is full */
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "Queue %d full, %d outstanding.\n",
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Queue %d full, %u outstanding.\n",
+ qid, q->numpending);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+@@ -307,10 +385,7 @@ static int aac_queue_get(struct aac_dev
+ {
+ struct aac_entry * entry = NULL;
+ int map = 0;
+- struct aac_queue * q = &dev->queues->queue[qid];
+- spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, q->SavedIrql);
+ if (qid == AdapHighCmdQueue || qid == AdapNormCmdQueue)
+ {
+ /* if no entries wait for some if caller wants to */
+@@ -344,43 +419,7 @@ static int aac_queue_get(struct aac_dev
+ * in the queue entry.
+ */
+ if (map)
+- entry->addr = fibptr->hw_fib_pa;
+- return 0;
+- * aac_insert_entry - insert a queue entry
+- * @dev: Adapter
+- * @index: Index of entry to insert
+- * @qid: Queue number
+- * @nonotify: Suppress adapter notification
+- *
+- * Gets the next free QE off the requested priorty adapter command
+- * queue and associates the Fib with the QE. The QE represented by
+- * index is ready to insert on the queue when this routine returns
+- * success.
+- */
+-static int aac_insert_entry(struct aac_dev * dev, u32 index, u32 qid, unsigned long nonotify)
+- struct aac_queue * q = &dev->queues->queue[qid];
+- if(q == NULL)
+- BUG();
+- *(q->headers.producer) = cpu_to_le32(index + 1);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, q->SavedIrql);
+- if (qid == AdapHighCmdQueue ||
+- qid == AdapNormCmdQueue ||
+- qid == AdapHighRespQueue ||
+- qid == AdapNormRespQueue)
+- {
+- if (!nonotify)
+- aac_adapter_notify(dev, qid);
+- }
+- else
+- printk("Suprise insert!\n");
++ entry->addr = cpu_to_le32(fibptr->hw_fib_pa);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -408,23 +447,28 @@ static int aac_insert_entry(struct aac_d
+ * an event to wait on must be supplied. This event will be set when a
+ * response FIB is received from the adapter.
+ */
+-int fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * fibptr, unsigned long size, int priority, int wait, int reply, fib_callback callback, void * callback_data)
++fib_send_t fib_send = aac_fib_send;
++int aac_fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * fibptr, unsigned long size,
++ int priority, int wait, int reply, fib_callback callback,
++ void * callback_data)
+ {
+- u32 index;
+ u32 qid;
+ struct aac_dev * dev = fibptr->dev;
+- unsigned long nointr = 0;
+ struct hw_fib * hw_fib = fibptr->hw_fib;
+ struct aac_queue * q;
+ unsigned long flags = 0;
+- if (!(le32_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.XferState) & HostOwned))
++ unsigned long qflags;
++ if (!(hw_fib->header.XferState & cpu_to_le32(HostOwned)))
+ return -EBUSY;
+ /*
+ * There are 5 cases with the wait and reponse requested flags.
+ * The only invalid cases are if the caller requests to wait and
+ * does not request a response and if the caller does not want a
+- * response and the Fibis not allocated from pool. If a response
++ * response and the Fib is not allocated from pool. If a response
+ * is not requesed the Fib will just be deallocaed by the DPC
+ * routine when the response comes back from the adapter. No
+ * further processing will be done besides deleting the Fib. We
+@@ -447,7 +491,7 @@ int fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * f
+ * Map the fib into 32bits by using the fib number
+ */
+- hw_fib->header.SenderFibAddress = cpu_to_le32(((u32)(fibptr-dev->fibs)) << 1);
++ hw_fib->header.SenderFibAddress = cpu_to_le32(((u32)(fibptr - dev->fibs)) << 2);
+ hw_fib->header.SenderData = (u32)(fibptr - dev->fibs);
+ /*
+ * Set FIB state to indicate where it came from and if we want a
+@@ -477,19 +521,7 @@ int fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * f
+ hw_fib->header.XferState |= cpu_to_le32(NormalPriority);
+ qid = AdapNormCmdQueue;
+ }
+- q = &dev->queues->queue[qid];
+- if(wait)
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&fibptr->event_lock, flags);
+- if(aac_queue_get( dev, &index, qid, hw_fib, 1, fibptr, &nointr)<0)
+- return -EWOULDBLOCK;
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "fib_send: inserting a queue entry at index %d.\n",index));
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "Fib contents:.\n"));
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " Command = %d.\n", hw_fib->header.Command));
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " XferState = %x.\n", hw_fib->header.XferState));
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " hw_fib va being sent=%p\n",fibptr->hw_fib));
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " hw_fib pa being sent=%lx\n",(ulong)fibptr->hw_fib_pa));
+- dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " fib being sent=%p\n",fibptr));
+ /*
+ * Fill in the Callback and CallbackContext if we are not
+ * going to wait.
+@@ -498,22 +530,114 @@ int fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * f
+ fibptr->callback = callback;
+ fibptr->callback_data = callback_data;
+ }
+- FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(aac_config.FibsSent);
+- list_add_tail(&fibptr->queue, &q->pendingq);
+- q->numpending++;
+ fibptr->done = 0;
+ fibptr->flags = 0;
+- if(aac_insert_entry(dev, index, qid, (nointr & aac_config.irq_mod)) < 0)
+- return -EWOULDBLOCK;
++# if (defined(AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_FIB))
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Fib content %p[%d] P=%llx:\n",
++ hw_fib, le16_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.Size), fibptr->hw_fib_pa);
++ {
++ int size = le16_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.Size)
++ / sizeof(u32);
++ char buffer[80];
++ u32 * up = (u32 *)hw_fib;
++ while (size > 0) {
++ sprintf (buffer,
++ " %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",
++ up[0], up[1], up[2], up[3], up[4], up[5],
++ up[6], up[7]);
++ up += 8;
++ size -= 8;
++ if (size < 0) {
++ buffer[73+(size*9)] = '\n';
++ buffer[74+(size*9)] = '\0';
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s", buffer);
++ }
++ }
++# endif
++ FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(aac_config.FibsSent);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "Fib contents:.\n"));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " Command = %d.\n", le32_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.Command)));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " SubCommand = %d.\n", le32_to_cpu(((struct aac_query_mount *)fib_data(fibptr))->command)));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " XferState = %x.\n", le32_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.XferState)));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " hw_fib va being sent=%p\n",fibptr->hw_fib));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " hw_fib pa being sent=%lx\n",(ulong)fibptr->hw_fib_pa));
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG " fib being sent=%p\n",fibptr));
++ q = &dev->queues->queue[qid];
++ if(wait)
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&fibptr->event_lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, qflags);
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface) {
++ unsigned long count = 10000000L; /* 50 seconds */
++ list_add_tail(&fibptr->queue, &q->pendingq);
++ q->numpending++;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, qflags);
++ while (aac_adapter_send(fibptr) != 0) {
++ if (--count == 0) {
++ if (wait)
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fibptr->event_lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, qflags);
++ q->numpending--;
++ list_del(&fibptr->queue);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, qflags);
++ return -ETIMEDOUT;
++ }
++ udelay(5);
++ }
++ } else {
++ u32 index;
++ unsigned long nointr = 0;
++ aac_queue_get( dev, &index, qid, hw_fib, 1, fibptr, &nointr);
++ list_add_tail(&fibptr->queue, &q->pendingq);
++ q->numpending++;
++ *(q->headers.producer) = cpu_to_le32(index + 1);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, qflags);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "fib_send: inserting a queue entry at index %d.\n",index));
++ if (!(nointr & aac_config.irq_mod))
++ aac_adapter_notify(dev, qid);
++ }
+ /*
+ * If the caller wanted us to wait for response wait now.
+ */
+ if (wait) {
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fibptr->event_lock, flags);
+- down(&fibptr->event_wait);
++ /* Only set for first known interruptable command */
++ if (wait < 0) {
++ /*
++ * *VERY* Dangerous to time out a command, the
++ * assumption is made that we have no hope of
++ * functioning because an interrupt routing or other
++ * hardware failure has occurred.
++ */
++ unsigned long count = 36000000L; /* 3 minutes */
++ while (down_trylock(&fibptr->event_wait)) {
++ if (--count == 0) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, qflags);
++ q->numpending--;
++ list_del(&fibptr->queue);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, qflags);
++ if (wait == -1) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "aacraid: fib_send: first asynchronous command timed out.\n"
++ "Usually a result of a PCI interrupt routing problem;\n"
++ "update mother board BIOS or consider utilizing one of\n"
++ "the SAFE mode kernel options (acpi, apic etc)\n");
++ }
++ return -ETIMEDOUT;
++ }
++ udelay(5);
++ }
++ } else
++ down(&fibptr->event_wait);
+ if(fibptr->done == 0)
+ BUG();
+@@ -566,12 +690,6 @@ int aac_consumer_get(struct aac_dev * de
+ return(status);
+ }
+-int aac_consumer_avail(struct aac_dev *dev, struct aac_queue * q)
+- return (le32_to_cpu(*q->headers.producer) != le32_to_cpu(*q->headers.consumer));
+ /**
+ * aac_consumer_free - free consumer entry
+ * @dev: Adapter
+@@ -631,13 +749,22 @@ int fib_adapter_complete(struct fib * fi
+ {
+ struct hw_fib * hw_fib = fibptr->hw_fib;
+ struct aac_dev * dev = fibptr->dev;
++ struct aac_queue * q;
+ unsigned long nointr = 0;
+- if (le32_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.XferState) == 0)
++ unsigned long qflags;
++ u32 qid;
++ if (hw_fib->header.XferState == 0) {
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface)
++ kfree (hw_fib);
+ return 0;
++ }
+ /*
+ * If we plan to do anything check the structure type first.
+ */
+ if ( hw_fib->header.StructType != FIB_MAGIC ) {
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface)
++ kfree (hw_fib);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -648,37 +775,31 @@ int fib_adapter_complete(struct fib * fi
+ * send the completed cdb to the adapter.
+ */
+ if (hw_fib->header.XferState & cpu_to_le32(SentFromAdapter)) {
+- hw_fib->header.XferState |= cpu_to_le32(HostProcessed);
+- if (hw_fib->header.XferState & cpu_to_le32(HighPriority)) {
+- u32 index;
+- if (size)
+- {
+- size += sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr);
+- if (size > le16_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.SenderSize))
+- return -EMSGSIZE;
+- hw_fib->header.Size = cpu_to_le16(size);
+- }
+- if(aac_queue_get(dev, &index, AdapHighRespQueue, hw_fib, 1, NULL, &nointr) < 0) {
+- return -EWOULDBLOCK;
+- }
+- if (aac_insert_entry(dev, index, AdapHighRespQueue, (nointr & (int)aac_config.irq_mod)) != 0) {
+- }
+- }
+- else if (hw_fib->header.XferState & NormalPriority)
+- {
+- u32 index;
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface) {
++ kfree (hw_fib);
++ } else {
++ u32 index;
++ hw_fib->header.XferState |= cpu_to_le32(HostProcessed);
++ if (hw_fib->header.XferState & cpu_to_le32(HighPriority))
++ qid = AdapHighRespQueue;
++ else if (hw_fib->header.XferState &
++ cpu_to_le32(NormalPriority))
++ qid = AdapNormRespQueue;
++ else
++ return 0;
+ if (size) {
+ size += sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr);
+ if (size > le16_to_cpu(hw_fib->header.SenderSize))
+ return -EMSGSIZE;
+ hw_fib->header.Size = cpu_to_le16(size);
+ }
+- if (aac_queue_get(dev, &index, AdapNormRespQueue, hw_fib, 1, NULL, &nointr) < 0)
+- return -EWOULDBLOCK;
+- if (aac_insert_entry(dev, index, AdapNormRespQueue, (nointr & (int)aac_config.irq_mod)) != 0)
+- {
+- }
++ q = &dev->queues->queue[qid];
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, qflags);
++ aac_queue_get(dev, &index, qid, hw_fib, 1, NULL, &nointr);
++ *(q->headers.producer) = cpu_to_le32(index + 1);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, qflags);
++ if (!(nointr & (int)aac_config.irq_mod))
++ aac_adapter_notify(dev, qid);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+@@ -704,7 +825,7 @@ int fib_complete(struct fib * fibptr)
+ * Check for a fib which has already been completed
+ */
+- if (hw_fib->header.XferState == cpu_to_le32(0))
++ if (hw_fib->header.XferState == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * If we plan to do anything check the structure type first.
+@@ -749,22 +870,27 @@ int fib_complete(struct fib * fibptr)
+ void aac_printf(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 val)
+ {
+- int length = val & 0xffff;
+- int level = (val >> 16) & 0xffff;
+ char *cp = dev->printfbuf;
+- /*
+- * The size of the printfbuf is set in port.c
+- * There is no variable or define for it
+- */
+- if (length > 255)
+- length = 255;
+- if (cp[length] != 0)
+- cp[length] = 0;
+- if (level == LOG_HIGH_ERROR)
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid:%s", cp);
+- else
+- printk(KERN_INFO "aacraid:%s", cp);
++#if (!defined(AAC_PRINTF_ENABLED))
++ if (dev->printf_enabled)
++ {
++ int length = val & 0xffff;
++ int level = (val >> 16) & 0xffff;
++ /*
++ * The size of the printfbuf is set in port.c
++ * There is no variable or define for it
++ */
++ if (length > 255)
++ length = 255;
++ if (cp[length] != 0)
++ cp[length] = 0;
++ if (level == LOG_AAC_HIGH_ERROR)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid:%s", cp);
++ else
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aacraid:%s", cp);
++ }
+ memset(cp, 0, 256);
+ }
+@@ -781,13 +907,395 @@ void aac_printf(struct aac_dev *dev, u32
+ static void aac_handle_aif(struct aac_dev * dev, struct fib * fibptr)
+ {
+ struct hw_fib * hw_fib = fibptr->hw_fib;
++ struct aac_aifcmd * aifcmd = (struct aac_aifcmd *)hw_fib->data;
++ int busy;
++ u32 container;
++ struct scsi_device *device;
++ struct scsi_driver * drv;
++ enum {
++ ADD,
++ } DeviceConfigNeeded;
++ extern struct proc_dir_entry * proc_scsi;
++ /* Sniff for container changes */
++ dprintk ((KERN_INFO "aac_handle_aif: Aif command=%x type=%x\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(aifcmd->command), le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)aifcmd->data)));
++ printk ("aac_handle_aif: Aif command=%x type=%x\n",
++ le32_to_cpu(aifcmd->command), le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)aifcmd->data));
++ if (!dev)
++ return;
++ container = (u32)-1;
++ /*
++ * We have set this up to try and minimize the number of
++ * re-configures that take place. As a result of this when
++ * certain AIF's come in we will set a flag waiting for another
++ * type of AIF before setting the re-config flag.
++ */
++ switch (le32_to_cpu(aifcmd->command)) {
++ case AifCmdDriverNotify:
++ switch (le32_to_cpu(((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[0])) {
++ /*
++ * Morph or Expand complete
++ */
++ case AifDenMorphComplete:
++ case AifDenVolumeExtendComplete:
++ container = le32_to_cpu(((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[1]);
++ if (container >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ break;
++ dprintk ((KERN_INFO "container=%d(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
++ container,
++ (dev && dev->scsi_host_ptr)
++ ? dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no
++ : -1,
++ CONTAINER_TO_ID(container),
++ CONTAINER_TO_LUN(container)));
++ /*
++ * Find the Scsi_Device associated with the SCSI
++ * address. Make sure we have the right array, and if
++ * so set the flag to initiate a new re-config once we
++ * see an AifEnConfigChange AIF come through.
++ */
++ if ((dev != (struct aac_dev *)NULL)
++ && (dev->scsi_host_ptr != (struct Scsi_Host *)NULL)) {
++ shost_for_each_device(device, dev->scsi_host_ptr)
++ list_for_each_entry(device,
++ &dev->scsi_host_ptr->my_devices, siblings)
++ for (device = dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_queue;
++ device != (struct scsi_device *)NULL;
++ device = device->next)
++ {
++ if ((device->channel == CONTAINER_TO_CHANNEL(container))
++ && (device->id == CONTAINER_TO_ID(container))
++ && (device->lun == CONTAINER_TO_LUN(container))) {
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded = CHANGE;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = AifEnConfigChange;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * If we are waiting on something and this happens to be
++ * that thing then set the re-configure flag.
++ */
++ if (container != (u32)-1) {
++ if (container >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ break;
++ if (dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn == le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)aifcmd->data))
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = 0;
++ } else for (container = 0; container < dev->maximum_num_containers; ++container) {
++ if (dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn == le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)aifcmd->data))
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = 0;
++ }
++ break;
++ case AifCmdEventNotify:
++ switch (le32_to_cpu(((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[0])) {
++ /*
++ * Add an Array.
++ */
++ case AifEnAddContainer:
++ container = le32_to_cpu(((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[1]);
++ if (container >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ break;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded = ADD;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = AifEnConfigChange;
++ break;
++ /*
++ * Delete an Array.
++ */
++ case AifEnDeleteContainer:
++ container = le32_to_cpu(((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[1]);
++ if (container >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ break;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded = DELETE;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = AifEnConfigChange;
++ break;
++ /*
++ * Container change detected. If we currently are not
++ * waiting on something else, setup to wait on a Config Change.
++ */
++ case AifEnContainerChange:
++ container = le32_to_cpu(((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[1]);
++ if (container >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ break;
++ if (dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn) {
++ break;
++ }
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded = CHANGE;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = AifEnConfigChange;
++ break;
++ case AifEnConfigChange:
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If we are waiting on something and this happens to be
++ * that thing then set the re-configure flag.
++ */
++ if (container != (u32)-1) {
++ if (container >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ break;
++ if (dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn == le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)aifcmd->data))
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = 0;
++ } else for (container = 0; container < dev->maximum_num_containers; ++container) {
++ if (dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn == le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)aifcmd->data))
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = 0;
++ }
++ break;
++ case AifCmdJobProgress:
++ /*
++ * These are job progress AIF's. When a Clear is being
++ * done on a container it is initially created then hidden from
++ * the OS. When the clear completes we don't get a config
++ * change so we monitor the job status complete on a clear then
++ * wait for a container change.
++ */
++ if ((((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[1] == cpu_to_le32(AifJobCtrZero))
++ && ((((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[6] == ((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[5])
++ || (((u32 *)aifcmd->data)[4] == cpu_to_le32(AifJobStsSuccess)))) {
++ for (container = 0; container < dev->maximum_num_containers; ++container) {
++ /* Stomp on all config sequencing for all containers? */
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = AifEnContainerChange;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded = ADD;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ DeviceConfigNeeded = NOTHING;
++ for (container = 0; container < dev->maximum_num_containers; ++container) {
++ if ((dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn == 0)
++ && (dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded != NOTHING)) {
++ DeviceConfigNeeded = dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded = NOTHING;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (DeviceConfigNeeded == NOTHING)
++ return;
+ /*
+- * Set the status of this FIB to be Invalid parameter.
+- *
+- * *(u32 *)fib->data = ST_INVAL;
++ * If we decided that a re-configuration needs to be done,
++ * schedule it here on the way out the door, please close the door
++ * behind you.
+ */
+- *(u32 *)hw_fib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
+- fib_adapter_complete(fibptr, sizeof(u32));
++ busy = 0;
++ dprintk ((KERN_INFO "container=%d(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
++ container,
++ (dev && dev->scsi_host_ptr)
++ ? dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no
++ : -1,
++ CONTAINER_TO_ID(container),
++ CONTAINER_TO_LUN(container)));
++ /*
++ * Find the Scsi_Device associated with the SCSI address,
++ * and mark it as changed, invalidating the cache. This deals
++ * with changes to existing device IDs.
++ */
++ if (!dev || !dev->scsi_host_ptr) {
++ return;
++ }
++ /*
++ * force reload of disk info via probe_container
++ */
++ if ((DeviceConfigNeeded == CHANGE)
++ && (dev->fsa_dev[container].valid == 1))
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].valid = 2;
++ if ((DeviceConfigNeeded == CHANGE)
++ || (DeviceConfigNeeded == ADD))
++ probe_container(dev, container);
++ shost_for_each_device(device, dev->scsi_host_ptr)
++ list_for_each_entry(device, &dev->scsi_host_ptr->my_devices, siblings)
++ for (device = dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_queue;
++ device != (struct scsi_device *)NULL;
++ device = device->next)
++ {
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO "aifd: device (%d,%d,%d,%d)?\n",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no,
++ device->channel,
++ device->id,
++ device->lun));
++ if ((device->channel == CONTAINER_TO_CHANNEL(container))
++ && (device->id == CONTAINER_TO_ID(container))
++ && (device->lun == CONTAINER_TO_LUN(container))) {
++ busy |= atomic_read(&device->access_count) || test_bit(SHOST_RECOVERY, &dev->scsi_host_ptr->shost_state);
++ busy |= device->device_busy || test_bit(SHOST_RECOVERY, &dev->scsi_host_ptr->shost_state);
++ busy |= device->access_count || dev->scsi_host_ptr->in_recovery;
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO " %s %s\n",
++ ((busy) ? "BUSY" : "AVAILABLE"),
++ (DeviceConfigNeeded == NOTHING)
++ ? "NOTHING"
++ : (DeviceConfigNeeded == DELETE)
++ ? "DELETE"
++ : (DeviceConfigNeeded == ADD)
++ ? "ADD"
++ : (DeviceConfigNeeded == CHANGE)
++ ? "CHANGE"
++ : "UNKNOWN"));
++ if (busy == 0) {
++ device->removable = 1;
++ switch (DeviceConfigNeeded) {
++ case ADD:
++ /* No need to call scsi_scan_single_target */
++ DeviceConfigNeeded = CHANGE;
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,3)) || !defined(MODULE))
++ scsi_add_device(dev->scsi_host_ptr,
++ device->channel, device->id, device->lun);
++ break;
++ case DELETE:
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,3)) || !defined(MODULE))
++ scsi_remove_device(device);
++ break;
++ case CHANGE:
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,10)) || !defined(MODULE))
++ scsi_rescan_device(&device->sdev_gendev);
++ /* scsi_rescan_device code fragment */
++ if (!device->sdev_gendev.driver)
++ break;
++ drv = to_scsi_driver(
++ device->sdev_gendev.driver);
++ if (!try_module_get(drv->owner))
++ break;
++ if(drv->rescan)
++ drv->rescan(&device->sdev_gendev);
++ module_put(drv->owner);
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (DeviceConfigNeeded == ADD) {
++ scsi_scan_single_target(dev->scsi_host_ptr,
++ CONTAINER_TO_ID(container));
++#elif (!defined(MODULE))
++ scsi_scan_host_selected(dev->scsi_host_ptr,
++ CONTAINER_TO_ID(container),
++ CONTAINER_TO_LUN(container), 0);
++ }
++ dprintk (("busy=%d\n", busy));
++ /*
++ * if (busy == 0) {
++ * scan_scsis(dev->scsi_host_ptr, 1,
++ * CONTAINER_TO_CHANNEL(container),
++ * CONTAINER_TO_ID(container),
++ * CONTAINER_TO_LUN(container));
++ * }
++ * is not exported as accessible, so we need to go around it
++ * another way. So, we look for the "proc/scsi/scsi" entry in
++ * the proc filesystem (using proc_scsi as a shortcut) and send
++ * it a message. This deals with new devices that have
++ * appeared. If the device has gone offline, scan_scsis will
++ * also discover this, but we do not want the device to
++ * go away. We need to check the access_count for the
++ * device since we are not wanting the devices to go away.
++ */
++ if (busy) {
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigWaitingOn = 0;
++ dev->fsa_dev[container].ConfigNeeded = DeviceConfigNeeded;
++ return;
++ }
++ if (proc_scsi != (struct proc_dir_entry *)NULL) {
++ struct proc_dir_entry * entry;
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO "proc_scsi=%p ", proc_scsi));
++ for (entry = proc_scsi->subdir;
++ entry != (struct proc_dir_entry *)NULL;
++ entry = entry->next) {
++ dprintk(("\"%.*s\"[%d]=%x ", entry->namelen,
++ entry->name, entry->namelen, entry->low_ino));
++ if ((entry->low_ino != 0)
++ && (entry->namelen == 4)
++ && (memcmp ("scsi", entry->name, 4) == 0)) {
++ dprintk(("%p->write_proc=%p ", entry, entry->write_proc));
++ if (entry->write_proc != (int (*)(struct file *, const char *, unsigned long, void *))NULL) {
++ char buffer[80];
++ int length;
++ mm_segment_t fs;
++ sprintf (buffer,
++ "scsi %s-single-device %d %d %d %d\n",
++ ((DeviceConfigNeeded == DELETE)
++ ? "remove"
++ : "add"),
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no,
++ CONTAINER_TO_ID(container),
++ CONTAINER_TO_LUN(container));
++ length = strlen (buffer);
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO
++ "echo %.*s > /proc/scsi/scsi\n",
++ length-1,
++ buffer));
++//printk("echo %.*s > /proc/scsi/scsi\n", length-1, buffer);
++ fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(get_ds());
++ length = entry->write_proc(
++ NULL, buffer, length, NULL);
++ set_fs(fs);
++ dprintk((KERN_INFO
++ "returns %d\n", length));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) */
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -804,10 +1312,12 @@ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev *
+ {
+ struct hw_fib *hw_fib, *hw_newfib;
+ struct fib *fib, *newfib;
+- struct aac_queue_block *queues = dev->queues;
++ struct aac_queue *q = &dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue];
+ struct aac_fib_context *fibctx;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
++ unsigned long next_jiffies = jiffies + HZ;
++ long difference;
+ /*
+ * We can only have one thread per adapter for AIF's.
+@@ -818,27 +1328,33 @@ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev *
+ * Set up the name that will appear in 'ps'
+ * stored in task_struct.comm[16].
+ */
+ daemonize("aacraid");
+ allow_signal(SIGKILL);
++ sprintf(current->comm, "aacraid");
++ daemonize();
+ /*
+ * Let the DPC know it has a place to send the AIF's to.
+ */
+ dev->aif_thread = 1;
+- add_wait_queue(&queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue].cmdready, &wait);
++ add_wait_queue(&q->cmdready, &wait);
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ dprintk ((KERN_INFO "aac_command_thread start\n"));
+ while(1)
+ {
+- spin_lock_irqsave(queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue].lock, flags);
+- while(!list_empty(&(queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue].cmdq))) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, flags);
++ while(!list_empty(&(q->cmdq))) {
+ struct list_head *entry;
+ struct aac_aifcmd * aifcmd;
+ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+- entry = queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue];
++ entry = q->;
+ list_del(entry);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue].lock, flags);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, flags);
+ fib = list_entry(entry, struct fib, fiblink);
+ /*
+ * We will process the FIB here or pass it to a
+@@ -860,7 +1376,7 @@ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev *
+ if (aifcmd->command == cpu_to_le32(AifCmdDriverNotify)) {
+ /* Handle Driver Notify Events */
+ aac_handle_aif(dev, fib);
+- *(u32 *)hw_fib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
++ *(__le32 *)hw_fib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
+ fib_adapter_complete(fib, sizeof(u32));
+ } else {
+ struct list_head *entry;
+@@ -869,13 +1385,60 @@ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev *
+ u32 time_now, time_last;
+ unsigned long flagv;
++ unsigned num;
++ struct hw_fib ** hw_fib_pool, ** hw_fib_p;
++ struct fib ** fib_pool, ** fib_p;
+ /* Sniff events */
+- if (aifcmd->command == cpu_to_le32(AifCmdEventNotify))
++ if ((aifcmd->command == cpu_to_le32(AifCmdEventNotify))
++ || (aifcmd->command == cpu_to_le32(AifCmdJobProgress))) {
+ aac_handle_aif(dev, fib);
++ }
+ time_now = jiffies/HZ;
++ /*
++ * Warning: no sleep allowed while
++ * holding spinlock. We take the estimate
++ * and pre-allocate a set of fibs outside the
++ * lock.
++ */
++ num = le32_to_cpu(dev->init->AdapterFibsSize)
++ / sizeof(struct hw_fib); /* some extra */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->fib_lock, flagv);
++ entry = dev->;
++ while (entry != &dev->fib_list) {
++ entry = entry->next;
++ ++num;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->fib_lock, flagv);
++ hw_fib_pool = NULL;
++ fib_pool = NULL;
++ if (num
++ && ((hw_fib_pool = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hw_fib *) * num, GFP_ATOMIC|GFP_KERNEL)))
++ && ((fib_pool = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib *) * num, GFP_ATOMIC|GFP_KERNEL)))) {
++ hw_fib_p = hw_fib_pool;
++ fib_p = fib_pool;
++ while (hw_fib_p < &hw_fib_pool[num]) {
++ if (!(*(hw_fib_p++) = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hw_fib), GFP_ATOMIC|GFP_KERNEL))) {
++ --hw_fib_p;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!(*(fib_p++) = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib), GFP_ATOMIC|GFP_KERNEL))) {
++ kfree(*(--hw_fib_p));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((num = hw_fib_p - hw_fib_pool) == 0) {
++ kfree(fib_pool);
++ fib_pool = NULL;
++ kfree(hw_fib_pool);
++ hw_fib_pool = NULL;
++ }
++ } else if (hw_fib_pool) {
++ kfree(hw_fib_pool);
++ hw_fib_pool = NULL;
++ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->fib_lock, flagv);
+ entry = dev->;
+ /*
+@@ -884,6 +1447,8 @@ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev *
+ * fib, and then set the event to wake up the
+ * thread that is waiting for it.
+ */
++ hw_fib_p = hw_fib_pool;
++ fib_p = fib_pool;
+ while (entry != &dev->fib_list) {
+ /*
+ * Extract the fibctx
+@@ -916,9 +1481,11 @@ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev *
+ * Warning: no sleep allowed while
+ * holding spinlock
+ */
+- hw_newfib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hw_fib), GFP_ATOMIC);
+- newfib = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib), GFP_ATOMIC);
+- if (newfib && hw_newfib) {
++ if (hw_fib_p < &hw_fib_pool[num]) {
++ hw_newfib = *hw_fib_p;
++ *(hw_fib_p++) = NULL;
++ newfib = *fib_p;
++ *(fib_p++) = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Make the copy of the FIB
+ */
+@@ -933,39 +1500,91 @@ int aac_command_thread(struct aac_dev *
+ fibctx->count++;
+ /*
+ * Set the event to wake up the
+- * thread that will waiting.
++ * thread that is waiting.
+ */
+ up(&fibctx->wait_sem);
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "aifd: didn't allocate NewFib.\n");
+- if(newfib)
+- kfree(newfib);
+- if(hw_newfib)
+- kfree(hw_newfib);
+ }
+ entry = entry->next;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set the status of this FIB
+ */
+- *(u32 *)hw_fib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
++ *(__le32 *)hw_fib->data = cpu_to_le32(ST_OK);
+ fib_adapter_complete(fib, sizeof(u32));
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->fib_lock, flagv);
++ /* Free up the remaining resources */
++ hw_fib_p = hw_fib_pool;
++ fib_p = fib_pool;
++ while (hw_fib_p < &hw_fib_pool[num]) {
++ if (*hw_fib_p)
++ kfree(*hw_fib_p);
++ if (*fib_p)
++ kfree(*fib_p);
++ ++fib_p;
++ ++hw_fib_p;
++ }
++ if (hw_fib_pool)
++ kfree(hw_fib_pool);
++ if (fib_pool)
++ kfree(fib_pool);
+ }
+- spin_lock_irqsave(queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue].lock, flags);
+ kfree(fib);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(q->lock, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+ * There are no more AIF's
+ */
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue].lock, flags);
+- schedule();
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->lock, flags);
++ difference = next_jiffies - jiffies;
++ if (difference <= 0) {
++ struct timeval now;
++ do_gettimeofday(&now);
++ /* Synchronize our watches */
++ if (((1000000 - (1000000 / HZ)) > now.tv_usec)
++ && (now.tv_usec > (1000000 / HZ)))
++ difference = (((1000000 - now.tv_usec) * HZ)
++ + 500000) / 1000000;
++ else {
++ struct fib *fibptr;
++ if ((fibptr = fib_alloc(dev))) {
++ u32 * info;
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ info = (u32 *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ if (now.tv_usec > 500000)
++ ++now.tv_sec;
++ *info = cpu_to_le32(now.tv_sec);
++ (void)fib_send(SendHostTime,
++ fibptr,
++ sizeof(*info),
++ FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1,
++ NULL,
++ NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ }
++ difference = 30 * 60 * HZ;
++ }
++ next_jiffies = jiffies + difference;
++ }
++ schedule_timeout(difference);
+ if(signal_pending(current))
+ break;
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+ }
+- remove_wait_queue(&queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue].cmdready, &wait);
++ remove_wait_queue(&q->cmdready, &wait);
+ dev->aif_thread = 0;
+ complete_and_exit(&dev->aif_completion, 0);
++ return 0;
+ }
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/CHANGELOG 2005-05-12 22:42:21.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2019 @@
++Version: 0.9.10
++Version: 1.1.2
++Differences between 2.4.21-rc2-ac2 kernel and our 1.1.2 versioned driver,
++changes as performed by Deanna Bonds, Bob Pasteur and Mark Salyzyn.
++ - If the state of a logical unit is hidden, then do not report. This
++ state is typically entered when a device is being cleared.
++ - Added support for the Tallahassee project, where one channel is
++ dedicated to SCSI, and the other channel is dedicated to RAID.
++ - Resolved some issues surrounding PAE support and IA64.
++ - If the driver is a not a boot disk driver, then set the Removable
++ bit on the inquiry strings returned by the logical units to ensure
++ that any changes in the arrays will be acquired when the device is
++ re-attached.
++ - mask the SRB status with 0x3F to deal with misbehaving devices.
++ - Do not report DISKs to inquiry requests on the SCSI bus except if
++ the channel is designated as a SCSI only bus.
++ - Propagate check conditions to the SCSI command result.
++ - Add support for programmable timeouts to propagate down toe the
++ requests.
++ - If we have pae mode enabled, right after we get the adapter
++ information and determine the pae mode capability, we enable the
++ system to issue 64 bit requests.
++ - Had to drop from 512 commands to 100 commands because some versions
++ of the firmware would starve commands causing a timeout reaction
++ which lead to lost commands.
++ - Added a global control variable for nondasd and paemode support.
++ - Dealt with some 64 bit / 32 bit issues in list_head structures and
++ helper Macros, replacing them with our own more sensitive variants.
++ - Differentiated virtual and physical references to the shared fib
++ allocations.
++ - information structure not synchronized to firmware, needed to add
++ a clusterchannelmask.
++ - Added definitions in support of the new configuration information
++ page bits in support of Tallahassee.
++ - Changed to an allocated fib pool, rather than an array in the hba
++ structure as this affected the SCSI memory pool.
++ - Added some AIF definitions to permit us to sniff for container
++ changes to permit a rescan to pick up new information or targets.
++ - The fib reference was changed to a physical and a virtual address,
++ absorb the name changes.
++ - The list_head structure handlers have been replaced with our own,
++ absorb the name changes.
++ - The fib address reported in an AIF is a physical (32 bit) reference,
++ and not a virtual (possibly 64 bit) reference.
++ - added the ioctl handling for sending a raw srb (FSACTL_SEND_RAW_SRB).
++ - Deal with IA64 issues.
++ - Change to using the physical address (32 bit) for the AIF references.
++ - The list_head structure handlers have been replaced with our own,
++ absorb the name changes.
++ - Observed a memory leak, free up the queue resources should we fail
++ to initialize the adapter.
++ - The fib reference was changed to a physical and a virtual address,
++ absorb the name changes.
++ - Instead of panicking the kernel when a fib allocation was available,
++ sleep until it is available.
++ - Submitted fib pointers are physical (32 bit) rather than virtual
++ (possibly 64 bit) values.
++ - producer and consumer indexes should be converted over to local
++ cpu endian before comparison.
++ - aac_handle_aif now sniffs AIF events and takes plug and play action
++ for container changes.
++ - The aif thread is set up to be a kernel thread, and not a user
++ thread. This permits us the ability to make plug and play calls
++ without prejudice.
++ - Added instrumentation to the aif thread to confirm the plug and
++ play activity and as an aid to several other debug sessions.
++ - Do not age an aif context based on the last received aif, but rather
++ the last poll.
++ - The fib reference was changed to a physical and a virtual address,
++ absorb the name changes.
++ - Submitted fib pointers are physical (32 bit) rather than virtual
++ (possibly 64 bit) values.
++ - Added paemode control.
++ - Added various upcoming board products, and documented better the
++ existing board product ids. This includes SATA RAID products.
++ - needed to take the io_request_lock during portions of initialization.
++ - allocate the fib resource separately, rather than part of adapter
++ structure to aid in the precious SCSI resources.
++ - cleanup of none dasd support options.
++ - Added more details about the build date of the driver to the proc
++ information.
++ - dropped a change that permitted 64 bit DMA resources to be generated
++ instead of through a 32 bit bounce buffer. (it was moved to aachba.c
++ where it can be turned on after we determine the adapter's
++ capabilities).
++ - max_id, max_lun and max_channel parameters are set after the
++ adapter information has been picked up (the number of channels is
++ based on the product id table now).
++ - Context of timeout handling was incorrect, only noticed in IA64
++ bit machines (due to lack of BIOS initialization).
++Differences that need further investigation and could be viewed as regressions
++and added after submission:
++ - Dropped detection of failure to generate kernel command thread.
++ - Dropped detection of failure to generate kernel command thread.
++Version: 1.1.3
++ - Added aac_get_container_name to permit override of array inquiry
++ string with the set name.
++ - Return 0 (success) for unsupported commands, the check condition
++ should perform the necessary action of error handling.
++ - The pass-through SCSI SCB command in PAE mode was getting the fib
++ size count wrong, by using the 32 bit command, then doing an (n-1)
++ times the size of the 64 bit scatter gather. Resolution was to
++ subtract the 32 bit scatter gather, then do an n times the 64 scatter
++ gather size.
++ - Only go into PAE mode if more than 4MB of memory in the system.
++ - Added `Family' product codes and reordered the product discovery code
++ to produce devices in PCI order rather than in product order.
++ Dell, Legend and Adaptec Families were produced with the assumption
++ of 2 available busses.
++ - Added Bearcat (6 ch SATA) and a commented entry for Lancer where
++ future workarounds may be necessary due to hardware constraints.
++ - Set highmem_io (for kernels of 2.4.18 and above).
++ - Set highmem_io (for kernels of 2.4.18 and above; and when the
++ adapter is guaranteed to handle the possible address ranges it
++ will be provided).
++Version: 1.1.4:
++ - Added the FSACTL_REGISTER_FIB_SEND function to the ioctl. This ioctl
++ is *not* a user accessible ioctl, meant only for driver use to permit
++ stacking a filter driver just ahead of the hardware layer. The call
++ to register is:
++ typedef void (*fib_callback)(void *ctxt, struct fib *fibctx);
++ typedef struct {
++ int (*fib_send)(u16 command,
++ struct fib * context,
++ unsigned long fib_size,
++ int priority,
++ int wait,
++ int reply
++ fib_callback callback,
++ void * ctxt);
++ } fib_send_t;
++ . . .
++ fib_send_t original;
++ int dummy_fib_send (u16 command,
++ struct fib * context,
++ unsigned long fib_size,
++ int priority,
++ int wait,
++ int reply
++ fib_callback callback,
++ void * ctxt)
++ {
++ return (*original->fib_send)(command, context, fib_size, priority, wait, reply, callback, ctxt);
++ }
++ . . .
++ Scsi_Host_Template * host;
++ Scsi_Device * adapter;
++ original->fib_send = dummy_fib_send;
++ host->ioctl(adapter, FSACTL_REGISTER_FIB_SEND, &original);
++ Return value from the ioctl include ENOTTY (not supported), EINVAL
++ (invalid argument pointer) and EBUSY (another function already
++ registered) and the original fib_send function is returned in the
++ ioctl argument structure. A NULL value for the fib_send member of the
++ structure deregisters the filter driver. The fib_callback function is
++ issued at interrupt priority and should follow all the constraints of
++ interrupt operation. It is the responsibility of the registered
++ fib_send function to ensure that the original fib_callback function
++ is called with the ctxt value when completing the command (this
++ subtlety is lost in the above dummy function).
++ - Added Kernel, Firmware and BIOS revision and build number to proc
++ information.
++ - Added board serial number to proc information.
++ - Do not set removable bit in the inquiry command, the aif delivery
++ of array status change will handle the reasons for the removable
++ bit (capacity change and differences in the partition table). Some
++ customers take issue with the fact our arrays appear as removable.
++ - Reported driver version and build number instead of Firmware version
++ and build number for the Miniport Version Check ioctl. ADPmp57715
++2003-08-06 and a cast of thousands
++all files:
++ - Added appropriate ifdefs, or merged in additions, in support of the
++ 2.6.0-test2 kernels as follows:
++ - Added ifdefs for 2.4 and 2.6 kernels so we can use a common Makefile
++ for both kernel build environments.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - define aac_spin_* macros to differentiate between lock requirements
++ in 2.5+ and 2.4 kernels.
++ - Use the SCSI layers definitions of the SCSI commands, rather than
++ our own internal SS_* manifests.
++ - Define SCSICMD_TO_* macros to acquire the SCSI target host, channel,
++ id and lun.
++ - Use the 2.6 SAM_* status codes for return, the 2.4 system will
++ redefine the SAM_* codes to 2.4 variants.
++ - Change to devname instead of devno when referencing devices to
++ simplify conversions.
++ - MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS references were +/- 1 in comparisons, made
++ this value a `number' rather than a mix of `number' and `limit'.
++ - Resolved `Cast of pointer from integer of different size' by
++ (void *)(ulong)dma_addr_t.
++ - Change to `id' rather than `target' to match SCSI subsystem
++ references name for consistency.
++ - MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS references were +/- 1 in comparisons, made
++ this value a `number' rather than a mix of `number' and `limit'.
++ - Removed AAC_MAX_TARGET, as it is no longer used.
++ - Added CONTAINER_TO_* macros to simplify references.
++ - Change to `id' rather than `target' to match SCSI subsystem
++ references name for consistency.
++ - Change to devname instead of devno when referencing devices.
++ - Use cap_to_cyls inline to handle 64 bit calculation correctly.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - Change to `id' rather than `target' to match SCSI subsystem
++ references name for consistency.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - Moved CONTAINER_TO_* macros to aacraid.h to simplify references.
++ - Device Discovery loops are different for 2.4 and 2.5+ kernels,
++ use list_for_each_entry siblings instead of host_queue loop.
++ - daemonize adds the process name as a parameter, and requires
++ SIGKILL to be enabled to permit kernel shutdown in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - added aacids to provide a table hint for installers.
++ - changed over to utilize ANSI structure initialization.
++ - aac_biosparm and aac_procinfo change parameters in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - aac_slave_configure replaces aac_queuedepth in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - detect no longer needs to unlock io_request_lock to do it's duty
++ in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - use SCSI_set_device in 2.5+ kernels rather than scsi_set_pci_device.
++ - Change to devname instead of devno when referencing devices to
++ simplify conversions.
++ - Use cap_to_cyls inline to handle 64 bit calculation correctly in
++ aac_biosparm.
++ - Use minor in 2.5+ kernels instead of MINOR macro.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - interrupts now return irqreturn_t.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h in 2.5+ kernels.
++ - interrupts now return irqreturn_t.
++ - increased range of kernel version reports in the magic file to 30.
++2003-08-19 &
++ - status_byte in the result is shifted down by one.
++ - set_sense spoof was not immediately followed by a copy of the check
++ condition results into the SCSI command.
++2003-08-20, & Alan Cox
++ - The raw SCSI SCB ioctl command in PAE mode was getting the fib
++ size count wrong, by using the 32 bit command, then doing an (n-1)
++ times the size of the 64 bit scatter gather. Resolution was to
++ subtract the 32 bit scatter gather, then do an n times the 64 scatter
++ gather size.
++ - Added definition of CT_FLUSH_CACHE command and structures.
++ - Added AAC_QUIRK_31BIT for ROMB based adapters.
++ - Added AAC_QUIRK_31BIT for ROMB based adapters.
++ - Check return from scsi_register.
++ - Added support for issuing CT_FLUSH_CACHE command when the SCSI
++ SYNCHRONIZE command is issued to a container.
++ - Restored mask after adding AAC_QUIRK_31BIT for ROMB based adapters.
++ - Changed aac_get_container_name to be a none-blocking function,
++ completing the incoming scsicmd with the adapter response.
++commsup.c + aacraid.h:
++ - Altered handling of AIF messages from Firmware to differentiate
++ events in a finer grained manner.
++aachba.c + aacraid.h
++ - Driver too noisy, undefined AAC_DETAILD_STATUS_INFO and incorporated
++ check condition report into the AAC_DETAILED_STATUS_INFO ifdef.
++ - Check if the device is in use and report that as a locked device
++ to both the FSACTL_QUERY_DISK and FSACTL_DELETE_ARRAY ioctls.
++ - unlock/lock around probe_container as this is a blocking function.
++ This change addresses a deadlock issue that surfaced in SMP only
++ environments.
++Version: 1.1.4-2172
++ - References to the Status Job update structure were at incorrect
++ offsets causing incorrect operation during an Array Clear with
++ regards to plug and play actions.
++Version: 1.1.4-2177
++ - Cleanup request from the SCSI list maintainers.
++ - Dropped use of SCSICMD_TO_CHANNEL & friends since
++ scsicmd->device->channel is available in all versions of the
++ operating system.
++ - Removed deprecated code and/or comments related to deprecation.
++ - include <linux/blkdev.h> works in all versions of the operating
++ system.
++ - NUM_FIBs should be 64 larger (AIFS) larger than the NUM_IO_FIBS.
++ - efficiency improved if we hold on to the aac_queue variable, aims
++ towards better code compliance and consistency.
++ - Copy if rx.c with rx = rkt
++ - Added definition for rkt interface structures, copy of rx, but a
++ larger reserved region.
++ - Added product code for ROC (Lancer/Rocket) U320 two channel, use rkt
++ interface.
++ - Show Adapter vendor and model in proc information.
++Version: 1.1.4-2185
++ - Added definition of nblank() to assist us in determining if
++ dprintk(x) is defined as a blank definition to enable us to ifdef
++ debug code that ends up calling only dprintk functions.
++ - Ignore events that refer to containers > MAXIMUM_NUM_CONTAINERS
++ - include <linux/blkdev.h> works in all versions of the operating
++ system.
++ - print more details about outstanding commands when a SCSI hang
++ occurs (first use of nblank() macro just defined in aacraid.h)
++2003-09-19 & Mark Haverkamp <>
++commsup.c & aachba.c:
++ - valid flag has added support for a value of 2, which means target
++ is still valid, but needs a probe_container.
++ - fib_alloc should not go to sleep, but return NULL if there are no
++ available entries in the pool.
++ - print a message if the fib kmalloc fails when forwarding AIFs
++ - check fib_alloc return, and report -ENOMEM should the pool be
++ empty.
++ - Check value of scsicmd->scsi_done in aac_io_done as we can get
++ errant firmware which returns commands twice (no released firmware
++ does this, this is a driver hardening issue only).
++ - When a fib_alloc fails, return -1 to SCSI layer. Formerly, we would
++ send the command with DID_ERROR.
++Version: 1.1.4-2192
++ - Moved debug variables into block to reduce impact on none-debug
++ environments.
++dpcsup.c + commsup.c:
++ - Use the fib pool instead of a kmalloc to allocate a fib for the
++ processing of an AIF.
++ - Install driver into any forgotten /lib/modules directories.
++commctrl.c + aacraid.h:
++ - AMD-64 and IA-64 management applications will fail, need to change
++ fibctx to a 32 bit unique value.
++Version: 1.1.4-2194
++2003-09-29 & Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - hold on to the host pointer in aac_io_done, because it's reference
++ in the device and scsicmd can go away after scsi_done is called.
++ - check return value of pci_set_dma_mask.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - drop linux/smp_lock.h include as it was added in a debug test from
++ some time ago.
++ - Added current 2.6 kernel support routines for rescanning.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - check return value of pci_set_dma_mask.
++ - template->present is no longer relevant in 2.6 based kernels.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - use linux/blkdev.h for all variants on Linux.
++ - needed a fib_dealloc call ahead of the fib_free call added when
++ we moved over to the fib pool to handle the AIFs.
++ - need to use the `local' fibctx so that the AIF command can be
++ acknowledged.
++ - return error status from the send_fib function in ioctl_send_fib.
++aachba.c + linit.c:
++ - serial number contains the cookie (fafa0001) that is at index 1
++ of the serial number element. Only show the serial number which
++ is at index 0.
++ - Added registration to receive 32 bit ioctls.
++commsup.c + dpcsup.c + aacraid.h:
++ - Dropped code to acquire AIF's from the general FIB pool, it was a
++ fool's errand. However, we kept the code that limits the AIF's
++ received and allocated to the AdapterFibsSize / sizeof(hw_fib).
++ The `last' AIF hw_fib is used to quickly acknowledge the entries,
++ and drop the results on the floor.
++rx.c + rkt.c:
++ - Cache the OIMR data in dev->OIMR, it looks remarkably like irq_mask,
++ which is really unused, but we can clean that up later.
++2003-10-08 Matthew Wilcox <>
++ - Use SCp.dma_handle instead of SCp.ptr for holding on to the physical
++ address of the allocated pci_map_single as part of the request.
++ - define dma_handle to be ptr (in support of SCp.dma_handle change
++ above) for kernels that do not define this member.
++2003-10-08 Christoph Hellwig <>
++ - drop use of scsi_to_pci_dma_dir() as it is a pass-through in all
++ versions of the kernel.
++ - When an Adapter Reset is requested, wait up to 60 seconds for all
++ outstanding commands to complete and report SUCCESS.
++Version: 1.1.4-2221
++ - Waited for *all* commands to complete for *all* devices on the
++ controller when an Adapter Reset is requested.
++Version: 1.1.4-2222
++aacraid.h + rx.c + rkt.c + sa.c + linit.c:
++ - Added a aac_adapter_check_health, make sure the adapter is healthy
++ when performing and Adapter Reset request, report error codes.
++ - revert to use of scsi_to_pci_dma_dir() as it is not a pass-through in
++ all versions of the kernel.
++ - SCSI_HAS_HOST_LOCK means that we should be working with releasing
++ host->lock or host->host_lock instead of io_request_lock surrounding
++ scsi_sleep.
++ - Added definition for AAC_MAX_HOSTPHYSMEMPAGES
++ - Utilized AAC_MAX_HOSTPHYSMEMPAGES to limit the number of open DMA
++ 4096 byte PAGES of memory requested by the operating system.
++ - Added support for x86_64 installs
++ - used SENSE KEYS from scsi.h rather than our own definitions.
++2003-10-20 Xose Vazquez Perez <>
++ - Added pci_ids for 0x10110046/0x90050365
++Version: 1.1.4-2265
++ - no need to set template->present as this is done by the SCSI layer.
++ - Added support for SuSE kernel determination for finer selection
++ of modules
++ - If the kernel is compiled for athlon, use that instead of
++ /proc/cpuinfo
++ - if /proc/cpuinfo is not present, don't show any errors during
++ install
++ - The entire class of SuSE OS releases (sles7, sles8, suse7, suse8,
++ suse8.1, suse8.2, ul1, ul1-sp2a) place the driver module results into
++ /lib/modules/[kernel]/kernel/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.o. The
++ package places updates in ...//scsi/aacraid.o (note, one directory
++ up). The module selected for use in the mkinitrd is fed via a `find'
++ command which reports files in raw directory order which in the
++ reiser file system would be in the .../scsi directory, but for EXT2
++ since the file was added later, would prefer the previously placed
++ product in ../scsi/aacraid/aacraid.o. The fix is to have the driver
++ disk post-install remove the older .../scsi/aacraid directory.
++ - For the installations to `extra' /lib/modules directories beyond
++ the boot set, take the processor clue from the postscript (-athlon,
++ -x86_64 or -ia64) rather than from /proc/cpuinfo.
++Version: 1.1.4-2282
++Version: 1.1.4-2292 (Debug)
++aacraid.h + aachba.c:
++ - Added a nested count to the fsa_scsi_dev structure since some kernels
++ before 2.4.19 have troubles overflowing their stack when a device
++ goes offline. The issue is that the SCSI done call nests into sending
++ another queued command, which in turn spoofs a response back
++ indicating failure which in turn calls SCSI done. We limit the
++ nesting to 64 commands before we respond with a busy instead.
++Version: 1.1.4-2296 (Debug)
++linit.c & .version:
++ - Versioning is defined by the structure:
++ struct {
++ unsigned char dash; // Dash version number
++ unsigned char type; // Type, 1=Devo, 2=Alpha, 3=Beta, 4=Release
++ unsigned char minor;// Minor version minor
++ unsigned char major;// Major version number
++ }
++ Adjusted version data to match this definition for generation and
++ support.
++Version: 1.1.4-2299
++Version: 1.1.4-2301
++Version: 1.1.4-2302
++Version: 1.1.4-2303
++linit.c & aacraid.h:
++ - Allow 64 bit apps to call GET_NEXT_ADAPTER_FIB ioctl directly,
++ promoting 32 bit apps when they call.
++aachba.c & aacraid.h:
++ - Set MAX_NESTED to 1, and improve code to reflect this simplicity.
++ - Handle name change of products from *-athlon-athlon to *-athlon.
++ - Warn the user if the initrd shrinks too much
++Version: 1.1.4-2308
++ - Add support for identifying 2.4.19-340 kernels.
++2003-12-12 Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - updated aac_eh_reset to use __shost_for_each_device now that the
++ device element is now private and we're supposed to use the helper
++ function for access.
++Version: 1.1.4-2309
++Version: 1.1.4-2310 (debug)
++2003-12-18 Mark Salyzyn <>
++ - suppress unused variable warning in debug code.
++ - cast sys_ioctl when registering as it does not match prototype
++ argument for ioctl32 registration.
++Version: 1.1.4-2311
++2003-12-22 Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - change from pae to dac as this is the more public understanding of
++ the 64 bit support concepts.
++ - Remove padding and SavedIrql
++commsup.c + aachba.c:
++ - use atomic_read when accessing access_count member of device
++ structure.
++linit.c & aacraid.h
++ - iminor takes the inode, not the inode->i_rdev member.
++Version: 1.1.4-2313
++aachba.c + commsup.c:
++ - use device_busy, shost_status, in_recovery instead of just
++ access_count. Adjust for each OS release variant.
++Version: 1.1.4-2314
++2003-12-22: Ken Beaty <>
++aachba.c + commsup.c:
++ - Adjusted ifdefs for kernel version to make more sense.
++2004-01-24: Mark Salyzyn <>
++ - Altered script to discover prebuilt binaries from the classic
++ Adaptec rpm package, the Red Hat install disk format, or the
++ SuSE install disk format.
++2004-02-09: Christoph Hellwig <>
++ - Remove fsa_dev structure since fsa_dev is always available.
++Version: 1.1.4-2324
++2004-02-10: Submit to scsi list for inclusion
++2004-02-17: Herve MORILLON <> +
++rx.c + rkt.c:
++ - hit doorbell before processing host_command_normal
++ - Permit requests larger than 64KB
++ - Permit 512 outstanding requests
++Version: 1.1.5-2326
++linit.c + build:
++ - Added support for vary_io, unfortunately the build system also needed
++ to be adjusted to generate the SCSI_HAS_VARY_IO if the member is
++ seen in the drivers/scsi/hosts.h file.
++build +
++ - Added support for 2.4.19-189, 2.4.19-191 and 2.4.19-201 SuSE Kernels
++Version: 1.1.5-2327
++rkt.c + rx.c:
++ - Added support to issue the Temperature sync command. Since the
++ cost of the sync command should not increase, the decision was
++ made to support a `varargs' approach to dealing with the additional
++ temperature elements *only* for this command.
++ - Added a proc write that accepts the string "Temperature=[0-9.],..."
++ to send the off-board temperature value to the Firmware so that it
++ may be integrated into the Enclosure Data.
++ - Added SkyHawk SATA cards to device list. 2020S changes now to
++ 2020ZCR, and we add 2020SA.
++ - PERCRAID RAID-5 is superfluous, changed to to PERC RAID-5.
++Version: 1.1.5-2328
++linit.c + aacraid.h:
++ - Migrate towards using CONFIG_COMPAT instead of __x86_64__
++rx.c + rkt.c:
++ - Added support to pick up an Adapter Blink code. ADPmp64499.
++ - Report the Adapter Blink code to the console log. ADPmp64499.
++ - Correctly built the x86_64 SLES8 and ul1 driver disk. Side effects
++ discovered also fix problems with ia32 SLES8 install. ADPmp64499.
++Version: 1.1.5-2329
++linit.c + aacraid.h:
++ - Report an AifExeFirmwarePanic AIF message to applications when the
++ adapter is in a blinkled state.
++aachba.c + commsup.c: Brad House <>
++ - use shost_for_each_device instead of list_for_each_entry.
++linit.c + aachba.c:
++ - xscale (arm) systems can not have highmem_io set as virtual/phys
++ handling does not recognize the page/offset addressing.
++rkt.c + rx.c:
++ - The Mailbox[7] in none BBS systems is not active until shortly
++ before the Firmware kernel is booted. The Outbound Message register
++ is always active and contains the same bringup conditions. We must
++ look at the OMR during the *_init wait.
++Version: 1.1.5-2330
++rkt.c + rx.c + sa.c:
++ - Set the time by using get_seconds (epoch January 1 1970) instead
++ of jiffies/HZ (epoch machine startup). get_seconds is provided
++ for kernels < 2.6.
++Version: 1.1.5-2331
++ - Mailbox[7] becomes momentarily inaccessible right after PATUWAIT
++ on the Callisto, lets loop on OMR only. Do not know if this
++ problem exists on other systems.
++Version: 1.1.5-2332
++aachba.c + linit.c:
++ - Issue CT_COMMIT_CONFIG before issuign the VM_NameServe. This is
++ for systems that do not have a BIOS to perform this step.
++Version: 1.1.5-2333
++ - SAS requires the ability to handle as many as 32 Adapters in a
++ system, increased the manifest that limits the number of Adapters.
++ - Testing has shown that allowing 33MB I/O can starve a machine, so
++ we are limiting the maximum I/O size to 4MB (to match other drivers
++ that permit large I/O).
++ - Make sure that the driver does not register more than
++ - Set the queue depth to each device as divided up from AAC_MAX_IO_FIB
++commctrl.c: Chris Wright <>
++ - aac_send_raw_srb added check for bounding of fibsize value.
++all: Mark Haverkamp <> & Mark Salyzyn <>
++ - merge 2.6 driver changes into tree to synchronize.
++Version: 1.1.5-2334
++ - Added sg_tablesize and max_fib_size to adapter structure and
++ negotiate these plus Scsi_Host sg_tablesize, can_queue and
++ max_sectors based on the adapter capabilities.
++ - Added aac_raw_io command
++ - Recognize that read_callback is identical to write_callback, which
++ is in turn identical to raw_io's need for a callback. Renamed to
++ one callback function io_callback.
++ - Moved initialization around to permit New Command Interface probes
++ - dropped irq_mask and associated functions.
++ - moved acknowledgement of F/W commands *before* processing so that
++ we get re-interrupted if a new command is added to the produced
++ index while we are processing.
++ - Do not print `bad0' for the serial number
++ - this_id = 32, because it gets in the way of Container 16 being
++ processed.
++ - scsi_add_timer call issued just before completion routine called
++ since error recovery handler is there *just* to detect card
++ failure and not to affect command processing.
++ - Added 2.4.19.SuSE-343 kernel in support of ul1-sles8-ia32 install,
++ which adds yet another installation floppy to the list.
++Version: 1.1.5-2335
++ - Revert temporarily to 1.1.4-2177, Changed ASR-2020S to ASR-2020ZCR,
++ and ASR-2020S Terminator to ASR-2025ZCR.
++Version: 1.1.4-2336
++ - Revert temporarily to 1.1.4-2322, Changed ASR-2020S to ASR-2020ZCR,
++ and ASR-2020S Terminator to ASR-2025ZCR.
++Version: 1.1.4-2337
++ - Revert back to 1.1.5 code base.
++ - Fix Irq Moderation code. A Misnomer, since this is really a PCI
++ utilization moderation, interrupts are not recurring on F/W.
++ - Turn on Irq Moderation feature (Tentatively 30% reduction in Host
++ CPU utilization)
++Version: 1.1.5-2337
++ - Added support for the new comm interface.
++ - Added debug information to proc output
++Version: 1.1.5-2338
++commsup.c: Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - Added scsi/scsi_device.h, scsi/scsi_driver.h to include file set
++ - set removable to a value of 1, not to TRUE.
++ - Switch to using max_fib_size rather than FIB_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES,
++ this permits SAS management applications to send ioctl FIBs larger
++ than 512 bytes in size to adapters that accept larger FIBs.
++ - Added support for SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16, READ_12, WRITE_12, READ_16
++ and WRITE_16 commands.
++ - Played `tricks' with device_blocked and queue_depth fields in the
++ scsi_device structure to meter the outstanding commands down when
++ large sequential activity is detected.
++ - Remove unused definition of FIB_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES.
++ - Setting the maximum number of I/O requests/device to a maximum of
++ 256 would act in the SCSI layer as only allocating to permit 1 I/O
++ for each device.
++Version: 1.1.5-2339
++ - Added support for 2.6.4-52 SuSE 9.1 Pro install
++ - Added support for multiple architectures for 2.4.21-15.EL RHEL3 QU2
++ install.
++aacraid.h+aachba.c+linit.c: Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - Define 2131 as FSACTL_GET_CONTAINERS
++commctrl.c: Adam Manthei <>,
++ - change all printk() to dprintk(()) as this is a user initiated
++ call for aac_send_rw_srb & aac_get_pci_info.
++rx.c+rkt.c: Adam Manthei <>,
++ - use pci_alloc_consistent/pci_free_consistent instead of an
++ unchecked combination of kmalloc(,_GFP_DMA)/pci_map_single/
++ pci_unmap_single/kfree.
++Version: 1.1.5-2340
++linit.c+commctrl.c: Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - adjust to reflect linux-scsi submission results
++ - remove print for unhandled commands into a debug print. The
++ unhandled commands are reported to the caller as unhandled, let
++ the caller deal with this.
++rx.c+rkt.c+sa.c: maximilian attems <>
++ - upon failure of the init routine, make sure that the registered
++ interupt handler is deregistered.
++ - fib_adapter_complete is supposed to free the hw_fib and that is it,
++ it tried to talk to hardware and caused a lockup.
++Version: 1.1.5-2341
++ - use aacraid.ko for 2.6 releases
++Version: 1.1.5-2342
++ - added support for a module parameter 'commit=1' to enable COMMIT
++ CONFIG to be issued to the adapter.
++ - added support for a module parameter 'coalescethreshold=16' which
++ sets the maximum block size to consider for pushing back to the
++ scsi_merge layer.
++ - added support for a module parameter 'acbsize=8192' which sets the
++ suggested fib size to override the suggestion from Firmare.
++ - dropped call to scsi_add_timer, as it causes a panic. It was placed
++ in the source to resolve a command completion race condition.
++Version: 1.1.5-2343
++ - globbing issue caused more whiny complaints about a missing
++ installation into the initrd.
++ - fixed some issued surrounding using the script for SuSE module
++ update.
++ - if the driver does not discover any targets, report failure.
++ - drop kernel_version hack to support build
++ - Use vermagic instead of kernel_version to pick up matching kernel.
++ - when innoculating 2.6 tree builds, one needs a *full* compile in
++ order to generate the struct_module member.
++ - use module.ko for 2.6 kernels.
++Version: 1.1.5-2344
++ - floppy linux/suse/${ARCH}-${VERS}/modules/${PRODUCT}.o needs to be
++ a ${PRODUCT}.ko in the 2.6 based installations.
++ - Placed module in both scsi and scsi/${PRODUCT} directories as it
++ appears that the post-install is not functioning properly.
++ - Checked if the lba exceeds 32 bit block address for systems that
++ can not support it. raw_io_64 enables 64 bit block addresses.
++ - Redid math for u64 >> 32 as it appears the xscale 64 bit library
++ is flawed.
++Version: 1.1.5-2345
++ - Overrides to force 8KB fibs needs to be reverted to defaults.
++Version: 1.1.5-2346
++ - Added 2.4.21-15.0.2.EL kernel
++ - Added 2.6.5-7.97 kernel to the build
++ - Mailbox7 continues to be a consternation regarding reliable
++ adapter recovery scenarios; switched to using OMRx[0].
++Version: 1.1.5-2347
++ - (u64)=((u8)<<24) does not give expected results, sign extension
++ occurs. Replace with (u64)=((u64)(u8)<<24)
++Version: 1.1.5-2348
++ - initrd is blocked from incorporating our product if there is
++ something in /lib/modules/${OS}-${CONFIG}/update/${PRODUCT}.o,
++ so remove the file.
++Version: 1.1.5-2349
++ - define commit_config FIB command
++ - define get_container_count FIB command.
++ - fsa_dev becomes a dynamic structure to accommodate a variable
++ maximum_num_containers.
++ - Added 2.4.21-231 kernel to build system.
++ - Turned on debug printing of scsi timeouts for xscale only.
++Version: 1.1.5-2350
++ - Limit can_queue to 246 for rocket
++ - Added 2.4.19-306 kernel to build system.
++ - Removed an innocuous (obnoxious?) DEBUG printk
++2004-07-15: Mark Salyzyn <>
++Version: 1.1.5-2351
++ - Added 2.4.9-31 to the build system
++ - Added 2.4.9-e.41, 2.4.9-e.43, 2.4.21-17.EL & 2.4.21-15.0.3.EL kernels
++ - Dropped 2.4.21-231 from build
++2004-07-16: Mark Salyzyn <>
++Version: 1.1.5-2352
++ - Added 2.6.3-7mdk to the build system
++2004-07-20: Mark Salyzyn <>
++Version: 1.1.5-2353 (7t Build w/o SLES9, SuSE9.1 & SuSE9 errata 231)
++Version: 1.1.5-2354 (7t Build w/o SLES9 & SuSE9 errata 231)
++Version: 1.1.5-2355 (BigQual refresh)
++ - If missing, add a reference to the module to the kernel's module.dep
++ file (affects drivers that are *not* shipped with the OS; HostRAID
++ and some dpt_i2o)
++ - for __arm__ build, the default FIB size is selected by F/W and not
++ overridden to 8192 bytes.
++Version: 1.1.5-2356 (Jupiter)
++aacraid.h+comminit.c+rkt.c+commsup.c+linit.c: Ken Sandars <> + Mark Salyzyn
++ - Added AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB, and ensured can_queue represents the
++ maximum number of io commands allowed and not be confused as the
++ maximum number of FIB commands permitted into the Adapter. Thus
++ host->can_queue is the maximum number of I/O commands, AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB
++ is the maximum number of ioctl commands (set to 8 rather than legacy
++ of 64) and init->MaxIoCommands sent back to the adapter is the total
++ number of FIBs.
++Version: 1.1.5-2357 (Jupiter+BigQual)
++commctrl.c: Mark Salyzyn
++ - Added support for issuing FIBs that are larger than the negotiated
++ size for the management interface.
++linit.c: Mark Salyzyn
++ - Added ASR-2240S, ASR-4005SAS, ASR-4000SAS, ASR-4800SAS, ASR-4805SAS
++ and AAR-2610SA to the product list.
++ Mark Salyzyn
++ - Fixed problems with using the RH & SuSE modules disk as an update
++ media, most of which was the selection of the extraction name from
++ the modules.cgz file or acquiring the appropriate update.tar.gz file.
++build: Mark Salyzyn
++ - set 700 for in the modules disks to recognize at least
++ that the RH modules disk works as an update media.
++aachba.c: Mark Salyzyn
++ - Dropped to 8K for the coalesce threshold for xscale builds.
++Version: 1.1.5-2358 (BigQual+7t)
++ - Merged 2.6.8-rc2-bk9 differences into the driver (COSMETIC)
++ - Added definition for __user for kernels less than 2.5 (COSMETIC)
++ - The aac_get_next_adapter_fib_ioctl for 64 bit implementations under
++ 2.6 maladdressed the transfer.
++Version: 1.1.5-2359 (BigQual+SPOCK+7t)
++ - Added support for CODE_STREAM_IDENTIFIER, accessed via a new
++ - Added support for FSACTL_SEND_LARGE_FIB
++ - Added definition for struct VersionMatch
++ - Added definition for FSACTL_GET_VERSION_MATCHING
++ - Added definition for FSACTL_SEND_LARGE_FIB
++ - if the modules.dep file does not exist, then ensure no complaints
++ are made about mv not being able to access the file.
++ - If an entry is missing in modules.dep, construct it correctly.
++ - Remove any leading spaces from the Container Name. Ensure that
++ if there is no container name remaining, to leave the existing
++ one alone.
++ - Added support for 2.4.18-e.43
++ - Added support for 2.4.18-e.47
++ - Added support for 2.4.9-e.48
++ - Added support for 2.4.9-e.49 (RHAS 2.1 QU5)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-15.0.4.EL
++ - When responding to AIFs, use DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady instead of
++ DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady. The code appeared to work without
++ undue side effects because Firmware would clear off the queues
++ when new AIFs are delivered.
++ - If busy, defer scan action to next AIF. Half hearted attempt to
++ improve the reliability of this unsupported feature.
++ - Remove references to Mailbox7 accesses for synchronous commands.
++ - Turned on support for Compatibility ID testing. Only enabled if
++ the build environment defines CODE_STREAM_IDENTIFIER.
++ - Fortify the adapter information to include supplemental information
++ as well as the GetBusInfo in support of SAS programatic limits.
++ - Use the newly acquired supplement information vendor and product
++ fields to override the cardtype selection.
++Version: 1.1.5-2360
++Version: 1.1.5-2361 (Branch off 1.1.5-2340 in RHEL3 QU3 with aac_info fix in 1.1.5-2364)
++ - register a reboot notifier to flush adapter
++ - faked AIF needs to call fib_init() later (ADPmp70525)
++ - Since kfree has the possibility of switching in some esoteric
++ variants of the kernel, and since the BKL is held during ioctl
++ calls, we are unlocking the fib lock around these system calls.
++Version: 1.1.5-2362
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-17.EL (RHEL3 QU3 beta)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-20.EL (RHEL3 QU3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.7-1.451.2.3 (RHEL4 alpha 4)
++ - ASR4000 series entries were flawed in the indexes. Added an
++ additional 8i entry.
++Version: 1.1.5-2363
++ - aac_info is flawed and causes periodic panics in certain systems.
++ - Allow the build system to operate as background build
++ - em64t/ia32e binaries did not show in the rpm
++Version: 1.1.5-2364 [BigQual, Pratt, Jupiter Dual & 7t]
++ - AAR-2610SA has had a subproduct change from 0x103C/0x0295 to
++ 0x103C/0x3227.
++ - Some adapters have internal limits of 34 SG elements as a result
++ of a bug of not splitting requests up when cache is disabled when
++ sending them to the CHIM. Created a quirk for the adapters that
++ have this limit.
++Version: 1.1.5-2365
++ - Neglected to add maximum_num_physical check to the srb handler.
++ - leading space on inquiry code was flawed as a result of a typographic
++ error (replace ! with *)
++ - ASR-4005SAS for IBM is designated as an 8i (ADPmp71521)
++ - Added check for late completion of command during timeout
++ - called aac_get_fw_debug_buffer() after init
++ - Added firmware debug print handlers
++ - RH floppy disk was limited to 864KB, let it open up to 1.4MB. The
++ risk is that 864KB was about all the ramdisk could handle when
++ extracting, so we will no longer get a report of disk overrun as
++ a warning to existing OS releases. We do not know what will overload
++ the ramdisk during install. (ADPmp72476)
++ - Product ID list for aacraid is broken in the build due to changes
++ resulting from incorporating the 2.6 tree.
++ - em32t binaries did not show in the rpm fix broke SuSE releases that
++ utilize the 2.4.19 kernel (ADPmp73104)
++ - Added support for sending the time every 30 minutes.
++Version: 1.1.5-2366
++ - Fixed 64 bit version of the SCB ioctl call as it was not translating
++ the 32 bit scatter-gather correctly for scatter gather elements
++ beyond the first one. Do not believe this issue presented a problem
++ for any Adaptec management products due to their needs as they
++ limited their SG to only one entry.
++ - Added 2.4.19-238
++ - Added 2.4.19-241
++ - Added 2.4.19-248
++ - Added 2.4.19-251
++Version: 1.1.5-2367
++ - Added Themisto discovery to driver
++ - Added AAC_QUIRK_MASTER and AAC_QUIRK_SLAVE to deal with controller
++ pairs.
++ - Changed Prowler "ESD SO-DIMM PCI-X SATA ZCR" to "ASR-2026ZCR".
++ - Return FAILED when hba_reset completed, the ten second bus settling
++ delay is counter productive.
++aacraid.h+linit.c: Christoph Hellwig <>
++ - drop casting surrounding iomap and ioremap and use the __iomem
++ type enhancement.
++ - Added CSMI ioctl support.
++ - log both successful and failed installations and limit complaints
++ about installation to a minimum by not repeating similar failure
++ messages.
++ - vtune reports that 2% of the time dealing with read calls was
++ devoted to get_sd_devname(). Optimized codepath.
++Version: 1.1.5-2368
++ - Added 2.4.27 debian smp kernel to build
++ - Added 2.6.7-1.451.2.3 RHEL4 alpha 4 to the build
++ - Added 2.6.8-1.602 RHEL4 beta 1 to the build
++ - Added 2.6.5-7.109.5 SuSE 9.1 errata to the build
++ - failure on return from copy_to_user is ignored, but (void) is
++ not the way to ignore it based on compiler warnings.
++ - scb size is set to 16 always.
++ - scb flags is set to 0 always.
++ - scsi_sleep() renamed to ssleep() in 2.6.9 kernel
++ - 32 bit application issuing a raw srb in a 64 bit address space
++ is not handled correctly for the fibsize calculation.
++ - Limit the number of scatter gather entries to 32, and zero
++ out the references to those sg entries.
++Version: 1.1.5-2369
++ - 2.6.8-1.602 RHEL4 beta 1 kernel looks more like 2.6.9, so needed to
++ define scsi_sleep for kernels 2.6.8 and up rather than 2.6.9 and up.
++linit.c: Chris Trown <>
++ - Added an include for linux/delay.h to pick up the definition of
++ ssleep().
++ - Added `other' Themisto ID to list.
++ - bumped to 0.83 version
++ - Acquired slot number from Supplementary Adapter Info SlotNumber
++ field
++ - Added support to determine the actual bus type (SAS, SATA, Other).
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-22.EL (RHEL3 errata)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.111 (SLES9 NLD)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-243 (SuSE 9.x errata)
++ - valid must clear if VM_Nameserve fails on scan
++ - setinqstr has the possibility of overflowing the inquiry structure,
++ the results are a damaged stack.
++ - do a probe_container before issuing scan as the adapter can take
++ some time to write DDF data (not SCSI).
++ - added definition of probe_container.
++Version: 1.1.5-2370
++aacraid.h+commsup.c+aachba.c+commctrl.c+comminit.c+linit.c+sa.c: Adrian Bunk <>
++ - Make some needlessly global code static
++ - Added Intruder (AAR-2420SA, AAR-2620SA & AAR-2820SA)
++ - Enable a 50 second timeout on the first asynchronous command to
++ permit the driver to error out and report the hardware failure.
++ - Fixed a comment completion problem for Intruder additions.
++ - Added support for 2.6.8-24 (SuSE 9.2)
++Version: 1.1.5-2371
++aachba.c: Jens Axboe
++ - Use a busy status return with scsi_done rather than -1 to
++ signal OS to try again later for aac_read and aac_write to
++ meet with acceptable coding standards.
++aachba.c+linit.c: Mark Salyzyn & Christoph Hellwig <>
++ - Moved AAC_EXTENDED_TIMEOUT to set sdev->timeout instead of
++ inline for every command in the 2.6 variant.
++ - There is a subsystem device id clash between SATAHAWK and INTRUDER
++ and is giving the BIOS group some grief. Therefore the subsystem
++ device ID for intruder is changed to 029B, 029C and 029D for 8, 6,
++ and 4 port versions respectively.
++ list of supported 32 bit ioctl calls.
++ - enhanced README.txt to also provide a brief description of the
++ binary file.
++ - Added support for a RHEL3 i686 ISO image as well.
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.109.12 (SLES9/SuSE9.1 SP1 B2 i386)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.109.13 (SLES9/SuSE9.1 SP1 B2 x86_64)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.115 (SLES9/SuSE9.1 SP1 B3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-1.358 (RH FC2)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-1.667 (RH FC3)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-260 (SuSE 9 errata)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-261 (SuSE 8 errata)
++ - return code for CSMIGetSATASignature is under the control of the
++ firmware and should not be blindly set to SUCCESS if the command
++ succeeded.
++Version: 1.1.5-2372
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-1.648_EL (RHEL4 beta 2)
++ - trim space from Model
++ - Add /etc/modprobe.conf as another modules configuration file.
++ - If the module in the initrd does not match, but has the same
++ `size' values, then report a `possibly stripped' warning message.
++Version: 1.1.5-2373
++ - Use "Avon Park SIT" for this build for the version identifier
++ - enable scsi-scan-single (ADPmp75534 & ADPmp69336)
++Version: 1.1.5-2374
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.111.5 (SLES9 NLD errata)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.128 (SLES9 SP1 B4)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.134 (SLES9 SP1 RC)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-1.906_EL (RHEL4 RC)
++ - disable scsi-scan-single for 2.6 kernels, proc_scsi no longer
++ exported
++ - Missed a double quote in the scripting to reduce size sensitivity.
++Version: 1.1.5-2375 (Avon Park SIT)
++ - Paramters.uFlags is a bit field, not a state.
++ - cdbLength needs to be hard coded to 14 from 16 (beware, 2TB warning).
++ - Set the srbFlags based on data direction or if there is any data to
++Version: 1.1.5-2376 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added ICP Lancer products ICP9024R0 and ICP9014R0.
++ - Added include of asm/ioctl32.h
++ - Report ServeRAID for driver name if IBM 8i.
++ - Added definition for IOP_RESET synchronous command
++ - Merged code and style changes in 2.6.10-rc3-bk14 into codebase.
++ - set the scsi device as removeable during the Read Capacity call.
++ (ADPmp76369)
++ - Submitted patch to to update the vital product list
++ to match the products in the linit.c file (ADPmp77082)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-20.0.1.EL (RHEL3 errata)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-27.EL (RHEL3 QU4)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-27.0.1.EL (RHEL3 errata)
++Version: 1.1.5-2377 (Avon Park SIT)
++ - Dropped the maximum number of commands down to 16 per target if on
++ an x86_64 machine with more than 4GB of memory when built in the
++ 2.4.* environment.
++Version: 1.1.5-2378 (CERC Test)
++ - Dropped the maximum number of commands down to 10 per target for
++ this test.
++Version: 1.1.5-2379 (CERC Test)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-5.EL (RHEL4 RC)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.139 (SLES9 SP1)
++ - Added support for 2.4.9-e.57 (RHAS QU6)
++ - Added support for 2.4.9-e.59 (RHAS QU6 errata 59)
++ - Added kernel ifdef's to handle scsi_add_target and
++ scsi_remove_target calls.
++ - Added AAC_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_DAC_CERC to disable 64 bit scatter gather
++ for only the CERC SR2 product.
++Version: 1.1.5-2380 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added numacb insmod parameter.
++ - Error in incorporating the RHAS2.1 QU6 kernel (2.4.9-e.57) on to the
++ driver disk (ADPmp78010)
++ - Same problem with RHEL4 RC (2.6.9-5.EL) (ADPmp69861)
++Version: 1.1.5-2381 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-273 (SLES 8 errata 273)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.111.30 (SLES 9 errata 30)
++ - Added support for 2.6.8-24.11 (SuSE 9.2 errata 11)
++ - Added support for 2.4.19.SuSE-256 (SLES8 x86_64 errata 256)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-9.EL (RHEL3 QU1)
++ - Added support for (Mandrake 10.1)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-1.11_FC2 (FC2)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.9_FC2 (FC2)
++ - Updated dkms to v2.0.5
++ - Changed Plug-n-Play state machine to be per-array rather than
++ per-adapter (ADPmp77096)
++Version: 1.1.5-2382 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-276 (SLES8/UL1 SP4 B2)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.8_FC2 (FC2)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.12_FC2 (FC2)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-1.681_FC3-2.6 (FC3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-1.724_FC3-2.6 (FC3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.737_FC3-2.6 (FC3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.741_FC3-2.6 (FC3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.760_FC3-2.6 (FC3)
++ - vmware specifically utilizes the file->private_data. They will be
++ correcting the problem in future releases thus the fix will work
++ in both environments being obnoxious^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hinnocuous in
++ the later releases.
++ - vmware has problems with the coalescing code.
++ - used sizeof(struct sgmap *) instead of sizeof(struct sgmap) and
++ misrepresented the size of the srb command truncating the scatter
++ gather size from the incoming data in 64 bit architectures with
++ more than 4G of memory populated in the system. (ADPmp78515,
++ ADPmp78128, ADPmp76236 & ADPmp78228)
++Version: 1.1.5-2383 (Avon Park SIT)
++ - Self detect the various SCSI_HAS_* flags rather than depending on
++ the build system to generate them.
++ - Added VM_NameServe64
++ - Added capacity64 field to end of the mnt information.
++ - Do not respond to SERVICE_ACTION_IN when card not capable of 64 bit
++ lba.
++ - The srbcmd in 64 bit environments with more than 4GB of memory
++ are utilizing the sgentry64 elements for the scatter gather, thus
++ the counts were not parsed correctly when copying the data back
++ to the user. (ADPmp78846)
++ - Removed support for linux-2.4.21-1.1931.2.349.2.2.ent.RH
++ - Removed support for linux-2.4.21-1.1931.2.393.ent.RH
++ - Removed support for linux-2.4.21-1.1931.2.399.ent.RH
++ - Removed support for debug configurations
++ - Split AS2.1 summit/enterprise from up/smp
++ - pcitable for aacraid driver disk is missing " after the ICP cards
++Version: 1.1.5-2384 (Avon Park SIT)
++ - use aac_io_cpu_to_le* and aac_io_le*_to_cpu to deal with perceived
++ discrepancies in write* and read* io handlers.
++ - header.Size and header.SenderSize is a 16 bit field, erroneously
++ handled by 32 bit swap handlers.
++ - missing swap handlers for various packets.
++ - When 'first' command times out, return error immediately, do not
++ fall through.
++ - monitor/kernel/build information from adapter needs to be swapped
++ in BE architectures.
++ - Revert 64 bit LBA code
++Version: 1.1.5-2385 (Avon Park SIT)
++Version: 1.1.5-2386 (Avon Park SIT, revert to 1.1.5-2383, plus one managment change)
++aachba.c+linit.c+compat.h: Tobias Klauser <>
++ - Use the DMA_{64,32}BIT_MASK constants
++ - scsi_host_alloc calls scsi_register which prints a report in some
++ versions of the 2.4 kernel. The aac_info function is not ready to
++ be called at that time as the hostdata has not been set up, so we
++ report a 'default' name of "AAC" (ADPmp78060).
++ - Adding any u64 to a structure will cause, in some cases of the
++ compiler, 8 byte alignment constraints which can reshape the
++ structure at each element even before the u64 definition. Changed to
++ using a pair of u32's for capacity64 element in the mount structure.
++ (ADPmp79142)
++Version: 1.1.5-2387 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-277 (SLES8/UL1 SP4 RC1)
++ - Added support for dump_poll. Currently RHEL4 and RHFC support this
++ new interface. (ADPmp79442)
++Version: 1.1.5-2388 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Merged code and style changes in 2.6.11-rc5-bk3 into codebase.
++ - Added support for shost_attrs & sysfs.
++ - Dropped reference to Red Hat in printouts (ADPmp79559 & ADPmp79382)
++ - Strip kernel environment check for sourceball that is part of the
++ DKMS packaging, broke DKMS build environment (ADPmp79708)
++Version: 1.1.5-2389 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Switch from 3.3 compiler to 3.4 for RHEL4 ia64 and FC3 all archs
++ & all errata.
++ - Added support for 2.4.18-19.7.x (RH7.3 errata 19)
++linit.c: Domen Puncer <>
++ - Change from pci_module_init to pci_register_driver.
++ - Loop for determining unique_id failed and generates a pattern of
++ 0, 1, 0, 0, ... (ADPmp79694)
++ - Added ICP9047MA and ICP9087MA to product probe. Added AvonPark Lite.
++ - An SG list of 1K,4K,...,4K,64K+4K-1K got produced, the math for the
++ maximum I/O should be (sg_tablesize * 8) + 112 instead.
++ - Adapter Panic handler has AAC_IO_USES_CPU_ORDER misspelled.
++ - time stamp is an u32, not an unsigned long.
++ - Send LoopCount rather than bufferOffset to param[4] of GetRAIDConfig
++ command. (ADPmp77631, ADPmp79282)
++Version: 1.1.5-2390 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-278 (SLES8/UL1 SP4 RC3)
++ - Removed support for 2.4.21-276
++ - Removed support for 2.4.21-277
++ - Removed support for 2.4.18-24.7.x (RH7.3 errata 24)
++ - Removed support for 2.4.18-26.7.x (RH7.3 errata 26)
++ - Removed support for 2.6.10-1.741_FC3-2.6 (FC3 errata 741)
++ - Dropped all the sles9-sp1 betas from the packaging.
++ - strip date stamps, then join.file the patches before commiting them
++ to the archive.
++ - Declared 2.4.21-277 to be identical to 2.4.21-278
++ - Declared 2.4.18-24.7 to be identical to 2.4.18-19.7
++ - Declared 2.4.18-26.7 to be identical to 2.4.18-19.7
++ - Declared 2.6.10-1.737_FC3-2.6 to be identical to 2.6.10-1.741_FC3-2.6
++ - return code from pci_register_driver() is not of the same form
++ as pci_module_init. Only negative return values should be reported
++ as an error.
++ - Added /etc/grub.conf to list of grub files
++ - redirect error on boot configuration file awk script for cases when
++ boot configuration file is not found.
++Version: 1.1.5-2391 (This is a code stream identifier)
++Version: 1.1.5-2392 (Branch off 1.1.5-2372 with pci_unregister_driver if aac_count drops to zero).
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.14_FC2-2.6 (RH FC2 Errata 14)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.770_FC2 (RH FC2 Errata 770)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.766_FC3-2.6 (RH FC3 Errata 766)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.770_FC3-2.6 (RH FC3 Errata 770)
++ - Removed support for 2.6.10-1.9_FC2 (FC2) and placed in
++ module.equiv
++ - Removed support for 2.4.18-e.47 (RHAS 2.1 IA64) and placed in
++ module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.18-e.52 (RHAS 2.1 IA64) in module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.18-e.54 (RHAS 2.1 IA64) in module.equiv
++ - Generate dkms package with build number, but add a Branch Type
++ of "dkms" into the version information reported by the driver.
++ - Generate source package with a Branch Type of "custom" into the
++ version information reported by the driver.
++ - build rpm packages as 'noarch' and not as default of the build
++ system 'i386'.
++ - uMaxDrivesPerSet needs to be acquired from the Firmware,
++ rather than using the driver physical limits (ADPmp80188)
++ - Added some new container types (RAID5D, RAID5D0, RAID1E, RAID6
++ and RAID60) to default array naming list.
++ - Changed over to new format of VM_NameServe64 (changed before
++ customer release of Firmware that utilized interim format).
++ - Added Hurricane ASR-4810SAS
++ - Added sensitivity to AAC_DRIVER_BRANCH in order to propogate
++ driver source with keys as to their history.
++linit.c: (Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - Restructured sys handler to match standards expectations.
++ ADPmp80589
++ - Do not compare result in initrd to any backup orig drivers
++ that may have been left in the /lib/modules tree.
++ - Added support for elilo.efi
++ - pci_alloc_consistent acquired GFP_DMA arena pool. This has
++ been shown as a problem on 2.4 based kernels on em64t machines
++ with > 4GB of memory which typically exhaust the DMA pool. So,
++ prior to making the call, we will acquire GFP_ATOMIC
++ memory first and check if it is 31BIT limited, and instead use
++ that memory rather than resorting to the precious DMA pool. The
++ other workarounds are to limit the memory to 4GB, set the
++ memsize to 4GB, or to tell the SW IOMMU to reduce it's memory
++ requirements (swiotlb=12288).
++Version: 1.1.5-2393 (This is a code stream identifier)
++linit.c: Ming Zhang <> & Mark Salyzyn
++ - Set max_cmd_len to 16 to permit SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16 call to
++ get through the scsi layer to the driver.
++ - Added calls to csmi_register_ioctl32_conversion() and
++ csmi_unregister_ioctl32_conversion()
++ - Added csmi_register_ioctl32_conversion(void) and
++ csmi_unregister_ioctl32_conversion(void)
++ - notice that we are doing an ELILO configuration on ia64
++ - Removed sundry debugging prints
++ - Added MODULES_CONF_OBSOLETES_ONLY[0]="${PRODUCT}" to dkms.conf
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.147 (SLES9 SP1 errata 147) to
++ modules.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.151 (SUSE9.1 SP1 errata 151) to
++ module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-278-x86_64 (SLES8 SP4 64 bit)
++ - Use TOPDIR instead of AAC_ROOT
++Version: 1.1.5-2394 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added support for 2.4.20-133 (SuSE 8.2 errata 133)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-286 (SuSE 9.0 errata 286) to modules.conf
++ - Added support for 2.6.8-24.14 (SuSE 9.2 errata 14)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-5.0.3.EL (RHEL4 errata 3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-6.37.EL-2.6 (RHEL4 U1 beta)
++ - Added support for 2.6.10-1.771_FC2 (FC2 errata 771)
++ - Added support for 2.6.11-1.14_FC3 (FC3 errata 773)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-31.EL (RHEL3 QU5 beta)
++aachba.c+linit.c: Tobias Klauser <> & Domen Puncer <>
++ - added include for linux/dma-mapping.h
++linit.c: Konstantin Khorenko <>
++ - aac_info and aac_detect need to be active on in-kernel
++ versions of the driver.
++ - aac_show_flags is a newline separated list
++ - Added SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16 to list of possible flags in
++ aac_show_flags
++ - aac_get_adapter_info status needs to be placed in the 'error'
++ variable to unload correctly and deinit rather than unmap
++ (ADPmp83209).
++ - allocate 8 more NewFibs than noticed to deal with high AIF
++ traffic.
++ - Added support for wait=-2 to do a 'silent' timeout of a
++ command.
++ - Increased the timeout for wait<0 to 3 minutes from 50 seconds
++ due to paranoia (ADPmp83209)
++ - issue the adapter shutdown with a wait=-2 value (ADPmp78635)
++ - Added a disable_interrupt method to prevent future adapter
++ interrupts when shut down. Call this method before free_irq(),
++ preferably before dealocating structures. (ADPmp83209)
++ - revert out the GFP_KERNEL kmalloc call to see if it reports an
++ address <2GB instead of using pci_alloc_consistent. Fix this
++ another day. (ADPmp83209)
++Version: 1.1.5-2395 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.162 (SLES9 sp2 beta1)
++ - Merge differences in the 2.6.12-rc2 branch of the
++ driver.
++ - Added ICP9085LI & ICP5085AU
++ - Modified support for ASR4810SAS
++ - If ROMB heritage adapter, enable printf
++Version: 1.1.5-2396 (Avon Park SIT)
++ - Added support for (SUSE 9.3)
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-5.0.3.EL-2.6 (CentOS4) to driver disks
++ - Added support for 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL (RHEL4 Errata 5) to
++ modules.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-27.0.2.EL-2.4 (CentOS3) to driver
++ disks
++ - Merge differences in the 2.6.12-rc2 branch of the
++ driver.
++ - str() did not do the right thing, needed to nest macros.
++aachba.c+aacraid.h+commctrl.c+comminit.c+commsup.c+dpcsup.c+linit.c: Mark Haverkamp <>
++ - Remove sparce warnings
++ - Added strings for 'ips' driver
++ - Added documentation on how to make a 'suse' driver disk
++Version: 1.1.5-2397 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - sort distributions when code has to cut the products into
++ pieces.
++ - byte_count is converted from le32 to cpu, then again when used
++ in the following line. Dropped the second le32_to_cpu call. No
++ side effects in an LE machine.
++ - MODULE_VERSION limited to 2.6.4 and higher
++Version: 1.1.5-2398 (Avon Park SIT)
++Version: 1.1.5-2399 (This is a code stream identifier)
++ - Added linked equivalent entries for multi-OS driver disk
++ images in driverdisks tarball
++ - dkms package versioning is ${VERSION}.${REVISION}.${BUILD} as
++ required by DKMS and changed the tarball package name to
++ ${VERSION}.${REVISION}-${BUILD} to match the other build
++ product names. Adjusted dkms documentation to match.
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-27.0.4.EL-2.4 (RHEL3 QU4 Errata 4) to
++ modules.equiv
++ - RHEL3, RHEL4, FC2 and FC3 all can add a -2.4 or -2.6 into the
++ kernel name that does not match the /lib/modules/kernel names.
++Version: 1.1.2-2400 - 1.1.2-lk2 + LARGE_FIB patch
++Version: 1.1.5-2400 (Enzo)
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.104 (SLES9 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.6.5-7.108 (SLES9 errata)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-169 (SLES8 errata)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-190 (SLES8 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-192 (SuSE 9 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-196 (SLES8 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-198 (SLES8 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-199 (SuSE 9 errata)
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-202 (SuSE 9 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-207 (SLES8 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-215 (SLES8 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-226 (SuSE 9 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-238 (SuSE 9 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.4.21-280 (SLES8 errata) to module.equiv
++ - Added support for 2.6.8-24.3 (SuSE 9.2 errata 3)
++ - Added support for 2.4.9-e.62 (RHAS2.1 QU7)
++ - Switched support for 2.4.19-340 to module.equiv
++ - 2.6.5-7.162 had the wrong .config entries, CONFIG_RELEASE="0"
++ instead of "7.162"
++Version: 1.1.5-2400 (This is a code stream identifier)
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/csmi.c 2005-04-20 23:18:38.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1679 @@
++ * Adaptec AAC series RAID controller driver
++ * (c) Copyright 2004 Adaptec, Inc
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2004 Adaptec, Inc. (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
++ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
++ *
++ * Module Name:
++ * csmi.c
++ *
++ * Abstract: All CSMI IOCTL processing is handled here.
++ */
++ * Include Files
++ */
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/completion.h>
++#include <linux/string.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h> /* For copy_from_user()/copy_to_user() definitions */
++#include <linux/slab.h> /* For kmalloc()/kfree() definitions */
++#include "aacraid.h"
++#include "fwdebug.h"
++#include <linux/version.h> /* For the following test */
++# include "scsi.h"
++# include "hosts.h"
++# include <scsi/scsi.h>
++# include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++# include <linux/pci.h>
++# include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) ? defined(__x86_64__) : defined(CONFIG_COMPAT))
++#include <linux/syscalls.h>
++#include <linux/ioctl32.h>
++# include <asm-x86_64/ioctl32.h>
++# include <asm/ioctl32.h>
++# include <linux/ioctl32.h>
++# include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#if (defined(AAC_CSMI))
++#include "csmi.h"
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine will verify that the *ppHeader is big enough
++ * for the expected CSMI IOCTL buffer.
++ * Return Value:
++ * ppHeader
++ * 0 - Success ppHeader set up with successful completion code
++ * !0 - CSMI_SAS_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER as the ReturnCode.
++ */
++static int
++ struct aac_dev ** pDev,
++ void __user * arg,
++ unsigned long csmiBufferSizeToVerify,
++ PIOCTL_HEADER * ppHeader)
++ u32 Length;
++ int Rtnval;
++ struct aac_dev * dev = *pDev;
++ extern struct list_head aac_devices; /* in linit.c */
++ "aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer: Enter"));
++ *ppHeader = (PIOCTL_HEADER)NULL;
++ if (copy_from_user((void *)&Length,
++ (void __user *)&((PIOCTL_HEADER)arg)->Length, sizeof(u32))) {
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_ERROR_B,
++ "aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer: Acquire Length Failure"));
++ /* Will msot probably fail */
++ Rtnval = copy_to_user(
++ (void __user *)&((PIOCTL_HEADER)arg)->ReturnCode,
++ (void *)&Length, sizeof(u32));
++ Rtnval = -EFAULT;
++ } else if ((Length < sizeof(IOCTL_HEADER))
++ || (Length < csmiBufferSizeToVerify)
++ || (csmiBufferSizeToVerify < sizeof(IOCTL_HEADER))) {
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_ERROR_B,
++ "aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer:"
++ " sizeof(IOCTL_HEADER)=%u, Length=%u, MinPacketLength=%u",
++ sizeof(IOCTL_HEADER), Length, csmiBufferSizeToVerify));
++ if (copy_to_user(
++ (void __user *)&((PIOCTL_HEADER)arg)->ReturnCode,
++ (void *)&Length, sizeof(u32)))
++ Rtnval = -EFAULT;
++ else
++ Rtnval = -EINVAL;
++ } else if (!(*ppHeader = kmalloc(Length, GFP_KERNEL))) {
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_ERROR_B,
++ "aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer: Acquire Memory %u Failure",
++ Length));
++ if (copy_to_user(
++ (void __user *)&((PIOCTL_HEADER)arg)->ReturnCode,
++ (void *)&Length, sizeof(u32)))
++ Rtnval = -EFAULT;
++ else
++ Rtnval = -ENOMEM;
++ } else if (copy_from_user((void *)*ppHeader, arg, Length)) {
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_ERROR_B,
++ "aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer: Acquire Content Failure"));
++ kfree(*ppHeader);
++ *ppHeader = NULL;
++ /* Will most probably fail */
++ Rtnval = copy_to_user(
++ (void __user *)&((PIOCTL_HEADER)arg)->ReturnCode,
++ (void *)&Length, sizeof(u32));
++ Rtnval = -EFAULT;
++ } else {
++ list_for_each_entry(dev, &aac_devices, entry)
++ if (dev->id == (*ppHeader)->IOControllerNumber)
++ break;
++ if (dev == (struct aac_dev *)NULL) {
++ dev = *pDev; /* Return to original host */
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_ERROR_B,
++ "aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer: Acquire %d Indexed Controller Failure",
++ (*ppHeader)->IOControllerNumber));
++ kfree(*ppHeader);
++ *ppHeader = NULL;
++ if (copy_to_user(
++ (void __user *)&((PIOCTL_HEADER)arg)->ReturnCode,
++ (void *)&Length, sizeof(u32)))
++ Rtnval = -EFAULT;
++ else
++ Rtnval = -EINVAL;
++ } else {
++ (*ppHeader)->ReturnCode = CSMI_SAS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
++ *pDev = dev;
++ Rtnval = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FUNCTION_EXIT_B,
++ "aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine will close the *ppHeader.
++ * Return Value:
++ * 0 - Success
++ * !0 - Failure
++ */
++static inline int
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg,
++ int Rtnval = 0;
++ "aac_CloseCSMIBuffer: Enter"));
++ if (pHeader) {
++ if (copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pHeader, pHeader->Length))
++ Rtnval = -EFAULT;
++ kfree (pHeader);
++ }
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FUNCTION_EXIT_B,
++ "aac_CloseCSMIBuffer: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++typedef struct aac_bus_info DIOCTL;
++typedef DIOCTL * PDIOCTL;
++/* IOCTL Functions */
++#define CsmiGetPhyInfo 0x0070
++#define CsmiSataSignature 0x0071
++typedef struct {
++ u32 Status; /* ST_OK */
++ u32 ObjType;
++ u32 MethodId; /* unused */
++ u32 ObjectId; /* unused */
++ u32 CtlCmd; /* unused */
++#define EnhancedGetBusInfo 0x0000000C
++#define SCSI_MAX_PORTS 10
++#define CSS_BUS_TYPE_SATA 11
++#define CSS_BUS_TYPE_SAS 12
++typedef struct aac_enhanced_bus_info_response {
++ struct aac_bus_info_response BusInfo;
++ /* Enhancements */
++ u32 Version;
++ u32 BusType[SCSI_MAX_PORTS];
++ u8 NumPortsMapped[SCSI_MAX_PORTS];
++ u8 ReservedPad0[2];
++ u32 Reserved[17];
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to request the version information for the
++ * hardware, firmware, and boot BIOS associated with a storage controller.
++ *
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ PCSMI_SAS_CNTLR_CONFIG_BUFFER pControllerConfigBuffer;
++ PDIOCTL pIoctlInfo;
++ ENHANCED_GBI_CSS * EnhancedBusInfo;
++ struct fib * fibptr;
++ int status;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetControllerConfig: Enter"));
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pControllerConfigBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISTPPassThru: Exit, ReturnValue = %d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.uBaseIoAddress = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.BaseMemoryAddress.uHighPart
++ = ((u64)dev->scsi_host_ptr->base) >> 32;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.BaseMemoryAddress.uLowPart
++ = dev->scsi_host_ptr->base & 0xffffffff;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.uBoardID
++ = (dev->pdev->subsystem_device << 16)
++ + dev->pdev->subsystem_vendor;
++ /*
++ * Slot number can be pulled from
++ * dev->supplement_adapter_info->SlotNumber in later versions of
++ * the firmware else we could choose to take Linux PCI device slot
++ * number PCI_SLOT(dev->pdev->devfn) instead?
++ */
++ if ((dev->supplement_adapter_info.Version < AAC_SIS_VERSION_V3)
++ || (dev->supplement_adapter_info.SlotNumber == AAC_SIS_SLOT_UNKNOWN)) {
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usSlotNumber
++ } else {
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usSlotNumber
++ = dev->supplement_adapter_info.SlotNumber;
++ }
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.bControllerClass
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.bIoBusType
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.BusAddress.PciAddress.bBusNumber
++ = dev->pdev->bus->number;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.BusAddress.PciAddress.bDeviceNumber
++ = PCI_SLOT(dev->pdev->devfn);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.BusAddress.PciAddress.bFunctionNumber
++ = PCI_FUNC(dev->pdev->devfn);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.szSerialNumber[0] = '\0';
++ if (dev->adapter_info.serial[0] != 0xBAD0)
++ sprintf(pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.szSerialNumber,
++ "%x", dev->adapter_info.serial[0]);
++ /* Get Bus Type */
++ fibptr = fib_alloc(dev);
++ if (fibptr == NULL) {
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.uControllerFlags
++ } else {
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ pIoctlInfo = (PDIOCTL) fib_data(fibptr);
++ pIoctlInfo->Command = cpu_to_le32(VM_Ioctl);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjType = cpu_to_le32(FT_DRIVE);
++ pIoctlInfo->MethodId = cpu_to_le32(1);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjectId = 0;
++ pIoctlInfo->CtlCmd = cpu_to_le32(EnhancedGetBusInfo);
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand, fibptr,
++ sizeof(*EnhancedBusInfo),
++ FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ EnhancedBusInfo = (struct aac_enhanced_bus_info_response *) pIoctlInfo;
++ if (status < 0) {
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.uControllerFlags
++ } else switch (EnhancedBusInfo->BusType[0]) {
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.uControllerFlags
++ break;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.uControllerFlags
++ break;
++ default:
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.uControllerFlags
++ = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ }
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usBIOSBuildRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosbuild));
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usBIOSMajorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosrev) >> 24);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usBIOSMinorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16((le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosrev) >> 16) & 0xff);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usBIOSReleaseRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.biosrev) & 0xff);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usBuildRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelbuild));
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usMajorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelrev) >> 24);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usMinorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16((le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelrev) >> 16) & 0xff);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usReleaseRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(le32_to_cpu(dev->adapter_info.kernelrev) & 0xff);
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromBIOSBuildRevision = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromBIOSMajorRevision = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromBIOSMinorRevision = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromBIOSReleaseRevision = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromBuildRevision = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromMajorRevision = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromMinorRevision = 0;
++ pControllerConfigBuffer->Configuration.usRromReleaseRevision = 0;
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pControllerConfigBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetControllerConfig: Exit, ReturnValue=%d, ReturnCode=%x",
++ Rtnval, pControllerConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to request the current status of the controller.
++ *
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS.
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetControllerStatus: Enter"));
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pStatusBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetControllerStatus: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Determine and set adapter state
++ */
++ switch (aac_adapter_check_health(dev)) {
++ case 0:
++ pStatusBuffer->Status.uStatus = CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_STATUS_GOOD;
++ break;
++ case -1:
++ case -2:
++ case -3:
++ pStatusBuffer->Status.uStatus = CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_STATUS_FAILED;
++ break;
++ default:
++ pStatusBuffer->Status.uStatus = CSMI_SAS_CNTLR_STATUS_OFFLINE;
++ pStatusBuffer->Status.uOfflineReason
++ }
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg, (PIOCTL_HEADER)pStatusBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetControllerStatus: Exit, ReturnValue=%d, ReturnCode=%x",
++ Rtnval, pStatusBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to request information for a specified RAID set
++ * on a controller that supports RAID.
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ typedef struct {
++ u32 command;
++ u32 type;
++ u32 cid;
++ u32 parm1;
++ u32 parm2;
++ u32 uid;
++ u32 offset;
++ u32 parm5;
++ CONTAINER * ct;
++# define CT_PACKET_SIZE (sizeof(((struct hw_fib *)NULL)->data)-(sizeof(u32)*12))
++# define CT_CONTINUE_DATA 83
++# define CT_STOP_DATA 84
++# define CT_GET_RAID_CONFIG 215
++ typedef struct {
++ u32 response;
++ u32 type;
++ u32 status;
++ u32 count;
++ u32 parm2;
++ u32 uid;
++ u32 parm4;
++ u32 parm5;
++ u32 data[1];
++ u16 bufferOffset = 0;
++ u16 LoopCount = 0;
++ unsigned long uniqueID = 0, sizeLeft = 0;
++ unsigned char *DestinationBuffer;
++ struct fib * fibptr;
++ int status;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: Enter"));
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pRaidConfigBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: Exit, ReturnValue = %d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Make sure the requested container number exists
++ */
++ if ((pRaidConfigBuffer->Configuration.uRaidSetIndex == 0)
++ || (pRaidConfigBuffer->Configuration.uRaidSetIndex
++ > dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ || (!dev->
++ fsa_dev[pRaidConfigBuffer->Configuration.uRaidSetIndex-1].valid)) {
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_ERROR_B,
++ ((pRaidConfigBuffer->Configuration.uRaidSetIndex
++ >= dev->maximum_num_containers)
++ ? "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: RaidIndex=%d > Maximum=%d"
++ : "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: RaidIndex=%d invalid"),
++ pRaidConfigBuffer->Configuration.uRaidSetIndex,
++ dev->maximum_num_containers));
++ /*
++ * Indicate the RaidSetIndex is invalid
++ */
++ pRaidConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pRaidConfigBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ fibptr = fib_alloc(dev);
++ if (fibptr == NULL) {
++ pRaidConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pRaidConfigBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ fib_init (fibptr);
++ fibptr->hw_fib->header.SenderSize = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ /*
++ * Setup and send CT_GET_RAID_CONFIG command to FW to
++ * fill in IOCTL buffer
++ */
++ ct = (CONTAINER *) fib_data(fibptr);
++ ct->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ ct->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_GET_RAID_CONFIG);
++ /* Container number */
++ ct->cid = cpu_to_le32(pRaidConfigBuffer->Configuration.uRaidSetIndex-1);
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand, fibptr, sizeof(CONTAINER),
++ FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ if (status < 0) {
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ pRaidConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pRaidConfigBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ ctr = (CONTAINERRESPONSE *) ct;
++ /*
++ * Check for error conditions
++ */
++ if (ctr->status == cpu_to_le32(CT_CONTINUATION_ERROR)) {
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ /*
++ * Indicate failure for this IOCTL
++ */
++ pRaidConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pRaidConfigBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Grab the total size of data to be returned so we can loop through
++ * and get it all
++ */
++ sizeLeft = le32_to_cpu(ctr->count);
++ /*
++ * Get Unique ID for this continuation session
++ */
++ uniqueID = ctr->uid;
++ /*
++ * If there is more data, continue looping until we're done
++ */
++ DestinationBuffer = (unsigned char *)(&pRaidConfigBuffer->Configuration);
++ while (sizeLeft) {
++ fib_init (fibptr);
++ fibptr->hw_fib->header.SenderSize
++ = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ ct->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ ct->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_CONTINUE_DATA);
++ ct->uid = uniqueID;
++ ct->offset = cpu_to_le32(LoopCount);
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand, fibptr, sizeof(CONTAINER),
++ FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ if (status < 0) {
++ /*
++ * Indicate failure for this IOCTL
++ */
++ pRaidConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check for error conditions
++ */
++ if (ctr->status == cpu_to_le32(CT_CONTINUATION_ERROR)) {
++ /*
++ * Indicate failure for this IOCTL
++ */
++ pRaidConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * No error so copy the remaining data
++ */
++ /*
++ * Move the full packet size and update for the next loop
++ */
++ if (sizeLeft >= CT_PACKET_SIZE) {
++ memcpy(DestinationBuffer, ctr->data, CT_PACKET_SIZE);
++ /*
++ * Set current offset in buffer, so we can continue
++ * copying data.
++ */
++ bufferOffset += CT_PACKET_SIZE;
++ DestinationBuffer += CT_PACKET_SIZE;
++ sizeLeft -= CT_PACKET_SIZE;
++ ++LoopCount;
++ }
++ /*
++ * last transfer; is less than CT_PACKET_SIZE, so just use
++ * sizeLeft
++ */
++ else {
++ memcpy(DestinationBuffer, ctr->data, sizeLeft);
++ sizeLeft = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * At this point, we have copied back
++ * all of the data. Send a STOP command
++ * to finish things off.
++ */
++ fib_init (fibptr);
++ ct->command = cpu_to_le32(VM_ContainerConfig);
++ ct->type = cpu_to_le32(CT_STOP_DATA);
++ ct->uid = uniqueID;
++ fib_send(ContainerCommand, fibptr, sizeof(CONTAINER),
++ FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg, (PIOCTL_HEADER)pRaidConfigBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig: Exit, ReturnValue=%d, ReturnCode=%x",
++ Rtnval, pRaidConfigBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to request information on the number of RAID
++ * volumes and number of physical drives on a controller.
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS.
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ u16 NumRaidSets = 0;
++ int lcv;
++ PDIOCTL pIoctlInfo;
++ ENHANCED_GBI_CSS * EnhancedBusInfo;
++ struct fib * fibptr;
++ int status;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDInfo: Enter"));
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pRaidInfoBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Traverse the container list and count all containers
++ */
++ for (lcv = 0; lcv < dev->maximum_num_containers; lcv++)
++ if (dev->fsa_dev[lcv].valid)
++ NumRaidSets++;
++ pRaidInfoBuffer->Information.uNumRaidSets = NumRaidSets;
++ /*
++ * Find the absolute maximum number of physical drives that can make
++ * up a container. It's pretty ambiquous so we'll default it to the
++ * Falcon maximum number of drives supported and then try to figure
++ * out from firmware the max number of drives we can attach to this
++ * controller.
++ */
++ pRaidInfoBuffer->Information.uMaxDrivesPerSet = 128;
++ fibptr = fib_alloc(dev);
++ if (fibptr) {
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ pIoctlInfo = (PDIOCTL) fib_data(fibptr);
++ pIoctlInfo->Command = cpu_to_le32(VM_Ioctl);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjType = cpu_to_le32(FT_DRIVE);
++ pIoctlInfo->MethodId = cpu_to_le32(1);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjectId = 0;
++ pIoctlInfo->CtlCmd = cpu_to_le32(EnhancedGetBusInfo);
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand, fibptr,
++ sizeof(*EnhancedBusInfo),
++ FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ EnhancedBusInfo = (struct aac_enhanced_bus_info_response *) pIoctlInfo;
++ if (status >= 0) switch (EnhancedBusInfo->BusType[0]) {
++ pRaidInfoBuffer->Information.uMaxDrivesPerSet
++ = dev->supplement_adapter_info.MaxNumberPorts;
++ break;
++ pRaidInfoBuffer->Information.uMaxDrivesPerSet = 128;
++ break;
++ default:
++ pRaidInfoBuffer->Information.uMaxDrivesPerSet
++ = dev->maximum_num_physicals
++ * dev->maximum_num_channels;
++ break;
++ }
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ }
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg, (PIOCTL_HEADER)pRaidInfoBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetRAIDInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d, ReturnCode=%x",
++ Rtnval, pRaidInfoBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to request information about physical
++ * characteristics and interconnect to the SATA or SAS domain.
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS.
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ PDIOCTL pIoctlInfo;
++ struct fib * fibptr;
++ int status;
++ u32 Length;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetPhyInfo: Enter scsi%d",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no));
++#if 0
++ /* Command can not be issued to the adapter */
++ if (!(dev->supplement_adapter_info.FeatureBits
++ & le32_to_cpu(AAC_FEATURE_FALCON))) {
++ Rtnval = -ENOENT;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetPhyInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=-ENOENT",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pPhyInfoBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetPhyInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /* TODO : Figure out the correct size to send or do a continue fib */
++ fibptr = fib_alloc(dev);
++ if (fibptr == NULL) {
++ pPhyInfoBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode = CSMI_SAS_STATUS_FAILED;
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPhyInfoBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetPhyInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ fibptr->hw_fib->header.SenderSize = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(struct hw_fib));
++ pIoctlInfo = (PDIOCTL) fib_data(fibptr);
++ pIoctlInfo->Command = cpu_to_le32(VM_Ioctl);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjType = cpu_to_le32(FT_DRIVE);
++ pIoctlInfo->MethodId = cpu_to_le32(1);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjectId = 0;
++ pIoctlInfo->CtlCmd = cpu_to_le32(CsmiGetPhyInfo);
++ Length = pPhyInfoBuffer->IoctlHeader.Length;
++ /* Issue a Larger FIB? */
++ if (Length > (sizeof(struct hw_fib) - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)
++ - sizeof(*pIoctlInfo))) {
++ Length = sizeof(struct hw_fib) - sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)
++ - sizeof(*pIoctlInfo);
++ pPhyInfoBuffer->IoctlHeader.Length = Length;
++ }
++ memcpy(((char *)pIoctlInfo) + sizeof(*pIoctlInfo),
++ pPhyInfoBuffer, Length);
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand, fibptr,
++ Length + sizeof(*pIoctlInfo),
++ FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ if (status < 0) {
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ pPhyInfoBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode = CSMI_SAS_STATUS_FAILED;
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPhyInfoBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetPhyInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ pIoctlResp = (PDIOCTLRESPONSE) pIoctlInfo;
++ /*
++ * Copy back the filled out buffer to complete the
++ * request
++ */
++ memcpy(pPhyInfoBuffer, ((char *)pIoctlResp) + sizeof(*pIoctlResp),
++ Length);
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg, (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPhyInfoBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetPhyInfo: Exit, Rtnval, ReturnCode=%x",
++ Rtnval, pPhyInfoBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to obtain the initial SATA signature (the
++ * initial Register Device to the Host FIS) from a directly attached SATA
++ * device.
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS.
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ PDIOCTL pIoctlInfo;
++ struct fib * fibptr;
++ int status;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetSATASignature: Enter scsi%d",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no));
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pSataSignatureBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetSATASignature: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ pSataSignatureBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode = CSMI_SAS_NO_SATA_DEVICE;
++ fibptr = fib_alloc(dev);
++ if (fibptr == NULL) {
++ pSataSignatureBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pSataSignatureBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetSATASignature: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ pIoctlInfo = (PDIOCTL) fib_data(fibptr);
++ pIoctlInfo->Command = cpu_to_le32(VM_Ioctl);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjType = cpu_to_le32(FT_DRIVE);
++ pIoctlInfo->MethodId = cpu_to_le32(1);
++ pIoctlInfo->ObjectId = 0;
++ pIoctlInfo->CtlCmd = cpu_to_le32(CsmiSataSignature);
++ memcpy(((char *)pIoctlInfo) + sizeof(*pIoctlInfo),
++ pSataSignatureBuffer,sizeof(CSMI_SAS_SATA_SIGNATURE_BUFFER));
++ status = fib_send(ContainerCommand, fibptr, sizeof(*pIoctlInfo)
++ - sizeof(u32) + sizeof(CSMI_SAS_SATA_SIGNATURE_BUFFER), FsaNormal,
++ 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ if (status < 0) {
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ pSataSignatureBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pSataSignatureBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetSATASignature: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ pIoctlResp = (PDIOCTLRESPONSE) pIoctlInfo;
++ /*
++ * Copy back the filled out buffer to complete the
++ * request
++ */
++ memcpy(pSataSignatureBuffer,
++ ((char *)pIoctlResp) + sizeof(*pIoctlResp),
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ /*
++ * Indicate success for this IOCTL
++ * pSataSignatureBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ * is set by the Firmware Response.
++ */
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pSataSignatureBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetSATASignature: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to return the driver information.
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS.
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ extern char aac_driver_version[];
++ char * driver_version = aac_driver_version;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetDriverInfo: Enter"));
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pDriverInfoBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetDriverInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Fill in the information member of the pDriverInfoBuffer
++ * structure.
++ */
++ /*
++ * Driver name
++ */
++ strncpy(pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.szName,
++ (dev->scsi_host_ptr->hostt->info
++ ? dev->scsi_host_ptr->hostt->info(dev->scsi_host_ptr)
++ : dev->scsi_host_ptr->hostt->name),
++ sizeof(pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.szName));
++ /*
++ * Driver Description
++ */
++ sprintf(pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.szDescription,
++ "Adaptec %s driver",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->hostt->name);
++ /*
++ * Set version number information
++ */
++ pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.usMajorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(aac_atoi(&driver_version));
++ pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.usMinorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(aac_atoi(&driver_version));
++#if (defined(AAC_DRIVER_BUILD))
++ pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.usBuildRevision = cpu_to_le16(AAC_DRIVER_BUILD);
++ pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.usBuildRevision = cpu_to_le16(9999);
++ pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.usReleaseRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(aac_atoi(&driver_version));
++ pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.usCSMIMajorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(CSMI_MAJOR_REVISION);
++ pDriverInfoBuffer->Information.usCSMIMinorRevision
++ = cpu_to_le16(CSMI_MINOR_REVISION);
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg, (PIOCTL_HEADER)pDriverInfoBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetDriverInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d, ReturnCode=%x",
++ Rtnval, pDriverInfoBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to change the physical characteristics of a phy.
++ * We currently do not support this functionality, and are not required to
++ * in order to support CSMI.
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS.
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ u32 ReturnCode;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISetPhyInfo: Enter scsi%d",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no));
++ Rtnval = 0;
++ if (copy_to_user((void __user *)&((PIOCTL_HEADER)arg)->ReturnCode,
++ (void *)&ReturnCode, sizeof(u32)))
++ Rtnval = -EFAULT;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISetPhyInfo: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ * Routine Description:
++ * This routine is called to send generic STP or SATA commands to a
++ * specific SAS address.
++ * Return Value:
++ * Status value, to be returned by aac_HandleCSMI, and returned to the OS.
++ * --> Must set CSMI status value in pHeader->ReturnCode.
++ */
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int Rtnval;
++ unsigned bytesLeft = 0;
++ u8 * pDataPointer = NULL;
++ /* function */
++# define SATAPASSTHROUGH_REGISTER 0x00000000
++ typedef struct {
++ u32 function;
++ u32 bus;
++ u32 targetId;
++ u32 lun;
++ u32 timeOutValue;
++ u32 srbFlags;
++# define HOSTSRB_FLAGS_NO_DATA_TRANSFER 0x00000000
++# define HOSTSRB_FLAGS_DATA_IN 0x00000040
++# define HOSTSRB_FLAGS_DATA_OUT 0x00000080
++ u32 dataTransferLength;
++ u32 retryLimit;
++ u32 cdbLength;
++ u8 command;
++ u8 features;
++ u8 sectorNumber;
++ u8 cylinderLow;
++ u8 cylinderHigh;
++ u8 deviceHead;
++ u8 sectorNumber_Exp;
++ u8 cylinderLow_Exp;
++ u8 cylinderHigh_Exp;
++ u8 features_Exp;
++ u8 sectorCount;
++ u8 sectorCount_Exp;
++ u8 reserved;
++ u8 control;
++ u8 reserved1[2];
++ u32 reserved2[4];
++ struct sgmap64 sgMap;
++ typedef struct {
++ u32 status;
++ u32 srbStatus;
++ u32 scsiStatus;
++ u32 dataTransferLength;
++ u32 senseInfoBufferLength;
++ u8 statusReg;
++ u8 error;
++ u8 sectorNumber;
++ u8 cylinderLow;
++ u8 cylinderHigh;
++ u8 deviceHead;
++ u8 sectorNumber_Exp;
++ u8 cylinderLow_Exp;
++ u8 cylinderHigh_Exp;
++ u8 deviceRegister_Exp;
++ u8 features;
++ u8 featuers_Exp;
++ u8 reserved1[4];
++ struct sgmap64 * pSgMap;
++ struct fib * fibptr;
++ int status;
++ dma_addr_t addr;
++ void * p = NULL;
++# define SataPortCommandU64 602
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISTPPassThru: Enter scsi%d",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no));
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error status will
++ * be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if ((Rtnval = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER *)&pPassThruBuffer))) {
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISTPPassThru: Exit, ReturnValue=%d",
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Weed out the flags we don't support
++ */
++ if ((pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uFlags & CSMI_SAS_STP_DMA)
++ || (pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uFlags & CSMI_SAS_STP_DMA_QUEUED)) {
++ /*
++ * Indicate failure for this IOCTL
++ */
++ pPassThruBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPassThruBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISTPPassThru: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ fibptr = fib_alloc(dev);
++ if (fibptr == NULL) {
++ pPassThruBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPassThruBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISTPPassThru: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ fib_init(fibptr);
++ pSataRequest = (PHOST_SATA_REQUEST_BLOCK) fib_data(fibptr);
++ pSgMap = &pSataRequest->sgMap;
++ pSataResponse = (PHOST_SATA_REQUEST_BLOCK_RESULT) pSataRequest;
++ /*
++ * Setup HOST_SATA_REQUEST_BLOCK structure
++ */
++ memset(pSataRequest,0,sizeof(*pSataRequest));
++ memset(pSataResponse,0,sizeof(HOST_SATA_REQUEST_BLOCK_RESULT));
++ if (pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uFlags & CSMI_SAS_STP_RESET_DEVICE)
++ pSataRequest->function = SATAPASSTHROUGH_SOFTRESET;
++ else
++ pSataRequest->function = SATAPASSTHROUGH_REGISTER;
++ /*
++ * Pull relevant data from header.
++ */
++ if (pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uFlags & CSMI_SAS_STP_READ)
++ pSataRequest->srbFlags = HOSTSRB_FLAGS_DATA_IN;
++ else
++ pSataRequest->srbFlags = HOSTSRB_FLAGS_DATA_OUT;
++ pSataRequest->timeOutValue = pPassThruBuffer->IoctlHeader.Timeout;
++ /*
++ * Obsolete parameter - adapter firmware ignores this
++ */
++ pSataRequest->retryLimit = 0;
++ pSataRequest->cdbLength = 14;
++ /*
++ * Fill in remaining data from IOCTL Parameters
++ */
++ /* Someday will be: SAS_ADDR_TO_BUS((*((u64*)pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bDestinationSASAddress))); */
++ pSataRequest->bus = 0;
++ /* Someday will be: SAS_ADDR_TO_TARGET((*((u64*)pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bDestinationSASAddress))); */
++ pSataRequest->targetId = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bPhyIdentifier;
++ /* Someday will be: SAS_ADDR_TO_LUN((*((u64*)pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bDestinationSASAddress))); */
++ pSataRequest->lun = 0;
++ pSataRequest->dataTransferLength
++ = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uDataLength;
++ /*
++ * SATA Task Set Register Listing
++ */
++ pSataRequest->command = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[2];
++ pSataRequest->features = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[3];
++ pSataRequest->sectorNumber = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[4];
++ pSataRequest->cylinderLow = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[5];
++ pSataRequest->cylinderHigh = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[6];
++ pSataRequest->deviceHead = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[7];
++ pSataRequest->sectorNumber_Exp
++ = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[8];
++ pSataRequest->cylinderLow_Exp
++ = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[9];
++ pSataRequest->cylinderHigh_Exp
++ = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[10];
++ pSataRequest->features_Exp
++ = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[11];
++ pSataRequest->sectorCount
++ = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[12];
++ pSataRequest->sectorCount_Exp
++ = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[13];
++ pSataRequest->control = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.bCommandFIS[15];
++ /*
++ * Build SGMAP
++ */
++ if (pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uDataLength) {
++ pDataPointer = &pPassThruBuffer->bDataBuffer[0];
++ bytesLeft = pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uDataLength;
++ /*
++ * Get physical address and length of
++ * contiguous physical buffer
++ */
++ p = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev, bytesLeft, &addr);
++ if(p == 0) {
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ pPassThruBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPassThruBuffer);
++ "aac_CSMISTPPassThru: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ memcpy(p, pDataPointer, bytesLeft);
++ pSgMap->sg[0].addr[1] = cpu_to_le32((u32)((u64)addr>>32));
++ pSgMap->sg[0].addr[0] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(addr & 0xffffffff));
++ /*
++ * Store the length for this entry
++ */
++ pSgMap->sg[0].count = bytesLeft;
++ /*
++ * Store final count of entries
++ */
++ pSgMap->count = 1;
++ } else
++ pSataRequest->srbFlags = HOSTSRB_FLAGS_NO_DATA_TRANSFER;
++ /*
++ * Send FIB
++ */
++ status = fib_send(SataPortCommandU64, fibptr, sizeof(*pSataRequest),
++ FsaNormal, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
++ fib_complete(fibptr);
++ if (status < 0) {
++ if (pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uDataLength)
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, bytesLeft,p, addr);
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ pPassThruBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPassThruBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMIGetSATASignature: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ }
++ if (pPassThruBuffer->Parameters.uDataLength) {
++ memcpy(pDataPointer, p, bytesLeft);
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, bytesLeft,p, addr);
++ }
++ /*
++ * pull response data and respond to IOCTL
++ */
++ /*
++ * Return relevant data
++ */
++ pPassThruBuffer->Status.bConnectionStatus = CSMI_SAS_OPEN_ACCEPT;
++ pPassThruBuffer->Status.bStatusFIS[2] = pSataResponse->statusReg;
++ /*
++ * pPassThruBuffer->Status.uSCR = ??;
++ */
++ pPassThruBuffer->Status.uDataBytes = pSataResponse->dataTransferLength;
++ fib_free(fibptr);
++ /*
++ * Indicate success for this IOCTL
++ */
++ pPassThruBuffer->IoctlHeader.ReturnCode = CSMI_SAS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
++ Rtnval = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg, (PIOCTL_HEADER)pPassThruBuffer);
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_CSMISTPPassThru: Exit, ReturnValue=%d,"
++ Rtnval));
++ return Rtnval;
++ *
++ * Routine Description:
++ *
++ * This routine is the main entry point for all CSMI function calls.
++ *
++ */
++int aac_csmi_ioctl(
++ struct aac_dev * dev,
++ int cmd,
++ void __user * arg)
++ int returnStatus = -ENOTTY;
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_HandleCSMI: Enter, (scsi%d) ControlCode = %x",
++ dev->scsi_host_ptr->host_no, cmd));
++ /*
++ * Handle the supported CSMI commands
++ */
++ switch (cmd) {
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMIGetDriverInfo(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMIGetControllerConfig(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMIGetControllerStatus(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMIGetRAIDInfo(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMIGetPhyInfo(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMISetPhyInfo(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMIGetSATASignature(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMIGetRAIDConfig(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ returnStatus = aac_CSMISTPPassThru(dev, arg);
++ break;
++ /*
++ * Unsupported CSMI control code
++ */
++ {
++ /*
++ * Verify buffer size. If buffer is too small, the error
++ * status will be set for pHeader->ReturnCode in
++ * aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer.
++ */
++ if (!(returnStatus = aac_VerifyCSMIBuffer(&dev, arg,
++ sizeof(PIOCTL_HEADER), &pHeader))) {
++ pHeader->ReturnCode = CSMI_SAS_STATUS_BAD_CNTL_CODE;
++ if (!(returnStatus = aac_CloseCSMIBuffer(dev, arg,
++ pHeader)))
++ returnStatus = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ fwprintf((dev, HBA_FLAGS_DBG_CSMI_COMMANDS_B,
++ "aac_HandleCSMI: Unsupported ControlCode=%x",
++ cmd));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ fwprintf((dev,
++ "aac_HandleCSMI: Exit, ReturnCode=%d", returnStatus));
++ return(returnStatus);
++#if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,0)) ? defined(__x86_64__) : defined(CONFIG_COMPAT))
++void aac_csmi_register_ioctl32_conversion(void)
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_DRIVER_INFO,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_CNTLR_CONFIG,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_CNTLR_STATUS,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_RAID_INFO,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_PHY_INFO,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_SET_PHY_INFO,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_SATA_SIGNATURE,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_RAID_CONFIG,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_STP_PASSTHRU,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_SCSI_ADDRESS,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_DEVICE_ADDRESS,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_SMP_PASSTHRU,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_SSP_PASSTHRU,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_LINK_ERRORS,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_TASK_MANAGEMENT,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_CONNECTOR_INFO,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++ register_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_PHY_CONTROL,
++ (int(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,struct file*))sys_ioctl);
++void aac_csmi_unregister_ioctl32_conversion(void)
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_DRIVER_INFO);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_CNTLR_CONFIG);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_CNTLR_STATUS);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_RAID_INFO);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_PHY_INFO);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_SET_PHY_INFO);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_SATA_SIGNATURE);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_RAID_CONFIG);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_STP_PASSTHRU);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_SCSI_ADDRESS);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_DEVICE_ADDRESS);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_SMP_PASSTHRU);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_SSP_PASSTHRU);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_LINK_ERRORS);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_TASK_MANAGEMENT);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_CONNECTOR_INFO);
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(CC_CSMI_SAS_PHY_CONTROL);
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:33:12.000000000 +0400
++++ aacraid-drv/drivers/scsi/aacraid/rx.c 2005-04-27 16:47:35.000000000 +0400
+@@ -40,111 +40,91 @@
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #include <linux/time.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/version.h> /* Needed for the following */
++#if (!defined(IRQ_NONE))
++ typedef void irqreturn_t;
++# define IRQ_HANDLED
++# define IRQ_NONE
+ #include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include "aacraid.h"
+ static irqreturn_t aac_rx_intr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
+ struct aac_dev *dev = dev_id;
+- unsigned long bellbits;
+- u8 intstat, mask;
+- intstat = rx_readb(dev, MUnit.OISR);
+- /*
+- * Read mask and invert because drawbridge is reversed.
+- * This allows us to only service interrupts that have
+- * been enabled.
+- */
+- mask = ~(dev->OIMR);
+- /* Check to see if this is our interrupt. If it isn't just return */
+- if (intstat & mask)
+- {
+- bellbits = rx_readl(dev, OutboundDoorbellReg);
+- if (bellbits & DoorBellPrintfReady) {
+- aac_printf(dev, le32_to_cpu(rx_readl (dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[5])));
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellPrintfReady);
+- rx_writel(dev, InboundDoorbellReg,DoorBellPrintfDone);
+- }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady) {
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady);
+- aac_command_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue]);
+- }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady) {
+- aac_response_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormRespQueue]);
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady);
+- }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull) {
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_rx_intr(%d,%p,%p)\n", irq, dev_id, regs));
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface) {
++ u32 Index = rx_readl(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue);
++ if (Index == 0xFFFFFFFFL)
++ Index = rx_readl(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue);
++ if (Index != 0xFFFFFFFFL) {
++ do {
++ if (aac_intr_normal(dev, Index)) {
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue, Index);
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady);
++ }
++ Index = rx_readl(dev, MUnit.OutboundQueue);
++ } while (Index != 0xFFFFFFFFL);
++ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+- else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull) {
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull);
++ } else {
++ unsigned long bellbits;
++ u8 intstat;
++ intstat = rx_readb(dev, MUnit.OISR);
++ /*
++ * Read mask and invert because drawbridge is reversed.
++ * This allows us to only service interrupts that have
++ * been enabled.
++ * Check to see if this is our interrupt. If it isn't just return
++ */
++ if (intstat & ~(dev->OIMR))
++ {
++ bellbits = rx_readl(dev, OutboundDoorbellReg);
++ if (bellbits & DoorBellPrintfReady) {
++ aac_printf(dev, rx_readl (dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[5]));
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellPrintfReady);
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundDoorbellReg,DoorBellPrintfDone);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady) {
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady);
++ aac_command_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormCmdQueue]);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady) {
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR,DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady);
++ aac_response_normal(&dev->queues->queue[HostNormRespQueue]);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull) {
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
++ }
++ else if (bellbits & DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull) {
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull);
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull);
++ }
++ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+- return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+ return IRQ_NONE;
+ }
+ /**
+- * aac_rx_enable_interrupt - Enable event reporting
+- * @dev: Adapter
+- * @event: Event to enable
+- *
+- * Enable event reporting from the i960 for a given event.
+- */
+-static void aac_rx_enable_interrupt(struct aac_dev * dev, u32 event)
+- switch (event) {
+- case HostNormCmdQue:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_1);
+- break;
+- case HostNormRespQue:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_2);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormCmdNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_3);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormRespNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask &= ~(OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_4);
+- break;
+- }
+- * aac_rx_disable_interrupt - Disable event reporting
++ * aac_rx_disable_interrupt - Disable interrupts
+ * @dev: Adapter
+- * @event: Event to enable
+- *
+- * Disable event reporting from the i960 for a given event.
+ */
+-static void aac_rx_disable_interrupt(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event)
++static void aac_rx_disable_interrupt(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- switch (event) {
+- case HostNormCmdQue:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_1);
+- break;
+- case HostNormRespQue:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_2);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormCmdNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_3);
+- break;
+- case AdapNormRespNotFull:
+- dev->irq_mask |= (OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_4);
+- break;
+- }
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xff);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -154,25 +134,31 @@ static void aac_rx_disable_interrupt(str
+ * @p1: first parameter
+ * @ret: adapter status
+ *
+- * This routine will send a synchronous comamnd to the adapter and wait
++ * This routine will send a synchronous command to the adapter and wait
+ * for its completion.
+ */
+-static int rx_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command, u32 p1, u32 *status)
++static int rx_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command,
++ u32 p1, u32 p2, u32 p3, u32 p4, u32 p5, u32 p6,
++ u32 *status, u32 * r1, u32 * r2, u32 * r3, u32 * r4)
+ {
+ unsigned long start;
+ int ok;
+ /*
+ * Write the command into Mailbox 0
+ */
+- rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox0, cpu_to_le32(command));
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox0, command);
+ /*
+- * Write the parameters into Mailboxes 1 - 4
++ * Write the parameters into Mailboxes 1 - 6
+ */
+- rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox1, cpu_to_le32(p1));
+- rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox2, 0);
+- rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox3, 0);
+- rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox4, 0);
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox1, p1);
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox2, p2);
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox3, p3);
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox4, p4);
++#if (defined(AAC_LM_SENSOR))
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox5, p5);
++ rx_writel(dev, InboundMailbox6, p6);
+ /*
+ * Clear the synch command doorbell to start on a clean slate.
+ */
+@@ -180,7 +166,7 @@ static int rx_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *d
+ /*
+ * Disable doorbell interrupts
+ */
+- rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR |= 0x04);
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xff);
+ /*
+ * Force the completion of the mask register write before issuing
+ * the interrupt.
+@@ -221,13 +207,25 @@ static int rx_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *d
+ /*
+ * Restore interrupt mask even though we timed out
+ */
+- rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR &= 0xfb);
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface)
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xf7);
++ else
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ return -ETIMEDOUT;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Pull the synch status from Mailbox 0.
+ */
+- *status = le32_to_cpu(rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[0]));
++ if (status)
++ *status = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[0]);
++ if (r1)
++ *r1 = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[1]);
++ if (r2)
++ *r2 = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[2]);
++ if (r3)
++ *r3 = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[3]);
++ if (r4)
++ *r4 = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[4]);
+ /*
+ * Clear the synch command doorbell.
+ */
+@@ -235,7 +233,10 @@ static int rx_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *d
+ /*
+ * Restore interrupt mask
+ */
+- rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR &= 0xfb);
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface)
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xf7);
++ else
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -249,8 +250,7 @@ static int rx_sync_cmd(struct aac_dev *d
+ static void aac_rx_interrupt_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- u32 ret;
+- rx_sync_cmd(dev, BREAKPOINT_REQUEST, 0, &ret);
++ rx_sync_cmd(dev, BREAKPOINT_REQUEST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -279,7 +279,8 @@ static void aac_rx_notify_adapter(struct
+ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.IDR,INBOUNDDOORBELL_3);
+ break;
+ case HostShutdown:
+-// rx_sync_cmd(dev, HOST_CRASHING, 0, 0, 0, 0, &ret);
++// rx_sync_cmd(dev, HOST_CRASHING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ break;
+ case FastIo:
+ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.IDR,INBOUNDDOORBELL_6);
+@@ -302,27 +303,13 @@ static void aac_rx_notify_adapter(struct
+ static void aac_rx_start_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- u32 status;
+ struct aac_init *init;
+ init = dev->init;
+ init->HostElapsedSeconds = cpu_to_le32(get_seconds());
+- /*
+- * Tell the adapter we are back and up and running so it will scan
+- * its command queues and enable our interrupts
+- */
+- /*
+- * First clear out all interrupts. Then enable the one's that we
+- * can handle.
+- */
+- rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, 0xff);
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, 0xffffffff);
+-// rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, ~(u8)OUTBOUND_DOORBELL_INTERRUPT_MASK);
+- rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ // We can only use a 32 bit address here
+- rx_sync_cmd(dev, INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS, (u32)(ulong)dev->init_pa, &status);
++ rx_sync_cmd(dev, INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS, (u32)(ulong)dev->init_pa,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -334,7 +321,7 @@ static void aac_rx_start_adapter(struct
+ */
+ static int aac_rx_check_health(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+- long status = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[7]);
++ u32 status = rx_readl(dev, MUnit.OMRx[0]);
+ /*
+ * Check to see if the board failed any self tests.
+@@ -345,29 +332,40 @@ static int aac_rx_check_health(struct aa
+ * Check to see if the board panic'd.
+ */
+ if (status & KERNEL_PANIC) {
+- char * buffer = kmalloc(512, GFP_KERNEL);
++ char * buffer;
+ struct POSTSTATUS {
+- u32 Post_Command;
+- u32 Post_Address;
+- } * post = kmalloc(sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS), GFP_KERNEL);
+- dma_addr_t paddr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, post, sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS), 2);
+- dma_addr_t baddr = pci_map_single(dev->pdev, buffer, 512, 1);
+- u32 status = -1;
+- int ret = -2;
++ __le32 Post_Command;
++ __le32 Post_Address;
++ } * post;
++ dma_addr_t paddr, baddr;
++ int ret;
++ if ((status & 0xFF000000L) == 0xBC000000L)
++ return (status >> 16) & 0xFF;
++ buffer = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev, 512, &baddr);
++ ret = -2;
++ if (buffer == NULL)
++ return ret;
++ post = pci_alloc_consistent(dev->pdev,
++ sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS), &paddr);
++ if (post == NULL) {
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, 512, buffer, baddr);
++ return ret;
++ }
+ memset(buffer, 0, 512);
+ post->Post_Command = cpu_to_le32(COMMAND_POST_RESULTS);
+ post->Post_Address = cpu_to_le32(baddr);
+- rx_writel(dev, MUnit.IMRx[0], cpu_to_le32(paddr));
+- rx_sync_cmd(dev, COMMAND_POST_RESULTS, baddr, &status);
+- pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, paddr, sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS), 2);
+- kfree(post);
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.IMRx[0], paddr);
++ rx_sync_cmd(dev, COMMAND_POST_RESULTS, baddr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, sizeof(struct POSTSTATUS),
++ post, paddr);
+ if ((buffer[0] == '0') && (buffer[1] == 'x')) {
+ ret = (buffer[2] <= '9') ? (buffer[2] - '0') : (buffer[2] - 'A' + 10);
+ ret <<= 4;
+ ret += (buffer[3] <= '9') ? (buffer[3] - '0') : (buffer[3] - 'A' + 10);
+ }
+- pci_unmap_single(dev->pdev, baddr, 512, 1);
+- kfree(buffer);
++ pci_free_consistent(dev->pdev, 512, buffer, baddr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -379,7 +377,40 @@ static int aac_rx_check_health(struct aa
+ * Everything is OK
+ */
+ return 0;
+-} /* aac_rx_check_health */
++ * aac_rx_send
++ * @fib: fib to issue
++ *
++ * Will send a fib, returning 0 if successful.
++ */
++static int aac_rx_send(struct fib * fib)
++ u64 addr = fib->hw_fib_pa;
++ struct aac_dev *dev = fib->dev;
++ u32 * device = (u32 *)(dev->regs.rx);
++ u32 Index;
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "%p->aac_rx_send(%p->%llx)\n", dev, fib, addr));
++ Index = rx_readl(dev, MUnit.InboundQueue);
++ if (Index == 0xFFFFFFFFL)
++ Index = rx_readl(dev, MUnit.InboundQueue);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "Index = 0x%x\n", Index));
++ if (Index == 0xFFFFFFFFL)
++ return Index;
++ device += Index / sizeof(u32);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "entry = %x %x %u\n", (u32)(addr & 0xffffffff),
++ (u32)(addr >> 32), (u32)le16_to_cpu(fib->hw_fib->header.Size)));
++ writel((u32)(addr & 0xffffffff), device);
++ ++device;
++ writel((u32)(addr >> 32), device);
++ ++device;
++ writel(le16_to_cpu(fib->hw_fib->header.Size), device);
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.InboundQueue, Index);
++ dprintk((KERN_DEBUG "aac_rx_send - return 0\n"));
++ return 0;
+ /**
+ * aac_rx_init - initialize an i960 based AAC card
+@@ -401,14 +432,6 @@ int aac_rx_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ name = dev->name;
+ /*
+- * Map in the registers from the adapter.
+- */
+- if((dev->regs.rx = (struct rx_registers *)ioremap((unsigned long)dev->scsi_host_ptr->base, 8192))==NULL)
+- {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "aacraid: unable to map i960.\n" );
+- return -1;
+- }
+- /*
+ * Check to see if the board failed any self tests.
+ */
+ if (rx_readl(dev, MUnit.OMRx[0]) & SELF_TEST_FAILED) {
+@@ -438,8 +461,9 @@ int aac_rx_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ {
+ if(time_after(jiffies, start+180*HZ))
+ {
+- status = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[7]) >> 16;
+- printk(KERN_ERR "%s%d: adapter kernel failed to start, init status = %ld.\n", dev->name, instance, status);
++ status = rx_readl(dev, IndexRegs.Mailbox[7]);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "%s%d: adapter kernel failed to start, init status = %lx.\n",
++ dev->name, instance, status);
+ goto error_iounmap;
+ }
+ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+@@ -454,14 +478,28 @@ int aac_rx_init(struct aac_dev *dev)
+ * Fill in the function dispatch table.
+ */
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_interrupt = aac_rx_interrupt_adapter;
+- dev->a_ops.adapter_enable_int = aac_rx_enable_interrupt;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_disable_int = aac_rx_disable_interrupt;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_notify = aac_rx_notify_adapter;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_sync_cmd = rx_sync_cmd;
+ dev->a_ops.adapter_check_health = aac_rx_check_health;
++ dev->a_ops.adapter_send = aac_rx_send;
++#if (defined(SCSI_HAS_DUMP))
++ dev->a_ops.adapter_intr = aac_rx_intr;
++ /*
++ * First clear out all interrupts. Then enable the one's that we
++ * can handle.
++ */
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, 0xff);
++ rx_writel(dev, MUnit.ODR, 0xffffffff);
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xfb);
+ if (aac_init_adapter(dev) == NULL)
+ goto error_irq;
++ if (dev->new_comm_interface)
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xf7);
+ /*
+ * Start any kernel threads needed
+ */
+@@ -482,10 +520,10 @@ error_kfree:
+ kfree(dev->queues);
+ error_irq:
++ rx_writeb(dev, MUnit.OIMR, dev->OIMR = 0xff);
+ free_irq(dev->scsi_host_ptr->irq, (void *)dev);
+ error_iounmap:
+- iounmap(dev->regs.rx);
+ return -1;
+ }
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5104_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5104_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ac7ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5104_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,8398 @@
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:51.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*******************************************************************************
+- Copyright(c) 1999 - 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
++ Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -49,11 +49,12 @@
+ #include <linux/delay.h>
+ #include <linux/timer.h>
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+ #include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <linux/pagemap.h>
+ #include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+-#include <asm/bitops.h>
++#include <linux/bitops.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <asm/irq.h>
+ #include <linux/capability.h>
+@@ -71,12 +72,13 @@
+ #include <linux/mii.h>
+ #include <linux/ethtool.h>
+ #include <linux/if_vlan.h>
+-#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+ #define BAR_0 0
+ #define BAR_1 1
+ #define BAR_5 5
++#define INTEL_E1000_ETHERNET_DEVICE(device_id) {\
+ struct e1000_adapter;
+@@ -98,17 +100,20 @@ struct e1000_adapter;
+ #define E1000_MAX_INTR 10
+-/* How many descriptors for TX and RX ? */
++/* TX/RX descriptor defines */
+ #define E1000_DEFAULT_TXD 256
+ #define E1000_MAX_TXD 256
+ #define E1000_MIN_TXD 80
+ #define E1000_MAX_82544_TXD 4096
+ #define E1000_DEFAULT_RXD 256
+ #define E1000_MAX_RXD 256
+ #define E1000_MIN_RXD 80
+ #define E1000_MAX_82544_RXD 4096
+ /* Supported Rx Buffer Sizes */
++#define E1000_RXBUFFER_128 128 /* Used for packet split */
++#define E1000_RXBUFFER_256 256 /* Used for packet split */
+ #define E1000_RXBUFFER_2048 2048
+ #define E1000_RXBUFFER_4096 4096
+ #define E1000_RXBUFFER_8192 8192
+@@ -123,28 +128,30 @@ struct e1000_adapter;
+ #define E1000_TX_HEAD_ADDR_SHIFT 7
+ #define E1000_PBA_TX_MASK 0xFFFF0000
+-/* Flow Control High-Watermark: 5688 bytes below Rx FIFO size */
+-#define E1000_FC_HIGH_DIFF 0x1638
+-/* Flow Control Low-Watermark: 5696 bytes below Rx FIFO size */
+-#define E1000_FC_LOW_DIFF 0x1640
++/* Flow Control Watermarks */
++#define E1000_FC_HIGH_DIFF 0x1638 /* High: 5688 bytes below Rx FIFO size */
++#define E1000_FC_LOW_DIFF 0x1640 /* Low: 5696 bytes below Rx FIFO size */
+-/* Flow Control Pause Time: 858 usec */
+-#define E1000_FC_PAUSE_TIME 0x0680
++#define E1000_FC_PAUSE_TIME 0x0680 /* 858 usec */
+ /* How many Tx Descriptors do we need to call netif_wake_queue ? */
+ #define E1000_TX_QUEUE_WAKE 16
+ /* How many Rx Buffers do we bundle into one write to the hardware ? */
+ #define E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE 16 /* Must be power of 2 */
+-#define AUTO_ALL_MODES 0
+-#define E1000_EEPROM_APME 0x0400
++#define AUTO_ALL_MODES 0
++#define E1000_EEPROM_82544_APM 0x0400
++#define E1000_EEPROM_APME 0x0400
+ #ifndef E1000_MASTER_SLAVE
+ /* Switch to override PHY master/slave setting */
+ #define E1000_MASTER_SLAVE e1000_ms_hw_default
+ #endif
++#define E1000_MNG_VLAN_NONE -1
++/* Number of packet split data buffers (not including the header buffer) */
+ /* only works for sizes that are powers of 2 */
+ #define E1000_ROUNDUP(i, size) ((i) = (((i) + (size) - 1) & ~((size) - 1)))
+@@ -153,11 +160,14 @@ struct e1000_adapter;
+ struct e1000_buffer {
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ uint64_t dma;
+- unsigned long length;
+ unsigned long time_stamp;
+- unsigned int next_to_watch;
++ uint16_t length;
++ uint16_t next_to_watch;
+ };
++struct e1000_ps_page { struct page *ps_page[MAX_PS_BUFFERS]; };
++struct e1000_ps_page_dma { uint64_t ps_page_dma[MAX_PS_BUFFERS]; };
+ struct e1000_desc_ring {
+ /* pointer to the descriptor ring memory */
+ void *desc;
+@@ -173,12 +183,19 @@ struct e1000_desc_ring {
+ unsigned int next_to_clean;
+ /* array of buffer information structs */
+ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
++ /* arrays of page information for packet split */
++ struct e1000_ps_page *ps_page;
++ struct e1000_ps_page_dma *ps_page_dma;
+ };
+ #define E1000_DESC_UNUSED(R) \
+ ((((R)->next_to_clean > (R)->next_to_use) ? 0 : (R)->count) + \
+ (R)->next_to_clean - (R)->next_to_use - 1)
++#define E1000_RX_DESC_PS(R, i) \
++ (&(((union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *)((R).desc))[i]))
++#define E1000_RX_DESC_EXT(R, i) \
++ (&(((union e1000_rx_desc_extended *)((R).desc))[i]))
+ #define E1000_GET_DESC(R, i, type) (&(((struct type *)((R).desc))[i]))
+ #define E1000_RX_DESC(R, i) E1000_GET_DESC(R, i, e1000_rx_desc)
+ #define E1000_TX_DESC(R, i) E1000_GET_DESC(R, i, e1000_tx_desc)
+@@ -191,6 +208,7 @@ struct e1000_adapter {
+ struct timer_list watchdog_timer;
+ struct timer_list phy_info_timer;
+ struct vlan_group *vlgrp;
++ uint16_t mng_vlan_id;
+ uint32_t bd_number;
+ uint32_t rx_buffer_len;
+ uint32_t part_num;
+@@ -202,13 +220,14 @@ struct e1000_adapter {
+ spinlock_t stats_lock;
+ atomic_t irq_sem;
+ struct work_struct tx_timeout_task;
+- uint8_t fc_autoneg;
++ uint8_t fc_autoneg;
+ struct timer_list blink_timer;
+ unsigned long led_status;
+ /* TX */
+ struct e1000_desc_ring tx_ring;
++ struct e1000_buffer previous_buffer_info;
+ spinlock_t tx_lock;
+ uint32_t txd_cmd;
+ uint32_t tx_int_delay;
+@@ -222,16 +241,26 @@ struct e1000_adapter {
+ uint32_t tx_fifo_size;
+ atomic_t tx_fifo_stall;
+ boolean_t pcix_82544;
++ boolean_t detect_tx_hung;
+ /* RX */
++#ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
++ boolean_t (*clean_rx) (struct e1000_adapter *adapter, int *work_done,
++ int work_to_do);
++ boolean_t (*clean_rx) (struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
++ void (*alloc_rx_buf) (struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+ struct e1000_desc_ring rx_ring;
+ uint64_t hw_csum_err;
+ uint64_t hw_csum_good;
+ uint32_t rx_int_delay;
+ uint32_t rx_abs_int_delay;
+ boolean_t rx_csum;
++ boolean_t rx_ps;
+ uint32_t gorcl;
+ uint64_t gorcl_old;
++ uint16_t rx_ps_bsize0;
+ /* Interrupt Throttle Rate */
+ uint32_t itr;
+@@ -254,5 +283,8 @@ struct e1000_adapter {
+ uint32_t pci_state[16];
+ int msg_enable;
++ boolean_t have_msi;
+ };
+ #endif /* _E1000_H_ */
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:51.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*******************************************************************************
+- Copyright(c) 1999 - 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
++ Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -34,31 +34,21 @@
+ #define E1000_MAX_NIC 32
+-#define OPTION_UNSET -1
++#define OPTION_UNSET -1
+ #define OPTION_ENABLED 1
+-/* Module Parameters are always initialized to -1, so that the driver
+- * can tell the difference between no user specified value or the
+- * user asking for the default value.
+- * The true default values are loaded in when e1000_check_options is called.
+- *
+- * This is a GCC extension to ANSI C.
+- * See the item "Labeled Elements in Initializers" in the section
+- * "Extensions to the C Language Family" of the GCC documentation.
+- */
+-#define E1000_PARAM_INIT { [0 ... E1000_MAX_NIC] = OPTION_UNSET }
+ /* All parameters are treated the same, as an integer array of values.
+ * This macro just reduces the need to repeat the same declaration code
+ * over and over (plus this helps to avoid typo bugs).
+ */
+-#define E1000_PARAM(X, S) \
+-static const int __devinitdata X[E1000_MAX_NIC + 1] = E1000_PARAM_INIT; \
+-MODULE_PARM(X, "1-" __MODULE_STRING(E1000_MAX_NIC) "i"); \
++#define E1000_PARAM_INIT { [0 ... E1000_MAX_NIC] = OPTION_UNSET }
++#define E1000_PARAM(X, desc) \
++ static int __devinitdata X[E1000_MAX_NIC+1] = E1000_PARAM_INIT; \
++ static int num_##X = 0; \
++ module_param_array_named(X, X, int, num_##X, 0); \
+ /* Transmit Descriptor Count
+ *
+@@ -212,7 +202,7 @@ E1000_PARAM(InterruptThrottleRate, "Inte
+ #define MIN_TXABSDELAY 0
+-#define DEFAULT_ITR 1
++#define DEFAULT_ITR 8000
+ #define MAX_ITR 100000
+ #define MIN_ITR 100
+@@ -235,7 +225,7 @@ struct e1000_option {
+ static int __devinit
+ e1000_validate_option(int *value, struct e1000_option *opt,
+- struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
++ struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ {
+ if(*value == OPTION_UNSET) {
+ *value = opt->def;
+@@ -256,7 +246,7 @@ e1000_validate_option(int *value, struct
+ case range_option:
+ if(*value >= opt->arg.r.min && *value <= opt->arg.r.max) {
+- "%s set to %i\n", opt->name, *value);
++ "%s set to %i\n", opt->name, *value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -305,7 +295,6 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ "Warning: no configuration for board #%i\n", bd);
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, NOTICE, "Using defaults for all values\n");
+- bd = E1000_MAX_NIC;
+ }
+ { /* Transmit Descriptor Count */
+@@ -322,9 +311,14 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ opt.arg.r.max = mac_type < e1000_82544 ?
+ E1000_MAX_TXD : E1000_MAX_82544_TXD;
+- tx_ring->count = TxDescriptors[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&tx_ring->count, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_TxDescriptors > bd) {
++ tx_ring->count = TxDescriptors[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&tx_ring->count, &opt, adapter);
++ E1000_ROUNDUP(tx_ring->count,
++ } else {
++ tx_ring->count = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Receive Descriptor Count */
+ struct e1000_option opt = {
+@@ -340,9 +334,14 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ opt.arg.r.max = mac_type < e1000_82544 ? E1000_MAX_RXD :
+ E1000_MAX_82544_RXD;
+- rx_ring->count = RxDescriptors[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&rx_ring->count, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_RxDescriptors > bd) {
++ rx_ring->count = RxDescriptors[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&rx_ring->count, &opt, adapter);
++ E1000_ROUNDUP(rx_ring->count,
++ } else {
++ rx_ring->count = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Checksum Offload Enable/Disable */
+ struct e1000_option opt = {
+@@ -352,9 +351,13 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ };
+- int rx_csum = XsumRX[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&rx_csum, &opt, adapter);
+- adapter->rx_csum = rx_csum;
++ if (num_XsumRX > bd) {
++ int rx_csum = XsumRX[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&rx_csum, &opt, adapter);
++ adapter->rx_csum = rx_csum;
++ } else {
++ adapter->rx_csum = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Flow Control */
+@@ -374,9 +377,13 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ .p = fc_list }}
+ };
+- int fc = FlowControl[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&fc, &opt, adapter);
+- adapter->hw.fc = adapter->hw.original_fc = fc;
++ if (num_FlowControl > bd) {
++ int fc = FlowControl[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&fc, &opt, adapter);
++ adapter->hw.fc = adapter->hw.original_fc = fc;
++ } else {
++ adapter->hw.fc = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Transmit Interrupt Delay */
+ struct e1000_option opt = {
+@@ -388,8 +395,13 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ .max = MAX_TXDELAY }}
+ };
+- adapter->tx_int_delay = TxIntDelay[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&adapter->tx_int_delay, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_TxIntDelay > bd) {
++ adapter->tx_int_delay = TxIntDelay[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&adapter->tx_int_delay, &opt,
++ adapter);
++ } else {
++ adapter->tx_int_delay = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay */
+ struct e1000_option opt = {
+@@ -401,8 +413,13 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ .max = MAX_TXABSDELAY }}
+ };
+- adapter->tx_abs_int_delay = TxAbsIntDelay[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&adapter->tx_abs_int_delay, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_TxAbsIntDelay > bd) {
++ adapter->tx_abs_int_delay = TxAbsIntDelay[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&adapter->tx_abs_int_delay, &opt,
++ adapter);
++ } else {
++ adapter->tx_abs_int_delay = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Receive Interrupt Delay */
+ struct e1000_option opt = {
+@@ -414,8 +431,13 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ .max = MAX_RXDELAY }}
+ };
+- adapter->rx_int_delay = RxIntDelay[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&adapter->rx_int_delay, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_RxIntDelay > bd) {
++ adapter->rx_int_delay = RxIntDelay[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&adapter->rx_int_delay, &opt,
++ adapter);
++ } else {
++ adapter->rx_int_delay = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Receive Absolute Interrupt Delay */
+ struct e1000_option opt = {
+@@ -427,8 +449,13 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ .max = MAX_RXABSDELAY }}
+ };
+- adapter->rx_abs_int_delay = RxAbsIntDelay[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&adapter->rx_abs_int_delay, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_RxAbsIntDelay > bd) {
++ adapter->rx_abs_int_delay = RxAbsIntDelay[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&adapter->rx_abs_int_delay, &opt,
++ adapter);
++ } else {
++ adapter->rx_abs_int_delay = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Interrupt Throttling Rate */
+ struct e1000_option opt = {
+@@ -440,21 +467,24 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter
+ .max = MAX_ITR }}
+ };
+- adapter->itr = InterruptThrottleRate[bd];
+- switch(adapter->itr) {
+- case -1:
+- adapter->itr = 1;
+- break;
+- case 0:
+- DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "%s turned off\n",;
+- break;
+- case 1:
+- "%s set to dynamic mode\n",;
+- break;
+- default:
+- e1000_validate_option(&adapter->itr, &opt, adapter);
+- break;
++ if (num_InterruptThrottleRate > bd) {
++ adapter->itr = InterruptThrottleRate[bd];
++ switch(adapter->itr) {
++ case 0:
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "%s turned off\n",
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "%s set to dynamic mode\n",
++ break;
++ default:
++ e1000_validate_option(&adapter->itr, &opt,
++ adapter);
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ adapter->itr = opt.def;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -482,19 +512,20 @@ static void __devinit
+ e1000_check_fiber_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ {
+ int bd = adapter->bd_number;
+- bd = bd > E1000_MAX_NIC ? E1000_MAX_NIC : bd;
+- if((Speed[bd] != OPTION_UNSET)) {
++ if(num_Speed > bd) {
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Speed not valid for fiber adapters, "
+ "parameter ignored\n");
+ }
+- if((Duplex[bd] != OPTION_UNSET)) {
++ if(num_Duplex > bd) {
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Duplex not valid for fiber adapters, "
+ "parameter ignored\n");
+ }
+- if((AutoNeg[bd] != OPTION_UNSET) && (AutoNeg[bd] != 0x20)) {
+- DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "AutoNeg other than Full/1000 is "
+- "not valid for fiber adapters, parameter ignored\n");
++ if((num_AutoNeg > bd) && (AutoNeg[bd] != 0x20)) {
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "AutoNeg other than 1000/Full is "
++ "not valid for fiber adapters, "
++ "parameter ignored\n");
+ }
+ }
+@@ -510,7 +541,6 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ {
+ int speed, dplx;
+ int bd = adapter->bd_number;
+- bd = bd > E1000_MAX_NIC ? E1000_MAX_NIC : bd;
+ { /* Speed */
+ struct e1000_opt_list speed_list[] = {{ 0, "" },
+@@ -527,8 +557,12 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ .p = speed_list }}
+ };
+- speed = Speed[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&speed, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_Speed > bd) {
++ speed = Speed[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&speed, &opt, adapter);
++ } else {
++ speed = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+ { /* Duplex */
+ struct e1000_opt_list dplx_list[] = {{ 0, "" },
+@@ -544,11 +578,15 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ .p = dplx_list }}
+ };
+- dplx = Duplex[bd];
+- e1000_validate_option(&dplx, &opt, adapter);
++ if (num_Duplex > bd) {
++ dplx = Duplex[bd];
++ e1000_validate_option(&dplx, &opt, adapter);
++ } else {
++ dplx = opt.def;
++ }
+ }
+- if(AutoNeg[bd] != OPTION_UNSET && (speed != 0 || dplx != 0)) {
++ if((num_AutoNeg > bd) && (speed != 0 || dplx != 0)) {
+ "AutoNeg specified along with Speed or Duplex, "
+ "parameter ignored\n");
+@@ -605,30 +643,30 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ switch (speed + dplx) {
+ case 0:
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = adapter->fc_autoneg = 1;
+- if(Speed[bd] != OPTION_UNSET || Duplex[bd] != OPTION_UNSET)
++ if((num_Speed > bd) && (speed != 0 || dplx != 0))
+ "Speed and duplex autonegotiation enabled\n");
+ break;
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Half Duplex specified without Speed\n");
+- "Using Autonegotiation at Half Duplex only\n");
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Using Autonegotiation at "
++ "Half Duplex only\n");
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = adapter->fc_autoneg = 1;
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = ADVERTISE_10_HALF |
+ break;
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Full Duplex specified without Speed\n");
+- "Using Autonegotiation at Full Duplex only\n");
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Using Autonegotiation at "
++ "Full Duplex only\n");
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = adapter->fc_autoneg = 1;
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = ADVERTISE_10_FULL |
+ break;
+ case SPEED_10:
+- "10 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex\n");
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "10 Mbps Speed specified "
++ "without Duplex\n");
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Using Autonegotiation at 10 Mbps only\n");
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = adapter->fc_autoneg = 1;
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = ADVERTISE_10_HALF |
+@@ -647,10 +685,10 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = 0;
+ break;
+ case SPEED_100:
+- "100 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex\n");
+- "Using Autonegotiation at 100 Mbps only\n");
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "100 Mbps Speed specified "
++ "without Duplex\n");
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Using Autonegotiation at "
++ "100 Mbps only\n");
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = adapter->fc_autoneg = 1;
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = ADVERTISE_100_HALF |
+@@ -668,10 +706,11 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = 0;
+ break;
+ case SPEED_1000:
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "1000 Mbps Speed specified without "
++ "Duplex\n");
+- "1000 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex\n");
+- "Using Autonegotiation at 1000 Mbps Full Duplex only\n");
++ "Using Autonegotiation at 1000 Mbps "
++ "Full Duplex only\n");
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = adapter->fc_autoneg = 1;
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = ADVERTISE_1000_FULL;
+ break;
+@@ -679,7 +718,8 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ "Half Duplex is not supported at 1000 Mbps\n");
+- "Using Autonegotiation at 1000 Mbps Full Duplex only\n");
++ "Using Autonegotiation at 1000 Mbps "
++ "Full Duplex only\n");
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = adapter->fc_autoneg = 1;
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = ADVERTISE_1000_FULL;
+ break;
+@@ -696,8 +736,8 @@ e1000_check_copper_options(struct e1000_
+ /* Speed, AutoNeg and MDI/MDI-X must all play nice */
+ if (e1000_validate_mdi_setting(&(adapter->hw)) < 0) {
+- "Speed, AutoNeg and MDI-X specifications are "
+- "incompatible. Setting MDI-X to a compatible value.\n");
++ "Speed, AutoNeg and MDI-X specifications are "
++ "incompatible. Setting MDI-X to a compatible value.\n");
+ }
+ }
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:51.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*******************************************************************************
+- Copyright(c) 1999 - 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
++ Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -63,9 +63,11 @@ static uint16_t e1000_shift_in_ee_bits(s
+ static int32_t e1000_acquire_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ static void e1000_release_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ static void e1000_standby_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+-static int32_t e1000_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw * hw);
+ static int32_t e1000_set_vco_speed(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++static int32_t e1000_polarity_reversal_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ static int32_t e1000_set_phy_mode(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++static int32_t e1000_host_if_read_cookie(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint8_t *buffer);
++static uint8_t e1000_calculate_mng_checksum(char *buffer, uint32_t length);
+ /* IGP cable length table */
+ static const
+@@ -79,6 +81,17 @@ uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table[IG
+ 100, 100, 100, 100, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110,
+ 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120};
++static const
++uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE] =
++ { 8, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43,
++ 22, 24, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 40, 42, 44, 47, 49, 51, 54, 56, 58,
++ 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, 53, 55, 58, 61, 63, 66, 69, 71, 74,
++ 43, 47, 51, 54, 58, 61, 64, 67, 71, 74, 77, 80, 82, 85, 88, 90,
++ 57, 62, 66, 70, 74, 77, 81, 85, 88, 91, 94, 97, 100, 103, 106, 108,
++ 73, 78, 82, 87, 91, 95, 98, 102, 105, 109, 112, 114, 117, 119, 122, 124,
++ 91, 96, 101, 105, 109, 113, 116, 119, 122, 125, 127, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
++ 108, 113, 117, 121, 124, 127, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128};
+ /******************************************************************************
+ * Set the phy type member in the hw struct.
+@@ -90,10 +103,14 @@ e1000_set_phy_type(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_set_phy_type");
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_undefined)
++ return -E1000_ERR_PHY_TYPE;
+ switch(hw->phy_id) {
+ case M88E1000_E_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1000_I_PHY_ID:
+ case M88E1011_I_PHY_ID:
++ case M88E1111_I_PHY_ID:
+ hw->phy_type = e1000_phy_m88;
+ break;
+ case IGP01E1000_I_PHY_ID:
+@@ -122,16 +139,30 @@ e1000_set_phy_type(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ static void
+ e1000_phy_init_script(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
++ uint32_t ret_val;
++ uint16_t phy_saved_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_init_script");
+ if(hw->phy_init_script) {
+ msec_delay(20);
++ /* Save off the current value of register 0x2F5B to be restored at
++ * the end of this routine. */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, &phy_saved_data);
++ /* Disabled the PHY transmitter */
++ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, 0x0003);
++ msec_delay(20);
+ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw,0x0000,0x0140);
+ msec_delay(5);
+- if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82541 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82547) {
++ switch(hw->mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82541:
++ case e1000_82547:
+ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x1F95, 0x0001);
+ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x1F71, 0xBD21);
+@@ -149,12 +180,23 @@ e1000_phy_init_script(struct e1000_hw *h
+ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x1F96, 0x003F);
+ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x2010, 0x0008);
+- } else {
++ break;
++ case e1000_82541_rev_2:
++ case e1000_82547_rev_2:
+ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x1F73, 0x0099);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
+ }
+ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x0000, 0x3300);
++ msec_delay(20);
++ /* Now enable the transmitter */
++ e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, phy_saved_data);
+ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82547) {
+ uint16_t fused, fine, coarse;
+@@ -243,6 +285,8 @@ e1000_set_mac_type(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_COPPER:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_FIBER:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_SERDES:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_PCIE:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_QUAD_COPPER:
+ hw->mac_type = e1000_82546_rev_3;
+ break;
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82541EI:
+@@ -251,6 +295,7 @@ e1000_set_mac_type(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ break;
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82541ER:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82541GI:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82541GI_LF:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82541GI_MOBILE:
+ hw->mac_type = e1000_82541_rev_2;
+ break;
+@@ -260,12 +305,19 @@ e1000_set_mac_type(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82547GI:
+ hw->mac_type = e1000_82547_rev_2;
+ break;
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82573E:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82573E_IAMT:
++ hw->mac_type = e1000_82573;
++ break;
+ default:
+ /* Should never have loaded on this device */
+ return -E1000_ERR_MAC_TYPE;
+ }
+ switch(hw->mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82573:
++ hw->eeprom_semaphore_present = TRUE;
++ /* fall through */
+ case e1000_82541:
+ case e1000_82547:
+ case e1000_82541_rev_2:
+@@ -331,6 +383,9 @@ e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ uint32_t icr;
+ uint32_t manc;
+ uint32_t led_ctrl;
++ uint32_t timeout;
++ uint32_t extcnf_ctrl;
++ int32_t ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_reset_hw");
+@@ -340,6 +395,15 @@ e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ e1000_pci_clear_mwi(hw);
+ }
++ if(hw->bus_type == e1000_bus_type_pci_express) {
++ /* Prevent the PCI-E bus from sticking if there is no TLP connection
++ * on the last TLP read/write transaction when MAC is reset.
++ */
++ if(e1000_disable_pciex_master(hw) != E1000_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUGOUT("PCI-E Master disable polling has failed.\n");
++ }
++ }
+ /* Clear interrupt mask to stop board from generating interrupts */
+ DEBUGOUT("Masking off all interrupts\n");
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, IMC, 0xffffffff);
+@@ -364,10 +428,32 @@ e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ /* Must reset the PHY before resetting the MAC */
+ if((hw->mac_type == e1000_82541) || (hw->mac_type == e1000_82547)) {
+- E1000_WRITE_REG_IO(hw, CTRL, (ctrl | E1000_CTRL_PHY_RST));
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, (ctrl | E1000_CTRL_PHY_RST));
+ msec_delay(5);
+ }
++ /* Must acquire the MDIO ownership before MAC reset.
++ * Ownership defaults to firmware after a reset. */
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82573) {
++ timeout = 10;
++ extcnf_ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EXTCNF_CTRL);
++ extcnf_ctrl |= E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_MDIO_SW_OWNERSHIP;
++ do {
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, EXTCNF_CTRL, extcnf_ctrl);
++ extcnf_ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EXTCNF_CTRL);
++ if(extcnf_ctrl & E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_MDIO_SW_OWNERSHIP)
++ break;
++ else
++ extcnf_ctrl |= E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_MDIO_SW_OWNERSHIP;
++ msec_delay(2);
++ timeout--;
++ } while(timeout);
++ }
+ /* Issue a global reset to the MAC. This will reset the chip's
+ * transmit, receive, DMA, and link units. It will not effect
+ * the current PCI configuration. The global reset bit is self-
+@@ -421,6 +507,18 @@ e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ /* Wait for EEPROM reload */
+ msec_delay(20);
+ break;
++ case e1000_82573:
++ udelay(10);
++ ctrl_ext = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL_EXT);
++ ctrl_ext |= E1000_CTRL_EXT_EE_RST;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext);
++ E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(hw);
++ /* fall through */
++ ret_val = e1000_get_auto_rd_done(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ /* We don't want to continue accessing MAC registers. */
++ return ret_val;
++ break;
+ default:
+ /* Wait for EEPROM reload (it happens automatically) */
+ msec_delay(5);
+@@ -428,7 +526,7 @@ e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ }
+ /* Disable HW ARPs on ASF enabled adapters */
+- if(hw->mac_type >= e1000_82540) {
++ if(hw->mac_type >= e1000_82540 && hw->mac_type <= e1000_82547_rev_2) {
+ manc = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MANC);
+ manc &= ~(E1000_MANC_ARP_EN);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, MANC, manc);
+@@ -481,6 +579,8 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ uint16_t pcix_stat_hi_word;
+ uint16_t cmd_mmrbc;
+ uint16_t stat_mmrbc;
++ uint32_t mta_size;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_init_hw");
+ /* Initialize Identification LED */
+@@ -495,8 +595,8 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ /* Disabling VLAN filtering. */
+ DEBUGOUT("Initializing the IEEE VLAN\n");
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, VET, 0);
++ if (hw->mac_type < e1000_82545_rev_3)
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, VET, 0);
+ e1000_clear_vfta(hw);
+ /* For 82542 (rev 2.0), disable MWI and put the receiver into reset */
+@@ -524,14 +624,16 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ /* Zero out the Multicast HASH table */
+ DEBUGOUT("Zeroing the MTA\n");
+- for(i = 0; i < E1000_MC_TBL_SIZE; i++)
++ mta_size = E1000_MC_TBL_SIZE;
++ for(i = 0; i < mta_size; i++)
+ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, MTA, i, 0);
+ /* Set the PCI priority bit correctly in the CTRL register. This
+ * determines if the adapter gives priority to receives, or if it
+- * gives equal priority to transmits and receives.
++ * gives equal priority to transmits and receives. Valid only on
++ * 82542 and 82543 silicon.
+ */
+- if(hw->dma_fairness) {
++ if(hw->dma_fairness && hw->mac_type <= e1000_82543) {
+ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, ctrl | E1000_CTRL_PRIOR);
+ }
+@@ -569,9 +671,21 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ if(hw->mac_type > e1000_82544) {
+ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TXDCTL);
+ ctrl = (ctrl & ~E1000_TXDCTL_WTHRESH) | E1000_TXDCTL_FULL_TX_DESC_WB;
++ switch (hw->mac_type) {
++ default:
++ break;
++ case e1000_82573:
++ ctrl |= E1000_TXDCTL_COUNT_DESC;
++ break;
++ }
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TXDCTL, ctrl);
+ }
++ if (hw->mac_type == e1000_82573) {
++ e1000_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(hw);
++ }
+ /* Clear all of the statistics registers (clear on read). It is
+ * important that we do this after we have tried to establish link
+ * because the symbol error count will increment wildly if there
+@@ -650,7 +764,7 @@ e1000_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ * control setting, then the variable hw->fc will
+ * be initialized based on a value in the EEPROM.
+ */
+- if(e1000_read_eeprom(hw, EEPROM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, 1, &eeprom_data) < 0) {
++ if(e1000_read_eeprom(hw, EEPROM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, 1, &eeprom_data)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("EEPROM Read Error\n");
+ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
+ }
+@@ -707,6 +821,7 @@ e1000_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, FCTTV, hw->fc_pause_time);
+ /* Set the flow control receive threshold registers. Normally,
+@@ -877,20 +992,18 @@ e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e10
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
+-* Detects which PHY is present and the speed and duplex
++* Make sure we have a valid PHY and change PHY mode before link setup.
+ *
+ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ static int32_t
+-e1000_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++e1000_copper_link_preconfig(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ uint32_t ctrl;
+- uint32_t led_ctrl;
+ int32_t ret_val;
+- uint16_t i;
+ uint16_t phy_data;
+- DEBUGFUNC("e1000_setup_copper_link");
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_copper_link_preconfig");
+ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL);
+ /* With 82543, we need to force speed and duplex on the MAC equal to what
+@@ -904,7 +1017,9 @@ e1000_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw
+ } else {
+ ctrl |= (E1000_CTRL_FRCSPD | E1000_CTRL_FRCDPX | E1000_CTRL_SLU);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, ctrl);
+- e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw);
++ ret_val = e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* Make sure we have a valid PHY */
+@@ -920,7 +1035,8 @@ e1000_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82545_rev_3) {
++ if((hw->mac_type == e1000_82545_rev_3) ||
++ (hw->mac_type == e1000_82546_rev_3)) {
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ phy_data |= 0x00000008;
+ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
+@@ -931,370 +1047,468 @@ e1000_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw
+ hw->mac_type == e1000_82541_rev_2 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2)
+ hw->phy_reset_disable = FALSE;
+- if(!hw->phy_reset_disable) {
+- if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp) {
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+- ret_val = e1000_phy_reset(hw);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error Resetting the PHY\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- /* Wait 10ms for MAC to configure PHY from eeprom settings */
+- msec_delay(15);
++* Copper link setup for e1000_phy_igp series.
++* hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++static int32_t
++e1000_copper_link_igp_setup(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t led_ctrl;
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ uint16_t phy_data;
+- /* Configure activity LED after PHY reset */
+- led_ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, LEDCTL);
+- led_ctrl &= IGP_ACTIVITY_LED_MASK;
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, LEDCTL, led_ctrl);
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_copper_link_igp_setup");
+- /* disable lplu d3 during driver init */
+- ret_val = e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(hw, FALSE);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error Disabling LPLU D3\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
++ if (hw->phy_reset_disable)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ ret_val = e1000_phy_reset(hw);
++ if (ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Resetting the PHY\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
+- /* Configure mdi-mdix settings */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CTRL,
+- &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ /* Wait 10ms for MAC to configure PHY from eeprom settings */
++ msec_delay(15);
+- if((hw->mac_type == e1000_82541) || (hw->mac_type == e1000_82547)) {
+- hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_disabled;
+- /* Force MDI for IGP B-0 PHY */
+- phy_data &= ~(IGP01E1000_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX |
+- hw->mdix = 1;
++ /* Configure activity LED after PHY reset */
++ led_ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, LEDCTL);
++ led_ctrl &= IGP_ACTIVITY_LED_MASK;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, LEDCTL, led_ctrl);
+- } else {
+- hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_enabled;
+- phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX;
++ /* disable lplu d3 during driver init */
++ ret_val = e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(hw, FALSE);
++ if (ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Disabling LPLU D3\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
+- switch (hw->mdix) {
+- case 1:
+- phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX;
+- break;
+- case 2:
+- phy_data |= IGP01E1000_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX;
+- break;
+- case 0:
+- default:
+- phy_data |= IGP01E1000_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX;
+- break;
+- }
+- }
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CTRL,
+- phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ /* disable lplu d0 during driver init */
++ ret_val = e1000_set_d0_lplu_state(hw, FALSE);
++ if (ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Disabling LPLU D0\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ /* Configure mdi-mdix settings */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CTRL, &phy_data);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+- /* set auto-master slave resolution settings */
+- if(hw->autoneg) {
+- e1000_ms_type phy_ms_setting = hw->master_slave;
+- if(hw->ffe_config_state == e1000_ffe_config_active)
+- hw->ffe_config_state = e1000_ffe_config_enabled;
+- if(hw->dsp_config_state == e1000_dsp_config_activated)
+- hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_enabled;
+- /* when autonegotiation advertisment is only 1000Mbps then we
+- * should disable SmartSpeed and enable Auto MasterSlave
+- * resolution as hardware default. */
+- if(hw->autoneg_advertised == ADVERTISE_1000_FULL) {
+- /* Disable SmartSpeed */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
+- &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw,
+- phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- /* Set auto Master/Slave resolution process */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- phy_data &= ~CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- }
++ if ((hw->mac_type == e1000_82541) || (hw->mac_type == e1000_82547)) {
++ hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_disabled;
++ /* Force MDI for earlier revs of the IGP PHY */
++ phy_data &= ~(IGP01E1000_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX | IGP01E1000_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX);
++ hw->mdix = 1;
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ } else {
++ hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_enabled;
++ phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX;
+- /* load defaults for future use */
+- hw->original_master_slave = (phy_data & CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE) ?
+- ((phy_data & CR_1000T_MS_VALUE) ?
+- e1000_ms_force_master :
+- e1000_ms_force_slave) :
+- e1000_ms_auto;
+- switch (phy_ms_setting) {
+- case e1000_ms_force_master:
+- phy_data |= (CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE | CR_1000T_MS_VALUE);
+- break;
+- case e1000_ms_force_slave:
+- phy_data |= CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
+- phy_data &= ~(CR_1000T_MS_VALUE);
+- break;
+- case e1000_ms_auto:
+- phy_data &= ~CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
+- default:
+- break;
+- }
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- } else {
+- /* Enable CRS on TX. This must be set for half-duplex operation. */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+- &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ switch (hw->mdix) {
++ case 1:
++ phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ phy_data |= IGP01E1000_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX;
++ break;
++ case 0:
++ default:
++ phy_data |= IGP01E1000_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CTRL, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+- phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX;
++ /* set auto-master slave resolution settings */
++ if(hw->autoneg) {
++ e1000_ms_type phy_ms_setting = hw->master_slave;
+- /* Options:
+- * MDI/MDI-X = 0 (default)
+- * 0 - Auto for all speeds
+- * 1 - MDI mode
+- * 2 - MDI-X mode
+- * 3 - Auto for 1000Base-T only (MDI-X for 10/100Base-T modes)
+- */
+- phy_data &= ~M88E1000_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
++ if(hw->ffe_config_state == e1000_ffe_config_active)
++ hw->ffe_config_state = e1000_ffe_config_enabled;
+- switch (hw->mdix) {
+- case 1:
+- phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_MDI_MANUAL_MODE;
+- break;
+- case 2:
+- phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_MDIX_MANUAL_MODE;
+- break;
+- case 3:
+- phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_AUTO_X_1000T;
+- break;
+- case 0:
+- default:
+- phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
+- break;
+- }
++ if(hw->dsp_config_state == e1000_dsp_config_activated)
++ hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_enabled;
+- /* Options:
+- * disable_polarity_correction = 0 (default)
+- * Automatic Correction for Reversed Cable Polarity
+- * 0 - Disabled
+- * 1 - Enabled
+- */
+- phy_data &= ~M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL;
+- if(hw->disable_polarity_correction == 1)
+- phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL;
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+- phy_data);
++ /* when autonegotiation advertisment is only 1000Mbps then we
++ * should disable SmartSpeed and enable Auto MasterSlave
++ * resolution as hardware default. */
++ if(hw->autoneg_advertised == ADVERTISE_1000_FULL) {
++ /* Disable SmartSpeed */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- /* Force TX_CLK in the Extended PHY Specific Control Register
+- * to 25MHz clock.
+- */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+- &phy_data);
++ phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw,
++ phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- phy_data |= M88E1000_EPSCR_TX_CLK_25;
+- if (hw->phy_revision < M88E1011_I_REV_4) {
+- /* Configure Master and Slave downshift values */
+- phy_data &= ~(M88E1000_EPSCR_MASTER_DOWNSHIFT_MASK |
+- phy_data |= (M88E1000_EPSCR_MASTER_DOWNSHIFT_1X |
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL,
+- phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- /* SW Reset the PHY so all changes take effect */
+- ret_val = e1000_phy_reset(hw);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error Resetting the PHY\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- }
+- /* Options:
+- * autoneg = 1 (default)
+- * PHY will advertise value(s) parsed from
+- * autoneg_advertised and fc
+- * autoneg = 0
+- * PHY will be set to 10H, 10F, 100H, or 100F
+- * depending on value parsed from forced_speed_duplex.
+- */
+- /* Is autoneg enabled? This is enabled by default or by software
+- * override. If so, call e1000_phy_setup_autoneg routine to parse the
+- * autoneg_advertised and fc options. If autoneg is NOT enabled, then
+- * the user should have provided a speed/duplex override. If so, then
+- * call e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex to parse and set this up.
+- */
+- if(hw->autoneg) {
+- /* Perform some bounds checking on the hw->autoneg_advertised
+- * parameter. If this variable is zero, then set it to the default.
+- */
+- hw->autoneg_advertised &= AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT;
+- /* If autoneg_advertised is zero, we assume it was not defaulted
+- * by the calling code so we set to advertise full capability.
+- */
+- if(hw->autoneg_advertised == 0)
+- hw->autoneg_advertised = AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT;
+- DEBUGOUT("Reconfiguring auto-neg advertisement params\n");
+- ret_val = e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(hw);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error Setting up Auto-Negotiation\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- DEBUGOUT("Restarting Auto-Neg\n");
+- /* Restart auto-negotiation by setting the Auto Neg Enable bit and
+- * the Auto Neg Restart bit in the PHY control register.
+- */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, &phy_data);
++ /* Set auto Master/Slave resolution process */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, phy_data);
++ phy_data &= ~CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- /* Does the user want to wait for Auto-Neg to complete here, or
+- * check at a later time (for example, callback routine).
+- */
+- if(hw->wait_autoneg_complete) {
+- ret_val = e1000_wait_autoneg(hw);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error while waiting for autoneg to complete\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- }
+- hw->get_link_status = TRUE;
+- } else {
+- DEBUGOUT("Forcing speed and duplex\n");
+- ret_val = e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex(hw);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error Forcing Speed and Duplex\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+ }
+- } /* !hw->phy_reset_disable */
+- /* Check link status. Wait up to 100 microseconds for link to become
+- * valid.
+- */
+- for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_data);
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- if(phy_data & MII_SR_LINK_STATUS) {
+- /* We have link, so we need to finish the config process:
+- * 1) Set up the MAC to the current PHY speed/duplex
+- * if we are on 82543. If we
+- * are on newer silicon, we only need to configure
+- * collision distance in the Transmit Control Register.
+- * 2) Set up flow control on the MAC to that established with
+- * the link partner.
+- */
+- if(hw->mac_type >= e1000_82544) {
+- e1000_config_collision_dist(hw);
+- } else {
+- ret_val = e1000_config_mac_to_phy(hw);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error configuring MAC to PHY settings\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- }
+- ret_val = e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(hw);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error Configuring Flow Control\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- DEBUGOUT("Valid link established!!!\n");
++ /* load defaults for future use */
++ hw->original_master_slave = (phy_data & CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE) ?
++ ((phy_data & CR_1000T_MS_VALUE) ?
++ e1000_ms_force_master :
++ e1000_ms_force_slave) :
++ e1000_ms_auto;
+- if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp) {
+- ret_val = e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(hw, TRUE);
+- if(ret_val) {
+- DEBUGOUT("Error Configuring DSP after link up\n");
+- return ret_val;
+- }
+- }
+- DEBUGOUT("Valid link established!!!\n");
+- return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ switch (phy_ms_setting) {
++ case e1000_ms_force_master:
++ phy_data |= (CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE | CR_1000T_MS_VALUE);
++ break;
++ case e1000_ms_force_slave:
++ phy_data |= CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
++ phy_data &= ~(CR_1000T_MS_VALUE);
++ break;
++ case e1000_ms_auto:
++ phy_data &= ~CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+ }
+- udelay(10);
+- }
+- DEBUGOUT("Unable to establish link!!!\n");
+- return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
+-* Configures PHY autoneg and flow control advertisement settings
++* Copper link setup for e1000_phy_m88 series.
+ *
+ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
+-e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++static int32_t
++e1000_copper_link_mgp_setup(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ int32_t ret_val;
+- uint16_t mii_autoneg_adv_reg;
+- uint16_t mii_1000t_ctrl_reg;
++ uint16_t phy_data;
+- DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_setup_autoneg");
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_copper_link_mgp_setup");
+- /* Read the MII Auto-Neg Advertisement Register (Address 4). */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_AUTONEG_ADV, &mii_autoneg_adv_reg);
++ if(hw->phy_reset_disable)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ /* Enable CRS on TX. This must be set for half-duplex operation. */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- /* Read the MII 1000Base-T Control Register (Address 9). */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &mii_1000t_ctrl_reg);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX;
+- /* Need to parse both autoneg_advertised and fc and set up
+- * the appropriate PHY registers. First we will parse for
+- * autoneg_advertised software override. Since we can advertise
+- * a plethora of combinations, we need to check each bit
+- * individually.
++ /* Options:
++ * MDI/MDI-X = 0 (default)
++ * 0 - Auto for all speeds
++ * 1 - MDI mode
++ * 2 - MDI-X mode
++ * 3 - Auto for 1000Base-T only (MDI-X for 10/100Base-T modes)
+ */
++ phy_data &= ~M88E1000_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
+- /* First we clear all the 10/100 mb speed bits in the Auto-Neg
+- * Advertisement Register (Address 4) and the 1000 mb speed bits in
+- * the 1000Base-T Control Register (Address 9).
++ switch (hw->mdix) {
++ case 1:
++ phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_MDI_MANUAL_MODE;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_MDIX_MANUAL_MODE;
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_AUTO_X_1000T;
++ break;
++ case 0:
++ default:
++ phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE;
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Options:
++ * disable_polarity_correction = 0 (default)
++ * Automatic Correction for Reversed Cable Polarity
++ * 0 - Disabled
++ * 1 - Enabled
+ */
+- mii_autoneg_adv_reg &= ~REG4_SPEED_MASK;
+- mii_1000t_ctrl_reg &= ~REG9_SPEED_MASK;
++ phy_data &= ~M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL;
++ if(hw->disable_polarity_correction == 1)
++ phy_data |= M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+- DEBUGOUT1("autoneg_advertised %x\n", hw->autoneg_advertised);
++ /* Force TX_CLK in the Extended PHY Specific Control Register
++ * to 25MHz clock.
++ */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+- /* Do we want to advertise 10 Mb Half Duplex? */
+- if(hw->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_10_HALF) {
++ phy_data |= M88E1000_EPSCR_TX_CLK_25;
++ if (hw->phy_revision < M88E1011_I_REV_4) {
++ /* Configure Master and Slave downshift values */
++ phy_data &= ~(M88E1000_EPSCR_MASTER_DOWNSHIFT_MASK |
++ phy_data |= (M88E1000_EPSCR_MASTER_DOWNSHIFT_1X |
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_EXT_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ /* SW Reset the PHY so all changes take effect */
++ ret_val = e1000_phy_reset(hw);
++ if(ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Resetting the PHY\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++* Setup auto-negotiation and flow control advertisements,
++* and then perform auto-negotiation.
++* hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++static int32_t
++e1000_copper_link_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ uint16_t phy_data;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_copper_link_autoneg");
++ /* Perform some bounds checking on the hw->autoneg_advertised
++ * parameter. If this variable is zero, then set it to the default.
++ */
++ hw->autoneg_advertised &= AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT;
++ /* If autoneg_advertised is zero, we assume it was not defaulted
++ * by the calling code so we set to advertise full capability.
++ */
++ if(hw->autoneg_advertised == 0)
++ hw->autoneg_advertised = AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT;
++ DEBUGOUT("Reconfiguring auto-neg advertisement params\n");
++ ret_val = e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(hw);
++ if(ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Setting up Auto-Negotiation\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ DEBUGOUT("Restarting Auto-Neg\n");
++ /* Restart auto-negotiation by setting the Auto Neg Enable bit and
++ * the Auto Neg Restart bit in the PHY control register.
++ */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* Does the user want to wait for Auto-Neg to complete here, or
++ * check at a later time (for example, callback routine).
++ */
++ if(hw->wait_autoneg_complete) {
++ ret_val = e1000_wait_autoneg(hw);
++ if(ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error while waiting for autoneg to complete\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ }
++ hw->get_link_status = TRUE;
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++* Config the MAC and the PHY after link is up.
++* 1) Set up the MAC to the current PHY speed/duplex
++* if we are on 82543. If we
++* are on newer silicon, we only need to configure
++* collision distance in the Transmit Control Register.
++* 2) Set up flow control on the MAC to that established with
++* the link partner.
++* 3) Config DSP to improve Gigabit link quality for some PHY revisions.
++* hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++static int32_t
++e1000_copper_link_postconfig(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_copper_link_postconfig");
++ if(hw->mac_type >= e1000_82544) {
++ e1000_config_collision_dist(hw);
++ } else {
++ ret_val = e1000_config_mac_to_phy(hw);
++ if(ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error configuring MAC to PHY settings\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ }
++ ret_val = e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(hw);
++ if(ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Configuring Flow Control\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ /* Config DSP to improve Giga link quality */
++ if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp) {
++ ret_val = e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(hw, TRUE);
++ if(ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Configuring DSP after link up\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++* Detects which PHY is present and setup the speed and duplex
++* hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++static int32_t
++e1000_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ uint16_t i;
++ uint16_t phy_data;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_setup_copper_link");
++ /* Check if it is a valid PHY and set PHY mode if necessary. */
++ ret_val = e1000_copper_link_preconfig(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp ||
++ hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2) {
++ ret_val = e1000_copper_link_igp_setup(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ } else if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_m88) {
++ ret_val = e1000_copper_link_mgp_setup(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ if(hw->autoneg) {
++ /* Setup autoneg and flow control advertisement
++ * and perform autonegotiation */
++ ret_val = e1000_copper_link_autoneg(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ } else {
++ /* PHY will be set to 10H, 10F, 100H,or 100F
++ * depending on value from forced_speed_duplex. */
++ DEBUGOUT("Forcing speed and duplex\n");
++ ret_val = e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex(hw);
++ if(ret_val) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Error Forcing Speed and Duplex\n");
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Check link status. Wait up to 100 microseconds for link to become
++ * valid.
++ */
++ for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ if(phy_data & MII_SR_LINK_STATUS) {
++ /* Config the MAC and PHY after link is up */
++ ret_val = e1000_copper_link_postconfig(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ DEBUGOUT("Valid link established!!!\n");
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ udelay(10);
++ }
++ DEBUGOUT("Unable to establish link!!!\n");
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++* Configures PHY autoneg and flow control advertisement settings
++* hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ uint16_t mii_autoneg_adv_reg;
++ uint16_t mii_1000t_ctrl_reg;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_setup_autoneg");
++ /* Read the MII Auto-Neg Advertisement Register (Address 4). */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_AUTONEG_ADV, &mii_autoneg_adv_reg);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* Read the MII 1000Base-T Control Register (Address 9). */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, &mii_1000t_ctrl_reg);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* Need to parse both autoneg_advertised and fc and set up
++ * the appropriate PHY registers. First we will parse for
++ * autoneg_advertised software override. Since we can advertise
++ * a plethora of combinations, we need to check each bit
++ * individually.
++ */
++ /* First we clear all the 10/100 mb speed bits in the Auto-Neg
++ * Advertisement Register (Address 4) and the 1000 mb speed bits in
++ * the 1000Base-T Control Register (Address 9).
++ */
++ mii_autoneg_adv_reg &= ~REG4_SPEED_MASK;
++ mii_1000t_ctrl_reg &= ~REG9_SPEED_MASK;
++ DEBUGOUT1("autoneg_advertised %x\n", hw->autoneg_advertised);
++ /* Do we want to advertise 10 Mb Half Duplex? */
++ if(hw->autoneg_advertised & ADVERTISE_10_HALF) {
+ DEBUGOUT("Advertise 10mb Half duplex\n");
+ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= NWAY_AR_10T_HD_CAPS;
+ }
+@@ -1387,7 +1601,7 @@ e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw
+ DEBUGOUT1("Auto-Neg Advertising %x\n", mii_autoneg_adv_reg);
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, mii_1000t_ctrl_reg);
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_CTRL, mii_1000t_ctrl_reg);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+@@ -1542,7 +1756,8 @@ e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex(struct e100
+ if(mii_status_reg & MII_SR_LINK_STATUS) break;
+ msec_delay(100);
+ }
+- if((i == 0) && (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_m88)) {
++ if((i == 0) &&
++ (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_m88)) {
+ /* We didn't get link. Reset the DSP and wait again for link. */
+ ret_val = e1000_phy_reset_dsp(hw);
+ if(ret_val) {
+@@ -1592,6 +1807,15 @@ e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex(struct e100
+ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
++ if((hw->mac_type == e1000_82544 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82543) &&
++ (!hw->autoneg) &&
++ (hw->forced_speed_duplex == e1000_10_full ||
++ hw->forced_speed_duplex == e1000_10_half)) {
++ ret_val = e1000_polarity_reversal_workaround(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
+ }
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -1638,6 +1862,11 @@ e1000_config_mac_to_phy(struct e1000_hw
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_config_mac_to_phy");
++ /* 82544 or newer MAC, Auto Speed Detection takes care of
++ * MAC speed/duplex configuration.*/
++ if (hw->mac_type >= e1000_82544)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ /* Read the Device Control Register and set the bits to Force Speed
+ * and Duplex.
+ */
+@@ -1648,45 +1877,25 @@ e1000_config_mac_to_phy(struct e1000_hw
+ /* Set up duplex in the Device Control and Transmit Control
+ * registers depending on negotiated values.
+ */
+- if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp) {
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_STATUS,
+- &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- if(phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_FULL_DUPLEX) ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_FD;
+- else ctrl &= ~E1000_CTRL_FD;
+- e1000_config_collision_dist(hw);
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_STATUS, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+- /* Set up speed in the Device Control register depending on
+- * negotiated values.
+- */
+- if((phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_SPEED_MASK) ==
+- IGP01E1000_PSSR_SPEED_1000MBPS)
+- ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_SPD_1000;
+- else if((phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_SPEED_MASK) ==
+- ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_SPD_100;
+- } else {
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_STATUS,
+- &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ if(phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_DPLX)
++ ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_FD;
++ else
++ ctrl &= ~E1000_CTRL_FD;
+- if(phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_DPLX) ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_FD;
+- else ctrl &= ~E1000_CTRL_FD;
++ e1000_config_collision_dist(hw);
+- e1000_config_collision_dist(hw);
++ /* Set up speed in the Device Control register depending on
++ * negotiated values.
++ */
++ if((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_SPEED) == M88E1000_PSSR_1000MBS)
++ ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_SPD_1000;
++ else if((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_SPEED) == M88E1000_PSSR_100MBS)
++ ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_SPD_100;
+- /* Set up speed in the Device Control register depending on
+- * negotiated values.
+- */
+- if((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_SPEED) == M88E1000_PSSR_1000MBS)
+- ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_SPD_1000;
+- else if((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_SPEED) == M88E1000_PSSR_100MBS)
+- ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_SPD_100;
+- }
+ /* Write the configured values back to the Device Control Reg. */
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, ctrl);
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+@@ -1981,6 +2190,7 @@ e1000_check_for_link(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ uint32_t ctrl;
+ uint32_t status;
+ uint32_t rctl;
++ uint32_t icr;
+ uint32_t signal = 0;
+ int32_t ret_val;
+ uint16_t phy_data;
+@@ -2030,6 +2240,25 @@ e1000_check_for_link(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ * link-up */
+ e1000_check_downshift(hw);
++ /* If we are on 82544 or 82543 silicon and speed/duplex
++ * are forced to 10H or 10F, then we will implement the polarity
++ * reversal workaround. We disable interrupts first, and upon
++ * returning, place the devices interrupt state to its previous
++ * value except for the link status change interrupt which will
++ * happen due to the execution of this workaround.
++ */
++ if((hw->mac_type == e1000_82544 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82543) &&
++ (!hw->autoneg) &&
++ (hw->forced_speed_duplex == e1000_10_full ||
++ hw->forced_speed_duplex == e1000_10_half)) {
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, IMC, 0xffffffff);
++ ret_val = e1000_polarity_reversal_workaround(hw);
++ icr = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICR);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, ICS, (icr & ~E1000_ICS_LSC));
++ }
+ } else {
+ /* No link detected */
+ e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(hw, FALSE);
+@@ -2079,7 +2308,7 @@ e1000_check_for_link(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ * at gigabit speed, then TBI compatibility is not needed. If we are
+ * at gigabit speed, we turn on TBI compatibility.
+ */
+- if(hw->tbi_compatibility_en) {
++ if(hw->tbi_compatibility_en) {
+ uint16_t speed, duplex;
+ e1000_get_speed_and_duplex(hw, &speed, &duplex);
+ if(speed != SPEED_1000) {
+@@ -2434,15 +2663,17 @@ e1000_read_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_read_phy_reg");
+- if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp &&
++ if((hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp ||
++ hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2) &&
+ (reg_addr > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG)) {
+ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg_ex(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT,
+ (uint16_t)reg_addr);
+- if(ret_val)
++ if(ret_val) {
+ return ret_val;
++ }
+ }
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg_ex(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT & reg_addr,
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg_ex(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & reg_addr,
+ phy_data);
+ return ret_val;
+@@ -2538,15 +2769,17 @@ e1000_write_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_write_phy_reg");
+- if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp &&
++ if((hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp ||
++ hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2) &&
+ (reg_addr > MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG)) {
+ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg_ex(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT,
+ (uint16_t)reg_addr);
+- if(ret_val)
++ if(ret_val) {
+ return ret_val;
++ }
+ }
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg_ex(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT & reg_addr,
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg_ex(hw, MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS & reg_addr,
+ phy_data);
+ return ret_val;
+@@ -2615,19 +2848,27 @@ e1000_write_phy_reg_ex(struct e1000_hw *
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
+ * Returns the PHY to the power-on reset state
+ *
+ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ uint32_t ctrl, ctrl_ext;
+ uint32_t led_ctrl;
++ int32_t ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_hw_reset");
++ /* In the case of the phy reset being blocked, it's not an error, we
++ * simply return success without performing the reset. */
++ ret_val = e1000_check_phy_reset_block(hw);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ DEBUGOUT("Resetting Phy...\n");
+ if(hw->mac_type > e1000_82543) {
+@@ -2663,6 +2904,11 @@ e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, LEDCTL, led_ctrl);
+ }
++ /* Wait for FW to finish PHY configuration. */
++ ret_val = e1000_get_phy_cfg_done(hw);
++ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
+@@ -2680,7 +2926,19 @@ e1000_phy_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_reset");
+- if(hw->mac_type != e1000_82541_rev_2) {
++ /* In the case of the phy reset being blocked, it's not an error, we
++ * simply return success without performing the reset. */
++ ret_val = e1000_check_phy_reset_block(hw);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ switch (hw->mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82541_rev_2:
++ ret_val = e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ break;
++ default:
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+@@ -2691,9 +2949,10 @@ e1000_phy_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ return ret_val;
+ udelay(1);
+- } else e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw);
++ break;
++ }
+- if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp)
++ if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp || hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2)
+ e1000_phy_init_script(hw);
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+@@ -2747,6 +3006,9 @@ e1000_detect_gig_phy(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ case e1000_82547_rev_2:
+ if(hw->phy_id == IGP01E1000_I_PHY_ID) match = TRUE;
+ break;
++ case e1000_82573:
++ if(hw->phy_id == M88E1111_I_PHY_ID) match = TRUE;
++ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUGOUT1("Invalid MAC type %d\n", hw->mac_type);
+ return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG;
+@@ -2802,7 +3064,7 @@ e1000_phy_igp_get_info(struct e1000_hw *
+ /* The downshift status is checked only once, after link is established,
+ * and it stored in the hw->speed_downgraded parameter. */
+- phy_info->downshift = hw->speed_downgraded;
++ phy_info->downshift = (e1000_downshift)hw->speed_downgraded;
+ /* IGP01E1000 does not need to support it. */
+ phy_info->extended_10bt_distance = e1000_10bt_ext_dist_enable_normal;
+@@ -2841,7 +3103,7 @@ e1000_phy_igp_get_info(struct e1000_hw *
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+- /* transalte to old method */
++ /* Translate to old method */
+ average = (max_length + min_length) / 2;
+ if(average <= e1000_igp_cable_length_50)
+@@ -2876,7 +3138,7 @@ e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *
+ /* The downshift status is checked only once, after link is established,
+ * and it stored in the hw->speed_downgraded parameter. */
+- phy_info->downshift = hw->speed_downgraded;
++ phy_info->downshift = (e1000_downshift)hw->speed_downgraded;
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL, &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+@@ -2892,8 +3154,7 @@ e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *
+ /* Check polarity status */
+ ret_val = e1000_check_polarity(hw, &polarity);
+ if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ return ret_val;
+ phy_info->cable_polarity = polarity;
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_STATUS, &phy_data);
+@@ -2903,9 +3164,9 @@ e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *
+ phy_info->mdix_mode = (phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_MDIX) >>
+- if(phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_1000MBS) {
+- /* Cable Length Estimation and Local/Remote Receiver Informatoion
+- * are only valid at 1000 Mbps
++ if ((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_SPEED) == M88E1000_PSSR_1000MBS) {
++ /* Cable Length Estimation and Local/Remote Receiver Information
++ * are only valid at 1000 Mbps.
+ */
+ phy_info->cable_length = ((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >>
+@@ -2966,7 +3227,8 @@ e1000_phy_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG;
+ }
+- if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp)
++ if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp ||
++ hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2)
+ return e1000_phy_igp_get_info(hw, phy_info);
+ else
+ return e1000_phy_m88_get_info(hw, phy_info);
+@@ -2992,11 +3254,12 @@ e1000_validate_mdi_setting(struct e1000_
+ *
+ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ struct e1000_eeprom_info *eeprom = &hw->eeprom;
+ uint32_t eecd = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EECD);
++ int32_t ret_val = E1000_SUCCESS;
+ uint16_t eeprom_size;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_init_eeprom_params");
+@@ -3011,6 +3274,8 @@ e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw
+ eeprom->opcode_bits = 3;
+ eeprom->address_bits = 6;
+ eeprom->delay_usec = 50;
++ eeprom->use_eerd = FALSE;
++ eeprom->use_eewr = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case e1000_82540:
+ case e1000_82545:
+@@ -3027,6 +3292,8 @@ e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw
+ eeprom->word_size = 64;
+ eeprom->address_bits = 6;
+ }
++ eeprom->use_eerd = FALSE;
++ eeprom->use_eewr = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case e1000_82541:
+ case e1000_82541_rev_2:
+@@ -3055,8 +3322,10 @@ e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw
+ eeprom->address_bits = 6;
+ }
+ }
++ eeprom->use_eerd = FALSE;
++ eeprom->use_eewr = FALSE;
+ break;
+- default:
++ case e1000_82573:
+ eeprom->type = e1000_eeprom_spi;
+ eeprom->opcode_bits = 8;
+ eeprom->delay_usec = 1;
+@@ -3067,40 +3336,46 @@ e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw
+ eeprom->page_size = 8;
+ eeprom->address_bits = 8;
+ }
++ eeprom->use_eerd = TRUE;
++ eeprom->use_eewr = TRUE;
++ if(e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(hw) == FALSE) {
++ eeprom->type = e1000_eeprom_flash;
++ eeprom->word_size = 2048;
++ /* Ensure that the Autonomous FLASH update bit is cleared due to
++ * Flash update issue on parts which use a FLASH for NVM. */
++ eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_AUPDEN;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, EECD, eecd);
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (eeprom->type == e1000_eeprom_spi) {
+- eeprom->word_size = 64;
+- if (e1000_read_eeprom(hw, EEPROM_CFG, 1, &eeprom_size) == 0) {
+- eeprom_size &= EEPROM_SIZE_MASK;
++ /* eeprom_size will be an enum [0..8] that maps to eeprom sizes 128B to
++ * 32KB (incremented by powers of 2).
++ */
++ if(hw->mac_type <= e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ /* Set to default value for initial eeprom read. */
++ eeprom->word_size = 64;
++ ret_val = e1000_read_eeprom(hw, EEPROM_CFG, 1, &eeprom_size);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ eeprom_size = (eeprom_size & EEPROM_SIZE_MASK) >> EEPROM_SIZE_SHIFT;
++ /* 256B eeprom size was not supported in earlier hardware, so we
++ * bump eeprom_size up one to ensure that "1" (which maps to 256B)
++ * is never the result used in the shifting logic below. */
++ if(eeprom_size)
++ eeprom_size++;
++ } else {
++ eeprom_size = (uint16_t)((eecd & E1000_EECD_SIZE_EX_MASK) >>
++ }
+- switch (eeprom_size) {
+- case EEPROM_SIZE_16KB:
+- eeprom->word_size = 8192;
+- break;
+- case EEPROM_SIZE_8KB:
+- eeprom->word_size = 4096;
+- break;
+- case EEPROM_SIZE_4KB:
+- eeprom->word_size = 2048;
+- break;
+- case EEPROM_SIZE_2KB:
+- eeprom->word_size = 1024;
+- break;
+- case EEPROM_SIZE_1KB:
+- eeprom->word_size = 512;
+- break;
+- case EEPROM_SIZE_512B:
+- eeprom->word_size = 256;
+- break;
+- case EEPROM_SIZE_128B:
+- default:
+- eeprom->word_size = 64;
+- break;
+- }
+- }
++ eeprom->word_size = 1 << (eeprom_size + EEPROM_WORD_SIZE_SHIFT);
+ }
++ return ret_val;
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
+@@ -3253,8 +3528,12 @@ e1000_acquire_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_acquire_eeprom");
++ if(e1000_get_hw_eeprom_semaphore(hw))
++ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
+ eecd = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EECD);
++ if (hw->mac_type != e1000_82573) {
+ /* Request EEPROM Access */
+ if(hw->mac_type > e1000_82544) {
+ eecd |= E1000_EECD_REQ;
+@@ -3273,6 +3552,7 @@ e1000_acquire_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
+ }
+ }
++ }
+ /* Setup EEPROM for Read/Write */
+@@ -3390,6 +3670,8 @@ e1000_release_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ eecd &= ~E1000_EECD_REQ;
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, EECD, eecd);
+ }
++ e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore(hw);
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
+@@ -3451,21 +3733,36 @@ e1000_read_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ {
+ struct e1000_eeprom_info *eeprom = &hw->eeprom;
+ uint32_t i = 0;
++ int32_t ret_val;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_read_eeprom");
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, and not
+ * enough words.
+ */
+- if((offset > eeprom->word_size) || (words > eeprom->word_size - offset) ||
++ if((offset >= eeprom->word_size) || (words > eeprom->word_size - offset) ||
+ (words == 0)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("\"words\" parameter out of bounds\n");
+ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
+ }
+- /* Prepare the EEPROM for reading */
+- if(e1000_acquire_eeprom(hw) != E1000_SUCCESS)
+- return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
++ /* FLASH reads without acquiring the semaphore are safe in 82573-based
++ * controllers.
++ */
++ if ((e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(hw) == TRUE) ||
++ (hw->mac_type != e1000_82573)) {
++ /* Prepare the EEPROM for reading */
++ if(e1000_acquire_eeprom(hw) != E1000_SUCCESS)
++ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
++ }
++ if(eeprom->use_eerd == TRUE) {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_eeprom_eerd(hw, offset, words, data);
++ if ((e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(hw) == TRUE) ||
++ (hw->mac_type != e1000_82573))
++ e1000_release_eeprom(hw);
++ return ret_val;
++ }
+ if(eeprom->type == e1000_eeprom_spi) {
+ uint16_t word_in;
+@@ -3517,6 +3814,132 @@ e1000_read_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
++ * Reads a 16 bit word from the EEPROM using the EERD register.
++ *
++ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ * offset - offset of word in the EEPROM to read
++ * data - word read from the EEPROM
++ * words - number of words to read
++ *****************************************************************************/
++e1000_read_eeprom_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw,
++ uint16_t offset,
++ uint16_t words,
++ uint16_t *data)
++ uint32_t i, eerd = 0;
++ int32_t error = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
++ eerd = ((offset+i) << E1000_EEPROM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT) +
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, EERD, eerd);
++ error = e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done(hw, E1000_EEPROM_POLL_READ);
++ if(error) {
++ break;
++ }
++ data[i] = (E1000_READ_REG(hw, EERD) >> E1000_EEPROM_RW_REG_DATA);
++ }
++ return error;
++ * Writes a 16 bit word from the EEPROM using the EEWR register.
++ *
++ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ * offset - offset of word in the EEPROM to read
++ * data - word read from the EEPROM
++ * words - number of words to read
++ *****************************************************************************/
++e1000_write_eeprom_eewr(struct e1000_hw *hw,
++ uint16_t offset,
++ uint16_t words,
++ uint16_t *data)
++ uint32_t register_value = 0;
++ uint32_t i = 0;
++ int32_t error = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
++ register_value = (data[i] << E1000_EEPROM_RW_REG_DATA) |
++ ((offset+i) << E1000_EEPROM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT) |
++ error = e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done(hw, E1000_EEPROM_POLL_WRITE);
++ if(error) {
++ break;
++ }
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, EEWR, register_value);
++ error = e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done(hw, E1000_EEPROM_POLL_WRITE);
++ if(error) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return error;
++ * Polls the status bit (bit 1) of the EERD to determine when the read is done.
++ *
++ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *****************************************************************************/
++e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int eerd)
++ uint32_t attempts = 100000;
++ uint32_t i, reg = 0;
++ int32_t done = E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
++ for(i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
++ if(eerd == E1000_EEPROM_POLL_READ)
++ reg = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EERD);
++ else
++ reg = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EEWR);
++ if(reg & E1000_EEPROM_RW_REG_DONE) {
++ done = E1000_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ udelay(5);
++ }
++ return done;
++* Description: Determines if the onboard NVM is FLASH or EEPROM.
++* hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t eecd = 0;
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82573) {
++ eecd = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EECD);
++ /* Isolate bits 15 & 16 */
++ eecd = ((eecd >> 15) & 0x03);
++ /* If both bits are set, device is Flash type */
++ if(eecd == 0x03) {
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ }
++ return TRUE;
+ * Verifies that the EEPROM has a valid checksum
+ *
+ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
+@@ -3533,6 +3956,25 @@ e1000_validate_eeprom_checksum(struct e1
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_validate_eeprom_checksum");
++ if ((hw->mac_type == e1000_82573) &&
++ (e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(hw) == FALSE)) {
++ /* Check bit 4 of word 10h. If it is 0, firmware is done updating
++ * 10h-12h. Checksum may need to be fixed. */
++ e1000_read_eeprom(hw, 0x10, 1, &eeprom_data);
++ if ((eeprom_data & 0x10) == 0) {
++ /* Read 0x23 and check bit 15. This bit is a 1 when the checksum
++ * has already been fixed. If the checksum is still wrong and this
++ * bit is a 1, we need to return bad checksum. Otherwise, we need
++ * to set this bit to a 1 and update the checksum. */
++ e1000_read_eeprom(hw, 0x23, 1, &eeprom_data);
++ if ((eeprom_data & 0x8000) == 0) {
++ eeprom_data |= 0x8000;
++ e1000_write_eeprom(hw, 0x23, 1, &eeprom_data);
++ e1000_update_eeprom_checksum(hw);
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ for(i = 0; i < (EEPROM_CHECKSUM_REG + 1); i++) {
+ if(e1000_read_eeprom(hw, i, 1, &eeprom_data) < 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("EEPROM Read Error\n");
+@@ -3576,6 +4018,8 @@ e1000_update_eeprom_checksum(struct e100
+ if(e1000_write_eeprom(hw, EEPROM_CHECKSUM_REG, 1, &checksum) < 0) {
+ DEBUGOUT("EEPROM Write Error\n");
+ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
++ } else if (hw->eeprom.type == e1000_eeprom_flash) {
++ e1000_commit_shadow_ram(hw);
+ }
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -3605,12 +4049,16 @@ e1000_write_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, and not
+ * enough words.
+ */
+- if((offset > eeprom->word_size) || (words > eeprom->word_size - offset) ||
++ if((offset >= eeprom->word_size) || (words > eeprom->word_size - offset) ||
+ (words == 0)) {
+ DEBUGOUT("\"words\" parameter out of bounds\n");
+ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
+ }
++ /* 82573 reads only through eerd */
++ if(eeprom->use_eewr == TRUE)
++ return e1000_write_eeprom_eewr(hw, offset, words, data);
+ /* Prepare the EEPROM for writing */
+ if (e1000_acquire_eeprom(hw) != E1000_SUCCESS)
+ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
+@@ -3781,6 +4229,65 @@ e1000_write_eeprom_microwire(struct e100
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
++ * Flushes the cached eeprom to NVM. This is done by saving the modified values
++ * in the eeprom cache and the non modified values in the currently active bank
++ * to the new bank.
++ *
++ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ * offset - offset of word in the EEPROM to read
++ * data - word read from the EEPROM
++ * words - number of words to read
++ *****************************************************************************/
++e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t attempts = 100000;
++ uint32_t eecd = 0;
++ uint32_t flop = 0;
++ uint32_t i = 0;
++ int32_t error = E1000_SUCCESS;
++ /* The flop register will be used to determine if flash type is STM */
++ flop = E1000_READ_REG(hw, FLOP);
++ if (hw->mac_type == e1000_82573) {
++ for (i=0; i < attempts; i++) {
++ eecd = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EECD);
++ if ((eecd & E1000_EECD_FLUPD) == 0) {
++ break;
++ }
++ udelay(5);
++ }
++ if (i == attempts) {
++ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
++ }
++ /* If STM opcode located in bits 15:8 of flop, reset firmware */
++ if ((flop & 0xFF00) == E1000_STM_OPCODE) {
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, HICR, E1000_HICR_FW_RESET);
++ }
++ /* Perform the flash update */
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, EECD, eecd | E1000_EECD_FLUPD);
++ for (i=0; i < attempts; i++) {
++ eecd = E1000_READ_REG(hw, EECD);
++ if ((eecd & E1000_EECD_FLUPD) == 0) {
++ break;
++ }
++ udelay(5);
++ }
++ if (i == attempts) {
++ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
++ }
++ }
++ return error;
+ * Reads the adapter's part number from the EEPROM
+ *
+ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
+@@ -3859,6 +4366,7 @@ void
+ e1000_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ uint32_t i;
++ uint32_t rar_num;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_init_rx_addrs");
+@@ -3867,9 +4375,10 @@ e1000_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ e1000_rar_set(hw, hw->mac_addr, 0);
++ rar_num = E1000_RAR_ENTRIES;
+ /* Zero out the other 15 receive addresses. */
+ DEBUGOUT("Clearing RAR[1-15]\n");
+- for(i = 1; i < E1000_RAR_ENTRIES; i++) {
++ for(i = 1; i < rar_num; i++) {
+ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, RA, (i << 1), 0);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, RA, ((i << 1) + 1), 0);
+ }
+@@ -3898,7 +4407,9 @@ e1000_mc_addr_list_update(struct e1000_h
+ {
+ uint32_t hash_value;
+ uint32_t i;
++ uint32_t num_rar_entry;
++ uint32_t num_mta_entry;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_mc_addr_list_update");
+ /* Set the new number of MC addresses that we are being requested to use. */
+@@ -3906,14 +4417,16 @@ e1000_mc_addr_list_update(struct e1000_h
+ /* Clear RAR[1-15] */
+ DEBUGOUT(" Clearing RAR[1-15]\n");
+- for(i = rar_used_count; i < E1000_RAR_ENTRIES; i++) {
++ num_rar_entry = E1000_RAR_ENTRIES;
++ for(i = rar_used_count; i < num_rar_entry; i++) {
+ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, RA, (i << 1), 0);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, RA, ((i << 1) + 1), 0);
+ }
+ /* Clear the MTA */
+ DEBUGOUT(" Clearing MTA\n");
+- for(i = 0; i < E1000_NUM_MTA_REGISTERS; i++) {
++ num_mta_entry = E1000_NUM_MTA_REGISTERS;
++ for(i = 0; i < num_mta_entry; i++) {
+ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, MTA, i, 0);
+ }
+@@ -3937,7 +4450,7 @@ e1000_mc_addr_list_update(struct e1000_h
+ /* Place this multicast address in the RAR if there is room, *
+ * else put it in the MTA
+ */
+- if(rar_used_count < E1000_RAR_ENTRIES) {
++ if (rar_used_count < num_rar_entry) {
+ e1000_rar_set(hw,
+ mc_addr_list + (i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad)),
+ rar_used_count);
+@@ -3988,6 +4501,7 @@ e1000_hash_mc_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ }
+ hash_value &= 0xFFF;
+ return hash_value;
+ }
+@@ -4092,12 +4606,33 @@ void
+ e1000_clear_vfta(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ uint32_t offset;
+- for(offset = 0; offset < E1000_VLAN_FILTER_TBL_SIZE; offset++)
+- E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, VFTA, offset, 0);
++ uint32_t vfta_value = 0;
++ uint32_t vfta_offset = 0;
++ uint32_t vfta_bit_in_reg = 0;
++ if (hw->mac_type == e1000_82573) {
++ if (hw->mng_cookie.vlan_id != 0) {
++ /* The VFTA is a 4096b bit-field, each identifying a single VLAN
++ * ID. The following operations determine which 32b entry
++ * (i.e. offset) into the array we want to set the VLAN ID
++ * (i.e. bit) of the manageability unit. */
++ vfta_offset = (hw->mng_cookie.vlan_id >>
++ vfta_bit_in_reg = 1 << (hw->mng_cookie.vlan_id &
++ }
++ }
++ for (offset = 0; offset < E1000_VLAN_FILTER_TBL_SIZE; offset++) {
++ /* If the offset we want to clear is the same offset of the
++ * manageability VLAN ID, then clear all bits except that of the
++ * manageability unit */
++ vfta_value = (offset == vfta_offset) ? vfta_bit_in_reg : 0;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, VFTA, offset, vfta_value);
++ }
+ }
+-static int32_t
+ e1000_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw * hw)
+ {
+ uint32_t ledctl;
+@@ -4428,6 +4963,19 @@ e1000_clear_hw_cntrs(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MGTPRC);
+ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MGTPDC);
+ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MGTPTC);
++ if(hw->mac_type <= e1000_82547_rev_2) return;
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, IAC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXOC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXPTC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXATC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXPTC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXATC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXQEC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXQMTC);
++ temp = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXDMTC);
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
+@@ -4587,41 +5135,49 @@ e1000_get_bus_info(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ uint32_t status;
+- if(hw->mac_type < e1000_82543) {
++ switch (hw->mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82542_rev2_0:
++ case e1000_82542_rev2_1:
+ hw->bus_type = e1000_bus_type_unknown;
+ hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_unknown;
+ hw->bus_width = e1000_bus_width_unknown;
+- return;
+- }
+- status = E1000_READ_REG(hw, STATUS);
+- hw->bus_type = (status & E1000_STATUS_PCIX_MODE) ?
+- e1000_bus_type_pcix : e1000_bus_type_pci;
++ break;
++ case e1000_82573:
++ hw->bus_type = e1000_bus_type_pci_express;
++ hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_2500;
++ hw->bus_width = e1000_bus_width_pciex_4;
++ break;
++ default:
++ status = E1000_READ_REG(hw, STATUS);
++ hw->bus_type = (status & E1000_STATUS_PCIX_MODE) ?
++ e1000_bus_type_pcix : e1000_bus_type_pci;
+- if(hw->device_id == E1000_DEV_ID_82546EB_QUAD_COPPER) {
+- hw->bus_speed = (hw->bus_type == e1000_bus_type_pci) ?
+- e1000_bus_speed_66 : e1000_bus_speed_120;
+- } else if(hw->bus_type == e1000_bus_type_pci) {
+- hw->bus_speed = (status & E1000_STATUS_PCI66) ?
+- e1000_bus_speed_66 : e1000_bus_speed_33;
+- } else {
+- switch (status & E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED) {
+- case E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_66:
+- hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_66;
+- break;
+- case E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_100:
+- hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_100;
+- break;
+- case E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_133:
+- hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_133;
+- break;
+- default:
+- hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_reserved;
+- break;
++ if(hw->device_id == E1000_DEV_ID_82546EB_QUAD_COPPER) {
++ hw->bus_speed = (hw->bus_type == e1000_bus_type_pci) ?
++ e1000_bus_speed_66 : e1000_bus_speed_120;
++ } else if(hw->bus_type == e1000_bus_type_pci) {
++ hw->bus_speed = (status & E1000_STATUS_PCI66) ?
++ e1000_bus_speed_66 : e1000_bus_speed_33;
++ } else {
++ switch (status & E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED) {
++ case E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_66:
++ hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_66;
++ break;
++ case E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_100:
++ hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_100;
++ break;
++ case E1000_STATUS_PCIX_SPEED_133:
++ hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_133;
++ break;
++ default:
++ hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_reserved;
++ break;
++ }
+ }
++ hw->bus_width = (status & E1000_STATUS_BUS64) ?
++ e1000_bus_width_64 : e1000_bus_width_32;
++ break;
+ }
+- hw->bus_width = (status & E1000_STATUS_BUS64) ?
+- e1000_bus_width_64 : e1000_bus_width_32;
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************
+ * Reads a value from one of the devices registers using port I/O (as opposed
+@@ -4686,6 +5242,7 @@ e1000_get_cable_length(struct e1000_hw *
+ uint16_t agc_value = 0;
+ uint16_t cur_agc, min_agc = IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE;
+ uint16_t i, phy_data;
++ uint16_t cable_length;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_get_cable_length");
+@@ -4693,14 +5250,16 @@ e1000_get_cable_length(struct e1000_hw *
+ /* Use old method for Phy older than IGP */
+ if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_m88) {
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_STATUS,
+ &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
++ cable_length = (phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >>
+ /* Convert the enum value to ranged values */
+- switch((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >>
++ switch (cable_length) {
+ case e1000_cable_length_50:
+ *min_length = 0;
+ *max_length = e1000_igp_cable_length_50;
+@@ -4808,7 +5367,8 @@ e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw
+ return ret_val;
+ *polarity = (phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_REV_POLARITY) >>
+- } else if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp) {
++ } else if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp ||
++ hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2) {
+ /* Read the Status register to check the speed */
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_STATUS,
+ &phy_data);
+@@ -4860,15 +5420,15 @@ e1000_check_downshift(struct e1000_hw *h
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_check_downshift");
+- if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp) {
++ if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp ||
++ hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2) {
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_LINK_HEALTH,
+ &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
+ hw->speed_downgraded = (phy_data & IGP01E1000_PLHR_SS_DOWNGRADE) ? 1 : 0;
+- }
+- else if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_m88) {
++ } else if(hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_m88) {
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_STATUS,
+ &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+@@ -4877,6 +5437,7 @@ e1000_check_downshift(struct e1000_hw *h
+ hw->speed_downgraded = (phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_DOWNSHIFT) >>
+ }
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -4897,7 +5458,7 @@ e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struc
+ boolean_t link_up)
+ {
+ int32_t ret_val;
+- uint16_t phy_data, speed, duplex, i;
++ uint16_t phy_data, phy_saved_data, speed, duplex, i;
+ uint16_t dsp_reg_array[IGP01E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM] =
+@@ -4978,6 +5539,21 @@ e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struc
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(hw->dsp_config_state == e1000_dsp_config_activated) {
++ /* Save off the current value of register 0x2F5B to be restored at
++ * the end of the routines. */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, &phy_saved_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* Disable the PHY transmitter */
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, 0x0003);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ msec_delay_irq(20);
+ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x0000,
+ if(ret_val)
+@@ -5000,10 +5576,33 @@ e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struc
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
++ msec_delay_irq(20);
++ /* Now enable the transmitter */
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, phy_saved_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+ hw->dsp_config_state = e1000_dsp_config_enabled;
+ }
+ if(hw->ffe_config_state == e1000_ffe_config_active) {
++ /* Save off the current value of register 0x2F5B to be restored at
++ * the end of the routines. */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, &phy_saved_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* Disable the PHY transmitter */
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, 0x0003);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ msec_delay_irq(20);
+ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x0000,
+ if(ret_val)
+@@ -5017,6 +5616,15 @@ e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struc
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
++ msec_delay_irq(20);
++ /* Now enable the transmitter */
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, 0x2F5B, phy_saved_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+ hw->ffe_config_state = e1000_ffe_config_enabled;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -5084,44 +5692,82 @@ e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw
+ uint16_t phy_data;
+ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_set_d3_lplu_state");
+- if(!((hw->mac_type == e1000_82541_rev_2) ||
+- (hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2)))
++ if(hw->phy_type != e1000_phy_igp && hw->phy_type != e1000_phy_igp_2)
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ /* During driver activity LPLU should not be used or it will attain link
+ * from the lowest speeds starting from 10Mbps. The capability is used for
+ * Dx transitions and states */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_GMII_FIFO, &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
+- if(!active) {
+- phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_GMII_FLEX_SPD;
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_GMII_FIFO, phy_data);
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82541_rev_2 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_GMII_FIFO, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ } else {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT, &phy_data);
+ if(ret_val)
+ return ret_val;
++ }
++ if(!active) {
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82541_rev_2 ||
++ hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_GMII_FLEX_SPD;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_GMII_FIFO, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ } else {
++ phy_data &= ~IGP02E1000_PM_D3_LPLU;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT,
++ phy_data);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
+ /* LPLU and SmartSpeed are mutually exclusive. LPLU is used during
+ * Dx states where the power conservation is most important. During
+ * driver activity we should enable SmartSpeed, so performance is
+ * maintained. */
+- ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, &phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ if (hw->smart_speed == e1000_smart_speed_on) {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
+- phy_data |= IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ phy_data |= IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ } else if (hw->smart_speed == e1000_smart_speed_off) {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ &phy_data);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
+ } else if((hw->autoneg_advertised == AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT) ||
+ (hw->autoneg_advertised == AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_10_ALL ) ||
+ (hw->autoneg_advertised == AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_10_100_ALL)) {
+- phy_data |= IGP01E1000_GMII_FLEX_SPD;
+- ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_GMII_FIFO, phy_data);
+- if(ret_val)
+- return ret_val;
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82541_rev_2 ||
++ hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ phy_data |= IGP01E1000_GMII_FLEX_SPD;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_GMII_FIFO, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ } else {
++ phy_data |= IGP02E1000_PM_D3_LPLU;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT,
++ phy_data);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
+ /* When LPLU is enabled we should disable SmartSpeed */
+ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, &phy_data);
+@@ -5137,19 +5783,104 @@ e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
+- * Change VCO speed register to improve Bit Error Rate performance of SERDES.
+ *
+- * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
+- *****************************************************************************/
+-static int32_t
+-e1000_set_vco_speed(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ * This function sets the lplu d0 state according to the active flag. When
++ * activating lplu this function also disables smart speed and vise versa.
++ * lplu will not be activated unless the device autonegotiation advertisment
++ * meets standards of either 10 or 10/100 or 10/100/1000 at all duplexes.
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ * active - true to enable lplu false to disable lplu.
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_ERR_PHY if fail to read/write the PHY
++ * E1000_SUCCESS at any other case.
++ *
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_set_d0_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw,
++ boolean_t active)
+ {
+- int32_t ret_val;
+- uint16_t default_page = 0;
++ int32_t ret_val;
+ uint16_t phy_data;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_set_d0_lplu_state");
+- DEBUGFUNC("e1000_set_vco_speed");
++ if(hw->mac_type <= e1000_82547_rev_2)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ if (!active) {
++ phy_data &= ~IGP02E1000_PM_D0_LPLU;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT, phy_data);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* LPLU and SmartSpeed are mutually exclusive. LPLU is used during
++ * Dx states where the power conservation is most important. During
++ * driver activity we should enable SmartSpeed, so performance is
++ * maintained. */
++ if (hw->smart_speed == e1000_smart_speed_on) {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ phy_data |= IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ } else if (hw->smart_speed == e1000_smart_speed_off) {
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ &phy_data);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG,
++ phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ } else {
++ phy_data |= IGP02E1000_PM_D0_LPLU;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT, phy_data);
++ if (ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* When LPLU is enabled we should disable SmartSpeed */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, &phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, phy_data);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * Change VCO speed register to improve Bit Error Rate performance of SERDES.
++ *
++ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *****************************************************************************/
++static int32_t
++e1000_set_vco_speed(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ uint16_t default_page = 0;
++ uint16_t phy_data;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_set_vco_speed");
+ switch(hw->mac_type) {
+ case e1000_82545_rev_3:
+@@ -5200,6 +5931,303 @@ e1000_set_vco_speed(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
++ * This function reads the cookie from ARC ram.
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_SUCCESS .
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_host_if_read_cookie(struct e1000_hw * hw, uint8_t *buffer)
++ uint8_t i;
++ uint32_t offset = E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_OFFSET;
++ uint8_t length = E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_LENGTH;
++ length = (length >> 2);
++ offset = (offset >> 2);
++ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
++ *((uint32_t *) buffer + i) =
++ E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, HOST_IF, offset + i);
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * This function checks whether the HOST IF is enabled for command operaton
++ * and also checks whether the previous command is completed.
++ * It busy waits in case of previous command is not completed.
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_ERR_HOST_INTERFACE_COMMAND in case if is not ready or
++ * timeout
++ * - E1000_SUCCESS for success.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_mng_enable_host_if(struct e1000_hw * hw)
++ uint32_t hicr;
++ uint8_t i;
++ /* Check that the host interface is enabled. */
++ hicr = E1000_READ_REG(hw, HICR);
++ if ((hicr & E1000_HICR_EN) == 0) {
++ DEBUGOUT("E1000_HOST_EN bit disabled.\n");
++ }
++ /* check the previous command is completed */
++ for (i = 0; i < E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; i++) {
++ hicr = E1000_READ_REG(hw, HICR);
++ if (!(hicr & E1000_HICR_C))
++ break;
++ msec_delay_irq(1);
++ }
++ if (i == E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Previous command timeout failed .\n");
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * This function writes the buffer content at the offset given on the host if.
++ * It also does alignment considerations to do the writes in most efficient way.
++ * Also fills up the sum of the buffer in *buffer parameter.
++ *
++ * returns - E1000_SUCCESS for success.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_mng_host_if_write(struct e1000_hw * hw, uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint16_t length, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *sum)
++ uint8_t *tmp;
++ uint8_t *bufptr = buffer;
++ uint32_t data;
++ uint16_t remaining, i, j, prev_bytes;
++ /* sum = only sum of the data and it is not checksum */
++ if (length == 0 || offset + length > E1000_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH) {
++ return -E1000_ERR_PARAM;
++ }
++ tmp = (uint8_t *)&data;
++ prev_bytes = offset & 0x3;
++ offset &= 0xFFFC;
++ offset >>= 2;
++ if (prev_bytes) {
++ data = E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, HOST_IF, offset);
++ for (j = prev_bytes; j < sizeof(uint32_t); j++) {
++ *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++;
++ *sum += *(tmp + j);
++ }
++ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, HOST_IF, offset, data);
++ length -= j - prev_bytes;
++ offset++;
++ }
++ remaining = length & 0x3;
++ length -= remaining;
++ /* Calculate length in DWORDs */
++ length >>= 2;
++ /* The device driver writes the relevant command block into the
++ * ram area. */
++ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
++ for (j = 0; j < sizeof(uint32_t); j++) {
++ *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++;
++ *sum += *(tmp + j);
++ }
++ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, HOST_IF, offset + i, data);
++ }
++ if (remaining) {
++ for (j = 0; j < sizeof(uint32_t); j++) {
++ if (j < remaining)
++ *(tmp + j) = *bufptr++;
++ else
++ *(tmp + j) = 0;
++ *sum += *(tmp + j);
++ }
++ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, HOST_IF, offset + i, data);
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * This function writes the command header after does the checksum calculation.
++ *
++ * returns - E1000_SUCCESS for success.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(struct e1000_hw * hw,
++ struct e1000_host_mng_command_header * hdr)
++ uint16_t i;
++ uint8_t sum;
++ uint8_t *buffer;
++ /* Write the whole command header structure which includes sum of
++ * the buffer */
++ uint16_t length = sizeof(struct e1000_host_mng_command_header);
++ sum = hdr->checksum;
++ hdr->checksum = 0;
++ buffer = (uint8_t *) hdr;
++ i = length;
++ while(i--)
++ sum += buffer[i];
++ hdr->checksum = 0 - sum;
++ length >>= 2;
++ /* The device driver writes the relevant command block into the ram area. */
++ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
++ E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY_DWORD(hw, HOST_IF, i, *((uint32_t *) hdr + i));
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * This function indicates to ARC that a new command is pending which completes
++ * one write operation by the driver.
++ *
++ * returns - E1000_SUCCESS for success.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++ struct e1000_hw * hw)
++ uint32_t hicr;
++ hicr = E1000_READ_REG(hw, HICR);
++ /* Setting this bit tells the ARC that a new command is pending. */
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, HICR, hicr | E1000_HICR_C);
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * This function checks the mode of the firmware.
++ *
++ * returns - TRUE when the mode is IAMT or FALSE.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++ struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t fwsm;
++ fwsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, FWSM);
++ if((fwsm & E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK) ==
++ return TRUE;
++ return FALSE;
++ * This function writes the dhcp info .
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw * hw, uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint16_t length)
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ struct e1000_host_mng_command_header hdr;
++ hdr.command_id = E1000_MNG_DHCP_TX_PAYLOAD_CMD;
++ hdr.command_length = length;
++ hdr.reserved1 = 0;
++ hdr.reserved2 = 0;
++ hdr.checksum = 0;
++ ret_val = e1000_mng_enable_host_if(hw);
++ if (ret_val == E1000_SUCCESS) {
++ ret_val = e1000_mng_host_if_write(hw, buffer, length, sizeof(hdr),
++ &(hdr.checksum));
++ if (ret_val == E1000_SUCCESS) {
++ ret_val = e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(hw, &hdr);
++ if (ret_val == E1000_SUCCESS)
++ ret_val = e1000_mng_write_commit(hw);
++ }
++ }
++ return ret_val;
++ * This function calculates the checksum.
++ *
++ * returns - checksum of buffer contents.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_calculate_mng_checksum(char *buffer, uint32_t length)
++ uint8_t sum = 0;
++ uint32_t i;
++ if (!buffer)
++ return 0;
++ for (i=0; i < length; i++)
++ sum += buffer[i];
++ return (uint8_t) (0 - sum);
++ * This function checks whether tx pkt filtering needs to be enabled or not.
++ *
++ * returns - TRUE for packet filtering or FALSE.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++e1000_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ /* called in init as well as watchdog timer functions */
++ int32_t ret_val, checksum;
++ boolean_t tx_filter = FALSE;
++ struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie *hdr = &(hw->mng_cookie);
++ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) &(hw->mng_cookie);
++ if (e1000_check_mng_mode(hw)) {
++ ret_val = e1000_mng_enable_host_if(hw);
++ if (ret_val == E1000_SUCCESS) {
++ ret_val = e1000_host_if_read_cookie(hw, buffer);
++ if (ret_val == E1000_SUCCESS) {
++ checksum = hdr->checksum;
++ hdr->checksum = 0;
++ if ((hdr->signature == E1000_IAMT_SIGNATURE) &&
++ checksum == e1000_calculate_mng_checksum((char *)buffer,
++ if (hdr->status &
++ tx_filter = TRUE;
++ } else
++ tx_filter = TRUE;
++ } else
++ tx_filter = TRUE;
++ }
++ }
++ hw->tx_pkt_filtering = tx_filter;
++ return tx_filter;
+ /******************************************************************************
+ * Verifies the hardware needs to allow ARPs to be processed by the host
+ *
+@@ -5212,6 +6240,7 @@ uint32_t
+ e1000_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ uint32_t manc;
++ uint32_t fwsm, factps;
+ if (hw->asf_firmware_present) {
+ manc = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MANC);
+@@ -5219,8 +6248,365 @@ e1000_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct e1000_
+ if (!(manc & E1000_MANC_RCV_TCO_EN) ||
+ !(manc & E1000_MANC_EN_MAC_ADDR_FILTER))
+ return FALSE;
+- if ((manc & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) && !(manc & E1000_MANC_ASF_EN))
++ if (e1000_arc_subsystem_valid(hw) == TRUE) {
++ fwsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, FWSM);
++ factps = E1000_READ_REG(hw, FACTPS);
++ if (((fwsm & E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK) ==
++ (e1000_mng_mode_pt << E1000_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT)) &&
++ (factps & E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG))
++ return TRUE;
++ } else
++ if ((manc & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) && !(manc & E1000_MANC_ASF_EN))
++ return TRUE;
++ }
++ return FALSE;
++static int32_t
++e1000_polarity_reversal_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t ret_val;
++ uint16_t mii_status_reg;
++ uint16_t i;
++ /* Polarity reversal workaround for forced 10F/10H links. */
++ /* Disable the transmitter on the PHY */
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, 0x0019);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_GEN_CONTROL, 0xFFFF);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, 0x0000);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* This loop will early-out if the NO link condition has been met. */
++ for(i = PHY_FORCE_TIME; i > 0; i--) {
++ /* Read the MII Status Register and wait for Link Status bit
++ * to be clear.
++ */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &mii_status_reg);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &mii_status_reg);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ if((mii_status_reg & ~MII_SR_LINK_STATUS) == 0) break;
++ msec_delay_irq(100);
++ }
++ /* Recommended delay time after link has been lost */
++ msec_delay_irq(1000);
++ /* Now we will re-enable th transmitter on the PHY */
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, 0x0019);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ msec_delay_irq(50);
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_GEN_CONTROL, 0xFFF0);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ msec_delay_irq(50);
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_GEN_CONTROL, 0xFF00);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ msec_delay_irq(50);
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_GEN_CONTROL, 0x0000);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, M88E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT, 0x0000);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ /* This loop will early-out if the link condition has been met. */
++ for(i = PHY_FORCE_TIME; i > 0; i--) {
++ /* Read the MII Status Register and wait for Link Status bit
++ * to be set.
++ */
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &mii_status_reg);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_STATUS, &mii_status_reg);
++ if(ret_val)
++ return ret_val;
++ if(mii_status_reg & MII_SR_LINK_STATUS) break;
++ msec_delay_irq(100);
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ *
++ * Disables PCI-Express master access.
++ *
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - none.
++ *
++ ***************************************************************************/
++e1000_set_pci_express_master_disable(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t ctrl;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_set_pci_express_master_disable");
++ if (hw->bus_type != e1000_bus_type_pci_express)
++ return;
++ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, ctrl);
++ *
++ * Enables PCI-Express master access.
++ *
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - none.
++ *
++ ***************************************************************************/
++e1000_enable_pciex_master(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t ctrl;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_enable_pciex_master");
++ if (hw->bus_type != e1000_bus_type_pci_express)
++ return;
++ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL);
++ ctrl &= ~E1000_CTRL_GIO_MASTER_DISABLE;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, ctrl);
++ *
++ * Disables PCI-Express master access and verifies there are no pending requests
++ *
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_ERR_MASTER_REQUESTS_PENDING if master disable bit hasn't
++ * caused the master requests to be disabled.
++ * E1000_SUCCESS master requests disabled.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++e1000_disable_pciex_master(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t timeout = MASTER_DISABLE_TIMEOUT; /* 80ms */
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_disable_pciex_master");
++ if (hw->bus_type != e1000_bus_type_pci_express)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ e1000_set_pci_express_master_disable(hw);
++ while(timeout) {
++ break;
++ else
++ udelay(100);
++ timeout--;
++ }
++ if(!timeout) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Master requests are pending.\n");
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ *
++ * Check for EEPROM Auto Read bit done.
++ *
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_ERR_RESET if fail to reset MAC
++ * E1000_SUCCESS at any other case.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++e1000_get_auto_rd_done(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t timeout = AUTO_READ_DONE_TIMEOUT;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_get_auto_rd_done");
++ switch (hw->mac_type) {
++ default:
++ msec_delay(5);
++ break;
++ case e1000_82573:
++ while(timeout) {
++ if (E1000_READ_REG(hw, EECD) & E1000_EECD_AUTO_RD) break;
++ else msec_delay(1);
++ timeout--;
++ }
++ if(!timeout) {
++ DEBUGOUT("Auto read by HW from EEPROM has not completed.\n");
++ return -E1000_ERR_RESET;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * Checks if the PHY configuration is done
++ *
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_ERR_RESET if fail to reset MAC
++ * E1000_SUCCESS at any other case.
++ *
++ ***************************************************************************/
++e1000_get_phy_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_get_phy_cfg_done");
++ /* Simply wait for 10ms */
++ msec_delay(10);
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ *
++ * Using the combination of SMBI and SWESMBI semaphore bits when resetting
++ * adapter or Eeprom access.
++ *
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_ERR_EEPROM if fail to access EEPROM.
++ * E1000_SUCCESS at any other case.
++ *
++ ***************************************************************************/
++e1000_get_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ int32_t timeout;
++ uint32_t swsm;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_get_hw_eeprom_semaphore");
++ if(!hw->eeprom_semaphore_present)
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ /* Get the FW semaphore. */
++ timeout = hw->eeprom.word_size + 1;
++ while(timeout) {
++ swsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, SWSM);
++ swsm |= E1000_SWSM_SWESMBI;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, SWSM, swsm);
++ /* if we managed to set the bit we got the semaphore. */
++ swsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, SWSM);
++ if(swsm & E1000_SWSM_SWESMBI)
++ break;
++ udelay(50);
++ timeout--;
++ }
++ if(!timeout) {
++ /* Release semaphores */
++ e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore(hw);
++ DEBUGOUT("Driver can't access the Eeprom - SWESMBI bit is set.\n");
++ return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM;
++ }
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
++ * This function clears HW semaphore bits.
++ *
++ * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - None.
++ *
++ ***************************************************************************/
++e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t swsm;
++ DEBUGFUNC("e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore");
++ if(!hw->eeprom_semaphore_present)
++ return;
++ swsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, SWSM);
++ /* Release both semaphores. */
++ swsm &= ~(E1000_SWSM_SMBI | E1000_SWSM_SWESMBI);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, SWSM, swsm);
++ * Checks if PHY reset is blocked due to SOL/IDER session, for example.
++ * Returning E1000_BLK_PHY_RESET isn't necessarily an error. But it's up to
++ * the caller to figure out how to deal with it.
++ *
++ * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code
++ *
++ * returns: - E1000_BLK_PHY_RESET
++ * E1000_SUCCESS
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++e1000_check_phy_reset_block(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t manc = 0;
++ if(hw->mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2)
++ manc = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MANC);
++ return (manc & E1000_MANC_BLK_PHY_RST_ON_IDE) ?
++e1000_arc_subsystem_valid(struct e1000_hw *hw)
++ uint32_t fwsm;
++ /* On 8257x silicon, registers in the range of 0x8800 - 0x8FFC
++ * may not be provided a DMA clock when no manageability features are
++ * enabled. We do not want to perform any reads/writes to these registers
++ * if this is the case. We read FWSM to determine the manageability mode.
++ */
++ switch (hw->mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82573:
++ fwsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, FWSM);
++ if((fwsm & E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK) != 0)
+ return TRUE;
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:51.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/e1000/e1000_osdep.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*******************************************************************************
+- Copyright(c) 1999 - 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
++ Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -46,9 +46,15 @@
+ /* Don't mdelay in interrupt context! */ \
+ BUG(); \
+ } else { \
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); \
+- schedule_timeout((x * HZ)/1000 + 2); \
++ msleep(x); \
+ } } while(0)
++/* Some workarounds require millisecond delays and are run during interrupt
++ * context. Most notably, when establishing link, the phy may need tweaking
++ * but cannot process phy register reads/writes faster than millisecond
++ * intervals...and we establish link due to a "link status change" interrupt.
++ */
++#define msec_delay_irq(x) mdelay(x)
+ #endif
+@@ -95,6 +101,29 @@ typedef enum {
+ (((a)->mac_type >= e1000_82543) ? E1000_##reg : E1000_82542_##reg) + \
+ ((offset) << 2)))
++#define E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY_WORD(a, reg, offset, value) ( \
++ writew((value), ((a)->hw_addr + \
++ (((a)->mac_type >= e1000_82543) ? E1000_##reg : E1000_82542_##reg) + \
++ ((offset) << 1))))
++#define E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY_WORD(a, reg, offset) ( \
++ readw((a)->hw_addr + \
++ (((a)->mac_type >= e1000_82543) ? E1000_##reg : E1000_82542_##reg) + \
++ ((offset) << 1)))
++#define E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY_BYTE(a, reg, offset, value) ( \
++ writeb((value), ((a)->hw_addr + \
++ (((a)->mac_type >= e1000_82543) ? E1000_##reg : E1000_82542_##reg) + \
++ (offset))))
++#define E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY_BYTE(a, reg, offset) ( \
++ readb((a)->hw_addr + \
++ (((a)->mac_type >= e1000_82543) ? E1000_##reg : E1000_82542_##reg) + \
++ (offset)))
+ #define E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(a) E1000_READ_REG(a, STATUS)
+ #endif /* _E1000_OSDEP_H_ */
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:51.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*******************************************************************************
+- Copyright(c) 1999 - 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
++ Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ e1000_82541_rev_2,
+ e1000_82547,
+ e1000_82547_rev_2,
++ e1000_82573,
+ e1000_num_macs
+ } e1000_mac_type;
+@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ e1000_eeprom_uninitialized = 0,
+ e1000_eeprom_spi,
+ e1000_eeprom_microwire,
++ e1000_eeprom_flash,
+ e1000_num_eeprom_types
+ } e1000_eeprom_type;
+@@ -96,6 +98,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ e1000_bus_type_unknown = 0,
+ e1000_bus_type_pci,
+ e1000_bus_type_pcix,
++ e1000_bus_type_pci_express,
+ e1000_bus_type_reserved
+ } e1000_bus_type;
+@@ -107,6 +110,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ e1000_bus_speed_100,
+ e1000_bus_speed_120,
+ e1000_bus_speed_133,
++ e1000_bus_speed_2500,
+ e1000_bus_speed_reserved
+ } e1000_bus_speed;
+@@ -115,6 +119,8 @@ typedef enum {
+ e1000_bus_width_unknown = 0,
+ e1000_bus_width_32,
+ e1000_bus_width_64,
++ e1000_bus_width_pciex_1,
++ e1000_bus_width_pciex_4,
+ e1000_bus_width_reserved
+ } e1000_bus_width;
+@@ -168,6 +174,12 @@ typedef enum {
+ } e1000_downshift;
+ typedef enum {
++ e1000_smart_speed_default = 0,
++ e1000_smart_speed_on,
++ e1000_smart_speed_off
++} e1000_smart_speed;
++typedef enum {
+ e1000_polarity_reversal_enabled = 0,
+ e1000_polarity_reversal_disabled,
+ e1000_polarity_reversal_undefined = 0xFF
+@@ -190,6 +202,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ typedef enum {
+ e1000_phy_m88 = 0,
+ e1000_phy_igp,
++ e1000_phy_igp_2,
+ e1000_phy_undefined = 0xFF
+ } e1000_phy_type;
+@@ -236,8 +249,19 @@ struct e1000_eeprom_info {
+ uint16_t address_bits;
+ uint16_t delay_usec;
+ uint16_t page_size;
++ boolean_t use_eerd;
++ boolean_t use_eewr;
+ };
++/* Flex ASF Information */
++#define E1000_HOST_IF_MAX_SIZE 2048
++typedef enum {
++ e1000_byte_align = 0,
++ e1000_word_align = 1,
++ e1000_dword_align = 2
++} e1000_align_type;
+ /* Error Codes */
+@@ -248,11 +272,16 @@ struct e1000_eeprom_info {
+ #define E1000_ERR_PARAM 4
+ #define E1000_ERR_MAC_TYPE 5
+ #define E1000_ERR_PHY_TYPE 6
++#define E1000_ERR_RESET 9
++#define E1000_BLK_PHY_RESET 12
+ /* Function prototypes */
+ /* Initialization */
+ int32_t e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ int32_t e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw * hw);
+ int32_t e1000_set_mac_type(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ void e1000_set_media_type(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+@@ -269,7 +298,7 @@ int32_t e1000_force_mac_fc(struct e1000_
+ /* PHY */
+ int32_t e1000_read_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t *phy_data);
+ int32_t e1000_write_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t data);
+-void e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ int32_t e1000_phy_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ int32_t e1000_detect_gig_phy(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ int32_t e1000_phy_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info);
+@@ -281,13 +310,86 @@ int32_t e1000_check_downshift(struct e10
+ int32_t e1000_validate_mdi_setting(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ /* EEPROM Functions */
+-void e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++boolean_t e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_read_eeprom_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data);
++int32_t e1000_write_eeprom_eewr(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data);
++int32_t e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int eerd);
++/* MNG HOST IF functions */
++uint32_t e1000_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_TX_PAYLOAD_CMD 64
++#define E1000_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH 0x6F8 /* Host Interface data length */
++#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 10 /* Time in ms to process MNG command */
++#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_OFFSET 0x6F0 /* Cookie offset */
++#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_LENGTH 0x10 /* Cookie length */
++#define E1000_MNG_IAMT_MODE 0x3
++#define E1000_IAMT_SIGNATURE 0x544D4149 /* Intel(R) Active Management Technology signature */
++#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_PARSING_SUPPORT 0x1 /* DHCP parsing enabled */
++#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_VLAN_SUPPORT 0x2 /* DHCP parsing enabled */
++#define E1000_VFTA_ENTRY_SHIFT 0x5
++#define E1000_VFTA_ENTRY_MASK 0x7F
++#define E1000_VFTA_ENTRY_BIT_SHIFT_MASK 0x1F
++struct e1000_host_mng_command_header {
++ uint8_t command_id;
++ uint8_t checksum;
++ uint16_t reserved1;
++ uint16_t reserved2;
++ uint16_t command_length;
++struct e1000_host_mng_command_info {
++ struct e1000_host_mng_command_header command_header; /* Command Head/Command Result Head has 4 bytes */
++ uint8_t command_data[E1000_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH]; /* Command data can length 0..0x658*/
++#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
++struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie{
++ uint32_t signature;
++ uint16_t vlan_id;
++ uint8_t reserved0;
++ uint8_t status;
++ uint32_t reserved1;
++ uint8_t checksum;
++ uint8_t reserved3;
++ uint16_t reserved2;
++struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie{
++ uint32_t signature;
++ uint8_t status;
++ uint8_t reserved0;
++ uint16_t vlan_id;
++ uint32_t reserved1;
++ uint16_t reserved2;
++ uint8_t reserved3;
++ uint8_t checksum;
++int32_t e1000_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint16_t length);
++boolean_t e1000_check_mng_mode(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++boolean_t e1000_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_mng_enable_host_if(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_mng_host_if_write(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint16_t length, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *sum);
++int32_t e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(struct e1000_hw* hw,
++ struct e1000_host_mng_command_header* hdr);
++int32_t e1000_mng_write_commit(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ int32_t e1000_read_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t reg, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data);
+ int32_t e1000_validate_eeprom_checksum(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ int32_t e1000_update_eeprom_checksum(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ int32_t e1000_write_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t reg, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data);
+ int32_t e1000_read_part_num(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t * part_num);
+ int32_t e1000_read_mac_addr(struct e1000_hw * hw);
++int32_t e1000_swfw_sync_acquire(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t mask);
++void e1000_swfw_sync_release(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t mask);
+ /* Filters (multicast, vlan, receive) */
+ void e1000_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+@@ -307,7 +409,6 @@ int32_t e1000_led_off(struct e1000_hw *h
+ /* Adaptive IFS Functions */
+ /* Everything else */
+-uint32_t e1000_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ void e1000_reset_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ void e1000_update_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+@@ -324,6 +425,19 @@ void e1000_io_write(struct e1000_hw *hw,
+ void e1000_write_reg_io(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value);
+ int32_t e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t link_up);
+ int32_t e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t active);
++int32_t e1000_set_d0_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t active);
++void e1000_set_pci_express_master_disable(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++void e1000_enable_pciex_master(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_disable_pciex_master(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_get_auto_rd_done(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_get_phy_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_get_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++void e1000_release_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_check_phy_reset_block(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_get_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++void e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++int32_t e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw);
++uint8_t e1000_arc_subsystem_valid(struct e1000_hw *hw);
+ #define E1000_READ_REG_IO(a, reg) \
+ e1000_read_reg_io((a), E1000_##reg)
+@@ -357,10 +471,16 @@ int32_t e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e
+ #define E1000_DEV_ID_82547GI 0x1075
+ #define E1000_DEV_ID_82541GI 0x1076
+ #define E1000_DEV_ID_82541GI_MOBILE 0x1077
++#define E1000_DEV_ID_82541GI_LF 0x107C
+ #define E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_COPPER 0x1079
+ #define E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_FIBER 0x107A
+ #define E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_SERDES 0x107B
++#define E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_PCIE 0x108A
+ #define E1000_DEV_ID_82547EI 0x1019
++#define E1000_DEV_ID_82573E 0x108B
++#define E1000_DEV_ID_82573E_IAMT 0x108C
++#define E1000_DEV_ID_82546GB_QUAD_COPPER 0x1099
+@@ -373,6 +493,7 @@ int32_t e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e
+ #define E1000_REVISION_0 0
+ #define E1000_REVISION_1 1
+ #define E1000_REVISION_2 2
++#define E1000_REVISION_3 3
+ #define SPEED_10 10
+ #define SPEED_100 100
+@@ -429,6 +550,7 @@ int32_t e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e
+ E1000_IMS_RXSEQ | \
+ E1000_IMS_LSC)
+ /* Number of high/low register pairs in the RAR. The RAR (Receive Address
+ * Registers) holds the directed and multicast addresses that we monitor. We
+ * reserve one of these spots for our directed address, allowing us room for
+@@ -449,14 +571,74 @@ struct e1000_rx_desc {
+ uint16_t special;
+ };
++/* Receive Descriptor - Extended */
++union e1000_rx_desc_extended {
++ struct {
++ uint64_t buffer_addr;
++ uint64_t reserved;
++ } read;
++ struct {
++ struct {
++ uint32_t mrq; /* Multiple Rx Queues */
++ union {
++ uint32_t rss; /* RSS Hash */
++ struct {
++ uint16_t ip_id; /* IP id */
++ uint16_t csum; /* Packet Checksum */
++ } csum_ip;
++ } hi_dword;
++ } lower;
++ struct {
++ uint32_t status_error; /* ext status/error */
++ uint16_t length;
++ uint16_t vlan; /* VLAN tag */
++ } upper;
++ } wb; /* writeback */
++#define MAX_PS_BUFFERS 4
++/* Receive Descriptor - Packet Split */
++union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split {
++ struct {
++ /* one buffer for protocol header(s), three data buffers */
++ uint64_t buffer_addr[MAX_PS_BUFFERS];
++ } read;
++ struct {
++ struct {
++ uint32_t mrq; /* Multiple Rx Queues */
++ union {
++ uint32_t rss; /* RSS Hash */
++ struct {
++ uint16_t ip_id; /* IP id */
++ uint16_t csum; /* Packet Checksum */
++ } csum_ip;
++ } hi_dword;
++ } lower;
++ struct {
++ uint32_t status_error; /* ext status/error */
++ uint16_t length0; /* length of buffer 0 */
++ uint16_t vlan; /* VLAN tag */
++ } middle;
++ struct {
++ uint16_t header_status;
++ uint16_t length[3]; /* length of buffers 1-3 */
++ } upper;
++ uint64_t reserved;
++ } wb; /* writeback */
+ /* Receive Decriptor bit definitions */
+ #define E1000_RXD_STAT_DD 0x01 /* Descriptor Done */
+ #define E1000_RXD_STAT_EOP 0x02 /* End of Packet */
+ #define E1000_RXD_STAT_IXSM 0x04 /* Ignore checksum */
+ #define E1000_RXD_STAT_VP 0x08 /* IEEE VLAN Packet */
++#define E1000_RXD_STAT_UDPCS 0x10 /* UDP xsum caculated */
+ #define E1000_RXD_STAT_TCPCS 0x20 /* TCP xsum calculated */
+ #define E1000_RXD_STAT_IPCS 0x40 /* IP xsum calculated */
+ #define E1000_RXD_STAT_PIF 0x80 /* passed in-exact filter */
++#define E1000_RXD_STAT_IPIDV 0x200 /* IP identification valid */
++#define E1000_RXD_STAT_UDPV 0x400 /* Valid UDP checksum */
++#define E1000_RXD_STAT_ACK 0x8000 /* ACK Packet indication */
+ #define E1000_RXD_ERR_CE 0x01 /* CRC Error */
+ #define E1000_RXD_ERR_SE 0x02 /* Symbol Error */
+ #define E1000_RXD_ERR_SEQ 0x04 /* Sequence Error */
+@@ -466,9 +648,20 @@ struct e1000_rx_desc {
+ #define E1000_RXD_ERR_RXE 0x80 /* Rx Data Error */
+ #define E1000_RXD_SPC_VLAN_MASK 0x0FFF /* VLAN ID is in lower 12 bits */
+ #define E1000_RXD_SPC_PRI_MASK 0xE000 /* Priority is in upper 3 bits */
+-#define E1000_RXD_SPC_PRI_SHIFT 0x000D /* Priority is in upper 3 of 16 */
++#define E1000_RXD_SPC_PRI_SHIFT 13
+ #define E1000_RXD_SPC_CFI_MASK 0x1000 /* CFI is bit 12 */
+-#define E1000_RXD_SPC_CFI_SHIFT 0x000C /* CFI is bit 12 */
++#define E1000_RXD_SPC_CFI_SHIFT 12
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_CE 0x01000000
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_SE 0x02000000
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_SEQ 0x04000000
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_CXE 0x10000000
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_TCPE 0x20000000
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_IPE 0x40000000
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_STATERR_RXE 0x80000000
++#define E1000_RXDPS_HDRSTAT_HDRSP 0x00008000
++#define E1000_RXDPS_HDRSTAT_HDRLEN_MASK 0x000003FF
+ /* mask to determine if packets should be dropped due to frame errors */
+ #define E1000_RXD_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK ( \
+@@ -478,6 +671,15 @@ struct e1000_rx_desc {
+ E1000_RXD_ERR_CXE | \
+ E1000_RXD_ERR_RXE)
++/* Same mask, but for extended and packet split descriptors */
++#define E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK ( \
+ /* Transmit Descriptor */
+ struct e1000_tx_desc {
+ uint64_t buffer_addr; /* Address of the descriptor's data buffer */
+@@ -659,6 +861,7 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_ICS 0x000C8 /* Interrupt Cause Set - WO */
+ #define E1000_IMS 0x000D0 /* Interrupt Mask Set - RW */
+ #define E1000_IMC 0x000D8 /* Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
++#define E1000_IAM 0x000E0 /* Interrupt Acknowledge Auto Mask */
+ #define E1000_RCTL 0x00100 /* RX Control - RW */
+ #define E1000_FCTTV 0x00170 /* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
+ #define E1000_TXCW 0x00178 /* TX Configuration Word - RW */
+@@ -668,9 +871,23 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_TBT 0x00448 /* TX Burst Timer - RW */
+ #define E1000_AIT 0x00458 /* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle - RW */
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL 0x00E00 /* LED Control - RW */
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL 0x00F00 /* Extended Configuration Control */
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE 0x00F08 /* Extended Configuration Size */
+ #define E1000_PBA 0x01000 /* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
++#define E1000_PBS 0x01008 /* Packet Buffer Size */
++#define E1000_EEMNGCTL 0x01010 /* MNG EEprom Control */
++#define E1000_FLASH_UPDATES 1000
++#define E1000_EEARBC 0x01024 /* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
++#define E1000_FLASHT 0x01028 /* FLASH Timer Register */
++#define E1000_EEWR 0x0102C /* EEPROM Write Register - RW */
++#define E1000_FLSWCTL 0x01030 /* FLASH control register */
++#define E1000_FLSWDATA 0x01034 /* FLASH data register */
++#define E1000_FLSWCNT 0x01038 /* FLASH Access Counter */
++#define E1000_FLOP 0x0103C /* FLASH Opcode Register */
++#define E1000_ERT 0x02008 /* Early Rx Threshold - RW */
+ #define E1000_FCRTL 0x02160 /* Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - RW */
+ #define E1000_FCRTH 0x02168 /* Flow Control Receive Threshold High - RW */
++#define E1000_PSRCTL 0x02170 /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */
+ #define E1000_RDBAL 0x02800 /* RX Descriptor Base Address Low - RW */
+ #define E1000_RDBAH 0x02804 /* RX Descriptor Base Address High - RW */
+ #define E1000_RDLEN 0x02808 /* RX Descriptor Length - RW */
+@@ -680,6 +897,7 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_RXDCTL 0x02828 /* RX Descriptor Control - RW */
+ #define E1000_RADV 0x0282C /* RX Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer - RW */
+ #define E1000_RSRPD 0x02C00 /* RX Small Packet Detect - RW */
++#define E1000_RAID 0x02C08 /* Receive Ack Interrupt Delay - RW */
+ #define E1000_TXDMAC 0x03000 /* TX DMA Control - RW */
+ #define E1000_TDFH 0x03410 /* TX Data FIFO Head - RW */
+ #define E1000_TDFT 0x03418 /* TX Data FIFO Tail - RW */
+@@ -695,6 +913,14 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_TXDCTL 0x03828 /* TX Descriptor Control - RW */
+ #define E1000_TADV 0x0382C /* TX Interrupt Absolute Delay Val - RW */
+ #define E1000_TSPMT 0x03830 /* TCP Segmentation PAD & Min Threshold - RW */
++#define E1000_TARC0 0x03840 /* TX Arbitration Count (0) */
++#define E1000_TDBAL1 0x03900 /* TX Desc Base Address Low (1) - RW */
++#define E1000_TDBAH1 0x03904 /* TX Desc Base Address High (1) - RW */
++#define E1000_TDLEN1 0x03908 /* TX Desc Length (1) - RW */
++#define E1000_TDH1 0x03910 /* TX Desc Head (1) - RW */
++#define E1000_TDT1 0x03918 /* TX Desc Tail (1) - RW */
++#define E1000_TXDCTL1 0x03928 /* TX Descriptor Control (1) - RW */
++#define E1000_TARC1 0x03940 /* TX Arbitration Count (1) */
+ #define E1000_CRCERRS 0x04000 /* CRC Error Count - R/clr */
+ #define E1000_ALGNERRC 0x04004 /* Alignment Error Count - R/clr */
+ #define E1000_SYMERRS 0x04008 /* Symbol Error Count - R/clr */
+@@ -753,7 +979,17 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_BPTC 0x040F4 /* Broadcast Packets TX Count - R/clr */
+ #define E1000_TSCTC 0x040F8 /* TCP Segmentation Context TX - R/clr */
+ #define E1000_TSCTFC 0x040FC /* TCP Segmentation Context TX Fail - R/clr */
++#define E1000_IAC 0x4100 /* Interrupt Assertion Count */
++#define E1000_ICRXPTC 0x4104 /* Interrupt Cause Rx Packet Timer Expire Count */
++#define E1000_ICRXATC 0x4108 /* Interrupt Cause Rx Absolute Timer Expire Count */
++#define E1000_ICTXPTC 0x410C /* Interrupt Cause Tx Packet Timer Expire Count */
++#define E1000_ICTXATC 0x4110 /* Interrupt Cause Tx Absolute Timer Expire Count */
++#define E1000_ICTXQEC 0x4118 /* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Empty Count */
++#define E1000_ICTXQMTC 0x411C /* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Minimum Threshold Count */
++#define E1000_ICRXDMTC 0x4120 /* Interrupt Cause Rx Descriptor Minimum Threshold Count */
++#define E1000_ICRXOC 0x4124 /* Interrupt Cause Receiver Overrun Count */
+ #define E1000_RXCSUM 0x05000 /* RX Checksum Control - RW */
++#define E1000_RFCTL 0x05008 /* Receive Filter Control*/
+ #define E1000_MTA 0x05200 /* Multicast Table Array - RW Array */
+ #define E1000_RA 0x05400 /* Receive Address - RW Array */
+ #define E1000_VFTA 0x05600 /* VLAN Filter Table Array - RW Array */
+@@ -771,6 +1007,16 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_FFMT 0x09000 /* Flexible Filter Mask Table - RW Array */
+ #define E1000_FFVT 0x09800 /* Flexible Filter Value Table - RW Array */
++#define E1000_GCR 0x05B00 /* PCI-Ex Control */
++#define E1000_GSCL_1 0x05B10 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #1 */
++#define E1000_GSCL_2 0x05B14 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #2 */
++#define E1000_GSCL_3 0x05B18 /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #3 */
++#define E1000_GSCL_4 0x05B1C /* PCI-Ex Statistic Control #4 */
++#define E1000_FACTPS 0x05B30 /* Function Active and Power State to MNG */
++#define E1000_SWSM 0x05B50 /* SW Semaphore */
++#define E1000_FWSM 0x05B54 /* FW Semaphore */
++#define E1000_FFLT_DBG 0x05F04 /* Debug Register */
++#define E1000_HICR 0x08F00 /* Host Inteface Control */
+ /* Register Set (82542)
+ *
+ * Some of the 82542 registers are located at different offsets than they are
+@@ -821,6 +1067,18 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_82542_VFTA 0x00600
+ #define E1000_82542_LEDCTL E1000_LEDCTL
+ #define E1000_82542_PBA E1000_PBA
++#define E1000_82542_PBS E1000_PBS
++#define E1000_82542_EEMNGCTL E1000_EEMNGCTL
++#define E1000_82542_EEARBC E1000_EEARBC
++#define E1000_82542_FLASHT E1000_FLASHT
++#define E1000_82542_EEWR E1000_EEWR
++#define E1000_82542_FLSWCTL E1000_FLSWCTL
++#define E1000_82542_FLSWDATA E1000_FLSWDATA
++#define E1000_82542_FLSWCNT E1000_FLSWCNT
++#define E1000_82542_FLOP E1000_FLOP
++#define E1000_82542_EXTCNF_CTRL E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL
++#define E1000_82542_EXTCNF_SIZE E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE
++#define E1000_82542_ERT E1000_ERT
+ #define E1000_82542_RXDCTL E1000_RXDCTL
+ #define E1000_82542_RADV E1000_RADV
+ #define E1000_82542_RSRPD E1000_RSRPD
+@@ -905,6 +1163,38 @@ struct e1000_ffvt_entry {
+ #define E1000_82542_FFMT E1000_FFMT
+ #define E1000_82542_FFVT E1000_FFVT
+ #define E1000_82542_HOST_IF E1000_HOST_IF
++#define E1000_82542_IAM E1000_IAM
++#define E1000_82542_EEMNGCTL E1000_EEMNGCTL
++#define E1000_82542_PSRCTL E1000_PSRCTL
++#define E1000_82542_RAID E1000_RAID
++#define E1000_82542_TARC0 E1000_TARC0
++#define E1000_82542_TDBAL1 E1000_TDBAL1
++#define E1000_82542_TDBAH1 E1000_TDBAH1
++#define E1000_82542_TDLEN1 E1000_TDLEN1
++#define E1000_82542_TDH1 E1000_TDH1
++#define E1000_82542_TDT1 E1000_TDT1
++#define E1000_82542_TXDCTL1 E1000_TXDCTL1
++#define E1000_82542_TARC1 E1000_TARC1
++#define E1000_82542_RFCTL E1000_RFCTL
++#define E1000_82542_GCR E1000_GCR
++#define E1000_82542_GSCL_1 E1000_GSCL_1
++#define E1000_82542_GSCL_2 E1000_GSCL_2
++#define E1000_82542_GSCL_3 E1000_GSCL_3
++#define E1000_82542_GSCL_4 E1000_GSCL_4
++#define E1000_82542_FACTPS E1000_FACTPS
++#define E1000_82542_SWSM E1000_SWSM
++#define E1000_82542_FWSM E1000_FWSM
++#define E1000_82542_FFLT_DBG E1000_FFLT_DBG
++#define E1000_82542_IAC E1000_IAC
++#define E1000_82542_ICRXPTC E1000_ICRXPTC
++#define E1000_82542_ICRXATC E1000_ICRXATC
++#define E1000_82542_ICTXPTC E1000_ICTXPTC
++#define E1000_82542_ICTXATC E1000_ICTXATC
++#define E1000_82542_ICTXQEC E1000_ICTXQEC
++#define E1000_82542_ICTXQMTC E1000_ICTXQMTC
++#define E1000_82542_ICRXDMTC E1000_ICRXDMTC
++#define E1000_82542_ICRXOC E1000_ICRXOC
++#define E1000_82542_HICR E1000_HICR
+ /* Statistics counters collected by the MAC */
+ struct e1000_hw_stats {
+@@ -966,11 +1256,21 @@ struct e1000_hw_stats {
+ uint64_t bptc;
+ uint64_t tsctc;
+ uint64_t tsctfc;
++ uint64_t iac;
++ uint64_t icrxptc;
++ uint64_t icrxatc;
++ uint64_t ictxptc;
++ uint64_t ictxatc;
++ uint64_t ictxqec;
++ uint64_t ictxqmtc;
++ uint64_t icrxdmtc;
++ uint64_t icrxoc;
+ };
+ /* Structure containing variables used by the shared code (e1000_hw.c) */
+ struct e1000_hw {
+ uint8_t *hw_addr;
++ uint8_t *flash_address;
+ e1000_mac_type mac_type;
+ e1000_phy_type phy_type;
+ uint32_t phy_init_script;
+@@ -985,6 +1285,7 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ e1000_ms_type original_master_slave;
+ e1000_ffe_config ffe_config_state;
+ uint32_t asf_firmware_present;
++ uint32_t eeprom_semaphore_present;
+ unsigned long io_base;
+ uint32_t phy_id;
+ uint32_t phy_revision;
+@@ -1001,6 +1302,8 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ uint32_t ledctl_default;
+ uint32_t ledctl_mode1;
+ uint32_t ledctl_mode2;
++ boolean_t tx_pkt_filtering;
++ struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie mng_cookie;
+ uint16_t phy_spd_default;
+ uint16_t autoneg_advertised;
+ uint16_t pci_cmd_word;
+@@ -1026,6 +1329,7 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ uint8_t perm_mac_addr[NODE_ADDRESS_SIZE];
+ boolean_t disable_polarity_correction;
+ boolean_t speed_downgraded;
++ e1000_smart_speed smart_speed;
+ e1000_dsp_config dsp_config_state;
+ boolean_t get_link_status;
+ boolean_t serdes_link_down;
+@@ -1038,17 +1342,24 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ boolean_t adaptive_ifs;
+ boolean_t ifs_params_forced;
+ boolean_t in_ifs_mode;
++ boolean_t mng_reg_access_disabled;
+ };
+ #define E1000_EEPROM_SWDPIN0 0x0001 /* SWDPIN 0 EEPROM Value */
+ #define E1000_EEPROM_LED_LOGIC 0x0020 /* Led Logic Word */
++#define E1000_EEPROM_RW_REG_DATA 16 /* Offset to data in EEPROM read/write registers */
++#define E1000_EEPROM_RW_REG_DONE 2 /* Offset to READ/WRITE done bit */
++#define E1000_EEPROM_RW_REG_START 1 /* First bit for telling part to start operation */
++#define E1000_EEPROM_RW_ADDR_SHIFT 2 /* Shift to the address bits */
++#define E1000_EEPROM_POLL_WRITE 1 /* Flag for polling for write complete */
++#define E1000_EEPROM_POLL_READ 0 /* Flag for polling for read complete */
+ /* Register Bit Masks */
+ /* Device Control */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_FD 0x00000001 /* Full duplex.0=half; 1=full */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_BEM 0x00000002 /* Endian Mode.0=little,1=big */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_PRIOR 0x00000004 /* Priority on PCI. 0=rx,1=fair */
++#define E1000_CTRL_GIO_MASTER_DISABLE 0x00000004 /*Blocks new Master requests */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_LRST 0x00000008 /* Link reset. 0=normal,1=reset */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_TME 0x00000010 /* Test mode. 0=normal,1=test */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_SLE 0x00000020 /* Serial Link on 0=dis,1=en */
+@@ -1062,6 +1373,7 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_CTRL_BEM32 0x00000400 /* Big Endian 32 mode */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_FRCSPD 0x00000800 /* Force Speed */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_FRCDPX 0x00001000 /* Force Duplex */
++#define E1000_CTRL_D_UD_POLARITY 0x00004000 /* Defined polarity of Dock/Undock indication in SDP[0] */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN0 0x00040000 /* SWDPIN 0 value */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN1 0x00080000 /* SWDPIN 1 value */
+ #define E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN2 0x00100000 /* SWDPIN 2 value */
+@@ -1081,6 +1393,7 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_STATUS_FD 0x00000001 /* Full duplex.0=half,1=full */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_LU 0x00000002 /* Link up.0=no,1=link */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_FUNC_MASK 0x0000000C /* PCI Function Mask */
++#define E1000_STATUS_FUNC_SHIFT 2
+ #define E1000_STATUS_FUNC_0 0x00000000 /* Function 0 */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_FUNC_1 0x00000004 /* Function 1 */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_TXOFF 0x00000010 /* transmission paused */
+@@ -1090,6 +1403,8 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_STATUS_SPEED_100 0x00000040 /* Speed 100Mb/s */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_SPEED_1000 0x00000080 /* Speed 1000Mb/s */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_ASDV 0x00000300 /* Auto speed detect value */
++#define E1000_STATUS_DOCK_CI 0x00000800 /* Change in Dock/Undock state. Clear on write '0'. */
++#define E1000_STATUS_GIO_MASTER_ENABLE 0x00080000 /* Status of Master requests. */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_MTXCKOK 0x00000400 /* MTX clock running OK */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_PCI66 0x00000800 /* In 66Mhz slot */
+ #define E1000_STATUS_BUS64 0x00001000 /* In 64 bit slot */
+@@ -1120,6 +1435,18 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_EEPROM_GRANT_ATTEMPTS 1000 /* EEPROM # attempts to gain grant */
+ #endif
++#define E1000_EECD_AUTO_RD 0x00000200 /* EEPROM Auto Read done */
++#define E1000_EECD_SIZE_EX_MASK 0x00007800 /* EEprom Size */
++#define E1000_EECD_SIZE_EX_SHIFT 11
++#define E1000_EECD_NVADDS 0x00018000 /* NVM Address Size */
++#define E1000_EECD_SELSHAD 0x00020000 /* Select Shadow RAM */
++#define E1000_EECD_INITSRAM 0x00040000 /* Initialize Shadow RAM */
++#define E1000_EECD_FLUPD 0x00080000 /* Update FLASH */
++#define E1000_EECD_AUPDEN 0x00100000 /* Enable Autonomous FLASH update */
++#define E1000_EECD_SHADV 0x00200000 /* Shadow RAM Data Valid */
++#define E1000_EECD_SEC1VAL 0x00400000 /* Sector One Valid */
++#define E1000_STM_OPCODE 0xDB00
++#define E1000_HICR_FW_RESET 0xC0
+ /* EEPROM Read */
+ #define E1000_EERD_START 0x00000001 /* Start Read */
+@@ -1163,6 +1490,8 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_320 0x01000000
+ #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_384 0x02000000
+ #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_448 0x03000000
++#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_IAME 0x08000000 /* Interrupt acknowledge Auto-mask */
++#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_INT_TIMER_CLR 0x20000000 /* Clear Interrupt timers after IMS clear */
+ /* MDI Control */
+ #define E1000_MDIC_DATA_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+@@ -1179,14 +1508,17 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ /* LED Control */
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_MASK 0x0000000F
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_MODE_SHIFT 0
++#define E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK_RATE 0x0000020
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_IVRT 0x00000040
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED0_BLINK 0x00000080
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED1_MODE_MASK 0x00000F00
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED1_MODE_SHIFT 8
++#define E1000_LEDCTL_LED1_BLINK_RATE 0x0002000
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED1_IVRT 0x00004000
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED1_BLINK 0x00008000
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED2_MODE_MASK 0x000F0000
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED2_MODE_SHIFT 16
++#define E1000_LEDCTL_LED2_BLINK_RATE 0x00200000
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED2_IVRT 0x00400000
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED2_BLINK 0x00800000
+ #define E1000_LEDCTL_LED3_MODE_MASK 0x0F000000
+@@ -1230,6 +1562,10 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_ICR_GPI_EN3 0x00004000 /* GP Int 3 */
+ #define E1000_ICR_TXD_LOW 0x00008000
+ #define E1000_ICR_SRPD 0x00010000
++#define E1000_ICR_ACK 0x00020000 /* Receive Ack frame */
++#define E1000_ICR_MNG 0x00040000 /* Manageability event */
++#define E1000_ICR_DOCK 0x00080000 /* Dock/Undock */
++#define E1000_ICR_INT_ASSERTED 0x80000000 /* If this bit asserted, the driver should claim the interrupt */
+ /* Interrupt Cause Set */
+ #define E1000_ICS_TXDW E1000_ICR_TXDW /* Transmit desc written back */
+@@ -1247,6 +1583,9 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_ICS_GPI_EN3 E1000_ICR_GPI_EN3 /* GP Int 3 */
+ #define E1000_ICS_TXD_LOW E1000_ICR_TXD_LOW
+ #define E1000_ICS_SRPD E1000_ICR_SRPD
++#define E1000_ICS_ACK E1000_ICR_ACK /* Receive Ack frame */
++#define E1000_ICS_MNG E1000_ICR_MNG /* Manageability event */
++#define E1000_ICS_DOCK E1000_ICR_DOCK /* Dock/Undock */
+ /* Interrupt Mask Set */
+ #define E1000_IMS_TXDW E1000_ICR_TXDW /* Transmit desc written back */
+@@ -1264,6 +1603,9 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_IMS_GPI_EN3 E1000_ICR_GPI_EN3 /* GP Int 3 */
+ #define E1000_IMS_TXD_LOW E1000_ICR_TXD_LOW
+ #define E1000_IMS_SRPD E1000_ICR_SRPD
++#define E1000_IMS_ACK E1000_ICR_ACK /* Receive Ack frame */
++#define E1000_IMS_MNG E1000_ICR_MNG /* Manageability event */
++#define E1000_IMS_DOCK E1000_ICR_DOCK /* Dock/Undock */
+ /* Interrupt Mask Clear */
+ #define E1000_IMC_TXDW E1000_ICR_TXDW /* Transmit desc written back */
+@@ -1281,6 +1623,9 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_IMC_GPI_EN3 E1000_ICR_GPI_EN3 /* GP Int 3 */
+ #define E1000_IMC_TXD_LOW E1000_ICR_TXD_LOW
+ #define E1000_IMC_SRPD E1000_ICR_SRPD
++#define E1000_IMC_ACK E1000_ICR_ACK /* Receive Ack frame */
++#define E1000_IMC_MNG E1000_ICR_MNG /* Manageability event */
++#define E1000_IMC_DOCK E1000_ICR_DOCK /* Dock/Undock */
+ /* Receive Control */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_RST 0x00000001 /* Software reset */
+@@ -1293,6 +1638,8 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_RCTL_LBM_MAC 0x00000040 /* MAC loopback mode */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_LBM_SLP 0x00000080 /* serial link loopback mode */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_LBM_TCVR 0x000000C0 /* tcvr loopback mode */
++#define E1000_RCTL_DTYP_MASK 0x00000C00 /* Descriptor type mask */
++#define E1000_RCTL_DTYP_PS 0x00000400 /* Packet Split descriptor */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_RDMTS_HALF 0x00000000 /* rx desc min threshold size */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_RDMTS_QUAT 0x00000100 /* rx desc min threshold size */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_RDMTS_EIGTH 0x00000200 /* rx desc min threshold size */
+@@ -1319,6 +1666,34 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_RCTL_PMCF 0x00800000 /* pass MAC control frames */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_BSEX 0x02000000 /* Buffer size extension */
+ #define E1000_RCTL_SECRC 0x04000000 /* Strip Ethernet CRC */
++#define E1000_RCTL_FLXBUF_MASK 0x78000000 /* Flexible buffer size */
++#define E1000_RCTL_FLXBUF_SHIFT 27 /* Flexible buffer shift */
++/* Use byte values for the following shift parameters
++ * Usage:
++ * psrctl |= (((ROUNDUP(value0, 128) >> E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE0_SHIFT) &
++ * E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE0_MASK) |
++ * ((ROUNDUP(value1, 1024) >> E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE1_SHIFT) &
++ * E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE1_MASK) |
++ * ((ROUNDUP(value2, 1024) << E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE2_SHIFT) &
++ * E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE2_MASK) |
++ * ((ROUNDUP(value3, 1024) << E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE3_SHIFT) |;
++ * where value0 = [128..16256], default=256
++ * value1 = [1024..64512], default=4096
++ * value2 = [0..64512], default=4096
++ * value3 = [0..64512], default=0
++ */
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE0_MASK 0x0000007F
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE1_MASK 0x00003F00
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE2_MASK 0x003F0000
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE3_MASK 0x3F000000
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE0_SHIFT 7 /* Shift _right_ 7 */
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE1_SHIFT 2 /* Shift _right_ 2 */
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE2_SHIFT 6 /* Shift _left_ 6 */
++#define E1000_PSRCTL_BSIZE3_SHIFT 14 /* Shift _left_ 14 */
+ /* Receive Descriptor */
+ #define E1000_RDT_DELAY 0x0000ffff /* Delay timer (1=1024us) */
+@@ -1333,6 +1708,23 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_FCRTL_RTL 0x0000FFF8 /* Mask Bits[15:3] for RTL */
+ #define E1000_FCRTL_XONE 0x80000000 /* Enable XON frame transmission */
++/* Header split receive */
++#define E1000_RFCTL_ISCSI_DIS 0x00000001
++#define E1000_RFCTL_ISCSI_DWC_MASK 0x0000003E
++#define E1000_RFCTL_ISCSI_DWC_SHIFT 1
++#define E1000_RFCTL_NFSW_DIS 0x00000040
++#define E1000_RFCTL_NFSR_DIS 0x00000080
++#define E1000_RFCTL_NFS_VER_MASK 0x00000300
++#define E1000_RFCTL_NFS_VER_SHIFT 8
++#define E1000_RFCTL_IPV6_DIS 0x00000400
++#define E1000_RFCTL_IPV6_XSUM_DIS 0x00000800
++#define E1000_RFCTL_ACK_DIS 0x00001000
++#define E1000_RFCTL_ACKD_DIS 0x00002000
++#define E1000_RFCTL_IPFRSP_DIS 0x00004000
++#define E1000_RFCTL_EXTEN 0x00008000
++#define E1000_RFCTL_IPV6_EX_DIS 0x00010000
++#define E1000_RFCTL_NEW_IPV6_EXT_DIS 0x00020000
+ /* Receive Descriptor Control */
+ #define E1000_RXDCTL_PTHRESH 0x0000003F /* RXDCTL Prefetch Threshold */
+ #define E1000_RXDCTL_HTHRESH 0x00003F00 /* RXDCTL Host Threshold */
+@@ -1346,6 +1738,8 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_TXDCTL_GRAN 0x01000000 /* TXDCTL Granularity */
+ #define E1000_TXDCTL_LWTHRESH 0xFE000000 /* TXDCTL Low Threshold */
+ #define E1000_TXDCTL_FULL_TX_DESC_WB 0x01010000 /* GRAN=1, WTHRESH=1 */
++#define E1000_TXDCTL_COUNT_DESC 0x00400000 /* Enable the counting of desc.
++ still to be processed. */
+ /* Transmit Configuration Word */
+ #define E1000_TXCW_FD 0x00000020 /* TXCW full duplex */
+@@ -1379,12 +1773,16 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_TCTL_PBE 0x00800000 /* Packet Burst Enable */
+ #define E1000_TCTL_RTLC 0x01000000 /* Re-transmit on late collision */
+ #define E1000_TCTL_NRTU 0x02000000 /* No Re-transmit on underrun */
++#define E1000_TCTL_MULR 0x10000000 /* Multiple request support */
+ /* Receive Checksum Control */
+ #define E1000_RXCSUM_PCSS_MASK 0x000000FF /* Packet Checksum Start */
+ #define E1000_RXCSUM_IPOFL 0x00000100 /* IPv4 checksum offload */
+ #define E1000_RXCSUM_TUOFL 0x00000200 /* TCP / UDP checksum offload */
+ #define E1000_RXCSUM_IPV6OFL 0x00000400 /* IPv6 checksum offload */
++#define E1000_RXCSUM_IPPCSE 0x00001000 /* IP payload checksum enable */
++#define E1000_RXCSUM_PCSD 0x00002000 /* packet checksum disabled */
+ /* Definitions for power management and wakeup registers */
+ /* Wake Up Control */
+@@ -1403,6 +1801,7 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_WUFC_ARP 0x00000020 /* ARP Request Packet Wakeup Enable */
+ #define E1000_WUFC_IPV4 0x00000040 /* Directed IPv4 Packet Wakeup Enable */
+ #define E1000_WUFC_IPV6 0x00000080 /* Directed IPv6 Packet Wakeup Enable */
++#define E1000_WUFC_IGNORE_TCO 0x00008000 /* Ignore WakeOn TCO packets */
+ #define E1000_WUFC_FLX0 0x00010000 /* Flexible Filter 0 Enable */
+ #define E1000_WUFC_FLX1 0x00020000 /* Flexible Filter 1 Enable */
+ #define E1000_WUFC_FLX2 0x00040000 /* Flexible Filter 2 Enable */
+@@ -1438,13 +1837,19 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_MANC_ARP_EN 0x00002000 /* Enable ARP Request Filtering */
+ #define E1000_MANC_NEIGHBOR_EN 0x00004000 /* Enable Neighbor Discovery
+ * Filtering */
++#define E1000_MANC_ARP_RES_EN 0x00008000 /* Enable ARP response Filtering */
+ #define E1000_MANC_TCO_RESET 0x00010000 /* TCO Reset Occurred */
+ #define E1000_MANC_RCV_TCO_EN 0x00020000 /* Receive TCO Packets Enabled */
+ #define E1000_MANC_REPORT_STATUS 0x00040000 /* Status Reporting Enabled */
++#define E1000_MANC_BLK_PHY_RST_ON_IDE 0x00040000 /* Block phy resets */
+ #define E1000_MANC_EN_MAC_ADDR_FILTER 0x00100000 /* Enable MAC address
+ * filtering */
+ #define E1000_MANC_EN_MNG2HOST 0x00200000 /* Enable MNG packets to host
+ * memory */
++#define E1000_MANC_EN_IP_ADDR_FILTER 0x00400000 /* Enable IP address
++ * filtering */
++#define E1000_MANC_EN_XSUM_FILTER 0x00800000 /* Enable checksum filtering */
++#define E1000_MANC_BR_EN 0x01000000 /* Enable broadcast filtering */
+ #define E1000_MANC_SMB_REQ 0x01000000 /* SMBus Request */
+ #define E1000_MANC_SMB_GNT 0x02000000 /* SMBus Grant */
+ #define E1000_MANC_SMB_CLK_IN 0x04000000 /* SMBus Clock In */
+@@ -1455,11 +1860,97 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define E1000_MANC_SMB_DATA_OUT_SHIFT 28 /* SMBus Data Out Shift */
+ #define E1000_MANC_SMB_CLK_OUT_SHIFT 29 /* SMBus Clock Out Shift */
++/* SW Semaphore Register */
++#define E1000_SWSM_SMBI 0x00000001 /* Driver Semaphore bit */
++#define E1000_SWSM_SWESMBI 0x00000002 /* FW Semaphore bit */
++#define E1000_SWSM_WMNG 0x00000004 /* Wake MNG Clock */
++#define E1000_SWSM_DRV_LOAD 0x00000008 /* Driver Loaded Bit */
++/* FW Semaphore Register */
++#define E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK 0x0000000E /* FW mode */
++#define E1000_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT 1
++#define E1000_FWSM_FW_VALID 0x00008000 /* FW established a valid mode */
++/* FFLT Debug Register */
++#define E1000_FFLT_DBG_INVC 0x00100000 /* Invalid /C/ code handling */
++typedef enum {
++ e1000_mng_mode_none = 0,
++ e1000_mng_mode_asf,
++ e1000_mng_mode_pt,
++ e1000_mng_mode_ipmi,
++ e1000_mng_mode_host_interface_only
++} e1000_mng_mode;
++/* Host Inteface Control Register */
++#define E1000_HICR_EN 0x00000001 /* Enable Bit - RO */
++#define E1000_HICR_C 0x00000002 /* Driver sets this bit when done
++ * to put command in RAM */
++#define E1000_HICR_SV 0x00000004 /* Status Validity */
++#define E1000_HICR_FWR 0x00000080 /* FW reset. Set by the Host */
++/* Host Interface Command Interface - Address range 0x8800-0x8EFF */
++#define E1000_HI_MAX_DATA_LENGTH 252 /* Host Interface data length */
++#define E1000_HI_MAX_BLOCK_BYTE_LENGTH 1792 /* Number of bytes in range */
++#define E1000_HI_MAX_BLOCK_DWORD_LENGTH 448 /* Number of dwords in range */
++#define E1000_HI_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 500 /* Time in ms to process HI command */
++struct e1000_host_command_header {
++ uint8_t command_id;
++ uint8_t command_length;
++ uint8_t command_options; /* I/F bits for command, status for return */
++ uint8_t checksum;
++struct e1000_host_command_info {
++ struct e1000_host_command_header command_header; /* Command Head/Command Result Head has 4 bytes */
++ uint8_t command_data[E1000_HI_MAX_DATA_LENGTH]; /* Command data can length 0..252 */
++/* Host SMB register #0 */
++#define E1000_HSMC0R_CLKIN 0x00000001 /* SMB Clock in */
++#define E1000_HSMC0R_DATAIN 0x00000002 /* SMB Data in */
++#define E1000_HSMC0R_DATAOUT 0x00000004 /* SMB Data out */
++#define E1000_HSMC0R_CLKOUT 0x00000008 /* SMB Clock out */
++/* Host SMB register #1 */
++#define E1000_HSMC1R_CLKIN E1000_HSMC0R_CLKIN
++#define E1000_HSMC1R_DATAIN E1000_HSMC0R_DATAIN
++#define E1000_HSMC1R_CLKOUT E1000_HSMC0R_CLKOUT
++/* FW Status Register */
++#define E1000_FWSTS_FWS_MASK 0x000000FF /* FW Status */
+ /* Wake Up Packet Length */
+ #define E1000_WUPL_LENGTH_MASK 0x0FFF /* Only the lower 12 bits are valid */
+ #define E1000_MDALIGN 4096
++#define E1000_GCR_BEM32 0x00400000
++/* Function Active and Power State to MNG */
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC0_POWER_STATE_MASK 0x00000003
++#define E1000_FACTPS_LAN0_VALID 0x00000004
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC0_AUX_EN 0x00000008
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC1_POWER_STATE_MASK 0x000000C0
++#define E1000_FACTPS_LAN1_VALID 0x00000100
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC1_AUX_EN 0x00000200
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC2_POWER_STATE_MASK 0x00003000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_IDE_ENABLE 0x00004000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC2_AUX_EN 0x00008000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC3_POWER_STATE_MASK 0x000C0000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_SP_ENABLE 0x00100000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC3_AUX_EN 0x00200000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC4_POWER_STATE_MASK 0x03000000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_IPMI_ENABLE 0x04000000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_FUNC4_AUX_EN 0x08000000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_MNGCG 0x20000000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_LAN_FUNC_SEL 0x40000000
++#define E1000_FACTPS_PM_STATE_CHANGED 0x80000000
+ /* EEPROM Commands - Microwire */
+ #define EEPROM_READ_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x6 /* EEPROM read opcode */
+ #define EEPROM_WRITE_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x5 /* EEPROM write opcode */
+@@ -1469,22 +1960,20 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ /* EEPROM Commands - SPI */
+ #define EEPROM_MAX_RETRY_SPI 5000 /* Max wait of 5ms, for RDY signal */
+-#define EEPROM_READ_OPCODE_SPI 0x3 /* EEPROM read opcode */
+-#define EEPROM_WRITE_OPCODE_SPI 0x2 /* EEPROM write opcode */
+-#define EEPROM_A8_OPCODE_SPI 0x8 /* opcode bit-3 = address bit-8 */
+-#define EEPROM_WREN_OPCODE_SPI 0x6 /* EEPROM set Write Enable latch */
+-#define EEPROM_WRDI_OPCODE_SPI 0x4 /* EEPROM reset Write Enable latch */
+-#define EEPROM_RDSR_OPCODE_SPI 0x5 /* EEPROM read Status register */
+-#define EEPROM_WRSR_OPCODE_SPI 0x1 /* EEPROM write Status register */
++#define EEPROM_READ_OPCODE_SPI 0x03 /* EEPROM read opcode */
++#define EEPROM_WRITE_OPCODE_SPI 0x02 /* EEPROM write opcode */
++#define EEPROM_A8_OPCODE_SPI 0x08 /* opcode bit-3 = address bit-8 */
++#define EEPROM_WREN_OPCODE_SPI 0x06 /* EEPROM set Write Enable latch */
++#define EEPROM_WRDI_OPCODE_SPI 0x04 /* EEPROM reset Write Enable latch */
++#define EEPROM_RDSR_OPCODE_SPI 0x05 /* EEPROM read Status register */
++#define EEPROM_WRSR_OPCODE_SPI 0x01 /* EEPROM write Status register */
+ /* EEPROM Size definitions */
+-#define EEPROM_SIZE_16KB 0x1800
+-#define EEPROM_SIZE_8KB 0x1400
+-#define EEPROM_SIZE_4KB 0x1000
+-#define EEPROM_SIZE_2KB 0x0C00
+-#define EEPROM_SIZE_1KB 0x0800
+-#define EEPROM_SIZE_512B 0x0400
+-#define EEPROM_SIZE_128B 0x0000
++#define EEPROM_SIZE_SHIFT 10
+ #define EEPROM_SIZE_MASK 0x1C00
+ /* EEPROM Word Offsets */
+@@ -1598,7 +2087,22 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define IFS_MIN 40
+ #define IFS_RATIO 4
++/* Extended Configuration Control and Size */
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_PCIE_WRITE_ENABLE 0x00000001
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_PHY_WRITE_ENABLE 0x00000002
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_D_UD_ENABLE 0x00000004
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_D_UD_LATENCY 0x00000008
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_D_UD_OWNER 0x00000010
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_MDIO_SW_OWNERSHIP 0x00000020
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_MDIO_HW_OWNERSHIP 0x00000040
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL_EXT_CNF_POINTER 0x1FFF0000
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE_EXT_PHY_LENGTH 0x000000FF
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE_EXT_DOCK_LENGTH 0x0000FF00
++#define E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE_EXT_PCIE_LENGTH 0x00FF0000
+ /* PBA constants */
++#define E1000_PBA_12K 0x000C /* 12KB, default Rx allocation */
+ #define E1000_PBA_16K 0x0010 /* 16KB, default TX allocation */
+ #define E1000_PBA_22K 0x0016
+ #define E1000_PBA_24K 0x0018
+@@ -1655,6 +2159,13 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ /* Number of milliseconds we wait for auto-negotiation to complete */
+ #define LINK_UP_TIMEOUT 500
++/* Number of 100 microseconds we wait for PCI Express master disable */
++/* Number of milliseconds we wait for Eeprom auto read bit done after MAC reset */
++/* Number of milliseconds we wait for PHY configuration done after MAC reset */
++#define PHY_CFG_TIMEOUT 40
+ #define E1000_TX_BUFFER_SIZE ((uint32_t)1514)
+ /* The carrier extension symbol, as received by the NIC. */
+@@ -1727,6 +2238,9 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define PHY_1000T_STATUS 0x0A /* 1000Base-T Status Reg */
+ #define PHY_EXT_STATUS 0x0F /* Extended Status Reg */
++#define MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS 0x1F /* 5 bit address bus (0-0x1F) */
++#define MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG 0xF /* Registers equal on all pages */
+ /* M88E1000 Specific Registers */
+ #define M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_CTRL 0x10 /* PHY Specific Control Register */
+ #define M88E1000_PHY_SPEC_STATUS 0x11 /* PHY Specific Status Register */
+@@ -1752,6 +2266,7 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_LINK_HEALTH 0x13 /* PHY Link Health Register */
+ #define IGP01E1000_GMII_FIFO 0x14 /* GMII FIFO Register */
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_QUALITY 0x15 /* PHY Channel Quality Register */
++#define IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT 0x19
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT 0x1F /* PHY Page Select Core Register */
+ /* IGP01E1000 AGC Registers - stores the cable length values*/
+@@ -1760,12 +2275,20 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_C 0x1472
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_D 0x1872
++/* IGP02E1000 AGC Registers for cable length values */
++#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_A 0x11B1
++#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_B 0x12B1
++#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_C 0x14B1
++#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_D 0x18B1
+ /* IGP01E1000 DSP Reset Register */
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_DSP_RESET 0x1F33
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_DSP_SET 0x1F71
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_DSP_FFE 0x1F35
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM 4
++#define IGP02E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM 4
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_A 0x1171
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_B 0x1271
+ #define IGP01E1000_PHY_AGC_PARAM_C 0x1471
+@@ -1787,8 +2310,7 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define IGP01E1000_ANALOG_REGS_PAGE 0x20C0
+-#define MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS 0x1F /* 5 bit address bus (0-0x1F) */
+-#define MAX_PHY_MULTI_PAGE_REG 0xF /*Registers that are equal on all pages*/
+ /* PHY Control Register */
+ #define MII_CR_SPEED_SELECT_MSB 0x0040 /* bits 6,13: 10=1000, 01=100, 00=10 */
+ #define MII_CR_COLL_TEST_ENABLE 0x0080 /* Collision test enable */
+@@ -2050,20 +2572,30 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define IGP01E1000_MSE_CHANNEL_B 0x0F00
+ #define IGP01E1000_MSE_CHANNEL_A 0xF000
++#define IGP02E1000_PM_SPD 0x0001 /* Smart Power Down */
++#define IGP02E1000_PM_D3_LPLU 0x0004 /* Enable LPLU in non-D0a modes */
++#define IGP02E1000_PM_D0_LPLU 0x0002 /* Enable LPLU in D0a mode */
+ /* IGP01E1000 DSP reset macros */
+ #define DSP_RESET_ENABLE 0x0
+ #define DSP_RESET_DISABLE 0x2
+ #define E1000_MAX_DSP_RESETS 10
+-/* IGP01E1000 AGC Registers */
++/* IGP01E1000 & IGP02E1000 AGC Registers */
+ #define IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_SHIFT 7 /* Coarse - 13:11, Fine - 10:7 */
++#define IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_SHIFT 9 /* Coarse - 15:13, Fine - 12:9 */
++/* IGP02E1000 AGC Register Length 9-bit mask */
++#define IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_MASK 0x7F
+ /* 7 bits (3 Coarse + 4 Fine) --> 128 optional values */
+ #define IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE 128
++#define IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE 128
+-/* The precision of the length is +/- 10 meters */
++/* The precision error of the cable length is +/- 10 meters */
+ #define IGP01E1000_AGC_RANGE 10
++#define IGP02E1000_AGC_RANGE 10
+ /* IGP01E1000 PCS Initialization register */
+ /* bits 3:6 in the PCS registers stores the channels polarity */
+@@ -2091,7 +2623,11 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define IGP01E1000_ANALOG_FUSE_FINE_1 0x0080
+ #define IGP01E1000_ANALOG_FUSE_FINE_10 0x0500
+ /* Bit definitions for valid PHY IDs. */
++/* I = Integrated
++ * E = External
++ */
+ #define M88E1000_E_PHY_ID 0x01410C50
+ #define M88E1000_I_PHY_ID 0x01410C30
+ #define M88E1011_I_PHY_ID 0x01410C20
+@@ -2099,6 +2635,8 @@ struct e1000_hw {
+ #define M88E1000_12_PHY_ID M88E1000_E_PHY_ID
+ #define M88E1000_14_PHY_ID M88E1000_E_PHY_ID
+ #define M88E1011_I_REV_4 0x04
++#define M88E1111_I_PHY_ID 0x01410CC0
++#define L1LXT971A_PHY_ID 0x001378E0
+ /* Miscellaneous PHY bit definitions. */
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:51.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*******************************************************************************
+- Copyright(c) 1999 - 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
++ Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -27,73 +27,69 @@
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ #include "e1000.h"
+-#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
+ /* Change Log
+- *
+- * 5.2.51 5/14/04
+- * o set default configuration to 'NAPI disabled'. NAPI enabled driver
+- * causes kernel panic when the interface is shutdown while data is being
+- * transferred.
+- * 5.2.47 5/04/04
+- * o fixed ethtool -t implementation
+- * 5.2.45 4/29/04
+- * o fixed ethtool -e implementation
+- * o Support for ethtool ops [Stephen Hemminger (]
+- * 5.2.42 4/26/04
+- * o Added support for the DPRINTK macro for enhanced error logging. Some
+- * parts of the patch were supplied by Jon Mason.
+- * o Move the register_netdevice() donw in the probe routine due to a
+- * loading/unloading test issue.
+- * o Added a long RX byte count the the extra ethtool data members for BER
+- * testing purposes.
+- * 5.2.39 3/12/04
++ * 6.0.44+ 2/15/05
++ * o applied Anton's patch to resolve tx hang in hardware
++ * o Applied Andrew Mortons patch - e1000 stops working after resume
+ */
+ char e1000_driver_name[] = "e1000";
+ char e1000_driver_string[] = "Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver";
+-char e1000_driver_version[] = "5.2.52-k4";
++#ifndef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
++#define DRIVERNAPI
++#define DRIVERNAPI "-NAPI"
++#define DRV_VERSION "6.0.54-k2"DRIVERNAPI
++char e1000_driver_version[] = DRV_VERSION;
+ char e1000_copyright[] = "Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Intel Corporation.";
+ /* e1000_pci_tbl - PCI Device ID Table
+ *
+- * Wildcard entries (PCI_ANY_ID) should come last
+ * Last entry must be all 0s
+ *
+- * { Vendor ID, Device ID, SubVendor ID, SubDevice ID,
+- * Class, Class Mask, private data (not used) }
++ * Macro expands to...
+ */
+ static struct pci_device_id e1000_pci_tbl[] = {
+- {0x8086, 0x1000, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1001, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1004, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1008, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1009, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x100C, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x100D, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x100E, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x100F, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1010, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1011, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1012, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1013, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1015, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1016, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1017, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1018, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1019, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x101D, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x101E, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1026, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1027, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1028, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1075, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1076, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1077, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1078, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x1079, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x107A, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+- {0x8086, 0x107B, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
+ /* required last entry */
+ {0,}
+ };
+@@ -132,27 +128,26 @@ static int e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_bu
+ static struct net_device_stats * e1000_get_stats(struct net_device *netdev);
+ static int e1000_change_mtu(struct net_device *netdev, int new_mtu);
+ static int e1000_set_mac(struct net_device *netdev, void *p);
+-static inline void e1000_irq_disable(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+-static inline void e1000_irq_enable(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+ static irqreturn_t e1000_intr(int irq, void *data, struct pt_regs *regs);
+ static boolean_t e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
+ static int e1000_clean(struct net_device *netdev, int *budget);
+ static boolean_t e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
+ int *work_done, int work_to_do);
++static boolean_t e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
++ int *work_done, int work_to_do);
+ #else
+ static boolean_t e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
++static boolean_t e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+ #endif
+ static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
++static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+ static int e1000_ioctl(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd);
+ static int e1000_mii_ioctl(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr,
+ int cmd);
+-void set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev);
++void e1000_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev);
+ static void e1000_enter_82542_rst(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+ static void e1000_leave_82542_rst(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+-static inline void e1000_rx_checksum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
+- struct e1000_rx_desc *rx_desc,
+- struct sk_buff *skb);
+ static void e1000_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev);
+ static void e1000_tx_timeout_task(struct net_device *dev);
+ static void e1000_smartspeed(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+@@ -172,7 +167,7 @@ static int e1000_resume(struct pci_dev *
+ /* for netdump / net console */
+-static void e1000_netpoll (struct net_device *dev);
++static void e1000_netpoll (struct net_device *netdev);
+ #endif
+ struct notifier_block e1000_notifier_reboot = {
+@@ -185,7 +180,6 @@ struct notifier_block e1000_notifier_reb
+ extern void e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
+ static struct pci_driver e1000_driver = {
+ .name = e1000_driver_name,
+ .id_table = e1000_pci_tbl,
+@@ -201,8 +195,9 @@ static struct pci_driver e1000_driver =
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Intel Corporation, <>");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver");
+-static int debug = 3;
++static int debug = NETIF_MSG_DRV | NETIF_MSG_PROBE;
+ module_param(debug, int, 0);
+ MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Debug level (0=none,...,16=all)");
+@@ -247,7 +242,56 @@ e1000_exit_module(void)
+ module_exit(e1000_exit_module);
++ * e1000_irq_disable - Mask off interrupt generation on the NIC
++ * @adapter: board private structure
++ **/
++static inline void
++e1000_irq_disable(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
++ atomic_inc(&adapter->irq_sem);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC, ~0);
++ E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(&adapter->hw);
++ synchronize_irq(adapter->pdev->irq);
++ * e1000_irq_enable - Enable default interrupt generation settings
++ * @adapter: board private structure
++ **/
++static inline void
++e1000_irq_enable(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
++ if(likely(atomic_dec_and_test(&adapter->irq_sem))) {
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMS, IMS_ENABLE_MASK);
++ E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(&adapter->hw);
++ }
++e1000_update_mng_vlan(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
++ struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev;
++ uint16_t vid = adapter->hw.mng_cookie.vlan_id;
++ uint16_t old_vid = adapter->mng_vlan_id;
++ if(adapter->vlgrp) {
++ if(!adapter->vlgrp->vlan_devices[vid]) {
++ if(adapter->hw.mng_cookie.status &
++ e1000_vlan_rx_add_vid(netdev, vid);
++ adapter->mng_vlan_id = vid;
++ } else
++ adapter->mng_vlan_id = E1000_MNG_VLAN_NONE;
++ if((old_vid != (uint16_t)E1000_MNG_VLAN_NONE) &&
++ (vid != old_vid) &&
++ !adapter->vlgrp->vlan_devices[old_vid])
++ e1000_vlan_rx_kill_vid(netdev, old_vid);
++ }
++ }
+ int
+ e1000_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ {
+@@ -256,6 +300,14 @@ e1000_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ /* hardware has been reset, we need to reload some things */
++ /* Reset the PHY if it was previously powered down */
++ if(adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) {
++ uint16_t mii_reg;
++ e1000_read_phy_reg(&adapter->hw, PHY_CTRL, &mii_reg);
++ if(mii_reg & MII_CR_POWER_DOWN)
++ e1000_phy_reset(&adapter->hw);
++ }
+ e1000_set_multi(netdev);
+ e1000_restore_vlan(adapter);
+@@ -263,14 +315,31 @@ e1000_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ e1000_configure_tx(adapter);
+ e1000_setup_rctl(adapter);
+ e1000_configure_rx(adapter);
+- e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(adapter);
++ adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter);
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ adapter->have_msi = TRUE;
++ if((err = pci_enable_msi(adapter->pdev))) {
++ "Unable to allocate MSI interrupt Error: %d\n", err);
++ adapter->have_msi = FALSE;
++ }
++ }
+ if((err = request_irq(adapter->pdev->irq, &e1000_intr,
+- netdev->name, netdev)))
++ netdev->name, netdev))) {
++ "Unable to allocate interrupt Error: %d\n", err);
+ return err;
++ }
+ mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies);
++#ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
++ netif_poll_enable(netdev);
+ e1000_irq_enable(adapter);
+ return 0;
+@@ -283,9 +352,18 @@ e1000_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter
+ e1000_irq_disable(adapter);
+ free_irq(adapter->pdev->irq, netdev);
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2 &&
++ adapter->have_msi == TRUE)
++ pci_disable_msi(adapter->pdev);
+ del_timer_sync(&adapter->tx_fifo_stall_timer);
+ del_timer_sync(&adapter->watchdog_timer);
+ del_timer_sync(&adapter->phy_info_timer);
++#ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
++ netif_poll_disable(netdev);
+ adapter->link_speed = 0;
+ adapter->link_duplex = 0;
+ netif_carrier_off(netdev);
+@@ -294,55 +372,91 @@ e1000_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter
+ e1000_reset(adapter);
+ e1000_clean_tx_ring(adapter);
+ e1000_clean_rx_ring(adapter);
++ /* If WoL is not enabled
++ * and management mode is not IAMT
++ * Power down the PHY so no link is implied when interface is down */
++ if(!adapter->wol && adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82540 &&
++ adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper &&
++ !e1000_check_mng_mode(&adapter->hw) &&
++ !(E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC) & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN)) {
++ uint16_t mii_reg;
++ e1000_read_phy_reg(&adapter->hw, PHY_CTRL, &mii_reg);
++ mii_reg |= MII_CR_POWER_DOWN;
++ e1000_write_phy_reg(&adapter->hw, PHY_CTRL, mii_reg);
++ mdelay(1);
++ }
+ }
+ void
+ e1000_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ {
++ struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev;
+ uint32_t pba, manc;
++ uint16_t fc_high_water_mark = E1000_FC_HIGH_DIFF;
++ uint16_t fc_low_water_mark = E1000_FC_LOW_DIFF;
+ /* Repartition Pba for greater than 9k mtu
+ * To take effect CTRL.RST is required.
+ */
+- if(adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82547) {
+- if(adapter->rx_buffer_len > E1000_RXBUFFER_8192)
+- pba = E1000_PBA_40K;
+- else
+- pba = E1000_PBA_48K;
+- } else {
+- if(adapter->rx_buffer_len > E1000_RXBUFFER_8192)
+- pba = E1000_PBA_22K;
+- else
+- pba = E1000_PBA_30K;
++ switch (adapter->hw.mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82547:
++ case e1000_82547_rev_2:
++ pba = E1000_PBA_30K;
++ break;
++ case e1000_82573:
++ pba = E1000_PBA_12K;
++ break;
++ default:
++ pba = E1000_PBA_48K;
++ break;
++ }
++ if((adapter->hw.mac_type != e1000_82573) &&
++ (adapter->rx_buffer_len > E1000_RXBUFFER_8192)) {
++ pba -= 8; /* allocate more FIFO for Tx */
++ /* send an XOFF when there is enough space in the
++ * Rx FIFO to hold one extra full size Rx packet
++ */
++ fc_high_water_mark = netdev->mtu + ENET_HEADER_SIZE +
++ fc_low_water_mark = fc_high_water_mark + 8;
++ }
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82547) {
+ adapter->tx_fifo_head = 0;
+ adapter->tx_head_addr = pba << E1000_TX_HEAD_ADDR_SHIFT;
+ adapter->tx_fifo_size =
+ (E1000_PBA_40K - pba) << E1000_PBA_BYTES_SHIFT;
+ atomic_set(&adapter->tx_fifo_stall, 0);
+ }
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, PBA, pba);
+ /* flow control settings */
+- adapter->hw.fc_high_water =
+- (pba << E1000_PBA_BYTES_SHIFT) - E1000_FC_HIGH_DIFF;
+- adapter->hw.fc_low_water =
+- (pba << E1000_PBA_BYTES_SHIFT) - E1000_FC_LOW_DIFF;
++ adapter->hw.fc_high_water = (pba << E1000_PBA_BYTES_SHIFT) -
++ fc_high_water_mark;
++ adapter->hw.fc_low_water = (pba << E1000_PBA_BYTES_SHIFT) -
++ fc_low_water_mark;
+ adapter->hw.fc_pause_time = E1000_FC_PAUSE_TIME;
+ adapter->hw.fc_send_xon = 1;
+ adapter->hw.fc = adapter->hw.original_fc;
++ /* Allow time for pending master requests to run */
+ e1000_reset_hw(&adapter->hw);
+ if(adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82544)
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, WUC, 0);
+- e1000_init_hw(&adapter->hw);
++ if(e1000_init_hw(&adapter->hw))
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Hardware Error\n");
++ e1000_update_mng_vlan(adapter);
+ /* Enable h/w to recognize an 802.1Q VLAN Ethernet packet */
+ e1000_reset_adaptive(&adapter->hw);
+ e1000_phy_get_info(&adapter->hw, &adapter->phy_info);
+- if(adapter->en_mng_pt) {
++ if (adapter->en_mng_pt) {
+ manc = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC);
+ manc |= (E1000_MANC_ARP_EN | E1000_MANC_EN_MNG2HOST);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC, manc);
+@@ -367,14 +481,13 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ {
+ struct net_device *netdev;
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter;
++ unsigned long mmio_start, mmio_len;
++ uint32_t swsm;
+ static int cards_found = 0;
+- unsigned long mmio_start;
+- int mmio_len;
+- int pci_using_dac;
+- int i;
+- int err;
++ int i, err, pci_using_dac;
+ uint16_t eeprom_data;
++ uint16_t eeprom_apme_mask = E1000_EEPROM_APME;
+ if((err = pci_enable_device(pdev)))
+ return err;
+@@ -409,11 +522,6 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ adapter->hw.back = adapter;
+ adapter->msg_enable = (1 << debug) - 1;
+- rtnl_lock();
+- /* we need to set the name early since the DPRINTK macro needs it set */
+- if (dev_alloc_name(netdev, netdev->name) < 0)
+- goto err_free_unlock;
+ mmio_start = pci_resource_start(pdev, BAR_0);
+ mmio_len = pci_resource_len(pdev, BAR_0);
+@@ -440,7 +548,7 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ netdev->set_mac_address = &e1000_set_mac;
+ netdev->change_mtu = &e1000_change_mtu;
+ netdev->do_ioctl = &e1000_ioctl;
+- set_ethtool_ops(netdev);
++ e1000_set_ethtool_ops(netdev);
+ netdev->tx_timeout = &e1000_tx_timeout;
+ netdev->watchdog_timeo = 5 * HZ;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
+@@ -453,6 +561,7 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ netdev->poll_controller = e1000_netpoll;
+ #endif
++ strcpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev));
+ netdev->mem_start = mmio_start;
+ netdev->mem_end = mmio_start + mmio_len;
+@@ -465,30 +574,33 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ if((err = e1000_sw_init(adapter)))
+ goto err_sw_init;
++ if((err = e1000_check_phy_reset_block(&adapter->hw)))
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "PHY reset is blocked due to SOL/IDER session.\n");
+ if(adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82543) {
+ netdev->features = NETIF_F_SG |
+- } else {
+- netdev->features = NETIF_F_SG;
+ }
+ #ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
+- /* Disbaled for now until root-cause is found for
+- * hangs reported against non-IA archs. TSO can be
+- * enabled using ethtool -K eth<x> tso on */
+ if((adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82544) &&
+ (adapter->hw.mac_type != e1000_82547))
+ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_TSO;
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO_IPV6
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2)
++ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_TSO_IPV6;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ if(pci_using_dac)
+ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_HIGHDMA;
++ /* hard_start_xmit is safe against parallel locking */
++ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_LLTX;
+ adapter->en_mng_pt = e1000_enable_mng_pass_thru(&adapter->hw);
+ /* before reading the EEPROM, reset the controller to
+@@ -506,10 +618,12 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ /* copy the MAC address out of the EEPROM */
+- e1000_read_mac_addr(&adapter->hw);
++ if(e1000_read_mac_addr(&adapter->hw))
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "EEPROM Read Error\n");
+ memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac_addr, netdev->addr_len);
+ if(!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) {
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Invalid MAC Address\n");
+ err = -EIO;
+ goto err_eeprom;
+ }
+@@ -538,7 +652,6 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ netif_carrier_off(netdev);
+ netif_stop_queue(netdev);
+- DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection\n");
+ e1000_check_options(adapter);
+ /* Initial Wake on LAN setting
+@@ -551,6 +664,11 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ case e1000_82542_rev2_1:
+ case e1000_82543:
+ break;
++ case e1000_82544:
++ e1000_read_eeprom(&adapter->hw,
++ EEPROM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, 1, &eeprom_data);
++ eeprom_apme_mask = E1000_EEPROM_82544_APM;
++ break;
+ case e1000_82546:
+ case e1000_82546_rev_3:
+ if((E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, STATUS) & E1000_STATUS_FUNC_1)
+@@ -565,19 +683,30 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ EEPROM_INIT_CONTROL3_PORT_A, 1, &eeprom_data);
+ break;
+ }
+- if(eeprom_data & E1000_EEPROM_APME)
++ if(eeprom_data & eeprom_apme_mask)
+ adapter->wol |= E1000_WUFC_MAG;
+ /* reset the hardware with the new settings */
+ e1000_reset(adapter);
+- /* since we are holding the rtnl lock already, call the no-lock version */
+- if((err = register_netdevice(netdev)))
++ /* Let firmware know the driver has taken over */
++ switch(adapter->hw.mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82573:
++ swsm = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM,
++ swsm | E1000_SWSM_DRV_LOAD);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ strcpy(netdev->name, "eth%d");
++ if((err = register_netdev(netdev)))
+ goto err_register;
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection\n");
+ cards_found++;
+- rtnl_unlock();
+ return 0;
+ err_register:
+@@ -585,8 +714,6 @@ err_sw_init:
+ err_eeprom:
+ iounmap(adapter->hw.hw_addr);
+ err_ioremap:
+- rtnl_unlock();
+ free_netdev(netdev);
+ err_alloc_etherdev:
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+@@ -608,7 +735,9 @@ e1000_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ {
+ struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+- uint32_t manc;
++ uint32_t manc, swsm;
++ flush_scheduled_work();
+ if(adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82540 &&
+ adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) {
+@@ -619,14 +748,28 @@ e1000_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ }
+ }
++ switch(adapter->hw.mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82573:
++ swsm = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM,
++ swsm & ~E1000_SWSM_DRV_LOAD);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
+ unregister_netdev(netdev);
+- e1000_phy_hw_reset(&adapter->hw);
++ if(!e1000_check_phy_reset_block(&adapter->hw))
++ e1000_phy_hw_reset(&adapter->hw);
+ iounmap(adapter->hw.hw_addr);
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ free_netdev(netdev);
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -657,34 +800,38 @@ e1000_sw_init(struct e1000_adapter *adap
+ pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &hw->pci_cmd_word);
+ adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_2048;
++ adapter->rx_ps_bsize0 = E1000_RXBUFFER_256;
+ hw->max_frame_size = netdev->mtu +
+ hw->min_frame_size = MINIMUM_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE;
+ /* identify the MAC */
+- if (e1000_set_mac_type(hw)) {
++ if(e1000_set_mac_type(hw)) {
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Unknown MAC Type\n");
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ /* initialize eeprom parameters */
+- e1000_init_eeprom_params(hw);
++ if(e1000_init_eeprom_params(hw)) {
++ E1000_ERR("EEPROM initialization failed\n");
++ return -EIO;
++ }
+- if((hw->mac_type == e1000_82541) ||
+- (hw->mac_type == e1000_82547) ||
+- (hw->mac_type == e1000_82541_rev_2) ||
+- (hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2))
++ switch(hw->mac_type) {
++ default:
++ break;
++ case e1000_82541:
++ case e1000_82547:
++ case e1000_82541_rev_2:
++ case e1000_82547_rev_2:
+ hw->phy_init_script = 1;
++ break;
++ }
+ e1000_set_media_type(hw);
+- if(hw->mac_type < e1000_82543)
+- hw->report_tx_early = 0;
+- else
+- hw->report_tx_early = 1;
+ hw->wait_autoneg_complete = FALSE;
+ hw->tbi_compatibility_en = TRUE;
+ hw->adaptive_ifs = TRUE;
+@@ -735,8 +882,13 @@ e1000_open(struct net_device *netdev)
+ if((err = e1000_up(adapter)))
+ goto err_up;
++ adapter->mng_vlan_id = E1000_MNG_VLAN_NONE;
++ if((adapter->hw.mng_cookie.status &
++ e1000_update_mng_vlan(adapter);
++ }
+- return 0;
++ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ err_up:
+ e1000_free_rx_resources(adapter);
+@@ -770,10 +922,37 @@ e1000_close(struct net_device *netdev)
+ e1000_free_tx_resources(adapter);
+ e1000_free_rx_resources(adapter);
++ if((adapter->hw.mng_cookie.status &
++ e1000_vlan_rx_kill_vid(netdev, adapter->mng_vlan_id);
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
++ * e1000_check_64k_bound - check that memory doesn't cross 64kB boundary
++ * @adapter: address of board private structure
++ * @start: address of beginning of memory
++ * @len: length of memory
++ **/
++static inline boolean_t
++e1000_check_64k_bound(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
++ void *start, unsigned long len)
++ unsigned long begin = (unsigned long) start;
++ unsigned long end = begin + len;
++ /* First rev 82545 and 82546 need to not allow any memory
++ * write location to cross 64k boundary due to errata 23 */
++ if (adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82545 ||
++ adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82546) {
++ return ((begin ^ (end - 1)) >> 16) != 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
++ }
++ return TRUE;
+ * e1000_setup_tx_resources - allocate Tx resources (Descriptors)
+ * @adapter: board private structure
+ *
+@@ -788,8 +967,10 @@ e1000_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_ad
+ int size;
+ size = sizeof(struct e1000_buffer) * txdr->count;
+- txdr->buffer_info = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ txdr->buffer_info = vmalloc(size);
+ if(!txdr->buffer_info) {
++ "Unable to allocate memory for the transmit descriptor ring\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(txdr->buffer_info, 0, size);
+@@ -801,9 +982,42 @@ e1000_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_ad
+ txdr->desc = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, txdr->size, &txdr->dma);
+ if(!txdr->desc) {
+- kfree(txdr->buffer_info);
++ vfree(txdr->buffer_info);
++ "Unable to allocate memory for the transmit descriptor ring\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
++ /* Fix for errata 23, can't cross 64kB boundary */
++ if (!e1000_check_64k_bound(adapter, txdr->desc, txdr->size)) {
++ void *olddesc = txdr->desc;
++ dma_addr_t olddma = txdr->dma;
++ DPRINTK(TX_ERR, ERR, "txdr align check failed: %u bytes "
++ "at %p\n", txdr->size, txdr->desc);
++ /* Try again, without freeing the previous */
++ txdr->desc = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, txdr->size, &txdr->dma);
++ if(!txdr->desc) {
++ /* Failed allocation, critical failure */
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, txdr->size, olddesc, olddma);
++ goto setup_tx_desc_die;
++ }
++ if (!e1000_check_64k_bound(adapter, txdr->desc, txdr->size)) {
++ /* give up */
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, txdr->size, txdr->desc,
++ txdr->dma);
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, txdr->size, olddesc, olddma);
++ "Unable to allocate aligned memory "
++ "for the transmit descriptor ring\n");
++ vfree(txdr->buffer_info);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ } else {
++ /* Free old allocation, new allocation was successful */
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, txdr->size, olddesc, olddma);
++ }
++ }
+ memset(txdr->desc, 0, txdr->size);
+ txdr->next_to_use = 0;
+@@ -878,10 +1092,10 @@ e1000_configure_tx(struct e1000_adapter
+ adapter->txd_cmd = E1000_TXD_CMD_IDE | E1000_TXD_CMD_EOP |
+- if(adapter->hw.report_tx_early == 1)
+- adapter->txd_cmd |= E1000_TXD_CMD_RS;
+- else
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82543)
+ adapter->txd_cmd |= E1000_TXD_CMD_RPS;
++ else
++ adapter->txd_cmd |= E1000_TXD_CMD_RS;
+ /* Cache if we're 82544 running in PCI-X because we'll
+ * need this to apply a workaround later in the send path. */
+@@ -902,26 +1116,91 @@ e1000_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_ad
+ {
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *rxdr = &adapter->rx_ring;
+ struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev;
+- int size;
++ int size, desc_len;
+ size = sizeof(struct e1000_buffer) * rxdr->count;
+- rxdr->buffer_info = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ rxdr->buffer_info = vmalloc(size);
+ if(!rxdr->buffer_info) {
++ "Unable to allocate memory for the receive descriptor ring\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(rxdr->buffer_info, 0, size);
++ size = sizeof(struct e1000_ps_page) * rxdr->count;
++ rxdr->ps_page = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if(!rxdr->ps_page) {
++ vfree(rxdr->buffer_info);
++ "Unable to allocate memory for the receive descriptor ring\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memset(rxdr->ps_page, 0, size);
++ size = sizeof(struct e1000_ps_page_dma) * rxdr->count;
++ rxdr->ps_page_dma = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if(!rxdr->ps_page_dma) {
++ vfree(rxdr->buffer_info);
++ kfree(rxdr->ps_page);
++ "Unable to allocate memory for the receive descriptor ring\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memset(rxdr->ps_page_dma, 0, size);
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type <= e1000_82547_rev_2)
++ desc_len = sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc);
++ else
++ desc_len = sizeof(union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split);
+ /* Round up to nearest 4K */
+- rxdr->size = rxdr->count * sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc);
++ rxdr->size = rxdr->count * desc_len;
+ E1000_ROUNDUP(rxdr->size, 4096);
+ rxdr->desc = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, rxdr->size, &rxdr->dma);
+ if(!rxdr->desc) {
+- kfree(rxdr->buffer_info);
++ vfree(rxdr->buffer_info);
++ kfree(rxdr->ps_page);
++ kfree(rxdr->ps_page_dma);
++ "Unable to allocate memory for the receive descriptor ring\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
++ /* Fix for errata 23, can't cross 64kB boundary */
++ if (!e1000_check_64k_bound(adapter, rxdr->desc, rxdr->size)) {
++ void *olddesc = rxdr->desc;
++ dma_addr_t olddma = rxdr->dma;
++ DPRINTK(RX_ERR, ERR, "rxdr align check failed: %u bytes "
++ "at %p\n", rxdr->size, rxdr->desc);
++ /* Try again, without freeing the previous */
++ rxdr->desc = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, rxdr->size, &rxdr->dma);
++ if(!rxdr->desc) {
++ /* Failed allocation, critical failure */
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, rxdr->size, olddesc, olddma);
++ goto setup_rx_desc_die;
++ }
++ if (!e1000_check_64k_bound(adapter, rxdr->desc, rxdr->size)) {
++ /* give up */
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, rxdr->size, rxdr->desc,
++ rxdr->dma);
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, rxdr->size, olddesc, olddma);
++ "Unable to allocate aligned memory "
++ "for the receive descriptor ring\n");
++ vfree(rxdr->buffer_info);
++ kfree(rxdr->ps_page);
++ kfree(rxdr->ps_page_dma);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ } else {
++ /* Free old allocation, new allocation was successful */
++ pci_free_consistent(pdev, rxdr->size, olddesc, olddma);
++ }
++ }
+ memset(rxdr->desc, 0, rxdr->size);
+ rxdr->next_to_clean = 0;
+@@ -931,14 +1210,15 @@ e1000_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_ad
+ }
+ /**
+- * e1000_setup_rctl - configure the receive control register
++ * e1000_setup_rctl - configure the receive control registers
+ * @adapter: Board private structure
+ **/
+ static void
+ e1000_setup_rctl(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ {
+- uint32_t rctl;
++ uint32_t rctl, rfctl;
++ uint32_t psrctl = 0;
+ rctl = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL);
+@@ -953,22 +1233,69 @@ e1000_setup_rctl(struct e1000_adapter *a
+ else
+ rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_SBP;
+- rctl &= ~(E1000_RCTL_SZ_4096);
+- switch (adapter->rx_buffer_len) {
+- case E1000_RXBUFFER_2048:
+- default:
+- rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_2048;
+- rctl &= ~(E1000_RCTL_BSEX | E1000_RCTL_LPE);
+- break;
+- case E1000_RXBUFFER_4096:
+- rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_4096 | E1000_RCTL_BSEX | E1000_RCTL_LPE;
+- break;
+- case E1000_RXBUFFER_8192:
+- rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_8192 | E1000_RCTL_BSEX | E1000_RCTL_LPE;
+- break;
+- case E1000_RXBUFFER_16384:
+- rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_16384 | E1000_RCTL_BSEX | E1000_RCTL_LPE;
+- break;
++ if (adapter->netdev->mtu <= ETH_DATA_LEN)
++ rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_LPE;
++ else
++ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_LPE;
++ /* Setup buffer sizes */
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82573) {
++ /* We can now specify buffers in 1K increments.
++ * BSIZE and BSEX are ignored in this case. */
++ rctl |= adapter->rx_buffer_len << 0x11;
++ } else {
++ rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_SZ_4096;
++ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_BSEX;
++ switch (adapter->rx_buffer_len) {
++ case E1000_RXBUFFER_2048:
++ default:
++ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_2048;
++ rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_BSEX;
++ break;
++ case E1000_RXBUFFER_4096:
++ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_4096;
++ break;
++ case E1000_RXBUFFER_8192:
++ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_8192;
++ break;
++ case E1000_RXBUFFER_16384:
++ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_16384;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* 82571 and greater support packet-split where the protocol
++ * header is placed in skb->data and the packet data is
++ * placed in pages hanging off of skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags.
++ * In the case of a non-split, skb->data is linearly filled,
++ * followed by the page buffers. Therefore, skb->data is
++ * sized to hold the largest protocol header.
++ */
++ adapter->rx_ps = (adapter->hw.mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2)
++ && (adapter->netdev->mtu
++ < ((3 * PAGE_SIZE) + adapter->rx_ps_bsize0));
++ if(adapter->rx_ps) {
++ /* Configure extra packet-split registers */
++ rfctl = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, RFCTL);
++ rfctl |= E1000_RFCTL_EXTEN;
++ /* disable IPv6 packet split support */
++ rfctl |= E1000_RFCTL_IPV6_DIS;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RFCTL, rfctl);
++ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_DTYP_PS | E1000_RCTL_SECRC;
++ psrctl |= adapter->rx_ps_bsize0 >>
++ psrctl |= PAGE_SIZE >>
++ psrctl |= PAGE_SIZE <<
++ psrctl |= PAGE_SIZE <<
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, PSRCTL, psrctl);
+ }
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL, rctl);
+@@ -985,17 +1312,24 @@ static void
+ e1000_configure_rx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+ {
+ uint64_t rdba = adapter->rx_ring.dma;
+- uint32_t rdlen = adapter->rx_ring.count * sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc);
+- uint32_t rctl;
+- uint32_t rxcsum;
++ uint32_t rdlen, rctl, rxcsum;
+- /* make sure receives are disabled while setting up the descriptors */
++ if(adapter->rx_ps) {
++ rdlen = adapter->rx_ring.count *
++ sizeof(union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split);
++ adapter->clean_rx = e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps;
++ adapter->alloc_rx_buf = e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps;
++ } else {
++ rdlen = adapter->rx_ring.count * sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc);
++ adapter->clean_rx = e1000_clean_rx_irq;
++ adapter->alloc_rx_buf = e1000_alloc_rx_buffers;
++ }
++ /* disable receives while setting up the descriptors */
+ rctl = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL, rctl & ~E1000_RCTL_EN);
+ /* set the Receive Delay Timer Register */
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RDTR, adapter->rx_int_delay);
+ if(adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82540) {
+@@ -1006,7 +1340,6 @@ e1000_configure_rx(struct e1000_adapter
+ }
+ /* Setup the Base and Length of the Rx Descriptor Ring */
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RDBAL, (rdba & 0x00000000ffffffffULL));
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RDBAH, (rdba >> 32));
+@@ -1017,15 +1350,28 @@ e1000_configure_rx(struct e1000_adapter
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RDT, 0);
+ /* Enable 82543 Receive Checksum Offload for TCP and UDP */
+- if((adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82543) &&
+- (adapter->rx_csum == TRUE)) {
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82543) {
+ rxcsum = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, RXCSUM);
+- rxcsum |= E1000_RXCSUM_TUOFL;
++ if(adapter->rx_csum == TRUE) {
++ rxcsum |= E1000_RXCSUM_TUOFL;
++ /* Enable 82573 IPv4 payload checksum for UDP fragments
++ * Must be used in conjunction with packet-split. */
++ if((adapter->hw.mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2) &&
++ (adapter->rx_ps)) {
++ rxcsum |= E1000_RXCSUM_IPPCSE;
++ }
++ } else {
++ rxcsum &= ~E1000_RXCSUM_TUOFL;
++ /* don't need to clear IPPCSE as it defaults to 0 */
++ }
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RXCSUM, rxcsum);
+ }
+- /* Enable Receives */
++ if (adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82573)
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, ERT, 0x0100);
++ /* Enable Receives */
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL, rctl);
+ }
+@@ -1043,7 +1389,7 @@ e1000_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_ada
+ e1000_clean_tx_ring(adapter);
+- kfree(adapter->tx_ring.buffer_info);
++ vfree(adapter->tx_ring.buffer_info);
+ adapter->tx_ring.buffer_info = NULL;
+ pci_free_consistent(pdev, adapter->tx_ring.size,
+@@ -1052,6 +1398,23 @@ e1000_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_ada
+ adapter->tx_ring.desc = NULL;
+ }
++static inline void
++e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
++ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info)
++ if(buffer_info->dma) {
++ pci_unmap_page(adapter->pdev,
++ buffer_info->dma,
++ buffer_info->length,
++ buffer_info->dma = 0;
++ }
++ if(buffer_info->skb) {
++ dev_kfree_skb_any(buffer_info->skb);
++ buffer_info->skb = NULL;
++ }
+ /**
+ * e1000_clean_tx_ring - Free Tx Buffers
+ * @adapter: board private structure
+@@ -1062,25 +1425,19 @@ e1000_clean_tx_ring(struct e1000_adapter
+ {
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *tx_ring = &adapter->tx_ring;
+ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev;
+ unsigned long size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ /* Free all the Tx ring sk_buffs */
++ if (likely(adapter->previous_buffer_info.skb != NULL)) {
++ e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(adapter,
++ &adapter->previous_buffer_info);
++ }
+ for(i = 0; i < tx_ring->count; i++) {
+ buffer_info = &tx_ring->buffer_info[i];
+- if(buffer_info->skb) {
+- pci_unmap_page(pdev,
+- buffer_info->dma,
+- buffer_info->length,
+- dev_kfree_skb(buffer_info->skb);
+- buffer_info->skb = NULL;
+- }
++ e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(adapter, buffer_info);
+ }
+ size = sizeof(struct e1000_buffer) * tx_ring->count;
+@@ -1112,8 +1469,12 @@ e1000_free_rx_resources(struct e1000_ada
+ e1000_clean_rx_ring(adapter);
+- kfree(rx_ring->buffer_info);
++ vfree(rx_ring->buffer_info);
+ rx_ring->buffer_info = NULL;
++ kfree(rx_ring->ps_page);
++ rx_ring->ps_page = NULL;
++ kfree(rx_ring->ps_page_dma);
++ rx_ring->ps_page_dma = NULL;
+ pci_free_consistent(pdev, rx_ring->size, rx_ring->desc, rx_ring->dma);
+@@ -1130,29 +1491,45 @@ e1000_clean_rx_ring(struct e1000_adapter
+ {
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *rx_ring = &adapter->rx_ring;
+ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
++ struct e1000_ps_page *ps_page;
++ struct e1000_ps_page_dma *ps_page_dma;
+ struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev;
+ unsigned long size;
+- unsigned int i;
++ unsigned int i, j;
+ /* Free all the Rx ring sk_buffs */
+ for(i = 0; i < rx_ring->count; i++) {
+ buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i];
+ if(buffer_info->skb) {
++ ps_page = &rx_ring->ps_page[i];
++ ps_page_dma = &rx_ring->ps_page_dma[i];
+ pci_unmap_single(pdev,
+- buffer_info->dma,
+- buffer_info->length,
++ buffer_info->dma,
++ buffer_info->length,
+ dev_kfree_skb(buffer_info->skb);
+ buffer_info->skb = NULL;
++ for(j = 0; j < PS_PAGE_BUFFERS; j++) {
++ if(!ps_page->ps_page[j]) break;
++ pci_unmap_single(pdev,
++ ps_page_dma->ps_page_dma[j],
++ ps_page_dma->ps_page_dma[j] = 0;
++ put_page(ps_page->ps_page[j]);
++ ps_page->ps_page[j] = NULL;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ size = sizeof(struct e1000_buffer) * rx_ring->count;
+ memset(rx_ring->buffer_info, 0, size);
++ size = sizeof(struct e1000_ps_page) * rx_ring->count;
++ memset(rx_ring->ps_page, 0, size);
++ size = sizeof(struct e1000_ps_page_dma) * rx_ring->count;
++ memset(rx_ring->ps_page_dma, 0, size);
+ /* Zero out the descriptor ring */
+@@ -1256,10 +1633,13 @@ e1000_set_multi(struct net_device *netde
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+ struct dev_mc_list *mc_ptr;
++ unsigned long flags;
+ uint32_t rctl;
+ uint32_t hash_value;
+ int i;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->tx_lock, flags);
+ /* Check for Promiscuous and All Multicast modes */
+ rctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, RCTL);
+@@ -1310,9 +1690,12 @@ e1000_set_multi(struct net_device *netde
+ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82542_rev2_0)
+ e1000_leave_82542_rst(adapter);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->tx_lock, flags);
+ }
+-/* need to wait a few seconds after link up to get diagnostic information from the phy */
++/* Need to wait a few seconds after link up to get diagnostic information from
++ * the phy */
+ static void
+ e1000_update_phy_info(unsigned long data)
+@@ -1374,10 +1757,14 @@ e1000_watchdog(unsigned long data)
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = (struct e1000_adapter *) data;
+ struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev;
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *txdr = &adapter->tx_ring;
+- unsigned int i;
+ uint32_t link;
+ e1000_check_for_link(&adapter->hw);
++ if (adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82573) {
++ e1000_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(&adapter->hw);
++ if(adapter->mng_vlan_id != adapter->hw.mng_cookie.vlan_id)
++ e1000_update_mng_vlan(adapter);
++ }
+ if((adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_internal_serdes) &&
+ !(E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, TXCW) & E1000_TXCW_ANE))
+@@ -1420,7 +1807,7 @@ e1000_watchdog(unsigned long data)
+ adapter->tpt_old = adapter->stats.tpt;
+ adapter->hw.collision_delta = adapter->stats.colc - adapter->colc_old;
+ adapter->colc_old = adapter->stats.colc;
+ adapter->gorcl = adapter->stats.gorcl - adapter->gorcl_old;
+ adapter->gorcl_old = adapter->stats.gorcl;
+ adapter->gotcl = adapter->stats.gotcl - adapter->gotcl_old;
+@@ -1454,12 +1841,8 @@ e1000_watchdog(unsigned long data)
+ /* Cause software interrupt to ensure rx ring is cleaned */
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, ICS, E1000_ICS_RXDMT0);
+- /* Early detection of hung controller */
+- i = txdr->next_to_clean;
+- if(txdr->buffer_info[i].dma &&
+- time_after(jiffies, txdr->buffer_info[i].time_stamp + HZ) &&
+- !(E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, STATUS) & E1000_STATUS_TXOFF))
+- netif_stop_queue(netdev);
++ /* Force detection of hung controller every watchdog period */
++ adapter->detect_tx_hung = TRUE;
+ /* Reset the timer */
+ mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies + 2 * HZ);
+@@ -1468,35 +1851,66 @@ e1000_watchdog(unsigned long data)
+ #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_CSUM 0x00000001
+ #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN 0x00000002
+ #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_TSO 0x00000004
++#define E1000_TX_FLAGS_IPV4 0x00000008
+ #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK 0xffff0000
+ #define E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT 16
+-static inline boolean_t
++static inline int
+ e1000_tso(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+ #ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
+ struct e1000_context_desc *context_desc;
+ unsigned int i;
++ uint32_t cmd_length = 0;
++ uint16_t ipcse = 0, tucse, mss;
+ uint8_t ipcss, ipcso, tucss, tucso, hdr_len;
+- uint16_t ipcse, tucse, mss;
++#if 0 /* Not in RHEL4 (see below)... */
++ int err;
+ if(skb_shinfo(skb)->tso_size) {
++#if 0 /* Not in RHEL4... */
++ if (skb_header_cloned(skb)) {
++ err = pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ }
+ hdr_len = ((skb->h.raw - skb->data) + (skb->>doff << 2));
+ mss = skb_shinfo(skb)->tso_size;
+- skb->nh.iph->tot_len = 0;
+- skb->nh.iph->check = 0;
+- skb->>check = ~csum_tcpudp_magic(skb->nh.iph->saddr,
+- skb->nh.iph->daddr,
+- 0,
+- 0);
++ if(skb->protocol == ntohs(ETH_P_IP)) {
++ skb->nh.iph->tot_len = 0;
++ skb->nh.iph->check = 0;
++ skb->>check =
++ ~csum_tcpudp_magic(skb->nh.iph->saddr,
++ skb->nh.iph->daddr,
++ 0,
++ 0);
++ cmd_length = E1000_TXD_CMD_IP;
++ ipcse = skb->h.raw - skb->data - 1;
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO_IPV6
++ } else if(skb->protocol == ntohs(ETH_P_IPV6)) {
++ skb->nh.ipv6h->payload_len = 0;
++ skb->>check =
++ ~csum_ipv6_magic(&skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr,
++ &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr,
++ 0,
++ 0);
++ ipcse = 0;
++ }
+ ipcss = skb->nh.raw - skb->data;
+ ipcso = (void *)&(skb->nh.iph->check) - (void *)skb->data;
+- ipcse = skb->h.raw - skb->data - 1;
+ tucss = skb->h.raw - skb->data;
+ tucso = (void *)&(skb->>check) - (void *)skb->data;
+ tucse = 0;
++ cmd_length |= (E1000_TXD_CMD_DEXT | E1000_TXD_CMD_TSE |
++ E1000_TXD_CMD_TCP | (skb->len - (hdr_len)));
+ i = adapter->tx_ring.next_to_use;
+ context_desc = E1000_CONTEXT_DESC(adapter->tx_ring, i);
+@@ -1508,19 +1922,16 @@ e1000_tso(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
+ context_desc->upper_setup.tcp_fields.tucse = cpu_to_le16(tucse);
+ context_desc->tcp_seg_setup.fields.mss = cpu_to_le16(mss);
+ context_desc->tcp_seg_setup.fields.hdr_len = hdr_len;
+- context_desc->cmd_and_length = cpu_to_le32(
+- E1000_TXD_CMD_DEXT | E1000_TXD_CMD_TSE |
+- E1000_TXD_CMD_IP | E1000_TXD_CMD_TCP |
+- (skb->len - (hdr_len)));
++ context_desc->cmd_and_length = cpu_to_le32(cmd_length);
+ if(++i == adapter->tx_ring.count) i = 0;
+ adapter->tx_ring.next_to_use = i;
+- return TRUE;
++ return 1;
+ }
+ #endif
+- return FALSE;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static inline boolean_t
+@@ -1528,22 +1939,21 @@ e1000_tx_csum(struct e1000_adapter *adap
+ {
+ struct e1000_context_desc *context_desc;
+ unsigned int i;
+- uint8_t css, cso;
++ uint8_t css;
+- if(skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_HW) {
++ if(likely(skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_HW)) {
+ css = skb->h.raw - skb->data;
+- cso = (skb->h.raw + skb->csum) - skb->data;
+ i = adapter->tx_ring.next_to_use;
+ context_desc = E1000_CONTEXT_DESC(adapter->tx_ring, i);
+ context_desc->upper_setup.tcp_fields.tucss = css;
+- context_desc->upper_setup.tcp_fields.tucso = cso;
++ context_desc->upper_setup.tcp_fields.tucso = css + skb->csum;
+ context_desc->upper_setup.tcp_fields.tucse = 0;
+ context_desc-> = 0;
+ context_desc->cmd_and_length = cpu_to_le32(E1000_TXD_CMD_DEXT);
+- if(++i == adapter->tx_ring.count) i = 0;
++ if(unlikely(++i == adapter->tx_ring.count)) i = 0;
+ adapter->tx_ring.next_to_use = i;
+ return TRUE;
+@@ -1567,7 +1977,6 @@ e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_adapter *adapt
+ unsigned int f;
+ len -= skb->data_len;
+ i = tx_ring->next_to_use;
+ while(len) {
+@@ -1576,14 +1985,23 @@ e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_adapter *adapt
+ #ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
+ /* Workaround for premature desc write-backs
+ * in TSO mode. Append 4-byte sentinel desc */
+- if(mss && !nr_frags && size == len && size > 8)
++ if(unlikely(mss && !nr_frags && size == len && size > 8))
+ size -= 4;
+ #endif
++ /* work-around for errata 10 and it applies
++ * to all controllers in PCI-X mode
++ * The fix is to make sure that the first descriptor of a
++ * packet is smaller than 2048 - 16 - 16 (or 2016) bytes
++ */
++ if(unlikely((adapter->hw.bus_type == e1000_bus_type_pcix) &&
++ (size > 2015) && count == 0))
++ size = 2015;
+ /* Workaround for potential 82544 hang in PCI-X. Avoid
+ * terminating buffers within evenly-aligned dwords. */
+- if(adapter->pcix_82544 &&
++ if(unlikely(adapter->pcix_82544 &&
+ !((unsigned long)(skb->data + offset + size - 1) & 4) &&
+- size > 4)
++ size > 4))
+ size -= 4;
+ buffer_info->length = size;
+@@ -1597,7 +2015,7 @@ e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_adapter *adapt
+ len -= size;
+ offset += size;
+ count++;
+- if(++i == tx_ring->count) i = 0;
++ if(unlikely(++i == tx_ring->count)) i = 0;
+ }
+ for(f = 0; f < nr_frags; f++) {
+@@ -1613,15 +2031,15 @@ e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_adapter *adapt
+ #ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
+ /* Workaround for premature desc write-backs
+ * in TSO mode. Append 4-byte sentinel desc */
+- if(mss && f == (nr_frags-1) && size == len && size > 8)
++ if(unlikely(mss && f == (nr_frags-1) && size == len && size > 8))
+ size -= 4;
+ #endif
+ /* Workaround for potential 82544 hang in PCI-X.
+ * Avoid terminating buffers within evenly-aligned
+ * dwords. */
+- if(adapter->pcix_82544 &&
++ if(unlikely(adapter->pcix_82544 &&
+ !((unsigned long)(frag->page+offset+size-1) & 4) &&
+- size > 4)
++ size > 4))
+ size -= 4;
+ buffer_info->length = size;
+@@ -1636,13 +2054,14 @@ e1000_tx_map(struct e1000_adapter *adapt
+ len -= size;
+ offset += size;
+ count++;
+- if(++i == tx_ring->count) i = 0;
++ if(unlikely(++i == tx_ring->count)) i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ i = (i == 0) ? tx_ring->count - 1 : i - 1;
+ tx_ring->buffer_info[i].skb = skb;
+ tx_ring->buffer_info[first].next_to_watch = i;
+ return count;
+ }
+@@ -1655,18 +2074,21 @@ e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *ada
+ uint32_t txd_upper = 0, txd_lower = E1000_TXD_CMD_IFCS;
+ unsigned int i;
+- if(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_TSO) {
++ if(likely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_TSO)) {
+ txd_lower |= E1000_TXD_CMD_DEXT | E1000_TXD_DTYP_D |
+ E1000_TXD_CMD_TSE;
+- txd_upper |= (E1000_TXD_POPTS_IXSM | E1000_TXD_POPTS_TXSM) << 8;
++ txd_upper |= E1000_TXD_POPTS_TXSM << 8;
++ if(likely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_IPV4))
++ txd_upper |= E1000_TXD_POPTS_IXSM << 8;
+ }
+- if(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_CSUM) {
++ if(likely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_CSUM)) {
+ txd_lower |= E1000_TXD_CMD_DEXT | E1000_TXD_DTYP_D;
+ txd_upper |= E1000_TXD_POPTS_TXSM << 8;
+ }
+- if(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN) {
++ if(unlikely(tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN)) {
+ txd_lower |= E1000_TXD_CMD_VLE;
+ txd_upper |= (tx_flags & E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_MASK);
+ }
+@@ -1680,7 +2102,7 @@ e1000_tx_queue(struct e1000_adapter *ada
+ tx_desc-> =
+ cpu_to_le32(txd_lower | buffer_info->length);
+ tx_desc-> = cpu_to_le32(txd_upper);
+- if(++i == tx_ring->count) i = 0;
++ if(unlikely(++i == tx_ring->count)) i = 0;
+ }
+ tx_desc-> |= cpu_to_le32(adapter->txd_cmd);
+@@ -1733,7 +2155,54 @@ no_fifo_stall_required:
+ return 0;
+ }
+-#define TXD_USE_COUNT(S, X) (((S) >> (X)) + 1 )
++static inline int
++e1000_transfer_dhcp_info(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb)
++ struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
++ uint16_t length, offset;
++ if(vlan_tx_tag_present(skb)) {
++ if(!((vlan_tx_tag_get(skb) == adapter->hw.mng_cookie.vlan_id) &&
++ ( adapter->hw.mng_cookie.status &
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if(htons(ETH_P_IP) == skb->protocol) {
++ const struct iphdr *ip = skb->nh.iph;
++ if(IPPROTO_UDP == ip->protocol) {
++ struct udphdr *udp = (struct udphdr *)(skb->h.uh);
++ if(ntohs(udp->dest) == 67) {
++ offset = (uint8_t *)udp + 8 - skb->data;
++ length = skb->len - offset;
++ return e1000_mng_write_dhcp_info(hw,
++ (uint8_t *)udp + 8, length);
++ }
++ }
++ } else if((skb->len > MINIMUM_DHCP_PACKET_SIZE) && (!skb->protocol)) {
++ struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *) skb->data;
++ if((htons(ETH_P_IP) == eth->h_proto)) {
++ const struct iphdr *ip =
++ (struct iphdr *)((uint8_t *)skb->data+14);
++ if(IPPROTO_UDP == ip->protocol) {
++ struct udphdr *udp =
++ (struct udphdr *)((uint8_t *)ip +
++ (ip->ihl << 2));
++ if(ntohs(udp->dest) == 67) {
++ offset = (uint8_t *)udp + 8 - skb->data;
++ length = skb->len - offset;
++ return e1000_mng_write_dhcp_info(hw,
++ (uint8_t *)udp + 8,
++ length);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++#define TXD_USE_COUNT(S, X) (((S) >> (X)) + 1 )
+ static int
+ e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev)
+ {
+@@ -1741,17 +2210,18 @@ e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, st
+ unsigned int first, max_per_txd = E1000_MAX_DATA_PER_TXD;
+ unsigned int max_txd_pwr = E1000_MAX_TXD_PWR;
+ unsigned int tx_flags = 0;
+- unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned int len = skb->len;
+- int count = 0;
+- unsigned int mss = 0;
++ unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned int nr_frags = 0;
++ unsigned int mss = 0;
++ int count = 0;
++ int tso;
+ unsigned int f;
+- nr_frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
+ len -= skb->data_len;
+- if(skb->len <= 0) {
++ if(unlikely(skb->len <= 0)) {
+ dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+- return 0;
++ return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ }
+ #ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
+@@ -1766,62 +2236,96 @@ e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, st
+ max_per_txd = min(mss << 2, max_per_txd);
+ max_txd_pwr = fls(max_per_txd) - 1;
+ }
+ if((mss) || (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_HW))
+ count++;
+- count++; /*for sentinel desc*/
++ count++;
+ #else
+ if(skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_HW)
+ count++;
+ #endif
+ count += TXD_USE_COUNT(len, max_txd_pwr);
+ if(adapter->pcix_82544)
+ count++;
++ /* work-around for errata 10 and it applies to all controllers
++ * in PCI-X mode, so add one more descriptor to the count
++ */
++ if(unlikely((adapter->hw.bus_type == e1000_bus_type_pcix) &&
++ (len > 2015)))
++ count++;
+ nr_frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
+ for(f = 0; f < nr_frags; f++)
+ count += TXD_USE_COUNT(skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[f].size,
+- max_txd_pwr);
++ max_txd_pwr);
+ if(adapter->pcix_82544)
+ count += nr_frags;
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->tx_lock, flags);
+- /* need: count + 2 desc gap to keep tail from touching
++ local_irq_save(flags);
++ if (!spin_trylock(&adapter->tx_lock)) {
++ /* Collision - tell upper layer to requeue */
++ local_irq_restore(flags);
++ }
++ if(adapter->hw.tx_pkt_filtering && (adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82573) )
++ e1000_transfer_dhcp_info(adapter, skb);
++ /* need: count + 2 desc gap to keep tail from touching
+ * head, otherwise try next time */
+- if(E1000_DESC_UNUSED(&adapter->tx_ring) < count + 2 ) {
++ if(unlikely(E1000_DESC_UNUSED(&adapter->tx_ring) < count + 2)) {
+ netif_stop_queue(netdev);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->tx_lock, flags);
+- return 1;
++ return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
+ }
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->tx_lock, flags);
+- if(adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82547) {
+- if(e1000_82547_fifo_workaround(adapter, skb)) {
++ if(unlikely(adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82547)) {
++ if(unlikely(e1000_82547_fifo_workaround(adapter, skb))) {
+ netif_stop_queue(netdev);
+ mod_timer(&adapter->tx_fifo_stall_timer, jiffies);
+- return 1;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->tx_lock, flags);
++ return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
+ }
+ }
+- if(adapter->vlgrp && vlan_tx_tag_present(skb)) {
++ if(unlikely(adapter->vlgrp && vlan_tx_tag_present(skb))) {
+ tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN;
+ tx_flags |= (vlan_tx_tag_get(skb) << E1000_TX_FLAGS_VLAN_SHIFT);
+ }
+ first = adapter->tx_ring.next_to_use;
+- if(e1000_tso(adapter, skb))
++ tso = e1000_tso(adapter, skb);
++ if (tso < 0) {
++ dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
++ return NETDEV_TX_OK;
++ }
++ if (likely(tso))
+ tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_TSO;
+- else if(e1000_tx_csum(adapter, skb))
++ else if(likely(e1000_tx_csum(adapter, skb)))
+ tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_CSUM;
+- e1000_tx_queue(adapter,
+- e1000_tx_map(adapter, skb, first, max_per_txd, nr_frags, mss),
++ /* Old method was to assume IPv4 packet by default if TSO was enabled.
++ * 82573 hardware supports TSO capabilities for IPv6 as well...
++ * no longer assume, we must. */
++ if(likely(skb->protocol == ntohs(ETH_P_IP)))
++ tx_flags |= E1000_TX_FLAGS_IPV4;
++ e1000_tx_queue(adapter,
++ e1000_tx_map(adapter, skb, first, max_per_txd, nr_frags, mss),
+ tx_flags);
+ netdev->trans_start = jiffies;
+- return 0;
++ /* Make sure there is space in the ring for the next send. */
++ if(unlikely(E1000_DESC_UNUSED(&adapter->tx_ring) < MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 2))
++ netif_stop_queue(netdev);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->tx_lock, flags);
++ return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -1843,10 +2347,8 @@ e1000_tx_timeout_task(struct net_device
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+- netif_device_detach(netdev);
+ e1000_down(adapter);
+ e1000_up(adapter);
+- netif_device_attach(netdev);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -1878,39 +2380,53 @@ static int
+ e1000_change_mtu(struct net_device *netdev, int new_mtu)
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+- int old_mtu = adapter->rx_buffer_len;
+ int max_frame = new_mtu + ENET_HEADER_SIZE + ETHERNET_FCS_SIZE;
+ if((max_frame < MINIMUM_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE) ||
+- (max_frame > MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE)) {
+- DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Invalid MTU setting\n");
+- return -EINVAL;
++ (max_frame > MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE)) {
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Invalid MTU setting\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+- if(max_frame <= MAXIMUM_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE) {
+- adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_2048;
+- } else if(adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82543) {
+- DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Jumbo Frames not supported on 82542\n");
++ /* might want this to be bigger enum check... */
++ if (adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82573 &&
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Jumbo Frames not supported "
++ "on 82573\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
++ }
+- } else if(max_frame <= E1000_RXBUFFER_4096) {
+- adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_4096;
+- } else if(max_frame <= E1000_RXBUFFER_8192) {
+- adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_8192;
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len = max_frame;
++ E1000_ROUNDUP(adapter->rx_buffer_len, 1024);
+ } else {
+- adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_16384;
++ if(unlikely((adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82543) &&
++ (max_frame > MAXIMUM_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE))) {
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Jumbo Frames not supported "
++ "on 82542\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ } else {
++ if(max_frame <= E1000_RXBUFFER_2048) {
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_2048;
++ } else if(max_frame <= E1000_RXBUFFER_4096) {
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_4096;
++ } else if(max_frame <= E1000_RXBUFFER_8192) {
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_8192;
++ } else if(max_frame <= E1000_RXBUFFER_16384) {
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len = E1000_RXBUFFER_16384;
++ }
++ }
+ }
+- if(old_mtu != adapter->rx_buffer_len && netif_running(netdev)) {
++ netdev->mtu = new_mtu;
++ if(netif_running(netdev)) {
+ e1000_down(adapter);
+ e1000_up(adapter);
+ }
+- netdev->mtu = new_mtu;
+ adapter->hw.max_frame_size = max_frame;
+ return 0;
+@@ -1951,8 +2467,6 @@ e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter
+ adapter->stats.prc1023 += E1000_READ_REG(hw, PRC1023);
+ adapter->stats.prc1522 += E1000_READ_REG(hw, PRC1522);
+- /* the rest of the counters are only modified here */
+ adapter->stats.symerrs += E1000_READ_REG(hw, SYMERRS);
+ adapter->stats.mpc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, MPC);
+ adapter->stats.scc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, SCC);
+@@ -2003,6 +2517,17 @@ e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter
+ adapter->stats.tsctc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, TSCTC);
+ adapter->stats.tsctfc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, TSCTFC);
+ }
++ if(hw->mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ adapter->stats.iac += E1000_READ_REG(hw, IAC);
++ adapter->stats.icrxoc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXOC);
++ adapter->stats.icrxptc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXPTC);
++ adapter->stats.icrxatc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXATC);
++ adapter->stats.ictxptc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXPTC);
++ adapter->stats.ictxatc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXATC);
++ adapter->stats.ictxqec += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXQEC);
++ adapter->stats.ictxqmtc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICTXQMTC);
++ adapter->stats.icrxdmtc += E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICRXDMTC);
++ }
+ /* Fill out the OS statistics structure */
+@@ -2017,9 +2542,9 @@ e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter
+ adapter->net_stats.rx_errors = adapter->stats.rxerrc +
+ adapter->stats.crcerrs + adapter->stats.algnerrc +
+- adapter->stats.rlec + adapter->stats.rnbc +
+- adapter->stats.mpc + adapter->stats.cexterr;
+- adapter->net_stats.rx_dropped = adapter->stats.rnbc;
++ adapter->stats.rlec + adapter->stats.mpc +
++ adapter->stats.cexterr;
++ adapter->net_stats.rx_dropped = adapter->stats.mpc;
+ adapter->net_stats.rx_length_errors = adapter->stats.rlec;
+ adapter->net_stats.rx_crc_errors = adapter->stats.crcerrs;
+ adapter->net_stats.rx_frame_errors = adapter->stats.algnerrc;
+@@ -2055,34 +2580,6 @@ e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter
+ }
+ /**
+- * e1000_irq_disable - Mask off interrupt generation on the NIC
+- * @adapter: board private structure
+- **/
+-static inline void
+-e1000_irq_disable(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+- atomic_inc(&adapter->irq_sem);
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC, ~0);
+- E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(&adapter->hw);
+- synchronize_irq(adapter->pdev->irq);
+- * e1000_irq_enable - Enable default interrupt generation settings
+- * @adapter: board private structure
+- **/
+-static inline void
+-e1000_irq_enable(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
+- if(atomic_dec_and_test(&adapter->irq_sem)) {
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMS, IMS_ENABLE_MASK);
+- E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(&adapter->hw);
+- }
+ * e1000_intr - Interrupt Handler
+ * @irq: interrupt number
+ * @data: pointer to a network interface device structure
+@@ -2095,21 +2592,21 @@ e1000_intr(int irq, void *data, struct p
+ struct net_device *netdev = data;
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+- uint32_t icr = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, ICR);
++ uint32_t icr = E1000_READ_REG(hw, ICR);
+ #ifndef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
+ unsigned int i;
+ #endif
+- if(!icr)
++ if(unlikely(!icr))
+ return IRQ_NONE; /* Not our interrupt */
+- if(icr & (E1000_ICR_RXSEQ | E1000_ICR_LSC)) {
++ if(unlikely(icr & (E1000_ICR_RXSEQ | E1000_ICR_LSC))) {
+ hw->get_link_status = 1;
+ mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies);
+ }
+ #ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
+- if(netif_rx_schedule_prep(netdev)) {
++ if(likely(netif_rx_schedule_prep(netdev))) {
+ /* Disable interrupts and register for poll. The flush
+ of the posted write is intentionally left out.
+@@ -2120,10 +2617,28 @@ e1000_intr(int irq, void *data, struct p
+ __netif_rx_schedule(netdev);
+ }
+ #else
++ /* Writing IMC and IMS is needed for 82547.
++ Due to Hub Link bus being occupied, an interrupt
++ de-assertion message is not able to be sent.
++ When an interrupt assertion message is generated later,
++ two messages are re-ordered and sent out.
++ That causes APIC to think 82547 is in de-assertion
++ state, while 82547 is in assertion state, resulting
++ in dead lock. Writing IMC forces 82547 into
++ de-assertion state.
++ */
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82547 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2){
++ atomic_inc(&adapter->irq_sem);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, IMC, ~0);
++ }
+ for(i = 0; i < E1000_MAX_INTR; i++)
+- if(!e1000_clean_rx_irq(adapter) &
+- !e1000_clean_tx_irq(adapter))
++ if(unlikely(!adapter->clean_rx(adapter) &
++ !e1000_clean_tx_irq(adapter)))
+ break;
++ if(hw->mac_type == e1000_82547 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82547_rev_2)
++ e1000_irq_enable(adapter);
+ #endif
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+@@ -2140,24 +2655,26 @@ e1000_clean(struct net_device *netdev, i
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ int work_to_do = min(*budget, netdev->quota);
++ int tx_cleaned;
+ int work_done = 0;
+- e1000_clean_tx_irq(adapter);
+- e1000_clean_rx_irq(adapter, &work_done, work_to_do);
++ tx_cleaned = e1000_clean_tx_irq(adapter);
++ adapter->clean_rx(adapter, &work_done, work_to_do);
+ *budget -= work_done;
+ netdev->quota -= work_done;
+- if(work_done < work_to_do || !netif_running(netdev)) {
++ /* If no Tx and no Rx work done, exit the polling mode */
++ if ((!tx_cleaned && (work_done == 0)) || !netif_running(netdev)) {
+ netif_rx_complete(netdev);
+ e1000_irq_enable(adapter);
+ return 0;
+ }
+- return (work_done >= work_to_do);
++ return 1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * e1000_clean_tx_irq - Reclaim resources after transmit completes
+ * @adapter: board private structure
+@@ -2168,46 +2685,53 @@ e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter
+ {
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *tx_ring = &adapter->tx_ring;
+ struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev;
+ struct e1000_tx_desc *tx_desc, *eop_desc;
+ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
+ unsigned int i, eop;
+ boolean_t cleaned = FALSE;
+ i = tx_ring->next_to_clean;
+ eop = tx_ring->buffer_info[i].next_to_watch;
+ eop_desc = E1000_TX_DESC(*tx_ring, eop);
+ while(eop_desc-> & cpu_to_le32(E1000_TXD_STAT_DD)) {
++ /* Premature writeback of Tx descriptors clear (free buffers
++ * and unmap pci_mapping) previous_buffer_info */
++ if (likely(adapter->previous_buffer_info.skb != NULL)) {
++ e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(adapter,
++ &adapter->previous_buffer_info);
++ }
+ for(cleaned = FALSE; !cleaned; ) {
+ tx_desc = E1000_TX_DESC(*tx_ring, i);
+ buffer_info = &tx_ring->buffer_info[i];
++ cleaned = (i == eop);
+- if(buffer_info->dma) {
+- pci_unmap_page(pdev,
+- buffer_info->dma,
+- buffer_info->length,
+- buffer_info->dma = 0;
+- }
+- if(buffer_info->skb) {
+- dev_kfree_skb_any(buffer_info->skb);
+- buffer_info->skb = NULL;
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ if (!(netdev->features & NETIF_F_TSO)) {
++ e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(adapter,
++ buffer_info);
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ } else {
++ if (cleaned) {
++ memcpy(&adapter->previous_buffer_info,
++ buffer_info,
++ sizeof(struct e1000_buffer));
++ memset(buffer_info, 0,
++ sizeof(struct e1000_buffer));
++ } else {
++ e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(
++ adapter, buffer_info);
++ }
+ }
+ tx_desc->buffer_addr = 0;
+ tx_desc-> = 0;
+ tx_desc-> = 0;
+- cleaned = (i == eop);
+- if(++i == tx_ring->count) i = 0;
++ if(unlikely(++i == tx_ring->count)) i = 0;
+ }
+ eop = tx_ring->buffer_info[i].next_to_watch;
+@@ -2218,16 +2742,112 @@ e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter
+ spin_lock(&adapter->tx_lock);
+- if(cleaned && netif_queue_stopped(netdev) && netif_carrier_ok(netdev))
++ if(unlikely(cleaned && netif_queue_stopped(netdev) &&
++ netif_carrier_ok(netdev)))
+ netif_wake_queue(netdev);
+ spin_unlock(&adapter->tx_lock);
++ if(adapter->detect_tx_hung) {
++ /* Detect a transmit hang in hardware, this serializes the
++ * check with the clearing of time_stamp and movement of i */
++ adapter->detect_tx_hung = FALSE;
++ if (tx_ring->buffer_info[i].dma &&
++ time_after(jiffies, tx_ring->buffer_info[i].time_stamp + HZ)
++ && !(E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, STATUS) &
++ E1000_STATUS_TXOFF)) {
++ /* detected Tx unit hang */
++ i = tx_ring->next_to_clean;
++ eop = tx_ring->buffer_info[i].next_to_watch;
++ eop_desc = E1000_TX_DESC(*tx_ring, eop);
++ DPRINTK(TX_ERR, ERR, "Detected Tx Unit Hang\n"
++ " TDH <%x>\n"
++ " TDT <%x>\n"
++ " next_to_use <%x>\n"
++ " next_to_clean <%x>\n"
++ "buffer_info[next_to_clean]\n"
++ " dma <%llx>\n"
++ " time_stamp <%lx>\n"
++ " next_to_watch <%x>\n"
++ " jiffies <%lx>\n"
++ " next_to_watch.status <%x>\n",
++ E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, TDH),
++ E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, TDT),
++ tx_ring->next_to_use,
++ i,
++ tx_ring->buffer_info[i].dma,
++ tx_ring->buffer_info[i].time_stamp,
++ eop,
++ jiffies,
++ eop_desc->upper.fields.status);
++ netif_stop_queue(netdev);
++ }
++ }
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ if( unlikely(!(eop_desc-> & cpu_to_le32(E1000_TXD_STAT_DD)) &&
++ time_after(jiffies, adapter->previous_buffer_info.time_stamp + HZ)))
++ e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource(
++ adapter, &adapter->previous_buffer_info);
+ return cleaned;
+ }
+ /**
+- * e1000_clean_rx_irq - Send received data up the network stack,
++ * e1000_rx_checksum - Receive Checksum Offload for 82543
++ * @adapter: board private structure
++ * @status_err: receive descriptor status and error fields
++ * @csum: receive descriptor csum field
++ * @sk_buff: socket buffer with received data
++ **/
++static inline void
++e1000_rx_checksum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
++ uint32_t status_err, uint32_t csum,
++ struct sk_buff *skb)
++ uint16_t status = (uint16_t)status_err;
++ uint8_t errors = (uint8_t)(status_err >> 24);
++ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
++ /* 82543 or newer only */
++ if(unlikely(adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82543)) return;
++ /* Ignore Checksum bit is set */
++ if(unlikely(status & E1000_RXD_STAT_IXSM)) return;
++ /* TCP/UDP checksum error bit is set */
++ if(unlikely(errors & E1000_RXD_ERR_TCPE)) {
++ /* let the stack verify checksum errors */
++ adapter->hw_csum_err++;
++ return;
++ }
++ /* TCP/UDP Checksum has not been calculated */
++ if(adapter->hw.mac_type <= e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ if(!(status & E1000_RXD_STAT_TCPCS))
++ return;
++ } else {
++ if(!(status & (E1000_RXD_STAT_TCPCS | E1000_RXD_STAT_UDPCS)))
++ return;
++ }
++ /* It must be a TCP or UDP packet with a valid checksum */
++ if (likely(status & E1000_RXD_STAT_TCPCS)) {
++ /* TCP checksum is good */
++ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
++ } else if (adapter->hw.mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2) {
++ /* IP fragment with UDP payload */
++ /* Hardware complements the payload checksum, so we undo it
++ * and then put the value in host order for further stack use.
++ */
++ csum = ntohl(csum ^ 0xFFFF);
++ skb->csum = csum;
++ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_HW;
++ }
++ adapter->hw_csum_good++;
++ * e1000_clean_rx_irq - Send received data up the network stack; legacy
+ * @adapter: board private structure
+ **/
+@@ -2256,14 +2876,11 @@ e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter
+ while(rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_DD) {
+ buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i];
+ #ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
+ if(*work_done >= work_to_do)
+ break;
+ (*work_done)++;
+ #endif
+ cleaned = TRUE;
+ pci_unmap_single(pdev,
+@@ -2274,49 +2891,28 @@ e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter
+ skb = buffer_info->skb;
+ length = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->length);
+- if(!(rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_EOP)) {
++ if(unlikely(!(rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_EOP))) {
+ /* All receives must fit into a single buffer */
+- E1000_DBG("%s: Receive packet consumed multiple buffers\n",
+- netdev->name);
++ E1000_DBG("%s: Receive packet consumed multiple"
++ " buffers\n", netdev->name);
+ dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
+- rx_desc->status = 0;
+- buffer_info->skb = NULL;
+- if(++i == rx_ring->count) i = 0;
+- rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC(*rx_ring, i);
+- continue;
++ goto next_desc;
+ }
+- if(rx_desc->errors & E1000_RXD_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK) {
++ if(unlikely(rx_desc->errors & E1000_RXD_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK)) {
+ last_byte = *(skb->data + length - 1);
+ if(TBI_ACCEPT(&adapter->hw, rx_desc->status,
+ rx_desc->errors, length, last_byte)) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&adapter->stats_lock, flags);
+ e1000_tbi_adjust_stats(&adapter->hw,
+ &adapter->stats,
+ length, skb->data);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adapter->stats_lock,
+ flags);
+ length--;
+ } else {
+ dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
+- rx_desc->status = 0;
+- buffer_info->skb = NULL;
+- if(++i == rx_ring->count) i = 0;
+- rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC(*rx_ring, i);
+- continue;
++ goto next_desc;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2324,45 +2920,175 @@ e1000_clean_rx_irq(struct e1000_adapter
+ skb_put(skb, length - ETHERNET_FCS_SIZE);
+ /* Receive Checksum Offload */
+- e1000_rx_checksum(adapter, rx_desc, skb);
++ e1000_rx_checksum(adapter,
++ (uint32_t)(rx_desc->status) |
++ ((uint32_t)(rx_desc->errors) << 24),
++ rx_desc->csum, skb);
+ skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, netdev);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
+- if(adapter->vlgrp && (rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_VP)) {
++ if(unlikely(adapter->vlgrp &&
++ (rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_VP))) {
+ vlan_hwaccel_receive_skb(skb, adapter->vlgrp,
+- le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->special &
++ le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->special) &
+ } else {
+ netif_receive_skb(skb);
+ }
+ #else /* CONFIG_E1000_NAPI */
+- if(adapter->vlgrp && (rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_VP)) {
++ if(unlikely(adapter->vlgrp &&
++ (rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_VP))) {
+ vlan_hwaccel_rx(skb, adapter->vlgrp,
+- le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->special &
++ le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->special) &
+ } else {
+ netif_rx(skb);
+ }
+ #endif /* CONFIG_E1000_NAPI */
+ netdev->last_rx = jiffies;
+ rx_desc->status = 0;
+ buffer_info->skb = NULL;
+- if(++i == rx_ring->count) i = 0;
++ if(unlikely(++i == rx_ring->count)) i = 0;
+ rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC(*rx_ring, i);
+ }
+ rx_ring->next_to_clean = i;
++ adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter);
+- e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(adapter);
++ return cleaned;
++ * e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps - Send received data up the network stack; packet split
++ * @adapter: board private structure
++ **/
++static boolean_t
++#ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
++e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, int *work_done,
++ int work_to_do)
++e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
++ struct e1000_desc_ring *rx_ring = &adapter->rx_ring;
++ union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *rx_desc;
++ struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev;
++ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
++ struct e1000_ps_page *ps_page;
++ struct e1000_ps_page_dma *ps_page_dma;
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ unsigned int i, j;
++ uint32_t length, staterr;
++ boolean_t cleaned = FALSE;
++ i = rx_ring->next_to_clean;
++ rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC_PS(*rx_ring, i);
++ staterr = rx_desc->wb.middle.status_error;
++ while(staterr & E1000_RXD_STAT_DD) {
++ buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i];
++ ps_page = &rx_ring->ps_page[i];
++ ps_page_dma = &rx_ring->ps_page_dma[i];
++#ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
++ if(unlikely(*work_done >= work_to_do))
++ break;
++ (*work_done)++;
++ cleaned = TRUE;
++ pci_unmap_single(pdev, buffer_info->dma,
++ buffer_info->length,
++ skb = buffer_info->skb;
++ if(unlikely(!(staterr & E1000_RXD_STAT_EOP))) {
++ E1000_DBG("%s: Packet Split buffers didn't pick up"
++ " the full packet\n", netdev->name);
++ dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
++ goto next_desc;
++ }
++ if(unlikely(staterr & E1000_RXDEXT_ERR_FRAME_ERR_MASK)) {
++ dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
++ goto next_desc;
++ }
++ length = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.middle.length0);
++ if(unlikely(!length)) {
++ E1000_DBG("%s: Last part of the packet spanning"
++ " multiple descriptors\n", netdev->name);
++ dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
++ goto next_desc;
++ }
++ /* Good Receive */
++ skb_put(skb, length);
++ for(j = 0; j < PS_PAGE_BUFFERS; j++) {
++ if(!(length = le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.upper.length[j])))
++ break;
++ pci_unmap_page(pdev, ps_page_dma->ps_page_dma[j],
++ ps_page_dma->ps_page_dma[j] = 0;
++ skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[j].page =
++ ps_page->ps_page[j];
++ ps_page->ps_page[j] = NULL;
++ skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[j].page_offset = 0;
++ skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[j].size = length;
++ skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags++;
++ skb->len += length;
++ skb->data_len += length;
++ }
++ e1000_rx_checksum(adapter, staterr,
++ rx_desc->wb.lower.hi_dword.csum_ip.csum, skb);
++ skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, netdev);
++ if(likely(rx_desc->wb.upper.header_status &
++ skb_shinfo(skb)->zero_copy = TRUE;
++#ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI
++ if(unlikely(adapter->vlgrp && (staterr & E1000_RXD_STAT_VP))) {
++ vlan_hwaccel_receive_skb(skb, adapter->vlgrp,
++ le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.middle.vlan &
++ } else {
++ netif_receive_skb(skb);
++ }
++#else /* CONFIG_E1000_NAPI */
++ if(unlikely(adapter->vlgrp && (staterr & E1000_RXD_STAT_VP))) {
++ vlan_hwaccel_rx(skb, adapter->vlgrp,
++ le16_to_cpu(rx_desc->wb.middle.vlan &
++ } else {
++ netif_rx(skb);
++ }
++#endif /* CONFIG_E1000_NAPI */
++ netdev->last_rx = jiffies;
++ rx_desc->wb.middle.status_error &= ~0xFF;
++ buffer_info->skb = NULL;
++ if(unlikely(++i == rx_ring->count)) i = 0;
++ rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC_PS(*rx_ring, i);
++ staterr = rx_desc->wb.middle.status_error;
++ }
++ rx_ring->next_to_clean = i;
++ adapter->alloc_rx_buf(adapter);
+ return cleaned;
+ }
+ /**
+- * e1000_alloc_rx_buffers - Replace used receive buffers
++ * e1000_alloc_rx_buffers - Replace used receive buffers; legacy & extended
+ * @adapter: address of board private structure
+ **/
+@@ -2376,20 +3102,42 @@ e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adap
+ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ unsigned int i;
++ unsigned int bufsz = adapter->rx_buffer_len + NET_IP_ALIGN;
+ i = rx_ring->next_to_use;
+ buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i];
+ while(!buffer_info->skb) {
+- rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC(*rx_ring, i);
+- skb = dev_alloc_skb(adapter->rx_buffer_len + NET_IP_ALIGN);
++ skb = dev_alloc_skb(bufsz);
+- if(!skb) {
++ if(unlikely(!skb)) {
+ /* Better luck next round */
+ break;
+ }
++ /* Fix for errata 23, can't cross 64kB boundary */
++ if (!e1000_check_64k_bound(adapter, skb->data, bufsz)) {
++ struct sk_buff *oldskb = skb;
++ DPRINTK(RX_ERR, ERR, "skb align check failed: %u bytes "
++ "at %p\n", bufsz, skb->data);
++ /* Try again, without freeing the previous */
++ skb = dev_alloc_skb(bufsz);
++ /* Failed allocation, critical failure */
++ if (!skb) {
++ dev_kfree_skb(oldskb);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!e1000_check_64k_bound(adapter, skb->data, bufsz)) {
++ /* give up */
++ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
++ dev_kfree_skb(oldskb);
++ break; /* while !buffer_info->skb */
++ } else {
++ /* Use new allocation */
++ dev_kfree_skb(oldskb);
++ }
++ }
+ /* Make buffer alignment 2 beyond a 16 byte boundary
+ * this will result in a 16 byte aligned IP header after
+ * the 14 byte MAC header is removed
+@@ -2400,25 +3148,41 @@ e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adap
+ buffer_info->skb = skb;
+ buffer_info->length = adapter->rx_buffer_len;
+- buffer_info->dma =
+- pci_map_single(pdev,
+- skb->data,
+- adapter->rx_buffer_len,
++ buffer_info->dma = pci_map_single(pdev,
++ skb->data,
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len,
++ /* Fix for errata 23, can't cross 64kB boundary */
++ if (!e1000_check_64k_bound(adapter,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)buffer_info->dma,
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len)) {
++ "dma align check failed: %u bytes at %p\n",
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)buffer_info->dma);
++ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
++ buffer_info->skb = NULL;
++ pci_unmap_single(pdev, buffer_info->dma,
++ adapter->rx_buffer_len,
++ break; /* while !buffer_info->skb */
++ }
++ rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC(*rx_ring, i);
+ rx_desc->buffer_addr = cpu_to_le64(buffer_info->dma);
+- if((i & ~(E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE - 1)) == i) {
++ if(unlikely((i & ~(E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE - 1)) == i)) {
+ /* Force memory writes to complete before letting h/w
+ * know there are new descriptors to fetch. (Only
+ * applicable for weak-ordered memory model archs,
+ * such as IA-64). */
+ wmb();
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RDT, i);
+ }
+- if(++i == rx_ring->count) i = 0;
++ if(unlikely(++i == rx_ring->count)) i = 0;
+ buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i];
+ }
+@@ -2426,6 +3190,95 @@ e1000_alloc_rx_buffers(struct e1000_adap
+ }
+ /**
++ * e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps - Replace used receive buffers; packet split
++ * @adapter: address of board private structure
++ **/
++static void
++e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter)
++ struct e1000_desc_ring *rx_ring = &adapter->rx_ring;
++ struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev;
++ union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *rx_desc;
++ struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
++ struct e1000_ps_page *ps_page;
++ struct e1000_ps_page_dma *ps_page_dma;
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ unsigned int i, j;
++ i = rx_ring->next_to_use;
++ buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i];
++ ps_page = &rx_ring->ps_page[i];
++ ps_page_dma = &rx_ring->ps_page_dma[i];
++ while(!buffer_info->skb) {
++ rx_desc = E1000_RX_DESC_PS(*rx_ring, i);
++ for(j = 0; j < PS_PAGE_BUFFERS; j++) {
++ if(unlikely(!ps_page->ps_page[j])) {
++ ps_page->ps_page[j] =
++ alloc_page(GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if(unlikely(!ps_page->ps_page[j]))
++ goto no_buffers;
++ ps_page_dma->ps_page_dma[j] =
++ pci_map_page(pdev,
++ ps_page->ps_page[j],
++ 0, PAGE_SIZE,
++ }
++ /* Refresh the desc even if buffer_addrs didn't
++ * change because each write-back erases this info.
++ */
++ rx_desc->read.buffer_addr[j+1] =
++ cpu_to_le64(ps_page_dma->ps_page_dma[j]);
++ }
++ skb = dev_alloc_skb(adapter->rx_ps_bsize0 + NET_IP_ALIGN);
++ if(unlikely(!skb))
++ break;
++ /* Make buffer alignment 2 beyond a 16 byte boundary
++ * this will result in a 16 byte aligned IP header after
++ * the 14 byte MAC header is removed
++ */
++ skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN);
++ skb->dev = netdev;
++ buffer_info->skb = skb;
++ buffer_info->length = adapter->rx_ps_bsize0;
++ buffer_info->dma = pci_map_single(pdev, skb->data,
++ adapter->rx_ps_bsize0,
++ rx_desc->read.buffer_addr[0] = cpu_to_le64(buffer_info->dma);
++ if(unlikely((i & ~(E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE - 1)) == i)) {
++ /* Force memory writes to complete before letting h/w
++ * know there are new descriptors to fetch. (Only
++ * applicable for weak-ordered memory model archs,
++ * such as IA-64). */
++ wmb();
++ /* Hardware increments by 16 bytes, but packet split
++ * descriptors are 32 we increment tail
++ * twice as much.
++ */
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RDT, i<<1);
++ }
++ if(unlikely(++i == rx_ring->count)) i = 0;
++ buffer_info = &rx_ring->buffer_info[i];
++ ps_page = &rx_ring->ps_page[i];
++ ps_page_dma = &rx_ring->ps_page_dma[i];
++ }
++ rx_ring->next_to_use = i;
+ * e1000_smartspeed - Workaround for SmartSpeed on 82541 and 82547 controllers.
+ * @adapter:
+ **/
+@@ -2537,22 +3390,24 @@ e1000_mii_ioctl(struct net_device *netde
+ return -EFAULT;
+ mii_reg = data->val_in;
+ if (e1000_write_phy_reg(&adapter->hw, data->reg_num,
+- data->val_in))
++ mii_reg))
+ return -EIO;
+ if (adapter->hw.phy_type == e1000_phy_m88) {
+ switch (data->reg_num) {
+ case PHY_CTRL:
+- if(data->val_in & MII_CR_AUTO_NEG_EN) {
++ if(mii_reg & MII_CR_POWER_DOWN)
++ break;
++ if(mii_reg & MII_CR_AUTO_NEG_EN) {
+ adapter->hw.autoneg = 1;
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = 0x2F;
+ } else {
+- if (data->val_in & 0x40)
++ if (mii_reg & 0x40)
+ spddplx = SPEED_1000;
+- else if (data->val_in & 0x2000)
++ else if (mii_reg & 0x2000)
+ spddplx = SPEED_100;
+ else
+ spddplx = SPEED_10;
+- spddplx += (data->val_in & 0x100)
++ spddplx += (mii_reg & 0x100)
+ retval = e1000_set_spd_dplx(adapter,
+@@ -2572,6 +3427,18 @@ e1000_mii_ioctl(struct net_device *netde
+ return -EIO;
+ break;
+ }
++ } else {
++ switch (data->reg_num) {
++ case PHY_CTRL:
++ if(mii_reg & MII_CR_POWER_DOWN)
++ break;
++ if(netif_running(adapter->netdev)) {
++ e1000_down(adapter);
++ e1000_up(adapter);
++ } else
++ e1000_reset(adapter);
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+@@ -2580,47 +3447,14 @@ e1000_mii_ioctl(struct net_device *netde
+ return E1000_SUCCESS;
+ }
+- * e1000_rx_checksum - Receive Checksum Offload for 82543
+- * @adapter: board private structure
+- * @rx_desc: receive descriptor
+- * @sk_buff: socket buffer with received data
+- **/
+-static inline void
+-e1000_rx_checksum(struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
+- struct e1000_rx_desc *rx_desc,
+- struct sk_buff *skb)
+- /* 82543 or newer only */
+- if((adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82543) ||
+- /* Ignore Checksum bit is set */
+- (rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_IXSM) ||
+- /* TCP Checksum has not been calculated */
+- (!(rx_desc->status & E1000_RXD_STAT_TCPCS))) {
+- skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
+- return;
+- }
+- /* At this point we know the hardware did the TCP checksum */
+- /* now look at the TCP checksum error bit */
+- if(rx_desc->errors & E1000_RXD_ERR_TCPE) {
+- /* let the stack verify checksum errors */
+- skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
+- adapter->hw_csum_err++;
+- } else {
+- /* TCP checksum is good */
+- skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
+- adapter->hw_csum_good++;
+- }
+ void
+ e1000_pci_set_mwi(struct e1000_hw *hw)
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = hw->back;
++ int ret_val = pci_set_mwi(adapter->pdev);
+- pci_set_mwi(adapter->pdev);
++ if(ret_val)
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Error in setting MWI\n");
+ }
+ void
+@@ -2670,29 +3504,30 @@ e1000_vlan_rx_register(struct net_device
+ if(grp) {
+ /* enable VLAN tag insert/strip */
+ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, CTRL);
+ ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_VME;
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, CTRL, ctrl);
+ /* enable VLAN receive filtering */
+ rctl = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL);
+ rctl |= E1000_RCTL_VFE;
+ rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_CFIEN;
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL, rctl);
++ e1000_update_mng_vlan(adapter);
+ } else {
+ /* disable VLAN tag insert/strip */
+ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, CTRL);
+ ctrl &= ~E1000_CTRL_VME;
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, CTRL, ctrl);
+ /* disable VLAN filtering */
+ rctl = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL);
+ rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_VFE;
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RCTL, rctl);
++ if(adapter->mng_vlan_id != (uint16_t)E1000_MNG_VLAN_NONE) {
++ e1000_vlan_rx_kill_vid(netdev, adapter->mng_vlan_id);
++ adapter->mng_vlan_id = E1000_MNG_VLAN_NONE;
++ }
+ }
+ e1000_irq_enable(adapter);
+@@ -2703,9 +3538,11 @@ e1000_vlan_rx_add_vid(struct net_device
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ uint32_t vfta, index;
++ if((adapter->hw.mng_cookie.status &
++ (vid == adapter->mng_vlan_id))
++ return;
+ /* add VID to filter table */
+ index = (vid >> 5) & 0x7F;
+ vfta = E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY(&adapter->hw, VFTA, index);
+ vfta |= (1 << (vid & 0x1F));
+@@ -2725,8 +3562,11 @@ e1000_vlan_rx_kill_vid(struct net_device
+ e1000_irq_enable(adapter);
+- /* remove VID from filter table*/
++ if((adapter->hw.mng_cookie.status &
++ (vid == adapter->mng_vlan_id))
++ return;
++ /* remove VID from filter table */
+ index = (vid >> 5) & 0x7F;
+ vfta = E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY(&adapter->hw, VFTA, index);
+ vfta &= ~(1 << (vid & 0x1F));
+@@ -2772,6 +3612,7 @@ e1000_set_spd_dplx(struct e1000_adapter
+ break;
+ case SPEED_1000 + DUPLEX_HALF: /* not supported */
+ default:
++ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Unsupported Speed/Duplex configuration\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+@@ -2799,7 +3640,7 @@ e1000_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, uint
+ {
+ struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+- uint32_t ctrl, ctrl_ext, rctl, manc, status;
++ uint32_t ctrl, ctrl_ext, rctl, manc, status, swsm;
+ uint32_t wufc = adapter->wol;
+ netif_device_detach(netdev);
+@@ -2841,6 +3682,9 @@ e1000_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, uint
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, CTRL_EXT, ctrl_ext);
+ }
++ /* Allow time for pending master requests to run */
++ e1000_disable_pciex_master(&adapter->hw);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, WUC, E1000_WUC_PME_EN);
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, WUFC, wufc);
+ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 3, 1);
+@@ -2865,6 +3709,18 @@ e1000_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, uint
+ }
+ }
++ switch(adapter->hw.mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82573:
++ swsm = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM,
++ swsm & ~E1000_SWSM_DRV_LOAD);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+ state = (state > 0) ? 3 : 0;
+ pci_set_power_state(pdev, state);
+@@ -2877,10 +3733,12 @@ e1000_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ {
+ struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+- uint32_t manc;
++ uint32_t manc, ret, swsm;
+ pci_set_power_state(pdev, 0);
+ pci_restore_state(pdev, adapter->pci_state);
++ ret = pci_enable_device(pdev);
++ pci_set_master(pdev);
+ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 3, 0);
+ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 4, 0); /* 4 == D3 cold */
+@@ -2900,22 +3758,31 @@ e1000_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC, manc);
+ }
++ switch(adapter->hw.mac_type) {
++ case e1000_82573:
++ swsm = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, SWSM,
++ swsm | E1000_SWSM_DRV_LOAD);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*
+ * Polling 'interrupt' - used by things like netconsole to send skbs
+ * without having to re-enable interrupts. It's not called while
+ * the interrupt routine is executing.
+ */
+-static void e1000_netpoll (struct net_device *dev)
++static void
++e1000_netpoll(struct net_device *netdev)
+ {
+- struct e1000_adapter *adapter = dev->priv;
++ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ disable_irq(adapter->pdev->irq);
+- e1000_intr (adapter->pdev->irq, dev, NULL);
++ e1000_intr(adapter->pdev->irq, netdev, NULL);
+ enable_irq(adapter->pdev->irq);
+ }
+ #endif
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:51.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /*******************************************************************************
+- Copyright(c) 1999 - 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
++ Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ static const struct e1000_stats e1000_gs
+ { "rx_crc_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_crc_errors) },
+ { "rx_frame_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_frame_errors) },
+ { "rx_fifo_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_fifo_errors) },
++ { "rx_no_buffer_count", E1000_STAT(stats.rnbc) },
+ { "rx_missed_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_missed_errors) },
+ { "tx_aborted_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_aborted_errors) },
+ { "tx_carrier_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_carrier_errors) },
+@@ -88,9 +89,9 @@ static const struct e1000_stats e1000_gs
+ { "rx_flow_control_xoff", E1000_STAT(stats.xoffrxc) },
+ { "tx_flow_control_xon", E1000_STAT(stats.xontxc) },
+ { "tx_flow_control_xoff", E1000_STAT(stats.xofftxc) },
++ { "rx_long_byte_count", E1000_STAT(stats.gorcl) },
+ { "rx_csum_offload_good", E1000_STAT(hw_csum_good) },
+- { "rx_csum_offload_errors", E1000_STAT(hw_csum_err) },
+- { "rx_long_byte_count", E1000_STAT(stats.gorcl) }
++ { "rx_csum_offload_errors", E1000_STAT(hw_csum_err) }
+ };
+ #define E1000_STATS_LEN \
+ sizeof(e1000_gstrings_stats) / sizeof(struct e1000_stats)
+@@ -170,7 +171,8 @@ e1000_get_settings(struct net_device *ne
+ ecmd->duplex = -1;
+ }
+- ecmd->autoneg = (hw->autoneg ? AUTONEG_ENABLE : AUTONEG_DISABLE);
++ ecmd->autoneg = ((hw->media_type == e1000_media_type_fiber) ||
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -192,6 +194,7 @@ e1000_set_settings(struct net_device *ne
+ if(netif_running(adapter->netdev)) {
+ e1000_down(adapter);
++ e1000_reset(adapter);
+ e1000_up(adapter);
+ } else
+ e1000_reset(adapter);
+@@ -199,12 +202,13 @@ e1000_set_settings(struct net_device *ne
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static void
++static void
+ e1000_get_pauseparam(struct net_device *netdev,
+- struct ethtool_pauseparam *pause)
++ struct ethtool_pauseparam *pause)
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+ pause->autoneg =
+ (adapter->fc_autoneg ? AUTONEG_ENABLE : AUTONEG_DISABLE);
+@@ -218,9 +222,9 @@ e1000_get_pauseparam(struct net_device *
+ }
+ }
+-static int
++static int
+ e1000_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *netdev,
+- struct ethtool_pauseparam *pause)
++ struct ethtool_pauseparam *pause)
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+@@ -246,7 +250,8 @@ e1000_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *
+ e1000_reset(adapter);
+ }
+ else
+- return e1000_force_mac_fc(hw);
++ return ((hw->media_type == e1000_media_type_fiber) ?
++ e1000_setup_link(hw) : e1000_force_mac_fc(hw));
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -271,7 +276,7 @@ e1000_set_rx_csum(struct net_device *net
+ e1000_reset(adapter);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static uint32_t
+ e1000_get_tx_csum(struct net_device *netdev)
+ {
+@@ -337,7 +342,7 @@ e1000_get_regs_len(struct net_device *ne
+ static void
+ e1000_get_regs(struct net_device *netdev,
+- struct ethtool_regs *regs, void *p)
++ struct ethtool_regs *regs, void *p)
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+@@ -418,6 +423,10 @@ e1000_get_regs(struct net_device *netdev
+ e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, &phy_data);
+ regs_buff[24] = (uint32_t)phy_data; /* phy local receiver status */
+ regs_buff[25] = regs_buff[24]; /* phy remote receiver status */
++ if(hw->mac_type >= e1000_82540 &&
++ hw->media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) {
++ regs_buff[26] = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MANC);
++ }
+ }
+ static int
+@@ -438,7 +447,7 @@ e1000_get_eeprom(struct net_device *netd
+ int ret_val = 0;
+ uint16_t i;
+- if(eeprom->len == 0)
++ if(eeprom->len == 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ eeprom->magic = hw->vendor_id | (hw->device_id << 16);
+@@ -446,9 +455,9 @@ e1000_get_eeprom(struct net_device *netd
+ first_word = eeprom->offset >> 1;
+ last_word = (eeprom->offset + eeprom->len - 1) >> 1;
+- eeprom_buff = kmalloc(sizeof(uint16_t) *
++ eeprom_buff = kmalloc(sizeof(uint16_t) *
+ (last_word - first_word + 1), GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (!eeprom_buff)
++ if(!eeprom_buff)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if(hw->eeprom.type == e1000_eeprom_spi)
+@@ -466,9 +475,8 @@ e1000_get_eeprom(struct net_device *netd
+ for (i = 0; i < last_word - first_word + 1; i++)
+ le16_to_cpus(&eeprom_buff[i]);
+- memcpy(bytes, (uint8_t *)eeprom_buff + (eeprom->offset%2),
+- eeprom->len);
++ memcpy(bytes, (uint8_t *)eeprom_buff + (eeprom->offset & 1),
++ eeprom->len);
+ kfree(eeprom_buff);
+ return ret_val;
+@@ -520,6 +528,7 @@ e1000_set_eeprom(struct net_device *netd
+ le16_to_cpus(&eeprom_buff[i]);
+ memcpy(ptr, bytes, eeprom->len);
+ for (i = 0; i < last_word - first_word + 1; i++)
+ eeprom_buff[i] = cpu_to_le16(eeprom_buff[i]);
+@@ -575,17 +584,19 @@ static int
+ e1000_set_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev,
+ struct ethtool_ringparam *ring)
+ {
+- int err;
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+ e1000_mac_type mac_type = adapter->hw.mac_type;
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *txdr = &adapter->tx_ring;
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *rxdr = &adapter->rx_ring;
+- struct e1000_desc_ring tx_old, tx_new;
+- struct e1000_desc_ring rx_old, rx_new;
++ struct e1000_desc_ring tx_old, tx_new, rx_old, rx_new;
++ int err;
+ tx_old = adapter->tx_ring;
+ rx_old = adapter->rx_ring;
++ if((ring->rx_mini_pending) || (ring->rx_jumbo_pending))
++ return -EINVAL;
+ if(netif_running(adapter->netdev))
+ e1000_down(adapter);
+@@ -600,15 +611,15 @@ e1000_set_ringparam(struct net_device *n
+ if(netif_running(adapter->netdev)) {
+- /* try to get new resources before deleting old */
++ /* Try to get new resources before deleting old */
+ if((err = e1000_setup_rx_resources(adapter)))
+ goto err_setup_rx;
+ if((err = e1000_setup_tx_resources(adapter)))
+ goto err_setup_tx;
+ /* save the new, restore the old in order to free it,
+- * then restore the new back again */
++ * then restore the new back again */
+ rx_new = adapter->rx_ring;
+ tx_new = adapter->tx_ring;
+ adapter->rx_ring = rx_old;
+@@ -620,6 +631,7 @@ e1000_set_ringparam(struct net_device *n
+ if((err = e1000_up(adapter)))
+ return err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ err_setup_tx:
+ e1000_free_rx_resources(adapter);
+@@ -630,7 +642,6 @@ err_setup_rx:
+ return err;
+ }
+ #define REG_PATTERN_TEST(R, M, W) \
+ { \
+ uint32_t pat, value; \
+@@ -766,13 +777,16 @@ static int
+ e1000_intr_test(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, uint64_t *data)
+ {
+ struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev;
+- uint32_t icr, mask, i=0;
++ uint32_t mask, i=0, shared_int = TRUE;
++ uint32_t irq = adapter->pdev->irq;
+ *data = 0;
+ /* Hook up test interrupt handler just for this test */
+- if(request_irq(adapter->pdev->irq, &e1000_test_intr, SA_SHIRQ,
+- netdev->name, netdev)) {
++ if(!request_irq(irq, &e1000_test_intr, 0, netdev->name, netdev)) {
++ shared_int = FALSE;
++ } else if(request_irq(irq, &e1000_test_intr, SA_SHIRQ,
++ netdev->name, netdev)){
+ *data = 1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+@@ -781,41 +795,28 @@ e1000_intr_test(struct e1000_adapter *ad
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ msec_delay(10);
+- /* Interrupts are disabled, so read interrupt cause
+- * register (icr) twice to verify that there are no interrupts
+- * pending. icr is clear on read.
+- */
+- icr = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, ICR);
+- icr = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, ICR);
+- if(icr != 0) {
+- /* if icr is non-zero, there is no point
+- * running other interrupt tests.
+- */
+- *data = 2;
+- i = 10;
+- }
+ /* Test each interrupt */
+ for(; i < 10; i++) {
+ /* Interrupt to test */
+ mask = 1 << i;
+- /* Disable the interrupt to be reported in
+- * the cause register and then force the same
+- * interrupt and see if one gets posted. If
+- * an interrupt was posted to the bus, the
+- * test failed.
+- */
+- adapter->test_icr = 0;
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC, mask);
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, ICS, mask);
+- msec_delay(10);
+- if(adapter->test_icr & mask) {
+- *data = 3;
+- break;
++ if(!shared_int) {
++ /* Disable the interrupt to be reported in
++ * the cause register and then force the same
++ * interrupt and see if one gets posted. If
++ * an interrupt was posted to the bus, the
++ * test failed.
++ */
++ adapter->test_icr = 0;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC, mask);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, ICS, mask);
++ msec_delay(10);
++ if(adapter->test_icr & mask) {
++ *data = 3;
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ /* Enable the interrupt to be reported in
+@@ -834,20 +835,22 @@ e1000_intr_test(struct e1000_adapter *ad
+ break;
+ }
+- /* Disable the other interrupts to be reported in
+- * the cause register and then force the other
+- * interrupts and see if any get posted. If
+- * an interrupt was posted to the bus, the
+- * test failed.
+- */
+- adapter->test_icr = 0;
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC, ~mask);
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, ICS, ~mask);
+- msec_delay(10);
++ if(!shared_int) {
++ /* Disable the other interrupts to be reported in
++ * the cause register and then force the other
++ * interrupts and see if any get posted. If
++ * an interrupt was posted to the bus, the
++ * test failed.
++ */
++ adapter->test_icr = 0;
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC, ~mask & 0x00007FFF);
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, ICS, ~mask & 0x00007FFF);
++ msec_delay(10);
+- if(adapter->test_icr) {
+- *data = 5;
+- break;
++ if(adapter->test_icr) {
++ *data = 5;
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -856,7 +859,7 @@ e1000_intr_test(struct e1000_adapter *ad
+ msec_delay(10);
+ /* Unhook test interrupt handler */
+- free_irq(adapter->pdev->irq, netdev);
++ free_irq(irq, netdev);
+ return *data;
+ }
+@@ -915,7 +918,8 @@ e1000_setup_desc_rings(struct e1000_adap
+ /* Setup Tx descriptor ring and Tx buffers */
+- txdr->count = 80;
++ if(!txdr->count)
++ txdr->count = E1000_DEFAULT_TXD;
+ size = txdr->count * sizeof(struct e1000_buffer);
+ if(!(txdr->buffer_info = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL))) {
+@@ -970,7 +974,8 @@ e1000_setup_desc_rings(struct e1000_adap
+ /* Setup Rx descriptor ring and Rx buffers */
+- rxdr->count = 80;
++ if(!rxdr->count)
++ rxdr->count = E1000_DEFAULT_RXD;
+ size = rxdr->count * sizeof(struct e1000_buffer);
+ if(!(rxdr->buffer_info = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL))) {
+@@ -1005,7 +1010,7 @@ e1000_setup_desc_rings(struct e1000_adap
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ if(!(skb = alloc_skb(E1000_RXBUFFER_2048 + NET_IP_ALIGN,
+- GFP_KERNEL))) {
++ GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ ret_val = 6;
+ goto err_nomem;
+ }
+@@ -1021,7 +1026,7 @@ e1000_setup_desc_rings(struct e1000_adap
+ return 0;
+- err_nomem:
+ e1000_free_desc_rings(adapter);
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+@@ -1306,24 +1311,63 @@ e1000_run_loopback_test(struct e1000_ada
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *txdr = &adapter->test_tx_ring;
+ struct e1000_desc_ring *rxdr = &adapter->test_rx_ring;
+ struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev;
+- int i;
++ int i, j, k, l, lc, good_cnt, ret_val=0;
++ unsigned long time;
+ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, RDT, rxdr->count - 1);
+- for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+- e1000_create_lbtest_frame(txdr->buffer_info[i].skb, 1024);
+- pci_dma_sync_single(pdev, txdr->buffer_info[i].dma,
+- txdr->buffer_info[i].length,
+- }
+- E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, TDT, i);
+- msec_delay(200);
++ /* Calculate the loop count based on the largest descriptor ring
++ * The idea is to wrap the largest ring a number of times using 64
++ * send/receive pairs during each loop
++ */
+- pci_dma_sync_single(pdev, rxdr->buffer_info[0].dma,
+- rxdr->buffer_info[0].length, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
++ if(rxdr->count <= txdr->count)
++ lc = ((txdr->count / 64) * 2) + 1;
++ else
++ lc = ((rxdr->count / 64) * 2) + 1;
+- return e1000_check_lbtest_frame(rxdr->buffer_info[0].skb, 1024);
++ k = l = 0;
++ for(j = 0; j <= lc; j++) { /* loop count loop */
++ for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) { /* send the packets */
++ e1000_create_lbtest_frame(txdr->buffer_info[i].skb,
++ 1024);
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(pdev,
++ txdr->buffer_info[k].dma,
++ txdr->buffer_info[k].length,
++ if(unlikely(++k == txdr->count)) k = 0;
++ }
++ E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, TDT, k);
++ msec_delay(200);
++ time = jiffies; /* set the start time for the receive */
++ good_cnt = 0;
++ do { /* receive the sent packets */
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(pdev,
++ rxdr->buffer_info[l].dma,
++ rxdr->buffer_info[l].length,
++ ret_val = e1000_check_lbtest_frame(
++ rxdr->buffer_info[l].skb,
++ 1024);
++ if(!ret_val)
++ good_cnt++;
++ if(unlikely(++l == rxdr->count)) l = 0;
++ /* time + 20 msecs (200 msecs on 2.4) is more than
++ * enough time to complete the receives, if it's
++ * exceeded, break and error off
++ */
++ } while (good_cnt < 64 && jiffies < (time + 20));
++ if(good_cnt != 64) {
++ ret_val = 13; /* ret_val is the same as mis-compare */
++ break;
++ }
++ if(jiffies >= (time + 2)) {
++ ret_val = 14; /* error code for time out error */
++ break;
++ }
++ } /* end loop count loop */
++ return ret_val;
+ }
+ static int
+@@ -1342,10 +1386,28 @@ static int
+ e1000_link_test(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, uint64_t *data)
+ {
+ *data = 0;
+- e1000_check_for_link(&adapter->hw);
++ if (adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_internal_serdes) {
++ int i = 0;
++ adapter->hw.serdes_link_down = TRUE;
++ /* On some blade server designs, link establishment
++ * could take as long as 2-3 minutes */
++ do {
++ e1000_check_for_link(&adapter->hw);
++ if (adapter->hw.serdes_link_down == FALSE)
++ return *data;
++ msec_delay(20);
++ } while (i++ < 3750);
+- if(!(E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, STATUS) & E1000_STATUS_LU)) {
+ *data = 1;
++ } else {
++ e1000_check_for_link(&adapter->hw);
++ if(adapter->hw.autoneg) /* if auto_neg is set wait for it */
++ msec_delay(4000);
++ if(!(E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, STATUS) & E1000_STATUS_LU)) {
++ *data = 1;
++ }
+ }
+ return *data;
+ }
+@@ -1357,7 +1419,7 @@ e1000_diag_test_count(struct net_device
+ }
+ static void
+-e1000_diag_test(struct net_device *netdev,
++e1000_diag_test(struct net_device *netdev,
+ struct ethtool_test *eth_test, uint64_t *data)
+ {
+ struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv;
+@@ -1368,7 +1430,7 @@ e1000_diag_test(struct net_device *netde
+ /* save speed, duplex, autoneg settings */
+ uint16_t autoneg_advertised = adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised;
+- uint8_t forced_speed_duplex = adapter->hw.forced_speed_duplex;
++ uint8_t forced_speed_duplex = adapter->hw.forced_speed_duplex;
+ uint8_t autoneg = adapter->hw.autoneg;
+ /* Link test performed before hardware reset so autoneg doesn't
+@@ -1396,10 +1458,11 @@ e1000_diag_test(struct net_device *netde
+ if(e1000_loopback_test(adapter, &data[3]))
+ eth_test->flags |= ETH_TEST_FL_FAILED;
+- /* restore Autoneg/speed/duplex settings */
++ /* restore speed, duplex, autoneg settings */
+ adapter->hw.autoneg_advertised = autoneg_advertised;
+- adapter->hw.forced_speed_duplex = forced_speed_duplex;
+- adapter->hw.autoneg = autoneg;
++ adapter->hw.forced_speed_duplex = forced_speed_duplex;
++ adapter->hw.autoneg = autoneg;
+ e1000_reset(adapter);
+ if(if_running)
+ e1000_up(adapter);
+@@ -1427,6 +1490,9 @@ e1000_get_wol(struct net_device *netdev,
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82543GC_FIBER:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82543GC_COPPER:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82544EI_FIBER:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546EB_QUAD_COPPER:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82545EM_FIBER:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82545EM_COPPER:
+ wol->supported = 0;
+ wol->wolopts = 0;
+ return;
+@@ -1469,6 +1535,9 @@ e1000_set_wol(struct net_device *netdev,
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82543GC_FIBER:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82543GC_COPPER:
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82544EI_FIBER:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546EB_QUAD_COPPER:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82545EM_FIBER:
++ case E1000_DEV_ID_82545EM_COPPER:
+ return wol->wolopts ? -EOPNOTSUPP : 0;
+ case E1000_DEV_ID_82546EB_FIBER:
+@@ -1533,9 +1602,7 @@ e1000_phys_id(struct net_device *netdev,
+ e1000_setup_led(&adapter->hw);
+ mod_timer(&adapter->blink_timer, jiffies);
+- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(data * HZ);
++ msleep_interruptible(data * 1000);
+ del_timer_sync(&adapter->blink_timer);
+ e1000_led_off(&adapter->hw);
+ clear_bit(E1000_LED_ON, &adapter->led_status);
+@@ -1571,8 +1638,8 @@ e1000_get_ethtool_stats(struct net_devic
+ e1000_update_stats(adapter);
+ for(i = 0; i < E1000_STATS_LEN; i++) {
+ char *p = (char *)adapter+e1000_gstrings_stats[i].stat_offset;
+- data[i] = (e1000_gstrings_stats[i].sizeof_stat == sizeof(uint64_t))
+- ? *(uint64_t *)p : *(uint32_t *)p;
++ data[i] = (e1000_gstrings_stats[i].sizeof_stat ==
++ sizeof(uint64_t)) ? *(uint64_t *)p : *(uint32_t *)p;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1633,7 +1700,7 @@ struct ethtool_ops e1000_ethtool_ops = {
+ .get_ethtool_stats = e1000_get_ethtool_stats,
+ };
+-void set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev)
++void e1000_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev)
+ {
+ SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(netdev, &e1000_ethtool_ops);
+ }
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5105_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5105_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55c36c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5105_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:32:56.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/net/e100.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -87,9 +87,8 @@
+ * cb_to_use is the next CB to use for queuing a command; cb_to_clean
+ * is the next CB to check for completion; cb_to_send is the first
+ * CB to start on in case of a previous failure to resume. CB clean
+- * up happens in interrupt context in response to a CU interrupt, or
+- * in dev->poll in the case where NAPI is enabled. cbs_avail keeps
+- * track of number of free CB resources available.
++ * up happens in interrupt context in response to a CU interrupt.
++ * cbs_avail keeps track of number of free CB resources available.
+ *
+ * Hardware padding of short packets to minimum packet size is
+ * enabled. 82557 pads with 7Eh, while the later controllers pad
+@@ -112,9 +111,8 @@
+ * replacement RFDs cannot be allocated, or the RU goes non-active,
+ * the RU must be restarted. Frame arrival generates an interrupt,
+ * and Rx indication and re-allocation happen in the same context,
+- * therefore no locking is required. If NAPI is enabled, this work
+- * happens in dev->poll. A software-generated interrupt is gen-
+- * erated from the watchdog to recover from a failed allocation
++ * therefore no locking is required. A software-generated interrupt
++ * is generated from the watchdog to recover from a failed allocation
+ * senario where all Rx resources have been indicated and none re-
+ * placed.
+ *
+@@ -126,8 +124,6 @@
+ * supported. Tx Scatter/Gather is not supported. Jumbo Frames is
+ * not supported (hardware limitation).
+ *
+- * NAPI support is enabled with CONFIG_E100_NAPI.
+- *
+ * MagicPacket(tm) WoL support is enabled/disabled via ethtool.
+ *
+ * Thanks to JC ( for helping with
+@@ -156,11 +152,13 @@
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <asm/unaligned.h>
++#include "e100_compat.h"
+ #define DRV_NAME "e100"
+-#define DRV_VERSION "3.0.18"
++#define DRV_EXT "-NAPI"
++#define DRV_VERSION "3.4.8-k2"DRV_EXT
+ #define DRV_DESCRIPTION "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver"
+-#define DRV_COPYRIGHT "Copyright(c) 1999-2004 Intel Corporation"
++#define DRV_COPYRIGHT "Copyright(c) 1999-2005 Intel Corporation"
+ #define PFX DRV_NAME ": "
+ #define E100_WATCHDOG_PERIOD (2 * HZ)
+@@ -169,6 +167,7 @@
+ static int debug = 3;
+ module_param(debug, int, 0);
+@@ -201,6 +200,9 @@ static struct pci_device_id e100_id_tabl
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1053, 5),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1054, 5),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1055, 5),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1056, 5),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1057, 5),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1059, 0),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1064, 6),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1065, 6),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1066, 6),
+@@ -209,12 +211,17 @@ static struct pci_device_id e100_id_tabl
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1069, 6),
+- INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1059, 0),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1091, 7),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1092, 7),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1093, 7),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1094, 7),
++ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1095, 7),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1209, 0),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1229, 0),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x2449, 2),
+ INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x2459, 2),
+ { 0, }
+ };
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, e100_id_table);
+@@ -242,6 +249,7 @@ enum phy {
+ phy_nsc_tx = 0x5C002000,
+ phy_82562_et = 0x033002A8,
+ phy_82562_em = 0x032002A8,
++ phy_82562_ek = 0x031002A8,
+ phy_82562_eh = 0x017002A8,
+ phy_unknown = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ };
+@@ -268,6 +276,12 @@ enum scb_status {
+ rus_mask = 0x3C,
+ };
++enum ru_state {
++ RU_RUNNING = 1,
+ enum scb_stat_ack {
+ stat_ack_not_ours = 0x00,
+ stat_ack_sw_gen = 0x04,
+@@ -330,11 +344,16 @@ enum eeprom_op {
+ };
+ enum eeprom_offsets {
++ eeprom_cnfg_mdix = 0x03,
+ eeprom_id = 0x0A,
+ eeprom_config_asf = 0x0D,
+ eeprom_smbus_addr = 0x90,
+ };
++enum eeprom_cnfg_mdix {
++ eeprom_mdix_enabled = 0x0080,
+ enum eeprom_id {
+ eeprom_id_wol = 0x0020,
+ };
+@@ -350,10 +369,12 @@ enum cb_status {
+ };
+ enum cb_command {
++ cb_nop = 0x0000,
+ cb_iaaddr = 0x0001,
+ cb_config = 0x0002,
+ cb_multi = 0x0003,
+ cb_tx = 0x0004,
++ cb_ucode = 0x0005,
+ cb_dump = 0x0006,
+ cb_tx_sf = 0x0008,
+ cb_cid = 0x1f00,
+@@ -428,12 +449,14 @@ struct multi {
+ };
+ /* Important: keep total struct u32-aligned */
++#define UCODE_SIZE 134
+ struct cb {
+ u16 status;
+ u16 command;
+ u32 link;
+ union {
+ u8 iaaddr[ETH_ALEN];
++ u32 ucode[UCODE_SIZE];
+ struct config config;
+ struct multi multi;
+ struct {
+@@ -500,11 +523,11 @@ struct nic {
+ struct rx *rx_to_use;
+ struct rx *rx_to_clean;
+ struct rfd blank_rfd;
+- int ru_running;
++ enum ru_state ru_running;
+ spinlock_t cb_lock ____cacheline_aligned;
+ spinlock_t cmd_lock;
+- struct csr *csr;
++ struct csr __iomem *csr;
+ enum scb_cmd_lo cuc_cmd;
+ unsigned int cbs_avail;
+ struct cb *cbs;
+@@ -529,6 +552,7 @@ struct nic {
+ struct timer_list watchdog;
+ struct timer_list blink_timer;
+ struct mii_if_info mii;
++ struct work_struct tx_timeout_task;
+ enum loopback loopback;
+ struct mem *mem;
+@@ -548,6 +572,7 @@ struct nic {
+ u32 rx_fc_pause;
+ u32 rx_fc_unsupported;
+ u32 rx_tco_frames;
++ u32 rx_over_length_errors;
+ u8 rev_id;
+ u16 leds;
+@@ -565,13 +590,21 @@ static inline void e100_write_flush(stru
+ static inline void e100_enable_irq(struct nic *nic)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&nic->cmd_lock, flags);
+ writeb(irq_mask_none, &nic->csr->scb.cmd_hi);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nic->cmd_lock, flags);
+ e100_write_flush(nic);
+ }
+ static inline void e100_disable_irq(struct nic *nic)
+ {
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&nic->cmd_lock, flags);
+ writeb(irq_mask_all, &nic->csr->scb.cmd_hi);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nic->cmd_lock, flags);
+ e100_write_flush(nic);
+ }
+@@ -586,16 +619,6 @@ static void e100_hw_reset(struct nic *ni
+ writel(software_reset, &nic->csr->port);
+ e100_write_flush(nic); udelay(20);
+- /* TCO workaround - 82559 and greater */
+- if(nic->mac >= mac_82559_D101M) {
+- /* Issue a redundant CU load base without setting
+- * general pointer, and without waiting for scb to
+- * clear. This gets us into post-driver. Finally,
+- * wait 20 msec for reset to take effect. */
+- writeb(cuc_load_base, &nic->csr->scb.cmd_lo);
+- mdelay(20);
+- }
+ /* Mask off our interrupt line - it's unmasked after reset */
+ e100_disable_irq(nic);
+ }
+@@ -613,8 +636,7 @@ static int e100_self_test(struct nic *ni
+ writel(selftest | dma_addr, &nic->csr->port);
+ e100_write_flush(nic);
+ /* Wait 10 msec for self-test to complete */
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(HZ / 100 + 1);
++ msleep(10);
+ /* Interrupts are enabled after self-test */
+ e100_disable_irq(nic);
+@@ -662,8 +684,7 @@ static void e100_eeprom_write(struct nic
+ e100_write_flush(nic); udelay(4);
+ }
+ /* Wait 10 msec for cmd to complete */
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(HZ / 100 + 1);
++ msleep(10);
+ /* Chip deselect */
+ writeb(0, &nic->csr->eeprom_ctrl_lo);
+@@ -764,7 +785,7 @@ static int e100_eeprom_save(struct nic *
+ return 0;
+ }
+-#define E100_WAIT_SCB_TIMEOUT 40
++#define E100_WAIT_SCB_TIMEOUT 20000 /* we might have to wait 100ms!!! */
+ static inline int e100_exec_cmd(struct nic *nic, u8 cmd, dma_addr_t dma_addr)
+ {
+ unsigned long flags;
+@@ -834,6 +855,10 @@ static inline int e100_exec_cb(struct ni
+ * because the controller is too busy, so
+ * let's just queue the command and try again
+ * when another command is scheduled. */
++ if(err == -ENOSPC) {
++ //request a reset
++ schedule_work(&nic->tx_timeout_task);
++ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ nic->cuc_cmd = cuc_resume;
+@@ -878,7 +903,7 @@ static void mdio_write(struct net_device
+ static void e100_get_defaults(struct nic *nic)
+ {
+- struct param_range rfds = { .min = 64, .max = 256, .count = 64 };
++ struct param_range rfds = { .min = 16, .max = 256, .count = 64 };
+ struct param_range cbs = { .min = 64, .max = 256, .count = 64 };
+ pci_read_config_byte(nic->pdev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &nic->rev_id);
+@@ -893,8 +918,9 @@ static void e100_get_defaults(struct nic
+ /* Quadwords to DMA into FIFO before starting frame transmit */
+ nic->tx_threshold = 0xE0;
+- nic->tx_command = cpu_to_le16(cb_tx | cb_i | cb_tx_sf |
+- ((nic->mac >= mac_82558_D101_A4) ? cb_cid : 0));
++ /* no interrupt for every tx completion, delay = 256us if not 557*/
++ nic->tx_command = cpu_to_le16(cb_tx | cb_tx_sf |
++ ((nic->mac >= mac_82558_D101_A4) ? cb_cid : cb_i));
+ /* Template for a freshly allocated RFD */
+ nic->blank_rfd.command = cpu_to_le16(cb_el);
+@@ -958,7 +984,8 @@ static void e100_configure(struct nic *n
+ if(nic->flags & multicast_all)
+ config->multicast_all = 0x1; /* 1=accept, 0=no */
+- if(!(nic->flags & wol_magic))
++ /* disable WoL when up */
++ if(netif_running(nic->netdev) || !(nic->flags & wol_magic))
+ config->magic_packet_disable = 0x1; /* 1=off, 0=on */
+ if(nic->mac >= mac_82558_D101_A4) {
+@@ -980,6 +1007,27 @@ static void e100_configure(struct nic *n
+ c[16], c[17], c[18], c[19], c[20], c[21], c[22], c[23]);
+ }
++static void e100_load_ucode(struct nic *nic, struct cb *cb, struct sk_buff *skb)
++ int i;
++ static const u32 ucode[UCODE_SIZE] = {
++ /* NFS packets are misinterpreted as TCO packets and
++ * incorrectly routed to the BMC over SMBus. This
++ * microcode patch checks the fragmented IP bit in the
++ * NFS/UDP header to distinguish between NFS and TCO. */
++ 0x0EF70E36, 0x1FFF1FFF, 0x1FFF1FFF, 0x1FFF1FFF, 0x1FFF1FFF,
++ 0x1FFF1FFF, 0x00906E41, 0x00800E3C, 0x00E00E39, 0x00000000,
++ 0x00906EFD, 0x00900EFD, 0x00E00EF8,
++ };
++ if(nic->mac == mac_82551_F || nic->mac == mac_82551_10) {
++ for(i = 0; i < UCODE_SIZE; i++)
++ cb->u.ucode[i] = cpu_to_le32(ucode[i]);
++ cb->command = cpu_to_le16(cb_ucode);
++ } else
++ cb->command = cpu_to_le16(cb_nop);
+ static void e100_setup_iaaddr(struct nic *nic, struct cb *cb,
+ struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+@@ -1045,7 +1093,9 @@ static int e100_phy_init(struct nic *nic
+ mdio_write(netdev, nic->mii.phy_id, MII_NSC_CONG, cong);
+ }
+- if(nic->mac >= mac_82550_D102)
++ if((nic->mac >= mac_82550_D102) || ((nic->flags & ich) &&
++ (mdio_read(netdev, nic->mii.phy_id, MII_TPISTATUS) & 0x8000) &&
++ (nic->eeprom[eeprom_cnfg_mdix] & eeprom_mdix_enabled)))
+ /* enable/disable MDI/MDI-X auto-switching */
+ mdio_write(netdev, nic->mii.phy_id, MII_NCONFIG,
+ nic->mii.force_media ? 0 : NCONFIG_AUTO_SWITCH);
+@@ -1069,6 +1119,8 @@ static int e100_hw_init(struct nic *nic)
+ return err;
+ if((err = e100_exec_cmd(nic, ruc_load_base, 0)))
+ return err;
++ if((err = e100_exec_cb(nic, NULL, e100_load_ucode)))
++ return err;
+ if((err = e100_exec_cb(nic, NULL, e100_configure)))
+ return err;
+ if((err = e100_exec_cb(nic, NULL, e100_setup_iaaddr)))
+@@ -1143,9 +1195,11 @@ static void e100_update_stats(struct nic
+ ns->tx_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->tx_max_collisions) +
+ le32_to_cpu(s->tx_lost_crs);
+ ns->rx_dropped += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_resource_errors);
+- ns->rx_length_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_short_frame_errors);
++ ns->rx_length_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_short_frame_errors) +
++ nic->rx_over_length_errors;
+ ns->rx_crc_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_crc_errors);
+ ns->rx_frame_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_alignment_errors);
++ ns->rx_over_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_overrun_errors);
+ ns->rx_fifo_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_overrun_errors);
+ ns->rx_errors += le32_to_cpu(s->rx_crc_errors) +
+ le32_to_cpu(s->rx_alignment_errors) +
+@@ -1170,7 +1224,9 @@ static void e100_update_stats(struct nic
+ }
+ }
+- e100_exec_cmd(nic, cuc_dump_reset, 0);
++ if(e100_exec_cmd(nic, cuc_dump_reset, 0))
++ DPRINTK(TX_ERR, DEBUG, "exec cuc_dump_reset failed\n");
+ }
+ static void e100_adjust_adaptive_ifs(struct nic *nic, int speed, int duplex)
+@@ -1217,8 +1273,13 @@ static void e100_watchdog(unsigned long
+ mii_check_link(&nic->mii);
+ /* Software generated interrupt to recover from (rare) Rx
+- * allocation failure */
+- writeb(irq_sw_gen, &nic->csr->scb.cmd_hi);
++ * allocation failure.
++ * Unfortunately have to use a spinlock to not re-enable interrupts
++ * accidentally, due to hardware that shares a register between the
++ * interrupt mask bit and the SW Interrupt generation bit */
++ spin_lock_irq(&nic->cmd_lock);
++ writeb(readb(&nic->csr->scb.cmd_hi) | irq_sw_gen,&nic->csr->scb.cmd_hi);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&nic->cmd_lock);
+ e100_write_flush(nic);
+ e100_update_stats(nic);
+@@ -1241,12 +1302,15 @@ static inline void e100_xmit_prepare(str
+ struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+ cb->command = nic->tx_command;
++ /* interrupt every 16 packets regardless of delay */
++ if((nic->cbs_avail & ~15) == nic->cbs_avail) cb->command |= cb_i;
+ cb->u.tcb.tbd_array = cb->dma_addr + offsetof(struct cb, u.tcb.tbd);
+ cb->u.tcb.tcb_byte_count = 0;
+ cb->u.tcb.threshold = nic->tx_threshold;
+ cb->u.tcb.tbd_count = 1;
+ cb->u.tcb.tbd.buf_addr = cpu_to_le32(pci_map_single(nic->pdev,
+ skb->data, skb->len, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE));
++ // check for mapping failure?
+ cb->u.tcb.tbd.size = cpu_to_le16(skb->len);
+ }
+@@ -1259,7 +1323,8 @@ static int e100_xmit_frame(struct sk_buf
+ /* SW workaround for ICH[x] 10Mbps/half duplex Tx hang.
+ Issue a NOP command followed by a 1us delay before
+ issuing the Tx command. */
+- e100_exec_cmd(nic, cuc_nop, 0);
++ if(e100_exec_cmd(nic, cuc_nop, 0))
++ DPRINTK(TX_ERR, DEBUG, "exec cuc_nop failed\n");
+ udelay(1);
+ }
+@@ -1268,6 +1333,7 @@ static int e100_xmit_frame(struct sk_buf
+ switch(err) {
+ case -ENOSPC:
+ /* We queued the skb, but now we're out of space. */
++ DPRINTK(TX_ERR, DEBUG, "No space for CB\n");
+ netif_stop_queue(netdev);
+ break;
+ case -ENOMEM:
+@@ -1376,30 +1442,41 @@ static int e100_alloc_cbs(struct nic *ni
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static inline void e100_start_receiver(struct nic *nic)
++static inline void e100_start_receiver(struct nic *nic, struct rx *rx)
+ {
++ if(!nic->rxs) return;
++ if(RU_SUSPENDED != nic->ru_running) return;
++ /* handle init time starts */
++ if(!rx) rx = nic->rxs;
+ /* (Re)start RU if suspended or idle and RFA is non-NULL */
+- if(!nic->ru_running && nic->rx_to_clean->skb) {
+- e100_exec_cmd(nic, ruc_start, nic->rx_to_clean->dma_addr);
+- nic->ru_running = 1;
++ if(rx->skb) {
++ e100_exec_cmd(nic, ruc_start, rx->dma_addr);
++ nic->ru_running = RU_RUNNING;
+ }
+ }
+ #define RFD_BUF_LEN (sizeof(struct rfd) + VLAN_ETH_FRAME_LEN)
+ static inline int e100_rx_alloc_skb(struct nic *nic, struct rx *rx)
+ {
+- unsigned int rx_offset = 2; /* u32 align protocol headers */
+- if(!(rx->skb = dev_alloc_skb(RFD_BUF_LEN + rx_offset)))
++ if(!(rx->skb = dev_alloc_skb(RFD_BUF_LEN + NET_IP_ALIGN)))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ /* Align, init, and map the RFD. */
+ rx->skb->dev = nic->netdev;
+- skb_reserve(rx->skb, rx_offset);
++ skb_reserve(rx->skb, NET_IP_ALIGN);
+ memcpy(rx->skb->data, &nic->blank_rfd, sizeof(struct rfd));
+ rx->dma_addr = pci_map_single(nic->pdev, rx->skb->data,
++ if(pci_dma_mapping_error(rx->dma_addr)) {
++ dev_kfree_skb_any(rx->skb);
++ rx->skb = 0;
++ rx->dma_addr = 0;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
+ /* Link the RFD to end of RFA by linking previous RFD to
+ * this one, and clearing EL bit of previous. */
+ if(rx->prev->skb) {
+@@ -1434,7 +1511,7 @@ static inline int e100_rx_indicate(struc
+ /* If data isn't ready, nothing to indicate */
+ if(unlikely(!(rfd_status & cb_complete)))
+- return -EAGAIN;
++ return -ENODATA;
+ /* Get actual data size */
+ actual_size = le16_to_cpu(rfd->actual_size) & 0x3FFF;
+@@ -1445,6 +1522,10 @@ static inline int e100_rx_indicate(struc
+ pci_unmap_single(nic->pdev, rx->dma_addr,
++ /* this allows for a fast restart without re-enabling interrupts */
++ if(le16_to_cpu(rfd->command) & cb_el)
++ nic->ru_running = RU_SUSPENDED;
+ /* Pull off the RFD and put the actual data (minus eth hdr) */
+ skb_reserve(skb, sizeof(struct rfd));
+ skb_put(skb, actual_size);
+@@ -1456,18 +1537,14 @@ static inline int e100_rx_indicate(struc
+ dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+ } else if(actual_size > nic->netdev->mtu + VLAN_ETH_HLEN) {
+ /* Don't indicate oversized frames */
+- nic->net_stats.rx_over_errors++;
++ nic->rx_over_length_errors++;
+ nic->net_stats.rx_dropped++;
+ dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+ } else {
+ nic->net_stats.rx_packets++;
+ nic->net_stats.rx_bytes += actual_size;
+ nic->netdev->last_rx = jiffies;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_E100_NAPI
+ netif_receive_skb(skb);
+- netif_rx(skb);
+ if(work_done)
+ (*work_done)++;
+ }
+@@ -1481,20 +1558,45 @@ static inline void e100_rx_clean(struct
+ unsigned int work_to_do)
+ {
+ struct rx *rx;
++ int restart_required = 0;
++ struct rx *rx_to_start = NULL;
++ /* are we already rnr? then pay attention!!! this ensures that
++ * the state machine progression never allows a start with a
++ * partially cleaned list, avoiding a race between hardware
++ * and rx_to_clean when in NAPI mode */
++ if(RU_SUSPENDED == nic->ru_running)
++ restart_required = 1;
+ /* Indicate newly arrived packets */
+ for(rx = nic->rx_to_clean; rx->skb; rx = nic->rx_to_clean = rx->next) {
+- if(e100_rx_indicate(nic, rx, work_done, work_to_do))
++ int err = e100_rx_indicate(nic, rx, work_done, work_to_do);
++ if(-EAGAIN == err) {
++ /* hit quota so have more work to do, restart once
++ * cleanup is complete */
++ restart_required = 0;
++ break;
++ } else if(-ENODATA == err)
+ break; /* No more to clean */
+ }
++ /* save our starting point as the place we'll restart the receiver */
++ if(restart_required)
++ rx_to_start = nic->rx_to_clean;
+ /* Alloc new skbs to refill list */
+ for(rx = nic->rx_to_use; !rx->skb; rx = nic->rx_to_use = rx->next) {
+ if(unlikely(e100_rx_alloc_skb(nic, rx)))
+ break; /* Better luck next time (see watchdog) */
+ }
+- e100_start_receiver(nic);
++ if(restart_required) {
++ // ack the rnr?
++ writeb(stat_ack_rnr, &nic->csr->scb.stat_ack);
++ e100_start_receiver(nic, rx_to_start);
++ if(work_done)
++ (*work_done)++;
++ }
+ }
+ static void e100_rx_clean_list(struct nic *nic)
+@@ -1502,6 +1604,8 @@ static void e100_rx_clean_list(struct ni
+ struct rx *rx;
+ unsigned int i, count = nic->params.rfds.count;
++ nic->ru_running = RU_UNINITIALIZED;
+ if(nic->rxs) {
+ for(rx = nic->rxs, i = 0; i < count; rx++, i++) {
+ if(rx->skb) {
+@@ -1515,7 +1619,6 @@ static void e100_rx_clean_list(struct ni
+ }
+ nic->rx_to_use = nic->rx_to_clean = NULL;
+- nic->ru_running = 0;
+ }
+ static int e100_rx_alloc_list(struct nic *nic)
+@@ -1524,6 +1627,7 @@ static int e100_rx_alloc_list(struct nic
+ unsigned int i, count = nic->params.rfds.count;
+ nic->rx_to_use = nic->rx_to_clean = NULL;
++ nic->ru_running = RU_UNINITIALIZED;
+ if(!(nic->rxs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct rx) * count, GFP_ATOMIC)))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -1539,6 +1643,7 @@ static int e100_rx_alloc_list(struct nic
+ }
+ nic->rx_to_use = nic->rx_to_clean = nic->rxs;
++ nic->ru_running = RU_SUSPENDED;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1560,22 +1665,14 @@ static irqreturn_t e100_intr(int irq, vo
+ /* We hit Receive No Resource (RNR); restart RU after cleaning */
+ if(stat_ack & stat_ack_rnr)
+- nic->ru_running = 0;
++ nic->ru_running = RU_SUSPENDED;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_E100_NAPI
+ e100_disable_irq(nic);
+ netif_rx_schedule(netdev);
+- if(stat_ack & stat_ack_rx)
+- e100_rx_clean(nic, NULL, 0);
+- if(stat_ack & stat_ack_tx)
+- e100_tx_clean(nic);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+-#ifdef CONFIG_E100_NAPI
+ static int e100_poll(struct net_device *netdev, int *budget)
+ {
+ struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+@@ -1598,7 +1695,6 @@ static int e100_poll(struct net_device *
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static void e100_netpoll(struct net_device *netdev)
+@@ -1606,6 +1702,7 @@ static void e100_netpoll(struct net_devi
+ struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+ e100_disable_irq(nic);
+ e100_intr(nic->pdev->irq, netdev, NULL);
++ e100_tx_clean(nic);
+ e100_enable_irq(nic);
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -1638,14 +1735,16 @@ static int e100_change_mtu(struct net_de
+ return 0;
+ }
++#ifdef CONFIG_PM
+ static int e100_asf(struct nic *nic)
+ {
+ /* ASF can be enabled from eeprom */
+- return((nic->pdev->device >= 0x1050) && (nic->pdev->device <= 0x1055) &&
++ return((nic->pdev->device >= 0x1050) && (nic->pdev->device <= 0x1057) &&
+ (nic->eeprom[eeprom_config_asf] & eeprom_asf) &&
+ !(nic->eeprom[eeprom_config_asf] & eeprom_gcl) &&
+ ((nic->eeprom[eeprom_smbus_addr] & 0xFF) != 0xFE));
+ }
+ static int e100_up(struct nic *nic)
+ {
+@@ -1658,13 +1757,16 @@ static int e100_up(struct nic *nic)
+ if((err = e100_hw_init(nic)))
+ goto err_clean_cbs;
+ e100_set_multicast_list(nic->netdev);
+- e100_start_receiver(nic);
++ e100_start_receiver(nic, 0);
+ mod_timer(&nic->watchdog, jiffies);
+ if((err = request_irq(nic->pdev->irq, e100_intr, SA_SHIRQ,
+ nic->netdev->name, nic->netdev)))
+ goto err_no_irq;
+- e100_enable_irq(nic);
+ netif_wake_queue(nic->netdev);
++ netif_poll_enable(nic->netdev);
++ /* enable ints _after_ enabling poll, preventing a race between
++ * disable ints+schedule */
++ e100_enable_irq(nic);
+ return 0;
+ err_no_irq:
+@@ -1678,11 +1780,13 @@ err_rx_clean_list:
+ static void e100_down(struct nic *nic)
+ {
++ /* wait here for poll to complete */
++ netif_poll_disable(nic->netdev);
++ netif_stop_queue(nic->netdev);
+ e100_hw_reset(nic);
+ free_irq(nic->pdev->irq, nic->netdev);
+ del_timer_sync(&nic->watchdog);
+ netif_carrier_off(nic->netdev);
+- netif_stop_queue(nic->netdev);
+ e100_clean_cbs(nic);
+ e100_rx_clean_list(nic);
+ }
+@@ -1691,6 +1795,15 @@ static void e100_tx_timeout(struct net_d
+ {
+ struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
++ /* Reset outside of interrupt context, to avoid request_irq
++ * in interrupt context */
++ schedule_work(&nic->tx_timeout_task);
++static void e100_tx_timeout_task(struct net_device *netdev)
++ struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+ DPRINTK(TX_ERR, DEBUG, "scb.status=0x%02X\n",
+ readb(&nic->csr->scb.status));
+ e100_down(netdev_priv(netdev));
+@@ -1724,7 +1837,7 @@ static int e100_loopback_test(struct nic
+ mdio_write(nic->netdev, nic->mii.phy_id, MII_BMCR,
+- e100_start_receiver(nic);
++ e100_start_receiver(nic, 0);
+ if(!(skb = dev_alloc_skb(ETH_DATA_LEN))) {
+ err = -ENOMEM;
+@@ -1734,12 +1847,11 @@ static int e100_loopback_test(struct nic
+ memset(skb->data, 0xFF, ETH_DATA_LEN);
+ e100_xmit_frame(skb, nic->netdev);
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(HZ / 100 + 1);
++ msleep(10);
+ if(memcmp(nic->rx_to_clean->skb->data + sizeof(struct rfd),
+ skb->data, ETH_DATA_LEN))
+- err = -EAGAIN;
++ err = -EAGAIN;
+ err_loopback_none:
+ mdio_write(nic->netdev, nic->mii.phy_id, MII_BMCR, 0);
+@@ -1821,8 +1933,7 @@ static void e100_get_regs(struct net_dev
+ mdio_read(netdev, nic->mii.phy_id, i);
+ memset(nic->mem->dump_buf, 0, sizeof(nic->mem->dump_buf));
+ e100_exec_cb(nic, NULL, e100_dump);
+- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(HZ / 100 + 1);
++ msleep(10);
+ memcpy(&buff[2 + E100_PHY_REGS], nic->mem->dump_buf,
+ sizeof(nic->mem->dump_buf));
+ }
+@@ -1846,7 +1957,6 @@ static int e100_set_wol(struct net_devic
+ else
+ nic->flags &= ~wol_magic;
+- pci_enable_wake(nic->pdev, 0, nic->flags & (wol_magic | e100_asf(nic)));
+ e100_exec_cb(nic, NULL, e100_configure);
+ return 0;
+@@ -1932,12 +2042,17 @@ static int e100_set_ringparam(struct net
+ struct param_range *rfds = &nic->params.rfds;
+ struct param_range *cbs = &nic->;
++ if ((ring->rx_mini_pending) || (ring->rx_jumbo_pending))
++ return -EINVAL;
+ if(netif_running(netdev))
+ e100_down(nic);
+ rfds->count = max(ring->rx_pending, rfds->min);
+ rfds->count = min(rfds->count, rfds->max);
+ cbs->count = max(ring->tx_pending, cbs->min);
+ cbs->count = min(cbs->count, cbs->max);
++ DPRINTK(DRV, INFO, "Ring Param settings: rx: %d, tx %d\n",
++ rfds->count, cbs->count);
+ if(netif_running(netdev))
+ e100_up(nic);
+@@ -1961,18 +2076,27 @@ static int e100_diag_test_count(struct n
+ static void e100_diag_test(struct net_device *netdev,
+ struct ethtool_test *test, u64 *data)
+ {
++ struct ethtool_cmd cmd;
+ struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+- int i;
++ int i, err;
+ memset(data, 0, E100_TEST_LEN * sizeof(u64));
+ data[0] = !mii_link_ok(&nic->mii);
+ data[1] = e100_eeprom_load(nic);
+ if(test->flags & ETH_TEST_FL_OFFLINE) {
++ /* save speed, duplex & autoneg settings */
++ err = mii_ethtool_gset(&nic->mii, &cmd);
+ if(netif_running(netdev))
+ e100_down(nic);
+ data[2] = e100_self_test(nic);
+ data[3] = e100_loopback_test(nic, lb_mac);
+ data[4] = e100_loopback_test(nic, lb_phy);
++ /* restore speed, duplex & autoneg settings */
++ err = mii_ethtool_sset(&nic->mii, &cmd);
+ if(netif_running(netdev))
+ e100_up(nic);
+ }
+@@ -1987,8 +2111,7 @@ static int e100_phys_id(struct net_devic
+ if(!data || data > (u32)(MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT / HZ))
+ data = (u32)(MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT / HZ);
+ mod_timer(&nic->blink_timer, jiffies);
+- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+- schedule_timeout(data * HZ);
++ msleep_interruptible(data * 1000);
+ del_timer_sync(&nic->blink_timer);
+ mdio_write(netdev, nic->mii.phy_id, MII_LED_CONTROL, 0);
+@@ -2135,13 +2258,12 @@ static int __devinit e100_probe(struct p
+ SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(netdev, &e100_ethtool_ops);
+ netdev->tx_timeout = e100_tx_timeout;
+ netdev->watchdog_timeo = E100_WATCHDOG_PERIOD;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_E100_NAPI
+ netdev->poll = e100_poll;
+ netdev->weight = E100_NAPI_WEIGHT;
+ netdev->poll_controller = e100_netpoll;
+ #endif
++ strcpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev));
+ nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+ nic->netdev = netdev;
+@@ -2166,8 +2288,6 @@ static int __devinit e100_probe(struct p
+ goto err_out_disable_pdev;
+ }
+- pci_set_master(pdev);
+ if((err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, 0xFFFFFFFFULL))) {
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "No usable DMA configuration, aborting.\n");
+ goto err_out_free_res;
+@@ -2188,9 +2308,19 @@ static int __devinit e100_probe(struct p
+ else
+ nic->flags &= ~ich;
++ e100_get_defaults(nic);
++ /* locks must be initialized before calling hw_reset */
+ spin_lock_init(&nic->cb_lock);
+ spin_lock_init(&nic->cmd_lock);
++ /* Reset the device before pci_set_master() in case device is in some
++ * funky state and has an interrupt pending - hint: we don't have the
++ * interrupt handler registered yet. */
++ e100_hw_reset(nic);
++ pci_set_master(pdev);
+ init_timer(&nic->watchdog);
+ nic->watchdog.function = e100_watchdog;
+ nic-> = (unsigned long)nic;
+@@ -2198,13 +2328,14 @@ static int __devinit e100_probe(struct p
+ nic->blink_timer.function = e100_blink_led;
+ nic-> = (unsigned long)nic;
++ INIT_WORK(&nic->tx_timeout_task,
++ (void (*)(void *))e100_tx_timeout_task, netdev);
+ if((err = e100_alloc(nic))) {
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Cannot alloc driver memory, aborting.\n");
+ goto err_out_iounmap;
+ }
+- e100_get_defaults(nic);
+- e100_hw_reset(nic);
+ e100_phy_init(nic);
+ if((err = e100_eeprom_load(nic)))
+@@ -2223,8 +2354,10 @@ static int __devinit e100_probe(struct p
+ (nic->eeprom[eeprom_id] & eeprom_id_wol))
+ nic->flags |= wol_magic;
+- pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, nic->flags & (wol_magic | e100_asf(nic)));
++ /* ack any pending wake events, disable PME */
++ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, 0);
++ strcpy(netdev->name, "eth%d");
+ if((err = register_netdev(netdev))) {
+ DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Cannot register net device, aborting.\n");
+ goto err_out_free;
+@@ -2282,7 +2415,7 @@ static int e100_suspend(struct pci_dev *
+ pci_save_state(pdev, nic->pm_state);
+ pci_enable_wake(pdev, state, nic->flags & (wol_magic | e100_asf(nic)));
+ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+- pci_set_power_state(pdev, state);
++ pci_set_power_state(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state));
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -2292,9 +2425,12 @@ static int e100_resume(struct pci_dev *p
+ struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+ struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+- pci_set_power_state(pdev, 0);
++ pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D0);
+ pci_restore_state(pdev, nic->pm_state);
+- e100_hw_init(nic);
++ /* ack any pending wake events, disable PME */
++ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, 0);
++ if(e100_hw_init(nic))
++ DPRINTK(HW, ERR, "e100_hw_init failed\n");
+ netif_device_attach(netdev);
+ if(netif_running(netdev))
+@@ -2304,6 +2440,21 @@ static int e100_resume(struct pci_dev *p
+ }
+ #endif
++static void e100_shutdown(struct device *dev)
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = container_of(dev, struct pci_dev, dev);
++ struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev);
++#ifdef CONFIG_PM
++ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, nic->flags & (wol_magic | e100_asf(nic)));
++ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, nic->flags & (wol_magic));
+ static struct pci_driver e100_driver = {
+ .name = DRV_NAME,
+ .id_table = e100_id_table,
+@@ -2313,6 +2464,11 @@ static struct pci_driver e100_driver = {
+ .suspend = e100_suspend,
+ .resume = e100_resume,
+ #endif
++ .driver = {
++ .shutdown = e100_shutdown,
++ }
+ };
+ static int __init e100_init_module(void)
+@@ -2321,7 +2477,7 @@ static int __init e100_init_module(void)
+ printk(KERN_INFO PFX "%s\n", DRV_COPYRIGHT);
+ }
+- return pci_module_init(&e100_driver);
++ return pci_module_init(&e100_driver);
+ }
+ static void __exit e100_cleanup_module(void)
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/net/e100_compat.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++#ifndef __E100_COMPAT_H__
++#define __E100_COMPAT_H__
++typedef u32 pm_message_t;
++typedef int __bitwise pci_power_t;
++#define PCI_D0 ((pci_power_t __force) 0)
++#define PCI_D1 ((pci_power_t __force) 1)
++#define PCI_D2 ((pci_power_t __force) 2)
++#define PCI_D3hot ((pci_power_t __force) 3)
++#define PCI_D3cold ((pci_power_t __force) 4)
++#define pci_choose_state(pdev, state) (state)
++#endif /* __E100_COMPAT_H__ */
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5106_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5106_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7fac34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5106_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,3176 @@
+--- ./drivers/net/r8169.c 2005-09-26 13:32:54.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/net/r8169.c 2005-10-21 11:09:29.755805000 +0400
+@@ -1,72 +1,104 @@
+ /*
+ =========================================================================
+- r8169.c: A RealTek RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver for Linux kernel 2.4.x.
++ r8169.c: A RealTek RTL8169s/8110s Gigabit Ethernet driver for Linux kernel 2.4.x.
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ History:
+ Feb 4 2002 - created initially by ShuChen <>.
+ May 20 2002 - Add link status force-mode and TBI mode support.
+ =========================================================================
+- 1. The media can be forced in 5 modes.
+- Command: 'insmod r8169 media = SET_MEDIA'
+- Ex: 'insmod r8169 media = 0x04' will force PHY to operate in 100Mpbs Half-duplex.
+- SET_MEDIA can be:
+- _10_Half = 0x01
+- _10_Full = 0x02
+- _100_Half = 0x04
+- _100_Full = 0x08
+- _1000_Full = 0x10
+- 2. Support TBI mode.
+-VERSION 1.1 <2002/10/4>
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.1" <2002/10/4>
+ The bit4:0 of MII register 4 is called "selector field", and have to be
+ 00001b to indicate support of IEEE std 802.3 during NWay process of
+- exchanging Link Code Word (FLP).
+-VERSION 1.2 <2002/11/30>
+- - Large style cleanup
+- - Use ether_crc in stock kernel (linux/crc32.h)
+- - Copy mc_filter setup code from 8139cp
+- (includes an optimization, and avoids set_bit use)
++ exchanging Link Code Word (FLP).
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.2" <2003/6/17>
++ Update driver module name.
++ Modify ISR.
++ Add chip mcfg.
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.3" <2003/6/20>
++ Add chip pcfg.
++ Add priv->phy_timer_t, rtl8169_phy_timer_t_handler()
++ Add rtl8169_hw_PHY_config()
++ Add rtl8169_hw_PHY_reset()
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.4" <2003/7/14>
++ Add tx_bytes, rx_bytes.
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.5" <2003/7/18>
++ Set 0x0000 to PHY at offset 0x0b.
++ Modify chip mcfg, pcfg
++ Force media for multiple card.
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.6" <2003/8/25>
++ Modify receive data buffer.
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.7" <2003/9/18>
++ Add Jumbo Frame support.
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.8" <2003/10/21>
++ Performance and CPU Utilizaion Enhancement.
++RTL8169_VERSION "1.9" <2003/12/29>
++ Enable Tx/Rx flow control.
++RTL8169_VERSION "2.0" <2004/03/26>
++ Beta version.
++ Support for linux 2.6.x
++RTL8169_VERSION "2.1" <2004/07/05>
++ Modify parameters.
++RTL8169_VERSION "2.2" <2004/08/09>
++ Add.pci_dma_sync_single.
++ Add pci_alloc_consistent()/pci_free_consistent().
++ Revise parameters.
++ Recognize our interrupt for linux 2.6.x.
+ */
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/pci.h>
+ #include <linux/netdevice.h>
+ #include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+ #include <linux/delay.h>
+-#include <linux/ethtool.h>
+-#include <linux/crc32.h>
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/timer.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+-#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+-#include <asm/io.h>
+-#define RTL8169_VERSION "1.2"
+-#define MODULENAME "r8169"
++#define RTL8169_VERSION "2.2"
++#define MODULENAME "RTL8169s/8110s"
+ #define RTL8169_DRIVER_NAME MODULENAME " Gigabit Ethernet driver " RTL8169_VERSION
+ #define PFX MODULENAME ": "
++#undef RTL8169_DEBUG
++#undef RTL8169_IOCTL_SUPPORT
++#define RTL8169_USE_IO
+ #ifdef RTL8169_DEBUG
+-#define assert(expr) \
+- if(!(expr)) { \
+- printk( "Assertion failed! %s,%s,%s,line=%d\n", \
+- #expr,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); \
+- }
+-#define dprintk(fmt, args...) do { printk(PFX fmt, ## args) } while (0)
++ #define assert(expr) \
++ if(!(expr)) { printk( "Assertion failed! %s,%s,%s,line=%d\n", #expr,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); }
++ #define DBG_PRINT( fmt, args...) printk("r8169: " fmt, ## args);
+ #else
+-#define assert(expr) do {} while (0)
+-#define dprintk(fmt, args...) do {} while (0)
+-#endif /* RTL8169_DEBUG */
++ #define assert(expr) do {} while (0)
++ #define DBG_PRINT( fmt, args...) ;
++#endif // end of #ifdef RTL8169_DEBUG
+ /* media options */
+ #define MAX_UNITS 8
+-static int media[MAX_UNITS] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
++static int media[MAX_UNITS] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
+ /* Maximum events (Rx packets, etc.) to handle at each interrupt. */
+ static int max_interrupt_work = 20;
+@@ -76,148 +108,158 @@ static int max_interrupt_work = 20;
+ static int multicast_filter_limit = 32;
+ /* MAC address length*/
+-#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6
++#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6
++#define RX_FIFO_THRESH 7 /* 7 means NO threshold, Rx buffer level before first PCI xfer. */
++#define RX_DMA_BURST 7 /* Maximum PCI burst, '6' is 1024 */
++#define TX_DMA_BURST 7 /* Maximum PCI burst, '6' is 1024 */
++#define ETTh 0x3F /* 0x3F means NO threshold */
++#define ETH_HDR_LEN 14
++#define DEFAULT_MTU 1500
++#define DEFAULT_RX_BUF_LEN 1536
+-/* max supported gigabit ethernet frame size -- must be at least (dev->mtu+14+4).*/
+-#define MAX_ETH_FRAME_SIZE 1536
+-#define TX_FIFO_THRESH 256 /* In bytes */
++#define MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_MTU ( 10000 )
++#define MAX_RX_SKBDATA_SIZE 1600
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_JUMBO_FRAME_SUPPORT
++#define InterFrameGap 0x03 /* 3 means InterFrameGap = the shortest one */
++//#define NUM_TX_DESC 64 /* Number of Tx descriptor registers*/
++//#define NUM_RX_DESC 64 /* Number of Rx descriptor registers*/
++#define NUM_TX_DESC 1024 /* Number of Tx descriptor registers*/
++#define NUM_RX_DESC 1024 /* Number of Rx descriptor registers*/
+-#define RX_FIFO_THRESH 7 /* 7 means NO threshold, Rx buffer level before first PCI xfer. */
+-#define RX_DMA_BURST 6 /* Maximum PCI burst, '6' is 1024 */
+-#define TX_DMA_BURST 6 /* Maximum PCI burst, '6' is 1024 */
+-#define EarlyTxThld 0x3F /* 0x3F means NO early transmit */
+-#define RxPacketMaxSize 0x0800 /* Maximum size supported is 16K-1 */
+-#define InterFrameGap 0x03 /* 3 means InterFrameGap = the shortest one */
+-#define NUM_TX_DESC 64 /* Number of Tx descriptor registers */
+-#define NUM_RX_DESC 64 /* Number of Rx descriptor registers */
+-#define RX_BUF_SIZE 1536 /* Rx Buffer size */
+-#define R8169_TX_RING_BYTES (NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof(struct TxDesc))
+-#define R8169_RX_RING_BYTES (NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof(struct RxDesc))
+-#define RTL_MIN_IO_SIZE 0x80
+-#define RTL8169_TX_TIMEOUT (6*HZ)
+-#define RTL8169_PHY_TIMEOUT (HZ)
++#define RTL_MIN_IO_SIZE 0x80
++#define TX_TIMEOUT (6*HZ)
++#define RTL8169_TIMER_EXPIRE_TIME 100 //100
++#ifdef RTL8169_USE_IO
++#define RTL_W8(reg, val8) outb ((val8), ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_W16(reg, val16) outw ((val16), ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_W32(reg, val32) outl ((val32), ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_R8(reg) inb (ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_R16(reg) inw (ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_R32(reg) ((unsigned long) inl (ioaddr + (reg)))
+ /* write/read MMIO register */
+-#define RTL_W8(reg, val8) writeb ((val8), ioaddr + (reg))
+-#define RTL_W16(reg, val16) writew ((val16), ioaddr + (reg))
+-#define RTL_W32(reg, val32) writel ((val32), ioaddr + (reg))
+-#define RTL_R8(reg) readb (ioaddr + (reg))
+-#define RTL_R16(reg) readw (ioaddr + (reg))
+-#define RTL_R32(reg) ((unsigned long) readl (ioaddr + (reg)))
+-enum mac_version {
+- RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_B = 0x00,
+- /* RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_C = 0x03, */
+- RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_D = 0x01,
+- RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_E = 0x02
++#define RTL_W8(reg, val8) writeb ((val8), ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_W16(reg, val16) writew ((val16), ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_W32(reg, val32) writel ((val32), ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_R8(reg) readb (ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_R16(reg) readw (ioaddr + (reg))
++#define RTL_R32(reg) ((unsigned long) readl (ioaddr + (reg)))
++#define MCFG_METHOD_1 0x01
++#define MCFG_METHOD_2 0x02
++#define MCFG_METHOD_3 0x03
++#define MCFG_METHOD_4 0x04
++#define PCFG_METHOD_1 0x01 //PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0000
++#define PCFG_METHOD_2 0x02 //PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0001
++#define PCFG_METHOD_3 0x03 //PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0002
+-enum phy_version {
+- RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_C = 0x03, /* PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0000 */
+- RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_D = 0x04, /* PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0000 */
+- RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_E = 0x05, /* PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0000 */
+- RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_F = 0x06, /* PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0001 */
+- RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_G = 0x07, /* PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0002 */
++#include "r8169_callback.h"
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_DYNAMIC_CONTROL
+-#define _R(NAME,MAC,MASK) \
+- { .name = NAME, .mac_version = MAC, .RxConfigMask = MASK }
+ const static struct {
+ const char *name;
+- u8 mac_version;
+- u32 RxConfigMask; /* Clears the bits supported by this chip */
++ u8 mcfg; /* depend on RTL8169 docs */
++ u32 RxConfigMask; /* should clear the bits supported by this chip */
+ } rtl_chip_info[] = {
+- _R("RTL8169", RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_B, 0xff7e1880),
+- _R("RTL8169s/8110s", RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_D, 0xff7e1880),
+- _R("RTL8169s/8110s", RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_E, 0xff7e1880)
++ { "RTL8169", MCFG_METHOD_1, 0xff7e1880 },
++ { "RTL8169s/8110s", MCFG_METHOD_2, 0xff7e1880 },
++ { "RTL8169s/8110s", MCFG_METHOD_3, 0xff7e1880 },
+ };
+-#undef _R
+-static struct pci_device_id rtl8169_pci_tbl[] = {
+- {0x10ec, 0x8169, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
++static struct pci_device_id rtl8169_pci_tbl[] __devinitdata = {
++ { 0x10ec, 0x8169, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {0,},
+ };
+-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, rtl8169_pci_tbl);
+-static int rx_copybreak = 200;
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (pci, rtl8169_pci_tbl);
+ enum RTL8169_registers {
+- MAC0 = 0, /* Ethernet hardware address. */
+- MAR0 = 8, /* Multicast filter. */
+- TxDescStartAddrLow = 0x20,
+- TxDescStartAddrHigh = 0x24,
+- TxHDescStartAddrLow = 0x28,
+- TxHDescStartAddrHigh = 0x2c,
+- FLASH = 0x30,
+- ERSR = 0x36,
+- ChipCmd = 0x37,
+- TxPoll = 0x38,
++ MAC0 = 0x0,
++ MAR0 = 0x8,
++ TxDescStartAddr = 0x20,
++ TxHDescStartAddr= 0x28,
++ FLASH = 0x30,
++ ERSR = 0x36,
++ ChipCmd = 0x37,
++ TxPoll = 0x38,
+ IntrMask = 0x3C,
+ IntrStatus = 0x3E,
+ TxConfig = 0x40,
+ RxConfig = 0x44,
+ RxMissed = 0x4C,
+ Cfg9346 = 0x50,
+- Config0 = 0x51,
+- Config1 = 0x52,
+- Config2 = 0x53,
+- Config3 = 0x54,
+- Config4 = 0x55,
+- Config5 = 0x56,
++ Config0 = 0x51,
++ Config1 = 0x52,
++ Config2 = 0x53,
++ Config3 = 0x54,
++ Config4 = 0x55,
++ Config5 = 0x56,
+ MultiIntr = 0x5C,
+- PHYAR = 0x60,
+- TBICSR = 0x64,
++ PHYAR = 0x60,
++ TBICSR = 0x64,
+ TBI_ANAR = 0x68,
+ TBI_LPAR = 0x6A,
+ PHYstatus = 0x6C,
+ RxMaxSize = 0xDA,
+ CPlusCmd = 0xE0,
+- RxDescAddrLow = 0xE4,
+- RxDescAddrHigh = 0xE8,
+- EarlyTxThres = 0xEC,
+- FuncEvent = 0xF0,
+- FuncEventMask = 0xF4,
+- FuncPresetState = 0xF8,
+- FuncForceEvent = 0xFC,
++ RxDescStartAddr = 0xE4,
++ ETThReg = 0xEC,
++ FuncEvent = 0xF0,
++ FuncEventMask = 0xF4,
++ FuncPresetState = 0xF8,
++ FuncForceEvent = 0xFC,
+ };
+ enum RTL8169_register_content {
+- /*InterruptStatusBits */
+- SYSErr = 0x8000,
+- PCSTimeout = 0x4000,
+- SWInt = 0x0100,
+- TxDescUnavail = 0x80,
+- RxFIFOOver = 0x40,
+- RxUnderrun = 0x20,
+- RxOverflow = 0x10,
+- TxErr = 0x08,
+- TxOK = 0x04,
+- RxErr = 0x02,
+- RxOK = 0x01,
++ /*InterruptStatusBits*/
++ SYSErr = 0x8000,
++ PCSTimeout = 0x4000,
++ SWInt = 0x0100,
++ TxDescUnavail = 0x80,
++ RxFIFOOver = 0x40,
++ LinkChg = 0x20,
++ RxOverflow = 0x10,
++ TxErr = 0x08,
++ TxOK = 0x04,
++ RxErr = 0x02,
++ RxOK = 0x01,
+- /*RxStatusDesc */
++ /*RxStatusDesc*/
+ RxRES = 0x00200000,
+ RxCRC = 0x00080000,
+- RxRUNT = 0x00100000,
++ RxRUNT= 0x00100000,
+ RxRWT = 0x00400000,
+- /*ChipCmdBits */
++ /*ChipCmdBits*/
+ CmdReset = 0x10,
+ CmdRxEnb = 0x08,
+ CmdTxEnb = 0x04,
+ RxBufEmpty = 0x01,
+- /*Cfg9346Bits */
++ /*Cfg9346Bits*/
+ Cfg9346_Lock = 0x00,
+ Cfg9346_Unlock = 0xC0,
+- /*rx_mode_bits */
++ /*rx_mode_bits*/
+ AcceptErr = 0x20,
+ AcceptRunt = 0x10,
+ AcceptBroadcast = 0x08,
+@@ -225,1492 +267,1689 @@ enum RTL8169_register_content {
+ AcceptMyPhys = 0x02,
+ AcceptAllPhys = 0x01,
+- /*RxConfigBits */
++ /*RxConfigBits*/
+ RxCfgFIFOShift = 13,
+ RxCfgDMAShift = 8,
+- /*TxConfigBits */
++ /*TxConfigBits*/
+ TxInterFrameGapShift = 24,
+- TxDMAShift = 8, /* DMA burst value (0-7) is shift this many bits */
++ TxDMAShift = 8,
+- /* CPlusCmd p.31 */
+- RxVlan = (1 << 6),
+- RxChkSum = (1 << 5),
+- PCIDAC = (1 << 4),
+- PCIMulRW = (1 << 3),
+- /*rtl8169_PHYstatus */
+- TBI_Enable = 0x80,
+- TxFlowCtrl = 0x40,
+- RxFlowCtrl = 0x20,
+- _1000bpsF = 0x10,
+- _100bps = 0x08,
+- _10bps = 0x04,
+- LinkStatus = 0x02,
+- FullDup = 0x01,
++ /*rtl8169_PHYstatus*/
++ TBI_Enable = 0x80,
++ TxFlowCtrl = 0x40,
++ RxFlowCtrl = 0x20,
++ _1000bpsF = 0x10,
++ _100bps = 0x08,
++ _10bps = 0x04,
++ LinkStatus = 0x02,
++ FullDup = 0x01,
+- /*GIGABIT_PHY_registers */
++ /*GIGABIT_PHY_registers*/
+ PHY_1000_CTRL_REG = 9,
+- PHY_Restart_Auto_Nego = 0x0200,
+- PHY_Enable_Auto_Nego = 0x1000,
++ PHY_Restart_Auto_Nego = 0x0200,
++ PHY_Enable_Auto_Nego = 0x1000,
+ //PHY_STAT_REG = 1;
+- PHY_Auto_Neco_Comp = 0x0020,
++ PHY_Auto_Neco_Comp = 0x0020,
+- PHY_Cap_10_Half = 0x0020,
+- PHY_Cap_10_Full = 0x0040,
+- PHY_Cap_100_Half = 0x0080,
+- PHY_Cap_100_Full = 0x0100,
++ PHY_Cap_10_Half = 0x0020,
++ PHY_Cap_10_Full = 0x0040,
++ PHY_Cap_100_Half = 0x0080,
++ PHY_Cap_100_Full = 0x0100,
+ //PHY_1000_CTRL_REG = 9;
+- PHY_Cap_1000_Full = 0x0200,
++ PHY_Cap_1000_Full = 0x0200,
++ PHY_Cap_1000_Half = 0x0100,
+- PHY_Cap_Null = 0x0,
++ PHY_Cap_PAUSE = 0x0400,
++ PHY_Cap_ASYM_PAUSE = 0x0800,
++ PHY_Cap_Null = 0x0,
+ /*_MediaType*/
+- _10_Half = 0x01,
+- _10_Full = 0x02,
+- _100_Half = 0x04,
+- _100_Full = 0x08,
+- _1000_Full = 0x10,
++ _10_Half = 0x01,
++ _10_Full = 0x02,
++ _100_Half = 0x04,
++ _100_Full = 0x08,
++ _1000_Full = 0x10,
+ /*_TBICSRBit*/
+- TBILinkOK = 0x02000000,
++ TBILinkOK = 0x02000000,
+ };
+ enum _DescStatusBit {
+- OWNbit = 0x80000000,
+- EORbit = 0x40000000,
+- FSbit = 0x20000000,
+- LSbit = 0x10000000,
++ OWNbit = 0x80000000,
++ EORbit = 0x40000000,
++ FSbit = 0x20000000,
++ LSbit = 0x10000000,
+ };
+-#define RsvdMask 0x3fffc000
+ struct TxDesc {
+- u32 status;
+- u32 vlan_tag;
+- u64 addr;
++ u32 status;
++ u32 vlan_tag;
++ u32 buf_addr;
++ u32 buf_Haddr;
+ };
+ struct RxDesc {
+- u32 status;
+- u32 vlan_tag;
+- u64 addr;
++ u32 status;
++ u32 vlan_tag;
++ u32 buf_addr;
++ u32 buf_Haddr;
+ };
++typedef struct timer_list rt_timer_t;
+ struct rtl8169_private {
+- void *mmio_addr; /* memory map physical address */
+- struct pci_dev *pci_dev; /* Index of PCI device */
+- struct net_device_stats stats; /* statistics of net device */
+- spinlock_t lock; /* spin lock flag */
++ unsigned long ioaddr; /* memory map physical address*/
++ struct pci_dev *pci_dev; /* Index of PCI device */
++ struct net_device_stats stats; /* statistics of net device */
++ spinlock_t lock; /* spin lock flag */
+ int chipset;
+- int mac_version;
+- int phy_version;
+- u32 cur_rx; /* Index into the Rx descriptor buffer of next Rx pkt. */
+- u32 cur_tx; /* Index into the Tx descriptor buffer of next Rx pkt. */
+- u32 dirty_rx;
+- u32 dirty_tx;
+- struct TxDesc *TxDescArray; /* Index of 256-alignment Tx Descriptor buffer */
+- struct RxDesc *RxDescArray; /* Index of 256-alignment Rx Descriptor buffer */
+- dma_addr_t TxPhyAddr;
+- dma_addr_t RxPhyAddr;
+- struct sk_buff *Rx_skbuff[NUM_RX_DESC]; /* Rx data buffers */
+- struct sk_buff *Tx_skbuff[NUM_TX_DESC]; /* Index of Transmit data buffer */
+- struct timer_list timer;
++ int mcfg;
++ int pcfg;
++ rt_timer_t r8169_timer;
++ unsigned long expire_time;
+ unsigned long phy_link_down_cnt;
+- u16 cp_cmd;
++ unsigned long cur_rx; /* Index into the Rx descriptor buffer of next Rx pkt. */
++ unsigned long cur_tx; /* Index into the Tx descriptor buffer of next Rx pkt. */
++ unsigned long dirty_tx;
++ struct TxDesc *TxDescArray; /* Index of 256-alignment Tx Descriptor buffer */
++ struct RxDesc *RxDescArray; /* Index of 256-alignment Rx Descriptor buffer */
++ struct sk_buff *Tx_skbuff[NUM_TX_DESC];/* Index of Transmit data buffer */
++ struct sk_buff *Rx_skbuff[NUM_RX_DESC];/* Receive data buffer */
++ unsigned char drvinit_fail;
++ dma_addr_t txdesc_array_dma_addr[NUM_TX_DESC];
++ dma_addr_t rxdesc_array_dma_addr[NUM_RX_DESC];
++ dma_addr_t rx_skbuff_dma_addr[NUM_RX_DESC];
++ void *txdesc_space;
++ dma_addr_t txdesc_phy_dma_addr;
++ int sizeof_txdesc_space;
++ void *rxdesc_space;
++ dma_addr_t rxdesc_phy_dma_addr;
++ int sizeof_rxdesc_space;
++ int curr_mtu_size;
++ int tx_pkt_len;
++ int rx_pkt_len;
++ int hw_rx_pkt_len;
++ struct r8169_cb_t rt;
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_DYNAMIC_CONTROL
++ unsigned char linkstatus;
+ };
+-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("RealTek RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver");
+-MODULE_PARM(rx_copybreak, "i");
++MODULE_AUTHOR ("Realtek");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION ("RealTek RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver");
+-static int rtl8169_open(struct net_device *dev);
+-static int rtl8169_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
+-static irqreturn_t rtl8169_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance,
+- struct pt_regs *regs);
+-static int rtl8169_init_ring(struct net_device *dev);
+-static void rtl8169_hw_start(struct net_device *dev);
+-static int rtl8169_close(struct net_device *dev);
+-static void rtl8169_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev);
+-static void rtl8169_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev);
++static int rtl8169_open (struct net_device *dev);
++static int rtl8169_start_xmit (struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
++typedef int irqreturn_t;
++#define IRQ_NONE 0
++#define IRQ_HANDLED 1
++static void rtl8169_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
++static irqreturn_t rtl8169_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
++static void rtl8169_init_ring (struct net_device *dev);
++static void rtl8169_hw_start (struct net_device *dev);
++static int rtl8169_close (struct net_device *dev);
++static inline u32 ether_crc (int length, unsigned char *data);
++static void rtl8169_set_rx_mode (struct net_device *dev);
++static void rtl8169_tx_timeout (struct net_device *dev);
+ static struct net_device_stats *rtl8169_get_stats(struct net_device *netdev);
+-static const u16 rtl8169_intr_mask =
+- RxUnderrun | RxOverflow | RxFIFOOver | TxErr | TxOK | RxErr | RxOK;
+-static const unsigned int rtl8169_rx_config =
+- (RX_FIFO_THRESH << RxCfgFIFOShift) | (RX_DMA_BURST << RxCfgDMAShift);
+-#define PHY_Cap_10_Half_Or_Less PHY_Cap_10_Half
+-#define PHY_Cap_10_Full_Or_Less PHY_Cap_10_Full | PHY_Cap_10_Half_Or_Less
+-#define PHY_Cap_100_Half_Or_Less PHY_Cap_100_Half | PHY_Cap_10_Full_Or_Less
+-#define PHY_Cap_100_Full_Or_Less PHY_Cap_100_Full | PHY_Cap_100_Half_Or_Less
++static int rtl8169_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu);
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_JUMBO_FRAME_SUPPORT
++static void rtl8169_hw_PHY_config (struct net_device *dev);
++static void rtl8169_hw_PHY_reset(struct net_device *dev);
++static const u16 rtl8169_intr_mask = LinkChg | RxOverflow | RxFIFOOver | TxErr | TxOK | RxErr | RxOK ;
++static const unsigned int rtl8169_rx_config = (RX_FIFO_THRESH << RxCfgFIFOShift) | (RX_DMA_BURST << RxCfgDMAShift) | 0x0000000E;
++#define RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG_BIT( ioaddr, reg, bitnum, bitval )\
++{ \
++ int val; \
++ if( bitval == 1 ){ val = ( RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG( ioaddr, reg ) | (bitval<<bitnum) ) & 0xffff ; } \
++ else{ val = ( RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG( ioaddr, reg ) & (~(0x0001<<bitnum)) ) & 0xffff ; } \
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, reg, val ); \
++#ifdef RTL8169_DEBUG
++unsigned alloc_rxskb_cnt = 0;
++#define RTL8169_ALLOC_RXSKB(bufsize) dev_alloc_skb(bufsize); alloc_rxskb_cnt ++ ;
++#define RTL8169_FREE_RXSKB(skb) kfree_skb(skb); alloc_rxskb_cnt -- ;
++#define RTL8169_NETIF_RX(skb) netif_rx(skb); alloc_rxskb_cnt -- ;
++#define RTL8169_ALLOC_RXSKB(bufsize) dev_alloc_skb(bufsize);
++#define RTL8169_FREE_RXSKB(skb) kfree_skb(skb);
++#define RTL8169_NETIF_RX(skb) netif_rx(skb);
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_DEBUG
+-static void mdio_write(void *ioaddr, int RegAddr, int value)
++// PHYAR
++// bit Symbol
++// 31 Flag
++// 30-21 reserved
++// 20-16 5-bit GMII/MII register address
++// 15-0 16-bit GMII/MII register data
++void RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( unsigned long ioaddr, int RegAddr, int value )
+ {
+- int i;
++ int i;
+- RTL_W32(PHYAR, 0x80000000 | (RegAddr & 0xFF) << 16 | value);
++ RTL_W32 ( PHYAR, 0x80000000 | (RegAddr&0xFF)<<16 | value);
+ udelay(1000);
+- for (i = 2000; i > 0; i--) {
++ for( i = 2000; i > 0 ; i -- ){
+ // Check if the RTL8169 has completed writing to the specified MII register
+- if (!(RTL_R32(PHYAR) & 0x80000000)) {
++ if( ! (RTL_R32(PHYAR)&0x80000000) ){
+ break;
+- } else {
+- udelay(100);
+ }
+- }
++ else{
++ udelay(100);
++ }// end of if( ! (RTL_R32(PHYAR)&0x80000000) )
++ }// end of for() loop
+ }
+-static int mdio_read(void *ioaddr, int RegAddr)
++int RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG( unsigned long ioaddr, int RegAddr )
+ {
+ int i, value = -1;
+- RTL_W32(PHYAR, 0x0 | (RegAddr & 0xFF) << 16);
++ RTL_W32 ( PHYAR, 0x0 | (RegAddr&0xFF)<<16 );
+ udelay(1000);
+- for (i = 2000; i > 0; i--) {
++ for( i = 2000; i > 0 ; i -- ){
+ // Check if the RTL8169 has completed retrieving data from the specified MII register
+- if (RTL_R32(PHYAR) & 0x80000000) {
+- value = (int) (RTL_R32(PHYAR) & 0xFFFF);
++ if( RTL_R32(PHYAR) & 0x80000000 ){
++ value = (int)( RTL_R32(PHYAR)&0xFFFF );
+ break;
+ }
+- udelay(100);
+- }
++ else{
++ udelay(100);
++ }// end of if( RTL_R32(PHYAR) & 0x80000000 )
++ }// end of for() loop
+ return value;
+ }
+-static void rtl8169_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *dev,
+- struct ethtool_drvinfo *info)
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- strcpy(info->driver, RTL8169_DRIVER_NAME);
+- strcpy(info->version, RTL8169_VERSION );
+- strcpy(info->bus_info, pci_name(tp->pci_dev));
+-static struct ethtool_ops rtl8169_ethtool_ops = {
+- .get_drvinfo = rtl8169_get_drvinfo,
+-static void rtl8169_write_gmii_reg_bit(void *ioaddr, int reg, int bitnum,
+- int bitval)
+- int val;
++#ifdef RTL8169_IOCTL_SUPPORT
++#include "r8169_ioctl.c"
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_IOCTL_SUPPORT
+- val = mdio_read(ioaddr, reg);
+- val = (bitval == 1) ?
+- val | (bitval << bitnum) : val & ~(0x0001 << bitnum);
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, reg, val & 0xffff);
+-static void rtl8169_get_mac_version(struct rtl8169_private *tp, void *ioaddr)
+- const struct {
+- u32 mask;
+- int mac_version;
+- } mac_info[] = {
+- { 0x1 << 26, RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_E },
+- { 0x1 << 23, RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_D },
+- { 0x00000000, RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_B } /* Catch-all */
+- }, *p = mac_info;
+- u32 reg;
+- reg = RTL_R32(TxConfig) & 0x7c800000;
+- while ((reg & p->mask) != p->mask)
+- p++;
+- tp->mac_version = p->mac_version;
+-static void rtl8169_print_mac_version(struct rtl8169_private *tp)
+- struct {
+- int version;
+- char *msg;
+- } mac_print[] = {
+- { 0, NULL }
+- }, *p;
+- for (p = mac_print; p->msg; p++) {
+- if (tp->mac_version == p->version) {
+- dprintk("mac_version == %s (%04d)\n", p->msg,
+- p->version);
+- return;
+- }
+- }
+- dprintk("mac_version == Unknown\n");
+-static void rtl8169_get_phy_version(struct rtl8169_private *tp, void *ioaddr)
+- const struct {
+- u16 mask;
+- u16 set;
+- int phy_version;
+- } phy_info[] = {
+- { 0x000f, 0x0002, RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_G },
+- { 0x000f, 0x0001, RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_F },
+- { 0x000f, 0x0000, RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_E },
+- { 0x0000, 0x0000, RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_D } /* Catch-all */
+- }, *p = phy_info;
+- u16 reg;
+- reg = mdio_read(ioaddr, 3) & 0xffff;
+- while ((reg & p->mask) != p->set)
+- p++;
+- tp->phy_version = p->phy_version;
+-static void rtl8169_print_phy_version(struct rtl8169_private *tp)
+- struct {
+- int version;
+- char *msg;
+- u32 reg;
+- } phy_print[] = {
+- { RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_G, "RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_G", 0x0002 },
+- { RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_F, "RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_F", 0x0001 },
+- { RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_E, "RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_E", 0x0000 },
+- { RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_D, "RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_D", 0x0000 },
+- { 0, NULL, 0x0000 }
+- }, *p;
+- for (p = phy_print; p->msg; p++) {
+- if (tp->phy_version == p->version) {
+- dprintk("phy_version == %s (%04x)\n", p->msg, p->reg);
+- return;
+- }
+- }
+- dprintk("phy_version == Unknown\n");
+-static void rtl8169_hw_phy_config(struct net_device *dev)
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
+- struct {
+- u16 regs[5]; /* Beware of bit-sign propagation */
+- } phy_magic[5] = { {
+- { 0x0000, //w 4 15 12 0
+- 0x00a1, //w 3 15 0 00a1
+- 0x0008, //w 2 15 0 0008
+- 0x1020, //w 1 15 0 1020
+- 0x1000 } },{ //w 0 15 0 1000
+- { 0x7000, //w 4 15 12 7
+- 0xff41, //w 3 15 0 ff41
+- 0xde60, //w 2 15 0 de60
+- 0x0140, //w 1 15 0 0140
+- 0x0077 } },{ //w 0 15 0 0077
+- { 0xa000, //w 4 15 12 a
+- 0xdf01, //w 3 15 0 df01
+- 0xdf20, //w 2 15 0 df20
+- 0xff95, //w 1 15 0 ff95
+- 0xfa00 } },{ //w 0 15 0 fa00
+- { 0xb000, //w 4 15 12 b
+- 0xff41, //w 3 15 0 ff41
+- 0xde20, //w 2 15 0 de20
+- 0x0140, //w 1 15 0 0140
+- 0x00bb } },{ //w 0 15 0 00bb
+- { 0xf000, //w 4 15 12 f
+- 0xdf01, //w 3 15 0 df01
+- 0xdf20, //w 2 15 0 df20
+- 0xff95, //w 1 15 0 ff95
+- 0xbf00 } //w 0 15 0 bf00
+- }
+- }, *p = phy_magic;
+- int i;
+- rtl8169_print_mac_version(tp);
+- rtl8169_print_phy_version(tp);
+- if (tp->mac_version <= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_B)
+- return;
+- if (tp->phy_version >= RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_F)
+- return;
+- dprintk("MAC version != 0 && PHY version == 0 or 1\n");
+- dprintk("Do final_reg2.cfg\n");
+- /* Shazam ! */
++#include "r8169_callback.c"
+- // phy config for RTL8169s mac_version C chip
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, 31, 0x0001); //w 31 2 0 1
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, 21, 0x1000); //w 21 15 0 1000
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, 24, 0x65c7); //w 24 15 0 65c7
+- rtl8169_write_gmii_reg_bit(ioaddr, 4, 11, 0); //w 4 11 11 0
+- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(phy_magic); i++, p++) {
+- int val, pos = 4;
+- val = (mdio_read(ioaddr, pos) & 0x0fff) | (p->regs[0] & 0xffff);
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, pos, val);
+- while (--pos >= 0)
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, pos, p->regs[4 - pos] & 0xffff);
+- rtl8169_write_gmii_reg_bit(ioaddr, 4, 11, 1); //w 4 11 11 1
+- rtl8169_write_gmii_reg_bit(ioaddr, 4, 11, 0); //w 4 11 11 0
+- }
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, 31, 0x0000); //w 31 2 0 0
++#define rtl8169_request_timer( timer, timer_expires, timer_func, timer_data ) \
++{ \
++ init_timer(timer); \
++ timer->expires = (unsigned long)(jiffies + timer_expires); \
++ timer->data = (unsigned long)(timer_data); \
++ timer->function = (void *)(timer_func); \
++ add_timer(timer); \
++ DBG_PRINT("request_timer at 0x%08lx\n", (unsigned long)timer); \
+ }
+-static void rtl8169_hw_phy_reset(struct net_device *dev)
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
+- int i, val;
++#define rtl8169_delete_timer( del_timer_t ) \
++{ \
++ del_timer(del_timer_t); \
++ DBG_PRINT("delete_timer at 0x%08lx\n", (unsigned long)del_timer_t); \
+- printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "%s: Reset RTL8169s PHY\n", dev->name);
++#define rtl8169_mod_timer( timer, timer_expires ) \
++{ \
++ mod_timer( timer, jiffies + timer_expires ); \
+- val = (mdio_read(ioaddr, 0) | 0x8000) & 0xffff;
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, 0, val);
+- for (i = 50; i >= 0; i--) {
+- if (!(mdio_read(ioaddr, 0) & 0x8000))
+- break;
+- udelay(100); /* Gross */
+- }
+- if (i < 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "%s: no PHY Reset ack. Giving up.\n",
+- dev->name);
+- }
+-static void rtl8169_phy_timer(unsigned long __opaque)
++void rtl8169_phy_timer_t_handler( void *timer_data )
+ {
+- struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)__opaque;
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- struct timer_list *timer = &tp->timer;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
++ struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)timer_data;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = (struct rtl8169_private *) (dev->priv);
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
+- assert(tp->mac_version > RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_B);
+- assert(tp->phy_version < RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_G);
+- if (RTL_R8(PHYstatus) & LinkStatus)
+- tp->phy_link_down_cnt = 0;
+- else {
+- tp->phy_link_down_cnt++;
+- if (tp->phy_link_down_cnt >= 12) {
+- int reg;
++ assert( priv->mcfg > MCFG_METHOD_1 );
++ assert( priv->pcfg < PCFG_METHOD_3 );
++ if( RTL_R8(PHYstatus) & LinkStatus ){
++ priv->phy_link_down_cnt = 0 ;
++ }
++ else{
++ priv->phy_link_down_cnt ++ ;
++ if( priv->phy_link_down_cnt >= 12 ){
+ // If link on 1000, perform phy reset.
+- reg = mdio_read(ioaddr, PHY_1000_CTRL_REG);
+- if (reg & PHY_Cap_1000_Full)
+- rtl8169_hw_phy_reset(dev);
++ if( RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG( ioaddr, PHY_1000_CTRL_REG ) & PHY_Cap_1000_Full )
++ {
++ DBG_PRINT("rtl8169_hw_PHY_reset\n");
++ rtl8169_hw_PHY_reset( dev );
++ }
+- tp->phy_link_down_cnt = 0;
++ priv->phy_link_down_cnt = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+- mod_timer(timer, jiffies + RTL8169_PHY_TIMEOUT);
++ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ //mod_timer is a more efficient way to update the expire field of an active timer.
++ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++// rtl8169_mod_timer( (&priv->phy_timer_t), 100 );
+ }
+-static inline void rtl8169_delete_timer(struct net_device *dev)
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- struct timer_list *timer = &tp->timer;
+- if ((tp->mac_version <= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_B) ||
+- (tp->phy_version >= RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_G))
+- return;
+- del_timer_sync(timer);
++void rtl8169_timer_handler( void *timer_data )
++ struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)timer_data;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = (struct rtl8169_private *) (dev->priv);
+- tp->phy_link_down_cnt = 0;
++ if( (priv->mcfg > MCFG_METHOD_1) && (priv->pcfg < PCFG_METHOD_3) ){
++ DBG_PRINT("FIX PCS -> rtl8169_phy_timer_t_handler\n");
++ priv->phy_link_down_cnt = 0;
++ rtl8169_phy_timer_t_handler( timer_data );
++ }
+-static inline void rtl8169_request_timer(struct net_device *dev)
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- struct timer_list *timer = &tp->timer;
+- if ((tp->mac_version <= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_B) ||
+- (tp->phy_version >= RTL_GIGA_PHY_VER_G))
+- return;
++ {
++ struct r8169_cb_t *rt = &(priv->rt);
++ if( priv->linkstatus == _1000_Full ){
++ r8169_callback(rt);
++ }
++ }
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_DYNAMIC_CONTROL
+- tp->phy_link_down_cnt = 0;
+- init_timer(timer);
+- timer->expires = jiffies + RTL8169_PHY_TIMEOUT;
+- timer->data = (unsigned long)(dev);
+- timer->function = rtl8169_phy_timer;
+- add_timer(timer);
++ rtl8169_mod_timer( (&priv->r8169_timer), priv->expire_time );
+ }
+-static int __devinit
+-rtl8169_init_board(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct net_device **dev_out,
+- void **ioaddr_out)
++static int __devinit rtl8169_init_board ( struct pci_dev *pdev, struct net_device **dev_out, unsigned long *ioaddr_out)
+ {
+- void *ioaddr = NULL;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = 0;
+ struct net_device *dev;
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv;
++ int rc, i;
+ unsigned long mmio_start, mmio_end, mmio_flags, mmio_len;
+- int rc, i, acpi_idle_state = 0, pm_cap;
+- assert(pdev != NULL);
+- assert(ioaddr_out != NULL);
++ assert (pdev != NULL);
++ assert (ioaddr_out != NULL);
+- *ioaddr_out = NULL;
++ *ioaddr_out = 0;
+ *dev_out = NULL;
+- // dev zeroed in alloc_etherdev
+- dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof (*tp));
++ // dev zeroed in init_etherdev
++ dev = init_etherdev (NULL, sizeof (*priv));
++ dev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof (*priv));
+ if (dev == NULL) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "unable to alloc new ethernet\n");
++ printk (KERN_ERR PFX "unable to alloc new ethernet\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev);
+- tp = dev->priv;
++ priv = dev->priv;
+ // enable device (incl. PCI PM wakeup and hotplug setup)
+- rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
+- if (rc) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: unable to enable device\n", pdev->slot_name);
++ rc = pci_enable_device (pdev);
++ if (rc)
+ goto err_out;
+- }
+- /* save power state before pci_enable_device overwrites it */
+- pm_cap = pci_find_capability(pdev, PCI_CAP_ID_PM);
+- if (pm_cap) {
+- u16 pwr_command;
+- pci_read_config_word(pdev, pm_cap + PCI_PM_CTRL, &pwr_command);
+- acpi_idle_state = pwr_command & PCI_PM_CTRL_STATE_MASK;
+- } else {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Cannot find PowerManagement capability, aborting.\n");
+- goto err_out_free_res;
+- }
+- mmio_start = pci_resource_start(pdev, 1);
+- mmio_end = pci_resource_end(pdev, 1);
+- mmio_flags = pci_resource_flags(pdev, 1);
+- mmio_len = pci_resource_len(pdev, 1);
++ mmio_start = pci_resource_start (pdev, 1);
++ mmio_end = pci_resource_end (pdev, 1);
++ mmio_flags = pci_resource_flags (pdev, 1);
++ mmio_len = pci_resource_len (pdev, 1);
+ // make sure PCI base addr 1 is MMIO
+ if (!(mmio_flags & IORESOURCE_MEM)) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX
+- "region #1 not an MMIO resource, aborting\n");
++ printk (KERN_ERR PFX "region #1 not an MMIO resource, aborting\n");
+ rc = -ENODEV;
+- goto err_out_disable;
++ goto err_out;
+ }
+ // check for weird/broken PCI region reporting
+- if (mmio_len < RTL_MIN_IO_SIZE) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Invalid PCI region size(s), aborting\n");
++ if ( mmio_len < RTL_MIN_IO_SIZE ) {
++ printk (KERN_ERR PFX "Invalid PCI region size(s), aborting\n");
+ rc = -ENODEV;
+- goto err_out_disable;
+- }
+- rc = pci_request_regions(pdev, MODULENAME);
+- if (rc) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: Could not request regions.\n", pdev->slot_name);
+- goto err_out_disable;
++ goto err_out;
+ }
+- tp->cp_cmd = PCIMulRW | RxChkSum;
+- if ((sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 32) &&
+- !pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK))
+- tp->cp_cmd |= PCIDAC;
+- else {
+- rc = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
+- if (rc < 0) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "DMA configuration failed.\n");
+- goto err_out_free_res;
+- }
+- }
++ rc = pci_request_regions (pdev, dev->name);
++ if (rc)
++ goto err_out;
+ // enable PCI bus-mastering
+- pci_set_master(pdev);
++ pci_set_master (pdev);
+- // ioremap MMIO region
+- ioaddr = ioremap(mmio_start, mmio_len);
+- if (ioaddr == NULL) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "cannot remap MMIO, aborting\n");
++#ifdef RTL8169_USE_IO
++ ioaddr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
++ // ioremap MMIO region
++ ioaddr = (unsigned long)ioremap (mmio_start, mmio_len);
++ if (ioaddr == 0) {
++ printk (KERN_ERR PFX "cannot remap MMIO, aborting\n");
+ rc = -EIO;
+ goto err_out_free_res;
+ }
+- // Soft reset the chip.
+- RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdReset);
++ // Soft reset the chip.
++ RTL_W8 ( ChipCmd, CmdReset);
+ // Check that the chip has finished the reset.
+- for (i = 1000; i > 0; i--) {
+- if ((RTL_R8(ChipCmd) & CmdReset) == 0)
++ for (i = 1000; i > 0; i--){
++ if ( (RTL_R8(ChipCmd) & CmdReset) == 0){
+ break;
+- udelay(10);
++ }
++ else{
++ udelay (10);
++ }
+ }
+- // Identify chip attached to board
+- rtl8169_get_mac_version(tp, ioaddr);
+- rtl8169_get_phy_version(tp, ioaddr);
+- rtl8169_print_mac_version(tp);
+- rtl8169_print_phy_version(tp);
++ // identify config method
++ {
++ unsigned long val32 = (RTL_R32(TxConfig)&0x7c800000);
+- for (i = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl_chip_info) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+- if (tp->mac_version == rtl_chip_info[i].mac_version)
+- break;
++ if( val32 == (0x1<<28) ){
++ priv->mcfg = MCFG_METHOD_4;
++ }
++ else if( val32 == (0x1<<26) ){
++ priv->mcfg = MCFG_METHOD_3;
++ }
++ else if( val32 == (0x1<<23) ){
++ priv->mcfg = MCFG_METHOD_2;
++ }
++ else if( val32 == 0x00000000 ){
++ priv->mcfg = MCFG_METHOD_1;
++ }
++ else{
++ priv->mcfg = MCFG_METHOD_1;
++ }
+ }
+- if (i < 0) {
+- /* Unknown chip: assume array element #0, original RTL-8169 */
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG PFX
+- "PCI device %s: unknown chip version, assuming %s\n",
+- pci_name(pdev), rtl_chip_info[0].name);
+- i++;
++ {
++ unsigned char val8 = (unsigned char)(RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG(ioaddr,3)&0x000f);
++ if( val8 == 0x00 ){
++ priv->pcfg = PCFG_METHOD_1;
++ }
++ else if( val8 == 0x01 ){
++ priv->pcfg = PCFG_METHOD_2;
++ }
++ else if( val8 == 0x02 ){
++ priv->pcfg = PCFG_METHOD_3;
++ }
++ else{
++ priv->pcfg = PCFG_METHOD_3;
++ }
++ }
++ for (i = ARRAY_SIZE (rtl_chip_info) - 1; i >= 0; i--){
++ if (priv->mcfg == rtl_chip_info[i].mcfg) {
++ priv->chipset = i;
++ goto match;
++ }
+ }
+- tp->chipset = i;
++ //if unknown chip, assume array element #0, original RTL-8169 in this case
++ printk (KERN_DEBUG PFX "PCI device %s: unknown chip version, assuming RTL-8169\n", pdev->slot_name);
++ priv->chipset = 0;
+ *ioaddr_out = ioaddr;
+ *dev_out = dev;
+ return 0;
++#ifndef RTL8169_USE_IO
+ err_out_free_res:
+- pci_release_regions(pdev);
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ pci_release_regions (pdev);
+ err_out:
+- free_netdev(dev);
++ unregister_netdev (dev);
++ kfree (dev);
+ return rc;
+ }
+-static int __devinit
+-rtl8169_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
++static int __devinit rtl8169_init_one (struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
+ {
+ struct net_device *dev = NULL;
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = NULL;
+- void *ioaddr = NULL;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = NULL;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = 0;
+ static int board_idx = -1;
+- static int printed_version = 0;
+- int i, rc;
++ int i;
+ int option = -1, Cap10_100 = 0, Cap1000 = 0;
+- assert(pdev != NULL);
+- assert(ent != NULL);
++ assert (pdev != NULL);
++ assert (ent != NULL);
+ board_idx++;
+- if (!printed_version) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO RTL8169_DRIVER_NAME " loaded\n");
+- printed_version = 1;
++ i = rtl8169_init_board (pdev, &dev, &ioaddr);
++ if (i < 0) {
++ return i;
+ }
+- rc = rtl8169_init_board(pdev, &dev, &ioaddr);
+- if (rc)
+- return rc;
++ priv = dev->priv;
++ assert (ioaddr != NULL);
++ assert (dev != NULL);
++ assert (priv != NULL);
++ // Get MAC address //
++ for (i = 0; i < MAC_ADDR_LEN ; i++){
++ dev->dev_addr[i] = RTL_R8( MAC0 + i );
++ }
+- tp = dev->priv;
+- assert(ioaddr != NULL);
+- assert(dev != NULL);
+- assert(tp != NULL);
+- // Get MAC address. FIXME: read EEPROM
+- for (i = 0; i < MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++)
+- dev->dev_addr[i] = RTL_R8(MAC0 + i);
+- dev->open = rtl8169_open;
+- dev->hard_start_xmit = rtl8169_start_xmit;
+- dev->get_stats = rtl8169_get_stats;
+- dev->ethtool_ops = &rtl8169_ethtool_ops;
+- dev->stop = rtl8169_close;
+- dev->tx_timeout = rtl8169_tx_timeout;
++ dev->open = rtl8169_open;
++ dev->hard_start_xmit = rtl8169_start_xmit;
++ dev->get_stats = rtl8169_get_stats;
++ dev->stop = rtl8169_close;
++ dev->tx_timeout = rtl8169_tx_timeout;
+ dev->set_multicast_list = rtl8169_set_rx_mode;
+- dev->watchdog_timeo = RTL8169_TX_TIMEOUT;
+- dev->irq = pdev->irq;
+- dev->base_addr = (unsigned long) ioaddr;
+-// dev->do_ioctl = mii_ioctl;
+- tp = dev->priv; // private data //
+- tp->pci_dev = pdev;
+- tp->mmio_addr = ioaddr;
+- spin_lock_init(&tp->lock);
+- rc = register_netdev(dev);
+- if (rc) {
+- iounmap(ioaddr);
+- pci_release_regions(pdev);
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
+- free_netdev(dev);
+- return rc;
+- }
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Identified chip type is '%s'.\n", dev->name,
+- rtl_chip_info[tp->chipset].name);
+- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev);
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s at 0x%lx, "
+- "%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x, "
+- "IRQ %d\n",
+- dev->name,
+- rtl_chip_info[ent->driver_data].name,
+- dev->base_addr,
+- dev->dev_addr[0], dev->dev_addr[1],
+- dev->dev_addr[2], dev->dev_addr[3],
+- dev->dev_addr[4], dev->dev_addr[5], dev->irq);
++ dev->watchdog_timeo = TX_TIMEOUT;
++ dev->irq = pdev->irq;
++ dev->base_addr = (unsigned long) ioaddr;
++ dev->change_mtu = rtl8169_change_mtu;
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_JUMBO_FRAME_SUPPORT
++#ifdef RTL8169_IOCTL_SUPPORT
++ dev->do_ioctl = rtl8169_ioctl;
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_IOCTL_SUPPORT
++ priv-> = dev;
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_DYNAMIC_CONTROL
++ priv = dev->priv; // private data //
++ priv->pci_dev = pdev;
++ priv->ioaddr = ioaddr;
++ priv->curr_mtu_size = dev->mtu;
++ priv->tx_pkt_len = dev->mtu + ETH_HDR_LEN;
++ priv->rx_pkt_len = dev->mtu + ETH_HDR_LEN;
++ priv->hw_rx_pkt_len = priv->rx_pkt_len + 8;
++//#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_JUMBO_FRAME_SUPPORT
++ DBG_PRINT("-------------------------- \n");
++ DBG_PRINT("dev->mtu = %d \n", dev->mtu);
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->curr_mtu_size = %d \n", priv->curr_mtu_size);
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->tx_pkt_len = %d \n", priv->tx_pkt_len);
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->rx_pkt_len = %d \n", priv->rx_pkt_len);
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->hw_rx_pkt_len = %d \n", priv->hw_rx_pkt_len);
++ DBG_PRINT("-------------------------- \n");
++ spin_lock_init (&priv->lock);
++ register_netdev (dev);
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev); // pdev->driver_data = data;
++ printk (KERN_DEBUG "%s: Identified chip type is '%s'.\n",dev->name,rtl_chip_info[priv->chipset].name);
++ printk (KERN_INFO "%s: %s at 0x%lx, "
++ "%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x, "
++ "IRQ %d\n",
++ dev->name,
++ dev->base_addr,
++ dev->dev_addr[0], dev->dev_addr[1],
++ dev->dev_addr[2], dev->dev_addr[3],
++ dev->dev_addr[4], dev->dev_addr[5],
++ dev->irq);
+- rtl8169_hw_phy_config(dev);
++ // Config PHY
++ rtl8169_hw_PHY_config(dev);
+- dprintk("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0x82h = 0x01h\n");
+- RTL_W8(0x82, 0x01);
++ DBG_PRINT("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0x82h = 0x01h\n");
++ RTL_W8( 0x82, 0x01 );
+- if (tp->mac_version < RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_E) {
+- dprintk("Set PCI Latency=0x40\n");
++ if( priv->mcfg < MCFG_METHOD_3 ){
++ DBG_PRINT("Set PCI Latency=0x40\n");
+ pci_write_config_byte(pdev, PCI_LATENCY_TIMER, 0x40);
+ }
+- if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_D) {
+- dprintk("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0x82h = 0x01h\n");
+- RTL_W8(0x82, 0x01);
+- dprintk("Set PHY Reg 0x0bh = 0x00h\n");
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, 0x0b, 0x0000); //w 0x0b 15 0 0
++ if( priv->mcfg == MCFG_METHOD_2 ){
++ DBG_PRINT("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0x82h = 0x01h\n");
++ RTL_W8( 0x82, 0x01 );
++ DBG_PRINT("Set PHY Reg 0x0bh = 0x00h\n");
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, 0x0b, 0x0000 ); //w 0x0b 15 0 0
+ }
+ // if TBI is not endbled
+- if (!(RTL_R8(PHYstatus) & TBI_Enable)) {
+- int val = mdio_read(ioaddr, PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG);
++ if( !(RTL_R8(PHYstatus) & TBI_Enable) ){
++ int val = RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG( ioaddr, PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG );
++ val |= PHY_Cap_PAUSE | PHY_Cap_ASYM_PAUSE ;
++#endif //end #define RTL8169_HW_FLOW_CONTROL_SUPPORT
+ option = (board_idx >= MAX_UNITS) ? 0 : media[board_idx];
+ // Force RTL8169 in 10/100/1000 Full/Half mode.
+- if (option > 0) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Force-mode Enabled.\n",
+- dev->name);
+- Cap10_100 = 0, Cap1000 = 0;
+- switch (option) {
+- case _10_Half:
+- Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_10_Half_Or_Less;
+- Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
+- break;
+- case _10_Full:
+- Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_10_Full_Or_Less;
+- Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
+- break;
+- case _100_Half:
+- Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_100_Half_Or_Less;
+- Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
+- break;
+- case _100_Full:
+- Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_100_Full_Or_Less;
+- Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
+- break;
+- case _1000_Full:
+- Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_100_Full_Or_Less;
+- Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_1000_Full;
+- break;
+- default:
+- break;
++ if( option > 0 ){
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Force-mode Enabled. \n", dev->name);
++ Cap10_100 = 0;
++ Cap1000 = 0;
++ switch( option ){
++ case _10_Half:
++ Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_10_Half;
++ Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
++ break;
++ case _10_Full:
++ Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_10_Full | PHY_Cap_10_Half;
++ Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
++ break;
++ case _100_Half:
++ Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_100_Half | PHY_Cap_10_Full | PHY_Cap_10_Half;
++ Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
++ break;
++ case _100_Full:
++ Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_100_Full | PHY_Cap_100_Half | PHY_Cap_10_Full | PHY_Cap_10_Half;
++ Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_Null;
++ break;
++ case _1000_Full:
++ Cap10_100 = PHY_Cap_100_Full | PHY_Cap_100_Half | PHY_Cap_10_Full | PHY_Cap_10_Half;
++ Cap1000 = PHY_Cap_1000_Full;
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
+ }
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG, Cap10_100 | (val & 0x1F)); //leave PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG bit4:0 unchanged
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, PHY_1000_CTRL_REG, Cap1000);
+- } else {
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Auto-negotiation Enabled.\n",
+- dev->name);
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG, Cap10_100 | ( val&0xC1F ) ); //leave PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG bit4:0 unchanged
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, PHY_1000_CTRL_REG, Cap1000 );
++ }
++ else{
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Auto-negotiation Enabled.\n", dev->name);
+ // enable 10/100 Full/Half Mode, leave PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG bit4:0 unchanged
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG,
+- PHY_Cap_100_Full_Or_Less | (val & 0x1f));
++ PHY_Cap_10_Half | PHY_Cap_10_Full | PHY_Cap_100_Half | PHY_Cap_100_Full | ( val&0xC1F ) );
+ // enable 1000 Full Mode
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, PHY_1000_CTRL_REG,
+- PHY_Cap_1000_Full);
+- }
++// RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, PHY_1000_CTRL_REG, PHY_Cap_1000_Full );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, PHY_1000_CTRL_REG, PHY_Cap_1000_Full | PHY_Cap_1000_Half); //rtl8168
++ }// end of if( option > 0 )
+ // Enable auto-negotiation and restart auto-nigotiation
+- mdio_write(ioaddr, PHY_CTRL_REG,
+- PHY_Enable_Auto_Nego | PHY_Restart_Auto_Nego);
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, PHY_CTRL_REG, PHY_Enable_Auto_Nego | PHY_Restart_Auto_Nego );
+ udelay(100);
+ // wait for auto-negotiation process
+- for (i = 10000; i > 0; i--) {
++ for( i = 10000; i > 0; i-- ){
+ //check if auto-negotiation complete
+- if (mdio_read(ioaddr, PHY_STAT_REG) &
+- PHY_Auto_Neco_Comp) {
++ if( RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG(ioaddr, PHY_STAT_REG) & PHY_Auto_Neco_Comp ){
+ udelay(100);
+ option = RTL_R8(PHYstatus);
+- if (option & _1000bpsF) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO
+- "%s: 1000Mbps Full-duplex operation.\n",
+- dev->name);
+- } else {
+- printk(KERN_INFO
+- "%s: %sMbps %s-duplex operation.\n",
+- dev->name,
+- (option & _100bps) ? "100" :
+- "10",
+- (option & FullDup) ? "Full" :
+- "Half");
++ if( option & _1000bpsF ){
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: 1000Mbps Full-duplex operation.\n", dev->name);
++ }
++ else{
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %sMbps %s-duplex operation.\n", dev->name,
++ (option & _100bps) ? "100" : "10", (option & FullDup) ? "Full" : "Half" );
+ }
+ break;
+- } else {
++ }
++ else{
+ udelay(100);
++ }// end of if( RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG(ioaddr, 1) & 0x20 )
++ }// end for-loop to wait for auto-negotiation process
++ option = RTL_R8(PHYstatus);
++ if( option & _1000bpsF ){
++ priv->linkstatus = _1000_Full;
++ }
++ else{
++ if(option & _100bps){
++ priv->linkstatus = (option & FullDup) ? _100_Full : _100_Half;
++ }
++ else{
++ priv->linkstatus = (option & FullDup) ? _10_Full : _10_Half;
+ }
+- } // end for-loop to wait for auto-negotiation process
++ }
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->linkstatus = 0x%02x\n", priv->linkstatus);
+- } else {
++ }// end of TBI is not enabled
++ else{
+ udelay(100);
+- printk(KERN_INFO
+- "%s: 1000Mbps Full-duplex operation, TBI Link %s!\n",
+- dev->name,
+- (RTL_R32(TBICSR) & TBILinkOK) ? "OK" : "Failed");
++ DBG_PRINT("1000Mbps Full-duplex operation, TBI Link %s!\n",(RTL_R32(TBICSR) & TBILinkOK) ? "OK" : "Failed" );
+- }
++ }// end of TBI is not enabled
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static void __devexit
+-rtl8169_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++static void __devexit rtl8169_remove_one (struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ {
+ struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- assert(dev != NULL);
+- assert(tp != NULL);
++ assert (dev != NULL);
++ assert (priv != NULL);
+- unregister_netdev(dev);
+- iounmap(tp->mmio_addr);
+- pci_release_regions(pdev);
++ unregister_netdev (dev);
++#ifdef RTL8169_USE_IO
++ iounmap ((void *)(dev->base_addr));
++ pci_release_regions (pdev);
+- pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ kfree (dev);
+ free_netdev(dev);
+- pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
++ pci_set_drvdata (pdev, NULL);
+ }
+-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
+-static int rtl8169_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, u32 state)
++static int rtl8169_open (struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
+- unsigned long flags;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = priv->pci_dev;
++ int retval;
++// u8 diff;
++// u32 TxPhyAddr, RxPhyAddr;
++ if( priv->drvinit_fail == 1 ){
++ printk("%s: Gigabit driver open failed.\n", dev->name );
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ retval = request_irq (dev->irq, rtl8169_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev);
++ if (retval) {
++ return retval;
++ }
++ //2004-05-11
++ // Allocate tx/rx descriptor space
++ priv->sizeof_txdesc_space = NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof(struct TxDesc)+256;
++ priv->txdesc_space = pci_alloc_consistent( pdev, priv->sizeof_txdesc_space, &priv->txdesc_phy_dma_addr );
++ if( priv->txdesc_space == NULL ){
++ printk("%s: Gigabit driver alloc txdesc_space failed.\n", dev->name );
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ priv->sizeof_rxdesc_space = NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof(struct RxDesc)+256;
++ priv->rxdesc_space = pci_alloc_consistent( pdev, priv->sizeof_rxdesc_space, &priv->rxdesc_phy_dma_addr );
++ if( priv->rxdesc_space == NULL ){
++ printk("%s: Gigabit driver alloc rxdesc_space failed.\n", dev->name );
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ if(priv->txdesc_phy_dma_addr & 0xff){
++ printk("%s: Gigabit driver txdesc_phy_dma_addr is not 256-bytes-aligned.\n", dev->name );
++ }
++ if(priv->rxdesc_phy_dma_addr & 0xff){
++ printk("%s: Gigabit driver rxdesc_phy_dma_addr is not 256-bytes-aligned.\n", dev->name );
++ }
++ // Set tx/rx descriptor space
++ priv->TxDescArray = (struct TxDesc *)priv->txdesc_space;
++ priv->RxDescArray = (struct RxDesc *)priv->rxdesc_space;
++ {
++ int i;
++ struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
++ for(i=0;i<NUM_RX_DESC;i++){
++ if( skb != NULL ) {
++ skb_reserve (skb, 2); // 16 byte align the IP fields. //
++ priv->Rx_skbuff[i] = skb;
++ }
++ else{
++ printk("%s: Gigabit driver failed to allocate skbuff.\n", dev->name);
++ priv->drvinit_fail = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ rtl8169_init_ring (dev);
++ rtl8169_hw_start (dev);
++ // ------------------------------------------------------
++ DBG_PRINT("FIX PCS -> rtl8169_request_timer\n");
++ priv->expire_time = RTL8169_TIMER_EXPIRE_TIME;
++ rtl8169_request_timer( (&priv->r8169_timer), priv->expire_time, rtl8169_timer_handler, ((void *)dev) ); //in open()
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: %s() alloc_rxskb_cnt = %d\n", dev->name, __FUNCTION__, alloc_rxskb_cnt );
+- if (!netif_running(dev))
+- return 0;
+- netif_device_detach(dev);
+- netif_stop_queue(dev);
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags);
+- /* Disable interrupts, stop Rx and Tx */
+- RTL_W16(IntrMask, 0);
+- RTL_W8(ChipCmd, 0);
+- /* Update the error counts. */
+- tp->stats.rx_missed_errors += RTL_R32(RxMissed);
+- RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags);
+ return 0;
+-static int rtl8169_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++}//end of rtl8169_open (struct net_device *dev)
++static void rtl8169_hw_PHY_reset(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ int val, phy_reset_expiretime = 50;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
+- if (!netif_running(dev))
+- return 0;
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: Reset RTL8169s PHY\n", dev->name);
+- netif_device_attach(dev);
+- rtl8169_hw_start(dev);
++ val = ( RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG( ioaddr, 0 ) | 0x8000 ) & 0xffff;
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( ioaddr, 0, val );
+- return 0;
++ do //waiting for phy reset
++ {
++ if( RTL8169_READ_GMII_REG( ioaddr, 0 ) & 0x8000 ){
++ phy_reset_expiretime --;
++ udelay(100);
++ }
++ else{
++ break;
++ }
++ }while( phy_reset_expiretime >= 0 );
++ assert( phy_reset_expiretime > 0 );
+ }
+-#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
+-static int
+-rtl8169_open(struct net_device *dev)
++static void rtl8169_hw_PHY_config (struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev;
+- int retval;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ void *ioaddr = (void*)priv->ioaddr;
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->mcfg=%d, priv->pcfg=%d\n",priv->mcfg,priv->pcfg);
+- retval =
+- request_irq(dev->irq, rtl8169_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev);
+- if (retval < 0)
+- goto out;
+- retval = -ENOMEM;
+- /*
+- * Rx and Tx desscriptors needs 256 bytes alignment.
+- * pci_alloc_consistent provides more.
+- */
+- tp->TxDescArray = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES,
+- &tp->TxPhyAddr);
+- if (!tp->TxDescArray)
+- goto err_free_irq;
+- tp->RxDescArray = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES,
+- &tp->RxPhyAddr);
+- if (!tp->RxDescArray)
+- goto err_free_tx;
+- retval = rtl8169_init_ring(dev);
+- if (retval < 0)
+- goto err_free_rx;
+- rtl8169_hw_start(dev);
+- rtl8169_request_timer(dev);
+- return retval;
+- pci_free_consistent(pdev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, tp->RxDescArray,
+- tp->RxPhyAddr);
+- pci_free_consistent(pdev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, tp->TxDescArray,
+- tp->TxPhyAddr);
+- free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+- goto out;
++ if( priv->mcfg == MCFG_METHOD_4 ){
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x1F, 0x0001 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x1b, 0x841e );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x0e, 0x7bfb );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x09, 0x273a );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x1F, 0x0002 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x01, 0x90D0 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x1F, 0x0000 );
++ }else if((priv->mcfg == MCFG_METHOD_2)||(priv->mcfg == MCFG_METHOD_3)){
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x1F, 0x0001 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x15, 0x1000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x18, 0x65C7 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0x0000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x03, 0x00A1 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x02, 0x0008 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x01, 0x1020 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x00, 0x1000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0x0800 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0x0000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0x7000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x03, 0xFF41 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x02, 0xDE60 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x01, 0x0140 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x00, 0x0077 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0x7800 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0x7000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xA000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x03, 0xDF01 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x02, 0xDF20 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x01, 0xFF95 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x00, 0xFA00 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xA800 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xA000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xB000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x03, 0xFF41 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x02, 0xDE20 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x01, 0x0140 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x00, 0x00BB );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xB800 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xB000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xF000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x03, 0xDF01 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x02, 0xDF20 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x01, 0xFF95 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x00, 0xBF00 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xF800 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0xF000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x04, 0x0000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x1F, 0x0000 );
++ RTL8169_WRITE_GMII_REG( (unsigned long)ioaddr, 0x0B, 0x0000 );
++ }
++ else{
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->mcfg=%d. Discard hw PHY config.\n",priv->mcfg);
++ }
+ }
+-static void
+-rtl8169_hw_start(struct net_device *dev)
++static void rtl8169_hw_start (struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
+ u32 i;
+ /* Soft reset the chip. */
+- RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdReset);
++ RTL_W8 ( ChipCmd, CmdReset);
+ /* Check that the chip has finished the reset. */
+- for (i = 1000; i > 0; i--) {
+- if ((RTL_R8(ChipCmd) & CmdReset) == 0)
+- break;
+- else
+- udelay(10);
++ for (i = 1000; i > 0; i--){
++ if ((RTL_R8( ChipCmd ) & CmdReset) == 0) break;
++ else udelay (10);
+ }
+- RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock);
+- RTL_W8(ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb);
+- RTL_W8(EarlyTxThres, EarlyTxThld);
++ RTL_W8 ( Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock);
++ RTL_W8 ( ChipCmd, CmdTxEnb | CmdRxEnb);
++ RTL_W8 ( ETThReg, ETTh);
+ // For gigabit rtl8169
+- RTL_W16(RxMaxSize, RxPacketMaxSize);
++ RTL_W16 ( RxMaxSize, (unsigned short)priv->hw_rx_pkt_len );
+ // Set Rx Config register
+- i = rtl8169_rx_config | (RTL_R32(RxConfig) & rtl_chip_info[tp->chipset].
+- RxConfigMask);
+- RTL_W32(RxConfig, i);
++ i = rtl8169_rx_config | ( RTL_R32( RxConfig ) & rtl_chip_info[priv->chipset].RxConfigMask);
++ RTL_W32 ( RxConfig, i);
+ /* Set DMA burst size and Interframe Gap Time */
+- RTL_W32(TxConfig,
+- (TX_DMA_BURST << TxDMAShift) | (InterFrameGap <<
+- TxInterFrameGapShift));
+- tp->cp_cmd |= RTL_R16(CPlusCmd);
+- RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd);
++ RTL_W32 ( TxConfig, (TX_DMA_BURST << TxDMAShift) | (InterFrameGap << TxInterFrameGapShift) );
+- if (tp->mac_version == RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_D) {
+- dprintk(KERN_INFO PFX "Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0xE0: bit-3 and bit-14 MUST be 1\n");
+- tp->cp_cmd |= (1 << 14) | PCIMulRW;
+- RTL_W16(CPlusCmd, tp->cp_cmd);
+- }
+- tp->cur_rx = 0;
+- RTL_W32(TxDescStartAddrLow, ((u64) tp->TxPhyAddr & DMA_32BIT_MASK));
+- RTL_W32(TxDescStartAddrHigh, ((u64) tp->TxPhyAddr >> 32));
+- RTL_W32(RxDescAddrLow, ((u64) tp->RxPhyAddr & DMA_32BIT_MASK));
+- RTL_W32(RxDescAddrHigh, ((u64) tp->RxPhyAddr >> 32));
+- RTL_W8(Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock);
+- udelay(10);
++ RTL_W16( CPlusCmd, RTL_R16(CPlusCmd) );
+- RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0);
++ if( priv->mcfg == MCFG_METHOD_2 ||
++ priv->mcfg == MCFG_METHOD_3)
++ {
++ RTL_W16( CPlusCmd, (RTL_R16(CPlusCmd)|(1<<14)|(1<<3)) );
++ DBG_PRINT("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0xE0: bit-3 and bit-14\n");
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ RTL_W16( CPlusCmd, (RTL_R16(CPlusCmd)|(1<<3)) );
++ DBG_PRINT("Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0xE0: bit-3.\n");
++ }
+- rtl8169_set_rx_mode(dev);
++ {
++ //RTL_W16(0xE2, 0x1517);
++ //RTL_W16(0xE2, 0x152a);
++ //RTL_W16(0xE2, 0x282a);
++ RTL_W16(0xE2, 0x0000);
++ }
+- /* no early-rx interrupts */
+- RTL_W16(MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xF000);
++ priv->cur_rx = 0;
+- /* Enable all known interrupts by setting the interrupt mask. */
+- RTL_W16(IntrMask, rtl8169_intr_mask);
++ RTL_W32 ( TxDescStartAddr, priv->txdesc_phy_dma_addr);
++ RTL_W32 ( TxDescStartAddr + 4, 0x00);
++ RTL_W32 ( RxDescStartAddr, priv->rxdesc_phy_dma_addr);
++ RTL_W32 ( RxDescStartAddr + 4, 0x00);
+- netif_start_queue(dev);
++ RTL_W8 ( Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock );
++ udelay (10);
++ RTL_W32 ( RxMissed, 0 );
+-static inline void rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(struct RxDesc *desc)
+- desc->addr = 0x0badbadbadbadbadull;
+- desc->status &= ~cpu_to_le32(OWNbit | RsvdMask);
++ rtl8169_set_rx_mode (dev);
+-static void rtl8169_free_rx_skb(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct sk_buff **sk_buff,
+- struct RxDesc *desc)
+- pci_unmap_single(pdev, le64_to_cpu(desc->addr), RX_BUF_SIZE,
+- dev_kfree_skb(*sk_buff);
+- *sk_buff = NULL;
+- rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(desc);
++ RTL_W16 ( MultiIntr, RTL_R16(MultiIntr) & 0xF000);
+-static inline void rtl8169_return_to_asic(struct RxDesc *desc)
+- desc->status |= cpu_to_le32(OWNbit + RX_BUF_SIZE);
++ RTL_W16 ( IntrMask, rtl8169_intr_mask);
+-static inline void rtl8169_give_to_asic(struct RxDesc *desc, dma_addr_t mapping)
+- desc->addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping);
+- desc->status |= cpu_to_le32(OWNbit + RX_BUF_SIZE);
++ netif_start_queue (dev);
+-static int rtl8169_alloc_rx_skb(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct net_device *dev,
+- struct sk_buff **sk_buff, struct RxDesc *desc)
+- struct sk_buff *skb;
+- dma_addr_t mapping;
+- int ret = 0;
++}//end of rtl8169_hw_start (struct net_device *dev)
+- skb = dev_alloc_skb(RX_BUF_SIZE);
+- if (!skb)
+- goto err_out;
+- skb->dev = dev;
+- skb_reserve(skb, 2);
+- *sk_buff = skb;
+- mapping = pci_map_single(pdev, skb->tail, RX_BUF_SIZE,
+- rtl8169_give_to_asic(desc, mapping);
+- return ret;
+- ret = -ENOMEM;
+- rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(desc);
+- goto out;
+-static void rtl8169_rx_clear(struct rtl8169_private *tp)
++static void rtl8169_init_ring (struct net_device *dev)
+ {
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = priv->pci_dev;
+ int i;
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
+- for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) {
+- if (tp->Rx_skbuff[i]) {
+- rtl8169_free_rx_skb(tp->pci_dev, tp->Rx_skbuff + i,
+- tp->RxDescArray + i);
+- }
++ priv->cur_rx = 0;
++ priv->cur_tx = 0;
++ priv->dirty_tx = 0;
++ memset(priv->TxDescArray, 0x0, NUM_TX_DESC*sizeof(struct TxDesc));
++ memset(priv->RxDescArray, 0x0, NUM_RX_DESC*sizeof(struct RxDesc));
++ for (i=0 ; i<NUM_TX_DESC ; i++){
++ priv->Tx_skbuff[i]=NULL;
++ priv->txdesc_array_dma_addr[i] = pci_map_single(pdev, &priv->TxDescArray[i], sizeof(struct TxDesc), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
+ }
+-static u32 rtl8169_rx_fill(struct rtl8169_private *tp, struct net_device *dev,
+- u32 start, u32 end)
+- u32 cur;
+- for (cur = start; end - cur > 0; cur++) {
+- int ret, i = cur % NUM_RX_DESC;
++ for (i=0; i <NUM_RX_DESC; i++) {
++ if(i==(NUM_RX_DESC-1)){
++ priv->RxDescArray[i].status = cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | EORbit) | (unsigned long)priv->hw_rx_pkt_len);
++ }
++ else{
++ priv->RxDescArray[i].status = cpu_to_le32(OWNbit | (unsigned long)priv->hw_rx_pkt_len);
++ }
+- if (tp->Rx_skbuff[i])
+- continue;
+- ret = rtl8169_alloc_rx_skb(tp->pci_dev, dev, tp->Rx_skbuff + i,
+- tp->RxDescArray + i);
+- if (ret < 0)
+- break;
++ {//-----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ skb = priv->Rx_skbuff[i];
++ priv->rx_skbuff_dma_addr[i] = pci_map_single(pdev, skb->data, MAX_RX_SKBDATA_SIZE, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
++ if( skb != NULL ){
++ priv->RxDescArray[i].buf_addr = cpu_to_le32(priv->rx_skbuff_dma_addr[i]);
++ priv->RxDescArray[i].buf_Haddr = 0;
++ }
++ else{
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: %s() Rx_skbuff == NULL\n", dev->name, __FUNCTION__);
++ priv->drvinit_fail = 1;
++ }
++ }//-----------------------------------------------------------------------
++ priv->rxdesc_array_dma_addr[i] = pci_map_single(pdev, &priv->RxDescArray[i], sizeof(struct RxDesc), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pdev, priv->rxdesc_array_dma_addr[i], sizeof(struct RxDesc), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
+ }
+- return cur - start;
+ }
+-static inline void rtl8169_mark_as_last_descriptor(struct RxDesc *desc)
+- desc->status |= cpu_to_le32(EORbit);
+-static int rtl8169_init_ring(struct net_device *dev)
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- tp->cur_rx = tp->dirty_rx = 0;
+- tp->cur_tx = tp->dirty_tx = 0;
+- memset(tp->TxDescArray, 0x0, NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof (struct TxDesc));
+- memset(tp->RxDescArray, 0x0, NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof (struct RxDesc));
+- memset(tp->Tx_skbuff, 0x0, NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof(struct sk_buff *));
+- memset(tp->Rx_skbuff, 0x0, NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof(struct sk_buff *));
+- if (rtl8169_rx_fill(tp, dev, 0, NUM_RX_DESC) != NUM_RX_DESC)
+- goto err_out;
+- rtl8169_mark_as_last_descriptor(tp->RxDescArray + NUM_RX_DESC - 1);
+- return 0;
++static void rtl8169_tx_clear (struct rtl8169_private *priv)
++ int i;
+- rtl8169_rx_clear(tp);
+- return -ENOMEM;
++ priv->cur_tx = 0;
++ for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_TX_DESC ; i++ ){
++ if ( priv->Tx_skbuff[i] != NULL ) {
++ dev_kfree_skb ( priv->Tx_skbuff[i] );
++ priv->Tx_skbuff[i] = NULL;
++ priv->stats.tx_dropped++;
++ }
++ }
+ }
+-static void rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct sk_buff **sk_buff,
+- struct TxDesc *desc)
+- u32 len = sk_buff[0]->len;
+- pci_unmap_single(pdev, le64_to_cpu(desc->addr),
+- desc->addr = 0x00;
+- *sk_buff = NULL;
+-static void
+-rtl8169_tx_clear(struct rtl8169_private *tp)
+- int i;
+- tp->cur_tx = 0;
+- for (i = 0; i < NUM_TX_DESC; i++) {
+- struct sk_buff *skb = tp->Tx_skbuff[i];
+- if (skb) {
+- rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(tp->pci_dev, tp->Tx_skbuff + i,
+- tp->TxDescArray + i);
+- dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+- tp->stats.tx_dropped++;
+- }
+- }
+-static void
+-rtl8169_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev)
++static void rtl8169_tx_timeout (struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
+ u8 tmp8;
+ /* disable Tx, if not already */
+- tmp8 = RTL_R8(ChipCmd);
+- if (tmp8 & CmdTxEnb)
+- RTL_W8(ChipCmd, tmp8 & ~CmdTxEnb);
++ tmp8 = RTL_R8( ChipCmd );
++ if (tmp8 & CmdTxEnb){
++ RTL_W8 ( ChipCmd, tmp8 & ~CmdTxEnb);
++ }
+ /* Disable interrupts by clearing the interrupt mask. */
+- RTL_W16(IntrMask, 0x0000);
++ RTL_W16 ( IntrMask, 0x0000);
+ /* Stop a shared interrupt from scavenging while we are. */
+- spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- rtl8169_tx_clear(tp);
+- spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ spin_lock_irq (&priv->lock);
++ rtl8169_tx_clear (priv);
++ spin_unlock_irq (&priv->lock);
+- /* ...and finally, reset everything */
+- rtl8169_hw_start(dev);
++ rtl8169_hw_start (dev);
+- netif_wake_queue(dev);
++ netif_wake_queue (dev);
+ }
+-static int
+-rtl8169_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
+- int entry = tp->cur_tx % NUM_TX_DESC;
+- u32 len = skb->len;
+- if (unlikely(skb->len < ETH_ZLEN)) {
+- skb = skb_padto(skb, ETH_ZLEN);
+- if (!skb)
+- goto err_update_stats;
+- len = ETH_ZLEN;
+- }
+- spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- if (!(le32_to_cpu(tp->TxDescArray[entry].status) & OWNbit)) {
+- dma_addr_t mapping;
+- mapping = pci_map_single(tp->pci_dev, skb->data, len,
+- tp->Tx_skbuff[entry] = skb;
+- tp->TxDescArray[entry].addr = cpu_to_le64(mapping);
+- tp->TxDescArray[entry].status = cpu_to_le32(OWNbit | FSbit |
+- LSbit | len | (EORbit * !((entry + 1) % NUM_TX_DESC)));
+- RTL_W8(TxPoll, 0x40); //set polling bit
+- dev->trans_start = jiffies;
++static int rtl8169_start_xmit (struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = priv->pci_dev;
++ int entry = priv->cur_tx % NUM_TX_DESC;
++ int buf_len = 60;
++ dma_addr_t txbuf_dma_addr;
+- tp->cur_tx++;
+- } else
+- goto err_drop;
++ spin_lock_irq (&priv->lock);
++ if( (le32_to_cpu(priv->TxDescArray[entry].status) & OWNbit)==0 ){
+- if ((tp->cur_tx - NUM_TX_DESC) == tp->dirty_tx) {
+- netif_stop_queue(dev);
+- }
+- spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ priv->Tx_skbuff[entry] = skb;
++ txbuf_dma_addr = pci_map_single(pdev, skb->data, skb->len, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
++ priv->TxDescArray[entry].buf_addr = cpu_to_le32(txbuf_dma_addr);
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: TX pkt_size = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, skb->len);
++ if( skb->len <= priv->tx_pkt_len ){
++ buf_len = skb->len;
++ }
++ else{
++ printk("%s: Error -- Tx packet size(%d) > mtu(%d)+14\n", dev->name, skb->len, dev->mtu);
++ buf_len = priv->tx_pkt_len;
++ }
+- return 0;
++ if( entry != (NUM_TX_DESC-1) ){
++ priv->TxDescArray[entry].status = cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | FSbit | LSbit) | buf_len);
++ }
++ else{
++ priv->TxDescArray[entry].status = cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | EORbit | FSbit | LSbit) | buf_len);
++ }
+- dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+- tp->stats.tx_dropped++;
+- goto out;
+-static void
+-rtl8169_tx_interrupt(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8169_private *tp,
+- void *ioaddr)
+- unsigned long dirty_tx, tx_left;
+- assert(dev != NULL);
+- assert(tp != NULL);
+- assert(ioaddr != NULL);
+- dirty_tx = tp->dirty_tx;
+- tx_left = tp->cur_tx - dirty_tx;
+- while (tx_left > 0) {
+- int entry = dirty_tx % NUM_TX_DESC;
+- struct sk_buff *skb = tp->Tx_skbuff[entry];
+- u32 status;
+- rmb();
+- status = le32_to_cpu(tp->TxDescArray[entry].status);
+- if (status & OWNbit)
+- break;
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pdev, priv->txdesc_array_dma_addr[entry], sizeof(struct TxDesc), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
+- /* FIXME: is it really accurate for TxErr ? */
+- tp->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len >= ETH_ZLEN ?
+- skb->len : ETH_ZLEN;
+- tp->stats.tx_packets++;
+- rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb(tp->pci_dev, tp->Tx_skbuff + entry,
+- tp->TxDescArray + entry);
+- dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
+- tp->Tx_skbuff[entry] = NULL;
+- dirty_tx++;
+- tx_left--;
+- }
++ RTL_W8 ( TxPoll, 0x40); //set polling bit
+- if (tp->dirty_tx != dirty_tx) {
+- tp->dirty_tx = dirty_tx;
+- if (netif_queue_stopped(dev))
+- netif_wake_queue(dev);
++ dev->trans_start = jiffies;
++ priv->stats.tx_bytes += ( (skb->len > ETH_ZLEN) ? skb->len : ETH_ZLEN);
++ priv->cur_tx++;
++ }//end of if( (priv->TxDescArray[entry].status & 0x80000000)==0 )
++ spin_unlock_irq (&priv->lock);
++ if ( (priv->cur_tx - NUM_TX_DESC) == priv->dirty_tx ){
++ netif_stop_queue (dev);
++ }
++ else{
++ if (netif_queue_stopped (dev)){
++ netif_wake_queue (dev);
++ }
+ }
++ return 0;
+ }
+-static inline int rtl8169_try_rx_copy(struct sk_buff **sk_buff, int pkt_size,
+- struct RxDesc *desc,
+- struct net_device *dev)
+- int ret = -1;
+- if (pkt_size < rx_copybreak) {
+- struct sk_buff *skb;
+- skb = dev_alloc_skb(pkt_size + 2);
+- if (skb) {
+- skb->dev = dev;
+- skb_reserve(skb, 2);
+- eth_copy_and_sum(skb, sk_buff[0]->tail, pkt_size, 0);
+- *sk_buff = skb;
+- rtl8169_return_to_asic(desc);
+- ret = 0;
++static void rtl8169_tx_interrupt (struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8169_private *priv, unsigned long ioaddr)
++ unsigned long dirty_tx, tx_left=0;
++ int entry = priv->cur_tx % NUM_TX_DESC;
++ int txloop_cnt = 0;
++ assert (dev != NULL);
++ assert (priv != NULL);
++ assert (ioaddr != NULL);
++ dirty_tx = priv->dirty_tx;
++ tx_left = priv->cur_tx - dirty_tx;
++ while( (tx_left > 0) && (txloop_cnt < max_interrupt_work) ){
++ if( (le32_to_cpu(priv->TxDescArray[entry].status) & OWNbit) == 0 ){
++ r8169_callback_tx(&(priv->rt), 1, priv->Tx_skbuff[dirty_tx % NUM_TX_DESC]->len);
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_DYNAMIC_CONTROL
++ dev_kfree_skb_irq( priv->Tx_skbuff[dirty_tx % NUM_TX_DESC] );
++ priv->Tx_skbuff[dirty_tx % NUM_TX_DESC] = NULL;
++ priv->stats.tx_packets++;
++ dirty_tx++;
++ tx_left--;
++ entry++;
+ }
++ txloop_cnt ++;
++ }
++ if (priv->dirty_tx != dirty_tx) {
++ priv->dirty_tx = dirty_tx;
++ if (netif_queue_stopped (dev))
++ netif_wake_queue (dev);
+ }
+- return ret;
+ }
+-static void
+-rtl8169_rx_interrupt(struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8169_private *tp,
+- void *ioaddr)
++static void rtl8169_rx_interrupt (struct net_device *dev, struct rtl8169_private *priv, unsigned long ioaddr)
+ {
+- unsigned long cur_rx, rx_left;
+- int delta;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = priv->pci_dev;
++ int cur_rx;
++ int pkt_size = 0 ;
++ int rxdesc_cnt = 0;
++ int ret;
++ struct sk_buff *n_skb = NULL;
++ struct sk_buff *cur_skb;
++ struct sk_buff *rx_skb;
++ struct RxDesc *rxdesc;
+- assert(dev != NULL);
+- assert(tp != NULL);
+- assert(ioaddr != NULL);
++ assert (dev != NULL);
++ assert (priv != NULL);
++ assert (ioaddr != NULL);
+- cur_rx = tp->cur_rx;
+- rx_left = NUM_RX_DESC + tp->dirty_rx - cur_rx;
+- while (rx_left > 0) {
+- int entry = cur_rx % NUM_RX_DESC;
+- u32 status;
++ cur_rx = priv->cur_rx;
+- rmb();
+- status = le32_to_cpu(tp->RxDescArray[entry].status);
++ rxdesc = &priv->RxDescArray[cur_rx];
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pdev, priv->rxdesc_array_dma_addr[cur_rx], sizeof(struct RxDesc), PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
+- if (status & OWNbit)
+- break;
+- if (status & RxRES) {
++ while ( ((le32_to_cpu(rxdesc->status) & OWNbit)== 0) && (rxdesc_cnt < max_interrupt_work) ){
++ rxdesc_cnt++;
++ if( le32_to_cpu(rxdesc->status) & RxRES ){
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Rx ERROR!!!\n", dev->name);
+- tp->stats.rx_errors++;
+- if (status & (RxRWT | RxRUNT))
+- tp->stats.rx_length_errors++;
+- if (status & RxCRC)
+- tp->stats.rx_crc_errors++;
+- } else {
+- struct RxDesc *desc = tp->RxDescArray + entry;
+- struct sk_buff *skb = tp->Rx_skbuff[entry];
+- int pkt_size = (status & 0x00001FFF) - 4;
+- void (*pci_action)(struct pci_dev *, dma_addr_t,
+- size_t, int) = pci_dma_sync_single_for_device;
+- pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(tp->pci_dev,
+- le64_to_cpu(desc->addr), RX_BUF_SIZE,
+- if (rtl8169_try_rx_copy(&skb, pkt_size, desc, dev)) {
+- pci_action = pci_unmap_single;
+- tp->Rx_skbuff[entry] = NULL;
++ priv->stats.rx_errors++;
++ if ( le32_to_cpu(rxdesc->status) & (RxRWT|RxRUNT) )
++ priv->stats.rx_length_errors++;
++ if ( le32_to_cpu(rxdesc->status) & RxCRC)
++ priv->stats.rx_crc_errors++;
++ }
++ else{
++ pkt_size=(int)(le32_to_cpu(rxdesc->status) & 0x00001FFF)-4;
++ if( pkt_size > priv->rx_pkt_len ){
++ printk("%s: Error -- Rx packet size(%d) > mtu(%d)+14\n", dev->name, pkt_size, dev->mtu);
++ pkt_size = priv->rx_pkt_len;
+ }
+- pci_action(tp->pci_dev, le64_to_cpu(desc->addr),
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: RX pkt_size = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pkt_size);
+- skb_put(skb, pkt_size);
+- skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev);
+- netif_rx(skb);
+- dev->last_rx = jiffies;
+- tp->stats.rx_bytes += pkt_size;
+- tp->stats.rx_packets++;
+- }
+- cur_rx++;
+- rx_left--;
+- }
++ {// -----------------------------------------------------
++ rx_skb = priv->Rx_skbuff[cur_rx];
++ if( n_skb != NULL ) {
++ skb_reserve (n_skb, 2); // 16 byte align the IP fields. //
++ // Indicate rx_skb
++ if( rx_skb != NULL ){
++ rx_skb->dev = dev;
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pdev, priv->rx_skbuff_dma_addr[cur_rx], sizeof(struct RxDesc), PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
++ skb_put ( rx_skb, pkt_size );
++ rx_skb->protocol = eth_type_trans ( rx_skb, dev );
++ ret = RTL8169_NETIF_RX (rx_skb);
++// dev->last_rx = jiffies;
++ priv->stats.rx_bytes += pkt_size;
++ priv->stats.rx_packets++;
++ r8169_callback_rx( &(priv->rt), 1, pkt_size);
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_DYNAMIC_CONTROL
++ }//end if( rx_skb != NULL )
++ priv->Rx_skbuff[cur_rx] = n_skb;
++ }
++ else{
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: Allocate n_skb failed!\n",__FUNCTION__ );
++ priv->Rx_skbuff[cur_rx] = rx_skb;
++ }
++ // Update rx descriptor
++ if( cur_rx == (NUM_RX_DESC-1) ){
++ priv->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status = cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | EORbit) | (unsigned long)priv->hw_rx_pkt_len);
++ }
++ else{
++ priv->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status = cpu_to_le32(OWNbit | (unsigned long)priv->hw_rx_pkt_len);
++ }
++ cur_skb = priv->Rx_skbuff[cur_rx];
+- tp->cur_rx = cur_rx;
++ if( cur_skb != NULL ){
++ priv->rx_skbuff_dma_addr[cur_rx] = pci_map_single(pdev, cur_skb->data, MAX_RX_SKBDATA_SIZE, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
++ rxdesc->buf_addr = cpu_to_le32(priv->rx_skbuff_dma_addr[cur_rx]);
++ }
++ else{
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: %s() cur_skb == NULL\n", dev->name, __FUNCTION__);
++ }
++ }//------------------------------------------------------------
++ }// end of if( priv->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status & RxRES )
++ cur_rx = (cur_rx +1) % NUM_RX_DESC;
++ rxdesc = &priv->RxDescArray[cur_rx];
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pdev, priv->rxdesc_array_dma_addr[cur_rx], sizeof(struct RxDesc), PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
++ }// end of while ( (priv->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status & 0x80000000)== 0)
++ if( rxdesc_cnt >= max_interrupt_work ){
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: Too much work at Rx interrupt.\n", dev->name);
++ }
+- delta = rtl8169_rx_fill(tp, dev, tp->dirty_rx, tp->cur_rx);
+- if (delta > 0)
+- tp->dirty_rx += delta;
+- else if (delta < 0)
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: no Rx buffer allocated\n", dev->name);
+- /*
+- * FIXME: until there is periodic timer to try and refill the ring,
+- * a temporary shortage may definitely kill the Rx process.
+- * - disable the asic to try and avoid an overflow and kick it again
+- * after refill ?
+- * - how do others driver handle this condition (Uh oh...).
+- */
+- if (tp->dirty_rx + NUM_RX_DESC == tp->cur_rx)
+- printk(KERN_EMERG "%s: Rx buffers exhausted\n", dev->name);
++ priv->cur_rx = cur_rx;
+ }
+ /* The interrupt handler does all of the Rx thread work and cleans up after the Tx thread. */
+-static irqreturn_t
+-rtl8169_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs)
++static void rtl8169_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs)
++static irqreturn_t rtl8169_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
+ struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *) dev_instance;
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
+ int boguscnt = max_interrupt_work;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
+ int status = 0;
+- int handled = 0;
++ irqreturn_t interrupt_handled = IRQ_NONE;
++ RTL_W16 ( IntrMask, 0x0000);
+ do {
+ status = RTL_R16(IntrStatus);
+- /* hotplug/major error/no more work/shared irq */
+- if ((status == 0xFFFF) || !status)
++ if (status == 0xFFFF)
+ break;
+- handled = 1;
+- if (status & RxUnderrun)
+- link_changed = RTL_R16 (CSCR) & CSCR_LinkChangeBit;
+- RTL_W16(IntrStatus,
+- (status & RxFIFOOver) ? (status | RxOverflow) : status);
+- if (!(status & rtl8169_intr_mask))
++ RTL_W16( IntrStatus, status );
++ if ( (status & rtl8169_intr_mask ) == 0 )
+ break;
++ else
++ interrupt_handled = IRQ_HANDLED;
++ // Rx interrupt
++// if (status & (RxOK | RxErr /* | LinkChg | RxOverflow | RxFIFOOver*/)){
++ rtl8169_rx_interrupt (dev, priv, ioaddr);
++// }
+- // Rx interrupt
+- if (status & (RxOK | RxUnderrun | RxOverflow | RxFIFOOver)) {
+- rtl8169_rx_interrupt(dev, tp, ioaddr);
+- }
+ // Tx interrupt
+- if (status & (TxOK | TxErr)) {
+- spin_lock(&tp->lock);
+- rtl8169_tx_interrupt(dev, tp, ioaddr);
+- spin_unlock(&tp->lock);
+- }
++// if (status & (TxOK | TxErr)) {
++ spin_lock (&priv->lock);
++ rtl8169_tx_interrupt (dev, priv, ioaddr);
++ spin_unlock (&priv->lock);
++// }
+ boguscnt--;
+ } while (boguscnt > 0);
+ if (boguscnt <= 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Too much work at interrupt!\n",
+- dev->name);
+- /* Clear all interrupt sources. */
+- RTL_W16(IntrStatus, 0xffff);
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: Too much work at interrupt!\n", dev->name);
++ RTL_W16( IntrStatus, 0xffff); // Clear all interrupt sources
+ }
+- return IRQ_RETVAL(handled);
++ RTL_W16 ( IntrMask, rtl8169_intr_mask);
++ return interrupt_handled;
+ }
+-static int
+-rtl8169_close(struct net_device *dev)
++static int rtl8169_close (struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pci_dev;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
++ int i;
++ // -----------------------------------------
++ rtl8169_delete_timer( &(priv->r8169_timer) );
+- netif_stop_queue(dev);
+- rtl8169_delete_timer(dev);
++ netif_stop_queue (dev);
+- spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ spin_lock_irq (&priv->lock);
+- /* Stop the chip's Tx and Rx DMA processes. */
+- RTL_W8(ChipCmd, 0x00);
++ /* Stop the chip's Tx and Rx processes. */
++ RTL_W8 ( ChipCmd, 0x00);
+ /* Disable interrupts by clearing the interrupt mask. */
+- RTL_W16(IntrMask, 0x0000);
++ RTL_W16 ( IntrMask, 0x0000);
+ /* Update the error counts. */
+- tp->stats.rx_missed_errors += RTL_R32(RxMissed);
+- RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0);
++ priv->stats.rx_missed_errors += RTL_R32(RxMissed);
++ RTL_W32( RxMissed, 0);
+- spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq (&priv->lock);
+- synchronize_irq(dev->irq);
+- free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+- rtl8169_tx_clear(tp);
++ synchronize_irq ();
++ synchronize_irq (dev->irq);
++ free_irq (dev->irq, dev);
+- rtl8169_rx_clear(tp);
++ rtl8169_tx_clear (priv);
++ //2004-05-11
++ if(priv->txdesc_space != NULL){
++ pci_free_consistent(
++ priv->pci_dev,
++ priv->sizeof_txdesc_space,
++ priv->txdesc_space,
++ priv->txdesc_phy_dma_addr
++ );
++ priv->txdesc_space = NULL;
++ }
++ if(priv->rxdesc_space != NULL){
++ pci_free_consistent(
++ priv->pci_dev,
++ priv->sizeof_rxdesc_space,
++ priv->rxdesc_space,
++ priv->rxdesc_phy_dma_addr
++ );
++ priv->rxdesc_space = NULL;
++ }
++ priv->TxDescArray = NULL;
++ priv->RxDescArray = NULL;
++ {//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ for(i=0;i<NUM_RX_DESC;i++){
++ if( priv->Rx_skbuff[i] != NULL ) {
++ RTL8169_FREE_RXSKB ( priv->Rx_skbuff[i] );
++ }
++ }
++ }//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+- pci_free_consistent(pdev, R8169_RX_RING_BYTES, tp->RxDescArray,
+- tp->RxPhyAddr);
+- pci_free_consistent(pdev, R8169_TX_RING_BYTES, tp->TxDescArray,
+- tp->TxPhyAddr);
+- tp->TxDescArray = NULL;
+- tp->RxDescArray = NULL;
++ DBG_PRINT("%s: %s() alloc_rxskb_cnt = %d\n", dev->name, __FUNCTION__, alloc_rxskb_cnt );
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static void
+-rtl8169_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev)
++static unsigned const ethernet_polynomial = 0x04c11db7U;
++static inline u32 ether_crc (int length, unsigned char *data)
++ int crc = -1;
++ while (--length >= 0) {
++ unsigned char current_octet = *data++;
++ int bit;
++ for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++, current_octet >>= 1)
++ crc = (crc << 1) ^ ((crc < 0) ^ (current_octet & 1) ? ethernet_polynomial : 0);
++ }
++ return crc;
++static void rtl8169_set_rx_mode (struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ u32 mc_filter[2]; /* Multicast hash filter */
+ int i, rx_mode;
+- u32 tmp = 0;
++ u32 tmp=0;
+ if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) {
+ /* Unconditionally log net taps. */
+- printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Promiscuous mode enabled.\n",
+- dev->name);
+- rx_mode =
+- AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys |
+- AcceptAllPhys;
++ printk (KERN_NOTICE "%s: Promiscuous mode enabled.\n", dev->name);
++ rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys | AcceptAllPhys;
+ mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0xffffffff;
+- } else if ((dev->mc_count > multicast_filter_limit)
+- || (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) {
++ } else if ((dev->mc_count > multicast_filter_limit) || (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) {
+ /* Too many to filter perfectly -- accept all multicasts. */
+ rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys;
+ mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0xffffffff;
+ } else {
+ struct dev_mc_list *mclist;
+- rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMyPhys;
++ rx_mode = AcceptBroadcast | AcceptMulticast | AcceptMyPhys;
+ mc_filter[1] = mc_filter[0] = 0;
+- for (i = 0, mclist = dev->mc_list; mclist && i < dev->mc_count;
+- i++, mclist = mclist->next) {
++ for (i = 0, mclist = dev->mc_list; mclist && i < dev->mc_count; i++, mclist = mclist->next)
++ {
++ set_bit (ether_crc (ETH_ALEN, mclist->dmi_addr) >> 26, mc_filter);
++ }
++ for (i = 0, mclist = dev->mc_list; mclist && i < dev->mc_count; i++, mclist = mclist->next)
++ {
+ int bit_nr = ether_crc(ETH_ALEN, mclist->dmi_addr) >> 26;
+ mc_filter[bit_nr >> 5] |= 1 << (bit_nr & 31);
+ rx_mode |= AcceptMulticast;
+ }
+ }
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave (&priv->lock, flags);
++ tmp = rtl8169_rx_config | rx_mode | (RTL_R32(RxConfig) & rtl_chip_info[priv->chipset].RxConfigMask);
++ RTL_W32 ( RxConfig, tmp);
++ RTL_W32 ( MAR0 + 0, mc_filter[0]);
++ RTL_W32 ( MAR0 + 4, mc_filter[1]);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore (&priv->lock, flags);
++}//end of rtl8169_set_rx_mode (struct net_device *dev)
++struct net_device_stats *rtl8169_get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
+- tmp =
+- rtl8169_rx_config | rx_mode | (RTL_R32(RxConfig) &
+- rtl_chip_info[tp->chipset].
+- RxConfigMask);
+- RTL_W32(RxConfig, tmp);
+- RTL_W32(MAR0 + 0, mc_filter[0]);
+- RTL_W32(MAR0 + 4, mc_filter[1]);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags);
+- * rtl8169_get_stats - Get rtl8169 read/write statistics
+- * @dev: The Ethernet Device to get statistics for
+- *
+- * Get TX/RX statistics for rtl8169
+- */
+-static struct net_device_stats *rtl8169_get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- struct rtl8169_private *tp = dev->priv;
+- void *ioaddr = tp->mmio_addr;
+- unsigned long flags;
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
+- if (netif_running(dev)) {
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags);
+- tp->stats.rx_missed_errors += RTL_R32(RxMissed);
+- RTL_W32(RxMissed, 0);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags);
+- }
+- return &tp->stats;
++ return &priv->stats;
+ }
+ static struct pci_driver rtl8169_pci_driver = {
+- .name = MODULENAME,
+- .id_table = rtl8169_pci_tbl,
+- .probe = rtl8169_init_one,
+- .remove = __devexit_p(rtl8169_remove_one),
+-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
+- .suspend = rtl8169_suspend,
+- .resume = rtl8169_resume,
++ name: MODULENAME,
++ id_table: rtl8169_pci_tbl,
++ probe: rtl8169_init_one,
++ remove: rtl8169_remove_one,
++ suspend: NULL,
++ resume: NULL,
+ };
+-static int __init
++static int __init rtl8169_init_module (void)
+ {
+- return pci_module_init(&rtl8169_pci_driver);
++ return pci_module_init (&rtl8169_pci_driver); // pci_register_driver (drv)
+ }
+-static void __exit
++static void __exit rtl8169_cleanup_module (void)
+ {
+- pci_unregister_driver(&rtl8169_pci_driver);
++ pci_unregister_driver (&rtl8169_pci_driver);
+ }
++static int rtl8169_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu)
++ struct rtl8169_private *priv = dev->priv;
++ unsigned long ioaddr = priv->ioaddr;
++ if( new_mtu > MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_MTU ){
++ printk("%s: Error -- new_mtu(%d) > MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_MTU(%d).\n", dev->name, new_mtu, MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_MTU);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ dev->mtu = new_mtu;
++ priv->curr_mtu_size = new_mtu;
++ priv->tx_pkt_len = new_mtu + ETH_HDR_LEN;
++ priv->rx_pkt_len = new_mtu + ETH_HDR_LEN;
++ priv->hw_rx_pkt_len = priv->rx_pkt_len + 8;
++ RTL_W8 ( Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock);
++ RTL_W16 ( RxMaxSize, (unsigned short)priv->hw_rx_pkt_len );
++ RTL_W8 ( Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock);
++ DBG_PRINT("-------------------------- \n");
++ DBG_PRINT("dev->mtu = %d \n", dev->mtu);
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->curr_mtu_size = %d \n", priv->curr_mtu_size);
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->rx_pkt_len = %d \n", priv->rx_pkt_len);
++ DBG_PRINT("priv->tx_pkt_len = %d \n", priv->tx_pkt_len);
++ DBG_PRINT("RTL_W16( RxMaxSize, %d )\n", priv->hw_rx_pkt_len);
++ DBG_PRINT("-------------------------- \n");
++ rtl8169_close (dev);
++ rtl8169_open (dev);
++ return 0;
++#endif //end #ifdef RTL8169_JUMBO_FRAME_SUPPORT
+ module_init(rtl8169_init_module);
+ module_exit(rtl8169_cleanup_module);
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5107_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5107_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..626b947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5107_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,41326 @@
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/lm80.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/lm80.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/lm80.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/lm80.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: lm80.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.6 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/05/13 17:26:52 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/10/27 14:16:08 $
+ * Purpose: Contains all defines for the LM80 Chip
+ * (National Semiconductor).
+ *
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skaddr.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skaddr.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skaddr.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skaddr.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skaddr.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, ADDR-Modul
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.29 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/05/13 16:57:24 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/10/27 14:16:07 $
+ * Purpose: Header file for Address Management (MC, UC, Prom).
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skcsum.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skcsum.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skcsum.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skcsum.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skcsum.h
+ * Project: GEnesis - SysKonnect SK-NET Gigabit Ethernet (SK-98xx)
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.10 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/08/20 13:59:57 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.2 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/12/29 15:37:26 $
+ * Purpose: Store/verify Internet checksum in send/receive packets.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -157,9 +157,7 @@
+ typedef struct s_Csum {
+ /* Enabled receive SK_PROTO_XXX bit flags. */
+ unsigned ReceiveFlags[SK_MAX_NETS];
+-#ifdef TX_CSUM
+ unsigned TransmitFlags[SK_MAX_NETS];
+-#endif /* TX_CSUM */
+ /* The protocol statistics structure; one per supported protocol. */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdebug.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdebug.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdebug.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdebug.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skdebug.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.14 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/05/13 17:26:00 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.3 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/01/25 16:44:28 $
+ * Purpose: SK specific DEBUG support
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -28,9 +27,9 @@
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ #ifndef SK_DBG_MSG
+ #define SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,comp,cat,arg) \
+- if ( ((comp) & SK_DBG_CHKMOD(pAC)) && \
+- ((cat) & SK_DBG_CHKCAT(pAC)) ) { \
+- SK_DBG_PRINTF arg ; \
++ if ( ((comp) & SK_DBG_CHKMOD(pAC)) && \
++ ((cat) & SK_DBG_CHKCAT(pAC)) ) { \
++ SK_DBG_PRINTF arg; \
+ }
+ #endif
+ #else
+@@ -58,6 +57,13 @@
+ #define SK_DBGMOD_ADDR 0x00000080L /* ADDR module */
+ #define SK_DBGMOD_PECP 0x00000100L /* PECP module */
+ #define SK_DBGMOD_POWM 0x00000200L /* Power Management module */
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++#define SK_DBGMOD_ASF 0x00000400L /* ASF module */
++#ifdef SK_LBFO
++#define SK_DBGMOD_LACP 0x00000800L /* link aggregation control protocol */
++#define SK_DBGMOD_FD 0x00001000L /* frame distributor (link aggregation) */
++#endif /* SK_LBFO */
+ /* Debug events */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv1st.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv1st.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv1st.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv1st.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skdrv1st.h
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/11/12 14:28:14 $
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/08/09 07:14:29 $
+ * Purpose: First header file for driver and all other modules
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -22,20 +22,6 @@
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+- *
+- * Description:
+- *
+- * This is the first include file of the driver, which includes all
+- * neccessary system header files and some of the GEnesis header files.
+- * It also defines some basic items.
+- *
+- * Include File Hierarchy:
+- *
+- * see skge.c
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef __INC_SKDRV1ST_H
+ #define __INC_SKDRV1ST_H
+@@ -58,6 +44,9 @@
+ #define SK_ADDR_EQUAL(a1,a2) (!memcmp(a1,a2,6))
++#define SK_STRNCMP(s1,s2,len) strncmp(s1,s2,len)
++#define SK_STRCPY(dest,src) strcpy(dest,src)
+ #include <linux/types.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+@@ -78,11 +67,7 @@
+ #include <net/checksum.h>
+-#ifndef CONFIG_X86_64
+-#define SkCsCalculateChecksum(p,l) ((~ip_compute_csum(p, l)) & 0xffff)
+-#define SkCsCalculateChecksum(p,l) ((~ip_fast_csum(p, l)) & 0xffff)
++#define SkCsCalculateChecksum(p,l) (~csum_fold(csum_partial(p, l, 0)))
+ #include "h/sktypes.h"
+ #include "h/skerror.h"
+@@ -90,10 +75,15 @@
+ #include "h/lm80.h"
+ #include "h/xmac_ii.h"
++#ifndef SK_BMU_RX_WM_PEX
++#define SK_BMU_RX_WM_PEX 0x80
+ #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN
+ #else
+ #define SK_BIG_ENDIAN
++#define SK_USE_REV_DESC
+ #endif
+ #define SK_NET_DEVICE net_device
+@@ -188,3 +178,8 @@
+ #endif
++ *
++ * End of file
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv2nd.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv2nd.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv2nd.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skdrv2nd.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * Name: skdrv2nd.h
+- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.10 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/12/11 16:04:45 $
+- * Purpose: Second header file for driver and all other modules
++ * Name: skdrv2nd.h
++ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/08/09 10:41:04 $
++ * Purpose: Second header file for driver and all other modules
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@
+ #include "h/skqueue.h"
+ #include "h/skgehwt.h"
+ #include "h/sktimer.h"
+-#include "h/ski2c.h"
++#include "h/sktwsi.h"
+ #include "h/skgepnmi.h"
+ #include "h/skvpd.h"
+ #include "h/skgehw.h"
++#include "h/sky2le.h"
+ #include "h/skgeinit.h"
+ #include "h/skaddr.h"
+ #include "h/skgesirq.h"
+@@ -53,158 +54,187 @@
+ #include "h/skrlmt.h"
+ #include "h/skgedrv.h"
+-#define SK_PCI_ISCOMPLIANT(result, pdev) { \
+- result = SK_FALSE; /* default */ \
+- /* 3Com (0x10b7) */ \
+- if (pdev->vendor == 0x10b7) { \
+- /* Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (0x1700) */ \
+- if ((pdev->device == 0x1700) || \
+- (pdev->device == 0x80eb)) { \
+- result = SK_TRUE; \
+- } \
+- /* SysKonnect (0x1148) */ \
+- } else if (pdev->vendor == 0x1148) { \
+- /* SK-98xx Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter (0x4300) */ \
+- /* SK-98xx V2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (0x4320) */ \
+- if ((pdev->device == 0x4300) || \
+- (pdev->device == 0x4320)) { \
+- result = SK_TRUE; \
+- } \
+- /* D-Link (0x1186) */ \
+- } else if (pdev->vendor == 0x1186) { \
+- /* Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (0x4c00) */ \
+- if ((pdev->device == 0x4c00)) { \
+- result = SK_TRUE; \
+- } \
+- /* Marvell (0x11ab) */ \
+- } else if (pdev->vendor == 0x11ab) { \
+- /* Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (0x4320) */ \
+- /* Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (0x4360) */ \
+- /* Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (0x4361) */ \
+- /* Belkin (0x5005) */ \
+- if ((pdev->device == 0x4320) || \
+- (pdev->device == 0x4360) || \
+- (pdev->device == 0x4361) || \
+- (pdev->device == 0x5005)) { \
+- result = SK_TRUE; \
+- } \
+- /* CNet (0x1371) */ \
+- } else if (pdev->vendor == 0x1371) { \
+- /* GigaCard Network Adapter (0x434e) */ \
+- if ((pdev->device == 0x434e)) { \
+- result = SK_TRUE; \
+- } \
+- /* Linksys (0x1737) */ \
+- } else if (pdev->vendor == 0x1737) { \
+- /* Gigabit Network Adapter (0x1032) */ \
+- /* Gigabit Network Adapter (0x1064) */ \
+- if ((pdev->device == 0x1032) || \
+- (pdev->device == 0x1064)) { \
+- result = SK_TRUE; \
+- } \
+- } else { \
+- result = SK_FALSE; \
+- } \
++/* Defines for the poll cotroller */
+-extern SK_MBUF *SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf(SK_AC*, SK_IOC, unsigned);
+-extern void SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(SK_AC*, SK_IOC, SK_MBUF*);
+-extern SK_U64 SkOsGetTime(SK_AC*);
+-extern int SkPciReadCfgDWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U32*);
+-extern int SkPciReadCfgWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U16*);
+-extern int SkPciReadCfgByte(SK_AC*, int, SK_U8*);
+-extern int SkPciWriteCfgDWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U32);
+-extern int SkPciWriteCfgWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U16);
+-extern int SkPciWriteCfgByte(SK_AC*, int, SK_U8);
+-extern int SkDrvEvent(SK_AC*, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32, SK_EVPARA);
+-extern int SkDrvEnterDiagMode(SK_AC *pAc);
+-extern int SkDrvLeaveDiagMode(SK_AC *pAc);
++ *
++ * Generic driver defines
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#define USE_TIST_FOR_RESET /* Use timestamp for reset */
++#define Y2_RECOVERY /* use specific recovery yukon2 functions */
++#define Y2_LE_CHECK /* activate check for LE order */
++#define Y2_SYNC_CHECK /* activate check for receiver in sync */
++#define SK_YUKON2 /* Enable Yukon2 dual net support */
++#define USE_SK_TX_CHECKSUM /* use the tx hw checksum driver functionality */
++#define USE_SK_RX_CHECKSUM /* use the rx hw checksum driver functionality */
++#define USE_SK_TSO_FEATURE /* use TCP segmentation offload if possible */
++#define SK_COPY_THRESHOLD 50 /* threshold for copying small RX frames;
++ * 0 avoids copying, 9001 copies all */
++#define SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM 16 /* number of adapters that can be configured via
++ * command line params */
++//#define USE_TX_COMPLETE /* use of a transmit complete interrupt */
++#define Y2_RX_CHECK /* RX Check timestamp */
++ * use those defines for a compile-in version of the driver instead
++ * of command line parameters
++ */
++// #define LINK_SPEED_A {"Auto",}
++// #define LINK_SPEED_B {"Auto",}
++// #define AUTO_NEG_A {"Sense",}
++// #define AUTO_NEG_B {"Sense"}
++// #define DUP_CAP_A {"Both",}
++// #define DUP_CAP_B {"Both",}
++// #define FLOW_CTRL_A {"SymOrRem",}
++// #define FLOW_CTRL_B {"SymOrRem",}
++// #define ROLE_A {"Auto",}
++// #define ROLE_B {"Auto",}
++// #define PREF_PORT {"A",}
++// #define CON_TYPE {"Auto",}
++// #define RLMT_MODE {"CheckLinkState",}
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++#define Y2_RESYNC_WATERMARK 1000000L
+ #endif
++ *
++ * Generic ISR defines
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#define SkIsrRetVar irqreturn_t
++#define SkIsrRetNone IRQ_NONE
++#define SkIsrRetHandled IRQ_HANDLED
++#define DEV_KFREE_SKB(skb) dev_kfree_skb(skb)
++#define DEV_KFREE_SKB_IRQ(skb) dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb)
++#define DEV_KFREE_SKB_ANY(skb) dev_kfree_skb_any(skb)
++ *
++ * Global function prototypes
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++extern SK_MBUF *SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf(SK_AC*, SK_IOC, unsigned);
++extern void SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(SK_AC*, SK_IOC, SK_MBUF*);
++extern SK_U64 SkOsGetTime(SK_AC*);
++extern int SkPciReadCfgDWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U32*);
++extern int SkPciReadCfgWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U16*);
++extern int SkPciReadCfgByte(SK_AC*, int, SK_U8*);
++extern int SkPciWriteCfgDWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U32);
++extern int SkPciWriteCfgWord(SK_AC*, int, SK_U16);
++extern int SkPciWriteCfgByte(SK_AC*, int, SK_U8);
++extern int SkDrvEvent(SK_AC*, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32, SK_EVPARA);
++extern int SkDrvEnterDiagMode(SK_AC *pAc);
++extern int SkDrvLeaveDiagMode(SK_AC *pAc);
++ *
++ * Linux specific RLMT buffer structure (SK_MBUF typedef in skdrv1st)!
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+ struct s_DrvRlmtMbuf {
+- SK_MBUF *pNext; /* Pointer to next RLMT Mbuf. */
+- SK_U8 *pData; /* Data buffer (virtually contig.). */
+- unsigned Size; /* Data buffer size. */
+- unsigned Length; /* Length of packet (<= Size). */
+- SK_U32 PortIdx; /* Receiving/transmitting port. */
++ SK_MBUF *pNext; /* Pointer to next RLMT Mbuf. */
++ SK_U8 *pData; /* Data buffer (virtually contig.). */
++ unsigned Size; /* Data buffer size. */
++ unsigned Length; /* Length of packet (<= Size). */
++ SK_U32 PortIdx; /* Receiving/transmitting port. */
+- SK_RLMT_MBUF Rlmt; /* Private part for RLMT. */
+-#endif /* SK_RLMT_MBUF_PRIVATE */
+- struct sk_buff *pOs; /* Pointer to message block */
++ SK_RLMT_MBUF Rlmt; /* Private part for RLMT. */
++ struct sk_buff *pOs; /* Pointer to message block */
+ };
++ *
++ * Linux specific TIME defines
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+- * Time macros
+- */
+ #if SK_TICKS_PER_SEC == 100
+ #define SK_PNMI_HUNDREDS_SEC(t) (t)
+ #else
+-#define SK_PNMI_HUNDREDS_SEC(t) ((((unsigned long)t) * 100) / \
++#define SK_PNMI_HUNDREDS_SEC(t) ((((unsigned long)t)*100)/(SK_TICKS_PER_SEC))
+ #endif
+- * New SkOsGetTime
+- */
+ #define SkOsGetTimeCurrent(pAC, pUsec) {\
++ static struct timeval prev_t; \
+ struct timeval t;\
+ do_gettimeofday(&t);\
+- *pUsec = ((((t.tv_sec) * 1000000L)+t.tv_usec)/10000);\
++ if (prev_t.tv_sec == t.tv_sec) { \
++ if (prev_t.tv_usec > t.tv_usec) { \
++ t.tv_usec = prev_t.tv_usec; \
++ } else { \
++ prev_t.tv_usec = t.tv_usec; \
++ } \
++ } else { \
++ prev_t = t; \
++ } \
++ *pUsec = ((t.tv_sec*100L)+(t.tv_usec/10000));\
+ }
++ *
++ * Linux specific IOCTL defines and typedefs
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+- * ioctl definitions
+- */
+-#define SK_IOCTL_GEN (SK_IOCTL_BASE + 3)
+-typedef struct s_IOCTL SK_GE_IOCTL;
++#define SK_IOCTL_GEN (SK_IOCTL_BASE + 3)
++typedef struct s_IOCTL SK_GE_IOCTL;
+ struct s_IOCTL {
+ char __user * pData;
+ unsigned int Len;
+ };
++ *
++ * Generic sizes and length definitions
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+- * define sizes of descriptor rings in bytes
+- */
+-#define TX_RING_SIZE (8*1024)
+-#define RX_RING_SIZE (24*1024)
+- * Buffer size for ethernet packets
+- */
+-#define ETH_BUF_SIZE 1540
+-#define ETH_MAX_MTU 1514
+-#define ETH_MIN_MTU 60
+-#define ETH_MULTICAST_BIT 0x01
+-#define SK_JUMBO_MTU 9000
+- * transmit priority selects the queue: LOW=asynchron, HIGH=synchron
+- */
+-#define TX_PRIO_LOW 0
+-#define TX_PRIO_HIGH 1
++#define TX_RING_SIZE (24*1024) /* GEnesis/Yukon */
++#define RX_RING_SIZE (24*1024) /* GEnesis/Yukon */
++#define RX_MAX_NBR_BUFFERS 128 /* Yukon-EC/-II */
++#define TX_MAX_NBR_BUFFERS 128 /* Yukon-EC/-II */
++#define MAXIMUM_LOW_ADDRESS 0xFFFFFFFF /* Max. low address */
++#define ETH_BUF_SIZE 1560 /* multiples of 8 bytes */
++#define ETH_MAX_MTU 1514
++#define ETH_MIN_MTU 60
++#define ETH_MULTICAST_BIT 0x01
++#define SK_JUMBO_MTU 9000
++#define TX_PRIO_LOW 0 /* asynchronous queue */
++#define TX_PRIO_HIGH 1 /* synchronous queue */
++#define DESCR_ALIGN 64 /* alignment of Rx/Tx descriptors */
+- * alignment of rx/tx descriptors
+- */
+-#define DESCR_ALIGN 64
++ *
++ * PNMI related definitions
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+- * definitions for pnmi. TODO
+- */
+ #define SK_DRIVER_RESET(pAC, IoC) 0
+ #define SK_DRIVER_SELFTEST(pAC, IoC) 0
+@@ -213,20 +243,16 @@
+ #define SK_DRIVER_SET_MTU(pAc,IoC,i,v) 0
+ #define SK_DRIVER_PRESET_MTU(pAc,IoC,i,v) 0
+-** Interim definition of SK_DRV_TIMER placed in this file until
+-** common modules have boon finallized
+-#define SK_DRV_TIMER 11
+-#define SK_DRV_MODERATION_TIMER_LENGTH 1000000 /* 1 second */
+-#define SK_DRV_RX_CLEANUP_TIMER_LENGTH 1000000 /* 100 millisecs */
+-** Definitions regarding transmitting frames
+-** any calculating any checksum.
++ *
++ * Various offsets and sizes
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#define SK_DRV_MODERATION_TIMER 1 /* id */
++#define SK_DRV_MODERATION_TIMER_LENGTH 1 /* 1 second */
+@@ -252,114 +278,445 @@
+ #define C_PROTO_ID_UDP 17 /* refer to RFC 790 or Stevens' */
+ #define C_PROTO_ID_TCP 6 /* TCP/IP illustrated for details */
+-/* TX and RX descriptors *****************************************************/
++ *
++ * Tx and Rx descriptor definitions
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+ typedef struct s_RxD RXD; /* the receive descriptor */
+ struct s_RxD {
+- volatile SK_U32 RBControl; /* Receive Buffer Control */
+- SK_U32 VNextRxd; /* Next receive descriptor,low dword */
+- SK_U32 VDataLow; /* Receive buffer Addr, low dword */
+- SK_U32 VDataHigh; /* Receive buffer Addr, high dword */
+- SK_U32 FrameStat; /* Receive Frame Status word */
+- SK_U32 TimeStamp; /* Time stamp from XMAC */
+- SK_U32 TcpSums; /* TCP Sum 2 / TCP Sum 1 */
+- SK_U32 TcpSumStarts; /* TCP Sum Start 2 / TCP Sum Start 1 */
+- RXD *pNextRxd; /* Pointer to next Rxd */
+- struct sk_buff *pMBuf; /* Pointer to Linux' socket buffer */
++ volatile SK_U32 RBControl; /* Receive Buffer Control */
++ SK_U32 VNextRxd; /* Next receive descriptor,low dword */
++ SK_U32 VDataLow; /* Receive buffer Addr, low dword */
++ SK_U32 VDataHigh; /* Receive buffer Addr, high dword */
++ SK_U32 FrameStat; /* Receive Frame Status word */
++ SK_U32 TimeStamp; /* Time stamp from XMAC */
++ SK_U32 TcpSums; /* TCP Sum 2 / TCP Sum 1 */
++ SK_U32 TcpSumStarts; /* TCP Sum Start 2 / TCP Sum Start 1 */
++ RXD *pNextRxd; /* Pointer to next Rxd */
++ struct sk_buff *pMBuf; /* Pointer to Linux' socket buffer */
+ };
+ typedef struct s_TxD TXD; /* the transmit descriptor */
+ struct s_TxD {
+- volatile SK_U32 TBControl; /* Transmit Buffer Control */
+- SK_U32 VNextTxd; /* Next transmit descriptor,low dword */
+- SK_U32 VDataLow; /* Transmit Buffer Addr, low dword */
+- SK_U32 VDataHigh; /* Transmit Buffer Addr, high dword */
+- SK_U32 FrameStat; /* Transmit Frame Status Word */
+- SK_U32 TcpSumOfs; /* Reserved / TCP Sum Offset */
+- SK_U16 TcpSumSt; /* TCP Sum Start */
+- SK_U16 TcpSumWr; /* TCP Sum Write */
+- SK_U32 TcpReserved; /* not used */
+- TXD *pNextTxd; /* Pointer to next Txd */
+- struct sk_buff *pMBuf; /* Pointer to Linux' socket buffer */
++ volatile SK_U32 TBControl; /* Transmit Buffer Control */
++ SK_U32 VNextTxd; /* Next transmit descriptor,low dword */
++ SK_U32 VDataLow; /* Transmit Buffer Addr, low dword */
++ SK_U32 VDataHigh; /* Transmit Buffer Addr, high dword */
++ SK_U32 FrameStat; /* Transmit Frame Status Word */
++ SK_U32 TcpSumOfs; /* Reserved / TCP Sum Offset */
++ SK_U16 TcpSumSt; /* TCP Sum Start */
++ SK_U16 TcpSumWr; /* TCP Sum Write */
++ SK_U32 TcpReserved; /* not used */
++ TXD *pNextTxd; /* Pointer to next Txd */
++ struct sk_buff *pMBuf; /* Pointer to Linux' socket buffer */
++ *
++ * Generic Yukon-II defines
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#define LE_SIZE sizeof(SK_HWLE)
++#define MIN_LEN_OF_LE_TAB 128
++#define MAX_LEN_OF_LE_TAB 4096
++// as we have a maximum of 16 physical fragments,
++// maximum 1 ADDR64 per physical fragment
++// maximum 4 LEs for VLAN, Csum, LargeSend, Packet
++#define MIN_LE_FREE_REQUIRED ((16*2) + 4)
++#define IS_GMAC(pAc) (!pAc->GIni.GIGenesis)
++#define TXS_MAX_LE 256
++#else /* !USE_SYNC_TX_QUEUE */
++#define TXS_MAX_LE 0
++#define IP_HDR_LEN 20
++#define TCP_CSUM_OFFS 0x10
++#define UDP_CSUM_OFFS 0x06
++#define TXA_MAX_LE 256
++#define RX_MAX_LE 256
++#if (defined (Y2_RECOVERY) || defined (Y2_LE_CHECK))
++/* event for recovery from tx hang or rx out of sync */
++#define SK_DRV_RECOVER 17
++ *
++ * Structures specific for Yukon-II
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++typedef struct s_frag SK_FRAG;
++struct s_frag {
++ SK_FRAG *pNext;
++ char *pVirt;
++ SK_U64 pPhys;
++ unsigned int FragLen;
++typedef struct s_packet SK_PACKET;
++struct s_packet {
++ /* Common infos: */
++ SK_PACKET *pNext; /* pointer for packet queues */
++ unsigned int PacketLen; /* length of packet */
++ unsigned int NumFrags; /* nbr of fragments (for Rx always 1) */
++ SK_FRAG *pFrag; /* fragment list */
++ SK_FRAG FragArray[MAX_NUM_FRAGS]; /* TX fragment array */
++ unsigned int NextLE; /* next LE to use for the next packet */
++ /* Private infos: */
++ struct sk_buff *pMBuf; /* Pointer to Linux' socket buffer */
+ };
+-/* Used interrupt bits in the interrupts source register *********************/
++typedef struct s_queue SK_PKT_QUEUE;
++struct s_queue {
++ SK_PACKET *pHead;
++ SK_PACKET *pTail;
++ spinlock_t QueueLock; /* serialize packet accesses */
+-#define DRIVER_IRQS ((IS_IRQ_SW) | \
+- (IS_R1_F) |(IS_R2_F) | \
+- (IS_XS1_F) |(IS_XA1_F) | \
+- (IS_XS2_F) |(IS_XA2_F))
+-#define SPECIAL_IRQS ((IS_HW_ERR) |(IS_I2C_READY) | \
+- (IS_EXT_REG) |(IS_TIMINT) | \
+- (IS_PA_TO_RX1) |(IS_PA_TO_RX2) | \
+- (IS_PA_TO_TX1) |(IS_PA_TO_TX2) | \
+- (IS_MAC1) |(IS_LNK_SYNC_M1)| \
+- (IS_MAC2) |(IS_LNK_SYNC_M2)| \
+- (IS_R1_C) |(IS_R2_C) | \
+- (IS_XS1_C) |(IS_XA1_C) | \
+- (IS_XS2_C) |(IS_XA2_C))
+-#define IRQ_MASK ((IS_IRQ_SW) | \
+- (IS_R1_B) |(IS_R1_F) |(IS_R2_B) |(IS_R2_F) | \
+- (IS_XS1_B) |(IS_XS1_F) |(IS_XA1_B)|(IS_XA1_F)| \
+- (IS_XS2_B) |(IS_XS2_F) |(IS_XA2_B)|(IS_XA2_F)| \
+- (IS_HW_ERR) |(IS_I2C_READY)| \
+- (IS_EXT_REG) |(IS_TIMINT) | \
+- (IS_PA_TO_RX1) |(IS_PA_TO_RX2)| \
+- (IS_PA_TO_TX1) |(IS_PA_TO_TX2)| \
+- (IS_MAC1) |(IS_MAC2) | \
+- (IS_R1_C) |(IS_R2_C) | \
+- (IS_XS1_C) |(IS_XA1_C) | \
+- (IS_XS2_C) |(IS_XA2_C))
++ *
++ * Macros specific for Yukon-II queues
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+-#define IRQ_HWE_MASK (IS_ERR_MSK) /* enable all HW irqs */
++#define IS_Q_EMPTY(pQueue) ((pQueue)->pHead != NULL) ? SK_FALSE : SK_TRUE
++#define IS_Q_LOCKED(pQueue) spin_is_locked(&((pQueue)->QueueLock))
++#define PLAIN_POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(pQueue, pPacket) { \
++ if ((pQueue)->pHead != NULL) { \
++ (pPacket) = (pQueue)->pHead; \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPacket)->pNext; \
++ if ((pQueue)->pHead == NULL) { \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = NULL; \
++ } \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = NULL; \
++ } else { \
++ (pPacket) = NULL; \
++ } \
++#define PLAIN_PUSH_PKT_AS_FIRST_IN_QUEUE(pQueue, pPacket) { \
++ if ((pQueue)->pHead != NULL) { \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = (pQueue)->pHead; \
++ } else { \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = NULL; \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = (pPacket); \
++ } \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPacket); \
++#define PLAIN_PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(pQueue, pPacket) { \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = NULL; \
++ if ((pQueue)->pTail != NULL) { \
++ (pQueue)->pTail->pNext = (pPacket); \
++ } else { \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPacket); \
++ } \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = (pPacket); \
++#define PLAIN_PUSH_MULTIPLE_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(pQueue,pPktGrpStart,pPktGrpEnd) { \
++ if ((pPktGrpStart) != NULL) { \
++ if ((pQueue)->pTail != NULL) { \
++ (pQueue)->pTail->pNext = (pPktGrpStart); \
++ } else { \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPktGrpStart); \
++ } \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = (pPktGrpEnd); \
++ } \
++/* Required: 'Flags' */
++#define POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(pQueue, pPacket) { \
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&((pQueue)->QueueLock), Flags); \
++ if ((pQueue)->pHead != NULL) { \
++ (pPacket) = (pQueue)->pHead; \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPacket)->pNext; \
++ if ((pQueue)->pHead == NULL) { \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = NULL; \
++ } \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = NULL; \
++ } else { \
++ (pPacket) = NULL; \
++ } \
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&((pQueue)->QueueLock), Flags); \
++/* Required: 'Flags' */
++#define PUSH_PKT_AS_FIRST_IN_QUEUE(pQueue, pPacket) { \
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&(pQueue)->QueueLock, Flags); \
++ if ((pQueue)->pHead != NULL) { \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = (pQueue)->pHead; \
++ } else { \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = NULL; \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = (pPacket); \
++ } \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPacket); \
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(pQueue)->QueueLock, Flags); \
++/* Required: 'Flags' */
++#define PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(pQueue, pPacket) { \
++ (pPacket)->pNext = NULL; \
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&(pQueue)->QueueLock, Flags); \
++ if ((pQueue)->pTail != NULL) { \
++ (pQueue)->pTail->pNext = (pPacket); \
++ } else { \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPacket); \
++ } \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = (pPacket); \
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(pQueue)->QueueLock, Flags); \
++/* Required: 'Flags' */
++#define PUSH_MULTIPLE_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(pQueue,pPktGrpStart,pPktGrpEnd) { \
++ if ((pPktGrpStart) != NULL) { \
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&(pQueue)->QueueLock, Flags); \
++ if ((pQueue)->pTail != NULL) { \
++ (pQueue)->pTail->pNext = (pPktGrpStart); \
++ } else { \
++ (pQueue)->pHead = (pPktGrpStart); \
++ } \
++ (pQueue)->pTail = (pPktGrpEnd); \
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(pQueue)->QueueLock, Flags); \
++ } \
++ *Check if the low address (32 bit) is near the 4G limit or over it.
++ * Set the high address to a wrong value.
++ * Doing so we force to write the ADDR64 LE.
++ */
++#define CHECK_LOW_ADDRESS( _HighAddress, _LowAddress , _Length) { \
++ if ((~0-_LowAddress) <_Length) { \
++ _HighAddress= MAXIMUM_LOW_ADDRESS; \
++ ("High Address must be set for HW. LowAddr = %d Length = %d\n", \
++ _LowAddress, _Length)); \
++ } \
++ *
++ * Macros specific for Yukon-II queues (tist)
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++/* port is fully operational */
++/* port in reset until any tist LE */
++/* port in reset until timer reaches pAC->MinTistLo */
++/* use this + Port to build OP_MOD_TXINDEX_NO_PORT_A|B */
++#define OP_MOD_TXINDEX 0x71
++/* opcode for a TX_INDEX LE in which Port A has to be ignored */
++#define OP_MOD_TXINDEX_NO_PORT_A 0x71
++/* opcode for a TX_INDEX LE in which Port B has to be ignored */
++#define OP_MOD_TXINDEX_NO_PORT_B 0x72
++/* opcode for LE to be ignored because port is still in reset */
++#define OP_MOD_LE 0x7F
++/* set tist wait mode Bit for port */
++#define SK_SET_WAIT_BIT_FOR_PORT(pAC, Bit, Port) \
++ { \
++ (pAC)->AdapterResetState |= ((Bit) << (SK_PSTATE_PORT_SHIFT * Port)); \
++ }
++/* reset tist waiting for specified port */
++#define SK_CLR_STATE_FOR_PORT(pAC, Port) \
++ { \
++ (pAC)->AdapterResetState &= \
++ }
++/* return SK_TRUE when port is in reset waiting for tist */
++#define SK_PORT_WAITING_FOR_TIST(pAC, Port) \
++ ((((pAC)->AdapterResetState >> (SK_PSTATE_PORT_SHIFT * Port)) & \
++/* return SK_TRUE when port is in reset waiting for any tist */
++ ((((pAC)->AdapterResetState >> (SK_PSTATE_PORT_SHIFT * Port)) & \
++/* return SK_TRUE when port is in reset waiting for a specific tist */
++ ((((pAC)->AdapterResetState >> (SK_PSTATE_PORT_SHIFT * Port)) & \
++/* return whether adapter is expecting a tist LE */
++#define SK_ADAPTER_WAITING_FOR_TIST(pAC) ((pAC)->AdapterResetState != 0)
++/* enable timestamp timer and force creation of tist LEs */
++#define Y2_ENABLE_TIST(IoC) \
++/* disable timestamp timer and stop creation of tist LEs */
++#define Y2_DISABLE_TIST(IoC) \
++/* get current value of timestamp timer */
++#define Y2_GET_TIST_LOW_VAL(IoC, pVal) \
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, pVal)
++ *
++ * Used interrupt bits in the interrupts source register
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#define DRIVER_IRQS ((IS_IRQ_SW) | \
++ (IS_R1_F) | (IS_R2_F) | \
++ (IS_XS1_F) | (IS_XA1_F) | \
++ (IS_XS2_F) | (IS_XA2_F))
++#define TX_COMPL_IRQS ((IS_XS1_B) | (IS_XS1_F) | \
++ (IS_XA1_B) | (IS_XA1_F) | \
++ (IS_XS2_B) | (IS_XS2_F) | \
++ (IS_XA2_B) | (IS_XA2_F))
++#define NAPI_DRV_IRQS ((IS_R1_F) | (IS_R2_F) | \
++ (IS_XS1_F) | (IS_XA1_F)| \
++ (IS_XS2_F) | (IS_XA2_F))
++#define Y2_DRIVER_IRQS ((Y2_IS_STAT_BMU) | (Y2_IS_IRQ_SW) | (Y2_IS_POLL_CHK))
++#define SPECIAL_IRQS ((IS_HW_ERR) |(IS_I2C_READY) | \
++ (IS_EXT_REG) |(IS_TIMINT) | \
++ (IS_PA_TO_RX1) |(IS_PA_TO_RX2) | \
++ (IS_PA_TO_TX1) |(IS_PA_TO_TX2) | \
++ (IS_MAC1) |(IS_LNK_SYNC_M1)| \
++ (IS_MAC2) |(IS_LNK_SYNC_M2)| \
++ (IS_R1_C) |(IS_R2_C) | \
++ (IS_XS1_C) |(IS_XA1_C) | \
++ (IS_XS2_C) |(IS_XA2_C))
++#define Y2_SPECIAL_IRQS ((Y2_IS_HW_ERR) |(Y2_IS_ASF) | \
++ (Y2_IS_TWSI_RDY) |(Y2_IS_TIMINT) | \
++ (Y2_IS_IRQ_PHY2) |(Y2_IS_IRQ_MAC2) | \
++ (Y2_IS_CHK_RX2) |(Y2_IS_CHK_TXS2) | \
++ (Y2_IS_CHK_TXA2) |(Y2_IS_IRQ_PHY1) | \
++ (Y2_IS_IRQ_MAC1) |(Y2_IS_CHK_RX1) | \
++ (Y2_IS_CHK_TXS1) |(Y2_IS_CHK_TXA1))
++#define IRQ_MASK ((IS_IRQ_SW) | \
++ (IS_R1_F) |(IS_R2_F) | \
++ (IS_XS1_F) |(IS_XA1_F) | \
++ (IS_XS2_F) |(IS_XA2_F) | \
++ (IS_HW_ERR) |(IS_I2C_READY)| \
++ (IS_EXT_REG) |(IS_TIMINT) | \
++ (IS_PA_TO_RX1) |(IS_PA_TO_RX2)| \
++ (IS_PA_TO_TX1) |(IS_PA_TO_TX2)| \
++ (IS_MAC1) |(IS_MAC2) | \
++ (IS_R1_C) |(IS_R2_C) | \
++ (IS_XS1_C) |(IS_XA1_C) | \
++ (IS_XS2_C) |(IS_XA2_C))
++#define IRQ_HWE_MASK (IS_ERR_MSK) /* enable all HW irqs */
++#define Y2_IRQ_HWE_MASK (Y2_HWE_ALL_MSK) /* enable all HW irqs */
+ typedef struct s_DevNet DEV_NET;
+ struct s_DevNet {
+- struct proc_dir_entry *proc;
+- int PortNr;
+- int NetNr;
+- int Mtu;
+- int Up;
+- SK_AC *pAC;
++ struct proc_dir_entry *proc;
++ int PortNr;
++ int NetNr;
++ char InitialDevName[20];
++ SK_BOOL NetConsoleMode;
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ struct timer_list KernelTimer; /* Kernel timer struct */
++ int TransmitTimeoutTimer; /* Transmit timer */
++ SK_BOOL TimerExpired; /* Transmit timer */
++ SK_BOOL InRecover; /* Recover flag */
++#ifdef Y2_RX_CHECK
++ SK_U32 PreviousMACFifoRP; /* Backup of the FRP */
++ SK_U32 PreviousMACFifoRLev; /* Backup of the FRL */
++ SK_U32 PreviousRXFifoRP; /* Backup of the RX FRP */
++ SK_U8 PreviousRXFifoRLev; /* Backup of the RX FRL */
++ SK_U32 LastJiffies; /* Backup of the jiffies*/
++ SK_AC *pAC;
+ };
+-typedef struct s_TxPort TX_PORT;
++ *
++ * Rx/Tx Port structures
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+-struct s_TxPort {
+- /* the transmit descriptor rings */
+- caddr_t pTxDescrRing; /* descriptor area memory */
+- SK_U64 VTxDescrRing; /* descr. area bus virt. addr. */
+- TXD *pTxdRingHead; /* Head of Tx rings */
+- TXD *pTxdRingTail; /* Tail of Tx rings */
+- TXD *pTxdRingPrev; /* descriptor sent previously */
+- int TxdRingFree; /* # of free entrys */
+- spinlock_t TxDesRingLock; /* serialize descriptor accesses */
+- caddr_t HwAddr; /* bmu registers address */
+- int PortIndex; /* index number of port (0 or 1) */
++typedef struct s_TxPort TX_PORT;
++struct s_TxPort { /* the transmit descriptor rings */
++ caddr_t pTxDescrRing; /* descriptor area memory */
++ SK_U64 VTxDescrRing; /* descr. area bus virt. addr. */
++ TXD *pTxdRingHead; /* Head of Tx rings */
++ TXD *pTxdRingTail; /* Tail of Tx rings */
++ TXD *pTxdRingPrev; /* descriptor sent previously */
++ int TxdRingPrevFree;/* previously # of free entrys */
++ int TxdRingFree; /* # of free entrys */
++ spinlock_t TxDesRingLock; /* serialize descriptor accesses */
++ caddr_t HwAddr; /* bmu registers address */
++ int PortIndex; /* index number of port (0 or 1) */
++ SK_PACKET *TransmitPacketTable;
++ SK_LE_TABLE TxALET; /* tx (async) list element table */
++ SK_LE_TABLE TxSLET; /* tx (sync) list element table */
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE TxQ_free;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE TxAQ_waiting;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE TxSQ_waiting;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE TxAQ_working;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE TxSQ_working;
++ unsigned LastDone;
+ };
+-typedef struct s_RxPort RX_PORT;
+-struct s_RxPort {
+- /* the receive descriptor rings */
+- caddr_t pRxDescrRing; /* descriptor area memory */
+- SK_U64 VRxDescrRing; /* descr. area bus virt. addr. */
+- RXD *pRxdRingHead; /* Head of Rx rings */
+- RXD *pRxdRingTail; /* Tail of Rx rings */
+- RXD *pRxdRingPrev; /* descriptor given to BMU previously */
+- int RxdRingFree; /* # of free entrys */
+- spinlock_t RxDesRingLock; /* serialize descriptor accesses */
+- int RxFillLimit; /* limit for buffers in ring */
+- caddr_t HwAddr; /* bmu registers address */
+- int PortIndex; /* index number of port (0 or 1) */
++typedef struct s_RxPort RX_PORT;
++struct s_RxPort { /* the receive descriptor rings */
++ caddr_t pRxDescrRing; /* descriptor area memory */
++ SK_U64 VRxDescrRing; /* descr. area bus virt. addr. */
++ RXD *pRxdRingHead; /* Head of Rx rings */
++ RXD *pRxdRingTail; /* Tail of Rx rings */
++ RXD *pRxdRingPrev; /* descr given to BMU previously */
++ int RxdRingFree; /* # of free entrys */
++ spinlock_t RxDesRingLock; /* serialize descriptor accesses */
++ int RxFillLimit; /* limit for buffers in ring */
++ caddr_t HwAddr; /* bmu registers address */
++ int PortIndex; /* index number of port (0 or 1) */
++ SK_BOOL UseRxCsum; /* use Rx checksumming (yes/no) */
++ SK_PACKET *ReceivePacketTable;
++ SK_LE_TABLE RxLET; /* rx list element table */
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE RxQ_working;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE RxQ_waiting;
++ int RxBufSize;
+ };
+-/* Definitions needed for interrupt moderation *******************************/
++ *
++ * Interrupt masks used in combination with interrupt moderation
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+ #define IRQ_EOF_AS_TX ((IS_XA1_F) | (IS_XA2_F))
+ #define IRQ_EOF_SY_TX ((IS_XS1_F) | (IS_XS2_F))
+@@ -371,139 +728,150 @@
+-#define C_INT_MOD_NONE 1
+-#define C_INT_MOD_STATIC 2
+-#define C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC 4
+-#define C_CLK_FREQ_GENESIS 53215000 /* shorter: 53.125 MHz */
+-#define C_CLK_FREQ_YUKON 78215000 /* shorter: 78.125 MHz */
+-#define C_INTS_PER_SEC_DEFAULT 2000
+-#define C_INT_MOD_ENABLE_PERCENTAGE 50 /* if higher 50% enable */
+-#define C_INT_MOD_DISABLE_PERCENTAGE 50 /* if lower 50% disable */
+-#define C_INT_MOD_IPS_UPPER_RANGE 40000
+-typedef struct s_DynIrqModInfo DIM_INFO;
+-struct s_DynIrqModInfo {
+- unsigned long PrevTimeVal;
+- unsigned int PrevSysLoad;
+- unsigned int PrevUsedTime;
+- unsigned int PrevTotalTime;
+- int PrevUsedDescrRatio;
+- int NbrProcessedDescr;
+- SK_U64 PrevPort0RxIntrCts;
+- SK_U64 PrevPort1RxIntrCts;
+- SK_U64 PrevPort0TxIntrCts;
+- SK_U64 PrevPort1TxIntrCts;
+- SK_BOOL ModJustEnabled; /* Moderation just enabled yes/no */
+- int MaxModIntsPerSec; /* Moderation Threshold */
+- int MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit; /* Upper limit for DIM */
+- int MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit; /* Lower limit for DIM */
+- long MaskIrqModeration; /* ModIrqType (eg. 'TxRx') */
+- SK_BOOL DisplayStats; /* Stats yes/no */
+- SK_BOOL AutoSizing; /* Resize DIM-timer on/off */
+- int IntModTypeSelect; /* EnableIntMod (eg. 'dynamic') */
+- SK_TIMER ModTimer; /* just some timer */
++ *
++ * Defines and typedefs regarding interrupt moderation
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+-typedef struct s_PerStrm PER_STRM;
++#define C_INT_MOD_NONE 1
++#define C_INT_MOD_STATIC 2
++#define C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC 4
++#define C_CLK_FREQ_GENESIS 53215000 /* or: 53.125 MHz */
++#define C_CLK_FREQ_YUKON 78215000 /* or: 78.125 MHz */
++#define C_CLK_FREQ_YUKON_EC 125000000 /* or: 125.000 MHz */
++#define C_Y2_INTS_PER_SEC_DEFAULT 5000
++#define C_INTS_PER_SEC_DEFAULT 2000
++#define C_INT_MOD_IPS_LOWER_RANGE 30 /* in IRQs/second */
++#define C_INT_MOD_IPS_UPPER_RANGE 40000 /* in IRQs/second */
++typedef struct s_DynIrqModInfo {
++ SK_U64 PrevPort0RxIntrCts;
++ SK_U64 PrevPort1RxIntrCts;
++ SK_U64 PrevPort0TxIntrCts;
++ SK_U64 PrevPort1TxIntrCts;
++ SK_U64 PrevPort0StatusLeIntrCts;
++ SK_U64 PrevPort1StatusLeIntrCts;
++ int MaxModIntsPerSec; /* Moderation Threshold */
++ int MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit; /* Upper limit for DIM */
++ int MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit; /* Lower limit for DIM */
++ long MaskIrqModeration; /* IRQ Mask (eg. 'TxRx') */
++ int IntModTypeSelect; /* Type (eg. 'dynamic') */
++ int DynIrqModSampleInterval; /* expressed in seconds! */
++ SK_TIMER ModTimer; /* Timer for dynamic mod. */
+-#define SK_ALLOC_IRQ 0x00000001
++ *
++ * Defines and typedefs regarding wake-on-lan
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++typedef struct s_WakeOnLanInfo {
++ SK_U32 SupportedWolOptions; /* e.g. WAKE_PHY... */
++ SK_U32 ConfiguredWolOptions; /* e.g. WAKE_PHY... */
++#define SK_ALLOC_IRQ 0x00000001
+ #define DIAG_ACTIVE 1
+ #define DIAG_NOTACTIVE 0
+ /****************************************************************************
++ *
+ * Per board structure / Adapter Context structure:
+- * Allocated within attach(9e) and freed within detach(9e).
+- * Contains all 'per device' necessary handles, flags, locks etc.:
+- */
++ * Contains all 'per device' necessary handles, flags, locks etc.:
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+ struct s_AC {
+- SK_GEINIT GIni; /* GE init struct */
+- SK_PNMI Pnmi; /* PNMI data struct */
+- SK_VPD vpd; /* vpd data struct */
+- SK_QUEUE Event; /* Event queue */
+- SK_HWT Hwt; /* Hardware Timer control struct */
+- SK_TIMCTRL Tim; /* Software Timer control struct */
+- SK_I2C I2c; /* I2C relevant data structure */
+- SK_ADDR Addr; /* for Address module */
+- SK_CSUM Csum; /* for checksum module */
+- SK_RLMT Rlmt; /* for rlmt module */
+- spinlock_t SlowPathLock; /* Normal IRQ lock */
+- SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA PnmiStruct; /* structure to get all Pnmi-Data */
+- int RlmtMode; /* link check mode to set */
+- int RlmtNets; /* Number of nets */
+- SK_IOC IoBase; /* register set of adapter */
+- int BoardLevel; /* level of active hw init (0-2) */
+- char DeviceStr[80]; /* adapter string from vpd */
+- SK_U32 AllocFlag; /* flag allocation of resources */
+- struct pci_dev *PciDev; /* for access to pci config space */
+- SK_U32 PciDevId; /* pci device id */
+- struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev[2]; /* pointer to device struct */
+- char Name[30]; /* driver name */
+- struct SK_NET_DEVICE *Next; /* link all devices (for clearing) */
+- int RxBufSize; /* length of receive buffers */
+- struct net_device_stats stats; /* linux 'netstat -i' statistics */
+- int Index; /* internal board index number */
+- /* adapter RAM sizes for queues of active port */
+- int RxQueueSize; /* memory used for receive queue */
+- int TxSQueueSize; /* memory used for sync. tx queue */
+- int TxAQueueSize; /* memory used for async. tx queue */
+- int PromiscCount; /* promiscuous mode counter */
+- int AllMultiCount; /* allmulticast mode counter */
+- int MulticCount; /* number of different MC */
+- /* addresses for this board */
+- /* (may be more than HW can)*/
+- int HWRevision; /* Hardware revision */
+- int ActivePort; /* the active XMAC port */
+- int MaxPorts; /* number of activated ports */
+- int TxDescrPerRing; /* # of descriptors per tx ring */
+- int RxDescrPerRing; /* # of descriptors per rx ring */
+- caddr_t pDescrMem; /* Pointer to the descriptor area */
+- dma_addr_t pDescrMemDMA; /* PCI DMA address of area */
+- /* the port structures with descriptor rings */
+- TX_PORT TxPort[SK_MAX_MACS][2];
+- unsigned int CsOfs1; /* for checksum calculation */
+- unsigned int CsOfs2; /* for checksum calculation */
+- SK_U32 CsOfs; /* for checksum calculation */
+- SK_BOOL CheckQueue; /* check event queue soon */
+- SK_TIMER DrvCleanupTimer;/* to check for pending descriptors */
+- DIM_INFO DynIrqModInfo; /* all data related to DIM */
+- /* Only for tests */
+- int PortUp;
+- int PortDown;
+- int ChipsetType; /* Chipset family type
+- * 0 == Genesis family support
+- * 1 == Yukon family support
+- */
+- SK_U32 DiagModeActive; /* is diag active? */
+- SK_BOOL DiagFlowCtrl; /* for control purposes */
+- SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA PnmiBackup; /* backup structure for all Pnmi-Data */
+- SK_BOOL WasIfUp[SK_MAX_MACS]; /* for OpenClose while
+- * DIAG is busy with NIC
+- */
++ SK_GEINIT GIni; /* GE init struct */
++ SK_PNMI Pnmi; /* PNMI data struct */
++ SK_VPD vpd; /* vpd data struct */
++ SK_QUEUE Event; /* Event queue */
++ SK_HWT Hwt; /* Hardware Timer ctrl struct */
++ SK_TIMCTRL Tim; /* Software Timer ctrl struct */
++ SK_I2C I2c; /* I2C relevant data structure*/
++ SK_ADDR Addr; /* for Address module */
++ SK_CSUM Csum; /* for checksum module */
++ SK_RLMT Rlmt; /* for rlmt module */
++ spinlock_t SlowPathLock; /* Normal IRQ lock */
++ spinlock_t TxQueueLock; /* TX Queue lock */
++ SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA PnmiStruct; /* struct for all Pnmi-Data */
++ int RlmtMode; /* link check mode to set */
++ int RlmtNets; /* Number of nets */
++ SK_IOC IoBase; /* register set of adapter */
++ int BoardLevel; /* level of hw init (0-2) */
++ char DeviceStr[80]; /* adapter string from vpd */
++ SK_U32 AllocFlag; /* alloc flag of resources */
++ struct pci_dev *PciDev; /* for access to pci cfg space*/
++ SK_U32 PciDevId; /* pci device id */
++ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev[2]; /* pointer to device struct */
++ char Name[30]; /* driver name */
++ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *Next; /* link all devs for cleanup */
++ struct net_device_stats stats; /* linux 'netstat -i' stats */
++ int Index; /* internal board idx number */
++ int RxQueueSize; /* memory used for RX queue */
++ int TxSQueueSize; /* memory used for TXS queue */
++ int TxAQueueSize; /* memory used for TXA queue */
++ int PromiscCount; /* promiscuous mode counter */
++ int AllMultiCount; /* allmulticast mode counter */
++ int MulticCount; /* number of MC addresses used*/
++ int HWRevision; /* Hardware revision */
++ int ActivePort; /* the active XMAC port */
++ int MaxPorts; /* number of activated ports */
++ int TxDescrPerRing;/* # of descriptors TX ring */
++ int RxDescrPerRing;/* # of descriptors RX ring */
++ caddr_t pDescrMem; /* Ptr to the descriptor area */
++ dma_addr_t pDescrMemDMA; /* PCI DMA address of area */
++ SK_U32 PciState[16]; /* PCI state */
++ TX_PORT TxPort[SK_MAX_MACS][2];
++ SK_LE_TABLE StatusLETable;
++ unsigned SizeOfAlignedLETables;
++ spinlock_t SetPutIndexLock;
++ int MaxUnusedRxLeWorking;
++ unsigned int CsOfs1; /* for checksum calculation */
++ unsigned int CsOfs2; /* for checksum calculation */
++ SK_U32 CsOfs; /* for checksum calculation */
++ SK_BOOL CheckQueue; /* check event queue soon */
++ DIM_INFO DynIrqModInfo; /* all data related to IntMod */
++ WOL_INFO WolInfo; /* all info regarding WOL */
++ int ChipsetType; /* 0=GENESIS; 1=Yukon */
++ SK_BOOL LowLatency; /* LowLatency optimization on?*/
++ SK_U32 DiagModeActive;/* is diag active? */
++ SK_BOOL DiagFlowCtrl; /* for control purposes */
++ SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA PnmiBackup; /* backup structure for PNMI */
++ int AdapterResetState;
++ SK_U32 MinTistLo;
++ SK_U32 MinTistHi;
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ int LastPort; /* port for curr. handled rx */
++ int LastOpc; /* last rx LEs opcode */
++#ifdef Y2_SYNC_CHECK
++ unsigned long FramesWithoutSyncCheck; /* since last check */
+ #endif
+ };
+-#endif /* __INC_SKDRV2ND_H */
++ *
++ * End of file
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skerror.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skerror.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skerror.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skerror.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skerror.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/05/13 17:25:13 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.2 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/05/24 15:27:19 $
+ * Purpose: SK specific Error log support
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -36,7 +35,6 @@
+ #define SK_ERRCL_HW (1L<<4) /* Hardware Failure */
+ #define SK_ERRCL_COMM (1L<<5) /* Communication error */
+ /*
+ * Define Error Code Bases
+ */
+@@ -49,7 +47,9 @@
+ #define SK_ERRBASE_I2C 700 /* Base Error number for I2C module */
+ #define SK_ERRBASE_QUEUE 800 /* Base Error number for Scheduler */
+ #define SK_ERRBASE_ADDR 900 /* Base Error number for Address module */
+-#define SK_ERRBASE_PECP 1000 /* Base Error number for PECP */
++#define SK_ERRBASE_PECP 1000 /* Base Error number for PECP */
+ #define SK_ERRBASE_DRV 1100 /* Base Error number for Driver */
++#define SK_ERRBASE_ASF 1200 /* Base Error number for ASF */
+ #endif /* _INC_SKERROR_H_ */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgedrv.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgedrv.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgedrv.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgedrv.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgedrv.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.10 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/07/04 12:25:01 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.2 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/14 10:16:00 $
+ * Purpose: Interface with the driver
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@
+ * In case of the driver we put the definition of the events here.
+ */
+ #define SK_DRV_PORT_RESET 1 /* The port needs to be reset */
+-#define SK_DRV_NET_UP 2 /* The net is operational */
++#define SK_DRV_NET_UP 2 /* The net is operational */
+ #define SK_DRV_NET_DOWN 3 /* The net is down */
+ #define SK_DRV_SWITCH_SOFT 4 /* Ports switch with both links connected */
+ #define SK_DRV_SWITCH_HARD 5 /* Port switch due to link failure */
+@@ -44,8 +43,9 @@
+ #define SK_DRV_POWER_DOWN 10 /* Power down mode */
+ #define SK_DRV_TIMER 11 /* Timer for free use */
+ #ifdef SK_NO_RLMT
+-#define SK_DRV_LINK_UP 12 /* Link Up event for driver */
++#define SK_DRV_LINK_UP 12 /* Link Up event for driver */
+ #define SK_DRV_LINK_DOWN 13 /* Link Down event for driver */
+ #endif
+ #define SK_DRV_DOWNSHIFT_DET 14 /* Downshift 4-Pair / 2-Pair (YUKON only) */
++#define SK_DRV_RX_OVERFLOW 15 /* Receive Overflow */
+ #endif /* __INC_SKGEDRV_H_ */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehw.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehw.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehw.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehw.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgehw.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.56 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/23 09:01:00 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.50 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/14 12:49:03 $
+ * Purpose: Defines and Macros for the Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Product Family
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -114,6 +113,16 @@
+ #define SHIFT1(x) ((x) << 1)
+ #define SHIFT0(x) ((x) << 0)
++/* Macro for arbitrary alignment of a given pointer */
++ SK_UPTR addr = (SK_UPTR)(ADDRESS); \
++ if (addr & ((GRANULARITY)-1)) { \
++ addr += (GRANULARITY); \
++ addr &= ~(SK_UPTR)((GRANULARITY)-1); \
++ ADDRESS = (void *)addr; \
++ }\
+ /*
+ * Configuration Space header
+ * Since this module is used for different OS', those may be
+@@ -132,34 +141,74 @@
+ #define PCI_BIST 0x0f /* 8 bit Built-in selftest */
+ #define PCI_BASE_1ST 0x10 /* 32 bit 1st Base address */
+ #define PCI_BASE_2ND 0x14 /* 32 bit 2nd Base address */
+- /* Byte 0x18..0x2b: reserved */
++ /* Bytes 0x18..0x2b: reserved */
+ #define PCI_SUB_VID 0x2c /* 16 bit Subsystem Vendor ID */
+ #define PCI_SUB_ID 0x2e /* 16 bit Subsystem ID */
+ #define PCI_BASE_ROM 0x30 /* 32 bit Expansion ROM Base Address */
+-#define PCI_CAP_PTR 0x34 /* 8 bit Capabilities Ptr */
+- /* Byte 0x35..0x3b: reserved */
++#define PCI_CAP_PTR 0x34 /* 8 bit Capabilities Pointer */
++ /* Bytes 0x35..0x3b: reserved */
+ #define PCI_IRQ_LINE 0x3c /* 8 bit Interrupt Line */
+ #define PCI_IRQ_PIN 0x3d /* 8 bit Interrupt Pin */
+ #define PCI_MIN_GNT 0x3e /* 8 bit Min_Gnt */
+ #define PCI_MAX_LAT 0x3f /* 8 bit Max_Lat */
+ /* Device Dependent Region */
+-#define PCI_OUR_REG_1 0x40 /* 32 bit Our Register 1 */
+-#define PCI_OUR_REG_2 0x44 /* 32 bit Our Register 2 */
++#define PCI_OUR_REG_1 0x40 /* 32 bit Our Register 1 */
++#define PCI_OUR_REG_2 0x44 /* 32 bit Our Register 2 */
+ /* Power Management Region */
+-#define PCI_PM_CAP_ID 0x48 /* 8 bit Power Management Cap. ID */
+-#define PCI_PM_NITEM 0x49 /* 8 bit Next Item Ptr */
+-#define PCI_PM_CAP_REG 0x4a /* 16 bit Power Management Capabilities */
+-#define PCI_PM_CTL_STS 0x4c /* 16 bit Power Manag. Control/Status */
++#define PCI_PM_CAP_ID 0x48 /* 8 bit Power Management Cap. ID */
++#define PCI_PM_NITEM 0x49 /* 8 bit PM Next Item Pointer */
++#define PCI_PM_CAP_REG 0x4a /* 16 bit Power Management Capabilities */
++#define PCI_PM_CTL_STS 0x4c /* 16 bit Power Manag. Control/Status */
+ /* Byte 0x4e: reserved */
+-#define PCI_PM_DAT_REG 0x4f /* 8 bit Power Manag. Data Register */
++#define PCI_PM_DAT_REG 0x4f /* 8 bit Power Manag. Data Register */
+ /* VPD Region */
+-#define PCI_VPD_CAP_ID 0x50 /* 8 bit VPD Cap. ID */
+-#define PCI_VPD_NITEM 0x51 /* 8 bit Next Item Ptr */
+-#define PCI_VPD_ADR_REG 0x52 /* 16 bit VPD Address Register */
+-#define PCI_VPD_DAT_REG 0x54 /* 32 bit VPD Data Register */
+- /* Byte 0x58..0x59: reserved */
+-#define PCI_SER_LD_CTRL 0x5a /* 16 bit SEEPROM Loader Ctrl (YUKON only) */
+- /* Byte 0x5c..0xff: reserved */
++#define PCI_VPD_CAP_ID 0x50 /* 8 bit VPD Cap. ID */
++#define PCI_VPD_NITEM 0x51 /* 8 bit VPD Next Item Pointer */
++#define PCI_VPD_ADR_REG 0x52 /* 16 bit VPD Address Register */
++#define PCI_VPD_DAT_REG 0x54 /* 32 bit VPD Data Register */
++ /* Bytes 0x58..0x59: reserved */
++#define PCI_SER_LD_CTRL 0x5a /* 16 bit SEEPROM Loader Ctrl (YUKON only) */
++ /* Bytes 0x5c..0xfc: used by Yukon-2 */
++#define PCI_MSI_CAP_ID 0x5c /* 8 bit MSI Capability ID Register */
++#define PCI_MSI_NITEM 0x5d /* 8 bit MSI Next Item Pointer */
++#define PCI_MSI_CTRL 0x5e /* 16 bit MSI Message Control */
++#define PCI_MSI_ADR_LO 0x60 /* 32 bit MSI Message Address (Lower) */
++#define PCI_MSI_ADR_HI 0x64 /* 32 bit MSI Message Address (Upper) */
++#define PCI_MSI_DATA 0x68 /* 16 bit MSI Message Data */
++ /* Bytes 0x6a..0x6b: reserved */
++#define PCI_X_CAP_ID 0x6c /* 8 bit PCI-X Capability ID Register */
++#define PCI_X_NITEM 0x6d /* 8 bit PCI-X Next Item Pointer */
++#define PCI_X_COMMAND 0x6e /* 16 bit PCI-X Command */
++#define PCI_X_PE_STAT 0x70 /* 32 bit PCI-X / PE Status */
++#define PCI_CAL_CTRL 0x74 /* 16 bit PCI Calibration Control Register */
++#define PCI_CAL_STAT 0x76 /* 16 bit PCI Calibration Status Register */
++#define PCI_DISC_CNT 0x78 /* 16 bit PCI Discard Counter */
++#define PCI_RETRY_CNT 0x7a /* 8 bit PCI Retry Counter */
++ /* Byte 0x7b: reserved */
++#define PCI_OUR_STATUS 0x7c /* 32 bit Adapter Status Register */
++ /* Bytes 0x80..0xdf: reserved */
++/* PCI Express Capability */
++#define PEX_CAP_ID 0xe0 /* 8 bit PEX Capability ID */
++#define PEX_NITEM 0xe1 /* 8 bit PEX Next Item Pointer */
++#define PEX_CAP_REG 0xe2 /* 16 bit PEX Capability Register */
++#define PEX_DEV_CAP 0xe4 /* 32 bit PEX Device Capabilities */
++#define PEX_DEV_CTRL 0xe8 /* 16 bit PEX Device Control */
++#define PEX_DEV_STAT 0xea /* 16 bit PEX Device Status */
++#define PEX_LNK_CAP 0xec /* 32 bit PEX Link Capabilities */
++#define PEX_LNK_CTRL 0xf0 /* 16 bit PEX Link Control */
++#define PEX_LNK_STAT 0xf2 /* 16 bit PEX Link Status */
++ /* Bytes 0xf4..0xff: reserved */
++/* PCI Express Extended Capabilities */
++#define PEX_ADV_ERR_REP 0x100 /* 32 bit PEX Advanced Error Reporting */
++#define PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT 0x104 /* 32 bit PEX Uncorr. Errors Status */
++#define PEX_UNC_ERR_MASK 0x108 /* 32 bit PEX Uncorr. Errors Mask */
++#define PEX_UNC_ERR_SEV 0x10c /* 32 bit PEX Uncorr. Errors Severity */
++#define PEX_COR_ERR_STAT 0x110 /* 32 bit PEX Correc. Errors Status */
++#define PEX_COR_ERR_MASK 0x114 /* 32 bit PEX Correc. Errors Mask */
++#define PEX_ADV_ERR_CAP_C 0x118 /* 32 bit PEX Advanced Error Cap./Ctrl */
++#define PEX_HEADER_LOG 0x11c /* 4x32 bit PEX Header Log Register */
+ /*
+ * I2C Address (PCI Config)
+@@ -180,13 +229,13 @@
+ #define PCI_ADSTEP BIT_7S /* Address Stepping */
+ #define PCI_PERREN BIT_6S /* Parity Report Response enable */
+ #define PCI_VGA_SNOOP BIT_5S /* VGA palette snoop */
+-#define PCI_MWIEN BIT_4S /* Memory write an inv cycl ena */
++#define PCI_MWIEN BIT_4S /* Memory write an inv cycl enable */
+ #define PCI_SCYCEN BIT_3S /* Special Cycle enable */
+ #define PCI_BMEN BIT_2S /* Bus Master enable */
+ #define PCI_MEMEN BIT_1S /* Memory Space Access enable */
+ #define PCI_IOEN BIT_0S /* I/O Space Access enable */
+ /* PCI_STATUS 16 bit Status */
+@@ -220,7 +269,7 @@
+ /* PCI_HEADER_T 8 bit Header Type */
+ #define PCI_HD_MF_DEV BIT_7S /* 0= single, 1= multi-func dev */
+-#define PCI_HD_TYPE 0x7f /* Bit 6..0: Header Layout 0= normal */
++#define PCI_HD_TYPE 0x7f /* Bit 6..0: Header Layout (0=normal) */
+ /* PCI_BIST 8 bit Built-in selftest */
+ /* Built-in Self test not supported (optional) */
+@@ -229,33 +278,42 @@
+ #define PCI_MEMSIZE 0x4000L /* use 16 kB Memory Base */
+ #define PCI_MEMBASE_MSK 0xffffc000L /* Bit 31..14: Memory Base Address */
+ #define PCI_MEMSIZE_MSK 0x00003ff0L /* Bit 13.. 4: Memory Size Req. */
+-#define PCI_PREFEN BIT_3 /* Prefetchable */
+-#define PCI_MEM_TYP (3L<<2) /* Bit 2.. 1: Memory Type */
++#define PCI_PREFEN BIT_3 /* Prefetch enable */
++#define PCI_MEM_TYP_MSK (3L<<1) /* Bit 2.. 1: Memory Type Mask */
++#define PCI_MEMSPACE BIT_0 /* Memory Space Indicator */
+ #define PCI_MEM32BIT (0L<<1) /* Base addr anywhere in 32 Bit range */
+ #define PCI_MEM1M (1L<<1) /* Base addr below 1 MegaByte */
+ #define PCI_MEM64BIT (2L<<1) /* Base addr anywhere in 64 Bit range */
+-#define PCI_MEMSPACE BIT_0 /* Memory Space Indicator */
+ /* PCI_BASE_2ND 32 bit 2nd Base address */
+ #define PCI_IOBASE 0xffffff00L /* Bit 31.. 8: I/O Base address */
+ #define PCI_IOSIZE 0x000000fcL /* Bit 7.. 2: I/O Size Requirements */
+- /* Bit 1: reserved */
++ /* Bit 1: reserved */
+ #define PCI_IOSPACE BIT_0 /* I/O Space Indicator */
+ /* PCI_BASE_ROM 32 bit Expansion ROM Base Address */
+ #define PCI_ROMBASE_MSK 0xfffe0000L /* Bit 31..17: ROM Base address */
+ #define PCI_ROMBASE_SIZ (0x1cL<<14) /* Bit 16..14: Treat as Base or Size */
+ #define PCI_ROMSIZE (0x38L<<11) /* Bit 13..11: ROM Size Requirements */
+- /* Bit 10.. 1: reserved */
++ /* Bit 10.. 1: reserved */
+ #define PCI_ROMEN BIT_0 /* Address Decode enable */
+ /* Device Dependent Region */
+ /* PCI_OUR_REG_1 32 bit Our Register 1 */
+- /* Bit 31..29: reserved */
++ /* Bit 31..29: reserved */
+ #define PCI_PHY_COMA BIT_28 /* Set PHY to Coma Mode (YUKON only) */
+ #define PCI_TEST_CAL BIT_27 /* Test PCI buffer calib. (YUKON only) */
+ #define PCI_EN_CAL BIT_26 /* Enable PCI buffer calib. (YUKON only) */
+ #define PCI_VIO BIT_25 /* PCI I/O Voltage, 0 = 3.3V, 1 = 5V */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++#define PCI_Y2_PIG_ENA BIT_31 /* Enable Plug-in-Go (YUKON-2) */
++#define PCI_Y2_DLL_DIS BIT_30 /* Disable PCI DLL (YUKON-2) */
++#define PCI_Y2_PHY2_COMA BIT_29 /* Set PHY 2 to Coma Mode (YUKON-2) */
++#define PCI_Y2_PHY1_COMA BIT_28 /* Set PHY 1 to Coma Mode (YUKON-2) */
++#define PCI_Y2_PHY2_POWD BIT_27 /* Set PHY 2 to Power Down (YUKON-2) */
++#define PCI_Y2_PHY1_POWD BIT_26 /* Set PHY 1 to Power Down (YUKON-2) */
++ /* Bit 25: reserved */
+ #define PCI_DIS_BOOT BIT_24 /* Disable BOOT via ROM */
+ #define PCI_EN_IO BIT_23 /* Mapping to I/O space */
+ #define PCI_EN_FPROM BIT_22 /* Enable FLASH mapping to memory */
+@@ -266,9 +324,10 @@
+ #define PCI_PAGE_32K (1L<<20) /* 32 k pages */
+ #define PCI_PAGE_64K (2L<<20) /* 64 k pages */
+ #define PCI_PAGE_128K (3L<<20) /* 128 k pages */
+- /* Bit 19: reserved */
++ /* Bit 19: reserved */
+ #define PCI_PAGEREG (7L<<16) /* Bit 18..16: Page Register */
+ #define PCI_NOTAR BIT_15 /* No turnaround cycle */
++#define PCI_PEX_LEGNAT BIT_15 /* PEX PM legacy/native mode (YUKON-2) */
+ #define PCI_FORCE_BE BIT_14 /* Assert all BEs on MR */
+ #define PCI_DIS_MRL BIT_13 /* Disable Mem Read Line */
+ #define PCI_DIS_MRM BIT_12 /* Disable Mem Read Multiple */
+@@ -278,13 +337,13 @@
+ #define PCI_DIS_PCI_CLK BIT_8 /* Disable PCI clock driving */
+ #define PCI_SKEW_DAS (0xfL<<4) /* Bit 7.. 4: Skew Ctrl, DAS Ext */
+ #define PCI_SKEW_BASE 0xfL /* Bit 3.. 0: Skew Ctrl, Base */
++#define PCI_CLS_OPT BIT_3 /* Cache Line Size opt. PCI-X (YUKON-2) */
+ /* PCI_OUR_REG_2 32 bit Our Register 2 */
+ #define PCI_VPD_WR_THR (0xffL<<24) /* Bit 31..24: VPD Write Threshold */
+ #define PCI_DEV_SEL (0x7fL<<17) /* Bit 23..17: EEPROM Device Select */
+ #define PCI_VPD_ROM_SZ (7L<<14) /* Bit 16..14: VPD ROM Size */
+- /* Bit 13..12: reserved */
++ /* Bit 13..12: reserved */
+ #define PCI_PATCH_DIR (0xfL<<8) /* Bit 11.. 8: Ext Patches dir 3..0 */
+ #define PCI_PATCH_DIR_3 BIT_11
+ #define PCI_PATCH_DIR_2 BIT_10
+@@ -297,21 +356,20 @@
+ #define PCI_EXT_PATCH_0 BIT_4
+ #define PCI_EN_DUMMY_RD BIT_3 /* Enable Dummy Read */
+ #define PCI_REV_DESC BIT_2 /* Reverse Desc. Bytes */
+- /* Bit 1: reserved */
++ /* Bit 1: reserved */
+ #define PCI_USEDATA64 BIT_0 /* Use 64Bit Data bus ext */
+ /* Power Management Region */
+ /* PCI_PM_CAP_REG 16 bit Power Management Capabilities */
+ #define PCI_PME_SUP_MSK (0x1f<<11) /* Bit 15..11: PM Event Support Mask */
+-#define PCI_PME_D3C_SUP BIT_15S /* PME from D3cold Support (if Vaux) */
++#define PCI_PME_D3C_SUP BIT_15S /* PME from D3cold Support (if VAUX) */
+ #define PCI_PME_D3H_SUP BIT_14S /* PME from D3hot Support */
+ #define PCI_PME_D2_SUP BIT_13S /* PME from D2 Support */
+ #define PCI_PME_D1_SUP BIT_12S /* PME from D1 Support */
+ #define PCI_PME_D0_SUP BIT_11S /* PME from D0 Support */
+ #define PCI_PM_D2_SUP BIT_10S /* D2 Support in 33 MHz mode */
+ #define PCI_PM_D1_SUP BIT_9S /* D1 Support */
+- /* Bit 8.. 6: reserved */
++ /* Bit 8.. 6: reserved */
+ #define PCI_PM_DSI BIT_5S /* Device Specific Initialization */
+ #define PCI_PM_APS BIT_4S /* Auxialiary Power Source */
+ #define PCI_PME_CLOCK BIT_3S /* PM Event Clock */
+@@ -322,7 +380,7 @@
+ #define PCI_PM_DAT_SCL (3<<13) /* Bit 14..13: Data Reg. scaling factor */
+ #define PCI_PM_DAT_SEL (0xf<<9) /* Bit 12.. 9: PM data selector field */
+ #define PCI_PME_EN BIT_8S /* Enable PME# generation (YUKON only) */
+- /* Bit 7.. 2: reserved */
++ /* Bit 7.. 2: reserved */
+ #define PCI_PM_STATE_MSK 3 /* Bit 1.. 0: Power Management State */
+ #define PCI_PM_STATE_D0 0 /* D0: Operational (default) */
+@@ -333,7 +391,67 @@
+ /* VPD Region */
+ /* PCI_VPD_ADR_REG 16 bit VPD Address Register */
+ #define PCI_VPD_FLAG BIT_15S /* starts VPD rd/wr cycle */
+-#define PCI_VPD_ADR_MSK 0x7fffL /* Bit 14.. 0: VPD address mask */
++#define PCI_VPD_ADR_MSK 0x7fffL /* Bit 14.. 0: VPD Address Mask */
++/* PCI_OUR_STATUS 32 bit Adapter Status Register (Yukon-2) */
++#define PCI_OS_PCI64B BIT_31 /* Conventional PCI 64 bits Bus */
++#define PCI_OS_PCIX BIT_30 /* PCI-X Bus */
++#define PCI_OS_MODE_MSK (3L<<28) /* Bit 29..28: PCI-X Bus Mode Mask */
++#define PCI_OS_PCI66M BIT_27 /* PCI 66 MHz Bus */
++#define PCI_OS_PCI_X BIT_26 /* PCI/PCI-X Bus (0 = PEX) */
++#define PCI_OS_DLLE_MSK (3L<<24) /* Bit 25..24: DLL Status Indication */
++#define PCI_OS_DLLR_MSK (0xfL<<20) /* Bit 23..20: DLL Row Counters Values */
++#define PCI_OS_DLLC_MSK (0xfL<<16) /* Bit 19..16: DLL Col. Counters Values */
++ /* Bit 15.. 8: reserved */
++#define PCI_OS_SPEED(val) ((val & PCI_OS_MODE_MSK) >> 28) /* PCI-X Speed */
++/* possible values for the speed field of the register */
++#define PCI_OS_SPD_PCI 0 /* PCI Conventional Bus */
++#define PCI_OS_SPD_X66 1 /* PCI-X 66MHz Bus */
++#define PCI_OS_SPD_X100 2 /* PCI-X 100MHz Bus */
++#define PCI_OS_SPD_X133 3 /* PCI-X 133MHz Bus */
++/* PEX_DEV_CTRL 16 bit PEX Device Control (Yukon-2) */
++ /* Bit 15 reserved */
++#define PEX_DC_MAX_RRS_MSK (7<<12) /* Bit 14..12: Max. Read Request Size */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_NO_SNOOP BIT_11S /* Enable No Snoop */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_AUX_POW BIT_10S /* Enable AUX Power */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_PHANTOM BIT_9S /* Enable Phantom Functions */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_EXT_TAG BIT_8S /* Enable Extended Tag Field */
++#define PEX_DC_MAX_PLS_MSK (7<<5) /* Bit 7.. 5: Max. Payload Size Mask */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_REL_ORD BIT_4S /* Enable Relaxed Ordering */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_UNS_RQ_RP BIT_3S /* Enable Unsupported Request Reporting */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_FAT_ER_RP BIT_2S /* Enable Fatal Error Reporting */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_NFA_ER_RP BIT_1S /* Enable Non-Fatal Error Reporting */
++#define PEX_DC_EN_COR_ER_RP BIT_0S /* Enable Correctable Error Reporting */
++/* PEX_LNK_STAT 16 bit PEX Link Status (Yukon-2) */
++ /* Bit 15..13 reserved */
++#define PEX_LS_SLOT_CLK_CFG BIT_12S /* Slot Clock Config */
++#define PEX_LS_LINK_TRAIN BIT_11S /* Link Training */
++#define PEX_LS_TRAIN_ERROR BIT_10S /* Training Error */
++#define PEX_LS_LINK_WI_MSK (0x3f<<4) /* Bit 9.. 4: Neg. Link Width Mask */
++#define PEX_LS_LINK_SP_MSK 0x0f /* Bit 3.. 0: Link Speed Mask */
++/* PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT PEX Uncorrectable Errors Status Register (Yukon-2) */
++ /* Bit 31..21 reserved */
++#define PEX_UNSUP_REQ BIT_20 /* Unsupported Request Error */
++ /* ECRC Error (not supported) */
++#define PEX_MALFOR_TLP BIT_18 /* Malformed TLP */
++ /* Receiver Overflow (not supported) */
++#define PEX_UNEXP_COMP BIT_16 /* Unexpected Completion */
++ /* Completer Abort (not supported) */
++#define PEX_COMP_TO BIT_14 /* Completion Timeout */
++#define PEX_FLOW_CTRL_P BIT_13 /* Flow Control Protocol Error */
++#define PEX_POIS_TLP BIT_12 /* Poisoned TLP */
++ /* Bit 11.. 5: reserved */
++#define PEX_DATA_LINK_P BIT_4 /* Data Link Protocol Error */
++ /* Bit 3.. 1: reserved */
++ /* Training Error (not supported) */
+ /* Control Register File (Address Map) */
+@@ -349,8 +467,14 @@
+ #define B0_IMSK 0x000c /* 32 bit Interrupt Mask Register */
+ #define B0_HWE_ISRC 0x0010 /* 32 bit HW Error Interrupt Src Reg */
+ #define B0_HWE_IMSK 0x0014 /* 32 bit HW Error Interrupt Mask Reg */
+-#define B0_SP_ISRC 0x0018 /* 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg */
+- /* 0x001c: reserved */
++#define B0_SP_ISRC 0x0018 /* 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg 1 */
++/* Special ISR registers (Yukon-2 only) */
++#define B0_Y2_SP_ISRC2 0x001c /* 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg 2 */
++#define B0_Y2_SP_ISRC3 0x0020 /* 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg 3 */
++#define B0_Y2_SP_EISR 0x0024 /* 32 bit Enter ISR Reg */
++#define B0_Y2_SP_LISR 0x0028 /* 32 bit Leave ISR Reg */
++#define B0_Y2_SP_ICR 0x002c /* 32 bit Interrupt Control Reg */
+ /* B0 XMAC 1 registers (GENESIS only) */
+ #define B0_XM1_IMSK 0x0020 /* 16 bit r/w XMAC 1 Interrupt Mask Register*/
+@@ -372,7 +496,7 @@
+ #define B0_XM2_PHY_DATA 0x0054 /* 16 bit r/w XMAC 2 PHY Data Register */
+ /* 0x0056 - 0x005f: reserved */
+-/* BMU Control Status Registers */
++/* BMU Control Status Registers (Yukon and Genesis) */
+ #define B0_R1_CSR 0x0060 /* 32 bit BMU Ctrl/Stat Rx Queue 1 */
+ #define B0_R2_CSR 0x0064 /* 32 bit BMU Ctrl/Stat Rx Queue 2 */
+ #define B0_XS1_CSR 0x0068 /* 32 bit BMU Ctrl/Stat Sync Tx Queue 1 */
+@@ -390,7 +514,7 @@
+ /*
+ * Bank 2
+ */
+-/* NA reg = 48 bit Network Address Register, 3x16 or 8x8 bit readable */
++/* NA reg = 48 bit Network Address Register, 3x16 or 6x8 bit readable */
+ #define B2_MAC_1 0x0100 /* NA reg MAC Address 1 */
+ /* 0x0106 - 0x0107: reserved */
+ #define B2_MAC_2 0x0108 /* NA reg MAC Address 2 */
+@@ -400,14 +524,23 @@
+ #define B2_CONN_TYP 0x0118 /* 8 bit Connector type */
+ #define B2_PMD_TYP 0x0119 /* 8 bit PMD type */
+ #define B2_MAC_CFG 0x011a /* 8 bit MAC Configuration / Chip Revision */
+-#define B2_CHIP_ID 0x011b /* 8 bit Chip Identification Number */
+- /* Eprom registers are currently of no use */
++#define B2_CHIP_ID 0x011b /* 8 bit Chip Identification Number */
++ /* Eprom registers */
+ #define B2_E_0 0x011c /* 8 bit EPROM Byte 0 (ext. SRAM size */
++/* Yukon and Genesis */
+ #define B2_E_1 0x011d /* 8 bit EPROM Byte 1 (PHY type) */
+ #define B2_E_2 0x011e /* 8 bit EPROM Byte 2 */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++#define B2_Y2_CLK_GATE 0x011d /* 8 bit Clock Gating (Yukon-2) */
++#define B2_Y2_HW_RES 0x011e /* 8 bit HW Resources (Yukon-2) */
+ #define B2_E_3 0x011f /* 8 bit EPROM Byte 3 */
++/* Yukon and Genesis */
+ #define B2_FAR 0x0120 /* 32 bit Flash-Prom Addr Reg/Cnt */
+ #define B2_FDP 0x0124 /* 8 bit Flash-Prom Data Port */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++#define B2_Y2_CLK_CTRL 0x0120 /* 32 bit Core Clock Frequency Control */
+ /* 0x0125 - 0x0127: reserved */
+ #define B2_LD_CTRL 0x0128 /* 8 bit EPROM loader control register */
+ #define B2_LD_TEST 0x0129 /* 8 bit EPROM loader test register */
+@@ -439,6 +572,10 @@
+ #define B2_BSC_CTRL 0x0178 /* 8 bit Blink Source Counter Control */
+ #define B2_BSC_STAT 0x0179 /* 8 bit Blink Source Counter Status */
+ #define B2_BSC_TST 0x017a /* 16 bit Blink Source Counter Test Reg */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++#define Y2_PEX_PHY_DATA 0x0170 /* 16 bit PEX PHY Data Register */
++#define Y2_PEX_PHY_ADDR 0x0172 /* 16 bit PEX PHY Address Register */
+ /* 0x017c - 0x017f: reserved */
+ /*
+@@ -448,9 +585,13 @@
+ #define B3_RAM_ADDR 0x0180 /* 32 bit RAM Address, to read or write */
+ #define B3_RAM_DATA_LO 0x0184 /* 32 bit RAM Data Word (low dWord) */
+ #define B3_RAM_DATA_HI 0x0188 /* 32 bit RAM Data Word (high dWord) */
++#define SELECT_RAM_BUFFER(rb, addr) (addr | (rb << 6)) /* Yukon-2 only */
+ /* 0x018c - 0x018f: reserved */
+ /* RAM Interface Registers */
++/* Yukon-2: use SELECT_RAM_BUFFER() to access the RAM buffer */
+ /*
+ * The HW-Spec. calls this registers Timeout Value 0..11. But this names are
+ * not usable in SW. Please notice these are NOT real timeouts, these are
+@@ -517,8 +658,8 @@
+ /* 0x01ea - 0x01eb: reserved */
+ #define B3_PA_TOVAL_TX2 0x01ec /* 16 bit Timeout Val Tx Path MAC 2 */
+ /* 0x01ee - 0x01ef: reserved */
+-#define B3_PA_CTRL 0x01f0 /* 16 bit Packet Arbiter Ctrl Register */
+-#define B3_PA_TEST 0x01f2 /* 16 bit Packet Arbiter Test Register */
++#define B3_PA_CTRL 0x01f0 /* 16 bit Packet Arbiter Ctrl Register */
++#define B3_PA_TEST 0x01f2 /* 16 bit Packet Arbiter Test Register */
+ /* 0x01f4 - 0x01ff: reserved */
+ /*
+@@ -532,7 +673,16 @@
+ #define TXA_CTRL 0x0210 /* 8 bit Tx Arbiter Control Register */
+ #define TXA_TEST 0x0211 /* 8 bit Tx Arbiter Test Register */
+ #define TXA_STAT 0x0212 /* 8 bit Tx Arbiter Status Register */
+- /* 0x0213 - 0x027f: reserved */
++ /* 0x0213 - 0x021f: reserved */
++ /* RSS key registers for Yukon-2 Family */
++#define B4_RSS_KEY 0x0220 /* 4x32 bit RSS Key register (Yukon-2) */
++ /* RSS key register offsets */
++#define KEY_IDX_0 0 /* offset for location of KEY 0 */
++#define KEY_IDX_1 4 /* offset for location of KEY 1 */
++#define KEY_IDX_2 8 /* offset for location of KEY 2 */
++#define KEY_IDX_3 12 /* offset for location of KEY 3 */
+ /* 0x0280 - 0x0292: MAC 2 */
+ /* 0x0213 - 0x027f: reserved */
+@@ -570,8 +720,37 @@
+ #define Q_T1_SV 0x3f /* 8 bit Test Register 1 Supervisor SM */
+ #define Q_T2 0x40 /* 32 bit Test Register 2 */
+ #define Q_T3 0x44 /* 32 bit Test Register 3 */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++#define Q_DONE 0x24 /* 16 bit Done Index (Yukon-2 only) */
++#define Q_WM 0x40 /* 16 bit FIFO Watermark */
++#define Q_AL 0x42 /* 8 bit FIFO Alignment */
++#define Q_RSP 0x44 /* 16 bit FIFO Read Shadow Pointer */
++#define Q_RSL 0x46 /* 8 bit FIFO Read Shadow Level */
++#define Q_RP 0x48 /* 8 bit FIFO Read Pointer */
++#define Q_RL 0x4a /* 8 bit FIFO Read Level */
++#define Q_WP 0x4c /* 8 bit FIFO Write Pointer */
++#define Q_WSP 0x4d /* 8 bit FIFO Write Shadow Pointer */
++#define Q_WL 0x4e /* 8 bit FIFO Write Level */
++#define Q_WSL 0x4f /* 8 bit FIFO Write Shadow Level */
+ /* 0x48 - 0x7f: reserved */
++/* Queue Prefetch Unit Offsets, use Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR() to address (Yukon-2 only)*/
++#define Y2_B8_PREF_REGS 0x0450
++#define PREF_UNIT_CTRL_REG 0x00 /* 32 bit Prefetch Control register */
++#define PREF_UNIT_LAST_IDX_REG 0x04 /* 16 bit Last Index */
++#define PREF_UNIT_ADDR_LOW_REG 0x08 /* 32 bit List start addr, low part */
++#define PREF_UNIT_ADDR_HI_REG 0x0c /* 32 bit List start addr, high part*/
++#define PREF_UNIT_GET_IDX_REG 0x10 /* 16 bit Get Index */
++#define PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX_REG 0x14 /* 16 bit Put Index */
++#define PREF_UNIT_FIFO_WP_REG 0x20 /* 8 bit FIFO write pointer */
++#define PREF_UNIT_FIFO_RP_REG 0x24 /* 8 bit FIFO read pointer */
++#define PREF_UNIT_FIFO_WM_REG 0x28 /* 8 bit FIFO watermark */
++#define PREF_UNIT_FIFO_LEV_REG 0x2c /* 8 bit FIFO level */
++#define PREF_UNIT_MASK_IDX 0x0fff
+ /*
+ * Bank 16 - 23
+ */
+@@ -583,17 +762,17 @@
+ #define RB_END 0x04 /* 32 bit RAM Buffer End Address */
+ #define RB_WP 0x08 /* 32 bit RAM Buffer Write Pointer */
+ #define RB_RP 0x0c /* 32 bit RAM Buffer Read Pointer */
+-#define RB_RX_UTPP 0x10 /* 32 bit Rx Upper Threshold, Pause Pack */
+-#define RB_RX_LTPP 0x14 /* 32 bit Rx Lower Threshold, Pause Pack */
++#define RB_RX_UTPP 0x10 /* 32 bit Rx Upper Threshold, Pause Packet */
++#define RB_RX_LTPP 0x14 /* 32 bit Rx Lower Threshold, Pause Packet */
+ #define RB_RX_UTHP 0x18 /* 32 bit Rx Upper Threshold, High Prio */
+ #define RB_RX_LTHP 0x1c /* 32 bit Rx Lower Threshold, High Prio */
+ /* 0x10 - 0x1f: reserved at Tx RAM Buffer Registers */
+ #define RB_PC 0x20 /* 32 bit RAM Buffer Packet Counter */
+ #define RB_LEV 0x24 /* 32 bit RAM Buffer Level Register */
+-#define RB_CTRL 0x28 /* 8 bit RAM Buffer Control Register */
++#define RB_CTRL 0x28 /* 32 bit RAM Buffer Control Register */
+ #define RB_TST1 0x29 /* 8 bit RAM Buffer Test Register 1 */
+-#define RB_TST2 0x2A /* 8 bit RAM Buffer Test Register 2 */
+- /* 0x2c - 0x7f: reserved */
++#define RB_TST2 0x2a /* 8 bit RAM Buffer Test Register 2 */
++ /* 0x2b - 0x7f: reserved */
+ /*
+ * Bank 24
+@@ -603,7 +782,7 @@
+ * use MR_ADDR() to access
+ */
+ #define RX_MFF_EA 0x0c00 /* 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO End Address */
+-#define RX_MFF_WP 0x0c04 /* 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Write Pointer */
++#define RX_MFF_WP 0x0c04 /* 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Write Pointer */
+ /* 0x0c08 - 0x0c0b: reserved */
+ #define RX_MFF_RP 0x0c0c /* 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Read Pointer */
+ #define RX_MFF_PC 0x0c10 /* 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Packet Cnt */
+@@ -628,20 +807,22 @@
+ #define LNK_LED_REG 0x0c3c /* 8 bit Link LED Register */
+ /* 0x0c3d - 0x0c3f: reserved */
+-/* Receive GMAC FIFO (YUKON only), use MR_ADDR() to access */
++/* Receive GMAC FIFO (YUKON and Yukon-2), use MR_ADDR() to access */
+ #define RX_GMF_EA 0x0c40 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO End Address */
+ #define RX_GMF_AF_THR 0x0c44 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Almost Full Thresh. */
+ #define RX_GMF_CTRL_T 0x0c48 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Control/Test */
+ #define RX_GMF_FL_MSK 0x0c4c /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask */
+ #define RX_GMF_FL_THR 0x0c50 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Threshold */
+- /* 0x0c54 - 0x0c5f: reserved */
+-#define RX_GMF_WP 0x0c60 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
++#define RX_GMF_TR_THR 0x0c54 /* 32 bit Rx Truncation Threshold (Yukon-2) */
++ /* 0x0c58 - 0x0c5b: reserved */
++#define RX_GMF_VLAN 0x0c5c /* 32 bit Rx VLAN Type Register (Yukon-2) */
++#define RX_GMF_WP 0x0c60 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
+ /* 0x0c64 - 0x0c67: reserved */
+-#define RX_GMF_WLEV 0x0c68 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
++#define RX_GMF_WLEV 0x0c68 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
+ /* 0x0c6c - 0x0c6f: reserved */
+-#define RX_GMF_RP 0x0c70 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
++#define RX_GMF_RP 0x0c70 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
+ /* 0x0c74 - 0x0c77: reserved */
+-#define RX_GMF_RLEV 0x0c78 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
++#define RX_GMF_RLEV 0x0c78 /* 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
+ /* 0x0c7c - 0x0c7f: reserved */
+ /*
+@@ -658,7 +839,7 @@
+ * use MR_ADDR() to access
+ */
+ #define TX_MFF_EA 0x0d00 /* 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO End Address */
+-#define TX_MFF_WP 0x0d04 /* 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO WR Pointer */
++#define TX_MFF_WP 0x0d04 /* 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO WR Pointer */
+ #define TX_MFF_WSP 0x0d08 /* 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO WR Shadow Ptr */
+ #define TX_MFF_RP 0x0d0c /* 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO RD Pointer */
+ #define TX_MFF_PC 0x0d10 /* 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO Packet Cnt */
+@@ -676,18 +857,19 @@
+ #define TX_LED_TST 0x0d29 /* 8 bit Transmit LED Cnt Test Reg */
+ /* 0x0d2a - 0x0d3f: reserved */
+-/* Transmit GMAC FIFO (YUKON only), use MR_ADDR() to access */
++/* Transmit GMAC FIFO (YUKON and Yukon-2), use MR_ADDR() to access */
+ #define TX_GMF_EA 0x0d40 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO End Address */
+ #define TX_GMF_AE_THR 0x0d44 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Almost Empty Thresh.*/
+ #define TX_GMF_CTRL_T 0x0d48 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Control/Test */
+- /* 0x0d4c - 0x0d5f: reserved */
+-#define TX_GMF_WP 0x0d60 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
+-#define TX_GMF_WSP 0x0d64 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Shadow Ptr. */
+-#define TX_GMF_WLEV 0x0d68 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
++ /* 0x0d4c - 0x0d5b: reserved */
++#define TX_GMF_VLAN 0x0d5c /* 32 bit Tx VLAN Type Register (Yukon-2) */
++#define TX_GMF_WP 0x0d60 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
++#define TX_GMF_WSP 0x0d64 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Shadow Pointer */
++#define TX_GMF_WLEV 0x0d68 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
+ /* 0x0d6c - 0x0d6f: reserved */
+-#define TX_GMF_RP 0x0d70 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
+-#define TX_GMF_RSTP 0x0d74 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Restart Pointer */
+-#define TX_GMF_RLEV 0x0d78 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
++#define TX_GMF_RP 0x0d70 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
++#define TX_GMF_RSTP 0x0d74 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Restart Pointer */
++#define TX_GMF_RLEV 0x0d78 /* 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
+ /* 0x0d7c - 0x0d7f: reserved */
+ /*
+@@ -713,12 +895,84 @@
+ #define GMAC_TI_ST_CTRL 0x0e18 /* 8 bit Time Stamp Timer Ctrl Reg */
+ /* 0x0e19: reserved */
+ #define GMAC_TI_ST_TST 0x0e1a /* 8 bit Time Stamp Timer Test Reg */
+- /* 0x0e1b - 0x0e7f: reserved */
++ /* 0x0e1b - 0x0e1f: reserved */
++/* Polling Unit Registers (Yukon-2 only) */
++#define POLL_CTRL 0x0e20 /* 32 bit Polling Unit Control Reg */
++#define POLL_LAST_IDX 0x0e24 /* 16 bit Polling Unit List Last Index */
++ /* 0x0e26 - 0x0e27: reserved */
++#define POLL_LIST_ADDR_LO 0x0e28 /* 32 bit Poll. List Start Addr (low) */
++#define POLL_LIST_ADDR_HI 0x0e2c /* 32 bit Poll. List Start Addr (high) */
++ /* 0x0e30 - 0x0e3f: reserved */
++/* ASF Subsystem Registers (Yukon-2 only) */
++#define B28_Y2_SMB_CONFIG 0x0e40 /* 32 bit ASF SMBus Config Register */
++#define B28_Y2_SMB_CSD_REG 0x0e44 /* 32 bit ASF SMB Control/Status/Data */
++ /* 0x0e48 - 0x0e5f: reserved */
++#define B28_Y2_ASF_IRQ_V_BASE 0x0e60 /* 32 bit ASF IRQ Vector Base */
++ /* 0x0e64 - 0x0e67: reserved */
++#define B28_Y2_ASF_STAT_CMD 0x0e68 /* 32 bit ASF Status and Command Reg */
++#define B28_Y2_ASF_HOST_COM 0x0e6c /* 32 bit ASF Host Communication Reg */
++#define B28_Y2_DATA_REG_1 0x0e70 /* 32 bit ASF/Host Data Register 1 */
++#define B28_Y2_DATA_REG_2 0x0e74 /* 32 bit ASF/Host Data Register 2 */
++#define B28_Y2_DATA_REG_3 0x0e78 /* 32 bit ASF/Host Data Register 3 */
++#define B28_Y2_DATA_REG_4 0x0e7c /* 32 bit ASF/Host Data Register 4 */
+ /*
+ * Bank 29
+ */
+- /* 0x0e80 - 0x0efc: reserved */
++/* Status BMU Registers (Yukon-2 only)*/
++#define STAT_CTRL 0x0e80 /* 32 bit Status BMU Control Reg */
++#define STAT_LAST_IDX 0x0e84 /* 16 bit Status BMU Last Index */
++ /* 0x0e85 - 0x0e86: reserved */
++#define STAT_LIST_ADDR_LO 0x0e88 /* 32 bit Status List Start Addr (low) */
++#define STAT_LIST_ADDR_HI 0x0e8c /* 32 bit Status List Start Addr (high) */
++#define STAT_TXA1_RIDX 0x0e90 /* 16 bit Status TxA1 Report Index Reg */
++#define STAT_TXS1_RIDX 0x0e92 /* 16 bit Status TxS1 Report Index Reg */
++#define STAT_TXA2_RIDX 0x0e94 /* 16 bit Status TxA2 Report Index Reg */
++#define STAT_TXS2_RIDX 0x0e96 /* 16 bit Status TxS2 Report Index Reg */
++#define STAT_TX_IDX_TH 0x0e98 /* 16 bit Status Tx Index Threshold Reg */
++ /* 0x0e9a - 0x0e9b: reserved */
++#define STAT_PUT_IDX 0x0e9c /* 16 bit Status Put Index Reg */
++ /* 0x0e9e - 0x0e9f: reserved */
++/* FIFO Control/Status Registers (Yukon-2 only)*/
++#define STAT_FIFO_WP 0x0ea0 /* 8 bit Status FIFO Write Pointer Reg */
++ /* 0x0ea1 - 0x0ea3: reserved */
++#define STAT_FIFO_RP 0x0ea4 /* 8 bit Status FIFO Read Pointer Reg */
++ /* 0x0ea5: reserved */
++#define STAT_FIFO_RSP 0x0ea6 /* 8 bit Status FIFO Read Shadow Ptr */
++ /* 0x0ea7: reserved */
++#define STAT_FIFO_LEVEL 0x0ea8 /* 8 bit Status FIFO Level Reg */
++ /* 0x0ea9: reserved */
++#define STAT_FIFO_SHLVL 0x0eaa /* 8 bit Status FIFO Shadow Level Reg */
++ /* 0x0eab: reserved */
++#define STAT_FIFO_WM 0x0eac /* 8 bit Status FIFO Watermark Reg */
++#define STAT_FIFO_ISR_WM 0x0ead /* 8 bit Status FIFO ISR Watermark Reg */
++ /* 0x0eae - 0x0eaf: reserved */
++/* Level and ISR Timer Registers (Yukon-2 only)*/
++#define STAT_LEV_TIMER_INI 0x0eb0 /* 32 bit Level Timer Init. Value Reg */
++#define STAT_LEV_TIMER_CNT 0x0eb4 /* 32 bit Level Timer Counter Reg */
++#define STAT_LEV_TIMER_CTRL 0x0eb8 /* 8 bit Level Timer Control Reg */
++#define STAT_LEV_TIMER_TEST 0x0eb9 /* 8 bit Level Timer Test Reg */
++ /* 0x0eba - 0x0ebf: reserved */
++#define STAT_TX_TIMER_INI 0x0ec0 /* 32 bit Tx Timer Init. Value Reg */
++#define STAT_TX_TIMER_CNT 0x0ec4 /* 32 bit Tx Timer Counter Reg */
++#define STAT_TX_TIMER_CTRL 0x0ec8 /* 8 bit Tx Timer Control Reg */
++#define STAT_TX_TIMER_TEST 0x0ec9 /* 8 bit Tx Timer Test Reg */
++ /* 0x0eca - 0x0ecf: reserved */
++#define STAT_ISR_TIMER_INI 0x0ed0 /* 32 bit ISR Timer Init. Value Reg */
++#define STAT_ISR_TIMER_CNT 0x0ed4 /* 32 bit ISR Timer Counter Reg */
++#define STAT_ISR_TIMER_CTRL 0x0ed8 /* 8 bit ISR Timer Control Reg */
++#define STAT_ISR_TIMER_TEST 0x0ed9 /* 8 bit ISR Timer Test Reg */
++ /* 0x0eda - 0x0eff: reserved */
++#define ST_LAST_IDX_MASK 0x007f /* Last Index Mask */
++#define ST_TXRP_IDX_MASK 0x0fff /* Tx Report Index Mask */
++#define ST_TXTH_IDX_MASK 0x0fff /* Tx Threshold Index Mask */
++#define ST_WM_IDX_MASK 0x3f /* FIFO Watermark Index Mask */
+ /*
+ * Bank 30
+@@ -742,11 +996,9 @@
+ #define WOL_MATCH_RES 0x0f23 /* 8 bit WOL Match Result Reg */
+ #define WOL_MAC_ADDR_LO 0x0f24 /* 32 bit WOL MAC Address Low */
+ #define WOL_MAC_ADDR_HI 0x0f28 /* 16 bit WOL MAC Address High */
+-#define WOL_PATT_RPTR 0x0f2c /* 8 bit WOL Pattern Read Ptr */
+-/* use this macro to access above registers */
+-#define WOL_REG(Reg) ((Reg) + (pAC->GIni.GIWolOffs))
++#define WOL_PATT_PME 0x0f2a /* 8 bit WOL PME Match Enable (Yukon-2) */
++#define WOL_PATT_ASFM 0x0f2b /* 8 bit WOL ASF Match Enable (Yukon-2) */
++#define WOL_PATT_RPTR 0x0f2c /* 8 bit WOL Pattern Read Pointer */
+ /* WOL Pattern Length Registers (YUKON only) */
+@@ -764,11 +1016,22 @@
+ */
+ /* 0x0f80 - 0x0fff: reserved */
++/* WOL registers link 2 */
++/* use this macro to access WOL registers */
++#define WOL_REG(Port, Reg) ((Reg) + ((Port)*0x80) + (pAC->GIni.GIWolOffs))
+ /*
+ * Bank 32 - 33
+ */
+ #define WOL_PATT_RAM_1 0x1000 /* WOL Pattern RAM Link 1 */
++#define WOL_PATT_RAM_2 0x1400 /* WOL Pattern RAM Link 2 */
++/* use this macro to retrieve the pattern ram base address */
++#define WOL_PATT_RAM_BASE(Port) (WOL_PATT_RAM_1 + (Port)*0x400)
++/* offset to configuration space on Yukon-2 */
++#define Y2_CFG_SPC 0x1c00
+ /*
+ * Bank 0x22 - 0x3f
+ */
+@@ -800,13 +1063,26 @@
+ */
+ /* B0_RAP 8 bit Register Address Port */
+ /* Bit 7: reserved */
+-#define RAP_RAP 0x3f /* Bit 6..0: 0 = block 0,..,6f = block 6f */
++#define RAP_MSK 0x7f /* Bit 6..0: 0 = block 0,..,6f = block 6f */
++/* B0_CTST 24 bit Control/Status register */
++ /* Bit 23..18: reserved */
++#define Y2_VMAIN_AVAIL BIT_17 /* VMAIN available (YUKON-2 only) */
++#define Y2_VAUX_AVAIL BIT_16 /* VAUX available (YUKON-2 only) */
++ /* Bit 15..14: reserved */
++#define Y2_ASF_ENABLE BIT_13S /* ASF Unit Enable (YUKON-2 only) */
++#define Y2_ASF_DISABLE BIT_12S /* ASF Unit Disable (YUKON-2 only) */
++#define Y2_CLK_RUN_ENA BIT_11S /* CLK_RUN Enable (YUKON-2 only) */
++#define Y2_CLK_RUN_DIS BIT_10S /* CLK_RUN Disable (YUKON-2 only) */
++#define Y2_LED_STAT_ON BIT_9S /* Status LED On (YUKON-2 only) */
++#define Y2_LED_STAT_OFF BIT_8S /* Status LED Off (YUKON-2 only) */
++ /* Bit 7.. 0: same as below */
+ /* B0_CTST 16 bit Control/Status register */
+ /* Bit 15..14: reserved */
+-#define CS_CLK_RUN_HOT BIT_13S /* CLK_RUN hot m. (YUKON-Lite only) */
+-#define CS_CLK_RUN_RST BIT_12S /* CLK_RUN reset (YUKON-Lite only) */
+-#define CS_CLK_RUN_ENA BIT_11S /* CLK_RUN enable (YUKON-Lite only) */
++#define CS_CLK_RUN_HOT BIT_13S /* CLK_RUN Hot m. (YUKON-Lite only) */
++#define CS_CLK_RUN_RST BIT_12S /* CLK_RUN Reset (YUKON-Lite only) */
++#define CS_CLK_RUN_ENA BIT_11S /* CLK_RUN Enable (YUKON-Lite only) */
+ #define CS_VAUX_AVAIL BIT_10S /* VAUX available (YUKON only) */
+ #define CS_BUS_CLOCK BIT_9S /* Bus Clock 0/1 = 33/66 MHz */
+ #define CS_BUS_SLOT_SZ BIT_8S /* Slot Size 0/1 = 32/64 bit slot */
+@@ -814,26 +1090,27 @@
+ #define CS_CL_SW_IRQ BIT_6S /* Clear IRQ SW Request */
+ #define CS_STOP_DONE BIT_5S /* Stop Master is finished */
+ #define CS_STOP_MAST BIT_4S /* Command Bit to stop the master */
+-#define CS_MRST_CLR BIT_3S /* Clear Master reset */
+-#define CS_MRST_SET BIT_2S /* Set Master reset */
+-#define CS_RST_CLR BIT_1S /* Clear Software reset */
+-#define CS_RST_SET BIT_0S /* Set Software reset */
++#define CS_MRST_CLR BIT_3S /* Clear Master Reset */
++#define CS_MRST_SET BIT_2S /* Set Master Reset */
++#define CS_RST_CLR BIT_1S /* Clear Software Reset */
++#define CS_RST_SET BIT_0S /* Set Software Reset */
+-/* B0_LED 8 Bit LED register */
++/* B0_LED 8 Bit LED register (GENESIS only)*/
+ /* Bit 7.. 2: reserved */
+-#define LED_STAT_ON BIT_1S /* Status LED on */
+-#define LED_STAT_OFF BIT_0S /* Status LED off */
++#define LED_STAT_ON BIT_1S /* Status LED On */
++#define LED_STAT_OFF BIT_0S /* Status LED Off */
+ /* B0_POWER_CTRL 8 Bit Power Control reg (YUKON only) */
+ #define PC_VAUX_ENA BIT_7 /* Switch VAUX Enable */
+-#define PC_VAUX_DIS BIT_6 /* Switch VAUX Disable */
+-#define PC_VCC_ENA BIT_5 /* Switch VCC Enable */
+-#define PC_VCC_DIS BIT_4 /* Switch VCC Disable */
+-#define PC_VAUX_ON BIT_3 /* Switch VAUX On */
+-#define PC_VAUX_OFF BIT_2 /* Switch VAUX Off */
+-#define PC_VCC_ON BIT_1 /* Switch VCC On */
+-#define PC_VCC_OFF BIT_0 /* Switch VCC Off */
++#define PC_VAUX_DIS BIT_6 /* Switch VAUX Disable */
++#define PC_VCC_ENA BIT_5 /* Switch VCC Enable */
++#define PC_VCC_DIS BIT_4 /* Switch VCC Disable */
++#define PC_VAUX_ON BIT_3 /* Switch VAUX On */
++#define PC_VAUX_OFF BIT_2 /* Switch VAUX Off */
++#define PC_VCC_ON BIT_1 /* Switch VCC On */
++#define PC_VCC_OFF BIT_0 /* Switch VCC Off */
++/* Yukon and Genesis */
+ /* B0_ISRC 32 bit Interrupt Source Register */
+ /* B0_IMSK 32 bit Interrupt Mask Register */
+ /* B0_SP_ISRC 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg */
+@@ -879,12 +1156,51 @@
+ #define IS_XA2_F BIT_1 /* Q_XA2 End of Frame */
+ #define IS_XA2_C BIT_0 /* Q_XA2 Encoding Error */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++/* B0_ISRC 32 bit Interrupt Source Register */
++/* B0_IMSK 32 bit Interrupt Mask Register */
++/* B0_SP_ISRC 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg */
++/* B2_IRQM_MSK 32 bit IRQ Moderation Mask */
++/* B0_Y2_SP_ISRC2 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg 2 */
++/* B0_Y2_SP_ISRC3 32 bit Special Interrupt Source Reg 3 */
++/* B0_Y2_SP_EISR 32 bit Enter ISR Reg */
++/* B0_Y2_SP_LISR 32 bit Leave ISR Reg */
++#define Y2_IS_PORT_MASK(Port, Mask) ((Mask) << (Port*8))
++#define Y2_IS_HW_ERR BIT_31 /* Interrupt HW Error */
++#define Y2_IS_STAT_BMU BIT_30 /* Status BMU Interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_ASF BIT_29 /* ASF subsystem Interrupt */
++ /* Bit 28: reserved */
++#define Y2_IS_POLL_CHK BIT_27 /* Check IRQ from polling unit */
++#define Y2_IS_TWSI_RDY BIT_26 /* IRQ on end of TWSI Tx */
++#define Y2_IS_IRQ_SW BIT_25 /* SW forced IRQ */
++#define Y2_IS_TIMINT BIT_24 /* IRQ from Timer */
++ /* Bit 23..16 reserved */
++ /* Link 2 Interrupts */
++#define Y2_IS_IRQ_PHY2 BIT_12 /* Interrupt from PHY 2 */
++#define Y2_IS_IRQ_MAC2 BIT_11 /* Interrupt from MAC 2 */
++#define Y2_IS_CHK_RX2 BIT_10 /* Descriptor error Rx 2 */
++#define Y2_IS_CHK_TXS2 BIT_9 /* Descriptor error TXS 2 */
++#define Y2_IS_CHK_TXA2 BIT_8 /* Descriptor error TXA 2 */
++ /* Bit 7.. 5 reserved */
++ /* Link 1 interrupts */
++#define Y2_IS_IRQ_PHY1 BIT_4 /* Interrupt from PHY 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_IRQ_MAC1 BIT_3 /* Interrupt from MAC 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_CHK_RX1 BIT_2 /* Descriptor error Rx 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_CHK_TXS1 BIT_1 /* Descriptor error TXS 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_CHK_TXA1 BIT_0 /* Descriptor error TXA 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_L1_MASK 0x0000001fUL /* IRQ Mask for port 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_L2_MASK 0x00001f00UL /* IRQ Mask for port 2 */
++#define Y2_IS_ALL_MSK 0xef001f1fUL /* All Interrupt bits */
++/* Yukon and Genesis */
+ /* B0_HWE_ISRC 32 bit HW Error Interrupt Src Reg */
+ /* B0_HWE_IMSK 32 bit HW Error Interrupt Mask Reg */
+ /* B2_IRQM_HWE_MSK 32 bit IRQ Moderation HW Error Mask */
+ #define IS_ERR_MSK 0x00000fffL /* All Error bits */
+- /* Bit 31..14: reserved */
++ /* Bit 31..14: reserved */
+ #define IS_IRQ_TIST_OV BIT_13 /* Time Stamp Timer Overflow (YUKON only) */
+ #define IS_IRQ_SENSOR BIT_12 /* IRQ from Sensor (YUKON only) */
+ #define IS_IRQ_MST_ERR BIT_11 /* IRQ master error detected */
+@@ -900,6 +1216,43 @@
+ #define IS_R1_PAR_ERR BIT_1 /* Queue R1 Parity Error */
+ #define IS_R2_PAR_ERR BIT_0 /* Queue R2 Parity Error */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++/* B0_HWE_ISRC 32 bit HW Error Interrupt Src Reg */
++/* B0_HWE_IMSK 32 bit HW Error Interrupt Mask Reg */
++/* B2_IRQM_HWE_MSK 32 bit IRQ Moderation HW Error Mask */
++ /* Bit: 31..30 reserved */
++#define Y2_IS_TIST_OV BIT_29 /* Time Stamp Timer overflow interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_SENSOR BIT_28 /* Sensor interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_MST_ERR BIT_27 /* Master error interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_IRQ_STAT BIT_26 /* Status exception interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PCI_EXP BIT_25 /* PCI-Express interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PCI_NEXP BIT_24 /* Bus Abort detected */
++ /* Bit: 23..14 reserved */
++ /* Link 2 */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_RD2 BIT_13 /* Read RAM parity error interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_WR2 BIT_12 /* Write RAM parity error interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_MAC2 BIT_11 /* MAC hardware fault interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_RX2 BIT_10 /* Parity Error Rx Queue 2 */
++#define Y2_IS_TCP_TXS2 BIT_9 /* TCP length mismatch sync Tx queue IRQ */
++#define Y2_IS_TCP_TXA2 BIT_8 /* TCP length mismatch async Tx queue IRQ */
++ /* Bit: 9.. 6 reserved */
++ /* Link 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_RD1 BIT_5 /* Read RAM parity error interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_WR1 BIT_4 /* Write RAM parity error interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_MAC1 BIT_3 /* MAC hardware fault interrupt */
++#define Y2_IS_PAR_RX1 BIT_2 /* Parity Error Rx Queue 1 */
++#define Y2_IS_TCP_TXS1 BIT_1 /* TCP length mismatch sync Tx queue IRQ */
++#define Y2_IS_TCP_TXA1 BIT_0 /* TCP length mismatch async Tx queue IRQ */
++#define Y2_HWE_L1_MASK (Y2_IS_PAR_RD1 | Y2_IS_PAR_WR1 | Y2_IS_PAR_MAC1 |\
++#define Y2_HWE_L2_MASK (Y2_IS_PAR_RD2 | Y2_IS_PAR_WR2 | Y2_IS_PAR_MAC2 |\
++#define Y2_HWE_ALL_MSK (Y2_IS_TIST_OV | /* Y2_IS_SENSOR | */ Y2_IS_MST_ERR |\
+ /* B2_CONN_TYP 8 bit Connector type */
+ /* B2_PMD_TYP 8 bit PMD type */
+ /* Values of connector and PMD type comply to SysKonnect internal std */
+@@ -908,19 +1261,66 @@
+ #define CFG_CHIP_R_MSK (0xf<<4) /* Bit 7.. 4: Chip Revision */
+ /* Bit 3.. 2: reserved */
+ #define CFG_DIS_M2_CLK BIT_1S /* Disable Clock for 2nd MAC */
+-#define CFG_SNG_MAC BIT_0S /* MAC Config: 0=2 MACs / 1=1 MAC*/
++#define CFG_SNG_MAC BIT_0S /* MAC Config: 0 = 2 MACs; 1 = 1 MAC */
+-/* B2_CHIP_ID 8 bit Chip Identification Number */
++/* B2_CHIP_ID 8 bit Chip Identification Number */
+ #define CHIP_ID_GENESIS 0x0a /* Chip ID for GENESIS */
+ #define CHIP_ID_YUKON 0xb0 /* Chip ID for YUKON */
+ #define CHIP_ID_YUKON_LITE 0xb1 /* Chip ID for YUKON-Lite (Rev. A1-A3) */
+ #define CHIP_ID_YUKON_LP 0xb2 /* Chip ID for YUKON-LP */
++#define CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL 0xb3 /* Chip ID for YUKON-2 XL */
++#define CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC_U 0xb4 /* Chip ID for YUKON-2 EC Ultra */
++#define CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC 0xb6 /* Chip ID for YUKON-2 EC */
++#define CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE 0xb7 /* Chip ID for YUKON-2 FE */
+ #define CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A1 3 /* Chip Rev. for YUKON-Lite A1,A2 */
+ #define CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3 7 /* Chip Rev. for YUKON-Lite A3 */
++#define CHIP_REV_YU_EC_A1 0 /* Chip Rev. for Yukon-EC A1/A0 */
++#define CHIP_REV_YU_EC_A2 1 /* Chip Rev. for Yukon-EC A2 */
++#define CHIP_REV_YU_EC_A3 2 /* Chip Rev. for Yukon-EC A3 */
++/* B2_Y2_CLK_GATE 8 bit Clock Gating (Yukon-2 only) */
++#define Y2_STATUS_LNK2_INAC BIT_7S /* Status Link 2 inactiv (0 = activ) */
++#define Y2_CLK_GAT_LNK2_DIS BIT_6S /* Disable PHY clock for Link 2 */
++#define Y2_COR_CLK_LNK2_DIS BIT_5S /* Disable Core clock Link 2 */
++#define Y2_PCI_CLK_LNK2_DIS BIT_4S /* Disable PCI clock Link 2 */
++#define Y2_STATUS_LNK1_INAC BIT_3S /* Status Link 1 inactiv (0 = activ) */
++#define Y2_CLK_GAT_LNK1_DIS BIT_2S /* Disable PHY clock for Link 1 */
++#define Y2_COR_CLK_LNK1_DIS BIT_1S /* Disable Core clock Link 1 */
++#define Y2_PCI_CLK_LNK1_DIS BIT_0S /* Disable PCI clock Link 1 */
++/* B2_Y2_HW_RES 8 bit HW Resources (Yukon-2 only) */
++ /* Bit 7.. 5: reserved */
++#define CFG_LED_MODE_MSK (7<<2) /* Bit 4.. 2: LED Mode Mask */
++#define CFG_LINK_2_AVAIL BIT_1S /* Link 2 available */
++#define CFG_LINK_1_AVAIL BIT_0S /* Link 1 available */
++#define CFG_LED_MODE(x) (((x) & CFG_LED_MODE_MSK) >> 2)
++#define CFG_LED_SING_ACT_LNK 0 /* Single LED ACT/LNK mode */
++#define CFG_LED_DUAL_ACT_LNK 1 /* Dual LED ACT/LNK mode */
++/* B2_E_3 8 bit lower 4 bits used for HW self test result */
++#define B2_E3_RES_MASK 0x0f
+ /* B2_FAR 32 bit Flash-Prom Addr Reg/Cnt */
+-#define FAR_ADDR 0x1ffffL /* Bit 16.. 0: FPROM Address mask */
++#define FAR_ADDR 0x1ffffL /* Bit 16.. 0: FPROM Address Mask */
++/* B2_Y2_CLK_CTRL 32 bit Core Clock Frequency Control Register (Yukon-2/EC) */
++ /* Bit 31..24: reserved */
++/* Yukon-EC/FE */
++#define Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL_MSK (0xffL<<16) /* Bit 23..16: Clock Divisor Value */
++#define Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL(x) (SHIFT16(x) & Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL_MSK)
++/* Yukon-2 */
++#define Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL2_MSK (7L<<21) /* Bit 23..21: Clock Divisor Value */
++#define Y2_CLK_SELECT2_MSK (0x1fL<<16) /* Bit 20..16: Clock Select */
++#define Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL_2(x) (SHIFT21(x) & Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL2_MSK)
++#define Y2_CLK_SEL_VAL_2(x) (SHIFT16(x) & Y2_CLK_SELECT2_MSK)
++ /* Bit 15.. 2: reserved */
++#define Y2_CLK_DIV_ENA BIT_1S /* Enable Core Clock Division */
++#define Y2_CLK_DIV_DIS BIT_0S /* Disable Core Clock Division */
+ /* B2_LD_CTRL 8 bit EPROM loader control register */
+ /* Bits are currently reserved */
+@@ -960,9 +1360,6 @@
+ #define DPT_START BIT_1S /* Start Descriptor Poll Timer */
+ #define DPT_STOP BIT_0S /* Stop Descriptor Poll Timer */
+-/* B2_E_3 8 bit lower 4 bits used for HW self test result */
+-#define B2_E3_RES_MASK 0x0f
+ /* B2_TST_CTRL1 8 bit Test Control Register 1 */
+ #define TST_FRC_DPERR_MR BIT_7S /* force DATAPERR on MST RD */
+ #define TST_FRC_DPERR_MW BIT_6S /* force DATAPERR on MST WR */
+@@ -975,14 +1372,14 @@
+ /* B2_TST_CTRL2 8 bit Test Control Register 2 */
+ /* Bit 7.. 4: reserved */
+- /* force the following error on the next master read/write */
++ /* force the following error on the next master read/write */
+ #define TST_FRC_DPERR_MR64 BIT_3S /* DataPERR RD 64 */
+ #define TST_FRC_DPERR_MW64 BIT_2S /* DataPERR WR 64 */
+ #define TST_FRC_APERR_1M64 BIT_1S /* AddrPERR on 1. phase */
+ #define TST_FRC_APERR_2M64 BIT_0S /* AddrPERR on 2. phase */
+ /* B2_GP_IO 32 bit General Purpose I/O Register */
+- /* Bit 31..26: reserved */
++ /* Bit 31..26: reserved */
+ #define GP_DIR_9 BIT_25 /* IO_9 direct, 0=In/1=Out */
+ #define GP_DIR_8 BIT_24 /* IO_8 direct, 0=In/1=Out */
+ #define GP_DIR_7 BIT_23 /* IO_7 direct, 0=In/1=Out */
+@@ -1026,16 +1423,14 @@
+ /* Bit 31.. 1 reserved */
+ #define I2C_CLR_IRQ BIT_0 /* Clear I2C IRQ */
+-/* B2_I2C_SW 32 bit (8 bit access) I2C HW SW Port Register */
++/* B2_I2C_SW 32 bit (8 bit access) I2C SW Port Register */
+ /* Bit 7.. 3: reserved */
+ #define I2C_DATA_DIR BIT_2S /* direction of I2C_DATA */
+ #define I2C_DATA BIT_1S /* I2C Data Port */
+ #define I2C_CLK BIT_0S /* I2C Clock Port */
+- * I2C Address
+- */
+-#define I2C_SENS_ADDR LM80_ADDR /* I2C Sensor Address, (Volt and Temp)*/
++/* I2C Address */
++#define I2C_SENS_ADDR LM80_ADDR /* I2C Sensor Address (Volt and Temp) */
+ /* B2_BSC_CTRL 8 bit Blink Source Counter Control */
+@@ -1052,16 +1447,20 @@
+ #define BSC_T_OFF BIT_1S /* Test mode off */
+ #define BSC_T_STEP BIT_0S /* Test step */
++/* Y2_PEX_PHY_ADDR/DATA PEX PHY address and data reg (Yukon-2 only) */
++#define PEX_RD_ACCESS BIT_31 /* Access Mode Read = 1, Write = 0 */
++#define PEX_DB_ACCESS BIT_30 /* Access to debug register */
+ /* B3_RAM_ADDR 32 bit RAM Address, to read or write */
+ /* Bit 31..19: reserved */
+ #define RAM_ADR_RAN 0x0007ffffL /* Bit 18.. 0: RAM Address Range */
+ /* RAM Interface Registers */
+-/* B3_RI_CTRL 16 bit RAM Iface Control Register */
++/* B3_RI_CTRL 16 bit RAM Interface Control Register */
+ /* Bit 15..10: reserved */
+-#define RI_CLR_RD_PERR BIT_9S /* Clear IRQ RAM Read Parity Err */
+-#define RI_CLR_WR_PERR BIT_8S /* Clear IRQ RAM Write Parity Err*/
++#define RI_CLR_RD_PERR BIT_9S /* Clear IRQ RAM Read Parity Err */
++#define RI_CLR_WR_PERR BIT_8S /* Clear IRQ RAM Write Parity Err */
+ /* Bit 7.. 2: reserved */
+ #define RI_RST_CLR BIT_1S /* Clear RAM Interface Reset */
+ #define RI_RST_SET BIT_0S /* Set RAM Interface Reset */
+@@ -1171,7 +1570,7 @@
+ /* Bit 31..16: reserved */
+ #define BC_MAX 0xffff /* Bit 15.. 0: Byte counter */
+-/* BMU Control Status Registers */
++/* BMU Control / Status Registers (Yukon and Genesis) */
+ /* B0_R1_CSR 32 bit BMU Ctrl/Stat Rx Queue 1 */
+ /* B0_R2_CSR 32 bit BMU Ctrl/Stat Rx Queue 2 */
+ /* B0_XA1_CSR 32 bit BMU Ctrl/Stat Sync Tx Queue 1 */
+@@ -1212,6 +1611,41 @@
++/* Rx BMU Control / Status Registers (Yukon-2) */
++#define BMU_IDLE BIT_31 /* BMU Idle State */
++#define BMU_RX_TCP_PKT BIT_30 /* Rx TCP Packet (when RSS Hash enabled) */
++#define BMU_RX_IP_PKT BIT_29 /* Rx IP Packet (when RSS Hash enabled) */
++ /* Bit 28..16: reserved */
++#define BMU_ENA_RX_RSS_HASH BIT_15 /* Enable Rx RSS Hash */
++#define BMU_DIS_RX_RSS_HASH BIT_14 /* Disable Rx RSS Hash */
++#define BMU_ENA_RX_CHKSUM BIT_13 /* Enable Rx TCP/IP Checksum Check */
++#define BMU_DIS_RX_CHKSUM BIT_12 /* Disable Rx TCP/IP Checksum Check */
++#define BMU_CLR_IRQ_PAR BIT_11 /* Clear IRQ on Parity errors (Rx) */
++#define BMU_CLR_IRQ_TCP BIT_11 /* Clear IRQ on TCP segmen. error (Tx) */
++#define BMU_CLR_IRQ_CHK BIT_10 /* Clear IRQ Check */
++#define BMU_STOP BIT_9 /* Stop Rx/Tx Queue */
++#define BMU_START BIT_8 /* Start Rx/Tx Queue */
++#define BMU_FIFO_OP_ON BIT_7 /* FIFO Operational On */
++#define BMU_FIFO_OP_OFF BIT_6 /* FIFO Operational Off */
++#define BMU_FIFO_ENA BIT_5 /* Enable FIFO */
++#define BMU_FIFO_RST BIT_4 /* Reset FIFO */
++#define BMU_OP_ON BIT_3 /* BMU Operational On */
++#define BMU_OP_OFF BIT_2 /* BMU Operational Off */
++#define BMU_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear BMU Reset (Enable) */
++#define BMU_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set BMU Reset */
++/* Tx BMU Control / Status Registers (Yukon-2) */
++ /* Bit 31: same as for Rx */
++ /* Bit 30..14: reserved */
++#define BMU_TX_IPIDINCR_ON BIT_13 /* Enable IP ID Increment */
++#define BMU_TX_IPIDINCR_OFF BIT_12 /* Disable IP ID Increment */
++#define BMU_TX_CLR_IRQ_TCP BIT_11 /* Clear IRQ on TCP segm. length mism. */
++ /* Bit 10..0: same as for Rx */
+ /* Q_F 32 bit Flag Register */
+ /* Bit 31..28: reserved */
+ #define F_ALM_FULL BIT_27 /* Rx FIFO: almost full */
+@@ -1260,6 +1694,13 @@
+ /* Bit 3: reserved */
+ #define T3_VRAM_MSK 7 /* Bit 2.. 0: Virtual RAM Buffer Address */
++/* Queue Prefetch Unit Offsets, use Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR() to address (Yukon-2 only)*/
++/* PREF_UNIT_CTRL_REG 32 bit Prefetch Control register */
++#define PREF_UNIT_OP_ON BIT_3 /* prefetch unit operational */
++#define PREF_UNIT_OP_OFF BIT_2 /* prefetch unit not operational */
++#define PREF_UNIT_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear Prefetch Unit Reset */
++#define PREF_UNIT_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set Prefetch Unit Reset */
+ /* RAM Buffer Register Offsets, use RB_ADDR(Queue, Offs) to access */
+ /* RB_START 32 bit RAM Buffer Start Address */
+ /* RB_END 32 bit RAM Buffer End Address */
+@@ -1275,24 +1716,24 @@
+ #define RB_MSK 0x0007ffff /* Bit 18.. 0: RAM Buffer Pointer Bits */
+ /* RB_TST2 8 bit RAM Buffer Test Register 2 */
+- /* Bit 7.. 4: reserved */
+-#define RB_PC_DEC BIT_3S /* Packet Counter Decrem */
++ /* Bit 7.. 4: reserved */
++#define RB_PC_DEC BIT_3S /* Packet Counter Decrement */
+ #define RB_PC_T_ON BIT_2S /* Packet Counter Test On */
+-#define RB_PC_T_OFF BIT_1S /* Packet Counter Tst Off */
+-#define RB_PC_INC BIT_0S /* Packet Counter Increm */
++#define RB_PC_T_OFF BIT_1S /* Packet Counter Test Off */
++#define RB_PC_INC BIT_0S /* Packet Counter Increment */
+ /* RB_TST1 8 bit RAM Buffer Test Register 1 */
+ /* Bit 7: reserved */
+ #define RB_WP_T_ON BIT_6S /* Write Pointer Test On */
+ #define RB_WP_T_OFF BIT_5S /* Write Pointer Test Off */
+-#define RB_WP_INC BIT_4S /* Write Pointer Increm */
++#define RB_WP_INC BIT_4S /* Write Pointer Increment */
+ /* Bit 3: reserved */
+ #define RB_RP_T_ON BIT_2S /* Read Pointer Test On */
+ #define RB_RP_T_OFF BIT_1S /* Read Pointer Test Off */
+-#define RB_RP_DEC BIT_0S /* Read Pointer Decrement */
++#define RB_RP_INC BIT_0S /* Read Pointer Increment */
+ /* RB_CTRL 8 bit RAM Buffer Control Register */
+- /* Bit 7.. 6: reserved */
++ /* Bit 7.. 6: reserved */
+ #define RB_ENA_STFWD BIT_5S /* Enable Store & Forward */
+ #define RB_DIS_STFWD BIT_4S /* Disable Store & Forward */
+ #define RB_ENA_OP_MD BIT_3S /* Enable Operation Mode */
+@@ -1300,16 +1741,31 @@
+ #define RB_RST_CLR BIT_1S /* Clear RAM Buf STM Reset */
+ #define RB_RST_SET BIT_0S /* Set RAM Buf STM Reset */
++/* Yukon-2 */
++ /* Bit 31..20: reserved */
++#define RB_CNT_DOWN BIT_19 /* Packet Counter Decrement */
++#define RB_CNT_TST_ON BIT_18 /* Packet Counter Test On */
++#define RB_CNT_TST_OFF BIT_17 /* Packet Counter Test Off */
++#define RB_CNT_UP BIT_16 /* Packet Counter Increment */
++ /* Bit 15: reserved */
++#define RB_WP_TST_ON BIT_14 /* Write Pointer Test On */
++#define RB_WP_TST_OFF BIT_13 /* Write Pointer Test Off */
++#define RB_WP_UP BIT_12 /* Write Pointer Increment */
++ /* Bit 11: reserved */
++#define RB_RP_TST_ON BIT_10 /* Read Pointer Test On */
++#define RB_RP_TST_OFF BIT_9 /* Read Pointer Test Off */
++#define RB_RP_UP BIT_8 /* Read Pointer Increment */
+ /* Receive and Transmit MAC FIFO Registers (GENESIS only) */
+ /* RX_MFF_EA 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO End Address */
+-/* RX_MFF_WP 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Write Pointer */
++/* RX_MFF_WP 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Write Pointer */
+ /* RX_MFF_RP 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Read Pointer */
+ /* RX_MFF_PC 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Packet Counter */
+ /* RX_MFF_LEV 32 bit Receive MAC FIFO Level */
+ /* TX_MFF_EA 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO End Address */
+-/* TX_MFF_WP 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO Write Pointer */
++/* TX_MFF_WP 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO Write Pointer */
+ /* TX_MFF_WSP 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO WR Shadow Pointer */
+ /* TX_MFF_RP 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO Read Pointer */
+ /* TX_MFF_PC 32 bit Transmit MAC FIFO Packet Cnt */
+@@ -1359,9 +1815,9 @@
+ /* RX_MFF_TST2 8 bit Receive MAC FIFO Test Register 2 */
+ /* TX_MFF_TST2 8 bit Transmit MAC FIFO Test Register 2 */
+ /* Bit 7: reserved */
+-#define MFF_WSP_T_ON BIT_6S /* Tx: Write Shadow Ptr TestOn */
+-#define MFF_WSP_T_OFF BIT_5S /* Tx: Write Shadow Ptr TstOff */
+-#define MFF_WSP_INC BIT_4S /* Tx: Write Shadow Ptr Increment */
++#define MFF_WSP_T_ON BIT_6S /* Tx: Write Shadow Pointer Test On */
++#define MFF_WSP_T_OFF BIT_5S /* Tx: Write Shadow Pointer Test Off */
++#define MFF_WSP_INC BIT_4S /* Tx: Write Shadow Pointer Increment */
+ #define MFF_PC_DEC BIT_3S /* Packet Counter Decrement */
+ #define MFF_PC_T_ON BIT_2S /* Packet Counter Test On */
+ #define MFF_PC_T_OFF BIT_1S /* Packet Counter Test Off */
+@@ -1372,7 +1828,7 @@
+ /* Bit 7: reserved */
+ #define MFF_WP_T_ON BIT_6S /* Write Pointer Test On */
+ #define MFF_WP_T_OFF BIT_5S /* Write Pointer Test Off */
+-#define MFF_WP_INC BIT_4S /* Write Pointer Increm */
++#define MFF_WP_INC BIT_4S /* Write Pointer Increment */
+ /* Bit 3: reserved */
+ #define MFF_RP_T_ON BIT_2S /* Read Pointer Test On */
+ #define MFF_RP_T_OFF BIT_1S /* Read Pointer Test Off */
+@@ -1391,12 +1847,16 @@
+ /* RX_LED_CTRL 8 bit Receive LED Cnt Control Reg */
+ /* TX_LED_CTRL 8 bit Transmit LED Cnt Control Reg */
++ /* Bit 7.. 3: reserved */
++#define LED_START BIT_2S /* Start Counter */
++#define LED_STOP BIT_1S /* Stop Counter */
++#define LED_STATE BIT_0S /* Rx/Tx: LED State, 1=LED On */
+ /* LNK_SYNC_CTRL 8 bit Link Sync Cnt Control Register */
+ /* Bit 7.. 3: reserved */
+-#define LED_START BIT_2S /* Start Timer */
+-#define LED_STOP BIT_1S /* Stop Timer */
+-#define LED_STATE BIT_0S /* Rx/Tx: LED State, 1=LED on */
+-#define LED_CLR_IRQ BIT_0S /* Lnk: Clear Link IRQ */
++#define LNK_START BIT_2S /* Start Counter */
++#define LNK_STOP BIT_1S /* Stop Counter */
++#define LNK_CLR_IRQ BIT_0S /* Clear Link IRQ */
+ /* RX_LED_TST 8 bit Receive LED Cnt Test Register */
+ /* TX_LED_TST 8 bit Transmit LED Cnt Test Register */
+@@ -1407,86 +1867,138 @@
+ #define LED_T_STEP BIT_0S /* LED Counter Step */
+ /* LNK_LED_REG 8 bit Link LED Register */
+- /* Bit 7.. 6: reserved */
++ /* Bit 7.. 6: reserved */
+ #define LED_BLK_ON BIT_5S /* Link LED Blinking On */
+ #define LED_BLK_OFF BIT_4S /* Link LED Blinking Off */
+ #define LED_SYNC_ON BIT_3S /* Use Sync Wire to switch LED */
+ #define LED_SYNC_OFF BIT_2S /* Disable Sync Wire Input */
+-#define LED_ON BIT_1S /* switch LED on */
+-#define LED_OFF BIT_0S /* switch LED off */
++#define LED_ON BIT_1S /* Switch LED On */
++#define LED_OFF BIT_0S /* Switch LED Off */
+ /* Receive and Transmit GMAC FIFO Registers (YUKON only) */
+ /* RX_GMF_EA 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO End Address */
+ /* RX_GMF_AF_THR 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Almost Full Thresh. */
+-/* RX_GMF_WP 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
+-/* RX_GMF_WLEV 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
+-/* RX_GMF_RP 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
+-/* RX_GMF_RLEV 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
++/* RX_GMF_WP 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
++/* RX_GMF_WLEV 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
++/* RX_GMF_RP 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
++/* RX_GMF_RLEV 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
+ /* TX_GMF_EA 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO End Address */
+ /* TX_GMF_AE_THR 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Almost Empty Thresh.*/
+-/* TX_GMF_WP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
+-/* TX_GMF_WSP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Shadow Ptr. */
+-/* TX_GMF_WLEV 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
+-/* TX_GMF_RP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
+-/* TX_GMF_RSTP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Restart Pointer */
+-/* TX_GMF_RLEV 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
++/* TX_GMF_WP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Pointer */
++/* TX_GMF_WSP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Shadow Pointer */
++/* TX_GMF_WLEV 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Write Level */
++/* TX_GMF_RP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Pointer */
++/* TX_GMF_RSTP 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Restart Pointer */
++/* TX_GMF_RLEV 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Read Level */
+ /* RX_GMF_CTRL_T 32 bit Rx GMAC FIFO Control/Test */
+- /* Bits 31..15: reserved */
+-#define GMF_WP_TST_ON BIT_14 /* Write Pointer Test On */
+-#define GMF_WP_TST_OFF BIT_13 /* Write Pointer Test Off */
+-#define GMF_WP_STEP BIT_12 /* Write Pointer Step/Increment */
++ /* Bit 31..28 reserved */
++#define RX_TRUNC_ON BIT_27 /* enable packet truncation */
++#define RX_TRUNC_OFF BIT_26 /* disable packet truncation */
++#define RX_VLAN_STRIP_ON BIT_25 /* enable VLAN stripping */
++#define RX_VLAN_STRIP_OFF BIT_24 /* disable VLAN stripping */
++ /* Bit 23..15 reserved */
++#define GMF_WP_TST_ON BIT_14 /* Write Pointer Test On */
++#define GMF_WP_TST_OFF BIT_13 /* Write Pointer Test Off */
++#define GMF_WP_STEP BIT_12 /* Write Pointer Step/Increment */
+ /* Bit 11: reserved */
+-#define GMF_RP_TST_ON BIT_10 /* Read Pointer Test On */
+-#define GMF_RP_TST_OFF BIT_9 /* Read Pointer Test Off */
+-#define GMF_RP_STEP BIT_8 /* Read Pointer Step/Increment */
+-#define GMF_RX_F_FL_ON BIT_7 /* Rx FIFO Flush Mode On */
+-#define GMF_RX_F_FL_OFF BIT_6 /* Rx FIFO Flush Mode Off */
+-#define GMF_CLI_RX_FO BIT_5 /* Clear IRQ Rx FIFO Overrun */
+-#define GMF_CLI_RX_FC BIT_4 /* Clear IRQ Rx Frame Complete */
+-#define GMF_OPER_ON BIT_3 /* Operational Mode On */
+-#define GMF_OPER_OFF BIT_2 /* Operational Mode Off */
+-#define GMF_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear GMAC FIFO Reset */
+-#define GMF_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set GMAC FIFO Reset */
+-/* TX_GMF_CTRL_T 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Control/Test */
+- /* Bits 31..19: reserved */
+-#define GMF_WSP_TST_ON BIT_18 /* Write Shadow Pointer Test On */
+-#define GMF_WSP_TST_OFF BIT_17 /* Write Shadow Pointer Test Off */
+-#define GMF_WSP_STEP BIT_16 /* Write Shadow Pointer Step/Increment */
+- /* Bits 15..7: same as for RX_GMF_CTRL_T */
+-#define GMF_CLI_TX_FU BIT_6 /* Clear IRQ Tx FIFO Underrun */
+-#define GMF_CLI_TX_FC BIT_5 /* Clear IRQ Tx Frame Complete */
+-#define GMF_CLI_TX_PE BIT_4 /* Clear IRQ Tx Parity Error */
++#define GMF_RP_TST_ON BIT_10 /* Read Pointer Test On */
++#define GMF_RP_TST_OFF BIT_9 /* Read Pointer Test Off */
++#define GMF_RP_STEP BIT_8 /* Read Pointer Step/Increment */
++#define GMF_RX_F_FL_ON BIT_7 /* Rx FIFO Flush Mode On */
++#define GMF_RX_F_FL_OFF BIT_6 /* Rx FIFO Flush Mode Off */
++#define GMF_CLI_RX_FO BIT_5 /* Clear IRQ Rx FIFO Overrun */
++#define GMF_CLI_RX_FC BIT_4 /* Clear IRQ Rx Frame Complete */
++#define GMF_OPER_ON BIT_3 /* Operational Mode On */
++#define GMF_OPER_OFF BIT_2 /* Operational Mode Off */
++#define GMF_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear GMAC FIFO Reset */
++#define GMF_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set GMAC FIFO Reset */
++/* TX_GMF_CTRL_T 32 bit Tx GMAC FIFO Control/Test (YUKON and Yukon-2) */
++ /* Bits 31..26: reserved */
++#define TX_VLAN_TAG_ON BIT_25 /* enable VLAN tagging */
++#define TX_VLAN_TAG_OFF BIT_24 /* disable VLAN tagging */
++ /* Bits 23..19: reserved */
++#define GMF_WSP_TST_ON BIT_18 /* Write Shadow Pointer Test On */
++#define GMF_WSP_TST_OFF BIT_17 /* Write Shadow Pointer Test Off */
++#define GMF_WSP_STEP BIT_16 /* Write Shadow Pointer Step/Increment */
++ /* Bits 15..8: same as for RX_GMF_CTRL_T */
++ /* Bit 7: reserved */
++#define GMF_CLI_TX_FU BIT_6 /* Clear IRQ Tx FIFO Underrun */
++#define GMF_CLI_TX_FC BIT_5 /* Clear IRQ Tx Frame Complete */
++#define GMF_CLI_TX_PE BIT_4 /* Clear IRQ Tx Parity Error */
+ /* Bits 3..0: same as for RX_GMF_CTRL_T */
++#define RX_GMF_AF_THR_MIN 0x0c /* Rx GMAC FIFO Almost Full Thresh. min. */
+ #define RX_GMF_FL_THR_DEF 0x0a /* Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Threshold default */
+ /* GMAC_TI_ST_CTRL 8 bit Time Stamp Timer Ctrl Reg (YUKON only) */
+- /* Bit 7.. 3: reserved */
+-#define GMT_ST_START BIT_2S /* Start Time Stamp Timer */
+-#define GMT_ST_STOP BIT_1S /* Stop Time Stamp Timer */
+-#define GMT_ST_CLR_IRQ BIT_0S /* Clear Time Stamp Timer IRQ */
++ /* Bit 7.. 3: reserved */
++#define GMT_ST_START BIT_2S /* Start Time Stamp Timer */
++#define GMT_ST_STOP BIT_1S /* Stop Time Stamp Timer */
++#define GMT_ST_CLR_IRQ BIT_0S /* Clear Time Stamp Timer IRQ */
++/* POLL_CTRL 32 bit Polling Unit control register (Yukon-2 only) */
++ /* Bit 31.. 6: reserved */
++#define PC_CLR_IRQ_CHK BIT_5 /* Clear IRQ Check */
++#define PC_POLL_RQ BIT_4 /* Poll Request Start */
++#define PC_POLL_OP_ON BIT_3 /* Operational Mode On */
++#define PC_POLL_OP_OFF BIT_2 /* Operational Mode Off */
++#define PC_POLL_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear Polling Unit Reset (Enable) */
++#define PC_POLL_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set Polling Unit Reset */
++/* The bit definition of the following registers is still missing! */
++/* B28_Y2_SMB_CONFIG 32 bit ASF SMBus Config Register */
++/* B28_Y2_SMB_CSD_REG 32 bit ASF SMB Control/Status/Data */
++/* B28_Y2_ASF_IRQ_V_BASE 32 bit ASF IRQ Vector Base */
++/* B28_Y2_ASF_STAT_CMD 32 bit ASF Status and Command Reg */
++/* This register is used by the host driver software */
++ /* Bit 31:5 reserved */
++#define Y2_ASF_OS_PRES BIT_4S /* ASF operation system present */
++#define Y2_ASF_RESET BIT_3S /* ASF system in reset state */
++#define Y2_ASF_RUNNING BIT_2S /* ASF system operational */
++#define Y2_ASF_CLR_HSTI BIT_1S /* Clear ASF IRQ */
++#define Y2_ASF_IRQ BIT_0S /* Issue an IRQ to ASF system */
++#define Y2_ASF_UC_STATE (3<<2) /* ASF uC State */
++#define Y2_ASF_CLK_HALT 0 /* ASF system clock stopped */
++/* B28_Y2_ASF_HOST_COM 32 bit ASF Host Communication Reg */
++/* This register is used by the ASF firmware */
++ /* Bit 31:2 reserved */
++#define Y2_ASF_CLR_ASFI BIT_1 /* Clear host IRQ */
++#define Y2_ASF_HOST_IRQ BIT_0 /* Issue an IRQ to HOST system */
++/* STAT_CTRL 32 bit Status BMU control register (Yukon-2 only) */
++ /* Bit 7.. 5: reserved */
++#define SC_STAT_CLR_IRQ BIT_4 /* Status Burst IRQ clear */
++#define SC_STAT_OP_ON BIT_3 /* Operational Mode On */
++#define SC_STAT_OP_OFF BIT_2 /* Operational Mode Off */
++#define SC_STAT_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear Status Unit Reset (Enable) */
++#define SC_STAT_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set Status Unit Reset */
+ /* GMAC_CTRL 32 bit GMAC Control Reg (YUKON only) */
+ /* Bits 31.. 8: reserved */
+-#define GMC_H_BURST_ON BIT_7 /* Half Duplex Burst Mode On */
+-#define GMC_H_BURST_OFF BIT_6 /* Half Duplex Burst Mode Off */
+-#define GMC_F_LOOPB_ON BIT_5 /* FIFO Loopback On */
+-#define GMC_F_LOOPB_OFF BIT_4 /* FIFO Loopback Off */
+-#define GMC_PAUSE_ON BIT_3 /* Pause On */
+-#define GMC_PAUSE_OFF BIT_2 /* Pause Off */
+-#define GMC_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear GMAC Reset */
+-#define GMC_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set GMAC Reset */
++#define GMC_H_BURST_ON BIT_7 /* Half Duplex Burst Mode On */
++#define GMC_H_BURST_OFF BIT_6 /* Half Duplex Burst Mode Off */
++#define GMC_F_LOOPB_ON BIT_5 /* FIFO Loopback On */
++#define GMC_F_LOOPB_OFF BIT_4 /* FIFO Loopback Off */
++#define GMC_PAUSE_ON BIT_3 /* Pause On */
++#define GMC_PAUSE_OFF BIT_2 /* Pause Off */
++#define GMC_RST_CLR BIT_1 /* Clear GMAC Reset */
++#define GMC_RST_SET BIT_0 /* Set GMAC Reset */
+ /* GPHY_CTRL 32 bit GPHY Control Reg (YUKON only) */
+ /* Bits 31..29: reserved */
+ #define GPC_SEL_BDT BIT_28 /* Select Bi-Dir. Transfer for MDC/MDIO */
+-#define GPC_INT_POL_HI BIT_27 /* IRQ Polarity is Active HIGH */
++#define GPC_INT_POL BIT_27 /* IRQ Polarity is Active Low */
+ #define GPC_75_OHM BIT_26 /* Use 75 Ohm Termination instead of 50 */
+ #define GPC_DIS_FC BIT_25 /* Disable Automatic Fiber/Copper Detection */
+ #define GPC_DIS_SLEEP BIT_24 /* Disable Energy Detect */
+@@ -1540,14 +2052,14 @@
+ /* GMAC_IRQ_SRC 8 bit GMAC Interrupt Source Reg (YUKON only) */
+ /* GMAC_IRQ_MSK 8 bit GMAC Interrupt Mask Reg (YUKON only) */
+-#define GM_IS_TX_CO_OV BIT_5 /* Transmit Counter Overflow IRQ */
+-#define GM_IS_RX_CO_OV BIT_4 /* Receive Counter Overflow IRQ */
+-#define GM_IS_TX_FF_UR BIT_3 /* Transmit FIFO Underrun */
+-#define GM_IS_TX_COMPL BIT_2 /* Frame Transmission Complete */
+-#define GM_IS_RX_FF_OR BIT_1 /* Receive FIFO Overrun */
+-#define GM_IS_RX_COMPL BIT_0 /* Frame Reception Complete */
++#define GM_IS_RX_CO_OV BIT_5S /* Receive Counter Overflow IRQ */
++#define GM_IS_TX_CO_OV BIT_4S /* Transmit Counter Overflow IRQ */
++#define GM_IS_TX_FF_UR BIT_3S /* Transmit FIFO Underrun */
++#define GM_IS_TX_COMPL BIT_2S /* Frame Transmission Complete */
++#define GM_IS_RX_FF_OR BIT_1S /* Receive FIFO Overrun */
++#define GM_IS_RX_COMPL BIT_0S /* Frame Reception Complete */
+ /* GMAC_LINK_CTRL 16 bit GMAC Link Control Reg (YUKON only) */
+@@ -1579,15 +2091,19 @@
+ #define WOL_CTL_DEFAULT \
+ /* WOL_MATCH_CTL 8 bit WOL Match Control Reg */
+ #define WOL_CTL_PATT_ENA(x) (BIT_0 << (x))
++/* WOL_PATT_PME 8 bit WOL PME Match Enable (Yukon-2) */
++#define WOL_PATT_FORCE_PME BIT_7 /* Generates a PME */
++#define WOL_PATT_MATCH_PME_ALL 0x7f
+ #define SK_NUM_WOL_PATTERN 7
+@@ -1597,6 +2113,8 @@
+ #define WOL_LENGTH_SHIFT 8
++/* typedefs ******************************************************************/
+ /* Receive and Transmit Descriptors ******************************************/
+ /* Transmit Descriptor struct */
+@@ -1606,17 +2124,17 @@
+ SK_U32 TxAdrLo; /* Physical Tx Buffer Address lower dword */
+ SK_U32 TxAdrHi; /* Physical Tx Buffer Address upper dword */
+ SK_U32 TxStat; /* Transmit Frame Status Word */
+-#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
+ SK_U16 TxTcpOffs; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Value */
+ SK_U16 TxRes1; /* 16 bit reserved field */
+ SK_U16 TxTcpWp; /* TCP Checksum Write Position */
+ SK_U16 TxTcpSp; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position */
+-#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
+ SK_U16 TxRes1; /* 16 bit reserved field */
+ SK_U16 TxTcpOffs; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Value */
+ SK_U16 TxTcpSp; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position */
+ SK_U16 TxTcpWp; /* TCP Checksum Write Position */
+-#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
+ SK_U32 TxRes2; /* 32 bit reserved field */
+@@ -1628,29 +2146,262 @@
+ SK_U32 RxAdrHi; /* Physical Rx Buffer Address upper dword */
+ SK_U32 RxStat; /* Receive Frame Status Word */
+ SK_U32 RxTiSt; /* Receive Time Stamp (from XMAC on GENESIS) */
+-#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
+- SK_U16 RxTcpSum1; /* TCP Checksum 1 */
+- SK_U16 RxTcpSum2; /* TCP Checksum 2 */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSum1; /* Rx TCP Checksum 1 */
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSum2; /* Rx TCP Checksum 2 */
+ SK_U16 RxTcpSp1; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 1 */
+ SK_U16 RxTcpSp2; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 2 */
+-#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
+- SK_U16 RxTcpSum2; /* TCP Checksum 2 */
+- SK_U16 RxTcpSum1; /* TCP Checksum 1 */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSum2; /* Rx TCP Checksum 2 */
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSum1; /* Rx TCP Checksum 1 */
+ SK_U16 RxTcpSp2; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 2 */
+ SK_U16 RxTcpSp1; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 1 */
+-#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
+ /*
+ * Drivers which use the reverse descriptor feature (PCI_OUR_REG_2)
+ * should set the define SK_USE_REV_DESC.
+- * Structures are 'normaly' not endianess dependent. But in
+- * this case the SK_U16 fields are bound to bit positions inside the
+- * descriptor. RxTcpSum1 e.g. must start at bit 0 within the DWord.
++ * Structures are 'normally' not endianess dependent. But in this case
++ * the SK_U16 fields are bound to bit positions inside the descriptor.
++ * RxTcpSum1 e.g. must start at bit 0 within the DWord.
+ * The bit positions inside a DWord are of course endianess dependent and
+- * swaps if the DWord is swapped by the hardware.
++ * swap if the DWord is swapped by the hardware.
+ */
++/* YUKON-2 descriptors ******************************************************/
++typedef struct _TxChksum {
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U16 TxTcpWp; /* TCP Checksum Write Position */
++ SK_U16 TxTcpSp; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U16 TxTcpSp; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position */
++ SK_U16 TxTcpWp; /* TCP Checksum Write Position */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++typedef struct _LargeSend {
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U16 Length; /* Large Send Segment Length */
++ SK_U16 Reserved; /* reserved */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U16 Reserved; /* reserved */
++ SK_U16 Length; /* Large Send Segment Length */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++typedef union u_HwTxBuf {
++ SK_U16 BufLen; /* Tx Buffer Length */
++ SK_U16 VlanTag; /* VLAN Tag */
++ SK_U16 InitCsum; /* Init. Checksum */
++/* Tx List Element structure */
++typedef struct s_HwLeTx {
++ union {
++ SK_U32 BufAddr; /* Tx LE Buffer Address high/low */
++ SK_HWTXCS ChkSum; /* Tx LE TCP Checksum parameters */
++ SK_HWTXLS LargeSend;/* Large Send length */
++ } TxUn;
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U8 ControlFlags; /* Tx LE Control field or Lock Number */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Tx LE Opcode field */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Tx LE Opcode field */
++ SK_U8 ControlFlags; /* Tx LE Control field or Lock Number */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++typedef struct _RxChkSum{
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSp1; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 1 */
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSp2; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 2 */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSp2; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 2 */
++ SK_U16 RxTcpSp1; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 1 */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++/* Rx List Element structure */
++typedef struct s_HwLeRx {
++ union {
++ SK_U32 BufAddr; /* Rx LE Buffer Address high/low */
++ SK_HWRXCS ChkSum; /* Rx LE TCP Checksum parameters */
++ } RxUn;
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U16 BufferLength; /* Rx LE Buffer Length field */
++ SK_U8 ControlFlags; /* Rx LE Control field */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Rx LE Opcode field */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Rx LE Opcode field */
++ SK_U8 ControlFlags; /* Rx LE Control field */
++ SK_U16 BufferLength; /* Rx LE Buffer Length field */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++typedef struct s_StRxTCPChkSum {
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U16 RxTCPSum1; /* Rx TCP Checksum 1 */
++ SK_U16 RxTCPSum2; /* Rx TCP Checksum 2 */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U16 RxTCPSum2; /* Rx TCP Checksum 2 */
++ SK_U16 RxTCPSum1; /* Rx TCP Checksum 1 */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++typedef struct s_StRxRssFlags {
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U8 FlagField; /* contains TCP and IP flags */
++ SK_U8 reserved; /* reserved */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U8 reserved; /* reserved */
++ SK_U8 FlagField; /* contains TCP and IP flags */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++/* bit definition of RSS LE bit 32/33 (SK_HWSTRSS.FlagField) */
++ /* bit 7..2 reserved */
++#define RSS_TCP_FLAG BIT_1S /* RSS value related to TCP area */
++#define RSS_IP_FLAG BIT_0S /* RSS value related to IP area */
++/* StRxRssValue is valid if at least RSS_IP_FLAG is set */
++/* For protocol errors or other protocols an empty RSS LE is generated */
++typedef union u_HwStBuf {
++ SK_U16 BufLen; /* Rx Buffer Length */
++ SK_U16 VlanTag; /* VLAN Tag */
++ SK_U16 StTxStatHi; /* Tx Queue Status (high) */
++ SK_HWSTRSS Rss; /* Flag Field for TCP and IP protocol */
++/* Status List Element structure */
++typedef struct s_HwLeSt {
++ union {
++ SK_U32 StRxStatWord; /* Rx Status Dword */
++ SK_U32 StRxTimeStamp; /* Rx Timestamp */
++ SK_HWSTCS StRxTCPCSum; /* Rx TCP Checksum */
++ SK_U32 StTxStatLow; /* Tx Queue Status (low) */
++ SK_U32 StRxRssValue; /* Rx RSS value */
++ } StUn;
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U8 Link; /* Status LE Link field */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Status LE Opcode field */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Status LE Opcode field */
++ SK_U8 Link; /* Status LE Link field */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++/* Special Action List Element */
++typedef struct s_HwLeSa {
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++ SK_U16 TxAIdxVld; /* Special Action LE TxA Put Index field */
++ SK_U16 TxSIdxVld; /* Special Action LE TxS Put Index field */
++ SK_U16 RxIdxVld; /* Special Action LE Rx Put Index field */
++ SK_U8 Link; /* Special Action LE Link field */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Special Action LE Opcode field */
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++ SK_U16 TxSIdxVld; /* Special Action LE TxS Put Index field */
++ SK_U16 TxAIdxVld; /* Special Action LE TxA Put Index field */
++ SK_U8 Opcode; /* Special Action LE Opcode field */
++ SK_U8 Link; /* Special Action LE Link field */
++ SK_U16 RxIdxVld; /* Special Action LE Rx Put Index field */
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++/* Common List Element union */
++typedef union u_HwLeTxRxSt {
++ /* Transmit List Element Structure */
++ /* Receive List Element Structure */
++ /* Status List Element Structure */
++ /* Special Action List Element Structure */
++ /* Full List Element */
++ SK_U64 Full;
++} SK_HWLE;
++/* mask and shift value to get Tx async queue status for port 1 */
++#define STLE_TXA1_MSKL 0x00000fff
++#define STLE_TXA1_SHIFTL 0
++/* mask and shift value to get Tx sync queue status for port 1 */
++#define STLE_TXS1_MSKL 0x00fff000
++#define STLE_TXS1_SHIFTL 12
++/* mask and shift value to get Tx async queue status for port 2 */
++#define STLE_TXA2_MSKL 0xff000000
++#define STLE_TXA2_SHIFTL 24
++#define STLE_TXA2_MSKH 0x000f
++/* this one shifts up */
++#define STLE_TXA2_SHIFTH 8
++/* mask and shift value to get Tx sync queue status for port 2 */
++#define STLE_TXS2_MSKL 0x00000000
++#define STLE_TXS2_SHIFTL 0
++#define STLE_TXS2_MSKH 0xfff0
++#define STLE_TXS2_SHIFTH 4
++/* YUKON-2 bit values */
++#define HW_OWNER BIT_7
++#define SW_OWNER 0
++#define PU_PUTIDX_VALID BIT_12
++/* YUKON-2 Control flags */
++#define UDPTCP BIT_0S
++#define CALSUM BIT_1S
++#define WR_SUM BIT_2S
++#define INIT_SUM BIT_3S
++#define LOCK_SUM BIT_4S
++#define INS_VLAN BIT_5S
++#define FRC_STAT BIT_6S
++#define EOP BIT_7S
++#define TX_LOCK BIT_8S
++#define BUF_SEND BIT_9S
++#define PACKET_SEND BIT_10S
++#define NO_WARNING BIT_14S
++#define NO_UPDATE BIT_15S
++/* YUKON-2 Rx/Tx opcodes defines */
++#define OP_TCPWRITE 0x11
++#define OP_TCPSTART 0x12
++#define OP_TCPINIT 0x14
++#define OP_TCPLCK 0x18
++#define OP_ADDR64 0x21
++#define OP_VLAN 0x22
++#define OP_ADDR64VLAN (OP_ADDR64 | OP_VLAN)
++#define OP_LRGLEN 0x24
++#define OP_BUFFER 0x40
++#define OP_PACKET 0x41
++#define OP_LARGESEND 0x43
++/* YUKON-2 STATUS opcodes defines */
++#define OP_RXSTAT 0x60
++#define OP_RXTIMESTAMP 0x61
++#define OP_RXVLAN 0x62
++#define OP_RXCHKS 0x64
++#define OP_RSS_HASH 0x65
++#define OP_TXINDEXLE 0x68
++/* YUKON-2 SPECIAL opcodes defines */
++#define OP_PUTIDX 0x70
+ /* Descriptor Bit Definition */
+ /* TxCtrl Transmit Buffer Control Field */
+@@ -1685,6 +2436,10 @@
+ /* macros ********************************************************************/
++/* Macro for accessing the key registers */
++#define RSS_KEY_ADDR(Port, KeyIndex) \
++ ((B4_RSS_KEY | ( ((Port) == 0) ? 0 : 0x80)) + (KeyIndex))
+ /* Receive and Transmit Queues */
+ #define Q_R1 0x0000 /* Receive Queue 1 */
+ #define Q_R2 0x0080 /* Receive Queue 2 */
+@@ -1693,6 +2448,10 @@
+ #define Q_XS2 0x0300 /* Synchronous Transmit Queue 2 */
+ #define Q_XA2 0x0380 /* Asynchronous Transmit Queue 2 */
++#define Q_ASF_R1 0x100 /* ASF Rx Queue 1 */
++#define Q_ASF_R2 0x180 /* ASF Rx Queue 2 */
++#define Q_ASF_T1 0x140 /* ASF Tx Queue 1 */
++#define Q_ASF_T2 0x1c0 /* ASF Tx Queue 2 */
+ /*
+ * Macro Q_ADDR()
+ *
+@@ -1704,11 +2463,27 @@
+ * Offs Queue register offset.
+ * Values: Q_D, Q_DA_L ... Q_T2, Q_T3
+ *
+- * usage SK_IN32(pAC, Q_ADDR(Q_R2, Q_BC), pVal)
++ * usage SK_IN32(IoC, Q_ADDR(Q_R2, Q_BC), pVal)
+ */
+ #define Q_ADDR(Queue, Offs) (B8_Q_REGS + (Queue) + (Offs))
+ /*
++ * Macro Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR()
++ *
++ * Use this macro to access the Prefetch Units of the receive and
++ * transmit queues of Yukon-2.
++ *
++ * para:
++ * Queue Queue to access.
++ * Values: Q_R1, Q_R2, Q_XS1, Q_XA1, Q_XS2, Q_XA2,
++ * Offs Queue register offset.
++ *
++ * usage SK_IN16(IoC, Y2_Q_ADDR(Q_R2, PREF_UNIT_GET_IDX_REG), pVal)
++ */
++#define Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR(Queue, Offs) (Y2_B8_PREF_REGS + (Queue) + (Offs))
+ * Macro RB_ADDR()
+ *
+ * Use this macro to access the RAM Buffer Registers.
+@@ -1719,14 +2494,14 @@
+ * Offs Queue register offset.
+ * Values: RB_START, RB_END ... RB_LEV, RB_CTRL
+ *
+- * usage SK_IN32(pAC, RB_ADDR(Q_R2, RB_RP), pVal)
++ * usage SK_IN32(IoC, RB_ADDR(Q_R2, RB_RP), pVal)
+ */
+ #define RB_ADDR(Queue, Offs) (B16_RAM_REGS + (Queue) + (Offs))
+ /* MAC Related Registers */
+-#define MAC_1 0 /* belongs to the port near the slot */
+-#define MAC_2 1 /* belongs to the port far away from the slot */
++#define MAC_1 0 /* 1st port */
++#define MAC_2 1 /* 2nd port */
+ /*
+ * Macro MR_ADDR()
+@@ -1740,19 +2515,10 @@
+ * Values: RX_MFF_EA, RX_MFF_WP ... LNK_LED_REG,
+ *
+- * usage SK_IN32(pAC, MR_ADDR(MAC_1, TX_MFF_EA), pVal)
++ * usage SK_IN32(IoC, MR_ADDR(MAC_1, TX_MFF_EA), pVal)
+ */
+ #define MR_ADDR(Mac, Offs) (((Mac) << 7) + (Offs))
+-#define XM_WORD_LO 0
+-#define XM_WORD_HI 1
+-#else /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
+-#define XM_WORD_LO 1
+-#define XM_WORD_HI 0
+-#endif /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
+ /*
+ * macros to access the XMAC (GENESIS only)
+ *
+@@ -1777,22 +2543,31 @@
+ #define XMA(Mac, Reg) \
+ ((BASE_XMAC_1 + (Mac) * (BASE_XMAC_2 - BASE_XMAC_1)) | ((Reg) << 1))
+-#define XM_IN16(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), (pVal))
++#define XM_IN16(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, XMA(Mac, Reg), pVal)
+-#define XM_OUT16(IoC, Mac, Reg, Val) \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), (Val))
++#define XM_OUT16(IoC, Mac, Reg, Val) \
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, XMA(Mac, Reg), Val)
+-#define XM_IN32(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) { \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), \
+- (SK_U16 SK_FAR*)&((SK_U16 SK_FAR*)(pVal))[XM_WORD_LO]); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+2)), \
+- (SK_U16 SK_FAR*)&((SK_U16 SK_FAR*)(pVal))[XM_WORD_HI]); \
++#define XM_IN32(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) { \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, XMA(Mac, Reg), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal)); \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, XMA(Mac, (Reg) + 2), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal) + 1); \
+ }
++#else /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++#define XM_IN32(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) { \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, XMA(Mac, Reg), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal) + 1); \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, XMA(Mac, (Reg) + 2), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal)); \
++#endif /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
+ #define XM_OUT32(IoC, Mac, Reg, Val) { \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), (SK_U16)((Val) & 0xffffL)); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+2)), (SK_U16)(((Val) >> 16) & 0xffffL));\
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, XMA(Mac, Reg), (SK_U16)((Val) & 0xffffL)); \
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, XMA(Mac, (Reg) + 2), (SK_U16)(((Val) >> 16) & 0xffffL)); \
+ }
+ /* Remember: we are always writing to / reading from LITTLE ENDIAN memory */
+@@ -1802,13 +2577,13 @@
+ SK_U8 *pByte; \
+ pByte = (SK_U8 *)&((SK_U8 *)(pVal))[0]; \
+ SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), &Word); \
+- pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[1] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+2)), &Word); \
+- pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 2), &Word); \
++ pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[3] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), &Word); \
+- pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), &Word); \
++ pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[5] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+ }
+@@ -1818,10 +2593,10 @@
+ SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[0]) & 0x00ff) | \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[1]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+2)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 2), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[2]) & 0x00ff) | \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[3]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[4]) & 0x00ff) | \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[5]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+ }
+@@ -1831,16 +2606,16 @@
+ SK_U8 SK_FAR *pByte; \
+ pByte = (SK_U8 SK_FAR *)&((SK_U8 SK_FAR *)(pVal))[0]; \
+ SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), &Word); \
+- pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[1] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+2)), &Word); \
+- pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 2), &Word); \
++ pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[3] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), &Word); \
+- pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), &Word); \
++ pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[5] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+6)), &Word); \
+- pByte[6] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 6), &Word); \
++ pByte[6] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[7] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+ }
+@@ -1850,13 +2625,13 @@
+ SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg)), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[0]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[1]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+2)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 2), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[2]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[3]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[4]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[5]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg+6)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), XMA((Mac), (Reg) + 6), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[6]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[7]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+ }
+@@ -1866,7 +2641,7 @@
+ *
+ * GM_IN16(), to read a 16 bit register (e.g. GM_GP_STAT)
+ * GM_OUT16(), to write a 16 bit register (e.g. GM_GP_CTRL)
+- * GM_IN32(), to read a 32 bit register (e.g. GM_)
++ * GM_IN32(), to read a 32 bit register (e.g. GM_RXF_UC_OK)
+ * GM_OUT32(), to write a 32 bit register (e.g. GM_)
+ * GM_INADDR(), to read a network address register (e.g. GM_SRC_ADDR_1L)
+ * GM_OUTADDR(), to write a network address register (e.g. GM_SRC_ADDR_2L)
+@@ -1885,22 +2660,31 @@
+ #define GMA(Mac, Reg) \
+ ((BASE_GMAC_1 + (Mac) * (BASE_GMAC_2 - BASE_GMAC_1)) | (Reg))
+-#define GM_IN16(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), (pVal))
++#define GM_IN16(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, GMA(Mac, Reg), pVal)
+-#define GM_OUT16(IoC, Mac, Reg, Val) \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), (Val))
++#define GM_OUT16(IoC, Mac, Reg, Val) \
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, GMA(Mac, Reg), Val)
+-#define GM_IN32(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) { \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), \
+- (SK_U16 SK_FAR*)&((SK_U16 SK_FAR*)(pVal))[XM_WORD_LO]); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), \
+- (SK_U16 SK_FAR*)&((SK_U16 SK_FAR*)(pVal))[XM_WORD_HI]); \
++#define GM_IN32(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) { \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, GMA(Mac, Reg), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal)); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA(Mac, (Reg) + 4), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal) + 1); \
+ }
++#else /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++#define GM_IN32(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) { \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, GMA(Mac, Reg), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal) + 1); \
++ SK_IN16(IoC, GMA(Mac, (Reg) + 4), (SK_U16 SK_FAR *)(pVal)); \
++#endif /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
+ #define GM_OUT32(IoC, Mac, Reg, Val) { \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), (SK_U16)((Val) & 0xffffL)); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), (SK_U16)(((Val) >> 16) & 0xffffL));\
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, GMA(Mac, Reg), (SK_U16)((Val) & 0xffffL)); \
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, GMA(Mac, (Reg) + 4), (SK_U16)(((Val) >> 16) & 0xffffL)); \
+ }
+ #define GM_INADDR(IoC, Mac, Reg, pVal) { \
+@@ -1908,13 +2692,13 @@
+ SK_U8 *pByte; \
+ pByte = (SK_U8 *)&((SK_U8 *)(pVal))[0]; \
+ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), &Word); \
+- pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[1] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), &Word); \
+- pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), &Word); \
++ pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[3] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+8)), &Word); \
+- pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 8), &Word); \
++ pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[5] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+ }
+@@ -1924,10 +2708,10 @@
+ SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[0]) & 0x00ff) | \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[1]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[2]) & 0x00ff) | \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[3]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+8)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 8), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[4]) & 0x00ff) | \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[5]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+ }
+@@ -1937,16 +2721,16 @@
+ SK_U8 *pByte; \
+ pByte = (SK_U8 *)&((SK_U8 *)(pVal))[0]; \
+ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), &Word); \
+- pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ pByte[0] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[1] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), &Word); \
+- pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), &Word); \
++ pByte[2] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[3] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+8)), &Word); \
+- pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 8), &Word); \
++ pByte[4] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[5] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+- SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+12)), &Word); \
+- pByte[6] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
++ SK_IN16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 12), &Word); \
++ pByte[6] = (SK_U8)(Word & 0x00ff); \
+ pByte[7] = (SK_U8)((Word >> 8) & 0x00ff); \
+ }
+@@ -1956,13 +2740,13 @@
+ SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg)), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[0]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[1]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+4)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 4), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[2]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[3]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+8)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 8), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[4]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[5]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+- SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg+12)), (SK_U16) \
++ SK_OUT16((IoC), GMA((Mac), (Reg) + 12), (SK_U16) \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[6]) & 0x00ff)| \
+ (((SK_U16)(pByte[7]) << 8) & 0xff00))); \
+ }
+@@ -2010,30 +2794,30 @@
+ *
+ * usage: PHY_READ(IoC, pPort, MAC_1, PHY_CTRL, Value);
+ * Warning: a PHY_READ on an uninitialized PHY (PHY still in reset) never
+- * comes back. This is checked in DEBUG mode.
++ * comes back. This is checked in DEBUG mode.
+ */
+ #ifndef DEBUG
+ #define PHY_READ(IoC, pPort, Mac, PhyReg, pVal) { \
+- SK_U16 Mmu; \
++ SK_U16 Mmu; \
+ \
+ XM_OUT16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_ADDR, (PhyReg) | (pPort)->PhyAddr); \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_DATA, (pVal)); \
+ if ((pPort)->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) { \
+- do { \
++ do { \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_MMU_CMD, &Mmu); \
+ } while ((Mmu & XM_MMU_PHY_RDY) == 0); \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_DATA, (pVal)); \
+- } \
++ } \
+ }
+ #else
+ #define PHY_READ(IoC, pPort, Mac, PhyReg, pVal) { \
+- SK_U16 Mmu; \
++ SK_U16 Mmu; \
+ int __i = 0; \
+ \
+ XM_OUT16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_ADDR, (PhyReg) | (pPort)->PhyAddr); \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_DATA, (pVal)); \
+ if ((pPort)->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) { \
+- do { \
++ do { \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_MMU_CMD, &Mmu); \
+ __i++; \
+ if (__i > 100000) { \
+@@ -2044,7 +2828,7 @@
+ } \
+ } while ((Mmu & XM_MMU_PHY_RDY) == 0); \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_DATA, (pVal)); \
+- } \
++ } \
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -2052,17 +2836,17 @@
+ SK_U16 Mmu; \
+ \
+ if ((pPort)->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) { \
+- do { \
++ do { \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_MMU_CMD, &Mmu); \
+ } while ((Mmu & XM_MMU_PHY_BUSY) != 0); \
+- } \
++ } \
+ XM_OUT16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_ADDR, (PhyReg) | (pPort)->PhyAddr); \
+ XM_OUT16((IoC), (Mac), XM_PHY_DATA, (Val)); \
+ if ((pPort)->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) { \
+- do { \
++ do { \
+ XM_IN16((IoC), (Mac), XM_MMU_CMD, &Mmu); \
+ } while ((Mmu & XM_MMU_PHY_BUSY) != 0); \
+- } \
++ } \
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -2071,12 +2855,14 @@
+ * Use this macro to access PCI config register from the I/O space.
+ *
+ * para:
++ * pAC Pointer to adapter context
+ * Addr PCI configuration register to access.
+ *
+- * usage SK_IN16(pAC, PCI_C(PCI_VENDOR_ID), pVal);
++ * usage SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_VENDOR_ID), pVal);
+ */
+-#define PCI_C(Addr) (B7_CFG_SPC + (Addr)) /* PCI Config Space */
++#define PCI_C(p, Addr) \
++ (((CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(p)) ? Y2_CFG_SPC : B7_CFG_SPC) + (Addr))
+ /*
+ * Macro SK_HW_ADDR(Base, Addr)
+@@ -2088,7 +2874,7 @@
+ * Addr Address offset
+ *
+ * usage: May be used in SK_INxx and SK_OUTxx macros
+- * #define SK_IN8(pAC, Addr, pVal) ...\
++ * #define SK_IN8(IoC, Addr, pVal) ...\
+ * *pVal = (SK_U8)inp(SK_HW_ADDR(pAC->Hw.Iop, Addr)))
+ */
+@@ -2107,20 +2893,31 @@
+ * para:
+ * pAC Pointer to adapter context struct
+ * IoC I/O context needed for SK I/O macros
+- * Port Port number
++ * Port Port number
+ * Mode Mode to set for this LED
+ */
+ #define SK_HWAC_LINK_LED(pAC, IoC, Port, Mode) \
+ SK_OUT8(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, LNK_LED_REG), Mode);
++#define SK_SET_GP_IO(IoC, Bit) { \
++ SK_U32 DWord; \
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &DWord); \
++ DWord |= ((GP_DIR_0 | GP_IO_0) << (Bit));\
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord); \
+-/* typedefs *******************************************************************/
++#define SK_CLR_GP_IO(IoC, Bit) { \
++ SK_U32 DWord; \
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &DWord); \
++ DWord &= ~((GP_DIR_0 | GP_IO_0) << (Bit));\
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord); \
+-/* function prototypes ********************************************************/
++#define SK_GE_PCI_FIFO_SIZE 1600 /* PCI FIFO Size */
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif /* __cplusplus */
+ #endif /* __INC_SKGEHW_H */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehwt.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehwt.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehwt.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgehwt.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skhwt.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Event Scheduler Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 12:55:08 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/10/27 14:16:09 $
+ * Purpose: Defines for the hardware timer functions
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgei2c.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgei2c.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgei2c.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgei2c.h 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
+- *
+- * Name: skgei2c.h
+- * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, TWSI-Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.25 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/20 09:06:05 $
+- * Purpose: Special defines for TWSI
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+- *
+- * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
+- *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+- * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+- * SKGEI2C.H contains all SK-98xx specific defines for the TWSI handling
+- */
+-#ifndef _INC_SKGEI2C_H_
+-#define _INC_SKGEI2C_H_
+- * Macros to access the B2_I2C_CTRL
+- */
+-#define SK_I2C_CTL(IoC, flag, dev, dev_size, reg, burst) \
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL,\
+- (flag ? 0x80000000UL : 0x0L) | \
+- (((SK_U32)reg << 16) & I2C_ADDR) | \
+- (((SK_U32)dev << 9) & I2C_DEV_SEL) | \
+- (dev_size & I2C_DEV_SIZE) | \
+- ((burst << 4) & I2C_BURST_LEN))
+-#define SK_I2C_STOP(IoC) { \
+- SK_U32 I2cCtrl; \
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL, &I2cCtrl); \
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL, I2cCtrl | I2C_STOP); \
+-#define SK_I2C_GET_CTL(IoC, pI2cCtrl) SK_IN32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL, pI2cCtrl)
+- * Macros to access the TWSI SW Registers
+- */
+-#define SK_I2C_SET_BIT(IoC, SetBits) { \
+- SK_U8 OrgBits; \
+- SK_IN8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, &OrgBits); \
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, OrgBits | (SK_U8)(SetBits)); \
+-#define SK_I2C_CLR_BIT(IoC, ClrBits) { \
+- SK_U8 OrgBits; \
+- SK_IN8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, &OrgBits); \
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, OrgBits & ~((SK_U8)(ClrBits))); \
+-#define SK_I2C_GET_SW(IoC, pI2cSw) SK_IN8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, pI2cSw)
+- * define the possible sensor states
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_IDLE 0 /* Idle: sensor not read */
+-#define SK_SEN_VALUE 1 /* Value Read cycle */
+-#define SK_SEN_VALEXT 2 /* Extended Value Read cycle */
+- * Conversion factor to convert read Voltage sensor to milli Volt
+- * Conversion factor to convert read Temperature sensor to 10th degree Celsius
+- */
+-#define SK_LM80_VT_LSB 22 /* 22mV LSB resolution */
+-#define SK_LM80_TEMP_LSB 10 /* 1 degree LSB resolution */
+-#define SK_LM80_TEMPEXT_LSB 5 /* 0.5 degree LSB resolution for ext. val. */
+- * formula: counter = (22500*60)/(rpm * divisor * pulses/2)
+- * assuming: 6500rpm, 4 pulses, divisor 1
+- */
+-#define SK_LM80_FAN_FAKTOR ((22500L*60)/(1*2))
+- * Define sensor management data
+- * Maximum is reached on Genesis copper dual port and Yukon-64
+- * Board specific maximum is in pAC->I2c.MaxSens
+- */
+-#define SK_MAX_SENSORS 8 /* maximal no. of installed sensors */
+-#define SK_MIN_SENSORS 5 /* minimal no. of installed sensors */
+- * To watch the state machine (SM) use the timer in two ways
+- * instead of one as hitherto
+- */
+-#define SK_TIMER_WATCH_SM 0 /* Watch the SM to finish in a spec. time */
+-#define SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING 1 /* Start a new gauging when timer expires */
+- * Defines for the individual thresholds
+- */
+-/* Temperature sensor */
+-#define SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_ERR 800 /* Temperature High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_WARN 700 /* Temperature High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_WARN 100 /* Temperature Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_ERR 0 /* Temperature Low Err Threshold */
+-/* VCC which should be 5 V */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_ERR 5588 /* Voltage PCI High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_WARN 5346 /* Voltage PCI High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_WARN 4664 /* Voltage PCI Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_ERR 4422 /* Voltage PCI Low Err Threshold */
+- * VIO may be 5 V or 3.3 V. Initialization takes two parts:
+- * 1. Initialize lowest lower limit and highest higher limit.
+- * 2. After the first value is read correct the upper or the lower limit to
+- * the appropriate C constant.
+- *
+- * Warning limits are +-5% of the exepected voltage.
+- * Error limits are +-10% of the expected voltage.
+- */
+-/* Bug fix AF: 16.Aug.2001: Correct the init base of LM80 sensor */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_ERR 5566 /* + 10% V PCI-IO High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_WARN 5324 /* + 5% V PCI-IO High Warn Threshold */
+- /* 5000 mVolt */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_WARN 4686 /* - 5% V PCI-IO Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_ERR 4444 /* - 10% V PCI-IO Low Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_RANGE_LIMITER 4000 /* 4000 mV range delimiter */
+-/* correction values for the second pass */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_ERR 3850 /* + 15% V PCI-IO High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_WARN 3674 /* + 10% V PCI-IO High Warn Threshold */
+- /* 3300 mVolt */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_WARN 2926 /* - 10% V PCI-IO Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_ERR 2772 /* - 15% V PCI-IO Low Err Threshold */
+- * VDD voltage
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_ERR 3630 /* Voltage ASIC High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_WARN 3476 /* Voltage ASIC High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_WARN 3146 /* Voltage ASIC Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_ERR 2970 /* Voltage ASIC Low Err Threshold */
+- * PHY PLL 3V3 voltage
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR 3630 /* Voltage PMA High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN 3476 /* Voltage PMA High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN 3146 /* Voltage PMA Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR 2970 /* Voltage PMA Low Err Threshold */
+- * VAUX (YUKON only)
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_HIGH_ERR 3630 /* Voltage VAUX High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_HIGH_WARN 3476 /* Voltage VAUX High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_WARN 3146 /* Voltage VAUX Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_ERR 2970 /* Voltage VAUX Low Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_VAUX_0V_WARN_ERR 0 /* if VAUX not present */
+-#define SK_SEN_VAUX_RANGE_LIMITER 1000 /* 1000 mV range delimiter */
+- * PHY 2V5 voltage
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_ERR 2750 /* Voltage PHY High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_WARN 2640 /* Voltage PHY High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_WARN 2376 /* Voltage PHY Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_ERR 2222 /* Voltage PHY Low Err Threshold */
+- * ASIC Core 1V5 voltage (YUKON only)
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_ERR 1650 /* Voltage ASIC Core High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_WARN 1575 /* Voltage ASIC Core High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_WARN 1425 /* Voltage ASIC Core Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_ERR 1350 /* Voltage ASIC Core Low Err Threshold */
+- * FAN 1 speed
+- */
+-/* assuming: 6500rpm +-15%, 4 pulses,
+- * warning at: 80 %
+- * error at: 70 %
+- * no upper limit
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_ERR 20000 /* FAN Speed High Err Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_WARN 20000 /* FAN Speed High Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_WARN 5200 /* FAN Speed Low Warn Threshold */
+-#define SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_ERR 4550 /* FAN Speed Low Err Threshold */
+- * Some Voltages need dynamic thresholds
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE 0 /* No dynamic init of thresholds */
+-#define SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_PCI_IO 10 /* Init PCI-IO with new thresholds */
+-#define SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_VAUX 11 /* Init VAUX with new thresholds */
+-extern int SkLm80ReadSensor(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_SENSOR *pSen);
+-#endif /* n_INC_SKGEI2C_H */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgeinit.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgeinit.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgeinit.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgeinit.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgeinit.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.83 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 14:07:37 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.40 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/19 15:24:21 $
+ * Purpose: Structures and prototypes for the GE Init Module
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -60,14 +59,17 @@
+ #define SK_XMIT_DUR 0x002faf08UL /* 50 ms */
+ #define SK_BLK_DUR 0x01dcd650UL /* 500 ms */
+-#define SK_DPOLL_DEF 0x00ee6b28UL /* 250 ms at 62.5 MHz */
++#define SK_DPOLL_DEF 0x00ee6b28UL /* 250 ms at 62.5 MHz (Genesis) */
++#define SK_DPOLL_DEF_Y2 0x0000124fUL /* 75 us (Yukon-2) */
+ #define SK_DPOLL_MAX 0x00ffffffUL /* 268 ms at 62.5 MHz */
+- /* 215 ms at 78.12 MHz */
++ /* 215 ms at 78.12 MHz (Yukon) */
+ #define SK_FACT_62 100 /* is given in percent */
+-#define SK_FACT_53 85 /* on GENESIS: 53.12 MHz */
++#define SK_FACT_53 85 /* on GENESIS: 53.12 MHz */
+ #define SK_FACT_78 125 /* on YUKON: 78.12 MHz */
++#define SK_FACT_100 161 /* on YUKON-FE: 100 MHz */
++#define SK_FACT_125 202 /* on YUKON-EC: 125 MHz */
+ /* Timeout values */
+ #define SK_MAC_TO_53 72 /* MAC arbiter timeout */
+@@ -83,10 +85,16 @@
+ #define SK_RB_LLPP_B (16 * 1024) /* Lower Level for big Queues */
+ #ifndef SK_BMU_RX_WM
+-#define SK_BMU_RX_WM 0x600 /* BMU Rx Watermark */
++#define SK_BMU_RX_WM 0x600 /* BMU Rx Watermark */
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SK_BMU_TX_WM
+-#define SK_BMU_TX_WM 0x600 /* BMU Tx Watermark */
++#define SK_BMU_TX_WM 0x600 /* BMU Tx Watermark */
++/* performance sensitive drivers should set this define to 0x80 */
++#ifndef SK_BMU_RX_WM_PEX
++#define SK_BMU_RX_WM_PEX 0x600 /* BMU Rx Watermark for PEX */
+ #endif
+ /* XMAC II Rx High Watermark */
+@@ -98,37 +106,31 @@
+ #define SK_XM_THR_MULL 0x01fb /* .. for multiple link usage */
+ #define SK_XM_THR_JUMBO 0x03fc /* .. for jumbo frame usage */
+-/* values for GIPortUsage */
++/* values for PortUsage */
+ #define SK_RED_LINK 1 /* redundant link usage */
+ #define SK_MUL_LINK 2 /* multiple link usage */
+ #define SK_JUMBO_LINK 3 /* driver uses jumbo frames */
+ /* Minimum RAM Buffer Rx Queue Size */
+-#define SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE 16 /* 16 kB */
++#define SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE (((pAC)->GIni.GIYukon2) ? 10 : 16) /* 10/16 kB */
+ /* Minimum RAM Buffer Tx Queue Size */
+-#define SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE 16 /* 16 kB */
++#define SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE (((pAC)->GIni.GIYukon2) ? 10 : 16) /* 10/16 kB */
+-/* Queue Size units */
+-#define QZ_UNITS 0x7
++/* Queue Size units (Genesis/Yukon) */
++#define QZ_UNITS 7
+ #define QZ_STEP 8
++/* Queue Size units (Yukon-2) */
++#define QZ_STEP_Y2 1
+ /* Percentage of queue size from whole memory */
+ /* 80 % for receive */
+-#define RAM_QUOTA_RX 80L
+-/* 0% for sync transfer */
+-#define RAM_QUOTA_SYNC 0L
++#define RAM_QUOTA_RX 80
++/* 0 % for sync transfer */
++#define RAM_QUOTA_SYNC 0
+ /* the rest (20%) is taken for async transfer */
+-/* Get the rounded queue size in Bytes in 8k steps */
+-#define ROUND_QUEUE_SIZE(SizeInBytes) \
+- ((((unsigned long) (SizeInBytes) + (QZ_STEP*1024L)-1) / 1024) & \
+- ~(QZ_STEP-1))
+-/* Get the rounded queue size in KBytes in 8k steps */
+-#define ROUND_QUEUE_SIZE_KB(Kilobytes) \
+- ROUND_QUEUE_SIZE((Kilobytes) * 1024L)
+ /* Types of RAM Buffer Queues */
+ #define SK_RX_SRAM_Q 1 /* small receive queue */
+ #define SK_RX_BRAM_Q 2 /* big receive queue */
+@@ -167,11 +169,11 @@
+ /* Link Speed Capabilities */
+-#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_AUTO (1<<0) /* Automatic resolution */
+-#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_10MBPS (1<<1) /* 10 Mbps */
+-#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_100MBPS (1<<2) /* 100 Mbps */
+-#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS (1<<3) /* 1000 Mbps */
+-#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_INDETERMINATED (1<<4) /* indeterminated */
++#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_AUTO BIT_0S /* Automatic resolution */
++#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_10MBPS BIT_1S /* 10 Mbps */
++#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_100MBPS BIT_2S /* 100 Mbps */
++#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS BIT_3S /* 1000 Mbps */
++#define SK_LSPEED_CAP_INDETERMINATED BIT_4S /* indeterminated */
+ /* Link Speed Parameter */
+ #define SK_LSPEED_AUTO 1 /* Automatic resolution */
+@@ -189,11 +191,11 @@
+ /* Link Capability Parameter */
+-#define SK_LMODE_CAP_HALF (1<<0) /* Half Duplex Mode */
+-#define SK_LMODE_CAP_FULL (1<<1) /* Full Duplex Mode */
+-#define SK_LMODE_CAP_AUTOHALF (1<<2) /* AutoHalf Duplex Mode */
+-#define SK_LMODE_CAP_AUTOFULL (1<<3) /* AutoFull Duplex Mode */
+-#define SK_LMODE_CAP_INDETERMINATED (1<<4) /* indeterminated */
++#define SK_LMODE_CAP_HALF BIT_0S /* Half Duplex Mode */
++#define SK_LMODE_CAP_FULL BIT_1S /* Full Duplex Mode */
++#define SK_LMODE_CAP_AUTOHALF BIT_2S /* AutoHalf Duplex Mode */
++#define SK_LMODE_CAP_AUTOFULL BIT_3S /* AutoFull Duplex Mode */
++#define SK_LMODE_CAP_INDETERMINATED BIT_4S /* indeterminated */
+ /* Link Mode Current State */
+ #define SK_LMODE_STAT_UNKNOWN 1 /* Unknown Duplex Mode */
+@@ -220,10 +222,10 @@
+ #define SK_FLOW_STAT_INDETERMINATED 5 /* indeterminated */
+ /* Master/Slave Mode Capabilities */
+-#define SK_MS_CAP_AUTO (1<<0) /* Automatic resolution */
+-#define SK_MS_CAP_MASTER (1<<1) /* This station is master */
+-#define SK_MS_CAP_SLAVE (1<<2) /* This station is slave */
+-#define SK_MS_CAP_INDETERMINATED (1<<3) /* indeterminated */
++#define SK_MS_CAP_AUTO BIT_0S /* Automatic resolution */
++#define SK_MS_CAP_MASTER BIT_1S /* This station is master */
++#define SK_MS_CAP_SLAVE BIT_2S /* This station is slave */
++#define SK_MS_CAP_INDETERMINATED BIT_3S /* indeterminated */
+ /* Set Master/Slave Mode Parameter (and capabilities) */
+ #define SK_MS_MODE_AUTO 1 /* Automatic resolution */
+@@ -238,25 +240,25 @@
+ #define SK_MS_STAT_FAULT 4 /* M/S resolution failed */
+ #define SK_MS_STAT_INDETERMINATED 5 /* indeterminated */
+-/* parameter 'Mode' when calling SkXmSetRxCmd() */
+-#define SK_STRIP_FCS_ON (1<<0) /* Enable FCS stripping of Rx frames */
+-#define SK_STRIP_FCS_OFF (1<<1) /* Disable FCS stripping of Rx frames */
+-#define SK_STRIP_PAD_ON (1<<2) /* Enable pad byte stripping of Rx fr */
+-#define SK_STRIP_PAD_OFF (1<<3) /* Disable pad byte stripping of Rx fr */
+-#define SK_LENERR_OK_ON (1<<4) /* Don't chk fr for in range len error */
+-#define SK_LENERR_OK_OFF (1<<5) /* Check frames for in range len error */
+-#define SK_BIG_PK_OK_ON (1<<6) /* Don't set Rx Error bit for big frames */
+-#define SK_BIG_PK_OK_OFF (1<<7) /* Set Rx Error bit for big frames */
+-#define SK_SELF_RX_ON (1<<8) /* Enable Rx of own packets */
+-#define SK_SELF_RX_OFF (1<<9) /* Disable Rx of own packets */
++/* parameter 'Mode' when calling SkMacSetRxCmd() */
++#define SK_STRIP_FCS_ON BIT_0S /* Enable FCS stripping of Rx frames */
++#define SK_STRIP_FCS_OFF BIT_1S /* Disable FCS stripping of Rx frames */
++#define SK_STRIP_PAD_ON BIT_2S /* Enable pad byte stripping of Rx fr */
++#define SK_STRIP_PAD_OFF BIT_3S /* Disable pad byte stripping of Rx fr */
++#define SK_LENERR_OK_ON BIT_4S /* Don't chk fr for in range len error */
++#define SK_LENERR_OK_OFF BIT_5S /* Check frames for in range len error */
++#define SK_BIG_PK_OK_ON BIT_6S /* Don't set Rx Error bit for big frames */
++#define SK_BIG_PK_OK_OFF BIT_7S /* Set Rx Error bit for big frames */
++#define SK_SELF_RX_ON BIT_8S /* Enable Rx of own packets */
++#define SK_SELF_RX_OFF BIT_9S /* Disable Rx of own packets */
+ /* parameter 'Para' when calling SkMacSetRxTxEn() */
+-#define SK_MAC_LOOPB_ON (1<<0) /* Enable MAC Loopback Mode */
+-#define SK_MAC_LOOPB_OFF (1<<1) /* Disable MAC Loopback Mode */
+-#define SK_PHY_LOOPB_ON (1<<2) /* Enable PHY Loopback Mode */
+-#define SK_PHY_LOOPB_OFF (1<<3) /* Disable PHY Loopback Mode */
+-#define SK_PHY_FULLD_ON (1<<4) /* Enable GMII Full Duplex */
+-#define SK_PHY_FULLD_OFF (1<<5) /* Disable GMII Full Duplex */
++#define SK_MAC_LOOPB_ON BIT_0S /* Enable MAC Loopback Mode */
++#define SK_MAC_LOOPB_OFF BIT_1S /* Disable MAC Loopback Mode */
++#define SK_PHY_LOOPB_ON BIT_2S /* Enable PHY Loopback Mode */
++#define SK_PHY_LOOPB_OFF BIT_3S /* Disable PHY Loopback Mode */
++#define SK_PHY_FULLD_ON BIT_4S /* Enable GMII Full Duplex */
++#define SK_PHY_FULLD_OFF BIT_5S /* Disable GMII Full Duplex */
+ /* States of PState */
+ #define SK_PRT_RESET 0 /* the port is reset */
+@@ -266,18 +268,24 @@
+ /* PHY power down modes */
+ #define PHY_PM_OPERATIONAL_MODE 0 /* PHY operational mode */
+-#define PHY_PM_DEEP_SLEEP 1 /* coma mode --> minimal power */
++#define PHY_PM_DEEP_SLEEP 1 /* Coma mode --> minimal power */
+ #define PHY_PM_IEEE_POWER_DOWN 2 /* IEEE compl. power down */
+-#define PHY_PM_ENERGY_DETECT 3 /* energy detect */
+-#define PHY_PM_ENERGY_DETECT_PLUS 4 /* energy detect plus */
++#define PHY_PM_ENERGY_DETECT 3 /* Energy detect */
++#define PHY_PM_ENERGY_DETECT_PLUS 4 /* Energy detect plus */
++/* PCI Bus Types */
++#define SK_PCI_BUS BIT_0S /* normal PCI bus */
++#define SK_PCIX_BUS BIT_1S /* PCI-X bus */
++#define SK_PEX_BUS BIT_2S /* PCI-Express bus */
+ /* Default receive frame limit for Workaround of XMAC Errata */
+ #define SK_DEF_RX_WA_LIM SK_CONSTU64(100)
+ /* values for GILedBlinkCtrl (LED Blink Control) */
+-#define SK_ACT_LED_BLINK (1<<0) /* Active LED blinking */
+-#define SK_DUP_LED_NORMAL (1<<1) /* Duplex LED normal */
+-#define SK_LED_LINK100_ON (1<<2) /* Link 100M LED on */
++#define SK_ACT_LED_BLINK BIT_0S /* Active LED blinking */
++#define SK_DUP_LED_NORMAL BIT_1S /* Duplex LED normal */
++#define SK_LED_LINK100_ON BIT_2S /* Link 100M LED on */
++#define SK_DUAL_LED_ACT_LNK BIT_3S /* Dual LED ACT/LNK configuration */
+ /* Link Partner Status */
+ #define SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN 0 /* Link partner is in unknown state */
+@@ -290,18 +298,166 @@
+ /* Max. Auto-neg. timeouts before link detection in sense mode is reset */
+ #define SK_MAX_ANEG_TO 10 /* Max. 10 times the sense mode is reset */
++ *
++ * HW_FEATURE() macro
++ */
++/* DWORD 0: Features */
++#define HWF_CLK_GATING_ENABLE 0x02000000UL /* Enable Clock Gating */
++#define HWF_RED_CORE_CLK_SUP 0x01000000UL /* Reduced Core Clock supp. */
++#define HWF_SYNC_TX_SUP 0x00800000UL /* Synch. Tx Queue available */
++#define HWF_SINGLE_PORT_DEVICE 0x00400000UL /* Device has only one LAN IF */
++#define HWF_JUMBO_FRAMES_SUP 0x00200000UL /* Jumbo Frames supported */
++#define HWF_TX_TCP_CSUM_SUP 0x00100000UL /* TCP Tx checksum supported */
++#define HWF_TX_UDP_CSUM_SUP 0x00080000UL /* UDP Tx checksum supported */
++#define HWF_RX_CSUM_SUP 0x00040000UL /* RX checksum supported */
++#define HWF_TCP_SEGM_SUP 0x00020000UL /* TCP segmentation supported */
++#define HWF_RSS_HASH_SUP 0x00010000UL /* RSS Hash supported */
++#define HWF_PORT_VLAN_SUP 0x00008000UL /* VLAN can be config per port*/
++#define HWF_ROLE_PARAM_SUP 0x00004000UL /* Role parameter supported */
++#define HWF_LOW_PMODE_SUP 0x00002000UL /* Low Power Mode supported */
++#define HWF_ENERGIE_DEMO_SUP 0x00001000UL /* Energy Detect mode supp. */
++#define HWF_SPEED1000_SUP 0x00000800UL /* Line Speed 1000 supported */
++#define HWF_SPEED100_SUP 0x00000400UL /* Line Speed 100 supported */
++#define HWF_SPEED10_SUP 0x00000200UL /* Line Speed 10 supported */
++#define HWF_AUTONEGSENSE_SUP 0x00000100UL /* Autoneg Sense supported */
++#define HWF_PHY_LOOPB_MD_SUP 0x00000080UL /* PHY loopback mode supp. */
++#define HWF_ASF_SUP 0x00000040UL /* ASF support possible */
++#define HWF_QS_STEPS_1KB 0x00000020UL /* The Rx/Tx queues can be */
++ /* configured with 1 kB res. */
++#define HWF_OWN_RAM_PER_PORT 0x00000010UL /* Each port has a separate */
++ /* RAM buffer */
++#define HWF_MIN_LED_IF 0x00000008UL /* Minimal LED interface */
++ /* (e.g. for Yukon-EC) */
++#define HWF_LIST_ELEMENTS_USED 0x00000004UL /* HW uses list elements */
++ /* (otherwise desc. are used) */
++#define HWF_GMAC_INSIDE 0x00000002UL /* Device contains GMAC */
++#define HWF_TWSI_PRESENT 0x00000001UL /* TWSI sensor bus present */
++/*-RMV- DWORD 1: Deviations */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_4115 0x10010000UL /*-RMV- 4.115 (Rx MAC FIFO) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_4109 0x10008000UL /*-RMV- 4.109 (BIU hang) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_483 0x10004000UL /*-RMV- 4.83 (Rx TCP wrong) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_479 0x10002000UL /*-RMV- 4.79 (Rx BMU hang II) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_472 0x10001000UL /*-RMV- 4.72 (GPHY2 MDC clk) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_463 0x10000800UL /*-RMV- 4.63 (Rx BMU hang I) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_427 0x10000400UL /*-RMV- 4.27 (Tx Done Rep) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_42 0x10000200UL /*-RMV- 4.2 (pref unit burst) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_46 0x10000100UL /*-RMV- 4.6 (CPU crash II) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_43_418 0x10000080UL /*-RMV- 4.3 & 4.18 (PCI unexp */
++ /*-RMV- compl&Stat BMU deadl) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_420 0x10000040UL /*-RMV- 4.20 (Status BMU ov) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_423 0x10000020UL /*-RMV- 4.23 (TCP Segm Hang) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_424 0x10000010UL /*-RMV- 4.24 (MAC reg overwr) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_425 0x10000008UL /*-RMV- 4.25 (Magic packet */
++ /*-RMV- with odd offset) */
++#define HWF_WA_DEV_428 0x10000004UL /*-RMV- 4.28 (Poll-U &BigEndi)*/
++#define HWF_WA_FIFO_FLUSH_YLA0 0x10000002UL /*-RMV- dis Rx GMAC FIFO Flush*/
++ /*-RMV- for Yu-L Rev. A0 only */
++#define HWF_WA_COMA_MODE 0x10000001UL /*-RMV- Coma Mode WA req */
++/* DWORD 2: still unused */
++/* DWORD 3: still unused */
++ * HW_FEATURE() - returns whether the feature is serviced or not
++ */
++#define HW_FEATURE(pAC, ReqFeature) \
++ (((pAC)->GIni.HwF.Features[((ReqFeature) & 0x30000000UL) >> 28] &\
++ ((ReqFeature) & 0x0fffffffUL)) != 0)
++#define HW_FEAT_LIST 0
++#define HW_DEV_LIST 1
++#define SET_HW_FEATURE_MASK(pAC, List, OffMaskValue, OnMaskValue) { \
++ if ((List) == HW_FEAT_LIST || (List) == HW_DEV_LIST) { \
++ (pAC)->GIni.HwF.OffMask[List] = (OffMaskValue); \
++ (pAC)->GIni.HwF.OnMask[List] = (OnMaskValue); \
++ } \
++/* driver access macros for GIni structure ***********************************/
++#define CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC) ((pAC)->GIni.GIYukon2)
++ ((pAC)->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC && \
++ (pAC)->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE)
++#define HW_MS_TO_TICKS(pAC, MsTime) \
++ ((MsTime) * (62500L/100) * (pAC)->GIni.GIHstClkFact)
++#ifdef XXX
++/* still under construction */
++#define HW_IS_SINGLE_PORT(pAC) ((pAC)->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1)
++#define HW_NUMBER_OF_PORTS(pAC) ((pAC)->GIni.GIMacsFound)
++ ((((pAC)->GIni.GIChipId >= CHIP_ID_YUKON) && ((pAC)->GIni.GIChipRev != 0))
++ ((!(pAC)->GIni.GIGenesis && (pAC)->GIni.GICopperType) ? \
++#define HW_ROLE_PARAM_SUPPORTED(pAC) ((pAC)->GIni.GICopperType)
++#define HW_SPEED1000_SUPPORTED(pAC, Port) \
++ ((pAC)->GIni.GP[Port].PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS)
++#define HW_SPEED100_SUPPORTED(pAC, Port) \
++ ((pAC)->GIni.GP[Port].PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_100MBPS)
++#define HW_SPEED10_SUPPORTED(pAC, Port) \
++ ((pAC)->GIni.GP[Port].PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_10MBPS)
++#define HW_FREQ_TO_CARD_TICKS(pAC, AdapterClkSpeed, Freq) \
++ (((AdapterClkSpeed / 100) * (pAC)->GIni.GIHstClkFact) / Freq)
++#define HW_IS_LINK_UP(pAC, Port) ((pAC)->GIni.GP[Port].PHWLinkUp)
++#define HW_LINK_SPEED_USED(pAC, Port) ((pAC)->GIni.GP[Port].PLinkSpeedUsed)
++#define HW_RAM_SIZE(pAC) ((pAC)->GIni.GIRamSize)
++#define HW_PHY_LP_MODE_SUPPORTED(pAC) (pAC0->???
++#define HW_ASF_ACTIVE(pAC) ???
++#define RAWIO_OUT32(pAC, pAC->RegIrqMask, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask)...
++/* macro to check whether Tx checksum is supported */
++/* macro for - Own Bit mirrored to DWORD7 (Yukon LP receive descriptor) */
++#endif /* 0 */
+ /* structures *****************************************************************/
+ /*
++ * HW Feature structure
++ */
++typedef struct s_HwFeatures {
++ SK_U32 Features[4]; /* Feature list */
++ SK_U32 OffMask[4]; /* Off Mask */
++ SK_U32 OnMask[4]; /* On Mask */
+ * MAC specific functions
+ */
+ typedef struct s_GeMacFunc {
+- int (*pFnMacUpdateStats)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, unsigned int Port);
+- int (*pFnMacStatistic)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, unsigned int Port,
+- SK_U16 StatAddr, SK_U32 SK_FAR *pVal);
+- int (*pFnMacResetCounter)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, unsigned int Port);
+- int (*pFnMacOverflow)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, unsigned int Port,
+- SK_U16 IStatus, SK_U64 SK_FAR *pVal);
++ int (*pFnMacUpdateStats)(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, unsigned int);
++ int (*pFnMacStatistic)(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, unsigned int, SK_U16, SK_U32 SK_FAR *);
++ int (*pFnMacResetCounter)(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, unsigned int);
++ int (*pFnMacOverflow)(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, unsigned int, SK_U16, SK_U64 SK_FAR *);
++ void (*pSkGeSirqIsr)(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, SK_U32);
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
++ int (*pFnMacPhyRead)(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, int, int, SK_U16 SK_FAR *);
++ int (*pFnMacPhyWrite)(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, int, int, SK_U16);
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+ /*
+@@ -311,7 +467,7 @@
+ #ifndef SK_DIAG
+ SK_TIMER PWaTimer; /* Workaround Timer */
+ SK_TIMER HalfDupChkTimer;
+-#endif /* SK_DIAG */
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+ SK_U32 PPrevShorts; /* Previous Short Counter checking */
+ SK_U32 PPrevFcs; /* Previous FCS Error Counter checking */
+ SK_U64 PPrevRx; /* Previous RxOk Counter checking */
+@@ -335,6 +491,7 @@
+ int PXaQOff; /* Asynchronous Tx Queue Address Offset */
+ int PhyType; /* PHY used on this port */
+ int PState; /* Port status (reset, stop, init, run) */
++ int PPortUsage; /* Driver Port Usage */
+ SK_U16 PhyId1; /* PHY Id1 on this port */
+ SK_U16 PhyAddr; /* MDIO/MDC PHY address */
+ SK_U16 PIsave; /* Saved Interrupt status word */
+@@ -367,7 +524,10 @@
+ int PMacJamLen; /* MAC Jam length */
+ int PMacJamIpgVal; /* MAC Jam IPG */
+ int PMacJamIpgData; /* MAC IPG Jam to Data */
++ int PMacBackOffLim; /* MAC Back-off Limit */
++ int PMacDataBlind; /* MAC Data Blinder */
+ int PMacIpgData; /* MAC Data IPG */
++ SK_U16 PMacAddr[3]; /* MAC address */
+ SK_BOOL PMacLimit4; /* reset collision counter and backoff algorithm */
+@@ -379,27 +539,37 @@
+ int GIChipId; /* Chip Identification Number */
+ int GIChipRev; /* Chip Revision Number */
+ SK_U8 GIPciHwRev; /* PCI HW Revision Number */
++ SK_U8 GIPciBus; /* PCI Bus Type (PCI / PCI-X / PCI-Express) */
++ SK_U8 GIPciMode; /* PCI / PCI-X Mode @ Clock */
++ SK_U8 GIPexWidth; /* PCI-Express Negotiated Link Width */
+ SK_BOOL GIGenesis; /* Genesis adapter ? */
+- SK_BOOL GIYukon; /* YUKON-A1/Bx chip */
++ SK_BOOL GIYukon; /* YUKON family (1 and 2) */
+ SK_BOOL GIYukonLite; /* YUKON-Lite chip */
++ SK_BOOL GIYukon2; /* YUKON-2 chip (-XL, -EC or -FE) */
++ SK_U8 GIConTyp; /* Connector Type */
++ SK_U8 GIPmdTyp; /* PMD Type */
+ SK_BOOL GICopperType; /* Copper Type adapter ? */
+ SK_BOOL GIPciSlot64; /* 64-bit PCI Slot */
+ SK_BOOL GIPciClock66; /* 66 MHz PCI Clock */
+ SK_BOOL GIVauxAvail; /* VAUX available (YUKON) */
+ SK_BOOL GIYukon32Bit; /* 32-Bit YUKON adapter */
++ SK_BOOL GIAsfEnabled; /* ASF subsystem enabled */
++ SK_BOOL GIAsfRunning; /* ASF subsystem running */
+ SK_U16 GILedBlinkCtrl; /* LED Blink Control */
+ int GIMacsFound; /* Number of MACs found on this adapter */
+ int GIMacType; /* MAC Type used on this adapter */
+- int GIHstClkFact; /* Host Clock Factor (62.5 / HstClk * 100) */
+- int GIPortUsage; /* Driver Port Usage */
++ int GIChipCap; /* Adapter's Capabilities */
++ int GIHstClkFact; /* Host Clock Factor (HstClk / 62.5 * 100) */
+ int GILevel; /* Initialization Level completed */
+ int GIRamSize; /* The RAM size of the adapter in kB */
+ int GIWolOffs; /* WOL Register Offset (HW-Bug in Rev. A) */
+ SK_U32 GIRamOffs; /* RAM Address Offset for addr calculation */
+ SK_U32 GIPollTimerVal; /* Descr. Poll Timer Init Val (HstClk ticks) */
+ SK_U32 GIValIrqMask; /* Value for Interrupt Mask */
++ SK_U32 GIValHwIrqMask; /* Value for Interrupt Mask */
+ SK_U32 GITimeStampCnt; /* Time Stamp High Counter (YUKON only) */
+ SK_GEPORT GP[SK_MAX_MACS];/* Port Dependent Information */
++ SK_HW_FEATURES HwF; /* HW Features struct */
+ SK_GEMACFUNC GIFunc; /* MAC depedent functions */
+@@ -417,7 +587,7 @@
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E005 (SKERR_HWI_E004+1)
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E005MSG "SkGeInitPort(): cannot init running ports"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E006 (SKERR_HWI_E005+1)
+-#define SKERR_HWI_E006MSG "SkGeMacInit(): PState does not match HW state"
++#define SKERR_HWI_E006MSG "SkGeInit() called with illegal Chip Id"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E007 (SKERR_HWI_E006+1)
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E007MSG "SkXmInitDupMd() called with invalid Dup Mode"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E008 (SKERR_HWI_E007+1)
+@@ -433,11 +603,11 @@
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E013 (SKERR_HWI_E012+1)
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E013MSG "SkGeInitPort(): cfg changed for running queue"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E014 (SKERR_HWI_E013+1)
+-#define SKERR_HWI_E014MSG "SkGeInitPort(): unknown GIPortUsage specified"
++#define SKERR_HWI_E014MSG "SkGeInitPort(): unknown PortUsage specified"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E015 (SKERR_HWI_E014+1)
+-#define SKERR_HWI_E015MSG "Illegal Link mode parameter"
++#define SKERR_HWI_E015MSG "Illegal Link Mode parameter"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E016 (SKERR_HWI_E015+1)
+-#define SKERR_HWI_E016MSG "Illegal Flow control mode parameter"
++#define SKERR_HWI_E016MSG "Illegal Flow Control Mode parameter"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E017 (SKERR_HWI_E016+1)
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E017MSG "Illegal value specified for GIPollTimerVal"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E018 (SKERR_HWI_E017+1)
+@@ -447,9 +617,9 @@
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E020 (SKERR_HWI_E019+1)
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E020MSG "Illegal Master/Slave parameter"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E021 (SKERR_HWI_E020+1)
+-#define SKERR_HWI_E021MSG "MacUpdateStats(): cannot update statistic counter"
+-#define SKERR_HWI_E022 (SKERR_HWI_E021+1)
+-#define SKERR_HWI_E022MSG "MacStatistic(): illegal statistic base address"
++#define SKERR_HWI_E021MSG "MacUpdateStats(): cannot update statistic counter"
++#define SKERR_HWI_E022 (SKERR_HWI_E021+1)
++#define SKERR_HWI_E022MSG "MacStatistic(): illegal statistic base address"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E023 (SKERR_HWI_E022+1)
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E023MSG "SkGeInitPort(): Transmit Queue Size too small"
+ #define SKERR_HWI_E024 (SKERR_HWI_E023+1)
+@@ -464,6 +634,24 @@
+ /*
+ * public functions in skgeinit.c
+ */
++extern void SkGePortVlan(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ int Port,
++ SK_BOOL Enable);
++extern void SkGeRxRss(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ int Port,
++ SK_BOOL Enable);
++extern void SkGeRxCsum(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ int Port,
++ SK_BOOL Enable);
+ extern void SkGePollRxD(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+@@ -528,9 +716,14 @@
+ extern int SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+- int ActivePort,
++ int Port,
+ SK_BOOL DualNet);
++extern int SkYuk2RestartRxBmu(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ int Port);
+ /*
+ * public functions in skxmac2.c
+ */
+@@ -601,13 +794,13 @@
+ int Port,
+ SK_U16 IStatus);
+-extern void SkMacSetRxTxEn(
++extern void SkMacSetRxTxEn(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int Port,
+ int Para);
+-extern int SkMacRxTxEnable(
++extern int SkMacRxTxEnable(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int Port);
+@@ -624,28 +817,28 @@
+ int Port,
+ SK_BOOL Enable);
+-extern void SkXmPhyRead(
++extern int SkXmPhyRead(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int Port,
+ int Addr,
+ SK_U16 SK_FAR *pVal);
+-extern void SkXmPhyWrite(
++extern int SkXmPhyWrite(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int Port,
+ int Addr,
+ SK_U16 Val);
+-extern void SkGmPhyRead(
++extern int SkGmPhyRead(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int Port,
+ int Addr,
+ SK_U16 SK_FAR *pVal);
+-extern void SkGmPhyWrite(
++extern int SkGmPhyWrite(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int Port,
+@@ -713,7 +906,7 @@
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ unsigned int Port,
+- SK_U16 IStatus,
++ SK_U16 IStatus,
+ SK_U64 SK_FAR *pStatus);
+ extern int SkGmOverflowStatus(
+@@ -729,6 +922,7 @@
+ int Port,
+ SK_BOOL StartTest);
++#ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
+ extern int SkGmEnterLowPowerMode(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+@@ -739,6 +933,7 @@
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int Port);
++#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+ #ifdef SK_DIAG
+ extern void SkGePhyRead(
+@@ -794,31 +989,35 @@
+ extern void SkGeXmitLED();
+ extern void SkGeInitRamIface();
+ extern int SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues();
++extern void SkGePortVlan();
++extern void SkGeRxCsum();
++extern void SkGeRxRss();
++extern int SkYuk2RestartRxBmu();
+ /*
+ * public functions in skxmac2.c
+ */
+-extern void SkMacRxTxDisable();
++extern void SkMacRxTxDisable();
+ extern void SkMacSoftRst();
+ extern void SkMacHardRst();
+ extern void SkMacClearRst();
+-extern void SkMacInitPhy();
+-extern int SkMacRxTxEnable();
+-extern void SkMacPromiscMode();
+-extern void SkMacHashing();
+-extern void SkMacIrqDisable();
++extern void SkMacInitPhy();
++extern int SkMacRxTxEnable();
++extern void SkMacPromiscMode();
++extern void SkMacHashing();
++extern void SkMacIrqDisable();
+ extern void SkMacFlushTxFifo();
+ extern void SkMacFlushRxFifo();
+ extern void SkMacIrq();
+ extern int SkMacAutoNegDone();
+ extern void SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy();
+-extern void SkMacSetRxTxEn();
++extern void SkMacSetRxTxEn();
+ extern void SkXmInitMac();
+-extern void SkXmPhyRead();
+-extern void SkXmPhyWrite();
++extern int SkXmPhyRead();
++extern int SkXmPhyWrite();
+ extern void SkGmInitMac();
+-extern void SkGmPhyRead();
+-extern void SkGmPhyWrite();
++extern int SkGmPhyRead();
++extern int SkGmPhyWrite();
+ extern void SkXmClrExactAddr();
+ extern void SkXmInitDupMd();
+ extern void SkXmInitPauseMd();
+@@ -832,8 +1031,10 @@
+ extern int SkXmOverflowStatus();
+ extern int SkGmOverflowStatus();
+ extern int SkGmCableDiagStatus();
++#ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
+ extern int SkGmEnterLowPowerMode();
+ extern int SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode();
++#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+ #ifdef SK_DIAG
+ extern void SkGePhyRead();
+@@ -844,10 +1045,11 @@
+ extern void SkXmSendCont();
+ #endif /* SK_DIAG */
+-#endif /* SK_KR_PROTO */
++#endif /* SK_KR_PROTO */
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif /* __cplusplus */
+ #endif /* __INC_SKGEINIT_H_ */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnm2.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnm2.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnm2.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnm2.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgepnm2.h
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.36 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/05/23 12:45:13 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.4 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/05/03 06:42:43 $
+ * Purpose: Defines for Private Network Management Interface
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+@@ -28,8 +28,13 @@
+ /*
+ * General definitions
+ */
+-#define SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_XMAC 1 /* XMAC11800FP */
++#define SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_XMAC 1 /* XMAC11800FP */
++#define SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_YUKON_LITE 3 /* YUKON-Lite (Rev. A1-A3) */
+ #define SK_PNMI_BUS_PCI 1 /* PCI bus*/
+@@ -70,9 +75,9 @@
+ /*
+ * VCT internal status values
+ */
+-#define SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING 32
+-#define SK_PNMI_VCT_TEST_DONE 64
+-#define SK_PNMI_VCT_LINK 128
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING 0x20
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_TEST_DONE 0x40
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_LINK 0x80
+ /*
+ * Internal table definitions
+@@ -323,7 +328,7 @@
+ vSt, \
+ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag, \
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag, \
+- pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag))}}
++ pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag));}}
+ #else /* !DEBUG */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnmi.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnmi.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnmi.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgepnmi.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Name: skgepnmi.h
+- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.62 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/08/15 12:31:52 $
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, PNMI-Module
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.11 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/08/09 09:02:12 $
+ * Purpose: Defines for Private Network Management Interface
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+ #include "h/sktypes.h"
+ #include "h/skerror.h"
+ #include "h/sktimer.h"
+-#include "h/ski2c.h"
++#include "h/sktwsi.h"
+ #include "h/skaddr.h"
+ #include "h/skrlmt.h"
+ #include "h/skvpd.h"
+@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
+ */
+ #define SK_PNMI_MDB_VERSION 0x00030001 /* 3.1 */
+ /*
+ * Event definitions
+ */
+@@ -54,16 +53,13 @@
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_UTILIZATION_TIMER 7 /* Timer event for Utiliza. */
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_CLEAR_COUNTER 8 /* Clear statistic counters */
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET 9 /* XMAC will be reset */
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_RLMT_PORT_UP 10 /* Port came logically up */
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_RLMT_PORT_DOWN 11 /* Port went logically down */
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_RLMT_SEGMENTATION 13 /* Two SP root bridges found */
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_RLMT_ACTIVE_DOWN 14 /* Port went logically down */
+ #define SK_PNMI_EVT_RLMT_ACTIVE_UP 15 /* Port came logically up */
+-#define SK_PNMI_EVT_RLMT_SET_NETS 16 /* 1. Parameter is number of nets
+- 1 = single net; 2 = dual net */
+-#define SK_PNMI_EVT_VCT_RESET 17 /* VCT port reset timer event started with SET. */
++#define SK_PNMI_EVT_RLMT_SET_NETS 16 /* Number of nets (1 or 2). */
++#define SK_PNMI_EVT_VCT_RESET 17 /* VCT port reset timer event started with SET. */
+ /*
+ * Return values
+@@ -78,7 +74,6 @@
+ /*
+ * Return values of driver reset function SK_DRIVER_RESET() and
+ * driver event function SK_DRIVER_EVENT()
+@@ -86,19 +81,17 @@
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR_OK 0
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR_FAIL 1
+ /*
+ * Return values of driver test function SK_DRIVER_SELFTEST()
+ */
+ #define SK_PNMI_TST_UNKNOWN (1 << 0)
+-#define SK_PNMI_TST_TRANCEIVER (1 << 1)
++#define SK_PNMI_TST_TRANCEIVER (1 << 1)
+ #define SK_PNMI_TST_ASIC (1 << 2)
+ #define SK_PNMI_TST_SENSOR (1 << 3)
+-#define SK_PNMI_TST_POWERMGMT (1 << 4)
++#define SK_PNMI_TST_POWERMGMT (1 << 4)
+ #define SK_PNMI_TST_PCI (1 << 5)
+ #define SK_PNMI_TST_MAC (1 << 6)
+ /*
+ * RLMT specific definitions
+ */
+@@ -223,7 +216,17 @@
+ #define OID_SKGE_RLMT_PORT_NUMBER 0xFF010141
+ #define OID_SKGE_RLMT_PORT_ACTIVE 0xFF010142
+ #define OID_SKGE_SPEED_CAP 0xFF010170
+ #define OID_SKGE_SPEED_MODE 0xFF010171
+@@ -322,13 +325,6 @@
+ #define OID_SKGE_RLMT_TX_SP_REQ_CTS 0xFF020168
+ #define OID_SKGE_RLMT_RX_SP_CTS 0xFF020169
+ #define OID_SKGE_TX_SW_QUEUE_LEN 0xFF020170
+ #define OID_SKGE_TX_SW_QUEUE_MAX 0xFF020171
+ #define OID_SKGE_TX_RETRY 0xFF020172
+@@ -352,6 +348,7 @@
+ #define OID_SKGE_VCT_GET 0xFF020200
+ #define OID_SKGE_VCT_SET 0xFF020201
+ #define OID_SKGE_VCT_STATUS 0xFF020202
+ /* Defines for driver DIAG mode. */
+@@ -367,22 +364,79 @@
+ #define OID_SKGE_PHY_TYPE 0xFF020215
+ #define OID_SKGE_PHY_LP_MODE 0xFF020216
++ * Added for new DualNet IM driver V2
++ * these OIDs should later be in pnmi.h
++ */
++#define OID_SKGE_MAC_COUNT 0xFF020217
++#define OID_SKGE_DUALNET_MODE 0xFF020218
++#define OID_SKGE_SET_TAGHEADER 0xFF020219
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++/* Defines for ASF */
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF 0xFF02021a
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_STORE_CONFIG 0xFF02021b
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_ENA 0xFF02021c
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_RETRANS 0xFF02021d
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_RETRANS_INT 0xFF02021e
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_HB_ENA 0xFF02021f
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_HB_INT 0xFF020220
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_WD_ENA 0xFF020221
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_WD_TIME 0xFF020222
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_IP_SOURCE 0xFF020223
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_MAC_SOURCE 0xFF020224
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_IP_DEST 0xFF020225
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_MAC_DEST 0xFF020226
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_RSP_ENA 0xFF020228
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_HB_INT_MIN 0xFF02022d
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_HB_INT_MAX 0xFF02022e
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_WD_TIME_MIN 0xFF02022f
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_WD_TIME_MAX 0xFF020230
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_HB_CAP 0xFF020231
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_WD_TIMER_RES 0xFF020232
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_GUID 0xFF020233
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_KEY_OP 0xFF020234
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_KEY_ADM 0xFF020235
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_KEY_GEN 0xFF020236
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_CAP 0xFF020237
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_PAR_1 0xFF020238
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_OVERALL_OID 0xFF020239
++#endif /* SK_ASF */
++// Defined for yukon2 path only
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++/* Defines for ASF */
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_FWVER_OID 0xFF020240
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_ACPI_OID 0xFF020241
++#define OID_SKGE_ASF_SMBUS_OID 0xFF020242
++#endif /* SK_ASF */
+ /* VCT struct to store a backup copy of VCT data after a port reset. */
+ typedef struct s_PnmiVct {
+ SK_U8 VctStatus;
+- SK_U8 PCableLen;
+- SK_U32 PMdiPairLen[4];
+- SK_U8 PMdiPairSts[4];
++ SK_U8 CableLen;
++ SK_U32 MdiPairLen[4];
++ SK_U8 MdiPairSts[4];
+ /* VCT status values (to be given to CPA via OID_SKGE_VCT_STATUS). */
+-#define SK_PNMI_VCT_NONE 0
+-#define SK_PNMI_VCT_RUNNING 16
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_NONE 0x00
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_OLD_VCT_DATA 0x01
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_VCT_DATA 0x02
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_OLD_DSP_DATA 0x04
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_DSP_DATA 0x08
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_RUNNING 0x10
+ /* VCT cable test status. */
+@@ -390,7 +444,12 @@
++/* VCT capabilities (needed for OID_SKGE_VCT_CAPABILITIES. */
+@@ -419,7 +478,6 @@
+ #define SK_SET_FULL_MIB 5
+ #define SK_PRESET_FULL_MIB 6
+ /*
+ * Define error numbers and messages for syslog
+ */
+@@ -452,7 +510,7 @@
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR014 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 14)
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR014MSG "Vpd: Cannot read VPD keys"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR015 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 15)
+-#define SK_PNMI_ERR015MSG "Vpd: Internal array for VPD keys to small"
++#define SK_PNMI_ERR015MSG "Vpd: Internal array for VPD keys too small"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR016 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 16)
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR016MSG "Vpd: Key string too long"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR017 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 17)
+@@ -494,9 +552,9 @@
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR036 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 36)
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR036MSG ""
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR037 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 37)
+-#define SK_PNMI_ERR037MSG "Rlmt: SK_RLMT_MODE_CHANGE event return not 0"
++#define SK_PNMI_ERR037MSG "Rlmt: SK_RLMT_MODE_CHANGE event returned not 0"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR038 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 38)
+-#define SK_PNMI_ERR038MSG "Rlmt: SK_RLMT_PREFPORT_CHANGE event return not 0"
++#define SK_PNMI_ERR038MSG "Rlmt: SK_RLMT_PREFPORT_CHANGE event returned not 0"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR039 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 39)
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR039MSG "RlmtStat: Unknown OID"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR040 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 40)
+@@ -514,9 +572,9 @@
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR046 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 46)
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR046MSG "Monitor: Unknown OID"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR047 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 47)
+-#define SK_PNMI_ERR047MSG "SirqUpdate: Event function returns not 0"
++#define SK_PNMI_ERR047MSG "SirqUpdate: Event function returned not 0"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR048 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 48)
+-#define SK_PNMI_ERR048MSG "RlmtUpdate: Event function returns not 0"
++#define SK_PNMI_ERR048MSG "RlmtUpdate: Event function returned not 0"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR049 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 49)
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR049MSG "SkPnmiInit: Invalid size of 'CounterOffset' struct!!"
+ #define SK_PNMI_ERR050 (SK_ERRBASE_PNMI + 50)
+@@ -826,23 +884,25 @@
++/* The ReturnStatus field must be located before VpdFreeBytes! */
+ #define SK_PNMI_MIN_STRUCT_SIZE ((unsigned int)(SK_UPTR)\
+ &(((SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA *)0)->VpdFreeBytes))
+- /*
+- * ReturnStatus field
+- * must be located
+- * before VpdFreeBytes
+- */
+ /*
+ * Various definitions
+ */
++#define SK_PNMI_EVT_TIMER_CHECK 28125000L /* 28125 ms */
++#define SK_PNMI_VCT_TIMER_CHECK 4000000L /* 4 sec. */
+ #define SK_PNMI_MAX_PROTOS 3
+-#define SK_PNMI_CNT_NO 66 /* Must have the value of the enum
+- * for check while init phase 1
+- */
++ * SK_PNMI_CNT_NO must have the value of the enum SK_PNMI_MAX_IDX.
++ * Define SK_PNMI_CHECK to check this during init level SK_INIT_IO.
++ */
++#define SK_PNMI_CNT_NO 66
+ /*
+ * Estimate data structure
+@@ -856,14 +916,6 @@
+ /*
+- * VCT timer data structure
+- */
+-typedef struct s_VctTimer {
+- SK_TIMER VctTimer;
+ * PNMI specific adapter context structure
+ */
+ typedef struct s_PnmiPort {
+@@ -933,12 +985,13 @@
+ unsigned int TrapQueueEnd;
+ unsigned int TrapBufPad;
+ unsigned int TrapUnique;
+- SK_U8 VctStatus[SK_MAX_MACS];
++ SK_U8 VctStatus[SK_MAX_MACS];
++ SK_TIMER VctTimeout[SK_MAX_MACS];
+ SK_U32 DiagAttached;
+ #endif /* SK_DIAG_SUPPORT */
++ SK_BOOL VpdKeyReadError;
+ } SK_PNMI;
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgesirq.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgesirq.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgesirq.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgesirq.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,22 +2,21 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgesirq.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.30 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/07/04 12:34:13 $
+- * Purpose: SK specific Gigabit Ethernet special IRQ functions
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.4 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/14 10:28:34 $
++ * Purpose: Gigabit Ethernet special IRQ functions
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -26,9 +25,9 @@
+ #define _INC_SKGESIRQ_H_
+ /* Define return codes of SkGePortCheckUp and CheckShort */
+-#define SK_HW_PS_NONE 0 /* No action needed */
+-#define SK_HW_PS_RESTART 1 /* Restart needed */
+-#define SK_HW_PS_LINK 2 /* Link Up actions needed */
++#define SK_HW_PS_NONE 0 /* No action needed */
++#define SK_HW_PS_RESTART 1 /* Restart needed */
++#define SK_HW_PS_LINK 2 /* Link Up actions needed */
+ /*
+ * Define the Event the special IRQ/INI module can handle
+@@ -44,10 +43,10 @@
+ #define SK_HWEV_SET_SPEED 9 /* Set Link Speed by PNMI */
+ #define SK_HWEV_HALFDUP_CHK 10 /* Half Duplex Hangup Workaround */
+-#define SK_WA_ACT_TIME (5000000UL) /* 5 sec */
+-#define SK_WA_INA_TIME (100000UL) /* 100 msec */
++#define SK_WA_ACT_TIME 1000000UL /* 1000 msec (1 sec) */
++#define SK_WA_INA_TIME 100000UL /* 100 msec */
+-#define SK_HALFDUP_CHK_TIME (10000UL) /* 10 msec */
++#define SK_HALFDUP_CHK_TIME 10000UL /* 10 msec */
+ /*
+ * Define the error numbers and messages
+@@ -75,9 +74,9 @@
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E011 (SKERR_SIRQ_E010+1)
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E011MSG "CHECK failure XA2"
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E012 (SKERR_SIRQ_E011+1)
+-#define SKERR_SIRQ_E012MSG "unexpected IRQ Master error"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E012MSG "Unexpected IRQ Master error"
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E013 (SKERR_SIRQ_E012+1)
+-#define SKERR_SIRQ_E013MSG "unexpected IRQ Status error"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E013MSG "Unexpected IRQ Status error"
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E014 (SKERR_SIRQ_E013+1)
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E014MSG "Parity error on RAM (read)"
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E015 (SKERR_SIRQ_E014+1)
+@@ -102,10 +101,35 @@
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E024MSG "FIFO overflow error"
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E025 (SKERR_SIRQ_E024+1)
+ #define SKERR_SIRQ_E025MSG "2 Pair Downshift detected"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E026 (SKERR_SIRQ_E025+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E026MSG "Uncorrectable PCI Express error"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E027 (SKERR_SIRQ_E026+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E027MSG "PCI Bus Abort detected"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E028 (SKERR_SIRQ_E027+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E028MSG "Parity error on RAM 1 (read)"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E029 (SKERR_SIRQ_E028+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E029MSG "Parity error on RAM 1 (write)"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E030 (SKERR_SIRQ_E029+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E030MSG "Parity error on RAM 2 (read)"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E031 (SKERR_SIRQ_E030+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E031MSG "Parity error on RAM 2 (write)"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E032 (SKERR_SIRQ_E031+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E032MSG "TCP segmentation error async. queue 1"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E033 (SKERR_SIRQ_E032+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E033MSG "TCP segmentation error sync. queue 1"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E034 (SKERR_SIRQ_E033+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E034MSG "TCP segmentation error async. queue 2"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E035 (SKERR_SIRQ_E034+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E035MSG "TCP segmentation error sync. queue 2"
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E036 (SKERR_SIRQ_E035+1)
++#define SKERR_SIRQ_E036MSG "CHECK failure polling unit"
+ extern void SkGeSirqIsr(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Istatus);
+ extern int SkGeSirqEvent(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Event, SK_EVPARA Para);
+ extern void SkHWLinkUp(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Port);
+ extern void SkHWLinkDown(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Port);
++extern void SkGeYuSirqIsr(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Istatus);
++extern void SkYuk2SirqIsr(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Istatus);
+ #endif /* _INC_SKGESIRQ_H_ */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgetwsi.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgetwsi.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgetwsi.h 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skgetwsi.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
++ *
++ * Name: skgetwsi.h
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, TWSI-Module
++ * Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/12/20 14:48:51 $
++ * Purpose: Special defines for TWSI
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * SKGETWSI.H contains all SK-98xx specific defines for the TWSI handling
++ */
++#ifndef _INC_SKGETWSI_H_
++#define _INC_SKGETWSI_H_
++ * Macros to access the B2_I2C_CTRL
++ */
++#define SK_I2C_CTL(IoC, flag, dev, dev_size, reg, burst) \
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL,\
++ (flag ? 0x80000000UL : 0x0L) | \
++ (((SK_U32)reg << 16) & I2C_ADDR) | \
++ (((SK_U32)dev << 9) & I2C_DEV_SEL) | \
++ (dev_size & I2C_DEV_SIZE) | \
++ ((burst << 4) & I2C_BURST_LEN))
++#define SK_I2C_STOP(IoC) { \
++ SK_U32 I2cCtrl; \
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL, &I2cCtrl); \
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL, I2cCtrl | I2C_STOP); \
++#define SK_I2C_GET_CTL(IoC, pI2cCtrl) SK_IN32(IoC, B2_I2C_CTRL, pI2cCtrl)
++ * Macros to access the TWSI SW Registers
++ */
++#define SK_I2C_SET_BIT(IoC, SetBits) { \
++ SK_U8 OrgBits; \
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, &OrgBits); \
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, OrgBits | (SK_U8)(SetBits)); \
++#define SK_I2C_CLR_BIT(IoC, ClrBits) { \
++ SK_U8 OrgBits; \
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, &OrgBits); \
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, OrgBits & ~((SK_U8)(ClrBits))); \
++#define SK_I2C_GET_SW(IoC, pI2cSw) SK_IN8(IoC, B2_I2C_SW, pI2cSw)
++ * define the possible sensor states
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_IDLE 0 /* Idle: sensor not read */
++#define SK_SEN_VALUE 1 /* Value Read cycle */
++#define SK_SEN_VALEXT 2 /* Extended Value Read cycle */
++ * Conversion factor to convert read Voltage sensor to milli Volt
++ * Conversion factor to convert read Temperature sensor to 10th degree Celsius
++ */
++#define SK_LM80_VT_LSB 22 /* 22mV LSB resolution */
++#define SK_LM80_TEMP_LSB 10 /* 1 degree LSB resolution */
++#define SK_LM80_TEMPEXT_LSB 5 /* 0.5 degree LSB resolution for ext. val. */
++ * formula: counter = (22500*60)/(rpm * divisor * pulses/2)
++ * assuming: 6500rpm, 4 pulses, divisor 1
++ */
++#define SK_LM80_FAN_FAKTOR ((22500L*60)/(1*2))
++ * Define sensor management data
++ * Maximum is reached on Genesis copper dual port and Yukon-64
++ * Board specific maximum is in pAC->I2c.MaxSens
++ */
++#define SK_MAX_SENSORS 8 /* maximal no. of installed sensors */
++#define SK_MIN_SENSORS 5 /* minimal no. of installed sensors */
++ * To watch the state machine (SM) use the timer in two ways
++ * instead of one as hitherto
++ */
++#define SK_TIMER_WATCH_SM 0 /* Watch the SM to finish in a spec. time */
++#define SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING 1 /* Start a new gauging when timer expires */
++ * Defines for the individual thresholds
++ */
++#define C_PLUS_20 120 / 100
++#define C_PLUS_15 115 / 100
++#define C_PLUS_10 110 / 100
++#define C_PLUS_5 105 / 100
++#define C_MINUS_5 95 / 100
++#define C_MINUS_10 90 / 100
++#define C_MINUS_15 85 / 100
++/* Temperature sensor */
++#define SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_ERR 800 /* Temperature High Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_WARN 700 /* Temperature High Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_WARN 100 /* Temperature Low Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_ERR 0 /* Temperature Low Err Threshold */
++/* VCC which should be 5 V */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_ERR 5588 /* Voltage PCI High Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_WARN 5346 /* Voltage PCI High Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_WARN 4664 /* Voltage PCI Low Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_ERR 4422 /* Voltage PCI Low Err Threshold */
++ * VIO may be 5 V or 3.3 V. Initialization takes two parts:
++ * 1. Initialize lowest lower limit and highest higher limit.
++ * 2. After the first value is read correct the upper or the lower limit to
++ * the appropriate C constant.
++ *
++ * Warning limits are +-5% of the exepected voltage.
++ * Error limits are +-10% of the expected voltage.
++ */
++/* Bug fix AF: 16.Aug.2001: Correct the init base of LM80 sensor */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_ERR 5566 /* + 10% V PCI-IO High Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_WARN 5324 /* + 5% V PCI-IO High Warn Threshold */
++ /* 5000 mVolt */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_WARN 4686 /* - 5% V PCI-IO Low Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_ERR 4444 /* - 10% V PCI-IO Low Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_RANGE_LIMITER 4000 /* 4000 mV range delimiter */
++/* correction values for the second pass */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_ERR 3850 /* + 15% V PCI-IO High Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_WARN 3674 /* + 10% V PCI-IO High Warn Threshold */
++ /* 3300 mVolt */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_WARN 2926 /* - 10% V PCI-IO Low Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_ERR 2772 /* - 15% V PCI-IO Low Err Threshold */
++ * VDD voltage
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_ERR 3630 /* Voltage ASIC High Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_WARN 3476 /* Voltage ASIC High Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_WARN 3146 /* Voltage ASIC Low Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_ERR 2970 /* Voltage ASIC Low Err Threshold */
++ * PHY PLL 3V3 voltage
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR 3630 /* Voltage PMA High Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN 3476 /* Voltage PMA High Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN 3146 /* Voltage PMA Low Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR 2970 /* Voltage PMA Low Err Threshold */
++ * VAUX (YUKON only)
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_VAL 3300 /* Voltage VAUX 3.3 Volt */
++#define SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_HIGH_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_VAL * C_PLUS_10)
++#define SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_VAL * C_MINUS_10)
++#define SK_SEN_VAUX_RANGE_LIMITER 1000 /* 1000 mV range delimiter */
++ * PHY 2V5 voltage
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_VAL 2500 /* Voltage PHY 2.5 Volt */
++#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_VAL * C_PLUS_10)
++#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_WARN (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_VAL * C_PLUS_5)
++#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_WARN (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_VAL * C_MINUS_5)
++#define SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_VAL * C_MINUS_10)
++ * ASIC Core 1V5 voltage (YUKON only)
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_VAL 1500 /* Voltage ASIC Core 1.5 Volt */
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_VAL * C_PLUS_10)
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_VAL * C_MINUS_10)
++ * ASIC Core 1V2 (1V3) voltage (YUKON-2 only)
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_VAL 1200 /* Voltage ASIC Core 1.2 Volt */
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_HIGH_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_VAL * C_PLUS_20)
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_LOW_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_VAL * C_MINUS_10)
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_VAL 1300 /* Voltage ASIC Core 1.3 Volt */
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_HIGH_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_VAL * C_PLUS_15)
++#define SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_LOW_ERR (SK_I32)(SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_VAL * C_MINUS_10)
++ * FAN 1 speed
++ */
++/* assuming: 6500rpm +-15%, 4 pulses,
++ * warning at: 80 %
++ * error at: 70 %
++ * no upper limit
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_ERR 20000 /* FAN Speed High Err Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_WARN 20000 /* FAN Speed High Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_WARN 5200 /* FAN Speed Low Warn Threshold */
++#define SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_ERR 4550 /* FAN Speed Low Err Threshold */
++ * Some Voltages need dynamic thresholds
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE 0 /* No dynamic init of thresholds */
++#define SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_PCI_IO 10 /* Init PCI-IO with new thresholds */
++#define SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_VAUX 11 /* Init VAUX with new thresholds */
++extern int SkLm80ReadSensor(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_SENSOR *pSen);
++#endif /* n_INC_SKGETWSI_H */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/ski2c.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/ski2c.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/ski2c.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/ski2c.h 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
+- *
+- * Name: ski2c.h
+- * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, TWSI-Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.35 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/20 09:06:30 $
+- * Purpose: Defines to access Voltage and Temperature Sensor
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+- *
+- * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
+- *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+- * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+- * SKI2C.H contains all I2C specific defines
+- */
+-#ifndef _SKI2C_H_
+-#define _SKI2C_H_
+-typedef struct s_Sensor SK_SENSOR;
+-#include "h/skgei2c.h"
+- * Define the I2C events.
+- */
+-#define SK_I2CEV_IRQ 1 /* IRQ happened Event */
+-#define SK_I2CEV_TIM 2 /* Timeout event */
+-#define SK_I2CEV_CLEAR 3 /* Clear MIB Values */
+- * Define READ and WRITE Constants.
+- */
+-#define I2C_READ 0
+-#define I2C_WRITE 1
+-#define I2C_BURST 1
+-#define I2C_SINGLE 0
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E001 (SK_ERRBASE_I2C+0)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E001MSG "Sensor index unknown"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E002 (SKERR_I2C_E001+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E002MSG "TWSI: transfer does not complete"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E003 (SKERR_I2C_E002+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E003MSG "LM80: NAK on device send"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E004 (SKERR_I2C_E003+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E004MSG "LM80: NAK on register send"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E005 (SKERR_I2C_E004+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E005MSG "LM80: NAK on device (2) send"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E006 (SKERR_I2C_E005+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E006MSG "Unknown event"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E007 (SKERR_I2C_E006+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E007MSG "LM80 read out of state"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E008 (SKERR_I2C_E007+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E008MSG "Unexpected sensor read completed"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E009 (SKERR_I2C_E008+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E009MSG "WARNING: temperature sensor out of range"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E010 (SKERR_I2C_E009+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E010MSG "WARNING: voltage sensor out of range"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E011 (SKERR_I2C_E010+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E011MSG "ERROR: temperature sensor out of range"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E012 (SKERR_I2C_E011+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E012MSG "ERROR: voltage sensor out of range"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E013 (SKERR_I2C_E012+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E013MSG "ERROR: couldn't init sensor"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E014 (SKERR_I2C_E013+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E014MSG "WARNING: fan sensor out of range"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E015 (SKERR_I2C_E014+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E015MSG "ERROR: fan sensor out of range"
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E016 (SKERR_I2C_E015+1)
+-#define SKERR_I2C_E016MSG "TWSI: active transfer does not complete"
+- * Define Timeout values
+- */
+-#define SK_I2C_TIM_LONG 2000000L /* 2 seconds */
+-#define SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT 100000L /* 100 milliseconds */
+-#define SK_I2C_TIM_WATCH 1000000L /* 1 second */
+- * Define trap and error log hold times
+- */
+-#ifndef SK_SEN_ERR_TR_HOLD
+- * Defines for SenType
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_UNKNOWN 0
+-#define SK_SEN_TEMP 1
+-#define SK_SEN_VOLT 2
+-#define SK_SEN_FAN 3
+- * Define for the SenErrorFlag
+- */
+-#define SK_SEN_ERR_NOT_PRESENT 0 /* Error Flag: Sensor not present */
+-#define SK_SEN_ERR_OK 1 /* Error Flag: O.K. */
+-#define SK_SEN_ERR_WARN 2 /* Error Flag: Warning */
+-#define SK_SEN_ERR_ERR 3 /* Error Flag: Error */
+-#define SK_SEN_ERR_FAULTY 4 /* Error Flag: Faulty */
+- * Define the Sensor struct
+- */
+-struct s_Sensor {
+- char *SenDesc; /* Description */
+- int SenType; /* Voltage or Temperature */
+- SK_I32 SenValue; /* Current value of the sensor */
+- SK_I32 SenThreErrHigh; /* High error Threshhold of this sensor */
+- SK_I32 SenThreWarnHigh; /* High warning Threshhold of this sensor */
+- SK_I32 SenThreErrLow; /* Lower error Threshold of the sensor */
+- SK_I32 SenThreWarnLow; /* Lower warning Threshold of the sensor */
+- int SenErrFlag; /* Sensor indicated an error */
+- SK_BOOL SenInit; /* Is sensor initialized ? */
+- SK_U64 SenErrCts; /* Error trap counter */
+- SK_U64 SenWarnCts; /* Warning trap counter */
+- SK_U64 SenBegErrTS; /* Begin error timestamp */
+- SK_U64 SenBegWarnTS; /* Begin warning timestamp */
+- SK_U64 SenLastErrTrapTS; /* Last error trap timestamp */
+- SK_U64 SenLastErrLogTS; /* Last error log timestamp */
+- SK_U64 SenLastWarnTrapTS; /* Last warning trap timestamp */
+- SK_U64 SenLastWarnLogTS; /* Last warning log timestamp */
+- int SenState; /* Sensor State (see HW specific include) */
+- int (*SenRead)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, struct s_Sensor *pSen);
+- /* Sensors read function */
+- SK_U16 SenReg; /* Register Address for this sensor */
+- SK_U8 SenDev; /* Device Selection for this sensor */
+-typedef struct s_I2c {
+- SK_SENSOR SenTable[SK_MAX_SENSORS]; /* Sensor Table */
+- int CurrSens; /* Which sensor is currently queried */
+- int MaxSens; /* Max. number of sensors */
+- int TimerMode; /* Use the timer also to watch the state machine */
+- int InitLevel; /* Initialized Level */
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+- int DummyReads; /* Number of non-checked dummy reads */
+- SK_TIMER SenTimer; /* Sensors timer */
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+-} SK_I2C;
+-extern int SkI2cInit(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Level);
+-extern int SkI2cWrite(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Data, int Dev, int Size,
+- int Reg, int Burst);
+-extern int SkI2cReadSensor(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_SENSOR *pSen);
+-#ifdef SK_DIAG
+-extern SK_U32 SkI2cRead(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Dev, int Size, int Reg,
+- int Burst);
+-#else /* !SK_DIAG */
+-extern int SkI2cEvent(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Event, SK_EVPARA Para);
+-extern void SkI2cWaitIrq(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC);
+-extern void SkI2cIsr(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC);
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+-#endif /* n_SKI2C_H */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skqueue.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skqueue.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skqueue.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skqueue.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skqueue.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Event Scheduler Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.16 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 12:50:32 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.3 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/05/14 13:39:15 $
+ * Purpose: Defines for the Event queue
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
+ #define SKGE_RSF 11 /* RSF Aggregation Event Class */
+ #define SKGE_MARKER 12 /* MARKER Aggregation Event Class */
+ #define SKGE_FD 13 /* FD Distributor Event Class */
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++#define SKGE_ASF 14 /* ASF Event Class */
+ /*
+ * define event queue as circular buffer
+@@ -90,5 +93,11 @@
+ #define SKERR_Q_E001MSG "Event queue overflow"
+ #define SKERR_Q_E002 (SKERR_Q_E001+1)
+ #define SKERR_Q_E002MSG "Undefined event class"
++#define SKERR_Q_E003 (SKERR_Q_E001+2)
++#define SKERR_Q_E003MSG "Event queued in Init Level 0"
++#define SKERR_Q_E004 (SKERR_Q_E001+3)
++#define SKERR_Q_E004MSG "Error Reported from Event Fuction (Queue Blocked)"
++#define SKERR_Q_E005 (SKERR_Q_E001+4)
++#define SKERR_Q_E005MSG "Event scheduler called in Init Level 0 or 1"
+ #endif /* _SKQUEUE_H_ */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skrlmt.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skrlmt.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skrlmt.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skrlmt.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skrlmt.h
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.37 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/04/15 09:43:43 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/10/27 14:16:09 $
+ * Purpose: Header file for Redundant Link ManagemenT.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktimer.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktimer.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktimer.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktimer.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: sktimer.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Event Scheduler Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.11 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 12:58:18 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/10/27 14:16:09 $
+ * Purpose: Defines for the timer functions
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktwsi.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktwsi.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktwsi.h 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktwsi.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
++ *
++ * Name: sktwsi.h
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, TWSI-Module
++ * Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/12/19 14:02:56 $
++ * Purpose: Defines to access Voltage and Temperature Sensor
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * SKTWSI.H contains all TWSI specific defines
++ */
++#ifndef _SKTWSI_H_
++#define _SKTWSI_H_
++typedef struct s_Sensor SK_SENSOR;
++#include "h/skgetwsi.h"
++ * Define the TWSI events.
++ */
++#define SK_I2CEV_IRQ 1 /* IRQ happened Event */
++#define SK_I2CEV_TIM 2 /* Timeout event */
++#define SK_I2CEV_CLEAR 3 /* Clear MIB Values */
++ * Define READ and WRITE Constants.
++ */
++#define I2C_READ 0
++#define I2C_WRITE 1
++#define I2C_BURST 1
++#define I2C_SINGLE 0
++#define SKERR_I2C_E001 (SK_ERRBASE_I2C+0)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E001MSG "Sensor index unknown"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E002 (SKERR_I2C_E001+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E002MSG "TWSI: transfer does not complete"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E003 (SKERR_I2C_E002+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E003MSG "LM80: NAK on device send"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E004 (SKERR_I2C_E003+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E004MSG "LM80: NAK on register send"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E005 (SKERR_I2C_E004+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E005MSG "LM80: NAK on device (2) send"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E006 (SKERR_I2C_E005+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E006MSG "Unknown event"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E007 (SKERR_I2C_E006+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E007MSG "LM80 read out of state"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E008 (SKERR_I2C_E007+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E008MSG "Unexpected sensor read completed"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E009 (SKERR_I2C_E008+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E009MSG "WARNING: temperature sensor out of range"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E010 (SKERR_I2C_E009+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E010MSG "WARNING: voltage sensor out of range"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E011 (SKERR_I2C_E010+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E011MSG "ERROR: temperature sensor out of range"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E012 (SKERR_I2C_E011+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E012MSG "ERROR: voltage sensor out of range"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E013 (SKERR_I2C_E012+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E013MSG "ERROR: couldn't init sensor"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E014 (SKERR_I2C_E013+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E014MSG "WARNING: fan sensor out of range"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E015 (SKERR_I2C_E014+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E015MSG "ERROR: fan sensor out of range"
++#define SKERR_I2C_E016 (SKERR_I2C_E015+1)
++#define SKERR_I2C_E016MSG "TWSI: active transfer does not complete"
++ * Define Timeout values
++ */
++#define SK_I2C_TIM_LONG 2000000L /* 2 seconds */
++#define SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT 100000L /* 100 milliseconds */
++#define SK_I2C_TIM_WATCH 1000000L /* 1 second */
++ * Define trap and error log hold times
++ */
++#ifndef SK_SEN_ERR_TR_HOLD
++ * Defines for SenType
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_UNKNOWN 0
++#define SK_SEN_TEMP 1
++#define SK_SEN_VOLT 2
++#define SK_SEN_FAN 3
++ * Define for the SenErrorFlag
++ */
++#define SK_SEN_ERR_NOT_PRESENT 0 /* Error Flag: Sensor not present */
++#define SK_SEN_ERR_OK 1 /* Error Flag: O.K. */
++#define SK_SEN_ERR_WARN 2 /* Error Flag: Warning */
++#define SK_SEN_ERR_ERR 3 /* Error Flag: Error */
++#define SK_SEN_ERR_FAULTY 4 /* Error Flag: Faulty */
++ * Define the Sensor struct
++ */
++struct s_Sensor {
++ char *SenDesc; /* Description */
++ int SenType; /* Voltage or Temperature */
++ SK_I32 SenValue; /* Current value of the sensor */
++ SK_I32 SenThreErrHigh; /* High error Threshhold of this sensor */
++ SK_I32 SenThreWarnHigh; /* High warning Threshhold of this sensor */
++ SK_I32 SenThreErrLow; /* Lower error Threshold of the sensor */
++ SK_I32 SenThreWarnLow; /* Lower warning Threshold of the sensor */
++ int SenErrFlag; /* Sensor indicated an error */
++ SK_BOOL SenInit; /* Is sensor initialized ? */
++ SK_U64 SenErrCts; /* Error trap counter */
++ SK_U64 SenWarnCts; /* Warning trap counter */
++ SK_U64 SenBegErrTS; /* Begin error timestamp */
++ SK_U64 SenBegWarnTS; /* Begin warning timestamp */
++ SK_U64 SenLastErrTrapTS; /* Last error trap timestamp */
++ SK_U64 SenLastErrLogTS; /* Last error log timestamp */
++ SK_U64 SenLastWarnTrapTS; /* Last warning trap timestamp */
++ SK_U64 SenLastWarnLogTS; /* Last warning log timestamp */
++ int SenState; /* Sensor State (see HW specific include) */
++ int (*SenRead)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, struct s_Sensor *pSen);
++ /* Sensors read function */
++ SK_U16 SenReg; /* Register Address for this sensor */
++ SK_U8 SenDev; /* Device Selection for this sensor */
++typedef struct s_I2c {
++ SK_SENSOR SenTable[SK_MAX_SENSORS]; /* Sensor Table */
++ int CurrSens; /* Which sensor is currently queried */
++ int MaxSens; /* Max. number of sensors */
++ int TimerMode; /* Use the timer also to watch the state machine */
++ int InitLevel; /* Initialized Level */
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ int DummyReads; /* Number of non-checked dummy reads */
++ SK_TIMER SenTimer; /* Sensors timer */
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++} SK_I2C;
++extern int SkI2cInit(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Level);
++extern int SkI2cWrite(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Data, int Dev, int Size,
++ int Reg, int Burst);
++extern int SkI2cReadSensor(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_SENSOR *pSen);
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
++extern SK_U32 SkI2cRead(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Dev, int Size, int Reg,
++ int Burst);
++#else /* !SK_DIAG */
++extern int SkI2cEvent(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_U32 Event, SK_EVPARA Para);
++extern void SkI2cWaitIrq(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC);
++extern void SkI2cIsr(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC);
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++#endif /* n_SKTWSI_H */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktypes.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktypes.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktypes.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sktypes.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: sktypes.h
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/07 08:16:51 $
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/04/11 09:00:53 $
+ * Purpose: Define data types for Linux
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -22,48 +22,28 @@
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+- *
+- * Description:
+- *
+- * In this file, all data types that are needed by the common modules
+- * are mapped to Linux data types.
+- *
+- *
+- * Include File Hierarchy:
+- *
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef __INC_SKTYPES_H
+ #define __INC_SKTYPES_H
+-/* defines *******************************************************************/
+- * Data types with a specific size. 'I' = signed, 'U' = unsigned.
+- */
+-#define SK_I8 s8
+-#define SK_U8 u8
+-#define SK_I16 s16
+-#define SK_U16 u16
+-#define SK_I32 s32
+-#define SK_U32 u32
+-#define SK_I64 s64
+-#define SK_U64 u64
+-#define SK_UPTR ulong /* casting pointer <-> integral */
+-* Boolean type.
+-#define SK_BOOL SK_U8
+-#define SK_FALSE 0
+-#define SK_TRUE (!SK_FALSE)
+-/* typedefs *******************************************************************/
+-/* function prototypes ********************************************************/
++#define SK_I8 s8 /* 8 bits (1 byte) signed */
++#define SK_U8 u8 /* 8 bits (1 byte) unsigned */
++#define SK_I16 s16 /* 16 bits (2 bytes) signed */
++#define SK_U16 u16 /* 16 bits (2 bytes) unsigned */
++#define SK_I32 s32 /* 32 bits (4 bytes) signed */
++#define SK_U32 u32 /* 32 bits (4 bytes) unsigned */
++#define SK_I64 s64 /* 64 bits (8 bytes) signed */
++#define SK_U64 u64 /* 64 bits (8 bytes) unsigned */
++#define SK_UPTR ulong /* casting pointer <-> integral */
++#define SK_BOOL SK_U8
++#define SK_FALSE 0
++#define SK_TRUE (!SK_FALSE)
+ #endif /* __INC_SKTYPES_H */
++ *
++ * End of file
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skversion.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skversion.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skversion.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skversion.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * Name: version.h
++ * Name: skversion.h
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/07 08:16:51 $
+- * Purpose: SK specific Error log support
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/04/11 09:00:53 $
++ * Purpose: specific version strings and numbers
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -22,17 +22,15 @@
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+-#ifdef lint
+-static const char SysKonnectFileId[] = "@(#) (C) SysKonnect GmbH.";
+-static const char SysKonnectBuildNumber[] =
+- "@(#)SK-BUILD: 6.23 PL: 01";
+-#endif /* !defined(lint) */
+-#define BOOT_STRING "sk98lin: Network Device Driver v6.23\n" \
+- "(C)Copyright 1999-2004 Marvell(R)."
+-#define VER_STRING "6.23"
+-#define DRIVER_FILE_NAME "sk98lin"
+-#define DRIVER_REL_DATE "Feb-13-2004"
++#define BOOT_STRING "sk98lin: Network Device Driver v8.24.1.3\n" \
++ "(C)Copyright 1999-2005 Marvell(R)."
++#define VER_STRING ""
++#define PATCHLEVEL "01"
++#define DRIVER_FILE_NAME "sk98lin"
++#define DRIVER_REL_DATE "Aug-09-2005"
++ *
++ * End of file
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skvpd.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skvpd.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skvpd.h 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skvpd.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Name: skvpd.h
+- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.15 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/01/13 10:39:38 $
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, VPD-Module
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.6 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/11/09 15:18:00 $
+ * Purpose: Defines and Macros for VPD handling
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * (C)Copyright 1998-2003 SysKonnect GmbH.
++ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+ /*
+ * Define Resource Type Identifiers and VPD keywords
+ */
+-#define RES_ID 0x82 /* Resource Type ID String (Product Name) */
++#define RES_ID 0x82 /* Resource Type ID String (Product Name) */
+ #define RES_VPD_R 0x90 /* start of VPD read only area */
+ #define RES_VPD_W 0x91 /* start of VPD read/write area */
+ #define RES_END 0x78 /* Resource Type End Tag */
+@@ -40,14 +40,16 @@
+ #define VPD_NAME "Name" /* Product Name, VPD name of RES_ID */
+ #endif /* VPD_NAME */
+ #define VPD_PN "PN" /* Adapter Part Number */
+-#define VPD_EC "EC" /* Adapter Engineering Level */
++#define VPD_EC "EC" /* Adapter Engineering Level */
+ #define VPD_MN "MN" /* Manufacture ID */
+ #define VPD_SN "SN" /* Serial Number */
+ #define VPD_CP "CP" /* Extended Capability */
+ #define VPD_RV "RV" /* Checksum and Reserved */
+-#define VPD_YA "YA" /* Asset Tag Identifier */
++#define VPD_YA "YA" /* Asset Tag Identifier */
+ #define VPD_VL "VL" /* First Error Log Message (SK specific) */
+ #define VPD_VF "VF" /* Second Error Log Message (SK specific) */
++#define VPD_VB "VB" /* Boot Agent ROM Configuration (SK specific) */
++#define VPD_VE "VE" /* EFI UNDI Configuration (SK specific) */
+ #define VPD_RW "RW" /* Remaining Read / Write Area */
+ /* 'type' values for vpd_setup_para() */
+@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
+ #define VPD_RW_KEY 2 /* RW keys are "Yx", "Vx", and "RW" */
+ /* 'op' values for vpd_setup_para() */
+-#define ADD_KEY 1 /* add the key at the pos "RV" or "RW" */
++#define ADD_KEY 1 /* add the key at the pos "RV" or "RW" */
+ #define OWR_KEY 2 /* overwrite key if already exists */
+ /*
+@@ -64,18 +66,18 @@
+ #define VPD_DEV_ID_GENESIS 0x4300
+-#define VPD_SIZE_YUKON 256
+-#define VPD_SIZE_GENESIS 512
+-#define VPD_SIZE 512
++#define VPD_SIZE_YUKON 256
++#define VPD_SIZE_GENESIS 512
++#define VPD_SIZE 512
+ #define VPD_READ 0x0000
+ #define VPD_WRITE 0x8000
+-#define VPD_GET_RES_LEN(p) ((unsigned int) \
+- (* (SK_U8 *)&(p)[1]) |\
+- ((* (SK_U8 *)&(p)[2]) << 8))
+-#define VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(p) ((unsigned int)(* (SK_U8 *)&(p)[2]))
++#define VPD_GET_RES_LEN(p) ((unsigned int)\
++ (*(SK_U8 *)&(p)[1]) |\
++ ((*(SK_U8 *)&(p)[2]) << 8))
++#define VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(p) ((unsigned int)(*(SK_U8 *)&(p)[2]))
+ #define VPD_GET_VAL(p) ((char *)&(p)[3])
+ #define VPD_MAX_LEN 50
+@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@
+ /*
+ * System specific VPD macros
+ */
+-#ifndef SKDIAG
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
+ #ifndef VPD_DO_IO
+ #define VPD_OUT8(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) (void)SkPciWriteCfgByte(pAC,Addr,Val)
+ #define VPD_OUT16(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) (void)SkPciWriteCfgWord(pAC,Addr,Val)
+@@ -135,61 +137,61 @@
+ #define VPD_IN16(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) (void)SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC,Addr,pVal)
+ #define VPD_IN32(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) (void)SkPciReadCfgDWord(pAC,Addr,pVal)
+ #else /* VPD_DO_IO */
+-#define VPD_OUT8(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) SK_OUT8(IoC,PCI_C(Addr),Val)
+-#define VPD_OUT16(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) SK_OUT16(IoC,PCI_C(Addr),Val)
+-#define VPD_OUT32(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) SK_OUT32(IoC,PCI_C(Addr),Val)
+-#define VPD_IN8(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) SK_IN8(IoC,PCI_C(Addr),pVal)
+-#define VPD_IN16(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) SK_IN16(IoC,PCI_C(Addr),pVal)
+-#define VPD_IN32(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) SK_IN32(IoC,PCI_C(Addr),pVal)
++#define VPD_OUT8(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) SK_OUT8(IoC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),Val)
++#define VPD_OUT16(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) SK_OUT16(IoC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),Val)
++#define VPD_OUT32(pAC,IoC,Addr,Val) SK_OUT32(IoC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),Val)
++#define VPD_IN8(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) SK_IN8(IoC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),pVal)
++#define VPD_IN16(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) SK_IN16(IoC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),pVal)
++#define VPD_IN32(pAC,IoC,Addr,pVal) SK_IN32(IoC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),pVal)
+ #endif /* VPD_DO_IO */
+-#else /* SKDIAG */
++#else /* SK_DIAG */
+ #define VPD_OUT8(pAC,Ioc,Addr,Val) { \
+ if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
+ SkPciWriteCfgByte(pAC,Addr,Val); \
+ else \
+- SK_OUT8(pAC,PCI_C(Addr),Val); \
++ SK_OUT8(pAC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),Val); \
+ }
+ #define VPD_OUT16(pAC,Ioc,Addr,Val) { \
+ if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
+ SkPciWriteCfgWord(pAC,Addr,Val); \
+ else \
+- SK_OUT16(pAC,PCI_C(Addr),Val); \
++ SK_OUT16(pAC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),Val); \
+ }
+ #define VPD_OUT32(pAC,Ioc,Addr,Val) { \
+ if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
+ SkPciWriteCfgDWord(pAC,Addr,Val); \
+ else \
+- SK_OUT32(pAC,PCI_C(Addr),Val); \
++ SK_OUT32(pAC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),Val); \
+ }
+ #define VPD_IN8(pAC,Ioc,Addr,pVal) { \
+- if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
++ if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
+ SkPciReadCfgByte(pAC,Addr,pVal); \
+ else \
+- SK_IN8(pAC,PCI_C(Addr),pVal); \
++ SK_IN8(pAC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),pVal); \
+ }
+ #define VPD_IN16(pAC,Ioc,Addr,pVal) { \
+- if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
++ if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
+ SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC,Addr,pVal); \
+ else \
+- SK_IN16(pAC,PCI_C(Addr),pVal); \
++ SK_IN16(pAC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),pVal); \
+ }
+ #define VPD_IN32(pAC,Ioc,Addr,pVal) { \
+ if ((pAC)->DgT.DgUseCfgCycle) \
+ SkPciReadCfgDWord(pAC,Addr,pVal); \
+ else \
+- SK_IN32(pAC,PCI_C(Addr),pVal); \
++ SK_IN32(pAC,PCI_C(pAC,Addr),pVal); \
+ }
+-#endif /* nSKDIAG */
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+ /* function prototypes ********************************************************/
+ #ifndef SK_KR_PROTO
+-#ifdef SKDIAG
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
+ extern SK_U32 VpdReadDWord(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+ int addr);
+-#endif /* SKDIAG */
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+ extern int VpdSetupPara(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+@@ -240,7 +242,12 @@
+ char *msg);
+-#ifdef SKDIAG
++int VpdInit(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC);
++#if defined(SK_DIAG) || defined(SK_ASF)
+ extern int VpdReadBlock(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+@@ -254,7 +261,9 @@
+ char *buf,
+ int addr,
+ int len);
+-#endif /* SKDIAG */
++#endif /* SK_DIAG || SK_ASF */
+ #else /* SK_KR_PROTO */
+ extern SK_U32 VpdReadDWord();
+ extern int VpdSetupPara();
+@@ -269,3 +278,4 @@
+ #endif /* SK_KR_PROTO */
+ #endif /* __INC_SKVPD_H_ */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sky2le.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sky2le.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sky2le.h 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/sky2le.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
++ *
++ * Name: sky2le.h
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
++ * Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/01/26 10:53:34 $
++ * Purpose: Common list element definitions and access macros.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * (C)Copyright 2003-2004 Marvell
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#ifndef __INC_SKY2LE_H
++#define __INC_SKY2LE_H
++#ifdef __cplusplus
++extern "C" {
++#endif /* __cplusplus */
++/* defines ********************************************************************/
++#define MIN_LEN_OF_LE_TAB 128
++#define MAX_LEN_OF_LE_TAB 4096
++#define MAX_FRAG_OVERHEAD 10
++/* Macro for aligning a given value */
++#define SK_ALIGN_SIZE(Value, Alignment, AlignedVal) { \
++ (AlignedVal) = (((Value) + (Alignment) - 1) & (~((Alignment) - 1)));\
++ *
++ * LE2DWord() - Converts the given Little Endian value to machine order value
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function converts the Little Endian value received as an argument to
++ * the machine order value.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * The converted value
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define LE2DWord(value) (value)
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define LE2DWord(value) \
++ ((((value)<<24L) & 0xff000000L) + \
++ (((value)<< 8L) & 0x00ff0000L) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x0000ff00L) + \
++ (((value)>>24L) & 0x000000ffL))
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#else /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define LE2DWord(value) \
++ ((((value)<<24L) & 0xff000000L) + \
++ (((value)<< 8L) & 0x00ff0000L) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x0000ff00L) + \
++ (((value)>>24L) & 0x000000ffL))
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define LE2DWord(value) (value)
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#endif /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++ *
++ * DWord2LE() - Converts the given value to a Little Endian value
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function converts the value received as an argument to a Little Endian
++ * value on Big Endian machines. If the machine running the code is Little
++ * Endian, then no conversion is done.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * The converted value
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define DWord2LE(value) (value)
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define DWord2LE(value) \
++ ((((value)<<24L) & 0xff000000L) + \
++ (((value)<< 8L) & 0x00ff0000L) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x0000ff00L) + \
++ (((value)>>24L) & 0x000000ffL))
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#else /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define DWord2LE(value) \
++ ((((value)<<24L) & 0xff000000L) + \
++ (((value)<< 8L) & 0x00ff0000L) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x0000ff00L) + \
++ (((value)>>24L) & 0x000000ffL))
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define DWord2LE(value) (value)
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#endif /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++ *
++ * LE2Word() - Converts the given Little Endian value to machine order value
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function converts the Little Endian value received as an argument to
++ * the machine order value.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * The converted value
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define LE2Word(value) (value)
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define LE2Word(value) \
++ ((((value)<< 8L) & 0xff00) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x00ff))
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#else /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define LE2Word(value) \
++ ((((value)<< 8L) & 0xff00) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x00ff))
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define LE2Word(value) (value)
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#endif /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++ *
++ * Word2LE() - Converts the given value to a Little Endian value
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function converts the value received as an argument to a Little Endian
++ * value on Big Endian machines. If the machine running the code is Little
++ * Endian, then no conversion is done.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * The converted value
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define Word2LE(value) (value)
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define Word2LE(value) \
++ ((((value)<< 8L) & 0xff00) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x00ff))
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#else /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++#ifndef SK_USE_REV_DESC
++#define Word2LE(value) \
++ ((((value)<< 8L) & 0xff00) + \
++ (((value)>> 8L) & 0x00ff))
++#else /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#define Word2LE(value) (value)
++#endif /* SK_USE_REV_DESC */
++#endif /* !SK_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++ *
++ * Transmit list element macros
++ *
++ */
++#define TXLE_SET_ADDR(pLE, Addr) \
++ ((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.BufAddr = DWord2LE(Addr))
++#define TXLE_SET_LSLEN(pLE, Len) \
++ ((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.LargeSend.Length = Word2LE(Len))
++#define TXLE_SET_STACS(pLE, Start) \
++ ((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.ChkSum.TxTcpSp = Word2LE(Start))
++#define TXLE_SET_WRICS(pLE, Write) \
++ ((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.ChkSum.TxTcpWp = Word2LE(Write))
++#define TXLE_SET_INICS(pLE, Ini) ((pLE)->Tx.Send.InitCsum = Word2LE(Ini))
++#define TXLE_SET_LEN(pLE, Len) ((pLE)->Tx.Send.BufLen = Word2LE(Len))
++#define TXLE_SET_VLAN(pLE, Vlan) ((pLE)->Tx.Send.VlanTag = Word2LE(Vlan))
++#define TXLE_SET_LCKCS(pLE, Lock) ((pLE)->Tx.ControlFlags = (Lock))
++#define TXLE_SET_CTRL(pLE, Ctrl) ((pLE)->Tx.ControlFlags = (Ctrl))
++#define TXLE_SET_OPC(pLE, Opc) ((pLE)->Tx.Opcode = (Opc))
++#define TXLE_GET_ADDR(pLE) LE2DWord((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.BufAddr)
++#define TXLE_GET_LSLEN(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.LargeSend.Length)
++#define TXLE_GET_STACS(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.ChkSum.TxTcpSp)
++#define TXLE_GET_WRICS(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Tx.TxUn.ChkSum.TxTcpWp)
++#define TXLE_GET_INICS(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Tx.Send.InitCsum)
++#define TXLE_GET_LEN(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Tx.Send.BufLen)
++#define TXLE_GET_VLAN(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Tx.Send.VlanTag)
++#define TXLE_GET_LCKCS(pLE) ((pLE)->Tx.ControlFlags)
++#define TXLE_GET_CTRL(pLE) ((pLE)->Tx.ControlFlags)
++#define TXLE_GET_OPC(pLE) ((pLE)->Tx.Opcode)
++ *
++ * Receive list element macros
++ *
++ */
++#define RXLE_SET_ADDR(pLE, Addr) \
++ ((pLE)->Rx.RxUn.BufAddr = (SK_U32) DWord2LE(Addr))
++#define RXLE_SET_STACS2(pLE, Offs) \
++ ((pLE)->Rx.RxUn.ChkSum.RxTcpSp2 = Word2LE(Offs))
++#define RXLE_SET_STACS1(pLE, Offs) \
++ ((pLE)->Rx.RxUn.ChkSum.RxTcpSp1 = Word2LE(Offs))
++#define RXLE_SET_LEN(pLE, Len) ((pLE)->Rx.BufferLength = Word2LE(Len))
++#define RXLE_SET_CTRL(pLE, Ctrl) ((pLE)->Rx.ControlFlags = (Ctrl))
++#define RXLE_SET_OPC(pLE, Opc) ((pLE)->Rx.Opcode = (Opc))
++#define RXLE_GET_ADDR(pLE) LE2DWord((pLE)->Rx.RxUn.BufAddr)
++#define RXLE_GET_STACS2(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Rx.RxUn.ChkSum.RxTcpSp2)
++#define RXLE_GET_STACS1(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Rx.RxUn.ChkSum.RxTcpSp1)
++#define RXLE_GET_LEN(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Rx.BufferLength)
++#define RXLE_GET_CTRL(pLE) ((pLE)->Rx.ControlFlags)
++#define RXLE_GET_OPC(pLE) ((pLE)->Rx.Opcode)
++ *
++ * Status list element macros
++ *
++ */
++#define STLE_SET_OPC(pLE, Opc) ((pLE)->St.Opcode = (Opc))
++#define STLE_GET_FRSTATUS(pLE) LE2DWord((pLE)->St.StUn.StRxStatWord)
++#define STLE_GET_TIST(pLE) LE2DWord((pLE)->St.StUn.StRxTimeStamp)
++#define STLE_GET_TCP1(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->St.StUn.StRxTCPCSum.RxTCPSum1)
++#define STLE_GET_TCP2(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->St.StUn.StRxTCPCSum.RxTCPSum2)
++#define STLE_GET_LEN(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->St.Stat.BufLen)
++#define STLE_GET_VLAN(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->St.Stat.VlanTag)
++#define STLE_GET_LINK(pLE) ((pLE)->St.Link)
++#define STLE_GET_OPC(pLE) ((pLE)->St.Opcode)
++#define STLE_GET_DONE_IDX(pLE,LowVal,HighVal) { \
++ (LowVal) = LE2DWord((pLE)->St.StUn.StTxStatLow); \
++ (HighVal) = LE2Word((pLE)->St.Stat.StTxStatHi); \
++#define STLE_GET_RSS(pLE) LE2DWord((pLE)->St.StUn.StRxRssValue)
++#define STLE_GET_IPBIT(pLE) ((pLE)->St.Stat.Rss.FlagField & RSS_IP_FLAG)
++#define STLE_GET_TCPBIT(pLE) ((pLE)->St.Stat.Rss.FlagField & RSS_TCP_FLAG)
++/* I always take both values as a paramter to avoid typos */
++#define STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXA1(LowVal,HighVal) \
++ (((LowVal) & STLE_TXA1_MSKL) >> STLE_TXA1_SHIFTL)
++#define STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXS1(LowVal,HighVal) \
++#define STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXA2(LowVal,HighVal) \
++ (((LowVal & STLE_TXA2_MSKL) >> STLE_TXA2_SHIFTL) + \
++ ((HighVal & STLE_TXA2_MSKH) << STLE_TXA2_SHIFTH))
++#define STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXS2(LowVal,HighVal) \
++#define SK_Y2_RXSTAT_CHECK_PKT(Len, RxStat, IsOk) { \
++ (IsOk) = (((RxStat) & GMR_FS_RX_OK) != 0) && \
++ (((RxStat) & GMR_FS_ANY_ERR) == 0); \
++ \
++ if ((IsOk) && ((SK_U16)(((RxStat) & GMR_FS_LEN_MSK) >> \
++ GMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT) != (Len))) { \
++ /* length in MAC status differs from length in LE */\
++ (IsOk) = SK_FALSE; \
++ } \
++ *
++ * Polling unit list element macros
++ *
++ * NOTE: the Idx must be <= 0xfff and PU_PUTIDX_VALID makes them valid
++ *
++ */
++#define POLE_SET_OPC(pLE, Opc) ((pLE)->Sa.Opcode = (Opc))
++#define POLE_SET_LINK(pLE, Port) ((pLE)->Sa.Link = (Port))
++#define POLE_SET_RXIDX(pLE, Idx) ((pLE)->Sa.RxIdxVld = Word2LE(Idx))
++#define POLE_SET_TXAIDX(pLE, Idx) ((pLE)->Sa.TxAIdxVld = Word2LE(Idx))
++#define POLE_SET_TXSIDX(pLE, Idx) ((pLE)->Sa.TxSIdxVld = Word2LE(Idx))
++#define POLE_GET_OPC(pLE) ((pLE)->Sa.Opcode)
++#define POLE_GET_LINK(pLE) ((pLE)->Sa.Link)
++#define POLE_GET_RXIDX(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Sa.RxIdxVld)
++#define POLE_GET_TXAIDX(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Sa.TxAIdxVld)
++#define POLE_GET_TXSIDX(pLE) LE2Word((pLE)->Sa.TxSIdxVld)
++#endif /* USE_POLLING_UNIT */
++ *
++ * Debug macros for list elements
++ *
++ */
++#ifdef DEBUG
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_RX_LE(pLE) { \
++ SK_U8 Opcode; \
++ ("=== RX_LIST_ELEMENT @addr: %p cont: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", \
++ pLE, ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[2],\
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[3], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[4], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[5], \
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[6], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[7])); \
++ ("\t (16bit) %04x %04x %04x %04x\n", \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[2], \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[3])); \
++ ("\t (32bit) %08x %08x\n", \
++ ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[1])); \
++ Opcode = RXLE_GET_OPC(pLE); \
++ ("\tOwn belongs to %s\n", ((Opcode & HW_OWNER) == HW_OWNER) ? \
++ "Hardware" : "Software")); \
++ ("\tOpc: 0x%x ",Opcode)); \
++ switch (Opcode & (~HW_OWNER)) { \
++ case OP_BUFFER: \
++ ("\tOP_BUFFER\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_PACKET: \
++ ("\tOP_PACKET\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_ADDR64: \
++ ("\tOP_ADDR64\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_TCPSTART: \
++ ("\tOP_TCPPAR\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case SW_OWNER: \
++ ("\tunused LE\n")); \
++ break; \
++ default: \
++ ("\tunknown Opcode!!!\n")); \
++ break; \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_BUFFER) == OP_BUFFER) { \
++ ("\tControl: 0x%x\n", RXLE_GET_CTRL(pLE))); \
++ ("\tBufLen: 0x%x\n", RXLE_GET_LEN(pLE))); \
++ ("\tLowAddr: 0x%x\n", RXLE_GET_ADDR(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_ADDR64) == OP_ADDR64) { \
++ ("\tHighAddr: 0x%x\n", RXLE_GET_ADDR(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_TCPSTART) == OP_TCPSTART) { \
++ ("\tTCP Sum Start 1 : 0x%x\n", RXLE_GET_STACS1(pLE))); \
++ ("\tTCP Sum Start 2 : 0x%x\n", RXLE_GET_STACS2(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ ("=====================\n")); \
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_TX_LE(pLE) { \
++ SK_U8 Opcode; \
++ ("=== TX_LIST_ELEMENT @addr: %p cont: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", \
++ pLE, ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[2],\
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[3], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[4], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[5], \
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[6], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[7])); \
++ ("\t (16bit) %04x %04x %04x %04x\n", \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[2], \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[3])); \
++ ("\t (32bit) %08x %08x\n", \
++ ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[1])); \
++ Opcode = TXLE_GET_OPC(pLE); \
++ ("\tOwn belongs to %s\n", ((Opcode & HW_OWNER) == HW_OWNER) ? \
++ "Hardware" : "Software")); \
++ ("\tOpc: 0x%x ",Opcode)); \
++ switch (Opcode & (~HW_OWNER)) { \
++ case OP_TCPCHKSUM: \
++ ("\tOP_TCPCHKSUM\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_TCPIS: \
++ ("\tOP_TCPIS\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_TCPLCK: \
++ ("\tOP_TCPLCK\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_TCPLW: \
++ ("\tOP_TCPLW\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_TCPLSW: \
++ ("\tOP_TCPLSW\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_TCPLISW: \
++ ("\tOP_TCPLISW\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_ADDR64: \
++ ("\tOP_ADDR64\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_VLAN: \
++ ("\tOP_VLAN\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_ADDR64VLAN: \
++ ("\tOP_ADDR64VLAN\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_LRGLEN: \
++ ("\tOP_LRGLEN\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_LRGLENVLAN: \
++ ("\tOP_LRGLENVLAN\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_BUFFER: \
++ ("\tOP_BUFFER\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_PACKET: \
++ ("\tOP_PACKET\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_LARGESEND: \
++ ("\tOP_LARGESEND\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case SW_OWNER: \
++ ("\tunused LE\n")); \
++ break; \
++ default: \
++ ("\tunknown Opcode!!!\n")); \
++ break; \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_BUFFER) == OP_BUFFER) { \
++ ("\tControl: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_CTRL(pLE))); \
++ ("\tBufLen: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_LEN(pLE))); \
++ ("\tLowAddr: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_ADDR(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_ADDR64) == OP_ADDR64) { \
++ ("\tHighAddr: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_ADDR(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_VLAN) == OP_VLAN) { \
++ ("\tVLAN Id: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_VLAN(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_LRGLEN) == OP_LRGLEN) { \
++ ("\tLarge send length: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_LSLEN(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode &(~HW_OWNER)) <= OP_ADDR64) { \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_TCPWRITE) == OP_TCPWRITE) { \
++ ("\tTCP Sum Write: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_WRICS(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_TCPSTART) == OP_TCPSTART) { \
++ ("\tTCP Sum Start: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_STACS(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_TCPINIT) == OP_TCPINIT) { \
++ ("\tTCP Sum Init: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_INICS(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_TCPLCK) == OP_TCPLCK) { \
++ ("\tTCP Sum Lock: 0x%x\n", TXLE_GET_LCKCS(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ } \
++ ("=====================\n")); \
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_ST_LE(pLE) { \
++ SK_U8 Opcode; \
++ SK_U16 HighVal; \
++ SK_U32 LowVal; \
++ ("=== ST_LIST_ELEMENT @addr: %p contains: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",\
++ pLE, ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[2],\
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[3], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[4], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[5], \
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[6], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[7])); \
++ ("\t (16bit) %04x %04x %04x %04x\n", \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[2], \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[3])); \
++ ("\t (32bit) %08x %08x\n", \
++ ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[1])); \
++ Opcode = STLE_GET_OPC(pLE); \
++ ("\tOwn belongs to %s\n", ((Opcode & HW_OWNER) == SW_OWNER) ? \
++ "Hardware" : "Software")); \
++ ("\tOpc: 0x%x", Opcode)); \
++ Opcode &= (~HW_OWNER); \
++ switch (Opcode) { \
++ case OP_RXSTAT: \
++ ("\tOP_RXSTAT\n")); \
++ break; \
++ ("\tOP_RXTIMESTAMP\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_RXVLAN: \
++ ("\tOP_RXVLAN\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_RXCHKS: \
++ ("\tOP_RXCHKS\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_RXCHKSVLAN: \
++ ("\tOP_RXCHKSVLAN\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_RXTIMEVLAN: \
++ ("\tOP_RXTIMEVLAN\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_RSS_HASH: \
++ ("\tOP_RSS_HASH\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case OP_TXINDEXLE: \
++ ("\tOP_TXINDEXLE\n")); \
++ break; \
++ case HW_OWNER: \
++ ("\tunused LE\n")); \
++ break; \
++ default: \
++ ("\tunknown status list element!!!\n")); \
++ break; \
++ } \
++ ("\tPort: %c\n", 'A' + STLE_GET_LINK(pLE))); \
++ if (Opcode == OP_RXSTAT) { \
++ ("\tFrameLen: 0x%x\n", STLE_GET_LEN(pLE))); \
++ ("\tFrameStat: 0x%x\n", STLE_GET_FRSTATUS(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_RXVLAN) == OP_RXVLAN) { \
++ ("\tVLAN Id: 0x%x\n", STLE_GET_VLAN(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_RXTIMESTAMP) == OP_RXTIMESTAMP) { \
++ ("\tTimestamp: 0x%x\n", STLE_GET_TIST(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if ((Opcode & OP_RXCHKS) == OP_RXCHKS) { \
++ ("\tTCP: 0x%x 0x%x\n", STLE_GET_TCP1(pLE), \
++ STLE_GET_TCP2(pLE))); \
++ } \
++ if (Opcode == OP_TXINDEXLE) { \
++ STLE_GET_DONE_IDX(pLE, LowVal, HighVal); \
++ ("\tTx Index TxA1: 0x%x\n", \
++ STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXA1(LowVal,HighVal))); \
++ ("\tTx Index TxS1: 0x%x\n", \
++ STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXS1(LowVal,HighVal))); \
++ ("\tTx Index TxA2: 0x%x\n", \
++ STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXA2(LowVal,HighVal))); \
++ ("\tTx Index TxS2: 0x%x\n", \
++ STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXS2(LowVal,HighVal))); \
++ } \
++ ("=====================\n")); \
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_PO_LE(pLE) { \
++ SK_U8 Opcode; \
++ SK_U16 Idx; \
++ ("=== PO_LIST_ELEMENT @addr: %p cont: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", \
++ pLE, ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[2],\
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[3], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[4], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[5], \
++ ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[6], ((SK_U8 *) pLE)[7])); \
++ ("\t (16bit) %04x %04x %04x %04x\n", \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[1], ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[2], \
++ ((SK_U16 *) pLE)[3])); \
++ ("\t (32bit) %08x %08x\n", \
++ ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[0], ((SK_U32 *) pLE)[1])); \
++ Opcode = POLE_GET_OPC(pLE); \
++ ("\tOwn belongs to %s\n", ((Opcode & HW_OWNER) == HW_OWNER) ? \
++ "Hardware" : "Software")); \
++ ("\tOpc: 0x%x ",Opcode)); \
++ if ((Opcode & ~HW_OWNER) == OP_PUTIDX) { \
++ ("\tOP_PUTIDX\n")); \
++ } \
++ else { \
++ ("\tunknown Opcode!!!\n")); \
++ } \
++ ("\tPort %c\n", 'A' + POLE_GET_LINK(pLE))); \
++ Idx = POLE_GET_TXAIDX(pLE); \
++ ("\tTxA Index is 0x%X and %svalid\n", Idx, \
++ (Idx & PU_PUTIDX_VALID) ? "" : "not ")); \
++ Idx = POLE_GET_TXSIDX(pLE); \
++ ("\tTxS Index is 0x%X and %svalid\n", Idx, \
++ (Idx & PU_PUTIDX_VALID) ? "" : "not ")); \
++ Idx = POLE_GET_RXIDX(pLE); \
++ ("\tRx Index is 0x%X and %svalid\n", Idx, \
++ (Idx & PU_PUTIDX_VALID) ? "" : "not ")); \
++ ("=====================\n")); \
++#endif /* USE_POLLING_UNIT */
++#else /* !DEBUG */
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_RX_LE(pLE)
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_TX_LE(pLE)
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_ST_LE(pLE)
++#define SK_DBG_DUMP_PO_LE(pLE)
++#endif /* !DEBUG */
++ *
++ * Macros for listelement tables
++ *
++ *
++ */
++#define LE_SIZE sizeof(SK_HWLE)
++#define LE_TAB_SIZE(NumElements) ((NumElements) * LE_SIZE)
++/* Number of unused list elements in table
++ * this macro always returns the number of free listelements - 1
++ * this way we want to guarantee that always one LE remains unused
++ */
++#define NUM_FREE_LE_IN_TABLE(pTable) \
++ ( ((pTable)->Put >= (pTable)->Done) ? \
++ (NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(pTable) - (pTable)->Put + (pTable)->Done - 1) :\
++ ((pTable)->Done - (pTable)->Put - 1) )
++/* total number of list elements in table */
++#define NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(pTable) ((pTable)->Num)
++/* get next unused Rx list element */
++#define GET_RX_LE(pLE, pTable) { \
++ pLE = &(pTable)->pLETab[(pTable)->Put]; \
++ (pTable)->Put = ((pTable)->Put + 1) & (NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(pTable) - 1);\
++/* get next unused Tx list element */
++#define GET_TX_LE(pLE, pTable) GET_RX_LE(pLE, pTable)
++/* get next status list element expected to be finished by hw */
++#define GET_ST_LE(pLE, pTable) { \
++ pLE = &(pTable)->pLETab[(pTable)->Done]; \
++ (pTable)->Done = ((pTable)->Done +1) & (NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(pTable) - 1);\
++/* get next polling unit list element for port */
++#define GET_PO_LE(pLE, pTable, Port) { \
++ pLE = &(pTable)->pLETab[(Port)]; \
++#endif /* USE_POLLING_UNIT */
++#define GET_PUT_IDX(pTable) ((pTable)->Put)
++#define UPDATE_HWPUT_IDX(pTable) {(pTable)->HwPut = (pTable)->Put; }
++ * get own bit of next status LE
++ * if the result is != 0 there has been at least one status LE finished
++ */
++#define OWN_OF_FIRST_LE(pTable) \
++ (STLE_GET_OPC(&(pTable)->pLETab[(pTable)->Done]) & HW_OWNER)
++#define SET_DONE_INDEX(pTable, Idx) (pTable)->Done = (Idx);
++#define GET_DONE_INDEX(pTable) ((pTable)->Done)
++#ifdef SAFE_BUT_SLOW
++/* check own bit of LE before current done idx */
++#define CHECK_STLE_OVERFLOW(pTable, IsOk) { \
++ unsigned i; \
++ if ((i = (pTable)->Done) == 0) { \
++ i = NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(pTable); \
++ } \
++ else { \
++ i = i - 1; \
++ } \
++ if (STLE_GET_OPC(&(pTable)->pLETab[i]) == HW_OWNER) { \
++ (IsOk) = SK_TRUE; \
++ } \
++ else { \
++ (IsOk) = SK_FALSE; \
++ } \
++ }
++ * for Yukon-2 the hardware is not polling the list elements, so it
++ * is not necessary to change the own-bit of Rx or Tx LEs before
++ * reusing them
++ * but it might make debugging easier if one simply can see whether
++ * a LE has been worked on
++ */
++#define CLEAR_LE_OWN(pTable, Idx) \
++ STLE_SET_OPC(&(pTable)->pLETab[(Idx)], SW_OWNER)
++ * clear all own bits starting from old done index up to the LE before
++ * the new done index
++ */
++#define CLEAR_LE_OWN_FROM_DONE_TO(pTable, To) { \
++ int i; \
++ i = (pTable)->Done; \
++ while (i != To) { \
++ CLEAR_LE_OWN(pTable, i); \
++ i = (i + 1) & (NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(pTable) - 1); \
++ } \
++ }
++#else /* !SAFE_BUT_SLOW */
++#define CHECK_STLE_OVERFLOW(pTable, IsOk)
++#define CLEAR_LE_OWN(pTable, Idx)
++#define CLEAR_LE_OWN_FROM_DONE_TO(pTable, To)
++#endif /* !SAFE_BUT_SLOW */
++/* typedefs *******************************************************************/
++typedef struct s_LetRxTx {
++ SK_U16 VlanId; /* VLAN Id given down last time */
++ SK_U16 TcpWp; /* TCP Checksum Write Position */
++ SK_U16 TcpSp1; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 1 */
++ SK_U16 TcpSp2; /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position 2 */
++ SK_U16 MssValue; /* Maximum Segment Size */
++ SK_U16 Reserved1; /* reserved word for furture extensions */
++ SK_U16 Reserved2; /* reserved word for furture extensions */
++ SK_U16 Reserved3; /* reserved word for furture extensions */
++typedef struct s_LetStat {
++ SK_U32 RxTimeStamp; /* Receive Timestamp */
++ SK_U32 RssHashValue; /* RSS Hash Value */
++ SK_BOOL RssIsIp; /* RSS Hash Value: IP packet detected */
++ SK_BOOL RssIsTcp; /* RSS Hash Value: IP+TCP packet detected */
++ SK_U16 VlanId; /* VLAN Id given received by Status BMU */
++ SK_U16 TcpSum1; /* TCP checksum 1 (status BMU) */
++ SK_U16 TcpSum2; /* TCP checksum 2 (status BMU) */
++typedef union s_LetBmuSpec {
++ SK_LET_RX_TX RxTx; /* Rx/Tx BMU specific variables */
++ SK_LET_STAT Stat; /* Status BMU specific variables */
++typedef struct s_le_table {
++ /* all LE's between Done and HWPut are owned by the hardware */
++ /* all LE's between Put and Done can be used from Software */
++ /* all LE's between HWPut and Put are currently processed in DriverSend */
++ unsigned Done; /* done index - consumed from HW and available */
++ unsigned Put; /* put index - to be given to hardware */
++ unsigned HwPut; /* put index actually given to hardware */
++ unsigned Num; /* total number of list elements */
++ SK_HWLE *pLETab; /* virtual address of list element table */
++ SK_U32 pPhyLETABLow; /* physical address of list element table */
++ SK_U32 pPhyLETABHigh; /* physical address of list element table */
++ /* values to remember in order to save some LEs */
++ SK_U32 BufHighAddr; /* high addr given down last time */
++ SK_LET_BMU_S Bmu; /* contains BMU specific information */
++ SK_U32 private; /* driver private variable free usable */
++ SK_U16 TcpInitCsum; /* Init. Checksum */
++/* function prototypes ********************************************************/
++#ifndef SK_KR_PROTO
++ * public functions in sky2le.c
++ */
++extern void SkGeY2SetPutIndex(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ SK_U32 StartAddrPrefetchUnit,
++ SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab);
++extern void SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ unsigned int Queue,
++ SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab);
++extern void SkGeY2InitStatBmu(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab);
++extern void SkGeY2InitPollUnit(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_IOC IoC,
++ SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab);
++extern void SkGeY2InitSingleLETable(
++ SK_AC *pAC,
++ unsigned int NumLE,
++ void *pVMem,
++ SK_U32 PMemLowAddr,
++ SK_U32 PMemHighAddr);
++#else /* SK_KR_PROTO */
++extern void SkGeY2SetPutIndex();
++extern void SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit();
++extern void SkGeY2InitStatBmu();
++extern void SkGeY2InitPollUnit();
++extern void SkGeY2InitSingleLETable();
++#endif /* SK_KR_PROTO */
++#ifdef __cplusplus
++#endif /* __cplusplus */
++#endif /* __INC_SKY2LE_H */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/xmac_ii.h linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/xmac_ii.h
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/xmac_ii.h 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/xmac_ii.h 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: xmac_ii.h
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.52 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/02 16:35:50 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.11 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/01/04 14:14:20 $
+ * Purpose: Defines and Macros for Gigabit Ethernet Controller
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -449,7 +448,7 @@
+ /*
+ * Receive Frame Status Encoding
+ */
+-#define XMR_FS_LEN (0x3fffUL<<18) /* Bit 31..18: Rx Frame Length */
++#define XMR_FS_LEN_MSK (0x3fffUL<<18) /* Bit 31..18: Rx Frame Length */
+ #define XMR_FS_2L_VLAN (1L<<17) /* Bit 17: tagged wh 2Lev VLAN ID*/
+ #define XMR_FS_1L_VLAN (1L<<16) /* Bit 16: tagged wh 1Lev VLAN ID*/
+ #define XMR_FS_BC (1L<<15) /* Bit 15: Broadcast Frame */
+@@ -469,6 +468,8 @@
+ #define XMR_FS_ERR (1L<<1) /* Bit 1: Frame Error */
+ #define XMR_FS_MCTRL (1L<<0) /* Bit 0: MAC Control Packet */
++#define XMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT 18
+ /*
+ * XMR_FS_ERR will be set if
+@@ -510,7 +511,7 @@
+ #define PHY_BCOM_NEPG 0x07 /* 16 bit r/w Next Page Register */
+ #define PHY_BCOM_NEPG_LP 0x08 /* 16 bit r/o Next Page Link Partner */
+ /* Broadcom-specific registers */
+-#define PHY_BCOM_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Ctrl Reg */
++#define PHY_BCOM_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Control Reg */
+ #define PHY_BCOM_1000T_STAT 0x0a /* 16 bit r/o 1000Base-T Status Reg */
+ /* 0x0b - 0x0e: reserved */
+ #define PHY_BCOM_EXT_STAT 0x0f /* 16 bit r/o Extended Status Reg */
+@@ -541,24 +542,32 @@
+ #define PHY_MARV_NEPG 0x07 /* 16 bit r/w Next Page Register */
+ #define PHY_MARV_NEPG_LP 0x08 /* 16 bit r/o Next Page Link Partner */
+ /* Marvel-specific registers */
+-#define PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Ctrl Reg */
++#define PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Control Reg */
+ #define PHY_MARV_1000T_STAT 0x0a /* 16 bit r/o 1000Base-T Status Reg */
+ /* 0x0b - 0x0e: reserved */
+ #define PHY_MARV_EXT_STAT 0x0f /* 16 bit r/o Extended Status Reg */
+-#define PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL 0x10 /* 16 bit r/w PHY Specific Ctrl Reg */
+-#define PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT 0x11 /* 16 bit r/o PHY Specific Stat Reg */
++#define PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL 0x10 /* 16 bit r/w PHY Specific Control Reg */
++#define PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT 0x11 /* 16 bit r/o PHY Specific Status Reg */
+ #define PHY_MARV_INT_MASK 0x12 /* 16 bit r/w Interrupt Mask Reg */
+ #define PHY_MARV_INT_STAT 0x13 /* 16 bit r/o Interrupt Status Reg */
+ #define PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL 0x14 /* 16 bit r/w Ext. PHY Specific Ctrl */
+ #define PHY_MARV_RXE_CNT 0x15 /* 16 bit r/w Receive Error Counter */
+ #define PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR 0x16 /* 16 bit r/w Ext. Ad. for Cable Diag. */
+- /* 0x17: reserved */
++#define PHY_MARV_PORT_IRQ 0x17 /* 16 bit r/o Port 0 IRQ (88E1111 only) */
+ #define PHY_MARV_LED_CTRL 0x18 /* 16 bit r/w LED Control Reg */
+ #define PHY_MARV_LED_OVER 0x19 /* 16 bit r/w Manual LED Override Reg */
+ #define PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL_2 0x1a /* 16 bit r/w Ext. PHY Specific Ctrl 2 */
+ #define PHY_MARV_EXT_P_STAT 0x1b /* 16 bit r/w Ext. PHY Spec. Stat Reg */
+ #define PHY_MARV_CABLE_DIAG 0x1c /* 16 bit r/o Cable Diagnostic Reg */
+- /* 0x1d - 0x1f: reserved */
++#define PHY_MARV_PAGE_ADDR 0x1d /* 16 bit r/w Extended Page Address Reg */
++#define PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA 0x1e /* 16 bit r/w Extended Page Data Reg */
++/* for 10/100 Fast Ethernet PHY (88E3082 only) */
++#define PHY_MARV_FE_LED_PAR 0x16 /* 16 bit r/w LED Parallel Select Reg. */
++#define PHY_MARV_FE_LED_SER 0x17 /* 16 bit r/w LED Stream Select S. LED */
++#define PHY_MARV_FE_VCT_TX 0x1a /* 16 bit r/w VCT Reg. for TXP/N Pins */
++#define PHY_MARV_FE_VCT_RX 0x1b /* 16 bit r/o VCT Reg. for RXP/N Pins */
++#define PHY_MARV_FE_SPEC_2 0x1c /* 16 bit r/w Specific Control Reg. 2 */
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+@@ -574,9 +583,9 @@
+ #define PHY_LONE_NEPG 0x07 /* 16 bit r/w Next Page Register */
+ #define PHY_LONE_NEPG_LP 0x08 /* 16 bit r/o Next Page Link Partner */
+ /* Level One-specific registers */
+-#define PHY_LONE_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Control Reg*/
++#define PHY_LONE_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Control Reg */
+ #define PHY_LONE_1000T_STAT 0x0a /* 16 bit r/o 1000Base-T Status Reg */
+- /* 0x0b -0x0e: reserved */
++ /* 0x0b - 0x0e: reserved */
+ #define PHY_LONE_EXT_STAT 0x0f /* 16 bit r/o Extended Status Reg */
+ #define PHY_LONE_PORT_CFG 0x10 /* 16 bit r/w Port Configuration Reg*/
+ #define PHY_LONE_Q_STAT 0x11 /* 16 bit r/o Quick Status Reg */
+@@ -585,7 +594,7 @@
+ #define PHY_LONE_LED_CFG 0x14 /* 16 bit r/w LED Configuration Reg */
+ #define PHY_LONE_PORT_CTRL 0x15 /* 16 bit r/w Port Control Reg */
+ #define PHY_LONE_CIM 0x16 /* 16 bit r/o CIM Reg */
+- /* 0x17 -0x1c: reserved */
++ /* 0x17 - 0x1c: reserved */
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+@@ -603,14 +612,14 @@
+ /* National-specific registers */
+ #define PHY_NAT_1000T_CTRL 0x09 /* 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Control Reg */
+ #define PHY_NAT_1000T_STAT 0x0a /* 16 bit r/o 1000Base-T Status Reg */
+- /* 0x0b -0x0e: reserved */
++ /* 0x0b - 0x0e: reserved */
+ #define PHY_NAT_EXT_STAT 0x0f /* 16 bit r/o Extended Status Register */
+ #define PHY_NAT_EXT_CTRL1 0x10 /* 16 bit r/o Extended Control Reg1 */
+ #define PHY_NAT_Q_STAT1 0x11 /* 16 bit r/o Quick Status Reg1 */
+ #define PHY_NAT_10B_OP 0x12 /* 16 bit r/o 10Base-T Operations Reg */
+ #define PHY_NAT_EXT_CTRL2 0x13 /* 16 bit r/o Extended Control Reg1 */
+ #define PHY_NAT_Q_STAT2 0x14 /* 16 bit r/o Quick Status Reg2 */
+- /* 0x15 -0x18: reserved */
++ /* 0x15 - 0x18: reserved */
+ #define PHY_NAT_PHY_ADDR 0x19 /* 16 bit r/o PHY Address Register */
+@@ -618,7 +627,7 @@
+ /*
+ * PHY bit definitions
+- * Bits defined as PHY_X_..., PHY_B_..., PHY_L_... or PHY_N_... are
++ * Bits defined as PHY_X_..., PHY_B_..., PHY_L_..., PHY_N_... or PHY_M_... are
+ * XMAC/Broadcom/LevelOne/National/Marvell-specific.
+ * All other are general.
+ */
+@@ -629,14 +638,14 @@
+ /***** PHY_LONE_CTRL 16 bit r/w PHY Control Register *****/
+ #define PHY_CT_RESET (1<<15) /* Bit 15: (sc) clear all PHY related regs */
+ #define PHY_CT_LOOP (1<<14) /* Bit 14: enable Loopback over PHY */
+-#define PHY_CT_SPS_LSB (1<<13) /* Bit 13: (BC,L1) Speed select, lower bit */
++#define PHY_CT_SPS_LSB (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Speed select, lower bit */
+ #define PHY_CT_ANE (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Auto-Negotiation Enabled */
+-#define PHY_CT_PDOWN (1<<11) /* Bit 11: (BC,L1) Power Down Mode */
+-#define PHY_CT_ISOL (1<<10) /* Bit 10: (BC,L1) Isolate Mode */
+-#define PHY_CT_RE_CFG (1<<9) /* Bit 9: (sc) Restart Auto-Negotiation */
++#define PHY_CT_PDOWN (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Power Down Mode */
++#define PHY_CT_ISOL (1<<10) /* Bit 10: Isolate Mode */
++#define PHY_CT_RE_CFG (1<<9) /* Bit 9: (sc) Restart Auto-Negotiation */
+ #define PHY_CT_DUP_MD (1<<8) /* Bit 8: Duplex Mode */
+-#define PHY_CT_COL_TST (1<<7) /* Bit 7: (BC,L1) Collision Test enabled */
+-#define PHY_CT_SPS_MSB (1<<6) /* Bit 6: (BC,L1) Speed select, upper bit */
++#define PHY_CT_COL_TST (1<<7) /* Bit 7: Collision Test enabled */
++#define PHY_CT_SPS_MSB (1<<6) /* Bit 6: Speed select, upper bit */
+ /* Bit 5..0: reserved */
+ #define PHY_CT_SP1000 PHY_CT_SPS_MSB /* enable speed of 1000 Mbps */
+@@ -649,25 +658,25 @@
+ /***** PHY_MARV_STAT 16 bit r/w PHY Status Register *****/
+ /***** PHY_LONE_STAT 16 bit r/w PHY Status Register *****/
+ /* Bit 15..9: reserved */
+- /* (BC/L1) 100/10 Mbps cap bits ignored*/
++ /* (BC/L1) 100/10 Mbps cap bits ignored */
+ #define PHY_ST_EXT_ST (1<<8) /* Bit 8: Extended Status Present */
+ /* Bit 7: reserved */
+-#define PHY_ST_PRE_SUP (1<<6) /* Bit 6: (BC/L1) preamble suppression */
++#define PHY_ST_PRE_SUP (1<<6) /* Bit 6: Preamble Suppression */
+ #define PHY_ST_AN_OVER (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Auto-Negotiation Over */
+ #define PHY_ST_REM_FLT (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Remote Fault Condition Occured */
+ #define PHY_ST_AN_CAP (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Auto-Negotiation Capability */
+ #define PHY_ST_LSYNC (1<<2) /* Bit 2: Link Synchronized */
+-#define PHY_ST_JAB_DET (1<<1) /* Bit 1: (BC/L1) Jabber Detected */
++#define PHY_ST_JAB_DET (1<<1) /* Bit 1: Jabber Detected */
+ #define PHY_ST_EXT_REG (1<<0) /* Bit 0: Extended Register available */
+-/***** PHY_XMAC_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
+-/***** PHY_BCOM_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
+-/***** PHY_MARV_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
+-/***** PHY_LONE_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
++/***** PHY_XMAC_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
++/***** PHY_BCOM_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
++/***** PHY_MARV_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
++/***** PHY_LONE_ID1 16 bit r/o PHY ID1 Register */
+ #define PHY_I1_OUI_MSK (0x3f<<10) /* Bit 15..10: Organization Unique ID */
+ #define PHY_I1_MOD_NUM (0x3f<<4) /* Bit 9.. 4: Model Number */
+-#define PHY_I1_REV_MSK 0x0f /* Bit 3.. 0: Revision Number */
++#define PHY_I1_REV_MSK 0xf /* Bit 3.. 0: Revision Number */
+ /* different Broadcom PHY Ids */
+ #define PHY_BCOM_ID1_A1 0x6041
+@@ -675,11 +684,19 @@
+ #define PHY_BCOM_ID1_C0 0x6044
+ #define PHY_BCOM_ID1_C5 0x6047
++/* different Marvell PHY Ids */
++#define PHY_MARV_ID0_VAL 0x0141 /* Marvell Unique Identifier */
++#define PHY_MARV_ID1_B0 0x0C23 /* Yukon (PHY 88E1011) */
++#define PHY_MARV_ID1_B2 0x0C25 /* Yukon-Plus (PHY 88E1011) */
++#define PHY_MARV_ID1_C2 0x0CC2 /* Yukon-EC (PHY 88E1111) */
++#define PHY_MARV_ID1_Y2 0x0C91 /* Yukon-2 (PHY 88E1112) */
+ /***** PHY_XMAC_AUNE_ADV 16 bit r/w Auto-Negotiation Advertisement *****/
+ /***** PHY_XMAC_AUNE_LP 16 bit r/o Link Partner Ability Reg *****/
+ #define PHY_AN_NXT_PG (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Request Next Page */
+-#define PHY_X_AN_ACK (1<<14) /* Bit 14: (ro) Acknowledge Received */
++#define PHY_X_AN_ACK (1<<14) /* Bit 14: (ro) Acknowledge Received */
+ #define PHY_X_AN_RFB (3<<12) /* Bit 13..12: Remote Fault Bits */
+ /* Bit 11.. 9: reserved */
+ #define PHY_X_AN_PAUSE (3<<7) /* Bit 8.. 7: Pause Bits */
+@@ -827,7 +844,7 @@
+ #define PHY_B_PEC_BY_MLT3 (1<<8) /* Bit 8: Bypass MLT3 Encoder */
+ #define PHY_B_PEC_BY_RXA (1<<7) /* Bit 7: Bypass Rx Alignm. */
+ #define PHY_B_PEC_RES_SCR (1<<6) /* Bit 6: Reset Scrambler */
+-#define PHY_B_PEC_EN_LTR (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Ena LED Traffic Mode */
++#define PHY_B_PEC_EN_LTR (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Enable LED Traffic Mode */
+ #define PHY_B_PEC_LED_ON (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Force LED's on */
+ #define PHY_B_PEC_LED_OFF (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Force LED's off */
+ #define PHY_B_PEC_EX_IPG (1<<2) /* Bit 2: Extend Tx IPG Mode */
+@@ -981,7 +998,7 @@
+ #define PHY_L_QS_DUP_MOD (1<<9) /* Bit 9: Full/Half Duplex */
+ #define PHY_L_QS_AN (1<<8) /* Bit 8: AutoNeg is On */
+ #define PHY_L_QS_AN_C (1<<7) /* Bit 7: AN is Complete */
+-#define PHY_L_QS_LLE (7<<4) /* Bit 6: Line Length Estim. */
++#define PHY_L_QS_LLE (7<<4) /* Bit 6..4: Line Length Estim. */
+ #define PHY_L_QS_PAUSE (1<<3) /* Bit 3: LP advertised Pause */
+ #define PHY_L_QS_AS_PAUSE (1<<2) /* Bit 2: LP adv. asym. Pause */
+ #define PHY_L_QS_ISOLATE (1<<1) /* Bit 1: CIM Isolated */
+@@ -1029,9 +1046,8 @@
+ /* Bit 9..0: not described */
+ /***** PHY_LONE_CIM 16 bit r/o CIM Reg *****/
+-#define PHY_L_CIM_ISOL (255<<8)/* Bit 15..8: Isolate Count */
+-#define PHY_L_CIM_FALSE_CAR (255<<0)/* Bit 7..0: False Carrier Count */
++#define PHY_L_CIM_ISOL (0xff<<8) /* Bit 15..8: Isolate Count */
++#define PHY_L_CIM_FALSE_CAR 0xff /* Bit 7..0: False Carrier Count */
+ /*
+ * Pause Bits (PHY_L_AN_ASP and PHY_L_AN_PC) encoding
+@@ -1041,7 +1057,6 @@
+ #define PHY_L_P_ASYM_MD (2<<10) /* Bit 11..10: asymmetric Pause Mode */
+ #define PHY_L_P_BOTH_MD (3<<10) /* Bit 11..10: both Pause Mode */
+ /*
+ * National-Specific
+ */
+@@ -1086,22 +1101,24 @@
+ */
+ /***** PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV 16 bit r/w Auto-Negotiation Advertisement *****/
+ /***** PHY_MARV_AUNE_LP 16 bit r/w Link Part Ability Reg *****/
+-#define PHY_M_AN_NXT_PG BIT_15 /* Request Next Page */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_ACK BIT_14 /* (ro) Acknowledge Received */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_RF BIT_13 /* Remote Fault */
+- /* Bit 12: reserved */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_ASP BIT_11 /* Asymmetric Pause */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_PC BIT_10 /* MAC Pause implemented */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_100_FD BIT_8 /* Advertise 100Base-TX Full Duplex */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_100_HD BIT_7 /* Advertise 100Base-TX Half Duplex */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_10_FD BIT_6 /* Advertise 10Base-TX Full Duplex */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_10_HD BIT_5 /* Advertise 10Base-TX Half Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_AN_NXT_PG BIT_15S /* Request Next Page */
++#define PHY_M_AN_ACK BIT_14S /* (ro) Acknowledge Received */
++#define PHY_M_AN_RF BIT_13S /* Remote Fault */
++ /* Bit 12: reserved */
++#define PHY_M_AN_ASP BIT_11S /* Asymmetric Pause */
++#define PHY_M_AN_PC BIT_10S /* MAC Pause implemented */
++#define PHY_M_AN_100_T4 BIT_9S /* Not cap. 100Base-T4 (always 0) */
++#define PHY_M_AN_100_FD BIT_8S /* Advertise 100Base-TX Full Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_AN_100_HD BIT_7S /* Advertise 100Base-TX Half Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_AN_10_FD BIT_6S /* Advertise 10Base-TX Full Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_AN_10_HD BIT_5S /* Advertise 10Base-TX Half Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_AN_SEL_MSK (0x1f<<4) /* Bit 4.. 0: Selector Field Mask */
+ /* special defines for FIBER (88E1011S only) */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_ASP_X BIT_8 /* Asymmetric Pause */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_PC_X BIT_7 /* MAC Pause implemented */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_1000X_AHD BIT_6 /* Advertise 10000Base-X Half Duplex */
+-#define PHY_M_AN_1000X_AFD BIT_5 /* Advertise 10000Base-X Full Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_AN_ASP_X BIT_8S /* Asymmetric Pause */
++#define PHY_M_AN_PC_X BIT_7S /* MAC Pause implemented */
++#define PHY_M_AN_1000X_AHD BIT_6S /* Advertise 10000Base-X Half Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_AN_1000X_AFD BIT_5S /* Advertise 10000Base-X Full Duplex */
+ /* Pause Bits (PHY_M_AN_ASP_X and PHY_M_AN_PC_X) encoding */
+ #define PHY_M_P_NO_PAUSE_X (0<<7) /* Bit 8.. 7: no Pause Mode */
+@@ -1111,105 +1128,162 @@
+ /***** PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL 16 bit r/w 1000Base-T Control Reg *****/
+ #define PHY_M_1000C_TEST (7<<13) /* Bit 15..13: Test Modes */
+-#define PHY_M_1000C_MSE (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Manual Master/Slave Enable */
+-#define PHY_M_1000C_MSC (1<<11) /* Bit 11: M/S Configuration (1=Master) */
+-#define PHY_M_1000C_MPD (1<<10) /* Bit 10: Multi-Port Device */
+-#define PHY_M_1000C_AFD (1<<9) /* Bit 9: Advertise Full Duplex */
+-#define PHY_M_1000C_AHD (1<<8) /* Bit 8: Advertise Half Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_1000C_MSE BIT_12S /* Manual Master/Slave Enable */
++#define PHY_M_1000C_MSC BIT_11S /* M/S Configuration (1=Master) */
++#define PHY_M_1000C_MPD BIT_10S /* Multi-Port Device */
++#define PHY_M_1000C_AFD BIT_9S /* Advertise Full Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_1000C_AHD BIT_8S /* Advertise Half Duplex */
+ /* Bit 7..0: reserved */
+ /***** PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL 16 bit r/w PHY Specific Ctrl Reg *****/
+-#define PHY_M_PC_TX_FFD_MSK (3<<14) /* Bit 15..14: Tx FIFO Depth Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_RX_FFD_MSK (3<<12) /* Bit 13..12: Rx FIFO Depth Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_ASS_CRS_TX (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Assert CRS on Transmit */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_FL_GOOD (1<<10) /* Bit 10: Force Link Good */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_MSK (3<<8) /* Bit 9.. 8: Energy Detect Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_ENA_EXT_D (1<<7) /* Bit 7: Enable Ext. Distance (10BT) */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_MDIX_MSK (3<<5) /* Bit 6.. 5: MDI/MDIX Config. Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Disable 125 CLK */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_MAC_POW_UP (1<<3) /* Bit 3: MAC Power up */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_SQE_T_ENA (1<<2) /* Bit 2: SQE Test Enabled */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_POL_R_DIS (1<<1) /* Bit 1: Polarity Reversal Disabled */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_JABBER (1<<0) /* Bit 0: Disable Jabber */
++#define PHY_M_PC_TX_FFD_MSK (3<<14) /* Bit 15..14: Tx FIFO Depth Mask */
++#define PHY_M_PC_RX_FFD_MSK (3<<12) /* Bit 13..12: Rx FIFO Depth Mask */
++#define PHY_M_PC_ASS_CRS_TX BIT_11S /* Assert CRS on Transmit */
++#define PHY_M_PC_FL_GOOD BIT_10S /* Force Link Good */
++#define PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_MSK (3<<8) /* Bit 9.. 8: Energy Detect Mask */
++#define PHY_M_PC_ENA_EXT_D BIT_7S /* Enable Ext. Distance (10BT) */
++#define PHY_M_PC_MDIX_MSK (3<<5) /* Bit 6.. 5: MDI/MDIX Config. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK BIT_4S /* Disable 125 CLK */
++#define PHY_M_PC_MAC_POW_UP BIT_3S /* MAC Power up */
++#define PHY_M_PC_SQE_T_ENA BIT_2S /* SQE Test Enabled */
++#define PHY_M_PC_POL_R_DIS BIT_1S /* Polarity Reversal Disabled */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_JABBER BIT_0S /* Disable Jabber */
+ #define PHY_M_PC_EN_DET SHIFT8(2) /* Energy Detect (Mode 1) */
+ #define PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_PLUS SHIFT8(3) /* Energy Detect Plus (Mode 2) */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_MDI_XMODE(x) SHIFT5(x)
+-#define PHY_M_PC_MAN_MDI 0 /* 00 = Manual MDI configuration */
++#define PHY_M_PC_MAN_MDI 0 /* 00 = Manual MDI configuration */
+ #define PHY_M_PC_MAN_MDIX 1 /* 01 = Manual MDIX configuration */
+ #define PHY_M_PC_ENA_AUTO 3 /* 11 = Enable Automatic Crossover */
++/* for Yukon-2 Gigabit Ethernet PHY (88E1112 only) */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_LINK_P BIT_15S /* Disable Link Pulses */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DSC_MSK (7<<12) /* Bit 14..12: Downshift Counter */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DOWN_S_ENA BIT_11S /* Downshift Enable */
++ /* !!! Errata in spec. (1 = disable) */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DSC(x) (SHIFT12(x) & PHY_M_PC_DSC_MSK)
++ /* 000=1x; 001=2x; 010=3x; 011=4x */
++ /* 100=5x; 101=6x; 110=7x; 111=8x */
++/* for 10/100 Fast Ethernet PHY (88E3082 only) */
++#define PHY_M_PC_ENA_DTE_DT BIT_15S /* Enable Data Terminal Equ. (DTE) Detect */
++#define PHY_M_PC_ENA_ENE_DT BIT_14S /* Enable Energy Detect (sense & pulse) */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_NLP_CK BIT_13S /* Disable Normal Link Puls (NLP) Check */
++#define PHY_M_PC_ENA_LIP_NP BIT_12S /* Enable Link Partner Next Page Reg. */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_NLP_GN BIT_11S /* Disable Normal Link Puls Generation */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_SCRAMB BIT_9S /* Disable Scrambler */
++#define PHY_M_PC_DIS_FEFI BIT_8S /* Disable Far End Fault Indic. (FEFI) */
++#define PHY_M_PC_SH_TP_SEL BIT_6S /* Shielded Twisted Pair Select */
++#define PHY_M_PC_RX_FD_MSK (3<<2) /* Bit 3.. 2: Rx FIFO Depth Mask */
+ /***** PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT 16 bit r/o PHY Specific Status Reg *****/
+-#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_MSK (3<<14) /* Bit 15..14: Speed Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_1000 (1<<15) /* 10 = 1000 Mbps */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_100 (1<<14) /* 01 = 100 Mbps */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_10 0 /* 00 = 10 Mbps */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_FULL_DUP (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Full Duplex */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_PAGE_REC (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Page Received */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_SPDUP_RES (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Speed & Duplex Resolved */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_LINK_UP (1<<10) /* Bit 10: Link Up */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_CABLE_MSK (3<<7) /* Bit 9.. 7: Cable Length Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_MDI_X_STAT (1<<6) /* Bit 6: MDI Crossover Stat (1=MDIX) */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_DOWNS_STAT (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Downshift Status (1=downsh.) */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_ENDET_STAT (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Energy Detect Status (1=act) */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_TX_P_EN (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Tx Pause Enabled */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_RX_P_EN (1<<2) /* Bit 2: Rx Pause Enabled */
+-#define PHY_M_PS_POL_REV (1<<1) /* Bit 1: Polarity Reversed */
+-#define PHY_M_PC_JABBER (1<<0) /* Bit 0: Jabber */
++#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_MSK (3<<14) /* Bit 15..14: Speed Mask */
++#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_1000 BIT_15S /* 10 = 1000 Mbps */
++#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_100 BIT_14S /* 01 = 100 Mbps */
++#define PHY_M_PS_SPEED_10 0 /* 00 = 10 Mbps */
++#define PHY_M_PS_FULL_DUP BIT_13S /* Full Duplex */
++#define PHY_M_PS_PAGE_REC BIT_12S /* Page Received */
++#define PHY_M_PS_SPDUP_RES BIT_11S /* Speed & Duplex Resolved */
++#define PHY_M_PS_LINK_UP BIT_10S /* Link Up */
++#define PHY_M_PS_CABLE_MSK (7<<7) /* Bit 9.. 7: Cable Length Mask */
++#define PHY_M_PS_MDI_X_STAT BIT_6S /* MDI Crossover Stat (1=MDIX) */
++#define PHY_M_PS_DOWNS_STAT BIT_5S /* Downshift Status (1=downsh.) */
++#define PHY_M_PS_ENDET_STAT BIT_4S /* Energy Detect Status (1=act) */
++#define PHY_M_PS_TX_P_EN BIT_3S /* Tx Pause Enabled */
++#define PHY_M_PS_RX_P_EN BIT_2S /* Rx Pause Enabled */
++#define PHY_M_PS_POL_REV BIT_1S /* Polarity Reversed */
++#define PHY_M_PS_JABBER BIT_0S /* Jabber */
++/* for 10/100 Fast Ethernet PHY (88E3082 only) */
++#define PHY_M_PS_DTE_DETECT BIT_15S /* Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) Detected */
++#define PHY_M_PS_RES_SPEED BIT_14S /* Resolved Speed (1=100 Mbps, 0=10 Mbps */
+ /***** PHY_MARV_INT_MASK 16 bit r/w Interrupt Mask Reg *****/
+ /***** PHY_MARV_INT_STAT 16 bit r/o Interrupt Status Reg *****/
+-#define PHY_M_IS_AN_ERROR (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Auto-Negotiation Error */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_LSP_CHANGE (1<<14) /* Bit 14: Link Speed Changed */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_DUP_CHANGE (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Duplex Mode Changed */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_AN_PR (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Page Received */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_AN_COMPL (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Auto-Negotiation Completed */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_LST_CHANGE (1<<10) /* Bit 10: Link Status Changed */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_SYMB_ERROR (1<<9) /* Bit 9: Symbol Error */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_FALSE_CARR (1<<8) /* Bit 8: False Carrier */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_FIFO_ERROR (1<<7) /* Bit 7: FIFO Overflow/Underrun Error */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_MDI_CHANGE (1<<6) /* Bit 6: MDI Crossover Changed */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_DOWNSH_DET (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Downshift Detected */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_END_CHANGE (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Energy Detect Changed */
+- /* Bit 3..2: reserved */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_POL_CHANGE (1<<1) /* Bit 1: Polarity Changed */
+-#define PHY_M_IS_JABBER (1<<0) /* Bit 0: Jabber */
++#define PHY_M_IS_AN_ERROR BIT_15S /* Auto-Negotiation Error */
++#define PHY_M_IS_LSP_CHANGE BIT_14S /* Link Speed Changed */
++#define PHY_M_IS_DUP_CHANGE BIT_13S /* Duplex Mode Changed */
++#define PHY_M_IS_AN_PR BIT_12S /* Page Received */
++#define PHY_M_IS_AN_COMPL BIT_11S /* Auto-Negotiation Completed */
++#define PHY_M_IS_LST_CHANGE BIT_10S /* Link Status Changed */
++#define PHY_M_IS_SYMB_ERROR BIT_9S /* Symbol Error */
++#define PHY_M_IS_FALSE_CARR BIT_8S /* False Carrier */
++#define PHY_M_IS_FIFO_ERROR BIT_7S /* FIFO Overflow/Underrun Error */
++#define PHY_M_IS_MDI_CHANGE BIT_6S /* MDI Crossover Changed */
++#define PHY_M_IS_DOWNSH_DET BIT_5S /* Downshift Detected */
++#define PHY_M_IS_END_CHANGE BIT_4S /* Energy Detect Changed */
++ /* Bit 3: reserved */
++#define PHY_M_IS_DTE_CHANGE BIT_2S /* DTE Power Det. Status Changed */
++ /* (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_IS_POL_CHANGE BIT_1S /* Polarity Changed */
++#define PHY_M_IS_JABBER BIT_0S /* Jabber */
+ /***** PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL 16 bit r/w Ext. PHY Specific Ctrl *****/
+-#define PHY_M_EC_M_DSC_MSK (3<<10) /* Bit 11..10: Master downshift counter */
+-#define PHY_M_EC_S_DSC_MSK (3<<8) /* Bit 9.. 8: Slave downshift counter */
++#define PHY_M_EC_ENA_BC_EXT BIT_15S /* Enable Block Carr. Ext. (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_ENA_LIN_LB BIT_14S /* Enable Line Loopback (88E1111 only) */
++ /* Bit 13: reserved */
++#define PHY_M_EC_DIS_LINK_P BIT_12S /* Disable Link Pulses (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_M_DSC_MSK (3<<10) /* Bit 11..10: Master Downshift Counter */
++ /* (88E1011 only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_S_DSC_MSK (3<<8) /* Bit 9.. 8: Slave Downshift Counter */
++ /* (88E1011 only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_DSC_MSK_2 (7<<9) /* Bit 11.. 9: Downshift Counter */
++ /* (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_DOWN_S_ENA BIT_8S /* Downshift Enable (88E1111 only) */
++ /* !!! Errata in spec. (1 = disable) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_RX_TIM_CT BIT_7S /* RGMII Rx Timing Control*/
+ #define PHY_M_EC_MAC_S_MSK (7<<4) /* Bit 6.. 4: Def. MAC interface speed */
+-#define PHY_M_EC_FIB_AN_ENA (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Fiber Auto-Neg. Enable */
+-#define PHY_M_EC_M_DSC(x) SHIFT10(x) /* 00=1x; 01=2x; 10=3x; 11=4x */
+-#define PHY_M_EC_S_DSC(x) SHIFT8(x) /* 00=dis; 01=1x; 10=2x; 11=3x */
+-#define PHY_M_EC_MAC_S(x) SHIFT4(x) /* 01X=0; 110=2.5; 111=25 (MHz) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_FIB_AN_ENA BIT_3S /* Fiber Auto-Neg. Enable (88E1011S only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_DTE_D_ENA BIT_2S /* DTE Detect Enable (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_TX_TIM_CT BIT_1S /* RGMII Tx Timing Control */
++#define PHY_M_EC_TRANS_DIS BIT_0S /* Transmitter Disable (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_M_DSC(x) (SHIFT10(x) & PHY_M_EC_M_DSC_MSK)
++ /* 00=1x; 01=2x; 10=3x; 11=4x */
++#define PHY_M_EC_S_DSC(x) (SHIFT8(x) & PHY_M_EC_S_DSC_MSK)
++ /* 00=dis; 01=1x; 10=2x; 11=3x */
++#define PHY_M_EC_MAC_S(x) (SHIFT4(x) & PHY_M_EC_MAC_S_MSK)
++ /* 01X=0; 110=2.5; 111=25 (MHz) */
++#define PHY_M_EC_DSC_2(x) (SHIFT9(x) & PHY_M_EC_DSC_MSK_2)
++ /* 000=1x; 001=2x; 010=3x; 011=4x */
++ /* 100=5x; 101=6x; 110=7x; 111=8x */
+ #define MAC_TX_CLK_0_MHZ 2
+ #define MAC_TX_CLK_2_5_MHZ 6
+ #define MAC_TX_CLK_25_MHZ 7
+ /***** PHY_MARV_LED_CTRL 16 bit r/w LED Control Reg *****/
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_DIS_LED (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Disable LED */
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_PULS_MSK (7<<12) /* Bit 14..12: Pulse Stretch Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_F_INT (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Force Interrupt */
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_BL_R_MSK (7<<8) /* Bit 10.. 8: Blink Rate Mask */
+- /* Bit 7.. 5: reserved */
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_LINK_MSK (3<<3) /* Bit 4.. 3: Link Control Mask */
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_DP_CTRL (1<<2) /* Bit 2: Duplex Control */
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_RX_CTRL (1<<1) /* Bit 1: Rx activity / Link */
+-#define PHY_M_LEDC_TX_CTRL (1<<0) /* Bit 0: Tx activity / Link */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_DIS_LED BIT_15S /* Disable LED */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_PULS_MSK (7<<12) /* Bit 14..12: Pulse Stretch Mask */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_F_INT BIT_11S /* Force Interrupt */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_BL_R_MSK (7<<8) /* Bit 10.. 8: Blink Rate Mask */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_DP_C_LSB BIT_7S /* Duplex Control (LSB, 88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_TX_C_LSB BIT_6S /* Tx Control (LSB, 88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_LK_C_MSK (7<<3) /* Bit 5.. 3: Link Control Mask */
++ /* (88E1111 only) */
++ /* Bit 7.. 5: reserved (88E1011 only) */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_LINK_MSK (3<<3) /* Bit 4.. 3: Link Control Mask */
++ /* (88E1011 only) */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_DP_CTRL BIT_2S /* Duplex Control */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_DP_C_MSB BIT_2S /* Duplex Control (MSB, 88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_RX_CTRL BIT_1S /* Rx Activity / Link */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_TX_CTRL BIT_0S /* Tx Activity / Link */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_TX_C_MSB BIT_0S /* Tx Control (MSB, 88E1111 only) */
+-#define PHY_M_LED_PULS_DUR(x) SHIFT12(x) /* Pulse Stretch Duration */
+-#define PULS_NO_STR 0 /* no pulse stretching */
+-#define PULS_21MS 1 /* 21 ms to 42 ms */
++#define PULS_NO_STR 0 /* no pulse stretching */
++#define PULS_21MS 1 /* 21 ms to 42 ms */
+ #define PULS_42MS 2 /* 42 ms to 84 ms */
+ #define PULS_84MS 3 /* 84 ms to 170 ms */
+ #define PULS_170MS 4 /* 170 ms to 340 ms */
+@@ -1217,7 +1291,7 @@
+ #define PULS_670MS 6 /* 670 ms to 1.3 s */
+ #define PULS_1300MS 7 /* 1.3 s to 2.7 s */
+-#define PHY_M_LED_BLINK_RT(x) SHIFT8(x) /* Blink Rate */
+ #define BLINK_42MS 0 /* 42 ms */
+ #define BLINK_84MS 1 /* 84 ms */
+@@ -1227,6 +1301,8 @@
+ /* values 5 - 7: reserved */
+ /***** PHY_MARV_LED_OVER 16 bit r/w Manual LED Override Reg *****/
++#define PHY_M_LED_MO_SGMII(x) SHIFT14(x) /* Bit 15..14: SGMII AN Timer */
++ /* Bit 13..12: reserved */
+ #define PHY_M_LED_MO_DUP(x) SHIFT10(x) /* Bit 11..10: Duplex */
+ #define PHY_M_LED_MO_10(x) SHIFT8(x) /* Bit 9.. 8: Link 10 */
+ #define PHY_M_LED_MO_100(x) SHIFT6(x) /* Bit 7.. 6: Link 100 */
+@@ -1240,30 +1316,35 @@
+ #define MO_LED_ON 3
+ /***** PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL_2 16 bit r/w Ext. PHY Specific Ctrl 2 *****/
+- /* Bit 15.. 7: reserved */
+-#define PHY_M_EC2_FI_IMPED (1<<6) /* Bit 6: Fiber Input Impedance */
+-#define PHY_M_EC2_FO_IMPED (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Fiber Output Impedance */
+-#define PHY_M_EC2_FO_M_CLK (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Fiber Mode Clock Enable */
+-#define PHY_M_EC2_FO_BOOST (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Fiber Output Boost */
++ /* Bit 15.. 7: reserved */
++#define PHY_M_EC2_FI_IMPED BIT_6S /* Fiber Input Impedance */
++#define PHY_M_EC2_FO_IMPED BIT_5S /* Fiber Output Impedance */
++#define PHY_M_EC2_FO_M_CLK BIT_4S /* Fiber Mode Clock Enable */
++#define PHY_M_EC2_FO_BOOST BIT_3S /* Fiber Output Boost */
+ #define PHY_M_EC2_FO_AM_MSK 7 /* Bit 2.. 0: Fiber Output Amplitude */
+-/***** PHY_MARV_EXT_P_STAT 16 bit r/w Ext. PHY Specific Status *****/
+-#define PHY_M_FC_AUTO_SEL (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Fiber/Copper Auto Sel. dis. */
+-#define PHY_M_FC_AN_REG_ACC (1<<14) /* Bit 14: Fiber/Copper Autoneg. reg acc */
+-#define PHY_M_FC_RESULUTION (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Fiber/Copper Resulution */
+-#define PHY_M_SER_IF_AN_BP (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Ser IF autoneg. bypass enable */
+-#define PHY_M_SER_IF_BP_ST (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Ser IF autoneg. bypass status */
+-#define PHY_M_IRQ_POLARITY (1<<10) /* Bit 10: IRQ polarity */
+- /* Bit 9..4: reserved */
+-#define PHY_M_UNDOC1 (1<< 7) /* undocumented bit !! */
+-#define PHY_M_MODE_MASK (0xf<<0)/* Bit 3..0: copy of HWCFG MODE[3:0] */
++/***** PHY_MARV_EXT_P_STAT 16 bit r/w Ext. PHY Specific Status *****/
++#define PHY_M_FC_AUTO_SEL BIT_15S /* Fiber/Copper Auto Sel. Dis. */
++#define PHY_M_FC_AN_REG_ACC BIT_14S /* Fiber/Copper AN Reg. Access */
++#define PHY_M_FC_RESOLUTION BIT_13S /* Fiber/Copper Resolution */
++#define PHY_M_SER_IF_AN_BP BIT_12S /* Ser. IF AN Bypass Enable */
++#define PHY_M_SER_IF_BP_ST BIT_11S /* Ser. IF AN Bypass Status */
++#define PHY_M_IRQ_POLARITY BIT_10S /* IRQ polarity */
++#define PHY_M_DIS_AUT_MED BIT_9S /* Disable Aut. Medium Reg. Selection */
++ /* (88E1111 only) */
++ /* Bit 9.. 4: reserved (88E1011 only) */
++#define PHY_M_UNDOC1 BIT_7S /* undocumented bit !! */
++#define PHY_M_DTE_POW_STAT BIT_4S /* DTE Power Status (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_MODE_MASK 0xf /* Bit 3.. 0: copy of HWCFG MODE[3:0] */
+ /***** PHY_MARV_CABLE_DIAG 16 bit r/o Cable Diagnostic Reg *****/
+-#define PHY_M_CABD_ENA_TEST (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Enable Test */
+-#define PHY_M_CABD_STAT_MSK (3<<13) /* Bit 14..13: Status */
+- /* Bit 12.. 8: reserved */
+-#define PHY_M_CABD_DIST_MSK 0xff /* Bit 7.. 0: Distance */
++#define PHY_M_CABD_ENA_TEST BIT_15S /* Enable Test (Page 0) */
++#define PHY_M_CABD_DIS_WAIT BIT_15S /* Disable Waiting Period (Page 1) */
++ /* (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_CABD_STAT_MSK (3<<13) /* Bit 14..13: Status Mask */
++#define PHY_M_CABD_AMPL_MSK (0x1f<<8) /* Bit 12.. 8: Amplitude Mask */
++ /* (88E1111 only) */
++#define PHY_M_CABD_DIST_MSK 0xff /* Bit 7.. 0: Distance Mask */
+ /* values for Cable Diagnostic Status (11=fail; 00=OK; 10=open; 01=short) */
+ #define CABD_STAT_NORMAL 0
+@@ -1271,6 +1352,72 @@
+ #define CABD_STAT_OPEN 2
+ #define CABD_STAT_FAIL 3
++/* for 10/100 Fast Ethernet PHY (88E3082 only) */
++/***** PHY_MARV_FE_LED_PAR 16 bit r/w LED Parallel Select Reg. *****/
++ /* Bit 15..12: reserved (used internally) */
++#define PHY_M_FELP_LED2_MSK (0xf<<8) /* Bit 11.. 8: LED2 Mask (LINK) */
++#define PHY_M_FELP_LED1_MSK (0xf<<4) /* Bit 7.. 4: LED1 Mask (ACT) */
++#define PHY_M_FELP_LED0_MSK 0xf /* Bit 3.. 0: LED0 Mask (SPEED) */
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_COLX 0x00
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_ERROR 0x01
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_DUPLEX 0x02
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_DP_COL 0x03
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_SPEED 0x04
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_LINK 0x05
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_TX 0x06
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_RX 0x07
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_ACT 0x08
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_LNK_RX 0x09
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_LNK_AC 0x0a
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_ACT_BL 0x0b
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_TX_BL 0x0c
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_RX_BL 0x0d
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_COL_BL 0x0e
++#define LED_PAR_CTRL_INACT 0x0f
++/***** PHY_MARV_FE_SPEC_2 16 bit r/w Specific Control Reg. 2 *****/
++#define PHY_M_FESC_DIS_WAIT BIT_2S /* Disable TDR Waiting Period */
++#define PHY_M_FESC_ENA_MCLK BIT_1S /* Enable MAC Rx Clock in sleep mode */
++#define PHY_M_FESC_SEL_CL_A BIT_0S /* Select Class A driver (100B-TX) */
++/* for Yukon-2 Gigabit Ethernet PHY (88E1112 only) */
++/***** PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL (page 2) 16 bit r/w MAC Specific Ctrl *****/
++#define PHY_M_MAC_MD_MSK (7<<7) /* Bit 9.. 7: Mode Select Mask */
++#define PHY_M_MAC_MD_AUTO 3 /* Auto Copper/1000Base-X */
++#define PHY_M_MAC_MD_COPPER 5 /* Copper only */
++#define PHY_M_MAC_MD_1000BX 7 /* 1000Base-X only */
++#define PHY_M_MAC_MODE_SEL(x) (SHIFT7(x) & PHY_M_MAC_MD_MSK)
++/***** PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL (page 3) 16 bit r/w LED Control Reg. *****/
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_LOS_MSK (0xf<<12) /* Bit 15..12: LOS LED Ctrl. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_INIT_MSK (0xf<<8) /* Bit 11.. 8: INIT LED Ctrl. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_STA1_MSK (0xf<<4) /* Bit 7.. 4: STAT1 LED Ctrl. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_LEDC_STA0_MSK 0xf /* Bit 3.. 0: STAT0 LED Ctrl. Mask */
++/***** PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT (page 3) 16 bit r/w Polarity Control Reg. *****/
++#define PHY_M_POLC_LS1M_MSK (0xf<<12) /* Bit 15..12: LOS,STAT1 Mix % Mask */
++#define PHY_M_POLC_IS0M_MSK (0xf<<8) /* Bit 11.. 8: INIT,STAT0 Mix % Mask */
++#define PHY_M_POLC_LOS_MSK (0x3<<6) /* Bit 7.. 6: LOS Pol. Ctrl. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_POLC_INIT_MSK (0x3<<4) /* Bit 5.. 4: INIT Pol. Ctrl. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_POLC_STA1_MSK (0x3<<2) /* Bit 3.. 2: STAT1 Pol. Ctrl. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_POLC_STA0_MSK 0x3 /* Bit 1.. 0: STAT0 Pol. Ctrl. Mask */
++#define PHY_M_POLC_LS1_P_MIX(x) (SHIFT12(x) & PHY_M_POLC_LS1M_MSK)
++#define PHY_M_POLC_IS0_P_MIX(x) (SHIFT8(x) & PHY_M_POLC_IS0M_MSK)
+ /*
+ * GMAC registers
+@@ -1431,141 +1578,159 @@
+ */
+ /* GM_GP_STAT 16 bit r/o General Purpose Status Register */
+-#define GM_GPSR_SPEED (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Port Speed (1 = 100 Mbps) */
+-#define GM_GPSR_DUPLEX (1<<14) /* Bit 14: Duplex Mode (1 = Full) */
+-#define GM_GPSR_FC_TX_DIS (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Tx Flow-Control Mode Disabled */
+-#define GM_GPSR_LINK_UP (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Link Up Status */
+-#define GM_GPSR_PAUSE (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Pause State */
+-#define GM_GPSR_TX_ACTIVE (1<<10) /* Bit 10: Tx in Progress */
+-#define GM_GPSR_EXC_COL (1<<9) /* Bit 9: Excessive Collisions Occured */
+-#define GM_GPSR_LAT_COL (1<<8) /* Bit 8: Late Collisions Occured */
+- /* Bit 7..6: reserved */
+-#define GM_GPSR_PHY_ST_CH (1<<5) /* Bit 5: PHY Status Change */
+-#define GM_GPSR_GIG_SPEED (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Gigabit Speed (1 = 1000 Mbps) */
+-#define GM_GPSR_PART_MODE (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Partition mode */
+-#define GM_GPSR_FC_RX_DIS (1<<2) /* Bit 2: Rx Flow-Control Mode Disabled */
+-#define GM_GPSR_PROM_EN (1<<1) /* Bit 1: Promiscuous Mode Enabled */
+- /* Bit 0: reserved */
++#define GM_GPSR_SPEED BIT_15S /* Port Speed (1 = 100 Mbps) */
++#define GM_GPSR_DUPLEX BIT_14S /* Duplex Mode (1 = Full) */
++#define GM_GPSR_FC_TX_DIS BIT_13S /* Tx Flow-Control Mode Disabled */
++#define GM_GPSR_LINK_UP BIT_12S /* Link Up Status */
++#define GM_GPSR_PAUSE BIT_11S /* Pause State */
++#define GM_GPSR_TX_ACTIVE BIT_10S /* Tx in Progress */
++#define GM_GPSR_EXC_COL BIT_9S /* Excessive Collisions Occured */
++#define GM_GPSR_LAT_COL BIT_8S /* Late Collisions Occured */
++ /* Bit 7.. 6: reserved */
++#define GM_GPSR_PHY_ST_CH BIT_5S /* PHY Status Change */
++#define GM_GPSR_GIG_SPEED BIT_4S /* Gigabit Speed (1 = 1000 Mbps) */
++#define GM_GPSR_PART_MODE BIT_3S /* Partition mode */
++#define GM_GPSR_FC_RX_DIS BIT_2S /* Rx Flow-Control Mode Disabled */
++ /* Bit 2.. 0: reserved */
+ /* GM_GP_CTRL 16 bit r/w General Purpose Control Register */
+- /* Bit 15: reserved */
+-#define GM_GPCR_PROM_ENA (1<<14) /* Bit 14: Enable Promiscuous Mode */
+-#define GM_GPCR_FC_TX_DIS (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Disable Tx Flow-Control Mode */
+-#define GM_GPCR_TX_ENA (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Enable Transmit */
+-#define GM_GPCR_RX_ENA (1<<11) /* Bit 11: Enable Receive */
+-#define GM_GPCR_BURST_ENA (1<<10) /* Bit 10: Enable Burst Mode */
+-#define GM_GPCR_LOOP_ENA (1<<9) /* Bit 9: Enable MAC Loopback Mode */
+-#define GM_GPCR_PART_ENA (1<<8) /* Bit 8: Enable Partition Mode */
+-#define GM_GPCR_GIGS_ENA (1<<7) /* Bit 7: Gigabit Speed (1000 Mbps) */
+-#define GM_GPCR_FL_PASS (1<<6) /* Bit 6: Force Link Pass */
+-#define GM_GPCR_DUP_FULL (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Full Duplex Mode */
+-#define GM_GPCR_FC_RX_DIS (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Disable Rx Flow-Control Mode */
+-#define GM_GPCR_SPEED_100 (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Port Speed 100 Mbps */
+-#define GM_GPCR_AU_DUP_DIS (1<<2) /* Bit 2: Disable Auto-Update Duplex */
+-#define GM_GPCR_AU_FCT_DIS (1<<1) /* Bit 1: Disable Auto-Update Flow-C. */
+-#define GM_GPCR_AU_SPD_DIS (1<<0) /* Bit 0: Disable Auto-Update Speed */
++#define GM_GPCR_RMII_PH_ENA BIT_15S /* Enable RMII for PHY (Yukon-FE only) */
++#define GM_GPCR_RMII_LB_ENA BIT_14S /* Enable RMII Loopback (Yukon-FE only) */
++#define GM_GPCR_FC_TX_DIS BIT_13S /* Disable Tx Flow-Control Mode */
++#define GM_GPCR_TX_ENA BIT_12S /* Enable Transmit */
++#define GM_GPCR_RX_ENA BIT_11S /* Enable Receive */
++ /* Bit 10: reserved */
++#define GM_GPCR_LOOP_ENA BIT_9S /* Enable MAC Loopback Mode */
++#define GM_GPCR_PART_ENA BIT_8S /* Enable Partition Mode */
++#define GM_GPCR_GIGS_ENA BIT_7S /* Gigabit Speed (1000 Mbps) */
++#define GM_GPCR_FL_PASS BIT_6S /* Force Link Pass */
++#define GM_GPCR_DUP_FULL BIT_5S /* Full Duplex Mode */
++#define GM_GPCR_FC_RX_DIS BIT_4S /* Disable Rx Flow-Control Mode */
++#define GM_GPCR_SPEED_100 BIT_3S /* Port Speed 100 Mbps */
++#define GM_GPCR_AU_DUP_DIS BIT_2S /* Disable Auto-Update Duplex */
++#define GM_GPCR_AU_FCT_DIS BIT_1S /* Disable Auto-Update Flow-C. */
++#define GM_GPCR_AU_SPD_DIS BIT_0S /* Disable Auto-Update Speed */
+ /* GM_TX_CTRL 16 bit r/w Transmit Control Register */
+-#define GM_TXCR_FORCE_JAM (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Force Jam / Flow-Control */
+-#define GM_TXCR_CRC_DIS (1<<14) /* Bit 14: Disable insertion of CRC */
+-#define GM_TXCR_PAD_DIS (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Disable padding of packets */
+-#define GM_TXCR_COL_THR_MSK (1<<10) /* Bit 12..10: Collision Threshold */
++#define GM_TXCR_FORCE_JAM BIT_15S /* Force Jam / Flow-Control */
++#define GM_TXCR_CRC_DIS BIT_14S /* Disable insertion of CRC */
++#define GM_TXCR_PAD_DIS BIT_13S /* Disable padding of packets */
++#define GM_TXCR_COL_THR_MSK (7<<10) /* Bit 12..10: Collision Threshold Mask */
++ /* Bit 9.. 8: reserved */
++#define GM_TXCR_PAD_PAT_MSK 0xff /* Bit 7.. 0: Padding Pattern Mask */
++ /* (Yukon-2 only) */
+ #define TX_COL_THR(x) (SHIFT10(x) & GM_TXCR_COL_THR_MSK)
+ #define TX_COL_DEF 0x04
+ /* GM_RX_CTRL 16 bit r/w Receive Control Register */
+-#define GM_RXCR_UCF_ENA (1<<15) /* Bit 15: Enable Unicast filtering */
+-#define GM_RXCR_MCF_ENA (1<<14) /* Bit 14: Enable Multicast filtering */
+-#define GM_RXCR_CRC_DIS (1<<13) /* Bit 13: Remove 4-byte CRC */
+-#define GM_RXCR_PASS_FC (1<<12) /* Bit 12: Pass FC packets to FIFO */
++#define GM_RXCR_UCF_ENA BIT_15S /* Enable Unicast filtering */
++#define GM_RXCR_MCF_ENA BIT_14S /* Enable Multicast filtering */
++#define GM_RXCR_CRC_DIS BIT_13S /* Remove 4-byte CRC */
++#define GM_RXCR_PASS_FC BIT_12S /* Pass FC packets to FIFO (Yukon-1 only) */
++ /* Bit 11.. 0: reserved */
+ /* GM_TX_PARAM 16 bit r/w Transmit Parameter Register */
+-#define GM_TXPA_JAMLEN_MSK (0x03<<14) /* Bit 15..14: Jam Length */
+-#define GM_TXPA_JAMIPG_MSK (0x1f<<9) /* Bit 13..9: Jam IPG */
+-#define GM_TXPA_JAMDAT_MSK (0x1f<<4) /* Bit 8..4: IPG Jam to Data */
+- /* Bit 3..0: reserved */
++#define GM_TXPA_JAMLEN_MSK (3<<14) /* Bit 15..14: Jam Length Mask */
++#define GM_TXPA_JAMIPG_MSK (0x1f<<9) /* Bit 13.. 9: Jam IPG Mask */
++#define GM_TXPA_JAMDAT_MSK (0x1f<<4) /* Bit 8.. 4: IPG Jam to Data Mask */
++#define GM_TXPA_BO_LIM_MSK 0x0f /* Bit 3.. 0: Backoff Limit Mask */
++ /* (Yukon-2 only) */
++#define TX_BACK_OFF_LIM(x) ((x) & GM_TXPA_BO_LIM_MSK)
+ #define TX_JAM_LEN_DEF 0x03
+ #define TX_JAM_IPG_DEF 0x0b
+ #define TX_IPG_JAM_DEF 0x1c
++#define TX_BOF_LIM_DEF 0x04
+ /* GM_SERIAL_MODE 16 bit r/w Serial Mode Register */
+-#define GM_SMOD_DATABL_MSK (0x1f<<11) /* Bit 15..11: Data Blinder (r/o) */
+-#define GM_SMOD_LIMIT_4 (1<<10) /* Bit 10: 4 consecutive Tx trials */
+-#define GM_SMOD_VLAN_ENA (1<<9) /* Bit 9: Enable VLAN (Max. Frame Len) */
+-#define GM_SMOD_JUMBO_ENA (1<<8) /* Bit 8: Enable Jumbo (Max. Frame Len) */
+- /* Bit 7..5: reserved */
+-#define GM_SMOD_IPG_MSK 0x1f /* Bit 4..0: Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) */
++#define GM_SMOD_DATABL_MSK (0x1f<<11) /* Bit 15..11: Data Blinder */
++ /* r/o on Yukon, r/w on Yukon-EC */
++#define GM_SMOD_LIMIT_4 BIT_10S /* 4 consecutive Tx trials */
++#define GM_SMOD_VLAN_ENA BIT_9S /* Enable VLAN (Max. Frame Len) */
++#define GM_SMOD_JUMBO_ENA BIT_8S /* Enable Jumbo (Max. Frame Len) */
++ /* Bit 7.. 5: reserved */
++#define GM_SMOD_IPG_MSK 0x1f /* Bit 4.. 0: Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) */
+-#define DATA_BLIND_DEF 0x04
++#define IPG_DATA_VAL(x) ((x) & GM_SMOD_IPG_MSK)
+-#define IPG_DATA_VAL(x) (x & GM_SMOD_IPG_MSK)
++#define DATA_BLIND_DEF 0x04
+ #define IPG_DATA_DEF 0x1e
+ /* GM_SMI_CTRL 16 bit r/w SMI Control Register */
+ #define GM_SMI_CT_PHY_A_MSK (0x1f<<11) /* Bit 15..11: PHY Device Address */
+ #define GM_SMI_CT_REG_A_MSK (0x1f<<6) /* Bit 10.. 6: PHY Register Address */
+-#define GM_SMI_CT_OP_RD (1<<5) /* Bit 5: OpCode Read (0=Write)*/
+-#define GM_SMI_CT_RD_VAL (1<<4) /* Bit 4: Read Valid (Read completed) */
+-#define GM_SMI_CT_BUSY (1<<3) /* Bit 3: Busy (Operation in progress) */
+- /* Bit 2..0: reserved */
++#define GM_SMI_CT_OP_RD BIT_5S /* OpCode Read (0=Write)*/
++#define GM_SMI_CT_RD_VAL BIT_4S /* Read Valid (Read completed) */
++#define GM_SMI_CT_BUSY BIT_3S /* Busy (Operation in progress) */
++ /* Bit 2.. 0: reserved */
+ #define GM_SMI_CT_PHY_AD(x) (SHIFT11(x) & GM_SMI_CT_PHY_A_MSK)
+ #define GM_SMI_CT_REG_AD(x) (SHIFT6(x) & GM_SMI_CT_REG_A_MSK)
+ /* GM_PHY_ADDR 16 bit r/w GPHY Address Register */
+- /* Bit 15..6: reserved */
+-#define GM_PAR_MIB_CLR (1<<5) /* Bit 5: Set MIB Clear Counter Mode */
+-#define GM_PAR_MIB_TST (1<<4) /* Bit 4: MIB Load Counter (Test Mode) */
+- /* Bit 3..0: reserved */
++ /* Bit 15.. 6: reserved */
++#define GM_PAR_MIB_CLR BIT_5S /* Set MIB Clear Counter Mode */
++#define GM_PAR_MIB_TST BIT_4S /* MIB Load Counter (Test Mode) */
++ /* Bit 3.. 0: reserved */
+ /* Receive Frame Status Encoding */
+-#define GMR_FS_LEN (0xffffUL<<16) /* Bit 31..16: Rx Frame Length */
++#define GMR_FS_LEN_MSK (0xffffUL<<16) /* Bit 31..16: Rx Frame Length */
+ /* Bit 15..14: reserved */
+-#define GMR_FS_VLAN (1L<<13) /* Bit 13: VLAN Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_JABBER (1L<<12) /* Bit 12: Jabber Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_UN_SIZE (1L<<11) /* Bit 11: Undersize Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_MC (1L<<10) /* Bit 10: Multicast Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_BC (1L<<9) /* Bit 9: Broadcast Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_RX_OK (1L<<8) /* Bit 8: Receive OK (Good Packet) */
+-#define GMR_FS_GOOD_FC (1L<<7) /* Bit 7: Good Flow-Control Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_BAD_FC (1L<<6) /* Bit 6: Bad Flow-Control Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_MII_ERR (1L<<5) /* Bit 5: MII Error */
+-#define GMR_FS_LONG_ERR (1L<<4) /* Bit 4: Too Long Packet */
+-#define GMR_FS_FRAGMENT (1L<<3) /* Bit 3: Fragment */
++#define GMR_FS_VLAN BIT_13 /* VLAN Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_JABBER BIT_12 /* Jabber Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_UN_SIZE BIT_11 /* Undersize Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_MC BIT_10 /* Multicast Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_BC BIT_9 /* Broadcast Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_RX_OK BIT_8 /* Receive OK (Good Packet) */
++#define GMR_FS_GOOD_FC BIT_7 /* Good Flow-Control Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_BAD_FC BIT_6 /* Bad Flow-Control Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_MII_ERR BIT_5 /* MII Error */
++#define GMR_FS_LONG_ERR BIT_4 /* Too Long Packet */
++#define GMR_FS_FRAGMENT BIT_3 /* Fragment */
+ /* Bit 2: reserved */
+-#define GMR_FS_CRC_ERR (1L<<1) /* Bit 1: CRC Error */
+-#define GMR_FS_RX_FF_OV (1L<<0) /* Bit 0: Rx FIFO Overflow */
++#define GMR_FS_CRC_ERR BIT_1 /* CRC Error */
++#define GMR_FS_RX_FF_OV BIT_0 /* Rx FIFO Overflow */
++#define GMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT 16
+ /*
+ * GMR_FS_ANY_ERR (analogous to XMR_FS_ANY_ERR)
+ */
+-#define GMR_FS_ANY_ERR (GMR_FS_CRC_ERR | \
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
++#define GMR_FS_ANY_ERR ( \
++ GMR_FS_RX_FF_OV | \
+-/* Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask (default) */
+-#define RX_FF_FL_DEF_MSK (GMR_FS_CRC_ERR | \
++#define GMR_FS_ANY_ERR ( \
++/* Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask (default) */
+ /* typedefs *******************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/Makefile linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/Makefile
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/Makefile 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/Makefile 2005-10-21 11:35:50.738459104 +0400
+@@ -1,6 +1,59 @@
+ #
+-# Makefile for the SysKonnect SK-98xx device driver.
++# Name: skge.c
++# Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
++# Version: $Revision: $
++# Date: $Date: 2005/04/11 09:01:18 $
++# Purpose: The main driver source module
+ #
++# (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
++# (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
++# Makefile for Marvell Yukon chipset and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet
++# Server Adapter driver. (Kernel 2.6)
++# Author: Mirko Lindner (
++# Ralph Roesler (
++# Address all question to:
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++# History:
++# $Log: Makefile2.6,v $
++# Revision 2005/04/11 09:01:18 mlindner
++# Fix: Copyright year changed
++# Revision 1.9 2004/07/13 15:54:50 rroesler
++# Add: file skethtool.c
++# Fix: corrected header regarding copyright
++# Fix: minor typos corrected
++# Revision 1.8 2004/06/08 08:39:38 mlindner
++# Fix: Add CONFIG_SK98LIN_ZEROCOPY as default
++# Revision 1.7 2004/06/03 16:06:56 mlindner
++# Fix: Added compile flag SK_DIAG_SUPPORT
++# Revision 1.6 2004/06/02 08:02:59 mlindner
++# Add: Changed header information and inserted a GPL statement
+ #
+@@ -13,13 +66,16 @@
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SK98LIN) += sk98lin.o
+ sk98lin-objs := \
+ skge.o \
++ sky2.o \
++ skethtool.o \
++ sky2le.o \
+ skdim.o \
+ skaddr.o \
+ skgehwt.o \
+ skgeinit.o \
+ skgepnmi.o \
+ skgesirq.o \
+- ski2c.o \
++ sktwsi.o \
+ sklm80.o \
+ skqueue.o \
+ skrlmt.o \
+@@ -76,13 +132,11 @@
+ # SK_DBGCAT_DRV_INT_SRC 0x04000000 interrupts sources
+ # SK_DBGCAT_DRV_EVENT 0x08000000 driver events
++EXTRA_CFLAGS += -Idrivers/net/sk98lin -DSK_USE_CSUM -DSK_DIAG_SUPPORT \
+ clean:
+ rm -f core *.o *.a *.s
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skaddr.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skaddr.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skaddr.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skaddr.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skaddr.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, ADDR-Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.52 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/06/02 13:46:15 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.8 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/21 12:01:30 $
+ * Purpose: Manage Addresses (Multicast and Unicast) and Promiscuous Mode.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+ #if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skaddr.c,v 1.52 2003/06/02 13:46:15 tschilli Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++ "@(#) $Id: skaddr.c,v 2.8 2005/07/21 12:01:30 tschilli Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #endif /* DEBUG ||!LINT || !SK_SLIM */
+ #define __SKADDR_C
+@@ -58,11 +58,10 @@
+ /* defines ********************************************************************/
+ #define XMAC_POLY 0xEDB88320UL /* CRC32-Poly - XMAC: Little Endian */
+ #define GMAC_POLY 0x04C11DB7L /* CRC16-Poly - GMAC: Little Endian */
+ #define HASH_BITS 6 /* #bits in hash */
+-#define SK_MC_BIT 0x01
++#define SK_MC_BIT 0x01
+ /* Error numbers and messages. */
+@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@
+ /* 64-bit hash values with all bits set. */
+-SK_U16 OnesHash[4] = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF};
++SK_U16 OnesHash[4] = {0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff};
+ /* local variables ************************************************************/
+@@ -136,13 +135,12 @@
+ switch (Level) {
+ case SK_INIT_DATA:
+- SK_MEMSET((char *) &pAC->Addr, (SK_U8) 0,
+- (SK_U16) sizeof(SK_ADDR));
++ SK_MEMSET((char *)&pAC->Addr, (SK_U8)0, (SK_U16)sizeof(SK_ADDR));
+ for (i = 0; i < SK_MAX_MACS; i++) {
+ pAPort = &pAC->Addr.Port[i];
+ pAPort->PromMode = SK_PROM_MODE_NONE;
+ pAPort->FirstExactMatchRlmt = SK_ADDR_FIRST_MATCH_RLMT;
+ pAPort->FirstExactMatchDrv = SK_ADDR_FIRST_MATCH_DRV;
+ pAPort->NextExactMatchRlmt = SK_ADDR_FIRST_MATCH_RLMT;
+@@ -159,7 +157,7 @@
+ /* pAC->Addr.InitDone = SK_INIT_DATA; */
+ break;
+- case SK_INIT_IO:
++ case SK_INIT_IO:
+ #ifndef SK_NO_RLMT
+ for (i = 0; i < SK_MAX_NETS; i++) {
+ pAC->Addr.Net[i].ActivePort = pAC->Rlmt.Net[i].ActivePort;
+@@ -173,7 +171,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ /* Read permanent logical MAC address from Control Register File. */
+ for (j = 0; j < SK_MAC_ADDR_LEN; j++) {
+ InAddr = (SK_U8 *) &pAC->Addr.Net[0].PermanentMacAddress.a[j];
+@@ -191,11 +189,11 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Port[pAC->Addr.Net[0].ActivePort].Exact[0] =
+ pAC->Addr.Net[0].CurrentMacAddress;
+ #if SK_MAX_NETS > 1
+- /* Set logical MAC address for net 2 to (log | 3). */
++ /* Set logical MAC address for net 2 to. */
+ if (!pAC->Addr.Net[1].CurrentMacAddressSet) {
+ pAC->Addr.Net[1].PermanentMacAddress =
+ pAC->Addr.Net[0].PermanentMacAddress;
+- pAC->Addr.Net[1].PermanentMacAddress.a[5] |= 3;
++ pAC->Addr.Net[1].PermanentMacAddress.a[5] += 1;
+ /* Set the current logical MAC address to the permanent one. */
+ pAC->Addr.Net[1].CurrentMacAddress =
+ pAC->Addr.Net[1].PermanentMacAddress;
+@@ -213,8 +211,8 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Net[i].PermanentMacAddress.a[2],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[i].PermanentMacAddress.a[3],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[i].PermanentMacAddress.a[4],
+- pAC->Addr.Net[i].PermanentMacAddress.a[5]))
++ pAC->Addr.Net[i].PermanentMacAddress.a[5]));
+ ("Logical MAC Address (Net%d): %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+ i,
+@@ -223,7 +221,7 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Net[i].CurrentMacAddress.a[2],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[i].CurrentMacAddress.a[3],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[i].CurrentMacAddress.a[4],
+- pAC->Addr.Net[i].CurrentMacAddress.a[5]))
++ pAC->Addr.Net[i].CurrentMacAddress.a[5]));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -266,8 +264,8 @@
+ pAPort->PermanentMacAddress.a[2],
+ pAPort->PermanentMacAddress.a[3],
+ pAPort->PermanentMacAddress.a[4],
+- pAPort->PermanentMacAddress.a[5]))
++ pAPort->PermanentMacAddress.a[5]));
+ ("SkAddrInit: Physical MAC Address: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[0],
+@@ -275,7 +273,7 @@
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[2],
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[3],
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[4],
+- pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[5]))
++ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[5]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ }
+ /* pAC->Addr.InitDone = SK_INIT_IO; */
+@@ -299,7 +297,7 @@
+ }
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+ } /* SkAddrInit */
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
+@@ -333,16 +331,20 @@
+ int Flags) /* permanent/non-perm, sw-only */
+ {
+ int ReturnCode;
+ if (PortNumber >= (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound) {
+ }
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++#ifdef GENESIS
+ ReturnCode = SkAddrXmacMcClear(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, Flags);
+ }
+ else {
++#ifdef YUKON
+ ReturnCode = SkAddrGmacMcClear(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, Flags);
+ }
+ return (ReturnCode);
+@@ -352,7 +354,7 @@
+ #endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
++#ifdef GENESIS
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkAddrXmacMcClear - clear the multicast table
+@@ -402,13 +404,13 @@
+ }
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+-} /* SkAddrXmacMcClear */
++} /* SkAddrXmacMcClear */
++#endif /* GENESIS */
+ #endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
++#ifdef YUKON
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkAddrGmacMcClear - clear the multicast table
+@@ -447,38 +449,37 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[4],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[5],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[6],
+- pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[7]))
++ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[7]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ /* Clear InexactFilter */
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i] = 0;
+ }
+ if (Flags & SK_ADDR_PERMANENT) { /* permanent => RLMT */
+ /* Copy DRV bits to InexactFilter. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i] |=
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[i];
+ /* Clear InexactRlmtFilter. */
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[i] = 0;
+- }
++ }
+ }
+ else { /* not permanent => DRV */
+ /* Copy RLMT bits to InexactFilter. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i] |=
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[i];
+ /* Clear InexactDrvFilter. */
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ ("GMAC InexactFilter (cleared): %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+@@ -489,19 +490,20 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[4],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[5],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[6],
+- pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[7]))
++ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[7]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ if (!(Flags & SK_MC_SW_ONLY)) {
+ (void) SkAddrGmacMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, PortNumber);
+ }
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+ } /* SkAddrGmacMcClear */
++#endif /* YUKON */
+ #ifndef SK_ADDR_CHEAT
++#ifdef GENESIS
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkXmacMcHash - hash multicast address
+@@ -538,8 +540,9 @@
+ return (Crc & ((1 << HASH_BITS) - 1));
+ } /* SkXmacMcHash */
++#endif /* GENESIS */
++#ifdef YUKON
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGmacMcHash - hash multicast address
+@@ -570,7 +573,7 @@
+ for (Byte = 0; Byte < 6; Byte++) {
+ /* Get next byte. */
+ Data = (SK_U32) pMc[Byte];
+ /* Change bit order in byte. */
+ TmpData = Data;
+ for (Bit = 0; Bit < 8; Bit++) {
+@@ -582,7 +585,7 @@
+ }
+ TmpData >>= 1;
+ }
+ Crc ^= (Data << 24);
+ for (Bit = 0; Bit < 8; Bit++) {
+ if (Crc & 0x80000000) {
+@@ -593,11 +596,11 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (Crc & ((1 << HASH_BITS) - 1));
+ } /* SkGmacMcHash */
++#endif /* YUKON */
+ #endif /* !SK_ADDR_CHEAT */
+ /******************************************************************************
+@@ -632,23 +635,27 @@
+ int Flags) /* permanent/non-permanent */
+ {
+ int ReturnCode;
+ if (PortNumber >= (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound) {
+ }
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++#ifdef GENESIS
+ ReturnCode = SkAddrXmacMcAdd(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, pMc, Flags);
+ }
+ else {
++#ifdef YUKON
+ ReturnCode = SkAddrGmacMcAdd(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, pMc, Flags);
+ }
+ return (ReturnCode);
+ } /* SkAddrMcAdd */
++#ifdef GENESIS
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkAddrXmacMcAdd - add a multicast address to a port
+@@ -693,7 +700,7 @@
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ if (pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].NextExactMatchRlmt >
+@@ -714,7 +721,7 @@
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ if (pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].NextExactMatchDrv <= SK_ADDR_LAST_MATCH_DRV) {
+ /* Set exact match entry. */
+@@ -758,8 +765,9 @@
+ }
+ } /* SkAddrXmacMcAdd */
++#endif /* GENESIS */
++#ifdef YUKON
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkAddrGmacMcAdd - add a multicast address to a port
+@@ -789,28 +797,29 @@
+ #ifndef SK_ADDR_CHEAT
+ SK_U32 HashBit;
+ #endif /* !defined(SK_ADDR_CHEAT) */
+ if (!(pMc->a[0] & SK_MC_BIT)) {
+ /* Hashing only possible with multicast addresses */
+ }
+ #ifndef SK_ADDR_CHEAT
+ /* Compute hash value of address. */
+ HashBit = SkGmacMcHash(&pMc->a[0]);
+ if (Flags & SK_ADDR_PERMANENT) { /* permanent => RLMT */
+ /* Add bit to InexactRlmtFilter. */
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[HashBit / 8] |=
+ 1 << (HashBit % 8);
+ /* Copy bit to InexactFilter. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i] |=
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[i];
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ ("GMAC InexactRlmtFilter: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+@@ -821,20 +830,21 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[4],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[5],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[6],
+- pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[7]))
++ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactRlmtFilter.Bytes[7]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ }
+ else { /* not permanent => DRV */
+ /* Add bit to InexactDrvFilter. */
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[HashBit / 8] |=
+ 1 << (HashBit % 8);
+ /* Copy bit to InexactFilter. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i] |=
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[i];
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ ("GMAC InexactDrvFilter: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+@@ -845,22 +855,22 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[4],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[5],
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[6],
+- pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[7]))
++ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactDrvFilter.Bytes[7]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ }
+ #else /* SK_ADDR_CHEAT */
+ /* Set all bits in InexactFilter. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i] = 0xFF;
+ }
+ #endif /* SK_ADDR_CHEAT */
+-} /* SkAddrGmacMcAdd */
++} /* SkAddrGmacMcAdd */
++#endif /* YUKON */
+ #endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+ /******************************************************************************
+@@ -892,7 +902,8 @@
+ SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+ SK_U32 PortNumber) /* Port Number */
+ {
+- int ReturnCode;
++ int ReturnCode = SK_ADDR_ILLEGAL_PORT;
+ #if (!defined(SK_SLIM) || defined(DEBUG))
+ if (PortNumber >= (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound) {
+@@ -948,13 +959,13 @@
+- ("SkAddrXmacMcUpdate on Port %u.\n", PortNumber))
++ ("SkAddrXmacMcUpdate on Port %u.\n", PortNumber));
+ pAPort = &pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber];
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+- ("Next0 on Port %d: %d\n", PortNumber, Next0[PortNumber]))
++ ("Next0 on Port %d: %d\n", PortNumber, Next0[PortNumber]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ /* Start with 0 to also program the logical MAC address. */
+@@ -966,7 +977,7 @@
+ /* Clear other permanent exact match addresses on XMAC */
+ if (pAPort->NextExactMatchRlmt <= SK_ADDR_LAST_MATCH_RLMT) {
+ SkXmClrExactAddr(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, pAPort->NextExactMatchRlmt,
+ }
+@@ -978,7 +989,7 @@
+ /* Clear other non-permanent exact match addresses on XMAC */
+ if (pAPort->NextExactMatchDrv <= SK_ADDR_LAST_MATCH_DRV) {
+ SkXmClrExactAddr(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, pAPort->NextExactMatchDrv,
+ }
+@@ -988,18 +999,18 @@
+ }
+ if (pAPort->PromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC) {
+ /* Set all bits in 64-bit hash register. */
+ XM_OUTHASH(IoC, PortNumber, XM_HSM, &OnesHash);
+ /* Enable Hashing */
+ SkMacHashing(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ else if (Inexact != 0) {
+ /* Set 64-bit hash register to InexactFilter. */
+ XM_OUTHASH(IoC, PortNumber, XM_HSM, &pAPort->InexactFilter.Bytes[0]);
+ /* Enable Hashing */
+ SkMacHashing(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_TRUE);
+ }
+@@ -1014,7 +1025,7 @@
+ /* Set port's current physical MAC address. */
+ OutAddr = (SK_U16 *) &pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[0];
+ XM_OUTADDR(IoC, PortNumber, XM_SA, OutAddr);
+ #ifdef xDEBUG
+@@ -1024,9 +1035,9 @@
+ /* Get exact match address i from port PortNumber. */
+ InAddr = (SK_U16 *) &InAddr8[0];
+ XM_INADDR(IoC, PortNumber, XM_EXM(i), InAddr);
+ ("SkAddrXmacMcUpdate: MC address %d on Port %u: ",
+ "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x -- %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
+@@ -1043,7 +1054,7 @@
+ pAPort->Exact[i].a[2],
+ pAPort->Exact[i].a[3],
+ pAPort->Exact[i].a[4],
+- pAPort->Exact[i].a[5]))
++ pAPort->Exact[i].a[5]));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -1054,7 +1065,7 @@
+ else {
+ }
+ } /* SkAddrXmacMcUpdate */
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+@@ -1095,37 +1106,37 @@
+- ("SkAddrGmacMcUpdate on Port %u.\n", PortNumber))
++ ("SkAddrGmacMcUpdate on Port %u.\n", PortNumber));
+ pAPort = &pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber];
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+- ("Next0 on Port %d: %d\n", PortNumber, Next0[PortNumber]))
++ ("Next0 on Port %d: %d\n", PortNumber, Next0[PortNumber]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
+ for (Inexact = 0, i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ Inexact |= pAPort->InexactFilter.Bytes[i];
+ }
+ /* Set 64-bit hash register to InexactFilter. */
+ GM_OUTHASH(IoC, PortNumber, GM_MC_ADDR_H1,
+ &pAPort->InexactFilter.Bytes[0]);
+- if (pAPort->PromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC) {
++ if (pAPort->PromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC) {
+ /* Set all bits in 64-bit hash register. */
+ GM_OUTHASH(IoC, PortNumber, GM_MC_ADDR_H1, &OnesHash);
+ /* Enable Hashing */
+ SkMacHashing(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_TRUE);
+ }
+- else {
++ else {
+ /* Enable Hashing. */
+ SkMacHashing(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ if (pAPort->PromMode != SK_PROM_MODE_NONE) {
+ (void) SkAddrGmacPromiscuousChange(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, pAPort->PromMode);
+ }
+@@ -1136,19 +1147,19 @@
+ /* Enable Hashing */
+ SkMacHashing(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_TRUE);
+ (void) SkAddrGmacPromiscuousChange(pAC, IoC, PortNumber, pAPort->PromMode);
+ #endif /* SK_SLIM */
+ /* Set port's current physical MAC address. */
+ OutAddr = (SK_U16 *) &pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[0];
+ GM_OUTADDR(IoC, PortNumber, GM_SRC_ADDR_1L, OutAddr);
+ /* Set port's current logical MAC address. */
+ OutAddr = (SK_U16 *) &pAPort->Exact[0].a[0];
+ GM_OUTADDR(IoC, PortNumber, GM_SRC_ADDR_2L, OutAddr);
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ ("SkAddrGmacMcUpdate: Permanent Physical MAC Address: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+@@ -1157,8 +1168,8 @@
+ pAPort->Exact[0].a[2],
+ pAPort->Exact[0].a[3],
+ pAPort->Exact[0].a[4],
+- pAPort->Exact[0].a[5]))
++ pAPort->Exact[0].a[5]));
+ ("SkAddrGmacMcUpdate: Physical MAC Address: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[0],
+@@ -1166,9 +1177,9 @@
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[2],
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[3],
+ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[4],
+- pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[5]))
++ pAPort->CurrentMacAddress.a[5]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
+ /* Determine return value. */
+ if (Inexact == 0 && pAPort->PromMode == 0) {
+@@ -1180,7 +1191,7 @@
+ #else /* SK_SLIM */
+ #endif /* SK_SLIM */
+ } /* SkAddrGmacMcUpdate */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -1275,26 +1286,46 @@
+ (void) SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, PortNumber);
+ }
+ else if (Flags & SK_ADDR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) { /* Physical MAC address. */
+- if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(pNewAddr->a,
+- pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
+- }
+ for (i = 0; i < (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+ if (!pAC->Addr.Port[i].CurrentMacAddressSet) {
+ return (SK_ADDR_TOO_EARLY);
+ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * In dual net mode it should be possible to set all MAC
++ * addresses independently. Therefore the equality checks
++ * against the locical address of the same port and the
++ * physical address of the other port are suppressed here.
++ */
++#ifndef SK_NO_RLMT
++ if (pAC->Rlmt.NumNets == 1) {
++#endif /* SK_NO_RLMT */
+ if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(pNewAddr->a,
+- pAC->Addr.Port[i].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
+- if (i == PortNumber) {
+- return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+- }
+- else {
++ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(pNewAddr->a,
++ pAC->Addr.Port[i].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
++ if (i == PortNumber) {
++ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
++ }
++ else {
++ }
+ }
+ }
++#ifndef SK_NO_RLMT
+ }
++ else {
++ if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(pNewAddr->a,
++ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
++ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
++ }
++ }
++#endif /* SK_NO_RLMT */
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].PreviousMacAddress =
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].CurrentMacAddress;
+@@ -1325,18 +1356,32 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+ if (!pAC->Addr.Port[i].CurrentMacAddressSet) {
+ return (SK_ADDR_TOO_EARLY);
+ }
++ }
+- if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(pNewAddr->a,
+- pAC->Addr.Port[i].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
++ /*
++ * In dual net mode on Yukon-2 adapters the physical address
++ * of port 0 and the logical address of port 1 are equal - in
++ * this case the equality check of the physical address leads
++ * to an error and is suppressed here.
++ */
++#ifndef SK_NO_RLMT
++ if (pAC->Rlmt.NumNets == 1) {
++#endif /* SK_NO_RLMT */
++ for (i = 0; i < (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(pNewAddr->a,
++ pAC->Addr.Port[i].CurrentMacAddress.a)) {
++ }
+ }
++#ifndef SK_NO_RLMT
+ }
++#endif /* SK_NO_RLMT */
+ /*
+ * In case that the physical and the logical MAC addresses are equal
+ * we must also change the physical MAC address here.
+@@ -1345,11 +1390,11 @@
+ */
+ if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a,
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].Exact[0].a)) {
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].PreviousMacAddress =
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].CurrentMacAddress;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].CurrentMacAddress = *pNewAddr;
+ #ifndef SK_NO_RLMT
+ /* Report address change to RLMT. */
+ Para.Para32[0] = PortNumber;
+@@ -1357,7 +1402,7 @@
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR, Para);
+ #endif /* !SK_NO_RLMT */
+ }
+ #ifndef SK_NO_RLMT
+ /* Set PortNumber to number of net's active port. */
+ PortNumber = pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetNumber].
+@@ -1373,8 +1418,8 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].PermanentMacAddress.a[2],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].PermanentMacAddress.a[3],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].PermanentMacAddress.a[4],
+- pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].PermanentMacAddress.a[5]))
++ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].PermanentMacAddress.a[5]));
+ ("SkAddrOverride: New logical MAC Address: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a[0],
+@@ -1382,17 +1427,16 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a[2],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a[3],
+ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a[4],
+- pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a[5]))
++ pAC->Addr.Net[NetNumber].CurrentMacAddress.a[5]));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+- /* Write address to first exact match entry of active port. */
+- (void) SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, PortNumber);
++ /* Write address to first exact match entry of active port. */
++ (void)SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, PortNumber);
+ }
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+-} /* SkAddrOverride */
++} /* SkAddrOverride */
+ #endif /* SK_NO_MAO */
+@@ -1424,7 +1468,8 @@
+ SK_U32 PortNumber, /* port whose promiscuous mode changes */
+ int NewPromMode) /* new promiscuous mode */
+ {
+- int ReturnCode;
++ int ReturnCode = SK_ADDR_ILLEGAL_PORT;
+ #if (!defined(SK_SLIM) || defined(DEBUG))
+ if (PortNumber >= (SK_U32) pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound) {
+@@ -1489,17 +1534,18 @@
+ /* Promiscuous mode! */
+ CurPromMode |= SK_PROM_MODE_LLC;
+ }
+ for (Inexact = 0xFF, i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ Inexact &= pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i];
+ }
+ if (Inexact == 0xFF) {
+ CurPromMode |= (pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].PromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Get InexactModeBit (bit XM_MD_ENA_HASH in mode register) */
+ XM_IN16(IoC, PortNumber, XM_MODE, &LoMode);
+ InexactModeBit = (LoMode & XM_MD_ENA_HASH) != 0;
+ /* Read 64-bit hash register from XMAC */
+@@ -1522,7 +1568,7 @@
+ if ((NewPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC) &&
+ !(CurPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC)) { /* All MC. */
+ /* Set all bits in 64-bit hash register. */
+ XM_OUTHASH(IoC, PortNumber, XM_HSM, &OnesHash);
+@@ -1558,9 +1604,9 @@
+ /* Clear Promiscuous Mode */
+ SkMacPromiscMode(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_FALSE);
+ }
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+ } /* SkAddrXmacPromiscuousChange */
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+@@ -1607,22 +1653,25 @@
+ CurPromMode |= (pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].PromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC);
+ }
++ /* dummy read after GM_IN16() */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, B0_RAP, &ReceiveControl);
+ pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].PromMode = NewPromMode;
+ if (NewPromMode == CurPromMode) {
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ if ((NewPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC) &&
+ !(CurPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC)) { /* All MC */
+ /* Set all bits in 64-bit hash register. */
+ GM_OUTHASH(IoC, PortNumber, GM_MC_ADDR_H1, &OnesHash);
+ /* Enable Hashing */
+ SkMacHashing(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ if ((CurPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC) &&
+ !(NewPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_ALL_MC)) { /* Norm. MC */
+@@ -1636,19 +1685,19 @@
+ if ((NewPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_LLC) &&
+ !(CurPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_LLC)) { /* Prom. LLC */
+ /* Set the MAC to Promiscuous Mode. */
+ SkMacPromiscMode(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ else if ((CurPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_LLC) &&
+ !(NewPromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_LLC)) { /* Norm. LLC */
+ /* Clear Promiscuous Mode. */
+ SkMacPromiscMode(pAC, IoC, (int) PortNumber, SK_FALSE);
+ }
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+ } /* SkAddrGmacPromiscuousChange */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -1720,33 +1769,33 @@
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i];
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].InexactFilter.Bytes[i] = Byte;
+ }
+ i = pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].PromMode;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].PromMode = pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].PromMode;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].PromMode = i;
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ DWord = pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].FirstExactMatchRlmt;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].FirstExactMatchRlmt =
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].FirstExactMatchRlmt;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].FirstExactMatchRlmt = DWord;
+ DWord = pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].NextExactMatchRlmt;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].NextExactMatchRlmt =
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].NextExactMatchRlmt;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].NextExactMatchRlmt = DWord;
+ DWord = pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].FirstExactMatchDrv;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].FirstExactMatchDrv =
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].FirstExactMatchDrv;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].FirstExactMatchDrv = DWord;
+ DWord = pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].NextExactMatchDrv;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[FromPortNumber].NextExactMatchDrv =
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].NextExactMatchDrv;
+ pAC->Addr.Port[ToPortNumber].NextExactMatchDrv = DWord;
+ }
+ /* CAUTION: Solution works if only ports of one adapter are in use. */
+ for (i = 0; (SK_U32) i < pAC->Rlmt.Net[pAC->Rlmt.Port[ToPortNumber].
+ Net->NetNumber].NumPorts; i++) {
+@@ -1757,12 +1806,12 @@
+ /* 20001207 RA: Was "ToPortNumber;". */
+ }
+ }
+ (void) SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, FromPortNumber);
+ (void) SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, ToPortNumber);
+ return (SK_ADDR_SUCCESS);
+ } /* SkAddrSwap */
+ #endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skcsum.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skcsum.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skcsum.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skcsum.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skcsum.c
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.12 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/08/20 13:55:53 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/10/27 14:16:08 $
+ * Purpose: Store/verify Internet checksum in send/receive packets.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ #ifndef lint
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skcsum.c,v 1.12 2003/08/20 13:55:53 mschmid Exp $ (C) SysKonnect.";
++ "@(#) $Id: skcsum.c,v 2.1 2003/10/27 14:16:08 amock Exp $ (C) SysKonnect.";
+ #endif /* !lint */
+ /******************************************************************************
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skdim.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skdim.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skdim.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skdim.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * Name: skdim.c
+- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/11/28 12:55:40 $
+- * Purpose: All functions to maintain interrupt moderation
++ * Name: skdim.c
++ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/05/23 13:47:33 $
++ * Purpose: All functions regardig interrupt moderation
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
++ *
++ * Driver for Marvell Yukon/2 chipset and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet
++ * Server Adapters.
++ *
++ * Author: Ralph Roesler (
++ * Mirko Lindner (
++ *
++ * Address all question to:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -20,723 +28,367 @@
+ *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+- ******************************************************************************/
++ *****************************************************************************/
+- *
+- * Description:
+- *
+- * This module is intended to manage the dynamic interrupt moderation on both
+- * GEnesis and Yukon adapters.
+- *
+- * Include File Hierarchy:
+- *
+- * "skdrv1st.h"
+- * "skdrv2nd.h"
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+-#ifndef lint
+-static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skdim.c,v 1.5 2003/11/28 12:55:40 rroesler Exp $ (C) SysKonnect.";
+-#define __SKADDR_C
+-#ifdef __cplusplus
+-#error C++ is not yet supported.
+-extern "C" {
+-** Includes
+-#ifndef __INC_SKDRV1ST_H
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h"
+-#ifndef __INC_SKDRV2ND_H
+ #include "h/skdrv2nd.h"
+-#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
+-** Defines
+-** Typedefs
++ *
++ * Local Function Prototypes
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
+-** Local function prototypes
+-static unsigned int GetCurrentSystemLoad(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static SK_U64 GetIsrCalls(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static SK_BOOL IsIntModEnabled(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void SetCurrIntCtr(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void EnableIntMod(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void DisableIntMod(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void ResizeDimTimerDuration(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void DisplaySelectedModerationType(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void DisplaySelectedModerationMask(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void DisplayDescrRatio(SK_AC *pAC);
++static SK_U64 getIsrCalls(SK_AC *pAC);
++static SK_BOOL isIntModEnabled(SK_AC *pAC);
++static void setCurrIntCtr(SK_AC *pAC);
++static void enableIntMod(SK_AC *pAC);
++static void disableIntMod(SK_AC *pAC);
+-** Global variables
++#define M_DIMINFO pAC->DynIrqModInfo
+-** Local variables
++ *
++ * Global Functions
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
+-** Global functions
++ *
++ * SkDimModerate - Moderates the IRQs depending on the current needs
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Moderation of IRQs depends on the number of occurred IRQs with
++ * respect to the previous moderation cycle.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++void SkDimModerate(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ SK_U64 IsrCalls = getIsrCalls(pAC);
++ if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
++ if (isIntModEnabled(pAC)) {
++ if (IsrCalls < M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit) {
++ disableIntMod(pAC);
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (IsrCalls > M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit) {
++ enableIntMod(pAC);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ setCurrIntCtr(pAC);
+-** Function : SkDimModerate
+-** Description : Called in every ISR to check if moderation is to be applied
+-** or not for the current number of interrupts
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 22-mar-03
+-** Returns : void (!)
+-** Notes : -
+-SkDimModerate(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- unsigned int CurrSysLoad = 0; /* expressed in percent */
+- unsigned int LoadIncrease = 0; /* expressed in percent */
+- SK_U64 ThresholdInts = 0;
+- SK_U64 IsrCallsPerSec = 0;
+-#define M_DIMINFO pAC->DynIrqModInfo
++ *
++ * SkDimStartModerationTimer - Starts the moderation timer
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Dynamic interrupt moderation is regularly checked using the
++ * so-called moderation timer. This timer is started with this function.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkDimStartModerationTimer(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ SK_EVPARA EventParam; /* Event struct for timer event */
++ ("==> SkDimStartModerationTimer\n"));
+- if (!IsIntModEnabled(pAC)) {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
+- CurrSysLoad = GetCurrentSystemLoad(pAC);
+- if (CurrSysLoad > 75) {
+- /*
+- ** More than 75% total system load! Enable the moderation
+- ** to shield the system against too many interrupts.
+- */
+- EnableIntMod(pAC);
+- } else if (CurrSysLoad > M_DIMINFO.PrevSysLoad) {
+- LoadIncrease = (CurrSysLoad - M_DIMINFO.PrevSysLoad);
+- if (LoadIncrease > ((M_DIMINFO.PrevSysLoad *
+- if (CurrSysLoad > 10) {
+- /*
+- ** More than 50% increase with respect to the
+- ** previous load of the system. Most likely this
+- ** is due to our ISR-proc...
+- */
+- EnableIntMod(pAC);
+- }
+- }
+- } else {
+- /*
+- ** Neither too much system load at all nor too much increase
+- ** with respect to the previous system load. Hence, we can leave
+- ** the ISR-handling like it is without enabling moderation.
+- */
+- }
+- M_DIMINFO.PrevSysLoad = CurrSysLoad;
+- }
+- } else {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
+- ThresholdInts = ((M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec *
+- IsrCallsPerSec = GetIsrCalls(pAC);
+- if (IsrCallsPerSec <= ThresholdInts) {
+- /*
+- ** The number of interrupts within the last second is
+- ** lower than the disable_percentage of the desried
+- ** maxrate. Therefore we can disable the moderation.
+- */
+- DisableIntMod(pAC);
+- M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec =
+- (M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit +
+- M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit) / 2;
+- } else {
+- /*
+- ** The number of interrupts per sec is the same as expected.
+- ** Evalulate the descriptor-ratio. If it has changed, a resize
+- ** in the moderation timer might be usefull
+- */
+- if (M_DIMINFO.AutoSizing) {
+- ResizeDimTimerDuration(pAC);
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- /*
+- ** Some information to the log...
+- */
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- DisplaySelectedModerationType(pAC);
+- DisplaySelectedModerationMask(pAC);
+- DisplayDescrRatio(pAC);
+- }
++ if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
++ SK_MEMSET((char *) &EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_DRV_MODERATION_TIMER;
++ SkTimerStart(pAC, pAC->IoBase,
++ &pAC->DynIrqModInfo.ModTimer,
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DynIrqModSampleInterval * 1000000,
++ SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_TIMER, EventParam);
++ }
+- M_DIMINFO.NbrProcessedDescr = 0;
+- SetCurrIntCtr(pAC);
++ ("<== SkDimStartModerationTimer\n"));
+ }
+-** Function : SkDimStartModerationTimer
+-** Description : Starts the audit-timer for the dynamic interrupt moderation
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 22-mar-03
+-** Returns : void (!)
+-** Notes : -
+-SkDimStartModerationTimer(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- SK_EVPARA EventParam; /* Event struct for timer event */
+- SK_MEMSET((char *) &EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_DRV_MODERATION_TIMER;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->DynIrqModInfo.ModTimer,
+- SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_TIMER, EventParam);
++ *
++ * SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded - Enables or disables any moderationtype
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function effectively initializes the IRQ moderation of a network
++ * adapter. Depending on the configuration, this might be either static
++ * or dynamic. If no moderation is configured, this function will do
++ * nothing.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ ("==> SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded\n"));
++ if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect != C_INT_MOD_NONE) {
++ if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_STATIC) {
++ enableIntMod(pAC);
++ } else { /* must be C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC */
++ SkDimStartModerationTimer(pAC);
++ }
++ }
+-** Function : SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded
+-** Description : Either enables or disables moderation
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 22-mar-03
+-** Returns : void (!)
+-** Notes : This function is called when a particular adapter is opened
+-** There is no Disable function, because when all interrupts
+-** might be disable, the moderation timer has no meaning at all
+-SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_STATIC) {
+- EnableIntMod(pAC); /* notification print in this function */
+- } else if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
+- SkDimStartModerationTimer(pAC);
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- printk("Dynamic moderation has been enabled\n");
+- }
+- } else {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- printk("No moderation has been enabled\n");
+- }
+- }
++ ("<== SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded\n"));
+ }
+-** Function : SkDimDisplayModerationSettings
+-** Description : Displays the current settings regaring interrupt moderation
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 22-mar-03
+-** Returns : void (!)
+-** Notes : -
+-SkDimDisplayModerationSettings(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- DisplaySelectedModerationType(pAC);
+- DisplaySelectedModerationMask(pAC);
++ *
++ * SkDimDisableModeration - disables moderation if it is enabled
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Disabling of the moderation requires that is enabled already.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkDimDisableModeration(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int CurrentModeration) /* type of current moderation */
++ ("==> SkDimDisableModeration\n"));
++ if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect != C_INT_MOD_NONE) {
++ if (CurrentModeration == C_INT_MOD_STATIC) {
++ disableIntMod(pAC);
++ } else { /* must be C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC */
++ SkTimerStop(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &M_DIMINFO.ModTimer);
++ disableIntMod(pAC);
++ }
++ }
+-** Local functions
++ ("<== SkDimDisableModeration\n"));
+-** Function : GetCurrentSystemLoad
+-** Description : Retrieves the current system load of the system. This load
+-** is evaluated for all processors within the system.
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 22-mar-03
+-** Returns : unsigned int: load expressed in percentage
+-** Notes : The possible range being returned is from 0 up to 100.
+-** Whereas 0 means 'no load at all' and 100 'system fully loaded'
+-** It is impossible to determine what actually causes the system
+-** to be in 100%, but maybe that is due to too much interrupts.
+-static unsigned int
+-GetCurrentSystemLoad(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- unsigned long jif = jiffies;
+- unsigned int UserTime = 0;
+- unsigned int SystemTime = 0;
+- unsigned int NiceTime = 0;
+- unsigned int IdleTime = 0;
+- unsigned int TotalTime = 0;
+- unsigned int UsedTime = 0;
+- unsigned int SystemLoad = 0;
++ *
++ * Local Functions
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
+- /* unsigned int NbrCpu = 0; */
++ *
++ * getIsrCalls - evaluate the number of IRQs handled in mod interval
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Depending on the selected moderation mask, this function will return
++ * the number of interrupts handled in the previous moderation interval.
++ * This evaluated number is based on the current number of interrupts
++ * stored in PNMI-context and the previous stored interrupts.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * the number of IRQs handled
++ */
++static SK_U64 getIsrCalls(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ SK_U64 RxPort0IntDiff = 0, RxPort1IntDiff = 0;
++ SK_U64 TxPort0IntDiff = 0, TxPort1IntDiff = 0;
++ SK_U64 StatusPort0IntDiff = 0, StatusPort1IntDiff = 0;
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if ((M_DIMINFO.MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_TX_ONLY) ||
++ (M_DIMINFO.MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_TX)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ TxPort1IntDiff =
++ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1TxIntrCts;
++ }
++ TxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0TxIntrCts;
++ } else if ((M_DIMINFO.MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_RX_ONLY) ||
++ (M_DIMINFO.MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_RX)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ RxPort1IntDiff =
++ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1RxIntrCts;
++ }
++ RxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0RxIntrCts;
++ } else {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ RxPort1IntDiff =
++ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1RxIntrCts;
++ TxPort1IntDiff =
++ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1TxIntrCts;
++ }
++ RxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0RxIntrCts;
++ TxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0TxIntrCts;
++ }
++ ("==>getIsrCalls (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2)\n"));
++ return (RxPort0IntDiff + RxPort1IntDiff +
++ TxPort0IntDiff + TxPort1IntDiff);
++ }
+ /*
+- ** The following lines have been commented out, because
+- ** from kernel 2.5.44 onwards, the kernel-owned structure
+- **
+- ** struct kernel_stat kstat
+- **
+- ** is not marked as an exported symbol in the file
++ ** We have a Yukon2 compliant chipset if we come up to here
+ **
+- ** kernel/ksyms.c
+- **
+- ** As a consequence, using this driver as KLM is not possible
+- ** and any access of the structure kernel_stat via the
+- ** dedicated macros kstat_cpu(i) is to be avoided.
+- **
+- ** The kstat-information might be added again in future
+- ** versions of the 2.5.xx kernel, but for the time being,
+- ** number of interrupts will serve as indication how much
+- ** load we currently have...
+- **
+- ** for (NbrCpu = 0; NbrCpu < num_online_cpus(); NbrCpu++) {
+- ** UserTime = UserTime + kstat_cpu(NbrCpu).cpustat.user;
+- ** NiceTime = NiceTime + kstat_cpu(NbrCpu).cpustat.nice;
+- ** SystemTime = SystemTime + kstat_cpu(NbrCpu).cpustat.system;
+- ** }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ StatusPort1IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].StatusLeIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1StatusIntrCts;
++ }
++ StatusPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].StatusLeIntrCts -
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0StatusIntrCts;
+ */
+- SK_U64 ThresholdInts = 0;
+- SK_U64 IsrCallsPerSec = 0;
+- ThresholdInts = ((M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec *
+- IsrCallsPerSec = GetIsrCalls(pAC);
+- if (IsrCallsPerSec >= ThresholdInts) {
+- /*
+- ** We do not know how much the real CPU-load is!
+- ** Return 80% as a default in order to activate DIM
+- */
+- SystemLoad = 80;
+- return (SystemLoad);
+- }
+- UsedTime = UserTime + NiceTime + SystemTime;
+- IdleTime = jif * num_online_cpus() - UsedTime;
+- TotalTime = UsedTime + IdleTime;
+- SystemLoad = ( 100 * (UsedTime - M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedTime) ) /
+- (TotalTime - M_DIMINFO.PrevTotalTime);
++ ("==>getIsrCalls (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2)\n"));
++ return (StatusPort0IntDiff + StatusPort1IntDiff);
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- printk("Current system load is: %u\n", SystemLoad);
++ *
++ * setCurrIntCtr - stores the current number of interrupts
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Stores the current number of occurred interrupts in the adapter
++ * context. This is needed to evaluate the umber of interrupts within
++ * the moderation interval.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void setCurrIntCtr(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1RxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts;
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1TxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxIntrCts;
++ }
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0RxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts;
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0TxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxIntrCts;
++ ("<== setCurrIntCtr (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2)\n"));
++ return;
+ }
+- M_DIMINFO.PrevTotalTime = TotalTime;
+- M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedTime = UsedTime;
+- return (SystemLoad);
++ /*
++ ** We have a Yukon2 compliant chipset if we come up to here
++ **
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort1StatusIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].StatusLeIntrCts;
++ }
++ M_DIMINFO.PrevPort0StatusIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].StatusLeIntrCts;
++ */
++ ("<== setCurrIntCtr (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2)\n"));
+ }
+-** Function : GetIsrCalls
+-** Description : Depending on the selected moderation mask, this function will
+-** return the number of interrupts handled in the previous time-
+-** frame. This evaluated number is based on the current number
+-** of interrupts stored in PNMI-context and the previous stored
+-** interrupts.
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : int: the number of interrupts being executed in the last
+-** timeframe
+-** Notes : It makes only sense to call this function, when dynamic
+-** interrupt moderation is applied
+-static SK_U64
+-GetIsrCalls(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- SK_U64 RxPort0IntDiff = 0;
+- SK_U64 RxPort1IntDiff = 0;
+- SK_U64 TxPort0IntDiff = 0;
+- SK_U64 TxPort1IntDiff = 0;
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_TX_ONLY) {
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+- TxPort1IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort1TxIntrCts;
+- }
+- TxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort0TxIntrCts;
+- } else if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_RX_ONLY) {
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+- RxPort1IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort1RxIntrCts;
+- }
+- RxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort0RxIntrCts;
+- } else {
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+- RxPort1IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort1RxIntrCts;
+- TxPort1IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort1TxIntrCts;
+- }
+- RxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort0RxIntrCts;
+- TxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort0TxIntrCts;
+- }
+- return (RxPort0IntDiff + RxPort1IntDiff + TxPort0IntDiff + TxPort1IntDiff);
++ *
++ * isIntModEnabled - returns the current state of interrupt moderation
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function retrieves the current value of the interrupt moderation
++ * command register. Its content determines whether any moderation is
++ * running or not.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SK_TRUE : IRQ moderation is currently active
++ * SK_FALSE: No IRQ moderation is active
++ */
++static SK_BOOL isIntModEnabled(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ unsigned long CtrCmd;
++ SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_DRV,SK_DBGCAT_DRV_MSG,("==>isIntModEnabled\n"));
++ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_CTRL, &CtrCmd);
++ if ((CtrCmd & TIM_START) == TIM_START) {
++ ("<== isIntModEnabled (SK_TRUE)\n"));
++ return SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ ("<== isIntModEnabled (SK_FALSE)\n"));
++ return SK_FALSE;
+ }
+-** Function : GetRxCalls
+-** Description : This function will return the number of times a receive inter-
+-** rupt was processed. This is needed to evaluate any resizing
+-** factor.
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : SK_U64: the number of RX-ints being processed
+-** Notes : It makes only sense to call this function, when dynamic
+-** interrupt moderation is applied
+-static SK_U64
+-GetRxCalls(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- SK_U64 RxPort0IntDiff = 0;
+- SK_U64 RxPort1IntDiff = 0;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+- RxPort1IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort1RxIntrCts;
+- }
+- RxPort0IntDiff = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts -
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort0RxIntrCts;
+- return (RxPort0IntDiff + RxPort1IntDiff);
++ *
++ * enableIntMod - enables the interrupt moderation
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Enabling the interrupt moderation is done by putting the desired
++ * moderation interval in the B2_IRQM_INI register, specifying the
++ * desired maks in the B2_IRQM_MSK register and finally starting the
++ * IRQ moderation timer using the B2_IRQM_CTRL register.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void enableIntMod(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ unsigned long ModBase;
++ SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_DRV,SK_DBGCAT_DRV_MSG,("==> enableIntMod\n"));
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
++ ModBase = C_CLK_FREQ_GENESIS / M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec;
++ } else if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC) {
++ ModBase = C_CLK_FREQ_YUKON_EC / M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec;
++ } else {
++ ModBase = C_CLK_FREQ_YUKON / M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec;
++ }
+-** Function : SetCurrIntCtr
+-** Description : Will store the current number orf occured interrupts in the
+-** adapter context. This is needed to evaluated the number of
+-** interrupts within a current timeframe.
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : void (!)
+-** Notes : -
+-static void
+-SetCurrIntCtr(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort1RxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts;
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort1TxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxIntrCts;
+- }
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort0RxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts;
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevPort0TxIntrCts = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxIntrCts;
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_INI, ModBase);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_MSK, M_DIMINFO.MaskIrqModeration);
+-** Function : IsIntModEnabled()
+-** Description : Retrieves the current value of the interrupts moderation
+-** command register. Its content determines whether any
+-** moderation is running or not.
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : SK_TRUE : if mod timer running
+-** SK_FALSE : if no moderation is being performed
+-** Notes : -
+-static SK_BOOL
+-IsIntModEnabled(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- unsigned long CtrCmd;
+- SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_CTRL, &CtrCmd);
+- if ((CtrCmd & TIM_START) == TIM_START) {
+- return SK_TRUE;
+- } else {
+- return SK_FALSE;
+- }
++ SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_DRV,SK_DBGCAT_DRV_MSG,("<== enableIntMod\n"));
+ }
+-** Function : EnableIntMod()
+-** Description : Enables the interrupt moderation using the values stored in
+-** in the pAC->DynIntMod data structure
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 22-mar-03
+-** Returns : -
+-** Notes : -
+-static void
+-EnableIntMod(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- unsigned long ModBase;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
+- ModBase = C_CLK_FREQ_GENESIS / pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec;
+- } else {
+- ModBase = C_CLK_FREQ_YUKON / pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec;
+- }
+- SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_INI, ModBase);
+- SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_MSK, pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration);
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- printk("Enabled interrupt moderation (%i ints/sec)\n",
+- M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec);
+- }
++ *
++ * disableIntMod - disables the interrupt moderation
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Disabling the interrupt moderation is done by stopping the
++ * IRQ moderation timer using the B2_IRQM_CTRL register.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void disableIntMod(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_DRV,SK_DBGCAT_DRV_MSG,("==> disableIntMod\n"));
+-** Function : DisableIntMod()
+-** Description : Disbles the interrupt moderation independent of what inter-
+-** rupts are running or not
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : -
+-** Notes : -
+-static void
+-DisableIntMod(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- printk("Disabled interrupt moderation\n");
+- }
+-** Function : ResizeDimTimerDuration();
+-** Description : Checks the current used descriptor ratio and resizes the
+-** duration timer (longer/smaller) if possible.
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : -
+-** Notes : There are both maximum and minimum timer duration value.
+-** This function assumes that interrupt moderation is already
+-** enabled!
+-static void
+-ResizeDimTimerDuration(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- SK_BOOL IncreaseTimerDuration;
+- int TotalMaxNbrDescr;
+- int UsedDescrRatio;
+- int RatioDiffAbs;
+- int RatioDiffRel;
+- int NewMaxModIntsPerSec;
+- int ModAdjValue;
+- long ModBase;
+- /*
+- ** Check first if we are allowed to perform any modification
+- */
+- if (IsIntModEnabled(pAC)) {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.IntModTypeSelect != C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
+- return;
+- } else {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.ModJustEnabled) {
+- M_DIMINFO.ModJustEnabled = SK_FALSE;
+- return;
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- /*
+- ** If we got until here, we have to evaluate the amount of the
+- ** descriptor ratio change...
+- */
+- TotalMaxNbrDescr = pAC->RxDescrPerRing * GetRxCalls(pAC);
+- UsedDescrRatio = (M_DIMINFO.NbrProcessedDescr * 100) / TotalMaxNbrDescr;
+- if (UsedDescrRatio > M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio) {
+- RatioDiffAbs = (UsedDescrRatio - M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio);
+- RatioDiffRel = (RatioDiffAbs * 100) / UsedDescrRatio;
+- M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio = UsedDescrRatio;
+- IncreaseTimerDuration = SK_FALSE; /* in other words: DECREASE */
+- } else if (UsedDescrRatio < M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio) {
+- RatioDiffAbs = (M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio - UsedDescrRatio);
+- RatioDiffRel = (RatioDiffAbs * 100) / M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio;
+- M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio = UsedDescrRatio;
+- IncreaseTimerDuration = SK_TRUE; /* in other words: INCREASE */
+- } else {
+- RatioDiffAbs = (M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio - UsedDescrRatio);
+- RatioDiffRel = (RatioDiffAbs * 100) / M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio;
+- M_DIMINFO.PrevUsedDescrRatio = UsedDescrRatio;
+- IncreaseTimerDuration = SK_TRUE; /* in other words: INCREASE */
+- }
+- /*
+- ** Now we can determine the change in percent
+- */
+- if ((RatioDiffRel >= 0) && (RatioDiffRel <= 5) ) {
+- ModAdjValue = 1; /* 1% change - maybe some other value in future */
+- } else if ((RatioDiffRel > 5) && (RatioDiffRel <= 10) ) {
+- ModAdjValue = 1; /* 1% change - maybe some other value in future */
+- } else if ((RatioDiffRel > 10) && (RatioDiffRel <= 15) ) {
+- ModAdjValue = 1; /* 1% change - maybe some other value in future */
+- } else {
+- ModAdjValue = 1; /* 1% change - maybe some other value in future */
+- }
+- if (IncreaseTimerDuration) {
+- NewMaxModIntsPerSec = M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec +
+- (M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec * ModAdjValue) / 100;
+- } else {
+- NewMaxModIntsPerSec = M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec -
+- (M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec * ModAdjValue) / 100;
+- }
+- /*
+- ** Check if we exceed boundaries...
+- */
+- if ( (NewMaxModIntsPerSec > M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit) ||
+- (NewMaxModIntsPerSec < M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit)) {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- printk("Cannot change ModTim from %i to %i ints/sec\n",
+- M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec, NewMaxModIntsPerSec);
+- }
+- return;
+- } else {
+- if (M_DIMINFO.DisplayStats) {
+- printk("Resized ModTim from %i to %i ints/sec\n",
+- M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec, NewMaxModIntsPerSec);
+- }
+- }
+- M_DIMINFO.MaxModIntsPerSec = NewMaxModIntsPerSec;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
+- ModBase = C_CLK_FREQ_GENESIS / pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec;
+- } else {
+- ModBase = C_CLK_FREQ_YUKON / pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec;
+- }
+- /*
+- ** We do not need to touch any other registers
+- */
+- SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_INI, ModBase);
++ SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_DRV,SK_DBGCAT_DRV_MSG,("<== disableIntMod\n"));
+ }
+ /*******************************************************************************
+-** Function : DisplaySelectedModerationType()
+-** Description : Displays what type of moderation we have
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : void!
+-** Notes : -
+-static void
+-DisplaySelectedModerationType(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DisplayStats) {
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_STATIC) {
+- printk("Static int moderation runs with %i INTS/sec\n",
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec);
+- } else if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
+- if (IsIntModEnabled(pAC)) {
+- printk("Dynamic int moderation runs with %i INTS/sec\n",
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec);
+- } else {
+- printk("Dynamic int moderation currently not applied\n");
+- }
+- } else {
+- printk("No interrupt moderation selected!\n");
+- }
+- }
+-** Function : DisplaySelectedModerationMask()
+-** Description : Displays what interrupts are moderated
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : void!
+-** Notes : -
+-static void
+-DisplaySelectedModerationMask(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DisplayStats) {
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect != C_INT_MOD_NONE) {
+- switch (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration) {
+- printk("Only Tx-interrupts are moderated\n");
+- break;
+- printk("Only Rx-interrupts are moderated\n");
+- break;
+- printk("Only special-interrupts are moderated\n");
+- break;
+- case IRQ_MASK_TX_RX:
+- printk("Tx- and Rx-interrupts are moderated\n");
+- break;
+- case IRQ_MASK_SP_RX:
+- printk("Special- and Rx-interrupts are moderated\n");
+- break;
+- case IRQ_MASK_SP_TX:
+- printk("Special- and Tx-interrupts are moderated\n");
+- break;
+- case IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP:
+- printk("All Rx-, Tx and special-interrupts are moderated\n");
+- break;
+- default:
+- printk("Don't know what is moderated\n");
+- break;
+- }
+- } else {
+- printk("No specific interrupts masked for moderation\n");
+- }
+- }
+-** Function : DisplayDescrRatio
+-** Description : Like the name states...
+-** Programmer : Ralph Roesler
+-** Last Modified: 23-mar-03
+-** Returns : void!
+-** Notes : -
+-static void
+-DisplayDescrRatio(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- int TotalMaxNbrDescr = 0;
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DisplayStats) {
+- TotalMaxNbrDescr = pAC->RxDescrPerRing * GetRxCalls(pAC);
+- printk("Ratio descriptors: %i/%i\n",
+- M_DIMINFO.NbrProcessedDescr, TotalMaxNbrDescr);
+- }
+-** End of file
++ *
++ * End of file
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skethtool.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skethtool.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skethtool.c 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skethtool.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@
++ *
++ * Name: skethtool.c
++ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/05/23 13:47:33 $
++ * Purpose: All functions regarding ethtool handling
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
++ *
++ * Driver for Marvell Yukon/2 chipset and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet
++ * Server Adapters.
++ *
++ * Author: Ralph Roesler (
++ * Mirko Lindner (
++ *
++ * Address all question to:
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++#include "h/skdrv1st.h"
++#include "h/skdrv2nd.h"
++#include "h/skversion.h"
++#include <linux/ethtool.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/timer.h>
++ *
++ * External Functions and Data
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++extern void SkDimDisableModeration(SK_AC *pAC, int CurrentModeration);
++extern void SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(SK_AC *pAC);
++ *
++ * Defines
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++#define SK98LIN_STAT(m) sizeof(((SK_AC *)0)->m),offsetof(SK_AC, m)
++#define SUPP_COPPER_ALL (SUPPORTED_10baseT_Half | SUPPORTED_10baseT_Full | \
++ SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half | SUPPORTED_100baseT_Full | \
++ SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half| SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Full| \
++#define ADV_COPPER_ALL (ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half | ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full | \
++ ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half | ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full | \
++ ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half| ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full| \
++#define SUPP_FIBRE_ALL (SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Full | \
++ SUPPORTED_Autoneg)
++#define ADV_FIBRE_ALL (ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full | \
++ ADVERTISED_Autoneg)
++ *
++ * Local Function Prototypes
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++static void getSettings(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd);
++static int setSettings(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd);
++static void getPauseParams(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_pauseparam *epause);
++static int setPauseParams(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_pauseparam *epause);
++static void getDriverInfo(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_drvinfo *edrvinfo);
++static int startLocateNIC(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_value *blinkSecs);
++static void toggleLeds(unsigned long ptr);
++static void getModerationParams(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_coalesce *ecoalesc);
++static int setModerationParams(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_coalesce *ecoalesc);
++static void getWOLsettings(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_wolinfo *ewol);
++static int setWOLsettings(SK_AC *pAC, int port, struct ethtool_wolinfo *ewol);
++static int getPortNumber(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr);
++ *
++ * Local Variables
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++struct sk98lin_stats {
++ char stat_string[ETHT_STATSTRING_LEN];
++ int sizeof_stat;
++ int stat_offset;
++static struct sk98lin_stats sk98lin_etht_stats_port0[] = {
++ { "rx_packets" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxOkCts) },
++ { "tx_packets" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatTxOkCts) },
++ { "rx_bytes" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxOctetsOkCts) },
++ { "tx_bytes" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatTxOctetsOkCts) },
++ { "rx_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.InErrorsCts) },
++ { "tx_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatTxSingleCollisionCts) },
++ { "rx_dropped" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.RxNoBufCts) },
++ { "tx_dropped" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.TxNoBufCts) },
++ { "multicasts" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxMulticastOkCts) },
++ { "collisions" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatTxSingleCollisionCts) },
++ { "rx_length_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxRuntCts) },
++ { "rx_buffer_overflow_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxFifoOverflowCts) },
++ { "rx_crc_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxFcsCts) },
++ { "rx_frame_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxFramingCts) },
++ { "rx_too_short_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxShortsCts) },
++ { "rx_too_long_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxTooLongCts) },
++ { "rx_carrier_extension_errors", SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxCextCts) },
++ { "rx_symbol_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxSymbolCts) },
++ { "rx_llc_mac_size_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxIRLengthCts) },
++ { "rx_carrier_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxCarrierCts) },
++ { "rx_jabber_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxJabberCts) },
++ { "rx_missed_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatRxMissedCts) },
++ { "tx_abort_collision_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(stats.tx_aborted_errors) },
++ { "tx_carrier_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatTxCarrierCts) },
++ { "tx_buffer_underrun_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatTxFifoUnderrunCts) },
++ { "tx_heartbeat_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[0].StatTxCarrierCts) } ,
++ { "tx_window_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(stats.tx_window_errors) }
++static struct sk98lin_stats sk98lin_etht_stats_port1[] = {
++ { "rx_packets" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxOkCts) },
++ { "tx_packets" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatTxOkCts) },
++ { "rx_bytes" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxOctetsOkCts) },
++ { "tx_bytes" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatTxOctetsOkCts) },
++ { "rx_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.InErrorsCts) },
++ { "tx_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatTxSingleCollisionCts) },
++ { "rx_dropped" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.RxNoBufCts) },
++ { "tx_dropped" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.TxNoBufCts) },
++ { "multicasts" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxMulticastOkCts) },
++ { "collisions" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatTxSingleCollisionCts) },
++ { "rx_length_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxRuntCts) },
++ { "rx_buffer_overflow_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxFifoOverflowCts) },
++ { "rx_crc_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxFcsCts) },
++ { "rx_frame_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxFramingCts) },
++ { "rx_too_short_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxShortsCts) },
++ { "rx_too_long_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxTooLongCts) },
++ { "rx_carrier_extension_errors", SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxCextCts) },
++ { "rx_symbol_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxSymbolCts) },
++ { "rx_llc_mac_size_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxIRLengthCts) },
++ { "rx_carrier_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxCarrierCts) },
++ { "rx_jabber_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxJabberCts) },
++ { "rx_missed_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatRxMissedCts) },
++ { "tx_abort_collision_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(stats.tx_aborted_errors) },
++ { "tx_carrier_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatTxCarrierCts) },
++ { "tx_buffer_underrun_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatTxFifoUnderrunCts) },
++ { "tx_heartbeat_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(PnmiStruct.Stat[1].StatTxCarrierCts) } ,
++ { "tx_window_errors" , SK98LIN_STAT(stats.tx_window_errors) }
++#define SK98LIN_STATS_LEN sizeof(sk98lin_etht_stats_port0) / sizeof(struct sk98lin_stats)
++static int nbrBlinkQuarterSeconds;
++static int currentPortIndex;
++static SK_BOOL isLocateNICrunning = SK_FALSE;
++static SK_BOOL isDualNetCard = SK_FALSE;
++static SK_BOOL doSwitchLEDsOn = SK_FALSE;
++static SK_BOOL boardWasDown[2] = { SK_FALSE, SK_FALSE };
++static struct timer_list locateNICtimer;
++ *
++ * Global Functions
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * SkEthIoctl - IOCTL entry point for all ethtool queries
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Any IOCTL request that has to deal with the ethtool command tool is
++ * dispatched via this function.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ==0: everything fine, no error
++ * !=0: the return value is the error code of the failure
++ */
++int SkEthIoctl(
++struct net_device *netdev, /* the pointer to netdev structure */
++struct ifreq *ifr) /* what interface the request refers to? */
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) netdev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ void *pAddr = ifr->ifr_data;
++ int port = getPortNumber(netdev, ifr);
++ SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA *pPnmiStruct = &pAC->PnmiStruct;
++ SK_U32 Size = sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA);
++ SK_U32 cmd;
++ struct sk98lin_stats *sk98lin_etht_stats =
++ (port == 0) ? sk98lin_etht_stats_port0 : sk98lin_etht_stats_port1;
++ if (get_user(cmd, (uint32_t *) pAddr)) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ switch(cmd) {
++ case ETHTOOL_GSET: {
++ struct ethtool_cmd ecmd = { ETHTOOL_GSET };
++ getSettings(pAC, port, &ecmd);
++ if(copy_to_user(pAddr, &ecmd, sizeof(ecmd))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ break;
++ case ETHTOOL_SSET: {
++ struct ethtool_cmd ecmd;
++ if(copy_from_user(&ecmd, pAddr, sizeof(ecmd))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return setSettings(pAC, port, &ecmd);
++ }
++ break;
++ struct ethtool_drvinfo drvinfo = { ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO };
++ getDriverInfo(pAC, port, &drvinfo);
++ if(copy_to_user(pAddr, &drvinfo, sizeof(drvinfo))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ break;
++ struct ethtool_gstrings gstrings = { ETHTOOL_GSTRINGS };
++ char *strings = NULL;
++ int err = 0;
++ if(copy_from_user(&gstrings, pAddr, sizeof(gstrings))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ switch(gstrings.string_set) {
++ case ETH_SS_STATS: {
++ int i;
++ gstrings.len = SK98LIN_STATS_LEN;
++ if ((strings = kmalloc(SK98LIN_STATS_LEN*ETHT_STATSTRING_LEN,GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) {
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ for(i=0; i < SK98LIN_STATS_LEN; i++) {
++ memcpy(&strings[i * ETHT_STATSTRING_LEN],
++ &(sk98lin_etht_stats[i].stat_string),
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++ }
++ if(copy_to_user(pAddr, &gstrings, sizeof(gstrings))) {
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ }
++ pAddr = (void *) ((unsigned long int) pAddr + offsetof(struct ethtool_gstrings, data));
++ if(!err && copy_to_user(pAddr, strings, gstrings.len * ETH_GSTRING_LEN)) {
++ err = -EFAULT;
++ }
++ kfree(strings);
++ return err;
++ }
++ struct {
++ struct ethtool_stats eth_stats;
++ uint64_t data[SK98LIN_STATS_LEN];
++ } stats = { {ETHTOOL_GSTATS, SK98LIN_STATS_LEN} };
++ int i;
++ if (netif_running(pAC->dev[port])) {
++ SkPnmiGetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pPnmiStruct, &Size, port);
++ }
++ for(i = 0; i < SK98LIN_STATS_LEN; i++) {
++ if (netif_running(pAC->dev[port])) {
++[i] = (sk98lin_etht_stats[i].sizeof_stat ==
++ sizeof(uint64_t)) ?
++ *(uint64_t *)((char *)pAC +
++ sk98lin_etht_stats[i].stat_offset) :
++ *(uint32_t *)((char *)pAC +
++ sk98lin_etht_stats[i].stat_offset);
++ } else {
++[i] = (sk98lin_etht_stats[i].sizeof_stat ==
++ sizeof(uint64_t)) ? (uint64_t) 0 : (uint32_t) 0;
++ }
++ }
++ if(copy_to_user(pAddr, &stats, sizeof(stats))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ case ETHTOOL_PHYS_ID: {
++ struct ethtool_value blinkSecs;
++ if(copy_from_user(&blinkSecs, pAddr, sizeof(blinkSecs))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return startLocateNIC(pAC, port, &blinkSecs);
++ }
++ struct ethtool_pauseparam epause = { ETHTOOL_GPAUSEPARAM };
++ getPauseParams(pAC, port, &epause);
++ if(copy_to_user(pAddr, &epause, sizeof(epause))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ struct ethtool_pauseparam epause;
++ if(copy_from_user(&epause, pAddr, sizeof(epause))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return setPauseParams(pAC, port, &epause);
++ }
++#ifdef ETHTOOL_GSG
++ case ETHTOOL_GSG: {
++ struct ethtool_value edata = { ETHTOOL_GSG };
++ = (netdev->features & NETIF_F_SG) != 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(pAddr, &edata, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++#ifdef ETHTOOL_SSG
++ case ETHTOOL_SSG: {
++ struct ethtool_value edata;
++ if (copy_from_user(&edata, pAddr, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ if (pAC->ChipsetType) { /* Don't handle if Genesis */
++ if ( {
++ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_SG;
++ } else {
++ netdev->features &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ struct ethtool_value edata = { ETHTOOL_GRXCSUM };
++ = pAC->RxPort[port].UseRxCsum;
++ if (copy_to_user(pAddr, &edata, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ struct ethtool_value edata;
++ if (copy_from_user(&edata, pAddr, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ pAC->RxPort[port].UseRxCsum =;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ struct ethtool_value edata = { ETHTOOL_GTXCSUM };
++ = ((netdev->features & NETIF_F_IP_CSUM) != 0);
++ if (copy_to_user(pAddr, &edata, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ struct ethtool_value edata;
++ if (copy_from_user(&edata, pAddr, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ if (pAC->ChipsetType) { /* Don't handle if Genesis */
++ if ( {
++ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
++ } else {
++ netdev->features &= ~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if(netif_running(netdev)) {
++ (*netdev->stop)(netdev);
++ (*netdev->open)(netdev);
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ case ETHTOOL_GTSO: {
++ struct ethtool_value edata = { ETHTOOL_GTSO };
++ = (netdev->features & NETIF_F_TSO) != 0;
++ if (copy_to_user(pAddr, &edata, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ case ETHTOOL_STSO: {
++ struct ethtool_value edata;
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (copy_from_user(&edata, pAddr, sizeof(edata))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ if ( {
++ netdev->features |= NETIF_F_TSO;
++ } else {
++ netdev->features &= ~NETIF_F_TSO;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++ }
++ struct ethtool_coalesce ecoalesc = { ETHTOOL_GCOALESCE };
++ getModerationParams(pAC, port, &ecoalesc);
++ if(copy_to_user(pAddr, &ecoalesc, sizeof(ecoalesc))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ struct ethtool_coalesce ecoalesc;
++ if(copy_from_user(&ecoalesc, pAddr, sizeof(ecoalesc))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return setModerationParams(pAC, port, &ecoalesc);
++ }
++ case ETHTOOL_GWOL: {
++ struct ethtool_wolinfo ewol = { ETHTOOL_GWOL };
++ getWOLsettings(pAC, port, &ewol);
++ if(copy_to_user(pAddr, &ewol, sizeof(ewol))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ case ETHTOOL_SWOL: {
++ struct ethtool_wolinfo ewol;
++ if(copy_from_user(&ewol, pAddr, sizeof(ewol))) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ return setWOLsettings(pAC, port, &ewol);
++ }
++ default:
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++ }
++} /* SkEthIoctl() */
++ *
++ * Local Functions
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * getSettings - retrieves the current settings of the selected adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The current configuration of the selected adapter is returned.
++ * This configuration involves a)speed, b)duplex and c)autoneg plus
++ * a number of other variables.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void getSettings(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) /* mandatory command structure for results */
++ SK_GEPORT *pPort = &pAC->GIni.GP[port];
++ static int DuplexAutoNegConfMap[9][3]= {
++ { -1 , -1 , -1 },
++ { 0 , -1 , -1 },
++ { SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE , -1 , -1 },
++ };
++ static int SpeedConfMap[6][2] = {
++ { 0 , -1 },
++ { SK_LSPEED_AUTO , -1 },
++ { SK_LSPEED_10MBPS , SPEED_10 },
++ { SK_LSPEED_100MBPS , SPEED_100 },
++ { SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS , SPEED_1000 },
++ };
++ static int AdvSpeedMap[6][2] = {
++ { 0 , -1 },
++ { SK_LSPEED_AUTO , -1 },
++ { SK_LSPEED_10MBPS , ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half | ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full },
++ { SK_LSPEED_100MBPS , ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half | ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full },
++ { SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS , ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half | ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full},
++ };
++ ecmd->phy_address = port;
++ ecmd->speed = SpeedConfMap[pPort->PLinkSpeedUsed][1];
++ ecmd->duplex = DuplexAutoNegConfMap[pPort->PLinkModeStatus][1];
++ ecmd->autoneg = DuplexAutoNegConfMap[pPort->PLinkModeStatus][2];
++ ecmd->transceiver = XCVR_INTERNAL;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
++ ecmd->port = PORT_TP;
++ ecmd->supported = (SUPP_COPPER_ALL|SUPPORTED_Autoneg);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ ecmd->supported &= ~(SUPPORTED_10baseT_Half);
++ ecmd->supported &= ~(SUPPORTED_10baseT_Full);
++ ecmd->supported &= ~(SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half);
++ ecmd->supported &= ~(SUPPORTED_100baseT_Full);
++ } else {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON) {
++ ecmd->supported &= ~(SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half);
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ ecmd->supported &= ~(SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half);
++ ecmd->supported &= ~(SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Full);
++ }
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[0].PLinkSpeed != SK_LSPEED_AUTO) {
++ ecmd->advertising = AdvSpeedMap[pPort->PLinkSpeed][1];
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON) {
++ ecmd->advertising &= ~(SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half);
++ }
++ } else {
++ ecmd->advertising = ecmd->supported;
++ }
++ if (ecmd->autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE) {
++ ecmd->advertising |= ADVERTISED_Autoneg;
++ }
++ } else {
++ ecmd->port = PORT_FIBRE;
++ ecmd->supported = (SUPP_FIBRE_ALL);
++ ecmd->advertising = (ADV_FIBRE_ALL);
++ }
++ *
++ * setSettings - configures the settings of a selected adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Possible settings that may be altered are a)speed, b)duplex or
++ * c)autonegotiation.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ==0: everything fine, no error
++ * !=0: the return value is the error code of the failure
++ */
++static int setSettings(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) /* command structure containing settings */
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET *) pAC->dev[port]->priv;
++ SK_U32 Instance;
++ char Buf[4];
++ unsigned int Len = 1;
++ int Ret;
++ if (port == 0) {
++ Instance = (pAC->RlmtNets == 2) ? 1 : 2;
++ } else {
++ Instance = (pAC->RlmtNets == 2) ? 2 : 3;
++ }
++ if (((ecmd->autoneg == AUTONEG_DISABLE) || (ecmd->autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE)) &&
++ ((ecmd->duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) || (ecmd->duplex == DUPLEX_HALF))) {
++ if (ecmd->autoneg == AUTONEG_DISABLE) {
++ if (ecmd->duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_LMODE_FULL;
++ } else {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_LMODE_HALF;
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (ecmd->duplex == DUPLEX_FULL) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL;
++ } else {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_LMODE_AUTOHALF;
++ }
++ }
++ Ret = SkPnmiSetVar(pAC, pAC->IoBase, OID_SKGE_LINK_MODE,
++ &Buf, &Len, Instance, pNet->NetNr);
++ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((ecmd->speed == SPEED_1000) ||
++ (ecmd->speed == SPEED_100) ||
++ (ecmd->speed == SPEED_10)) {
++ if (ecmd->speed == SPEED_1000) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS;
++ } else if (ecmd->speed == SPEED_100) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_LSPEED_100MBPS;
++ } else {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_LSPEED_10MBPS;
++ }
++ Ret = SkPnmiSetVar(pAC, pAC->IoBase, OID_SKGE_SPEED_MODE,
++ &Buf, &Len, Instance, pNet->NetNr);
++ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ } else {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ *
++ * getPauseParams - retrieves the pause parameters
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * All current pause parameters of a selected adapter are placed
++ * in the passed ethtool_pauseparam structure and are returned.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void getPauseParams(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_pauseparam *epause) /* pause parameter struct for result */
++ SK_GEPORT *pPort = &pAC->GIni.GP[port];
++ epause->rx_pause = 0;
++ epause->tx_pause = 0;
++ if (pPort->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_LOC_SEND) {
++ epause->tx_pause = 1;
++ }
++ if ((pPort->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYMMETRIC) ||
++ (pPort->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM)) {
++ epause->tx_pause = 1;
++ epause->rx_pause = 1;
++ }
++ if ((epause->rx_pause == 0) && (epause->tx_pause == 0)) {
++ epause->autoneg = SK_FALSE;
++ } else {
++ epause->autoneg = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ *
++ * setPauseParams - configures the pause parameters of an adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function sets the Rx or Tx pause parameters
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ==0: everything fine, no error
++ * !=0: the return value is the error code of the failure
++ */
++static int setPauseParams(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_pauseparam *epause) /* pause parameter struct with params */
++ SK_GEPORT *pPort = &pAC->GIni.GP[port];
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET *) pAC->dev[port]->priv;
++ int PrevSpeedVal = pPort->PLinkSpeedUsed;
++ SK_U32 Instance;
++ char Buf[4];
++ int Ret;
++ SK_BOOL prevAutonegValue = SK_TRUE;
++ int prevTxPause = 0;
++ int prevRxPause = 0;
++ unsigned int Len = 1;
++ if (port == 0) {
++ Instance = (pAC->RlmtNets == 2) ? 1 : 2;
++ } else {
++ Instance = (pAC->RlmtNets == 2) ? 2 : 3;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** we have to determine the current settings to see if
++ ** the operator requested any modification of the flow
++ ** control parameters...
++ */
++ if (pPort->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_LOC_SEND) {
++ prevTxPause = 1;
++ }
++ if ((pPort->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYMMETRIC) ||
++ (pPort->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM)) {
++ prevTxPause = 1;
++ prevRxPause = 1;
++ }
++ if ((prevRxPause == 0) && (prevTxPause == 0)) {
++ prevAutonegValue = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** perform modifications regarding the changes
++ ** requested by the operator
++ */
++ if (epause->autoneg != prevAutonegValue) {
++ if (epause->autoneg == AUTONEG_DISABLE) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
++ } else {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_FLOW_MODE_SYMMETRIC;
++ }
++ } else {
++ if(epause->rx_pause && epause->tx_pause) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_FLOW_MODE_SYMMETRIC;
++ } else if (epause->rx_pause && !epause->tx_pause) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM;
++ } else if(!epause->rx_pause && epause->tx_pause) {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_FLOW_MODE_LOC_SEND;
++ } else {
++ *Buf = (char) SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
++ }
++ }
++ Ret = SkPnmiSetVar(pAC, pAC->IoBase, OID_SKGE_FLOWCTRL_MODE,
++ &Buf, &Len, Instance, pNet->NetNr);
++ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
++ ("ethtool (sk98lin): error changing rx/tx pause (%i)\n", Ret));
++ } else {
++ Len = 1; /* set buffer length to correct value */
++ }
++ /*
++ ** It may be that autoneg has been disabled! Therefore
++ ** set the speed to the previously used value...
++ */
++ *Buf = (char) PrevSpeedVal;
++ Ret = SkPnmiSetVar(pAC, pAC->IoBase, OID_SKGE_SPEED_MODE,
++ &Buf, &Len, Instance, pNet->NetNr);
++ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
++ ("ethtool (sk98lin): error setting speed (%i)\n", Ret));
++ }
++ return 0;
++ *
++ * getModerationParams - retrieves the IRQ moderation settings
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * All current IRQ moderation settings of a selected adapter are placed
++ * in the passed ethtool_coalesce structure and are returned.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void getModerationParams(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_coalesce *ecoalesc) /* IRQ moderation struct for results */
++ DIM_INFO *Info = &pAC->DynIrqModInfo;
++ SK_BOOL UseTxIrqModeration = SK_FALSE;
++ SK_BOOL UseRxIrqModeration = SK_FALSE;
++ if (Info->IntModTypeSelect != C_INT_MOD_NONE) {
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ UseRxIrqModeration = SK_TRUE;
++ UseTxIrqModeration = SK_TRUE;
++ } else {
++ if ((Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_RX_ONLY) ||
++ (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_RX) ||
++ (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP)) {
++ UseRxIrqModeration = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ if ((Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_TX_ONLY) ||
++ (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_TX) ||
++ (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP)) {
++ UseTxIrqModeration = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ }
++ if (UseRxIrqModeration) {
++ ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs = 1000000 / Info->MaxModIntsPerSec;
++ }
++ if (UseTxIrqModeration) {
++ ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs = 1000000 / Info->MaxModIntsPerSec;
++ }
++ if (Info->IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
++ ecoalesc->rate_sample_interval = Info->DynIrqModSampleInterval;
++ if (UseRxIrqModeration) {
++ ecoalesc->use_adaptive_rx_coalesce = 1;
++ ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_low =
++ 1000000 / Info->MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit;
++ ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_high =
++ 1000000 / Info->MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit;
++ }
++ if (UseTxIrqModeration) {
++ ecoalesc->use_adaptive_tx_coalesce = 1;
++ ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_low =
++ 1000000 / Info->MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit;
++ ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_high =
++ 1000000 / Info->MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ *
++ * setModerationParams - configures the IRQ moderation of an adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Depending on the desired IRQ moderation parameters, either a) static,
++ * b) dynamic or c) no moderation is configured.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ==0: everything fine, no error
++ * !=0: the return value is the error code of the failure
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * The supported timeframe for the coalesced interrupts ranges from
++ * 33.333us (30 IntsPerSec) down to 25us (40.000 IntsPerSec).
++ * Any requested value that is not in this range will abort the request!
++ */
++static int setModerationParams(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_coalesce *ecoalesc) /* IRQ moderation struct with params */
++ DIM_INFO *Info = &pAC->DynIrqModInfo;
++ int PrevModeration = Info->IntModTypeSelect;
++ Info->IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_NONE; /* initial default */
++ if ((ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs) || (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs)) {
++ if (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs) {
++ if ((ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs < 25) ||
++ (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs > 33333)) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs) {
++ if ((ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs < 25) ||
++ (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs > 33333)) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if ((Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_RX) ||
++ (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_TX) ||
++ (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP)) {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_ONLY;
++ }
++ }
++ Info->IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_STATIC;
++ if (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs) {
++ Info->MaxModIntsPerSec =
++ 1000000 / ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs;
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_TX_ONLY) {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_TX_RX;
++ }
++ if (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_ONLY) {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_RX;
++ }
++ if (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_TX) {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
++ }
++ } else {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = Y2_IRQ_MASK;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs) {
++ Info->MaxModIntsPerSec =
++ 1000000 / ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs;
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_RX_ONLY) {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_TX_RX;
++ }
++ if (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_ONLY) {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_TX;
++ }
++ if (Info->MaskIrqModeration == IRQ_MASK_SP_RX) {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
++ }
++ } else {
++ Info->MaskIrqModeration = Y2_IRQ_MASK;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if ((ecoalesc->rate_sample_interval) ||
++ (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_low) ||
++ (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_low) ||
++ (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_high)||
++ (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_high)) {
++ if (ecoalesc->rate_sample_interval) {
++ if ((ecoalesc->rate_sample_interval < 1) ||
++ (ecoalesc->rate_sample_interval > 10)) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_low) {
++ if ((ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_low < 25) ||
++ (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_low > 33333)) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_high) {
++ if ((ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_high < 25) ||
++ (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_high > 33333)) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_low) {
++ if ((ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_low < 25) ||
++ (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_low > 33333)) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_high) {
++ if ((ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_high < 25) ||
++ (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_high > 33333)) {
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ Info->IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC;
++ if (ecoalesc->rate_sample_interval) {
++ Info->DynIrqModSampleInterval =
++ ecoalesc->rate_sample_interval;
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_low) {
++ Info->MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit =
++ 1000000 / ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_low;
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_low) {
++ Info->MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit =
++ 1000000 / ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_low;
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_high) {
++ Info->MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit =
++ 1000000 / ecoalesc->rx_coalesce_usecs_high;
++ }
++ if (ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_high) {
++ Info->MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit =
++ 1000000 / ecoalesc->tx_coalesce_usecs_high;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((PrevModeration == C_INT_MOD_NONE) &&
++ (Info->IntModTypeSelect != C_INT_MOD_NONE)) {
++ SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(pAC);
++ }
++ if (PrevModeration != C_INT_MOD_NONE) {
++ SkDimDisableModeration(pAC, PrevModeration);
++ if (Info->IntModTypeSelect != C_INT_MOD_NONE) {
++ SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(pAC);
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++ *
++ * getWOLsettings - retrieves the WOL settings of the selected adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * All current WOL settings of a selected adapter are placed in the
++ * passed ethtool_wolinfo structure and are returned to the caller.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void getWOLsettings(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_wolinfo *ewol) /* mandatory WOL structure for results */
++ ewol->supported = pAC->WolInfo.SupportedWolOptions;
++ ewol->wolopts = pAC->WolInfo.ConfiguredWolOptions;
++ return;
++ *
++ * setWOLsettings - configures the WOL settings of a selected adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The WOL settings of a selected adapter are configured regarding
++ * the parameters in the passed ethtool_wolinfo structure.
++ * Note that currently only wake on magic packet is supported!
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ==0: everything fine, no error
++ * !=0: the return value is the error code of the failure
++ */
++static int setWOLsettings(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_wolinfo *ewol) /* WOL structure containing settings */
++ if (((ewol->wolopts & WAKE_MAGIC) == WAKE_MAGIC) || (ewol->wolopts == 0)) {
++ pAC->WolInfo.ConfiguredWolOptions = ewol->wolopts;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -EFAULT;
++ *
++ * getDriverInfo - returns generic driver and adapter information
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Generic driver information is returned via this function, such as
++ * the name of the driver, its version and and firmware version.
++ * In addition to this, the location of the selected adapter is
++ * returned as a bus info string (e.g. '01:05.0').
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void getDriverInfo(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_drvinfo *edrvinfo) /* mandatory info structure for results */
++ char versionString[32];
++ snprintf(versionString, 32, "%s (%s)", VER_STRING, PATCHLEVEL);
++ strncpy(edrvinfo->driver, DRIVER_FILE_NAME , 32);
++ strncpy(edrvinfo->version, versionString , 32);
++ strncpy(edrvinfo->fw_version, "N/A", 32);
++ strncpy(edrvinfo->bus_info, pci_name(pAC->PciDev), 32);
++ edrvinfo->n_stats = SK98LIN_STATS_LEN;
++ *
++ * startLocateNIC - start the locate NIC feature of the elected adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function is used if the user want to locate a particular NIC.
++ * All LEDs are regularly switched on and off, so the NIC can easily
++ * be identified.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ==0: everything fine, no error, locateNIC test was started
++ * !=0: one locateNIC test runs already
++ *
++ */
++static int startLocateNIC(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int port, /* the port of the selected adapter */
++struct ethtool_value *blinkSecs) /* how long the LEDs should blink in seconds */
++ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *pDev = pAC->dev[port];
++ int OtherPort = (port) ? 0 : 1;
++ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *pOtherDev = pAC->dev[OtherPort];
++ if (isLocateNICrunning) {
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ isLocateNICrunning = SK_TRUE;
++ currentPortIndex = port;
++ isDualNetCard = (pDev != pOtherDev) ? SK_TRUE : SK_FALSE;
++ if (netif_running(pAC->dev[port])) {
++ boardWasDown[0] = SK_FALSE;
++ } else {
++ (*pDev->open)(pDev);
++ boardWasDown[0] = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ if (isDualNetCard) {
++ if (netif_running(pAC->dev[OtherPort])) {
++ boardWasDown[1] = SK_FALSE;
++ } else {
++ (*pOtherDev->open)(pOtherDev);
++ boardWasDown[1] = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((blinkSecs->data < 1) || (blinkSecs->data > 30)) {
++ blinkSecs->data = 3; /* three seconds default */
++ }
++ nbrBlinkQuarterSeconds = 4*blinkSecs->data;
++ init_timer(&locateNICtimer);
++ locateNICtimer.function = toggleLeds;
++ = (unsigned long) pAC;
++ locateNICtimer.expires = jiffies + HZ; /* initially 1sec */
++ add_timer(&locateNICtimer);
++ return 0;
++ *
++ * toggleLeds - Changes the LED state of an adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function changes the current state of all LEDs of an adapter so
++ * that it can be located by a user. If the requested time interval for
++ * this test has elapsed, this function cleans up everything that was
++ * temporarily setup during the locate NIC test. This involves of course
++ * also closing or opening any adapter so that the initial board state
++ * is recovered.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void toggleLeds(
++unsigned long ptr) /* holds the pointer to adapter control context */
++ SK_AC *pAC = (SK_AC *) ptr;
++ int port = currentPortIndex;
++ SK_IOC IoC = pAC->IoBase;
++ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *pDev = pAC->dev[port];
++ int OtherPort = (port) ? 0 : 1;
++ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *pOtherDev = pAC->dev[OtherPort];
++ SK_U16 YukLedOn = (PHY_M_LED_MO_DUP(MO_LED_ON) |
++ PHY_M_LED_MO_100(MO_LED_ON) |
++ PHY_M_LED_MO_1000(MO_LED_ON) |
++ SK_U16 YukLedOff = (PHY_M_LED_MO_DUP(MO_LED_OFF) |
++ PHY_M_LED_MO_1000(MO_LED_OFF) |
++ nbrBlinkQuarterSeconds--;
++ if (nbrBlinkQuarterSeconds <= 0) {
++ (*pDev->stop)(pDev);
++ if (isDualNetCard) {
++ (*pOtherDev->stop)(pOtherDev);
++ }
++ if (!boardWasDown[0]) {
++ (*pDev->open)(pDev);
++ }
++ if (isDualNetCard) {
++ (*pOtherDev->open)(pOtherDev);
++ }
++ isDualNetCard = SK_FALSE;
++ isLocateNICrunning = SK_FALSE;
++ return;
++ }
++ doSwitchLEDsOn = (doSwitchLEDsOn) ? SK_FALSE : SK_TRUE;
++ if (doSwitchLEDsOn) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ SkGeYellowLED(pAC,IoC,LED_ON >> 1);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[port].PhyType == SK_PHY_BCOM) {
++ } else if (pAC->GIni.GP[port].PhyType == SK_PHY_LONE) {
++ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC,IoC,port,PHY_LONE_LED_CFG,0x0800);
++ } else {
++ }
++ } else {
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC,IoC,port,PHY_MARV_LED_CTRL,0);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC,IoC,port,PHY_MARV_LED_OVER,YukLedOn);
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ SkGeYellowLED(pAC,IoC,LED_OFF >> 1);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[port].PhyType == SK_PHY_BCOM) {
++ } else if (pAC->GIni.GP[port].PhyType == SK_PHY_LONE) {
++ } else {
++ }
++ } else {
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC,IoC,port,PHY_MARV_LED_CTRL,0);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC,IoC,port,PHY_MARV_LED_OVER,YukLedOff);
++ }
++ }
++ locateNICtimer.function = toggleLeds;
++ = (unsigned long) pAC;
++ locateNICtimer.expires = jiffies + (HZ/4); /* 250ms */
++ add_timer(&locateNICtimer);
++ *
++ * getPortNumber - evaluates the port number of an interface
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * It may be that the current interface refers to one which is located
++ * on a dual net adapter. Hence, this function will return the correct
++ * port for further use.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * the port number that corresponds to the selected adapter
++ *
++ */
++static int getPortNumber(
++struct net_device *netdev, /* the pointer to netdev structure */
++struct ifreq *ifr) /* what interface the request refers to? */
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) netdev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ if (pAC->dev[1] != pAC->dev[0]) {
++ if (!strcmp(pAC->dev[1]->name, ifr->ifr_name)) {
++ return 1; /* port index 1 */
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++ *
++ * End of file
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,32 +1,26 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * Name: skge.c
+- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.45 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2004/02/12 14:41:02 $
+- * Purpose: The main driver source module
++ * Name: skge.c
++ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/08/09 13:08:34 $
++ * Purpose: The main driver source module
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * Driver for Marvell Yukon chipset and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet
+ * Server Adapters.
+ *
+- * Created 10-Feb-1999, based on Linux' acenic.c, 3c59x.c and
+- * SysKonnects GEnesis Solaris driver
+- * Author: Christoph Goos (
+- * Mirko Lindner (
++ * Author: Mirko Lindner (
++ * Ralph Roesler (
+ *
+ * Address all question to:
+ *
+- * The technical manual for the adapters is available from SysKonnect's
+- * web pages:
+- * Goto "Support" and search Knowledge Base for "manual".
+- *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+@@ -38,71 +32,33 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * Possible compiler options (#define xxx / -Dxxx):
+- *
+- * debugging can be enable by changing SK_DEBUG_CHKMOD and
+- * SK_DEBUG_CHKCAT in makefile (described there).
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+- *
+ * Description:
+ *
+- * This is the main module of the Linux GE driver.
+- *
+- * All source files except skge.c, skdrv1st.h, skdrv2nd.h and sktypes.h
+- * are part of SysKonnect's COMMON MODULES for the SK-98xx adapters.
+- * Those are used for drivers on multiple OS', so some thing may seem
+- * unnecessary complicated on Linux. Please do not try to 'clean up'
+- * them without VERY good reasons, because this will make it more
+- * difficult to keep the Linux driver in synchronisation with the
+- * other versions.
+- *
+- * Include file hierarchy:
+- *
+- * <linux/module.h>
+- *
+- * "h/skdrv1st.h"
+- * <linux/types.h>
+- * <linux/kernel.h>
+- * <linux/string.h>
+- * <linux/errno.h>
+- * <linux/ioport.h>
+- * <linux/slab.h>
+- * <linux/interrupt.h>
+- * <linux/pci.h>
+- * <asm/byteorder.h>
+- * <asm/bitops.h>
+- * <asm/io.h>
+- * <linux/netdevice.h>
+- * <linux/etherdevice.h>
+- * <linux/skbuff.h>
+- * those three depending on kernel version used:
+- * <linux/bios32.h>
+- * <linux/init.h>
+- * <asm/uaccess.h>
+- * <net/checksum.h>
+- *
+- * "h/skerror.h"
+- * "h/skdebug.h"
+- * "h/sktypes.h"
+- * "h/lm80.h"
+- * "h/xmac_ii.h"
+- *
+- * "h/skdrv2nd.h"
+- * "h/skqueue.h"
+- * "h/skgehwt.h"
+- * "h/sktimer.h"
+- * "h/ski2c.h"
+- * "h/skgepnmi.h"
+- * "h/skvpd.h"
+- * "h/skgehw.h"
+- * "h/skgeinit.h"
+- * "h/skaddr.h"
+- * "h/skgesirq.h"
+- * "h/skcsum.h"
+- * "h/skrlmt.h"
++ * All source files in this sk98lin directory except of the sk98lin
++ * Linux specific files
++ *
++ * - skdim.c
++ * - skethtool.c
++ * - skge.c
++ * - skproc.c
++ * - sky2.c
++ * - Makefile
++ * - h/skdrv1st.h
++ * - h/skdrv2nd.h
++ * - h/sktypes.h
++ * - h/skversion.h
++ *
++ * are part of SysKonnect's common modules for the SK-9xxx adapters.
++ *
++ * Those common module files which are not Linux specific are used to
++ * build drivers on different OS' (e.g. Windows, MAC OS) so that those
++ * drivers are based on the same set of files
++ *
++ * At a first glance, this seems to complicate things unnescessarily on
++ * Linux, but please do not try to 'clean up' them without VERY good
++ * reasons, because this will make it more difficult to keep the sk98lin
++ * driver for Linux in synchronisation with the other drivers running on
++ * other operating systems.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -110,6 +66,7 @@
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/ethtool.h>
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+@@ -118,6 +75,10 @@
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h"
+ #include "h/skdrv2nd.h"
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+ /*******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Defines
+@@ -127,62 +88,14 @@
+ /* for debuging on x86 only */
+ /* #define BREAKPOINT() asm(" int $3"); */
+-/* use the transmit hw checksum driver functionality */
+-/* use the receive hw checksum driver functionality */
+-/* use the scatter-gather functionality with sendfile() */
+-#define SK_ZEROCOPY
+-/* use of a transmit complete interrupt */
+- * threshold for copying small receive frames
+- * set to 0 to avoid copying, set to 9001 to copy all frames
+- */
+-#define SK_COPY_THRESHOLD 50
+-/* number of adapters that can be configured via command line params */
+-#define SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM 16
+- * use those defines for a compile-in version of the driver instead
+- * of command line parameters
+- */
+-// #define LINK_SPEED_A {"Auto", }
+-// #define LINK_SPEED_B {"Auto", }
+-// #define AUTO_NEG_A {"Sense", }
+-// #define AUTO_NEG_B {"Sense", }
+-// #define DUP_CAP_A {"Both", }
+-// #define DUP_CAP_B {"Both", }
+-// #define FLOW_CTRL_A {"SymOrRem", }
+-// #define FLOW_CTRL_B {"SymOrRem", }
+-// #define ROLE_A {"Auto", }
+-// #define ROLE_B {"Auto", }
+-// #define PREF_PORT {"A", }
+-// #define CON_TYPE {"Auto", }
+-// #define RLMT_MODE {"CheckLinkState", }
+-#define DEV_KFREE_SKB(skb) dev_kfree_skb(skb)
+-#define DEV_KFREE_SKB_IRQ(skb) dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb)
+-#define DEV_KFREE_SKB_ANY(skb) dev_kfree_skb_any(skb)
+ /* Set blink mode*/
+-/* Isr return value */
+-#define SkIsrRetVar irqreturn_t
+-#define SkIsrRetNone IRQ_NONE
+-#define SkIsrRetHandled IRQ_HANDLED
++#define CLEAR_AND_START_RX(Port) SK_OUT8(pAC->IoBase, RxQueueAddr[(Port)]+Q_CSR, CSR_START | CSR_IRQ_CL_F)
++#define CLEAR_TX_IRQ(Port,Prio) SK_OUT8(pAC->IoBase, TxQueueAddr[(Port)][(Prio)]+Q_CSR, CSR_IRQ_CL_F)
+ /*******************************************************************************
+@@ -191,12 +104,25 @@
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
++static int __devinit sk98lin_init_device(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
++static void sk98lin_remove_device(struct pci_dev *pdev);
++#ifdef CONFIG_PM
++static int sk98lin_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, u32 state);
++static int sk98lin_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev);
++static void SkEnableWOMagicPacket(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, SK_MAC_ADDR MacAddr);
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++static void SkGeHandleKernelTimer(unsigned long ptr);
++void SkGeCheckTimer(DEV_NET *pNet);
++static SK_BOOL CheckRXCounters(DEV_NET *pNet);
++static void CheckForRXHang(DEV_NET *pNet);
+ static void FreeResources(struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev);
+ static int SkGeBoardInit(struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev, SK_AC *pAC);
+ static SK_BOOL BoardAllocMem(SK_AC *pAC);
+ static void BoardFreeMem(SK_AC *pAC);
+ static void BoardInitMem(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void SetupRing(SK_AC*, void*, uintptr_t, RXD**, RXD**, RXD**, int*, SK_BOOL);
++static void SetupRing(SK_AC*, void*, uintptr_t, RXD**, RXD**, RXD**, int*, int*, SK_BOOL);
+ static SkIsrRetVar SkGeIsr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *ptregs);
+ static SkIsrRetVar SkGeIsrOnePort(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *ptregs);
+ static int SkGeOpen(struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev);
+@@ -212,24 +138,37 @@
+ static void FreeTxDescriptors(SK_AC*pAC, TX_PORT*);
+ static void FillRxRing(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*);
+ static SK_BOOL FillRxDescriptor(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*);
++static int SkGePoll(struct net_device *dev, int *budget);
++static void ReceiveIrq(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*, SK_BOOL, int*, int);
+ static void ReceiveIrq(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*, SK_BOOL);
+-static void ClearAndStartRx(SK_AC*, int);
+-static void ClearTxIrq(SK_AC*, int, int);
++static void SkGeNetPoll(struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev);
+ static void ClearRxRing(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*);
+ static void ClearTxRing(SK_AC*, TX_PORT*);
+ static int SkGeChangeMtu(struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev, int new_mtu);
+ static void PortReInitBmu(SK_AC*, int);
+ static int SkGeIocMib(DEV_NET*, unsigned int, int);
+ static int SkGeInitPCI(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void StartDrvCleanupTimer(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static void StopDrvCleanupTimer(SK_AC *pAC);
+-static int XmitFrameSG(SK_AC*, TX_PORT*, struct sk_buff*);
+ static SK_U32 ParseDeviceNbrFromSlotName(const char *SlotName);
+ static int SkDrvInitAdapter(SK_AC *pAC, int devNbr);
+ static int SkDrvDeInitAdapter(SK_AC *pAC, int devNbr);
++extern void SkLocalEventQueue( SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_U32 Class,
++ SK_U32 Event,
++ SK_U32 Param1,
++ SK_U32 Param2,
++ SK_BOOL Flag);
++extern void SkLocalEventQueue64( SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_U32 Class,
++ SK_U32 Event,
++ SK_U64 Param,
++ SK_BOOL Flag);
++static int XmitFrameSG(SK_AC*, TX_PORT*, struct sk_buff*);
+ /*******************************************************************************
+ *
+@@ -237,17 +176,34 @@
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+-static const char SK_Root_Dir_entry[] = "sk98lin";
+-static struct proc_dir_entry *pSkRootDir = NULL;
+-extern struct file_operations sk_proc_fops;
++extern SK_BOOL SkY2AllocateResources(SK_AC *pAC);
++extern void SkY2FreeResources(SK_AC *pAC);
++extern void SkY2AllocateRxBuffers(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port);
++extern void SkY2FreeRxBuffers(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port);
++extern void SkY2FreeTxBuffers(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port);
++extern SkIsrRetVar SkY2Isr(int irq,void *dev_id,struct pt_regs *ptregs);
++extern int SkY2Xmit(struct sk_buff *skb,struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev);
++extern void SkY2PortStop(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port,int Dir,int RstMode);
++extern void SkY2PortStart(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port);
++extern int SkY2RlmtSend(SK_AC *pAC,int PortNr,struct sk_buff *pMessage);
++extern void SkY2RestartStatusUnit(SK_AC *pAC);
++extern void FillReceiveTableYukon2(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port);
++extern int SkY2Poll(struct net_device *dev, int *budget);
+ #endif
+ extern void SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(SK_AC *pAC);
+-extern void SkDimDisplayModerationSettings(SK_AC *pAC);
+ extern void SkDimStartModerationTimer(SK_AC *pAC);
+ extern void SkDimModerate(SK_AC *pAC);
++extern int SkEthIoctl(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr);
++static const char SK_Root_Dir_entry[] = "sk98lin";
++static struct proc_dir_entry *pSkRootDir;
++extern struct file_operations sk_proc_fops;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ static void DumpMsg(struct sk_buff*, char*);
+ static void DumpData(char*, int);
+@@ -257,13 +213,12 @@
+ /* global variables *********************************************************/
+ static const char *BootString = BOOT_STRING;
+ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *SkGeRootDev = NULL;
+-static int probed __initdata = 0;
+ static SK_BOOL DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_TRUE;
+ /* local variables **********************************************************/
+ static uintptr_t TxQueueAddr[SK_MAX_MACS][2] = {{0x680, 0x600},{0x780, 0x700}};
+ static uintptr_t RxQueueAddr[SK_MAX_MACS] = {0x400, 0x480};
++static int sk98lin_max_boards_found = 0;
+ static struct proc_dir_entry *pSkRootDir;
+@@ -271,285 +226,412 @@
++static struct pci_device_id sk98lin_pci_tbl[] __devinitdata = {
++/* { pci_vendor_id, pci_device_id, * SAMPLE ENTRY! *
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL }, */
++ { 0x10b7, 0x1700, /* 3Com (10b7), Gigabit Ethernet Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x10b7, 0x80eb, /* 3Com (10b7), 3Com 3C940B Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1148, 0x4300, /* SysKonnect (1148), SK-98xx Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1148, 0x4320, /* SysKonnect (1148), SK-98xx V2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1148, 0x9000, /* SysKonnect (1148), SK-9Sxx 10/100/1000Base-T Server Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1148, 0x9E00, /* SysKonnect (1148), SK-9Exx 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1186, 0x4b00, /* D-Link (1186), Gigabit Ethernet Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1186, 0x4b01, /* D-Link (1186), Gigabit Ethernet Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1186, 0x4c00, /* D-Link (1186), Gigabit Ethernet Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4320, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4340, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4341, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4342, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4343, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4344, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4345, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4346, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4347, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4350, /* Marvell (11ab), Fast Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4351, /* Marvell (11ab), Fast Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4352, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4360, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4361, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4362, /* Marvell (11ab), Gigabit Ethernet Controller */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x4363, /* Marvell (11ab), Marvell */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x11ab, 0x5005, /* Marvell (11ab), Belkin */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1371, 0x434e, /* CNet (1371), GigaCard Network Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1737, 0x1032, /* Linksys (1737), Gigabit Network Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0x1737, 0x1064, /* Linksys (1737), Gigabit Network Adapter */
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ { 0, }
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, sk98lin_pci_tbl);
++static struct pci_driver sk98lin_driver = {
++ .name = DRIVER_FILE_NAME,
++ .id_table = sk98lin_pci_tbl,
++ .probe = sk98lin_init_device,
++ .remove = __devexit_p(sk98lin_remove_device),
++#ifdef CONFIG_PM
++ .suspend = sk98lin_suspend,
++ .resume = sk98lin_resume
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+- * skge_probe - find all SK-98xx adapters
++ * sk98lin_init_device - initialize the adapter
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * This function scans the PCI bus for SK-98xx adapters. Resources for
+- * each adapter are allocated and the adapter is brought into Init 1
++ * This function initializes the adapter. Resources for
++ * the adapter are allocated and the adapter is brought into Init 1
+ * state.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * 0, if everything is ok
+ * !=0, on error
+ */
+-static int __init skge_probe (void)
++static int __devinit sk98lin_init_device(struct pci_dev *pdev,
++ const struct pci_device_id *ent)
+ {
+- int boards_found = 0;
+- int vendor_flag = SK_FALSE;
++ static SK_BOOL sk98lin_boot_string = SK_FALSE;
++ static SK_BOOL sk98lin_proc_entry = SK_FALSE;
++ static int sk98lin_boards_found = 0;
+ SK_AC *pAC;
+ DEV_NET *pNet = NULL;
+- struct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;
+ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev = NULL;
+- SK_BOOL DeviceFound = SK_FALSE;
+- SK_BOOL BootStringCount = SK_FALSE;
+ int retval;
+ struct proc_dir_entry *pProcFile;
+ #endif
+- if (probed)
+- return -ENODEV;
+- probed++;
++ retval = pci_enable_device(pdev);
++ if (retval) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Cannot enable PCI device, "
++ "aborting.\n");
++ return retval;
++ }
++ dev = NULL;
++ pNet = NULL;
+- while((pdev = pci_find_class(PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_ETHERNET << 8, pdev))) {
+- if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) {
+- continue;
+- }
+- dev = NULL;
+- pNet = NULL;
++ /* INSERT * We have to find the power-management capabilities */
++ /* Find power-management capability. */
+- /* Don't handle Yukon2 cards at the moment */
+- /* 12-feb-2004 ---- */
+- if (pdev->vendor == 0x11ab) {
+- if ( (pdev->device == 0x4360) || (pdev->device == 0x4361) )
+- continue;
+- }
+- SK_PCI_ISCOMPLIANT(vendor_flag, pdev);
+- if (!vendor_flag)
+- continue;
+- /* Configure DMA attributes. */
+- if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, (u64) 0xffffffffffffffffULL) &&
+- pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, (u64) 0xffffffff))
+- continue;
++ /* Configure DMA attributes. */
++ retval = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, (u64) 0xffffffffffffffffULL);
++ if (!retval) {
++ retval = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, (u64) 0xffffffff);
++ if (retval)
++ return retval;
++ } else {
++ return retval;
++ }
+- if ((dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(DEV_NET))) == NULL) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate etherdev "
+- "structure!\n");
+- break;
+- }
++ if ((dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(DEV_NET))) == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate etherdev "
++ "structure!\n");
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
+- pNet = dev->priv;
+- pNet->pAC = kmalloc(sizeof(SK_AC), GFP_KERNEL);
+- if (pNet->pAC == NULL){
+- free_netdev(dev);
+- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate adapter "
+- "structure!\n");
+- break;
+- }
++ pNet = dev->priv;
++ pNet->pAC = kmalloc(sizeof(SK_AC), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (pNet->pAC == NULL){
++ free_netdev(dev);
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate adapter "
++ "structure!\n");
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
+- /* Print message */
+- if (!BootStringCount) {
+- /* set display flag to TRUE so that */
+- /* we only display this string ONCE */
+- BootStringCount = SK_TRUE;
+- printk("%s\n", BootString);
+- }
+- memset(pNet->pAC, 0, sizeof(SK_AC));
+- pAC = pNet->pAC;
+- pAC->PciDev = pdev;
+- pAC->PciDevId = pdev->device;
+- pAC->dev[0] = dev;
+- pAC->dev[1] = dev;
+- sprintf(pAC->Name, "SysKonnect SK-98xx");
+- pAC->CheckQueue = SK_FALSE;
++ /* Print message */
++ if (!sk98lin_boot_string) {
++ /* set display flag to TRUE so that */
++ /* we only display this string ONCE */
++ sk98lin_boot_string = SK_TRUE;
++ printk("%s\n", BootString);
++ }
+- pNet->Mtu = 1500;
+- pNet->Up = 0;
+- dev->irq = pdev->irq;
+- retval = SkGeInitPCI(pAC);
+- if (retval) {
+- printk("SKGE: PCI setup failed: %i\n", retval);
+- free_netdev(dev);
+- continue;
+- }
++ memset(pNet->pAC, 0, sizeof(SK_AC));
++ pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ pAC->PciDev = pdev;
++ pAC->PciDevId = pdev->device;
++ pAC->dev[0] = dev;
++ pAC->dev[1] = dev;
++ sprintf(pAC->Name, "SysKonnect SK-98xx");
++ pAC->CheckQueue = SK_FALSE;
++ dev->irq = pdev->irq;
++ retval = SkGeInitPCI(pAC);
++ if (retval) {
++ printk("SKGE: PCI setup failed: %i\n", retval);
++ free_netdev(dev);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
++ dev->open = &SkGeOpen;
++ dev->stop = &SkGeClose;
++ dev->get_stats = &SkGeStats;
++ dev->set_multicast_list = &SkGeSetRxMode;
++ dev->set_mac_address = &SkGeSetMacAddr;
++ dev->do_ioctl = &SkGeIoctl;
++ dev->change_mtu = &SkGeChangeMtu;
++ dev->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
++ dev->poll_controller = SkGeNetPoll;
++ SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev);
+- dev->open = &SkGeOpen;
+- dev->stop = &SkGeClose;
++ pAC->Index = sk98lin_boards_found;
++ if (SkGeBoardInit(dev, pAC)) {
++ free_netdev(dev);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ } else {
++ ProductStr(pAC);
++ }
++ /* shifter to later moment in time... */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ dev->hard_start_xmit = &SkY2Xmit;
++ dev->poll = &SkY2Poll;
++ dev->weight = 64;
++ } else {
+ dev->hard_start_xmit = &SkGeXmit;
+- dev->get_stats = &SkGeStats;
+- dev->last_stats = &SkGeStats;
+- dev->set_multicast_list = &SkGeSetRxMode;
+- dev->set_mac_address = &SkGeSetMacAddr;
+- dev->do_ioctl = &SkGeIoctl;
+- dev->change_mtu = &SkGeChangeMtu;
+- dev->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
+- SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev);
++ dev->poll = &SkGePoll;
++ dev->weight = 64;
++ }
+-#ifdef SK_ZEROCOPY
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_TSO;
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_GENESIS)
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_SG;
+- if (pAC->ChipsetType) {
+- /* Use only if yukon hardware */
+- /* SK and ZEROCOPY - fly baby... */
+- dev->features |= NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+- }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_GENESIS)
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+ #endif
++ pAC->RxPort[0].UseRxCsum = SK_TRUE;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) {
++ pAC->RxPort[1].UseRxCsum = SK_TRUE;
++ }
+ #endif
+- pAC->Index = boards_found;
++ /* Save the hardware revision */
++ pAC->HWRevision = (((pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev >> 4) & 0x0F)*10) +
++ (pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev & 0x0F);
+- if (SkGeBoardInit(dev, pAC)) {
+- free_netdev(dev);
+- continue;
+- }
++ /* Set driver globals */
++ pAC->Pnmi.pDriverFileName = DRIVER_FILE_NAME;
++ pAC->Pnmi.pDriverReleaseDate = DRIVER_REL_DATE;
+- /* Register net device */
+- if (register_netdev(dev)) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "SKGE: Could not register device.\n");
+- FreeResources(dev);
+- free_netdev(dev);
+- continue;
+- }
++ SK_MEMSET(&(pAC->PnmiBackup), 0, sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
++ SK_MEMCPY(&(pAC->PnmiBackup), &(pAC->PnmiStruct),
++ sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
+- /* Print adapter specific string from vpd */
+- ProductStr(pAC);
+- printk("%s: %s\n", dev->name, pAC->DeviceStr);
++ /* Register net device */
++ retval = register_netdev(dev);
++ if (retval) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "SKGE: Could not register device.\n");
++ FreeResources(dev);
++ free_netdev(dev);
++ return retval;
++ }
+- /* Print configuration settings */
+- printk(" PrefPort:%c RlmtMode:%s\n",
+- 'A' + pAC->Rlmt.Net[0].Port[pAC->Rlmt.Net[0].PrefPort]->PortNumber,
+- (pAC->RlmtMode==0) ? "Check Link State" :
+- ((pAC->RlmtMode==1) ? "Check Link State" :
+- ((pAC->RlmtMode==3) ? "Check Local Port" :
+- ((pAC->RlmtMode==7) ? "Check Segmentation" :
+- ((pAC->RlmtMode==17) ? "Dual Check Link State" :"Error")))));
++ /* Save initial device name */
++ strcpy(pNet->InitialDevName, dev->name);
+- SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
++ /* Set network to off */
++ netif_stop_queue(dev);
++ netif_carrier_off(dev);
++ /* Print adapter specific string from vpd and config settings */
++ printk("%s: %s\n", pNet->InitialDevName, pAC->DeviceStr);
++ printk(" PrefPort:%c RlmtMode:%s\n",
++ 'A' + pAC->Rlmt.Net[0].Port[pAC->Rlmt.Net[0].PrefPort]->PortNumber,
++ (pAC->RlmtMode==0) ? "Check Link State" :
++ ((pAC->RlmtMode==1) ? "Check Link State" :
++ ((pAC->RlmtMode==3) ? "Check Local Port" :
++ ((pAC->RlmtMode==7) ? "Check Segmentation" :
++ ((pAC->RlmtMode==17) ? "Dual Check Link State" :"Error")))));
+- memcpy((caddr_t) &dev->dev_addr,
+- (caddr_t) &pAC->Addr.Net[0].CurrentMacAddress, 6);
++ SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+- /* First adapter... Create proc and print message */
++ memcpy((caddr_t) &dev->dev_addr,
++ (caddr_t) &pAC->Addr.Net[0].CurrentMacAddress, 6);
++ /* First adapter... Create proc and print message */
+- if (!DeviceFound) {
+- DeviceFound = SK_TRUE;
+- SK_MEMCPY(&SK_Root_Dir_entry, BootString,
+- sizeof(SK_Root_Dir_entry) - 1);
+- /*Create proc (directory)*/
+- if(!pSkRootDir) {
+- pSkRootDir = proc_mkdir(SK_Root_Dir_entry, proc_net);
+- if (!pSkRootDir) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unable to create /proc/net/%s",
+- dev->name, SK_Root_Dir_entry);
+- } else {
+- pSkRootDir->owner = THIS_MODULE;
+- }
++ if (!sk98lin_proc_entry) {
++ sk98lin_proc_entry = SK_TRUE;
++ SK_MEMCPY(&SK_Root_Dir_entry, BootString,
++ sizeof(SK_Root_Dir_entry) - 1);
++ /*Create proc (directory)*/
++ if(!pSkRootDir) {
++ pSkRootDir = proc_mkdir(SK_Root_Dir_entry, proc_net);
++ if (!pSkRootDir) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unable to create /proc/net/%s",
++ dev->name, SK_Root_Dir_entry);
++ } else {
++ pSkRootDir->owner = THIS_MODULE;
+ }
+ }
++ }
+- /* Create proc file */
+- if (pSkRootDir &&
+- (pProcFile = create_proc_entry(dev->name, S_IRUGO,
+- pSkRootDir))) {
+- pProcFile->proc_fops = &sk_proc_fops;
+- pProcFile->data = dev;
+- }
++ /* Create proc file */
++ if (pSkRootDir &&
++ (pProcFile = create_proc_entry(pNet->InitialDevName, S_IRUGO,
++ pSkRootDir))) {
++ pProcFile->proc_fops = &sk_proc_fops;
++ pProcFile->data = dev;
++ }
+ #endif
+- pNet->PortNr = 0;
+- pNet->NetNr = 0;
++ pNet->PortNr = 0;
++ pNet->NetNr = 0;
+- boards_found++;
++ sk98lin_boards_found++;
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev);
+- /* More then one port found */
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+- if ((dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(DEV_NET))) == 0) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate etherdev "
+- "structure!\n");
+- break;
+- }
++ /* More then one port found */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
++ if ((dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(DEV_NET))) == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate etherdev "
++ "structure!\n");
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
+- pAC->dev[1] = dev;
+- pNet = dev->priv;
+- pNet->PortNr = 1;
+- pNet->NetNr = 1;
+- pNet->pAC = pAC;
+- pNet->Mtu = 1500;
+- pNet->Up = 0;
+- dev->open = &SkGeOpen;
+- dev->stop = &SkGeClose;
+- dev->hard_start_xmit = &SkGeXmit;
+- dev->get_stats = &SkGeStats;
+- dev->last_stats = &SkGeStats;
+- dev->set_multicast_list = &SkGeSetRxMode;
+- dev->set_mac_address = &SkGeSetMacAddr;
+- dev->do_ioctl = &SkGeIoctl;
+- dev->change_mtu = &SkGeChangeMtu;
+- dev->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
++ pAC->dev[1] = dev;
++ pNet = dev->priv;
++ pNet->PortNr = 1;
++ pNet->NetNr = 1;
++ pNet->pAC = pAC;
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ dev->hard_start_xmit = &SkY2Xmit;
++ dev->poll = &SkY2Poll;
++ dev->weight = 64;
++ } else {
++ dev->hard_start_xmit = &SkGeXmit;
++ dev->poll = &SkGePoll;
++ dev->weight = 64;
++ }
++ dev->open = &SkGeOpen;
++ dev->stop = &SkGeClose;
++ dev->get_stats = &SkGeStats;
++ dev->set_multicast_list = &SkGeSetRxMode;
++ dev->set_mac_address = &SkGeSetMacAddr;
++ dev->do_ioctl = &SkGeIoctl;
++ dev->change_mtu = &SkGeChangeMtu;
++ dev->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
++ dev->poll_controller = SkGeNetPoll;
+-#ifdef SK_ZEROCOPY
+- if (pAC->ChipsetType) {
+- /* SG and ZEROCOPY - fly baby... */
+- dev->features |= NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+- }
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_TSO;
++ }
+ #endif
++ /* Don't handle if Genesis chipset */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_GENESIS)
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_SG;
++ /* Don't handle if Genesis chipset */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_GENESIS)
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+ #endif
+- if (register_netdev(dev)) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "SKGE: Could not register device.\n");
+- free_netdev(dev);
+- pAC->dev[1] = pAC->dev[0];
+- } else {
++ if (register_netdev(dev)) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "SKGE: Could not register device.\n");
++ free_netdev(dev);
++ pAC->dev[1] = pAC->dev[0];
++ } else {
++ /* Save initial device name */
++ strcpy(pNet->InitialDevName, dev->name);
++ /* Set network to off */
++ netif_stop_queue(dev);
++ netif_carrier_off(dev);
+- if (pSkRootDir
+- && (pProcFile = create_proc_entry(dev->name,
+- S_IRUGO, pSkRootDir))) {
+- pProcFile->proc_fops = &sk_proc_fops;
+- pProcFile->data = dev;
+- }
++ if (pSkRootDir
++ && (pProcFile = create_proc_entry(pNet->InitialDevName,
++ S_IRUGO, pSkRootDir))) {
++ pProcFile->proc_fops = &sk_proc_fops;
++ pProcFile->data = dev;
++ }
+ #endif
+- memcpy((caddr_t) &dev->dev_addr,
+- (caddr_t) &pAC->Addr.Net[1].CurrentMacAddress, 6);
++ memcpy((caddr_t) &dev->dev_addr,
++ (caddr_t) &pAC->Addr.Net[1].CurrentMacAddress, 6);
+- printk("%s: %s\n", dev->name, pAC->DeviceStr);
+- printk(" PrefPort:B RlmtMode:Dual Check Link State\n");
+- }
++ printk("%s: %s\n", pNet->InitialDevName, pAC->DeviceStr);
++ printk(" PrefPort:B RlmtMode:Dual Check Link State\n");
+ }
+- /* Save the hardware revision */
+- pAC->HWRevision = (((pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev >> 4) & 0x0F)*10) +
+- (pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev & 0x0F);
+- /* Set driver globals */
+- pAC->Pnmi.pDriverFileName = DRIVER_FILE_NAME;
+- pAC->Pnmi.pDriverReleaseDate = DRIVER_REL_DATE;
+- SK_MEMSET(&(pAC->PnmiBackup), 0, sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
+- SK_MEMCPY(&(pAC->PnmiBackup), &(pAC->PnmiStruct),
+- sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
+- /*
+- * This is bollocks, but we need to tell the net-init
+- * code that it shall go for the next device.
+- */
+-#ifndef MODULE
+- dev->base_addr = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * If we're at this point we're going through skge_probe() for
+- * the first time. Return success (0) if we've initialized 1
+- * or more boards. Otherwise, return failure (-ENODEV).
+- */
++ pAC->Index = sk98lin_boards_found;
++ sk98lin_max_boards_found = sk98lin_boards_found;
++ return 0;
+- return boards_found;
+-} /* skge_probe */
+ /*****************************************************************************
+@@ -575,7 +657,7 @@
+ dev->mem_start = pci_resource_start (pdev, 0);
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+- if (pci_request_regions(pdev, pAC->Name) != 0) {
++ if (pci_request_regions(pdev, DRIVER_FILE_NAME) != 0) {
+ retval = 2;
+ goto out_disable;
+ }
+@@ -612,6 +694,457 @@
+ return retval;
+ }
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ *
++ * SkGeHandleKernelTimer - Handle the kernel timer requests
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * If the requested time interval for the timer has elapsed,
++ * this function checks the link state.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static void SkGeHandleKernelTimer(
++unsigned long ptr) /* holds the pointer to adapter control context */
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) ptr;
++ SkGeCheckTimer(pNet);
++ *
++ * sk98lin_check_timer - Resume the the card
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function checks the kernel timer
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++void SkGeCheckTimer(
++DEV_NET *pNet) /* holds the pointer to adapter control context */
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ SK_BOOL StartTimer = SK_TRUE;
++ if (pNet->InRecover)
++ return;
++ if (pNet->TimerExpired)
++ return;
++ pNet->TimerExpired = SK_TRUE;
++#define TXPORT pAC->TxPort[pNet->PortNr][TX_PRIO_LOW]
++#define RXPORT pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr]
++ if ( (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) &&
++ (netif_running(pAC->dev[pNet->PortNr]))) {
++#ifdef Y2_RX_CHECK
++ /* Checks if the RX path hangs */
++ CheckForRXHang(pNet);
++ /* Checkthe transmitter */
++ if (!(IS_Q_EMPTY(&TXPORT.TxAQ_working))) {
++ if (TXPORT.LastDone != TXPORT.TxALET.Done) {
++ TXPORT.LastDone = TXPORT.TxALET.Done;
++ pNet->TransmitTimeoutTimer = 0;
++ } else {
++ pNet->TransmitTimeoutTimer++;
++ if (pNet->TransmitTimeoutTimer >= 10) {
++ pNet->TransmitTimeoutTimer = 0;
++ StartTimer = SK_FALSE;
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV,
++ SK_DRV_RECOVER,pNet->PortNr,-1,SK_FALSE);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++// if (!timer_pending(&pNet->KernelTimer)) {
++ pNet->KernelTimer.expires = jiffies + (HZ/10); /* 100ms */
++ add_timer(&pNet->KernelTimer);
++ pNet->TimerExpired = SK_FALSE;
++// }
++ }
++* CheckRXCounters - Checks the the statistics for RX path hang
++* Description:
++* This function is called periodical by a timer.
++* Notes:
++* Function Parameters:
++* Returns:
++* Traffic status
++static SK_BOOL CheckRXCounters(
++DEV_NET *pNet) /* holds the pointer to adapter control context */
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ SK_BOOL bStatus = SK_FALSE;
++ /* Variable used to store the MAC RX FIFO RP, RPLev*/
++ SK_U32 MACFifoRP = 0;
++ SK_U32 MACFifoRLev = 0;
++ /* Variable used to store the PCI RX FIFO RP, RPLev*/
++ SK_U32 RXFifoRP = 0;
++ SK_U8 RXFifoRLev = 0;
++ ("==> CheckRXCounters()\n"));
++ /*Check if statistic counters hangs*/
++ if (pNet->LastJiffies == pAC->dev[pNet->PortNr]->last_rx) {
++ /*Now read the values of read pointer/level from MAC RX FIFO*/
++ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, MR_ADDR(pNet->PortNr, RX_GMF_RP), &MACFifoRP);
++ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, MR_ADDR(pNet->PortNr, RX_GMF_RLEV), &MACFifoRLev);
++ /*Now read the values of read pointer/level from RX FIFO*/
++ SK_IN8(pAC->IoBase, Q_ADDR(pAC->GIni.GP[pNet->PortNr].PRxQOff, Q_RP), &RXFifoRP);
++ SK_IN8(pAC->IoBase, Q_ADDR(pAC->GIni.GP[pNet->PortNr].PRxQOff, Q_RL), &RXFifoRLev);
++ /*Check if the MAC RX hang */
++ if ((MACFifoRP == pNet->PreviousMACFifoRP) &&
++ (MACFifoRLev != 0) &&
++ (MACFifoRLev >= pNet->PreviousMACFifoRLev)){
++ bStatus = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ /*Check if the PCI RX hang */
++ if ((RXFifoRP == pNet->PreviousRXFifoRP) &&
++ (RXFifoRLev != 0) &&
++ (pNet->PreviousRXFifoRLev != 0) &&
++ (RXFifoRLev >= pNet->PreviousRXFifoRLev)){
++ /*Set the flag to indicate that the RX FIFO hangs*/
++ bStatus = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Store now the values of counters for next check */
++ pNet->LastJiffies = pAC->dev[pNet->PortNr]->last_rx;
++ /* Store the values of read pointer/level from MAC RX FIFO for next test */
++ pNet->PreviousMACFifoRP = MACFifoRP;
++ pNet->PreviousMACFifoRLev = MACFifoRLev;
++ /* Store the values of read pointer/level from RX FIFO for next test */
++ pNet->PreviousRXFifoRP = RXFifoRP;
++ pNet->PreviousRXFifoRLev = RXFifoRLev;
++ ("<== CheckRXCounters()\n"));
++ return bStatus;
++* CheckForRXHang - Checks if the RX path hangs
++* Description:
++* This function is called periodical by a timer.
++* Notes:
++* Function Parameters:
++* Returns:
++* None.
++static void CheckForRXHang(
++DEV_NET *pNet) /* holds the pointer to adapter control context */
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for the spin locks */
++ /* Initialize the pAC structure.*/
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ ("==> CheckRXCounters()\n"));
++ /*If the statistics are not changed then could be an RX hang*/
++ if (CheckRXCounters(pNet)){
++ /*
++ * So here we don't know yet which RX Hang occured.
++ * First we try the simple solution by resetting the Level Timer
++ */
++ /* Stop Level Timer of Status BMU */
++ /* Start Level Timer of Status BMU */
++ if (!CheckRXCounters(pNet)) {
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV,
++ SK_DRV_RECOVER,pNet->PortNr,-1,SK_TRUE);
++ /* Reset the fifo counters */
++ pNet->PreviousMACFifoRP = 0;
++ pNet->PreviousMACFifoRLev = 0;
++ pNet->PreviousRXFifoRP = 0;
++ pNet->PreviousRXFifoRLev = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ }
++ ("<== CheckForRXHang()\n"));
++#ifdef CONFIG_PM
++ *
++ * sk98lin_resume - Resume the the card
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function resumes the card into the D0 state
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static int sk98lin_resume(
++struct pci_dev *pdev) /* the device that is to resume */
++ struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ SK_U16 PmCtlSts;
++ /* Set the power state to D0 */
++ pci_set_power_state(pdev, 0);
++ pci_restore_state(pdev);
++ pci_restore_state(pdev, pAC->PciState);
++ /* Set the adapter power state to D0 */
++ SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS, &PmCtlSts);
++ PmCtlSts &= ~(PCI_PM_STATE_D3); /* reset all DState bits */
++ PmCtlSts |= PCI_PM_STATE_D0;
++ SkPciWriteCfgWord(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS, PmCtlSts);
++ /* Reinit the adapter and start the port again */
++ pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
++ SkDrvLeaveDiagMode(pAC);
++ netif_device_attach(dev);
++ netif_start_queue(dev);
++ return 0;
++ *
++ * sk98lin_suspend - Suspend the card
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function suspends the card into a defined state
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ *
++ */
++static int sk98lin_suspend(
++struct pci_dev *pdev, /* pointer to the device that is to suspend */
++u32 state) /* what power state is desired by Linux? */
++ struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ SK_U16 PciPMControlStatus;
++ SK_U16 PciPMCapabilities;
++ SK_MAC_ADDR MacAddr;
++ int i;
++ /* GEnesis and first yukon revs do not support power management */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 0) {
++ return 0; /* power management not supported */
++ }
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
++ return 0; /* not supported for this chipset */
++ }
++ if (pAC->WolInfo.ConfiguredWolOptions == 0) {
++ return 0; /* WOL possible, but disabled via ethtool */
++ }
++ if(netif_running(dev)) {
++ netif_stop_queue(dev); /* stop device if running */
++ }
++ netif_device_detach(dev);
++ /* read the PM control/status register from the PCI config space */
++ SK_IN16(pAC->IoBase, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS), &PciPMControlStatus);
++ /* read the power management capabilities from the config space */
++ SK_IN16(pAC->IoBase, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_PM_CAP_REG), &PciPMCapabilities);
++ /* Enable WakeUp with Magic Packet - get MAC address from adapter */
++ for (i = 0; i < SK_MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++) {
++ /* virtual address: will be used for data */
++ SK_IN8(pAC->IoBase, (B2_MAC_1 + i), &MacAddr.a[i]);
++ }
++ SkDrvEnterDiagMode(pAC);
++ SkEnableWOMagicPacket(pAC, pAC->IoBase, MacAddr);
++ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 3, 1);
++ pci_enable_wake(pdev, 4, 1); /* 4 == D3 cold */
++ pci_save_state(pdev);
++ pci_save_state(pdev, pAC->PciState);
++ pci_set_power_state(pdev, state); /* set the state */
++ return 0;
++ *
++ * SkEnableWOMagicPacket - Enable Wake on Magic Packet on the adapter
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * init, pageable
++ * the adapter should be de-initialized before calling this function
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++static void SkEnableWOMagicPacket(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Control Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context */
++SK_MAC_ADDR MacAddr) /* MacAddr expected in magic packet */
++ SK_U16 Word;
++ SK_U32 DWord;
++ int i;
++ int HwPortIndex;
++ int Port = 0;
++ /* use Port 0 as long as we do not have any dual port cards which support WOL */
++ HwPortIndex = 0;
++ DWord = 0;
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, 0x0004, 0x0002); /* clear S/W Reset */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, 0x0f10, 0x0002); /* clear Link Reset */
++ /*
++ * PHY Configuration:
++ * Autonegotioation is enalbed, advertise 10 HD, 10 FD,
++ * 100 HD, and 100 FD.
++ */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC) ||
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON) ||
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_LITE)) {
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, 0x0004, 0x0800); /* enable CLK_RUN */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, 0x0007, 0xa9); /* enable VAUX */
++ /* WA code for COMA mode */
++ /* Only for yukon plus based chipsets rev A3 */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &DWord);
++ DWord |= GP_DIR_9; /* set to output */
++ DWord &= ~GP_IO_9; /* clear PHY reset (active high) */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord); /* clear PHY reset */
++ }
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_LITE) ||
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON)) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, 0x0f04, 0x01f04001); /* set PHY reset */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, 0x0f04, 0x01f04002); /* clear PHY reset */
++ } else {
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, 0x0f04, 0x02); /* clear PHY reset */
++ }
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, 0x0f00, 0x02); /* clear MAC reset */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 4, 0x01e1); /* advertise 10/100 HD/FD */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 9, 0x0000); /* do not advertise 1000 HD/FD */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 00, 0xB300); /* 100 MBit, disable Autoneg */
++ } else if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, 0x0007, 0xa9); /* enable VAUX */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, 0x0f04, 0x02); /* clear PHY reset */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, 0x0f00, 0x02); /* clear MAC reset */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 16, 0x0130); /* Enable Automatic Crossover */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 00, 0xB300); /* 100 MBit, disable Autoneg */
++ }
++ /*
++ * MAC Configuration:
++ * Set the MAC to 100 HD and enable the auto update features
++ * for Speed, Flow Control and Duplex Mode.
++ * If autonegotiation completes successfully the
++ * MAC takes the link parameters from the PHY.
++ * If the link partner doesn't support autonegotiation
++ * the MAC can receive magic packets if the link partner
++ * uses 100 HD.
++ */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, 0x2804, 0x3832);
++ /*
++ * Set Up Magic Packet parameters
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < 6; i+=2) { /* set up magic packet MAC address */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, 0x100 + i, &Word);
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, 0xf24 + i, Word);
++ }
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, 0x0f20, 0x0208); /* enable PME on magic packet */
++ /* and on wake up frame */
++ /*
++ * Set up PME generation
++ */
++ /* set PME legacy mode */
++ /* Only for PCI express based chipsets */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC) ||
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE)) {
++ SkPciReadCfgDWord(pAC, 0x40, &DWord);
++ DWord |= 0x8000;
++ SkPciWriteCfgDWord(pAC, 0x40, DWord);
++ }
++ /* clear PME status and switch adapter to DState */
++ SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC, 0x4c, &Word);
++ Word |= 0x103;
++ SkPciWriteCfgWord(pAC, 0x4c, Word);
++} /* SkEnableWOMagicPacket */
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+@@ -643,7 +1176,9 @@
+ if (pAC->IoBase) {
+ iounmap(pAC->IoBase);
+ }
+- if (pAC->pDescrMem) {
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SkY2FreeResources(pAC);
++ } else {
+ BoardFreeMem(pAC);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -653,28 +1188,6 @@
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Mirko Lindner <>");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("SysKonnect SK-NET Gigabit Ethernet SK-98xx driver");
+-/* not used, just there because every driver should have them: */
+-MODULE_PARM(debug, "i");
+-/* used for interrupt moderation */
+ #ifdef LINK_SPEED_A
+@@ -755,47 +1268,55 @@
+ static char *RlmtMode[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+ #endif
+-static int debug = 0; /* not used */
+-static int options[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {0, }; /* not used */
+ static int IntsPerSec[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM];
+ static char *Moderation[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM];
+ static char *ModerationMask[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM];
+-static char *AutoSizing[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM];
+-static char *Stats[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM];
+- *
+- * skge_init_module - module initialization function
+- *
+- * Description:
+- * Very simple, only call skge_probe and return approriate result.
+- *
+- * Returns:
+- * 0, if everything is ok
+- * !=0, on error
+- */
+-static int __init skge_init_module(void)
+- int cards;
+- SkGeRootDev = NULL;
+- /* just to avoid warnings ... */
+- debug = 0;
+- options[0] = 0;
+- cards = skge_probe();
+- if (cards == 0) {
+- printk("sk98lin: No adapter found.\n");
+- }
+- return cards ? 0 : -ENODEV;
+-} /* skge_init_module */
++static char *LowLatency[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM];
++module_param_array(Speed_A, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(Speed_B, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(AutoNeg_A, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(AutoNeg_B, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(DupCap_A, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(DupCap_B, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(FlowCtrl_A, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(FlowCtrl_B, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(Role_A, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(Role_B, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(ConType, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(PrefPort, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(RlmtMode, charp, NULL, 0);
++/* used for interrupt moderation */
++module_param_array(IntsPerSec, int, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(Moderation, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(ModerationMask, charp, NULL, 0);
++module_param_array(LowLatency, charp, NULL, 0);
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+- * skge_cleanup_module - module unload function
++ * sk98lin_remove_device - device deinit function
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Disable adapter if it is still running, free resources,
+@@ -803,73 +1324,83 @@
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+-static void __exit skge_cleanup_module(void)
++static void sk98lin_remove_device(struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ {
+ DEV_NET *pNet;
+ SK_AC *pAC;
+ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *next;
+ unsigned long Flags;
++struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+- while (SkGeRootDev) {
+- pNet = (DEV_NET*) SkGeRootDev->priv;
+- pAC = pNet->pAC;
+- next = pAC->Next;
+- netif_stop_queue(SkGeRootDev);
+- SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
++ /* Device not available. Return. */
++ if (!dev)
++ return;
++ pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ next = pAC->Next;
+- if(pAC->BoardLevel == SK_INIT_RUN) {
+- /* board is still alive */
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = 0;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = 1;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+- /* disable interrupts */
+- SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+- SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
+- /* We do NOT check here, if IRQ was pending, of course*/
+- }
+- if(pAC->BoardLevel == SK_INIT_IO) {
+- /* board is still alive */
+- SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+- pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
+- }
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) && pAC->RlmtNets == 2){
+- unregister_netdev(pAC->dev[1]);
+- free_netdev(pAC->dev[1]);
+- }
++ netif_stop_queue(dev);
++ SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+- FreeResources(SkGeRootDev);
++ if(pAC->BoardLevel == SK_INIT_RUN) {
++ /* board is still alive */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP,
++ 0, -1, SK_FALSE);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP,
++ 1, -1, SK_TRUE);
+- SkGeRootDev->get_stats = NULL;
+- /*
+- * otherwise unregister_netdev calls get_stats with
+- * invalid IO ... :-(
+- */
+- unregister_netdev(SkGeRootDev);
+- free_netdev(SkGeRootDev);
+- kfree(pAC);
+- SkGeRootDev = next;
++ /* disable interrupts */
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
++ SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
++ /* We do NOT check here, if IRQ was pending, of course*/
++ }
++ if(pAC->BoardLevel == SK_INIT_IO) {
++ /* board is still alive */
++ SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
++ }
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) && pAC->RlmtNets == 2){
++ unregister_netdev(pAC->dev[1]);
++ free_netdev(pAC->dev[1]);
+ }
++ FreeResources(dev);
+- /* clear proc-dir */
+- remove_proc_entry(pSkRootDir->name, proc_net);
++ /* Remove the sk98lin procfs device entries */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) && pAC->RlmtNets == 2){
++ remove_proc_entry(pAC->dev[1]->name, pSkRootDir);
++ }
++ remove_proc_entry(pNet->InitialDevName, pSkRootDir);
+ #endif
+-} /* skge_cleanup_module */
++ dev->get_stats = NULL;
++ /*
++ * otherwise unregister_netdev calls get_stats with
++ * invalid IO ... :-(
++ */
++ unregister_netdev(dev);
++ free_netdev(dev);
++ kfree(pAC);
++ sk98lin_max_boards_found--;
++ /* Remove all Proc entries if last device */
++ if (sk98lin_max_boards_found == 0) {
++ /* clear proc-dir */
++ remove_proc_entry(pSkRootDir->name, proc_net);
++ }
+ /*****************************************************************************
+@@ -908,7 +1439,10 @@
+ spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxPort[i][0].TxDesRingLock);
+ spin_lock_init(&pAC->RxPort[i].RxDesRingLock);
+ }
+ spin_lock_init(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxQueueLock); /* for Yukon2 chipsets */
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->SetPutIndexLock); /* for Yukon2 chipsets */
+ /* level 0 init common modules here */
+@@ -927,15 +1461,13 @@
+ SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_DATA);
+ pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
+- pAC->RxBufSize = ETH_BUF_SIZE;
++ pAC->RxPort[0].RxBufSize = ETH_BUF_SIZE;
++ pAC->RxPort[1].RxBufSize = ETH_BUF_SIZE;
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ /* level 1 init common modules here (HW init) */
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ if (SkGeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO) != 0) {
+ printk("sk98lin: HWInit (1) failed.\n");
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+@@ -947,51 +1479,93 @@
+ SkAddrInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+ SkRlmtInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+ SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ /* mark entries invalid */
++ pAC->LastPort = 3;
++ pAC->LastOpc = 0xFF;
+ /* Set chipset type support */
+- pAC->ChipsetType = 0;
+ if ((pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON) ||
+- (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_LITE)) {
+- pAC->ChipsetType = 1;
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_LITE) ||
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_LP)) {
++ pAC->ChipsetType = 1; /* Yukon chipset (descriptor logic) */
++ } else if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ pAC->ChipsetType = 2; /* Yukon2 chipset (list logic) */
++ } else {
++ pAC->ChipsetType = 0; /* Genesis chipset (descriptor logic) */
++ }
++ /* wake on lan support */
++ pAC->WolInfo.SupportedWolOptions = 0;
++#if defined (ETHTOOL_GWOL) && defined (ETHTOOL_SWOL)
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
++ pAC->WolInfo.SupportedWolOptions = WAKE_MAGIC;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 0) {
++ pAC->WolInfo.SupportedWolOptions = 0;
++ }
++ }
+ }
++ pAC->WolInfo.ConfiguredWolOptions = pAC->WolInfo.SupportedWolOptions;
+ GetConfiguration(pAC);
+ if (pAC->RlmtNets == 2) {
+- pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage = SK_MUL_LINK;
++ pAC->GIni.GP[0].PPortUsage = SK_MUL_LINK;
++ pAC->GIni.GP[1].PPortUsage = SK_MUL_LINK;
+ }
+ pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_IO;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+- Ret = request_irq(dev->irq, SkGeIsr, SA_SHIRQ, pAC->Name, dev);
+- } else if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1) {
+- Ret = request_irq(dev->irq, SkGeIsrOnePort, SA_SHIRQ,
+- pAC->Name, dev);
+- } else {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "sk98lin: Illegal number of ports: %d\n",
+- pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound);
+- return -EAGAIN;
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ Ret = request_irq(dev->irq, SkGeIsr, SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev);
++ } else if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1) {
++ Ret = request_irq(dev->irq, SkGeIsrOnePort, SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev);
++ } else {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "sk98lin: Illegal number of ports: %d\n",
++ pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound);
++ return -EAGAIN;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ Ret = request_irq(dev->irq, SkY2Isr, SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev);
+ }
+ if (Ret) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "sk98lin: Requested IRQ %d is busy.\n",
+- dev->irq);
++ dev->irq);
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ }
+ pAC->AllocFlag |= SK_ALLOC_IRQ;
+- /* Alloc memory for this board (Mem for RxD/TxD) : */
+- if(!BoardAllocMem(pAC)) {
+- printk("No memory for descriptor rings.\n");
+- return(-EAGAIN);
++ /*
++ ** Alloc descriptor/LETable memory for this board (both RxD/TxD)
++ */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (!SkY2AllocateResources(pAC)) {
++ printk("No memory for Yukon2 settings\n");
++ return(-EAGAIN);
++ }
++ } else {
++ if(!BoardAllocMem(pAC)) {
++ printk("No memory for descriptor rings.\n");
++ return(-EAGAIN);
++ }
+ }
++#ifdef SK_USE_CSUM
+ SkCsSetReceiveFlags(pAC,
+ &pAC->CsOfs1, &pAC->CsOfs2, 0);
+ pAC->CsOfs = (pAC->CsOfs2 << 16) | pAC->CsOfs1;
++ /*
++ ** Function BoardInitMem() for Yukon dependent settings...
++ */
+ BoardInitMem(pAC);
+ /* tschilling: New common function with minimum size check. */
+ DualNet = SK_FALSE;
+@@ -1003,7 +1577,12 @@
+ pAC,
+ pAC->ActivePort,
+ DualNet)) {
+- BoardFreeMem(pAC);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SkY2FreeResources(pAC);
++ } else {
++ BoardFreeMem(pAC);
++ }
+ printk("sk98lin: SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues failed.\n");
+ return(-EAGAIN);
+ }
+@@ -1103,16 +1682,20 @@
+ ("BoardFreeMem\n"));
++ if (pAC->pDescrMem) {
+ #if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32)
+- AllocLength = (RX_RING_SIZE + TX_RING_SIZE) * pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound + 8;
++ AllocLength = (RX_RING_SIZE + TX_RING_SIZE) * pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound + 8;
+ #else
+- AllocLength = (RX_RING_SIZE + TX_RING_SIZE) * pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound
+- + RX_RING_SIZE + 8;
++ AllocLength = (RX_RING_SIZE + TX_RING_SIZE) * pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound
++ + RX_RING_SIZE + 8;
+ #endif
+- pci_free_consistent(pAC->PciDev, AllocLength,
++ pci_free_consistent(pAC->PciDev, AllocLength,
+ pAC->pDescrMem, pAC->pDescrMemDMA);
+- pAC->pDescrMem = NULL;
++ pAC->pDescrMem = NULL;
++ }
+ } /* BoardFreeMem */
+@@ -1121,7 +1704,7 @@
+ * BoardInitMem - initiate the descriptor rings
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * This function sets the descriptor rings up in memory.
++ * This function sets the descriptor rings or LETables up in memory.
+ * The adapter is initialized with the descriptor start addresses.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+@@ -1136,34 +1719,37 @@
+ ("BoardInitMem\n"));
+- RxDescrSize = (((sizeof(RXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) * DESCR_ALIGN;
+- pAC->RxDescrPerRing = RX_RING_SIZE / RxDescrSize;
+- TxDescrSize = (((sizeof(TXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) * DESCR_ALIGN;
+- pAC->TxDescrPerRing = TX_RING_SIZE / RxDescrSize;
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIYukon2) {
++ RxDescrSize = (((sizeof(RXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) * DESCR_ALIGN;
++ pAC->RxDescrPerRing = RX_RING_SIZE / RxDescrSize;
++ TxDescrSize = (((sizeof(TXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) * DESCR_ALIGN;
++ pAC->TxDescrPerRing = TX_RING_SIZE / RxDescrSize;
+- for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- SetupRing(
+- pAC,
+- pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxDescrRing,
+- pAC->TxPort[i][0].VTxDescrRing,
+- (RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingHead,
+- (RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingTail,
+- (RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingPrev,
+- &pAC->TxPort[i][0].TxdRingFree,
+- SK_TRUE);
+- SetupRing(
+- pAC,
+- pAC->RxPort[i].pRxDescrRing,
+- pAC->RxPort[i].VRxDescrRing,
+- &pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingHead,
+- &pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingTail,
+- &pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingPrev,
+- &pAC->RxPort[i].RxdRingFree,
++ for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ SetupRing(
++ pAC,
++ pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxDescrRing,
++ pAC->TxPort[i][0].VTxDescrRing,
++ (RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingHead,
++ (RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingTail,
++ (RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingPrev,
++ &pAC->TxPort[i][0].TxdRingFree,
++ &pAC->TxPort[i][0].TxdRingPrevFree,
++ SK_TRUE);
++ SetupRing(
++ pAC,
++ pAC->RxPort[i].pRxDescrRing,
++ pAC->RxPort[i].VRxDescrRing,
++ &pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingHead,
++ &pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingTail,
++ &pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingPrev,
++ &pAC->RxPort[i].RxdRingFree,
++ &pAC->RxPort[i].RxdRingFree,
++ }
+ }
+ } /* BoardInitMem */
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SetupRing - create one descriptor ring
+@@ -1183,6 +1769,7 @@
+ RXD **ppRingTail, /* address where the tail should be written */
+ RXD **ppRingPrev, /* address where the tail should be written */
+ int *pRingFree, /* address where the # of free descr. goes */
++int *pRingPrevFree, /* address where the # of free descr. goes */
+ SK_BOOL IsTx) /* flag: is this a tx ring */
+ {
+ int i; /* loop counter */
+@@ -1225,11 +1812,12 @@
+ }
+ pPrevDescr->pNextRxd = (RXD*) pMemArea;
+ pPrevDescr->VNextRxd = VMemArea;
+- pDescr = (RXD*) pMemArea;
+- *ppRingHead = (RXD*) pMemArea;
+- *ppRingTail = *ppRingHead;
+- *ppRingPrev = pPrevDescr;
+- *pRingFree = DescrNum;
++ pDescr = (RXD*) pMemArea;
++ *ppRingHead = (RXD*) pMemArea;
++ *ppRingTail = *ppRingHead;
++ *ppRingPrev = pPrevDescr;
++ *pRingFree = DescrNum;
++ *pRingPrevFree = DescrNum;
+ } /* SetupRing */
+@@ -1301,10 +1889,28 @@
+ * Check and process if its our interrupt
+ */
+ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_SP_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+- if (IntSrc == 0) {
++ if ((IntSrc == 0) && (!pNet->NetConsoleMode)) {
+ return SkIsrRetNone;
+ }
++ if (netif_rx_schedule_prep(dev)) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~(NAPI_DRV_IRQS);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ __netif_rx_schedule(dev);
++ }
++#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
++ if (IntSrc & IS_XA1_F) {
++ }
++ if (IntSrc & IS_XA2_F) {
++ }
+ while (((IntSrc & IRQ_MASK) & ~SPECIAL_IRQS) != 0) {
+ #if 0 /* software irq currently not used */
+ if (IntSrc & IS_IRQ_SW) {
+@@ -1318,6 +1924,7 @@
+ ("EOF RX1 IRQ\n"));
+ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0], SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ if (IntSrc & IS_R2_F) {
+@@ -1325,6 +1932,7 @@
+ ("EOF RX2 IRQ\n"));
+ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[1], SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ #ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+@@ -1332,6 +1940,7 @@
+ ("EOF AS TX1 IRQ\n"));
+ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+@@ -1341,6 +1950,7 @@
+ ("EOF AS TX2 IRQ\n"));
+ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+@@ -1351,38 +1961,28 @@
+ ("EOF SY TX1 IRQ\n"));
+ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+- ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+ }
+ if (IntSrc & IS_XS2_F) {
+ ("EOF SY TX2 IRQ\n"));
+ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 1, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+- ClearTxIrq(pAC, 1, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+- /* do all IO at once */
+- if (IntSrc & IS_R1_F)
+- ClearAndStartRx(pAC, 0);
+- if (IntSrc & IS_R2_F)
+- ClearAndStartRx(pAC, 1);
+-#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+- if (IntSrc & IS_XA1_F)
+- ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_LOW);
+- if (IntSrc & IS_XA2_F)
+- ClearTxIrq(pAC, 1, TX_PRIO_LOW);
+ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+ } /* while (IntSrc & IRQ_MASK != 0) */
+ IntSrc &= pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask;
+ if ((IntSrc & SPECIAL_IRQS) || pAC->CheckQueue) {
+@@ -1396,18 +1996,12 @@
+ SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+ spin_unlock(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
+ }
+- /*
+- * do it all again is case we cleared an interrupt that
+- * came in after handling the ring (OUTs may be delayed
+- * in hardware buffers, but are through after IN)
+- *
+- * rroesler: has been commented out and shifted to
+- * SkGeDrvEvent(), because it is timer
+- * guarded now
+- *
++ /* Handle interrupts */
+ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0], SK_TRUE);
+ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[1], SK_TRUE);
+- */
+ if (pAC->CheckQueue) {
+ pAC->CheckQueue = SK_FALSE;
+@@ -1450,10 +2044,25 @@
+ * Check and process if its our interrupt
+ */
+ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_SP_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+- if (IntSrc == 0) {
++ if ((IntSrc == 0) && (!pNet->NetConsoleMode)) {
+ return SkIsrRetNone;
+ }
++ if (netif_rx_schedule_prep(dev)) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~(NAPI_DRV_IRQS);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ __netif_rx_schedule(dev);
++ }
++#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
++ if (IntSrc & IS_XA1_F) {
++ }
+ while (((IntSrc & IRQ_MASK) & ~SPECIAL_IRQS) != 0) {
+ #if 0 /* software irq currently not used */
+ if (IntSrc & IS_IRQ_SW) {
+@@ -1467,6 +2076,7 @@
+ ("EOF RX1 IRQ\n"));
+ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0], SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ #ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+@@ -1474,6 +2084,7 @@
+ ("EOF AS TX1 IRQ\n"));
+ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+@@ -1484,24 +2095,18 @@
+ ("EOF SY TX1 IRQ\n"));
+ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+- ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+- /* do all IO at once */
+- if (IntSrc & IS_R1_F)
+- ClearAndStartRx(pAC, 0);
+-#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+- if (IntSrc & IS_XA1_F)
+- ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_LOW);
+ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+ } /* while (IntSrc & IRQ_MASK != 0) */
+ IntSrc &= pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask;
+ if ((IntSrc & SPECIAL_IRQS) || pAC->CheckQueue) {
+@@ -1515,17 +2120,10 @@
+ SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+ spin_unlock(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
+ }
+- /*
+- * do it all again is case we cleared an interrupt that
+- * came in after handling the ring (OUTs may be delayed
+- * in hardware buffers, but are through after IN)
+- *
+- * rroesler: has been commented out and shifted to
+- * SkGeDrvEvent(), because it is timer
+- * guarded now
+- *
+ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0], SK_TRUE);
+- */
+ /* IRQ is processed - Enable IRQs again*/
+ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
+@@ -1533,7 +2131,6 @@
+ return SkIsrRetHandled;
+ } /* SkGeIsrOnePort */
+ /****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGeOpen - handle start of initialized adapter
+@@ -1551,27 +2148,21 @@
+ * != 0 on error
+ */
+ static int SkGeOpen(
+-struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev)
++struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev) /* the device that is to be opened */
+ {
+- DEV_NET *pNet;
+- SK_AC *pAC;
+- unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
+- int i;
+- SK_EVPARA EvPara; /* an event parameter union */
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for the spin locks */
++ int CurrMac; /* loop ctr for ports */
+- pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
+- pAC = pNet->pAC;
+ ("SkGeOpen: pAC=0x%lX:\n", (unsigned long)pAC));
+ if (pAC->DiagModeActive == DIAG_ACTIVE) {
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DiagAttached == SK_DIAG_RUNNING) {
+ return (-1); /* still in use by diag; deny actions */
+ }
+ }
+ if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE)) {
+ return (-1); /* increase of usage count not possible */
+@@ -1595,6 +2186,11 @@
+ SkRlmtInit (pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+ SkTimerInit (pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+ pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_IO;
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ /* mark entries invalid */
++ pAC->LastPort = 3;
++ pAC->LastOpc = 0xFF;
+ }
+ if (pAC->BoardLevel != SK_INIT_RUN) {
+@@ -1613,45 +2209,61 @@
+ pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_RUN;
+ }
+- for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- /* Enable transmit descriptor polling. */
+- SkGePollTxD(pAC, pAC->IoBase, i, SK_TRUE);
+- FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
++ for (CurrMac=0; CurrMac<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) {
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* Enable transmit descriptor polling. */
++ SkGePollTxD(pAC, pAC->IoBase, CurrMac, SK_TRUE);
++ FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[CurrMac]);
++ SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr);
++ }
+ }
+- SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+- StartDrvCleanupTimer(pAC);
++ SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+ SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(pAC);
+- SkDimDisplayModerationSettings(pAC);
+- pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= IRQ_MASK;
+- /* enable Interrupts */
+- SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /*
++ ** Has been setup already at SkGeInit(SK_INIT_IO),
++ ** but additional masking added for Genesis & Yukon
++ ** chipsets -> modify it...
++ */
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= IRQ_MASK;
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~(TX_COMPL_IRQS);
++ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ if ((pAC->RlmtMode != 0) && (pAC->MaxPorts == 0)) {
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pAC->RlmtNets;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- EvPara);
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pAC->RlmtMode;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = 0;
+- EvPara);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_SET_NETS,
++ pAC->RlmtNets, -1, SK_FALSE);
++ pAC->RlmtMode, 0, SK_FALSE);
+ }
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pNet->NetNr;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START, EvPara);
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START,
++ pNet->NetNr, -1, SK_TRUE);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- pAC->MaxPorts++;
+- pNet->Up = 1;
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ pNet->TimerExpired = SK_FALSE;
++ pNet->InRecover = SK_FALSE;
++ pNet->NetConsoleMode = SK_FALSE;
++ /* Initialize the kernel timer */
++ init_timer(&pNet->KernelTimer);
++ pNet->KernelTimer.function = SkGeHandleKernelTimer;
++ pNet-> = (unsigned long) pNet;
++ pNet->KernelTimer.expires = jiffies + (HZ/4); /* initially 250ms */
++ add_timer(&pNet->KernelTimer);
++ /* enable Interrupts */
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ pAC->MaxPorts++;
+ ("SkGeOpen suceeded\n"));
+@@ -1672,24 +2284,26 @@
+ * error code - on error
+ */
+ static int SkGeClose(
+-struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev)
++struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev) /* the device that is to be closed */
+ {
+- DEV_NET *pNet;
+- DEV_NET *newPtrNet;
+- SK_AC *pAC;
+- unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
+- int i;
+- int PortIdx;
+- SK_EVPARA EvPara;
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ DEV_NET *newPtrNet;
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for the spin locks */
++ int CurrMac; /* loop ctr for the current MAC */
++ int PortIdx;
++ int WorkToDo = 1; /* min(*budget, dev->quota); */
++ int WorkDone = 0;
+ ("SkGeClose: pAC=0x%lX ", (unsigned long)pAC));
+- pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
+- pAC = pNet->pAC;
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ pNet->InRecover = SK_TRUE;
++ del_timer(&pNet->KernelTimer);
+ if (pAC->DiagModeActive == DIAG_ACTIVE) {
+ if (pAC->DiagFlowCtrl == SK_FALSE) {
+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
+@@ -1709,7 +2323,6 @@
+ pAC->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ netif_stop_queue(dev);
+@@ -1718,8 +2331,6 @@
+ else
+ PortIdx = pNet->NetNr;
+- StopDrvCleanupTimer(pAC);
+ /*
+ * Clear multicast table, promiscuous mode ....
+ */
+@@ -1731,46 +2342,101 @@
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ /* disable interrupts */
+ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pNet->NetNr;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP,
++ pNet->NetNr, -1, SK_TRUE);
+ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+ /* stop the hardware */
+- SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+- pAC->BoardLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 1)) {
++ /* RLMT check link state mode */
++ for (CurrMac=0; CurrMac<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) {
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC))
++ SkY2PortStop( pAC,
++ pAC->IoBase,
++ CurrMac,
++ else
++ SkGeStopPort( pAC,
++ pAC->IoBase,
++ CurrMac,
++ } /* for */
++ } else {
++ /* Single link or single port */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC))
++ SkY2PortStop( pAC,
++ pAC->IoBase,
++ PortIdx,
++ else
++ SkGeStopPort( pAC,
++ pAC->IoBase,
++ PortIdx,
++ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ } else {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pNet->NetNr;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+- SkPnmiEvent(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET, EvPara);
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP,
++ pNet->NetNr, -1, SK_FALSE);
++ pNet->NetNr, -1, SK_TRUE);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ /* Stop port */
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->TxPort[pNet->PortNr]
+ [TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+- SkGeStopPort(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr,
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr,
++ }
++ else {
++ SkGeStopPort(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr,
++ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->TxPort[pNet->PortNr]
+ [TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+ }
+ if (pAC->RlmtNets == 1) {
+ /* clear all descriptor rings */
+- for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i], SK_TRUE);
+- ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+- ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[i][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ for (CurrMac=0; CurrMac<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) {
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ WorkToDo = 1;
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC,&pAC->RxPort[CurrMac],
++ SK_TRUE,&WorkDone,WorkToDo);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC,&pAC->RxPort[CurrMac],SK_TRUE);
++ ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[CurrMac]);
++ ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ } else {
++ SkY2FreeRxBuffers(pAC, pAC->IoBase, CurrMac);
++ SkY2FreeTxBuffers(pAC, pAC->IoBase, CurrMac);
++ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* clear port descriptor rings */
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr], SK_TRUE);
+- ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr]);
+- ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[pNet->PortNr][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ WorkToDo = 1;
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr], SK_TRUE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr], SK_TRUE);
++ ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr]);
++ ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[pNet->PortNr][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ }
++ else {
++ SkY2FreeRxBuffers(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr);
++ SkY2FreeTxBuffers(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr);
++ }
+ }
+@@ -1781,9 +2447,12 @@
+ pAC->MaxPorts--;
+- pNet->Up = 0;
+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ pNet->InRecover = SK_FALSE;
+ return (0);
+ } /* SkGeClose */
+@@ -1841,9 +2510,11 @@
+ }
+ /* Transmitter out of resources? */
+ if (Rc <= 0) {
+ netif_stop_queue(dev);
+ }
+ /* If not taken, give buffer ownership back to the
+ * queueing layer.
+@@ -1855,6 +2526,94 @@
+ return (0);
+ } /* SkGeXmit */
++ *
++ * SkGePoll - NAPI Rx polling callback for GEnesis and Yukon chipsets
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Called by the Linux system in case NAPI polling is activated
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * The number of work data still to be handled
++ */
++static int SkGePoll(struct net_device *dev, int *budget)
++SK_AC *pAC = ((DEV_NET*)(dev->priv))->pAC; /* pointer to adapter context */
++int WorkToDo = min(*budget, dev->quota);
++int WorkDone = 0;
++ if (pAC->dev[0] != pAC->dev[1]) {
++ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
++ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[1], SK_TRUE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ }
++ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
++ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0], SK_TRUE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ *budget -= WorkDone;
++ dev->quota -= WorkDone;
++ if(WorkDone < WorkToDo) {
++ netif_rx_complete(dev);
++ /* enable interrupts again */
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask |= (NAPI_DRV_IRQS);
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~(TX_COMPL_IRQS);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ }
++ return (WorkDone >= WorkToDo);
++} /* SkGePoll */
++ *
++ * SkGeNetPoll - Polling "interrupt"
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Polling 'interrupt' - used by things like netconsole and netdump
++ * to send skbs without having to re-enable interrupts.
++ * It's not called while the interrupt routine is executing.
++ */
++static void SkGeNetPoll(
++struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev)
++DEV_NET *pNet;
++SK_AC *pAC;
++ pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ pNet->NetConsoleMode = SK_TRUE;
++ /* Prevent any reconfiguration while handling
++ the 'interrupt' */
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* Handle the GENESIS Isr */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2)
++ SkGeIsr(dev->irq, dev, NULL);
++ else
++ SkGeIsrOnePort(dev->irq, dev, NULL);
++ } else {
++ /* Handle the Yukon2 Isr */
++ SkY2Isr(dev->irq, dev, NULL);
++ }
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+@@ -1879,7 +2638,7 @@
+ * < 0 - on failure: other problems ( -> return failure to upper layers)
+ */
+ static int XmitFrame(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
+ TX_PORT *pTxPort, /* pointer to struct of port to send to */
+ struct sk_buff *pMessage) /* pointer to send-message */
+ {
+@@ -1895,11 +2654,14 @@
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pTxPort->TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+- FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, pTxPort);
++ if ((pTxPort->TxdRingPrevFree - pTxPort->TxdRingFree) > 6) {
++ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, pTxPort);
++ pTxPort->TxdRingPrevFree = pTxPort->TxdRingFree;
++ }
+ #endif
+ if (pTxPort->TxdRingFree == 0) {
+ /*
+- ** no enough free descriptors in ring at the moment.
++ ** not enough free descriptors in ring at the moment.
+ ** Maybe free'ing some old one help?
+ */
+ FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, pTxPort);
+@@ -1985,7 +2747,7 @@
+ #endif
+ pMessage->len;
+- } else {
++ } else {
+ pTxd->TBControl = BMU_OWN | BMU_STF | BMU_CHECK |
+@@ -2321,7 +3083,7 @@
+ SK_U16 Length; /* data fragment length */
+ SK_U64 PhysAddr; /* physical address of a rx buffer */
+- pMsgBlock = alloc_skb(pAC->RxBufSize, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ pMsgBlock = alloc_skb(pRxPort->RxBufSize, GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (pMsgBlock == NULL) {
+@@ -2335,12 +3097,12 @@
+ pRxd = pRxPort->pRxdRingTail;
+ pRxPort->pRxdRingTail = pRxd->pNextRxd;
+ pRxPort->RxdRingFree--;
+- Length = pAC->RxBufSize;
++ Length = pRxPort->RxBufSize;
+ PhysAddr = (SK_U64) pci_map_page(pAC->PciDev,
+ virt_to_page(pMsgBlock->data),
+ ((unsigned long) pMsgBlock->data &
+- pAC->RxBufSize - 2,
++ pRxPort->RxBufSize - 2,
+ pRxd->VDataLow = (SK_U32) (PhysAddr & 0xffffffff);
+@@ -2380,7 +3142,7 @@
+ pRxd = pRxPort->pRxdRingTail;
+ pRxPort->pRxdRingTail = pRxd->pNextRxd;
+ pRxPort->RxdRingFree--;
+- Length = pAC->RxBufSize;
++ Length = pRxPort->RxBufSize;
+ pRxd->VDataLow = PhysLow;
+ pRxd->VDataHigh = PhysHigh;
+@@ -2405,33 +3167,40 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+ static void ReceiveIrq(
+- SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
+- RX_PORT *pRxPort, /* pointer to receive port struct */
+- SK_BOOL SlowPathLock) /* indicates if SlowPathLock is needed */
+-RXD *pRxd; /* pointer to receive descriptors */
+-SK_U32 Control; /* control field of descriptor */
+-struct sk_buff *pMsg; /* pointer to message holding frame */
+-struct sk_buff *pNewMsg; /* pointer to a new message for copying frame */
+-int FrameLength; /* total length of received frame */
+-int IpFrameLength;
+-SK_MBUF *pRlmtMbuf; /* ptr to a buffer for giving a frame to rlmt */
+-SK_EVPARA EvPara; /* an event parameter union */
+-unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
+-int PortIndex = pRxPort->PortIndex;
+-unsigned int Offset;
+-unsigned int NumBytes;
+-unsigned int ForRlmt;
+-SK_BOOL IsBadFrame; /* Bad frame */
+-SK_U32 FrameStat;
+-unsigned short Csum1;
+-unsigned short Csum2;
+-unsigned short Type;
+-int Result;
+-SK_U64 PhysAddr;
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++RX_PORT *pRxPort, /* pointer to receive port struct */
++SK_BOOL SlowPathLock, /* indicates if SlowPathLock is needed */
++int *WorkDone,
++int WorkToDo)
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++RX_PORT *pRxPort, /* pointer to receive port struct */
++SK_BOOL SlowPathLock) /* indicates if SlowPathLock is needed */
++ RXD *pRxd; /* pointer to receive descriptors */
++ struct sk_buff *pMsg; /* pointer to message holding frame */
++ struct sk_buff *pNewMsg; /* pointer to new message for frame copy */
++ SK_MBUF *pRlmtMbuf; /* ptr to buffer for giving frame to RLMT */
++ SK_EVPARA EvPara; /* an event parameter union */
++ SK_U32 Control; /* control field of descriptor */
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock handling */
++ int PortIndex = pRxPort->PortIndex;
++ int FrameLength; /* total length of received frame */
++ int IpFrameLength; /* IP length of the received frame */
++ unsigned int Offset;
++ unsigned int NumBytes;
++ unsigned int RlmtNotifier;
++ SK_BOOL IsBc; /* we received a broadcast packet */
++ SK_BOOL IsMc; /* we received a multicast packet */
++ SK_BOOL IsBadFrame; /* the frame received is bad! */
++ SK_U32 FrameStat;
++ unsigned short Csum1;
++ unsigned short Csum2;
++ unsigned short Type;
++ int Result;
++ SK_U64 PhysAddr;
+ rx_start:
+ /* do forever; exit if BMU_OWN found */
+@@ -2453,6 +3222,13 @@
+ Control = pRxd->RBControl;
++ if (*WorkDone >= WorkToDo) {
++ break;
++ }
++ (*WorkDone)++;
+ /* check if this descriptor is ready */
+ if ((Control & BMU_OWN) != 0) {
+ /* this descriptor is not yet ready */
+@@ -2461,11 +3237,10 @@
+ FillRxRing(pAC, pRxPort);
+ return;
+ }
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.NbrProcessedDescr++;
+ /* get length of frame and check it */
+ FrameLength = Control & BMU_BBC;
+- if (FrameLength > pAC->RxBufSize) {
++ if (FrameLength > pRxPort->RxBufSize) {
+ goto rx_failed;
+ }
+@@ -2480,8 +3255,8 @@
+ FrameStat = pRxd->FrameStat;
+ /* check for frame length mismatch */
+-#define XMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT 18
+-#define GMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT 16
++#define XMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT 18
++#define GMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT 16
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
+ if (FrameLength != (SK_U32) (FrameStat >> XMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT)) {
+@@ -2491,8 +3266,7 @@
+ (SK_U32) (FrameStat >> XMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT)));
+ goto rx_failed;
+ }
+- }
+- else {
++ } else {
+ if (FrameLength != (SK_U32) (FrameStat >> GMR_FS_LEN_SHIFT)) {
+@@ -2525,9 +3299,6 @@
+ /* DumpMsg(pMsg, "Rx"); */
+ if ((Control & BMU_STAT_VAL) != BMU_STAT_VAL || (IsBadFrame)) {
+-#if 0
+- (FrameStat & (XMR_FS_ANY_ERR | XMR_FS_2L_VLAN)) != 0) {
+ /* there is a receive error in this frame */
+@@ -2535,6 +3306,20 @@
+ "Control: %x\nRxStat: %x\n",
+ Control, FrameStat));
++ PhysAddr = ((SK_U64) pRxd->VDataHigh) << (SK_U64)32;
++ PhysAddr |= (SK_U64) pRxd->VDataLow;
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) PhysAddr,
++ FrameLength,
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) PhysAddr,
++ FrameLength,
+ ReQueueRxBuffer(pAC, pRxPort, pMsg,
+ pRxd->VDataHigh, pRxd->VDataLow);
+@@ -2554,150 +3339,107 @@
+ skb_put(pNewMsg, FrameLength);
+ PhysAddr = ((SK_U64) pRxd->VDataHigh) << (SK_U64)32;
+ PhysAddr |= (SK_U64) pRxd->VDataLow;
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) PhysAddr,
++ FrameLength,
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) PhysAddr,
++ FrameLength,
+- pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(pAC->PciDev,
+- (dma_addr_t) PhysAddr,
+- FrameLength,
+ eth_copy_and_sum(pNewMsg, pMsg->data,
+ FrameLength, 0);
+- pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(pAC->PciDev,
+- (dma_addr_t) PhysAddr,
+- FrameLength,
+ ReQueueRxBuffer(pAC, pRxPort, pMsg,
+ pRxd->VDataHigh, pRxd->VDataLow);
+ pMsg = pNewMsg;
+- }
+- else {
++ } else {
+ /*
+ * if large frame, or SKB allocation failed, pass
+ * the SKB directly to the networking
+ */
+ PhysAddr = ((SK_U64) pRxd->VDataHigh) << (SK_U64)32;
+ PhysAddr |= (SK_U64) pRxd->VDataLow;
+ /* release the DMA mapping */
+ pci_unmap_single(pAC->PciDev,
+ PhysAddr,
+- pAC->RxBufSize - 2,
++ pRxPort->RxBufSize - 2,
++ skb_put(pMsg, FrameLength); /* set message len */
++ pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; /* initial default */
+- /* set length in message */
+- skb_put(pMsg, FrameLength);
+- /* hardware checksum */
+- Type = ntohs(*((short*)&pMsg->data[12]));
+- if (Type == 0x800) {
+- Csum1=le16_to_cpu(pRxd->TcpSums & 0xffff);
+- Csum2=le16_to_cpu((pRxd->TcpSums >> 16) & 0xffff);
+- IpFrameLength = (int) ntohs((unsigned short)
+- ((unsigned short *) pMsg->data)[8]);
+- /*
+- * Test: If frame is padded, a check is not possible!
+- * Frame not padded? Length difference must be 14 (0xe)!
+- */
+- if ((FrameLength - IpFrameLength) != 0xe) {
+- /* Frame padded => TCP offload not possible! */
+- pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
+- } else {
+- /* Frame not padded => TCP offload! */
+- if ((((Csum1 & 0xfffe) && (Csum2 & 0xfffe)) &&
+- (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS)) ||
+- (pAC->ChipsetType)) {
+- Result = SkCsGetReceiveInfo(pAC,
+- &pMsg->data[14],
+- Csum1, Csum2, pRxPort->PortIndex);
+- if (Result ==
+- Result ==
+- Result ==
+- Result ==
+- pMsg->ip_summed =
+- }
+- else if (Result ==
+- Result ==
+- Result ==
+- Result ==
+- Result ==
+- /* HW Checksum error */
+- ("skge: CRC error. Frame dropped!\n"));
+- goto rx_failed;
+- } else {
+- pMsg->ip_summed =
+- }
+- }/* checksumControl calculation valid */
+- } /* Frame length check */
+- } /* IP frame */
+- pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
++ if (pRxPort->UseRxCsum) {
++ Type = ntohs(*((short*)&pMsg->data[12]));
++ if (Type == 0x800) {
++ IpFrameLength = (int) ntohs((unsigned short)
++ ((unsigned short *) pMsg->data)[8]);
++ if ((FrameLength - IpFrameLength) == 0xe) {
++ Csum1=le16_to_cpu(pRxd->TcpSums & 0xffff);
++ Csum2=le16_to_cpu((pRxd->TcpSums >> 16) & 0xffff);
++ if ((((Csum1 & 0xfffe) && (Csum2 & 0xfffe)) &&
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS)) ||
++ (pAC->ChipsetType)) {
++ Result = SkCsGetReceiveInfo(pAC, &pMsg->data[14],
++ Csum1, Csum2, PortIndex);
++ if ((Result == SKCS_STATUS_IP_FRAGMENT) ||
++ (Result == SKCS_STATUS_IP_CSUM_OK) ||
++ (Result == SKCS_STATUS_TCP_CSUM_OK) ||
++ (Result == SKCS_STATUS_UDP_CSUM_OK)) {
++ pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
++ } else if ((Result == SKCS_STATUS_TCP_CSUM_ERROR) ||
++ /* HW Checksum error */
++ ("skge: CRC error. Frame dropped!\n"));
++ goto rx_failed;
++ } else {
++ pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
++ }
++ }/* checksumControl calculation valid */
++ } /* Frame length check */
++ } /* IP frame */
++ } /* pRxPort->UseRxCsum */
+ } /* frame > SK_COPY_TRESHOLD */
+-#if 0
+- IsBc = (FrameStat & XMR_FS_BC)==XMR_FS_BC;
++ RlmtNotifier = SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL;
+ SK_RLMT_PRE_LOOKAHEAD(pAC, PortIndex, FrameLength,
+- IsBc, &Offset, &NumBytes);
++ IsBc, &Offset, &NumBytes);
+ if (NumBytes != 0) {
+-#if 0
+- IsMc = (FrameStat & XMR_FS_MC)==XMR_FS_MC;
+- &pMsg->data[Offset],
+- IsBc, IsMc, &ForRlmt);
++ SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD(pAC,PortIndex,&pMsg->data[Offset],
++ IsBc,IsMc,&RlmtNotifier);
+ }
+- if (ForRlmt == SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL) {
++ if (RlmtNotifier == SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL) {
+ /* send up only frames from active port */
+- if ((PortIndex == pAC->ActivePort) ||
+- (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+- /* frame for upper layer */
++ if ((PortIndex == pAC->ActivePort)||(pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+ #ifdef xDEBUG
+ DumpMsg(pMsg, "Rx");
+ #endif
+- FrameLength, pRxPort->PortIndex);
+- pMsg->dev = pAC->dev[pRxPort->PortIndex];
+- pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,
+- pAC->dev[pRxPort->PortIndex]);
+- netif_rx(pMsg);
+- pAC->dev[pRxPort->PortIndex]->last_rx = jiffies;
+- }
+- else {
+- /* drop frame */
++ pMsg->dev = pAC->dev[PortIndex];
++ pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,pAC->dev[PortIndex]);
++ netif_rx(pMsg); /* frame for upper layer */
++ pAC->dev[PortIndex]->last_rx = jiffies;
++ } else {
+- ("D"));
++ DEV_KFREE_SKB(pMsg); /* drop frame */
+ }
+- } /* if not for rlmt */
+- else {
+- /* packet for rlmt */
++ } else { /* packet for RLMT stack */
+ pRlmtMbuf = SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf(pAC,
+ pAC->IoBase, FrameLength);
+ if (pRlmtMbuf != NULL) {
+@@ -2725,32 +3467,22 @@
+ }
+- ("Q"));
+ }
+- if ((pAC->dev[pRxPort->PortIndex]->flags &
+- (ForRlmt & SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL) ==
+- pMsg->dev = pAC->dev[pRxPort->PortIndex];
+- pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,
+- pAC->dev[pRxPort->PortIndex]);
++ if ((pAC->dev[PortIndex]->flags & (IFF_PROMISC | IFF_ALLMULTI)) ||
++ (RlmtNotifier & SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL)) {
++ pMsg->dev = pAC->dev[PortIndex];
++ pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,pAC->dev[PortIndex]);
+ netif_rx(pMsg);
+- pAC->dev[pRxPort->PortIndex]->last_rx = jiffies;
+- }
+- else {
++ pAC->dev[PortIndex]->last_rx = jiffies;
++ } else {
+ }
+- } /* if packet for rlmt */
++ } /* if packet for RLMT stack */
+ } /* for ... scanning the RXD ring */
+ /* RXD ring is empty -> fill and restart */
+ FillRxRing(pAC, pRxPort);
+- /* do not start if called from Close */
+- if (pAC->BoardLevel > SK_INIT_DATA) {
+- ClearAndStartRx(pAC, PortIndex);
+- }
+ return;
+ rx_failed:
+@@ -2764,7 +3496,7 @@
+ PhysAddr |= (SK_U64) pRxd->VDataLow;
+ pci_unmap_page(pAC->PciDev,
+ PhysAddr,
+- pAC->RxBufSize - 2,
++ pRxPort->RxBufSize - 2,
+ pRxd->pMBuf = NULL;
+@@ -2774,49 +3506,6 @@
+ } /* ReceiveIrq */
+- *
+- * ClearAndStartRx - give a start receive command to BMU, clear IRQ
+- *
+- * Description:
+- * This function sends a start command and a clear interrupt
+- * command for one receive queue to the BMU.
+- *
+- * Returns: N/A
+- * none
+- */
+-static void ClearAndStartRx(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to the adapter context */
+-int PortIndex) /* index of the receive port (XMAC) */
+- SK_OUT8(pAC->IoBase,
+- RxQueueAddr[PortIndex]+Q_CSR,
+-} /* ClearAndStartRx */
+- *
+- * ClearTxIrq - give a clear transmit IRQ command to BMU
+- *
+- * Description:
+- * This function sends a clear tx IRQ command for one
+- * transmit queue to the BMU.
+- *
+- * Returns: N/A
+- */
+-static void ClearTxIrq(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to the adapter context */
+-int PortIndex, /* index of the transmit port (XMAC) */
+-int Prio) /* priority or normal queue */
+- SK_OUT8(pAC->IoBase,
+- TxQueueAddr[PortIndex][Prio]+Q_CSR,
+-} /* ClearTxIrq */
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * ClearRxRing - remove all buffers from the receive ring
+@@ -2847,7 +3536,7 @@
+ PhysAddr |= (SK_U64) pRxd->VDataLow;
+ pci_unmap_page(pAC->PciDev,
+ PhysAddr,
+- pAC->RxBufSize - 2,
++ pRxPort->RxBufSize - 2,
+ DEV_KFREE_SKB(pRxd->pMBuf);
+ pRxd->pMBuf = NULL;
+@@ -2907,29 +3596,30 @@
+ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
+ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++int Ret;
+ struct sockaddr *addr = p;
+ unsigned long Flags;
+ ("SkGeSetMacAddr starts now...\n"));
+- if(netif_running(dev))
+- return -EBUSY;
+ memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data,dev->addr_len);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ if (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)
+- SkAddrOverride(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->NetNr,
++ Ret = SkAddrOverride(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->NetNr,
+ else
+- SkAddrOverride(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
++ Ret = SkAddrOverride(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ return -EBUSY;
+ return 0;
+ } /* SkGeSetMacAddr */
+@@ -3011,6 +3701,45 @@
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
++ * SkSetMtuBufferSize - set the MTU buffer to another value
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function sets the new buffers and is called whenever the MTU
++ * size is changed
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * N/A
++ */
++static void SkSetMtuBufferSize(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++int PortNr, /* Port number */
++int Mtu) /* pointer to tx prt struct */
++ pAC->RxPort[PortNr].RxBufSize = Mtu + 32;
++ /* RxBufSize must be a multiple of 8 */
++ while (pAC->RxPort[PortNr].RxBufSize % 8) {
++ pAC->RxPort[PortNr].RxBufSize =
++ pAC->RxPort[PortNr].RxBufSize + 1;
++ }
++ if (Mtu > 1500) {
++ pAC->GIni.GP[PortNr].PPortUsage = SK_JUMBO_LINK;
++ } else {
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
++ pAC->GIni.GP[PortNr].PPortUsage = SK_MUL_LINK;
++ } else {
++ pAC->GIni.GP[PortNr].PPortUsage = SK_RED_LINK;
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++ *
+ * SkGeChangeMtu - set the MTU to another value
+ *
+ * Description:
+@@ -3024,12 +3753,13 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGeChangeMtu(struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev, int NewMtu)
+ {
+-DEV_NET *pNet;
+-DEV_NET *pOtherNet;
+-SK_AC *pAC;
+-unsigned long Flags;
+-int i;
++DEV_NET *pNet;
++SK_AC *pAC;
++unsigned long Flags;
++int WorkToDo = 1; // min(*budget, dev->quota);
++int WorkDone = 0;
+ ("SkGeChangeMtu starts now...\n"));
+@@ -3037,15 +3767,12 @@
+ pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
+ pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ /* MTU size outside the spec */
+ if ((NewMtu < 68) || (NewMtu > SK_JUMBO_MTU)) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+- if(pAC->BoardLevel != SK_INIT_RUN) {
+- return -EINVAL;
+- }
++ /* Diag access active */
+ if (pAC->DiagModeActive == DIAG_ACTIVE) {
+ if (pAC->DiagFlowCtrl == SK_FALSE) {
+ return -1; /* still in use, deny any actions of MTU */
+@@ -3053,201 +3780,74 @@
+ pAC->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+- pNet->Mtu = NewMtu;
+- pOtherNet = (DEV_NET*)pAC->dev[1 - pNet->NetNr]->priv;
+- if ((pOtherNet->Mtu>1500) && (NewMtu<=1500) && (pOtherNet->Up==1)) {
+- return(0);
+- }
+- pAC->RxBufSize = NewMtu + 32;
+ dev->mtu = NewMtu;
++ SkSetMtuBufferSize(pAC, pNet->PortNr, NewMtu);
+- ("New MTU: %d\n", NewMtu));
++ if(!netif_running(dev)) {
++ /* Preset MTU size if device not ready/running */
++ return 0;
++ }
+- /*
+- ** Prevent any reconfiguration while changing the MTU
+- ** by disabling any interrupts
+- */
++ /* Prevent any reconfiguration while changing the MTU
++ by disabling any interrupts */
+ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- /*
+- ** Notify RLMT that any ports are to be stopped
+- */
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = 0;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = 1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+- } else {
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+- }
+- /*
+- ** After calling the SkEventDispatcher(), RLMT is aware about
+- ** the stopped ports -> configuration can take place!
+- */
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+- for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- spin_lock_irqsave(
+- &pAC->TxPort[i][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+- netif_stop_queue(pAC->dev[i]);
++ /* Notify RLMT that the port has to be stopped */
++ netif_stop_queue(dev);
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP,
++ pNet->PortNr, -1, SK_TRUE);
++ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[pNet->PortNr][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+- }
+- /*
+- ** Depending on the desired MTU size change, a different number of
+- ** RX buffers need to be allocated
+- */
+- if (NewMtu > 1500) {
+- /*
+- ** Use less rx buffers
+- */
+- for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+- pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = pAC->RxDescrPerRing -
+- (pAC->RxDescrPerRing / 4);
+- } else {
+- if (i == pAC->ActivePort) {
+- pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = pAC->RxDescrPerRing -
+- (pAC->RxDescrPerRing / 4);
+- } else {
+- pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = pAC->RxDescrPerRing -
+- (pAC->RxDescrPerRing / 10);
+- }
+- }
+- }
++ /* Change RxFillLimit to 1 */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
++ pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr].RxFillLimit = 1;
+ } else {
+- /*
+- ** Use the normal amount of rx buffers
+- */
+- for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+- pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = 1;
+- } else {
+- if (i == pAC->ActivePort) {
+- pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = 1;
+- } else {
+- pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = pAC->RxDescrPerRing -
+- (pAC->RxDescrPerRing / 4);
+- }
+- }
+- }
++ pAC->RxPort[1 - pNet->PortNr].RxFillLimit = 1;
++ pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr].RxFillLimit = pAC->RxDescrPerRing -
++ (pAC->RxDescrPerRing / 4);
+ }
+- SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+- /*
+- ** enable/disable hardware support for long frames
+- */
+- if (NewMtu > 1500) {
+-// pAC->JumboActivated = SK_TRUE; /* is never set back !!! */
+- pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage = SK_JUMBO_LINK;
++ /* clear and reinit the rx rings here, because of new MTU size */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ SkY2AllocateRxBuffers(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr);
++ SkY2PortStart(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr);
+ } else {
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+- pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage = SK_MUL_LINK;
+- } else {
+- pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage = SK_RED_LINK;
+- }
+- }
++// SkGeStopPort(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ WorkToDo = 1;
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr], SK_TRUE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr], SK_TRUE);
++ ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr]);
++ FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr]);
+- SkGeInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+- SkI2cInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+- SkEventInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+- SkPnmiInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+- SkAddrInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+- SkRlmtInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+- SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_IO);
+- /*
+- ** tschilling:
+- ** Speed and others are set back to default in level 1 init!
+- */
+- GetConfiguration(pAC);
+- SkGeInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_RUN);
+- SkI2cInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_RUN);
+- SkEventInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_RUN);
+- SkPnmiInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_RUN);
+- SkAddrInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_RUN);
+- SkRlmtInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_RUN);
+- SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, SK_INIT_RUN);
++ /* Enable transmit descriptor polling */
++ SkGePollTxD(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pNet->PortNr, SK_TRUE);
++ FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pNet->PortNr]);
++ }
+- /*
+- ** clear and reinit the rx rings here
+- */
+- for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i], SK_TRUE);
+- ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+- FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
++ netif_start_queue(pAC->dev[pNet->PortNr]);
+- /*
+- ** Enable transmit descriptor polling
+- */
+- SkGePollTxD(pAC, pAC->IoBase, i, SK_TRUE);
+- FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+- };
++ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[pNet->PortNr][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+- SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+- SkDimEnableModerationIfNeeded(pAC);
+- SkDimDisplayModerationSettings(pAC);
+- netif_start_queue(pAC->dev[pNet->PortNr]);
+- for (i=pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound-1; i>=0; i--) {
+- spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[i][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+- }
++ /* Notify RLMT about the changing and restarting one (or more) ports */
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START,
++ pNet->PortNr, -1, SK_TRUE);
+- /*
+- ** Enable Interrupts again
+- */
++ /* Enable Interrupts again */
+ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START, EvPara);
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+- /*
+- ** Notify RLMT about the changing and restarting one (or more) ports
+- */
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 ) && (pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pAC->RlmtNets;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_SET_NETS, EvPara);
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pNet->PortNr;
+- EvPara.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START, EvPara);
+- if (pOtherNet->Up) {
+- EvPara.Para32[0] = pOtherNet->PortNr;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START, EvPara);
+- }
+- } else {
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START, EvPara);
+- }
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- /*
+- ** While testing this driver with latest kernel 2.5 (2.5.70), it
+- ** seems as if upper layers have a problem to handle a successful
+- ** return value of '0'. If such a zero is returned, the complete
+- ** system hangs for several minutes (!), which is in acceptable.
+- **
+- ** Currently it is not clear, what the exact reason for this problem
+- ** is. The implemented workaround for 2.5 is to return the desired
+- ** new MTU size if all needed changes for the new MTU size where
+- ** performed. In kernels 2.2 and 2.4, a zero value is returned,
+- ** which indicates the successful change of the mtu-size.
+- */
+- return NewMtu;
++ return 0;
+-} /* SkGeChangeMtu */
+ /*****************************************************************************
+@@ -3265,42 +3865,38 @@
+ {
+ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
+ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
+-SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA *pPnmiStruct; /* structure for all Pnmi-Data */
+-SK_PNMI_STAT *pPnmiStat; /* pointer to virtual XMAC stat. data */
+-SK_PNMI_CONF *pPnmiConf; /* pointer to virtual link config. */
+-unsigned int Size; /* size of pnmi struct */
++SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA *pPnmiStruct; /* structure for all Pnmi-Data */
++SK_PNMI_STAT *pPnmiStat; /* pointer to virtual XMAC stat. data */
++SK_PNMI_CONF *pPnmiConf; /* pointer to virtual link config. */
++unsigned int Size; /* size of pnmi struct */
+ unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
+ ("SkGeStats starts now...\n"));
+ pPnmiStruct = &pAC->PnmiStruct;
+- if ((pAC->DiagModeActive == DIAG_NOTACTIVE) &&
+- (pAC->BoardLevel == SK_INIT_RUN)) {
+- SK_MEMSET(pPnmiStruct, 0, sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- SkPnmiGetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pPnmiStruct, &Size, pNet->NetNr);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ if ((pAC->DiagModeActive == DIAG_NOTACTIVE) &&
++ (pAC->BoardLevel == SK_INIT_RUN)) {
++ SK_MEMSET(pPnmiStruct, 0, sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ SkPnmiGetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pPnmiStruct, &Size, pNet->NetNr);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ }
+- pPnmiStat = &pPnmiStruct->Stat[0];
+- pPnmiConf = &pPnmiStruct->Conf[0];
++ pPnmiStat = &pPnmiStruct->Stat[0];
++ pPnmiConf = &pPnmiStruct->Conf[0];
+ pAC->stats.rx_packets = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->RxDeliveredCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ pAC->stats.tx_packets = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxOkCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ pAC->stats.rx_bytes = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->RxOctetsDeliveredCts;
+ pAC->stats.tx_bytes = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxOctetsOkCts;
+- if (pNet->Mtu <= 1500) {
+- pAC->stats.rx_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+- } else {
+- pAC->stats.rx_errors = (SK_U32) ((pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts -
+- pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
++ if (dev->mtu <= 1500) {
++ pAC->stats.rx_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
++ } else {
++ pAC->stats.rx_errors = (SK_U32) ((pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts -
++ pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ }
+@@ -3345,32 +3941,35 @@
+ * 0, if everything is ok
+ * !=0, on error
+ */
+-static int SkGeIoctl(struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd)
+-DEV_NET *pNet;
+-SK_AC *pAC;
+-void *pMemBuf;
+-struct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;
+-SK_GE_IOCTL Ioctl;
+-unsigned int Err = 0;
+-int Size = 0;
+-int Ret = 0;
+-unsigned int Length = 0;
+-int HeaderLength = sizeof(SK_U32) + sizeof(SK_U32);
++static int SkGeIoctl(
++struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev, /* the device the IOCTL is to be performed on */
++struct ifreq *rq, /* additional request structure containing data */
++int cmd) /* requested IOCTL command number */
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ struct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;
++ void *pMemBuf;
++ SK_GE_IOCTL Ioctl;
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
++ unsigned int Err = 0;
++ unsigned int Length = 0;
++ int HeaderLength = sizeof(SK_U32) + sizeof(SK_U32);
++ int Size = 0;
++ int Ret = 0;
+ ("SkGeIoctl starts now...\n"));
+- pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
+- pAC = pNet->pAC;
+ if(copy_from_user(&Ioctl, rq->ifr_data, sizeof(SK_GE_IOCTL))) {
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ switch(cmd) {
++ return SkEthIoctl(dev, rq);
++ case SK_IOCTL_PRESETMIB: /* FALL THRU (if capable!) */
+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) return -EPERM;
+ if(copy_from_user(&pAC->PnmiStruct, Ioctl.pData,
+@@ -3397,6 +3996,7 @@
+ if (NULL == (pMemBuf = kmalloc(Length, GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ if(copy_from_user(pMemBuf, Ioctl.pData, Length)) {
+ Err = -EFAULT;
+ goto fault_gen;
+@@ -3415,10 +4015,10 @@
+ goto fault_gen;
+ }
+ fault_gen:
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ kfree(pMemBuf); /* cleanup everything */
+ break;
+- case SK_IOCTL_DIAG:
++ case SK_IOCTL_DIAG:
+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) return -EPERM;
+ if (Ioctl.Len < (sizeof(pAC->PnmiStruct) + HeaderLength)) {
+ Length = Ioctl.Len;
+@@ -3442,7 +4042,7 @@
+ */
+ * ((SK_U32 *)pMemBuf) = 0;
+ * ((SK_U32 *)pMemBuf + 1) = pdev->bus->number;
+- * ((SK_U32 *)pMemBuf + 2) = ParseDeviceNbrFromSlotName(pdev->slot_name);
++ * ((SK_U32 *)pMemBuf + 2) = ParseDeviceNbrFromSlotName(pci_name(pdev));
+ if(copy_to_user(Ioctl.pData, pMemBuf, Length) ) {
+ Err = -EFAULT;
+ goto fault_diag;
+@@ -3455,7 +4055,6 @@
+ fault_diag:
+ kfree(pMemBuf); /* cleanup everything */
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+@@ -3487,12 +4086,12 @@
+ unsigned int Size, /* length of ioctl data */
+ int mode) /* flag for set/preset */
+ {
+-unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
+-SK_AC *pAC;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
+ ("SkGeIocMib starts now...\n"));
+- pAC = pNet->pAC;
+ /* access MIB */
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ switch(mode) {
+@@ -3535,17 +4134,18 @@
+ SK_I32 Port; /* preferred port */
+ SK_BOOL AutoSet;
+ SK_BOOL DupSet;
+-int LinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_AUTO; /* Link speed */
+-int AutoNeg = 1; /* autoneg off (0) or on (1) */
+-int DuplexCap = 0; /* 0=both,1=full,2=half */
+-int FlowCtrl = SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM; /* FlowControl */
+-int MSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO; /* master/slave mode */
+-SK_BOOL IsConTypeDefined = SK_TRUE;
+-SK_BOOL IsLinkSpeedDefined = SK_TRUE;
+-SK_BOOL IsFlowCtrlDefined = SK_TRUE;
+-SK_BOOL IsRoleDefined = SK_TRUE;
+-SK_BOOL IsModeDefined = SK_TRUE;
++int LinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_AUTO; /* Link speed */
++int AutoNeg = 1; /* autoneg off (0) or on (1) */
++int DuplexCap = 0; /* 0=both,1=full,2=half */
++int FlowCtrl = SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM; /* FlowControl */
++int MSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO; /* master/slave mode */
++int IrqModMaskOffset = 6; /* all ints moderated=default */
++SK_BOOL IsConTypeDefined = SK_TRUE;
++SK_BOOL IsLinkSpeedDefined = SK_TRUE;
++SK_BOOL IsFlowCtrlDefined = SK_TRUE;
++SK_BOOL IsRoleDefined = SK_TRUE;
++SK_BOOL IsModeDefined = SK_TRUE;
+ /*
+ * The two parameters AutoNeg. and DuplexCap. map to one configuration
+ * parameter. The mapping is described by this table:
+@@ -3563,6 +4163,15 @@
++SK_U32 IrqModMask[7][2] =
+ #define DC_BOTH 0
+ #define DC_FULL 1
+ #define DC_HALF 2
+@@ -3602,7 +4211,7 @@
+ **
+ ** This ConType parameter is used for all ports of the adapter!
+ */
+- if ( (ConType != NULL) &&
++ if ( (ConType != NULL) &&
+ (pAC->Index < SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM) &&
+ (ConType[pAC->Index] != NULL) ) {
+@@ -3628,40 +4237,40 @@
+ M_CurrPort.PMSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO;
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_AUTO;
+ }
+- } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"100FD")==0) {
++ } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"100FD")==0) {
+ for (Port = 0; Port < SK_MAX_MACS; Port++) {
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkModeConf = Capabilities[AN_OFF][DC_FULL];
+ M_CurrPort.PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
+ M_CurrPort.PMSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO;
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_100MBPS;
+ }
+- } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"100HD")==0) {
++ } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"100HD")==0) {
+ for (Port = 0; Port < SK_MAX_MACS; Port++) {
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkModeConf = Capabilities[AN_OFF][DC_HALF];
+ M_CurrPort.PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
+ M_CurrPort.PMSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO;
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_100MBPS;
+ }
+- } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"10FD")==0) {
++ } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"10FD")==0) {
+ for (Port = 0; Port < SK_MAX_MACS; Port++) {
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkModeConf = Capabilities[AN_OFF][DC_FULL];
+ M_CurrPort.PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
+ M_CurrPort.PMSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO;
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_10MBPS;
+ }
+- } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"10HD")==0) {
++ } else if (strcmp(ConType[pAC->Index],"10HD")==0) {
+ for (Port = 0; Port < SK_MAX_MACS; Port++) {
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkModeConf = Capabilities[AN_OFF][DC_HALF];
+ M_CurrPort.PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
+ M_CurrPort.PMSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO;
+ M_CurrPort.PLinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_10MBPS;
+ }
+- } else {
++ } else {
+ printk("sk98lin: Illegal value \"%s\" for ConType\n",
+ ConType[pAC->Index]);
+ IsConTypeDefined = SK_FALSE; /* Wrong ConType defined */
+ }
+- } else {
++ } else {
+ IsConTypeDefined = SK_FALSE; /* No ConType defined */
+ }
+@@ -3680,14 +4289,30 @@
+ } else if (strcmp(Speed_A[pAC->Index],"100")==0) {
+ LinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_100MBPS;
+ } else if (strcmp(Speed_A[pAC->Index],"1000")==0) {
+- LinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS;
++ if ((pAC->PciDev->vendor == 0x11ab ) &&
++ (pAC->PciDev->device == 0x4350)) {
++ LinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_100MBPS;
++ printk("sk98lin: Illegal value \"%s\" for Speed_A.\n"
++ "Gigabit speed not possible with this chip revision!",
++ Speed_A[pAC->Index]);
++ } else {
++ LinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS;
++ }
+ } else {
+ printk("sk98lin: Illegal value \"%s\" for Speed_A\n",
+ Speed_A[pAC->Index]);
+ IsLinkSpeedDefined = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+- IsLinkSpeedDefined = SK_FALSE;
++ if ((pAC->PciDev->vendor == 0x11ab ) &&
++ (pAC->PciDev->device == 0x4350)) {
++ /* Gigabit speed not supported
++ * Swith to speed 100
++ */
++ LinkSpeed = SK_LSPEED_100MBPS;
++ } else {
++ IsLinkSpeedDefined = SK_FALSE;
++ }
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -3782,9 +4407,6 @@
+ }
+ if (!AutoSet && DupSet) {
+- printk("sk98lin: Port A: Duplex setting not"
+- " possible in\n default AutoNegotiation mode"
+- " (Sense).\n Using AutoNegotiation On\n");
+ AutoNeg = AN_ON;
+ }
+@@ -3812,7 +4434,7 @@
+ } else {
+ printk("sk98lin: Illegal value \"%s\" for FlowCtrl_A\n",
+- FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index]);
++ FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index]);
+ IsFlowCtrlDefined = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+@@ -3904,7 +4526,7 @@
+ ** Decide whether to set new config value if somethig valid has
+ ** been received.
+ */
+- if (IsLinkSpeedDefined) {
++ if (IsLinkSpeedDefined) {
+ pAC->GIni.GP[1].PLinkSpeed = LinkSpeed;
+ }
+@@ -3980,9 +4602,6 @@
+ }
+ if (!AutoSet && DupSet) {
+- printk("sk98lin: Port B: Duplex setting not"
+- " possible in\n default AutoNegotiation mode"
+- " (Sense).\n Using AutoNegotiation On\n");
+ AutoNeg = AN_ON;
+ }
+@@ -4095,11 +4714,15 @@
+ }
+ pAC->RlmtNets = 1;
++ pAC->RlmtMode = 0;
+ if (RlmtMode != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+ RlmtMode[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(RlmtMode[pAC->Index], "") == 0) {
+- pAC->RlmtMode = 0;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ pAC->RlmtMode = SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK;
++ pAC->RlmtNets = 2;
++ }
+ } else if (strcmp(RlmtMode[pAC->Index], "CheckLinkState") == 0) {
+ } else if (strcmp(RlmtMode[pAC->Index], "CheckLocalPort") == 0) {
+@@ -4120,12 +4743,37 @@
+ pAC->RlmtMode = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+- pAC->RlmtMode = 0;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
++ pAC->RlmtMode = SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK;
++ pAC->RlmtNets = 2;
++ }
+ }
++#ifdef SK_YUKON2
++ /*
++ ** use dualnet config per default
++ *
++ pAC->RlmtMode = SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK;
++ pAC->RlmtNets = 2;
++ */
++ /*
++ ** Check the LowLatance parameters
++ */
++ pAC->LowLatency = SK_FALSE;
++ if (LowLatency[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
++ if (strcmp(LowLatency[pAC->Index], "On") == 0) {
++ pAC->LowLatency = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ }
+ /*
+ ** Check the interrupt moderation parameters
+ */
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_NONE;
+ if (Moderation[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(Moderation[pAC->Index], "") == 0) {
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_NONE;
+@@ -4139,70 +4787,49 @@
+ printk("sk98lin: Illegal value \"%s\" for Moderation.\n"
+ " Disable interrupt moderation.\n",
+ Moderation[pAC->Index]);
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_NONE;
+- }
+- } else {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_NONE;
+- }
+- if (Stats[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+- if (strcmp(Stats[pAC->Index], "Yes") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DisplayStats = SK_TRUE;
+- } else {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DisplayStats = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DisplayStats = SK_FALSE;
++/* Set interrupt moderation if wished */
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect = C_INT_MOD_STATIC;
+ }
+ if (ModerationMask[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "Rx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_ONLY;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 0;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "Tx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_TX_ONLY;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 1;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "Sp") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_ONLY;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 2;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "RxSp") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_RX;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 3;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "SpRx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_RX;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 3;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "RxTx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_TX_RX;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 4;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "TxRx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_TX_RX;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 4;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "TxSp") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_TX;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 5;
+ } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "SpTx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_SP_TX;
+- } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "RxTxSp") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
+- } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "RxSpTx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
+- } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "TxRxSp") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
+- } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "TxSpRx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
+- } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "SpTxRx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
+- } else if (strcmp(ModerationMask[pAC->Index], "SpRxTx") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_TX_SP;
+- } else { /* some rubbish */
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_RX_ONLY;
+- }
+- } else { /* operator has stated nothing */
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IRQ_MASK_TX_RX;
+- }
+- if (AutoSizing[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+- if (strcmp(AutoSizing[pAC->Index], "On") == 0) {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.AutoSizing = SK_FALSE;
+- } else {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.AutoSizing = SK_FALSE;
++ IrqModMaskOffset = 5;
++ } else { /* some rubbish stated */
++ // IrqModMaskOffset = 6; ->has been initialized
++ // already at the begin of this function...
+ }
+- } else { /* operator has stated nothing */
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.AutoSizing = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IrqModMask[IrqModMaskOffset][0];
++ } else {
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaskIrqModeration = IrqModMask[IrqModMaskOffset][1];
+ }
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec = C_INTS_PER_SEC_DEFAULT;
++ } else {
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec = C_Y2_INTS_PER_SEC_DEFAULT;
++ }
+ if (IntsPerSec[pAC->Index] != 0) {
+ if ((IntsPerSec[pAC->Index]< C_INT_MOD_IPS_LOWER_RANGE) ||
+ (IntsPerSec[pAC->Index] > C_INT_MOD_IPS_UPPER_RANGE)) {
+@@ -4211,28 +4838,25 @@
+ IntsPerSec[pAC->Index],
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec = C_INTS_PER_SEC_DEFAULT;
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec);
+ } else {
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec = IntsPerSec[pAC->Index];
+ }
+- } else {
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec = C_INTS_PER_SEC_DEFAULT;
+- }
++ }
+ /*
+ ** Evaluate upper and lower moderation threshold
+ */
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSecUpperLimit =
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec +
+- (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec / 2);
++ (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec / 5);
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSecLowerLimit =
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec -
+- (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec / 2);
+- pAC->DynIrqModInfo.PrevTimeVal = jiffies; /* initial value */
++ (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec / 5);
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DynIrqModSampleInterval =
+ } /* GetConfiguration */
+@@ -4247,66 +4871,22 @@
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+-static void ProductStr(
+-SK_AC *pAC /* pointer to adapter context */
+-int StrLen = 80; /* length of the string, defined in SK_AC */
+-char Keyword[] = VPD_NAME; /* vpd productname identifier */
+-int ReturnCode; /* return code from vpd_read */
+-unsigned long Flags;
++static void ProductStr(SK_AC *pAC)
++ char Default[] = "Generic Marvell Yukon chipset Ethernet device";
++ char Key[] = VPD_NAME; /* VPD productname key */
++ int StrLen = 80; /* stringlen */
++ unsigned long Flags;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- ReturnCode = VpdRead(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Keyword, pAC->DeviceStr,
+- &StrLen);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+- if (ReturnCode != 0) {
+- /* there was an error reading the vpd data */
++ if (VpdRead(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Key, pAC->DeviceStr, &StrLen)) {
+ ("Error reading VPD data: %d\n", ReturnCode));
+- pAC->DeviceStr[0] = '\0';
++ strcpy(pAC->DeviceStr, Default);
+ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ } /* ProductStr */
+- *
+- * StartDrvCleanupTimer - Start timer to check for descriptors which
+- * might be placed in descriptor ring, but
+- * havent been handled up to now
+- *
+- * Description:
+- * This function requests a HW-timer fo the Yukon card. The actions to
+- * perform when this timer expires, are located in the SkDrvEvent().
+- *
+- * Returns: N/A
+- */
+-static void
+-StartDrvCleanupTimer(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- SK_EVPARA EventParam; /* Event struct for timer event */
+- SK_MEMSET((char *) &EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_DRV_RX_CLEANUP_TIMER;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->DrvCleanupTimer,
+- SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_TIMER, EventParam);
+- *
+- * StopDrvCleanupTimer - Stop timer to check for descriptors
+- *
+- * Description:
+- * This function requests a HW-timer fo the Yukon card. The actions to
+- * perform when this timer expires, are located in the SkDrvEvent().
+- *
+- * Returns: N/A
+- */
+-static void
+-StopDrvCleanupTimer(SK_AC *pAC) {
+- SkTimerStop(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->DrvCleanupTimer);
+- SK_MEMSET((char *) &pAC->DrvCleanupTimer, 0, sizeof(SK_TIMER));
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /* functions for common modules *********************************************/
+ /****************************************************************************/
+@@ -4395,7 +4975,9 @@
+ SK_U64 SkOsGetTime(SK_AC *pAC)
+ {
+ SK_U64 PrivateJiffies;
+ SkOsGetTimeCurrent(pAC, &PrivateJiffies);
+ return PrivateJiffies;
+ } /* SkOsGetTime */
+@@ -4550,29 +5132,26 @@
+ *
+ */
+ int SkDrvEvent(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* io-context */
+-SK_U32 Event, /* event-id */
+-SK_EVPARA Param) /* event-parameter */
+-SK_MBUF *pRlmtMbuf; /* pointer to a rlmt-mbuf structure */
+-struct sk_buff *pMsg; /* pointer to a message block */
+-int FromPort; /* the port from which we switch away */
+-int ToPort; /* the port we switch to */
+-SK_EVPARA NewPara; /* parameter for further events */
+-int Stat;
+-unsigned long Flags;
+-SK_BOOL DualNet;
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* IO control context */
++SK_U32 Event, /* event-id */
++SK_EVPARA Param) /* event-parameter */
++ SK_MBUF *pRlmtMbuf; /* pointer to a rlmt-mbuf structure */
++ struct sk_buff *pMsg; /* pointer to a message block */
++ SK_BOOL DualNet;
++ SK_U32 Reason;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ int FromPort; /* the port from which we switch away */
++ int ToPort; /* the port we switch to */
++ int Stat;
++ DEV_NET *pNet = NULL;
++ int WorkToDo = 1; /* min(*budget, dev->quota); */
++ int WorkDone = 0;
+ switch (Event) {
+- printk("%s: Adapter failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
+- /* disable interrupts */
+- SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+- /* cgoos */
+- break;
+ FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+@@ -4582,222 +5161,294 @@
+ } else {
+ printk("%s: Port B failed.\n", pAC->dev[1]->name);
+ }
+- /* cgoos */
+ break;
+- case SK_DRV_PORT_RESET: /* SK_U32 PortIdx */
+- /* action list 4 */
+ FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+ ("PORT RESET EVENT, Port: %d ", FromPort));
+- NewPara.Para64 = FromPort;
+- SkPnmiEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET, NewPara);
++ FromPort, SK_FALSE);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+- SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_HARD_RST);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_HARD_RST);
++ } else {
++ SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_HARD_RST);
++ }
+ pAC->dev[Param.Para32[0]]->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+- /* clear rx ring from received frames */
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE);
+- ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ WorkToDo = 1;
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE);
++ ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+- /* tschilling: Handling of return value inserted. */
+- if (SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort)) {
+- if (FromPort == 0) {
+- printk("%s: SkGeInitPort A failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon2) {
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ /* for Yukon II we want to have tist enabled all the time */
++ Y2_ENABLE_TIST(pAC->IoBase);
++ }
++ /* make sure that we do not accept any status LEs from now on */
++ /* port already waiting for tist */
++ ("Port %c is now waiting for specific Tist\n",
++ 'A' + FromPort));
++ pAC,
++ FromPort);
++ /* get current timestamp */
++ Y2_GET_TIST_LOW_VAL(pAC->IoBase, &pAC->MinTistLo);
++ pAC->MinTistHi = pAC->GIni.GITimeStampCnt;
++#ifndef Y2_RECOVERY
+ } else {
+- printk("%s: SkGeInitPort B failed.\n", pAC->dev[1]->name);
++ /* nobody is waiting yet */
++ pAC,
++ FromPort);
++ ("Port %c is now waiting for any Tist (0x%X)\n",
++ 'A' + FromPort, pAC->AdapterResetState));
++ /* start tist */
++ Y2_ENABLE_TIST(pAC-IoBase);
++ }
++ }
++#ifdef Y2_LE_CHECK
++ /* mark entries invalid */
++ pAC->LastPort = 3;
++ pAC->LastOpc = 0xFF;
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
++ } else {
++ /* tschilling: Handling of return value inserted. */
++ if (SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort)) {
++ if (FromPort == 0) {
++ printk("%s: SkGeInitPort A failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ } else {
++ printk("%s: SkGeInitPort B failed.\n", pAC->dev[1]->name);
++ }
+ }
++ SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC,IoC, FromPort);
++ PortReInitBmu(pAC, FromPort);
++ SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_TRUE);
+ }
+- SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC,IoC, FromPort);
+- PortReInitBmu(pAC, FromPort);
+- SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_TRUE);
+- ClearAndStartRx(pAC, FromPort);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+ break;
+- case SK_DRV_NET_UP: /* SK_U32 PortIdx */
+- /* action list 5 */
++ case SK_DRV_NET_UP:
+ FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+- ("NET UP EVENT, Port: %d ", Param.Para32[0]));
+- /* Mac update */
+- SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC,IoC, FromPort);
++ ("NET UP EVENT, Port: %d ", FromPort));
++ SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC,IoC, FromPort); /* Mac update */
+ if (DoPrintInterfaceChange) {
+- printk("%s: network connection up using"
+- " port %c\n", pAC->dev[Param.Para32[0]]->name, 'A'+Param.Para32[0]);
++ printk("%s: network connection up using port %c\n",
++ pAC->dev[FromPort]->name, 'A'+FromPort);
+- /* tschilling: Values changed according to LinkSpeedUsed. */
+- Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PLinkSpeedUsed;
+- if (Stat == SK_LSPEED_STAT_10MBPS) {
+- printk(" speed: 10\n");
+- } else if (Stat == SK_LSPEED_STAT_100MBPS) {
+- printk(" speed: 100\n");
+- } else if (Stat == SK_LSPEED_STAT_1000MBPS) {
+- printk(" speed: 1000\n");
+- } else {
+- printk(" speed: unknown\n");
+- }
++ /* tschilling: Values changed according to LinkSpeedUsed. */
++ Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PLinkSpeedUsed;
++ if (Stat == SK_LSPEED_STAT_10MBPS) {
++ printk(" speed: 10\n");
++ } else if (Stat == SK_LSPEED_STAT_100MBPS) {
++ printk(" speed: 100\n");
++ } else if (Stat == SK_LSPEED_STAT_1000MBPS) {
++ printk(" speed: 1000\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" speed: unknown\n");
++ }
++ Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PLinkModeStatus;
++ if ((Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF) ||
++ printk(" autonegotiation: yes\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" autonegotiation: no\n");
++ }
+- Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PLinkModeStatus;
+- if (Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF ||
+- printk(" autonegotiation: yes\n");
+- }
+- else {
+- printk(" autonegotiation: no\n");
+- }
+- if (Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF ||
+- Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_HALF) {
+- printk(" duplex mode: half\n");
+- }
+- else {
+- printk(" duplex mode: full\n");
+- }
+- Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PFlowCtrlStatus;
+- if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND ) {
+- printk(" flowctrl: remote send\n");
+- }
+- else if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND ){
+- printk(" flowctrl: local send\n");
+- }
+- else if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_SYMMETRIC ){
+- printk(" flowctrl: symmetric\n");
+- }
+- else {
+- printk(" flowctrl: none\n");
+- }
+- /* tschilling: Check against CopperType now. */
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GICopperType == SK_TRUE) &&
+- (pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PLinkSpeedUsed ==
+- Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PMSStatus;
+- if (Stat == SK_MS_STAT_MASTER ) {
+- printk(" role: master\n");
++ if ((Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF) ||
++ (Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_HALF)) {
++ printk(" duplex mode: half\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" duplex mode: full\n");
+ }
+- else if (Stat == SK_MS_STAT_SLAVE ) {
+- printk(" role: slave\n");
++ Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PFlowCtrlStatus;
++ if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND ) {
++ printk(" flowctrl: remote send\n");
++ } else if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND ) {
++ printk(" flowctrl: local send\n");
++ } else if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_SYMMETRIC ) {
++ printk(" flowctrl: symmetric\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" flowctrl: none\n");
+ }
+- else {
+- printk(" role: ???\n");
++ /* tschilling: Check against CopperType now. */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GICopperType == SK_TRUE) &&
++ (pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PLinkSpeedUsed ==
++ Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PMSStatus;
++ if (Stat == SK_MS_STAT_MASTER ) {
++ printk(" role: master\n");
++ } else if (Stat == SK_MS_STAT_SLAVE ) {
++ printk(" role: slave\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" role: ???\n");
++ }
+ }
+- }
+- /*
+- Display dim (dynamic interrupt moderation)
+- informations
+- */
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_STATIC)
+- printk(" irq moderation: static (%d ints/sec)\n",
++ /* Display interrupt moderation informations */
++ if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_STATIC) {
++ printk(" irq moderation: static (%d ints/sec)\n",
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec);
+- else if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC)
+- printk(" irq moderation: dynamic (%d ints/sec)\n",
++ } else if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
++ printk(" irq moderation: dynamic (%d ints/sec)\n",
+ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec);
+- else
+- printk(" irq moderation: disabled\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" irq moderation: disabled\n");
++ }
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->dev[FromPort]->features & NETIF_F_TSO) {
++ printk(" tcp offload: enabled\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" tcp offload: disabled\n");
++ }
++ }
++ if (pAC->dev[FromPort]->features & NETIF_F_SG) {
++ printk(" scatter-gather: enabled\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" scatter-gather: disabled\n");
++ }
+-#ifdef SK_ZEROCOPY
+- if (pAC->ChipsetType)
+- printk(" scatter-gather: enabled\n");
+- printk(" tx-checksum: disabled\n");
+- else
+- printk(" scatter-gather: disabled\n");
+- printk(" scatter-gather: disabled\n");
++ if (pAC->dev[FromPort]->features & NETIF_F_IP_CSUM) {
++ printk(" tx-checksum: enabled\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" tx-checksum: disabled\n");
++ }
+- printk(" rx-checksum: disabled\n");
++ if (pAC->RxPort[FromPort].UseRxCsum) {
++ printk(" rx-checksum: enabled\n");
++ } else {
++ printk(" rx-checksum: disabled\n");
++ }
++ printk(" rx-polling: enabled\n");
+ #endif
++ if (pAC->LowLatency) {
++ printk(" low latency: enabled\n");
++ }
+ } else {
+- DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_TRUE;
+- }
++ DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_TRUE;
++ }
+- if ((Param.Para32[0] != pAC->ActivePort) &&
+- (pAC->RlmtNets == 1)) {
+- NewPara.Para32[0] = pAC->ActivePort;
+- NewPara.Para32[1] = Param.Para32[0];
+- NewPara);
++ if ((FromPort != pAC->ActivePort)&&(pAC->RlmtNets == 1)) {
++ pAC->ActivePort, FromPort, SK_FALSE);
+ }
+ /* Inform the world that link protocol is up. */
+- pAC->dev[Param.Para32[0]]->flags |= IFF_RUNNING;
++ netif_wake_queue(pAC->dev[FromPort]);
++ netif_carrier_on(pAC->dev[FromPort]);
++ pAC->dev[FromPort]->flags |= IFF_RUNNING;
+ break;
+- case SK_DRV_NET_DOWN: /* SK_U32 Reason */
+- /* action list 7 */
++ case SK_DRV_NET_DOWN:
++ Reason = Param.Para32[0];
++ FromPort = Param.Para32[1];
++ /* Stop queue and carrier */
++ netif_stop_queue(pAC->dev[FromPort]);
++ netif_carrier_off(pAC->dev[FromPort]);
++ /* Print link change */
+ if (DoPrintInterfaceChange) {
+- printk("%s: network connection down\n",
+- pAC->dev[Param.Para32[1]]->name);
++ if (pAC->dev[FromPort]->flags & IFF_RUNNING) {
++ printk("%s: network connection down\n",
++ pAC->dev[FromPort]->name);
++ }
+ } else {
+ DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_TRUE;
+ }
+- pAC->dev[Param.Para32[1]]->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
++ pAC->dev[FromPort]->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
+ break;
+- case SK_DRV_SWITCH_HARD: /* SK_U32 FromPortIdx SK_U32 ToPortIdx */
+- case SK_DRV_SWITCH_SOFT: /* SK_U32 FromPortIdx SK_U32 ToPortIdx */
+- /* action list 6 */
+- printk("%s: switching to port %c\n", pAC->dev[0]->name,
+- 'A'+Param.Para32[1]);
+- case SK_DRV_SWITCH_INTERN: /* SK_U32 FromPortIdx SK_U32 ToPortIdx */
+ FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+- ToPort = Param.Para32[1];
++ ToPort = Param.Para32[1];
++ printk("%s: switching from port %c to port %c\n",
++ pAC->dev[0]->name, 'A'+FromPort, 'A'+ToPort);
+ ("PORT SWITCH EVENT, From: %d To: %d (Pref %d) ",
+ FromPort, ToPort, pAC->Rlmt.Net[0].PrefPort));
+- NewPara.Para64 = FromPort;
+- SkPnmiEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET, NewPara);
+- NewPara.Para64 = ToPort;
+- SkPnmiEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET, NewPara);
++ FromPort, SK_FALSE);
++ ToPort, SK_FALSE);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+- spin_lock_irqsave(
+- &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+- SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
+- SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, ToPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+- &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
++ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, IoC, ToPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ }
++ else {
++ SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, ToPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE); /* clears rx ring */
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[ToPort], SK_FALSE); /* clears rx ring */
+- ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+- ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ WorkToDo = 1;
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[ToPort], SK_FALSE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE); /* clears rx ring */
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[ToPort], SK_FALSE); /* clears rx ring */
++ ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+- spin_lock_irqsave(
+- &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
++ spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+ pAC->ActivePort = ToPort;
+-#if 0
+- SetQueueSizes(pAC);
+ /* tschilling: New common function with minimum size check. */
+ DualNet = SK_FALSE;
+ if (pAC->RlmtNets == 2) {
+@@ -4808,85 +5459,345 @@
+ pAC,
+ pAC->ActivePort,
+ DualNet)) {
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+- &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
++ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+ printk("SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues failed.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+- /* tschilling: Handling of return values inserted. */
+- if (SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort) ||
+- SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, ToPort)) {
+- printk("%s: SkGeInitPort failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* tschilling: Handling of return values inserted. */
++ if (SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort) ||
++ SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, ToPort)) {
++ printk("%s: SkGeInitPort failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ }
+ }
+- if (Event == SK_DRV_SWITCH_SOFT) {
+- SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (Event == SK_DRV_SWITCH_SOFT) {
++ SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
++ }
++ SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, ToPort);
+ }
+- SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, ToPort);
+ SkAddrSwap(pAC, IoC, FromPort, ToPort);
+ SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
+ SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, ToPort);
+- PortReInitBmu(pAC, FromPort);
+- PortReInitBmu(pAC, ToPort);
+- SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_TRUE);
+- SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, ToPort, SK_TRUE);
+- ClearAndStartRx(pAC, FromPort);
+- ClearAndStartRx(pAC, ToPort);
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+- &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon2) {
++ /* make sure that we do not accept any status LEs from now on */
++ ("both Ports now waiting for specific Tist\n"));
++ pAC,
++ 0);
++ pAC,
++ 1);
++ /* start tist */
++ Y2_ENABLE_TIST(pAC->IoBase);
++ }
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ PortReInitBmu(pAC, FromPort);
++ PortReInitBmu(pAC, ToPort);
++ SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_TRUE);
++ SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, ToPort, SK_TRUE);
++ } else {
++ SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
++ SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, ToPort);
++#ifdef SK_YUKON2
++ /* in yukon-II always port 0 has to be started first */
++ // SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, 0);
++ // SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, 1);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+ Flags);
+ break;
+ case SK_DRV_RLMT_SEND: /* SK_MBUF *pMb */
+- ("RLS "));
+ pRlmtMbuf = (SK_MBUF*) Param.pParaPtr;
+ pMsg = (struct sk_buff*) pRlmtMbuf->pOs;
+ skb_put(pMsg, pRlmtMbuf->Length);
+- if (XmitFrame(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[pRlmtMbuf->PortIdx][TX_PRIO_LOW],
+- pMsg) < 0)
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (XmitFrame(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[pRlmtMbuf->PortIdx][TX_PRIO_LOW],
++ pMsg) < 0) {
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (SkY2RlmtSend(pAC, pRlmtMbuf->PortIdx, pMsg) < 0) {
++ }
++ }
+ break;
+ case SK_DRV_TIMER:
+ if (Param.Para32[0] == SK_DRV_MODERATION_TIMER) {
+- /*
+- ** expiration of the moderation timer implies that
+- ** dynamic moderation is to be applied
+- */
++ /* check what IRQs are to be moderated */
+ SkDimStartModerationTimer(pAC);
+ SkDimModerate(pAC);
+- if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.DisplayStats) {
+- SkDimDisplayModerationSettings(pAC);
+- }
+- } else if (Param.Para32[0] == SK_DRV_RX_CLEANUP_TIMER) {
+- /*
+- ** check if we need to check for descriptors which
+- ** haven't been handled the last millisecs
+- */
+- StartDrvCleanupTimer(pAC);
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[1], SK_FALSE);
+- }
+- ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0], SK_FALSE);
+ } else {
+ printk("Expiration of unknown timer\n");
+ }
+ break;
++#if (!defined (Y2_RECOVERY) && !defined (Y2_LE_CHECK))
++ printk("%s: Adapter failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0); /* disable interrupts */
++ break;
++#if (defined (Y2_RECOVERY) || defined (Y2_LE_CHECK))
++ pNet = (DEV_NET *) pAC->dev[0]->priv;
++ /* Recover already in progress */
++ if (pNet->InRecover) {
++ break;
++ }
++ netif_stop_queue(pAC->dev[0]); /* stop device if running */
++ pNet->InRecover = SK_TRUE;
++ FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
++ ("PORT RESET EVENT, Port: %d ", FromPort));
++ /* Disable interrupts */
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_HWE_IMSK, 0);
++ FromPort, SK_FALSE);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(
++ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
++ Flags);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, IoC, 1, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ } else {
++ SkY2PortStop(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ }
++ } else {
++ SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
++ }
++ pAC->dev[Param.Para32[0]]->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
++ Flags);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ WorkToDo = 1;
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort], SK_FALSE);
++ ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(
++ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
++ Flags);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon2) {
++#if 0
++ /* make sure that we do not accept any status LEs from now on */
++ Y2_ENABLE_TIST(pAC->IoBase);
++ /* get current timestamp */
++ Y2_GET_TIST_LOW_VAL(pAC->IoBase, &pAC->MinTistLo);
++ pAC->MinTistHi = pAC->GIni.GITimeStampCnt;
++ pAC,
++ FromPort);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
++ pAC,
++ 0);
++ pAC,
++ 1);
++ } else {
++ pAC,
++ FromPort);
++ }
++ /* start tist */
++ Y2_ENABLE_TIST(pAC->IoBase);
++ }
++ /* Restart Receive BMU on Yukon-2 */
++ if (SkYuk2RestartRxBmu(pAC, IoC, FromPort)) {
++ printk("%s: SkYuk2RestartRxBmu failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ }
++#ifdef Y2_LE_CHECK
++ /* mark entries invalid */
++ pAC->LastPort = 3;
++ pAC->LastOpc = 0xFF;
++ /* Restart ports but do not initialize PHY. */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
++ SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, 0);
++ SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, 1);
++ } else {
++ SkY2PortStart(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* tschilling: Handling of return value inserted. */
++ if (SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort)) {
++ if (FromPort == 0) {
++ printk("%s: SkGeInitPort A failed.\n", pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ } else {
++ printk("%s: SkGeInitPort B failed.\n", pAC->dev[1]->name);
++ }
++ }
++ SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC,IoC, FromPort);
++ PortReInitBmu(pAC, FromPort);
++ SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_TRUE);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
++ Flags);
++ /* Map any waiting RX buffers to HW */
++ FillReceiveTableYukon2(pAC, pAC->IoBase, FromPort);
++ pNet->InRecover = SK_FALSE;
++ /* enable Interrupts */
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ netif_wake_queue(pAC->dev[0]);
++ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ("END EVENT "));
+ return (0);
+ } /* SkDrvEvent */
++ *
++ * SkLocalEventQueue() - add event to queue
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function adds an event to the event queue and run the
++ * SkEventDispatcher. At least Init Level 1 is required to queue events,
++ * but will be scheduled add Init Level 2.
++ *
++ * returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++void SkLocalEventQueue(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
++SK_U32 Class, /* Event Class */
++SK_U32 Event, /* Event to be queued */
++SK_U32 Param1, /* Event parameter 1 */
++SK_U32 Param2, /* Event parameter 2 */
++SK_BOOL Dispatcher) /* Dispatcher flag:
++ * TRUE == Call SkEventDispatcher
++ * FALSE == Don't execute SkEventDispatcher
++ */
++ SK_EVPARA EvPara;
++ EvPara.Para32[0] = Param1;
++ EvPara.Para32[1] = Param2;
++ if (Class == SKGE_PNMI) {
++ SkPnmiEvent( pAC,
++ pAC->IoBase,
++ Event,
++ EvPara);
++ } else {
++ SkEventQueue( pAC,
++ Class,
++ Event,
++ EvPara);
++ }
++ /* Run the dispatcher */
++ if (Dispatcher) {
++ SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ }
++ *
++ * SkLocalEventQueue64() - add event to queue (64bit version)
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function adds an event to the event queue and run the
++ * SkEventDispatcher. At least Init Level 1 is required to queue events,
++ * but will be scheduled add Init Level 2.
++ *
++ * returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++void SkLocalEventQueue64(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
++SK_U32 Class, /* Event Class */
++SK_U32 Event, /* Event to be queued */
++SK_U64 Param, /* Event parameter */
++SK_BOOL Dispatcher) /* Dispatcher flag:
++ * TRUE == Call SkEventDispatcher
++ * FALSE == Don't execute SkEventDispatcher
++ */
++ SK_EVPARA EvPara;
++ EvPara.Para64 = Param;
++ if (Class == SKGE_PNMI) {
++ SkPnmiEvent( pAC,
++ pAC->IoBase,
++ Event,
++ EvPara);
++ } else {
++ SkEventQueue( pAC,
++ Class,
++ Event,
++ EvPara);
++ }
++ /* Run the dispatcher */
++ if (Dispatcher) {
++ SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ }
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkErrorLog - log errors
+@@ -4936,8 +5847,6 @@
+ } /* SkErrorLog */
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkDrvEnterDiagMode - handles DIAG attach request
+@@ -4963,7 +5872,7 @@
+ pAC->DiagModeActive = DIAG_ACTIVE;
+ if (pAC->BoardLevel > SK_INIT_DATA) {
+- if (pNet->Up) {
++ if (netif_running(pAC->dev[0])) {
+ pAC->WasIfUp[0] = SK_TRUE;
+ pAC->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_TRUE; /* for SkGeClose */
+ DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_FALSE;
+@@ -4971,9 +5880,10 @@
+ } else {
+ pAC->WasIfUp[0] = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (pNet != (DEV_NET *) pAc->dev[1]->priv) {
+ pNet = (DEV_NET *) pAc->dev[1]->priv;
+- if (pNet->Up) {
++ if (netif_running(pAC->dev[1])) {
+ pAC->WasIfUp[1] = SK_TRUE;
+ pAC->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_TRUE; /* for SkGeClose */
+ DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_FALSE;
+@@ -5005,16 +5915,16 @@
+ pAc->DiagModeActive = DIAG_NOTACTIVE;
+ pAc->Pnmi.DiagAttached = SK_DIAG_IDLE;
+- if (pAc->WasIfUp[0] == SK_TRUE) {
+- pAc->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_TRUE; /* for SkGeClose */
++ if (pAc->WasIfUp[0] == SK_TRUE) {
++ pAc->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_TRUE; /* for SkGeClose */
+ DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_FALSE;
+- SkDrvInitAdapter(pAc, 0); /* first device */
+- }
+- if (pAc->WasIfUp[1] == SK_TRUE) {
+- pAc->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_TRUE; /* for SkGeClose */
++ SkDrvInitAdapter(pAc, 0); /* first device */
++ }
++ if (pAc->WasIfUp[1] == SK_TRUE) {
++ pAc->DiagFlowCtrl = SK_TRUE; /* for SkGeClose */
+ DoPrintInterfaceChange = SK_FALSE;
+- SkDrvInitAdapter(pAc, 1); /* second device */
+- }
++ SkDrvInitAdapter(pAc, 1); /* second device */
++ }
+ return(0);
+ }
+@@ -5159,14 +6069,25 @@
+ } /* SkDrvInitAdapter */
++static int __init sk98lin_init(void)
++ return pci_module_init(&sk98lin_driver);
++static void __exit sk98lin_cleanup(void)
++ pci_unregister_driver(&sk98lin_driver);
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /* "debug only" section *****************************************************/
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * DumpMsg - print a frame
+@@ -5177,9 +6098,11 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *
+ */
+-static void DumpMsg(struct sk_buff *skb, char *str)
++static void DumpMsg(
++struct sk_buff *skb, /* linux' socket buffer */
++char *str) /* additional msg string */
+ {
+- int msglen;
++ int msglen = (skb->len > 64) ? 64 : skb->len;
+ if (skb == NULL) {
+ printk("DumpMsg(): NULL-Message\n");
+@@ -5191,19 +6114,14 @@
+ return;
+ }
+- msglen = skb->len;
+- if (msglen > 64)
+- msglen = 64;
+- printk("--- Begin of message from %s , len %d (from %d) ----\n", str, msglen, skb->len);
++ printk("DumpMsg: PhysPage: %p\n",
++ page_address(virt_to_page(skb->data)));
++ printk("--- Begin of message from %s , len %d (from %d) ----\n",
++ str, msglen, skb->len);
+ DumpData((char *)skb->data, msglen);
+ printk("------- End of message ---------\n");
+ } /* DumpMsg */
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * DumpData - print a data area
+@@ -5215,23 +6133,22 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *
+ */
+-static void DumpData(char *p, int size)
+-register int i;
+-int haddr, addr;
+-char hex_buffer[180];
+-char asc_buffer[180];
+-char HEXCHAR[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+- addr = 0;
+- haddr = 0;
+- hex_buffer[0] = 0;
+- asc_buffer[0] = 0;
++static void DumpData(
++char *p, /* pointer to area containing the data */
++int size) /* the size of that data area in bytes */
++ register int i;
++ int haddr = 0, addr = 0;
++ char hex_buffer[180] = { '\0' };
++ char asc_buffer[180] = { '\0' };
++ char HEXCHAR[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ for (i=0; i < size; ) {
+- if (*p >= '0' && *p <='z')
++ if (*p >= '0' && *p <='z') {
+ asc_buffer[addr] = *p;
+- else
++ } else {
+ asc_buffer[addr] = '.';
++ }
+ addr++;
+ asc_buffer[addr] = 0;
+ hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(*p & 0xf0) >> 4];
+@@ -5257,27 +6174,24 @@
+ * DumpLong - print a data area as long values
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * This function prints a area of data to the system logfile/to the
++ * This function prints a long variable to the system logfile/to the
+ * console.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *
+ */
+-static void DumpLong(char *pc, int size)
+-register int i;
+-int haddr, addr;
+-char hex_buffer[180];
+-char asc_buffer[180];
+-char HEXCHAR[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+-long *p;
+-int l;
+- addr = 0;
+- haddr = 0;
+- hex_buffer[0] = 0;
+- asc_buffer[0] = 0;
+- p = (long*) pc;
++static void DumpLong(
++char *pc, /* location of the variable to print */
++int size) /* how large is the variable? */
++ register int i;
++ int haddr = 0, addr = 0;
++ char hex_buffer[180] = { '\0' };
++ char asc_buffer[180] = { '\0' };
++ char HEXCHAR[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
++ long *p = (long*) pc;
++ int l;
+ for (i=0; i < size; ) {
+ l = (long) *p;
+ hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 28) & 0xf];
+@@ -5316,3 +6230,4 @@
+ * End of file
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgehwt.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgehwt.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgehwt.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgehwt.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgehwt.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Event Scheduler Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.15 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 13:41:23 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.2 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/05/28 13:39:04 $
+ * Purpose: Hardware Timer
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ */
+ #if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skgehwt.c,v 1.15 2003/09/16 13:41:23 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++ "@(#) $Id: skgehwt.c,v 2.2 2004/05/28 13:39:04 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #endif
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h" /* Driver Specific Definitions */
+@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
+ /*
+ * Prototypes of local functions.
+ */
+-#define SK_HWT_MAX (65000)
++#define SK_HWT_MAX 65000UL * 160 /* ca. 10 sec. */
+ /* correction factor */
+-#define SK_HWT_FAC (1000 * (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact / 100)
++#define SK_HWT_FAC (10 * (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact / 16)
+ /*
+ * Initialize hardware timer.
+@@ -73,29 +73,21 @@
+ void SkHwtStart(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
+ SK_IOC Ioc, /* IoContext */
+-SK_U32 Time) /* Time in units of 16us to load the timer with. */
++SK_U32 Time) /* Time in usec to load the timer */
+ {
+- SK_U32 Cnt;
+ if (Time > SK_HWT_MAX)
+ Time = SK_HWT_MAX;
+ pAC->Hwt.TStart = Time;
+ pAC->Hwt.TStop = 0L;
+- Cnt = Time;
+- /*
+- * if time < 16 us
+- * time = 16 us
+- */
+- if (!Cnt) {
+- Cnt++;
++ if (!Time) {
++ Time = 1L;
+ }
+- SK_OUT32(Ioc, B2_TI_INI, Cnt * SK_HWT_FAC);
+- SK_OUT16(Ioc, B2_TI_CTRL, TIM_START); /* Start timer. */
++ SK_OUT32(Ioc, B2_TI_INI, Time * SK_HWT_FAC);
++ SK_OUT16(Ioc, B2_TI_CTRL, TIM_START); /* Start timer */
+ pAC->Hwt.TActive = SK_TRUE;
+ }
+@@ -109,13 +101,12 @@
+ SK_IOC Ioc) /* IoContext */
+ {
+ pAC->Hwt.TActive = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Stop hardware timer and read time elapsed since last start.
+ *
+@@ -129,6 +120,9 @@
+ {
+ SK_U32 TRead;
+ SK_U32 IStatus;
++ SK_U32 TimerInt;
+ if (pAC->Hwt.TActive) {
+@@ -139,15 +133,15 @@
+ SK_IN32(Ioc, B0_ISRC, &IStatus);
+- /* Check if timer expired (or wraped around) */
+- if ((TRead > pAC->Hwt.TStart) || (IStatus & IS_TIMINT)) {
++ /* Check if timer expired (or wrapped around) */
++ if ((TRead > pAC->Hwt.TStart) || ((IStatus & TimerInt) != 0)) {
+ SkHwtStop(pAC, Ioc);
+ pAC->Hwt.TStop = pAC->Hwt.TStart;
+ }
+ else {
+ pAC->Hwt.TStop = pAC->Hwt.TStart - TRead;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -162,9 +156,9 @@
+ SK_IOC Ioc) /* IoContext */
+ {
+ SkHwtStop(pAC, Ioc);
+ pAC->Hwt.TStop = pAC->Hwt.TStart;
+ SkTimerDone(pAC, Ioc);
+ }
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgeinit.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgeinit.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgeinit.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgeinit.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgeinit.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.97 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/02 16:45:31 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.77 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/19 15:38:26 $
+ * Purpose: Contains functions to initialize the adapter
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
+ #if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skgeinit.c,v 1.97 2003/10/02 16:45:31 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++ "@(#) $Id: skgeinit.c,v 2.77 2005/07/19 15:38:26 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #endif
+ struct s_QOffTab {
+@@ -59,6 +58,96 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
++ * SkGePortVlan() - Enable / Disable VLAN support
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Enable or disable the VLAN support of the selected port.
++ * The new configuration is *not* saved over any SkGeStopPort() and
++ * SkGeInitPort() calls.
++ * Currently this function is only supported on Yukon-2/EC adapters.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++void SkGePortVlan(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port number */
++SK_BOOL Enable) /* Flag */
++ SK_U32 RxCtrl;
++ SK_U32 TxCtrl;
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (Enable) {
++ TxCtrl = TX_VLAN_TAG_ON;
++ }
++ else {
++ TxCtrl = TX_VLAN_TAG_OFF;
++ }
++ }
++} /* SkGePortVlan */
++ *
++ * SkGeRxRss() - Enable / Disable RSS Hash Calculation
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Enable or disable the RSS hash calculation of the selected port.
++ * The new configuration is *not* saved over any SkGeStopPort() and
++ * SkGeInitPort() calls.
++ * Currently this function is only supported on Yukon-2/EC adapters.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++void SkGeRxRss(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port number */
++SK_BOOL Enable) /* Flag */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PRxQOff, Q_CSR),
++ }
++} /* SkGeRxRss */
++ *
++ * SkGeRxCsum() - Enable / Disable Receive Checksum
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Enable or disable the checksum of the selected port.
++ * The new configuration is *not* saved over any SkGeStopPort() and
++ * SkGeInitPort() calls.
++ * Currently this function is only supported on Yukon-2/EC adapters.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++void SkGeRxCsum(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port number */
++SK_BOOL Enable) /* Flag */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PRxQOff, Q_CSR),
++ }
++} /* SkGeRxCsum */
++ *
+ * SkGePollRxD() - Enable / Disable Descriptor Polling of RxD Ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+@@ -71,8 +160,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGePollRxD(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL PollRxD) /* SK_TRUE (enable pol.), SK_FALSE (disable pol.) */
+ {
+@@ -80,8 +169,8 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_CSR), (PollRxD) ?
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_CSR), (SK_U32)((PollRxD) ?
+ } /* SkGePollRxD */
+@@ -99,8 +188,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGePollTxD(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL PollTxD) /* SK_TRUE (enable pol.), SK_FALSE (disable pol.) */
+ {
+@@ -114,7 +203,7 @@
+ if (pPrt->PXSQSize != 0) {
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_CSR), DWord);
+ }
+ if (pPrt->PXAQSize != 0) {
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_CSR), DWord);
+ }
+@@ -135,17 +224,27 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGeYellowLED(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int State) /* yellow LED state, 0 = OFF, 0 != ON */
+ {
++ int LedReg;
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* different mapping on Yukon-2 */
++ LedReg = B0_CTST + 1;
++ }
++ else {
++ LedReg = B0_LED;
++ }
+ if (State == 0) {
+- /* Switch yellow LED OFF */
++ /* Switch state LED OFF */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, LedReg, LED_STAT_OFF);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Switch yellow LED ON */
++ /* Switch state LED ON */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, LedReg, LED_STAT_ON);
+ }
+ } /* SkGeYellowLED */
+@@ -169,8 +268,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGeXmitLED(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Led, /* offset to the LED Init Value register */
+ int Mode) /* Mode may be SK_LED_DIS, SK_LED_ENA, SK_LED_TST */
+ {
+@@ -195,15 +294,14 @@
+ */
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, Led + XMIT_LED_CNT, 0);
+- break;
+ }
+ /*
+- * 1000BT: The Transmit LED is driven by the PHY.
++ * 1000BT: the Transmit LED is driven by the PHY.
+ * But the default LED configuration is used for
+ * Level One and Broadcom PHYs.
+- * (Broadcom: It may be that PHY_B_PEC_EN_LTR has to be set.)
+- * (In this case it has to be added here. But we will see. XXX)
++ * (Broadcom: It may be that PHY_B_PEC_EN_LTR has to be set.
++ * In this case it has to be added here.)
+ */
+ } /* SkGeXmitLED */
+ #endif /* !SK_SLIM || GENESIS */
+@@ -227,7 +325,7 @@
+ * 1: configuration error
+ */
+ static int DoCalcAddr(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+ SK_GEPORT SK_FAR *pPrt, /* port index */
+ int QuSize, /* size of the queue to configure in kB */
+ SK_U32 SK_FAR *StartVal, /* start value for address calculation */
+@@ -264,12 +362,35 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
++ * SkGeRoundQueueSize() - Round the given queue size to the adpaters QZ units
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function rounds the given queue size in kBs to adapter specific
++ * queue size units (Genesis and Yukon: 8 kB, Yukon-2/EC: 1 kB).
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * the rounded queue size in kB
++ */
++static int SkGeRoundQueueSize(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++int QueueSizeKB) /* Queue size in kB */
++ int QueueSizeSteps;
++ QueueSizeSteps = (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) ? QZ_STEP_Y2 : QZ_STEP;
++ return((QueueSizeKB + QueueSizeSteps - 1) & ~(QueueSizeSteps - 1));
++} /* SkGeRoundQueueSize */
++ *
+ * SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues() - allocate default queue sizes
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * This function assigns the memory to the different queues and ports.
+ * When DualNet is set to SK_TRUE all ports get the same amount of memory.
+- * Otherwise the first port gets most of the memory and all the
++ * Otherwise the first port gets most of the memory and all the
+ * other ports just the required minimum.
+ * This function can only be called when pAC->GIni.GIRamSize and
+ * pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound have been initialized, usually this happens
+@@ -282,102 +403,141 @@
+ */
+ int SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+ int ActivePort, /* Active Port in RLMT mode */
+-SK_BOOL DualNet) /* adapter context */
++SK_BOOL DualNet) /* Dual Net active */
+ {
+ int i;
+ int UsedKilobytes; /* memory already assigned */
+ int ActivePortKilobytes; /* memory available for active port */
+- SK_GEPORT *pGePort;
+- UsedKilobytes = 0;
++ int MinQueueSize; /* min. memory for queues */
++ int TotalRamSize; /* total memory for queues */
++ SK_BOOL DualPortYukon2;
++ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ if (ActivePort >= pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound) {
+ ("SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues: ActivePort (%d) invalid\n",
+ ActivePort));
+ return(1);
+ }
+- if (((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound * (SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE + SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE)) +
+- ((RAM_QUOTA_SYNC == 0) ? 0 : SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE)) > pAC->GIni.GIRamSize) {
++ DualPortYukon2 = (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC) && pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2);
++ TotalRamSize = pAC->GIni.GIRamSize;
++ if (DualPortYukon2) {
++ TotalRamSize *= 2;
++ }
++ if (MinQueueSize > pAC->GIni.GIRamSize) {
++ MinQueueSize = pAC->GIni.GIRamSize;
++ }
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound * MinQueueSize +
++ RAM_QUOTA_SYNC * SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE) > TotalRamSize) {
+ ("SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues: Not enough memory (%d)\n",
+- pAC->GIni.GIRamSize));
++ TotalRamSize));
+ return(2);
+ }
+ if (DualNet) {
+ /* every port gets the same amount of memory */
+- ActivePortKilobytes = pAC->GIni.GIRamSize / pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
++ ActivePortKilobytes = TotalRamSize / pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- pGePort = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
++ if (DualPortYukon2) {
++ ActivePortKilobytes = pAC->GIni.GIRamSize;
++ }
+ /* take away the minimum memory for active queues */
+- ActivePortKilobytes -= (SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE + SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE);
++ ActivePortKilobytes -= MinQueueSize;
+ /* receive queue gets the minimum + 80% of the rest */
+- pGePort->PRxQSize = (int) (ROUND_QUEUE_SIZE_KB((
+- ActivePortKilobytes * (unsigned long) RAM_QUOTA_RX) / 100))
++ pPrt->PRxQSize = SkGeRoundQueueSize(pAC,
++ (int)((long)ActivePortKilobytes * RAM_QUOTA_RX) / 100)
+- ActivePortKilobytes -= (pGePort->PRxQSize - SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE);
++ ActivePortKilobytes -= (pPrt->PRxQSize - SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE);
+ /* synchronous transmit queue */
+- pGePort->PXSQSize = 0;
++ pPrt->PXSQSize = 0;
+ /* asynchronous transmit queue */
+- pGePort->PXAQSize = (int) ROUND_QUEUE_SIZE_KB(ActivePortKilobytes +
++ pPrt->PXAQSize = SkGeRoundQueueSize(pAC,
++ ActivePortKilobytes + SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE);
+ }
+ }
+- else {
+- /* Rlmt Mode or single link adapter */
++ else { /* RLMT Mode or single link adapter */
+- /* Set standby queue size defaults for all standby ports */
++ UsedKilobytes = 0;
++ /* set standby queue size defaults for all standby ports */
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+ if (i != ActivePort) {
+- pGePort = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
+- pGePort->PRxQSize = SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE;
+- pGePort->PXAQSize = SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE;
+- pGePort->PXSQSize = 0;
++ if (DualPortYukon2) {
++ pPrt->PRxQSize = SkGeRoundQueueSize(pAC,
++ (int)((long)pAC->GIni.GIRamSize * RAM_QUOTA_RX) / 100);
++ pPrt->PXAQSize = pAC->GIni.GIRamSize - pPrt->PRxQSize;
++ }
++ else {
++ pPrt->PRxQSize = SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE;
++ pPrt->PXAQSize = SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE;
++ }
++ pPrt->PXSQSize = 0;
+ /* Count used RAM */
+- UsedKilobytes += pGePort->PRxQSize + pGePort->PXAQSize;
++ UsedKilobytes += pPrt->PRxQSize + pPrt->PXAQSize;
+ }
+ }
+ /* what's left? */
+- ActivePortKilobytes = pAC->GIni.GIRamSize - UsedKilobytes;
++ ActivePortKilobytes = TotalRamSize - UsedKilobytes;
+ /* assign it to the active port */
+ /* first take away the minimum memory */
+- ActivePortKilobytes -= (SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE + SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE);
+- pGePort = &pAC->GIni.GP[ActivePort];
++ ActivePortKilobytes -= MinQueueSize;
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[ActivePort];
+ /* receive queue get's the minimum + 80% of the rest */
+- pGePort->PRxQSize = (int) (ROUND_QUEUE_SIZE_KB((ActivePortKilobytes *
+- (unsigned long) RAM_QUOTA_RX) / 100)) + SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE;
++ pPrt->PRxQSize = SkGeRoundQueueSize(pAC,
++ (int)((long)ActivePortKilobytes * RAM_QUOTA_RX) / 100) +
++ MinQueueSize/2;
+- ActivePortKilobytes -= (pGePort->PRxQSize - SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE);
++ ActivePortKilobytes -= (pPrt->PRxQSize - MinQueueSize/2);
+ /* synchronous transmit queue */
+- pGePort->PXSQSize = 0;
++ pPrt->PXSQSize = 0;
+ /* asynchronous transmit queue */
+- pGePort->PXAQSize = (int) ROUND_QUEUE_SIZE_KB(ActivePortKilobytes) +
++ pPrt->PXAQSize = SkGeRoundQueueSize(pAC, ActivePortKilobytes) +
++ MinQueueSize/2;
+ }
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- VCPUprintf(0, "PRxQSize=%u, PXSQSize=%u, PXAQSize=%u\n",
+- pGePort->PRxQSize, pGePort->PXSQSize, pGePort->PXAQSize);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
++ ("Port %d: RxQSize=%u, TxAQSize=%u, TxSQSize=%u\n",
++ i, pPrt->PRxQSize, pPrt->PXAQSize, pPrt->PXSQSize));
++ }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkGeInitAssignRamToQueues */
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGeCheckQSize() - Checks the Adapters Queue Size Configuration
+@@ -388,12 +548,12 @@
+ * used ports.
+ * This requirements must be fullfilled to have a valid configuration:
+ * - The size of all queues must not exceed GIRamSize.
+- * - The queue sizes must be specified in units of 8 kB.
++ * - The queue sizes must be specified in units of 8 kB (Genesis & Yukon).
+ * - The size of Rx queues of available ports must not be
+- * smaller than 16 kB.
++ * smaller than 16 kB (Genesis & Yukon) resp. 10 kB (Yukon-2).
+ * - The size of at least one Tx queue (synch. or asynch.)
+- * of available ports must not be smaller than 16 kB
+- * when Jumbo Frames are used.
++ * of available ports must not be smaller than 16 kB (Genesis & Yukon),
++ * resp. 10 kB (Yukon-2) when Jumbo Frames are used.
+ * - The RAM start and end addresses must not be changed
+ * for ports which are already initialized.
+ * Furthermore SkGeCheckQSize() defines the Start and End Addresses
+@@ -404,7 +564,7 @@
+ * 1: Queue Size Configuration invalid
+ */
+ static int SkGeCheckQSize(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+ int Port) /* port index */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -414,55 +574,68 @@
+ SK_U32 StartAddr;
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
+ int UsedMem; /* total memory used (max. found ports) */
+ Rtv = 0;
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
+ UsedMem = 0;
++ Rtv = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
+- if ((pPrt->PRxQSize & QZ_UNITS) != 0 ||
+- (pPrt->PXSQSize & QZ_UNITS) != 0 ||
+- (pPrt->PXAQSize & QZ_UNITS) != 0) {
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ UsedMem = 0;
++ }
++ else if (((pPrt->PRxQSize & QZ_UNITS) != 0 ||
++ (pPrt->PXSQSize & QZ_UNITS) != 0 ||
++ (pPrt->PXAQSize & QZ_UNITS) != 0)) {
+ return(1);
+ }
+- if (i == Port && pPrt->PRxQSize < SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE) {
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ if (i == Port && pAC->GIni.GIRamSize > SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE &&
++ pPrt->PRxQSize < SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE) {
+ return(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * the size of at least one Tx queue (synch. or asynch.) has to be > 0.
+ * if Jumbo Frames are used, this size has to be >= 16 kB.
+ */
+ if ((i == Port && pPrt->PXSQSize == 0 && pPrt->PXAQSize == 0) ||
+- (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK &&
+- ((pPrt->PXSQSize > 0 && pPrt->PXSQSize < SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE) ||
++ (pPrt->PPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK &&
++ ((pPrt->PXSQSize > 0 && pPrt->PXSQSize < SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE) ||
+ (pPrt->PXAQSize > 0 && pPrt->PXAQSize < SK_MIN_TXQ_SIZE)))) {
+ return(1);
+ }
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+ UsedMem += pPrt->PRxQSize + pPrt->PXSQSize + pPrt->PXAQSize;
++ if (UsedMem > pAC->GIni.GIRamSize) {
++ return(1);
++ }
+ }
+- if (UsedMem > pAC->GIni.GIRamSize) {
+- return(1);
+- }
+ #endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+ /* Now start address calculation */
+ StartAddr = pAC->GIni.GIRamOffs;
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ StartAddr = 0;
++ }
+ /* Calculate/Check values for the receive queue */
+ Rtv2 = DoCalcAddr(pAC, pPrt, pPrt->PRxQSize, &StartAddr,
+ &pPrt->PRxQRamStart, &pPrt->PRxQRamEnd);
+@@ -502,8 +675,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGeInitMacArb(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
+ /* release local reset */
+@@ -542,8 +715,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGeInitPktArb(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
+ /* release local reset */
+@@ -559,7 +732,8 @@
+ * NOTE: the packet arbiter timeout interrupt is needed for
+ * half duplex hangup workaround
+ */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage != SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_1].PPortUsage != SK_JUMBO_LINK &&
++ pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_2].PPortUsage != SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1) {
+ }
+@@ -582,14 +756,11 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGeInitMacFifo(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U16 Word;
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- SK_U32 DWord;
+-#endif /* VCPU */
+ /*
+ * For each FIFO:
+ * - release local reset
+@@ -597,31 +768,29 @@
+ * - setup defaults for the control register
+ * - enable the FIFO
+ */
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- /* Configure Rx MAC FIFO */
++ /* configure Rx MAC FIFO */
+ /* Configure Tx MAC FIFO */
+- /* Enable frame flushing if jumbo frames used */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
++ /* enable frame flushing if jumbo frames used */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+- /* set Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask */
+ Word = (SK_U16)GMF_RX_CTRL_DEF;
+ /* disable Rx GMAC FIFO Flush for YUKON-Lite Rev. A0 only */
+@@ -629,23 +798,52 @@
+ Word &= ~GMF_RX_F_FL_ON;
+ }
+- /* Configure Rx MAC FIFO */
++ /* Configure Rx GMAC FIFO */
+ SK_OUT16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_CTRL_T), Word);
+- /* set Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Threshold (default: 0x0a -> 56 bytes) */
+- /* Configure Tx MAC FIFO */
++ Word = RX_FF_FL_DEF_MSK;
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_4115)) {
++ /*
++ * Flushing must be enabled (needed for ASF see dev. #4.29),
++ * but the flushing mask should be disabled (see dev. #4.115)
++ */
++ Word = 0;
++ }
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++ /* set Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask (after clearing reset) */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_MSK), Word);
++ /* default: 0x0a -> 56 bytes on Yukon-1 and 64 bytes on Yukon-2 */
++ Word = (SK_U16)RX_GMF_FL_THR_DEF;
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
++ /* WA for dev. #4.30 (reduce to 0x08 -> 48 bytes) */
++ Word -= 2;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /*
++ * because Pause Packet Truncation in GMAC is not working
++ * we have to increase the Flush Threshold to 64 bytes
++ * in order to flush pause packets in Rx FIFO on Yukon-1
++ */
++ Word++;
++ }
++ /* set Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Threshold (after clearing reset) */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_THR), Word);
++ /* Configure Tx GMAC FIFO */
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- SK_IN32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_AF_THR), &DWord);
+- SK_IN32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TX_GMF_AE_THR), &DWord);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
+ /* set Tx GMAC FIFO Almost Empty Threshold */
+ /* SK_OUT32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TX_GMF_AE_THR), 0); */
+ }
+@@ -653,7 +851,7 @@
+ } /* SkGeInitMacFifo */
+-#ifdef SK_LNK_SYNC_CNT
++#ifdef SK_LNK_SYNC_CNT
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGeLoadLnkSyncCnt() - Load the Link Sync Counter and starts counting
+@@ -674,8 +872,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGeLoadLnkSyncCnt(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U32 CntVal) /* Counter value */
+ {
+@@ -685,7 +883,7 @@
+ SK_BOOL IrqPend;
+ /* stop counter */
+ /*
+ * ASIC problem:
+@@ -698,6 +896,7 @@
+ IrqPend = SK_FALSE;
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_ISRC, &ISrc);
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_IMSK, &OrgIMsk);
+ if (Port == MAC_1) {
+ NewIMsk = OrgIMsk & ~IS_LNK_SYNC_M1;
+ if ((ISrc & IS_LNK_SYNC_M1) != 0) {
+@@ -710,6 +909,7 @@
+ IrqPend = SK_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!IrqPend) {
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, B0_IMSK, NewIMsk);
+ }
+@@ -718,15 +918,17 @@
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, LNK_SYNC_INI), CntVal);
+ /* start counter */
+ if (!IrqPend) {
+- /* clear the unexpected IRQ, and restore the interrupt mask */
++ /* clear the unexpected IRQ */
++ /* restore the interrupt mask */
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, B0_IMSK, OrgIMsk);
+ }
+ } /* SkGeLoadLnkSyncCnt*/
+-#endif /* SK_LNK_SYNC_CNT */
++#endif /* SK_LNK_SYNC_CNT */
+ #if defined(SK_DIAG) || defined(SK_CFG_SYNC)
+ /******************************************************************************
+@@ -758,8 +960,8 @@
+ * synchronous queue is configured
+ */
+ int SkGeCfgSync(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U32 IntTime, /* Interval Timer Value in units of 8ns */
+ SK_U32 LimCount, /* Number of bytes to transfer during IntTime */
+@@ -777,16 +979,16 @@
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PXSQSize == 0) {
+ return(2);
+ }
+ /* calculate register values */
+ IntTime = (IntTime / 2) * pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact / 100;
+ LimCount = LimCount / 8;
+ if (IntTime > TXA_MAX_VAL || LimCount > TXA_MAX_VAL) {
+ return(1);
+@@ -804,13 +1006,13 @@
+ */
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TXA_ITI_INI), IntTime);
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TXA_LIM_INI), LimCount);
+ (SK_U8)(SyncMode & (TXA_ENA_ALLOC | TXA_DIS_ALLOC)));
+ if (IntTime != 0 || LimCount != 0) {
+ }
+@@ -831,10 +1033,10 @@
+ * Returns:
+ * nothing
+ */
+-static void DoInitRamQueue(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
+-int QuIoOffs, /* Queue IO Address Offset */
++void DoInitRamQueue(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int QuIoOffs, /* Queue I/O Address Offset */
+ SK_U32 QuStartAddr, /* Queue Start Address */
+ SK_U32 QuEndAddr, /* Queue End Address */
+ int QuType) /* Queue Type (SK_RX_SRAM_Q|SK_RX_BRAM_Q|SK_TX_RAM_Q) */
+@@ -867,8 +1069,7 @@
+ /* continue with SK_RX_BRAM_Q */
+ case SK_RX_BRAM_Q:
+- /* write threshold for Rx Queue */
++ /* write threshold for Rx Queue (Pause packets) */
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, RB_ADDR(QuIoOffs, RB_RX_UTPP), RxUpThresVal);
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, RB_ADDR(QuIoOffs, RB_RX_LTPP), RxLoThresVal);
+@@ -882,7 +1083,8 @@
+ * or YUKON is used ((GMAC Tx FIFO is only 1 kB)
+ * we NEED Store & Forward of the RAM buffer.
+ */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK ||
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_1].PPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK ||
++ pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_2].PPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK ||
+ pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* enable Store & Forward Mode for the Tx Side */
+@@ -911,8 +1113,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGeInitRamBufs(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -920,8 +1122,8 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+- if (pPrt->PRxQSize == SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE) {
+- RxQType = SK_RX_SRAM_Q; /* small Rx Queue */
++ if (pPrt->PRxQSize <= SK_MIN_RXQ_SIZE) {
++ RxQType = SK_RX_SRAM_Q; /* small Rx Queue */
+ }
+ else {
+ RxQType = SK_RX_BRAM_Q; /* big Rx Queue */
+@@ -929,10 +1131,10 @@
+ DoInitRamQueue(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PRxQOff, pPrt->PRxQRamStart,
+ pPrt->PRxQRamEnd, RxQType);
+ DoInitRamQueue(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PXsQOff, pPrt->PXsQRamStart,
+ pPrt->PXsQRamEnd, SK_TX_RAM_Q);
+ DoInitRamQueue(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PXaQOff, pPrt->PXaQRamStart,
+ pPrt->PXaQRamEnd, SK_TX_RAM_Q);
+@@ -953,26 +1155,37 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGeInitRamIface(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
+- /* release local reset */
++ int i;
++ int RamBuffers;
+- /* configure timeout values */
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_WTO_R1, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_WTO_XA1, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_WTO_XS1, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_RTO_R1, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_RTO_XA1, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_RTO_XS1, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_WTO_R2, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_WTO_XA2, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_WTO_XS2, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_RTO_R2, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_RTO_XA2, SK_RI_TO_53);
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B3_RI_RTO_XS2, SK_RI_TO_53);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ RamBuffers = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
++ }
++ else {
++ RamBuffers = 1;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < RamBuffers; i++) {
++ /* release local reset */
++ /* configure timeout values */
++ }
+ } /* SkGeInitRamIface */
+@@ -987,8 +1200,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGeInitBmu(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -999,29 +1212,63 @@
+ RxWm = SK_BMU_RX_WM;
+ TxWm = SK_BMU_TX_WM;
+- if (!pAC->GIni.GIPciSlot64 && !pAC->GIni.GIPciClock66) {
+- /* for better performance */
+- RxWm /= 2;
+- TxWm /= 2;
+- }
+- /* Rx Queue: Release all local resets and set the watermark */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_F), RxWm);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
+- /*
+- * Tx Queue: Release all local resets if the queue is used !
+- * set watermark
+- */
+- if (pPrt->PXSQSize != 0) {
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_F), TxWm);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ /* for better performance set it to 128 */
++ }
++ /* Rx Queue: Release all local resets and set the watermark */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_WM), RxWm);
++ /*
++ * Tx Queue: Release all local resets if the queue is used !
++ * set watermark
++ */
++ if (pPrt->PXSQSize != 0 && HW_SYNC_TX_SUPPORTED(pAC)) {
++ /* Yukon-EC doesn't have a synchronous Tx queue */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_WM), TxWm);
++ }
++ if (pPrt->PXAQSize != 0) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_WM), TxWm);
++ }
+ }
+- if (pPrt->PXAQSize != 0) {
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_F), TxWm);
++ else {
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIPciSlot64 && !pAC->GIni.GIPciClock66) {
++ /* for better performance */
++ RxWm /= 2;
++ TxWm /= 2;
++ }
++ /* Rx Queue: Release all local resets and set the watermark */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_F), RxWm);
++ /*
++ * Tx Queue: Release all local resets if the queue is used !
++ * set watermark
++ */
++ if (pPrt->PXSQSize != 0) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_F), TxWm);
++ }
++ if (pPrt->PXAQSize != 0) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_F), TxWm);
++ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Do NOT enable the descriptor poll timers here, because
+@@ -1045,20 +1292,29 @@
+ */
+ static SK_U32 TestStopBit(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int QuIoOffs) /* Queue IO Address Offset */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int QuIoOffs) /* Queue I/O Address Offset */
+ {
+ SK_U32 QuCsr; /* CSR contents */
+ SK_IN32(IoC, Q_ADDR(QuIoOffs, Q_CSR), &QuCsr);
+- if ((QuCsr & (CSR_STOP | CSR_SV_IDLE)) == 0) {
+- /* Stop Descriptor overridden by start command */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(QuIoOffs, Q_CSR), CSR_STOP);
+- SK_IN32(IoC, Q_ADDR(QuIoOffs, Q_CSR), &QuCsr);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if ((QuCsr & (BMU_STOP | BMU_IDLE)) == 0) {
++ /* Stop Descriptor overridden by start command */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(QuIoOffs, Q_CSR), BMU_STOP);
++ SK_IN32(IoC, Q_ADDR(QuIoOffs, Q_CSR), &QuCsr);
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ if ((QuCsr & (CSR_STOP | CSR_SV_IDLE)) == 0) {
++ /* Stop Descriptor overridden by start command */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(QuIoOffs, Q_CSR), CSR_STOP);
++ SK_IN32(IoC, Q_ADDR(QuIoOffs, Q_CSR), &QuCsr);
++ }
+ }
+ return(QuCsr);
+ } /* TestStopBit */
+@@ -1082,8 +1338,8 @@
+ * has to be stopped once before.
+ *
+- * RstMode = SK_SOFT_RST Resets the MAC. The PHY is still alive.
+- * SK_HARD_RST Resets the MAC and the PHY.
++ * RstMode = SK_SOFT_RST Resets the MAC, the PHY is still alive.
++ * SK_HARD_RST Resets the MAC and the PHY.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * 1) A Link Down event was signaled for a port. Therefore the activity
+@@ -1142,56 +1398,82 @@
+ */
+ void SkGeStopPort(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+-int Port, /* port to stop (MAC_1 + n) */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port to stop (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int Dir, /* Direction to Stop (SK_STOP_RX, SK_STOP_TX, SK_STOP_ALL) */
+ int RstMode)/* Reset Mode (SK_SOFT_RST, SK_HARD_RST) */
+ {
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+- SK_EVPARA Para;
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+- SK_U32 DWord;
++ SK_U32 RxCsr;
+ SK_U32 XsCsr;
+ SK_U32 XaCsr;
+ SK_U64 ToutStart;
++ SK_U32 CsrStart;
++ SK_U32 CsrStop;
++ SK_U32 CsrIdle;
++ SK_U32 CsrTest;
++ SK_U8 rsl; /* FIFO read shadow level */
++ SK_U8 rl; /* FIFO read level */
+ int i;
+ int ToutCnt;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
++ /* set the proper values of Q_CSR register layout depending on the chip */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ CsrStart = BMU_START;
++ CsrStop = BMU_STOP;
++ CsrIdle = BMU_IDLE;
++ CsrTest = BMU_IDLE;
++ }
++ else {
++ CsrStart = CSR_START;
++ CsrStop = CSR_STOP;
++ CsrIdle = CSR_SV_IDLE;
++ CsrTest = CSR_SV_IDLE | CSR_STOP;
++ }
+ if ((Dir & SK_STOP_TX) != 0) {
+- /* disable receiver and transmitter */
+- SkMacRxTxDisable(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
++ /* disable receiver and transmitter */
++ SkMacRxTxDisable(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ }
+ /* stop both transmit queues */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_CSR), CsrStop);
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_CSR), CsrStop);
+ /*
+ * If the BMU is in the reset state CSR_STOP will terminate
+ * immediately.
+ */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_CSR), CSR_STOP);
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_CSR), CSR_STOP);
+ ToutStart = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+ ToutCnt = 0;
+ do {
+- /*
+- * Clear packet arbiter timeout to make sure
+- * this loop will terminate.
+- */
+- SK_OUT16(IoC, B3_PA_CTRL, (SK_U16)((Port == MAC_1) ?
+- /*
+- * If the transfer stucks at the MAC the STOP command will not
+- * terminate if we don't flush the XMAC's transmit FIFO !
+- */
+- SkMacFlushTxFifo(pAC, IoC, Port);
++#ifdef GENESIS
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ /* clear Tx packet arbiter timeout IRQ */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, B3_PA_CTRL, (SK_U16)((Port == MAC_1) ?
++ /*
++ * If the transfer stucks at the XMAC the STOP command will not
++ * terminate if we don't flush the XMAC's transmit FIFO !
++ */
++ SkMacFlushTxFifo(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ }
++#endif /* GENESIS */
+- XsCsr = TestStopBit(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PXsQOff);
+ XaCsr = TestStopBit(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PXaQOff);
++ XsCsr = TestStopBit(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PXsQOff);
++ }
++ else {
++ XsCsr = XaCsr;
++ }
+ if (SkOsGetTime(pAC) - ToutStart > (SK_TICKS_PER_SEC / 18)) {
+ /*
+ * Timeout of 1/18 second reached.
+@@ -1199,67 +1481,111 @@
+ */
+ ToutCnt++;
+ if (ToutCnt > 1) {
+- /* Might be a problem when the driver event handler
+- * calls StopPort again. XXX.
++ /*
++ * If BMU stop doesn't terminate, we assume that
++ * we have a stable state and can reset the BMU,
++ * the Prefetch Unit, and RAM buffer now.
+ */
+- /* Fatal Error, Loop aborted */
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+- Para.Para64 = Port;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_FAIL, Para);
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+- return;
++ break; /* ===> leave do/while loop here */
+ }
+ /*
+- * Cache incoherency workaround: Assume a start command
++ * Cache incoherency workaround: assume a start command
+ * has been lost while sending the frame.
+ */
+ ToutStart = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+- if ((XsCsr & CSR_STOP) != 0) {
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_CSR), CSR_START);
++ if ((XsCsr & CsrStop) != 0) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_CSR), CsrStart);
+ }
+- if ((XaCsr & CSR_STOP) != 0) {
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_CSR), CSR_START);
++ if ((XaCsr & CsrStop) != 0) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_CSR), CsrStart);
+ }
+- }
++ /*
++ * After the previous operations the X(s|a)Csr does no
++ * longer contain the proper values
++ */
++ XaCsr = TestStopBit(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PXaQOff);
++ XsCsr = TestStopBit(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PXsQOff);
++ }
++ else {
++ XsCsr = XaCsr;
++ }
++ }
+ /*
+ * Because of the ASIC problem report entry from 21.08.1998 it is
+ * required to wait until CSR_STOP is reset and CSR_SV_IDLE is set.
++ * (valid for GENESIS only)
+ */
+- } while ((XsCsr & (CSR_STOP | CSR_SV_IDLE)) != CSR_SV_IDLE ||
+- (XaCsr & (CSR_STOP | CSR_SV_IDLE)) != CSR_SV_IDLE);
++ } while (((XsCsr & CsrTest) != CsrIdle ||
++ (XaCsr & CsrTest) != CsrIdle));
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
+- /* Reset the MAC depending on the RstMode */
+- if (RstMode == SK_SOFT_RST) {
+- SkMacSoftRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ pPrt->PState = (RstMode == SK_SOFT_RST) ? SK_PRT_STOP :
+ }
+ else {
+- SkMacHardRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ /* Reset the MAC depending on the RstMode */
++ if (RstMode == SK_SOFT_RST) {
++ SkMacSoftRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ }
++ else {
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_472) && Port == MAC_1 &&
++ pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_2].PState == SK_PRT_RUN) {
++ pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_1].PState = SK_PRT_RESET;
++ /* set GPHY Control reset */
++ }
++ else {
++ SkMacHardRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ }
++ }
+ }
+- /* Disable Force Sync bit and Enable Alloc bit */
++ /* disable Force Sync bit and Enable Alloc bit */
+ /* Stop Interval Timer and Limit Counter of Tx Arbiter */
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TXA_ITI_INI), 0L);
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TXA_LIM_INI), 0L);
+ /* Perform a local reset of the port's Tx path */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the async Tx queue */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, Q_CSR),
++ /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the sync Tx queue */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PXsQOff, Q_CSR),
++ /* Reset the Tx prefetch units */
++ }
++ else {
++ /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the async Tx queue */
++ /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the sync Tx queue */
++ }
+- /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the async Tx queue */
+- /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the sync Tx queue */
+ /* Reset the RAM Buffer async Tx queue */
+ /* Reset the RAM Buffer sync Tx queue */
+ /* Reset Tx MAC FIFO */
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+@@ -1271,71 +1597,116 @@
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+- /* Reset TX MAC FIFO */
++ /* do the reset only if ASF is not enabled */
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
++ /* Reset Tx MAC FIFO */
++ }
++ /* set Pause Off */
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ }
+ if ((Dir & SK_STOP_RX) != 0) {
+- /*
+- * The RX Stop Command will not terminate if no buffers
+- * are queued in the RxD ring. But it will always reach
+- * the Idle state. Therefore we can use this feature to
+- * stop the transfer of received packets.
+- */
+- /* stop the port's receive queue */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_CSR), CSR_STOP);
+- i = 100;
+- do {
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
+ /*
+- * Clear packet arbiter timeout to make sure
+- * this loop will terminate
++ * The RX Stop command will not work for Yukon-2 if the BMU does not
++ * reach the end of packet and since we can't make sure that we have
++ * incoming data, we must reset the BMU while it is not during a DMA
++ * transfer. Since it is possible that the RX path is still active,
++ * the RX RAM buffer will be stopped first, so any possible incoming
++ * data will not trigger a DMA. After the RAM buffer is stopped, the
++ * BMU is polled until any DMA in progress is ended and only then it
++ * will be reset.
+ */
+- SK_OUT16(IoC, B3_PA_CTRL, (SK_U16)((Port == MAC_1) ?
+- DWord = TestStopBit(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PRxQOff);
++ /* disable the RAM Buffer receive queue */
+- /* timeout if i==0 (bug fix for #10748) */
+- if (--i == 0) {
+- break;
++ i = 0xffff;
++ while (--i) {
++ SK_IN8(IoC, RB_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_RSL), &rsl);
++ SK_IN8(IoC, RB_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_RL), &rl);
++ if (rsl == rl) {
++ break;
++ }
+ }
++ /*
++ * If the Rx side is blocked, the above loop cannot terminate.
++ * But, if there was any traffic it should be terminated, now.
++ * However, stop the Rx BMU and the Prefetch Unit !
++ */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_CSR),
++ /* reset the Rx prefetch unit */
++ }
++ else {
+ /*
+- * because of the ASIC problem report entry from 21.08.98
+- * it is required to wait until CSR_STOP is reset and
+- * CSR_SV_IDLE is set.
++ * The RX Stop Command will not terminate if no buffers
++ * are queued in the RxD ring. But it will always reach
++ * the Idle state. Therefore we can use this feature to
++ * stop the transfer of received packets.
+ */
+- } while ((DWord & (CSR_STOP | CSR_SV_IDLE)) != CSR_SV_IDLE);
++ /* stop the port's receive queue */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, Q_ADDR(pPrt->PRxQOff, Q_CSR), CsrStop);
++ i = 100;
++ do {
++#ifdef GENESIS
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ /* clear Rx packet arbiter timeout IRQ */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, B3_PA_CTRL, (SK_U16)((Port == MAC_1) ?
++ }
++#endif /* GENESIS */
+- /* The path data transfer activity is fully stopped now */
++ RxCsr = TestStopBit(pAC, IoC, pPrt->PRxQOff);
+- /* Perform a local reset of the port's Rx path */
++ /* timeout if i==0 (bug fix for #10748) */
++ if (--i == 0) {
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Because of the ASIC problem report entry from 21.08.1998 it is
++ * required to wait until CSR_STOP is reset and CSR_SV_IDLE is set.
++ * (valid for GENESIS only)
++ */
++ } while ((RxCsr & CsrTest) != CsrIdle);
++ /* The path data transfer activity is fully stopped now */
++ /* Perform a local reset of the port's Rx path */
++ /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the Rx queue */
++ }
+- /* Reset the PCI FIFO of the Rx queue */
+ /* Reset the RAM Buffer receive queue */
+ /* Reset Rx MAC FIFO */
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ /* switch Rx LED off, stop the LED counter */
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon && !pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
+ /* Reset Rx MAC FIFO */
+ }
+@@ -1355,8 +1726,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGeInit0(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
+ int i;
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -1365,6 +1736,7 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
+ pPrt->PState = SK_PRT_RESET;
++ pPrt->PPortUsage = SK_RED_LINK;
+ pPrt->PRxQOff = QOffTab[i].RxQOff;
+ pPrt->PXsQOff = QOffTab[i].XsQOff;
+ pPrt->PXaQOff = QOffTab[i].XaQOff;
+@@ -1393,24 +1765,30 @@
+ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN;
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_FALSE;
+ pPrt->PHWLinkUp = SK_FALSE;
+- pPrt->PLinkBroken = SK_TRUE; /* See WA code */
++ pPrt->PLinkBroken = SK_TRUE; /* See WA code */
+ pPrt->PMacColThres = TX_COL_DEF;
+ pPrt->PMacJamLen = TX_JAM_LEN_DEF;
+ pPrt->PMacJamIpgVal = TX_JAM_IPG_DEF;
+ pPrt->PMacJamIpgData = TX_IPG_JAM_DEF;
++ pPrt->PMacBackOffLim = TX_BOF_LIM_DEF;
++ pPrt->PMacDataBlind = DATA_BLIND_DEF;
+ pPrt->PMacIpgData = IPG_DATA_DEF;
+ pPrt->PMacLimit4 = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+- pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage = SK_RED_LINK;
+ pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl = (SK_U16)OemConfig.Value;
+- pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask = IS_ALL_MSK;
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipCap = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[i]= 0x00000000;
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.OnMask[i] = 0x00000000;
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.OffMask[i] = 0x00000000;
++ }
+ } /* SkGeInit0*/
+ #ifdef SK_PCI_RESET
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGePciReset() - Reset PCI interface
+@@ -1426,8 +1804,8 @@
+ * 1: Power state could not be changed to 3.
+ */
+ static int SkGePciReset(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
+ int i;
+ SK_U16 PmCtlSts;
+@@ -1450,7 +1828,7 @@
+ /* We know the RAM Interface Arbiter is enabled. */
+ SkPciWriteCfgWord(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS, PCI_PM_STATE_D3);
+ SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS, &PmCtlSts);
+ if ((PmCtlSts & PCI_PM_STATE_MSK) != PCI_PM_STATE_D3) {
+ return(1);
+ }
+@@ -1460,7 +1838,7 @@
+ /* Check for D0 state. */
+ SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS, &PmCtlSts);
+ if ((PmCtlSts & PCI_PM_STATE_MSK) != PCI_PM_STATE_D0) {
+ return(1);
+ }
+@@ -1469,11 +1847,24 @@
+ SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC, PCI_COMMAND, &PciCmd);
+ SkPciReadCfgByte(pAC, PCI_CACHE_LSZ, &Cls);
+ SkPciReadCfgDWord(pAC, PCI_BASE_1ST, &Bp1);
+- SkPciReadCfgDWord(pAC, PCI_BASE_2ND, &Bp2);
++ /*
++ * Compute the location in PCI config space of BAR2
++ * relativ to the location of BAR1
++ */
++ if ((Bp1 & PCI_MEM_TYP_MSK) == PCI_MEM64BIT) {
++ /* BAR1 is 64 bits wide */
++ i = 8;
++ }
++ else {
++ i = 4;
++ }
++ SkPciReadCfgDWord(pAC, PCI_BASE_1ST + i, &Bp2);
+ SkPciReadCfgByte(pAC, PCI_LAT_TIM, &Lat);
+- if (PciCmd != 0 || Cls != (SK_U8)0 || Lat != (SK_U8)0 ||
+- (Bp1 & 0xfffffff0L) != 0 || Bp2 != 1) {
++ if (PciCmd != 0 || Cls != 0 || (Bp1 & 0xfffffff0L) != 0 || Bp2 != 1 ||
++ Lat != 0) {
+ return(1);
+ }
+@@ -1484,9 +1875,80 @@
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkGePciReset */
+ #endif /* SK_PCI_RESET */
++ *
++ * SkGeSetUpSupFeatures() - Collect Feature List for HW_FEATURE Macro
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function collects the available features and required
++ * deviation services of the Adapter and provides these
++ * information in the GIHwF struct. This information is used as
++ * default value and may be overritten by the driver using the
++ * SET_HW_FEATURE_MASK() macro in its Init0 phase.
++ *
++ * Notice:
++ * Using the On and Off mask: Never switch on the same bit in both
++ * masks simultaneously. However, if doing the Off mask will win.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++static void SkGeSetUpSupFeatures(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ int i;
++ switch (pAC->GIni.GIChipId) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == CHIP_REV_YU_EC_A1) {
++ /* A0/A1 */
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[HW_DEV_LIST] =
++ HWF_WA_DEV_42 | HWF_WA_DEV_46 | HWF_WA_DEV_43_418 |
++ HWF_WA_DEV_420 | HWF_WA_DEV_423 |
++ HWF_WA_DEV_424 | HWF_WA_DEV_425 | HWF_WA_DEV_427 |
++ HWF_WA_DEV_428 | HWF_WA_DEV_483 | HWF_WA_DEV_4109;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* A2/A3 */
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[HW_DEV_LIST] =
++ HWF_WA_DEV_424 | HWF_WA_DEV_425 | HWF_WA_DEV_427 |
++ HWF_WA_DEV_428 | HWF_WA_DEV_483 | HWF_WA_DEV_4109;
++ }
++ break;
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[HW_DEV_LIST] = HWF_WA_DEV_427 | HWF_WA_DEV_4109;
++ break;
++ /* still needed for Diag */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 0) {
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[HW_DEV_LIST] =
++ HWF_WA_DEV_427 | HWF_WA_DEV_463 | HWF_WA_DEV_472 |
++ HWF_WA_DEV_479 | HWF_WA_DEV_483 | HWF_WA_DEV_4115;
++ }
++ else if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 1) {
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[HW_DEV_LIST] =
++ HWF_WA_DEV_427 | HWF_WA_DEV_483 | HWF_WA_DEV_4109 |
++ HWF_WA_DEV_4115;
++ }
++ else {
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[HW_DEV_LIST] =
++ HWF_WA_DEV_427 | HWF_WA_DEV_483 | HWF_WA_DEV_4109;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
++ pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[i] =
++ (pAC->GIni.HwF.Features[i] | pAC->GIni.HwF.OnMask[i]) &
++ ~pAC->GIni.HwF.OffMask[i];
++ }
++} /* SkGeSetUpSupFeatures */
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGeInit1() - Level 1 Initialization
+@@ -1509,80 +1971,223 @@
+ * 6: HW self test failed
+ */
+ static int SkGeInit1(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
+ SK_U8 Byte;
+ SK_U16 Word;
+- SK_U16 CtrlStat;
++ SK_U32 CtrlStat;
++ SK_U32 VauxAvail;
+ SK_U32 DWord;
++ SK_U32 PowerDownBit;
++ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ int RetVal;
+- int i;
++ int i, j;
+ RetVal = 0;
+- /* save CLK_RUN bits (YUKON-Lite) */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, B0_CTST, &CtrlStat);
++ /* save CLK_RUN & ASF_ENABLE bits (YUKON-Lite, YUKON-EC) */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_CTST, &CtrlStat);
+ #ifdef SK_PCI_RESET
+ (void)SkGePciReset(pAC, IoC);
+ #endif /* SK_PCI_RESET */
+- /* do the SW-reset */
+ /* release the SW-reset */
++ /* Important: SW-reset has to be cleared here, to ensure
++ * the CHIP_ID can be read IO-mapped based, too -
++ * remember the RAP register can only be written if
++ * SW-reset is cleared.
++ */
++ /* read Chip Identification Number */
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_CHIP_ID, &Byte);
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipId = Byte;
++ pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled = SK_FALSE;
++ /* ASF support only for Yukon-2 */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIChipId >= CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) &&
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId <= CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC)) {
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++ if ((CtrlStat & Y2_ASF_ENABLE) != 0) {
++ /* do the SW-reset only if ASF is not enabled */
++ pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++#else /* !SK_ASF */
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B28_Y2_ASF_STAT_CMD, &Byte);
++ pAC->GIni.GIAsfRunning = Byte & Y2_ASF_RUNNING;
++ /* put ASF system in reset state */
++ /* disable ASF Unit */
++#endif /* !SK_ASF */
++ }
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
++ /* Yukon-2: required for Diag and Power Management */
++ /* set the SW-reset */
++ /* release the SW-reset */
++ }
+ /* reset all error bits in the PCI STATUS register */
+ /*
+ * Note: PCI Cfg cycles cannot be used, because they are not
+ * available on some platforms after 'boot time'.
+ */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_STATUS), &Word);
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_STATUS), &Word);
+ /* release Master Reset */
+ #ifdef CLK_RUN
+ CtrlStat |= CS_CLK_RUN_ENA;
+-#endif /* CLK_RUN */
+ /* restore CLK_RUN bits */
+ SK_OUT16(IoC, B0_CTST, (SK_U16)(CtrlStat &
++#endif /* CLK_RUN */
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GIChipId >= CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) &&
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId <= CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE)) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIYukon2 = SK_TRUE;
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask = Y2_IS_ALL_MSK;
++ pAC->GIni.GIValHwIrqMask = Y2_HWE_ALL_MSK;
++ VauxAvail = Y2_VAUX_AVAIL;
++ SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_STATUS), &DWord);
++ if ((DWord & PCI_OS_PCI_X) != 0) {
++ /* this is a PCI / PCI-X bus */
++ if ((DWord & PCI_OS_PCIX) != 0) {
++ /* this is a PCI-X bus */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciBus = SK_PCIX_BUS;
++ /* PCI-X is always 64-bit wide */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciSlot64 = SK_TRUE;
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciMode = (SK_U8)(PCI_OS_SPEED(DWord));
++ }
++ else {
++ /* this is a conventional PCI bus */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciBus = SK_PCI_BUS;
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_2), &Word);
++ /* check if 64-bit width is used */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciSlot64 = (SK_BOOL)
++ (((DWord & PCI_OS_PCI64B) != 0) &&
++ ((Word & PCI_USEDATA64) != 0));
++ /* check if 66 MHz PCI Clock is active */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciClock66 = (SK_BOOL)((DWord & PCI_OS_PCI66M) != 0);
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /* this is a PEX bus */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciBus = SK_PEX_BUS;
++ /* clear any PEX errors */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT), 0xffffffffUL);
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PEX_LNK_STAT), &Word);
++ pAC->GIni.GIPexWidth = (SK_U8)((Word & PEX_LS_LINK_WI_MSK) >> 4);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Yukon-2 chips family has a different way of providing
++ * the number of MACs available
++ */
++ pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound = 1;
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_Y2_HW_RES, &Byte);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /*
++ * OEM config value is overwritten and should not
++ * be used for Yukon-2
++ */
++ pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl |= SK_ACT_LED_BLINK;
++ pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl |= SK_DUAL_LED_ACT_LNK;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((Byte & CFG_DUAL_MAC_MSK) == CFG_DUAL_MAC_MSK) {
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_Y2_CLK_GATE, &Byte);
++ if (!(Byte & Y2_STATUS_LNK2_INAC)) {
++ /* Link 2 activ */
++ pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound++;
++ }
++ }
++#ifdef VCPU
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* temporary WA for reported number of links */
++ pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound = 2;
++ }
++#endif /* VCPU */
++ /* read Chip Revision */
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_MAC_CFG, &Byte);
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipCap = Byte & 0x0f;
++ }
++ else {
++ pAC->GIni.GIYukon2 = SK_FALSE;
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask = IS_ALL_MSK;
++ pAC->GIni.GIValHwIrqMask = 0; /* not activated */
++ VauxAvail = CS_VAUX_AVAIL;
++ /* read number of MACs and Chip Revision */
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_MAC_CFG, &Byte);
++ pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound = (Byte & CFG_SNG_MAC) ? 1 : 2;
++ }
+- /* read Chip Identification Number */
+- SK_IN8(IoC, B2_CHIP_ID, &Byte);
+- pAC->GIni.GIChipId = Byte;
+- /* read number of MACs */
+- SK_IN8(IoC, B2_MAC_CFG, &Byte);
+- pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound = (Byte & CFG_SNG_MAC) ? 1 : 2;
+ /* get Chip Revision Number */
+ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev = (SK_U8)((Byte & CFG_CHIP_R_MSK) >> 4);
+- /* get diff. PCI parameters */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, B0_CTST, &CtrlStat);
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL && pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 0) {
++ /* Yukon-2 Chip Rev. A0 */
++ return(6);
++ }
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+ /* read the adapters RAM size */
+ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_E_0, &Byte);
+ pAC->GIni.GIGenesis = SK_FALSE;
+ pAC->GIni.GIYukon = SK_FALSE;
+ pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite = SK_FALSE;
++ pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail = SK_FALSE;
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
+ pAC->GIni.GIGenesis = SK_TRUE;
+- if (Byte == (SK_U8)3) {
++ if (Byte == (SK_U8)3) {
+ /* special case: 4 x 64k x 36, offset = 0x80000 */
+ pAC->GIni.GIRamSize = 1024;
+ pAC->GIni.GIRamOffs = (SK_U32)512 * 1024;
+@@ -1591,57 +2196,77 @@
+ pAC->GIni.GIRamSize = (int)Byte * 512;
+ pAC->GIni.GIRamOffs = 0;
+ }
+- /* all GE adapters work with 53.125 MHz host clock */
++ /* all GENESIS adapters work with 53.125 MHz host clock */
+ pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact = SK_FACT_53;
+ /* set Descr. Poll Timer Init Value to 250 ms */
+ pAC->GIni.GIPollTimerVal =
+ SK_DPOLL_DEF * (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact / 100;
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_GENESIS) {
+ pAC->GIni.GIYukon = SK_TRUE;
+ pAC->GIni.GIRamSize = (Byte == (SK_U8)0) ? 128 : (int)Byte * 4;
+ pAC->GIni.GIRamOffs = 0;
+- /* WA for chip Rev. A */
++ /* WA for Yukon chip Rev. A */
+ pAC->GIni.GIWolOffs = (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON &&
+ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 0) ? WOL_REG_OFFS : 0;
+ /* get PM Capabilities of PCI config space */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_PM_CAP_REG), &Word);
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_PM_CAP_REG), &Word);
+ /* check if VAUX is available */
+- if (((CtrlStat & CS_VAUX_AVAIL) != 0) &&
++ if (((CtrlStat & VauxAvail) != 0) &&
+ /* check also if PME from D3cold is set */
+ ((Word & PCI_PME_D3C_SUP) != 0)) {
+ /* set entry in GE init struct */
+ pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail = SK_TRUE;
+ }
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_LITE) {
+- /* this is Rev. A1 */
+- pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite = SK_TRUE;
+- }
+- else {
+- /* save Flash-Address Register */
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B2_FAR, &DWord);
+- /* test Flash-Address Register */
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_FAR + 3, 0xff);
+- SK_IN8(IoC, B2_FAR + 3, &Byte);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
+- if (Byte != 0) {
+- /* this is Rev. A0 */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_LITE) {
++ /* this is Rev. A1 */
+ pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* save Flash-Address Register */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_FAR, &DWord);
+- /* restore Flash-Address Register */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_FAR, DWord);
++ /* test Flash-Address Register */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_FAR + 3, 0xff);
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_FAR + 3, &Byte);
++ if (Byte != 0) {
++ /* this is Rev. A0 */
++ pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite = SK_TRUE;
++ /* restore Flash-Address Register */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_FAR, DWord);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /* Check for CLS = 0 (dev. #4.55) */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus != SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ /* PCI and PCI-X */
++ SK_IN8(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_CACHE_LSZ), &Byte);
++ if (Byte == 0) {
++ /* set CLS to 2 if configured to 0 */
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PCIX_BUS) {
++ /* set Cache Line Size opt. */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), &DWord);
++ DWord |= PCI_CLS_OPT;
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), DWord);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1649,138 +2274,258 @@
+- /* read the Interrupt source */
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B0_ISRC, &DWord);
+- if ((DWord & IS_HW_ERR) != 0) {
+- /* read the HW Error Interrupt source */
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B0_HWE_ISRC, &DWord);
+- if ((DWord & IS_IRQ_SENSOR) != 0) {
+- /* disable HW Error IRQ */
+- pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~IS_HW_ERR;
++ Byte = 0;
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ switch (pAC->GIni.GIChipId) {
++ /* PEX adapters work with different host clock */
++ /* Yukon-EC works with 125 MHz host clock */
++ pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact = SK_FACT_125;
++ break;
++ /* Yukon-FE works with 100 MHz host clock */
++ pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact = SK_FACT_100;
++ break;
++ /* all Yukon-2 adapters work with 156 MHz host clock */
++ pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact = 2 * SK_FACT_78;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev > 1) {
++ /* enable bits are inverted */
++ Byte = (SK_U8)(Y2_PCI_CLK_LNK1_DIS | Y2_COR_CLK_LNK1_DIS |
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
+ }
++ pAC->GIni.GIPollTimerVal =
++ SK_DPOLL_DEF_Y2 * (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact / 100;
++ /* set power down bit */
++ PowerDownBit = PCI_Y2_PHY1_POWD | PCI_Y2_PHY2_POWD;
++ /* disable Core Clock Division, set Clock Select to 0 (Yukon-2) */
++ /* enable MAC/PHY, PCI and Core Clock for both Links */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_Y2_CLK_GATE, Byte);
+ }
+- for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- /* set GMAC Link Control reset */
++ else {
++ /* YUKON adapters work with 78 MHz host clock */
++ pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact = SK_FACT_78;
++ pAC->GIni.GIPollTimerVal = SK_DPOLL_MAX; /* 215 ms */
++ /* read the Interrupt source */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_ISRC, &DWord);
++ if ((DWord & IS_HW_ERR) != 0) {
++ /* read the HW Error Interrupt source */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_HWE_ISRC, &DWord);
+- /* clear GMAC Link Control reset */
++ if ((DWord & IS_IRQ_SENSOR) != 0) {
++ /* disable HW Error IRQ */
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~IS_HW_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ /* set power down bit */
++ PowerDownBit = PCI_PHY_COMA;
++ }
++ SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), &DWord);
++ DWord &= ~PowerDownBit;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL && pAC->GIni.GIChipRev > 1) {
++ /* deassert Low Power for 1st PHY */
++ DWord |= PCI_Y2_PHY1_COMA;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
++ /* deassert Low Power for 2nd PHY */
++ DWord |= PCI_Y2_PHY2_COMA;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Release PHY from PowerDown/COMA Mode */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), DWord);
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
++ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ /* set GMAC Link Control reset */
++ /* clear GMAC Link Control reset */
++ }
+ }
+- /* all YU chips work with 78.125 MHz host clock */
+- pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact = SK_FACT_78;
+- pAC->GIni.GIPollTimerVal = SK_DPOLL_MAX; /* 215 ms */
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+- /* check if 64-bit PCI Slot is present */
+- pAC->GIni.GIPciSlot64 = (SK_BOOL)((CtrlStat & CS_BUS_SLOT_SZ) != 0);
+- /* check if 66 MHz PCI Clock is active */
+- pAC->GIni.GIPciClock66 = (SK_BOOL)((CtrlStat & CS_BUS_CLOCK) != 0);
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* this is a conventional PCI bus */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciBus = SK_PCI_BUS;
++ /* check if 64-bit PCI Slot is present */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciSlot64 = (SK_BOOL)((CtrlStat & CS_BUS_SLOT_SZ) != 0);
++ /* check if 66 MHz PCI Clock is active */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciClock66 = (SK_BOOL)((CtrlStat & CS_BUS_CLOCK) != 0);
++ }
+ /* read PCI HW Revision Id. */
+- SK_IN8(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_REV_ID), &Byte);
++ SK_IN8(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_REV_ID), &Byte);
+ pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev = Byte;
++ /* read connector type */
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_CONN_TYP, &pAC->GIni.GIConTyp);
+ /* read the PMD type */
+ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_PMD_TYP, &Byte);
+- pAC->GIni.GICopperType = (SK_U8)(Byte == 'T');
+- /* read the PHY type */
++ pAC->GIni.GIPmdTyp = Byte;
++ pAC->GIni.GICopperType = (SK_BOOL)(Byte == 'T' || Byte == '1' ||
++ (pAC->GIni.GIYukon2 && !(Byte == 'L' || Byte == 'S')));
++ /* read the PHY type (Yukon and Genesis) */
+ SK_IN8(IoC, B2_E_1, &Byte);
+ Byte &= 0x0f; /* the PHY type is stored in the lower nibble */
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
++ /* get the MAC addresses */
++ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
++ SK_IN16(IoC, B2_MAC_1 + i * 8 + j * 2, &pPrt->PMacAddr[j]);
++ }
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ switch (Byte) {
+ case SK_PHY_XMAC:
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_XMAC;
++ pPrt->PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_XMAC;
+ break;
+ case SK_PHY_BCOM:
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_BCOM;
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PMSCap = (SK_U8)(SK_MS_CAP_AUTO |
++ pPrt->PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_BCOM;
++ pPrt->PMSCap = (SK_U8)(SK_MS_CAP_AUTO |
+ break;
+ #ifdef OTHER_PHY
+ case SK_PHY_LONE:
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_LONE;
++ pPrt->PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_LONE;
+ break;
+ case SK_PHY_NAT:
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_NAT;
++ pPrt->PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_NAT;
+ break;
+ #endif /* OTHER_PHY */
+ default:
+ /* ERROR: unexpected PHY type detected */
+ RetVal = 5;
+- break;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+- if (Byte < (SK_U8)SK_PHY_MARV_COPPER) {
++ if (((Byte < (SK_U8)SK_PHY_MARV_COPPER) || pAC->GIni.GIYukon2) &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIPmdTyp != 'L' && pAC->GIni.GIPmdTyp != 'S') {
+ /* if this field is not initialized */
+ pAC->GIni.GICopperType = SK_TRUE;
+ }
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_MARV;
++ pPrt->PhyAddr = PHY_ADDR_MARV;
+ if (pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PLinkSpeedCap = (SK_U8)(SK_LSPEED_CAP_AUTO |
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PLinkSpeed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_AUTO;
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PMSCap = (SK_U8)(SK_MS_CAP_AUTO |
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE ||
++ (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipCap == 2)) {
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap = (SK_U8)(SK_LSPEED_CAP_100MBPS |
++ pAC->GIni.GIRamSize = 4;
++ }
++ else {
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap = (SK_U8)(SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS |
++ }
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_AUTO;
++ pPrt->PMSCap = (SK_U8)(SK_MS_CAP_AUTO |
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
++ /* clear TWSI IRQ */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PhyType = (int)Byte;
++ pPrt->PhyType = (int)Byte;
+- ("PHY type: %d PHY addr: %04x\n", Byte,
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PhyAddr));
++ ("PHY type: %d PHY addr: %04x\n",
++ Byte, pPrt->PhyAddr));
+ }
+ /* get MAC Type & set function pointers dependent on */
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ pAC->GIni.GIMacType = SK_MAC_XMAC;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacUpdateStats = SkXmUpdateStats;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacStatistic = SkXmMacStatistic;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacResetCounter = SkXmResetCounter;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacOverflow = SkXmOverflowStatus;
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacPhyRead = SkXmPhyRead;
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacPhyWrite = SkXmPhyWrite;
++#else /* SK_DIAG */
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pSkGeSirqIsr = SkGeYuSirqIsr;
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ pAC->GIni.GIMacType = SK_MAC_GMAC;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacUpdateStats = SkGmUpdateStats;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacStatistic = SkGmMacStatistic;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacResetCounter = SkGmResetCounter;
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacOverflow = SkGmOverflowStatus;
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacPhyRead = SkGmPhyRead;
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacPhyWrite = SkGmPhyWrite;
++#else /* SK_DIAG */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pSkGeSirqIsr = SkYuk2SirqIsr;
++ }
++ else {
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pSkGeSirqIsr = SkGeYuSirqIsr;
++ }
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON) {
+@@ -1793,7 +2538,9 @@
+ #endif
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
++ SkGeSetUpSupFeatures(pAC, IoC);
+ return(RetVal);
+ } /* SkGeInit1 */
+@@ -1814,9 +2561,12 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGeInit2(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
++#ifdef YUKON
++ SK_U16 Word;
++#endif /* YUKON */
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ SK_U32 DWord;
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+@@ -1850,13 +2600,13 @@
+ SkGeInitPktArb(pAC, IoC);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+-#ifdef YUKON
++#ifdef xSK_DIAG
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* start Time Stamp Timer */
+ }
+-#endif /* YUKON */
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+ /* enable the Tx Arbiters */
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+@@ -1866,8 +2616,34 @@
+ /* enable the RAM Interface Arbiter */
+ SkGeInitRamIface(pAC, IoC);
++#ifdef YUKON
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PEX_DEV_CTRL), &Word);
++ /* change Max. Read Request Size to 2048 bytes */
++ Word &= ~PEX_DC_MAX_RRS_MSK;
++ Word |= PEX_DC_MAX_RD_RQ_SIZE(4);
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PEX_DEV_CTRL), Word);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Writing the HW Error Mask Reg. will not generate an IRQ
++ * as long as the B0_IMSK is not set by the driver.
++ */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B0_HWE_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValHwIrqMask);
++ }
++#endif /* YUKON */
+ } /* SkGeInit2 */
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGeInit() - Initialize the GE Adapter with the specified level.
+@@ -1889,7 +2665,7 @@
+ * if Number of MACs > SK_MAX_MACS
+ *
+ * After returning from Level 0 the adapter
+- * may be accessed with IO operations.
++ * may be accessed with I/O operations.
+ *
+ * Level 2: start the Blink Source Counter
+ *
+@@ -1898,14 +2674,14 @@
+ * 1: Number of MACs exceeds SK_MAX_MACS (after level 1)
+ * 2: Adapter not present or not accessible
+ * 3: Illegal initialization level
+- * 4: Initialization Level 1 Call missing
++ * 4: Initialization level 1 call missing
+ * 5: Unexpected PHY type detected
+ * 6: HW self test failed
+ */
+ int SkGeInit(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
+-int Level) /* initialization level */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Level) /* Initialization Level */
+ {
+ int RetVal; /* return value */
+ SK_U32 DWord;
+@@ -1920,7 +2696,7 @@
+ SkGeInit0(pAC, IoC);
+ pAC->GIni.GILevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
+ break;
+ case SK_INIT_IO:
+ /* Initialization Level 1 */
+ RetVal = SkGeInit1(pAC, IoC);
+@@ -1932,22 +2708,24 @@
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_IRQM_INI, &DWord);
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_IRQM_INI, 0L);
+ if (DWord != SK_TEST_VAL) {
+ RetVal = 2;
+ break;
+ }
++#ifdef DEBUG
+ /* check if the number of GIMacsFound matches SK_MAX_MACS */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > SK_MAX_MACS) {
+ RetVal = 1;
+ break;
+ }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
+ /* Level 1 successfully passed */
+ pAC->GIni.GILevel = SK_INIT_IO;
+ break;
+ case SK_INIT_RUN:
+ /* Initialization Level 2 */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GILevel != SK_INIT_IO) {
+@@ -1957,12 +2735,13 @@
+ RetVal = 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ SkGeInit2(pAC, IoC);
+ /* Level 2 successfully passed */
+ pAC->GIni.GILevel = SK_INIT_RUN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ RetVal = 3;
+@@ -1985,77 +2764,79 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGeDeInit(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+ {
+ int i;
+ SK_U16 Word;
+-#ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
+- SK_U8 Byte;
+ SK_U16 PmCtlSts;
+-#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+ #if (!defined(SK_SLIM) && !defined(VCPU))
+ /* ensure I2C is ready */
+ SkI2cWaitIrq(pAC, IoC);
+- /* stop all current transfer activity */
+- for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- if (pAC->GIni.GP[i].PState != SK_PRT_STOP &&
+- pAC->GIni.GP[i].PState != SK_PRT_RESET) {
+- SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, i, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_HARD_RST);
+- }
+- }
+-#ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
+- /*
++ /*
+ * for power saving purposes within mobile environments
+- * we set the PHY to coma mode and switch to D3 power state.
++ * we set the PHY to coma mode.
+ */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite &&
+- pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
++#ifdef XXX
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail) {
++ /* switch power to VAUX */
++ }
++#endif /* XXX */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC) && /* pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1 && */
++ !pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled
++#ifdef XXX
++ || (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite && pAC->GIni.GIChipRev >= CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3)
++#endif /* XXX */
++ ) {
+ /* for all ports switch PHY to coma mode */
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+- SkGmEnterLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, i, PHY_PM_DEEP_SLEEP);
+- }
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail) {
+- /* switch power to VAUX */
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, B0_POWER_CTRL, Byte);
++ (void)SkGmEnterLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, i, PHY_PM_DEEP_SLEEP);
+ }
+- /* switch to D3 state */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_PM_CTL_STS), &PmCtlSts);
+- PmCtlSts |= PCI_PM_STATE_D3;
++ }
++#else /* !SK_PHY_LP_MODE_DEEP_SLEEP */
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
++ /* stop all current transfer activity */
++ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[i].PState != SK_PRT_STOP &&
++ pAC->GIni.GP[i].PState != SK_PRT_RESET) {
+- SK_OUT16(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_PM_CTL_STS), PmCtlSts);
++ SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, i, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_HARD_RST);
++ }
++ }
+ }
+-#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+- /* Reset all bits in the PCI STATUS register */
++ /* reset all bits in the PCI STATUS register */
+ /*
+ * Note: PCI Cfg cycles cannot be used, because they are not
+ * available on some platforms after 'boot time'.
+ */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_STATUS), &Word);
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_STATUS), &Word);
+- /* do the reset, all LEDs are switched off now */
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIAsfEnabled) {
++ /* set the SW-reset */
++ }
++#endif /* !SK_PHY_LP_MODE_DEEP_SLEEP */
+ pAC->GIni.GILevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
+ } /* SkGeDeInit */
+@@ -2089,8 +2870,8 @@
+ * 2: The port has to be stopped before it can be initialized again.
+ */
+ int SkGeInitPort(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port to configure */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -2101,8 +2882,8 @@
+ return(1);
+ }
+- if (pPrt->PState == SK_PRT_INIT || pPrt->PState == SK_PRT_RUN) {
++ if (pPrt->PState >= SK_PRT_INIT) {
+ return(2);
+ }
+@@ -2119,29 +2900,29 @@
+ /* The Link LED is initialized by RLMT or Diagnostics itself */
+ SkXmInitMac(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ SkGmInitMac(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ /* do NOT initialize the Link Sync Counter */
+ SkGeInitMacFifo(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ SkGeInitRamBufs(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ if (pPrt->PXSQSize != 0) {
+ /* enable Force Sync bit if synchronous queue available */
+ }
+ SkGeInitBmu(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /* mark port as initialized */
+@@ -2149,3 +2930,194 @@
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkGeInitPort */
++#ifdef YUK2
++ *
++ * RamWrite() - Writes One quadword to RAM
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0
++ */
++static void RamWrite(
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U32 Addr, /* Address to be written to (in quadwords) */
++SK_U32 LowDword, /* Lower Dword to be written */
++SK_U32 HighDword, /* Upper Dword to be written */
++int Port) /* Select RAM buffer (Yukon-2 has 2 RAM buffers) */
++ /* Write Access is initiated by writing the upper Dword */
++ *
++ * SkYuk2RestartRxBmu() - Restart Receive BMU on Yukon-2
++ *
++ * return:
++ * 0 o.k.
++ * 1 timeout
++ */
++int SkYuk2RestartRxBmu(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
++ SK_U16 Word;
++ SK_U16 MacCtrl;
++ SK_U16 RxCtrl;
++ SK_U16 FlushMask;
++ SK_U16 FlushTrsh;
++ SK_U32 RamAdr;
++ SK_U32 DWord;
++ SK_U32 StartTime;
++ SK_U32 CurrTime;
++ SK_U32 Delta;
++ SK_U32 TimeOut;
++ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
++ int i;
++ int Rtv;
++ Rtv = 0;
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
++ 1. save Rx MAC FIFO Flush Mask and Rx MAC FIFO Flush Threshold
++ 2. save GMAC Rx Control Register
++ 3. re-initialize MAC Rx FIFO, Rx RAM Buffer Queue, PCI Rx FIFO,
++ Rx BMU and Rx Prefetch Unit of the link.
++ 4. set Rx MAC FIFO Flush Mask to 0xffff
++ set Rx MAC FIFO Flush Threshold to a high value, e.g. 0x20
++ 5. set GMAC to loopback mode and switch GMAC back to Rx/Tx enable
++ 6. clear Rx/Tx Frame Complete IRQ in Rx/T MAC FIFO Control Register
++ 7. send one packet with a size of 64bytes (size below flush threshold)
++ from TXA RAM Buffer Queue to set the rx_sop flop:
++ - set TxAQ Write Pointer to (packet size in qwords + 2)
++ - set TxAQ Level to (packet size in qwords + 2)
++ - write Internal Status Word 1 and 2 to TxAQ RAM Buffer Queue QWord 0,1
++ according to figure 61 on page 330 of Yukon-2 Spec.
++ - write MAC header with Destination Address = own MAC address to
++ TxAQ RAM Buffer Queue QWords 2 and 3
++ - set TxAQ Packet Counter to 1 -> packet is transmitted immediately
++ 8. poll GMAC IRQ Source Register for IRQ Rx/Tx Frame Complete
++ 9. restore GMAC Rx Control Register
++10. restore Rx MAC FIFO Flush Mask and Rx MAC FIFO Flush Threshold
++11. set GMAC back to GMII mode
++ /* save Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_MSK), &FlushMask);
++ /* save Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Threshold */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_THR), &FlushTrsh);
++ /* save GMAC Rx Control Register */
++ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, &RxCtrl);
++ /* configure Tx GMAC FIFO */
++ SkGeInitMacFifo(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ SkGeInitRamBufs(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ SkGeInitBmu(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ /* configure Rx GMAC FIFO */
++ /* set Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_MSK), 0xffff);
++ /* set Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Threshold */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_THR), 0x20);
++ /* set to promiscuous mode */
++ Word = RxCtrl & ~(GM_RXCR_UCF_ENA | GM_RXCR_MCF_ENA);
++ /* set GMAC Rx Control Register */
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, Word);
++ /* get General Purpose Control */
++ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, &MacCtrl);
++ /* enable MAC Loopback Mode*/
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, MacCtrl | GM_GPCR_LOOP_ENA);
++ /* enable MAC Loopback Mode and Rx/Tx */
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, MacCtrl | GM_GPCR_LOOP_ENA |
++ /* clear GMAC IRQ Rx Frame Complete */
++ /* clear GMAC IRQ Tx Frame Complete */
++ /* send one packet with a size of 64bytes from RAM buffer*/
++ RamAdr = pPrt->PXaQRamStart / 8;
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, RB_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, RB_WP), RamAdr + 10);
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, RB_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, RB_LEV), 10);
++ /* write 1st status quad word (packet end address in RAM, packet length */
++ RamWrite(IoC, RamAdr, (RamAdr + 9) << 16, 64, Port);
++ /* write 2nd status quad word */
++ RamWrite(IoC, RamAdr + 1, 0, 0, Port);
++ /* write DA to MAC header */
++ RamWrite(IoC, RamAdr + 2, *(SK_U32 *)&pPrt->PMacAddr[0],
++ *(SK_U32 *)&pPrt->PMacAddr[2], Port);
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, RB_ADDR(pPrt->PXaQOff, RB_PC), 1);
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &StartTime);
++ /* set timeout to 1 ms */
++ TimeOut = HW_MS_TO_TICKS(pAC, 1);
++ do {
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &CurrTime);
++ if (CurrTime >= StartTime) {
++ Delta = CurrTime - StartTime;
++ }
++ else {
++ Delta = CurrTime + ~StartTime + 1;
++ }
++ if (Delta > TimeOut) {
++ Rtv = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ /* read the GMAC Interrupt source register */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_IRQ_SRC), &Word);
++ } while ((Word & (GM_IS_TX_COMPL | GM_IS_RX_COMPL)) !=
++ /* disable MAC Loopback Mode and Rx/Tx */
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, MacCtrl);
++ /* restore GMAC Rx Control Register */
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, RxCtrl);
++ /* restore Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mask */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_MSK), FlushMask);
++ /* restore Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Threshold */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, RX_GMF_FL_THR), FlushTrsh);
++ return(Rtv);
++} /* SkYuk2RestartRxBmu */
++#endif /* YUK2 */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgemib.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgemib.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgemib.c 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgemib.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgemib.c
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.11 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/15 13:38:12 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.7 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/10/26 12:42:18 $
+ * Purpose: Private Network Management Interface Management Database
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+@@ -251,6 +251,183 @@
+ 0,
+ SK_PNMI_RW, DiagActions, 0},
+ #endif /* SK_DIAG_SUPPORT */
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RW, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RO, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RO, Asf, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RO, Asf, 0},
++#endif /* SK_ASF */
+ 1,
+ 0,
+@@ -1073,6 +1250,11 @@
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ SK_PNMI_RO, Vct, 0},
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ 0,
++ SK_PNMI_RO, Vct, 0},
+ 0,
+ 0,
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgepnmi.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgepnmi.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgepnmi.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgepnmi.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Name: skgepnmi.c
+- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.111 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/15 13:35:35 $
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, PNMI-Module
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.23 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/08/09 09:05:12 $
+ * Purpose: Private Network Management Interface
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+-#ifndef _lint
++#if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skgepnmi.c,v 1.111 2003/09/15 13:35:35 tschilli Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+-#endif /* !_lint */
++ "@(#) $Id: skgepnmi.c,v 2.23 2005/08/09 09:05:12 tschilli Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h"
+ #include "h/sktypes.h"
+@@ -38,12 +37,14 @@
+ #include "h/skcsum.h"
+ #include "h/skvpd.h"
+ #include "h/skgehw.h"
++#include "h/sky2le.h"
+ #include "h/skgeinit.h"
+ #include "h/skdrv2nd.h"
+ #include "h/skgepnm2.h"
+ #ifdef SK_POWER_MGMT
+ #include "h/skgepmgt.h"
++#endif /* SK_POWER_MGMT */
+ /* defines *******************************************************************/
+ #ifndef DEBUG
+@@ -72,7 +73,6 @@
+ int SkPnmiGenIoctl(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, void * pBuf,
+ unsigned int * pLen, SK_U32 NetIndex);
+ /*
+ * Private Function prototypes
+ */
+@@ -112,6 +112,12 @@
+ PNMI_STATIC int Vct(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Action, SK_U32 Id, char *pBuf,
+ unsigned int *pLen, SK_U32 Instance, unsigned int TableIndex, SK_U32 NetIndex);
+ PNMI_STATIC void CheckVctStatus(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, char *, SK_U32, SK_U32);
++PNMI_STATIC void VctGetResults(SK_AC *, SK_IOC, SK_U32);
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++PNMI_STATIC int Asf(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int action, SK_U32 Id,
++ char *pBuf, unsigned int *pLen, SK_U32 Instance,
++ unsigned int TableIndex, SK_U32 NetIndex);
++#endif /* SK_ASF */
+ /*
+ * Table to correlate OID with handler function and index to
+@@ -353,17 +359,13 @@
+ * Always 0
+ */
+ int SkPnmiInit(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Pointer to adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context handle */
+-int Level) /* Initialization level */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Pointer to adapter context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context handle */
++int Level) /* Initialization level */
+ {
+ unsigned int PortMax; /* Number of ports */
+ unsigned int PortIndex; /* Current port index in loop */
+- SK_U16 Val16; /* Multiple purpose 16 bit variable */
+- SK_U8 Val8; /* Mulitple purpose 8 bit variable */
+- SK_EVPARA EventParam; /* Event struct for timer event */
+- SK_PNMI_VCT *pVctBackupData;
++ SK_EVPARA EventParam; /* Event struct for timer event */
+ ("PNMI: SkPnmiInit: Called, level=%d\n", Level));
+@@ -372,13 +374,19 @@
+ case SK_INIT_DATA:
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&pAC->Pnmi, 0, sizeof(pAC->Pnmi));
+ pAC->Pnmi.TrapBufFree = SK_PNMI_TRAP_QUEUE_LEN;
+ pAC->Pnmi.StartUpTime = SK_PNMI_HUNDREDS_SEC(SkOsGetTime(pAC));
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeThreshold = SK_PNMI_DEF_RLMT_CHG_THRES;
+ for (PortIndex = 0; PortIndex < SK_MAX_MACS; PortIndex ++) {
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[PortIndex].ActiveFlag = SK_FALSE;
+ pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag = SK_FALSE;
++ /* Initialize DSP variables for Vct() to 0xff => Never written! */
++ pAC->GIni.GP[PortIndex].PCableLen = 0xff;
++ pAC->Pnmi.VctBackup[PortIndex].CableLen = 0xff;
+ }
+ #ifdef SK_PNMI_CHECK
+@@ -408,51 +416,36 @@
+ break;
+ case SK_INIT_IO:
+- /*
+- * Reset MAC counters
+- */
++ /* Reset MAC counters. */
+ PortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+ for (PortIndex = 0; PortIndex < PortMax; PortIndex ++) {
+ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacResetCounter(pAC, IoC, PortIndex);
+ }
+- /* Initialize DSP variables for Vct() to 0xff => Never written! */
+- for (PortIndex = 0; PortIndex < PortMax; PortIndex ++) {
+- pAC->GIni.GP[PortIndex].PCableLen = 0xff;
+- pVctBackupData = &pAC->Pnmi.VctBackup[PortIndex];
+- pVctBackupData->PCableLen = 0xff;
+- }
+- /*
+- * Get pci bus speed
+- */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, B0_CTST, &Val16);
+- if ((Val16 & CS_BUS_CLOCK) == 0) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.PciBusSpeed = 33;
++ /* Get PCI bus speed. */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciClock66) {
++ pAC->Pnmi.PciBusSpeed = 66;
+ }
+ else {
+- pAC->Pnmi.PciBusSpeed = 66;
++ pAC->Pnmi.PciBusSpeed = 33;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get pci bus width
+- */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, B0_CTST, &Val16);
+- if ((Val16 & CS_BUS_SLOT_SZ) == 0) {
++ /* Get PCI bus width. */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciSlot64) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.PciBusWidth = 32;
++ pAC->Pnmi.PciBusWidth = 64;
+ }
+ else {
+- pAC->Pnmi.PciBusWidth = 64;
++ pAC->Pnmi.PciBusWidth = 32;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get chipset
+- */
++ /* Get chipset. */
+ switch (pAC->GIni.GIChipId) {
+ pAC->Pnmi.Chipset = SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_XMAC;
+ break;
+@@ -461,57 +454,51 @@
+ pAC->Pnmi.Chipset = SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_YUKON;
+ break;
++ break;
++ pAC->Pnmi.Chipset = SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_YUKON_LP;
++ break;
++ pAC->Pnmi.Chipset = SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_YUKON_XL;
++ break;
++ pAC->Pnmi.Chipset = SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_YUKON_EC;
++ break;
++ pAC->Pnmi.Chipset = SK_PNMI_CHIPSET_YUKON_FE;
++ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get PMD and DeviceType
+- */
+- SK_IN8(IoC, B2_PMD_TYP, &Val8);
+- switch (Val8) {
++ /* Get PMD and Device Type. */
++ switch (pAC->GIni.GIPmdTyp) {
+ case 'S':
+ pAC->Pnmi.PMD = 3;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020002;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020001;
+- }
++ pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020001;
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ pAC->Pnmi.PMD = 2;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020004;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020003;
+- }
++ pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020003;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ pAC->Pnmi.PMD = 4;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020006;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020005;
+- }
++ pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020005;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ pAC->Pnmi.PMD = 5;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020008;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020007;
+- }
++ pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType = 0x00020007;
+ break;
+ default :
+@@ -520,11 +507,14 @@
+ break;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get connector
+- */
+- SK_IN8(IoC, B2_CONN_TYP, &Val8);
+- switch (Val8) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
++ pAC->Pnmi.DeviceType++;
++ }
++ /* Get connector type. */
++ switch (pAC->GIni.GIConTyp) {
+ case 'C':
+ pAC->Pnmi.Connector = 2;
+ break;
+@@ -552,17 +542,17 @@
+ break;
+ case SK_INIT_RUN:
+- /*
+- * Start timer for RLMT change counter
+- */
++ /* Start timer for RLMT change counter. */
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeEstimate.EstTimer,
+ EventParam);
+ break;
+ default:
+- break; /* Nothing todo */
++ break; /* Nothing to do. */
+ }
+ return (0);
+@@ -642,7 +632,6 @@
+ ("PNMI: SkPnmiPreSetVar: Called, Id=0x%x, BufLen=%d, Instance=%d, NetIndex=%d\n",
+ Id, *pLen, Instance, NetIndex));
+ return (PnmiVar(pAC, IoC, SK_PNMI_PRESET, Id, (char *)pBuf, pLen,
+ Instance, NetIndex));
+ }
+@@ -724,7 +713,6 @@
+ unsigned int TmpLen;
+ ("PNMI: SkPnmiGetStruct: Called, BufLen=%d, NetIndex=%d\n",
+ *pLen, NetIndex));
+@@ -733,22 +721,19 @@
+ if (*pLen >= SK_PNMI_MIN_STRUCT_SIZE) {
+- (SK_U32)(-1));
+ }
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check NetIndex
+- */
++ /* Check NetIndex. */
+ if (NetIndex >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+ }
+- /* Update statistic */
++ /* Update statistics. */
+ SK_PNMI_CHECKFLAGS("SkPnmiGetStruct: On call");
+ if ((Ret = MacUpdate(pAC, IoC, 0, pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound - 1)) !=
+@@ -773,35 +758,37 @@
+ return (Ret);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Increment semaphores to indicate that an update was
+- * already done
+- */
++ /* Increment semaphores to indicate that an update was already done. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag ++;
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag ++;
+ pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag ++;
+- /* Get vpd keys for instance calculation */
+- Ret = GetVpdKeyArr(pAC, IoC, &KeyArr[0][0], sizeof(KeyArr), &TmpLen);
+- if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
++ /*
++ * Get VPD keys for instance calculation.
++ * Please read comment in Vpd().
++ */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.VpdKeyReadError == SK_FALSE) {
++ Ret = GetVpdKeyArr(pAC, IoC, &KeyArr[0][0], sizeof(KeyArr), &TmpLen);
++ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag --;
+- pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag --;
+- pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag --;
++ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag --;
++ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag --;
++ pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag --;
+- SK_PNMI_CHECKFLAGS("SkPnmiGetStruct: On return");
+- SK_PNMI_SET_STAT(pBuf, Ret, (SK_U32)(-1));
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ SK_PNMI_CHECKFLAGS("SkPnmiGetStruct: On return");
++ SK_PNMI_SET_STAT(pBuf, Ret, (SK_U32)(-1));
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ }
+ }
+- /* Retrieve values */
++ /* Retrieve values. */
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)pBuf, 0, SK_PNMI_STRUCT_SIZE);
+ for (TableIndex = 0; TableIndex < ID_TABLE_SIZE; TableIndex ++) {
+ InstanceNo = IdTable[TableIndex].InstanceNo;
+- for (InstanceCnt = 1; InstanceCnt <= InstanceNo;
+- InstanceCnt ++) {
++ for (InstanceCnt = 1; InstanceCnt <= InstanceNo; InstanceCnt ++) {
+ DstOffset = IdTable[TableIndex].Offset +
+ (InstanceCnt - 1) *
+@@ -998,7 +985,6 @@
+ unsigned int PhysPortIndex;
+ unsigned int MaxNetNumber;
+ int CounterIndex;
+- int Ret;
+ SK_U16 MacStatus;
+ SK_U64 OverflowStatus;
+ SK_U64 Mask;
+@@ -1012,12 +998,7 @@
+ SK_U64 Delta;
+ SK_U32 NetIndex;
+- SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+- SK_PNMI_VCT *pVctBackupData;
+ SK_U32 RetCode;
+- int i;
+- SK_U32 CableLength;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ if (Event != SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET) {
+@@ -1048,9 +1029,7 @@
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ OverflowStatus = 0;
+- /*
+- * Check which source caused an overflow interrupt.
+- */
++ /* Check which source caused an overflow interrupt. */
+ if ((pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacOverflow(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex,
+ MacStatus, &OverflowStatus) != 0) ||
+ (OverflowStatus == 0)) {
+@@ -1068,7 +1047,6 @@
+ Mask = (SK_U64)1 << CounterIndex;
+ if ((OverflowStatus & Mask) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -1100,9 +1078,7 @@
+- /*
+- * the following counters aren't be handled (id > 63)
+- */
++ /* The following counters aren't be handled (id > 63). */
+ break;
+@@ -1189,7 +1165,7 @@
+ if ((unsigned int)Param.Para64 >= (unsigned int)pAC->I2c.MaxSens) {
+- ("PNMI: ERR: SkPnmiEvent: SK_PNMI_EVT_SEN_ERR_UPP parameter wrong, SensorIndex=%d\n",
++ ("PNMI: ERR: SK_PNMI_EVT_SEN_ERR_UPP parameter wrong, SensorIndex=%d\n",
+ (unsigned int)Param.Para64));
+ return (0);
+ }
+@@ -1208,16 +1184,14 @@
+ /*
+ * Calculate port switch average on a per hour basis
+- * Time interval for check : 28125 ms
++ * Time interval for check : 28125 ms (SK_PNMI_EVT_TIMER_CHECK)
+ * Number of values for average : 8
+ *
+ * Be careful in changing these values, on change check
+ * - typedef of SK_PNMI_ESTIMATE (Size of EstValue
+ * array one less than value number)
+ * - Timer initialization SkTimerStart() in SkPnmiInit
+- * - Delta value below must be multiplicated with
+- * power of 2
+- *
++ * - Delta value below must be multiplicated with power of 2
+ */
+ pEst = &pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeEstimate;
+ CounterIndex = pEst->EstValueIndex + 1;
+@@ -1240,7 +1214,7 @@
+ Delta = NewestValue - OldestValue;
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Overflow situation */
++ /* Overflow situation. */
+ Delta = (SK_U64)(0 - OldestValue) + NewestValue;
+ }
+@@ -1266,8 +1240,9 @@
+ }
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeEstimate.EstTimer,
+ EventParam);
+ break;
+@@ -1311,29 +1286,25 @@
+ (unsigned int)Param.Para64));
+ return (0);
+ }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
+ PhysPortIndex = (unsigned int)Param.Para64;
+- /*
+- * Update XMAC statistic to get fresh values
+- */
+- Ret = MacUpdate(pAC, IoC, 0, pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound - 1);
+- if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
++ /* Update XMAC statistic to get fresh values. */
++ if (MacUpdate(pAC, IoC, 0, pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound - 1) !=
+ SK_PNMI_CHECKFLAGS("SkPnmiEvent: On return");
+ return (0);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Increment semaphore to indicate that an update was
+- * already done
+- */
++ /* Increment semaphore to indicate that an update was already done. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag ++;
+ for (CounterIndex = 0; CounterIndex < SK_PNMI_MAX_IDX;
+ CounterIndex ++) {
+ if (!StatAddr[CounterIndex][MacType].GetOffset) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -1366,14 +1337,15 @@
+ QueueRlmtPortTrap(pAC, OID_SKGE_TRAP_RLMT_PORT_UP, PhysPortIndex);
+- /* Bugfix for XMAC errata (#10620)*/
++ /* Bugfix for XMAC errata (#10620). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Add incremental difference to offset (#10620)*/
++ /* Add incremental difference to offset (#10620). */
+ (void)pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex,
+ XM_RXE_SHT_ERR, &Val32);
+ Value = (((SK_U64)pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].
+ CounterHigh[SK_PNMI_HRX_SHORTS] << 32) | (SK_U64)Val32);
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].CounterOffset[SK_PNMI_HRX_SHORTS] +=
+ Value - pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].RxShortZeroMark;
+ }
+@@ -1403,7 +1375,7 @@
+ QueueRlmtPortTrap(pAC, OID_SKGE_TRAP_RLMT_PORT_DOWN, PhysPortIndex);
+- /* Bugfix #10620 - get zero level for incremental difference */
++ /* Bugfix #10620 - get zero level for incremental difference. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ (void)pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex,
+@@ -1435,17 +1407,13 @@
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+- /*
+- * For now, ignore event if NetIndex != 0.
+- */
++ /* For now, ignore event if NetIndex != 0. */
+ if (Param.Para32[1] != 0) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Nothing to do if port is already inactive
+- */
++ /* Nothing to do if port is already inactive. */
+ if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
+ return (0);
+@@ -1476,7 +1444,6 @@
+ CounterIndex ++) {
+ if (!StatAddr[CounterIndex][MacType].GetOffset) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -1485,9 +1452,7 @@
+ pAC->Pnmi.VirtualCounterOffset[CounterIndex] += Value;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Set port to inactive
+- */
++ /* Set port to inactive. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag = SK_FALSE;
+ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag --;
+@@ -1513,25 +1478,19 @@
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+- /*
+- * For now, ignore event if NetIndex != 0.
+- */
++ /* For now, ignore event if NetIndex != 0. */
+ if (Param.Para32[1] != 0) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Nothing to do if port is already active
+- */
++ /* Nothing to do if port is already inactive. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Statistic maintenance
+- */
++ /* Statistic maintenance. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeCts ++;
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeTime = SK_PNMI_HUNDREDS_SEC(SkOsGetTime(pAC));
+@@ -1565,7 +1524,6 @@
+ CounterIndex ++) {
+ if (!StatAddr[CounterIndex][MacType].GetOffset) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -1574,16 +1532,14 @@
+ pAC->Pnmi.VirtualCounterOffset[CounterIndex] -= Value;
+ }
+- /* Set port to active */
++ /* Set port to active. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag = SK_TRUE;
+ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag --;
+ break;
+- /*
+- * Para.Para32[0] contains the NetIndex.
+- */
++ /* Para.Para32[0] contains the NetIndex. */
+ /*
+ * Store a trap message in the trap buffer and generate an event for
+@@ -1598,71 +1554,53 @@
+ * Param.Para32[0] contains the number of Nets.
+ * Param.Para32[1] is reserved, contains -1.
+ */
+- /*
+- * Check number of nets
+- */
++ /* Check number of nets. */
+ MaxNetNumber = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+- if (((unsigned int)Param.Para32[0] < 1)
+- || ((unsigned int)Param.Para32[0] > MaxNetNumber)) {
++ if (((unsigned int)Param.Para32[0] < 1) ||
++ ((unsigned int)Param.Para32[0] > MaxNetNumber)) {
+ }
+- if ((unsigned int)Param.Para32[0] == 1) { /* single net mode */
++ if ((unsigned int)Param.Para32[0] == 1) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag = SK_FALSE;
+ }
+- else { /* dual net mode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag = SK_TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ PhysPortIndex = Param.Para32[0];
+- pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex];
+- pVctBackupData = &pAC->Pnmi.VctBackup[PhysPortIndex];
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] & SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING) {
+ RetCode = SkGmCableDiagStatus(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, SK_FALSE);
+ if (RetCode == 2) {
+ /*
+ * VCT test is still running.
+ * Start VCT timer counter again.
+ */
+- SK_MEMSET((char *) &Param, 0, sizeof(Param));
++ SK_MEMSET((char *)&Param, 0, sizeof(Param));
+ Param.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
+ Param.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC,
+- &pAC->Pnmi.VctTimeout[PhysPortIndex].VctTimer,
+- 4000000, SKGE_PNMI, SK_PNMI_EVT_VCT_RESET, Param);
++ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->Pnmi.VctTimeout[PhysPortIndex],
+ break;
+ }
+- pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] &= ~SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING;
+- pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] |=
+- /* Copy results for later use to PNMI struct. */
+- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+- if (pPrt->PMdiPairSts[i] == SK_PNMI_VCT_NORMAL_CABLE) {
+- if ((pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] > 35) &&
+- (pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] < 0xff)) {
+- }
+- }
+- if ((pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] > 35) &&
+- (pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] != 0xff)) {
+- CableLength = 1000 *
+- (((175 * pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i]) / 210) - 28);
+- }
+- else {
+- CableLength = 0;
+- }
+- pVctBackupData->PMdiPairLen[i] = CableLength;
+- pVctBackupData->PMdiPairSts[i] = pPrt->PMdiPairSts[i];
+- }
++ VctGetResults(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+- Param.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
+- Param.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_RESET, Param);
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, IoC);
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ EventParam.Para32[1] = -1;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_RESET, EventParam);
++ /* SkEventDispatcher(pAC, IoC); */
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -1710,14 +1648,13 @@
+ unsigned int TableIndex;
+ int Ret;
+ if ((TableIndex = LookupId(Id)) == (unsigned int)(-1)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check NetIndex */
++ /* Check NetIndex. */
+ if (NetIndex >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+ }
+@@ -1767,22 +1704,20 @@
+ SK_U32 Instance;
+ SK_U32 Id;
+- /* Check if the passed buffer has the right size */
++ /* Check if the passed buffer has the right size. */
+ if (*pLen < SK_PNMI_STRUCT_SIZE) {
+- /* Check if we can return the error within the buffer */
++ /* Check if we can return the error within the buffer. */
+ if (*pLen >= SK_PNMI_MIN_STRUCT_SIZE) {
+- (SK_U32)(-1));
+ }
+ }
+- /* Check NetIndex */
++ /* Check NetIndex. */
+ if (NetIndex >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+ }
+@@ -1810,12 +1745,11 @@
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag ++;
+ pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag ++;
+- /* Preset/Set values */
++ /* PRESET/SET values. */
+ for (TableIndex = 0; TableIndex < ID_TABLE_SIZE; TableIndex ++) {
+ if ((IdTable[TableIndex].Access != SK_PNMI_RW) &&
+ (IdTable[TableIndex].Access != SK_PNMI_WO)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -1826,8 +1760,7 @@
+ InstanceCnt ++) {
+ DstOffset = IdTable[TableIndex].Offset +
+- (InstanceCnt - 1) *
+- IdTable[TableIndex].StructSize;
++ (InstanceCnt - 1) * IdTable[TableIndex].StructSize;
+ /*
+ * Because VPD multiple instance variables are
+@@ -1837,9 +1770,7 @@
+ */
+ Instance = (SK_U32)InstanceCnt;
+- /*
+- * Evaluate needed buffer length
+- */
++ /* Evaluate needed buffer length. */
+ Len = 0;
+ Ret = IdTable[TableIndex].Func(pAC, IoC,
+ SK_PNMI_GET, IdTable[TableIndex].Id,
+@@ -1855,8 +1786,7 @@
+ pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag --;
+ SK_PNMI_CHECKFLAGS("PnmiStruct: On return");
+ }
+@@ -1878,7 +1808,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+- /* Call the OID handler function */
++ /* Call the OID handler function. */
+ Ret = IdTable[TableIndex].Func(pAC, IoC, Action,
+ IdTable[TableIndex].Id, pBuf + DstOffset,
+ &Len, Instance, TableIndex, NetIndex);
+@@ -1889,8 +1819,7 @@
+ pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag --;
+ SK_PNMI_CHECKFLAGS("PnmiStruct: On return");
+- DstOffset);
+ }
+@@ -1924,7 +1853,7 @@
+ if (IdTable[i].Id == Id) {
+- return i;
++ return (i);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1965,16 +1894,13 @@
+ {
+ if (Id != OID_SKGE_ALL_DATA) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check instance. We only handle single instance variables
+- */
++ /* Check instance. We only handle single instance variables. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -2033,10 +1959,7 @@
+ int Ret;
+ SK_U32 ActionOp;
+- /*
+- * Check instance. We only handle single instance variables
+- */
++ /* Check instance. We only handle single instance variables. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -2049,10 +1972,10 @@
+ }
+- /* Check if a get should be performed */
++ /* Check if a GET should be performed. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+- /* A get is easy. We always return the same value */
++ /* A GET is easy. We always return the same value. */
+ ActionOp = (SK_U32)SK_PNMI_ACT_IDLE;
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf, ActionOp);
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_U32);
+@@ -2060,13 +1983,13 @@
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /* Continue with PRESET/SET action */
++ /* Continue with PRESET/SET action. */
+ if (*pLen > sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+ }
+- /* Check if the command is a known one */
++ /* Check if the command is a known one. */
+ SK_PNMI_READ_U32(pBuf, ActionOp);
+ if (*pLen > sizeof(SK_U32) ||
+ (ActionOp != SK_PNMI_ACT_IDLE &&
+@@ -2078,7 +2001,7 @@
+ }
+- /* A preset ends here */
++ /* A PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+@@ -2087,19 +2010,15 @@
+ switch (ActionOp) {
+- /* Nothing to do */
++ /* Nothing to do. */
+ break;
+- /*
+- * Perform a driver reset or something that comes near
+- * to this.
+- */
++ /* Perform a driver reset or something that comes near to this. */
+ if (Ret != 0) {
+ }
+@@ -2116,13 +2035,12 @@
+ break;
+- /* Set all counters and timestamps to zero */
++ /* Set all counters and timestamps to zero. */
+ ResetCounter(pAC, IoC, NetIndex);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+@@ -2166,25 +2084,21 @@
+ SK_U32 StatVal32;
+ SK_BOOL Is64BitReq = SK_FALSE;
+- /*
+- * Only the active Mac is returned
+- */
++ /* Only the active MAC is returned. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check action type
+- */
++ /* Check action type. */
+ if (Action != SK_PNMI_GET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -2205,12 +2119,12 @@
+ #else /* SK_NDIS_64BIT_CTR */
+- /* for compatibility, at least 32bit are required for OID */
++ /* For compatibility, at least 32 bits are required for OID. */
+ if (*pLen < sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+ /*
+- * but indicate handling for 64bit values,
+- * if insufficient space is provided
+- */
++ * Indicate handling for 64 bit values,
++ * if insufficient space is provided.
++ */
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_U64);
+ }
+@@ -2226,16 +2140,14 @@
+ * to indicate that an update was already done.
+ */
+ Ret = MacUpdate(pAC, IoC, 0, pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound - 1);
+- if ( Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
++ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ return (Ret);
+ }
+ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag ++;
+- /*
+- * Get value (MAC Index 0 identifies the virtual MAC)
+- */
++ /* Get value (MAC index 0 identifies the virtual MAC). */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -2251,7 +2163,7 @@
+ default:
+ StatVal = GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, IdTable[TableIndex].Param, NetIndex);
+- /* by default 32bit values are evaluated */
++ /* By default 32 bit values are evaluated. */
+ if (!Is64BitReq) {
+ StatVal32 = (SK_U32)StatVal;
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf, StatVal32);
+@@ -2305,21 +2217,19 @@
+ int MacType;
+ int Ret;
+ SK_U64 StatVal;
+- /* Calculate instance if wished. MAC index 0 is the virtual MAC */
++ /* Calculate instance if wished. MAC index 0 is the virtual MAC. */
+ PhysPortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+ LogPortMax = SK_PNMI_PORT_PHYS2LOG(PhysPortMax);
+ MacType = pAC->GIni.GIMacType;
+- if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* Dual net mode */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* DualNet mode. */
+ LogPortMax--;
+ }
+- if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) { /* Only one specific instance is queried */
+- /* Check instance range */
++ if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) { /* Only one specific instance is queried. */
++ /* Check instance range. */
+ if ((Instance < 1) || (Instance > LogPortMax)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -2329,20 +2239,20 @@
+ Limit = LogPortIndex + 1;
+ }
+- else { /* Instance == (SK_U32)(-1), get all Instances of that OID */
++ else { /* Instance == (SK_U32)(-1), get all Instances of that OID. */
+ LogPortIndex = 0;
+ Limit = LogPortMax;
+ }
+- /* Check action */
++ /* Check action. */
+ if (Action != SK_PNMI_GET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - LogPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_U64)) {
+ *pLen = (Limit - LogPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_U64);
+@@ -2361,7 +2271,7 @@
+ }
+ pAC->Pnmi.MacUpdatedFlag ++;
+- /* Get value */
++ /* Get value. */
+ Offset = 0;
+ for (; LogPortIndex < Limit; LogPortIndex ++) {
+@@ -2467,19 +2377,16 @@
+ unsigned int Limit;
+ unsigned int Offset = 0;
+- /*
+- * Calculate instance if wished. MAC index 0 is the virtual
+- * MAC.
+- */
++ /* Calculate instance if wished. MAC index 0 is the virtual MAC. */
+ PhysPortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+ LogPortMax = SK_PNMI_PORT_PHYS2LOG(PhysPortMax);
+- if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* Dual net mode */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* DualNet mode. */
+ LogPortMax--;
+ }
+- if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) { /* Only one specific instance is queried */
+- /* Check instance range */
++ if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) { /* Only one specific instance is queried. */
++ /* Check instance range. */
+ if ((Instance < 1) || (Instance > LogPortMax)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -2488,27 +2395,23 @@
+ LogPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_INST2LOG(Instance);
+ Limit = LogPortIndex + 1;
+ }
+- else { /* Instance == (SK_U32)(-1), get all Instances of that OID */
++ else { /* Instance == (SK_U32)(-1), get all Instances of that OID. */
+ LogPortIndex = 0;
+ Limit = LogPortMax;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Perform Action
+- */
++ /* Perform action. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - LogPortIndex) * 6) {
+ *pLen = (Limit - LogPortIndex) * 6;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get value
+- */
++ /* Get value. */
+ for (; LogPortIndex < Limit; LogPortIndex ++) {
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -2532,8 +2435,7 @@
+ &pAC->Addr.Net[NetIndex].PermanentMacAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+- PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+- pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ CopyMac(pBuf + Offset,
+ &pAC->Addr.Port[PhysPortIndex].PermanentMacAddress);
+@@ -2542,8 +2444,7 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -2554,8 +2455,8 @@
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+- * The logical MAC address may not be changed only
+- * the physical ones
++ * The logical MAC address may not be changed,
++ * only the physical ones.
+ */
+@@ -2563,19 +2464,16 @@
+ }
+- /*
+- * Only the current address may be changed
+- */
++ /* Only the current address may be changed. */
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - LogPortIndex) * 6) {
+ *pLen = (Limit - LogPortIndex) * 6;
+@@ -2587,32 +2485,26 @@
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check Action
+- */
++ /* Check action. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /*
+- */
+ for (; LogPortIndex < Limit; LogPortIndex ++, Offset += 6) {
+ /*
+ * A set to virtual port and set of broadcast
+- * address will be ignored
++ * address will be ignored.
+ */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0 || SK_MEMCMP(pBuf + Offset,
+ "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 6) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+- PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC,
+- LogPortIndex);
++ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ Ret = SkAddrOverride(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex,
+ (SK_MAC_ADDR *)(pBuf + Offset),
+@@ -2665,10 +2557,7 @@
+ unsigned int Offset = 0;
+ SK_U64 StatVal;
+- /*
+- * Calculate instance if wished
+- */
++ /* Calculate instance if wished. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1)) {
+ if ((Instance < 1) || (Instance > SKCS_NUM_PROTOCOLS)) {
+@@ -2684,25 +2573,21 @@
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check action
+- */
++ /* Check action. */
+ if (Action != SK_PNMI_GET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - Index) * sizeof(SK_U64)) {
+ *pLen = (Limit - Index) * sizeof(SK_U64);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get value
+- */
++ /* Get value. */
+ for (; Index < Limit; Index ++) {
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -2728,8 +2613,7 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -2739,9 +2623,7 @@
+ Offset += sizeof(SK_U64);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Store used buffer space
+- */
++ /* Store used buffer space. */
+ *pLen = Offset;
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+@@ -2784,10 +2666,7 @@
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ SK_U64 Val64;
+- /*
+- * Calculate instance if wished
+- */
++ /* Calculate instance if wished. */
+ if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) {
+ if ((Instance < 1) || (Instance > (SK_U32)pAC->I2c.MaxSens)) {
+@@ -2804,16 +2683,14 @@
+ Limit = (unsigned int) pAC->I2c.MaxSens;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check action
+- */
++ /* Check action. */
+ if (Action != SK_PNMI_GET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -2872,38 +2749,33 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get value
+- */
++ /* Get value. */
+ for (Offset = 0; Index < Limit; Index ++) {
+ switch (Id) {
+ *(pBuf + Offset) = (char)Index;
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+ Len = SK_STRLEN(pAC->I2c.SenTable[Index].SenDesc);
+- SK_MEMCPY(pBuf + Offset + 1,
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[Index].SenDesc, Len);
++ SK_MEMCPY(pBuf + Offset + 1, pAC->I2c.SenTable[Index].SenDesc, Len);
+ *(pBuf + Offset) = (char)Len;
+ Offset += Len + 1;
+ break;
+- *(pBuf + Offset) =
+- (char)pAC->I2c.SenTable[Index].SenType;
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ *(pBuf + Offset) = (char)pAC->I2c.SenTable[Index].SenType;
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+@@ -2940,9 +2812,8 @@
+ break;
+- *(pBuf + Offset) =
+- (char)pAC->I2c.SenTable[Index].SenErrFlag;
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ *(pBuf + Offset) = (char)pAC->I2c.SenTable[Index].SenErrFlag;
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+@@ -2979,9 +2850,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+- /*
+- * Store used buffer space
+- */
++ /* Store used buffer space. */
+ *pLen = Offset;
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+@@ -3036,8 +2905,29 @@
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ /*
+- * Get array of all currently stored VPD keys
+- */
++ * VpdKeyReadError will be set in GetVpdKeyArr() if an error occurs.
++ * Due to the fact that some drivers use SkPnmiGetStruct() to retrieve
++ * all statistical data, an error in GetVpdKeyArr() will generate a PNMI
++ * error and terminate SkPnmiGetStruct() without filling in statistical
++ * data into the PNMI struct. In this case the driver will get no values
++ * for statistical purposes (netstat, ifconfig etc.). GetVpdKeyArr() is
++ * the first function to be called in SkPnmiGetStruct(), so any error
++ * will terminate SkPnmiGetStruct() immediately. Hence, VpdKeyReadError will
++ * be set during the first call to GetVpdKeyArr() to make successful calls
++ * to SkPnmiGetStruct() possible. But there is another point to consider:
++ * When filling in the statistical data into the PNMI struct, the VPD
++ * handler Vpd() will also be called. If GetVpdKeyArr() in Vpd() would
++ * return with SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL, SkPnmiGetStruct() would fail again.
++ * For this reason VpdKeyReadError is checked here and, if set, Vpd()
++ * will return without doing anything and the return value SK_PNMI_ERR_OK.
++ * Therefore SkPnmiGetStruct() is able to continue and fill in all other
++ * statistical data.
++ */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.VpdKeyReadError == SK_TRUE) {
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
++ }
++ /* Get array of all currently stored VPD keys. */
+ Ret = GetVpdKeyArr(pAC, IoC, &KeyArr[0][0], sizeof(KeyArr), &KeyNo);
+ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_ERR_OK) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3082,34 +2972,32 @@
+ }
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get value, if a query should be performed
+- */
++ /* Get value, if a query should be performed. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+ switch (Id) {
+- /* Check length of buffer */
++ /* Check length of buffer. */
+ if (*pLen < sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_U32);
+ }
+- /* Get number of free bytes */
++ /* Get number of free bytes. */
+ pVpdStatus = VpdStat(pAC, IoC);
+ if (pVpdStatus == NULL) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR017MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+ if ((pVpdStatus->vpd_status & VPD_VALID) == 0) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR018MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3121,7 +3009,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ for (Len = 0, Index = 0; Index < KeyNo; Index ++) {
+ Len += SK_STRLEN(KeyArr[Index]) + 1;
+@@ -3132,7 +3020,7 @@
+ }
+- /* Get value */
++ /* Get value. */
+ *(pBuf) = (char)Len - 1;
+ for (Offset = 1, Index = 0; Index < KeyNo; Index ++) {
+@@ -3151,7 +3039,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ if (*pLen < sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_U32);
+@@ -3164,7 +3052,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check buffer length, if it is large enough */
++ /* Check buffer length, if it is large enough. */
+ for (Len = 0, Index = FirstIndex;
+ Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
+@@ -3180,32 +3068,28 @@
+ * Get the key to an intermediate buffer, because
+ * we have to prepend a length byte.
+ */
+- for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex;
+- Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
++ for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex; Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
+ Len = SK_STRLEN(KeyArr[Index]);
+ *(pBuf + Offset) = (char)Len;
+- SK_MEMCPY(pBuf + Offset + 1, KeyArr[Index],
+- Len);
++ SK_MEMCPY(pBuf + Offset + 1, KeyArr[Index], Len);
+ Offset += Len + 1;
+ }
+ *pLen = Offset;
+ break;
+- /* Check the buffer length if it is large enough */
+- for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex;
+- Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
++ /* Check the buffer length if it is large enough. */
++ for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex; Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
+ BufLen = 256;
+ if (VpdRead(pAC, IoC, KeyArr[Index], Buf,
+ (int *)&BufLen) > 0 ||
+- SK_PNMI_ERR021,
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR021MSG));
+ }
+@@ -3221,17 +3105,15 @@
+ * Get the value to an intermediate buffer, because
+ * we have to prepend a length byte.
+ */
+- for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex;
+- Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
++ for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex; Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
+ BufLen = 256;
+ if (VpdRead(pAC, IoC, KeyArr[Index], Buf,
+ (int *)&BufLen) > 0 ||
+- SK_PNMI_ERR022,
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR022MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3251,8 +3133,7 @@
+ }
+- for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex;
+- Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
++ for (Offset = 0, Index = FirstIndex; Index < LastIndex; Index ++) {
+ if (VpdMayWrite(KeyArr[Index])) {
+@@ -3278,15 +3159,15 @@
+ break;
+ default:
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR023MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* The only OID which can be set is VPD_ACTION */
++ /* The only OID which can be set is VPD_ACTION. */
+ if (Id != OID_SKGE_VPD_ACTION) {
+@@ -3300,8 +3181,8 @@
+ }
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR024MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3317,14 +3198,11 @@
+ }
+- /*
+- * The first byte contains the VPD action type we should
+- * perform.
+- */
++ /* The first byte contains the VPD action type we should perform. */
+ switch (*pBuf) {
+- /* Nothing to do */
++ /* Nothing to do. */
+ break;
+@@ -3356,13 +3234,13 @@
+ SK_MEMCPY(Buf, pBuf + 4, Offset);
+ Buf[Offset] = 0;
+- /* A preset ends here */
++ /* A PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /* Write the new entry or modify an existing one */
++ /* Write the new entry or modify an existing one .*/
+ Ret = VpdWrite(pAC, IoC, KeyStr, Buf);
+ if (Ret == SK_PNMI_VPD_NOWRITE ) {
+@@ -3371,8 +3249,8 @@
+ }
+ else if (Ret != SK_PNMI_VPD_OK) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR025MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3385,8 +3263,8 @@
+ Ret = VpdUpdate(pAC, IoC);
+ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_VPD_OK) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR026MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3394,7 +3272,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if the buffer size is plausible */
++ /* Check if the buffer size is plausible. */
+ if (*pLen < 3) {
+ *pLen = 3;
+@@ -3409,7 +3287,7 @@
+ KeyStr[1] = pBuf[2];
+ KeyStr[2] = 0;
+- /* Find the passed key in the array */
++ /* Find the passed key in the array. */
+ for (Index = 0; Index < KeyNo; Index ++) {
+ if (SK_STRCMP(KeyStr, KeyArr[Index]) == 0) {
+@@ -3417,6 +3295,7 @@
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we cannot find the key it is wrong, so we
+ * return an appropriate error value.
+@@ -3432,12 +3311,12 @@
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /* Ok, you wanted it and you will get it */
++ /* Ok, you wanted it and you will get it. */
+ Ret = VpdDelete(pAC, IoC, KeyStr);
+ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_VPD_OK) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR027MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3450,8 +3329,8 @@
+ Ret = VpdUpdate(pAC, IoC);
+ if (Ret != SK_PNMI_VPD_OK) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR028MSG));
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3505,23 +3384,21 @@
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ SK_U64 Val64;
+ SK_U64 Val64RxHwErrs = 0;
++ SK_U64 Val64RxRunt = 0;
++ SK_U64 Val64RxFcs = 0;
+ SK_U64 Val64TxHwErrs = 0;
+ SK_BOOL Is64BitReq = SK_FALSE;
+ char Buf[256];
+ int MacType;
+- /*
+- * Check instance. We only handle single instance variables.
+- */
++ /* Check instance. We only handle single instance variables. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check action. We only allow get requests.
+- */
++ /* Check action. We only allow get requests. */
+ if (Action != SK_PNMI_GET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3530,9 +3407,7 @@
+ MacType = pAC->GIni.GIMacType;
+- /*
+- * Check length for the various supported OIDs
+- */
++ /* Check length for the various supported OIDs. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -3546,14 +3421,12 @@
+ #else /* SK_NDIS_64BIT_CTR */
+- /*
+- * for compatibility, at least 32bit are required for oid
+- */
++ /* For compatibility, at least 32bit are required for OID. */
+ if (*pLen < sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+ /*
+- * but indicate handling for 64bit values,
+- * if insufficient space is provided
+- */
++ * Indicate handling for 64bit values,
++ * if insufficient space is provided.
++ */
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_U64);
+ }
+@@ -3624,11 +3497,11 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+- /* Checked later */
++ /* Checked later. */
+ break;
+ }
+- /* Update statistic */
++ /* Update statistics. */
+@@ -3636,7 +3509,8 @@
+- /* Force the XMAC to update its statistic counters and
++ /*
++ * Force the XMAC to update its statistic counters and
+ * Increment semaphore to indicate that an update was
+ * already done.
+ */
+@@ -3667,27 +3541,40 @@
+ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_IRLENGTH, NetIndex) +
+ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_SYMBOL, NetIndex) +
+ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_SHORTS, NetIndex) +
+- GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_RUNT, NetIndex) +
+ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_TOO_LONG, NetIndex) +
+- GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_FCS, NetIndex) +
+ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_CEXT, NetIndex);
+- break;
+- Val64TxHwErrs =
+- GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_EXCESS_COL, NetIndex) +
+- GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_LATE_COL, NetIndex) +
+- GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_UNDERRUN, NetIndex) +
+- GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_CARRIER, NetIndex);
++ /*
++ * In some cases the runt and fcs counters are incremented when collisions
++ * occur. We have to correct those counters here.
++ */
++ Val64RxRunt = GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_RUNT, NetIndex);
++ Val64RxFcs = GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_FCS, NetIndex);
++ if (Val64RxRunt > Val64RxFcs) {
++ Val64RxRunt -= Val64RxFcs;
++ Val64RxHwErrs += Val64RxRunt;
++ }
++ else {
++ Val64RxFcs -= Val64RxRunt;
++ Val64RxHwErrs += Val64RxFcs;
++ }
++ break;
++ Val64TxHwErrs =
++ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_EXCESS_COL, NetIndex) +
++ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_LATE_COL, NetIndex) +
++ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_UNDERRUN, NetIndex) +
++ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HTX_CARRIER, NetIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+- /*
+- * Retrieve value
+- */
++ /* Retrieve value. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -3697,11 +3584,11 @@
+ *pLen = Len;
+ }
+- for (Offset = 0, Index = 0; Offset < Len;
+- Offset += sizeof(SK_U32), Index ++) {
++ for (Offset = 0, Index = 0; Offset < Len; Index ++) {
+ Val32 = (SK_U32)IdTable[Index].Id;
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf + Offset, Val32);
++ Offset += sizeof(SK_U32);
+ }
+ *pLen = Len;
+ break;
+@@ -3727,8 +3614,7 @@
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.pDriverDescription == NULL) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3737,8 +3623,7 @@
+ Len = SK_STRLEN(pAC->Pnmi.pDriverDescription) + 1;
+ if (Len > SK_PNMI_STRINGLEN1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3757,8 +3642,7 @@
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.pDriverVersion == NULL) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3767,8 +3651,7 @@
+ Len = SK_STRLEN(pAC->Pnmi.pDriverVersion) + 1;
+ if (Len > SK_PNMI_STRINGLEN1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3787,8 +3670,7 @@
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.pDriverReleaseDate == NULL) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3797,8 +3679,7 @@
+ Len = SK_STRLEN(pAC->Pnmi.pDriverReleaseDate) + 1;
+ if (Len > SK_PNMI_STRINGLEN1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3817,8 +3698,7 @@
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.pDriverFileName == NULL) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3827,8 +3707,7 @@
+ Len = SK_STRLEN(pAC->Pnmi.pDriverFileName) + 1;
+ if (Len > SK_PNMI_STRINGLEN1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3850,12 +3729,16 @@
+ * query may move to the initialisation routine. But
+ * the VPD data is cached and therefore a call here
+ * will not make much difference.
++ * Please read comment in Vpd().
+ */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.VpdKeyReadError == SK_TRUE) {
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
++ }
+ Len = 256;
+ if (VpdRead(pAC, IoC, VPD_NAME, Buf, (int *)&Len) > 0) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3863,8 +3746,7 @@
+ Len ++;
+ if (Len > SK_PNMI_STRINGLEN1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -3880,7 +3762,6 @@
+ break;
+- /* Oh, I love to do some string manipulation */
+ if (*pLen < 5) {
+ *pLen = 5;
+@@ -3889,9 +3770,9 @@
+ Val8 = (SK_U8)pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev;
+ pBuf[0] = 4;
+ pBuf[1] = 'v';
+- pBuf[2] = (char)(0x30 | ((Val8 >> 4) & 0x0F));
++ pBuf[2] = (char)('0' | ((Val8 >> 4) & 0x0f));
+ pBuf[3] = '.';
+- pBuf[4] = (char)(0x30 | (Val8 & 0x0F));
++ pBuf[4] = (char)('0' | (Val8 & 0x0f));
+ *pLen = 5;
+ break;
+@@ -3914,12 +3795,12 @@
+ break;
+- *pBuf = (char) pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail;
++ *pBuf = (char)pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail;
+ *pLen = sizeof(char);
+ break;
+- *pBuf = (char) SK_PNMI_BUS_PCI;
++ *pBuf = (char)SK_PNMI_BUS_PCI;
+ *pLen = sizeof(char);
+ break;
+@@ -3968,31 +3849,31 @@
+ break;
+-/* XXX Not yet implemented by RLMT therefore we return zero elements */
++ /* Not yet implemented by RLMT, therefore we return zero elements. */
+ Val32 = 0;
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf, Val32);
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_U32);
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxSwQueueLen;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].TxSwQueueLen +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].TxSwQueueLen;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].TxSwQueueLen;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxSwQueueLen +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxSwQueueLen;
+@@ -4004,24 +3885,24 @@
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxSwQueueMax;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].TxSwQueueMax +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].TxSwQueueMax;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].TxSwQueueMax;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxSwQueueMax +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxSwQueueMax;
+@@ -4032,24 +3913,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxRetryCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].TxRetryCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].TxRetryCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].TxRetryCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxRetryCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxRetryCts;
+@@ -4060,24 +3941,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxIntrCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].RxIntrCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].RxIntrCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].RxIntrCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxIntrCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxIntrCts;
+@@ -4088,24 +3969,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxIntrCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].TxIntrCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].TxIntrCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].TxIntrCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxIntrCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxIntrCts;
+@@ -4116,24 +3997,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].RxNoBufCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].RxNoBufCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxNoBufCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxNoBufCts;
+@@ -4144,24 +4025,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].TxNoBufCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].TxNoBufCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].TxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxNoBufCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxNoBufCts;
+@@ -4172,24 +4053,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxUsedDescrNo;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].TxUsedDescrNo +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].TxUsedDescrNo;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].TxUsedDescrNo;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxUsedDescrNo +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].TxUsedDescrNo;
+@@ -4200,24 +4081,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxDeliveredCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].RxDeliveredCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].RxDeliveredCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].RxDeliveredCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxDeliveredCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxDeliveredCts;
+@@ -4228,24 +4109,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxOctetsDeliveredCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].RxOctetsDeliveredCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].RxOctetsDeliveredCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].RxOctetsDeliveredCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxOctetsDeliveredCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].RxOctetsDeliveredCts;
+@@ -4266,13 +4147,13 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = Val64RxHwErrs + pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = Val64RxHwErrs +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].RxNoBufCts +
+@@ -4280,11 +4161,11 @@
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = Val64RxHwErrs + pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = Val64RxHwErrs +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].RxNoBufCts +
+@@ -4296,13 +4177,13 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = Val64TxHwErrs + pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = Val64TxHwErrs +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].TxNoBufCts +
+@@ -4310,11 +4191,11 @@
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = Val64TxHwErrs + pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].TxNoBufCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = Val64TxHwErrs +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].TxNoBufCts +
+@@ -4326,24 +4207,24 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].ErrRecoveryCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[0].ErrRecoveryCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[1].ErrRecoveryCts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].ErrRecoveryCts;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ else {
+ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[0].ErrRecoveryCts +
+ pAC->Pnmi.Port[1].ErrRecoveryCts;
+@@ -4367,7 +4248,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ Val64 = Val64RxHwErrs + pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts;
+ }
+@@ -4376,7 +4257,7 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * by default 32bit values are evaluated
++ * By default 32bit values are evaluated.
+ */
+ if (!Is64BitReq) {
+ Val32 = (SK_U32)Val64;
+@@ -4390,7 +4271,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ Val64 = Val64TxHwErrs + pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].TxNoBufCts;
+ }
+@@ -4399,7 +4280,7 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * by default 32bit values are evaluated
++ * By default 32bit values are evaluated.
+ */
+ if (!Is64BitReq) {
+ Val32 = (SK_U32)Val64;
+@@ -4413,16 +4294,19 @@
+ break;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+- Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts;
++ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts +
++ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_OVERFLOW, NetIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+- Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts;
++ Val64 = pAC->Pnmi.Port[NetIndex].RxNoBufCts +
++ GetStatVal(pAC, IoC, 0, SK_PNMI_HRX_OVERFLOW, NetIndex);
+ }
+ /*
+- * by default 32bit values are evaluated
++ * By default 32bit values are evaluated.
+ */
+ if (!Is64BitReq) {
+ Val32 = (SK_U32)Val64;
+@@ -4442,8 +4326,7 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -4500,25 +4383,17 @@
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ SK_U64 Val64;
+- /*
+- * Check instance. Only single instance OIDs are allowed here.
+- */
++ /* Check instance. Only single instance OIDs are allowed here. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Perform the requested action.
+- */
++ /* Perform the requested action. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+- /*
+- * Check if the buffer length is large enough.
+- */
++ /* Check if the buffer length is large enough. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -4551,8 +4426,7 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -4571,9 +4445,7 @@
+ }
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag ++;
+- /*
+- * Retrieve Value
+- */
++ /* Retrieve value. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -4651,17 +4523,17 @@
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag --;
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Perform a preset or set */
++ /* Perform a PRESET or SET. */
+ switch (Id) {
+- /* Check if the buffer length is plausible */
++ /* Check if the buffer length is plausible. */
+ if (*pLen < sizeof(char)) {
+ *pLen = sizeof(char);
+ }
+- /* Check if the value range is correct */
++ /* Check if the value range is correct. */
+ if (*pLen != sizeof(char) ||
+ (*pBuf & SK_PNMI_RLMT_MODE_CHK_LINK) == 0 ||
+ *(SK_U8 *)pBuf > 15) {
+@@ -4669,21 +4541,21 @@
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /* Send an event to RLMT to change the mode */
++ /* Send an event to RLMT to change the mode. */
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+ EventParam.Para32[0] |= (SK_U32)(*pBuf);
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = 0;
+ if (SkRlmtEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_RLMT_MODE_CHANGE,
+ EventParam) > 0) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -4691,20 +4563,25 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if the buffer length is plausible */
++ /* PRESET/SET action makes no sense in Dual Net mode. */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Check if the buffer length is plausible. */
+ if (*pLen < sizeof(char)) {
+ *pLen = sizeof(char);
+ }
+- /* Check if the value range is correct */
++ /* Check if the value range is correct. */
+ if (*pLen != sizeof(char) || *(SK_U8 *)pBuf >
+ (SK_U8)pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -4717,13 +4594,13 @@
+ * make the decision which is the preferred port.
+ */
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+ EventParam.Para32[0] = (SK_U32)(*pBuf) - 1;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam) > 0) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -4731,22 +4608,20 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if the buffer length is plausible */
++ /* Check if the buffer length is plausible. */
+ if (*pLen < sizeof(SK_U64)) {
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_U64);
+ }
+- /*
+- * There are not many restrictions to the
+- * value range.
+- */
++ /* There are not many restrictions to the value range. */
+ if (*pLen != sizeof(SK_U64)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* A preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -4761,7 +4636,7 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+- /* The other OIDs are not be able for set */
++ /* The other OIDs are not be able for set. */
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+@@ -4806,54 +4681,49 @@
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ SK_U64 Val64;
+- /*
+- * Calculate the port indexes from the instance.
+- */
++ /* Calculate the port indexes from the instance. */
+ PhysPortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+ if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) {
+- /* Check instance range */
++ /* Check instance range. */
+ if ((Instance < 1) || (Instance > PhysPortMax)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ PhysPortIndex = Instance - 1;
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ PhysPortIndex = NetIndex;
+ }
+- /* Both net modes */
++ /* Both net modes. */
+ Limit = PhysPortIndex + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Single net mode */
++ /* SingleNet mode. */
+ PhysPortIndex = 0;
+ Limit = PhysPortMax;
+- /* Dual net mode */
++ /* DualNet mode. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ PhysPortIndex = NetIndex;
+ Limit = PhysPortIndex + 1;
+ }
+ }
+- /*
+- * Currently only get requests are allowed.
+- */
++ /* Currently only GET requests are allowed. */
+ if (Action != SK_PNMI_GET) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check if the buffer length is large enough.
+- */
++ /* Check if the buffer length is large enough. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -4877,8 +4747,7 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -4896,9 +4765,7 @@
+ }
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag ++;
+- /*
+- * Get value
+- */
++ /* Get value. */
+ Offset = 0;
+ for (; PhysPortIndex < Limit; PhysPortIndex ++) {
+@@ -5011,19 +4878,21 @@
+ int Ret;
+ SK_EVPARA EventParam;
+ SK_U32 Val32;
++#ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
++ SK_U8 CurrentPhyPowerState;
++#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+- /*
+- * Calculate instance if wished. MAC index 0 is the virtual MAC.
+- */
++ /* Calculate instance if wished. MAC index 0 is the virtual MAC. */
+ PhysPortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+ LogPortMax = SK_PNMI_PORT_PHYS2LOG(PhysPortMax);
+- if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* Dual net mode */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* DualNet mode. */
+ LogPortMax--;
+ }
+- if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) { /* Only one specific instance is queried */
+- /* Check instance range */
++ if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) { /* Only one specific instance is queried. */
++ /* Check instance range. */
+ if ((Instance < 1) || (Instance > LogPortMax)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -5033,18 +4902,16 @@
+ Limit = LogPortIndex + 1;
+ }
+- else { /* Instance == (SK_U32)(-1), get all Instances of that OID */
++ else { /* Instance == (SK_U32)(-1), get all Instances of that OID. */
+ LogPortIndex = 0;
+ Limit = LogPortMax;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Perform action
+- */
++ /* Perform action. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ switch (Id) {
+ case OID_SKGE_PMD:
+@@ -5082,8 +4949,7 @@
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+@@ -5099,9 +4965,7 @@
+ }
+ pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag ++;
+- /*
+- * Get value
+- */
++ /* Get value. */
+ Offset = 0;
+ for (; LogPortIndex < Limit; LogPortIndex ++) {
+@@ -5111,107 +4975,99 @@
+ case OID_SKGE_PMD:
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->Pnmi.PMD;
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->Pnmi.Connector;
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+- else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
+- PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+- pAC, LogPortIndex);
+- Val32 = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PhyType;
+- SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBufPtr, Val32);
+- }
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
++ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ Val32 = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PhyType;
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ Val32 = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PhyType;
+- SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBufPtr, Val32);
+ }
++ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBufPtr, Val32);
+ Offset += sizeof(SK_U32);
+ break;
+ #ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+- else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
+- PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
+- Val8 = (SK_U8) pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState;
+- *pBufPtr = Val8;
+- }
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
++ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ *pBufPtr = (SK_U8)pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState;
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+- Val8 = (SK_U8) pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState;
+- *pBufPtr = Val8;
++ *pBufPtr = (SK_U8)pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PPhyPowerState;
+ }
+ Offset += sizeof(SK_U8);
+ break;
+ #endif
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkCap;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PLinkCap;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkModeConf;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PLinkModeConf;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical port */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+@@ -5219,147 +5075,147 @@
+ CalculateLinkModeStatus(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = CalculateLinkModeStatus(pAC, IoC, NetIndex);
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = CalculateLinkStatus(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = CalculateLinkStatus(pAC, IoC, NetIndex);
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PFlowCtrlCap;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PFlowCtrlCap;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical port */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PFlowCtrlMode;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PFlowCtrlMode;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical port */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PFlowCtrlStatus;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PFlowCtrlStatus;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet Mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PMSCap;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PMSCap;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical port */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PMSMode;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PMSMode;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical port */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+@@ -5370,70 +5226,70 @@
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PMSStatus;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical ports */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkSpeedCap;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PLinkSpeedCap;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical port */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkSpeed;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PLinkSpeed;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /* Get value for virtual port */
++ /* Get value for virtual port. */
+ VirtualConf(pAC, IoC, Id, pBufPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get value for physical port */
++ /* Get value for physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkSpeedUsed;
+ }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ *pBufPtr = pAC->GIni.GP[NetIndex].PLinkSpeedUsed;
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset ++;
+ break;
+ case OID_SKGE_MTU:
+@@ -5486,40 +5342,33 @@
+ }
+ break;
++#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+ case OID_SKGE_MTU:
+- if (*pLen < sizeof(SK_U32)) {
++ if (*pLen < (Limit - LogPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+- *pLen = sizeof(SK_U32);
++ *pLen = (Limit - LogPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_U32);
+ }
+- if (*pLen != sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+- *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_BAD_VALUE);
+- }
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Perform preset or set
+- */
++ /* Perform PRESET or SET. */
+ Offset = 0;
+ for (; LogPortIndex < Limit; LogPortIndex ++) {
++ Val8 = *(pBuf + Offset);
+ switch (Id) {
+- /* Check the value range */
+- Val8 = *(pBuf + Offset);
++ /* Check the value range. */
+ if (Val8 == 0) {
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Val8 < SK_LMODE_HALF ||
+@@ -5530,51 +5379,68 @@
+ }
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /*
+- * The virtual port consists of all currently
+- * active ports. Find them and send an event
+- * with the new link mode to SIRQ.
+- */
+- for (PhysPortIndex = 0;
+- PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
+- PhysPortIndex ++) {
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].
+- ActiveFlag) {
+- continue;
+- }
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
++ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
++ /*
++ * The virtual port consists of all currently
++ * active ports. Find them and send an event
++ * with the new link mode to SIRQ.
++ */
++ for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
++ PhysPortIndex ++) {
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
++ EventParam) > 0) {
++ SK_PNMI_ERR043,
++ *pLen = 0;
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ }
++ } /* for */
++ }
++ else {
++ /*
++ * Send an event with the new link mode to
++ * the SIRQ module.
++ */
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
++ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+- if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_HWEV_SET_LMODE,
+ EventParam) > 0) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- else {
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ /*
+ * Send an event with the new link mode to
+ * the SIRQ module.
+ */
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+- pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_HWEV_SET_LMODE,
+ EventParam) > 0) {
+@@ -5587,15 +5453,13 @@
+ }
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+- /* Check the value range */
+- Val8 = *(pBuf + Offset);
++ /* Check the value range. */
+ if (Val8 == 0) {
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Val8 < SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE ||
+@@ -5606,30 +5470,48 @@
+ }
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
++ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
++ /*
++ * The virtual port consists of all currently
++ * active ports. Find them and send an event
++ * with the new flow control mode to SIRQ.
++ */
++ for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
++ PhysPortIndex ++) {
+- /*
+- * The virtual port consists of all currently
+- * active ports. Find them and send an event
+- * with the new flow control mode to SIRQ.
+- */
+- for (PhysPortIndex = 0;
+- PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
+- PhysPortIndex ++) {
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
++ continue;
++ }
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].
+- ActiveFlag) {
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
++ EventParam) > 0) {
++ SK_PNMI_ERR044,
+- continue;
++ *pLen = 0;
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ }
+ }
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ }
++ else {
++ /*
++ * Send an event with the new flow control
++ * mode to the SIRQ module.
++ */
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
++ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
+@@ -5644,17 +5526,16 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- else {
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ /*
+- * Send an event with the new flow control
+- * mode to the SIRQ module.
++ * Send an event with the new link mode to
++ * the SIRQ module.
+ */
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+- pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+- if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
+- > 0) {
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_HWEV_SET_FLOWMODE,
++ EventParam) > 0) {
+@@ -5664,15 +5545,14 @@
+ }
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+- /* Check the value range */
+- Val8 = *(pBuf + Offset);
++ /* Check the value range. */
+ if (Val8 == 0) {
+- /* mode of this port remains unchanged */
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ /* Mode of this port remains unchanged. */
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Val8 < SK_MS_MODE_AUTO ||
+@@ -5683,34 +5563,51 @@
+ }
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
++ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
++ /*
++ * The virtual port consists of all currently
++ * active ports. Find them and send an event
++ * with new master/slave (role) mode to SIRQ.
++ */
++ for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
++ PhysPortIndex ++) {
+- /*
+- * The virtual port consists of all currently
+- * active ports. Find them and send an event
+- * with new master/slave (role) mode to SIRQ.
+- */
+- for (PhysPortIndex = 0;
+- PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
+- PhysPortIndex ++) {
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
++ continue;
++ }
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].
+- ActiveFlag) {
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
++ EventParam) > 0) {
++ SK_PNMI_ERR042,
+- continue;
++ *pLen = 0;
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ }
+ }
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ }
++ else {
++ /*
++ * Send an event with the new master/slave
++ * (role) mode to the SIRQ module.
++ */
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
++ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
+- EventParam) > 0) {
++ SK_HWEV_SET_ROLE, EventParam) > 0) {
+@@ -5721,16 +5618,16 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- else {
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ /*
+- * Send an event with the new master/slave
+- * (role) mode to the SIRQ module.
++ * Send an event with the new link mode to
++ * the SIRQ module.
+ */
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+- pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+- if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
+- SK_HWEV_SET_ROLE, EventParam) > 0) {
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_HWEV_SET_ROLE,
++ EventParam) > 0) {
+@@ -5740,16 +5637,13 @@
+ }
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+- /* Check the value range */
+- Val8 = *(pBuf + Offset);
++ /* Check the value range. */
+ if (Val8 == 0) {
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Val8 < (SK_LSPEED_AUTO) ||
+@@ -5760,29 +5654,49 @@
+ }
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
++ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+- /*
+- * The virtual port consists of all currently
+- * active ports. Find them and send an event
+- * with the new flow control mode to SIRQ.
+- */
+- for (PhysPortIndex = 0;
+- PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
+- PhysPortIndex ++) {
++ /*
++ * The virtual port consists of all currently
++ * active ports. Find them and send an event
++ * with the new flow control mode to SIRQ.
++ */
++ for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
++ PhysPortIndex ++) {
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
++ continue;
++ }
+- continue;
+- }
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
++ EventParam) > 0) {
++ SK_PNMI_ERR045,
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
++ *pLen = 0;
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /*
++ * Send an event with the new flow control
++ * mode to the SIRQ module.
++ */
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
++ pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
+@@ -5797,16 +5711,15 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- else {
++ else { /* DualNet mode. */
+ /*
+- * Send an event with the new flow control
+- * mode to the SIRQ module.
++ * Send an event with the new link mode to
++ * the SIRQ module.
+ */
+- EventParam.Para32[0] = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(
+- pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ EventParam.Para32[0] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)Val8;
+- if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC,
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_HWEV_SET_SPEED,
+ EventParam) > 0) {
+@@ -5817,23 +5730,25 @@
+ }
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(char);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
+- case OID_SKGE_MTU :
+- /* Check the value range */
+- Val32 = *(SK_U32*)(pBuf + Offset);
++ case OID_SKGE_MTU:
++ /* Check the value range. */
++ SK_PNMI_READ_U32((pBuf + Offset), Val32);
+ if (Val32 == 0) {
+- /* mtu of this port remains unchanged */
++ /* MTU of this port remains unchanged. */
+ Offset += sizeof(SK_U32);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (SK_DRIVER_PRESET_MTU(pAC, IoC, NetIndex, Val32) != 0) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+@@ -5844,116 +5759,69 @@
+ Offset += sizeof(SK_U32);
+ break;
+ #ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
+- /* The preset ends here */
++ /* The PRESET ends here. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNetMode */
++ if (!pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag) { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+ Offset = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+- else {
+- /* Set value for physical ports */
+- PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
+- switch (*(pBuf + Offset)) {
+- case 0:
+- /* If LowPowerMode is active, we can leave it. */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState) {
+- Val32 = SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+- if (pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState < 3) {
+- SkDrvInitAdapter(pAC);
+- }
+- break;
+- }
+- else {
+- *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
+- }
+- case 1:
+- case 2:
+- case 3:
+- case 4:
+- /* If no LowPowerMode is active, we can enter it. */
+- if (!pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState) {
+- if ((*(pBuf + Offset)) < 3) {
+- SkDrvDeInitAdapter(pAC);
+- }
+- Val32 = SkGmEnterLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, *pBuf);
+- break;
+- }
+- else {
+- *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
+- }
+- default:
+- *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_BAD_VALUE);
+- }
+- }
+ }
+- else { /* DualNetMode */
+- switch (*(pBuf + Offset)) {
+- case 0:
+- /* If we are in a LowPowerMode, we can leave it. */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState) {
++ /* Set value for physical port. */
++ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
++ CurrentPhyPowerState = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState;
+- Val32 = SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+- if (pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState < 3) {
++ switch (Val8) {
++ /* If LowPowerMode is active, we can leave it. */
++ if (CurrentPhyPowerState) {
+- SkDrvInitAdapter(pAC);
+- }
+- break;
+- }
+- else {
+- *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
+- }
+- case 1:
+- case 2:
+- case 3:
+- case 4:
+- /* If we are not already in LowPowerMode, we can enter it. */
+- if (!pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PPhyPowerState) {
+- if ((*(pBuf + Offset)) < 3) {
+- SkDrvDeInitAdapter(pAC);
+- }
+- else {
+- Val32 = SkGmEnterLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, *pBuf);
+- }
+- break;
+- }
+- else {
+- *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ Val32 = SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
++ if ((CurrentPhyPowerState == PHY_PM_DEEP_SLEEP) ||
++ (CurrentPhyPowerState == PHY_PM_IEEE_POWER_DOWN)) {
++ SkDrvInitAdapter(pAC);
+ }
+- default:
++ break;
++ }
++ else {
+ *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_BAD_VALUE);
+- }
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ }
++ /* If no LowPowerMode is active, we can enter it. */
++ if (!CurrentPhyPowerState) {
++ SkDrvDeInitAdapter(pAC);
++ }
++ /* If no LowPowerMode is active, we can enter it. */
++ if (!CurrentPhyPowerState) {
++ Val32 = SkGmEnterLowPowerMode(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, *pBuf);
++ break;
++ }
++ else {
++ *pLen = 0;
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
++ }
++ default:
++ *pLen = 0;
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_BAD_VALUE);
+ }
+- Offset += sizeof(SK_U8);
++ Offset++;
+ break;
++#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+ default:
+@@ -6003,14 +5871,11 @@
+ unsigned int Limit;
+ unsigned int Offset;
+ unsigned int Entries;
+- /*
+- * Calculate instance if wished.
+- */
+- /* XXX Not yet implemented. Return always an empty table. */
++ /* Not implemented yet. Return always an empty table. */
+ Entries = 0;
++ /* Calculate instance if wished. */
+ if ((Instance != (SK_U32)(-1))) {
+ if ((Instance < 1) || (Instance > Entries)) {
+@@ -6027,12 +5892,10 @@
+ Limit = Entries;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Get/Set value
+- */
++ /* GET/SET value. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+- for (Offset=0; Index < Limit; Index ++) {
++ for (Offset = 0; Index < Limit; Index ++) {
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -6054,32 +5917,29 @@
+ *pLen = Offset;
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Only MONITOR_ADMIN can be set */
++ /* Only MONITOR_ADMIN can be set. */
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check if the length is plausible */
++ /* Check if the length is plausible. */
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - Index)) {
+ }
+- /* Okay, we have a wide value range */
++ /* Okay, we have a wide value range. */
+ if (*pLen != (Limit - Index)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- for (Offset=0; Index < Limit; Index ++) {
+- }
+- * XXX Not yet implemented. Return always BAD_VALUE, because the table
+- * is empty.
+- */
++ /*
++ * Not yet implemented. Return always BAD_VALUE,
++ * because the table is empty.
++ */
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+@@ -6120,14 +5980,12 @@
+ PortActiveFlag = SK_FALSE;
+ PhysPortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+- for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
+- PhysPortIndex ++) {
++ for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax; PhysPortIndex ++) {
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex];
+- /* Check if the physical port is active */
++ /* Check if the physical port is active. */
+ if (!pAC->Pnmi.Port[PhysPortIndex].ActiveFlag) {
+ continue;
+ }
+@@ -6136,12 +5994,13 @@
+ switch (Id) {
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ Val32 = pPrt->PhyType;
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf, Val32);
+ continue;
+ }
++ break;
+@@ -6155,7 +6014,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PLinkModeConf;
+@@ -6163,9 +6022,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different link
+- * mode than the first one we return a value that
+- * indicates that the link mode is indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different link mode
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != pPrt->PLinkModeConf) {
+@@ -6174,10 +6032,10 @@
+ break;
+- /* Get the link mode of the physical port */
++ /* Get the link mode of the physical port. */
+ Val8 = CalculateLinkModeStatus(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = Val8;
+@@ -6185,10 +6043,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different link
+- * mode status than the first one we return a value
+- * that indicates that the link mode status is
+- * indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different link mode status
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != Val8) {
+@@ -6197,10 +6053,10 @@
+ break;
+- /* Get the link status of the physical port */
++ /* Get the link status of the physical port. */
+ Val8 = CalculateLinkStatus(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = Val8;
+@@ -6208,10 +6064,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different link
+- * status than the first one, we return a value
+- * that indicates that the link status is
+- * indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different link status
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != Val8) {
+@@ -6220,7 +6074,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PFlowCtrlCap;
+@@ -6235,7 +6089,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode;
+@@ -6243,9 +6097,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different flow
+- * control mode than the first one, we return a value
+- * that indicates that the mode is indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different flow-control mode
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+@@ -6254,7 +6107,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus;
+@@ -6262,10 +6115,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different flow
+- * control status than the first one, we return a
+- * value that indicates that the status is
+- * indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different flow-control status
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus) {
+@@ -6274,7 +6125,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PMSCap;
+@@ -6289,7 +6140,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PMSMode;
+@@ -6297,9 +6148,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different master/
+- * slave mode than the first one, we return a value
+- * that indicates that the mode is indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different master/slave mode
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != pPrt->PMSMode) {
+@@ -6308,7 +6158,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PMSStatus;
+@@ -6316,10 +6166,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different master/
+- * slave status than the first one, we return a
+- * value that indicates that the status is
+- * indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different master/slave status
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != pPrt->PMSStatus) {
+@@ -6328,7 +6176,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PLinkSpeed;
+@@ -6336,9 +6184,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different flow
+- * control mode than the first one, we return a value
+- * that indicates that the mode is indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different link speed
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != pPrt->PLinkSpeed) {
+@@ -6347,7 +6194,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Check if it is the first active port */
++ /* Check if it is the first active port. */
+ if (*pBuf == 0) {
+ *pBuf = pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed;
+@@ -6355,10 +6202,8 @@
+ }
+ /*
+- * If we find an active port with a different flow
+- * control status than the first one, we return a
+- * value that indicates that the status is
+- * indeterminated.
++ * If we find an active port with a different link speed used
++ * than the first one we return indeterminated.
+ */
+ if (*pBuf != pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed) {
+@@ -6368,9 +6213,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+- /*
+- * If no port is active return an indeterminated answer
+- */
++ /* If no port is active return an indeterminated answer. */
+ if (!PortActiveFlag) {
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -6487,16 +6330,15 @@
+ {
+ SK_U8 Result;
+- /* Get the current mode, which can be full or half duplex */
++ /* Get the current mode, which can be full or half duplex. */
+ Result = pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkModeStatus;
+- /* Check if no valid mode could be found (link is down) */
++ /* Check if no valid mode could be found (link is down). */
+ if (Result < SK_LMODE_STAT_HALF) {
+ }
+ else if (pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkMode >= SK_LMODE_AUTOHALF) {
+ /*
+ * Auto-negotiation was used to bring up the link. Change
+ * the already found duplex status that it indicates
+@@ -6541,22 +6383,22 @@
+ int Index;
+ int Ret;
+ SK_MEMSET(pKeyArr, 0, KeyArrLen);
+- /*
+- * Get VPD key list
+- */
+- Ret = VpdKeys(pAC, IoC, (char *)&BufKeys, (int *)&BufKeysLen,
++ /* Get VPD key list. */
++ Ret = VpdKeys(pAC, IoC, BufKeys, (int *)&BufKeysLen,
+ (int *)pKeyNo);
+ if (Ret > 0) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR014MSG));
++ /* Please read comment in Vpd(). */
++ pAC->Pnmi.VpdKeyReadError = SK_TRUE;
+ }
+- /* If no keys are available return now */
++ /* If no keys are available return now. */
+ if (*pKeyNo == 0 || BufKeysLen == 0) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+@@ -6564,12 +6406,12 @@
+ /*
+ * If the key list is too long for us trunc it and give a
+ * errorlog notification. This case should not happen because
+- * the maximum number of keys is limited due to RAM limitations
++ * the maximum number of keys is limited due to RAM limitations.
+ */
+ if (*pKeyNo > SK_PNMI_VPD_ENTRIES) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR015MSG));
+ }
+@@ -6582,14 +6424,14 @@
+ Offset ++) {
+ if (BufKeys[Offset] != 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Offset - StartOffset > SK_PNMI_VPD_KEY_SIZE) {
++ (SK_PNMI_ERR016MSG));
+ }
+@@ -6600,7 +6442,7 @@
+ StartOffset = Offset + 1;
+ }
+- /* Last key not zero terminated? Get it anyway */
++ /* Last key not zero terminated? Get it anyway. */
+ if (StartOffset < Offset) {
+@@ -6629,19 +6471,18 @@
+ {
+ SK_EVPARA EventParam;
+ /* Was the module already updated during the current PNMI call? */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.SirqUpdatedFlag > 0) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /* Send an synchronuous update event to the module */
++ /* Send an synchronuous update event to the module. */
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+- if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_HWEV_UPDATE_STAT, EventParam) > 0) {
++ if (SkGeSirqEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_HWEV_UPDATE_STAT, EventParam)) {
+ }
+@@ -6669,21 +6510,19 @@
+ {
+ SK_EVPARA EventParam;
+ /* Was the module already updated during the current PNMI call? */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.RlmtUpdatedFlag > 0) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /* Send an synchronuous update event to the module */
++ /* Send an synchronuous update event to the module. */
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+ EventParam.Para32[0] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)-1;
+ if (SkRlmtEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_RLMT_STATS_UPDATE, EventParam) > 0) {
+ }
+@@ -6721,20 +6560,20 @@
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+- /* Send an update command to all MACs specified */
++ /* Send an update command to all MACs specified. */
+ for (MacIndex = FirstMac; MacIndex <= LastMac; MacIndex ++) {
+ /*
+ * 2002-09-13 pweber: Freeze the current SW counters.
+ * (That should be done as close as
+ * possible to the update of the
+- * HW counters)
++ * HW counters).
+ */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[MacIndex] = pAC->Pnmi.Port[MacIndex];
+ }
+- /* 2002-09-13 pweber: Update the HW counter */
++ /* 2002-09-13 pweber: Update the HW counter. */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacUpdateStats(pAC, IoC, MacIndex) != 0) {
+@@ -6772,19 +6611,19 @@
+ SK_U64 Val = 0;
+- if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* Dual net mode */
++ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) { /* DualNet mode. */
+ PhysPortIndex = NetIndex;
+ Val = GetPhysStatVal(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, StatIndex);
+ }
+- else { /* Single Net mode */
++ else { /* SingleNet mode. */
+ if (LogPortIndex == 0) {
+ PhysPortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+- /* Add counter of all active ports */
++ /* Add counter of all active ports. */
+ for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex < PhysPortMax;
+ PhysPortIndex ++) {
+@@ -6794,11 +6633,11 @@
+ }
+ }
+- /* Correct value because of port switches */
++ /* Correct value because of port switches. */
+ Val += pAC->Pnmi.VirtualCounterOffset[StatIndex];
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Get counter value of physical port */
++ /* Get counter value of physical port. */
+ PhysPortIndex = SK_PNMI_PORT_LOG2PHYS(pAC, LogPortIndex);
+ Val = GetPhysStatVal(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, StatIndex);
+@@ -6844,7 +6683,7 @@
+ MacType = pAC->GIni.GIMacType;
+- /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort) */
++ /* 2002-09-17 pweber: For XMAC, use the frozen SW counters (BufPort). */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ pPnmiPrt = &pAC->Pnmi.BufPort[PhysPortIndex];
+ }
+@@ -6912,7 +6751,7 @@
+- /* Not supported by GMAC */
++ /* Not supported by GMAC. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_GMAC) {
+ return (Val);
+ }
+@@ -6924,7 +6763,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* GMAC only supports PAUSE MAC control frames */
++ /* GMAC only supports PAUSE MAC control frames. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_GMAC) {
+ HelpIndex = SK_PNMI_HTX_PMACC;
+ }
+@@ -6941,7 +6780,7 @@
+- /* Not supported by XMAC */
++ /* Not supported by XMAC. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ return (Val);
+ }
+@@ -6953,7 +6792,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Not supported by GMAC */
++ /* Not supported by GMAC. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_GMAC) {
+ return (Val);
+ }
+@@ -6971,7 +6810,7 @@
+ HighVal = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Otherwise get contents of hardware register */
++ /* Otherwise get contents of hardware register. */
+ (void)pFnMac->pFnMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex,
+ StatAddr[StatIndex][MacType].Reg,
+ &LowVal);
+@@ -6980,7 +6819,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* Not supported by XMAC */
++ /* Not supported by XMAC. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ return (Val);
+ }
+@@ -6999,7 +6838,7 @@
+ return (Val);
+- /* For XMAC the SW counter is managed by PNMI */
++ /* For XMAC the SW counter is managed by PNMI. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_XMAC) {
+ return (pPnmiPrt->StatRxLongFrameCts);
+ }
+@@ -7019,7 +6858,7 @@
+ Val = (((SK_U64)HighVal << 32) | (SK_U64)LowVal);
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_GMAC) {
+- /* For GMAC the SW counter is additionally managed by PNMI */
++ /* For GMAC the SW counter is additionally managed by PNMI. */
+ Val += pPnmiPrt->StatRxFrameTooLongCts;
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -7037,20 +6876,19 @@
+ break;
+- /* Not supported by GMAC */
++ /* Not supported by GMAC. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_GMAC) {
+ /* GM_RXE_FRAG?? */
+ return (Val);
+ }
+ /*
+- * XMAC counts short frame errors even if link down (#10620)
+- *
+- * If link-down the counter remains constant
++ * XMAC counts short frame errors even if link down (#10620).
++ * If the link is down, the counter remains constant.
+ */
+ if (pPrt->PLinkModeStatus != SK_LMODE_STAT_UNKNOWN) {
+- /* Otherwise get incremental difference */
++ /* Otherwise get incremental difference. */
+ (void)pFnMac->pFnMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex,
+ StatAddr[StatIndex][MacType].Reg,
+ &LowVal);
+@@ -7073,7 +6911,7 @@
+- /* Not supported by GMAC */
++ /* Not supported by GMAC. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_GMAC) {
+ return (Val);
+ }
+@@ -7085,7 +6923,7 @@
+ break;
+- /* For GMAC the SW counter is managed by PNMI */
++ /* For GMAC the SW counter is managed by PNMI. */
+ if (MacType == SK_MAC_GMAC) {
+ return (pPnmiPrt->StatRxPMaccErr);
+ }
+@@ -7096,13 +6934,13 @@
+ HighVal = pPnmiPrt->CounterHigh[StatIndex];
+ break;
+- /* SW counter managed by PNMI */
++ /* SW counter managed by PNMI. */
+ LowVal = (SK_U32)pPnmiPrt->StatSyncCts;
+ HighVal = (SK_U32)(pPnmiPrt->StatSyncCts >> 32);
+ break;
+- /* SW counter managed by PNMI */
++ /* SW counter managed by PNMI. */
+ LowVal = (SK_U32)pPnmiPrt->StatSyncOctetsCts;
+ HighVal = (SK_U32)(pPnmiPrt->StatSyncOctetsCts >> 32);
+@@ -7110,17 +6948,19 @@
+ /*
+- * Broadcom filters FCS errors and counts it in
+- * Receive Error Counter register
++ * Broadcom filters FCS errors and counts them in
++ * Receive Error Counter register.
+ */
+ if (pPrt->PhyType == SK_PHY_BCOM) {
+- /* do not read while not initialized (PHY_READ hangs!)*/
++#ifdef GENESIS
++ /* Do not read while not initialized (PHY_READ hangs!). */
+ if (pPrt->PState != SK_PRT_RESET) {
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, PHY_BCOM_RE_CTR, &Word);
+ LowVal = Word;
+ }
+ HighVal = pPnmiPrt->CounterHigh[StatIndex];
++#endif /* GENESIS */
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)pFnMac->pFnMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex,
+@@ -7140,7 +6980,7 @@
+ Val = (((SK_U64)HighVal << 32) | (SK_U64)LowVal);
+- /* Correct value because of possible XMAC reset. XMAC Errata #2 */
++ /* Correct value because of possible XMAC reset (XMAC Errata #2). */
+ Val += pPnmiPrt->CounterOffset[StatIndex];
+ return (Val);
+@@ -7165,22 +7005,21 @@
+ unsigned int PhysPortIndex;
+ SK_EVPARA EventParam;
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&EventParam, 0, sizeof(EventParam));
+- /* Notify sensor module */
++ /* Notify sensor module. */
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_CLEAR, EventParam);
+- /* Notify RLMT module */
++ /* Notify RLMT module. */
+ EventParam.Para32[0] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)-1;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STATS_CLEAR, EventParam);
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = 0;
+- /* Notify SIRQ module */
++ /* Notify SIRQ module. */
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_HWAC, SK_HWEV_CLEAR_STAT, EventParam);
+- /* Notify CSUM module */
++ /* Notify CSUM module. */
+ #ifdef SK_USE_CSUM
+ EventParam.Para32[0] = NetIndex;
+ EventParam.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)-1;
+@@ -7188,7 +7027,7 @@
+ EventParam);
+ #endif /* SK_USE_CSUM */
+- /* Clear XMAC statistic */
++ /* Clear XMAC statistics. */
+ for (PhysPortIndex = 0; PhysPortIndex <
+ (unsigned int)pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; PhysPortIndex ++) {
+@@ -7215,13 +7054,13 @@
+ PhysPortIndex].StatRxPMaccErr));
+ }
+- /*
+- * Clear local statistics
+- */
++ /* Clear local statistics. */
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&pAC->Pnmi.VirtualCounterOffset, 0,
+ sizeof(pAC->Pnmi.VirtualCounterOffset));
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeCts = 0;
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeTime = 0;
+ SK_MEMSET((char *)&pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeEstimate.EstValue[0], 0,
+ sizeof(pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeEstimate.EstValue));
+ pAC->Pnmi.RlmtChangeEstimate.EstValueIndex = 0;
+@@ -7258,23 +7097,21 @@
+ SK_U32 TrapId, /* SNMP ID of the trap */
+ unsigned int Size) /* Space needed for trap entry */
+ {
+- unsigned int BufPad = pAC->Pnmi.TrapBufPad;
+- unsigned int BufFree = pAC->Pnmi.TrapBufFree;
+- unsigned int Beg = pAC->Pnmi.TrapQueueBeg;
+- unsigned int End = pAC->Pnmi.TrapQueueEnd;
++ unsigned int BufPad = pAC->Pnmi.TrapBufPad;
++ unsigned int BufFree = pAC->Pnmi.TrapBufFree;
++ unsigned int Beg = pAC->Pnmi.TrapQueueBeg;
++ unsigned int End = pAC->Pnmi.TrapQueueEnd;
+ char *pBuf = &pAC->Pnmi.TrapBuf[0];
+ int Wrap;
+- unsigned int NeededSpace;
+- unsigned int EntrySize;
++ unsigned int NeededSpace;
++ unsigned int EntrySize;
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ SK_U64 Val64;
+- /* Last byte of entry will get a copy of the entry length */
++ /* Last byte of entry will get a copy of the entry length. */
+ Size ++;
+- /*
+- * Calculate needed buffer space */
++ /* Calculate needed buffer space. */
+ if (Beg >= Size) {
+ NeededSpace = Size;
+@@ -7289,7 +7126,7 @@
+ * Check if enough buffer space is provided. Otherwise
+ * free some entries. Leave one byte space between begin
+ * and end of buffer to make it possible to detect whether
+- * the buffer is full or empty
++ * the buffer is full or empty.
+ */
+ while (BufFree < NeededSpace + 1) {
+@@ -7328,13 +7165,13 @@
+ }
+ BufFree -= NeededSpace;
+- /* Save the current offsets */
++ /* Save the current offsets. */
+ pAC->Pnmi.TrapQueueBeg = Beg;
+ pAC->Pnmi.TrapQueueEnd = End;
+ pAC->Pnmi.TrapBufPad = BufPad;
+ pAC->Pnmi.TrapBufFree = BufFree;
+- /* Initialize the trap entry */
++ /* Initialize the trap entry. */
+ *(pBuf + Beg + Size - 1) = (char)Size;
+ *(pBuf + Beg) = (char)Size;
+ Val32 = (pAC->Pnmi.TrapUnique) ++;
+@@ -7369,7 +7206,6 @@
+ unsigned int Len;
+ unsigned int DstOff = 0;
+ while (Trap != End) {
+ Len = (unsigned int)*(pBuf + Trap);
+@@ -7414,7 +7250,6 @@
+ unsigned int Entries = 0;
+ unsigned int TotalLen = 0;
+ while (Trap != End) {
+ Len = (unsigned int)*(pBuf + Trap);
+@@ -7471,14 +7306,14 @@
+ unsigned int DescrLen;
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+- /* Get trap buffer entry */
++ /* Get trap buffer entry. */
+ DescrLen = SK_STRLEN(pAC->I2c.SenTable[SensorIndex].SenDesc);
+ pBuf = GetTrapEntry(pAC, TrapId,
+- /* Store additionally sensor trap related data */
++ /* Store additionally sensor trap related data. */
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf + Offset, Val32);
+ *(pBuf + Offset + 4) = 4;
+@@ -7523,7 +7358,6 @@
+ char *pBuf;
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+@@ -7551,7 +7385,6 @@
+ char *pBuf;
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ pBuf = GetTrapEntry(pAC, TrapId, SK_PNMI_TRAP_RLMT_PORT_LEN);
+@@ -7571,12 +7404,11 @@
+ * Nothing
+ */
+ PNMI_STATIC void CopyMac(
+-char *pDst, /* Pointer to destination buffer */
++char *pDst, /* Pointer to destination buffer */
+ SK_MAC_ADDR *pMac) /* Pointer of Source */
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(SK_MAC_ADDR); i ++) {
+ *(pDst + i) = pMac->a[i];
+@@ -7616,17 +7448,14 @@
+- /*
+- * Check instance. We only handle single instance variables
+- */
++ /* Check instance. We only handle single instance variables. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -7664,14 +7493,10 @@
+ break;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Perform action
+- */
++ /* Perform action. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+- /*
+- * Get value
+- */
++ /* Get value. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -7679,18 +7504,21 @@
+ break;
+- /* The Windows DDK describes: An OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER requests
+- the miniport to indicate whether it can transition its NIC
+- to the low-power state.
+- A miniport driver must always return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS
+- to a query of OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER. */
++ /*
++ * The Windows DDK describes: An OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER requests
++ * the miniport to indicate whether it can transition its NIC
++ * to the low-power state.
++ * A miniport driver must always return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS
++ * to a query of OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER.
++ */
+ *pLen = sizeof(SK_DEVICE_POWER_STATE);
+ RetCode = SK_PNMI_ERR_OK;
+ break;
+- /* NDIS handles these OIDs as write-only.
++ /*
++ * NDIS handles these OIDs as write-only.
+ * So in case of get action the buffer with written length = 0
+- * is returned
++ * is returned.
+ */
+@@ -7711,13 +7539,11 @@
+ return (RetCode);
+ }
+- /*
+- * Perform preset or set
+- */
++ /* Perform PRESET or SET. */
+- /* POWER module does not support PRESET action */
++ /* The POWER module does not support PRESET action. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+@@ -7749,7 +7575,7 @@
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+- * DiagActions - OID handler function of Diagnostic driver
++ * DiagActions - OID handler function of Diagnostic driver
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The code is simple. No description necessary.
+@@ -7776,22 +7602,17 @@
+ unsigned int TableIndex, /* Index to the Id table */
+ SK_U32 NetIndex) /* NetIndex (0..n), in single net mode always zero */
+ {
+ SK_U32 DiagStatus;
+- /*
+- * Check instance. We only handle single instance variables.
+- */
++ /* Check instance. We only handle single instance variables. */
+ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Check length.
+- */
++ /* Check length. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -7809,10 +7630,9 @@
+ }
+ /* Perform action. */
+- /* GET value. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
++ /* Get value. */
+ switch (Id) {
+@@ -7827,14 +7647,15 @@
+ break;
+ }
+- return (RetCode);
++ return (RetCode);
+ }
+ /* From here SET or PRESET value. */
+ /* PRESET value is not supported. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
++ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+ /* SET value. */
+@@ -7846,7 +7667,7 @@
+ /* Attach the DIAG to this adapter. */
+- /* Check if we come from running */
++ /* Check if we come from running. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DiagAttached == SK_DIAG_RUNNING) {
+ RetCode = SkDrvLeaveDiagMode(pAC);
+@@ -7881,7 +7702,7 @@
+ /* If DiagMode is not active, we can enter it. */
+ if (!pAC->DiagModeActive) {
+- RetCode = SkDrvEnterDiagMode(pAC);
++ RetCode = SkDrvEnterDiagMode(pAC);
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -7900,7 +7721,7 @@
+ break;
+ case SK_DIAG_IDLE:
+- /* Check if we come from running */
++ /* Check if we come from running. */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DiagAttached == SK_DIAG_RUNNING) {
+ RetCode = SkDrvLeaveDiagMode(pAC);
+@@ -7946,7 +7767,7 @@
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+- * Vct - OID handler function of OIDs
++ * Vct - OID handler function of OIDs for Virtual Cable Tester (VCT)
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * The code is simple. No description necessary.
+@@ -7982,153 +7803,150 @@
+ SK_U32 PhysPortIndex;
+ SK_U32 Limit;
+ SK_U32 Offset;
+- SK_BOOL Link;
+- int i;
++ SK_U32 RetCode;
++ int i;
+- SK_U32 CableLength;
+- /*
+- * Calculate the port indexes from the instance.
+- */
++ /* Calculate the port indexes from the instance. */
+ PhysPortMax = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+ LogPortMax = SK_PNMI_PORT_PHYS2LOG(PhysPortMax);
+ /* Dual net mode? */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ LogPortMax--;
+ }
+ if ((Instance != (SK_U32) (-1))) {
+- /* Check instance range. */
+- if ((Instance < 2) || (Instance > LogPortMax)) {
+- *pLen = 0;
+- }
++ /*
++ * Get one instance of that OID, so check the instance range:
++ * There is no virtual port with an Instance == 1, so we get
++ * the values from one physical port only.
++ */
+ if (pAC->Pnmi.DualNetActiveFlag == SK_TRUE) {
+ PhysPortIndex = NetIndex;
+ }
+ else {
++ if ((Instance < 2) || (Instance > LogPortMax)) {
++ *pLen = 0;
++ }
+ PhysPortIndex = Instance - 2;
+ }
+ Limit = PhysPortIndex + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+- * Instance == (SK_U32) (-1), get all Instances of that OID.
+- *
+- * Not implemented yet. May be used in future releases.
++ * Instance == (SK_U32) (-1), so get all instances of that OID.
++ * There is no virtual port with an Instance == 1, so we get
++ * the values from all physical ports.
+ */
+ PhysPortIndex = 0;
+ Limit = PhysPortMax;
+ }
+- pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex];
+- if (pPrt->PHWLinkUp) {
+- Link = SK_TRUE;
+- }
+- else {
+- Link = SK_FALSE;
+- }
+- /* Check MAC type */
+- if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_MARV_COPPER) {
++ /* Check MAC type. */
++ (pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PhyType != SK_PHY_MARV_COPPER)) {
+ *pLen = 0;
+- return (SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL);
+ }
+- /* Initialize backup data pointer. */
+- pVctBackupData = &pAC->Pnmi.VctBackup[PhysPortIndex];
+- /* Check action type */
++ /* Check action type. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ switch (Id) {
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - PhysPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_PNMI_VCT)) {
+ *pLen = (Limit - PhysPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_PNMI_VCT);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - PhysPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_U8)) {
+ *pLen = (Limit - PhysPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_U8);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /* Get value */
++ /* Get value. */
+ Offset = 0;
+ for (; PhysPortIndex < Limit; PhysPortIndex++) {
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex];
+ switch (Id) {
+- if ((Link == SK_FALSE) &&
++ if (!pPrt->PHWLinkUp &&
+ (pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] & SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING)) {
+ RetCode = SkGmCableDiagStatus(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, SK_FALSE);
+ if (RetCode == 0) {
+- pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] &= ~SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING;
+- pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] |=
+- /* Copy results for later use to PNMI struct. */
+- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+- if (pPrt->PMdiPairSts[i] == SK_PNMI_VCT_NORMAL_CABLE) {
+- if ((pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] > 35) && (pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] < 0xff)) {
+- }
+- }
+- if ((pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] > 35) && (pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] != 0xff)) {
+- CableLength = 1000 * (((175 * pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i]) / 210) - 28);
+- }
+- else {
+- CableLength = 0;
+- }
+- pVctBackupData->PMdiPairLen[i] = CableLength;
+- pVctBackupData->PMdiPairSts[i] = pPrt->PMdiPairSts[i];
+- }
++ /* VCT test is finished, so save the data. */
++ VctGetResults(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex);
+ Para.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
+ Para.Para32[1] = -1;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_RESET, Para);
+- SkEventDispatcher(pAC, IoC);
+- }
+- else {
+- ; /* VCT test is running. */
++ /* SkEventDispatcher(pAC, IoC); */
+ }
+ }
++ /* Initialize backup data pointer. */
++ pVctBackupData = &pAC->Pnmi.VctBackup[PhysPortIndex];
+ /* Get all results. */
+ CheckVctStatus(pAC, IoC, pBuf, Offset, PhysPortIndex);
+- Offset += sizeof(SK_U8);
++ Offset++;
+ *(pBuf + Offset) = pPrt->PCableLen;
+- Offset += sizeof(SK_U8);
++ Offset++;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+- SK_PNMI_STORE_U32((pBuf + Offset), pVctBackupData->PMdiPairLen[i]);
++ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32((pBuf + Offset), pVctBackupData->MdiPairLen[i]);
+ Offset += sizeof(SK_U32);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+- *(pBuf + Offset) = pVctBackupData->PMdiPairSts[i];
+- Offset += sizeof(SK_U8);
++ *(pBuf + Offset) = pVctBackupData->MdiPairSts[i];
++ Offset++;
+ }
+ RetCode = SK_PNMI_ERR_OK;
+ break;
+ CheckVctStatus(pAC, IoC, pBuf, Offset, PhysPortIndex);
+- Offset += sizeof(SK_U8);
++ Offset++;
+ RetCode = SK_PNMI_ERR_OK;
+ break;
++ if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_MARV_COPPER) {
++ *(pBuf + Offset) = SK_PNMI_VCT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
++ }
++ else {
++ *(pBuf + Offset) = SK_PNMI_VCT_SUPPORTED;
++ }
++ Offset++;
++ RetCode = SK_PNMI_ERR_OK;
++ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -8136,15 +7954,15 @@
+ } /* for */
+ *pLen = Offset;
+ return (RetCode);
+ } /* if SK_PNMI_GET */
+ /*
+ * From here SET or PRESET action. Check if the passed
+ * buffer length is plausible.
+ */
+- /* Check length */
++ /* Check length. */
+ switch (Id) {
+ if (*pLen < (Limit - PhysPortIndex) * sizeof(SK_U32)) {
+@@ -8152,42 +7970,45 @@
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+ }
+- /*
+- * Perform preset or set.
+- */
++ /* Perform PRESET or SET. */
+ /* VCT does not support PRESET action. */
+ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
+ return (SK_PNMI_ERR_OK);
+ }
+ Offset = 0;
+ for (; PhysPortIndex < Limit; PhysPortIndex++) {
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex];
+ switch (Id) {
+ case OID_SKGE_VCT_SET: /* Start VCT test. */
+- if (Link == SK_FALSE) {
++ if (!pPrt->PHWLinkUp) {
+ SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
+ RetCode = SkGmCableDiagStatus(pAC, IoC, PhysPortIndex, SK_TRUE);
+ if (RetCode == 0) { /* RetCode: 0 => Start! */
+ pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] |= SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING;
+- pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] &= ~SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_VCT_DATA;
+- pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] &= ~SK_PNMI_VCT_LINK;
+- /*
+- * Start VCT timer counter.
+- */
+- SK_MEMSET((char *) &Para, 0, sizeof(Para));
++ pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] &=
++ /* Start VCT timer counter. */
++ SK_MEMSET((char *)&Para, 0, sizeof(Para));
+ Para.Para32[0] = PhysPortIndex;
+ Para.Para32[1] = -1;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->Pnmi.VctTimeout[PhysPortIndex].VctTimer,
+- 4000000, SKGE_PNMI, SK_PNMI_EVT_VCT_RESET, Para);
++ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->Pnmi.VctTimeout[PhysPortIndex],
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32((pBuf + Offset), RetCode);
+ RetCode = SK_PNMI_ERR_OK;
+ }
+@@ -8203,7 +8024,7 @@
+ }
+ Offset += sizeof(SK_U32);
+ break;
+ default:
+ *pLen = 0;
+@@ -8215,6 +8036,65 @@
+ } /* Vct */
++PNMI_STATIC void VctGetResults(
++SK_AC *pAC,
++SK_U32 Port)
++ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
++ int i;
++ SK_U8 PairLen;
++ SK_U8 PairSts;
++ SK_U32 MinLength;
++ SK_U32 CableLength;
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ MinLength = 25;
++ }
++ else {
++ MinLength = 35;
++ }
++ /* Copy results for later use to PNMI struct. */
++ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
++ PairLen = pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i];
++ if (((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) == 0) && (i > 1)) {
++ }
++ else {
++ PairSts = pPrt->PMdiPairSts[i];
++ }
++ if ((PairSts == SK_PNMI_VCT_NORMAL_CABLE) &&
++ (PairLen > 28) && (PairLen < 0xff)) {
++ }
++ /* Ignore values <= MinLength, the linear factor is 4/5. */
++ if ((PairLen > MinLength) && (PairLen < 0xff)) {
++ CableLength = 1000UL * (PairLen - MinLength) * 4 / 5;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* No cable or short cable. */
++ CableLength = 0;
++ }
++ pAC->Pnmi.VctBackup[Port].MdiPairLen[i] = CableLength;
++ pAC->Pnmi.VctBackup[Port].MdiPairSts[i] = PairSts;
++ }
++ pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[Port] &= ~SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING;
++ pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[Port] |= (SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_VCT_DATA |
++} /* GetVctResults */
+ PNMI_STATIC void CheckVctStatus(
+ SK_AC *pAC,
+@@ -8224,54 +8104,57 @@
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ SK_PNMI_VCT *pVctData;
++ SK_U8 VctStatus;
+ SK_U32 RetCode;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex];
+ pVctData = (SK_PNMI_VCT *) (pBuf + Offset);
+ pVctData->VctStatus = SK_PNMI_VCT_NONE;
++ VctStatus = pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex];
+ if (!pPrt->PHWLinkUp) {
+ /* Was a VCT test ever made before? */
+- if (pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] & SK_PNMI_VCT_TEST_DONE) {
+- if ((pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] & SK_PNMI_VCT_LINK)) {
++ if (VctStatus & SK_PNMI_VCT_TEST_DONE) {
++ if (VctStatus & SK_PNMI_VCT_LINK) {
+ pVctData->VctStatus |= SK_PNMI_VCT_OLD_VCT_DATA;
+ }
+ else {
+ pVctData->VctStatus |= SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_VCT_DATA;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check VCT test status. */
+ RetCode = SkGmCableDiagStatus(pAC,IoC, PhysPortIndex, SK_FALSE);
+ if (RetCode == 2) { /* VCT test is running. */
+ pVctData->VctStatus |= SK_PNMI_VCT_RUNNING;
+ }
+ else { /* VCT data was copied to pAC here. Check PENDING state. */
+- if (pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] & SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING) {
++ if (VctStatus & SK_PNMI_VCT_PENDING) {
+ pVctData->VctStatus |= SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_VCT_DATA;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pPrt->PCableLen != 0xff) { /* Old DSP value. */
+ pVctData->VctStatus |= SK_PNMI_VCT_OLD_DSP_DATA;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Was a VCT test ever made before? */
+- if (pAC->Pnmi.VctStatus[PhysPortIndex] & SK_PNMI_VCT_TEST_DONE) {
++ if (VctStatus & SK_PNMI_VCT_TEST_DONE) {
+ pVctData->VctStatus &= ~SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_VCT_DATA;
+ pVctData->VctStatus |= SK_PNMI_VCT_OLD_VCT_DATA;
+ }
+ /* DSP only valid in 100/1000 modes. */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GP[PhysPortIndex].PLinkSpeedUsed !=
++ if (pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed != SK_LSPEED_STAT_10MBPS) {
+ pVctData->VctStatus |= SK_PNMI_VCT_NEW_DSP_DATA;
+ }
+ }
+ } /* CheckVctStatus */
+@@ -8314,29 +8197,29 @@
+ SK_MEMCPY(&Mode, pBuf, sizeof(SK_I32));
+- SK_MEMCPY(&Oid, (char *) pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), sizeof(SK_U32));
++ SK_MEMCPY(&Oid, (char *)pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), sizeof(SK_U32));
+ HeaderLength = sizeof(SK_I32) + sizeof(SK_U32);
+ *pLen = *pLen - HeaderLength;
+- SK_MEMCPY((char *) pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), (char *) pBuf + HeaderLength, *pLen);
++ SK_MEMCPY((char *)pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), (char *)pBuf + HeaderLength, *pLen);
+ switch(Mode) {
+- ReturnCode = SkPnmiGetVar(pAC, IoC, Oid,
+- (char *) pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), pLen,
++ ReturnCode = SkPnmiGetVar(pAC, IoC, Oid,
++ (char *)pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), pLen,
+ ((SK_U32) (-1)), NetIndex);
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf, ReturnCode);
+ *pLen = *pLen + sizeof(SK_I32);
+ break;
+- ReturnCode = SkPnmiPreSetVar(pAC, IoC, Oid,
+- (char *) pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), pLen,
++ ReturnCode = SkPnmiPreSetVar(pAC, IoC, Oid,
++ (char *)pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), pLen,
+ ((SK_U32) (-1)), NetIndex);
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf, ReturnCode);
+ *pLen = *pLen + sizeof(SK_I32);
+ break;
+- ReturnCode = SkPnmiSetVar(pAC, IoC, Oid,
+- (char *) pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), pLen,
++ ReturnCode = SkPnmiSetVar(pAC, IoC, Oid,
++ (char *)pBuf + sizeof(SK_I32), pLen,
+ ((SK_U32) (-1)), NetIndex);
+ SK_PNMI_STORE_U32(pBuf, ReturnCode);
+ *pLen = *pLen + sizeof(SK_I32);
+@@ -8357,3 +8240,86 @@
+ return (ReturnCode);
+ } /* SkGeIocGen */
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++ *
++ * Asf
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The code is simple. No description necessary.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SK_PNMI_ERR_OK The request was successfully performed.
++ * SK_PNMI_ERR_GENERAL A general severe internal error occured.
++ * SK_PNMI_ERR_TOO_SHORT The passed buffer is too short to contain
++ * the correct data (e.g. a 32bit value is
++ * needed, but a 16 bit value was passed).
++ * SK_PNMI_ERR_UNKNOWN_INST The requested instance of the OID doesn't
++ * exist (e.g. port instance 3 on a two port
++ * adapter.
++ */
++PNMI_STATIC int Asf(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Pointer to adapter context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context handle */
++int Action, /* GET/PRESET/SET action */
++SK_U32 Id, /* Object ID that is to be processed */
++char *pBuf, /* Buffer used for the management data transfer */
++unsigned int *pLen, /* On call: pBuf buffer length. On return: used buffer */
++SK_U32 Instance, /* Instance (1..n) that is to be queried or -1 */
++unsigned int TableIndex, /* Index to the Id table */
++SK_U32 NetIndex) /* NetIndex (0..n), in single net mode always zero */
++ /*
++ * Check instance. We only handle single instance variables.
++ */
++ if (Instance != (SK_U32)(-1) && Instance != 1) {
++ *pLen = 0;
++ }
++ /* Perform action. */
++ /* GET value. */
++ if (Action == SK_PNMI_GET) {
++ switch (Id) {
++ case OID_SKGE_ASF:
++ RetCode = SkAsfGet(pAC, IoC, (SK_U8 *) pBuf, pLen);
++ break;
++ default:
++ RetCode = SkAsfGetOid( pAC, IoC, Id, Instance, (SK_U8 *) pBuf, pLen );
++ break;
++ }
++ return (RetCode);
++ }
++ /* PRESET value. */
++ if (Action == SK_PNMI_PRESET) {
++ switch (Id) {
++ case OID_SKGE_ASF:
++ RetCode = SkAsfPreSet(pAC, IoC, (SK_U8 *) pBuf, pLen);
++ break;
++ default:
++ RetCode = SkAsfPreSetOid( pAC, IoC, Id, Instance, (SK_U8 *) pBuf, pLen );
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* SET value. */
++ if (Action == SK_PNMI_SET) {
++ switch (Id) {
++ case OID_SKGE_ASF:
++ RetCode = SkAsfSet(pAC, IoC, (SK_U8 *) pBuf, pLen);
++ break;
++ default:
++ RetCode = SkAsfSetOid( pAC, IoC, Id, Instance, (SK_U8 *) pBuf, pLen );
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return (RetCode);
++#endif /* SK_ASF */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgesirq.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgesirq.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgesirq.c 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skgesirq.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skgesirq.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.92 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 14:37:07 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.22 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/14 10:22:57 $
+ * Purpose: Special IRQ module
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@
+ * right after this ISR.
+ *
+ * The Interrupt source register of the adapter is NOT read by this module.
+- * SO if the drivers implementor needs a while loop around the
++ * SO if the drivers implementor needs a while loop around the
+ * slow data paths interrupt bits, he needs to call the SkGeSirqIsr() for
+ * each loop entered.
+ *
+@@ -46,11 +45,6 @@
+ *
+ */
+-#if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+-static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skgesirq.c,v 1.92 2003/09/16 14:37:07 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h" /* Driver Specific Definitions */
+ #ifndef SK_SLIM
+ #include "h/skgepnmi.h" /* PNMI Definitions */
+@@ -58,6 +52,13 @@
+ #endif
+ #include "h/skdrv2nd.h" /* Adapter Control and Driver specific Def. */
++/* local variables ************************************************************/
++#if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
++static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
++ "@(#) $Id: skgesirq.c,v 2.22 2005/07/14 10:22:57 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ /* local function prototypes */
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ static int SkGePortCheckUpXmac(SK_AC*, SK_IOC, int, SK_BOOL);
+@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@
+ XM_RXF_511B,
+ XM_RXF_1023B,
+-} ;
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef __C2MAN__
+@@ -109,8 +110,8 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+ static void SkHWInitDefSense(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
+ pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut = 0;
+- if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf != SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE) {
+ pPrt->PLinkMode = pPrt->PLinkModeConf;
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -145,8 +146,8 @@
+ *
+ */
+ static SK_U8 SkHWSenseGetNext(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -155,18 +156,18 @@
+ pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut = 0;
+- if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE) {
+ /* Leave all as configured */
+ return(pPrt->PLinkModeConf);
+ }
+- if (pPrt->PLinkMode == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL) {
+ /* Return next mode AUTOBOTH */
+- return ((SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOBOTH);
++ return((SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOBOTH);
+ }
+ /* Return default autofull */
+- return ((SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL);
++ return((SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL);
+ } /* SkHWSenseGetNext */
+@@ -179,8 +180,8 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+ static void SkHWSenseSetNext(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U8 NewMode) /* New Mode to be written in sense mode */
+ {
+@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@
+ pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut = 0;
+- if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE) {
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -214,8 +215,8 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+ void SkHWLinkDown(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -227,11 +228,11 @@
+ /* Disable Receiver and Transmitter */
+ SkMacRxTxDisable(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /* Init default sense mode */
+ SkHWInitDefSense(pAC, IoC, Port);
+- if (pPrt->PHWLinkUp == SK_FALSE) {
++ if (!pPrt->PHWLinkUp) {
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -242,8 +243,8 @@
+ pPrt->PHWLinkUp = SK_FALSE;
+ /* Reset Port stati */
+- pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_UNKNOWN;
+- pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = (SK_U8)SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE;
++ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_UNKNOWN;
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = (SK_U8)SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE;
+ /* Re-init Phy especially when the AutoSense default is set now */
+@@ -266,8 +267,8 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+ void SkHWLinkUp(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -281,11 +282,11 @@
+ pPrt->PHWLinkUp = SK_TRUE;
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_FALSE;
+- pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_UNKNOWN;
++ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_UNKNOWN;
+- if (pPrt->PLinkMode != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOHALF &&
+- pPrt->PLinkMode != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL &&
+- pPrt->PLinkMode != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOBOTH) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkMode != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOHALF &&
++ pPrt->PLinkMode != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL &&
++ pPrt->PLinkMode != (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOBOTH) {
+ /* Link is up and no Auto-negotiation should be done */
+ /* Link speed should be the configured one */
+@@ -304,18 +305,18 @@
+ }
+ /* Set Link Mode Status */
+- if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_FULL;
+ }
+ else {
+- pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_HALF;
++ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_HALF;
+ }
+ /* No flow control without auto-negotiation */
+- pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = (SK_U8)SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE;
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = (SK_U8)SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE;
+ /* enable Rx/Tx */
+- (void)SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ (void)SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ } /* SkHWLinkUp */
+@@ -329,14 +330,16 @@
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+ static void SkMacParity(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
+-int Port) /* Port Index of the port failed */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
++int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+ SK_U32 TxMax; /* Tx Max Size Counter */
++ TxMax = 0;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ /* Clear IRQ Tx Parity Error */
+@@ -346,7 +349,7 @@
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* HW-Bug #8: cleared by GMF_CLI_TX_FC instead of GMF_CLI_TX_PE */
+@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@
+ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 0) ? GMF_CLI_TX_FC : GMF_CLI_TX_PE));
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ if (pPrt->PCheckPar) {
+ if (Port == MAC_1) {
+@@ -366,7 +369,7 @@
+ }
+ Para.Para64 = Port;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_FAIL, Para);
+ Para.Para32[0] = Port;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
+@@ -378,18 +381,18 @@
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ /* Snap statistic counters */
+ (void)SkXmUpdateStats(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, Port, XM_TXF_MAX_SZ, &TxMax);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ (void)SkGmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, Port, GM_TXF_1518B, &TxMax);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ if (TxMax > 0) {
+ /* From now on check the parity */
+ pPrt->PCheckPar = SK_TRUE;
+@@ -399,15 +402,15 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * SkGeHwErr() - Hardware Error service routine
++ * SkGeYuHwErr() - Hardware Error service routine (Genesis and Yukon)
+ *
+ * Description: handles all HW Error interrupts
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+-static void SkGeHwErr(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++static void SkGeYuHwErr(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
+ SK_U32 HwStatus) /* Interrupt status word */
+ {
+@@ -423,10 +426,10 @@
+ }
+ /* Reset all bits in the PCI STATUS register */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_STATUS), &Word);
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_STATUS), &Word);
+ Para.Para64 = 0;
+@@ -484,14 +487,18 @@
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ if ((HwStatus & IS_RAM_RD_PAR) != 0) {
+ Para.Para64 = 0;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_ADAP_FAIL, Para);
+ }
+ if ((HwStatus & IS_RAM_WR_PAR) != 0) {
+ Para.Para64 = 0;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_ADAP_FAIL, Para);
+@@ -512,7 +519,7 @@
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_1;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_FAIL, Para);
+ Para.Para32[0] = MAC_1;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
+ }
+@@ -524,37 +531,288 @@
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_2;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_FAIL, Para);
+ Para.Para32[0] = MAC_2;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
+ }
+-} /* SkGeHwErr */
++} /* SkGeYuHwErr */
++#ifdef YUK2
++ *
++ * SkYuk2HwPortErr() - Service HW Errors for specified port (Yukon-2 only)
++ *
++ * Description: handles the HW Error interrupts for a specific port.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void SkYuk2HwPortErr(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U32 HwStatus, /* Interrupt status word */
++int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
++ SK_EVPARA Para;
++ int Queue;
++ if (Port == MAC_2) {
++ HwStatus >>= 8;
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_HWE_L1_MASK) == 0) {
++ return;
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_PAR_RD1) != 0) {
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_PAR_WR1) != 0) {
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_PAR_MAC1) != 0) {
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_PAR_RX1) != 0) {
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ Queue = Q_R1;
++ }
++ else {
++ Queue = Q_R2;
++ }
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_TCP_TXS1) != 0) {
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ Queue = Q_XS1;
++ }
++ else {
++ Queue = Q_XS2;
++ }
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_TCP_TXA1) != 0) {
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ Queue = Q_XA1;
++ }
++ else {
++ Queue = Q_XA2;
++ }
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ }
++ Para.Para64 = Port;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_FAIL, Para);
++ Para.Para32[0] = Port;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
++} /* SkYuk2HwPortErr */
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * SkGeSirqIsr() - Special Interrupt Service Routine
++ * SkYuk2HwErr() - Hardware Error service routine (Yukon-2 only)
+ *
+- * Description: handles all non data transfer specific interrupts (slow path)
++ * Description: handles all HW Error interrupts
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void SkYuk2HwErr(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U32 HwStatus) /* Interrupt status word */
++ SK_EVPARA Para;
++ SK_U16 Word;
++ SK_U32 DWord;
++ SK_U32 TlpHead[4];
++ int i;
++ ("HW-Error Status: 0x%08lX\n", HwStatus));
++ /* This is necessary only for Rx timing measurements */
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_TIST_OV) != 0) {
++ /* increment Time Stamp Timer counter (high) */
++ pAC->GIni.GITimeStampCnt++;
++ /* Clear Time Stamp Timer IRQ */
++ }
++ /* Evaluate Y2_IS_PCI_NEXP before Y2_IS_MST_ERR or Y2_IS_IRQ_STAT */
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_PCI_NEXP) != 0) {
++ /*
++ * This error is also mapped either to Master Abort (Y2_IS_MST_ERR)
++ * or Target Abort (Y2_IS_IRQ_STAT) bit and can only be cleared there.
++ * Therefore handle this event just by printing an error log entry.
++ */
++ }
++ if ((HwStatus & (Y2_IS_MST_ERR | Y2_IS_IRQ_STAT)) != 0) {
++ /* PCI Errors occured */
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_IRQ_STAT) != 0) {
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ /* Reset all bits in the PCI STATUS register */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_STATUS), &Word);
++ Para.Para64 = 0;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_ADAP_FAIL, Para);
++ }
++ /* check for PCI-Express Uncorrectable Error */
++ if ((HwStatus & Y2_IS_PCI_EXP) != 0) {
++ /*
++ * On PCI-Express bus bridges are called root complexes (RC).
++ * PCI-Express errors are recognized by the root complex too,
++ * which requests the system to handle the problem. After error
++ * occurence it may be that no access to the adapter may be performed
++ * any longer.
++ */
++ /* Get uncorrectable error status */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT), &DWord);
++ ("PEX Uncorr.Error Status: 0x%08lX\n", DWord));
++ if (DWord != PEX_UNSUP_REQ) {
++ /* ignore Unsupported Request Errors */
++ }
++ if ((DWord & (PEX_FATAL_ERRORS | PEX_POIS_TLP)) != 0) {
++ /*
++ * Stop only, if the uncorrectable error is fatal or
++ * Poisoned TLP occured
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
++ /* get TLP Header from Log Registers */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PEX_HEADER_LOG + i*4), TlpHead + i);
++ (" 0x%08lX", TlpHead[i]));
++ }
++ /* check for vendor defined broadcast message */
++ if (TlpHead[0] == 0x73004001 && (SK_U8)TlpHead[1] == 0x7f) {
++ ("Vendor defined broadcast message\n"));
++ }
++ else {
++ Para.Para64 = 0;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_ADAP_FAIL, Para);
++ pAC->GIni.GIValHwIrqMask &= ~Y2_IS_PCI_EXP;
++ /* Rewrite HW IRQ mask */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B0_HWE_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValHwIrqMask);
++ }
++ }
++ /* clear the interrupt */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT), 0xffffffffUL);
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ SkYuk2HwPortErr(pAC, IoC, HwStatus, i);
++ }
++} /* SkYuk2HwErr */
++#endif /* YUK2 */
++ *
++ * SkGeSirqIsr() - Wrapper for Special Interrupt Service Routine
++ *
++ * Description: calls the preselected special ISR (slow path)
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+ void SkGeSirqIsr(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
++SK_U32 Istatus) /* Interrupt status word */
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pSkGeSirqIsr(pAC, IoC, Istatus);
++ *
++ * SkGeYuSirqIsr() - Special Interrupt Service Routine
++ *
++ * Description: handles all non data transfer specific interrupts (slow path)
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkGeYuSirqIsr(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ SK_U32 Istatus) /* Interrupt status word */
+ {
+ SK_U32 RegVal32; /* Read register value */
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+- SK_U16 PhyInt;
++ SK_U16 PhyInt;
+ int i;
+ if (((Istatus & IS_HW_ERR) & pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask) != 0) {
+ /* read the HW Error Interrupt source */
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_HWE_ISRC, &RegVal32);
+- SkGeHwErr(pAC, IoC, RegVal32);
++ SkGeYuHwErr(pAC, IoC, RegVal32);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -569,7 +827,7 @@
+ }
+ if (((Istatus & (IS_PA_TO_RX2 | IS_PA_TO_TX2)) != 0) &&
+- pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_2].PState == SK_PRT_RESET) {
++ pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_2].PState == SK_PRT_RESET) {
+ /* MAC 2 was not initialized but Packet timeout occured */
+@@ -590,8 +848,8 @@
+ }
+ if ((Istatus & IS_PA_TO_TX1) != 0) {
+- pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[0];
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_1];
+ /* May be a normal situation in a server with a slow network */
+@@ -612,25 +870,18 @@
+ * we ignore those
+ */
+ pPrt->HalfDupTimerActive = SK_TRUE;
+-#ifdef XXX
+- Len = sizeof(SK_U64);
+- SkPnmiGetVar(pAC, IoC, OID_SKGE_STAT_TX_OCTETS, (char *)&Octets,
+- &Len, (SK_U32)SK_PNMI_PORT_PHYS2INST(pAC, 0),
+- pAC->Rlmt.Port[0].Net->NetNumber);
+- pPrt->LastOctets = Octets;
+-#endif /* XXX */
+ /* Snap statistic counters */
+ (void)SkXmUpdateStats(pAC, IoC, 0);
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, 0, XM_TXO_OK_HI, &RegVal32);
+ pPrt->LastOctets = (SK_U64)RegVal32 << 32;
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, 0, XM_TXO_OK_LO, &RegVal32);
+ pPrt->LastOctets += RegVal32;
+ Para.Para32[0] = 0;
+ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pPrt->HalfDupChkTimer, SK_HALFDUP_CHK_TIME,
+@@ -640,8 +891,8 @@
+ }
+ if ((Istatus & IS_PA_TO_TX2) != 0) {
+- pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[1];
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[MAC_2];
+ /* May be a normal situation in a server with a slow network */
+@@ -653,25 +904,18 @@
+ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF) &&
+ !pPrt->HalfDupTimerActive) {
+ pPrt->HalfDupTimerActive = SK_TRUE;
+-#ifdef XXX
+- Len = sizeof(SK_U64);
+- SkPnmiGetVar(pAC, IoC, OID_SKGE_STAT_TX_OCTETS, (char *)&Octets,
+- &Len, (SK_U32)SK_PNMI_PORT_PHYS2INST(pAC, 1),
+- pAC->Rlmt.Port[1].Net->NetNumber);
+- pPrt->LastOctets = Octets;
+-#endif /* XXX */
+ /* Snap statistic counters */
+ (void)SkXmUpdateStats(pAC, IoC, 1);
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, 1, XM_TXO_OK_HI, &RegVal32);
+ pPrt->LastOctets = (SK_U64)RegVal32 << 32;
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, 1, XM_TXO_OK_LO, &RegVal32);
+ pPrt->LastOctets += RegVal32;
+ Para.Para32[0] = 1;
+ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pPrt->HalfDupChkTimer, SK_HALFDUP_CHK_TIME,
+@@ -684,6 +928,7 @@
+ if ((Istatus & IS_R1_C) != 0) {
+ /* Clear IRQ */
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_1;
+@@ -695,6 +940,7 @@
+ if ((Istatus & IS_R2_C) != 0) {
+ /* Clear IRQ */
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_2;
+@@ -706,6 +952,7 @@
+ if ((Istatus & IS_XS1_C) != 0) {
+ /* Clear IRQ */
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_1;
+@@ -717,6 +964,7 @@
+ if ((Istatus & IS_XA1_C) != 0) {
+ /* Clear IRQ */
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_1;
+@@ -728,6 +976,7 @@
+ if ((Istatus & IS_XS2_C) != 0) {
+ /* Clear IRQ */
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_2;
+@@ -739,6 +988,7 @@
+ if ((Istatus & IS_XA2_C) != 0) {
+ /* Clear IRQ */
+ Para.Para64 = MAC_2;
+@@ -751,39 +1001,37 @@
+ if ((Istatus & IS_EXT_REG) != 0) {
+ /* Test IRQs from PHY */
+ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[i];
+ if (pPrt->PState == SK_PRT_RESET) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ switch (pPrt->PhyType) {
+ case SK_PHY_XMAC:
+ break;
+ case SK_PHY_BCOM:
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, i, PHY_BCOM_INT_STAT, &PhyInt);
+ if ((PhyInt & ~PHY_B_DEF_MSK) != 0) {
+- ("Port %d Bcom Int: 0x%04X\n",
+- i, PhyInt));
++ ("Port %d PHY Int: 0x%04X\n", i, PhyInt));
+ SkPhyIsrBcom(pAC, IoC, i, PhyInt);
+ }
+ break;
+ #ifdef OTHER_PHY
+ case SK_PHY_LONE:
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, i, PHY_LONE_INT_STAT, &PhyInt);
+ if ((PhyInt & PHY_L_DEF_MSK) != 0) {
+- ("Port %d Lone Int: %x\n",
+- i, PhyInt));
++ ("Port %d PHY Int: 0x%04X\n", i, PhyInt));
+ SkPhyIsrLone(pAC, IoC, i, PhyInt);
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -791,7 +1039,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* Read PHY Interrupt Status */
+@@ -799,8 +1047,7 @@
+ if ((PhyInt & PHY_M_DEF_MSK) != 0) {
+- ("Port %d Marv Int: 0x%04X\n",
+- i, PhyInt));
++ ("Port %d PHY Int: 0x%04X\n", i, PhyInt));
+ SkPhyIsrGmac(pAC, IoC, i, PhyInt);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -808,65 +1055,241 @@
+ }
+ }
+- /* I2C Ready interrupt */
+- if ((Istatus & IS_I2C_READY) != 0) {
++ /* TWSI Ready interrupt */
++ if ((Istatus & IS_I2C_READY) != 0) {
++#ifdef SK_SLIM
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
++ SkI2cIsr(pAC, IoC);
++ }
++ /* SW forced interrupt */
++ if ((Istatus & IS_IRQ_SW) != 0) {
++ /* clear the software IRQ */
++ }
++ if ((Istatus & IS_LNK_SYNC_M1) != 0) {
++ /*
++ * We do NOT need the Link Sync interrupt, because it shows
++ * us only a link going down.
++ */
++ /* clear interrupt */
++ }
++ /* Check MAC after link sync counter */
++ if ((Istatus & IS_MAC1) != 0) {
++ /* IRQ from MAC 1 */
++ SkMacIrq(pAC, IoC, MAC_1);
++ }
++ if ((Istatus & IS_LNK_SYNC_M2) != 0) {
++ /*
++ * We do NOT need the Link Sync interrupt, because it shows
++ * us only a link going down.
++ */
++ /* clear interrupt */
++ }
++ /* Check MAC after link sync counter */
++ if ((Istatus & IS_MAC2) != 0) {
++ /* IRQ from MAC 2 */
++ SkMacIrq(pAC, IoC, MAC_2);
++ }
++ /* Timer interrupt (served last) */
++ if ((Istatus & IS_TIMINT) != 0) {
++ /* check for HW Errors */
++ if (((Istatus & IS_HW_ERR) & ~pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask) != 0) {
++ /* read the HW Error Interrupt source */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_HWE_ISRC, &RegVal32);
++ SkGeYuHwErr(pAC, IoC, RegVal32);
++ }
++ SkHwtIsr(pAC, IoC);
++ }
++} /* SkGeYuSirqIsr */
++#ifdef YUK2
++ *
++ * SkYuk2PortSirq() - Service HW Errors for specified port (Yukon-2 only)
++ *
++ * Description: handles the HW Error interrupts for a specific port.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void SkYuk2PortSirq(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U32 IStatus, /* Interrupt status word */
++int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
++ SK_EVPARA Para;
++ int Queue;
++ SK_U16 PhyInt;
++ if (Port == MAC_2) {
++ IStatus >>= 8;
++ }
++ /* Interrupt from PHY */
++ if ((IStatus & Y2_IS_IRQ_PHY1) != 0) {
++ /* Read PHY Interrupt Status */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_STAT, &PhyInt);
++ if ((PhyInt & PHY_M_DEF_MSK) != 0) {
++ ("Port %d PHY Int: 0x%04X\n", Port, PhyInt));
++ SkPhyIsrGmac(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyInt);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Interrupt from MAC */
++ if ((IStatus & Y2_IS_IRQ_MAC1) != 0) {
++ SkMacIrq(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ }
++ if ((IStatus & (Y2_IS_CHK_RX1 | Y2_IS_CHK_TXS1 | Y2_IS_CHK_TXA1)) != 0) {
++ if ((IStatus & Y2_IS_CHK_RX1) != 0) {
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ Queue = Q_R1;
++ }
++ else {
++ Queue = Q_R2;
++ }
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ }
++ if ((IStatus & Y2_IS_CHK_TXS1) != 0) {
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ Queue = Q_XS1;
++ }
++ else {
++ Queue = Q_XS2;
++ }
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ }
++ if ((IStatus & Y2_IS_CHK_TXA1) != 0) {
++ if (Port == MAC_1) {
++ Queue = Q_XA1;
++ }
++ else {
++ Queue = Q_XA2;
++ }
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ }
++ Para.Para64 = Port;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_FAIL, Para);
++ Para.Para32[0] = Port;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
++ }
++} /* SkYuk2PortSirq */
++#endif /* YUK2 */
++ *
++ * SkYuk2SirqIsr() - Special Interrupt Service Routine (Yukon-2 only)
++ *
++ * Description: handles all non data transfer specific interrupts (slow path)
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkYuk2SirqIsr(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U32 Istatus) /* Interrupt status word */
++#ifdef YUK2
++ SK_EVPARA Para;
++ SK_U32 RegVal32; /* Read register value */
++ SK_U8 Value;
++ /* HW Error indicated ? */
++ if (((Istatus & Y2_IS_HW_ERR) & pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask) != 0) {
++ /* read the HW Error Interrupt source */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_HWE_ISRC, &RegVal32);
++ SkYuk2HwErr(pAC, IoC, RegVal32);
++ }
++ /* Interrupt from ASF Subsystem */
++ if ((Istatus & Y2_IS_ASF) != 0) {
++ /* clear IRQ */
++ /* later on clearing should be done in ASF ISR handler */
++ SK_IN8(IoC, B28_Y2_ASF_STAT_CMD, &Value);
++ Value |= Y2_ASF_CLR_HSTI;
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, B28_Y2_ASF_STAT_CMD, Value);
++ /* Call IRQ handler in ASF Module */
++ /* TBD */
++ }
++ /* Check IRQ from polling unit */
++ if ((Istatus & Y2_IS_POLL_CHK) != 0) {
++ /* Clear IRQ */
++ Para.Para64 = 0;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_ADAP_FAIL, Para);
++ }
++ /* TWSI Ready interrupt */
++ if ((Istatus & Y2_IS_TWSI_RDY) != 0) {
+ #ifdef SK_SLIM
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
+ SkI2cIsr(pAC, IoC);
+ }
+ /* SW forced interrupt */
+- if ((Istatus & IS_IRQ_SW) != 0) {
++ if ((Istatus & Y2_IS_IRQ_SW) != 0) {
+ /* clear the software IRQ */
+ }
+- if ((Istatus & IS_LNK_SYNC_M1) != 0) {
+- /*
+- * We do NOT need the Link Sync interrupt, because it shows
+- * us only a link going down.
+- */
+- /* clear interrupt */
+- }
+- /* Check MAC after link sync counter */
+- if ((Istatus & IS_MAC1) != 0) {
+- /* IRQ from MAC 1 */
+- SkMacIrq(pAC, IoC, MAC_1);
+- }
+- if ((Istatus & IS_LNK_SYNC_M2) != 0) {
+- /*
+- * We do NOT need the Link Sync interrupt, because it shows
+- * us only a link going down.
+- */
+- /* clear interrupt */
++ if ((Istatus & Y2_IS_L1_MASK) != 0) {
++ SkYuk2PortSirq(pAC, IoC, Istatus, MAC_1);
+ }
+- /* Check MAC after link sync counter */
+- if ((Istatus & IS_MAC2) != 0) {
+- /* IRQ from MAC 2 */
+- SkMacIrq(pAC, IoC, MAC_2);
++ if ((Istatus & Y2_IS_L2_MASK) != 0) {
++ SkYuk2PortSirq(pAC, IoC, Istatus, MAC_2);
+ }
+ /* Timer interrupt (served last) */
+- if ((Istatus & IS_TIMINT) != 0) {
+- /* check for HW Errors */
+- if (((Istatus & IS_HW_ERR) & ~pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask) != 0) {
+- /* read the HW Error Interrupt source */
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B0_HWE_ISRC, &RegVal32);
+- SkGeHwErr(pAC, IoC, RegVal32);
+- }
++ if ((Istatus & Y2_IS_TIMINT) != 0) {
++ ("Timer Int: 0x%08lX\n", Istatus));
+ SkHwtIsr(pAC, IoC);
+ }
++#endif /* YUK2 */
+-} /* SkGeSirqIsr */
++} /* SkYuk2SirqIsr */
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+@@ -880,8 +1303,8 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGePortCheckShorts(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int Port) /* Which port should be checked */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U32 Shorts; /* Short Event Counter */
+ SK_U32 CheckShorts; /* Check value for Short Event Counter */
+@@ -909,9 +1332,9 @@
+ RxCts = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(SkGeRxRegs)/sizeof(SkGeRxRegs[0]); i++) {
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, Port, SkGeRxRegs[i], &RxTmp);
+ RxCts += (SK_U64)RxTmp;
+ }
+@@ -928,11 +1351,11 @@
+ CheckShorts = 2;
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, Port, XM_RXF_FCS_ERR, &FcsErrCts);
+- if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
+- pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN &&
+- (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_HALF ||
+- pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL)) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
++ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN &&
++ (pPrt->PLinkMode == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_HALF ||
++ pPrt->PLinkMode == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_FULL)) {
+ /*
+ * This is autosensing and we are in the fallback
+ * manual full/half duplex mode.
+@@ -941,16 +1364,16 @@
+ /* Nothing received, restart link */
+ pPrt->PPrevFcs = FcsErrCts;
+ pPrt->PPrevShorts = Shorts;
+ return(SK_HW_PS_RESTART);
+ }
+ else {
+- pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = SK_LIPA_MANUAL;
++ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_MANUAL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (((RxCts - pPrt->PPrevRx) > pPrt->PRxLim) ||
+- (!(FcsErrCts - pPrt->PPrevFcs))) {
++ (!(FcsErrCts - pPrt->PPrevFcs))) {
+ /*
+ * Note: The compare with zero above has to be done the way shown,
+ * otherwise the Linux driver will have a problem.
+@@ -995,29 +1418,25 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGePortCheckUp(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int Port) /* Which port should be checked */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+ SK_BOOL AutoNeg; /* Is Auto-negotiation used ? */
+ int Rtv; /* Return value */
+ Rtv = SK_HW_PS_NONE;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+- if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_HALF || pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+- AutoNeg = SK_FALSE;
+- }
+- else {
+- AutoNeg = SK_TRUE;
+- }
++ AutoNeg = pPrt->PLinkMode != SK_LMODE_HALF &&
++ pPrt->PLinkMode != SK_LMODE_FULL;
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ switch (pPrt->PhyType) {
+ case SK_PHY_XMAC:
+ Rtv = SkGePortCheckUpXmac(pAC, IoC, Port, AutoNeg);
+ break;
+@@ -1038,7 +1457,7 @@
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ Rtv = SkGePortCheckUpGmac(pAC, IoC, Port, AutoNeg);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -1059,8 +1478,8 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGePortCheckUpXmac(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int Port, /* Which port should be checked */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL AutoNeg) /* Is Auto-negotiation used ? */
+ {
+ SK_U32 Shorts; /* Short Event Counter */
+@@ -1098,7 +1517,7 @@
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_ISRC, &Isrc);
+ IsrcSum |= Isrc;
+ SkXmAutoNegLipaXmac(pAC, IoC, Port, IsrcSum);
+ if ((Isrc & XM_IS_INP_ASS) == 0) {
+ /* It has been in sync since last time */
+ /* Restart the PORT */
+@@ -1117,14 +1536,14 @@
+ * Link Restart Workaround:
+ * it may be possible that the other Link side
+ * restarts its link as well an we detect
+- * another LinkBroken. To prevent this
++ * another PLinkBroken. To prevent this
+ * happening we check for a maximum number
+ * of consecutive restart. If those happens,
+ * we do NOT restart the active link and
+ * check whether the link is now o.k.
+ */
+ pPrt->PLinkResCt++;
+ pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut = 0;
+ if (pPrt->PLinkResCt < SK_MAX_LRESTART) {
+@@ -1132,13 +1551,13 @@
+ }
+ pPrt->PLinkResCt = 0;
+ ("Do NOT restart on Port %d %x %x\n", Port, Isrc, IsrcSum));
+ }
+ else {
+ pPrt->PIsave = (SK_U16)(IsrcSum & XM_IS_AND);
+ ("Save Sync/nosync Port %d %x %x\n", Port, Isrc, IsrcSum));
+@@ -1165,7 +1584,7 @@
+ if ((Isrc & XM_IS_INP_ASS) != 0) {
+ pPrt->PLinkBroken = SK_TRUE;
+ /* Re-Init Link partner Autoneg flag */
+- pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN;
++ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN;
+ ("Link broken Port %d\n", Port));
+@@ -1178,7 +1597,7 @@
+ }
+ else {
+ SkXmAutoNegLipaXmac(pAC, IoC, Port, Isrc);
+ if (SkGePortCheckShorts(pAC, IoC, Port) == SK_HW_PS_RESTART) {
+ return(SK_HW_PS_RESTART);
+ }
+@@ -1210,17 +1629,21 @@
+ }
+ if (AutoNeg) {
++ /* Auto-Negotiation Done ? */
+ if ((IsrcSum & XM_IS_AND) != 0) {
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ Done = SkMacAutoNegDone(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ if (Done != SK_AND_OK) {
+ /* Get PHY parameters, for debugging only */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_XMAC_AUNE_LP, &LpAb);
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_XMAC_RES_ABI, &ResAb);
+ ("AutoNeg FAIL Port %d (LpAb %x, ResAb %x)\n",
+- Port, LpAb, ResAb));
++ Port, LpAb, ResAb));
+ /* Try next possible mode */
+ NextMode = SkHWSenseGetNext(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
+@@ -1236,42 +1659,41 @@
+ * (clear Page Received bit if set)
+ */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_XMAC_AUNE_EXP, &ExtStat);
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+ }
+ /* AutoNeg not done, but HW link is up. Check for timeouts */
+- pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut++;
+- if (pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut >= SK_AND_MAX_TO) {
++ if (pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut++ >= SK_AND_MAX_TO) {
+ /* Increase the Timeout counter */
+ pPrt->PAutoNegTOCt++;
+ /* Timeout occured */
+ ("AutoNeg timeout Port %d\n", Port));
+- if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
+- pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg != SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
++ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg != (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
+ /* Set Link manually up */
+ SkHWSenseSetNext(pAC, IoC, Port, SK_LMODE_FULL);
+ ("Set manual full duplex Port %d\n", Port));
+ }
+- if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
+- pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == SK_LIPA_AUTO &&
++ if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
++ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_AUTO &&
+ pPrt->PAutoNegTOCt >= SK_MAX_ANEG_TO) {
+ /*
+ * This is rather complicated.
+ * we need to check here whether the LIPA_AUTO
+ * we saw before is false alert. We saw at one
+- * switch ( SR8800) that on boot time it sends
++ * switch (SR8800) that on boot time it sends
+ * just one auto-neg packet and does no further
+ * auto-negotiation.
+ * Solution: we restart the autosensing after
+ * a few timeouts.
+ */
+ pPrt->PAutoNegTOCt = 0;
+- pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN;
++ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_UNKNOWN;
+ SkHWInitDefSense(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+@@ -1282,18 +1704,18 @@
+ else {
+ /* Link is up and we don't need more */
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+- if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
++ if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
+ ("ERROR: Lipa auto detected on port %d\n", Port));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ ("Link sync(GP), Port %d\n", Port));
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /*
+- * Link sync (GP) and so assume a good connection. But if not received
+- * a bunch of frames received in a time slot (maybe broken tx cable)
++ * Link sync (GP) and so assume a good connection. But if no
++ * bunch of frames received in a time slot (maybe broken Tx cable)
+ * the port is restart.
+ */
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+@@ -1314,8 +1736,8 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGePortCheckUpBcom(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int Port, /* Which port should be checked */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL AutoNeg) /* Is Auto-negotiation used ? */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -1334,74 +1756,6 @@
+ /* Check for No HCD Link events (#10523) */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_INT_STAT, &Isrc);
+-#ifdef xDEBUG
+- if ((Isrc & ~(PHY_B_IS_HCT | PHY_B_IS_LCT) ==
+- SK_U32 Stat1, Stat2, Stat3;
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_INT_MASK, &Stat1);
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "CheckUp1 - Stat: %x, Mask: %x",
+- (void *)Isrc,
+- (void *)Stat1);
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_CTRL, &Stat1);
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_STAT, &Stat2);
+- Stat1 = Stat1 << 16 | Stat2;
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_ADV, &Stat2);
+- Stat3 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_LP, &Stat3);
+- Stat2 = Stat2 << 16 | Stat3;
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "Ctrl/Stat: %x, AN Adv/LP: %x",
+- (void *)Stat1,
+- (void *)Stat2);
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_EXP, &Stat1);
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_EXT_STAT, &Stat2);
+- Stat1 = Stat1 << 16 | Stat2;
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_1000T_CTRL, &Stat2);
+- Stat3 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_1000T_STAT, &Stat3);
+- Stat2 = Stat2 << 16 | Stat3;
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "AN Exp/IEEE Ext: %x, 1000T Ctrl/Stat: %x",
+- (void *)Stat1,
+- (void *)Stat2);
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_P_EXT_CTRL, &Stat1);
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_P_EXT_STAT, &Stat2);
+- Stat1 = Stat1 << 16 | Stat2;
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL, &Stat2);
+- Stat3 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_STAT, &Stat3);
+- Stat2 = Stat2 << 16 | Stat3;
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "PHY Ext Ctrl/Stat: %x, Aux Ctrl/Stat: %x",
+- (void *)Stat1,
+- (void *)Stat2);
+- }
+-#endif /* DEBUG */
+ if ((Isrc & (PHY_B_IS_NO_HDCL /* | PHY_B_IS_NO_HDC */)) != 0) {
+ /*
+ * Workaround BCom Errata:
+@@ -1414,14 +1768,6 @@
+ (SK_U16)(Ctrl & ~PHY_CT_LOOP));
+ ("No HCD Link event, Port %d\n", Port));
+-#ifdef xDEBUG
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "No HCD link event, port %d.",
+- (void *)Port,
+- (void *)NULL);
+-#endif /* DEBUG */
+ }
+ /* Not obsolete: link status bit is latched to 0 and autoclearing! */
+@@ -1431,72 +1777,6 @@
+ return(SK_HW_PS_NONE);
+ }
+-#ifdef xDEBUG
+- {
+- SK_U32 Stat1, Stat2, Stat3;
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_INT_MASK, &Stat1);
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "CheckUp1a - Stat: %x, Mask: %x",
+- (void *)Isrc,
+- (void *)Stat1);
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_CTRL, &Stat1);
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_STAT, &PhyStat);
+- Stat1 = Stat1 << 16 | PhyStat;
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_ADV, &Stat2);
+- Stat3 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_LP, &Stat3);
+- Stat2 = Stat2 << 16 | Stat3;
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "Ctrl/Stat: %x, AN Adv/LP: %x",
+- (void *)Stat1,
+- (void *)Stat2);
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_EXP, &Stat1);
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_EXT_STAT, &Stat2);
+- Stat1 = Stat1 << 16 | Stat2;
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_1000T_CTRL, &Stat2);
+- Stat3 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_1000T_STAT, &ResAb);
+- Stat2 = Stat2 << 16 | ResAb;
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "AN Exp/IEEE Ext: %x, 1000T Ctrl/Stat: %x",
+- (void *)Stat1,
+- (void *)Stat2);
+- Stat1 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_P_EXT_CTRL, &Stat1);
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_P_EXT_STAT, &Stat2);
+- Stat1 = Stat1 << 16 | Stat2;
+- Stat2 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL, &Stat2);
+- Stat3 = 0;
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_STAT, &Stat3);
+- Stat2 = Stat2 << 16 | Stat3;
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "PHY Ext Ctrl/Stat: %x, Aux Ctrl/Stat: %x",
+- (void *)Stat1,
+- (void *)Stat2);
+- }
+-#endif /* DEBUG */
+ /*
+ * Here we usually can check whether the link is in sync and
+ * auto-negotiation is done.
+@@ -1505,7 +1785,7 @@
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_STAT, &PhyStat);
+ SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyStat);
+ ("CheckUp Port %d, PhyStat: 0x%04X\n", Port, PhyStat));
+@@ -1513,88 +1793,62 @@
+ if ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) != 0) {
+ /* Error */
+- ("Master/Slave Fault port %d\n", Port));
++ ("Master/Slave Fault, ResAb: 0x%04X\n", ResAb));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_FAULT;
+ return(SK_HW_PS_RESTART);
+ }
+ if ((PhyStat & PHY_ST_LSYNC) == 0) {
+ return(SK_HW_PS_NONE);
+ }
+ pPrt->PMSStatus = ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSR) != 0) ?
+ ("Port %d, ResAb: 0x%04X\n", Port, ResAb));
+ if (AutoNeg) {
++ /* Auto-Negotiation Over ? */
+ if ((PhyStat & PHY_ST_AN_OVER) != 0) {
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ Done = SkMacAutoNegDone(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ if (Done != SK_AND_OK) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ /* Get PHY parameters, for debugging only */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_LP, &LpAb);
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_1000T_STAT, &ExtStat);
+ ("AutoNeg FAIL Port %d (LpAb %x, 1000TStat %x)\n",
+ Port, LpAb, ExtStat));
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ return(SK_HW_PS_RESTART);
+ }
+ else {
+-#ifdef xDEBUG
+- /* Dummy read ISR to prevent extra link downs/ups */
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_INT_STAT, &ExtStat);
+- if ((ExtStat & ~(PHY_B_IS_HCT | PHY_B_IS_LCT)) != 0) {
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "CheckUp2 - Stat: %x",
+- (void *)ExtStat,
+- (void *)NULL);
+- }
+-#endif /* DEBUG */
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* !AutoNeg */
+- /* Link is up and we don't need more. */
++ /* Link is up and we don't need more */
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+- if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
++ if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
+ ("ERROR: Lipa auto detected on port %d\n", Port));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+-#ifdef xDEBUG
+- /* Dummy read ISR to prevent extra link downs/ups */
+- SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_INT_STAT, &ExtStat);
+- if ((ExtStat & ~(PHY_B_IS_HCT | PHY_B_IS_LCT)) != 0) {
+- CMSMPrintString(
+- pAC->pConfigTable,
+- "CheckUp3 - Stat: %x",
+- (void *)ExtStat,
+- (void *)NULL);
+- }
+-#endif /* DEBUG */
+ ("Link sync(GP), Port %d\n", Port));
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+ }
+@@ -1615,14 +1869,13 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGePortCheckUpGmac(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int Port, /* Which port should be checked */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL AutoNeg) /* Is Auto-negotiation used ? */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+ int Done;
+- SK_U16 PhyIsrc; /* PHY Interrupt source */
+- SK_U16 PhyStat; /* PPY Status */
++ SK_U16 PhyStat; /* PHY Status */
+ SK_U16 PhySpecStat;/* PHY Specific Status */
+ SK_U16 ResAb; /* Master/Slave resolution */
+@@ -1642,94 +1895,121 @@
+ ("CheckUp Port %d, PhyStat: 0x%04X\n", Port, PhyStat));
+- /* Read PHY Interrupt Status */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_STAT, &PhyIsrc);
++ SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyStat);
+- if ((PhyIsrc & PHY_M_IS_AN_COMPL) != 0) {
+- ("Auto-Negotiation Completed, PhyIsrc: 0x%04X\n", PhyIsrc));
+- }
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) {
+- if ((PhyIsrc & PHY_M_IS_LSP_CHANGE) != 0) {
+- ("Link Speed Changed, PhyIsrc: 0x%04X\n", PhyIsrc));
+- }
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_STAT, &ResAb);
+- SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyStat);
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_STAT, &ResAb);
++ if ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) != 0) {
++ /* Error */
++ ("Master/Slave Fault, ResAb: 0x%04X\n", ResAb));
+- if ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) != 0) {
+- /* Error */
+- ("Master/Slave Fault port %d\n", Port));
+- pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+- pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_FAULT;
+- return(SK_HW_PS_RESTART);
++ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
++ pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_FAULT;
++ return(SK_HW_PS_RESTART);
++ }
+ }
+ /* Read PHY Specific Status */
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT, &PhySpecStat);
+ ("Phy1000BT: 0x%04X, PhySpecStat: 0x%04X\n", ResAb, PhySpecStat));
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_EXP, &Word);
+- if ((PhyIsrc & PHY_M_IS_AN_PR) != 0 || (Word & PHY_ANE_RX_PG) != 0 ||
++ if ((Word & PHY_ANE_RX_PG) != 0 ||
+ (PhySpecStat & PHY_M_PS_PAGE_REC) != 0) {
+ /* Read PHY Next Page Link Partner */
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_NEPG_LP, &Word);
+- ("Page Received, NextPage: 0x%04X\n", Word));
++ ("Page received, NextPage: 0x%04X\n", Word));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ if ((PhySpecStat & PHY_M_PS_LINK_UP) == 0) {
++ /* Link down */
+ return(SK_HW_PS_NONE);
+ }
+- if ((PhySpecStat & PHY_M_PS_DOWNS_STAT) != 0 ||
+- (PhyIsrc & PHY_M_IS_DOWNSH_DET) != 0) {
+- /* Downshift detected */
+- Para.Para64 = Port;
+- ("Downshift detected, PhyIsrc: 0x%04X\n", PhyIsrc));
++#ifdef XXX
++ SK_U16 PhyInt;
++ /* Read PHY Interrupt Status */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_STAT, &PhyInt);
++ /* cross check that the link is really up */
++ if ((PhyInt & PHY_M_IS_LST_CHANGE) == 0) {
++ /* Link Status unchanged */
++ return(SK_HW_PS_NONE);
++ }
++#endif /* XXX */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) {
++ if ((PhySpecStat & PHY_M_PS_DOWNS_STAT) != 0) {
++ /* Downshift detected */
++ Para.Para64 = Port;
++ ("Downshift detected, PhySpecStat: 0x%04X\n", PhySpecStat));
++ }
++ pPrt->PMSStatus = ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSR) != 0) ?
++ }
++ if ((PhySpecStat & PHY_M_PS_MDI_X_STAT) != 0) {
++ ("MDI Xover detected, PhyStat: 0x%04X\n", PhySpecStat));
++ }
++ /* on PHY 88E1112 cable length is in Reg. 26, Page 5 */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* select page 5 to access VCT DSP distance register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 5);
++ /* get VCT DSP distance */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL_2, &PhySpecStat);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 0);
++ pPrt->PCableLen = (SK_U8)(PhySpecStat & PHY_M_EC2_FO_AM_MSK);
++ }
++ else {
++ pPrt->PCableLen = (SK_U8)((PhySpecStat & PHY_M_PS_CABLE_MSK) >> 7);
++ }
+ }
+- pPrt->PMSStatus = ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSR) != 0) ?
+- pPrt->PCableLen = (SK_U8)((PhySpecStat & PHY_M_PS_CABLE_MSK) >> 7);
+ if (AutoNeg) {
+- /* Auto-Negotiation Over ? */
++ /* Auto-Negotiation Complete ? */
+ if ((PhyStat & PHY_ST_AN_OVER) != 0) {
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ Done = SkMacAutoNegDone(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ if (Done != SK_AND_OK) {
+ return(SK_HW_PS_RESTART);
+ }
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* !AutoNeg */
+- /* Link is up and we don't need more */
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+- if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
++ if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
+ ("ERROR: Lipa auto detected on port %d\n", Port));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -1737,12 +2017,13 @@
+ ("Link sync, Port %d\n", Port));
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+ }
+ return(SK_HW_PS_NONE);
+ } /* SkGePortCheckUpGmac */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -1758,8 +2039,8 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGePortCheckUpLone(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int Port, /* Which port should be checked */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL AutoNeg) /* Is Auto-negotiation used ? */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -1788,7 +2069,7 @@
+ StatSum |= PhyStat;
+ SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyStat);
+ if ((PhyStat & PHY_ST_LSYNC) == 0) {
+ /* Save Auto-negotiation Done bit */
+ pPrt->PIsave = (SK_U16)(StatSum & PHY_ST_AN_OVER);
+@@ -1802,17 +2083,21 @@
+ }
+ if (AutoNeg) {
++ /* Auto-Negotiation Over ? */
+ if ((StatSum & PHY_ST_AN_OVER) != 0) {
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ Done = SkMacAutoNegDone(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ if (Done != SK_AND_OK) {
+ /* Get PHY parameters, for debugging only */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_LONE_AUNE_LP, &LpAb);
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_LONE_1000T_STAT, &ExtStat);
+ ("AutoNeg FAIL Port %d (LpAb %x, 1000TStat %x)\n",
+ Port, LpAb, ExtStat));
+ /* Try next possible mode */
+ NextMode = SkHWSenseGetNext(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
+@@ -1833,15 +2118,14 @@
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+ }
+ }
+ /* AutoNeg not done, but HW link is up. Check for timeouts */
+- pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut++;
+- if (pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut >= SK_AND_MAX_TO) {
++ if (pPrt->PAutoNegTimeOut++ >= SK_AND_MAX_TO) {
+ /* Timeout occured */
+ ("AutoNeg timeout Port %d\n", Port));
+- if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
+- pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg != SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
++ if (pPrt->PLinkModeConf == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_AUTOSENSE &&
++ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg != (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
+ /* Set Link manually up */
+ SkHWSenseSetNext(pAC, IoC, Port, SK_LMODE_FULL);
+@@ -1855,8 +2139,8 @@
+ else {
+ /* Link is up and we don't need more */
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+- if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
++ if (pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg == (SK_U8)SK_LIPA_AUTO) {
+ ("ERROR: Lipa auto detected on port %d\n", Port));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -1866,11 +2150,12 @@
+ * extra link down/ups
+ */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_LONE_INT_STAT, &ExtStat);
+ ("Link sync(GP), Port %d\n", Port));
+ SkHWLinkUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ return(SK_HW_PS_LINK);
+ }
+@@ -1889,8 +2174,8 @@
+ */
+ static int SkGePortCheckUpNat(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO Context */
+-int Port, /* Which port should be checked */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL AutoNeg) /* Is Auto-negotiation used ? */
+ {
+ /* todo: National */
+@@ -1909,12 +2194,12 @@
+ */
+ int SkGeSirqEvent(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* Io Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ SK_U32 Event, /* Module specific Event */
+ SK_EVPARA Para) /* Event specific Parameter */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+- SK_U32 Port;
++ int Port;
+ SK_U32 Val32;
+ int PortStat;
+ SK_U8 Val8;
+@@ -1922,25 +2207,25 @@
+ SK_U64 Octets;
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+- Port = Para.Para32[0];
++ Port = (int)Para.Para32[0];
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ switch (Event) {
+ if (pPrt->PState == SK_PRT_RESET) {
+ PortStat = SK_HW_PS_NONE;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Check whether port came up */
+- PortStat = SkGePortCheckUp(pAC, IoC, (int)Port);
++ PortStat = SkGePortCheckUp(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ switch (PortStat) {
+ if (pPrt->PHWLinkUp) {
+ /* Set Link to down */
+- SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, (int)Port);
++ SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /*
+ * Signal directly to RLMT to ensure correct
+@@ -1958,19 +2243,23 @@
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_UP, Para);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Start again the check Timer */
+ if (pPrt->PHWLinkUp) {
+ Val32 = SK_WA_ACT_TIME;
+ }
+ else {
+ Val32 = SK_WA_INA_TIME;
+- }
+- /* Todo: still needed for non-XMAC PHYs??? */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
++ Val32 *= 5;
++ }
++ }
+ /* Start workaround Errata #2 timer */
+ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pPrt->PWaTimer, Val32,
+ break;
+@@ -1982,7 +2271,7 @@
+ SkRlmtEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
+ }
+- SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, (int)Port);
++ SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /* Schedule Port RESET */
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_RESET, Para);
+@@ -1990,6 +2279,7 @@
+ /* Start workaround Errata #2 timer */
+ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pPrt->PWaTimer, SK_WA_INA_TIME,
+ break;
+@@ -2004,7 +2294,7 @@
+ /* Stop Workaround Timer */
+ SkTimerStop(pAC, IoC, &pPrt->PWaTimer);
+- SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, (int)Port);
++ SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ break;
+@@ -2013,7 +2303,7 @@
+ /* We do NOT need to clear any statistics */
+- for (Port = 0; Port < (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; Port++) {
++ for (Port = 0; Port < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; Port++) {
+ pPrt->PPrevRx = 0;
+ pPrt->PPrevFcs = 0;
+ pPrt->PPrevShorts = 0;
+@@ -2085,23 +2375,18 @@
+ pPrt->HalfDupTimerActive = SK_FALSE;
+ if (pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == SK_LMODE_STAT_HALF ||
+ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF) {
+-#ifdef XXX
+- Len = sizeof(SK_U64);
+- SkPnmiGetVar(pAC, IoC, OID_SKGE_STAT_TX_OCTETS, (char *)&Octets,
+- &Len, (SK_U32)SK_PNMI_PORT_PHYS2INST(pAC, Port),
+- pAC->Rlmt.Port[Port].Net->NetNumber);
+-#endif /* XXX */
+ /* Snap statistic counters */
+ (void)SkXmUpdateStats(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, Port, XM_TXO_OK_HI, &Val32);
+ Octets = (SK_U64)Val32 << 32;
+ (void)SkXmMacStatistic(pAC, IoC, Port, XM_TXO_OK_LO, &Val32);
+ Octets += Val32;
+ if (pPrt->LastOctets == Octets) {
+ /* Tx hanging, a FIFO flush restarts it */
+ SkMacFlushTxFifo(pAC, IoC, Port);
+@@ -2110,7 +2395,7 @@
+ }
+ break;
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ default:
+ break;
+@@ -2131,8 +2416,8 @@
+ */
+ static void SkPhyIsrBcom(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* Io Context */
+-int Port, /* Port Num = PHY Num */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U16 IStatus) /* Interrupt Status */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -2145,7 +2430,7 @@
+ }
+ if ((IStatus & (PHY_B_IS_AN_PR | PHY_B_IS_LST_CHANGE)) != 0) {
+ SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
+@@ -2174,8 +2459,8 @@
+ */
+ static void SkPhyIsrGmac(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* Io Context */
+-int Port, /* Port Num = PHY Num */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U16 IStatus) /* Interrupt Status */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+@@ -2184,37 +2469,69 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+- if ((IStatus & (PHY_M_IS_AN_PR | PHY_M_IS_LST_CHANGE)) != 0) {
+- SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ ("Port %d PHY IRQ, PhyIsrc: 0x%04X\n", Port, IStatus));
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV, &Word);
++ if ((IStatus & PHY_M_IS_LST_CHANGE) != 0) {
+- ("AutoNeg.Adv: 0x%04X\n", Word));
+- /* Set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
+- if (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM) {
+- /* restore Asymmetric Pause bit */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV,
+- (SK_U16)(Word | PHY_M_AN_ASP));
+- }
++ ("Link Status changed\n"));
+ Para.Para32[0] = (SK_U32)Port;
+- /* Signal to RLMT */
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
++ if (pPrt->PHWLinkUp) {
++ SkHWLinkDown(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV, &Word);
++ ("AutoNeg.Adv: 0x%04X\n", Word));
++ /* Set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE &&
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM) {
++ /* restore Asymmetric Pause bit */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV,
++ (SK_U16)(Word | PHY_M_AN_ASP));
++ }
++ /* Signal to RLMT */
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN, Para);
++ }
++ else {
++ if ((IStatus & PHY_M_IS_AN_COMPL) != 0) {
++ ("Auto-Negotiation completed\n"));
++ }
++ if ((IStatus & PHY_M_IS_LSP_CHANGE) != 0) {
++ ("Link Speed changed\n"));
++ }
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_HWAC, SK_HWEV_WATIM, Para);
++ }
+ }
+ if ((IStatus & PHY_M_IS_AN_ERROR) != 0) {
+- /* Auto-Negotiation Error */
++ /* the copper PHY makes 1 retry */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
++ /* not logged as error, it might be the first attempt */
++ ("Auto-Negotiation Error\n"));
++ }
++ else {
++ /* Auto-Negotiation Error */
++ }
+ }
+ if ((IStatus & PHY_M_IS_FIFO_ERROR) != 0) {
+ /* FIFO Overflow/Underrun Error */
+ }
+ } /* SkPhyIsrGmac */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -2230,8 +2547,8 @@
+ */
+ static void SkPhyIsrLone(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* Io Context */
+-int Port, /* Port Num = PHY Num */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U16 IStatus) /* Interrupt Status */
+ {
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/ski2c.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/ski2c.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/ski2c.c 2005-09-26 13:32:47.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/ski2c.c 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,1296 +0,0 @@
+- *
+- * Name: ski2c.c
+- * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, TWSI-Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.59 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/20 09:07:25 $
+- * Purpose: Functions to access Voltage and Temperature Sensor
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+- *
+- * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
+- *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+- * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+- *
+- ******************************************************************************/
+- * I2C Protocol
+- */
+-#if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+-static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: ski2c.c,v 1.59 2003/10/20 09:07:25 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell. ";
+-#include "h/skdrv1st.h" /* Driver Specific Definitions */
+-#include "h/lm80.h"
+-#include "h/skdrv2nd.h" /* Adapter Control- and Driver specific Def. */
+-#ifdef __C2MAN__
+- I2C protocol implementation.
+- General Description:
+- The I2C protocol is used for the temperature sensors and for
+- the serial EEPROM which hold the configuration.
+- This file covers functions that allow to read write and do
+- some bulk requests a specified I2C address.
+- The Genesis has 2 I2C buses. One for the EEPROM which holds
+- the VPD Data and one for temperature and voltage sensor.
+- The following picture shows the I2C buses, I2C devices and
+- their control registers.
+- Note: The VPD functions are in skvpd.c
+-. PCI Config I2C Bus for VPD Data:
+-. +------------+
+-. | VPD EEPROM |
+-. +------------+
+-. |
+-. | <-- I2C
+-. |
+-. +-----------+-----------+
+-. | |
+-. +-----------------+ +-----------------+
+-. +-----------------+ +-----------------+
+-. I2C Bus for LM80 sensor:
+-. +-----------------+
+-. | Temperature and |
+-. | Voltage Sensor |
+-. | LM80 |
+-. +-----------------+
+-. |
+-. |
+-. I2C --> |
+-. |
+-. +----+
+-. +-------------->| OR |<--+
+-. | +----+ |
+-. +------+------+ |
+-. | | |
+-. +--------+ +--------+ +----------+
+-. | B2_I2C | | B2_I2C | | B2_I2C |
+-. | _CTRL | | _DATA | | _SW |
+-. +--------+ +--------+ +----------+
+- The I2C bus may be driven by the B2_I2C_SW or by the B2_I2C_CTRL
+- and B2_I2C_DATA registers.
+- For driver software it is recommended to use the I2C control and
+- data register, because I2C bus timing is done by the ASIC and
+- an interrupt may be received when the I2C request is completed.
+- Clock Rate Timing: MIN MAX generated by
+- VPD EEPROM: 50 kHz 100 kHz HW
+- LM80 over I2C Ctrl/Data reg. 50 kHz 100 kHz HW
+- LM80 over B2_I2C_SW register 0 400 kHz SW
+- Note: The clock generated by the hardware is dependend on the
+- PCI clock. If the PCI bus clock is 33 MHz, the I2C/VPD
+- clock is 50 kHz.
+- */
+-#ifdef SK_DIAG
+- * I2C Fast Mode timing values used by the LM80.
+- * If new devices are added to the I2C bus the timing values have to be checked.
+- */
+-#ifndef I2C_SLOW_TIMING
+-#define T_CLK_LOW 1300L /* clock low time in ns */
+-#define T_CLK_HIGH 600L /* clock high time in ns */
+-#define T_DATA_IN_SETUP 100L /* data in Set-up Time */
+-#define T_START_HOLD 600L /* start condition hold time */
+-#define T_START_SETUP 600L /* start condition Set-up time */
+-#define T_STOP_SETUP 600L /* stop condition Set-up time */
+-#define T_BUS_IDLE 1300L /* time the bus must free after Tx */
+-#define T_CLK_2_DATA_OUT 900L /* max. clock low to data output valid */
+-#else /* I2C_SLOW_TIMING */
+-/* I2C Standard Mode Timing */
+-#define T_CLK_LOW 4700L /* clock low time in ns */
+-#define T_CLK_HIGH 4000L /* clock high time in ns */
+-#define T_DATA_IN_SETUP 250L /* data in Set-up Time */
+-#define T_START_HOLD 4000L /* start condition hold time */
+-#define T_START_SETUP 4700L /* start condition Set-up time */
+-#define T_STOP_SETUP 4000L /* stop condition Set-up time */
+-#define T_BUS_IDLE 4700L /* time the bus must free after Tx */
+-#endif /* !I2C_SLOW_TIMING */
+-#define NS2BCLK(x) (((x)*125)/10000)
+- * I2C Wire Operations
+- *
+- * About I2C_CLK_LOW():
+- *
+- * The Data Direction bit (I2C_DATA_DIR) has to be set to input when setting
+- * clock to low, to prevent the ASIC and the I2C data client from driving the
+- * serial data line simultaneously (ASIC: last bit of a byte = '1', I2C client
+- * send an 'ACK'). See also Concentrator Bugreport No. 10192.
+- */
+-#define I2C_CLK_HIGH(IoC) SK_I2C_SET_BIT(IoC, I2C_CLK)
+-#define NS2CLKT(x) ((x*125L)/10000)
+-/*--------------- I2C Interface Register Functions --------------- */
+- * sending one bit
+- */
+-void SkI2cSndBit(
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-SK_U8 Bit) /* Bit to send */
+- if (Bit) {
+- }
+- else {
+- }
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_HIGH));
+- I2C_CLK_LOW(IoC);
+-} /* SkI2cSndBit*/
+- * Signal a start to the I2C Bus.
+- *
+- * A start is signaled when data goes to low in a high clock cycle.
+- *
+- * Ends with Clock Low.
+- *
+- * Status: not tested
+- */
+-void SkI2cStart(
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- /* Init data and Clock to output lines */
+- /* Set Data high */
+- /* Set Clock high */
+- /* Set Data Low */
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_START_HOLD));
+- /* Clock low without Data to Input */
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_LOW));
+-} /* SkI2cStart */
+-void SkI2cStop(
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- /* Init data and Clock to output lines */
+- /* Set Data low */
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_2_DATA_OUT));
+- /* Set Clock high */
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_STOP_SETUP));
+- /*
+- * Set Data High: Do it by setting the Data Line to Input.
+- * Because of a pull up resistor the Data Line
+- * floods to high.
+- */
+- I2C_DATA_IN(IoC);
+- /*
+- * When I2C activity is stopped
+- * o DATA should be set to input and
+- * o CLOCK should be set to high!
+- */
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_BUS_IDLE));
+-} /* SkI2cStop */
+- * Receive just one bit via the I2C bus.
+- *
+- * Note: Clock must be set to LOW before calling this function.
+- *
+- * Returns The received bit.
+- */
+-int SkI2cRcvBit(
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- int Bit;
+- SK_U8 I2cSwCtrl;
+- /* Init data as input line */
+- I2C_DATA_IN(IoC);
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_2_DATA_OUT));
+- SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_HIGH));
+- SK_I2C_GET_SW(IoC, &I2cSwCtrl);
+- Bit = (I2cSwCtrl & I2C_DATA) ? 1 : 0;
+- I2C_CLK_LOW(IoC);
+- return(Bit);
+-} /* SkI2cRcvBit */
+- * Receive an ACK.
+- *
+- * returns 0 If acknowledged
+- * 1 in case of an error
+- */
+-int SkI2cRcvAck(
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- /*
+- * Received bit must be zero.
+- */
+- return(SkI2cRcvBit(IoC) != 0);
+-} /* SkI2cRcvAck */
+- * Send an NACK.
+- */
+-void SkI2cSndNAck(
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- /*
+- * Received bit must be zero.
+- */
+- SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 1);
+-} /* SkI2cSndNAck */
+- * Send an ACK.
+- */
+-void SkI2cSndAck(
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- /*
+- * Received bit must be zero.
+- */
+- SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 0);
+-} /* SkI2cSndAck */
+- * Send one byte to the I2C device and wait for ACK.
+- *
+- * Return acknowleged status.
+- */
+-int SkI2cSndByte(
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-int Byte) /* byte to send */
+- int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+- if (Byte & (1<<(7-i))) {
+- SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 1);
+- }
+- else {
+- SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 0);
+- }
+- }
+- return(SkI2cRcvAck(IoC));
+-} /* SkI2cSndByte */
+- * Receive one byte and ack it.
+- *
+- * Return byte.
+- */
+-int SkI2cRcvByte(
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-int Last) /* Last Byte Flag */
+- int i;
+- int Byte = 0;
+- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+- Byte <<= 1;
+- Byte |= SkI2cRcvBit(IoC);
+- }
+- if (Last) {
+- SkI2cSndNAck(IoC);
+- }
+- else {
+- SkI2cSndAck(IoC);
+- }
+- return(Byte);
+-} /* SkI2cRcvByte */
+- * Start dialog and send device address
+- *
+- * Return 0 if acknowleged, 1 in case of an error
+- */
+-int SkI2cSndDev(
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-int Addr, /* Device Address */
+-int Rw) /* Read / Write Flag */
+- SkI2cStart(IoC);
+- Rw = ~Rw;
+- Rw &= I2C_WRITE;
+- return(SkI2cSndByte(IoC, (Addr<<1) | Rw));
+-} /* SkI2cSndDev */
+-#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+-/*----------------- I2C CTRL Register Functions ----------*/
+- * waits for a completion of an I2C transfer
+- *
+- * returns 0: success, transfer completes
+- * 1: error, transfer does not complete, I2C transfer
+- * killed, wait loop terminated.
+- */
+-int SkI2cWait(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-int Event) /* complete event to wait for (I2C_READ or I2C_WRITE) */
+- SK_U64 StartTime;
+- SK_U64 CurrentTime;
+- SK_U32 I2cCtrl;
+- StartTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+- do {
+- CurrentTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+- if (CurrentTime - StartTime > SK_TICKS_PER_SEC / 8) {
+- SK_I2C_STOP(IoC);
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+- return(1);
+- }
+- SK_I2C_GET_CTL(IoC, &I2cCtrl);
+-#ifdef xYUKON_DBG
+- printf("StartTime=%lu, CurrentTime=%lu\n",
+- StartTime, CurrentTime);
+- if (kbhit()) {
+- return(1);
+- }
+-#endif /* YUKON_DBG */
+- } while ((I2cCtrl & I2C_FLAG) == (SK_U32)Event << 31);
+- return(0);
+-} /* SkI2cWait */
+- * waits for a completion of an I2C transfer
+- *
+- * Returns
+- * Nothing
+- */
+-void SkI2cWaitIrq(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- SK_SENSOR *pSen;
+- SK_U64 StartTime;
+- SK_U32 IrqSrc;
+- pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
+- if (pSen->SenState == SK_SEN_IDLE) {
+- return;
+- }
+- StartTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+- do {
+- if (SkOsGetTime(pAC) - StartTime > SK_TICKS_PER_SEC / 8) {
+- SK_I2C_STOP(IoC);
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+- return;
+- }
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B0_ISRC, &IrqSrc);
+- } while ((IrqSrc & IS_I2C_READY) == 0);
+- pSen->SenState = SK_SEN_IDLE;
+- return;
+-} /* SkI2cWaitIrq */
+- * writes a single byte or 4 bytes into the I2C device
+- *
+- * returns 0: success
+- * 1: error
+- */
+-int SkI2cWrite(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-SK_U32 I2cData, /* I2C Data to write */
+-int I2cDev, /* I2C Device Address */
+-int I2cDevSize, /* I2C Device Size (e.g. I2C_025K_DEV or I2C_2K_DEV) */
+-int I2cReg, /* I2C Device Register Address */
+-int I2cBurst) /* I2C Burst Flag */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_DATA, I2cData);
+- SK_I2C_CTL(IoC, I2C_WRITE, I2cDev, I2cDevSize, I2cReg, I2cBurst);
+- return(SkI2cWait(pAC, IoC, I2C_WRITE));
+-} /* SkI2cWrite*/
+-#ifdef SK_DIAG
+- * reads a single byte or 4 bytes from the I2C device
+- *
+- * returns the word read
+- */
+-SK_U32 SkI2cRead(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-int I2cDev, /* I2C Device Address */
+-int I2cDevSize, /* I2C Device Size (e.g. I2C_025K_DEV or I2C_2K_DEV) */
+-int I2cReg, /* I2C Device Register Address */
+-int I2cBurst) /* I2C Burst Flag */
+- SK_U32 Data;
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_DATA, 0);
+- SK_I2C_CTL(IoC, I2C_READ, I2cDev, I2cDevSize, I2cReg, I2cBurst);
+- if (SkI2cWait(pAC, IoC, I2C_READ) != 0) {
+- w_print("%s\n", SKERR_I2C_E002MSG);
+- }
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B2_I2C_DATA, &Data);
+- return(Data);
+-} /* SkI2cRead */
+-#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+- * read a sensor's value
+- *
+- * This function reads a sensor's value from the I2C sensor chip. The sensor
+- * is defined by its index into the sensors database in the struct pAC points
+- * to.
+- * Returns
+- * 1 if the read is completed
+- * 0 if the read must be continued (I2C Bus still allocated)
+- */
+-int SkI2cReadSensor(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-SK_SENSOR *pSen) /* Sensor to be read */
+- if (pSen->SenRead != NULL) {
+- return((*pSen->SenRead)(pAC, IoC, pSen));
+- }
+- else {
+- return(0); /* no success */
+- }
+-} /* SkI2cReadSensor */
+- * Do the Init state 0 initialization
+- */
+-static int SkI2cInit0(
+-SK_AC *pAC) /* Adapter Context */
+- int i;
+- /* Begin with first sensor */
+- pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
+- /* Begin with timeout control for state machine */
+- pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_WATCH_SM;
+- /* Set sensor number to zero */
+- pAC->I2c.MaxSens = 0;
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+- /* Initialize Number of Dummy Reads */
+- pAC->I2c.DummyReads = SK_MAX_SENSORS;
+- for (i = 0; i < SK_MAX_SENSORS; i++) {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "unknown";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_UNKNOWN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_FAN2_IN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_NOT_PRESENT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenErrCts = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenBegErrTS = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenState = SK_SEN_IDLE;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenRead = NULL;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDev = 0;
+- }
+- /* Now we are "INIT data"ed */
+- pAC->I2c.InitLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
+- return(0);
+-} /* SkI2cInit0*/
+- * Do the init state 1 initialization
+- *
+- * initialize the following register of the LM80:
+- * Configuration register:
+- * - START, noINT, activeLOW, noINT#Clear, noRESET, noCI, noGPO#, noINIT
+- *
+- * Interrupt Mask Register 1:
+- * - all interrupts are Disabled (0xff)
+- *
+- * Interrupt Mask Register 2:
+- * - all interrupts are Disabled (0xff) Interrupt modi doesn't matter.
+- *
+- * Fan Divisor/RST_OUT register:
+- * - Divisors set to 1 (bits 00), all others 0s.
+- *
+- * OS# Configuration/Temperature resolution Register:
+- * - all 0s
+- *
+- */
+-static int SkI2cInit1(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- int i;
+- SK_U8 I2cSwCtrl;
+- SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
+- if (pAC->I2c.InitLevel != SK_INIT_DATA) {
+- /* ReInit not needed in I2C module */
+- return(0);
+- }
+- /* Set the Direction of I2C-Data Pin to IN */
+- /* Check for 32-Bit Yukon with Low at I2C-Data Pin */
+- SK_I2C_GET_SW(IoC, &I2cSwCtrl);
+- if ((I2cSwCtrl & I2C_DATA) == 0) {
+- /* this is a 32-Bit board */
+- pAC->GIni.GIYukon32Bit = SK_TRUE;
+- return(0);
+- }
+- /* Check for 64 Bit Yukon without sensors */
+- if (SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_CFG, 0) != 0) {
+- return(0);
+- }
+- (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0xffUL, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_IMSK_1, 0);
+- (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0xffUL, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_IMSK_2, 0);
+- (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_FAN_CTRL, 0);
+- (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_TEMP_CTRL, 0);
+- (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, (SK_U32)LM80_CFG_START, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV,
+- LM80_CFG, 0);
+- /*
+- * MaxSens has to be updated here, because PhyType is not
+- * set when performing Init Level 0
+- */
+- pAC->I2c.MaxSens = 5;
+- pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[0];
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- if (pPrt->PhyType == SK_PHY_BCOM) {
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1) {
+- pAC->I2c.MaxSens += 1;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.MaxSens += 3;
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.MaxSens += 3;
+- }
+- for (i = 0; i < pAC->I2c.MaxSens; i++) {
+- switch (i) {
+- case 0:
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Temperature";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_TEMP;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_TEMP_IN;
+- break;
+- case 1:
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PCI";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_VT0_IN;
+- break;
+- case 2:
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PCI-IO";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_VT1_IN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_PCI_IO;
+- break;
+- case 3:
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage ASIC";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_VT2_IN;
+- break;
+- case 4:
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- if (pPrt->PhyType == SK_PHY_BCOM) {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PHY A PLL";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PMA";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR;
+- }
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage VAUX";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail) {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_ERR;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_0V_WARN_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_0V_WARN_ERR;
+- }
+- }
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_VT3_IN;
+- break;
+- case 5:
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PHY 2V5";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_ERR;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage Core 1V5";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_ERR;
+- }
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_VT4_IN;
+- break;
+- case 6:
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PHY B PLL";
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PHY 3V3";
+- }
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_VT5_IN;
+- break;
+- case 7:
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Speed Fan";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_FAN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_FAN2_IN;
+- }
+- else {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc = "Voltage PHY 2V5";
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_WARN;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_ERR;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenReg = LM80_VT6_IN;
+- }
+- break;
+- default:
+- SKERR_I2C_E001, SKERR_I2C_E001MSG);
+- break;
+- }
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_OK;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenErrCts = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenBegErrTS = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenState = SK_SEN_IDLE;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenRead = SkLm80ReadSensor;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDev = LM80_ADDR;
+- }
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+- pAC->I2c.DummyReads = pAC->I2c.MaxSens;
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+- /* Clear I2C IRQ */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
+- /* Now we are I/O initialized */
+- pAC->I2c.InitLevel = SK_INIT_IO;
+- return(0);
+-} /* SkI2cInit1 */
+- * Init level 2: Start first sensor read.
+- */
+-static int SkI2cInit2(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- int ReadComplete;
+- SK_SENSOR *pSen;
+- if (pAC->I2c.InitLevel != SK_INIT_IO) {
+- /* ReInit not needed in I2C module */
+- /* Init0 and Init2 not permitted */
+- return(0);
+- }
+- pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
+- ReadComplete = SkI2cReadSensor(pAC, IoC, pSen);
+- if (ReadComplete) {
+- }
+- /* Now we are correctly initialized */
+- pAC->I2c.InitLevel = SK_INIT_RUN;
+- return(0);
+-} /* SkI2cInit2*/
+- * Initialize I2C devices
+- *
+- * Get the first voltage value and discard it.
+- * Go into temperature read mode. A default pointer is not set.
+- *
+- * The things to be done depend on the init level in the parameter list:
+- * Level 0:
+- * Initialize only the data structures. Do NOT access hardware.
+- * Level 1:
+- * Initialize hardware through SK_IN / SK_OUT commands. Do NOT use interrupts.
+- * Level 2:
+- * Everything is possible. Interrupts may be used from now on.
+- *
+- * return:
+- * 0 = success
+- * other = error.
+- */
+-int SkI2cInit(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context needed in levels 1 and 2 */
+-int Level) /* Init Level */
+- switch (Level) {
+- case SK_INIT_DATA:
+- return(SkI2cInit0(pAC));
+- case SK_INIT_IO:
+- return(SkI2cInit1(pAC, IoC));
+- case SK_INIT_RUN:
+- return(SkI2cInit2(pAC, IoC));
+- default:
+- break;
+- }
+- return(0);
+-} /* SkI2cInit */
+-#ifndef SK_DIAG
+- * Interrupt service function for the I2C Interface
+- *
+- * Clears the Interrupt source
+- *
+- * Reads the register and check it for sending a trap.
+- *
+- * Starts the timer if necessary.
+- */
+-void SkI2cIsr(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
+- SK_EVPARA Para;
+- /* Clear I2C IRQ */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
+- Para.Para64 = 0;
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_IRQ, Para);
+-} /* SkI2cIsr */
+- * Check this sensors Value against the threshold and send events.
+- */
+-static void SkI2cCheckSensor(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_SENSOR *pSen)
+- SK_EVPARA ParaLocal;
+- SK_BOOL TooHigh; /* Is sensor too high? */
+- SK_BOOL TooLow; /* Is sensor too low? */
+- SK_U64 CurrTime; /* Current Time */
+- SK_BOOL DoTrapSend; /* We need to send a trap */
+- SK_BOOL DoErrLog; /* We need to log the error */
+- SK_BOOL IsError; /* We need to log the error */
+- /* Check Dummy Reads first */
+- if (pAC->I2c.DummyReads > 0) {
+- pAC->I2c.DummyReads--;
+- return;
+- }
+- /* Get the current time */
+- CurrTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+- /* Set para to the most useful setting: The current sensor. */
+- ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)pAC->I2c.CurrSens;
+- /* Check the Value against the thresholds. First: Error Thresholds */
+- TooHigh = (pSen->SenValue > pSen->SenThreErrHigh);
+- TooLow = (pSen->SenValue < pSen->SenThreErrLow);
+- IsError = SK_FALSE;
+- if (TooHigh || TooLow) {
+- /* Error condition is satisfied */
+- DoTrapSend = SK_TRUE;
+- DoErrLog = SK_TRUE;
+- /* Now error condition is satisfied */
+- IsError = SK_TRUE;
+- if (pSen->SenErrFlag == SK_SEN_ERR_ERR) {
+- /* This state is the former one */
+- /* So check first whether we have to send a trap */
+- if (pSen->SenLastErrTrapTS + SK_SEN_ERR_TR_HOLD >
+- CurrTime) {
+- /*
+- * Do NOT send the Trap. The hold back time
+- * has to run out first.
+- */
+- DoTrapSend = SK_FALSE;
+- }
+- /* Check now whether we have to log an Error */
+- if (pSen->SenLastErrLogTS + SK_SEN_ERR_LOG_HOLD >
+- CurrTime) {
+- /*
+- * Do NOT log the error. The hold back time
+- * has to run out first.
+- */
+- DoErrLog = SK_FALSE;
+- }
+- }
+- else {
+- /* We came from a different state -> Set Begin Time Stamp */
+- pSen->SenBegErrTS = CurrTime;
+- pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_ERR;
+- }
+- if (DoTrapSend) {
+- /* Set current Time */
+- pSen->SenLastErrTrapTS = CurrTime;
+- pSen->SenErrCts++;
+- /* Queue PNMI Event */
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_PNMI, (TooHigh ?
+- ParaLocal);
+- }
+- if (DoErrLog) {
+- /* Set current Time */
+- pSen->SenLastErrLogTS = CurrTime;
+- if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_TEMP) {
+- }
+- else if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_VOLT) {
+- }
+- else {
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- /* Check the Value against the thresholds */
+- /* 2nd: Warning thresholds */
+- TooHigh = (pSen->SenValue > pSen->SenThreWarnHigh);
+- TooLow = (pSen->SenValue < pSen->SenThreWarnLow);
+- if (!IsError && (TooHigh || TooLow)) {
+- /* Error condition is satisfied */
+- DoTrapSend = SK_TRUE;
+- DoErrLog = SK_TRUE;
+- if (pSen->SenErrFlag == SK_SEN_ERR_WARN) {
+- /* This state is the former one */
+- /* So check first whether we have to send a trap */
+- if (pSen->SenLastWarnTrapTS + SK_SEN_WARN_TR_HOLD > CurrTime) {
+- /*
+- * Do NOT send the Trap. The hold back time
+- * has to run out first.
+- */
+- DoTrapSend = SK_FALSE;
+- }
+- /* Check now whether we have to log an Error */
+- if (pSen->SenLastWarnLogTS + SK_SEN_WARN_LOG_HOLD > CurrTime) {
+- /*
+- * Do NOT log the error. The hold back time
+- * has to run out first.
+- */
+- DoErrLog = SK_FALSE;
+- }
+- }
+- else {
+- /* We came from a different state -> Set Begin Time Stamp */
+- pSen->SenBegWarnTS = CurrTime;
+- pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_WARN;
+- }
+- if (DoTrapSend) {
+- /* Set current Time */
+- pSen->SenLastWarnTrapTS = CurrTime;
+- pSen->SenWarnCts++;
+- /* Queue PNMI Event */
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_PNMI, (TooHigh ?
+- ParaLocal);
+- }
+- if (DoErrLog) {
+- /* Set current Time */
+- pSen->SenLastWarnLogTS = CurrTime;
+- if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_TEMP) {
+- }
+- else if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_VOLT) {
+- }
+- else {
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- /* Check for NO error at all */
+- if (!IsError && !TooHigh && !TooLow) {
+- /* Set o.k. Status if no error and no warning condition */
+- pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_OK;
+- }
+- /* End of check against the thresholds */
+- /* Bug fix AF: 16.Aug.2001: Correct the init base
+- * of LM80 sensor.
+- */
+- if (pSen->SenInit == SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_PCI_IO) {
+- pSen->SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE;
+- if (pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_PCI_IO_RANGE_LIMITER) {
+- /* 5V PCI-IO Voltage */
+- pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_WARN;
+- pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_ERR;
+- }
+- else {
+- /* 3.3V PCI-IO Voltage */
+- pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
+- pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
+- }
+- }
+-#ifdef TEST_ONLY
+- /* Dynamic thresholds also for VAUX of LM80 sensor */
+- if (pSen->SenInit == SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_VAUX) {
+- pSen->SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE;
+- /* 3.3V VAUX Voltage */
+- if (pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_VAUX_RANGE_LIMITER) {
+- pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_WARN;
+- pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_ERR;
+- }
+- /* 0V VAUX Voltage */
+- else {
+- pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_0V_WARN_ERR;
+- pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_0V_WARN_ERR;
+- }
+- }
+- /*
+- * Check initialization state:
+- * The VIO Thresholds need adaption
+- */
+- if (!pSen->SenInit && pSen->SenReg == LM80_VT1_IN &&
+- pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_WARNLOW2C &&
+- pSen->SenValue < SK_SEN_WARNHIGH2) {
+- pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_ERRLOW2C;
+- pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_WARNLOW2C;
+- pSen->SenInit = SK_TRUE;
+- }
+- if (!pSen->SenInit && pSen->SenReg == LM80_VT1_IN &&
+- pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_WARNLOW2 &&
+- pSen->SenValue < SK_SEN_WARNHIGH2C) {
+- pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_ERRHIGH2C;
+- pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_WARNHIGH2C;
+- pSen->SenInit = SK_TRUE;
+- }
+- if (pSen->SenInit != SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE) {
+- }
+-} /* SkI2cCheckSensor */
+- * The only Event to be served is the timeout event
+- *
+- */
+-int SkI2cEvent(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+-SK_U32 Event, /* Module specific Event */
+-SK_EVPARA Para) /* Event specific Parameter */
+- int ReadComplete;
+- SK_SENSOR *pSen;
+- SK_U32 Time;
+- SK_EVPARA ParaLocal;
+- int i;
+- /* New case: no sensors */
+- if (pAC->I2c.MaxSens == 0) {
+- return(0);
+- }
+- switch (Event) {
+- case SK_I2CEV_IRQ:
+- pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
+- ReadComplete = SkI2cReadSensor(pAC, IoC, pSen);
+- if (ReadComplete) {
+- /* Check sensor against defined thresholds */
+- SkI2cCheckSensor(pAC, pSen);
+- /* Increment Current sensor and set appropriate Timeout */
+- pAC->I2c.CurrSens++;
+- if (pAC->I2c.CurrSens >= pAC->I2c.MaxSens) {
+- pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
+- Time = SK_I2C_TIM_LONG;
+- }
+- else {
+- Time = SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT;
+- }
+- /* Start Timer */
+- ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
+- pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, Time,
+- SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
+- }
+- else {
+- /* Start Timer */
+- ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
+- pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_WATCH_SM;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, SK_I2C_TIM_WATCH,
+- SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
+- }
+- break;
+- case SK_I2CEV_TIM:
+- if (pAC->I2c.TimerMode == SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING) {
+- ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
+- SkTimerStop(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer);
+- pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
+- ReadComplete = SkI2cReadSensor(pAC, IoC, pSen);
+- if (ReadComplete) {
+- /* Check sensor against defined thresholds */
+- SkI2cCheckSensor(pAC, pSen);
+- /* Increment Current sensor and set appropriate Timeout */
+- pAC->I2c.CurrSens++;
+- if (pAC->I2c.CurrSens == pAC->I2c.MaxSens) {
+- pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
+- Time = SK_I2C_TIM_LONG;
+- }
+- else {
+- Time = SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT;
+- }
+- /* Start Timer */
+- ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
+- pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, Time,
+- SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
+- }
+- }
+- else {
+- pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
+- pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_FAULTY;
+- SK_I2C_STOP(IoC);
+- /* Increment Current sensor and set appropriate Timeout */
+- pAC->I2c.CurrSens++;
+- if (pAC->I2c.CurrSens == pAC->I2c.MaxSens) {
+- pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
+- Time = SK_I2C_TIM_LONG;
+- }
+- else {
+- Time = SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT;
+- }
+- /* Start Timer */
+- ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
+- pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING;
+- SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, Time,
+- SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
+- }
+- break;
+- case SK_I2CEV_CLEAR:
+- for (i = 0; i < SK_MAX_SENSORS; i++) {
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_OK;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenErrCts = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenWarnCts = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenBegErrTS = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenBegWarnTS = 0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenLastErrTrapTS = (SK_U64)0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenLastErrLogTS = (SK_U64)0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenLastWarnTrapTS = (SK_U64)0;
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenLastWarnLogTS = (SK_U64)0;
+- }
+- break;
+- default:
+- }
+- return(0);
+-} /* SkI2cEvent*/
+-#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sklm80.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sklm80.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sklm80.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sklm80.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: sklm80.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, TWSI-Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.22 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/20 09:08:21 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2003/12/19 14:02:31 $
+ * Purpose: Functions to access Voltage and Temperature Sensor (LM80)
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ */
+ #if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: sklm80.c,v 1.22 2003/10/20 09:08:21 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell. ";
++ "@(#) $Id: sklm80.c,v 1.1 2003/12/19 14:02:31 mschmid Exp $ (C) Marvell. ";
+ #endif
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h" /* Driver Specific Definitions */
+@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@
+ /*
+ * read a sensors value (LM80 specific)
+ *
+- * This function reads a sensors value from the I2C sensor chip LM80.
++ * This function reads a sensors value from the TWSI sensor chip LM80.
+ * The sensor is defined by its index into the sensors database in the struct
+ * pAC points to.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the read is completed
+- * 0 if the read must be continued (I2C Bus still allocated)
++ * 0 if the read must be continued (TWSI Bus still allocated)
+ */
+ int SkLm80ReadSensor(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skproc.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skproc.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skproc.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skproc.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,28 +2,34 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skproc.c
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.11 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/12/11 16:03:57 $
+- * Purpose: Funktions to display statictic data
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/05/23 13:47:33 $
++ * Purpose: Functions to display statictic data
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
++ *
++ * Driver for Marvell Yukon/2 chipset and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet
++ * Server Adapters.
++ *
++ * Author: Ralph Roesler (
++ * Mirko Lindner (
++ *
++ * Address all question to:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+- * Created 22-Nov-2000
+- * Author: Mirko Lindner (
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+- ******************************************************************************/
++ *****************************************************************************/
+ #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+ #include <linux/seq_file.h>
+@@ -32,9 +38,16 @@
+ #include "h/skversion.h"
+ extern struct SK_NET_DEVICE *SkGeRootDev;
++ *
++ * Local Function Prototypes and Local Variables
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
+ static int sk_proc_print(void *writePtr, char *format, ...);
+ static void sk_gen_browse(void *buffer);
+-int len;
++static int len;
+ static int sk_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v);
+ static int sk_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
+@@ -52,16 +65,18 @@
+ * sk_gen_browse -generic print "summaries" entry
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * This function fills the proc entry with statistic data about
+- * the ethernet device.
++ * This function fills the proc entry with statistic data about
++ * the ethernet device.
+ *
+- * Returns: -
++ * Returns: N/A
+ *
+ */
+-static void sk_gen_browse(void *buffer)
++static void sk_gen_browse(
++void *buffer) /* buffer where the statistics will be stored in */
+ {
+ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *SkgeProcDev = SkGeRootDev;
+ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *next;
++ SK_BOOL DisableStatistic = 0;
+ SK_PNMI_STAT *pPnmiStat;
+ unsigned long Flags;
+@@ -69,6 +84,7 @@
+ DEV_NET *pNet;
+ SK_AC *pAC;
+ char sens_msg[50];
++ int card_type;
+ int MaxSecurityCount = 0;
+ int t;
+ int i;
+@@ -91,7 +107,7 @@
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ DisableStatistic = 0;
+ if (pAC->BoardLevel == SK_INIT_DATA) {
+ SK_MEMCPY(&(pAC->PnmiStruct), &(pAC->PnmiBackup), sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
+ if (pAC->DiagModeActive == DIAG_NOTACTIVE) {
+@@ -100,13 +116,13 @@
+ } else {
+ SkPnmiGetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pPnmiStruct, &Size, t-1);
+ }
+- SkPnmiGetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase,
+- pPnmiStruct, &Size, t-1);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+ if (strcmp(pAC->dev[t-1]->name, currDev->name) == 0) {
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GIYukon32Bit)
++ card_type = 64;
++ else
++ card_type = 32;
+ pPnmiStat = &pPnmiStruct->Stat[0];
+ len = sk_proc_print(buffer,
+ "\nDetailed statistic for device %s\n",
+@@ -118,6 +134,17 @@
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+ "\nBoard statistics\n\n");
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Card name %s\n",
++ pAC->DeviceStr);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Vendor/Device ID %x/%x\n",
++ pAC->PciDev->vendor,
++ pAC->PciDev->device);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Card type (Bit) %d\n",
++ card_type);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+ "Active Port %c\n",
+ 'A' + pAC->Rlmt.Net[t-1].Port[pAC->Rlmt.
+ Net[t-1].PrefPort]->PortNumber);
+@@ -126,177 +153,239 @@
+ 'A' + pAC->Rlmt.Net[t-1].Port[pAC->Rlmt.
+ Net[t-1].PrefPort]->PortNumber);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Bus speed (MHz) %d\n",
+- pPnmiStruct->BusSpeed);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Bus width (Bit) %d\n",
+- pPnmiStruct->BusWidth);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Driver version %s\n",
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Hardware revision v%d.%d\n",
+- (pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev >> 4) & 0x0F,
+- pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev & 0x0F);
+- /* Print sensor informations */
+- for (i=0; i < pAC->I2c.MaxSens; i ++) {
+- /* Check type */
+- switch (pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType) {
+- case 1:
+- strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
+- strcat(sens_msg, " (C)");
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "%-25s %d.%02d\n",
+- sens_msg,
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue / 10,
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue % 10);
++ if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_STATIC) {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Interrupt Moderation static (%d ints/sec)\n",
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec);
++ } else if (pAC->DynIrqModInfo.IntModTypeSelect == C_INT_MOD_DYNAMIC) {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Interrupt Moderation dynamic (%d ints/sec)\n",
++ pAC->DynIrqModInfo.MaxModIntsPerSec);
++ } else {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Interrupt Moderation disabled\n");
++ }
+- strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
+- strcat(sens_msg, " (F)");
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Bus type PCI-Express\n");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Bus width (Lanes) %d\n",
++ pAC->GIni.GIPexWidth);
++ } else {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PCIX_BUS) {
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "%-25s %d.%02d\n",
+- sens_msg,
+- ((((pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue)
+- *10)*9)/5 + 3200)/100,
+- ((((pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue)
+- *10)*9)/5 + 3200) % 10);
+- break;
+- case 2:
+- strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
+- strcat(sens_msg, " (V)");
++ "Bus type PCI-X\n");
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciMode == PCI_OS_SPD_X133) {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Bus speed (MHz) 133\n");
++ } else if (pAC->GIni.GIPciMode == PCI_OS_SPD_X100) {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Bus speed (MHz) 100\n");
++ } else if (pAC->GIni.GIPciMode == PCI_OS_SPD_X66) {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Bus speed (MHz) 66\n");
++ } else {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Bus speed (MHz) 33\n");
++ }
++ } else {
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "%-25s %d.%03d\n",
+- sens_msg,
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue / 1000,
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue % 1000);
+- break;
+- case 3:
+- strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
+- strcat(sens_msg, " (rpm)");
++ "Bus type PCI\n");
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "%-25s %d\n",
+- sens_msg,
+- pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue);
+- break;
+- default:
+- break;
++ "Bus speed (MHz) %d\n",
++ pPnmiStruct->BusSpeed);
+ }
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Bus width (Bit) %d\n",
++ pPnmiStruct->BusWidth);
+ }
+- /*Receive statistics */
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "\nReceive statistics\n\n");
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Received bytes %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxOctetsOkCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Received packets %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxOkCts);
+-#if 0
+- if (pAC->GIni.GP[0].PhyType == SK_PHY_XMAC &&
+- pAC->HWRevision < 12) {
+- pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts = pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts -
+- pPnmiStat->StatRxShortsCts;
+- pPnmiStat->StatRxShortsCts = 0;
+- }
+- if (pNet->Mtu > 1500)
+- pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts = pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts -
+- pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts;
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Receive errors %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Receive dropped %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStruct->RxNoBufCts);
++ "Driver version %s (%s)\n",
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Received multicast %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxMulticastOkCts);
++ "Driver release date %s\n",
++ pAC->Pnmi.pDriverReleaseDate);
+ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Receive error types\n");
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " length %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxRuntCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " buffer overflow %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxFifoOverflowCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " bad crc %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxFcsCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " framing %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxFramingCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " missed frames %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxMissedCts);
+- if (pNet->Mtu > 1500)
+- pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts = 0;
++ "Hardware revision v%d.%d\n",
++ (pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev >> 4) & 0x0F,
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciHwRev & 0x0F);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " too long %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " carrier extension %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxCextCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " too short %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxShortsCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " symbol %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxSymbolCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " LLC MAC size %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxIRLengthCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " carrier event %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxCarrierCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " jabber %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxJabberCts);
++ if (!netif_running(pAC->dev[t-1])) {
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "\n Device %s is down.\n"
++ " Therefore no statistics are available.\n"
++ " After bringing the device up (ifconfig)"
++ " statistics will\n"
++ " be displayed.\n",
++ pAC->dev[t-1]->name);
++ DisableStatistic = 1;
++ }
++ /* Display only if statistic info available */
++ /* Print sensor informations */
++ if (!DisableStatistic) {
++ for (i=0; i < pAC->I2c.MaxSens; i ++) {
++ /* Check type */
++ switch (pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenType) {
++ case 1:
++ strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
++ strcat(sens_msg, " (C)");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "%-25s %d.%02d\n",
++ sens_msg,
++ pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue / 10,
++ pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue %
++ 10);
++ strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
++ strcat(sens_msg, " (F)");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "%-25s %d.%02d\n",
++ sens_msg,
++ ((((pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue)
++ *10)*9)/5 + 3200)/100,
++ ((((pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue)
++ *10)*9)/5 + 3200) % 10);
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
++ strcat(sens_msg, " (V)");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "%-25s %d.%03d\n",
++ sens_msg,
++ pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue / 1000,
++ pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue % 1000);
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ strcpy(sens_msg, pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenDesc);
++ strcat(sens_msg, " (rpm)");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "%-25s %d\n",
++ sens_msg,
++ pAC->I2c.SenTable[i].SenValue);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /*Receive statistics */
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "\nReceive statistics\n\n");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Received bytes %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxOctetsOkCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Received packets %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxOkCts);
++#if 0
++ if (pAC->GIni.GP[0].PhyType == SK_PHY_XMAC &&
++ pAC->HWRevision < 12) {
++ pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts = pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts -
++ pPnmiStat->StatRxShortsCts;
++ pPnmiStat->StatRxShortsCts = 0;
++ }
++ if (pAC->dev[t-1]->mtu > 1500)
++ pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts = pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts -
++ pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts;
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Receive errors %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Receive dropped %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStruct->RxNoBufCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Received multicast %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxMulticastOkCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Receive error types\n");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " length %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxRuntCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " buffer overflow %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxFifoOverflowCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " bad crc %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxFcsCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " framing %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxFramingCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " missed frames %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxMissedCts);
++ if (pAC->dev[t-1]->mtu > 1500)
++ pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts = 0;
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " too long %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxTooLongCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " carrier extension %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxCextCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " too short %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxShortsCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " symbol %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxSymbolCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " LLC MAC size %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxIRLengthCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " carrier event %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxCarrierCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " jabber %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatRxJabberCts);
+- /*Transmit statistics */
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "\nTransmit statistics\n\n");
++ /*Transmit statistics */
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "\nTransmit statistics\n\n");
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Transmited bytes %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxOctetsOkCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Transmited packets %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxOkCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Transmit errors %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxSingleCollisionCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Transmit dropped %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStruct->TxNoBufCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Transmit collisions %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxSingleCollisionCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- "Transmit error types\n");
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " excessive collision %ld\n",
+- pAC->stats.tx_aborted_errors);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " carrier %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxCarrierCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " fifo underrun %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxFifoUnderrunCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " heartbeat %Lu\n",
+- (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxCarrierCts);
+- len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
+- " window %ld\n",
+- pAC->stats.tx_window_errors);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Transmitted bytes %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxOctetsOkCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Transmitted packets %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxOkCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Transmit errors %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxSingleCollisionCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Transmit dropped %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStruct->TxNoBufCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Transmit collisions %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxSingleCollisionCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ "Transmit error types\n");
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " excessive collision %ld\n",
++ pAC->stats.tx_aborted_errors);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " carrier %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxCarrierCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " fifo underrun %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxFifoUnderrunCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " heartbeat %Lu\n",
++ (unsigned long long) pPnmiStat->StatTxCarrierCts);
++ len += sk_proc_print(buffer,
++ " window %ld\n",
++ pAC->stats.tx_window_errors);
++ } /* if (!DisableStatistic) */
+ } /* if (strcmp(pACname, currDeviceName) == 0) */
+ }
+@@ -306,16 +395,20 @@
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ *
+- * sk_proc_print -generic line print
++ * sk_proc_print - generic line print
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * This function fills the proc entry with statistic data about
+- * the ethernet device.
++ * This function fills the proc entry with statistic data about the
++ * ethernet device.
+ *
+- * Returns: number of bytes written
++ * Returns:
++ * the number of bytes written
+ *
+ */
+-static int sk_proc_print(void *writePtr, char *format, ...)
++static int sk_proc_print(
++void *writePtr, /* the buffer pointer */
++char *format, /* the format of the string */
++...) /* variable list of arguments */
+ {
+ #define MAX_LEN_SINGLE_LINE 256
+ char str[MAX_LEN_SINGLE_LINE];
+@@ -341,19 +434,22 @@
+ * sk_seq_show - show proc information of a particular adapter
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * This function fills the proc entry with statistic data about
+- * the ethernet device. It invokes the generic sk_gen_browse() to
+- * print out all items one per one.
++ * This function fills the proc entry with statistic data about the
++ * ethernet device. It invokes the generic sk_gen_browse() to print
++ * out all items one per one.
+ *
+- * Returns: number of bytes written
++ * Returns:
++ * the number of bytes written
+ *
+ */
+-static int sk_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)
++static int sk_seq_show(
++struct seq_file *seq, /* the sequence pointer */
++void *v) /* additional pointer */
+ {
+- void *castedBuffer = (void *) seq;
+- currDev = seq->private;
+- sk_gen_browse(castedBuffer);
+- return 0;
++ void *castedBuffer = (void *) seq;
++ currDev = seq->private;
++ sk_gen_browse(castedBuffer);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ /*****************************************************************************
+@@ -361,14 +457,17 @@
+ * sk_proc_open - register the show function when proc is open'ed
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * This function is called whenever a sk98lin proc file is queried.
++ * This function is called whenever a sk98lin proc file is queried.
+ *
+- * Returns: the return value of single_open()
++ * Returns:
++ * the return value of single_open()
+ *
+ */
+-static int sk_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++static int sk_proc_open(
++struct inode *inode, /* the inode of the file */
++struct file *file) /* the file pointer itself */
+ {
+- return single_open(file, sk_seq_show, PDE(inode)->data);
++ return single_open(file, sk_seq_show, PDE(inode)->data);
+ }
+ /*******************************************************************************
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skqueue.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skqueue.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skqueue.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skqueue.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skqueue.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Event Scheduler Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.20 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 13:44:00 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.3 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/05/14 13:28:18 $
+ * Purpose: Management of an event queue.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ */
+ #if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skqueue.c,v 1.20 2003/09/16 13:44:00 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++ "@(#) $Id: skqueue.c,v 2.3 2004/05/14 13:28:18 malthoff Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #endif
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h" /* Driver Specific Definitions */
+@@ -48,10 +48,16 @@
+ #define PRINTF(a,b,c)
+- * init event queue management
++ *
++ * SkEventInit() - init event queue management
+ *
+- * Must be called during init level 0.
++ * Description:
++ * This function initializes event queue management.
++ * It must be called during init level 0.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkEventInit(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter context */
+@@ -67,8 +73,17 @@
+ }
+ }
+- * add event to queue
++ *
++ * SkEventQueue() - add event to queue
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function adds an event to the event queue.
++ * At least Init Level 1 is required to queue events,
++ * but will be scheduled add Init Level 2.
++ *
++ * returns:
++ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkEventQueue(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
+@@ -76,26 +91,45 @@
+ SK_U32 Event, /* Event to be queued */
+ SK_EVPARA Para) /* Event parameter */
+ {
+- pAC->Event.EvPut->Class = Class;
+- pAC->Event.EvPut->Event = Event;
+- pAC->Event.EvPut->Para = Para;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GILevel == SK_INIT_DATA) {
++ }
++ else {
++ pAC->Event.EvPut->Class = Class;
++ pAC->Event.EvPut->Event = Event;
++ pAC->Event.EvPut->Para = Para;
+- if (++pAC->Event.EvPut == &pAC->Event.EvQueue[SK_MAX_EVENT])
+- pAC->Event.EvPut = pAC->Event.EvQueue;
++ if (++pAC->Event.EvPut == &pAC->Event.EvQueue[SK_MAX_EVENT])
++ pAC->Event.EvPut = pAC->Event.EvQueue;
+- if (pAC->Event.EvPut == pAC->Event.EvGet) {
++ if (pAC->Event.EvPut == pAC->Event.EvGet) {
++ }
+ }
+ }
+- * event dispatcher
+- * while event queue is not empty
+- * get event from queue
+- * send command to state machine
+- * end
+- * return error reported by individual Event function
+- * 0 if no error occured.
++ *
++ * SkEventDispatcher() - Event Dispatcher
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The event dispatcher performs the following operations:
++ * o while event queue is not empty
++ * - get event from queue
++ * - send event to state machine
++ * end
++ *
++ * The event functions MUST report an error if performing a reinitialization
++ * of the event queue, e.g. performing level Init 0..2 while in dispatcher
++ * call!
++ * ANY OTHER return value delays scheduling the other events in the
++ * queue. In this case the event blocks the queue until
++ * the error condition is cleared!
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * The return value error reported by individual event function
+ */
+ int SkEventDispatcher(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters Context */
+@@ -105,6 +139,10 @@
+ SK_U32 Class;
+ int Rtv;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GILevel != SK_INIT_RUN) {
++ }
+ pEv = pAC->Event.EvGet;
+ PRINTF("dispatch get %x put %x\n", pEv, pAC->Event.ev_put);
+@@ -152,6 +190,11 @@
+ Rtv = SkFdEvent(pAC, Ioc, pEv->Event, pEv->Para);
+ break;
+ #endif /* SK_USE_LAC_EV */
++#ifdef SK_ASF
++ case SKGE_ASF :
++ Rtv = SkAsfEvent(pAC,Ioc,pEv->Event,pEv->Para);
++ break ;
+ #ifdef SK_USE_CSUM
+ case SKGE_CSUM :
+ Rtv = SkCsEvent(pAC, Ioc, pEv->Event, pEv->Para);
+@@ -163,6 +206,20 @@
+ }
+ if (Rtv != 0) {
++ /*
++ * Special Case: See CAUTION statement above.
++ * We assume the event queue is reset.
++ */
++ if (pAC->Event.EvGet != pAC->Event.EvQueue &&
++ pAC->Event.EvGet != pEv) {
++ /*
++ * Create an error log entry if the
++ * event queue isn't reset.
++ * In this case it may be blocked.
++ */
++ }
+ return(Rtv);
+ }
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skrlmt.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skrlmt.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skrlmt.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skrlmt.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skrlmt.c
+ * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.69 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/04/15 09:39:22 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.3 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/05/04 09:47:53 $
+ * Purpose: Manage links on SK-NET Adapters, esp. redundant ones.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
+ #ifndef lint
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skrlmt.c,v 1.69 2003/04/15 09:39:22 tschilli Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++ "@(#) $Id: skrlmt.c,v 2.3 2005/05/04 09:47:53 tschilli Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #endif /* !defined(lint) */
+ #define __SKRLMT_C
+@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
+ SK_BOOL PhysicalAMacAddressSet;
+- ("RLMT Init level %d.\n", Level))
++ ("RLMT Init level %d.\n", Level));
+ switch (Level) {
+ case SK_INIT_DATA: /* Initialize data structures. */
+@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
+ case SK_INIT_IO: /* GIMacsFound first available here. */
+- ("RLMT: %d MACs were detected.\n", pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound))
++ ("RLMT: %d MACs were detected.\n", pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound));
+ pAC->Rlmt.Net[0].NumPorts = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound;
+@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SkRlmtBuildCheckChain.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtBuildCheckChain.\n"));
+ NumMacsUp = 0;
+@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
+ ("Port %d checks %d other ports: %2X.\n", i,
+ pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].Port[i]->PortsChecked,
+- pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].Port[i]->PortCheck[0].CheckAddr.a[5]))
++ pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].Port[i]->PortCheck[0].CheckAddr.a[5]));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
+ if ((CheckSrc == 0) || (CheckDest == 0)) {
+ ("SkRlmtBuildPacket: Invalid %s%saddr.\n",
+- (CheckSrc == 0 ? "Src" : ""), (CheckDest == 0 ? "Dest" : "")))
++ (CheckSrc == 0 ? "Src" : ""), (CheckDest == 0 ? "Dest" : "")));
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_RLMT_SEND, Para);
+- ("SkRlmtSend: BPDU Packet on Port %u.\n", PortNumber))
++ ("SkRlmtSend: BPDU Packet on Port %u.\n", PortNumber));
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
+ * Bring it up.
+ */
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Received on PortDown.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Received on PortDown.\n"));
+ pRPort->PortState = SK_RLMT_PS_GOING_UP;
+ pRPort->GuTimeStamp = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
+ } /* PortDown && !SuspectTx */
+ else if (pRPort->CheckingState & SK_RLMT_PCS_RX) {
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Stop bringing port down.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Stop bringing port down.\n"));
+ SkTimerStop(pAC, IoC, &pRPort->DownRxTimer);
+ pRPort->CheckingState &= ~SK_RLMT_PCS_RX;
+ /* pAC->Rlmt.CheckSwitch = SK_TRUE; */
+@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
+ pRPort = &pAC->Rlmt.Port[PortNumber];
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: PortNumber == %d.\n", PortNumber))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: PortNumber == %d.\n", PortNumber));
+ pRPacket = (SK_RLMT_PACKET*)pMb->pData;
+ pSPacket = (SK_SPTREE_PACKET*)pRPacket;
+@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@
+ /* Not sent to current MAC or registered MC address => Trash it. */
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Not for me.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Not for me.\n"));
+ SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(pAC, IoC, pMb);
+ return;
+@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@
+ pRPacket->Indicator[5] == SK_RLMT_INDICATOR5 &&
+ pRPacket->Indicator[6] == SK_RLMT_INDICATOR6) {
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Duplicate MAC Address.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Duplicate MAC Address.\n"));
+ /* Error Log entry. */
+@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@
+ else {
+ /* Simply trash it. */
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Sent by me.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Sent by me.\n"));
+ }
+ SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(pAC, IoC, pMb);
+@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
+ #endif /* 0 */
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Announce.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Announce.\n"));
+ SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(pAC, IoC, pMb);
+ break;
+@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@
+ if (pRPacket->SSap & LLC_COMMAND_RESPONSE_BIT) {
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Alive Reply.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Alive Reply.\n"));
+ if (!(pAC->Addr.Port[PortNumber].PromMode & SK_PROM_MODE_LLC) ||
+@@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@
+ }
+ else { /* Alive Request Packet. */
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Alive Request.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Alive Request.\n"));
+ pRPort->RxHelloCts++;
+@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Check your tx line.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Check your tx line.\n"));
+ /* A port checking us requests us to check our tx line. */
+ pRPort->CheckingState |= SK_RLMT_PCS_TX;
+@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Address Change.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Address Change.\n"));
+ /* Build the check chain. */
+ SkRlmtBuildCheckChain(pAC, pRPort->Net->NetNumber);
+@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@
+ default:
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Unknown RLMT packet.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Unknown RLMT packet.\n"));
+ /* RA;:;: ??? */
+ SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(pAC, IoC, pMb);
+@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@
+ pSPacket->Ctrl == SK_RLMT_SPT_CTRL &&
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: BPDU Packet.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: BPDU Packet.\n"));
+ /* Spanning Tree packet. */
+ pRPort->RxSpHelloCts++;
+@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@
+ pRPort->Root.Id[0], pRPort->Root.Id[1],
+ pRPort->Root.Id[2], pRPort->Root.Id[3],
+ pRPort->Root.Id[4], pRPort->Root.Id[5],
+- pRPort->Root.Id[6], pRPort->Root.Id[7]))
++ pRPort->Root.Id[6], pRPort->Root.Id[7]));
+ }
+ SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(pAC, IoC, pMb);
+@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
+ }
+ else {
+- ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Unknown Packet Type.\n"))
++ ("SkRlmtPacketReceive: Unknown Packet Type.\n"));
+ /* Unknown packet. */
+ SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(pAC, IoC, pMb);
+@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@
+ if ((pRPort->PacketsPerTimeSlot - pRPort->BpduPacketsPerTimeSlot) == 0) {
+ ("SkRlmtCheckPort %d: No (%d) receives in last time slot.\n",
+- PortNumber, pRPort->PacketsPerTimeSlot))
++ PortNumber, pRPort->PacketsPerTimeSlot));
+ /*
+ * Check segmentation if there was no receive at least twice
+@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@
+ ("SkRlmtCheckPort: PortsSuspect %d, PcsRx %d.\n",
+- pRPort->PortsSuspect, pRPort->CheckingState & SK_RLMT_PCS_RX))
++ pRPort->PortsSuspect, pRPort->CheckingState & SK_RLMT_PCS_RX));
+ if (pRPort->PortState != SK_RLMT_PS_DOWN) {
+ NewTimeout = TO_SHORTEN(pAC->Rlmt.Port[PortNumber].Net->TimeoutValue);
+@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@
+ ("SkRlmtCheckPort %d: %d (%d) receives in last time slot.\n",
+ PortNumber,
+ pRPort->PacketsPerTimeSlot - pRPort->BpduPacketsPerTimeSlot,
+- pRPort->PacketsPerTimeSlot))
++ pRPort->PacketsPerTimeSlot));
+ SkRlmtPortReceives(pAC, IoC, PortNumber);
+ if (pAC->Rlmt.CheckSwitch) {
+@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@
+ i,
+ pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].PortDown, pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].PortNoRx,
+ *((SK_U32*)(&pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].BcTimeStamp) + OFFS_HI32),
+- *((SK_U32*)(&pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].BcTimeStamp) + OFFS_LO32)))
++ *((SK_U32*)(&pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].BcTimeStamp) + OFFS_LO32)));
+ if (!pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].PortDown && !pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].PortNoRx) {
+ if (!PortFound || pAC->Rlmt.Port[i].BcTimeStamp > BcTimeStamp) {
+@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@
+ if (PortFound) {
+- ("Port %d received the last broadcast.\n", *pSelect))
++ ("Port %d received the last broadcast.\n", *pSelect));
+ /* Look if another port's time stamp is similar. */
+ for (i = 0; i < (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@
+ PortFound = SK_FALSE;
+- ("Port %d received a broadcast at a similar time.\n", i))
++ ("Port %d received a broadcast at a similar time.\n", i));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@
+ ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_BCRX found Port %d receiving the substantially "
+ "latest broadcast (%u).\n",
+ *pSelect,
+- BcTimeStamp - pAC->Rlmt.Port[1 - *pSelect].BcTimeStamp))
++ BcTimeStamp - pAC->Rlmt.Port[1 - *pSelect].BcTimeStamp));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@
+ PortFound = SK_TRUE;
+ ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_NOTSUSPECT found Port %d up and not check RX.\n",
+- *pSelect))
++ *pSelect));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@
+ }
+ PortFound = SK_TRUE;
+- ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_UP found Port %d up.\n", *pSelect))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_UP found Port %d up.\n", *pSelect));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_GOINGUP found Port %d going up.\n", *pSelect))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_GOINGUP found Port %d going up.\n", *pSelect));
+ return (SK_TRUE);
+ } /* SkRlmtSelectGoingUp */
+@@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@
+ }
+ PortFound = SK_TRUE;
+- ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_DOWN found Port %d down.\n", *pSelect))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SELECT_DOWN found Port %d down.\n", *pSelect));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1680,16 +1680,19 @@
+ Para.Para32[1] = NetIdx;
+ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_NET_UP, Para);
+- if ((pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_TRANSPARENT) == 0 &&
+- (Para.pParaPtr = SkRlmtBuildPacket(pAC, IoC,
+- pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].Port[i]->PortNumber,
+- SK_PACKET_ANNOUNCE, &pAC->Addr.Net[NetIdx].
+- CurrentMacAddress, &SkRlmtMcAddr)) != NULL) {
+- /*
+- * Send announce packet to RLMT multicast address to force
+- * switches to learn the new location of the logical MAC address.
+- */
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_RLMT_SEND, Para);
++ if (pAC->Rlmt.NumNets == 1) {
++ if ((pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_TRANSPARENT) == 0 &&
++ (Para.pParaPtr = SkRlmtBuildPacket(pAC, IoC,
++ pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].Port[i]->PortNumber,
++ SK_PACKET_ANNOUNCE, &pAC->Addr.Net[NetIdx].
++ CurrentMacAddress, &SkRlmtMcAddr)) != NULL) {
++ /*
++ * Send announce packet to RLMT multicast address to force
++ * switches to learn the new location of the logical MAC address.
++ */
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_RLMT_SEND, Para);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -1788,7 +1791,7 @@
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != Active) {
+- ("Active: %d, Para1: %d.\n", Active, Para.Para32[1]))
++ ("Active: %d, Para1: %d.\n", Active, Para.Para32[1]));
+ pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].ActivePort = Para.Para32[1];
+ Para.Para32[0] = pAC->Rlmt.Net[NetIdx].
+ Port[Para.Para32[0]]->PortNumber;
+@@ -1868,7 +1871,7 @@
+ pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[0], pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[1],
+ pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[2], pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[3],
+ pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[4], pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[5],
+- pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[6], pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[7]))
++ pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[6], pNet->Port[i]->Root.Id[7]));
+ if (!pNet->RootIdSet) {
+ pNet->Root = pNet->Port[i]->Root;
+@@ -1963,13 +1966,13 @@
+ SK_U32 i;
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORTSTART_TIMEOUT Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTSTART_TIMEOUT Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -1990,7 +1993,7 @@
+ }
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtPortStartTim */
+@@ -2018,21 +2021,21 @@
+ SK_EVPARA Para2;
+- ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ pRPort = &pAC->Rlmt.Port[Para.Para32[0]];
+ if (!pRPort->PortStarted) {
+- ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!pRPort->LinkDown) {
+ /* RA;:;: Any better solution? */
+- ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2082,16 +2085,19 @@
+ Para2.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)-1;
+ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pRPort->UpTimer, SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM_VAL,
+ /* Later: if (pAC->Rlmt.RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_CHECK_LOC_LINK) && */
+- if ((pRPort->Net->RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_TRANSPARENT) == 0 &&
+- (pRPort->Net->RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK) != 0 &&
+- (Para2.pParaPtr =
+- SkRlmtBuildPacket(pAC, IoC, Para.Para32[0], SK_PACKET_ANNOUNCE,
+- &pAC->Addr.Port[Para.Para32[0]].CurrentMacAddress, &SkRlmtMcAddr)
+- ) != NULL) {
+- /* Send "new" packet to RLMT multicast address. */
+- SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_RLMT_SEND, Para2);
++ if (pAC->Rlmt.NumNets == 1) {
++ if ((pRPort->Net->RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_TRANSPARENT) == 0 &&
++ (pRPort->Net->RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK) != 0 &&
++ (Para2.pParaPtr =
++ SkRlmtBuildPacket(pAC, IoC, Para.Para32[0], SK_PACKET_ANNOUNCE,
++ &pAC->Addr.Port[Para.Para32[0]].CurrentMacAddress, &SkRlmtMcAddr)
++ ) != NULL) {
++ /* Send "new" packet to RLMT multicast address. */
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_RLMT_SEND, Para2);
++ }
+ }
+ if (pRPort->Net->RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_CHECK_SEG) {
+@@ -2110,7 +2116,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_LINK_UP Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtLinkUp */
+@@ -2136,20 +2142,20 @@
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ pRPort = &pAC->Rlmt.Port[Para.Para32[0]];
+ if (pRPort->LinkDown || (pRPort->PortState == SK_RLMT_PS_UP)) {
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM Port %d Event EMPTY.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM Port %d Event EMPTY.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2164,7 +2170,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTUP_TIM Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtPortUpTim */
+@@ -2192,13 +2198,13 @@
+ ("SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN* Port %d Event (%d) BEGIN.\n",
+- Para.Para32[0], Event))
++ Para.Para32[0], Event));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN* Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN* Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2206,7 +2212,7 @@
+ if (!pRPort->PortStarted || (Event == SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN_TX_TIM &&
+ !(pRPort->CheckingState & SK_RLMT_PCS_TX))) {
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN* Event (%d) EMPTY.\n", Event))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN* Event (%d) EMPTY.\n", Event));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2243,7 +2249,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN* Event (%d) END.\n", Event))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORTDOWN* Event (%d) END.\n", Event));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtPortDownX */
+@@ -2270,7 +2276,7 @@
+ pRPort = &pAC->Rlmt.Port[Para.Para32[0]];
+- ("SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ if (!pAC->Rlmt.Port[Para.Para32[0]].LinkDown) {
+ pRPort->Net->LinksUp--;
+@@ -2289,7 +2295,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtLinkDown */
+@@ -2318,13 +2324,13 @@
+ SK_MAC_ADDR *pNewMacAddr;
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2348,7 +2354,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtPortAddr */
+@@ -2376,35 +2382,35 @@
+ SK_U32 PortNumber;
+- ("SK_RLMT_START Net %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_START Net %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Para.Para32[0] >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+- ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+- ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pAC->Rlmt.Net[Para.Para32[0]].RlmtState != SK_RLMT_RS_INIT) {
+- ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pAC->Rlmt.NetsStarted >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+- ("All nets should have been started.\n"))
++ ("All nets should have been started.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_START Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2438,7 +2444,7 @@
+ pAC->Rlmt.NetsStarted++;
+- ("SK_RLMT_START Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_START Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtStart */
+@@ -2466,35 +2472,35 @@
+ SK_U32 i;
+- ("SK_RLMT_STOP Net %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_STOP Net %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Para.Para32[0] >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+- ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+- ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pAC->Rlmt.Net[Para.Para32[0]].RlmtState == SK_RLMT_RS_INIT) {
+- ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pAC->Rlmt.NetsStarted == 0) {
+- ("All nets are stopped.\n"))
++ ("All nets are stopped.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2529,7 +2535,7 @@
+ pAC->Rlmt.NetsStarted--;
+- ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_STOP Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtStop */
+@@ -2559,13 +2565,13 @@
+ SK_U32 i;
+- ("SK_RLMT_TIM Event BEGIN.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_TIM Event BEGIN.\n"));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_TIM Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_TIM Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2637,7 +2643,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_TIM Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_TIM Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtTim */
+@@ -2665,13 +2671,13 @@
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+- ("SK_RLMT_SEG_TIM Event BEGIN.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SEG_TIM Event BEGIN.\n"));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_SEG_TIM Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SEG_TIM Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2695,7 +2701,7 @@
+ InAddr8[3], InAddr8[4], InAddr8[5],
+ pAPort->Exact[k].a[0], pAPort->Exact[k].a[1],
+ pAPort->Exact[k].a[2], pAPort->Exact[k].a[3],
+- pAPort->Exact[k].a[4], pAPort->Exact[k].a[5]))
++ pAPort->Exact[k].a[4], pAPort->Exact[k].a[5]));
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* xDEBUG */
+@@ -2703,7 +2709,7 @@
+ SkRlmtCheckSeg(pAC, IoC, Para.Para32[0]);
+- ("SK_RLMT_SEG_TIM Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SEG_TIM Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtSegTim */
+@@ -2732,18 +2738,18 @@
+ /* Should we ignore frames during port switching? */
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ pMb = Para.pParaPtr;
+ if (pMb == NULL) {
+ }
+ else if (pMb->pNext != NULL) {
+- ("More than one mbuf or pMb->pNext not set.\n"))
++ ("More than one mbuf or pMb->pNext not set.\n"));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -2761,7 +2767,7 @@
+ }
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtPacketRx */
+@@ -2788,21 +2794,21 @@
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Para.Para32[0] >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+- ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2817,7 +2823,7 @@
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_STATS_CLEAR Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_STATS_CLEAR Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtStatsClear */
+@@ -2841,28 +2847,28 @@
+ SK_EVPARA Para) /* SK_U32 NetNumber; SK_U32 -1 */
+ {
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Para.Para32[0] >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+- ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Update statistics - currently always up-to-date. */
++ ("SK_RLMT_STATS_UPDATE Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtStatsUpdate */
+@@ -2886,13 +2892,13 @@
+ SK_EVPARA Para) /* SK_U32 PortIndex; SK_U32 NetNumber */
+ {
+- ("SK_RLMT_PREFPORT_CHANGE to Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("SK_RLMT_PREFPORT_CHANGE to Port %d Event BEGIN.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+- ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[1]))
++ ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[1]));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2905,7 +2911,7 @@
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -2919,7 +2925,7 @@
+ }
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtPrefportChange */
+@@ -2945,37 +2951,37 @@
+ int i;
+- ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event BEGIN.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event BEGIN.\n"));
+ if (Para.Para32[1] != (SK_U32)-1) {
+- ("Bad Parameter.\n"))
++ ("Bad Parameter.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Para.Para32[0] == 0 || Para.Para32[0] > SK_MAX_NETS ||
+ Para.Para32[0] > (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound) {
+- ("Bad number of nets: %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]))
++ ("Bad number of nets: %d.\n", Para.Para32[0]));
+- ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Para.Para32[0] == pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) { /* No change. */
+- ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Entering and leaving dual mode only allowed while nets are stopped. */
+ if (pAC->Rlmt.NetsStarted > 0) {
+- ("Changing dual mode only allowed while all nets are stopped.\n"))
++ ("Changing dual mode only allowed while all nets are stopped.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -3006,9 +3012,10 @@
+- ("RLMT: Changed to one net with two ports.\n"))
++ ("RLMT: Changed to one net with two ports.\n"));
+ }
+ else if (Para.Para32[0] == 2) {
++ pAC->Rlmt.RlmtOff = SK_TRUE;
+ pAC->Rlmt.Port[1].Net= &pAC->Rlmt.Net[1];
+ pAC->Rlmt.Net[1].NumPorts = pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound - 1;
+ pAC->Rlmt.Net[0].NumPorts =
+@@ -3035,19 +3042,19 @@
+- ("RLMT: Changed to two nets with one port each.\n"))
++ ("RLMT: Changed to two nets with one port each.\n"));
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Not implemented for more than two nets. */
+- ("SetNets not implemented for more than two nets.\n"))
++ ("SetNets not implemented for more than two nets.\n"));
+- ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event EMPTY.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+- ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_SET_NETS Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtSetNets */
+@@ -3075,13 +3082,13 @@
+ SK_U32 PrevRlmtMode;
+ if (Para.Para32[1] >= pAC->Rlmt.NumNets) {
+- ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[1]))
++ ("Bad NetNumber %d.\n", Para.Para32[1]));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -3091,9 +3098,9 @@
+ Para.Para32[0] != SK_RLMT_MODE_CLS) {
+ pAC->Rlmt.Net[Para.Para32[1]].RlmtMode = SK_RLMT_MODE_CLS;
+- ("Forced RLMT mode to CLS on single port net.\n"))
++ ("Forced RLMT mode to CLS on single port net.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -3159,7 +3166,7 @@
+ } /* SK_RLMT_CHECK_SEG bit changed. */
+- ("SK_RLMT_MODE_CHANGE Event END.\n"))
++ ("SK_RLMT_MODE_CHANGE Event END.\n"));
+ } /* SkRlmtEvtModeChange */
+@@ -3245,7 +3252,7 @@
+ default: /* Create error log entry. */
+- ("Unknown RLMT Event %d.\n", Event))
++ ("Unknown RLMT Event %d.\n", Event));
+ break;
+ } /* switch() */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktimer.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktimer.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktimer.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktimer.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: sktimer.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Event Scheduler Module
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.14 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/09/16 13:46:51 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.2 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/05/28 13:44:39 $
+ * Purpose: High level timer functions.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -22,13 +22,12 @@
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /*
+ * Event queue and dispatcher
+ */
+ #if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: sktimer.c,v 1.14 2003/09/16 13:46:51 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++ "@(#) $Id: sktimer.c,v 2.2 2004/05/28 13:44:39 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #endif
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h" /* Driver Specific Definitions */
+@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@
+ {
+ switch (Level) {
+ case SK_INIT_DATA:
+- pAC->Tim.StQueue = NULL;
++ pAC->Tim.StQueue = 0;
+ break;
+ case SK_INIT_IO:
+ SkHwtInit(pAC, Ioc);
+@@ -85,22 +84,20 @@
+ SK_TIMER **ppTimPrev;
+ SK_TIMER *pTm;
+- /*
+- * remove timer from queue
+- */
++ /* remove timer from queue */
+ pTimer->TmActive = SK_FALSE;
+ if (pAC->Tim.StQueue == pTimer && !pTimer->TmNext) {
+ SkHwtStop(pAC, Ioc);
+ }
+ for (ppTimPrev = &pAC->Tim.StQueue; (pTm = *ppTimPrev);
+ ppTimPrev = &pTm->TmNext ) {
+ if (pTm == pTimer) {
+ /*
+ * Timer found in queue
+- * - dequeue it and
++ * - dequeue it
+ * - correct delta of the next timer
+ */
+ *ppTimPrev = pTm->TmNext;
+@@ -121,7 +118,7 @@
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
+ SK_IOC Ioc, /* IoContext */
+ SK_TIMER *pTimer, /* Timer Pointer to be started */
+-SK_U32 Time, /* Time value */
++SK_U32 Time, /* Time Value (in microsec.) */
+ SK_U32 Class, /* Event Class for this timer */
+ SK_U32 Event, /* Event Value for this timer */
+ SK_EVPARA Para) /* Event Parameter for this timer */
+@@ -130,11 +127,6 @@
+ SK_TIMER *pTm;
+ SK_U32 Delta;
+- Time /= 16; /* input is uS, clock ticks are 16uS */
+- if (!Time)
+- Time = 1;
+ SkTimerStop(pAC, Ioc, pTimer);
+ pTimer->TmClass = Class;
+@@ -143,31 +135,26 @@
+ pTimer->TmActive = SK_TRUE;
+ if (!pAC->Tim.StQueue) {
+- /* First Timer to be started */
++ /* first Timer to be started */
+ pAC->Tim.StQueue = pTimer;
+- pTimer->TmNext = NULL;
++ pTimer->TmNext = 0;
+ pTimer->TmDelta = Time;
+ SkHwtStart(pAC, Ioc, Time);
+ return;
+ }
+- /*
+- * timer correction
+- */
++ /* timer correction */
+ timer_done(pAC, Ioc, 0);
+- /*
+- * find position in queue
+- */
++ /* find position in queue */
+ Delta = 0;
+ for (ppTimPrev = &pAC->Tim.StQueue; (pTm = *ppTimPrev);
+ ppTimPrev = &pTm->TmNext ) {
+ if (Delta + pTm->TmDelta > Time) {
+- /* Position found */
+- /* Here the timer needs to be inserted. */
++ /* the timer needs to be inserted here */
+ break;
+ }
+ Delta += pTm->TmDelta;
+@@ -179,9 +166,7 @@
+ pTimer->TmDelta = Time - Delta;
+ if (pTm) {
+- /* There is a next timer
+- * -> correct its Delta value.
+- */
++ /* there is a next timer: correct its Delta value */
+ pTm->TmDelta -= pTimer->TmDelta;
+ }
+@@ -210,7 +195,7 @@
+ int Done = 0;
+ Delta = SkHwtRead(pAC, Ioc);
+ ppLast = &pAC->Tim.StQueue;
+ pTm = pAC->Tim.StQueue;
+ while (pTm && !Done) {
+@@ -228,13 +213,13 @@
+ Done = 1;
+ }
+ }
+- *ppLast = NULL;
++ *ppLast = 0;
+ /*
+ * pTm points to the first Timer that did not run out.
+ * StQueue points to the first Timer that run out.
+ */
+- for ( pTComp = pAC->Tim.StQueue; pTComp; pTComp = pTComp->TmNext) {
++ for (pTComp = pAC->Tim.StQueue; pTComp; pTComp = pTComp->TmNext) {
+ SkEventQueue(pAC,pTComp->TmClass, pTComp->TmEvent, pTComp->TmPara);
+ }
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktwsi.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktwsi.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktwsi.c 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sktwsi.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1355 @@
++ *
++ * Name: sktwsi.c
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, TWSI-Module
++ * Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/12/20 15:10:30 $
++ * Purpose: Functions to access Voltage and Temperature Sensor
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * TWSI Protocol
++ */
++#if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
++static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
++ "@(#) $Id: sktwsi.c,v 1.9 2004/12/20 15:10:30 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++#include "h/skdrv1st.h" /* Driver Specific Definitions */
++#include "h/lm80.h"
++#include "h/skdrv2nd.h" /* Adapter Control- and Driver specific Def. */
++#ifdef __C2MAN__
++ TWSI protocol implementation.
++ General Description:
++ The TWSI protocol is used for the temperature sensors and for
++ the serial EEPROM which hold the configuration.
++ This file covers functions that allow to read write and do
++ some bulk requests a specified TWSI address.
++ The Genesis has 2 TWSI buses. One for the EEPROM which holds
++ the VPD Data and one for temperature and voltage sensor.
++ The following picture shows the TWSI buses, TWSI devices and
++ their control registers.
++ Note: The VPD functions are in skvpd.c
++. PCI Config TWSI Bus for VPD Data:
++. +------------+
++. | VPD EEPROM |
++. +------------+
++. |
++. | <-- TWSI
++. |
++. +-----------+-----------+
++. | |
++. +-----------------+ +-----------------+
++. +-----------------+ +-----------------+
++. TWSI Bus for LM80 sensor:
++. +-----------------+
++. | Temperature and |
++. | Voltage Sensor |
++. | LM80 |
++. +-----------------+
++. |
++. |
++. TWSI --> |
++. |
++. +----+
++. +-------------->| OR |<--+
++. | +----+ |
++. +------+------+ |
++. | | |
++. +--------+ +--------+ +----------+
++. | B2_I2C | | B2_I2C | | B2_I2C |
++. | _CTRL | | _DATA | | _SW |
++. +--------+ +--------+ +----------+
++ The TWSI bus may be driven by the B2_I2C_SW or by the B2_I2C_CTRL
++ and B2_I2C_DATA registers.
++ For driver software it is recommended to use the TWSI control and
++ data register, because TWSI bus timing is done by the ASIC and
++ an interrupt may be received when the TWSI request is completed.
++ Clock Rate Timing: MIN MAX generated by
++ VPD EEPROM: 50 kHz 100 kHz HW
++ LM80 over TWSI Ctrl/Data reg. 50 kHz 100 kHz HW
++ LM80 over B2_I2C_SW register 0 400 kHz SW
++ Note: The clock generated by the hardware is dependend on the
++ PCI clock. If the PCI bus clock is 33 MHz, the I2C/VPD
++ clock is 50 kHz.
++ */
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
++ * TWSI Fast Mode timing values used by the LM80.
++ * If new devices are added to the TWSI bus the timing values have to be checked.
++ */
++#ifndef I2C_SLOW_TIMING
++#define T_CLK_LOW 1300L /* clock low time in ns */
++#define T_CLK_HIGH 600L /* clock high time in ns */
++#define T_DATA_IN_SETUP 100L /* data in Set-up Time */
++#define T_START_HOLD 600L /* start condition hold time */
++#define T_START_SETUP 600L /* start condition Set-up time */
++#define T_STOP_SETUP 600L /* stop condition Set-up time */
++#define T_BUS_IDLE 1300L /* time the bus must free after Tx */
++#define T_CLK_2_DATA_OUT 900L /* max. clock low to data output valid */
++#else /* I2C_SLOW_TIMING */
++/* TWSI Standard Mode Timing */
++#define T_CLK_LOW 4700L /* clock low time in ns */
++#define T_CLK_HIGH 4000L /* clock high time in ns */
++#define T_DATA_IN_SETUP 250L /* data in Set-up Time */
++#define T_START_HOLD 4000L /* start condition hold time */
++#define T_START_SETUP 4700L /* start condition Set-up time */
++#define T_STOP_SETUP 4000L /* stop condition Set-up time */
++#define T_BUS_IDLE 4700L /* time the bus must free after Tx */
++#endif /* !I2C_SLOW_TIMING */
++#define NS2BCLK(x) (((x)*125)/10000)
++ * TWSI Wire Operations
++ *
++ * About I2C_CLK_LOW():
++ *
++ * The Data Direction bit (I2C_DATA_DIR) has to be set to input when setting
++ * clock to low, to prevent the ASIC and the TWSI data client from driving the
++ * serial data line simultaneously (ASIC: last bit of a byte = '1', TWSI client
++ * send an 'ACK'). See also Concentrator Bugreport No. 10192.
++ */
++#define I2C_CLK_HIGH(IoC) SK_I2C_SET_BIT(IoC, I2C_CLK)
++#define NS2CLKT(x) ((x*125L)/10000)
++/*--------------- TWSI Interface Register Functions --------------- */
++ * sending one bit
++ */
++void SkI2cSndBit(
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U8 Bit) /* Bit to send */
++ if (Bit) {
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_HIGH));
++ I2C_CLK_LOW(IoC);
++} /* SkI2cSndBit*/
++ * Signal a start to the TWSI Bus.
++ *
++ * A start is signaled when data goes to low in a high clock cycle.
++ *
++ * Ends with Clock Low.
++ *
++ * Status: not tested
++ */
++void SkI2cStart(
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ /* Init data and Clock to output lines */
++ /* Set Data high */
++ /* Set Clock high */
++ /* Set Data Low */
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_START_HOLD));
++ /* Clock low without Data to Input */
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_LOW));
++} /* SkI2cStart */
++void SkI2cStop(
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ /* Init data and Clock to output lines */
++ /* Set Data low */
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_2_DATA_OUT));
++ /* Set Clock high */
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_STOP_SETUP));
++ /*
++ * Set Data High: Do it by setting the Data Line to Input.
++ * Because of a pull up resistor the Data Line
++ * floods to high.
++ */
++ I2C_DATA_IN(IoC);
++ /*
++ * When TWSI activity is stopped
++ * o DATA should be set to input and
++ * o CLOCK should be set to high!
++ */
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_BUS_IDLE));
++} /* SkI2cStop */
++ * Receive just one bit via the TWSI bus.
++ *
++ * Note: Clock must be set to LOW before calling this function.
++ *
++ * Returns The received bit.
++ */
++int SkI2cRcvBit(
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ int Bit;
++ SK_U8 I2cSwCtrl;
++ /* Init data as input line */
++ I2C_DATA_IN(IoC);
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_2_DATA_OUT));
++ SkDgWaitTime(IoC, NS2BCLK(T_CLK_HIGH));
++ SK_I2C_GET_SW(IoC, &I2cSwCtrl);
++ Bit = (I2cSwCtrl & I2C_DATA) ? 1 : 0;
++ I2C_CLK_LOW(IoC);
++ return(Bit);
++} /* SkI2cRcvBit */
++ * Receive an ACK.
++ *
++ * returns 0 If acknowledged
++ * 1 in case of an error
++ */
++int SkI2cRcvAck(
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ /*
++ * Received bit must be zero.
++ */
++ return(SkI2cRcvBit(IoC) != 0);
++} /* SkI2cRcvAck */
++ * Send an NACK.
++ */
++void SkI2cSndNAck(
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ /*
++ * Received bit must be zero.
++ */
++ SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 1);
++} /* SkI2cSndNAck */
++ * Send an ACK.
++ */
++void SkI2cSndAck(
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ /*
++ * Received bit must be zero.
++ */
++ SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 0);
++} /* SkI2cSndAck */
++ * Send one byte to the TWSI device and wait for ACK.
++ *
++ * Return acknowleged status.
++ */
++int SkI2cSndByte(
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Byte) /* byte to send */
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++ if (Byte & (1<<(7-i))) {
++ SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 1);
++ }
++ else {
++ SkI2cSndBit(IoC, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ return(SkI2cRcvAck(IoC));
++} /* SkI2cSndByte */
++ * Receive one byte and ack it.
++ *
++ * Return byte.
++ */
++int SkI2cRcvByte(
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Last) /* Last Byte Flag */
++ int i;
++ int Byte = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++ Byte <<= 1;
++ Byte |= SkI2cRcvBit(IoC);
++ }
++ if (Last) {
++ SkI2cSndNAck(IoC);
++ }
++ else {
++ SkI2cSndAck(IoC);
++ }
++ return(Byte);
++} /* SkI2cRcvByte */
++ * Start dialog and send device address
++ *
++ * Return 0 if acknowleged, 1 in case of an error
++ */
++int SkI2cSndDev(
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Addr, /* Device Address */
++int Rw) /* Read / Write Flag */
++ SkI2cStart(IoC);
++ Rw = ~Rw;
++ Rw &= I2C_WRITE;
++ return(SkI2cSndByte(IoC, (Addr << 1) | Rw));
++} /* SkI2cSndDev */
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
++/*----------------- TWSI CTRL Register Functions ----------*/
++ * waits for a completion of an TWSI transfer
++ *
++ * returns 0: success, transfer completes
++ * 1: error, transfer does not complete, TWSI transfer
++ * killed, wait loop terminated.
++ */
++int SkI2cWait(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int Event) /* complete event to wait for (I2C_READ or I2C_WRITE) */
++ SK_U64 StartTime;
++ SK_U64 CurrentTime;
++ SK_U32 I2cCtrl;
++ StartTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
++ do {
++ CurrentTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
++ if (CurrentTime - StartTime > SK_TICKS_PER_SEC / 8) {
++ SK_I2C_STOP(IoC);
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++ return(1);
++ }
++ SK_I2C_GET_CTL(IoC, &I2cCtrl);
++#ifdef xYUKON_DBG
++ printf("StartTime=%lu, CurrentTime=%lu\n",
++ StartTime, CurrentTime);
++ if (kbhit()) {
++ return(1);
++ }
++#endif /* YUKON_DBG */
++ } while ((I2cCtrl & I2C_FLAG) == (SK_U32)Event << 31);
++ return(0);
++} /* SkI2cWait */
++ * waits for a completion of an TWSI transfer
++ *
++ * Returns
++ * Nothing
++ */
++void SkI2cWaitIrq(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ SK_SENSOR *pSen;
++ SK_U64 StartTime;
++ SK_U32 IrqSrc;
++ SK_U32 IsTwsiReadyBit;
++ IsTwsiReadyBit = CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC) ? Y2_IS_TWSI_RDY : IS_I2C_READY;
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
++ if (pSen->SenState == SK_SEN_IDLE) {
++ return;
++ }
++ StartTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
++ do {
++ if (SkOsGetTime(pAC) - StartTime > SK_TICKS_PER_SEC / 8) {
++ SK_I2C_STOP(IoC);
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++ return;
++ }
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_ISRC, &IrqSrc);
++ } while ((IrqSrc & IsTwsiReadyBit) == 0);
++ pSen->SenState = SK_SEN_IDLE;
++ return;
++} /* SkI2cWaitIrq */
++ * writes a single byte or 4 bytes into the TWSI device
++ *
++ * returns 0: success
++ * 1: error
++ */
++int SkI2cWrite(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U32 I2cData, /* TWSI Data to write */
++int I2cDev, /* TWSI Device Address */
++int I2cDevSize, /* TWSI Device Size (e.g. I2C_025K_DEV or I2C_2K_DEV) */
++int I2cReg, /* TWSI Device Register Address */
++int I2cBurst) /* TWSI Burst Flag */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_DATA, I2cData);
++ SK_I2C_CTL(IoC, I2C_WRITE, I2cDev, I2cDevSize, I2cReg, I2cBurst);
++ return(SkI2cWait(pAC, IoC, I2C_WRITE));
++} /* SkI2cWrite*/
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
++ * reads a single byte or 4 bytes from the TWSI device
++ *
++ * returns the word read
++ */
++SK_U32 SkI2cRead(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++int I2cDev, /* TWSI Device Address */
++int I2cDevSize, /* TWSI Device Size (e.g. I2C_025K_DEV or I2C_2K_DEV) */
++int I2cReg, /* TWSI Device Register Address */
++int I2cBurst) /* TWSI Burst Flag */
++ SK_U32 Data;
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_DATA, 0);
++ SK_I2C_CTL(IoC, I2C_READ, I2cDev, I2cDevSize, I2cReg, I2cBurst);
++ if (SkI2cWait(pAC, IoC, I2C_READ) != 0) {
++ w_print("%s\n", SKERR_I2C_E002MSG);
++ }
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_I2C_DATA, &Data);
++ return(Data);
++} /* SkI2cRead */
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
++ * read a sensor's value
++ *
++ * This function reads a sensor's value from the TWSI sensor chip. The sensor
++ * is defined by its index into the sensors database in the struct pAC points
++ * to.
++ * Returns
++ * 1 if the read is completed
++ * 0 if the read must be continued (TWSI Bus still allocated)
++ */
++int SkI2cReadSensor(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_SENSOR *pSen) /* Sensor to be read */
++ if (pSen->SenRead != NULL) {
++ return((*pSen->SenRead)(pAC, IoC, pSen));
++ }
++ return(0); /* no success */
++} /* SkI2cReadSensor */
++ * Do the Init state 0 initialization
++ */
++static int SkI2cInit0(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* Adapter Context */
++ int i;
++ SK_SENSOR *pSen;
++ /* Begin with first sensor */
++ pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
++ /* Begin with timeout control for state machine */
++ pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_WATCH_SM;
++ /* Set sensor number to zero */
++ pAC->I2c.MaxSens = 0;
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ /* Initialize Number of Dummy Reads */
++ pAC->I2c.DummyReads = SK_MAX_SENSORS;
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++ for (i = 0; i < SK_MAX_SENSORS; i++) {
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[i];
++ pSen->SenDesc = "unknown";
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_UNKNOWN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = 0;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = 0;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = 0;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = 0;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_FAN2_IN;
++ pSen->SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE;
++ pSen->SenValue = 0;
++ pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_NOT_PRESENT;
++ pSen->SenErrCts = 0;
++ pSen->SenBegErrTS = 0;
++ pSen->SenState = SK_SEN_IDLE;
++ pSen->SenRead = NULL;
++ pSen->SenDev = 0;
++ }
++ /* Now we are "INIT data"ed */
++ pAC->I2c.InitLevel = SK_INIT_DATA;
++ return(0);
++} /* SkI2cInit0*/
++ * Do the init state 1 initialization
++ *
++ * initialize the following register of the LM80:
++ * Configuration register:
++ * - START, noINT, activeLOW, noINT#Clear, noRESET, noCI, noGPO#, noINIT
++ *
++ * Interrupt Mask Register 1:
++ * - all interrupts are Disabled (0xff)
++ *
++ * Interrupt Mask Register 2:
++ * - all interrupts are Disabled (0xff) Interrupt modi doesn't matter.
++ *
++ * Fan Divisor/RST_OUT register:
++ * - Divisors set to 1 (bits 00), all others 0s.
++ *
++ * OS# Configuration/Temperature resolution Register:
++ * - all 0s
++ *
++ */
++static int SkI2cInit1(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ int i;
++ SK_U8 I2cSwCtrl;
++ SK_GEPORT *pPrt; /* GIni Port struct pointer */
++ SK_SENSOR *pSen;
++ if (pAC->I2c.InitLevel != SK_INIT_DATA) {
++ /* Re-init not needed in TWSI module */
++ return(0);
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC ||
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* No sensors on Yukon-EC and Yukon-FE */
++ return(0);
++ }
++ /* Set the Direction of TWSI-Data Pin to IN */
++ /* Check for 32-Bit Yukon with Low at TWSI-Data Pin */
++ SK_I2C_GET_SW(IoC, &I2cSwCtrl);
++ if ((I2cSwCtrl & I2C_DATA) == 0) {
++ /* this is a 32-Bit board */
++ pAC->GIni.GIYukon32Bit = SK_TRUE;
++ return(0);
++ }
++ /* Check for 64 Bit Yukon without sensors */
++ if (SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_CFG, 0) != 0) {
++ return(0);
++ }
++ (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0xffUL, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_IMSK_1, 0);
++ (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0xffUL, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_IMSK_2, 0);
++ (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_FAN_CTRL, 0);
++ (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, 0, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV, LM80_TEMP_CTRL, 0);
++ (void)SkI2cWrite(pAC, IoC, (SK_U32)LM80_CFG_START, LM80_ADDR, I2C_025K_DEV,
++ LM80_CFG, 0);
++ /*
++ * MaxSens has to be updated here, because PhyType is not
++ * set when performing Init Level 0
++ */
++ pAC->I2c.MaxSens = 5;
++ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[0];
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ if (pPrt->PhyType == SK_PHY_BCOM) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1) {
++ pAC->I2c.MaxSens += 1;
++ }
++ else {
++ pAC->I2c.MaxSens += 3;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ pAC->I2c.MaxSens += 3;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < pAC->I2c.MaxSens; i++) {
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[i];
++ switch (i) {
++ case 0:
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Temperature";
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_TEMP;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_TEMP_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_TEMP_LOW_ERR;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_TEMP_IN;
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PCI";
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_HIGH_WARN;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus != SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PCI_5V_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = 0;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = 0;
++ }
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_VT0_IN;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PCI-IO";
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_HIGH_WARN;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus != SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = 0;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = 0;
++ }
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_VT1_IN;
++ pSen->SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_PCI_IO;
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage ASIC";
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage VMAIN";
++ }
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_VDD_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_VDD_LOW_ERR;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_VT2_IN;
++ break;
++ case 4:
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ if (pPrt->PhyType == SK_PHY_BCOM) {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PHY A PLL";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PMA";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage VAUX";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail) {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = 0;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_VT3_IN;
++ break;
++ case 5:
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == 0) {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage Core 1V3";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V3_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage Core 1V2";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V2_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PHY 2V5";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage Core 1V5";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_VT4_IN;
++ break;
++ case 6:
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PHY 1V5";
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_HIGH_WARN;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_CORE_1V5_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = 0;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PHY B PLL";
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PHY 3V3";
++ }
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PLL_3V3_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_VT5_IN;
++ break;
++ case 7:
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Speed Fan";
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_FAN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_FAN_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_FAN_LOW_ERR;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_FAN2_IN;
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen->SenDesc = "Voltage PHY 2V5";
++ pSen->SenType = SK_SEN_VOLT;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PHY_2V5_LOW_ERR;
++ pSen->SenReg = LM80_VT6_IN;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ SKERR_I2C_E001, SKERR_I2C_E001MSG);
++ break;
++ }
++ pSen->SenValue = 0;
++ pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_OK;
++ pSen->SenErrCts = 0;
++ pSen->SenBegErrTS = 0;
++ pSen->SenState = SK_SEN_IDLE;
++ if (pSen->SenThreWarnLow != 0) {
++ pSen->SenRead = SkLm80ReadSensor;
++ }
++ pSen->SenDev = LM80_ADDR;
++ }
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ pAC->I2c.DummyReads = pAC->I2c.MaxSens;
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++ /* Clear TWSI IRQ */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
++ /* Now we are I/O initialized */
++ pAC->I2c.InitLevel = SK_INIT_IO;
++ return(0);
++} /* SkI2cInit1 */
++ * Init level 2: Start first sensor read.
++ */
++static int SkI2cInit2(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ int ReadComplete;
++ SK_SENSOR *pSen;
++ if (pAC->I2c.InitLevel != SK_INIT_IO) {
++ /* ReInit not needed in TWSI module */
++ /* Init0 and Init2 not permitted */
++ return(0);
++ }
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
++ ReadComplete = SkI2cReadSensor(pAC, IoC, pSen);
++ if (ReadComplete) {
++ }
++ /* Now we are correctly initialized */
++ pAC->I2c.InitLevel = SK_INIT_RUN;
++ return(0);
++} /* SkI2cInit2*/
++ * Initialize TWSI devices
++ *
++ * Get the first voltage value and discard it.
++ * Go into temperature read mode. A default pointer is not set.
++ *
++ * The things to be done depend on the init level in the parameter list:
++ * Level 0:
++ * Initialize only the data structures. Do NOT access hardware.
++ * Level 1:
++ * Initialize hardware through SK_IN / SK_OUT commands. Do NOT use interrupts.
++ * Level 2:
++ * Everything is possible. Interrupts may be used from now on.
++ *
++ * return:
++ * 0 = success
++ * other = error.
++ */
++int SkI2cInit(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context needed in levels 1 and 2 */
++int Level) /* Init Level */
++ switch (Level) {
++ case SK_INIT_DATA:
++ return(SkI2cInit0(pAC));
++ case SK_INIT_IO:
++ return(SkI2cInit1(pAC, IoC));
++ case SK_INIT_RUN:
++ return(SkI2cInit2(pAC, IoC));
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ return(0);
++} /* SkI2cInit */
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ * Interrupt service function for the TWSI Interface
++ *
++ * Clears the Interrupt source
++ *
++ * Reads the register and check it for sending a trap.
++ *
++ * Starts the timer if necessary.
++ */
++void SkI2cIsr(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC) /* I/O Context */
++ SK_EVPARA Para;
++ /* Clear TWSI IRQ */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_I2C_IRQ, I2C_CLR_IRQ);
++ Para.Para64 = 0;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_IRQ, Para);
++} /* SkI2cIsr */
++ * Check this sensors Value against the threshold and send events.
++ */
++static void SkI2cCheckSensor(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_SENSOR *pSen)
++ SK_EVPARA ParaLocal;
++ SK_BOOL TooHigh; /* Is sensor too high? */
++ SK_BOOL TooLow; /* Is sensor too low? */
++ SK_U64 CurrTime; /* Current Time */
++ SK_BOOL DoTrapSend; /* We need to send a trap */
++ SK_BOOL DoErrLog; /* We need to log the error */
++ SK_BOOL IsError; /* Error occured */
++ /* Check Dummy Reads first */
++ if (pAC->I2c.DummyReads > 0) {
++ pAC->I2c.DummyReads--;
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Get the current time */
++ CurrTime = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
++ /* Set para to the most useful setting: The current sensor. */
++ ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)pAC->I2c.CurrSens;
++ /* Check the Value against the thresholds. First: Error Thresholds */
++ TooHigh = pSen->SenValue > pSen->SenThreErrHigh;
++ TooLow = pSen->SenValue < pSen->SenThreErrLow;
++ IsError = SK_FALSE;
++ if (TooHigh || TooLow) {
++ /* Error condition is satisfied */
++ DoTrapSend = SK_TRUE;
++ DoErrLog = SK_TRUE;
++ /* Now error condition is satisfied */
++ IsError = SK_TRUE;
++ if (pSen->SenErrFlag == SK_SEN_ERR_ERR) {
++ /* This state is the former one */
++ /* So check first whether we have to send a trap */
++ if (pSen->SenLastErrTrapTS + SK_SEN_ERR_TR_HOLD > CurrTime) {
++ /*
++ * Do NOT send the Trap. The hold back time
++ * has to run out first.
++ */
++ DoTrapSend = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ /* Check now whether we have to log an Error */
++ if (pSen->SenLastErrLogTS + SK_SEN_ERR_LOG_HOLD > CurrTime) {
++ /*
++ * Do NOT log the error. The hold back time
++ * has to run out first.
++ */
++ DoErrLog = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /* We came from a different state -> Set Begin Time Stamp */
++ pSen->SenBegErrTS = CurrTime;
++ pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_ERR;
++ }
++ if (DoTrapSend) {
++ /* Set current Time */
++ pSen->SenLastErrTrapTS = CurrTime;
++ pSen->SenErrCts++;
++ /* Queue PNMI Event */
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_PNMI, TooHigh ?
++ ParaLocal);
++ }
++ if (DoErrLog) {
++ /* Set current Time */
++ pSen->SenLastErrLogTS = CurrTime;
++ if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_TEMP) {
++ }
++ else if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_VOLT) {
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Check the Value against the thresholds */
++ /* 2nd: Warning thresholds */
++ TooHigh = pSen->SenValue > pSen->SenThreWarnHigh;
++ TooLow = pSen->SenValue < pSen->SenThreWarnLow;
++ if (!IsError && (TooHigh || TooLow)) {
++ /* Error condition is satisfied */
++ DoTrapSend = SK_TRUE;
++ DoErrLog = SK_TRUE;
++ if (pSen->SenErrFlag == SK_SEN_ERR_WARN) {
++ /* This state is the former one */
++ /* So check first whether we have to send a trap */
++ if (pSen->SenLastWarnTrapTS + SK_SEN_WARN_TR_HOLD > CurrTime) {
++ /*
++ * Do NOT send the Trap. The hold back time
++ * has to run out first.
++ */
++ DoTrapSend = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ /* Check now whether we have to log an Error */
++ if (pSen->SenLastWarnLogTS + SK_SEN_WARN_LOG_HOLD > CurrTime) {
++ /*
++ * Do NOT log the error. The hold back time
++ * has to run out first.
++ */
++ DoErrLog = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /* We came from a different state -> Set Begin Time Stamp */
++ pSen->SenBegWarnTS = CurrTime;
++ pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_WARN;
++ }
++ if (DoTrapSend) {
++ /* Set current Time */
++ pSen->SenLastWarnTrapTS = CurrTime;
++ pSen->SenWarnCts++;
++ /* Queue PNMI Event */
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_PNMI, TooHigh ?
++ }
++ if (DoErrLog) {
++ /* Set current Time */
++ pSen->SenLastWarnLogTS = CurrTime;
++ if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_TEMP) {
++ }
++ else if (pSen->SenType == SK_SEN_VOLT) {
++ }
++ else {
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Check for NO error at all */
++ if (!IsError && !TooHigh && !TooLow) {
++ /* Set o.k. Status if no error and no warning condition */
++ pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_OK;
++ }
++ /* End of check against the thresholds */
++ if (pSen->SenInit == SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_PCI_IO) {
++ /* Bug fix AF: 16.Aug.2001: Correct the init base of LM80 sensor */
++ pSen->SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE;
++ if (pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_PCI_IO_RANGE_LIMITER) {
++ /* 5V PCI-IO Voltage */
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_5V_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* 3.3V PCI-IO Voltage */
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_PCI_IO_3V3_HIGH_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++#ifdef TEST_ONLY
++ /* Dynamic thresholds also for VAUX of LM80 sensor */
++ if (pSen->SenInit == SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_VAUX) {
++ pSen->SenInit = SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE;
++ /* 3.3V VAUX Voltage */
++ if (pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_VAUX_RANGE_LIMITER) {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_WARN;
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_VAUX_3V3_LOW_ERR;
++ }
++ /* 0V VAUX Voltage */
++ else {
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_0V_WARN_ERR;
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_VAUX_0V_WARN_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Check initialization state: the VIO Thresholds need adaption */
++ if (!pSen->SenInit && pSen->SenReg == LM80_VT1_IN &&
++ pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_WARNLOW2C &&
++ pSen->SenValue < SK_SEN_WARNHIGH2) {
++ pSen->SenThreErrLow = SK_SEN_ERRLOW2C;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnLow = SK_SEN_WARNLOW2C;
++ pSen->SenInit = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ if (!pSen->SenInit && pSen->SenReg == LM80_VT1_IN &&
++ pSen->SenValue > SK_SEN_WARNLOW2 &&
++ pSen->SenValue < SK_SEN_WARNHIGH2C) {
++ pSen->SenThreErrHigh = SK_SEN_ERRHIGH2C;
++ pSen->SenThreWarnHigh = SK_SEN_WARNHIGH2C;
++ pSen->SenInit = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ if (pSen->SenInit != SK_SEN_DYN_INIT_NONE) {
++ }
++} /* SkI2cCheckSensor */
++ * The only Event to be served is the timeout event
++ *
++ */
++int SkI2cEvent(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
++SK_U32 Event, /* Module specific Event */
++SK_EVPARA Para) /* Event specific Parameter */
++ int ReadComplete;
++ SK_SENSOR *pSen;
++ SK_U32 Time;
++ SK_EVPARA ParaLocal;
++ int i;
++ /* New case: no sensors */
++ if (pAC->I2c.MaxSens == 0) {
++ return(0);
++ }
++ switch (Event) {
++ case SK_I2CEV_IRQ:
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
++ ReadComplete = SkI2cReadSensor(pAC, IoC, pSen);
++ if (ReadComplete) {
++ /* Check sensor against defined thresholds */
++ SkI2cCheckSensor(pAC, pSen);
++ /* Increment Current sensor and set appropriate Timeout */
++ pAC->I2c.CurrSens++;
++ if (pAC->I2c.CurrSens >= pAC->I2c.MaxSens) {
++ pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
++ Time = SK_I2C_TIM_LONG;
++ }
++ else {
++ Time = SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT;
++ }
++ /* Start Timer */
++ ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
++ pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING;
++ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, Time,
++ SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
++ }
++ else {
++ /* Start Timer */
++ ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
++ pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_WATCH_SM;
++ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, SK_I2C_TIM_WATCH,
++ SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
++ }
++ break;
++ case SK_I2CEV_TIM:
++ if (pAC->I2c.TimerMode == SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING) {
++ ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
++ SkTimerStop(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer);
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
++ ReadComplete = SkI2cReadSensor(pAC, IoC, pSen);
++ if (ReadComplete) {
++ /* Check sensor against defined thresholds */
++ SkI2cCheckSensor(pAC, pSen);
++ /* Increment Current sensor and set appropriate Timeout */
++ pAC->I2c.CurrSens++;
++ if (pAC->I2c.CurrSens == pAC->I2c.MaxSens) {
++ pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
++ Time = SK_I2C_TIM_LONG;
++ }
++ else {
++ Time = SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT;
++ }
++ /* Start Timer */
++ ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
++ pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING;
++ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, Time,
++ SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[pAC->I2c.CurrSens];
++ pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_FAULTY;
++ SK_I2C_STOP(IoC);
++ /* Increment Current sensor and set appropriate Timeout */
++ pAC->I2c.CurrSens++;
++ if (pAC->I2c.CurrSens == pAC->I2c.MaxSens) {
++ pAC->I2c.CurrSens = 0;
++ Time = SK_I2C_TIM_LONG;
++ }
++ else {
++ Time = SK_I2C_TIM_SHORT;
++ }
++ /* Start Timer */
++ ParaLocal.Para64 = (SK_U64)0;
++ pAC->I2c.TimerMode = SK_TIMER_NEW_GAUGING;
++ SkTimerStart(pAC, IoC, &pAC->I2c.SenTimer, Time,
++ SKGE_I2C, SK_I2CEV_TIM, ParaLocal);
++ }
++ break;
++ case SK_I2CEV_CLEAR:
++ for (i = 0; i < SK_MAX_SENSORS; i++) {
++ pSen = &pAC->I2c.SenTable[i];
++ pSen->SenErrFlag = SK_SEN_ERR_OK;
++ pSen->SenErrCts = 0;
++ pSen->SenWarnCts = 0;
++ pSen->SenBegErrTS = 0;
++ pSen->SenBegWarnTS = 0;
++ pSen->SenLastErrTrapTS = (SK_U64)0;
++ pSen->SenLastErrLogTS = (SK_U64)0;
++ pSen->SenLastWarnTrapTS = (SK_U64)0;
++ pSen->SenLastWarnLogTS = (SK_U64)0;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ }
++ return(0);
++} /* SkI2cEvent*/
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skvpd.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skvpd.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skvpd.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skvpd.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Name: skvpd.c
+- * Project: GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.37 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/01/13 10:42:45 $
+- * Purpose: Shared software to read and write VPD data
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, VPD-Module
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.6 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/11/02 10:47:39 $
++ * Purpose: Shared software to read and write VPD
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+- * (C)Copyright 1998-2003 SysKonnect GmbH.
++ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ Please refer skvpd.txt for infomation how to include this module
+ */
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#)$Id: skvpd.c,v 1.37 2003/01/13 10:42:45 rschmidt Exp $ (C) SK";
++ "@(#) $Id: skvpd.c,v 2.6 2004/11/02 10:47:39 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #include "h/skdrv1st.h"
+ #include "h/sktypes.h"
+@@ -59,9 +59,10 @@
+ SK_U64 start_time;
+ SK_U16 state;
+ ("VPD wait for %s\n", event?"Write":"Read"));
+ start_time = SkOsGetTime(pAC);
+ do {
+ if (SkOsGetTime(pAC) - start_time > SK_TICKS_PER_SEC) {
+@@ -81,17 +82,18 @@
+ ("ERROR:VPD wait timeout\n"));
+ return(1);
+ }
+ VPD_IN16(pAC, IoC, PCI_VPD_ADR_REG, &state);
+ ("state = %x, event %x\n",state,event));
+- } while((int)(state & PCI_VPD_FLAG) == event);
++ } while ((int)(state & PCI_VPD_FLAG) == event);
+ return(0);
+ }
+-#ifdef SKDIAG
++#ifdef SK_DIAG
+ /*
+ * Read the dword at address 'addr' from the VPD EEPROM.
+@@ -124,16 +126,15 @@
+ Rtv = 0;
+ VPD_IN32(pAC, IoC, PCI_VPD_DAT_REG, &Rtv);
+ ("VPD read dword data = 0x%x\n",Rtv));
+ return(Rtv);
+ }
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+-#endif /* SKDIAG */
+-#if 0
++#ifdef XXX
+ /*
+ Write the dword 'data' at address 'addr' into the VPD EEPROM, and
+ verify that the data is written.
+@@ -151,7 +152,6 @@
+ . over all 3.8 ms 13.2 ms
+ .
+ Returns 0: success
+ 1: error, I2C transfer does not terminate
+ 2: error, data verify error
+@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@
+ return(0);
+ } /* VpdWriteDWord */
+-#endif /* 0 */
++#endif /* XXX */
+ /*
+ * Read one Stream of 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr' from
+@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
+ pComp = (SK_U8 *) buf;
+ for (i = 0; i < Len; i++, buf++) {
+- if ((i%sizeof(SK_U32)) == 0) {
++ if ((i % SZ_LONG) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * At the begin of each cycle read the Data Reg
+ * So it is initialized even if only a few bytes
+@@ -233,14 +234,13 @@
+ }
+ }
+- /* Write current Byte */
+- VPD_OUT8(pAC, IoC, PCI_VPD_DAT_REG + (i%sizeof(SK_U32)),
+- *(SK_U8*)buf);
++ /* Write current byte */
++ VPD_OUT8(pAC, IoC, PCI_VPD_DAT_REG + (i % SZ_LONG), *(SK_U8*)buf);
+- if (((i%sizeof(SK_U32)) == 3) || (i == (Len - 1))) {
++ if (((i % SZ_LONG) == 3) || (i == (Len - 1))) {
+ /* New Address needs to be written to VPD_ADDR reg */
+ AdrReg = (SK_U16) Addr;
+- Addr += sizeof(SK_U32);
++ Addr += SZ_LONG;
+ AdrReg |= VPD_WRITE; /* WRITE operation */
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
+ if (Rtv != 0) {
+ ("Write Timed Out\n"));
+- return(i - (i%sizeof(SK_U32)));
++ return(i - (i % SZ_LONG));
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -265,18 +265,18 @@
+ if (Rtv != 0) {
+ ("Verify Timed Out\n"));
+- return(i - (i%sizeof(SK_U32)));
++ return(i - (i % SZ_LONG));
+ }
+- for (j = 0; j <= (int)(i%sizeof(SK_U32)); j++, pComp++) {
++ for (j = 0; j <= (int)(i % SZ_LONG); j++, pComp++) {
+ VPD_IN8(pAC, IoC, PCI_VPD_DAT_REG + j, &Data);
+ if (Data != *pComp) {
+ /* Verify Error */
+ ("WriteStream Verify Error\n"));
+- return(i - (i%sizeof(SK_U32)) + j);
++ return(i - (i % SZ_LONG) + j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
+ return(Len);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read one Stream of 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr' from
+@@ -304,10 +304,10 @@
+ int Rtv;
+ for (i = 0; i < Len; i++, buf++) {
+- if ((i%sizeof(SK_U32)) == 0) {
++ if ((i % SZ_LONG) == 0) {
+ /* New Address needs to be written to VPD_ADDR reg */
+ AdrReg = (SK_U16) Addr;
+- Addr += sizeof(SK_U32);
++ Addr += SZ_LONG;
+ AdrReg &= ~VPD_WRITE; /* READ operation */
+@@ -318,13 +318,13 @@
+ return(i);
+ }
+ }
+- VPD_IN8(pAC, IoC, PCI_VPD_DAT_REG + (i%sizeof(SK_U32)),
+- (SK_U8 *)buf);
++ VPD_IN8(pAC, IoC, PCI_VPD_DAT_REG + (i % SZ_LONG), (SK_U8 *)buf);
+ }
+ return(Len);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read ore writes 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr' from
+ * or to the I2C EEPROM.
+@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@
+ return(0);
+ vpd_rom_size = pAC->vpd.rom_size;
+ if (addr > vpd_rom_size - 4) {
+ ("Address error: 0x%x, exp. < 0x%x\n",
+ addr, vpd_rom_size - 4));
+ return(0);
+ }
+ if (addr + len > vpd_rom_size) {
+ len = vpd_rom_size - addr;
+@@ -374,8 +374,8 @@
+ return(Rtv);
+ }
+-#ifdef SKDIAG
++#if defined (SK_DIAG) || defined (SK_ASF)
+ /*
+ * Read 'len' bytes of VPD data, starting at 'addr'.
+ *
+@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@
+ return(VpdTransferBlock(pAC, IoC, buf, addr, len, VPD_READ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Write 'len' bytes of *but to the VPD EEPROM, starting at 'addr'.
+ *
+@@ -405,18 +406,27 @@
+ {
+ return(VpdTransferBlock(pAC, IoC, buf, addr, len, VPD_WRITE));
+ }
+-#endif /* SKDIAG */
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+- * (re)initialize the VPD buffer
+ *
+- * Reads the VPD data from the EEPROM into the VPD buffer.
+- * Get the remaining read only and read / write space.
++ * VpdInit() - (re)initialize the VPD buffer
+ *
+- * return 0: success
+- * 1: fatal VPD error
++ * Description:
++ * Reads the VPD data from the EEPROM into the VPD buffer.
++ * Get the remaining read only and read / write space.
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * This is a local function and should be used locally only.
++ * However, the ASF module needs to use this function also.
++ * Therfore it has been published.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0: success
++ * 1: fatal VPD error
+ */
+-static int VpdInit(
++int VpdInit(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapters context */
+ SK_IOC IoC) /* IO Context */
+ {
+@@ -427,14 +437,14 @@
+ SK_U16 dev_id;
+ SK_U32 our_reg2;
+ VPD_IN16(pAC, IoC, PCI_DEVICE_ID, &dev_id);
+ VPD_IN32(pAC, IoC, PCI_OUR_REG_2, &our_reg2);
+ pAC->vpd.rom_size = 256 << ((our_reg2 & PCI_VPD_ROM_SZ) >> 14);
+ /*
+ * this function might get used before the hardware is initialized
+ * therefore we cannot always trust in GIChipId
+@@ -465,19 +475,15 @@
+ ("Block Read Error\n"));
+ return(1);
+ }
+ pAC->vpd.vpd_size = vpd_size;
+ /* Asus K8V Se Deluxe bugfix. Correct VPD content */
+- /* MBo April 2004 */
+- if (((unsigned char)pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[0x3f] == 0x38) &&
+- ((unsigned char)pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[0x40] == 0x3c) &&
+- ((unsigned char)pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[0x41] == 0x45)) {
+- printk("sk98lin: Asus mainboard with buggy VPD? "
+- "Correcting data.\n");
+- pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[0x40] = 0x38;
+- }
++ i = 62;
++ if (!SK_STRNCMP(pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + i, " 8<E", 4)) {
++ pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[i + 2] = '8';
++ }
+ /* find the end tag of the RO area */
+ if (!(r = vpd_find_para(pAC, VPD_RV, &rp))) {
+@@ -485,9 +491,9 @@
+ ("Encoding Error: RV Tag not found\n"));
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (r->p_val + r->p_len > pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + vpd_size/2) {
+ ("Encoding Error: Invalid VPD struct size\n"));
+ return(1);
+ }
+@@ -497,7 +503,7 @@
+ for (i = 0, x = 0; (unsigned)i <= (unsigned)vpd_size/2 - r->p_len; i++) {
+ x += pAC->vpd.vpd_buf[i];
+ }
+ if (x != 0) {
+ /* checksum error */
+@@ -511,7 +517,7 @@
+ ("Encoding Error: RV Tag not found\n"));
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (r->p_val < pAC->vpd.vpd_buf + vpd_size/2) {
+ ("Encoding Error: Invalid VPD struct size\n"));
+@@ -531,6 +537,7 @@
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * find the Keyword 'key' in the VPD buffer and fills the
+ * parameter struct 'p' with it's values
+@@ -541,7 +548,7 @@
+ static SK_VPD_PARA *vpd_find_para(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* common data base */
+ const char *key, /* keyword to find (e.g. "MN") */
+-SK_VPD_PARA *p) /* parameter description struct */
++SK_VPD_PARA *p) /* parameter description struct */
+ {
+ char *v ; /* points to VPD buffer */
+ int max; /* Maximum Number of Iterations */
+@@ -556,10 +563,10 @@
+ if (*v != (char)RES_ID) {
+ ("Error: 0x%x missing\n", RES_ID));
+- return NULL;
++ return(0);
+ }
+- if (strcmp(key, VPD_NAME) == 0) {
++ if (SK_STRCMP(key, VPD_NAME) == 0) {
+ p->p_len = VPD_GET_RES_LEN(v);
+ p->p_val = VPD_GET_VAL(v);
+@@ -569,7 +576,7 @@
+ v += 3 + VPD_GET_RES_LEN(v) + 3;
+ for (;; ) {
+- if (SK_MEMCMP(key,v,2) == 0) {
++ if (SK_MEMCMP(key, v, 2) == 0) {
+ p->p_len = VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v);
+ p->p_val = VPD_GET_VAL(v);
+@@ -579,11 +586,11 @@
+ /* exit when reaching the "RW" Tag or the maximum of itera. */
+ max--;
+- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RW,v,2) == 0 || max == 0) {
++ if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RW, v, 2) == 0 || max == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RV,v,2) == 0) {
++ if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RV, v, 2) == 0) {
+ v += 3 + VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v) + 3; /* skip VPD-W */
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -600,9 +607,10 @@
+ ("Key/Len Encoding error\n"));
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+- return NULL;
++ return(0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Move 'n' bytes. Begin with the last byte if 'n' is > 0,
+ * Start with the last byte if n is < 0.
+@@ -637,6 +645,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * setup the VPD keyword 'key' at 'ip'.
+ *
+@@ -653,10 +662,11 @@
+ p = (SK_VPD_KEY *) ip;
+ p->p_key[0] = key[0];
+ p->p_key[1] = key[1];
+- p->p_len = (unsigned char) len;
+- SK_MEMCPY(&p->p_val,buf,len);
++ p->p_len = (unsigned char)len;
++ SK_MEMCPY(&p->p_val, buf, len);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Setup the VPD end tag "RV" / "RW".
+ * Also correct the remaining space variables vpd_free_ro / vpd_free_rw.
+@@ -682,7 +692,7 @@
+ if (p->p_key[0] != 'R' || (p->p_key[1] != 'V' && p->p_key[1] != 'W')) {
+ /* something wrong here, encoding error */
+ ("Encoding Error: invalid end tag\n"));
+ return(1);
+ }
+@@ -714,6 +724,7 @@
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Insert a VPD keyword into the VPD buffer.
+ *
+@@ -747,11 +758,11 @@
+ ("VPD setup para key = %s, val = %s\n",key,buf));
+ vpd_size = pAC->vpd.vpd_size;
+ rtv = 0;
+- ip = NULL;
++ ip = 0;
+ if (type == VPD_RW_KEY) {
+ /* end tag is "RW" */
+ free = pAC->vpd.v.vpd_free_rw;
+@@ -875,18 +886,18 @@
+ }
+ }
+- if ((signed)strlen(VPD_NAME) + 1 <= *len) {
++ if ((signed)SK_STRLEN(VPD_NAME) + 1 <= *len) {
+ v = pAC->vpd.vpd_buf;
+- strcpy(buf,VPD_NAME);
+- n = strlen(VPD_NAME) + 1;
++ n = SK_STRLEN(VPD_NAME) + 1;
+ buf += n;
+ *elements = 1;
+- ("'%c%c' ",v[0],v[1]));
++ ("'%c%c' ", v[0], v[1]));
+ }
+ else {
+ *len = 0;
+ ("buffer overflow\n"));
+ return(2);
+ }
+@@ -894,17 +905,17 @@
+ v += 3 + VPD_GET_RES_LEN(v) + 3;
+ for (;; ) {
+ /* exit when reaching the "RW" Tag */
+- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RW,v,2) == 0) {
++ if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RW, v, 2) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+- if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RV,v,2) == 0) {
++ if (SK_MEMCMP(VPD_RV, v, 2) == 0) {
+ v += 3 + VPD_GET_VPD_LEN(v) + 3; /* skip VPD-W */
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (n+3 <= *len) {
+- SK_MEMCPY(buf,v,2);
++ SK_MEMCPY(buf, v, 2);
+ buf += 2;
+ *buf++ = '\0';
+ n += 3;
+@@ -991,13 +1002,14 @@
+ {
+ if ((*key != 'Y' && *key != 'V') ||
+ key[1] < '0' || key[1] > 'Z' ||
+- (key[1] > '9' && key[1] < 'A') || strlen(key) != 2) {
++ (key[1] > '9' && key[1] < 'A') || SK_STRLEN(key) != 2) {
+ return(SK_FALSE);
+ }
+ return(SK_TRUE);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the VPD
+ * buffer if not already done. Insert/overwrite the keyword 'key'
+@@ -1026,7 +1038,7 @@
+ if ((*key != 'Y' && *key != 'V') ||
+ key[1] < '0' || key[1] > 'Z' ||
+- (key[1] > '9' && key[1] < 'A') || strlen(key) != 2) {
++ (key[1] > '9' && key[1] < 'A') || SK_STRLEN(key) != 2) {
+ ("illegal key tag, keyword not written\n"));
+@@ -1042,13 +1054,13 @@
+ }
+ rtv = 0;
+- len = strlen(buf);
++ len = SK_STRLEN(buf);
+ if (len > VPD_MAX_LEN) {
+ /* cut it */
+ len = VPD_MAX_LEN;
+ rtv = 2;
+- ("keyword too long, cut after %d bytes\n",VPD_MAX_LEN));
++ ("keyword too long, cut after %d bytes\n", VPD_MAX_LEN));
+ }
+ if ((rtv2 = VpdSetupPara(pAC, key, buf, len, VPD_RW_KEY, OWR_KEY)) != 0) {
+@@ -1059,6 +1071,7 @@
+ return(rtv);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the
+ * VPD buffer if not already done. Remove the VPD keyword
+@@ -1082,7 +1095,7 @@
+ vpd_size = pAC->vpd.vpd_size;
+- SK_DBG_MSG(pAC,SK_DBGMOD_VPD,SK_DBGCAT_TX,("VPD delete key %s\n",key));
++ SK_DBG_MSG(pAC, SK_DBGMOD_VPD, SK_DBGCAT_TX, ("VPD delete key %s\n", key));
+ if ((pAC->vpd.v.vpd_status & VPD_VALID) == 0) {
+ if (VpdInit(pAC, IoC) != 0) {
+@@ -1119,6 +1132,7 @@
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the VPD buffer contains valid data write the VPD
+ * read/write area back to the VPD EEPROM.
+@@ -1149,7 +1163,6 @@
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read the contents of the VPD EEPROM and copy it to the VPD buffer
+ * if not already done. If the keyword "VF" is not present it will be
+@@ -1178,7 +1191,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+- len = strlen(msg);
++ len = SK_STRLEN(msg);
+ if (len > VPD_MAX_LEN) {
+ /* cut it */
+ len = VPD_MAX_LEN;
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skxmac2.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skxmac2.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skxmac2.c 2005-09-26 13:32:48.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/skxmac2.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ *
+ * Name: skxmac2.c
+ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
+- * Version: $Revision: 1.102 $
+- * Date: $Date: 2003/10/02 16:53:58 $
++ * Version: $Revision: 2.39 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/07/19 15:48:44 $
+ * Purpose: Contains functions to initialize the MACs and PHYs
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect.
+- * (C)Copyright 2002-2003 Marvell.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@
+ #if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
+ static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
+- "@(#) $Id: skxmac2.c,v 1.102 2003/10/02 16:53:58 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++ "@(#) $Id: skxmac2.c,v 2.39 2005/07/19 15:48:44 rschmidt Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
+ #endif
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@
+ * Returns:
+ * nothing
+ */
+-void SkXmPhyRead(
++int SkXmPhyRead(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+ SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+@@ -94,13 +93,13 @@
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ /* write the PHY register's address */
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_PHY_ADDR, PhyReg | pPrt->PhyAddr);
+ /* get the PHY register's value */
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_PHY_DATA, pVal);
+ if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) {
+ do {
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &Mmu);
+@@ -110,6 +109,8 @@
+ /* get the PHY register's value */
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_PHY_DATA, pVal);
+ }
++ return(0);
+ } /* SkXmPhyRead */
+@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
+ * Returns:
+ * nothing
+ */
+-void SkXmPhyWrite(
++int SkXmPhyWrite(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+ SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+@@ -133,26 +134,28 @@
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) {
+ do {
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &Mmu);
+ /* wait until 'Busy' is cleared */
+ } while ((Mmu & XM_MMU_PHY_BUSY) != 0);
+ }
+ /* write the PHY register's address */
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_PHY_ADDR, PhyReg | pPrt->PhyAddr);
+ /* write the PHY register's value */
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_PHY_DATA, Val);
+ if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) {
+ do {
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &Mmu);
+ /* wait until 'Busy' is cleared */
+ } while ((Mmu & XM_MMU_PHY_BUSY) != 0);
+ }
++ return(0);
+ } /* SkXmPhyWrite */
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+@@ -165,63 +168,97 @@
+ * Description: reads a 16-bit word from GPHY through MDIO
+ *
+ * Returns:
+- * nothing
++ * 0 o.k.
++ * 1 error during MDIO read
++ * 2 timeout
+ */
+-void SkGmPhyRead(
++int SkGmPhyRead(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+ SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int PhyReg, /* Register Address (Offset) */
+ SK_U16 SK_FAR *pVal) /* Pointer to Value */
+ {
++ SK_U16 Word;
+ SK_U16 Ctrl;
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- u_long SimCyle;
+- u_long SimLowTime;
+- VCPUgetTime(&SimCyle, &SimLowTime);
+- VCPUprintf(0, "SkGmPhyRead(%u), SimCyle=%u, SimLowTime=%u\n",
+- PhyReg, SimCyle, SimLowTime);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++ SK_U32 StartTime;
++ SK_U32 CurrTime;
++ SK_U32 Delta;
++ SK_U32 TimeOut;
++ int Rtv;
++ Rtv = 0;
++ *pVal = 0xffff;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ /* set PHY-Register offset and 'Read' OpCode (= 1) */
+- *pVal = (SK_U16)(GM_SMI_CT_PHY_AD(pPrt->PhyAddr) |
++ Word = (SK_U16)(GM_SMI_CT_PHY_AD(pPrt->PhyAddr) |
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, *pVal);
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, Word);
+- GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, &Ctrl);
+ /* additional check for MDC/MDIO activity */
+- if ((Ctrl & GM_SMI_CT_BUSY) == 0) {
+- *pVal = 0;
+- return;
++ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, &Ctrl);
++ if (Ctrl == 0xffff || (Ctrl & GM_SMI_CT_OP_RD) == 0) {
++ ("PHY read impossible on Port %d (Ctrl=0x%04x)\n", Port, Ctrl));
++ return(1);
+ }
+- *pVal |= GM_SMI_CT_BUSY;
+- do {
++ Word |= GM_SMI_CT_BUSY;
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &StartTime);
++ /* set timeout to 10 ms */
++ TimeOut = HW_MS_TO_TICKS(pAC, 10);
++ do { /* wait until 'Busy' is cleared and 'ReadValid' is set */
+ #ifdef VCPU
+ VCPUwaitTime(1000);
+ #endif /* VCPU */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &CurrTime);
++ if (CurrTime >= StartTime) {
++ Delta = CurrTime - StartTime;
++ }
++ else {
++ Delta = CurrTime + ~StartTime + 1;
++ }
++ if (Delta > TimeOut) {
++ ("PHY read timeout on Port %d (Ctrl=0x%04x)\n", Port, Ctrl));
++ Rtv = 2;
++ break;
++ }
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, &Ctrl);
+- /* wait until 'ReadValid' is set */
+- } while (Ctrl == *pVal);
+- /* get the PHY register's value */
++ /* Error on reading SMI Control Register */
++ if (Ctrl == 0xffff) {
++ return(1);
++ }
++ } while ((Ctrl ^ Word) != (GM_SMI_CT_RD_VAL | GM_SMI_CT_BUSY));
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_DATA, pVal);
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- VCPUgetTime(&SimCyle, &SimLowTime);
+- VCPUprintf(0, "VCPUgetTime(), SimCyle=%u, SimLowTime=%u\n",
+- SimCyle, SimLowTime);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++ /* dummy read after GM_IN16() */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &CurrTime);
++ ("SkGmPhyRead Port:%d, Reg=%d, Val=0x%04X\n",
++ Port, PhyReg, *pVal));
++ return(Rtv);
+ } /* SkGmPhyRead */
+@@ -232,9 +269,11 @@
+ * Description: writes a 16-bit word to GPHY through MDIO
+ *
+ * Returns:
+- * nothing
++ * 0 o.k.
++ * 1 error during MDIO read
++ * 2 timeout
+ */
+-void SkGmPhyWrite(
++int SkGmPhyWrite(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+ SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+@@ -243,54 +282,78 @@
+ {
+ SK_U16 Ctrl;
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- SK_U32 DWord;
+- u_long SimCyle;
+- u_long SimLowTime;
+- VCPUgetTime(&SimCyle, &SimLowTime);
+- VCPUprintf(0, "SkGmPhyWrite(Reg=%u, Val=0x%04x), SimCyle=%u, SimLowTime=%u\n",
+- PhyReg, Val, SimCyle, SimLowTime);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++ SK_U32 StartTime;
++ SK_U32 CurrTime;
++ SK_U32 Delta;
++ SK_U32 TimeOut;
++ ("SkGmPhyWrite Port:%d, Reg=%d, Val=0x%04X\n",
++ Port, PhyReg, Val));
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ /* write the PHY register's value */
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_DATA, Val);
+- /* set PHY-Register offset and 'Write' OpCode (= 0) */
+- Val = GM_SMI_CT_PHY_AD(pPrt->PhyAddr) | GM_SMI_CT_REG_AD(PhyReg);
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, Val);
+- GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, &Ctrl);
++#ifdef DEBUG
+ /* additional check for MDC/MDIO activity */
+- if ((Ctrl & GM_SMI_CT_BUSY) == 0) {
+- return;
++ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_DATA, &Ctrl);
++ if (Ctrl != Val) {
++ ("PHY write impossible on Port %d (Val=0x%04x)\n", Port, Ctrl));
++ return(1);
+ }
+- Val |= GM_SMI_CT_BUSY;
++#endif /* DEBUG */
+- do {
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- /* read Timer value */
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B2_TI_VAL, &DWord);
++ /* set PHY-Register offset and 'Write' OpCode (= 0) */
++ Ctrl = (SK_U16)(GM_SMI_CT_PHY_AD(pPrt->PhyAddr) |
++ GM_SMI_CT_REG_AD(PhyReg));
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, Ctrl);
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &StartTime);
++ /* set timeout to 10 ms */
++ TimeOut = HW_MS_TO_TICKS(pAC, 10);
++ do { /* wait until 'Busy' is cleared */
++#ifdef VCPU
+ VCPUwaitTime(1000);
+ #endif /* VCPU */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &CurrTime);
++ if (CurrTime >= StartTime) {
++ Delta = CurrTime - StartTime;
++ }
++ else {
++ Delta = CurrTime + ~StartTime + 1;
++ }
++ if (Delta > TimeOut) {
++ ("PHY write timeout on Port %d (Ctrl=0x%04x)\n", Port, Ctrl));
++ return(2);
++ }
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SMI_CTRL, &Ctrl);
+- /* wait until 'Busy' is cleared */
+- } while (Ctrl == Val);
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- VCPUgetTime(&SimCyle, &SimLowTime);
+- VCPUprintf(0, "VCPUgetTime(), SimCyle=%u, SimLowTime=%u\n",
+- SimCyle, SimLowTime);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++ /* Error on reading SMI Control Register */
++ if (Ctrl == 0xffff) {
++ return(1);
++ }
++ } while ((Ctrl & GM_SMI_CT_BUSY) != 0);
++ /* dummy read after GM_IN16() */
++ SK_IN32(IoC, GMAC_TI_ST_VAL, &CurrTime);
++ return(0);
+ } /* SkGmPhyWrite */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -312,16 +375,8 @@
+ int PhyReg, /* Register Address (Offset) */
+ SK_U16 *pVal) /* Pointer to Value */
+ {
+- void (*r_func)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Port, int Reg, SK_U16 *pVal);
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- r_func = SkXmPhyRead;
+- }
+- else {
+- r_func = SkGmPhyRead;
+- }
+- r_func(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyReg, pVal);
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyReg, pVal);
+ } /* SkGePhyRead */
+@@ -341,16 +396,8 @@
+ int PhyReg, /* Register Address (Offset) */
+ SK_U16 Val) /* Value */
+ {
+- void (*w_func)(SK_AC *pAC, SK_IOC IoC, int Port, int Reg, SK_U16 Val);
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+- w_func = SkXmPhyWrite;
+- }
+- else {
+- w_func = SkGmPhyWrite;
+- }
+- w_func(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyReg, Val);
++ pAC->GIni.GIFunc.pFnMacPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PhyReg, Val);
+ } /* SkGePhyWrite */
+ #endif /* SK_DIAG */
+@@ -360,15 +407,15 @@
+ * SkMacPromiscMode() - Enable / Disable Promiscuous Mode
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * enables / disables promiscuous mode by setting Mode Register (XMAC) or
+- * Receive Control Register (GMAC) dep. on board type
++ * enables / disables promiscuous mode by setting Mode Register (XMAC) or
++ * Receive Control Register (GMAC) dep. on board type
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacPromiscMode(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL Enable) /* Enable / Disable */
+ {
+@@ -377,11 +424,11 @@
+ #endif
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ SK_U32 MdReg;
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, &MdReg);
+ /* enable or disable promiscuous mode */
+ if (Enable) {
+@@ -394,12 +441,12 @@
+ XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, MdReg);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, &RcReg);
+ /* enable or disable unicast and multicast filtering */
+ if (Enable) {
+@@ -420,28 +467,28 @@
+ * SkMacHashing() - Enable / Disable Hashing
+ *
+ * Description:
+- * enables / disables hashing by setting Mode Register (XMAC) or
+- * Receive Control Register (GMAC) dep. on board type
++ * enables / disables hashing by setting Mode Register (XMAC) or
++ * Receive Control Register (GMAC) dep. on board type
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacHashing(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL Enable) /* Enable / Disable */
+ {
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ SK_U16 RcReg;
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ SK_U32 MdReg;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, &MdReg);
+ /* enable or disable hashing */
+ if (Enable) {
+@@ -454,12 +501,12 @@
+ XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, MdReg);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, &RcReg);
+ /* enable or disable multicast filtering */
+ if (Enable) {
+@@ -487,8 +534,8 @@
+ * - don't set XMR_FS_ERR in status SK_LENERR_OK_ON/OFF
+ * for inrange length error frames
+ * - don't set XMR_FS_ERR in status SK_BIG_PK_OK_ON/OFF
+- * for frames > 1514 bytes
+- * - enable Rx of own packets SK_SELF_RX_ON/OFF
++ * for frames > 1514 bytes
++ * - enable Rx of own packets SK_SELF_RX_ON/OFF
+ *
+ * for incoming packets may be enabled/disabled by this function.
+ * Additional modes may be added later.
+@@ -499,11 +546,11 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmSetRxCmd(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int Mode) /* Mode is SK_STRIP_FCS_ON/OFF, SK_STRIP_PAD_ON/OFF,
+ {
+ SK_U16 OldRxCmd;
+ SK_U16 RxCmd;
+@@ -511,7 +558,7 @@
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_RX_CMD, &OldRxCmd);
+ RxCmd = OldRxCmd;
+ switch (Mode & (SK_STRIP_FCS_ON | SK_STRIP_FCS_OFF)) {
+@@ -572,8 +619,8 @@
+ * The features
+ * - FCS (CRC) stripping, SK_STRIP_FCS_ON/OFF
+- * for frames > 1514 bytes
+- * - enable Rx of own packets SK_SELF_RX_ON/OFF
++ * for frames > 1514 bytes
++ * - enable Rx of own packets SK_SELF_RX_ON/OFF
+ *
+ * for incoming packets may be enabled/disabled by this function.
+ * Additional modes may be added later.
+@@ -584,20 +631,17 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGmSetRxCmd(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int Mode) /* Mode is SK_STRIP_FCS_ON/OFF, SK_STRIP_PAD_ON/OFF,
+ {
+- SK_U16 OldRxCmd;
+ SK_U16 RxCmd;
+ if ((Mode & (SK_STRIP_FCS_ON | SK_STRIP_FCS_OFF)) != 0) {
+- GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, &OldRxCmd);
+- RxCmd = OldRxCmd;
++ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, &RxCmd);
+ if ((Mode & SK_STRIP_FCS_ON) != 0) {
+@@ -605,17 +649,13 @@
+ else {
+ RxCmd &= ~GM_RXCR_CRC_DIS;
+ }
+- /* Write the new mode to the Rx control register if required */
+- if (OldRxCmd != RxCmd) {
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, RxCmd);
+- }
++ /* Write the new mode to the Rx Control register */
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, RxCmd);
+ }
+ if ((Mode & (SK_BIG_PK_OK_ON | SK_BIG_PK_OK_OFF)) != 0) {
+- GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SERIAL_MODE, &OldRxCmd);
+- RxCmd = OldRxCmd;
++ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SERIAL_MODE, &RxCmd);
+ if ((Mode & SK_BIG_PK_OK_ON) != 0) {
+@@ -623,10 +663,8 @@
+ else {
+ }
+- /* Write the new mode to the Rx control register if required */
+- if (OldRxCmd != RxCmd) {
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SERIAL_MODE, RxCmd);
+- }
++ /* Write the new mode to the Serial Mode register */
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SERIAL_MODE, RxCmd);
+ }
+ } /* SkGmSetRxCmd */
+@@ -641,17 +679,17 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacSetRxCmd(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int Mode) /* Rx Mode */
+ {
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ SkXmSetRxCmd(pAC, IoC, Port, Mode);
+ }
+ else {
+ SkGmSetRxCmd(pAC, IoC, Port, Mode);
+ }
+@@ -668,15 +706,15 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacCrcGener(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL Enable) /* Enable / Disable */
+ {
+ SK_U16 Word;
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_TX_CMD, &Word);
+ if (Enable) {
+@@ -689,9 +727,9 @@
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_TX_CMD, Word);
+ }
+ else {
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_TX_CTRL, &Word);
+ if (Enable) {
+ Word &= ~GM_TXCR_CRC_DIS;
+ }
+@@ -721,14 +759,14 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkXmClrExactAddr(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int StartNum, /* Begin with this Address Register Index (0..15) */
+ int StopNum) /* Stop after finished with this Register Idx (0..15) */
+ {
+ int i;
+- SK_U16 ZeroAddr[3] = {0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000};
++ SK_U16 ZeroAddr[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+ if ((unsigned)StartNum > 15 || (unsigned)StopNum > 15 ||
+ StartNum > StopNum) {
+@@ -738,7 +776,7 @@
+ }
+ for (i = StartNum; i <= StopNum; i++) {
+- XM_OUTADDR(IoC, Port, XM_EXM(i), &ZeroAddr[0]);
++ XM_OUTADDR(IoC, Port, XM_EXM(i), ZeroAddr);
+ }
+ } /* SkXmClrExactAddr */
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+@@ -755,21 +793,21 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacFlushTxFifo(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ SK_U32 MdReg;
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, &MdReg);
+ XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, MdReg | XM_MD_FTF);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* no way to flush the FIFO we have to issue a reset */
+@@ -791,8 +829,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacFlushRxFifo(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+@@ -805,7 +843,7 @@
+ XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, MdReg | XM_MD_FRF);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* no way to flush the FIFO we have to issue a reset */
+@@ -853,23 +891,23 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmSoftRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+- SK_U16 ZeroAddr[4] = {0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000};
++ SK_U16 ZeroAddr[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ /* reset the statistics module */
+ /* disable all XMAC IRQs */
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_IMSK, 0xffff);
+ XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, 0); /* clear Mode Reg */
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_TX_CMD, 0); /* reset TX CMD Reg */
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_RX_CMD, 0); /* reset RX CMD Reg */
+ /* disable all PHY IRQs */
+ switch (pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PhyType) {
+ case SK_PHY_BCOM:
+@@ -887,13 +925,13 @@
+ }
+ /* clear the Hash Register */
+- XM_OUTHASH(IoC, Port, XM_HSM, &ZeroAddr);
++ XM_OUTHASH(IoC, Port, XM_HSM, ZeroAddr);
+ /* clear the Exact Match Address registers */
+ SkXmClrExactAddr(pAC, IoC, Port, 0, 15);
+ /* clear the Source Check Address registers */
+- XM_OUTHASH(IoC, Port, XM_SRC_CHK, &ZeroAddr);
++ XM_OUTHASH(IoC, Port, XM_SRC_CHK, ZeroAddr);
+ } /* SkXmSoftRst */
+@@ -916,8 +954,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmHardRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U32 Reg;
+@@ -940,19 +978,19 @@
+ }
+ SK_IN16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TX_MFF_CTRL1), &Word);
+ } while ((Word & MFF_SET_MAC_RST) == 0);
+ }
+ /* For external PHYs there must be special handling */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) {
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &Reg);
+ if (Port == 0) {
+- Reg |= GP_DIR_0; /* set to output */
++ Reg |= GP_DIR_0; /* set to output */
+ Reg &= ~GP_IO_0; /* set PHY reset (active low) */
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -978,12 +1016,12 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmClearRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U32 DWord;
+ /* clear HW reset */
+@@ -1000,7 +1038,7 @@
+ /* Clear PHY reset */
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord);
+- /* Enable GMII interface */
++ /* enable GMII interface */
+ }
+ } /* SkXmClearRst */
+@@ -1020,8 +1058,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGmSoftRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U16 EmptyHash[4] = {0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000};
+@@ -1030,19 +1068,18 @@
+ /* reset the statistics module */
+ /* disable all GMAC IRQs */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_IRQ_MSK), 0);
+ /* disable all PHY IRQs */
+ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_MASK, 0);
+ /* clear the Hash Register */
+ GM_OUTHASH(IoC, Port, GM_MC_ADDR_H1, EmptyHash);
+- /* Enable Unicast and Multicast filtering */
++ /* enable Unicast and Multicast filtering */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, &RxCtrl);
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL,
+ } /* SkGmSoftRst */
+@@ -1057,16 +1094,16 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGmHardRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U32 DWord;
+ /* WA code for COMA mode */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite &&
+- pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev >= CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &DWord);
+ DWord |= (GP_DIR_9 | GP_IO_9);
+@@ -1076,10 +1113,10 @@
+ }
+ /* set GPHY Control reset */
+ /* set GMAC Control reset */
+ } /* SkGmHardRst */
+@@ -1094,24 +1131,27 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGmClearRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U32 DWord;
++ SK_U16 PhyId0;
++ SK_U16 PhyId1;
++ SK_U16 Word;
+ #ifdef XXX
+- /* clear GMAC Control reset */
++ /* clear GMAC Control reset */
+- /* set GMAC Control reset */
++ /* set GMAC Control reset */
+ #endif /* XXX */
+ /* WA code for COMA mode */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite &&
+- pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev >= CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &DWord);
+ DWord |= GP_DIR_9; /* set to output */
+@@ -1121,30 +1161,85 @@
+ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord);
+ }
+- /* set HWCFG_MODE */
+- (pAC->GIni.GICopperType ? GPC_HWCFG_GMII_COP :
++#ifdef VCPU
++ /* set MAC Reset before PHY reset is set */
++#endif /* VCPU */
+- /* set GPHY Control reset */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* set GPHY Control reset */
++ /* release GPHY Control reset */
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ /* additional check for PEX */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, GPHY_CTRL, &Word);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PEX_BUS && Word != GPC_RST_CLR) {
++ ("Error on PEX-bus after GPHY reset\n"));
++ }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
++ }
++ else {
++ /* set HWCFG_MODE */
++ (pAC->GIni.GICopperType ? GPC_HWCFG_GMII_COP :
++ /* set GPHY Control reset */
+- /* release GPHY Control reset */
++ /* release GPHY Control reset */
++ }
+ #ifdef VCPU
++ /* wait for internal initialization of GPHY */
++ VCPUprintf(0, "Waiting until PHY %d is ready to initialize\n", Port);
++ VCpuWait(10000);
++ /* release GMAC reset */
++ /* wait for stable GMAC clock */
+ VCpuWait(9000);
+ #endif /* VCPU */
+ /* clear GMAC Control reset */
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_472) && Port == MAC_2) {
++ /* clear GMAC 1 Control reset */
++ do {
++ /* set GMAC 2 Control reset */
++ /* clear GMAC 2 Control reset */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, MAC_2, PHY_MARV_ID0, &PhyId0);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, MAC_2, PHY_MARV_ID1, &PhyId1);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, MAC_2, PHY_MARV_INT_MASK, &Word);
++ } while (Word != 0 || PhyId0 != PHY_MARV_ID0_VAL ||
++ PhyId1 != PHY_MARV_ID1_Y2);
++ }
+ #ifdef VCPU
+ VCpuWait(2000);
+ SK_IN32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GPHY_CTRL), &DWord);
+ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_ISRC, &DWord);
+ #endif /* VCPU */
+@@ -1162,37 +1257,33 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacSoftRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+- SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+- pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ /* disable receiver and transmitter */
+ SkMacRxTxDisable(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ SkXmSoftRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ SkGmSoftRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ /* flush the MAC's Rx and Tx FIFOs */
+ SkMacFlushTxFifo(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ SkMacFlushRxFifo(pAC, IoC, Port);
+- pPrt->PState = SK_PRT_STOP;
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PState = SK_PRT_STOP;
+ } /* SkMacSoftRst */
+@@ -1207,25 +1298,27 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacHardRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ SkXmHardRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ SkGmHardRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PHWLinkUp = SK_FALSE;
+ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PState = SK_PRT_RESET;
+ } /* SkMacHardRst */
+@@ -1241,21 +1334,21 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacClearRst(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ SkXmClearRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ SkGmClearRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -1279,8 +1372,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkXmInitMac(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -1290,13 +1383,13 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ if (pPrt->PState == SK_PRT_STOP) {
+- /* Port State: SK_PRT_STOP */
+ /* Verify that the reset bit is cleared */
+ SK_IN16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, TX_MFF_CTRL1), &SWord);
+ if ((SWord & MFF_SET_MAC_RST) != 0) {
+ /* PState does not match HW state */
++ ("SkXmInitMac: PState does not match HW state"));
+ /* Correct it */
+ pPrt->PState = SK_PRT_RESET;
+ }
+@@ -1315,7 +1408,7 @@
+ * Must be done AFTER first access to BCOM chip.
+ */
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &SWord);
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, SWord | XM_MMU_NO_PRE);
+ if (pPrt->PhyId1 == PHY_BCOM_ID1_C0) {
+@@ -1348,7 +1441,7 @@
+ * Disable Power Management after reset.
+ */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL, &SWord);
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL,
+ (SK_U16)(SWord | PHY_B_AC_DIS_PM));
+@@ -1357,7 +1450,7 @@
+ /* Dummy read the Interrupt source register */
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_ISRC, &SWord);
+ /*
+ * The auto-negotiation process starts immediately after
+ * clearing the reset. The auto-negotiation process should be
+@@ -1383,7 +1476,7 @@
+ * independent. Remember this when changing.
+ */
+ SK_IN16(IoC, (B2_MAC_2 + Port * 8 + i * 2), &SWord);
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, (XM_SA + i * 2), SWord);
+ }
+@@ -1401,7 +1494,7 @@
+ SWord = SK_XM_THR_SL; /* for single port */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
+- switch (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage) {
++ switch (pPrt->PPortUsage) {
+ case SK_RED_LINK:
+ SWord = SK_XM_THR_REDL; /* redundant link */
+ break;
+@@ -1424,7 +1517,7 @@
+ /* setup register defaults for the Rx Command Register */
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
++ if (pPrt->PPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
+ SWord |= XM_RX_BIG_PK_OK;
+ }
+@@ -1436,7 +1529,7 @@
+ */
+ SWord |= XM_RX_DIS_CEXT;
+ }
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_RX_CMD, SWord);
+ /*
+@@ -1493,8 +1586,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGmInitMac(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -1505,24 +1598,29 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ if (pPrt->PState == SK_PRT_STOP) {
+- /* Port State: SK_PRT_STOP */
+ /* Verify that the reset bit is cleared */
+ SK_IN32(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_CTRL), &DWord);
+ if ((DWord & GMC_RST_SET) != 0) {
+ /* PState does not match HW state */
++ ("SkGmInitMac: PState does not match HW state"));
+ /* Correct it */
+ pPrt->PState = SK_PRT_RESET;
+ }
++ else {
++ /* enable all PHY interrupts */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_MASK,
++ (SK_U16)PHY_M_DEF_MSK);
++ }
+ }
+ if (pPrt->PState == SK_PRT_RESET) {
+ SkGmHardRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ SkGmClearRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /* Auto-negotiation ? */
+ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_HALF || pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+ /* Auto-negotiation disabled */
+@@ -1532,10 +1630,10 @@
+ /* disable auto-update for speed, duplex and flow-control */
+ /* setup General Purpose Control Register */
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, SWord);
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -1546,7 +1644,10 @@
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkSpeed) {
+ case SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS:
+- SWord |= GM_GPCR_SPEED_1000 | GM_GPCR_SPEED_100;
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) {
++ SWord |= GM_GPCR_SPEED_1000 | GM_GPCR_SPEED_100;
++ }
+ break;
+ case SK_LSPEED_100MBPS:
+ SWord |= GM_GPCR_SPEED_100;
+@@ -1564,8 +1665,6 @@
+ /* flow-control settings */
+ switch (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+- /* set Pause Off */
+ /* disable Tx & Rx flow-control */
+ break;
+@@ -1583,24 +1682,22 @@
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, SWord);
+ /* dummy read the Interrupt Source Register */
+- SK_IN16(IoC, GMAC_IRQ_SRC, &SWord);
++ SK_IN16(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_IRQ_SRC), &SWord);
+ #ifndef VCPU
+- /* read Id from PHY */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_ID1, &pPrt->PhyId1);
+ SkGmInitPhyMarv(pAC, IoC, Port, SK_FALSE);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++#endif /* !VCPU */
+ }
+ (void)SkGmResetCounter(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /* setup Transmit Control Register */
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_TX_CTRL, TX_COL_THR(pPrt->PMacColThres));
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_TX_CTRL, (SK_U16)TX_COL_THR(pPrt->PMacColThres));
+ /* setup Receive Control Register */
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_CTRL, SWord);
+ /* setup Transmit Flow Control Register */
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_TX_FLOW_CTRL, 0xffff);
+@@ -1610,31 +1707,29 @@
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_TX_PARAM, &SWord);
+ #endif /* VCPU */
+- SWord = TX_JAM_LEN_VAL(pPrt->PMacJamLen) |
+- TX_JAM_IPG_VAL(pPrt->PMacJamIpgVal) |
+- TX_IPG_JAM_DATA(pPrt->PMacJamIpgData);
++ SWord = (SK_U16)(TX_JAM_LEN_VAL(pPrt->PMacJamLen) |
++ TX_JAM_IPG_VAL(pPrt->PMacJamIpgVal) |
++ TX_IPG_JAM_DATA(pPrt->PMacJamIpgData) |
++ TX_BACK_OFF_LIM(pPrt->PMacBackOffLim));
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_TX_PARAM, SWord);
+ /* configure the Serial Mode Register */
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_SERIAL_MODE, &SWord);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
+- SWord = GM_SMOD_VLAN_ENA | IPG_DATA_VAL(pPrt->PMacIpgData);
++ SWord = (SK_U16)(DATA_BLIND_VAL(pPrt->PMacDataBlind) |
+ if (pPrt->PMacLimit4) {
+ /* reset of collision counter after 4 consecutive collisions */
+ SWord |= GM_SMOD_LIMIT_4;
+ }
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
++ if (pPrt->PPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
+ /* enable jumbo mode (Max. Frame Length = 9018) */
+ }
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_SERIAL_MODE, SWord);
+ /*
+ * configure the GMACs Station Addresses
+ * in PROM you can find our addresses at:
+@@ -1663,17 +1758,17 @@
+ else {
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, (GM_SRC_ADDR_1L + i * 4), SWord);
+ }
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, (GM_SRC_ADDR_1L + i * 4), SWord);
+ #endif /* WA_DEV_16 */
+ /* virtual address: will be used for data */
+ SK_IN16(IoC, (B2_MAC_1 + Port * 8 + i * 2), &SWord);
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, (GM_SRC_ADDR_2L + i * 4), SWord);
+ /* reset Multicast filtering Hash registers 1-3 */
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_MC_ADDR_H1 + 4*i, 0);
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_MC_ADDR_H1 + i * 4, 0);
+ }
+ /* reset Multicast filtering Hash register 4 */
+@@ -1684,18 +1779,6 @@
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_IRQ_MSK, 0);
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_TR_IRQ_MSK, 0);
+-#if defined(SK_DIAG) || defined(DEBUG)
+- /* read General Purpose Status */
+- GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_STAT, &SWord);
+- ("MAC Stat Reg.=0x%04X\n", SWord));
+-#endif /* SK_DIAG || DEBUG */
+-#ifdef SK_DIAG
+- c_print("MAC Stat Reg=0x%04X\n", SWord);
+-#endif /* SK_DIAG */
+ } /* SkGmInitMac */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -1714,8 +1797,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkXmInitDupMd(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ switch (pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PLinkModeStatus) {
+@@ -1762,8 +1845,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkXmInitPauseMd(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -1773,11 +1856,11 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &Word);
+ if (pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus == SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE ||
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus == SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND) {
+- /* Disable Pause Frame Reception */
++ /* disable Pause Frame Reception */
+ Word |= XM_MMU_IGN_PF;
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -1785,10 +1868,10 @@
+ * enabling pause frame reception is required for 1000BT
+ * because the XMAC is not reset if the link is going down
+ */
+- /* Enable Pause Frame Reception */
++ /* enable Pause Frame Reception */
+ Word &= ~XM_MMU_IGN_PF;
+- }
++ }
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, Word);
+ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, &DWord);
+@@ -1811,10 +1894,10 @@
+ /* remember this value is defined in big endian (!) */
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_MAC_PTIME, 0xffff);
+- /* Set Pause Mode in Mode Register */
++ /* set Pause Mode in Mode Register */
+- /* Set Pause Mode in MAC Rx FIFO */
++ /* set Pause Mode in MAC Rx FIFO */
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -1822,13 +1905,13 @@
+ * disable pause frame generation is required for 1000BT
+ * because the XMAC is not reset if the link is going down
+ */
+- /* Disable Pause Mode in Mode Register */
++ /* disable Pause Mode in Mode Register */
+ DWord &= ~XM_PAUSE_MODE;
+- /* Disable Pause Mode in MAC Rx FIFO */
++ /* disable Pause Mode in MAC Rx FIFO */
+ }
+ XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, DWord);
+ } /* SkXmInitPauseMd*/
+@@ -1845,8 +1928,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmInitPhyXmac(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL DoLoop) /* Should a Phy LoopBack be set-up? */
+ {
+@@ -1855,12 +1938,12 @@
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ Ctrl = 0;
+ /* Auto-negotiation ? */
+ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_HALF || pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+ ("InitPhyXmac: no auto-negotiation Port %d\n", Port));
+- /* Set DuplexMode in Config register */
++ /* set DuplexMode in Config register */
+ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+ Ctrl |= PHY_CT_DUP_MD;
+ }
+@@ -1873,9 +1956,9 @@
+ else {
+ ("InitPhyXmac: with auto-negotiation Port %d\n", Port));
+- /* Set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
++ /* set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
+- /* Set Full/half duplex capabilities */
++ /* set Full/half duplex capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkMode) {
+ Ctrl |= PHY_X_AN_HD;
+@@ -1891,7 +1974,7 @@
+ }
+- /* Set Flow-control capabilities */
++ /* set Flow-control capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+ Ctrl |= PHY_X_P_NO_PAUSE;
+@@ -1918,7 +2001,7 @@
+ }
+ if (DoLoop) {
+- /* Set the Phy Loopback bit, too */
++ /* set the Phy Loopback bit, too */
+ Ctrl |= PHY_CT_LOOP;
+ }
+@@ -1939,8 +2022,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmInitPhyBcom(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL DoLoop) /* Should a Phy LoopBack be set-up? */
+ {
+@@ -1962,7 +2045,7 @@
+ /* manually Master/Slave ? */
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode != SK_MS_MODE_AUTO) {
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_B_1000C_MSE;
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode == SK_MS_MODE_MASTER) {
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_B_1000C_MSC;
+ }
+@@ -1971,7 +2054,7 @@
+ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_HALF || pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+ ("InitPhyBcom: no auto-negotiation Port %d\n", Port));
+- /* Set DuplexMode in Config register */
++ /* set DuplexMode in Config register */
+ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+ Ctrl1 |= PHY_CT_DUP_MD;
+ }
+@@ -1989,7 +2072,7 @@
+ else {
+ ("InitPhyBcom: with auto-negotiation Port %d\n", Port));
+- /* Set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
++ /* set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
+ /*
+ * Workaround BCOM Errata #1 for the C5 type.
+@@ -1997,8 +2080,8 @@
+ * Set Repeater/DTE bit 10 of the 1000Base-T Control Register
+ */
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_B_1000C_RD;
+- /* Set Full/half duplex capabilities */
++ /* set Full/half duplex capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkMode) {
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_B_1000C_AHD;
+@@ -2014,7 +2097,7 @@
+ }
+- /* Set Flow-control capabilities */
++ /* set Flow-control capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+ Ctrl3 |= PHY_B_P_NO_PAUSE;
+@@ -2036,27 +2119,27 @@
+ /* Restart Auto-negotiation */
+ Ctrl1 |= PHY_CT_ANE | PHY_CT_RE_CFG;
+ }
+ /* Initialize LED register here? */
+ /* No. Please do it in SkDgXmitLed() (if required) and swap
+- init order of LEDs and XMAC. (MAl) */
++ init order of LEDs and XMAC. (MAl) */
+ /* Write 1000Base-T Control Register */
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_1000T_CTRL, Ctrl2);
+ ("Set 1000B-T Ctrl Reg=0x%04X\n", Ctrl2));
+ /* Write AutoNeg Advertisement Register */
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_ADV, Ctrl3);
+ ("Set Auto-Neg.Adv.Reg=0x%04X\n", Ctrl3));
+ if (DoLoop) {
+- /* Set the Phy Loopback bit, too */
++ /* set the Phy Loopback bit, too */
+ Ctrl1 |= PHY_CT_LOOP;
+ }
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
++ if (pPrt->PPortUsage == SK_JUMBO_LINK) {
+ /* configure FIFO to high latency for transmission of ext. packets */
+ Ctrl4 |= PHY_B_PEC_HIGH_LA;
+@@ -2068,7 +2151,7 @@
+ /* Configure LED Traffic Mode and Jumbo Frame usage if specified */
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_P_EXT_CTRL, Ctrl4);
+ /* Write to the Phy control register */
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_CTRL, Ctrl1);
+@@ -2078,17 +2161,17 @@
+ #ifdef YUKON
+-#ifndef SK_SLIM
++#ifdef SK_PHY_LP_MODE
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * SkGmEnterLowPowerMode()
+ *
+- * Description:
++ * Description:
+ * This function sets the Marvell Alaska PHY to the low power mode
+ * given by parameter mode.
+ * The following low power modes are available:
+- *
+- * - Coma Mode (Deep Sleep):
++ *
++ * - COMA Mode (Deep Sleep):
+ * Power consumption: ~15 - 30 mW
+ * The PHY cannot wake up on its own.
+ *
+@@ -2115,113 +2198,207 @@
+ * 1: error
+ */
+ int SkGmEnterLowPowerMode(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (e.g. MAC_1) */
+ SK_U8 Mode) /* low power mode */
+ {
++ SK_U8 LastMode;
++ SK_U8 Byte;
+ SK_U16 Word;
++ SK_U16 ClkDiv;
+ SK_U32 DWord;
+- SK_U8 LastMode;
++ SK_U32 PowerDownBit;
+ int Ret = 0;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite &&
+- pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
++ if (!(CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC) || (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev >= CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3))) {
+- /* save current power mode */
+- LastMode = pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState;
+- pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = Mode;
+- switch (Mode) {
+- /* coma mode (deep sleep) */
+- /* setup General Purpose Control Register */
+- /* apply COMA mode workaround */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 29, 0x001f);
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 30, 0xfff3);
+- SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_OUR_REG_1), &DWord);
+- /* Set PHY to Coma Mode */
+- break;
+- /* IEEE compatible power down mode */
+- /*
+- * - disable MAC 125 MHz clock
+- * - allow MAC power down
+- */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word |= PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK;
+- Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_MAC_POW_UP;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ return(1);
++ }
+- /*
+- * register changes must be followed by a software
+- * reset to take effect
+- */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word |= PHY_CT_RESET;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
+- /* switch IEEE compatible power down mode on */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word |= PHY_CT_PDOWN;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
+- break;
++ /* save current power mode */
++ LastMode = pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState;
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = Mode;
++ ("SkGmEnterLowPowerMode: %u\n", Mode));
++ switch (Mode) {
++ /* COMA mode (deep sleep) */
++ /* clear PHY & MAC reset first */
++ SkGmClearRst(pAC, IoC, Port);
+- /* energy detect and energy detect plus mode */
+- /*
+- * - disable MAC 125 MHz clock
+- */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word |= PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
+- /* activate energy detect mode 1 */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
+- /* energy detect mode */
+- if (Mode == PHY_PM_ENERGY_DETECT) {
+- Word |= PHY_M_PC_EN_DET;
++ /* setup General Purpose Control Register */
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* set power down bit */
++ PowerDownBit = (Port == MAC_1) ? PCI_Y2_PHY1_POWD :
++ /* no COMA mode on Yukon-FE and Yukon-2 PHY */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE ||
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* set IEEE compatible Power Down Mode */
++ Ret = SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, PHY_CT_PDOWN);
++ ClkDiv = 0; /* divide clock by 2 */
++ }
++ else {
++ ClkDiv = 1; /* divide clock by 4 */
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /* apply COMA mode workaround */
++ (void)SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_ADDR, 0x001f);
++ Ret = SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, 0xfff3);
++ PowerDownBit = PCI_PHY_COMA;
++ }
++ SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), &DWord);
++ /* set PHY to PowerDown/COMA Mode */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), DWord | PowerDownBit);
++ /* check if this routine was called from a for() loop */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1 || Port == MAC_2) {
++ /* ASF system clock stopped */
++ /* on Yukon-2 clock select value is 31 */
++ DWord = (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) ?
++ (Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL_2(0) | Y2_CLK_SEL_VAL_2(31)) :
++ Y2_CLK_DIV_VAL(ClkDiv);
++ /* check for Yukon-2 dual port PCI-Express adapter */
++ if (!(pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2 &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PEX_BUS)) {
++ /* enable Core Clock Division */
++ DWord |= Y2_CLK_DIV_ENA;
++ }
++ ("Set Core Clock: 0x%08X\n", DWord));
++ /* reduce Core Clock Frequency */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_Y2_CLK_CTRL, DWord);
++ }
++ /* check for Yukon-2 Rev. A2 */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev > 1) {
++ /* enable bits are inverted */
++ Byte = 0;
+ }
+- /* energy detect plus mode */
+ else {
+- Word |= PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_PLUS;
++ Byte = (SK_U8)(Y2_PCI_CLK_LNK1_DIS | Y2_COR_CLK_LNK1_DIS |
+ }
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ ("Set Clock Gating: 0x%02X\n", Byte));
+- /*
+- * reinitialize the PHY to force a software reset
+- * which is necessary after the register settings
+- * for the energy detect modes.
+- * Furthermore reinitialisation prevents that the
+- * PHY is running out of a stable state.
+- */
+- SkGmInitPhyMarv(pAC, IoC, Port, SK_FALSE);
+- break;
++ /* disable MAC/PHY, PCI and Core Clock for both Links */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, B2_Y2_CLK_GATE, Byte);
++ }
+- /* don't change current power mode */
+- default:
+- pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = LastMode;
+- Ret = 1;
+- break;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIVauxAvail) {
++ /* switch power to VAUX */
++ }
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B0_CTST, &DWord);
++ ("Ctrl/Stat & Switch: 0x%08x\n", DWord));
++#endif /* DEBUG */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1 &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIPciBus == SK_PEX_BUS) {
++ /* switch to D1 state */
++ }
+ }
+- }
+- /* low power modes are not supported by this chip */
+- else {
++ break;
++ /* IEEE compatible power down mode */
++ Ret = SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word |= PHY_M_PC_POL_R_DIS;
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* disable MAC 125 MHz clock */
++ Word |= PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK;
++ Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_MAC_POW_UP;
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ /* these register changes must be followed by a software reset */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word |= PHY_CT_RESET;
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
++ /* switch IEEE compatible power down mode on */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word |= PHY_CT_PDOWN;
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
++ break;
++ /* energy detect and energy detect plus mode */
++ Ret = SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word |= PHY_M_PC_POL_R_DIS;
++ if (!CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* disable MAC 125 MHz clock */
++ Word |= PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK;
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* enable Energy Detect (sense & pulse) */
++ Word |= PHY_M_PC_ENA_ENE_DT;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* clear energy detect mode bits */
++ Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_MSK;
++ Word |= (Mode == PHY_PM_ENERGY_DETECT) ? PHY_M_PC_EN_DET :
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ /* these register changes must be followed by a software reset */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word |= PHY_CT_RESET;
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
++ break;
++ /* don't change current power mode */
++ default:
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = LastMode;
+ Ret = 1;
+ }
+@@ -2233,7 +2410,7 @@
+ *
+ * SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode()
+ *
+- * Description:
++ * Description:
+ * Leave the current low power mode and switch to normal mode
+ *
+ * Note:
+@@ -2243,115 +2420,145 @@
+ * 1: error
+ */
+ int SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (e.g. MAC_1) */
+ {
+ SK_U32 DWord;
++ SK_U32 PowerDownBit;
+ SK_U16 Word;
+ SK_U8 LastMode;
+ int Ret = 0;
+- if (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite &&
+- pAC->GIni.GIChipRev == CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3) {
++ if (!(CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC) || (pAC->GIni.GIYukonLite &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipRev >= CHIP_REV_YU_LITE_A3))) {
+- /* save current power mode */
+- LastMode = pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState;
+- pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = PHY_PM_OPERATIONAL_MODE;
+- switch (LastMode) {
+- /* coma mode (deep sleep) */
+- SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(PCI_OUR_REG_1), &DWord);
+- /* Release PHY from Coma Mode */
+- SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &DWord);
+- /* set to output */
+- DWord |= (GP_DIR_9 | GP_IO_9);
+- /* set PHY reset */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord);
+- DWord &= ~GP_IO_9; /* clear PHY reset (active high) */
+- /* clear PHY reset */
+- SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord);
+- break;
+- /* IEEE compatible power down mode */
+- /*
+- * - enable MAC 125 MHz clock
+- * - set MAC power up
+- */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK;
+- Word |= PHY_M_PC_MAC_POW_UP;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ return(1);
++ }
+- /*
+- * register changes must be followed by a software
+- * reset to take effect
+- */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word |= PHY_CT_RESET;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
+- /* switch IEEE compatible power down mode off */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word &= ~PHY_CT_PDOWN;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
+- break;
++ /* save current power mode */
++ LastMode = pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState;
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = PHY_PM_OPERATIONAL_MODE;
+- /* energy detect and energy detect plus mode */
+- /*
+- * - enable MAC 125 MHz clock
+- */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
+- /* disable energy detect mode */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
+- Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_MSK;
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ ("SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode: %u\n", LastMode));
+- /*
+- * reinitialize the PHY to force a software reset
+- * which is necessary after the register settings
+- * for the energy detect modes.
+- * Furthermore reinitialisation prevents that the
+- * PHY is running out of a stable state.
+- */
+- SkGmInitPhyMarv(pAC, IoC, Port, SK_FALSE);
+- break;
++ switch (LastMode) {
++ /* COMA mode (deep sleep) */
+- /* don't change current power mode */
+- default:
+- pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = LastMode;
+- Ret = 1;
+- break;
++ SkPciReadCfgWord(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS, &Word);
++ /* reset all DState bits */
++ Word &= ~(PCI_PM_STATE_MSK);
++ /* switch to D0 state */
++ SkPciWriteCfgWord(pAC, PCI_PM_CTL_STS, Word);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* disable Core Clock Division */
++ /* set power down bit */
++ PowerDownBit = (Port == MAC_1) ? PCI_Y2_PHY1_POWD :
+ }
+- }
+- /* low power modes are not supported by this chip */
+- else {
++ else {
++ PowerDownBit = PCI_PHY_COMA;
++ }
++ SK_IN32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), &DWord);
++ /* Release PHY from PowerDown/COMA Mode */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PCI_C(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_1), DWord & ~PowerDownBit);
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* no COMA mode on Yukon-FE */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* release IEEE compatible Power Down Mode */
++ Ret = SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, PHY_CT_ANE);
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ SK_IN32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, &DWord);
++ /* set to output */
++ DWord |= (GP_DIR_9 | GP_IO_9);
++ /* set PHY reset */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord);
++ DWord &= ~GP_IO_9; /* clear PHY reset (active high) */
++ /* clear PHY reset */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B2_GP_IO, DWord);
++ }
++ break;
++ /* IEEE compatible power down mode */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ Ret = SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK; /* enable MAC 125 MHz clock */
++ Word |= PHY_M_PC_MAC_POW_UP; /* set MAC power up */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ /* these register changes must be followed by a software reset */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word |= PHY_CT_RESET;
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
++ }
++ /* switch IEEE compatible power down mode off */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word &= ~PHY_CT_PDOWN;
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
++ break;
++ /* energy detect and energy detect plus mode */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ Ret = SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Word);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* disable Energy Detect */
++ Word &= ~PHY_M_PC_ENA_ENE_DT;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* disable energy detect mode & enable MAC 125 MHz clock */
++ Word &= ~(PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_MSK | PHY_M_PC_DIS_125CLK);
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Word);
++ /* these register changes must be followed by a software reset */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &Word);
++ Word |= PHY_CT_RESET;
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, Word);
++ }
++ break;
++ /* don't change current power mode */
++ default:
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PPhyPowerState = LastMode;
+ Ret = 1;
+ }
+ return(Ret);
+ } /* SkGmLeaveLowPowerMode */
+-#endif /* !SK_SLIM */
++#endif /* SK_PHY_LP_MODE */
+ /******************************************************************************
+ *
+@@ -2365,74 +2572,182 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkGmInitPhyMarv(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL DoLoop) /* Should a Phy LoopBack be set-up? */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
++ SK_BOOL AutoNeg;
+ SK_U16 PhyCtrl;
+ SK_U16 C1000BaseT;
+ SK_U16 AutoNegAdv;
++ SK_U8 PauseMode;
++#ifndef VCPU
++ SK_U16 SWord;
++ SK_U16 PageReg;
++ SK_U16 LoopSpeed;
+ SK_U16 ExtPhyCtrl;
+ SK_U16 LedCtrl;
+- SK_BOOL AutoNeg;
++ SK_U16 LedOver;
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ SK_EVPARA Para;
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
+ #if defined(SK_DIAG) || defined(DEBUG)
+ SK_U16 PhyStat;
+ SK_U16 PhyStat1;
+ SK_U16 PhySpecStat;
+ #endif /* SK_DIAG || DEBUG */
++#endif /* !VCPU */
++ /* set Pause On */
++ PauseMode = (SK_U8)GMC_PAUSE_ON;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ /* Auto-negotiation ? */
+- if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_HALF || pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+- AutoNeg = SK_FALSE;
++ AutoNeg = pPrt->PLinkMode != SK_LMODE_HALF &&
++ pPrt->PLinkMode != SK_LMODE_FULL;
++ ("InitPhyMarv: Port %d, Auto-neg. %s, LMode %d, LSpeed %d, FlowC %d\n",
++ Port, AutoNeg ? "ON" : "OFF",
++ pPrt->PLinkMode, pPrt->PLinkSpeed, pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode));
++#ifndef VCPU
++ /* read Id from PHY */
++ if (SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_ID1, &pPrt->PhyId1) != 0) {
++#ifndef SK_DIAG
++ Para.Para64 = Port;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_PORT_FAIL, Para);
++#endif /* !SK_DIAG */
++ return;
+ }
+- else {
+- AutoNeg = SK_TRUE;
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) {
++ if (DoLoop) {
++ /* special setup for PHY 88E1112 */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ LoopSpeed = pPrt->PLinkSpeed;
++ if (LoopSpeed == SK_LSPEED_AUTO) {
++ /* force 1000 Mbps */
++ LoopSpeed = SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS;
++ }
++ LoopSpeed += 2;
++ /* save page register */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, &PageReg);
++ /* select page 2 to access MAC control register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 2);
++ /* set MAC interface speed */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, LoopSpeed << 4);
++ /* restore page register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, PageReg);
++ /* disable link pulses */
++ }
++ else {
++ /* set 'MAC Power up'-bit, set Manual MDI configuration */
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, SWord);
++ }
++ else if (AutoNeg && pPrt->PLinkSpeed == SK_LSPEED_AUTO &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* Read Ext. PHY Specific Control */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL, &ExtPhyCtrl);
++ ExtPhyCtrl &= ~(PHY_M_EC_M_DSC_MSK | PHY_M_EC_S_DSC_MSK |
++ ExtPhyCtrl |= PHY_M_EC_MAC_S(MAC_TX_CLK_25_MHZ);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC) {
++ /* on PHY 88E1111 there is a change for downshift control */
++ ExtPhyCtrl |= PHY_M_EC_DSC_2(2) | PHY_M_EC_DOWN_S_ENA;
++ }
++ else {
++ ExtPhyCtrl |= PHY_M_EC_M_DSC(2) | PHY_M_EC_S_DSC(3);
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL, ExtPhyCtrl);
++ ("Set Ext. PHY Ctrl=0x%04X\n", ExtPhyCtrl));
++ }
+ }
+- ("InitPhyMarv: Port %d, auto-negotiation %s\n",
+- Port, AutoNeg ? "ON" : "OFF"));
+-#ifdef VCPU
+- VCPUprintf(0, "SkGmInitPhyMarv(), Port=%u, DoLoop=%u\n",
+- Port, DoLoop);
+-#else /* VCPU */
+- if (DoLoop) {
+- /* Set 'MAC Power up'-bit, set Manual MDI configuration */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL,
++ if (CHIP_ID_YUKON_2(pAC)) {
++ /* Read PHY Specific Control */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &PhyCtrl);
++ if (!DoLoop && pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* enable Automatic Crossover (!!! Bits 5..4) */
++ PhyCtrl |= (SK_U16)(PHY_M_PC_MDI_XMODE(PHY_M_PC_ENA_AUTO) >> 1);
++ }
++ else {
++ /* disable Energy Detect Mode */
++ PhyCtrl &= ~PHY_M_PC_EN_DET_MSK;
++ /* enable Automatic Crossover */
++ if (AutoNeg && pPrt->PLinkSpeed == SK_LSPEED_AUTO &&
++ pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* on PHY 88E1112 there is a change for downshift control */
++ PhyCtrl &= ~PHY_M_PC_DSC_MSK;
++ PhyCtrl |= PHY_M_PC_DSC(2) | PHY_M_PC_DOWN_S_ENA;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* workaround for deviation #4.88 (CRC errors) */
++ else {
++ /* disable Automatic Crossover */
++ PhyCtrl &= ~PHY_M_PC_MDIX_MSK;
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, PhyCtrl);
+ }
+- else if (AutoNeg && pPrt->PLinkSpeed == SK_LSPEED_AUTO) {
+- /* Read Ext. PHY Specific Control */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL, &ExtPhyCtrl);
+- ExtPhyCtrl &= ~(PHY_M_EC_M_DSC_MSK | PHY_M_EC_S_DSC_MSK |
+- ExtPhyCtrl |= PHY_M_EC_MAC_S(MAC_TX_CLK_25_MHZ) |
+- PHY_M_EC_M_DSC(0) | PHY_M_EC_S_DSC(1);
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL, ExtPhyCtrl);
+- ("Set Ext. PHY Ctrl=0x%04X\n", ExtPhyCtrl));
++ /* special setup for PHY 88E1112 Fiber */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL && !pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
++ /* Fiber: select 1000BASE-X only mode MAC Specific Ctrl Reg. */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 2);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &SWord);
++ SWord &= ~PHY_M_MAC_MD_MSK;
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, SWord);
++ /* select page 1 to access Fiber registers */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 1);
+ }
+ /* Read PHY Control */
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &PhyCtrl);
+ if (!AutoNeg) {
+- /* Disable Auto-negotiation */
++ /* disable Auto-negotiation */
+ PhyCtrl &= ~PHY_CT_ANE;
+ }
+ PhyCtrl |= PHY_CT_RESET;
+- /* Assert software reset */
++ /* assert software reset */
+ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, PhyCtrl);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++#endif /* !VCPU */
+ PhyCtrl = 0 /* PHY_CT_COL_TST */;
+ C1000BaseT = 0;
+@@ -2442,30 +2757,31 @@
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode != SK_MS_MODE_AUTO) {
+ /* enable Manual Master/Slave */
+ C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_MSE;
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode == SK_MS_MODE_MASTER) {
+ C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_MSC; /* set it to Master */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Auto-negotiation ? */
+ if (!AutoNeg) {
+ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+- /* Set Full Duplex Mode */
++ /* set Full Duplex Mode */
+ PhyCtrl |= PHY_CT_DUP_MD;
+ }
+- /* Set Master/Slave manually if not already done */
++ /* set Master/Slave manually if not already done */
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode == SK_MS_MODE_AUTO) {
+ C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_MSE; /* set it to Slave */
+ }
+- /* Set Speed */
++ /* set Speed */
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkSpeed) {
+ case SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS:
+- PhyCtrl |= PHY_CT_SP1000;
++ PhyCtrl |= (((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) ?
++ PHY_CT_SP1000 : PHY_CT_SP100);
+ break;
+ case SK_LSPEED_100MBPS:
+ PhyCtrl |= PHY_CT_SP100;
+@@ -2477,38 +2793,65 @@
+ }
++ if ((pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE) ||
++ /* disable Pause also for 10/100 Mbps in half duplex mode */
++ ((pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_HALF) &&
++ ((pPrt->PLinkSpeed == SK_LSPEED_STAT_100MBPS) ||
++ (pPrt->PLinkSpeed == SK_LSPEED_STAT_10MBPS)))) {
++ /* set Pause Off */
++ PauseMode = (SK_U8)GMC_PAUSE_OFF;
++ }
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_CTRL), PauseMode);
+ if (!DoLoop) {
++ /* assert software reset */
+ PhyCtrl |= PHY_CT_RESET;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+- /* Set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
++ /* set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
+ if (pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
+- /* Set Speed capabilities */
++ /* set Speed capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkSpeed) {
+- C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_AHD | PHY_M_1000C_AFD;
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) {
++ C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_AFD;
++#ifdef xSK_DIAG
++ C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_AHD;
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
++ }
+ AutoNegAdv |= PHY_M_AN_100_FD | PHY_M_AN_100_HD |
+ PHY_M_AN_10_FD | PHY_M_AN_10_HD;
+ break;
+ case SK_LSPEED_1000MBPS:
+- C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_AHD | PHY_M_1000C_AFD;
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) {
++ C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_AFD;
++#ifdef xSK_DIAG
++ C1000BaseT |= PHY_M_1000C_AHD;
++#endif /* SK_DIAG */
++ }
+ break;
+ case SK_LSPEED_100MBPS:
+- AutoNegAdv |= PHY_M_AN_100_FD | PHY_M_AN_100_HD |
+- /* advertise 10Base-T also */
+- PHY_M_AN_10_FD | PHY_M_AN_10_HD;
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_100MBPS) != 0) {
++ AutoNegAdv |= PHY_M_AN_100_FD | PHY_M_AN_100_HD |
++ /* advertise 10Base-T also */
++ PHY_M_AN_10_FD | PHY_M_AN_10_HD;
++ }
+ break;
+ case SK_LSPEED_10MBPS:
+- AutoNegAdv |= PHY_M_AN_10_FD | PHY_M_AN_10_HD;
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_10MBPS) != 0) {
++ AutoNegAdv |= PHY_M_AN_10_FD | PHY_M_AN_10_HD;
++ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+- /* Set Full/half duplex capabilities */
++ /* set Full/half duplex capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkMode) {
+ C1000BaseT &= ~PHY_M_1000C_AFD;
+@@ -2524,8 +2867,8 @@
+ }
+- /* Set Flow-control capabilities */
++ /* set Flow-control capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+ AutoNegAdv |= PHY_B_P_NO_PAUSE;
+@@ -2545,8 +2888,8 @@
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* special defines for FIBER (88E1011S only) */
+- /* Set Full/half duplex capabilities */
++ /* set Full/half duplex capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkMode) {
+ AutoNegAdv |= PHY_M_AN_1000X_AHD;
+@@ -2561,8 +2904,8 @@
+ }
+- /* Set Flow-control capabilities */
++ /* set Flow-control capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+ AutoNegAdv |= PHY_M_P_NO_PAUSE_X;
+@@ -2587,52 +2930,51 @@
+ PhyCtrl |= PHY_CT_ANE | PHY_CT_RE_CFG;
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef VCPU
+ /*
+ * E-mail from Gu Lin (08-03-2002):
+ */
+ /* Program PHY register 30 as 16'h0708 for simulation speed up */
+ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 30, 0x0700 /* 0x0708 */);
+ VCpuWait(2000);
+ #else /* VCPU */
+- /* Write 1000Base-T Control Register */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL, C1000BaseT);
+- ("Set 1000B-T Ctrl =0x%04X\n", C1000BaseT));
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* Write 1000Base-T Control Register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL, C1000BaseT);
++ ("Set 1000B-T Ctrl =0x%04X\n", C1000BaseT));
++ }
+ /* Write AutoNeg Advertisement Register */
+ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV, AutoNegAdv);
+ ("Set Auto-Neg.Adv.=0x%04X\n", AutoNegAdv));
+ #endif /* VCPU */
+ if (DoLoop) {
+- /* Set the PHY Loopback bit */
++ /* set the PHY Loopback bit */
+ PhyCtrl |= PHY_CT_LOOP;
+ #ifdef XXX
+ /* Program PHY register 16 as 16'h0400 to force link good */
+-#endif /* XXX */
+-#ifndef VCPU
+ if (pPrt->PLinkSpeed != SK_LSPEED_AUTO) {
+ /* Write Ext. PHY Specific Control */
+ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL,
+ (SK_U16)((pPrt->PLinkSpeed + 2) << 4));
+ }
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++#endif /* XXX */
+ }
+ #ifdef TEST_ONLY
+ else if (pPrt->PLinkSpeed == SK_LSPEED_10MBPS) {
+- /* Write PHY Specific Control */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL,
++ /* Write PHY Specific Control */
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -2645,27 +2987,83 @@
+ VCpuWait(2000);
+ #else
++ LedCtrl = PHY_M_LED_PULS_DUR(PULS_170MS);
++ LedOver = 0;
++ if ((pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl & SK_ACT_LED_BLINK) != 0) {
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* on 88E3082 these bits are at 11..9 (shifted left) */
++ LedCtrl |= PHY_M_LED_BLINK_RT(BLINK_84MS) << 1;
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_FE_LED_PAR, &SWord);
++ /* delete ACT LED control bits */
++ SWord &= ~PHY_M_FELP_LED1_MSK;
++ /* change ACT LED control to blink mode */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_FE_LED_PAR, SWord);
++ }
++ else if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* save page register */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, &PageReg);
++ /* select page 3 to access LED control register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 3);
++ /* set LED Function Control register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, (SK_U16)
++ PHY_M_LEDC_INIT_CTRL(7) | /* 10 Mbps */
++ PHY_M_LEDC_STA1_CTRL(7) | /* 100 Mbps */
++ PHY_M_LEDC_STA0_CTRL(7))); /* 1000 Mbps */
++ /* set Polarity Control register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT, (SK_U16)
++ /* restore page register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, PageReg);
++ }
++ else {
++ /* set Tx LED (LED_TX) to blink mode on Rx OR Tx activity */
+- if ((pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl & SK_ACT_LED_BLINK) != 0) {
++ /* on PHY 88E1111 there is a change for LED control */
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC &&
++ (pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl & SK_DUAL_LED_ACT_LNK) != 0) {
++ /* Yukon-EC needs setting of 2 bits: 0,6=11) */
++ LedCtrl |= PHY_M_LEDC_TX_C_LSB;
++ }
++ /* turn off the Rx LED (LED_RX) */
++ LedOver |= PHY_M_LED_MO_RX(MO_LED_OFF);
++ }
+ }
+ if ((pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl & SK_DUP_LED_NORMAL) != 0) {
++ /* disable blink mode (LED_DUPLEX) on collisions */
+ LedCtrl |= PHY_M_LEDC_DP_CTRL;
+ }
+ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_LED_CTRL, LedCtrl);
+ if ((pAC->GIni.GILedBlinkCtrl & SK_LED_LINK100_ON) != 0) {
+ /* only in forced 100 Mbps mode */
+ if (!AutoNeg && pPrt->PLinkSpeed == SK_LSPEED_100MBPS) {
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_LED_OVER,
+- PHY_M_LED_MO_100(MO_LED_ON));
++ /* turn on 100 Mbps LED (LED_LINK100) */
++ LedOver |= PHY_M_LED_MO_100(MO_LED_ON);
+ }
+ }
++ if (LedOver != 0) {
++ /* set Manual LED Override */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_LED_OVER, LedOver);
++ }
+ #ifdef SK_DIAG
+ c_print("Set PHY Ctrl=0x%04X\n", PhyCtrl);
+ c_print("Set 1000 B-T=0x%04X\n", C1000BaseT);
+@@ -2678,30 +3076,33 @@
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, &PhyCtrl);
+ ("PHY Ctrl Reg.=0x%04X\n", PhyCtrl));
+- /* Read 1000Base-T Control Register */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL, &C1000BaseT);
+- ("1000B-T Ctrl =0x%04X\n", C1000BaseT));
+ /* Read AutoNeg Advertisement Register */
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV, &AutoNegAdv);
+ ("Auto-Neg.Adv.=0x%04X\n", AutoNegAdv));
+- /* Read Ext. PHY Specific Control */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL, &ExtPhyCtrl);
+- ("Ext. PHY Ctrl=0x%04X\n", ExtPhyCtrl));
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId != CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* Read 1000Base-T Control Register */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL, &C1000BaseT);
++ ("1000B-T Ctrl =0x%04X\n", C1000BaseT));
++ /* Read Ext. PHY Specific Control */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_CTRL, &ExtPhyCtrl);
++ ("Ext. PHY Ctrl=0x%04X\n", ExtPhyCtrl));
++ }
+ /* Read PHY Status */
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_STAT, &PhyStat);
+ ("PHY Stat Reg.=0x%04X\n", PhyStat));
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_STAT, &PhyStat1);
+ ("PHY Stat Reg.=0x%04X\n", PhyStat1));
+ /* Read PHY Specific Status */
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT, &PhySpecStat);
+@@ -2718,6 +3119,8 @@
+ c_print("PHY Spec Reg=0x%04X\n", PhySpecStat);
+ #endif /* SK_DIAG */
++ /* enable all PHY interrupts */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_MASK, (SK_U16)PHY_M_DEF_MSK);
+ #endif /* VCPU */
+ } /* SkGmInitPhyMarv */
+@@ -2737,8 +3140,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmInitPhyLone(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL DoLoop) /* Should a Phy LoopBack be set-up? */
+ {
+@@ -2756,7 +3159,7 @@
+ /* manually Master/Slave ? */
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode != SK_MS_MODE_AUTO) {
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_L_1000C_MSE;
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode == SK_MS_MODE_MASTER) {
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_L_1000C_MSC;
+ }
+@@ -2769,7 +3172,7 @@
+ */
+ ("InitPhyLone: no auto-negotiation Port %d\n", Port));
+- /* Set DuplexMode in Config register */
++ /* set DuplexMode in Config register */
+ if (pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_FULL) {
+ Ctrl1 |= PHY_CT_DUP_MD;
+ }
+@@ -2778,7 +3181,6 @@
+ if (pPrt->PMSMode == SK_MS_MODE_AUTO) {
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_L_1000C_MSE; /* set it to Slave */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Do NOT enable Auto-negotiation here. This would hold
+ * the link down because no IDLES are transmitted
+@@ -2787,9 +3189,9 @@
+ else {
+ ("InitPhyLone: with auto-negotiation Port %d\n", Port));
+- /* Set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
++ /* set Auto-negotiation advertisement */
+- /* Set Full/half duplex capabilities */
++ /* set Full/half duplex capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PLinkMode) {
+ Ctrl2 |= PHY_L_1000C_AHD;
+@@ -2805,7 +3207,7 @@
+ }
+- /* Set Flow-control capabilities */
++ /* set Flow-control capabilities */
+ switch (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+ Ctrl3 |= PHY_L_P_NO_PAUSE;
+@@ -2827,19 +3229,19 @@
+ /* Restart Auto-negotiation */
+ }
+ /* Write 1000Base-T Control Register */
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_LONE_1000T_CTRL, Ctrl2);
+ ("1000B-T Ctrl Reg=0x%04X\n", Ctrl2));
+ /* Write AutoNeg Advertisement Register */
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_LONE_AUNE_ADV, Ctrl3);
+ ("Auto-Neg.Adv.Reg=0x%04X\n", Ctrl3));
+ if (DoLoop) {
+- /* Set the Phy Loopback bit, too */
++ /* set the Phy Loopback bit, too */
+ Ctrl1 |= PHY_CT_LOOP;
+ }
+@@ -2862,8 +3264,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ static void SkXmInitPhyNat(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL DoLoop) /* Should a Phy LoopBack be set-up? */
+ {
+@@ -2884,8 +3286,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacInitPhy(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL DoLoop) /* Should a Phy LoopBack be set-up? */
+ {
+@@ -2895,7 +3297,7 @@
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ switch (pPrt->PhyType) {
+ case SK_PHY_XMAC:
+ SkXmInitPhyXmac(pAC, IoC, Port, DoLoop);
+@@ -2914,10 +3316,10 @@
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ SkGmInitPhyMarv(pAC, IoC, Port, DoLoop);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -2935,12 +3337,12 @@
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * SK_AND_OK o.k.
+- * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
+- * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
++ * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
++ * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
+ */
+ static int SkXmAutoNegDoneXmac(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -2958,10 +3360,10 @@
+ if ((LPAb & PHY_X_AN_RFB) != 0) {
+ /* At least one of the remote fault bit is set */
+- /* Error */
+ ("AutoNegFail: Remote fault bit set Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ return(SK_AND_OTHER);
+ }
+@@ -2974,9 +3376,10 @@
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Error */
+ ("AutoNegFail: Duplex mode mismatch Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ return(SK_AND_DUP_CAP);
+ }
+@@ -2984,19 +3387,19 @@
+ /* We are NOT using chapter 4.23 of the Xaqti manual */
+ /* We are using IEEE 802.3z/D5.0 Table 37-4 */
+ if ((pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYMMETRIC ||
+- pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM) &&
+- (LPAb & PHY_X_P_SYM_MD) != 0) {
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM) &&
++ (LPAb & PHY_X_P_SYM_MD) != 0) {
+ /* Symmetric PAUSE */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_SYMMETRIC;
+ }
+ else if (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM &&
+- /* Enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
++ /* enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND;
+ }
+ else if (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode == SK_FLOW_MODE_LOC_SEND &&
+- /* Disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
++ /* disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND;
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -3018,12 +3421,12 @@
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * SK_AND_OK o.k.
+- * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
+- * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
++ * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
++ * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
+ */
+ static int SkXmAutoNegDoneBcom(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -3031,9 +3434,8 @@
+ SK_U16 AuxStat; /* Auxiliary Status */
+ #ifdef TEST_ONLY
+-01-Sep-2000 RA;:;:
+ SK_U16 ResAb; /* Resolved Ability */
+-#endif /* 0 */
+ ("AutoNegDoneBcom, Port %d\n", Port));
+@@ -3042,17 +3444,17 @@
+ /* Get PHY parameters */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUNE_LP, &LPAb);
+ #ifdef TEST_ONLY
+-01-Sep-2000 RA;:;:
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_1000T_STAT, &ResAb);
+-#endif /* 0 */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_STAT, &AuxStat);
+ if ((LPAb & PHY_B_AN_RF) != 0) {
+ /* Remote fault bit is set: Error */
+ ("AutoNegFail: Remote fault bit set Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ return(SK_AND_OTHER);
+ }
+@@ -3065,26 +3467,26 @@
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Error */
+ ("AutoNegFail: Duplex mode mismatch Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ return(SK_AND_DUP_CAP);
+ }
+ #ifdef TEST_ONLY
+-01-Sep-2000 RA;:;:
+ /* Check Master/Slave resolution */
+ if ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) != 0) {
+ ("Master/Slave Fault Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_FAULT;
+ return(SK_AND_OTHER);
+ }
+ pPrt->PMSStatus = ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSR) != 0) ?
+-#endif /* 0 */
+ /* Check PAUSE mismatch ??? */
+ /* We are using IEEE 802.3z/D5.0 Table 37-4 */
+@@ -3093,11 +3495,11 @@
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_SYMMETRIC;
+ }
+ else if ((AuxStat & PHY_B_AS_PAUSE_MSK) == PHY_B_AS_PRR) {
+- /* Enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
++ /* enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND;
+ }
+ else if ((AuxStat & PHY_B_AS_PAUSE_MSK) == PHY_B_AS_PRT) {
+- /* Disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
++ /* disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND;
+ }
+ else {
+@@ -3121,18 +3523,22 @@
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * SK_AND_OK o.k.
+- * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
+- * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
++ * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
++ * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
+ */
+ static int SkGmAutoNegDoneMarv(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ SK_U16 LPAb; /* Link Partner Ability */
+ SK_U16 ResAb; /* Resolved Ability */
+ SK_U16 AuxStat; /* Auxiliary Status */
++ SK_U8 PauseMode; /* Pause Mode */
++ /* set Pause On */
++ PauseMode = (SK_U8)GMC_PAUSE_ON;
+ ("AutoNegDoneMarv, Port %d\n", Port));
+@@ -3142,78 +3548,107 @@
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_LP, &LPAb);
+ ("Link P.Abil.=0x%04X\n", LPAb));
+ if ((LPAb & PHY_M_AN_RF) != 0) {
+ ("AutoNegFail: Remote fault bit set Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ return(SK_AND_OTHER);
+ }
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_STAT, &ResAb);
+- /* Check Master/Slave resolution */
+- if ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) != 0) {
+- ("Master/Slave Fault Port %d\n", Port));
+- pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+- pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_FAULT;
+- return(SK_AND_OTHER);
++ if ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedCap & SK_LSPEED_CAP_1000MBPS) != 0) {
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_1000T_STAT, &ResAb);
++ /* Check Master/Slave resolution */
++ if ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) != 0) {
++ ("Master/Slave Fault Port %d\n", Port));
++ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
++ pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_FAULT;
++ return(SK_AND_OTHER);
++ }
++ pPrt->PMSStatus = ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSR) != 0) ?
+ }
+- pPrt->PMSStatus = ((ResAb & PHY_B_1000S_MSR) != 0) ?
+ /* Read PHY Specific Status */
+ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_STAT, &AuxStat);
+ /* Check Speed & Duplex resolved */
+ if ((AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_SPDUP_RES) == 0) {
+ ("AutoNegFail: Speed & Duplex not resolved, Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_UNKNOWN;
+ return(SK_AND_DUP_CAP);
+ }
+- if ((AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_FULL_DUP) != 0) {
+- pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOFULL;
+- }
+- else {
+- pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF;
+- }
+- /* Check PAUSE mismatch ??? */
+- /* We are using IEEE 802.3z/D5.0 Table 37-4 */
+- if ((AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_PAUSE_MSK) == PHY_M_PS_PAUSE_MSK) {
+- /* Symmetric PAUSE */
+- pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_SYMMETRIC;
+- }
+- else if ((AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_PAUSE_MSK) == PHY_M_PS_RX_P_EN) {
+- /* Enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
+- pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND;
+- }
+- else if ((AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_PAUSE_MSK) == PHY_M_PS_TX_P_EN) {
+- /* Disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
+- pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND;
++ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)(((AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_FULL_DUP) != 0) ?
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ /* set used link speed */
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)(((AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_SPEED_100) != 0) ?
+ }
+ else {
+- /* PAUSE mismatch -> no PAUSE */
+- pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE;
++ /* set used link speed */
++ switch ((unsigned)(AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_SPEED_MSK)) {
++ case (unsigned)PHY_M_PS_SPEED_1000:
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_1000MBPS;
++ break;
++ case PHY_M_PS_SPEED_100:
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_100MBPS;
++ break;
++ default:
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_10MBPS;
++ }
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* Tx & Rx Pause Enabled bits are at 9..8 */
++ AuxStat >>= 6;
++ if (!pAC->GIni.GICopperType) {
++ /* always 1000 Mbps on fiber */
++ pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_1000MBPS;
++ }
++ }
++ AuxStat &= PHY_M_PS_PAUSE_MSK;
++ /* We are using IEEE 802.3z/D5.0 Table 37-4 */
++ if (AuxStat == PHY_M_PS_PAUSE_MSK) {
++ /* Symmetric PAUSE */
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_SYMMETRIC;
++ }
++ else if (AuxStat == PHY_M_PS_RX_P_EN) {
++ /* enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND;
++ }
++ else if (AuxStat == PHY_M_PS_TX_P_EN) {
++ /* disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* PAUSE mismatch -> no PAUSE */
++ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE;
++ }
+ }
+- /* set used link speed */
+- switch ((unsigned)(AuxStat & PHY_M_PS_SPEED_MSK)) {
+- case (unsigned)PHY_M_PS_SPEED_1000:
+- pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_1000MBPS;
+- break;
+- case PHY_M_PS_SPEED_100:
+- pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_100MBPS;
+- break;
+- default:
+- pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed = (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_10MBPS;
++ if ((pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus == SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE) ||
++ /* disable Pause also for 10/100 Mbps in half duplex mode */
++ ((pPrt->PLinkSpeedUsed < (SK_U8)SK_LSPEED_STAT_1000MBPS) &&
++ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF)) {
++ /* set Pause Off */
++ PauseMode = (SK_U8)GMC_PAUSE_OFF;
+ }
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_CTRL), PauseMode);
+ return(SK_AND_OK);
+ } /* SkGmAutoNegDoneMarv */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -3229,12 +3664,12 @@
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * SK_AND_OK o.k.
+- * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
+- * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
++ * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
++ * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
+ */
+ static int SkXmAutoNegDoneLone(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -3253,10 +3688,10 @@
+ if ((LPAb & PHY_L_AN_RF) != 0) {
+ /* Remote fault bit is set */
+- /* Error */
+ ("AutoNegFail: Remote fault bit set Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ return(SK_AND_OTHER);
+ }
+@@ -3267,28 +3702,25 @@
+ else {
+ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus = (SK_U8)SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF;
+ }
+ /* Check Master/Slave resolution */
+ if ((ResAb & PHY_L_1000S_MSF) != 0) {
+ /* Error */
+ ("Master/Slave Fault Port %d\n", Port));
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_TRUE;
+ pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_FAULT;
+ return(SK_AND_OTHER);
+ }
+- else if (ResAb & PHY_L_1000S_MSR) {
+- pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_MASTER;
+- }
+- else {
+- pPrt->PMSStatus = SK_MS_STAT_SLAVE;
+- }
++ pPrt->PMSStatus = ((ResAb & PHY_L_1000S_MSR) != 0) ?
+ /* Check PAUSE mismatch */
+ /* We are using IEEE 802.3z/D5.0 Table 37-4 */
+ /* we must manually resolve the abilities here */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_NONE;
+ switch (pPrt->PFlowCtrlMode) {
+ /* default */
+@@ -3296,7 +3728,7 @@
+ if ((QuickStat & (PHY_L_QS_PAUSE | PHY_L_QS_AS_PAUSE)) ==
+- /* Disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
++ /* disable PAUSE receive, enable PAUSE transmit */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND;
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -3309,7 +3741,7 @@
+ if ((QuickStat & (PHY_L_QS_PAUSE | PHY_L_QS_AS_PAUSE)) ==
+- /* Enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
++ /* enable PAUSE receive, disable PAUSE transmit */
+ pPrt->PFlowCtrlStatus = SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND;
+ }
+ else if ((QuickStat & PHY_L_QS_PAUSE) != 0) {
+@@ -3321,7 +3753,7 @@
+ }
+ return(SK_AND_OK);
+ } /* SkXmAutoNegDoneLone */
+@@ -3335,12 +3767,12 @@
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * SK_AND_OK o.k.
+- * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
+- * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
++ * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
++ * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
+ */
+ static int SkXmAutoNegDoneNat(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ /* todo: National */
+@@ -3357,12 +3789,12 @@
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * SK_AND_OK o.k.
+- * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
+- * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
++ * SK_AND_DUP_CAP Duplex capability error happened
++ * SK_AND_OTHER Other error happened
+ */
+-int SkMacAutoNegDone(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++int SkMacAutoNegDone(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -3374,9 +3806,9 @@
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ switch (pPrt->PhyType) {
+ case SK_PHY_XMAC:
+ Rtv = SkXmAutoNegDoneXmac(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ break;
+@@ -3396,26 +3828,26 @@
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ Rtv = SkGmAutoNegDoneMarv(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ if (Rtv != SK_AND_OK) {
+ return(Rtv);
+ }
+ ("AutoNeg done Port %d\n", Port));
+ /* We checked everything and may now enable the link */
+ pPrt->PAutoNegFail = SK_FALSE;
+ SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ return(SK_AND_OK);
+ } /* SkMacAutoNegDone */
+@@ -3433,7 +3865,7 @@
+ */
+ static void SkXmSetRxTxEn(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int Para) /* Parameter to set: MAC or PHY LoopBack, Duplex Mode */
+ {
+@@ -3458,7 +3890,7 @@
+ Word &= ~XM_MMU_GMII_LOOP;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (Para & (SK_PHY_FULLD_ON | SK_PHY_FULLD_OFF)) {
+ Word |= XM_MMU_GMII_FD;
+@@ -3467,7 +3899,7 @@
+ Word &= ~XM_MMU_GMII_FD;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* dummy read to ensure writing */
+@@ -3490,12 +3922,12 @@
+ */
+ static void SkGmSetRxTxEn(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int Para) /* Parameter to set: MAC LoopBack, Duplex Mode */
+ {
+ SK_U16 Ctrl;
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, &Ctrl);
+ switch (Para & (SK_MAC_LOOPB_ON | SK_MAC_LOOPB_OFF)) {
+@@ -3515,12 +3947,13 @@
+ Ctrl &= ~GM_GPCR_DUP_FULL;
+ break;
+ }
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, (SK_U16)(Ctrl | GM_GPCR_RX_ENA |
++#ifdef XXX
+ /* dummy read to ensure writing */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, &Ctrl);
++#endif /* XXX */
+ } /* SkGmSetRxTxEn */
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -3537,20 +3970,20 @@
+ */
+ void SkMacSetRxTxEn(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ int Para)
+ {
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ SkXmSetRxTxEn(pAC, IoC, Port, Para);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ SkGmSetRxTxEn(pAC, IoC, Port, Para);
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -3570,8 +4003,8 @@
+ * != 0 Error happened
+ */
+ int SkMacRxTxEnable(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -3589,9 +4022,9 @@
+ }
+ if ((pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_AUTOHALF ||
+- pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL ||
+- pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_AUTOBOTH) &&
+- pPrt->PAutoNegFail) {
++ pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_AUTOFULL ||
++ pPrt->PLinkMode == SK_LMODE_AUTOBOTH) &&
++ pPrt->PAutoNegFail) {
+ /* Auto-negotiation is not done or failed */
+ return(0);
+ }
+@@ -3600,9 +4033,9 @@
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ /* set Duplex Mode and Pause Mode */
+ SkXmInitDupMd(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ SkXmInitPauseMd(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ /*
+ * Initialize the Interrupt Mask Register. Default IRQs are...
+ * - Link Asynchronous Event
+@@ -3618,23 +4051,23 @@
+ /* add IRQ for Receive FIFO Overflow */
+ IntMask &= ~XM_IS_RXF_OV;
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) {
+ /* disable GP0 interrupt bit */
+ IntMask |= XM_IS_INP_ASS;
+ }
+ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_IMSK, IntMask);
+ /* get MMU Command Reg. */
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &Reg);
+ if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC &&
+ (pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == SK_LMODE_STAT_FULL ||
+ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOFULL)) {
+ /* set to Full Duplex */
+ Reg |= XM_MMU_GMII_FD;
+ }
+ switch (pPrt->PhyType) {
+ case SK_PHY_BCOM:
+ /*
+@@ -3644,7 +4077,7 @@
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL, &SWord);
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL,
+ (SK_U16)(SWord & ~PHY_B_AC_DIS_PM));
+- SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_INT_MASK,
++ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_INT_MASK,
+ break;
+ #ifdef OTHER_PHY
+@@ -3658,12 +4091,12 @@
+ break;
+ #endif /* OTHER_PHY */
+ }
+ /* enable Rx/Tx */
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /*
+@@ -3674,34 +4107,34 @@
+ */
+ IntMask = GMAC_DEF_MSK;
+-#ifdef DEBUG
++#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(YUK2)
+ /* add IRQ for Receive FIFO Overrun */
+ IntMask |= GM_IS_RX_FF_OR;
+-#endif /* DEBUG */
+- SK_OUT8(IoC, GMAC_IRQ_MSK, (SK_U8)IntMask);
++#endif /* DEBUG || YUK2 */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_IRQ_MSK), (SK_U8)IntMask);
+ /* get General Purpose Control */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, &Reg);
+ if (pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == SK_LMODE_STAT_FULL ||
+ pPrt->PLinkModeStatus == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOFULL) {
+ /* set to Full Duplex */
+ }
+ /* enable Rx/Tx */
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, (SK_U16)(Reg | GM_GPCR_RX_ENA |
+-#ifndef VCPU
+- /* Enable all PHY interrupts */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_MASK,
+- (SK_U16)PHY_M_DEF_MSK);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++#ifdef XXX
++ /* dummy read to ensure writing */
++ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, &Reg);
++#endif /* XXX */
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PState = SK_PRT_RUN;
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkMacRxTxEnable */
+@@ -3717,33 +4150,38 @@
+ */
+ void SkMacRxTxDisable(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U16 Word;
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &Word);
+- XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, Word & ~(XM_MMU_ENA_RX | XM_MMU_ENA_TX));
++ Word &= ~(XM_MMU_ENA_RX | XM_MMU_ENA_TX);
++ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, Word);
+ /* dummy read to ensure writing */
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_MMU_CMD, &Word);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, &Word);
+- GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, (SK_U16)(Word & ~(GM_GPCR_RX_ENA |
++ Word &= ~(GM_GPCR_RX_ENA | GM_GPCR_TX_ENA);
++ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, Word);
++#ifdef XXX
+ /* dummy read to ensure writing */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_GP_CTRL, &Word);
++#endif /* XXX */
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -3760,7 +4198,7 @@
+ */
+ void SkMacIrqDisable(
+ SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -3772,18 +4210,18 @@
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
+ /* disable all XMAC IRQs */
+- XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_IMSK, 0xffff);
+- /* Disable all PHY interrupts */
++ XM_OUT16(IoC, Port, XM_IMSK, 0xffff);
++ /* disable all PHY interrupts */
+ switch (pPrt->PhyType) {
+ case SK_PHY_BCOM:
+ /* Make sure that PHY is initialized */
+ if (pPrt->PState != SK_PRT_RESET) {
+ /* NOT allowed if BCOM is in RESET state */
+ /* Workaround BCOM Errata (#10523) all BCom */
+- /* Disable Power Management if link is down */
++ /* disable Power Management if link is down */
+ SkXmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL, &Word);
+ SkXmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_BCOM_AUX_CTRL,
+ (SK_U16)(Word | PHY_B_AC_DIS_PM));
+@@ -3802,16 +4240,16 @@
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* disable all GMAC IRQs */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_IRQ_MSK), 0);
+ #ifndef VCPU
+- /* Disable all PHY interrupts */
++ /* disable all PHY interrupts */
+ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_INT_MASK, 0);
+-#endif /* VCPU */
++#endif /* !VCPU */
+ }
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+@@ -3823,29 +4261,72 @@
+ *
+ * SkXmSendCont() - Enable / Disable Send Continuous Mode
+ *
+- * Description: enable / disable Send Continuous Mode on XMAC
++ * Description: enable / disable Send Continuous Mode on XMAC resp.
++ * Packet Generation on GPHY
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkXmSendCont(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL Enable) /* Enable / Disable */
+ {
++ SK_U16 Reg;
++ SK_U16 Save;
+ SK_U32 MdReg;
+- XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, &MdReg);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIGenesis) {
++ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, &MdReg);
+- if (Enable) {
+- MdReg |= XM_MD_TX_CONT;
++ if (Enable) {
++ MdReg |= XM_MD_TX_CONT;
++ }
++ else {
++ MdReg &= ~XM_MD_TX_CONT;
++ }
++ /* setup Mode Register */
++ XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, MdReg);
+ }
+ else {
+- MdReg &= ~XM_MD_TX_CONT;
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC) {
++ /* select page 18 */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_ADDR, 18);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, &Reg);
++ Reg &= ~0x003c; /* clear bits 5..2 */
++ if (Enable) {
++ /* enable packet generation, 1518 byte length */
++ Reg |= (BIT_5S | BIT_3S);
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, Reg);
++ }
++ else if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL) {
++ /* save page register */
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, &Save);
++ /* select page 6 to access Packet Generation register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 6);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, &Reg);
++ Reg &= ~0x003f; /* clear bits 5..0 */
++ if (Enable) {
++ /* enable packet generation, 1518 byte length */
++ Reg |= (BIT_3S | BIT_1S);
++ }
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL, Reg);
++ /* restore page register */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, Save);
++ }
+ }
+- /* setup Mode Register */
+- XM_OUT32(IoC, Port, XM_MODE, MdReg);
+ } /* SkXmSendCont */
+@@ -3860,8 +4341,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacTimeStamp(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL Enable) /* Enable / Disable */
+ {
+@@ -3906,8 +4387,8 @@
+ * is set true.
+ */
+ void SkXmAutoNegLipaXmac(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U16 IStatus) /* Interrupt Status word to analyse */
+ {
+@@ -3921,6 +4402,7 @@
+ ("AutoNegLipa: AutoNeg detected on Port %d, IStatus=0x%04X\n",
+ Port, IStatus));
+ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = SK_LIPA_AUTO;
+ }
+ } /* SkXmAutoNegLipaXmac */
+@@ -3936,8 +4418,8 @@
+ * is set true.
+ */
+ void SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U16 PhyStat) /* PHY Status word to analyse */
+ {
+@@ -3951,6 +4433,7 @@
+ ("AutoNegLipa: AutoNeg detected on Port %d, PhyStat=0x%04X\n",
+ Port, PhyStat));
+ pPrt->PLipaAutoNeg = SK_LIPA_AUTO;
+ }
+ } /* SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy */
+@@ -3965,7 +4448,7 @@
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * With an external PHY, some interrupt bits are not meaningfull any more:
+- * - LinkAsyncEvent (bit #14) XM_IS_LNK_AE
++ * - LinkAsyncEvent (bit #14) XM_IS_LNK_AE
+ * - LinkPartnerReqConfig (bit #10) XM_IS_LIPA_RC
+ * - Page Received (bit #9) XM_IS_RX_PAGE
+ * - NextPageLoadedForXmt (bit #8) XM_IS_TX_PAGE
+@@ -3977,8 +4460,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkXmIrq(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -3986,13 +4469,13 @@
+ SK_U16 IStatus; /* Interrupt status read from the XMAC */
+ SK_U16 IStatus2;
+ #ifdef SK_SLIM
+- SK_U64 OverflowStatus;
++ SK_U64 OverflowStatus;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_ISRC, &IStatus);
+ /* LinkPartner Auto-negable? */
+ if (pPrt->PhyType == SK_PHY_XMAC) {
+ SkXmAutoNegLipaXmac(pAC, IoC, Port, IStatus);
+@@ -4003,7 +4486,7 @@
+ }
+ ("XmacIrq Port %d Isr 0x%04X\n", Port, IStatus));
+@@ -4113,45 +4596,49 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkGmIrq(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ SK_U8 IStatus; /* Interrupt status */
+ #ifdef SK_SLIM
+- SK_U64 OverflowStatus;
++ SK_U64 OverflowStatus;
+ #else
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+- SK_IN8(IoC, GMAC_IRQ_SRC, &IStatus);
++ SK_IN8(IoC, MR_ADDR(Port, GMAC_IRQ_SRC), &IStatus);
+ #ifdef XXX
+ /* LinkPartner Auto-negable? */
+ SkMacAutoNegLipaPhy(pAC, IoC, Port, IStatus);
+ #endif /* XXX */
+- ("GmacIrq Port %d Isr 0x%04X\n", Port, IStatus));
++ ("GmacIrq Port %d Isr 0x%02X\n", Port, IStatus));
+ /* Combined Tx & Rx Counter Overflow SIRQ Event */
+ if (IStatus & (GM_IS_RX_CO_OV | GM_IS_TX_CO_OV)) {
+ /* these IRQs will be cleared by reading GMACs register */
+ #ifdef SK_SLIM
+- SkGmOverflowStatus(pAC, IoC, Port, IStatus, &OverflowStatus);
++ SkGmOverflowStatus(pAC, IoC, Port, (SK_U16)IStatus, &OverflowStatus);
+ #else
+ Para.Para32[0] = (SK_U32)Port;
+ Para.Para32[1] = (SK_U32)IStatus;
+ }
+ if (IStatus & GM_IS_RX_FF_OR) {
+ /* clear GMAC Rx FIFO Overrun IRQ */
++ Para.Para64 = Port;
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV, SK_DRV_RX_OVERFLOW, Para);
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ pPrt->PRxOverCnt++;
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -4185,8 +4672,8 @@
+ * nothing
+ */
+ void SkMacIrq(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ #ifdef GENESIS
+@@ -4195,7 +4682,7 @@
+ SkXmIrq(pAC, IoC, Port);
+ }
+ #endif /* GENESIS */
+ #ifdef YUKON
+ if (pAC->GIni.GIYukon) {
+ /* IRQ from GMAC */
+@@ -4222,8 +4709,8 @@
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkXmUpdateStats(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+@@ -4245,7 +4732,7 @@
+ do {
+ XM_IN16(IoC, Port, XM_STAT_CMD, &StatReg);
+ if (++WaitIndex > 10) {
+@@ -4253,7 +4740,7 @@
+ return(1);
+ }
+ } while ((StatReg & (XM_SC_SNP_TXC | XM_SC_SNP_RXC)) != 0);
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkXmUpdateStats */
+@@ -4272,19 +4759,19 @@
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkXmMacStatistic(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U16 StatAddr, /* MIB counter base address */
+-SK_U32 SK_FAR *pVal) /* ptr to return statistic value */
++SK_U32 SK_FAR *pVal) /* Pointer to return statistic value */
+ {
+ if ((StatAddr < XM_TXF_OK) || (StatAddr > XM_RXF_MAX_SZ)) {
+ return(1);
+ }
+ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, StatAddr, pVal);
+ return(0);
+@@ -4303,12 +4790,12 @@
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkXmResetCounter(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+- /* Clear two times according to Errata #3 */
++ /* Clear two times according to XMAC Errata #3 */
+ return(0);
+@@ -4335,11 +4822,11 @@
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkXmOverflowStatus(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+-SK_U16 IStatus, /* Interupt Status from MAC */
+-SK_U64 SK_FAR *pStatus) /* ptr for return overflow status value */
++SK_U16 IStatus, /* Interrupt Status from MAC */
++SK_U64 SK_FAR *pStatus) /* Pointer for return overflow status value */
+ {
+ SK_U64 Status; /* Overflow status */
+ SK_U32 RegVal;
+@@ -4351,7 +4838,7 @@
+ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_RX_CNT_EV, &RegVal);
+ Status |= (SK_U64)RegVal << 32;
+ }
+ if ((IStatus & XM_IS_TXC_OV) != 0) {
+ XM_IN32(IoC, Port, XM_TX_CNT_EV, &RegVal);
+@@ -4378,8 +4865,8 @@
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkGmUpdateStats(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ return(0);
+@@ -4400,24 +4887,27 @@
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkGmMacStatistic(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_U16 StatAddr, /* MIB counter base address */
+-SK_U32 SK_FAR *pVal) /* ptr to return statistic value */
++SK_U32 SK_FAR *pVal) /* Pointer to return statistic value */
+ {
+ if ((StatAddr < GM_RXF_UC_OK) || (StatAddr > GM_TXE_FIFO_UR)) {
+ ("SkGmMacStat: wrong MIB counter 0x%04X\n", StatAddr));
+ return(1);
+ }
+ GM_IN32(IoC, Port, StatAddr, pVal);
++ /* dummy read */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, B0_RAP, &StatAddr);
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkGmMacStatistic */
+@@ -4434,8 +4924,8 @@
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkGmResetCounter(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port) /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ {
+ SK_U16 Reg; /* Phy Address Register */
+@@ -4446,16 +4936,16 @@
+ /* set MIB Clear Counter Mode */
+ /* read all MIB Counters with Clear Mode set */
+ for (i = 0; i < GM_MIB_CNT_SIZE; i++) {
+ /* the reset is performed only when the lower 16 bits are read */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_MIB_CNT_BASE + 8*i, &Word);
+ }
+ /* clear MIB Clear Counter Mode */
+ GM_OUT16(IoC, Port, GM_PHY_ADDR, Reg);
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkGmResetCounter */
+@@ -4469,48 +4959,62 @@
+ * resulting counter overflow status is written to <pStatus>, whereas the
+ * the following bit coding is used:
+ * 63:56 - unused
+- * 55:48 - TxRx interrupt register bit7:0
+- * 32:47 - Rx interrupt register
++ * 55:48 - TxRx interrupt register bit 7:0
++ * 47:32 - Rx interrupt register
+ * 31:24 - unused
+- * 23:16 - TxRx interrupt register bit15:8
+- * 15:0 - Tx interrupt register
++ * 23:16 - TxRx interrupt register bit 15:8
++ * 15: 0 - Tx interrupt register
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * 0: success
+ * 1: something went wrong
+ */
+ int SkGmOverflowStatus(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ unsigned int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+-SK_U16 IStatus, /* Interupt Status from MAC */
+-SK_U64 SK_FAR *pStatus) /* ptr for return overflow status value */
++SK_U16 IStatus, /* Interrupt Status from MAC */
++SK_U64 SK_FAR *pStatus) /* Pointer for return overflow status value */
+ {
+- SK_U64 Status; /* Overflow status */
+ SK_U16 RegVal;
++#ifndef SK_SLIM
++ SK_U64 Status; /* Overflow status */
+ Status = 0;
++#endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+ if ((IStatus & GM_IS_RX_CO_OV) != 0) {
+ /* this register is self-clearing after read */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_RX_IRQ_SRC, &RegVal);
++#ifndef SK_SLIM
+ Status |= (SK_U64)RegVal << 32;
++#endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+ }
+ if ((IStatus & GM_IS_TX_CO_OV) != 0) {
+ /* this register is self-clearing after read */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_TX_IRQ_SRC, &RegVal);
++#ifndef SK_SLIM
+ Status |= (SK_U64)RegVal;
++#endif /* !SK_SLIM */
+ }
+ /* this register is self-clearing after read */
+ GM_IN16(IoC, Port, GM_TR_IRQ_SRC, &RegVal);
++#ifndef SK_SLIM
+ /* Rx overflow interrupt register bits (LoByte)*/
+ Status |= (SK_U64)((SK_U8)RegVal) << 48;
+ /* Tx overflow interrupt register bits (HiByte)*/
+ Status |= (SK_U64)(RegVal >> 8) << 16;
+ *pStatus = Status;
++#endif /* !SK_SLIM */
++ /* dummy read */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, B0_RAP, &RegVal);
+ return(0);
+ } /* SkGmOverflowStatus */
+@@ -4526,57 +5030,114 @@
+ * gets the results if 'StartTest' is true
+ *
+ * NOTE: this test is meaningful only when link is down
+- *
++ *
+ * Returns:
+ * 0: success
+ * 1: no YUKON copper
+ * 2: test in progress
+ */
+ int SkGmCableDiagStatus(
+-SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter context */
+-SK_IOC IoC, /* IO context */
++SK_AC *pAC, /* Adapter Context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O Context */
+ int Port, /* Port Index (MAC_1 + n) */
+ SK_BOOL StartTest) /* flag for start / get result */
+ {
+ int i;
++ int CableDiagOffs;
++ int MdiPairs;
++ SK_BOOL FastEthernet;
++ SK_BOOL Yukon2;
+ SK_U16 RegVal;
+ SK_GEPORT *pPrt;
+ pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
+ if (pPrt->PhyType != SK_PHY_MARV_COPPER) {
+ return(1);
+ }
++ Yukon2 = (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE) {
++ CableDiagOffs = PHY_MARV_FE_VCT_TX;
++ FastEthernet = SK_TRUE;
++ MdiPairs = 2;
++ }
++ else {
++ CableDiagOffs = Yukon2 ? PHY_MARV_PHY_CTRL : PHY_MARV_CABLE_DIAG;
++ FastEthernet = SK_FALSE;
++ MdiPairs = 4;
++ }
+ if (StartTest) {
++ /* set to RESET to avoid PortCheckUp */
++ pPrt->PState = SK_PRT_RESET;
+ /* only start the cable test */
+- if ((pPrt->PhyId1 & PHY_I1_REV_MSK) < 4) {
+- /* apply TDR workaround from Marvell */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 29, 0x001e);
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 30, 0xcc00);
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 30, 0xc800);
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 30, 0xc400);
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 30, 0xc000);
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, 30, 0xc100);
++ if (!FastEthernet) {
++ if ((((pPrt->PhyId1 & PHY_I1_MOD_NUM) >> 4) == 2) &&
++ ((pPrt->PhyId1 & PHY_I1_REV_MSK) < 4)) {
++ /* apply TDR workaround for model 2, rev. < 4 */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_ADDR, 0x001e);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, 0xcc00);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, 0xc800);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, 0xc400);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, 0xc000);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_PAGE_DATA, 0xc100);
++ }
++#ifdef YUKON_DBG
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIChipId == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC) {
++ /* set address to 1 for page 1 */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 1);
++ /* disable waiting period */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, CableDiagOffs,
++ }
++ if (Yukon2) {
++ /* set address to 5 for page 5 */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 5);
++#ifdef YUKON_DBG
++ /* disable waiting period */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, CableDiagOffs + 1,
++ }
++ else {
++ /* set address to 0 for MDI[0] (Page 0) */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 0);
++ }
+ }
++ else {
++ RegVal = PHY_CT_RESET | PHY_CT_SP100;
+- /* set address to 0 for MDI[0] */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, 0);
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CTRL, RegVal);
+- /* Read Cable Diagnostic Reg */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CABLE_DIAG, &RegVal);
++#ifdef xYUKON_DBG
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_FE_SPEC_2, &RegVal);
++ /* disable waiting period */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_FE_SPEC_2, RegVal);
++ }
+ /* start Cable Diagnostic Test */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CABLE_DIAG,
+- (SK_U16)(RegVal | PHY_M_CABD_ENA_TEST));
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, CableDiagOffs, PHY_M_CABD_ENA_TEST);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /* Read Cable Diagnostic Reg */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CABLE_DIAG, &RegVal);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, CableDiagOffs, &RegVal);
+ ("PHY Cable Diag.=0x%04X\n", RegVal));
+@@ -4587,16 +5148,24 @@
+ }
+ /* get the test results */
+- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+- /* set address to i for MDI[i] */
+- SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, (SK_U16)i);
++ for (i = 0; i < MdiPairs; i++) {
++ if (!FastEthernet && !Yukon2) {
++ /* set address to i for MDI[i] */
++ SkGmPhyWrite(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_EXT_ADR, (SK_U16)i);
++ }
+ /* get Cable Diagnostic values */
+- SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, PHY_MARV_CABLE_DIAG, &RegVal);
++ SkGmPhyRead(pAC, IoC, Port, CableDiagOffs, &RegVal);
+ pPrt->PMdiPairLen[i] = (SK_U8)(RegVal & PHY_M_CABD_DIST_MSK);
+ pPrt->PMdiPairSts[i] = (SK_U8)((RegVal & PHY_M_CABD_STAT_MSK) >> 13);
++ if (FastEthernet || Yukon2) {
++ /* get next register */
++ CableDiagOffs++;
++ }
+ }
+ return(0);
+@@ -4605,3 +5174,4 @@
+ #endif /* YUKON */
+ /* End of file */
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2.c 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2714 @@
++ *
++ * Name: sky2.c
++ * Project: Yukon2 specific functions and implementations
++ * Version: $Revision: $
++ * Date: $Date: 2005/08/09 13:14:56 $
++ * Purpose: The main driver source module
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * (C)Copyright 1998-2002 SysKonnect GmbH.
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2005 Marvell.
++ *
++ * Driver for Marvell Yukon/2 chipset and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet
++ * Server Adapters.
++ *
++ * Author: Ralph Roesler (
++ * Mirko Lindner (
++ *
++ * Address all question to:
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++#include "h/skdrv1st.h"
++#include "h/skdrv2nd.h"
++#include <linux/tcp.h>
++ *
++ * Local Function Prototypes
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++static void InitPacketQueues(SK_AC *pAC,int Port);
++static void GiveTxBufferToHw(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port);
++static void GiveRxBufferToHw(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port,SK_PACKET *pPacket);
++static SK_BOOL HandleReceives(SK_AC *pAC,int Port,SK_U16 Len,SK_U32 FrameStatus,SK_U16 Tcp1,SK_U16 Tcp2,SK_U32 Tist,SK_U16 Vlan);
++static void CheckForSendComplete(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port,SK_PKT_QUEUE *pPQ,SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab,unsigned int Done);
++static void UnmapAndFreeTxPktBuffer(SK_AC *pAC,SK_PACKET *pSkPacket,int TxPort);
++static SK_BOOL AllocateAndInitLETables(SK_AC *pAC);
++static SK_BOOL AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2(SK_AC *pAC);
++static void FreeLETables(SK_AC *pAC);
++static void FreePacketBuffers(SK_AC *pAC);
++static SK_BOOL AllocAndMapRxBuffer(SK_AC *pAC,SK_PACKET *pSkPacket,int Port);
++static SK_BOOL HandleStatusLEs(SK_AC *pAC,int *WorkDone,int WorkToDo);
++static SK_BOOL HandleStatusLEs(SK_AC *pAC);
++extern void SkGeCheckTimer (DEV_NET *pNet);
++extern void SkLocalEventQueue( SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_U32 Class,
++ SK_U32 Event,
++ SK_U32 Param1,
++ SK_U32 Param2,
++ SK_BOOL Flag);
++extern void SkLocalEventQueue64( SK_AC *pAC,
++ SK_U32 Class,
++ SK_U32 Event,
++ SK_U64 Param,
++ SK_BOOL Flag);
++ *
++ * Local Variables
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++#define MAX_NBR_RX_BUFFERS_IN_HW 0x15
++static SK_U8 NbrRxBuffersInHW;
++#define FLUSH_OPC(le)
++ *
++ * Global Functions
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++int SkY2Xmit( struct sk_buff *skb, struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev);
++void FillReceiveTableYukon2(SK_AC *pAC,SK_IOC IoC,int Port);
++ *
++ * SkY2RestartStatusUnit - restarts teh status unit
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Reenables the status unit after any De-Init (e.g. when altering
++ * the sie of the MTU via 'ifconfig a.b.c.d mtu xxx')
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkY2RestartStatusUnit(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ ("==> SkY2RestartStatusUnit\n"));
++ /*
++ ** It might be that the TX timer is not started. Therefore
++ ** it is initialized here -> to be more investigated!
++ */
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Done = 0;
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Put = 0;
++ pAC->StatusLETable.HwPut = 0;
++ SkGeY2InitStatBmu(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->StatusLETable);
++ ("<== SkY2RestartStatusUnit\n"));
++ *
++ * SkY2RlmtSend - sends out a single RLMT notification
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function sends out an RLMT frame
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * > 0 - on succes: the number of bytes in the message
++ * = 0 - on resource shortage: this frame sent or dropped, now
++ * the ring is full ( -> set tbusy)
++ * < 0 - on failure: other problems ( -> return failure to upper layers)
++ */
++int SkY2RlmtSend (
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int PortNr, /* index of port the packet(s) shall be send to */
++struct sk_buff *pMessage) /* pointer to send-message */
++ ("=== SkY2RlmtSend\n"));
++#if 0
++ return -1; // temporarily do not send out RLMT frames
++ skb_shinfo(pMessage)->nr_frags = (2*MAX_SKB_FRAGS) + PortNr;
++ return(SkY2Xmit(pMessage, pAC->dev[PortNr])); // SkY2Xmit needs device
++ *
++ * SkY2AllocateResources - Allocates all required resources for Yukon2
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function allocates all memory needed for the Yukon2.
++ * It maps also RX buffers to the LETables and initializes the
++ * status list element table.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SK_TRUE, if all resources could be allocated and setup succeeded
++ * SK_FALSE, if an error
++ */
++SK_BOOL SkY2AllocateResources (
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ int CurrMac;
++ ("==> SkY2AllocateResources\n"));
++ /*
++ ** Initialize the packet queue variables first
++ */
++ for (CurrMac = 0; CurrMac < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) {
++ InitPacketQueues(pAC, CurrMac);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Get sufficient memory for the LETables
++ */
++ if (!AllocateAndInitLETables(pAC)) {
++ ("No memory for LETable.\n"));
++ return(SK_FALSE);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Allocate and intialize memory for both RX and TX
++ ** packet and fragment buffers. On an error, free
++ ** previously allocated LETable memory and quit.
++ */
++ if (!AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2(pAC)) {
++ FreeLETables(pAC);
++ ("No memory for Packetbuffers.\n"));
++ return(SK_FALSE);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Rx and Tx LE tables will be initialized in SkGeOpen()
++ **
++ ** It might be that the TX timer is not started. Therefore
++ ** it is initialized here -> to be more investigated!
++ */
++ SkGeY2InitStatBmu(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->StatusLETable);
++ pAC->MaxUnusedRxLeWorking = MAX_UNUSED_RX_LE_WORKING;
++ ("<== SkY2AllocateResources\n"));
++ return (SK_TRUE);
++ *
++ * SkY2FreeResources - Frees previously allocated resources of Yukon2
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function frees all previously allocated memory of the Yukon2.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkY2FreeResources (
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ ("==> SkY2FreeResources\n"));
++ FreeLETables(pAC);
++ FreePacketBuffers(pAC);
++ ("<== SkY2FreeResources\n"));
++ *
++ * SkY2AllocateRxBuffers - Allocates the receive buffers for a port
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function allocated all the RX buffers of the Yukon2.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkY2AllocateRxBuffers (
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context */
++int Port) /* port index of RX */
++ ("==> SkY2AllocateRxBuffers (Port %c)\n", Port));
++ FillReceiveTableYukon2(pAC, IoC, Port);
++ ("<== SkY2AllocateRxBuffers\n"));
++ *
++ * SkY2FreeRxBuffers - Free's all allocates RX buffers of
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function frees all RX buffers of the Yukon2 for a single port
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkY2FreeRxBuffers (
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context */
++int Port) /* port index of RX */
++ SK_PACKET *pSkPacket;
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for POP/PUSH macros */
++ ("==> SkY2FreeRxBuffers (Port %c)\n", Port));
++ if (pAC->RxPort[Port].ReceivePacketTable != NULL) {
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ while (pSkPacket != NULL) {
++ if ((pSkPacket->pFrag) != NULL) {
++ pci_unmap_page(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen - 2,
++ DEV_KFREE_SKB_ANY(pSkPacket->pMBuf);
++ pSkPacket->pMBuf = NULL;
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys = (SK_U64) 0;
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->pVirt = NULL;
++ }
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pSkPacket);
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ }
++ }
++ ("<== SkY2FreeRxBuffers\n"));
++ *
++ * SkY2FreeTxBuffers - Free's any currently maintained Tx buffer
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function frees the TX buffers of the Yukon2 for a single port
++ * which might be in use by a transmit action
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkY2FreeTxBuffers (
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context */
++int Port) /* port index of TX */
++ SK_PACKET *pSkPacket;
++ SK_FRAG *pSkFrag;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ ("==> SkY2FreeTxBuffers (Port %c)\n", Port));
++ if (pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TransmitPacketTable != NULL) {
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxAQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ while (pSkPacket != NULL) {
++ if ((pSkFrag = pSkPacket->pFrag) != NULL) {
++ UnmapAndFreeTxPktBuffer(pAC, pSkPacket, Port);
++ }
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free, pSkPacket);
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxAQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ }
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxSQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ while (pSkPacket != NULL) {
++ if ((pSkFrag = pSkPacket->pFrag) != NULL) {
++ UnmapAndFreeTxPktBuffer(pAC, pSkPacket, Port);
++ }
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free, pSkPacket);
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxSQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ }
++ }
++ ("<== SkY2FreeTxBuffers\n"));
++ *
++ * SkY2Isr - handle a receive IRQ for all yukon2 cards
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function is called when a receive IRQ is set. (only for yukon2)
++ * HandleReceives does the deferred processing of all outstanding
++ * interrupt operations.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++SkIsrRetVar SkY2Isr (
++int irq, /* the irq we have received (might be shared!) */
++void *dev_id, /* current device id */
++struct pt_regs *ptregs) /* not used by our driver */
++ struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev = (struct SK_NET_DEVICE *)dev_id;
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ SK_U32 IntSrc;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ SK_BOOL handledStatLE = SK_FALSE;
++ SK_BOOL SetIntMask = SK_FALSE;
++ ("==> SkY2Isr\n"));
++ SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_Y2_SP_ISRC2, &IntSrc);
++ if ((IntSrc == 0) && (!pNet->NetConsoleMode)){
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_Y2_SP_ICR, 2);
++ ("No Interrupt\n ==> SkY2Isr\n"));
++ return SkIsrRetNone;
++ }
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ if (pNet->InRecover) {
++ ("Already in recover\n ==> SkY2Isr\n"));
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_Y2_SP_ICR, 2);
++ return SkIsrRetNone;
++ }
++ if (netif_rx_schedule_prep(pAC->dev[0])) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~(Y2_IS_STAT_BMU);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ SetIntMask = SK_TRUE;
++ __netif_rx_schedule(pAC->dev[0]);
++ }
++ if (netif_rx_schedule_prep(pAC->dev[1])) {
++ if (!SetIntMask) {
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask &= ~(Y2_IS_STAT_BMU);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ }
++ __netif_rx_schedule(pAC->dev[1]);
++ }
++ handledStatLE = HandleStatusLEs(pAC);
++ /*
++ ** Check for Special Interrupts
++ */
++ if ((IntSrc & ~Y2_IS_STAT_BMU) || pAC->CheckQueue || pNet->TimerExpired) {
++ pAC->CheckQueue = SK_FALSE;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ SkGeSirqIsr(pAC, pAC->IoBase, IntSrc);
++ SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ }
++ /* Speed enhancement for a2 chipsets */
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_42)) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SetPutIndexLock, Flags);
++ SkGeY2SetPutIndex(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR(Q_XA1,0), &pAC->TxPort[0][0].TxALET);
++ SkGeY2SetPutIndex(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR(Q_R1,0), &pAC->RxPort[0].RxLET);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SetPutIndexLock, Flags);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Reenable interrupts and signal end of ISR
++ */
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_Y2_SP_ICR, 2);
++ /*
++ ** Stop and restart TX timer in case a Status LE was handled
++ */
++ if ((HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_43_418)) && (handledStatLE)) {
++ }
++ if (!(IS_Q_EMPTY(&(pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting)))) {
++ GiveTxBufferToHw(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
++ }
++ if (!(IS_Q_EMPTY(&(pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting)))) {
++ GiveTxBufferToHw(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
++ }
++ ("<== SkY2Isr\n"));
++ return SkIsrRetHandled;
++} /* SkY2Isr */
++ *
++ * SkY2Xmit - Linux frame transmit function for Yukon2
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The system calls this function to send frames onto the wire.
++ * It puts the frame in the tx descriptor ring. If the ring is
++ * full then, the 'tbusy' flag is set.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0, if everything is ok
++ * !=0, on error
++ *
++ * returning 1 in 'tbusy' case caused system crashes (double
++ * allocated skb's) !!!
++ */
++int SkY2Xmit(
++struct sk_buff *skb, /* socket buffer to be sent */
++struct SK_NET_DEVICE *dev) /* via which device? */
++ DEV_NET *pNet = (DEV_NET*) dev->priv;
++ SK_AC *pAC = pNet->pAC;
++ SK_U8 FragIdx = 0;
++ SK_PACKET *pSkPacket;
++ SK_FRAG *PrevFrag;
++ SK_FRAG *CurrFrag;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE *pWorkQueue; /* corresponding TX queue */
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE *pWaitQueue;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE *pFreeQueue;
++ SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab; /* corresponding LETable */
++ skb_frag_t *sk_frag;
++ SK_U64 PhysAddr;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ unsigned int Port;
++ int CurrFragCtr;
++ ("==> SkY2Xmit\n"));
++ /*
++ ** Get port and return if no free packet is available
++ */
++ if (skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags > MAX_SKB_FRAGS) {
++ Port = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags - (2*MAX_SKB_FRAGS);
++ skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags = 0;
++ } else {
++ Port = (pAC->RlmtNets == 2) ? pNet->PortNr : pAC->ActivePort;
++ }
++ if (IS_Q_EMPTY(&(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxQ_free))) {
++ ("Not free packets available for send\n"));
++ return 1; /* zero bytes sent! */
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Put any new packet to be sent in the waiting queue and
++ ** handle also any possible fragment of that packet.
++ */
++ pWorkQueue = &(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_working);
++ pWaitQueue = &(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting);
++ pFreeQueue = &(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxQ_free);
++ pLETab = &(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET);
++ /*
++ ** Normal send operations require only one fragment, because
++ ** only one sk_buff data area is passed.
++ ** In contradiction to this, scatter-gather (zerocopy) send
++ ** operations might pass one or more additional fragments
++ ** where each fragment needs a separate fragment info packet.
++ */
++ if (((skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags + 1) * MAX_FRAG_OVERHEAD) >
++ ("Not enough LE available for send\n"));
++ return 1; /* zero bytes sent! */
++ }
++ if ((skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags + 1) > MAX_NUM_FRAGS) {
++ ("Not even one fragment available for send\n"));
++ return 1; /* zero bytes sent! */
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Get first packet from free packet queue
++ */
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(pFreeQueue, pSkPacket);
++ if(pSkPacket == NULL) {
++ ("Could not obtain free packet used for xmit\n"));
++ return 1; /* zero bytes sent! */
++ }
++ pSkPacket->pFrag = &(pSkPacket->FragArray[FragIdx]);
++ /*
++ ** map the sk_buff to be available for the adapter
++ */
++ PhysAddr = (SK_U64) pci_map_page(pAC->PciDev,
++ virt_to_page(skb->data),
++ ((unsigned long) skb->data & ~PAGE_MASK),
++ skb_headlen(skb),
++ pSkPacket->pMBuf = skb;
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys = PhysAddr;
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen = skb_headlen(skb);
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->pNext = NULL; /* initial has no next default */
++ pSkPacket->NumFrags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags + 1;
++ PrevFrag = pSkPacket->pFrag;
++ /*
++ ** Each scatter-gather fragment need to be mapped...
++ */
++ for ( CurrFragCtr = 0;
++ CurrFragCtr < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
++ CurrFragCtr++) {
++ FragIdx++;
++ sk_frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[CurrFragCtr];
++ CurrFrag = &(pSkPacket->FragArray[FragIdx]);
++ /*
++ ** map the sk_buff to be available for the adapter
++ */
++ PhysAddr = (SK_U64) pci_map_page(pAC->PciDev,
++ sk_frag->page,
++ sk_frag->page_offset,
++ sk_frag->size,
++ CurrFrag->pPhys = PhysAddr;
++ CurrFrag->FragLen = sk_frag->size;
++ CurrFrag->pNext = NULL;
++ /*
++ ** Add the new fragment to the list of fragments
++ */
++ PrevFrag->pNext = CurrFrag;
++ PrevFrag = CurrFrag;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Add packet to waiting packets queue
++ */
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(pWaitQueue, pSkPacket);
++ GiveTxBufferToHw(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Port);
++ dev->trans_start = jiffies;
++ ("<== SkY2Xmit(return 0)\n"));
++ return (0);
++} /* SkY2Xmit */
++ *
++ * SkY2Poll - NAPI Rx polling callback for Yukon2 chipsets
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Called by the Linux system in case NAPI polling is activated
++ *
++ * Returns
++ * The number of work data still to be handled
++ *
++ * Notes
++ * The slowpath lock needs to be set because HW accesses may
++ * interfere with slowpath events (e.g. TWSI)
++ */
++int SkY2Poll(
++struct net_device *dev, /* device that needs to be polled */
++int *budget) /* how many budget do we have? */
++ SK_AC *pAC = ((DEV_NET*)(dev->priv))->pAC;
++ int WorkToDo = min(*budget, dev->quota);
++ int WorkDone = 0;
++ SK_BOOL handledStatLE = SK_FALSE;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ handledStatLE = HandleStatusLEs(pAC, &WorkDone, WorkToDo);
++ *budget -= WorkDone;
++ dev->quota -= WorkDone;
++ if(WorkDone < WorkToDo) {
++ netif_rx_complete(dev);
++ pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask |= (Y2_IS_STAT_BMU);
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, pAC->GIni.GIValIrqMask);
++ if ((HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_43_418)) && (handledStatLE)) {
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ return (WorkDone >= WorkToDo);
++} /* SkY2Poll */
++ *
++ * SkY2PortStop - stop a port on Yukon2
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function stops a port of the Yukon2 chip. This stop
++ * stop needs to be performed in a specific order:
++ *
++ * a) Stop the Prefetch unit
++ * b) Stop the Port (MAC, PHY etc.)
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkY2PortStop(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context (address of adapter registers) */
++int Port, /* port to stop (MAC_1 + n) */
++int Dir, /* StopDirection (SK_STOP_RX, SK_STOP_TX, SK_STOP_ALL) */
++int RstMode) /* Reset Mode (SK_SOFT_RST, SK_HARD_RST) */
++ ("==> SkY2PortStop (Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ /*
++ ** Stop the HW
++ */
++ SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, Port, Dir, RstMode);
++ /*
++ ** Move any TX packet from work queues into the free queue again
++ ** and initialize the TX LETable variables
++ */
++ SkY2FreeTxBuffers(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Port);
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.Bmu.RxTx.TcpWp = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.Bmu.RxTx.MssValue = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.BufHighAddr = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.Done = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.Put = 0;
++ // pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PState = SK_PRT_STOP;
++ /*
++ ** Move any RX packet from work queue into the waiting queue
++ ** and initialize the RX LETable variables
++ */
++ SkY2FreeRxBuffers(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Port);
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET.BufHighAddr = 0;
++ ("<== SkY2PortStop()\n"));
++ *
++ * SkY2PortStart - start a port on Yukon2
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function starts a port of the Yukon2 chip. This start
++ * action needs to be performed in a specific order:
++ *
++ * a) Initialize the LET indices (PUT/GET to 0)
++ * b) Initialize the LET in HW (enables also prefetch unit)
++ * c) Move all RX buffers from waiting queue to working queue
++ * which involves also setting up of RX list elements
++ * d) Initialize the FIFO settings of Yukon2 (Watermark etc.)
++ * e) Initialize the Port (MAC, PHY etc.)
++ * f) Initialize the MC addresses
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkY2PortStart(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context (address of adapter registers) */
++int Port) /* port to start */
++ // SK_GEPORT *pPrt = &pAC->GIni.GP[Port];
++ SK_HWLE *pLE;
++ SK_U32 DWord;
++ SK_U32 PrefetchReg; /* register for Put index */
++ ("==> SkY2PortStart (Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ /*
++ ** Initialize the LET indices
++ */
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET.Done = 0;
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET.Put = 0;
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET.HwPut = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.Done = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.Put = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET.HwPut = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSLET.Done = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSLET.Put = 0;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSLET.HwPut = 0;
++ }
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_420)) {
++ /*
++ ** It might be that we have to limit the RX buffers
++ ** effectively passed to HW. Initialize the start
++ ** value in that case...
++ */
++ NbrRxBuffersInHW = 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** TODO on dual net adapters we need to check if
++ ** StatusLETable need to be set...
++ **
++ ** pAC->StatusLETable.Done = 0;
++ ** pAC->StatusLETable.Put = 0;
++ ** pAC->StatusLETable.HwPut = 0;
++ ** SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Q_ST, &pAC->StatusLETable);
++ */
++ /*
++ ** Initialize the LET in HW (enables also prefetch unit)
++ */
++ SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit(pAC, IoC,(Port == 0) ? Q_R1 : Q_R2,
++ &pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET);
++ SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit( pAC, IoC,(Port == 0) ? Q_XA1 : Q_XA2,
++ &pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET);
++ SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit( pAC, IoC, (Port == 0) ? Q_XS1 : Q_XS2,
++ &pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxSLET);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Using new values for the watermarks and the timer for
++ ** low latency optimization
++ */
++ if (pAC->LowLatency) {
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Initialize the Port (MAC, PHY etc.)
++ */
++ if (SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, Port)) {
++ if (Port == 0) {
++ printk("%s: SkGeInitPort A failed.\n",pAC->dev[0]->name);
++ } else {
++ printk("%s: SkGeInitPort B failed.\n",pAC->dev[1]->name);
++ }
++ }
++ if (IS_GMAC(pAC)) {
++ /* disable Rx GMAC FIFO Flush Mode */
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Initialize the MC addresses
++ */
++ SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC,IoC, Port);
++ SkMacRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC,Port);
++ if (pAC->RxPort[Port].UseRxCsum) {
++ SkGeRxCsum(pAC, IoC, Port, SK_TRUE);
++ GET_RX_LE(pLE, &pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET);
++ RXLE_SET_STACS1(pLE, pAC->CsOfs1);
++ RXLE_SET_STACS2(pLE, pAC->CsOfs2);
++ if (Port == 0) {
++ } else {
++ }
++ DWord = GET_PUT_IDX(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET);
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PrefetchReg, DWord);
++ UPDATE_HWPUT_IDX(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET);
++ }
++ pAC->GIni.GP[Port].PState = SK_PRT_RUN;
++ ("<== SkY2PortStart()\n"));
++ *
++ * Local Functions
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * InitPacketQueues - initialize SW settings of packet queues
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function will initialize the packet queues for a port.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void InitPacketQueues(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++int Port) /* index of port to be initialized */
++ ("==> InitPacketQueues(Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working.pHead = NULL;
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working.pTail = NULL;
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working.QueueLock);
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting.pHead = NULL;
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting.pTail = NULL;
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting.QueueLock);
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxQ_free.pHead = NULL;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxQ_free.pTail = NULL;
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxQ_free.QueueLock);
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_working.pHead = NULL;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_working.pTail = NULL;
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_working.QueueLock);
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting.pHead = NULL;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting.pTail = NULL;
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting.QueueLock);
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSQ_working.pHead = NULL;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSQ_working.pTail = NULL;
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSQ_working.QueueLock);
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSQ_waiting.pHead = NULL;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSQ_waiting.pTail = NULL;
++ spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxSQ_waiting.QueueLock);
++ ("<== InitPacketQueues(Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++} /* InitPacketQueues */
++ *
++ * GiveTxBufferToHw - commits a previously allocated DMA area to HW
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This functions gives transmit buffers to HW. If no list elements
++ * are available the buffers will be queued.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This function can run only once in a system at one time.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void GiveTxBufferToHw(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context (address of registers) */
++int Port) /* port index for which the buffer is used */
++ SK_HWLE *pLE;
++ SK_PACKET *pSkPacket;
++ SK_FRAG *pFrag;
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE *pWorkQueue; /* corresponding TX queue */
++ SK_PKT_QUEUE *pWaitQueue;
++ SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab; /* corresponding LETable */
++ SK_BOOL SetOpcodePacketFlag;
++ SK_U32 HighAddress;
++ SK_U32 LowAddress;
++ SK_U16 TcpSumStart;
++ SK_U16 TcpSumWrite;
++ SK_U8 OpCode;
++ SK_U8 Ctrl;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ unsigned long LockFlag;
++ int Protocol;
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ SK_U16 Mss;
++ int TcpOptLen;
++ int IpTcpLen;
++ ("==> GiveTxBufferToHw\n"));
++ if (IS_Q_EMPTY(&(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting))) {
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->TxQueueLock, LockFlag);
++ /*
++ ** Initialize queue settings
++ */
++ pWorkQueue = &(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_working);
++ pWaitQueue = &(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting);
++ pLETab = &(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxALET);
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(pWaitQueue, pSkPacket);
++ while (pSkPacket != NULL) {
++ ("\tWe have a packet to send %p\n", pSkPacket));
++ /*
++ ** the first frag of a packet gets opcode OP_PACKET
++ */
++ SetOpcodePacketFlag = SK_TRUE;
++ pFrag = pSkPacket->pFrag;
++ /*
++ ** fill list elements with data from fragments
++ */
++ while (pFrag != NULL) {
++ ("\tGet LE\n"));
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ Mss = skb_shinfo(pSkPacket->pMBuf)->tso_size;
++ if (Mss) {
++ TcpOptLen = ((pSkPacket->pMBuf->>doff - 5) * 4);
++ IpTcpLen = ((pSkPacket->pMBuf->nh.iph->ihl * 4) +
++ sizeof(struct tcphdr));
++ Mss += (TcpOptLen + IpTcpLen + C_LEN_ETHERMAC_HEADER);
++ }
++ if (pLETab->Bmu.RxTx.MssValue != Mss) {
++ pLETab->Bmu.RxTx.MssValue = Mss;
++ /* Take a new LE for TSO from the table */
++ GET_TX_LE(pLE, pLETab);
++#if 0
++ if(pSkPacket->VlanId) {
++ TXLE_SET_VLAN(pLE, pSkPacket->VlanId);
++ pSkPacket->VlanId = 0;
++ Ctrl |= INS_VLAN;
++ } else {
++#if 0
++ }
++ /* set maximum segment size for new packet */
++ TXLE_SET_LSLEN(pLE, pLETab->Bmu.RxTx.MssValue);
++ }
++ GET_TX_LE(pLE, pLETab);
++ Ctrl = 0;
++ ("\tGot empty LE %p idx %d\n", pLE, GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab)));
++ LowAddress = (SK_U32) (pFrag->pPhys & 0xffffffff);
++ HighAddress = (SK_U32) (pFrag->pPhys >> 32);
++ if (HighAddress != pLETab->BufHighAddr) {
++ /* set opcode high part of the address in one LE */
++ OpCode = OP_ADDR64 | HW_OWNER;
++ /* Set now the 32 high bits of the address */
++ TXLE_SET_ADDR( pLE, HighAddress);
++ /* Set the opcode into the LE */
++ TXLE_SET_OPC(pLE, OpCode);
++ /* Flush the LE to memory */
++ /* remember the HighAddress we gave to the Hardware */
++ pLETab->BufHighAddr = HighAddress;
++ /* get a new LE because we filled one with high address */
++ GET_TX_LE(pLE, pLETab);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** TCP checksum offload
++ */
++ if ((pSkPacket->pMBuf->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_HW) &&
++ (SetOpcodePacketFlag == SK_TRUE)) {
++ Protocol = ((SK_U8)pSkPacket->pMBuf->data[C_OFFSET_IPPROTO] & 0xff);
++ /* if (Protocol & C_PROTO_ID_IP) { Ctrl = 0; } */
++ if (Protocol & C_PROTO_ID_TCP) {
++ /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position */
++ /* TCP Checksum Write Position */
++ TcpSumWrite = TcpSumStart + TCP_CSUM_OFFS;
++ } else {
++ /* TCP Checksum Calculation Start Position */
++ /* UDP Checksum Write Position */
++ TcpSumWrite = TcpSumStart + UDP_CSUM_OFFS;
++ }
++ if ((Ctrl) && (pLETab->Bmu.RxTx.TcpWp != TcpSumWrite)) {
++ /* Update the last value of the write position */
++ pLETab->Bmu.RxTx.TcpWp = TcpSumWrite;
++ /* Set the Lock field for this LE: */
++ /* Checksum calculation for one packet only */
++ /* Set the start position for checksum. */
++ TXLE_SET_STACS(pLE, TcpSumStart);
++ /* Set the position where the checksum will be writen */
++ TXLE_SET_WRICS(pLE, TcpSumWrite);
++ /* Set the initial value for checksum */
++ /* PseudoHeader CS passed from Linux -> 0! */
++ /* Set the opcode for tcp checksum */
++ /* Flush the LE to memory */
++ /* get a new LE because we filled one with data for checksum */
++ GET_TX_LE(pLE, pLETab);
++ }
++ } /* end TCP offload handling */
++ TXLE_SET_ADDR(pLE, LowAddress);
++ TXLE_SET_LEN(pLE, pFrag->FragLen);
++ if (SetOpcodePacketFlag){
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ if (Mss) {
++ } else {
++#ifdef NETIF_F_TSO
++ }
++ SetOpcodePacketFlag = SK_FALSE;
++ } else {
++ /* Follow packet in a sequence has always OP_BUFFER */
++ }
++ /* Check if the low address is near the upper limit. */
++ CHECK_LOW_ADDRESS(pLETab->BufHighAddr, LowAddress, pFrag->FragLen);
++ pFrag = pFrag->pNext;
++ if (pFrag == NULL) {
++ /* mark last fragment */
++ Ctrl |= EOP;
++ }
++ TXLE_SET_CTRL(pLE, Ctrl);
++ TXLE_SET_OPC(pLE, OpCode);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Remember next LE for tx complete
++ */
++ pSkPacket->NextLE = GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab);
++ ("\tNext LE for pkt %p is %d\n", pSkPacket, pSkPacket->NextLE));
++ /*
++ ** Add packet to working packets queue
++ */
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(pWorkQueue, pSkPacket);
++ /*
++ ** give transmit start command
++ */
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_42)) {
++ spin_lock(&pAC->SetPutIndexLock);
++ SkGeY2SetPutIndex(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR(Q_XA1,0), &pAC->TxPort[0][0].TxALET);
++ spin_unlock(&pAC->SetPutIndexLock);
++ } else {
++ /* write put index */
++ if (Port == 0) {
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase,
++ GET_PUT_IDX(&pAC->TxPort[0][0].TxALET));
++ UPDATE_HWPUT_IDX(&pAC->TxPort[0][0].TxALET);
++ } else {
++ SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase,
++ GET_PUT_IDX(&pAC->TxPort[1][0].TxALET));
++ UPDATE_HWPUT_IDX(&pAC->TxPort[1][0].TxALET);
++ }
++ }
++ if (IS_Q_EMPTY(&(pAC->TxPort[Port][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxAQ_waiting))) {
++ break; /* get out of while */
++ }
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(pWaitQueue, pSkPacket);
++ } /* while (pSkPacket != NULL) */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->TxQueueLock, LockFlag);
++ ("<== GiveTxBufferToHw\n"));
++ return;
++} /* GiveTxBufferToHw */
++ *
++ * GiveRxBufferToHw - commits a previously allocated DMA area to HW
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This functions gives receive buffers to HW. If no list elements
++ * are available the buffers will be queued.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This function can run only once in a system at one time.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void GiveRxBufferToHw(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context (address of registers) */
++int Port, /* port index for which the buffer is used */
++SK_PACKET *pPacket) /* receive buffer(s) */
++ SK_HWLE *pLE;
++ SK_BOOL Done = SK_FALSE; /* at least on LE changed? */
++ SK_U32 LowAddress;
++ SK_U32 HighAddress;
++ SK_U32 PrefetchReg; /* register for Put index */
++ unsigned NumFree;
++ unsigned Required;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ ("==> GiveRxBufferToHw(Port %c, Packet %p)\n", 'A' + Port, pPacket));
++ pLETab = &pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET;
++ if (Port == 0) {
++ } else {
++ }
++ if (pPacket != NULL) {
++ /*
++ ** For the time being, we have only one packet passed
++ ** to this function which might be changed in future!
++ */
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pPacket);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** now pPacket contains the very first waiting packet
++ */
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pPacket);
++ while (pPacket != NULL) {
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_420)) {
++ if (NbrRxBuffersInHW >= MAX_NBR_RX_BUFFERS_IN_HW) {
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_FIRST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pPacket);
++ ("<== GiveRxBufferToHw()\n"));
++ return;
++ }
++ NbrRxBuffersInHW++;
++ }
++ ("Try to add packet %p\n", pPacket));
++ /*
++ ** Check whether we have enough listelements:
++ **
++ ** we have to take into account that each fragment
++ ** may need an additional list element for the high
++ ** part of the address here I simplified it by
++ ** using MAX_FRAG_OVERHEAD maybe it's worth to split
++ ** this constant for Rx and Tx or to calculate the
++ ** real number of needed LE's
++ */
++ ("\tNum %d Put %d Done %d Free %d %d\n",
++ pLETab->Num, pLETab->Put, pLETab->Done,
++ Required = pPacket->NumFrags + MAX_FRAG_OVERHEAD;
++ NumFree = NUM_FREE_LE_IN_TABLE(pLETab);
++ if (NumFree) {
++ NumFree--;
++ }
++ if (Required > NumFree ) {
++ ("\tOut of LEs have %d need %d\n",
++ NumFree, Required));
++ ("\tWaitQueue starts with packet %p\n", pPacket));
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_FIRST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pPacket);
++ if (Done) {
++ /*
++ ** write Put index to BMU or Polling Unit and make the LE's
++ ** available for the hardware
++ */
++ ("\tWrite new Put Idx\n"));
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PrefetchReg, GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab));
++ }
++ ("<== GiveRxBufferToHw()\n"));
++ return;
++ } else {
++ if (!AllocAndMapRxBuffer(pAC, pPacket, Port)) {
++ /*
++ ** Failure while allocating sk_buff might
++ ** be due to temporary short of resources
++ ** Maybe next time buffers are available.
++ ** Until this, the packet remains in the
++ ** RX waiting queue...
++ */
++ ("Failed to allocate Rx buffer\n"));
++ ("WaitQueue starts with packet %p\n", pPacket));
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_FIRST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pPacket);
++ if (Done) {
++ /*
++ ** write Put index to BMU or Polling
++ ** Unit and make the LE's
++ ** available for the hardware
++ */
++ ("\tWrite new Put Idx\n"));
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, PrefetchReg, GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab));
++ }
++ ("<== GiveRxBufferToHw()\n"));
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ Done = SK_TRUE;
++ LowAddress = (SK_U32) (pPacket->pFrag->pPhys & 0xffffffff);
++ HighAddress = (SK_U32) (pPacket->pFrag->pPhys >> 32);
++ if (HighAddress != pLETab->BufHighAddr) {
++ /* get a new LE for high address */
++ GET_RX_LE(pLE, pLETab);
++ /* Set now the 32 high bits of the address */
++ RXLE_SET_ADDR(pLE, HighAddress);
++ /* Set the control bits of the address */
++ /* Set the opcode into the LE */
++ /* Flush the LE to memory */
++ /* remember the HighAddress we gave to the Hardware */
++ pLETab->BufHighAddr = HighAddress;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Fill data into listelement
++ */
++ GET_RX_LE(pLE, pLETab);
++ RXLE_SET_ADDR(pLE, LowAddress);
++ RXLE_SET_LEN(pLE, pPacket->pFrag->FragLen);
++ ("=== LE filled\n"));
++ /*
++ ** Remember next LE for rx complete
++ */
++ pPacket->NextLE = GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab);
++ ("\tPackets Next LE is %d\n", pPacket->NextLE));
++ /*
++ ** Add packet to working receive buffer queue and get
++ ** any next packet out of the waiting queue
++ */
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working, pPacket);
++ if (IS_Q_EMPTY(&(pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting))) {
++ break; /* get out of while processing */
++ }
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pPacket);
++ }
++ ("\tWaitQueue is empty\n"));
++ if (Done) {
++ /*
++ ** write Put index to BMU or Polling Unit and make the LE's
++ ** available for the hardware
++ */
++ ("\tWrite new Put Idx\n"));
++ /* Speed enhancement for a2 chipsets */
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_42)) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SetPutIndexLock, Flags);
++ SkGeY2SetPutIndex(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Y2_PREF_Q_ADDR(Q_R1,0), pLETab);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SetPutIndexLock, Flags);
++ } else {
++ /* write put index */
++ if (Port == 0) {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC,
++ GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab));
++ } else {
++ SK_OUT32(IoC,
++ GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab));
++ }
++ /* Update put index */
++ }
++ }
++ ("<== GiveRxBufferToHw()\n"));
++} /* GiveRxBufferToHw */
++ *
++ * FillReceiveTableYukon2 - map any waiting RX buffers to HW
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * If the list element table contains more empty elements than
++ * specified this function tries to refill them.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This function can run only once per port in a system at one time.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void FillReceiveTableYukon2(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context */
++int Port) /* port index of RX */
++ ("==> FillReceiveTableYukon2 (Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ if (NUM_FREE_LE_IN_TABLE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET) >
++ pAC->MaxUnusedRxLeWorking) {
++ /*
++ ** Give alle waiting receive buffers down
++ ** The queue holds all RX packets that
++ ** need a fresh allocation of the sk_buff.
++ */
++ if (pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting.pHead != NULL) {
++ ("Waiting queue is not empty -> give it to HW"));
++ GiveRxBufferToHw(pAC, IoC, Port, NULL);
++ }
++ }
++ ("<== FillReceiveTableYukon2 ()\n"));
++} /* FillReceiveTableYukon2 */
++ *
++ *
++ * HandleReceives - will pass any ready RX packet to kernel
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This functions handles a received packet. It checks wether it is
++ * valid, updates the receive list element table and gives the receive
++ * buffer to Linux
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This function can run only once per port at one time in the system.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static SK_BOOL HandleReceives(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* adapter control context */
++int Port, /* port on which a packet has been received */
++SK_U16 Len, /* number of bytes which was actually received */
++SK_U32 FrameStatus, /* MAC frame status word */
++SK_U16 Tcp1, /* first hw checksum */
++SK_U16 Tcp2, /* second hw checksum */
++SK_U32 Tist, /* timestamp */
++SK_U16 Vlan) /* Vlan Id */
++ SK_PACKET *pSkPacket;
++ SK_MBUF *pRlmtMbuf; /* buffer for giving RLMT frame */
++ struct sk_buff *pMsg; /* ptr to message holding frame */
++#ifdef __ia64__
++ struct sk_buff *pNewMsg; /* used when IP aligning */
++ SK_BOOL SlowPathLock = SK_FALSE;
++ SK_BOOL SlowPathLock = SK_TRUE;
++ SK_BOOL IsGoodPkt;
++ SK_BOOL IsBc;
++ SK_BOOL IsMc;
++ SK_EVPARA EvPara; /* an event parameter union */
++ SK_I16 LenToFree; /* must be signed integer */
++ unsigned long Flags; /* for spin lock */
++ unsigned int RlmtNotifier;
++ unsigned short Type;
++ int IpFrameLength;
++ int FrameLength; /* total length of recvd frame */
++ int HeaderLength;
++ int NumBytes;
++ int Result;
++ int Offset = 0;
++#ifdef Y2_SYNC_CHECK
++ SK_U16 MyTcp;
++ ("==> HandleReceives (Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ /*
++ ** initialize vars for selected port
++ */
++ pLETab = &pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET;
++ /*
++ ** check whether we want to receive this packet
++ */
++ SK_Y2_RXSTAT_CHECK_PKT(Len, FrameStatus, IsGoodPkt);
++ /*
++ ** Remember length to free (in case of RxBuffer overruns;
++ ** unlikely, but might happen once in a while)
++ */
++ LenToFree = (SK_I16) Len;
++ /*
++ ** maybe we put these two checks into the SK_RXDESC_CHECK_PKT macro too
++ */
++ if (Len > pAC->RxPort[Port].RxBufSize) {
++ IsGoodPkt = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** take first receive buffer out of working queue
++ */
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ if (pSkPacket == NULL) {
++ ("Packet not available. NULL pointer.\n"));
++ return(SK_TRUE);
++ }
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_420)) {
++ NbrRxBuffersInHW--;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Verify the received length of the frame! Note that having
++ ** multiple RxBuffers being aware of one single receive packet
++ ** (one packet spread over multiple RxBuffers) is not supported
++ ** by this driver!
++ */
++ if ((Len > pAC->RxPort[Port].RxBufSize) ||
++ (Len > (SK_U16) pSkPacket->PacketLen)) {
++ IsGoodPkt = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Reset own bit in LE's between old and new Done index
++ ** This is not really necessary but makes debugging easier
++ */
++ CLEAR_LE_OWN_FROM_DONE_TO(pLETab, pSkPacket->NextLE);
++ /*
++ ** Free the list elements for new Rx buffers
++ */
++ SET_DONE_INDEX(pLETab, pSkPacket->NextLE);
++ pMsg = pSkPacket->pMBuf;
++ FrameLength = Len;
++ ("Received frame of length %d on port %d\n",FrameLength, Port));
++ if (!IsGoodPkt) {
++ /*
++ ** release the DMA mapping
++ */
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen,
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen,
++ DEV_KFREE_SKB_ANY(pSkPacket->pMBuf);
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pSkPacket);
++ ("<== HandleReceives (Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ /*
++ ** Sanity check for RxBuffer overruns...
++ */
++ LenToFree = LenToFree - (pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen);
++ while (LenToFree > 0) {
++ POP_FIRST_PKT_FROM_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_working, pSkPacket);
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_420)) {
++ NbrRxBuffersInHW--;
++ }
++ CLEAR_LE_OWN_FROM_DONE_TO(pLETab, pSkPacket->NextLE);
++ SET_DONE_INDEX(pLETab, pSkPacket->NextLE);
++ pci_dma_sync_single(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen,
++ pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen,
++ DEV_KFREE_SKB_ANY(pSkPacket->pMBuf);
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pSkPacket);
++ LenToFree = LenToFree - ((SK_I16)(pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen));
++ ("<==HandleReceives (Port %c) drop faulty len pkt(2)\n",'A'+Port));
++ }
++ return(SK_TRUE);
++ } else {
++ /*
++ ** Release the DMA mapping
++ */
++ pci_unmap_single(pAC->PciDev,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys,
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxBufSize,
++ skb_put(pMsg, FrameLength); /* set message len */
++ pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; /* initial default */
++#ifdef Y2_SYNC_CHECK
++ pAC->FramesWithoutSyncCheck++;
++ if (pAC->FramesWithoutSyncCheck > Y2_RESYNC_WATERMARK) {
++ if ((Tcp1 != 1) && (Tcp2 != 0)) {
++ pAC->FramesWithoutSyncCheck = 0;
++ MyTcp = (SK_U16) SkCsCalculateChecksum(
++ &pMsg->data[14],
++ FrameLength - 14);
++ if (MyTcp != Tcp1) {
++ /* Queue port reset event */
++ SkLocalEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_DRV,
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (pAC->RxPort[Port].UseRxCsum) {
++ Type = ntohs(*((short*)&pMsg->data[12]));
++ if (Type == 0x800) {
++ *((char *)&(IpFrameLength)) = pMsg->data[16];
++ *(((char *)&(IpFrameLength))+1) = pMsg->data[17];
++ IpFrameLength = ntohs(IpFrameLength);
++ HeaderLength = FrameLength - IpFrameLength;
++ if (HeaderLength == 0xe) {
++ Result =
++ SkCsGetReceiveInfo(pAC,&pMsg->data[14],Tcp1,Tcp2, Port);
++ if ((Result == SKCS_STATUS_IP_FRAGMENT) ||
++ (Result == SKCS_STATUS_IP_CSUM_OK) ||
++ (Result == SKCS_STATUS_TCP_CSUM_OK) ||
++ (Result == SKCS_STATUS_UDP_CSUM_OK)) {
++ pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
++ } else if ((Result == SKCS_STATUS_TCP_CSUM_ERROR) ||
++ ("skge: CRC error. Frame dropped!\n"));
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pSkPacket);
++ ("<==HandleReceives(Port %c)\n",'A'+Port));
++ return(SK_TRUE);
++ } else {
++ pMsg->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
++ }
++ } /* end if (HeaderLength == valid) */
++ } /* end if (Type == 0x800) -> IP frame */
++ } /* end if (pRxPort->UseRxCsum) */
++ RlmtNotifier = SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL;
++ IsBc = (FrameStatus & GMR_FS_BC) ? SK_TRUE : SK_FALSE;
++ SK_RLMT_PRE_LOOKAHEAD(pAC,Port,FrameLength,
++ IsBc,&Offset,&NumBytes);
++ if (NumBytes != 0) {
++ IsMc = (FrameStatus & GMR_FS_MC) ? SK_TRUE : SK_FALSE;
++ SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD(pAC,Port,&pMsg->data[Offset],
++ IsBc,IsMc,&RlmtNotifier);
++ }
++ if (RlmtNotifier == SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL) {
++ if ((Port == pAC->ActivePort)||(pAC->RlmtNets == 2)) {
++ /* send up only frames from active port */
++#ifdef xDEBUG
++ DumpMsg(pMsg, "Rx");
++ FrameLength, Port);
++#ifdef __ia64__
++ pNewMsg = alloc_skb(pMsg->len, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ skb_reserve(pNewMsg, 2); /* to align IP */
++ SK_MEMCPY(pNewMsg->data,pMsg->data,pMsg->len);
++ pNewMsg->ip_summed = pMsg->ip_summed;
++ skb_put(pNewMsg, pMsg->len);
++ pMsg = pNewMsg;
++ pMsg->dev = pAC->dev[Port];
++ pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,
++ pAC->dev[Port]);
++ netif_rx(pMsg);
++ pAC->dev[Port]->last_rx = jiffies;
++ } else { /* drop frame */
++ }
++ } else { /* This is an RLMT-packet! */
++ pRlmtMbuf = SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf(pAC,
++ pAC->IoBase, FrameLength);
++ if (pRlmtMbuf != NULL) {
++ pRlmtMbuf->pNext = NULL;
++ pRlmtMbuf->Length = FrameLength;
++ pRlmtMbuf->PortIdx = Port;
++ EvPara.pParaPtr = pRlmtMbuf;
++ SK_MEMCPY((char*)(pRlmtMbuf->pData),
++ (char*)(pMsg->data),FrameLength);
++ if (SlowPathLock == SK_TRUE) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT,
++ EvPara);
++ pAC->CheckQueue = SK_TRUE;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
++ } else {
++ SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT,
++ EvPara);
++ pAC->CheckQueue = SK_TRUE;
++ }
++ }
++ if (pAC->dev[Port]->flags & (IFF_PROMISC | IFF_ALLMULTI)) {
++#ifdef __ia64__
++ pNewMsg = alloc_skb(pMsg->len, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ skb_reserve(pNewMsg, 2); /* to align IP */
++ SK_MEMCPY(pNewMsg->data,pMsg->data,pMsg->len);
++ pNewMsg->ip_summed = pMsg->ip_summed;
++ pNewMsg->len = pMsg->len;
++ pMsg = pNewMsg;
++ pMsg->dev = pAC->dev[Port];
++ pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,pAC->dev[Port]);
++ netif_rx(pMsg);
++ pAC->dev[Port]->last_rx = jiffies;
++ } else {
++ }
++ } /* if packet for rlmt */
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxQ_waiting, pSkPacket);
++ } /* end if-else (IsGoodPkt) */
++ ("<== HandleReceives (Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ return(SK_TRUE);
++} /* HandleReceives */
++ *
++ * CheckForSendComplete - Frees any freeable Tx bufffer
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function checks the queues of a port for completed send
++ * packets and returns these packets back to the OS.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * This function can run simultaneously for both ports if
++ * the OS function OSReturnPacket() can handle this,
++ *
++ * Such a send complete does not mean, that the packet is really
++ * out on the wire. We just know that the adapter has copied it
++ * into its internal memory and the buffer in the systems memory
++ * is no longer needed.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void CheckForSendComplete(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter control context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O control context */
++int Port, /* port index */
++SK_PKT_QUEUE *pPQ, /* tx working packet queue to check */
++SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab, /* corresponding list element table */
++unsigned int Done) /* done index reported for this LET */
++ SK_PACKET *pSkPacket;
++ SK_BOOL DoWakeQueue = SK_FALSE;
++ unsigned long Flags;
++ unsigned Put;
++ ("==> CheckForSendComplete(Port %c)\n", 'A' + Port));
++ /*
++ ** Reset own bit in LE's between old and new Done index
++ ** This is not really necessairy but makes debugging easier
++ */
++ ("Clear Own Bits in TxTable from %d to %d\n",
++ pLETab->Done, (Done == 0) ?
++ (Done - 1)));
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&(pPQ->QueueLock), Flags);
++ Put = GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab);
++ /*
++ ** Check whether some packets have been completed
++ */
++ while (pSkPacket != NULL) {
++ ("Check Completion of Tx packet %p\n", pSkPacket));
++ ("Put %d NewDone %d NextLe of Packet %d\n", Put, Done,
++ pSkPacket->NextLE));
++ if ((Put > Done) &&
++ ((pSkPacket->NextLE > Put) || (pSkPacket->NextLE <= Done))) {
++ ("Packet finished (a)\n"));
++ } else if ((Done > Put) &&
++ (pSkPacket->NextLE > Put) && (pSkPacket->NextLE <= Done)) {
++ ("Packet finished (b)\n"));
++ } else if ((Done == TXA_MAX_LE-1) && (Put == 0) && (pSkPacket->NextLE == 0)) {
++ ("Packet finished (b)\n"));
++ DoWakeQueue = SK_TRUE;
++ } else if (Done == Put) {
++ /* all packets have been sent */
++ ("Packet finished (c)\n"));
++ } else {
++ ("Packet not yet finished\n"));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(pPQ->QueueLock), Flags);
++ /*
++ ** Set new done index in list element table
++ */
++ SET_DONE_INDEX(pLETab, Done);
++ /*
++ ** All TX packets that are send complete should be added to
++ ** the free queue again for new sents to come
++ */
++ pSkPacket = SendCmplPktQ.pHead;
++ while (pSkPacket != NULL) {
++ while (pSkPacket->pFrag != NULL) {
++ pci_unmap_page(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag = pSkPacket->pFrag->pNext;
++ }
++ DEV_KFREE_SKB_ANY(pSkPacket->pMBuf);
++ pSkPacket->pMBuf = NULL;
++ pSkPacket = pSkPacket->pNext; /* get next packet */
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Append the available TX packets back to free queue
++ */
++ if (SendCmplPktQ.pHead != NULL) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&(pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.QueueLock), Flags);
++ if (pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.pTail != NULL) {
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.pTail->pNext = SendCmplPktQ.pHead;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.pTail = SendCmplPktQ.pTail;
++ if (pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.pHead->pNext == NULL) {
++ netif_wake_queue(pAC->dev[Port]);
++ }
++ } else {
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.pHead = SendCmplPktQ.pHead;
++ pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.pTail = SendCmplPktQ.pTail;
++ netif_wake_queue(pAC->dev[Port]);
++ }
++ if (Done == Put) {
++ netif_wake_queue(pAC->dev[Port]);
++ }
++ if (DoWakeQueue) {
++ netif_wake_queue(pAC->dev[Port]);
++ DoWakeQueue = SK_FALSE;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxQ_free.QueueLock, Flags);
++ }
++ ("<== CheckForSendComplete()\n"));
++ return;
++} /* CheckForSendComplete */
++ *
++ * UnmapAndFreeTxPktBuffer
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function free any allocated space of receive buffers
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - A pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ *
++ */
++static void UnmapAndFreeTxPktBuffer(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_PACKET *pSkPacket, /* pointer to port struct of ring to fill */
++int TxPort) /* TX port index */
++ SK_FRAG *pFrag = pSkPacket->pFrag;
++ ("--> UnmapAndFreeTxPktBuffer\n"));
++ while (pFrag != NULL) {
++ pci_unmap_page(pAC->PciDev,
++ (dma_addr_t) pFrag->pPhys,
++ pFrag->FragLen,
++ pFrag = pFrag->pNext;
++ }
++ DEV_KFREE_SKB_ANY(pSkPacket->pMBuf);
++ pSkPacket->pMBuf = NULL;
++ ("<-- UnmapAndFreeTxPktBuffer\n"));
++ *
++ * HandleStatusLEs
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function checks for any new status LEs that may have been
++ * received. Those status LEs may either be Rx or Tx ones.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static SK_BOOL HandleStatusLEs(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++int *WorkDone, /* Done counter needed for NAPI */
++int WorkToDo) /* ToDo counter for NAPI */
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter context */
++ int DoneTxA[SK_MAX_MACS];
++ int DoneTxS[SK_MAX_MACS];
++ int Port;
++ SK_BOOL handledStatLE = SK_FALSE;
++ SK_BOOL NewDone = SK_FALSE;
++ SK_HWLE *pLE;
++ SK_U16 HighVal;
++ SK_U32 LowVal;
++ SK_U8 OpCode;
++ int i;
++ ("==> HandleStatusLEs\n"));
++ do {
++ ("Check next Own Bit of ST-LE[%d]: 0x%li \n",
++ (pAC->StatusLETable.Done + 1) % NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(&pAC->StatusLETable),
++ OWN_OF_FIRST_LE(&pAC->StatusLETable)));
++ while (OWN_OF_FIRST_LE(&pAC->StatusLETable) == HW_OWNER) {
++ GET_ST_LE(pLE, &pAC->StatusLETable);
++ ("Working on finished status LE[%d]:\n",
++ GET_DONE_INDEX(&pAC->StatusLETable)));
++ handledStatLE = SK_TRUE;
++ OpCode = STLE_GET_OPC(pLE) & ~HW_OWNER;
++ Port = STLE_GET_LINK(pLE);
++ /* do we just have a tist LE ? */
++ for (i = 0; i < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
++ /* if a port is waiting for any tist it is done */
++ ("Got any Tist on port %c (now 0x%X!!!)\n",
++ 'A' + i, pAC->AdapterResetState));
++ }
++ Y2_GET_TIST_LOW_VAL(pAC->IoBase, &LowVal);
++ if ((pAC->MinTistHi != pAC->GIni.GITimeStampCnt) ||
++ (pAC->MinTistLo < LowVal)) {
++ /* time is up now */
++ ("Got expected Tist on Port %c (now 0x%X)!!!\n",
++ 'A' + i, pAC->AdapterResetState));
++#ifdef Y2_SYNC_CHECK
++ pAC->FramesWithoutSyncCheck =
++ } else {
++ ("Got Tist %l:%l on Port %c but still waiting\n",
++ pAC->GIni.GITimeStampCnt, pAC->MinTistLo,
++ 'A' + i));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++#ifndef Y2_RECOVERY
++ /* nobody needs tist anymore - turn it off */
++ Y2_DISABLE_TIST(pAC->IoBase);
++ ("Turn off Tist !!!\n"));
++ }
++ } else if (OpCode == OP_TXINDEXLE) {
++ /*
++ * change OpCode to notify the folowing code
++ * to ignore the done index from this LE
++ * unfortunately tist LEs will be generated only
++ * for RxStat LEs
++ * so in order to get a safe Done index for a
++ * port currently waiting for a tist we have to
++ * get the done index directly from the BMU
++ */
++ ("Mark unusable TX_INDEX LE!!!\n"));
++ } else {
++ ("Ignore LE 0x%X on Port %c!!!\n",
++ OpCode, 'A' + Port));
++ OpCode = OP_MOD_LE;
++#ifdef Y2_LE_CHECK
++ /* mark entries invalid */
++ pAC->LastOpc = 0xFF;
++ pAC->LastPort = 3;
++ }
++ }
++#ifdef Y2_LE_CHECK
++ if (pAC->LastOpc != 0xFF) {
++ /* last opc is valid
++ * check if current opcode follows last opcode
++ */
++ if ((((OpCode & OP_RXTIMESTAMP) == OP_RXTIMESTAMP) && (pAC->LastOpc != OP_RXSTAT)) ||
++ (((OpCode & OP_RXCHKS) == OP_RXCHKS) && (pAC->LastOpc != OP_RXTIMESTAMP)) ||
++ ((OpCode == OP_RXSTAT) && (pAC->LastOpc != OP_RXCHKS))) {
++ /* opcode sequence broken
++ * current LE is invalid
++ */
++ if (pAC->LastOpc == OP_RXTIMESTAMP) {
++ /* force invalid checksum */
++ pLE->St.StUn.StRxTCPCSum.RxTCPSum1 = 1;
++ pLE->St.StUn.StRxTCPCSum.RxTCPSum2 = 0;
++ OpCode = pAC->LastOpc = OP_RXCHKS;
++ Port = pAC->LastPort;
++ } else if (pAC->LastOpc == OP_RXCHKS) {
++ /* force invalid frame */
++ Port = pAC->LastPort;
++ pLE->St.Stat.BufLen = 64;
++ pLE->St.StUn.StRxStatWord = GMR_FS_CRC_ERR;
++ OpCode = pAC->LastOpc = OP_RXSTAT;
++#ifdef Y2_SYNC_CHECK
++ /* force rx sync check */
++ pAC->FramesWithoutSyncCheck = Y2_RESYNC_WATERMARK;
++ } else if (pAC->LastOpc == OP_RXSTAT) {
++ /* create dont care tist */
++ pLE->St.StUn.StRxTimeStamp = 0;
++ OpCode = pAC->LastOpc = OP_RXTIMESTAMP;
++ /* dont know the port yet */
++ } else {
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ ("Unknown LastOpc %X for Timestamp on port %c.\n",
++ pAC->LastOpc, Port));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ switch (OpCode) {
++ case OP_RXSTAT:
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ pAC->LastOpc = OP_RXSTAT;
++ /*
++ ** This is always the last Status LE belonging
++ ** to a received packet -> handle it...
++ */
++ if ((Port != 0) && (Port != 1)) {
++ /* Unknown port */
++ panic("sk98lin: Unknown port %d\n",
++ Port);
++ }
++ HandleReceives(
++ pAC,
++ Port,
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.TcpSum1,
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.TcpSum2,
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.RxTimeStamp,
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.VlanId);
++ if (*WorkDone >= WorkToDo) {
++ break;
++ }
++ (*WorkDone)++;
++ break;
++ case OP_RXVLAN:
++ /* this value will be used for next RXSTAT */
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.VlanId = STLE_GET_VLAN(pLE);
++ break;
++ /* this value will be used for next RXSTAT */
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.VlanId = STLE_GET_VLAN(pLE);
++ /* fall through */
++ /* this value will be used for next RXSTAT */
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.RxTimeStamp = STLE_GET_TIST(pLE);
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ pAC->LastPort = Port;
++ break;
++ /* this value will be used for next RXSTAT */
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.VlanId = STLE_GET_VLAN(pLE);
++ /* fall through */
++ case OP_RXCHKS:
++ /* this value will be used for next RXSTAT */
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.TcpSum1 = STLE_GET_TCP1(pLE);
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.TcpSum2 = STLE_GET_TCP2(pLE);
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ pAC->LastPort = Port;
++ pAC->LastOpc = OP_RXCHKS;
++ break;
++ case OP_RSS_HASH:
++ /* this value will be used for next RXSTAT */
++#if 0
++ pAC->StatusLETable.Bmu.Stat.RssHashValue = STLE_GET_RSS(pLE);
++ break;
++ /*
++ ** :;:; TODO
++ ** it would be possible to check for which queues
++ ** the index has been changed and call
++ ** CheckForSendComplete() only for such queues
++ */
++ STLE_GET_DONE_IDX(pLE,LowVal,HighVal);
++ ("LowVal: 0x%x HighVal: 0x%x\n", LowVal, HighVal));
++ /*
++ ** It would be possible to check whether we really
++ ** need the values for second port or sync queue,
++ ** but I think checking whether we need them is
++ ** more expensive than the calculation
++ */
++ DoneTxA[0] = STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXA1(LowVal,HighVal);
++ DoneTxS[0] = STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXS1(LowVal,HighVal);
++ DoneTxA[1] = STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXA2(LowVal,HighVal);
++ DoneTxS[1] = STLE_GET_DONE_IDX_TXS2(LowVal,HighVal);
++ ("DoneTxa1 0x%x DoneTxS1: 0x%x DoneTxa2 0x%x DoneTxS2: 0x%x\n",
++ DoneTxA[0], DoneTxS[0], DoneTxA[1], DoneTxS[1]));
++ NewDone = SK_TRUE;
++ break;
++ ("OP_MOD_TXINDEX\n"));
++ SK_IN16(pAC->IoBase, Q_ADDR(Q_XA1, Q_DONE), &DoneTxA[0]);
++ if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound > 1) {
++ SK_IN16(pAC->IoBase, Q_ADDR(Q_XA2, Q_DONE), &DoneTxA[1]);
++ }
++ NewDone = SK_TRUE;
++ break;
++ case OP_MOD_LE:
++ ("Ignore marked LE on port in Reset\n"));
++ break;
++ default:
++ /*
++ ** Have to handle the illegal Opcode in Status LE
++ */
++ ("Unexpected OpCode\n"));
++ break;
++ }
++#ifdef Y2_RECOVERY
++ OpCode = STLE_GET_OPC(pLE) & ~HW_OWNER;
++ STLE_SET_OPC(pLE, OpCode);
++ /*
++ ** Reset own bit we have to do this in order to detect a overflow
++ */
++ } /* while (OWN_OF_FIRST_LE(&pAC->StatusLETable) == HW_OWNER) */
++ /*
++ ** Now handle any new transmit complete
++ */
++ if (NewDone) {
++ ("Done Index for Tx BMU has been changed\n"));
++ for (Port = 0; Port < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; Port++) {
++ /*
++ ** Do we have a new Done idx ?
++ */
++ if (DoneTxA[Port] != GET_DONE_INDEX(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxALET)) {
++ ("Check TxA%d\n", Port + 1));
++ CheckForSendComplete(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Port,
++ &(pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxAQ_working),
++ &pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxALET,
++ DoneTxA[Port]);
++ } else {
++ ("No changes for TxA%d\n", Port + 1));
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Do we have a new Done idx ?
++ */
++ if (DoneTxS[Port] !=
++ GET_DONE_INDEX(&pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxSLET)) {
++ ("Check TxS%d\n", Port));
++ CheckForSendComplete(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Port,
++ &(pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxSQ_working),
++ &pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TxSLET,
++ DoneTxS[Port]);
++ } else {
++ ("No changes for TxS%d\n", Port));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ NewDone = SK_FALSE;
++ /*
++ ** Check whether we have to refill our RX table
++ */
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_420)) {
++ if (NbrRxBuffersInHW < MAX_NBR_RX_BUFFERS_IN_HW) {
++ for (Port = 0; Port < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; Port++) {
++ ("Check for refill of RxBuffers on Port %c\n", 'A' + Port));
++ FillReceiveTableYukon2(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Port);
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ for (Port = 0; Port < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; Port++) {
++ ("Check for refill of RxBuffers on Port %c\n", 'A' + Port));
++ if (NUM_FREE_LE_IN_TABLE(&pAC->RxPort[Port].RxLET) >= 64) {
++ FillReceiveTableYukon2(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Port);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (*WorkDone >= WorkToDo) {
++ break;
++ }
++ } while (OWN_OF_FIRST_LE(&pAC->StatusLETable) == HW_OWNER);
++ /*
++ ** Clear status BMU
++ */
++ return(handledStatLE);
++} /* HandleStatusLEs */
++ *
++ * AllocateAndInitLETables - allocate memory for the LETable and init
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function will allocate space for the LETable and will also
++ * initialize them. The size of the tables must have been specified
++ * before.
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - A pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SK_TRUE - all LETables initialized
++ * SK_FALSE - failed
++ */
++static SK_BOOL AllocateAndInitLETables(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter context */
++ char *pVirtMemAddr;
++ dma_addr_t pPhysMemAddr = 0;
++ SK_U32 CurrMac;
++ unsigned Size;
++ unsigned Aligned;
++ unsigned Alignment;
++ ("==> AllocateAndInitLETables()\n"));
++ /*
++ ** Determine how much memory we need with respect to alignment
++ */
++ Alignment = MAX_LEN_OF_LE_TAB;
++ Size = 0;
++ for (CurrMac = 0; CurrMac < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) {
++ SK_ALIGN_SIZE(LE_TAB_SIZE(RX_MAX_LE), Alignment, Aligned);
++ Size += Aligned;
++ SK_ALIGN_SIZE(LE_TAB_SIZE(TXA_MAX_LE), Alignment, Aligned);
++ Size += Aligned;
++ SK_ALIGN_SIZE(LE_TAB_SIZE(TXS_MAX_LE), Alignment, Aligned);
++ Size += Aligned;
++ }
++ SK_ALIGN_SIZE(LE_TAB_SIZE(ST_MAX_LE), Alignment, Aligned);
++ Size += Aligned;
++ Size += Alignment;
++ pAC->SizeOfAlignedLETables = Size;
++ ("Need %08x bytes in total\n", Size));
++ /*
++ ** Allocate the memory
++ */
++ pVirtMemAddr = pci_alloc_consistent(pAC->PciDev, Size, &pPhysMemAddr);
++ if (pVirtMemAddr == NULL) {
++ ("AllocateAndInitLETables: kernel malloc failed!\n"));
++ return (SK_FALSE);
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Initialize the memory
++ */
++ SK_MEMSET(pVirtMemAddr, 0, Size);
++ ALIGN_ADDR(pVirtMemAddr, Alignment); /* Macro defined in skgew.h */
++ ("Virtual address of LETab is %8p!\n", pVirtMemAddr));
++ ("Phys address of LETab is %8p!\n", (void *) pPhysMemAddr));
++ for (CurrMac = 0; CurrMac < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) {
++ ("RxLeTable for Port %c", 'A' + CurrMac));
++ SkGeY2InitSingleLETable(
++ pAC,
++ &pAC->RxPort[CurrMac].RxLET,
++ pVirtMemAddr,
++ (SK_U32) (pPhysMemAddr & 0xffffffff),
++ (SK_U32) (((SK_U64) pPhysMemAddr) >> 32));
++ SK_ALIGN_SIZE(LE_TAB_SIZE(RX_MAX_LE), Alignment, Aligned);
++ pVirtMemAddr += Aligned;
++ pPhysMemAddr += Aligned;
++ ("TxALeTable for Port %c", 'A' + CurrMac));
++ SkGeY2InitSingleLETable(
++ pAC,
++ &pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][0].TxALET,
++ pVirtMemAddr,
++ (SK_U32) (pPhysMemAddr & 0xffffffff),
++ (SK_U32) (((SK_U64) pPhysMemAddr) >> 32));
++ SK_ALIGN_SIZE(LE_TAB_SIZE(TXA_MAX_LE), Alignment, Aligned);
++ pVirtMemAddr += Aligned;
++ pPhysMemAddr += Aligned;
++ ("TxSLeTable for Port %c", 'A' + CurrMac));
++ SkGeY2InitSingleLETable(
++ pAC,
++ &pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][0].TxSLET,
++ pVirtMemAddr,
++ (SK_U32) (pPhysMemAddr & 0xffffffff),
++ (SK_U32) (((SK_U64) pPhysMemAddr) >> 32));
++ SK_ALIGN_SIZE(LE_TAB_SIZE(TXS_MAX_LE), Alignment, Aligned);
++ pVirtMemAddr += Aligned;
++ pPhysMemAddr += Aligned;
++ }
++ SkGeY2InitSingleLETable(
++ pAC,
++ &pAC->StatusLETable,
++ pVirtMemAddr,
++ (SK_U32) (pPhysMemAddr & 0xffffffff),
++ (SK_U32) (((SK_U64) pPhysMemAddr) >> 32));
++ ("<== AllocateAndInitLETables(OK)\n"));
++ return(SK_TRUE);
++} /* AllocateAndInitLETables */
++ *
++ * AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2 - allocate packet and fragment buffers
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function will allocate space for the packets and fragments
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - A pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SK_TRUE - Memory was allocated correctly
++ * SK_FALSE - An error occured
++ */
++static SK_BOOL AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter context */
++ SK_PACKET *pRxPacket;
++ SK_PACKET *pTxPacket;
++ SK_U32 CurrBuff;
++ SK_U32 CurrMac;
++ unsigned long Flags; /* needed for POP/PUSH functions */
++ ("==> AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2()"));
++ for (CurrMac = 0; CurrMac < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) {
++ /*
++ ** Allocate RX packet space, initialize the packets and
++ ** add them to the RX waiting queue. Waiting queue means
++ ** that packet and fragment are initialized, but no sk_buff
++ ** has been assigned to it yet.
++ */
++ pAC->RxPort[CurrMac].ReceivePacketTable =
++ kmalloc((RX_MAX_NBR_BUFFERS * sizeof(SK_PACKET)), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (pAC->RxPort[CurrMac].ReceivePacketTable == NULL) {
++ ("AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2: no mem RxPkts (port %i)",CurrMac));
++ break;
++ } else {
++ SK_MEMSET(pAC->RxPort[CurrMac].ReceivePacketTable, 0,
++ pRxPacket = pAC->RxPort[CurrMac].ReceivePacketTable;
++ for (CurrBuff=0;CurrBuff<RX_MAX_NBR_BUFFERS;CurrBuff++) {
++ pRxPacket->pFrag = &(pRxPacket->FragArray[0]);
++ pRxPacket->NumFrags = 1;
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->RxPort[CurrMac].RxQ_waiting, pRxPacket);
++ pRxPacket++;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ ** Allocate TX packet space, initialize the packets and
++ ** add them to the TX free queue. Free queue means that
++ ** packet is available and initialized, but no fragment
++ ** has been assigned to it. (Must be done at TX side)
++ */
++ pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][0].TransmitPacketTable =
++ kmalloc((TX_MAX_NBR_BUFFERS * sizeof(SK_PACKET)), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][0].TransmitPacketTable == NULL) {
++ ("AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2: no mem TxPkts (port %i)",CurrMac));
++ kfree(pAC->RxPort[CurrMac].ReceivePacketTable);
++ return(SK_FALSE);
++ } else {
++ SK_MEMSET(pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][0].TransmitPacketTable, 0,
++ pTxPacket = pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][0].TransmitPacketTable;
++ for (CurrBuff=0;CurrBuff<TX_MAX_NBR_BUFFERS;CurrBuff++) {
++ PUSH_PKT_AS_LAST_IN_QUEUE(&pAC->TxPort[CurrMac][0].TxQ_free, pTxPacket);
++ pTxPacket++;
++ }
++ }
++ } /* end for (CurrMac = 0; CurrMac < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; CurrMac++) */
++ ("<== AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2 (OK)\n"));
++ return(SK_TRUE);
++} /* AllocatePacketBuffersYukon2 */
++ *
++ * FreeLETables - release allocated memory of LETables
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function will free all resources of the LETables
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - A pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void FreeLETables(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ dma_addr_t pPhysMemAddr;
++ char *pVirtMemAddr;
++ ("==> FreeLETables()\n"));
++ /*
++ ** The RxLETable is the first of all LET.
++ ** Therefore we can use its address for the input
++ ** of the free function.
++ */
++ pVirtMemAddr = (char *) pAC->RxPort[0].RxLET.pLETab;
++ pPhysMemAddr = (((SK_U64) pAC->RxPort[0].RxLET.pPhyLETABHigh << (SK_U64) 32) |
++ ((SK_U64) pAC->RxPort[0].RxLET.pPhyLETABLow));
++ /* free continuous memory */
++ pci_free_consistent(pAC->PciDev, pAC->SizeOfAlignedLETables,
++ pVirtMemAddr, pPhysMemAddr);
++ ("<== FreeLETables()\n"));
++} /* FreeLETables */
++ *
++ * FreePacketBuffers - free's all packet buffers of an adapter
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function will free all previously allocated memory of the
++ * packet buffers.
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - A pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++static void FreePacketBuffers(
++SK_AC *pAC) /* pointer to adapter control context */
++ int Port;
++ ("==> FreePacketBuffers()\n"));
++ for (Port = 0; Port < pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; Port++) {
++ kfree(pAC->RxPort[Port].ReceivePacketTable);
++ kfree(pAC->TxPort[Port][0].TransmitPacketTable);
++ }
++ ("<== FreePacketBuffers()\n"));
++} /* FreePacketBuffers */
++ *
++ * AllocAndMapRxBuffer - fill one buffer into the receive packet/fragment
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The function allocates a new receive buffer and assigns it to the
++ * the passsed receive packet/fragment
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SK_TRUE - a buffer was allocated and assigned
++ * SK_FALSE - a buffer could not be added
++ */
++static SK_BOOL AllocAndMapRxBuffer(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to the adapter control context */
++SK_PACKET *pSkPacket, /* pointer to packet that is to fill */
++int Port) /* port the packet belongs to */
++ struct sk_buff *pMsgBlock; /* pointer to a new message block */
++ SK_U64 PhysAddr; /* physical address of a rx buffer */
++ ("--> AllocAndMapRxBuffer (Port: %i)\n", Port));
++ pMsgBlock = alloc_skb(pAC->RxPort[Port].RxBufSize, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (pMsgBlock == NULL) {
++ ("%s: Allocation of rx buffer failed !\n",
++ pAC->dev[Port]->name));
++ SK_PNMI_CNT_NO_RX_BUF(pAC, pAC->RxPort[Port].PortIndex);
++ return(SK_FALSE);
++ }
++ skb_reserve(pMsgBlock, 8);
++ PhysAddr = (SK_U64) pci_map_page(pAC->PciDev,
++ virt_to_page(pMsgBlock->data),
++ ((unsigned long) pMsgBlock->data &
++ pAC->RxPort[Port].RxBufSize,
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->pVirt = pMsgBlock->data;
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->pPhys = PhysAddr;
++ pSkPacket->pFrag->FragLen = pAC->RxPort[Port].RxBufSize; /* for correct unmap */
++ pSkPacket->pMBuf = pMsgBlock;
++ pSkPacket->PacketLen = pAC->RxPort[Port].RxBufSize;
++ ("<-- AllocAndMapRxBuffer\n"));
++ return (SK_TRUE);
++} /* AllocAndMapRxBuffer */
++ *
++ * End of file
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2le.c linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2le.c
+--- linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2le.c 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sky2le.c 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
++ *
++ * Name: sky2le.c
++ * Project: Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, Common Modules
++ * Version: $Revision: 1.11 $
++ * Date: $Date: 2004/11/22 14:21:58 $
++ * Purpose: Functions for handling List Element Tables
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * (C)Copyright 2002-2004 Marvell.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ * The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ *
++ * Description:
++ *
++ * This module contains the code necessary for handling List Elements.
++ *
++ * Supported Gigabit Ethernet Chipsets:
++ * Yukon-2 (PCI, PCI-X, PCI-Express)
++ *
++ * Include File Hierarchy:
++ *
++ *
++ *****************************************************************************/
++#include "h/skdrv1st.h"
++#include "h/skdrv2nd.h"
++/* defines *******************************************************************/
++/* typedefs ******************************************************************/
++/* global variables **********************************************************/
++/* local variables ***********************************************************/
++#if (defined(DEBUG) || ((!defined(LINT)) && (!defined(SK_SLIM))))
++static const char SysKonnectFileId[] =
++ "@(#) $Id: sky2le.c,v 1.11 2004/11/22 14:21:58 malthoff Exp $ (C) Marvell.";
++#endif /* DEBUG || (!LINT && !SK_SLIM) */
++/* function prototypes *******************************************************/
++ *
++ * SkGeY2InitSingleLETable() - initializes a list element table
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function will initialize the selected list element table.
++ * Should be called once during DriverInit. No InitLevel required.
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ * pLETab - pointer to list element table structure
++ * NumLE - number of list elements in this table
++ * pVMem - virtual address of memory allocated for this LE table
++ * PMemLowAddr - physical address of memory to be used for the LE table
++ * PMemHighAddr
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * nothing
++ */
++void SkGeY2InitSingleLETable(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab, /* pointer to list element table to be initialized */
++unsigned int NumLE, /* number of list elements to be filled in tab */
++void *pVMem, /* virtual address of memory used for list elements */
++SK_U32 PMemLowAddr, /* physical addr of mem used for LE */
++SK_U32 PMemHighAddr)
++ unsigned int i;
++ ("==> SkGeY2InitSingleLETable()\n"));
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ if (NumLE != 2) { /* not table for polling unit */
++ if ((NumLE % MIN_LEN_OF_LE_TAB) != 0 || NumLE > MAX_LEN_OF_LE_TAB) {
++ ("ERROR: Illegal number of list elements %d\n", NumLE));
++ }
++ }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
++ /* special case: unused list element table */
++ if (NumLE == 0) {
++ PMemLowAddr = 0;
++ PMemHighAddr = 0;
++ pVMem = 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * in order to get the best possible performance the macros to access
++ * list elements use & instead of %
++ * this requires the length of LE tables to be a power of 2
++ */
++ /*
++ * this code guarantees that we use the next power of 2 below the
++ * value specified for NumLe - this way some LEs in the table may
++ * not be used but the macros work correctly
++ * this code does not check for bad values below 128 because in such a
++ * case we cannot do anything here
++ */
++ if ((NumLE != 2) && (NumLE != 0)) {
++ /* no check for polling unit and unused sync Tx */
++ while (NumLE > i) {
++ i *= 2;
++ if (i > MAX_LEN_OF_LE_TAB) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (NumLE != i) {
++ ("ERROR: Illegal number of list elements %d adjusted to %d\n",
++ NumLE, (i / 2)));
++ NumLE = i / 2;
++ }
++ }
++ /* set addresses */
++ pLETab->pPhyLETABLow = PMemLowAddr;
++ pLETab->pPhyLETABHigh = PMemHighAddr;
++ pLETab->pLETab = pVMem;
++ ("contains %d LEs", NumLE));
++ (" and starts at virt %08lx and phys %08lx:%08lx\n",
++ pVMem, PMemHighAddr, PMemLowAddr));
++ /* initialize indexes */
++ pLETab->Done = 0;
++ pLETab->Put = 0;
++ pLETab->HwPut = 0;
++ /* initialize size */
++ pLETab->Num = NumLE;
++ ("<== SkGeY2InitSingleLETable()\n"));
++} /* SkGeY2InitSingleLETable */
++ *
++ * SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit() - Initialize a Prefetch Unit
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Calling this function requires an already configured list element
++ * table. The prefetch unit to be configured is specified in the parameter
++ * 'Queue'. The function is able to initialze the prefetch units of
++ * the following queues: Q_R1, Q_R2, Q_XS1, Q_XS2, Q_XA1, Q_XA2.
++ * The funcution should be called before SkGeInitPort().
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ * IoC - I/O context.
++ * Queue - I/O offset of queue e.g. Q_XA1.
++ * pLETab - pointer to list element table to be initialized
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
++unsigned int Queue, /* Queue offset for finding the right registers */
++SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab) /* pointer to list element table to be initialized */
++ ("==> SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit()\n"));
++#ifdef DEBUG
++ if (Queue != Q_R1 && Queue != Q_R2 && Queue != Q_XS1 &&
++ Queue != Q_XS2 && Queue != Q_XA1 && Queue != Q_XA2) {
++ ("ERROR: Illegal queue identifier %x\n", Queue));
++ }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
++ /* disable the prefetch unit */
++ ("Base address: %08lx:%08lx\n", pLETab->pPhyLETABHigh,
++ pLETab->pPhyLETABLow));
++ /* Set the list base address high part*/
++ pLETab->pPhyLETABHigh);
++ /* Set the list base address low part */
++ pLETab->pPhyLETABLow);
++ ("Last index: %d\n", pLETab->Num-1));
++ /* Set the list last index */
++ (SK_U16)(pLETab->Num - 1));
++ /* turn on prefetch unit */
++ ("<== SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit()\n"));
++} /* SkGeY2InitPrefetchUnit */
++ *
++ * SkGeY2InitStatBmu() - Initialize the Status BMU
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Calling this function requires an already configured list element
++ * table. Ensure the status BMU is only initialized once during
++ * DriverInit - InitLevel2 required.
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ * IoC - I/O context.
++ * pLETab - pointer to status LE table to be initialized
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkGeY2InitStatBmu(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
++SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab) /* pointer to status LE table */
++ ("==> SkGeY2InitStatBmu()\n"));
++ /* disable the prefetch unit */
++ ("Base address Low: %08lX\n", pLETab->pPhyLETABLow));
++ /* Set the list base address */
++ ("Base address High: %08lX\n", pLETab->pPhyLETABHigh));
++ ("Last index: %d\n", pLETab->Num - 1));
++ /* Set the list last index */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, STAT_LAST_IDX, (SK_U16)(pLETab->Num - 1));
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_43_418)) {
++ ("Set Tx index threshold\n"));
++ /* WA for dev. #4.3 */
++ /* set Status-FIFO watermark */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, STAT_FIFO_WM, 0x21); /* WA for dev. #4.18 */
++ /* set Status-FIFO ISR watermark */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, STAT_FIFO_ISR_WM, 0x07); /* WA for dev. #4.18 */
++ /* WA for dev. #4.3 and #4.18 */
++ /* set Status-FIFO Tx timer init value */
++ }
++ else {
++ /*
++ * Further settings may be added if required...
++ * 1) Status-FIFO watermark (STAT_FIFO_WM, STAT_FIFO_ISR_WM)
++ * 2) Status-FIFO timer values (STAT_TX_TIMER_INI,
++ * but tests shows that the default values give the best results,
++ * therefore the defaults are used.
++ */
++ /*
++ * Theses settings should avoid the
++ * temporary hanging of the status BMU.
++ * May be not all required... still under investigation...
++ */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, STAT_TX_IDX_TH, 0x000a);
++ /* set Status-FIFO watermark */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, STAT_FIFO_WM, 0x10);
++ /* set Status-FIFO ISR watermark */
++ if (HW_FEATURE(pAC, HWF_WA_DEV_4109)) {
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, STAT_FIFO_ISR_WM, 0x10);
++ }
++ else {
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, STAT_FIFO_ISR_WM, 0x04);
++ }
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, STAT_ISR_TIMER_INI, 0x0190);
++ }
++ /* start Status-FIFO timer */
++ ("Start Status FiFo timer\n"));
++ /* enable the prefetch unit */
++ /* operational bit not functional for Yukon-EC, but fixed in Yukon-2 */
++ /* start Status-FIFO timer */
++ ("Start Status FiFo timer\n"));
++ ("<== SkGeY2InitStatBmu()\n"));
++} /* SkGeY2InitStatBmu */
++ *
++ * SkGeY2InitPollUnit() - Initialize the Polling Unit
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function will write the data of one polling LE table into the
++ * adapter.
++ *
++ * Arguments:
++ * pAC - pointer to the adapter context struct.
++ * IoC - I/O context.
++ * pLETab - pointer to polling LE table to be initialized
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkGeY2InitPollUnit(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* I/O context */
++SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab) /* pointer to polling LE table */
++ SK_HWLE *pLE;
++ int i;
++#ifdef VCPU
++#endif /* VCPU */
++ ("==> SkGeY2InitPollUnit()\n"));
++#ifdef VCPU
++ for (i = 0; i < SK_MAX_MACS; i++) {
++ GET_PO_LE(pLE, pLETab, i);
++ /* initialize polling LE but leave indexes invalid */
++ }
++#endif /* VCPU */
++ /* disable the polling unit */
++ ("Base address Low: %08lX\n", pLETab->pPhyLETABLow));
++ /* Set the list base address */
++ ("Base address High: %08lX\n", pLETab->pPhyLETABHigh));
++ /* we don't need to write the last index - it is hardwired to 1 */
++ /* enable the prefetch unit */
++ /*
++ * now we have to start the descriptor poll timer because it triggers
++ * the polling unit
++ */
++ /*
++ * still playing with the value (timer runs at 125 MHz)
++ * descriptor poll timer is enabled by GeInit
++ */
++ SK_OUT32(IoC, B28_DPT_INI,
++ (SK_DPOLL_DEF_Y2 * (SK_U32)pAC->GIni.GIHstClkFact / 100));
++ ("<== SkGeY2InitPollUnit()\n"));
++} /* SkGeY2InitPollUnit */
++#endif /* USE_POLLING_UNIT */
++ *
++ * SkGeY2SetPutIndex
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * This function is writing the Done index of a transmit
++ * list element table.
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * Dev. Issue 4.2
++ *
++ * Returns: N/A
++ */
++void SkGeY2SetPutIndex(
++SK_AC *pAC, /* pointer to adapter context */
++SK_IOC IoC, /* pointer to the IO context */
++SK_U32 StartAddrPrefetchUnit, /* start address of the prefetch unit */
++SK_LE_TABLE *pLETab) /* list element table to work with */
++ unsigned int Put;
++ SK_U16 EndOfListIndex;
++ SK_U16 HwGetIndex;
++ SK_U16 HwPutIndex;
++ /* set put index we would like to write */
++ Put = GET_PUT_IDX(pLETab);
++ /*
++ * in this case we wrap around
++ * new put is lower than last put given to hw
++ */
++ if (Put < pLETab->HwPut) {
++ /* set put index = last index of list */
++ EndOfListIndex = (NUM_LE_IN_TABLE(pLETab)-1);
++ /* read get index of hw prefetch unit */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, (StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_GET_IDX_REG),
++ &HwGetIndex);
++ /* read put index of hw prefetch unit */
++ SK_IN16(IoC, (StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX_REG),
++ &HwPutIndex);
++ /* prefetch unit reached end of list */
++ /* prefetch unit reached first list element */
++ if (HwGetIndex == 0) {
++ /* restore watermark */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_FIFO_WM_REG, 0xe0U);
++ /* write put index */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX_REG,
++ (SK_U16)Put);
++ /* remember put index we wrote to hw */
++ pLETab->HwPut = Put;
++ }
++ else if (HwGetIndex == EndOfListIndex) {
++ /* set watermark to one list element */
++ SK_OUT8(IoC, StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_FIFO_WM_REG, 8);
++ /* set put index to first list element */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX_REG, 0);
++ }
++ /* prefetch unit did not reach end of list yet */
++ /* and we did not write put index to end of list yet */
++ else if ((HwPutIndex != EndOfListIndex) &&
++ (HwGetIndex != EndOfListIndex)) {
++ /* write put index */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX_REG,
++ EndOfListIndex);
++ }
++ else {
++ /* do nothing */
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++#ifdef XXX /* leads in to problems in the Windows Driver */
++ if (Put != pLETab->HwPut) {
++ /* write put index */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX_REG,
++ (SK_U16)Put);
++ /* update put index */
++ }
++ /* write put index */
++ SK_OUT16(IoC, StartAddrPrefetchUnit + PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX_REG,
++ (SK_U16)Put);
++ /* update put index */
++ }
++} /* SkGeY2SetPutIndex */
+diff -ruN linux/Documentation/networking/sk98lin.txt linux-new/Documentation/networking/sk98lin.txt
+--- linux/Documentation/networking/sk98lin.txt 2005-09-26 13:33:56.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/sk98lin/sk98lin.txt 2005-08-09 17:15:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,38 +1,56 @@
+-(C)Copyright 1999-2004 Marvell(R).
+-All rights reserved
++(C)Copyright 1999-2005 Marvell(R).
++All rights reserved.
+-sk98lin.txt created 13-Feb-2004
++sk98lin.txt created 09-Aug-2005
+-Readme File for sk98lin v6.23
+-Marvell Yukon/SysKonnect SK-98xx Gigabit Ethernet Adapter family driver for LINUX
++Readme File for sk98lin v8.24.1.3
++Marvell Yukon/SysKonnect SK-98xx Gigabit Ethernet Adapter driver for LINUX
+ This file contains
+ 1 Overview
+- 2 Required Files
+- 3 Installation
+- 3.1 Driver Installation
+- 3.2 Inclusion of adapter at system start
+- 4 Driver Parameters
+- 4.1 Per-Port Parameters
+- 4.2 Adapter Parameters
+- 5 Large Frame Support
+- 6 VLAN and Link Aggregation Support (IEEE 802.1, 802.1q, 802.3ad)
+- 7 Troubleshooting
++ 2 Supported Functions
++ 3 Required Files
++ 4 Installation
++ 4.1 Driver Installation
++ 4.2 Inclusion of adapter at system start
++ 5 Driver Parameters
++ 5.1 Per-Port Parameters
++ 5.2 Adapter Parameters
++ 6 Ethtool Support
++ 7 Large Frame Support
++ 8 VLAN and Link Aggregation Support (IEEE 802.1, 802.1q, 802.3ad)
++ 9 Wake on Lan support
++10 Troubleshooting
+ 1 Overview
+ ===========
+-The sk98lin driver supports the Marvell Yukon and SysKonnect
+-SK-98xx/SK-95xx compliant Gigabit Ethernet Adapter on Linux. It has
+-been tested with Linux on Intel/x86 machines.
++The sk98lin driver supports the Marvell Yukon, Yukon EC/FE, Yukon 2
++and SysKonnect SK-98xx/SK-95xx compliant Gigabit Ethernet Adapter on Linux.
++It has been tested with Linux on Intel/x86, x86_64 and IA64 machines.
+ ***
++2 Supported Functions
++The following functions are supported by the driver:
+-2 Required Files
++ NOTE 1: The hardware support depends on the used card
++ - RX/TX HW Checksum
++ - Hardware interrupt moderation (static/dynamic)
++ - Transmit poll
++ - Zerocopy/Scatter-Gather
++ - Ethtool support
++ - Wake on Lan (Magic Packet only) (From suspend and APM only)
++ - DualNet
++3 Required Files
+ =================
+ The linux kernel source.
+@@ -40,16 +58,14 @@
+ ***
+-3 Installation
++4 Installation
+ ===============
+ It is recommended to download the latest version of the driver from the
+-SysKonnect web site If you have downloaded the latest
+-driver, the Linux kernel has to be patched before the driver can be
+-installed. For details on how to patch a Linux kernel, refer to the
+-patch.txt file.
++SysKonnect web site For details on Installation
++Instructions for sk98lin Driver, please refer to the README.txt file.
+-3.1 Driver Installation
++4.1 Driver Installation
+ ------------------------
+ The following steps describe the actions that are required to install
+@@ -110,13 +126,13 @@
+ NOTE 1: If you have more than one Marvell Yukon or SysKonnect SK-98xx
+ adapter installed, the adapters will be listed as 'eth0',
+- 'eth1', 'eth2', etc.
+- For each adapter, repeat steps 3 and 4 below.
++ 'eth1', 'eth2', etc.
++ For each adapter, repeat steps 3 and 4 below.
+ NOTE 2: If you have other Ethernet adapters installed, your Marvell
+ Yukon or SysKonnect SK-98xx adapter will be mapped to the
+- next available number, e.g. 'eth1'. The mapping is executed
+- automatically.
++ next available number, e.g. 'eth1'. The mapping is executed
++ automatically.
+ The module installation message (displayed either in a system
+ log file or on the console) prints a line for each adapter
+ found containing the corresponding 'ethX'.
+@@ -153,7 +169,7 @@
+ 1. Execute the command "ifconfig eth0 down".
+ 2. Execute the command "rmmod sk98lin".
+-3.2 Inclusion of adapter at system start
++4.2 Inclusion of adapter at system start
+ -----------------------------------------
+ Since a large number of different Linux distributions are
+@@ -165,7 +181,8 @@
+ ***
+-4 Driver Parameters
++5 Driver Parameters
+ ====================
+ Parameters can be set at the command line after the module has been
+@@ -174,7 +191,7 @@
+ to the driver module.
+ If you use the kernel module loader, you can set driver parameters
+-in the file /etc/modprobe.conf (or /etc/modules.conf in 2.4 or earlier).
++in the file /etc/modules.conf (or old name: /etc/conf.modules).
+ To set the driver parameters in this file, proceed as follows:
+ 1. Insert a line of the form :
+@@ -208,7 +225,7 @@
+ more adapters, adjust this and recompile.
+-4.1 Per-Port Parameters
++5.1 Per-Port Parameters
+ ------------------------
+ These settings are available for each port on the adapter.
+@@ -282,7 +299,7 @@
+ with this parameter.
+-4.2 Adapter Parameters
++5.2 Adapter Parameters
+ -----------------------
+ Connection Type (SK-98xx V2.0 copper adapters only)
+@@ -379,7 +396,6 @@
+ is tremendous. On the other hand, selecting a very short moderation time might
+ compensate the use of any moderation being applied.
+ Preferred Port
+ --------------
+ Parameter: PrefPort
+@@ -394,7 +410,7 @@
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ Parameter: RlmtMode
+ Values: CheckLinkState,CheckLocalPort, CheckSeg, DualNet
+-Default: CheckLinkState
++Default: CheckLinkState (DualNet on dual port adapters)
+ RLMT monitors the status of the port. If the link of the active port
+ fails, RLMT switches immediately to the standby link. The virtual link is
+@@ -429,10 +445,94 @@
+ where a network path between the ports on one adapter exists.
+ Moreover, they are not designed to work where adapters are connected
+ back-to-back.
++Parameter: LowLatency
++Values: On, Off
++Default: Off
++This is used to reduce the packet latency time of the adapter. Setting the
++LowLatency parameter to 'On' forces the adapter to pass any received packet
++immediately to upper network layers and to send out any transmit packet as
++fast as possible.
++NOTE 1: The system load increases if LowLatency is set to 'On' and a lot
++ of data packets are transmitted and received.
++NOTE 2: This parameter is only used on adapters which are based on
++ PCI Express compatible chipsets.
+ ***
+-5 Large Frame Support
++6 Ethtool Support
++The sk98lin driver provides built-in ethtool support. The ethtool
++can be used to display or modify interface specific configurations.
++Ethtool commands are invoked using a single parameter which reflects
++the requested ethtool command plus an optional number of parameters
++which belong to the desired command.
++It is not the intention of this section to explain the ethtool command
++line tool and all its options. For further information refer to the
++manpage of the ethtool. This sections describes only the sk98lin
++driver supported ethtool commands.
++Pause Parameters
++Query command: -a
++Set command: -A [autoneg on|off] [rx on|off] [tx on|off]
++Sample: ethtool -A eth0 rx off tx off
++Coalescing Parameters
++Query command: -c
++Set command: -C [sample-interval I]
++ [rx-usecs N] [tx-usecs N]
++ [rx-usecs-low N] [tx-usecs-low N]
++ [rx-usecs-high N] [tx-usecs-high N]
++Parameter: I = Length of sample interval, in seconds
++ (supported values range from 1...10)
++ N = Length of coalescing interval, in microseconds
++ (supported values range from 25...33,333)
++Sample: ethtool -C eth2 rx-usecs 500 tx-usecs 500
++NOTE: The sk98lin driver does not support different settings
++ for the rx and tx interrupt coalescing parameters.
++Driver Information
++Query command: -i
++Sample: ethtool -i eth1
++Checksumming Parameters
++Query command: -k
++Set command: -K [rx on|off] [tx on|off] [sg on|off]
++Sample: ethtool -K eth0 sg off
++Locate NIC Command
++Query command: -p [N]
++Parameter: N = Amount of time to perform locate NIC command, in seconds
++Sample: ethtool -p 10 eth1
++Driver-specific Statistics
++Query command: -S
++Sample: ethtool -S eth0
++Setting Parameters
++Set command: -s [speed 10|100|1000] [duplex half|full]
++ [autoneg on|off] [wol gd]
++Sample: ethtool -s eth2 wol d
++7 Large Frame Support
+ ======================
+ The driver supports large frames (also called jumbo frames). Using large
+@@ -444,10 +544,10 @@
+ ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000
+ This will only work if you have two adapters connected back-to-back
+ or if you use a switch that supports large frames. When using a switch,
+-it should be configured to allow large frames and auto-negotiation should
+-be set to OFF. The setting must be configured on all adapters that can be
+-reached by the large frames. If one adapter is not set to receive large
+-frames, it will simply drop them.
++it should be configured to allow large frames. The setting must be
++configured on all adapters that can be reached by the large frames.
++If one adapter is not set to receive large frames, it will simply drop
+ You can switch back to the standard ethernet frame size by executing the
+ following command:
+@@ -459,7 +559,7 @@
+ ***
+-6 VLAN and Link Aggregation Support (IEEE 802.1, 802.1q, 802.3ad)
++8 VLAN and Link Aggregation Support (IEEE 802.1, 802.1q, 802.3ad)
+ ==================================================================
+ The Marvell Yukon/SysKonnect Linux drivers are able to support VLAN and
+@@ -477,8 +577,21 @@
+ cause problems when unloading the driver.
+-7 Troubleshooting
++9 Wake on Lan support
++The sk98lin driver supports wake up from suspend mode with MagicPacket
++on APM systems. Wake on Lan support is enabled by default. To disable it
++please use the ethtool.
++NOTE 1: APM support has to be enabled in BIOS and in the kernel.
++NOTE 2: Refer to the kernel documentation for additional requirements
++ regarding APM support.
++10 Troubleshooting
+ If any problems occur during the installation process, check the
+ following list:
+diff -ruN linux/drivers/net/Kconfig linux-new/drivers/net/Kconfig
+--- linux/drivers/net/Kconfig 2005-09-26 13:32:55.000000000 +0400
++++ linux-new/drivers/net/Kconfig 2005-10-21 11:35:52.000267280 +0400
+@@ -2043,6 +2043,7 @@
+ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
+ will be called r8169. This is recommended.
+ config SK98LIN
+ tristate "Marvell Yukon Chipset / SysKonnect SK-98xx Support"
+ depends on PCI
+@@ -2052,6 +2053,22 @@
+ by this driver:
+ - 3Com 3C940 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter
+ - 3Com 3C941 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter
++ - 88E8021 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-X, single Port Copper
++ - 88E8021 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-X, single Port Fiber LX
++ - 88E8021 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-X, single Port Fiber SX
++ - 88E8022 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-X, dual Port Copper
++ - 88E8022 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-X, dual Port Copper (Gateway)
++ - 88E8022 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-X, dual Port Fiber LX
++ - 88E8022 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-X, dual Port Fiber SX
++ - 88E8061 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-E, single Port Copper
++ - 88E8061 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-E, single Port Fiber LX
++ - 88E8061 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-E, single Port Fiber SX
++ - 88E8062 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-E, dual Port Copper
++ - 88E8062 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-E, dual Port Copper (Gateway)
++ - 88E8062 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-E, dual Port Fiber LX
++ - 88E8062 Marvell 1000 Mbit PCI-E, dual Port Fiber SX
++ - Abocom EFE3K - 10/100 Ethernet Expresscard
++ - Abocom EGE5K - Giga Ethernet Expresscard
+ - Allied Telesyn AT-2970LX Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+ - Allied Telesyn AT-2970LX/2SC Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+ - Allied Telesyn AT-2970SX Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+@@ -2062,31 +2079,81 @@
+ - Allied Telesyn AT-2971T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+ - Belkin Gigabit Desktop Card 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter, Copper RJ-45
+ - DGE-530T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
++ - DGE-560T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+ - EG1032 v2 Instant Gigabit Network Adapter
+ - EG1064 v2 Instant Gigabit Network Adapter
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Abit)
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Albatron)
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Asus)
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (ECS)
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Epox)
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Foxconn)
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Gigabyte)
+- - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Iwill)
+- - Marvell 88E8050 Gigabit LOM Ethernet Adapter (Intel)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Abit)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Albatron)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Asus)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Chaintech)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (ECS)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Epox)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Foxconn)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Gigabyte)
++ - Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Iwill)
++ - Marvell 88E8035 Fast Ethernet Controller (LGE)
++ - Marvell 88E8035 Fast Ethernet Controller (Toshiba)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Arima)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Compal)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Inventec)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (LGE)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Mitac)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Panasonic)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Quanta)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Toshiba)
++ - Marvell 88E8036 Fast Ethernet Controller (Wistron)
++ - Marvell 88E8050 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Gateway)
++ - Marvell 88E8050 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Intel)
++ - Marvell 88E8052 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (ASRock)
++ - Marvell 88E8052 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Aopen)
++ - Marvell 88E8052 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Asus)
++ - Marvell 88E8052 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Gateway)
++ - Marvell 88E8052 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Gigabyte)
++ - Marvell 88E8052 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (MSI)
++ - Marvell 88E8052 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Wistron)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (ASRock)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Albatron)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Aopen)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Arima)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Asus)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Chaintech)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Clevo)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Compal)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (DFI)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (ECS)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Epox)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Gigabyte)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Inventec)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (LGE)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (MSI)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Mitac)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Panasonic)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Quanta)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (SOYO)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Shuttle)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Toshiba)
++ - Marvell 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Trigem)
++ - Marvell RDK-8001
+ - Marvell RDK-8001 Adapter
+ - Marvell RDK-8002 Adapter
++ - Marvell RDK-8003
+ - Marvell RDK-8003 Adapter
+ - Marvell RDK-8004 Adapter
+ - Marvell RDK-8006 Adapter
+ - Marvell RDK-8007 Adapter
+ - Marvell RDK-8008 Adapter
+ - Marvell RDK-8009 Adapter
+- - Marvell RDK-8010 Adapter
++ - Marvell RDK-8010
+ - Marvell RDK-8011 Adapter
+ - Marvell RDK-8012 Adapter
+- - Marvell RDK-8052 Adapter
+- - Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter (32 bit)
+- - Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter (64 bit)
++ - Marvell RDK-8035
++ - Marvell RDK-8036
++ - Marvell RDK-8052
++ - Marvell RDK-8053
++ - Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller (32 bit)
++ - Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller (64 bit)
++ - Marvell Yukon-EC Ultra, no ASF (Battery Power Service Support)
++ - Marvell Yukon-FE Fast Ethernet, Reduced Battery Power Service Support)
+ - N-Way PCI-Bus Giga-Card 1000/100/10Mbps(L)
+ - SK-9521 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter
+ - SK-9521 V2.0 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter
+@@ -2106,6 +2173,14 @@
+ - SK-9871 Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter (SK-NET GE-ZX)
+ - SK-9871 V2.0 Gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-ZX Adapter
+ - SK-9872 Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter (SK-NET GE-ZX dual link)
++ - SK-9S21 Server Adapter
++ - SK-9S22 Server Adapter
++ - SK-9S24 Server Adapter
++ - SK-9S34 Server Adapter
++ - SK-9S81 Server Adapter
++ - SK-9S82 Server Adapter
++ - SK-9S91 Server Adapter
++ - SK-9S92 Server Adapter
+ - SMC EZ Card 1000 (SMC9452TXV.2)
+ The adapters support Jumbo Frames.
+@@ -2119,8 +2194,16 @@
+ If you want to compile this driver as a module ( = code which can be
+ inserted in and removed from the running kernel whenever you want),
+- say M here and read Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt. The module will
+- be called sk98lin. This is recommended.
++ say M here and read Documentation/modules.txt. This is recommended.
++ The module will be called sk98lin. This is recommended.
++config SK98LIN_NAPI
++ bool "Use Rx polling (NAPI)"
++ depends on SK98LIN
++ help
++ NAPI is a new driver API designed to reduce CPU and interrupt load
++ when the driver is receiving lots of packets from the card.
+ config TIGON3
+ tristate "Broadcom Tigon3 support"
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5108_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5108_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5146ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5108_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,4631 @@
+--- linux- 2005-10-20 17:56:53.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/tg3.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -4,12 +4,16 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 David S. Miller (
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 Broadcom Corporation.
++ *
++ * Firmware is:
++ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+ */
+ #include <linux/config.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/types.h>
+ #include <linux/compiler.h>
+@@ -53,12 +57,13 @@
+ #define TG3_TSO_SUPPORT 0
+ #endif
++#include "tg3_compat.h"
+ #include "tg3.h"
+ #define DRV_MODULE_NAME "tg3"
+ #define PFX DRV_MODULE_NAME ": "
+-#define DRV_MODULE_VERSION "3.8"
+-#define DRV_MODULE_RELDATE "July 14, 2004"
++#define DRV_MODULE_VERSION "3.27-rh"
++#define DRV_MODULE_RELDATE "May 5, 2005"
+ #define TG3_DEF_MAC_MODE 0
+ #define TG3_DEF_RX_MODE 0
+@@ -81,8 +86,7 @@
+ /* hardware minimum and maximum for a single frame's data payload */
+ #define TG3_MIN_MTU 60
+ #define TG3_MAX_MTU(tp) \
+- ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 && \
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) ? 9000 : 1500)
++ (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS) ? 9000 : 1500)
+ /* These numbers seem to be hard coded in the NIC firmware somehow.
+ * You can't change the ring sizes, but you can change where you place
+@@ -100,9 +104,7 @@
+ * replace things like '% foo' with '& (foo - 1)'.
+ */
+ #define TG3_RX_RCB_RING_SIZE(tp) \
+- ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 || \
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) ? \
+- 512 : 1024)
++ ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS) ? 512 : 1024)
+ #define TG3_TX_RING_SIZE 512
+@@ -138,10 +140,11 @@ static char version[] __devinitdata =
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("David S. Miller ( and Jeff Garzik (");
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Broadcom Tigon3 ethernet driver");
+-MODULE_PARM(tg3_debug, "i");
+-MODULE_PARM_DESC(tg3_debug, "Tigon3 bitmapped debugging message enable value");
+ static int tg3_debug = -1; /* -1 == use TG3_DEF_MSG_ENABLE as value */
++module_param(tg3_debug, int, 0);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(tg3_debug, "Tigon3 bitmapped debugging message enable value");
+ static struct pci_device_id tg3_pci_tbl[] = {
+@@ -202,6 +205,16 @@ static struct pci_device_id tg3_pci_tbl[
+ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
+ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
++ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
+ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0UL },
+@@ -221,8 +234,8 @@ static struct pci_device_id tg3_pci_tbl[
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, tg3_pci_tbl);
+-struct {
+- char string[ETH_GSTRING_LEN];
++static struct {
++ const char string[ETH_GSTRING_LEN];
+ } ethtool_stats_keys[TG3_NUM_STATS] = {
+ { "rx_octets" },
+ { "rx_fragments" },
+@@ -328,7 +341,7 @@ static void _tw32_flush(struct tg3 *tp,
+ pci_write_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_REG_DATA, val);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->indirect_lock, flags);
+ } else {
+- unsigned long dest = tp->regs + off;
++ void __iomem *dest = tp->regs + off;
+ writel(val, dest);
+ readl(dest); /* always flush PCI write */
+ }
+@@ -336,7 +349,7 @@ static void _tw32_flush(struct tg3 *tp,
+ static inline void _tw32_rx_mbox(struct tg3 *tp, u32 off, u32 val)
+ {
+- unsigned long mbox = tp->regs + off;
++ void __iomem *mbox = tp->regs + off;
+ writel(val, mbox);
+ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_MBOX_WRITE_REORDER)
+ readl(mbox);
+@@ -344,7 +357,7 @@ static inline void _tw32_rx_mbox(struct
+ static inline void _tw32_tx_mbox(struct tg3 *tp, u32 off, u32 val)
+ {
+- unsigned long mbox = tp->regs + off;
++ void __iomem *mbox = tp->regs + off;
+ writel(val, mbox);
+ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_TXD_MBOX_HWBUG)
+ writel(val, mbox);
+@@ -414,6 +427,43 @@ static void tg3_enable_ints(struct tg3 *
+ tg3_cond_int(tp);
+ }
++static inline unsigned int tg3_has_work(struct tg3 *tp)
++ struct tg3_hw_status *sblk = tp->hw_status;
++ unsigned int work_exists = 0;
++ /* check for phy events */
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags &
++ if (sblk->status & SD_STATUS_LINK_CHG)
++ work_exists = 1;
++ }
++ /* check for RX/TX work to do */
++ if (sblk->idx[0].tx_consumer != tp->tx_cons ||
++ sblk->idx[0].rx_producer != tp->rx_rcb_ptr)
++ work_exists = 1;
++ return work_exists;
++/* tg3_restart_ints
++ * similar to tg3_enable_ints, but it accurately determines whether there
++ * is new work pending and can return without flushing the PIO write
++ * which reenables interrupts
++ */
++static void tg3_restart_ints(struct tg3 *tp)
++ (tp->misc_host_ctrl & ~MISC_HOST_CTRL_MASK_PCI_INT));
++ tw32_mailbox(MAILBOX_INTERRUPT_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW, 0x00000000);
++ mmiowb();
++ if (tg3_has_work(tp))
++ tw32(HOSTCC_MODE, tp->coalesce_mode |
+ static inline void tg3_netif_stop(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+ netif_poll_disable(tp->dev);
+@@ -442,9 +492,13 @@ static void tg3_switch_clocks(struct tg3
+ 0x1f);
+ tp->pci_clock_ctrl = clock_ctrl;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750 &&
+- (orig_clock_ctrl & CLOCK_CTRL_44MHZ_CORE) != 0) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS) {
++ if (orig_clock_ctrl & CLOCK_CTRL_625_CORE) {
++ tw32_f(TG3PCI_CLOCK_CTRL,
++ clock_ctrl | CLOCK_CTRL_625_CORE);
++ udelay(40);
++ }
++ } else if ((orig_clock_ctrl & CLOCK_CTRL_44MHZ_CORE) != 0) {
+ clock_ctrl |
+@@ -462,7 +516,8 @@ static void tg3_switch_clocks(struct tg3
+ static int tg3_readphy(struct tg3 *tp, int reg, u32 *val)
+ {
+ u32 frame_val;
+- int loops, ret;
++ unsigned int loops;
++ int ret;
+ if ((tp->mi_mode & MAC_MI_MODE_AUTO_POLL) != 0) {
+ tw32_f(MAC_MI_MODE,
+@@ -470,7 +525,7 @@ static int tg3_readphy(struct tg3 *tp, i
+ udelay(80);
+ }
+- *val = 0xffffffff;
++ *val = 0x0;
+ frame_val = ((PHY_ADDR << MI_COM_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT) &
+@@ -481,7 +536,7 @@ static int tg3_readphy(struct tg3 *tp, i
+ tw32_f(MAC_MI_COM, frame_val);
+ loops = PHY_BUSY_LOOPS;
+- while (loops-- > 0) {
++ while (loops != 0) {
+ udelay(10);
+ frame_val = tr32(MAC_MI_COM);
+@@ -490,10 +545,11 @@ static int tg3_readphy(struct tg3 *tp, i
+ frame_val = tr32(MAC_MI_COM);
+ break;
+ }
++ loops -= 1;
+ }
+ ret = -EBUSY;
+- if (loops > 0) {
++ if (loops != 0) {
+ *val = frame_val & MI_COM_DATA_MASK;
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+@@ -509,7 +565,8 @@ static int tg3_readphy(struct tg3 *tp, i
+ static int tg3_writephy(struct tg3 *tp, int reg, u32 val)
+ {
+ u32 frame_val;
+- int loops, ret;
++ unsigned int loops;
++ int ret;
+ if ((tp->mi_mode & MAC_MI_MODE_AUTO_POLL) != 0) {
+ tw32_f(MAC_MI_MODE,
+@@ -527,7 +584,7 @@ static int tg3_writephy(struct tg3 *tp,
+ tw32_f(MAC_MI_COM, frame_val);
+ loops = PHY_BUSY_LOOPS;
+- while (loops-- > 0) {
++ while (loops != 0) {
+ udelay(10);
+ frame_val = tr32(MAC_MI_COM);
+ if ((frame_val & MI_COM_BUSY) == 0) {
+@@ -535,10 +592,11 @@ static int tg3_writephy(struct tg3 *tp,
+ frame_val = tr32(MAC_MI_COM);
+ break;
+ }
++ loops -= 1;
+ }
+ ret = -EBUSY;
+- if (loops > 0)
++ if (loops != 0)
+ ret = 0;
+ if ((tp->mi_mode & MAC_MI_MODE_AUTO_POLL) != 0) {
+@@ -556,9 +614,10 @@ static void tg3_phy_set_wirespeed(struct
+ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_NO_ETH_WIRE_SPEED)
+ return;
+- tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, 0x7007);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, &val);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, (val | (1 << 15) | (1 << 4)));
++ if (!tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, 0x7007) &&
++ !tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, &val))
++ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL,
++ (val | (1 << 15) | (1 << 4)));
+ }
+ static int tg3_bmcr_reset(struct tg3 *tp)
+@@ -599,9 +658,10 @@ static int tg3_wait_macro_done(struct tg
+ while (limit--) {
+ u32 tmp32;
+- tg3_readphy(tp, 0x16, &tmp32);
+- if ((tmp32 & 0x1000) == 0)
+- break;
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, 0x16, &tmp32)) {
++ if ((tmp32 & 0x1000) == 0)
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ if (limit <= 0)
+ return -EBUSY;
+@@ -653,9 +713,9 @@ static int tg3_phy_write_and_check_testp
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 2) {
+ u32 low, high;
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_DSP_RW_PORT, &low);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_DSP_RW_PORT, &high);
+- if (tg3_wait_macro_done(tp)) {
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_DSP_RW_PORT, &low) ||
++ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_DSP_RW_PORT, &high) ||
++ tg3_wait_macro_done(tp)) {
+ *resetp = 1;
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+@@ -711,7 +771,9 @@ static int tg3_phy_reset_5703_4_5(struct
+ }
+ /* Disable transmitter and interrupt. */
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, &reg32);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, &reg32))
++ continue;
+ reg32 |= 0x3000;
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, reg32);
+@@ -720,7 +782,9 @@ static int tg3_phy_reset_5703_4_5(struct
+ /* Set to master mode. */
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_CTRL, &phy9_orig);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_CTRL, &phy9_orig))
++ continue;
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_CTRL,
+@@ -758,9 +822,11 @@ static int tg3_phy_reset_5703_4_5(struct
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_CTRL, phy9_orig);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, &reg32);
+- reg32 &= ~0x3000;
+- tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, reg32);
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, &reg32)) {
++ reg32 &= ~0x3000;
++ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, reg32);
++ } else if (!err)
++ err = -EBUSY;
+ return err;
+ }
+@@ -819,15 +885,26 @@ out:
+ if ((tp->phy_id & PHY_ID_MASK) == PHY_ID_BCM5401) {
+ /* Cannot do read-modify-write on 5401 */
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, 0x4c20);
+- } else if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ } else if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ u32 phy_reg;
+ /* Set bit 14 with read-modify-write to preserve other bits */
+- tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, 0x0007);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, &phy_reg);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, phy_reg | 0x4000);
++ if (!tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, 0x0007) &&
++ !tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, &phy_reg))
++ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, phy_reg | 0x4000);
++ }
++ /* Set phy register 0x10 bit 0 to high fifo elasticity to support
++ * jumbo frames transmission.
++ */
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
++ u32 phy_reg;
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL, &phy_reg))
++ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL,
+ }
+ tg3_phy_set_wirespeed(tp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -858,34 +935,42 @@ static void tg3_frob_aux_power(struct tg
+ udelay(100);
+ } else {
++ u32 no_gpio2;
++ u32 grc_local_ctrl;
+ if (tp_peer != tp &&
+ (tp_peer->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE) != 0)
+ return;
++ /* On 5753 and variants, GPIO2 cannot be used. */
++ no_gpio2 = tp->nic_sram_data_cfg &
++ grc_local_ctrl = GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OE0 |
++ if (no_gpio2) {
++ grc_local_ctrl &= ~(GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OE2 |
++ }
+ tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl |
++ grc_local_ctrl);
+ udelay(100);
+- tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl |
+- udelay(100);
++ grc_local_ctrl |= GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OUTPUT0;
+ tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl |
++ grc_local_ctrl);
+ udelay(100);
++ if (!no_gpio2) {
++ grc_local_ctrl &= ~GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OUTPUT2;
++ tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl |
++ grc_local_ctrl);
++ udelay(100);
++ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5700 &&
+@@ -918,6 +1003,7 @@ static int tg3_setup_phy(struct tg3 *, i
+ static void tg3_write_sig_post_reset(struct tg3 *, int);
++static int tg3_halt_cpu(struct tg3 *, u32);
+ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg3 *tp, int state)
+ {
+@@ -943,8 +1029,13 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ pci_write_config_word(tp->pdev,
+ pm + PCI_PM_CTRL,
+ power_control);
+- tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl);
+- udelay(100);
++ udelay(100); /* Delay after power state change */
++ /* Switch out of Vaux if it is not a LOM */
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT)) {
++ tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl);
++ udelay(100);
++ }
+ return 0;
+@@ -980,7 +1071,7 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ tp->link_config.orig_autoneg = tp->link_config.autoneg;
+ }
+- if (tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)) {
+ tp->link_config.speed = SPEED_10;
+ tp->link_config.duplex = DUPLEX_HALF;
+ tp->link_config.autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE;
+@@ -992,7 +1083,7 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_WOL_ENABLE) {
+ u32 mac_mode;
+- if (tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)) {
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, 0x5a);
+ udelay(40);
+@@ -1005,7 +1096,7 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ mac_mode = MAC_MODE_PORT_MODE_TBI;
+ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS))
+ tw32(MAC_LED_CTRL, tp->led_ctrl);
+ if (((power_caps & PCI_PM_CAP_PME_D3cold) &&
+@@ -1032,7 +1123,7 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ udelay(40);
+- } else if (!((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == 5750) &&
++ } else if (!((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS) &&
+ (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_ENABLE_ASF))) {
+ u32 newbits1, newbits2;
+@@ -1042,8 +1133,7 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ newbits2 = newbits1 | CLOCK_CTRL_44MHZ_CORE;
+- } else if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ } else if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS) {
+ newbits1 = CLOCK_CTRL_625_CORE;
+ newbits2 = newbits1 | CLOCK_CTRL_ALTCLK;
+ } else {
+@@ -1057,8 +1147,7 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ tw32_f(TG3PCI_CLOCK_CTRL, tp->pci_clock_ctrl | newbits2);
+ udelay(40);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ u32 newbits3;
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5700 ||
+@@ -1078,8 +1167,20 @@ static int tg3_set_power_state(struct tg
+ tg3_frob_aux_power(tp);
++ /* Workaround for unstable PLL clock */
++ if ((GET_CHIP_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == CHIPREV_5750_AX) ||
++ (GET_CHIP_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == CHIPREV_5750_BX)) {
++ u32 val = tr32(0x7d00);
++ val &= ~((1 << 16) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 1) | 1);
++ tw32(0x7d00, val);
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_ENABLE_ASF))
++ tg3_halt_cpu(tp, RX_CPU_BASE);
++ }
+ /* Finally, set the new power state. */
+ pci_write_config_word(tp->pdev, pm + PCI_PM_CTRL, power_control);
++ udelay(100); /* Delay after power state change */
+ tg3_write_sig_post_reset(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN);
+@@ -1114,29 +1215,33 @@ static void tg3_setup_flow_control(struc
+ u32 old_rx_mode = tp->rx_mode;
+ u32 old_tx_mode = tp->tx_mode;
+- if (local_adv & ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP) {
+- if (local_adv & ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM) {
+- if (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_CAP)
+- new_tg3_flags |=
+- else if (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_ASYM)
+- new_tg3_flags |=
+- } else {
+- if (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_CAP)
+- new_tg3_flags |=
++ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_AUTONEG) {
++ if (local_adv & ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP) {
++ if (local_adv & ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM) {
++ if (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_CAP)
++ new_tg3_flags |=
++ else if (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_ASYM)
++ new_tg3_flags |=
++ } else {
++ if (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_CAP)
++ new_tg3_flags |=
++ }
++ } else if (local_adv & ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM) {
++ if ((remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_CAP) &&
++ (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_ASYM))
++ new_tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_TX_PAUSE;
+ }
+- } else if (local_adv & ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM) {
+- if ((remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_CAP) &&
+- (remote_adv & LPA_PAUSE_ASYM))
+- new_tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_TX_PAUSE;
+- }
+- tp->tg3_flags &= ~(TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE | TG3_FLAG_TX_PAUSE);
+- tp->tg3_flags |= new_tg3_flags;
++ tp->tg3_flags &= ~(TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE | TG3_FLAG_TX_PAUSE);
++ tp->tg3_flags |= new_tg3_flags;
++ } else {
++ new_tg3_flags = tp->tg3_flags;
++ }
+ if (new_tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE)
+ tp->rx_mode |= RX_MODE_FLOW_CTRL_ENABLE;
+@@ -1197,7 +1302,7 @@ static void tg3_aux_stat_to_speed_duplex
+ };
+ }
+-static int tg3_phy_copper_begin(struct tg3 *tp)
++static void tg3_phy_copper_begin(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+ u32 new_adv;
+ int i;
+@@ -1312,15 +1417,16 @@ static int tg3_phy_copper_begin(struct t
+ if (tp->link_config.duplex == DUPLEX_FULL)
+ bmcr |= BMCR_FULLDPLX;
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &orig_bmcr);
+- if (bmcr != orig_bmcr) {
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &orig_bmcr) &&
++ (bmcr != orig_bmcr)) {
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR, BMCR_LOOPBACK);
+ for (i = 0; i < 1500; i++) {
+ u32 tmp;
+ udelay(10);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &tmp);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &tmp);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &tmp) ||
++ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &tmp))
++ continue;
+ if (!(tmp & BMSR_LSTATUS)) {
+ udelay(40);
+ break;
+@@ -1333,8 +1439,6 @@ static int tg3_phy_copper_begin(struct t
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR,
+ }
+- return 0;
+ }
+ static int tg3_init_5401phy_dsp(struct tg3 *tp)
+@@ -1369,7 +1473,9 @@ static int tg3_copper_is_advertising_all
+ {
+ u32 adv_reg, all_mask;
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_ADVERTISE, &adv_reg);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_ADVERTISE, &adv_reg))
++ return 0;
+ if ((adv_reg & all_mask) != all_mask)
+@@ -1377,7 +1483,9 @@ static int tg3_copper_is_advertising_all
+ if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_10_100_ONLY)) {
+ u32 tg3_ctrl;
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_CTRL, &tg3_ctrl);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_CTRL, &tg3_ctrl))
++ return 0;
+ all_mask = (MII_TG3_CTRL_ADV_1000_HALF |
+ if ((tg3_ctrl & all_mask) != all_mask)
+@@ -1417,8 +1525,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705) &&
+ netif_carrier_ok(tp->dev)) {
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- if (!(bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS))
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr) &&
++ !(bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS))
+ force_reset = 1;
+ }
+ if (force_reset)
+@@ -1426,9 +1534,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ if ((tp->phy_id & PHY_ID_MASK) == PHY_ID_BCM5401) {
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE))
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr) ||
++ !(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE))
+ bmsr = 0;
+ if (!(bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS)) {
+@@ -1439,8 +1546,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ udelay(10);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- if (bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS) {
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr) &&
++ (bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS)) {
+ udelay(40);
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -1487,11 +1594,23 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ current_speed = SPEED_INVALID;
+ current_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID;
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_CAPACITIVE_COUPLING) {
++ u32 val;
++ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, 0x4007);
++ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, &val);
++ if (!(val & (1 << 10))) {
++ val |= (1 << 10);
++ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_CTRL, val);
++ goto relink;
++ }
++ }
+ bmsr = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- if (bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS)
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr) &&
++ (bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS))
+ break;
+ udelay(40);
+ }
+@@ -1502,8 +1621,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_STAT, &aux_stat);
+ for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
+ udelay(10);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_STAT, &aux_stat);
+- if (aux_stat)
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_TG3_AUX_STAT, &aux_stat) &&
++ aux_stat)
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -1514,7 +1633,8 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ bmcr = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &bmcr);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &bmcr);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &bmcr))
++ continue;
+ if (bmcr && bmcr != 0x7fff)
+ break;
+ udelay(10);
+@@ -1551,10 +1671,13 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ (tp->link_config.autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE)) {
+ u32 local_adv, remote_adv;
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_ADVERTISE, &local_adv);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_ADVERTISE, &local_adv))
++ local_adv = 0;
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_LPA, &remote_adv);
++ if (tg3_readphy(tp, MII_LPA, &remote_adv))
++ remote_adv = 0;
+ remote_adv &= (LPA_PAUSE_CAP | LPA_PAUSE_ASYM);
+ /* If we are not advertising full pause capability,
+@@ -1566,15 +1689,15 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ tg3_setup_flow_control(tp, local_adv, remote_adv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (current_link_up == 0) {
+ u32 tmp;
+ tg3_phy_copper_begin(tp);
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &tmp);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &tmp);
+- if (tmp & BMSR_LSTATUS)
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &tmp) &&
++ (tmp & BMSR_LSTATUS))
+ current_link_up = 1;
+ }
+@@ -1616,7 +1739,7 @@ static int tg3_setup_copper_phy(struct t
+ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
+ udelay(40);
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & (TG3_FLAG_USE_LINKCHG_REG | TG3_FLAG_POLL_SERDES)) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_USE_LINKCHG_REG) {
+ /* Polled via timer. */
+ tw32_f(MAC_EVENT, 0);
+ } else {
+@@ -1965,261 +2088,399 @@ static int tg3_fiber_aneg_smachine(struc
+ static int fiber_autoneg(struct tg3 *tp, u32 *flags)
+ {
+ int res = 0;
++ struct tg3_fiber_aneginfo aninfo;
++ int status = ANEG_FAILED;
++ unsigned int tick;
++ u32 tmp;
+- if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_AUTONEG) {
+- u32 dig_status;
+- dig_status = tr32(SG_DIG_STATUS);
+- *flags = 0;
+- if (dig_status & SG_DIG_PARTNER_ASYM_PAUSE)
+- *flags |= MR_LP_ADV_ASYM_PAUSE;
+- if (dig_status & SG_DIG_PARTNER_PAUSE_CAPABLE)
+- *flags |= MR_LP_ADV_SYM_PAUSE;
+- if ((dig_status & SG_DIG_AUTONEG_COMPLETE) &&
+- !(dig_status & (SG_DIG_AUTONEG_ERROR |
+- res = 1;
+- } else {
+- struct tg3_fiber_aneginfo aninfo;
+- int status = ANEG_FAILED;
+- unsigned int tick;
+- u32 tmp;
+- tw32_f(MAC_TX_AUTO_NEG, 0);
++ tw32_f(MAC_TX_AUTO_NEG, 0);
+- tmp = tp->mac_mode & ~MAC_MODE_PORT_MODE_MASK;
+- udelay(40);
++ tmp = tp->mac_mode & ~MAC_MODE_PORT_MODE_MASK;
++ udelay(40);
+- tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode | MAC_MODE_SEND_CONFIGS);
+- udelay(40);
++ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode | MAC_MODE_SEND_CONFIGS);
++ udelay(40);
+- memset(&aninfo, 0, sizeof(aninfo));
+- aninfo.flags |= MR_AN_ENABLE;
+- aninfo.state = ANEG_STATE_UNKNOWN;
+- aninfo.cur_time = 0;
+- tick = 0;
+- while (++tick < 195000) {
+- status = tg3_fiber_aneg_smachine(tp, &aninfo);
+- if (status == ANEG_DONE || status == ANEG_FAILED)
+- break;
++ memset(&aninfo, 0, sizeof(aninfo));
++ aninfo.flags |= MR_AN_ENABLE;
++ aninfo.state = ANEG_STATE_UNKNOWN;
++ aninfo.cur_time = 0;
++ tick = 0;
++ while (++tick < 195000) {
++ status = tg3_fiber_aneg_smachine(tp, &aninfo);
++ if (status == ANEG_DONE || status == ANEG_FAILED)
++ break;
+- udelay(1);
+- }
++ udelay(1);
++ }
+- tp->mac_mode &= ~MAC_MODE_SEND_CONFIGS;
+- tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
+- udelay(40);
++ tp->mac_mode &= ~MAC_MODE_SEND_CONFIGS;
++ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
++ udelay(40);
+- *flags = aninfo.flags;
++ *flags = aninfo.flags;
+- if (status == ANEG_DONE &&
+- (aninfo.flags & (MR_AN_COMPLETE | MR_LINK_OK |
+- res = 1;
+- }
++ if (status == ANEG_DONE &&
++ (aninfo.flags & (MR_AN_COMPLETE | MR_LINK_OK |
++ res = 1;
+ return res;
+ }
+-static int tg3_setup_fiber_phy(struct tg3 *tp, int force_reset)
++static void tg3_init_bcm8002(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+- u32 orig_pause_cfg;
+- u16 orig_active_speed;
+- u8 orig_active_duplex;
+- int current_link_up;
++ u32 mac_status = tr32(MAC_STATUS);
+ int i;
+- orig_pause_cfg =
+- (tp->tg3_flags & (TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE |
+- orig_active_speed = tp->link_config.active_speed;
+- orig_active_duplex = tp->link_config.active_duplex;
+- tp->mac_mode |= MAC_MODE_PORT_MODE_TBI;
+- tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
+- udelay(40);
++ /* Reset when initting first time or we have a link. */
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE) &&
++ !(mac_status & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED))
++ return;
+- if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_AUTONEG) {
+- /* Allow time for the hardware to auto-negotiate (195ms) */
+- unsigned int tick = 0;
++ /* Set PLL lock range. */
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x16, 0x8007);
+- while (++tick < 195000) {
+- break;
+- udelay(1);
+- }
+- if (tick >= 195000)
+- printk(KERN_INFO PFX "%s: HW autoneg failed !\n",
+- tp->dev->name);
+- }
++ /* SW reset */
++ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR, BMCR_RESET);
+- /* Reset when initting first time or we have a link. */
+- if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE) ||
+- /* Set PLL lock range. */
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x16, 0x8007);
+- /* SW reset */
+- tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR, BMCR_RESET);
+- /* Wait for reset to complete. */
+- /* XXX schedule_timeout() ... */
+- for (i = 0; i < 500; i++)
+- udelay(10);
++ /* Wait for reset to complete. */
++ /* XXX schedule_timeout() ... */
++ for (i = 0; i < 500; i++)
++ udelay(10);
+- /* Config mode; select PMA/Ch 1 regs. */
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x10, 0x8411);
++ /* Config mode; select PMA/Ch 1 regs. */
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x10, 0x8411);
+- /* Enable auto-lock and comdet, select txclk for tx. */
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x11, 0x0a10);
++ /* Enable auto-lock and comdet, select txclk for tx. */
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x11, 0x0a10);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x18, 0x00a0);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x16, 0x41ff);
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x18, 0x00a0);
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x16, 0x41ff);
+- /* Assert and deassert POR. */
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x13, 0x0400);
+- udelay(40);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x13, 0x0000);
++ /* Assert and deassert POR. */
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x13, 0x0400);
++ udelay(40);
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x13, 0x0000);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x11, 0x0a50);
+- udelay(40);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x11, 0x0a10);
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x11, 0x0a50);
++ udelay(40);
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x11, 0x0a10);
+- /* Wait for signal to stabilize */
+- /* XXX schedule_timeout() ... */
+- for (i = 0; i < 15000; i++)
+- udelay(10);
++ /* Wait for signal to stabilize */
++ /* XXX schedule_timeout() ... */
++ for (i = 0; i < 15000; i++)
++ udelay(10);
+- /* Deselect the channel register so we can read the PHYID
+- * later.
+- */
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x10, 0x8011);
+- }
++ /* Deselect the channel register so we can read the PHYID
++ * later.
++ */
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x10, 0x8011);
+- /* Enable link change interrupt unless serdes polling. */
+- if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_POLL_SERDES))
+- else
+- tw32_f(MAC_EVENT, 0);
+- udelay(40);
++static int tg3_setup_fiber_hw_autoneg(struct tg3 *tp, u32 mac_status)
++ u32 sg_dig_ctrl, sg_dig_status;
++ u32 serdes_cfg, expected_sg_dig_ctrl;
++ int workaround, port_a;
++ int current_link_up;
++ serdes_cfg = 0;
++ expected_sg_dig_ctrl = 0;
++ workaround = 0;
++ port_a = 1;
+ current_link_up = 0;
+- if (tp->link_config.autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE) {
+- u32 flags;
+- if (fiber_autoneg(tp, &flags)) {
+- u32 local_adv, remote_adv;
+- local_adv = ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP;
+- remote_adv = 0;
+- if (flags & MR_LP_ADV_SYM_PAUSE)
+- remote_adv |= LPA_PAUSE_CAP;
+- if (flags & MR_LP_ADV_ASYM_PAUSE)
+- remote_adv |= LPA_PAUSE_ASYM;
++ if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id != CHIPREV_ID_5704_A0 &&
++ tp->pci_chip_rev_id != CHIPREV_ID_5704_A1) {
++ workaround = 1;
++ port_a = 0;
++ /* preserve bits 0-11,13,14 for signal pre-emphasis */
++ /* preserve bits 20-23 for voltage regulator */
++ serdes_cfg = tr32(MAC_SERDES_CFG) & 0x00f06fff;
++ }
+- tg3_setup_flow_control(tp, local_adv, remote_adv);
++ sg_dig_ctrl = tr32(SG_DIG_CTRL);
+- tp->tg3_flags |=
+- current_link_up = 1;
+- }
+- for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
+- udelay(20);
+- tw32_f(MAC_STATUS,
+- udelay(40);
+- if ((tr32(MAC_STATUS) &
+- break;
+- }
+- if (current_link_up == 0 &&
+- current_link_up = 1;
++ if (tp->link_config.autoneg != AUTONEG_ENABLE) {
++ if (sg_dig_ctrl & (1 << 31)) {
++ if (workaround) {
++ u32 val = serdes_cfg;
++ if (port_a)
++ val |= 0xc010000;
++ else
++ val |= 0x4010000;
++ tw32_f(MAC_SERDES_CFG, val);
+ }
+- } else {
+- /* Forcing 1000FD link up. */
++ tw32_f(SG_DIG_CTRL, 0x01388400);
++ }
++ if (mac_status & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED) {
++ tg3_setup_flow_control(tp, 0, 0);
+ current_link_up = 1;
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_GOT_SERDES_FLOWCTL;
+ }
+- } else
+- tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_GOT_SERDES_FLOWCTL;
++ goto out;
++ }
+- tp->mac_mode &= ~MAC_MODE_LINK_POLARITY;
+- tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
+- udelay(40);
++ /* Want auto-negotiation. */
++ expected_sg_dig_ctrl = 0x81388400;
+- tp->hw_status->status =
+- (tp->hw_status->status & ~SD_STATUS_LINK_CHG));
++ /* Pause capability */
++ expected_sg_dig_ctrl |= (1 << 11);
+- for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+- udelay(20);
+- tw32_f(MAC_STATUS,
+- udelay(40);
+- if ((tr32(MAC_STATUS) &
+- break;
+- }
++ /* Asymettric pause */
++ expected_sg_dig_ctrl |= (1 << 12);
+- if ((tr32(MAC_STATUS) & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED) == 0)
+- current_link_up = 0;
++ if (sg_dig_ctrl != expected_sg_dig_ctrl) {
++ if (workaround)
++ tw32_f(MAC_SERDES_CFG, serdes_cfg | 0xc011000);
++ tw32_f(SG_DIG_CTRL, expected_sg_dig_ctrl | (1 << 30));
++ udelay(5);
++ tw32_f(SG_DIG_CTRL, expected_sg_dig_ctrl);
+- if (current_link_up == 1) {
+- tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_1000;
+- tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_FULL;
+- tw32(MAC_LED_CTRL, (tp->led_ctrl |
+- LED_CTRL_1000MBPS_ON));
+- } else {
+- tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_INVALID;
+- tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID;
+- tw32(MAC_LED_CTRL, (tp->led_ctrl |
+- }
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PHY_JUST_INITTED;
++ } else if (mac_status & (MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED |
++ int i;
+- if (current_link_up != netif_carrier_ok(tp->dev)) {
+- if (current_link_up)
+- netif_carrier_on(tp->dev);
+- else
+- netif_carrier_off(tp->dev);
+- tg3_link_report(tp);
+- } else {
+- u32 now_pause_cfg =
+- tp->tg3_flags & (TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE |
+- if (orig_pause_cfg != now_pause_cfg ||
+- orig_active_speed != tp->link_config.active_speed ||
+- orig_active_duplex != tp->link_config.active_duplex)
+- tg3_link_report(tp);
+- }
++ /* Giver time to negotiate (~200ms) */
++ for (i = 0; i < 40000; i++) {
++ sg_dig_status = tr32(SG_DIG_STATUS);
++ if (sg_dig_status & (0x3))
++ break;
++ udelay(5);
++ }
++ mac_status = tr32(MAC_STATUS);
+- if ((tr32(MAC_STATUS) & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED) == 0) {
+- tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode | MAC_MODE_LINK_POLARITY);
+- udelay(40);
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE) {
+- tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
+- udelay(40);
++ if ((sg_dig_status & (1 << 1)) &&
++ (mac_status & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED)) {
++ u32 local_adv, remote_adv;
++ local_adv = ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP;
++ remote_adv = 0;
++ if (sg_dig_status & (1 << 19))
++ remote_adv |= LPA_PAUSE_CAP;
++ if (sg_dig_status & (1 << 20))
++ remote_adv |= LPA_PAUSE_ASYM;
++ tg3_setup_flow_control(tp, local_adv, remote_adv);
++ current_link_up = 1;
++ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_PHY_JUST_INITTED;
++ } else if (!(sg_dig_status & (1 << 1))) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_JUST_INITTED)
++ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_PHY_JUST_INITTED;
++ else {
++ if (workaround) {
++ u32 val = serdes_cfg;
++ if (port_a)
++ val |= 0xc010000;
++ else
++ val |= 0x4010000;
++ tw32_f(MAC_SERDES_CFG, val);
++ }
++ tw32_f(SG_DIG_CTRL, 0x01388400);
++ udelay(40);
++ /* Link parallel detection - link is up */
++ /* only if we have PCS_SYNC and not */
++ /* receiving config code words */
++ mac_status = tr32(MAC_STATUS);
++ if ((mac_status & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED) &&
++ !(mac_status & MAC_STATUS_RCVD_CFG)) {
++ tg3_setup_flow_control(tp, 0, 0);
++ current_link_up = 1;
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ }
+- return 0;
++ return current_link_up;
+ }
+-static int tg3_setup_phy(struct tg3 *tp, int force_reset)
++static int tg3_setup_fiber_by_hand(struct tg3 *tp, u32 mac_status)
++ int current_link_up = 0;
++ if (!(mac_status & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED)) {
++ tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_GOT_SERDES_FLOWCTL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (tp->link_config.autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE) {
++ u32 flags;
++ int i;
++ if (fiber_autoneg(tp, &flags)) {
++ u32 local_adv, remote_adv;
++ local_adv = ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP;
++ remote_adv = 0;
++ if (flags & MR_LP_ADV_SYM_PAUSE)
++ remote_adv |= LPA_PAUSE_CAP;
++ if (flags & MR_LP_ADV_ASYM_PAUSE)
++ remote_adv |= LPA_PAUSE_ASYM;
++ tg3_setup_flow_control(tp, local_adv, remote_adv);
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_GOT_SERDES_FLOWCTL;
++ current_link_up = 1;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
++ udelay(20);
++ tw32_f(MAC_STATUS,
++ udelay(40);
++ if ((tr32(MAC_STATUS) &
++ break;
++ }
++ mac_status = tr32(MAC_STATUS);
++ if (current_link_up == 0 &&
++ (mac_status & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED) &&
++ !(mac_status & MAC_STATUS_RCVD_CFG))
++ current_link_up = 1;
++ } else {
++ /* Forcing 1000FD link up. */
++ current_link_up = 1;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_GOT_SERDES_FLOWCTL;
++ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, (tp->mac_mode | MAC_MODE_SEND_CONFIGS));
++ udelay(40);
++ }
++ return current_link_up;
++static int tg3_setup_fiber_phy(struct tg3 *tp, int force_reset)
++ u32 orig_pause_cfg;
++ u16 orig_active_speed;
++ u8 orig_active_duplex;
++ u32 mac_status;
++ int current_link_up;
++ int i;
++ orig_pause_cfg =
++ (tp->tg3_flags & (TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE |
++ orig_active_speed = tp->link_config.active_speed;
++ orig_active_duplex = tp->link_config.active_duplex;
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_AUTONEG) &&
++ netif_carrier_ok(tp->dev) &&
++ (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE)) {
++ mac_status = tr32(MAC_STATUS);
++ mac_status &= (MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED |
++ if (mac_status == (MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED |
++ return 0;
++ }
++ }
++ tw32_f(MAC_TX_AUTO_NEG, 0);
++ tp->mac_mode |= MAC_MODE_PORT_MODE_TBI;
++ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
++ udelay(40);
++ if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_BCM8002)
++ tg3_init_bcm8002(tp);
++ /* Enable link change event even when serdes polling. */
++ udelay(40);
++ current_link_up = 0;
++ mac_status = tr32(MAC_STATUS);
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_AUTONEG)
++ current_link_up = tg3_setup_fiber_hw_autoneg(tp, mac_status);
++ else
++ current_link_up = tg3_setup_fiber_by_hand(tp, mac_status);
++ tp->mac_mode &= ~MAC_MODE_LINK_POLARITY;
++ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
++ udelay(40);
++ tp->hw_status->status =
++ (tp->hw_status->status & ~SD_STATUS_LINK_CHG));
++ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
++ udelay(5);
++ break;
++ }
++ mac_status = tr32(MAC_STATUS);
++ if ((mac_status & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED) == 0) {
++ current_link_up = 0;
++ if (tp->link_config.autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE) {
++ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, (tp->mac_mode |
++ udelay(1);
++ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
++ }
++ }
++ if (current_link_up == 1) {
++ tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_1000;
++ tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_FULL;
++ tw32(MAC_LED_CTRL, (tp->led_ctrl |
++ LED_CTRL_1000MBPS_ON));
++ } else {
++ tp->link_config.active_speed = SPEED_INVALID;
++ tp->link_config.active_duplex = DUPLEX_INVALID;
++ tw32(MAC_LED_CTRL, (tp->led_ctrl |
++ }
++ if (current_link_up != netif_carrier_ok(tp->dev)) {
++ if (current_link_up)
++ netif_carrier_on(tp->dev);
++ else
++ netif_carrier_off(tp->dev);
++ tg3_link_report(tp);
++ } else {
++ u32 now_pause_cfg =
++ tp->tg3_flags & (TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE |
++ if (orig_pause_cfg != now_pause_cfg ||
++ orig_active_speed != tp->link_config.active_speed ||
++ orig_active_duplex != tp->link_config.active_duplex)
++ tg3_link_report(tp);
++ }
++ return 0;
++static int tg3_setup_phy(struct tg3 *tp, int force_reset)
+ {
+ int err;
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) {
+ err = tg3_setup_fiber_phy(tp, force_reset);
+ } else {
+ err = tg3_setup_copper_phy(tp, force_reset);
+@@ -2237,8 +2498,7 @@ static int tg3_setup_phy(struct tg3 *tp,
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ if (netif_carrier_ok(tp->dev)) {
+@@ -2450,8 +2710,8 @@ static int tg3_vlan_rx(struct tg3 *tp, s
+ static int tg3_rx(struct tg3 *tp, int budget)
+ {
+ u32 work_mask;
+- u32 rx_rcb_ptr = tp->rx_rcb_ptr;
+- u16 hw_idx, sw_idx;
++ u32 sw_idx = tp->rx_rcb_ptr;
++ u16 hw_idx;
+ int received;
+ hw_idx = tp->hw_status->idx[0].rx_producer;
+@@ -2460,7 +2720,6 @@ static int tg3_rx(struct tg3 *tp, int bu
+ * the opaque cookie.
+ */
+ rmb();
+- sw_idx = rx_rcb_ptr % TG3_RX_RCB_RING_SIZE(tp);
+ work_mask = 0;
+ received = 0;
+ while (sw_idx != hw_idx && budget > 0) {
+@@ -2502,7 +2761,11 @@ static int tg3_rx(struct tg3 *tp, int bu
+ len = ((desc->idx_len & RXD_LEN_MASK) >> RXD_LEN_SHIFT) - 4; /* omit crc */
+- if (len > RX_COPY_THRESHOLD) {
++ if (len > RX_COPY_THRESHOLD
++ && tp->rx_offset == 2
++ /* rx_offset != 2 iff this is a 5701 card running
++ * in PCI-X mode [see tg3_get_invariants()] */
++ ) {
+ int skb_size;
+ skb_size = tg3_alloc_rx_skb(tp, opaque_key,
+@@ -2561,14 +2824,19 @@ static int tg3_rx(struct tg3 *tp, int bu
+ next_pkt:
+ (*post_ptr)++;
+ next_pkt_nopost:
+- rx_rcb_ptr++;
+- sw_idx = rx_rcb_ptr % TG3_RX_RCB_RING_SIZE(tp);
++ sw_idx++;
++ sw_idx %= TG3_RX_RCB_RING_SIZE(tp);
++ /* Refresh hw_idx to see if there is new work */
++ if (sw_idx == hw_idx) {
++ hw_idx = tp->hw_status->idx[0].rx_producer;
++ rmb();
++ }
+ }
+ /* ACK the status ring. */
+- tp->rx_rcb_ptr = rx_rcb_ptr;
+- tw32_rx_mbox(MAILBOX_RCVRET_CON_IDX_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW,
+- (rx_rcb_ptr % TG3_RX_RCB_RING_SIZE(tp)));
++ tp->rx_rcb_ptr = sw_idx;
++ tw32_rx_mbox(MAILBOX_RCVRET_CON_IDX_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW, sw_idx);
+ /* Refill RX ring(s). */
+ if (work_mask & RXD_OPAQUE_RING_STD) {
+@@ -2581,6 +2849,7 @@ next_pkt_nopost:
+ sw_idx);
+ }
++ mmiowb();
+ return received;
+ }
+@@ -2639,31 +2908,48 @@ static int tg3_poll(struct net_device *n
+ if (done) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags);
+ __netif_rx_complete(netdev);
+- tg3_enable_ints(tp);
++ tg3_restart_ints(tp);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags);
+ }
+ return (done ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+-static inline unsigned int tg3_has_work(struct net_device *dev, struct tg3 *tp)
++/* MSI ISR - No need to check for interrupt sharing and no need to
++ * flush status block and interrupt mailbox. PCI ordering rules
++ * guarantee that MSI will arrive after the status block.
++ */
++static irqreturn_t tg3_msi(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+ {
++ struct net_device *dev = dev_id;
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+ struct tg3_hw_status *sblk = tp->hw_status;
+- unsigned int work_exists = 0;
++ unsigned long flags;
+- /* check for phy events */
+- if (!(tp->tg3_flags &
+- if (sblk->status & SD_STATUS_LINK_CHG)
+- work_exists = 1;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * writing any value to intr-mbox-0 clears PCI INTA# and
++ * chip-internal interrupt pending events.
++ * writing non-zero to intr-mbox-0 additional tells the
++ * NIC to stop sending us irqs, engaging "in-intr-handler"
++ * event coalescing.
++ */
++ tw32_mailbox(MAILBOX_INTERRUPT_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW, 0x00000001);
++ sblk->status &= ~SD_STATUS_UPDATED;
++ if (likely(tg3_has_work(tp)))
++ netif_rx_schedule(dev); /* schedule NAPI poll */
++ else {
++ /* no work, re-enable interrupts
++ */
++ tw32_mailbox(MAILBOX_INTERRUPT_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW,
++ 0x00000000);
+ }
+- /* check for RX/TX work to do */
+- if (sblk->idx[0].tx_consumer != tp->tx_cons ||
+- sblk->idx[0].rx_producer != tp->rx_rcb_ptr)
+- work_exists = 1;
+- return work_exists;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags);
++ return IRQ_RETVAL(1);
+ }
+ static irqreturn_t tg3_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+@@ -2676,7 +2962,13 @@ static irqreturn_t tg3_interrupt(int irq
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags);
+- if (sblk->status & SD_STATUS_UPDATED) {
++ /* In INTx mode, it is possible for the interrupt to arrive at
++ * the CPU before the status block posted prior to the interrupt.
++ * Reading the PCI State register will confirm whether the
++ * interrupt is ours and will flush the status block.
++ */
++ if ((sblk->status & SD_STATUS_UPDATED) ||
+ /*
+ * writing any value to intr-mbox-0 clears PCI INTA# and
+ * chip-internal interrupt pending events.
+@@ -2693,7 +2985,7 @@ static irqreturn_t tg3_interrupt(int irq
+ sblk->status &= ~SD_STATUS_UPDATED;
+- if (likely(tg3_has_work(dev, tp)))
++ if (likely(tg3_has_work(tp)))
+ netif_rx_schedule(dev); /* schedule NAPI poll */
+ else {
+ /* no work, shared interrupt perhaps? re-enable
+@@ -2712,13 +3004,31 @@ static irqreturn_t tg3_interrupt(int irq
+ return IRQ_RETVAL(handled);
+ }
++/* ISR for interrupt test */
++static irqreturn_t tg3_test_isr(int irq, void *dev_id,
++ struct pt_regs *regs)
++ struct net_device *dev = dev_id;
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
++ struct tg3_hw_status *sblk = tp->hw_status;
++ if (sblk->status & SD_STATUS_UPDATED) {
++ tw32_mailbox(MAILBOX_INTERRUPT_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW,
++ 0x00000001);
++ return IRQ_RETVAL(1);
++ }
++ return IRQ_RETVAL(0);
+ static int tg3_init_hw(struct tg3 *);
+-static int tg3_halt(struct tg3 *);
++static int tg3_halt(struct tg3 *, int);
+ static void tg3_poll_controller(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+- tg3_interrupt(dev->irq, dev, NULL);
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
++ tg3_interrupt(tp->pdev->irq, dev, NULL);
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -2735,14 +3045,14 @@ static void tg3_reset_task(void *_data)
+ restart_timer = tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_RESTART_TIMER;
+ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_RESTART_TIMER;
+- tg3_halt(tp);
++ tg3_halt(tp, 0);
+ tg3_init_hw(tp);
++ tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ if (restart_timer)
+ mod_timer(&tp->timer, jiffies + 1);
+ }
+@@ -2801,6 +3111,7 @@ static int tigon3_4gb_hwbug_workaround(s
+ tp->tx_buffers[entry].skb = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = NEXT_TX(entry);
++ i++;
+ }
+ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+@@ -2812,6 +3123,7 @@ static void tg3_set_txd(struct tg3 *tp,
+ dma_addr_t mapping, int len, u32 flags,
+ u32 mss_and_is_end)
+ {
++ struct tg3_tx_buffer_desc *txd = &tp->tx_ring[entry];
+ int is_end = (mss_and_is_end & 0x1);
+ u32 mss = (mss_and_is_end >> 1);
+ u32 vlan_tag = 0;
+@@ -2823,35 +3135,11 @@ static void tg3_set_txd(struct tg3 *tp,
+ flags &= 0xffff;
+ }
+ vlan_tag |= (mss << TXD_MSS_SHIFT);
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS) {
+- struct tg3_tx_buffer_desc *txd = &tp->tx_ring[entry];
+- txd->addr_hi = ((u64) mapping >> 32);
+- txd->addr_lo = ((u64) mapping & 0xffffffff);
+- txd->len_flags = (len << TXD_LEN_SHIFT) | flags;
+- txd->vlan_tag = vlan_tag << TXD_VLAN_TAG_SHIFT;
+- } else {
+- struct tx_ring_info *txr = &tp->tx_buffers[entry];
+- unsigned long txd;
+- txd = (tp->regs +
+- txd += (entry * TXD_SIZE);
+- /* Save some PIOs */
+- if (sizeof(dma_addr_t) != sizeof(u32))
+- writel(((u64) mapping >> 32),
+- txd + TXD_ADDR + TG3_64BIT_REG_HIGH);
+- writel(((u64) mapping & 0xffffffff),
+- txd + TXD_ADDR + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW);
+- writel(len << TXD_LEN_SHIFT | flags, txd + TXD_LEN_FLAGS);
+- if (txr->prev_vlan_tag != vlan_tag) {
+- writel(vlan_tag << TXD_VLAN_TAG_SHIFT, txd + TXD_VLAN_TAG);
+- txr->prev_vlan_tag = vlan_tag;
+- }
+- }
++ txd->addr_hi = ((u64) mapping >> 32);
++ txd->addr_lo = ((u64) mapping & 0xffffffff);
++ txd->len_flags = (len << TXD_LEN_SHIFT) | flags;
++ txd->vlan_tag = vlan_tag << TXD_VLAN_TAG_SHIFT;
+ }
+ static inline int tg3_4g_overflow_test(dma_addr_t mapping, int len)
+@@ -2892,7 +3180,11 @@ static int tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff
+ * So we really do need to disable interrupts when taking
+ * tx_lock here.
+ */
+- spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->tx_lock, flags);
++ local_irq_save(flags);
++ if (!spin_trylock(&tp->tx_lock)) {
++ local_irq_restore(flags);
++ }
+ /* This is a hard error, log it. */
+ if (unlikely(TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) <= (skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags + 1))) {
+@@ -2900,7 +3192,7 @@ static int tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->tx_lock, flags);
+ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake!\n",
+ dev->name);
+- return 1;
++ return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
+ }
+ entry = tp->tx_prod;
+@@ -2913,6 +3205,12 @@ static int tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff
+ (mss = skb_shinfo(skb)->tso_size) != 0) {
+ int tcp_opt_len, ip_tcp_len;
++ if (skb_header_cloned(skb) &&
++ pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC)) {
++ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
+ tcp_opt_len = ((skb->>doff - 5) * 4);
+ ip_tcp_len = (skb->nh.iph->ihl * 4) + sizeof(struct tcphdr);
+@@ -2921,11 +3219,19 @@ static int tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff
+ skb->nh.iph->check = 0;
+ skb->nh.iph->tot_len = ntohs(mss + ip_tcp_len + tcp_opt_len);
+- skb->>check = ~csum_tcpudp_magic(skb->nh.iph->saddr,
+- skb->nh.iph->daddr,
+- 0, IPPROTO_TCP, 0);
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO) {
++ skb->>check = 0;
++ base_flags &= ~TXD_FLAG_TCPUDP_CSUM;
++ }
++ else {
++ skb->>check =
++ ~csum_tcpudp_magic(skb->nh.iph->saddr,
++ skb->nh.iph->daddr,
++ 0, IPPROTO_TCP, 0);
++ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705) {
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO) ||
++ (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705)) {
+ if (tcp_opt_len || skb->nh.iph->ihl > 5) {
+ int tsflags;
+@@ -2992,7 +3298,7 @@ static int tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff
+ would_hit_hwbug = entry + 1;
+ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO)
+ tg3_set_txd(tp, entry, mapping, len,
+ base_flags, (i == last)|(mss << 1));
+ else
+@@ -3040,30 +3346,19 @@ static int tg3_start_xmit(struct sk_buff
+ }
+ /* Packets are ready, update Tx producer idx local and on card. */
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS) {
+- tw32_tx_mbox((MAILBOX_SNDHOST_PROD_IDX_0 +
+- TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW), entry);
+- } else {
+- /* First, make sure tg3 sees last descriptor fully
+- * in SRAM.
+- */
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_MBOX_WRITE_REORDER)
+- tw32_tx_mbox((MAILBOX_SNDNIC_PROD_IDX_0 +
+- TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW), entry);
+- }
++ tw32_tx_mbox((MAILBOX_SNDHOST_PROD_IDX_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW), entry);
+ tp->tx_prod = entry;
+ if (TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(tp) <= (MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 1))
+ netif_stop_queue(dev);
+ out_unlock:
++ mmiowb();
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->tx_lock, flags);
+ dev->trans_start = jiffies;
+- return 0;
++ return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ }
+ static inline void tg3_set_mtu(struct net_device *dev, struct tg3 *tp,
+@@ -3096,15 +3391,16 @@ static int tg3_change_mtu(struct net_dev
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
+- tg3_halt(tp);
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
+ tg3_set_mtu(dev, tp, new_mtu);
+ tg3_init_hw(tp);
++ tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -3190,7 +3486,6 @@ static void tg3_free_rings(struct tg3 *t
+ */
+ static void tg3_init_rings(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+- unsigned long start, end;
+ u32 i;
+ /* Free up all the SKBs. */
+@@ -3200,21 +3495,7 @@ static void tg3_init_rings(struct tg3 *t
+ memset(tp->rx_std, 0, TG3_RX_RING_BYTES);
+ memset(tp->rx_jumbo, 0, TG3_RX_JUMBO_RING_BYTES);
+ memset(tp->rx_rcb, 0, TG3_RX_RCB_RING_BYTES(tp));
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS) {
+- memset(tp->tx_ring, 0, TG3_TX_RING_BYTES);
+- } else {
+- start = (tp->regs +
+- end = start + TG3_TX_RING_BYTES;
+- while (start < end) {
+- writel(0, start);
+- start += 4;
+- }
+- for (i = 0; i < TG3_TX_RING_SIZE; i++)
+- tp->tx_buffers[i].prev_vlan_tag = 0;
+- }
++ memset(tp->tx_ring, 0, TG3_TX_RING_BYTES);
+ /* Initialize invariants of the rings, we only set this
+ * stuff once. This works because the card does not
+@@ -3345,15 +3626,10 @@ static int tg3_alloc_consistent(struct t
+ if (!tp->rx_rcb)
+ goto err_out;
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS) {
+- tp->tx_ring = pci_alloc_consistent(tp->pdev, TG3_TX_RING_BYTES,
+- &tp->tx_desc_mapping);
+- if (!tp->tx_ring)
+- goto err_out;
+- } else {
+- tp->tx_ring = NULL;
+- tp->tx_desc_mapping = 0;
+- }
++ tp->tx_ring = pci_alloc_consistent(tp->pdev, TG3_TX_RING_BYTES,
++ &tp->tx_desc_mapping);
++ if (!tp->tx_ring)
++ goto err_out;
+ tp->hw_status = pci_alloc_consistent(tp->pdev,
+@@ -3382,13 +3658,12 @@ err_out:
+ /* To stop a block, clear the enable bit and poll till it
+ * clears. tp->lock is held.
+ */
+-static int tg3_stop_block(struct tg3 *tp, unsigned long ofs, u32 enable_bit)
++static int tg3_stop_block(struct tg3 *tp, unsigned long ofs, u32 enable_bit, int silent)
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ u32 val;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS) {
+ switch (ofs) {
+ case DMAC_MODE:
+@@ -3416,7 +3691,7 @@ static int tg3_stop_block(struct tg3 *tp
+ break;
+ }
+- if (i == MAX_WAIT_CNT) {
++ if (i == MAX_WAIT_CNT && !silent) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "tg3_stop_block timed out, "
+ "ofs=%lx enable_bit=%x\n",
+ ofs, enable_bit);
+@@ -3427,7 +3702,7 @@ static int tg3_stop_block(struct tg3 *tp
+ }
+ /* tp->lock is held. */
+-static int tg3_abort_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
++static int tg3_abort_hw(struct tg3 *tp, int silent)
+ {
+ int i, err;
+@@ -3437,22 +3712,20 @@ static int tg3_abort_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ tw32_f(MAC_RX_MODE, tp->rx_mode);
+ udelay(10);
+- err = tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVBDI_MODE, RCVBDI_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVLPC_MODE, RCVLPC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVLSC_MODE, RCVLSC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVDBDI_MODE, RCVDBDI_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVDCC_MODE, RCVDCC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVCC_MODE, RCVCC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDBDS_MODE, SNDBDS_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDBDI_MODE, SNDBDI_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDDATAI_MODE, SNDDATAI_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RDMAC_MODE, RDMAC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDDATAC_MODE, SNDDATAC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, DMAC_MODE, DMAC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDBDC_MODE, SNDBDC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- if (err)
+- goto out;
++ err = tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVBDI_MODE, RCVBDI_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVLPC_MODE, RCVLPC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVLSC_MODE, RCVLSC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVDBDI_MODE, RCVDBDI_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVDCC_MODE, RCVDCC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RCVCC_MODE, RCVCC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDBDS_MODE, SNDBDS_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDBDI_MODE, SNDBDI_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDDATAI_MODE, SNDDATAI_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, RDMAC_MODE, RDMAC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDDATAC_MODE, SNDDATAC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, DMAC_MODE, DMAC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, SNDBDC_MODE, SNDBDC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
+ tp->mac_mode &= ~MAC_MODE_TDE_ENABLE;
+ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
+@@ -3470,27 +3743,24 @@ static int tg3_abort_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "tg3_abort_hw timed out for %s, "
+ "TX_MODE_ENABLE will not clear MAC_TX_MODE=%08x\n",
+ tp->dev->name, tr32(MAC_TX_MODE));
+- return -ENODEV;
++ err |= -ENODEV;
+ }
+- err = tg3_stop_block(tp, HOSTCC_MODE, HOSTCC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, WDMAC_MODE, WDMAC_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, MBFREE_MODE, MBFREE_MODE_ENABLE);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, HOSTCC_MODE, HOSTCC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, WDMAC_MODE, WDMAC_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, MBFREE_MODE, MBFREE_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
+ tw32(FTQ_RESET, 0xffffffff);
+ tw32(FTQ_RESET, 0x00000000);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, BUFMGR_MODE, BUFMGR_MODE_ENABLE);
+- err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, MEMARB_MODE, MEMARB_MODE_ENABLE);
+- if (err)
+- goto out;
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, BUFMGR_MODE, BUFMGR_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
++ err |= tg3_stop_block(tp, MEMARB_MODE, MEMARB_MODE_ENABLE, silent);
+ if (tp->hw_status)
+ memset(tp->hw_status, 0, TG3_HW_STATUS_SIZE);
+ if (tp->hw_stats)
+ memset(tp->hw_stats, 0, sizeof(struct tg3_hw_stats));
+ return err;
+ }
+@@ -3520,10 +3790,33 @@ static void tg3_nvram_unlock(struct tg3
+ }
+ /* tp->lock is held. */
++static void tg3_enable_nvram_access(struct tg3 *tp)
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS) &&
++ !(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PROTECTED_NVRAM)) {
++ u32 nvaccess = tr32(NVRAM_ACCESS);
++ tw32(NVRAM_ACCESS, nvaccess | ACCESS_ENABLE);
++ }
++/* tp->lock is held. */
++static void tg3_disable_nvram_access(struct tg3 *tp)
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS) &&
++ !(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PROTECTED_NVRAM)) {
++ u32 nvaccess = tr32(NVRAM_ACCESS);
++ tw32(NVRAM_ACCESS, nvaccess & ~ACCESS_ENABLE);
++ }
++/* tp->lock is held. */
+ static void tg3_write_sig_pre_reset(struct tg3 *tp, int kind)
+ {
+- tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FIRMWARE_MBOX,
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X))
++ tg3_write_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FIRMWARE_MBOX,
+ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_ASF_NEW_HANDSHAKE) {
+ switch (kind) {
+@@ -3595,6 +3888,8 @@ static void tg3_write_sig_legacy(struct
+ }
+ }
++static void tg3_stop_fw(struct tg3 *);
+ /* tp->lock is held. */
+ static int tg3_chip_reset(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+@@ -3602,7 +3897,7 @@ static int tg3_chip_reset(struct tg3 *tp
+ u32 flags_save;
+ int i;
+- if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704))
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X))
+ tg3_nvram_lock(tp);
+ /*
+@@ -3627,8 +3922,7 @@ static int tg3_chip_reset(struct tg3 *tp
+ }
+ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)
+ tw32(GRC_MISC_CFG, val);
+@@ -3697,6 +3991,11 @@ static int tg3_chip_reset(struct tg3 *tp
++ if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5750_A3) {
++ tg3_stop_fw(tp);
++ tw32(0x5000, 0x400);
++ }
+ tw32(GRC_MODE, tp->grc_mode);
+ if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5705_A0) {
+@@ -3713,26 +4012,27 @@ static int tg3_chip_reset(struct tg3 *tp
+ tw32(TG3PCI_CLOCK_CTRL, tp->pci_clock_ctrl);
+ }
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) {
+ tp->mac_mode = MAC_MODE_PORT_MODE_TBI;
+ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, tp->mac_mode);
+ } else
+ tw32_f(MAC_MODE, 0);
+ udelay(40);
+- /* Wait for firmware initialization to complete. */
+- for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
+- tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FIRMWARE_MBOX, &val);
+- break;
+- udelay(10);
+- }
+- if (i >= 100000 &&
+- !(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704)) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "tg3_reset_hw timed out for %s, "
+- "firmware will not restart magic=%08x\n",
+- tp->dev->name, val);
+- return -ENODEV;
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X)) {
++ /* Wait for firmware initialization to complete. */
++ for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
++ tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_FIRMWARE_MBOX, &val);
++ break;
++ udelay(10);
++ }
++ if (i >= 100000) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "tg3_reset_hw timed out for %s, "
++ "firmware will not restart magic=%08x\n",
++ tp->dev->name, val);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
+ }
+ if ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PCI_EXPRESS) &&
+@@ -3752,7 +4052,7 @@ static int tg3_chip_reset(struct tg3 *tp
+ tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG, &nic_cfg);
+ if (nic_cfg & NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_ASF_ENABLE) {
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_ENABLE_ASF;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS)
+ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_ASF_NEW_HANDSHAKE;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -3782,7 +4082,7 @@ static void tg3_stop_fw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ }
+ /* tp->lock is held. */
+-static int tg3_halt(struct tg3 *tp)
++static int tg3_halt(struct tg3 *tp, int silent)
+ {
+ int err;
+@@ -3790,7 +4090,7 @@ static int tg3_halt(struct tg3 *tp)
+ tg3_write_sig_pre_reset(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN);
+- tg3_abort_hw(tp);
++ tg3_abort_hw(tp, silent);
+ err = tg3_chip_reset(tp);
+ tg3_write_sig_legacy(tp, RESET_KIND_SHUTDOWN);
+@@ -3937,7 +4237,7 @@ static int tg3_halt_cpu(struct tg3 *tp,
+ int i;
+ if (offset == TX_CPU_BASE &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705)
++ (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS))
+ BUG();
+ if (offset == RX_CPU_BASE) {
+@@ -3991,14 +4291,14 @@ static int tg3_load_firmware_cpu(struct
+ void (*write_op)(struct tg3 *, u32, u32);
+ if (cpu_base == TX_CPU_BASE &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705) {
++ (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "tg3_load_firmware_cpu: Trying to load "
+ "TX cpu firmware on %s which is 5705.\n",
+ tp->dev->name);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)
+ write_op = tg3_write_mem;
+ else
+ write_op = tg3_write_indirect_reg32;
+@@ -4399,7 +4699,7 @@ static u32 tg3TsoFwText[(TG3_TSO_FW_TEXT
+ 0xac470014, 0xac4a0018, 0x03e00008, 0xac4b001c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ };
+-u32 tg3TsoFwRodata[] = {
++static u32 tg3TsoFwRodata[] = {
+ 0x4d61696e, 0x43707542, 0x00000000, 0x4d61696e, 0x43707541, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x73746b6f, 0x66666c64, 0x496e0000, 0x73746b6f,
+ 0x66662a2a, 0x00000000, 0x53774576, 0x656e7430, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+@@ -4407,7 +4707,7 @@ u32 tg3TsoFwRodata[] = {
+ 0x00000000,
+ };
+-u32 tg3TsoFwData[] = {
++static u32 tg3TsoFwData[] = {
+ 0x00000000, 0x73746b6f, 0x66666c64, 0x5f76312e, 0x362e3000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000,
+@@ -4588,14 +4888,14 @@ static u32 tg3Tso5FwText[(TG3_TSO5_FW_TE
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ };
+-u32 tg3Tso5FwRodata[(TG3_TSO5_FW_RODATA_LEN / 4) + 1] = {
++static u32 tg3Tso5FwRodata[(TG3_TSO5_FW_RODATA_LEN / 4) + 1] = {
+ 0x4d61696e, 0x43707542, 0x00000000, 0x4d61696e, 0x43707541, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x73746b6f, 0x66666c64, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x73746b6f, 0x66666c64, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x66617461, 0x6c457272,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ };
+-u32 tg3Tso5FwData[(TG3_TSO5_FW_DATA_LEN / 4) + 1] = {
++static u32 tg3Tso5FwData[(TG3_TSO5_FW_DATA_LEN / 4) + 1] = {
+ 0x00000000, 0x73746b6f, 0x66666c64, 0x5f76312e, 0x322e3000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ };
+@@ -4607,7 +4907,7 @@ static int tg3_load_tso_firmware(struct
+ unsigned long cpu_base, cpu_scratch_base, cpu_scratch_size;
+ int err, i;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO)
+ return 0;
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705) {
+@@ -4691,9 +4991,8 @@ static void __tg3_set_mac_addr(struct tg
+ tw32(MAC_ADDR_0_LOW + (i * 8), addr_low);
+ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5700 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5701 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705) {
++ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5703 ||
++ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5704) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ tw32(MAC_EXTADDR_0_HIGH + (i * 8), addr_high);
+ tw32(MAC_EXTADDR_0_LOW + (i * 8), addr_low);
+@@ -4739,7 +5038,7 @@ static void tg3_set_bdinfo(struct tg3 *t
+ (bdinfo_addr + TG3_BDINFO_MAXLEN_FLAGS),
+ maxlen_flags);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705)
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS))
+ tg3_write_mem(tp,
+ (bdinfo_addr + TG3_BDINFO_NIC_ADDR),
+ nic_addr);
+@@ -4760,9 +5059,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ tg3_write_sig_pre_reset(tp, RESET_KIND_INIT);
+ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE) {
+- err = tg3_abort_hw(tp);
+- if (err)
+- return err;
++ tg3_abort_hw(tp, 1);
+ }
+ err = tg3_chip_reset(tp);
+@@ -4810,10 +5107,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS)
+- tp->grc_mode |= GRC_MODE_HOST_SENDBDS;
+- else
+- tp->grc_mode |= GRC_MODE_4X_NIC_SEND_RINGS;
++ tp->grc_mode |= GRC_MODE_HOST_SENDBDS;
+ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_NO_TX_PSEUDO_CSUM)
+ tp->grc_mode |= GRC_MODE_NO_TX_PHDR_CSUM;
+ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_NO_RX_PSEUDO_CSUM)
+@@ -4830,7 +5124,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ tw32(GRC_MISC_CFG, val);
+ /* Initialize MBUF/DESC pool. */
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS) {
+ /* Do nothing. */
+ } else if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705) {
+@@ -4920,8 +5214,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ /* Don't even try to program the JUMBO/MINI buffer descriptor
+ * configs on 5705.
+ */
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS) {
+ } else {
+@@ -4953,8 +5246,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ /* There is only one send ring on 5705/5750, no need to explicitly
+ * disable the others.
+ */
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ /* Clear out send RCB ring in SRAM. */
+ tg3_write_mem(tp, i + TG3_BDINFO_MAXLEN_FLAGS,
+@@ -4966,24 +5258,16 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ tw32_mailbox(MAILBOX_SNDHOST_PROD_IDX_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW, 0);
+ tw32_tx_mbox(MAILBOX_SNDNIC_PROD_IDX_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW, 0);
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS) {
+- tg3_set_bdinfo(tp, NIC_SRAM_SEND_RCB,
+- tp->tx_desc_mapping,
+- } else {
+- tg3_set_bdinfo(tp, NIC_SRAM_SEND_RCB,
+- 0,
+- }
++ tg3_set_bdinfo(tp, NIC_SRAM_SEND_RCB,
++ tp->tx_desc_mapping,
+ /* There is only one receive return ring on 5705/5750, no need
+ * to explicitly disable the others.
+ */
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ i += TG3_BDINFO_SIZE) {
+ tg3_write_mem(tp, i + TG3_BDINFO_MAXLEN_FLAGS,
+@@ -5037,6 +5321,8 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_SPLIT_MODE)
+ rdmac_mode |= RDMAC_MODE_SPLIT_ENABLE;
++ /* If statement applies to 5705 and 5750 PCI devices only */
+ if ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+ tp->pci_chip_rev_id != CHIPREV_ID_5705_A0) ||
+ (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)) {
+@@ -5050,8 +5336,11 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ }
+ }
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PCI_EXPRESS)
++ rdmac_mode |= RDMAC_MODE_FIFO_LONG_BURST;
+ #if TG3_TSO_SUPPORT != 0
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO)
+ rdmac_mode |= (1 << 27);
+ #endif
+@@ -5082,8 +5371,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ }
+@@ -5096,8 +5384,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ ((u64) tp->status_mapping & 0xffffffff));
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ /* Status/statistics block address. See tg3_timer,
+ * the tg3_periodic_fetch_stats call there, and
+ * tg3_get_stats to see how this works for 5705/5750 chips.
+@@ -5116,8 +5403,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS))
+ /* Clear statistics/status block in chip, and status block in ram. */
+@@ -5134,18 +5420,35 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ udelay(40);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5700)
++ /* tp->grc_local_ctrl is partially set up during tg3_get_invariants().
++ * If TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT is set, we should read the
++ * register to preserve the GPIO settings for LOMs. The GPIOs,
++ * whether used as inputs or outputs, are set by boot code after
++ * reset.
++ */
++ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT) {
++ u32 gpio_mask;
++ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5752)
++ gpio_mask |= GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OE3 |
++ tp->grc_local_ctrl |= tr32(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL) & gpio_mask;
++ /* GPIO1 must be driven high for eeprom write protect */
+ tp->grc_local_ctrl |= (GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OE1 |
++ }
+ tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl);
+ udelay(100);
+ tw32_mailbox(MAILBOX_INTERRUPT_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW, 0);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)) {
+ udelay(40);
+ }
+@@ -5156,6 +5459,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
++ /* If statement applies to 5705 and 5750 PCI devices only */
+ if ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+ tp->pci_chip_rev_id != CHIPREV_ID_5705_A0) ||
+ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
+@@ -5192,8 +5496,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ udelay(40);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS))
+@@ -5201,7 +5504,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ #if TG3_TSO_SUPPORT != 0
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO)
+ #endif
+@@ -5243,16 +5546,18 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ tw32(MAC_LED_CTRL, tp->led_ctrl);
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) {
+ udelay(10);
+ }
+ tw32_f(MAC_RX_MODE, tp->rx_mode);
+ udelay(10);
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES) {
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5704) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) {
++ if ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5704) &&
++ !(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SERDES_PREEMPHASIS)) {
+ /* Set drive transmission level to 1.2V */
++ /* only if the signal pre-emphasis bit is not set */
+ val = tr32(MAC_SERDES_CFG);
+ val &= 0xfffff000;
+ val |= 0x880;
+@@ -5268,22 +5573,8 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5704 &&
+- tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES) {
+- /* Enable hardware link auto-negotiation */
+- u32 digctrl, txctrl;
+- txctrl = tr32(MAC_SERDES_CFG);
+- tw32_f(SG_DIG_CTRL, digctrl | SG_DIG_SOFT_RESET);
+- tr32(SG_DIG_CTRL);
+- udelay(5);
+- tw32_f(SG_DIG_CTRL, digctrl);
++ (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)) {
++ /* Use hardware link auto-negotiation */
+ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_HW_AUTONEG;
+ }
+@@ -5291,13 +5582,14 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+- if (tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)) {
+ u32 tmp;
+ /* Clear CRC stats. */
+- tg3_readphy(tp, 0x1e, &tmp);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x1e, tmp | 0x8000);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, 0x14, &tmp);
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, 0x1e, &tmp)) {
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x1e, tmp | 0x8000);
++ tg3_readphy(tp, 0x14, &tmp);
++ }
+ }
+ __tg3_set_rx_mode(tp->dev);
+@@ -5308,8 +5600,7 @@ static int tg3_reset_hw(struct tg3 *tp)
+ tw32(MAC_RCV_RULE_1, 0x86000004 & RCV_RULE_DISABLE_MASK);
+ tw32(MAC_RCV_VALUE_1, 0xffffffff & RCV_RULE_DISABLE_MASK);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)
+ limit = 8;
+ else
+ limit = 16;
+@@ -5453,8 +5744,7 @@ static void tg3_timer(unsigned long __op
+ return;
+ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)
+ tg3_periodic_fetch_stats(tp);
+ /* This part only runs once per second. */
+@@ -5483,7 +5773,8 @@ static void tg3_timer(unsigned long __op
+ need_setup = 1;
+ }
+ if (! netif_carrier_ok(tp->dev) &&
+- (mac_stat & MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED)) {
++ (mac_stat & (MAC_STATUS_PCS_SYNCED |
+ need_setup = 1;
+ }
+ if (need_setup) {
+@@ -5522,11 +5813,123 @@ static void tg3_timer(unsigned long __op
+ add_timer(&tp->timer);
+ }
+-static int tg3_open(struct net_device *dev)
++static int tg3_test_interrupt(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+- struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+- int err;
++ struct net_device *dev = tp->dev;
++ int err, i;
++ u32 int_mbox = 0;
++ tg3_disable_ints(tp);
++ free_irq(tp->pdev->irq, dev);
++ err = request_irq(tp->pdev->irq, tg3_test_isr,
++ SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ tg3_enable_ints(tp);
++ tw32_f(HOSTCC_MODE, tp->coalesce_mode | HOSTCC_MODE_ENABLE |
++ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
++ int_mbox = tr32(MAILBOX_INTERRUPT_0 + TG3_64BIT_REG_LOW);
++ if (int_mbox != 0)
++ break;
++ msleep(10);
++ }
++ tg3_disable_ints(tp);
++ free_irq(tp->pdev->irq, dev);
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI)
++ err = request_irq(tp->pdev->irq, tg3_msi,
++ SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev);
++ else
++ err = request_irq(tp->pdev->irq, tg3_interrupt,
++ SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ if (int_mbox != 0)
++ return 0;
++ return -EIO;
++/* Returns 0 if MSI test succeeds or MSI test fails and INTx mode is
++ * successfully restored
++ */
++static int tg3_test_msi(struct tg3 *tp)
++ struct net_device *dev = tp->dev;
++ int err;
++ u16 pci_cmd;
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI))
++ return 0;
++ /* Turn off SERR reporting in case MSI terminates with Master
++ * Abort.
++ */
++ pci_read_config_word(tp->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &pci_cmd);
++ pci_write_config_word(tp->pdev, PCI_COMMAND,
++ pci_cmd & ~PCI_COMMAND_SERR);
++ err = tg3_test_interrupt(tp);
++ pci_write_config_word(tp->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0;
++ /* other failures */
++ if (err != -EIO)
++ return err;
++ /* MSI test failed, go back to INTx mode */
++ printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "%s: No interrupt was generated using MSI, "
++ "switching to INTx mode. Please report this failure to "
++ "the PCI maintainer and include system chipset information.\n",
++ tp->dev->name);
++ free_irq(tp->pdev->irq, dev);
++ pci_disable_msi(tp->pdev);
++ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI;
++ err = request_irq(tp->pdev->irq, tg3_interrupt,
++ SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ /* Need to reset the chip because the MSI cycle may have terminated
++ * with Master Abort.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
++ err = tg3_init_hw(tp);
++ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ if (err)
++ free_irq(tp->pdev->irq, dev);
++ return err;
++static int tg3_open(struct net_device *dev)
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
++ int err;
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
+@@ -5536,17 +5939,36 @@ static int tg3_open(struct net_device *d
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- /* If you move this call, make sure TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS in
+- * tp->tg3_flags is accurate at that new place.
++ /* The placement of this call is tied
++ * to the setup and use of Host TX descriptors.
+ */
+ err = tg3_alloc_consistent(tp);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+- err = request_irq(dev->irq, tg3_interrupt,
+- SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev);
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS) &&
++ (GET_CHIP_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != CHIPREV_5750_AX) &&
++ (GET_CHIP_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != CHIPREV_5750_BX)) {
++ if (pci_enable_msi(tp->pdev) == 0) {
++ u32 msi_mode;
++ msi_mode = tr32(MSGINT_MODE);
++ tw32(MSGINT_MODE, msi_mode | MSGINT_MODE_ENABLE);
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI;
++ }
++ }
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI)
++ err = request_irq(tp->pdev->irq, tg3_msi,
++ SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev);
++ else
++ err = request_irq(tp->pdev->irq, tg3_interrupt,
++ SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev);
+ if (err) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI) {
++ pci_disable_msi(tp->pdev);
++ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI;
++ }
+ tg3_free_consistent(tp);
+ return err;
+ }
+@@ -5556,7 +5978,7 @@ static int tg3_open(struct net_device *d
+ err = tg3_init_hw(tp);
+ if (err) {
+- tg3_halt(tp);
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
+ tg3_free_rings(tp);
+ } else {
+ tp->timer_offset = HZ / 10;
+@@ -5567,23 +5989,47 @@ static int tg3_open(struct net_device *d
+ tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset;
+ tp-> = (unsigned long) tp;
+ tp->timer.function = tg3_timer;
+- add_timer(&tp->timer);
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ if (err) {
+- free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
++ free_irq(tp->pdev->irq, dev);
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI) {
++ pci_disable_msi(tp->pdev);
++ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI;
++ }
+ tg3_free_consistent(tp);
+ return err;
+ }
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI) {
++ err = tg3_test_msi(tp);
++ if (err) {
++ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI) {
++ pci_disable_msi(tp->pdev);
++ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI;
++ }
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
++ tg3_free_rings(tp);
++ tg3_free_consistent(tp);
++ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ return err;
++ }
++ }
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
++ add_timer(&tp->timer);
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE;
+ tg3_enable_ints(tp);
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+@@ -5841,7 +6287,7 @@ static int tg3_close(struct net_device *
+ tg3_disable_ints(tp);
+- tg3_halt(tp);
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
+ tg3_free_rings(tp);
+ tp->tg3_flags &=
+@@ -5851,7 +6297,11 @@ static int tg3_close(struct net_device *
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
++ free_irq(tp->pdev->irq, dev);
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI) {
++ pci_disable_msi(tp->pdev);
++ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI;
++ }
+ memcpy(&tp->net_stats_prev, tg3_get_stats(tp->dev),
+ sizeof(tp->net_stats_prev));
+@@ -5879,16 +6329,18 @@ static unsigned long calc_crc_errors(str
+ {
+ struct tg3_hw_stats *hw_stats = tp->hw_stats;
+- if (tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_SERDES &&
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) &&
+ (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5700 ||
+ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5701)) {
+ unsigned long flags;
+ u32 val;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&tp->lock, flags);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, 0x1e, &val);
+- tg3_writephy(tp, 0x1e, val | 0x8000);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, 0x14, &val);
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, 0x1e, &val)) {
++ tg3_writephy(tp, 0x1e, val | 0x8000);
++ tg3_readphy(tp, 0x14, &val);
++ } else
++ val = 0;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tp->lock, flags);
+ tp->phy_crc_errors += val;
+@@ -6152,7 +6604,9 @@ static void tg3_set_rx_mode(struct net_d
+ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
++ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ __tg3_set_rx_mode(dev);
++ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ }
+@@ -6232,14 +6686,16 @@ do { p = (u32 *)(orig_p + (reg)); \
+ static int tg3_get_eeprom_len(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
++ return tp->nvram_size;
+ }
+-static int __devinit tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(struct tg3 *tp,
+- u32 offset, u32 *val);
++static int tg3_nvram_read(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 *val);
+ static int tg3_get_eeprom(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_eeprom *eeprom, u8 *data)
+ {
+- struct tg3 *tp = dev->priv;
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret;
+ u8 *pd;
+ u32 i, offset, len, val, b_offset, b_count;
+@@ -6248,10 +6704,7 @@ static int tg3_get_eeprom(struct net_dev
+ len = eeprom->len;
+ eeprom->len = 0;
+- ret = tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(tp, 0, &eeprom->magic);
+- if (ret)
+- return ret;
+- eeprom->magic = swab32(eeprom->magic);
++ eeprom->magic = TG3_EEPROM_MAGIC;
+ if (offset & 3) {
+ /* adjustments to start on required 4 byte boundary */
+@@ -6261,9 +6714,10 @@ static int tg3_get_eeprom(struct net_dev
+ /* i.e. offset=1 len=2 */
+ b_count = len;
+ }
+- ret = tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(tp, offset-b_offset, &val);
++ ret = tg3_nvram_read(tp, offset-b_offset, &val);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
++ val = cpu_to_le32(val);
+ memcpy(data, ((char*)&val) + b_offset, b_count);
+ len -= b_count;
+ offset += b_count;
+@@ -6273,12 +6727,13 @@ static int tg3_get_eeprom(struct net_dev
+ /* read bytes upto the last 4 byte boundary */
+ pd = &data[eeprom->len];
+ for (i = 0; i < (len - (len & 3)); i += 4) {
+- ret = tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(tp, offset + i,
+- (u32*)(pd + i));
++ ret = tg3_nvram_read(tp, offset + i, &val);
+ if (ret) {
+ eeprom->len += i;
+ return ret;
+ }
++ val = cpu_to_le32(val);
++ memcpy(pd + i, &val, 4);
+ }
+ eeprom->len += i;
+@@ -6287,30 +6742,85 @@ static int tg3_get_eeprom(struct net_dev
+ pd = &data[eeprom->len];
+ b_count = len & 3;
+ b_offset = offset + len - b_count;
+- ret = tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(tp, b_offset, &val);
++ ret = tg3_nvram_read(tp, b_offset, &val);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
++ val = cpu_to_le32(val);
+ memcpy(pd, ((char*)&val), b_count);
+ eeprom->len += b_count;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
++static int tg3_nvram_write_block(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf);
++static int tg3_set_eeprom(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_eeprom *eeprom, u8 *data)
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
++ int ret;
++ u32 offset, len, b_offset, odd_len, start, end;
++ u8 *buf;
++ if (eeprom->magic != TG3_EEPROM_MAGIC)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ offset = eeprom->offset;
++ len = eeprom->len;
++ if ((b_offset = (offset & 3))) {
++ /* adjustments to start on required 4 byte boundary */
++ ret = tg3_nvram_read(tp, offset-b_offset, &start);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ start = cpu_to_le32(start);
++ len += b_offset;
++ offset &= ~3;
++ if (len < 4)
++ len = 4;
++ }
++ odd_len = 0;
++ if (len & 3) {
++ /* adjustments to end on required 4 byte boundary */
++ odd_len = 1;
++ len = (len + 3) & ~3;
++ ret = tg3_nvram_read(tp, offset+len-4, &end);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ end = cpu_to_le32(end);
++ }
++ buf = data;
++ if (b_offset || odd_len) {
++ buf = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (buf == 0)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ if (b_offset)
++ memcpy(buf, &start, 4);
++ if (odd_len)
++ memcpy(buf+len-4, &end, 4);
++ memcpy(buf + b_offset, data, eeprom->len);
++ }
++ ret = tg3_nvram_write_block(tp, offset, len, buf);
++ if (buf != data)
++ kfree(buf);
++ return ret;
+ static int tg3_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
+ {
+ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+- if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE) ||
+- tp->link_config.phy_is_low_power)
+- return -EAGAIN;
+ cmd->supported = (SUPPORTED_Autoneg);
+ if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_10_100_ONLY))
+ cmd->supported |= (SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half |
+ SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Full);
+- if (tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_SERDES)
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES))
+ cmd->supported |= (SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half |
+ SUPPORTED_100baseT_Full |
+ SUPPORTED_10baseT_Half |
+@@ -6320,8 +6830,10 @@ static int tg3_get_settings(struct net_d
+ cmd->supported |= SUPPORTED_FIBRE;
+ cmd->advertising = tp->link_config.advertising;
+- cmd->speed = tp->link_config.active_speed;
+- cmd->duplex = tp->link_config.active_duplex;
++ if (netif_running(dev)) {
++ cmd->speed = tp->link_config.active_speed;
++ cmd->duplex = tp->link_config.active_duplex;
++ }
+ cmd->port = 0;
+ cmd->phy_address = PHY_ADDR;
+ cmd->transceiver = 0;
+@@ -6335,11 +6847,7 @@ static int tg3_set_settings(struct net_d
+ {
+ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+- if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE) ||
+- tp->link_config.phy_is_low_power)
+- return -EAGAIN;
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) {
+ /* These are the only valid advertisement bits allowed. */
+ if (cmd->autoneg == AUTONEG_ENABLE &&
+ (cmd->advertising & ~(ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half |
+@@ -6363,7 +6871,9 @@ static int tg3_set_settings(struct net_d
+ tp->link_config.duplex = cmd->duplex;
+ }
+- tg3_setup_phy(tp, 1);
++ if (netif_running(dev))
++ tg3_setup_phy(tp, 1);
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+@@ -6397,7 +6907,7 @@ static int tg3_set_wol(struct net_device
+ if (wol->wolopts & ~WAKE_MAGIC)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if ((wol->wolopts & WAKE_MAGIC) &&
+- tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES &&
++ tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES &&
+ !(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_SERDES_WOL_CAP))
+ return -EINVAL;
+@@ -6443,11 +6953,14 @@ static int tg3_nway_reset(struct net_dev
+ u32 bmcr;
+ int r;
++ if (!netif_running(dev))
++ return -EAGAIN;
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &bmcr);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &bmcr);
+ r = -EINVAL;
+- if (bmcr & BMCR_ANENABLE) {
++ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &bmcr);
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMCR, &bmcr) &&
++ (bmcr & BMCR_ANENABLE)) {
+ tg3_writephy(tp, MII_BMCR, bmcr | BMCR_ANRESTART);
+ r = 0;
+ }
+@@ -6479,7 +6992,9 @@ static int tg3_set_ringparam(struct net_
+ (ering->tx_pending > TG3_TX_RING_SIZE - 1))
+ return -EINVAL;
+- tg3_netif_stop(tp);
++ if (netif_running(dev))
++ tg3_netif_stop(tp);
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
+@@ -6491,12 +7006,14 @@ static int tg3_set_ringparam(struct net_
+ tp->rx_jumbo_pending = ering->rx_jumbo_pending;
+ tp->tx_pending = ering->tx_pending;
+- tg3_halt(tp);
+- tg3_init_hw(tp);
+- netif_wake_queue(tp->dev);
++ if (netif_running(dev)) {
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
++ tg3_init_hw(tp);
++ tg3_netif_start(tp);
++ }
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -6506,15 +7023,17 @@ static void tg3_get_pauseparam(struct ne
+ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+ epause->autoneg = (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_AUTONEG) != 0;
+- epause->rx_pause = (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_RX) != 0;
+- epause->tx_pause = (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_TX) != 0;
++ epause->rx_pause = (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE) != 0;
++ epause->tx_pause = (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_TX_PAUSE) != 0;
+ }
+ static int tg3_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_pauseparam *epause)
+ {
+ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+- tg3_netif_stop(tp);
++ if (netif_running(dev))
++ tg3_netif_stop(tp);
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ if (epause->autoneg)
+@@ -6522,18 +7041,21 @@ static int tg3_set_pauseparam(struct net
+ else
+ tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_AUTONEG;
+ if (epause->rx_pause)
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_RX;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE;
+ else
+- tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_RX;
++ tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_RX_PAUSE;
+ if (epause->tx_pause)
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_TX;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_TX_PAUSE;
+ else
+- tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_TX;
+- tg3_halt(tp);
+- tg3_init_hw(tp);
++ tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_TX_PAUSE;
++ if (netif_running(dev)) {
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
++ tg3_init_hw(tp);
++ tg3_netif_start(tp);
++ }
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -6602,7 +7124,7 @@ static void tg3_get_strings (struct net_
+ static void tg3_get_ethtool_stats (struct net_device *dev,
+ struct ethtool_stats *estats, u64 *tmp_stats)
+ {
+- struct tg3 *tp = dev->priv;
++ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+ memcpy(tmp_stats, tg3_get_estats(tp), sizeof(tp->estats));
+ }
+@@ -6620,7 +7142,7 @@ static int tg3_ioctl(struct net_device *
+ u32 mii_regval;
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)
+ break; /* We have no PHY */
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+@@ -6633,7 +7155,7 @@ static int tg3_ioctl(struct net_device *
+ }
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)
+ break; /* We have no PHY */
+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
+@@ -6696,6 +7218,7 @@ static struct ethtool_ops tg3_ethtool_op
+ .get_link = ethtool_op_get_link,
+ .get_eeprom_len = tg3_get_eeprom_len,
+ .get_eeprom = tg3_get_eeprom,
++ .set_eeprom = tg3_set_eeprom,
+ .get_ringparam = tg3_get_ringparam,
+ .set_ringparam = tg3_set_ringparam,
+ .get_pauseparam = tg3_get_pauseparam,
+@@ -6715,12 +7238,170 @@ static struct ethtool_ops tg3_ethtool_op
+ .get_ethtool_stats = tg3_get_ethtool_stats,
+ };
++static void __devinit tg3_get_eeprom_size(struct tg3 *tp)
++ u32 cursize, val;
++ tp->nvram_size = EEPROM_CHIP_SIZE;
++ if (tg3_nvram_read(tp, 0, &val) != 0)
++ return;
++ if (swab32(val) != TG3_EEPROM_MAGIC)
++ return;
++ /*
++ * Size the chip by reading offsets at increasing powers of two.
++ * When we encounter our validation signature, we know the addressing
++ * has wrapped around, and thus have our chip size.
++ */
++ cursize = 0x800;
++ while (cursize < tp->nvram_size) {
++ if (tg3_nvram_read(tp, cursize, &val) != 0)
++ return;
++ if (swab32(val) == TG3_EEPROM_MAGIC)
++ break;
++ cursize <<= 1;
++ }
++ tp->nvram_size = cursize;
++static void __devinit tg3_get_nvram_size(struct tg3 *tp)
++ u32 val;
++ if (tg3_nvram_read(tp, 0xf0, &val) == 0) {
++ if (val != 0) {
++ tp->nvram_size = (val >> 16) * 1024;
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ tp->nvram_size = 0x20000;
++static void __devinit tg3_get_nvram_info(struct tg3 *tp)
++ u32 nvcfg1;
++ nvcfg1 = tr32(NVRAM_CFG1);
++ if (nvcfg1 & NVRAM_CFG1_FLASHIF_ENAB) {
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_FLASH;
++ }
++ else {
++ tw32(NVRAM_CFG1, nvcfg1);
++ }
++ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ switch (nvcfg1 & NVRAM_CFG1_VENDOR_MASK) {
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ATMEL;
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = ATMEL_AT45DB0X1B_PAGE_SIZE;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
++ break;
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ATMEL;
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = ATMEL_AT25F512_PAGE_SIZE;
++ break;
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ATMEL;
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = ATMEL_AT24C512_CHIP_SIZE;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
++ break;
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ST;
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = ST_M45PEX0_PAGE_SIZE;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
++ break;
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_SAIFUN;
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = SAIFUN_SA25F0XX_PAGE_SIZE;
++ break;
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_SST;
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = SST_25VF0X0_PAGE_SIZE;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ATMEL;
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = ATMEL_AT45DB0X1B_PAGE_SIZE;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
++ }
++static void __devinit tg3_get_5752_nvram_info(struct tg3 *tp)
++ u32 nvcfg1;
++ nvcfg1 = tr32(NVRAM_CFG1);
++ /* NVRAM protection for TPM */
++ if (nvcfg1 & (1 << 27))
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PROTECTED_NVRAM;
++ switch (nvcfg1 & NVRAM_CFG1_5752VENDOR_MASK) {
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ATMEL;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
++ break;
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ATMEL;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_FLASH;
++ break;
++ case FLASH_5752VENDOR_ST_M45PE10:
++ case FLASH_5752VENDOR_ST_M45PE20:
++ case FLASH_5752VENDOR_ST_M45PE40:
++ tp->nvram_jedecnum = JEDEC_ST;
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_FLASH;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_FLASH) {
++ switch (nvcfg1 & NVRAM_CFG1_5752PAGE_SIZE_MASK) {
++ case FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_256:
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = 256;
++ break;
++ case FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_512:
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = 512;
++ break;
++ case FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_1K:
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = 1024;
++ break;
++ case FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_2K:
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = 2048;
++ break;
++ case FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_4K:
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = 4096;
++ break;
++ case FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_264:
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = 264;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /* For eeprom, set pagesize to maximum eeprom size */
++ tp->nvram_pagesize = ATMEL_AT24C512_CHIP_SIZE;
++ tw32(NVRAM_CFG1, nvcfg1);
++ }
+ /* Chips other than 5700/5701 use the NVRAM for fetching info. */
+ static void __devinit tg3_nvram_init(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+ int j;
+- if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X)
+ return;
+@@ -6739,37 +7420,28 @@ static void __devinit tg3_nvram_init(str
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5700 &&
+ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5701) {
+- u32 nvcfg1;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
+- u32 nvaccess = tr32(NVRAM_ACCESS);
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM;
+- tw32_f(NVRAM_ACCESS, nvaccess | ACCESS_ENABLE);
+- }
++ tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp);
+- nvcfg1 = tr32(NVRAM_CFG1);
++ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5752)
++ tg3_get_5752_nvram_info(tp);
++ else
++ tg3_get_nvram_info(tp);
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM;
+- if (nvcfg1 & NVRAM_CFG1_FLASHIF_ENAB) {
+- if (nvcfg1 & NVRAM_CFG1_BUFFERED_MODE)
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED;
+- } else {
+- tw32(NVRAM_CFG1, nvcfg1);
+- }
++ tg3_get_nvram_size(tp);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
+- u32 nvaccess = tr32(NVRAM_ACCESS);
++ tg3_disable_nvram_access(tp);
+- tw32_f(NVRAM_ACCESS, nvaccess & ~ACCESS_ENABLE);
+- }
+ } else {
+ tp->tg3_flags &= ~(TG3_FLAG_NVRAM | TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED);
++ tg3_get_eeprom_size(tp);
+ }
+ }
+-static int __devinit tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(struct tg3 *tp,
+- u32 offset, u32 *val)
++static int tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(struct tg3 *tp,
++ u32 offset, u32 *val)
+ {
+ u32 tmp;
+ int i;
+@@ -6802,62 +7474,318 @@ static int __devinit tg3_nvram_read_usin
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static int __devinit tg3_nvram_read(struct tg3 *tp,
+- u32 offset, u32 *val)
++#define NVRAM_CMD_TIMEOUT 10000
++static int tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(struct tg3 *tp, u32 nvram_cmd)
+ {
+ int i;
+- if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Attempt to do nvram_read on Sun 5704\n");
++ tw32(NVRAM_CMD, nvram_cmd);
++ for (i = 0; i < NVRAM_CMD_TIMEOUT; i++) {
++ udelay(10);
++ if (tr32(NVRAM_CMD) & NVRAM_CMD_DONE) {
++ udelay(10);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (i == NVRAM_CMD_TIMEOUT) {
++ return -EBUSY;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static int tg3_nvram_read(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 *val)
++ int ret;
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Attempt to do nvram_read on Sun 570X\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_NVRAM))
+ return tg3_nvram_read_using_eeprom(tp, offset, val);
+- if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED)
+- offset = ((offset / NVRAM_BUFFERED_PAGE_SIZE) <<
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED) &&
++ (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_FLASH) &&
++ (tp->nvram_jedecnum == JEDEC_ATMEL)) {
++ offset = ((offset / tp->nvram_pagesize) <<
++ (offset % tp->nvram_pagesize);
++ }
+ if (offset > NVRAM_ADDR_MSK)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ tg3_nvram_lock(tp);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
+- u32 nvaccess = tr32(NVRAM_ACCESS);
++ tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp);
++ tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, offset);
++ ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, NVRAM_CMD_RD | NVRAM_CMD_GO |
++ if (ret == 0)
++ *val = swab32(tr32(NVRAM_RDDATA));
++ tg3_nvram_unlock(tp);
++ tg3_disable_nvram_access(tp);
++ return ret;
++static int tg3_nvram_write_block_using_eeprom(struct tg3 *tp,
++ u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf)
++ int i, j, rc = 0;
++ u32 val;
++ for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
++ u32 addr, data;
++ addr = offset + i;
++ memcpy(&data, buf + i, 4);
+- tw32_f(NVRAM_ACCESS, nvaccess | ACCESS_ENABLE);
++ tw32(GRC_EEPROM_DATA, cpu_to_le32(data));
++ val = tr32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR);
++ tw32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR, val |
++ for (j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
++ val = tr32(GRC_EEPROM_ADDR);
++ break;
++ udelay(100);
++ }
++ if (!(val & EEPROM_ADDR_COMPLETE)) {
++ rc = -EBUSY;
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+- tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, offset);
+- tw32(NVRAM_CMD,
++ return rc;
+- /* Wait for done bit to clear. */
+- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+- udelay(10);
+- if (tr32(NVRAM_CMD) & NVRAM_CMD_DONE) {
+- udelay(10);
+- *val = swab32(tr32(NVRAM_RDDATA));
++/* offset and length are dword aligned */
++static int tg3_nvram_write_block_unbuffered(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len,
++ u8 *buf)
++ int ret = 0;
++ u32 pagesize = tp->nvram_pagesize;
++ u32 pagemask = pagesize - 1;
++ u32 nvram_cmd;
++ u8 *tmp;
++ tmp = kmalloc(pagesize, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (tmp == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ while (len) {
++ int j;
++ u32 phy_addr, page_off, size;
++ phy_addr = offset & ~pagemask;
++ for (j = 0; j < pagesize; j += 4) {
++ if ((ret = tg3_nvram_read(tp, phy_addr + j,
++ (u32 *) (tmp + j))))
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ret)
+ break;
++ page_off = offset & pagemask;
++ size = pagesize;
++ if (len < size)
++ size = len;
++ len -= size;
++ memcpy(tmp + page_off, buf, size);
++ offset = offset + (pagesize - page_off);
++ tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp);
++ /*
++ * Before we can erase the flash page, we need
++ * to issue a special "write enable" command.
++ */
++ if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd))
++ break;
++ /* Erase the target page */
++ tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr);
++ if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd))
++ break;
++ /* Issue another write enable to start the write. */
++ if (tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd))
++ break;
++ for (j = 0; j < pagesize; j += 4) {
++ u32 data;
++ data = *((u32 *) (tmp + j));
++ tw32(NVRAM_WRDATA, cpu_to_be32(data));
++ tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr + j);
++ nvram_cmd = NVRAM_CMD_GO | NVRAM_CMD_DONE |
++ if (j == 0)
++ nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_FIRST;
++ else if (j == (pagesize - 4))
++ nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST;
++ if ((ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)))
++ break;
+ }
++ if (ret)
++ break;
+ }
+- tg3_nvram_unlock(tp);
++ tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd);
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
+- u32 nvaccess = tr32(NVRAM_ACCESS);
++ kfree(tmp);
++ return ret;
++/* offset and length are dword aligned */
++static int tg3_nvram_write_block_buffered(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len,
++ u8 *buf)
++ int i, ret = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4, offset += 4) {
++ u32 data, page_off, phy_addr, nvram_cmd;
++ memcpy(&data, buf + i, 4);
++ tw32(NVRAM_WRDATA, cpu_to_be32(data));
++ page_off = offset % tp->nvram_pagesize;
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_FLASH) &&
++ (tp->nvram_jedecnum == JEDEC_ATMEL)) {
++ phy_addr = ((offset / tp->nvram_pagesize) <<
++ ATMEL_AT45DB0X1B_PAGE_POS) + page_off;
++ }
++ else {
++ phy_addr = offset;
++ }
++ tw32(NVRAM_ADDR, phy_addr);
++ if ((page_off == 0) || (i == 0))
++ nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_FIRST;
++ else if (page_off == (tp->nvram_pagesize - 4))
++ nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST;
++ if (i == (len - 4))
++ nvram_cmd |= NVRAM_CMD_LAST;
++ if ((tp->nvram_jedecnum == JEDEC_ST) &&
++ (nvram_cmd & NVRAM_CMD_FIRST)) {
+- tw32_f(NVRAM_ACCESS, nvaccess & ~ACCESS_ENABLE);
++ if ((ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp,
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_FLASH)) {
++ /* We always do complete word writes to eeprom. */
++ nvram_cmd |= (NVRAM_CMD_FIRST | NVRAM_CMD_LAST);
++ }
++ if ((ret = tg3_nvram_exec_cmd(tp, nvram_cmd)))
++ break;
+ }
++ return ret;
+- if (i >= 1000)
+- return -EBUSY;
++/* offset and length are dword aligned */
++static int tg3_nvram_write_block(struct tg3 *tp, u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *buf)
++ int ret;
+- return 0;
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Attempt to do nvram_write on Sun 570X\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT) {
++ tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl &
++ udelay(40);
++ }
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_NVRAM)) {
++ ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_using_eeprom(tp, offset, len, buf);
++ }
++ else {
++ u32 grc_mode;
++ tg3_nvram_lock(tp);
++ tg3_enable_nvram_access(tp);
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS) &&
++ !(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PROTECTED_NVRAM))
++ tw32(NVRAM_WRITE1, 0x406);
++ grc_mode = tr32(GRC_MODE);
++ tw32(GRC_MODE, grc_mode | GRC_MODE_NVRAM_WR_ENABLE);
++ if ((tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_NVRAM_BUFFERED) ||
++ !(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_FLASH)) {
++ ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_buffered(tp, offset, len,
++ buf);
++ }
++ else {
++ ret = tg3_nvram_write_block_unbuffered(tp, offset, len,
++ buf);
++ }
++ grc_mode = tr32(GRC_MODE);
++ tw32(GRC_MODE, grc_mode & ~GRC_MODE_NVRAM_WR_ENABLE);
++ tg3_disable_nvram_access(tp);
++ tg3_nvram_unlock(tp);
++ }
++ if (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT) {
++ tw32_f(GRC_LOCAL_CTRL, tp->grc_local_ctrl);
++ udelay(40);
++ }
++ return ret;
+ }
+ struct subsys_tbl_ent {
+@@ -6870,10 +7798,10 @@ static struct subsys_tbl_ent subsys_id_t
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x1644, PHY_ID_BCM5401 }, /* BCM95700A6 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0001, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* BCM95701A5 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0002, PHY_ID_BCM8002 }, /* BCM95700T6 */
+- { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0003, PHY_ID_SERDES }, /* BCM95700A9 */
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0003, 0 }, /* BCM95700A9 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0005, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* BCM95701T1 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0006, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* BCM95701T8 */
+- { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0007, PHY_ID_SERDES }, /* BCM95701A7 */
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0007, 0 }, /* BCM95701A7 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0008, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* BCM95701A10 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x8008, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* BCM95701A12 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM, 0x0009, PHY_ID_BCM5703 }, /* BCM95703Ax1 */
+@@ -6882,7 +7810,7 @@ static struct subsys_tbl_ent subsys_id_t
+ /* 3com boards. */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_3COM, 0x1000, PHY_ID_BCM5401 }, /* 3C996T */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_3COM, 0x1006, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* 3C996BT */
+- { PCI_VENDOR_ID_3COM, 0x1004, PHY_ID_SERDES }, /* 3C996SX */
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_3COM, 0x1004, 0 }, /* 3C996SX */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_3COM, 0x1007, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* 3C1000T */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_3COM, 0x1008, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* 3C940BR01 */
+@@ -6895,65 +7823,84 @@ static struct subsys_tbl_ent subsys_id_t
+ /* Compaq boards. */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ, 0x007c, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* BANSHEE */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ, 0x009a, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* BANSHEE_2 */
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ, 0x007d, 0 }, /* CHANGELING */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ, 0x0085, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* NC7780 */
+ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ, 0x0099, PHY_ID_BCM5701 }, /* NC7780_2 */
+ /* IBM boards. */
+- { PCI_VENDOR_ID_IBM, 0x0281, PHY_ID_SERDES } /* IBM??? */
++ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_IBM, 0x0281, 0 } /* IBM??? */
+ };
+-static int __devinit tg3_phy_probe(struct tg3 *tp)
++static inline struct subsys_tbl_ent *lookup_by_subsys(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+- u32 eeprom_phy_id, hw_phy_id_1, hw_phy_id_2;
+- u32 hw_phy_id, hw_phy_id_masked;
+- u32 val;
+- int i, eeprom_signature_found, err;
++ int i;
+- tp->phy_id = PHY_ID_INVALID;
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(subsys_id_to_phy_id); i++) {
+ if ((subsys_id_to_phy_id[i].subsys_vendor ==
+ tp->pdev->subsystem_vendor) &&
+ (subsys_id_to_phy_id[i].subsys_devid ==
+- tp->pdev->subsystem_device)) {
+- tp->phy_id = subsys_id_to_phy_id[i].phy_id;
+- break;
+- }
++ tp->pdev->subsystem_device))
++ return &subsys_id_to_phy_id[i];
+ }
++ return NULL;
++/* Since this function may be called in D3-hot power state during
++ * tg3_init_one(), only config cycles are allowed.
++ */
++static void __devinit tg3_get_eeprom_hw_cfg(struct tg3 *tp)
++ u32 val;
++ /* Make sure register accesses (indirect or otherwise)
++ * will function correctly.
++ */
++ pci_write_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_MISC_HOST_CTRL,
++ tp->misc_host_ctrl);
++ tp->phy_id = PHY_ID_INVALID;
++ tp->led_ctrl = LED_CTRL_MODE_PHY_1;
+- eeprom_phy_id = PHY_ID_INVALID;
+- eeprom_signature_found = 0;
+ tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_SIG, &val);
+ if (val == NIC_SRAM_DATA_SIG_MAGIC) {
+ u32 nic_cfg, led_cfg;
++ u32 nic_phy_id, ver, cfg2 = 0, eeprom_phy_id;
++ int eeprom_phy_serdes = 0;
+ tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG, &nic_cfg);
+ tp->nic_sram_data_cfg = nic_cfg;
+- eeprom_signature_found = 1;
++ tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_VER, &ver);
++ if ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5700) &&
++ (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5701) &&
++ (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5703) &&
++ (ver > 0) && (ver < 0x100))
++ tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_2, &cfg2);
+ if ((nic_cfg & NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_PHY_TYPE_MASK) ==
+- eeprom_phy_id = PHY_ID_SERDES;
+- } else {
+- u32 nic_phy_id;
++ eeprom_phy_serdes = 1;
+- tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID, &nic_phy_id);
+- if (nic_phy_id != 0) {
+- u32 id1 = nic_phy_id & NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID1_MASK;
+- u32 id2 = nic_phy_id & NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID2_MASK;
+- eeprom_phy_id = (id1 >> 16) << 10;
+- eeprom_phy_id |= (id2 & 0xfc00) << 16;
+- eeprom_phy_id |= (id2 & 0x03ff) << 0;
+- }
+- }
++ tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID, &nic_phy_id);
++ if (nic_phy_id != 0) {
++ u32 id1 = nic_phy_id & NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID1_MASK;
++ u32 id2 = nic_phy_id & NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID2_MASK;
++ eeprom_phy_id = (id1 >> 16) << 10;
++ eeprom_phy_id |= (id2 & 0xfc00) << 16;
++ eeprom_phy_id |= (id2 & 0x03ff) << 0;
++ } else
++ eeprom_phy_id = 0;
++ tp->phy_id = eeprom_phy_id;
++ if (eeprom_phy_serdes)
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
+- tg3_read_mem(tp, NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_2, &led_cfg);
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS)
++ led_cfg = cfg2 & (NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_LED_MODE_MASK |
+- } else
++ else
+ led_cfg = nic_cfg & NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_LED_MODE_MASK;
+ switch (led_cfg) {
+@@ -6996,20 +7943,34 @@ static int __devinit tg3_phy_probe(struc
+ tp->pdev->subsystem_vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_DELL)
+ tp->led_ctrl = LED_CTRL_MODE_PHY_2;
+- if (((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5703) ||
+- (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5704) ||
+- (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705)) &&
++ if ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5700) &&
++ (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5701) &&
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT;
+ if (nic_cfg & NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_ASF_ENABLE) {
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_ENABLE_ASF;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS)
+ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_ASF_NEW_HANDSHAKE;
+ }
+ if (nic_cfg & NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_FIBER_WOL)
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_SERDES_WOL_CAP;
++ if (cfg2 & (1 << 17))
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_CAPACITIVE_COUPLING;
++ /* serdes signal pre-emphasis in register 0x590 set by */
++ /* bootcode if bit 18 is set */
++ if (cfg2 & (1 << 18))
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_SERDES_PREEMPHASIS;
+ }
++static int __devinit tg3_phy_probe(struct tg3 *tp)
++ u32 hw_phy_id_1, hw_phy_id_2;
++ u32 hw_phy_id, hw_phy_id_masked;
++ int err;
+ /* Reading the PHY ID register can conflict with ASF
+ * firwmare access to the PHY hardware.
+@@ -7035,27 +7996,37 @@ static int __devinit tg3_phy_probe(struc
+ if (!err && KNOWN_PHY_ID(hw_phy_id_masked)) {
+ tp->phy_id = hw_phy_id;
++ if (hw_phy_id_masked == PHY_ID_BCM8002)
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES;
+ } else {
+- /* phy_id currently holds the value found in the
+- * subsys_id_to_phy_id[] table or PHY_ID_INVALID
+- * if a match was not found there.
+- */
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_INVALID) {
+- if (!eeprom_signature_found ||
+- !KNOWN_PHY_ID(eeprom_phy_id & PHY_ID_MASK))
++ if (tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_INVALID) {
++ /* Do nothing, phy ID already set up in
++ * tg3_get_eeprom_hw_cfg().
++ */
++ } else {
++ struct subsys_tbl_ent *p;
++ /* No eeprom signature? Try the hardcoded
++ * subsys device table.
++ */
++ p = lookup_by_subsys(tp);
++ if (!p)
+ return -ENODEV;
+- tp->phy_id = eeprom_phy_id;
++ tp->phy_id = p->phy_id;
++ if (!tp->phy_id ||
++ tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_BCM8002)
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES;
+ }
+ }
+- if (tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_SERDES &&
++ if (!(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) &&
+ !(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_ENABLE_ASF)) {
+ u32 bmsr, adv_reg, tg3_ctrl;
+ tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr);
+- if (bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS)
++ if (!tg3_readphy(tp, MII_BMSR, &bmsr) &&
++ (bmsr & BMSR_LSTATUS))
+ goto skip_phy_reset;
+ err = tg3_phy_reset(tp);
+@@ -7102,10 +8073,7 @@ skip_phy_reset:
+ err = tg3_init_5401phy_dsp(tp);
+ }
+- if (!eeprom_signature_found)
+- tp->led_ctrl = LED_CTRL_MODE_PHY_1;
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)
+ tp->link_config.advertising =
+ (ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half |
+ ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full |
+@@ -7124,11 +8092,11 @@ static void __devinit tg3_read_partno(st
+ unsigned char vpd_data[256];
+ int i;
+- if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X) {
+ /* Sun decided not to put the necessary bits in the
+ * NVRAM of their onboard tg3 parts :(
+ */
+- strcpy(tp->board_part_number, "Sun 5704");
++ strcpy(tp->board_part_number, "Sun 570X");
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -7189,27 +8157,21 @@ out_not_found:
+ }
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SPARC64
+-static int __devinit tg3_is_sun_5704(struct tg3 *tp)
++static int __devinit tg3_is_sun_570X(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
+ struct pci_dev *pdev = tp->pdev;
+ struct pcidev_cookie *pcp = pdev->sysdata;
+ if (pcp != NULL) {
+ int node = pcp->prom_node;
+- u32 venid, devid;
++ u32 venid;
+ int err;
+ err = prom_getproperty(node, "subsystem-vendor-id",
+ (char *) &venid, sizeof(venid));
+ if (err == 0 || err == -1)
+ return 0;
+- err = prom_getproperty(node, "subsystem-id",
+- (char *) &devid, sizeof(devid));
+- if (err == 0 || err == -1)
+- return 0;
+- if (venid == PCI_VENDOR_ID_SUN &&
+- devid == PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5704)
++ if (venid == PCI_VENDOR_ID_SUN)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+@@ -7218,6 +8180,19 @@ static int __devinit tg3_is_sun_5704(str
+ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(struct tg3 *tp)
+ {
++ static struct pci_device_id write_reorder_chipsets[] = {
++ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AA_8) },
++ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AB_8) },
++ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801BA_11) },
++ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801BA_6) },
++ { },
++ };
+ u32 misc_ctrl_reg;
+ u32 cacheline_sz_reg;
+ u32 pci_state_reg, grc_misc_cfg;
+@@ -7226,8 +8201,8 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ int err;
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SPARC64
+- if (tg3_is_sun_5704(tp))
+- tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704;
++ if (tg3_is_sun_570X(tp))
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X;
+ #endif
+ /* If we have an AMD 762 or Intel ICH/ICH0/ICH2 chipset, write
+@@ -7236,16 +8211,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ * every mailbox register write to force the writes to be
+ * posted to the chip in order.
+ */
+- if (pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
+- pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
+- pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
+- pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
+- pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD,
++ if (pci_dev_present(write_reorder_chipsets))
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_MBOX_WRITE_REORDER;
+ /* Force memory write invalidate off. If we leave it on,
+@@ -7271,6 +8237,12 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ tp->pci_chip_rev_id = (misc_ctrl_reg >>
++ /* Wrong chip ID in 5752 A0. This code can be removed later
++ * as A0 is not in production.
++ */
++ if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5752_A0_HW)
++ tp->pci_chip_rev_id = CHIPREV_ID_5752_A0;
+ /* Initialize misc host control in PCI block. */
+ tp->misc_host_ctrl |= (misc_ctrl_reg &
+@@ -7285,6 +8257,17 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ tp->pci_hdr_type = (cacheline_sz_reg >> 16) & 0xff;
+ tp->pci_bist = (cacheline_sz_reg >> 24) & 0xff;
++ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750 ||
++ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5752)
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS;
++ if ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705) ||
++ (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS))
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS;
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS)
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO;
+ if (pci_find_capability(tp->pdev, PCI_CAP_ID_EXP) != 0)
+ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PCI_EXPRESS;
+@@ -7360,6 +8343,31 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ pci_write_config_dword(tp->pdev, TG3PCI_PCISTATE, pci_state_reg);
+ }
++ /* Get eeprom hw config before calling tg3_set_power_state().
++ * In particular, the TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT flag must be
++ * determined before calling tg3_set_power_state() so that
++ * we know whether or not to switch out of Vaux power.
++ * When the flag is set, it means that GPIO1 is used for eeprom
++ * write protect and also implies that it is a LOM where GPIOs
++ * are not used to switch power.
++ */
++ tg3_get_eeprom_hw_cfg(tp);
++ /* Set up tp->grc_local_ctrl before calling tg3_set_power_state().
++ * GPIO1 driven high will bring 5700's external PHY out of reset.
++ * It is also used as eeprom write protect on LOMs.
++ */
++ if ((GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5700) ||
++ (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_EEPROM_WRITE_PROT))
++ tp->grc_local_ctrl |= (GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OE1 |
++ /* Unused GPIO3 must be driven as output on 5752 because there
++ * are no pull-up resistors on unused GPIO pins.
++ */
++ else if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5752)
++ tp->grc_local_ctrl |= GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OE3;
+ /* Force the chip into D0. */
+ err = tg3_set_power_state(tp, 0);
+ if (err) {
+@@ -7412,8 +8420,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ if (tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5704_A0)
+ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PHY_5704_A0_BUG;
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS)
+ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_PHY_BER_BUG;
+ /* Only 5701 and later support tagged irq status mode.
+@@ -7453,7 +8460,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ chiprevid == CHIPREV_ID_5701_B0 ||
+ chiprevid == CHIPREV_ID_5701_B2 ||
+ chiprevid == CHIPREV_ID_5701_B5) {
+- unsigned long sram_base;
++ void __iomem *sram_base;
+ /* Write some dummy words into the SRAM status block
+ * area, see if it reads back correctly. If the return
+@@ -7472,32 +8479,17 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ udelay(50);
+ tg3_nvram_init(tp);
+- /* Always use host TXDs, it performs better in particular
+- * with multi-frag packets. The tests below are kept here
+- * as documentation should we change this decision again
+- * in the future.
+- */
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS;
+-#if 0
+- /* Determine if TX descriptors will reside in
+- * main memory or in the chip SRAM.
+- */
+- if ((tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_PCIX_TARGET_HWBUG) != 0 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
+- tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS;
+ grc_misc_cfg = tr32(GRC_MISC_CFG);
+ grc_misc_cfg &= GRC_MISC_CFG_BOARD_ID_MASK;
++ /* Broadcom's driver says that CIOBE multisplit has a bug */
++#if 0
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5704 &&
+ grc_misc_cfg == GRC_MISC_CFG_BOARD_ID_5704CIOBE) {
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_SPLIT_MODE;
+ tp->split_mode_max_reqs = SPLIT_MODE_5704_MAX_REQ;
+ }
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 &&
+ (grc_misc_cfg == GRC_MISC_CFG_BOARD_ID_5788 ||
+ grc_misc_cfg == GRC_MISC_CFG_BOARD_ID_5788M))
+@@ -7512,7 +8504,8 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ tp->pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5901_2 ||
+ tp->pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5705F)) ||
+ (tp->pdev->vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM &&
+- tp->pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5751F))
++ (tp->pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5751F ||
++ tp->pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5753F)))
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_10_100_ONLY;
+ err = tg3_phy_probe(tp);
+@@ -7524,7 +8517,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ tg3_read_partno(tp);
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES) {
+ tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_USE_MI_INTERRUPT;
+ } else {
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5700)
+@@ -7547,13 +8540,13 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_invariants(
+ * upon subsystem IDs.
+ */
+ if (tp->pdev->subsystem_vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_DELL &&
+- tp->phy_id != PHY_ID_SERDES) {
++ !(tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)) {
+ tp->tg3_flags |= (TG3_FLAG_USE_MI_INTERRUPT |
+ }
+ /* For all SERDES we poll the MAC status register. */
+- if (tp->phy_id == PHY_ID_SERDES)
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES)
+ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_POLL_SERDES;
+ else
+ tp->tg3_flags &= ~TG3_FLAG_POLL_SERDES;
+@@ -7624,7 +8617,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_device_addr
+ mac_offset = 0x7c;
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5704 &&
+- !(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704)) {
++ !(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X)) {
+ mac_offset = 0xcc;
+ if (tg3_nvram_lock(tp))
+@@ -7646,7 +8639,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_get_device_addr
+ dev->dev_addr[5] = (lo >> 0) & 0xff;
+ }
+ /* Next, try NVRAM. */
+- else if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704) &&
++ else if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X) &&
+ !tg3_nvram_read(tp, mac_offset + 0, &hi) &&
+ !tg3_nvram_read(tp, mac_offset + 4, &lo)) {
+ dev->dev_addr[0] = ((hi >> 16) & 0xff);
+@@ -7819,7 +8812,8 @@ static int __devinit tg3_test_dma(struct
+ #endif
+ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_PCI_EXPRESS) {
+- tp->dma_rwctrl |= 0x001f0000;
++ /* DMA read watermark not used on PCIE */
++ tp->dma_rwctrl |= 0x00180000;
+ } else if (!(tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_PCIX_MODE)) {
+ if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750)
+@@ -7988,8 +8982,9 @@ static char * __devinit tg3_phy_string(s
+ case PHY_ID_BCM5704: return "5704";
+ case PHY_ID_BCM5705: return "5705";
+ case PHY_ID_BCM5750: return "5750";
+- case PHY_ID_BCM8002: return "8002";
+- case PHY_ID_SERDES: return "serdes";
++ case PHY_ID_BCM5752: return "5752";
++ case PHY_ID_BCM8002: return "8002/serdes";
++ case 0: return "serdes";
+ default: return "unknown";
+ };
+ }
+@@ -8096,6 +9091,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ if (pci_using_dac)
+ dev->features |= NETIF_F_HIGHDMA;
++ dev->features |= NETIF_F_LLTX;
+ dev->features |= NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_RX;
+ dev->vlan_rx_register = tg3_vlan_rx_register;
+@@ -8141,7 +9137,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ spin_lock_init(&tp->indirect_lock);
+ INIT_WORK(&tp->reset_task, tg3_reset_task, tp);
+- tp->regs = (unsigned long) ioremap(tg3reg_base, tg3reg_len);
++ tp->regs = ioremap_nocache(tg3reg_base, tg3reg_len);
+ if (tp->regs == 0UL) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Cannot map device registers, "
+ "aborting.\n");
+@@ -8181,8 +9177,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ goto err_out_iounmap;
+ }
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5705 ||
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5750) {
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS) {
+ tp->bufmgr_config.mbuf_read_dma_low_water =
+ tp->bufmgr_config.mbuf_mac_rx_low_water =
+@@ -8192,11 +9187,13 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ }
+ #if TG3_TSO_SUPPORT != 0
+- if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5700 ||
++ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO) {
++ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_TSO_CAPABLE;
++ }
++ else if (GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5700 ||
+ GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) == ASIC_REV_5701 ||
+ tp->pci_chip_rev_id == CHIPREV_ID_5705_A0 ||
+- ((tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_ENABLE_ASF) != 0 &&
+- GET_ASIC_REV(tp->pci_chip_rev_id) != ASIC_REV_5750)) {
++ (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_ENABLE_ASF) != 0) {
+ tp->tg3_flags2 &= ~TG3_FLG2_TSO_CAPABLE;
+ } else {
+ tp->tg3_flags2 |= TG3_FLG2_TSO_CAPABLE;
+@@ -8236,7 +9233,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ pci_save_state(tp->pdev, tp->pci_cfg_state);
+- tg3_halt(tp);
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
+ }
+ err = tg3_test_dma(tp);
+@@ -8257,6 +9254,9 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ if (tp->tg3_flags2 & TG3_FLG2_IS_5788)
+ dev->features &= ~NETIF_F_HIGHDMA;
++ /* flow control autonegotiation is default behavior */
++ tp->tg3_flags |= TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_AUTONEG;
+ err = register_netdev(dev);
+ if (err) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Cannot register net device, "
+@@ -8288,11 +9288,10 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ printk("%2.2x%c", dev->dev_addr[i],
+ i == 5 ? '\n' : ':');
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: HostTXDS[%d] RXcsums[%d] LinkChgREG[%d] "
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: RXcsums[%d] LinkChgREG[%d] "
+ "MIirq[%d] ASF[%d] Split[%d] WireSpeed[%d] "
+ "TSOcap[%d] \n",
+ dev->name,
+- (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS) != 0,
+ (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_RX_CHECKSUMS) != 0,
+ (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_USE_LINKCHG_REG) != 0,
+ (tp->tg3_flags & TG3_FLAG_USE_MI_INTERRUPT) != 0,
+@@ -8304,7 +9303,7 @@ static int __devinit tg3_init_one(struct
+ return 0;
+ err_out_iounmap:
+- iounmap((void *) tp->regs);
++ iounmap(tp->regs);
+ err_out_free_dev:
+ free_netdev(dev);
+@@ -8326,7 +9325,7 @@ static void __devexit tg3_remove_one(str
+ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+ unregister_netdev(dev);
+- iounmap((void *)tp->regs);
++ iounmap(tp->regs);
+ free_netdev(dev);
+ pci_release_regions(pdev);
+ pci_disable_device(pdev);
+@@ -8334,7 +9333,7 @@ static void __devexit tg3_remove_one(str
+ }
+ }
+-static int tg3_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, u32 state)
++static int tg3_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state)
+ {
+ struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+ struct tg3 *tp = netdev_priv(dev);
+@@ -8357,11 +9356,11 @@ static int tg3_suspend(struct pci_dev *p
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
+- tg3_halt(tp);
++ tg3_halt(tp, 1);
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- err = tg3_set_power_state(tp, state);
++ err = tg3_set_power_state(tp, pci_choose_state(pdev, state));
+ if (err) {
+ spin_lock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ spin_lock(&tp->tx_lock);
+@@ -8371,11 +9370,11 @@ static int tg3_suspend(struct pci_dev *p
+ tp->timer.expires = jiffies + tp->timer_offset;
+ add_timer(&tp->timer);
+- spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+- spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ netif_device_attach(dev);
+ tg3_netif_start(tp);
++ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+ }
+ return err;
+@@ -8408,11 +9407,11 @@ static int tg3_resume(struct pci_dev *pd
+ tg3_enable_ints(tp);
++ tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ spin_unlock(&tp->tx_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irq(&tp->lock);
+- tg3_netif_start(tp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/tg3_compat.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
++#ifndef __TG3_COMPAT_H__
++#define __TG3_COMPAT_H__
++#define skb_header_cloned(skb) 0
++#define pci_choose_state(pdev, state) (state)
++typedef u32 pm_message_t;
++#define ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP 0x0400
++#define ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM 0x0800
++#ifndef LPA_PAUSE
++#define LPA_PAUSE_CAP 0x0400
++#ifndef LPA_PAUSE_ASYM
++#define LPA_PAUSE_ASYM 0x0800
++ * pci_dev_present - Returns 1 if device matching the device list is present, 0 if not.
++ * @ids: A pointer to a null terminated list of struct pci_device_id structures
++ * that describe the type of PCI device the caller is trying to find.
++ *
++ * This is a cheap knock-off, just to help in back-porting tg3 from
++ * later kernels...beware of changes in usage...
++ */
++static inline int pci_dev_present(const struct pci_device_id *ids)
++ const struct pci_device_id *dev;
++ for (dev = ids; dev->vendor; dev++) {
++ if (pci_find_device(dev->vendor, dev->device, NULL))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++#endif /* __TG3_COMPAT_H__ */
+--- linux- 2005-10-20 17:56:53.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/net/tg3.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@
+ #define CHIPREV_ID_5705_A3 0x3003
+ #define CHIPREV_ID_5750_A0 0x4000
+ #define CHIPREV_ID_5750_A1 0x4001
++#define CHIPREV_ID_5750_A3 0x4003
++#define CHIPREV_ID_5752_A0_HW 0x5000
++#define CHIPREV_ID_5752_A0 0x6000
++#define CHIPREV_ID_5752_A1 0x6001
+ #define GET_ASIC_REV(CHIP_REV_ID) ((CHIP_REV_ID) >> 12)
+ #define ASIC_REV_5700 0x07
+ #define ASIC_REV_5701 0x00
+@@ -131,6 +135,7 @@
+ #define ASIC_REV_5704 0x02
+ #define ASIC_REV_5705 0x03
+ #define ASIC_REV_5750 0x04
++#define ASIC_REV_5752 0x06
+ #define GET_CHIP_REV(CHIP_REV_ID) ((CHIP_REV_ID) >> 8)
+ #define CHIPREV_5700_AX 0x70
+ #define CHIPREV_5700_BX 0x71
+@@ -139,6 +144,8 @@
+ #define CHIPREV_5703_AX 0x10
+ #define CHIPREV_5704_AX 0x20
+ #define CHIPREV_5704_BX 0x21
++#define CHIPREV_5750_AX 0x40
++#define CHIPREV_5750_BX 0x41
+ #define GET_METAL_REV(CHIP_REV_ID) ((CHIP_REV_ID) & 0xff)
+ #define METAL_REV_A0 0x00
+ #define METAL_REV_A1 0x01
+@@ -1273,6 +1280,7 @@
+ #define GRC_MODE_HOST_STACKUP 0x00010000
+ #define GRC_MODE_HOST_SENDBDS 0x00020000
+ #define GRC_MODE_NO_TX_PHDR_CSUM 0x00100000
++#define GRC_MODE_NVRAM_WR_ENABLE 0x00200000
+ #define GRC_MODE_NO_RX_PHDR_CSUM 0x00800000
+ #define GRC_MODE_IRQ_ON_TX_CPU_ATTN 0x01000000
+ #define GRC_MODE_IRQ_ON_RX_CPU_ATTN 0x02000000
+@@ -1303,6 +1311,9 @@
+ #define GRC_LCLCTRL_CLEARINT 0x00000002
+ #define GRC_LCLCTRL_SETINT 0x00000004
+ #define GRC_LCLCTRL_INT_ON_ATTN 0x00000008
++#define GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_INPUT3 0x00000020
++#define GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OE3 0x00000040
++#define GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_OUTPUT3 0x00000080
+ #define GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_INPUT0 0x00000100
+ #define GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_INPUT1 0x00000200
+ #define GRC_LCLCTRL_GPIO_INPUT2 0x00000400
+@@ -1365,6 +1376,8 @@
+ #define NVRAM_CMD_ERASE 0x00000040
+ #define NVRAM_CMD_FIRST 0x00000080
+ #define NVRAM_CMD_LAST 0x00000100
++#define NVRAM_CMD_WREN 0x00010000
++#define NVRAM_CMD_WRDI 0x00020000
+ #define NVRAM_STAT 0x00007004
+ #define NVRAM_WRDATA 0x00007008
+ #define NVRAM_ADDR 0x0000700c
+@@ -1374,8 +1387,32 @@
+ #define NVRAM_CFG1_FLASHIF_ENAB 0x00000001
+ #define NVRAM_CFG1_BUFFERED_MODE 0x00000002
+ #define NVRAM_CFG1_PASS_THRU 0x00000004
++#define NVRAM_CFG1_STATUS_BITS 0x00000070
+ #define NVRAM_CFG1_BIT_BANG 0x00000008
++#define NVRAM_CFG1_FLASH_SIZE 0x02000000
+ #define NVRAM_CFG1_COMPAT_BYPASS 0x80000000
++#define NVRAM_CFG1_VENDOR_MASK 0x03000003
++#define FLASH_VENDOR_ATMEL_EEPROM 0x02000000
++#define FLASH_VENDOR_ST 0x03000001
++#define FLASH_VENDOR_SAIFUN 0x01000003
++#define FLASH_VENDOR_SST_SMALL 0x00000001
++#define FLASH_VENDOR_SST_LARGE 0x02000001
++#define NVRAM_CFG1_5752VENDOR_MASK 0x03c00003
++#define FLASH_5752VENDOR_ATMEL_EEPROM_64KHZ 0x00000000
++#define FLASH_5752VENDOR_ATMEL_EEPROM_376KHZ 0x02000000
++#define FLASH_5752VENDOR_ATMEL_FLASH_BUFFERED 0x02000003
++#define FLASH_5752VENDOR_ST_M45PE10 0x02400000
++#define FLASH_5752VENDOR_ST_M45PE20 0x02400002
++#define FLASH_5752VENDOR_ST_M45PE40 0x02400001
++#define NVRAM_CFG1_5752PAGE_SIZE_MASK 0x70000000
++#define FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_256 0x00000000
++#define FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_512 0x10000000
++#define FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_1K 0x20000000
++#define FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_2K 0x30000000
++#define FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_4K 0x40000000
++#define FLASH_5752PAGE_SIZE_264 0x50000000
+ #define NVRAM_CFG2 0x00007018
+ #define NVRAM_CFG3 0x0000701c
+ #define NVRAM_SWARB 0x00007020
+@@ -1395,15 +1432,16 @@
+ #define SWARB_REQ1 0x00002000
+ #define SWARB_REQ2 0x00004000
+ #define SWARB_REQ3 0x00008000
+ #define NVRAM_ACCESS 0x00007024
+ #define ACCESS_ENABLE 0x00000001
+ #define ACCESS_WR_ENABLE 0x00000002
+-/* 0x7024 --> 0x7400 unused */
++#define NVRAM_WRITE1 0x00007028
++/* 0x702c --> 0x7400 unused */
+ /* 0x7400 --> 0x8000 unused */
++#define TG3_EEPROM_MAGIC 0x669955aa
+ /* 32K Window into NIC internal memory */
+ #define NIC_SRAM_WIN_BASE 0x00008000
+@@ -1435,6 +1473,10 @@
+ #define NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_EEPROM_WP 0x00000100
+ #define NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_MINI_PCI 0x00001000
+ #define NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_FIBER_WOL 0x00004000
++#define NIC_SRAM_DATA_CFG_NO_GPIO2 0x00100000
++#define NIC_SRAM_DATA_VER 0x00000b5c
+ #define NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID 0x00000b74
+ #define NIC_SRAM_DATA_PHY_ID1_MASK 0xffff0000
+@@ -1497,6 +1539,7 @@
+ #define MII_TG3_CTRL_ENABLE_AS_MASTER 0x1000
+ #define MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL 0x10 /* Extended control register */
++#define MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL_FIFO_ELASTIC 0x0001
+ #define MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL_LNK3_LED_MODE 0x0002
+ #define MII_TG3_EXT_CTRL_TBI 0x8000
+@@ -1529,26 +1572,12 @@
+ #define MII_TG3_INT_DUPLEXCHG 0x0008
+ #define MII_TG3_INT_ANEG_PAGE_RX 0x0400
+-/* XXX Add this to mii.h */
+-#define ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP 0x0400
+-#define ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM 0x0800
+-#ifndef LPA_PAUSE
+-#define LPA_PAUSE_CAP 0x0400
+-#ifndef LPA_PAUSE_ASYM
+-#define LPA_PAUSE_ASYM 0x0800
+ /* There are two ways to manage the TX descriptors on the tigon3.
+ * Either the descriptors are in host DMA'able memory, or they
+ * exist only in the cards on-chip SRAM. All 16 send bds are under
+ * the same mode, they may not be configured individually.
+ *
+- * The mode we use is controlled by TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS in tp->tg3_flags.
++ * This driver always uses host memory TX descriptors.
+ *
+ * To use host memory TX descriptors:
+ * 1) Set GRC_MODE_HOST_SENDBDS in GRC_MODE register.
+@@ -1988,7 +2017,7 @@ struct tg3 {
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ spinlock_t indirect_lock;
+- unsigned long regs;
++ void __iomem *regs;
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ struct pci_dev *pdev;
+@@ -2004,7 +2033,6 @@ struct tg3 {
+ spinlock_t tx_lock;
+- /* TX descs are only used if TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS is set. */
+ struct tg3_tx_buffer_desc *tx_ring;
+ struct tx_ring_info *tx_buffers;
+ dma_addr_t tx_desc_mapping;
+@@ -2040,7 +2068,6 @@ struct tg3 {
+ u32 rx_offset;
+ u32 tg3_flags;
+-#define TG3_FLAG_HOST_TXDS 0x00000001
+ #define TG3_FLAG_TXD_MBOX_HWBUG 0x00000002
+ #define TG3_FLAG_RX_CHECKSUMS 0x00000004
+ #define TG3_FLAG_USE_LINKCHG_REG 0x00000008
+@@ -2070,15 +2097,13 @@ struct tg3 {
+ #define TG3_FLAG_JUMBO_ENABLE 0x00800000
+ #define TG3_FLAG_10_100_ONLY 0x01000000
+ #define TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_AUTONEG 0x02000000
+-#define TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_RX 0x04000000
+-#define TG3_FLAG_PAUSE_TX 0x08000000
+ #define TG3_FLAG_BROKEN_CHECKSUMS 0x10000000
+ #define TG3_FLAG_GOT_SERDES_FLOWCTL 0x20000000
+ #define TG3_FLAG_SPLIT_MODE 0x40000000
+ #define TG3_FLAG_INIT_COMPLETE 0x80000000
+ u32 tg3_flags2;
+ #define TG3_FLG2_RESTART_TIMER 0x00000001
+-#define TG3_FLG2_SUN_5704 0x00000002
++#define TG3_FLG2_SUN_570X 0x00000002
+ #define TG3_FLG2_NO_ETH_WIRE_SPEED 0x00000004
+ #define TG3_FLG2_IS_5788 0x00000008
+ #define TG3_FLG2_MAX_RXPEND_64 0x00000010
+@@ -2089,6 +2114,16 @@ struct tg3 {
+ #define TG3_FLG2_PCI_EXPRESS 0x00000200
+ #define TG3_FLG2_ASF_NEW_HANDSHAKE 0x00000400
+ #define TG3_FLG2_HW_AUTONEG 0x00000800
++#define TG3_FLG2_PHY_JUST_INITTED 0x00001000
++#define TG3_FLG2_PHY_SERDES 0x00002000
++#define TG3_FLG2_CAPACITIVE_COUPLING 0x00004000
++#define TG3_FLG2_FLASH 0x00008000
++#define TG3_FLG2_HW_TSO 0x00010000
++#define TG3_FLG2_SERDES_PREEMPHASIS 0x00020000
++#define TG3_FLG2_5705_PLUS 0x00040000
++#define TG3_FLG2_5750_PLUS 0x00080000
++#define TG3_FLG2_PROTECTED_NVRAM 0x00100000
++#define TG3_FLG2_USING_MSI 0x00200000
+ u32 split_mode_max_reqs;
+ #define SPLIT_MODE_5704_MAX_REQ 3
+@@ -2135,8 +2170,8 @@ struct tg3 {
+ #define PHY_ID_BCM5704 0x60008190
+ #define PHY_ID_BCM5705 0x600081a0
+ #define PHY_ID_BCM5750 0x60008180
++#define PHY_ID_BCM5752 0x60008100
+ #define PHY_ID_BCM8002 0x60010140
+-#define PHY_ID_SERDES 0xfeedbee0
+ #define PHY_ID_INVALID 0xffffffff
+ #define PHY_ID_REV_MASK 0x0000000f
+ #define PHY_REV_BCM5401_B0 0x1
+@@ -2159,11 +2194,39 @@ struct tg3 {
+ (X) == PHY_ID_BCM5411 || (X) == PHY_ID_BCM5701 || \
+ (X) == PHY_ID_BCM5703 || (X) == PHY_ID_BCM5704 || \
+ (X) == PHY_ID_BCM5705 || (X) == PHY_ID_BCM5750 || \
+- (X) == PHY_ID_BCM8002 || (X) == PHY_ID_SERDES)
++ (X) == PHY_ID_BCM8002)
+ struct tg3_hw_stats *hw_stats;
+ dma_addr_t stats_mapping;
+ struct work_struct reset_task;
++ u32 nvram_size;
++ u32 nvram_pagesize;
++ u32 nvram_jedecnum;
++#define JEDEC_ATMEL 0x1f
++#define JEDEC_ST 0x20
++#define JEDEC_SAIFUN 0x4f
++#define JEDEC_SST 0xbf
++#define ATMEL_AT24C64_CHIP_SIZE (64 * 1024)
++#define ATMEL_AT24C64_PAGE_SIZE (32)
++#define ATMEL_AT24C512_CHIP_SIZE (512 * 1024)
++#define ATMEL_AT24C512_PAGE_SIZE (128)
++#define ATMEL_AT45DB0X1B_PAGE_POS 9
++#define ATMEL_AT45DB0X1B_PAGE_SIZE 264
++#define ATMEL_AT25F512_PAGE_SIZE 256
++#define ST_M45PEX0_PAGE_SIZE 256
++#define SAIFUN_SA25F0XX_PAGE_SIZE 256
++#define SST_25VF0X0_PAGE_SIZE 4098
+ };
+ #endif /* !(_T3_H) */
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5109_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5109_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c1253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5109_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,2260 @@
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/todo.txt 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++There is a potential for deadlock when allocating a struct sk_buff for
++data that needs to be written out to aoe storage. If the data is
++being written from a dirty page in order to free that page, and if
++there are no other pages available, then deadlock may occur when a
++free page is needed for the sk_buff allocation. This situation has
++not been observed, but it would be nice to eliminate any potential for
++deadlock under memory pressure.
++Because ATA over Ethernet is not fragmented by the kernel's IP code,
++the destructore member of the struct sk_buff is available to the aoe
++driver. By using a mempool for allocating all but the first few
++sk_buffs, and by registering a destructor, we should be able to
++efficiently allocate sk_buffs without introducing any potential for
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/ 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++# install the aoe-specific udev rules from udev.txt into
++# the system's udev configuration
++me="`basename $0`"
++# find udev.conf, often /etc/udev/udev.conf
++# (or environment can specify where to find udev.conf)
++if test -z "$conf"; then
++ if test -r /etc/udev/udev.conf; then
++ conf=/etc/udev/udev.conf
++ else
++ conf="`find /etc -type f -name udev.conf 2> /dev/null`"
++ if test -z "$conf" || test ! -r "$conf"; then
++ echo "$me Error: no udev.conf found" 1>&2
++ exit 1
++ fi
++ fi
++# find the directory where udev rules are stored, often
++# /etc/udev/rules.d
++rules_d="`sed -n '/^udev_rules=/{ s!udev_rules=!!; s!\"!!g; p; }' $conf`"
++if test -z "$rules_d" || test ! -d "$rules_d"; then
++ echo "$me Error: cannot find udev rules directory" 1>&2
++ exit 1
++sh -xc "cp `dirname $0`/udev.txt $rules_d/60-aoe.rules"
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/ 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++#! /bin/sh
++# collate and present sysfs information about AoE storage
++set -e
++me=`basename $0`
++# printf "$format" device mac netif state
++# Suse 9.1 Pro doesn't put /sys in /etc/mtab
++#test -z "`mount | grep sysfs`" && {
++test ! -d "$sysd/block" && {
++ echo "$me Error: sysfs is not mounted" 1>&2
++ exit 1
++for d in `ls -d $sysd/block/etherd* 2>/dev/null | grep -v p` end; do
++ # maybe ls comes up empty, so we use "end"
++ test $d = end && continue
++ dev=`echo "$d" | sed 's/.*!//'`
++ printf "$format" \
++ "$dev" \
++ "`cat \"$d/netif\"`" \
++ "`cat \"$d/state\"`"
++done | sort
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/ 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++if test "$#" != "1"; then
++ echo "Usage: sh `basename $0` {dir}" 1>&2
++ echo " n_partitions=16 sh `basename $0` {dir}" 1>&2
++ exit 1
++echo "Creating AoE devnode files in $dir ..."
++set -e
++mkdir -p $dir
++# (Status info is in sysfs. See
++# rm -f $dir/stat
++# mknod -m 0400 $dir/stat c $MAJOR 1
++rm -f $dir/err
++mknod -m 0400 $dir/err c $MAJOR 2
++rm -f $dir/discover
++mknod -m 0200 $dir/discover c $MAJOR 3
++rm -f $dir/interfaces
++mknod -m 0200 $dir/interfaces c $MAJOR 4
++export n_partitions
++mkshelf=`echo $0 | sed 's!mkdevs!mkshelf!'`
++while test $i -lt $n_shelves; do
++ sh -xc "sh $mkshelf $dir $i"
++ i=`expr $i + 1`
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/ 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
++#! /bin/sh
++if test "$#" != "2"; then
++ echo "Usage: sh `basename $0` {dir} {shelfaddress}" 1>&2
++ echo " n_partitions=16 sh `basename $0` {dir} {shelfaddress}" 1>&2
++ exit 1
++maxslot=`echo $nslots 1 - p | dc`
++set -e
++minor=`echo $nslots \* $shelf \* $n_partitions | bc`
++endp=`echo $n_partitions - 1 | bc`
++for slot in `seq 0 $maxslot`; do
++ for part in `seq 0 $endp`; do
++ name=e$shelf.$slot
++ test "$part" != "0" && name=${name}p$part
++ rm -f $dir/$name
++ mknod -m 0660 $dir/$name b $MAJOR $minor
++ minor=`expr $minor + 1`
++ done
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/aoe.txt 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
++The EtherDrive (R) HOWTO for users of 2.6 kernels is found at ...
++ It has many tips and hints!
++The aoetools are userland programs that are designed to work with this
++driver. The aoetools are on sourceforge.
++The scripts in this Documentation/aoe directory are intended to
++document the use of the driver and are not necessary if you install
++the aoetools.
++ Users of udev should find the block device nodes created
++ automatically, but to create all the necessary device nodes, use the
++ udev configuration rules provided in udev.txt (in this directory).
++ There is a script that shows how to install these
++ rules on your system.
++ If you are not using udev, two scripts are provided in
++ Documentation/aoe as examples of static device node creation for
++ using the aoe driver.
++ rm -rf /dev/etherd
++ sh Documentation/aoe/ /dev/etherd
++ ... or to make just one shelf's worth of block device nodes ...
++ sh Documentation/aoe/ /dev/etherd 0
++ There is also an autoload script that shows how to edit
++ /etc/modprobe.conf to ensure that the aoe module is loaded when
++ necessary.
++ "cat /dev/etherd/err" blocks, waiting for error diagnostic output,
++ like any retransmitted packets.
++ "echo eth2 eth4 > /dev/etherd/interfaces" tells the aoe driver to
++ limit ATA over Ethernet traffic to eth2 and eth4. AoE traffic from
++ untrusted networks should be ignored as a matter of security. See
++ also the aoe_iflist driver option described below.
++ "echo > /dev/etherd/discover" tells the driver to find out what AoE
++ devices are available.
++ These character devices may disappear and be replaced by sysfs
++ counterparts. Using the commands in aoetools insulates users from
++ these implementation details.
++ The block devices are named like this:
++ e{shelf}.{slot}
++ e{shelf}.{slot}p{part}
++ ... so that "e0.2" is the third blade from the left (slot 2) in the
++ first shelf (shelf address zero). That's the whole disk. The first
++ partition on that disk would be "e0.2p1".
++ Each aoe block device in /sys/block has the extra attributes of
++ state, mac, and netif. The state attribute is "up" when the device
++ is ready for I/O and "down" if detected but unusable. The
++ "down,closewait" state shows that the device is still open and
++ cannot come up again until it has been closed.
++ The mac attribute is the ethernet address of the remote AoE device.
++ The netif attribute is the network interface on the localhost
++ through which we are communicating with the remote AoE device.
++ There is a script in this directory that formats this information
++ in a convenient way. Users with aoetools can use the aoe-stat
++ command.
++ root@makki root# sh Documentation/aoe/
++ e10.0 eth3 up
++ e10.1 eth3 up
++ e10.2 eth3 up
++ e10.3 eth3 up
++ e10.4 eth3 up
++ e10.5 eth3 up
++ e10.6 eth3 up
++ e10.7 eth3 up
++ e10.8 eth3 up
++ e10.9 eth3 up
++ e4.0 eth1 up
++ e4.1 eth1 up
++ e4.2 eth1 up
++ e4.3 eth1 up
++ e4.4 eth1 up
++ e4.5 eth1 up
++ e4.6 eth1 up
++ e4.7 eth1 up
++ e4.8 eth1 up
++ e4.9 eth1 up
++ Use /sys/module/aoe/parameters/aoe_iflist (or better, the driver
++ option discussed below) instead of /dev/etherd/interfaces to limit
++ AoE traffic to the network interfaces in the given
++ whitespace-separated list. Unlike the old character device, the
++ sysfs entry can be read from as well as written to.
++ It's helpful to trigger discovery after setting the list of allowed
++ interfaces. The aoetools package provides an aoe-discover script
++ for this purpose. You can also directly use the
++ /dev/etherd/discover special file described above.
++ There is a boot option for the built-in aoe driver and a
++ corresponding module parameter, aoe_iflist. Without this option,
++ all network interfaces may be used for ATA over Ethernet. Here is a
++ usage example for the module parameter.
++ modprobe aoe_iflist="eth1 eth3"
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/udev.txt 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++# These rules tell udev what device nodes to create for aoe support.
++# They may be installed along the following lines (adjusted to what
++# you see on your system).
++# ecashin@makki ~$ su
++# Password:
++# bash# find /etc -type f -name udev.conf
++# /etc/udev/udev.conf
++# bash# grep udev_rules= /etc/udev/udev.conf
++# udev_rules="/etc/udev/rules.d/"
++# bash# ls /etc/udev/rules.d/
++# 10-wacom.rules 50-udev.rules
++# bash# cp /path/to/linux-2.6.xx/Documentation/aoe/udev.txt \
++# /etc/udev/rules.d/60-aoe.rules
++# aoe char devices
++SUBSYSTEM="aoe", KERNEL="discover", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
++SUBSYSTEM="aoe", KERNEL="err", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0440"
++SUBSYSTEM="aoe", KERNEL="interfaces", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
++# aoe block devices
++KERNEL="etherd*", NAME="%k", GROUP="disk"
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/Documentation/aoe/ 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++# set aoe to autoload by installing the
++# aliases in /etc/modprobe.conf
++if test ! -r $f || test ! -w $f; then
++ echo "cannot configure $f for module autoloading" 1>&2
++ exit 1
++grep major-152 $f >/dev/null
++if [ $? = 1 ]; then
++ echo alias block-major-152 aoe >> $f
++ echo alias char-major-152 aoe >> $f
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/aoemain.c 2005-09-29 18:30:40.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
++/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */
++ * aoemain.c
++ * Module initialization routines, discover timer
++ */
++#include <linux/hdreg.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include "aoe.h"
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Sam Hopkins <>");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AoE block/char driver for 2.6.[0-9]+");
++/* this creates warning "Warning: could not find versions for .tmp_versions/aoe.mod"
++/* modinfo sometimes works, but this will be in sysfs */
++static char version[] = VERSION;
++module_param_string(version, version, sizeof version, 0400);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(version, "aoe module version " VERSION "\n");
++enum { TINIT, TRUN, TKILL };
++/* copied from mm/slab.c for backwards compatibility */
++void *
++aoe_kcalloc(size_t n, size_t size, int flags)
++ void *ret = NULL;
++ if (n != 0 && size > INT_MAX / n)
++ return ret;
++ ret = kmalloc(n * size, flags);
++ if (ret)
++ memset(ret, 0, n * size);
++ return ret;
++static void
++discover_timer(ulong vp)
++ static struct timer_list t;
++ static volatile ulong die;
++ static spinlock_t lock;
++ ulong flags;
++ enum { DTIMERTICK = HZ * 60 }; /* one minute */
++ switch (vp) {
++ case TINIT:
++ init_timer(&t);
++ spin_lock_init(&lock);
++ = TRUN;
++ t.function = discover_timer;
++ die = 0;
++ case TRUN:
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&lock, flags);
++ if (!die) {
++ t.expires = jiffies + DTIMERTICK;
++ add_timer(&t);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lock, flags);
++ aoecmd_cfg(0xffff, 0xff);
++ return;
++ case TKILL:
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&lock, flags);
++ die = 1;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lock, flags);
++ del_timer_sync(&t);
++ default:
++ return;
++ }
++static void
++ discover_timer(TKILL);
++ aoenet_exit();
++ unregister_blkdev(AOE_MAJOR, DEVICE_NAME);
++ aoechr_exit();
++ aoedev_exit();
++ aoeblk_exit(); /* free cache after de-allocating bufs */
++static int __init
++ int ret;
++ ret = aoedev_init();
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ ret = aoechr_init();
++ if (ret)
++ goto chr_fail;
++ ret = aoeblk_init();
++ if (ret)
++ goto blk_fail;
++ ret = aoenet_init();
++ if (ret)
++ goto net_fail;
++ ret = register_blkdev(AOE_MAJOR, DEVICE_NAME);
++ if (ret < 0) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "aoe: aoeblk_init: can't register major\n");
++ goto blkreg_fail;
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "aoe: aoe_init: AoE v2.6-%s initialised.\n",
++ discover_timer(TINIT);
++ return 0;
++ blkreg_fail:
++ aoenet_exit();
++ net_fail:
++ aoeblk_exit();
++ blk_fail:
++ aoechr_exit();
++ chr_fail:
++ aoedev_exit();
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoe_init: initialisation failure.\n");
++ return ret;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/aoecmd.c 2005-09-29 18:30:40.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
++/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */
++ * aoecmd.c
++ * Filesystem request handling methods
++ */
++#include <linux/hdreg.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h>
++#include <asm/unaligned.h>
++#include "aoe.h"
++#define TIMERTICK (HZ / 10)
++#define MINTIMER (2 * TIMERTICK)
++#define MAXTIMER (HZ << 1)
++#define MAXWAIT (60 * 3) /* After MAXWAIT seconds, give up and fail dev */
++static struct sk_buff *
++new_skb(struct net_device *if_dev, ulong len)
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ if (len < ETH_ZLEN)
++ len = ETH_ZLEN;
++ skb = alloc_skb(len, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (skb) {
++ skb->nh.raw = skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
++ skb->dev = if_dev;
++ skb->protocol = __constant_htons(ETH_P_AOE);
++ skb->priority = 0;
++ skb_put(skb, len);
++ memset(skb->head, 0, len);
++ skb->next = skb->prev = NULL;
++ /* tell the network layer not to perform IP checksums
++ * or to get the NIC to do it
++ */
++ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
++ }
++ return skb;
++static struct sk_buff *
++skb_prepare(struct aoedev *d, struct frame *f)
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ char *p;
++ skb = new_skb(d->ifp, f->ndata + f->writedatalen);
++ if (!skb) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: skb_prepare: failure to allocate skb\n");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ p = skb->mac.raw;
++ memcpy(p, f->data, f->ndata);
++ if (f->writedatalen) {
++ p += sizeof(struct aoe_hdr) + sizeof(struct aoe_atahdr);
++ memcpy(p, f->bufaddr, f->writedatalen);
++ }
++ return skb;
++static struct frame *
++getframe(struct aoedev *d, int tag)
++ struct frame *f, *e;
++ f = d->frames;
++ e = f + d->nframes;
++ for (; f<e; f++)
++ if (f->tag == tag)
++ return f;
++ return NULL;
++ * Leave the top bit clear so we have tagspace for userland.
++ * The bottom 16 bits are the xmit tick for rexmit/rttavg processing.
++ * This driver reserves tag -1 to mean "unused frame."
++ */
++static int
++newtag(struct aoedev *d)
++ register ulong n;
++ n = jiffies & 0xffff;
++ return n |= (++d->lasttag & 0x7fff) << 16;
++static int
++aoehdr_atainit(struct aoedev *d, struct aoe_hdr *h)
++ u32 host_tag = newtag(d);
++ memcpy(h->src, d->ifp->dev_addr, sizeof h->src);
++ memcpy(h->dst, d->addr, sizeof h->dst);
++ h->type = __constant_cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_AOE);
++ h->verfl = AOE_HVER;
++ h->major = cpu_to_be16(d->aoemajor);
++ h->minor = d->aoeminor;
++ h->cmd = AOECMD_ATA;
++ h->tag = cpu_to_be32(host_tag);
++ return host_tag;
++static void
++aoecmd_ata_rw(struct aoedev *d, struct frame *f)
++ struct aoe_hdr *h;
++ struct aoe_atahdr *ah;
++ struct buf *buf;
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ ulong bcnt;
++ register sector_t sector;
++ char writebit, extbit;
++ writebit = 0x10;
++ extbit = 0x4;
++ buf = d->inprocess;
++ sector = buf->sector;
++ bcnt = buf->bv_resid;
++ if (bcnt > MAXATADATA)
++ bcnt = MAXATADATA;
++ /* initialize the headers & frame */
++ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) f->data;
++ ah = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (h+1);
++ f->ndata = sizeof *h + sizeof *ah;
++ memset(h, 0, f->ndata);
++ f->tag = aoehdr_atainit(d, h);
++ f->waited = 0;
++ f->buf = buf;
++ f->bufaddr = buf->bufaddr;
++ /* set up ata header */
++ ah->scnt = bcnt >> 9;
++ ah->lba0 = sector;
++ ah->lba1 = sector >>= 8;
++ ah->lba2 = sector >>= 8;
++ ah->lba3 = sector >>= 8;
++ if (d->flags & DEVFL_EXT) {
++ ah->aflags |= AOEAFL_EXT;
++ ah->lba4 = sector >>= 8;
++ ah->lba5 = sector >>= 8;
++ } else {
++ extbit = 0;
++ ah->lba3 &= 0x0f;
++ ah->lba3 |= 0xe0; /* LBA bit + obsolete 0xa0 */
++ }
++ if (bio_data_dir(buf->bio) == WRITE) {
++ ah->aflags |= AOEAFL_WRITE;
++ f->writedatalen = bcnt;
++ } else {
++ writebit = 0;
++ f->writedatalen = 0;
++ }
++ ah->cmdstat = WIN_READ | writebit | extbit;
++ /* mark all tracking fields and load out */
++ buf->nframesout += 1;
++ buf->bufaddr += bcnt;
++ buf->bv_resid -= bcnt;
++/* printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: bv_resid=%ld\n", buf->bv_resid); */
++ buf->resid -= bcnt;
++ buf->sector += bcnt >> 9;
++ if (buf->resid == 0) {
++ d->inprocess = NULL;
++ } else if (buf->bv_resid == 0) {
++ buf->bv++;
++ buf->bv_resid = buf->bv->bv_len;
++ buf->bufaddr = page_address(buf->bv->bv_page) + buf->bv->bv_offset;
++ }
++ skb = skb_prepare(d, f);
++ if (skb) {
++ skb->next = NULL;
++ if (d->sendq_hd)
++ d->sendq_tl->next = skb;
++ else
++ d->sendq_hd = skb;
++ d->sendq_tl = skb;
++ }
++/* enters with d->lock held */
++aoecmd_work(struct aoedev *d)
++ struct frame *f;
++ struct buf *buf;
++ f = getframe(d, FREETAG);
++ if (f == NULL)
++ return;
++ if (d->inprocess == NULL) {
++ if (list_empty(&d->bufq))
++ return;
++ buf = container_of(d->, struct buf, bufs);
++ list_del(d->;
++/*printk(KERN_INFO "aoecmd_work: bi_size=%ld\n", buf->bio->bi_size); */
++ d->inprocess = buf;
++ }
++ aoecmd_ata_rw(d, f);
++ goto loop;
++static void
++rexmit(struct aoedev *d, struct frame *f)
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ struct aoe_hdr *h;
++ char buf[128];
++ u32 n;
++ n = newtag(d);
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf,
++ "%15s e%ld.%ld oldtag=%08x@%08lx newtag=%08x\n",
++ "retransmit",
++ d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor, f->tag, jiffies, n);
++ aoechr_error(buf);
++ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) f->data;
++ f->tag = n;
++ h->tag = cpu_to_be32(n);
++ skb = skb_prepare(d, f);
++ if (skb) {
++ skb->next = NULL;
++ if (d->sendq_hd)
++ d->sendq_tl->next = skb;
++ else
++ d->sendq_hd = skb;
++ d->sendq_tl = skb;
++ }
++static int
++tsince(int tag)
++ int n;
++ n = jiffies & 0xffff;
++ n -= tag & 0xffff;
++ if (n < 0)
++ n += 1<<16;
++ return n;
++static void
++rexmit_timer(ulong vp)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ struct frame *f, *e;
++ struct sk_buff *sl;
++ register long timeout;
++ ulong flags, n;
++ d = (struct aoedev *) vp;
++ sl = NULL;
++ /* timeout is always ~150% of the moving average */
++ timeout = d->rttavg;
++ timeout += timeout >> 1;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ if (d->flags & DEVFL_TKILL) {
++tdie: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ f = d->frames;
++ e = f + d->nframes;
++ for (; f<e; f++) {
++ if (f->tag != FREETAG && tsince(f->tag) >= timeout) {
++ n = f->waited += timeout;
++ n /= HZ;
++ if (n > MAXWAIT) { /* waited too long. device failure. */
++ aoedev_downdev(d);
++ goto tdie;
++ }
++ rexmit(d, f);
++ }
++ }
++ sl = d->sendq_hd;
++ d->sendq_hd = d->sendq_tl = NULL;
++ if (sl) {
++ n = d->rttavg <<= 1;
++ if (n > MAXTIMER)
++ d->rttavg = MAXTIMER;
++ }
++ d->timer.expires = jiffies + TIMERTICK;
++ add_timer(&d->timer);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ aoenet_xmit(sl);
++static void
++ataid_complete(struct aoedev *d, unsigned char *id)
++ u64 ssize;
++ u16 n;
++ /* word 83: command set supported */
++ n = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *) &id[83<<1]));
++ /* word 86: command set/feature enabled */
++ n |= le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *) &id[86<<1]));
++ if (n & (1<<10)) { /* bit 10: LBA 48 */
++ d->flags |= DEVFL_EXT;
++ /* word 100: number lba48 sectors */
++ ssize = le64_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u64 *) &id[100<<1]));
++ /* set as in ide-disk.c:init_idedisk_capacity */
++ d->geo.cylinders = ssize;
++ d->geo.cylinders /= (255 * 63);
++ d->geo.heads = 255;
++ d->geo.sectors = 63;
++ } else {
++ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_EXT;
++ /* number lba28 sectors */
++ ssize = le32_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u32 *) &id[60<<1]));
++ /* NOTE: obsolete in ATA 6 */
++ d->geo.cylinders = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *) &id[54<<1]));
++ d->geo.heads = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *) &id[55<<1]));
++ d->geo.sectors = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *) &id[56<<1]));
++ }
++ d->ssize = ssize;
++ d->geo.start = 0;
++ if (d->gd != NULL) {
++ d->gd->capacity = ssize;
++ d->flags |= DEVFL_UP;
++ return;
++ }
++ if (d->flags & DEVFL_WORKON) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: ataid_complete: can't schedule work, it's already on! "
++ "(This really shouldn't happen).\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ INIT_WORK(&d->work, aoeblk_gdalloc, d);
++ schedule_work(&d->work);
++ d->flags |= DEVFL_WORKON;
++static void
++calc_rttavg(struct aoedev *d, int rtt)
++ register long n;
++ n = rtt;
++ if (n < MINTIMER)
++ n = MINTIMER;
++ else if (n > MAXTIMER)
++ n = MAXTIMER;
++ /* g == .25; cf. Congestion Avoidance and Control, Jacobson & Karels; 1988 */
++ n -= d->rttavg;
++ d->rttavg += n >> 2;
++aoecmd_ata_rsp(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ struct aoe_hdr *hin;
++ struct aoe_atahdr *ahin, *ahout;
++ struct frame *f;
++ struct buf *buf;
++ struct sk_buff *sl;
++ register long n;
++ ulong flags;
++ char ebuf[128];
++ u16 aoemajor;
++ hin = (struct aoe_hdr *) skb->mac.raw;
++ aoemajor = be16_to_cpu(hin->major);
++ d = aoedev_by_aoeaddr(aoemajor, hin->minor);
++ if (d == NULL) {
++ snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "aoecmd_ata_rsp: ata response "
++ "for unknown device %d.%d\n",
++ aoemajor, hin->minor);
++ aoechr_error(ebuf);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ f = getframe(d, be32_to_cpu(hin->tag));
++ if (f == NULL) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf,
++ "%15s e%d.%d tag=%08x@%08lx\n",
++ "unexpected rsp",
++ be16_to_cpu(hin->major),
++ hin->minor,
++ be32_to_cpu(hin->tag),
++ jiffies);
++ aoechr_error(ebuf);
++ return;
++ }
++ calc_rttavg(d, tsince(f->tag));
++ ahin = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (hin+1);
++ ahout = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (f->data + sizeof(struct aoe_hdr));
++ buf = f->buf;
++ if (ahin->cmdstat & 0xa9) { /* these bits cleared on success */
++ printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: ata error cmd=%2.2Xh "
++ "stat=%2.2Xh from e%ld.%ld\n",
++ ahout->cmdstat, ahin->cmdstat,
++ d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor);
++ if (buf)
++ buf->flags |= BUFFL_FAIL;
++ } else {
++ switch (ahout->cmdstat) {
++ case WIN_READ:
++ case WIN_READ_EXT:
++ n = ahout->scnt << 9;
++ if (skb->len - sizeof *hin - sizeof *ahin < n) {
++ printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: runt "
++ "ata data size in read. skb->len=%d\n",
++ skb->len);
++ /* fail frame f? just returning will rexmit. */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ memcpy(f->bufaddr, ahin+1, n);
++ case WIN_WRITE:
++ case WIN_WRITE_EXT:
++ break;
++ if (skb->len - sizeof *hin - sizeof *ahin < 512) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: runt data size "
++ "in ataid. skb->len=%d\n", skb->len);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ ataid_complete(d, (char *) (ahin+1));
++ /* d->flags |= DEVFL_WC_UPDATE; */
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_ata_rsp: unrecognized "
++ "outbound ata command %2.2Xh for %d.%d\n",
++ ahout->cmdstat,
++ be16_to_cpu(hin->major),
++ hin->minor);
++ }
++ }
++ if (buf) {
++ buf->nframesout -= 1;
++ if (buf->nframesout == 0 && buf->resid == 0) {
++ unsigned long duration = jiffies - buf->start_time;
++ unsigned long n_sect = buf->bio->bi_size >> 9;
++ struct gendisk *disk = d->gd;
++ if (bio_data_dir(buf->bio) == WRITE) {
++ disk_stat_inc(disk, writes);
++ disk_stat_add(disk, write_ticks, duration);
++ disk_stat_add(disk, write_sectors, n_sect);
++ } else {
++ disk_stat_inc(disk, reads);
++ disk_stat_add(disk, read_ticks, duration);
++ disk_stat_add(disk, read_sectors, n_sect);
++ }
++ disk_stat_add(disk, io_ticks, duration);
++ n = (buf->flags & BUFFL_FAIL) ? -EIO : 0;
++ bio_endio(buf->bio, buf->bio->bi_size, n);
++ mempool_free(buf, d->bufpool);
++ }
++ }
++ f->buf = NULL;
++ f->tag = FREETAG;
++ aoecmd_work(d);
++ sl = d->sendq_hd;
++ d->sendq_hd = d->sendq_tl = NULL;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ aoenet_xmit(sl);
++aoecmd_cfg(ushort aoemajor, unsigned char aoeminor)
++ struct aoe_hdr *h;
++ struct aoe_cfghdr *ch;
++ struct sk_buff *skb, *sl;
++ struct net_device *ifp;
++ sl = NULL;
++ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
++ for (ifp = dev_base; ifp; dev_put(ifp), ifp = ifp->next) {
++ dev_hold(ifp);
++ if (!is_aoe_netif(ifp))
++ continue;
++ skb = new_skb(ifp, sizeof *h + sizeof *ch);
++ if (skb == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_cfg: skb alloc failure\n");
++ continue;
++ }
++ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) skb->mac.raw;
++ memset(h, 0, sizeof *h + sizeof *ch);
++ memset(h->dst, 0xff, sizeof h->dst);
++ memcpy(h->src, ifp->dev_addr, sizeof h->src);
++ h->type = __constant_cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_AOE);
++ h->verfl = AOE_HVER;
++ h->major = cpu_to_be16(aoemajor);
++ h->minor = aoeminor;
++ h->cmd = AOECMD_CFG;
++ skb->next = sl;
++ sl = skb;
++ }
++ read_unlock(&dev_base_lock);
++ aoenet_xmit(sl);
++ * Since we only call this in one place (and it only prepares one frame)
++ * we just return the skb. Usually we'd chain it up to the aoedev sendq.
++ */
++static struct sk_buff *
++aoecmd_ata_id(struct aoedev *d)
++ struct aoe_hdr *h;
++ struct aoe_atahdr *ah;
++ struct frame *f;
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ f = getframe(d, FREETAG);
++ if (f == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_ata_id: can't get a frame. "
++ "This shouldn't happen.\n");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /* initialize the headers & frame */
++ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) f->data;
++ ah = (struct aoe_atahdr *) (h+1);
++ f->ndata = sizeof *h + sizeof *ah;
++ memset(h, 0, f->ndata);
++ f->tag = aoehdr_atainit(d, h);
++ f->waited = 0;
++ f->writedatalen = 0;
++ /* this message initializes the device, so we reset the rttavg */
++ d->rttavg = MAXTIMER;
++ /* set up ata header */
++ ah->scnt = 1;
++ ah->cmdstat = WIN_IDENTIFY;
++ ah->lba3 = 0xa0;
++ skb = skb_prepare(d, f);
++ /* we now want to start the rexmit tracking */
++ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_TKILL;
++ d-> = (ulong) d;
++ d->timer.function = rexmit_timer;
++ d->timer.expires = jiffies + TIMERTICK;
++ add_timer(&d->timer);
++ return skb;
++aoecmd_cfg_rsp(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ struct aoe_hdr *h;
++ struct aoe_cfghdr *ch;
++ ulong flags, sysminor, aoemajor;
++ u16 bufcnt;
++ struct sk_buff *sl;
++ enum { MAXFRAMES = 8 };
++ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) skb->mac.raw;
++ ch = (struct aoe_cfghdr *) (h+1);
++ /*
++ * Enough people have their dip switches set backwards to
++ * warrant a loud message for this special case.
++ */
++ aoemajor = be16_to_cpu(h->major);
++ if (aoemajor == 0xfff) {
++ printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoecmd_cfg_rsp: Warning: shelf "
++ "address is all ones. Check shelf dip switches\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ sysminor = SYSMINOR(aoemajor, h->minor);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "aoe: e%ld.%d: minor number too large\n",
++ aoemajor, (int) h->minor);
++ return;
++ }
++ bufcnt = be16_to_cpu(ch->bufcnt);
++ if (bufcnt > MAXFRAMES) /* keep it reasonable */
++ bufcnt = MAXFRAMES;
++ d = aoedev_set(sysminor, h->src, skb->dev, bufcnt);
++ if (d == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoecmd_cfg_rsp: device set failure\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ if (d->flags & (DEVFL_UP | DEVFL_CLOSEWAIT)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ d->fw_ver = be16_to_cpu(ch->fwver);
++ /* we get here only if the device is new */
++ sl = aoecmd_ata_id(d);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ aoenet_xmit(sl);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/Makefile 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
++# Makefile for ATA over Ethernet
++obj-$(CONFIG_ATA_OVER_ETH) += aoe.o
++aoe-objs := aoeblk.o aoechr.o aoecmd.o aoedev.o aoemain.o aoenet.o
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/aoedev.c 2005-09-29 18:30:40.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
++/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */
++ * aoedev.c
++ * AoE device utility functions; maintains device list.
++ */
++#include <linux/hdreg.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h>
++#include "aoe.h"
++static struct aoedev *devlist;
++static spinlock_t devlist_lock;
++struct aoedev *
++aoedev_by_aoeaddr(int maj, int min)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ ulong flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&devlist_lock, flags);
++ for (d=devlist; d; d=d->next)
++ if (d->aoemajor == maj && d->aoeminor == min)
++ break;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&devlist_lock, flags);
++ return d;
++/* called with devlist lock held */
++static struct aoedev *
++aoedev_newdev(ulong nframes)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ struct frame *f, *e;
++ d = aoe_kcalloc(1, sizeof *d, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (d == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ f = aoe_kcalloc(nframes, sizeof *f, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (f == NULL) {
++ kfree(d);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ d->nframes = nframes;
++ d->frames = f;
++ e = f + nframes;
++ for (; f<e; f++)
++ f->tag = FREETAG;
++ spin_lock_init(&d->lock);
++ init_timer(&d->timer);
++ d->bufpool = NULL; /* defer to aoeblk_gdalloc */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&d->bufq);
++ d->next = devlist;
++ devlist = d;
++ return d;
++aoedev_downdev(struct aoedev *d)
++ struct frame *f, *e;
++ struct buf *buf;
++ struct bio *bio;
++ d->flags |= DEVFL_TKILL;
++ del_timer(&d->timer);
++ f = d->frames;
++ e = f + d->nframes;
++ for (; f<e; f->tag = FREETAG, f->buf = NULL, f++) {
++ if (f->tag == FREETAG || f->buf == NULL)
++ continue;
++ buf = f->buf;
++ bio = buf->bio;
++ if (--buf->nframesout == 0) {
++ mempool_free(buf, d->bufpool);
++ bio_endio(bio, bio->bi_size, -EIO);
++ }
++ }
++ d->inprocess = NULL;
++ while (!list_empty(&d->bufq)) {
++ buf = container_of(d->, struct buf, bufs);
++ list_del(d->;
++ bio = buf->bio;
++ mempool_free(buf, d->bufpool);
++ bio_endio(bio, bio->bi_size, -EIO);
++ }
++ if (d->nopen)
++ d->flags |= DEVFL_CLOSEWAIT;
++ if (d->gd)
++ d->gd->capacity = 0;
++ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_UP;
++struct aoedev *
++aoedev_set(ulong sysminor, unsigned char *addr, struct net_device *ifp, ulong bufcnt)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ ulong flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&devlist_lock, flags);
++ for (d=devlist; d; d=d->next)
++ if (d->sysminor == sysminor)
++ break;
++ if (d == NULL && (d = aoedev_newdev(bufcnt)) == NULL) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&devlist_lock, flags);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoedev_set: aoedev_newdev failure.\n");
++ return NULL;
++ } /* if newdev, (d->flags & DEVFL_UP) == 0 for below */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&devlist_lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ d->ifp = ifp;
++ memcpy(d->addr, addr, sizeof d->addr);
++ if ((d->flags & DEVFL_UP) == 0) {
++ aoedev_downdev(d); /* flushes outstanding frames */
++ d->sysminor = sysminor;
++ d->aoemajor = AOEMAJOR(sysminor);
++ d->aoeminor = AOEMINOR(sysminor);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return d;
++static void
++aoedev_freedev(struct aoedev *d)
++ if (d->gd) {
++ aoedisk_rm_sysfs(d);
++ del_gendisk(d->gd);
++ put_disk(d->gd);
++ }
++ kfree(d->frames);
++ if (d->bufpool)
++ mempool_destroy(d->bufpool);
++ kfree(d);
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ ulong flags;
++ flush_scheduled_work();
++ while ((d = devlist)) {
++ devlist = d->next;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ aoedev_downdev(d);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ del_timer_sync(&d->timer);
++ aoedev_freedev(d);
++ }
++int __init
++ spin_lock_init(&devlist_lock);
++ return 0;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/aoenet.c 2005-09-29 18:30:40.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
++/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */
++ * aoenet.c
++ * Ethernet portion of AoE driver
++ */
++#include <linux/hdreg.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include "aoe.h"
++#define NECODES 5
++static char *aoe_errlist[] =
++ "no such error",
++ "unrecognized command code",
++ "bad argument parameter",
++ "device unavailable",
++ "config string present",
++ "unsupported version"
++enum {
++ IFLISTSZ = 1024,
++static char aoe_iflist[IFLISTSZ];
++module_param_string(aoe_iflist, aoe_iflist, IFLISTSZ, 0600);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(aoe_iflist, "aoe_iflist=\"dev1 [dev2 ...]\"\n");
++#ifndef MODULE
++static int __init aoe_iflist_setup(char *str)
++ strncpy(aoe_iflist, str, IFLISTSZ);
++ aoe_iflist[IFLISTSZ - 1] = '\0';
++ return 1;
++__setup("aoe_iflist=", aoe_iflist_setup);
++/* This function is copied here from linux-2.6.10-rc3-bk11/lib/string.c
++ * for compatibility with FC2, which issues a warning on MODPOST
++ * about strcspn being undefined.
++ */
++static size_t
++aoe_strcspn(const char *s, const char *reject)
++ const char *p;
++ const char *r;
++ size_t count = 0;
++ for (p = s; *p != '\0'; ++p) {
++ for (r = reject; *r != '\0'; ++r) {
++ if (*p == *r)
++ return count;
++ }
++ ++count;
++ }
++ return count;
++is_aoe_netif(struct net_device *ifp)
++ register char *p, *q;
++ register int len;
++ if (aoe_iflist[0] == '\0')
++ return 1;
++ p = aoe_iflist + strspn(aoe_iflist, WHITESPACE);
++ for (; *p; p = q + strspn(q, WHITESPACE)) {
++ q = p + aoe_strcspn(p, WHITESPACE);
++ if (q != p)
++ len = q - p;
++ else
++ len = strlen(p); /* last token in aoe_iflist */
++ if (strlen(ifp->name) == len && !strncmp(ifp->name, p, len))
++ return 1;
++ if (q == p)
++ break;
++ }
++ return 0;
++set_aoe_iflist(const char __user *user_str, size_t size)
++ if (size >= IFLISTSZ)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (copy_from_user(aoe_iflist, user_str, size)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: %s: copy from user failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ aoe_iflist[size] = 0x00;
++ return 0;
++mac_addr(char addr[6])
++ u64 n = 0;
++ char *p = (char *) &n;
++ memcpy(p + 2, addr, 6); /* (sizeof addr != 6) */
++ return __be64_to_cpu(n);
++static struct sk_buff *
++skb_check(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ if (skb_is_nonlinear(skb))
++ if ((skb = skb_share_check(skb, GFP_ATOMIC)))
++ if (skb_linearize(skb, GFP_ATOMIC) < 0) {
++ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ return skb;
++aoenet_xmit(struct sk_buff *sl)
++ struct sk_buff *skb;
++ while ((skb = sl)) {
++ sl = sl->next;
++ skb->next = skb->prev = NULL;
++ dev_queue_xmit(skb);
++ }
++ * (1) len doesn't include the header by default. I want this.
++ */
++static int
++aoenet_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ifp, struct packet_type *pt)
++ struct aoe_hdr *h;
++ u32 n;
++ skb = skb_check(skb);
++ if (!skb)
++ return 0;
++ if (!is_aoe_netif(ifp))
++ goto exit;
++ //skb->len += ETH_HLEN; /* (1) */
++ skb_push(skb, ETH_HLEN); /* (1) */
++ h = (struct aoe_hdr *) skb->mac.raw;
++ n = be32_to_cpu(h->tag);
++ if ((h->verfl & AOEFL_RSP) == 0 || (n & 1<<31))
++ goto exit;
++ if (h->verfl & AOEFL_ERR) {
++ n = h->err;
++ if (n > NECODES)
++ n = 0;
++ if (net_ratelimit())
++ printk(KERN_ERR "aoe: aoenet_rcv: error packet from %d.%d; "
++ "ecode=%d '%s'\n",
++ be16_to_cpu(h->major), h->minor,
++ h->err, aoe_errlist[n]);
++ goto exit;
++ }
++ switch (h->cmd) {
++ case AOECMD_ATA:
++ aoecmd_ata_rsp(skb);
++ break;
++ case AOECMD_CFG:
++ aoecmd_cfg_rsp(skb);
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoenet_rcv: unknown cmd %d\n", h->cmd);
++ }
++ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
++ return 0;
++static struct packet_type aoe_pt = {
++ .type = __constant_htons(ETH_P_AOE),
++ .func = aoenet_rcv,
++int __init
++ dev_add_pack(&aoe_pt);
++ return 0;
++ dev_remove_pack(&aoe_pt);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/aoe.h 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
++/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */
++#define VERSION "14"
++#define AOE_MAJOR 152
++#define DEVICE_NAME "aoe"
++/* AOE_PARTITIONS is set in the Makefile */
++#define SYSMINOR(aoemajor, aoeminor) ((aoemajor) * NPERSHELF + (aoeminor))
++#define AOEMAJOR(sysminor) ((sysminor) / NPERSHELF)
++#define AOEMINOR(sysminor) ((sysminor) % NPERSHELF)
++#define WHITESPACE " \t\v\f\n"
++/* for compatibility, so that this driver builds for kernels with
++ * or without AoE already in them
++ */
++#ifndef ETH_P_AOE
++#define ETH_P_AOE 0x88a2
++enum {
++ AOEFL_RSP = (1<<3),
++ AOEFL_ERR = (1<<2),
++ AOEAFL_EXT = (1<<6),
++ AOEAFL_DEV = (1<<4),
++ AOEAFL_ASYNC = (1<<1),
++ AOEAFL_WRITE = (1<<0),
++ AOE_HVER = 0x10,
++struct aoe_hdr {
++ unsigned char dst[6];
++ unsigned char src[6];
++ u16 type;
++ unsigned char verfl;
++ unsigned char err;
++ u16 major;
++ unsigned char minor;
++ unsigned char cmd;
++ u32 tag;
++struct aoe_atahdr {
++ unsigned char aflags;
++ unsigned char errfeat;
++ unsigned char scnt;
++ unsigned char cmdstat;
++ unsigned char lba0;
++ unsigned char lba1;
++ unsigned char lba2;
++ unsigned char lba3;
++ unsigned char lba4;
++ unsigned char lba5;
++ unsigned char res[2];
++struct aoe_cfghdr {
++ u16 bufcnt;
++ u16 fwver;
++ unsigned char res;
++ unsigned char aoeccmd;
++ unsigned char cslen[2];
++enum {
++ DEVFL_UP = 1, /* device is installed in system and ready for AoE->ATA commands */
++ DEVFL_TKILL = (1<<1), /* flag for timer to know when to kill self */
++ DEVFL_EXT = (1<<2), /* device accepts lba48 commands */
++ DEVFL_CLOSEWAIT = (1<<3), /* device is waiting for all closes to revalidate */
++ DEVFL_WC_UPDATE = (1<<4), /* this device needs to update write cache status */
++ DEVFL_WORKON = (1<<4),
++ BUFFL_FAIL = 1,
++enum {
++ MAXATADATA = 1024,
++ NPERSHELF = 16, /* number of slots per shelf address */
++ FREETAG = -1,
++ MIN_BUFS = 8,
++struct buf {
++ struct list_head bufs;
++ ulong start_time; /* for disk stats */
++ ulong flags;
++ ulong nframesout;
++ char *bufaddr;
++ ulong resid;
++ ulong bv_resid;
++ sector_t sector;
++ struct bio *bio;
++ struct bio_vec *bv;
++struct frame {
++ int tag;
++ ulong waited;
++ struct buf *buf;
++ char *bufaddr;
++ int writedatalen;
++ int ndata;
++ /* largest possible */
++ unsigned char data[sizeof(struct aoe_hdr) + sizeof(struct aoe_atahdr)];
++struct aoedev {
++ struct aoedev *next;
++ unsigned char addr[6]; /* remote mac addr */
++ ushort flags;
++ ulong sysminor;
++ ulong aoemajor;
++ ulong aoeminor;
++ ulong nopen; /* (bd_openers isn't available without sleeping) */
++ ulong rttavg; /* round trip average of requests/responses */
++ u16 fw_ver; /* version of blade's firmware */
++ struct work_struct work;/* disk create work struct */
++ struct gendisk *gd;
++ request_queue_t blkq;
++ struct hd_geometry geo;
++ sector_t ssize;
++ struct timer_list timer;
++ spinlock_t lock;
++ struct net_device *ifp; /* interface ed is attached to */
++ struct sk_buff *sendq_hd; /* packets needing to be sent, list head */
++ struct sk_buff *sendq_tl;
++ mempool_t *bufpool; /* for deadlock-free Buf allocation */
++ struct list_head bufq; /* queue of bios to work on */
++ struct buf *inprocess; /* the one we're currently working on */
++ ulong lasttag; /* last tag sent */
++ ulong nframes; /* number of frames below */
++ struct frame *frames;
++int aoeblk_init(void);
++void aoeblk_exit(void);
++void aoeblk_gdalloc(void *);
++void aoedisk_rm_sysfs(struct aoedev *d);
++int aoechr_init(void);
++void aoechr_exit(void);
++void aoechr_error(char *);
++void aoecmd_work(struct aoedev *d);
++void aoecmd_cfg(ushort, unsigned char);
++void aoecmd_ata_rsp(struct sk_buff *);
++void aoecmd_cfg_rsp(struct sk_buff *);
++int aoedev_init(void);
++void aoedev_exit(void);
++struct aoedev *aoedev_by_aoeaddr(int maj, int min);
++void aoedev_downdev(struct aoedev *d);
++struct aoedev *aoedev_set(ulong, unsigned char *, struct net_device *, ulong);
++int aoedev_busy(void);
++int aoenet_init(void);
++void aoenet_exit(void);
++void aoenet_xmit(struct sk_buff *);
++int is_aoe_netif(struct net_device *ifp);
++int set_aoe_iflist(const char __user *str, size_t size);
++u64 mac_addr(char addr[6]);
++/* for compatibility with older 2.6 kernels lacking kcalloc
++ */
++extern void *aoe_kcalloc(size_t, size_t, int);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/aoeblk.c 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
++/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */
++ * aoeblk.c
++ * block device routines
++ */
++#include <linux/hdreg.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#include <linux/genhd.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h>
++#include "aoe.h"
++#include "disk_attr.h"
++static kmem_cache_t *buf_pool_cache;
++static ssize_t aoedisk_show_state(struct gendisk * disk, char *page)
++ struct aoedev *d = disk->private_data;
++ return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE,
++ "%s%s\n",
++ (d->flags & DEVFL_UP) ? "up" : "down",
++ (d->flags & DEVFL_CLOSEWAIT) ? ",closewait" : "");
++static ssize_t aoedisk_show_mac(struct gendisk * disk, char *page)
++ struct aoedev *d = disk->private_data;
++ return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE, "%012llx\n",
++ (unsigned long long)mac_addr(d->addr));
++static ssize_t aoedisk_show_netif(struct gendisk * disk, char *page)
++ struct aoedev *d = disk->private_data;
++ return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", d->ifp->name);
++/* firmware version */
++static ssize_t aoedisk_show_fwver(struct gendisk * disk, char *page)
++ struct aoedev *d = disk->private_data;
++ return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE, "0x%04x\n", (unsigned int) d->fw_ver);
++static struct disk_attribute disk_attr_state = {
++ .attr = {.name = "state", .mode = S_IRUGO },
++ .show = aoedisk_show_state
++static struct disk_attribute disk_attr_mac = {
++ .attr = {.name = "mac", .mode = S_IRUGO },
++ .show = aoedisk_show_mac
++static struct disk_attribute disk_attr_netif = {
++ .attr = {.name = "netif", .mode = S_IRUGO },
++ .show = aoedisk_show_netif
++static struct disk_attribute disk_attr_fwver = {
++ .attr = {.name = "firmware-version", .mode = S_IRUGO },
++ .show = aoedisk_show_fwver
++static void
++aoedisk_add_sysfs(struct aoedev *d)
++ sysfs_create_file(&d->gd->kobj, &disk_attr_state.attr);
++ sysfs_create_file(&d->gd->kobj, &disk_attr_mac.attr);
++ sysfs_create_file(&d->gd->kobj, &disk_attr_netif.attr);
++ sysfs_create_file(&d->gd->kobj, &disk_attr_fwver.attr);
++aoedisk_rm_sysfs(struct aoedev *d)
++ sysfs_remove_link(&d->gd->kobj, "state");
++ sysfs_remove_link(&d->gd->kobj, "mac");
++ sysfs_remove_link(&d->gd->kobj, "netif");
++ sysfs_remove_link(&d->gd->kobj, "firmware-version");
++static int
++aoeblk_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ ulong flags;
++ d = inode->i_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ if (d->flags & DEVFL_UP) {
++ d->nopen++;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return -ENODEV;
++static int
++aoeblk_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ ulong flags;
++ d = inode->i_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ if (--d->nopen == 0 && (d->flags & DEVFL_CLOSEWAIT)) {
++ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_CLOSEWAIT;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ aoecmd_cfg(d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++static int
++aoeblk_make_request(request_queue_t *q, struct bio *bio)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ struct buf *buf;
++ struct sk_buff *sl;
++ ulong flags;
++ blk_queue_bounce(q, &bio);
++ d = bio->bi_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ buf = mempool_alloc(d->bufpool, GFP_NOIO);
++ if (buf == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoeblk_make_request: buf allocation "
++ "failure\n");
++ bio_endio(bio, bio->bi_size, -ENOMEM);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&buf->bufs);
++ buf->start_time = jiffies;
++ buf->bio = bio;
++ buf->resid = bio->bi_size;
++ buf->sector = bio->bi_sector;
++ buf->bv = buf->bio->bi_io_vec;
++ buf->bv_resid = buf->bv->bv_len;
++ buf->bufaddr = page_address(buf->bv->bv_page) + buf->bv->bv_offset;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ if ((d->flags & DEVFL_UP) == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoeblk_make_request: device %ld.%ld is not up\n",
++ d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ mempool_free(buf, d->bufpool);
++ bio_endio(bio, bio->bi_size, -ENXIO);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ list_add_tail(&buf->bufs, &d->bufq);
++ aoecmd_work(d);
++ sl = d->sendq_hd;
++ d->sendq_hd = d->sendq_tl = NULL;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ aoenet_xmit(sl);
++ return 0;
++/* This ioctl implementation expects userland to have the device node
++ * permissions set so that only priviledged users can open an aoe
++ * block device directly.
++ */
++static int
++aoeblk_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, uint cmd, ulong arg)
++ struct aoedev *d;
++ if (!arg)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ d = inode->i_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ if ((d->flags & DEVFL_UP) == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "aoe: aoeblk_ioctl: disk not up\n");
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
++ if (cmd == HDIO_GETGEO) {
++ d->geo.start = get_start_sect(inode->i_bdev);
++ if (!copy_to_user((void __user *) arg, &d->geo, sizeof d->geo))
++ return 0;
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoeblk_ioctl: unknown ioctl %d\n", cmd);
++ return -ENOTTY; /* for older kernels */
++static struct block_device_operations aoe_bdops = {
++ .open = aoeblk_open,
++ .release = aoeblk_release,
++ .ioctl = aoeblk_ioctl,
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++/* alloc_disk and add_disk can sleep */
++aoeblk_gdalloc(void *vp)
++ struct aoedev *d = vp;
++ struct gendisk *gd;
++ ulong flags;
++ gd = alloc_disk(AOE_PARTITIONS);
++ if (gd == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "aoe: aoeblk_gdalloc: cannot allocate disk "
++ "structure for %ld.%ld\n", d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_WORKON;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ d->bufpool = mempool_create(MIN_BUFS,
++ mempool_alloc_slab, mempool_free_slab,
++ buf_pool_cache);
++ if (d->bufpool == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "aoe: aoeblk_gdalloc: cannot allocate bufpool "
++ "for %ld.%ld\n", d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor);
++ put_disk(gd);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_WORKON;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&d->lock, flags);
++ blk_queue_make_request(&d->blkq, aoeblk_make_request);
++ gd->major = AOE_MAJOR;
++ gd->first_minor = d->sysminor * AOE_PARTITIONS;
++ gd->fops = &aoe_bdops;
++ gd->private_data = d;
++ gd->capacity = d->ssize;
++ snprintf(gd->disk_name, sizeof gd->disk_name, "etherd/e%ld.%ld",
++ d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor);
++ gd->queue = &d->blkq;
++ d->gd = gd;
++ d->flags &= ~DEVFL_WORKON;
++ d->flags |= DEVFL_UP;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&d->lock, flags);
++ add_disk(gd);
++ aoedisk_add_sysfs(d);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: %012llx e%lu.%lu v%04x has %llu "
++ "sectors\n", (unsigned long long)mac_addr(d->addr),
++ d->aoemajor, d->aoeminor,
++ d->fw_ver, (long long)d->ssize);
++ kmem_cache_destroy(buf_pool_cache);
++int __init
++ buf_pool_cache = kmem_cache_create("aoe_bufs",
++ sizeof(struct buf),
++ 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
++ if (buf_pool_cache == NULL)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ return 0;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/aoechr.c 2005-09-29 18:30:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
++/* Copyright (c) 2004 Coraid, Inc. See COPYING for GPL terms. */
++ * aoechr.c
++ * AoE character device driver
++ */
++#include <linux/hdreg.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include "aoe.h"
++enum {
++ //MINOR_STAT = 1, (moved to sysfs)
++ MINOR_ERR = 2,
++ MSGSZ = 2048,
++ NARGS = 10,
++ NMSG = 100, /* message backlog to retain */
++struct aoe_chardev {
++ ulong minor;
++ char name[32];
++enum { EMFL_VALID = 1 };
++struct ErrMsg {
++ short flags;
++ short len;
++ char *msg;
++static struct ErrMsg emsgs[NMSG];
++static int emsgs_head_idx, emsgs_tail_idx;
++static struct semaphore emsgs_sema;
++static spinlock_t emsgs_lock;
++static int nblocked_emsgs_readers;
++static struct class *aoe_class;
++static struct aoe_chardev chardevs[] = {
++ { MINOR_ERR, "err" },
++ { MINOR_DISCOVER, "discover" },
++ { MINOR_INTERFACES, "interfaces" },
++static int
++ aoecmd_cfg(0xffff, 0xff);
++ return 0;
++static int
++interfaces(const char __user *str, size_t size)
++ if (set_aoe_iflist(str, size)) {
++ printk(KERN_CRIT
++ "%s: could not set interface list: %s\n",
++ __FUNCTION__, "too many interfaces");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return 0;
++aoechr_error(char *msg)
++ struct ErrMsg *em;
++ char *mp;
++ ulong flags, n;
++ n = strlen(msg);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ em = emsgs + emsgs_tail_idx;
++ if ((em->flags & EMFL_VALID)) {
++bail: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ mp = kmalloc(n, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (mp == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_CRIT "aoe: aoechr_error: allocation failure, len=%ld\n", n);
++ goto bail;
++ }
++ memcpy(mp, msg, n);
++ em->msg = mp;
++ em->flags |= EMFL_VALID;
++ em->len = n;
++ emsgs_tail_idx++;
++ emsgs_tail_idx %= ARRAY_SIZE(emsgs);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ if (nblocked_emsgs_readers)
++ up(&emsgs_sema);
++static ssize_t
++aoechr_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t cnt, loff_t *offp)
++ int ret = -EINVAL;
++ switch ((unsigned long) filp->private_data) {
++ default:
++ printk(KERN_INFO "aoe: aoechr_write: can't write to that file.\n");
++ break;
++ ret = discover();
++ break;
++ ret = interfaces(buf, cnt);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ret == 0)
++ ret = cnt;
++ return ret;
++static int
++aoechr_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
++ int n, i;
++ n = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
++ filp->private_data = (void *) (unsigned long) n;
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(chardevs); ++i)
++ if (chardevs[i].minor == n)
++ return 0;
++ return -EINVAL;
++static int
++aoechr_rel(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
++ return 0;
++static ssize_t
++aoechr_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t cnt, loff_t *off)
++ unsigned long n;
++ char *mp;
++ struct ErrMsg *em;
++ ssize_t len;
++ ulong flags;
++ n = (unsigned long) filp->private_data;
++ switch (n) {
++ case MINOR_ERR:
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ em = emsgs + emsgs_head_idx;
++ if ((em->flags & EMFL_VALID) == 0) {
++ if (filp->f_flags & O_NDELAY) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ return -EAGAIN;
++ }
++ nblocked_emsgs_readers++;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ n = down_interruptible(&emsgs_sema);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ nblocked_emsgs_readers--;
++ if (n) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ return -ERESTARTSYS;
++ }
++ goto loop;
++ }
++ if (em->len > cnt) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ return -EAGAIN;
++ }
++ mp = em->msg;
++ len = em->len;
++ em->msg = NULL;
++ em->flags &= ~EMFL_VALID;
++ emsgs_head_idx++;
++ emsgs_head_idx %= ARRAY_SIZE(emsgs);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&emsgs_lock, flags);
++ n = copy_to_user(buf, mp, len);
++ kfree(mp);
++ return n == 0 ? len : -EFAULT;
++ default:
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++static struct file_operations aoe_fops = {
++ .write = aoechr_write,
++ .read = aoechr_read,
++ .open = aoechr_open,
++ .release = aoechr_rel,
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++int __init
++ int n, i;
++ n = register_chrdev(AOE_MAJOR, "aoechr", &aoe_fops);
++ if (n < 0) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "aoe: aoechr_init: can't register char device\n");
++ return n;
++ }
++ sema_init(&emsgs_sema, 0);
++ spin_lock_init(&emsgs_lock);
++ aoe_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "aoe");
++ if (IS_ERR(aoe_class)) {
++ unregister_chrdev(AOE_MAJOR, "aoechr");
++ return PTR_ERR(aoe_class);
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(chardevs); ++i)
++ class_device_create(aoe_class,
++ MKDEV(AOE_MAJOR, chardevs[i].minor),
++ NULL, chardevs[i].name);
++ return 0;
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(chardevs); ++i)
++ class_device_destroy(aoe_class, MKDEV(AOE_MAJOR, chardevs[i].minor));
++ class_destroy(aoe_class);
++ unregister_chrdev(AOE_MAJOR, "aoechr");
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ aoe/drivers/block/aoe/disk_attr.h 2005-09-29 18:30:40.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
++/* struct disk_attribute is defined in kernel headers */
+--- linux- 2005-10-25 15:30:35.202697120 +0400
++++ aoe/drivers/block/Makefile 2005-10-25 15:16:33.911592808 +0400
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD) += xd.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_DA) += cpqarray.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_CISS_DA) += cciss.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DAC960) += DAC960.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_ATA_OVER_ETH) += aoe/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_UMEM) += umem.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD) += nbd.o
+--- linux- 2005-10-25 15:30:35.202697120 +0400
++++ aoe/drivers/block/Kconfig 2005-10-25 15:16:09.321331096 +0400
+@@ -347,6 +347,13 @@ config LBD
+ your machine, or if you want to have a raid or loopback device
+ bigger than 2TB. Otherwise say N.
++config ATA_OVER_ETH
++ tristate "ATA over Ethernet support"
++ help
++ AoE is a simple protocol used to package ATA commands and responses
++ for transmission over Ethernet. AoE also provides hosts with a method
++ for obtaining information about the EtherDrive blade.
+ source "drivers/s390/block/Kconfig"
+ endmenu
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5110_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5110_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c55086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5110_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,11177 @@
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-attr.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-attr.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.387472100 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-attr.c,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * The sysfs host attributes are defined here.
++ */
++#include <scsi/scsi_tcq.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-task.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++static ssize_t
++store_do_shutdown(struct class_device *class_dev, const char *buf, size_t count)
++ iscsi_destroy_host(class_to_shost(class_dev));
++ return count;
++static ssize_t
++store_drop_session(struct class_device *class_dev, const char *buf, size_t count)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(class_dev);
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ return count;
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(shutdown, S_IWUSR, NULL, store_do_shutdown);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(drop_session, S_IWUSR, NULL, store_drop_session);
++static ssize_t
++show_session_established(struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(class_dev);
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits))
++ sprintf(buf, "1");
++ else
++ sprintf(buf, "0");
++ return 1;
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(session_established, S_IRUGO,
++ show_session_established, NULL);
++ * Macro to show session values specific to this driver
++ * on the scsi host's class dev. Some of them could also
++ * be moved to the transport class one day.
++ */
++#define session_show_function(field, format_string) \
++static ssize_t \
++show_##field (struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(class_dev); \
++ struct iscsi_session *session; \
++ session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata; \
++ return snprintf(buf, 20, format_string, session->field); \
++#define session_rd_attr(field, format_string) \
++ session_show_function(field, format_string) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, show_##field, NULL);
++session_rd_attr(window_closed, "%lu");
++#define session_store_tmo_function(field, format_string) \
++static ssize_t \
++store_##field(struct class_device *class_dev, const char *buf, \
++ size_t count) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(class_dev); \
++ struct iscsi_session *session; \
++ int timeout; \
++ \
++ session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata; \
++ sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &timeout); \
++ iscsi_update_##field(session, timeout); \
++ return count; \
++#define session_tmo_attr(field, format_string) \
++ session_show_function(field, format_string) \
++ session_store_tmo_function(field, format_string) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, \
++ show_##field, store_##field);
++session_tmo_attr(login_timeout, "%d");
++session_tmo_attr(active_timeout, "%d");
++session_tmo_attr(idle_timeout, "%d");
++session_tmo_attr(ping_timeout, "%d");
++session_tmo_attr(abort_timeout, "%d");
++session_tmo_attr(reset_timeout, "%d");
++static ssize_t
++store_replacement_timeout(struct class_device *class_dev, const char *buf,
++ size_t count)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(class_dev);
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ int timeout;
++ sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &timeout);
++ iscsi_update_replacement_timeout(session, timeout);
++ return count;
++session_show_function(replacement_timeout, "%d");
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(connfail_timeout, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
++ show_replacement_timeout, store_replacement_timeout);
++#define session_show_time_fn(field, format_string) \
++static ssize_t \
++show_##field (struct class_device *class_dev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(class_dev); \
++ struct iscsi_session *session; \
++ session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata; \
++ return snprintf(buf, 20, format_string, \
++ (jiffies - session->field) / HZ); \
++#define session_rd_time_attr(field, format_string) \
++ session_show_time_fn(field, format_string) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, show_##field, NULL);
++session_rd_time_attr(session_established_time, "%lu");
++session_rd_time_attr(session_drop_time, "%lu");
++struct class_device_attribute *iscsi_host_attrs[] = {
++ &class_device_attr_session_established,
++ &class_device_attr_shutdown,
++ &class_device_attr_drop_session,
++ &class_device_attr_connfail_timeout,
++ &class_device_attr_session_established_time,
++ &class_device_attr_session_drop_time,
++ &class_device_attr_login_timeout,
++ &class_device_attr_active_timeout,
++ &class_device_attr_idle_timeout,
++ &class_device_attr_ping_timeout,
++ &class_device_attr_abort_timeout,
++ &class_device_attr_reset_timeout,
++ &class_device_attr_window_closed,
++static ssize_t iscsi_store_queue_depth(struct device *dev, const char *buf,
++ size_t count)
++ struct scsi_device *sdev = to_scsi_device(dev);
++ int qdepth;
++ if (!sdev->tagged_supported)
++ return count;
++ if (sscanf(buf, "%10d\n", &qdepth) == 1 &&
++ qdepth > 0 && qdepth <= ISCSI_MAX_CMDS_PER_LUN)
++ scsi_adjust_queue_depth(sdev, MSG_ORDERED_TAG, qdepth);
++ return count;
++static DEVICE_ATTR(queue_depth, S_IWUSR, NULL, iscsi_store_queue_depth);
++struct device_attribute *iscsi_dev_attrs[] = {
++ &dev_attr_queue_depth,
++ NULL,
++#define iscsi_transport_get_fn(field) \
++static void \
++iscsi_get_##field (struct scsi_target *stgt) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(stgt->dev.parent); \
++ struct iscsi_session *session; \
++ session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata; \
++ iscsi_##field(stgt) = session->field; \
++#define iscsi_target_transport_cp_fn(field) \
++static ssize_t \
++iscsi_get_##field (struct scsi_target *stgt, char *buf, ssize_t count) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(stgt->dev.parent); \
++ struct iscsi_session *session; \
++ session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata; \
++ return snprintf(buf, count - 1, "%s\n", session->field); \
++static void
++iscsi_get_ip_address(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&session->addr;
++ /*
++ * I am pretty sure I messed up the socket data structure
++ * for ipv6 support. For now just do ipv4 until I can test
++ */
++ iscsi_addr_type(starget) = addr->sin_family;
++ memcpy(&iscsi_sin_addr(starget), &addr->sin_addr,
++ sizeof(struct in_addr));
++static void
++iscsi_get_port(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&session->addr;
++ iscsi_port(starget) = addr->sin_port;
++static void
++iscsi_get_tpgt(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ iscsi_tpgt(starget) = session->portal_group_tag;
++static void
++iscsi_get_isid(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ memcpy(iscsi_isid(starget), session->isid, sizeof(session->isid));
++#define iscsi_host_transport_cp_fn(field) \
++static ssize_t \
++iscsi_get_##field (struct Scsi_Host *shost, char *buf, ssize_t count) \
++{ \
++ struct iscsi_session *s = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata; \
++ return snprintf(buf, count - 1, "%s\n", s->field); \
++struct iscsi_function_template iscsi_fnt = {
++ .get_isid = iscsi_get_isid,
++ .show_isid = 1,
++ .get_tsih = iscsi_get_tsih,
++ .show_tsih = 1,
++ .get_port = iscsi_get_port,
++ .show_port = 1,
++ .get_tpgt = iscsi_get_tpgt,
++ .show_tpgt = 1,
++ .get_ip_address = iscsi_get_ip_address,
++ .show_ip_address = 1,
++ .get_initial_r2t = iscsi_get_initial_r2t,
++ .show_initial_r2t = 1,
++ .get_immediate_data = iscsi_get_immediate_data,
++ .show_immediate_data = 1,
++ .get_header_digest = iscsi_get_header_digest,
++ .show_header_digest = 1,
++ .get_data_digest = iscsi_get_data_digest,
++ .show_data_digest = 1,
++ .get_max_burst_len = iscsi_get_max_burst_len,
++ .show_max_burst_len = 1,
++ .get_first_burst_len = iscsi_get_first_burst_len,
++ .show_first_burst_len = 1,
++ .get_max_recv_data_segment_len = iscsi_get_max_recv_data_segment_len,
++ .show_max_recv_data_segment_len = 1,
++ .get_max_xmit_data_segment_len = iscsi_get_max_xmit_data_segment_len,
++ .show_max_xmit_data_segment_len = 1,
++ .get_target_name = iscsi_get_target_name,
++ .show_target_name = 1,
++ .get_target_alias = iscsi_get_target_alias,
++ .show_target_alias = 1,
++ .get_initiator_alias = iscsi_get_initiator_alias,
++ .show_initiator_alias = 1,
++ .get_initiator_name = iscsi_get_initiator_name,
++ .show_initiator_name = 1,
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-auth.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-auth.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.387472100 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ * $Id: iscsi-auth.c,v 2005/03/20 03:13:21 wysochanski Exp $
++ *
++ * This file contains kernel wrappers around the iscsi auth common code.
++ */
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/crypto.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <asm/scatterlist.h>
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++ * Authenticate a target's CHAP response.
++ *
++ * Use the kernel crypto API
++ */
++enum auth_dbg_status
++acl_chap_compute_rsp(struct iscsi_acl *client, int rmt_auth, u32 id,
++ u8 *challenge_data, u32 challenge_length,
++ u8 *response_data)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = client->session_handle;
++ u8 id_data[1];
++ struct scatterlist sg;
++ struct crypto_tfm *tfm = session->md5_tfm;
++ u8 out_data[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ u32 out_length = AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN;
++ if (!client->passwd_present)
++ crypto_digest_init(tfm);
++ /* id byte */
++ id_data[0] = id;
++ sg_init_one(&sg, &id_data[0], 1);
++ crypto_digest_update(tfm, &sg, 1);
++ /* decrypt password */
++ if (acl_data(out_data, &out_length, client->passwd_data,
++ client->passwd_length))
++ if (!rmt_auth && !client->ip_sec && out_length < 12)
++ /* shared secret */
++ sg_init_one(&sg, out_data, out_length);
++ crypto_digest_update(tfm, &sg, 1);
++ /* clear decrypted password */
++ memset(out_data, 0, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN);
++ /* challenge value */
++ sg_init_one(&sg, challenge_data, challenge_length);
++ crypto_digest_update(tfm, &sg, 1);
++ crypto_digest_final(tfm, response_data);
++ return AUTH_DBG_STATUS_NOT_SET; /* no error */
++acl_chap_auth_request(struct iscsi_acl *client, char *username, unsigned int id,
++ unsigned char *challenge_data,
++ unsigned int challenge_length,
++ unsigned char *response_data,
++ unsigned int rsp_length)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = client->session_handle;
++ struct crypto_tfm *tfm = session->md5_tfm;
++ struct scatterlist sg[3];
++ unsigned char id_byte = id;
++ unsigned char verify_data[16];
++ /* the expected credentials are in the session */
++ if (session->username_in == NULL) {
++ iscsi_err("Failing authentication, no incoming username "
++ "configured to authenticate target %s\n",
++ session->target_name);
++ }
++ if (strcmp(username, session->username_in) != 0) {
++ iscsi_err("Failing authentication, received incorrect username "
++ "from target %s\n", session->target_name);
++ }
++ if ((session->password_length_in < 1) ||
++ (session->password_in == NULL) ||
++ (session->password_in[0] == '\0')) {
++ iscsi_err("Failing authentication, no incoming password "
++ "configured to authenticate target %s\n",
++ session->target_name);
++ }
++ /* challenge length is I->T, and shouldn't need to be checked */
++ if (rsp_length != sizeof(verify_data)) {
++ iscsi_err("Failing authentication, received incorrect CHAP "
++ "response length %u from target %s\n", rsp_length,
++ session->target_name);
++ }
++ /* id byte */
++ id_byte = id;
++ sg_init_one(&sg[0], &id_byte, 1);
++ /* shared secret */
++ sg_init_one(&sg[1], session->password_in, session->password_length_in);
++ /* challenge value */
++ sg_init_one(&sg[2], challenge_data, challenge_length);
++ memset(verify_data, 0, sizeof(verify_data));
++ crypto_digest_init(tfm);
++ crypto_digest_digest(tfm, sg, 3, verify_data);
++ if (memcmp(response_data, verify_data, sizeof(verify_data)) == 0)
++ iscsi_err("Failing authentication, received incorrect CHAP response "
++ "from target %s\n", session->target_name);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-auth-client.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-auth-client.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:53.019725499 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,1841 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-auth-client.c,v 2005/03/15 06:33:38 wysochanski Exp $
++ *
++ * This file implements the iSCSI CHAP authentication method based on
++ * RFC 3720. The code in this file is meant to be common for both kernel and
++ * user level and makes use of only limited library functions, presently only
++ * string.h. Routines specific to kernel, user level are implemented in
++ * seperate files under the appropriate directories.
++ * This code in this files assumes a single thread of execution
++ * for each iscsi_acl structure, and does no locking.
++ */
++#include "iscsi-auth-client.h"
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++static const char acl_hexstring[] = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
++static const char acl_base64_string[] =
++ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
++static const char acl_authmethod_set_chap_alg_list[] = "CHAP";
++static const char acl_reject_option_name[] = "Reject";
++static const char acl_none_option_name[] = "None";
++static int
++acl_text_to_number(const char *text, unsigned long *num)
++ char *end;
++ unsigned long number = *num;
++ if (text[0] == '0' && (text[1] == 'x' || text[1] == 'X'))
++ number = simple_strtoul(text + 2, &end, 16);
++ else
++ number = simple_strtoul(text, &end, 10);
++ if (*text != '\0' && *end == '\0') {
++ *num = number;
++ return 0; /* No error */
++ } else
++ return 1; /* Error */
++static int
++acl_chk_string(const char *s, unsigned int max_len, unsigned int *out_len)
++ unsigned int len;
++ if (!s)
++ return 1;
++ for (len = 0; len < max_len; len++)
++ if (*s++ == '\0') {
++ if (out_len)
++ *out_len = len;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return 1;
++static int
++acl_str_index(const char *s, int c)
++ char *str = strchr(s, c);
++ if (str)
++ return (str - s);
++ else
++ return -1;
++static int
++acl_chk_auth_mthd_optn(int val)
++ if (val == AUTH_OPTION_NONE || val == AUTH_METHOD_CHAP)
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static const char *
++acl_authmethod_optn_to_text(int value)
++ const char *s;
++ switch (value) {
++ s = acl_reject_option_name;
++ break;
++ s = acl_none_option_name;
++ break;
++ s = acl_authmethod_set_chap_alg_list;
++ break;
++ default:
++ s = 0;
++ }
++ return s;
++static int
++acl_chk_chap_alg_optn(int chap_algorithm)
++ if (chap_algorithm == AUTH_OPTION_NONE ||
++ chap_algorithm == AUTH_CHAP_ALG_MD5)
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static int
++acl_data_to_text(unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_length, char *text,
++ unsigned int text_length)
++ unsigned long n;
++ if (!text || text_length == 0)
++ return 1;
++ if (!data || data_length == 0) {
++ *text = '\0';
++ return 1;
++ }
++ if (text_length < 3) {
++ *text = '\0';
++ return 1;
++ }
++ *text++ = '0';
++ *text++ = 'x';
++ text_length -= 2;
++ while (data_length > 0) {
++ if (text_length < 3) {
++ *text = '\0';
++ return 1;
++ }
++ n = *data++;
++ data_length--;
++ *text++ = acl_hexstring[(n >> 4) & 0xf];
++ *text++ = acl_hexstring[n & 0xf];
++ text_length -= 2;
++ }
++ *text = '\0';
++ return 0;
++static int
++acl_hex_to_data(const char *text, unsigned int text_length, unsigned char *data,
++ unsigned int *data_lenp)
++ int i;
++ unsigned int n1;
++ unsigned int n2;
++ unsigned int data_length = *data_lenp;
++ if ((text_length % 2) == 1) {
++ i = acl_str_index(acl_hexstring, *text++);
++ if (i < 0)
++ return 1; /* error, bad character */
++ if (i > 15)
++ i -= 6;
++ n2 = i;
++ if (data_length < 1)
++ return 1; /* error, too much data */
++ *data++ = n2;
++ data_length--;
++ }
++ while (*text != '\0') {
++ i = acl_str_index(acl_hexstring, *text++);
++ if (i < 0)
++ return 1; /* error, bad character */
++ if (i > 15)
++ i -= 6;
++ n1 = i;
++ if (*text == '\0')
++ return 1; /* error, odd string length */
++ i = acl_str_index(acl_hexstring, *text++);
++ if (i < 0)
++ return 1; /* error, bad character */
++ if (i > 15)
++ i -= 6;
++ n2 = i;
++ if (data_length < 1)
++ return 1; /* error, too much data */
++ *data++ = (n1 << 4) | n2;
++ data_length--;
++ }
++ if (data_length >= *data_lenp)
++ return 1; /* error, no data */
++ *data_lenp = *data_lenp - data_length;
++ return 0; /* no error */
++static int
++acl_base64_to_data(const char *text, unsigned char *data,
++ unsigned int *data_lenp)
++ int i;
++ unsigned int n;
++ unsigned int count;
++ unsigned int data_length = *data_lenp;
++ n = 0;
++ count = 0;
++ while (*text != '\0' && *text != '=') {
++ i = acl_str_index(acl_base64_string, *text++);
++ if (i < 0)
++ return 1; /* error, bad character */
++ n = (n << 6 | (unsigned int)i);
++ count++;
++ if (count >= 4) {
++ if (data_length < 3)
++ return 1; /* error, too much data */
++ *data++ = n >> 16;
++ *data++ = n >> 8;
++ *data++ = n;
++ data_length -= 3;
++ n = 0;
++ count = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ while (*text != '\0')
++ if (*text++ != '=')
++ return 1; /* error, bad pad */
++ if (count == 0) {
++ /* do nothing */
++ } else if (count == 2) {
++ if (data_length < 1)
++ return 1; /* error, too much data */
++ n = n >> 4;
++ *data++ = n;
++ data_length--;
++ } else if (count == 3) {
++ if (data_length < 2)
++ return 1; /* error, too much data */
++ n = n >> 2;
++ *data++ = n >> 8;
++ *data++ = n;
++ data_length -= 2;
++ } else
++ return 1; /* bad encoding */
++ if (data_length >= *data_lenp)
++ return 1; /* error, no data */
++ *data_lenp = *data_lenp - data_length;
++ return 0; /* no error */
++static int
++acl_text_to_data(const char *text, unsigned char *data,
++ unsigned int *data_length)
++ int status;
++ unsigned int text_length;
++ status = acl_chk_string(text, 2 + 2 * AUTH_LARGE_BINARY_MAX_LEN + 1,
++ &text_length);
++ if (status)
++ return status;
++ if (text[0] == '0' && (text[1] == 'x' || text[1] == 'X')) {
++ /* skip prefix */
++ text += 2;
++ text_length -= 2;
++ status = acl_hex_to_data(text, text_length, data, data_length);
++ } else if (text[0] == '0' && (text[1] == 'b' || text[1] == 'B')) {
++ /* skip prefix */
++ text += 2;
++ text_length -= 2;
++ status = acl_base64_to_data(text, data, data_length);
++ } else
++ status = 1; /* prefix not recognized. */
++ return status;
++static void
++acl_init_key_blk(struct auth_key_block *key_blk)
++ char *str_block = key_blk->str_block;
++ memset(key_blk, 0, sizeof(*key_blk));
++ key_blk->str_block = str_block;
++static void
++acl_set_key_value(struct auth_key_block *key_blk, int key_type,
++ const char *key_val)
++ unsigned int length;
++ char *string;
++ if (key_blk->key[key_type].value_set) {
++ key_blk->dup_set = 1;
++ return;
++ }
++ key_blk->key[key_type].value_set = 1;
++ if (!key_val)
++ return;
++ if (acl_chk_string(key_val, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN, &length)) {
++ key_blk->str_too_long = 1;
++ return;
++ }
++ length += 1;
++ if ((key_blk->blk_length + length) > AUTH_STR_BLOCK_MAX_LEN) {
++ key_blk->too_much_data = 1;
++ return;
++ }
++ string = &key_blk->str_block[key_blk->blk_length];
++ if (strlcpy(string, key_val, length) >= length) {
++ key_blk->too_much_data = 1;
++ return;
++ }
++ key_blk->blk_length += length;
++ key_blk->key[key_type].string = string;
++ key_blk->key[key_type].present = 1;
++static const char *
++acl_get_key_val(struct auth_key_block *key_blk, int key_type)
++ key_blk->key[key_type].processed = 1;
++ if (!key_blk->key[key_type].present)
++ return 0;
++ return key_blk->key[key_type].string;
++static void
++acl_chk_key(struct iscsi_acl *client, int key_type, int *negotiated_option,
++ unsigned int option_count, int *option_list,
++ const char *(*value_to_text) (int))
++ const char *key_val;
++ int length;
++ unsigned int i;
++ key_val = acl_get_key_val(&client->recv_key_block, key_type);
++ if (!key_val) {
++ *negotiated_option = AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT;
++ return;
++ }
++ while (*key_val != '\0') {
++ length = 0;
++ while (*key_val != '\0' && *key_val != ',')
++ client->scratch_key_value[length++] = *key_val++;
++ if (*key_val == ',')
++ key_val++;
++ client->scratch_key_value[length++] = '\0';
++ for (i = 0; i < option_count; i++) {
++ const char *s = (*value_to_text)(option_list[i]);
++ if (!s)
++ continue;
++ if (strcmp(client->scratch_key_value, s) == 0) {
++ *negotiated_option = option_list[i];
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ *negotiated_option = AUTH_OPTION_REJECT;
++static void
++acl_set_key(struct iscsi_acl *client, int key_type, unsigned int option_count,
++ int *option_list, const char *(*value_to_text)(int))
++ unsigned int i;
++ if (option_count == 0) {
++ /*
++ * No valid options to send, but we always want to
++ * send something.
++ */
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block, key_type,
++ acl_none_option_name);
++ return;
++ }
++ if (option_count == 1 && option_list[0] == AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT) {
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block, key_type, 0);
++ return;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < option_count; i++) {
++ const char *s = (*value_to_text)(option_list[i]);
++ if (!s)
++ continue;
++ if (i == 0)
++ strlcpy(client->scratch_key_value, s,
++ else {
++ strlcat(client->scratch_key_value, ",",
++ strlcat(client->scratch_key_value, s,
++ }
++ }
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block, key_type,
++ client->scratch_key_value);
++static void
++acl_chk_auth_method_key(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ acl_chk_key(client, AUTH_KEY_TYPE_AUTH_METHOD,
++ &client->negotiated_auth_method,
++ client->auth_method_valid_count,
++ client->auth_method_valid_list,
++ acl_authmethod_optn_to_text);
++static void
++acl_set_auth_method_key(struct iscsi_acl *client,
++ unsigned int auth_method_count, int *auth_method_list)
++ acl_set_key(client, AUTH_KEY_TYPE_AUTH_METHOD, auth_method_count,
++ auth_method_list, acl_authmethod_optn_to_text);
++static void
++acl_chk_chap_alg_key(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ const char *key_val;
++ int length;
++ unsigned long number;
++ unsigned int i;
++ key_val = acl_get_key_val(&client->recv_key_block,
++ if (!key_val) {
++ client->negotiated_chap_alg = AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT;
++ return;
++ }
++ while (*key_val != '\0') {
++ length = 0;
++ while (*key_val != '\0' && *key_val != ',')
++ client->scratch_key_value[length++] = *key_val++;
++ if (*key_val == ',')
++ key_val++;
++ client->scratch_key_value[length++] = '\0';
++ if (acl_text_to_number(client->scratch_key_value, &number))
++ continue;
++ for (i = 0; i < client->chap_alg_count; i++)
++ if (number == (unsigned long)client->chap_alg_list[i])
++ {
++ client->negotiated_chap_alg = number;
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ client->negotiated_chap_alg = AUTH_OPTION_REJECT;
++static void
++acl_set_chap_alg_key(struct iscsi_acl *client, unsigned int chap_alg_count,
++ int *chap_alg_list)
++ unsigned int i;
++ if (chap_alg_count == 0) {
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ return;
++ }
++ if (chap_alg_count == 1 &&
++ chap_alg_list[0] == AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT) {
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ return;
++ }
++ if (chap_alg_count == 1 && chap_alg_list[0] == AUTH_OPTION_REJECT) {
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ acl_reject_option_name);
++ return;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < chap_alg_count; i++) {
++ char s[20];
++ snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%lu",(unsigned long)chap_alg_list[i]);
++ if (i == 0)
++ strlcpy(client->scratch_key_value, s,
++ else {
++ strlcat(client->scratch_key_value, ",",
++ strlcat(client->scratch_key_value, s,
++ }
++ }
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block, AUTH_KEY_TYPE_CHAP_ALG,
++ client->scratch_key_value);
++static void
++acl_next_phase(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ switch (client->phase) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_NEGOTIATE;
++ break;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_AUTHENTICATE;
++ if (client->negotiated_auth_method == AUTH_OPTION_REJECT ||
++ client->negotiated_auth_method == AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT ||
++ client->negotiated_auth_method == AUTH_OPTION_NONE) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_DONE;
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_DONE;
++ if (client->auth_rmt) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ } else
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_PASS;
++ switch (client->negotiated_auth_method) {
++ client->dbg_status =
++ break;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ break;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ }
++ } else if (client->negotiated_auth_method == AUTH_METHOD_CHAP) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_SEND_ALG;
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_SEND_ALG;
++ } else {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_DONE;
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_DONE;
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_AUTH_METHOD_BAD;
++ }
++ break;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ break;
++ default:
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++static void
++acl_local_auth(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ unsigned int chap_identifier;
++ unsigned char response_data[AUTH_CHAP_RSP_LEN];
++ unsigned long number;
++ int status;
++ enum auth_dbg_status dbg_status;
++ const char *chap_identifier_key_val;
++ const char *chap_challenge_key_val;
++ switch (client->local_state) {
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR) {
++ acl_set_chap_alg_key(client, client->chap_alg_count,
++ client->chap_alg_list);
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_RECV_ALG;
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Fall through */
++ acl_chk_chap_alg_key(client);
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_TARGET)
++ acl_set_chap_alg_key(client, 1,
++ &client->negotiated_chap_alg);
++ /* Make sure only supported CHAP algorithm is used. */
++ if (client->negotiated_chap_alg == AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_CHAP_ALG_EXPECTED;
++ break;
++ } else if (client->negotiated_chap_alg == AUTH_OPTION_REJECT) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_CHAP_ALG_REJECT;
++ break;
++ } else if (client->negotiated_chap_alg != AUTH_CHAP_ALG_MD5) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_CHAP_ALG_BAD;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_TARGET) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_RECV_CHALLENGE;
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Fall through */
++ chap_identifier_key_val = acl_get_key_val(&client->recv_key_block,
++ chap_challenge_key_val = acl_get_key_val(&client->recv_key_block,
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_TARGET) {
++ if (!chap_identifier_key_val &&
++ !chap_challenge_key_val) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_DONE;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!chap_identifier_key_val) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!chap_challenge_key_val) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ break;
++ }
++ status = acl_text_to_number(chap_identifier_key_val, &number);
++ if (status || (255 < number)) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_CHAP_IDENTIFIER_BAD;
++ break;
++ }
++ chap_identifier = number;
++ if (client->recv_chap_challenge_status) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_CHALLENGE_BAD;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_TARGET &&
++ client->recv_chap_challenge.length ==
++ client->send_chap_challenge.length &&
++ memcmp(client->recv_chap_challenge.large_binary,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.large_binary,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.length) == 0) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ break;
++ }
++ dbg_status = acl_chap_compute_rsp(client, 0,
++ chap_identifier,
++ client->recv_chap_challenge.large_binary,
++ client->recv_chap_challenge.length,
++ response_data);
++ if (dbg_status != AUTH_DBG_STATUS_NOT_SET) {
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = dbg_status;
++ break;
++ }
++ acl_data_to_text(response_data,
++ AUTH_CHAP_RSP_LEN, client->scratch_key_value,
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ client->scratch_key_value);
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ client->username);
++ client->local_state = AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_DONE;
++ break;
++ break;
++ default:
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++static void
++acl_rmt_auth(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ unsigned char id_data[1];
++ unsigned char response_data[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ unsigned int rsp_len = AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN;
++ unsigned char my_rsp_data[AUTH_CHAP_RSP_LEN];
++ int status;
++ enum auth_dbg_status dbg_status;
++ const char *chap_rsp_key_val;
++ const char *chap_username_key_val;
++ switch (client->rmt_state) {
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR) {
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_SEND_CHALLENGE;
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Fall through */
++ if (!client->auth_rmt) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_PASS;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_AUTH_RMT_FALSE;
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_DONE;
++ break;
++ }
++ get_random_bytes(id_data, 1);
++ client->send_chap_identifier = id_data[0];
++ snprintf(client->scratch_key_value, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN, "%lu",
++ (unsigned long)client->send_chap_identifier);
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ client->scratch_key_value);
++ client->send_chap_challenge.length = client->chap_challenge_len;
++ get_random_bytes(client->send_chap_challenge.large_binary,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.length);
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_RECV_RSP;
++ break;
++ chap_rsp_key_val = acl_get_key_val(&client->recv_key_block,
++ chap_username_key_val = acl_get_key_val(&client->recv_key_block,
++ if (!chap_rsp_key_val) {
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_CHAP_RSP_EXPECTED;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!chap_username_key_val) {
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_ERROR;
++ break;
++ }
++ status = acl_text_to_data(chap_rsp_key_val, response_data,
++ &rsp_len);
++ if (status) {
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_CHAP_RSP_BAD;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (rsp_len == AUTH_CHAP_RSP_LEN) {
++ dbg_status = acl_chap_compute_rsp(client, 1,
++ client->send_chap_identifier,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.large_binary,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.length,
++ my_rsp_data);
++ if (dbg_status == AUTH_DBG_STATUS_NOT_SET &&
++ memcmp(my_rsp_data, response_data,
++ AUTH_CHAP_RSP_LEN) == 0) {
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_ERROR;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_PASSWD_IDENTICAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ strlcpy(client->chap_username, chap_username_key_val,
++ status = acl_chap_auth_request(client, client->chap_username,
++ client->send_chap_identifier,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.
++ large_binary,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.
++ length, response_data,
++ rsp_len);
++ client->rmt_auth_status = (enum auth_status) status;
++ client->auth_rsp_flag = 1;
++ if (client->auth_server_error_flag) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_AUTH_SERVER_ERROR;
++ } else if (client->rmt_auth_status == AUTH_STATUS_PASS)
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_AUTH_PASS;
++ else if (client->rmt_auth_status == AUTH_STATUS_FAIL)
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_AUTH_FAIL;
++ else {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_AUTH_STATUS_BAD;
++ }
++ client->rmt_state = AUTH_RMT_STATE_DONE;
++ /* Fall through */
++ break;
++ default:
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++static void
++acl_hand_shake(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_DONE)
++ /*
++ * Should only happen if authentication
++ * protocol error occured.
++ */
++ return;
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR)
++ /*
++ * Target should only have set T bit on response if
++ * initiator set it on previous message.
++ */
++ if (client->recv_key_block.transit_bit &&
++ !client->transit_bit_sent_flag) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ return;
++ }
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_NEGOTIATE) {
++ /*
++ * Should only happen if waiting for peer
++ * to send AuthMethod key or set Transit Bit.
++ */
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR)
++ client->send_key_block.transit_bit = 1;
++ return;
++ }
++ if (client->rmt_state == AUTH_RMT_STATE_RECV_RSP ||
++ client->rmt_state == AUTH_RMT_STATE_DONE) {
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR) {
++ if (client->recv_key_block.transit_bit) {
++ if (client->rmt_state !=
++ goto recv_transit_bit_err;
++ acl_next_phase(client);
++ } else
++ client->send_key_block.transit_bit = 1;
++ } else {
++ if (client->rmt_state == AUTH_RMT_STATE_DONE &&
++ client->rmt_auth_status != AUTH_STATUS_PASS)
++ /*
++ * Authentication failed, don't do T bit
++ * handshake.
++ */
++ acl_next_phase(client);
++ else {
++ /*
++ * Target can only set T bit on response if
++ * initiator set it on current message.
++ */
++ if (client->recv_key_block.transit_bit) {
++ client->send_key_block.transit_bit = 1;
++ acl_next_phase(client);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR)
++ if (client->recv_key_block.transit_bit)
++ goto recv_transit_bit_err;
++ return;
++ recv_transit_bit_err:
++ /*
++ * Target set T bit on response but
++ * initiator was not done with authentication.
++ */
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_T_BIT_SET_PREMATURE;
++static int
++acl_rcv_end_status(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ int auth_status;
++ int key_type;
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_ERROR)
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_DONE) {
++ /* Perform sanity check against configured parameters. */
++ if (client->auth_rmt && !client->auth_rsp_flag &&
++ client->rmt_auth_status == AUTH_STATUS_PASS) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_AUTHPASS_NOT_VALID;
++ }
++ auth_status = client->rmt_auth_status;
++ } else
++ auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_CONTINUE;
++ if (auth_status == AUTH_STATUS_CONTINUE ||
++ auth_status == AUTH_STATUS_PASS) {
++ if (client->send_key_block.dup_set) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ } else if (client->send_key_block.str_too_long) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ } else if (client->send_key_block.too_much_data) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ } else {
++ /* Check that all incoming keys have been processed. */
++ for (key_type = AUTH_KEY_TYPE_FIRST;
++ key_type < AUTH_KEY_TYPE_MAX_COUNT; key_type++)
++ if (client->recv_key_block.key[key_type].present &&
++ !client->recv_key_block.key[key_type].
++ processed)
++ break;
++ if (key_type < AUTH_KEY_TYPE_MAX_COUNT) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (auth_status != AUTH_STATUS_PASS &&
++ auth_status != AUTH_STATUS_CONTINUE) {
++ int auth_method_key_present = 0;
++ int chap_alg_key_present = 0;
++ /*
++ * Suppress send keys on error,
++ * except for AuthMethod and CHAP_A.
++ */
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_TARGET) {
++ if (acl_get_key_val(&client->send_key_block,
++ auth_method_key_present = 1;
++ else if (acl_get_key_val(&client->send_key_block,
++ chap_alg_key_present = 1;
++ }
++ acl_init_key_blk(&client->send_key_block);
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_TARGET) {
++ if (auth_method_key_present &&
++ client->negotiated_auth_method ==
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ acl_reject_option_name);
++ else if (chap_alg_key_present &&
++ client->negotiated_chap_alg ==
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->send_key_block,
++ acl_reject_option_name);
++ }
++ }
++ client->recv_in_progress_flag = 0;
++ return auth_status;
++acl_recv_begin(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_ERROR)
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_DONE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (client->recv_in_progress_flag) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ client->recv_in_progress_flag = 1;
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE)
++ acl_next_phase(client);
++ client->transit_bit_sent_flag = client->send_key_block.transit_bit;
++ acl_init_key_blk(&client->recv_key_block);
++ acl_init_key_blk(&client->send_key_block);
++acl_recv_end(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ int next_phase_flag = 0;
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase == AUTH_PHASE_ERROR)
++ if (!client->recv_in_progress_flag) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (client->recv_end_count > AUTH_RECV_END_MAX_COUNT) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_RECV_MSG_COUNT_LIMIT;
++ } else if (client->recv_key_block.dup_set) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_RECV_DUP_SET_KEY_VALUE;
++ } else if (client->recv_key_block.str_too_long) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_RECV_STR_TOO_LONG;
++ } else if (client->recv_key_block.too_much_data) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status = AUTH_DBG_STATUS_RECV_TOO_MUCH_DATA;
++ }
++ client->recv_end_count++;
++ switch (client->phase) {
++ acl_chk_auth_method_key(client);
++ if (client->auth_method_valid_neg_role ==
++ if (client->negotiated_auth_method ==
++ if (client->auth_rmt ||
++ !client->recv_key_block.transit_bit) {
++ /*
++ * No AuthMethod key from peer on
++ * first message, try moving the
++ * process along by sending the
++ * AuthMethod key.
++ */
++ client->auth_method_valid_neg_role =
++ acl_set_auth_method_key(client,
++ client->auth_method_valid_count,
++ client->auth_method_valid_list);
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Special case if peer sent no AuthMethod key,
++ * but did set Transit Bit, allowing this side
++ * to do a null authentication, and compelete
++ * the iSCSI security phase without either side
++ * sending the AuthMethod key.
++ */
++ } else
++ /* Send response to AuthMethod key. */
++ acl_set_auth_method_key(client, 1,
++ &client->negotiated_auth_method);
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR)
++ acl_next_phase(client);
++ else
++ next_phase_flag = 1;
++ } else {
++ if (client->negotiated_auth_method ==
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ client->dbg_status =
++ break;
++ }
++ acl_next_phase(client);
++ }
++ break;
++ break;
++ default:
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ switch (client->phase) {
++ if (next_phase_flag)
++ acl_next_phase(client);
++ break;
++ /*
++ * Must call acl_local_auth()
++ * before acl_rmt_auth()
++ * to insure processing of the CHAP algorithm key,
++ * and to avoid leaving an in progress request to the
++ * authentication service.
++ */
++ acl_local_auth(client);
++ if (client->local_state != AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR)
++ acl_rmt_auth(client);
++ if (client->local_state == AUTH_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR ||
++ client->rmt_state == AUTH_RMT_STATE_ERROR) {
++ client->rmt_auth_status = AUTH_STATUS_FAIL;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_DONE;
++ /* client->dbg_status should already be set. */
++ }
++ break;
++ break;
++ default:
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ acl_hand_shake(client);
++ return acl_rcv_end_status(client);
++const char *
++acl_get_key_name(int key_type)
++ /*
++ * Note: The ordering of this table must match the order
++ * defined by enum auth_key_type in iscsi-auth-client.h.
++ */
++ static char *const key_names[AUTH_KEY_TYPE_MAX_COUNT] = {
++ "AuthMethod",
++ "CHAP_A",
++ "CHAP_N",
++ "CHAP_R",
++ "CHAP_I",
++ "CHAP_C"
++ };
++ if (key_type < AUTH_KEY_TYPE_FIRST || key_type > AUTH_KEY_TYPE_LAST)
++ return 0;
++ return key_names[key_type];
++acl_get_next_key_type(int *key_type)
++ if (*key_type >= AUTH_KEY_TYPE_LAST)
++ if (*key_type < AUTH_KEY_TYPE_FIRST)
++ *key_type = AUTH_KEY_TYPE_FIRST;
++ else
++ (*key_type)++;
++acl_recv_key_value(struct iscsi_acl *client, int key_type,
++ const char *user_key_val)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_NEGOTIATE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_AUTHENTICATE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (key_type < AUTH_KEY_TYPE_FIRST || key_type > AUTH_KEY_TYPE_LAST) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (key_type == AUTH_KEY_TYPE_CHAP_CHALLENGE) {
++ client->recv_chap_challenge.length =
++ client->recv_chap_challenge_status =
++ acl_text_to_data(user_key_val,
++ client->recv_chap_challenge.large_binary,
++ &client->recv_chap_challenge.length);
++ user_key_val = "";
++ }
++ acl_set_key_value(&client->recv_key_block, key_type, user_key_val);
++acl_send_key_val(struct iscsi_acl *client, int key_type, int *key_present,
++ char *user_key_val, unsigned int max_length)
++ const char *key_val;
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_NEGOTIATE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_AUTHENTICATE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_DONE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (key_type < AUTH_KEY_TYPE_FIRST || key_type > AUTH_KEY_TYPE_LAST) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ key_val = acl_get_key_val(&client->send_key_block, key_type);
++ if (key_val) {
++ if (key_type == AUTH_KEY_TYPE_CHAP_CHALLENGE) {
++ if (acl_data_to_text(client->send_chap_challenge.large_binary,
++ client->send_chap_challenge.length, user_key_val,
++ max_length)) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ } else if (strlcpy(user_key_val, key_val, max_length) >=
++ max_length) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ *key_present = 1;
++ } else
++ *key_present = 0;
++acl_recv_transit_bit(struct iscsi_acl *client, int value)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_NEGOTIATE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_AUTHENTICATE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (value)
++ client->recv_key_block.transit_bit = 1;
++ else
++ client->recv_key_block.transit_bit = 0;
++acl_send_transit_bit(struct iscsi_acl *client, int *value)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_NEGOTIATE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_AUTHENTICATE &&
++ client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_DONE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ *value = client->send_key_block.transit_bit;
++static int
++acl_set_option_list(struct iscsi_acl *client, unsigned int opt_count,
++ const int *opt_list, unsigned int *clnt_optn_count,
++ int *clnt_optn_list, unsigned int optn_max_count,
++ int (*chk_option)(int),
++ int (*chk_list)(unsigned int opt_count, const int *opt_list))
++ unsigned int i, j;
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE ||
++ opt_count > optn_max_count) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < opt_count; i++)
++ if (chk_option(opt_list[i])) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* Check for duplicate entries. */
++ for (i = 0; i < opt_count; i++)
++ for (j = 0; j < opt_count; j++) {
++ if (j == i)
++ continue;
++ if (opt_list[i] == opt_list[j]) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Check for key specific constraints. */
++ if (chk_list)
++ if (chk_list(opt_count, opt_list)) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < opt_count; i++)
++ clnt_optn_list[i] = opt_list[i];
++ *clnt_optn_count = opt_count;
++static int
++acl_chk_auth_method_list(unsigned int option_count, const int *option_list)
++ unsigned int i;
++ if (!option_list || option_count < 2)
++ return 1;
++ if (option_list[option_count - 1] != AUTH_OPTION_NONE)
++ return 1;
++ for (i = 0; i < (option_count - 1); i++)
++ if (option_list[i] != AUTH_OPTION_NONE)
++ return 0;
++ return 0;
++static void
++acl_set_auth_method_valid(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ unsigned int i, j = 0;
++ int option = 0;
++ /*
++ * Following checks may need to be revised if
++ * authentication options other than CHAP and none
++ * are supported.
++ */
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR) {
++ if (client->auth_rmt)
++ /*
++ * If initiator doing authentication,
++ * don't offer authentication option none.
++ */
++ option = 1;
++ else if (!client->passwd_present)
++ /*
++ * If initiator password not set,
++ * only offer authentication option none.
++ */
++ option = 2;
++ }
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_TARGET) {
++ if (client->auth_rmt)
++ /*
++ * If target doing authentication,
++ * don't accept authentication option none.
++ */
++ option = 1;
++ else
++ /*
++ * If target not doing authentication,
++ * only accept authentication option none.
++ */
++ option = 2;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < client->auth_method_count; i++) {
++ if (option == 1) {
++ if (client->auth_method_list[i] == AUTH_OPTION_NONE)
++ continue;
++ } else if (option == 2)
++ if (client->auth_method_list[i] != AUTH_OPTION_NONE)
++ continue;
++ client->auth_method_valid_list[j++] = client->auth_method_list[i];
++ }
++ client->auth_method_valid_count = j;
++ acl_init_key_blk(&client->send_key_block);
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR) {
++ if (client->auth_rmt) {
++ /*
++ * Initiator wants to authenticate target,
++ * always send AuthMethod key.
++ */
++ client->send_key_block.transit_bit = 0;
++ client->auth_method_valid_neg_role =
++ } else {
++ client->send_key_block.transit_bit = 1;
++ client->auth_method_valid_neg_role =
++ client->auth_method_neg_role;
++ }
++ } else {
++ client->send_key_block.transit_bit = 0;
++ client->auth_method_valid_neg_role = AUTH_NEG_ROLE_RESPONDER;
++ }
++ if (client->auth_method_valid_neg_role == AUTH_NEG_ROLE_ORIGINATOR)
++ acl_set_auth_method_key(client, client->auth_method_valid_count,
++ client->auth_method_valid_list);
++ else {
++ acl_set_auth_method_key(client, 1, &value);
++ }
++static int
++acl_set_auth_method_list(struct iscsi_acl *client, unsigned int option_count,
++ const int *option_list)
++ int status;
++ status = acl_set_option_list(client, option_count, option_list,
++ &client->auth_method_count,
++ client->auth_method_list,
++ acl_chk_auth_mthd_optn,
++ acl_chk_auth_method_list);
++ if (status != AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
++ return status;
++ /* Setting authMethod affects auth_method_valid. */
++ acl_set_auth_method_valid(client);
++static int
++acl_chk_chap_alg_list(unsigned int option_count, const int *option_list)
++ if (!option_list || option_count < 1)
++ return 1;
++ return 0;
++static int
++acl_set_chap_alg_list(struct iscsi_acl *client, unsigned int option_count,
++ const int *option_list)
++ return acl_set_option_list(client, option_count, option_list,
++ &client->chap_alg_count,
++ client->chap_alg_list,
++ acl_chk_chap_alg_optn,
++ acl_chk_chap_alg_list);
++acl_init(int node_type, struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_acl *client;
++ struct auth_str_block *rcv_str_blk;
++ struct auth_str_block *snd_str_blk;
++ struct auth_large_binary *rcv_chap_chlng;
++ struct auth_large_binary *snd_chap_chlng;
++ int value_list[2];
++ if (!session->auth_client_block)
++ client = session->auth_client_block;
++ if (!session->auth_recv_string_block)
++ rcv_str_blk = session->auth_recv_string_block;
++ if (!session->auth_send_string_block)
++ snd_str_blk = session->auth_send_string_block;
++ if (!session->auth_recv_binary_block)
++ rcv_chap_chlng = session->auth_recv_binary_block;
++ if (!session->auth_send_binary_block)
++ snd_chap_chlng = session->auth_send_binary_block;
++ memset(client, 0, sizeof(*client));
++ memset(rcv_str_blk, 0, sizeof(*rcv_str_blk));
++ memset(snd_str_blk, 0, sizeof(*snd_str_blk));
++ memset(rcv_chap_chlng, 0, sizeof(*rcv_chap_chlng));
++ memset(snd_chap_chlng, 0, sizeof(*snd_chap_chlng));
++ client->recv_key_block.str_block = rcv_str_blk->str_block;
++ client->send_key_block.str_block = snd_str_blk->str_block;
++ client->recv_chap_challenge.large_binary = rcv_chap_chlng->large_binary;
++ client->send_chap_challenge.large_binary = snd_chap_chlng->large_binary;
++ if (node_type != TYPE_INITIATOR && node_type != TYPE_TARGET) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ client->signature = ACL_SIGNATURE;
++ client->node_type = (enum auth_node_type) node_type;
++ client->auth_rmt = 1;
++ client->passwd_present = 0;
++ client->chap_challenge_len = AUTH_CHAP_RSP_LEN;
++ client->ip_sec = 0;
++ client->session_handle = session;
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE;
++ client->negotiated_auth_method = AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT;
++ client->negotiated_chap_alg = AUTH_OPTION_NOT_PRESENT;
++ if (client->node_type == TYPE_INITIATOR)
++ client->auth_method_neg_role = AUTH_NEG_ROLE_ORIGINATOR;
++ else
++ /* Initial value ignored for Target. */
++ client->auth_method_neg_role = AUTH_NEG_ROLE_RESPONDER;
++ value_list[0] = AUTH_METHOD_CHAP;
++ value_list[1] = AUTH_OPTION_NONE;
++ /*
++ * Must call after setting auth_rmt, password,
++ * and auth_method_neg_role
++ */
++ if (acl_set_auth_method_list(client, 2, value_list) !=
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ value_list[0] = AUTH_CHAP_ALG_MD5;
++ if (acl_set_chap_alg_list(client, 1, value_list) !=
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++acl_finish(struct iscsi_acl *client)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ memset(client, 0, sizeof(*client));
++acl_set_user_name(struct iscsi_acl *client, const char *username)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE ||
++ acl_chk_string(username, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN, 0)) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (strlcpy(client->username, username, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN) >=
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++acl_set_passwd(struct iscsi_acl *client, const unsigned char *passwd_data,
++ unsigned int passwd_length)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE ||
++ passwd_length > AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ memcpy(client->passwd_data, passwd_data, passwd_length);
++ client->passwd_length = passwd_length;
++ client->passwd_present = 1;
++ /* Setting password may affect auth_method_valid. */
++ acl_set_auth_method_valid(client);
++acl_set_auth_rmt(struct iscsi_acl *client, int auth_rmt)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ client->auth_rmt = auth_rmt;
++ /* Setting auth_rmt may affect auth_method_valid. */
++ acl_set_auth_method_valid(client);
++acl_set_ip_sec(struct iscsi_acl *client, int ip_sec)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_CONFIGURE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ client->ip_sec = ip_sec;
++acl_get_dbg_status(struct iscsi_acl *client, int *value)
++ if (!client || client->signature != ACL_SIGNATURE)
++ if (client->phase != AUTH_PHASE_DONE) {
++ client->phase = AUTH_PHASE_ERROR;
++ }
++ *value = client->dbg_status;
++const char *
++acl_dbg_status_to_text(int dbg_status)
++ /*
++ * Note: The ordering of this table must match the order
++ * defined by enum auth_dbg_status in iscsi-auth-client.h.
++ */
++ static char *const dbg_text[AUTH_DBG_STATUS_MAX_COUNT] = {
++ "Debug status not set",
++ "Authentication request passed",
++ "Authentication not enabled",
++ "Authentication request failed",
++ "AuthMethod bad",
++ "CHAP algorithm bad",
++ "Decrypt password failed",
++ "Local password too short with no IPSec",
++ "Unexpected error from authentication server",
++ "Authentication request status bad",
++ "Authentication pass status not valid",
++ "Same key set more than once on send",
++ "Key value too long on send",
++ "Too much data on send",
++ "AuthMethod key expected",
++ "CHAP algorithm key expected",
++ "CHAP identifier expected",
++ "CHAP challenge expected",
++ "CHAP response expected",
++ "CHAP username expected",
++ "AuthMethod key not present",
++ "AuthMethod negotiation failed",
++ "AuthMethod negotiated to none",
++ "CHAP algorithm negotiation failed",
++ "CHAP challange reflected",
++ "Local password same as remote",
++ "Local password not set",
++ "CHAP identifier bad",
++ "CHAP challenge bad",
++ "CHAP response bad",
++ "Unexpected key present",
++ "T bit set on response, but not on previous message",
++ "T bit set on response, but authenticaton not complete",
++ "Message count limit reached on receive",
++ "Same key set more than once on receive",
++ "Key value too long on receive",
++ "Too much data on receive"
++ };
++ if (dbg_status < 0 || dbg_status >= AUTH_DBG_STATUS_MAX_COUNT)
++ return "Unknown error";
++ return dbg_text[dbg_status];
++acl_data(unsigned char *out_data, unsigned int *out_length,
++ unsigned char *in_data, unsigned int in_length)
++ if (*out_length < in_length)
++ return 1; /* error */
++ memcpy(out_data, in_data, in_length);
++ *out_length = in_length;
++ return 0; /* no error */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-auth-client.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-auth-client.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:55.780339354 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-auth-client.h,v 2005/03/15 06:33:39 wysochanski Exp $
++ *
++ * This file is the include file for for iscsi-auth-client.c
++ */
++struct iscsi_session;
++enum {
++ AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN = 256,
++ ACL_SIGNATURE = 0x5984B2E3,
++ * Note: The ordering of these values are chosen to match
++ * the ordering of the keys as shown in the iSCSI spec.
++ * The order of table key_names in acl_get_key_name()
++ * must match the order defined by enum auth_key_type.
++ */
++enum auth_key_type {
++enum {
++ /* Common options for all keys. */
++enum auth_neg_role {
++enum auth_status {
++ * Note: The order of table dbg_text in acl_dbg_status_to_text()
++ * must match the ordered defined by enum auth_dbg_status.
++ */
++enum auth_dbg_status {
++enum auth_node_type {
++enum auth_phase {
++enum auth_local_state {
++enum auth_rmt_state {
++struct auth_key {
++ unsigned int present:1;
++ unsigned int processed:1;
++ unsigned int value_set:1;
++ char *string;
++struct auth_large_binary_key {
++ unsigned int length;
++ unsigned char *large_binary;
++struct auth_key_block {
++ unsigned int transit_bit:1;
++ unsigned int dup_set:1;
++ unsigned int str_too_long:1;
++ unsigned int too_much_data:1;
++ unsigned int blk_length:16;
++ char *str_block;
++ struct auth_key key[AUTH_KEY_TYPE_MAX_COUNT];
++struct auth_str_block {
++ char str_block[AUTH_STR_BLOCK_MAX_LEN];
++struct auth_large_binary {
++ unsigned char large_binary[AUTH_LARGE_BINARY_MAX_LEN];
++struct iscsi_acl {
++ unsigned long signature;
++ enum auth_node_type node_type;
++ unsigned int auth_method_count;
++ int auth_method_list[AUTH_METHOD_MAX_COUNT];
++ enum auth_neg_role auth_method_neg_role;
++ unsigned int chap_alg_count;
++ int chap_alg_list[AUTH_CHAP_ALG_MAX_COUNT];
++ int auth_rmt;
++ char username[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ int passwd_present;
++ unsigned int passwd_length;
++ unsigned char passwd_data[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ unsigned int chap_challenge_len;
++ int ip_sec;
++ unsigned int auth_method_valid_count;
++ int auth_method_valid_list[AUTH_METHOD_MAX_COUNT];
++ int auth_method_valid_neg_role;
++ int recv_in_progress_flag;
++ int recv_end_count;
++ /*
++ * session for callbacks
++ */
++ struct iscsi_session *session_handle;
++ enum auth_phase phase;
++ enum auth_local_state local_state;
++ enum auth_rmt_state rmt_state;
++ enum auth_status rmt_auth_status;
++ enum auth_dbg_status dbg_status;
++ int negotiated_auth_method;
++ int negotiated_chap_alg;
++ int auth_rsp_flag;
++ int auth_server_error_flag;
++ int transit_bit_sent_flag;
++ unsigned int send_chap_identifier;
++ struct auth_large_binary_key send_chap_challenge;
++ char chap_username[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ int recv_chap_challenge_status;
++ struct auth_large_binary_key recv_chap_challenge;
++ char scratch_key_value[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ struct auth_key_block recv_key_block;
++ struct auth_key_block send_key_block;
++extern int acl_init(int node_type, struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern int acl_finish(struct iscsi_acl *client);
++extern int acl_recv_begin(struct iscsi_acl *client);
++extern int acl_recv_end(struct iscsi_acl *client);
++extern const char *acl_get_key_name(int key_type);
++extern int acl_get_next_key_type(int *key_type);
++extern int acl_recv_key_value(struct iscsi_acl *client, int key_type,
++ const char *user_key_val);
++extern int acl_send_key_val(struct iscsi_acl *client, int key_type,
++ int *key_present, char *user_key_val,
++ unsigned int max_length);
++extern int acl_recv_transit_bit(struct iscsi_acl *client, int value);
++extern int acl_send_transit_bit(struct iscsi_acl *client, int *value);
++extern int acl_set_user_name(struct iscsi_acl *client, const char *username);
++extern int acl_set_passwd(struct iscsi_acl *client,
++ const unsigned char *pw_data, unsigned int pw_len);
++extern int acl_set_auth_rmt(struct iscsi_acl *client, int auth_rmt);
++extern int acl_set_ip_sec(struct iscsi_acl *client, int ip_sec);
++extern int acl_get_dbg_status(struct iscsi_acl *client, int *value);
++extern const char *acl_dbg_status_to_text(int dbg_status);
++extern enum auth_dbg_status acl_chap_compute_rsp(struct iscsi_acl *client,
++ int rmt_auth,
++ unsigned int id,
++ unsigned char *challenge_data,
++ unsigned int challenge_len,
++ unsigned char *response_data);
++extern int acl_chap_auth_request(struct iscsi_acl *client, char *username,
++ unsigned int id,
++ unsigned char *challenge_data,
++ unsigned int challenge_length,
++ unsigned char *response_data,
++ unsigned int rsp_length);
++extern int acl_data(unsigned char *out_data, unsigned int *out_length,
++ unsigned char *in_data, unsigned int in_length);
++#endif /* #ifndef ISCSIAUTHCLIENT_H */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:19:56.688824080 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
++ * Constants and structures defined in the iSCSI RFC.
++ */
++#ifndef ISCSI_H_
++#define ISCSI_H_
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#define ISCSI_DRAFT20_VERSION 0x00
++/* TCP port for iSCSI connections assigned by IANA */
++#define ISCSI_TCP_PORT 3260
++/* Reserved value for initiator/target task tag */
++#define ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG 0xffffffff
++/* most PDU types have a final bit */
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_FINAL 0x80
++/* iSCSI Template Header */
++struct iscsi_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags; /* Final bit */
++ __u8 rsvd2[2];
++ __u8 hlength; /* AHSs total length */
++ __u8 dlength[3]; /* Data length */
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u8 other[28];
++/* Opcode encoding bits */
++#define ISCSI_OP_RETRY 0x80
++#define ISCSI_OP_IMMEDIATE 0x40
++#define ISCSI_OPCODE_MASK 0x3F
++/* Client to Server Message Opcode values */
++#define ISCSI_OP_NOOP_OUT 0x00
++#define ISCSI_OP_SCSI_CMD 0x01
++#define ISCSI_OP_TASK_MGT_REQ 0x02
++#define ISCSI_OP_LOGIN_CMD 0x03
++#define ISCSI_OP_TEXT_CMD 0x04
++#define ISCSI_OP_SCSI_DATA 0x05
++#define ISCSI_OP_LOGOUT_CMD 0x06
++#define ISCSI_OP_SNACK_CMD 0x10
++/* Server to Client Message Opcode values */
++#define ISCSI_OP_NOOP_IN 0x20
++#define ISCSI_OP_SCSI_RSP 0x21
++#define ISCSI_OP_LOGIN_RSP 0x23
++#define ISCSI_OP_TEXT_RSP 0x24
++#define ISCSI_OP_SCSI_DATA_RSP 0x25
++#define ISCSI_OP_LOGOUT_RSP 0x26
++#define ISCSI_OP_R2T 0x31
++#define ISCSI_OP_ASYNC_MSG 0x32
++#define ISCSI_OP_REJECT 0x3f
++/* SCSI Command Header */
++struct iscsi_scsi_cmd_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2;
++ __u8 cmdrn;
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 data_length;
++ __u32 cmdsn;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u8 scb[16]; /* SCSI Command Block */
++ /* Additional Data (Command Dependent) */
++/* Command PDU flags */
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_CMD_READ 0x40
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_CMD_WRITE 0x20
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_CMD_ATTR_MASK 0x07 /* 3 bits */
++/* SCSI Command Attribute values */
++#define ISCSI_ATTR_ACA 4
++/* SCSI Response Header */
++struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 response;
++ __u8 cmd_status;
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 rsvd[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 rsvd1;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u32 expdatasn;
++ __u32 bi_residual_count;
++ __u32 residual_count;
++ /* Response or Sense Data (optional) */
++/* Command Response PDU flags */
++/* iSCSI Status values. Valid if Rsp Selector bit is not set */
++/* Asynchronous Message Header */
++struct iscsi_async_msg_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2[2];
++ __u8 rsvd3;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u8 rsvd4[8];
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u8 async_event;
++ __u8 async_vcode;
++ __u16 param1;
++ __u16 param2;
++ __u16 param3;
++ __u8 rsvd5[4];
++/* iSCSI Event Codes */
++/* NOP-Out */
++struct iscsi_nop_out_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u16 rsvd2;
++ __u8 rsvd3;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 ttt;
++ __u32 cmdsn;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u8 rsvd4[16];
++/* NOP-In */
++struct iscsi_nop_in_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u16 rsvd2;
++ __u8 rsvd3;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 ttt;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u8 rsvd4[12];
++/* SCSI Task Management Request Header */
++struct iscsi_scsi_task_mgmt_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd1[2];
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 rtt;
++ __u32 cmdsn;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u32 refcmdsn;
++ __u32 expdatasn;
++ __u8 rsvd2[8];
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_TMF_MASK 0x7F
++/* Function values */
++/* SCSI Task Management Response Header */
++struct iscsi_scsi_task_mgmt_rsp_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 response; /* see Response values below */
++ __u8 qualifier;
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 rsvd2[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 rtt;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u8 rsvd3[12];
++/* Response values */
++/* Ready To Transfer Header */
++struct iscsi_r2t_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2[2];
++ __u8 rsvd3[12];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 ttt;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u32 rttsn;
++ __u32 data_offset;
++ __u32 data_length;
++/* SCSI Data Hdr */
++struct iscsi_data_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2[2];
++ __u8 rsvd3;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 ttt;
++ __u32 rsvd4;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u32 rsvd5;
++ __u32 datasn;
++ __u32 offset;
++ __u32 rsvd6;
++ /* Payload */
++/* SCSI Data Response Hdr */
++struct iscsi_data_rsp_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2;
++ __u8 cmd_status;
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 lun[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 ttt;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u32 datasn;
++ __u32 offset;
++ __u32 residual_count;
++/* Data Response PDU flags */
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_DATA_ACK 0x40
++/* Text Header */
++struct iscsi_txt_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2[2];
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 rsvd4[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 ttt;
++ __u32 cmdsn;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u8 rsvd5[16];
++ /* Text - key=value pairs */
++/* Text Response Header */
++struct iscsi_txt_rsp_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2[2];
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 rsvd4[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 ttt;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u8 rsvd5[12];
++ /* Text Response - key:value pairs */
++/* Login Header */
++struct iscsi_login_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 max_version;
++ __u8 min_version;
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 isid[6];
++ __u16 tsih;
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u16 cid;
++ __u16 rsvd3;
++ __u32 cmdsn;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u8 rsvd5[16];
++/* Login PDU flags */
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_LOGIN_CURRENT_STAGE_MASK 0x0C /* 2 bits */
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_LOGIN_NEXT_STAGE_MASK 0x03 /* 2 bits */
++#define ISCSI_LOGIN_CURRENT_STAGE(flags) \
++#define ISCSI_LOGIN_NEXT_STAGE(flags) \
++/* Login Response Header */
++struct iscsi_login_rsp_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 max_version;
++ __u8 active_version;
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 isid[6];
++ __u16 tsih;
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 rsvd3;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u8 status_class; /* see Login RSP ststus classes below */
++ __u8 status_detail; /* see Login RSP Status details below */
++ __u8 rsvd4[10];
++/* Login stage (phase) codes for CSG, NSG */
++/* Login Status response classes */
++/* Login Status response detail codes */
++/* Class-0 (Success) */
++/* Class-1 (Redirection) */
++/* Class-2 (Initiator Error) */
++/* Class-3 (Target Error) */
++/* Logout Header */
++struct iscsi_logout_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd1[2];
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 rsvd2[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u16 cid;
++ __u8 rsvd3[2];
++ __u32 cmdsn;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u8 rsvd4[16];
++/* Logout PDU flags */
++/* logout reason_code values */
++/* Logout Response Header */
++struct iscsi_logout_rsp_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 response; /* see Logout response values below */
++ __u8 rsvd2;
++ __u8 hlength;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 rsvd3[8];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 rsvd4;
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u32 rsvd5;
++ __u16 t2wait;
++ __u16 t2retain;
++ __u32 rsvd6;
++/* logout response status values */
++/* SNACK Header */
++struct iscsi_snack_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 rsvd2[14];
++ __u32 itt;
++ __u32 begrun;
++ __u32 runlength;
++ __u32 expstatsn;
++ __u32 rsvd3;
++ __u32 expdatasn;
++ __u8 rsvd6[8];
++/* SNACK PDU flags */
++#define ISCSI_FLAG_SNACK_TYPE_MASK 0x0F /* 4 bits */
++/* Reject Header */
++struct iscsi_reject_hdr {
++ __u8 opcode;
++ __u8 flags;
++ __u8 reason;
++ __u8 rsvd2;
++ __u8 rsvd3;
++ __u8 dlength[3];
++ __u8 rsvd4[16];
++ __u32 statsn;
++ __u32 expcmdsn;
++ __u32 maxcmdsn;
++ __u32 datasn;
++ __u8 rsvd5[8];
++ /* Text - Rejected hdr */
++/* Reason for Reject */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-initiator.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-initiator.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:24:27.411879231 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-initiator.c,v 2005/04/27 06:26:20 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * This file contains interfaces required by SCSI mid layer, module
++ * initialization and shutdown routines.
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include <linux/notifier.h>
++#include <linux/reboot.h>
++#include <linux/in.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_tcq.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-task.h"
++ * IMPORTANT NOTE: to prevent deadlock, when holding multiple locks,
++ * the following locking order must be followed at all times:
++ *
++ * session->portal_lock - access to a session's portal info
++ * session->task_lock - access to a session's collections of tasks
++ * host_lock - mid-layer acquires before calling queuecommand,
++ * and eh_*.
++ *
++ * Note for grabbing task_lock: queuecommand and eh_timed_out are invoked in
++ * soft_irq context. The former can be invoked in process context as well.
++ * Every other function where we grab task_lock, we have process context.
++ * Hence we use spin_lock in replacement_timed_out and spin_lock_bh every
++ * where else to grab the task lock.
++ */
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Mike Christie and Cisco Systems, Inc.");
++kmem_cache_t *iscsi_task_cache;
++static struct scsi_transport_template *iscsi_transportt;
++static unsigned short iscsi_max_sg = 64;
++module_param_named(max_sg, iscsi_max_sg, ushort, S_IRUGO);
++static unsigned short iscsi_max_sectors = 256;
++module_param_named(max_sectors, iscsi_max_sectors, ushort, S_IRUGO);
++static unsigned int iscsi_can_queue = 512;
++module_param_named(can_queue, iscsi_can_queue, uint, S_IRUGO);
++/* Serial Number Arithmetic, 32 bits, less than, RFC1982 */
++#define SNA32_CHECK 2147483648UL
++iscsi_sna_lt(u32 n1, u32 n2)
++ return n1 != n2 && ((n1 < n2 && (n2 - n1 < SNA32_CHECK)) ||
++ (n1 > n2 && (n2 - n1 < SNA32_CHECK)));
++/* Serial Number Arithmetic, 32 bits, less than, RFC1982 */
++iscsi_sna_lte(u32 n1, u32 n2)
++ return n1 == n2 || ((n1 < n2 && (n2 - n1 < SNA32_CHECK)) ||
++ (n1 > n2 && (n2 - n1 < SNA32_CHECK)));
++/* mark a scsi_cmnd as having a LUN communication failure */
++static inline void
++set_lun_comm_failure(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
++ sc->sense_buffer[0] = 0x70;
++ sc->sense_buffer[2] = NOT_READY;
++ sc->sense_buffer[7] = 0x6;
++ sc->sense_buffer[12] = 0x08;
++ sc->sense_buffer[13] = 0x00;
++iscsi_command_attr(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ unsigned int attr = ISCSI_ATTR_UNTAGGED;
++ char msg[2];
++ if (scsi_populate_tag_msg(cmd, msg) == 2) {
++ switch (msg[0]) {
++ break;
++ case MSG_HEAD_TAG:
++ break;
++ break;
++ };
++ }
++ return attr;
++static int
++iscsi_slave_configure(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ int depth = 1, tag = 0;
++ /*
++ * TODO (one day) - when tcq is not supported we should
++ * internally queue a command to have one ready to go right
++ * away when the outstanding one completes.
++ */
++ if (sdev->tagged_supported) {
++ scsi_activate_tcq(sdev, ISCSI_CMDS_PER_LUN);
++ depth = ISCSI_CMDS_PER_LUN;
++ }
++ scsi_adjust_queue_depth(sdev, tag, depth);
++ return 0;
++static int
++iscsi_eh_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = sc->device->host;
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ struct iscsi_task *task, *tmf_task;
++ int ret = FAILED;
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ /*
++ * TODO must fix these type of tests
++ */
++ if (!test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits))
++ goto done;
++ task = (struct iscsi_task *)sc->SCp.ptr;
++ if (!task) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "eh_abort cmnd already done\n");
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ if (task->itt == ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG) {
++ __iscsi_complete_task(task);
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /*
++ * TODO need a iscsi_dev_info
++ */
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Sending ABORT TASK for task itt %u\n",
++ task->itt);
++ tmf_task = session->mgmt_task;
++ memset(tmf_task, 0, sizeof(*tmf_task));
++ iscsi_init_task(tmf_task);
++ tmf_task->session = session;
++ tmf_task->lun = task->lun;
++ /*
++ * this will become the refcmdsn
++ */
++ tmf_task->cmdsn = task->cmdsn;
++ tmf_task->rtt = task->itt;
++ set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT, &tmf_task->flags);
++ if (!iscsi_exec_task_mgmt(tmf_task, session->abort_timeout)) {
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /*
++ * TMF may have failed if the task completed first (check here)
++ */
++ if (!sc->SCp.ptr)
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ done:
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ return ret;
++static int
++iscsi_eh_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = sc->device->host;
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ int ret = FAILED;
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (!test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits))
++ goto done;
++ task = session->mgmt_task;
++ memset(task, 0, sizeof(*task));
++ iscsi_init_task(task);
++ task->session = session;
++ task->lun = sc->device->lun;
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT_TASK_SET, &task->flags);
++ /*
++ * need a iscsi_dev_info
++ */
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Sending ABORT TASK SET\n");
++ if (!iscsi_exec_task_mgmt(task, session->abort_timeout)) {
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ iscsi_init_task(task);
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_LU_RESET, &task->flags);
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Sending LU RESET\n");
++ if (!iscsi_exec_task_mgmt(task, session->reset_timeout))
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ done:
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ return ret;
++static int
++iscsi_eh_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = sc->device->host;
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ int ret = FAILED;
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (!test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits))
++ goto done;
++ task = session->mgmt_task;
++ memset(task, 0, sizeof(*task));
++ iscsi_init_task(task);
++ task->session = session;
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_TGT_WARM_RESET, &task->flags);
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Sending TARGET WARM RESET\n");
++ if (iscsi_exec_task_mgmt(task, session->reset_timeout))
++ /*
++ * no other options
++ */
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ done:
++ /*
++ * if we failed, scsi-ml will put us offline
++ * and if we were successful it will redrive the
++ * commands, so we clean everything up from our side
++ * so scsi-ml can retake ownership of the commands.
++ * (At this point the tx and rx threads will not be
++ * touching the commands since either the session
++ * was dropped or we just did a target reset)
++ */
++ iscsi_flush_queues(session, ISCSI_MAX_LUNS, DID_BUS_BUSY);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (iscsi_wait_for_session(session, 0))
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ return ret;
++iscsi_complete_command(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
++ sc->SCp.ptr = NULL;
++ sc->scsi_done(sc);
++ * iscsi_queuecommand - queuecommand interface for the iSCSI driver.
++ * @sc: scsi command from the midlayer
++ * @done: Call back function to be called once the command is executed.
++ **/
++static int
++iscsi_queuecommand(struct scsi_cmnd *sc, void (*done) (struct scsi_cmnd *))
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = sc->device->host;
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)host->hostdata;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ int ret = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irq(host->host_lock);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_REPLACEMENT_TIMEDOUT, &session->control_bits)) {
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (printk_ratelimit())
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "lun%u: Session terminating, "
++ "failing to queue cdb 0x%x and any "
++ "following commands\n", sc->device->lun, sc->cmnd[0]);
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ /* make sure we can complete it properly later */
++ sc->scsi_done = done;
++ sc->result = 0;
++ memset(&sc->SCp, 0, sizeof(sc->SCp));
++ /*
++ * alloc a task and add it to the pending queue so
++ * the tx-thread will run it
++ */
++ task = iscsi_alloc_task(session);
++ if (!task) {
++ goto done;
++ }
++ task->lun = sc->device->lun;
++ task->scsi_cmnd = sc;
++ sc->SCp.ptr = (char *)task;
++ list_add_tail(&task->queue, &session->pending_queue);
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_SCSI_COMMAND, session);
++ done:
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ spin_lock_irq(host->host_lock);
++ return ret;
++ fail:
++ spin_lock_irq(host->host_lock);
++ sc->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ sc->resid = sc->request_bufflen;
++ set_lun_comm_failure(sc);
++ done(sc);
++ return 0;
++iscsi_destroy_host(struct Scsi_Host *shost)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ if (!test_bit(SESSION_CREATED, &session->control_bits))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (test_and_set_bit(SESSION_RELEASING, &session->control_bits))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ scsi_remove_host(shost);
++ iscsi_destroy_session(session);
++ scsi_host_put(shost);
++ return 0;
++static struct scsi_host_template iscsi_driver_template = {
++ .name = "SFNet iSCSI driver",
++ .proc_name = ISCSI_PROC_NAME,
++ .module = THIS_MODULE,
++ .queuecommand = iscsi_queuecommand,
++ .eh_abort_handler = iscsi_eh_abort,
++ .eh_device_reset_handler = iscsi_eh_device_reset,
++ .eh_host_reset_handler = iscsi_eh_host_reset,
++ .skip_settle_delay = 1,
++ .slave_configure = iscsi_slave_configure,
++ .this_id = -1,
++ .cmd_per_lun = ISCSI_CMDS_PER_LUN,
++ .use_clustering = ENABLE_CLUSTERING,
++ .emulated = 1,
++ .shost_attrs = iscsi_host_attrs,
++ .sdev_attrs = iscsi_dev_attrs,
++iscsi_create_host(struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost;
++ struct iscsi_session *session;
++ int rc;
++ shost = scsi_host_alloc(&iscsi_driver_template, sizeof(*session));
++ if (!shost)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ shost->max_id = ISCSI_MAX_TARGETS;
++ shost->max_lun = ISCSI_MAX_LUNS;
++ shost->max_channel = ISCSI_MAX_CHANNELS;
++ shost->max_cmd_len = ISCSI_MAX_CMD_LEN;
++ shost->transportt = iscsi_transportt;
++ shost->max_sectors = iscsi_max_sectors;
++ if (!shost->max_sectors || shost->max_sectors > ISCSI_MAX_SECTORS) {
++ iscsi_err("Invalid max_sectors of %d using %d\n",
++ shost->max_sectors, ISCSI_MAX_SECTORS);
++ shost->max_sectors = ISCSI_MAX_SECTORS;
++ }
++ shost->sg_tablesize = iscsi_max_sg;
++ if (!shost->sg_tablesize || shost->sg_tablesize > ISCSI_MAX_SG) {
++ iscsi_err("Invalid max_sq of %d using %d\n",
++ shost->sg_tablesize, ISCSI_MAX_SG);
++ shost->sg_tablesize = ISCSI_MAX_SG;
++ }
++ shost->can_queue = iscsi_can_queue;
++ if (!shost->can_queue || shost->can_queue > ISCSI_MAX_CAN_QUEUE) {
++ iscsi_err("Invalid can_queue of %d using %d\n",
++ shost->can_queue, ISCSI_MAX_CAN_QUEUE);
++ shost->can_queue = ISCSI_MAX_CAN_QUEUE;
++ }
++ session = (struct iscsi_session *)shost->hostdata;
++ memset(session, 0, sizeof(*session));
++ session->shost = shost;
++ rc = iscsi_create_session(session, ioctld);
++ if (rc) {
++ scsi_host_put(shost);
++ return rc;
++ }
++ rc = scsi_add_host(shost, NULL);
++ if (rc) {
++ iscsi_destroy_session(session);
++ scsi_host_put(shost);
++ return rc;
++ }
++ scsi_scan_host(shost);
++ set_bit(SESSION_CREATED, &session->control_bits);
++ return 0;
++ * This function must only be called when the sysfs and
++ * ioctl interfaces are inaccessible. For example when
++ * the module_exit function is executed the driver's sysfs
++ * and ioctl entry points will return "no device".
++ */
++static void
++ struct iscsi_session *session, *tmp;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(session, tmp, &iscsi_sessions, list)
++ iscsi_destroy_host(session->shost);
++static int
++iscsi_reboot_notifier_function(struct notifier_block *this,
++ unsigned long code, void *unused)
++ iscsi_destroy_all_hosts();
++ iscsi_notice("Driver shutdown completed\n");
++ return NOTIFY_DONE;
++/* XXX move this to driver model shutdown */
++static struct notifier_block iscsi_reboot_notifier = {
++ .notifier_call = iscsi_reboot_notifier_function,
++ .next = NULL,
++ .priority = 255, /* priority, might need to have a
++ * relook at the value
++ */
++static int
++__init iscsi_init(void)
++ iscsi_notice("Loading iscsi_sfnet version %s\n", ISCSI_DRIVER_VERSION);
++ /* pool of iscsi tasks */
++ iscsi_task_cache = kmem_cache_create("iscsi_task_cache",
++ sizeof(struct iscsi_task), 0,
++ if (!iscsi_task_cache) {
++ iscsi_err("kmem_cache_create failed\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ iscsi_transportt = iscsi_attach_transport(&iscsi_fnt);
++ if (!iscsi_transportt)
++ goto free_cache;
++ if (iscsi_register_interface())
++ goto release_transport;
++ register_reboot_notifier(&iscsi_reboot_notifier);
++ return 0;
++ release_transport:
++ iscsi_release_transport(iscsi_transportt);
++ free_cache:
++ kmem_cache_destroy(iscsi_task_cache);
++ iscsi_err("Failed to init driver\n");
++ return -ENODEV;
++static void
++__exit iscsi_cleanup(void)
++ unregister_reboot_notifier(&iscsi_reboot_notifier);
++ iscsi_unregister_interface();
++ iscsi_destroy_all_hosts();
++ iscsi_release_transport(iscsi_transportt);
++ kmem_cache_destroy(iscsi_task_cache);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-ioctl.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-ioctl.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.387472100 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-ioctl.c,v 2005/04/12 19:18:33 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * This file handles iscsi ioctl calls
++ */
++#include <linux/capability.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/ioctl32.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-ioctl.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++static int
++iscsi_ioctl_establish_session(void __user *arg)
++ int rc;
++ struct iscsi_session *session;
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld;
++ ioctld = kmalloc(sizeof(*ioctld), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!ioctld) {
++ iscsi_err("Couldn't allocate space for session ioctl data\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ if (copy_from_user(ioctld, (void *)arg, sizeof(*ioctld))) {
++ iscsi_err("Cannot copy session ioctl data\n");
++ kfree(ioctld);
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
++ if (ioctld->ioctl_version != ISCSI_SESSION_IOCTL_VERSION) {
++ iscsi_err("ioctl version %u incorrect, expecting %u\n",
++ ioctld->ioctl_version, ISCSI_SESSION_IOCTL_VERSION);
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ /*
++ * TODO - should update wait for the relogin?
++ */
++ session = iscsi_find_session(ioctld->target_name, ioctld->isid,
++ ioctld->portal.tag);
++ if (session) {
++ rc = iscsi_update_session(session, ioctld);
++ scsi_host_put(session->shost);
++ } else if (ioctld->update) {
++ iscsi_err("Could not find session to update\n");
++ rc = -EAGAIN;
++ } else
++ rc = iscsi_create_host(ioctld);
++ kfree(ioctld);
++ return rc;
++static int
++iscsi_ctl_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg)
++ void __user *_arg = (void __user *) arg;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ return -EACCES;
++ if (_IOC_TYPE(cmd) != ISCSI_IOCTL)
++ return -ENOTTY;
++ return iscsi_ioctl_establish_session(_arg);
++ iscsi_err("Requested ioctl not found\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
++static struct class_simple *iscsictl_sysfs_class;
++static int control_major;
++static const char *control_name = "iscsictl";
++static struct file_operations control_fops = {
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ .ioctl = iscsi_ctl_ioctl,
++ control_major = register_chrdev(0, control_name, &control_fops);
++ if (control_major < 0) {
++ iscsi_err("Failed to register the control device\n");
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
++ iscsi_notice("Control device major number %d\n", control_major);
++ /* Provide udev support for the control device. */
++ iscsictl_sysfs_class = class_simple_create(THIS_MODULE,
++ "iscsi_control");
++ if (!iscsictl_sysfs_class)
++ goto unreg_chrdev;
++ if (!class_simple_device_add(iscsictl_sysfs_class,
++ MKDEV(control_major, 0), NULL,
++ "iscsictl"))
++ goto destroy_iscsictl_cls;
++ if (register_ioctl32_conversion(ISCSI_ESTABLISH_SESSION, NULL))
++ goto remove_iscsictl_cls;
++ return 0;
++ remove_iscsictl_cls:
++ class_simple_device_remove(MKDEV(control_major, 0));
++ destroy_iscsictl_cls:
++ class_simple_destroy(iscsictl_sysfs_class);
++ unreg_chrdev:
++ unregister_chrdev(control_major, control_name);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ unregister_ioctl32_conversion(ISCSI_ESTABLISH_SESSION);
++ class_simple_device_remove(MKDEV(control_major, 0));
++ class_simple_destroy(iscsictl_sysfs_class);
++ unregister_chrdev(control_major, control_name);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-ioctl.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-ioctl.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:19:56.688824080 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-ioctl.h,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * include for ioctl calls between the daemon and the kernel module
++ */
++#ifndef ISCSI_IOCTL_H_
++#define ISCSI_IOCTL_H_
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-portal.h"
++#include "iscsi-auth-client.h"
++ * still not sure if the ioctl is going to stay
++ * so can fix up later
++ */
++struct iscsi_session_ioctl {
++ __u32 ioctl_version;
++ __u32 config_number;
++ int update;
++ __u8 isid[6];
++ /*
++ * passwords can contain NULL chars so we need
++ * the length.
++ */
++ int password_length;
++ char username[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ unsigned char password[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ int password_length_in;
++ char username_in[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ unsigned char password_in[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ unsigned char target_name[TARGET_NAME_MAXLEN + 1];
++ unsigned char initiator_name[TARGET_NAME_MAXLEN + 1];
++ unsigned char initiator_alias[TARGET_NAME_MAXLEN + 1];
++ int login_timeout;
++ int active_timeout;
++ int idle_timeout;
++ int ping_timeout;
++ int abort_timeout;
++ int reset_timeout;
++ int replacement_timeout;
++ struct iscsi_portal_info portal;
++ * ioctls
++ */
++#define ISCSI_EST_SESS_CMD 0
++#define ISCSI_IOCTL 0xbc
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl)
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-login.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-login.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:19:04.390135160 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,1377 @@
++ * iSCSI login library
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-login.c,v 2005/06/09 06:23:21 smithan Exp $
++ *
++ *
++ * Formation of iSCSI login pdu, processing the login response and other
++ * functions are defined here
++ */
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-login.h"
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++/* caller is assumed to be well-behaved and passing NUL terminated strings */
++iscsi_add_text(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu, char *data,
++ int max_data_length, char *param, char *value)
++ int param_len = strlen(param);
++ int value_len = strlen(value);
++ int length = param_len + 1 + value_len + 1; /* param, separator,
++ * value, and trailing
++ * NULL
++ */
++ int pdu_length = ntoh24(pdu->dlength);
++ char *text = data;
++ char *end = data + max_data_length;
++ char *pdu_text;
++ /* find the end of the current text */
++ text += pdu_length;
++ pdu_text = text;
++ pdu_length += length;
++ if (text + length >= end) {
++ iscsi_host_notice(session, "Failed to add login text "
++ "'%s=%s'\n", param, value);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* param */
++ strncpy(text, param, param_len);
++ text += param_len;
++ /* separator */
++ /* value */
++ strncpy(text, value, value_len);
++ text += value_len;
++ /* NUL */
++ *text++ = '\0';
++ /* update the length in the PDU header */
++ hton24(pdu->dlength, pdu_length);
++ return 1;
++static int
++iscsi_find_key_value(char *param, char *pdu, char *pdu_end, char **value_start,
++ char **value_end)
++ char *str = param;
++ char *text = pdu;
++ char *value;
++ if (value_start)
++ *value_start = NULL;
++ if (value_end)
++ *value_end = NULL;
++ /* make sure they contain the same bytes */
++ while (*str) {
++ if (text >= pdu_end)
++ return 0;
++ if (*text == '\0')
++ return 0;
++ if (*str != *text)
++ return 0;
++ str++;
++ text++;
++ }
++ if ((text >= pdu_end) || (*text == '\0')
++ || (*text != ISCSI_TEXT_SEPARATOR)) {
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* find the value */
++ value = text + 1;
++ /* find the end of the value */
++ while ((text < pdu_end) && (*text))
++ text++;
++ if (value_start)
++ *value_start = value;
++ if (value_end)
++ *value_end = text;
++ return 1;
++static enum iscsi_login_status
++get_auth_key_type(struct iscsi_acl *auth_client, char **data, char *end)
++ char *key;
++ char *value = NULL;
++ char *value_end = NULL;
++ char *text = *data;
++ int keytype = AUTH_KEY_TYPE_NONE;
++ while (acl_get_next_key_type(&keytype) == AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
++ key = (char *)acl_get_key_name(keytype);
++ if (key && iscsi_find_key_value(key, text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (acl_recv_key_value(auth_client, keytype, value) !=
++ iscsi_err("login negotiation failed, can't "
++ "accept %s in security stage\n",
++ text);
++ }
++ text = value_end;
++ *data = text;
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++ }
++ }
++ iscsi_err("Login negotiation failed, can't accept %s in security "
++ "stage\n", text);
++static enum iscsi_login_status
++get_security_text_keys(struct iscsi_session *session, char **data,
++ struct iscsi_acl *auth_client, char *end)
++ char *text = *data;
++ char *value = NULL;
++ char *value_end = NULL;
++ size_t size;
++ int tag;
++ enum iscsi_login_status ret;
++ /*
++ * a few keys are possible in Security stage
++ * which the auth code doesn't care about, but
++ * which we might want to see, or at least not
++ * choke on.
++ */
++ if (iscsi_find_key_value("TargetAlias", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ size = value_end - value;
++ session->target_alias = kmalloc(size + 1, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!session->target_alias) {
++ /* Alias not critical. So just print an error */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed to allocate "
++ "alias\n");
++ *data = value_end;
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++ }
++ memcpy(session->target_alias, value, size);
++ session->target_alias[size] = '\0';
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("TargetAddress", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ /*
++ * if possible, change the session's
++ * ip_address and port to the new
++ * TargetAddress
++ */
++ if (iscsi_update_address(session, value)) {
++ text = value_end;
++ } else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login redirection failed, "
++ "can't handle redirection to %s\n",
++ value);
++ }
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("TargetPortalGroupTag", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end)) {
++ /*
++ * We should have already obtained this
++ * via discovery.
++ * We've already picked an isid, so the
++ * most we can do is confirm we reached
++ * the portal group we were expecting to
++ */
++ tag = simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0);
++ if (session->portal_group_tag >= 0) {
++ if (tag != session->portal_group_tag) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Portal group tag "
++ "mismatch, expected %u, "
++ "received %u\n",
++ session->portal_group_tag, tag);
++ }
++ } else
++ /* we now know the tag */
++ session->portal_group_tag = tag;
++ text = value_end;
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * any key we don't recognize either
++ * goes to the auth code, or we choke
++ * on it
++ */
++ ret = get_auth_key_type(auth_client, &text, end);
++ if (ret != LOGIN_OK)
++ return ret;
++ }
++ *data = text;
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++static enum iscsi_login_status
++get_op_params_text_keys(struct iscsi_session *session, char **data, char *end)
++ char *text = *data;
++ char *value = NULL;
++ char *value_end = NULL;
++ size_t size;
++ if (iscsi_find_key_value("TargetAlias", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ size = value_end - value;
++ if (session->target_alias &&
++ strlen(session->target_alias) == size &&
++ memcmp(session->target_alias, value, size) == 0) {
++ *data = value_end;
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++ }
++ kfree(session->target_alias);
++ session->target_alias = kmalloc(size + 1, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!session->target_alias) {
++ /* Alias not critical. So just print an error */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed to allocate "
++ "alias\n");
++ *data = value_end;
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++ }
++ memcpy(session->target_alias, value, size);
++ session->target_alias[size] = '\0';
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("TargetAddress", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (iscsi_update_address(session, value))
++ text = value_end;
++ else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login redirection failed, "
++ "can't handle redirection to %s\n",
++ value);
++ }
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("TargetPortalGroupTag", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end)) {
++ /*
++ * confirm we reached the portal group we were expecting to
++ */
++ int tag = simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0);
++ if (session->portal_group_tag >= 0) {
++ if (tag != session->portal_group_tag) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Portal group tag "
++ "mismatch, expected %u, "
++ "received %u\n",
++ session->portal_group_tag, tag);
++ }
++ } else
++ /* we now know the tag */
++ session->portal_group_tag = tag;
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("InitialR2T", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL) {
++ if (value && !strcmp(value, "Yes"))
++ session->initial_r2t = 1;
++ } else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("ImmediateData", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL) {
++ if (value && (strcmp(value, "Yes") == 0))
++ session->immediate_data = 1;
++ else
++ session->immediate_data = 0;
++ } else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("MaxRecvDataSegmentLength", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end)) {
++ session->max_xmit_data_segment_len =
++ simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0);
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("FirstBurstLength", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL)
++ session->first_burst_len =
++ simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0);
++ else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("MaxBurstLength", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ /*
++ * we don't really care, since it's a limit on the target's
++ * R2Ts, but record it anwyay
++ */
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL)
++ session->max_burst_len = simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0);
++ else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("HeaderDigest", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (strcmp(value, "None") == 0) {
++ if (session->header_digest != ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C)
++ session->header_digest = ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE;
++ else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation "
++ "failed, HeaderDigest=CRC32C "
++ "is required, can't accept "
++ "%s\n", text);
++ }
++ } else if (strcmp(value, "CRC32C") == 0) {
++ if (session->header_digest != ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE)
++ session->header_digest = ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C;
++ else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation "
++ "failed, HeaderDigest=None is "
++ "required, can't accept %s\n",
++ text);
++ }
++ } else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation failed, "
++ "can't accept %s\n", text);
++ }
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("DataDigest", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (strcmp(value, "None") == 0) {
++ if (session->data_digest != ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C)
++ session->data_digest = ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE;
++ else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation "
++ "failed, DataDigest=CRC32C "
++ "is required, can't accept "
++ "%s\n", text);
++ }
++ } else if (strcmp(value, "CRC32C") == 0) {
++ if (session->data_digest != ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE)
++ session->data_digest = ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C;
++ else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation "
++ "failed, DataDigest=None is "
++ "required, can't accept %s\n",
++ text);
++ }
++ } else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation failed, "
++ "can't accept %s\n", text);
++ }
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("DefaultTime2Wait", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ session->def_time2wait = simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0);
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("DefaultTime2Retain", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end)) {
++ session->def_time2retain = simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 0);
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("OFMarker", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end))
++ /* result function is AND, target must honor our No */
++ text = value_end;
++ else if (iscsi_find_key_value("OFMarkInt", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end))
++ /* we don't do markers, so we don't care */
++ text = value_end;
++ else if (iscsi_find_key_value("IFMarker", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end))
++ /* result function is AND, target must honor our No */
++ text = value_end;
++ else if (iscsi_find_key_value("IFMarkInt", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end))
++ /* we don't do markers, so we don't care */
++ text = value_end;
++ else if (iscsi_find_key_value("DataPDUInOrder", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL) {
++ if (value && !strcmp(value, "Yes"))
++ session->data_pdu_in_order = 1;
++ } else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value ("DataSequenceInOrder", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end)) {
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL) {
++ if (value && !strcmp(value, "Yes"))
++ session->data_seq_in_order = 1;
++ } else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("MaxOutstandingR2T", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL) {
++ if (strcmp(value, "1")) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation "
++ "failed, can't accept Max"
++ "OutstandingR2T %s\n", value);
++ }
++ } else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("MaxConnections", text, end, &value,
++ &value_end)) {
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL) {
++ if (strcmp(value, "1")) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation "
++ "failed, can't accept Max"
++ "Connections %s\n", value);
++ }
++ } else
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap |=
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("ErrorRecoveryLevel", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end)) {
++ if (strcmp(value, "0")) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation failed, "
++ "can't accept ErrorRecovery %s\n",
++ value);
++ }
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value ("", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end)) {
++ if (strcmp(value, "NotUnderstood") &&
++ strcmp(value, "Reject") &&
++ strcmp(value, "Irrelevant") &&
++ strcmp(value, "draft20")) {
++ /* if we didn't get a compatible protocol, fail */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login version mismatch, "
++ "can't accept protocol %s\n", value);
++ }
++ text = value_end;
++ } else if (iscsi_find_key_value("", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end))
++ /* we don't really care what the target ends up using */
++ text = value_end;
++ else if (iscsi_find_key_value("", text, end,
++ &value, &value_end))
++ /* we don't bother for the target response */
++ text = value_end;
++ else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login negotiation failed, couldn't "
++ "recognize text %s\n", text);
++ }
++ *data = text;
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++static enum iscsi_login_status
++check_security_stage_status(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_acl *auth_client)
++ int debug_status = 0;
++ switch (acl_recv_end(auth_client)) {
++ /* continue sending PDUs */
++ break;
++ break;
++ case AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR: /* treat this as an error,
++ * since we should get a
++ * different code
++ */
++ default:
++ if (acl_get_dbg_status(auth_client, &debug_status) !=
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login authentication failed "
++ "with target %s, %s\n",
++ session->target_name,
++ acl_dbg_status_to_text(debug_status));
++ else
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login authentication failed "
++ "with target %s\n",
++ session->target_name);
++ }
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++ * this assumes the text data is always NULL terminated. The caller can
++ * always arrange for that by using a slightly larger buffer than the max PDU
++ * size, and then appending a NULL to the PDU.
++ */
++static enum iscsi_login_status
++iscsi_process_login_response(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_login_rsp_hdr *login_rsp_pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length)
++ int transit = login_rsp_pdu->flags & ISCSI_FLAG_LOGIN_TRANSIT;
++ char *text = data;
++ char *end;
++ int pdu_current_stage, pdu_next_stage;
++ enum iscsi_login_status ret;
++ struct iscsi_acl *auth_client = NULL;
++ if (session->password_length)
++ auth_client = session->auth_client_block ?
++ session->auth_client_block : NULL;
++ end = text + ntoh24(login_rsp_pdu->dlength) + 1;
++ if (end >= (data + max_data_length)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed, process_login_response "
++ "buffer too small to guarantee NULL "
++ "termination\n");
++ return LOGIN_FAILED;
++ }
++ /* guarantee a trailing NUL */
++ *end = '\0';
++ /* if the response status was success, sanity check the response */
++ if (login_rsp_pdu->status_class == ISCSI_STATUS_CLS_SUCCESS) {
++ /* check the active version */
++ if (login_rsp_pdu->active_version != ISCSI_DRAFT20_VERSION) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login version mismatch, "
++ "received incompatible active iSCSI "
++ "version 0x%02x, expected version "
++ "0x%02x\n",
++ login_rsp_pdu->active_version,
++ }
++ /* make sure the current stage matches */
++ pdu_current_stage = (login_rsp_pdu->flags &
++ if (pdu_current_stage != session->current_stage) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Received invalid login PDU, "
++ "current stage mismatch, session %d, "
++ "response %d\n", session->current_stage,
++ pdu_current_stage);
++ }
++ /*
++ * make sure that we're actually advancing if the T-bit is set
++ */
++ pdu_next_stage = login_rsp_pdu->flags &
++ if (transit && (pdu_next_stage <= session->current_stage))
++ }
++ if (session->current_stage == ISCSI_SECURITY_NEGOTIATION_STAGE) {
++ if (acl_recv_begin(auth_client) != AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed because "
++ "acl_recv_begin failed\n");
++ return LOGIN_FAILED;
++ }
++ if (acl_recv_transit_bit(auth_client, transit) !=
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed because "
++ "acl_recv_transit_bit failed\n");
++ return LOGIN_FAILED;
++ }
++ }
++ /* scan the text data */
++ while (text && (text < end)) {
++ /* skip any NULs separating each text key=value pair */
++ while ((text < end) && (*text == '\0'))
++ text++;
++ if (text >= end)
++ break;
++ /* handle keys appropriate for each stage */
++ switch (session->current_stage) {
++ ret = get_security_text_keys(session, &text,
++ auth_client, end);
++ if (ret != LOGIN_OK)
++ return ret;
++ break;
++ }
++ ret = get_op_params_text_keys(session, &text,
++ end);
++ if (ret != LOGIN_OK)
++ return ret;
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++ return LOGIN_FAILED;
++ }
++ }
++ if (session->current_stage == ISCSI_SECURITY_NEGOTIATION_STAGE) {
++ ret = check_security_stage_status(session, auth_client);
++ if (ret != LOGIN_OK)
++ return ret;
++ }
++ /* record some of the PDU fields for later use */
++ session->tsih = ntohs(login_rsp_pdu->tsih);
++ session->exp_cmd_sn = ntohl(login_rsp_pdu->expcmdsn);
++ session->max_cmd_sn = ntohl(login_rsp_pdu->maxcmdsn);
++ if (login_rsp_pdu->status_class == ISCSI_STATUS_CLS_SUCCESS)
++ session->exp_stat_sn = ntohl(login_rsp_pdu->statsn) + 1;
++ if (transit) {
++ /* advance to the next stage */
++ session->partial_response = 0;
++ session->current_stage = login_rsp_pdu->flags &
++ session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap = 0;
++ } else
++ /*
++ * we got a partial response, don't advance,
++ * more negotiation to do
++ */
++ session->partial_response = 1;
++ return LOGIN_OK; /* this PDU is ok, though the login process
++ * may not be done yet
++ */
++static int
++add_params_normal_session(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length)
++ char value[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ /* these are only relevant for normal sessions */
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length, "InitialR2T",
++ session->initial_r2t ? "Yes" : "No"))
++ return 0;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "ImmediateData",
++ session->immediate_data ? "Yes" : "No"))
++ return 0;
++ sprintf(value, "%d", session->max_burst_len);
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "MaxBurstLength", value))
++ return 0;
++ sprintf(value, "%d",session->first_burst_len);
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "FirstBurstLength", value))
++ return 0;
++ /* these we must have */
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "MaxOutstandingR2T", "1"))
++ return 0;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "MaxConnections", "1"))
++ return 0;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataPDUInOrder", "Yes"))
++ return 0;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataSequenceInOrder", "Yes"))
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static int
++add_vendor_specific_text(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length)
++ char value[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ /*
++ * adjust the target's PingTimeout for normal sessions,
++ * so that it matches the driver's ping timeout. The
++ * network probably has the same latency in both
++ * directions, so the values ought to match.
++ */
++ if (session->ping_timeout >= 0) {
++ sprintf(value, "%d", session->ping_timeout);
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "", value))
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if (session->send_async_text >= 0)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "",
++ session->send_async_text ? "Yes" : "No"))
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * vendor-specific protocol specification. list of protocol level
++ * strings in order of preference allowable values are: draft<n>
++ * (e.g. draft8), rfc<n> (e.g. rfc666).
++ * For example: ",draft8" requests draft 20,
++ * or 8 if 20 isn't supported. ",draft20"
++ * requests draft 8, or 20 if 8 isn't supported. Targets that
++ * understand this key SHOULD return the protocol level they selected
++ * as a response to this key, though the active_version may be
++ * sufficient to distinguish which protocol was chosen.
++ * Note: This probably won't work unless we start in op param stage,
++ * since the security stage limits what keys we can send, and we'd need
++ * to have sent this on the first PDU of the login. Keep sending it for
++ * informational use, and so that we can sanity check things later if
++ * the RFC and draft20 are using the same active version number,
++ * but have non-trivial differences.
++ */
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "", "draft20"))
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static int
++check_irrelevant_keys(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length)
++ /* If you receive irrelevant keys, just check them from the irrelevant
++ * keys bitmap and respond with the key=Irrelevant text
++ */
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_MAXCONNECTIONS)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "MaxConnections", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_INITIALR2T)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "InitialR2T", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_IMMEDIATEDATA)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "ImmediateData", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_MAXBURSTLENGTH)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "MaxBurstLength", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_FIRSTBURSTLENGTH)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "FirstBurstLength", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_MAXOUTSTANDINGR2T)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "MaxOutstandingR2T", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_DATAPDUINORDER)
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataPDUInOrder", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->irrelevant_keys_bitmap & IRRELEVANT_DATASEQUENCEINORDER )
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataSequenceInOrder", "Irrelevant"))
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static int
++fill_crc_digest_text(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length)
++ switch (session->header_digest) {
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "HeaderDigest", "None"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "HeaderDigest", "CRC32C"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "HeaderDigest", "CRC32C,None"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ default:
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "HeaderDigest", "None,CRC32C"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ switch (session->data_digest) {
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataDigest", "None"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataDigest", "CRC32C"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataDigest", "CRC32C,None"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ default:
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DataDigest", "None,CRC32C"))
++ return 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ return 1;
++static int
++fill_op_params_text(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length, int *transit)
++ char value[AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN];
++ /* we always try to go from op params to full feature stage */
++ session->current_stage = ISCSI_OP_PARMS_NEGOTIATION_STAGE;
++ session->next_stage = ISCSI_FULL_FEATURE_PHASE;
++ *transit = 1;
++ /*
++ * If we haven't gotten a partial response, then either we shouldn't be
++ * here, or we just switched to this stage, and need to start offering
++ * keys.
++ */
++ if (!session->partial_response) {
++ /*
++ * request the desired settings the first time
++ * we are in this stage
++ */
++ if (!fill_crc_digest_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length))
++ return 0;
++ sprintf(value, "%d", session->max_recv_data_segment_len);
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "MaxRecvDataSegmentLength", value))
++ return 0;
++ sprintf(value, "%d", session->def_time2wait);
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DefaultTime2Wait", value))
++ return 0;
++ sprintf(value, "%d", session->def_time2retain);
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "DefaultTime2Retain", value))
++ return 0;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "IFMarker", "No"))
++ return 0;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "OFMarker", "No"))
++ return 0;
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "ErrorRecoveryLevel", "0"))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL)
++ if (!add_params_normal_session(session, pdu, data,
++ max_data_length))
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * Note: 12.22 forbids vendor-specific keys on discovery
++ * sessions, so the caller is violating the spec if it asks for
++ * these on a discovery session.
++ */
++ if (session->vendor_specific_keys)
++ if (!add_vendor_specific_text(session, pdu, data,
++ max_data_length))
++ return 0;
++ } else if (!check_irrelevant_keys(session, pdu, data, max_data_length))
++ return 0;
++ return 1;
++static void
++enum_auth_keys(struct iscsi_acl *auth_client, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length, int keytype)
++ int present = 0, rc;
++ char *key = (char *)acl_get_key_name(keytype);
++ int key_length = key ? strlen(key) : 0;
++ int pdu_length = ntoh24(pdu->dlength);
++ char *auth_value = data + pdu_length + key_length + 1;
++ unsigned int max_length = max_data_length - (pdu_length
++ + key_length + 1);
++ /*
++ * add the key/value pairs the auth code wants to send
++ * directly to the PDU, since they could in theory be large.
++ */
++ rc = acl_send_key_val(auth_client, keytype, &present, auth_value,
++ max_length);
++ if ((rc == AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR) && present) {
++ /* actually fill in the key */
++ strncpy(&data[pdu_length], key, key_length);
++ pdu_length += key_length;
++ data[pdu_length] = '=';
++ pdu_length++;
++ /*
++ * adjust the PDU's data segment length
++ * to include the value and trailing NUL
++ */
++ pdu_length += strlen(auth_value) + 1;
++ hton24(pdu->dlength, pdu_length);
++ }
++static int
++fill_security_params_text(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ struct iscsi_acl *auth_client, char *data,
++ int max_data_length, int *transit)
++ int keytype = AUTH_KEY_TYPE_NONE;
++ int rc = acl_send_transit_bit(auth_client, transit);
++ /* see if we're ready for a stage change */
++ if (rc != AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
++ return 0;
++ if (*transit) {
++ /*
++ * discovery sessions can go right to full-feature phase,
++ * unless they want to non-standard values for the few relevant
++ * keys, or want to offer vendor-specific keys
++ */
++ if (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_DISCOVERY)
++ if ((session->header_digest != ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE) ||
++ (session->data_digest != ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE) ||
++ (session-> max_recv_data_segment_len !=
++ session->vendor_specific_keys)
++ session->next_stage =
++ else
++ session->next_stage = ISCSI_FULL_FEATURE_PHASE;
++ else
++ session->next_stage = ISCSI_OP_PARMS_NEGOTIATION_STAGE;
++ } else
++ session->next_stage = ISCSI_SECURITY_NEGOTIATION_STAGE;
++ /* enumerate all the keys the auth code might want to send */
++ while (acl_get_next_key_type(&keytype) == AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
++ enum_auth_keys(auth_client, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ keytype);
++ return 1;
++ * iscsi_make_login_pdu - Prepare the login pdu to be sent to iSCSI target.
++ * @session: session for which login is initiated.
++ * @pdu: login header
++ * @data: contains text keys to be negotiated during login
++ * @max_data_length: data size
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Based on whether authentication is enabled or not, corresponding text
++ * keys are filled up in login pdu.
++ *
++ **/
++static int
++iscsi_make_login_pdu(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length)
++ int transit = 0;
++ int ret;
++ struct iscsi_login_hdr *login_pdu = (struct iscsi_login_hdr *)pdu;
++ struct iscsi_acl *auth_client = NULL;
++ if (session->password_length)
++ auth_client = session->auth_client_block ?
++ session->auth_client_block : NULL;
++ /* initialize the PDU header */
++ memset(login_pdu, 0, sizeof(*login_pdu));
++ login_pdu->opcode = ISCSI_OP_LOGIN_CMD | ISCSI_OP_IMMEDIATE;
++ login_pdu->cid = 0;
++ memcpy(login_pdu->isid, session->isid, sizeof(session->isid));
++ login_pdu->tsih = 0;
++ login_pdu->cmdsn = htonl(session->cmd_sn);
++ /* don't increment on immediate */
++ login_pdu->min_version = ISCSI_DRAFT20_VERSION;
++ login_pdu->max_version = ISCSI_DRAFT20_VERSION;
++ /* we have to send 0 until full-feature stage */
++ login_pdu->expstatsn = htonl(session->exp_stat_sn);
++ /*
++ * the very first Login PDU has some additional requirements,
++ * and we need to decide what stage to start in.
++ */
++ if (session->current_stage == ISCSI_INITIAL_LOGIN_STAGE) {
++ if (session->initiator_name && session->initiator_name[0]) {
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "InitiatorName", session->initiator_name))
++ return 0;
++ } else {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "InitiatorName is required "
++ "on the first Login PDU\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if (session->initiator_alias && session->initiator_alias[0]) {
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "InitiatorAlias", session->initiator_alias))
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if ((session->target_name && session->target_name[0]) &&
++ (session->type == ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL)) {
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "TargetName", session->target_name))
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if (!iscsi_add_text(session, pdu, data, max_data_length,
++ "SessionType", (session->type ==
++ ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_DISCOVERY) ? "Discovery" : "Normal"))
++ return 0;
++ if (auth_client)
++ /* we're prepared to do authentication */
++ session->current_stage = session->next_stage =
++ else
++ /* can't do any authentication, skip that stage */
++ session->current_stage = session->next_stage =
++ }
++ /* fill in text based on the stage */
++ switch (session->current_stage) {
++ ret = fill_op_params_text(session, pdu, data,
++ max_data_length, &transit);
++ if (!ret)
++ return ret;
++ break;
++ }
++ ret = fill_security_params_text(session, pdu,
++ auth_client, data,
++ max_data_length,
++ &transit);
++ if (!ret)
++ return ret;
++ break;
++ }
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Can't send login PDUs in full "
++ "feature phase\n");
++ return 0;
++ default:
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Can't send login PDUs in unknown "
++ "stage %d\n", session->current_stage);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* fill in the flags */
++ login_pdu->flags = 0;
++ login_pdu->flags |= session->current_stage << 2;
++ if (transit) {
++ /* transit to the next stage */
++ login_pdu->flags |= session->next_stage;
++ login_pdu->flags |= ISCSI_FLAG_LOGIN_TRANSIT;
++ } else
++ /* next == current */
++ login_pdu->flags |= session->current_stage;
++ return 1;
++static enum iscsi_login_status
++check_for_authentication(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_acl **auth_client)
++ /* prepare for authentication */
++ if (acl_init(TYPE_INITIATOR, session) != AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Couldn't initialize authentication\n");
++ return LOGIN_FAILED;
++ }
++ *auth_client = session->auth_client_block;
++ if (session->username &&
++ (acl_set_user_name(*auth_client, session->username) !=
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Couldn't set username\n");
++ goto end;
++ }
++ if (session->password && (acl_set_passwd(*auth_client,
++ session->password, session->password_length) !=
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Couldn't set password\n");
++ goto end;
++ }
++ if (acl_set_ip_sec(*auth_client, 1) != AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Couldn't set IPSec\n");
++ goto end;
++ }
++ if (acl_set_auth_rmt(*auth_client, session->bidirectional_auth) !=
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Couldn't set remote authentication\n");
++ goto end;
++ }
++ return LOGIN_OK;
++ end:
++ if (*auth_client && acl_finish(*auth_client) != AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed, error finishing "
++ "auth_client\n");
++ *auth_client = NULL;
++ return LOGIN_FAILED;
++static enum iscsi_login_status
++check_status_login_response(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_login_rsp_hdr *login_rsp_pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length, int *final)
++ enum iscsi_login_status ret;
++ switch (login_rsp_pdu->status_class) {
++ /* process this response and possibly continue sending PDUs */
++ ret = iscsi_process_login_response(session, login_rsp_pdu,
++ data, max_data_length);
++ if (ret != LOGIN_OK) /* pass back whatever
++ * error we discovered
++ */
++ *final = 1;
++ break;
++ /*
++ * we need to process this response to get the
++ * TargetAddress of the redirect, but we don't care
++ * about the return code.
++ */
++ iscsi_process_login_response(session, login_rsp_pdu,
++ data, max_data_length);
++ ret = LOGIN_OK;
++ *final = 1;
++ if (login_rsp_pdu->status_detail ==
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed to authenticate "
++ "with target %s\n",
++ session->target_name);
++ }
++ ret = LOGIN_OK;
++ *final = 1;
++ default:
++ /*
++ * some sort of error, login terminated unsuccessfully,
++ * though this function did it's job.
++ * the caller must check the status_class and
++ * status_detail and decide what to do next.
++ */
++ ret = LOGIN_OK;
++ *final = 1;
++ }
++ return ret;
++ * iscsi_login - attempt to login to the target.
++ * @session: login is initiated over this session
++ * @buffer: holds login pdu
++ * @bufsize: size of login pdu
++ * @status_class: holds either success or failure as status of login
++ * @status_detail: contains details based on the login status
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The caller must check the status class to determine if the login
++ * succeeded. A return of 1 does not mean the login succeeded, it just
++ * means this function worked, and the status class is valid info.
++ * This allows the caller to decide whether or not to retry logins, so
++ * that we don't have any policy logic here.
++ **/
++enum iscsi_login_status
++iscsi_login(struct iscsi_session *session, char *buffer, size_t bufsize,
++ uint8_t *status_class, uint8_t *status_detail)
++ struct iscsi_acl *auth_client = NULL;
++ struct iscsi_hdr pdu;
++ struct iscsi_login_rsp_hdr *login_rsp_pdu;
++ char *data;
++ int received_pdu = 0;
++ int max_data_length;
++ int final = 0;
++ enum iscsi_login_status ret = LOGIN_FAILED;
++ /* prepare the session */
++ session->cmd_sn = 1;
++ session->exp_cmd_sn = 1;
++ session->max_cmd_sn = 1;
++ session->exp_stat_sn = 0;
++ session->current_stage = ISCSI_INITIAL_LOGIN_STAGE;
++ session->partial_response = 0;
++ if (session->password_length) {
++ ret = check_for_authentication(session, &auth_client);
++ if (ret != LOGIN_OK)
++ return ret;
++ }
++ /*
++ * exchange PDUs until the login stage is complete, or an error occurs
++ */
++ do {
++ final = 0;
++ login_rsp_pdu = (struct iscsi_login_rsp_hdr *)&pdu;
++ ret = LOGIN_FAILED;
++ memset(buffer, 0, bufsize);
++ data = buffer;
++ max_data_length = bufsize;
++ /*
++ * fill in the PDU header and text data based on the login
++ * stage that we're in
++ */
++ if (!iscsi_make_login_pdu(session, &pdu, data,
++ max_data_length)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "login failed, couldn't make "
++ "a login PDU\n");
++ ret = LOGIN_FAILED;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /* send a PDU to the target */
++ if (!iscsi_send_pdu(session, &pdu, ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE,
++ data, ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE)) {
++ /*
++ * FIXME: caller might want us to distinguish I/O
++ * error and timeout. Might want to switch portals on
++ * timeouts, but
++ * not I/O errors.
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login I/O error, failed to "
++ "send a PDU\n");
++ ret = LOGIN_IO_ERROR;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /* read the target's response into the same buffer */
++ if (!iscsi_recv_pdu(session, &pdu, ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE, data,
++ max_data_length, ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE)) {
++ /*
++ * FIXME: caller might want us to distinguish I/O
++ * error and timeout. Might want to switch portals on
++ * timeouts, but not I/O errors.
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login I/O error, failed to "
++ "receive a PDU\n");
++ ret = LOGIN_IO_ERROR;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ received_pdu = 1;
++ /* check the PDU response type */
++ if (pdu.opcode == (ISCSI_OP_LOGIN_RSP | 0xC0)) {
++ /*
++ * it's probably a draft 8 login response,
++ * which we can't deal with
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Received iSCSI draft 8 login "
++ "response opcode 0x%x, expected draft "
++ "20 login response 0x%2x\n",
++ pdu.opcode, ISCSI_OP_LOGIN_RSP);
++ goto done;
++ } else if (pdu.opcode != ISCSI_OP_LOGIN_RSP) {
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /*
++ * give the caller the status class and detail from the last
++ * login response PDU received
++ */
++ if (status_class)
++ *status_class = login_rsp_pdu->status_class;
++ if (status_detail)
++ *status_detail = login_rsp_pdu->status_detail;
++ ret = check_status_login_response(session, login_rsp_pdu, data,
++ max_data_length, &final);
++ if (final)
++ goto done;
++ } while (session->current_stage != ISCSI_FULL_FEATURE_PHASE);
++ ret = LOGIN_OK;
++ done:
++ if (auth_client && acl_finish(auth_client) != AUTH_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login failed, error finishing "
++ "auth_client\n");
++ if (ret == LOGIN_OK)
++ ret = LOGIN_FAILED;
++ }
++ return ret;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-login.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-login.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:19:07.117753701 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-login.h,v 2005/03/15 06:33:39 wysochanski Exp $
++ *
++ * include for iSCSI login
++ */
++#ifndef ISCSI_LOGIN_H_
++#define ISCSI_LOGIN_H_
++struct iscsi_session;
++struct iscsi_hdr;
++/* not defined by iSCSI, but used in the login code to determine
++ * when to send the initial Login PDU
++ */
++enum iscsi_login_status {
++ LOGIN_OK = 0, /* library worked, but caller must check
++ * the status class and detail
++ */
++ LOGIN_IO_ERROR, /* PDU I/O failed, connection have been
++ * closed or reset
++ */
++ LOGIN_FAILED, /* misc. failure */
++ LOGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH, /* incompatible iSCSI protocol version */
++ LOGIN_NEGOTIATION_FAILED, /* didn't like a key value
++ * (or received an unknown key)
++ */
++ LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, /* auth code indicated failure */
++ LOGIN_WRONG_PORTAL_GROUP, /* portal group tag didn't match
++ * the one required
++ */
++ LOGIN_REDIRECTION_FAILED, /* couldn't handle the redirection
++ * requested by the target
++ */
++ LOGIN_INVALID_PDU, /* received an incorrect opcode,
++ * or bogus fields in a PDU
++ */
++/* implemented in iscsi-login.c for use on all platforms */
++extern int iscsi_add_text(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *pdu,
++ char *data, int max_data_length, char *param,
++ char *value);
++extern enum iscsi_login_status iscsi_login(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ char *buffer, size_t bufsize,
++ uint8_t * status_class,
++ uint8_t * status_detail);
++/* Digest types */
++#define ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C 1
++#define ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C_NONE 2 /* offer both, prefer CRC32C */
++#define ISCSI_DIGEST_NONE_CRC32C 3 /* offer both, prefer None */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-network.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-network.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.387472100 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-network.c,v 2005/03/29 19:35:07 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * Contains functions to handle socket operations
++ */
++#include <linux/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/uio.h>
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++ * decode common network errno values into more useful strings.
++ * strerror would be nice right about now.
++ */
++static char *
++iscsi_strerror(int errno)
++ switch (errno) {
++ case EIO:
++ return "I/O error";
++ case EINTR:
++ return "Interrupted system call";
++ case ENXIO:
++ return "No such device or address";
++ case EFAULT:
++ return "Bad address";
++ case EBUSY:
++ return "Device or resource busy";
++ case EINVAL:
++ return "Invalid argument";
++ case EPIPE:
++ return "Broken pipe";
++ case ENONET:
++ return "Machine is not on the network";
++ case ECOMM:
++ return "Communication error on send";
++ case EPROTO:
++ return "Protocol error";
++ case ENOTUNIQ:
++ return "Name not unique on network";
++ case ENOTSOCK:
++ return "Socket operation on non-socket";
++ case ENETDOWN:
++ return "Network is down";
++ return "Network is unreachable";
++ case ENETRESET:
++ return "Network dropped connection because of reset";
++ return "Software caused connection abort";
++ return "Connection reset by peer";
++ case ESHUTDOWN:
++ return "Cannot send after shutdown";
++ case ETIMEDOUT:
++ return "Connection timed out";
++ return "Connection refused";
++ case EHOSTDOWN:
++ return "Host is down";
++ return "No route to host";
++ default:
++ return "";
++ }
++/* create and connect a new socket for this session */
++iscsi_connect(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct socket *socket;
++ int arg = 1;
++ int rc;
++ if (session->socket)
++ return 0;
++ rc = sock_create_kern(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, &socket);
++ if (rc < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to create socket, rc %d\n", rc);
++ return rc;
++ }
++ session->socket = socket;
++ socket->sk->sk_allocation = GFP_ATOMIC;
++ /* no delay in sending */
++ rc = socket->ops->setsockopt(socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
++ (char *)&arg, sizeof(arg));
++ if (rc) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to setsockopt TCP_NODELAY, rc "
++ "%d\n", rc);
++ goto done;
++ }
++ if (session->tcp_window_size) {
++ /*
++ * Should we be accessing the sk_recv/send_buf directly like
++ * NFS (sock_setsockopt will be bounded by the sysctl limits)?
++ */
++ sock_setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
++ (char *)&session->tcp_window_size,
++ sizeof(session->tcp_window_size));
++ sock_setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF,
++ (char *)&session->tcp_window_size,
++ sizeof(session->tcp_window_size));
++ }
++ rc = socket->ops->connect(socket, &session->addr,
++ sizeof(struct sockaddr), 0);
++ done:
++ if (rc) {
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Connect failed due to "
++ "driver timeout\n");
++ else
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Connect failed with rc %d: "
++ "%s\n", rc, iscsi_strerror(-rc));
++ sock_release(socket);
++ session->socket = NULL;
++ }
++ return rc;
++iscsi_disconnect(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ if (session->socket) {
++ sock_release(session->socket);
++ session->socket = NULL;
++ }
++ * iscsi_sendpage - Transmit data using sock->ops->sendpage
++ * @session: iscsi_session to the target
++ * @flags: MSG_MORE or 0
++ * @pg: page to send
++ * @pg_offset: offset in page
++ * @len: length of the data to be transmitted.
++ **/
++iscsi_sendpage(struct iscsi_session *session, int flags, struct page *pg,
++ unsigned int pg_offset, unsigned int len)
++ struct socket *sock = session->socket;
++ int rc;
++ rc = sock->ops->sendpage(sock, pg, pg_offset, len, flags);
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ return ISCSI_IO_INTR;
++ else if (rc != len) {
++ if (rc == 0)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_sendpage() failed due "
++ "to connection closed by target\n");
++ else if (rc < 0)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_sendpage() failed with "
++ "rc %d: %s\n", rc, iscsi_strerror(-rc));
++ else
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_sendpage() failed due "
++ "to short write of %d of %u\n", rc,
++ len);
++ return ISCSI_IO_ERR;
++ }
++ * iscsi_send/recvmsg - recv or send a iSCSI PDU, or portion thereof
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ * @iov: contains list of buffers to receive data in
++ * @iovn: number of buffers in IO vec
++ * @size: total size of data to be received
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * tcp_*msg() might be interrupted because we got
++ * sent a signal, e.g. SIGHUP from iscsi_drop_session(). In
++ * this case, we most likely did not receive all the data, and
++ * we should just bail out. No need to log any message since
++ * this is expected behavior.
++ **/
++iscsi_recvmsg(struct iscsi_session *session, struct kvec *iov, size_t iovn,
++ size_t size)
++ struct msghdr msg;
++ int rc;
++ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
++ rc = kernel_recvmsg(session->socket, &msg, iov, iovn, size,
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ return ISCSI_IO_INTR;
++ else if (rc != size) {
++ if (rc == 0)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_recvmsg() failed due "
++ "to connection closed by target\n");
++ else if (rc < 0)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_recvmsg() failed with "
++ "rc %d: %s\n", rc, iscsi_strerror(-rc));
++ else
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_recvmsg() failed due "
++ "to short read of %d\n", rc);
++ return ISCSI_IO_ERR;
++ }
++iscsi_sendmsg(struct iscsi_session *session, struct kvec *iov, size_t iovn,
++ size_t size)
++ struct msghdr msg;
++ int rc;
++ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
++ rc = kernel_sendmsg(session->socket, &msg, iov, iovn, size);
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ return ISCSI_IO_INTR;
++ else if (rc != size) {
++ if (rc == 0)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_sendmsg() failed due "
++ "to connection closed by target\n");
++ else if (rc < 0)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_sendmsg() failed with "
++ "rc %d: %s\n", rc, iscsi_strerror(-rc));
++ else
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_sendmsg() failed due "
++ "to short write of %d\n", rc);
++ return ISCSI_IO_ERR;
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-portal.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-portal.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.387472100 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-portal.c,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * Portal setup functions
++ */
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/inet.h>
++#include <linux/in.h>
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-ioctl.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++/* caller must hold the session's portal_lock */
++iscsi_set_portal_info(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ /*
++ * Set the iSCSI op params based on the portal's
++ * settings. Don't change the address, since a termporary redirect may
++ * have already changed the address, and we want to use the redirected
++ * address rather than the portal's address.
++ */
++ session->initial_r2t = session->portal.initial_r2t;
++ session->immediate_data = session->portal.immediate_data;
++ session->max_recv_data_segment_len =
++ session->portal.max_recv_data_segment_len;
++ session->first_burst_len = session->portal.first_burst_len;
++ session->max_burst_len = session->portal.max_burst_len;
++ session->def_time2wait = session->portal.def_time2wait;
++ session->def_time2retain = session->portal.def_time2retain;
++ session->header_digest = session->portal.header_digest;
++ session->data_digest = session->portal.data_digest;
++ session->portal_group_tag = session->portal.tag;
++ /* TCP options */
++ session->tcp_window_size = session->portal.tcp_window_size;
++ /* FIXME: type_of_service */
++/* caller must hold the session's portal_lock */
++iscsi_set_portal(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ /* address */
++ memcpy(&session->addr, &session->portal.addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
++ /* timeouts, operational params, other settings */
++ iscsi_set_portal_info(session);
++ * returns 1 if a relogin is required.
++ * caller must hold the session's portal_lock
++ */
++iscsi_update_portal_info(struct iscsi_portal_info *old,
++ struct iscsi_portal_info *new)
++ int ret = 0;
++ if (new->initial_r2t != old->initial_r2t ||
++ new->immediate_data != old->immediate_data ||
++ new->max_recv_data_segment_len != old->max_recv_data_segment_len ||
++ new->first_burst_len != old->first_burst_len ||
++ new->max_burst_len != old->max_burst_len ||
++ new->def_time2wait != old->def_time2wait ||
++ new->def_time2retain != old->def_time2retain ||
++ new->header_digest != old->header_digest ||
++ new->data_digest != old->data_digest ||
++ new->tcp_window_size != old->tcp_window_size)
++ ret = 1;
++ memcpy(old, new, sizeof(*old));
++ return ret;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-portal.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-portal.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:19:56.688824080 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-portal.h,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * portal info structure used in ioctls and the kernel module
++ */
++#ifndef ISCSI_PORTAL_H_
++#define ISCSI_PORTAL_H_
++#include <linux/socket.h>
++struct iscsi_session;
++ * iscsi_portal_info - contains the values userspace had
++ * requested. This differs from the session duplicates
++ * as they are the values we negotiated with the target
++ */
++struct iscsi_portal_info {
++ int initial_r2t;
++ int immediate_data;
++ int max_recv_data_segment_len;
++ int first_burst_len;
++ int max_burst_len;
++ int def_time2wait;
++ int def_time2retain;
++ int header_digest;
++ int data_digest;
++ int tag;
++ int tcp_window_size;
++ int type_of_service;
++ /* support ipv4 when we finish the interface */
++ struct sockaddr addr;
++extern void iscsi_set_portal_info(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_set_portal(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern int iscsi_update_portal_info(struct iscsi_portal_info *old,
++ struct iscsi_portal_info *new);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-protocol.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-protocol.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:19:56.689823940 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-protocol.h,v 2005/03/29 19:35:09 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * This file sets up definitions of messages and constants used by the
++ * iSCSI protocol.
++ */
++#include "iscsi.h"
++/* assumes a pointer to a 3-byte array */
++#define ntoh24(p) (((p)[0] << 16) | ((p)[1] << 8) | ((p)[2]))
++/* assumes a pointer to a 3 byte array, and an integer value */
++#define hton24(p, v) {\
++ p[0] = (((v) >> 16) & 0xFF); \
++ p[1] = (((v) >> 8) & 0xFF); \
++ p[2] = ((v) & 0xFF); \
++/* for Login min, max, active version fields */
++/* Padding word length */
++#define PAD_WORD_LEN 4
++/* maximum length for text values */
++#define TARGET_NAME_MAXLEN 255
++ * We should come up with a enum or some defines (in iscsi.h)
++ * of all the iSCSI defaults so we can verify values against
++ * what we receive (from the ioctl and targets)
++ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-recv-pdu.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-recv-pdu.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.388471960 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-recv-pdu.c,v 2005/03/29 19:35:08 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * All the incoming iSCSI PDUs are processed by functions
++ * defined here.
++ */
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/net.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_dbg.h>
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-task.h"
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-login.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++/* possibly update the ExpCmdSN and MaxCmdSN - may acquire task lock */
++static void
++update_sn(struct iscsi_session *session, u32 expcmdsn, u32 maxcmdsn)
++ /*
++ * standard specifies this check for when to update expected and
++ * max sequence numbers
++ */
++ if (iscsi_sna_lt(maxcmdsn, expcmdsn - 1))
++ return;
++ if (expcmdsn != session->exp_cmd_sn &&
++ !iscsi_sna_lt(expcmdsn, session->exp_cmd_sn))
++ session->exp_cmd_sn = expcmdsn;
++ if (maxcmdsn != session->max_cmd_sn &&
++ !iscsi_sna_lt(maxcmdsn, session->max_cmd_sn)) {
++ session->max_cmd_sn = maxcmdsn;
++ /* wake the tx thread to try sending more commands */
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_SCSI_COMMAND, session);
++ }
++ /*
++ * record whether or not the command window for this session
++ * has closed, so that we can ping the target periodically to
++ * ensure we eventually find out that the window has re-opened.
++ */
++ if (maxcmdsn == expcmdsn - 1) {
++ /*
++ * record how many times this happens, to see
++ * how often we're getting throttled
++ */
++ session->window_closed++;
++ /*
++ * prepare to poll the target to see if
++ * the window has reopened
++ */
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_mod_session_timer(session, 5);
++ set_bit(SESSION_WINDOW_CLOSED, &session->control_bits);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ } else if (test_bit(SESSION_WINDOW_CLOSED, &session->control_bits))
++ clear_bit(SESSION_WINDOW_CLOSED, &session->control_bits);
++static int
++iscsi_recv_header(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth,
++ int digest)
++ struct scatterlist sg;
++ struct kvec iov[2];
++ int length, rc;
++ u32 recvd_crc32c, hdr_crc32c;
++ u8 iovn = 0;
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = sth;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = length = sizeof(*sth);
++ iovn++;
++ if (digest == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = &recvd_crc32c;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = sizeof(recvd_crc32c);
++ iovn++;
++ length += sizeof(recvd_crc32c);
++ }
++ rc = iscsi_recvmsg(session, iov, iovn, length);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ return rc;
++ if (digest == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ crypto_digest_init(session->rx_tfm);
++ sg_init_one(&sg, (u8 *)sth, sizeof(*sth));
++ crypto_digest_digest(session->rx_tfm, &sg, 1,
++ (u8*)&hdr_crc32c);
++ if (recvd_crc32c != hdr_crc32c) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "HeaderDigest mismatch, "
++ "received 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x, "
++ "dropping session\n", recvd_crc32c,
++ hdr_crc32c);
++ return ISCSI_IO_CRC32C_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ /* connection is ok */
++ session->last_rx = jiffies;
++ if (sth->hlength) {
++ /*
++ * FIXME: read any additional header segments.
++ * For now, drop the session if one is
++ * received, since we can't handle them.
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Received opcode %x, ahs length %d, itt"
++ " %u. Dropping, additional header segments not "
++ "supported by this driver version.\n",
++ sth->opcode, sth->hlength, ntohl(sth->itt));
++ return ISCSI_IO_ERR;
++ }
++static void
++handle_logout(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth)
++ struct iscsi_logout_rsp_hdr *stlh = (struct iscsi_logout_rsp_hdr *)sth;
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(stlh->expcmdsn), ntohl(stlh->maxcmdsn));
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_IN_LOGOUT, &session->control_bits))
++ switch (stlh->response) {
++ /*
++ * set session's time2wait to zero?
++ * use DefaultTime2Wait?
++ */
++ session->time2wait = 0;
++ iscsi_host_notice(session, "Session logged out\n");
++ break;
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session logout failed, cid not"
++ " found\n");
++ break;
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session logout failed, "
++ "connection recovery not supported\n");
++ break;
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session logout failed, cleanup"
++ " failed\n");
++ break;
++ default:
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session logout failed, "
++ "response 0x%x\n", stlh->response);
++ break;
++ }
++ else
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session received logout response, but "
++ "never sent a login request\n");
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++static void
++setup_nop_out(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_nop_in_hdr *stnih)
++ struct iscsi_nop_info *nop_info;
++ /*
++ * we preallocate space for one data-less nop reply in
++ * session structure, to avoid having to invoke kernel
++ * memory allocator in the common case where the target
++ * has at most one outstanding data-less nop reply
++ * requested at any given time.
++ */
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (session->nop_reply.ttt == ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG &&
++ list_empty(&session->nop_reply_list))
++ nop_info = &session->nop_reply;
++ else {
++ nop_info = kmalloc(sizeof(*nop_info), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!nop_info) {
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Couldn't queue nop reply "
++ "for ttt %u ", ntohl(stnih->ttt));
++ return;
++ }
++ list_add_tail(&nop_info->reply_list, &session->nop_reply_list);
++ }
++ session->nop_reply.ttt = stnih->ttt;
++ memcpy(session->nop_reply.lun, stnih->lun,
++ sizeof(session->nop_reply.lun));
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_NOP_REPLY, session);
++static void
++handle_nop_in(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth)
++ struct iscsi_nop_in_hdr *stnih = (struct iscsi_nop_in_hdr *)sth;
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(stnih->expcmdsn), ntohl(stnih->maxcmdsn));
++ if (stnih->itt != ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG)
++ /*
++ * we do not send data in our nop-outs, so there
++ * is not much to do right now
++ */
++ /*
++ * FIXME: check StatSN
++ */
++ session->exp_stat_sn = ntohl(stnih->statsn) + 1;
++ /*
++ * check the ttt to decide whether to reply with a Nop-out
++ */
++ if (stnih->ttt != ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG)
++ setup_nop_out(session, stnih);
++ * handle_scsi_rsp - Process the SCSI response PDU.
++ * @session: Session on which the cmd response is received.
++ * @stsrh: SCSI cmd Response header
++ * @sense_data: Sense data received for the cmd
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Get the task for the SCSI cmd, process the response received and
++ * complete the task.
++ **/
++static void
++handle_scsi_rsp(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth,
++ unsigned char *sense_data)
++ struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr *stsrh = (struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr *)sth;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ unsigned int senselen = 0;
++ u32 itt = ntohl(stsrh->itt);
++ /* FIXME: check StatSN */
++ session->exp_stat_sn = ntohl(stsrh->statsn) + 1;
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(stsrh->expcmdsn), ntohl(stsrh->maxcmdsn));
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, itt);
++ if (!task) {
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "recv_cmd - response for itt %u, but "
++ "no such task\n", itt);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* check for sense data */
++ if (ntoh24(stsrh->dlength) > 1) {
++ /*
++ * Sense data format per draft-08, 3.4.6. 2-byte sense length,
++ * then sense data, then iSCSI response data
++ */
++ senselen = (sense_data[0] << 8) | sense_data[1];
++ if (senselen > (ntoh24(stsrh->dlength) - 2))
++ senselen = (ntoh24(stsrh->dlength) - 2);
++ sense_data += 2;
++ }
++ iscsi_process_task_response(task, stsrh, sense_data, senselen);
++ iscsi_complete_task(task);
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++static void
++handle_r2t(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth)
++ struct iscsi_r2t_hdr *strh = (struct iscsi_r2t_hdr *)sth;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ u32 itt = ntohl(strh->itt);
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(strh->expcmdsn), ntohl(strh->maxcmdsn));
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, itt);
++ if (!task) {
++ /* the task no longer exists */
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "ignoring R2T for itt %u, %u bytes @ "
++ "offset %u\n", ntohl(strh->itt),
++ ntohl(strh->data_length),
++ ntohl(strh->data_offset));
++ goto done;
++ }
++ if (!test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_WRITE, &task->flags)) {
++ /*
++ * bug in the target. the command isn't a write,
++ * so we have no data to send
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Ignoring unexpected R2T for task itt "
++ "%u, %u bytes @ offset %u, ttt %u, not a write "
++ "command\n", ntohl(strh->itt),
++ ntohl(strh->data_length),
++ ntohl(strh->data_offset), ntohl(strh->ttt));
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ } else if (task->ttt != ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG)
++ /*
++ * bug in the target. MaxOutstandingR2T == 1 should
++ * have prevented this from occuring
++ */
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Ignoring R2T for task itt %u, %u "
++ "bytes @ offset %u, ttt %u, already have R2T "
++ "for %u @ %u, ttt %u\n", ntohl(strh->itt),
++ ntohl(strh->data_length),
++ ntohl(strh->data_offset), ntohl(strh->ttt),
++ task->data_length, task->data_offset,
++ ntohl(task->ttt));
++ else {
++ /* record the R2T */
++ task->ttt = strh->ttt;
++ task->data_length = ntohl(strh->data_length);
++ task->data_offset = ntohl(strh->data_offset);
++ /*
++ * even if we've issued an abort task set, we need
++ * to respond to R2Ts for this task, though we can
++ * apparently set the F-bit and terminate the data burst
++ * early. Rather than hope targets handle that
++ * correctly, we just send the data requested as usual.
++ */
++ iscsi_queue_r2t(session, task);
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_DATA, session);
++ }
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ done:
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++static int
++recv_extra_data(struct iscsi_session *session, u32 data_len, u32 *recvd_crc32c)
++ struct scatterlist tmpsg;
++ struct kvec iov[2];
++ char padding[PAD_WORD_LEN - 1];
++ int pad = 0, iovn = 0, len = 0, rc;
++ if (data_len % PAD_WORD_LEN) {
++ pad = PAD_WORD_LEN - (data_len % PAD_WORD_LEN);
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = padding;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = pad;
++ iovn++;
++ len += pad;
++ }
++ if (recvd_crc32c) {
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = recvd_crc32c;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = sizeof(*recvd_crc32c);
++ len += iov[iovn].iov_len;
++ iovn++;
++ }
++ if (iovn) {
++ rc = iscsi_recvmsg(session, iov, iovn, len);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ return rc;
++ if (pad && recvd_crc32c) {
++ sg_init_one(&tmpsg, padding, pad);
++ crypto_digest_update(session->rx_tfm, &tmpsg, 1);
++ }
++ }
++ * iscsi_recv_sg_data - read the PDU's payload
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ * @data_len: data length
++ * @sglist: data scatterlist
++ * @sglist_len: number of sg elements
++ * @sg_offset: offset in sglist
++ * @digest_opt: CRC32C or NONE
++ **/
++static int
++iscsi_recv_sg_data(struct iscsi_session *session, u32 data_len,
++ struct scatterlist *sglist, int sglist_len,
++ unsigned int sg_offset, int digest_opt)
++ int i, len, rc = ISCSI_IO_ERR;
++ struct scatterlist *sg, tmpsg;
++ unsigned int page_offset, remaining, sg_bytes;
++ struct page *p;
++ void *page_addr;
++ struct kvec iov;
++ u32 recvd_crc32c, data_crc32c;
++ remaining = data_len;
++ if (digest_opt == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C)
++ crypto_digest_init(session->rx_tfm);
++ /*
++ * Read in the data for each sg in PDU
++ */
++ for (i = 0; remaining > 0 && i < sglist_len; i++) {
++ /*
++ * Find the right sg entry first
++ */
++ if (sg_offset >= sglist[i].length) {
++ sg_offset -= sglist[i].length;
++ continue;
++ }
++ sg = &sglist[i];
++ /*
++ * Find page corresponding to segment offset first
++ */
++ page_offset = sg->offset + sg_offset;
++ p = sg->page + (page_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ page_offset -= (page_offset & PAGE_MASK);
++ /*
++ * yuck, for each page in sg (can't pass a sg with its
++ * pages mapped to kernel_recvmsg in one iov entry and must
++ * use one iov entry for each PAGE when using highmem???????)
++ */
++ sg_bytes = min(remaining, sg->length - sg_offset);
++ remaining -= sg_bytes;
++ for (; sg_bytes > 0; sg_bytes -= len) {
++ page_addr = kmap(p);
++ if (!page_addr) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "recv_sg_data kmap "
++ "failed to map page in sg %p\n",
++ sg);
++ goto error_exit;
++ }
++ iov.iov_base = page_addr + page_offset;
++ iov.iov_len = min_t(unsigned int, sg_bytes,
++ PAGE_SIZE - page_offset);
++ len = iov.iov_len;
++ /*
++ * is it better to do one call with all the pages
++ * setup or multiple calls?
++ */
++ rc = iscsi_recvmsg(session, &iov, 1, len);
++ kunmap(p);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ goto error_exit;
++ /* crypto_digest_update will kmap itself */
++ if (digest_opt == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ = p;
++ tmpsg.offset = page_offset;
++ tmpsg.length = len;
++ crypto_digest_update(session->rx_tfm, &tmpsg,
++ 1);
++ }
++ p++;
++ page_offset = 0;
++ }
++ sg_offset = 0;
++ }
++ if (remaining != 0) {
++ /* Maybe this should be a BUG? */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "recv_sg_data - invalid sglist for "
++ "offset %u len %u, remaining data %u, sglist "
++ "size %d, dropping session\n", sg_offset,
++ data_len, remaining, sglist_len);
++ goto error_exit;
++ }
++ rc = recv_extra_data(session, data_len, digest_opt ==
++ ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C ? &recvd_crc32c : NULL);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ goto error_exit;
++ if (digest_opt == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ crypto_digest_final(session->rx_tfm, (u8*)&data_crc32c);
++ if (data_crc32c != recvd_crc32c) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "DataDigest mismatch, received "
++ "0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x\n",
++ recvd_crc32c, data_crc32c);
++ return ISCSI_IO_CRC32C_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ /* connection is ok */
++ session->last_rx = jiffies;
++ return rc;
++ error_exit:
++ /* FIXME: we could discard the data or drop the session */
++ return rc;
++ * Only call this from recvs where the rx_buffer is not in
++ * use. We don't bother checking the CRC, since we couldn't
++ * retry the command anyway
++ */
++static void
++drop_data(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth)
++ int pad, length, num_bytes;
++ struct kvec iov;
++ length = ntoh24(sth->dlength);
++ pad = length % PAD_WORD_LEN;
++ if (pad)
++ pad = PAD_WORD_LEN - pad;
++ length += pad;
++ if (session->data_digest == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "recv_data discarding %d data PDU "
++ "bytes, %d pad bytes, %Zu digest bytes\n",
++ ntoh24(sth->dlength), pad, sizeof(u32));
++ length += sizeof(u32);
++ } else
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "recv_data discarding %d data PDU "
++ "bytes, %d pad bytes\n", ntoh24(sth->dlength),
++ pad);
++ while (!signal_pending(current) && length > 0) {
++ num_bytes = min_t(int, length, sizeof(session->rx_buffer));
++ iov.iov_base = session->rx_buffer;
++ iov.iov_len = sizeof(session->rx_buffer);
++ /* should iov_len match num_bytes ? */
++ if (iscsi_recvmsg(session, &iov, 1, num_bytes) !=
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ break;
++ }
++ /* assume a PDU round-trip, connection is ok */
++ session->last_rx = jiffies;
++ length -= num_bytes;
++ }
++static void
++handle_scsi_data(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth)
++ struct iscsi_data_rsp_hdr *stdrh = (struct iscsi_data_rsp_hdr *)sth;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc;
++ struct scatterlist sg;
++ int dlength, offset, rc;
++ u32 itt = ntohl(stdrh->itt);
++ if (stdrh->flags & ISCSI_FLAG_DATA_STATUS)
++ /* FIXME: check StatSN */
++ session->exp_stat_sn = ntohl(stdrh->statsn) + 1;
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(stdrh->expcmdsn), ntohl(stdrh->maxcmdsn));
++ dlength = ntoh24(stdrh->dlength);
++ offset = ntohl(stdrh->offset);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, itt);
++ if (!task) {
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "recv_data, no task for itt %u next "
++ "itt %u, discarding received data, offset %u "
++ "len %u\n", ntohl(stdrh->itt),
++ session->next_itt, offset, dlength);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ drop_data(session, sth);
++ return;
++ }
++ sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ /* sanity check the PDU against the command */
++ if (!test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_READ, &task->flags)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "lun%u: recv_data itt %u, command "
++ "cdb 0x%02x, dropping session due to "
++ "unexpected Data-in from\n", task->lun, itt,
++ sc->cmnd[0]);
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ goto done;
++ } else if ((offset + dlength) > sc->request_bufflen) {
++ /* buffer overflow, often because of a corrupt PDU header */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "recv_data for itt %u, cmnd 0x%x, "
++ "bufflen %u, Data PDU with offset %u len %u "
++ "overflows command buffer, dropping session\n",
++ itt, sc->cmnd[0], sc->request_bufflen, offset,
++ dlength);
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ goto done;
++ } else if (task->rxdata != offset) {
++ /*
++ * if the data arrives out-of-order, it becomes much harder
++ * for us to correctly calculate the residual if we don't get
++ * enough data and also don't get an underflow from the
++ * target. This can happen if we discard Data PDUs due to
++ * bogus offsets/lengths. Since we always negotiate for
++ * Data PDUs in-order, this should never happen, but check
++ * for it anyway.
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "recv_data for itt %u, cmnd 0x%x, "
++ "bufflen %u, offset %u does not match expected "
++ "offset %u, dropping session\n", itt,
++ sc->cmnd[0], sc->request_bufflen, offset,
++ task->rxdata);
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /*
++ * either we'll read it all, or we'll drop the session and requeue
++ * the command, so it's safe to increment early
++ */
++ task->rxdata += dlength;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (sc->use_sg)
++ rc = iscsi_recv_sg_data(session, dlength, sc->request_buffer,
++ sc->use_sg, offset,
++ session->data_digest);
++ else {
++ sg_init_one(&sg, sc->request_buffer, dlength);
++ rc = iscsi_recv_sg_data(session, dlength, &sg, 1, offset,
++ session->data_digest);
++ }
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ switch (rc) {
++ case ISCSI_IO_ERR:
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ break;
++ case ISCSI_IO_CRC32C_ERR:
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_CRC_ERROR, &task->flags);
++ /* fall through */
++ if (stdrh->flags & ISCSI_FLAG_DATA_STATUS) {
++ iscsi_process_task_status(task, sth);
++ iscsi_complete_task(task);
++ }
++ }
++ done:
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ * handle_task_mgmt_rsp - Process the task management response.
++ * @session: to retrieve the task
++ * @ststmrh: task management response header
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Retrieve the task for which task mgmt response is received and take
++ * appropriate action based on the type of task management request.
++ **/
++static void
++handle_task_mgmt_rsp(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth)
++ struct iscsi_scsi_task_mgmt_rsp_hdr *ststmrh;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ u32 mgmt_itt;
++ ststmrh = (struct iscsi_scsi_task_mgmt_rsp_hdr *)sth;
++ mgmt_itt = ntohl(ststmrh->itt);
++ /* FIXME: check StatSN */
++ session->exp_stat_sn = ntohl(ststmrh->statsn) + 1;
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(ststmrh->expcmdsn), ntohl(ststmrh->maxcmdsn));
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ /*
++ * This can fail if they timedout and we escalated the recovery
++ * to a new function
++ */
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, mgmt_itt);
++ if (!task) {
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "mgmt response 0x%x for unknown itt "
++ "%u, rtt %u\n", ststmrh->response,
++ ntohl(ststmrh->itt), ntohl(ststmrh->rtt));
++ goto done;
++ }
++ if (ststmrh->response == 0) {
++ iscsi_host_info(task->session, "task mgmt itt %u "
++ "successful\n", mgmt_itt);
++ iscsi_complete_tmf_task(task, ISCSI_TASK_TMF_SUCCESS);
++ } else {
++ iscsi_host_err(task->session, "task mgmt itt %u rejected"
++ " (0x%x)\n", mgmt_itt, ststmrh->response);
++ iscsi_complete_tmf_task(task, ISCSI_TASK_TMF_FAILED);
++ }
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ done:
++ /*
++ * we got the expected response, allow the eh thread to send
++ * another task mgmt PDU whenever it wants to
++ */
++ if (session->last_mgmt_itt == mgmt_itt)
++ session->last_mgmt_itt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++static void
++process_immed_cmd_reject(struct iscsi_session *session, unsigned char *xbuf,
++ int dlength)
++ u32 itt;
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ struct iscsi_hdr pdu;
++ if (dlength < sizeof(pdu)) {
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Immediate command rejected, dlength "
++ "%u\n", dlength);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* look at the rejected PDU */
++ memcpy(&pdu, xbuf, sizeof(pdu));
++ itt = ntohl(pdu.itt);
++ /*
++ * try to find the task corresponding to this itt,
++ * and wake up any process waiting on it
++ */
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (session->last_mgmt_itt == itt)
++ session->last_mgmt_itt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, itt);
++ if (task) {
++ iscsi_host_notice(session, "task mgmt PDU rejected, mgmt %u, "
++ "itt %u\n", itt, task->itt);
++ iscsi_complete_tmf_task(task, ISCSI_TASK_IMM_REJECT);
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ } else if ((pdu.opcode & ISCSI_OPCODE_MASK) == ISCSI_OP_LOGOUT_CMD)
++ /*
++ * our Logout was rejected. just let the
++ * logout response timer drop the session
++ */
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Logout PDU rejected, itt %u\n", itt);
++ else
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "itt %u immediate command rejected\n",
++ itt);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++static void
++handle_reject(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth,
++ unsigned char *xbuf)
++ struct iscsi_reject_hdr *reject;
++ struct iscsi_hdr pdu;
++ int dlength;
++ u32 itt;
++ reject = (struct iscsi_reject_hdr *)sth;
++ dlength = ntoh24(reject->dlength);
++ /* FIXME: check StatSN */
++ session->exp_stat_sn = ntohl(reject->statsn) + 1;
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(reject->expcmdsn), ntohl(reject->maxcmdsn));
++ if (reject->reason == ISCSI_REJECT_DATA_DIGEST_ERROR) {
++ /*
++ * we don't need to do anything about these,
++ * timers or other PDUs will handle the problem.
++ */
++ if (dlength >= sizeof(pdu)) {
++ memcpy(&pdu, xbuf, sizeof(pdu));
++ itt = ntohl(pdu.itt);
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "itt %u (opcode 0x%x) rejected"
++ " because of a DataDigest error\n", itt,
++ pdu.opcode);
++ } else
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Target rejected a PDU because"
++ " of a DataDigest error\n");
++ } else if (reject->reason == ISCSI_REJECT_IMM_CMD_REJECT)
++ process_immed_cmd_reject(session, xbuf, dlength);
++ else {
++ if (dlength >= sizeof(pdu)) {
++ /* look at the rejected PDU */
++ memcpy(&pdu, xbuf, sizeof(pdu));
++ itt = ntohl(pdu.itt);
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Dropping session because "
++ "target rejected a PDU, reason 0x%x, "
++ "dlength %d, rejected itt %u, opcode "
++ "0x%x\n", reject->reason, dlength, itt,
++ pdu.opcode);
++ } else
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Dropping session because "
++ "target rejected a PDU, reason 0x%x, "
++ "dlength %u\n", reject->reason, dlength);
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ }
++static void
++handle_async_msg(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *sth,
++ unsigned char *xbuf)
++ struct iscsi_async_msg_hdr *staeh = (struct iscsi_async_msg_hdr *)sth;
++ unsigned int senselen;
++ /* FIXME: check StatSN */
++ session->exp_stat_sn = ntohl(staeh->statsn) + 1;
++ update_sn(session, ntohl(staeh->expcmdsn), ntohl(staeh->maxcmdsn));
++ switch (staeh->async_event) {
++ senselen = (xbuf[0] << 8) | xbuf[1];
++ xbuf += 2;
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Received async SCSI event. Printing "
++ "sense\n");
++ remove for 2.6.11
++ __scsi_print_sense(ISCSI_PROC_NAME, xbuf, senselen);
++ break;
++ /*
++ * FIXME: this is really a request to drop a connection,
++ * not the whole session, but we currently only have one
++ * connection per session, so there's no difference
++ * at the moment.
++ */
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Target requests logout within %u "
++ "seconds for session\n", ntohs(staeh->param3));
++ /*
++ * we need to get the task lock to make sure the TX thread
++ * isn't in the middle of adding another task to the session.
++ */
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_request_logout(session, ntohs(staeh->param3) - (HZ / 10),
++ session->active_timeout);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ break;
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Target dropping connection %u, "
++ "reconnect min %u max %u\n",
++ ntohs(staeh->param1), ntohs(staeh->param2),
++ ntohs(staeh->param3));
++ session->time2wait = (long) ntohs(staeh->param2) & 0x0000FFFFFL;
++ break;
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Target dropping all connections, "
++ "reconnect min %u max %u\n",
++ ntohs(staeh->param2), ntohs(staeh->param3));
++ session->time2wait = (long) ntohs(staeh->param2) & 0x0000FFFFFL;
++ break;
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Ignoring vendor-specific async event,"
++ " vcode 0x%x\n", staeh->async_vcode);
++ break;
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Received async event param "
++ "negotiation, dropping session\n");
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ break;
++ default:
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Received unknown async event 0x%x\n",
++ staeh->async_event);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (staeh->async_event == ISCSI_ASYNC_MSG_DROPPING_CONNECTION ||
++ staeh->async_event == ISCSI_ASYNC_MSG_REQUEST_LOGOUT) {
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ memcpy(&session->addr, &session->portal.addr,
++ sizeof(struct sockaddr));
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ }
++ * iscsi_recv_pdu - Read in a iSCSI PDU
++ * @session: iscsi session structure
++ * @hdr: a iSCSI PDU header
++ * @hdr_digest: digest type for header
++ * @data: buffer for data
++ * @max_data_len: buffer size
++ * @data_digest: digest type for data
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Reads a iSCSI PDU into memory. Excpet for login PDUs, this function
++ * will also process the PDU.
++ **/
++iscsi_recv_pdu(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr,
++ int hdr_digest, char *data, int max_data_len, int data_digest)
++ int rc;
++ int data_len;
++ struct scatterlist sg;
++ if (iscsi_recv_header(session, hdr, hdr_digest) != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ goto fail;
++ data_len = ntoh24(hdr->dlength);
++ /*
++ * scsi data is read in and processed by its handler for now
++ */
++ if (data_len && hdr->opcode != ISCSI_OP_SCSI_DATA_RSP) {
++ if (data_len > max_data_len) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_recv_pdu() cannot read "
++ "%d bytes of PDU data, only %d bytes "
++ "of buffer available\n", data_len,
++ max_data_len);
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ /*
++ * must clear this, beucase the login api uses the same
++ * buffer for recv and send
++ */
++ memset(data, 0, max_data_len);
++ sg_init_one(&sg, data, data_len);
++ rc = iscsi_recv_sg_data(session, data_len, &sg, 1, 0,
++ data_digest);
++ if (rc == ISCSI_IO_CRC32C_ERR) {
++ switch (hdr->opcode) {
++ /* unsolicited so ignore */
++ goto done;
++ default:
++ goto fail;
++ };
++ } else if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ switch (hdr->opcode) {
++ handle_nop_in(session, hdr);
++ break;
++ handle_scsi_rsp(session, hdr, data);
++ break;
++ handle_task_mgmt_rsp(session, hdr);
++ break;
++ case ISCSI_OP_R2T:
++ handle_r2t(session, hdr);
++ break;
++ handle_scsi_data(session, hdr);
++ break;
++ handle_async_msg(session, hdr, data);
++ break;
++ handle_reject(session, hdr, data);
++ break;
++ handle_logout(session, hdr);
++ break;
++ /*
++ * The login api needs the buffer to be cleared when no
++ * data has been read
++ */
++ if (!data_len)
++ memset(data, 0, max_data_len);
++ /*
++ * login api will process further
++ */
++ break;
++ default:
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Dropping session after receiving "
++ "unexpected opcode 0x%x\n", hdr->opcode);
++ session->time2wait = 2;
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ done:
++ return 1;
++ fail:
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-session.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-session.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.388471960 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,1686 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-session.c,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * This File implements the funtions related to establishing and
++ * managing the session.
++ */
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/kthread.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/inet.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-ioctl.h"
++#include "iscsi-task.h"
++#include "iscsi-login.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++ * list of initialized iscsi sessions - this should be replaced
++ * with a driver model equivalent if possible.
++ */
++static DECLARE_MUTEX(iscsi_session_sem);
++static void
++signal_iscsi_threads(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ if (session->tx_task)
++ kill_proc(session->tx_task->pid, SIGHUP, 1);
++ if (session->rx_task)
++ kill_proc(session->rx_task->pid, SIGHUP, 1);
++/* drop an iscsi session */
++iscsi_drop_session(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ if (!test_and_clear_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits))
++ return;
++ /* so we know whether to abort the connection */
++ session->session_drop_time = jiffies ? jiffies : 1;
++ signal_iscsi_threads(session);
++iscsi_update_replacement_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ if (timeout < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot set negative timeout value of"
++ "%d\n", timeout);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ if (timeout == session->replacement_timeout) {
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ del_timer_sync(&session->replacement_timer);
++ session->replacement_timeout = timeout;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if ((test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits)) ||
++ (test_bit(SESSION_REPLACEMENT_TIMEDOUT, &session->control_bits)) ||
++ !timeout) {
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ mod_timer(&session->replacement_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++static void
++handle_logout_timeouts(unsigned long data)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)data;
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATED, &session->control_bits) ||
++ !test_bit(SESSION_LOGOUT_REQUESTED, &session->control_bits))
++ return;
++ /*
++ * we're waiting for tasks to complete before logging out. No need to
++ * check the CmdSN window, since we won't be starting any more tasks.
++ */
++ if (test_and_set_bit(SESSION_IN_LOGOUT, &session->control_bits)) {
++ /*
++ * passed the deadline for a logout response, just drop the
++ * session
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Logout response timed out, dropping "
++ "session\n");
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ } else {
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_LOGOUT, session);
++ mod_timer(&session->logout_timer,
++ jiffies + (session->logout_response_timeout * HZ));
++ }
++/* caller must hold session->task_lock */
++iscsi_request_logout(struct iscsi_session *session, int logout_timeout,
++ int logout_response_timeout)
++ int timeout;
++ if (!test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits) ||
++ test_and_set_bit(SESSION_LOGOUT_REQUESTED, &session->control_bits))
++ return;
++ /*
++ * we should not be sending any new requests, so we do not want
++ * the net timer to send pings. If we have active tasks then
++ * we delay logout, but one way or another this session is going
++ * so we do not need the net timer even if the transport is bad.
++ */
++ del_timer(&session->transport_timer);
++ session->logout_response_timeout = logout_response_timeout;
++ if (session->num_active_tasks == 0) {
++ timeout = session->logout_response_timeout;
++ set_bit(SESSION_IN_LOGOUT, &session->control_bits);
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_LOGOUT, session);
++ } else
++ timeout = logout_timeout;
++ mod_timer(&session->logout_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ * return value:
++ * 1: login successfully.
++ * -1: Failed to login. Retry.
++ */
++static int
++login_response_status(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ enum iscsi_login_status login_status)
++ int ret;
++ switch (login_status) {
++ case LOGIN_OK:
++ /* check the status class and detail */
++ ret = 1;
++ break;
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ ret = -1;
++ break;
++ default:
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ /*
++ * these are problems that will probably occur with any portal
++ * of this target.
++ */
++ ret = -1;
++ }
++ return ret;
++ * return value:
++ * 2: login successfully.
++ * 1: Redirected. Retry login.
++ * 0: Failed to login. No need to retry. Give up.
++ * -1: Failed to login. Retry.
++ */
++static int
++check_iscsi_status_class(struct iscsi_session *session, u8 status_class,
++ u8 status_detail)
++ switch (status_class) {
++ return 2;
++ switch (status_detail) {
++ return 1; /* not really success, but we want to
++ * retry immediately, with no delay
++ */
++ /*
++ * for a permanent redirect, we need to update the
++ * portal address, and then try again.
++ */
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ /* reset the address in the current portal info */
++ memcpy(&session->portal.addr, &session->addr,
++ sizeof(struct sockaddr));
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ return 1; /* not really success, but we want to
++ * retry immediately, with no delay
++ */
++ default:
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login rejected: redirection "
++ "type 0x%x not supported\n",
++ status_detail);
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ switch (status_detail) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login rejected: Initiator "
++ "failed authentication with target\n");
++ return 0;
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login rejected: initiator "
++ "failed authorization with target\n");
++ return 0;
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login rejected: initiator "
++ "error - target not found (%02x/%02x)\n",
++ status_class, status_detail);
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * FIXME: if we handle multiple protocol versions,
++ * before we log an error, try the other supported
++ * versions.
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login rejected: incompatible "
++ "version (%02x/%02x), non-retryable, "
++ "giving up\n", status_class,
++ status_detail);
++ return 0;
++ default:
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login rejected: initiator "
++ "error (%02x/%02x), non-retryable, "
++ "giving up\n", status_class,
++ status_detail);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login rejected: target error "
++ "(%02x/%02x)\n", status_class, status_detail);
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ /*
++ * We have no idea what the problem is. But spec says initiator
++ * may retry later.
++ */
++ return -1;
++ default:
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login response with unknown status "
++ "class 0x%x, detail 0x%x\n", status_class,
++ status_detail);
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ return 0;
++ }
++static void
++login_timed_out(unsigned long data)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)data;
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Login phase timed out, timeout was set for "
++ "%d secs\n", session->login_timeout);
++ kill_proc(session->rx_task->pid, SIGHUP, 1);
++ * iscsi_update_login_timeout - update the login timeout and timer
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ * @timeout: new timeout
++ *
++ * Notes:
++ * If it is a pending timer then we restart with the new value.
++ * And if there was no previous timeout, and a new value
++ * we start up the timer with the new value.
++ */
++iscsi_update_login_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ if (timeout < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot set negative timeout value of"
++ "%d\n", timeout);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ if (session->login_timeout == timeout)
++ goto done;
++ if ((del_timer(&session->login_timer) && timeout) ||
++ (!session->login_timeout && timeout &&
++ test_bit(SESSION_IN_LOGIN, &session->control_bits)))
++ mod_timer(&session->login_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ session->login_timeout = timeout;
++ done:
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++static int
++__establish_session(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ int ret = -1;
++ u8 status_class;
++ u8 status_detail;
++ enum iscsi_login_status login_status;
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ flush_signals(current);
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ /*
++ * Set almost everything based on the portal's settings.
++ * Don't change the address, since a temporary redirect
++ * may have already changed the address,
++ * and we want to use the redirected address rather than
++ * the portal's address.
++ */
++ iscsi_set_portal_info(session);
++ set_bit(SESSION_IN_LOGIN, &session->control_bits);
++ if (session->login_timeout)
++ mod_timer(&session->login_timer,
++ jiffies + (session->login_timeout * HZ));
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ if (iscsi_connect(session)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "establish_session failed. Could not "
++ "connect to target\n");
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Grab the config mutex a little early incase update_session
++ * is running and something went wacko, the connect/login timer
++ * above will break us out.
++ */
++ if (down_interruptible(&session->config_mutex)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to acquire mutex before "
++ "login\n");
++ goto done;
++ }
++ /*
++ * initialize session fields for the iscsi-login code
++ */
++ session->type = ISCSI_SESSION_TYPE_NORMAL;
++ /*
++ * use iSCSI default, unless declared otherwise by the
++ * target during login
++ */
++ session->max_xmit_data_segment_len =
++ session->vendor_specific_keys = 1;
++ /*
++ * we do not want to allocate memory here since this might be a
++ * relogin with IO in progress, so we reuse the rx_buffer. Note
++ * that extra care must be taken when using this buffer for both
++ * send and recv here , becuase the net subsys does not copy data
++ * in sendpage.
++ */
++ login_status = iscsi_login(session, session->rx_buffer,
++ sizeof(session->rx_buffer), &status_class,
++ &status_detail);
++ up(&session->config_mutex);
++ ret = login_response_status(session, login_status);
++ if (ret < 1)
++ goto done;
++ ret = check_iscsi_status_class(session, status_class, status_detail);
++ if (ret < 2)
++ goto done;
++ iscsi_host_notice(session, "Session established\n");
++ /*
++ * logged in ok, get the new session ready
++ */
++ session->window_closed = 0;
++ session->session_established_time = jiffies;
++ session->session_drop_time = 0;
++ clear_bit(SESSION_WINDOW_CLOSED, &session->control_bits);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ clear_bit(SESSION_REPLACEMENT_TIMEDOUT, &session->control_bits);
++ set_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ /*
++ * ready to go, so wake up everyone waiting for the session
++ * to be established
++ */
++ wake_up(&session->login_wait_q);
++ done:
++ /*
++ * there is a race with the login timer here where we successfully
++ * login, but then the login timer expires. If this does occur
++ * we end up relogging in. To handle the login_wait_q
++ * being woken up we are holding the tx_blocked sema so the tx_thread
++ * will not be sending any tasks while this is going on (the worst
++ * that happens is tasks will timeout).
++ *
++ * Fixme: if time (this should be rare so maybe not a priority)
++ */
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ clear_bit(SESSION_IN_LOGIN, &session->control_bits);
++ del_timer_sync(&session->login_timer);
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ /* cleanup after a possible timeout expiration */
++ if (signal_pending(current)) {
++ flush_signals(current);
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits))
++ return 0;
++ else
++ return -1;
++ }
++ return ret;
++static char*
++iscsi_strdup(char *str, int *err)
++ int len;
++ char *s;
++ *err = 0;
++ len = strlen(str) + 1;
++ if (len == 1) {
++ *err = -EINVAL;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ s = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!s) {
++ *err = -ENOMEM;
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ return strcpy(s, str);
++ * return value:
++ * 1: name/alias updated. Relogin required.
++ * 0: No updated needed.
++ * -Exxx: Failed to update.
++ */
++static int
++update_iscsi_strings(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld)
++ char *iname = NULL;
++ char *alias = NULL;
++ char *uname = NULL;
++ char *uname_in = NULL;
++ char *pw = NULL;
++ char *pw_in = NULL;
++ int rc = 0;
++ /*
++ * update all the values or none of them
++ */
++ if (!ioctld->initiator_name[0]) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "No InitiatorName\n");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ if (strcmp(ioctld->initiator_name, session->initiator_name)) {
++ iname = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->initiator_name, &rc);
++ if (!iname) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to change "
++ "InitiatorName from %s to %s\n",
++ session->initiator_name,
++ ioctld->initiator_name);
++ return rc;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ioctld->initiator_alias[0] && (!session->initiator_alias ||
++ strcmp(ioctld->initiator_alias, session->initiator_alias))) {
++ alias = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->initiator_alias, &rc);
++ if (!alias)
++ /* Alias is not ciritical so just print an error */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to change "
++ "InitiatorAlias\n");
++ }
++ if (ioctld->username[0] && (!session->username ||
++ strcmp(ioctld->username, session->username))) {
++ uname = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->username, &rc);
++ if (!uname) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to change outgoing "
++ "username\n");
++ goto failed;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ioctld->username_in[0] && (!session->username_in ||
++ strcmp(ioctld->username_in, session->username_in))) {
++ uname_in = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->username_in, &rc);
++ if (!uname_in) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to change incoming "
++ "username\n");
++ goto failed;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ioctld->password_length && (!session->password ||
++ session->password_length != ioctld->password_length ||
++ memcmp(ioctld->password, session->password,
++ session->password_length))) {
++ pw = kmalloc(ioctld->password_length + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!pw) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to change outgoing "
++ "password\n");
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto failed;
++ }
++ memcpy(pw, ioctld->password, ioctld->password_length);
++ }
++ if (ioctld->password_length_in && (!session->password_in ||
++ session->password_length_in != ioctld->password_length_in ||
++ memcmp(ioctld->password_in, session->password_in,
++ session->password_length_in))) {
++ pw_in = kmalloc(ioctld->password_length_in + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!pw_in) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to change incoming "
++ "password\n");
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto failed;
++ }
++ memcpy(pw_in, ioctld->password_in, ioctld->password_length_in);
++ }
++ if (iname) {
++ kfree(session->initiator_name);
++ session->initiator_name = iname;
++ rc = 1;
++ }
++ if (alias || (!ioctld->initiator_alias[0] &&
++ session->initiator_alias[0])) {
++ kfree(session->initiator_alias);
++ session->initiator_alias = alias;
++ rc = 1;
++ }
++ if (uname || (!ioctld->username[0] && session->username)) {
++ kfree(session->username);
++ session->username = uname;
++ rc = 1;
++ }
++ if (uname_in || (!ioctld->username_in[0] && session->username_in)) {
++ kfree(session->username_in);
++ session->username_in = uname_in;
++ rc = 1;
++ }
++ if (pw || (!ioctld->password_length && session->password)) {
++ kfree(session->password);
++ session->password = pw;
++ session->password_length = ioctld->password_length;
++ rc = 1;
++ }
++ if (pw_in || (!ioctld->password_length_in && session->password_in)) {
++ kfree(session->password_in);
++ session->password_in = pw_in;
++ session->password_length_in = ioctld->password_length_in;
++ rc = 1;
++ }
++ return rc;
++ failed:
++ kfree(iname);
++ kfree(alias);
++ kfree(uname);
++ kfree(uname_in);
++ kfree(pw);
++ kfree(pw_in);
++ return rc;
++static int
++alloc_auth_buffers(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ if (!(session->bidirectional_auth || session->username ||
++ session->password))
++ return 0;
++ if (session->auth_client_block)
++ return 0;
++ session->md5_tfm = crypto_alloc_tfm("md5", 0);
++ if (!session->md5_tfm)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ session->auth_client_block =
++ kmalloc(sizeof(*session->auth_client_block), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!session->auth_client_block)
++ goto error;
++ session->auth_recv_string_block =
++ kmalloc(sizeof(*session->auth_recv_string_block), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!session->auth_recv_string_block)
++ goto error;
++ session->auth_send_string_block =
++ kmalloc(sizeof(*session->auth_send_string_block), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!session->auth_send_string_block)
++ goto error;
++ session->auth_recv_binary_block =
++ kmalloc(sizeof(*session->auth_recv_binary_block), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!session->auth_recv_binary_block)
++ goto error;
++ session->auth_send_binary_block =
++ kmalloc(sizeof(*session->auth_send_binary_block), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!session->auth_send_binary_block)
++ goto error;
++ return 0;
++ error:
++ crypto_free_tfm(session->md5_tfm);
++ kfree(session->auth_client_block);
++ kfree(session->auth_recv_string_block);
++ kfree(session->auth_send_string_block);
++ kfree(session->auth_recv_binary_block);
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session requires authentication but couldn't "
++ "allocate authentication stuctures\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++iscsi_update_ping_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ if (timeout < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot set negative timeout value of"
++ "%d\n", timeout);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (timeout == session->ping_timeout)
++ goto done;
++ /* reset these for the next timer */
++ session->last_rx = jiffies;
++ session->last_ping = jiffies;
++ /* this will be used for the next ping */
++ session->ping_timeout = timeout;
++ done:
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++iscsi_update_active_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ if (timeout < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot set negative timeout value of"
++ "%d\n", timeout);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (timeout == session->active_timeout)
++ goto done;
++ if (!session->num_active_tasks)
++ goto done;
++ /* reset these for the next timer */
++ session->last_rx = jiffies;
++ session->last_ping = jiffies;
++ if ((del_timer(&session->transport_timer) && timeout) ||
++ (!session->active_timeout && timeout))
++ mod_timer(&session->transport_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ done:
++ session->active_timeout = timeout;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++iscsi_update_idle_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ if (timeout < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot set negative timeout value of"
++ "%d\n", timeout);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (timeout == session->idle_timeout)
++ goto done;
++ if (session->num_active_tasks)
++ goto done;
++ /* reset these for the next timer */
++ session->last_rx = jiffies;
++ session->last_ping = jiffies;
++ if ((del_timer(&session->transport_timer) && timeout) ||
++ (!session->idle_timeout && timeout))
++ mod_timer(&session->transport_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ done:
++ session->idle_timeout = timeout;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++iscsi_update_session(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld)
++ int rc = 0;
++ int relogin = 0;
++ if (down_interruptible(&session->config_mutex)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session configuration update aborted "
++ "by signal\n");
++ return -EINTR;
++ }
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATED, &session->control_bits))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (ioctld->update && (ioctld->config_number < session->config_number))
++ /* this update is obsolete, ignore it */
++ goto err_exit;
++ if (ioctld->username_in[0] || ioctld->password_length_in)
++ session->bidirectional_auth = 1;
++ else
++ session->bidirectional_auth = 0;
++ rc = alloc_auth_buffers(session);
++ if (rc < 0)
++ goto err_exit;
++ rc = update_iscsi_strings(session, ioctld);
++ if (rc > 0)
++ relogin = 1;
++ else if (rc < 0)
++ goto err_exit;
++ session->config_number = ioctld->config_number;
++ /*
++ * the portals are guarded by a spinlock instead of the config
++ * mutex, so that we can request portal changes while a login is
++ * occuring.
++ */
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ if (iscsi_update_portal_info(&session->portal, &ioctld->portal))
++ relogin = 1;
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ /*
++ * update timers
++ */
++ iscsi_update_abort_timeout(session, ioctld->abort_timeout);
++ iscsi_update_reset_timeout(session, ioctld->reset_timeout);
++ iscsi_update_idle_timeout(session, ioctld->idle_timeout);
++ iscsi_update_active_timeout(session, ioctld->active_timeout);
++ iscsi_update_ping_timeout(session, ioctld->ping_timeout);
++ iscsi_update_replacement_timeout(session, ioctld->replacement_timeout);
++ iscsi_update_login_timeout(session, ioctld->login_timeout);
++ if (relogin) {
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_request_logout(session, 3, session->active_timeout);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ }
++ /*
++ * after we release the mutex we cannot touch any field that
++ * may be freed by a shutdown that is running at the same time
++ */
++ up(&session->config_mutex);
++ return 0;
++ err_exit:
++ up(&session->config_mutex);
++ return rc;
++static int
++copy_iscsi_strings(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld)
++ int rc;
++ session->initiator_name = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->initiator_name, &rc);
++ if (rc == -EINVAL) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "No InitiatorName\n");
++ return rc;
++ }
++ if (rc == -ENOMEM) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot allocate InitiatorName\n");
++ return rc;
++ }
++ session->initiator_alias = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->initiator_alias, &rc);
++ /* Alias is not ciritical so just print an error */
++ if (!session->initiator_alias)
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot create InitiatorAlias\n");
++ session->target_name = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->target_name, &rc);
++ if (rc == -EINVAL) {
++ iscsi_err("No TargetName\n");
++ return rc;
++ }
++ if (rc == -ENOMEM) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot allocate TargetName\n");
++ return rc;
++ }
++ session->username = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->username, &rc);
++ if (rc == -ENOMEM) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to allocate outgoing "
++ "username\n");
++ return rc;
++ }
++ session->username_in = iscsi_strdup(ioctld->username_in, &rc);
++ if (rc == -ENOMEM) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to allocate incoming "
++ "username\n");
++ return rc;
++ }
++ if (ioctld->password_length) {
++ session->password = kmalloc(ioctld->password_length + 1,
++ if (!session->password) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to allocate outgoing "
++ "password\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memcpy(session->password, ioctld->password,
++ ioctld->password_length);
++ session->password_length = ioctld->password_length;
++ }
++ if (ioctld->password_length_in) {
++ session->password_in = kmalloc(ioctld->password_length_in + 1,
++ if (!session->password_in) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to allocate incoming "
++ "password\n");
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ memcpy(session->password_in, ioctld->password_in,
++ ioctld->password_length_in);
++ session->password_length_in = ioctld->password_length_in;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * clear_session - clear session fields before attempting a re-login.
++ * @session: session to initialize.
++ **/
++static void
++clear_session(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_nop_info *nop_info, *tmp;
++ session->nop_reply.ttt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(nop_info, tmp, &session->nop_reply_list,
++ reply_list) {
++ list_del(&nop_info->reply_list);
++ kfree(nop_info);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&session->transport_timer);
++ del_timer_sync(&session->logout_timer);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ clear_bit(SESSION_IN_LOGOUT, &session->control_bits);
++ clear_bit(SESSION_LOGOUT_REQUESTED, &session->control_bits);
++ session->logout_response_timeout = 0;
++ session->last_mgmt_itt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ * Timer processing for a session in Full Feature Phase (minus logout).
++ * This timer may rearm itself.
++ */
++static void
++check_transport_timeouts(unsigned long data)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)data;
++ unsigned long timeout, next_timeout = 0, last_rx;
++ spin_lock(&session->task_lock);
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATED, &session->control_bits) ||
++ !test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits))
++ goto done;
++ if (session->num_active_tasks)
++ timeout = session->active_timeout;
++ else
++ timeout = session->idle_timeout;
++ if (!timeout)
++ goto check_window;
++ timeout *= HZ;
++ last_rx = session->last_rx;
++ if (session->ping_timeout &&
++ time_before_eq(last_rx + timeout + (session->ping_timeout * HZ),
++ jiffies)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "ping timeout of %d secs expired, "
++ "last rx %lu, last ping %lu, now %lu\n",
++ session->ping_timeout, last_rx,
++ session->last_ping, jiffies);
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ goto done;
++ }
++ if (time_before_eq(last_rx + timeout, jiffies)) {
++ if (time_before_eq(session->last_ping, last_rx)) {
++ /*
++ * send a ping to try to provoke some
++ * traffic
++ */
++ session->last_ping = jiffies;
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_PING, session);
++ }
++ next_timeout = last_rx + timeout + (session->ping_timeout * HZ);
++ } else
++ next_timeout = last_rx + timeout;
++ check_window:
++ /*
++ * Do we still want to do this, or was it for an older
++ * bad target that has been fixed?
++ */
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_WINDOW_CLOSED, &session->control_bits)) {
++ /*
++ * command window closed, ping once every 5 secs to ensure
++ * we find out when it re-opens. Target should send
++ * us an update when it does, but we're not very
++ * trusting of target correctness.
++ */
++ if (time_before(session->last_ping + (5 * HZ), jiffies))
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_PING, session);
++ if (next_timeout)
++ next_timeout = min(jiffies + (5 * HZ), next_timeout);
++ else
++ next_timeout = jiffies + (5 * HZ);
++ }
++ if (next_timeout)
++ mod_timer(&session->transport_timer, next_timeout);
++ done:
++ spin_unlock(&session->task_lock);
++static void
++replacement_timed_out(unsigned long data)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = (struct iscsi_session *)data;
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "replacement session time out after %d "
++ "seconds, drop %lu, now %lu, failing all commands\n",
++ session->replacement_timeout,
++ session->session_drop_time, jiffies);
++ spin_lock(&session->task_lock);
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits) ||
++ &session->control_bits)) {
++ spin_unlock(&session->task_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ iscsi_flush_queues(session, ISCSI_MAX_LUNS, DID_BUS_BUSY);
++ spin_unlock(&session->task_lock);
++ wake_up_all(&session->login_wait_q);
++static void
++init_session_structure(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&session->list);
++ session->config_number = ioctld->config_number;
++ spin_lock_init(&session->portal_lock);
++ session->portal_group_tag = -1;
++ /* the first down should block */
++ sema_init(&session->config_mutex, 0);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&session->pending_queue);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&session->active_queue);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&session->done_queue);
++ spin_lock_init(&session->task_lock);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(session->tx_task_head));
++ init_waitqueue_head(&session->tx_wait_q);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&session->login_wait_q);
++ sema_init(&session->tx_blocked, 0);
++ session->next_itt = 1;
++ session->time2wait = -1;
++ session->last_mgmt_itt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ session->mgmt_task_complete = NULL;
++ session->nop_reply.ttt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&session->nop_reply_list);
++ session->login_timeout = ioctld->login_timeout;
++ session->active_timeout = ioctld->active_timeout;
++ session->idle_timeout = ioctld->idle_timeout;
++ session->ping_timeout = ioctld->ping_timeout;
++ session->abort_timeout = ioctld->abort_timeout;
++ session->reset_timeout = ioctld->reset_timeout;
++ session->replacement_timeout = ioctld->replacement_timeout;
++ init_timer(&session->transport_timer);
++ session-> = (unsigned long)session;
++ session->transport_timer.function = check_transport_timeouts;
++ init_timer(&session->logout_timer);
++ session-> = (unsigned long)session;
++ session->logout_timer.function = handle_logout_timeouts;
++ init_timer(&session->replacement_timer);
++ session-> = (unsigned long)session;
++ session->replacement_timer.function = replacement_timed_out;
++ init_timer(&session->login_timer);
++ session-> = (unsigned long)session;
++ session->login_timer.function = login_timed_out;
++ init_timer(&session->tmf_timer);
++ session->tmf_timer.function = iscsi_tmf_times_out;
++ * iscsi_mod_session_timer - modify the session's transport timer
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ * @timeout: timeout in seconds
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * Must hold the task lock. And, if the new timeout was shorter
++ * than the window_closed_timeout we will end up delaying the
++ * new timeout. This should be rare and not really hurt anything
++ * so we ignore it for now.
++ **/
++iscsi_mod_session_timer(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ /*
++ * reset last_rx and last_ping, so that it does not look like
++ * we timed out when we are just switching states
++ */
++ session->last_rx = jiffies;
++ session->last_ping = jiffies;
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_WINDOW_CLOSED, &session->control_bits))
++ return;
++ if (timeout)
++ mod_timer(&session->transport_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ else
++ del_timer(&session->transport_timer);
++iscsi_wake_tx_thread(int control_bit, struct iscsi_session *session)
++ set_bit(control_bit, &session->control_bits);
++ set_bit(TX_WAKE, &session->control_bits);
++ wake_up(&session->tx_wait_q);
++ * iscsi_wait_for_session - Wait for a session event to be established.
++ * @session: session to wait on.
++ * @ignore_timeout: If zero this will return when the replacement timeout fires.
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Returns 1 to indicate sesssion was established, or 0 to indicate
++ * we timed out (if ignore_timeout == 0) or are terminating.
++ **/
++iscsi_wait_for_session(struct iscsi_session *session, int ignore_timeout)
++ int rc = 0;
++ while (1) {
++ wait_event_interruptible(session->login_wait_q,
++ test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits) ||
++ test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits) ||
++ (!ignore_timeout &&
++ &session->control_bits)));
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ flush_signals(current);
++ /*
++ * need to test for termnination first to avoid falling
++ * in the tx request loop for ever
++ */
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits))
++ break;
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits)) {
++ rc = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!ignore_timeout && test_bit(SESSION_REPLACEMENT_TIMEDOUT,
++ &session->control_bits))
++ break;
++ }
++ return rc;
++ * Note the ordering matches the TX_* bit ordering.
++ * See iscsi_tx_thread comment, this basically a
++ * workqueue_struct.
++ */
++static struct {
++ void (* request_fn)(struct iscsi_session *);
++} tx_request_fns[] = {
++ { iscsi_send_nop_out },
++ { iscsi_send_task_mgmt },
++ { iscsi_run_pending_queue },
++ { iscsi_send_nop_replys },
++ { iscsi_send_r2t_data },
++ { iscsi_send_logout },
++static void
++wait_for_tx_requests(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ int req;
++ wait_event_interruptible(session->tx_wait_q,
++ test_and_clear_bit(TX_WAKE, &session->control_bits));
++ for (req = 0; req < TX_WAKE; req++) {
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ return;
++ /*
++ * when a logout is in progress or about to be sent
++ * we do not start new requests, but we continue to
++ * respond to R2Ts and Nops.
++ */
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(req, &session->control_bits)) {
++ &session->control_bits) &&
++ req <= TX_SCSI_COMMAND)
++ continue;
++ tx_request_fns[req].request_fn(session);
++ }
++ }
++ * session_kthread_sleep - put a thread to sleep while waiting for shutdown.
++ * @session: session.
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * If for some reason we could not relogin into a session we sleep here
++ * and and wait for someone to remove the session. Returns -EPERM to
++ * indicate the thread should exit, or zero to indicate that the thread
++ * can proceed with its normal action.
++ **/
++static inline int
++session_kthread_sleep(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ retest:
++ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ if (kthread_should_stop()) {
++ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ return -EPERM;
++ }
++ /*
++ * We fall into this sleep, when someone has broken us
++ * out of the lower loops that process requests or log us in,
++ * terminate the session (session drops will not sleep here),
++ * but have not (yet) cleaned up the host and called kthread_stop()).
++ */
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits)) {
++ schedule();
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ flush_signals(current);
++ goto retest;
++ }
++ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ return 0;
++ * the writer thread
++ * TODO? - this could be nicely replaced with a work queue
++ * having a work struct replacing each TX_* req, but will
++ * using a singlethreaded_workqueue hurt perf when all
++ * targets use the same cpu_workqueue_struct?
++ * Or to reduce the number of threads, should we use one
++ * per cpu workqueue for the entire driver for all sends?
++ */
++static int
++iscsi_tx_thread(void *data)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = data;
++ int rc;
++ unsigned long tmo;
++ current->flags |= PF_MEMALLOC;
++ allow_signal(SIGHUP);
++ /*
++ * tell the rx thread that we're about to block, and that
++ * it can safely call iscsi_sendmsg now as part of
++ * the Login phase.
++ */
++ up(&session->tx_blocked);
++ while (!session_kthread_sleep(session)) {
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ tmo = session->replacement_timeout * HZ;
++ if (tmo && session->session_drop_time) {
++ del_timer_sync(&session->replacement_timer);
++ mod_timer(&session->replacement_timer, jiffies + tmo);
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ rc = iscsi_wait_for_session(session, 1);
++ spin_lock(&session->portal_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&session->replacement_timer);
++ spin_unlock(&session->portal_lock);
++ if (!rc)
++ continue;
++ down(&session->tx_blocked);
++ /*
++ * make sure we start sending commands again,
++ * and clear any stale requests
++ */
++ clear_bit(TX_TMF, &session->control_bits);
++ clear_bit(TX_LOGOUT, &session->control_bits);
++ clear_bit(TX_DATA, &session->control_bits);
++ set_bit(TX_PING, &session->control_bits);
++ set_bit(TX_SCSI_COMMAND, &session->control_bits);
++ set_bit(TX_WAKE, &session->control_bits);
++ while (!signal_pending(current))
++ wait_for_tx_requests(session);
++ flush_signals(current);
++ up(&session->tx_blocked);
++ }
++ return 0;
++static int
++establish_session(struct iscsi_session *session, unsigned int login_delay)
++ int rc;
++ unsigned long login_failures = 0;
++ while (!test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits)) {
++ if (login_delay) {
++ iscsi_host_notice(session, "Waiting %u seconds before "
++ "next login attempt\n", login_delay);
++ msleep_interruptible(login_delay * 1000);
++ }
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits))
++ return 0;
++ rc = __establish_session(session);
++ if (rc > 0)
++ /* established or redirected */
++ login_failures = 0;
++ else if (rc < 0)
++ /* failed, retry */
++ login_failures++;
++ else {
++ /* failed, give up */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session giving up\n");
++ set_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* slowly back off the frequency of login attempts */
++ if (login_failures == 0)
++ login_delay = 0;
++ else if (login_failures < 30)
++ login_delay = 1;
++ else if (login_failures < 48)
++ login_delay = 5;
++ &session->control_bits))
++ login_delay = 10;
++ else
++ login_delay = 60;
++ }
++ return 1;
++ * get_time2wait - return iSCSI DefaultTime2Wait
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ * @short_sessions: number of short sessions
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Return DefaultTime2Wait. However, if the session dies really
++ * quicky after we reach FFP, we'll not be interoperable due to bugs
++ * in the target (or this driver) that send illegal opcodes,
++ * or disagreements about how to do CRC calculations. To
++ * avoid spinning, we track sessions with really short
++ * lifetimes, and decrease the login frequency if we keep
++ * getting session failures, like we do for login failures.
++ **/
++static unsigned int
++get_time2wait(struct iscsi_session *session, unsigned long *short_sessions)
++ unsigned int login_delay = 0;
++ if (session->time2wait >= 0) {
++ login_delay = session->time2wait;
++ session->time2wait = -1;
++ } else
++ login_delay = session->def_time2wait;
++ if (time_before_eq(session->session_drop_time,
++ session->session_established_time + (2 * HZ))) {
++ (*short_sessions)++;
++ if (*short_sessions < 30)
++ login_delay = max_t(unsigned int, login_delay, 1);
++ else if (*short_sessions < 48)
++ login_delay = max_t(unsigned int, login_delay, 5);
++ &session->control_bits))
++ login_delay = max_t(unsigned int, login_delay, 10);
++ else
++ login_delay = max_t(unsigned int, login_delay, 60);
++ iscsi_host_warn(session, "Session has ended quickly %lu times, "
++ "login delay %u seconds\n", *short_sessions,
++ login_delay);
++ } else
++ /* session lived long enough that the target is probably ok */
++ *short_sessions = 0;
++ return login_delay;
++static int
++iscsi_rx_thread(void *data)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = data;
++ struct iscsi_hdr hdr;
++ unsigned int login_delay = 0;
++ unsigned long short_sessions = 0;
++ current->flags |= PF_MEMALLOC;
++ allow_signal(SIGHUP);
++ down(&session->tx_blocked);
++ while (!session_kthread_sleep(session)) {
++ if (!establish_session(session, login_delay))
++ continue;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_mod_session_timer(session, session->idle_timeout);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ up(&session->tx_blocked);
++ while (!signal_pending(current))
++ iscsi_recv_pdu(session, &hdr, session->header_digest,
++ session->rx_buffer, ISCSI_RXCTRL_SIZE,
++ session->data_digest);
++ flush_signals(current);
++ login_delay = get_time2wait(session, &short_sessions);
++ /*
++ * if this is a session drop we need to wait for
++ * the tx thread to stop queueing and processing requests
++ * so we can resetup the socket.
++ */
++ down(&session->tx_blocked);
++ /*
++ * session dropped unexpectedly, often due to
++ * network problems
++ */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Session dropped\n");
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_flush_queues(session, ISCSI_MAX_LUNS, DID_BUS_BUSY);
++ clear_session(session);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ }
++ up(&session->tx_blocked);
++ /*
++ * If there are any commands left this will remove them.
++ */
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_flush_queues(session, ISCSI_MAX_LUNS, DID_NO_CONNECT);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ return 0;
++static int
++start_session_threads(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ session->tx_task = kthread_run(iscsi_tx_thread, session, "iscsi-tx");
++ if (IS_ERR(session->tx_task)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to start tx thread, terminating"
++ " session\n");
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ session->rx_task = kthread_run(iscsi_rx_thread, session, "iscsi-rx");
++ if (IS_ERR(session->rx_task)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Failed to start rx thread, terminating"
++ " session\n");
++ goto shutdown_tx_thread;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ shutdown_tx_thread:
++ set_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits);
++ kthread_stop(session->tx_task);
++ fail:
++ return -EAGAIN;
++static void
++free_session(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ if (session->preallocated_task)
++ kmem_cache_free(iscsi_task_cache, session->preallocated_task);
++ if (session->mgmt_task)
++ kmem_cache_free(iscsi_task_cache, session->mgmt_task);
++ if (session->rx_tfm)
++ crypto_free_tfm(session->rx_tfm);
++ if (session->tx_tfm)
++ crypto_free_tfm(session->tx_tfm);
++ if (session->md5_tfm)
++ crypto_free_tfm(session->md5_tfm);
++ kfree(session->auth_client_block);
++ kfree(session->auth_recv_string_block);
++ kfree(session->auth_send_string_block);
++ kfree(session->auth_recv_binary_block);
++ kfree(session->auth_send_binary_block);
++ kfree(session->username);
++ kfree(session->password);
++ kfree(session->username_in);
++ kfree(session->password_in);
++ kfree(session->initiator_name);
++ kfree(session->initiator_alias);
++ kfree(session->target_name);
++ kfree(session->target_alias);
++iscsi_destroy_session(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ set_bit(SESSION_TERMINATING, &session->control_bits);
++ clear_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits);
++ down(&iscsi_session_sem);
++ list_del(&session->list);
++ up(&iscsi_session_sem);
++ session->session_drop_time = jiffies ? jiffies : 1;
++ signal_iscsi_threads(session);
++ kthread_stop(session->tx_task);
++ kthread_stop(session->rx_task);
++ iscsi_disconnect(session);
++ set_bit(SESSION_TERMINATED, &session->control_bits);
++ /*
++ * grab the config mutex to make sure update_session is not
++ * accessing the session fields we are going to free
++ */
++ down(&session->config_mutex);
++ del_timer_sync(&session->transport_timer);
++ del_timer_sync(&session->logout_timer);
++ free_session(session);
++ up(&session->config_mutex);
++iscsi_create_session(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld)
++ int rc;
++ init_session_structure(session, ioctld);
++ session->preallocated_task = kmem_cache_alloc(iscsi_task_cache,
++ if (!session->preallocated_task) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Couldn't preallocate task\n");
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto free_session;
++ }
++ session->mgmt_task = kmem_cache_alloc(iscsi_task_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!session->mgmt_task) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Couldn't preallocate mgmt task\n");
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto free_session;
++ }
++ memset(session->mgmt_task, 0, sizeof(*session->mgmt_task));
++ iscsi_init_task(session->mgmt_task);
++ rc = copy_iscsi_strings(session, ioctld);
++ if (rc)
++ goto free_session;
++ memcpy(session->isid, ioctld->isid, sizeof(session->isid));
++ /*
++ * FIXME: Do we have to check on both the username_in and
++ * password_length_in. Same with iscsi_update_session as well? Smitha
++ */
++ if (ioctld->username_in[0] || ioctld->password_length_in)
++ session->bidirectional_auth = 1;
++ else
++ session->bidirectional_auth = 0;
++ rc = alloc_auth_buffers(session);
++ if (rc)
++ goto free_session;
++ memcpy(&session->portal, &ioctld->portal, sizeof(ioctld->portal));
++ iscsi_set_portal(session);
++ /*
++ * preallocate rx/tx_tfm, so that we do not have to possibly
++ * call crypto_alloc_tfm (it uses GFP_KERNEL) while IO is queued.
++ */
++ session->rx_tfm = crypto_alloc_tfm("crc32c", 0);
++ if (!session->rx_tfm) {
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto free_session;
++ }
++ session->tx_tfm = crypto_alloc_tfm("crc32c", 0);
++ if (!session->tx_tfm) {
++ rc = -ENOMEM;
++ goto free_session;
++ }
++ rc = start_session_threads(session);
++ up(&session->config_mutex);
++ if (rc)
++ goto free_session;
++ down(&iscsi_session_sem);
++ list_add_tail(&session->list, &iscsi_sessions);
++ up(&iscsi_session_sem);
++ wait_event_interruptible(session->login_wait_q,
++ test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits));
++ if (!test_bit(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, &session->control_bits)) {
++ iscsi_destroy_session(session);
++ return -ENOTCONN;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ free_session:
++ free_session(session);
++ return rc;
++struct iscsi_session *
++iscsi_find_session(const char *target_name, u8 isid[6], int tpgt)
++ struct iscsi_session *session;
++ down(&iscsi_session_sem);
++ list_for_each_entry(session, &iscsi_sessions, list) {
++ if (!strcmp(session->target_name, target_name) &&
++ !memcmp(session->isid, isid, sizeof(session->isid)) &&
++ session->portal_group_tag == tpgt) {
++ if (scsi_host_get(session->shost)) {
++ up(&iscsi_session_sem);
++ return session;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ up(&iscsi_session_sem);
++ return NULL;
++iscsi_update_address(struct iscsi_session *session, char *address)
++ struct sockaddr_in *addr;
++ char *tag;
++ char *port;
++ int err = 1;
++ tag = strrchr(address, ',');
++ if (tag) {
++ *tag = '\0';
++ tag++;
++ }
++ port = strrchr(address, ':');
++ if (port) {
++ *port = '\0';
++ port++;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Still only ipv4 is supported. No access to ipv6
++ * to test so feel free to implement it later...
++ */
++ if (address[0] == '[') {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Driver does not support ipv6 "
++ "addresses\n");
++ err = 0;
++ goto done;
++ }
++ addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&session->addr;
++ addr->sin_addr.s_addr = in_aton(address);
++ if (port)
++ addr->sin_port = htons(simple_strtoul(port, NULL, 0));
++ else
++ addr->sin_port = htons(ISCSI_TCP_PORT);
++ done:
++ /* restore the original strings */
++ if (tag) {
++ --tag;
++ *tag = ',';
++ }
++ if (port) {
++ --port;
++ *port = ':';
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-session.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-session.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:42.434206328 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-session.h,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * define the iSCSI session structure needed by the login library
++ */
++#ifndef ISCSI_SESSION_H_
++#define ISCSI_SESSION_H_
++#include <linux/crypto.h>
++#include <linux/socket.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "iscsi-auth-client.h"
++#include "iscsi-portal.h"
++struct iscsi_session_ioctl;
++struct iscsi_task;
++/* used for replying to NOPs - kill me */
++struct iscsi_nop_info {
++ struct list_head reply_list;
++ u32 ttt;
++ unsigned char lun[8];
++#define ISCSI_RXCTRL_SIZE 4096
++struct iscsi_session {
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost;
++ struct list_head list;
++ /*
++ * the config mutex along with the portal lock protect
++ * and serialize the creation and update of session info
++ */
++ struct semaphore config_mutex;
++ u32 config_number;
++ /*
++ * iSCSI settings
++ */
++ unsigned char *initiator_name;
++ unsigned char *initiator_alias;
++ unsigned char *target_name;
++ unsigned char *target_alias;
++ u8 isid[6];
++ u16 tsih;
++ u32 cmd_sn;
++ u32 exp_cmd_sn;
++ u32 max_cmd_sn;
++ u32 exp_stat_sn;
++ int immediate_data;
++ int initial_r2t;
++ /* the value we declare */
++ int max_recv_data_segment_len;
++ /* the value declared by the target */
++ int max_xmit_data_segment_len;
++ int first_burst_len;
++ int max_burst_len;
++ int data_pdu_in_order;
++ int data_seq_in_order;
++ int def_time2wait;
++ int def_time2retain;
++ int header_digest;
++ int data_digest;
++ int type;
++ int current_stage;
++ int next_stage;
++ int partial_response;
++ int portal_group_tag;
++ int vendor_specific_keys;
++ int send_async_text;
++ unsigned int irrelevant_keys_bitmap;
++ u32 next_itt;
++ long time2wait;
++ /*
++ * Authentication settings
++ */
++ char *username;
++ unsigned char *password;
++ int password_length;
++ char *username_in;
++ unsigned char *password_in;
++ int password_length_in;
++ struct crypto_tfm *md5_tfm;
++ int bidirectional_auth;
++ struct iscsi_acl *auth_client_block;
++ struct auth_str_block *auth_recv_string_block;
++ struct auth_str_block *auth_send_string_block;
++ struct auth_large_binary *auth_recv_binary_block;
++ struct auth_large_binary *auth_send_binary_block;
++ /*
++ * Portal/Network settings
++ * support ipv4 when we finish the interface
++ */
++ struct socket *socket;
++ /* we only support ipv4 until we can find a setup to test */
++ struct sockaddr addr;
++ int tcp_window_size;
++ /*
++ * The portal lock protects the portal and related fields
++ */
++ spinlock_t portal_lock;
++ struct iscsi_portal_info portal;
++ /*
++ * various accounting sutff
++ */
++ /*
++ * *_time fields used to detect sessions that die as soo
++ * as we hit FF
++ */
++ unsigned long session_drop_time;
++ unsigned long session_established_time;
++ /*
++ * timer fields
++ *
++ * The transport and tmf timers and timeouts are accessed
++ * under the task lock.
++ *
++ * The replacement timer and login timer and their timeouts
++ * are accessed under the portal lock.
++ */
++ struct timer_list transport_timer;
++ struct timer_list logout_timer;
++ struct timer_list login_timer;
++ struct timer_list replacement_timer;
++ struct timer_list tmf_timer;
++ unsigned long last_rx;
++ unsigned long last_ping;
++ unsigned long window_closed;
++ int login_timeout;
++ int active_timeout;
++ int idle_timeout;
++ int ping_timeout;
++ int abort_timeout;
++ int reset_timeout;
++ int replacement_timeout;
++ int logout_response_timeout;
++ /*
++ * iSCSI task/request
++ * - Requests originating from SCSI-ml like scsi cmnds and
++ * management functions are task backed.
++ * - iSCSI requests like Nop, Logout or Login do not
++ * have a struct iscsi_task to avoid allocating memory
++ * when not needed.
++ *
++ * The task lock protects the task/cmnd queues and the
++ * access to the task when the tx and rx thread could
++ * be accessing it at the same time.
++ */
++ spinlock_t task_lock;
++ struct iscsi_task *preallocated_task;
++ struct list_head pending_queue;
++ struct list_head active_queue;
++ struct list_head done_queue;
++ struct list_head tx_task_head;
++ int num_active_tasks;
++ struct iscsi_nop_info nop_reply;
++ struct list_head nop_reply_list;
++ /* itt of the last mgmt task we sent */
++ u32 last_mgmt_itt;
++ /* preallocated task for TMFs */
++ struct iscsi_task *mgmt_task;
++ struct completion *mgmt_task_complete;
++ /*
++ * thread control stuff
++ */
++ unsigned long control_bits;
++ wait_queue_head_t tx_wait_q;
++ wait_queue_head_t login_wait_q;
++ struct semaphore tx_blocked;
++ struct task_struct *rx_task;
++ struct task_struct *tx_task;
++ struct crypto_tfm *rx_tfm;
++ struct crypto_tfm *tx_tfm;
++ /*
++ * preallocated buffer for iSCSI requests that have
++ * data, and do not originate from scsi-ml
++ */
++ unsigned char rx_buffer[ISCSI_RXCTRL_SIZE];
++/* session control bits */
++enum {
++ /*
++ * the tx bits match the tx_request array in
++ * iscsi-initiator.c, so if you modify this don't forget
++ */
++ TX_PING, /* NopOut, reply requested */
++ TX_TMF,
++ TX_NOP_REPLY, /* reply to a Nop-in from the target */
++ /*
++ * must hold the task lock when accessing the
++ */
++ /*
++ * SESSION_IN_LOGIN is accessed under the portal_lock and is used for
++ * moding the login_timer.
++ */
++extern void iscsi_wake_tx_thread(int control_bit,
++ struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_request_logout(struct iscsi_session *session, int logout,
++ int logout_response);
++extern void iscsi_drop_session(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_update_replacement_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int timeout);
++extern void iscsi_update_login_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int timeout);
++extern void iscsi_update_ping_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int timeout);
++extern void iscsi_update_active_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int timeout);
++extern void iscsi_update_idle_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int timeout);
++extern int iscsi_update_session(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld);
++extern int iscsi_create_session(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld);
++extern void iscsi_destroy_session(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern struct iscsi_session *iscsi_find_session(const char *target_name,
++ u8 isid[6], int tpgt);
++extern int iscsi_update_address(struct iscsi_session *session, char *address);
++extern int iscsi_wait_for_session(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int ignore_timeout);
++extern void iscsi_mod_session_timer(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout);
++extern struct list_head iscsi_sessions;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-sfnet.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-sfnet.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:23:13.951219409 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-sfnet.h,v 2005/04/27 06:26:21 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * Misc definitions for the iSCSI kernel module
++ */
++#ifndef ISCSI_SFNET_H_
++#define ISCSI_SFNET_H_
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/socket.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include <asm/scatterlist.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.h>
++struct iscsi_session;
++struct iscsi_session_ioctl;
++struct iscsi_task;
++struct iscsi_hdr;
++#define ISCSI_DRIVER_VERSION "4:0.1.11-1"
++#define ISCSI_MAX_CMD_LEN 16
++#define ISCSI_CMDS_PER_LUN 32
++#define ISCSI_MAX_CMDS_PER_LUN 128
++ * we rely on scsi-ml's starvation code here
++ */
++#define ISCSI_MAX_CAN_QUEUE 1024
++#define ISCSI_MAX_SECTORS 1024
++#define ISCSI_MAX_LUNS 256
++#define ISCSI_PROC_NAME "iscsi-sfnet"
++#define iscsi_host_err(s, fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_ERR "iscsi-sfnet:host%d: "fmt, s->shost->host_no, ##args)
++#define iscsi_err(fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_ERR "iscsi-sfnet: "fmt, ##args)
++#define iscsi_host_warn(s, fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "iscsi-sfnet:host%d: "fmt, s->shost->host_no, \
++ ##args)
++#define iscsi_warn(fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "iscsi-sfnet: "fmt, ##args)
++#define iscsi_host_notice(s, fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_NOTICE "iscsi-sfnet:host%d: "fmt, s->shost->host_no, ##args)
++#define iscsi_notice(fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_NOTICE "iscsi-sfnet: "fmt, ##args)
++#define iscsi_host_info(s, fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_INFO "iscsi-sfnet:host%d: "fmt, s->shost->host_no, ##args)
++#define iscsi_info(fmt, args...) \
++ printk(KERN_INFO "iscsi-sfnet: "fmt, ##args)
++/* miscalleneous routines */
++extern unsigned int iscsi_command_attr(struct scsi_cmnd *sc);
++extern void iscsi_complete_command(struct scsi_cmnd *sc);
++/* Routines related to Serial Number Arithmetic */
++extern int iscsi_sna_lt(u32 n1, u32 n2);
++extern int iscsi_sna_lte(u32 n1, u32 n2);
++ * IO return values the driver uses in the send, recv
++ * and network code.
++ */
++enum {
++/* Routines to build and transmit iSCSI PDUs and/or data */
++extern void iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd(struct iscsi_task *task);
++extern void iscsi_send_task_mgmt(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_send_r2t_data(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_send_nop_replys(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_send_logout(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_send_nop_out(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_queue_unsolicited_data(struct iscsi_task *task);
++extern int iscsi_send_pdu(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr,
++ int hdr_digest, char *data, int data_digest);
++extern int iscsi_recv_pdu(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr,
++ int hdr_digest, char *data, int data_len,
++ int data_digest);
++/* Routines to send and receive data on TCP/IP sockets */
++extern int iscsi_recvmsg(struct iscsi_session *session, struct kvec *iov,
++ size_t iovn, size_t size);
++extern int iscsi_sendmsg(struct iscsi_session *session, struct kvec *iov,
++ size_t iovn, size_t size);
++extern int iscsi_sendpage(struct iscsi_session *session, int flags,
++ struct page *pg, unsigned int pg_offset,
++ unsigned int len);
++extern int iscsi_connect(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_disconnect(struct iscsi_session *session);
++/* Register a driver interface */
++extern int iscsi_register_interface(void);
++extern void iscsi_unregister_interface(void);
++/* ioctl and sysfs uses these routines to interact with the initiator */
++extern int iscsi_destroy_host(struct Scsi_Host *shost);
++extern int iscsi_create_host(struct iscsi_session_ioctl *ioctld);
++/* Global variables */
++extern struct class_device_attribute *iscsi_host_attrs[];
++extern struct device_attribute *iscsi_dev_attrs[];
++extern struct iscsi_function_template iscsi_fnt;
++static inline void sg_init_one(struct scatterlist *sg,
++ u8 *buf, unsigned int buflen)
++ memset(sg, 0, sizeof(*sg));
++ sg->page = virt_to_page(buf);
++ sg->offset = offset_in_page(buf);
++ sg->length = buflen;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-task.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-task.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.388471960 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-task.c,v 2005/04/28 17:28:19 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * Task creation, management and completion functions are defined here.
++ */
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_dbg.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_eh.h>
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-task.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++iscsi_init_task(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ task->flags = 0;
++ task->itt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ task->ttt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ task->rtt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&task->queue);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&task->task_group_link);
++ task->refcount = 1;
++ task->scsi_cmnd = NULL;
++/* caller must hold the session's task lock */
++struct iscsi_task *
++iscsi_alloc_task(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ task = kmem_cache_alloc(iscsi_task_cache, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!task) {
++ if (!session->preallocated_task)
++ return NULL;
++ task = session->preallocated_task;
++ session->preallocated_task = NULL;
++ }
++ memset(task, 0, sizeof(*task));
++ iscsi_init_task(task);
++ task->session = session;
++ return task;
++ * __iscsi_get_task - get a handle to a task
++ * @task: task to get a handle on
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * task_lock must be held when calling.
++ **/
++static inline void
++__iscsi_get_task(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ task->refcount++;
++ * __iscsi_put_task - release handle to a task
++ * @task: task to release a handle on
++ **/
++__iscsi_put_task(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scmnd;
++ struct iscsi_session *session;
++ if (--task->refcount)
++ return;
++ BUG_ON(!list_empty(&task->task_group_link));
++ list_del(&task->queue);
++ scmnd = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ session = task->session;
++ if (!session->preallocated_task)
++ session->preallocated_task = task;
++ else
++ kmem_cache_free(iscsi_task_cache, task);
++ iscsi_complete_command(scmnd);
++ * Caller must hold task lock
++ */
++static inline void
++queue_active_task(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ task->itt = iscsi_alloc_itt(session);
++ list_add_tail(&task->queue, &session->active_queue);
++ if (session->num_active_tasks == 0)
++ iscsi_mod_session_timer(session, session->active_timeout);
++ session->num_active_tasks++;
++ * iscsi_complete_task - Complete a task
++ * @task: task to complete
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * This should only be used to complete pending commands
++ * or by iscsi_complete_task. See notes for iscsi_complete_task.
++ **/
++inline void
++__iscsi_complete_task(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_COMPLETED, &task->flags);
++ list_del_init(&task->queue);
++ list_add_tail(&task->queue, &task->session->done_queue);
++ /*
++ * release handle obtained from allocation in queuecommand
++ */
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ * iscsi_complete_task - Complete a task in the active queue.
++ * @task: task to complete
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * The caller must hold the task lock. This function does not actually
++ * complete the scsi command for the task. That is performed when all
++ * handles have been released. You should also have set the scsi cmnd
++ * status before calling this function.
++ **/
++iscsi_complete_task(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ if (list_empty(&task->queue)) {
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "task itt %u already removed from "
++ "active task queue\n", task->itt);
++ return;
++ }
++ --session->num_active_tasks;
++ if (session->num_active_tasks == 0) {
++ iscsi_mod_session_timer(session, session->idle_timeout);
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_LOGOUT_REQUESTED, &session->control_bits))
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_LOGOUT, session);
++ }
++ if (session->mgmt_task_complete &&
++ session->mgmt_task->rtt == task->itt) {
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Completed task %u while abort "
++ "in progress. Waking scsi_eh thread.\n",
++ task->itt);
++ iscsi_complete_tmf_task(session->mgmt_task,
++ }
++ __iscsi_complete_task(task);
++ * wait_for_task - wait for a task being accessed by the tx_thread to be freed
++ * @s: iscsi session
++ * @field: task field to test
++ * @val: value to test field for
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * This function only gets run by the eh, so performance is not
++ * critical. It is only used to wait when the tx thread is in
++ * the middle of transmitting a task and a TMF response is
++ * recieved for it at the same time.
++ *
++ * Caller must hold the task lock. Ignore drop signals becuase
++ * we want to wait for the tx thread to finish up first and
++ * release its ref to this task.
++ **/
++#define wait_for_task(s, field, val) \
++do { \
++ struct iscsi_task *tsk; \
++ \
++ retry_##field: \
++ list_for_each_entry(tsk, &s->done_queue, queue) \
++ if (tsk->field == val) { \
++ spin_unlock_bh(&s->task_lock); \
++ ssleep(1); \
++ spin_lock_bh(&s->task_lock); \
++ goto retry_##field; \
++ } \
++} while (0)
++ * iscsi_complete_tmf_task - Complete a task mgmt task.
++ * @task: task to complete
++ * @state: which task state bit to set.
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * The caller must hold the task lock.
++ **/
++iscsi_complete_tmf_task(struct iscsi_task *task, int state)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ struct iscsi_task *aborted_task;
++ struct completion *tmf_complete;
++ if (list_empty(&task->queue))
++ return;
++ list_del_init(&task->queue);
++ __set_bit(state, &task->flags);
++ tmf_complete = session->mgmt_task_complete;
++ session->mgmt_task_complete = NULL;
++ --session->num_active_tasks;
++ if (session->num_active_tasks == 0) {
++ iscsi_mod_session_timer(session, session->idle_timeout);
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_LOGOUT_REQUESTED, &session->control_bits))
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_LOGOUT, session);
++ }
++ if (state != ISCSI_TASK_TMF_SUCCESS)
++ goto done;
++ if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT, &task->flags)) {
++ /*
++ * if the abort failed becuase the task completed this is
++ * handled by the caller
++ */
++ aborted_task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, task->rtt);
++ if (aborted_task) {
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Cleaning up aborted task "
++ "itt %u\n", task->rtt);
++ /*
++ * abort succeeded, so cleanup that task here.
++ */
++ if (!list_empty(&aborted_task->task_group_link)) {
++ list_del_init(&aborted_task->task_group_link);
++ __iscsi_put_task(aborted_task);
++ }
++ iscsi_complete_task(aborted_task);
++ __iscsi_put_task(aborted_task);
++ }
++ wait_for_task(session, itt, task->rtt);
++ } else if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_LU_RESET, &task->flags) ||
++ test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT_TASK_SET, &task->flags)) {
++ iscsi_flush_queues(session, task->lun, DID_BUS_BUSY);
++ wait_for_task(session, lun, task->lun);
++ } else {
++ iscsi_flush_queues(session, ISCSI_MAX_LUNS, DID_BUS_BUSY);
++ wait_for_task(session, session, session);
++ }
++ done:
++ complete(tmf_complete);
++ * must hold the task lock
++ */
++iscsi_alloc_itt(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ u32 itt = session->next_itt++;
++ /* iSCSI reserves 0xFFFFFFFF, this driver reserves 0 */
++ if (session->next_itt == ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG)
++ session->next_itt = 1;
++ return itt;
++ * iscsi_process_task_status - process the status and flag bits
++ * @task: iscsi task
++ * @sth: either a scsi respoonse or scsi data (with status flag set ) header
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Perform status and flags processing, and handle common errors like
++ * digest errors or missing data.
++ **/
++iscsi_process_task_status(struct iscsi_task *task, struct iscsi_hdr *sth)
++ struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr *stsrh = (struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr *)sth;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ sc->result = DID_OK << 16 | stsrh->cmd_status;
++ if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_CRC_ERROR, &task->flags)) {
++ /*
++ * There was a digest error during data receive.
++ * Cause a command retry.
++ */
++ if (sc->device->type == TYPE_TAPE)
++ sc->result = DID_PARITY << 16;
++ else
++ sc->result = DID_IMM_RETRY << 16;
++ sc->resid = sc->request_bufflen;
++ return;
++ }
++ if (stsrh->flags & ISCSI_FLAG_DATA_UNDERFLOW)
++ sc->resid = ntohl(stsrh->residual_count);
++ else if (stsrh->flags & ISCSI_FLAG_DATA_OVERFLOW) {
++ /*
++ * Only report the error to scsi-ml for IO (do not report
++ * for sg and scsi-ml inserted commands) by using the underflow
++ * value to detect where it is coming from. This is what
++ * we should be doing for underflow, and is really not
++ * 100% correct for either since for scsi-ml commands
++ * underflow is not set and it does not check resid
++ * (and for overflow resid does not really matter anyways but
++ * this is to get the Cisco HW working with little headaches
++ * (we should have just done a blacklist if we are really
++ * breaking out the hacks in this version))
++ */
++ if (sc->underflow)
++ /*
++ * FIXME: not sure how to tell the SCSI layer
++ * of an overflow, so just give it an error
++ */
++ sc->result = DID_ERROR << 16 | stsrh->cmd_status;
++ } else if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_READ, &task->flags) &&
++ task->rxdata != sc->request_bufflen)
++ /*
++ * All the read data did not arrive. we don't know
++ * which parts of the buffer didn't get data, so
++ * report the whole buffer missing
++ */
++ sc->resid = sc->request_bufflen;
++iscsi_process_task_response(struct iscsi_task *task,
++ struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr *stsrh,
++ unsigned char *sense_data, unsigned int sense_len)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ iscsi_process_task_status(task, (struct iscsi_hdr *)stsrh);
++ /*
++ * If the target bothered to send sense (even without a check
++ * condition), we pass it along, since it may indicate a problem,
++ * and it's safer to report a possible problem than it is to assume
++ * everything is fine.
++ */
++ if (sense_len) {
++ memset(sc->sense_buffer, 0, sizeof(sc->sense_buffer));
++ memcpy(sc->sense_buffer, sense_data,
++ min((size_t)sense_len, sizeof(sc->sense_buffer)));
++ }
++iscsi_tmf_times_out(unsigned long data)
++ struct iscsi_task *task = (struct iscsi_task *)data;
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ spin_lock(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "itt %u timed out\n", task->itt);
++ iscsi_complete_tmf_task(task, ISCSI_TASK_TMF_FAILED);
++ spin_unlock(&session->task_lock);
++ * for iscsi_update_*_timeout we rely on the eh thread
++ * not waking (and deleting the tmf timer) until a outstanding
++ * mgmt task is removed the session's active queue (iscsi_find_session_task
++ * == NULL) so that we do not need to hold a lock around the timer
++ * update.
++ */
++iscsi_update_abort_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ if (timeout < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot set negative timeout value of"
++ "%d\n", timeout);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (timeout == session->abort_timeout)
++ goto done;
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, session->last_mgmt_itt);
++ if (!task)
++ goto done;
++ if ((!test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT, &task->flags) &&
++ !test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT_TASK_SET, &task->flags)))
++ goto done;
++ if ((del_timer(&session->tmf_timer) && timeout) ||
++ (!session->abort_timeout && timeout))
++ mod_timer(&session->tmf_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ done:
++ session->abort_timeout = timeout;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++iscsi_update_reset_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session, int timeout)
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ if (timeout < 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "Cannot set negative timeout value of"
++ "%d\n", timeout);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ if (timeout == session->reset_timeout)
++ goto done;
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, session->last_mgmt_itt);
++ if (!task)
++ goto done;
++ if ((!test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_LU_RESET, &task->flags) &&
++ !test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_TGT_WARM_RESET, &task->flags)))
++ goto done;
++ if ((del_timer(&session->tmf_timer) && timeout) ||
++ (!session->reset_timeout && timeout))
++ mod_timer(&session->tmf_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ done:
++ session->reset_timeout = timeout;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++iscsi_exec_task_mgmt(struct iscsi_task *task, unsigned long timeout)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ unsigned int reject_retry = 40;
++ /*
++ * Did the last task mgmt fn timeout?
++ */
++ if (session->last_mgmt_itt != ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG) {
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Outstanding task mgmt function %u "
++ "exists.\n", session->last_mgmt_itt);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ retry:
++ /*
++ * set this incase of timer updates that start a timer
++ */
++ session-> = (unsigned long)task;
++ if (timeout)
++ mod_timer(&session->tmf_timer, jiffies + (timeout * HZ));
++ session->mgmt_task_complete = &complete;
++ queue_active_task(task);
++ session->last_mgmt_itt = task->itt;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ iscsi_host_info(session, "Waking tx_thread to send task mgmt "
++ "function itt %u\n", task->itt);
++ iscsi_wake_tx_thread(TX_TMF, session);
++ wait_for_completion(&complete);
++ del_timer_sync(&session->tmf_timer);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ session->mgmt_task_complete = NULL;
++ /*
++ * we do not retry aborts on immediate rejects here, instead
++ * the caller should redrive it
++ */
++ if (!test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT, &task->flags) &&
++ __test_and_clear_bit(ISCSI_TASK_IMM_REJECT, &task->flags)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "itt %u recieved immediate "
++ "reject. Sleeping for %u ms before retry\n",
++ task->itt, reject_retry);
++ if (reject_retry <= 1280) {
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ msleep_interruptible(reject_retry);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ reject_retry *= 2;
++ goto retry;
++ }
++ }
++ return test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_TMF_SUCCESS, &task->flags) ? 0 : -1;
++static void
++iscsi_set_direction(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ switch (task->scsi_cmnd->sc_data_direction) {
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_READ, &task->flags);
++ break;
++ case DMA_TO_DEVICE:
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_WRITE, &task->flags);
++ break;
++ /* We do not yet support this */
++ case DMA_NONE:
++ break;
++ }
++ * iscsi_run_pending_queue - process pending tasks.
++ * @session: the session to process.
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * Caller must not hold the task lock.
++ **/
++iscsi_run_pending_queue(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ while (!signal_pending(current)) {
++ if (!iscsi_sna_lte(session->cmd_sn, session->max_cmd_sn))
++ break;
++ if (test_bit(SESSION_LOGOUT_REQUESTED, &session->control_bits))
++ break;
++ if (list_empty(&session->pending_queue))
++ break;
++ task = list_entry(session->,
++ struct iscsi_task, queue);
++ list_del_init(&task->queue);
++ iscsi_set_direction(task);
++ queue_active_task(task);
++ __iscsi_get_task(task);
++ iscsi_queue_unsolicited_data(task);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ /*
++ * we don't bother to check if the xmit works, since if it
++ * fails, the session will drop, and all tasks and cmnds
++ * will be completed by the drop.
++ */
++ iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd(task);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++static void
++fail_task(struct iscsi_task *task, int result)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ sc->resid = sc->request_bufflen;
++ sc->result = result << 16;
++ sc->sense_buffer[0] = 0x70;
++ sc->sense_buffer[2] = NOT_READY;
++ sc->sense_buffer[7] = 0x0;
++ iscsi_host_err(task->session, "Failing command cdb 0x%02x task %u "
++ "with return code = 0x%x\n", sc->cmnd[0], task->itt,
++ sc->result);
++ /*
++ * was it pending
++ */
++ if (task->itt == ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG)
++ __iscsi_complete_task(task);
++ else {
++ if (!list_empty(&task->task_group_link)) {
++ list_del_init(&task->task_group_link);
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ }
++ iscsi_complete_task(task);
++ }
++ * iscsi_flush_queues - Flush the active and pending queues.
++ * @session: session to search tasks for
++ * @lun: if lun is a valid value then only work on tasks on that lun
++ * if lun is greater than or equal to ISCSI_MAX_LUNS then work on all tasks
++ * @result: this should be a scsi-ml host_byte value
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * Caller must hold the task lock.
++ * The driver uses DID_BUS_BUSY to inidcate that it may be worth it
++ * to retry the command, but scsi-ml should have the final say (for
++ * tape, failfast, etc). And it uses DID_NO_CONNECT to indicate
++ * the session is gone and according to the replacment timeout not
++ * coming back so there is no point in retyring
++ **/
++iscsi_flush_queues(struct iscsi_session *session, unsigned int lun, int result)
++ struct iscsi_task *task, *tmp;
++ /*
++ * failing a task that is being aborted will lead to
++ * the TMF task being removed too, or completing a tmf could
++ * result in multiple tasks being removed. The task lock can also
++ * be dropped by iscsi_complete_tmf_task.
++ */
++ restart:
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(task, tmp, &session->active_queue, queue) {
++ if (lun < ISCSI_MAX_LUNS && task->lun != lun)
++ continue;
++ if (task->scsi_cmnd)
++ fail_task(task, result);
++ else
++ /*
++ * This should only occur during session drops or
++ * session replacement timeouts. We report success
++ * since we are not going to get a response and all
++ * the cmnds are going to be returned back to scsi-ml.
++ */
++ iscsi_complete_tmf_task(task, ISCSI_TASK_TMF_SUCCESS);
++ goto restart;
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(task, tmp, &session->pending_queue, queue) {
++ if (lun < ISCSI_MAX_LUNS && task->lun != lun)
++ continue;
++ /*
++ * These commands have not even been sent, so there is
++ * no requirement to fail the command, but for a requeue
++ * there is no way to tell that the incoming commands
++ * were meant to be placed before the pending head or tail.
++ */
++ fail_task(task, result);
++ }
++ * must hold the task_lock to call this
++ * TODO: if we cannot use the block layer tags we
++ * should use a non-linear algorithm.
++ */
++struct iscsi_task *
++iscsi_find_session_task(struct iscsi_session *session, u32 itt)
++ struct iscsi_task *task = NULL;
++ list_for_each_entry(task, &session->active_queue, queue)
++ if (task->itt == itt) {
++ __iscsi_get_task(task);
++ return task;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++ * must hold the task_lock when calling this, and must release the
++ * handle acquired when adding the task to the collection
++ */
++inline struct iscsi_task *
++iscsi_dequeue_r2t(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct list_head *p;
++ if (!list_empty(&session->tx_task_head)) {
++ p = session->;
++ list_del_init(p);
++ return list_entry(p, struct iscsi_task, task_group_link);
++ }
++ return NULL;
++ * Add a task to the collection. Must hold the task_lock to do this.
++ * This acquires a handle to the task that must be released when
++ * the task is dequeued and that caller is done using it
++ */
++inline void
++iscsi_queue_r2t(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_task *task)
++ if (list_empty(&task->task_group_link)) {
++ __iscsi_get_task(task);
++ list_add_tail(&task->task_group_link, &session->tx_task_head);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-task.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-task.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:42.434206328 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-task.h,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * define the iSCSI task structure needed by the kernel module
++ */
++#ifndef ISCSI_TASK_H_
++#define ISCSI_TASK_H_
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++struct iscsi_session;
++struct iscsi_hdr;
++struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr;
++/* task flags */
++enum {
++ /*
++ * ops
++ */
++ /*
++ * internal driver state for the task
++ */
++ * you must either have the task lock to access these fileds
++ * or be assured that the tx and rx thread are not going
++ * to able to access the filed at the same time.
++ */
++struct iscsi_task {
++ struct list_head queue;
++ struct list_head task_group_link;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *scsi_cmnd;
++ struct iscsi_session *session;
++ int refcount;
++ u32 rxdata;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ /*
++ * need to record so that aborts
++ * can set RefCmdSN properly
++ */
++ u32 cmdsn;
++ u32 itt;
++ u32 ttt;
++ u32 rtt;
++ unsigned int data_offset; /* explicit R2T */
++ int data_length; /* explicit R2T */
++ unsigned int lun;
++extern kmem_cache_t *iscsi_task_cache;
++extern struct iscsi_task *iscsi_find_session_task(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ u32 itt);
++extern struct iscsi_task *iscsi_alloc_task(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_init_task(struct iscsi_task *task);
++extern void __iscsi_put_task(struct iscsi_task *task);
++extern u32 iscsi_alloc_itt(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern struct iscsi_task *iscsi_dequeue_r2t(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_queue_r2t(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ struct iscsi_task *task);
++extern void iscsi_process_task_response(struct iscsi_task *task,
++ struct iscsi_scsi_rsp_hdr *stsrh,
++ unsigned char *sense_data,
++ unsigned int senselen);
++extern void iscsi_process_task_status(struct iscsi_task *task,
++ struct iscsi_hdr *sth);
++extern void iscsi_run_pending_queue(struct iscsi_session *session);
++extern void iscsi_flush_queues(struct iscsi_session *session, unsigned int lun,
++ int requeue);
++extern void iscsi_complete_task(struct iscsi_task *task);
++extern void __iscsi_complete_task(struct iscsi_task *task);
++extern void iscsi_complete_tmf_task(struct iscsi_task *task, int state);
++extern int iscsi_exec_task_mgmt(struct iscsi_task *task, unsigned long tmo);
++extern void iscsi_update_abort_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int timeout);
++extern void iscsi_update_reset_timeout(struct iscsi_session *session,
++ int timeout);
++extern void iscsi_tmf_times_out(unsigned long data);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-xmit-pdu.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/iscsi-xmit-pdu.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:33.388471960 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
++ * iSCSI driver for Linux
++ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Christie
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
++ * maintained by
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details.
++ *
++ * $Id: iscsi-xmit-pdu.c,v 2005/04/26 17:44:50 mikenc Exp $
++ *
++ * Contains functions to handle transmission of iSCSI PDUs
++ */
++#include <linux/tcp.h>
++#include <linux/net.h>
++#include <asm/scatterlist.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_dbg.h>
++#include "iscsi-session.h"
++#include "iscsi-task.h"
++#include "iscsi-protocol.h"
++#include "iscsi-login.h"
++#include "iscsi-sfnet.h"
++static int
++iscsi_send_header(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr,
++ int hdr_digest)
++ struct scatterlist sg;
++ struct kvec iov[2];
++ u32 crc32c;
++ int len, iovn = 0;
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = hdr;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = sizeof(*hdr);
++ len = iov[iovn].iov_len;
++ iovn++;
++ if (hdr_digest == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ crypto_digest_init(session->tx_tfm);
++ sg_init_one(&sg, (u8 *)hdr, len);
++ crypto_digest_digest(session->tx_tfm, &sg, 1, (u8*)&crc32c);
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = &crc32c;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = sizeof(crc32c);
++ len += iov[iovn].iov_len;
++ iovn++;
++ }
++ return iscsi_sendmsg(session, iov, iovn, len);
++static int
++send_extra_data(struct iscsi_session *session, u32 data_len, int digest_opt)
++ struct scatterlist sg;
++ struct kvec iov[2];
++ int pad, iovn = 0, len = 0;
++ char padding[PAD_WORD_LEN - 1];
++ u32 data_crc32c;
++ if (data_len % PAD_WORD_LEN) {
++ pad = PAD_WORD_LEN - (data_len % PAD_WORD_LEN);
++ memset(padding, 0, pad);
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = padding;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = pad;
++ iovn++;
++ len += pad;
++ if (digest_opt == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ sg_init_one(&sg, padding, pad);
++ crypto_digest_update(session->tx_tfm, &sg, 1);
++ }
++ }
++ if (data_len && digest_opt == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ crypto_digest_final(session->tx_tfm, (u8*)&data_crc32c);
++ iov[iovn].iov_base = &data_crc32c;
++ iov[iovn].iov_len = sizeof(data_crc32c);
++ len += iov[iovn].iov_len;
++ iovn++;
++ }
++ if (iov)
++ return iscsi_sendmsg(session, iov, iovn, len);
++ else
++ * iscsi_send_sg_data - send SCSI data
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ * @sglist: scatterlist
++ * @start_sg: index into sglist to start from
++ * @sg_offset: offset in scatterlist entry to start from
++ * @sglist_len: number of entries in sglist
++ * @data_len: transfer length
++ * @digest_opt: CRC32C or NONE
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * iscsi_send_sg_data will set start_sg and sg_offset to the
++ * next starting values for future transfers from this scatterlist
++ * (if one is possible), for the caller.
++ **/
++static int
++iscsi_send_sg_data(struct iscsi_session *session, struct scatterlist *sglist,
++ int *start_sg, u32 *sg_offset, int sglist_len,
++ u32 data_len, int digest_opt)
++ unsigned int len, sg_bytes, pg_offset, remaining = data_len;
++ struct scatterlist tmpsg, *sg;
++ struct page *pg;
++ int i, rc, flags = MSG_MORE;
++ if (digest_opt == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C)
++ crypto_digest_init(session->tx_tfm);
++ /*
++ * loop over the scatterlist
++ */
++ for (i = *start_sg; remaining > 0 && i < sglist_len; i++) {
++ sg = &sglist[i];
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ return ISCSI_IO_INTR;
++ pg_offset = sg->offset + *sg_offset;
++ pg = sg->page + (pg_offset >> PAGE_SHIFT);
++ pg_offset -= (pg_offset & PAGE_MASK);
++ /*
++ * set the offset and sg for the next pdu or loop
++ * iteration
++ */
++ sg_bytes = sg->length - *sg_offset;
++ if (sg_bytes <= remaining) {
++ (*start_sg)++;
++ *sg_offset = 0;
++ } else {
++ *sg_offset = *sg_offset + remaining;
++ sg_bytes = remaining;
++ }
++ remaining -= sg_bytes;
++ /*
++ * loop over each page in sg entry
++ */
++ for (; sg_bytes > 0; sg_bytes -= len) {
++ len = min_t(unsigned int, sg_bytes,
++ PAGE_SIZE - pg_offset);
++ if (len == sg_bytes)
++ flags = 0;
++ rc = iscsi_sendpage(session, flags, pg, pg_offset, len);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ return rc;
++ if (digest_opt == ISCSI_DIGEST_CRC32C) {
++ = pg;
++ tmpsg.offset = pg_offset;
++ tmpsg.length = len;
++ crypto_digest_update(session->tx_tfm,
++ &tmpsg, 1);
++ }
++ pg++;
++ pg_offset = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * this should only happen for driver or scsi/block layer bugs
++ */
++ if (remaining != 0) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_send_sg_data - invalid sg list "
++ "start_sg %d, sg_offset %u, sglist_len %d "
++ "data_len %u, remaining %u\n", *start_sg,
++ *sg_offset, sglist_len, data_len, remaining);
++ }
++ return send_extra_data(session, data_len, digest_opt);
++iscsi_send_pdu(struct iscsi_session *session, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr,
++ int hdr_digest, char *data, int data_digest)
++ struct scatterlist sg;
++ u32 data_len, offset = 0;
++ int rc, index = 0;
++ rc = iscsi_send_header(session, hdr, hdr_digest);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS) {
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ goto done;
++ }
++ data_len= ntoh24(hdr->dlength);
++ if (data && data_len) {
++ sg_init_one(&sg, data, data_len);
++ rc = iscsi_send_sg_data(session, &sg, &index, &offset, 1,
++ data_len, data_digest);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ }
++ done:
++ return rc == ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS ? 1 : 0;
++static void
++set_task_mgmt_attrs(struct iscsi_scsi_task_mgmt_hdr *ststmh,
++ struct iscsi_task *task)
++ u8 tmf_code;
++ if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT, &task->flags)) {
++ /*
++ * we reused cmdsn for refcmdsn for abort tasks.
++ */
++ ststmh->refcmdsn = htonl(task->cmdsn);
++ ststmh->rtt = htonl(task->rtt);
++ ststmh->lun[1] = task->lun;
++ tmf_code = ISCSI_TMF_ABORT_TASK;
++ } else if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_ABORT_TASK_SET, &task->flags)) {
++ ststmh->lun[1] = task->lun;
++ } else if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_LU_RESET, &task->flags)) {
++ ststmh->lun[1] = task->lun;
++ } else
++ ststmh->flags = ISCSI_FLAG_FINAL | (tmf_code & ISCSI_FLAG_TMF_MASK);
++iscsi_send_task_mgmt(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ struct iscsi_scsi_task_mgmt_hdr ststmh;
++ int rc;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ task = iscsi_find_session_task(session, session->last_mgmt_itt);
++ if (!task) {
++ /*
++ * timed out or session dropping
++ */
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ memset(&ststmh, 0, sizeof(struct iscsi_scsi_task_mgmt_hdr));
++ ststmh.rtt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ ststmh.itt = htonl(task->itt);
++ ststmh.cmdsn = htonl(session->cmd_sn);
++ /* CmdSN not incremented after imm cmd */
++ ststmh.expstatsn = htonl(session->exp_stat_sn);
++ set_task_mgmt_attrs(&ststmh, task);
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ rc = iscsi_send_header(session, (struct iscsi_hdr *)&ststmh,
++ session->header_digest);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS) {
++ /* TODO drop session here still? */
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "xmit_task_mgmt failed\n");
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ }
++ * iscsi_send_nop_out - transmit iscsi NOP-out
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ * @itt: Initiator Task Tag (must be in network byte order)
++ * @ttt: Target Transfer Tag (must be in network byte order)
++ * @lun: when ttt is valid, lun must be set
++ **/
++static void
++__iscsi_send_nop_out(struct iscsi_session *session, u32 itt, u32 ttt, u8 *lun)
++ struct iscsi_nop_out_hdr stph;
++ int rc;
++ memset(&stph, 0, sizeof(stph));
++ stph.flags = ISCSI_FLAG_FINAL;
++ stph.cmdsn = htonl(session->cmd_sn);
++ stph.expstatsn = htonl(session->exp_stat_sn);
++ if (lun)
++ memcpy(stph.lun, lun, sizeof(stph.lun));
++ stph.ttt = ttt;
++ stph.itt = itt;
++ rc = iscsi_send_header(session, (struct iscsi_hdr *)&stph,
++ session->header_digest);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "xmit_ping failed\n");
++ /* mv drop ? */
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ }
++iscsi_send_nop_out(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ u32 itt;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ itt = iscsi_alloc_itt(session);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ __iscsi_send_nop_out(session, htonl(itt), ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG, NULL);
++/* send replies for NopIns that requested them */
++iscsi_send_nop_replys(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_nop_info *nop_info;
++ /*
++ * these aren't really tasks, but it's not worth having
++ * a separate lock for them
++ */
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ /*
++ * space for one data-less reply is preallocated in
++ * the session itself
++ */
++ if (session->nop_reply.ttt != ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG) {
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ __iscsi_send_nop_out(session, ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG,
++ session->nop_reply.ttt,
++ session->nop_reply.lun);
++ session->nop_reply.ttt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ }
++ /*
++ * if we get multiple reply requests, or they have data,
++ * they'll get queued up
++ */
++ while (!list_empty(&session->nop_reply_list)) {
++ nop_info = list_entry(session->,
++ struct iscsi_nop_info, reply_list);
++ list_del_init(&nop_info->reply_list);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ __iscsi_send_nop_out(session, ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG,
++ nop_info->ttt, nop_info->lun);
++ kfree(nop_info);
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ return;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++iscsi_send_logout(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_logout_hdr stlh;
++ u32 itt;
++ int rc;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ itt = iscsi_alloc_itt(session);
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ memset(&stlh, 0, sizeof(stlh));
++ stlh.itt = htonl(itt);
++ stlh.cmdsn = htonl(session->cmd_sn);
++ stlh.expstatsn = htonl(session->exp_stat_sn);
++ rc = iscsi_send_header(session, (struct iscsi_hdr *)&stlh,
++ session->header_digest);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "xmit_logout failed\n");
++ /* drop here ? */
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ }
++ * iscsi_send_data_out - send a SCSI Data-out PDU
++ * @task: iscsi task
++ * @ttt: target transfer tag
++ * @data_offset: offset of transfer within the complete transfer
++ * @data_len: data trasnfer length
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * If command PDUs are small (no immediate data), we
++ * start new commands as soon as possible, so that we can
++ * overlap the R2T latency with the time it takes to
++ * send data for commands already issued. This increases
++ * throughput without significantly increasing the completion
++ * time of commands already issued.
++ **/
++static int
++iscsi_send_data_out(struct iscsi_task *task, u32 ttt, u32 data_offset,
++ u32 data_len)
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ struct scatterlist tmpsg, *sg;
++ struct iscsi_data_hdr stdh;
++ u32 data_sn = 0, dlen, remaining, sg_offset;
++ int i, rc = ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS;
++ memset(&stdh, 0, sizeof(stdh));
++ stdh.opcode = ISCSI_OP_SCSI_DATA;
++ stdh.itt = htonl(task->itt);
++ stdh.ttt = ttt;
++ /*
++ * Find the right sg entry and offset into it if needed.
++ * Why do we not cache this index for DataPDUInOrder?
++ */
++ sg_offset = data_offset;
++ sg = sc->request_buffer;
++ for (i = 0; i < sc->use_sg; i++) {
++ if (sg_offset < sg->length)
++ break;
++ else {
++ sg_offset -= sg->length;
++ sg++;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * check that the target did not send us some bad values. just
++ * let the cmnd timeout if it does.
++ */
++ if (sc->request_bufflen < data_offset + data_len ||
++ (sc->use_sg && i >= sc->use_sg)) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_send_data_out - invalid write. "
++ "len %u, offset %u, request_bufflen %u, usg_sg "
++ "%u, task %u\n", data_len, data_offset,
++ sc->request_bufflen, sc->use_sg, task->itt);
++ }
++ /*
++ * PDU loop - might need to send multiple PDUs to satisfy
++ * the transfer, or we can also send a zero length PDU
++ */
++ remaining = data_len;
++ do {
++ if (signal_pending(current)) {
++ rc = ISCSI_IO_INTR;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!session->immediate_data)
++ iscsi_run_pending_queue(session);
++ stdh.datasn = htonl(data_sn++);
++ stdh.offset = htonl(data_offset);
++ stdh.expstatsn = htonl(session->exp_stat_sn);
++ if (session->max_xmit_data_segment_len &&
++ remaining > session->max_xmit_data_segment_len)
++ /* enforce the target's data segment limit */
++ dlen = session->max_xmit_data_segment_len;
++ else {
++ /* final PDU of a data burst */
++ dlen = remaining;
++ stdh.flags = ISCSI_FLAG_FINAL;
++ }
++ hton24(stdh.dlength, dlen);
++ rc = iscsi_send_header(session, (struct iscsi_hdr *)&stdh,
++ session->header_digest);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS) {
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sc->use_sg)
++ rc = iscsi_send_sg_data(session, sc->request_buffer,
++ &i, &sg_offset, sc->use_sg,
++ dlen, session->data_digest);
++ else {
++ sg_init_one(&tmpsg, sc->request_buffer, dlen);
++ rc = iscsi_send_sg_data(session, &tmpsg, &i,
++ &sg_offset, 1, dlen,
++ session->data_digest);
++ }
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS &&
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ data_offset += dlen;
++ remaining -= dlen;
++ } while (remaining > 0 && rc == ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS);
++ return rc;
++static inline unsigned
++get_immediate_data_len(struct iscsi_session *session, struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
++ int len;
++ if (!session->immediate_data)
++ return 0;
++ if (session->first_burst_len)
++ len = min(session->first_burst_len,
++ session->max_xmit_data_segment_len);
++ else
++ len = session->max_xmit_data_segment_len;
++ return min_t(unsigned, len, sc->request_bufflen);
++ * iscsi_queue_r2t may be called so the task lock must be held
++ * why not handle this in iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd?
++ */
++iscsi_queue_unsolicited_data(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ unsigned imm_data_len;
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ /*
++ * With ImmediateData, we may or may not have to send
++ * additional Data PDUs, depending on the amount of data, and
++ * the Max PDU Length, and the first_burst_len.
++ */
++ if (!test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_WRITE, &task->flags) ||
++ !sc->request_bufflen || session->initial_r2t)
++ return;
++ /*
++ * queue up unsolicited data PDUs. the implied initial R2T
++ * doesn't count against the MaxOutstandingR2T, so we can't use
++ * the normal R2T * fields of the task for the implied initial
++ * R2T. Use a special flag for the implied initial R2T, and
++ * let the rx thread update tasks in the tx_tasks collection
++ * if an R2T comes in before the implied initial R2T has been
++ * processed.
++ */
++ if (session->immediate_data) {
++ imm_data_len = get_immediate_data_len(session, sc);
++ /*
++ * Only queue unsolicited data out PDUs if there is more
++ * data in the request, and the FirstBurstLength hasn't
++ * already been satisfied with the ImmediateData that
++ * will be sent below via iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd().
++ */
++ if (sc->request_bufflen == imm_data_len ||
++ imm_data_len == session->first_burst_len)
++ return;
++ }
++ __set_bit(ISCSI_TASK_INITIAL_R2T, &task->flags);
++ iscsi_queue_r2t(session, task);
++ set_bit(TX_DATA, &session->control_bits);
++ set_bit(TX_WAKE, &session->control_bits);
++ * iscsi_send_r2t_data - see if we need to send more data.
++ * @session: iscsi session
++ *
++ * Note:
++ * This may call iscsi_run_pending_queue under some conditions.
++ **/
++iscsi_send_r2t_data(struct iscsi_session *session)
++ struct iscsi_task *task;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc;
++ u32 ttt, offset, len;
++ unsigned implied_len, imm_data_len;
++ int rc;
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ retry:
++ task = iscsi_dequeue_r2t(session);
++ if (!task)
++ goto done;
++ /*
++ * save the values that get set when we receive an R2T from
++ * the target, so that we can receive another one while
++ * we're sending data.
++ */
++ ttt = task->ttt;
++ offset = task->data_offset;
++ len = task->data_length;
++ task->ttt = ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG;
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ /*
++ * implied initial R2T
++ * (ISCSI_TASK_INITIAL_R2T bit is only accessed by tx
++ * thread so we do not need atomic ops)
++ */
++ if (__test_and_clear_bit(ISCSI_TASK_INITIAL_R2T, &task->flags)) {
++ sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ /*
++ * FirstBurstLength == 0 means no limit when
++ * ImmediateData == 0 (not documented in README?)
++ */
++ if (!session->first_burst_len)
++ implied_len = sc->request_bufflen;
++ else
++ implied_len = min_t(unsigned, session->first_burst_len,
++ sc->request_bufflen);
++ if (session->immediate_data) {
++ imm_data_len = get_immediate_data_len(session, sc);
++ implied_len -= imm_data_len;
++ } else
++ imm_data_len = 0;
++ rc = iscsi_send_data_out(task, ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG,
++ imm_data_len, implied_len);
++ }
++ /* normal R2T from the target */
++ if (ttt != ISCSI_RSVD_TASK_TAG && rc == ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS)
++ iscsi_send_data_out(task, ttt, offset, len);
++ spin_lock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ __iscsi_put_task(task);
++ if (!signal_pending(current))
++ goto retry;
++ done:
++ spin_unlock_bh(&session->task_lock);
++ * iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd - Transmit iSCSI Command PDU.
++ * @task: iSCSI task to be transmitted
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * The header digest on the cmd PDU is calculated before sending the cmd.
++ * If ImmediateData is enabled, data digest is computed and data is sent
++ * along with cmd PDU.
++ **/
++iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd(struct iscsi_task *task)
++ struct iscsi_scsi_cmd_hdr stsch;
++ struct iscsi_session *session = task->session;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *sc = task->scsi_cmnd;
++ int rc, first_sg = 0;
++ struct scatterlist tmpsg;
++ u32 imm_data_len = 0, sg_offset = 0;
++ memset(&stsch, 0, sizeof(stsch));
++ if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_READ, &task->flags)) {
++ stsch.flags |= ISCSI_FLAG_CMD_READ;
++ stsch.data_length = htonl(sc->request_bufflen);
++ } else if (test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_WRITE, &task->flags)) {
++ stsch.flags |= ISCSI_FLAG_CMD_WRITE;
++ stsch.data_length = htonl(sc->request_bufflen);
++ }
++ /* tagged command queueing */
++ stsch.flags |= (iscsi_command_attr(sc) & ISCSI_FLAG_CMD_ATTR_MASK);
++ stsch.opcode = ISCSI_OP_SCSI_CMD;
++ stsch.itt = htonl(task->itt);
++ task->cmdsn = session->cmd_sn;
++ stsch.cmdsn = htonl(session->cmd_sn);
++ stsch.expstatsn = htonl(session->exp_stat_sn);
++ /*
++ * set the final bit when there are no unsolicited Data-out
++ * PDUs following the command PDU
++ */
++ if (!test_bit(ISCSI_TASK_INITIAL_R2T, &task->flags))
++ stsch.flags |= ISCSI_FLAG_FINAL;
++ /* single level LUN format puts LUN in byte 1, 0 everywhere else */
++ stsch.lun[1] = sc->device->lun;
++ memcpy(, sc->cmnd, min_t(size_t, sizeof(,
++ sc->cmd_len));
++ if (session->immediate_data &&
++ sc->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
++ if (!sc->request_bufflen)
++ /* zero len write? just let it timeout */
++ return;
++ imm_data_len = get_immediate_data_len(session, sc);
++ /* put the data length in the PDU header */
++ hton24(stsch.dlength, imm_data_len);
++ stsch.data_length = htonl(sc->request_bufflen);
++ }
++ rc = iscsi_send_header(session, (struct iscsi_hdr *)&stsch,
++ session->header_digest);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd failed to send "
++ "scsi cmnd header\n");
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ return;
++ }
++ if (!imm_data_len)
++ goto done;
++ if (sc->use_sg)
++ rc = iscsi_send_sg_data(session, sc->request_buffer,
++ &first_sg, &sg_offset, sc->use_sg,
++ imm_data_len, session->data_digest);
++ else {
++ sg_init_one(&tmpsg, sc->request_buffer, imm_data_len);
++ rc = iscsi_send_sg_data(session, &tmpsg, &first_sg,
++ &sg_offset, 1, imm_data_len,
++ session->data_digest);
++ }
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_SUCCESS) {
++ iscsi_host_err(session, "iscsi_send_scsi_cmnd failed to send "
++ "scsi cmnd data (%u bytes)\n", imm_data_len);
++ if (rc != ISCSI_IO_INVALID_OP)
++ iscsi_drop_session(session);
++ }
++ done:
++ session->cmd_sn++;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/Kconfig 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 18:21:52.159881754 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++ tristate "Software iSCSI support"
++ depends on SCSI && INET
++ select CRYPTO
++ select CRYPTO_MD5
++ select CRYPTO_CRC32C
++ ---help---
++ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
++ module will be called iscsi_sfnet.
++ The iSCSI Driver provides a host with the ability to access
++ storage through an IP network. The driver uses the iSCSI
++ protocol to transport SCSI requests and responses over an IP
++ network between the host (the "initiator") and "targets".
++ Architecturally, the iSCSI driver combines with the host's
++ TCP/IP stack, network drivers, and Network Interface Card
++ (NIC) to provide the same functions as a SCSI or a Fibre
++ Channel (FC) adapter driver with a Host Bus Adapter (HBA).
++ The userspace component needed to initialize the driver,
++ documentation, and sample configuration files are in the
++ iscsi-initiator-utils package.
++ More information on this driver can be found here:
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/Makefile 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:38:13.487930537 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++# Makefile for Software iSCSI driver
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ISCSI_SFNET) += iscsi_sfnet.o
++iscsi_sfnet-objs := iscsi-initiator.o
++iscsi_sfnet-objs += iscsi-attr.o \
++ iscsi-portal.o \
++ iscsi-session.o \
++ iscsi-task.o \
++ iscsi-ioctl.o \
++ iscsi-network.o \
++ iscsi-recv-pdu.o \
++ iscsi-xmit-pdu.o \
++ iscsi-login.o \
++ iscsi-auth.o \
++ iscsi-auth-client.o
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/Kconfig 2005-06-15 18:07:26.746196881 -0500
++++ 2005-06-15 16:57:44.582529915 -0500
+@@ -209,6 +209,14 @@ config SCSI_FC_ATTRS
+ each attached FiberChannel device to sysfs, say Y.
+ Otherwise, say N.
++ tristate "iSCSI Transport Attributes"
++ depends on SCSI
++ help
++ If you wish to export transport-specific information about
++ each attached iSCSI device to sysfs, say Y.
++ Otherwise, say N.
+ endmenu
+ menu "SCSI low-level drivers"
+@@ -824,6 +832,8 @@ config SCSI_INIA100
+ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+ module will be called a100u2w.
++source "drivers/scsi/iscsi_sfnet/Kconfig"
+ config SCSI_PPA
+ tristate "IOMEGA parallel port (ppa - older drives)"
+ depends on SCSI && PARPORT
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/Makefile 2005-06-15 18:07:26.747196742 -0500
++++ 2005-06-15 16:56:44.864900081 -0500
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI) += scsi_mod.o
+ # --------------------------
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SPI_ATTRS) += scsi_transport_spi.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_FC_ATTRS) += scsi_transport_fc.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ISCSI_ATTRS) += scsi_transport_iscsi.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_AMIGA7XX) += amiga7xx.o 53c7xx.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_A3000_SCSI) += a3000.o wd33c93.o
+@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ACARD) += atp870u.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SUNESP) += esp.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_GDTH) += gdth.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_INITIO) += initio.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ISCSI_SFNET) += iscsi_sfnet/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_INIA100) += a100u2w.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI) += qlogicpti.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDESCSI) += ide-scsi.o
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.c
+--- linux-2.6.9/drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:33:07.062361901 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
++ * iSCSI transport class definitions
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2004
++ * Copyright (C) Mike Christie, 2004
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.h>
++#define ISCSI_HOST_ATTRS 2
++struct iscsi_internal {
++ struct scsi_transport_template t;
++ struct iscsi_function_template *fnt;
++ /*
++ * We do not have any private or other attrs.
++ */
++ struct class_device_attribute *session_attrs[ISCSI_SESSION_ATTRS + 1];
++ struct class_device_attribute *host_attrs[ISCSI_HOST_ATTRS + 1];
++#define to_iscsi_internal(tmpl) container_of(tmpl, struct iscsi_internal, t)
++static void iscsi_transport_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev)
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(class_dev);
++ put_device(&starget->dev);
++struct class iscsi_transport_class = {
++ .name = "iscsi_transport",
++ .release = iscsi_transport_class_release,
++static void iscsi_host_class_release(struct class_device *class_dev)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(class_dev);
++ put_device(&shost->shost_gendev);
++struct class iscsi_host_class = {
++ .name = "iscsi_host",
++ .release = iscsi_host_class_release,
++ * iSCSI target and session attrs
++ */
++#define iscsi_session_show_fn(field, format) \
++ \
++static ssize_t \
++show_session_##field(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ \
++ if (i->fnt->get_##field) \
++ i->fnt->get_##field(starget); \
++ return snprintf(buf, 20, format"\n", iscsi_##field(starget)); \
++#define iscsi_session_rd_attr(field, format) \
++ iscsi_session_show_fn(field, format) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, show_session_##field, NULL);
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(tpgt, "%hu");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(tsih, "%2x");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(max_recv_data_segment_len, "%u");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(max_xmit_data_segment_len, "%u");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(max_burst_len, "%u");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(first_burst_len, "%u");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(def_time2wait, "%hu");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(def_time2retain, "%hu");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(max_outstanding_r2t, "%hu");
++iscsi_session_rd_attr(erl, "%d");
++#define iscsi_session_show_bool_fn(field) \
++ \
++static ssize_t \
++show_session_bool_##field(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ \
++ if (i->fnt->get_##field) \
++ i->fnt->get_##field(starget); \
++ \
++ if (iscsi_##field(starget)) \
++ return sprintf(buf, "Yes\n"); \
++ return sprintf(buf, "No\n"); \
++#define iscsi_session_rd_bool_attr(field) \
++ iscsi_session_show_bool_fn(field) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, show_session_bool_##field, NULL);
++#define iscsi_session_show_digest_fn(field) \
++ \
++static ssize_t \
++show_##field(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ \
++ if (i->fnt->get_##field) \
++ i->fnt->get_##field(starget); \
++ \
++ if (iscsi_##field(starget)) \
++ return sprintf(buf, "CRC32C\n"); \
++ return sprintf(buf, "None\n"); \
++#define iscsi_session_rd_digest_attr(field) \
++ iscsi_session_show_digest_fn(field) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, show_##field, NULL);
++static ssize_t
++show_port(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt);
++ if (i->fnt->get_port)
++ i->fnt->get_port(starget);
++ return snprintf(buf, 20, "%hu\n", ntohs(iscsi_port(starget)));
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(port, S_IRUGO, show_port, NULL);
++static ssize_t
++show_ip_address(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt);
++ if (i->fnt->get_ip_address)
++ i->fnt->get_ip_address(starget);
++ if (iscsi_addr_type(starget) == AF_INET)
++ return sprintf(buf, "%u.%u.%u.%u\n",
++ NIPQUAD(iscsi_sin_addr(starget)));
++ else if(iscsi_addr_type(starget) == AF_INET6)
++ return sprintf(buf, "%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x\n",
++ NIP6(iscsi_sin6_addr(starget)));
++ return -EINVAL;
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(ip_address, S_IRUGO, show_ip_address, NULL);
++static ssize_t
++show_isid(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev);
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt);
++ if (i->fnt->get_isid)
++ i->fnt->get_isid(starget);
++ return sprintf(buf, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
++ iscsi_isid(starget)[0], iscsi_isid(starget)[1],
++ iscsi_isid(starget)[2], iscsi_isid(starget)[3],
++ iscsi_isid(starget)[4], iscsi_isid(starget)[5]);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(isid, S_IRUGO, show_isid, NULL);
++ * This is used for iSCSI names. Normally, we follow
++ * the transport class convention of having the lld
++ * set the field, but in these cases the value is
++ * too large.
++ */
++#define iscsi_session_show_str_fn(field) \
++ \
++static ssize_t \
++show_session_str_##field(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ ssize_t ret = 0; \
++ struct scsi_target *starget = transport_class_to_starget(cdev); \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent); \
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ \
++ if (i->fnt->get_##field) \
++ ret = i->fnt->get_##field(starget, buf, PAGE_SIZE); \
++ return ret; \
++#define iscsi_session_rd_str_attr(field) \
++ iscsi_session_show_str_fn(field) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, show_session_str_##field, NULL);
++ * iSCSI host attrs
++ */
++ * Again, this is used for iSCSI names. Normally, we follow
++ * the transport class convention of having the lld set
++ * the field, but in these cases the value is too large.
++ */
++#define iscsi_host_show_str_fn(field) \
++ \
++static ssize_t \
++show_host_str_##field(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ int ret = 0; \
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = transport_class_to_shost(cdev); \
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(shost->transportt); \
++ \
++ if (i->fnt->get_##field) \
++ ret = i->fnt->get_##field(shost, buf, PAGE_SIZE); \
++ return ret; \
++#define iscsi_host_rd_str_attr(field) \
++ iscsi_host_show_str_fn(field) \
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(field, S_IRUGO, show_host_str_##field, NULL);
++#define SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(field) \
++ if (i->fnt->show_##field) { \
++ i->session_attrs[count] = &class_device_attr_##field; \
++ count++; \
++ }
++#define SETUP_HOST_RD_ATTR(field) \
++ if (i->fnt->show_##field) { \
++ i->host_attrs[count] = &class_device_attr_##field; \
++ count++; \
++ }
++struct scsi_transport_template *
++iscsi_attach_transport(struct iscsi_function_template *fnt)
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = kmalloc(sizeof(struct iscsi_internal),
++ int count = 0;
++ if (unlikely(!i))
++ return NULL;
++ memset(i, 0, sizeof(struct iscsi_internal));
++ i->fnt = fnt;
++ i->t.target_attrs = &i->session_attrs[0];
++ i->t.target_class = &iscsi_transport_class;
++ i->t.target_setup = NULL;
++ i->t.target_size = sizeof(struct iscsi_class_session);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(header_digest);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(data_digest);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(target_name);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(target_alias);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(ip_address);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(initial_r2t);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(immediate_data);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(max_recv_data_segment_len);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(max_xmit_data_segment_len);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(max_burst_len);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(first_burst_len);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(def_time2wait);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(def_time2retain);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(max_outstanding_r2t);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(data_pdu_in_order);
++ SETUP_SESSION_RD_ATTR(data_sequence_in_order);
++ i->session_attrs[count] = NULL;
++ i->t.host_attrs = &i->host_attrs[0];
++ i->t.host_class = &iscsi_host_class;
++ i->t.host_setup = NULL;
++ i->t.host_size = 0;
++ count = 0;
++ SETUP_HOST_RD_ATTR(initiator_name);
++ SETUP_HOST_RD_ATTR(initiator_alias);
++ i->host_attrs[count] = NULL;
++ return &i->t;
++void iscsi_release_transport(struct scsi_transport_template *t)
++ struct iscsi_internal *i = to_iscsi_internal(t);
++ kfree(i);
++static __init int iscsi_transport_init(void)
++ int err = class_register(&iscsi_transport_class);
++ if (err)
++ return err;
++ return class_register(&iscsi_host_class);
++static void __exit iscsi_transport_exit(void)
++ class_unregister(&iscsi_host_class);
++ class_unregister(&iscsi_transport_class);
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Mike Christie");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iSCSI Transport Attributes");
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.9/include/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.h
+--- linux-2.6.9/include/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.h 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ 2005-06-15 17:18:42.434206328 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
++ * iSCSI transport class definitions
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2004
++ * Copyright (C) Mike Christie, 2004
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++ */
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/in6.h>
++#include <linux/in.h>
++struct scsi_transport_template;
++struct iscsi_class_session {
++ uint8_t isid[6];
++ uint16_t tsih;
++ int header_digest; /* 1 CRC32, 0 None */
++ int data_digest; /* 1 CRC32, 0 None */
++ uint16_t tpgt;
++ union {
++ struct in6_addr sin6_addr;
++ struct in_addr sin_addr;
++ } u;
++ sa_family_t addr_type; /* must be AF_INET or AF_INET6 */
++ uint16_t port; /* must be in network byte order */
++ int initial_r2t; /* 1 Yes, 0 No */
++ int immediate_data; /* 1 Yes, 0 No */
++ uint32_t max_recv_data_segment_len;
++ uint32_t max_xmit_data_segment_len;
++ uint32_t max_burst_len;
++ uint32_t first_burst_len;
++ uint16_t def_time2wait;
++ uint16_t def_time2retain;
++ uint16_t max_outstanding_r2t;
++ int data_pdu_in_order; /* 1 Yes, 0 No */
++ int data_sequence_in_order; /* 1 Yes, 0 No */
++ int erl;
++ * accessor macros
++ */
++#define iscsi_isid(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->isid)
++#define iscsi_tsih(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->tsih)
++#define iscsi_header_digest(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->header_digest)
++#define iscsi_data_digest(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->data_digest)
++#define iscsi_port(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->port)
++#define iscsi_addr_type(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->addr_type)
++#define iscsi_sin_addr(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->u.sin_addr)
++#define iscsi_sin6_addr(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->u.sin6_addr)
++#define iscsi_tpgt(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->tpgt)
++#define iscsi_initial_r2t(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->initial_r2t)
++#define iscsi_immediate_data(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->immediate_data)
++#define iscsi_max_recv_data_segment_len(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->max_recv_data_segment_len)
++#define iscsi_max_xmit_data_segment_len(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->max_xmit_data_segment_len)
++#define iscsi_max_burst_len(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->max_burst_len)
++#define iscsi_first_burst_len(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->first_burst_len)
++#define iscsi_def_time2wait(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->def_time2wait)
++#define iscsi_def_time2retain(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->def_time2retain)
++#define iscsi_max_outstanding_r2t(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->max_outstanding_r2t)
++#define iscsi_data_pdu_in_order(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->data_pdu_in_order)
++#define iscsi_data_sequence_in_order(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->data_sequence_in_order)
++#define iscsi_erl(x) \
++ (((struct iscsi_class_session *)&(x)->starget_data)->erl)
++ * The functions by which the transport class and the driver communicate
++ */
++struct iscsi_function_template {
++ /*
++ * target attrs
++ */
++ void (*get_isid)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_tsih)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_header_digest)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_data_digest)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_port)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_tpgt)(struct scsi_target *);
++ /*
++ * In get_ip_address the lld must set the address and
++ * the address type
++ */
++ void (*get_ip_address)(struct scsi_target *);
++ /*
++ * The lld should snprintf the name or alias to the buffer
++ */
++ ssize_t (*get_target_name)(struct scsi_target *, char *, ssize_t);
++ ssize_t (*get_target_alias)(struct scsi_target *, char *, ssize_t);
++ void (*get_initial_r2t)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_immediate_data)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_max_recv_data_segment_len)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_max_xmit_data_segment_len)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_max_burst_len)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_first_burst_len)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_def_time2wait)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_def_time2retain)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_max_outstanding_r2t)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_data_pdu_in_order)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_data_sequence_in_order)(struct scsi_target *);
++ void (*get_erl)(struct scsi_target *);
++ /*
++ * host atts
++ */
++ /*
++ * The lld should snprintf the name or alias to the buffer
++ */
++ ssize_t (*get_initiator_alias)(struct Scsi_Host *, char *, ssize_t);
++ ssize_t (*get_initiator_name)(struct Scsi_Host *, char *, ssize_t);
++ /*
++ * The driver sets these to tell the transport class it
++ * wants the attributes displayed in sysfs. If the show_ flag
++ * is not set, the attribute will be private to the transport
++ * class. We could probably just test if a get_ fn was set
++ * since we only use the values for sysfs but this is how
++ * fc does it too.
++ */
++ unsigned long show_isid:1;
++ unsigned long show_tsih:1;
++ unsigned long show_header_digest:1;
++ unsigned long show_data_digest:1;
++ unsigned long show_port:1;
++ unsigned long show_tpgt:1;
++ unsigned long show_ip_address:1;
++ unsigned long show_target_name:1;
++ unsigned long show_target_alias:1;
++ unsigned long show_initial_r2t:1;
++ unsigned long show_immediate_data:1;
++ unsigned long show_max_recv_data_segment_len:1;
++ unsigned long show_max_xmit_data_segment_len:1;
++ unsigned long show_max_burst_len:1;
++ unsigned long show_first_burst_len:1;
++ unsigned long show_def_time2wait:1;
++ unsigned long show_def_time2retain:1;
++ unsigned long show_max_outstanding_r2t:1;
++ unsigned long show_data_pdu_in_order:1;
++ unsigned long show_data_sequence_in_order:1;
++ unsigned long show_erl:1;
++ unsigned long show_initiator_name:1;
++ unsigned long show_initiator_alias:1;
++struct scsi_transport_template *iscsi_attach_transport(struct iscsi_function_template *);
++void iscsi_release_transport(struct scsi_transport_template *);
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5111_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5111_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24f2705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5111_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,23500 @@
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_fcp.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2470 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_fcp.c 1.466.1.3 2005/06/21 15:48:55EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/ctype.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/timer.h>
++#include <linux/utsname.h>
++#include <asm/byteorder.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_tcq.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_fcp.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++#include "lpfc_version.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_compat.h"
++static char *lpfc_drvr_name = LPFC_DRIVER_NAME;
++static struct scsi_transport_template *lpfc_transport_template = NULL;
++struct list_head lpfc_hba_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(lpfc_hba_list);
++static const char *
++lpfc_info(struct Scsi_Host *host)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) host->hostdata[0];
++ int len;
++ static char lpfcinfobuf[384];
++ memset(lpfcinfobuf,0,384);
++ if (phba && phba->pcidev){
++ strncpy(lpfcinfobuf, phba->ModelDesc, 256);
++ len = strlen(lpfcinfobuf);
++ snprintf(lpfcinfobuf + len,
++ 384-len,
++ " on PCI bus %02x device %02x irq %d",
++ phba->pcidev->bus->number,
++ phba->pcidev->devfn,
++ phba->pcidev->irq);
++ len = strlen(lpfcinfobuf);
++ if (phba->Port[0]) {
++ snprintf(lpfcinfobuf + len,
++ 384-len,
++ " port %s",
++ phba->Port);
++ }
++ }
++ return lpfcinfobuf;
++static void
++lpfc_jedec_to_ascii(int incr, char hdw[])
++ int i, j;
++ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++ j = (incr & 0xf);
++ if (j <= 9)
++ hdw[7 - i] = 0x30 + j;
++ else
++ hdw[7 - i] = 0x61 + j - 10;
++ incr = (incr >> 4);
++ }
++ hdw[8] = 0;
++ return;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_drvr_version_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, LPFC_MODULE_DESC "\n");
++static ssize_t
++management_version_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, DFC_API_VERSION "\n");
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_info_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",lpfc_info(host));
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_serialnum_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",phba->SerialNumber);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_modeldesc_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",phba->ModelDesc);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_modelname_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",phba->ModelName);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_programtype_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",phba->ProgramType);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_portnum_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",phba->Port);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_fwrev_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ char fwrev[32];
++ lpfc_decode_firmware_rev(phba, fwrev, 1);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",fwrev);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_hdw_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ char hdw[9];
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vp = &phba->vpd;
++ lpfc_jedec_to_ascii(vp->rev.biuRev, hdw);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", hdw);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_option_rom_version_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", phba->OptionROMVersion);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_state_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ int len = 0;
++ switch (phba->hba_state) {
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "Link Down\n");
++ break;
++ case LPFC_LINK_UP:
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "Link Up\n");
++ break;
++ case LPFC_FLOGI:
++ case LPFC_NS_REG:
++ case LPFC_NS_QRY:
++ case LPFC_CLEAR_LA:
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Link Up - Discovery\n");
++ break;
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Link Up - Ready:\n");
++ if (phba->fc_topology == TOPOLOGY_LOOP) {
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_PUBLIC_LOOP)
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ " Public Loop\n");
++ else
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ " Private Loop\n");
++ } else {
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_FABRIC)
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ " Fabric\n");
++ else
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ " Point-2-Point\n");
++ }
++ }
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_num_discovered_ports_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", phba->fc_map_cnt +
++ phba->fc_unmap_cnt);
++ * These are replaced by Generic FC transport attributes
++ */
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_speed_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ int len = 0;
++ if (phba->fc_linkspeed == LA_4GHZ_LINK)
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "4 Gigabit\n");
++ else
++ if (phba->fc_linkspeed == LA_2GHZ_LINK)
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "2 Gigabit\n");
++ else
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "1 Gigabit\n");
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_node_name_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ uint64_t node_name = 0;
++ memcpy (&node_name, &phba->fc_nodename, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "0x%llx\n",
++ (unsigned long long) be64_to_cpu(node_name));
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_port_name_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ uint64_t port_name = 0;
++ memcpy (&port_name, &phba->fc_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "0x%llx\n",
++ (unsigned long long) be64_to_cpu(port_name));
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_did_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "0x%x\n", phba->fc_myDID);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_port_type_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ size_t retval = -EPERM;
++ if (phba->fc_topology == TOPOLOGY_LOOP) {
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_PUBLIC_LOOP)
++ retval = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "NL_Port\n");
++ else
++ retval = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "L_Port\n");
++ } else {
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_FABRIC)
++ retval = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "N_Port\n");
++ else
++ retval = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE,
++ "Point-to-Point N_Port\n");
++ }
++ return retval;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_fabric_name_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ uint64_t node_name = 0;
++ memcpy (&node_name, &phba->fc_nodename, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ if ((phba->fc_flag & FC_FABRIC) ||
++ ((phba->fc_topology == TOPOLOGY_LOOP) &&
++ (phba->fc_flag & FC_PUBLIC_LOOP))) {
++ memcpy(&node_name,
++ & phba->fc_fabparam.nodeName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ }
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "0x%08llx\n",
++ (unsigned long long) be64_to_cpu(node_name));
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_events_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ int i = 0, len = 0, get = phba->hba_event_put;
++ struct lpfc_hba_event *rec;
++ if (get == phba->hba_event_get)
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "None\n");
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_HBAEVT; i++) {
++ if (get == 0)
++ get = MAX_HBAEVT;
++ get--;
++ rec = &phba->hbaevt[get];
++ switch (rec->fc_eventcode) {
++ case 0:
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "---------");
++ break;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "RSCN ");
++ break;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "LINK UP ");
++ break;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "LINK DOWN");
++ break;
++ default:
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "?????????");
++ break;
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, " %d,%d,%d,%d\n",
++ rec->fc_evdata1, rec->fc_evdata2,
++ rec->fc_evdata3, rec->fc_evdata4);
++ }
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_issue_lip (struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf, size_t count)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) host->hostdata[0];
++ int val = 0;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmboxq;
++ int mbxstatus = MBXERR_ERROR;
++ if ((sscanf(buf, "%d", &val) != 1) ||
++ (val != 1))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if ((phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE) ||
++ (phba->hba_state != LPFC_HBA_READY))
++ return -EPERM;
++ pmboxq = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!pmboxq)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ memset((void *)pmboxq, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ lpfc_init_link(phba, pmboxq, phba->cfg_topology, phba->cfg_link_speed);
++ mbxstatus = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait(phba, pmboxq, phba->fc_ratov * 2);
++ if (mbxstatus == MBX_TIMEOUT)
++ pmboxq->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ else
++ mempool_free( pmboxq, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ if (mbxstatus == MBXERR_ERROR)
++ return -EIO;
++ return strlen(buf);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_nport_evt_cnt_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", phba->nport_event_cnt);
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_board_online_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE)
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "0\n");
++ else
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "1\n");
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_board_online_store(struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf,
++ size_t count)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ int val=0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &val) != 1)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (val && (phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE)) {
++ lpfc_online(phba);
++ }
++ else if (!val && !(phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE)) {
++ lpfc_offline(phba);
++ }
++ return strlen(buf);
++static int
++lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp,
++ char *buf, int offset)
++ int len = 0, pgsz = PAGE_SIZE;
++ uint8_t name[sizeof (struct lpfc_name)];
++ buf += offset;
++ pgsz -= offset;
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, pgsz -len,
++ "DID %06x WWPN ", ndlp->nlp_DID);
++ /* A Fibre Channel node or port name is 8 octets
++ * long and delimited by colons.
++ */
++ memcpy (&name[0], &ndlp->nlp_portname,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, pgsz-len,
++ "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:"
++ "%02x:%02x",
++ name[0], name[1], name[2],
++ name[3], name[4], name[5],
++ name[6], name[7]);
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, pgsz-len,
++ " WWNN ");
++ memcpy (&name[0], &ndlp->nlp_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, pgsz-len,
++ "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:"
++ "%02x:%02x\n",
++ name[0], name[1], name[2],
++ name[3], name[4], name[5],
++ name[6], name[7]);
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, pgsz-len,
++ " INFO %02x:%08x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:"
++ "%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
++ ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_type,
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi, ndlp->nlp_sid, ndlp->nlp_failMask,
++ ndlp->nlp_retry, ndlp->nlp_disc_refcnt,
++ ndlp->nlp_fcp_info);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_npr_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_npr_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "NPR list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "NPR list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_npr_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_npr_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_map_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_nlpmap_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Map list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "Map list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_map_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_map_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_unmap_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Unmap list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "Unmap list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_unmap_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_unmap_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_prli_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_prli_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "PRLI list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "PRLI list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_prli_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_prli_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_reglgn_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_reglogin_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "RegLgn list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "RegLgn list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_reglogin_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_reglogin_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_adisc_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_adisc_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "ADISC list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "ADISC list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_adisc_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_adisc_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_plogi_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_plogi_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "PLOGI list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "PLOGI list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_plogi_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_plogi_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_disc_unused_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ listp = &phba->fc_unused_list;
++ if (list_empty(listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Unused list: Empty\n");
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "Unused list: %d Entries\n",
++ phba->fc_unused_cnt);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ i++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed %d entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ (phba->fc_unused_cnt - i + 1), PAGE_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ len += lpfc_disc_ndlp_show(phba, ndlp, buf, len);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++static ssize_t
++lpfc_outfcpio_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ struct list_head *curr, *next;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *next_iocb;
++ IOCB_t *cmd;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0, len = 0;
++ int cnt = 0, unused = 0, total = 0;
++ int tx_count, txcmpl_count;
++ if (!phba) return -EPERM;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring];
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ for(i=0;i<LPFC_MAX_TARGET;i++) {
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[i];
++ if(targetp) {
++ unused++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ cnt++;
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "ID %03d:qcmd %08x done %08x err %08x "
++ "slv %03x ", targetp->scsi_id, targetp->qcmdcnt,
++ targetp->iodonecnt, targetp->errorcnt,
++ targetp->slavecnt);
++ total += (targetp->qcmdcnt - targetp->iodonecnt);
++ tx_count = 0;
++ txcmpl_count = 0;
++ /* Count I/Os on txq and txcmplq. */
++ list_for_each_safe(curr, next, &pring->txq) {
++ next_iocb = list_entry(curr, struct lpfc_iocbq,
++ list);
++ iocb = next_iocb;
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd =
++ (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0)
++ || (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id !=
++ targetp->scsi_id)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ tx_count++;
++ }
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_safe(curr, next, &pring->txcmplq) {
++ next_iocb = list_entry(curr, struct lpfc_iocbq,
++ list);
++ iocb = next_iocb;
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd =
++ (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0)
++ || (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id !=
++ targetp->scsi_id)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ txcmpl_count++;
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "tx %04x txc %04x ",
++ tx_count, txcmpl_count);
++ ndlp = targetp->pnode;
++ if(ndlp == NULL) {
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ }
++ else {
++ if(ndlp->nlp_state == NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE) {
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "MAPPED\n");
++ }
++ else {
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "RECOVERY (%d)\n",
++ ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(len > (PAGE_SIZE-1)) /* double check */
++ break;
++ }
++ if(unused) {
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "Missed x%x entries - sysfs %ld limit exceeded\n",
++ unused, PAGE_SIZE);
++ }
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "x%x total I/Os outstanding\n", total);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return len;
++#define lpfc_param_show(attr) \
++static ssize_t \
++lpfc_##attr##_show(struct class_device *cdev, char *buf) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);\
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];\
++ int val = 0;\
++ if (phba){\
++ val = phba->cfg_##attr;\
++ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n",\
++ phba->cfg_##attr);\
++ }\
++ return -EPERM;\
++#define lpfc_param_set(attr, default, minval, maxval) \
++static int \
++lpfc_##attr##_set(struct lpfc_hba *phba, int val) \
++{ \
++ if (val >= minval && val <= maxval) {\
++ phba->cfg_##attr = val;\
++ return 0;\
++ }\
++ phba->cfg_##attr = default;\
++ return -EINVAL;\
++#define lpfc_param_store(attr) \
++static ssize_t \
++lpfc_##attr##_store(struct class_device *cdev, const char *buf, size_t count) \
++{ \
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(cdev);\
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];\
++ int val=0;\
++ if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &val) != 1)\
++ return -EPERM;\
++ if (phba){\
++ if (lpfc_##attr##_set(phba, val) == 0) \
++ return strlen(buf);\
++ }\
++ return -EINVAL;\
++#define LPFC_ATTR(name, defval, minval, maxval, desc) \
++static int lpfc_##name = defval;\
++module_param(lpfc_##name, int, 0);\
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(lpfc_##name, desc);\
++lpfc_param_set(name, defval, minval, maxval)\
++#define LPFC_ATTR_R(name, defval, minval, maxval, desc) \
++static int lpfc_##name = defval;\
++module_param(lpfc_##name, int, 0);\
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(lpfc_##name, desc);\
++lpfc_param_set(name, defval, minval, maxval)\
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(lpfc_##name, S_IRUGO , lpfc_##name##_show, NULL)
++#define LPFC_ATTR_RW(name, defval, minval, maxval, desc) \
++static int lpfc_##name = defval;\
++module_param(lpfc_##name, int, 0);\
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(lpfc_##name, desc);\
++lpfc_param_set(name, defval, minval, maxval)\
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(lpfc_##name, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,\
++ lpfc_##name##_show, lpfc_##name##_store)
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(info, S_IRUGO, lpfc_info_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(serialnum, S_IRUGO, lpfc_serialnum_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(modeldesc, S_IRUGO, lpfc_modeldesc_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(modelname, S_IRUGO, lpfc_modelname_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(programtype, S_IRUGO, lpfc_programtype_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(portnum, S_IRUGO, lpfc_portnum_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(fwrev, S_IRUGO, lpfc_fwrev_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(hdw, S_IRUGO, lpfc_hdw_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(state, S_IRUGO, lpfc_state_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(option_rom_version, S_IRUGO,
++ lpfc_option_rom_version_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(num_discovered_ports, S_IRUGO,
++ lpfc_num_discovered_ports_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(speed, S_IRUGO, lpfc_speed_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(node_name, S_IRUGO, lpfc_node_name_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(port_name, S_IRUGO, lpfc_port_name_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(portfcid, S_IRUGO, lpfc_did_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(port_type, S_IRUGO, lpfc_port_type_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(fabric_name, S_IRUGO, lpfc_fabric_name_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(events, S_IRUGO, lpfc_events_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(nport_evt_cnt, S_IRUGO, lpfc_nport_evt_cnt_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(lpfc_drvr_version, S_IRUGO, lpfc_drvr_version_show,
++ NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(management_version, S_IRUGO, management_version_show,
++ NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(issue_lip, S_IWUSR, NULL, lpfc_issue_lip);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(board_online, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
++ lpfc_board_online_show, lpfc_board_online_store);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_npr, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_npr_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_map, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_map_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_unmap, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_unmap_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_prli, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_prli_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_reglgn, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_reglgn_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_adisc, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_adisc_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_plogi, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_plogi_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(disc_unused, S_IRUGO, lpfc_disc_unused_show, NULL);
++static CLASS_DEVICE_ATTR(outfcpio, S_IRUGO, lpfc_outfcpio_show, NULL);
++# lpfc_log_verbose: Only turn this flag on if you are willing to risk being
++# deluged with LOTS of information.
++# You can set a bit mask to record specific types of verbose messages:
++# LOG_ELS 0x1 ELS events
++# LOG_DISCOVERY 0x2 Link discovery events
++# LOG_MBOX 0x4 Mailbox events
++# LOG_INIT 0x8 Initialization events
++# LOG_LINK_EVENT 0x10 Link events
++# LOG_IP 0x20 IP traffic history
++# LOG_FCP 0x40 FCP traffic history
++# LOG_NODE 0x80 Node table events
++# LOG_MISC 0x400 Miscellaneous events
++# LOG_SLI 0x800 SLI events
++# LOG_CHK_COND 0x1000 FCP Check condition flag
++# LOG_LIBDFC 0x2000 LIBDFC events
++# LOG_ALL_MSG 0xffff LOG all messages
++LPFC_ATTR_RW(log_verbose, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffff, "Verbose logging bit-mask");
++# lun_queue_depth: This parameter is used to limit the number of outstanding
++# commands per FCP LUN. Value range is [1,128]. Default value is 30.
++LPFC_ATTR_R(lun_queue_depth, 30, 1, 128,
++ "Max number of FCP commands we can queue to a specific LUN");
++# Some disk devices have a "select ID" or "select Target" capability.
++# From a protocol standpoint "select ID" usually means select the
++# Fibre channel "ALPA". In the FC-AL Profile there is an "informative
++# annex" which contains a table that maps a "select ID" (a number
++# between 0 and 7F) to an ALPA. By default, for compatibility with
++# older drivers, the lpfc driver scans this table from low ALPA to high
++# ALPA.
++# Turning on the scan-down variable (on = 1, off = 0) will
++# cause the lpfc driver to use an inverted table, effectively
++# scanning ALPAs from high to low. Value range is [0,1]. Default value is 1.
++# (Note: This "select ID" functionality is a LOOP ONLY characteristic
++# and will not work across a fabric. Also this parameter will take
++# effect only in the case when ALPA map is not available.)
++LPFC_ATTR_R(scan_down, 1, 0, 1,
++ "Start scanning for devices from highest ALPA to lowest");
++# lpfc_nodev_tmo: If set, it will hold all I/O errors on devices that disappear
++# until the timer expires. Value range is [0,255]. Default value is 20.
++# NOTE: this MUST be less then the SCSI Layer command timeout - 1.
++LPFC_ATTR_RW(nodev_tmo, 30, 0, 255,
++ "Seconds driver will hold I/O waiting for a device to come back");
++# lpfc_topology: link topology for init link
++# 0x0 = attempt loop mode then point-to-point
++# 0x02 = attempt point-to-point mode only
++# 0x04 = attempt loop mode only
++# 0x06 = attempt point-to-point mode then loop
++# Set point-to-point mode if you want to run as an N_Port.
++# Set loop mode if you want to run as an NL_Port. Value range is [0,0x6].
++# Default value is 0.
++LPFC_ATTR_R(topology, 0, 0, 6, "Select Fibre Channel topology");
++# lpfc_link_speed: Link speed selection for initializing the Fibre Channel
++# connection.
++# 0 = auto select (default)
++# 1 = 1 Gigabaud
++# 2 = 2 Gigabaud
++# 4 = 4 Gigabaud
++# Value range is [0,4]. Default value is 0.
++LPFC_ATTR_R(link_speed, 0, 0, 4, "Select link speed");
++# lpfc_fcp_class: Determines FC class to use for the FCP protocol.
++# Value range is [2,3]. Default value is 3.
++LPFC_ATTR_R(fcp_class, 3, 2, 3,
++ "Select Fibre Channel class of service for FCP sequences");
++# lpfc_use_adisc: Use ADISC for FCP rediscovery instead of PLOGI. Value range
++# is [0,1]. Default value is 0.
++LPFC_ATTR_RW(use_adisc, 0, 0, 1,
++ "Use ADISC on rediscovery to authenticate FCP devices");
++# lpfc_ack0: Use ACK0, instead of ACK1 for class 2 acknowledgement. Value
++# range is [0,1]. Default value is 0.
++LPFC_ATTR_R(ack0, 0, 0, 1, "Enable ACK0 support");
++# lpfc_fcp_bind_method: It specifies the method of binding to be used for each
++# port. This binding method is used for consistent binding and mapped
++# binding. A value of 1 will force WWNN binding, value of 2 will force WWPN
++# binding, value of 3 will force DID binding and value of 4 will force the
++# driver to derive binding from ALPA. Any consistent binding whose type does
++# not match with the bind method of the port will be ignored. Value range
++# is [1,4]. Default value is 2.
++LPFC_ATTR_R(fcp_bind_method, 2, 0, 4,
++ "Select the bind method to be used");
++# lpfc_cr_delay & lpfc_cr_count: Default values for I/O colaesing
++# cr_delay (msec) or cr_count outstanding commands. cr_delay can take
++# value [0,63]. cr_count can take value [0,255]. Default value of cr_delay
++# is 0. Default value of cr_count is 1. The cr_count feature is disabled if
++# cr_delay is set to 0.
++LPFC_ATTR(cr_delay, 0, 0, 63, "A count of milliseconds after which an"
++ "interrupt response is generated");
++LPFC_ATTR(cr_count, 1, 1, 255, "A count of I/O completions after which an"
++ "interrupt response is generated");
++# lpfc_fdmi_on: controls FDMI support.
++# 0 = no FDMI support
++# 1 = support FDMI without attribute of hostname
++# 2 = support FDMI with attribute of hostname
++# Value range [0,2]. Default value is 0.
++LPFC_ATTR_RW(fdmi_on, 0, 0, 2, "Enable FDMI support");
++# Specifies the maximum number of ELS cmds we can have outstanding (for
++# discovery). Value range is [1,64]. Default value = 32.
++LPFC_ATTR(discovery_threads, 32, 1, 64, "Maximum number of ELS commands"
++ "during discovery");
++# lpfc_max_luns: maximum number of LUNs per target driver will support
++# Value range is [1,32768]. Default value is 256.
++# NOTE: The SCSI layer will scan each target for this many luns
++LPFC_ATTR_R(max_luns, 256, 1, 32768,
++ "Maximum number of LUNs per target driver will support");
++static ssize_t
++sysfs_ctlreg_write(struct kobject *kobj, char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ size_t buf_off;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(container_of(kobj,
++ struct class_device, kobj));
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ if ((off + count) > FF_REG_AREA_SIZE)
++ return -ERANGE;
++ if (count == 0) return 0;
++ if (off % 4 || count % 4 || (unsigned long)buf % 4)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (!(phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return -EPERM;
++ }
++ for (buf_off = 0; buf_off < count; buf_off += sizeof(uint32_t))
++ writel(*((uint32_t *)(buf + buf_off)),
++ (uint8_t *)phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p + off + buf_off);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return count;
++static ssize_t
++sysfs_ctlreg_read(struct kobject *kobj, char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ size_t buf_off;
++ uint32_t * tmp_ptr;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = class_to_shost(container_of(kobj,
++ struct class_device, kobj));
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ if (off > FF_REG_AREA_SIZE)
++ return -ERANGE;
++ if ((off + count) > FF_REG_AREA_SIZE)
++ count = FF_REG_AREA_SIZE - off;
++ if (count == 0) return 0;
++ if (off % 4 || count % 4 || (unsigned long)buf % 4)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ for (buf_off = 0; buf_off < count; buf_off += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
++ tmp_ptr = (uint32_t *)(buf + buf_off);
++ *tmp_ptr = readl((uint8_t *)(phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p
++ + off + buf_off));
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return count;
++static struct bin_attribute sysfs_ctlreg_attr = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "ctlreg",
++ .mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ },
++ .size = 256,
++ .read = sysfs_ctlreg_read,
++ .write = sysfs_ctlreg_write,
++#define MBOX_BUFF_SIZE (MAILBOX_CMD_WSIZE*sizeof(uint32_t))
++static void
++sysfs_mbox_idle (struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.state = SMBOX_IDLE;
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.offset = 0;
++ if (phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox) {
++ mempool_free(phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox,
++ phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox = NULL;
++ }
++static ssize_t
++sysfs_mbox_write(struct kobject *kobj, char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ struct Scsi_Host * host =
++ class_to_shost(container_of(kobj, struct class_device, kobj));
++ struct lpfc_hba * phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfcMboxq * mbox = NULL;
++ if ((count + off) > MBOX_BUFF_SIZE)
++ return -ERANGE;
++ if (off % 4 || count % 4 || (unsigned long)buf % 4)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (count == 0)
++ return 0;
++ if (off == 0) {
++ mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!mbox)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (off == 0) {
++ if (phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox)
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ else
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox = mbox;
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.state = SMBOX_WRITING;
++ }
++ else {
++ if (phba->sysfs_mbox.state != SMBOX_WRITING ||
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.offset != off ||
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox == NULL ) {
++ sysfs_mbox_idle(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ }
++ memcpy((uint8_t *) & phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox->mb + off,
++ buf, count);
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.offset = off + count;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return count;
++static ssize_t
++sysfs_mbox_read(struct kobject *kobj, char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host =
++ class_to_shost(container_of(kobj, struct class_device,
++ kobj));
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba*)host->hostdata[0];
++ int rc;
++ if (off > sizeof(MAILBOX_t))
++ return -ERANGE;
++ if ((count + off) > sizeof(MAILBOX_t))
++ count = sizeof(MAILBOX_t) - off;
++ if (off % 4 || count % 4 || (unsigned long)buf % 4)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (off && count == 0)
++ return 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (off == 0 &&
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.state == SMBOX_WRITING &&
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.offset >= 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
++ switch (phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox->mb.mbxCommand) {
++ /* Offline only */
++ case MBX_WRITE_NV:
++ case MBX_INIT_LINK:
++ case MBX_DOWN_LINK:
++ case MBX_CLEAR_LA:
++ case MBX_RUN_DIAGS:
++ case MBX_RESTART:
++ case MBX_SET_MASK:
++ case MBX_SET_SLIM:
++ case MBX_SET_DEBUG:
++ if (!(phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "mbox_read:Command 0x%x "
++ "is illegal in on-line state\n",
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox->mb.mbxCommand);
++ sysfs_mbox_idle(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ return -EPERM;
++ }
++ case MBX_LOAD_SM:
++ case MBX_READ_NV:
++ case MBX_READ_XRI:
++ case MBX_READ_REV:
++ case MBX_DOWN_LOAD:
++ case MBX_LOAD_AREA:
++ break;
++ case MBX_READ_SPARM64:
++ case MBX_READ_LA:
++ case MBX_READ_LA64:
++ case MBX_REG_LOGIN:
++ case MBX_REG_LOGIN64:
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "mbox_read: Illegal Command 0x%x\n",
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox->mb.mbxCommand);
++ sysfs_mbox_idle(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ return -EPERM;
++ default:
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "mbox_read: Unknown Command 0x%x\n",
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox->mb.mbxCommand);
++ sysfs_mbox_idle(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ return -EPERM;
++ }
++ if ((phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE) ||
++ (!(phba->sli.sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE))){
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox (phba,
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox,
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ } else {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait (phba,
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox,
++ phba->fc_ratov * 2);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ }
++ if (rc != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ sysfs_mbox_idle(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return -ENODEV;
++ }
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.state = SMBOX_READING;
++ }
++ else if (phba->sysfs_mbox.offset != off ||
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.state != SMBOX_READING) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "mbox_read: Bad State\n");
++ sysfs_mbox_idle(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ memcpy(buf, (uint8_t *) & phba->sysfs_mbox.mbox->mb + off, count);
++ phba->sysfs_mbox.offset = off + count;
++ if (phba->sysfs_mbox.offset == sizeof(MAILBOX_t))
++ sysfs_mbox_idle(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return count;
++static struct bin_attribute sysfs_mbox_attr = {
++ .attr = {
++ .name = "mbox",
++ .mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ },
++ .size = sizeof(MAILBOX_t),
++ .read = sysfs_mbox_read,
++ .write = sysfs_mbox_write,
++#ifdef RHEL_FC
++ * The LPFC driver treats linkdown handling as target loss events so there
++ * are no sysfs handlers for link_down_tmo.
++ */
++static void
++lpfc_get_starget_port_id(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp = NULL;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) shost->hostdata[0];
++ uint16_t did = 0;
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ /* Search the mapped list for this target ID */
++ list_for_each_entry(ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (starget->id == ndlp->nlp_sid) {
++ did = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ fc_starget_port_id(starget) = did;
++static void
++lpfc_get_starget_node_name(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp = NULL;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) shost->hostdata[0];
++ uint64_t node_name = 0;
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ /* Search the mapped list for this target ID */
++ list_for_each_entry(ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (starget->id == ndlp->nlp_sid) {
++ memcpy(&node_name, &ndlp->nlp_nodename,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ fc_starget_node_name(starget) = be64_to_cpu(node_name);
++static void
++lpfc_get_starget_port_name(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp = NULL;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = dev_to_shost(starget->dev.parent);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) shost->hostdata[0];
++ uint64_t port_name = 0;
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ /* Search the mapped list for this target ID */
++ list_for_each_entry(ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (starget->id == ndlp->nlp_sid) {
++ memcpy(&port_name, &ndlp->nlp_portname,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ fc_starget_port_name(starget) = be64_to_cpu(port_name);
++static void
++lpfc_get_starget_loss_tmo(struct scsi_target *starget)
++ /*
++ * Return the driver's global value for device loss timeout plus
++ * five seconds to allow the driver's nodev timer to run.
++ */
++ fc_starget_dev_loss_tmo(starget) = lpfc_nodev_tmo + 5;
++static void
++lpfc_set_starget_loss_tmo(struct scsi_target *starget, uint32_t timeout)
++ /*
++ * The driver doesn't have a per-target timeout setting. Set
++ * this value globally. Keep lpfc_nodev_tmo >= 1.
++ */
++ if (timeout)
++ lpfc_nodev_tmo = timeout;
++ else
++ lpfc_nodev_tmo = 1;
++#else /* not RHEL_FC */
++static void
++lpfc_get_port_id(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct lpfc_target *target = sdev->hostdata;
++ if (sdev->host->transportt && target->pnode)
++ fc_port_id(sdev) = target->pnode->nlp_DID;
++static void
++lpfc_get_node_name(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct lpfc_target *target = sdev->hostdata;
++ uint64_t node_name = 0;
++ if (sdev->host->transportt && target->pnode)
++ memcpy(&node_name, &target->pnode->nlp_nodename,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name));
++ fc_node_name(sdev) = be64_to_cpu(node_name);
++static void
++lpfc_get_port_name(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct lpfc_target *target = sdev->hostdata;
++ uint64_t port_name = 0;
++ if (sdev->host->transportt && target->pnode)
++ memcpy(&port_name, &target->pnode->nlp_portname,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name));
++ fc_port_name(sdev) = be64_to_cpu(port_name);
++#endif /* not RHEL_FC */
++static struct fc_function_template lpfc_transport_functions = {
++#ifdef RHEL_FC
++ .get_starget_port_id = lpfc_get_starget_port_id,
++ .show_starget_port_id = 1,
++ .get_starget_node_name = lpfc_get_starget_node_name,
++ .show_starget_node_name = 1,
++ .get_starget_port_name = lpfc_get_starget_port_name,
++ .show_starget_port_name = 1,
++ .get_starget_dev_loss_tmo = lpfc_get_starget_loss_tmo,
++ .set_starget_dev_loss_tmo = lpfc_set_starget_loss_tmo,
++ .show_starget_dev_loss_tmo = 1,
++#else /* not RHEL_FC */
++ .get_port_id = lpfc_get_port_id,
++ .show_port_id = 1,
++ .get_node_name = lpfc_get_node_name,
++ .show_node_name = 1,
++ .get_port_name = lpfc_get_port_name,
++ .show_port_name = 1,
++#endif /* not RHEL_FC */
++static int
++lpfc_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *host,
++ char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int rw)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ int len = 0;
++ /* Sufficient bytes to hold a port or node name. */
++ uint8_t name[sizeof (struct lpfc_name)];
++ /* If rw = 0, then read info
++ * If rw = 1, then write info (NYI)
++ */
++ if (rw)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ list_for_each_entry(ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (ndlp->nlp_state == NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE){
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE -len,
++ "lpfc%dt%02x DID %06x WWPN ",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp->nlp_sid, ndlp->nlp_DID);
++ memcpy (&name[0], &ndlp->nlp_portname,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:"
++ "%02x:%02x",
++ name[0], name[1], name[2],
++ name[3], name[4], name[5],
++ name[6], name[7]);
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len, " WWNN ");
++ memcpy (&name[0], &ndlp->nlp_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ len += snprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE-len,
++ "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:"
++ "%02x:%02x\n",
++ name[0], name[1], name[2],
++ name[3], name[4], name[5],
++ name[6], name[7]);
++ }
++ if (PAGE_SIZE - len < 90)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (&ndlp->nlp_listp != &phba->fc_nlpmap_list)
++ len += snprintf(buf+len, PAGE_SIZE-len, "...\n");
++ return (len);
++static int
++lpfc_slave_alloc(struct scsi_device *scsi_devs)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ struct lpfc_target *target;
++ /*
++ * Store the lun pointer in the scsi_device hostdata pointer provided
++ * the driver has already discovered the target id.
++ */
++ phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) scsi_devs->host->hostdata[0];
++ target = lpfc_find_target(phba, scsi_devs->id, NULL);
++ if (target) {
++ scsi_devs->hostdata = target;
++ target->slavecnt++;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENXIO;
++ /*
++ * The driver does not have a target id matching that in the scsi
++ * device. Allocate a dummy target initialized to zero so that
++ * the driver's queuecommand entry correctly fails the call
++ * forcing the midlayer to call lpfc_slave_destroy. This code
++ * will be removed in a subsequent kernel patch.
++ */
++ target = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_target), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!target)
++ return 1;
++ memset(target, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_target));
++#ifdef SLES_FC
++ init_timer(&target->dev_loss_timer);
++ scsi_devs->hostdata = target;
++ target->slavecnt++;
++ return 0;
++static int
++lpfc_slave_configure(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) sdev->host->hostdata[0];
++#if defined(RHEL_FC)
++ struct lpfc_target *target = (struct lpfc_target *) sdev->hostdata;
++ if (sdev->tagged_supported)
++ scsi_activate_tcq(sdev, phba->cfg_lun_queue_depth);
++ else
++ scsi_deactivate_tcq(sdev, phba->cfg_lun_queue_depth);
++#ifdef RHEL_FC
++ if ((target) && (sdev->sdev_target)) {
++ /*
++ * Initialize the fc transport attributes for the target
++ * containing this scsi device. Also note that the driver's
++ * target pointer is stored in the starget_data for the
++ * driver's sysfs entry point functions.
++ */
++ target->starget = sdev->sdev_target;
++ fc_starget_dev_loss_tmo(target->starget) = lpfc_nodev_tmo + 5;
++ }
++#endif /* RHEL_FC */
++ return 0;
++static void
++lpfc_slave_destroy(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ struct lpfc_target *target;
++ int i;
++ phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) sdev->host->hostdata[0];
++ target = sdev->hostdata;
++ if (target) {
++ target->slavecnt--;
++ /* Double check for valid lpfc_target */
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_FCP_TARGET; i++) {
++ if(target == phba->device_queue_hash[i]) {
++ if ((!target->slavecnt) && !(target->pnode)) {
++ kfree(target);
++ phba->device_queue_hash[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ sdev->hostdata = NULL;
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ /* If we get here, this was a dummy lpfc_target allocated
++ * in lpfc_slave_alloc.
++ */
++ if (!target->slavecnt)
++ kfree(target);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Set this scsi device's hostdata to NULL since it is going
++ * away. Also, (future) don't set the starget_dev_loss_tmo
++ * this value is global to all targets managed by this
++ * host.
++ */
++ sdev->hostdata = NULL;
++ return;
++static struct class_device_attribute *lpfc_host_attrs[] = {
++ &class_device_attr_info,
++ &class_device_attr_serialnum,
++ &class_device_attr_modeldesc,
++ &class_device_attr_modelname,
++ &class_device_attr_programtype,
++ &class_device_attr_portnum,
++ &class_device_attr_fwrev,
++ &class_device_attr_hdw,
++ &class_device_attr_option_rom_version,
++ &class_device_attr_state,
++ &class_device_attr_num_discovered_ports,
++ &class_device_attr_speed,
++ &class_device_attr_node_name,
++ &class_device_attr_port_name,
++ &class_device_attr_portfcid,
++ &class_device_attr_port_type,
++ &class_device_attr_fabric_name,
++ &class_device_attr_events,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_drvr_version,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_log_verbose,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_lun_queue_depth,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_nodev_tmo,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_fcp_class,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_use_adisc,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_ack0,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_topology,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_scan_down,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_link_speed,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_fdmi_on,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_fcp_bind_method,
++ &class_device_attr_lpfc_max_luns,
++ &class_device_attr_nport_evt_cnt,
++ &class_device_attr_management_version,
++ &class_device_attr_issue_lip,
++ &class_device_attr_board_online,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_npr,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_map,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_unmap,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_prli,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_reglgn,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_adisc,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_plogi,
++ &class_device_attr_disc_unused,
++ &class_device_attr_outfcpio,
++ NULL,
++static struct scsi_host_template driver_template = {
++ .module = THIS_MODULE,
++ .name = LPFC_DRIVER_NAME,
++ .info = lpfc_info,
++ .queuecommand = lpfc_queuecommand,
++ .eh_abort_handler = lpfc_abort_handler,
++ .eh_device_reset_handler= lpfc_reset_lun_handler,
++ .eh_bus_reset_handler = lpfc_reset_bus_handler,
++ .slave_alloc = lpfc_slave_alloc,
++ .slave_configure = lpfc_slave_configure,
++ .slave_destroy = lpfc_slave_destroy,
++ .proc_info = lpfc_proc_info,
++ .proc_name = LPFC_DRIVER_NAME,
++ .this_id = -1,
++ .sg_tablesize = SG_ALL,
++ .cmd_per_lun = 30,
++ .max_sectors = 0xFFFF,
++ .shost_attrs = lpfc_host_attrs,
++ .use_clustering = ENABLE_CLUSTERING,
++static int
++lpfc_sli_setup(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ int i, totiocb = 0;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ LPFC_RING_INIT_t *pring;
++ psli->sliinit.num_rings = MAX_CONFIGURED_RINGS;
++ psli->fcp_ring = LPFC_FCP_RING;
++ psli->next_ring = LPFC_FCP_NEXT_RING;
++ psli->ip_ring = LPFC_IP_RING;
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pring = &psli->sliinit.ringinit[i];
++ switch (i) {
++ case LPFC_FCP_RING: /* ring 0 - FCP */
++ /* numCiocb and numRiocb are used in config_port */
++ pring->numCiocb = SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R0_ENTRIES;
++ pring->numRiocb = SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R0_ENTRIES;
++ pring->numCiocb += SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
++ pring->numRiocb += SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
++ pring->numCiocb += SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;
++ pring->numRiocb += SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;
++ pring->iotag_ctr = 0;
++ pring->iotag_max =
++ (phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth * 2);
++ pring->fast_iotag = pring->iotag_max;
++ pring->num_mask = 0;
++ break;
++ case LPFC_IP_RING: /* ring 1 - IP */
++ /* numCiocb and numRiocb are used in config_port */
++ pring->numCiocb = SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1_ENTRIES;
++ pring->numRiocb = SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1_ENTRIES;
++ pring->num_mask = 0;
++ break;
++ case LPFC_ELS_RING: /* ring 2 - ELS / CT */
++ /* numCiocb and numRiocb are used in config_port */
++ pring->numCiocb = SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R2_ENTRIES;
++ pring->numRiocb = SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R2_ENTRIES;
++ pring->fast_iotag = 0;
++ pring->iotag_ctr = 0;
++ pring->iotag_max = 4096;
++ pring->num_mask = 4;
++ pring->prt[0].profile = 0; /* Mask 0 */
++ pring->prt[0].rctl = FC_ELS_REQ;
++ pring->prt[0].type = FC_ELS_DATA;
++ pring->prt[0].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
++ lpfc_els_unsol_event;
++ pring->prt[1].profile = 0; /* Mask 1 */
++ pring->prt[1].rctl = FC_ELS_RSP;
++ pring->prt[1].type = FC_ELS_DATA;
++ pring->prt[1].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
++ lpfc_els_unsol_event;
++ pring->prt[2].profile = 0; /* Mask 2 */
++ /* NameServer Inquiry */
++ pring->prt[2].rctl = FC_UNSOL_CTL;
++ /* NameServer */
++ pring->prt[2].type = FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_ULP;
++ pring->prt[2].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
++ lpfc_ct_unsol_event;
++ pring->prt[3].profile = 0; /* Mask 3 */
++ /* NameServer response */
++ pring->prt[3].rctl = FC_SOL_CTL;
++ /* NameServer */
++ pring->prt[3].type = FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_ULP;
++ pring->prt[3].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
++ lpfc_ct_unsol_event;
++ break;
++ }
++ totiocb += (pring->numCiocb + pring->numRiocb);
++ }
++ if (totiocb > MAX_SLI2_IOCB) {
++ /* Too many cmd / rsp ring entries in SLI2 SLIM */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
++ "%d:0462 Too many cmd / rsp ring entries in "
++ "SLI2 SLIM Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, totiocb, MAX_SLI2_IOCB);
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag = LPFC_HGP_HOSTSLIM;
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag = 0;
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_set_bind_type(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ int bind_type = phba->cfg_fcp_bind_method;
++ int ret = LPFC_BIND_WW_NN_PN;
++ switch (bind_type) {
++ case 1:
++ phba->fcp_mapping = FCP_SEED_WWNN;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ phba->fcp_mapping = FCP_SEED_WWPN;
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ phba->fcp_mapping = FCP_SEED_DID;
++ ret = LPFC_BIND_DID;
++ break;
++ case 4:
++ phba->fcp_mapping = FCP_SEED_DID;
++ ret = LPFC_BIND_DID;
++ break;
++ }
++ return (ret);
++static void
++lpfc_get_cfgparam(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
++ lpfc_log_verbose_set(phba, lpfc_log_verbose);
++ lpfc_fcp_bind_method_set(phba, lpfc_fcp_bind_method);
++ lpfc_cr_delay_set(phba, lpfc_cr_delay);
++ lpfc_cr_count_set(phba, lpfc_cr_count);
++ lpfc_lun_queue_depth_set(phba, lpfc_lun_queue_depth);
++ lpfc_fcp_class_set(phba, lpfc_fcp_class);
++ lpfc_use_adisc_set(phba, lpfc_use_adisc);
++ lpfc_ack0_set(phba, lpfc_ack0);
++ lpfc_topology_set(phba, lpfc_topology);
++ lpfc_scan_down_set(phba, lpfc_scan_down);
++ lpfc_nodev_tmo_set(phba, lpfc_nodev_tmo);
++ lpfc_link_speed_set(phba, lpfc_link_speed);
++ lpfc_fdmi_on_set(phba, lpfc_fdmi_on);
++ lpfc_discovery_threads_set(phba, lpfc_discovery_threads);
++ lpfc_max_luns_set(phba, lpfc_max_luns);
++ phba->cfg_scsi_hotplug = 0;
++ switch (phba->pcidev->device) {
++ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_LP101:
++ phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth = LPFC_LP101_HBA_Q_DEPTH;
++ break;
++ phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth = LPFC_LC_HBA_Q_DEPTH;
++ break;
++ default:
++ phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth = LPFC_DFT_HBA_Q_DEPTH;
++ }
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_consistent_bind_setup(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_nlpbind_list);
++ phba->fc_bind_cnt = 0;
++static uint8_t
++lpfc_get_brd_no(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ uint8_t brd, found = 1;
++ brd = 0;
++ while(found) {
++ phba = NULL;
++ found = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(phba, &lpfc_hba_list, hba_list) {
++ if (phba->brd_no == brd) {
++ found = 1;
++ brd++;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (brd);
++static int __devinit
++lpfc_pci_probe_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *pid)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host;
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ unsigned long bar0map_len, bar2map_len;
++ int error = -ENODEV, retval;
++ if (pci_enable_device(pdev))
++ goto out;
++ if (pci_request_regions(pdev, LPFC_DRIVER_NAME))
++ goto out_disable_device;
++ /*
++ * Allocate space for adapter info structure
++ */
++ phba = kmalloc(sizeof(*phba), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!phba)
++ goto out_release_regions;
++ memset(phba, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_hba));
++ host = scsi_host_alloc(&driver_template, sizeof (unsigned long));
++ if (!host) {
++ printk (KERN_WARNING "%s: scsi_host_alloc failed.\n",
++ lpfc_drvr_name);
++ error = -ENOMEM;
++ goto out_kfree_phba;
++ }
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_LOADING;
++ phba->pcidev = pdev;
++ phba->host = host;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->ctrspbuflist);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->rnidrspbuflist);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->freebufList);
++ /* Initialize timers used by driver */
++ init_timer(&phba->fc_estabtmo);
++ phba->fc_estabtmo.function = lpfc_establish_link_tmo;
++ phba-> = (unsigned long)phba;
++ init_timer(&phba->fc_disctmo);
++ phba->fc_disctmo.function = lpfc_disc_timeout;
++ phba-> = (unsigned long)phba;
++ init_timer(&phba->fc_scantmo);
++ phba->fc_scantmo.function = lpfc_scan_timeout;
++ phba-> = (unsigned long)phba;
++ init_timer(&phba->fc_fdmitmo);
++ phba->fc_fdmitmo.function = lpfc_fdmi_tmo;
++ phba-> = (unsigned long)phba;
++ init_timer(&phba->els_tmofunc);
++ phba->els_tmofunc.function = lpfc_els_timeout;
++ phba-> = (unsigned long)phba;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ init_timer(&psli->mbox_tmo);
++ psli->mbox_tmo.function = lpfc_mbox_timeout;
++ psli-> = (unsigned long)phba;
++ /* Assign an unused board number */
++ phba->brd_no = lpfc_get_brd_no(phba);
++ host->unique_id = phba->brd_no;
++ /*
++ * Get all the module params for configuring this host and then
++ * establish the host parameters.
++ */
++ lpfc_get_cfgparam(phba);
++ host->max_id = LPFC_MAX_TARGET;
++ host->max_lun = phba->cfg_max_luns;
++ host->this_id = -1;
++ if(phba->cfg_scsi_hotplug) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0264 HotPlug Support Enabled\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ }
++ /* Add adapter structure to list */
++ list_add_tail(&phba->hba_list, &lpfc_hba_list);
++ /* Initialize all internally managed lists. */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_nlpmap_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_nlpunmap_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_unused_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_plogi_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_adisc_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_reglogin_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_prli_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_npr_list);
++ lpfc_consistent_bind_setup(phba);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&phba->linkevtwq);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&phba->rscnevtwq);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&phba->ctevtwq);
++ pci_set_master(pdev);
++ retval = pci_set_mwi(pdev);
++ if (retval)
++ dev_printk(KERN_WARNING, &pdev->dev,
++ "Warning: pci_set_mwi returned %d\n", retval);
++ /* Configure DMA attributes. */
++ if (dma_set_mask(&phba->pcidev->dev, 0xffffffffffffffffULL) &&
++ dma_set_mask(&phba->pcidev->dev, 0xffffffffULL))
++ goto out_list_del;
++ /*
++ * Get the physical address of Bar0 and Bar2 and the number of bytes
++ * required by each mapping.
++ */
++ phba->pci_bar0_map = pci_resource_start(phba->pcidev, 0);
++ bar0map_len = pci_resource_len(phba->pcidev, 0);
++ phba->pci_bar2_map = pci_resource_start(phba->pcidev, 2);
++ bar2map_len = pci_resource_len(phba->pcidev, 2);
++ /* Map HBA SLIM and Control Registers to a kernel virtual address. */
++ phba->slim_memmap_p = ioremap(phba->pci_bar0_map, bar0map_len);
++ phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p = ioremap(phba->pci_bar2_map, bar2map_len);
++ /*
++ * Allocate memory for SLI-2 structures
++ */
++ phba->slim2p = dma_alloc_coherent(&phba->pcidev->dev, SLI2_SLIM_SIZE,
++ &phba->slim2p_mapping, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!phba->slim2p)
++ goto out_iounmap;
++ lpfc_sli_setup(phba); /* Setup SLI Layer to run over lpfc HBAs */
++ lpfc_sli_queue_setup(phba); /* Initialize the SLI Layer */
++ error = lpfc_mem_alloc(phba);
++ if (error)
++ goto out_dec_nhbas;
++ lpfc_set_bind_type(phba);
++ /* Initialize HBA structure */
++ phba->fc_edtov = FF_DEF_EDTOV;
++ phba->fc_ratov = FF_DEF_RATOV;
++ phba->fc_altov = FF_DEF_ALTOV;
++ phba->fc_arbtov = FF_DEF_ARBTOV;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->dpc_disc);
++ init_completion(&phba->dpc_startup);
++ init_completion(&phba->dpc_exiting);
++ /*
++ * Startup the kernel thread for this host adapter
++ */
++ phba->dpc_kill = 0;
++ phba->dpc_pid = kernel_thread(lpfc_do_dpc, phba, 0);
++ if (phba->dpc_pid < 0) {
++ error = phba->dpc_pid;
++ goto out_free_mem;
++ }
++ wait_for_completion(&phba->dpc_startup);
++ /* Call SLI to initialize the HBA. */
++ error = lpfc_sli_hba_setup(phba);
++ if (error)
++ goto out_hba_down;
++ /* We can rely on a queue depth attribute only after SLI HBA setup */
++ host->can_queue = phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth - 10;
++ /*
++ * Starting with 2.4.0 kernel, Linux can support commands longer
++ * than 12 bytes. However, scsi_register() always sets it to 12.
++ * For it to be useful to the midlayer, we have to set it here.
++ */
++ host->max_cmd_len = 16;
++ /*
++ * Queue depths per lun
++ */
++ host->transportt = lpfc_transport_template;
++ host->hostdata[0] = (unsigned long)phba;
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, host);
++ error = scsi_add_host(host, &pdev->dev);
++ if (error)
++ goto out_hba_down;
++ sysfs_create_bin_file(&host->shost_classdev.kobj, &sysfs_ctlreg_attr);
++ sysfs_create_bin_file(&host->shost_classdev.kobj, &sysfs_mbox_attr);
++ scsi_scan_host(host);
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_LOADING;
++ return 0;
++ /* Stop any timers that were started during this attach. */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_sli_hba_down(phba);
++ lpfc_stop_timer(phba);
++ phba->work_hba_events = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /* Kill the kernel thread for this host */
++ if (phba->dpc_pid >= 0) {
++ phba->dpc_kill = 1;
++ wmb();
++ kill_proc(phba->dpc_pid, SIGHUP, 1);
++ wait_for_completion(&phba->dpc_exiting);
++ }
++ lpfc_mem_free(phba);
++ dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, SLI2_SLIM_SIZE,
++ phba->slim2p, phba->slim2p_mapping);
++ iounmap(phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p);
++ iounmap(phba->slim_memmap_p);
++ list_del_init(&phba->hba_list);
++ scsi_host_put(host);
++ kfree(phba);
++ pci_release_regions(pdev);
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ return error;
++static void __devexit
++lpfc_pci_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp;
++ int i;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ sysfs_remove_bin_file(&host->shost_classdev.kobj, &sysfs_mbox_attr);
++ sysfs_remove_bin_file(&host->shost_classdev.kobj, &sysfs_ctlreg_attr);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /* Since we are going to scsi_remove_host(), disassociate scsi_dev
++ * from lpfc_target, and make sure its unblocked.
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_FCP_TARGET; i++) {
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[i];
++ if (!targetp)
++ continue;
++#if defined(RHEL_FC) || defined(SLES_FC)
++ if(targetp->pnode) {
++ if(targetp->blocked) {
++ /* If we are blocked, force a nodev_tmo */
++ del_timer_sync(&targetp->pnode->nlp_tmofunc);
++ if (!list_empty(&targetp->pnode->
++ nodev_timeout_evt.evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&targetp->pnode->
++ nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ lpfc_process_nodev_timeout(phba,
++ targetp->pnode);
++ }
++ else {
++ /* If we are unblocked, just remove
++ * the scsi device.
++ */
++ lpfc_target_remove(phba, targetp);
++ }
++ }
++#endif /* RHEL_FC or SLES_FC */
++#if defined(RHEL_FC)
++ targetp->starget = NULL;
++#endif /* RHEL_FC */
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ list_del(&phba->hba_list);
++ scsi_remove_host(phba->host);
++ /* detach the board */
++ /* Kill the kernel thread for this host */
++ if (phba->dpc_pid >= 0) {
++ phba->dpc_kill = 1;
++ wmb();
++ kill_proc(phba->dpc_pid, SIGHUP, 1);
++ wait_for_completion(&phba->dpc_exiting);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Bring down the SLI Layer. This step disable all interrupts,
++ * clears the rings, discards all mailbox commands, and resets
++ * the HBA.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_sli_hba_down(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /* Release the irq reservation */
++ free_irq(phba->pcidev->irq, phba);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_cleanup(phba, 0);
++ lpfc_stop_timer(phba);
++ phba->work_hba_events = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_scsi_free(phba);
++ lpfc_mem_free(phba);
++ /* Free resources associated with SLI2 interface */
++ dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, SLI2_SLIM_SIZE,
++ phba->slim2p, phba->slim2p_mapping);
++ /* unmap adapter SLIM and Control Registers */
++ iounmap(phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p);
++ iounmap(phba->slim_memmap_p);
++ pci_release_regions(phba->pcidev);
++ pci_disable_device(phba->pcidev);
++ scsi_host_put(phba->host);
++ kfree(phba);
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
++static struct pci_device_id lpfc_id_table[] = {
++ { 0 }
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, lpfc_id_table);
++static struct pci_driver lpfc_driver = {
++ .name = LPFC_DRIVER_NAME,
++ .id_table = lpfc_id_table,
++ .probe = lpfc_pci_probe_one,
++ .remove = __devexit_p(lpfc_pci_remove_one),
++static int __init
++ int rc;
++ printk(LPFC_MODULE_DESC "\n");
++ printk(LPFC_COPYRIGHT "\n");
++ lpfc_transport_template =
++ fc_attach_transport(&lpfc_transport_functions);
++ if (!lpfc_transport_template)
++ return -ENODEV;
++ rc = pci_module_init(&lpfc_driver);
++ return rc;
++static void __exit
++ pci_unregister_driver(&lpfc_driver);
++ fc_release_transport(lpfc_transport_template);
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Emulex Corporation -");
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_version.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_version.h 2005/07/27 18:29:31EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_VERSION
++#define _H_LPFC_VERSION
++#define LPFC_DRIVER_NAME "lpfc"
++#define LPFC_MODULE_DESC "Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel SCSI driver " \
++#define LPFC_COPYRIGHT "Copyright(c) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved."
++#define DFC_API_VERSION "0.0.0"
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_mem.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_mem.h 2005/06/13 17:16:36EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_MEM
++#define _H_LPFC_MEM
++struct lpfc_dmabuf {
++ struct list_head list;
++ void *virt; /* virtual address ptr */
++ dma_addr_t phys; /* mapped address */
++struct lpfc_dmabufext {
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf dma;
++ uint32_t size;
++ uint32_t flag;
++ struct list_head list;
++ uint32_t uniqueid;
++ uint32_t data;
++typedef struct lpfc_dmabufext DMABUFEXT_t;
++struct lpfc_dma_pool {
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *elements;
++ uint32_t max_count;
++ uint32_t current_count;
++#define MEM_PRI 0x100 /* Priority bit: set to exceed low
++ water */
++#define LPFC_MBUF_POOL_SIZE 64 /* max elements in MBUF safety pool */
++#define LPFC_MEM_POOL_SIZE 64 /* max elements in non DMA safety
++ pool */
++#endif /* _H_LPFC_MEM */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_init.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1536 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_init.c 2005/06/13 17:16:27EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/ctype.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++#include "lpfc_version.h"
++#include "lpfc_compat.h"
++static int lpfc_parse_vpd(struct lpfc_hba *, uint8_t *);
++static void lpfc_get_hba_model_desc(struct lpfc_hba *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
++static int lpfc_post_rcv_buf(struct lpfc_hba *);
++static int lpfc_rdrev_wd30 = 0;
++/* */
++/* lpfc_config_port_prep */
++/* This routine will do LPFC initialization prior to the */
++/* CONFIG_PORT mailbox command. This will be initialized */
++/* as a SLI layer callback routine. */
++/* This routine returns 0 on success or -ERESTART if it wants */
++/* the SLI layer to reset the HBA and try again. Any */
++/* other return value indicates an error. */
++/* */
++lpfc_config_port_prep(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vp = &phba->vpd;
++ int i = 0;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ uint32_t *lpfc_vpd_data = 0;
++ uint16_t offset = 0;
++ /* Get a Mailbox buffer to setup mailbox commands for HBA
++ initialization */
++ pmb = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!pmb) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_MBX_CMDS;
++ /* special handling for LC HBAs */
++ if (lpfc_is_LC_HBA(phba->pcidev->device)) {
++ char licensed[56] =
++ "key unlock for use with gnu public licensed code only\0";
++ uint32_t *ptext = (uint32_t *) licensed;
++ for (i = 0; i < 56; i += sizeof (uint32_t), ptext++)
++ *ptext = cpu_to_be32(*ptext);
++ /* Setup and issue mailbox READ NVPARAMS command */
++ lpfc_read_nv(phba, pmb);
++ memset((char*)mb->un.varRDnvp.rsvd3, 0,
++ sizeof (mb->un.varRDnvp.rsvd3));
++ memcpy((char*)mb->un.varRDnvp.rsvd3, licensed,
++ sizeof (licensed));
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ /* Adapter initialization error, mbxCmd <cmd>
++ READ_NVPARM, mbxStatus <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0324 Config Port initialization "
++ "error, mbxCmd x%x READ_NVPARM, "
++ "mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, mb->mbxStatus);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ERESTART;
++ }
++ memcpy(phba->wwnn, (char *)mb->un.varRDnvp.nodename,
++ sizeof (mb->un.varRDnvp.nodename));
++ }
++ /* Setup and issue mailbox READ REV command */
++ lpfc_read_rev(phba, pmb);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ /* Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd <mbxCmd> READ_REV, mbxStatus
++ <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0439 Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd x%x "
++ "READ_REV, mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, mb->mbxStatus);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ERESTART;
++ }
++ /* The HBA's current state is provided by the ProgType and rr fields.
++ * Read and check the value of these fields before continuing to config
++ * this port.
++ */
++ if (mb->un.varRdRev.rr == 0 || mb->un.varRdRev.un.b.ProgType != 2) {
++ /* Old firmware */
++ vp->rev.rBit = 0;
++ /* Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd <cmd> READ_REV detected
++ outdated firmware */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0440 Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd x%x "
++ "READ_REV detected outdated firmware"
++ "Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, 0);
++ mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ERESTART;
++ } else {
++ vp->rev.rBit = 1;
++ vp->rev.sli1FwRev = mb->un.varRdRev.sli1FwRev;
++ memcpy(vp->rev.sli1FwName,
++ (char*)mb->un.varRdRev.sli1FwName, 16);
++ vp->rev.sli2FwRev = mb->un.varRdRev.sli2FwRev;
++ memcpy(vp->rev.sli2FwName,
++ (char *)mb->un.varRdRev.sli2FwName, 16);
++ }
++ /* Save information as VPD data */
++ vp->rev.biuRev = mb->un.varRdRev.biuRev;
++ vp->rev.smRev = mb->un.varRdRev.smRev;
++ vp->rev.smFwRev = mb->un.varRdRev.un.smFwRev;
++ vp->rev.endecRev = mb->un.varRdRev.endecRev;
++ vp->rev.fcphHigh = mb->un.varRdRev.fcphHigh;
++ vp->rev.fcphLow = mb->un.varRdRev.fcphLow;
++ vp->rev.feaLevelHigh = mb->un.varRdRev.feaLevelHigh;
++ vp->rev.feaLevelLow = mb->un.varRdRev.feaLevelLow;
++ vp->rev.postKernRev = mb->un.varRdRev.postKernRev;
++ vp->rev.opFwRev = mb->un.varRdRev.opFwRev;
++ lpfc_rdrev_wd30 = mb->un.varWords[30];
++ if (lpfc_is_LC_HBA(phba->pcidev->device))
++ memcpy(phba->RandomData, (char *)&mb->un.varWords[24],
++ sizeof (phba->RandomData));
++ /* Get the default values for Model Name and Description */
++ lpfc_get_hba_model_desc(phba, phba->ModelName, phba->ModelDesc);
++ /* Get adapter VPD information */
++ pmb->context2 = kmalloc(DMP_RSP_SIZE, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ lpfc_vpd_data = kmalloc(DMP_VPD_SIZE, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ do {
++ lpfc_dump_mem(phba, pmb, offset);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ /* Let it go through even if failed. */
++ /* Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd <cmd> DUMP VPD,
++ mbxStatus <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0441 VPD not present on adapter, mbxCmd "
++ "x%x DUMP VPD, mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, mb->mbxStatus);
++ kfree(lpfc_vpd_data);
++ lpfc_vpd_data = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *)pmb->context2,
++ (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)lpfc_vpd_data + offset),
++ mb->un.varDmp.word_cnt);
++ offset += mb->un.varDmp.word_cnt;
++ } while (mb->un.varDmp.word_cnt);
++ lpfc_parse_vpd(phba, (uint8_t *)lpfc_vpd_data);
++ if(pmb->context2)
++ kfree(pmb->context2);
++ if (lpfc_vpd_data)
++ kfree(lpfc_vpd_data);
++ pmb->context2 = 0;
++ mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return 0;
++/* */
++/* lpfc_config_port_post */
++/* This routine will do LPFC initialization after the */
++/* CONFIG_PORT mailbox command. This will be initialized */
++/* as a SLI layer callback routine. */
++/* This routine returns 0 on success. Any other return value */
++/* indicates an error. */
++/* */
++lpfc_config_port_post(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ uint32_t status, timeout;
++ int i, j, flogi_sent;
++ unsigned long isr_cnt, clk_cnt;
++ /* Get a Mailbox buffer to setup mailbox commands for HBA
++ initialization */
++ pmb = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!pmb) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ /* Setup link timers */
++ lpfc_config_link(phba, pmb);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0447 Adapter failed init, mbxCmd x%x "
++ "CONFIG_LINK mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, mb->mbxStatus);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ /* Get login parameters for NID. */
++ lpfc_read_sparam(phba, pmb);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0448 Adapter failed init, mbxCmd x%x "
++ "READ_SPARM mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, mb->mbxStatus);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) pmb->context1;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) pmb->context1;
++ memcpy(&phba->fc_sparam, mp->virt, sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ memcpy(&phba->fc_nodename, &phba->fc_sparam.nodeName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&phba->fc_portname, &phba->fc_sparam.portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ /* If no serial number in VPD data, use low 6 bytes of WWNN */
++ /* This should be consolidated into parse_vpd ? - mr */
++ if (phba->SerialNumber[0] == 0) {
++ uint8_t *outptr;
++ outptr = (uint8_t *) & phba->fc_nodename.IEEE[0];
++ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
++ status = *outptr++;
++ j = ((status & 0xf0) >> 4);
++ if (j <= 9)
++ phba->SerialNumber[i] =
++ (char)((uint8_t) 0x30 + (uint8_t) j);
++ else
++ phba->SerialNumber[i] =
++ (char)((uint8_t) 0x61 + (uint8_t) (j - 10));
++ i++;
++ j = (status & 0xf);
++ if (j <= 9)
++ phba->SerialNumber[i] =
++ (char)((uint8_t) 0x30 + (uint8_t) j);
++ else
++ phba->SerialNumber[i] =
++ (char)((uint8_t) 0x61 + (uint8_t) (j - 10));
++ }
++ }
++ /* This should turn on DELAYED ABTS for ELS timeouts */
++ lpfc_set_slim(phba, pmb, 0x052198, 0x1);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ lpfc_read_config(phba, pmb);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0453 Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd x%x "
++ "READ_CONFIG, mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, mb->mbxStatus);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ /* Reset the DFT_HBA_Q_DEPTH to the max xri */
++ if (phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth > (mb->un.varRdConfig.max_xri+1))
++ phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth =
++ mb->un.varRdConfig.max_xri + 1;
++ phba->lmt = mb->un.varRdConfig.lmt;
++ /* HBA is not 4GB capable, or HBA is not 2GB capable,
++ don't let link speed ask for it */
++ if ((((phba->lmt & LMT_4250_10bit) != LMT_4250_10bit) &&
++ (phba->cfg_link_speed > LINK_SPEED_2G)) ||
++ (((phba->lmt & LMT_2125_10bit) != LMT_2125_10bit) &&
++ (phba->cfg_link_speed > LINK_SPEED_1G))) {
++ /* Reset link speed to auto. 1G/2GB HBA cfg'd for 4G */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:1302 Invalid speed for this board: "
++ "Reset link speed to auto: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->cfg_link_speed);
++ phba->cfg_link_speed = LINK_SPEED_AUTO;
++ }
++ if (!phba->intr_inited) {
++ /* Add our interrupt routine to kernel's interrupt chain &
++ enable it */
++ if (request_irq(phba->pcidev->irq,
++ lpfc_intr_handler,
++ phba) != 0) {
++ /* Enable interrupt handler failed */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0451 Enable interrupt handler "
++ "failed\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ phba->intr_inited =
++ }
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_LINK_DOWN;
++ /* Only process IOCBs on ring 0 till hba_state is READY */
++ if (psli->ring[psli->ip_ring].cmdringaddr)
++ psli->ring[psli->ip_ring].flag |= LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ if (psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring].cmdringaddr)
++ psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring].flag |= LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ if (psli->ring[psli->next_ring].cmdringaddr)
++ psli->ring[psli->next_ring].flag |= LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ /* Post receive buffers for desired rings */
++ lpfc_post_rcv_buf(phba);
++ /* Enable appropriate host interrupts */
++ status = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
++ status |= phba->intr_inited;
++ if (psli->sliinit.num_rings > 0)
++ status |= HC_R0INT_ENA;
++ if (psli->sliinit.num_rings > 1)
++ status |= HC_R1INT_ENA;
++ if (psli->sliinit.num_rings > 2)
++ status |= HC_R2INT_ENA;
++ if (psli->sliinit.num_rings > 3)
++ status |= HC_R3INT_ENA;
++ writel(status, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ /* Setup and issue mailbox INITIALIZE LINK command */
++ lpfc_init_link(phba, pmb, phba->cfg_topology,
++ phba->cfg_link_speed);
++ isr_cnt = psli->slistat.sliIntr;
++ clk_cnt = jiffies;
++ pmb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_NOWAIT) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0454 Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd x%x "
++ "INIT_LINK, mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand, mb->mbxStatus);
++ /* Clear all interrupt enable conditions */
++ writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ /* Clear all pending interrupts */
++ writel(0xffffffff, phba->HAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
++ free_irq(phba->pcidev->irq, phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ /* MBOX buffer will be freed in mbox compl */
++ /*
++ * Setup the ring 0 (els) timeout handler
++ */
++ timeout = phba->fc_ratov << 1;
++ phba->els_tmofunc.expires = jiffies + HZ * timeout;
++ add_timer(&phba->els_tmofunc);
++ phba->fc_prevDID = Mask_DID;
++ flogi_sent = 0;
++ i = 0;
++ while ((phba->hba_state != LPFC_HBA_READY) ||
++ (phba->num_disc_nodes) || (phba->fc_prli_sent) ||
++ ((phba->fc_map_cnt == 0) && (i<2)) ||
++ (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE)) {
++ /* Check every second for 30 retries. */
++ i++;
++ if (i > 30) {
++ break;
++ }
++ if ((i >= 15) && (phba->hba_state <= LPFC_LINK_DOWN)) {
++ /* The link is down. Set linkdown timeout */
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Delay for 1 second to give discovery time to complete. */
++ for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
++ /* On some systems, the driver's attach/detect routines
++ * are uninterruptible. Since the driver cannot predict
++ * when this is true, just manually call the ISR every
++ * 50 ms to service any interrupts.
++ */
++ msleep(50);
++ if (isr_cnt == psli->slistat.sliIntr) {
++ lpfc_sli_intr(phba);
++ isr_cnt = psli->slistat.sliIntr;
++ }
++ }
++ isr_cnt = psli->slistat.sliIntr;
++ if (clk_cnt == jiffies) {
++ */
++ clk_cnt = jiffies;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Since num_disc_nodes keys off of PLOGI, delay a bit to let
++ * any potential PRLIs to flush thru the SLI sub-system.
++ */
++ msleep(50);
++ if (isr_cnt == psli->slistat.sliIntr) {
++ lpfc_sli_intr(phba);
++ }
++ return (0);
++/* */
++/* lpfc_hba_down_prep */
++/* This routine will do LPFC uninitialization before the */
++/* HBA is reset when bringing down the SLI Layer. This will be */
++/* initialized as a SLI layer callback routine. */
++/* This routine returns 0 on success. Any other return value */
++/* indicates an error. */
++/* */
++lpfc_hba_down_prep(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ /* Disable interrupts */
++ writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ /* Cleanup potential discovery resources */
++ lpfc_els_flush_rscn(phba);
++ lpfc_els_flush_cmd(phba);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ return (0);
++/* */
++/* lpfc_handle_eratt */
++/* This routine will handle processing a Host Attention */
++/* Error Status event. This will be initialized */
++/* as a SLI layer callback routine. */
++/* */
++lpfc_handle_eratt(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t status)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL, *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ volatile uint32_t status1, status2;
++ void *from_slim;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ from_slim = ((uint8_t *)phba->MBslimaddr + 0xa8);
++ status1 = readl( from_slim);
++ from_slim = ((uint8_t *)phba->MBslimaddr + 0xac);
++ status2 = readl( from_slim);
++ if (status & HS_FFER6) {
++ /* Re-establishing Link */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_LINK_EVENT,
++ "%d:1301 Re-establishing Link "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, status, status1, status2);
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_ESTABLISH_LINK;
++ /*
++ * Firmware stops when it triggled erratt with HS_FFER6.
++ * That could cause the I/Os dropped by the firmware.
++ * Error iocb (I/O) on txcmplq and let the SCSI layer
++ * retry it after re-establishing link.
++ */
++ pring = &psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring];
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq,
++ list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *)(iocb->context1);
++ if (lpfc_cmd == 0) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Clear fast_lookup entry */
++ if (cmd->ulpIoTag &&
++ (cmd->ulpIoTag <
++ psli->sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno].fast_iotag))
++ *(pring->fast_lookup + cmd->ulpIoTag) = NULL;
++ list_del(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl)(phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * There was a firmware error. Take the hba offline and then
++ * attempt to restart it.
++ */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_offline(phba);
++ if (lpfc_online(phba) == 0) { /* Initialize the HBA */
++ mod_timer(&phba->fc_estabtmo, jiffies + HZ * 60);
++ return;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* The if clause above forces this code path when the status
++ * failure is a value other than FFER6. Do not call the offline
++ * twice. This is the adapter hardware error path.
++ */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
++ "%d:0457 Adapter Hardware Error "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, status, status1, status2);
++ lpfc_offline(phba);
++ /*
++ * Restart all traffic to this host. Since the fc_transport
++ * block functions (future) were not called in lpfc_offline,
++ * don't call them here.
++ */
++ scsi_unblock_requests(phba->host);
++ }
++ return;
++/* */
++/* lpfc_handle_latt */
++/* This routine will handle processing a Host Attention */
++/* Link Status event. This will be initialized */
++/* as a SLI layer callback routine. */
++/* */
++lpfc_handle_latt(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ volatile uint32_t control;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /* called from host_interrupt, to process LATT */
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ psli->slistat.linkEvent++;
++ /* Get a buffer which will be used for mailbox commands */
++ if ((pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ if (lpfc_read_la(phba, pmb) == 0) {
++ pmb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_read_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, pmb, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ /* Turn off Link Attention interrupts until
++ CLEAR_LA done */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_PROCESS_LA;
++ control = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
++ control &= ~HC_LAINT_ENA;
++ writel(control, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ /* Clear Link Attention in HA REG */
++ writel(HA_LATT, phba->HAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ return;
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Clear Link Attention in HA REG */
++ writel(HA_LATT, phba->HAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return;
++/* */
++/* lpfc_parse_vpd */
++/* This routine will parse the VPD data */
++/* */
++static int
++lpfc_parse_vpd(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint8_t * vpd)
++ uint8_t lenlo, lenhi;
++ uint32_t Length;
++ int i, j;
++ int finished = 0;
++ int index = 0;
++ if(!vpd)
++ return 0;
++ /* Vital Product */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0455 Vital Product Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ (uint32_t) vpd[0], (uint32_t) vpd[1], (uint32_t) vpd[2],
++ (uint32_t) vpd[3]);
++ do {
++ switch (vpd[index]) {
++ case 0x82:
++ index += 1;
++ lenlo = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ lenhi = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ i = ((((unsigned short)lenhi) << 8) + lenlo);
++ index += i;
++ break;
++ case 0x90:
++ index += 1;
++ lenlo = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ lenhi = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ Length = ((((unsigned short)lenhi) << 8) + lenlo);
++ while (Length > 0) {
++ /* Look for Serial Number */
++ if ((vpd[index] == 'S') && (vpd[index+1] == 'N')) {
++ index += 2;
++ i = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ j = 0;
++ Length -= (3+i);
++ while(i--) {
++ phba->SerialNumber[j++] = vpd[index++];
++ if(j == 31)
++ break;
++ }
++ phba->SerialNumber[j] = 0;
++ continue;
++ }
++ else if ((vpd[index] == 'V') && (vpd[index+1] == '1')) {
++ phba->vpd_flag |= VPD_MODEL_DESC;
++ index += 2;
++ i = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ j = 0;
++ Length -= (3+i);
++ while(i--) {
++ phba->ModelDesc[j++] = vpd[index++];
++ if(j == 255)
++ break;
++ }
++ phba->ModelDesc[j] = 0;
++ continue;
++ }
++ else if ((vpd[index] == 'V') && (vpd[index+1] == '2')) {
++ phba->vpd_flag |= VPD_MODEL_NAME;
++ index += 2;
++ i = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ j = 0;
++ Length -= (3+i);
++ while(i--) {
++ phba->ModelName[j++] = vpd[index++];
++ if(j == 79)
++ break;
++ }
++ phba->ModelName[j] = 0;
++ continue;
++ }
++ else if ((vpd[index] == 'V') && (vpd[index+1] == '3')) {
++ phba->vpd_flag |= VPD_PROGRAM_TYPE;
++ index += 2;
++ i = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ j = 0;
++ Length -= (3+i);
++ while(i--) {
++ phba->ProgramType[j++] = vpd[index++];
++ if(j == 255)
++ break;
++ }
++ phba->ProgramType[j] = 0;
++ continue;
++ }
++ else if ((vpd[index] == 'V') && (vpd[index+1] == '4')) {
++ phba->vpd_flag |= VPD_PORT;
++ index += 2;
++ i = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ j = 0;
++ Length -= (3+i);
++ while(i--) {
++ phba->Port[j++] = vpd[index++];
++ if(j == 19)
++ break;
++ }
++ phba->Port[j] = 0;
++ continue;
++ }
++ else {
++ index += 2;
++ i = vpd[index];
++ index += 1;
++ index += i;
++ Length -= (3 + i);
++ }
++ }
++ finished = 0;
++ break;
++ case 0x78:
++ finished = 1;
++ break;
++ default:
++ index ++;
++ break;
++ }
++ } while (!finished && (index < 108));
++ return(1);
++static void
++lpfc_get_hba_model_desc(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint8_t * mdp, uint8_t * descp)
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vp;
++ uint32_t id;
++ uint8_t hdrtype;
++ char str[16];
++ vp = &phba->vpd;
++ pci_read_config_dword(phba->pcidev, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &id);
++ pci_read_config_byte(phba->pcidev, PCI_HEADER_TYPE, &hdrtype);
++ switch ((id >> 16) & 0xffff) {
++ if (vp->rev.biuRev >= 1 && vp->rev.biuRev <= 3)
++ strcpy(str, "LP7000 1");
++ else
++ strcpy(str, "LP7000E 1");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LP8000 1");
++ break;
++ if (FC_JEDEC_ID(vp->rev.biuRev) == CENTAUR_2G_JEDEC_ID)
++ strcpy(str, "LP9002 2");
++ else
++ strcpy(str, "LP9000 1");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LP952 2");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LP9802 2");
++ break;
++ if (hdrtype == 0x80)
++ strcpy(str, "LP10000DC 2");
++ else
++ strcpy(str, "LP10000 2");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LPX1000 10");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LP982 2");
++ break;
++ if (hdrtype == 0x80)
++ strcpy(str, "LP1050DC 2");
++ else
++ strcpy(str, "LP1050 2");
++ break;
++ if (hdrtype == 0x80)
++ strcpy(str, "LP11002 4");
++ else
++ strcpy(str, "LP11000 4");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LP1150 4");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LP111 4");
++ break;
++ if (hdrtype == 0x80)
++ strcpy(str, "LPe11002 4");
++ else
++ strcpy(str, "LPe11000 4");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LPe1150 4");
++ break;
++ strcpy(str, "LPe111 4");
++ break;
++ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_LP101:
++ strcpy(str, "LP101 2");
++ break;
++ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_LP10000S:
++ strcpy(str, "LP10000-S 2");
++ break;
++ }
++ if (mdp)
++ sscanf(str, "%s", mdp);
++ if (descp)
++ sprintf(descp, "Emulex LightPulse %s Gigabit PCI Fibre "
++ "Channel Adapter", str);
++/* lpfc_post_buffer */
++/* */
++/* This routine will post count buffers to the */
++/* ring with the QUE_RING_BUF_CN command. This */
++/* allows 3 buffers / command to be posted. */
++/* Returns the number of buffers NOT posted. */
++lpfc_post_buffer(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, int cnt,
++ int type)
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp1, *mp2;
++ cnt += pring->missbufcnt;
++ /* While there are buffers to post */
++ while (cnt > 0) {
++ /* Allocate buffer for command iocb */
++ if ((iocb = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))
++ == 0) {
++ pring->missbufcnt = cnt;
++ return (cnt);
++ }
++ memset(iocb, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* 2 buffers can be posted per command */
++ /* Allocate buffer to post */
++ mp1 = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (mp1)
++ mp1->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, MEM_PRI,
++ &mp1->phys);
++ if (mp1 == 0 || mp1->virt == 0) {
++ if (mp1)
++ kfree(mp1);
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ pring->missbufcnt = cnt;
++ return (cnt);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp1->list);
++ /* Allocate buffer to post */
++ if (cnt > 1) {
++ mp2 = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (mp2)
++ mp2->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, MEM_PRI,
++ &mp2->phys);
++ if (mp2 == 0 || mp2->virt == 0) {
++ if (mp2)
++ kfree(mp2);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp1->virt, mp1->phys);
++ kfree(mp1);
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ pring->missbufcnt = cnt;
++ return (cnt);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp2->list);
++ } else {
++ mp2 = NULL;
++ }
++ icmd->un.cont64[0].addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(mp1->phys);
++ icmd->un.cont64[0].addrLow = putPaddrLow(mp1->phys);
++ icmd->un.cont64[0].tus.f.bdeSize = FCELSSIZE;
++ icmd->ulpBdeCount = 1;
++ cnt--;
++ if (mp2) {
++ icmd->un.cont64[1].addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(mp2->phys);
++ icmd->un.cont64[1].addrLow = putPaddrLow(mp2->phys);
++ icmd->un.cont64[1].tus.f.bdeSize = FCELSSIZE;
++ cnt--;
++ icmd->ulpBdeCount = 2;
++ }
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_QUE_RING_BUF64_CN;
++ icmd->ulpIoTag = lpfc_sli_next_iotag(phba, pring);
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, iocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp1->virt, mp1->phys);
++ kfree(mp1);
++ cnt++;
++ if (mp2) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp2->virt, mp2->phys);
++ kfree(mp2);
++ cnt++;
++ }
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ pring->missbufcnt = cnt;
++ return (cnt);
++ }
++ lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_put(phba, pring, mp1);
++ if (mp2) {
++ lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_put(phba, pring, mp2);
++ }
++ }
++ pring->missbufcnt = 0;
++ return (0);
++/* */
++/* lpfc_post_rcv_buf */
++/* This routine post initial rcv buffers to the configured rings */
++/* */
++static int
++lpfc_post_rcv_buf(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* Ring 0, ELS / CT buffers */
++ lpfc_post_buffer(phba, &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING], LPFC_BUF_RING0, 1);
++ /* Ring 2 - FCP no buffers needed */
++ return 0;
++#define S(N,V) (((V)<<(N))|((V)>>(32-(N))))
++/* */
++/* lpfc_sha_init */
++/* */
++static void
++lpfc_sha_init(uint32_t * HashResultPointer)
++ HashResultPointer[0] = 0x67452301;
++ HashResultPointer[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
++ HashResultPointer[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
++ HashResultPointer[3] = 0x10325476;
++ HashResultPointer[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0;
++/* */
++/* lpfc_sha_iterate */
++/* */
++static void
++lpfc_sha_iterate(uint32_t * HashResultPointer, uint32_t * HashWorkingPointer)
++ int t;
++ uint32_t TEMP;
++ uint32_t A, B, C, D, E;
++ t = 16;
++ do {
++ HashWorkingPointer[t] =
++ S(1,
++ HashWorkingPointer[t - 3] ^ HashWorkingPointer[t -
++ 8] ^
++ HashWorkingPointer[t - 14] ^ HashWorkingPointer[t - 16]);
++ } while (++t <= 79);
++ t = 0;
++ A = HashResultPointer[0];
++ B = HashResultPointer[1];
++ C = HashResultPointer[2];
++ D = HashResultPointer[3];
++ E = HashResultPointer[4];
++ do {
++ if (t < 20) {
++ TEMP = ((B & C) | ((~B) & D)) + 0x5A827999;
++ } else if (t < 40) {
++ TEMP = (B ^ C ^ D) + 0x6ED9EBA1;
++ } else if (t < 60) {
++ TEMP = ((B & C) | (B & D) | (C & D)) + 0x8F1BBCDC;
++ } else {
++ TEMP = (B ^ C ^ D) + 0xCA62C1D6;
++ }
++ TEMP += S(5, A) + E + HashWorkingPointer[t];
++ E = D;
++ D = C;
++ C = S(30, B);
++ B = A;
++ A = TEMP;
++ } while (++t <= 79);
++ HashResultPointer[0] += A;
++ HashResultPointer[1] += B;
++ HashResultPointer[2] += C;
++ HashResultPointer[3] += D;
++ HashResultPointer[4] += E;
++/* */
++/* lpfc_challenge_key */
++/* */
++static void
++lpfc_challenge_key(uint32_t * RandomChallenge, uint32_t * HashWorking)
++ *HashWorking = (*RandomChallenge ^ *HashWorking);
++/* */
++/* lpfc_hba_init */
++/* */
++lpfc_hba_init(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t *hbainit)
++ int t;
++ uint32_t *HashWorking;
++ uint32_t *pwwnn = phba->wwnn;
++ HashWorking = kmalloc(80 * sizeof(uint32_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!HashWorking)
++ return;
++ memset(HashWorking, 0, (80 * sizeof(uint32_t)));
++ HashWorking[0] = HashWorking[78] = *pwwnn++;
++ HashWorking[1] = HashWorking[79] = *pwwnn;
++ for (t = 0; t < 7; t++)
++ lpfc_challenge_key(phba->RandomData + t, HashWorking + t);
++ lpfc_sha_init(hbainit);
++ lpfc_sha_iterate(hbainit, HashWorking);
++ kfree(HashWorking);
++static void
++lpfc_consistent_bind_cleanup(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *bdlp, *next_bdlp;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(bdlp, next_bdlp,
++ &phba->fc_nlpbind_list, nlp_listp) {
++ list_del(&bdlp->nlp_listp);
++ mempool_free( bdlp, phba->bind_mem_pool);
++ }
++ phba->fc_bind_cnt = 0;
++lpfc_cleanup(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t save_bind)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ /* clean up phba - lpfc specific */
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_unused_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_plogi_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_adisc_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_reglogin_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_prli_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_npr_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ if (save_bind == 0) {
++ lpfc_consistent_bind_cleanup(phba);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_nlpmap_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_nlpunmap_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_unused_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_plogi_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_adisc_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_reglogin_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_prli_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phba->fc_npr_list);
++ phba->fc_map_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_unmap_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_plogi_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_adisc_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_reglogin_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_prli_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_npr_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_unused_cnt= 0;
++ return;
++lpfc_establish_link_tmo(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)ptr;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /* Re-establishing Link, timer expired */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_LINK_EVENT,
++ "%d:1300 Re-establishing Link, timer expired "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->fc_flag, phba->hba_state);
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_ESTABLISH_LINK;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++lpfc_online(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ if (!phba)
++ return 0;
++ if (!(phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE))
++ return 0;
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0458 Bring Adapter online\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ if (!lpfc_sli_queue_setup(phba))
++ return 1;
++ if (lpfc_sli_hba_setup(phba)) /* Initialize the HBA */
++ return 1;
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_OFFLINE_MODE;
++ /*
++ * Restart all traffic to this host. Since the fc_transport block
++ * functions (future) were not called in lpfc_offline, don't call them
++ * here.
++ */
++ scsi_unblock_requests(phba->host);
++ return 0;
++lpfc_offline(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ int i = 0;
++ if (!phba)
++ return 0;
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_OFFLINE_MODE)
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * Don't call the fc_transport block api (future). The device is
++ * going offline and causing a timer to fire in the midlayer is
++ * unproductive. Just block all new requests until the driver
++ * comes back online.
++ */
++ scsi_block_requests(phba->host);
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring];
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /* The linkdown event takes 30 seconds to timeout. */
++ while (pring->txcmplq_cnt) {
++ mdelay(10);
++ if (i++ > 3000)
++ break;
++ }
++ /* stop all timers associated with this hba */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_stop_timer(phba);
++ phba->work_hba_events = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0460 Bring Adapter offline\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ /* Bring down the SLI Layer and cleanup. The HBA is offline
++ now. */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_sli_hba_down(phba);
++ lpfc_cleanup(phba, 1);
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_OFFLINE_MODE;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return 0;
++* Function name : lpfc_scsi_free
++* Description : Called from fc_detach to free scsi tgt / lun resources
++lpfc_scsi_free(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp;
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_FCP_TARGET; i++) {
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[i];
++ if (targetp) {
++ kfree(targetp);
++ phba->device_queue_hash[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void
++lpfc_wakeup_event(struct lpfc_hba * phba, fcEVTHDR_t * ep)
++ ep->e_mode &= ~E_SLEEPING_MODE;
++ switch (ep->e_mask) {
++ wake_up_interruptible(&phba->linkevtwq);
++ break;
++ wake_up_interruptible(&phba->rscnevtwq);
++ break;
++ case FC_REG_CT_EVENT:
++ wake_up_interruptible(&phba->ctevtwq);
++ break;
++ }
++ return;
++lpfc_put_event(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t evcode, uint32_t evdata0,
++ void * evdata1, uint32_t evdata2, uint32_t evdata3)
++ fcEVT_t *ep;
++ fcEVTHDR_t *ehp = phba->fc_evt_head;
++ int found = 0;
++ void *fstype = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *ctp;
++ struct lpfc_hba_event *rec;
++ uint32_t evtype;
++ switch (evcode) {
++ evtype = FC_REG_RSCN_EVENT;
++ break;
++ evtype = FC_REG_LINK_EVENT;
++ break;
++ default:
++ evtype = FC_REG_CT_EVENT;
++ }
++ if (evtype == FC_REG_RSCN_EVENT || evtype == FC_REG_LINK_EVENT) {
++ rec = &phba->hbaevt[phba->hba_event_put];
++ rec->fc_eventcode = evcode;
++ rec->fc_evdata1 = evdata0;
++ rec->fc_evdata2 = (uint32_t)(unsigned long)evdata1;
++ rec->fc_evdata3 = evdata2;
++ rec->fc_evdata4 = evdata3;
++ phba->hba_event_put++;
++ if (phba->hba_event_put >= MAX_HBAEVT)
++ phba->hba_event_put = 0;
++ if (phba->hba_event_put == phba->hba_event_get) {
++ phba->hba_event_missed++;
++ phba->hba_event_get++;
++ if (phba->hba_event_get >= MAX_HBAEVT)
++ phba->hba_event_get = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ if (evtype == FC_REG_CT_EVENT) {
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) evdata1;
++ ctp = (struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *) mp->virt;
++ fstype = (void *)(ulong) (ctp->FsType);
++ }
++ while (ehp && ((ehp->e_mask != evtype) || (ehp->e_type != fstype)))
++ ehp = (fcEVTHDR_t *) ehp->e_next_header;
++ if (!ehp)
++ return (0);
++ ep = ehp->e_head;
++ while (ep && !(found)) {
++ if (ep->evt_sleep) {
++ switch (evtype) {
++ case FC_REG_CT_EVENT:
++ if ((ep->evt_type ==
++ (void *)(ulong) FC_FSTYPE_ALL)
++ || (ep->evt_type == fstype)) {
++ found++;
++ ep->evt_data0 = evdata0; /* tag */
++ ep->evt_data1 = evdata1; /* buffer
++ ptr */
++ ep->evt_data2 = evdata2; /* count */
++ ep->evt_sleep = 0;
++ if (ehp->e_mode & E_SLEEPING_MODE) {
++ ehp->e_flag |=
++ lpfc_wakeup_event(phba, ehp);
++ }
++ /* For FC_REG_CT_EVENT just give it to
++ first one found */
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ found++;
++ ep->evt_data0 = evdata0;
++ ep->evt_data1 = evdata1;
++ ep->evt_data2 = evdata2;
++ ep->evt_sleep = 0;
++ if ((ehp->e_mode & E_SLEEPING_MODE)
++ && !(ehp->e_flag & E_GET_EVENT_ACTIVE)) {
++ ehp->e_flag |= E_GET_EVENT_ACTIVE;
++ lpfc_wakeup_event(phba, ehp);
++ }
++ /* For all other events, give it to every one
++ waiting */
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ ep = ep->evt_next;
++ }
++ if (evtype == FC_REG_LINK_EVENT)
++ phba->nport_event_cnt++;
++ return (found);
++lpfc_stop_timer(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* Instead of a timer, this has been converted to a
++ * deferred procedding list.
++ */
++ while (!list_empty(&phba->freebufList)) {
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *)(phba->;
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ list_del(&mp->list);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ }
++ del_timer_sync(&phba->fc_estabtmo);
++ del_timer_sync(&phba->fc_disctmo);
++ del_timer_sync(&phba->fc_scantmo);
++ del_timer_sync(&phba->fc_fdmitmo);
++ del_timer_sync(&phba->els_tmofunc);
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ del_timer_sync(&psli->mbox_tmo);
++ return(1);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_scsiport.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_scsiport.c 2005/07/25 12:56:08EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h>
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_fcp.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++/* This routine allocates a scsi buffer, which contains all the necessary
++ * information needed to initiate a SCSI I/O. The non-DMAable region of
++ * the buffer contains the area to build the IOCB. The DMAable region contains
++ * the memory for the FCP CMND, FCP RSP, and the inital BPL.
++ * In addition to allocating memeory, the FCP CMND and FCP RSP BDEs are setup
++ * in the BPL and the BPL BDE is setup in the IOCB.
++ */
++struct lpfc_scsi_buf *
++lpfc_get_scsi_buf(struct lpfc_hba * phba, int gfp_flags)
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *psb;
++ struct ulp_bde64 *bpl;
++ IOCB_t *cmd;
++ uint8_t *ptr;
++ dma_addr_t pdma_phys;
++ psb = mempool_alloc(phba->scsibuf_mem_pool, gfp_flags);
++ if (!psb)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(psb, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_scsi_buf));
++ /* Get a SCSI DMA extention for an I/O */
++ /*
++ * The DMA buffer for struct fcp_cmnd, struct fcp_rsp and BPL use
++ * lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool with size LPFC_SCSI_DMA_EXT_SIZE
++ *
++ *
++ * The size of struct fcp_cmnd = 32 bytes.
++ * The size of struct fcp_rsp = 160 bytes.
++ * The size of struct ulp_bde64 = 12 bytes and driver can only
++ * support LPFC_SCSI_INITIAL_BPL_SIZE (3) S/G segments for scsi data.
++ * One struct ulp_bde64 is used for each of the struct fcp_cmnd and
++ * struct fcp_rsp
++ *
++ * Total usage for each I/O use 32 + 160 + (2 * 12) +
++ * (4 * 12) = 264 bytes.
++ */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&psb->dma_ext.list);
++ psb->dma_ext.virt = pci_pool_alloc(phba->lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC, &psb->dma_ext.phys);
++ if (!psb->dma_ext.virt) {
++ mempool_free(psb, phba->scsibuf_mem_pool);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /* Save virtual ptrs to FCP Command, Response, and BPL */
++ ptr = (uint8_t *) psb->dma_ext.virt;
++ memset(ptr, 0, LPFC_SCSI_DMA_EXT_SIZE);
++ psb->fcp_cmnd = (struct fcp_cmnd *) ptr;
++ ptr += sizeof (struct fcp_cmnd);
++ psb->fcp_rsp = (struct fcp_rsp *) ptr;
++ ptr += (sizeof (struct fcp_rsp));
++ psb->fcp_bpl = (struct ulp_bde64 *) ptr;
++ psb->scsi_hba = phba;
++ /* Since this is for a FCP cmd, the first 2 BDEs in the BPL are always
++ * the FCP CMND and FCP RSP, so lets just set it up right here.
++ */
++ bpl = psb->fcp_bpl;
++ /* ptr points to physical address of FCP CMD */
++ pdma_phys = psb->dma_ext.phys;
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(pdma_phys));
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(pdma_phys));
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = sizeof (struct fcp_cmnd);
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = BUFF_USE_CMND;
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ bpl++;
++ /* Setup FCP RSP */
++ pdma_phys += sizeof (struct fcp_cmnd);
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(pdma_phys));
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(pdma_phys));
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = sizeof (struct fcp_rsp);
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = (BUFF_USE_CMND | BUFF_USE_RCV);
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ bpl++;
++ /* Since the IOCB for the FCP I/O is built into the struct
++ * lpfc_scsi_buf, lets setup what we can right here.
++ */
++ pdma_phys += (sizeof (struct fcp_rsp));
++ cmd = &psb->cur_iocbq.iocb;
++ cmd->un.fcpi64.bdl.ulpIoTag32 = 0;
++ cmd->un.fcpi64.bdl.addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(pdma_phys);
++ cmd->un.fcpi64.bdl.addrLow = putPaddrLow(pdma_phys);
++ cmd->un.fcpi64.bdl.bdeSize = (2 * sizeof (struct ulp_bde64));
++ cmd->un.fcpi64.bdl.bdeFlags = BUFF_TYPE_BDL;
++ cmd->ulpBdeCount = 1;
++ cmd->ulpClass = CLASS3;
++ return (psb);
++lpfc_free_scsi_buf(struct lpfc_scsi_buf * psb)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = psb->scsi_hba;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pbpl, *next_bpl;
++ /*
++ * There are only two special cases to consider. (1) the scsi command
++ * requested scatter-gather usage or (2) the scsi command allocated
++ * a request buffer, but did not request use_sg. There is a third
++ * case, but it does not require resource deallocation.
++ */
++ if ((psb->seg_cnt > 0) && (psb->pCmd->use_sg)) {
++ /*
++ * Since the segment count is nonzero, the scsi command
++ * requested scatter-gather usage and the driver allocated
++ * addition memory buffers to chain BPLs. Traverse this list
++ * and release those resource before freeing the parent
++ * structure.
++ */
++ dma_unmap_sg(&phba->pcidev->dev, psb->pCmd->request_buffer,
++ psb->seg_cnt, psb->pCmd->sc_data_direction);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(pbpl, next_bpl,
++ &psb->dma_ext.list, list) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, pbpl->virt, pbpl->phys);
++ list_del(&pbpl->list);
++ kfree(pbpl);
++ }
++ } else {
++ if ((psb->nonsg_phys) && (psb->pCmd->request_bufflen)) {
++ /*
++ * Since either the segment count or the use_sg
++ * value is zero, the scsi command did not request
++ * scatter-gather usage and no additional buffers were
++ * required. Just unmap the dma single resource.
++ */
++ dma_unmap_single(&phba->pcidev->dev, psb->nonsg_phys,
++ psb->pCmd->request_bufflen,
++ psb->pCmd->sc_data_direction);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Release the pci pool resource and clean up the scsi buffer. Neither
++ * are required now that the IO has completed.
++ */
++ pci_pool_free(phba->lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool, psb->dma_ext.virt,
++ psb->dma_ext.phys);
++ mempool_free(psb, phba->scsibuf_mem_pool);
++static int
++lpfc_os_prep_io(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_scsi_buf * lpfc_cmd)
++ struct fcp_cmnd *fcp_cmnd;
++ struct ulp_bde64 *topbpl = NULL;
++ struct ulp_bde64 *bpl;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *bmp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *head_bmp;
++ IOCB_t *cmd;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd;
++ struct scatterlist *sgel = NULL;
++ struct scatterlist *sgel_begin = NULL;
++ dma_addr_t physaddr;
++ uint32_t i;
++ uint32_t num_bmps = 1, num_bde = 0, max_bde;
++ uint16_t use_sg;
++ int datadir;
++ int dma_error;
++ bpl = lpfc_cmd->fcp_bpl;
++ fcp_cmnd = lpfc_cmd->fcp_cmnd;
++ bpl += 2; /* Bump past FCP CMND and FCP RSP */
++ max_bde = LPFC_SCSI_INITIAL_BPL_SIZE - 1;
++ cmnd = lpfc_cmd->pCmd;
++ cmd = &lpfc_cmd->cur_iocbq.iocb;
++ /* These are needed if we chain BPLs */
++ head_bmp = &(lpfc_cmd->dma_ext);
++ use_sg = cmnd->use_sg;
++ /*
++ * Fill in the FCP CMND
++ */
++ memcpy(&fcp_cmnd->fcpCdb[0], cmnd->cmnd, 16);
++ if (cmnd->device->tagged_supported) {
++ switch (cmnd->tag) {
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl1 = HEAD_OF_Q;
++ break;
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl1 = ORDERED_Q;
++ break;
++ default:
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl1 = SIMPLE_Q;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl1 = 0;
++ }
++ datadir = cmnd->sc_data_direction;
++ if (use_sg) {
++ /*
++ * Get a local pointer to the scatter-gather list. The
++ * scatter-gather list head must be preserved since
++ * sgel is incremented in the loop. The driver must store
++ * the segment count returned from pci_map_sg for calls to
++ * pci_unmap_sg later on because the use_sg field in the
++ * scsi_cmd is a count of physical memory pages, whereas the
++ * seg_cnt is a count of dma-mappings used by the MMIO to
++ * map the use_sg pages. They are not the same in most
++ * cases for those architectures that implement an MMIO.
++ */
++ sgel = (struct scatterlist *)cmnd->request_buffer;
++ sgel_begin = sgel;
++ lpfc_cmd->seg_cnt = dma_map_sg(&phba->pcidev->dev, sgel,
++ use_sg, datadir);
++ /* return error if we cannot map sg list */
++ if (lpfc_cmd->seg_cnt == 0)
++ return 1;
++ /* scatter-gather list case */
++ for (i = 0; i < lpfc_cmd->seg_cnt; i++) {
++ /* Check to see if current BPL is full of BDEs */
++ /* If this is last BDE and there is one left in */
++ /* current BPL, use it. */
++ if (num_bde == max_bde) {
++ bmp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf),
++ if (bmp == 0) {
++ goto error_out;
++ }
++ memset(bmp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf));
++ bmp->virt =
++ lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, 0, &bmp->phys);
++ if (!bmp->virt) {
++ kfree(bmp);
++ goto error_out;
++ }
++ max_bde = ((1024 / sizeof(struct ulp_bde64))-3);
++ /* Fill in continuation entry to next bpl */
++ bpl->addrHigh =
++ le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(bmp->phys));
++ bpl->addrLow =
++ le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(bmp->phys));
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = BPL64_SIZE_WORD;
++ num_bde++;
++ if (num_bmps == 1) {
++ cmd->un.fcpi64.bdl.bdeSize += (num_bde *
++ sizeof (struct ulp_bde64));
++ } else {
++ topbpl->tus.f.bdeSize = (num_bde *
++ sizeof (struct ulp_bde64));
++ topbpl->tus.w =
++ le32_to_cpu(topbpl->tus.w);
++ }
++ topbpl = bpl;
++ bpl = (struct ulp_bde64 *) bmp->virt;
++ list_add(&bmp->list, &head_bmp->list);
++ num_bde = 0;
++ num_bmps++;
++ }
++ physaddr = sg_dma_address(sgel);
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(physaddr));
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(physaddr));
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = sg_dma_len(sgel);
++ if (datadir == DMA_TO_DEVICE)
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = 0;
++ else
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = BUFF_USE_RCV;
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ bpl++;
++ sgel++;
++ num_bde++;
++ } /* end for loop */
++ if (datadir == DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
++ cmd->ulpCommand = CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR;
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl3 = WRITE_DATA;
++ phba->fc4OutputRequests++;
++ } else {
++ cmd->ulpCommand = CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR;
++ cmd->ulpPU = PARM_READ_CHECK;
++ cmd->un.fcpi.fcpi_parm = cmnd->request_bufflen;
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl3 = READ_DATA;
++ phba->fc4InputRequests++;
++ }
++ } else if (cmnd->request_buffer && cmnd->request_bufflen) {
++ physaddr = dma_map_single(&phba->pcidev->dev,
++ cmnd->request_buffer,
++ cmnd->request_bufflen,
++ datadir);
++ dma_error = dma_mapping_error(physaddr);
++ if (dma_error){
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0718 Unable to dma_map_single "
++ "request_buffer: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, dma_error);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ /* no scatter-gather list case */
++ lpfc_cmd->nonsg_phys = physaddr;
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(physaddr));
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(physaddr));
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = cmnd->request_bufflen;
++ if (datadir == DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
++ cmd->ulpCommand = CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR;
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl3 = WRITE_DATA;
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = 0;
++ phba->fc4OutputRequests++;
++ } else {
++ cmd->ulpCommand = CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR;
++ cmd->ulpPU = PARM_READ_CHECK;
++ cmd->un.fcpi.fcpi_parm = cmnd->request_bufflen;
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl3 = READ_DATA;
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = BUFF_USE_RCV;
++ phba->fc4InputRequests++;
++ }
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ num_bde = 1;
++ bpl++;
++ } else {
++ cmd->ulpCommand = CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR;
++ cmd->un.fcpi.fcpi_parm = 0;
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl3 = 0;
++ phba->fc4ControlRequests++;
++ }
++ bpl->addrHigh = 0;
++ bpl->addrLow = 0;
++ bpl->tus.w = 0;
++ if (num_bmps == 1) {
++ cmd->un.fcpi64.bdl.bdeSize +=
++ (num_bde * sizeof (struct ulp_bde64));
++ } else {
++ topbpl->tus.f.bdeSize = (num_bde * sizeof (struct ulp_bde64));
++ topbpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(topbpl->tus.w);
++ }
++ cmd->ulpBdeCount = 1;
++ cmd->ulpLe = 1; /* Set the LE bit in the iocb */
++ /* set the Data Length field in the FCP CMND accordingly */
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpDl = be32_to_cpu(cmnd->request_bufflen);
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * Allocation of a chained BPL failed, unmap the sg list and return
++ * error. This will ultimately cause lpfc_free_scsi_buf to be called
++ * which will handle the rest of the cleanup. Set seg_cnt back to zero
++ * to avoid double unmaps of the sg resources.
++ */
++ dma_unmap_sg(&phba->pcidev->dev, sgel_begin, lpfc_cmd->seg_cnt,
++ datadir);
++ lpfc_cmd->seg_cnt = 0;
++ return 1;
++static void
++lpfc_handle_fcp_err(struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd = lpfc_cmd->pCmd;
++ struct fcp_cmnd *fcpcmd = lpfc_cmd->fcp_cmnd;
++ struct fcp_rsp *fcprsp = lpfc_cmd->fcp_rsp;
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = lpfc_cmd->scsi_hba;
++ uint32_t fcpi_parm = lpfc_cmd->cur_iocbq.iocb.un.fcpi.fcpi_parm;
++ uint32_t resp_info = fcprsp->rspStatus2;
++ uint32_t scsi_status = fcprsp->rspStatus3;
++ uint32_t host_status = DID_OK;
++ uint32_t rsplen = 0;
++ /*
++ * If this is a task management command, there is no
++ * scsi packet associated with this lpfc_cmd. The driver
++ * consumes it.
++ */
++ if (fcpcmd->fcpCntl2) {
++ scsi_status = 0;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0730 FCP command failed: RSP "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, resp_info, scsi_status,
++ be32_to_cpu(fcprsp->rspResId),
++ be32_to_cpu(fcprsp->rspSnsLen),
++ be32_to_cpu(fcprsp->rspRspLen),
++ fcprsp->rspInfo3);
++ if (resp_info & RSP_LEN_VALID) {
++ rsplen = be32_to_cpu(fcprsp->rspRspLen);
++ if ((rsplen != 0 && rsplen != 4 && rsplen != 8) ||
++ (fcprsp->rspInfo3 != RSP_NO_FAILURE)) {
++ host_status = DID_ERROR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((resp_info & SNS_LEN_VALID) && fcprsp->rspSnsLen) {
++ uint32_t snslen = be32_to_cpu(fcprsp->rspSnsLen);
++ if (snslen > SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE)
++ memcpy(cmnd->sense_buffer, &fcprsp->rspInfo0 + rsplen, snslen);
++ }
++ cmnd->resid = 0;
++ if (resp_info & RESID_UNDER) {
++ cmnd->resid = be32_to_cpu(fcprsp->rspResId);
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0716 FCP Read Underrun, expected %d, "
++ "residual %d Data: x%x x%x x%x\n", phba->brd_no,
++ be32_to_cpu(fcpcmd->fcpDl), cmnd->resid,
++ fcpi_parm, cmnd->cmnd[0], cmnd->underflow);
++ /*
++ * The cmnd->underflow is the minimum number of bytes that must
++ * be transfered for this command. Provided a sense condition is
++ * not present, make sure the actual amount transferred is at
++ * least the underflow value or fail.
++ */
++ if (!(resp_info & SNS_LEN_VALID) &&
++ (scsi_status == SAM_STAT_GOOD) &&
++ (cmnd->request_bufflen - cmnd->resid) < cmnd->underflow) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0717 FCP command x%x residual "
++ "underrun converted to error "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n", phba->brd_no,
++ cmnd->cmnd[0], cmnd->request_bufflen,
++ cmnd->resid, cmnd->underflow);
++ host_status = DID_ERROR;
++ }
++ } else if (resp_info & RESID_OVER) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0720 FCP command x%x residual "
++ "overrun error. Data: x%x x%x \n",
++ phba->brd_no, cmnd->cmnd[0],
++ cmnd->request_bufflen, cmnd->resid);
++ host_status = DID_ERROR;
++ /*
++ * Check SLI validation that all the transfer was actually done
++ * (fcpi_parm should be zero). Apply check only to reads.
++ */
++ } else if ((scsi_status == SAM_STAT_GOOD) && fcpi_parm &&
++ (cmnd->sc_data_direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE)) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0734 FCP Read Check Error Data: "
++ "x%x x%x x%x x%x\n", phba->brd_no,
++ be32_to_cpu(fcpcmd->fcpDl),
++ be32_to_cpu(fcprsp->rspResId),
++ fcpi_parm, cmnd->cmnd[0]);
++ host_status = DID_ERROR;
++ cmnd->resid = cmnd->request_bufflen;
++ }
++ out:
++ cmnd->result = ScsiResult(host_status, scsi_status);
++lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbIn,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbOut)
++ int depth, pend_cnt;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd =
++ (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) pIocbIn->context1;
++ struct lpfc_target *target = lpfc_cmd->target;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = lpfc_cmd->pCmd;
++ struct scsi_device *sdev;
++ int result;
++ lpfc_cmd->result = pIocbOut->iocb.un.ulpWord[4];
++ lpfc_cmd->status = pIocbOut->iocb.ulpStatus;
++ target->iodonecnt++;
++ if (lpfc_cmd->status) {
++ target->errorcnt++;
++ if (lpfc_cmd->status == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT &&
++ (lpfc_cmd->result & IOERR_DRVR_MASK))
++ lpfc_cmd->status = IOSTAT_DRIVER_REJECT;
++ else if (lpfc_cmd->status >= IOSTAT_CNT)
++ lpfc_cmd->status = IOSTAT_DEFAULT;
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0729 FCP cmd x%x failed <%d/%d> status: "
++ "x%x result: x%x Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, cmd->cmnd[0], cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, lpfc_cmd->status,
++ lpfc_cmd->result, pIocbOut->iocb.ulpContext,
++ lpfc_cmd->cur_iocbq.iocb.ulpIoTag);
++ switch (lpfc_cmd->status) {
++ /* Call FCP RSP handler to determine result */
++ lpfc_handle_fcp_err(lpfc_cmd);
++ break;
++ cmd->result = ScsiResult(DID_BUS_BUSY, 0);
++ break;
++ if (lpfc_cmd->result == IOERR_LOOP_OPEN_FAILURE)
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, target->pnode,
++ NULL,
++ cmd->result = ScsiResult(DID_ERROR, 0);
++ break;
++ default:
++ cmd->result = ScsiResult(DID_ERROR, 0);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (target->pnode) {
++ if(target->pnode->nlp_state != NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE)
++ cmd->result = ScsiResult(DID_BUS_BUSY,
++ }
++ else {
++ cmd->result = ScsiResult(DID_NO_CONNECT, 0);
++ }
++ } else {
++ cmd->result = ScsiResult(DID_OK, 0);
++ }
++ if (cmd->result || lpfc_cmd->fcp_rsp->rspSnsLen) {
++ uint32_t *lp = (uint32_t *)cmd->sense_buffer;
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0710 Iodone <%d/%d> cmd %p, error x%x "
++ "SNS x%x x%x Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, cmd, cmd->result,
++ *lp, *(lp + 3), cmd->retries, cmd->resid);
++ }
++ result = cmd->result;
++ sdev = cmd->device;
++ lpfc_free_scsi_buf(lpfc_cmd);
++ cmd->host_scribble = NULL;
++ cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
++ /*
++ * Check for queue full. If the lun is reporting queue full, then
++ * back off the lun queue depth to prevent target overloads.
++ */
++ if (result == SAM_STAT_TASK_SET_FULL) {
++ pend_cnt = lpfc_sli_sum_iocb_lun(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ sdev->id, sdev->lun);
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ depth = scsi_track_queue_full(sdev, pend_cnt);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (depth) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0711 detected queue full - lun queue depth "
++ " adjusted to %d.\n", phba->brd_no, depth);
++ }
++ }
++static int
++lpfc_scsi_prep_task_mgmt_cmd(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd,
++ uint8_t task_mgmt_cmd)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *piocbq;
++ IOCB_t *piocb;
++ struct fcp_cmnd *fcp_cmnd;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp = lpfc_cmd->target->pnode;
++ if ((ndlp == 0) || (ndlp->nlp_state != NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE)) {
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* allocate an iocb command */
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ piocbq = &(lpfc_cmd->cur_iocbq);
++ piocb = &piocbq->iocb;
++ fcp_cmnd = lpfc_cmd->fcp_cmnd;
++ putLunHigh(fcp_cmnd->fcpLunMsl, lpfc_cmd->lun);
++ putLunLow(fcp_cmnd->fcpLunLsl, lpfc_cmd->lun)
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl2 = task_mgmt_cmd;
++ fcp_cmnd->fcpCntl3 = 0;
++ piocb->ulpCommand = CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR;
++ piocb->ulpContext = ndlp->nlp_rpi;
++ if (ndlp->nlp_fcp_info & NLP_FCP_2_DEVICE) {
++ piocb->ulpFCP2Rcvy = 1;
++ }
++ piocb->ulpClass = (ndlp->nlp_fcp_info & 0x0f);
++ /* ulpTimeout is only one byte */
++ if (lpfc_cmd->timeout > 0xff) {
++ /*
++ * Do not timeout the command at the firmware level.
++ * The driver will provide the timeout mechanism.
++ */
++ piocb->ulpTimeout = 0;
++ } else {
++ piocb->ulpTimeout = lpfc_cmd->timeout;
++ }
++ switch (task_mgmt_cmd) {
++ case FCP_LUN_RESET:
++ /* Issue LUN Reset to TGT <num> LUN <num> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0703 Issue LUN Reset to TGT %d LUN %d "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id, lpfc_cmd->lun,
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi, ndlp->nlp_flag);
++ break;
++ /* Issue Abort Task Set to TGT <num> LUN <num> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0701 Issue Abort Task Set to TGT %d LUN %d "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id, lpfc_cmd->lun,
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi, ndlp->nlp_flag);
++ break;
++ /* Issue Target Reset to TGT <num> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0702 Issue Target Reset to TGT %d "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id, ndlp->nlp_rpi,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag);
++ break;
++ }
++ return (1);
++static int
++lpfc_scsi_tgt_reset(struct lpfc_target * target, int id, struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *piocbq, *piocbqrsp;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf * lpfc_cmd;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ int ret, retval = FAILED;
++ lpfc_cmd = lpfc_get_scsi_buf(phba, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!lpfc_cmd)
++ goto out;
++ /*
++ * The driver cannot count on any meaningful timeout value in the scsi
++ * command. The timeout is chosen to be twice the ratov plus a window.
++ */
++ lpfc_cmd->timeout = (2 * phba->fc_ratov) + 3;
++ lpfc_cmd->target = target;
++ lpfc_cmd->lun = 0;
++ ret = lpfc_scsi_prep_task_mgmt_cmd(phba, lpfc_cmd, FCP_TARGET_RESET);
++ if (!ret)
++ goto out_free_scsi_buf;
++ piocbq = &lpfc_cmd->cur_iocbq;
++ piocbq->context1 = lpfc_cmd;
++ piocbqrsp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!piocbqrsp)
++ goto out_free_scsi_buf;
++ /* First flush all outstanding commands on the txq for the target */
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_tgt(phba, &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id, LPFC_ABORT_TXQ);
++ memset(piocbqrsp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ piocbq->iocb_flag |= LPFC_IO_POLL;
++ ret = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait_high_priority(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[psli->fcp_ring],
++ piocbqrsp);
++ if (ret != IOCB_SUCCESS) {
++ lpfc_cmd->status = IOSTAT_DRIVER_REJECT;
++ retval = FAILED;
++ } else {
++ lpfc_cmd->result = piocbqrsp->iocb.un.ulpWord[4];
++ lpfc_cmd->status = piocbqrsp->iocb.ulpStatus;
++ if (lpfc_cmd->status == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT &&
++ (lpfc_cmd->result & IOERR_DRVR_MASK))
++ lpfc_cmd->status = IOSTAT_DRIVER_REJECT;
++ retval = SUCCESS;
++ }
++ /* At this point in time, target reset completion, all outstanding
++ * txcmplq I/Os should have been aborted by the target.
++ * Unfortunately, all targets do not abide by this so we need
++ * to help it out a bit.
++ */
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_tgt(phba, &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id, LPFC_ABORT_ALLQ);
++ /*
++ * If the IOCB failed then free the memory resources. Otherwise,
++ * the resources will be freed up by the completion handler.
++ */
++ if (ret == IOCB_TIMEDOUT)
++ goto out;
++ mempool_free(piocbqrsp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_free_scsi_buf(lpfc_cmd);
++ return retval;
++#define LPFC_RESET_WAIT 2
++lpfc_reset_bus_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = cmnd->device->host;
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)shost->hostdata[0];
++ int ret = FAILED, i, err_count = 0;
++ struct lpfc_target *target;
++ int cnt, loopcnt;
++ /*
++ * Since the driver manages a single bus device, reset all
++ * targets known to the driver. Should any target reset
++ * fail, this routine returns failure to the midlayer.
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_FCP_TARGET; i++) {
++ target = phba->device_queue_hash[i];
++ if (!target)
++ continue;
++ ret = lpfc_scsi_tgt_reset(target, i, phba);
++ if (ret != SUCCESS) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0712 Bus Reset on target %d failed\n",
++ phba->brd_no, i);
++ err_count++;
++ }
++ }
++ loopcnt = 0;
++ while((cnt = lpfc_sli_sum_iocb_host(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring]))) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(LPFC_RESET_WAIT*HZ);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (++loopcnt
++ > (2 * phba->cfg_nodev_tmo)/LPFC_RESET_WAIT)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (cnt) {
++ /* flush all outstanding commands on the host */
++ i = lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_host(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0715 Bus Reset I/O flush failure: cnt x%x left x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, cnt, i);
++ }
++ if (!err_count)
++ ret = SUCCESS;
++ else
++ ret = FAILED;
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0714 SCSI layer issued Bus Reset Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ret);
++ return ret;
++lpfc_queuecommand(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd, void (*done) (struct scsi_cmnd *))
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba =
++ (struct lpfc_hba *) cmnd->device->host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp = cmnd->device->hostdata;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *piocbq;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ IOCB_t *piocb;
++ int err = 0;
++ uint16_t nlp_state;
++ targetp->qcmdcnt++;
++ /*
++ * The target pointer is guaranteed not to be NULL because the driver
++ * only clears the device->hostdata field in lpfc_slave_destroy. This
++ * approach guarantees no further IO calls on this target.
++ */
++ ndlp = targetp->pnode;
++ if (!ndlp) {
++ cmnd->result = ScsiResult(DID_NO_CONNECT, 0);
++ goto out_fail_command;
++ }
++ nlp_state = ndlp->nlp_state;
++ /*
++ * A Fibre Channel is present and functioning only when the node state
++ * is MAPPED. Any other state is a failure.
++ */
++ if (nlp_state != NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE) {
++ if ((nlp_state == NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE) ||
++ (nlp_state == NLP_STE_UNUSED_NODE)) {
++ cmnd->result = ScsiResult(DID_NO_CONNECT, 0);
++ goto out_fail_command;
++ }
++ /*
++ * The device is most likely recovered and the driver
++ * needs a bit more time to finish. Ask the midlayer
++ * to retry.
++ */
++ goto out_host_busy;
++ }
++ lpfc_cmd = lpfc_get_scsi_buf(phba, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!lpfc_cmd)
++ goto out_host_busy;
++ /*
++ * Store the midlayer's command structure for the completion phase
++ * and complete the command initialization.
++ */
++ cmnd->scsi_done = done;
++ cmnd->host_scribble = (unsigned char *)lpfc_cmd;
++ lpfc_cmd->target = targetp;
++ lpfc_cmd->lun = cmnd->device->lun;
++ lpfc_cmd->timeout = 0;
++ lpfc_cmd->pCmd = cmnd;
++ putLunHigh(lpfc_cmd->fcp_cmnd->fcpLunMsl, lpfc_cmd->lun);
++ putLunLow(lpfc_cmd->fcp_cmnd->fcpLunLsl, lpfc_cmd->lun);
++ err = lpfc_os_prep_io(phba, lpfc_cmd);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_host_busy_free_buf;
++ piocbq = &(lpfc_cmd->cur_iocbq);
++ piocb = &piocbq->iocb;
++ piocb->ulpTimeout = lpfc_cmd->timeout;
++ piocbq->context1 = lpfc_cmd;
++ piocbq->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl;
++ piocbq->iocb.ulpContext = ndlp->nlp_rpi;
++ if (ndlp->nlp_fcp_info & NLP_FCP_2_DEVICE) {
++ piocbq->iocb.ulpFCP2Rcvy = 1;
++ }
++ piocbq->iocb.ulpClass = (ndlp->nlp_fcp_info & 0x0f);
++ err = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, &phba->sli.ring[psli->fcp_ring], piocbq,
++ if (err)
++ goto out_host_busy_free_buf;
++ return 0;
++ out_host_busy_free_buf:
++ lpfc_free_scsi_buf(lpfc_cmd);
++ cmnd->host_scribble = NULL;
++ out_host_busy:
++ targetp->iodonecnt++;
++ targetp->errorcnt++;
++ out_fail_command:
++ targetp->iodonecnt++;
++ targetp->errorcnt++;
++ done(cmnd);
++ return 0;
++lpfc_reset_lun_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = cmnd->device->host;
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)shost->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *piocbq, *piocbqrsp = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_target *target = cmnd->device->hostdata;
++ int ret, retval = FAILED;
++ int cnt, loopcnt;
++ /*
++ * If target is not in a MAPPED state, delay the reset till
++ * target is rediscovered or nodev timeout is fired.
++ */
++ while ( 1 ) {
++ if (!target->pnode)
++ break;
++ if (target->pnode->nlp_state != NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout( HZ/2);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ }
++ if ((target->pnode) &&
++ (target->pnode->nlp_state == NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE))
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_cmd = lpfc_get_scsi_buf(phba, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!lpfc_cmd)
++ goto out;
++ lpfc_cmd->timeout = 60; /* set command timeout to 60 seconds */
++ lpfc_cmd->scsi_hba = phba;
++ lpfc_cmd->target = target;
++ lpfc_cmd->lun = cmnd->device->lun;
++ ret = lpfc_scsi_prep_task_mgmt_cmd(phba, lpfc_cmd, FCP_LUN_RESET);
++ if (!ret)
++ goto out_free_scsi_buf;
++ piocbq = &lpfc_cmd->cur_iocbq;
++ piocbq->context1 = lpfc_cmd;
++ /* get a buffer for this IOCB command response */
++ piocbqrsp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if(!piocbqrsp)
++ goto out_free_scsi_buf;
++ /* First flush all outstanding commands on the txq for the lun */
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_lun(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ cmnd->device->id,
++ cmnd->device->lun, LPFC_ABORT_TXQ);
++ memset(piocbqrsp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ piocbq->iocb_flag |= LPFC_IO_POLL;
++ ret = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait_high_priority(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[psli->fcp_ring],
++ piocbq, 0,
++ piocbqrsp);
++ if (ret == IOCB_SUCCESS)
++ retval = SUCCESS;
++ lpfc_cmd->result = piocbqrsp->iocb.un.ulpWord[4];
++ lpfc_cmd->status = piocbqrsp->iocb.ulpStatus;
++ if (lpfc_cmd->status == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT)
++ if (lpfc_cmd->result & IOERR_DRVR_MASK)
++ lpfc_cmd->status = IOSTAT_DRIVER_REJECT;
++ /* At this point in time, lun reset completion, all outstanding
++ * txcmplq I/Os should have been aborted by the target.
++ * Unfortunately, all targets do not abide by this so we need
++ * to help it out a bit.
++ */
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_lun(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ cmnd->device->id,
++ cmnd->device->lun, LPFC_ABORT_ALLQ);
++ loopcnt = 0;
++ while((cnt = lpfc_sli_sum_iocb_lun(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ cmnd->device->id,
++ cmnd->device->lun))) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(LPFC_RESET_WAIT*HZ);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (++loopcnt
++ > (2 * phba->cfg_nodev_tmo)/LPFC_RESET_WAIT)
++ break;
++ }
++ if(cnt) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0719 LUN Reset I/O flush failure: cnt x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, cnt);
++ }
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0713 SCSI layer issued LUN reset (%d, %d) "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id,
++ lpfc_cmd->lun, ret, lpfc_cmd->status,
++ lpfc_cmd->result);
++ if (ret == IOCB_TIMEDOUT)
++ goto out;
++ mempool_free(piocbqrsp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_free_scsi_buf(lpfc_cmd);
++ return retval;
++static void
++lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cleanup (struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbIn,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbOut)
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd =
++ (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) pIocbIn->context1;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *ml_cmd =
++ ((struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) pIocbIn->context1)->pCmd;
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp = ml_cmd->device->hostdata;
++ if (targetp) {
++ targetp->iodonecnt++;
++ targetp->errorcnt++;
++ }
++ lpfc_free_scsi_buf(lpfc_cmd);
++static void
++lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl_aborted (struct lpfc_hba *phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbIn,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbOut)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *ml_cmd =
++ ((struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) pIocbIn->context1)->pCmd;
++ lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cleanup (phba, pIocbIn, pIocbOut);
++ ml_cmd->host_scribble = NULL;
++#define LPFC_ABORT_WAIT 2
++lpfc_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba =
++ (struct lpfc_hba *)cmnd->device->host->hostdata[0];
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring = &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring];
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb, *abtsiocbp;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ IOCB_t *cmd, *icmd;
++ unsigned long snum;
++ unsigned int id, lun;
++ unsigned int loop_count = 0;
++ int ret = IOCB_SUCCESS;
++ /*
++ * If the host_scribble data area is NULL, then the driver has already
++ * completed this command, but the midlayer did not see the completion
++ * before the eh fired. Just return SUCCESS.
++ */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *)cmnd->host_scribble;
++ if (!lpfc_cmd)
++ return SUCCESS;
++ /* save these now since lpfc_cmd can be freed */
++ id = lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id;
++ lun = lpfc_cmd->lun;
++ snum = cmnd->serial_number;
++ /* Search the txq first. */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if (iocb->context1 != lpfc_cmd)
++ continue;
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ if (!iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ mempool_free(iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ else {
++ cmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ cmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl_aborted(phba, iocb, iocb);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ abtsiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!abtsiocbp)
++ goto out;
++ memset(abtsiocbp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ /*
++ * The scsi command was not in the txq. Check the txcmplq and if it is
++ * found, send an abort to the FW.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ if (iocb->context1 != lpfc_cmd)
++ continue;
++ iocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl_aborted;
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmd->ulpContext;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = cmd->ulpClass;
++ abtsiocbp->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl;
++ if (phba->hba_state >= LPFC_LINK_UP)
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
++ else
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, abtsiocbp, 0) ==
++ mempool_free(abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ ret = IOCB_ERROR;
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Wait for abort to complete */
++ while (cmnd->host_scribble)
++ {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(LPFC_ABORT_WAIT*HZ);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (++loop_count
++ > (2 * phba->cfg_nodev_tmo)/LPFC_ABORT_WAIT)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (cmnd->host_scribble) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0748 abort handler timed "
++ "out waiting for abort to "
++ "complete. Data: "
++ "x%x x%x x%x x%lx\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ret, id, lun, snum);
++ cmnd->host_scribble = NULL;
++ iocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cleanup;
++ ret = IOCB_ERROR;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ out:
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0749 SCSI layer issued abort device "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%lx\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ret, id, lun, snum);
++ return (ret == IOCB_SUCCESS ? SUCCESS : FAILED);
++#if defined(RHEL_FC) || defined(SLES_FC)
++lpfc_target_unblock(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_target *targetp)
++#if defined(RHEL_FC)
++ /*
++ * This code to be removed once block/unblock and the new
++ * dicovery state machine are fully debugged.
++ */
++ if (!targetp || !targetp->starget) {
++#else /* not RHEL_FC -> is SLES_FC */
++ if (!targetp) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY | LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0262 Cannot unblock scsi target\n", phba->brd_no);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Unblock IO to target scsi id <sid> to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY | LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0258 Unblocking IO to Target scsi id x%x "
++ "NPort pointer x%p\n",
++ phba->brd_no, targetp->scsi_id, targetp->pnode);
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++#if defined(RHEL_FC)
++ fc_target_unblock(targetp->starget);
++#else /* not RHEL_FC -> is SLES_FC */
++ fc_target_unblock(phba->host, targetp->scsi_id,
++ &targetp->dev_loss_timer);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ targetp->blocked--;
++lpfc_target_block(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_target *targetp)
++#if defined(RHEL_FC)
++ /*
++ * This code to be removed once block/unblock and the new
++ * dicovery state machine are fully debugged.
++ */
++ if (!targetp || !targetp->starget) {
++#else /* not RHEL_FC -> is SLES_FC */
++ if (!targetp) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY | LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0263 Cannot block scsi target."
++ " target ptr x%p\n",
++ phba->brd_no, targetp);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Block all IO to target scsi id <sid> to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY | LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0259 Blocking IO to Target scsi id x%x"
++ " NPort pointer x%p\n",
++ phba->brd_no, targetp->scsi_id, targetp->pnode);
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++#if defined(RHEL_FC)
++ fc_target_block(targetp->starget);
++#else /* not RHEL_FC -> is SLES_FC */
++ fc_target_block(phba->host, targetp->scsi_id, &targetp->dev_loss_timer,
++ phba->cfg_nodev_tmo);
++ /*
++ * Kill the midlayer unblock timer, but leave the target blocked.
++ * The driver will unblock with the nodev_tmo callback function.
++ */
++ del_timer_sync(&targetp->dev_loss_timer);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ targetp->blocked++;
++lpfc_target_remove(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_target *targetp)
++ struct scsi_device *sdev;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = phba->host;
++ /* This is only called if scsi target (targetp->starget) is valid */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY | LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0260 Remove Target scsi id x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, targetp->scsi_id);
++ /* If this target is blocked, we must unblock it first */
++ if (targetp->blocked)
++ lpfc_target_unblock(phba, targetp);
++ /* Remove all associated devices for this target */
++ if (phba->cfg_scsi_hotplug) {
++ list_for_each_entry(sdev, &shost->__devices, siblings) {
++ if (sdev->channel == 0
++ && sdev->id == targetp->scsi_id) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ scsi_device_get(sdev);
++ scsi_remove_device(sdev);
++ scsi_device_put(sdev);
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ goto top;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return 0;
++lpfc_target_add(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_target *targetp)
++ /* If the driver is not supporting scsi hotplug, just exit. */
++ if(!phba->cfg_scsi_hotplug)
++ return 1;
++ /* This is only called if scsi target (targetp->starget) is valid */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY | LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0261 Adding Target scsi id x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, targetp->scsi_id);
++ /*
++ * The driver discovered a new target. Call the midlayer and get this
++ * target's luns added into the device list.
++ * Since we are going to scan the entire host, kick off a timer to
++ * do this so we can possibly consolidate multiple target scans into
++ * one scsi host scan.
++ */
++ mod_timer(&phba->fc_scantmo, jiffies + HZ);
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_SCSI_SCAN_TMO;
++ return 0;
++#endif /* RHEL_FC or SLES_FC */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_compat.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_compat.h 2005/06/13 17:16:04EDT sf_support Exp $
++ *
++ * This file provides macros to aid compilation in the Linux 2.4 kernel
++ * over various platform architectures.
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_COMPAT
++#define _H_LPFC_COMPAT
++Note: HBA's SLI memory contains little-endian LW.
++Thus to access it from a little-endian host,
++memcpy_toio() and memcpy_fromio() can be used.
++However on a big-endian host, copy 4 bytes at a time,
++using writel() and readl().
++ *******************************************************************/
++#if __BIG_ENDIAN
++static inline void
++lpfc_memcpy_to_slim( void *dest, void *src, unsigned int bytes)
++ uint32_t *dest32;
++ uint32_t *src32;
++ unsigned int four_bytes;
++ dest32 = (uint32_t *) dest;
++ src32 = (uint32_t *) src;
++ /* write input bytes, 4 bytes at a time */
++ for (four_bytes = bytes /4; four_bytes > 0; four_bytes--) {
++ writel( *src32, dest32);
++ readl(dest32); /* flush */
++ dest32++;
++ src32++;
++ }
++ return;
++static inline void
++lpfc_memcpy_from_slim( void *dest, void *src, unsigned int bytes)
++ uint32_t *dest32;
++ uint32_t *src32;
++ unsigned int four_bytes;
++ dest32 = (uint32_t *) dest;
++ src32 = (uint32_t *) src;
++ /* read input bytes, 4 bytes at a time */
++ for (four_bytes = bytes /4; four_bytes > 0; four_bytes--) {
++ *dest32 = readl( src32);
++ dest32++;
++ src32++;
++ }
++ return;
++static inline void
++lpfc_memcpy_to_slim( void *dest, void *src, unsigned int bytes)
++ /* actually returns 1 byte past dest */
++ memcpy_toio( dest, src, bytes);
++static inline void
++lpfc_memcpy_from_slim( void *dest, void *src, unsigned int bytes)
++ /* actually returns 1 byte past dest */
++ memcpy_fromio( dest, src, bytes);
++#endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
++#define msleep(x) do { \
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); \
++ schedule_timeout((x)); \
++ } while (0);
++#endif /* _H_LPFC_COMPAT */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_hbadisc.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2906 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_hbadisc.c 2005/07/08 19:33:24EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_fcp.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++/* AlpaArray for assignment of scsid for scan-down and bind_method */
++uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray[] = {
++ 0xEF, 0xE8, 0xE4, 0xE2, 0xE1, 0xE0, 0xDC, 0xDA, 0xD9, 0xD6,
++ 0xD5, 0xD4, 0xD3, 0xD2, 0xD1, 0xCE, 0xCD, 0xCC, 0xCB, 0xCA,
++ 0xC9, 0xC7, 0xC6, 0xC5, 0xC3, 0xBC, 0xBA, 0xB9, 0xB6, 0xB5,
++ 0xB4, 0xB3, 0xB2, 0xB1, 0xAE, 0xAD, 0xAC, 0xAB, 0xAA, 0xA9,
++ 0xA7, 0xA6, 0xA5, 0xA3, 0x9F, 0x9E, 0x9D, 0x9B, 0x98, 0x97,
++ 0x90, 0x8F, 0x88, 0x84, 0x82, 0x81, 0x80, 0x7C, 0x7A, 0x79,
++ 0x76, 0x75, 0x74, 0x73, 0x72, 0x71, 0x6E, 0x6D, 0x6C, 0x6B,
++ 0x6A, 0x69, 0x67, 0x66, 0x65, 0x63, 0x5C, 0x5A, 0x59, 0x56,
++ 0x55, 0x54, 0x53, 0x52, 0x51, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x4C, 0x4B, 0x4A,
++ 0x49, 0x47, 0x46, 0x45, 0x43, 0x3C, 0x3A, 0x39, 0x36, 0x35,
++ 0x34, 0x33, 0x32, 0x31, 0x2E, 0x2D, 0x2C, 0x2B, 0x2A, 0x29,
++ 0x27, 0x26, 0x25, 0x23, 0x1F, 0x1E, 0x1D, 0x1B, 0x18, 0x17,
++ 0x10, 0x0F, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01
++static void lpfc_disc_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_hba *);
++lpfc_evt_iocb_free(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * saveq)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocbp, *tmpiocbp;
++ /* Free up iocb buffer chain for cmd just processed */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(rspiocbp, tmpiocbp,
++ &saveq->list, list) {
++ list_del(&rspiocbp->list);
++ mempool_free( rspiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ mempool_free( saveq, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++lpfc_process_nodev_timeout(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp;
++ int scsid, warn_user = 0;
++ /* If the nodev_timeout is cancelled do nothing */
++ if (!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NODEV_TMO))
++ return;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NODEV_TMO;
++ for(scsid=0;scsid<MAX_FCP_TARGET;scsid++) {
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[scsid];
++ /* First see if the SCSI ID has an allocated struct
++ lpfc_target */
++ if (targetp) {
++ if (targetp->pnode == ndlp) {
++ /* flush the target */
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_tgt(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ scsid, LPFC_ABORT_ALLQ);
++ warn_user = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (warn_user) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0203 Nodev timeout on NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ } else {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0206 Nodev timeout on NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ }
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, NULL, NLP_EVT_DEVICE_RM);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_disc_done(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t *evtp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocbp, *saveq;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ LPFC_RING_MASK_t *func;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ uint32_t work_hba_events;
++ int free_evt;
++ work_hba_events=phba->work_hba_events;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (work_hba_events & WORKER_DISC_TMO)
++ lpfc_disc_timeout_handler(phba);
++ if (work_hba_events & WORKER_ELS_TMO)
++ lpfc_els_timeout_handler(phba);
++ if (work_hba_events & WORKER_MBOX_TMO)
++ lpfc_mbox_timeout_handler(phba);
++ if (work_hba_events & WORKER_FDMI_TMO)
++ lpfc_fdmi_tmo_handler(phba);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ phba->work_hba_events &= ~work_hba_events;
++ /* check discovery event list */
++ while(!list_empty(&phba->dpc_disc)) {
++ evtp = list_entry(phba->,
++ typeof(*evtp), evt_listp);
++ list_del_init(&evtp->evt_listp);
++ free_evt =1;
++ switch(evtp->evt) {
++ case LPFC_EVT_MBOX:
++ pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ if ( pmb->mbox_cmpl )
++ (pmb->mbox_cmpl) (phba, pmb);
++ else {
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ break;
++ cmdiocbp = (struct lpfc_iocbq *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ saveq = (struct lpfc_iocbq *)(evtp->evt_arg2);
++ (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) (phba, cmdiocbp, saveq);
++ lpfc_evt_iocb_free(phba, saveq);
++ break;
++ func = (LPFC_RING_MASK_t *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ saveq = (struct lpfc_iocbq *)(evtp->evt_arg2);
++ (func->lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event) (phba,
++ &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING], saveq);
++ lpfc_evt_iocb_free(phba, saveq);
++ break;
++ free_evt = 0;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ lpfc_process_nodev_timeout(phba, ndlp);
++ break;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ lpfc_els_retry_delay_handler(ndlp);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ free_evt = 0;
++ break;
++ case LPFC_EVT_SCAN:
++ shost = phba->host;
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY | LOG_FCP,
++ "%d:0252 Rescanning scsi host\n", phba->brd_no);
++ spin_unlock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ scsi_scan_host(shost);
++ spin_lock_irq(shost->host_lock);
++ break;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ lpfc_handle_eratt(phba, (unsigned long) evtp->evt_arg1);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ break;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_ADISC;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (free_evt)
++ kfree(evtp);
++ }
++lpfc_do_dpc(void *p)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)p;
++ lock_kernel();
++ daemonize("lpfc_dpc_%d", phba->brd_no);
++ allow_signal(SIGHUP);
++ phba->dpc_wait = &sem;
++ set_user_nice(current, -20);
++ unlock_kernel();
++ complete(&phba->dpc_startup);
++ while (1) {
++ if (down_interruptible(&sem))
++ break;
++ if (signal_pending(current))
++ break;
++ if (phba->dpc_kill)
++ break;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, flags);
++ lpfc_disc_done(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, flags);
++ }
++ /* Zero out semaphore we were waiting on. */
++ phba->dpc_wait = NULL;
++ complete_and_exit(&phba->dpc_exiting, 0);
++ return(0);
++ * This is only called to handle FC discovery events. Since this a rare
++ * occurance, we allocate an LPFC_DISC_EVT_t structure here instead of
++ * embedding it in the IOCB.
++ */
++lpfc_discq_post_event(struct lpfc_hba * phba, void *arg1, void *arg2,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t *evtp;
++ /* All Mailbox completions and LPFC_ELS_RING rcv ring IOCB events
++ * will be queued to DPC for processing
++ */
++ evtp = (LPFC_DISC_EVT_t *) kmalloc(sizeof(LPFC_DISC_EVT_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!evtp)
++ return 0;
++ evtp->evt_arg1 = arg1;
++ evtp->evt_arg2 = arg2;
++ evtp->evt = evt;
++ evtp-> = NULL;
++ evtp->evt_listp.prev = NULL;
++ /* Queue the event to the DPC to be processed later */
++ list_add_tail(&evtp->evt_listp, &phba->dpc_disc);
++ if (phba->dpc_wait)
++ up(phba->dpc_wait);
++ return 1;
++lpfc_linkdown(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ struct list_head *node_list[7];
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mb;
++ int rc, i;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_LINK_DOWN;
++#if !defined(RHEL_FC) && !defined(SLES_FC)
++ /* Stop all requests to the driver from the midlayer. */
++ scsi_block_requests(phba->host);
++ lpfc_put_event(phba, HBA_EVENT_LINK_DOWN, phba->fc_myDID, NULL, 0, 0);
++ /* Clean up any firmware default rpi's */
++ if ((mb = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ lpfc_unreg_did(phba, 0xffffffff, mb);
++ mb->mbox_cmpl=lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mb, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( mb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Cleanup any outstanding RSCN activity */
++ lpfc_els_flush_rscn(phba);
++ /* Cleanup any outstanding ELS commands */
++ lpfc_els_flush_cmd(phba);
++ /*
++ * If this function was called by the lpfc_do_dpc, don't recurse into
++ * the routine again. If not, just process any outstanding
++ * discovery events.
++ */
++ if ((!list_empty(&phba->dpc_disc)) ||
++ (phba->work_hba_events)){
++ lpfc_disc_done(phba);
++ }
++ /* Issue a LINK DOWN event to all nodes */
++ node_list[0] = &phba->fc_npr_list; /* MUST do this list first */
++ node_list[1] = &phba->fc_nlpmap_list;
++ node_list[2] = &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list;
++ node_list[3] = &phba->fc_prli_list;
++ node_list[4] = &phba->fc_reglogin_list;
++ node_list[5] = &phba->fc_adisc_list;
++ node_list[6] = &phba->fc_plogi_list;
++ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
++ listp = node_list[i];
++ if (list_empty(listp))
++ continue;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ /* Fabric nodes are not handled thru state machine for
++ link down */
++ if (ndlp->nlp_type & NLP_FABRIC) {
++ /* Remove ALL Fabric nodes except Fabric_DID */
++ if (ndlp->nlp_DID != Fabric_DID) {
++ /* Take it off current list and free */
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp,
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp,
++ rc = lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, NULL,
++ /* Check config parameter use-adisc or FCP-2 */
++ if ((rc != NLP_STE_FREED_NODE) &&
++ (phba->cfg_use_adisc == 0) &&
++ !(ndlp->nlp_fcp_info &
++ /* We know we will have to relogin, so
++ * unreglogin the rpi right now to fail
++ * any outstanding I/Os quickly.
++ */
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* free any ndlp's on unused list */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_unused_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ }
++ /* Setup myDID for link up if we are in pt2pt mode */
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_PT2PT) {
++ phba->fc_myDID = 0;
++ if ((mb = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ lpfc_config_link(phba, mb);
++ mb->mbox_cmpl=lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mb, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( mb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~(FC_PT2PT | FC_PT2PT_PLOGI);
++ }
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_LBIT;
++ /* Turn off discovery timer if its running */
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ /* Must process IOCBs on all rings to handle ABORTed I/Os */
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_linkup(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ struct list_head *node_list[7];
++ int i;
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_LINK_UP;
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~(FC_PT2PT | FC_PT2PT_PLOGI | FC_ABORT_DISCOVERY |
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_NDISC_ACTIVE;
++ phba->fc_ns_retry = 0;
++ lpfc_put_event(phba, HBA_EVENT_LINK_UP, phba->fc_myDID,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)(phba->fc_topology),
++ 0, phba->fc_linkspeed);
++ /*
++ * Clean up old Fabric NLP_FABRIC logins.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (ndlp->nlp_DID == Fabric_DID) {
++ /* Take it off current list and free */
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ }
++ }
++ /* free any ndlp's on unused list */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_unused_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ }
++ /* Mark all nodes for LINK UP */
++ node_list[0] = &phba->fc_plogi_list;
++ node_list[1] = &phba->fc_adisc_list;
++ node_list[2] = &phba->fc_reglogin_list;
++ node_list[3] = &phba->fc_prli_list;
++ node_list[4] = &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list;
++ node_list[5] = &phba->fc_nlpmap_list;
++ node_list[6] = &phba->fc_npr_list;
++ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
++ listp = node_list[i];
++ if (list_empty(listp))
++ continue;
++ list_for_each_entry(ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp, LPFC_DEV_DISCOVERY_INP,
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp, LPFC_DEV_LINK_DOWN,
++ }
++ }
++#if !defined(RHEL_FC) && !defined(SLES_FC)
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ scsi_unblock_requests(phba->host);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return 0;
++ * This routine handles processing a CLEAR_LA mailbox
++ * command upon completion. It is setup in the LPFC_MBOXQ
++ * as the completion routine when the command is
++ * handed off to the SLI layer.
++ */
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ uint32_t control;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ /* Since we don't do discovery right now, turn these off here */
++ psli->ring[psli->ip_ring].flag &= ~LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring].flag &= ~LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ psli->ring[psli->next_ring].flag &= ~LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ /* Check for error */
++ if ((mb->mbxStatus) && (mb->mbxStatus != 0x1601)) {
++ /* CLEAR_LA mbox error <mbxStatus> state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX,
++ "%d:0320 CLEAR_LA mbxStatus error x%x hba "
++ "state x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, mb->mbxStatus, phba->hba_state);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if(phba->fc_flag & FC_ABORT_DISCOVERY)
++ goto out;
++ phba->num_disc_nodes = 0;
++ /* go thru NPR list and issue ELS PLOGIs */
++ if (phba->fc_npr_cnt) {
++ lpfc_els_disc_plogi(phba);
++ }
++ if(!phba->num_disc_nodes) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_NDISC_ACTIVE;
++ }
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_READY;
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_ABORT_DISCOVERY;
++ /* Device Discovery completes */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0225 Device Discovery completes\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_ESTABLISH_LINK) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_ESTABLISH_LINK;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&phba->fc_estabtmo);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ /* turn on Link Attention interrupts */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag |= LPFC_PROCESS_LA;
++ control = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
++ control |= HC_LAINT_ENA;
++ writel(control, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_config_link(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ /* Check for error */
++ if (mb->mbxStatus) {
++ /* CONFIG_LINK mbox error <mbxStatus> state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX,
++ "%d:0306 CONFIG_LINK mbxStatus error x%x "
++ "HBA state x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, mb->mbxStatus, phba->hba_state);
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_LOCAL_CFG_LINK) {
++ /* Start discovery by sending a FLOGI hba_state is identically
++ * LPFC_FLOGI while waiting for FLOGI cmpl (same on FAN)
++ */
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_FLOGI;
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ lpfc_initial_flogi(phba);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++ }
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_FABRIC_CFG_LINK) {
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* CONFIG_LINK bad hba state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0200 CONFIG_LINK bad hba state x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->hba_state);
++ if (phba->hba_state != LPFC_CLEAR_LA) {
++ lpfc_clear_la(phba, pmb);
++ pmb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ psli->ring[(psli->ip_ring)].flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->fcp_ring)].flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->next_ring)].flag &=
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_READY;
++ }
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_read_sparam(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb = &pmb->mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) pmb->context1;
++ /* Check for error */
++ if (mb->mbxStatus) {
++ /* READ_SPARAM mbox error <mbxStatus> state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX,
++ "%d:0319 READ_SPARAM mbxStatus error x%x "
++ "hba state x%x>\n",
++ phba->brd_no, mb->mbxStatus, phba->hba_state);
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ memcpy((uint8_t *) & phba->fc_sparam, (uint8_t *) mp->virt,
++ sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ memcpy((uint8_t *) & phba->fc_nodename,
++ (uint8_t *) & phba->fc_sparam.nodeName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy((uint8_t *) & phba->fc_portname,
++ (uint8_t *) & phba->fc_sparam.portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ if (phba->hba_state != LPFC_CLEAR_LA) {
++ lpfc_clear_la(phba, pmb);
++ pmb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ psli->ring[(psli->ip_ring)].flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->fcp_ring)].flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->next_ring)].flag &=
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_READY;
++ }
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ return;
++ * This routine handles processing a READ_LA mailbox
++ * command upon completion. It is setup in the LPFC_MBOXQ
++ * as the completion routine when the command is
++ * handed off to the SLI layer.
++ */
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_read_la(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ READ_LA_VAR *la;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb = &pmb->mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);
++ uint32_t control;
++ int i;
++ /* Check for error */
++ if (mb->mbxStatus) {
++ /* READ_LA mbox error <mbxStatus> state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:1307 READ_LA mbox error x%x state x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxStatus, phba->hba_state);
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ /* turn on Link Attention interrupts */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag |= LPFC_PROCESS_LA;
++ control = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
++ control |= HC_LAINT_ENA;
++ writel(control, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ return;
++ }
++ la = (READ_LA_VAR *) & pmb->mb.un.varReadLA;
++ /* Get Loop Map information */
++ if (mp) {
++ memcpy(&phba->alpa_map[0], mp->virt, 128);
++ } else {
++ memset(&phba->alpa_map[0], 0, 128);
++ }
++ if (((phba->fc_eventTag + 1) < la->eventTag) ||
++ (phba->fc_eventTag == la->eventTag)) {
++ phba->fc_stat.LinkMultiEvent++;
++ if (la->attType == AT_LINK_UP) {
++ if (phba->fc_eventTag != 0) {
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ phba->fc_eventTag = la->eventTag;
++ if (la->attType == AT_LINK_UP) {
++ phba->fc_stat.LinkUp++;
++ /* Link Up Event <eventTag> received */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_LINK_EVENT,
++ "%d:1303 Link Up Event x%x received "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, la->eventTag, phba->fc_eventTag,
++ la->granted_AL_PA, la->UlnkSpeed,
++ phba->alpa_map[0]);
++ switch(la->UlnkSpeed) {
++ case LA_1GHZ_LINK:
++ phba->fc_linkspeed = LA_1GHZ_LINK;
++ break;
++ case LA_2GHZ_LINK:
++ phba->fc_linkspeed = LA_2GHZ_LINK;
++ break;
++ case LA_4GHZ_LINK:
++ phba->fc_linkspeed = LA_4GHZ_LINK;
++ break;
++ default:
++ phba->fc_linkspeed = LA_UNKNW_LINK;
++ break;
++ }
++ if ((phba->fc_topology = la->topology) == TOPOLOGY_LOOP) {
++ if (la->il) {
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_LBIT;
++ }
++ phba->fc_myDID = la->granted_AL_PA;
++ i = la->un.lilpBde64.tus.f.bdeSize;
++ if (i == 0) {
++ phba->alpa_map[0] = 0;
++ } else {
++ if (phba->cfg_log_verbose
++ int numalpa, j, k;
++ union {
++ uint8_t pamap[16];
++ struct {
++ uint32_t wd1;
++ uint32_t wd2;
++ uint32_t wd3;
++ uint32_t wd4;
++ } pa;
++ } un;
++ numalpa = phba->alpa_map[0];
++ j = 0;
++ while (j < numalpa) {
++ memset(un.pamap, 0, 16);
++ for (k = 1; j < numalpa; k++) {
++ un.pamap[k - 1] =
++ phba->alpa_map[j +
++ 1];
++ j++;
++ if (k == 16)
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Link Up Event ALPA map */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:1304 Link Up Event "
++ "ALPA map Data: x%x "
++ "x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ phba->fc_myDID = phba->fc_pref_DID;
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_LBIT;
++ }
++ lpfc_linkup(phba);
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ lpfc_read_sparam(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_read_sparam;
++ lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB));
++ }
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_LOCAL_CFG_LINK;
++ lpfc_config_link(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_config_link;
++ lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB));
++ }
++ } else {
++ phba->fc_stat.LinkDown++;
++ /* Link Down Event <eventTag> received */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_LINK_EVENT,
++ "%d:1305 Link Down Event x%x received "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, la->eventTag, phba->fc_eventTag,
++ phba->hba_state, phba->fc_flag);
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ /* turn on Link Attention interrupts - no CLEAR_LA needed */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag |= LPFC_PROCESS_LA;
++ control = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
++ control |= HC_LAINT_ENA;
++ writel(control, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ }
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++ * This routine handles processing a REG_LOGIN mailbox
++ * command upon completion. It is setup in the LPFC_MBOXQ
++ * as the completion routine when the command is
++ * handed off to the SLI layer.
++ */
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) pmb->context2;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ /* Good status, call state machine */
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, pmb, NLP_EVT_CMPL_REG_LOGIN);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++ * This routine handles processing a Fabric REG_LOGIN mailbox
++ * command upon completion. It is setup in the LPFC_MBOXQ
++ * as the completion routine when the command is
++ * handed off to the SLI layer.
++ */
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_fabric_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp_fdmi;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) pmb->context2;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);
++ if (mb->mbxStatus) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ /* FLOGI failed, so just use loop map to make discovery list */
++ lpfc_disc_list_loopmap(phba);
++ /* Start discovery */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ return;
++ }
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ if (ndlp->nlp_rpi != 0)
++ lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(phba, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi = mb->un.varWords[0];
++ lpfc_addnode_rpi(phba, ndlp, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FABRIC;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_FABRIC_CFG_LINK) {
++ /* This NPort has been assigned an NPort_ID by the fabric as a
++ * result of the completed fabric login. Issue a State Change
++ * Registration (SCR) ELS request to the fabric controller
++ * (SCR_DID) so that this NPort gets RSCN events from the
++ * fabric.
++ */
++ lpfc_issue_els_scr(phba, SCR_DID, 0);
++ /* Allocate a new node instance. If the pool is empty, just
++ * start the discovery process and skip the Nameserver login
++ * process. This is attempted again later on. Otherwise, issue
++ * a Port Login (PLOGI) to the NameServer
++ */
++ if ((ndlp = mempool_alloc(phba->nlp_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))
++ == 0) {
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ } else {
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp, NameServer_DID);
++ ndlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FABRIC;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ if (phba->cfg_fdmi_on) {
++ if ((ndlp_fdmi = mempool_alloc(
++ phba->nlp_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp_fdmi,
++ ndlp_fdmi->nlp_type |= NLP_FABRIC;
++ ndlp_fdmi->nlp_state =
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp_fdmi,
++ 0);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++ * This routine handles processing a NameServer REG_LOGIN mailbox
++ * command upon completion. It is setup in the LPFC_MBOXQ
++ * as the completion routine when the command is
++ * handed off to the SLI layer.
++ */
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_ns_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) pmb->context2;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);
++ if (mb->mbxStatus) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ /* RegLogin failed, so just use loop map to make discovery
++ list */
++ lpfc_disc_list_loopmap(phba);
++ /* Start discovery */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ return;
++ }
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ if (ndlp->nlp_rpi != 0)
++ lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(phba, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi = mb->un.varWords[0];
++ lpfc_addnode_rpi(phba, ndlp, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FABRIC;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ if (phba->hba_state < LPFC_HBA_READY) {
++ /* Link up discovery requires Fabrib registration. */
++ lpfc_ns_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_CTNS_RNN_ID);
++ lpfc_ns_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_CTNS_RSNN_NN);
++ lpfc_ns_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_CTNS_RFT_ID);
++ }
++ phba->fc_ns_retry = 0;
++ /* Good status, issue CT Request to NameServer */
++ if (lpfc_ns_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_CTNS_GID_FT)) {
++ /* Cannot issue NameServer Query, so finish up discovery */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++/* Put blp on the bind list */
++lpfc_consistent_bind_save(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_bindlist * blp)
++ /* Put it at the end of the bind list */
++ list_add_tail(&blp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_nlpbind_list);
++ phba->fc_bind_cnt++;
++ /* Add scsiid <sid> to BIND list */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0903 Add scsiid %d to BIND list "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%p\n",
++ phba->brd_no, blp->nlp_sid, phba->fc_bind_cnt,
++ blp->nlp_DID, blp->nlp_bind_type, blp);
++ return (0);
++lpfc_nlp_list(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * nlp, int list)
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp;
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* Sanity check to ensure we are not moving to / from the same list */
++ if((nlp->nlp_flag & NLP_LIST_MASK) == list) {
++ if(list != NLP_NO_LIST)
++ return(0);
++ }
++ blp = nlp->nlp_listp_bind;
++ switch(nlp->nlp_flag & NLP_LIST_MASK) {
++ case NLP_NO_LIST: /* Not on any list */
++ break;
++ phba->fc_unused_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ break;
++ phba->fc_plogi_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ break;
++ phba->fc_adisc_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ break;
++ phba->fc_reglogin_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ break;
++ case NLP_PRLI_LIST:
++ phba->fc_prli_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ break;
++ phba->fc_unmap_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_TGT_NO_SCSIID;
++ nlp->nlp_type &= ~NLP_FC_NODE;
++ phba->nport_event_cnt++;
++ break;
++ phba->fc_map_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ phba->nport_event_cnt++;
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, nlp, LPFC_DEV_DISAPPEARED,
++ nlp->nlp_type &= ~NLP_FCP_TARGET;
++ targetp = nlp->nlp_Target;
++ if (targetp && (list != NLP_MAPPED_LIST)) {
++ nlp->nlp_Target = NULL;
++#if defined(RHEL_FC) || defined(SLES_FC)
++ /*
++ * Do not block the target if the driver has just reset
++ * its interface to the hardware.
++ */
++ if (phba->hba_state != LPFC_INIT_START)
++ lpfc_target_block(phba, targetp);
++ }
++ break;
++ case NLP_NPR_LIST:
++ phba->fc_npr_cnt--;
++ list_del(&nlp->nlp_listp);
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ /* Stop delay tmo if taking node off NPR list */
++ if ((nlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO) &&
++ (list != NLP_NPR_LIST)) {
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&nlp->nlp_delayfunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&nlp->els_retry_evt.evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&nlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ if (nlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC) {
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes) {
++ /* Check to see if there are more
++ * PLOGIs to be sent
++ */
++ lpfc_more_plogi(phba);
++ }
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes == 0) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_NDISC_ACTIVE;
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE) {
++ /* Check to see if more RSCNs
++ * came in while we were
++ * processing this one.
++ */
++ if((phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt==0) &&
++ (!(phba->fc_flag &
++ phba->fc_flag &=
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_els_handle_rscn(
++ phba);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Add NPort <did> to <num> list */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0904 Add NPort x%x to %d list Data: x%x x%p\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ nlp->nlp_DID, list, nlp->nlp_flag, blp);
++ nlp->nlp_listp_bind = NULL;
++ switch(list) {
++ case NLP_NO_LIST: /* No list, just remove it */
++#if defined(SLES_FC)
++ targetp = NULL;
++ if (((nlp->nlp_DID & Fabric_DID_MASK) != Fabric_DID_MASK) &&
++ (nlp->nlp_sid != NLP_NO_SID)) {
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[nlp->nlp_sid];
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, nlp);
++#if defined(SLES_FC)
++ if (targetp && targetp->blocked) {
++ lpfc_target_unblock(phba, targetp);
++ }
++ break;
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the unused list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_unused_list);
++ phba->fc_unused_cnt++;
++ break;
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the plogi list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_plogi_list);
++ phba->fc_plogi_cnt++;
++ break;
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the adisc list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_adisc_list);
++ phba->fc_adisc_cnt++;
++ break;
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the reglogin list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_reglogin_list);
++ phba->fc_reglogin_cnt++;
++ break;
++ case NLP_PRLI_LIST:
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the prli list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_prli_list);
++ phba->fc_prli_cnt++;
++ break;
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the unmap list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list);
++ phba->fc_unmap_cnt++;
++ phba->nport_event_cnt++;
++ /* stop nodev tmo if running */
++ if (nlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NODEV_TMO) {
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NODEV_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&nlp->nlp_tmofunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&nlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&nlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ nlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FC_NODE;
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, nlp, LPFC_DEV_DISCOVERY_INP,
++ break;
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the map list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list);
++ phba->fc_map_cnt++;
++ phba->nport_event_cnt++;
++ /* stop nodev tmo if running */
++ if (nlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NODEV_TMO) {
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NODEV_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&nlp->nlp_tmofunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&nlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&nlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ nlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FCP_TARGET;
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, nlp, LPFC_DEV_DISAPPEARED,
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, nlp, LPFC_DEV_DISCOVERY_INP,
++ targetp = NULL;
++ if (nlp->nlp_sid != NLP_NO_SID)
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[nlp->nlp_sid];
++ if (targetp && targetp->pnode) {
++ nlp->nlp_Target = targetp;
++#if defined(RHEL_FC) || defined(SLES_FC)
++ /* Unblock I/Os on target */
++ if(targetp->blocked)
++ lpfc_target_unblock(phba, targetp);
++ }
++ break;
++ case NLP_NPR_LIST:
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= list;
++ /* Put it at the end of the npr list */
++ list_add_tail(&nlp->nlp_listp, &phba->fc_npr_list);
++ phba->fc_npr_cnt++;
++ /*
++ * Sanity check for Fabric entity.
++ * Set nodev_tmo for NPR state, for Fabric use 1 sec.
++ */
++ if (nlp->nlp_type & NLP_FABRIC) {
++ mod_timer(&nlp->nlp_tmofunc, jiffies + HZ);
++ }
++ else {
++ mod_timer(&nlp->nlp_tmofunc,
++ jiffies + HZ * phba->cfg_nodev_tmo);
++ }
++ nlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NODEV_TMO;
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_RCV_PLOGI;
++ break;
++ case NLP_JUST_DQ:
++ break;
++ }
++ if (blp) {
++ nlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_SEED_MASK;
++ nlp->nlp_Target = NULL;
++ lpfc_consistent_bind_save(phba, blp);
++ }
++ return (0);
++ * Start / ReStart rescue timer for Discovery / RSCN handling
++ */
++lpfc_set_disctmo(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ uint32_t tmo;
++ tmo = ((phba->fc_ratov * 2) + LPFC_DRVR_TIMEOUT + 3);
++ mod_timer(&phba->fc_disctmo, jiffies + HZ * tmo);
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_DISC_TMO;
++ /* Start Discovery Timer state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0247 Start Discovery Timer state x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%lx x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->hba_state, tmo, (unsigned long)&phba->fc_disctmo,
++ phba->fc_plogi_cnt, phba->fc_adisc_cnt);
++ return;
++ * Cancel rescue timer for Discovery / RSCN handling
++ */
++lpfc_can_disctmo(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ /* Turn off discovery timer if its running */
++ if(phba->fc_flag & FC_DISC_TMO) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_DISC_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&phba->fc_disctmo);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ phba->work_hba_events &= ~WORKER_DISC_TMO;
++ }
++ /* Cancel Discovery Timer state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0248 Cancel Discovery Timer state x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->hba_state, phba->fc_flag,
++ phba->fc_plogi_cnt, phba->fc_adisc_cnt);
++ return (0);
++ * Check specified ring for outstanding IOCB on the SLI queue
++ * Return true if iocb matches the specified nport
++ */
++lpfc_check_sli_ndlp(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * iocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
++ switch (icmd->ulpCommand) {
++ if (icmd->ulpContext == (volatile ushort)ndlp->nlp_rpi)
++ return (1);
++ case CMD_XMIT_ELS_RSP64_CX:
++ if (iocb->context1 == (uint8_t *) ndlp)
++ return (1);
++ }
++ } else if (pring->ringno == psli->ip_ring) {
++ } else if (pring->ringno == psli->fcp_ring) {
++ /* Skip match check if waiting to relogin to FCP target */
++ if ((ndlp->nlp_type & NLP_FCP_TARGET) &&
++ (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO)) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ if (icmd->ulpContext == (volatile ushort)ndlp->nlp_rpi) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ } else if (pring->ringno == psli->next_ring) {
++ }
++ return (0);
++ * Free resources / clean up outstanding I/Os
++ * associated with nlp_rpi in the LPFC_NODELIST entry.
++ */
++static int
++lpfc_no_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ uint32_t rpi, i;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ rpi = ndlp->nlp_rpi;
++ if (rpi) {
++ /* Now process each ring */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pring = &psli->ring[i];
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq,
++ list) {
++ /*
++ * Check to see if iocb matches the nport we are
++ * looking for
++ */
++ if ((lpfc_check_sli_ndlp
++ (phba, pring, iocb, ndlp))) {
++ /* It matches, so deque and call compl
++ with an error */
++ list_del(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus =
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] =
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba,
++ iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(iocb,
++ phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Everything that matches on txcmplq will be returned
++ * by firmware with a no rpi error.
++ */
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++ * Free rpi associated with LPFC_NODELIST entry.
++ * This routine is called from lpfc_freenode(), when we are removing
++ * a LPFC_NODELIST entry. It is also called if the driver initiates a
++ * LOGO that completes successfully, and we are waiting to PLOGI back
++ * to the remote NPort. In addition, it is called after we receive
++ * and unsolicated ELS cmd, send back a rsp, the rsp completes and
++ * we are waiting to PLOGI back to the remote NPort.
++ */
++lpfc_unreg_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ if (ndlp->nlp_rpi) {
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ lpfc_unreg_login(phba, ndlp->nlp_rpi, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl=lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(phba, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ lpfc_no_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi = 0;
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp, LPFC_DEV_DISCONNECTED,
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * Free resources associated with LPFC_NODELIST entry
++ * so it can be freed.
++ */
++static int
++lpfc_freenode(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mb, *nextmb;
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t *evtp, *next_evtp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ int scsid;
++ /* The psli variable gets rid of the long pointer deference. */
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* Cleanup node for NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0900 Cleanup node for NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_JUST_DQ);
++ /* cleanup any ndlp on mbox q waiting for reglogin cmpl */
++ if ((mb = psli->mbox_active)) {
++ if ((mb->mb.mbxCommand == MBX_REG_LOGIN64) &&
++ (ndlp == (struct lpfc_nodelist *) mb->context2)) {
++ mb->context2 = NULL;
++ mb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ }
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(mb, nextmb, &psli->mboxq, list) {
++ if ((mb->mb.mbxCommand == MBX_REG_LOGIN64) &&
++ (ndlp == (struct lpfc_nodelist *) mb->context2)) {
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (mb->context1);
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ list_del(&mb->list);
++ mempool_free(mb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ /* cleanup any ndlp on disc event q waiting for reglogin cmpl */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(evtp, next_evtp, &phba->dpc_disc, evt_listp) {
++ mb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ if ((evtp->evt == LPFC_EVT_MBOX) &&
++ (mb->mb.mbxCommand == MBX_REG_LOGIN64) &&
++ (ndlp == (struct lpfc_nodelist *) mb->context2)) {
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (mb->context1);
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ mempool_free(mb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ list_del_init(&evtp->evt_listp);
++ kfree(evtp);
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba,ndlp,0);
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NODEV_TMO) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NODEV_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&ndlp->nlp_tmofunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&ndlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&ndlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ for(scsid=0;scsid<MAX_FCP_TARGET;scsid++) {
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[scsid];
++ /* First see if the SCSI ID has an allocated struct
++ lpfc_target */
++ if (targetp) {
++ if (targetp->pnode == ndlp) {
++ targetp->pnode = NULL;
++ ndlp->nlp_Target = NULL;
++#ifdef RHEL_FC
++ /*
++ * This code does not apply to SLES9 since there
++ * is no starget defined in the midlayer.
++ * Additionally, dynamic target discovery to the
++ * midlayer is not supported yet.
++ */
++ if (targetp->starget) {
++ /* Remove SCSI target / SCSI Hotplug */
++ lpfc_target_remove(phba, targetp);
++ }
++#endif /* RHEL_FC */
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++ * Check to see if we can free the nlp back to the freelist.
++ * If we are in the middle of using the nlp in the discovery state
++ * machine, defer the free till we reach the end of the state machine.
++ */
++lpfc_nlp_remove(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NODEV_TMO) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NODEV_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&ndlp->nlp_tmofunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&ndlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&ndlp->nodev_timeout_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ if (ndlp->nlp_disc_refcnt) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_DELAY_REMOVE;
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_freenode(phba, ndlp);
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ }
++ return(0);
++static int
++lpfc_matchdid(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, uint32_t did)
++ D_ID mydid;
++ D_ID ndlpdid;
++ D_ID matchdid;
++ if (did == Bcast_DID)
++ return (0);
++ if (ndlp->nlp_DID == 0) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ /* First check for Direct match */
++ if (ndlp->nlp_DID == did)
++ return (1);
++ /* Next check for area/domain identically equals 0 match */
++ mydid.un.word = phba->fc_myDID;
++ if ((mydid.un.b.domain == 0) && (mydid.un.b.area == 0)) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ matchdid.un.word = did;
++ ndlpdid.un.word = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ if ( == {
++ if ((mydid.un.b.domain == matchdid.un.b.domain) &&
++ (mydid.un.b.area == matchdid.un.b.area)) {
++ if ((ndlpdid.un.b.domain == 0) &&
++ (ndlpdid.un.b.area == 0)) {
++ if (
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++ }
++ matchdid.un.word = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ if ((mydid.un.b.domain == ndlpdid.un.b.domain) &&
++ (mydid.un.b.area == ndlpdid.un.b.area)) {
++ if ((matchdid.un.b.domain == 0) &&
++ (matchdid.un.b.area == 0)) {
++ if (
++ return (1);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++/* Search for a nodelist entry on a specific list */
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_findnode_wwpn(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t order,
++ struct lpfc_name * wwpn)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ uint32_t data1;
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp,
++ &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (memcmp(&ndlp->nlp_portname, wwpn,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name)) == 0) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* FIND node DID unmapped */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0911 FIND node DID unmapped"
++ " Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_MAPPED) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (memcmp(&ndlp->nlp_portname, wwpn,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name)) == 0) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* FIND node DID mapped */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0901 FIND node DID mapped "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* no match found */
++ return ((struct lpfc_nodelist *) 0);
++/* Search for a nodelist entry on a specific list */
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_findnode_wwnn(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t order,
++ struct lpfc_name * wwnn)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ uint32_t data1;
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp,
++ &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (memcmp(&ndlp->nlp_nodename, wwnn,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name)) == 0) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* FIND node DID unmapped */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0910 FIND node DID unmapped"
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_MAPPED) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (memcmp(&ndlp->nlp_nodename, wwnn,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name)) == 0) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* FIND node did mapped */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0902 FIND node DID mapped "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* no match found */
++ return ((struct lpfc_nodelist *) 0);
++/* Search for a nodelist entry on a specific list */
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_findnode_did(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t order, uint32_t did)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ uint32_t data1;
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp,
++ &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* FIND node DID unmapped */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0929 FIND node DID unmapped"
++ " Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_MAPPED) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* FIND node DID mapped */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0930 FIND node DID mapped "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_PLOGI) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_plogi_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* LOG change to PLOGI */
++ /* FIND node DID plogi */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0908 FIND node DID plogi "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_ADISC) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_adisc_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* LOG change to ADISC */
++ /* FIND node DID adisc */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0931 FIND node DID adisc "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_REGLOGIN) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp,
++ &phba->fc_reglogin_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* LOG change to REGLOGIN */
++ /* FIND node DID reglogin */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0933 FIND node DID reglogin"
++ " Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_PRLI) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_prli_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* LOG change to PRLI */
++ /* FIND node DID prli */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0934 FIND node DID prli "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_NPR) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_npr_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* LOG change to NPR */
++ /* FIND node DID npr */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0935 FIND node DID npr "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (order & NLP_SEARCH_UNUSED) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_adisc_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_matchdid(phba, ndlp, did)) {
++ data1 = (((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_state << 24) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_xri << 16) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_type << 8) |
++ ((uint32_t) ndlp->nlp_rpi & 0xff));
++ /* LOG change to UNUSED */
++ /* FIND node DID unused */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
++ "%d:0936 FIND node DID unused "
++ "Data: x%p x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, data1);
++ return (ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* FIND node did <did> NOT FOUND */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0932 FIND node did x%x NOT FOUND Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, did, order);
++ /* no match found */
++ return ((struct lpfc_nodelist *) 0);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_setup_disc_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t did)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ uint32_t flg;
++ if((ndlp = lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_ALL, did)) == 0) {
++ if ((phba->hba_state == LPFC_HBA_READY) &&
++ ((lpfc_rscn_payload_check(phba, did) == 0)))
++ return NULL;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)
++ mempool_alloc(phba->nlp_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!ndlp)
++ return NULL;
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp, did);
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ return ndlp;
++ }
++ if ((phba->hba_state == LPFC_HBA_READY) &&
++ (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE)) {
++ if(lpfc_rscn_payload_check(phba, did)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ }
++ else {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ ndlp = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ flg = ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ if ((flg == NLP_ADISC_LIST) ||
++ (flg == NLP_PLOGI_LIST)) {
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ }
++ return ndlp;
++/* Build a list of nodes to discover based on the loopmap */
++lpfc_disc_list_loopmap(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ int j;
++ uint32_t alpa, index;
++ if (phba->hba_state <= LPFC_LINK_DOWN) {
++ return;
++ }
++ if (phba->fc_topology != TOPOLOGY_LOOP) {
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Check for loop map present or not */
++ if (phba->alpa_map[0]) {
++ for (j = 1; j <= phba->alpa_map[0]; j++) {
++ alpa = phba->alpa_map[j];
++ if (((phba->fc_myDID & 0xff) == alpa) || (alpa == 0)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ lpfc_setup_disc_node(phba, alpa);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* No alpamap, so try all alpa's */
++ for (j = 0; j < FC_MAXLOOP; j++) {
++ /* If cfg_scan_down is set, start from highest
++ * ALPA (0xef) to lowest (0x1).
++ */
++ if (phba->cfg_scan_down)
++ index = j;
++ else
++ index = FC_MAXLOOP - j - 1;
++ alpa = lpfcAlpaArray[index];
++ if ((phba->fc_myDID & 0xff) == alpa) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ lpfc_setup_disc_node(phba, alpa);
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++/* Start Link up / RSCN discovery on NPR list */
++lpfc_disc_start(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ uint32_t did_changed, num_sent;
++ uint32_t clear_la_pending;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ if (phba->hba_state <= LPFC_LINK_DOWN) {
++ return;
++ }
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_CLEAR_LA)
++ clear_la_pending = 1;
++ else
++ clear_la_pending = 0;
++ if (phba->hba_state < LPFC_HBA_READY) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_DISC_AUTH;
++ }
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ if (phba->fc_prevDID == phba->fc_myDID) {
++ did_changed = 0;
++ } else {
++ did_changed = 1;
++ }
++ phba->fc_prevDID = phba->fc_myDID;
++ phba->num_disc_nodes = 0;
++ /* Start Discovery state <hba_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0202 Start Discovery hba state x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->hba_state, phba->fc_flag,
++ phba->fc_plogi_cnt, phba->fc_adisc_cnt);
++ /* If our did changed, we MUST do PLOGI */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_npr_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC) {
++ if(did_changed)
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_ADISC;
++ }
++ }
++ /* First do ADISCs - if any */
++ num_sent = lpfc_els_disc_adisc(phba);
++ if(num_sent)
++ return;
++ if ((phba->hba_state < LPFC_HBA_READY) && (!clear_la_pending)) {
++ /* If we get here, there is nothing to ADISC */
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_CLEAR_LA;
++ lpfc_clear_la(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ psli->ring[(psli->ip_ring)].flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->fcp_ring)].flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->next_ring)].flag &=
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_READY;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Next do PLOGIs - if any */
++ num_sent = lpfc_els_disc_plogi(phba);
++ if(num_sent)
++ return;
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE) {
++ /* Check to see if more RSCNs came in while we
++ * were processing this one.
++ */
++ if ((phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt == 0) &&
++ (!(phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY))) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_RSCN_MODE;
++ } else {
++ lpfc_els_handle_rscn(phba);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++ * Ignore completion for all IOCBs on tx and txcmpl queue for ELS
++ * ring the match the sppecified nodelist.
++ */
++static void
++lpfc_free_tx(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ /* Error matching iocb on txq or txcmplq
++ * First check the txq.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ if (iocb->context1 != ndlp) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if ((icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_ELS_REQUEST64_CR) ||
++ (icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_XMIT_ELS_RSP64_CX)) {
++ list_del(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, iocb);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ if (iocb->context1 != ndlp) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if ((icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_ELS_REQUEST64_CR) ||
++ (icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_XMIT_ELS_RSP64_CX)) {
++ iocb->iocb_cmpl = NULL;
++ /* context2 = cmd, context2->next = rsp, context3 =
++ bpl */
++ if (iocb->context2) {
++ /* Free the response IOCB before handling the
++ command. */
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *)
++ (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (iocb->context2))
++ ->;
++ if (mp) {
++ /* Delay before releasing rsp buffer to
++ * give UNREG mbox a chance to take
++ * effect.
++ */
++ list_add(&mp->list,
++ &phba->freebufList);
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba,
++ ((struct lpfc_dmabuf *)
++ iocb->context2)->virt,
++ ((struct lpfc_dmabuf *)
++ iocb->context2)->phys);
++ kfree(iocb->context2);
++ }
++ if (iocb->context3) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba,
++ ((struct lpfc_dmabuf *)
++ iocb->context3)->virt,
++ ((struct lpfc_dmabuf *)
++ iocb->context3)->phys);
++ kfree(iocb->context3);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++lpfc_disc_flush_list(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ if (phba->fc_plogi_cnt) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_plogi_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp, LPFC_DEV_DISCONNECTED,
++ lpfc_free_tx(phba, ndlp);
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ if (phba->fc_adisc_cnt) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_adisc_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp, LPFC_DEV_DISCONNECTED,
++ lpfc_free_tx(phba, ndlp);
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++ * NAME: lpfc_disc_timeout
++ *
++ * FUNCTION: Fibre Channel driver discovery timeout routine.
++ *
++ * EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT: interrupt only
++ *
++ * Timer function
++ *
++ * none
++ */
++lpfc_disc_timeout(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)ptr;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ if (unlikely(!phba))
++ return;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, flags);
++ if (!(phba->work_hba_events & WORKER_DISC_TMO)) {
++ phba->work_hba_events |= WORKER_DISC_TMO;
++ if (phba->dpc_wait)
++ up(phba->dpc_wait);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, flags);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_disc_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ if (!phba) {
++ return;
++ }
++ if (!(phba->fc_flag & FC_DISC_TMO))
++ return;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_DISC_TMO;
++ /* hba_state is identically LPFC_LOCAL_CFG_LINK while waiting for FAN */
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_LOCAL_CFG_LINK) {
++ /* FAN timeout */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0221 FAN timeout\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ /* Forget about FAN, Start discovery by sending a FLOGI
++ * hba_state is identically LPFC_FLOGI while waiting for FLOGI
++ * cmpl
++ */
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_FLOGI;
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ lpfc_initial_flogi(phba);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* hba_state is identically LPFC_FLOGI while waiting for FLOGI cmpl */
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_FLOGI) {
++ /* Initial FLOGI timeout */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0222 Initial FLOGI timeout\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ /* Assume no Fabric and go on with discovery.
++ * Check for outstanding ELS FLOGI to abort.
++ */
++ /* FLOGI failed, so just use loop map to make discovery list */
++ lpfc_disc_list_loopmap(phba);
++ /* Start discovery */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* hba_state is identically LPFC_FABRIC_CFG_LINK while waiting for
++ NameServer login */
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_FABRIC_CFG_LINK) {
++ /* Timeout while waiting for NameServer login */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0223 Timeout while waiting for NameServer "
++ "login\n", phba->brd_no);
++ /* Next look for NameServer ndlp */
++ if ((ndlp = lpfc_findnode_did(phba,
++ NLP_SEARCH_ALL, NameServer_DID))) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ /* Start discovery */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* Check for wait for NameServer Rsp timeout */
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_NS_QRY) {
++ /* NameServer Query timeout */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0224 NameServer Query timeout "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->fc_ns_retry, LPFC_MAX_NS_RETRY);
++ if ((ndlp =
++ lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED,
++ NameServer_DID))) {
++ if (phba->fc_ns_retry < LPFC_MAX_NS_RETRY) {
++ /* Try it one more time */
++ if (lpfc_ns_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_CTNS_GID_FT) ==
++ 0) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ phba->fc_ns_retry = 0;
++ }
++ /* Nothing to authenticate, so CLEAR_LA right now */
++ if (phba->hba_state != LPFC_CLEAR_LA) {
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_CLEAR_LA;
++ lpfc_clear_la(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ goto clrlaerr;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Device Discovery completion error */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0226 Device Discovery "
++ "completion error\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ /* Setup and issue mailbox INITIALIZE LINK command */
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ lpfc_init_link(phba, mbox,
++ phba->cfg_topology,
++ phba->cfg_link_speed);
++ mbox->mb.un.varInitLnk.lipsr_AL_PA = 0;
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl=lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_DISC_AUTH) {
++ /* Node Authentication timeout */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0227 Node Authentication timeout\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ if (phba->hba_state != LPFC_CLEAR_LA) {
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_CLEAR_LA;
++ lpfc_clear_la(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ goto clrlaerr;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_CLEAR_LA) {
++ /* CLEAR LA timeout */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0228 CLEAR LA timeout\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ psli->ring[(psli->ip_ring)].flag &= ~LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ psli->ring[(psli->fcp_ring)].flag &= ~LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ psli->ring[(psli->next_ring)].flag &= ~LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT;
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_READY;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if ((phba->hba_state == LPFC_HBA_READY) &&
++ (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE)) {
++ /* RSCN timeout */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0231 RSCN timeout Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->fc_ns_retry, LPFC_MAX_NS_RETRY);
++ /* Cleanup any outstanding ELS commands */
++ lpfc_els_flush_cmd(phba);
++ lpfc_els_flush_rscn(phba);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++ * NAME: lpfc_scan_timeout
++ *
++ * FUNCTION: Fibre Channel driver scsi_scan_host timeout routine.
++ *
++ * EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT: interrupt only
++ *
++ * Timer function
++ *
++ * none
++ */
++lpfc_scan_timeout(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)ptr;
++ if (!phba) {
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_SCSI_SCAN_TMO;
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, NULL, NULL, LPFC_EVT_SCAN);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_nodev_timeout(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t *evtp;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)ptr;
++ phba = ndlp->nlp_phba;
++ evtp = &ndlp->nodev_timeout_evt;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (!list_empty(&evtp->evt_listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return;
++ }
++ evtp->evt_arg1 = ndlp;
++ evtp->evt = LPFC_EVT_NODEV_TMO;
++ list_add_tail(&evtp->evt_listp, &phba->dpc_disc);
++ if (phba->dpc_wait)
++ up(phba->dpc_wait);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return;
++ * NAME: lpfc_find_target
++ *
++ * FUNCTION: Fibre Channel bus/target/LUN to struct lpfc_target lookup
++ *
++ *
++ * ptr to desired struct lpfc_target
++ */
++struct lpfc_target *
++lpfc_find_target(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t tgt,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *nlp)
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp = NULL;
++ int found = 0, i;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ struct list_head *node_list[6];
++ if (tgt == NLP_NO_SID)
++ return NULL;
++ if(!nlp) {
++ /* Search over all lists other than fc_nlpunmap_list */
++ node_list[0] = &phba->fc_npr_list;
++ node_list[1] = &phba->fc_nlpmap_list; /* Skip fc_nlpunmap */
++ node_list[2] = &phba->fc_prli_list;
++ node_list[3] = &phba->fc_reglogin_list;
++ node_list[4] = &phba->fc_adisc_list;
++ node_list[5] = &phba->fc_plogi_list;
++ for (i=0; i < 6 && !found; i++) {
++ listp = node_list[i];
++ if (list_empty(listp))
++ continue;
++ list_for_each_entry(nlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ if (tgt == nlp->nlp_sid) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!found)
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ targetp = phba->device_queue_hash[tgt];
++ /* First see if the SCSI ID has an allocated struct lpfc_target */
++ if (!targetp) {
++ targetp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_target), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!targetp)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(targetp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_target));
++#ifdef SLES_FC
++ init_timer(&targetp->dev_loss_timer);
++ phba->device_queue_hash[tgt] = targetp;
++ targetp->scsi_id = tgt;
++ /* Create SCSI Target <tgt> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0204 Create SCSI Target %d\n",
++ phba->brd_no, tgt);
++ }
++ if (targetp->pnode == NULL) {
++ targetp->pnode = nlp;
++ nlp->nlp_Target = targetp;
++#ifdef RHEL_FC
++ /*
++ * This code does not apply to SLES9 since there is no
++ * starget defined in the midlayer. Additionally,
++ * dynamic target discovery to the midlayer is not
++ * supported yet.
++ */
++ if(!(phba->fc_flag & FC_LOADING)) {
++ /* Add SCSI target / SCSI Hotplug if called
++ * after initial driver load.
++ */
++ lpfc_target_add(phba, targetp);
++ }
++#endif /* RHEL_FC */
++ }
++ else {
++ if(targetp->pnode != nlp) {
++ /*
++ * The scsi-id exists but the nodepointer is different.
++ * We are reassigning the scsi-id. Attach the nodelist
++ * pointer to the correct target. This is common
++ * with a target side cable swap.
++ */
++ if (targetp->pnode->nlp_Target != targetp)
++ targetp->pnode = nlp;
++ }
++ }
++ nlp->nlp_Target = targetp;
++ return (targetp);
++ * lpfc_set_failmask
++ * Set, or clear, failMask bits in struct lpfc_nodelist
++ */
++lpfc_set_failmask(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, uint32_t bitmask, uint32_t flag)
++ uint32_t oldmask;
++ uint32_t changed;
++ /* Failmask change on NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0208 Failmask change on NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_failMask, bitmask, flag);
++ if (flag == LPFC_SET_BITMASK) {
++ oldmask = ndlp->nlp_failMask;
++ /* Set failMask event */
++ ndlp->nlp_failMask |= bitmask;
++ if (oldmask != ndlp->nlp_failMask) {
++ changed = 1;
++ } else {
++ changed = 0;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Clear failMask event */
++ ndlp->nlp_failMask &= ~bitmask;
++ changed = 1;
++ }
++ return;
++ * This routine handles processing a NameServer REG_LOGIN mailbox
++ * command upon completion. It is setup in the LPFC_MBOXQ
++ * as the completion routine when the command is
++ * handed off to the SLI layer.
++ */
++lpfc_mbx_cmpl_fdmi_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) pmb->context2;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);
++ pmb->context1 = NULL;
++ if (ndlp->nlp_rpi != 0)
++ lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(phba, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi = mb->un.varWords[0];
++ lpfc_addnode_rpi(phba, ndlp, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FABRIC;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ /* Start issuing Fabric-Device Management Interface (FDMI)
++ * command to 0xfffffa (FDMI well known port)
++ */
++ if (phba->cfg_fdmi_on == 1) {
++ lpfc_fdmi_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_MGMT_DHBA);
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * Delay issuing FDMI command if fdmi-on=2
++ * (supporting RPA/hostnmae)
++ */
++ mod_timer(&phba->fc_fdmitmo, jiffies + HZ * 60);
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++ * This routine looks up the ndlp hash
++ * table for the given RPI. If rpi found
++ * it return the node list pointer
++ * else return 0.
++ */
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_findnode_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint16_t rpi)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ret;
++ ret = phba->fc_nlplookup[LPFC_RPI_HASH_FUNC(rpi)];
++ while ((ret != 0) && (ret->nlp_rpi != rpi)) {
++ ret = ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next;
++ }
++ return ret;
++ * This routine looks up the ndlp hash table for the
++ * given RPI. If rpi found it return the node list
++ * pointer else return 0 after deleting the entry
++ * from hash table.
++ */
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint16_t rpi)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ret, *temp;;
++ ret = phba->fc_nlplookup[LPFC_RPI_HASH_FUNC(rpi)];
++ if (ret == 0)
++ return NULL;
++ if (ret->nlp_rpi == rpi) {
++ phba->fc_nlplookup[LPFC_RPI_HASH_FUNC(rpi)] =
++ ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next;
++ ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next = NULL;
++ return ret;
++ }
++ while ((ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next != 0) &&
++ (ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next->nlp_rpi != rpi)) {
++ ret = ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next;
++ }
++ if (ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next != 0) {
++ temp = ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next;
++ ret->nlp_rpi_hash_next = temp->nlp_rpi_hash_next;
++ temp->nlp_rpi_hash_next = NULL;
++ return temp;
++ } else {
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ * This routine adds the node list entry to the
++ * ndlp hash table.
++ */
++lpfc_addnode_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint16_t rpi)
++ uint32_t index;
++ index = LPFC_RPI_HASH_FUNC(rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi_hash_next = phba->fc_nlplookup[index];
++ phba->fc_nlplookup[index] = ndlp;
++ return;
++lpfc_nlp_init(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint32_t did)
++ memset(ndlp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_nodelist));
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ndlp->nodev_timeout_evt.evt_listp);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.evt_listp);
++ init_timer(&ndlp->nlp_tmofunc);
++ ndlp->nlp_tmofunc.function = lpfc_nodev_timeout;
++ ndlp-> = (unsigned long)ndlp;
++ init_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc);
++ ndlp->nlp_delayfunc.function = lpfc_els_retry_delay;
++ ndlp-> = (unsigned long)ndlp;
++ ndlp->nlp_DID = did;
++ ndlp->nlp_phba = phba;
++ ndlp->nlp_sid = NLP_NO_SID;
++ return;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_nportdisc.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2038 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_nportdisc.c 2005/06/13 17:16:39EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++extern uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray[];
++/* Called to verify a rcv'ed ADISC was intended for us. */
++static int
++lpfc_check_adisc(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ struct lpfc_name * nn, struct lpfc_name * pn)
++ /* Compare the ADISC rsp WWNN / WWPN matches our internal node
++ * table entry for that node.
++ */
++ if (memcmp(nn, &ndlp->nlp_nodename, sizeof (struct lpfc_name)) != 0)
++ return (0);
++ if (memcmp(pn, &ndlp->nlp_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name)) != 0)
++ return (0);
++ /* we match, return success */
++ return (1);
++lpfc_check_sparm(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, struct serv_parm * sp,
++ uint32_t class)
++ volatile struct serv_parm *hsp = &phba->fc_sparam;
++ /* First check for supported version */
++ /* Next check for class validity */
++ if (sp->cls1.classValid) {
++ if (sp->cls1.rcvDataSizeMsb > hsp->cls1.rcvDataSizeMsb)
++ sp->cls1.rcvDataSizeMsb = hsp->cls1.rcvDataSizeMsb;
++ if (sp->cls1.rcvDataSizeLsb > hsp->cls1.rcvDataSizeLsb)
++ sp->cls1.rcvDataSizeLsb = hsp->cls1.rcvDataSizeLsb;
++ } else if (class == CLASS1) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ if (sp->cls2.classValid) {
++ if (sp->cls2.rcvDataSizeMsb > hsp->cls2.rcvDataSizeMsb)
++ sp->cls2.rcvDataSizeMsb = hsp->cls2.rcvDataSizeMsb;
++ if (sp->cls2.rcvDataSizeLsb > hsp->cls2.rcvDataSizeLsb)
++ sp->cls2.rcvDataSizeLsb = hsp->cls2.rcvDataSizeLsb;
++ } else if (class == CLASS2) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ if (sp->cls3.classValid) {
++ if (sp->cls3.rcvDataSizeMsb > hsp->cls3.rcvDataSizeMsb)
++ sp->cls3.rcvDataSizeMsb = hsp->cls3.rcvDataSizeMsb;
++ if (sp->cls3.rcvDataSizeLsb > hsp->cls3.rcvDataSizeLsb)
++ sp->cls3.rcvDataSizeLsb = hsp->cls3.rcvDataSizeLsb;
++ } else if (class == CLASS3) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ if (sp->cmn.bbRcvSizeMsb > hsp->cmn.bbRcvSizeMsb)
++ sp->cmn.bbRcvSizeMsb = hsp->cmn.bbRcvSizeMsb;
++ if (sp->cmn.bbRcvSizeLsb > hsp->cmn.bbRcvSizeLsb)
++ sp->cmn.bbRcvSizeLsb = hsp->cmn.bbRcvSizeLsb;
++ /* If check is good, copy wwpn wwnn into ndlp */
++ memcpy(&ndlp->nlp_nodename, &sp->nodeName, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&ndlp->nlp_portname, &sp->portName, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ return (1);
++static void *
++lpfc_check_elscmpl_iocb(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd, *prsp;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ void *ptr;
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ /* For lpfc_els_abort, context2 could be zero'ed to delay
++ * freeing associated memory till after ABTS completes.
++ */
++ if (pcmd) {
++ prsp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) pcmd->;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) prsp->virt;
++ ptr = (void *)((uint8_t *)lp + sizeof(uint32_t));
++ }
++ else {
++ /* Force ulpStatus error since we are returning NULL ptr */
++ if (!(irsp->ulpStatus)) {
++ irsp->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ }
++ ptr = NULL;
++ }
++ return (ptr);
++ * Free resources / clean up outstanding I/Os
++ * associated with a LPFC_NODELIST entry. This
++ * routine effectively results in a "software abort".
++ */
++lpfc_els_abort(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ int send_abts)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb, *saveq;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ int found = 0;
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t *evtp, *next_evtp;
++ /* Abort outstanding I/O on NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0205 Abort outstanding I/O on NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ /* Abort all the ELS iocbs in the dpc thread. */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(evtp, next_evtp, &phba->dpc_disc,evt_listp) {
++ if (evtp->evt != LPFC_EVT_SOL_IOCB)
++ continue;
++ iocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *)(evtp->evt_arg1);
++ saveq = (struct lpfc_iocbq *)(evtp->evt_arg2);
++ if (lpfc_check_sli_ndlp(phba, pring, iocb, ndlp) == 0)
++ continue;
++ list_del_init(&evtp->evt_listp);
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, saveq);
++ lpfc_evt_iocb_free(phba, saveq);
++ kfree(evtp);
++ }
++ /* First check the txq */
++ do {
++ found = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ /* Check to see if iocb matches the nport we are looking for */
++ if ((lpfc_check_sli_ndlp(phba, pring, iocb, ndlp))) {
++ found = 1;
++ /* It matches, so deque and call compl with an error */
++ list_del(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ } while (found);
++ /* Everything on txcmplq will be returned by firmware
++ * with a no rpi / linkdown / abort error. For ring 0,
++ * ELS discovery, we want to get rid of it right here.
++ */
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ do {
++ found = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ /* Check to see if iocb matches the nport we are looking for */
++ if ((lpfc_check_sli_ndlp (phba, pring, iocb, ndlp))) {
++ found = 1;
++ /* It matches, so deque and call compl with an error */
++ list_del(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* If the driver is completing an ELS
++ * command early, flush it out of the firmware.
++ */
++ if (send_abts &&
++ (icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_ELS_REQUEST64_CR) &&
++ (icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.ulpIoTag32)) {
++ lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag32(phba, pring, iocb);
++ }
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ } while (found);
++ /* If we are delaying issuing an ELS command, cancel it */
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_rcv_plogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ struct ls_rjt stat;
++ memset(&stat, 0, sizeof (struct ls_rjt));
++ if (phba->hba_state <= LPFC_FLOGI) {
++ /* Before responding to PLOGI, check for pt2pt mode.
++ * If we are pt2pt, with an outstanding FLOGI, abort
++ * the FLOGI and resend it first.
++ */
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_PT2PT) {
++ lpfc_els_abort_flogi(phba);
++ if(!(phba->fc_flag & FC_PT2PT_PLOGI)) {
++ /* If the other side is supposed to initiate
++ * the PLOGI anyway, just ACC it now and
++ * move on with discovery.
++ */
++ phba->fc_edtov = FF_DEF_EDTOV;
++ phba->fc_ratov = FF_DEF_RATOV;
++ /* Start discovery - this should just do
++ CLEAR_LA */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_initial_flogi(phba);
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_LOGICAL_BSY;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) ((uint8_t *) lp + sizeof (uint32_t));
++ if ((lpfc_check_sparm(phba, ndlp, sp, CLASS3) == 0)) {
++ /* Reject this request because invalid parameters */
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_SPARM_OPTIONS;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ /* PLOGI chkparm OK */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0114 PLOGI chkparm OK Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ if ((phba->cfg_fcp_class == 2) &&
++ (sp->cls2.classValid)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_fcp_info |= CLASS2;
++ } else {
++ ndlp->nlp_fcp_info |= CLASS3;
++ }
++ /* no need to reg_login if we are already in one of these states */
++ switch(ndlp->nlp_state) {
++ if (!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_ADISC))
++ break;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_PLOGI, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if ((phba->fc_flag & FC_PT2PT)
++ && !(phba->fc_flag & FC_PT2PT_PLOGI)) {
++ /* rcv'ed PLOGI decides what our NPortId will be */
++ phba->fc_myDID = icmd->un.rcvels.parmRo;
++ lpfc_config_link(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ }
++ if(lpfc_reg_login(phba, icmd->un.rcvels.remoteID,
++ (uint8_t *) sp, mbox, 0)) {
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_reject(phba, stat.un.lsRjtError, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ /* ACC PLOGI rsp command needs to execute first,
++ * queue this mbox command to be processed later.
++ */
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_reg_login;
++ mbox->context2 = ndlp;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_ACC_REGLOGIN;
++ /* If there is an outstanding PLOGI issued, abort it before
++ * sending ACC rsp to PLOGI recieved.
++ */
++ if(ndlp->nlp_state == NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE) {
++ /* software abort outstanding PLOGI */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_RCV_PLOGI;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_PLOGI, cmdiocb, ndlp, mbox, 0);
++ return (1);
++static int
++lpfc_rcv_padisc(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ struct lpfc_name *pnn, *ppn;
++ struct ls_rjt stat;
++ ADISC *ap;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ uint32_t cmd;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ if (cmd == ELS_CMD_ADISC) {
++ ap = (ADISC *) lp;
++ pnn = (struct lpfc_name *) & ap->nodeName;
++ ppn = (struct lpfc_name *) & ap->portName;
++ } else {
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) lp;
++ pnn = (struct lpfc_name *) & sp->nodeName;
++ ppn = (struct lpfc_name *) & sp->portName;
++ }
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ if ((icmd->ulpStatus == 0) &&
++ (lpfc_check_adisc(phba, ndlp, pnn, ppn))) {
++ if (cmd == ELS_CMD_ADISC) {
++ lpfc_els_rsp_adisc_acc(phba, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_PLOGI, cmdiocb, ndlp,
++ NULL, 0);
++ }
++ return (1);
++ }
++ /* Reject this request because invalid parameters */
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsvd0 = 0;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_SPARM_OPTIONS;
++ stat.un.b.vendorUnique = 0;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_reject(phba, stat.un.lsRjtError, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = (unsigned long)ELS_CMD_PLOGI;
++ /* 1 sec timeout */
++ mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + HZ);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_rcv_logo(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb)
++ /* Put ndlp on NPR list with 1 sec timeout for plogi, ACC logo */
++ /* Only call LOGO ACC for first LOGO, this avoids sending unnecessary
++ * PLOGIs during LOGO storms from a device.
++ */
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_LOGO_ACC;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ if (!(ndlp->nlp_type & NLP_FABRIC)) {
++ /* Only try to re-login if this is NOT a Fabric Node */
++ ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = (unsigned long)ELS_CMD_PLOGI;
++ mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + HZ * 1);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_ADISC;
++ /* The driver has to wait until the ACC completes before it continues
++ * processing the LOGO. The action will resume in
++ * lpfc_cmpl_els_logo_acc routine. Since part of processing includes an
++ * unreg_login, the driver waits so the ACC does not get aborted.
++ */
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_binding_found(struct lpfc_bindlist * blp, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ uint16_t bindtype = blp->nlp_bind_type;
++ if ((bindtype & FCP_SEED_DID) &&
++ (ndlp->nlp_DID == be32_to_cpu(blp->nlp_DID))) {
++ return (1);
++ } else if ((bindtype & FCP_SEED_WWPN) &&
++ (memcmp(&ndlp->nlp_portname, &blp->nlp_portname,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name)) == 0)) {
++ return (1);
++ } else if ((bindtype & FCP_SEED_WWNN) &&
++ (memcmp(&ndlp->nlp_nodename, &blp->nlp_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name)) == 0)) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_binding_useid(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t sid)
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp;
++ list_for_each_entry(blp, &phba->fc_nlpbind_list, nlp_listp) {
++ if (blp->nlp_sid == sid) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_mapping_useid(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t sid)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *mapnode;
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp;
++ list_for_each_entry(mapnode, &phba->fc_nlpmap_list, nlp_listp) {
++ blp = mapnode->nlp_listp_bind;
++ if (blp->nlp_sid == sid) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++static struct lpfc_bindlist *
++lpfc_create_binding(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, uint16_t index,
++ uint16_t bindtype)
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp;
++ if ((blp = mempool_alloc(phba->bind_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ memset(blp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_bindlist));
++ switch (bindtype) {
++ case FCP_SEED_WWPN:
++ blp->nlp_bind_type = FCP_SEED_WWPN;
++ break;
++ case FCP_SEED_WWNN:
++ blp->nlp_bind_type = FCP_SEED_WWNN;
++ break;
++ case FCP_SEED_DID:
++ blp->nlp_bind_type = FCP_SEED_DID;
++ break;
++ }
++ blp->nlp_sid = index;
++ blp->nlp_DID = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ memcpy(&blp->nlp_nodename, &ndlp->nlp_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&blp->nlp_portname, &ndlp->nlp_portname,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ return (blp);
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static struct lpfc_bindlist *
++lpfc_consistent_bind_get(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp, *next_blp;
++ /* check binding list */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(blp, next_blp, &phba->fc_nlpbind_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (lpfc_binding_found(blp, ndlp)) {
++ /* take it off the binding list */
++ phba->fc_bind_cnt--;
++ list_del_init(&blp->nlp_listp);
++ /* Reassign scsi id <sid> to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0213 Reassign scsi id x%x to "
++ "NPort x%x Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ blp->nlp_sid, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ blp->nlp_bind_type, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ return (blp);
++ }
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static struct lpfc_bindlist *
++lpfc_consistent_bind_create(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp;
++ uint16_t index;
++ /* NOTE: if scan-down = 2 and we have private loop, then we use
++ * AlpaArray to determine sid.
++ */
++ if ((phba->cfg_fcp_bind_method == 4) &&
++ ((phba->fc_flag & (FC_PUBLIC_LOOP | FC_FABRIC)) ||
++ (phba->fc_topology != TOPOLOGY_LOOP))) {
++ /* Log message: ALPA based binding used on a non loop
++ topology */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0245 ALPA based bind method used on an HBA "
++ "which is in a nonloop topology Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->fc_topology);
++ }
++ if ((phba->cfg_fcp_bind_method == 4) &&
++ !(phba->fc_flag & (FC_PUBLIC_LOOP | FC_FABRIC)) &&
++ (phba->fc_topology == TOPOLOGY_LOOP)) {
++ for (index = 0; index < FC_MAXLOOP; index++) {
++ if (ndlp->nlp_DID == (uint32_t) lpfcAlpaArray[index]) {
++ if ((blp =
++ lpfc_create_binding(phba, ndlp, index,
++ FCP_SEED_DID))) {
++ return (blp);
++ }
++ goto errid;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ while (1) {
++ if ((lpfc_binding_useid(phba, phba->sid_cnt))
++ || (lpfc_mapping_useid (phba, phba->sid_cnt))) {
++ phba->sid_cnt++;
++ } else {
++ if ((blp =
++ lpfc_create_binding(phba, ndlp,
++ phba->sid_cnt,
++ phba->fcp_mapping))) {
++ blp->nlp_bind_type |= FCP_SEED_AUTO;
++ phba->sid_cnt++;
++ return (blp);
++ }
++ goto errid;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Cannot assign scsi id on NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0230 Cannot assign scsi ID on NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state,
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ return NULL;
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_assign_binding(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, struct lpfc_bindlist *blp)
++ struct lpfc_target *targetp;
++ targetp = lpfc_find_target(phba, blp->nlp_sid, ndlp);
++ if(!targetp) {
++ /* Cannot assign scsi id <sid> to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0229 Cannot assign scsi id x%x to NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, blp->nlp_sid,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state,
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ return(0);
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_sid = blp->nlp_sid;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_SEED_MASK;
++ switch ((blp->nlp_bind_type & FCP_SEED_MASK)) {
++ case FCP_SEED_WWPN:
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_SEED_WWPN;
++ break;
++ case FCP_SEED_WWNN:
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_SEED_WWNN;
++ break;
++ case FCP_SEED_DID:
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_SEED_DID;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (blp->nlp_bind_type & FCP_SEED_AUTO) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_AUTOMAP;
++ }
++ /* Assign scsi id <sid> to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0216 Assign scsi "
++ "id x%x to NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp->nlp_sid, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ blp->nlp_bind_type,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state,
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ return(1);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_disc_set_adisc(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ /* Check config parameter use-adisc or FCP-2 */
++ if ((phba->cfg_use_adisc == 0) &&
++ !(phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE)) {
++ if (!(ndlp->nlp_fcp_info & NLP_FCP_2_DEVICE))
++ return (0);
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_ADISC;
++ return (1);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_disc_noop(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ /* This routine does nothing, just return the current state */
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_disc_illegal(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0253 Illegal State Transition: node x%x event x%x, "
++ "state x%x Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, evt, ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++/* Start of Discovery State Machine routines */
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_unused_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ if(lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNUSED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNUSED_LIST);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_els_unused_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ lpfc_issue_els_logo(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNUSED_LIST);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_logo_unused_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_LOGO_ACC;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNUSED_LIST);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_cmpl_logo_unused_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_rm_unused_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_plogi_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ struct ls_rjt stat;
++ int port_cmp;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) ((uint8_t *) lp + sizeof (uint32_t));
++ memset(&stat, 0, sizeof (struct ls_rjt));
++ /* For a PLOGI, we only accept if our portname is less
++ * than the remote portname.
++ */
++ phba->fc_stat.elsLogiCol++;
++ port_cmp = memcmp(&phba->fc_portname, &sp->portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ if (port_cmp >= 0) {
++ /* Reject this request because the remote node will accept
++ ours */
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_CMD_IN_PROGRESS;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_reject(phba, stat.un.lsRjtError, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ } /* if our portname was less */
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_els_plogi_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ /* software abort outstanding PLOGI */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + HZ * 1);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ if(evt == NLP_EVT_RCV_LOGO) {
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_issue_els_logo(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ }
++ /* Put ndlp in npr list set plogi timer for 1 sec */
++ ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = (unsigned long)ELS_CMD_PLOGI;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_cmpl_plogi_plogi_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb, *rspiocb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd, *prsp;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ rspiocb = cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb;
++ if (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_ACC_REGLOGIN) {
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus == 0) {
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ prsp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) pcmd->;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) prsp->virt;
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) ((uint8_t *) lp + sizeof (uint32_t));
++ if ((lpfc_check_sparm(phba, ndlp, sp, CLASS3))) {
++ /* PLOGI chkparm OK */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0121 PLOGI chkparm OK "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_state,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ if ((phba->cfg_fcp_class == 2) &&
++ (sp->cls2.classValid)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_fcp_info |= CLASS2;
++ } else {
++ ndlp->nlp_fcp_info |= CLASS3;
++ }
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ if (lpfc_reg_login
++ (phba, irsp->un.elsreq64.remoteID,
++ (uint8_t *) sp, mbox, 0) == 0) {
++ /* set_slim mailbox command needs to
++ * execute first, queue this command to
++ * be processed later.
++ */
++ switch(ndlp->nlp_DID) {
++ case NameServer_DID:
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl =
++ lpfc_mbx_cmpl_ns_reg_login;
++ break;
++ case FDMI_DID:
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl =
++ lpfc_mbx_cmpl_fdmi_reg_login;
++ break;
++ default:
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl =
++ lpfc_mbx_cmpl_reg_login;
++ }
++ mbox->context2 = ndlp;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox,
++ ndlp->nlp_state =
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp,
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Free this node since the driver cannot login or has the wrong
++ sparm */
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_rm_plogi_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ /* software abort outstanding PLOGI */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_recov_plogi_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ /* software abort outstanding PLOGI */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ /* software abort outstanding ADISC */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ if(lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb)) {
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prli_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(phba, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_logo_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ /* software abort outstanding ADISC */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_padisc_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_padisc(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prlo_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ /* Treat like rcv logo */
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_cmpl_adisc_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb, *rspiocb;
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp;
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ ADISC *ap;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ rspiocb = cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb;
++ ap = (ADISC *)lpfc_check_elscmpl_iocb(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb);
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ if ((irsp->ulpStatus) ||
++ (!lpfc_check_adisc(phba, ndlp, &ap->nodeName, &ap->portName))) {
++ ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = (unsigned long)ELS_CMD_PLOGI;
++ /* 1 sec timeout */
++ mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + HZ);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ memset(&ndlp->nlp_nodename, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memset(&ndlp->nlp_portname, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ /* move to mapped / unmapped list accordingly */
++ /* Can we assign a SCSI Id to this NPort */
++ if ((blp = lpfc_consistent_bind_get(phba, ndlp))) {
++ /* Next 4 lines MUST be in this order */
++ if(lpfc_assign_binding(phba, ndlp, blp)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_MAPPED_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_listp_bind = blp;
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp,
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_TGT_NO_SCSIID;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp,
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_rm_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ /* software abort outstanding ADISC */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_recov_adisc_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ /* software abort outstanding ADISC */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ lpfc_disc_set_adisc(phba, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prli_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(phba, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_logo_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_padisc_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_padisc(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prlo_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_cmpl_reglogin_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ uint32_t did;
++ pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) arg;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ did = mb->un.varWords[1];
++ if (mb->mbxStatus) {
++ /* RegLogin failed */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0246 RegLogin failed Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ did, mb->mbxStatus, phba->hba_state);
++ mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + HZ * 1);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ lpfc_issue_els_logo(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ /* Put ndlp in npr list set plogi timer for 1 sec */
++ ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = (unsigned long)ELS_CMD_PLOGI;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ if (ndlp->nlp_rpi != 0)
++ lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(phba, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi = mb->un.varWords[0];
++ lpfc_addnode_rpi(phba, ndlp, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ /* Only if we are not a fabric nport do we issue PRLI */
++ if (!(ndlp->nlp_type & NLP_FABRIC)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PRLI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PRLI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_prli(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ } else {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ }
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_rm_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_recov_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prli_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(phba, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_logo_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ /* Software abort outstanding PRLI before sending acc */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_padisc_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_padisc(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++/* This routine is envoked when we rcv a PRLO request from a nport
++ * we are logged into. We should send back a PRLO rsp setting the
++ * appropriate bits.
++ */
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prlo_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_cmpl_prli_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb, *rspiocb;
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ PRLI *npr;
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *blp;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ rspiocb = cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb;
++ npr = (PRLI *)lpfc_check_elscmpl_iocb(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb);
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp, LPFC_DEV_DISCOVERY_INP,
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ /* Check out PRLI rsp */
++ if ((npr->acceptRspCode != PRLI_REQ_EXECUTED) ||
++ (npr->prliType != PRLI_FCP_TYPE) || (npr->targetFunc != 1)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp,
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ if (npr->Retry == 1) {
++ ndlp->nlp_fcp_info |= NLP_FCP_2_DEVICE;
++ }
++ /* Can we assign a SCSI Id to this NPort */
++ blp = lpfc_consistent_bind_get(phba, ndlp);
++ if (!blp)
++ blp = lpfc_consistent_bind_create(phba, ndlp);
++ if (blp) {
++ /* Next 4 lines MUST be in this order */
++ if(lpfc_assign_binding(phba, ndlp, blp)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_MAPPED_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_listp_bind = blp;
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp,
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_TGT_NO_SCSIID;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST);
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp,
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++/*! lpfc_device_rm_prli_issue
++ *
++ * \pre
++ * \post
++ * \param phba
++ * \param ndlp
++ * \param arg
++ * \param evt
++ * \return uint32_t
++ *
++ * \b Description:
++ * This routine is envoked when we a request to remove a nport we are in the
++ * process of PRLIing. We should software abort outstanding prli, unreg
++ * login, send a logout. We will change node state to UNUSED_NODE, put it
++ * on plogi list so it can be freed when LOGO completes.
++ *
++ */
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_rm_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ /* software abort outstanding PRLI */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++/*! lpfc_device_recov_prli_issue
++ *
++ * \pre
++ * \post
++ * \param phba
++ * \param ndlp
++ * \param arg
++ * \param evt
++ * \return uint32_t
++ *
++ * \b Description:
++ * The routine is envoked when the state of a device is unknown, like
++ * during a link down. We should remove the nodelist entry from the
++ * unmapped list, issue a UNREG_LOGIN, do a software abort of the
++ * outstanding PRLI command, then free the node entry.
++ */
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_recov_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ /* software abort outstanding PRLI */
++ lpfc_els_abort(phba, ndlp, 1);
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_unmap_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prli_unmap_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(phba, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_logo_unmap_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_padisc_unmap_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_padisc(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prlo_unmap_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ /* Treat like rcv logo */
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_recov_unmap_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ lpfc_disc_set_adisc(phba, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_mapped_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prli_mapped_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(phba, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_logo_mapped_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_padisc_mapped_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_padisc(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prlo_mapped_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ /* flush the target */
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_tgt(phba,
++ &phba->sli.ring[phba->sli.fcp_ring],
++ ndlp->nlp_sid, LPFC_ABORT_ALLQ);
++ /* Treat like rcv logo */
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_recov_mapped_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ lpfc_disc_set_adisc(phba, ndlp);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_plogi_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ /* Ignore PLOGI if we have an outstanding LOGO */
++ if (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_LOGO_SND) {
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ if(lpfc_rcv_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~(NLP_NPR_ADISC | NLP_NPR_2B_DISC);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ }
++ /* send PLOGI immediately, move to PLOGI issue state */
++ if(!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ }
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prli_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(phba, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ if(!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO)) {
++ if (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_ADISC) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_ADISC_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_ADISC_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_adisc(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ } else {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_logo_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_padisc_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_rcv_padisc(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb);
++ if(!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO)) {
++ if (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_ADISC) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_ADISC_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_ADISC_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_adisc(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ } else {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_rcv_prlo_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb;
++ cmdiocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) arg;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO) {
++ if (ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd == (unsigned long)ELS_CMD_PLOGI) {
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++ } else {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ del_timer_sync(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!list_empty(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&ndlp->els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_cmpl_logo_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ /* This routine does nothing, just return the current state */
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_cmpl_reglogin_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) arg;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ /* save rpi */
++ if (ndlp->nlp_rpi != 0)
++ lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(phba, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_rpi = mb->un.varWords[0];
++ lpfc_addnode_rpi(phba, ndlp, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_rm_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_device_recov_npr_node(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg,
++ uint32_t evt)
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ return (ndlp->nlp_state);
++/* This next section defines the NPort Discovery State Machine */
++/* There are 4 different double linked lists nodelist entries can reside on.
++ * The plogi list and adisc list are used when Link Up discovery or RSCN
++ * processing is needed. Each list holds the nodes that we will send PLOGI
++ * or ADISC on. These lists will keep track of what nodes will be effected
++ * by an RSCN, or a Link Up (Typically, all nodes are effected on Link Up).
++ * The unmapped_list will contain all nodes that we have successfully logged
++ * into at the Fibre Channel level. The mapped_list will contain all nodes
++ * that are mapped FCP targets.
++ */
++ * The bind list is a list of undiscovered (potentially non-existent) nodes
++ * that we have saved binding information on. This information is used when
++ * nodes transition from the unmapped to the mapped list.
++ */
++/* For UNUSED_NODE state, the node has just been allocated .
++ * For PLOGI_ISSUE and REG_LOGIN_ISSUE, the node is on
++ * the PLOGI list. For REG_LOGIN_COMPL, the node is taken off the PLOGI list
++ * and put on the unmapped list. For ADISC processing, the node is taken off
++ * the ADISC list and placed on either the mapped or unmapped list (depending
++ * on its previous state). Once on the unmapped list, a PRLI is issued and the
++ * state changed to PRLI_ISSUE. When the PRLI completion occurs, the state is
++ * changed to UNMAPPED_NODE. If the completion indicates a mapped
++ * node, the node is taken off the unmapped list. The binding list is checked
++ * for a valid binding, or a binding is automatically assigned. If binding
++ * assignment is unsuccessful, the node is left on the unmapped list. If
++ * binding assignment is successful, the associated binding list entry (if
++ * any) is removed, and the node is placed on the mapped list.
++ */
++ * For a Link Down, all nodes on the ADISC, PLOGI, unmapped or mapped
++ * lists will receive a DEVICE_RECOVERY event. If the linkdown or nodev timers
++ * expire, all effected nodes will receive a DEVICE_RM event.
++ */
++ * For a Link Up or RSCN, all nodes will move from the mapped / unmapped lists
++ * to either the ADISC or PLOGI list. After a Nameserver query or ALPA loopmap
++ * check, additional nodes may be added or removed (via DEVICE_RM) to / from
++ * the PLOGI or ADISC lists. Once the PLOGI and ADISC lists are populated,
++ * we will first process the ADISC list. 32 entries are processed initially and
++ * ADISC is initited for each one. Completions / Events for each node are
++ * funnelled thru the state machine. As each node finishes ADISC processing, it
++ * starts ADISC for any nodes waiting for ADISC processing. If no nodes are
++ * waiting, and the ADISC list count is identically 0, then we are done. For
++ * Link Up discovery, since all nodes on the PLOGI list are UNREG_LOGIN'ed, we
++ * can issue a CLEAR_LA and reenable Link Events. Next we will process the PLOGI
++ * list. 32 entries are processed initially and PLOGI is initited for each one.
++ * Completions / Events for each node are funnelled thru the state machine. As
++ * each node finishes PLOGI processing, it starts PLOGI for any nodes waiting
++ * for PLOGI processing. If no nodes are waiting, and the PLOGI list count is
++ * indentically 0, then we are done. We have now completed discovery / RSCN
++ * handling. Upon completion, ALL nodes should be on either the mapped or
++ * unmapped lists.
++ */
++static void *lpfc_disc_action[NLP_STE_MAX_STATE * NLP_EVT_MAX_EVENT] = {
++ /* Action routine Event Current State */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_unused_node, /* RCV_PLOGI UNUSED_NODE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_unused_node, /* RCV_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_logo_unused_node, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_unused_node, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_unused_node, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_unused_node, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_cmpl_logo_unused_node, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_rm_unused_node, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_plogi_issue, /* RCV_PLOGI PLOGI_ISSUE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_plogi_issue, /* RCV_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_plogi_issue, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_plogi_issue, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_plogi_issue, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_els_plogi_issue, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_cmpl_plogi_plogi_issue, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_rm_plogi_issue, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_recov_plogi_issue, /* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_adisc_issue, /* RCV_PLOGI ADISC_ISSUE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prli_adisc_issue, /* RCV_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_logo_adisc_issue, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_adisc_issue, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_adisc_issue, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prlo_adisc_issue, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_cmpl_adisc_adisc_issue, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_rm_adisc_issue, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_recov_adisc_issue, /* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_reglogin_issue, /* RCV_PLOGI REG_LOGIN_ISSUE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prli_reglogin_issue, /* RCV_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_logo_reglogin_issue, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_reglogin_issue, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_reglogin_issue, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prlo_reglogin_issue, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_cmpl_reglogin_reglogin_issue,/* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_rm_reglogin_issue, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_recov_reglogin_issue,/* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_prli_issue, /* RCV_PLOGI PRLI_ISSUE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prli_prli_issue, /* RCV_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_logo_prli_issue, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_prli_issue, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_prli_issue, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prlo_prli_issue, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_cmpl_prli_prli_issue, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_rm_prli_issue, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_recov_prli_issue, /* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_unmap_node, /* RCV_PLOGI UNMAPPED_NODE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prli_unmap_node, /* RCV_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_logo_unmap_node, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_unmap_node, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_unmap_node, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prlo_unmap_node, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_recov_unmap_node, /* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_mapped_node, /* RCV_PLOGI MAPPED_NODE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prli_mapped_node, /* RCV_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_logo_mapped_node, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_mapped_node, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_mapped_node, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prlo_mapped_node, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_illegal, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_recov_mapped_node, /* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_plogi_npr_node, /* RCV_PLOGI NPR_NODE */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prli_npr_node, /* RCV_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_logo_npr_node, /* RCV_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_npr_node, /* RCV_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_padisc_npr_node, /* RCV_PDISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_rcv_prlo_npr_node, /* RCV_PRLO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_noop, /* CMPL_PLOGI */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_noop, /* CMPL_PRLI */
++ (void *)lpfc_cmpl_logo_npr_node, /* CMPL_LOGO */
++ (void *)lpfc_disc_noop, /* CMPL_ADISC */
++ (void *)lpfc_cmpl_reglogin_npr_node, /* CMPL_REG_LOGIN */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_rm_npr_node, /* DEVICE_RM */
++ (void *)lpfc_device_recov_npr_node, /* DEVICE_RECOVERY */
++lpfc_disc_state_machine(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, void *arg, uint32_t evt)
++ uint32_t cur_state, rc;
++ uint32_t(*func) (struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, void *,
++ uint32_t);
++ ndlp->nlp_disc_refcnt++;
++ cur_state = ndlp->nlp_state;
++ /* DSM in event <evt> on NPort <nlp_DID> in state <cur_state> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0211 DSM in event x%x on NPort x%x in state %d "
++ "Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ evt, ndlp->nlp_DID, cur_state, ndlp->nlp_flag);
++ func = (uint32_t(*)(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, void *,
++ uint32_t))
++ lpfc_disc_action[(cur_state * NLP_EVT_MAX_EVENT) + evt];
++ rc = (func) (phba, ndlp, arg, evt);
++ /* DSM out state <rc> on NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0212 DSM out state %d on NPort x%x Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ rc, ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag);
++ ndlp->nlp_disc_refcnt--;
++ /* Check to see if ndlp removal is deferred */
++ if ((ndlp->nlp_disc_refcnt == 0)
++ && (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_REMOVE)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_REMOVE;
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++ }
++ if (rc == NLP_STE_FREED_NODE)
++ return (NLP_STE_FREED_NODE);
++ ndlp->nlp_state = rc;
++ return (rc);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/Makefile 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
++# Driver for Emulex LightPulse fibre channel host bus adapters.
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_LPFC) := lpfc.o
++lpfc-objs := lpfc_mem.o lpfc_sli.o lpfc_ct.o lpfc_els.o \
++lpfc_hbadisc.o lpfc_init.o lpfc_mbox.o lpfc_nportdisc.o lpfc_scsiport.o \
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc.h 2005/06/13 17:16:00EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC
++#define _H_LPFC
++struct lpfc_sli2_slim;
++#define LPFC_MAX_TARGET 256 /* max nunber of targets
++ supported */
++#define LPFC_MAX_DISC_THREADS 64 /* max outstanding discovery els
++ requests */
++#define LPFC_MAX_NS_RETRY 3 /* Try to get to the NameServer
++ 3 times and then give up. */
++#define LPFC_DFT_HBA_Q_DEPTH 2048 /* max cmds per hba */
++#define LPFC_LC_HBA_Q_DEPTH 1024 /* max cmds per low cost hba */
++#define LPFC_LP101_HBA_Q_DEPTH 128 /* max cmds per low cost hba */
++/* Define the SLIM2 page size. */
++#define LPFC_SLIM2_PAGE_AREA 8192
++/* Define macros for 64 bit support */
++#define putPaddrLow(addr) ((uint32_t) (0xffffffff & (u64)(addr)))
++#define putPaddrHigh(addr) ((uint32_t) (0xffffffff & (((u64)(addr))>>32)))
++#define getPaddr(high, low) ((dma_addr_t)( \
++ (( (u64)(high)<<16 ) << 16)|( (u64)(low))))
++/* Provide maximum configuration definitions. */
++#define LPFC_DRVR_TIMEOUT 16 /* driver iocb timeout value in sec */
++#define MAX_FCP_TARGET 256 /* max num of FCP targets supported */
++#define FC_MAX_ADPTMSG 64
++#define MAX_HBAEVT 32
++#define putLunLow(lunlow, lun) \
++ { \
++ lunlow = 0; \
++ }
++#define putLunHigh(lunhigh, lun) \
++ { \
++ lunhigh = swab16(lun); \
++ }
++#else /* BIG_ENDIAN_HOST */
++#define putLunLow(lunlow, lun) \
++ { \
++ lunlow = 0; \
++ }
++#define putLunHigh(lunhigh, lun) \
++ { \
++ lunhigh = (uint32_t)(lun << 16); \
++ }
++/* Device VPD save area */
++typedef struct lpfc_vpd {
++ uint32_t status; /* vpd status value */
++ uint32_t length; /* number of bytes actually returned */
++ struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1; /* Revision numbers */
++ uint32_t biuRev;
++ uint32_t smRev;
++ uint32_t smFwRev;
++ uint32_t endecRev;
++ uint16_t rBit;
++ uint8_t fcphHigh;
++ uint8_t fcphLow;
++ uint8_t feaLevelHigh;
++ uint8_t feaLevelLow;
++ uint32_t postKernRev;
++ uint32_t opFwRev;
++ uint8_t opFwName[16];
++ uint32_t sli1FwRev;
++ uint8_t sli1FwName[16];
++ uint32_t sli2FwRev;
++ uint8_t sli2FwName[16];
++ } rev;
++} lpfc_vpd_t;
++struct lpfc_scsi_buf;
++struct lpfc_hba_event {
++ uint32_t fc_eventcode;
++ uint32_t fc_evdata1;
++ uint32_t fc_evdata2;
++ uint32_t fc_evdata3;
++ uint32_t fc_evdata4;
++ * lpfc stat counters
++ */
++struct lpfc_stats {
++ /* Statistics for ELS commands */
++ uint32_t elsLogiCol;
++ uint32_t elsRetryExceeded;
++ uint32_t elsXmitRetry;
++ uint32_t elsDelayRetry;
++ uint32_t elsRcvDrop;
++ uint32_t elsRcvFrame;
++ uint32_t elsRcvRSCN;
++ uint32_t elsRcvRNID;
++ uint32_t elsRcvFARP;
++ uint32_t elsRcvFARPR;
++ uint32_t elsRcvFLOGI;
++ uint32_t elsRcvPLOGI;
++ uint32_t elsRcvADISC;
++ uint32_t elsRcvPDISC;
++ uint32_t elsRcvFAN;
++ uint32_t elsRcvLOGO;
++ uint32_t elsRcvPRLO;
++ uint32_t elsRcvPRLI;
++ uint32_t elsRcvRRQ;
++ uint32_t elsXmitFLOGI;
++ uint32_t elsXmitPLOGI;
++ uint32_t elsXmitPRLI;
++ uint32_t elsXmitADISC;
++ uint32_t elsXmitLOGO;
++ uint32_t elsXmitSCR;
++ uint32_t elsXmitRNID;
++ uint32_t elsXmitFARP;
++ uint32_t elsXmitFARPR;
++ uint32_t elsXmitACC;
++ uint32_t elsXmitLSRJT;
++ uint32_t frameRcvBcast;
++ uint32_t frameRcvMulti;
++ uint32_t strayXmitCmpl;
++ uint32_t frameXmitDelay;
++ uint32_t xriCmdCmpl;
++ uint32_t xriStatErr;
++ uint32_t LinkUp;
++ uint32_t LinkDown;
++ uint32_t LinkMultiEvent;
++ uint32_t NoRcvBuf;
++ uint32_t fcpCmd;
++ uint32_t fcpCmpl;
++ uint32_t fcpRspErr;
++ uint32_t fcpRemoteStop;
++ uint32_t fcpPortRjt;
++ uint32_t fcpPortBusy;
++ uint32_t fcpError;
++ uint32_t fcpLocalErr;
++enum sysfs_mbox_state {
++struct lpfc_sysfs_mbox {
++ enum sysfs_mbox_state state;
++ size_t offset;
++ struct lpfcMboxq * mbox;
++struct lpfc_hba {
++ uint32_t intr_inited; /* flag for interrupt registration */
++ struct list_head hba_list; /* List of hbas/ports */
++ struct lpfc_sli sli;
++ struct lpfc_sli2_slim *slim2p;
++ dma_addr_t slim2p_mapping;
++ uint32_t hba_state;
++#define LPFC_INIT_START 1 /* Initial state after board reset */
++#define LPFC_INIT_MBX_CMDS 2 /* Initialize HBA with mbox commands */
++#define LPFC_LINK_DOWN 3 /* HBA initialized, link is down */
++#define LPFC_LINK_UP 4 /* Link is up - issue READ_LA */
++#define LPFC_LOCAL_CFG_LINK 5 /* local NPORT Id configured */
++#define LPFC_FLOGI 6 /* FLOGI sent to Fabric */
++#define LPFC_FABRIC_CFG_LINK 7 /* Fabric assigned NPORT Id
++ configured */
++#define LPFC_NS_REG 8 /* Register with NameServer */
++#define LPFC_NS_QRY 9 /* Query NameServer for NPort ID list */
++#define LPFC_BUILD_DISC_LIST 10 /* Build ADISC and PLOGI lists for
++ * device authentication / discovery */
++#define LPFC_DISC_AUTH 11 /* Processing ADISC list */
++#define LPFC_CLEAR_LA 12 /* authentication cmplt - issue
++ CLEAR_LA */
++#define LPFC_HBA_READY 32
++#define LPFC_HBA_ERROR 0xff
++ uint8_t fc_linkspeed; /* Link speed after last READ_LA */
++ uint32_t fc_eventTag; /* event tag for link attention */
++ uint32_t fc_prli_sent; /* cntr for outstanding PRLIs */
++ uint32_t num_disc_nodes; /*in addition to hba_state */
++ uint8_t fcp_mapping; /* Map FCP devices based on WWNN WWPN or DID */
++#define FCP_SEED_WWNN 0x1
++#define FCP_SEED_WWPN 0x2
++#define FCP_SEED_DID 0x4
++#define FCP_SEED_MASK 0x7
++#define FCP_SEED_AUTO 0x8 /* binding was created by auto mapping */
++ struct timer_list fc_estabtmo; /* link establishment timer */
++ struct timer_list fc_disctmo; /* Discovery rescue timer */
++ struct timer_list fc_fdmitmo; /* fdmi timer */
++ struct timer_list fc_scantmo; /* scsi scan host timer */
++ void *fc_evt_head; /* waiting for event queue */
++ void *fc_evt_tail; /* waiting for event queue */
++ uint16_t hba_event_put; /* hbaevent event put word anchor */
++ uint16_t hba_event_get; /* hbaevent event get word anchor */
++ uint32_t hba_event_missed; /* hbaevent missed event word anchor */
++ uint32_t sid_cnt; /* SCSI ID counter */
++ struct lpfc_hba_event hbaevt[MAX_HBAEVT];
++ /* These fields used to be binfo */
++ struct lpfc_name fc_nodename; /* fc nodename */
++ struct lpfc_name fc_portname; /* fc portname */
++ uint32_t fc_pref_DID; /* preferred D_ID */
++ uint8_t fc_pref_ALPA; /* preferred AL_PA */
++ uint32_t fc_edtov; /* E_D_TOV timer value */
++ uint32_t fc_arbtov; /* ARB_TOV timer value */
++ uint32_t fc_ratov; /* R_A_TOV timer value */
++ uint32_t fc_rttov; /* R_T_TOV timer value */
++ uint32_t fc_altov; /* AL_TOV timer value */
++ uint32_t fc_crtov; /* C_R_TOV timer value */
++ uint32_t fc_citov; /* C_I_TOV timer value */
++ uint32_t fc_myDID; /* fibre channel S_ID */
++ uint32_t fc_prevDID; /* previous fibre channel S_ID */
++ struct serv_parm fc_sparam; /* buffer for our service parameters */
++ struct serv_parm fc_fabparam; /* fabric service parameters buffer */
++ uint8_t alpa_map[128]; /* AL_PA map from READ_LA */
++ uint8_t fc_ns_retry; /* retries for fabric nameserver */
++ uint32_t fc_nlp_cnt; /* outstanding NODELIST requests */
++ uint32_t fc_rscn_id_cnt; /* count of RSCNs payloads in list */
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *fc_rscn_id_list[FC_MAX_HOLD_RSCN];
++ uint32_t lmt;
++ uint32_t fc_flag; /* FC flags */
++#define FC_PT2PT 0x1 /* pt2pt with no fabric */
++#define FC_PT2PT_PLOGI 0x2 /* pt2pt initiate PLOGI */
++#define FC_DISC_TMO 0x4 /* Discovery timer running */
++#define FC_PUBLIC_LOOP 0x8 /* Public loop */
++#define FC_LBIT 0x10 /* LOGIN bit in loopinit set */
++#define FC_RSCN_MODE 0x20 /* RSCN cmd rcv'ed */
++#define FC_NLP_MORE 0x40 /* More node to process in node tbl */
++#define FC_OFFLINE_MODE 0x80 /* Interface is offline for diag */
++#define FC_FABRIC 0x100 /* We are fabric attached */
++#define FC_ESTABLISH_LINK 0x200 /* Reestablish Link */
++#define FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY 0x400 /* Authenticate all devices after RSCN*/
++#define FC_LOADING 0x1000 /* HBA in process of loading drvr */
++#define FC_SCSI_SCAN_TMO 0x4000 /* scsi scan timer running */
++#define FC_ABORT_DISCOVERY 0x8000 /* we want to abort discovery */
++#define FC_NDISC_ACTIVE 0x10000 /* NPort discovery active */
++ uint32_t fc_topology; /* link topology, from LINK INIT */
++ struct lpfc_stats fc_stat;
++ /* These are the head/tail pointers for the bind, plogi, adisc, unmap,
++ * and map lists. Their counters are immediately following.
++ */
++ struct list_head fc_nlpbind_list;
++ struct list_head fc_plogi_list;
++ struct list_head fc_adisc_list;
++ struct list_head fc_reglogin_list;
++ struct list_head fc_prli_list;
++ struct list_head fc_nlpunmap_list;
++ struct list_head fc_nlpmap_list;
++ struct list_head fc_npr_list;
++ struct list_head fc_unused_list;
++ /* Keep counters for the number of entries in each list. */
++ uint16_t fc_bind_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_plogi_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_adisc_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_reglogin_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_prli_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_unmap_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_map_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_npr_cnt;
++ uint16_t fc_unused_cnt;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist fc_fcpnodev; /* nodelist entry for no device */
++ uint32_t nport_event_cnt; /* timestamp for nlplist entry */
++ struct lpfc_target *device_queue_hash[MAX_FCP_TARGET];
++#define LPFC_RPI_HASH_SIZE 64
++#define LPFC_RPI_HASH_FUNC(x) ((x) & (0x3f))
++ /* ptr to active D_ID / RPIs */
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *fc_nlplookup[LPFC_RPI_HASH_SIZE];
++ uint32_t wwnn[2];
++ uint32_t RandomData[7];
++ uint32_t cfg_log_verbose;
++ uint32_t cfg_lun_queue_depth;
++ uint32_t cfg_nodev_tmo;
++ uint32_t cfg_hba_queue_depth;
++ uint32_t cfg_fcp_class;
++ uint32_t cfg_use_adisc;
++ uint32_t cfg_ack0;
++ uint32_t cfg_topology;
++ uint32_t cfg_scan_down;
++ uint32_t cfg_link_speed;
++ uint32_t cfg_cr_delay;
++ uint32_t cfg_cr_count;
++ uint32_t cfg_fdmi_on;
++ uint32_t cfg_fcp_bind_method;
++ uint32_t cfg_discovery_threads;
++ uint32_t cfg_max_luns;
++ uint32_t cfg_scsi_hotplug;
++ lpfc_vpd_t vpd; /* vital product data */
++#if defined(SLES_FC)
++ /*
++ * Provide a per-HBA timer for 2.6.5 kernels patched with the
++ * block/unblock FC transport patch.
++ */
++ struct timer_list dev_loss_timer;
++ struct Scsi_Host *host;
++ struct pci_dev *pcidev;
++ struct list_head dpc_disc;
++ pid_t dpc_pid;
++ int dpc_kill;
++ struct completion dpc_startup;
++ struct completion dpc_exiting;
++ struct semaphore *dpc_wait;
++ uint32_t work_hba_events; /* Timeout to be handled */
++#define WORKER_DISC_TMO 0x1 /* Discovery timeout */
++#define WORKER_ELS_TMO 0x2 /* ELS timeout */
++#define WORKER_MBOX_TMO 0x4 /* MBOX timeout */
++#define WORKER_FDMI_TMO 0x8 /* FDMI timeout */
++ unsigned long pci_bar0_map; /* Physical address for PCI BAR0 */
++ unsigned long pci_bar2_map; /* Physical address for PCI BAR2 */
++ void *slim_memmap_p; /* Kernel memory mapped address for PCI
++ BAR0 */
++ void *ctrl_regs_memmap_p; /* Kernel memory mapped address for PCI
++ BAR2 */
++ void *MBslimaddr; /* virtual address for mbox cmds */
++ void *HAregaddr; /* virtual address for host attn reg */
++ void *CAregaddr; /* virtual address for chip attn reg */
++ void *HSregaddr; /* virtual address for host status reg */
++ void *HCregaddr; /* virtual address for host ctl reg */
++ wait_queue_head_t linkevtwq;
++ wait_queue_head_t rscnevtwq;
++ wait_queue_head_t ctevtwq;
++ uint8_t brd_no; /* FC board number */
++ char SerialNumber[32]; /* adapter Serial Number */
++ char OptionROMVersion[32]; /* adapter BIOS / Fcode version */
++ char ModelDesc[256]; /* Model Description */
++ char ModelName[80]; /* Model Name */
++ char ProgramType[256]; /* Program Type */
++ char Port[20]; /* Port No */
++ uint8_t vpd_flag; /* VPD data flag */
++#define VPD_MODEL_DESC 0x1 /* valid vpd model description */
++#define VPD_MODEL_NAME 0x2 /* valid vpd model name */
++#define VPD_PROGRAM_TYPE 0x4 /* valid vpd program type */
++#define VPD_PORT 0x8 /* valid vpd port data */
++#define VPD_MASK 0xf /* mask for any vpd data */
++ struct timer_list els_tmofunc;
++ void *link_stats;
++ /*
++ * stat counters
++ */
++ uint64_t fc4InputRequests;
++ uint64_t fc4OutputRequests;
++ uint64_t fc4ControlRequests;
++ struct lpfc_sysfs_mbox sysfs_mbox;
++ /* pci_mem_pools */
++ struct pci_pool *lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool;
++ struct pci_pool *lpfc_mbuf_pool;
++ struct lpfc_dma_pool lpfc_mbuf_safety_pool;
++ mempool_t *scsibuf_mem_pool;
++ mempool_t *iocb_mem_pool;
++ mempool_t *mbox_mem_pool;
++ mempool_t *nlp_mem_pool;
++ mempool_t *bind_mem_pool;
++ struct list_head freebufList;
++ struct list_head ctrspbuflist;
++ struct list_head rnidrspbuflist;
++/* event mask definitions */
++#define FC_REG_LINK_EVENT 0x1 /* Register for link up / down events */
++#define FC_REG_RSCN_EVENT 0x2 /* Register for RSCN events */
++#define FC_REG_CT_EVENT 0x4 /* Register for CT request events */
++#define FC_FSTYPE_ALL 0xffff /* match on all fsTypes */
++typedef struct fcEVT { /* Kernel level Event structure */
++ uint32_t evt_handle;
++ uint32_t evt_mask;
++ uint32_t evt_data0;
++ uint16_t evt_sleep;
++ uint16_t evt_flags;
++ void *evt_type;
++ void *evt_next;
++ void *evt_data1;
++ uint32_t evt_data2;
++} fcEVT_t;
++typedef struct fcEVTHDR { /* Kernel level Event Header */
++ uint32_t e_handle;
++ uint32_t e_mask;
++ uint16_t e_mode;
++#define E_SLEEPING_MODE 0x0001
++ uint16_t e_refcnt;
++ uint16_t e_flag;
++#define E_GET_EVENT_ACTIVE 0x0001
++ fcEVT_t *e_head;
++ fcEVT_t *e_tail;
++ void *e_next_header;
++ void *e_type;
++} fcEVTHDR_t;
++struct rnidrsp {
++ void *buf;
++ uint32_t uniqueid;
++ struct list_head list;
++ uint32_t data;
++#endif /* _H_LPFC */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_mbox.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_mbox.c 2005/06/13 17:16:32EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++#include "lpfc_compat.h"
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_dump_mem(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb, uint16_t offset)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ void *ctx;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ ctx = pmb->context2;
++ /* Setup to dump VPD region */
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_DUMP_MEMORY;
++ mb-> = 1;
++ mb->un.varDmp.type = DMP_NV_PARAMS;
++ mb->un.varDmp.entry_index = offset;
++ mb->un.varDmp.region_id = DMP_REGION_VPD;
++ mb->un.varDmp.word_cnt = (DMP_RSP_SIZE / sizeof (uint32_t));
++ mb-> = 0;
++ mb->un.varDmp.resp_offset = 0;
++ pmb->context2 = ctx;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++/* lpfc_read_nv Issue a READ NVPARAM */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_read_nv(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_READ_NV;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++/* lpfc_read_la Issue a READ LA */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_read_la(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ /* Get a buffer to hold the loop map */
++ if (((mp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) ||
++ ((mp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, 0, &(mp->phys))) == 0)) {
++ if (mp)
++ kfree(mp);
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_READ_LA64;
++ /* READ_LA: no buffers */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0300 READ_LA: no buffers\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp->list);
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_READ_LA64;
++ mb->un.varReadLA.un.lilpBde64.tus.f.bdeSize = 128;
++ mb->un.varReadLA.un.lilpBde64.addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(mp->phys);
++ mb->un.varReadLA.un.lilpBde64.addrLow = putPaddrLow(mp->phys);
++ /* Save address for later completion and set the owner to host so that
++ * the FW knows this mailbox is available for processing.
++ */
++ pmb->context1 = (uint8_t *) mp;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return (0);
++/* lpfc_clear_la Issue a CLEAR LA */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_clear_la(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->un.varClearLA.eventTag = phba->fc_eventTag;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_CLEAR_LA;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++/* lpfc_config_link Issue a CONFIG LINK */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_config_link(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ * SLI-2, Coalescing Response Feature.
++ */
++ if (phba->cfg_cr_delay) {
++ mb-> = 1;
++ mb-> = 1;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.cr_delay = phba->cfg_cr_delay;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.cr_count = phba->cfg_cr_count;
++ }
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.myId = phba->fc_myDID;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.edtov = phba->fc_edtov;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.arbtov = phba->fc_arbtov;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.ratov = phba->fc_ratov;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.rttov = phba->fc_rttov;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.altov = phba->fc_altov;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.crtov = phba->fc_crtov;
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.citov = phba->fc_citov;
++ if (phba->cfg_ack0)
++ mb->un.varCfgLnk.ack0_enable = 1;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_CONFIG_LINK;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++/* lpfc_init_link Issue an INIT LINK */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_init_link(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb, uint32_t topology, uint32_t linkspeed)
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vpd;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ switch (topology) {
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_flags = FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_LOOP;
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_flags |= FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_FAILOVER;
++ break;
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_flags = FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_PT_PT;
++ break;
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_flags = FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_LOOP;
++ break;
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_flags = FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_PT_PT;
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_flags |= FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_FAILOVER;
++ break;
++ }
++ * Setting up the link speed
++ */
++ vpd = &phba->vpd;
++ if (vpd->rev.feaLevelHigh >= 0x02){
++ switch(linkspeed){
++ case LINK_SPEED_1G:
++ case LINK_SPEED_2G:
++ case LINK_SPEED_4G:
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_flags |=
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_speed = linkspeed;
++ break;
++ default:
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_speed =
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.link_speed = LINK_SPEED_AUTO;
++ mb->mbxCommand = (volatile uint8_t)MBX_INIT_LINK;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ mb->un.varInitLnk.fabric_AL_PA = phba->fc_pref_ALPA;
++ return;
++/* lpfc_read_sparam Issue a READ SPARAM */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_read_sparam(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ /* Get a buffer to hold the HBAs Service Parameters */
++ if (((mp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) ||
++ ((mp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, 0, &(mp->phys))) == 0)) {
++ if (mp)
++ kfree(mp);
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_READ_SPARM64;
++ /* READ_SPARAM: no buffers */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0301 READ_SPARAM: no buffers\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp->list);
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_READ_SPARM64;
++ mb->un.varRdSparm.un.sp64.tus.f.bdeSize = sizeof (struct serv_parm);
++ mb->un.varRdSparm.un.sp64.addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(mp->phys);
++ mb->un.varRdSparm.un.sp64.addrLow = putPaddrLow(mp->phys);
++ /* save address for completion */
++ pmb->context1 = mp;
++ return (0);
++/* lpfc_unreg_did Issue a UNREG_DID */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_unreg_did(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t did, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->un.varUnregDID.did = did;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_UNREG_D_ID;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++/* command to write slim */
++lpfc_set_slim(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb, uint32_t addr,
++ uint32_t value)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ /* addr = 0x090597 is AUTO ABTS disable for ELS commands */
++ /* addr = 0x052198 is DELAYED ABTS enable for ELS commands */
++ /*
++ * Always turn on DELAYED ABTS for ELS timeouts
++ */
++ if ((addr == 0x052198) && (value == 0))
++ value = 1;
++ mb->un.varWords[0] = addr;
++ mb->un.varWords[1] = value;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_SET_SLIM;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++/* lpfc_read_config Issue a READ CONFIG */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_read_config(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_READ_CONFIG;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++/* lpfc_reg_login Issue a REG_LOGIN */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ uint32_t did, uint8_t * param, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb, uint32_t flag)
++ uint8_t *sparam;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->un.varRegLogin.rpi = 0;
++ mb->un.varRegLogin.did = did;
++ mb->un.varWords[30] = flag; /* Set flag to issue action on cmpl */
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ /* Get a buffer to hold NPorts Service Parameters */
++ if (((mp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) ||
++ ((mp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, 0, &(mp->phys))) == 0)) {
++ if (mp)
++ kfree(mp);
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_REG_LOGIN64;
++ /* REG_LOGIN: no buffers */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0302 REG_LOGIN: no buffers Data x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ (uint32_t) did, (uint32_t) flag);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp->list);
++ sparam = mp->virt;
++ /* Copy param's into a new buffer */
++ memcpy(sparam, param, sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ /* save address for completion */
++ pmb->context1 = (uint8_t *) mp;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_REG_LOGIN64;
++ mb->un.varRegLogin.un.sp64.tus.f.bdeSize = sizeof (struct serv_parm);
++ mb->un.varRegLogin.un.sp64.addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(mp->phys);
++ mb->un.varRegLogin.un.sp64.addrLow = putPaddrLow(mp->phys);
++ return (0);
++/* lpfc_unreg_login Issue a UNREG_LOGIN */
++/* mailbox command */
++lpfc_unreg_login(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t rpi, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->un.varUnregLogin.rpi = (uint16_t) rpi;
++ mb->un.varUnregLogin.rsvd1 = 0;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_UNREG_LOGIN;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_config_pcb_setup(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ PCB_t *pcbp = &phba->slim2p->pcb;
++ LPFC_RING_INIT_t *pringinit;
++ dma_addr_t pdma_addr;
++ uint32_t offset;
++ uint32_t iocbCnt;
++ int i;
++ psli->MBhostaddr = (uint32_t *)&phba->slim2p->mbx;
++ pcbp->maxRing = (psli->sliinit.num_rings - 1);
++ iocbCnt = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pringinit = &psli->sliinit.ringinit[i];
++ pring = &psli->ring[i];
++ /* A ring MUST have both cmd and rsp entries defined to be
++ valid */
++ if ((pringinit->numCiocb == 0) || (pringinit->numRiocb == 0)) {
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].cmdEntries = 0;
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].rspEntries = 0;
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].cmdAddrHigh = 0;
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].rspAddrHigh = 0;
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].cmdAddrLow = 0;
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].rspAddrLow = 0;
++ pring->cmdringaddr = NULL;
++ pring->rspringaddr = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Command ring setup for ring */
++ pring->cmdringaddr =
++ (void *)&phba->slim2p->IOCBs[iocbCnt];
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].cmdEntries = pringinit->numCiocb;
++ offset = (uint8_t *)&phba->slim2p->IOCBs[iocbCnt] -
++ (uint8_t *)phba->slim2p;
++ pdma_addr = phba->slim2p_mapping + offset;
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].cmdAddrHigh = putPaddrHigh(pdma_addr);
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].cmdAddrLow = putPaddrLow(pdma_addr);
++ iocbCnt += pringinit->numCiocb;
++ /* Response ring setup for ring */
++ pring->rspringaddr =
++ (void *)&phba->slim2p->IOCBs[iocbCnt];
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].rspEntries = pringinit->numRiocb;
++ offset = (uint8_t *)&phba->slim2p->IOCBs[iocbCnt] -
++ (uint8_t *)phba->slim2p;
++ pdma_addr = phba->slim2p_mapping + offset;
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].rspAddrHigh = putPaddrHigh(pdma_addr);
++ pcbp->rdsc[i].rspAddrLow = putPaddrLow(pdma_addr);
++ iocbCnt += pringinit->numRiocb;
++ }
++lpfc_read_rev(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ mb = &pmb->mb;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb-> = 1;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_READ_REV;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ return;
++lpfc_config_ring(struct lpfc_hba * phba, int ring, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ int i;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb = &pmb->mb;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_RING_INIT_t *pring;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof (LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.ring = ring;
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.maxOrigXchg = 0;
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.maxRespXchg = 0;
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.recvNotify = 1;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->sliinit.ringinit[ring];
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.numMask = pring->num_mask;
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_CONFIG_RING;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ /* Is this ring configured for a specific profile */
++ if (pring->prt[0].profile) {
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.profile = pring->prt[0].profile;
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Otherwise we setup specific rctl / type masks for this ring */
++ for (i = 0; i < pring->num_mask; i++) {
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.rrRegs[i].rval = pring->prt[i].rctl;
++ if (mb->un.varCfgRing.rrRegs[i].rval != FC_ELS_REQ)
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.rrRegs[i].rmask = 0xff;
++ else
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.rrRegs[i].rmask = 0xfe;
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.rrRegs[i].tval = pring->prt[i].type;
++ mb->un.varCfgRing.rrRegs[i].tmask = 0xff;
++ }
++ return;
++lpfc_config_port(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ MAILBOX_t *mb = &pmb->mb;
++ dma_addr_t pdma_addr;
++ uint32_t bar_low, bar_high;
++ size_t offset;
++ HGP hgp;
++ void *to_slim;
++ memset(pmb, 0, sizeof(LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ mb->mbxCommand = MBX_CONFIG_PORT;
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ mb->un.varCfgPort.pcbLen = sizeof(PCB_t);
++ offset = (uint8_t *)&phba->slim2p->pcb - (uint8_t *)phba->slim2p;
++ pdma_addr = phba->slim2p_mapping + offset;
++ mb->un.varCfgPort.pcbLow = putPaddrLow(pdma_addr);
++ mb->un.varCfgPort.pcbHigh = putPaddrHigh(pdma_addr);
++ /* Now setup pcb */
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.type = TYPE_NATIVE_SLI2;
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.feature = FEATURE_INITIAL_SLI2;
++ /* Setup Mailbox pointers */
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.mailBoxSize = sizeof(MAILBOX_t);
++ offset = (uint8_t *)&phba->slim2p->mbx - (uint8_t *)phba->slim2p;
++ pdma_addr = phba->slim2p_mapping + offset;
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.mbAddrHigh = putPaddrHigh(pdma_addr);
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.mbAddrLow = putPaddrLow(pdma_addr);
++ /*
++ * Setup Host Group ring pointer.
++ *
++ * For efficiency reasons, the ring get/put pointers can be
++ * placed in adapter memory (SLIM) rather than in host memory.
++ * This allows firmware to avoid PCI reads/writes when updating
++ * and checking pointers.
++ *
++ * The firmware recognizes the use of SLIM memory by comparing
++ * the address of the get/put pointers structure with that of
++ * the SLIM BAR (BAR0).
++ *
++ * Caution: be sure to use the PCI config space value of BAR0/BAR1
++ * (the hardware's view of the base address), not the OS's
++ * value of pci_resource_start() as the OS value may be a cookie
++ * for ioremap/iomap.
++ */
++ pci_read_config_dword(phba->pcidev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &bar_low);
++ pci_read_config_dword(phba->pcidev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1, &bar_high);
++ /* mask off BAR0's flag bits 0 - 3 */
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.hgpAddrLow = (bar_low & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK) +
++ (SLIMOFF*sizeof(uint32_t));
++ if (bar_low & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_64)
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.hgpAddrHigh = bar_high;
++ else
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.hgpAddrHigh = 0;
++ /* write HGP data to SLIM at the required longword offset */
++ memset(&hgp, 0, sizeof(HGP));
++ to_slim = (uint8_t *)phba->MBslimaddr + (SLIMOFF*sizeof (uint32_t));
++ lpfc_memcpy_to_slim(to_slim, &hgp, sizeof (HGP));
++ /* Setup Port Group ring pointer */
++ offset = (uint8_t *)&phba->slim2p-> -
++ (uint8_t *)phba->slim2p;
++ pdma_addr = phba->slim2p_mapping + offset;
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.pgpAddrHigh = putPaddrHigh(pdma_addr);
++ phba->slim2p->pcb.pgpAddrLow = putPaddrLow(pdma_addr);
++ /* Use callback routine to setp rings in the pcb */
++ lpfc_config_pcb_setup(phba);
++ /* special handling for LC HBAs */
++ if (lpfc_is_LC_HBA(phba->pcidev->device)) {
++ uint32_t hbainit[5];
++ lpfc_hba_init(phba, hbainit);
++ memcpy(&mb->un.varCfgPort.hbainit, hbainit, 20);
++ }
++ /* Swap PCB if needed */
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *)&phba->slim2p->pcb,
++ (uint32_t *)&phba->slim2p->pcb,
++ sizeof (PCB_t));
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_INIT,
++ "%d:0405 Service Level Interface (SLI) 2 selected\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++lpfc_mbox_put(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * mbq)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ list_add_tail(&mbq->list, &psli->mboxq);
++ psli->mboxq_cnt++;
++ return;
++lpfc_mbox_get(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbq = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ if (!list_empty(&psli->mboxq)) {
++ mbq = list_entry(psli->, LPFC_MBOXQ_t, list);
++ list_del_init(&mbq->list);
++ psli->mboxq_cnt--;
++ }
++ return mbq;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_sli.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,3447 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_sli.c 2005/07/27 17:00:59EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++#include "lpfc_compat.h"
++#include "lpfc_fcp.h"
++static int lpfc_sli_reset_on_init = 1;
++extern void
++lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *, struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++ * Define macro to log: Mailbox command x%x cannot issue Data
++ * This allows multiple uses of lpfc_msgBlk0311
++ * w/o perturbing log msg utility.
++#define LOG_MBOX_CANNOT_ISSUE_DATA( phba, mb, psli, flag) \
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, \
++ "%d:0311 Mailbox command x%x cannot issue " \
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n", \
++ phba->brd_no, \
++ mb->mbxCommand, \
++ phba->hba_state, \
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag, \
++ flag);
++/* This will save a huge switch to determine if the IOCB cmd
++ * is unsolicited or solicited.
++ */
++#define LPFC_UNSOL_IOCB 1
++#define LPFC_SOL_IOCB 2
++#define LPFC_ABORT_IOCB 3
++static uint8_t lpfc_sli_iocb_cmd_type[CMD_MAX_IOCB_CMD] = {
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0x00 */
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0x0C */
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0x1E */
++ /* 0x24 - 0x80 */
++ /* 0x30 */
++ /* 0x40 */
++ /* 0x50 */
++ /* 0x60 */
++ /* 0x70 */
++ /* 0x80 */
++ /* 0x8E - 0x94 */
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0x96 */
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0x97 */
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0x9E */
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0xA0 */
++ LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB, /* 0xA2 */
++ /* 0xA4 - 0xC1 */
++ /* 0xC4 - 0xCF */
++ /* 0xD7 - 0xDF */
++ /* 0xE0 */
++static void
++lpfc_sli_wake_mbox_wait(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmboxq)
++ wait_queue_head_t *pdone_q;
++ /*
++ * If pdone_q is empty, the driver thread gave up waiting and
++ * continued running.
++ */
++ pdone_q = (wait_queue_head_t *) pmboxq->context1;
++ if (pdone_q)
++ wake_up_interruptible(pdone_q);
++ return;
++static int
++lpfc_sli_ring_map(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ MAILBOX_t *pmbox;
++ int i;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* Get a Mailbox buffer to setup mailbox commands for HBA
++ initialization */
++ if ((pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ pmbox = &pmb->mb;
++ /* Initialize the struct lpfc_sli_ring structure for each ring */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ /* Issue a CONFIG_RING mailbox command for each ring */
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_MBX_CMDS;
++ lpfc_config_ring(phba, i, pmb);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ /* Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd <cmd> CFG_RING,
++ mbxStatus <status>, ring <num> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0446 Adapter failed to init, "
++ "mbxCmd x%x CFG_RING, mbxStatus x%x, "
++ "ring %d\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pmbox->mbxCommand,
++ pmbox->mbxStatus,
++ i);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ENXIO;
++ }
++ }
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return 0;
++static int
++lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, struct lpfc_iocbq * piocb)
++ uint16_t iotag;
++ list_add_tail(&piocb->list, &pring->txcmplq);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt++;
++ if (unlikely(pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING))
++ mod_timer(&phba->els_tmofunc,
++ jiffies + HZ * (phba->fc_ratov << 1));
++ if (pring->fast_lookup) {
++ /* Setup fast lookup based on iotag for completion */
++ iotag = piocb->iocb.ulpIoTag;
++ if (iotag && (iotag
++ < phba->sli.sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno].fast_iotag))
++ *(pring->fast_lookup + iotag) = piocb;
++ else {
++ /* Cmd ring <ringno> put: iotag <iotag> greater then
++ configured max <fast_iotag> wd0 <icmd> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0316 Cmd ring %d put: iotag x%x "
++ "greater then configured max x%x "
++ "wd0 x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pring->ringno, iotag, phba->sli.sliinit
++ .ringinit[pring->ringno].fast_iotag,
++ *(((uint32_t *)(&piocb->iocb)) + 7));
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_sli_ringtx_put(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * piocb)
++ /* Insert the caller's iocb in the txq tail for later processing. */
++ list_add_tail(&piocb->list, &pring->txq);
++ pring->txq_cnt++;
++ return (0);
++static struct lpfc_iocbq *
++lpfc_sli_ringtx_get(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring)
++ struct list_head *dlp;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmd_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *next_iocb;
++ dlp = &pring->txq;
++ cmd_iocb = NULL;
++ next_iocb = (struct lpfc_iocbq *) pring->;
++ if (next_iocb != (struct lpfc_iocbq *) & pring->txq) {
++ /* If the first ptr is not equal to the list header,
++ * deque the IOCBQ_t and return it.
++ */
++ cmd_iocb = next_iocb;
++ list_del(&cmd_iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ }
++ return (cmd_iocb);
++static IOCB_t *
++lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot (struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
++ MAILBOX_t *mbox = (MAILBOX_t *)phba->sli.MBhostaddr;
++ PGP *pgp = (PGP *)&mbox->us.s2.port[pring->ringno];
++ uint32_t max_cmd_idx =
++ phba->sli.sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno].numCiocb;
++ IOCB_t *iocb = NULL;
++ if((pring->next_cmdidx == pring->cmdidx) &&
++ (++pring->next_cmdidx >= max_cmd_idx))
++ pring->next_cmdidx = 0;
++ if (unlikely(pring->local_getidx == pring->next_cmdidx)) {
++ pring->local_getidx = le32_to_cpu(pgp->cmdGetInx);
++ if (unlikely(pring->local_getidx >= max_cmd_idx)) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
++ "%d:0315 Ring %d issue: portCmdGet %d "
++ "is bigger then cmd ring %d\n",
++ phba->brd_no, pring->ringno,
++ pring->local_getidx, max_cmd_idx);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ /*
++ All error attention handlers are posted to
++ discovery tasklet
++ */
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, (void *)HS_FFER3, NULL,
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (pring->local_getidx == pring->next_cmdidx)
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ iocb = IOCB_ENTRY(pring->cmdringaddr, pring->cmdidx);
++ return iocb;
++static int
++lpfc_sli_submit_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
++ IOCB_t *iocb, struct lpfc_iocbq *nextiocb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ int ringno = pring->ringno;
++ /*
++ * Alloocate and set up an iotag
++ */
++ if ((nextiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag =
++ lpfc_sli_next_iotag(phba, &psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring])) == 0)
++ return (1);
++ /*
++ * Issue iocb command to adapter
++ */
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *)&nextiocb->iocb,
++ (uint32_t *)(iocb), sizeof (IOCB_t));
++ wmb();
++ psli->slistat.iocbCmd[ringno]++;
++ /*
++ * If there is no completion routine to call, we can release the
++ * IOCB buffer back right now. For IOCBs, like QUE_RING_BUF,
++ * that have no rsp ring completion, iocb_cmpl MUST be NULL.
++ */
++ if (nextiocb->iocb_cmpl)
++ lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put(phba, pring, nextiocb);
++ else
++ mempool_free(nextiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ /*
++ * Let the HBA know what IOCB slot will be the next one the
++ * driver will put a command into.
++ */
++ pring->cmdidx = pring->next_cmdidx;
++ writeb(pring->cmdidx,
++ (u8 *)phba->MBslimaddr + (SLIMOFF + (ringno * 2)) * 4);
++ return (0);
++static void
++lpfc_sli_update_full_ring(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
++ int ringno = pring->ringno;
++ pring->flag |= LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE;
++ wmb();
++ /*
++ * Set ring 'ringno' to SET R0CE_REQ in Chip Att register.
++ * The HBA will tell us when an IOCB entry is available.
++ */
++ writel((CA_R0ATT|CA_R0CE_REQ) << (ringno*4), phba->CAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */
++ phba->sli.slistat.iocbCmdFull[ringno]++;
++static void
++lpfc_sli_update_ring(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
++ int ringno = pring->ringno;
++ /*
++ * Tell the HBA that there is work to do in this ring.
++ */
++ wmb();
++ writel(CA_R0ATT << (ringno * 4), phba->CAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */
++static void
++lpfc_sli_resume_iocb(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ IOCB_t *iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *nextiocb;
++ /*
++ * Check to see if:
++ * (a) there is anything on the txq to send
++ * (b) link is up
++ * (c) link attention events can be processed (fcp ring only)
++ * (d) IOCB processing is not blocked by the outstanding mbox command.
++ */
++ if (pring->txq_cnt &&
++ (phba->hba_state > LPFC_LINK_DOWN) &&
++ (pring->ringno != psli->fcp_ring ||
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_PROCESS_LA) &&
++ !(pring->flag & LPFC_STOP_IOCB_MBX)) {
++ while ((iocb = lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot(phba, pring)) &&
++ (nextiocb = lpfc_sli_ringtx_get(phba, pring)))
++ if (lpfc_sli_submit_iocb(phba, pring, iocb, nextiocb)) {
++ lpfc_sli_ringtx_put(phba, pring, nextiocb);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (iocb)
++ lpfc_sli_update_ring(phba, pring);
++ else
++ lpfc_sli_update_full_ring(phba, pring);
++ }
++ return;
++/* lpfc_sli_turn_on_ring is only called by lpfc_sli_handle_mb_event below */
++static void
++lpfc_sli_turn_on_ring(struct lpfc_hba * phba, int ringno)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ PGP *pgp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[ringno];
++ pgp = (PGP *) & (((MAILBOX_t *)psli->MBhostaddr)->us.s2.port[ringno]);
++ /* If the ring is active, flag it */
++ if (psli->ring[ringno].cmdringaddr) {
++ if (psli->ring[ringno].flag & LPFC_STOP_IOCB_MBX) {
++ psli->ring[ringno].flag &= ~LPFC_STOP_IOCB_MBX;
++ /*
++ * Force update of the local copy of cmdGetInx
++ */
++ pring->local_getidx = le32_to_cpu(pgp->cmdGetInx);
++ lpfc_sli_resume_iocb(phba, pring);
++ }
++ }
++static int
++lpfc_sli_chk_mbx_command(uint8_t mbxCommand)
++ uint8_t ret;
++ switch (mbxCommand) {
++ case MBX_LOAD_SM:
++ case MBX_READ_NV:
++ case MBX_WRITE_NV:
++ case MBX_INIT_LINK:
++ case MBX_DOWN_LINK:
++ case MBX_READ_RPI:
++ case MBX_READ_XRI:
++ case MBX_READ_REV:
++ case MBX_REG_LOGIN:
++ case MBX_READ_LA:
++ case MBX_CLEAR_LA:
++ case MBX_RUN_DIAGS:
++ case MBX_RESTART:
++ case MBX_DOWN_LOAD:
++ case MBX_SET_MASK:
++ case MBX_SET_SLIM:
++ case MBX_UNREG_D_ID:
++ case MBX_LOAD_AREA:
++ case MBX_RUN_BIU_DIAG64:
++ case MBX_READ_SPARM64:
++ case MBX_READ_RPI64:
++ case MBX_REG_LOGIN64:
++ case MBX_READ_LA64:
++ case MBX_SET_DEBUG:
++ ret = mbxCommand;
++ break;
++ default:
++ ret = MBX_SHUTDOWN;
++ break;
++ }
++ return (ret);
++lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return;
++static int
++lpfc_sli_handle_mb_event(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ MAILBOX_t *mbox;
++ MAILBOX_t *pmbox;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ int i;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ uint32_t process_next;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* We should only get here if we are in SLI2 mode */
++ if (!(psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE)) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ psli->slistat.mboxEvent++;
++ /* Get a Mailbox buffer to setup mailbox commands for callback */
++ if ((pmb = psli->mbox_active)) {
++ pmbox = &pmb->mb;
++ mbox = (MAILBOX_t *) psli->MBhostaddr;
++ /* First check out the status word */
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) mbox, (uint32_t *) pmbox,
++ sizeof (uint32_t));
++ /* Sanity check to ensure the host owns the mailbox */
++ if (pmbox->mbxOwner != OWN_HOST) {
++ /* Lets try for a while */
++ for (i = 0; i < 10240; i++) {
++ /* First copy command data */
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) mbox,
++ (uint32_t *) pmbox,
++ sizeof (uint32_t));
++ if (pmbox->mbxOwner == OWN_HOST)
++ goto mbout;
++ }
++ /* Stray Mailbox Interrupt, mbxCommand <cmd> mbxStatus
++ <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0304 Stray Mailbox Interrupt "
++ "mbxCommand x%x mbxStatus x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pmbox->mbxCommand,
++ pmbox->mbxStatus);
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ mbout:
++ del_timer_sync(&psli->mbox_tmo);
++ phba->work_hba_events &= ~WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
++ /*
++ * It is a fatal error if unknown mbox command completion.
++ */
++ if (lpfc_sli_chk_mbx_command(pmbox->mbxCommand) ==
++ /* Unknow mailbox command compl */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0323 Unknown Mailbox command %x Cmpl\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pmbox->mbxCommand);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ /*
++ All error attention handlers are posted to
++ discovery tasklet
++ */
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, (void *)HS_FFER3, NULL,
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ psli->mbox_active = NULL;
++ if (pmbox->mbxStatus) {
++ psli->slistat.mboxStatErr++;
++ if (pmbox->mbxStatus == MBXERR_NO_RESOURCES) {
++ /* Mbox cmd cmpl error - RETRYing */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0305 Mbox cmd cmpl error - "
++ "RETRYing Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pmbox->mbxCommand,
++ pmbox->mbxStatus,
++ pmbox->un.varWords[0],
++ phba->hba_state);
++ pmbox->mbxStatus = 0;
++ pmbox->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_NOWAIT)
++ == MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Mailbox cmd <cmd> Cmpl <cmpl> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0307 Mailbox cmd x%x Cmpl x%p "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pmbox->mbxCommand,
++ pmb->mbox_cmpl,
++ *((uint32_t *) pmbox),
++ mbox->un.varWords[0],
++ mbox->un.varWords[1],
++ mbox->un.varWords[2],
++ mbox->un.varWords[3],
++ mbox->un.varWords[4],
++ mbox->un.varWords[5],
++ mbox->un.varWords[6],
++ mbox->un.varWords[7]);
++ if (pmb->mbox_cmpl) {
++ /* Copy entire mbox completion over buffer */
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) mbox,
++ (uint32_t *) pmbox,
++ (sizeof (uint32_t) *
++ /* All mbox cmpls are posted to discovery tasklet */
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, pmb, NULL,
++ }
++ }
++ do {
++ process_next = 0; /* by default don't loop */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ /* Process next mailbox command if there is one */
++ if ((pmb = lpfc_mbox_get(phba))) {
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_NOWAIT) ==
++ pmb->mb.mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
++ /* All mbox cmpls are posted to discovery tasklet */
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, pmb, NULL,
++ process_next = 1;
++ continue; /* loop back */
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Turn on IOCB processing */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ lpfc_sli_turn_on_ring(phba, i);
++ }
++ /* Free any lpfc_dmabuf's waiting for mbox cmd cmpls */
++ while (!list_empty(&phba->freebufList)) {
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *)
++ (phba->;
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt,
++ mp->phys);
++ list_del(&mp->list);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } while (process_next);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *saveq)
++ struct lpfc_sli * psli;
++ IOCB_t * irsp;
++ LPFC_RING_INIT_t * pringinit;
++ WORD5 * w5p;
++ uint32_t Rctl, Type;
++ uint32_t match, ringno, i;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ match = 0;
++ ringno = pring->ringno;
++ irsp = &(saveq->iocb);
++ if ((irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_RCV_ELS_REQ64_CX)
++ || (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_RCV_ELS_REQ_CX)) {
++ Rctl = FC_ELS_REQ;
++ Type = FC_ELS_DATA;
++ } else {
++ w5p =
++ (WORD5 *) & (saveq->iocb.un.
++ ulpWord[5]);
++ Rctl = w5p->hcsw.Rctl;
++ Type = w5p->hcsw.Type;
++ /* Firmware Workaround */
++ if ((Rctl == 0) && (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) &&
++ (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_RCV_SEQUENCE64_CX)) {
++ Rctl = FC_ELS_REQ;
++ Type = FC_ELS_DATA;
++ w5p->hcsw.Rctl = Rctl;
++ w5p->hcsw.Type = Type;
++ }
++ }
++ /* unSolicited Responses */
++ pringinit = &psli->sliinit.ringinit[ringno];
++ if (pringinit->prt[0].profile) {
++ /* If this ring has a profile set, just
++ send it to prt[0] */
++ /* All unsol iocbs for LPFC_ELS_RING
++ * are posted to discovery tasklet.
++ */
++ if (ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, (void *)&pringinit->prt[0],
++ (void *)saveq, LPFC_EVT_UNSOL_IOCB);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ }
++ else {
++ (pringinit->prt[0].
++ lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event) (phba, pring, saveq);
++ }
++ match = 1;
++ } else {
++ /* We must search, based on rctl / type
++ for the right routine */
++ for (i = 0; i < pringinit->num_mask;
++ i++) {
++ if ((pringinit->prt[i].rctl ==
++ Rctl)
++ && (pringinit->prt[i].
++ type == Type)) {
++ /* All unsol iocbs for LPFC_ELS_RING
++ * are posted to discovery tasklet.
++ */
++ if (ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba,
++ (void *)&pringinit->prt[i],
++ (void *)saveq, LPFC_EVT_UNSOL_IOCB);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ }
++ else {
++ (pringinit->prt[i].
++ lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event)
++ (phba, pring, saveq);
++ }
++ match = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (match == 0) {
++ /* Unexpected Rctl / Type received */
++ /* Ring <ringno> handler: unexpected
++ Rctl <Rctl> Type <Type> received */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0313 Ring %d handler: unexpected Rctl x%x "
++ "Type x%x received \n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ringno,
++ Rctl,
++ Type);
++ }
++ return(1);
++static struct lpfc_iocbq *
++lpfc_search_txcmpl(struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, struct lpfc_iocbq * prspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL;
++ IOCB_t *irsp = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmd_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ uint16_t iotag;
++ irsp = &prspiocb->iocb;
++ iotag = irsp->ulpIoTag;
++ cmd_iocb = NULL;
++ /* Search through txcmpl from the begining */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &(pring->txcmplq), list) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if (iotag == icmd->ulpIoTag) {
++ /* Found a match. */
++ cmd_iocb = iocb;
++ list_del(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return (cmd_iocb);
++static struct lpfc_iocbq *
++lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_get(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * prspiocb, uint32_t srch)
++ struct list_head *dlp;
++ IOCB_t *irsp = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *cmd_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint16_t iotag;
++ dlp = &pring->txcmplq;
++ if (pring->fast_lookup && (srch == 0)) {
++ /*
++ * Use fast lookup based on iotag for completion
++ */
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ irsp = &prspiocb->iocb;
++ iotag = irsp->ulpIoTag;
++ if (iotag < psli->sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno].fast_iotag) {
++ cmd_iocb = *(pring->fast_lookup + iotag);
++ *(pring->fast_lookup + iotag) = NULL;
++ if (cmd_iocb) {
++ list_del(&cmd_iocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ return cmd_iocb;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * Rsp ring <ringno> get: iotag <iotag> greater then
++ * configured max <fast_iotag> wd0 <irsp>
++ */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0317 Rsp ring %d get: iotag x%x "
++ "greater then configured max x%x "
++ "wd0 x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pring->ringno, iotag,
++ psli->sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno]
++ .fast_iotag,
++ *(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 7));
++ }
++ }
++ cmd_iocb = lpfc_search_txcmpl(pring, prspiocb);
++ return cmd_iocb;
++static int
++lpfc_sli_process_sol_iocb(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *saveq)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocbp;
++ int ringno, rc;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ rc = 1;
++ ringno = pring->ringno;
++ /* Solicited Responses */
++ /* Based on the iotag field, get the cmd IOCB
++ from the txcmplq */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if ((cmdiocbp =
++ lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_get(phba, pring, saveq,
++ 0))) {
++ /* Call the specified completion
++ routine */
++ if (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) {
++ /* All iocb cmpls for LPFC_ELS_RING
++ * are posted to discovery tasklet.
++ */
++ if (ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, (void *)cmdiocbp,
++ (void *)saveq, LPFC_EVT_SOL_IOCB);
++ }
++ else {
++ if (cmdiocbp->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_POLL) {
++ rc = 0;
++ }
++ if (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl == lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl)
++ (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) (phba, cmdiocbp, saveq);
++ else {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) (phba, cmdiocbp, saveq);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( cmdiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Could not find the initiating command
++ * based of the response iotag.
++ * This is expected on ELS ring because of lpfc_els_abort().
++ */
++ if (ringno != LPFC_ELS_RING) {
++ /* Ring <ringno> handler: unexpected
++ completion IoTag <IoTag> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0322 Ring %d handler: unexpected "
++ "completion IoTag x%x Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ringno,
++ saveq->iocb.ulpIoTag,
++ saveq->iocb.ulpStatus,
++ saveq->iocb.un.ulpWord[4],
++ saveq->iocb.ulpCommand,
++ saveq->iocb.ulpContext);
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return(rc);
++static int
++lpfc_sli_handle_ring_event(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, uint32_t mask)
++ struct lpfc_sli * psli;
++ IOCB_t * entry;
++ IOCB_t * irsp;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocbp, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocbp;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * saveq;
++ HGP * hgp;
++ PGP * pgp;
++ MAILBOX_t * mbox;
++ uint32_t status, free_saveq;
++ uint32_t portRspPut, portRspMax;
++ int ringno, loopcnt, rc;
++ uint8_t type;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ void *to_slim;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ ringno = pring->ringno;
++ irsp = NULL;
++ rc = 1;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ psli->slistat.iocbEvent[ringno]++;
++ /* At this point we assume SLI-2 */
++ mbox = (MAILBOX_t *) psli->MBhostaddr;
++ pgp = (PGP *) & mbox->us.s2.port[ringno];
++ hgp = (HGP *) & mbox->[ringno];
++ /* portRspMax is the number of rsp ring entries for this specific
++ ring. */
++ portRspMax = psli->sliinit.ringinit[ringno].numRiocb;
++ rspiocbp = NULL;
++ loopcnt = 0;
++ /* Gather iocb entries off response ring.
++ * rspidx is the IOCB index of the next IOCB that the driver
++ * is going to process.
++ */
++ entry = IOCB_ENTRY(pring->rspringaddr, pring->rspidx);
++ portRspPut = le32_to_cpu(pgp->rspPutInx);
++ if (portRspPut >= portRspMax) {
++ /* Ring <ringno> handler: portRspPut <portRspPut> is bigger then
++ rsp ring <portRspMax> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0312 Ring %d handler: portRspPut %d "
++ "is bigger then rsp ring %d\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ringno, portRspPut, portRspMax);
++ /*
++ * Treat it as adapter hardware error.
++ */
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ /*
++ All error attention handlers are posted to
++ discovery tasklet
++ */
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, (void *)HS_FFER3, NULL,
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ rmb();
++ /* Get the next available response iocb.
++ * rspidx is the IOCB index of the next IOCB that the driver
++ * is going to process.
++ */
++ while (pring->rspidx != portRspPut) {
++ /* get an iocb buffer to copy entry into */
++ if ((rspiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) entry,
++ (uint32_t *) & rspiocbp->iocb,
++ sizeof (IOCB_t));
++ irsp = &rspiocbp->iocb;
++ /* bump iocb available response index */
++ if (++pring->rspidx >= portRspMax) {
++ pring->rspidx = 0;
++ }
++ /* Let the HBA know what IOCB slot will be the next one the
++ * driver will read a response from.
++ */
++ to_slim = (uint8_t *) phba->MBslimaddr +
++ (SLIMOFF + (ringno * 2) + 1) * 4;
++ writeb( pring->rspidx, to_slim);
++ /* chain all iocb entries until LE is set */
++ if (list_empty(&(pring->iocb_continueq))) {
++ list_add(&rspiocbp->list, &(pring->iocb_continueq));
++ } else {
++ list_add_tail(&rspiocbp->list,
++ &(pring->iocb_continueq));
++ }
++ pring->iocb_continueq_cnt++;
++ /*
++ * When the ulpLe field is set, the entire Command has been
++ * received. Start by getting a pointer to the first iocb entry
++ * in the chain.
++ */
++ if (irsp->ulpLe) {
++ /*
++ * By default, the driver expects to free all resources
++ * associated with this iocb completion.
++ */
++ free_saveq = 1;
++ saveq = list_entry(pring->,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq, list);
++ irsp = &(saveq->iocb);
++ list_del_init(&pring->iocb_continueq);
++ pring->iocb_continueq_cnt = 0;
++ psli->slistat.iocbRsp[ringno]++;
++ if(irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ /* Rsp ring <ringno> error: IOCB */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0326 Rsp Ring %d error: IOCB Data: "
++ "x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ ringno,
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[0],
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[1],
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[2],
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[3],
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[4],
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[5],
++ *(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 6),
++ *(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 7));
++ }
++ /* Determine if IOCB command is a solicited or
++ unsolicited event */
++ type =
++ lpfc_sli_iocb_cmd_type[(irsp->
++ ulpCommand &
++ if (type == LPFC_SOL_IOCB) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ rc = lpfc_sli_process_sol_iocb(phba, pring,
++ saveq);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /*
++ * If this solicted completion is an ELS
++ * command, don't free the resources now because
++ * the discoverytasklet does later.
++ */
++ if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING)
++ free_saveq = 0;
++ else
++ free_saveq = 1;
++ } else if (type == LPFC_UNSOL_IOCB) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ rc = lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb(phba, pring,
++ saveq);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ /*
++ * If this unsolicted completion is an ELS
++ * command, don't free the resources now because
++ * the discoverytasklet does later.
++ */
++ if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING)
++ free_saveq = 0;
++ else
++ free_saveq = 1;
++ } else if (type == LPFC_ABORT_IOCB) {
++ /* Solicited ABORT Responses */
++ /* Based on the iotag field, get the cmd IOCB
++ from the txcmplq */
++ if ((irsp->ulpCommand != CMD_XRI_ABORTED_CX) &&
++ ((cmdiocbp =
++ lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_get(phba, pring,
++ saveq, 0)))) {
++ /* Call the specified completion
++ routine */
++ if (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) (phba,
++ cmdiocbp, saveq);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(
++ phba->host->host_lock,
++ iflag);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(cmdiocbp,
++ phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (type == LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB) {
++ if (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_ADAPTER_MSG) {
++ char adaptermsg[LPFC_MAX_ADPTMSG];
++ memset(adaptermsg, 0,
++ memcpy(&adaptermsg[0], (uint8_t *) irsp,
++ dev_warn(&((phba->pcidev)->dev),
++ "lpfc%d: %s",
++ phba->brd_no, adaptermsg);
++ } else {
++ /* Unknown IOCB command */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0321 Unknown IOCB command "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ irsp->ulpCommand,
++ irsp->ulpStatus,
++ irsp->ulpIoTag,
++ irsp->ulpContext);
++ }
++ }
++ if (free_saveq) {
++ /*
++ * Free up iocb buffer chain for command just
++ * processed
++ */
++ if (!list_empty(&pring->iocb_continueq)) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(rspiocbp,
++ next_iocb,
++ &pring->iocb_continueq, list) {
++ list_del_init(&rspiocbp->list);
++ mempool_free(rspiocbp,
++ phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ mempool_free( saveq, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Entire Command has been received */
++ entry = IOCB_ENTRY(pring->rspringaddr, pring->rspidx);
++ /* If the port response put pointer has not been updated, sync
++ * the pgp->rspPutInx in the MAILBOX_tand fetch the new port
++ * response put pointer.
++ */
++ if (pring->rspidx == portRspPut) {
++ portRspPut = le32_to_cpu(pgp->rspPutInx);
++ }
++ } /* while (pring->rspidx != portRspPut) */
++ if ((rspiocbp != 0) && (mask & HA_R0RE_REQ)) {
++ /* At least one response entry has been freed */
++ psli->slistat.iocbRspFull[ringno]++;
++ /* SET RxRE_RSP in Chip Att register */
++ status = ((CA_R0ATT | CA_R0RE_RSP) << (ringno * 4));
++ writel(status, phba->CAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */
++ }
++ if ((mask & HA_R0CE_RSP) && (pring->flag & LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE)) {
++ pring->flag &= ~LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE;
++ psli->slistat.iocbCmdEmpty[ringno]++;
++ /*
++ * Force update of the local copy of cmdGetInx
++ */
++ pring->local_getidx = le32_to_cpu(pgp->cmdGetInx);
++ lpfc_sli_resume_iocb(phba, pring);
++ if ((psli->sliinit.ringinit[ringno].lpfc_sli_cmd_available))
++ (psli->sliinit.ringinit[ringno].
++ lpfc_sli_cmd_available) (phba, pring);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return (rc);
++static uint32_t
++lpfc_intr_prep(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ uint32_t ha_copy;
++ /* Ignore all interrupts during initialization. */
++ if (phba->hba_state < LPFC_LINK_DOWN)
++ return (0);
++ /* Read host attention register to determine interrupt source */
++ ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
++ /* Clear Attention Sources, except ERATT (to preserve status) & LATT
++ * (ha_copy & ~(HA_ERATT | HA_LATT));
++ */
++ writel((ha_copy & ~(HA_LATT | HA_ERATT)), phba->HAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
++ return (ha_copy);
++} /* lpfc_intr_prep */
++lpfc_sli_intr(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ uint32_t ha_copy;
++ unsigned long status;
++ int i;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ psli->slistat.sliIntr++;
++ /*
++ * Call the HBA to see if it is interrupting. If not, don't claim
++ * the interrupt
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ ha_copy = lpfc_intr_prep(phba);
++ if (!ha_copy) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ if (ha_copy & HA_ERATT) {
++ /*
++ * There was a link/board error. Read the status register to
++ * retrieve the error event and process it.
++ */
++ psli->slistat.errAttnEvent++;
++ status = readl(phba->HSregaddr);
++ /* Clear Chip error bit */
++ writel(HA_ERATT, phba->HAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
++ /*
++ All error attention handlers are posted to
++ discovery tasklet
++ */
++ lpfc_discq_post_event(phba, (void *)status, NULL,
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (ha_copy & HA_MBATT) {
++ /* There was a Mailbox event. */
++ lpfc_sli_handle_mb_event(phba);
++ }
++ if (ha_copy & HA_LATT) {
++ /*
++ * There was a link attention event. Provided the driver is in
++ * a state to handle link events, handle this event.
++ */
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_PROCESS_LA) {
++ lpfc_handle_latt(phba);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Process all events on each ring */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pring = &psli->ring[i];
++ if ((ha_copy & HA_RXATT)
++ || (pring->flag & LPFC_DEFERRED_RING_EVENT)) {
++ if (pring->flag & LPFC_STOP_IOCB_MASK) {
++ pring->flag |= LPFC_DEFERRED_RING_EVENT;
++ } else {
++ lpfc_sli_handle_ring_event(phba, pring,
++ (ha_copy &
++ pring->flag &= ~LPFC_DEFERRED_RING_EVENT;
++ }
++ }
++ ha_copy = (ha_copy >> 4);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ring(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ uint32_t flag)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocbp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL, *cmd = NULL;
++ int errcnt;
++ uint16_t iotag;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ errcnt = 0;
++ /* Error everything on txq and txcmplq
++ * First do the txq.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ pring->txq_cnt = 0;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(pring->txq));
++ /* Next issue ABTS for everything on the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if (flag == LPFC_SLI_ABORT_IMED) {
++ /*
++ * Imediate abort of IOCB, clear fast_lookup entry,
++ * if any, deque and call compl
++ */
++ iotag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
++ if (pring->fast_lookup &&
++ iotag &&
++ (iotag <
++ psli->sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno].fast_iotag))
++ *(pring->fast_lookup + iotag) = NULL;
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ cmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ cmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
++ if ((abtsiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ memset(abtsiocbp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmd->ulpContext;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = cmd->ulpClass;
++ if (phba->hba_state >= LPFC_LINK_UP) {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
++ } else {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;
++ }
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb
++ (phba, pring, abtsiocbp, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ mempool_free(abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* The rsp ring completion will remove IOCB from txcmplq when
++ * abort is read by HBA.
++ */
++ }
++ if (flag == LPFC_SLI_ABORT_IMED) {
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(pring->txcmplq));
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt = 0;
++ }
++ return (errcnt);
++lpfc_sli_brdreset(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ MAILBOX_t *swpmb;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ uint16_t cfg_value, skip_post;
++ volatile uint32_t word0;
++ int i;
++ void *to_slim;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp, *next_mp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* A board reset must use REAL SLIM. */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE;
++ word0 = 0;
++ swpmb = (MAILBOX_t *) & word0;
++ swpmb->mbxCommand = MBX_RESTART;
++ swpmb->mbxHc = 1;
++ to_slim = phba->MBslimaddr;
++ writel(*(uint32_t *) swpmb, to_slim);
++ readl(to_slim); /* flush */
++ /* Only skip post after fc_ffinit is completed */
++ if (phba->hba_state) {
++ skip_post = 1;
++ word0 = 1; /* This is really setting up word1 */
++ } else {
++ skip_post = 0;
++ word0 = 0; /* This is really setting up word1 */
++ }
++ to_slim = (uint8_t *) phba->MBslimaddr + sizeof (uint32_t);
++ writel(*(uint32_t *) swpmb, to_slim);
++ readl(to_slim); /* flush */
++ /* Reset HBA */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0325 Reset HBA Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->hba_state,
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag);
++ /* Turn off SERR, PERR in PCI cmd register */
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ /* perform board reset */
++ phba->fc_eventTag = 0;
++ phba->fc_myDID = 0;
++ phba->fc_prevDID = 0;
++ /* Turn off parity checking and serr during the physical reset */
++ pci_read_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND, &cfg_value);
++ pci_write_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND,
++ (cfg_value &
++ /* Now toggle INITFF bit in the Host Control Register */
++ writel(HC_INITFF, phba->HCregaddr);
++ mdelay(1);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ /* Restore PCI cmd register */
++ pci_write_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND, cfg_value);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ /* Initialize relevant SLI info */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pring = &psli->ring[i];
++ pring->flag = 0;
++ pring->rspidx = 0;
++ pring->next_cmdidx = 0;
++ pring->local_getidx = 0;
++ pring->cmdidx = 0;
++ pring->missbufcnt = 0;
++ }
++ if (skip_post) {
++ mdelay(100);
++ } else {
++ mdelay(2000);
++ }
++ /* Cleanup preposted buffers on the ELS ring */
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(mp, next_mp, &pring->postbufq, list) {
++ list_del(&mp->list);
++ pring->postbufq_cnt--;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pring = &psli->ring[i];
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ring(phba, pring, LPFC_SLI_ABORT_IMED);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static void
++lpfc_setup_slim_access(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
++ phba->MBslimaddr = phba->slim_memmap_p;
++ phba->HAregaddr = (uint32_t *) (phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p) +
++ phba->HCregaddr = (uint32_t *) (phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p) +
++ phba->CAregaddr = (uint32_t *) (phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p) +
++ phba->HSregaddr = (uint32_t *) (phba->ctrl_regs_memmap_p) +
++ return;
++lpfc_sli_hba_setup(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ int read_rev_reset, i, rc;
++ uint32_t status;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* Setep SLI interface for HBA register and HBA SLIM access */
++ lpfc_setup_slim_access(phba);
++ /* Set board state to initialization started */
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ read_rev_reset = 0;
++ /* On some platforms/OS's, the driver can't rely on the state the
++ * adapter may be in. For this reason, the driver is allowed to reset
++ * the HBA before initialization.
++ */
++ if (lpfc_sli_reset_on_init) {
++ phba->hba_state = 0; /* Don't skip post */
++ lpfc_sli_brdreset(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ /* Sleep for 2.5 sec */
++ msleep(2500);
++ }
++ /* Read the HBA Host Status Register */
++ status = readl(phba->HSregaddr);
++ /* Check status register to see what current state is */
++ i = 0;
++ while ((status & (HS_FFRDY | HS_MBRDY)) != (HS_FFRDY | HS_MBRDY)) {
++ /* Check every 100ms for 5 retries, then every 500ms for 5, then
++ * every 2.5 sec for 5, then reset board and every 2.5 sec for
++ * 4.
++ */
++ if (i++ >= 20) {
++ /* Adapter failed to init, timeout, status reg
++ <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0436 Adapter failed to init, "
++ "timeout, status reg x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ status);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ return -ETIMEDOUT;
++ }
++ /* Check to see if any errors occurred during init */
++ if (status & HS_FFERM) {
++ /* ERROR: During chipset initialization */
++ /* Adapter failed to init, chipset, status reg
++ <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0437 Adapter failed to init, "
++ "chipset, status reg x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ status);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ if (i <= 5) {
++ msleep(10);
++ } else if (i <= 10) {
++ msleep(500);
++ } else {
++ msleep(2500);
++ }
++ if (i == 15) {
++ phba->hba_state = 0; /* Don't skip post */
++ lpfc_sli_brdreset(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ }
++ /* Read the HBA Host Status Register */
++ status = readl(phba->HSregaddr);
++ }
++ /* Check to see if any errors occurred during init */
++ if (status & HS_FFERM) {
++ /* ERROR: During chipset initialization */
++ /* Adapter failed to init, chipset, status reg <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0438 Adapter failed to init, chipset, "
++ "status reg x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ status);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ /* Clear all interrupt enable conditions */
++ writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
++ /* setup host attn register */
++ writel(0xffffffff, phba->HAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
++ /* Get a Mailbox buffer to setup mailbox commands for HBA
++ initialization */
++ if ((pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ /* Call pre CONFIG_PORT mailbox command initialization. A value of 0
++ * means the call was successful. Any other nonzero value is a failure,
++ * but if ERESTART is returned, the driver may reset the HBA and try
++ * again.
++ */
++ if ((rc = lpfc_config_port_prep(phba))) {
++ if ((rc == -ERESTART) && (read_rev_reset == 0)) {
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ phba->hba_state = 0; /* Don't skip post */
++ lpfc_sli_brdreset(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ msleep(500);
++ read_rev_reset = 1;
++ goto top;
++ }
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ENXIO;
++ }
++ /* Setup and issue mailbox CONFIG_PORT command */
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_MBX_CMDS;
++ lpfc_config_port(phba, pmb);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ /* Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd <cmd> CONFIG_PORT,
++ mbxStatus <status> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
++ "%d:0442 Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd x%x "
++ "CONFIG_PORT, mbxStatus x%x Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, pmb->mb.mbxCommand,
++ pmb->mb.mbxStatus, 0);
++ /* This clause gives the config_port call is given multiple
++ chances to succeed. */
++ if (read_rev_reset == 0) {
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ phba->hba_state = 0; /* Don't skip post */
++ lpfc_sli_brdreset(phba);
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ msleep(2500);
++ read_rev_reset = 1;
++ goto top;
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE;
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ENXIO;
++ }
++ if ((rc = lpfc_sli_ring_map(phba))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ENXIO;
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag |= LPFC_PROCESS_LA;
++ /* Call post CONFIG_PORT mailbox command initialization. */
++ if ((rc = lpfc_config_port_post(phba))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return -ENXIO;
++ }
++ mempool_free( pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ return 0;
++static void
++lpfc_mbox_abort(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmbox;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ if (psli->mbox_active) {
++ del_timer_sync(&psli->mbox_tmo);
++ phba->work_hba_events &= ~WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
++ pmbox = psli->mbox_active;
++ mb = &pmbox->mb;
++ psli->mbox_active = NULL;
++ if (pmbox->mbox_cmpl) {
++ mb->mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
++ (pmbox->mbox_cmpl) (phba, pmbox);
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ }
++ /* Abort all the non active mailbox commands. */
++ pmbox = lpfc_mbox_get(phba);
++ while (pmbox) {
++ mb = &pmbox->mb;
++ if (pmbox->mbox_cmpl) {
++ mb->mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
++ (pmbox->mbox_cmpl) (phba, pmbox);
++ }
++ pmbox = lpfc_mbox_get(phba);
++ }
++ return;
++/*! lpfc_mbox_timeout
++ *
++ * \pre
++ * \post
++ * \param hba Pointer to per struct lpfc_hba structure
++ * \param l1 Pointer to the driver's mailbox queue.
++ * \return
++ * void
++ *
++ * \b Description:
++ *
++ * This routine handles mailbox timeout events at timer interrupt context.
++ */
++lpfc_mbox_timeout(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)ptr;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (!(phba->work_hba_events & WORKER_MBOX_TMO)) {
++ phba->work_hba_events |= WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
++ if (phba->dpc_wait)
++ up(phba->dpc_wait);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++lpfc_mbox_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmbox;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!(phba->work_hba_events & WORKER_MBOX_TMO)) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ phba->work_hba_events &= ~WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
++ pmbox = psli->mbox_active;
++ mb = &pmbox->mb;
++ /* Mbox cmd <mbxCommand> timeout */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0310 Mailbox command x%x timeout Data: x%x x%x x%p\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand,
++ phba->hba_state,
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag,
++ psli->mbox_active);
++ if (psli->mbox_active == pmbox) {
++ psli->mbox_active = NULL;
++ if (pmbox->mbox_cmpl) {
++ mb->mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
++ (pmbox->mbox_cmpl) (phba, pmbox);
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ }
++ lpfc_mbox_abort(phba);
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmbox, uint32_t flag)
++ MAILBOX_t *mbox;
++ MAILBOX_t *mb;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint32_t status, evtctr;
++ uint32_t ha_copy;
++ int i;
++ unsigned long drvr_flag = 0;
++ volatile uint32_t word0, ldata;
++ void *to_slim;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ if (flag & MBX_POLL) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, drvr_flag);
++ }
++ mb = &pmbox->mb;
++ status = MBX_SUCCESS;
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE) {
++ /* Polling for a mbox command when another one is already active
++ * is not allowed in SLI. Also, the driver must have established
++ * SLI2 mode to queue and process multiple mbox commands.
++ */
++ if (flag & MBX_POLL) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ drvr_flag);
++ /* Mbox command <mbxCommand> cannot issue */
++ LOG_MBOX_CANNOT_ISSUE_DATA( phba, mb, psli, flag)
++ return (MBX_NOT_FINISHED);
++ }
++ if (!(psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE)) {
++ /* Mbox command <mbxCommand> cannot issue */
++ LOG_MBOX_CANNOT_ISSUE_DATA( phba, mb, psli, flag)
++ return (MBX_NOT_FINISHED);
++ }
++ /* Handle STOP IOCB processing flag. This is only meaningful
++ * if we are not polling for mbox completion.
++ */
++ if (flag & MBX_STOP_IOCB) {
++ flag &= ~MBX_STOP_IOCB;
++ /* Now flag each ring */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ /* If the ring is active, flag it */
++ if (psli->ring[i].cmdringaddr) {
++ psli->ring[i].flag |=
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Another mailbox command is still being processed, queue this
++ * command to be processed later.
++ */
++ lpfc_mbox_put(phba, pmbox);
++ /* Mbox cmd issue - BUSY */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0308 Mbox cmd issue - BUSY Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand,
++ phba->hba_state,
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag,
++ flag);
++ psli->slistat.mboxBusy++;
++ if (flag == MBX_POLL) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ drvr_flag);
++ }
++ return (MBX_BUSY);
++ }
++ /* Handle STOP IOCB processing flag. This is only meaningful
++ * if we are not polling for mbox completion.
++ */
++ if (flag & MBX_STOP_IOCB) {
++ flag &= ~MBX_STOP_IOCB;
++ if (flag == MBX_NOWAIT) {
++ /* Now flag each ring */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ /* If the ring is active, flag it */
++ if (psli->ring[i].cmdringaddr) {
++ psli->ring[i].flag |=
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ /* If we are not polling, we MUST be in SLI2 mode */
++ if (flag != MBX_POLL) {
++ if (!(psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE)) {
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ /* Mbox command <mbxCommand> cannot issue */
++ LOG_MBOX_CANNOT_ISSUE_DATA( phba, mb, psli, flag);
++ return (MBX_NOT_FINISHED);
++ }
++ /* timeout active mbox command */
++ mod_timer(&psli->mbox_tmo, jiffies + HZ * LPFC_MBOX_TMO);
++ }
++ /* Mailbox cmd <cmd> issue */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0309 Mailbox cmd x%x issue Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ mb->mbxCommand,
++ phba->hba_state,
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag,
++ flag);
++ psli->slistat.mboxCmd++;
++ evtctr = psli->slistat.mboxEvent;
++ /* next set own bit for the adapter and copy over command word */
++ mb->mbxOwner = OWN_CHIP;
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE) {
++ /* First copy command data to host SLIM area */
++ mbox = (MAILBOX_t *) psli->MBhostaddr;
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) mb, (uint32_t *) mbox,
++ (sizeof (uint32_t) *
++ } else {
++ if (mb->mbxCommand == MBX_CONFIG_PORT) {
++ /* copy command data into host mbox for cmpl */
++ mbox = (MAILBOX_t *) psli->MBhostaddr;
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) mb,
++ (uint32_t *) mbox,
++ (sizeof (uint32_t) *
++ }
++ /* First copy mbox command data to HBA SLIM, skip past first
++ word */
++ to_slim = (uint8_t *) phba->MBslimaddr + sizeof (uint32_t);
++ lpfc_memcpy_to_slim(to_slim, (void *)&mb->un.varWords[0],
++ (MAILBOX_CMD_WSIZE - 1) * sizeof (uint32_t));
++ /* Next copy over first word, with mbxOwner set */
++ ldata = *((volatile uint32_t *)mb);
++ to_slim = phba->MBslimaddr;
++ writel(ldata, to_slim);
++ readl(to_slim); /* flush */
++ if (mb->mbxCommand == MBX_CONFIG_PORT) {
++ /* switch over to host mailbox */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE;
++ }
++ }
++ wmb();
++ /* interrupt board to doit right away */
++ writel(CA_MBATT, phba->CAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */
++ switch (flag) {
++ case MBX_NOWAIT:
++ /* Don't wait for it to finish, just return */
++ psli->mbox_active = pmbox;
++ break;
++ case MBX_POLL:
++ i = 0;
++ psli->mbox_active = NULL;
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE) {
++ /* First read mbox status word */
++ mbox = (MAILBOX_t *) psli->MBhostaddr;
++ word0 = *((volatile uint32_t *)mbox);
++ word0 = le32_to_cpu(word0);
++ } else {
++ /* First read mbox status word */
++ word0 = readl(phba->MBslimaddr);
++ }
++ /* Read the HBA Host Attention Register */
++ ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
++ /* Wait for command to complete */
++ while (((word0 & OWN_CHIP) == OWN_CHIP)
++ || !(ha_copy & HA_MBATT)) {
++ if (i++ >= 5000) {
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,
++ drvr_flag);
++ return (MBX_NOT_FINISHED);
++ }
++ /* Check if we took a mbox interrupt while we were
++ polling */
++ if (((word0 & OWN_CHIP) != OWN_CHIP)
++ && (evtctr != psli->slistat.mboxEvent))
++ break;
++ /* Can be in interrupt context, do not sleep */
++ /* (or might be called with interrupts disabled) */
++ udelay(1000);
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE) {
++ /* First copy command data */
++ mbox = (MAILBOX_t *) psli->MBhostaddr;
++ word0 = *((volatile uint32_t *)mbox);
++ word0 = le32_to_cpu(word0);
++ if (mb->mbxCommand == MBX_CONFIG_PORT) {
++ MAILBOX_t *slimmb;
++ volatile uint32_t slimword0;
++ /* Check real SLIM for any errors */
++ slimword0 = readl(phba->MBslimaddr);
++ slimmb = (MAILBOX_t *) & slimword0;
++ if (((slimword0 & OWN_CHIP) != OWN_CHIP)
++ && slimmb->mbxStatus) {
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &=
++ word0 = slimword0;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* First copy command data */
++ word0 = readl(phba->MBslimaddr);
++ }
++ /* Read the HBA Host Attention Register */
++ ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
++ }
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE) {
++ /* First copy command data */
++ mbox = (MAILBOX_t *) psli->MBhostaddr;
++ /* copy results back to user */
++ lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) mbox,
++ (uint32_t *) mb,
++ (sizeof (uint32_t) *
++ } else {
++ /* First copy command data */
++ lpfc_memcpy_from_slim((void *)mb,
++ phba->MBslimaddr,
++ sizeof (uint32_t) * (MAILBOX_CMD_WSIZE));
++ if ((mb->mbxCommand == MBX_DUMP_MEMORY) &&
++ pmbox->context2) {
++ lpfc_memcpy_from_slim((void *)pmbox->context2,
++ phba->MBslimaddr + DMP_RSP_OFFSET,
++ mb->un.varDmp.word_cnt);
++ }
++ }
++ writel(HA_MBATT, phba->HAregaddr);
++ readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ status = mb->mbxStatus;
++ }
++ if (flag == MBX_POLL) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, drvr_flag);
++ }
++ return (status);
++static struct lpfc_iocbq *
++lpfc_sli_next_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq ** piocb)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * nextiocb;
++ nextiocb = lpfc_sli_ringtx_get(phba, pring);
++ if (!nextiocb) {
++ nextiocb = *piocb;
++ *piocb = NULL;
++ }
++ return nextiocb;
++lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb, uint32_t flag)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ int ringno = pring->ringno;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *nextiocb;
++ IOCB_t *iocb;
++ /*
++ * We should never get an IOCB if we are in a < LINK_DOWN state
++ */
++ if (unlikely(phba->hba_state < LPFC_LINK_DOWN))
++ return IOCB_ERROR;
++ /*
++ * Check to see if we are blocking IOCB processing because of a
++ * outstanding mbox command.
++ */
++ if (unlikely(pring->flag & LPFC_STOP_IOCB_MBX))
++ goto iocb_busy;
++ if (unlikely(phba->hba_state == LPFC_LINK_DOWN)) {
++ /*
++ * can be issued if the link is not up.
++ */
++ switch (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand) {
++ case CMD_QUE_RING_BUF64_CN:
++ /*
++ * For IOCBs, like QUE_RING_BUF, that have no rsp ring
++ * completion, iocb_cmpl MUST be 0.
++ */
++ if (piocb->iocb_cmpl)
++ piocb->iocb_cmpl = NULL;
++ break;
++ default:
++ goto iocb_busy;
++ }
++ /*
++ * For FCP commands, we must be in a state where we can process link
++ * attention events.
++ */
++ } else if (unlikely(pring->ringno == psli->fcp_ring &&
++ !(psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_PROCESS_LA)))
++ goto iocb_busy;
++ /*
++ * Check to see if this is a high priority command.
++ * If so bypass tx queue processing.
++ */
++ if (unlikely((flag & SLI_IOCB_HIGH_PRIORITY) &&
++ (iocb = lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot(phba, pring)))) {
++ if (lpfc_sli_submit_iocb(phba, pring, iocb, piocb))
++ goto iocb_busy;
++ piocb = NULL;
++ }
++ while ((iocb = lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot(phba, pring)) &&
++ (nextiocb = lpfc_sli_next_iocb(phba, pring, &piocb)))
++ if (lpfc_sli_submit_iocb(phba, pring, iocb, nextiocb))
++ break;
++ if (iocb)
++ lpfc_sli_update_ring(phba, pring);
++ else
++ lpfc_sli_update_full_ring(phba, pring);
++ if (!piocb)
++ return IOCB_SUCCESS;
++ goto out_busy;
++ iocb_busy:
++ psli->slistat.iocbCmdDelay[ringno]++;
++ out_busy:
++ if (!(flag & SLI_IOCB_RET_IOCB)) {
++ lpfc_sli_ringtx_put(phba, pring, piocb);
++ return IOCB_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ return IOCB_BUSY;
++lpfc_sli_queue_setup(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ int i, cnt;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&psli->mboxq);
++ /* Initialize list headers for txq and txcmplq as double linked lists */
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pring = &psli->ring[i];
++ pring->ringno = i;
++ pring->next_cmdidx = 0;
++ pring->local_getidx = 0;
++ pring->cmdidx = 0;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pring->txq);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pring->txcmplq);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pring->iocb_continueq);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pring->postbufq);
++ cnt = psli->sliinit.ringinit[i].fast_iotag;
++ if (cnt) {
++ pring->fast_lookup =
++ kmalloc(cnt * sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq *),
++ if (pring->fast_lookup == 0) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ memset((char *)pring->fast_lookup, 0,
++ cnt * sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq *));
++ }
++ }
++ return (1);
++lpfc_sli_hba_down(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL;
++ int i;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ lpfc_hba_down_prep(phba);
++ for (i = 0; i < psli->sliinit.num_rings; i++) {
++ pring = &psli->ring[i];
++ pring->flag |= LPFC_DEFERRED_RING_EVENT;
++ /*
++ * Error everything on the txq since these iocbs have not been
++ * given to the FW yet.
++ */
++ pring->txq_cnt = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_DOWN;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(pring->txq));
++ if (pring->fast_lookup) {
++ kfree(pring->fast_lookup);
++ pring->fast_lookup = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Return any active mbox cmds */
++ del_timer_sync(&psli->mbox_tmo);
++ phba->work_hba_events &= ~WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
++ if ((psli->mbox_active)) {
++ pmb = psli->mbox_active;
++ pmb->mb.mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
++ if (pmb->mbox_cmpl)
++ pmb->mbox_cmpl(phba,pmb);
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ psli->mbox_active = NULL;
++ /* Return any pending mbox cmds */
++ while ((pmb = lpfc_mbox_get(phba)) != NULL) {
++ pmb->mb.mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
++ if (pmb->mbox_cmpl)
++ pmb->mbox_cmpl(phba,pmb);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&psli->mboxq);
++ /*
++ * Provided the hba is not in an error state, reset it. It is not
++ * capable of IO anymore.
++ */
++ if (phba->hba_state != LPFC_HBA_ERROR) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
++ lpfc_sli_brdreset(phba);
++ }
++ return 1;
++lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(uint32_t * src, uint32_t * dest, uint32_t cnt)
++ uint32_t ldata;
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < (int)cnt; i += sizeof (uint32_t)) {
++ ldata = *src++;
++ ldata = le32_to_cpu(ldata);
++ *dest++ = ldata;
++ }
++lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_put(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf * mp)
++ /* Stick struct lpfc_dmabuf at end of postbufq so driver can look it up
++ later */
++ list_add_tail(&mp->list, &pring->postbufq);
++ pring->postbufq_cnt++;
++ return 0;
++struct lpfc_dmabuf *
++lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_get(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
++ dma_addr_t phys)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp, *next_mp;
++ struct list_head *slp = &pring->postbufq;
++ /* Search postbufq, from the begining, looking for a match on phys */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(mp, next_mp, &pring->postbufq, list) {
++ if (mp->phys == phys) {
++ list_del_init(&mp->list);
++ pring->postbufq_cnt--;
++ return mp;
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
++ "%d:0410 Cannot find virtual addr for mapped buf on "
++ "ring %d Data x%llx x%p x%p x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, pring->ringno, (unsigned long long)phys,
++ slp->next, slp->prev, pring->postbufq_cnt);
++ return NULL;
++lpfc_sli_next_iotag(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring)
++ LPFC_RING_INIT_t *pringinit;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint32_t search_start;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pringinit = &psli->sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno];
++ if (pring->fast_lookup == NULL) {
++ pringinit->iotag_ctr++;
++ if (pringinit->iotag_ctr >= pringinit->iotag_max)
++ pringinit->iotag_ctr = 1;
++ return pringinit->iotag_ctr;
++ }
++ search_start = pringinit->iotag_ctr;
++ do {
++ pringinit->iotag_ctr++;
++ if (pringinit->iotag_ctr >= pringinit->fast_iotag)
++ pringinit->iotag_ctr = 1;
++ if(*(pring->fast_lookup + pringinit->iotag_ctr) == NULL)
++ return pringinit->iotag_ctr;
++ } while (pringinit->iotag_ctr != search_start);
++ /*
++ * Outstanding I/O count for ring <ringno> is at max <fast_iotag>
++ */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0318 Outstanding I/O count for ring %d is at max x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ pring->ringno,
++ psli->sliinit.ringinit[pring->ringno].fast_iotag);
++ return (0);
++static void
++lpfc_sli_abort_elsreq_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *buf_ptr, *buf_ptr1;
++ /* Free the resources associated with the ELS_REQUEST64 IOCB the driver
++ * just aborted.
++ * In this case, context2 = cmd, context2->next = rsp, context3 = bpl
++ */
++ if (cmdiocb->context2) {
++ buf_ptr1 = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ /* Free the response IOCB before completing the abort
++ command. */
++ if (!list_empty(&buf_ptr1->list)) {
++ buf_ptr = list_entry(buf_ptr1->,
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf, list);
++ list_del(&buf_ptr->list);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, buf_ptr->virt, buf_ptr->phys);
++ kfree(buf_ptr);
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, buf_ptr1->virt, buf_ptr1->phys);
++ kfree(buf_ptr1);
++ }
++ if (cmdiocb->context3) {
++ buf_ptr = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context3;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, buf_ptr->virt, buf_ptr->phys);
++ kfree(buf_ptr);
++ }
++ mempool_free( cmdiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return;
++lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag32(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocbp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL;
++ IOCB_t *iabt = NULL;
++ uint32_t iotag32;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
++ if ((abtsiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ memset(abtsiocbp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ iabt = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ switch (icmd->ulpCommand) {
++ iotag32 = icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.ulpIoTag32;
++ /* Even though we abort the ELS command, the firmware may access
++ * the BPL or other resources before it processes our
++ * ABORT_MXRI64. Thus we must delay reusing the cmdiocb
++ * resources till the actual abort request completes.
++ */
++ abtsiocbp->context1 = (void *)((unsigned long)icmd->ulpCommand);
++ abtsiocbp->context2 = cmdiocb->context2;
++ abtsiocbp->context3 = cmdiocb->context3;
++ cmdiocb->context2 = NULL;
++ cmdiocb->context3 = NULL;
++ abtsiocbp->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_elsreq_cmpl;
++ break;
++ default:
++ mempool_free( abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ iabt->un.amxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
++ iabt->un.amxri.iotag32 = iotag32;
++ iabt->ulpLe = 1;
++ iabt->ulpClass = CLASS3;
++ iabt->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_MXRI64_CN;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, abtsiocbp, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ mempool_free( abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ return (1);
++lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ /*
++ * Just free the iocbq resources back to the memory pool. This was an
++ * abort command and has no other outstanding resources associated with
++ * it.
++ */
++ mempool_free(cmdiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ctx(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ uint32_t ctx)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocbp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL, *cmd = NULL;
++ int errcnt;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ errcnt = 0;
++ /* Error matching iocb on txq or txcmplq
++ * First check the txq.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if (cmd->ulpContext != ctx) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if (cmd->ulpContext != ctx) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
++ if ((abtsiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ memset(abtsiocbp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmd->ulpContext;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = cmd->ulpClass;
++ abtsiocbp->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl;
++ if (phba->hba_state >= LPFC_LINK_UP) {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
++ } else {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;
++ }
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, abtsiocbp, 0) ==
++ mempool_free( abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* The rsp ring completion will remove IOCB from txcmplq when
++ * abort is read by HBA.
++ */
++ }
++ return (errcnt);
++lpfc_sli_sum_iocb_host(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ IOCB_t *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ int sum;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ sum = 0;
++ /* Error matching iocb on txq or txcmplq
++ * First check the txq.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if (lpfc_cmd == 0) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ sum++;
++ }
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if (lpfc_cmd == 0) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ sum++;
++ }
++ return (sum);
++lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_host(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, int flag)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocbp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL, *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ int errcnt;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ errcnt = 0;
++ /* Error matching iocb on txq or txcmplq
++ * First check the txq.
++ */
++ if(flag & LPFC_ABORT_TXQ) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if (lpfc_cmd == 0) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(flag & LPFC_ABORT_TXCMPLQ) {
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq,
++ list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if (lpfc_cmd == 0) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
++ if ((abtsiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ memset(abtsiocbp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmd->ulpContext;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = cmd->ulpClass;
++ abtsiocbp->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl;
++ if (phba->hba_state >= LPFC_LINK_UP) {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
++ } else {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;
++ }
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, abtsiocbp, 0) ==
++ mempool_free( abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* The rsp ring completion will remove IOCB from
++ * tacmplq when abort is read by HBA.
++ */
++ }
++ }
++ return (errcnt);
++lpfc_sli_sum_iocb_lun(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ uint16_t scsi_target, uint64_t scsi_lun)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ IOCB_t *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ int sum;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ sum = 0;
++ /* Error matching iocb on txq or txcmplq
++ * First check the txq.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id != scsi_target) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->lun != scsi_lun)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ sum++;
++ }
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id != scsi_target) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->lun != scsi_lun)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ sum++;
++ }
++ return (sum);
++lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_lun(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ uint16_t scsi_target, uint64_t scsi_lun, int flag)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocbp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL, *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ int errcnt;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ errcnt = 0;
++ /* Error matching iocb on txq or txcmplq
++ * First check the txq.
++ */
++ if(flag & LPFC_ABORT_TXQ) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id != scsi_target) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->lun != scsi_lun)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(flag & LPFC_ABORT_TXCMPLQ) {
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq,
++ list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id != scsi_target) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->lun != scsi_lun)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
++ if ((abtsiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ memset(abtsiocbp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmd->ulpContext;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = cmd->ulpClass;
++ abtsiocbp->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl;
++ if (phba->hba_state >= LPFC_LINK_UP) {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
++ } else {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;
++ }
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, abtsiocbp, 0) ==
++ mempool_free( abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* The rsp ring completion will remove IOCB from
++ * tacmplq when abort is read by HBA.
++ */
++ }
++ }
++ return (errcnt);
++lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_tgt(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ uint16_t scsi_target, int flag)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocbp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = NULL, *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
++ int errcnt;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ errcnt = 0;
++ /* Error matching iocb on txq or txcmplq
++ * First check the txq.
++ */
++ if(flag & LPFC_ABORT_TXQ) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id != scsi_target)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ list_del_init(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txq_cnt--;
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(flag & LPFC_ABORT_TXCMPLQ) {
++ /* Next check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq,
++ list) {
++ cmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ /* Must be a FCP command */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR) &&
++ (cmd->ulpCommand != CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* context1 MUST be a struct lpfc_scsi_buf */
++ lpfc_cmd = (struct lpfc_scsi_buf *) (iocb->context1);
++ if ((lpfc_cmd == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target == 0) ||
++ (lpfc_cmd->target->scsi_id != scsi_target)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
++ if ((abtsiocbp = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ memset(abtsiocbp, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmd->ulpContext;
++ icmd->un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = cmd->ulpClass;
++ abtsiocbp->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl;
++ if (phba->hba_state >= LPFC_LINK_UP) {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
++ } else {
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;
++ }
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, abtsiocbp, 0) ==
++ mempool_free( abtsiocbp, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ errcnt++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* The rsp ring completion will remove IOCB from
++ * txcmplq when abort is read by HBA.
++ */
++ }
++ }
++ return (errcnt);
++lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_high_priority(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * queue1,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * queue2)
++ if (queue1->context2 && queue2)
++ memcpy(queue1->context2, queue2, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ /* The waiter is looking for LPFC_IO_HIPRI bit to be set
++ as a signal to wake up */
++ queue1->iocb_flag |= LPFC_IO_HIPRI;
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_high_priority_cleanup(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * queue1,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * queue2)
++ struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd = queue1->context1;
++ /*
++ * Just free the iocbq back to the mempool. The driver
++ * has stopped polling and this routine will execute as
++ * a result of the subsequent abort.
++ */
++ mempool_free(queue1->context2, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_free_scsi_buf(lpfc_cmd);
++ return;
++lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait_high_priority(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * piocb,
++ uint32_t flag,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * prspiocbq)
++ int wait_time = 0, retval = IOCB_ERROR;
++ /* The caller must left context1 empty. */
++ if (piocb->context_un.hipri_wait_queue != 0) {
++ return IOCB_ERROR;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the caller has provided a response iocbq buffer, context2 must
++ * be NULL or its an error.
++ */
++ if (prspiocbq && piocb->context2) {
++ return IOCB_ERROR;
++ }
++ piocb->context2 = prspiocbq;
++ /* Setup callback routine and issue the command. */
++ piocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_high_priority;
++ retval = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, piocb,
++ if (retval != IOCB_SUCCESS) {
++ piocb->context2 = NULL;
++ return IOCB_ERROR;
++ }
++ /*
++ * This high-priority iocb was sent out-of-band. Poll for its
++ * completion rather than wait for a signal. Note that the host_lock
++ * is held by the midlayer and must be released here to allow the
++ * interrupt handlers to complete the IO and signal this routine via
++ * the iocb_flag.
++ * The driver waits a maximum of 600 seconds to give the FW ample time
++ * to complete the target reset ABTS. The race is not waiting long
++ * enough and then having the FW complete the request before the driver
++ * can issue the second abort. Since a solicited completion is required
++ * by the FW, this wait period should be enough time for the FW to
++ * complete the abts successfully or give up.
++ */
++ retval = IOCB_TIMEDOUT;
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ while (wait_time <= 600000) {
++ mdelay(100);
++ msleep(100);
++ if (piocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_HIPRI) {
++ piocb->iocb_flag &= ~LPFC_IO_HIPRI;
++ retval = IOCB_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ wait_time += 100;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ /*
++ * If the polling attempt failed to get a completion from the HBA,
++ * then substitute the initial completion function with one that
++ * releases the piocb back to the mempool. Failure to do this
++ * results in a memory leak. Also note the small timing race that
++ * exists between the driver giving up and a completion coming in.
++ */
++ if ((retval == IOCB_TIMEDOUT) && !(piocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_HIPRI)) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
++ "%d:0327 waited %d mSecs for high priority "
++ "IOCB %p - giving up\n",
++ phba->brd_no, wait_time, piocb);
++ piocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_high_priority_cleanup;
++ }
++ piocb->context2 = NULL;
++ return retval;
++lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmboxq,
++ uint32_t timeout)
++ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq_entry, current);
++ uint32_t timeleft = 0;
++ int retval;
++ /* The caller must leave context1 empty. */
++ if (pmboxq->context1 != 0) {
++ return (MBX_NOT_FINISHED);
++ }
++ /* setup wake call as IOCB callback */
++ pmboxq->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_wake_mbox_wait;
++ /* setup context field to pass wait_queue pointer to wake function */
++ pmboxq->context1 = &done_q;
++ /* start to sleep before we wait, to avoid races */
++ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ add_wait_queue(&done_q, &wq_entry);
++ /* now issue the command */
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ retval = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmboxq, MBX_NOWAIT);
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (retval == MBX_BUSY || retval == MBX_SUCCESS) {
++ timeleft = schedule_timeout(timeout * HZ);
++ pmboxq->context1 = NULL;
++ /* if schedule_timeout returns 0, we timed out and were not
++ woken up */
++ if (timeleft == 0) {
++ retval = MBX_TIMEOUT;
++ } else {
++ retval = MBX_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ }
++ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ remove_wait_queue(&done_q, &wq_entry);
++ return retval;
++static void
++lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_wait(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * queue1, struct lpfc_iocbq * queue2)
++ wait_queue_head_t *pdone_q;
++ queue1->iocb_flag |= LPFC_IO_WAIT;
++ if (queue1->context2 && queue2)
++ memcpy(queue1->context2, queue2, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ /*
++ * If pdone_q is empty, the waiter gave up and returned and this
++ * call has nothing to do.
++ */
++ pdone_q = queue1->context_un.hipri_wait_queue;
++ if (pdone_q) {
++ wake_up(pdone_q);
++ }
++ return;
++lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * piocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * prspiocbq, uint32_t timeout)
++ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq_entry, current);
++ uint32_t timeleft = 0;
++ int retval;
++ /* The caller must leave context1 empty for the driver. */
++ if (piocb->context_un.hipri_wait_queue != 0)
++ return (IOCB_ERROR);
++ /* If the caller has provided a response iocbq buffer, then context2
++ * is NULL or its an error.
++ */
++ if (prspiocbq) {
++ if (piocb->context2)
++ return (IOCB_ERROR);
++ piocb->context2 = prspiocbq;
++ }
++ /* setup wake call as IOCB callback */
++ piocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_wait;
++ /* setup context field to pass wait_queue pointer to wake function */
++ piocb->context_un.hipri_wait_queue = &done_q;
++ /* start to sleep before we wait, to avoid races */
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ add_wait_queue(&done_q, &wq_entry);
++ /* now issue the command */
++ retval = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, piocb, 0);
++ if (retval == IOCB_SUCCESS) {
++ /* Give up thread time and wait for the iocb to complete or for
++ * the alloted time to expire.
++ */
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ timeleft = schedule_timeout(timeout * HZ);
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ piocb->context_un.hipri_wait_queue = NULL;
++ piocb->iocb_cmpl = NULL;
++ if (piocb->context2 == prspiocbq)
++ piocb->context2 = NULL;
++ /*
++ * Catch the error cases. A timeleft of zero is an error since
++ * the iocb should have completed. The iocb_flag not have value
++ * LPFC_IO_WAIT is also an error since the wakeup callback sets
++ * this flag when it runs. Handle each.
++ */
++ if (!(piocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_WAIT)) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Timeleft is %d, iocb_flags is 0x%x ring_no %d ulpCommand 0x%x`\n ",
++ __FUNCTION__, timeleft, piocb->iocb_flag,
++ pring->ringno, piocb->iocb.ulpCommand);
++ retval = IOCB_TIMEDOUT;
++ }
++ }
++ remove_wait_queue(&done_q, &wq_entry);
++ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ piocb->context2 = NULL;
++ return retval;
++lpfc_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ int intr_status;
++ /*
++ * Get the driver's phba structure from the dev_id and
++ * assume the HBA is not interrupting.
++ */
++ phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) dev_id;
++ if (phba) {
++ /* Call SLI to handle the interrupt event. */
++ intr_status = lpfc_sli_intr(phba);
++ if (intr_status == 0)
++ return IRQ_HANDLED;
++ }
++ return IRQ_NONE;
++} /* lpfc_intr_handler */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_disc.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_disc.h 2005/06/13 17:16:12EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_DISC
++#define _H_LPFC_DISC
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++struct lpfc_target;
++#define FC_MAX_HOLD_RSCN 32 /* max number of deferred RSCNs */
++#define FC_MAX_NS_RSP 65536 /* max size NameServer rsp */
++#define FC_MAXLOOP 126 /* max devices supported on a fc loop */
++#define LPFC_DISC_FLOGI_TMO 10 /* Discovery FLOGI ratov */
++/* Defines for failMask bitmask
++ * These are reasons that the device is not currently available
++ * for I/O to be sent.
++ */
++#define LPFC_DEV_LINK_DOWN 0x1 /* Link is down */
++#define LPFC_DEV_DISAPPEARED 0x2 /* Device disappeared from mapped
++ list */
++#define LPFC_DEV_DISCOVERY_INP 0x4 /* Device to go through discovery */
++#define LPFC_DEV_DISCONNECTED 0x8 /* noactive connection to remote dev */
++/* These defines are used for set failMask routines */
++#define LPFC_SET_BITMASK 1
++#define LPFC_CLR_BITMASK 2
++/* Provide an enumeration for the Types of addresses a FARP can resolve. */
++typedef enum lpfc_farp_addr_type {
++/* This is the protocol dependent definition for a Node List Entry.
++ * This is used by Fibre Channel protocol to support FCP.
++ */
++struct lpfc_bindlist {
++ struct list_head nlp_listp;
++ struct lpfc_target *nlp_Target; /* ptr to the tgt structure */
++ struct lpfc_name nlp_portname; /* port name */
++ struct lpfc_name nlp_nodename; /* node name */
++ uint16_t nlp_bind_type;
++ uint16_t nlp_sid; /* scsi id */
++ uint32_t nlp_DID; /* FibreChannel D_ID of entry */
++/* structure used to queue event to the discovery tasklet */
++struct lpfc_disc_evt {
++ struct list_head evt_listp;
++ void * evt_arg1;
++ void * evt_arg2;
++ uint32_t evt;
++typedef struct lpfc_disc_evt LPFC_DISC_EVT_t;
++#define LPFC_EVT_MBOX 0x1
++#define LPFC_EVT_SOL_IOCB 0x2
++#define LPFC_EVT_UNSOL_IOCB 0x3
++#define LPFC_EVT_NODEV_TMO 0x4
++#define LPFC_EVT_SCAN 0x5
++#define LPFC_EVT_ERR_ATTN 0x6
++#define LPFC_EVT_ELS_RETRY 0x7
++#define LPFC_EVT_OPEN_LOOP 0x8
++struct lpfc_nodelist {
++ struct list_head nlp_listp;
++ struct lpfc_name nlp_portname; /* port name */
++ struct lpfc_name nlp_nodename; /* node name */
++ uint32_t nlp_failMask; /* failure mask for device */
++ uint32_t nlp_flag; /* entry flags */
++ uint32_t nlp_DID; /* FC D_ID of entry */
++ uint32_t nlp_last_elscmd; /* Last ELS cmd sent */
++ uint16_t nlp_type;
++#define NLP_FC_NODE 0x1 /* entry is an FC node */
++#define NLP_FABRIC 0x4 /* entry rep a Fabric entity */
++#define NLP_FCP_TARGET 0x8 /* entry is an FCP target */
++ uint16_t nlp_rpi;
++ uint16_t nlp_state; /* state transition indicator */
++ uint16_t nlp_xri; /* output exchange id for RPI */
++ uint16_t nlp_sid; /* scsi id */
++#define NLP_NO_SID 0xffff
++ uint8_t nlp_retry; /* used for ELS retries */
++ uint8_t nlp_disc_refcnt; /* used for DSM */
++ uint8_t nlp_fcp_info; /* class info, bits 0-3 */
++#define NLP_FCP_2_DEVICE 0x10 /* FCP-2 device */
++ struct timer_list nlp_delayfunc; /* Used for delayed ELS cmds */
++ struct timer_list nlp_tmofunc; /* Used for nodev tmo */
++ struct lpfc_target *nlp_Target; /* Pointer to the target
++ structure */
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *nlp_listp_bind; /* Linked list bounded remote
++ ports */
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *nlp_rpi_hash_next;
++ struct lpfc_hba *nlp_phba;
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t nodev_timeout_evt;
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t els_retry_evt;
++ * lpfc_node_farp_list:
++ * This data structure defines the attributes associated with
++ * an outstanding FARP REQ to a remote node.
++ *
++ * listentry - head of this list of pending farp requests.
++ * rnode_addr - The address of the remote node. Either the IEEE, WWPN, or
++ * WWNN. Used in the FARP request.
++ *
++ --*/
++struct lpfc_node_farp_pend {
++ struct list_head listentry;
++ struct lpfc_name rnode_addr;
++/* Defines for nlp_flag (uint32) */
++#define NLP_NO_LIST 0x0 /* Indicates immediately free node */
++#define NLP_UNUSED_LIST 0x1 /* Flg to indicate node will be freed */
++#define NLP_PLOGI_LIST 0x2 /* Flg to indicate sent PLOGI */
++#define NLP_ADISC_LIST 0x3 /* Flg to indicate sent ADISC */
++#define NLP_REGLOGIN_LIST 0x4 /* Flg to indicate sent REG_LOGIN */
++#define NLP_PRLI_LIST 0x5 /* Flg to indicate sent PRLI */
++#define NLP_UNMAPPED_LIST 0x6 /* Node is now unmapped */
++#define NLP_MAPPED_LIST 0x7 /* Node is now mapped */
++#define NLP_NPR_LIST 0x8 /* Node is in NPort Recovery state */
++#define NLP_JUST_DQ 0x9 /* just deque ndlp in lpfc_nlp_list */
++#define NLP_LIST_MASK 0xf /* mask to see what list node is on */
++#define NLP_PLOGI_SND 0x20 /* sent PLOGI request for this entry */
++#define NLP_PRLI_SND 0x40 /* sent PRLI request for this entry */
++#define NLP_ADISC_SND 0x80 /* sent ADISC request for this entry */
++#define NLP_LOGO_SND 0x100 /* sent LOGO request for this entry */
++#define NLP_RNID_SND 0x400 /* sent RNID request for this entry */
++#define NLP_ELS_SND_MASK 0x7e0 /* sent ELS request for this entry */
++#define NLP_AUTOMAP 0x800 /* Entry was automap'ed */
++#define NLP_SEED_WWPN 0x1000 /* Entry scsi id is seeded for WWPN */
++#define NLP_SEED_WWNN 0x2000 /* Entry scsi id is seeded for WWNN */
++#define NLP_SEED_DID 0x4000 /* Entry scsi id is seeded for DID */
++#define NLP_SEED_MASK 0x807000 /* mask for seeded flags */
++#define NLP_NS_NODE 0x8000 /* Authenticated entry by NameServer */
++#define NLP_NODEV_TMO 0x10000 /* nodev timeout is running for node */
++#define NLP_DELAY_TMO 0x20000 /* delay timeout is running for node */
++#define NLP_NPR_2B_DISC 0x40000 /* node is included in num_disc_nodes */
++#define NLP_RCV_PLOGI 0x80000 /* Rcv'ed PLOGI from remote system */
++#define NLP_LOGO_ACC 0x100000 /* Process LOGO after ACC completes */
++#define NLP_TGT_NO_SCSIID 0x200000 /* good PRLI but no binding for scsid */
++#define NLP_SEED_ALPA 0x800000 /* SCSI id is derived from alpa array */
++#define NLP_ACC_REGLOGIN 0x1000000 /* Issue Reg Login after successful
++ ACC */
++#define NLP_NPR_ADISC 0x2000000 /* Issue ADISC when dq'ed from
++ NPR list */
++#define NLP_DELAY_REMOVE 0x4000000 /* Defer removal till end of DSM */
++/* Defines for list searchs */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_MAPPED 0x1 /* search mapped */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED 0x2 /* search unmapped */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_PLOGI 0x4 /* search plogi */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_ADISC 0x8 /* search adisc */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_REGLOGIN 0x10 /* search reglogin */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_PRLI 0x20 /* search prli */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_NPR 0x40 /* search npr */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_UNUSED 0x80 /* search mapped */
++#define NLP_SEARCH_ALL 0xff /* search all lists */
++/* There are 4 different double linked lists nodelist entries can reside on.
++ * The Port Login (PLOGI) list and Address Discovery (ADISC) list are used
++ * when Link Up discovery or Registered State Change Notification (RSCN)
++ * processing is needed. Each list holds the nodes that require a PLOGI or
++ * ADISC Extended Link Service (ELS) request. These lists keep track of the
++ * nodes affected by an RSCN, or a Link Up (Typically, all nodes are effected
++ * by Link Up) event. The unmapped_list contains all nodes that have
++ * successfully logged into at the Fibre Channel level. The
++ * mapped_list will contain all nodes that are mapped FCP targets.
++ *
++ * The bind list is a list of undiscovered (potentially non-existent) nodes
++ * that we have saved binding information on. This information is used when
++ * nodes transition from the unmapped to the mapped list.
++ */
++/* Defines for nlp_state */
++#define NLP_STE_UNUSED_NODE 0x0 /* node is just allocated */
++#define NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE 0x1 /* PLOGI was sent to NL_PORT */
++#define NLP_STE_ADISC_ISSUE 0x2 /* ADISC was sent to NL_PORT */
++#define NLP_STE_REG_LOGIN_ISSUE 0x3 /* REG_LOGIN was issued for NL_PORT */
++#define NLP_STE_PRLI_ISSUE 0x4 /* PRLI was sent to NL_PORT */
++#define NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE 0x5 /* PRLI completed from NL_PORT */
++#define NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE 0x6 /* Identified as a FCP Target */
++#define NLP_STE_NPR_NODE 0x7 /* NPort disappeared */
++#define NLP_STE_MAX_STATE 0x8
++#define NLP_STE_FREED_NODE 0xff /* node entry was freed to MEM_NLP */
++/* For UNUSED_NODE state, the node has just been allocated.
++ * For PLOGI_ISSUE and REG_LOGIN_ISSUE, the node is on
++ * the PLOGI list. For REG_LOGIN_COMPL, the node is taken off the PLOGI list
++ * and put on the unmapped list. For ADISC processing, the node is taken off
++ * the ADISC list and placed on either the mapped or unmapped list (depending
++ * on its previous state). Once on the unmapped list, a PRLI is issued and the
++ * state changed to PRLI_ISSUE. When the PRLI completion occurs, the state is
++ * changed to PRLI_COMPL. If the completion indicates a mapped
++ * node, the node is taken off the unmapped list. The binding list is checked
++ * for a valid binding, or a binding is automatically assigned. If binding
++ * assignment is unsuccessful, the node is left on the unmapped list. If
++ * binding assignment is successful, the associated binding list entry (if
++ * any) is removed, and the node is placed on the mapped list.
++ */
++ * For a Link Down, all nodes on the ADISC, PLOGI, unmapped or mapped
++ * lists will receive a DEVICE_RECOVERY event. If the linkdown or nodev timers
++ * expire, all effected nodes will receive a DEVICE_RM event.
++ */
++ * For a Link Up or RSCN, all nodes will move from the mapped / unmapped lists
++ * to either the ADISC or PLOGI list. After a Nameserver query or ALPA loopmap
++ * check, additional nodes may be added (DEVICE_ADD) or removed (DEVICE_RM) to /
++ * from the PLOGI or ADISC lists. Once the PLOGI and ADISC lists are populated,
++ * we will first process the ADISC list. 32 entries are processed initially and
++ * ADISC is initited for each one. Completions / Events for each node are
++ * funnelled thru the state machine. As each node finishes ADISC processing, it
++ * starts ADISC for any nodes waiting for ADISC processing. If no nodes are
++ * waiting, and the ADISC list count is identically 0, then we are done. For
++ * Link Up discovery, since all nodes on the PLOGI list are UNREG_LOGIN'ed, we
++ * can issue a CLEAR_LA and reenable Link Events. Next we will process the PLOGI
++ * list. 32 entries are processed initially and PLOGI is initited for each one.
++ * Completions / Events for each node are funnelled thru the state machine. As
++ * each node finishes PLOGI processing, it starts PLOGI for any nodes waiting
++ * for PLOGI processing. If no nodes are waiting, and the PLOGI list count is
++ * identically 0, then we are done. We have now completed discovery / RSCN
++ * handling. Upon completion, ALL nodes should be on either the mapped or
++ * unmapped lists.
++ */
++/* Defines for Node List Entry Events that could happen */
++#define NLP_EVT_RCV_PLOGI 0x0 /* Rcv'd an ELS PLOGI command */
++#define NLP_EVT_RCV_PRLI 0x1 /* Rcv'd an ELS PRLI command */
++#define NLP_EVT_RCV_LOGO 0x2 /* Rcv'd an ELS LOGO command */
++#define NLP_EVT_RCV_ADISC 0x3 /* Rcv'd an ELS ADISC command */
++#define NLP_EVT_RCV_PDISC 0x4 /* Rcv'd an ELS PDISC command */
++#define NLP_EVT_RCV_PRLO 0x5 /* Rcv'd an ELS PRLO command */
++#define NLP_EVT_CMPL_PLOGI 0x6 /* Sent an ELS PLOGI command */
++#define NLP_EVT_CMPL_PRLI 0x7 /* Sent an ELS PRLI command */
++#define NLP_EVT_CMPL_LOGO 0x8 /* Sent an ELS LOGO command */
++#define NLP_EVT_CMPL_ADISC 0x9 /* Sent an ELS ADISC command */
++#define NLP_EVT_CMPL_REG_LOGIN 0xa /* REG_LOGIN mbox cmd completed */
++#define NLP_EVT_DEVICE_RM 0xb /* Device not found in NS / ALPAmap */
++#define NLP_EVT_DEVICE_RECOVERY 0xc /* Device existence unknown */
++#define NLP_EVT_MAX_EVENT 0xd
++/* Definitions for Binding Entry Type for lpfc_parse_binding_entry() */
++#define LPFC_BIND_WW_NN_PN 0
++#define LPFC_BIND_DID 1
++#endif /* _H_LPFC_DISC */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_scsi.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_scsi.h 2005/06/21 15:48:51EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_SCSI
++#define _H_LPFC_SCSI
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++struct lpfc_hba;
++struct lpfc_target {
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *pnode; /* Pointer to the node structure. */
++ uint16_t scsi_id;
++ uint32_t qcmdcnt;
++ uint32_t iodonecnt;
++ uint32_t errorcnt;
++ uint32_t slavecnt;
++#if defined(RHEL_FC) || defined(SLES_FC)
++ uint16_t blocked;
++#ifdef RHEL_FC
++ struct scsi_target *starget; /* Pointer to midlayer target
++ structure. */
++#ifdef SLES_FC
++ struct timer_list dev_loss_timer;
++struct lpfc_scsi_buf {
++ struct scsi_cmnd *pCmd;
++ struct lpfc_hba *scsi_hba;
++ struct lpfc_target *target;
++ uint32_t lun;
++ uint32_t timeout;
++ uint16_t status; /* From IOCB Word 7- ulpStatus */
++ uint32_t result; /* From IOCB Word 4. */
++ uint32_t seg_cnt; /* Number of scatter-gather segments returned by
++ * dma_map_sg. The driver needs this for calls
++ * to dma_unmap_sg. */
++ dma_addr_t nonsg_phys; /* Non scatter-gather physical address. */
++ /* dma_ext has both virt, phys to dma-able buffer
++ * which contains fcp_cmd, fcp_rsp and scatter gather list fro upto
++ * 68 (LPFC_SCSI_BPL_SIZE) BDE entries,
++ * xfer length, cdb, data direction....
++ */
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf dma_ext;
++ struct fcp_cmnd *fcp_cmnd;
++ struct fcp_rsp *fcp_rsp;
++ struct ulp_bde64 *fcp_bpl;
++ /* cur_iocbq has phys of the dma-able buffer.
++ * Iotag is in here
++ */
++ struct lpfc_iocbq cur_iocbq;
++#define LPFC_SCSI_INITIAL_BPL_SIZE 4 /* Number of scsi buf BDEs in fcp_bpl */
++#define LPFC_SCSI_DMA_EXT_SIZE 264
++#define LPFC_BPL_SIZE 1024
++#define MDAC_DIRECT_CMD 0x22
++#endif /* _H_LPFC_SCSI */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_fcp.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_fcp.h 2005/06/13 17:16:19EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef H_LPFC_DFC
++#define H_LPFC_DFC
++#define MAX_LPFC_SNS 128
++struct fcp_rsp {
++ uint32_t rspRsvd1; /* FC Word 0, byte 0:3 */
++ uint32_t rspRsvd2; /* FC Word 1, byte 0:3 */
++ uint8_t rspStatus0; /* FCP_STATUS byte 0 (reserved) */
++ uint8_t rspStatus1; /* FCP_STATUS byte 1 (reserved) */
++ uint8_t rspStatus2; /* FCP_STATUS byte 2 field validity */
++#define RSP_LEN_VALID 0x01 /* bit 0 */
++#define SNS_LEN_VALID 0x02 /* bit 1 */
++#define RESID_OVER 0x04 /* bit 2 */
++#define RESID_UNDER 0x08 /* bit 3 */
++ uint8_t rspStatus3; /* FCP_STATUS byte 3 SCSI status byte */
++ uint32_t rspResId; /* Residual xfer if residual count field set in
++ fcpStatus2 */
++ /* Received in Big Endian format */
++ uint32_t rspSnsLen; /* Length of sense data in fcpSnsInfo */
++ /* Received in Big Endian format */
++ uint32_t rspRspLen; /* Length of FCP response data in fcpRspInfo */
++ /* Received in Big Endian format */
++ uint8_t rspInfo0; /* FCP_RSP_INFO byte 0 (reserved) */
++ uint8_t rspInfo1; /* FCP_RSP_INFO byte 1 (reserved) */
++ uint8_t rspInfo2; /* FCP_RSP_INFO byte 2 (reserved) */
++ uint8_t rspInfo3; /* FCP_RSP_INFO RSP_CODE byte 3 */
++#define RSP_NO_FAILURE 0x00
++#define RSP_DATA_BURST_ERR 0x01
++#define RSP_CMD_FIELD_ERR 0x02
++#define RSP_RO_MISMATCH_ERR 0x03
++#define RSP_TM_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x04 /* Task mgmt function not supported */
++#define RSP_TM_NOT_COMPLETED 0x05 /* Task mgmt function not performed */
++ uint32_t rspInfoRsvd; /* FCP_RSP_INFO bytes 4-7 (reserved) */
++ uint8_t rspSnsInfo[MAX_LPFC_SNS];
++#define SNS_ILLEGAL_REQ 0x05 /* sense key is byte 3 ([2]) */
++#define SNSCOD_BADCMD 0x20 /* sense code is byte 13 ([12]) */
++struct fcp_cmnd {
++ uint32_t fcpLunMsl; /* most significant lun word (32 bits) */
++ uint32_t fcpLunLsl; /* least significant lun word (32 bits) */
++ /* # of bits to shift lun id to end up in right
++ * payload word, little endian = 8, big = 16.
++ */
++#if __BIG_ENDIAN
++#define FC_LUN_SHIFT 16
++#define FC_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT 24
++#else /* __LITTLE_ENDIAN */
++#define FC_LUN_SHIFT 8
++#define FC_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT 0
++ uint8_t fcpCntl0; /* FCP_CNTL byte 0 (reserved) */
++ uint8_t fcpCntl1; /* FCP_CNTL byte 1 task codes */
++#define SIMPLE_Q 0x00
++#define HEAD_OF_Q 0x01
++#define ORDERED_Q 0x02
++#define ACA_Q 0x04
++#define UNTAGGED 0x05
++ uint8_t fcpCntl2; /* FCP_CTL byte 2 task management codes */
++#define FCP_ABORT_TASK_SET 0x02 /* Bit 1 */
++#define FCP_CLEAR_TASK_SET 0x04 /* bit 2 */
++#define FCP_BUS_RESET 0x08 /* bit 3 */
++#define FCP_LUN_RESET 0x10 /* bit 4 */
++#define FCP_TARGET_RESET 0x20 /* bit 5 */
++#define FCP_CLEAR_ACA 0x40 /* bit 6 */
++#define FCP_TERMINATE_TASK 0x80 /* bit 7 */
++ uint8_t fcpCntl3;
++#define WRITE_DATA 0x01 /* Bit 0 */
++#define READ_DATA 0x02 /* Bit 1 */
++ uint8_t fcpCdb[16]; /* SRB cdb field is copied here */
++ uint32_t fcpDl; /* Total transfer length */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_crtn.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_crtn.h 2005/07/13 17:04:12EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_CRTN
++#define _H_LPFC_CRTN
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++void lpfc_dump_mem(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *, uint16_t);
++void lpfc_read_nv(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++int lpfc_read_la(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_clear_la(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_config_link(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++int lpfc_read_sparam(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_read_config(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_set_slim(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t, uint8_t *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *,
++ uint32_t);
++void lpfc_unreg_login(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_unreg_did(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_init_link(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_linkdown(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_mbx_cmpl_read_la(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_mbx_cmpl_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_mbx_cmpl_fabric_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_mbx_cmpl_ns_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_mbx_cmpl_fdmi_reg_login(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++int lpfc_consistent_bind_save(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_bindlist *);
++int lpfc_nlp_plogi(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++int lpfc_nlp_adisc(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++int lpfc_nlp_unmapped(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++int lpfc_nlp_mapped(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *,
++ struct lpfc_bindlist *);
++int lpfc_nlp_list(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, int);
++void lpfc_set_disctmo(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_can_disctmo(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_unreg_rpi(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++int lpfc_check_sli_ndlp(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *, struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++int lpfc_nlp_remove(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++void lpfc_nlp_init(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, uint32_t);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *lpfc_setup_disc_node(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *lpfc_setup_rscn_node(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t);
++void lpfc_disc_list_loopmap(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_disc_start(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_disc_flush_list(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_establish_link_tmo(unsigned long);
++void lpfc_disc_timeout(unsigned long);
++void lpfc_scan_timeout(unsigned long);
++struct lpfc_target *lpfc_find_target(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++void lpfc_set_failmask(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, uint32_t,
++ uint32_t);
++void lpfc_process_nodev_timeout(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *lpfc_findnode_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint16_t rpi);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *lpfc_findnode_remove_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ uint16_t rpi);
++void lpfc_addnode_rpi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint16_t rpi);
++int lpfc_discq_post_event(struct lpfc_hba *, void *, void *, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_do_dpc(void *);
++void lpfc_evt_iocb_free(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++int lpfc_disc_state_machine(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, void *,
++ uint32_t);
++uint32_t lpfc_cmpl_prli_reglogin_issue(struct lpfc_hba *,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *, void *,
++ uint32_t);
++uint32_t lpfc_cmpl_plogi_prli_issue(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *,
++ void *, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_check_sparm(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *,
++ struct serv_parm *, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_els_abort(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ int);
++int lpfc_els_abort_flogi(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_initial_flogi(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_more_plogi(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_issue_els_plogi(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, uint8_t);
++int lpfc_issue_els_prli(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, uint8_t);
++int lpfc_issue_els_adisc(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, uint8_t);
++int lpfc_issue_els_logo(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, uint8_t);
++int lpfc_issue_els_scr(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t, uint8_t);
++int lpfc_els_free_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++int lpfc_els_rsp_acc(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *, uint8_t);
++int lpfc_els_rsp_reject(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++int lpfc_els_rsp_adisc_acc(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++int lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++void lpfc_els_retry_delay(unsigned long);
++void lpfc_els_retry_delay_handler(struct lpfc_nodelist *);
++void lpfc_els_unsol_event(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++int lpfc_els_handle_rscn(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_els_flush_rscn(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_rscn_payload_check(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t);
++void lpfc_els_flush_cmd(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_els_disc_adisc(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_els_disc_plogi(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_els_timeout(unsigned long);
++void lpfc_els_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_ct_unsol_event(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++int lpfc_ns_cmd(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, int);
++int lpfc_fdmi_cmd(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_nodelist *, int);
++void lpfc_fdmi_tmo(unsigned long);
++void lpfc_fdmi_tmo_handler(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_config_port_prep(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_config_port_post(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_hba_down_prep(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_handle_eratt(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t);
++void lpfc_handle_latt(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_hba_init(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t *);
++int lpfc_post_buffer(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *, int, int);
++void lpfc_cleanup(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_scsi_free(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_decode_firmware_rev(struct lpfc_hba *, char *, int);
++uint8_t *lpfc_get_lpfchba_info(struct lpfc_hba *, uint8_t *);
++int lpfc_fcp_abort(struct lpfc_hba *, int, int, int);
++int lpfc_put_event(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t, uint32_t, void *,
++ uint32_t, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_online(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_offline(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_sli_queue_setup(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_slim_access(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_handle_eratt(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t);
++void lpfc_handle_latt(struct lpfc_hba *);
++irqreturn_t lpfc_intr_handler(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
++void lpfc_read_rev(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_config_ring(struct lpfc_hba *, int, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_config_port(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++void lpfc_mbox_put(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++LPFC_MBOXQ_t *lpfc_mbox_get(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_mem_alloc(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_mem_free(struct lpfc_hba *);
++struct lpfc_iocbq *
++lpfc_prep_els_iocb(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ uint8_t expectRsp,
++ uint16_t cmdSize,
++ uint8_t retry, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, uint32_t elscmd);
++int lpfc_sli_hba_setup(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_sli_hba_down(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_sli_intr(struct lpfc_hba *);
++int lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *, uint32_t);
++void lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *);
++int lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *, uint32_t);
++void lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(uint32_t *, uint32_t *, uint32_t);
++int lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_put(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *);
++struct lpfc_dmabuf *lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_get(struct lpfc_hba *,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ dma_addr_t);
++uint32_t lpfc_sli_next_iotag(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *);
++int lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag32(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++int lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ctx(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ uint32_t);
++int lpfc_sli_sum_iocb_host(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *);
++int lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_host(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *, int);
++int lpfc_sli_sum_iocb_lun(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *, uint16_t,
++ uint64_t);
++int lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_lun(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *, uint16_t,
++ uint64_t, int);
++int lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_tgt(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ uint16_t, int);
++void lpfc_mbox_timeout(unsigned long);
++void lpfc_mbox_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_hba *);
++void lpfc_map_fcp_cmnd_to_bpl(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_scsi_buf *);
++void lpfc_free_scsi_cmd(struct lpfc_scsi_buf *);
++uint32_t lpfc_os_timeout_transform(struct lpfc_hba *, uint32_t);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_findnode_wwpn(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t order,
++ struct lpfc_name * wwpn);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *
++lpfc_findnode_wwnn(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t order,
++ struct lpfc_name * wwnn);
++struct lpfc_nodelist *lpfc_findnode_did(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t order,
++ uint32_t did);
++int lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait(struct lpfc_hba * phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t * pmboxq,
++ uint32_t timeout);
++lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * piocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * prspiocbq, uint32_t timeout);
++int lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait_high_priority(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * piocb,
++ uint32_t flag,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * prspiocbq);
++void lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_high_priority(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * queue1,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * queue2);
++void lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb);
++void *lpfc_mbuf_alloc(struct lpfc_hba *, int, dma_addr_t *);
++void lpfc_mbuf_free(struct lpfc_hba *, void *, dma_addr_t);
++int lpfc_stop_timer(struct lpfc_hba *);
++/* Function prototypes. */
++int lpfc_queuecommand(struct scsi_cmnd *, void (*done) (struct scsi_cmnd *));
++int lpfc_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *);
++int lpfc_reset_bus_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *);
++int lpfc_reset_lun_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *);
++void lpfc_free_scsi_buf(struct lpfc_scsi_buf *);
++#if defined(RHEL_FC) || defined(SLES_FC)
++void lpfc_target_unblock(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_target *);
++void lpfc_target_block(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_target *);
++int lpfc_target_remove(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_target *);
++int lpfc_target_add(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_target *);
++#define ScsiResult(host_code, scsi_code) (((host_code) << 16) | scsi_code)
++#define HBA_EVENT_RSCN 5
++#define HBA_EVENT_LINK_UP 2
++#endif /* _H_LPFC_CRTN */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_els.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,3152 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_els.c 2005/07/08 19:33:28EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++static int lpfc_els_retry(struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++static int lpfc_max_els_tries = 3;
++static int
++lpfc_els_chk_latt(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ uint32_t ha_copy;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ if ((phba->hba_state < LPFC_HBA_READY) &&
++ (phba->hba_state != LPFC_LINK_DOWN)) {
++ /* Read the HBA Host Attention Register */
++ ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
++ if (ha_copy & HA_LATT) { /* Link Attention interrupt */
++ /* Pending Link Event during Discovery */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0237 Pending Link Event during "
++ "Discovery: State x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->hba_state);
++ /* CLEAR_LA should re-enable link attention events and
++ * we should then imediately take a LATT event. The
++ * LATT processing should call lpfc_linkdown() which
++ * will cleanup any left over in-progress discovery
++ * events.
++ */
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_ABORT_DISCOVERY;
++ if (phba->hba_state != LPFC_CLEAR_LA) {
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_CLEAR_LA;
++ lpfc_clear_la(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl =
++ lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox,
++ mempool_free(mbox,
++ phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ phba->hba_state =
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (1);
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++struct lpfc_iocbq *
++lpfc_prep_els_iocb(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ uint8_t expectRsp,
++ uint16_t cmdSize,
++ uint8_t retry, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, uint32_t elscmd)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd, *prsp, *pbuflist;
++ struct ulp_bde64 *bpl;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ uint32_t tag;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ if (phba->hba_state < LPFC_LINK_UP)
++ return NULL;
++ /* Allocate buffer for command iocb */
++ elsiocb = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!elsiocb)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(elsiocb, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ /* fill in BDEs for command */
++ /* Allocate buffer for command payload */
++ if (((pcmd = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) ||
++ ((pcmd->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba,
++ MEM_PRI, &(pcmd->phys))) == 0)) {
++ if (pcmd)
++ kfree(pcmd);
++ mempool_free( elsiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pcmd->list);
++ /* Allocate buffer for response payload */
++ if (expectRsp) {
++ prsp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (prsp)
++ prsp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, MEM_PRI,
++ &prsp->phys);
++ if (prsp == 0 || prsp->virt == 0) {
++ if (prsp)
++ kfree(prsp);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, pcmd->virt, pcmd->phys);
++ kfree(pcmd);
++ mempool_free( elsiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&prsp->list);
++ } else {
++ prsp = NULL;
++ }
++ /* Allocate buffer for Buffer ptr list */
++ pbuflist = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (pbuflist)
++ pbuflist->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, MEM_PRI,
++ &pbuflist->phys);
++ if (pbuflist == 0 || pbuflist->virt == 0) {
++ mempool_free( elsiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, pcmd->virt, pcmd->phys);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, prsp->virt, prsp->phys);
++ kfree(pcmd);
++ kfree(prsp);
++ if (pbuflist)
++ kfree(pbuflist);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pbuflist->list);
++ icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(pbuflist->phys);
++ icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.addrLow = putPaddrLow(pbuflist->phys);
++ icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.bdeFlags = BUFF_TYPE_BDL;
++ if (expectRsp) {
++ icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.bdeSize = (2 * sizeof (struct ulp_bde64));
++ icmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID = ndlp->nlp_DID; /* DID */
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_ELS_REQUEST64_CR;
++ } else {
++ icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.bdeSize = sizeof (struct ulp_bde64);
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_XMIT_ELS_RSP64_CX;
++ }
++ /* NOTE: we don't use ulpIoTag0 because it is a t2 structure */
++ tag = lpfc_sli_next_iotag(phba, pring);
++ icmd->ulpIoTag = (uint16_t)(tag & 0xffff);
++ icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.ulpIoTag32 = tag;
++ icmd->ulpBdeCount = 1;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = CLASS3;
++ bpl = (struct ulp_bde64 *) pbuflist->virt;
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(pcmd->phys));
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(pcmd->phys));
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = cmdSize;
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = 0;
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ if (expectRsp) {
++ bpl++;
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(prsp->phys));
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(prsp->phys));
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = FCELSSIZE;
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = BUFF_USE_RCV;
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ }
++ /* Save for completion so we can release these resources */
++ elsiocb->context1 = (uint8_t *) ndlp;
++ elsiocb->context2 = (uint8_t *) pcmd;
++ elsiocb->context3 = (uint8_t *) pbuflist;
++ elsiocb->retry = retry;
++ elsiocb->drvrTimeout = (phba->fc_ratov * 2) + LPFC_DRVR_TIMEOUT;
++ if (prsp) {
++ list_add(&prsp->list, &pcmd->list);
++ }
++ if (expectRsp) {
++ /* Xmit ELS command <elsCmd> to remote NPORT <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0116 Xmit ELS command x%x to remote "
++ "NPORT x%x Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, elscmd,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, icmd->ulpIoTag, phba->hba_state);
++ } else {
++ /* Xmit ELS response <elsCmd> to remote NPORT <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0117 Xmit ELS response x%x to remote "
++ "NPORT x%x Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, elscmd,
++ ndlp->nlp_DID, icmd->ulpIoTag, cmdSize);
++ }
++ return (elsiocb);
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_flogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb, struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd, *prsp;
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ int rc;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ irsp = &(rspiocb->iocb);
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ if (lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba)) {
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ /* FLOGI failure */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0100 FLOGI failure Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ irsp->ulpStatus, irsp->un.ulpWord[4]);
++ /* Check for retry */
++ if (lpfc_els_retry(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb)) {
++ /* ELS command is being retried */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* FLOGI failed, so there is no fabric */
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~(FC_FABRIC | FC_PUBLIC_LOOP);
++ /* If private loop, then allow max outstandting els to be
++ * LPFC_MAX_DISC_THREADS (32). Scanning in the case of no
++ * alpa map would take too long otherwise.
++ */
++ if (phba->alpa_map[0] == 0) {
++ phba->cfg_discovery_threads =
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* The FLogI succeeded. Sync the data for the CPU before
++ * accessing it.
++ */
++ prsp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) pcmd->;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) prsp->virt;
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) ((uint8_t *) lp + sizeof (uint32_t));
++ /* FLOGI completes successfully */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0101 FLOGI completes sucessfully "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[4], sp->cmn.e_d_tov,
++ sp->cmn.w2.r_a_tov, sp->cmn.edtovResolution);
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_FLOGI) {
++ /* If Common Service Parameters indicate Nport
++ * we are point to point, if Fport we are Fabric.
++ */
++ if (sp->cmn.fPort) {
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_FABRIC;
++ if (sp->cmn.edtovResolution) {
++ /* E_D_TOV ticks are in nanoseconds */
++ phba->fc_edtov =
++ (be32_to_cpu(sp->cmn.e_d_tov) +
++ 999999) / 1000000;
++ } else {
++ /* E_D_TOV ticks are in milliseconds */
++ phba->fc_edtov =
++ be32_to_cpu(sp->cmn.e_d_tov);
++ }
++ phba->fc_ratov =
++ (be32_to_cpu(sp->cmn.w2.r_a_tov) +
++ 999) / 1000;
++ if (phba->fc_topology == TOPOLOGY_LOOP) {
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_PUBLIC_LOOP;
++ } else {
++ /* If we are a N-port connected to a
++ * Fabric, fixup sparam's so logins to
++ * devices on remote loops work.
++ */
++ phba->fc_sparam.cmn.altBbCredit = 1;
++ }
++ phba->fc_myDID = irsp->un.ulpWord[4] & Mask_DID;
++ memcpy(&ndlp->nlp_portname, &sp->portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&ndlp->nlp_nodename, &sp->nodeName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&phba->fc_fabparam, sp,
++ sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_FABRIC_CFG_LINK;
++ lpfc_config_link(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ if (lpfc_reg_login(phba, Fabric_DID,
++ (uint8_t *) sp, mbox,
++ 0) == 0) {
++ /* set_slim mailbox command needs to
++ * execute first, queue this command to
++ * be processed later.
++ */
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl =
++ lpfc_mbx_cmpl_fabric_reg_login;
++ mbox->context2 = ndlp;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox,
++ mempool_free(mbox,
++ phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* We FLOGIed into an NPort, initiate pt2pt
++ protocol */
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~(FC_FABRIC | FC_PUBLIC_LOOP);
++ phba->fc_edtov = FF_DEF_EDTOV;
++ phba->fc_ratov = FF_DEF_RATOV;
++ rc = memcmp(&phba->fc_portname, &sp->portName,
++ sizeof(struct lpfc_name));
++ if (rc >= 0) {
++ /* This side will initiate the PLOGI */
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_PT2PT_PLOGI;
++ /* N_Port ID cannot be 0, set our to
++ * LocalID the other side will be
++ * RemoteID.
++ */
++ /* not equal */
++ if (rc)
++ phba->fc_myDID = PT2PT_LocalID;
++ if ((mbox =
++ mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ == 0) {
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ lpfc_config_link(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox,
++ mempool_free(mbox,
++ phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ if ((ndlp =
++ lpfc_findnode_did(phba,
++ PT2PT_RemoteID))
++ == 0) {
++ /* Cannot find existing Fabric
++ ndlp, so allocate a new
++ one */
++ if ((ndlp =
++ mempool_alloc(
++ phba->nlp_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ goto flogifail;
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp,
++ PT2PT_RemoteID);
++ }
++ memcpy(&ndlp->nlp_portname,
++ &sp->portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&ndlp->nlp_nodename,
++ &sp->nodeName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* This side will wait for the PLOGI */
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ }
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_PT2PT;
++ /* Start discovery - this should just do
++ CLEAR_LA */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_remove(phba, ndlp);
++ if((irsp->ulpStatus != IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) ||
++ ((irsp->un.ulpWord[4] != IOERR_SLI_ABORTED) &&
++ (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] != IOERR_SLI_DOWN))) {
++ /* FLOGI failed, so just use loop map to make discovery list */
++ lpfc_disc_list_loopmap(phba);
++ /* Start discovery */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ }
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++static int
++lpfc_issue_els_flogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint8_t retry)
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ uint32_t tmo;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = (sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 1, cmdsize, retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_FLOGI)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ /* For FLOGI request, remainder of payload is service parameters */
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_FLOGI;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ memcpy(pcmd, &phba->fc_sparam, sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) pcmd;
++ /* Setup CSPs accordingly for Fabric */
++ sp->cmn.e_d_tov = 0;
++ sp->cmn.w2.r_a_tov = 0;
++ sp->cls1.classValid = 0;
++ sp->cls2.seqDelivery = 1;
++ sp->cls3.seqDelivery = 1;
++ if (sp->cmn.fcphLow < FC_PH3)
++ sp->cmn.fcphLow = FC_PH3;
++ if (sp->cmn.fcphHigh < FC_PH3)
++ sp->cmn.fcphHigh = FC_PH3;
++ tmo = phba->fc_ratov;
++ phba->fc_ratov = LPFC_DISC_FLOGI_TMO;
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ phba->fc_ratov = tmo;
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitFLOGI++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_flogi;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_abort_flogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct list_head *curr, *next;
++ /* Abort outstanding I/O on NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0201 Abort outstanding I/O on NPort x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, Fabric_DID);
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ /* check the txcmplq */
++ list_for_each_safe(curr, next, &pring->txcmplq) {
++ next_iocb = list_entry(curr, struct lpfc_iocbq, list);
++ iocb = next_iocb;
++ /* Check to see if iocb matches the nport we are
++ looking for */
++ icmd = &iocb->iocb;
++ if (icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_ELS_REQUEST64_CR) {
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)(iocb->context1);
++ if(ndlp && (ndlp->nlp_DID == Fabric_DID)) {
++ /* It matches, so deque and call compl
++ with an error */
++ list_del(&iocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ if ((icmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.ulpIoTag32)) {
++ lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag32
++ (phba, pring, iocb);
++ }
++ if (iocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ icmd->ulpStatus =
++ icmd->un.ulpWord[4] =
++ (iocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, iocb, iocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(iocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++lpfc_initial_flogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ /* First look for Fabric ndlp on the unmapped list */
++ if ((ndlp =
++ lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED,
++ Fabric_DID)) == 0) {
++ /* Cannot find existing Fabric ndlp, so allocate a new one */
++ if ((ndlp = mempool_alloc(phba->nlp_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))
++ == 0) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp, Fabric_DID);
++ }
++ else {
++ phba->fc_unmap_cnt--;
++ list_del(&ndlp->nlp_listp);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LIST_MASK;
++ }
++ if (lpfc_issue_els_flogi(phba, ndlp, 0)) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ }
++ return (1);
++lpfc_more_plogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ int sentplogi;
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes)
++ phba->num_disc_nodes--;
++ /* Continue discovery with <num_disc_nodes> PLOGIs to go */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0232 Continue discovery with %d PLOGIs to go "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->num_disc_nodes, phba->fc_plogi_cnt,
++ phba->fc_flag, phba->hba_state);
++ /* Check to see if there are more PLOGIs to be sent */
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_NLP_MORE) {
++ /* go thru NPR list and issue any remaining ELS PLOGIs */
++ sentplogi = lpfc_els_disc_plogi(phba);
++ }
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_plogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ int disc, rc, did, type;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *curr_ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ int valid_ndlp = 0;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* we pass cmdiocb to state machine which needs rspiocb as well */
++ cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb = rspiocb;
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(curr_ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_plogi_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (curr_ndlp == ndlp ) {
++ valid_ndlp =1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!valid_ndlp)
++ goto out;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_PLOGI_SND;
++ /* Since ndlp can be freed in the disc state machine, note if this node
++ * is being used during discovery.
++ */
++ disc = (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC);
++ rc = 0;
++ /* PLOGI completes to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0102 PLOGI completes to NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, irsp->ulpStatus,
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[4], disc, phba->num_disc_nodes);
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ if (lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* ndlp could be freed in DSM, save these values now */
++ type = ndlp->nlp_type;
++ did = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ /* Check for retry */
++ if (lpfc_els_retry(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb)) {
++ /* ELS command is being retried */
++ if (disc) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* PLOGI failed */
++ /* Do not call DSM for lpfc_els_abort'ed ELS cmds */
++ if((irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
++ ((irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_ABORTED) ||
++ (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_DOWN))) {
++ disc = (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC);
++ }
++ else {
++ rc = lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb,
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Good status, call state machine */
++ rc = lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb,
++ }
++ if(type & NLP_FABRIC) {
++ /* If we cannot login to Nameserver, kick off discovery now */
++ if ((did == NameServer_DID) && (rc == NLP_STE_FREED_NODE)) {
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (disc && phba->num_disc_nodes) {
++ /* Check to see if there are more PLOGIs to be sent */
++ lpfc_more_plogi(phba);
++ }
++ if (rc != NLP_STE_FREED_NODE)
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes == 0) {
++ if(disc) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_NDISC_ACTIVE;
++ }
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE) {
++ /* Check to see if more RSCNs came in while we were
++ * processing this one.
++ */
++ if ((phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt == 0) &&
++ (!(phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY))) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_RSCN_MODE;
++ } else {
++ lpfc_els_handle_rscn(phba);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++lpfc_issue_els_plogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint8_t retry)
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = (sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 1, cmdsize, retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_PLOGI)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ /* For PLOGI request, remainder of payload is service parameters */
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_PLOGI;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ memcpy(pcmd, &phba->fc_sparam, sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) pcmd;
++ if (sp->cmn.fcphLow < FC_PH_4_3)
++ sp->cmn.fcphLow = FC_PH_4_3;
++ if (sp->cmn.fcphHigh < FC_PH3)
++ sp->cmn.fcphHigh = FC_PH3;
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitPLOGI++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_plogi;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_PLOGI_SND;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_PLOGI_SND;
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_prli(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *curr_ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ int valid_ndlp = 0;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* we pass cmdiocb to state machine which needs rspiocb as well */
++ cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb = rspiocb;
++ irsp = &(rspiocb->iocb);
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ phba->fc_prli_sent--;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(curr_ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_prli_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if (curr_ndlp == ndlp ) {
++ valid_ndlp =1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!valid_ndlp)
++ goto out;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_PRLI_SND;
++ /* PRLI completes to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0103 PRLI completes to NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, irsp->ulpStatus,
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[4], phba->num_disc_nodes);
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ if (lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba))
++ goto out;
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ /* Check for retry */
++ if (lpfc_els_retry(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb)) {
++ /* ELS command is being retried */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* PRLI failed */
++ /* Do not call DSM for lpfc_els_abort'ed ELS cmds */
++ if((irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
++ ((irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_ABORTED) ||
++ (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_DOWN))) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb,
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Good status, call state machine */
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb, NLP_EVT_CMPL_PRLI);
++ }
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++lpfc_issue_els_prli(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint8_t retry)
++ PRLI *npr;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = (sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (PRLI));
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 1, cmdsize, retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_PRLI)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ /* For PRLI request, remainder of payload is service parameters */
++ memset(pcmd, 0, (sizeof (PRLI) + sizeof (uint32_t)));
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_PRLI;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ /* For PRLI, remainder of payload is PRLI parameter page */
++ npr = (PRLI *) pcmd;
++ /*
++ * If our firmware version is 3.20 or later,
++ * set the following bits for FC-TAPE support.
++ */
++ if (phba->vpd.rev.feaLevelHigh >= 0x02) {
++ npr->ConfmComplAllowed = 1;
++ npr->Retry = 1;
++ npr->TaskRetryIdReq = 1;
++ }
++ npr->estabImagePair = 1;
++ npr->readXferRdyDis = 1;
++ /* For FCP support */
++ npr->prliType = PRLI_FCP_TYPE;
++ npr->initiatorFunc = 1;
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitPRLI++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_prli;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_PRLI_SND;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_PRLI_SND;
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ phba->fc_prli_sent++;
++ return (0);
++static void
++lpfc_more_adisc(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ int sentadisc;
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes)
++ phba->num_disc_nodes--;
++ /* Continue discovery with <num_disc_nodes> ADISCs to go */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0210 Continue discovery with %d ADISCs to go "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->num_disc_nodes, phba->fc_adisc_cnt,
++ phba->fc_flag, phba->hba_state);
++ /* Check to see if there are more ADISCs to be sent */
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_NLP_MORE) {
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ /* go thru NPR list and issue any remaining ELS ADISCs */
++ sentadisc = lpfc_els_disc_adisc(phba);
++ }
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_rscn_disc(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ /* RSCN discovery */
++ /* go thru NPR list and issue ELS PLOGIs */
++ if (phba->fc_npr_cnt) {
++ if (lpfc_els_disc_plogi(phba))
++ return;
++ }
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE) {
++ /* Check to see if more RSCNs came in while we were
++ * processing this one.
++ */
++ if ((phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt == 0) &&
++ (!(phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY))) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_RSCN_MODE;
++ } else {
++ lpfc_els_handle_rscn(phba);
++ }
++ }
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_adisc(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ int disc;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* we pass cmdiocb to state machine which needs rspiocb as well */
++ cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb = rspiocb;
++ irsp = &(rspiocb->iocb);
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_ADISC_SND;
++ /* Since ndlp can be freed in the disc state machine, note if this node
++ * is being used during discovery.
++ */
++ disc = (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC);
++ /* ADISC completes to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0104 ADISC completes to NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, irsp->ulpStatus,
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[4], disc, phba->num_disc_nodes);
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ if (lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ /* Check for retry */
++ if (lpfc_els_retry(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb)) {
++ /* ELS command is being retried */
++ if (disc) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* ADISC failed */
++ /* Do not call DSM for lpfc_els_abort'ed ELS cmds */
++ if((irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
++ ((irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_ABORTED) ||
++ (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_DOWN))) {
++ disc = (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC);
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb,
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Good status, call state machine */
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb,
++ }
++ if (disc && phba->num_disc_nodes) {
++ /* Check to see if there are more ADISCs to be sent */
++ lpfc_more_adisc(phba);
++ /* Check to see if we are done with ADISC authentication */
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes == 0) {
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ /* If we get here, there is nothing left to wait for */
++ if ((phba->hba_state < LPFC_HBA_READY) &&
++ (phba->hba_state != LPFC_CLEAR_LA)) {
++ /* Link up discovery */
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC))) {
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_CLEAR_LA;
++ lpfc_clear_la(phba, mbox);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl =
++ lpfc_mbx_cmpl_clear_la;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox,
++ mempool_free(mbox,
++ phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_disc_flush_list(phba);
++ psli->ring[(psli->ip_ring)].
++ flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->fcp_ring)].
++ flag &=
++ psli->ring[(psli->next_ring)].
++ flag &=
++ phba->hba_state =
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ lpfc_rscn_disc(phba);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_2B_DISC;
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++lpfc_issue_els_adisc(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint8_t retry)
++ ADISC *ap;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = (sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (ADISC));
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 1, cmdsize, retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_ADISC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ /* For ADISC request, remainder of payload is service parameters */
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_ADISC;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ /* Fill in ADISC payload */
++ ap = (ADISC *) pcmd;
++ ap->hardAL_PA = phba->fc_pref_ALPA;
++ memcpy(&ap->portName, &phba->fc_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&ap->nodeName, &phba->fc_nodename, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ ap->DID = be32_to_cpu(phba->fc_myDID);
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitADISC++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_adisc;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_ADISC_SND;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_ADISC_SND;
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_logo(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* we pass cmdiocb to state machine which needs rspiocb as well */
++ cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb = rspiocb;
++ irsp = &(rspiocb->iocb);
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LOGO_SND;
++ /* LOGO completes to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0105 LOGO completes to NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, irsp->ulpStatus,
++ irsp->un.ulpWord[4], phba->num_disc_nodes);
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ if (lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba))
++ goto out;
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ /* Check for retry */
++ if (lpfc_els_retry(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb)) {
++ /* ELS command is being retried */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* LOGO failed */
++ /* Do not call DSM for lpfc_els_abort'ed ELS cmds */
++ if((irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
++ ((irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_ABORTED) ||
++ (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_DOWN))) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ else {
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb,
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Good status, call state machine */
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb, NLP_EVT_CMPL_LOGO);
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO) {
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++lpfc_issue_els_logo(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ uint8_t retry)
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ cmdsize = 2 * (sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 1, cmdsize, retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_LOGO)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_LOGO;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ /* Fill in LOGO payload */
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = be32_to_cpu(phba->fc_myDID);
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ memcpy(pcmd, &phba->fc_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitLOGO++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_logo;
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_LOGO_SND;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LOGO_SND;
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_cmd(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ /* ELS cmd tag <ulpIoTag> completes */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0106 ELS cmd tag x%x completes Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ irsp->ulpIoTag, irsp->ulpStatus, irsp->un.ulpWord[4]);
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba);
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++lpfc_issue_els_scr(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t nportid, uint8_t retry)
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = (sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (SCR));
++ if ((ndlp = mempool_alloc(phba->nlp_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp, nportid);
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 1, cmdsize, retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_SCR)) == 0) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_SCR;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ /* For SCR, remainder of payload is SCR parameter page */
++ memset(pcmd, 0, sizeof (SCR));
++ ((SCR *) pcmd)->Function = SCR_FUNC_FULL;
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitSCR++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_cmd;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_issue_els_farpr(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t nportid, uint8_t retry)
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ FARP *fp;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ondlp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = (sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (FARP));
++ if ((ndlp = mempool_alloc(phba->nlp_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp, nportid);
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 1, cmdsize, retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_RNID)) == 0) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_FARPR;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ /* Fill in FARPR payload */
++ fp = (FARP *) (pcmd);
++ memset(fp, 0, sizeof (FARP));
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd;
++ *lp++ = be32_to_cpu(nportid);
++ *lp++ = be32_to_cpu(phba->fc_myDID);
++ fp->Rflags = 0;
++ memcpy(&fp->RportName, &phba->fc_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&fp->RnodeName, &phba->fc_nodename, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ if ((ondlp = lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_ALL, nportid))) {
++ memcpy(&fp->OportName, &ondlp->nlp_portname,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&fp->OnodeName, &ondlp->nlp_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ }
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitFARPR++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_cmd;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_retry_delay(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ LPFC_DISC_EVT_t *evtp;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)ptr;
++ phba = ndlp->nlp_phba;
++ evtp = &ndlp->els_retry_evt;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (!list_empty(&evtp->evt_listp)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return;
++ }
++ evtp->evt_arg1 = ndlp;
++ evtp->evt = LPFC_EVT_ELS_RETRY;
++ list_add_tail(&evtp->evt_listp, &phba->dpc_disc);
++ if (phba->dpc_wait)
++ up(phba->dpc_wait);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return;
++lpfc_els_retry_delay_handler(struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ uint32_t cmd;
++ uint32_t did;
++ uint8_t retry;
++ phba = ndlp->nlp_phba;
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ did = (uint32_t) (ndlp->nlp_DID);
++ cmd = (uint32_t) (ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd);
++ if (!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO)) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ retry = ndlp->nlp_retry;
++ switch (cmd) {
++ case ELS_CMD_FLOGI:
++ lpfc_issue_els_flogi(phba, ndlp, retry);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_PLOGI:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, retry);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_ADISC:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_ADISC_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_ADISC_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_adisc(phba, ndlp, retry);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_PRLI:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PRLI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PRLI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_prli(phba, ndlp, retry);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_LOGO:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_logo(phba, ndlp, retry);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++static int
++lpfc_els_retry(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ uint32_t *elscmd;
++ struct ls_rjt stat;
++ int retry, maxretry;
++ int delay;
++ uint32_t cmd;
++ retry = 0;
++ delay = 0;
++ maxretry = lpfc_max_els_tries;
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ cmd = 0;
++ /* Note: context2 may be 0 for internal driver abort
++ * of delays ELS command.
++ */
++ if (pcmd && pcmd->virt) {
++ elscmd = (uint32_t *) (pcmd->virt);
++ cmd = *elscmd++;
++ }
++ switch (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ break;
++ switch ((irsp->un.ulpWord[4] & 0xff)) {
++ if (cmd == ELS_CMD_PLOGI) {
++ if (cmdiocb->retry == 0) {
++ delay = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ retry = 1;
++ if ((cmd == ELS_CMD_FLOGI)
++ && (phba->fc_topology != TOPOLOGY_LOOP)) {
++ maxretry = 48;
++ }
++ break;
++ if (cmd == ELS_CMD_PLOGI) {
++ delay = 1;
++ }
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ if (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] & RJT_UNAVAIL_TEMP) {
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ case IOSTAT_LS_RJT:
++ stat.un.lsRjtError = be32_to_cpu(irsp->un.ulpWord[4]);
++ /* Added for Vendor specifc support
++ * Just keep retrying for these Rsn / Exp codes
++ */
++ switch (stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode) {
++ if (stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp ==
++ if (cmd == ELS_CMD_PLOGI) {
++ delay = 1;
++ maxretry = 48;
++ }
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (cmd == ELS_CMD_PLOGI) {
++ delay = 1;
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ if (cmd == ELS_CMD_PLOGI) {
++ delay = 1;
++ maxretry = 48;
++ }
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ case IOSTAT_BA_RJT:
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ndlp->nlp_DID == FDMI_DID) {
++ retry = 1;
++ }
++ if ((++cmdiocb->retry) >= maxretry) {
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRetryExceeded++;
++ retry = 0;
++ }
++ if (retry) {
++ /* Retry ELS command <elsCmd> to remote NPORT <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0107 Retry ELS command x%x to remote "
++ "NPORT x%x Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ cmd, ndlp->nlp_DID, cmdiocb->retry, delay);
++ if ((cmd == ELS_CMD_PLOGI) || (cmd == ELS_CMD_ADISC)) {
++ /* If discovery / RSCN timer is running, reset it */
++ if (timer_pending(&phba->fc_disctmo) ||
++ (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_MODE)) {
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ }
++ }
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitRetry++;
++ if (delay) {
++ phba->fc_stat.elsDelayRetry++;
++ ndlp->nlp_retry = cmdiocb->retry;
++ mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + HZ);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag |= NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = cmd;
++ return (1);
++ }
++ switch (cmd) {
++ case ELS_CMD_FLOGI:
++ lpfc_issue_els_flogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb->retry);
++ return (1);
++ case ELS_CMD_PLOGI:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb->retry);
++ return (1);
++ case ELS_CMD_ADISC:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_ADISC_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_ADISC_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_adisc(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb->retry);
++ return (1);
++ case ELS_CMD_PRLI:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PRLI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PRLI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_prli(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb->retry);
++ return (1);
++ case ELS_CMD_LOGO:
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_NPR_NODE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NPR_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_logo(phba, ndlp, cmdiocb->retry);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ }
++ /* No retry ELS command <elsCmd> to remote NPORT <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0108 No retry ELS command x%x to remote NPORT x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ cmd, ndlp->nlp_DID, cmdiocb->retry, ndlp->nlp_flag);
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_free_iocb(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * elsiocb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *buf_ptr, *buf_ptr1;
++ /* context2 = cmd, context2->next = rsp, context3 = bpl */
++ if (elsiocb->context2) {
++ buf_ptr1 = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2;
++ /* Free the response before processing the command. */
++ if (!list_empty(&buf_ptr1->list)) {
++ buf_ptr = list_entry(buf_ptr1->,
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf, list);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, buf_ptr->virt, buf_ptr->phys);
++ kfree(buf_ptr);
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, buf_ptr1->virt, buf_ptr1->phys);
++ kfree(buf_ptr1);
++ }
++ if (elsiocb->context3) {
++ buf_ptr = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context3;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, buf_ptr->virt, buf_ptr->phys);
++ kfree(buf_ptr);
++ }
++ mempool_free( elsiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return 0;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_logo_acc(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ /* ACC to LOGO completes to NPort <nlp_DID> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0109 ACC to LOGO completes to NPort x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_LOGO_ACC;
++ switch (ndlp->nlp_state) {
++ case NLP_STE_UNUSED_NODE: /* node is just allocated */
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ break;
++ case NLP_STE_NPR_NODE: /* NPort Recovery mode */
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_els_acc(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox = NULL;
++ ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ if (cmdiocb->context_un.mbox)
++ mbox = cmdiocb->context_un.mbox;
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ if ((lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba)) || !ndlp) {
++ if (mbox) {
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* ELS response tag <ulpIoTag> completes */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0110 ELS response tag x%x completes "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ cmdiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag, rspiocb->iocb.ulpStatus,
++ rspiocb->iocb.un.ulpWord[4], ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ if (mbox) {
++ if ((rspiocb->iocb.ulpStatus == 0)
++ && (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_ACC_REGLOGIN)) {
++ /* set_slim mailbox command needs to execute first,
++ * queue this command to be processed later.
++ */
++ lpfc_unreg_rpi(phba, ndlp);
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_reg_login;
++ mbox->context2 = ndlp;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_REG_LOGIN_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_REGLOGIN_LIST);
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox,
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* NOTE: we should have messages for unsuccessful
++ reglogin */
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ if (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_ACC_REGLOGIN) {
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_NO_LIST);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(ndlp)
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_ACC_REGLOGIN;
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
++ return;
++lpfc_els_rsp_acc(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t flag,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * oldiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp,
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t * mbox, uint8_t newnode)
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ IOCB_t *oldcmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ oldcmd = &oldiocb->iocb;
++ switch (flag) {
++ case ELS_CMD_ACC:
++ cmdsize = sizeof (uint32_t);
++ if ((elsiocb =
++ lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 0, cmdsize, oldiocb->retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_ACC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpContext = oldcmd->ulpContext; /* Xri */
++ pcmd = (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_ACC;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_PLOGI:
++ cmdsize = (sizeof (struct serv_parm) + sizeof (uint32_t));
++ if ((elsiocb =
++ lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 0, cmdsize, oldiocb->retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_ACC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpContext = oldcmd->ulpContext; /* Xri */
++ pcmd = (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ if (mbox)
++ elsiocb->context_un.mbox = mbox;
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_ACC;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ memcpy(pcmd, &phba->fc_sparam, sizeof (struct serv_parm));
++ break;
++ default:
++ return (1);
++ }
++ if (newnode)
++ elsiocb->context1 = NULL;
++ /* Xmit ELS ACC response tag <ulpIoTag> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0128 Xmit ELS ACC response tag x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpContext, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ if (ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_LOGO_ACC) {
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_logo_acc;
++ } else {
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_acc;
++ }
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitACC++;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_rsp_reject(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t rejectError,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * oldiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ IOCB_t *oldcmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = 2 * sizeof (uint32_t);
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 0, cmdsize, oldiocb->retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_LS_RJT)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ oldcmd = &oldiocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpContext = oldcmd->ulpContext; /* Xri */
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_LS_RJT;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = rejectError;
++ /* Xmit ELS RJT <err> response tag <ulpIoTag> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0129 Xmit ELS RJT x%x response tag x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ rejectError, elsiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpContext, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitLSRJT++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_acc;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_rsp_adisc_acc(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * oldiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ ADISC *ap;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ IOCB_t *oldcmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (ADISC);
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 0, cmdsize, oldiocb->retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_ACC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ /* Xmit ADISC ACC response tag <ulpIoTag> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0130 Xmit ADISC ACC response tag x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpContext, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ oldcmd = &oldiocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpContext = oldcmd->ulpContext; /* Xri */
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_ACC;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ ap = (ADISC *) (pcmd);
++ ap->hardAL_PA = phba->fc_pref_ALPA;
++ memcpy(&ap->portName, &phba->fc_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&ap->nodeName, &phba->fc_nodename, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ ap->DID = be32_to_cpu(phba->fc_myDID);
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitACC++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_acc;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_rsp_prli_acc(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * oldiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ PRLI *npr;
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vpd;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ IOCB_t *oldcmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING]; /* ELS ring */
++ cmdsize = sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (PRLI);
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 0, cmdsize, oldiocb->retry,
++ ndlp,
++ 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ /* Xmit PRLI ACC response tag <ulpIoTag> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0131 Xmit PRLI ACC response tag x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpContext, ndlp->nlp_DID,
++ ndlp->nlp_flag, ndlp->nlp_state, ndlp->nlp_rpi);
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ oldcmd = &oldiocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpContext = oldcmd->ulpContext; /* Xri */
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = (ELS_CMD_ACC | (ELS_CMD_PRLI & ~ELS_RSP_MASK));
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ /* For PRLI, remainder of payload is PRLI parameter page */
++ memset(pcmd, 0, sizeof (PRLI));
++ npr = (PRLI *) pcmd;
++ vpd = &phba->vpd;
++ /*
++ * If our firmware version is 3.20 or later,
++ * set the following bits for FC-TAPE support.
++ */
++ if (vpd->rev.feaLevelHigh >= 0x02) {
++ npr->ConfmComplAllowed = 1;
++ npr->Retry = 1;
++ npr->TaskRetryIdReq = 1;
++ }
++ npr->acceptRspCode = PRLI_REQ_EXECUTED;
++ npr->estabImagePair = 1;
++ npr->readXferRdyDis = 1;
++ npr->ConfmComplAllowed = 1;
++ npr->prliType = PRLI_FCP_TYPE;
++ npr->initiatorFunc = 1;
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitACC++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_acc;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_els_rsp_rnid_acc(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ uint8_t format,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * oldiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ RNID *rn;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ IOCB_t *oldcmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *elsiocb;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ uint8_t *pcmd;
++ uint16_t cmdsize;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ cmdsize = sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (uint32_t)
++ + (2 * sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ if (format)
++ cmdsize += sizeof (RNID_TOP_DISC);
++ if ((elsiocb = lpfc_prep_els_iocb(phba, 0, cmdsize, oldiocb->retry,
++ ndlp, ELS_CMD_ACC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ /* Xmit RNID ACC response tag <ulpIoTag> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0132 Xmit RNID ACC response tag x%x "
++ "Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag,
++ elsiocb->iocb.ulpContext);
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ oldcmd = &oldiocb->iocb;
++ icmd->ulpContext = oldcmd->ulpContext; /* Xri */
++ pcmd = (uint8_t *) (((struct lpfc_dmabuf *) elsiocb->context2)->virt);
++ *((uint32_t *) (pcmd)) = ELS_CMD_ACC;
++ pcmd += sizeof (uint32_t);
++ memset(pcmd, 0, sizeof (RNID));
++ rn = (RNID *) (pcmd);
++ rn->Format = format;
++ rn->CommonLen = (2 * sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&rn->portName, &phba->fc_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&rn->nodeName, &phba->fc_nodename, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ switch (format) {
++ case 0:
++ rn->SpecificLen = 0;
++ break;
++ rn->SpecificLen = sizeof (RNID_TOP_DISC);
++ memcpy(&rn->un.topologyDisc.portName,
++ &phba->fc_portname, sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ rn->un.topologyDisc.unitType = RNID_HBA;
++ rn->un.topologyDisc.physPort = 0;
++ rn->un.topologyDisc.attachedNodes = 0;
++ break;
++ default:
++ rn->CommonLen = 0;
++ rn->SpecificLen = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ phba->fc_stat.elsXmitACC++;
++ elsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_els_acc;
++ elsiocb->context1 = NULL; /* Don't need ndlp for cmpl,
++ * it could be freed */
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, elsiocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, elsiocb);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_disc_adisc(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ int sentadisc;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ sentadisc = 0;
++ /* go thru NPR list and issue any remaining ELS ADISCs */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_npr_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC) {
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_ADISC) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_NPR_ADISC;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_ADISC_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp,
++ lpfc_issue_els_adisc(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ sentadisc++;
++ phba->num_disc_nodes++;
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes >=
++ phba->cfg_discovery_threads) {
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_NLP_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (sentadisc == 0) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_NLP_MORE;
++ }
++ return(sentadisc);
++lpfc_els_disc_plogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ int sentplogi;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, *next_ndlp;
++ sentplogi = 0;
++ /* go thru NPR list and issue any remaining ELS PLOGIs */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, &phba->fc_npr_list,
++ nlp_listp) {
++ if((ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_2B_DISC) &&
++ (!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO))) {
++ if(!(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_NPR_ADISC)) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ sentplogi++;
++ phba->num_disc_nodes++;
++ if (phba->num_disc_nodes >=
++ phba->cfg_discovery_threads) {
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_NLP_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (sentplogi == 0) {
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~FC_NLP_MORE;
++ }
++ return(sentplogi);
++lpfc_els_flush_rscn(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt; i++) {
++ mp = phba->fc_rscn_id_list[i];
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ phba->fc_rscn_id_list[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt = 0;
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~(FC_RSCN_MODE | FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY);
++ lpfc_can_disctmo(phba);
++ return (0);
++lpfc_rscn_payload_check(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint32_t did)
++ D_ID ns_did;
++ D_ID rscn_did;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ uint32_t payload_len, cmd, i, match;
++ ns_did.un.word = did;
++ match = 0;
++ /* Never match fabric nodes for RSCNs */
++ if ((did & Fabric_DID_MASK) == Fabric_DID_MASK)
++ return(0);
++ /* If we are doing a FULL RSCN rediscovery, match everything */
++ if (phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY) {
++ return (did);
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt; i++) {
++ mp = phba->fc_rscn_id_list[i];
++ lp = (uint32_t *) mp->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ payload_len = be32_to_cpu(cmd) & 0xffff; /* payload length */
++ payload_len -= sizeof (uint32_t); /* take off word 0 */
++ while (payload_len) {
++ rscn_did.un.word = *lp++;
++ rscn_did.un.word = be32_to_cpu(rscn_did.un.word);
++ payload_len -= sizeof (uint32_t);
++ switch (rscn_did.un.b.resv) {
++ case 0: /* Single N_Port ID effected */
++ if (ns_did.un.word == rscn_did.un.word) {
++ match = did;
++ }
++ break;
++ case 1: /* Whole N_Port Area effected */
++ if ((ns_did.un.b.domain == rscn_did.un.b.domain)
++ && (ns_did.un.b.area == rscn_did.un.b.area))
++ {
++ match = did;
++ }
++ break;
++ case 2: /* Whole N_Port Domain effected */
++ if (ns_did.un.b.domain == rscn_did.un.b.domain)
++ {
++ match = did;
++ }
++ break;
++ case 3: /* Whole Fabric effected */
++ match = did;
++ break;
++ default:
++ /* Unknown Identifier in RSCN list */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0217 Unknown Identifier in "
++ "RSCN payload Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, rscn_did.un.word);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (match) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (match);
++static int
++lpfc_rscn_recovery_check(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp = NULL, *next_ndlp;
++ struct list_head *listp;
++ struct list_head *node_list[7];
++ int i;
++ /* Look at all nodes effected by pending RSCNs and move
++ * them to NPR list.
++ */
++ node_list[0] = &phba->fc_npr_list; /* MUST do this list first */
++ node_list[1] = &phba->fc_nlpmap_list;
++ node_list[2] = &phba->fc_nlpunmap_list;
++ node_list[3] = &phba->fc_prli_list;
++ node_list[4] = &phba->fc_reglogin_list;
++ node_list[5] = &phba->fc_adisc_list;
++ node_list[6] = &phba->fc_plogi_list;
++ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
++ listp = node_list[i];
++ if (list_empty(listp))
++ continue;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ndlp, next_ndlp, listp, nlp_listp) {
++ if((lpfc_rscn_payload_check(phba, ndlp->nlp_DID))) {
++ /* part of RSCN, process this entry */
++ lpfc_set_failmask(phba, ndlp,
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, NULL,
++ if(ndlp->nlp_flag & NLP_DELAY_TMO) {
++ ndlp->nlp_flag &= ~NLP_DELAY_TMO;
++ del_timer_sync(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc);
++ if (!list_empty(&ndlp->
++ els_retry_evt.evt_listp))
++ list_del_init(&ndlp->
++ els_retry_evt.
++ evt_listp);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_els_rcv_rscn(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, uint8_t newnode)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ uint32_t payload_len, cmd;
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ payload_len = be32_to_cpu(cmd) & 0xffff; /* payload length */
++ payload_len -= sizeof (uint32_t); /* take off word 0 */
++ cmd &= ELS_CMD_MASK;
++ /* RSCN received */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0214 RSCN received Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->fc_flag, payload_len, *lp, phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt);
++ /* If we are about to begin discovery, just ACC the RSCN.
++ * Discovery processing will satisfy it.
++ */
++ if (phba->hba_state < LPFC_NS_QRY) {
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL,
++ newnode);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ /* If we are already processing an RSCN, save the received
++ * RSCN payload buffer, cmdiocb->context2 to process later.
++ */
++ if (phba->fc_flag & (FC_RSCN_MODE | FC_NDISC_ACTIVE)) {
++ if ((phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt < FC_MAX_HOLD_RSCN) &&
++ !(phba->fc_flag & FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY)) {
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_RSCN_MODE;
++ phba->fc_rscn_id_list[phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt++] = pcmd;
++ /* If we zero, cmdiocb->context2, the calling
++ * routine will not try to free it.
++ */
++ cmdiocb->context2 = NULL;
++ /* Deferred RSCN */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0235 Deferred RSCN "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt,
++ phba->fc_flag, phba->hba_state);
++ } else {
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY;
++ /* ReDiscovery RSCN */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0234 ReDiscovery RSCN "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt,
++ phba->fc_flag, phba->hba_state);
++ }
++ /* Send back ACC */
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL,
++ newnode);
++ /* send RECOVERY event for ALL nodes that match RSCN payload */
++ lpfc_rscn_recovery_check(phba);
++ return (0);
++ }
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_RSCN_MODE;
++ phba->fc_rscn_id_list[phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt++] = pcmd;
++ /*
++ * If we zero, cmdiocb->context2, the calling routine will
++ * not try to free it.
++ */
++ cmdiocb->context2 = NULL;
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ /* Send back ACC */
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, newnode);
++ /* send RECOVERY event for ALL nodes that match RSCN payload */
++ lpfc_rscn_recovery_check(phba);
++ return (lpfc_els_handle_rscn(phba));
++lpfc_els_handle_rscn(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ lpfc_put_event(phba, HBA_EVENT_RSCN, phba->fc_myDID,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)(phba->fc_myDID), 0, 0);
++ /* Start timer for RSCN processing */
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ /* RSCN processed */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0215 RSCN processed Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->fc_flag, 0, phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt,
++ phba->hba_state);
++ /* To process RSCN, first compare RSCN data with NameServer */
++ phba->fc_ns_retry = 0;
++ if ((ndlp = lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED,
++ NameServer_DID))) {
++ /* Good ndlp, issue CT Request to NameServer */
++ if (lpfc_ns_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_CTNS_GID_FT) == 0) {
++ /* Wait for NameServer query cmpl before we can
++ continue */
++ return (1);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* If login to NameServer does not exist, issue one */
++ /* Good status, issue PLOGI to NameServer */
++ if ((ndlp =
++ lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_ALL, NameServer_DID))) {
++ /* Wait for NameServer login cmpl before we can
++ continue */
++ return (1);
++ }
++ if ((ndlp = mempool_alloc(phba->nlp_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))
++ == 0) {
++ lpfc_els_flush_rscn(phba);
++ return (0);
++ } else {
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp, NameServer_DID);
++ ndlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FABRIC;
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ /* Wait for NameServer login cmpl before we can
++ continue */
++ return (1);
++ }
++ }
++ lpfc_els_flush_rscn(phba);
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_els_rcv_flogi(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, uint8_t newnode)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ uint32_t *lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ struct serv_parm *sp;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
++ struct ls_rjt stat;
++ uint32_t cmd, did;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ sp = (struct serv_parm *) lp;
++ /* FLOGI received */
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ if (phba->fc_topology == TOPOLOGY_LOOP) {
++ /* We should never receive a FLOGI in loop mode, ignore it */
++ did = icmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ /* An FLOGI ELS command <elsCmd> was received from DID <did> in
++ Loop Mode */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0113 An FLOGI ELS command x%x was received "
++ "from DID x%x in Loop Mode\n",
++ phba->brd_no, cmd, did);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ did = Fabric_DID;
++ if ((lpfc_check_sparm(phba, ndlp, sp, CLASS3))) {
++ /* For a FLOGI we accept, then if our portname is greater
++ * then the remote portname we initiate Nport login.
++ */
++ int rc;
++ rc = memcmp(&phba->fc_portname, &sp->portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ if (!rc) {
++ if ((mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool,
++ GFP_ATOMIC)) == 0) {
++ return (1);
++ }
++ lpfc_linkdown(phba);
++ lpfc_init_link(phba, mbox,
++ phba->cfg_topology,
++ phba->cfg_link_speed);
++ mbox->mb.un.varInitLnk.lipsr_AL_PA = 0;
++ mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox
++ (phba, mbox, (MBX_NOWAIT | MBX_STOP_IOCB))
++ mempool_free( mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ return (1);
++ }
++ else if (rc > 0) { /* greater than */
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_PT2PT_PLOGI;
++ }
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_PT2PT;
++ phba->fc_flag &= ~(FC_FABRIC | FC_PUBLIC_LOOP);
++ } else {
++ /* Reject this request because invalid parameters */
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsvd0 = 0;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_SPARM_OPTIONS;
++ stat.un.b.vendorUnique = 0;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_reject(phba, stat.un.lsRjtError, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ return (1);
++ }
++ /* Send back ACC */
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_PLOGI, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, newnode);
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_els_rcv_rnid(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ RNID *rn;
++ struct ls_rjt stat;
++ uint32_t cmd, did;
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ did = icmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ rn = (RNID *) lp;
++ /* RNID received */
++ switch (rn->Format) {
++ case 0:
++ /* Send back ACC */
++ lpfc_els_rsp_rnid_acc(phba, rn->Format, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ break;
++ default:
++ /* Reject this request because format not supported */
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsvd0 = 0;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = LSEXP_CANT_GIVE_DATA;
++ stat.un.b.vendorUnique = 0;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_reject(phba, stat.un.lsRjtError, cmdiocb, ndlp);
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_els_rcv_rrq(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ RRQ *rrq;
++ uint32_t cmd, did;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_FCP_RING];
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ did = icmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ rrq = (RRQ *) lp;
++ /* RRQ received */
++ /* Get oxid / rxid from payload and abort it */
++ if ((rrq->SID == be32_to_cpu(phba->fc_myDID))) {
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ctx(phba, pring, rrq->Oxid);
++ } else {
++ lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ctx(phba, pring, rrq->Rxid);
++ }
++ /* ACCEPT the rrq request */
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ return 0;
++static int
++lpfc_els_rcv_farp(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ FARP *fp;
++ uint32_t cmd, cnt, did;
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ did = icmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ fp = (FARP *) lp;
++ /* FARP-REQ received from DID <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0134 FARP-REQ received from DID x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, did);
++ /* We will only support match on WWPN or WWNN */
++ if (fp->Mflags & ~(FARP_MATCH_NODE | FARP_MATCH_PORT)) {
++ return (0);
++ }
++ cnt = 0;
++ /* If this FARP command is searching for my portname */
++ if (fp->Mflags & FARP_MATCH_PORT) {
++ if (memcmp(&fp->RportName, &phba->fc_portname,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name)) == 0)
++ cnt = 1;
++ }
++ /* If this FARP command is searching for my nodename */
++ if (fp->Mflags & FARP_MATCH_NODE) {
++ if (memcmp(&fp->RnodeName, &phba->fc_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name)) == 0)
++ cnt = 1;
++ }
++ if (cnt) {
++ if((ndlp->nlp_state == NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE) ||
++ (ndlp->nlp_state == NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE)) {
++ /* Log back into the node before sending the FARP. */
++ if (fp->Rflags & FARP_REQUEST_PLOGI) {
++ ndlp->nlp_state = NLP_STE_PLOGI_ISSUE;
++ lpfc_nlp_list(phba, ndlp, NLP_PLOGI_LIST);
++ lpfc_issue_els_plogi(phba, ndlp, 0);
++ }
++ /* Send a FARP response to that node */
++ if (fp->Rflags & FARP_REQUEST_FARPR) {
++ lpfc_issue_els_farpr(phba, did, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++static int
++lpfc_els_rcv_farpr(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ uint32_t cmd, did;
++ icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
++ did = icmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) pcmd->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ /* FARP-RSP received from DID <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0133 FARP-RSP received from DID x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, did);
++ /* ACCEPT the Farp resp request */
++ lpfc_els_rsp_acc(phba, ELS_CMD_ACC, cmdiocb, ndlp, NULL, 0);
++ return 0;
++static int
++lpfc_els_rcv_fan(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp)
++ /* FAN received */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:265 FAN received\n",
++ phba->brd_no);
++ return (0);
++lpfc_els_timeout(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)ptr;
++ if (phba == 0)
++ return;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (!(phba->work_hba_events & WORKER_ELS_TMO)) {
++ phba->work_hba_events |= WORKER_ELS_TMO;
++ if (phba->dpc_wait)
++ up(phba->dpc_wait);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ return;
++lpfc_els_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *tmp_iocb, *piocb;
++ IOCB_t *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ struct list_head *dlp;
++ uint32_t *elscmd;
++ uint32_t els_command;
++ uint32_t timeout;
++ uint32_t remote_ID;
++ if(phba == 0)
++ return;
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ /* If the timer is already canceled do nothing */
++ if (!(phba->work_hba_events & WORKER_ELS_TMO)) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ timeout = (uint32_t)(phba->fc_ratov << 1);
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ dlp = &pring->txcmplq;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(piocb, tmp_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ cmd = &piocb->iocb;
++ if (piocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_LIBDFC) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) piocb->context2;
++ elscmd = (uint32_t *) (pcmd->virt);
++ els_command = *elscmd;
++ if ((els_command == ELS_CMD_FARP)
++ || (els_command == ELS_CMD_FARPR)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (piocb->drvrTimeout > 0) {
++ if (piocb->drvrTimeout >= timeout) {
++ piocb->drvrTimeout -= timeout;
++ } else {
++ piocb->drvrTimeout = 0;
++ }
++ continue;
++ }
++ list_del(&piocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ if (cmd->ulpCommand == CMD_GEN_REQUEST64_CR) {
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ ndlp = lpfc_findnode_rpi(phba, cmd->ulpContext);
++ remote_ID = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ if (cmd->un.elsreq64.bdl.ulpIoTag32) {
++ lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag32(phba,
++ pring, piocb);
++ }
++ } else {
++ remote_ID = cmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ }
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0127 ELS timeout Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, els_command,
++ remote_ID, cmd->ulpCommand, cmd->ulpIoTag);
++ /*
++ * The iocb has timed out; abort it.
++ */
++ if (piocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ cmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ cmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ (piocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, piocb, piocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free(piocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ if (phba->sli.ring[LPFC_ELS_RING].txcmplq_cnt) {
++ phba->els_tmofunc.expires = jiffies + HZ * timeout;
++ add_timer(&phba->els_tmofunc);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++lpfc_els_flush_cmd(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *tmp_iocb, *piocb;
++ IOCB_t *cmd = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pcmd;
++ uint32_t *elscmd;
++ uint32_t els_command;
++ uint32_t remote_ID;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(piocb, tmp_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
++ cmd = &piocb->iocb;
++ if (piocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_LIBDFC) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Do not flush out the QUE_RING and ABORT/CLOSE iocbs */
++ if ((cmd->ulpCommand == CMD_QUE_RING_BUF_CN) ||
++ (cmd->ulpCommand == CMD_QUE_RING_BUF64_CN) ||
++ (cmd->ulpCommand == CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN) ||
++ (cmd->ulpCommand == CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) piocb->context2;
++ elscmd = (uint32_t *) (pcmd->virt);
++ els_command = *elscmd;
++ if (cmd->ulpCommand == CMD_GEN_REQUEST64_CR) {
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ ndlp = lpfc_findnode_rpi(phba, cmd->ulpContext);
++ remote_ID = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_HBA_READY) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ } else {
++ remote_ID = cmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ }
++ list_del(&piocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ cmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ cmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ if (piocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ (piocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, piocb, piocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( piocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(piocb, tmp_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
++ cmd = &piocb->iocb;
++ if (piocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_LIBDFC) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ pcmd = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) piocb->context2;
++ elscmd = (uint32_t *) (pcmd->virt);
++ els_command = *elscmd;
++ if (cmd->ulpCommand == CMD_GEN_REQUEST64_CR) {
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ ndlp = lpfc_findnode_rpi(phba, cmd->ulpContext);
++ remote_ID = ndlp->nlp_DID;
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_HBA_READY) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ } else {
++ remote_ID = cmd->un.elsreq64.remoteID;
++ }
++ list_del(&piocb->list);
++ pring->txcmplq_cnt--;
++ cmd->ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
++ cmd->un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
++ if (piocb->iocb_cmpl) {
++ (piocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, piocb, piocb);
++ } else {
++ mempool_free( piocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++lpfc_els_unsol_event(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, struct lpfc_iocbq * elsiocb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ uint32_t *lp;
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct ls_rjt stat;
++ uint32_t cmd;
++ uint32_t did;
++ uint32_t newnode;
++ uint32_t drop_cmd = 0; /* by default do NOT drop received cmd */
++ uint32_t rjt_err = 0;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ icmd = &elsiocb->iocb;
++ if ((icmd->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
++ ((icmd->un.ulpWord[4] & 0xff) == IOERR_RCV_BUFFER_WAITING)) {
++ /* Not enough posted buffers; Try posting more buffers */
++ phba->fc_stat.NoRcvBuf++;
++ lpfc_post_buffer(phba, pring, 0, 1);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* If there are no BDEs associated with this IOCB,
++ * there is nothing to do.
++ */
++ if (icmd->ulpBdeCount == 0)
++ return;
++ /* type of ELS cmd is first 32bit word in packet */
++ mp = lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_get(phba, pring, getPaddr(icmd->un.
++ cont64[0].
++ addrHigh,
++ icmd->un.
++ cont64[0].addrLow));
++ if (mp == 0) {
++ drop_cmd = 1;
++ goto dropit;
++ }
++ newnode = 0;
++ lp = (uint32_t *) mp->virt;
++ cmd = *lp++;
++ lpfc_post_buffer(phba, &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING], 1, 1);
++ if (icmd->ulpStatus) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ drop_cmd = 1;
++ goto dropit;
++ }
++ /* Check to see if link went down during discovery */
++ if (lpfc_els_chk_latt(phba)) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ drop_cmd = 1;
++ goto dropit;
++ }
++ did = icmd->un.rcvels.remoteID;
++ if ((ndlp = lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_ALL, did)) == 0) {
++ /* Cannot find existing Fabric ndlp, so allocate a new one */
++ if ((ndlp = mempool_alloc(phba->nlp_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC))
++ == 0) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ drop_cmd = 1;
++ goto dropit;
++ }
++ lpfc_nlp_init(phba, ndlp, did);
++ newnode = 1;
++ if ((did & Fabric_DID_MASK) == Fabric_DID_MASK) {
++ ndlp->nlp_type |= NLP_FABRIC;
++ }
++ }
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvFrame++;
++ elsiocb->context1 = ndlp;
++ elsiocb->context2 = mp;
++ if ((cmd & ELS_CMD_MASK) == ELS_CMD_RSCN) {
++ cmd &= ELS_CMD_MASK;
++ }
++ /* ELS command <elsCmd> received from NPORT <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0112 ELS command x%x received from NPORT x%x "
++ "Data: x%x\n", phba->brd_no, cmd, did, phba->hba_state);
++ switch (cmd) {
++ case ELS_CMD_PLOGI:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvPLOGI++;
++ if(phba->hba_state < LPFC_DISC_AUTH) {
++ rjt_err = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, elsiocb, NLP_EVT_RCV_PLOGI);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_FLOGI:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvFLOGI++;
++ lpfc_els_rcv_flogi(phba, elsiocb, ndlp, newnode);
++ if (newnode) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ }
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_LOGO:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvLOGO++;
++ if(phba->hba_state < LPFC_DISC_AUTH) {
++ rjt_err = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, elsiocb, NLP_EVT_RCV_LOGO);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_PRLO:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvPRLO++;
++ if(phba->hba_state < LPFC_DISC_AUTH) {
++ rjt_err = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, elsiocb, NLP_EVT_RCV_PRLO);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_RSCN:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvRSCN++;
++ lpfc_els_rcv_rscn(phba, elsiocb, ndlp, newnode);
++ if (newnode) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ }
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_ADISC:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvADISC++;
++ if(phba->hba_state < LPFC_DISC_AUTH) {
++ rjt_err = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, elsiocb, NLP_EVT_RCV_ADISC);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_PDISC:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvPDISC++;
++ if(phba->hba_state < LPFC_DISC_AUTH) {
++ rjt_err = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, elsiocb, NLP_EVT_RCV_PDISC);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_FARPR:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvFARPR++;
++ lpfc_els_rcv_farpr(phba, elsiocb, ndlp);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_FARP:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvFARP++;
++ lpfc_els_rcv_farp(phba, elsiocb, ndlp);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_FAN:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvFAN++;
++ lpfc_els_rcv_fan(phba, elsiocb, ndlp);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_RRQ:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvRRQ++;
++ lpfc_els_rcv_rrq(phba, elsiocb, ndlp);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_PRLI:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvPRLI++;
++ if(phba->hba_state < LPFC_DISC_AUTH) {
++ rjt_err = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_disc_state_machine(phba, ndlp, elsiocb, NLP_EVT_RCV_PRLI);
++ break;
++ case ELS_CMD_RNID:
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvRNID++;
++ lpfc_els_rcv_rnid(phba, elsiocb, ndlp);
++ break;
++ default:
++ /* Unsupported ELS command, reject */
++ rjt_err = LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE;
++ /* Unknown ELS command <elsCmd> received from NPORT <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0115 Unknown ELS command x%x received from "
++ "NPORT x%x\n", phba->brd_no, cmd, did);
++ if (newnode) {
++ mempool_free( ndlp, phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* check if need to LS_RJT received ELS cmd */
++ if (rjt_err) {
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsvd0 = 0;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCode = LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC;
++ stat.un.b.lsRjtRsnCodeExp = rjt_err;
++ stat.un.b.vendorUnique = 0;
++ lpfc_els_rsp_reject(phba, stat.un.lsRjtError, elsiocb, ndlp);
++ }
++ if (elsiocb->context2) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ /* check if need to drop received ELS cmd */
++ if (drop_cmd == 1) {
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0111 Dropping received ELS cmd "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n", phba->brd_no,
++ icmd->ulpStatus, icmd->un.ulpWord[4]);
++ phba->fc_stat.elsRcvDrop++;
++ }
++ return;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_ct.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,1235 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_ct.c 2005/06/13 17:16:09EDT sf_support Exp $
++ *
++ * Fibre Channel SCSI LAN Device Driver CT support
++ */
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/utsname.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++#include "lpfc_version.h"
++#define HBA_PORTSPEED_UNKNOWN 0 /* Unknown - transceiver
++ * incapable of reporting */
++#define HBA_PORTSPEED_1GBIT 1 /* 1 GBit/sec */
++#define HBA_PORTSPEED_2GBIT 2 /* 2 GBit/sec */
++#define HBA_PORTSPEED_4GBIT 8 /* 4 GBit/sec */
++#define HBA_PORTSPEED_8GBIT 16 /* 8 GBit/sec */
++#define HBA_PORTSPEED_10GBIT 4 /* 10 GBit/sec */
++#define HBA_PORTSPEED_NOT_NEGOTIATED 5 /* Speed not established */
++#define FOURBYTES 4
++static char *lpfc_release_version = LPFC_DRIVER_VERSION;
++ * lpfc_ct_unsol_event
++ */
++lpfc_ct_unsol_event(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, struct lpfc_iocbq * piocbq)
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *next_piocbq;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *pmbuf = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *matp, *next_matp;
++ uint32_t ctx = 0, size = 0, cnt = 0;
++ IOCB_t *icmd = &piocbq->iocb;
++ IOCB_t *save_icmd = icmd;
++ int i, status, go_exit = 0;
++ struct list_head head;
++ if ((icmd->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
++ ((icmd->un.ulpWord[4] & 0xff) == IOERR_RCV_BUFFER_WAITING)) {
++ /* Not enough posted buffers; Try posting more buffers */
++ phba->fc_stat.NoRcvBuf++;
++ lpfc_post_buffer(phba, pring, 0, 1);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* If there are no BDEs associated with this IOCB,
++ * there is nothing to do.
++ */
++ if (icmd->ulpBdeCount == 0)
++ return;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&head);
++ list_add_tail(&head, &piocbq->list);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(piocbq, next_piocbq, &head, list) {
++ icmd = &piocbq->iocb;
++ if (ctx == 0)
++ ctx = (uint32_t) (icmd->ulpContext);
++ if (icmd->ulpBdeCount == 0)
++ continue;
++ for (i = 0; i < icmd->ulpBdeCount; i++) {
++ matp = lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_get(phba, pring,
++ getPaddr(icmd->un.
++ cont64[i].
++ addrHigh,
++ icmd->un.
++ cont64[i].
++ addrLow));
++ if (!matp) {
++ /* Insert lpfc log message here */
++ lpfc_post_buffer(phba, pring, cnt, 1);
++ go_exit = 1;
++ goto ct_unsol_event_exit_piocbq;
++ }
++ /* Typically for Unsolicited CT requests */
++ if (!pmbuf) {
++ pmbuf = matp;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pmbuf->list);
++ } else
++ list_add_tail(&matp->list, &pmbuf->list);
++ size += icmd->un.cont64[i].tus.f.bdeSize;
++ cnt++;
++ }
++ icmd->ulpBdeCount = 0;
++ }
++ lpfc_post_buffer(phba, pring, cnt, 1);
++ if (save_icmd->ulpStatus) {
++ go_exit = 1;
++ }
++ list_del(&head);
++ /*
++ * if not early-exiting and there is pmbuf,
++ * then do FC_REG_CT_EVENT for libdfc
++ */
++ if (!go_exit && pmbuf) {
++ status = lpfc_put_event(phba, FC_REG_CT_EVENT, ctx,
++ (void *)pmbuf, size, 0);
++ if (status)
++ return;
++ }
++ if (pmbuf) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(matp, next_matp, &pmbuf->list, list) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, matp->virt, matp->phys);
++ list_del(&matp->list);
++ kfree(matp);
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, pmbuf->virt, pmbuf->phys);
++ kfree(pmbuf);
++ }
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_free_ct_rsp(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_dmabuf * mlist)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mlast, *next_mlast;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(mlast, next_mlast, &mlist->list, list) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mlast->virt, mlast->phys);
++ list_del(&mlast->list);
++ kfree(mlast);
++ }
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mlist->virt, mlist->phys);
++ kfree(mlist);
++ return;
++static struct lpfc_dmabuf *
++lpfc_alloc_ct_rsp(struct lpfc_hba * phba, int cmdcode, struct ulp_bde64 * bpl,
++ uint32_t size, int *entries)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mlist = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ int cnt, i = 0;
++ /* We get chucks of FCELSSIZE */
++ cnt = size > FCELSSIZE ? FCELSSIZE: size;
++ while (size) {
++ /* Allocate buffer for rsp payload */
++ mp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!mp) {
++ if (mlist)
++ lpfc_free_ct_rsp(phba, mlist);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp->list);
++ if (cmdcode == be16_to_cpu(SLI_CTNS_GID_FT))
++ mp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, MEM_PRI, &(mp->phys));
++ else
++ mp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, 0, &(mp->phys));
++ if (!mp->virt) {
++ kfree(mp);
++ lpfc_free_ct_rsp(phba, mlist);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /* Queue it to a linked list */
++ if (!mlist)
++ mlist = mp;
++ else
++ list_add_tail(&mp->list, &mlist->list);
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = BUFF_USE_RCV;
++ /* build buffer ptr list for IOCB */
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu( putPaddrLow(mp->phys) );
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu( putPaddrHigh(mp->phys) );
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = (uint16_t) cnt;
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ bpl++;
++ i++;
++ size -= cnt;
++ }
++ *entries = i;
++ return mlist;
++static int
++lpfc_gen_req(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_dmabuf *bmp,
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *inp, struct lpfc_dmabuf *outp,
++ void (*cmpl) (struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *),
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp, uint32_t usr_flg, uint32_t num_entry,
++ uint32_t tmo)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring = &psli->ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
++ IOCB_t *icmd;
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *geniocb;
++ /* Allocate buffer for command iocb */
++ geniocb = mempool_alloc(phba->iocb_mem_pool, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!geniocb) {
++ return 1;
++ }
++ memset(geniocb, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ icmd = &geniocb->iocb;
++ icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.ulpIoTag32 = 0;
++ icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.addrHigh = putPaddrHigh(bmp->phys);
++ icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.addrLow = putPaddrLow(bmp->phys);
++ icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.bdeFlags = BUFF_TYPE_BDL;
++ icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.bdeSize = (num_entry * sizeof (struct ulp_bde64));
++ if (usr_flg)
++ geniocb->context3 = NULL;
++ else
++ geniocb->context3 = (uint8_t *) bmp;
++ /* Save for completion so we can release these resources */
++ geniocb->context1 = (uint8_t *) inp;
++ geniocb->context2 = (uint8_t *) outp;
++ /* Fill in payload, bp points to frame payload */
++ icmd->ulpCommand = CMD_GEN_REQUEST64_CR;
++ icmd->ulpIoTag = lpfc_sli_next_iotag(phba, pring);
++ /* Fill in rest of iocb */
++ icmd->un.genreq64.w5.hcsw.Fctl = (SI | LA);
++ icmd->un.genreq64.w5.hcsw.Dfctl = 0;
++ icmd->un.genreq64.w5.hcsw.Rctl = FC_UNSOL_CTL;
++ icmd->un.genreq64.w5.hcsw.Type = FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_ULP;
++ if (!tmo)
++ tmo = (2 * phba->fc_ratov) + 1;
++ icmd->ulpTimeout = tmo;
++ icmd->ulpBdeCount = 1;
++ icmd->ulpLe = 1;
++ icmd->ulpClass = CLASS3;
++ icmd->ulpContext = ndlp->nlp_rpi;
++ /* Issue GEN REQ IOCB for NPORT <did> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
++ "%d:0119 Issue GEN REQ IOCB for NPORT x%x "
++ "Data: x%x x%x\n", phba->brd_no, icmd->un.ulpWord[5],
++ icmd->ulpIoTag, phba->hba_state);
++ geniocb->iocb_cmpl = cmpl;
++ geniocb->drvrTimeout = icmd->ulpTimeout + LPFC_DRVR_TIMEOUT;
++ if (lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring, geniocb, 0) == IOCB_ERROR) {
++ mempool_free( geniocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static int
++lpfc_ct_cmd(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_dmabuf *inmp,
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *bmp, struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp,
++ void (*cmpl) (struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *),
++ uint32_t rsp_size)
++ struct ulp_bde64 *bpl = (struct ulp_bde64 *) bmp->virt;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *outmp;
++ int cnt = 0, status;
++ int cmdcode = ((struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *) inmp->virt)->
++ CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp;
++ bpl++; /* Skip past ct request */
++ /* Put buffer(s) for ct rsp in bpl */
++ outmp = lpfc_alloc_ct_rsp(phba, cmdcode, bpl, rsp_size, &cnt);
++ if (!outmp)
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ status = lpfc_gen_req(phba, bmp, inmp, outmp, cmpl, ndlp, 0,
++ cnt+1, 0);
++ if (status) {
++ lpfc_free_ct_rsp(phba, outmp);
++ return -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static int
++lpfc_ns_rsp(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_dmabuf * mp, uint32_t Size)
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *Response =
++ (struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *) mp->virt;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp = NULL;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mlast, *next_mp;
++ uint32_t *ctptr = (uint32_t *) & Response->un.gid.PortType;
++ uint32_t Did;
++ uint32_t CTentry;
++ int Cnt;
++ struct list_head head;
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ Cnt = Size > FCELSSIZE ? FCELSSIZE : Size;
++ list_add_tail(&head, &mp->list);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(mp, next_mp, &head, list) {
++ mlast = mp;
++ Size -= Cnt;
++ if (!ctptr)
++ ctptr = (uint32_t *) mlast->virt;
++ else
++ Cnt -= 16; /* subtract length of CT header */
++ /* Loop through entire NameServer list of DIDs */
++ while (Cnt) {
++ /* Get next DID from NameServer List */
++ CTentry = *ctptr++;
++ Did = ((be32_to_cpu(CTentry)) & Mask_DID);
++ ndlp = NULL;
++ if (Did != phba->fc_myDID) {
++ /* Check for rscn processing or not */
++ ndlp = lpfc_setup_disc_node(phba, Did);
++ }
++ /* Mark all node table entries that are in the
++ Nameserver */
++ if (ndlp) {
++ /* NameServer Rsp */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0238 Process x%x NameServer"
++ " Rsp Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ Did, ndlp->nlp_flag,
++ phba->fc_flag,
++ phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt);
++ } else {
++ /* NameServer Rsp */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0239 Skip x%x NameServer "
++ "Rsp Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ Did, Size, phba->fc_flag,
++ phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt);
++ }
++ if (CTentry & (be32_to_cpu(SLI_CT_LAST_ENTRY)))
++ goto nsout1;
++ Cnt -= sizeof (uint32_t);
++ }
++ ctptr = NULL;
++ }
++ list_del(&head);
++ /* Here we are finished in the case RSCN */
++ if (phba->hba_state == LPFC_HBA_READY) {
++ lpfc_els_flush_rscn(phba);
++ phba->fc_flag |= FC_RSCN_MODE; /* we are still in RSCN mode */
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_gid_ft(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *bmp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *inp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *outp;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *CTrsp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* we pass cmdiocb to state machine which needs rspiocb as well */
++ cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb = rspiocb;
++ inp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ outp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ bmp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context3;
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
++ if((irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
++ ((irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_DOWN) ||
++ (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_SLI_ABORTED))) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* Check for retry */
++ if (phba->fc_ns_retry < LPFC_MAX_NS_RETRY) {
++ phba->fc_ns_retry++;
++ /* CT command is being retried */
++ ndlp =
++ lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_UNMAPPED,
++ NameServer_DID);
++ if (ndlp) {
++ if (lpfc_ns_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_CTNS_GID_FT) ==
++ 0) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Good status, continue checking */
++ CTrsp = (struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *) outp->virt;
++ if (CTrsp->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp ==
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_CT_RESPONSE_FS_ACC)) {
++ lpfc_ns_rsp(phba, outp,
++ (uint32_t) (irsp->un.genreq64.bdl.bdeSize));
++ } else if (CTrsp->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp ==
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_CT_RESPONSE_FS_RJT)) {
++ /* NameServer Rsp Error */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0240 NameServer Rsp Error "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ CTrsp->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp,
++ (uint32_t) CTrsp->ReasonCode,
++ (uint32_t) CTrsp->Explanation,
++ phba->fc_flag);
++ } else {
++ /* NameServer Rsp Error */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0241 NameServer Rsp Error "
++ "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ CTrsp->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp,
++ (uint32_t) CTrsp->ReasonCode,
++ (uint32_t) CTrsp->Explanation,
++ phba->fc_flag);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Link up / RSCN discovery */
++ lpfc_disc_start(phba);
++ lpfc_free_ct_rsp(phba, outp);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, inp->virt, inp->phys);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, bmp->virt, bmp->phys);
++ kfree(inp);
++ kfree(bmp);
++ mempool_free( cmdiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rft_id(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *bmp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *inp;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *outp;
++ IOCB_t *irsp;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *CTrsp;
++ psli = &phba->sli;
++ /* we pass cmdiocb to state machine which needs rspiocb as well */
++ cmdiocb->context_un.rsp_iocb = rspiocb;
++ inp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context1;
++ outp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context2;
++ bmp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) cmdiocb->context3;
++ irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
++ CTrsp = (struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *) outp->virt;
++ /* RFT request completes status <ulpStatus> CmdRsp <CmdRsp> */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_DISCOVERY,
++ "%d:0209 RFT request completes ulpStatus x%x "
++ "CmdRsp x%x\n", phba->brd_no, irsp->ulpStatus,
++ CTrsp->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp);
++ lpfc_free_ct_rsp(phba, outp);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, inp->virt, inp->phys);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, bmp->virt, bmp->phys);
++ kfree(inp);
++ kfree(bmp);
++ mempool_free( cmdiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rnn_id(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rft_id(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rsnn_nn(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rft_id(phba, cmdiocb, rspiocb);
++ return;
++static void
++lpfc_get_hba_sym_node_name(struct lpfc_hba * phba, uint8_t * symbp)
++ char fwrev[16];
++ lpfc_decode_firmware_rev(phba, fwrev, 0);
++ if (phba->Port[0]) {
++ sprintf(symbp, "Emulex %s Port %s FV%s DV%s", phba->ModelName,
++ phba->Port, fwrev, lpfc_release_version);
++ } else {
++ sprintf(symbp, "Emulex %s FV%s DV%s", phba->ModelName,
++ fwrev, lpfc_release_version);
++ }
++ * lpfc_ns_cmd
++ * Description:
++ * Issue Cmd to NameServer
++ */
++lpfc_ns_cmd(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, int cmdcode)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp, *bmp;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *CtReq;
++ struct ulp_bde64 *bpl;
++ void (*cmpl) (struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *) = NULL;
++ uint32_t rsp_size = 1024;
++ /* fill in BDEs for command */
++ /* Allocate buffer for command payload */
++ mp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!mp)
++ goto ns_cmd_exit;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp->list);
++ mp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, MEM_PRI, &(mp->phys));
++ if (!mp->virt)
++ goto ns_cmd_free_mp;
++ /* Allocate buffer for Buffer ptr list */
++ bmp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!bmp)
++ goto ns_cmd_free_mpvirt;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bmp->list);
++ bmp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, MEM_PRI, &(bmp->phys));
++ if (!bmp->virt)
++ goto ns_cmd_free_bmp;
++ /* NameServer Req */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0236 NameServer Req Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no, cmdcode, phba->fc_flag,
++ phba->fc_rscn_id_cnt);
++ bpl = (struct ulp_bde64 *) bmp->virt;
++ memset(bpl, 0, sizeof(struct ulp_bde64));
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu( putPaddrHigh(mp->phys) );
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu( putPaddrLow(mp->phys) );
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = 0;
++ if (cmdcode == SLI_CTNS_GID_FT)
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = GID_REQUEST_SZ;
++ else if (cmdcode == SLI_CTNS_RFT_ID)
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = RFT_REQUEST_SZ;
++ else if (cmdcode == SLI_CTNS_RNN_ID)
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = RNN_REQUEST_SZ;
++ else if (cmdcode == SLI_CTNS_RSNN_NN)
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = RSNN_REQUEST_SZ;
++ else
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = 0;
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ CtReq = (struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *) mp->virt;
++ memset(CtReq, 0, sizeof (struct lpfc_sli_ct_request));
++ CtReq->RevisionId.bits.Revision = SLI_CT_REVISION;
++ CtReq->RevisionId.bits.InId = 0;
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.Size = 0;
++ switch (cmdcode) {
++ case SLI_CTNS_GID_FT:
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp =
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_CTNS_GID_FT);
++ CtReq->un.gid.Fc4Type = SLI_CTPT_FCP;
++ if (phba->hba_state < LPFC_HBA_READY)
++ phba->hba_state = LPFC_NS_QRY;
++ lpfc_set_disctmo(phba);
++ cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_gid_ft;
++ rsp_size = FC_MAX_NS_RSP;
++ break;
++ case SLI_CTNS_RFT_ID:
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp =
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_CTNS_RFT_ID);
++ CtReq->un.rft.PortId = be32_to_cpu(phba->fc_myDID);
++ CtReq->un.rft.fcpReg = 1;
++ cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rft_id;
++ break;
++ case SLI_CTNS_RNN_ID:
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp =
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_CTNS_RNN_ID);
++ CtReq->un.rnn.PortId = be32_to_cpu(phba->fc_myDID);
++ memcpy(CtReq->un.rnn.wwnn, &phba->fc_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rnn_id;
++ break;
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp =
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_CTNS_RSNN_NN);
++ memcpy(CtReq->un.rsnn.wwnn, &phba->fc_nodename,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ lpfc_get_hba_sym_node_name(phba, CtReq->un.rsnn.symbname);
++ CtReq->un.rsnn.len = strlen(CtReq->un.rsnn.symbname);
++ cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_rsnn_nn;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!lpfc_ct_cmd(phba, mp, bmp, ndlp, cmpl, rsp_size))
++ /* On success, The cmpl function will free the buffers */
++ return 0;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, bmp->virt, bmp->phys);
++ kfree(bmp);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ return 1;
++static void
++lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_fdmi(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq * cmdiocb, struct lpfc_iocbq * rspiocb)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *bmp = cmdiocb->context3;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *inp = cmdiocb->context1;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *outp = cmdiocb->context2;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *CTrsp = outp->virt;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *CTcmd = inp->virt;
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ uint16_t fdmi_cmd = CTcmd->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp;
++ uint16_t fdmi_rsp = CTrsp->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp;
++ ndlp = lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_ALL, FDMI_DID);
++ if (fdmi_rsp == be16_to_cpu(SLI_CT_RESPONSE_FS_RJT)) {
++ /* FDMI rsp failed */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0220 FDMI rsp failed Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ be16_to_cpu(fdmi_cmd));
++ }
++ switch (be16_to_cpu(fdmi_cmd)) {
++ case SLI_MGMT_RHBA:
++ lpfc_fdmi_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_MGMT_RPA);
++ break;
++ case SLI_MGMT_RPA:
++ break;
++ case SLI_MGMT_DHBA:
++ lpfc_fdmi_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_MGMT_DPRT);
++ break;
++ case SLI_MGMT_DPRT:
++ lpfc_fdmi_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_MGMT_RHBA);
++ break;
++ }
++ lpfc_free_ct_rsp(phba, outp);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, inp->virt, inp->phys);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, bmp->virt, bmp->phys);
++ kfree(inp);
++ kfree(bmp);
++ mempool_free(cmdiocb, phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ return;
++lpfc_fdmi_cmd(struct lpfc_hba * phba, struct lpfc_nodelist * ndlp, int cmdcode)
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp, *bmp;
++ struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *CtReq;
++ struct ulp_bde64 *bpl;
++ uint32_t size;
++ REG_HBA *rh;
++ PORT_ENTRY *pe;
++ void (*cmpl) (struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++ /* fill in BDEs for command */
++ /* Allocate buffer for command payload */
++ mp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!mp)
++ goto fdmi_cmd_exit;
++ mp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, 0, &(mp->phys));
++ if (!mp->virt)
++ goto fdmi_cmd_free_mp;
++ /* Allocate buffer for Buffer ptr list */
++ bmp = kmalloc(sizeof (struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!bmp)
++ goto fdmi_cmd_free_mpvirt;
++ bmp->virt = lpfc_mbuf_alloc(phba, 0, &(bmp->phys));
++ if (!bmp->virt)
++ goto fdmi_cmd_free_bmp;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mp->list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bmp->list);
++ /* FDMI request */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0218 FDMI Request Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ phba->fc_flag, phba->hba_state, cmdcode);
++ CtReq = (struct lpfc_sli_ct_request *) mp->virt;
++ memset(CtReq, 0, sizeof(struct lpfc_sli_ct_request));
++ CtReq->RevisionId.bits.Revision = SLI_CT_REVISION;
++ CtReq->RevisionId.bits.InId = 0;
++ CtReq->FsSubType = SLI_CT_FDMI_Subtypes;
++ size = 0;
++ switch (cmdcode) {
++ case SLI_MGMT_RHBA:
++ {
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vp = &phba->vpd;
++ uint32_t i, j, incr;
++ int len;
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp =
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_MGMT_RHBA);
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.Size = 0;
++ rh = (REG_HBA *) & CtReq->un.PortID;
++ memcpy(&rh->hi.PortName, &phba->fc_sparam.portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ /* One entry (port) per adapter */
++ rh->rpl.EntryCnt = be32_to_cpu(1);
++ memcpy(&rh->, &phba->fc_sparam.portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ /* point to the HBA attribute block */
++ size = 2 * sizeof (struct lpfc_name) + FOURBYTES;
++ ab = (ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ab->EntryCnt = 0;
++ /* Point to the beginning of the first HBA attribute
++ entry */
++ /* #1 HBA attribute entry */
++ size += FOURBYTES;
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(NODE_NAME);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES
++ + sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ memcpy(&ae->un.NodeName, &phba->fc_sparam.nodeName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + sizeof (struct lpfc_name);
++ /* #2 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(MANUFACTURER);
++ strcpy(ae->un.Manufacturer, "Emulex Corporation");
++ len = strlen(ae->un.Manufacturer);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #3 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(SERIAL_NUMBER);
++ strcpy(ae->un.SerialNumber, phba->SerialNumber);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.SerialNumber);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #4 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(MODEL);
++ strcpy(ae->un.Model, phba->ModelName);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.Model);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #5 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(MODEL_DESCRIPTION);
++ strcpy(ae->un.ModelDescription, phba->ModelDesc);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.ModelDescription);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #6 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(HARDWARE_VERSION);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + 8);
++ /* Convert JEDEC ID to ascii for hardware version */
++ incr = vp->rev.biuRev;
++ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++ j = (incr & 0xf);
++ if (j <= 9)
++ ae->un.HardwareVersion[7 - i] =
++ (char)((uint8_t) 0x30 +
++ (uint8_t) j);
++ else
++ ae->un.HardwareVersion[7 - i] =
++ (char)((uint8_t) 0x61 +
++ (uint8_t) (j - 10));
++ incr = (incr >> 4);
++ }
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + 8;
++ /* #7 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(DRIVER_VERSION);
++ strcpy(ae->un.DriverVersion, lpfc_release_version);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.DriverVersion);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #8 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(OPTION_ROM_VERSION);
++ strcpy(ae->un.OptionROMVersion, phba->OptionROMVersion);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.OptionROMVersion);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #9 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(FIRMWARE_VERSION);
++ lpfc_decode_firmware_rev(phba, ae->un.FirmwareVersion,
++ 1);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.FirmwareVersion);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #10 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(OS_NAME_VERSION);
++ sprintf(ae->un.OsNameVersion, "%s %s %s",
++ system_utsname.sysname, system_utsname.release,
++ system_utsname.version);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.OsNameVersion);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ /* #11 HBA attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) rh + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(MAX_CT_PAYLOAD_LEN);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + 4);
++ ae->un.MaxCTPayloadLen = (65 * 4096);
++ ab->EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + 4;
++ ab->EntryCnt = be32_to_cpu(ab->EntryCnt);
++ /* Total size */
++ size = GID_REQUEST_SZ - 4 + size;
++ }
++ break;
++ case SLI_MGMT_RPA:
++ {
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vp;
++ struct serv_parm *hsp;
++ int len;
++ vp = &phba->vpd;
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp =
++ be16_to_cpu(SLI_MGMT_RPA);
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.Size = 0;
++ pab = (REG_PORT_ATTRIBUTE *) & CtReq->un.PortID;
++ size = sizeof (struct lpfc_name) + FOURBYTES;
++ memcpy((uint8_t *) & pab->PortName,
++ (uint8_t *) & phba->fc_sparam.portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt = 0;
++ /* #1 Port attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) pab + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(SUPPORTED_FC4_TYPES);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + 32);
++ ae->un.SupportFC4Types[2] = 1;
++ ae->un.SupportFC4Types[7] = 1;
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + 32;
++ /* #2 Port attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) pab + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(SUPPORTED_SPEED);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + 4);
++ if (FC_JEDEC_ID(vp->rev.biuRev) == VIPER_JEDEC_ID)
++ ae->un.SupportSpeed = HBA_PORTSPEED_10GBIT;
++ else if (FC_JEDEC_ID(vp->rev.biuRev) == HELIOS_JEDEC_ID)
++ ae->un.SupportSpeed = HBA_PORTSPEED_4GBIT;
++ else if ((FC_JEDEC_ID(vp->rev.biuRev) ==
++ || (FC_JEDEC_ID(vp->rev.biuRev) ==
++ || (FC_JEDEC_ID(vp->rev.biuRev) ==
++ ae->un.SupportSpeed = HBA_PORTSPEED_2GBIT;
++ else
++ ae->un.SupportSpeed = HBA_PORTSPEED_1GBIT;
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + 4;
++ /* #3 Port attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) pab + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(PORT_SPEED);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + 4);
++ switch(phba->fc_linkspeed) {
++ case LA_1GHZ_LINK:
++ ae->un.PortSpeed = HBA_PORTSPEED_1GBIT;
++ break;
++ case LA_2GHZ_LINK:
++ ae->un.PortSpeed = HBA_PORTSPEED_2GBIT;
++ break;
++ case LA_4GHZ_LINK:
++ ae->un.PortSpeed = HBA_PORTSPEED_4GBIT;
++ break;
++ default:
++ ae->un.PortSpeed =
++ break;
++ }
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + 4;
++ /* #4 Port attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) pab + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + 4);
++ hsp = (struct serv_parm *) & phba->fc_sparam;
++ ae->un.MaxFrameSize =
++ (((uint32_t) hsp->cmn.
++ bbRcvSizeMsb) << 8) | (uint32_t) hsp->cmn.
++ bbRcvSizeLsb;
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + 4;
++ /* #5 Port attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) pab + size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(OS_DEVICE_NAME);
++ strcpy((char *)ae->un.OsDeviceName, LPFC_DRIVER_NAME);
++ len = strlen((char *)ae->un.OsDeviceName);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen = be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ if (phba->cfg_fdmi_on == 2) {
++ /* #6 Port attribute entry */
++ ae = (ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY *) ((uint8_t *) pab +
++ size);
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrType = be16_to_cpu(HOST_NAME);
++ sprintf(ae->un.HostName, "%s",
++ system_utsname.nodename);
++ len = strlen(ae->un.HostName);
++ len += (len & 3) ? (4 - (len & 3)) : 4;
++ ae->ad.bits.AttrLen =
++ be16_to_cpu(FOURBYTES + len);
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt++;
++ size += FOURBYTES + len;
++ }
++ pab->ab.EntryCnt = be32_to_cpu(pab->ab.EntryCnt);
++ /* Total size */
++ size = GID_REQUEST_SZ - 4 + size;
++ }
++ break;
++ case SLI_MGMT_DHBA:
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp = be16_to_cpu(SLI_MGMT_DHBA);
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.Size = 0;
++ pe = (PORT_ENTRY *) & CtReq->un.PortID;
++ memcpy((uint8_t *) & pe->PortName,
++ (uint8_t *) & phba->fc_sparam.portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ size = GID_REQUEST_SZ - 4 + sizeof (struct lpfc_name);
++ break;
++ case SLI_MGMT_DPRT:
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.CmdRsp = be16_to_cpu(SLI_MGMT_DPRT);
++ CtReq->CommandResponse.bits.Size = 0;
++ pe = (PORT_ENTRY *) & CtReq->un.PortID;
++ memcpy((uint8_t *) & pe->PortName,
++ (uint8_t *) & phba->fc_sparam.portName,
++ sizeof (struct lpfc_name));
++ size = GID_REQUEST_SZ - 4 + sizeof (struct lpfc_name);
++ break;
++ }
++ bpl = (struct ulp_bde64 *) bmp->virt;
++ bpl->addrHigh = le32_to_cpu( putPaddrHigh(mp->phys) );
++ bpl->addrLow = le32_to_cpu( putPaddrLow(mp->phys) );
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeFlags = 0;
++ bpl->tus.f.bdeSize = size;
++ bpl->tus.w = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
++ cmpl = lpfc_cmpl_ct_cmd_fdmi;
++ if (!lpfc_ct_cmd(phba, mp, bmp, ndlp, cmpl, FC_MAX_NS_RSP))
++ return 0;
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, bmp->virt, bmp->phys);
++ kfree(bmp);
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ /* Issue FDMI request failed */
++ lpfc_printf_log(phba,
++ "%d:0244 Issue FDMI request failed Data: x%x\n",
++ phba->brd_no,
++ cmdcode);
++ return 1;
++lpfc_fdmi_tmo(unsigned long ptr)
++ struct lpfc_hba *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)ptr;
++ unsigned long iflag;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(phba->host->host_lock, iflag);
++ if (!(phba->work_hba_events & WORKER_FDMI_TMO)) {
++ phba->work_hba_events |= WORKER_FDMI_TMO;
++ if (phba->dpc_wait)
++ up(phba->dpc_wait);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(phba->host->host_lock,iflag);
++lpfc_fdmi_tmo_handler(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
++ struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
++ spin_lock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ if (!(phba->work_hba_events & WORKER_FDMI_TMO)) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++ }
++ ndlp = lpfc_findnode_did(phba, NLP_SEARCH_ALL, FDMI_DID);
++ if (ndlp) {
++ if (system_utsname.nodename[0] != '\0') {
++ lpfc_fdmi_cmd(phba, ndlp, SLI_MGMT_DHBA);
++ } else {
++ mod_timer(&phba->fc_fdmitmo, jiffies + HZ * 60);
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(phba->host->host_lock);
++ return;
++lpfc_decode_firmware_rev(struct lpfc_hba * phba, char *fwrevision, int flag)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ lpfc_vpd_t *vp = &phba->vpd;
++ uint32_t b1, b2, b3, b4, i, rev;
++ char c;
++ uint32_t *ptr, str[4];
++ uint8_t *fwname;
++ if (vp->rev.rBit) {
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE)
++ rev = vp->rev.sli2FwRev;
++ else
++ rev = vp->rev.sli1FwRev;
++ b1 = (rev & 0x0000f000) >> 12;
++ b2 = (rev & 0x00000f00) >> 8;
++ b3 = (rev & 0x000000c0) >> 6;
++ b4 = (rev & 0x00000030) >> 4;
++ switch (b4) {
++ case 0:
++ c = 'N';
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ c = 'A';
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ c = 'B';
++ break;
++ default:
++ c = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ b4 = (rev & 0x0000000f);
++ if (psli->sliinit.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE)
++ fwname = vp->rev.sli2FwName;
++ else
++ fwname = vp->rev.sli1FwName;
++ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
++ if(fwname[i] == 0x20)
++ fwname[i] = 0;
++ ptr = (uint32_t*)fwname;
++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
++ str[i] = be32_to_cpu(*ptr++);
++ if (c == 0) {
++ if (flag)
++ sprintf(fwrevision, "%d.%d%d (%s)",
++ b1, b2, b3, (char *)str);
++ else
++ sprintf(fwrevision, "%d.%d%d", b1,
++ b2, b3);
++ } else {
++ if (flag)
++ sprintf(fwrevision, "%d.%d%d%c%d (%s)",
++ b1, b2, b3, c,
++ b4, (char *)str);
++ else
++ sprintf(fwrevision, "%d.%d%d%c%d",
++ b1, b2, b3, c, b4);
++ }
++ } else {
++ rev = vp->rev.smFwRev;
++ b1 = (rev & 0xff000000) >> 24;
++ b2 = (rev & 0x00f00000) >> 20;
++ b3 = (rev & 0x000f0000) >> 16;
++ c = (rev & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
++ b4 = (rev & 0x000000ff);
++ if (flag)
++ sprintf(fwrevision, "%d.%d%d%c%d ", b1,
++ b2, b3, c, b4);
++ else
++ sprintf(fwrevision, "%d.%d%d%c%d ", b1,
++ b2, b3, c, b4);
++ }
++ return;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_sli.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_sli.h 2005/06/13 17:16:49EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_SLI
++#define _H_LPFC_SLI
++#include "lpfc_hw.h"
++/* forward declaration for LPFC_IOCB_t's use */
++struct lpfc_hba;
++/* This structure is used to handle IOCB requests / responses */
++struct lpfc_iocbq {
++ /* lpfc_iocbqs are used in double linked lists */
++ struct list_head list;
++ IOCB_t iocb; /* IOCB cmd */
++ uint8_t retry; /* retry counter for IOCB cmd - if needed */
++ uint8_t iocb_flag;
++#define LPFC_IO_POLL 1 /* Polling mode iocb */
++#define LPFC_IO_LIBDFC 2 /* libdfc iocb */
++#define LPFC_IO_WAIT 4
++#define LPFC_IO_HIPRI 8 /* High Priority Queue signal flag */
++ uint8_t abort_count;
++ uint8_t rsvd2;
++ uint32_t drvrTimeout; /* driver timeout in seconds */
++ void *context1; /* caller context information */
++ void *context2; /* caller context information */
++ void *context3; /* caller context information */
++ union {
++ wait_queue_head_t *hipri_wait_queue; /* High Priority Queue wait
++ queue */
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *rsp_iocb;
++ struct lpfcMboxq *mbox;
++ } context_un;
++ void (*iocb_cmpl) (struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfc_iocbq *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++#define SLI_IOCB_RET_IOCB 1 /* Return IOCB if cmd ring full */
++#define SLI_IOCB_HIGH_PRIORITY 2 /* High priority command */
++#define IOCB_SUCCESS 0
++#define IOCB_BUSY 1
++#define IOCB_ERROR 2
++#define IOCB_TIMEDOUT 3
++typedef struct lpfcMboxq {
++ /* MBOXQs are used in single linked lists */
++ struct list_head list; /* ptr to next mailbox command */
++ MAILBOX_t mb; /* Mailbox cmd */
++ void *context1; /* caller context information */
++ void *context2; /* caller context information */
++ void (*mbox_cmpl) (struct lpfc_hba *, struct lpfcMboxq *);
++#define MBX_POLL 1 /* poll mailbox till command done, then
++ return */
++#define MBX_NOWAIT 2 /* issue command then return immediately */
++#define MBX_STOP_IOCB 4 /* Stop iocb processing till mbox cmds
++ complete */
++#define LPFC_MAX_RING_MASK 4 /* max num of rctl/type masks allowed per
++ ring */
++#define LPFC_MAX_RING 4 /* max num of SLI rings used by driver */
++/* Structure used to hold SLI ring information */
++struct lpfc_sli_ring {
++ uint16_t flag; /* ring flags */
++#define LPFC_DEFERRED_RING_EVENT 0x001 /* Deferred processing a ring event */
++#define LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE 0x002 /* indicates cmd was full */
++#define LPFC_STOP_IOCB_MBX 0x010 /* Stop processing IOCB cmds mbox */
++#define LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT 0x020 /* Stop processing IOCB cmds event */
++#define LPFC_STOP_IOCB_MASK 0x030 /* Stop processing IOCB cmds mask */
++ uint16_t abtsiotag; /* tracks next iotag to use for ABTS */
++ uint32_t local_getidx; /* last available cmd index (from cmdGetInx) */
++ uint32_t next_cmdidx; /* next_cmd index */
++ uint8_t rsvd;
++ uint8_t ringno; /* ring number */
++ uint8_t rspidx; /* current index in response ring */
++ uint8_t cmdidx; /* current index in command ring */
++ struct lpfc_iocbq ** fast_lookup; /* array of IOCB ptrs indexed by
++ iotag */
++ struct list_head txq;
++ uint16_t txq_cnt; /* current length of queue */
++ uint16_t txq_max; /* max length */
++ struct list_head txcmplq;
++ uint16_t txcmplq_cnt; /* current length of queue */
++ uint16_t txcmplq_max; /* max length */
++ volatile uint32_t *cmdringaddr; /* virtual address for cmd rings */
++ volatile uint32_t *rspringaddr; /* virtual address for rsp rings */
++ uint32_t missbufcnt; /* keep track of buffers to post */
++ struct list_head postbufq;
++ uint16_t postbufq_cnt; /* current length of queue */
++ uint16_t postbufq_max; /* max length */
++ struct list_head iocb_continueq;
++ uint16_t iocb_continueq_cnt; /* current length of queue */
++ uint16_t iocb_continueq_max; /* max length */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t profile; /* profile associated with ring */
++ uint8_t rctl; /* rctl / type pair configured for ring */
++ uint8_t type; /* rctl / type pair configured for ring */
++ uint8_t rsvd;
++ /* rcv'd unsol event */
++ void (*lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event) (struct lpfc_hba *,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *,
++ struct lpfc_iocbq *);
++/* Structure used for configuring rings to a specific profile or rctl / type */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t num_mask; /* number of mask entries in prt array */
++ uint32_t iotag_ctr; /* keeps track of the next iotag to use */
++ uint32_t iotag_max; /* max iotag value to use */
++ uint32_t fast_iotag; /* max fastlookup based iotag */
++ uint16_t numCiocb; /* number of command iocb's per ring */
++ uint16_t numRiocb; /* number of rsp iocb's per ring */
++ /* cmd ring available */
++ void (*lpfc_sli_cmd_available) (struct lpfc_hba *,
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring *);
++typedef struct {
++ LPFC_RING_INIT_t ringinit[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* ring initialization info */
++ uint32_t num_rings;
++ uint32_t sli_flag;
++/* Structure used to hold SLI statistical counters and info */
++typedef struct {
++ uint64_t iocbEvent[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* IOCB event counters */
++ uint64_t iocbCmd[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* IOCB cmd issued */
++ uint64_t iocbRsp[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* IOCB rsp received */
++ uint64_t iocbCmdDelay[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* IOCB cmd ring delay */
++ uint64_t iocbCmdFull[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* IOCB cmd ring full */
++ uint64_t iocbCmdEmpty[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* IOCB cmd ring is now empty */
++ uint64_t iocbRspFull[LPFC_MAX_RING]; /* IOCB rsp ring full */
++ uint64_t mboxStatErr; /* Mbox cmds completed status error */
++ uint64_t mboxCmd; /* Mailbox commands issued */
++ uint64_t sliIntr; /* Count of Host Attention interrupts */
++ uint32_t errAttnEvent; /* Error Attn event counters */
++ uint32_t linkEvent; /* Link event counters */
++ uint32_t mboxEvent; /* Mailbox event counters */
++ uint32_t mboxBusy; /* Mailbox cmd busy */
++/* Structure used to hold SLI information */
++struct lpfc_sli {
++ LPFC_SLI_INIT_t sliinit; /* initialization info */
++ /* Additional sli_flags */
++#define LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE 0x100 /* HBA mailbox is currently active */
++#define LPFC_SLI2_ACTIVE 0x200 /* SLI2 overlay in firmware is active */
++#define LPFC_PROCESS_LA 0x400 /* Able to process link attention */
++ struct lpfc_sli_ring ring[LPFC_MAX_RING];
++ int fcp_ring; /* ring used for FCP initiator commands */
++ int next_ring;
++ int ip_ring; /* ring used for IP network drv cmds */
++ LPFC_SLI_STAT_t slistat; /* SLI statistical info */
++ struct list_head mboxq;
++ uint16_t mboxq_cnt; /* current length of queue */
++ uint16_t mboxq_max; /* max length */
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox_active; /* active mboxq information */
++ struct timer_list mbox_tmo; /* Hold clk to timeout active mbox
++ cmd */
++ volatile uint32_t *MBhostaddr; /* virtual address for mbox cmds */
++/* Given a pointer to the start of the ring, and the slot number of
++ * the desired iocb entry, calc a pointer to that entry.
++ * (assume iocb entry size is 32 bytes, or 8 words)
++ */
++#define IOCB_ENTRY(ring,slot) ((IOCB_t *)(((char *)(ring)) + ((slot) * 32)))
++#define LPFC_SLI_ABORT_IMED 0 /* Immediate abort of IOCB, deque and
++ call compl routine immediately. */
++#define LPFC_MBOX_TMO 30 /* Sec tmo for outstanding mbox
++ command */
++/* Flags for aborting I/Os on tx and txcmpl queues */
++#define LPFC_ABORT_TXQ 1 /* Abort I/Os on txq */
++#define LPFC_ABORT_TXCMPLQ 2 /* Abort I/Os on txcmplq */
++#define LPFC_ABORT_ALLQ 3 /* Abort I/Os both txq and txcmplq */
++#endif /* _H_LPFC_SLI */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_mem.c 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_mem.c 2005/06/13 17:16:34EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#include <linux/mempool.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include "lpfc_sli.h"
++#include "lpfc_disc.h"
++#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
++#include "lpfc.h"
++#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
++#include "lpfc_mem.h"
++static void *
++lpfc_pool_kmalloc(int gfp_flags, void *data)
++ return kmalloc((unsigned long)data, gfp_flags);
++static void
++lpfc_pool_kfree(void *obj, void *data)
++ kfree(obj);
++lpfc_mem_alloc(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_dma_pool *pool = &phba->lpfc_mbuf_safety_pool;
++ int i;
++ phba->lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool = pci_pool_create("lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool",
++ phba->pcidev, LPFC_SCSI_DMA_EXT_SIZE, 8, 0);
++ if (!phba->lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool)
++ goto fail;
++ phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool = pci_pool_create("lpfc_mbuf_pool", phba->pcidev,
++ LPFC_BPL_SIZE, 8,0);
++ if (!phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool)
++ goto fail_free_dma_ext_pool;
++ pool->elements = kmalloc(sizeof(struct lpfc_dmabuf) *
++ pool->max_count = 0;
++ pool->current_count = 0;
++ for ( i = 0; i < LPFC_MBUF_POOL_SIZE; i++) {
++ pool->elements[i].virt = pci_pool_alloc(phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool,
++ GFP_KERNEL, &pool->elements[i].phys);
++ if (!pool->elements[i].virt)
++ goto fail_free_mbuf_pool;
++ pool->max_count++;
++ pool->current_count++;
++ }
++ phba->iocb_mem_pool = mempool_create(LPFC_MEM_POOL_SIZE,
++ lpfc_pool_kmalloc, lpfc_pool_kfree,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)sizeof(struct lpfc_iocbq));
++ if (!phba->iocb_mem_pool)
++ goto fail_free_mbuf_pool;
++ phba->scsibuf_mem_pool = mempool_create(LPFC_MEM_POOL_SIZE,
++ lpfc_pool_kmalloc, lpfc_pool_kfree,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)sizeof(struct lpfc_scsi_buf));
++ if (!phba->scsibuf_mem_pool)
++ goto fail_free_iocb_pool;
++ phba->mbox_mem_pool = mempool_create(LPFC_MEM_POOL_SIZE,
++ lpfc_pool_kmalloc, lpfc_pool_kfree,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)sizeof(LPFC_MBOXQ_t));
++ if (!phba->mbox_mem_pool)
++ goto fail_free_scsibuf_pool;
++ phba->nlp_mem_pool = mempool_create(LPFC_MEM_POOL_SIZE,
++ lpfc_pool_kmalloc, lpfc_pool_kfree,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)sizeof(struct lpfc_nodelist));
++ if (!phba->nlp_mem_pool)
++ goto fail_free_mbox_pool;
++ phba->bind_mem_pool = mempool_create(LPFC_MEM_POOL_SIZE,
++ lpfc_pool_kmalloc, lpfc_pool_kfree,
++ (void *)(unsigned long)sizeof(struct lpfc_bindlist));
++ if (!phba->bind_mem_pool)
++ goto fail_free_nlp_pool;
++ return 0;
++ fail_free_nlp_pool:
++ mempool_destroy(phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ fail_free_mbox_pool:
++ mempool_destroy(phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ fail_free_scsibuf_pool:
++ mempool_destroy(phba->scsibuf_mem_pool);
++ fail_free_iocb_pool:
++ mempool_destroy(phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ fail_free_mbuf_pool:
++ while (--i)
++ pci_pool_free(phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool, pool->elements[i].virt,
++ pool->elements[i].phys);
++ kfree(pool->elements);
++ pci_pool_destroy(phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool);
++ fail_free_dma_ext_pool:
++ pci_pool_destroy(phba->lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool);
++ fail:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++lpfc_mem_free(struct lpfc_hba * phba)
++ struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
++ struct lpfc_dma_pool *pool = &phba->lpfc_mbuf_safety_pool;
++ LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox, *next_mbox;
++ struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
++ int i;
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(mbox, next_mbox, &psli->mboxq, list) {
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (mbox->context1);
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ list_del(&mbox->list);
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ }
++ psli->sliinit.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
++ if (psli->mbox_active) {
++ mbox = psli->mbox_active;
++ mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (mbox->context1);
++ if (mp) {
++ lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
++ kfree(mp);
++ }
++ mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ psli->mbox_active = NULL;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < pool->current_count; i++)
++ pci_pool_free(phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool, pool->elements[i].virt,
++ pool->elements[i].phys);
++ kfree(pool->elements);
++ mempool_destroy(phba->bind_mem_pool);
++ mempool_destroy(phba->nlp_mem_pool);
++ mempool_destroy(phba->mbox_mem_pool);
++ mempool_destroy(phba->scsibuf_mem_pool);
++ mempool_destroy(phba->iocb_mem_pool);
++ pci_pool_destroy(phba->lpfc_scsi_dma_ext_pool);
++ pci_pool_destroy(phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool);
++void *
++lpfc_mbuf_alloc(struct lpfc_hba *phba, int mem_flags, dma_addr_t *handle)
++ struct lpfc_dma_pool *pool = &phba->lpfc_mbuf_safety_pool;
++ void *ret;
++ ret = pci_pool_alloc(phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool, GFP_ATOMIC, handle);
++ if (!ret && ( mem_flags & MEM_PRI) && pool->current_count) {
++ pool->current_count--;
++ ret = pool->elements[pool->current_count].virt;
++ *handle = pool->elements[pool->current_count].phys;
++ }
++ return ret;
++lpfc_mbuf_free(struct lpfc_hba * phba, void *virt, dma_addr_t dma)
++ struct lpfc_dma_pool *pool = &phba->lpfc_mbuf_safety_pool;
++ if (pool->current_count < pool->max_count) {
++ pool->elements[pool->current_count].virt = virt;
++ pool->elements[pool->current_count].phys = dma;
++ pool->current_count++;
++ } else {
++ pci_pool_free(phba->lpfc_mbuf_pool, virt, dma);
++ }
++ return;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_hw.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2691 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_hw.h 2005/06/13 17:16:25EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_HW
++#define _H_LPFC_HW
++#define FDMI_DID ((uint32_t)0xfffffa)
++#define NameServer_DID ((uint32_t)0xfffffc)
++#define SCR_DID ((uint32_t)0xfffffd)
++#define Fabric_DID ((uint32_t)0xfffffe)
++#define Bcast_DID ((uint32_t)0xffffff)
++#define Mask_DID ((uint32_t)0xffffff)
++#define CT_DID_MASK ((uint32_t)0xffff00)
++#define Fabric_DID_MASK ((uint32_t)0xfff000)
++#define WELL_KNOWN_DID_MASK ((uint32_t)0xfffff0)
++#define PT2PT_LocalID ((uint32_t)1)
++#define PT2PT_RemoteID ((uint32_t)2)
++#define FF_DEF_EDTOV 2000 /* Default E_D_TOV (2000ms) */
++#define FF_DEF_ALTOV 15 /* Default AL_TIME (15ms) */
++#define FF_DEF_RATOV 2 /* Default RA_TOV (2s) */
++#define FF_DEF_ARBTOV 1900 /* Default ARB_TOV (1900ms) */
++#define LPFC_BUF_RING0 64 /* Number of buffers to post to RING
++ 0 */
++#define FCELSSIZE 1024 /* maximum ELS transfer size */
++#define LPFC_FCP_RING 0 /* ring 2 for FCP initiator commands */
++#define LPFC_IP_RING 1 /* ring 1 for IP commands */
++#define LPFC_ELS_RING 2 /* ring 0 for ELS commands */
++#define LPFC_FCP_NEXT_RING 3
++#define SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R0_ENTRIES 172 /* SLI-2 FCP command ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R0_ENTRIES 134 /* SLI-2 FCP response ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1_ENTRIES 4 /* SLI-2 IP command ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1_ENTRIES 4 /* SLI-2 IP response ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1XTRA_ENTRIES 36 /* SLI-2 extra FCP cmd ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1XTRA_ENTRIES 52 /* SLI-2 extra FCP rsp ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R2_ENTRIES 20 /* SLI-2 ELS command ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R2_ENTRIES 20 /* SLI-2 ELS response ring entries */
++#define SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R3_ENTRIES 0
++#define SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R3_ENTRIES 0
++/* Common Transport structures and definitions */
++union CtRevisionId {
++ /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ struct {
++ uint32_t Revision:8;
++ uint32_t InId:24;
++ } bits;
++ uint32_t word;
++union CtCommandResponse {
++ /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ struct {
++ uint32_t CmdRsp:16;
++ uint32_t Size:16;
++ } bits;
++ uint32_t word;
++struct lpfc_sli_ct_request {
++ /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ union CtRevisionId RevisionId;
++ uint8_t FsType;
++ uint8_t FsSubType;
++ uint8_t Options;
++ uint8_t Rsrvd1;
++ union CtCommandResponse CommandResponse;
++ uint8_t Rsrvd2;
++ uint8_t ReasonCode;
++ uint8_t Explanation;
++ uint8_t VendorUnique;
++ union {
++ uint32_t PortID;
++ struct gid {
++ uint8_t PortType; /* for GID_PT requests */
++ uint8_t DomainScope;
++ uint8_t AreaScope;
++ uint8_t Fc4Type; /* for GID_FT requests */
++ } gid;
++ struct rft {
++ uint32_t PortId; /* For RFT_ID requests */
++ uint32_t rsvd0:16;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:7;
++ uint32_t fcpReg:1; /* Type 8 */
++ uint32_t rsvd2:2;
++ uint32_t ipReg:1; /* Type 5 */
++ uint32_t rsvd3:5;
++ uint32_t rsvd0:16;
++ uint32_t fcpReg:1; /* Type 8 */
++ uint32_t rsvd1:7;
++ uint32_t rsvd3:5;
++ uint32_t ipReg:1; /* Type 5 */
++ uint32_t rsvd2:2;
++ uint32_t rsvd[7];
++ } rft;
++ struct rnn {
++ uint32_t PortId; /* For RNN_ID requests */
++ uint8_t wwnn[8];
++ } rnn;
++ struct rsnn { /* For RSNN_ID requests */
++ uint8_t wwnn[8];
++ uint8_t len;
++ uint8_t symbname[255];
++ } rsnn;
++ } un;
++#define SLI_CT_REVISION 1
++#define GID_REQUEST_SZ (sizeof(struct lpfc_sli_ct_request) - 260)
++#define RFT_REQUEST_SZ (sizeof(struct lpfc_sli_ct_request) - 228)
++#define RNN_REQUEST_SZ (sizeof(struct lpfc_sli_ct_request) - 252)
++#define RSNN_REQUEST_SZ (sizeof(struct lpfc_sli_ct_request))
++ * FsType Definitions
++ */
++ * Directory Service Subtypes
++ */
++ * Response Codes
++ */
++#define SLI_CT_RESPONSE_FS_RJT 0x8001
++#define SLI_CT_RESPONSE_FS_ACC 0x8002
++ * Reason Codes
++ */
++#define SLI_CT_LOGICAL_ERROR 0x03
++#define SLI_CT_INVALID_IU_SIZE 0x04
++#define SLI_CT_LOGICAL_BUSY 0x05
++#define SLI_CT_PROTOCOL_ERROR 0x07
++#define SLI_CT_VENDOR_UNIQUE 0xff
++ * Name Server SLI_CT_UNABLE_TO_PERFORM_REQ Explanations
++ */
++#define SLI_CT_NO_PORT_ID 0x01
++#define SLI_CT_NO_PORT_NAME 0x02
++#define SLI_CT_NO_NODE_NAME 0x03
++#define SLI_CT_NO_IP_ADDRESS 0x05
++#define SLI_CT_NO_IPA 0x06
++#define SLI_CT_NO_FC4_TYPES 0x07
++#define SLI_CT_NO_PORT_TYPE 0x0A
++#define SLI_CT_ACCESS_DENIED 0x10
++#define SLI_CT_INVALID_PORT_ID 0x11
++#define SLI_CT_DATABASE_EMPTY 0x12
++ * Name Server Command Codes
++ */
++#define SLI_CTNS_GA_NXT 0x0100
++#define SLI_CTNS_GPN_ID 0x0112
++#define SLI_CTNS_GNN_ID 0x0113
++#define SLI_CTNS_GCS_ID 0x0114
++#define SLI_CTNS_GFT_ID 0x0117
++#define SLI_CTNS_GSPN_ID 0x0118
++#define SLI_CTNS_GPT_ID 0x011A
++#define SLI_CTNS_GID_PN 0x0121
++#define SLI_CTNS_GID_NN 0x0131
++#define SLI_CTNS_GIP_NN 0x0135
++#define SLI_CTNS_GIPA_NN 0x0136
++#define SLI_CTNS_GSNN_NN 0x0139
++#define SLI_CTNS_GNN_IP 0x0153
++#define SLI_CTNS_GIPA_IP 0x0156
++#define SLI_CTNS_GID_FT 0x0171
++#define SLI_CTNS_GID_PT 0x01A1
++#define SLI_CTNS_RPN_ID 0x0212
++#define SLI_CTNS_RNN_ID 0x0213
++#define SLI_CTNS_RCS_ID 0x0214
++#define SLI_CTNS_RFT_ID 0x0217
++#define SLI_CTNS_RSPN_ID 0x0218
++#define SLI_CTNS_RPT_ID 0x021A
++#define SLI_CTNS_RIP_NN 0x0235
++#define SLI_CTNS_RIPA_NN 0x0236
++#define SLI_CTNS_RSNN_NN 0x0239
++#define SLI_CTNS_DA_ID 0x0300
++ * Port Types
++ */
++#define SLI_CTPT_N_PORT 0x01
++#define SLI_CTPT_NL_PORT 0x02
++#define SLI_CTPT_FNL_PORT 0x03
++#define SLI_CTPT_IP 0x04
++#define SLI_CTPT_FCP 0x08
++#define SLI_CTPT_NX_PORT 0x7F
++#define SLI_CTPT_F_PORT 0x81
++#define SLI_CTPT_FL_PORT 0x82
++#define SLI_CTPT_E_PORT 0x84
++#define SLI_CT_LAST_ENTRY 0x80000000
++/* Fibre Channel Service Parameter definitions */
++#define FC_PH_4_0 6 /* FC-PH version 4.0 */
++#define FC_PH_4_1 7 /* FC-PH version 4.1 */
++#define FC_PH_4_2 8 /* FC-PH version 4.2 */
++#define FC_PH_4_3 9 /* FC-PH version 4.3 */
++#define FC_PH_LOW 8 /* Lowest supported FC-PH version */
++#define FC_PH_HIGH 9 /* Highest supported FC-PH version */
++#define FC_PH3 0x20 /* FC-PH-3 version */
++#define FF_FRAME_SIZE 2048
++struct lpfc_name {
++ uint8_t nameType:4; /* FC Word 0, bit 28:31 */
++ uint8_t IEEEextMsn:4; /* FC Word 0, bit 24:27, bit 8:11 of IEEE ext */
++ uint8_t IEEEextMsn:4; /* FC Word 0, bit 24:27, bit 8:11 of IEEE ext */
++ uint8_t nameType:4; /* FC Word 0, bit 28:31 */
++#define NAME_IEEE 0x1 /* IEEE name - nameType */
++#define NAME_IEEE_EXT 0x2 /* IEEE extended name */
++#define NAME_FC_TYPE 0x3 /* FC native name type */
++#define NAME_IP_TYPE 0x4 /* IP address */
++#define NAME_CCITT_TYPE 0xC
++#define NAME_CCITT_GR_TYPE 0xE
++ uint8_t IEEEextLsb; /* FC Word 0, bit 16:23, IEEE extended Lsb */
++ uint8_t IEEE[6]; /* FC IEEE address */
++struct csp {
++ uint8_t fcphHigh; /* FC Word 0, byte 0 */
++ uint8_t fcphLow;
++ uint8_t bbCreditMsb;
++ uint8_t bbCreditlsb; /* FC Word 0, byte 3 */
++ uint16_t increasingOffset:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 31 */
++ uint16_t randomOffset:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 30 */
++ uint16_t word1Reserved2:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 29 */
++ uint16_t fPort:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 28 */
++ uint16_t altBbCredit:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 27 */
++ uint16_t edtovResolution:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 26 */
++ uint16_t multicast:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 25 */
++ uint16_t broadcast:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 24 */
++ uint16_t huntgroup:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 23 */
++ uint16_t simplex:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 22 */
++ uint16_t word1Reserved1:3; /* FC Word 1, bit 21:19 */
++ uint16_t dhd:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 18 */
++ uint16_t contIncSeqCnt:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 17 */
++ uint16_t payloadlength:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 16 */
++ uint16_t broadcast:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 24 */
++ uint16_t multicast:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 25 */
++ uint16_t edtovResolution:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 26 */
++ uint16_t altBbCredit:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 27 */
++ uint16_t fPort:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 28 */
++ uint16_t word1Reserved2:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 29 */
++ uint16_t randomOffset:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 30 */
++ uint16_t increasingOffset:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 31 */
++ uint16_t payloadlength:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 16 */
++ uint16_t contIncSeqCnt:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 17 */
++ uint16_t dhd:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 18 */
++ uint16_t word1Reserved1:3; /* FC Word 1, bit 21:19 */
++ uint16_t simplex:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 22 */
++ uint16_t huntgroup:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 23 */
++ uint8_t bbRcvSizeMsb; /* Upper nibble is reserved */
++ uint8_t bbRcvSizeLsb; /* FC Word 1, byte 3 */
++ union {
++ struct {
++ uint8_t word2Reserved1; /* FC Word 2 byte 0 */
++ uint8_t totalConcurrSeq; /* FC Word 2 byte 1 */
++ uint8_t roByCategoryMsb; /* FC Word 2 byte 2 */
++ uint8_t roByCategoryLsb; /* FC Word 2 byte 3 */
++ } nPort;
++ uint32_t r_a_tov; /* R_A_TOV must be in B.E. format */
++ } w2;
++ uint32_t e_d_tov; /* E_D_TOV must be in B.E. format */
++struct class_parms {
++ uint8_t classValid:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 31 */
++ uint8_t intermix:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 30 */
++ uint8_t stackedXparent:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 29 */
++ uint8_t stackedLockDown:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 28 */
++ uint8_t seqDelivery:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 27 */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved1:3; /* FC Word 0, bit 24:26 */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved1:3; /* FC Word 0, bit 24:26 */
++ uint8_t seqDelivery:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 27 */
++ uint8_t stackedLockDown:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 28 */
++ uint8_t stackedXparent:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 29 */
++ uint8_t intermix:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 30 */
++ uint8_t classValid:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 31 */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved2; /* FC Word 0, bit 16:23 */
++ uint8_t iCtlXidReAssgn:2; /* FC Word 0, Bit 14:15 */
++ uint8_t iCtlInitialPa:2; /* FC Word 0, bit 12:13 */
++ uint8_t iCtlAck0capable:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 11 */
++ uint8_t iCtlAckNcapable:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 10 */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved3:2; /* FC Word 0, bit 8: 9 */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved3:2; /* FC Word 0, bit 8: 9 */
++ uint8_t iCtlAckNcapable:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 10 */
++ uint8_t iCtlAck0capable:1; /* FC Word 0, bit 11 */
++ uint8_t iCtlInitialPa:2; /* FC Word 0, bit 12:13 */
++ uint8_t iCtlXidReAssgn:2; /* FC Word 0, Bit 14:15 */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved4; /* FC Word 0, bit 0: 7 */
++ uint8_t rCtlAck0capable:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 31 */
++ uint8_t rCtlAckNcapable:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 30 */
++ uint8_t rCtlXidInterlck:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 29 */
++ uint8_t rCtlErrorPolicy:2; /* FC Word 1, bit 27:28 */
++ uint8_t word1Reserved1:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 26 */
++ uint8_t rCtlCatPerSeq:2; /* FC Word 1, bit 24:25 */
++ uint8_t rCtlCatPerSeq:2; /* FC Word 1, bit 24:25 */
++ uint8_t word1Reserved1:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 26 */
++ uint8_t rCtlErrorPolicy:2; /* FC Word 1, bit 27:28 */
++ uint8_t rCtlXidInterlck:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 29 */
++ uint8_t rCtlAckNcapable:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 30 */
++ uint8_t rCtlAck0capable:1; /* FC Word 1, bit 31 */
++ uint8_t word1Reserved2; /* FC Word 1, bit 16:23 */
++ uint8_t rcvDataSizeMsb; /* FC Word 1, bit 8:15 */
++ uint8_t rcvDataSizeLsb; /* FC Word 1, bit 0: 7 */
++ uint8_t concurrentSeqMsb; /* FC Word 2, bit 24:31 */
++ uint8_t concurrentSeqLsb; /* FC Word 2, bit 16:23 */
++ uint8_t EeCreditSeqMsb; /* FC Word 2, bit 8:15 */
++ uint8_t EeCreditSeqLsb; /* FC Word 2, bit 0: 7 */
++ uint8_t openSeqPerXchgMsb; /* FC Word 3, bit 24:31 */
++ uint8_t openSeqPerXchgLsb; /* FC Word 3, bit 16:23 */
++ uint8_t word3Reserved1; /* Fc Word 3, bit 8:15 */
++ uint8_t word3Reserved2; /* Fc Word 3, bit 0: 7 */
++struct serv_parm { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ struct csp cmn;
++ struct lpfc_name portName;
++ struct lpfc_name nodeName;
++ struct class_parms cls1;
++ struct class_parms cls2;
++ struct class_parms cls3;
++ struct class_parms cls4;
++ uint8_t vendorVersion[16];
++ * Extended Link Service LS_COMMAND codes (Payload Word 0)
++ */
++#define ELS_CMD_MASK 0xffff0000
++#define ELS_RSP_MASK 0xff000000
++#define ELS_CMD_LS_RJT 0x01000000
++#define ELS_CMD_ACC 0x02000000
++#define ELS_CMD_PLOGI 0x03000000
++#define ELS_CMD_FLOGI 0x04000000
++#define ELS_CMD_LOGO 0x05000000
++#define ELS_CMD_ABTX 0x06000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RCS 0x07000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RES 0x08000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RSS 0x09000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RSI 0x0A000000
++#define ELS_CMD_ESTS 0x0B000000
++#define ELS_CMD_ESTC 0x0C000000
++#define ELS_CMD_ADVC 0x0D000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RTV 0x0E000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RLS 0x0F000000
++#define ELS_CMD_ECHO 0x10000000
++#define ELS_CMD_TEST 0x11000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RRQ 0x12000000
++#define ELS_CMD_PRLI 0x20100014
++#define ELS_CMD_PRLO 0x21100014
++#define ELS_CMD_PDISC 0x50000000
++#define ELS_CMD_FDISC 0x51000000
++#define ELS_CMD_ADISC 0x52000000
++#define ELS_CMD_FARP 0x54000000
++#define ELS_CMD_FARPR 0x55000000
++#define ELS_CMD_FAN 0x60000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RSCN 0x61040000
++#define ELS_CMD_SCR 0x62000000
++#define ELS_CMD_RNID 0x78000000
++#define ELS_CMD_MASK 0xffff
++#define ELS_RSP_MASK 0xff
++#define ELS_CMD_LS_RJT 0x01
++#define ELS_CMD_ACC 0x02
++#define ELS_CMD_PLOGI 0x03
++#define ELS_CMD_FLOGI 0x04
++#define ELS_CMD_LOGO 0x05
++#define ELS_CMD_ABTX 0x06
++#define ELS_CMD_RCS 0x07
++#define ELS_CMD_RES 0x08
++#define ELS_CMD_RSS 0x09
++#define ELS_CMD_RSI 0x0A
++#define ELS_CMD_ESTS 0x0B
++#define ELS_CMD_ESTC 0x0C
++#define ELS_CMD_ADVC 0x0D
++#define ELS_CMD_RTV 0x0E
++#define ELS_CMD_RLS 0x0F
++#define ELS_CMD_ECHO 0x10
++#define ELS_CMD_TEST 0x11
++#define ELS_CMD_RRQ 0x12
++#define ELS_CMD_PRLI 0x14001020
++#define ELS_CMD_PRLO 0x14001021
++#define ELS_CMD_PDISC 0x50
++#define ELS_CMD_FDISC 0x51
++#define ELS_CMD_ADISC 0x52
++#define ELS_CMD_FARP 0x54
++#define ELS_CMD_FARPR 0x55
++#define ELS_CMD_FAN 0x60
++#define ELS_CMD_RSCN 0x0461
++#define ELS_CMD_SCR 0x62
++#define ELS_CMD_RNID 0x78
++ * LS_RJT Payload Definition
++ */
++struct ls_rjt { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ union {
++ uint32_t lsRjtError;
++ struct {
++ uint8_t lsRjtRsvd0; /* FC Word 0, bit 24:31 */
++ uint8_t lsRjtRsnCode; /* FC Word 0, bit 16:23 */
++ /* LS_RJT reason codes */
++#define LSRJT_INVALID_CMD 0x01
++#define LSRJT_LOGICAL_ERR 0x03
++#define LSRJT_LOGICAL_BSY 0x05
++#define LSRJT_PROTOCOL_ERR 0x07
++#define LSRJT_UNABLE_TPC 0x09 /* Unable to perform command */
++#define LSRJT_VENDOR_UNIQUE 0xFF /* See Byte 3 */
++ uint8_t lsRjtRsnCodeExp; /* FC Word 0, bit 8:15 */
++ /* LS_RJT reason explanation */
++#define LSEXP_NOTHING_MORE 0x00
++#define LSEXP_SPARM_OPTIONS 0x01
++#define LSEXP_SPARM_ICTL 0x03
++#define LSEXP_SPARM_RCTL 0x05
++#define LSEXP_SPARM_RCV_SIZE 0x07
++#define LSEXP_INVALID_CSP 0x0F
++#define LSEXP_ASSOC_HDR_REQ 0x13
++#define LSEXP_INVALID_O_SID 0x15
++#define LSEXP_INVALID_OX_RX 0x17
++#define LSEXP_CMD_IN_PROGRESS 0x19
++#define LSEXP_INVALID_SEQ_ID 0x21
++#define LSEXP_INVALID_XCHG 0x23
++#define LSEXP_INACTIVE_XCHG 0x25
++#define LSEXP_RQ_REQUIRED 0x27
++#define LSEXP_OUT_OF_RESOURCE 0x29
++ uint8_t vendorUnique; /* FC Word 0, bit 0: 7 */
++ } b;
++ } un;
++ * N_Port Login (FLOGO/PLOGO Request) Payload Definition
++ */
++typedef struct _LOGO { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ union {
++ uint32_t nPortId32; /* Access nPortId as a word */
++ struct {
++ uint8_t word1Reserved1; /* FC Word 1, bit 31:24 */
++ uint8_t nPortIdByte0; /* N_port ID bit 16:23 */
++ uint8_t nPortIdByte1; /* N_port ID bit 8:15 */
++ uint8_t nPortIdByte2; /* N_port ID bit 0: 7 */
++ } b;
++ } un;
++ struct lpfc_name portName; /* N_port name field */
++} LOGO;
++ * FCP Login (PRLI Request / ACC) Payload Definition
++ */
++#define PRLX_PAGE_LEN 0x10
++#define TPRLO_PAGE_LEN 0x14
++typedef struct _PRLI { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint8_t prliType; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 24:31 */
++#define PRLI_FCP_TYPE 0x08
++ uint8_t word0Reserved1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 16:23 */
++ uint8_t origProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 15 */
++ uint8_t respProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 14 */
++ uint8_t estabImagePair:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 13 */
++ /* ACC = imagePairEstablished */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved2:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 12 */
++ uint8_t acceptRspCode:4; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 8:11, ACC ONLY */
++ uint8_t acceptRspCode:4; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 8:11, ACC ONLY */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved2:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 12 */
++ uint8_t estabImagePair:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 13 */
++ uint8_t respProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 14 */
++ uint8_t origProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 15 */
++ /* ACC = imagePairEstablished */
++#define PRLI_REQ_EXECUTED 0x1 /* acceptRspCode */
++#define PRLI_NO_RESOURCES 0x2
++#define PRLI_NO_SUCH_PA 0x4
++#define PRLI_PREDEF_CONFIG 0x5
++ uint8_t word0Reserved3; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 0:7 */
++ uint32_t origProcAssoc; /* FC Parm Word 1, bit 0:31 */
++ uint32_t respProcAssoc; /* FC Parm Word 2, bit 0:31 */
++ uint8_t word3Reserved1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 24:31 */
++ uint8_t word3Reserved2; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 16:23 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit15Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 15 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit14Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 14 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit13Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 13 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit12Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 12 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit11Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 11 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit10Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 10 */
++ uint16_t TaskRetryIdReq:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 9 */
++ uint16_t Retry:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 8 */
++ uint16_t ConfmComplAllowed:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 7 */
++ uint16_t dataOverLay:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 6 */
++ uint16_t initiatorFunc:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 5 */
++ uint16_t targetFunc:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 4 */
++ uint16_t cmdDataMixEna:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 3 */
++ uint16_t dataRspMixEna:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 2 */
++ uint16_t readXferRdyDis:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 1 */
++ uint16_t writeXferRdyDis:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 0 */
++ uint16_t Retry:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 8 */
++ uint16_t TaskRetryIdReq:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 9 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit10Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 10 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit11Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 11 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit12Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 12 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit13Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 13 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit14Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 14 */
++ uint16_t Word3bit15Resved:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 15 */
++ uint16_t writeXferRdyDis:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 0 */
++ uint16_t readXferRdyDis:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 1 */
++ uint16_t dataRspMixEna:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 2 */
++ uint16_t cmdDataMixEna:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 3 */
++ uint16_t targetFunc:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 4 */
++ uint16_t initiatorFunc:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 5 */
++ uint16_t dataOverLay:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 6 */
++ uint16_t ConfmComplAllowed:1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 7 */
++} PRLI;
++ * FCP Logout (PRLO Request / ACC) Payload Definition
++ */
++typedef struct _PRLO { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint8_t prloType; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 24:31 */
++#define PRLO_FCP_TYPE 0x08
++ uint8_t word0Reserved1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 16:23 */
++ uint8_t origProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 15 */
++ uint8_t respProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 14 */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved2:2; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 12:13 */
++ uint8_t acceptRspCode:4; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 8:11, ACC ONLY */
++ uint8_t acceptRspCode:4; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 8:11, ACC ONLY */
++ uint8_t word0Reserved2:2; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 12:13 */
++ uint8_t respProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 14 */
++ uint8_t origProcAssocV:1; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 15 */
++#define PRLO_REQ_EXECUTED 0x1 /* acceptRspCode */
++#define PRLO_NO_SUCH_IMAGE 0x4
++ uint8_t word0Reserved3; /* FC Parm Word 0, bit 0:7 */
++ uint32_t origProcAssoc; /* FC Parm Word 1, bit 0:31 */
++ uint32_t respProcAssoc; /* FC Parm Word 2, bit 0:31 */
++ uint32_t word3Reserved1; /* FC Parm Word 3, bit 0:31 */
++} PRLO;
++typedef struct _ADISC { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint32_t hardAL_PA;
++ struct lpfc_name portName;
++ struct lpfc_name nodeName;
++ uint32_t DID;
++} ADISC;
++typedef struct _FARP { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint32_t Mflags:8;
++ uint32_t Odid:24;
++#define FARP_NO_ACTION 0 /* FARP information enclosed, no
++ action */
++#define FARP_MATCH_PORT 0x1 /* Match on Responder Port Name */
++#define FARP_MATCH_NODE 0x2 /* Match on Responder Node Name */
++#define FARP_MATCH_IP 0x4 /* Match on IP address, not supported */
++#define FARP_MATCH_IPV4 0x5 /* Match on IPV4 address, not
++ supported */
++#define FARP_MATCH_IPV6 0x6 /* Match on IPV6 address, not
++ supported */
++ uint32_t Rflags:8;
++ uint32_t Rdid:24;
++#define FARP_REQUEST_PLOGI 0x1 /* Request for PLOGI */
++#define FARP_REQUEST_FARPR 0x2 /* Request for FARP Response */
++ struct lpfc_name OportName;
++ struct lpfc_name OnodeName;
++ struct lpfc_name RportName;
++ struct lpfc_name RnodeName;
++ uint8_t Oipaddr[16];
++ uint8_t Ripaddr[16];
++} FARP;
++typedef struct _FAN { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint32_t Fdid;
++ struct lpfc_name FportName;
++ struct lpfc_name FnodeName;
++} FAN;
++typedef struct _SCR { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint8_t resvd1;
++ uint8_t resvd2;
++ uint8_t resvd3;
++ uint8_t Function;
++#define SCR_FUNC_FABRIC 0x01
++#define SCR_FUNC_NPORT 0x02
++#define SCR_FUNC_FULL 0x03
++#define SCR_CLEAR 0xff
++} SCR;
++typedef struct _RNID_TOP_DISC {
++ struct lpfc_name portName;
++ uint8_t resvd[8];
++ uint32_t unitType;
++#define RNID_HBA 0x7
++#define RNID_HOST 0xa
++#define RNID_DRIVER 0xd
++ uint32_t physPort;
++ uint32_t attachedNodes;
++ uint16_t ipVersion;
++#define RNID_IPV4 0x1
++#define RNID_IPV6 0x2
++ uint16_t UDPport;
++ uint8_t ipAddr[16];
++ uint16_t resvd1;
++ uint16_t flags;
++#define RNID_TD_SUPPORT 0x1
++#define RNID_LP_VALID 0x2
++typedef struct _RNID { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint8_t Format;
++#define RNID_TOPOLOGY_DISC 0xdf
++ uint8_t CommonLen;
++ uint8_t resvd1;
++ uint8_t SpecificLen;
++ struct lpfc_name portName;
++ struct lpfc_name nodeName;
++ union {
++ RNID_TOP_DISC topologyDisc; /* topology disc (0xdf) */
++ } un;
++} RNID;
++typedef struct _RRQ { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint32_t SID;
++ uint16_t Oxid;
++ uint16_t Rxid;
++ uint8_t resv[32]; /* optional association hdr */
++} RRQ;
++/* This is used for RSCN command */
++typedef struct _D_ID { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ union {
++ uint32_t word;
++ struct {
++ uint8_t resv;
++ uint8_t domain;
++ uint8_t area;
++ uint8_t id;
++ uint8_t id;
++ uint8_t area;
++ uint8_t domain;
++ uint8_t resv;
++ } b;
++ } un;
++} D_ID;
++ * Structure to define all ELS Payload types
++ */
++typedef struct _ELS_PKT { /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ uint8_t elsCode; /* FC Word 0, bit 24:31 */
++ uint8_t elsByte1;
++ uint8_t elsByte2;
++ uint8_t elsByte3;
++ union {
++ struct ls_rjt lsRjt; /* Payload for LS_RJT ELS response */
++ struct serv_parm logi; /* Payload for PLOGI/FLOGI/PDISC/ACC */
++ LOGO logo; /* Payload for PLOGO/FLOGO/ACC */
++ PRLI prli; /* Payload for PRLI/ACC */
++ PRLO prlo; /* Payload for PRLO/ACC */
++ ADISC adisc; /* Payload for ADISC/ACC */
++ FARP farp; /* Payload for FARP/ACC */
++ FAN fan; /* Payload for FAN */
++ SCR scr; /* Payload for SCR/ACC */
++ RRQ rrq; /* Payload for RRQ */
++ RNID rnid; /* Payload for RNID */
++ uint8_t pad[128 - 4]; /* Pad out to payload of 128 bytes */
++ } un;
++} ELS_PKT;
++ * FDMI
++ * HBA MAnagement Operations Command Codes
++ */
++#define SLI_MGMT_GRHL 0x100 /* Get registered HBA list */
++#define SLI_MGMT_GHAT 0x101 /* Get HBA attributes */
++#define SLI_MGMT_GRPL 0x102 /* Get registered Port list */
++#define SLI_MGMT_GPAT 0x110 /* Get Port attributes */
++#define SLI_MGMT_RHBA 0x200 /* Register HBA */
++#define SLI_MGMT_RHAT 0x201 /* Register HBA atttributes */
++#define SLI_MGMT_RPRT 0x210 /* Register Port */
++#define SLI_MGMT_RPA 0x211 /* Register Port attributes */
++#define SLI_MGMT_DHBA 0x300 /* De-register HBA */
++#define SLI_MGMT_DPRT 0x310 /* De-register Port */
++ * Management Service Subtypes
++ */
++#define SLI_CT_FDMI_Subtypes 0x10
++ * HBA Management Service Reject Code
++ */
++#define REJECT_CODE 0x9 /* Unable to perform command request */
++ * HBA Management Service Reject Reason Code
++ * Please refer to the Reason Codes above
++ */
++ * HBA Attribute Types
++ */
++#define NODE_NAME 0x1
++#define MANUFACTURER 0x2
++#define SERIAL_NUMBER 0x3
++#define MODEL 0x4
++#define HARDWARE_VERSION 0x6
++#define DRIVER_VERSION 0x7
++#define OPTION_ROM_VERSION 0x8
++#define FIRMWARE_VERSION 0x9
++#define OS_NAME_VERSION 0xa
++#define MAX_CT_PAYLOAD_LEN 0xb
++ * Port Attrubute Types
++ */
++#define SUPPORTED_FC4_TYPES 0x1
++#define SUPPORTED_SPEED 0x2
++#define PORT_SPEED 0x3
++#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE 0x4
++#define OS_DEVICE_NAME 0x5
++#define HOST_NAME 0x6
++union AttributesDef {
++ /* Structure is in Big Endian format */
++ struct {
++ uint32_t AttrType:16;
++ uint32_t AttrLen:16;
++ } bits;
++ uint32_t word;
++ * HBA Attribute Entry (8 - 260 bytes)
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ union AttributesDef ad;
++ union {
++ uint32_t VendorSpecific;
++ uint8_t Manufacturer[64];
++ uint8_t SerialNumber[64];
++ uint8_t Model[256];
++ uint8_t ModelDescription[256];
++ uint8_t HardwareVersion[256];
++ uint8_t DriverVersion[256];
++ uint8_t OptionROMVersion[256];
++ uint8_t FirmwareVersion[256];
++ struct lpfc_name NodeName;
++ uint8_t SupportFC4Types[32];
++ uint32_t SupportSpeed;
++ uint32_t PortSpeed;
++ uint32_t MaxFrameSize;
++ uint8_t OsDeviceName[256];
++ uint8_t OsNameVersion[256];
++ uint32_t MaxCTPayloadLen;
++ uint8_t HostName[256];
++ } un;
++ * HBA Attribute Block
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t EntryCnt; /* Number of HBA attribute entries */
++ ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY Entry; /* Variable-length array */
++ * Port Entry
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ struct lpfc_name PortName;
++ * HBA Identifier
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ struct lpfc_name PortName;
++ * Registered Port List Format
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t EntryCnt;
++ PORT_ENTRY pe; /* Variable-length array */
++ * Register HBA(RHBA)
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ REG_PORT_LIST rpl; /* variable-length array */
++} REG_HBA;
++ * Register HBA Attributes (RHAT)
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ struct lpfc_name HBA_PortName;
++ * Register Port Attributes (RPA)
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ struct lpfc_name PortName;
++ * Get Registered HBA List (GRHL) Accept Payload Format
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t HBA__Entry_Cnt; /* Number of Registered HBA Identifiers */
++ struct lpfc_name HBA_PortName; /* Variable-length array */
++ * Get Registered Port List (GRPL) Accept Payload Format
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t RPL_Entry_Cnt; /* Number of Registered Port Entries */
++ PORT_ENTRY Reg_Port_Entry[1]; /* Variable-length array */
++ * Get Port Attributes (GPAT) Accept Payload Format
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ * Begin HBA configuration parameters.
++ * The PCI configuration register BAR assignments are:
++ * BAR0, offset 0x10 - SLIM base memory address
++ * BAR1, offset 0x14 - SLIM base memory high address
++ * BAR2, offset 0x18 - REGISTER base memory address
++ * BAR3, offset 0x1c - REGISTER base memory high address
++ * BAR4, offset 0x20 - BIU I/O registers
++ * BAR5, offset 0x24 - REGISTER base io high address
++ */
++/* Number of rings currently used and available. */
++#define MAX_RINGS 4
++/* IOCB / Mailbox is owned by FireFly */
++#define OWN_CHIP 1
++/* IOCB / Mailbox is owned by Host */
++#define OWN_HOST 0
++/* Number of 4-byte words in an IOCB. */
++#define IOCB_WORD_SZ 8
++/* defines for type field in fc header */
++#define FC_ELS_DATA 0x1
++#define FC_LLC_SNAP 0x5
++#define FC_FCP_DATA 0x8
++/* defines for rctl field in fc header */
++#define FC_DEV_DATA 0x0
++#define FC_UNSOL_CTL 0x2
++#define FC_SOL_CTL 0x3
++#define FC_UNSOL_DATA 0x4
++#define FC_FCP_CMND 0x6
++#define FC_ELS_REQ 0x22
++#define FC_ELS_RSP 0x23
++/* network headers for Dfctl field */
++#define FC_NET_HDR 0x20
++/* Start FireFly Register definitions */
++#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_EMULEX 0x10df
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_FIREFLY 0x1ae5
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_SUPERFLY 0xf700
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_DRAGONFLY 0xf800
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RFLY 0xf095
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PFLY 0xf098
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TFLY 0xf0a5
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_CENTAUR 0xf900
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PEGASUS 0xf980
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_THOR 0xfa00
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIPER 0xfb00
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HELIOS 0xfd00
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_BMID 0xf0d5
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_BSMB 0xf0d1
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZEPHYR 0xfe00
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZMID 0xf0e5
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZSMB 0xf0e1
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_LP101 0xf0a1
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_LP10000S 0xfc00
++#define JEDEC_ID_ADDRESS 0x0080001c
++#define SUPERFLY_JEDEC_ID 0x0020
++#define DRAGONFLY_JEDEC_ID 0x0021
++#define DRAGONFLY_V2_JEDEC_ID 0x0025
++#define CENTAUR_2G_JEDEC_ID 0x0026
++#define CENTAUR_1G_JEDEC_ID 0x0028
++#define PEGASUS_ORION_JEDEC_ID 0x0036
++#define PEGASUS_JEDEC_ID 0x0038
++#define THOR_JEDEC_ID 0x0012
++#define HELIOS_JEDEC_ID 0x0364
++#define ZEPHYR_JEDEC_ID 0x0577
++#define VIPER_JEDEC_ID 0x4838
++#define JEDEC_ID_MASK 0x0FFFF000
++#define JEDEC_ID_SHIFT 12
++#define FC_JEDEC_ID(id) ((id & JEDEC_ID_MASK) >> JEDEC_ID_SHIFT)
++typedef struct { /* FireFly BIU registers */
++ uint32_t hostAtt; /* See definitions for Host Attention
++ register */
++ uint32_t chipAtt; /* See definitions for Chip Attention
++ register */
++ uint32_t hostStatus; /* See definitions for Host Status register */
++ uint32_t hostControl; /* See definitions for Host Control register */
++ uint32_t buiConfig; /* See definitions for BIU configuration
++ register */
++} FF_REGS;
++/* IO Register size in bytes */
++#define FF_REG_AREA_SIZE 256
++/* Host Attention Register */
++#define HA_REG_OFFSET 0 /* Word offset from register base address */
++#define HA_R0RE_REQ 0x00000001 /* Bit 0 */
++#define HA_R0CE_RSP 0x00000002 /* Bit 1 */
++#define HA_R0ATT 0x00000008 /* Bit 3 */
++#define HA_R1RE_REQ 0x00000010 /* Bit 4 */
++#define HA_R1CE_RSP 0x00000020 /* Bit 5 */
++#define HA_R1ATT 0x00000080 /* Bit 7 */
++#define HA_R2RE_REQ 0x00000100 /* Bit 8 */
++#define HA_R2CE_RSP 0x00000200 /* Bit 9 */
++#define HA_R2ATT 0x00000800 /* Bit 11 */
++#define HA_R3RE_REQ 0x00001000 /* Bit 12 */
++#define HA_R3CE_RSP 0x00002000 /* Bit 13 */
++#define HA_R3ATT 0x00008000 /* Bit 15 */
++#define HA_LATT 0x20000000 /* Bit 29 */
++#define HA_MBATT 0x40000000 /* Bit 30 */
++#define HA_ERATT 0x80000000 /* Bit 31 */
++#define HA_RXRE_REQ 0x00000001 /* Bit 0 */
++#define HA_RXCE_RSP 0x00000002 /* Bit 1 */
++#define HA_RXATT 0x00000008 /* Bit 3 */
++#define HA_RXMASK 0x0000000f
++/* Chip Attention Register */
++#define CA_REG_OFFSET 1 /* Word offset from register base address */
++#define CA_R0CE_REQ 0x00000001 /* Bit 0 */
++#define CA_R0RE_RSP 0x00000002 /* Bit 1 */
++#define CA_R0ATT 0x00000008 /* Bit 3 */
++#define CA_R1CE_REQ 0x00000010 /* Bit 4 */
++#define CA_R1RE_RSP 0x00000020 /* Bit 5 */
++#define CA_R1ATT 0x00000080 /* Bit 7 */
++#define CA_R2CE_REQ 0x00000100 /* Bit 8 */
++#define CA_R2RE_RSP 0x00000200 /* Bit 9 */
++#define CA_R2ATT 0x00000800 /* Bit 11 */
++#define CA_R3CE_REQ 0x00001000 /* Bit 12 */
++#define CA_R3RE_RSP 0x00002000 /* Bit 13 */
++#define CA_R3ATT 0x00008000 /* Bit 15 */
++#define CA_MBATT 0x40000000 /* Bit 30 */
++/* Host Status Register */
++#define HS_REG_OFFSET 2 /* Word offset from register base address */
++#define HS_MBRDY 0x00400000 /* Bit 22 */
++#define HS_FFRDY 0x00800000 /* Bit 23 */
++#define HS_FFER8 0x01000000 /* Bit 24 */
++#define HS_FFER7 0x02000000 /* Bit 25 */
++#define HS_FFER6 0x04000000 /* Bit 26 */
++#define HS_FFER5 0x08000000 /* Bit 27 */
++#define HS_FFER4 0x10000000 /* Bit 28 */
++#define HS_FFER3 0x20000000 /* Bit 29 */
++#define HS_FFER2 0x40000000 /* Bit 30 */
++#define HS_FFER1 0x80000000 /* Bit 31 */
++#define HS_FFERM 0xFF000000 /* Mask for error bits 31:24 */
++/* Host Control Register */
++#define HC_REG_OFFSET 3 /* Word offset from register base address */
++#define HC_MBINT_ENA 0x00000001 /* Bit 0 */
++#define HC_R0INT_ENA 0x00000002 /* Bit 1 */
++#define HC_R1INT_ENA 0x00000004 /* Bit 2 */
++#define HC_R2INT_ENA 0x00000008 /* Bit 3 */
++#define HC_R3INT_ENA 0x00000010 /* Bit 4 */
++#define HC_INITHBI 0x02000000 /* Bit 25 */
++#define HC_INITMB 0x04000000 /* Bit 26 */
++#define HC_INITFF 0x08000000 /* Bit 27 */
++#define HC_LAINT_ENA 0x20000000 /* Bit 29 */
++#define HC_ERINT_ENA 0x80000000 /* Bit 31 */
++/* Mailbox Commands */
++#define MBX_SHUTDOWN 0x00 /* terminate testing */
++#define MBX_LOAD_SM 0x01
++#define MBX_READ_NV 0x02
++#define MBX_WRITE_NV 0x03
++#define MBX_RUN_BIU_DIAG 0x04
++#define MBX_INIT_LINK 0x05
++#define MBX_DOWN_LINK 0x06
++#define MBX_CONFIG_LINK 0x07
++#define MBX_CONFIG_RING 0x09
++#define MBX_RESET_RING 0x0A
++#define MBX_READ_CONFIG 0x0B
++#define MBX_READ_RCONFIG 0x0C
++#define MBX_READ_SPARM 0x0D
++#define MBX_READ_STATUS 0x0E
++#define MBX_READ_RPI 0x0F
++#define MBX_READ_XRI 0x10
++#define MBX_READ_REV 0x11
++#define MBX_READ_LNK_STAT 0x12
++#define MBX_REG_LOGIN 0x13
++#define MBX_UNREG_LOGIN 0x14
++#define MBX_READ_LA 0x15
++#define MBX_CLEAR_LA 0x16
++#define MBX_DUMP_MEMORY 0x17
++#define MBX_DUMP_CONTEXT 0x18
++#define MBX_RUN_DIAGS 0x19
++#define MBX_RESTART 0x1A
++#define MBX_UPDATE_CFG 0x1B
++#define MBX_DOWN_LOAD 0x1C
++#define MBX_DEL_LD_ENTRY 0x1D
++#define MBX_RUN_PROGRAM 0x1E
++#define MBX_SET_MASK 0x20
++#define MBX_SET_SLIM 0x21
++#define MBX_UNREG_D_ID 0x23
++#define MBX_CONFIG_FARP 0x25
++#define MBX_LOAD_AREA 0x81
++#define MBX_RUN_BIU_DIAG64 0x84
++#define MBX_CONFIG_PORT 0x88
++#define MBX_READ_SPARM64 0x8D
++#define MBX_READ_RPI64 0x8F
++#define MBX_REG_LOGIN64 0x93
++#define MBX_READ_LA64 0x95
++#define MBX_FLASH_WR_ULA 0x98
++#define MBX_SET_DEBUG 0x99
++#define MBX_LOAD_EXP_ROM 0x9C
++#define MBX_MAX_CMDS 0x9D
++#define MBX_SLI2_CMD_MASK 0x80
++/* IOCB Commands */
++#define CMD_RCV_SEQUENCE_CX 0x01
++#define CMD_XMIT_SEQUENCE_CR 0x02
++#define CMD_XMIT_SEQUENCE_CX 0x03
++#define CMD_XMIT_BCAST_CN 0x04
++#define CMD_XMIT_BCAST_CX 0x05
++#define CMD_QUE_RING_BUF_CN 0x06
++#define CMD_QUE_XRI_BUF_CX 0x07
++#define CMD_IOCB_CONTINUE_CN 0x08
++#define CMD_RET_XRI_BUF_CX 0x09
++#define CMD_ELS_REQUEST_CR 0x0A
++#define CMD_ELS_REQUEST_CX 0x0B
++#define CMD_RCV_ELS_REQ_CX 0x0D
++#define CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN 0x0E
++#define CMD_ABORT_XRI_CX 0x0F
++#define CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN 0x10
++#define CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CX 0x11
++#define CMD_CREATE_XRI_CR 0x12
++#define CMD_CREATE_XRI_CX 0x13
++#define CMD_GET_RPI_CN 0x14
++#define CMD_XMIT_ELS_RSP_CX 0x15
++#define CMD_GET_RPI_CR 0x16
++#define CMD_XRI_ABORTED_CX 0x17
++#define CMD_FCP_IWRITE_CR 0x18
++#define CMD_FCP_IWRITE_CX 0x19
++#define CMD_FCP_IREAD_CR 0x1A
++#define CMD_FCP_IREAD_CX 0x1B
++#define CMD_FCP_ICMND_CR 0x1C
++#define CMD_FCP_ICMND_CX 0x1D
++#define CMD_ADAPTER_MSG 0x20
++#define CMD_ADAPTER_DUMP 0x22
++/* SLI_2 IOCB Command Set */
++#define CMD_RCV_SEQUENCE64_CX 0x81
++#define CMD_XMIT_SEQUENCE64_CR 0x82
++#define CMD_XMIT_SEQUENCE64_CX 0x83
++#define CMD_XMIT_BCAST64_CN 0x84
++#define CMD_XMIT_BCAST64_CX 0x85
++#define CMD_QUE_RING_BUF64_CN 0x86
++#define CMD_QUE_XRI_BUF64_CX 0x87
++#define CMD_IOCB_CONTINUE64_CN 0x88
++#define CMD_RET_XRI_BUF64_CX 0x89
++#define CMD_ELS_REQUEST64_CR 0x8A
++#define CMD_ELS_REQUEST64_CX 0x8B
++#define CMD_ABORT_MXRI64_CN 0x8C
++#define CMD_RCV_ELS_REQ64_CX 0x8D
++#define CMD_XMIT_ELS_RSP64_CX 0x95
++#define CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CR 0x98
++#define CMD_FCP_IWRITE64_CX 0x99
++#define CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CR 0x9A
++#define CMD_FCP_IREAD64_CX 0x9B
++#define CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CR 0x9C
++#define CMD_FCP_ICMND64_CX 0x9D
++#define CMD_GEN_REQUEST64_CR 0xC2
++#define CMD_GEN_REQUEST64_CX 0xC3
++#define CMD_MAX_IOCB_CMD 0xE6
++#define CMD_IOCB_MASK 0xff
++#define MAX_MSG_DATA 28 /* max msg data in CMD_ADAPTER_MSG
++ iocb */
++#define LPFC_MAX_ADPTMSG 32 /* max msg data */
++ * Define Status
++ */
++#define MBX_SUCCESS 0
++#define MBXERR_NUM_RINGS 1
++#define MBXERR_NUM_IOCBS 2
++#define MBXERR_RPI_FULL 12
++#define MBXERR_DMA_ERROR 15
++#define MBXERR_ERROR 16
++#define MBX_NOT_FINISHED 255
++#define MBX_BUSY 0xffffff /* Attempted cmd to busy Mailbox */
++#define MBX_TIMEOUT 0xfffffe /* time-out expired waiting for */
++ * Begin Structure Definitions for Mailbox Commands
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t tval;
++ uint8_t tmask;
++ uint8_t rval;
++ uint8_t rmask;
++ uint8_t rmask;
++ uint8_t rval;
++ uint8_t tmask;
++ uint8_t tval;
++} RR_REG;
++struct ulp_bde {
++ uint32_t bdeAddress;
++ uint32_t bdeReserved:4;
++ uint32_t bdeAddrHigh:4;
++ uint32_t bdeSize:24;
++ uint32_t bdeSize:24;
++ uint32_t bdeAddrHigh:4;
++ uint32_t bdeReserved:4;
++struct ulp_bde64 { /* SLI-2 */
++ union ULP_BDE_TUS {
++ uint32_t w;
++ struct {
++ uint32_t bdeFlags:8; /* BDE Flags 0 IS A SUPPORTED
++ VALUE !! */
++ uint32_t bdeSize:24; /* Size of buffer (in bytes) */
++ uint32_t bdeSize:24; /* Size of buffer (in bytes) */
++ uint32_t bdeFlags:8; /* BDE Flags 0 IS A SUPPORTED
++ VALUE !! */
++#define BUFF_USE_RSVD 0x01 /* bdeFlags */
++#define BUFF_USE_INTRPT 0x02 /* Not Implemented with LP6000 */
++#define BUFF_USE_CMND 0x04 /* Optional, 1=cmd/rsp 0=data buffer */
++#define BUFF_USE_RCV 0x08 /* "" "", 1=rcv buffer, 0=xmit
++ buffer */
++#define BUFF_TYPE_32BIT 0x10 /* "" "", 1=32 bit addr 0=64 bit
++ addr */
++#define BUFF_TYPE_SPECIAL 0x20 /* Not Implemented with LP6000 */
++#define BUFF_TYPE_BDL 0x40 /* Optional, may be set in BDL */
++#define BUFF_TYPE_INVALID 0x80 /* "" "" */
++ } f;
++ } tus;
++ uint32_t addrLow;
++ uint32_t addrHigh;
++#define BDE64_SIZE_WORD 0
++#define BPL64_SIZE_WORD 0x40
++typedef struct ULP_BDL { /* SLI-2 */
++ uint32_t bdeFlags:8; /* BDL Flags */
++ uint32_t bdeSize:24; /* Size of BDL array in host memory (bytes) */
++ uint32_t bdeSize:24; /* Size of BDL array in host memory (bytes) */
++ uint32_t bdeFlags:8; /* BDL Flags */
++ uint32_t addrLow; /* Address 0:31 */
++ uint32_t addrHigh; /* Address 32:63 */
++ uint32_t ulpIoTag32; /* Can be used for 32 bit I/O Tag */
++} ULP_BDL;
++/* Structure for MB Command LOAD_SM and DOWN_LOAD */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd2:25;
++ uint32_t acknowledgment:1;
++ uint32_t version:1;
++ uint32_t erase_or_prog:1;
++ uint32_t update_flash:1;
++ uint32_t update_ram:1;
++ uint32_t method:1;
++ uint32_t load_cmplt:1;
++ uint32_t load_cmplt:1;
++ uint32_t method:1;
++ uint32_t update_ram:1;
++ uint32_t update_flash:1;
++ uint32_t erase_or_prog:1;
++ uint32_t version:1;
++ uint32_t acknowledgment:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:25;
++ uint32_t dl_to_adr_low;
++ uint32_t dl_to_adr_high;
++ uint32_t dl_len;
++ union {
++ uint32_t dl_from_mbx_offset;
++ struct ulp_bde dl_from_bde;
++ struct ulp_bde64 dl_from_bde64;
++ } un;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_NVPARM (02) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1[3]; /* Read as all one's */
++ uint32_t rsvd2; /* Read as all zero's */
++ uint32_t portname[2]; /* N_PORT name */
++ uint32_t nodename[2]; /* NODE name */
++ uint32_t pref_DID:24;
++ uint32_t hardAL_PA:8;
++ uint32_t hardAL_PA:8;
++ uint32_t pref_DID:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd3[21]; /* Read as all one's */
++/* Structure for MB Command WRITE_NVPARMS (03) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1[3]; /* Must be all one's */
++ uint32_t rsvd2; /* Must be all zero's */
++ uint32_t portname[2]; /* N_PORT name */
++ uint32_t nodename[2]; /* NODE name */
++ uint32_t pref_DID:24;
++ uint32_t hardAL_PA:8;
++ uint32_t hardAL_PA:8;
++ uint32_t pref_DID:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd3[21]; /* Must be all one's */
++/* Structure for MB Command RUN_BIU_DIAG (04) */
++/* Structure for MB Command RUN_BIU_DIAG64 (0x84) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ struct ulp_bde xmit_bde;
++ struct ulp_bde rcv_bde;
++ } s1;
++ struct {
++ struct ulp_bde64 xmit_bde64;
++ struct ulp_bde64 rcv_bde64;
++ } s2;
++ } un;
++/* Structure for MB Command INIT_LINK (05) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1:24;
++ uint32_t lipsr_AL_PA:8; /* AL_PA to issue Lip Selective Reset to */
++ uint32_t lipsr_AL_PA:8; /* AL_PA to issue Lip Selective Reset to */
++ uint32_t rsvd1:24;
++ uint8_t fabric_AL_PA; /* If using a Fabric Assigned AL_PA */
++ uint8_t rsvd2;
++ uint16_t link_flags;
++ uint16_t link_flags;
++ uint8_t rsvd2;
++ uint8_t fabric_AL_PA; /* If using a Fabric Assigned AL_PA */
++#define FLAGS_LOCAL_LB 0x01 /* link_flags (=1) ENDEC loopback */
++#define FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_LOOP_PT 0x00 /* Attempt loop then pt-pt */
++#define FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_PT_PT 0x02 /* Attempt pt-pt only */
++#define FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_LOOP 0x04 /* Attempt loop only */
++#define FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_MODE_PT_LOOP 0x06 /* Attempt pt-pt then loop */
++#define FLAGS_LIRP_LILP 0x80 /* LIRP / LILP is disabled */
++#define FLAGS_TOPOLOGY_FAILOVER 0x0400 /* Bit 10 */
++#define FLAGS_LINK_SPEED 0x0800 /* Bit 11 */
++ uint32_t link_speed;
++#define LINK_SPEED_AUTO 0 /* Auto selection */
++#define LINK_SPEED_1G 1 /* 1 Gigabaud */
++#define LINK_SPEED_2G 2 /* 2 Gigabaud */
++#define LINK_SPEED_4G 4 /* 4 Gigabaud */
++#define LINK_SPEED_8G 8 /* 4 Gigabaud */
++#define LINK_SPEED_10G 16 /* 10 Gigabaud */
++/* Structure for MB Command DOWN_LINK (06) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++/* Structure for MB Command CONFIG_LINK (07) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t cr:1;
++ uint32_t ci:1;
++ uint32_t cr_delay:6;
++ uint32_t cr_count:8;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:8;
++ uint32_t MaxBBC:8;
++ uint32_t MaxBBC:8;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:8;
++ uint32_t cr_count:8;
++ uint32_t cr_delay:6;
++ uint32_t ci:1;
++ uint32_t cr:1;
++ uint32_t myId;
++ uint32_t rsvd2;
++ uint32_t edtov;
++ uint32_t arbtov;
++ uint32_t ratov;
++ uint32_t rttov;
++ uint32_t altov;
++ uint32_t crtov;
++ uint32_t citov;
++ uint32_t rrq_enable:1;
++ uint32_t rrq_immed:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd4:29;
++ uint32_t ack0_enable:1;
++ uint32_t ack0_enable:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd4:29;
++ uint32_t rrq_immed:1;
++ uint32_t rrq_enable:1;
++/* Structure for MB Command PART_SLIM (08)
++ * will be removed since SLI1 is no longer supported!
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint16_t offCiocb;
++ uint16_t numCiocb;
++ uint16_t offRiocb;
++ uint16_t numRiocb;
++ uint16_t numCiocb;
++ uint16_t offCiocb;
++ uint16_t numRiocb;
++ uint16_t offRiocb;
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t unused1:24;
++ uint32_t numRing:8;
++ uint32_t numRing:8;
++ uint32_t unused1:24;
++ RING_DEF ringdef[4];
++ uint32_t hbainit;
++/* Structure for MB Command CONFIG_RING (09) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t unused2:6;
++ uint32_t recvSeq:1;
++ uint32_t recvNotify:1;
++ uint32_t numMask:8;
++ uint32_t profile:8;
++ uint32_t unused1:4;
++ uint32_t ring:4;
++ uint32_t ring:4;
++ uint32_t unused1:4;
++ uint32_t profile:8;
++ uint32_t numMask:8;
++ uint32_t recvNotify:1;
++ uint32_t recvSeq:1;
++ uint32_t unused2:6;
++ uint16_t maxRespXchg;
++ uint16_t maxOrigXchg;
++ uint16_t maxOrigXchg;
++ uint16_t maxRespXchg;
++ RR_REG rrRegs[6];
++/* Structure for MB Command RESET_RING (10) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t ring_no;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_CONFIG (11) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t cr:1;
++ uint32_t ci:1;
++ uint32_t cr_delay:6;
++ uint32_t cr_count:8;
++ uint32_t InitBBC:8;
++ uint32_t MaxBBC:8;
++ uint32_t MaxBBC:8;
++ uint32_t InitBBC:8;
++ uint32_t cr_count:8;
++ uint32_t cr_delay:6;
++ uint32_t ci:1;
++ uint32_t cr:1;
++ uint32_t topology:8;
++ uint32_t myDid:24;
++ uint32_t myDid:24;
++ uint32_t topology:8;
++ /* Defines for topology (defined previously) */
++ uint32_t AR:1;
++ uint32_t IR:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:29;
++ uint32_t ack0:1;
++ uint32_t ack0:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:29;
++ uint32_t IR:1;
++ uint32_t AR:1;
++ uint32_t edtov;
++ uint32_t arbtov;
++ uint32_t ratov;
++ uint32_t rttov;
++ uint32_t altov;
++ uint32_t lmt;
++#define LMT_RESERVED 0x0 /* Not used */
++#define LMT_266_10bit 0x1 /* 265.625 Mbaud 10 bit iface */
++#define LMT_532_10bit 0x2 /* 531.25 Mbaud 10 bit iface */
++#define LMT_1063_20bit 0x3 /* 1062.5 Mbaud 20 bit iface */
++#define LMT_1063_10bit 0x4 /* 1062.5 Mbaud 10 bit iface */
++#define LMT_2125_10bit 0x8 /* 2125 Mbaud 10 bit iface */
++#define LMT_4250_10bit 0x40 /* 4250 Mbaud 10 bit iface */
++ uint32_t rsvd2;
++ uint32_t rsvd3;
++ uint32_t max_xri;
++ uint32_t max_iocb;
++ uint32_t max_rpi;
++ uint32_t avail_xri;
++ uint32_t avail_iocb;
++ uint32_t avail_rpi;
++ uint32_t default_rpi;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_RCONFIG (12) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd2:7;
++ uint32_t recvNotify:1;
++ uint32_t numMask:8;
++ uint32_t profile:8;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:4;
++ uint32_t ring:4;
++ uint32_t ring:4;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:4;
++ uint32_t profile:8;
++ uint32_t numMask:8;
++ uint32_t recvNotify:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:7;
++ uint16_t maxResp;
++ uint16_t maxOrig;
++ uint16_t maxOrig;
++ uint16_t maxResp;
++ RR_REG rrRegs[6];
++ uint16_t cmdRingOffset;
++ uint16_t cmdEntryCnt;
++ uint16_t rspRingOffset;
++ uint16_t rspEntryCnt;
++ uint16_t nextCmdOffset;
++ uint16_t rsvd3;
++ uint16_t nextRspOffset;
++ uint16_t rsvd4;
++ uint16_t cmdEntryCnt;
++ uint16_t cmdRingOffset;
++ uint16_t rspEntryCnt;
++ uint16_t rspRingOffset;
++ uint16_t rsvd3;
++ uint16_t nextCmdOffset;
++ uint16_t rsvd4;
++ uint16_t nextRspOffset;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_SPARM (13) */
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_SPARM64 (0x8D) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++ uint32_t rsvd2;
++ union {
++ struct ulp_bde sp; /* This BDE points to struct serv_parm
++ structure */
++ struct ulp_bde64 sp64;
++ } un;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_STATUS (14) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1:31;
++ uint32_t clrCounters:1;
++ uint16_t activeXriCnt;
++ uint16_t activeRpiCnt;
++ uint32_t clrCounters:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:31;
++ uint16_t activeRpiCnt;
++ uint16_t activeXriCnt;
++ uint32_t xmitByteCnt;
++ uint32_t rcvByteCnt;
++ uint32_t xmitFrameCnt;
++ uint32_t rcvFrameCnt;
++ uint32_t xmitSeqCnt;
++ uint32_t rcvSeqCnt;
++ uint32_t totalOrigExchanges;
++ uint32_t totalRespExchanges;
++ uint32_t rcvPbsyCnt;
++ uint32_t rcvFbsyCnt;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_RPI (15) */
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_RPI64 (0x8F) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint16_t nextRpi;
++ uint16_t reqRpi;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:8;
++ uint32_t DID:24;
++ uint16_t reqRpi;
++ uint16_t nextRpi;
++ uint32_t DID:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:8;
++ union {
++ struct ulp_bde sp;
++ struct ulp_bde64 sp64;
++ } un;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_XRI (16) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint16_t nextXri;
++ uint16_t reqXri;
++ uint16_t rsvd1;
++ uint16_t rpi;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:8;
++ uint32_t DID:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd3:8;
++ uint32_t SID:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd4;
++ uint8_t seqId;
++ uint8_t rsvd5;
++ uint16_t seqCount;
++ uint16_t oxId;
++ uint16_t rxId;
++ uint32_t rsvd6:30;
++ uint32_t si:1;
++ uint32_t exchOrig:1;
++ uint16_t reqXri;
++ uint16_t nextXri;
++ uint16_t rpi;
++ uint16_t rsvd1;
++ uint32_t DID:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:8;
++ uint32_t SID:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd3:8;
++ uint32_t rsvd4;
++ uint16_t seqCount;
++ uint8_t rsvd5;
++ uint8_t seqId;
++ uint16_t rxId;
++ uint16_t oxId;
++ uint32_t exchOrig:1;
++ uint32_t si:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd6:30;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_REV (17) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t cv:1;
++ uint32_t rr:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:29;
++ uint32_t rv:1;
++ uint32_t rv:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:29;
++ uint32_t rr:1;
++ uint32_t cv:1;
++ uint32_t biuRev;
++ uint32_t smRev;
++ union {
++ uint32_t smFwRev;
++ struct {
++ uint8_t ProgType;
++ uint8_t ProgId;
++ uint16_t ProgVer:4;
++ uint16_t ProgRev:4;
++ uint16_t ProgFixLvl:2;
++ uint16_t ProgDistType:2;
++ uint16_t DistCnt:4;
++ uint16_t DistCnt:4;
++ uint16_t ProgDistType:2;
++ uint16_t ProgFixLvl:2;
++ uint16_t ProgRev:4;
++ uint16_t ProgVer:4;
++ uint8_t ProgId;
++ uint8_t ProgType;
++ } b;
++ } un;
++ uint32_t endecRev;
++ uint8_t feaLevelHigh;
++ uint8_t feaLevelLow;
++ uint8_t fcphHigh;
++ uint8_t fcphLow;
++ uint8_t fcphLow;
++ uint8_t fcphHigh;
++ uint8_t feaLevelLow;
++ uint8_t feaLevelHigh;
++ uint32_t postKernRev;
++ uint32_t opFwRev;
++ uint8_t opFwName[16];
++ uint32_t sli1FwRev;
++ uint8_t sli1FwName[16];
++ uint32_t sli2FwRev;
++ uint8_t sli2FwName[16];
++ uint32_t rsvd2;
++ uint32_t RandomData[7];
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_LINK_STAT (18) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++ uint32_t linkFailureCnt;
++ uint32_t lossSyncCnt;
++ uint32_t lossSignalCnt;
++ uint32_t primSeqErrCnt;
++ uint32_t invalidXmitWord;
++ uint32_t crcCnt;
++ uint32_t primSeqTimeout;
++ uint32_t elasticOverrun;
++ uint32_t arbTimeout;
++/* Structure for MB Command REG_LOGIN (19) */
++/* Structure for MB Command REG_LOGIN64 (0x93) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint16_t rsvd1;
++ uint16_t rpi;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:8;
++ uint32_t did:24;
++ uint16_t rpi;
++ uint16_t rsvd1;
++ uint32_t did:24;
++ uint32_t rsvd2:8;
++ union {
++ struct ulp_bde sp;
++ struct ulp_bde64 sp64;
++ } un;
++/* Word 30 contents for REG_LOGIN */
++typedef union {
++ struct {
++ uint16_t rsvd1:12;
++ uint16_t wd30_class:4;
++ uint16_t xri;
++ uint16_t xri;
++ uint16_t wd30_class:4;
++ uint16_t rsvd1:12;
++ } f;
++ uint32_t word;
++} REG_WD30;
++/* Structure for MB Command UNREG_LOGIN (20) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint16_t rsvd1;
++ uint16_t rpi;
++ uint16_t rpi;
++ uint16_t rsvd1;
++/* Structure for MB Command UNREG_D_ID (0x23) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t did;
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_LA (21) */
++/* Structure for MB Command READ_LA64 (0x95) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t eventTag; /* Event tag */
++ uint32_t rsvd1:22;
++ uint32_t pb:1;
++ uint32_t il:1;
++ uint32_t attType:8;
++ uint32_t attType:8;
++ uint32_t il:1;
++ uint32_t pb:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd1:22;
++#define AT_RESERVED 0x00 /* Reserved - attType */
++#define AT_LINK_UP 0x01 /* Link is up */
++#define AT_LINK_DOWN 0x02 /* Link is down */
++ uint8_t granted_AL_PA;
++ uint8_t lipAlPs;
++ uint8_t lipType;
++ uint8_t topology;
++ uint8_t topology;
++ uint8_t lipType;
++ uint8_t lipAlPs;
++ uint8_t granted_AL_PA;
++#define TOPOLOGY_PT_PT 0x01 /* Topology is pt-pt / pt-fabric */
++#define TOPOLOGY_LOOP 0x02 /* Topology is FC-AL */
++ union {
++ struct ulp_bde lilpBde; /* This BDE points to a 128 byte buffer
++ to */
++ /* store the LILP AL_PA position map into */
++ struct ulp_bde64 lilpBde64;
++ } un;
++ uint32_t Dlu:1;
++ uint32_t Dtf:1;
++ uint32_t Drsvd2:14;
++ uint32_t DlnkSpeed:8;
++ uint32_t DnlPort:4;
++ uint32_t Dtx:2;
++ uint32_t Drx:2;
++ uint32_t Drx:2;
++ uint32_t Dtx:2;
++ uint32_t DnlPort:4;
++ uint32_t DlnkSpeed:8;
++ uint32_t Drsvd2:14;
++ uint32_t Dtf:1;
++ uint32_t Dlu:1;
++ uint32_t Ulu:1;
++ uint32_t Utf:1;
++ uint32_t Ursvd2:14;
++ uint32_t UlnkSpeed:8;
++ uint32_t UnlPort:4;
++ uint32_t Utx:2;
++ uint32_t Urx:2;
++ uint32_t Urx:2;
++ uint32_t Utx:2;
++ uint32_t UnlPort:4;
++ uint32_t UlnkSpeed:8;
++ uint32_t Ursvd2:14;
++ uint32_t Utf:1;
++ uint32_t Ulu:1;
++#define LA_UNKNW_LINK 0x0 /* lnkSpeed */
++#define LA_1GHZ_LINK 0x04 /* lnkSpeed */
++#define LA_2GHZ_LINK 0x08 /* lnkSpeed */
++#define LA_4GHZ_LINK 0x10 /* lnkSpeed */
++#define LA_8GHZ_LINK 0x20 /* lnkSpeed */
++#define LA_10GHZ_LINK 0x40 /* lnkSpeed */
++/* Structure for MB Command CLEAR_LA (22) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t eventTag; /* Event tag */
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++/* Structure for MB Command DUMP */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd:25;
++ uint32_t ra:1;
++ uint32_t co:1;
++ uint32_t cv:1;
++ uint32_t type:4;
++ uint32_t entry_index:16;
++ uint32_t region_id:16;
++ uint32_t type:4;
++ uint32_t cv:1;
++ uint32_t co:1;
++ uint32_t ra:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd:25;
++ uint32_t region_id:16;
++ uint32_t entry_index:16;
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++ uint32_t word_cnt;
++ uint32_t resp_offset;
++#define DMP_MEM_REG 0x1
++#define DMP_NV_PARAMS 0x2
++#define DMP_REGION_VPD 0xe
++#define DMP_VPD_SIZE 0x400 /* maximum amount of VPD */
++#define DMP_RSP_OFFSET 0x14 /* word 5 contains first word of rsp */
++#define DMP_RSP_SIZE 0x6C /* maximum of 27 words of rsp data */
++/* Structure for MB Command CONFIG_PORT (0x88) */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t pcbLen;
++ uint32_t pcbLow; /* bit 31:0 of memory based port config block */
++ uint32_t pcbHigh; /* bit 63:32 of memory based port config block */
++ uint32_t hbainit[5];
++/* SLI-2 Port Control Block */
++#define SLIMOFF 0x30 /* WORD */
++typedef struct _SLI2_RDSC {
++ uint32_t cmdEntries;
++ uint32_t cmdAddrLow;
++ uint32_t cmdAddrHigh;
++ uint32_t rspEntries;
++ uint32_t rspAddrLow;
++ uint32_t rspAddrHigh;
++} SLI2_RDSC;
++typedef struct _PCB {
++ uint32_t type:8;
++#define TYPE_NATIVE_SLI2 0x01;
++ uint32_t feature:8;
++#define FEATURE_INITIAL_SLI2 0x01;
++ uint32_t rsvd:12;
++ uint32_t maxRing:4;
++ uint32_t maxRing:4;
++ uint32_t rsvd:12;
++ uint32_t feature:8;
++#define FEATURE_INITIAL_SLI2 0x01;
++ uint32_t type:8;
++#define TYPE_NATIVE_SLI2 0x01;
++ uint32_t mailBoxSize;
++ uint32_t mbAddrLow;
++ uint32_t mbAddrHigh;
++ uint32_t hgpAddrLow;
++ uint32_t hgpAddrHigh;
++ uint32_t pgpAddrLow;
++ uint32_t pgpAddrHigh;
++} PCB_t;
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd0:27;
++ uint32_t discardFarp:1;
++ uint32_t IPEnable:1;
++ uint32_t nodeName:1;
++ uint32_t portName:1;
++ uint32_t filterEnable:1;
++ uint32_t filterEnable:1;
++ uint32_t portName:1;
++ uint32_t nodeName:1;
++ uint32_t IPEnable:1;
++ uint32_t discardFarp:1;
++ uint32_t rsvd:27;
++ uint8_t portname[8]; /* Used to be struct lpfc_name */
++ uint8_t nodename[8];
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++ uint32_t rsvd2;
++ uint32_t rsvd3;
++ uint32_t IPAddress;
++/* Union of all Mailbox Command types */
++#define MAILBOX_CMD_WSIZE 32
++typedef union {
++ uint32_t varWords[MAILBOX_CMD_WSIZE - 1];
++ LOAD_SM_VAR varLdSM; /* cmd = 1 (LOAD_SM) */
++ READ_NV_VAR varRDnvp; /* cmd = 2 (READ_NVPARMS) */
++ WRITE_NV_VAR varWTnvp; /* cmd = 3 (WRITE_NVPARMS) */
++ BIU_DIAG_VAR varBIUdiag; /* cmd = 4 (RUN_BIU_DIAG) */
++ INIT_LINK_VAR varInitLnk; /* cmd = 5 (INIT_LINK) */
++ DOWN_LINK_VAR varDwnLnk; /* cmd = 6 (DOWN_LINK) */
++ CONFIG_LINK varCfgLnk; /* cmd = 7 (CONFIG_LINK) */
++ PART_SLIM_VAR varSlim; /* cmd = 8 (PART_SLIM) */
++ CONFIG_RING_VAR varCfgRing; /* cmd = 9 (CONFIG_RING) */
++ RESET_RING_VAR varRstRing; /* cmd = 10 (RESET_RING) */
++ READ_CONFIG_VAR varRdConfig; /* cmd = 11 (READ_CONFIG) */
++ READ_RCONF_VAR varRdRConfig; /* cmd = 12 (READ_RCONFIG) */
++ READ_SPARM_VAR varRdSparm; /* cmd = 13 (READ_SPARM(64)) */
++ READ_STATUS_VAR varRdStatus; /* cmd = 14 (READ_STATUS) */
++ READ_RPI_VAR varRdRPI; /* cmd = 15 (READ_RPI(64)) */
++ READ_XRI_VAR varRdXRI; /* cmd = 16 (READ_XRI) */
++ READ_REV_VAR varRdRev; /* cmd = 17 (READ_REV) */
++ READ_LNK_VAR varRdLnk; /* cmd = 18 (READ_LNK_STAT) */
++ REG_LOGIN_VAR varRegLogin; /* cmd = 19 (REG_LOGIN(64)) */
++ UNREG_LOGIN_VAR varUnregLogin; /* cmd = 20 (UNREG_LOGIN) */
++ READ_LA_VAR varReadLA; /* cmd = 21 (READ_LA(64)) */
++ CLEAR_LA_VAR varClearLA; /* cmd = 22 (CLEAR_LA) */
++ DUMP_VAR varDmp; /* Warm Start DUMP mbx cmd */
++ UNREG_D_ID_VAR varUnregDID; /* cmd = 0x23 (UNREG_D_ID) */
++ CONFIG_FARP_VAR varCfgFarp; /* cmd = 0x25 (CONFIG_FARP) NEW_FEATURE */
++ CONFIG_PORT_VAR varCfgPort; /* cmd = 0x88 (CONFIG_PORT) */
++ * SLI-2 specific structures
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t cmdPutInx;
++ uint32_t rspGetInx;
++} HGP;
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t cmdGetInx;
++ uint32_t rspPutInx;
++} PGP;
++typedef struct _SLI2_DESC {
++ HGP host[MAX_RINGS];
++ uint32_t unused1[16];
++ PGP port[MAX_RINGS];
++} SLI2_DESC;
++typedef union {
++ SLI2_DESC s2;
++} SLI_VAR;
++typedef volatile struct {
++ uint16_t mbxStatus;
++ uint8_t mbxCommand;
++ uint8_t mbxReserved:6;
++ uint8_t mbxHc:1;
++ uint8_t mbxOwner:1; /* Low order bit first word */
++ uint8_t mbxOwner:1; /* Low order bit first word */
++ uint8_t mbxHc:1;
++ uint8_t mbxReserved:6;
++ uint8_t mbxCommand;
++ uint16_t mbxStatus;
++ SLI_VAR us;
++} MAILBOX_t;
++ * Begin Structure Definitions for IOCB Commands
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t statAction;
++ uint8_t statRsn;
++ uint8_t statBaExp;
++ uint8_t statLocalError;
++ uint8_t statLocalError;
++ uint8_t statBaExp;
++ uint8_t statRsn;
++ uint8_t statAction;
++ /* statRsn P/F_RJT reason codes */
++#define RJT_BAD_D_ID 0x01 /* Invalid D_ID field */
++#define RJT_BAD_S_ID 0x02 /* Invalid S_ID field */
++#define RJT_UNAVAIL_TEMP 0x03 /* N_Port unavailable temp. */
++#define RJT_UNAVAIL_PERM 0x04 /* N_Port unavailable perm. */
++#define RJT_UNSUP_CLASS 0x05 /* Class not supported */
++#define RJT_DELIM_ERR 0x06 /* Delimiter usage error */
++#define RJT_UNSUP_TYPE 0x07 /* Type not supported */
++#define RJT_BAD_CONTROL 0x08 /* Invalid link conrtol */
++#define RJT_BAD_RCTL 0x09 /* R_CTL invalid */
++#define RJT_BAD_FCTL 0x0A /* F_CTL invalid */
++#define RJT_BAD_OXID 0x0B /* OX_ID invalid */
++#define RJT_BAD_RXID 0x0C /* RX_ID invalid */
++#define RJT_BAD_SEQID 0x0D /* SEQ_ID invalid */
++#define RJT_BAD_DFCTL 0x0E /* DF_CTL invalid */
++#define RJT_BAD_SEQCNT 0x0F /* SEQ_CNT invalid */
++#define RJT_BAD_PARM 0x10 /* Param. field invalid */
++#define RJT_XCHG_ERR 0x11 /* Exchange error */
++#define RJT_PROT_ERR 0x12 /* Protocol error */
++#define RJT_BAD_LENGTH 0x13 /* Invalid Length */
++#define RJT_UNEXPECTED_ACK 0x14 /* Unexpected ACK */
++#define RJT_LOGIN_REQUIRED 0x16 /* Login required */
++#define RJT_TOO_MANY_SEQ 0x17 /* Excessive sequences */
++#define RJT_XCHG_NOT_STRT 0x18 /* Exchange not started */
++#define RJT_UNSUP_SEC_HDR 0x19 /* Security hdr not supported */
++#define RJT_UNAVAIL_PATH 0x1A /* Fabric Path not available */
++#define RJT_VENDOR_UNIQUE 0xFF /* Vendor unique error */
++#define IOERR_SUCCESS 0x00 /* statLocalError */
++#define IOERR_INVALID_RPI 0x04
++#define IOERR_NO_XRI 0x05
++#define IOERR_XCHG_DROPPED 0x07
++#define IOERR_ILLEGAL_FIELD 0x08
++#define IOERR_BAD_CONTINUE 0x09
++#define IOERR_TX_DMA_FAILED 0x0D
++#define IOERR_RX_DMA_FAILED 0x0E
++#define IOERR_EXTRA_DATA 0x10
++#define IOERR_NO_RESOURCES 0x11
++#define IOERR_RESERVED 0x12
++#define IOERR_RING_RESET 0x19
++#define IOERR_LINK_DOWN 0x1A
++#define IOERR_DUP_FRAME 0x1F
++#define IOERR_LINK_CONTROL_FRAME 0x20 /* ACK_N received */
++#define IOERR_DEFAULT 0x29
++#define IOERR_CNT 0x2A
++#define IOERR_DRVR_MASK 0x100
++#define IOERR_SLI_DOWN 0x101 /* ulpStatus - Driver defined */
++#define IOERR_SLI_BRESET 0x102
++#define IOERR_SLI_ABORTED 0x103
++typedef union {
++ struct {
++ uint8_t Rctl; /* R_CTL field */
++ uint8_t Type; /* TYPE field */
++ uint8_t Dfctl; /* DF_CTL field */
++ uint8_t Fctl; /* Bits 0-7 of IOCB word 5 */
++ uint8_t Fctl; /* Bits 0-7 of IOCB word 5 */
++ uint8_t Dfctl; /* DF_CTL field */
++ uint8_t Type; /* TYPE field */
++ uint8_t Rctl; /* R_CTL field */
++#define BC 0x02 /* Broadcast Received - Fctl */
++#define SI 0x04 /* Sequence Initiative */
++#define LA 0x08 /* Ignore Link Attention state */
++#define LS 0x80 /* Last Sequence */
++ } hcsw;
++ uint32_t reserved;
++} WORD5;
++/* IOCB Command template for a generic response */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t reserved[4];
++ PARM_ERR perr;
++/* IOCB Command template for XMIT / XMIT_BCAST / RCV_SEQUENCE / XMIT_ELS */
++typedef struct {
++ struct ulp_bde xrsqbde[2];
++ uint32_t xrsqRo; /* Starting Relative Offset */
++ WORD5 w5; /* Header control/status word */
++/* IOCB Command template for ELS_REQUEST */
++typedef struct {
++ struct ulp_bde elsReq;
++ struct ulp_bde elsRsp;
++ uint32_t word4Rsvd:7;
++ uint32_t fl:1;
++ uint32_t myID:24;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t myID:24;
++ uint32_t fl:1;
++ uint32_t word4Rsvd:7;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++/* IOCB Command template for RCV_ELS_REQ */
++typedef struct {
++ struct ulp_bde elsReq[2];
++ uint32_t parmRo;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++/* IOCB Command template for ABORT / CLOSE_XRI */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd[3];
++ uint32_t abortType;
++#define ABORT_TYPE_ABTX 0x00000000
++#define ABORT_TYPE_ABTS 0x00000001
++ uint32_t parm;
++ uint16_t abortContextTag; /* ulpContext from command to abort/close */
++ uint16_t abortIoTag; /* ulpIoTag from command to abort/close */
++ uint16_t abortIoTag; /* ulpIoTag from command to abort/close */
++ uint16_t abortContextTag; /* ulpContext from command to abort/close */
++} AC_XRI;
++/* IOCB Command template for ABORT_MXRI64 */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd[3];
++ uint32_t abortType;
++ uint32_t parm;
++ uint32_t iotag32;
++} A_MXRI64;
++/* IOCB Command template for GET_RPI */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t rsvd[4];
++ uint32_t parmRo;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++} GET_RPI;
++/* IOCB Command template for all FCP Initiator commands */
++typedef struct {
++ struct ulp_bde fcpi_cmnd; /* FCP_CMND payload descriptor */
++ struct ulp_bde fcpi_rsp; /* Rcv buffer */
++ uint32_t fcpi_parm;
++ uint32_t fcpi_XRdy; /* transfer ready for IWRITE */
++/* IOCB Command template for all FCP Target commands */
++typedef struct {
++ struct ulp_bde fcpt_Buffer[2]; /* FCP_CMND payload descriptor */
++ uint32_t fcpt_Offset;
++ uint32_t fcpt_Length; /* transfer ready for IWRITE */
++/* SLI-2 IOCB structure definitions */
++/* IOCB Command template for 64 bit XMIT / XMIT_BCAST / XMIT_ELS */
++typedef struct {
++ ULP_BDL bdl;
++ uint32_t xrsqRo; /* Starting Relative Offset */
++ WORD5 w5; /* Header control/status word */
++/* IOCB Command template for 64 bit RCV_SEQUENCE64 */
++typedef struct {
++ struct ulp_bde64 rcvBde;
++ uint32_t rsvd1;
++ uint32_t xrsqRo; /* Starting Relative Offset */
++ WORD5 w5; /* Header control/status word */
++/* IOCB Command template for ELS_REQUEST64 */
++typedef struct {
++ ULP_BDL bdl;
++ uint32_t word4Rsvd:7;
++ uint32_t fl:1;
++ uint32_t myID:24;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t myID:24;
++ uint32_t fl:1;
++ uint32_t word4Rsvd:7;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++/* IOCB Command template for GEN_REQUEST64 */
++typedef struct {
++ ULP_BDL bdl;
++ uint32_t xrsqRo; /* Starting Relative Offset */
++ WORD5 w5; /* Header control/status word */
++/* IOCB Command template for RCV_ELS_REQ64 */
++typedef struct {
++ struct ulp_bde64 elsReq;
++ uint32_t rcvd1;
++ uint32_t parmRo;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t remoteID:24;
++ uint32_t word5Rsvd:8;
++} RCV_ELS_REQ64;
++/* IOCB Command template for all 64 bit FCP Initiator commands */
++typedef struct {
++ ULP_BDL bdl;
++ uint32_t fcpi_parm;
++ uint32_t fcpi_XRdy; /* transfer ready for IWRITE */
++/* IOCB Command template for all 64 bit FCP Target commands */
++typedef struct {
++ ULP_BDL bdl;
++ uint32_t fcpt_Offset;
++ uint32_t fcpt_Length; /* transfer ready for IWRITE */
++typedef volatile struct _IOCB { /* IOCB structure */
++ union {
++ GENERIC_RSP grsp; /* Generic response */
++ struct ulp_bde cont[3]; /* up to 3 continuation bdes */
++ RCV_ELS_REQ rcvels; /* RCV_ELS_REQ template */
++ AC_XRI acxri; /* ABORT / CLOSE_XRI template */
++ A_MXRI64 amxri; /* abort multiple xri command overlay */
++ GET_RPI getrpi; /* GET_RPI template */
++ FCPI_FIELDS fcpi; /* FCP Initiator template */
++ FCPT_FIELDS fcpt; /* FCP target template */
++ /* SLI-2 structures */
++ struct ulp_bde64 cont64[2]; /* up to 2 64 bit continuation
++ bde_64s */
++ ELS_REQUEST64 elsreq64; /* ELS_REQUEST template */
++ GEN_REQUEST64 genreq64; /* GEN_REQUEST template */
++ RCV_ELS_REQ64 rcvels64; /* RCV_ELS_REQ template */
++ XMT_SEQ_FIELDS64 xseq64; /* XMIT / BCAST cmd */
++ FCPI_FIELDS64 fcpi64; /* FCP 64 bit Initiator template */
++ FCPT_FIELDS64 fcpt64; /* FCP 64 bit target template */
++ uint32_t ulpWord[IOCB_WORD_SZ - 2]; /* generic 6 'words' */
++ } un;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ uint16_t ulpContext; /* High order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpIoTag; /* Low order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpIoTag; /* Low order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpContext; /* High order bits word 6 */
++ } t1;
++ struct {
++ uint16_t ulpContext; /* High order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpIoTag1:2; /* Low order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpIoTag0:14; /* Low order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpIoTag0:14; /* Low order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpIoTag1:2; /* Low order bits word 6 */
++ uint16_t ulpContext; /* High order bits word 6 */
++ } t2;
++ } un1;
++#define ulpContext un1.t1.ulpContext
++#define ulpIoTag un1.t1.ulpIoTag
++#define ulpIoTag0 un1.t2.ulpIoTag0
++ uint32_t ulpTimeout:8;
++ uint32_t ulpXS:1;
++ uint32_t ulpFCP2Rcvy:1;
++ uint32_t ulpPU:2;
++ uint32_t ulpIr:1;
++ uint32_t ulpClass:3;
++ uint32_t ulpCommand:8;
++ uint32_t ulpStatus:4;
++ uint32_t ulpBdeCount:2;
++ uint32_t ulpLe:1;
++ uint32_t ulpOwner:1; /* Low order bit word 7 */
++ uint32_t ulpOwner:1; /* Low order bit word 7 */
++ uint32_t ulpLe:1;
++ uint32_t ulpBdeCount:2;
++ uint32_t ulpStatus:4;
++ uint32_t ulpCommand:8;
++ uint32_t ulpClass:3;
++ uint32_t ulpIr:1;
++ uint32_t ulpPU:2;
++ uint32_t ulpFCP2Rcvy:1;
++ uint32_t ulpXS:1;
++ uint32_t ulpTimeout:8;
++#define PARM_UNUSED 0 /* PU field (Word 4) not used */
++#define PARM_REL_OFF 1 /* PU field (Word 4) = R. O. */
++#define PARM_READ_CHECK 2 /* PU field (Word 4) = Data Transfer Length */
++#define CLASS1 0 /* Class 1 */
++#define CLASS2 1 /* Class 2 */
++#define CLASS3 2 /* Class 3 */
++#define CLASS_FCP_INTERMIX 7 /* FCP Data->Cls 1, all else->Cls 2 */
++#define IOSTAT_SUCCESS 0x0 /* ulpStatus - HBA defined */
++#define IOSTAT_FCP_RSP_ERROR 0x1
++#define IOSTAT_REMOTE_STOP 0x2
++#define IOSTAT_NPORT_RJT 0x4
++#define IOSTAT_FABRIC_RJT 0x5
++#define IOSTAT_NPORT_BSY 0x6
++#define IOSTAT_FABRIC_BSY 0x7
++#define IOSTAT_LS_RJT 0x9
++#define IOSTAT_BA_RJT 0xA
++#define IOSTAT_RSVD1 0xB
++#define IOSTAT_RSVD2 0xC
++#define IOSTAT_RSVD3 0xD
++#define IOSTAT_RSVD4 0xE
++#define IOSTAT_RSVD5 0xF
++#define IOSTAT_DRIVER_REJECT 0x10 /* ulpStatus - Driver defined */
++#define IOSTAT_DEFAULT 0xF /* Same as rsvd5 for now */
++#define IOSTAT_CNT 0x11
++} IOCB_t;
++#define SLI1_SLIM_SIZE (4 * 1024)
++/* Up to 498 IOCBs will fit into 16k
++ * 256 (MAILBOX_t) + 140 (PCB_t) + ( 32 (IOCB_t) * 498 ) = < 16384
++ */
++#define SLI2_SLIM_SIZE (16 * 1024)
++/* Maximum IOCBs that will fit in SLI2 slim */
++#define MAX_SLI2_IOCB 498
++struct lpfc_sli2_slim {
++ MAILBOX_t mbx;
++ PCB_t pcb;
++This macro check PCI device to allow special handling for LC HBAs.
++device : struct pci_dev 's device field
++return 1 => TRUE
++ 0 => FALSE
++ *******************************************************************/
++static inline int
++lpfc_is_LC_HBA(unsigned short device)
++ if ((device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_TFLY) ||
++ (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_PFLY) ||
++ (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_LP101) ||
++ (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_BMID) ||
++ (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_BSMB) ||
++ (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZMID) ||
++ (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_ZSMB) ||
++ (device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_RFLY))
++ return 1;
++ else
++ return 0;
++#endif /* _H_LPFC_HW */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_logmsg.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++ * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for *
++ * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. *
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Emulex. All rights reserved. *
++ * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. *
++ * *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
++ * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General *
++ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
++ * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. See the GNU General Public License for *
++ * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING *
++ * included with this package. *
++ *******************************************************************/
++ * $Id: lpfc_logmsg.h 2005/06/13 17:16:30EDT sf_support Exp $
++ */
++#ifndef _H_LPFC_LOGMSG
++#define _H_LPFC_LOGMSG
++#define LOG_ELS 0x1 /* ELS events */
++#define LOG_DISCOVERY 0x2 /* Link discovery events */
++#define LOG_MBOX 0x4 /* Mailbox events */
++#define LOG_INIT 0x8 /* Initialization events */
++#define LOG_LINK_EVENT 0x10 /* Link events */
++#define LOG_IP 0x20 /* IP traffic history */
++#define LOG_FCP 0x40 /* FCP traffic history */
++#define LOG_NODE 0x80 /* Node table events */
++#define LOG_MISC 0x400 /* Miscellaneous events */
++#define LOG_SLI 0x800 /* SLI events */
++#define LOG_CHK_COND 0x1000 /* FCP Check condition flag */
++#define LOG_LIBDFC 0x2000 /* Libdfc events */
++#define LOG_ALL_MSG 0xffff /* LOG all messages */
++#define lpfc_printf_log(phba, level, mask, fmt, arg...) \
++ { if (((mask) &(phba)->cfg_log_verbose) || (level[1] <= '3')) \
++ dev_printk(level, &((phba)->pcidev)->dev, fmt, ##arg); }
+--- linux- 2005-10-25 14:49:22.457611512 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/Makefile 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -129,6 +132,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SATA_VITESSE) += libat
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SATA_SIS) += libata.o sata_sis.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SATA_SX4) += libata.o sata_sx4.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SATA_NV) += libata.o sata_nv.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_LPFC) += lpfc/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_ARM) += arm/
+--- linux- 2005-10-25 13:18:59.017099792 +0400
++++ rhel4u2//drivers/scsi/Kconfig 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -599,6 +621,13 @@ config SCSI_EATA_PIO
+ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+ module will be called eata_pio.
++config SCSI_LPFC
++ tristate "Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel Support"
++ depends on PCI && SCSI
++ help
++ This lpfc driver supports the Emulex LightPulse
++ family of Fibre Channel PCI host adapters.
+ tristate "Future Domain 16xx SCSI/AHA-2920A support"
+ depends on (ISA || PCI) && SCSI
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5112_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5112_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c153688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5112_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,36493 @@
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_os.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#ifndef _QL4_OS_H_
++#define _QL4_OS_H_
++#define __KERNEL_SYSCALLS__
++#define SHUTDOWN_SIGS (sigmask(SIGHUP))
++#define HOST_STS_TBL(){ \
++ "DID_OK", \
++ "DID_BUS_BUSY", \
++ "DID_TIME_OUT", \
++ "DID_ABORT", \
++ "DID_PARITY", \
++ "DID_ERROR", \
++ "DID_RESET", \
++ "DID_BAD_INTR", \
++ NULL \
++/* We use the Scsi_Pointer structure that's included with each command
++ * SCSI_Cmnd as a scratchpad for our SRB.
++ */
++#define CMD_SP(Cmnd) ((Cmnd)->SCp.ptr)
++/* Additional fields used by ioctl passthru */
++#define CMD_PASSTHRU_TYPE(Cmnd) (((Cmnd)->SCp.buffer))
++#define CMD_COMPL_STATUS(Cmnd) ((Cmnd)->SCp.this_residual)
++#define CMD_RESID_LEN(Cmnd) ((Cmnd)->SCp.buffers_residual)
++#define CMD_SCSI_STATUS(Cmnd) ((Cmnd)->SCp.Status)
++#define CMD_ACTUAL_SNSLEN(Cmnd) ((Cmnd)->SCp.have_data_in)
++#define CMD_HOST_STATUS(Cmnd) ((Cmnd)->SCp.Message)
++#define CMD_ISCSI_RESPONSE(Cmnd)((Cmnd)->SCp.sent_command)
++#define CMD_STATE_FLAGS(Cmnd) ((Cmnd)->SCp.phase)
++ * SCSI definitions not defined in Linux's scsi.h
++ */
++/* The SCSISTAT values are defined in scsi.h,
++ * but the values are shifted by one bit.
++ * We re-define them here without bit shifting
++ * to minimize confusion */
++#define SCSISTAT_GOOD 0x00
++#define SCSISTAT_BUSY 0x08
++#define SCSISTAT_QUEUE_FULL 0x28
++/* SAM-II compliant lun structure */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t bus_identifier:6;
++ uint8_t address_method:2;
++ uint8_t single_level_lun;
++ uint16_t second_level_lun;
++ uint16_t third_level_lun;
++ uint16_t fourth_level_lun;
++} single_level_lun_t;
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t lun_list_length;
++ uint8_t reserved[4];
++ single_level_lun_t lun[MAX_LUNS];
++} report_luns_t;
++ * Declarations for load module
++ *
++ * Scsi_Host_template (see drivers/scsi/hosts.h)
++ * Device driver Interfaces to mid-level SCSI driver.
++ */
++#if 0
++//FIXME: Add above, then test
++#endif /* _QL4_OS_H_ */
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_foio.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@
++* QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++* (
++* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++* later version.
++* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++* General Public License for more details.
++ * Issues requests for failover module
++ ****************************************/
++// #include "qla_os.h"
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++// #include "qlfo.h"
++#include "qlfolimits.h"
++#include "ql4_foln.h"
++ * Function Prototypes.
++ */
++int qla4xxx_issue_scsi_inquiry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun );
++int qla4xxx_test_active_lun(fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun);
++int qla4xxx_get_wwuln_from_device(mp_host_t *host, fc_lun_t *fclun,
++ char *evpd_buf, int wwlun_size);
++fc_lun_t * qla4xxx_cfg_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun,
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma);
++qla4xxx_lun_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport);
++static int
++qla4xxx_inquiry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun, inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma);
++int qla4xxx_rpt_lun_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport,
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma);
++static int qla4xxx_report_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport,
++ rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t *rlc, dma_addr_t rlc_dma);
++qla4xxx_spinup(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun);
++ * qla4xxx_get_wwuln_from_device
++ * Issue SCSI inquiry page code 0x83 command for LUN WWLUN_NAME.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * fcport = FC port structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * 0 - Failed to get the lun_wwlun_name
++ * Otherwise : wwlun_size
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_get_wwuln_from_device(mp_host_t *host, fc_lun_t *fclun,
++ char *evpd_buf, int wwlun_size)
++ evpd_inq_cmd_rsp_t *pkt;
++ int rval, rval1;
++ dma_addr_t phys_address = 0;
++ int retries;
++ uint8_t comp_status;
++ uint8_t scsi_status;
++ uint8_t iscsi_flags;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry = fclun->fcport->ddbptr;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ //printk("%s entered\n",__func__);
++ rval = 0; /* failure */
++ if (atomic_read(&fclun->fcport->state) == FCS_DEVICE_DEAD){
++ DEBUG(printk("%s leaving: Port is marked DEAD\n",__func__);)
++ return rval;
++ }
++ memset(evpd_buf, 0 ,wwlun_size);
++ ha = host->ha;
++ pkt = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ sizeof(evpd_inq_cmd_rsp_t), &phys_address);
++ if (pkt == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "scsi(%d): Memory Allocation failed - INQ\n",
++ ha->host_no);
++ ha->mem_err++;
++ return rval;
++ }
++ for (retries = 3; retries; retries--) {
++ memset(pkt, 0, sizeof(evpd_inq_cmd_rsp_t));
++ pkt->p.cmd.hdr.entryType = ET_COMMAND;
++ pkt->p.cmd.hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ pkt->p.cmd.lun[1] = LSB(cpu_to_le16(fclun->lun)); /*SAMII compliant lun*/
++ pkt->p.cmd.lun[2] = MSB(cpu_to_le16(fclun->lun));
++ pkt-> = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ pkt->p.cmd.control_flags =(CF_READ | CF_SIMPLE_TAG);
++ pkt->p.cmd.cdb[0] = INQUIRY;
++ pkt->p.cmd.cdb[1] = INQ_EVPD_SET;
++ pkt->p.cmd.cdb[2] = INQ_DEV_IDEN_PAGE;
++ pkt->p.cmd.cdb[4] = VITAL_PRODUCT_DATA_SIZE;
++ pkt->p.cmd.dataSegCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le16(1);
++ pkt->p.cmd.timeout = __constant_cpu_to_le16(10);
++ pkt->p.cmd.ttlByteCnt =
++ __constant_cpu_to_le32(VITAL_PRODUCT_DATA_SIZE);
++ pkt->p.cmd.dataseg[0].base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(
++ LSDW(phys_address + sizeof(STATUS_ENTRY)));
++ pkt->p.cmd.dataseg[0].base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(
++ MSDW(phys_address + sizeof(STATUS_ENTRY)));
++ pkt->p.cmd.dataseg[0].count =
++ __constant_cpu_to_le32(VITAL_PRODUCT_DATA_SIZE);
++ /* If in connection mode, bump sequence number */
++ if ((ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_SESSION_MODE) != 0) {
++ ddb_entry->CmdSn++;
++ }
++ pkt->p.cmd.cmdSeqNum = cpu_to_le32(ddb_entry->CmdSn);
++ rval1 = qla4xxx_issue_iocb(ha, pkt,
++ phys_address, sizeof(evpd_inq_cmd_rsp_t));
++ comp_status = pkt->p.rsp.completionStatus;
++ scsi_status = pkt->p.rsp.scsiStatus;
++ iscsi_flags = pkt->p.rsp.iscsiFlags;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: lun (%d) inquiry page 0x83- "
++ " comp status 0x%x, "
++ "scsi status 0x%x, iscsi flags=0x%x, rval=%d\n"
++ ,__func__,
++ fclun->lun, comp_status, scsi_status, iscsi_flags,
++ rval1);)
++ DEBUG2(printk("pkt resp len %d, bidi len %d \n",
++ pkt->p.rsp.residualByteCnt,
++ pkt->p.rsp.bidiResidualByteCnt);)
++ if (rval1 != QLA_SUCCESS || comp_status != SCS_COMPLETE ||
++ scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
++ if (scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): INQ "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[0],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[1],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[2],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[3],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[4],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[5],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[6],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[7]));
++ }
++ /* Device underrun, treat as OK. */
++ if (rval1 == QLA_SUCCESS &&
++ comp_status == SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN &&
++ iscsi_flags & ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_UNDER) {
++ /* rval1 = QLA_SUCCESS; */
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ rval1 = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (rval1 == QLA_SUCCESS &&
++ pkt->inq[1] == INQ_DEV_IDEN_PAGE ) {
++ if( pkt->inq[7] <= WWLUN_SIZE ){
++ memcpy(evpd_buf,&pkt->inq[8], pkt->inq[7]);
++ rval = pkt->inq[7] ; /* lun wwlun_size */
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s : Lun(%d) WWLUN size %d\n",__func__,
++ fclun->lun,pkt->inq[7]);)
++ } else {
++ memcpy(evpd_buf,&pkt->inq[8], WWLUN_SIZE);
++ rval = WWLUN_SIZE;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s : Lun(%d) WWLUN may "
++ "not be complete, Buffer too small"
++ " need: %d provided: %d\n",__func__,
++ fclun->lun,pkt->inq[7],WWLUN_SIZE);
++ }
++ DEBUG2(qla4xxx_dump_buffer(evpd_buf, rval);)
++ } else {
++ if (scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
++ /*
++ * INVALID FIELD IN CDB - 24 : 00
++ */
++ if(pkt->p.rsp.senseData[2] == 0x05 &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[12] == 0x24 &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[13] == 0x00 ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s Lun(%d) does not"
++ " support Inquiry Page Code-0x83\n",
++ __func__,fclun->lun);)
++ } else {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s Lun(%d) does not"
++ " support Inquiry Page Code-0x83\n",
++ __func__,fclun->lun);)
++ DEBUG2(printk( KERN_INFO "Unhandled check "
++ "condition sense_data[2]=0x%x"
++ " sense_data[12]=0x%x "
++ "sense_data[13]=0x%x\n",
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[2],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[12],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[13]);)
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Unable to issue Inquiry Page 0x83 */
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "%s Failed to issue Inquiry Page 0x83 -- lun (%d) "
++ "cs=0x%x ss=0x%x, rval=%d\n",
++ __func__, fclun->lun, comp_status, scsi_status,
++ rval);)
++ }
++ rval = 0 ;
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(evpd_inq_cmd_rsp_t),
++ pkt, phys_address);
++ //printk("%s exit\n",__func__);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return rval;
++ * qla4xxx_inquiry
++ * Issue SCSI inquiry command.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * fcport = FC port structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * 0 - Success
++ * BIT_0 - error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static int
++qla4xxx_inquiry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport,
++ uint16_t lun, inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma)
++ int rval, rval1;
++ uint16_t retries;
++ uint8_t comp_status;
++ uint8_t scsi_status;
++ uint8_t iscsi_flags;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ for (retries = 3; retries; retries--) {
++ memset(inq, 0, sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t));
++ inq->p.cmd.hdr.entryType = ET_COMMAND;
++ /* rlc->p.cmd.handle = 1; */
++ /* 8 byte lun number */
++ inq->p.cmd.lun[1] = LSB(cpu_to_le16(lun)); /*SAMII compliant lun*/
++ inq->p.cmd.lun[2] = MSB(cpu_to_le16(lun));
++ inq->p.cmd.hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ inq-> = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ inq->p.cmd.control_flags =(CF_READ | CF_SIMPLE_TAG);
++ inq->p.cmd.cdb[0] = INQUIRY;
++ inq->p.cmd.cdb[4] = INQ_DATA_SIZE;
++ inq->p.cmd.dataSegCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le16(1);
++ inq->p.cmd.timeout = __constant_cpu_to_le16(10);
++ inq->p.cmd.ttlByteCnt =
++ __constant_cpu_to_le32(INQ_DATA_SIZE);
++ inq->p.cmd.dataseg[0].base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(
++ LSDW(inq_dma + sizeof(STATUS_ENTRY)));
++ inq->p.cmd.dataseg[0].base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(
++ MSDW(inq_dma + sizeof(STATUS_ENTRY)));
++ inq->p.cmd.dataseg[0].count =
++ __constant_cpu_to_le32(INQ_DATA_SIZE);
++ /* rlc->p.cmd.lun[8]; always lun 0 */
++ /* If in connection mode, bump sequence number */
++ if ((ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_SESSION_MODE) != 0) {
++ ddb_entry->CmdSn++;
++ }
++ inq->p.cmd.cmdSeqNum = cpu_to_le32(ddb_entry->CmdSn);
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): Lun Inquiry - fcport=[%04x/%p],"
++ " lun (%d)\n",
++ ha->host_no, fcport->loop_id, fcport, lun));
++ rval1 = qla4xxx_issue_iocb(ha, inq, inq_dma,
++ sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t));
++ comp_status = inq->p.rsp.completionStatus;
++ scsi_status = inq->p.rsp.scsiStatus;
++ iscsi_flags = inq->p.rsp.iscsiFlags;
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): lun (%d) inquiry - "
++ "inq[0]= 0x%x, comp status 0x%x, scsi status 0x%x, "
++ "rval=%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, lun, inq->inq[0], comp_status, scsi_status,
++ rval1));
++ if (rval1 != QLA_SUCCESS || comp_status != SCS_COMPLETE ||
++ scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): INQ failed to issue iocb! "
++ "fcport=[%04x/%p] rval=%x cs=%x ss=%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, fcport->loop_id, fcport, rval1,
++ comp_status, scsi_status));
++ if (scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): INQ "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[0],
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[1],
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[2],
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[3],
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[4],
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[5],
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[6],
++ inq->p.rsp.senseData[7]));
++ }
++ /* Device underrun, treat as OK. */
++ if (rval1 == QLA_SUCCESS &&
++ comp_status == SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN &&
++ iscsi_flags & ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_UNDER) {
++ rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return (rval);
++qla4xxx_issue_scsi_inquiry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun )
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *pkt;
++ dma_addr_t phys_address = 0;
++ int ret = 0;
++ pkt = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t), &phys_address);
++ if (pkt == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "scsi(%d): Memory Allocation failed - INQ\n", ha->host_no);
++ ha->mem_err++;
++ return BIT_0;
++ }
++ if ( qla4xxx_inquiry(ha, fcport,
++ fclun->lun, pkt, phys_address) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Failed lun inquiry - "
++ "inq[0]= 0x%x, "
++ "\n",
++ __func__,pkt->inq[0]);)
++ ret = 1;
++ } else {
++ fclun->device_type = pkt->inq[0];
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t), pkt, phys_address);
++ return (ret);
++qla4xxx_test_active_lun(fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun)
++ tur_cmd_rsp_t *pkt;
++ int rval = 0 ;
++ dma_addr_t phys_address = 0;
++ int retry;
++ uint8_t comp_status;
++ uint8_t scsi_status;
++ uint8_t iscsi_flags;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ uint16_t lun = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ ha = fcport->ha;
++ if (atomic_read(&fcport->state) == FCS_DEVICE_DEAD){
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d) %s leaving: Port loop_id 0x%02x is marked DEAD\n",
++ ha->host_no,__func__,fcport->loop_id);)
++ return rval;
++ }
++ if ( fclun == NULL ){
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d) %s Bad fclun ptr on entry.\n",
++ ha->host_no,__func__);)
++ return rval;
++ }
++ lun = fclun->lun;
++ pkt = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t), &phys_address);
++ if (pkt == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "scsi(%d): Memory Allocation failed - TUR\n",
++ ha->host_no);
++ ha->mem_err++;
++ return rval;
++ }
++ retry = 4;
++ do {
++ memset(pkt, 0, sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t));
++ pkt->p.cmd.hdr.entryType = ET_COMMAND;
++ /* 8 byte lun number */
++ pkt->p.cmd.lun[1] = LSB(cpu_to_le16(lun)); /*SAMII compliant lun*/
++ pkt->p.cmd.lun[2] = MSB(cpu_to_le16(lun));
++ /* rlc->p.cmd.handle = 1; */
++ pkt->p.cmd.hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ pkt-> = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ pkt->p.cmd.control_flags = (CF_NO_DATA | CF_SIMPLE_TAG);
++ pkt->p.cmd.cdb[0] = TEST_UNIT_READY;
++ pkt->p.cmd.dataSegCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le16(0);
++ pkt->p.cmd.timeout = __constant_cpu_to_le16(10);
++ pkt->p.cmd.ttlByteCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le32(0);
++ /* If in connection mode, bump sequence number */
++ if ((ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_SESSION_MODE) != 0)
++ ddb_entry->CmdSn++;
++ pkt->p.cmd.cmdSeqNum = cpu_to_le32(ddb_entry->CmdSn);
++ rval = qla4xxx_issue_iocb(ha, pkt, phys_address,
++ sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t));
++ comp_status = pkt->p.rsp.completionStatus;
++ scsi_status = pkt->p.rsp.scsiStatus;
++ iscsi_flags = pkt->p.rsp.iscsiFlags;
++#if 0
++ if (rval != QLA_SUCCESS || comp_status != SCS_COMPLETE ||
++ (scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) ) {
++ /* Device underrun, treat as OK. */
++ if (rval == QLA_SUCCESS &&
++ comp_status == SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN &&
++ iscsi_flags & ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_UNDER) {
++ rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Port Logged Out, so don't retry */
++ if (comp_status == SCS_DEVICE_LOGGED_OUT ||
++ comp_status == SCS_INCOMPLETE ||
++ comp_status == SCS_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE ||
++ comp_status == SCS_DEVICE_CONFIG_CHANGED )
++ break;
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi(%ld:%04x:%d) %s: TEST UNIT READY - comp "
++ "status 0x%x, scsi status 0x%x, rval=%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ fcport->loop_id, lun,__func__, comp_status, scsi_status,
++ rval));
++ if ((scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: check status bytes = "
++ "0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", __func__,
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[2],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[12],
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[13]));
++ if (pkt->p.rsp.senseData[2] == NOT_READY &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[12] == 0x4 &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[13] == 0x2)
++ break;
++ }
++ } while ((rval != QLA_SUCCESS || comp_status != SCS_COMPLETE ||
++ (scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION)) && retry--);
++ if (rval == QLA_SUCCESS &&
++ (!((scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) &&
++ (pkt->p.rsp.senseData[2] == NOT_READY &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[12] == 0x4 &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.senseData[13] == 0x2)) &&
++ comp_status == SCS_COMPLETE)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d) %s - Lun (0x%02x:%d) set to ACTIVE.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fcport->loop_id, lun));
++ /* We found an active path */
++ fclun->flags |= FLF_ACTIVE_LUN;
++ rval = 1;
++ } else {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d) %s - Lun (0x%02x:%d) set to "
++ "INACTIVE.\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ fcport->loop_id, lun));
++ /* fcport->flags &= ~(FCF_MSA_PORT_ACTIVE); */
++ fclun->flags &= ~(FLF_ACTIVE_LUN);
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t), pkt, phys_address);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return rval;
++static fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_find_data_lun(fc_port_t *fcport)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun, *ret_fclun;
++ ha = fcport->ha;
++ ret_fclun = NULL;
++ /* Go thur all luns and find a good data lun */
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns, list) {
++ fclun->flags &= ~FLF_VISIBLE_LUN;
++ if (fclun->device_type == 0xff)
++ qla4xxx_issue_scsi_inquiry(ha, fcport, fclun);
++ if (fclun->device_type == 0xc)
++ fclun->flags |= FLF_VISIBLE_LUN;
++ else if (fclun->device_type == TYPE_DISK) {
++ ret_fclun = fclun;
++ }
++ }
++ return (ret_fclun);
++ * qla4xxx_test_active_port
++ * Determines if the port is in active or standby mode. First, we
++ * need to locate a storage lun then do a TUR on it.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * fcport = port structure pointer.
++ *
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * 0 - Standby or error
++ * 1 - Active
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_test_active_port(fc_port_t *fcport)
++ tur_cmd_rsp_t *pkt;
++ int rval = 0 ;
++ dma_addr_t phys_address = 0;
++ int retry;
++ uint16_t comp_status;
++ uint16_t scsi_status;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ uint16_t lun = 0;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ ha = fcport->ha;
++ if (atomic_read(&fcport->state) == FCS_DEVICE_DEAD) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%ld) %s leaving: Port 0x%02x is marked "
++ "DEAD\n", ha->host_no,__func__,fcport->loop_id);)
++ return rval;
++ }
++ if ((fclun = qla4xxx_find_data_lun(fcport)) == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s leaving: Couldn't find data lun\n",
++ __func__);)
++ return rval;
++ }
++ lun = fclun->lun;
++ pkt = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t),
++ &phys_address);
++ if (pkt == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "scsi(%ld): Memory Allocation failed - TUR\n",
++ ha->host_no);
++ ha->mem_err++;
++ return rval;
++ }
++ retry = 4;
++ do {
++ memset(pkt, 0, sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t));
++ //pkt->p.cmd.entry_type = COMMAND_A64_TYPE;
++ //pkt->p.cmd.entry_count = 1;
++ //pkt->p.cmd.lun = cpu_to_le16(lun);
++ // SET_TARGET_ID(ha, pkt->, fcport->loop_id);
++ pkt->p.cmd.hdr.entryType = ET_COMMAND;
++ /* 8 byte lun number */
++ pkt->p.cmd.lun[1] = LSB(cpu_to_le16(lun)); /*SAMII compliant lun*/
++ pkt->p.cmd.lun[2] = MSB(cpu_to_le16(lun));
++ pkt-> = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ pkt->p.cmd.control_flags = CF_SIMPLE_TAG;
++ pkt->p.cmd.scsi_cdb[0] = TEST_UNIT_READY;
++ pkt->p.cmd.dataSegCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le16(0);
++ pkt->p.cmd.timeout = __constant_cpu_to_le16(10);
++ pkt->p.cmd.ttlByteCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le32(0);
++ rval = qla4xxx_issue_iocb(ha, pkt, phys_address,
++ sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t));
++ comp_status = le16_to_cpu(pkt->p.rsp.comp_status);
++ scsi_status = le16_to_cpu(pkt->p.rsp.scsi_status);
++ /* Port Logged Out, so don't retry */
++ if (comp_status == CS_PORT_LOGGED_OUT ||
++ comp_status == CS_PORT_CONFIG_CHG ||
++ comp_status == CS_PORT_BUSY ||
++ comp_status == CS_INCOMPLETE ||
++ comp_status == CS_PORT_UNAVAILABLE)
++ break;
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi(%ld:%04x:%d) %s: TEST UNIT READY - comp "
++ "status 0x%x, scsi status 0x%x, rval=%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ fcport->loop_id, lun,__func__, comp_status, scsi_status,
++ rval));
++ if ((scsi_status & SS_CHECK_CONDITION)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: check status bytes = "
++ "0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", __func__,
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[2],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[12],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[13]));
++ if (pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[2] == NOT_READY &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[12] == 0x4 &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[13] == 0x2)
++ break;
++ }
++ } while ((rval != QLA_SUCCESS || comp_status != CS_COMPLETE ||
++ (scsi_status & SS_CHECK_CONDITION)) && retry--);
++ if (rval == QLA_SUCCESS &&
++ (!((scsi_status & SS_CHECK_CONDITION) &&
++ (pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[2] == NOT_READY &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[12] == 0x4 &&
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[13] == 0x2 ) ) &&
++ comp_status == CS_COMPLETE)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%ld) %s - Port (0x%04x) set to ACTIVE.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fcport->loop_id));
++ /* We found an active path */
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_MSA_PORT_ACTIVE;
++ rval = 1;
++ } else {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%ld) %s - Port (0x%04x) set to INACTIVE.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fcport->loop_id));
++ fcport->flags &= ~(FCF_MSA_PORT_ACTIVE);
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(tur_cmd_rsp_t), pkt, phys_address);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return rval;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_lun
++ * Configures LUN into fcport LUN list.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * fcport: FC port structure pointer.
++ * lun: LUN number.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_cfg_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun,
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma)
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ uint8_t device_type;
++ /* Bypass LUNs that failed. */
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_inquiry(ha, fcport, lun, inq, inq_dma) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): Failed inquiry - loop id=0x%04x "
++ "lun=%d\n", ha->host_no, fcport->loop_id, lun));
++ return (NULL);
++ }
++ }
++ device_type = inq->inq[0] & 0x1f;
++ switch (device_type) {
++ case TYPE_DISK:
++ break;
++ case TYPE_WORM:
++ case TYPE_ROM:
++ case TYPE_MOD:
++ case 0x20:
++ case 0x0C:
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_NONFO_DEVICE;
++ break;
++ case TYPE_TAPE:
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_TAPE_PRESENT;
++ break;
++ default:
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): Unsupported lun type -- "
++ "loop id=0x%04x lun=%d type=%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, fcport->loop_id, lun, inq->inq[0]));
++ return (NULL);
++ }
++ fcport->device_type = device_type;
++ /* Does this port require special failover handling? */
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ fcport->cfg_id = qla4xxx_cfg_lookup_device(&inq->inq[0]);
++ qla4xxx_set_device_flags(ha, fcport);
++ }
++ fclun = qla4xxx_add_fclun(fcport, lun);
++ if (fclun != NULL) {
++ atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_ONLINE);
++ }
++ return (fclun);
++ * qla4xxx_lun_discovery
++ * Issue SCSI inquiry command for LUN discovery.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha: adapter state pointer.
++ * fcport: FC port structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_lun_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport)
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq;
++ dma_addr_t inq_dma;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ inq = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t), &inq_dma);
++ if (inq == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "Memory Allocation failed - INQ\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ /* If report LUN works, exit. */
++ if (qla4xxx_rpt_lun_discovery(ha, fcport, inq, inq_dma) !=
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS; lun++) {
++ /* Configure LUN. */
++ qla4xxx_cfg_lun(ha, fcport, lun, inq, inq_dma);
++ }
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t), inq, inq_dma);
++ * qla4xxx_rpt_lun_discovery
++ * Issue SCSI report LUN command for LUN discovery.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha: adapter state pointer.
++ * fcport: FC port structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla2x00 local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_rpt_lun_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport,
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma)
++ int rval;
++ uint32_t len, cnt;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t *rlc;
++ dma_addr_t rlc_dma;
++ /* Assume a failed status */
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ /* No point in continuing if the device doesn't support RLC */
++ if ((fcport->flags & FCF_RLC_SUPPORT) == 0)
++ return (rval);
++ rlc = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t),
++ &rlc_dma);
++ if (rlc == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "Memory Allocation failed - RLC");
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ rval = qla4xxx_report_lun(ha, fcport, rlc, rlc_dma);
++ if (rval != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t), rlc,
++ rlc_dma);
++ return (rval);
++ }
++ /* Always add a fc_lun_t structure for lun 0 -- mid-layer requirement */
++ qla4xxx_add_fclun(fcport, 0);
++ /* Configure LUN list. */
++ len = be32_to_cpu(rlc->list.hdr.len);
++ len /= 8;
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++) {
++ lun = CHAR_TO_SHORT(rlc->list.lst[cnt].lsb,
++ rlc->list.lst[cnt].msb.b);
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): RLC lun = (%d)\n", ha->host_no, lun));
++ /* We only support 0 through MAX_LUNS-1 range */
++ if (lun < MAX_LUNS) {
++ qla4xxx_cfg_lun(ha, fcport, lun, inq, inq_dma);
++ }
++ }
++ atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_ONLINE);
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t), rlc, rlc_dma);
++ return (rval);
++ * qla4xxx_report_lun
++ * Issue SCSI report LUN command.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha: adapter state pointer.
++ * fcport: FC port structure pointer.
++ * mem: pointer to dma memory object for report LUN IOCB
++ * packet.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla2x00 local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static int
++qla4xxx_report_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport,
++ rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t *rlc, dma_addr_t rlc_dma)
++ int rval;
++ uint16_t retries;
++ uint8_t comp_status;
++ uint8_t scsi_status;
++ uint8_t iscsi_flags;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ for (retries = 3; retries; retries--) {
++ memset(rlc, 0, sizeof(rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t));
++ rlc->p.cmd.hdr.entryType = ET_COMMAND;
++ /* rlc->p.cmd.handle = 1; */
++ rlc->p.cmd.hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ rlc-> = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ rlc->p.cmd.control_flags = (CF_READ | CF_SIMPLE_TAG);
++ rlc->p.cmd.cdb[0] = REPORT_LUNS;
++ rlc->p.cmd.cdb[8] = MSB(sizeof(rpt_lun_lst_t));
++ rlc->p.cmd.cdb[9] = LSB(sizeof(rpt_lun_lst_t));
++ rlc->p.cmd.dataSegCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le16(1);
++ rlc->p.cmd.timeout = __constant_cpu_to_le16(10);
++ rlc->p.cmd.ttlByteCnt =
++ __constant_cpu_to_le32(sizeof(rpt_lun_lst_t));
++ rlc->p.cmd.dataseg[0].base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(
++ LSDW(rlc_dma + sizeof(STATUS_ENTRY)));
++ rlc->p.cmd.dataseg[0].base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(
++ MSDW(rlc_dma + sizeof(STATUS_ENTRY)));
++ rlc->p.cmd.dataseg[0].count =
++ __constant_cpu_to_le32(sizeof(rpt_lun_lst_t));
++ /* rlc->p.cmd.lun[8]; always lun 0 */
++ /* If in connection mode, bump sequence number */
++ if ((ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_SESSION_MODE) != 0)
++ ddb_entry->CmdSn++;
++ rlc->p.cmd.cmdSeqNum = cpu_to_le32(ddb_entry->CmdSn);
++ rval = qla4xxx_issue_iocb(ha, rlc, rlc_dma,
++ sizeof(rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t));
++ comp_status = rlc->p.rsp.completionStatus;
++ scsi_status = rlc->p.rsp.scsiStatus;
++ iscsi_flags = rlc->p.rsp.iscsiFlags;
++ if (rval != QLA_SUCCESS ||
++ comp_status != SCS_COMPLETE ||
++ scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
++ /* Device underrun, treat as OK. */
++ if (rval == QLA_SUCCESS &&
++ comp_status == SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN &&
++ iscsi_flags & ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_UNDER) {
++ rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): RLC failed to issue iocb! "
++ "fcport=[%04x/%p] rval=%x cs=%x ss=%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, fcport->loop_id, fcport, rval,
++ comp_status, scsi_status));
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ if (scsi_status & SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): RLC "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[0],
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[1],
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[2],
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[3],
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[4],
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[5],
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[6],
++ rlc->p.rsp.senseData[7]));
++ if (rlc->p.rsp.senseData[2] ==
++ fcport->flags &= ~(FCF_RLC_SUPPORT);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return (rval);
++static int
++qla4xxx_spinup(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun)
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *pkt;
++ int rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ int count, retry;
++ dma_addr_t phys_address = 0;
++ uint16_t comp_status = CS_COMPLETE;
++ uint16_t scsi_status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ pkt = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t), &phys_address);
++ if (pkt == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "scsi(%ld): Memory Allocation failed - INQ\n",
++ ha->host_no);
++ }
++ count = 5;
++ retry = 5;
++ if (atomic_read(&fcport->state) != FCS_ONLINE) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%ld) %s leaving: Port 0x%02x is not ONLINE\n",
++ ha->host_no,__func__,fcport->loop_id);)
++ }
++ else do {
++ /* issue spinup */
++ memset(pkt, 0, sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t));
++ pkt->p.cmd.entry_type = COMMAND_A64_TYPE;
++ pkt->p.cmd.entry_count = 1;
++ /* 8 byte lun number */
++ inq->p.cmd.lun[1] = LSB(cpu_to_le16(lun)); /*SAMII compliant lun*/
++ inq->p.cmd.lun[2] = MSB(cpu_to_le16(lun));
++ SET_TARGET_ID(ha, pkt->, fcport->loop_id);
++ /* no direction for this command */
++ pkt->p.cmd.control_flags =
++ __constant_cpu_to_le16(CF_SIMPLE_TAG);
++ pkt->p.cmd.scsi_cdb[0] = START_STOP;
++ pkt->p.cmd.scsi_cdb[4] = 1; /* start spin cycle */
++ pkt->p.cmd.dseg_count = __constant_cpu_to_le16(0);
++ pkt->p.cmd.timeout = __constant_cpu_to_le16(20);
++ pkt->p.cmd.byte_count = __constant_cpu_to_le32(0);
++ rval = qla4xxx_issue_iocb(ha, pkt,
++ phys_address, sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t));
++ comp_status = le16_to_cpu(pkt->p.rsp.comp_status);
++ scsi_status = le16_to_cpu(pkt->p.rsp.scsi_status);
++ /* Port Logged Out, so don't retry */
++ if( comp_status == CS_PORT_LOGGED_OUT ||
++ comp_status == CS_PORT_CONFIG_CHG ||
++ comp_status == CS_PORT_BUSY ||
++ comp_status == CS_INCOMPLETE ||
++ comp_status == CS_PORT_UNAVAILABLE ) {
++ break;
++ }
++ if ( (scsi_status & SS_CHECK_CONDITION) ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(%ld): SS_CHECK_CONDITION "
++ "Sense Data "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x "
++ "%02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
++ __func__,
++ ha->host_no,
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[0],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[1],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[2],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[3],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[4],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[5],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[6],
++ pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[7]);)
++ if (pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[2] ==
++ (pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[12] == 4 ) &&
++ (pkt->p.rsp.req_sense_data[13] == 3 ) ) {
++ current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
++ schedule_timeout(HZ);
++ printk(".");
++ count--;
++ } else
++ retry--;
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla_fo(%ld): Sending Start - count %d, retry=%d"
++ "comp status 0x%x, "
++ "scsi status 0x%x, rval=%d\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ count,
++ retry,
++ comp_status,
++ scsi_status,
++ rval);
++ if ((rval != QLA_SUCCESS) || (comp_status != CS_COMPLETE))
++ retry--;
++ } while ( count && retry &&
++ (rval != QLA_SUCCESS ||
++ comp_status != CS_COMPLETE ||
++ (scsi_status & SS_CHECK_CONDITION)));
++ if (rval != QLA_SUCCESS ||
++ comp_status != CS_COMPLETE ||
++ (scsi_status & SS_CHECK_CONDITION)) {
++ DEBUG(printk("qla_fo(%ld): Failed spinup - "
++ "comp status 0x%x, "
++ "scsi status 0x%x. loop_id=%d\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ comp_status,
++ scsi_status,
++ fcport->loop_id);)
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(inq_cmd_rsp_t),
++ pkt, phys_address);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return( rval );
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_version.h 2005-03-16 00:12:53.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#define QLA4XXX_DRIVER_VERSION "5.00.02"
++#define QL4_DRIVER_MAJOR_VER 5
++#define QL4_DRIVER_MINOR_VER 0
++#define QL4_DRIVER_PATCH_VER 2
++#define QL4_DRIVER_BETA_VER 0
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/revision.notes 2005-03-16 00:12:24.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++ * QLogic ISP4010 Linux Driver Revision List File.
++ *
++ **************************************************
++ *
++ * Revision History
++ *
++ * Rev 5.00.02 DG
++ * - Released.
++ *
++ * Rev 5.00.02b8 KH
++ * - Added secure i/o fix.
++ *
++ * Rev 5.00.02b7 KH & DG
++ * - Fixed adapter recover logic
++ *
++ * Rev 5.00.02b6 KH & DG
++ * - Fixed 64-bit compilation warning
++ * - Fixed ioctl passthur code to create lun when it doesn't exists.
++ * - Fixed removal of "qla4xxx_conf" in
++ * - Fixed deadlock in reset_lun
++ *
++ * Rev 5.00.02b5 KH
++ * - Fixed issue enabling ISNS after obtaining ip address via DHCP.
++ *
++ * Rev 5.00.02b4 DG & KH
++ *
++ * - Change port_down_timer 60 secs to the KeepALive timer from init_cb.
++ * - Added new build procdure for all archs.
++ * - Fixed issues related to 64bit support and endiness support in the isns
++ * code.
++ *
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlnfoln.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
++* QLogic device driver for Linux 2.6.x+
++* Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++* (
++* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++* later version.
++* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++* General Public License for more details.
++#ifndef _QLNFOLN_H_
++#define _QLNFOLN_H_
++ * NextGen Failover ioctl command codes range from 0x37
++ * to 0x4f. See qlnfoln.h
++ ********************************************************/
++#define EXT_DEF_NFO_CC_START_IDX 0x37 /* NFO cmd start index */
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x37)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_FOM_PROP \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x38)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_HBA_INFO \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x39)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_DPG_PROP \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x3a)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x3b)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x3c)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_LB_INFO \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x3d)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_LB_POLICY \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x3e)
++#define EXT_CC_SET_LB_POLICY \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x3f)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_DPG_STATS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x40)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x41)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x42)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x43)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x44)
++#define EXT_CC_MOVE_PATH \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x45)
++#define EXT_CC_VERIFY_PATH \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x46)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x47)
++#define EXT_CC_ENABLE_FOM \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x48)
++#define EXT_CC_DISABLE_FOM \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x49)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x4a)
++#define EXT_DEF_NFO_CC_END_IDX 0x4a /* NFO cmd end index */
++typedef struct _EXT_IOCTL_NFO {
++ UINT8 Signature[NFO_DEF_SIGNATURE_SIZE]; /* 8 */
++ UINT16 AddrMode; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Version; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 SubCode; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Instance; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 Status; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 DetailStatus; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Reserved1; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 RequestLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 ResponseLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT64 RequestAdr; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 ResponseAdr; /* 8 */
++ UINT16 HbaSelect; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 VendorSpecificStatus[11]; /* 44 */
++ UINT8 VendorSpecificData[8]; /* 8 */
++ UINT32 Reserved2[8]; /* 32 */
++#endif /* _QLNFOLN_H_ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_fw.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * This file defines mailbox structures and definitions for the QLA4xxx
++ * iSCSI HBA firmware.
++ */
++#ifndef _QLA4X_FW_H
++#define _QLA4X_FW_H
++#ifndef INT8
++#define INT8 __s8
++#ifndef INT16
++#define INT16 __s16
++#ifndef INT32
++#define INT32 __s32
++#ifndef UINT8
++#define UINT8 __u8
++#ifndef UINT16
++#define UINT16 __u16
++#ifndef UINT32
++#define UINT32 __u32
++#ifndef UINT64
++#define UINT64 __u64
++#define QLA4XXX_VENDOR_ID 0x1077
++#define QLA4000_DEVICE_ID 0x4000
++#define QLA4010_DEVICE_ID 0x4010
++#define QLA4040_SSDID_NIC 0x011D /* Uses QLA4010 PCI Device ID */
++#define QLA4040_SSDID_ISCSI 0x011E
++#define QLA4040C_SSDID_NIC 0x011F
++#define QLA4040C_SSDID_ISCSI 0x0120
++#define MAX_DEV_DB_ENTRIES 512
++// ISP Maximum number of DSD per command
++#define DSD_MAX 1024
++// FW check
++#define FW_UP(reg,stat) (((stat = RD_REG_DWORD(reg->mailbox[0])) != 0) && (stat != 0x0007))
++#define INVALID_REGISTER ((UINT32)-1)
++#define ISP4010_NET_FUNCTION 0
++#define ISP4010_ISCSI_FUNCTION 1
++ *
++ * ISP 4010 I/O Register Set Structure and Definitions
++ *
++ *************************************************************************/
++typedef struct _PORT_CTRL_STAT_REGS {
++ UINT32 ext_hw_conf; // 80 x50 R/W
++ UINT32 intChipConfiguration; // 84 x54 *
++ UINT32 port_ctrl; // 88 x58 *
++ UINT32 port_status; // 92 x5c *
++ UINT32 HostPrimMACHi; // 96 x60 *
++ UINT32 HostPrimMACLow; //100 x64 *
++ UINT32 HostSecMACHi; //104 x68 *
++ UINT32 HostSecMACLow; //108 x6c *
++ UINT32 EPPrimMACHi; //112 x70 *
++ UINT32 EPPrimMACLow; //116 x74 *
++ UINT32 EPSecMACHi; //120 x78 *
++ UINT32 EPSecMACLow; //124 x7c *
++ UINT32 HostPrimIPHi; //128 x80 *
++ UINT32 HostPrimIPMidHi; //132 x84 *
++ UINT32 HostPrimIPMidLow; //136 x88 *
++ UINT32 HostPrimIPLow; //140 x8c *
++ UINT32 HostSecIPHi; //144 x90 *
++ UINT32 HostSecIPMidHi; //148 x94 *
++ UINT32 HostSecIPMidLow; //152 x98 *
++ UINT32 HostSecIPLow; //156 x9c *
++ UINT32 EPPrimIPHi; //160 xa0 *
++ UINT32 EPPrimIPMidHi; //164 xa4 *
++ UINT32 EPPrimIPMidLow; //168 xa8 *
++ UINT32 EPPrimIPLow; //172 xac *
++ UINT32 EPSecIPHi; //176 xb0 *
++ UINT32 EPSecIPMidHi; //180 xb4 *
++ UINT32 EPSecIPMidLow; //184 xb8 *
++ UINT32 EPSecIPLow; //188 xbc *
++ UINT32 IPReassemblyTimeout; //192 xc0 *
++ UINT32 EthMaxFramePayload; //196 xc4 *
++ UINT32 TCPMaxWindowSize; //200 xc8 *
++ UINT32 TCPCurrentTimestampHi; //204 xcc *
++ UINT32 TCPCurrentTimestampLow; //208 xd0 *
++ UINT32 LocalRAMAddress; //212 xd4 *
++ UINT32 LocalRAMData; //216 xd8 *
++ UINT32 PCSReserved1; //220 xdc *
++ UINT32 gp_out; //224 xe0 *
++ UINT32 gp_in; //228 xe4 *
++ UINT32 ProbeMuxAddr; //232 xe8 *
++ UINT32 ProbeMuxData; //236 xec *
++ UINT32 ERMQueueBaseAddr0; //240 xf0 *
++ UINT32 ERMQueueBaseAddr1; //244 xf4 *
++ UINT32 MACConfiguration; //248 xf8 *
++ UINT32 port_err_status; //252 xfc COR
++typedef struct _HOST_MEM_CFG_REGS {
++ UINT32 NetRequestQueueOut; // 80 x50 *
++ UINT32 NetRequestQueueOutAddrHi; // 84 x54 *
++ UINT32 NetRequestQueueOutAddrLow; // 88 x58 *
++ UINT32 NetRequestQueueBaseAddrHi; // 92 x5c *
++ UINT32 NetRequestQueueBaseAddrLow; // 96 x60 *
++ UINT32 NetRequestQueueLength; //100 x64 *
++ UINT32 NetResponseQueueIn; //104 x68 *
++ UINT32 NetResponseQueueInAddrHi; //108 x6c *
++ UINT32 NetResponseQueueInAddrLow; //112 x70 *
++ UINT32 NetResponseQueueBaseAddrHi; //116 x74 *
++ UINT32 NetResponseQueueBaseAddrLow; //120 x78 *
++ UINT32 NetResponseQueueLength; //124 x7c *
++ UINT32 req_q_out; //128 x80 *
++ UINT32 RequestQueueOutAddrHi; //132 x84 *
++ UINT32 RequestQueueOutAddrLow; //136 x88 *
++ UINT32 RequestQueueBaseAddrHi; //140 x8c *
++ UINT32 RequestQueueBaseAddrLow; //144 x90 *
++ UINT32 RequestQueueLength; //148 x94 *
++ UINT32 ResponseQueueIn; //152 x98 *
++ UINT32 ResponseQueueInAddrHi; //156 x9c *
++ UINT32 ResponseQueueInAddrLow; //160 xa0 *
++ UINT32 ResponseQueueBaseAddrHi; //164 xa4 *
++ UINT32 ResponseQueueBaseAddrLow; //168 xa8 *
++ UINT32 ResponseQueueLength; //172 xac *
++ UINT32 NetRxLargeBufferQueueOut; //176 xb0 *
++ UINT32 NetRxLargeBufferQueueBaseAddrHi; //180 xb4 *
++ UINT32 NetRxLargeBufferQueueBaseAddrLow; //184 xb8 *
++ UINT32 NetRxLargeBufferQueueLength; //188 xbc *
++ UINT32 NetRxLargeBufferLength; //192 xc0 *
++ UINT32 NetRxSmallBufferQueueOut; //196 xc4 *
++ UINT32 NetRxSmallBufferQueueBaseAddrHi; //200 xc8 *
++ UINT32 NetRxSmallBufferQueueBaseAddrLow; //204 xcc *
++ UINT32 NetRxSmallBufferQueueLength; //208 xd0 *
++ UINT32 NetRxSmallBufferLength; //212 xd4 *
++ UINT32 HMCReserved0[10]; //216 xd8 *
++typedef struct _LOCAL_RAM_CFG_REGS {
++ UINT32 BufletSize; // 80 x50 *
++ UINT32 BufletMaxCount; // 84 x54 *
++ UINT32 BufletCurrCount; // 88 x58 *
++ UINT32 BufletPauseThresholdCount; // 92 x5c *
++ UINT32 BufletTCPWinThresholdHi; // 96 x60 *
++ UINT32 BufletTCPWinThresholdLow; //100 x64 *
++ UINT32 IPHashTableBaseAddr; //104 x68 *
++ UINT32 IPHashTableSize; //108 x6c *
++ UINT32 TCPHashTableBaseAddr; //112 x70 *
++ UINT32 TCPHashTableSize; //116 x74 *
++ UINT32 NCBAreaBaseAddr; //120 x78 *
++ UINT32 NCBMaxCount; //124 x7c *
++ UINT32 NCBCurrCount; //128 x80 *
++ UINT32 DRBAreaBaseAddr; //132 x84 *
++ UINT32 DRBMaxCount; //136 x88 *
++ UINT32 DRBCurrCount; //140 x8c *
++ UINT32 LRCReserved[28]; //144 x90 *
++typedef struct _PROT_STAT_REGS {
++ UINT32 MACTxFrameCount; // 80 x50 R
++ UINT32 MACTxByteCount; // 84 x54 R
++ UINT32 MACRxFrameCount; // 88 x58 R
++ UINT32 MACRxByteCount; // 92 x5c R
++ UINT32 MACCRCErrCount; // 96 x60 R
++ UINT32 MACEncErrCount; //100 x64 R
++ UINT32 MACRxLengthErrCount; //104 x68 R
++ UINT32 IPTxPacketCount; //108 x6c R
++ UINT32 IPTxByteCount; //112 x70 R
++ UINT32 IPTxFragmentCount; //116 x74 R
++ UINT32 IPRxPacketCount; //120 x78 R
++ UINT32 IPRxByteCount; //124 x7c R
++ UINT32 IPRxFragmentCount; //128 x80 R
++ UINT32 IPDatagramReassemblyCount; //132 x84 R
++ UINT32 IPV6RxPacketCount; //136 x88 R
++ UINT32 IPErrPacketCount; //140 x8c R
++ UINT32 IPReassemblyErrCount; //144 x90 R
++ UINT32 TCPTxSegmentCount; //148 x94 R
++ UINT32 TCPTxByteCount; //152 x98 R
++ UINT32 TCPRxSegmentCount; //156 x9c R
++ UINT32 TCPRxByteCount; //160 xa0 R
++ UINT32 TCPTimerExpCount; //164 xa4 R
++ UINT32 TCPRxAckCount; //168 xa8 R
++ UINT32 TCPTxAckCount; //172 xac R
++ UINT32 TCPRxErrOOOCount; //176 xb0 R
++ UINT32 PSReserved0; //180 xb4 *
++ UINT32 TCPRxWindowProbeUpdateCount; //184 xb8 R
++ UINT32 ECCErrCorrectionCount; //188 xbc R
++ UINT32 PSReserved1[16]; //192 xc0 *
++#define MBOX_REG_COUNT 8
++// remote register set (access via PCI memory read/write)
++typedef struct isp_reg_t {
++ uint32_t mailbox[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t flash_address; /* 0x20 */
++ uint32_t flash_data;
++ uint32_t ctrl_status;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ uint32_t nvram;
++ uint32_t reserved1[2]; /* 0x30 */
++ } __attribute__((packed)) isp4010;
++ struct {
++ uint32_t intr_mask;
++ uint32_t nvram; /* 0x30 */
++ uint32_t semaphore;
++ } __attribute__((packed)) isp4022;
++ } u1;
++ uint32_t req_q_in; /* SCSI Request Queue Producer Index */
++ uint32_t rsp_q_out; /* SCSI Completion Queue Consumer Index */
++ uint32_t reserved2[4]; /* 0x40 */
++ union {
++ struct {
++ uint32_t ext_hw_conf; /* 0x50 */
++ uint32_t flow_ctrl;
++ uint32_t port_ctrl;
++ uint32_t port_status;
++ uint32_t reserved3[8]; /* 0x60 */
++ uint32_t req_q_out; /* 0x80 */
++ uint32_t reserved4[23]; /* 0x84 */
++ uint32_t gp_out; /* 0xe0 */
++ uint32_t gp_in;
++ uint32_t reserved5[5];
++ uint32_t port_err_status; /* 0xfc */
++ } __attribute__((packed)) isp4010;
++ struct {
++ union {
++ uint32_t r_union[44];
++ };
++ } __attribute__((packed)) isp4022;
++ } u2;
++} isp_reg_t; //256 x100
++#define ISP_NVRAM(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ &ha->reg->u1.isp4022.nvram : \
++ &ha->reg->u1.isp4010.nvram)
++#define ISP_EXT_HW_CONF(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.ext_hw_conf : \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4010.ext_hw_conf)
++#define ISP_PORT_STATUS(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.port_status : \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4010.port_status)
++#define ISP_REQ_Q_OUT(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p1.req_q_out : \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4010.req_q_out)
++#define ISP_PORT_ERROR_STATUS(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.port_err_status : \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4010.port_err_status)
++#define ISP_GP_OUT(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.gp_out : \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4010.gp_out)
++#define ISP_GP_IN(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.gp_in : \
++ &ha->reg->u2.isp4010.gp_in)
++/* Page # defines for 4022 */
++#define PORT_CTRL_STAT_PAGE 0 /* 4022 */
++#define HOST_MEM_CFG_PAGE 1 /* 4022 */
++#define LOCAL_RAM_CFG_PAGE 2 /* 4022 */
++#define PROT_STAT_PAGE 3 /* 4022 */
++/* Register Mask - sets corresponding mask bits in the upper word */
++#define SET_RMASK(val) ((val & 0xffff) | (val << 16))
++#define CLR_RMASK(val) (0 | (val << 16))
++// ctrl_status definitions
++#define CSR_SCSI_PAGE_SELECT 0x00000003
++#define CSR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE 0x00000004 /* 4010 */
++#define CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR 0x00000008
++#define CSR_SCSI_COMPLETION_INTR 0x00000010
++#define CSR_SCSI_PROCESSOR_INTR 0x00000020
++#define CSR_INTR_RISC 0x00000040
++#define CSR_BOOT_ENABLE 0x00000080
++#define CSR_NET_PAGE_SELECT 0x00000300 /* 4010 */
++#define CSR_NET_INTR_ENABLE 0x00000400 /* 4010 */
++#define CSR_FUNC_NUM 0x00000700 /* 4022 */
++#define CSR_PCI_FUNC_NUM_MASK 0x00000300 /* 4022 */
++#define CSR_NET_RESET_INTR 0x00000800 /* 4010 */
++#define CSR_NET_COMPLETION_INTR 0x00001000 /* 4010 */
++#define CSR_FORCE_SOFT_RESET 0x00002000 /* 4022 */
++#define CSR_FATAL_ERROR 0x00004000
++#define CSR_SOFT_RESET 0x00008000
++/* ISP InterruptMask definitions */
++#define IMR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE 0x00000004 /* 4022 */
++/* ISP 4022 nvram definitions */
++#define NVR_WRITE_ENABLE 0x00000010 /* 4022 */
++// ISP port_ctrl definitions
++#define PCR_CONFIG_COMPLETE 0x00008000 /* 4022 */
++#define PCR_BIOS_BOOTED_FIRMWARE 0x00008000 /* 4010 */
++#define PCR_ENABLE_SERIAL_DATA 0x00001000 /* 4010 */
++#define PCR_SERIAL_DATA_OUT 0x00000800 /* 4010 */
++#define PCR_ENABLE_SERIAL_CLOCK 0x00000400 /* 4010 */
++#define PCR_SERIAL_CLOCK 0x00000200 /* 4010 */
++// ISP port_status definitions
++#define PSR_CONFIG_COMPLETE 0x00000001 /* 4010 */
++#define PSR_INIT_COMPLETE 0x00000200
++// ISP Semaphore definitions
++#define SR_FIRWMARE_BOOTED 0x00000001
++// ISP General Purpose Output definitions
++#define GPOR_TOPCAT_RESET 0x00000004
++// shadow registers (DMA'd from HA to system memory. read only)
++typedef struct {
++ /* SCSI Request Queue Consumer Index */
++ UINT32 req_q_out; // 0 x0 R
++ /* SCSI Completion Queue Producer Index */
++ UINT32 rsp_q_in; // 4 x4 R
++} shadow_regs_t; // 8 x8
++#define EHWC_SDRAM_BANKS_1 0
++#define EHWC_SDRAM_BANKS_2 1
++#define EHWC_SDRAM_WIDTH_8_BIT 0
++#define EHWC_SDRAM_WIDTH_16_BIT 1
++#define EHWC_SDRAM_CHIP_SIZE_128MB 1
++#define EHWC_SDRAM_CHIP_SIZE_256MB 2
++#define EHWC_WRITE_BURST_512 0
++#define EHWC_WRITE_BURST_1024 1
++#define EHWC_WRITE_BURST_2048 2
++#define EHWC_WRITE_BURST_4096 3
++// External hardware configuration register
++typedef union _EXTERNAL_HW_CONFIG_REG {
++ struct {
++ UINT32 bReserved0 :1;
++ UINT32 bSDRAMProtectionMethod :2;
++ UINT32 bSDRAMBanks :1;
++ UINT32 bSDRAMChipWidth :1;
++ UINT32 bSDRAMChipSize :2;
++ UINT32 bParityDisable :1;
++ UINT32 bExternalMemoryType :1;
++ UINT32 bFlashBIOSWriteEnable :1;
++ UINT32 bFlashUpperBankSelect :1;
++ UINT32 bWriteBurst :2;
++ UINT32 bReserved1 :3;
++ UINT32 bMask :16;
++ };
++ UINT32 AsUINT32;
++ *
++ * Mailbox Commands Structures and Definitions
++ *
++ *************************************************************************/
++// Mailbox command definitions
++#define MBOX_CMD_LOAD_RISC_RAM_EXT 0x0001
++#define MBOX_CMD_EXECUTE_FW 0x0002
++#define MBOX_CMD_DUMP_RISC_RAM_EXT 0x0003
++#define MBOX_CMD_WRITE_RISC_RAM_EXT 0x0004
++#define MBOX_CMD_READ_RISC_RAM_EXT 0x0005
++#define MBOX_CMD_REGISTER_TEST 0x0006
++#define MBOX_CMD_ABOUT_FW 0x0009
++#define MBOX_CMD_PING 0x000B
++#define MBOX_CMD_CHECKSUM_FW 0x000E
++#define MBOX_CMD_RESET_FW 0x0014
++#define MBOX_CMD_ABORT_TASK 0x0015
++#define MBOX_CMD_LUN_RESET 0x0016
++#define MBOX_CMD_ABORT_QUEUE 0x001C
++#define MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATUS 0x001F
++#define MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE 0x0021
++ #define ISNS_DISABLE 0
++ #define ISNS_ENABLE 1
++ #define ISNS_STATUS 2
++#define MBOX_CMD_COPY_FLASH 0x0024
++#define MBOX_CMD_WRITE_FLASH 0x0025
++#define MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH 0x0026
++#define MBOX_CMD_GET_QUEUE_PARAMS 0x0029
++#define MBOX_CMD_SET_QUEUE_PARAMS 0x0039
++#define MBOX_CMD_EXECUTE_IOCB_A64 0x005A
++ #define DDB_DS_UNASSIGNED 0x00
++ #define DDB_DS_DISCOVERY 0x02
++ #define DDB_DS_NO_SESSION_ACTIVE 0x03
++ #define DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE 0x04
++ #define DDB_DS_LOGGING_OUT 0x05
++ #define DDB_DS_SESSION_FAILED 0x06
++ #define DDB_DS_LOGIN_IN_PROCESS 0x07
++ #define DELETEABLE_DDB_DS(ds) ((ds == DDB_DS_UNASSIGNED) || \
++#define MBOX_CMD_CLEAR_ACA 0x0065
++#define MBOX_CMD_CLEAR_TASK_SET 0x0067
++#define MBOX_CMD_ABORT_TASK_SET 0x0068
++#define MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE 0x0069
++/* Mailbox 1 */
++ #define FW_STATE_READY 0x0000
++ #define FW_STATE_CONFIG_WAIT 0x0001
++ #define FW_STATE_WAIT_LOGIN 0x0002
++ #define FW_STATE_ERROR 0x0004
++ #define FW_STATE_DHCP_IN_PROGRESS 0x0008
++ #define FW_STATE_ISNS_IN_PROGRESS 0x0010
++/* Mailbox 3 */
++ #define FW_ADDSTATE_COPPER_MEDIA 0x0000
++ #define FW_ADDSTATE_DHCP_ENABLED 0x0002
++ #define FW_ADDSTATE_LINK_UP 0x0010
++#define MBOX_CMD_DIAGNOSTICS_TEST_RESULTS 0x0075 /* 4010 only */
++ #define DIAG_TEST_LOCAL_RAM_SIZE 0x0002
++ #define DIAG_TEST_RISC_RAM 0x0004
++ #define DIAG_TEST_NVRAM 0x0005
++ #define DIAG_TEST_FLASH_ROM 0x0006
++ #define DIAG_TEST_NW_INT_LOOPBACK 0x0007
++ #define DIAG_TEST_NW_EXT_LOOPBACK 0x0008
++#define MBOX_CMD_GET_CRASH_RECORD 0x0076 /* 4010 only */
++#define MBOX_CMD_NOP 0x00FF
++// Mailbox status definitions
++#define MBOX_STS_BUSY 0x0007
++#define MBOX_STS_TEST_FAILED 0x4003
++#define MBOX_STS_COMMAND_ERROR 0x4005
++#define MBOX_ASTS_SYSTEM_ERROR 0x8002
++#define MBOX_ASTS_LINK_UP 0x8010
++#define MBOX_ASTS_LINK_DOWN 0x8011
++#define MBOX_ASTS_LOGIN_FAILED 0x8017
++#define MBOX_ASTS_DNS 0x8018
++#define MBOX_ASTS_HEARTBEAT 0x8019
++ #define ISNS_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED 0x0000
++/* Host Adapter Initialization Control Block (from host) */
++typedef struct _INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK {
++ UINT8 Version; /* 00 */
++ UINT8 Control; /* 01 */
++ UINT16 FwOptions; /* 02-03 */
++ #define FWOPT_HEARTBEAT_ENABLE 0x1000
++ #define FWOPT_MARKER_DISABLE 0x0400
++ #define FWOPT_SESSION_MODE 0x0040
++ #define FWOPT_INITIATOR_MODE 0x0020
++ #define FWOPT_TARGET_MODE 0x0010
++ #define FWOPT_FAST_POSTING 0x0008
++ UINT16 ExecThrottle; /* 04-05 */
++ UINT8 RetryCount; /* 06 */
++ UINT8 RetryDelay; /* 07 */
++ UINT16 MaxEthFrPayloadSize; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 AddFwOptions; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT8 HeartbeatInterval; /* 0C */
++ UINT8 InstanceNumber; /* 0D */
++ UINT16 RES2; /* 0E-0F */
++ UINT16 ReqQConsumerIndex; /* 10-11 */
++ UINT16 ComplQProducerIndex; /* 12-13 */
++ UINT16 ReqQLen; /* 14-15 */
++ UINT16 ComplQLen; /* 16-17 */
++ UINT32 ReqQAddrLo; /* 18-1B */
++ UINT32 ReqQAddrHi; /* 1C-1F */
++ UINT32 ComplQAddrLo; /* 20-23 */
++ UINT32 ComplQAddrHi; /* 24-27 */
++ UINT32 ShadowRegBufAddrLo; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT32 ShadowRegBufAddrHi; /* 2C-2F */
++ UINT16 iSCSIOptions; /* 30-31 */
++ #define IOPT_DATA_DIGEST_ENABLE 0x1000
++ #define IOPT_INITIAL_R2T_ENABLE 0x0400
++ #define IOPT_DATA_SEQ_IN_ORDER 0x0200
++ #define IOPT_DATA_PDU_IN_ORDER 0x0100
++ #define IOPT_CHAP_AUTH_ENABLE 0x0080
++ #define IOPT_SNACK_REQ_ENABLE 0x0040
++ #define IOPT_BIDIR_CHAP_ENABLE 0x0010
++ UINT16 TCPOptions; /* 32-33 */
++ #define TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE 0x4000
++ #define TOPT_SLP_USE_DA_ENABLE 0x2000
++ #define TOPT_SLP_UA_ENABLE 0x0800
++ #define TOPT_SLP_SA_ENABLE 0x0400
++ #define TOPT_DHCP_ENABLE 0x0200
++ #define TOPT_GET_DNS_VIA_DHCP_ENABLE 0x0100
++ #define TOPT_GET_SLP_VIA_DHCP_ENABLE 0x0080
++ #define TOPT_NAGLE_DISABLE 0x0020
++ #define TOPT_TIMER_SCALE_MASK 0x000E
++ #define TOPT_TIME_STAMP_ENABLE 0x0001
++ UINT16 IPOptions; /* 34-35 */
++ #define IPOPT_FRAG_DISABLE 0x0010
++ #define IPOPT_PAUSE_FRAME_ENABLE 0x0002
++ #define IPOPT_IP_ADDRESS_VALID 0x0001
++ UINT16 MaxPDUSize; /* 36-37 */
++ UINT16 RcvMarkerInt; /* 38-39 */
++ UINT16 SndMarkerInt; /* 3A-3B */
++ UINT16 InitMarkerlessInt; /* 3C-3D */ //FIXME: Reserved in spec, but IOCTL struct uses it
++ UINT16 FirstBurstSize; /* 3E-3F */
++ UINT16 DefaultTime2Wait; /* 40-41 */
++ UINT16 DefaultTime2Retain; /* 42-43 */
++ UINT16 MaxOutStndngR2T; /* 44-45 */
++ UINT16 KeepAliveTimeout; /* 46-47 */
++ UINT16 PortNumber; /* 48-49 */
++ UINT16 MaxBurstSize; /* 4A-4B */
++ UINT32 RES4; /* 4C-4F */
++ UINT8 IPAddr[4]; /* 50-53 */
++ UINT8 RES5[12]; /* 54-5F */
++ UINT8 SubnetMask[4]; /* 60-63 */
++ UINT8 RES6[12]; /* 64-6F */
++ UINT8 GatewayIPAddr[4]; /* 70-73 */
++ UINT8 RES7[12]; /* 74-7F */
++ UINT8 PriDNSIPAddr[4]; /* 80-83 */
++ UINT8 SecDNSIPAddr[4]; /* 84-87 */
++ UINT8 RES8[8]; /* 88-8F */
++ UINT8 Alias[32]; /* 90-AF */
++ UINT8 TargAddr[8]; /* B0-B7 */ //FIXME: Remove??
++ UINT8 CHAPNameSecretsTable[8]; /* B8-BF */
++ UINT8 EthernetMACAddr[6]; /* C0-C5 */
++ UINT16 TargetPortalGroup; /* C6-C7 */
++ UINT8 SendScale; /* C8 */
++ UINT8 RecvScale; /* C9 */
++ UINT8 TypeOfService; /* CA */
++ UINT8 Time2Live; /* CB */
++ UINT16 VLANPriority; /* CC-CD */
++ UINT16 Reserved8; /* CE-CF */
++ UINT8 SecIPAddr[4]; /* D0-D3 */
++ UINT8 Reserved9[12]; /* D4-DF */
++ UINT8 iSNSIPAddr[4]; /* E0-E3 */
++ UINT16 iSNSServerPortNumber; /* E4-E5 */
++ UINT8 Reserved10[10]; /* E6-EF */
++ UINT8 SLPDAIPAddr[4]; /* F0-F3 */
++ UINT8 Reserved11[12]; /* F4-FF */
++ UINT8 iSCSINameString[256]; /* 100-1FF */
++typedef struct {
++ INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK init_fw_cb;
++ UINT32 Cookie;
++typedef struct _DEV_DB_ENTRY {
++ UINT8 options; /* 00 */
++ #define DDB_OPT_DISABLE 0x08 /* do not connect to device */
++ #define DDB_OPT_TARGET 0x02 /* device is a target */
++ #define DDB_OPT_INITIATOR 0x01 /* device is an initiator */
++ UINT8 control; /* 01 */
++ #define DDB_CTRL_SENDING 0x08
++ #define DDB_CTRL_XFR_PENDING 0x04
++ #define DDB_CTRL_QUEUE_ABORTED 0x02
++ #define DDB_CTRL_LOGGED_IN 0x01
++ UINT16 exeThrottle; /* 02-03 */
++ UINT16 exeCount; /* 04-05 */
++ UINT8 retryCount; /* 06 */
++ UINT8 retryDelay; /* 07 */
++ UINT16 iSCSIOptions; /* 08-09 */
++ #define DDB_IOPT_INITIAL_R2T_ENABLE 0x0400
++ #define DDB_IOPT_DATA_PDU_IN_ORDER 0x0100
++ #define DDB_IOPT_CHAP_AUTH_ENABLE 0x0080
++ #define DDB_IOPT_RESERVED2 0x007F
++ UINT16 TCPOptions; /* 0A-0B */
++ #define DDB_TOPT_NAGLE_DISABLE 0x0020
++ #define DDB_TOPT_TIME_STAMP_ENABLE 0x0001
++ UINT16 IPOptions; /* 0C-0D */
++ #define DDB_IPOPT_FRAG_DISABLE 0x0002
++ #define DDB_IPOPT_IP_ADDRESS_VALID 0x0001
++ UINT16 maxPDUSize; /* 0E-0F */
++ UINT16 rcvMarkerInt; /* 10-11 */
++ UINT16 sndMarkerInt; /* 12-13 */
++ UINT16 iSCSIMaxSndDataSegLen; /* 14-15 */
++ UINT16 firstBurstSize; /* 16-17 */
++ UINT16 minTime2Wait; /* 18-19 */
++ UINT16 maxTime2Retain; /* 1A-1B */
++ UINT16 maxOutstndngR2T; /* 1C-1D */
++ UINT16 keepAliveTimeout; /* 1E-1F */
++ UINT8 ISID[6]; /* 20-25 big-endian, must be converted to little-endian */
++ UINT16 TSID; /* 26-27 */
++ UINT16 portNumber; /* 28-29 */
++ UINT16 maxBurstSize; /* 2A-2B */
++ UINT16 taskMngmntTimeout; /* 2C-2D */
++ UINT16 reserved1; /* 2E-2F */
++ UINT8 ipAddr[0x10]; /* 30-3F */
++ UINT8 iSCSIAlias[0x20]; /* 40-5F */
++ UINT8 targetAddr[0x20]; /* 60-7F */
++ UINT8 userID[0x20]; /* 80-9F */
++ UINT8 password[0x20]; /* A0-BF */
++ UINT8 iscsiName[0x100]; /* C0-1BF : xxzzy Make this a pointer to a string so we don't
++ have to reserve soooo much RAM */
++ UINT16 ddbLink; /* 1C0-1C1 */
++ UINT16 CHAPTableIndex; /* 1C2-1C3 */
++ UINT16 TargetPortalGroup; /* 1C4-1C5 */
++ UINT16 reserved2[2]; /* 1C6-1C7 */
++ UINT32 statSN; /* 1C8-1CB */
++ UINT32 expStatSN; /* 1CC-1CF */
++ UINT16 reserved3[0x2C]; /* 1D0-1FB */
++ UINT16 ddbValidCookie; /* 1FC-1FD */
++ UINT16 ddbValidSize; /* 1FE-1FF */
++// Flash definitions
++#define FLASH_FW_IMG_PAGE_SIZE 0x20000
++#define FLASH_FW_IMG_PAGE(addr) (0xfffe0000 & (addr))
++#define FLASH_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MASK 0x0f000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_FW_LOADER_IMG 0x00000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_SECONDARY_FW_IMG 0x01000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_SYS_INFO 0x02000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_DRIVER_BLK 0x03000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK 0x04000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_DEV_DB_AREA 0x05000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_CHAP_AREA 0x06000000
++#define FLASH_OFFSET_PRIMARY_FW_IMG 0x07000000
++#define FLASH_READ_RAM_FLAG 0x10000000
++#define MAX_FLASH_SZ 0x400000 /* 4M flash */
++#define FLASH_EOF_OFFSET FLASH_DEFAULTBLOCKSIZE - 8 /* 4 bytes for EOF signature */
++#define FLASH_FILESIZE_OFFSET FLASH_EOF_OFFSET - 4 /* 4 bytes for file size */
++#define FLASH_CKSUM_OFFSET FLASH_FILESIZE_OFFSET - 4 /* 4 bytes for chksum protection */
++typedef struct _SYS_INFO_PHYS_ADDR {
++ UINT8 address[6]; /* 00-05 */
++ UINT8 filler[2]; /* 06-07 */
++typedef struct _FLASH_SYS_INFO {
++ UINT32 cookie; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 physAddrCount; /* 04-07 */
++ SYS_INFO_PHYS_ADDR physAddr[4]; /* 08-27 */
++ UINT8 vendorId[128]; /* 28-A7 */
++ UINT8 productId[128]; /* A8-127 */
++ UINT32 serialNumber; /* 128-12B */
++ // PCI Configuration values
++ UINT32 pciDeviceVendor; /* 12C-12F */
++ UINT32 pciDeviceId; /* 130-133 */
++ UINT32 pciSubsysVendor; /* 134-137 */
++ UINT32 pciSubsysId; /* 138-13B */
++ // This validates version 1.
++ UINT32 crumbs; /* 13C-13F */
++ UINT32 enterpriseNumber; /* 140-143 */
++ UINT32 mtu; /* 144-147 */
++ UINT32 reserved0; /* 148-14b */
++ UINT32 crumbs2; /* 14c-14f */
++ UINT8 acSerialNumber[16]; /* 150-15f */
++ UINT32 crumbs3; /* 160-16f */
++ // Leave this last in the struct so it is declared invalid if
++ // any new items are added.
++ UINT32 reserved1[39]; /* 170-1ff */
++typedef struct _FLASH_DRIVER_INFO {
++ UINT32 LinuxDriverCookie;
++ UINT8 Pad[4];
++typedef struct _CHAP_ENTRY {
++ UINT16 link; // 0 x0
++ #define CHAP_FLAG_PEER_NAME 0x40
++ #define CHAP_FLAG_LOCAL_NAME 0x80
++ UINT8 flags; // 2 x2
++ UINT8 secretLength; // 3 x3
++ UINT8 secret[MAX_CHAP_SECRET_LENGTH]; // 4 x4
++ UINT8 user_name[MAX_CHAP_CHALLENGE_LENGTH]; //104 x68
++ UINT16 reserved; //360 x168
++ #define CHAP_COOKIE 0x4092
++ UINT16 cookie; //362 x16a
++} CHAP_ENTRY, *PCHAP_ENTRY; //364 x16c
++typedef struct _CRASH_RECORD {
++ UINT16 fw_major_version; /* 00 - 01 */
++ UINT16 fw_minor_version; /* 02 - 03 */
++ UINT16 fw_patch_version; /* 04 - 05 */
++ UINT16 fw_build_version; /* 06 - 07 */
++ UINT8 build_date[16]; /* 08 - 17 */
++ UINT8 build_time[16]; /* 18 - 27 */
++ UINT8 build_user[16]; /* 28 - 37 */
++ UINT8 card_serial_num[16]; /* 38 - 47 */
++ UINT32 time_of_crash_in_secs; /* 48 - 4B */
++ UINT32 time_of_crash_in_ms; /* 4C - 4F */
++ UINT16 out_RISC_sd_num_frames; /* 50 - 51 */
++ UINT16 OAP_sd_num_words; /* 52 - 53 */
++ UINT16 IAP_sd_num_frames; /* 54 - 55 */
++ UINT16 in_RISC_sd_num_words; /* 56 - 57 */
++ UINT8 reserved1[28]; /* 58 - 7F */
++ UINT8 out_RISC_reg_dump[256]; /* 80 -17F */
++ UINT8 in_RISC_reg_dump[256]; /*180 -27F */
++ UINT8 in_out_RISC_stack_dump[0]; /*280 - ??? */
++ *
++ * IOCB Commands Structures and Definitions
++ *
++ *************************************************************************/
++#define IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN 16 /* Bytes in a CBD */
++#define IOCB_MAX_SENSEDATA_LEN 32 /* Bytes of sense data */
++#define IOCB_MAX_EXT_SENSEDATA_LEN 60 /* Bytes of extended sense data */
++#define IOCB_MAX_DSD_CNT 1 /* DSDs per noncontinuation type IOCB */
++#define IOCB_CONT_MAX_DSD_CNT 5 /* DSDs per Continuation */
++#define CTIO_MAX_SENSEDATA_LEN 24 /* Bytes of sense data in a CTIO*/
++#define RESERVED_BYTES_MARKER 40 /* Reserved Bytes at end of Marker */
++#define RESERVED_BYTES_INOT 28 /* Reserved Bytes at end of Immediate Notify */
++#define RESERVED_BYTES_NOTACK 28 /* Reserved Bytes at end of Notify Acknowledge */
++#define RESERVED_BYTES_CTIO 2 /* Reserved Bytes in middle of CTIO */
++#define MAX_MBX_COUNT 14 /* Maximum number of mailboxes in MBX IOCB */
++#define ISCSI_MAX_NAME_BYTECNT 256 /* Bytes in a target name */
++#define IOCB_ENTRY_SIZE 0x40
++/* IOCB header structure */
++typedef struct _HEADER {
++ UINT8 entryType;
++ #define ET_STATUS 0x03
++ #define ET_MARKER 0x04
++ #define ET_CONT_T1 0x0A
++ #define ET_INOT 0x0D
++ #define ET_NACK 0x0E
++ #define ET_CMND_T4 0x15
++ #define ET_ATIO 0x16
++ #define ET_CMND_T3 0x19
++ #define ET_CTIO4 0x1E
++ #define ET_CTIO3 0x1F
++ #define ET_MAILBOX_CMD 0x38
++ #define ET_MAILBOX_STATUS 0x39
++ #define ET_PASSTHRU0 0x3A
++ #define ET_PASSTHRU1 0x3B
++ #define ET_PASSTHRU_STATUS 0x3C
++ #define ET_ASYNCH_MSG 0x3D
++ #define ET_CTIO5 0x3E
++ #define ET_CTIO6 0x3F
++ UINT8 entryStatus;
++ #define ES_MASK 0x3E
++ #define ES_SUPPRESS_COMPL_INT 0x01
++ #define ES_BUSY 0x02
++ #define ES_INVALID_ENTRY_TYPE 0x04
++ #define ES_INVALID_ENTRY_PARAM 0x08
++ #define ES_INVALID_ENTRY_COUNT 0x10
++ #define ES_INVALID_ENTRY_ORDER 0x20
++ UINT8 systemDefined;
++ UINT8 entryCount;
++ /* SyetemDefined definition */
++ #define SD_PASSTHRU_IOCB 0x01
++} HEADER ;
++/* Genric queue entry structure*/
++typedef struct QUEUE_ENTRY {
++ UINT8 data[60];
++ UINT32 signature;
++/* 64 bit addressing segment counts*/
++#define COMMAND_SEG_A64 1
++#define CONTINUE_SEG_A64 5
++#define CONTINUE_SEG_A64_MINUS1 4
++/* 64 bit addressing segment definition*/
++typedef struct DATA_SEG_A64 {
++ struct {
++ UINT32 addrLow;
++ UINT32 addrHigh;
++ } base;
++ UINT32 count;
++} DATA_SEG_A64;
++/* Command Type 3 entry structure*/
++typedef struct _COMMAND_T3_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 target; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connection_id; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT8 control_flags; /* 0C */
++ #define CF_IMMEDIATE 0x80
++ /* data direction (bits 5-6)*/
++ #define CF_WRITE 0x20
++ #define CF_READ 0x40
++ #define CF_NO_DATA 0x00
++ #define CF_DIRECTION_MASK 0x60
++ /* misc (bits 4-3)*/
++ #define CF_DSD_PTR_ENABLE 0x10 /* 4010 only */
++ #define CF_CMD_PTR_ENABLE 0x08 /* 4010 only */
++ /* task attributes (bits 2-0) */
++ #define CF_ACA_QUEUE 0x04
++ #define CF_HEAD_TAG 0x03
++ #define CF_ORDERED_TAG 0x02
++ #define CF_SIMPLE_TAG 0x01
++ #define CF_TAG_TYPE_MASK 0x07
++ #define CF_ATTRIBUTES_MASK 0x67
++ */
++ UINT8 state_flags; /* 0D */
++ UINT8 cmdRefNum; /* 0E */
++ UINT8 reserved1; /* 0F */
++ UINT8 cdb[IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN]; /* 10-1F */
++ UINT8 lun[8]; /* 20-27 */
++ UINT32 cmdSeqNum; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 2C-2D */
++ UINT16 dataSegCnt; /* 2E-2F */
++ UINT32 ttlByteCnt; /* 30-33 */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[COMMAND_SEG_A64]; /* 34-3F */
++typedef struct _COMMAND_T4_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 target; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connection_id; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT8 control_flags; /* 0C */
++ */
++ UINT8 state_flags; /* 0D */
++ UINT8 cmdRefNum; /* 0E */
++ UINT8 reserved1; /* 0F */
++ UINT8 cdb[IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN]; /* 10-1F */
++ UINT8 lun[8]; /* 20-27 */
++ UINT32 cmdSeqNum; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 2C-2D */
++ UINT16 dataSegCnt; /* 2E-2F */
++ UINT32 ttlByteCnt; /* 30-33 */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[COMMAND_SEG_A64]; /* 34-3F */
++/* Continuation Type 1 entry structure*/
++typedef struct _CONTINUATION_T1_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr;
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[CONTINUE_SEG_A64];
++/* Status Continuation Type entry structure*/
++ HEADER hdr;
++/* Parameterize for 64 or 32 bits */
++ #define ET_COMMAND ET_CMND_T3
++/* Marker entry structure*/
++typedef struct _MARKER_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 system_defined; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 target; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 modifier; /* 0A-0B */
++ #define MM_LUN_RESET 0
++ #define MM_CLEAR_ACA 3
++ #define MM_CLEAR_TASK_SET 4
++ #define MM_ABORT_TASK_SET 5
++ UINT16 flags; /* 0C-0D */
++ UINT16 reserved1; /* 0E-0F */
++ UINT8 lun[8]; /* 10-17 */
++ UINT64 reserved2; /* 18-1F */
++ UINT64 reserved3; /* 20-27 */
++ UINT64 reserved4; /* 28-2F */
++ UINT64 reserved5; /* 30-37 */
++ UINT64 reserved6; /* 38-3F */
++/* Status entry structure*/
++typedef struct _STATUS_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT8 scsiStatus; /* 08 */
++ #define SCSI_STATUS_MASK 0xFF
++ #define SCSI_STATUS 0xFF
++ #define SCSI_GOOD 0x00
++ UINT8 iscsiFlags; /* 09 */
++ UINT8 iscsiResponse; /* 0A */
++ #define ISCSI_RSP_COMPLETE 0x00
++ UINT8 completionStatus; /* 0B */
++ #define SCS_COMPLETE 0x00
++ #define SCS_INCOMPLETE 0x01
++ #define SCS_DMA_ERROR 0x02
++ #define SCS_TRANSPORT_ERROR 0x03
++ #define SCS_RESET_OCCURRED 0x04
++ #define SCS_ABORTED 0x05
++ #define SCS_TIMEOUT 0x06
++ #define SCS_DATA_OVERRUN 0x07
++ #define SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN 0x15
++ #define SCS_QUEUE_FULL 0x1C
++ #define SCS_DEVICE_LOGGED_OUT 0x29
++ UINT8 reserved1; /* 0C */
++ /* state_flags MUST be at the same location as state_flags in the
++ Command_T3/4_Entry */
++ UINT8 state_flags; /* 0D */
++ #define STATE_FLAG_GOT_STATUS 0x04
++ #define STATE_FLAG_LOGOUT_SENT 0x10
++ UINT16 senseDataByteCnt; /* 0E-0F */
++ UINT32 residualByteCnt; /* 10-13 */
++ UINT32 bidiResidualByteCnt; /* 14-17 */
++ UINT32 expSeqNum; /* 18-1B */
++ UINT32 maxCmdSeqNum; /* 1C-1F */
++ UINT8 senseData[IOCB_MAX_SENSEDATA_LEN]; /* 20-3F */
++ * Performance Status Entry where up to 30 handles can be posted in a
++ * single IOSB. Handles are of 16 bit value.
++ */
++typedef struct _PERFORMANCE_STATUS_ENTRY {
++ UINT8 entryType;
++ UINT8 entryCount;
++ UINT16 handleCount;
++ #define MAX_STATUS_HANDLE 30
++ UINT16 handleArray[ MAX_STATUS_HANDLE ];
++typedef struct _IMMEDIATE_NOTIFY_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr;
++ UINT32 handle;
++ UINT16 initiator;
++ UINT16 InitSessionID;
++ UINT16 ConnectionID;
++ UINT16 TargSessionID;
++ UINT16 inotStatus;
++ #define INOT_STATUS_ABORT_TASK 0x0020
++ #define INOT_STATUS_LOGIN_RECVD 0x0021
++ #define INOT_STATUS_LOGOUT_RECVD 0x0022
++ #define INOT_STATUS_LOGGED_OUT 0x0029
++ #define INOT_STATUS_MSG_RECVD 0x0036
++ #define INOT_STATUS_TSK_REASSIGN 0x0037
++ UINT16 taskFlags;
++ #define TASK_FLAG_CLEAR_ACA 0x4000
++ #define TASK_FLAG_COLD_RESET 0x2000
++ #define TASK_FLAG_WARM_RESET 0x0800
++ #define TASK_FLAG_LUN_RESET 0x1000
++ #define TASK_FLAG_CLEAR_TASK_SET 0x0400
++ #define TASK_FLAG_ABORT_TASK_SET 0x0200
++ UINT32 refTaskTag;
++ UINT8 lun[8];
++ UINT32 inotTaskTag;
++typedef struct _NOTIFY_ACK_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr;
++ UINT32 handle;
++ UINT16 initiator;
++ UINT16 res1;
++ UINT16 flags;
++ UINT8 responseCode;
++ UINT8 qualifier;
++ UINT16 notAckStatus;
++ UINT16 taskFlags;
++ UINT32 refTaskTag;
++ UINT8 lun[8];
++ UINT32 inotTaskTag;
++typedef struct _ATIO_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 initiator; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT32 taskTag; /* 0C-0f */
++ UINT8 scsiCDB[IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN]; /* 10-1F */
++ UINT8 LUN[8]; /* 20-27 */
++ UINT8 cmdRefNum; /* 28 */
++ UINT8 pduType; /* 29 */
++ #define PDU_TYPE_NOPOUT 0x00
++ #define PDU_TYPE_SCSI_CMD 0x01
++ #define PDU_TYPE_LOGIN_CMD 0x03
++ #define PDU_TYPE_TEXT_CMD 0x04
++ #define PDU_TYPE_SCSI_DATA 0x05
++ #define PDU_TYPE_LOGOUT_CMD 0x06
++ #define PDU_TYPE_SNACK 0x10
++ UINT16 atioStatus; /* 2A-2B */
++ #define ATIO_CDB_RECVD 0x003d
++ UINT16 reserved1; /* 2C-2D */
++ UINT8 taskCode; /* 2E */
++ #define ATIO_TASK_CODE_ACA_QUEUE 0x04
++ UINT8 reserved2; /* 2F */
++ UINT32 totalByteCnt; /* 30-33 */
++ UINT32 cmdSeqNum; /* 34-37 */
++ UINT64 immDataBufDesc; /* 38-3F */
++typedef struct _CTIO3_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 initiator; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT32 taskTag; /* 0C-0F */
++ UINT8 flags; /* 10 */
++ #define CTIO_FLAG_FAST_POST 0x08
++ #define CTIO_FLAG_FINAL_CTIO 0x80
++ /* NOTE: Our firmware assumes that the CTIO_FLAG_SEND_DATA and
++ CTIO_FLAG_GET_DATA flags are in the same bit positions
++ as the R and W bits in SCSI Command PDUs, so their values
++ should not be changed!
++ */
++ #define CTIO_FLAG_SEND_DATA 0x0040 /* (see note) Read Data Flag, send data to initiator */
++ #define CTIO_FLAG_GET_DATA 0x0020 /* (see note) Write Data Flag, get data from the initiator */
++ UINT8 scsiStatus; /* 11 */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 12-13 */
++ UINT32 offset; /* 14-17 */
++ UINT32 r2tSN; /* 18-1B */
++ UINT32 expCmdSN; /* 1C-1F */
++ UINT32 maxCmdSN; /* 20-23 */
++ UINT32 dataSN; /* 24-27 */
++ UINT32 residualCount; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT16 reserved; /* 2C-2D */
++ UINT16 segmentCnt; /* 2E-2F */
++ UINT32 totalByteCnt; /* 30-33 */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[COMMAND_SEG_A64]; /* 34-3F */
++typedef struct _CTIO4_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 initiator; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT32 taskTag; /* 0C-0F */
++ UINT8 flags; /* 10 */
++ UINT8 scsiStatus; /* 11 */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 12-13 */
++ UINT32 offset; /* 14-17 */
++ UINT32 r2tSN; /* 18-1B */
++ UINT32 expCmdSN; /* 1C-1F */
++ UINT32 maxCmdSN; /* 20-23 */
++ UINT32 dataSN; /* 24-27 */
++ UINT32 residualCount; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT16 reserved; /* 2C-2D */
++ UINT16 segmentCnt; /* 2E-2F */
++ UINT32 totalByteCnt; /* 30-33 */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[COMMAND_SEG_A64]; /* 34-3F */
++typedef struct _CTIO5_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 initiator; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT32 taskTag; /* 0C-0F */
++ UINT8 response; /* 10 */
++ UINT8 scsiStatus; /* 11 */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 12-13 */
++ UINT32 reserved1; /* 14-17 */
++ UINT32 expR2TSn; /* 18-1B */
++ UINT32 expCmdSn; /* 1C-1F */
++ UINT32 MaxCmdSn; /* 20-23 */
++ UINT32 expDataSn; /* 24-27 */
++ UINT32 residualCnt; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT32 bidiResidualCnt; /* 2C-2F */
++ UINT32 reserved2; /* 30-33 */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[1]; /* 34-3F */
++typedef struct _CTIO6_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 initiator; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connection; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT32 taskTag; /* 0C-0F */
++ UINT16 flags; /* 10-11 */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 12-13 */
++ UINT32 reserved1; /* 14-17 */
++ UINT64 reserved2; /* 18-1F */
++ UINT64 reserved3; /* 20-27 */
++ UINT64 reserved4; /* 28-2F */
++ UINT32 reserved5; /* 30-33 */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[1]; /* 34-3F */
++typedef struct _CTIO_STATUS_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 initiator; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT32 taskTag; /* 0C-0F */
++ UINT16 status; /* 10-11 */
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_COMPLETE 0x0001
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_ABORTED 0x0002
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_DMA_ERROR 0x0003
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_ERROR 0x0004
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_INVALID_TAG 0x0008
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN 0x0009
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_PCI_ERROR 0x0010
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_TARGET_RESET 0x0017
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_LOGGED_OUT 0x0029
++ #define CTIO_STATUS_UNACK_EVENT 0x0035
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 12-13 */
++ UINT32 reserved1; /* 14-17 */
++ UINT32 expR2TSN; /* 18-1B */
++ UINT32 reserved2; /* 1C-1F */
++ UINT32 reserved3; /* 20-23 */
++ UINT64 expDataSN; /* 24-27 */
++ UINT32 residualCount; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT32 reserved4; /* 2C-2F */
++ UINT64 reserved5; /* 30-37 */
++ UINT64 reserved6; /* 38-3F */
++typedef struct _MAILBOX_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr;
++ UINT32 handle;
++typedef struct MAILBOX_STATUS_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr;
++ UINT32 handle;
++typedef struct _PDU_ENTRY {
++ UINT8 *Buff;
++ UINT32 BuffLen;
++ UINT32 SendBuffLen;
++ UINT32 RecvBuffLen;
++ struct _PDU_ENTRY *Next;
++ dma_addr_t DmaBuff;
++ UINT8 IPAddr[4];
++ UINT16 PortNumber;
++ UINT16 Reserved;
++typedef struct _ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET {
++ UINT32 NumPortals; /* 00-03 */
++#define ISNS_MAX_PORTALS 4
++ UINT32 DDID; /* 24-27 */
++ UINT8 NameString[256]; /* 28-127 */
++ UINT8 Alias[32]; /* 128-147 */
++// UINT32 SecurityBitmap
++typedef struct _PASSTHRU0_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 target; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ #define ISNS_DEFAULT_SERVER_CONN_ID ((uint16_t)0x8000)
++ UINT16 controlFlags; /* 0C-0D */
++ #define PT_FLAG_ETHERNET_FRAME 0x8000
++ #define PT_FLAG_ISNS_PDU 0x8000
++ #define PT_FLAG_IP_DATAGRAM 0x4000
++ #define PT_FLAG_TCP_PACKET 0x2000
++ #define PT_FLAG_iSCSI_PDU 0x1000
++ #define PT_FLAG_SEND_BUFFER 0x0200
++ #define PT_FLAG_WAIT_4_RESPONSE 0x0100
++ #define PT_FLAG_NO_FAST_POST 0x0080
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 0E-0F */
++ #define PT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 30 // seconds
++ DATA_SEG_A64 outDataSeg64; /* 10-1B */
++ UINT32 res1; /* 1C-1F */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 inDataSeg64; /* 20-2B */
++ UINT8 res2[20]; /* 2C-3F */
++typedef struct _PASSTHRU1_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 target; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT16 controlFlags; /* 0C-0D */
++ #define PT_FLAG_ETHERNET_FRAME 0x8000
++ #define PT_FLAG_IP_DATAGRAM 0x4000
++ #define PT_FLAG_TCP_PACKET 0x2000
++ #define PT_FLAG_iSCSI_PDU 0x1000
++ #define PT_FLAG_SEND_BUFFER 0x0200
++ #define PT_FLAG_WAIT_4_REPONSE 0x0100
++ #define PT_FLAG_NO_FAST_POST 0x0080
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 0E-0F */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 outDSDList; /* 10-1B */
++ UINT32 outDSDCnt; /* 1C-1F */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 inDSDList; /* 20-2B */
++ UINT32 inDSDCnt; /* 2C-2F */
++ UINT8 res1; /* 30-3F */
++typedef struct _PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 target; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT8 completionStatus; /* 0C */
++ UINT8 residualFlags; /* 0D */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 0E-0F */
++ UINT16 portNumber; /* 10-11 */
++ UINT8 res1[10]; /* 12-1B */
++ UINT32 outResidual; /* 1C-1F */
++ UINT8 res2[12]; /* 20-2B */
++ UINT32 inResidual; /* 2C-2F */
++ UINT8 res4[16]; /* 30-3F */
++typedef struct _ASYNCHMSG_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr;
++ UINT32 handle;
++ UINT16 target;
++ UINT16 connectionID;
++ UINT8 lun[8];
++ UINT16 iSCSIEvent;
++ #define AMSG_iSCSI_EVENT_NO_EVENT 0x0000
++ #define AMSG_iSCSI_EVENT_TARG_RESET 0x0001
++ UINT16 SCSIEvent;
++ #define AMSG_NO_SCSI_EVENT 0x0000
++ #define AMSG_SCSI_EVENT 0x0001
++ UINT16 parameter1;
++ UINT16 parameter2;
++ UINT16 parameter3;
++ UINT32 expCmdSn;
++ UINT32 maxCmdSn;
++ UINT16 senseDataCnt;
++ UINT16 reserved;
++/* Timer entry structure, this is an internal generated structure
++ which causes the QLA4000 initiator to send a NOP-OUT or the
++ QLA4000 target to send a NOP-IN */
++typedef struct _TIMER_ENTRY {
++ HEADER hdr; /* 00-03 */
++ UINT32 handle; /* 04-07 */
++ UINT16 target; /* 08-09 */
++ UINT16 connection_id; /* 0A-0B */
++ UINT8 control_flags; /* 0C */
++ */
++ UINT8 state_flags; /* 0D */
++ UINT8 cmdRefNum; /* 0E */
++ UINT8 reserved1; /* 0F */
++ UINT8 cdb[IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN]; /* 10-1F */
++ UINT8 lun[8]; /* 20-27 */
++ UINT32 cmdSeqNum; /* 28-2B */
++ UINT16 timeout; /* 2C-2D */
++ UINT16 dataSegCnt; /* 2E-2F */
++ UINT32 ttlByteCnt; /* 30-33 */
++ DATA_SEG_A64 dataseg[COMMAND_SEG_A64]; /* 34-3F */
++#endif /* _QLA4X_FW_H */
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_init.c 2005-03-11 03:51:50.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,2990 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_dma_memory
++ * qla4xxx_free_dma_memory
++ * qla4xxx_free_lun
++ * qla4xxx_free_ddb
++ * qla4xxx_free_ddb_list
++ * qla4xxx_init_rings
++ * qla4xxx_validate_mac_address
++ * qla4xxx_init_local_data
++ * qla4xxx_init_firmware
++ * qla4xxx_send_internal_scsi_passthru
++ * qla4xxx_send_inquiry_cmd
++ * qla4xxx_send_report_luns_cmd
++ * qla4xxx_is_discovered_target
++ * qla4xxx_update_ddb_entry
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_lun
++ * qla4xxx_discover_target_luns
++ * qla4xxx_map_targets_to_ddbs
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_ddb
++ * qla4xxx_build_ddb_list
++ * qla4xxx_initialize_ddb_list
++ * qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list
++ * qla4xxx_relogin_device
++ * qla4xxx_get_topcat_presence
++ * qla4xxx_start_firmware
++ * qla4xxx_initialize_adapter
++ * qla4xxx_find_propname
++ * qla4xxx_get_prop_12chars
++ * qla4xxx_add_device_dynamically
++ * qla4xxx_process_ddb_changed
++ * qla4xxx_login_device
++ * qla4xxx_logout_device
++ * qla4xxx_flush_all_srbs
++ * qla4xxx_delete_device
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++ * External Function Prototypes.
++ */
++extern int ql4xdiscoverywait;
++extern char *ql4xdevconf;
++ * Local routines
++ */
++static fc_port_t *
++qla4xxx_find_or_alloc_fcport(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry);
++static void qla4xxx_config_os(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++static uint16_t
++qla4xxx_fcport_bind(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport);
++os_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_fclun_bind(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun);
++os_tgt_t *
++qla4xxx_tgt_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt);
++qla4xxx_tgt_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt);
++os_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_lun_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt, uint16_t lun);
++static void
++qla4xxx_lun_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt, uint16_t lun);
++fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_add_fclun(fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun);
++static ddb_entry_t *
++qla4xxx_get_ddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index);
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_fcport() - Allocate a generic fcport.
++ * @ha: HA context
++ * @flags: allocation flags
++ *
++ * Returns a pointer to the allocated fcport, or NULL, if none available.
++ */
++static fc_port_t *
++qla4xxx_alloc_fcport(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, int flags)
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fcport = kmalloc(sizeof(fc_port_t), flags);
++ if (fcport == NULL)
++ return(fcport);
++ /* Setup fcport template structure. */
++ memset(fcport, 0, sizeof (fc_port_t));
++ fcport->ha = ha;
++ fcport->port_type = FCT_UNKNOWN;
++ atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_DEVICE_DEAD);
++ fcport->flags = FCF_RLC_SUPPORT;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fcport->fcluns);
++ return(fcport);
++* qla4xxx_init_tgt_map
++* Initializes target map.
++* Input:
++* ha = adapter block pointer.
++* Output:
++* TGT_Q initialized
++static void
++qla4xxx_init_tgt_map(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t t;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++)
++ TGT_Q(ha, t) = (os_tgt_t *) NULL;
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ * qla4xxx_update_fcport
++ * Updates device on list.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * fcport = port structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * 0 - Success
++ * BIT_0 - error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_update_fcport(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport)
++#if 0
++ uint16_t index;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ srb_t *sp;
++ if (fcport == NULL)
++ return;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ fcport->ha = ha;
++ fcport->flags &= ~(FCF_FAILOVER_NEEDED);
++ /* XXX need to get this info from option field of DDB entry */
++ fcport->port_type = FCT_TARGET;
++ fcport->iscsi_name = fcport->ddbptr->iscsi_name;
++ /*
++ * Check for outstanding cmd on tape Bypass LUN discovery if active
++ * command on tape.
++ */
++#if 0
++ if (fcport->flags & FCF_TAPE_PRESENT) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ for (index = 1; index < MAX_OUTSTANDING_COMMANDS; index++) {
++ if ((sp = ha->outstanding_cmds[index]) != 0) {
++ if (sp->fclun->fcport == fcport) {
++ atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_ONLINE);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ &ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ }
++ /* Do LUN discovery. */
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ qla4xxx_lun_discovery(ha, fcport);
++ }
++ /* Always set online */
++ atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_ONLINE);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ * qla4xxx_add_fclun
++ * Adds LUN to database
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * fcport: FC port structure pointer.
++ * lun: LUN number.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_add_fclun(fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun)
++ int found;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ if (fcport == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi: Unable to add lun to NULL port\n"));
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ /* Allocate LUN if not already allocated. */
++ found = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns, list) {
++ if (fclun->lun == lun) {
++ found++;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (found) {
++ return(fclun);
++ }
++ fclun = kmalloc(sizeof(fc_lun_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (fclun == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "%s(): Memory Allocation failed - FCLUN\n",
++ __func__);
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ /* Setup LUN structure. */
++ memset(fclun, 0, sizeof(fc_lun_t));
++ fclun->lun = lun;
++ fclun->fcport = fcport;
++ fclun->device_type = fcport->device_type;
++ // atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_UNCONFIGURED);
++ list_add_tail(&fclun->list, &fcport->fcluns);
++ return(fclun);
++ * qla4xxx_config_os
++ * Setup OS target and LUN structures.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_config_os(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ uint16_t tgt;
++ for (tgt = 0; tgt < MAX_TARGETS; tgt++) {
++ if ((tq = TGT_Q(ha, tgt)) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ tq->flags &= ~TQF_ONLINE;
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list)
++ {
++ if (atomic_read(&fcport->state) != FCS_ONLINE) {
++ fcport->os_target_id = MAX_TARGETS;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Bind FC port to OS target number. */
++ if (qla4xxx_fcport_bind(ha, fcport) == MAX_TARGETS) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Bind FC LUN to OS LUN number. */
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns, list)
++ {
++ qla4xxx_fclun_bind(ha, fcport, fclun);
++ }
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_fcport_bind
++ * Locates a target number for FC port.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ * fcport = FC port structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * target number
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static uint16_t
++qla4xxx_fcport_bind(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport)
++ uint16_t tgt;
++ os_tgt_t *tq = NULL;
++ if (fcport->ddbptr == NULL)
++ return (MAX_TARGETS);
++ /* Check for persistent binding. */
++ for (tgt = 0; tgt < MAX_TARGETS; tgt++) {
++ if ((tq = TGT_Q(ha, tgt)) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (memcmp(fcport->ddbptr->iscsi_name, tq->iscsi_name,
++ ISCSI_NAME_SIZE) == 0) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* TODO: honor the ConfigRequired flag */
++ if (tgt == MAX_TARGETS) {
++ tgt = 0;
++ /* Check if targetID 0 available. */
++ if (TGT_Q(ha, tgt) != NULL) {
++ /* Locate first free target for device. */
++ for (tgt = 0; tgt < MAX_TARGETS; tgt++) {
++ if (TGT_Q(ha, tgt) == NULL) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (tgt != MAX_TARGETS) {
++ if ((tq = qla4xxx_tgt_alloc(ha, tgt)) != NULL) {
++ memcpy(tq->iscsi_name, fcport->ddbptr->iscsi_name,
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Reset target numbers incase it changed. */
++ fcport->os_target_id = tgt;
++ if (tgt != MAX_TARGETS && tq != NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): %s: Assigning target ID=%02d @ %p to "
++ "ddb[%d], fcport %p, port state=0x%x, port down retry=%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, tgt, tq,
++ fcport->ddbptr->fw_ddb_index,
++ fcport,
++ atomic_read(&fcport->state),
++ atomic_read(&fcport->ddbptr->port_down_timer)));
++ fcport->ddbptr->target = tgt;
++ fcport->tgt_queue = tq;
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_PERSISTENT_BOUND;
++ tq->fcport = fcport;
++ tq->flags |= TQF_ONLINE;
++ tq->id = tgt;
++ }
++ if (tgt == MAX_TARGETS) {
++ "Unable to bind fcport, loop_id=%x\n", fcport->loop_id));
++ }
++ return(tgt);
++ * qla4xxx_fclun_bind
++ * Binds all FC device LUNS to OS LUNS.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha: adapter state pointer.
++ * fcport: FC port structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * target number
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++os_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_fclun_bind(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun)
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ uint16_t tgt;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ tgt = fcport->os_target_id;
++ lun = fclun->lun;
++ /* Allocate LUNs */
++ if (lun >= MAX_LUNS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Unable to bind lun, invalid "
++ "lun=(%x).\n", ha->host_no, lun));
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ if ((lq = qla4xxx_lun_alloc(ha, tgt, lun)) == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Unable to bind fclun, lun=%x\n",
++ lun);
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ lq->fclun = fclun;
++ return(lq);
++ * qla4xxx_tgt_alloc
++ * Allocate and pre-initialize target queue.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * t = SCSI target number.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * NULL = failure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++os_tgt_t *
++qla4xxx_tgt_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt)
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ /*
++ * If SCSI addressing OK, allocate TGT queue and lock.
++ */
++ if (tgt >= MAX_TARGETS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Unable to allocate target, invalid "
++ "target number %d.\n", ha->host_no, tgt));
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ tq = TGT_Q(ha, tgt);
++ if (tq == NULL) {
++ tq = kmalloc(sizeof(os_tgt_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (tq != NULL) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("scsi%d: Alloc Target %d @ %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, tgt, tq));
++ memset(tq, 0, sizeof(os_tgt_t));
++ tq->ha = ha;
++ TGT_Q(ha, tgt) = tq;
++ }
++ }
++ if (tq != NULL) {
++ tq->port_down_retry_count = ha->port_down_retry_count;
++ }
++ else {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Unable to allocate target.\n");
++ }
++ return(tq);
++ * qla4xxx_tgt_free
++ * Frees target and LUN queues.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * t = SCSI target number.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_tgt_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt)
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ /*
++ * If SCSI addressing OK, allocate TGT queue and lock.
++ */
++ if (tgt >= MAX_TARGETS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Unable to de-allocate target, "
++ "invalid target number %d.\n", ha->host_no, tgt));
++ return;
++ }
++ tq = TGT_Q(ha, tgt);
++ if (tq != NULL) {
++ TGT_Q(ha, tgt) = NULL;
++ /* Free LUN structures. */
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS; lun++)
++ qla4xxx_lun_free(ha, tgt, lun);
++ kfree(tq);
++ }
++ return;
++ * qla4xxx_lun_alloc
++ * Allocate and initialize LUN queue.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * t = SCSI target number.
++ * l = LUN number.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * NULL = failure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++os_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_lun_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt, uint16_t lun)
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ /*
++ * If SCSI addressing OK, allocate LUN queue.
++ */
++ if (lun >= MAX_LUNS || TGT_Q(ha, tgt) == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Unable to allocate lun, invalid "
++ "parameter.\n", ha->host_no));
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ lq = LUN_Q(ha, tgt, lun);
++ if (lq == NULL) {
++ lq = kmalloc(sizeof(os_lun_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (lq != NULL) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("scsi%d: Alloc Lun %d @ tgt %d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, lun, tgt));
++ memset(lq, 0, sizeof (os_lun_t));
++ LUN_Q(ha, tgt, lun) = lq;
++ /*
++ * The following lun queue initialization code
++ * must be duplicated in alloc_ioctl_mem function
++ * for ioctl_lq.
++ */
++ lq->lun_state = LS_LUN_READY;
++ spin_lock_init(&lq->lun_lock);
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled()) {
++ lq->fo_info = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fo_information), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (lq->fo_info) {
++ memset(lq->fo_info, 0, sizeof(struct fo_information));
++ } else {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s failed to"
++ " alloc fo_retry_cnt buffer\n",
++ __func__);
++ }
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("Allocating Lun %d @ %p \n",lun,lq);)
++ }
++ }
++ if (lq == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Unable to allocate lun.\n");
++ }
++ return(lq);
++ * qla4xxx_lun_free
++ * Frees LUN queue.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * t = SCSI target number.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_lun_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t tgt, uint16_t lun)
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ /*
++ * If SCSI addressing OK, allocate TGT queue and lock.
++ */
++ if (tgt >= MAX_TARGETS || lun >= MAX_LUNS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Unable to deallocate lun, invalid "
++ "parameter.\n", ha->host_no));
++ return;
++ }
++ if (TGT_Q(ha, tgt) != NULL && (lq = LUN_Q(ha, tgt, lun)) != NULL) {
++ if (lq->fo_info != NULL)
++ kfree(lq->fo_info);
++ LUN_Q(ha, tgt, lun) = NULL;
++ kfree(lq);
++ }
++ return;
++ * qla4xxx_free_ddb
++ * This routine deallocates and unlinks the specified ddb_entry from the
++ * adapter's
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_free_ddb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry)
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_free_ddb");
++ /* Remove device entry from list */
++ list_del_init(&ddb_entry->list_entry);
++ /* Remove device pointer from index mapping arrays */
++ ha->fw_ddb_index_map[ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index] = (ddb_entry_t *) INVALID_ENTRY;
++ //if (ddb_entry->target < MAX_DDB_ENTRIES)
++ //ha->target_map[ddb_entry->target] = (ddb_entry_t *) INVALID_ENTRY;
++ ha->tot_ddbs--;
++ fcport = ddb_entry->fcport;
++ if (fcport) {
++ atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_DEVICE_DEAD);
++ fcport->ddbptr = NULL;
++ }
++ /* Free memory allocated for all luns */
++ //for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS; lun++)
++ //if (ddb_entry->lun_table[lun])
++ //qla4xxx_free_lun(ddb_entry, lun);
++ /* Free memory for device entry */
++ kfree(ddb_entry);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_free_ddb");
++ * qla4xxx_free_ddb_list
++ * This routine deallocates and removes all devices on the sppecified
++ * adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_free_ddb_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ struct list_head *ptr;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_free_ddb_list");
++ while (!list_empty(&ha->ddb_list)) {
++ /* Remove device entry from head of list */
++ ptr = ha->;
++ list_del_init(ptr);
++ /* Free memory for device entry */
++ ddb_entry = list_entry(ptr, ddb_entry_t, list_entry);
++ if (ddb_entry) {
++ fcport = ddb_entry->fcport;
++ if (fcport) {
++ atomic_set(&fcport->state, FCS_DEVICE_DEAD);
++ fcport->ddbptr = NULL;
++ }
++ kfree(ddb_entry);
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_free_ddb_list");
++ * qla4xxx_init_rings
++ * This routine initializes the internal queues for the specified adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The QLA4010 requires us to restart the queues at index 0.
++ * The QLA4000 doesn't care, so just default to QLA4010's requirement.
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Always return success.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_init_rings(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint16_t i;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_init_rings");
++ /* Initialize request queue. */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ ha->request_out = 0;
++ ha->request_in = 0;
++ ha->request_ptr = &ha->request_ring[ha->request_in];
++ ha->req_q_count = REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH;
++ /* Initialize response queue. */
++ ha->response_in = 0;
++ ha->response_out = 0;
++ ha->response_ptr = &ha->response_ring[ha->response_out];
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s response_ptr=%p\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->response_ptr));
++ /*
++ * Initialize DMA Shadow registers. The firmware is really supposed to
++ * take care of this, but on some uniprocessor systems, the shadow
++ * registers aren't cleared-- causing the interrupt_handler to think
++ * there are responses to be processed when there aren't.
++ */
++ ha->shadow_regs->req_q_out = __constant_cpu_to_le32(0);
++ ha->shadow_regs->rsp_q_in = __constant_cpu_to_le32(0);
++ wmb();
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->req_q_in, 0);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->rsp_q_out, 0);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->rsp_q_out);
++ /* Initialize active array */
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_SRBS; i++)
++ ha->active_srb_array[i] = 0;
++ ha->active_srb_count = 0;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_init_rings");
++ return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++#define qla4xxx_mac_is_equal(mac1, mac2) (memcmp(mac1, mac2, MAC_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
++ * qla4xxx_validate_mac_address
++ * This routine validates the M.A.C. Address(es) of the adapter
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully validated M.A.C. address
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to validate M.A.C. address
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_validate_mac_address(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ FLASH_SYS_INFO *sys_info = NULL;
++ dma_addr_t sys_info_dma;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_validate_mac_address");
++ sys_info = (FLASH_SYS_INFO *) pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ sizeof(*sys_info), &sys_info_dma);
++ if (sys_info == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to allocate dma "
++ "buffer.\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_validate_mac;
++ }
++ memset(sys_info, 0, sizeof(*sys_info));
++ /* Get flash sys info */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_flash(ha, sys_info_dma, FLASH_OFFSET_SYS_INFO,
++ sizeof(*sys_info)) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: get_flash "
++ "FLASH_OFFSET_SYS_INFO failed\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_validate_mac;
++ }
++ /* Save M.A.C. address & serial_number */
++ memcpy(ha->my_mac, &sys_info->physAddr[0].address[0],
++ MIN(sizeof(ha->my_mac), sizeof(sys_info->physAddr[0].address)));
++ memcpy(ha->serial_number, &sys_info->acSerialNumber,
++ MIN(sizeof(ha->serial_number), sizeof(sys_info->acSerialNumber)));
++ /* Display Debug Print Info */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: Flash Sys Info\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10, sys_info, sizeof(*sys_info));
++ /*
++ * If configuration information was specified on the command line,
++ * validate the mac address here.
++ */
++ if (ql4xdevconf) {
++ char *propbuf;
++ uint8_t cfg_mac[MAC_ADDR_LEN];
++ propbuf = kmalloc(LINESIZE, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (propbuf == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to "
++ "allocate memory.\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_validate_mac;
++ }
++ /* Get mac address from configuration file. */
++ sprintf(propbuf, "scsi-qla%d-mac", ha->instance);
++ qla4xxx_get_prop_12chars(ha, propbuf, &cfg_mac[0], ql4xdevconf);
++ if (qla4xxx_mac_is_equal(&ha->my_mac, cfg_mac)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: This is a "
++ "registered adapter.\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: This is NOT a "
++ "registered adapter.\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ kfree(propbuf);
++ } else {
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ if (sys_info)
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(*sys_info), sys_info,
++ sys_info_dma);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_validate_mac_address");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_init_local_data
++ * This routine initializes the local data for the specified adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully initialized local data
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to initialize local data
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_init_local_data(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int i;
++ /* Initialize passthru PDU list */
++ for (i = 0; i < (MAX_PDU_ENTRIES - 1); i++) {
++ ha->pdu_queue[i].Next = &ha->pdu_queue[i+1];
++ }
++ ha->free_pdu_top = &ha->pdu_queue[0];
++ ha->free_pdu_bottom = &ha->pdu_queue[MAX_PDU_ENTRIES - 1];
++ ha->free_pdu_bottom->Next = NULL;
++ ha->pdu_active = 0;
++ /* Initilize aen queue */
++ ha->aen_q_count = MAX_AEN_ENTRIES;
++ /* Initialize local iSNS data */
++ qla4xxx_isns_init_attributes(ha);
++ ha->isns_flags = 0;
++ atomic_set(&ha->isns_restart_timer, 0);
++ ha->isns_connection_id = 0;
++ ha->isns_remote_port_num = 0;
++ ha->isns_scn_port_num = 0;
++ ha->isns_esi_port_num = 0;
++ ha->isns_nsh_port_num = 0;
++ memset(ha->isns_entity_id, 0, sizeof(ha->isns_entity_id));
++ ha->isns_num_discovered_targets = 0;
++ return (qla4xxx_get_firmware_status(ha));
++ //return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++static int
++qla4xxx_fw_ready ( scsi_qla_host_t *ha )
++ uint32_t timeout_count;
++ int ready = 0;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "Waiting for Firmware Ready..\n");
++ for (timeout_count = ADAPTER_INIT_TOV; timeout_count > 0;
++ timeout_count--) {
++ /* Get firmware state. */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_firmware_state(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to get "
++ "firmware state\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_init_firmware");
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ha->firmware_state & FW_STATE_ERROR) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: an unrecoverable "
++ "error has occurred\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_init_firmware");
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ha->firmware_state & FW_STATE_CONFIG_WAIT) {
++ /*
++ * The firmware has not yet been issued an Initialize
++ * Firmware command, so issue it now.
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb(ha) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_init_firmware");
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Go back and test for ready state - no wait. */
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (ha->firmware_state & FW_STATE_WAIT_LOGIN) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: fwstate:"
++ "LOGIN in progress\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ if (ha->firmware_state & FW_STATE_DHCP_IN_PROGRESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: fwstate: DHCP in progress\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ if (ha->firmware_state == FW_STATE_READY) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "Firmware Ready..\n");
++ /* The firmware is ready to process SCSI commands. */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: FW STATE - READY\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: MEDIA TYPE - %s\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state & FW_ADDSTATE_OPTICAL_MEDIA) !=
++ 0) ? "OPTICAL" : "COPPER"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: DHCP STATE Enabled "
++ "%s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state & FW_ADDSTATE_DHCP_ENABLED) !=
++ 0) ? "YES" : "NO"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: DHCP STATE Lease "
++ "Acquired %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state &
++ "YES" : "NO"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: DHCP STATE Lease "
++ "Expired %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state &
++ "YES" : "NO"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: LINK %s\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state & FW_ADDSTATE_LINK_UP) != 0) ?
++ "UP" : "DOWN"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS Service "
++ "Started %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state &
++ "YES" : "NO"));
++ if (test_bit(AF_TOPCAT_CHIP_PRESENT, &ha->flags)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: QLA4040 TopCat "
++ "Initialized %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state &
++ "NO" : "YES"));
++ }
++ ready = 1;
++ /* If iSNS is enabled, start the iSNS service now. */
++ if ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE) &&
++ !IPAddrIsZero(ha->isns_ip_address)) {
++ uint32_t ip_addr = 0;
++ IPAddr2Uint32(ha->isns_ip_address, &ip_addr);
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "Initializing ISNS..\n");
++ qla4xxx_isns_reenable(ha, ip_addr, ha->isns_server_port_number);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: waiting on fw, state=%x:%x - "
++ "seconds expired= %d\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->firmware_state,
++ ha->addl_fw_state, timeout_count));
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ } /* for */
++ if (timeout_count <= 0 )
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: FW Initialization timed out!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return ready;
++ * qla4xxx_init_firmware
++ * This routine initializes the firmware.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully initialized firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to initialize firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_init_firmware(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_init_firmware");
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "Initializing firmware..\n");
++ if (qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb(ha) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Failed to initialize "
++ "firmware control block\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_init_firmware");
++ return (status);
++ }
++ if( !qla4xxx_fw_ready(ha) )
++ return (status);
++ set_bit(AF_ONLINE, &ha->flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_init_firmware");
++ return (qla4xxx_get_firmware_status(ha));
++ //return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_is_discovered_target
++ * This routine locates a device handle given iSNS information.
++ * If device doesn't exist, returns NULL.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ip_addr - Pointer to IP address
++ * alias - Pointer to iSCSI alias
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to the corresponding internal device database structure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_is_discovered_target(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *ip_addr,
++ uint8_t *alias,
++ uint8_t *name_str)
++ ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET *discovered_target = NULL;
++ int i,j;
++ for (i=0; i < ha->isns_num_discovered_targets; i++) {
++ discovered_target = &ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev[i];
++ for (j = 0; j < discovered_target->NumPortals; j++) {
++ if (memcmp(discovered_target->Portal[j].IPAddr, ip_addr,
++ MIN(sizeof(discovered_target->Portal[j].IPAddr),
++ sizeof(*ip_addr)) == 0) &&
++ memcmp(discovered_target->Alias, alias,
++ MIN(sizeof(discovered_target->Alias),
++ sizeof(*alias)) == 0) &&
++ memcmp(discovered_target->NameString, name_str,
++ MIN(sizeof(discovered_target->Alias),
++ sizeof(*name_str)) == 0)) {
++ return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (QLA_ERROR);
++static ddb_entry_t *
++qla4xxx_get_ddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index)
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry = NULL;
++ dma_addr_t fw_ddb_entry_dma;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry = NULL;
++ int found = 0;
++ uint32_t device_state;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* Make sure the dma buffer is valid */
++ fw_ddb_entry = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(*fw_ddb_entry),
++ &fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ if (fw_ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to allocate dma "
++ "buffer.\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, fw_ddb_entry,
++ fw_ddb_entry_dma, NULL, NULL, &device_state, NULL, NULL,
++ NULL) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: failed get_ddb_entry for "
++ "fw_ddb_index %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if (device_state != DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
++ /* This target must be active to reach here.
++ * Return error so the update code does not continue.
++ */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: ddb_entry %d not active. state=%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index, device_state));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /* Allocate DDB if not already allocated. */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Looking for ddb[%d]\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ list_for_each_entry(ddb_entry, &ha->ddb_list, list_entry) {
++ if (memcmp(ddb_entry->iscsi_name, fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName,
++ ISCSI_NAME_SIZE) == 0) {
++ found++;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!found) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "scsi%d: %s: ddb[%d] not found - allocating new ddb\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_alloc_ddb(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ }
++ /* if not found allocate new ddb */
++ if (fw_ddb_entry)
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(*fw_ddb_entry),
++ fw_ddb_entry, fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return ddb_entry;
++ * qla4xxx_update_ddb_entry
++ * This routine updates the driver's internal device database entry
++ * with information retrieved from the firmware's device database
++ * entry for the specified device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * ddb_entry - Structure filled in.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index field must be initialized prior to
++ * calling this routine
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully update ddb_entry
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to update ddb_entry
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_update_ddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry,
++ uint32_t fw_ddb_index)
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry = NULL;
++ dma_addr_t fw_ddb_entry_dma;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: ddb_entry is NULL\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_update_ddb;
++ }
++ /* Make sure the dma buffer is valid */
++ fw_ddb_entry = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(*fw_ddb_entry),
++ &fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ if (fw_ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to allocate dma "
++ "buffer.\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_update_ddb;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, fw_ddb_entry,
++ fw_ddb_entry_dma, NULL, NULL, &ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state,
++ &ddb_entry->default_time2wait, &ddb_entry->tcp_source_port_num,
++ &ddb_entry->connection_id) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: failed get_ddb_entry for "
++ "fw_ddb_index %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_update_ddb;
++ }
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ switch (ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state) {
++ ddb_entry->target_session_id = le16_to_cpu(fw_ddb_entry->TSID);
++ ddb_entry->task_mgmt_timeout =
++ le16_to_cpu(fw_ddb_entry->taskMngmntTimeout);
++ ddb_entry->CmdSn = 0;
++ ddb_entry->exe_throttle =
++ le16_to_cpu(fw_ddb_entry->exeThrottle);
++ ddb_entry->default_relogin_timeout =
++ le16_to_cpu(fw_ddb_entry->taskMngmntTimeout);
++ /* Update index in case it changed */
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index = fw_ddb_index;
++ ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index] = ddb_entry;
++ memcpy(&ddb_entry->iscsi_name[0], &fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName[0],
++ MIN(sizeof(ddb_entry->iscsi_name),
++ sizeof(fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName)));
++ memcpy(&ddb_entry->ip_addr[0], &fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr[0],
++ MIN(sizeof(ddb_entry->ip_addr),
++ sizeof(fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr)));
++ if (qla4xxx_is_discovered_target(ha, fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr,
++ fw_ddb_entry->iSCSIAlias, fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName) ==
++ set_bit(DF_ISNS_DISCOVERED, &ddb_entry->flags);
++ }
++ break;
++ ddb_entry->target_session_id = 0;
++ ddb_entry->task_mgmt_timeout = 0;
++ ddb_entry->connection_id = 0;
++ ddb_entry->CmdSn = 0;
++ ddb_entry->exe_throttle = 0;
++ ddb_entry->default_time2wait = 0;
++ break;
++ /* This target does not exist anymore.
++ * Return error so the update code does not continue.
++ */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: ddb_entry %d removed.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ break;
++ break;
++ default:
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ break;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: ddb[%d] - State= %x status= %d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state, status);)
++ if (fw_ddb_entry)
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(*fw_ddb_entry),
++ fw_ddb_entry, fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (status);
++static void
++qla4xxx_configure_fcports(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list) {
++ qla4xxx_update_fcport(ha, fcport);
++ }
++static fc_port_t *
++qla4xxx_find_or_alloc_fcport(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry)
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ int found;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* Check for matching device in port list. */
++ found = 0;
++ fcport = NULL;
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list) {
++ //if (memcmp(new_fcport->port_name, fcport->port_name,
++ //WWN_SIZE) == 0)
++ if (fcport->ddbptr == ddb_entry) {
++ fcport->flags &= ~(FCF_PERSISTENT_BOUND);
++ found++;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!found) {
++ /* Allocate a new replacement fcport. */
++ fcport = qla4xxx_alloc_fcport(ha, GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (fcport != NULL) {
++ /* New device, add to fcports list. */
++ list_add_tail(&fcport->list, &ha->fcports);
++ fcport->ddbptr = ddb_entry;
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (fcport);
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_ddb
++ * This routine allocates a ddb_entry, ititializes some values, and
++ * inserts it into the ddb list.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Firmware's device database index
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to internal device database structure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++ddb_entry_t *
++qla4xxx_alloc_ddb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index)
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP12, printk("scsi%d: %s: fw_ddb_index [%d]\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ ddb_entry = (ddb_entry_t *) kmalloc(sizeof(*ddb_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to allocate memory "
++ "to add fw_ddb_index [%d]\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ } else {
++ memset(ddb_entry, 0, sizeof(*ddb_entry));
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index = fw_ddb_index;
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->port_down_timer,
++ ha->port_down_retry_count);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer, INVALID_ENTRY);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->relogin_timer, 0);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->relogin_retry_count, 0);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->state, DEV_STATE_ONLINE);
++ list_add_tail(&ddb_entry->list_entry, &ha->ddb_list);
++ ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index] = ddb_entry;
++ ha->tot_ddbs++;
++ ddb_entry->fcport = qla4xxx_find_or_alloc_fcport(ha, ddb_entry);
++ }
++ return (ddb_entry);
++static int
++qla4xxx_wait_for_login(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t fw_ddb_index)
++ uint32_t login_delay_time = RELOGIN_TOV + 12;
++ int rval = 0;
++ unsigned long wtime;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ wtime = jiffies + (login_delay_time * HZ);
++ /* Delay between relogins */
++ DEBUG2( printk("scsi%d: %s: Login %d max seconds\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, login_delay_time));
++ /* wait for login to complete */
++ do {
++ /* poll for event */
++ qla4xxx_get_firmware_state(ha);
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DPC_AEN, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ qla4xxx_process_aen(ha, PROCESS_ALL_AENS);
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha,
++ fw_ddb_index);
++ if( ddb_entry ){
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Found DDB[%d].\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,fw_ddb_index));
++ rval = 1;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* delay */
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(HZ / 2);
++ } while (!time_after_eq(jiffies,wtime));
++ DEBUG2( printk("scsi%d: %s: Delay complete.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return (rval);
++ * qla4xxx_build_ddb_list
++ * This routine searches for all valid firmware ddb entries and builds
++ * an internal ddb list.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * Ddbs that are considered valid are those with a device state of
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully built internal ddb list
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to build internal ddb list
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_build_ddb_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ uint32_t fw_ddb_index = 0;
++ uint32_t next_fw_ddb_index = 0;
++ uint32_t ddb_state;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_build_ddb_list");
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "Initializing DDBs ...\n");
++ for (fw_ddb_index = 0; fw_ddb_index < MAX_DDB_ENTRIES;
++ fw_ddb_index = next_fw_ddb_index) {
++ /* First, let's see if a device exists here */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0, NULL,
++ &next_fw_ddb_index, &ddb_state, NULL, NULL, NULL) ==
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: get_ddb_entry, "
++ "fw_ddb_index %d failed", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_build_ddb_list;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Getting DDB[%d] ddbstate=0x%x, "
++ "next_fw_ddb_index=%d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index, ddb_state,
++ next_fw_ddb_index));
++ /*
++ * If the device is logged in (SESSION_ACTIVE) then
++ * add it to internal our ddb list.
++ */
++ if (ddb_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
++ /* Allocate a device structure */
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_get_ddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to "
++ "allocate memory for device at "
++ "fw_ddb_index %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_build_ddb_list;
++ }
++ /* Fill in the device structure */
++ if (qla4xxx_update_ddb_entry(ha, ddb_entry,
++ fw_ddb_index) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index] =
++ (ddb_entry_t *) INVALID_ENTRY;
++ // qla4xxx_free_ddb(ha, ddb_entry);
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "update_ddb_entry failed for fw_ddb_index"
++ "%d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_build_ddb_list;
++ }
++ /* if fw_ddb with session active state found,
++ * add to ddb_list */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: DDB[%d] "
++ "added to list\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ } else if (ddb_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_FAILED) {
++ /* Try and login to device */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Login to DDB[%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ qla4xxx_set_ddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0);
++ qla4xxx_wait_for_login(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ }
++ /* We know we've reached the last device when
++ * next_fw_ddb_index is 0 */
++ if (next_fw_ddb_index == 0)
++ break;
++ }
++ /* tot_ddbs updated in alloc/free_ddb routines */
++ if (ha->tot_ddbs)
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "DDB list done..\n");
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_build_ddb_list");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_devices_ready
++ * This routine waits for device information from the
++ * F/W database during driver load time.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully (re)built internal ddb list
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to (re)build internal ddb list
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4xxx_devices_ready(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ int rval1;
++ unsigned long wtime;
++ wtime = jiffies + (ql4xdiscoverywait * HZ);
++ DEBUG(printk("Waiting (%d) for devices ...\n",ql4xdiscoverywait));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("Waiting (%d) for devices ...\n",ql4xdiscoverywait));
++ do {
++ rval1 = qla4xxx_get_firmware_state(ha);
++ if (rval1 == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("fw state=0x%x, curr time=%lx\n",
++ ha->firmware_state,jiffies);)
++ /* ready? */
++ if (!(ha->firmware_state & (BIT_3|BIT_2|BIT_1|BIT_0))) {
++ if (test_bit(DPC_AEN, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ DEBUG(printk("Done...\n"));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* error */
++ if (ha->firmware_state & (BIT_2|BIT_0))
++ break;
++ /* in process */
++ }
++ if (rval == QLA_SUCCESS)
++ break;
++ /* delay */
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(HZ / 2);
++ } while (!time_after_eq(jiffies,wtime));
++ return (rval);
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_initialize_ddb_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint16_t fw_ddb_index;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_initialize_ddb_list");
++ /* free the ddb list if is not empty */
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->ddb_list))
++ qla4xxx_free_ddb_list(ha);
++ /* Initialize internal DDB list and mappingss */
++ qla4xxx_init_tgt_map(ha);
++ for (fw_ddb_index = 0; fw_ddb_index < MAX_DDB_ENTRIES; fw_ddb_index++)
++ ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index] =
++ (ddb_entry_t *) INVALID_ENTRY;
++ ha->tot_ddbs = 0;
++ /* Wait for an AEN */
++ qla4xxx_devices_ready(ha);
++ /*
++ * First perform device discovery for active
++ * fw ddb indexes and build
++ * ddb list.
++ */
++ qla4xxx_build_ddb_list(ha);
++ /*
++ * Here we map a SCSI target to a fw_ddb_index and discover all
++ * possible luns.
++ */
++ qla4xxx_configure_fcports(ha);
++ if (!qla4xxx_failover_enabled())
++ qla4xxx_config_os(ha);
++ qla4xxx_config_os(ha);
++ /*
++ * Targets can come online after the inital discovery, so processing
++ * the aens here will catch them.
++ */
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DPC_AEN, &ha->dpc_flags))
++ qla4xxx_process_aen(ha, PROCESS_ALL_AENS);
++ if (!ha->tot_ddbs)
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_initialize_ddb_list");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list
++ * This routine obtains device information from the F/W database after
++ * firmware or adapter resets. The device table is preserved.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully updated internal ddb list
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to update internal ddb list
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, *detemp;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list");
++ /* Update the device information for all devices. */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ddb_entry, detemp, &ha->ddb_list, list_entry) {
++ qla4xxx_update_ddb_entry(ha, ddb_entry,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ if (ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->state, DEV_STATE_ONLINE);
++ // DG XXX
++ //atomic_set(&ddb_entry->fcport->state, FCS_ONLINE);
++ qla4xxx_update_fcport(ha, ddb_entry->fcport);
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d: %s: index [%d] marked ONLINE\n",
++ ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target,
++ __func__, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index));
++ } else if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) == DEV_STATE_ONLINE)
++ qla4xxx_mark_device_missing(ha, ddb_entry);
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_relogin_device
++ * This routine does a session relogin with the specified device.
++ * The ddb entry must be assigned prior to making this call.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = Successfully relogged in device
++ * QLA_ERROR = Failed to relogin device
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_relogin_device(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry)
++ uint16_t relogin_timer;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_relogin_device");
++ relogin_timer = MAX(ddb_entry->default_relogin_timeout, RELOGIN_TOV);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->relogin_timer, relogin_timer);
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d: Relogin index [%d]. TOV=%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index,
++ relogin_timer));
++ qla4xxx_set_ddb_entry(ha, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_relogin_device");
++ return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4010_topcat_soft_reset
++ * This routine determines if the QLA4040 TopCat chip is present.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4010_get_topcat_presence(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint16_t topcat;
++ if (qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_NVRAM, SEM_FLG_TIMED_WAIT) !=
++ "scsi%d: %s: Unable to take SEM_NVRAM semaphore\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return;
++ }
++//XXX DG fixme please!
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ set_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT_NEEDED, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ ha->failover_type = MP_NOTIFY_LOOP_UP;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ topcat = RD_NVRAM_WORD(ha, offsetof(eeprom_data_t, isp4010.topcat));
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if ((topcat & TOPCAT_MASK) == TOPCAT_PRESENT)
++ set_bit(AF_TOPCAT_CHIP_PRESENT, &ha->flags);
++ else
++ clear_bit(AF_TOPCAT_CHIP_PRESENT, &ha->flags);
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_NVRAM);
++ * qla4xxx_start_firmware
++ * This routine performs the neccessary steps to start the firmware for
++ * the QLA4010 adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully started QLA4xxx firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to start QLA4xxx firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_start_firmware(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_status;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ uint8_t soft_reset = 0;
++ uint8_t boot_firmware = 0;
++ uint8_t configure_hardware = 0;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_start_firmware");
++ if (IS_QLA4010(ha))
++ qla4010_get_topcat_presence(ha);
++ /* Is Hardware already initialized? */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Hardware has already been "
++ "initialized\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /* Is firmware already booted? */
++ if (IS_QLA4022(ha)) {
++ if ((RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.semaphore) &
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Firmware "
++ "has already been booted\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__));
++ /* Receive firmware boot acknowledgement */
++ mbox_status =
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[0]);
++ if (mbox_status == MBOX_STS_COMMAND_COMPLETE) {
++ /* Acknowledge interrupt */
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status,
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ &ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ qla4xxx_get_fw_version(ha);
++ return QLA_SUCCESS;
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "ERROR: Hardware initialized but "
++ "firmware not successfully "
++ "booted\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ boot_firmware = 1;
++ }
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Firmware "
++ "has NOT already been booted\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ boot_firmware = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ //XXX Why are we not checking for !boot_firmware?
++ //if (!boot_firmware) {
++ /* Did BIOS initialize hardware? */
++ /*
++ * If the BIOS is loaded then the firmware is already
++ * initialized. Reinitializing it without first
++ * performing a reset is a NO-NO. We need to check
++ * here if the BIOS is loaded (i.e.
++ * FW_STATE_CONFIG_WAIT == 0). If so, force a soft
++ * reset.
++ */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (qla4xxx_get_firmware_state(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (!(ha->firmware_state &
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Firmware has been initialized by "
++ "BIOS -- RESET\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__));
++ soft_reset = 1;
++ qla4xxx_process_aen(ha,
++ }
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Error "
++ "detecting if firmware has already been "
++ "initialized by BIOS -- RESET\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ soft_reset = 1;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ //}
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Hardware has NOT already "
++ "been initialized\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ configure_hardware = 1;
++ boot_firmware = 1;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (soft_reset) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Issue Soft Reset\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ status = qla4xxx_soft_reset(ha);
++ if (status == QLA_ERROR) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3|QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Soft Reset "
++ "failed!\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ configure_hardware = 1;
++ boot_firmware = 1;
++ }
++ if (configure_hardware) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Set up Hardware "
++ "Configuration Register\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ if (qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_FLASH, TIMED_WAIT) !=
++ "scsi%d: %s: Unable to take SEM_FLASH semaphore\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_NVRAM, TIMED_WAIT) !=
++ "scsi%d: %s: Unable to take SEM_NVRAM semaphore\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_FLASH);
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "Configuring NVRAM ...\n");
++ if (qla4xxx_is_NVRAM_configuration_valid(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ extHwConfig.AsUINT32 = RD_NVRAM_WORD(ha,
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Setting extHwConfig "
++ "to 0xFFFF%04x\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ extHwConfig.AsUINT32));
++ ((0xFFFF << 16) | extHwConfig.AsUINT32));
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_NVRAM);
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_FLASH);
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * QLogic adapters should always have a valid NVRAM.
++ * If not valid, do not load.
++ */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: EEProm checksum "
++ "invalid. Please update your EEPROM\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_NVRAM);
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_FLASH);
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ if (boot_firmware) {
++ uint32_t max_wait_time;
++ if (qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_HW_LOCK, TIMED_WAIT) !=
++ "scsi%d: %s: Unable to take SEM_HW_LOCK semaphore "
++ "(2)\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Start firmware from flash ROM
++ *
++ * WORKAROUND: Stuff a non-constant value that the firmware can
++ * use as a seed for a random number generator in MB7 prior to
++ * setting BOOT_ENABLE. Fixes problem where the TCP
++ * connections use the same TCP ports after each reboot,
++ * causing some connections to not get re-established.
++ */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Start firmware from flash "
++ "ROM\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[7], jiffies);
++ if (IS_QLA4022(ha))
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.nvram,
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status,
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Wait for firmware to come UP. */
++ max_wait_time = FIRMWARE_UP_TOV;
++ do {
++ uint32_t ctrl_status;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ ctrl_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ mbox_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[0]);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (ctrl_status & SET_RMASK(CSR_SCSI_PROCESSOR_INTR))
++ break;
++ if (mbox_status == MBOX_STS_COMMAND_COMPLETE)
++ break;
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%d: %s: Waiting for "
++ "firmware to come up... ctrl_sts=0x%x, "
++ "remaining=%d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ctrl_status, max_wait_time));
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ } while ((max_wait_time--));
++ if (mbox_status == MBOX_STS_COMMAND_COMPLETE) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Firmware has "
++ "started\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ if (IS_QLA4010(ha)) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ ha->firmware_version[0] =
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[1]);
++ ha->firmware_version[1] =
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[2]);
++ ha->patch_number =
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[3]);
++ ha->build_number =
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[4]);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: FW Version "
++ "%02d.%02d Patch %02d Build %02d\n",
++ ha->host_no, ha->firmware_version[0],
++ ha->firmware_version[1], ha->patch_number,
++ ha->build_number));
++ } else if (IS_QLA4022(ha)) {
++ qla4xxx_get_fw_version(ha);
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status,
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Self Test failed "
++ "with status 0x%x\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ mbox_status));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_HW_LOCK);
++ }
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(AF_GET_CRASH_RECORD, &ha->flags))
++ qla4xxx_get_crash_record(ha);
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Firmware has NOT started\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_registers(QLP7, ha);
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_start_firmware");
++ return status;
++static void
++qla4x00_pci_config(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint16_t w, mwi;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "Configuring PCI space...\n");
++ pci_set_master(ha->pdev);
++ mwi = 0;
++ if (pci_set_mwi(ha->pdev))
++ /*
++ * We want to respect framework's setting of PCI configuration space
++ * command register and also want to make sure that all bits of
++ * interest to us are properly set in command register.
++ */
++ pci_read_config_word(ha->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, &w);
++ pci_write_config_word(ha->pdev, PCI_COMMAND, w);
++ * qla4xxx_initialize_adapter
++ * This routine parforms all of the steps necessary to initialize the
++ * adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * renew_ddb_list - Indicates what to do with the adapter's ddb list
++ * after adapter recovery has completed.
++ * 0=preserve ddb list, 1=destroy and rebuild ddb list
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully initialized adapter
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to initialize adapter
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_initialize_adapter(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t renew_ddb_list)
++ uint8_t status;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_initialize_adapter");
++ qla4x00_pci_config(ha);
++ qla4xxx_disable_intrs(ha);
++ /* Initialize the Host adapter request/response queues and firmware */
++ if ((status = qla4xxx_start_firmware(ha)) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ "scsi%d: Failed to start QLA4xxx firmware\n", ha->host_no));
++ } else if ((status = qla4xxx_validate_mac_address(ha)) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ "scsi%d: Failed to validate mac address\n", ha->host_no));
++ } else if ((status = qla4xxx_init_local_data(ha)) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ "scsi%d: Failed to initialize local data\n", ha->host_no));
++ } else if ((status = qla4xxx_init_firmware(ha)) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ "scsi%d: Failed to initialize firmware\n", ha->host_no));
++ } else {
++ if (renew_ddb_list == PRESERVE_DDB_LIST) {
++ /*
++ * We want to preserve lun states (i.e. suspended, etc.)
++ * for recovery initiated by the driver. So just update
++ * the device states for the existing ddb_list
++ */
++ qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list(ha);
++ }
++ else if (renew_ddb_list == REBUILD_DDB_LIST) {
++ /*
++ * We want to build the ddb_list from scratch during
++ * driver initialization and recovery initiated by the
++ */
++ qla4xxx_initialize_ddb_list(ha);
++ }
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_ENABLED_IN_ISP, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ if (!test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_ENABLED,
++ &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ "scsi%d: iSNS service failed to start\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ }
++ else {
++ if (!ha->isns_num_discovered_targets) {
++ "scsi%d: Failed to discover devices\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else if (!ha->tot_ddbs)
++ "scsi%d: Failed to initialize devices\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_initialize_adapter");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_find_propname
++ * Get property in database.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * db = pointer to database
++ * propstr = pointer to dest array for string
++ * propname = name of property to search for.
++ * siz = size of property
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0 = no property
++ * size = index of property
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_find_propname(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ char *propname, char *propstr,
++ char *db, int siz)
++ char *cp;
++ /* find the specified string */
++ if (db) {
++ /* find the property name */
++ if ((cp = strstr(db,propname)) != NULL) {
++ while ((*cp) && *cp != '=')
++ cp++;
++ if (*cp) {
++ strncpy(propstr, cp, siz+1);
++ propstr[siz+1] = '\0';
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: found "
++ "property = {%s}\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ propstr));
++ return(siz); /* match */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return(0);
++ * qla4xxx_get_prop_12chars
++ * Get a 6-byte property value for the specified property name by
++ * converting from the property string found in the configuration file.
++ * The resulting converted value is in big endian format (MSB at byte0).
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ * propname = property name pointer.
++ * propval = pointer to location for the converted property val.
++ * db = pointer to database
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0 = value returned successfully.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_get_prop_12chars(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t *propname,
++ uint8_t *propval, uint8_t *db)
++ char *propstr;
++ int i, k;
++ int rval;
++ uint8_t nval;
++ uint8_t *pchar;
++ uint8_t *ret_byte;
++ uint8_t *tmp_byte;
++ uint8_t *retval = (uint8_t*)propval;
++ uint8_t tmpval[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
++ uint16_t max_byte_cnt = 6; /* 12 chars = 6 bytes */
++ uint16_t max_strlen = 12;
++ static char buf[LINESIZE];
++ rval = qla4xxx_find_propname(ha, propname, buf, db, max_strlen);
++ propstr = &buf[0];
++ if (*propstr == '=')
++ propstr++; /* ignore equal sign */
++ if (rval == 0) {
++ return(1);
++ }
++ /* Convert string to numbers. */
++ pchar = (uint8_t *)propstr;
++ tmp_byte = (uint8_t *)tmpval;
++ rval = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < max_strlen; i++) {
++ /*
++ * Check for invalid character, two at a time,
++ * then convert them starting with first byte.
++ */
++ if ((pchar[i] >= '0') && (pchar[i] <= '9')) {
++ nval = pchar[i] - '0';
++ }
++ else if ((pchar[i] >= 'A') && (pchar[i] <= 'F')) {
++ nval = pchar[i] - 'A' + 10;
++ }
++ else if ((pchar[i] >= 'a') && (pchar[i] <= 'f')) {
++ nval = pchar[i] - 'a' + 10;
++ }
++ else {
++ /* invalid character */
++ rval = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (i & 0x01) {
++ *tmp_byte = *tmp_byte | nval;
++ tmp_byte++;
++ }
++ else {
++ *tmp_byte = *tmp_byte | nval << 4;
++ }
++ }
++ if (rval != 0) {
++ /* Encountered invalid character. */
++ return(rval);
++ }
++ /* Copy over the converted value. */
++ ret_byte = retval;
++ tmp_byte = tmpval;
++ i = max_byte_cnt;
++ k = 0;
++ while (i--) {
++ *ret_byte++ = *tmp_byte++;
++ }
++ /* big endian retval[0]; */
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_add_device_dynamically
++ * This routine processes adds a device as a result of an 8014h AEN.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Firmware's device database index
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4xxx_add_device_dynamically(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index)
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_add_device_dynamically");
++ /* First allocate a device structure */
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_get_ddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ "scsi%d: Unable to allocate memory to add fw_ddb_index "
++ "%d\n", ha->host_no, fw_ddb_index));
++ } else if (qla4xxx_update_ddb_entry(ha, ddb_entry, fw_ddb_index) ==
++ ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index] =
++ (ddb_entry_t *) INVALID_ENTRY;
++ "scsi%d: failed to add new device at index [%d]\n"
++ "Unable to retrieve fw ddb entry\n", ha->host_no,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ } else {
++ /* New device. Let's add it to the database */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: new device at index [%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ qla4xxx_update_fcport(ha, ddb_entry->fcport);
++ if (!qla4xxx_failover_enabled())
++ qla4xxx_config_os(ha);
++ qla4xxx_config_os(ha);
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_add_device_dynamically");
++ * qla4xxx_process_ddb_changed
++ * This routine processes a Decive Database Changed AEN Event.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Firmware's device database index
++ * state - Device state
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully processed ddb_changed aen
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to process ddb_changed aen
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_process_ddb_changed(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index,
++ uint32_t state)
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ uint32_t old_fw_ddb_device_state;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* check for out of range index */
++ if (fw_ddb_index >= MAX_DDB_ENTRIES) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: device index [%d] out of "
++ "range\n", ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ /* Get the corresponging ddb entry */
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ /* Device does not currently exist in our database. */
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ if (state == DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
++ qla4xxx_add_device_dynamically(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ }
++//FIXME: Is this really necessary?
++#if 0
++ else if (state == DDB_DS_SESSION_FAILED ) {
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_get_ddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ if( ddb_entry ) {
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer,
++ ddb_entry->default_time2wait);
++ qla4xxx_mark_device_missing(ha, ddb_entry);
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++ }
++ /* Device already exists in our database. */
++ old_fw_ddb_device_state = ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state;
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s DDB - old state= 0x%x, "
++ "new state=0x%x for index [%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state,
++ state,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ if (old_fw_ddb_device_state == state) {
++ /* Do nothing, state not changed. */
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++ }
++//FIXME: Is this really necessary?
++#if 0
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0, NULL,
++ NULL, &ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state, NULL, NULL, NULL) ==
++ #if 0
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to retrieve "
++ "fw_ddb_device_state for index [%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ #else
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state = state;
++ #endif
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s DDB after query - old fw state= 0x%x, "
++ "new fw state=0x%x for index [%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state,
++ state,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state = state;
++ /* Device is back online. */
++ if (ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->port_down_timer,
++ ha->port_down_retry_count);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->state, DEV_STATE_ONLINE);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->relogin_retry_count, 0);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->relogin_timer, 0);
++ clear_bit(DF_RELOGIN, &ddb_entry->flags);
++ clear_bit(DF_NO_RELOGIN, &ddb_entry->flags);
++ qla4xxx_update_fcport(ha, ddb_entry->fcport);
++/* XXX FIXUP LUN_READY/SUSPEND code -- dg */
++ /*
++ * Change the lun state to READY in case the lun TIMEOUT before
++ * the device came back.
++ */
++ if (ddb_entry->fcport->vis_ha) {
++ int t, l;
++ unsigned long cpu_flags;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *os_ha;
++ os_ha = ddb_entry->fcport->vis_ha;
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++) {
++ for (l = 0; l < MAX_LUNS; l++) {
++ if (!(lq = GET_LU_Q(os_ha, t, l)))
++ continue;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&lq->lun_lock,
++ cpu_flags);
++ lq->lun_state = LS_LUN_READY;
++ ddb_entry->fcport->vis_ha = NULL;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lq->lun_lock,
++ cpu_flags);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ // DG XXX
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ set_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT_NEEDED, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ ha->failover_type = MP_NOTIFY_LOOP_UP;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Device went away, try to relogin. */
++ /* Mark device missing */
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) == DEV_STATE_ONLINE)
++ qla4xxx_mark_device_missing(ha, ddb_entry);
++ /*
++ * Relogin if device state changed to a not active state.
++ * However, do not relogin if this aen is a result of an IOCTL
++ * logout (DF_NO_RELOGIN) or if this is a discovered device.
++ */
++ if (ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_FAILED &&
++ (!test_bit(DF_RELOGIN, &ddb_entry->flags)) &&
++ (!test_bit(DF_NO_RELOGIN, &ddb_entry->flags)) &&
++ (!test_bit(DF_ISNS_DISCOVERED, &ddb_entry->flags))) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d: index [%d] "
++ "initate relogin after %d seconds\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index,
++ ddb_entry->default_time2wait));
++ // DG XXX
++ qla4xxx_update_fcport(ha, ddb_entry->fcport);
++ /*
++ * This triggers a relogin. After the relogin_timer
++ * expires, the relogin gets scheduled. We must wait a
++ * minimum amount of time since receiving an 0x8014 AEN
++ * with failed device_state or a logout response before
++ * we can issue another relogin.
++ */
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer,
++ ddb_entry->default_time2wait);
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_login_device
++ * This routine is called by the login IOCTL to log in the specified
++ * device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Index of the device to login
++ * connection_id - Connection ID of the device to login
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully logged in device
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to login device
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_login_device(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t fw_ddb_index,
++ uint16_t connection_id)
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_login_device");
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d: %s: Login index [%d]\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid index [%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_login_device;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL,
++ &ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state, NULL, NULL, NULL) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: 1st get ddb entry failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_login_device;
++ }
++ if (ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d: %s: login successful for index "
++ "[%d]\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index));
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ goto exit_login_device;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_conn_close_sess_logout(ha, fw_ddb_index, connection_id,
++ goto exit_login_device;
++ }
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_login_device");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_logout_device
++ * This support routine is called by the logout IOCTL to log out
++ * the specified device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Index of the device to logout
++ * connection_id - Connection ID of the device to logout
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully logged out device
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to logout device
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_logout_device(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t fw_ddb_index,
++ uint16_t connection_id)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ uint32_t old_fw_ddb_device_state;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered. index=%d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance, fw_ddb_index));
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid index [%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_logout_device;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL,
++ &old_fw_ddb_device_state, NULL, NULL, NULL) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: get_ddb_entry failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_logout_device;
++ }
++ set_bit(DF_NO_RELOGIN, &ddb_entry->flags);
++ if (qla4xxx_conn_close_sess_logout(ha, fw_ddb_index, connection_id,
++ goto exit_logout_device;
++ }
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (status);
++qla4xxx_flush_all_srbs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry,
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry)
++ int i;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ srb_t *srb;
++ if (lun_entry == NULL || ddb_entry == NULL)
++ return;
++ /* free active commands */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (lun_entry->out_count != 0) {
++ for (i = 1; i < MAX_SRBS; i++) {
++ srb = ha->active_srb_array[i];
++ if (!srb)
++ continue;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: found srb "
++ "%p in active_q\n", ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus,
++ ddb_entry->target, lun_entry->lun, __func__, srb));
++ if (srb->lun_queue != lun_entry)
++ continue;
++ del_from_active_array(ha, i);
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha,srb);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Free Failover commands */
++ qla4xxx_flush_failover_q(ha, lun_entry);
++ /* Send all srbs back to OS */
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q)) {
++ qla4xxx_done(ha);
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_delete_device
++ * This routine is called by the logout IOCTL to delete the specified
++ * device. Send the LOGOUT and DELETE_DDB commands for the specified
++ * target, even if it's not in our internal database.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Index of the device to delete
++ * connection_id - Connection ID of the device to delete
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully deleted device
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to delete device
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_delete_device(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t fw_ddb_index,
++ uint16_t connection_id)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ uint32_t fw_ddb_device_state = 0xFFFF;
++ u_long wait_count;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered. index=%d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance, fw_ddb_index));
++ /* If the device is in our internal tables, set the NO_RELOGIN bit. */
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha, fw_ddb_index);
++ if (ddb_entry != NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d: %s: setting NO_RELOGIN flag\n",
++ ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target, __func__));
++ set_bit(DF_NO_RELOGIN, &ddb_entry->flags);
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the device state is already one that we can delete, bypass the
++ * logout command.
++ */
++ qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL,
++ &fw_ddb_device_state, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++ if (fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_UNASSIGNED ||
++ fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_NO_CONNECTION_ACTIVE ||
++ fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_FAILED)
++ goto delete_ddb;
++ /* First logout index */
++ if (qla4xxx_conn_close_sess_logout(ha, fw_ddb_index, connection_id,
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: LOGOUT_OPTION_CLOSE_SESSION "
++ "failed index [%d]\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_delete_ddb;
++ }
++ /* Wait enough time to complete logout */
++ wait_count = jiffies + LOGOUT_TOV * HZ;
++ while (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL,
++ &fw_ddb_device_state, NULL, NULL, NULL) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (wait_count <= jiffies)
++ goto exit_delete_ddb;
++ if (fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_UNASSIGNED ||
++ fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_NO_CONNECTION_ACTIVE ||
++ fw_ddb_device_state == DDB_DS_SESSION_FAILED)
++ break;
++ udelay(50);
++ }
++ /* Now delete index */
++ if (qla4xxx_clear_database_entry(ha, fw_ddb_index) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ uint16_t lun;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt_entry;
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ if (!ddb_entry)
++ goto exit_delete_ddb;
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->state, DEV_STATE_DEAD);
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->fcport->state, FCS_DEVICE_DEAD);
++/* XXX FIXUP LUN_READY/SUSPEND code -- dg */
++ tgt_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_fcport(ha,
++ ddb_entry->fcport);
++ if (tgt_entry) {
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS; lun++) {
++ lun_entry = tgt_entry->olun[lun];
++ if (lun_entry != NULL) {
++ unsigned long cpu_flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&lun_entry->lun_lock,
++ cpu_flags);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk(
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: flushing "
++ "srbs, pendq_cnt=%d, retryq_cnt="
++ "%d, activeq_cnt=%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, tgt_entry->id, lun,
++ __func__, 0 ,
++ ha->retry_srb_q_count,
++ 0,
++ ha->active_srb_count));
++ qla4xxx_flush_all_srbs(ha, ddb_entry,
++ lun_entry);
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state ==
++ lun_entry->lun_state =
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ &lun_entry->lun_lock, cpu_flags);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: removing index %d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index] =
++ (ddb_entry_t *) INVALID_ENTRY;
++ // qla4xxx_free_ddb(ha, ddb_entry);
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (status);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_glbl.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Global include file.
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#ifndef __QLA4x_GBL_H
++#define __QLA4x_GBL_H
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
++ * Defined in ql4_os.c
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_start_io(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern srb_t *del_from_active_array(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t index);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_complete_request(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_reset_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, lun_entry_t *lun_entry);
++extern inline uint8_t qla4xxx_soft_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern const char *host_sts_msg[];
++extern void qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd(srb_t *srb);
++extern scsi_qla_host_t *qla4xxx_get_adapter_handle(uint16_t instance);
++extern inline uint32_t qla4xxx_get_hba_count(void);
++extern void qla4xxx_free_ddb_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern void qla4xxx_tgt_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t t);
++extern os_tgt_t *qla4xxx_tgt_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t);
++extern os_lun_t * qla4xxx_lun_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
++extern void qla4xxx_extend_timeout(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, int timeout);
++extern int qla4xxx_done(scsi_qla_host_t *old_ha);
++extern int qla4xxx_device_suspend( scsi_qla_host_t *, os_lun_t *, srb_t * );
++extern struct list_head qla4xxx_hostlist;
++extern rwlock_t qla4xxx_hostlist_lock;
++extern void qla4xxx_flush_failover_q(scsi_qla_host_t *, os_lun_t *);
++extern int extended_error_logging;
++ * Defined in ql4_iocb.c
++ */
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_send_marker(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, lun_entry_t *lun_entry);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, lun_entry_t *lun_entry);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_get_req_pkt(scsi_qla_host_t *, QUEUE_ENTRY **);
++extern PDU_ENTRY *qla4xxx_get_pdu(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t);
++extern void qla4xxx_free_pdu(scsi_qla_host_t *, PDU_ENTRY *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t,
++ uint16_t, dma_addr_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint32_t);
++ * Defined in ql4_isr.c
++ */
++extern irqreturn_t qla4xxx_intr_handler(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
++extern void qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t intr_status);
++extern void __qla4xxx_suspend_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb, os_lun_t *lun_entry, uint16_t time,
++ uint16_t retries, int delay);
++ * Defined in ql4_init.c
++ */
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_initialize_adapter(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t renew_ddb_list);
++extern ddb_entry_t *qla4xxx_alloc_ddb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_update_ddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t
++ *ddb_entry, uint32_t fw_ddb_index);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t fw_ddb_index, DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry, dma_addr_t fw_ddb_entry_dma, uint32_t *num_valid_ddb_entries, uint32_t *next_ddb_index, uint32_t *fw_ddb_device_state, uint32_t *time2wait, uint16_t *tcp_source_port_num, uint16_t *connection_id);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_relogin_device(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp(scsi_qla_host_t *, srb_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_get_prop_12chars(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t *propname, uint8_t *propval, uint8_t *db);
++extern void qla4xxx_free_ddb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t size);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_set_ddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t fw_ddb_index, DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry, dma_addr_t fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_process_ddb_changed(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index, uint32_t state);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_init_rings(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern fc_lun_t * qla4xxx_add_fclun(fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun);
++extern os_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_fclun_bind(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun);
++extern void qla4xxx_flush_all_srbs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, os_lun_t *lun_entry);
++ * Defined in ql4_mbx.c
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_process_aen(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t flush_ddb_chg_aens);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_mailbox_command(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t inCount, uint8_t outCount, uint32_t *mbx_cmd, uint32_t *mbx_sts);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_issue_iocb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, void* buffer, dma_addr_t phys_addr, size_t size);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_enable(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t, uint16_t);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_disable(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_get_flash(scsi_qla_host_t *, dma_addr_t, uint32_t,
++ uint32_t);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_get_firmware_state(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern void qla4xxx_get_crash_record(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_conn_close_sess_logout(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t,
++ uint16_t, uint16_t);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_clear_database_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_get_fw_version(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_get_firmware_status(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++ * Defined in ql4_inioct.c
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_iocb_pass_done(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY *sts_entry);
++ * Defined in ql4_xioct.c
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_scsi_pass_done(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
++extern void qla4xxx_ioctl_sem_init (scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++ * Defined in ql4_isns.c
++ */
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_process_response(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY *sts_entry);
++extern uint8_t
++qla4xxx_isns_restart_service_completion(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t isns_ip_addr,
++ uint16_t isns_server_port_num);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_restart_service(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_init_attributes(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_reenable(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t, uint16_t);
++extern void qla4xxx_isns_enable_callback(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t,
++ uint32_t, uint32_t);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_get_server_request(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t,
++ uint16_t);
++ * Defined in ql4_nvram.c
++ */
++extern u16 RD_NVRAM_WORD(scsi_qla_host_t *, int);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_is_NVRAM_configuration_valid(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern void qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t sem);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t sem, uint8_t wait_flag);
++ * Defined in ql4_dbg.c
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_dump_buffer(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
++ * Defined in ql4_fo.c
++ */
++extern void
++qla4xxx_reset_lun_fo_counts(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, os_lun_t *lq);
++ * Defined in ql4_foio.c
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_lun_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport);
++ * Defined in ql4_foln.c
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_flush_failover_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, os_lun_t *q);
++extern int qla4xxx_issue_scsi_inquiry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun );
++extern int qla4xxx_test_active_lun(fc_port_t *fcport, fc_lun_t *fclun);
++extern int qla4xxx_get_wwuln_from_device(mp_host_t *host, fc_lun_t *fclun,
++ char *evpd_buf, int wwlun_size);
++extern fc_lun_t * qla4xxx_cfg_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport,
++ uint16_t lun, inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma);
++extern void
++qla4xxx_lun_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport);
++extern int qla4xxx_rpt_lun_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport,
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *inq, dma_addr_t inq_dma);
++extern int
++qla4xxx_spinup(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun);
++#endif /* _QLA4x_GBL_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_foioctl.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
++* QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++* Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++* (
++* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++* later version.
++* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++* General Public License for more details.
++* Failover include file
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++#include "qlnfo.h"
++#include "ql4_ioctl.h"
++ * Global variables
++ */
++ * Support routines
++ */
++ * qla4xxx_get_hba
++ * Searches the hba structure chain for the requested instance
++ * aquires the mutex and returns a pointer to the hba structure.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * inst = adapter instance number.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Return value is a pointer to the adapter structure or
++ * NULL if instance not found.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++scsi_qla_host_t *
++qla4xxx_get_hba(unsigned long instance)
++ int found;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ ha = NULL;
++ found = 0;
++ read_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(ha, &qla4xxx_hostlist, list) {
++ if (ha->instance == instance) {
++ found++;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ read_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ return (found ? ha : NULL);
++ * qla4xxx_nfo_ioctl
++ * Provides functions for failover ioctl() calls.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ * ioctl_code = ioctl function to perform
++ * arg = Address of application EXT_IOCTL_NFO cmd data
++ * mode = flags
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Return value is the ioctl rval_p return value.
++ * 0 = success
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_nfo_ioctl(struct scsi_device *dev, int cmd, void *arg)
++ char *ptemp;
++ int status = 0;
++ int tmp_stat = 0;
++ EXT_IOCTL_NFO *pioctl = NULL;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = NULL;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /*
++ * Check to see if we can access the ioctl command structure
++ */
++ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, arg, sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO))) {
++ printk("%s: NULL EXT_IOCTL_NFO buffer\n",
++ __func__));
++ status = (-EFAULT);
++ goto exit_qla4nfo_ioctl;
++ }
++ /* Allocate ioctl structure buffer to support multiple concurrent
++ * entries. NO static structures allowed.
++ */
++ pioctl = QL_KMEM_ZALLOC(sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO));
++ if (pioctl == NULL) {
++ /* error */
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "qla4xxx: ERROR in main nfo ioctl buffer allocation.\n");
++ status = (-ENOMEM);
++ goto exit_qla4nfo_ioctl;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the ioctl command structure from user space to local structure
++ */
++ status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pioctl, arg, sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO));
++ if (status) {
++ printk("scsi: %s: EXT_IOCTL_NFO copy error.\n",
++ __func__));
++ goto exit_qla4nfo_ioctl;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4|QLP10, printk("EXT_IOCTL_NFO structure: \n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_dwords(QLP4|QLP10, pioctl, sizeof(*pioctl));
++ /* check signature of this ioctl */
++ ptemp = (uint8_t *)pioctl->Signature;
++ if (memcmp(ptemp, NFO_DEF_SIGNATURE, NFO_DEF_SIGNATURE_SIZE) != 0) {
++ printk("%s: signature did not match. "
++ "cmd=%x arg=%p.\n", __func__, cmd, arg));
++ pioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM;
++ status = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO));
++ goto exit_qla4nfo_ioctl;
++ }
++ /* check version of this ioctl */
++ if (pioctl->Version > NFO_VERSION) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "ql4xxx: ioctl interface version not supported = %d.\n",
++ pioctl->Version);
++ status = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO));
++ goto exit_qla4nfo_ioctl;
++ }
++ if (!((ulong)pioctl->VendorSpecificData & EXT_DEF_USE_HBASELECT)) {
++ /* we don't support api that are too old */
++ printk(
++ "%s: got setinstance cmd w/o HbaSelect. Return error.\n",
++ __func__));
++ pioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM;
++ status = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO));
++ goto exit_qla4nfo_ioctl;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Get the adapter handle for the corresponding adapter instance
++ */
++ ha = qla4xxx_get_adapter_handle(pioctl->HbaSelect);
++ if (ha == NULL) {
++ printk("%s: NULL EXT_IOCTL_NFO buffer\n",
++ __func__));
++ pioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_DEV_NOT_FOUND;
++ status = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO));
++ goto exit_qla4nfo_ioctl;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: ioctl+ (%s)\n", ha->host_no,
++ IOCTL_TBL_STR(cmd, pioctl->SubCode)));
++ down(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_sem);
++ /*
++ * If the DPC is active, wait for it to complete before proceeding
++ */
++ while (ha->dpc_active) {
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1*HZ);
++ }
++ ha->i_start = jiffies;
++ ha->i_end = 0;
++ ha->f_start = 0;
++ ha->f_end = 0;
++ /*
++ * Issue the ioctl command
++ */
++ switch (cmd) {
++#if 0
++ status = xx();
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unsupported command code (%X)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cmd));
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the updated ioctl structure back to the user
++ */
++ tmp_stat = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl, sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_NFO));
++ if (status == 0)
++ status = tmp_stat;
++ ha->i_end = jiffies;
++ up(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_sem);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: ioctl- (%s) "
++ "i_start=%lx, f_start=%lx, f_end=%lx, i_end=%lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, IOCTL_TBL_STR(cmd, pioctl->SubCode),
++ ha->i_start, ha->f_start, ha->f_end, ha->i_end));
++ if (pioctl)
++ QL_KMEM_FREE(pioctl);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (status);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlisioln.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#ifndef _QLISIOLN_H_
++#define _QLISIOLN_H_
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#ifdef APILIB
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#ifndef INT8
++#define INT8 int8_t
++#ifndef INT16
++#define INT16 int16_t
++#ifndef INT32
++#define INT32 int32_t
++#ifndef UINT8
++#define UINT8 uint8_t
++#ifndef UINT16
++#define UINT16 uint16_t
++#ifndef UINT32
++#define UINT32 uint32_t
++#ifndef UINT64
++#define UINT64 unsigned long long
++#ifndef BOOLEAN
++#define BOOLEAN uint8_t
++#if BITS_PER_LONG <= 32
++#define _QLBUILD /* for qlisioct.h to enable include of qinsdmgt.h */
++/* max index values */
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_HBA_OS 63 /* 0 - 0x3F */
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_HBAS 64
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_BUS_OS 1
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_TARGET_OS 255 /* 0 - 0xFF */
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_TARGETS 256
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_LUN_OS 255 /* 0 - 0xFF */
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_LUNS 256
++#define EXT_DEF_USE_HBASELECT 0x02 /* bit 1: HbaSelect field is
++ * used to specify destination
++ * HBA of each command.
++ * SetInstance cmd is now
++ * issued only once during
++ * API initialization.
++ */
++/* Command codes */
++/* Correctly defined to work on both 32bit and 64bit kernels */
++#define QL_IOCTL_BASE(idx) \
++#define QL_IOCTL_CMD(idx) QL_IOCTL_BASE(idx)
++ * These are regular command codes
++ * idx range from 0x00 to 0x2f
++ ***********************************/
++#define EXT_DEF_REG_CC_START_IDX 0x00
++#define EXT_CC_QUERY_OS /* QUERY */ \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x00)
++#define EXT_CC_REG_AEN_OS /* REG_AEN */ \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x01)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_AEN_OS /* GET_AEN */ \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x02)
++#define EXT_CC_GET_DATA_OS /* GET_DATA */ \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x03)
++#define EXT_CC_SET_DATA_OS /* SET_DATA */ \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x04)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x05)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x06)
++#define EXT_DEF_REG_CC_END_IDX 0x06
++ * Internal command codes
++ * idx range from 0x10 to 0x2f
++ ***********************************/
++#define EXT_DEF_INT_CC_START_IDX 0x10
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0A_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x10)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0B_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x11)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0C_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x12)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0D_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x13)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0E_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x14)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0F_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x15)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0G_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x16)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0H_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x17)
++#define EXT_CC_RESERVED0I_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0x18)
++#define EXT_DEF_INT_CC_END_IDX 0x18
++ * NextGen Failover ioctl command
++ * codes range from 0x37 to 0x4f.
++ * See qlnfoln.h
++ ***********************************/
++ * These are a Linux driver specific
++ * commands.
++ * idx range from highest value 0xff
++ * and in decreasing order.
++ ***********************************/
++#define EXT_CC_GET_HBACNT /* GET_HBACNT */ \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xff)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xfe)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xfc)
++#define EXT_DEF_DRV_SPC_CC_END_IDX 0xfc
++/* Response struct definition */
++ * HBA Count
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_HBA_COUNT {
++ UINT16 HbaCnt; /* 2 */
++ * Driver Specific
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_LN_DRV_VERSION {
++ UINT8 Major;
++ UINT8 Minor;
++ UINT8 Patch;
++ UINT8 Beta;
++ UINT8 Reserved[4];
++} EXT_LN_DRV_VERSION; /* 8 */
++typedef struct _EXT_LN_DRIVER_DATA {
++ EXT_LN_DRV_VERSION DrvVer; /* 8 */
++ UINT32 Flags; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 AdapterModel; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Reserved[12]; /* 48 */
++/* Bit defines for the Flags field */
++#define EXT_DEF_NGFO_CAPABLE 0x0001 /* bit 0 */
++/* Bit defines for the AdapterModel field */
++/* bit 0 to bit 7 are used by FC driver. when adding new bit
++ * definitions they must be unique among all supported drivers
++ */
++#define EXT_DEF_QLA4010_DRIVER 0x0100 /* bit 8 */
++#define EXT_DEF_QLA4022_DRIVER 0x0200 /* bit 9 */
++#endif //_QLISIOLN_H_
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_cfg.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx Multi-path LUN Support
++ * Multi-path include file.
++ */
++#if !defined(_QLA_CFG_H)
++#define _QLA_CFG_H
++#if defined(__cplusplus)
++extern "C"
++ * Failover definitions
++ */
++#define MP_NOTIFY_PWR_LOSS 2
++#define MP_NOTIFY_LOOP_UP 3
++ * Limits definitions.
++ */
++#define MAX_LUNS_PER_DEVICE MAX_LUNS /* Maximum # of luns */
++#define MAX_MP_DEVICES MAX_TARGETS /* Maximum # of virtual devs */
++#define MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE 8 /* Maximum # of paths */
++#if !defined(MAX_LUNS)
++#define MAX_LUNS 256
++/* Async notification types */
++#define NOTIFY_EVENT_LINK_DOWN 1 /* Link went down */
++#define NOTIFY_EVENT_LINK_UP 2 /* Link is back up */
++#define NOTIFY_EVENT_RESET_DETECTED 3 /* Reset detected */
++#define VITAL_PRODUCT_DATA_SIZE 32 /* 32 */
++#define INQ_EVPD_SET 1
++#define INQ_DEV_IDEN_PAGE 0x83
++/* MACROS */
++#if 0
++#define qla4xxx_is_portname_equal(N1,N2) \
++ ((memcmp((N1),(N2),WWN_SIZE)==0?TRUE:FALSE))
++#define qla4xxx_is_nodename_equal(N1,N2) \
++ ((memcmp((N1),(N2),WWN_SIZE)==0?TRUE:FALSE))
++ * Per-multipath driver parameters
++ */
++typedef struct _mp_lun_data {
++ uint8_t data[MAX_LUNS];
++#define PATH_INDEX_INVALID 0xff
++ * Per-device collection of all paths.
++ */
++typedef struct _mp_path_list {
++ struct _mp_path *last; /* ptrs to end of circular list of paths */
++ uint8_t path_cnt; /* number of paths */
++ uint8_t visible; /* visible path */
++ uint16_t reserved1; /* Memory alignment */
++ uint32_t reserved2; /* Memory alignment */
++ uint8_t current_path[ MAX_LUNS_PER_DEVICE ]; /* current path for a given lun */
++ uint16_t failover_cnt[ FAILOVER_TYPE_COUNT ];
++ * Definitions for failover notify SRBs. These SRBs contain failover notify
++ * CDBs to notify a target that a failover has occurred.
++ *
++ */
++typedef struct _failover_notify_srb {
++ srb_t *srb;
++ uint16_t status;
++ uint16_t reserved;
++typedef struct _mp_lun {
++ struct _mp_lun *next;
++ struct _mp_device *dp; /* Multipath device */
++ int number; /* actual lun number */
++ fc_lun_t *paths[MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE]; /* list of fcluns */
++ struct list_head ports_list;
++ int path_cnt; /* Must be > 1 for fo device */
++ int siz; /* Size of wwuln */
++ struct fo_information *info;
++ uint8_t wwuln[WWLUN_SIZE];/* lun id from inquiry page 83. */
++typedef struct _mp_port {
++ struct list_head list;
++ uint8_t iscsiname[ISCSI_NAME_SIZE];
++ uint8_t path_list[ MAX_HOSTS ]; /* path index for a given HBA */
++ scsi_qla_host_t *hba_list[ MAX_HOSTS ];
++ int cnt;
++ int fo_cnt;
++ ulong total_blks; /* blocks transferred on this port */
++ * Per-device multipath control data.
++ */
++typedef struct _mp_device {
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list; /* Path list for device. */
++ int dev_id;
++ int use_cnt; /* number of users */
++ struct _mp_lun *luns; /* list of luns */
++ uint8_t devname[ISCSI_NAME_SIZE]; /* World-wide node name for device. */
++ uint8_t iscsinames[MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE][ISCSI_NAME_SIZE];
++ * Per-adapter multipath Host
++ */
++typedef struct _mp_host {
++ struct _mp_host *next; /* ptr to next host adapter in list */
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha; /* ptr to lower-level driver adapter struct */
++ int instance; /* OS instance number */
++ struct list_head *fcports; /* Port chain for this adapter */
++ mp_device_t *mp_devs[MAX_MP_DEVICES]; /* Multipath devices */
++ uint32_t flags;
++#define MP_HOST_FLAG_NEEDS_UPDATE BIT_0 /* Need to update device data. */
++#define MP_HOST_FLAG_FO_ENABLED BIT_1 /* Failover enabled for this host */
++#define MP_HOST_FLAG_DISABLE BIT_2 /* Bypass qla_cfg. */
++#define MP_HOST_FLAG_LUN_FO_ENABLED BIT_3 /* lun Failover enabled */
++ uint8_t iscsiname[ISCSI_NAME_SIZE]; /* World-wide node name for device. */
++ uint16_t MaxLunsPerTarget;
++ uint16_t relogin_countdown;
++ * Describes path a single.
++ */
++typedef struct _mp_path {
++ struct _mp_path *next; /* next path in list */
++ struct _mp_host *host; /* Pointer to adapter */
++ fc_port_t *port; /* FC port info */
++ uint16_t id; /* Path id (index) */
++ uint16_t flags;
++ uint8_t mp_byte; /* Multipath control byte */
++#define MP_MASK_HIDDEN 0x80
++#define MP_MASK_PRIORITY 0x07
++ uint8_t relogin; /* Need to relogin to port */
++ uint8_t config; /* User configured path */
++ uint8_t reserved[3];
++ mp_lun_data_t lun_data; /* Lun data information */
++ uint8_t iscsiname[ISCSI_NAME_SIZE]; /* World-wide node name for device. */
++ * Failover notification requests from host driver.
++ */
++typedef struct failover_notify_entry {
++ struct scsi_address *os_addr;
++struct fo_information {
++ uint8_t path_cnt;
++ uint32_t fo_retry_cnt[MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE];
++#if 0
++/* ** NEW simified version of T3 ** */
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t entry_type;
++ uint8_t entry_status;
++ uint8_t system_defined;
++ uint8_t entry_count;
++ uint32_t handle;
++ uint16_t target;
++ uint16_t connection_id;
++ uint8_t control_flags;
++ uint8_t state_flags;
++ uint8_t cmd_ref_num;
++ uint8_t reserved1;
++ uint8_t scsi_cdb[IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN];
++ uint8_t lun[8];
++ uint32_t cmd_seq_num;
++ uint16_t timeout;
++ uint16_t desg_count;
++ uint32_t byte_count;
++ uint32_t dseg_0_address[2];
++ uint32_t dseg_0_length;
++} cmd_entry_t;
++#endif /* _QLA_CFG_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_isr.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1379 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4xxx_suspend_lun
++ * qla4xxx_status_entry
++ * qla4xxx_process_response_queue
++ * qla4xxx_isr_decode_mailbox
++ * qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine
++ * qla4xxx_intr_handler
++ * qla4xxx_ok2relogin
++ * qla4xxx_process_aen
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++static void
++qla4xxx_process_completed_request(struct scsi_qla_host *ha, uint32_t index);
++ * String messages for various state values (used for print statements)
++ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++const char *host_sts_msg[] = HOST_STS_TBL();
++ * qla4xxx_suspend_lun
++ * This routine suspends the lun queue for the specified lun and places
++ * all requests for this lun onto the retry queue for a specified
++ * amount of time.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * srb - Pointer to SCSI Request Block
++ * lun_entry - lun structure
++ * time - Number of seconds to suspend queue
++ * retries - Max retry count for this lun
++ * delay = non-zero, if lun should be delayed rather than suspended
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The suspend queue algorithm is provided as a method to keep commands
++ * within the driver while a device is attempting to recover from certain
++ * failures. By keeping the commands within the driver, it prevents the
++ * kernel's retries from being exhausted so quickly and minimizes failures
++ * at the application level.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++__qla4xxx_suspend_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ srb_t *srb,
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry,
++ uint16_t time,
++ uint16_t retries, int delay)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint8_t status = 0 ;
++ if (lun_entry == NULL)
++ return;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&lun_entry->lun_lock, flags);
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state == LS_LUN_READY ||
++ lun_entry->lun_state == LS_LUN_RETRY) {
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state == LS_LUN_READY) {
++ lun_entry->max_retry_count = retries;
++ lun_entry->retry_count = 0;
++ }
++ /* Set the suspend time */
++ atomic_set(&lun_entry->suspend_timer, time);
++ DEBUG2( printk("scsi%d: %s lun %d retry count = %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, lun_entry->lun,
++ lun_entry->retry_count));
++ /* now suspend the lun */
++ lun_entry->lun_state = LS_LUN_SUSPENDED;
++ lun_entry->fclun->fcport->vis_ha = ha;
++ if (delay) {
++ set_bit(LF_LUN_DELAYED, &lun_entry->flags);
++ }
++ status = 1;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lun_entry->lun_lock, flags);
++#if 0
++ if (status) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(sp, stemp, &ha->pending_srb_q,
++ list_entry) {
++ if (sp->lun_queue != lun_entry)
++ continue;
++ __del_from_pending_srb_q(ha, sp);
++ if (retries > sp->cmd->allowed)
++ sp->cmd->allowed = retries;
++ __add_to_retry_srb_q(ha,sp);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ }
++ if( srb )
++ add_to_retry_srb_q(ha,srb);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ * qla4xxx_check_and_copy_sense
++ * This routine processes Status IOCBs
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * sts_entry - Pointer to status entry structure
++ * srb - Pointer to internal SCSI request block structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - We want the caller to complete the command
++ * QLA_ERROR - We do not want the caller to complete the request
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_check_and_copy_sense(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, STATUS_ENTRY *sts_entry, srb_t *srb)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = srb->cmd;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *osha;
++ uint16_t sensebytecnt;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ osha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ /* FIXMEdg: Always clear buffer */
++ memset(cmd->sense_buffer, 0, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer));
++ sensebytecnt = le16_to_cpu(sts_entry->senseDataByteCnt);
++ if (sensebytecnt == 0)
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ /* always perform the copy to cmd fields */
++ CMD_ACTUAL_SNSLEN(cmd) = sensebytecnt;
++ memcpy(cmd->sense_buffer,
++ sts_entry->senseData,
++ MIN(sensebytecnt, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer)));
++ if (!(srb->flags & (SRB_IOCTL_CMD | SRB_TAPE)))
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ /* check for vaild sense data */
++ if ((sts_entry->senseData[0] & 0x70) != 0x70)
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "sense key = "
++ "%x, ASC/ASCQ = %02x/%02x\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun, __func__,
++ sts_entry->senseData[2] & 0x0f,
++ sts_entry->senseData[12],
++ sts_entry->senseData[13]));
++ srb->flags |= SRB_GOT_SENSE;
++ switch (sts_entry->senseData[2] & 0x0f) {
++ cmd->result = DID_OK << 16;
++ cmd->sense_buffer[0] = 0;
++ break;
++ case NOT_READY:
++ fcport = lun_entry->fclun->fcport;
++ /*
++ * Suspend the lun only for hard disk device type.
++ */
++ if (test_bit(AF_INIT_DONE, &ha->flags) &&
++ lun_entry != NULL &&
++ (fcport->flags & FCF_TAPE_PRESENT) == 0 &&
++ lun_entry->lun_state != LS_LUN_TIMEOUT) {
++ /*
++ * If target is in process of being ready then suspend
++ * lun for 6 secs and retry all the commands.
++ */
++ if (sts_entry->senseData[12] == 0x4 &&
++ sts_entry->senseData[13] == 0x1) {
++ /* To give the lun more time to become ready,
++ * suspend lun then retry command */
++ qla4xxx_suspend_lun(osha, srb, lun_entry,
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ else if (sts_entry->senseData[12] == 0x8 &&
++ sts_entry->senseData[13] == 0x0) {
++ /* To give the lun more time to become ready,
++ * suspend lun then retry command */
++ qla4xxx_suspend_lun(osha, srb, lun_entry,
++ (ha->port_down_retry_count /
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_status_entry
++ * This routine processes Status IOCBs
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * sts_entry - Pointer to status entry structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4xxx_status_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, STATUS_ENTRY *sts_entry)
++ srb_t *srb;
++ uint8_t scsi_status;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_status_entry");
++ /* FIXMEdg: Fast path completion. */
++ if (sts_entry->completionStatus == SCS_COMPLETE &&
++ sts_entry->scsiStatus == 0) {
++ qla4xxx_process_completed_request(ha,
++ le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->handle));
++ return;
++ }
++ srb = del_from_active_array(ha, le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->handle));
++ if (srb) {
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = srb->cmd;
++ uint32_t residual = le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->residualByteCnt);
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry = srb->fclun->fcport->ddbptr;
++ if (cmd == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): Command already returned back to OS "
++ "pkt->handle=%d srb=%p srb->state:%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, sts_entry->handle, srb, srb->state));
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "Command is NULL: already returned to OS (srb=%p)\n", srb);
++ return;
++ }
++ if (srb->lun_queue == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d): Status Entry invalid lun pointer.\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ /* FIXMEdg: Don't we need to reset ISP in this case??? */
++ }
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ goto status_entry_exit;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Translate ISP error to a Linux SCSI error
++ */
++ scsi_status = sts_entry->scsiStatus;
++ switch (sts_entry->completionStatus) {
++ if (scsi_status == 0) {
++ cmd->result = DID_OK << 16;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sts_entry->iscsiFlags &
++ cmd->resid = residual;
++ // CMD_RESID_LEN(cmd) = residual;
++ }
++ if (scsi_status == SCSISTAT_BUSY) {
++ cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16 | scsi_status;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (scsi_status != SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION)
++ break;
++ /* Check for sense errors */
++ if (qla4xxx_check_and_copy_sense(ha, sts_entry ,srb) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_status_entry");
++ return; /* DO NOT complete request */
++ }
++ break;
++ /* Always set the status to DID_ERROR, since
++ * all conditions result in that status anyway */
++ cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ break;
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "Device RESET occurred\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ /* FIXME: Should we requeue RESET status ??? */
++ // cmd->result = DID_RESET << 16;
++ if (srb->flags & (SRB_IOCTL_CMD | SRB_TAPE)) {
++ cmd->result = DID_RESET << 16;
++ }
++ else {
++ qla4xxx_device_suspend(ha, srb->lun_queue, srb);
++ return;
++ }
++ break;
++ case SCS_ABORTED:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP3, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "Abort occurred\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ cmd->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
++ // ha->aborted_io_count++;
++ break;
++ case SCS_TIMEOUT:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: "
++ "Timeout\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun));
++ /* F/W logout the connection when this occurs */
++ cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ /*
++ * Mark device missing so that we won't continue to send
++ * I/O to this device. We should get a ddb state change
++ * AEN soon.
++ */
++ if ((atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) == DEV_STATE_ONLINE))
++ qla4xxx_mark_device_missing(ha, ddb_entry);
++ break;
++ if ((sts_entry->iscsiFlags & ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_OVER) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "Data overrun, "
++ "residual = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__, residual));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "response packet data\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10, sts_entry,
++ (sizeof(*sts_entry) *
++ sts_entry->hdr.entryCount));
++ cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ break;
++ }
++ if ((sts_entry->iscsiFlags & ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_UNDER) == 0) {
++ cmd->resid = residual;
++ // CMD_RESID_LEN(cmd) = residual;
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "UNDERRUN status detected, "
++ "xferlen = 0x%x, "
++ "residual = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__, cmd->request_bufflen,
++ residual));
++ }
++ /*
++ * If there is scsi_status, it takes precedense over
++ * underflow condition.
++ */
++ if (scsi_status != 0) {
++ if (scsi_status == SCSISTAT_BUSY) {
++ cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16 | scsi_status;
++ break;
++ }
++ cmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | scsi_status;
++ if (scsi_status != SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION)
++ break;
++ /* Check for sense errors */
++ if (qla4xxx_check_and_copy_sense(ha, sts_entry ,srb) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_status_entry");
++ return; /* DO NOT complete request */
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ /*
++ * If RISC reports underrun and target does not
++ * report it then we must have a lost frame, so
++ * tell upper layer to retry it by reporting a
++ * bus busy.
++ */
++ if ((sts_entry->iscsiFlags & ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_UNDER) == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: "
++ "%s: Dropped frame(s) "
++ "detected (%x of %x bytes)..."
++ " retrying command.\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__,
++ residual,
++ cmd->request_bufflen));
++ cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ }
++ else if ((cmd->request_bufflen - residual) < cmd->underflow) {
++ /*
++ * Handle mid-layer underflow???
++ *
++ * For kernels less than 2.4, the driver must
++ * return an error if an underflow is detected.
++ * For kernels equal-to and above 2.4, the
++ * mid-layer will appearantly handle the
++ * underflow by detecting the residual count --
++ * unfortunately, we do not see where this is
++ * actually being done. In the interim, we
++ * will return DID_ERROR.
++ */
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "Mid-layer Data underrun, "
++ "xferlen = 0x%x, "
++ "residual = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__, cmd->request_bufflen,
++ residual));
++ cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ CMD_RESID_LEN(cmd) = residual;
++ }
++ else {
++ cmd->result = DID_OK << 16;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ /*
++ * Mark device missing so that we won't continue to
++ * send I/O to this device. We should get a ddb
++ * state change AEN soon.
++ */
++ if ((atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) ==
++ qla4xxx_mark_device_missing(ha, ddb_entry);
++ if ((srb->flags & SRB_TAPE) ||
++ (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->fcport->state)
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ }
++ else {
++ cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(cmd, EXTEND_CMD_TOV);
++ add_to_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ return; /* DO NOT complete request */
++ }
++ break;
++ /*
++ * SCSI Mid-Layer handles device queue full
++ */
++ cmd->result = DID_OK << 16 | sts_entry->scsiStatus;
++ DEBUG2( printk("scsi%d:%d:%d: %s: QUEUE FULL detected "
++ "compl=%02x, scsi=%02x, state=%02x, "
++ "iFlags=%02x, iResp=%02x\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__, sts_entry->completionStatus,
++ sts_entry->scsiStatus,
++ sts_entry->state_flags,
++ sts_entry->iscsiFlags,
++ sts_entry->iscsiResponse));
++ break;
++ case SCS_DMA_ERROR:
++ default:
++ cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ break;
++ }
++ status_entry_exit:
++ /* fill in info for passthru command */
++ CMD_SCSI_STATUS(cmd) = sts_entry->scsiStatus;
++ if (srb->flags & (SRB_IOCTL_CMD | SRB_TAPE)) {
++ CMD_COMPL_STATUS(cmd) = sts_entry->completionStatus;
++ CMD_ISCSI_RESPONSE(cmd) = sts_entry->iscsiResponse;
++ CMD_STATE_FLAGS(cmd) = sts_entry->state_flags;
++ CMD_HOST_STATUS(cmd) = host_byte(cmd->result);
++ }
++ /* complete the request */
++ srb->cc_stat = sts_entry->completionStatus;
++ if (host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_RESET ||
++ host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_BUS_BUSY ||
++ /* host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_IMM_RETRY || */
++ host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_ABORT ||
++ host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_ERROR) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "did_error=%d, comp-scsi=0x%x-0x%x, "
++ "pid=%ld\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__,
++ host_byte(cmd->result),
++ sts_entry->completionStatus,
++ sts_entry->scsiStatus,
++ cmd->serial_number));
++ }
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ }
++ else {
++ /* FIXMEdg: Don't we need to reset ISP in this case??? */
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: Status Entry invalid "
++ "handle 0x%x, sp=%p. "
++ "This cmd may have already been completed.\n",
++ ha->host_no, le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->handle),
++ srb));
++ // QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: sts_entry 0x%p\n",
++ // ha->host_no, __func__, sts_entry));
++ // qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP2, sts_entry, sizeof(*sts_entry));
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_status_entry");
++ * qla2x00_process_completed_request() - Process a Fast Post response.
++ * @ha: SCSI driver HA context
++ * @index: SRB index
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_process_completed_request(struct scsi_qla_host *ha, uint32_t index)
++ srb_t *srb;
++ srb = del_from_active_array(ha, index);
++ if (srb) {
++ CMD_COMPL_STATUS(srb->cmd) = 0L;
++ CMD_SCSI_STATUS(srb->cmd) = 0L;
++ /* Save ISP completion status */
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_OK << 16;
++ srb->fo_retry_cnt = 0;
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ }
++ else {
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "scsi(%d): Invalid ISP SCSI completion handle = %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, index));
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_process_response_queue
++ * This routine handles the Response Queue Completion.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * hardware_lock locked upon entry
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully processed response queue
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to process response queue
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint32_t
++qla4xxx_process_response_queue(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t count = 0;
++ srb_t *srb = 0;
++ STATUS_ENTRY *sts_entry;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_process_response_queue");
++ /* Process all responses from response queue */
++ while ((ha->response_in = (uint16_t)
++ le32_to_cpu(ha->shadow_regs->rsp_q_in)) != ha->response_out) {
++ sts_entry = (STATUS_ENTRY *) ha->response_ptr;
++ count++;
++ /* Advance pointers for next entry */
++ if (ha->response_out == (RESPONSE_QUEUE_DEPTH - 1)) {
++ ha->response_out = 0;
++ ha->response_ptr = ha->response_ring;
++ }
++ else {
++ ha->response_out++;
++ ha->response_ptr++;
++ }
++ /* process entry */
++ switch (sts_entry->hdr.entryType) {
++ case ET_STATUS:
++ /* Common status - Single completion posted in single
++ * IOSB */
++ // ha->f_end = jiffies;
++ qla4xxx_status_entry(ha, sts_entry);
++ break;
++ /* FIXME: DG XXX We should be using callbacks here */
++ /* if (sts_entry->hdr.systemDefined == SD_PASSTHRU_IOCB)
++ qla4xxx_iocb_pass_done(ha, (PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY *) sts_entry);
++ else */
++ qla4xxx_isns_process_response(ha,
++ (PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY *) sts_entry);
++ qla4xxx_isns_process_response(ha,
++ (PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY *) sts_entry);
++ break;
++/* FIXMEdg: Cut and paste from fibre code */
++ /* Just throw away the status continuation entries */
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Status Continuation entry "
++ "- ignoring\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ break;
++ case ET_COMMAND:
++ /* ISP device queue is full. Command not accepted by
++ * ISP. Queue command for later */
++ srb = del_from_active_array(ha, le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->handle));
++ if (srb == NULL)
++ goto exit_prq_invalid_handle;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: FW device queue full, "
++ "srb %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, srb));
++ /* Let's RETRY normally by sending it back with DID_BUS_BUSY */
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ break;
++ case ET_CONTINUE:
++ /* Just throw away the continuation entries */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Continuation entry - "
++ "ignoring\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ break;
++ default:
++ /* Invalid entry in response queue, reset RISC
++ * firmware */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid entry %x "
++ "in response queue \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ sts_entry->hdr.entryType));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: Dumping Response Entry "
++ "%p:%x out %x in%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ sts_entry,
++ le32_to_cpu(((QUEUE_ENTRY*)sts_entry)->
++ signature),
++ ha->response_out,
++ ha->response_in));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10, sts_entry,
++ sizeof(*sts_entry));
++ goto exit_prq_error;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ha->response_out == ha->response_in) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Response count %x out %x "
++ "in %x, next %p:%x. Finished!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, count,
++ ha->response_out, ha->response_in,
++ ha->request_ptr,
++ ha->response_ptr->signature));
++ }
++ /* Done with responses, update the ISP
++ * For QLA4010, this also clears the interrupt.
++ */
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->rsp_q_out, ha->response_out);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->rsp_q_out);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_process_response_queue");
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ exit_prq_invalid_handle:
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid handle(srb)=%p type=%x "
++ "IOCS=%x\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ srb, sts_entry->hdr.entryType,
++ sts_entry->completionStatus));
++ exit_prq_error:
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_REQ_Q_OUT(ha), ha->response_out);
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_process_response_queue");
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ * qla4xxx_isr_decode_mailbox
++ * This routine decodes the mailbox status during the ISR.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * mailbox_status - Mailbox status.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * hardware_lock locked upon entry
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4xxx_isr_decode_mailbox(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t mbox_status)
++ static uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ if ((mbox_status == MBOX_STS_BUSY) ||
++ (mbox_status >>12 == MBOX_COMPLETION_STATUS)) {
++ ha->mbox_status[0] = mbox_status;
++ if (test_bit(AF_MBOX_COMMAND, &ha->flags)) {
++ /*
++ * Copy all mailbox registers to a temporary
++ * location and set mailbox command done flag
++ */
++ uint8_t i;
++ for (i = 1; i < ha->mbox_status_count; i++) {
++ ha->mbox_status[i] =
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[i]);
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: mailbox cmd done!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ha->f_end = jiffies;
++ set_bit(AF_MBOX_COMMAND_DONE, &ha->flags);
++ wake_up(&ha->mailbox_wait_queue);
++ }
++ #if 0
++ else {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: ERROR: Receiving mailbox "
++ "status %08X when no mailbox command "
++ "active.\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ __dump_registers(ha);
++ }
++ #endif
++ }
++ else if (mbox_status >> 12 == MBOX_ASYNC_EVENT_STATUS) {
++ /* Immediately process the AENs that don't require much work.
++ * Only queue the database_changed AENs */
++ switch (mbox_status) {
++ /* Log Mailbox registers */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: AEN %04x, System Error, "
++ "Dump Mailboxes\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ __dump_mailbox_registers(QLP2, ha);
++ set_bit(AF_GET_CRASH_RECORD, &ha->flags);
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ break;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x, "
++ "ERROR Status, Reset HA\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ break;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x "
++ "Adapter LINK UP\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ set_bit(AF_LINK_UP, &ha->flags);
++ break;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x "
++ "Adapter LINK DOWN\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ clear_bit(AF_LINK_UP, &ha->flags);
++ break;
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x "
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ ha->seconds_since_last_heartbeat = 0;
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x DHCP LEASE ACQUIRED\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ break;
++ case MBOX_ASTS_SCSI_COMMAND_PDU_REJECTED: /* Target mode only */
++ case MBOX_ASTS_UNSOLICITED_PDU_RECEIVED: /* connection mode only */
++ /* No action */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ break;
++ case MBOX_ASTS_DNS:
++ /* No action */
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x, "
++ "mbox_sts[1]=%04x, "
++ "mbox_sts[2]=%04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status,
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[1]),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[2])));
++ break;
++ /* No action */
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x, "
++ "mbox_sts[1]=%04x, "
++ "mbox_sts[2]=%04x, mbox_sts[3]=%04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status,
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[1]),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[2]),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[3])));
++ break;
++ /* Queue AEN information and process it in the DPC
++ * routine */
++ if (ha->aen_q_count > 0) {
++ int i;
++ /* advance pointer */
++ if (ha->aen_in == (MAX_AEN_ENTRIES - 1))
++ ha->aen_in = 0;
++ else
++ ha->aen_in++;
++ /* decrement available counter */
++ ha->aen_q_count--;
++ for (i = 1; i < MBOX_AEN_REG_COUNT; i++) {
++ ha->aen_q[ha->aen_in].mbox_sts[i] =
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[i]);
++ }
++ ha->aen_q[ha->aen_in].mbox_sts[0] = mbox_status;
++ /* print debug message */
++ DEBUG2( printk("scsi%d: AEN[%d] %04x queued!\n",
++ ha->host_no, ha->aen_in,
++ mbox_status));
++ /* The DPC routine will process the aen */
++ set_bit(DPC_AEN, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ else {
++ int i;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: aen %04x, queue "
++ "overflowed! AEN LOST!!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ mbox_status));
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: "
++ ha->host_no));
++ for (i=0; i < MAX_AEN_ENTRIES; i++) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_WARNING "AEN[%d] %04x %04x %04x %04x\n",
++ i,
++ ha->aen_q[i].mbox_sts[0],
++ ha->aen_q[i].mbox_sts[1],
++ ha->aen_q[i].mbox_sts[2],
++ ha->aen_q[i].mbox_sts[3]));
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_sts[0] = mbox_status;
++ mbox_sts[1] = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[1]);
++ mbox_sts[2] = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[2]);
++ mbox_sts[3] = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[3]);
++ mbox_sts[4] = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[4]);
++ mbox_sts[5] = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[5]);
++ if (mbox_sts[1] == ISNS_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x, mbox_sts[1]=%04x, "
++ "mbox_sts[2]=%04x, mbox_sts[3]=%04x, mbox_sts[4]=%04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status, mbox_sts[1],
++ mbox_sts[2], mbox_sts[3], mbox_sts[4]));
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_get_server_request(ha,
++ mbox_sts[3],
++ mbox_sts[2])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: AEN %04x, "
++ "isns_get_server_request FAILED!!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_status));
++ }
++ }
++ else if (mbox_sts[1] == ISNS_EVENT_CONNECTION_OPENED) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x, iSNS Service "
++ "Connection Opened!\n"
++ "mbox_sts[2]=%08x, mbox_sts[3]=%08x, "
++ "mbox_sts[4]=%08x, mbox_sts[5]=%08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status, mbox_sts[2],
++ mbox_sts[3], mbox_sts[4], mbox_sts[5]));
++ qla4xxx_isns_enable_callback(ha,
++ mbox_sts[2],
++ mbox_sts[3],
++ mbox_sts[4],
++ mbox_sts[5]);
++ }
++ else if (mbox_sts[1] == ISNS_EVENT_CONNECTION_FAILED) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x, iSNS Service"
++ " Connection FAILED! reason %04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status, mbox_sts[2]));
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: AEN %04x UNKNOWN\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Unknown mailbox status %08X\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_status));
++ ha->mbox_status[0] = mbox_status;
++ __dump_registers(QLP2, ha);
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine
++ * This routine services the interrupt
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * hardware_lock locked upon entry
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - success, An interrupt was found and processed
++ * QLA_ERROR - failure, The adapter was not interrupting
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t intr_status)
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine");
++ /*
++ * Process response queue interrupt.
++ */
++ if (intr_status & CSR_SCSI_COMPLETION_INTR) {
++ qla4xxx_process_response_queue(ha);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Process mailbox/asynch event interrupt.
++ */
++ if (intr_status & CSR_SCSI_PROCESSOR_INTR) {
++ uint32_t mbox_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[0]);
++ qla4xxx_isr_decode_mailbox(ha, mbox_status);
++ /* Clear Mailbox Interrupt */
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status,
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine");
++ * qla4xxx_intr_handler
++ * This routine handles the H/W interrupt
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * irq - Unused
++ * dev_id - Pointer to host adapter structure
++ * regs - Unused
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ uint32_t intr_status;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ uint8_t reqs_count = 0;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_intr_handler");
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) dev_id;
++ if (!ha) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "qla4xxx: Interrupt with NULL host ptr\n"));
++ return IRQ_NONE;
++ }
++ ha->isr_count++;
++ /*
++ * Check for pending interrupts
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * Repeatedly service interrupts up to a maximum of
++ */
++ while (1) {
++ /*
++ * Read interrupt status
++ */
++ if (le32_to_cpu(ha->shadow_regs->rsp_q_in) !=
++ ha->response_out) {
++ intr_status = CSR_SCSI_COMPLETION_INTR;
++ }
++ else {
++ intr_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ }
++ if ((intr_status & (CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR|CSR_FATAL_ERROR|INTR_PENDING)) == 0) {
++ if (reqs_count == 0)
++ ha->spurious_int_count++;
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Service interrupt
++ */
++ if (intr_status & CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Soft Reset requested by "
++ "Network function or RISC\n", ha->host_no));
++ clear_bit(AF_ONLINE, &ha->flags);
++ __qla4xxx_disable_intrs(ha);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Clear SCSI Reset Interrupt\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_INTR, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ break;
++ }
++ else if (intr_status & CSR_FATAL_ERROR) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Fatal Error, "
++ "Status 0x%04x\n", ha->host_no,
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Dump Registers:\n", ha->host_no));
++ __dump_registers(QLP2, ha);
++ /* Issue Soft Reset to clear this error condition.
++ * This will prevent the RISC from repeatedly
++ * interrupting the driver; thus, allowing the DPC to
++ * get scheduled to continue error recovery.
++ * NOTE: Disabling RISC interrupts does not work in
++ * this case, as CSR_FATAL_ERROR overrides
++ if ((RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status) & CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR) == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Issue soft reset\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_SOFT_RESET));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Acknowledge fatal error\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_FATAL_ERROR));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ __qla4xxx_disable_intrs(ha);
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ break;
++ }
++ else if (intr_status & INTR_PENDING) {
++ qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine(ha, intr_status);
++ ha->total_io_count++;
++ if (++reqs_count == MAX_REQS_SERVICED_PER_INTR) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: exiting, %d "
++ "requests serviced\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ reqs_count));
++ break;
++ }
++ intr_status = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q))
++ qla4xxx_done(ha);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_intr_handler");
++ return IRQ_HANDLED;
++ * qla4xxx_process_aen
++ * This routine processes Asynchronous Events received from the firmware.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * flush_ddb_chg_aens - 1 = Ignore ddb changed aens
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_process_aen(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t flush_ddb_chg_aens)
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_AEN_REG_COUNT];
++ aen_t *aen;
++ int i;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_process_aen");
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ while (ha->aen_out != ha->aen_in) {
++ /* Advance pointers for next entry */
++ if (ha->aen_out == (MAX_AEN_ENTRIES - 1))
++ ha->aen_out = 0;
++ else
++ ha->aen_out++;
++ ha->aen_q_count++;
++ aen = &ha->aen_q[ha->aen_out];
++ /* copy aen information to local structure */
++ for (i=0; i < MBOX_AEN_REG_COUNT; i++)
++ mbox_sts[i] = aen->mbox_sts[i];
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Process AEN[%d] mb0=0x%x mb1=0x%x "
++ "ddb[%d] state=0x%x mb4=0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, ha->aen_out, mbox_sts[0],
++ mbox_sts[1], mbox_sts[2], mbox_sts[3],
++ mbox_sts[4]);)
++ switch (mbox_sts[0]) {
++ if (flush_ddb_chg_aens) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: aen[%d] %04x, index [%d] "
++ "state=%04x IGNORED!\n", ha->host_no,
++ ha->aen_out, mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[2],
++ mbox_sts[3]));
++ break;
++ }
++ "scsi%d: aen[%d] %04x, index [%d] state=%04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, ha->aen_out, mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[2],
++ mbox_sts[3]));
++ if (mbox_sts[1] == 0) { /* Global DB change. */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "global database changed aen\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_reinitialize_ddb_list(ha);
++ } else if (mbox_sts[1] == 1) { /* Specific device. */
++ qla4xxx_process_ddb_changed(ha, mbox_sts[2],
++ mbox_sts[3]);
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "invalid database changed aen modifier, "
++ "mbox_sts[1]=%04x\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, mbox_sts[1]));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_process_aen");
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_settings.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ *
++ ****************************************************************************/
++ * Compile time Options:
++ * 0 - Disable and 1 - Enable
++ ****************************************/
++ * The following compile time options are temporary,
++ * used for debug purposes only.
++ ****************************************/
++#define ISP_RESET_TEST 0 /* Issues BIG HAMMER (reset) every 3 minutes */
++#define BYTE_ORDER_SUPPORT_ENABLED 0 /* In the process of translating IOCTL structures */
++ * Under heavy I/O on SMP systems (8-way and IA64) with many command
++ * timeouts, the scsi mid-layer will sometimes not wake-up the
++ * error-handling thread when an error-condition occurs.
++ *
++ * This workaround, if enabled, will wakeup the error-handler if it is
++ * stuck in this condition for sixty seconds.
++ ****************************************/
++#if SH_HAS_ATOMIC_HOST_BUSY /* defined in makefile */
++#define HOST_BUSY(ha) atomic_read(&ha->host->host_busy)
++#define HOST_BUSY(ha) ha->host->host_busy
++ * Compile time Options:
++ * 0 - Disable and 1 - Enable
++ */
++#define DEBUG_QLA4xx 0 /* For Debug of qla4xxx */
++/* Failover options */
++#define MAX_RECOVERYTIME 10 /*
++ * Max suspend time for a lun recovery
++ * time
++ */
++#define MAX_FAILBACKTIME 5 /* Max suspend time before fail back */
++#if 0
++ * When a lun is suspended for the "Not Ready" condition then it will suspend
++ * the lun for increments of 6 sec delays. SUSPEND_COUNT is that count.
++ */
++#define SUSPEND_COUNT 10 /* 6 secs * 10 retries = 60 secs */
++ * Defines the time in seconds that the driver extends the command timeout to
++ * get around the problem where the mid-layer only allows 5 retries for
++ * commands that return BUS_BUSY
++ */
++//#include "ql4_version.h"
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_iocb.c 2005-03-08 05:51:11.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4xxx_get_req_pkt
++ * qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb
++ * qla4xxx_get_pdu
++ * qla4xxx_free_pdu
++ * qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++ * qla4xxx_get_req_pkt
++ * This routine performs the following tasks:
++ * - returns the current request_in pointer (if queue not full)
++ * - advances the request_in pointer
++ * - checks for queue full
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * queue_entry - Pointer to pointer to queue entry structure
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * queue_entry - Return pointer to next available request packet
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully retrieved request packet
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to retrieve request packet
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_get_req_pkt(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, QUEUE_ENTRY **queue_entry)
++ uint16_t request_in;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_get_req_pkt");
++ *queue_entry = ha->request_ptr;
++ /* get the latest request_in and request_out index */
++ request_in = ha->request_in;
++ ha->request_out =
++ (uint16_t) le32_to_cpu(ha->shadow_regs->req_q_out);
++ /* Advance request queue pointer and check for queue full */
++ if (request_in == (REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH - 1)) {
++ request_in = 0;
++ ha->request_ptr = ha->request_ring;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: wraparound -- new "
++ "request_in = %04x, new request_ptr = %p\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, request_in, ha->request_ptr));
++ } else {
++ request_in++;
++ ha->request_ptr++;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: new request_in = %04x, new "
++ "request_ptr = %p\n", ha->host_no, __func__, request_in,
++ ha->request_ptr));
++ }
++ /* request queue is full, try again later */
++ if ((ha->iocb_cnt + 1) >= ha->iocb_hiwat) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: request queue is full, "
++ "iocb_cnt=%d, iocb_hiwat=%d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->iocb_cnt, ha->iocb_hiwat));
++ /* restore request pointer */
++ ha->request_ptr = *queue_entry;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: restore request_ptr = %p, "
++ "request_in = %04x, request_out = %04x\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->request_ptr, ha->request_in,
++ ha->request_out));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ } else {
++ ha->request_in = request_in;
++ memset(*queue_entry, 0, sizeof(**queue_entry));
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_get_req_pkt");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb
++ * This routine issues a marker IOCB.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ * lun - SCSI LUN
++ * marker_type - marker identifier
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully sent marker IOCB
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to send marker IOCB
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry,
++ fc_lun_t *lun_entry)
++ MARKER_ENTRY *marker_entry;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb");
++ /* Acquire hardware specific lock */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Get pointer to the queue entry for the marker */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_req_pkt(ha, (QUEUE_ENTRY **) &marker_entry)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: request queue full, try "
++ "again later\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ goto exit_send_marker;
++ }
++ /* Put the marker in the request queue */
++ marker_entry->hdr.entryType = ET_MARKER;
++ marker_entry->hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ marker_entry->target = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ marker_entry->modifier = cpu_to_le16(MM_LUN_RESET);
++ marker_entry->lun[1] = LSB(lun_entry->lun); /*SAMII compliant lun*/
++ marker_entry->lun[2] = MSB(lun_entry->lun);
++ wmb();
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: LUN_RESET Marker sent\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target, lun_entry->lun));
++ /* Tell ISP it's got a new I/O request */
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->req_q_in, ha->request_in);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->req_q_in);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb");
++ return (status);
++qla4xxx_get_pdu(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t length)
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu;
++ PDU_ENTRY *free_pdu_top;
++ PDU_ENTRY *free_pdu_bottom;
++ uint16_t pdu_active;
++ if (ha->free_pdu_top == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Out of PDUs!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ /* Save current state */
++ free_pdu_top = ha->free_pdu_top;
++ free_pdu_bottom = ha->free_pdu_bottom;
++ pdu_active = ha->pdu_active + 1;
++ /* get next available pdu */
++ pdu = free_pdu_top;
++ free_pdu_top = pdu->Next;
++ if (free_pdu_top == NULL)
++ free_pdu_bottom = NULL;
++ /* round up to nearest page */
++ length = (length + (PAGE_SIZE-1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1);
++ /* Allocate pdu buffer PDU */
++ pdu->Buff = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, length, &pdu->DmaBuff);
++ if (pdu->Buff == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to allocate memory "
++ "for PDU buffer\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(NULL);
++ }
++ memset(pdu->Buff, 0, length);
++ /* Fill in remainder of PDU */
++ pdu->BuffLen = length;
++ pdu->SendBuffLen = 0;
++ pdu->RecvBuffLen = 0;
++ pdu->Next = NULL;
++ ha->free_pdu_top = free_pdu_top;
++ ha->free_pdu_bottom = free_pdu_bottom;
++ ha->pdu_active = pdu_active;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Get PDU SUCCEEDED! "
++ "Top %p Bot %p PDU %p Buf %p DmaBuf %lx Length %x "
++ "Active %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__, free_pdu_top,
++ free_pdu_bottom, pdu, pdu->Buff,
++ (unsigned long)pdu->DmaBuff, pdu->BuffLen,
++ pdu_active));
++ return(pdu);
++void qla4xxx_free_pdu(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, PDU_ENTRY *pdu)
++ if (ha->free_pdu_bottom == NULL) {
++ ha->free_pdu_top = pdu;
++ ha->free_pdu_bottom = pdu;
++ }
++ else {
++ ha->free_pdu_bottom->Next = pdu;
++ ha->free_pdu_bottom = pdu;
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, pdu->BuffLen, pdu->Buff, pdu->DmaBuff);
++ ha->pdu_active--;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Top %p Bot %p PDU %p Buf %p DmaBuf %lx, "
++ "Length %x Active %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->free_pdu_top, ha->free_pdu_bottom, pdu, pdu->Buff,
++ (unsigned long) pdu->DmaBuff, pdu->BuffLen,
++ ha->pdu_active));
++ /* Clear PDU */
++ pdu->Buff = NULL;
++ pdu->BuffLen = 0;
++ pdu->SendBuffLen = 0;
++ pdu->RecvBuffLen = 0;
++ pdu->Next = NULL;
++ pdu->DmaBuff = 0;
++ * qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb
++ * This routine issues a passthru0 IOCB.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Remarks: hardware_lock acquired upon entry, interrupt context
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully sent marker IOCB
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to send marker IOCB
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint16_t fw_ddb_index,
++ uint16_t connection_id,
++ dma_addr_t pdu_dma_data,
++ uint32_t send_len,
++ uint32_t recv_len,
++ uint16_t control_flags,
++ uint32_t handle)
++ PASSTHRU0_ENTRY *passthru_entry;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb");
++ /* Get pointer to the queue entry for the marker */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_req_pkt(ha, (QUEUE_ENTRY **) &passthru_entry)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: request queue full, try again later\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ goto exit_send_pt0;
++ }
++ /* Fill in the request queue */
++ passthru_entry->hdr.entryType = ET_PASSTHRU0;
++ passthru_entry->hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ passthru_entry->handle = cpu_to_le32(handle);
++ passthru_entry->target = cpu_to_le16(fw_ddb_index);
++ passthru_entry->connectionID = cpu_to_le16(connection_id);
++ passthru_entry->timeout = __constant_cpu_to_le16(PT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
++ if (send_len) {
++ control_flags |= PT_FLAG_SEND_BUFFER;
++ passthru_entry->outDataSeg64.base.addrHigh =
++ cpu_to_le32(MSDW(pdu_dma_data));
++ passthru_entry->outDataSeg64.base.addrLow =
++ cpu_to_le32(LSDW(pdu_dma_data));
++ passthru_entry->outDataSeg64.count =
++ cpu_to_le32(send_len);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: sending 0x%X bytes, "
++ "pdu_dma_data = %lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, send_len,
++ (unsigned long)pdu_dma_data));
++ }
++ if (recv_len) {
++ passthru_entry->inDataSeg64.base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(pdu_dma_data));
++ passthru_entry->inDataSeg64.base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(pdu_dma_data));
++ passthru_entry->inDataSeg64.count = cpu_to_le32(recv_len);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("scsi%d: %s: receiving 0x%X bytes, pdu_dma_data = %lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, recv_len, (unsigned long)pdu_dma_data));
++ }
++ passthru_entry->controlFlags = cpu_to_le16(control_flags);
++ wmb();
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Passthru0 IOCB type %x count %x In (%x) pt0 %p handle %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, passthru_entry->hdr.entryType,
++ passthru_entry->hdr.entryCount, ha->request_in, passthru_entry, handle));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10, passthru_entry, sizeof(*passthru_entry));
++ /* Tell ISP it's got a new I/O request */
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->req_q_in, ha->request_in);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->req_q_in);
++ exit_send_pt0:
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb");
++ return(status);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_nvram.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic qla4xxx driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * FM93C56A_Select
++ * FM93C56A_Cmd
++ * FM93C56A_Deselect
++ * FM93C56A_DataIn
++ * EEPROM_ReadWord
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#define EEPROM_SIZE(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ FM93C86A_SIZE_16 : \
++ FM93C66A_SIZE_16)
++#define EEPROM_NO_ADDR_BITS(ha) \
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ FM93C86A_NO_ADDR_BITS_16 : \
++ FM93C56A_NO_ADDR_BITS_16)
++int eepromCmdData = 0;
++static int FM93C56A_Select(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP17, printk(KERN_ERR "FM93C56A_Select:\n"));
++ eepromCmdData = AUBURN_EEPROM_CS_1 | 0x000f0000;
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData);
++ return(1);
++static int FM93C56A_Cmd(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, int cmd, int addr)
++ int i;
++ int mask;
++ int dataBit;
++ int previousBit;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP17, printk(KERN_ERR "FM93C56A_Cmd(%d, 0x%x)\n", cmd, addr));
++ // Clock in a zero, then do the start bit
++ mask = 1 << (FM93C56A_CMD_BITS-1);
++ // Force the previous data bit to be different
++ previousBit = 0xffff;
++ for (i = 0; i < FM93C56A_CMD_BITS; i++) {
++ dataBit = (cmd & mask) ? AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_1 : AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_0;
++ if (previousBit != dataBit) {
++ // If the bit changed, then change the DO state to match
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData | dataBit);
++ previousBit = dataBit;
++ }
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData | dataBit | AUBURN_EEPROM_CLK_RISE);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData | dataBit | AUBURN_EEPROM_CLK_FALL);
++ cmd = cmd << 1;
++ }
++ mask = 1 << (EEPROM_NO_ADDR_BITS(ha)-1);
++ // Force the previous data bit to be different
++ previousBit = 0xffff;
++ for (i = 0; i < EEPROM_NO_ADDR_BITS(ha); i++) {
++ dataBit = (addr & mask) ? AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_1 : AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_0;
++ if (previousBit != dataBit) {
++ // If the bit changed, then change the DO state to match
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData | dataBit);
++ previousBit = dataBit;
++ }
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData | dataBit | AUBURN_EEPROM_CLK_RISE);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData | dataBit | AUBURN_EEPROM_CLK_FALL);
++ addr = addr << 1;
++ }
++ return(1);
++static int FM93C56A_Deselect(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP17, printk(KERN_ERR "FM93C56A_Deselect:\n"));
++ eepromCmdData = AUBURN_EEPROM_CS_0 | 0x000f0000 ;
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), eepromCmdData);
++ return(1);
++static int FM93C56A_DataIn(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, unsigned short *value)
++ int i;
++ int data = 0;
++ int dataBit;
++ // Read the data bits
++ // The first bit is a dummy. Clock right over it.
++ for (i = 0; i < EEPROM_NO_DATA_BITS(ha); i++) {
++ dataBit = (RD_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha)) & AUBURN_EEPROM_DI_1) ? 1 : 0;
++ data = (data << 1) | dataBit;
++ }
++ *value = data;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP17, printk(KERN_ERR "FM93C56A_DataIn(0x%x)\n", *value));
++ return(1);
++static int
++EEPROM_ReadWord(int eepromAddr, u16 *value, scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP17, printk(KERN_ERR "EEPROM_Reg addr %p\n", ISP_NVRAM(ha)));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP17, printk(KERN_ERR "EEPROM_ReadWord(0x%x)\n", eepromAddr));
++ FM93C56A_Select(ha);
++ FM93C56A_Cmd(ha, FM93C56A_READ, eepromAddr);
++ FM93C56A_DataIn(ha, value);
++ FM93C56A_Deselect(ha);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP17, printk(KERN_ERR "EEPROM_ReadWord(0x%x, %d)\n",
++ eepromAddr, *value));
++ return(1);
++/* Hardware_lock must be set before calling */
++RD_NVRAM_WORD(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, int offset)
++ u16 val;
++ /* NOTE: NVRAM uses half-word addresses */
++ EEPROM_ReadWord(offset, &val, ha);
++ return(val);
++qla4xxx_is_NVRAM_configuration_valid(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint16_t checksum = 0;
++ uint32_t index;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ for (index = 0; index < EEPROM_SIZE(ha); index++) {
++ checksum += RD_NVRAM_WORD(ha, index);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (checksum == 0)
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ return (status);
++ *
++ * Hardware Semaphore
++ *
++ *************************************************************************/
++isp4xxxSemInfo_t semInfo4010[] = {
++ { SEM_HW_LOCK, 4}
++ , { SEM_GPO, 6}
++ , { SEM_SDRAM_INIT, 8}
++ , { SEM_PHY_GBIC, 10}
++ , { SEM_NVRAM, 12}
++ , { SEM_FLASH, 14}
++isp4xxxSemInfo_t semInfo4022[] = {
++ { SEM_HW_LOCK, 1}
++ , { SEM_GPO, 7}
++ , { SEM_SDRAM_INIT, 4}
++ , { SEM_PHY_GBIC, 7}
++ , { SEM_NVRAM, 10}
++ , { SEM_FLASH, 13}
++static uint32_t SEM_READ(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t semId)
++ if (IS_QLA4022(ha))
++ return ((RD_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha)) >> semInfo4022[semId].semShift) & SEM_MASK);
++ else
++ return ((RD_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha)) >> semInfo4010[semId].semShift) & SEM_MASK);
++static void SEM_WRITE(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t semId, uint8_t owner)
++ if (IS_QLA4022(ha))
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), (SEM_MASK << 16 << semInfo4022[semId].semShift) | (owner << semInfo4022[semId].semShift));
++ else
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(ISP_NVRAM(ha), (SEM_MASK << 16 << semInfo4010[semId].semShift) | (owner << semInfo4010[semId].semShift));
++ * qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore
++ * This routine acquires the specified semaphore for the iSCSI
++ * storage driver.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * sem - Indicates which semaphore.
++ * wait_flag - specifies type of wait to acquire semaphore
++ * SEM_FLG_WAIT_FOREVER = wait indefinitely
++ * SEM_FLG_TIMED_WAIT = wait for a specified amout of time
++ * SEM_FLG_NO_WAIT = try once to acquire semaphore
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully acquired semaphore
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to acquire semaphore
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * ?? context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t sem, uint8_t wait_flag)
++ uint32_t wait_time = SEMAPHORE_TOV;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ for (SEM_WRITE(ha, sem, SEM_OWNER_STORAGE);
++ (SEM_READ(ha, sem) != SEM_OWNER_STORAGE) && (wait_time--);
++ if (wait_flag == SEM_FLG_NO_WAIT) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (wait_time)
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ else
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ * qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore
++ * This routine restores the specified semaphore to the available
++ * state.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * sem - Indicates which semaphore.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully restored semaphore
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to restore semaphore
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * ?? context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t sem)
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (SEM_READ(ha, sem) == SEM_OWNER_STORAGE) {
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we get a uniform tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 4
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -4
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 4
++ * c-label-offset: -4
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlfolimits.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * Minimums, maximums, defaults, and other definitions for MC_PARAMS.
++ */
++#define FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_CDB 2
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_inioct.c 2005-03-12 03:46:44.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4intioctl_logout_iscsi
++ * qla4intioctl_ping
++ * __xlate_sys_info
++ * __xlate_driver_info
++ * __xlate_init_fw_ctrl_blk
++ * __xlate_dev_db
++ * __xlate_chap
++ * qla4intioctl_get_flash
++ * qla4intioctl_get_driver_debug_level
++ * qla4intioctl_get_host_no
++ * qla4intioctl_get_data
++ * qla4intioctl_set_flash
++ * qla4intioctl_set_driver_debug_level
++ * qla4intioctl_set_data
++ * qla4intioctl_hba_reset
++ * qla4intioctl_copy_fw_flash
++ * qla4xxx_iocb_pass_done
++ * qla4intioctl_iocb_passthru
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include "ql4_ioctl.h"
++// KRH: (BEGIN) Define these locally, for now
++ * Sub codes for Get Data.
++ * Use in combination with INT_GET_DATA as the ioctl code
++ */
++#define INT_SC_GET_HOST_NO 3
++ * Sub codes for Set Data.
++ * Use in combination with INT_SET_DATA as the ioctl code
++ */
++ * Sub codes for Reset
++ * Use in combination with INT_CC_HBA_RESET as the ioctl code
++ */
++#define INT_SC_HBA_RESET 0
++#define INT_SC_LUN_RESET 3
++//KRH: (END)
++/* Defines for byte-order translation direction */
++#define GET_DATA 0
++#define SET_DATA 1
++ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_SCMD_IGET_DATA_TBL[] =
++ {0, "UNKNOWN"}
++ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_SCMD_ISET_DATA_TBL[] =
++ {0, "UNKNOWN"}
++ * qla4intioctl_logout_iscsi
++ * This routine requests that the specified device either login or
++ * logout, depending on the option specified.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4intioctl_logout_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (ioctl->RequestLen > sizeof(INT_LOGOUT_ISCSI)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_logout;
++ }
++ /* --- Copy logout structure from user space --- */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((void *)&logout,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), sizeof(INT_LOGOUT_ISCSI))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from "
++ "user's memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_logout;
++ }
++ /* --- Execute command --- */
++ if (logout.Options == INT_DEF_CLOSE_SESSION) {
++ if (qla4xxx_logout_device(ha, logout.TargetID,
++ logout.ConnectionID) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: CLOSE_SESSION SUCCEEDED!, "
++ "target %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ logout.TargetID));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: CLOSE_SESSION FAILED!, "
++ "target %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ logout.TargetID));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ }
++ } else if (logout.Options == INT_DEF_RELOGIN_CONNECTION) {
++ if (qla4xxx_login_device(ha, logout.TargetID,
++ logout.ConnectionID) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: RELOGIN_CONNECTION "
++ "SUCCEEDED!, target %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, logout.TargetID));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: RELOGIN_CONNECTION "
++ "FAILED!, target %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, logout.TargetID));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ }
++ } else if (logout.Options == INT_DEF_DELETE_DDB) {
++ if (qla4xxx_delete_device(ha, logout.TargetID,
++ logout.ConnectionID) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: DELETE_DDB "
++ "SUCCEEDED!, target %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, logout.TargetID));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: DELETE_DDB FAILED!, "
++ "target %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, logout.TargetID));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4intioctl_ping
++ * This routine requests that the HBA PING the specified IP Address.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4intioctl_ping(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ INT_PING ping;
++ uint32_t ip_addr;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ /*
++ * Copy user's data to local buffer
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)&ping,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), sizeof(ping))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from "
++ "user's memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_ping;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Debug Print Statement
++ */
++ if (ping.IPAddr.Type == EXT_DEF_TYPE_ISCSI_IP) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[0],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[1],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[2],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[3]));
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: %d.%d.%d.%d. %d.%d.%d.%d. "
++ "%d.%d.%d.%d. %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[0], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[1],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[2], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[3],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[4], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[5],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[6], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[7],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[8], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[9],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[10], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[11],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[12], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[13],
++ ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[14], ping.IPAddr.IPAddress[15]));
++ }
++ /*
++ * Issue Mailbox Command
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_PING;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = cpu_to_le16(ping.PacketCount);
++ memcpy(&ip_addr, &ping.IPAddr.IPAddress, EXT_DEF_IP_ADDR_SIZE);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = cpu_to_le32(ip_addr);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 6, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_ping;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++static void
++__xlate_sys_info(FLASH_SYS_INFO *from, FLASH_SYS_INFO *to,
++ uint8_t direction)
++ switch (direction) {
++ case GET_DATA:
++ from->cookie = le32_to_cpu(to->cookie);
++ from->physAddrCount = le32_to_cpu(to->physAddrCount);
++ memcpy(from->physAddr, to->physAddr, sizeof(from->physAddr));
++ memcpy(from->vendorId, to->vendorId, sizeof(from->vendorId));
++ memcpy(from->productId, to->productId, sizeof(from->productId));
++ from->serialNumber = le32_to_cpu(to->serialNumber);
++ from->pciDeviceVendor = le32_to_cpu(to->pciDeviceVendor);
++ from->pciDeviceId = le32_to_cpu(to->pciDeviceId);
++ from->pciSubsysVendor = le32_to_cpu(to->pciSubsysVendor);
++ from->pciSubsysId = le32_to_cpu(to->pciSubsysId);
++ from->crumbs = le32_to_cpu(to->crumbs);
++ from->enterpriseNumber = le32_to_cpu(to->enterpriseNumber);
++ from->mtu = le32_to_cpu(to->mtu);
++ from->reserved0 = le32_to_cpu(to->reserved0);
++ from->crumbs2 = le32_to_cpu(to->crumbs2);
++ memcpy(from->acSerialNumber, to->acSerialNumber,
++ sizeof(from->acSerialNumber));
++ from->crumbs3 = le32_to_cpu(to->crumbs3);
++ memcpy(from->reserved1, to->reserved1, sizeof(from->reserved1));
++ break;
++ case SET_DATA:
++ from->cookie = cpu_to_le32(to->cookie);
++ from->physAddrCount = cpu_to_le32(to->physAddrCount);
++ memcpy(from->physAddr, to->physAddr, sizeof(from->physAddr));
++ memcpy(from->vendorId, to->vendorId, sizeof(from->vendorId));
++ memcpy(from->productId, to->productId, sizeof(from->productId));
++ from->serialNumber = cpu_to_le32(to->serialNumber);
++ from->pciDeviceVendor = cpu_to_le32(to->pciDeviceVendor);
++ from->pciDeviceId = cpu_to_le32(to->pciDeviceId);
++ from->pciSubsysVendor = cpu_to_le32(to->pciSubsysVendor);
++ from->pciSubsysId = cpu_to_le32(to->pciSubsysId);
++ from->crumbs = cpu_to_le32(to->crumbs);
++ from->enterpriseNumber = cpu_to_le32(to->enterpriseNumber);
++ from->mtu = cpu_to_le32(to->mtu);
++ from->reserved0 = cpu_to_le32(to->reserved0);
++ from->crumbs2 = cpu_to_le32(to->crumbs2);
++ memcpy(from->acSerialNumber, to->acSerialNumber,
++ sizeof(from->acSerialNumber));
++ from->crumbs3 = cpu_to_le32(to->crumbs3);
++ memcpy(from->reserved1, to->reserved1, sizeof(from->reserved1));
++ break;
++ }
++static void
++__xlate_driver_info(INT_FLASH_DRIVER_PARAM *from,
++ INT_FLASH_DRIVER_PARAM *to, uint8_t direction)
++ switch (direction) {
++ case GET_DATA:
++ from->DiscoveryTimeOut = le16_to_cpu(to->DiscoveryTimeOut);
++ from->PortDownTimeout = le16_to_cpu(to->PortDownTimeout);
++ memcpy(from->Reserved, to->Reserved, sizeof(from->Reserved));
++ break;
++ case SET_DATA:
++ from->DiscoveryTimeOut = cpu_to_le32(to->DiscoveryTimeOut);
++ from->PortDownTimeout = cpu_to_le32(to->PortDownTimeout);
++ memcpy(from->Reserved, to->Reserved, sizeof(from->Reserved));
++ break;
++ }
++static void
++__xlate_init_fw_ctrl_blk(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *from,
++ INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *to, uint8_t direction)
++ switch (direction) {
++ case GET_DATA:
++ from->Version = to->Version;
++ from->Control = to->Control;
++ from->FwOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->FwOptions);
++ from->ExecThrottle = le16_to_cpu(to->ExecThrottle);
++ from->RetryCount = to->RetryCount;
++ from->RetryDelay = to->RetryDelay;
++ from->MaxEthFrPayloadSize = le16_to_cpu(to->MaxEthFrPayloadSize);
++ from->AddFwOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->AddFwOptions);
++ from->HeartbeatInterval = to->HeartbeatInterval;
++ from->InstanceNumber = to->InstanceNumber;
++ from->RES2 = le16_to_cpu(to->RES2);
++ from->ReqQConsumerIndex = le16_to_cpu(to->ReqQConsumerIndex);
++ from->ComplQProducerIndex = le16_to_cpu(to->ComplQProducerIndex);
++ from->ReqQLen = le16_to_cpu(to->ReqQLen);
++ from->ComplQLen = le16_to_cpu(to->ComplQLen);
++ from->ReqQAddrLo = le32_to_cpu(to->ReqQAddrLo);
++ from->ReqQAddrHi = le32_to_cpu(to->ReqQAddrHi);
++ from->ComplQAddrLo = le32_to_cpu(to->ComplQAddrLo);
++ from->ComplQAddrHi = le32_to_cpu(to->ComplQAddrHi);
++ from->ShadowRegBufAddrLo= le32_to_cpu(to->ShadowRegBufAddrLo);
++ from->ShadowRegBufAddrHi= le32_to_cpu(to->ShadowRegBufAddrHi);
++ from->iSCSIOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->iSCSIOptions);
++ from->TCPOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->TCPOptions);
++ from->IPOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->IPOptions);
++ from->MaxPDUSize = le16_to_cpu(to->MaxPDUSize);
++ from->RcvMarkerInt = le16_to_cpu(to->RcvMarkerInt);
++ from->SndMarkerInt = le16_to_cpu(to->SndMarkerInt);
++ from->InitMarkerlessInt = le16_to_cpu(to->InitMarkerlessInt);
++ from->FirstBurstSize = le16_to_cpu(to->FirstBurstSize);
++ from->DefaultTime2Wait = le16_to_cpu(to->DefaultTime2Wait);
++ from->DefaultTime2Retain= le16_to_cpu(to->DefaultTime2Retain);
++ from->MaxOutStndngR2T = le16_to_cpu(to->MaxOutStndngR2T);
++ from->KeepAliveTimeout = le16_to_cpu(to->KeepAliveTimeout);
++ from->PortNumber = le16_to_cpu(to->PortNumber);
++ from->MaxBurstSize = le16_to_cpu(to->MaxBurstSize);
++ from->RES4 = le32_to_cpu(to->RES4);
++ memcpy(from->IPAddr, to->IPAddr, sizeof(from->IPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->RES5, to->RES5, sizeof(from->RES5));
++ memcpy(from->SubnetMask, to->SubnetMask,
++ sizeof(from->SubnetMask));
++ memcpy(from->RES6, to->RES6, sizeof(from->RES6));
++ memcpy(from->GatewayIPAddr, to->GatewayIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->GatewayIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->RES7, to->RES7, sizeof(from->RES7));
++ memcpy(from->PriDNSIPAddr, to->PriDNSIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->PriDNSIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->SecDNSIPAddr, to->SecDNSIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->SecDNSIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->RES8, to->RES8, sizeof(from->RES8));
++ memcpy(from->Alias, to->Alias, sizeof(from->Alias));
++ memcpy(from->TargAddr, to->TargAddr, sizeof(from->TargAddr));
++ memcpy(from->CHAPNameSecretsTable, to->CHAPNameSecretsTable,
++ sizeof(from->CHAPNameSecretsTable));
++ memcpy(from->EthernetMACAddr, to->EthernetMACAddr,
++ sizeof(from->EthernetMACAddr));
++ from->TargetPortalGroup = le16_to_cpu(to->TargetPortalGroup);
++ from->SendScale = to->SendScale;
++ from->RecvScale = to->RecvScale;
++ from->TypeOfService = to->TypeOfService;
++ from->Time2Live = to->Time2Live;
++ from->VLANPriority = le16_to_cpu(to->VLANPriority);
++ from->Reserved8 = le16_to_cpu(to->Reserved8);
++ memcpy(from->SecIPAddr, to->SecIPAddr, sizeof(from->SecIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->Reserved9, to->Reserved9, sizeof(from->Reserved9));
++ memcpy(from->iSNSIPAddr, to->iSNSIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->iSNSIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->Reserved10, to->Reserved10,
++ sizeof(from->Reserved10));
++ from->iSNSClientPortNumber =
++ le16_to_cpu(to->iSNSClientPortNumber);
++ from->iSNSServerPortNumber =
++ le16_to_cpu(to->iSNSServerPortNumber);
++ from->iSNSSCNPortNumber = le16_to_cpu(to->iSNSSCNPortNumber);
++ from->iSNSESIPortNumber = le16_to_cpu(to->iSNSESIPortNumber);
++ memcpy(from->SLPDAIPAddr, to->SLPDAIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->SLPDAIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->Reserved11, to->Reserved11,
++ sizeof(from->Reserved11));
++ memcpy(from->iSCSINameString, to->iSCSINameString,
++ sizeof(from->iSCSINameString));
++ break;
++ case SET_DATA:
++ from->Version = to->Version;
++ from->Control = to->Control;
++ from->FwOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->FwOptions);
++ from->ExecThrottle = cpu_to_le16(to->ExecThrottle);
++ from->RetryCount = to->RetryCount;
++ from->RetryDelay = to->RetryDelay;
++ from->MaxEthFrPayloadSize = cpu_to_le16(to->MaxEthFrPayloadSize);
++ from->AddFwOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->AddFwOptions);
++ from->HeartbeatInterval = to->HeartbeatInterval;
++ from->InstanceNumber = to->InstanceNumber;
++ from->RES2 = cpu_to_le16(to->RES2);
++ from->ReqQConsumerIndex = cpu_to_le16(to->ReqQConsumerIndex);
++ from->ComplQProducerIndex = cpu_to_le16(to->ComplQProducerIndex);
++ from->ReqQLen = cpu_to_le16(to->ReqQLen);
++ from->ComplQLen = cpu_to_le16(to->ComplQLen);
++ from->ReqQAddrLo = cpu_to_le32(to->ReqQAddrLo);
++ from->ReqQAddrHi = cpu_to_le32(to->ReqQAddrHi);
++ from->ComplQAddrLo = cpu_to_le32(to->ComplQAddrLo);
++ from->ComplQAddrHi = cpu_to_le32(to->ComplQAddrHi);
++ from->ShadowRegBufAddrLo= cpu_to_le32(to->ShadowRegBufAddrLo);
++ from->ShadowRegBufAddrHi= cpu_to_le32(to->ShadowRegBufAddrHi);
++ from->iSCSIOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->iSCSIOptions);
++ from->TCPOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->TCPOptions);
++ from->IPOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->IPOptions);
++ from->MaxPDUSize = cpu_to_le16(to->MaxPDUSize);
++ from->RcvMarkerInt = cpu_to_le16(to->RcvMarkerInt);
++ from->SndMarkerInt = cpu_to_le16(to->SndMarkerInt);
++ from->InitMarkerlessInt = cpu_to_le16(to->InitMarkerlessInt);
++ from->FirstBurstSize = cpu_to_le16(to->FirstBurstSize);
++ from->DefaultTime2Wait = cpu_to_le16(to->DefaultTime2Wait);
++ from->DefaultTime2Retain= cpu_to_le16(to->DefaultTime2Retain);
++ from->MaxOutStndngR2T = cpu_to_le16(to->MaxOutStndngR2T);
++ from->KeepAliveTimeout = cpu_to_le16(to->KeepAliveTimeout);
++ from->PortNumber = cpu_to_le16(to->PortNumber);
++ from->MaxBurstSize = cpu_to_le16(to->MaxBurstSize);
++ from->RES4 = cpu_to_le32(to->RES4);
++ memcpy(from->IPAddr, to->IPAddr, sizeof(from->IPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->RES5, to->RES5, sizeof(from->RES5));
++ memcpy(from->SubnetMask, to->SubnetMask,
++ sizeof(from->SubnetMask));
++ memcpy(from->RES6, to->RES6, sizeof(from->RES6));
++ memcpy(from->GatewayIPAddr, to->GatewayIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->GatewayIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->RES7, to->RES7, sizeof(from->RES7));
++ memcpy(from->PriDNSIPAddr, to->PriDNSIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->PriDNSIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->SecDNSIPAddr, to->SecDNSIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->SecDNSIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->RES8, to->RES8, sizeof(from->RES8));
++ memcpy(from->Alias, to->Alias, sizeof(from->Alias));
++ memcpy(from->TargAddr, to->TargAddr, sizeof(from->TargAddr));
++ memcpy(from->CHAPNameSecretsTable, to->CHAPNameSecretsTable,
++ sizeof(from->CHAPNameSecretsTable));
++ memcpy(from->EthernetMACAddr, to->EthernetMACAddr,
++ sizeof(from->EthernetMACAddr));
++ from->TargetPortalGroup = cpu_to_le16(to->TargetPortalGroup);
++ from->SendScale = to->SendScale;
++ from->RecvScale = to->RecvScale;
++ from->TypeOfService = to->TypeOfService;
++ from->Time2Live = to->Time2Live;
++ from->VLANPriority = cpu_to_le16(to->VLANPriority);
++ from->Reserved8 = cpu_to_le16(to->Reserved8);
++ memcpy(from->SecIPAddr, to->SecIPAddr, sizeof(from->SecIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->Reserved9, to->Reserved9, sizeof(from->Reserved9));
++ memcpy(from->iSNSIPAddr, to->iSNSIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->iSNSIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->Reserved10, to->Reserved10,
++ sizeof(from->Reserved10));
++ from->iSNSClientPortNumber =
++ cpu_to_le16(to->iSNSClientPortNumber);
++ from->iSNSServerPortNumber =
++ cpu_to_le16(to->iSNSServerPortNumber);
++ from->iSNSSCNPortNumber = cpu_to_le16(to->iSNSSCNPortNumber);
++ from->iSNSESIPortNumber = cpu_to_le16(to->iSNSESIPortNumber);
++ memcpy(from->SLPDAIPAddr, to->SLPDAIPAddr,
++ sizeof(from->SLPDAIPAddr));
++ memcpy(from->Reserved11, to->Reserved11,
++ sizeof(from->Reserved11));
++ memcpy(from->iSCSINameString, to->iSCSINameString,
++ sizeof(from->iSCSINameString));
++ break;
++ }
++static void
++__xlate_dev_db(DEV_DB_ENTRY *from, DEV_DB_ENTRY *to,
++ uint8_t direction)
++ switch (direction) {
++ case GET_DATA:
++ from->options = to->options;
++ from->control = to->control;
++ from->exeThrottle = le16_to_cpu(to->exeThrottle);
++ from->exeCount = le16_to_cpu(to->exeCount);
++ from->retryCount = to->retryCount;
++ from->retryDelay = to->retryDelay;
++ from->iSCSIOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->iSCSIOptions);
++ from->TCPOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->TCPOptions);
++ from->IPOptions = le16_to_cpu(to->IPOptions);
++ from->maxPDUSize = le16_to_cpu(to->maxPDUSize);
++ from->rcvMarkerInt = le16_to_cpu(to->rcvMarkerInt);
++ from->sndMarkerInt = le16_to_cpu(to->sndMarkerInt);
++ from->iSCSIMaxSndDataSegLen =
++ le16_to_cpu(to->iSCSIMaxSndDataSegLen);
++ from->firstBurstSize = le16_to_cpu(to->firstBurstSize);
++ from->minTime2Wait = le16_to_cpu(to->minTime2Wait);
++ from->maxTime2Retain = le16_to_cpu(to->maxTime2Retain);
++ from->maxOutstndngR2T = le16_to_cpu(to->maxOutstndngR2T);
++ from->keepAliveTimeout = le16_to_cpu(to->keepAliveTimeout);
++ memcpy(from->ISID, to->ISID, sizeof(from->ISID));
++ from->TSID = le16_to_cpu(to->TSID);
++ from->portNumber = le16_to_cpu(to->portNumber);
++ from->maxBurstSize = le16_to_cpu(to->maxBurstSize);
++ from->taskMngmntTimeout = le16_to_cpu(to->taskMngmntTimeout);
++ from->reserved1 = le16_to_cpu(to->reserved1);
++ memcpy(from->ipAddr, to->ipAddr, sizeof(from->ipAddr));
++ memcpy(from->iSCSIAlias, to->iSCSIAlias,
++ sizeof(from->iSCSIAlias));
++ memcpy(from->targetAddr, to->targetAddr,
++ sizeof(from->targetAddr));
++ memcpy(from->userID, to->userID, sizeof(from->userID));
++ memcpy(from->password, to->password, sizeof(from->password));
++ memcpy(from->iscsiName, to->iscsiName, sizeof(from->iscsiName));
++ from->ddbLink = le16_to_cpu(to->ddbLink);
++ from->CHAPTableIndex = le16_to_cpu(to->CHAPTableIndex);
++ memcpy(from->reserved2, to->reserved2, sizeof(from->reserved2));
++ from->Cookie = le16_to_cpu(to->Cookie);
++ break;
++ case SET_DATA:
++ from->options = to->options;
++ from->control = to->control;
++ from->exeThrottle = cpu_to_le16(to->exeThrottle);
++ from->exeCount = cpu_to_le16(to->exeCount);
++ from->retryCount = to->retryCount;
++ from->retryDelay = to->retryDelay;
++ from->iSCSIOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->iSCSIOptions);
++ from->TCPOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->TCPOptions);
++ from->IPOptions = cpu_to_le16(to->IPOptions);
++ from->maxPDUSize = cpu_to_le16(to->maxPDUSize);
++ from->rcvMarkerInt = cpu_to_le16(to->rcvMarkerInt);
++ from->sndMarkerInt = cpu_to_le16(to->sndMarkerInt);
++ from->iSCSIMaxSndDataSegLen =
++ cpu_to_le16(to->iSCSIMaxSndDataSegLen);
++ from->firstBurstSize = cpu_to_le16(to->firstBurstSize);
++ from->minTime2Wait = cpu_to_le16(to->minTime2Wait);
++ from->maxTime2Retain = cpu_to_le16(to->maxTime2Retain);
++ from->maxOutstndngR2T = cpu_to_le16(to->maxOutstndngR2T);
++ from->keepAliveTimeout = cpu_to_le16(to->keepAliveTimeout);
++ memcpy(from->ISID, to->ISID, sizeof(from->ISID));
++ from->TSID = cpu_to_le16(to->TSID);
++ from->portNumber = cpu_to_le16(to->portNumber);
++ from->maxBurstSize = cpu_to_le16(to->maxBurstSize);
++ from->taskMngmntTimeout = cpu_to_le16(to->taskMngmntTimeout);
++ from->reserved1 = cpu_to_le16(to->reserved1);
++ memcpy(from->ipAddr, to->ipAddr, sizeof(from->ipAddr));
++ memcpy(from->iSCSIAlias, to->iSCSIAlias,
++ sizeof(from->iSCSIAlias));
++ memcpy(from->targetAddr, to->targetAddr,
++ sizeof(from->targetAddr));
++ memcpy(from->userID, to->userID, sizeof(from->userID));
++ memcpy(from->password, to->password, sizeof(from->password));
++ memcpy(from->iscsiName, to->iscsiName, sizeof(from->iscsiName));
++ from->ddbLink = cpu_to_le16(to->ddbLink);
++ from->CHAPTableIndex = cpu_to_le16(to->CHAPTableIndex);
++ memcpy(from->reserved2, to->reserved2, sizeof(from->reserved2));
++ from->Cookie = cpu_to_le16(to->Cookie);
++ break;
++ }
++static void
++__xlate_chap(CHAP_ENTRY *from, CHAP_ENTRY *to, uint8_t direction)
++ switch (direction) {
++ case GET_DATA:
++ from->link = le16_to_cpu(to->link);
++ from->flags = to->flags;
++ from->secretLength = to->secretLength;
++ memcpy(from->secret, to->secret, sizeof(from->secret));
++ memcpy(from->user_name, to->user_name, sizeof(from->user_name));
++ from->reserved = le16_to_cpu(to->reserved);
++ from->cookie = le16_to_cpu(to->cookie);
++ break;
++ case SET_DATA:
++ from->link = cpu_to_le16(to->link);
++ from->flags = to->flags;
++ from->secretLength = to->secretLength;
++ memcpy(from->secret, to->secret, sizeof(from->secret));
++ memcpy(from->user_name, to->user_name, sizeof(from->user_name));
++ from->reserved = cpu_to_le16(to->reserved);
++ from->cookie = cpu_to_le16(to->cookie);
++ break;
++ }
++ * qla4intioctl_get_flash
++ * This routine reads the requested area of FLASH.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4intioctl_get_flash(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ void *local_dma_bufv = NULL;
++ dma_addr_t local_dma_bufp;
++ INT_ACCESS_FLASH *paccess_flash = NULL;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ /*
++ * Allocate local flash buffer
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&paccess_flash,
++ sizeof(INT_ACCESS_FLASH))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(INT_ACCESS_FLASH)));
++ goto exit_get_flash;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy user's data to local flash buffer
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)paccess_flash,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), sizeof(INT_ACCESS_FLASH))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_flash;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Allocate DMA memory
++ */
++ local_dma_bufv = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, paccess_flash->DataLen,
++ &local_dma_bufp);
++ if (local_dma_bufv == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate dma memory\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_get_flash;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: offset=%08x, len=%08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ paccess_flash->DataOffset, paccess_flash->DataLen));
++ /*
++ * Issue Mailbox Command
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(local_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(local_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = paccess_flash->DataOffset;
++ mbox_cmd[4] = paccess_flash->DataLen;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_get_flash;
++ }
++ //FIXME: For byte-order support, this entire structure must be translated
++ /*
++ * Copy data from DMA buffer into access_flash->FlashData buffer
++ * (in the process, translating for byte-order support, if necessary)
++ */
++ switch (paccess_flash->DataOffset & INT_ISCSI_PAGE_MASK) {
++ break;
++ __xlate_sys_info((FLASH_SYS_INFO *) local_dma_bufv,
++ (FLASH_SYS_INFO *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ ioctl->SubCode);
++ break;
++ __xlate_driver_info((INT_FLASH_DRIVER_PARAM *) local_dma_bufv,
++ (INT_FLASH_DRIVER_PARAM *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ ioctl->SubCode);
++ break;
++ __xlate_init_fw_ctrl_blk((INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *) local_dma_bufv,
++ (INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ ioctl->SubCode);
++ break;
++ __xlate_dev_db((DEV_DB_ENTRY *)local_dma_bufv,
++ (DEV_DB_ENTRY *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ ioctl->SubCode);
++ break;
++ __xlate_chap((CHAP_ENTRY *) local_dma_bufv,
++ (CHAP_ENTRY *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ ioctl->SubCode);
++ break;
++ }
++ memcpy(&paccess_flash->FlashData[0], local_dma_bufv,
++ MIN(paccess_flash->DataLen, sizeof(paccess_flash->FlashData)));
++ /*
++ * Copy local DMA buffer to user's response data area
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ paccess_flash, sizeof(*paccess_flash))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data to user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_flash;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = paccess_flash->DataLen;
++ printk("INT_ACCESS_FLASH buffer (1st 60h bytes only):\n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10, paccess_flash, 0x60);
++ if (local_dma_bufv)
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ paccess_flash->DataLen, local_dma_bufv, local_dma_bufp);
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4intioctl_get_driver_debug_level
++ * This routine retrieves the driver's debug print level.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4intioctl_get_driver_debug_level(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t dbg_level;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_debug_level(&dbg_level) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to set debug level, "
++ "debug driver not loaded!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_driver_debug_level;
++ }
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ &dbg_level, sizeof(dbg_level))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: failed to copy data\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_driver_debug_level;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: debug level is %04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, dbg_level));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4intioctl_get_host_no
++ * This routine retrieves the host number for the specified adapter
++ * instance.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4intioctl_get_host_no(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ &(ha->host_no), sizeof(ha->host_no))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: failed to copy data\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ } else {
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4intioctl_get_data
++ * This routine calls get data IOCTLs based on the IOCTL Sub Code.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ * -EINVAL = if the command is invalid
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4intioctl_get_data(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ switch (ioctl->SubCode) {
++ status = qla4intioctl_get_flash(ha, ioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_get_driver_debug_level(ha, ioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_get_host_no(ha, ioctl);
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unsupported internal get data "
++ "sub-command code (%X)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->SubCode));
++ break;
++ }
++ return status;
++ * qla4intioctl_set_flash
++ * This routine writes the requested area of FLASH.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4intioctl_set_flash(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ INT_ACCESS_FLASH *paccess_flash;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ /*
++ * Allocate local flash buffer
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&paccess_flash,
++ sizeof(INT_ACCESS_FLASH))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(INT_ACCESS_FLASH)));
++ goto exit_set_flash;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy user's data to local DMA buffer
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)paccess_flash,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), sizeof(INT_ACCESS_FLASH))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_set_flash;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Resizr IOCTL DMA memory, if necesary
++ */
++ if ((paccess_flash->DataLen != 0) &&
++ (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < paccess_flash->DataLen)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, paccess_flash->DataLen) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_set_flash;
++ }
++ }
++ //FIXME: For byte-order support, this entire structure must be translated
++ /*
++ * Copy data from DMA buffer into access_flash->FlashData buffer
++ * (in the process, translating for byte-order support, if necessary)
++ */
++ switch (paccess_flash->DataOffset & INT_ISCSI_PAGE_MASK) {
++ break;
++ __xlate_sys_info((FLASH_SYS_INFO *)&paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ (FLASH_SYS_INFO *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, SET_DATA);
++ break;
++ __xlate_driver_info(
++ (INT_FLASH_DRIVER_PARAM *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ (INT_FLASH_DRIVER_PARAM *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv,
++ break;
++ __xlate_init_fw_ctrl_blk(
++ (INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ (INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, SET_DATA);
++ break;
++ __xlate_dev_db((DEV_DB_ENTRY *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ (DEV_DB_ENTRY *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, SET_DATA);
++ break;
++ __xlate_chap((CHAP_ENTRY *) &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ (CHAP_ENTRY *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, SET_DATA);
++ break;
++ }
++ memcpy(ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, &paccess_flash->FlashData[0],
++ MIN(ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len, sizeof(paccess_flash->FlashData)));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: offset=%08x, len=%08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ paccess_flash->DataOffset, paccess_flash->DataLen));
++ /*
++ * Issue Mailbox Command
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_WRITE_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = paccess_flash->DataOffset;
++ mbox_cmd[4] = paccess_flash->DataLen;
++ mbox_cmd[5] = paccess_flash->Options;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 6, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ ioctl->VendorSpecificStatus[0] = mbox_sts[1];
++ goto exit_set_flash;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = paccess_flash->DataLen;
++ printk("scsi%d): INT_ACCESS_FLASH buffer (1st 60h bytes only:\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10, ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, 0x60);
++ /*
++ * Free Memory
++ */
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4intioctl_set_driver_debug_level
++ * This routine sets the driver's debug print level.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4intioctl_set_driver_debug_level(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t dbg_level;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if ((status = copy_from_user(&dbg_level,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), sizeof(dbg_level))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: failed to copy data\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_set_driver_debug_level;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_set_debug_level(dbg_level) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to set debug level, "
++ "debug driver not loaded!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto exit_set_driver_debug_level;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: debug level set to 0x%04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, dbg_level));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4intioctl_set_data
++ * This routine calls set data IOCTLs based on the IOCTL Sub Code.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ * -EINVAL = if the command is invalid
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4intioctl_set_data(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ switch (ioctl->SubCode) {
++ status = qla4intioctl_set_flash(ha, ioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_set_driver_debug_level(ha, ioctl);
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unsupported internal set data "
++ "sub-command code (%X)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->SubCode));
++ break;
++ }
++ return status;
++ * qla4intioctl_hba_reset
++ * This routine resets the specified HBA.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4intioctl_hba_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ uint8_t status = 0;
++ u_long wait_count;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ switch (ioctl->SubCode) {
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_DESTROY_DDB_LIST, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ /* Wait a fixed amount of time for reset to complete */
++ wait_count = jiffies + ADAPTER_RESET_TOV * HZ;
++ while (test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_DESTROY_DDB_LIST,
++ &ha->dpc_flags) != 0) {
++ if (wait_count <= jiffies)
++ break;
++ /* wait for 1 second */
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1*HZ);
++ }
++ if (test_bit(AF_ONLINE, &ha->flags)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: Succeeded\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: FAILED\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: not supported.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ break;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4intioctl_copy_fw_flash
++ * This routine requests copying the FW image in FLASH from primary-to-
++ * secondary or secondary-to-primary.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4intioctl_copy_fw_flash(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ INT_COPY_FW_FLASH copy_flash;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)&copy_flash,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), ioctl->RequestLen)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_copy_flash;
++ }
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_COPY_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = copy_flash.Options;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 2, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Succeeded\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: FAILED\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ ioctl->VendorSpecificStatus[0] = mbox_sts[1];
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_iocb_pass_done
++ * This routine resets the ioctl progress flag and wakes up the ioctl
++ * completion semaphore.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * sts_entry - pointer to passthru status buffer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_iocb_pass_done(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY *sts_entry)
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ /* --- Copy passthru status buffer to iocb passthru buffer ---*/
++ iocb = (INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU *)(ulong)le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->handle);
++ memcpy(iocb->IOCBStatusBuffer, sts_entry,
++ MIN(sizeof(iocb->IOCBStatusBuffer), sizeof(*sts_entry)));
++ /* --- Reset IOCTL flags and wakeup semaphore.
++ * But first check to see if IOCTL has already
++ * timed out because we don't want to get the
++ * up/down semaphore counters off. --- */
++ if (ha->ioctl->ioctl_iocb_pass_in_progress == 1) {
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_iocb_pass_in_progress = 0;
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_tov = 0;
++ printk("%s: UP count=%d\n", __func__,
++ atomic_read(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem.count)));
++ up(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem);
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return;
++ * qla4intioctl_iocb_passthru
++ * This routine
++ *
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4intioctl_iocb_passthru(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU *iocb_dma;
++ PASSTHRU0_ENTRY *passthru_entry;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ DATA_SEG_A64 *data_seg;
++ ENTER("qla4intioctl_iocb_passthru");
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d: %s:\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /* --- Use internal DMA buffer for iocb structure --- */
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(*iocb))
++ qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, sizeof(*iocb));
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv || ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(*iocb)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: dma buffer inaccessible.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_iocb_passthru;
++ }
++ iocb = (INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ iocb_dma = (INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU *)(unsigned long)ha->ioctl_dma_bufp;
++ /* --- Copy IOCB_PASSTHRU structure from user space --- */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)iocb,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), ioctl->RequestLen)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_iocb_passthru;
++ }
++ if ((iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer[0x00] == 0x3A) &&
++ (iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer[0x0A] == 0x80) &&
++ (iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer[0x0B] == 0x10) &&
++ (iocb->SendData[0x0C] == 0x81) &&
++ (iocb->SendData[0x0D] == 0x4F)) {
++ // ok to process command, proceed ...
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to process command. "
++ "Did not pass secure I/O boundary check.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("IOCBCmdBuffer[0x00] = 0x%x, expecting 0x3A\n", iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer[0x00]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("IOCBCmdBuffer[0x0A] = 0x%x, expecting 0x80\n", iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer[0x0A]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("IOCBCmdBuffer[0x0B] = 0x%x, expecting 0x10\n", iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer[0x0B]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("SendData[0x0C] = 0x%x, expecting 0x81\n", iocb->SendData[0x0C]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("SendData[0x0D] = 0x%x, expecting 0x4F\n", iocb->SendData[0x0D]));
++ status = (-EFAULT);
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM;
++ goto exit_iocb_passthru;
++ }
++ /* --- Get pointer to the passthru queue entry --- */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (qla4xxx_get_req_pkt(ha, (QUEUE_ENTRY **) &passthru_entry) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: request queue full, try again later\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_HBA_QUEUE_FULL;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ goto exit_iocb_passthru;
++ }
++ /* --- Fill in passthru queue entry --- */
++ if (iocb->SendDMAOffset) {
++ data_seg = (DATA_SEG_A64 *)(iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer +
++ iocb->SendDMAOffset);
++ data_seg->base.addrHigh =
++ cpu_to_le32(MSDW((ulong)&iocb_dma->SendData[0]));
++ data_seg->base.addrLow =
++ cpu_to_le32(LSDW((ulong)&iocb_dma->SendData[0]));
++ }
++ if (iocb->RspDMAOffset) {
++ data_seg =
++ (DATA_SEG_A64 *)(iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer + iocb->RspDMAOffset);
++ data_seg->base.addrHigh =
++ cpu_to_le32(MSDW((ulong)&iocb_dma->RspData[0]));
++ data_seg->base.addrLow =
++ cpu_to_le32(LSDW((ulong)&iocb_dma->RspData[0]));
++ }
++ memcpy(passthru_entry, iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer,
++ MIN(sizeof(*passthru_entry), sizeof(iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer)));
++ passthru_entry->handle = (uint32_t) (unsigned long) iocb;
++ passthru_entry->hdr.systemDefined = SD_PASSTHRU_IOCB;
++ if (passthru_entry->hdr.entryType != ET_PASSTHRU0)
++ passthru_entry->timeout = MBOX_TOV;
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: Passthru0 IOCB type %x count %x In (%x) %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, passthru_entry->hdr.entryType,
++ passthru_entry->hdr.entryCount, ha->request_in, passthru_entry));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Dump Passthru entry %p: \n",
++ ha->host_no, passthru_entry));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10, passthru_entry, sizeof(*passthru_entry));
++ /* ---- Prepare for receiving completion ---- */
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_iocb_pass_in_progress = 1;
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_tov = passthru_entry->timeout * HZ;
++ qla4xxx_ioctl_sem_init(ha);
++ /* ---- Send command to adapter ---- */
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer.expires = jiffies + ha->ioctl->ioctl_tov;
++ add_timer(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->req_q_in, ha->request_in);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->req_q_in);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4|QLP10, printk("%s: DOWN count=%d\n",
++ __func__, atomic_read(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem.count)));
++ down(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem);
++ /*******************************************************
++ * *
++ * Passthru Completion *
++ * *
++ *******************************************************/
++ del_timer(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer);
++ /* ---- Check for timeout --- */
++ if (ha->ioctl->ioctl_iocb_pass_in_progress == 1) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR = command timeout.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_iocb_pass_in_progress = 0;
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto exit_iocb_passthru;
++ }
++ /* ---- Copy IOCB Passthru structure with updated status buffer
++ * to user space ---- */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ iocb, sizeof(INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy passthru struct "
++ "to user's memory area.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_iocb_passthru;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4|QLP10, printk("Dump iocb structure (OUT)\n"));
++ qla4xxx_print_iocb_passthru(QLP4|QLP10, ha, iocb);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: Succeeded\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf
++ * This routine deallocates the dma_buf of the previous size and re-
++ * allocates the dma_buf with the given size.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure
++ * size - Size of dma buffer to allocate
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * dma_buf - virt_addr, phys_addr, and buf_len values filled in
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully re-allocates memory
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to re-allocate memory
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t size)
++ uint8_t status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: deallocate old dma_buf, size=0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len));
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len,
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len = 0;
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufv = 0;
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufp = 0;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: allocate new ioctl_dma_buf, size=0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, size));
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufv = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, size,
++ &ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_bufv == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR allocating new ioctl_dma_buf, "
++ "size=0x%x\n", ha->host_no, __func__, size));
++ } else {
++ ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len = size;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlfoln.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * Failover ioctl command codes range from 0xc0 to 0xdf.
++ * The foioctl command code end index must be updated whenever
++ * adding new commands.
++ *************************************************************/
++#define FO_CC_START_IDX 0xc8 /* foioctl cmd start index */
++#define FO_CC_GET_PARAMS_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xc8)
++#define FO_CC_SET_PARAMS_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xc9)
++#define FO_CC_GET_PATHS_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xca)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xcb)
++#define FO_CC_GET_HBA_STAT_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xcc)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xcd)
++#define FO_CC_GET_LUN_DATA_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xce)
++#define FO_CC_SET_LUN_DATA_OS \
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xcf)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xd0)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xd1)
++ QL_IOCTL_CMD(0xd2)
++#define FO_CC_END_IDX 0xd2 /* foioctl cmd end index */
++#define BOOLEAN uint8_t
++#define MAX_LUNS_OS 256
++/* Driver attributes bits */
++#define DRVR_FO_ENABLED 0x1 /* bit 0 */
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/Makefile 2005-10-25 18:13:21.148047760 +0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++# --- Override settings until Kconfig embedded
++# --- Enable failover
++qla4xxx-y = ql4_os.o ql4_init.o ql4_mbx.o ql4_iocb.o ql4_isr.o ql4_isns.o \
++ ql4_nvram.o ql4_dbg.o
++qla4xxx-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLA4XXX_FAILOVER) += ql4_cfg.o ql4_cfgln.o ql4_fo.o \
++ ql4_foio.o ql4_foioctl.o ql4_foln.o ql4_xioct.o ql4_inioct.o \
++ ql4_32ioctl.o ql4_foio.o ql4_foln.o
++# ql4_foio.o ql4_foln.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLA4XXX) += qla4xxx.o
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_foln.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
++* QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++* (
++* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++* later version.
++* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++* General Public License for more details.
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++//#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++//#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++//#include <linux/delay.h>
++//#include "qla_os.h"
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include "qlfo.h"
++#include "qlfolimits.h"
++#include "ql4_foln.h"
++int ql4xfailover = 0;
++module_param(ql4xfailover, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Driver failover support: 0 to disable; 1 to enable.");
++int ql4xrecoveryTime = MAX_RECOVERYTIME;
++module_param_named(recoveryTime, ql4xrecoveryTime, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
++ "Recovery time in seconds before a target device is sent I/O "
++ "after a failback is performed.");
++int ql4xfailbackTime = MAX_FAILBACKTIME;
++module_param_named(failbackTime, ql4xfailbackTime, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Delay in seconds before a failback is performed.");
++int MaxPathsPerDevice = 0;
++module_param(MaxPathsPerDevice, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Maximum number of paths to a device. Default 8.");
++int MaxRetriesPerPath = 0;
++module_param(MaxRetriesPerPath, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "How many retries to perform on the current path before "
++ "failing over to the next path in the path list.");
++int MaxRetriesPerIo = 0;
++module_param(MaxRetriesPerIo, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "How many total retries to do before failing the command and "
++ "returning to the OS with a DID_NO_CONNECT status.");
++int qlFailoverNotifyType = 0;
++module_param(qlFailoverNotifyType, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Failover notification mechanism to use when a failover or "
++ "failback occurs.");
++struct cfg_device_info cfg_device_list[] = {
++ {"IBM","DS300", 0x10, FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_NONE,
++ qla4xxx_combine_by_lunid, NULL, NULL, NULL },
++ {"IBM","DS400",0x10, FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_NONE,
++ qla4xxx_combine_by_lunid, NULL, NULL, NULL },
++ /*
++ * Must be at end of list...
++ */
++ {NULL, NULL }
++ * qla4xxx_flush_failover_queue
++ * Return cmds of a "specific" LUN from the failover queue with
++ * DID_BUS_BUSY status.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ * q = lun queue.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_flush_failover_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, os_lun_t *q)
++ srb_t *sp;
++ struct list_head *list, *temp;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_safe(list, temp, &ha->failover_queue){
++ sp = list_entry(list, srb_t, list_entry);
++ /*
++ * If request originated from the same lun_q then delete it
++ * from the failover queue
++ */
++ if (q == sp->lun_queue) {
++ /* Remove srb from failover queue. */
++ __del_from_failover_queue(ha,sp);
++ sp->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ sp->cmd->host_scribble = (unsigned char *) NULL;
++ __add_to_done_srb_q(ha,sp);
++ }
++ } /* list_for_each_safe() */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ * qla4xxx_check_for_devices_online
++ *
++ * Check fcport state of all devices to make sure online.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * None.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ */
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_check_for_devices_online(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list) {
++ if(fcport->port_type != FCT_TARGET)
++ continue;
++ if ((atomic_read(&fcport->state) == FCS_ONLINE) ||
++ (atomic_read(&fcport->state) == FCS_DEVICE_DEAD) ||
++ fcport->flags & FCF_FAILBACK_DISABLE)
++ continue;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return 1;
++ * qla4xxx_failover_cleanup
++ * Cleanup queues after a failover.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * sp = command pointer
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_failover_cleanup(srb_t *sp)
++ sp->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ sp->cmd->host_scribble = (unsigned char *) NULL;
++ /* turn-off all failover flags */
++ sp->flags = sp->flags & ~(SRB_RETRY|SRB_FAILOVER|SRB_FO_CANCEL);
++qla4xxx_suspend_failover_targets(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct list_head *list, *temp;
++ srb_t *sp;
++ int count;
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ count = ha->failover_cnt;
++ list_for_each_safe(list, temp, &ha->failover_queue) {
++ sp = list_entry(ha->, srb_t, list_entry);
++ tq = sp->tgt_queue;
++ if (!(test_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tq->flags)))
++ set_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tq->flags);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ return count;
++srb_t *
++qla4xxx_failover_next_request(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ srb_t *sp = NULL;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->failover_queue)) {
++ sp = list_entry(ha->, srb_t, list_entry);
++ __del_from_failover_queue(ha, sp);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ return( sp );
++static void qla4xxx_resume_failover_targets(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t t, l;
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ for (t = 0; t < ha->host->max_id; t++) {
++ if ((tq = ha->otgt[t]) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tq->flags)) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(): remove suspend for "
++ "target %d\n",
++ __func__,
++ t);)
++ }
++ for (l = 0; l < MAX_LUNS; l++) {
++ if ((lq = (os_lun_t *) tq->olun[l]) == NULL)
++ continue;
++#if 0
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(LUN_MPIO_BUSY, &lq->q_flag)) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(): remove suspend for "
++ "lun %d\n",
++ __func__,
++ lq->fclun->lun);)
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_process_failover
++ * Process any command on the failover queue.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_process_failover(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ srb_t *sp;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *vis_ha = ha;
++ int count, i;
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: %s: active=%d, retry=%d, "
++ "done=%d, failover=%d commands.\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ __func__,
++ ha->active_srb_count,
++ ha->retry_srb_q_count,
++ ha->done_srb_q_count,
++ ha->failover_cnt);)
++ /* Prevent acceptance of new I/O requests for failover target. */
++ count = qla4xxx_suspend_failover_targets(ha);
++ /*
++ * Process all the commands in the failover queue. Attempt to failover
++ * then either complete the command as is or requeue for retry.
++ */
++ for (i = 0; i < count ; i++) {
++ sp = qla4xxx_failover_next_request(ha);
++ if (!sp)
++ break;
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(sp->cmd, 360);
++ if (i == 0)
++ vis_ha =
++ (scsi_qla_host_t *)sp->cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ tq = sp->tgt_queue;
++ lq = sp->lun_queue;
++ fcport = lq->fclun->fcport;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(): pid %ld retrycnt=%d, fcport =%p, "
++ "state=0x%x, \nha flags=0x%lx fclun=%p, lq fclun=%p, "
++ "lq=%p, lun=%d\n", __func__, sp->cmd->serial_number,
++ sp->cmd->retries, fcport, atomic_read(&fcport->state),
++ ha->flags, sp->fclun, lq->fclun, lq,
++ lq->fclun->lun));
++ if (sp->err_id == SRB_ERR_DEVICE && sp->fclun == lq->fclun &&
++ atomic_read(&fcport->state) == FCS_ONLINE) {
++ if (!(qla4xxx_test_active_lun(fcport, sp->fclun))) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi(%d) %s Detected INACTIVE "
++ "Port 0x%02x \n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ fcport->loop_id));
++ sp->err_id = SRB_ERR_OTHER;
++ sp->cmd->sense_buffer[2] = 0;
++ sp->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ }
++ }
++ if ((sp->flags & SRB_GOT_SENSE)) {
++ sp->flags &= ~SRB_GOT_SENSE;
++ sp->cmd->sense_buffer[0] = 0;
++ sp->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ sp->cmd->host_scribble = (unsigned char *) NULL;
++ }
++ /*** Select an alternate path ***/
++ /*
++ * If the path has already been change by a previous request
++ * sp->fclun != lq->fclun
++ */
++ if (sp->fclun != lq->fclun || (sp->err_id != SRB_ERR_OTHER &&
++ atomic_read(&fcport->state) != FCS_DEVICE_DEAD)) {
++ qla4xxx_failover_cleanup(sp);
++ } else if (qla4xxx_cfg_failover(ha,
++ lq->fclun, tq, sp) == NULL) {
++ /*
++ * We ran out of paths, so just retry the status which
++ * is already set in the cmd. We want to serialize the
++ * failovers, so we make them go thur visible HBA.
++ */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "%s(): Ran out of paths - pid %ld - retrying\n",
++ __func__, sp->cmd->serial_number);
++ } else {
++ qla4xxx_failover_cleanup(sp);
++ }
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha, sp);
++ }
++ qla4xxx_resume_failover_targets(vis_ha);
++#if 0
++ for (t = 0; t < vis_ha->max_targets; t++) {
++ if ((tq = vis_ha->otgt[t]) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tq->flags)) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(): remove suspend for target %d\n",
++ __func__, t));
++ }
++ for (l = 0; l < vis_ha->max_luns; l++) {
++ if ((lq = (os_lun_t *) tq->olun[l]) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if( test_and_clear_bit(LUN_MPIO_BUSY, &lq->q_flag) ) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG(printk("%s(): remove suspend for "
++ "lun %d\n", __func__, lq->fclun->lun));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ // qla4xxx_restart_queues(ha, 0);
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s() - done", __func__));
++qla4xxx_search_failover_queue(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ struct list_head *list, *temp;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ srb_t *sp;
++ DEBUG3(printk("qla4xxx_eh_abort: searching sp %p in "
++ "failover queue.\n", sp);)
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_safe(list, temp, &ha->failover_queue) {
++ sp = list_entry(list, srb_t, list_entry);
++ if (cmd == sp->cmd)
++ goto found;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ return 0;
++ found:
++ /* Remove srb from failover queue. */
++ __del_from_failover_queue(ha, sp);
++ cmd->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
++ __add_to_done_srb_q(ha, sp);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ return 1;
++ * If we are not processing a ioctl or one of
++ * the ports are still MISSING or need a resync
++ * then process the failover event.
++ */
++qla4xxx_process_failover_event(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ if (test_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags))
++ return;
++ if (qla4xxx_check_for_devices_online(ha)) {
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ // if (ha->
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha))
++ qla4xxx_cfg_event_notify(ha, ha->failover_type);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Get any requests from failover queue
++ */
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_NEEDED, &ha->dpc_flags))
++ qla4xxx_process_failover(ha);
++ * qla4xxx_start_fo_cmd
++ * This routine retrieves and processes next request from the pending
++ * queue.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_start_fo_cmd(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ fcport = lun_entry->fclun->fcport;
++ ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ if ((atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) == DEV_STATE_DEAD)) {
++ if (!test_bit(AF_LINK_UP, &fcport->ha->flags))
++ srb->err_id = SRB_ERR_LOOP;
++ else
++ srb->err_id = SRB_ERR_PORT;
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Port dead, err_id=%d, sp=%ld - "
++ "retry_q\n", fcport->ha->host_no,srb->err_id,
++ srb->cmd->serial_number));
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha,srb);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha,srb);
++ goto exit_start_cmd;
++ }
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) == DEV_STATE_MISSING ||
++ !ADAPTER_UP(fcport->ha)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Port missing or adapter down"
++ "-ddb state=0x%x, hba flags=0x%lx, sp=%ld - "
++ "retry_q\n", fcport->ha->host_no,
++ atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state),
++ fcport->ha->flags, srb->cmd->serial_number));
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(srb->cmd, EXTEND_CMD_TOV);
++ add_to_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ goto exit_start_cmd;
++ }
++ if (!(srb->flags & SRB_TAPE) &&
++ (test_bit(CFG_FAILOVER, &fcport->ha->cfg_flags) ||
++ (srb->flags & SRB_FAILOVER))) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Failover flag set - sp=%ld"
++ "cfg flags=0x%lx - retry_q\n",
++ fcport->ha->host_no, srb->cmd->serial_number,
++ fcport->ha->cfg_flags ));
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(srb->cmd, EXTEND_CMD_TOV);
++ add_to_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ goto exit_start_cmd;
++ }
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state == LS_LUN_SUSPENDED) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Lun suspended - sp=%ld - "
++ "retry_q\n", fcport->ha->host_no,
++ srb->cmd->serial_number));
++ add_to_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ goto exit_start_cmd;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp(ha, srb) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /*
++ * Unable to send command to the ISP at this time.
++ * Notify the OS to queue commands in the OS. The OS
++ * will not attempt to queue more commands until a
++ * command is returned to the OS.
++ */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to send cmd "
++ "to ISP, retry later\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha,srb);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha,srb);
++ // add_to_pending_srb_q_head(ha, srb);
++ goto exit_start_cmd;
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++qla4xxx_do_fo_check(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *sp, scsi_qla_host_t *vis_ha)
++ /*
++ * This routine checks for DID_NO_CONNECT to decide
++ * whether to failover to another path or not. We only
++ * failover on that status.
++ */
++ if (sp->lun_queue->fclun->fcport->flags & FCF_FAILOVER_DISABLE)
++ return 0;
++ if (sp->lun_queue->fclun->flags & FLF_VISIBLE_LUN)
++ return 0;
++ if (!qla4xxx_fo_check(ha, sp))
++ return 0;
++ if ((sp->state != SRB_FAILOVER_STATE)) {
++ /*
++ * Retry the command on this path
++ * several times before selecting a new
++ * path.
++ */
++ qla4xxx_start_fo_cmd(vis_ha, sp);
++ } else
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(sp->cmd, EXTEND_CMD_TIMEOUT);
++ return 1;
++qla4xxx_start_all_adapters(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++#if 0
++ struct list_head *hal;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *vis_ha;
++ /* Try and start all visible adapters */
++ read_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_for_each(hal, &qla4xxx_hostlist) {
++ vis_ha = list_entry(hal, scsi_qla_host_t, list);
++ if (!list_empty(&vis_ha->pending_srb_q))
++ qla4xxx_start_io(vis_ha);
++ DEBUG2(printk("host(%d):Commands busy=%d "
++ "failed=%d\neh_active=%d\n ",
++ vis_ha->host_no,
++ vis_ha->host->host_busy,
++ vis_ha->host->host_failed,
++ vis_ha->host->eh_active);)
++ }
++ read_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_ioctl.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#ifndef _QL4_IOCTL_H_
++#define _QL4_IOCTL_H_
++#include <linux/blkdev.h>
++#include <asm/uaccess.h>
++typedef struct {
++ int cmd;
++ char *s;
++} ioctl_tbl_row_t;
++#define QL_KMEM_ZALLOC(siz) ql4_kzmalloc((siz), GFP_ATOMIC)
++#define QL_KMEM_FREE(ptr) kfree((ptr))
++/* Defines for Passthru */
++#define IOCTL_INVALID_STATUS 0xffff
++ * extern from ql4_xioctl.c
++ */
++extern void *
++extern inline void *
++ql4_kzmalloc(int, int);
++extern char *
++IOCTL_TBL_STR(int, int);
++extern int
++qla4xxx_alloc_ioctl_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern void
++qla4xxx_free_ioctl_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern int
++qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *, void **, uint32_t);
++extern void
++qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++ * from ql4_inioct.c
++ */
++extern ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_SCMD_IGET_DATA_TBL[];
++extern ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_SCMD_ISET_DATA_TBL[];
++extern int
++qla4intioctl_logout_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int
++qla4intioctl_copy_fw_flash(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int
++qla4intioctl_iocb_passthru(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int
++qla4intioctl_ping(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int
++qla4intioctl_get_data(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int
++qla4intioctl_set_data(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int
++qla4intioctl_hba_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++ * from ql4_init.c
++ */
++extern uint8_t
++qla4xxx_logout_device(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
++extern uint8_t
++qla4xxx_login_device(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
++extern uint8_t
++qla4xxx_delete_device(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_isns.h 2005-02-25 04:36:19.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#define ISNSP_VERSION 0x0001 // Current iSNS version as defined by
++// the latest spec that we support
++/* Swap Macros
++ *
++ * These are designed to be used on constants (such as the function codes
++ * below) such that the swapping is done by the compiler at compile time
++ * and not at run time. Of course, they should also work on variables
++ * in which case the swapping will occur at run time.
++ */
++#define WSWAP(x) (uint16_t)(((((uint16_t)x)<<8)&0xFF00) | \
++ ((((uint16_t)x)>>8)&0x00FF))
++#define DWSWAP(x) (uint32_t)(((((uint32_t)x)<<24)&0xFF000000) | \
++ ((((uint32_t)x)<<8)&0x00FF0000) | \
++ ((((uint32_t)x)>>8)&0x0000FF00) | \
++ ((((uint32_t)x)>>24)&0x000000FF))
++ * Timeout Values
++ *******************/
++#define ISNS_RESTART_TOV 5
++#define IOCB_ISNS_PT_PDU_TYPE(x) ((x) & 0x0F000000)
++#define IOCB_ISNS_PT_PDU_INDEX(x) ((x) & (MAX_PDU_ENTRIES-1))
++#define ISNS_ASYNCH_REQ_PDU 0x01000000
++#define ISNS_ASYNCH_RSP_PDU 0x02000000
++#define ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU 0x03000000
++// Fake device indexes. Used internally by the driver for indexing to other than a DDB entry
++#define ISNS_CLEAR_FLAGS(ha) do {clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_IN_PROGRESS | \
++ &ha->isns_flags);} while(0);
++// iSNS Message Function ID codes
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevAttrReg 0x0001 // Device Attribute Registration Request
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevAttrQry 0x0002 // Device Attribute Query Request
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevGetNext 0x0003 // Device Get Next Request
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevDereg 0x0004 // Device Deregister Request
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCNReg 0x0005 // SCN Register Request
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCNDereg 0x0006 // SCN Deregister Request
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCNEvent 0x0007 // SCN Event
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCN 0x0008 // State Change Notification
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDReg 0x0009 // DD Register
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDDereg 0x000A // DD Deregister
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDSReg 0x000B // DDS Register
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDSDereg 0x000C // DDS Deregister
++#define ISNS_FCID_ESI 0x000D // Entity Status Inquiry
++#define ISNS_FCID_Heartbeat 0x000E // Name Service Heartbeat
++//NOT USED 0x000F-0x0010
++#define ISNS_FCID_RqstDomId 0x0011 // Request FC_DOMAIN_ID
++#define ISNS_FCID_RlseDomId 0x0012 // Release FC_DOMAIN_ID
++#define ISNS_FCID_GetDomId 0x0013 // Get FC_DOMAIN_IDs
++//RESERVED 0x0014-0x00FF
++//Vendor Specific 0x0100-0x01FF
++//RESERVED 0x0200-0x8000
++// iSNS Response Message Function ID codes
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevAttrRegRsp 0x8001 // Device Attribute Registration Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevAttrQryRsp 0x8002 // Device Attribute Query Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevGetNextRsp 0x8003 // Device Get Next Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_DevDeregRsp 0x8004 // Deregister Device Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCNRegRsp 0x8005 // SCN Register Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCNDeregRsp 0x8006 // SCN Deregister Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCNEventRsp 0x8007 // SCN Event Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_SCNRsp 0x8008 // SCN Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDRegRsp 0x8009 // DD Register Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDDeregRsp 0x800A // DD Deregister Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDSRegRsp 0x800B // DDS Register Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_DDSDeregRsp 0x800C // DDS Deregister Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_ESIRsp 0x800D // Entity Status Inquiry Response
++//NOT USED 0x800E-0x8010
++#define ISNS_FCID_RqstDomIdRsp 0x8011 // Request FC_DOMAIN_ID Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_RlseDomIdRsp 0x8012 // Release FC_DOMAIN_ID Response
++#define ISNS_FCID_GetDomIdRsp 0x8013 // Get FC_DOMAIN_IDs Response
++//RESERVED 0x8014-0x80FF
++//Vendor Specific 0x8100-0x81FF
++//RESERVED 0x8200-0xFFFF
++// iSNS Error Codes
++#define ISNS_ERR_SUCCESS 0 // Successful
++#define ISNS_ERR_UNKNOWN 1 // Unknown Error
++#define ISNS_ERR_MSG_FORMAT 2 // Message Format Error
++#define ISNS_ERR_INVALID_REG 3 // Invalid Registration
++#define ISNS_ERR_INVALID_QUERY 5 // Invalid Query
++#define ISNS_ERR_SOURCE_UNKNOWN 6 // Source Unknown
++#define ISNS_ERR_SOURCE_ABSENT 7 // Source Absent
++#define ISNS_ERR_SOURCE_UNAUTHORIZED 8 // Source Unauthorized
++#define ISNS_ERR_NO_SUCH_ENTRY 9 // No Such Entry
++#define ISNS_ERR_VER_NOT_SUPPORTED 10 // Version Not Supported
++#define ISNS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR 11 // Internal Error
++#define ISNS_ERR_BUSY 12 // Busy
++#define ISNS_ERR_OPT_NOT_UNDERSTOOD 13 // Option Not Understood
++#define ISNS_ERR_INVALID_UPDATE 14 // Invalid Update
++#define ISNS_ERR_MSG_NOT_SUPPORTED 15 // Message (FUNCTION_ID) Not Supported
++#define ISNS_ERR_SCN_EVENT_REJECTED 16 // SCN Event Rejected
++#define ISNS_ERR_SCN_REG_REJECTED 17 // SCN Registration Rejected
++#define ISNS_ERR_ATTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 18 // Attribute Not Implemented
++#define ISNS_ERR_FC_DOMAIN_ID_NOT_AVAIL 19 // FC_DOMAIN_ID Not Available
++#define ISNS_ERR_FC_DOMAIN_ID_NOT_ALLOC 20 // FC_DOMAIN_ID Not Allocated
++#define ISNS_ERR_ESI_NOT_AVAILABLE 21 // ESI Not Available
++#define ISNS_ERR_INVALID_DEREG 22 // Invalid Deregistration
++#define ISNS_ERR_REG_FEATURES_NOT_SUPPORTED 23 // Registration Features Not Supported
++#define ISNS_ERROR_CODE_TBL() { \
++ "RESERVED" , \
++ "NO SUCH ENTRY" , \
++ "BUSY" , \
++ NULL \
++// iSNS Protocol Structures
++typedef struct {
++ uint16_t isnsp_version;
++ uint16_t function_id;
++ uint16_t pdu_length; // Length of the payload (does not include header)
++ uint16_t flags;
++ uint16_t transaction_id;
++ uint16_t sequence_id;
++ uint8_t payload[0]; // Variable payload data
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t error_code;
++ uint8_t attributes[0];
++// iSNS Message Flags Definitions
++#define ISNSP_CLIENT_SENDER 0x8000
++#define ISNSP_SERVER_SENDER 0x4000
++#define ISNSP_REPLACE_FLAG 0x1000
++#define ISNSP_LAST_PDU 0x0800
++#define ISNSP_FIRST_PDU 0x0400
++// iSNS Attribute Structure
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t tag;
++ uint32_t length;
++ uint8_t value[0]; // Variable length data
++// The following macro assumes that the attribute is wholly contained within
++// the buffer in question and is valid (see VALIDATE_ATTR below).
++static inline PISNS_ATTRIBUTE
++ return (PISNS_ATTRIBUTE) (&pattr->value[0] + be32_to_cpu(pattr->length));
++static inline uint8_t
++VALIDATE_ATTR(PISNS_ATTRIBUTE PAttr, uint8_t *buffer_end)
++ // Ensure that the Length field of the current attribute is contained
++ // within the buffer before trying to read it, and then be sure that
++ // the entire attribute is contained within the buffer.
++ if ((((unsigned long)&PAttr->length + sizeof(PAttr->length)) <= (unsigned long)buffer_end) &&
++ (unsigned long)NEXT_ATTR(PAttr) <= (unsigned long)buffer_end) {
++//printk("%s: end attr_len = 0x%x, end_buf = 0x%x\n", __func__,
++// (unsigned long)&PAttr->length + sizeof(PAttr->length),
++// (unsigned long)buffer_end);
++ return(1);
++ }
++ return(0);
++// iSNS-defined Attribute Tags
++#define ISNS_ATTR_TAG_PG_TAG 48
++#define ISNS_ATTR_TAG_PORT_ID 65
++#define ISNS_ATTR_TAG_FC4_TYPES 72
++//Vendor-specific iSNS Server 257-384
++//Vendor-specific Entity 385-512
++//Vendor-specific Portal 513-640
++//Vendor-specific iSCSI Node 641-768
++//Vendor-specific FC Port Name 769-896
++//Vendor-specific FC Node Name 897-1024
++//Vendor-specific DDS 1025-1280
++//Vendor-Specific DD 1281-1536
++//Vendor-specific (other) 1237-2048
++#define ISNS_ATTR_TAG_DD_SET_ID 2049
++#define ISNS_ATTR_TAG_DD_ID 2065
++#define ISNS_ATTR_TAG_DD_ID_NEXT_ID 2079
++// Definitions used for Entity Protocol
++// Definitions used for iSCSI Node Type
++#define ISCSI_NODE_TYPE_TARGET 0x00000001
++#define ISCSI_NODE_TYPE_INITIATOR 0x00000002
++#define ISCSI_NODE_TYPE_CONTROL 0x00000004
++// Definitions used for iSCSI Node SCN Bitmap
++#define ISCSI_SCN_DD_DDS_MEMBER_ADDED 0x00000001 // Management SCN only
++#define ISCSI_SCN_DD_DDS_MEMBER_REMOVED 0x00000002 // Management SCN only
++#define ISCSI_SCN_OBJECT_UPDATED 0x00000004
++#define ISCSI_SCN_OBJECT_ADDED 0x00000008
++#define ISCSI_SCN_OBJECT_REMOVED 0x00000010
++#define ISCSI_SCN_MANAGEMENT_SCN 0x00000020
++// Definitions used for iSCSI Security Bitmap
++#define ISNS_SECURITY_BITMAP_VALID 0x00000001
++#define ISNS_SECURITY_PFS_ENABLED 0x00000010
++// Definitions used for Portal Port
++#define PORTAL_PORT_TYPE_UDP 0x00010000
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_fo.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
++* QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++* (
++* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++* later version.
++* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++* General Public License for more details.
++* Failover include file
++// #include "ql4_os.h"
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include "qlfo.h"
++#include "qlfolimits.h"
++ * Global variables
++ */
++SysFoParams_t qla_fo_params;
++ * Local routines
++ */
++static uint8_t qla4xxx_fo_count_retries(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *sp);
++ * qla4xxx_reset_lun_fo_counts
++ * Reset failover retry counts
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_reset_lun_fo_counts(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, os_lun_t *lq)
++ srb_t *tsp;
++ os_lun_t *orig_lq;
++ struct list_head *list;
++ unsigned long flags ;
++ uint16_t path_id;
++ struct fo_information *mp_info;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * the retry queue.
++ */
++ list_for_each(list,&ha->retry_srb_q)
++ {
++ tsp = list_entry(list, srb_t, list_entry);
++ orig_lq = tsp->lun_queue;
++ if (orig_lq == lq)
++ tsp->fo_retry_cnt = 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * the done queue.
++ */
++ list_for_each(list, &ha->done_srb_q)
++ {
++ tsp = list_entry(list, srb_t, list_entry);
++ orig_lq = tsp->lun_queue;
++ if (orig_lq == lq)
++ tsp->fo_retry_cnt = 0;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ /* reset the failover retry count on all the paths */
++ mp_info = (struct fo_information *) lq->fo_info;
++ for (path_id = 0; path_id < MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE ; path_id++)
++ mp_info->fo_retry_cnt[path_id] = 0;
++#if 0
++void qla4xxx_find_all_active_ports(srb_t *sp)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = qla4xxx_hostlist;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ fc_lun_t *orig_fclun;
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Scanning for active ports... %d\n",
++ __func__, sp->lun_queue->fclun->lun);)
++ orig_fclun = sp->lun_queue->fclun;
++ for (; (ha != NULL); ha=ha->next) {
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list)
++ {
++ if (fcport->port_type != FCT_TARGET)
++ continue;
++ if ((fcport->flags & (FCF_EVA_DEVICE|FCF_MSA_DEVICE))) {
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns, list)
++ {
++ if (fclun->flags & FCF_VISIBLE_LUN)
++ continue;
++ if (orig_fclun->lun != fclun->lun)
++ continue;
++ qla4xxx_test_active_lun(fcport,fclun);
++ }
++ }
++ if ((fcport->flags & FCF_MSA_DEVICE))
++ qla4xxx_test_active_port(fcport);
++ }
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Scanning ports...Done\n",
++ __func__);)
++ * qla4xxx_fo_count_retries
++ * Increment the retry counter for the command.
++ * Set or reset the SRB_RETRY flag.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * sp = Pointer to command.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 1 -- retry
++ * 0 -- don't retry
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_fo_count_retries(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *sp)
++ uint8_t retry = 0;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *vis_ha;
++ uint16_t path_id;
++ struct fo_information *mp_info;
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ lq = sp->lun_queue;
++ mp_info = (struct fo_information *) lq->fo_info;
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(LUN_MPIO_RESET_CNTS, &lq->flags))
++ for (path_id = 0; path_id < MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE; path_id++)
++ mp_info->fo_retry_cnt[path_id] = 0;
++ /* check to see if we have exhausted retries on all the paths */
++ for( path_id = 0; path_id < mp_info->path_cnt; path_id++) {
++ if(mp_info->fo_retry_cnt[path_id] >=
++ qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath)
++ continue;
++ retry = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!retry) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "qla4x00: no more failovers for request - pid = %ld",sp->cmd->serial_number);
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * We haven't exceeded the max retries for this request, check
++ * max retries this path
++ */
++ if ((++sp->fo_retry_cnt % qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath) == 0) {
++ path_id = sp->fclun->fcport->cur_path;
++ mp_info->fo_retry_cnt[path_id]++;
++ DEBUG2(printk(" %s: FAILOVER - queuing ha=%d, sp=%p,"
++ "pid =%ld, path_id=%d fo retry= %d \n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, sp,
++ sp->cmd->serial_number, path_id,
++ mp_info->fo_retry_cnt[path_id]);)
++ /*
++ * Note: we don't want it to timeout, so it is
++ * recycling on the retry queue and the fialover queue.
++ */
++ lq = sp->lun_queue;
++ tq = sp->tgt_queue;
++ // set_bit(LUN_MPIO_BUSY, &lq->q_flag);
++ /*
++ * ??? We can get a path error on any ha, but always
++ * queue failover on originating ha. This will allow us
++ * to syncronized the requests for a given lun.
++ */
++ /* Now queue it on to be failover */
++ sp->ha = ha;
++ /* we can only failover using the visible HA */
++ vis_ha =
++ (scsi_qla_host_t *)sp->cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ add_to_failover_queue(vis_ha,sp);
++ }
++ }
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: exiting. retry = %d.\n", __func__, retry);)
++ return retry ;
++qla4xxx_fo_check_device(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *sp)
++ int retry = 0;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cp;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ if ( !(sp->flags & SRB_GOT_SENSE) )
++ return retry;
++ cp = sp->cmd;
++ lq = sp->lun_queue;
++ fcport = lq->fclun->fcport;
++ switch (cp->sense_buffer[2] & 0xf) {
++ case NOT_READY:
++ if (fcport->flags & (FCF_MSA_DEVICE | FCF_EVA_DEVICE)) {
++ /*
++ * if we can't access port
++ */
++ if ((cp->sense_buffer[12] == 0x4 &&
++ (cp->sense_buffer[13] == 0x0 ||
++ cp->sense_buffer[13] == 0x3 ||
++ cp->sense_buffer[13] == 0x2))) {
++ sp->err_id = SRB_ERR_DEVICE;
++ return 1;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ if (fcport->flags & FCF_EVA_DEVICE) {
++ if ((cp->sense_buffer[12] == 0xa &&
++ cp->sense_buffer[13] == 0x8)) {
++ sp->err_id = SRB_ERR_DEVICE;
++ return 1;
++ }
++ if ((cp->sense_buffer[12] == 0xa &&
++ cp->sense_buffer[13] == 0x9)) {
++ /* failback lun */
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return (retry);
++ * qla4xxx_fo_check
++ * This function is called from the done routine to see if
++ * the SRB requires a failover.
++ *
++ * This function examines the available os returned status and
++ * if meets condition, the command(srb) is placed ont the failover
++ * queue for processing.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * sp = Pointer to the SCSI Request Block
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * sp->flags SRB_RETRY bit id command is to
++ * be retried otherwise bit is reset.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_fo_check(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *sp)
++ uint8_t retry = 0;
++ int host_status;
++#ifdef QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2
++ static char *reason[] = {
++ "DID_OK",
++ /* "DID_IMM_RETRY" */
++ };
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ /* we failover on selction timeouts only */
++ host_status = host_byte(sp->cmd->result);
++ if( host_status == DID_NO_CONNECT ||
++ qla4xxx_fo_check_device(ha, sp) ) {
++ if (qla4xxx_fo_count_retries(ha, sp)) {
++ /* Force a retry on this request, it will
++ * cause the LINUX timer to get reset, while we
++ * we are processing the failover.
++ */
++ sp->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ retry = 1;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla4xxx_fo_check: pid= %ld sp %p/%d/%d retry count=%d, "
++ "retry flag = %d, host status (%s), retuned status (%s)\n",
++ sp->cmd->serial_number, sp, sp->state, sp->err_id, sp->fo_retry_cnt, retry,
++ reason[host_status], reason[host_byte(sp->cmd->result)]);)
++ }
++ /* Clear out any FO retry counts on good completions. */
++ if (host_status == DID_OK)
++ set_bit(LUN_MPIO_RESET_CNTS, &sp->lun_queue->flags);
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: exiting. retry = %d.\n", __func__, retry);)
++ return retry;
++ * qla4xxx_fo_path_change
++ * This function is called from configuration mgr to notify
++ * of a path change.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * type = Failover notify type, FO_NOTIFY_LUN_RESET or FO_NOTIFY_LOGOUT
++ * newlunp = Pointer to the fc_lun struct for current path.
++ * oldlunp = Pointer to fc_lun struct for previous path.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_fo_path_change(uint32_t type, fc_lun_t *newlunp, fc_lun_t *oldlunp)
++ uint32_t ret = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ newlunp->max_path_retries = 0;
++ return ret;
++#if 0
++ * qla4xxx_fo_get_params
++ * Process an ioctl request to get system wide failover parameters.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * pp = Pointer to FO_PARAMS structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * EXT_STATUS code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static uint32_t
++qla4xxx_fo_get_params(PFO_PARAMS pp)
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ pp->MaxPathsPerDevice = qla_fo_params.MaxPathsPerDevice;
++ pp->MaxRetriesPerPath = qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath;
++ pp->MaxRetriesPerIo = qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerIo;
++ pp->Flags = qla_fo_params.Flags;
++ pp->FailoverNotifyType = qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType;
++ pp->FailoverNotifyCdbLength = qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyCdbLength;
++ memset(pp->FailoverNotifyCdb, 0, sizeof(pp->FailoverNotifyCdb));
++ memcpy(pp->FailoverNotifyCdb,
++ &qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyCdb[0], sizeof(pp->FailoverNotifyCdb));
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: exiting.\n", __func__);)
++ return EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ * qla4xxx_fo_set_params
++ * Process an ioctl request to set system wide failover parameters.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * pp = Pointer to FO_PARAMS structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * EXT_STATUS code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static uint32_t
++qla4xxx_fo_set_params(PFO_PARAMS pp)
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ /* Check values for defined MIN and MAX */
++ if ((pp->MaxPathsPerDevice > SDM_DEF_MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE) ||
++ (pp->MaxRetriesPerPath < FO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_PATH_MIN) ||
++ (pp->MaxRetriesPerPath > FO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_PATH_MAX) ||
++ (pp->MaxRetriesPerIo < FO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_IO_MIN) ||
++ (pp->MaxRetriesPerPath > FO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_IO_MAX)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: got invalid params.\n", __func__);)
++ }
++ /* Update the global structure. */
++ qla_fo_params.MaxPathsPerDevice = pp->MaxPathsPerDevice;
++ qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath = pp->MaxRetriesPerPath;
++ qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerIo = pp->MaxRetriesPerIo;
++ qla_fo_params.Flags = pp->Flags;
++ qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType = pp->FailoverNotifyType;
++ qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyCdbLength = pp->FailoverNotifyCdbLength;
++ if (pp->FailoverNotifyType & FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_CDB) {
++ if (pp->FailoverNotifyCdbLength >
++ sizeof(qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyCdb)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: got invalid cdb length.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ }
++ memcpy(qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyCdb,
++ pp->FailoverNotifyCdb,
++ sizeof(qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyCdb));
++ }
++ DEBUG9(printk("%s: exiting.\n", __func__);)
++ return EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ * qla4xxx_fo_init_params
++ * Gets driver configuration file failover properties to initalize
++ * the global failover parameters structure.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_fo_init_params(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ /* For parameters that are not completely implemented yet, */
++ memset(&qla_fo_params, 0, sizeof(qla_fo_params));
++ if(MaxPathsPerDevice) {
++ qla_fo_params.MaxPathsPerDevice = MaxPathsPerDevice;
++ } else
++ qla_fo_params.MaxPathsPerDevice =FO_MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE_DEF ;
++ if(MaxRetriesPerPath) {
++ qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath = MaxRetriesPerPath;
++ } else
++ qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath =FO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_PATH_DEF;
++ if(MaxRetriesPerIo) {
++ qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerIo =MaxRetriesPerIo;
++ } else
++ qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerIo =FO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_IO_DEF;
++ qla_fo_params.Flags = 0;
++ qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType = FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_NONE;
++ /* Set it to whatever user specified on the cmdline */
++ if (qlFailoverNotifyType != FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_NONE)
++ qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType = qlFailoverNotifyType;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: exiting.\n", __func__);)
++ * qla2100_fo_enabled
++ * Reads and validates the failover enabled property.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ * instance = HBA number.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 1 when failover is authorized else 0
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_fo_enabled(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, int instance)
++ return qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha);
++ * qla4xxx_send_fo_notification
++ * Sends failover notification if needed. Change the fc_lun pointer
++ * in the old path lun queue.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * old_lp = Pointer to old fc_lun.
++ * new_lp = Pointer to new fc_lun.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Local function status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_send_fo_notification(fc_lun_t *old_lp, fc_lun_t *new_lp)
++ int rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++#if 0
++ scsi_qla_host_t *old_ha = old_lp->fcport->ha;
++ inq_cmd_rsp_t *pkt;
++ uint16_t loop_id, lun;
++ dma_addr_t phys_address;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_send_fo_notification");
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++#if 0
++ if( new_lp->fcport == NULL ){
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla4xxx_send_fo_notification: No "
++ "new fcport for lun pointer\n");)
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ loop_id = new_lp->fcport->loop_id;
++ lun = new_lp->lun;
++ if (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType == FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_LUN_RESET) {
++ rval = qla4xxx_lun_reset(old_ha, loop_id, lun);
++ if (rval == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("qla4xxx_send_fo_notification: LUN "
++ "reset succeded\n");)
++ } else {
++ DEBUG4(printk("qla4xxx_send_fo_notification: LUN "
++ "reset failed\n");)
++ }
++ }
++ if ( (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType ==
++ (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType ==
++ rval = qla4xxx_fabric_logout(old_ha, loop_id);
++ if (rval == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("qla4xxx_send_fo_failover_notify: "
++ "logout succeded\n");)
++ } else {
++ DEBUG4(printk("qla4xxx_send_fo_failover_notify: "
++ "logout failed\n");)
++ }
++ }
++ if (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType == FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_SPINUP ||
++ new_lp->fcport->notify_type == FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_SPINUP ) {
++ rval = qla4xxx_spinup(new_lp->fcport->ha, new_lp->fcport,
++ new_lp->lun);
++ }
++ if (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType == FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_CDB) {
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: exiting. rval = %d.\n", __func__, rval);)
++ return rval;
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_nvram.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * Module Name: ql4nvrm.h
++ */
++#ifndef _QL2XNVRM_H_
++#define _QL2XNVRM_H_
++// AM29LV Flash definitions
++#define FM93C56A_SIZE_8 0x100
++#define FM93C56A_SIZE_16 0x80
++#define FM93C66A_SIZE_8 0x200
++#define FM93C66A_SIZE_16 0x100 /* 4010 */
++#define FM93C86A_SIZE_16 0x400 /* 4022 */
++#define FM93C56A_START 0x1
++// Commands
++#define FM93C56A_READ 0x2
++#define FM93C56A_WEN 0x0
++#define FM93C56A_WRITE 0x1
++#define FM93C56A_WRITE_ALL 0x0
++#define FM93C56A_WDS 0x0
++#define FM93C56A_ERASE 0x3
++#define FM93C56A_ERASE_ALL 0x0
++// Command Extentions
++#define FM93C56A_WEN_EXT 0x3
++#define FM93C56A_WRITE_ALL_EXT 0x1
++#define FM93C56A_WDS_EXT 0x0
++#define FM93C56A_ERASE_ALL_EXT 0x2
++// Address Bits
++#define FM93C56A_NO_ADDR_BITS_16 8 /* 4010 */
++#define FM93C56A_NO_ADDR_BITS_8 9 /* 4010 */
++#define FM93C86A_NO_ADDR_BITS_16 10 /* 4022 */
++// Data Bits
++#define FM93C56A_DATA_BITS_16 16
++#define FM93C56A_DATA_BITS_8 8
++// Special Bits
++#define FM93C56A_READ_DUMMY_BITS 1
++#define FM93C56A_READY 0
++#define FM93C56A_BUSY 1
++#define FM93C56A_CMD_BITS 2
++// Auburn Bits
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_DI 0x8
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_DI_0 0x0
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_DI_1 0x8
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_DO 0x4
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_0 0x0
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_1 0x4
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_CS 0x2
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_CS_0 0x0
++#define AUBURN_EEPROM_CS_1 0x2
++// EEPROM format
++typedef struct _BIOS_PARAMS
++ UINT16 SpinUpDelay :1;
++ UINT16 BIOSDisable :1;
++ UINT16 MMAPEnable :1;
++ UINT16 BootEnable :1;
++ UINT16 Reserved0 :12;
++ UINT8 bootID0 :7;
++ UINT8 bootID0Valid :1;
++ UINT8 bootLUN0[8];
++ UINT8 bootID1 :7;
++ UINT8 bootID1Valid :1;
++ UINT8 bootLUN1[8];
++ UINT16 MaxLunsPerTarget;
++ UINT8 Reserved1[10];
++typedef struct _EEPROM_PORT_CFG
++ // MTU MAC 0
++ u16 etherMtu_mac;
++ // Flow Control MAC 0
++ u16 pauseThreshold_mac;
++ u16 resumeThreshold_mac;
++ u16 reserved[13];
++typedef struct _EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG
++ u8 reserved[30];
++ // MAC ADDR
++ u8 macAddress[6];
++ u8 macAddressSecondary[6];
++ u16 subsysVendorId;
++ u16 subsysDeviceId;
++typedef struct {
++ union {
++ struct { /* isp4010 */
++ u8 asic_id[4]; // x00
++ u8 version; // x04
++ u8 reserved; // x05
++ u16 board_id; // x06
++ u8 serial_number[EEPROM_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE]; // x08
++ // ExtHwConfig:
++ // Offset = 24bytes
++ //
++ // | SSRAM Size| |ST|PD|SDRAM SZ| W| B| SP | |
++ // |15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8 | 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
++ // +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
++ u16 ext_hw_conf; // x18
++ u8 mac0[6]; // x1A
++ u8 mac1[6]; // x20
++ u8 mac2[6]; // x26
++ u8 mac3[6]; // x2C
++ u16 etherMtu; // x32
++ u16 macConfig; // x34
++ #define MAC_CONFIG_ENABLE_ANEG 0x0001
++ #define MAC_CONFIG_ENABLE_PAUSE 0x0002
++ u16 phyConfig; // x36
++ #define PHY_CONFIG_PHY_ADDR_MASK 0x1f
++ u16 topcat; // x38
++ #define TOPCAT_PRESENT 0x0100
++ #define TOPCAT_MASK 0xFF00
++ # define EEPROM_UNUSED_1_SIZE 2
++ u8 unused_1[EEPROM_UNUSED_1_SIZE]; // x3A
++ u16 bufletSize; // x3C
++ u16 bufletCount; // x3E
++ u16 bufletPauseThreshold; // x40
++ u16 tcpWindowThreshold50; // x42
++ u16 tcpWindowThreshold25; // x44
++ u16 tcpWindowThreshold0; // x46
++ u16 ipHashTableBaseHi; // x48
++ u16 ipHashTableBaseLo; // x4A
++ u16 ipHashTableSize; // x4C
++ u16 tcpHashTableBaseHi; // x4E
++ u16 tcpHashTableBaseLo; // x50
++ u16 tcpHashTableSize; // x52
++ u16 ncbTableBaseHi; // x54
++ u16 ncbTableBaseLo; // x56
++ u16 ncbTableSize; // x58
++ u16 drbTableBaseHi; // x5A
++ u16 drbTableBaseLo; // x5C
++ u16 drbTableSize; // x5E
++ # define EEPROM_UNUSED_2_SIZE 4
++ u8 unused_2[EEPROM_UNUSED_2_SIZE]; // x60
++ u16 ipReassemblyTimeout; // x64
++ u16 tcpMaxWindowSizeHi; // x66
++ u16 tcpMaxWindowSizeLo; // x68
++ u32 net_ip_addr0 ; // x6A /* Added for TOE functionality. */
++ u32 net_ip_addr1 ; // x6E
++ u32 scsi_ip_addr0 ; // x72
++ u32 scsi_ip_addr1 ; // x76
++ # define EEPROM_UNUSED_3_SIZE 128 /* changed from 144 to account for ip addresses */
++ u8 unused_3[EEPROM_UNUSED_3_SIZE]; // x7A
++ u16 subsysVendorId_f0; // xFA
++ u16 subsysDeviceId_f0; // xFC
++ // Address = 0x7F
++ # define FM93C56A_SIGNATURE 0x9356
++ # define FM93C66A_SIGNATURE 0x9366
++ u16 signature; // xFE
++ # define EEPROM_UNUSED_4_SIZE 250
++ u8 unused_4[EEPROM_UNUSED_4_SIZE]; // x100
++ u16 subsysVendorId_f1; // x1FA
++ u16 subsysDeviceId_f1; // x1FC
++ u16 checksum; // x1FE
++ } __attribute__((packed)) isp4010;
++ struct { /* isp4022 */
++ u8 asicId[4]; // x00
++ u8 version; // x04
++ u8 reserved_5; // x05
++ u16 boardId; // x06
++ u8 boardIdStr[16]; // x08
++ u8 serialNumber[16]; // x18
++ // External Hardware Configuration
++ u16 ext_hw_conf; // x28
++ EEPROM_PORT_CFG macCfg_port0; // x2A
++ EEPROM_PORT_CFG macCfg_port1; // x4A
++ // DDR SDRAM Configuration
++ u16 bufletSize; // x6A
++ u16 bufletCount; // x6C
++ u16 tcpWindowThreshold50; // x6E
++ u16 tcpWindowThreshold25; // x70
++ u16 tcpWindowThreshold0; // x72
++ u16 ipHashTableBaseHi; // x74
++ u16 ipHashTableBaseLo; // x76
++ u16 ipHashTableSize; // x78
++ u16 tcpHashTableBaseHi; // x7A
++ u16 tcpHashTableBaseLo; // x7C
++ u16 tcpHashTableSize; // x7E
++ u16 ncbTableBaseHi; // x80
++ u16 ncbTableBaseLo; // x82
++ u16 ncbTableSize; // x84
++ u16 drbTableBaseHi; // x86
++ u16 drbTableBaseLo; // x88
++ u16 drbTableSize; // x8A
++ u16 reserved_142[4]; // x8C
++ // TCP/IP Parameters
++ u16 ipReassemblyTimeout; // x94
++ u16 tcpMaxWindowSize; // x96
++ u16 ipSecurity; // x98
++ u8 reserved_156[294]; // x9A
++ u16 qDebug[8]; // QLOGIC USE ONLY x1C0
++ EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn0; // x1D0
++ u16 reserved_510; // x1FE
++ // Address = 512
++ u8 oemSpace[432]; // x200
++ BIOS_PARAMS sBIOSParams_fn1; // x3B0
++ EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn1; // x3D0
++ u16 reserved_1022; // x3FE
++ // Address = 1024
++ u8 reserved_1024[464]; // x400
++ EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn2; // x5D0
++ u16 reserved_1534; // x5FE
++ // Address = 1536
++ u8 reserved_1536[432]; // x600
++ BIOS_PARAMS sBIOSParams_fn3; // x7B0
++ EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn3; // x7D0
++ u16 checksum; // x7FE
++ } __attribute__((packed)) isp4022;
++ };
++} eeprom_data_t;
++ (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
++ offsetof(eeprom_data_t, isp4022.ext_hw_conf) / 2 : \
++ offsetof(eeprom_data_t, isp4010.ext_hw_conf) / 2)
++ *
++ * Hardware Semaphore
++ *
++ *************************************************************************/
++// Semaphore register definitions
++#define SEM_AVAILABLE 0x00
++#define SEM_OWNER_FIRMWARE 0x01
++#define SEM_OWNER_STORAGE 0x02
++#define SEM_OWNER_NETWORK 0x03
++// Private Semaphore definitions
++typedef enum
++ , SEM_GPO
++ , SEM_COUNT // Not a real semaphore, just indicates how many there are
++typedef struct {
++ UINT32 semId;
++ UINT32 semShift;
++} isp4xxxSemInfo_t;
++#define SEM_MASK 0x3
++/* Wait flag defines -- specifies type of wait to acquire semaphore */
++#define SEM_FLG_NO_WAIT 0
++#define SEM_FLG_TIMED_WAIT 2
++#endif // _QL2XNVRM_H_
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we get a uniform tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 4
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -4
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 4
++ * c-label-offset: -4
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlfo.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * San/Device Management Failover Ioctl Header
++ * File is created to adhere to Solaris requirement using 8-space tabs.
++ *
++ *
++ * Revision History:
++ *
++ * Rev. 0.00 August 8, 2000
++ * WTR - Created.
++ *
++ * Rev. 0.01 August 8, 2000
++ * WTR - Made size of HbaInstance fields consistant as UINT8.
++ * Made command codes as 300 upward to be consistant with definitions
++ * in ExIoct.h.
++ * Rev. 0.01 October 3, 2000
++ * TLE - Exclusion of ExIoct.h
++ *
++ * Rev. 0.01 October 6, 2000
++ * TLE - Made size of HbaInstance fields UINT8
++ *
++ * Rev. 0.01 October 10, 2000
++ * TLE - Add _FO_DRIVER_VERSION data structure
++ */
++#ifndef _FO_H
++#define _FO_H
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * X OS type definitions
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++#ifdef _MSC_VER /* NT */
++#pragma pack(1)
++#include "qlfont.h"
++#elif defined(linux) /* Linux */
++#include "qlfoln.h"
++#elif defined(sun) || defined(__sun) /* Solaris */
++#include "qlfoso.h"
++#define SDM_DEF_MAX_DEVICES 16
++#define FO_MAX_ADAPTERS 32
++#define FO_ADAPTER_ALL 0xFF
++#define FO_DEF_WWN_SIZE 8
++#if 0 /* defined in qlfolimits.h */
++#define FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_CDB 2
++ * IOCTL Commands
++ */
++/* Systemwide failover parameters. */
++typedef struct _FO_PARAMS
++ UINT32 InspectionInterval; /* Timer interval to check for failover.*/
++ UINT8 MaxPathsPerDevice; /* Max paths to any single device. */
++ UINT8 MaxRetriesPerPath; /* Max retries on a path before */
++ /* Failover. */
++ UINT8 MaxRetriesPerIo; /* Max retries per i/o request. */
++ UINT8 Reserved1;
++ UINT32 Flags; /* Control flags. */
++ UINT8 DeviceErrorThreshold; /* Max device errors. */
++ UINT8 DeviceTimeoutThreshold; /* Max device timeouts.*/
++ UINT8 FrameErrorThreshold; /* Max frame errors.*/
++ UINT8 LinkErrorThreshold; /* Max link errors.*/
++ UINT32 Reserved2[4]; /* Spares.*/
++ /* Load balancing parameters.*/
++ UINT8 RollingAverageIntervals;/* Intervals to sum for rolling average.*/
++ UINT8 MaxDevicesToMigrate; /* Max devices to migrate in any interval.*/
++ UINT8 BalanceMethod; /* Method to use for load balancing.*/
++ UINT8 Reserved3; /* Memory alignment.*/
++ UINT16 LoadShareMinPercentage; /* Load balancing parameter.*/
++ UINT16 LoadShareMaxPercentage; /* Load balancing parameter.*/
++ /* Failover notify parameters. */
++ UINT8 FailoverNotifyType; /* Type of notification. */
++ UINT8 FailoverNotifyCdbLength;/* Length of notification CDB. */
++ UINT16 Reserved4;
++ UINT8 FailoverNotifyCdb[16]; /* CDB if notification by CDB. */
++ UINT32 Reserved5;
++FO_PARAMS, *PFO_PARAMS, SysFoParams_t, *SysFoParams_p;
++extern SysFoParams_t qla_fo_params;
++#endif /* ifndef _FO_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlud.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * File Name: qlud.h
++ *
++ * Revision History:
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _QLUD_H
++#define _QLUD_H
++ * NOTE: the following version defines must be updated each time the
++ * changes made may affect the backward compatibility of the
++ * input/output relations
++ */
++#define UD_VERSION 1
++#define UD_VERSION_STR "1.0"
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * Data type definitions
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#define UD_UI1 UCHAR
++#define UD_UI2 USHORT
++#define UD_UI4 ULONG
++#define UD_UI8 ULONGLONG
++#define UD_I1 CHAR
++#define UD_I2 SHORT
++#define UD_I4 LONG
++#define UD_I8 LONGLONG
++#define UD_V VOID
++#define UD_PV PVOID
++#define PUD_UI1 PUCHAR
++#define PUD_UI2 PUSHORT
++#define PUD_UI4 PULONG
++#define PUD_I1 PCHAR
++#define PUD_I2 PSHORT
++#define PUD_I4 PLONG
++#define UD_H PVOID
++#define PUD_H UD_H*
++#elif defined(linux) /* Linux */
++#ifdef APILIB
++#include <stdint.h>
++#define UD_BOOL uint8_t
++#define UD_UI1 uint8_t
++#define UD_UI2 uint16_t
++#define UD_UI4 uint32_t
++#define UD_UI8 uint64_t
++#define UD_I1 int8_t
++#define UD_I2 int16_t
++#define UD_I4 int32_t
++#define UD_I8 int64_t
++#define UD_V void
++#define UD_PV void *
++#define PUD_UI1 uint8_t *
++#define PUD_UI2 uint16_t *
++#define PUD_UI4 uint32_t *
++#define PUD_I1 int8_t *
++#define PUD_I2 int16_t *
++#define PUD_I4 int32_t *
++#define UD_H int
++#define PUD_H int *
++#elif defined(sun) || defined(__sun) /* Solaris */
++#endif /* _QLUD_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_dbg.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4xxx_get_debug_level
++ * qla4xxx_set_debug_level
++ * printchar
++ * qla4xxx_dump_bytes
++ * qla4xxx_dump_words
++ * qla4xxx_dump_dwords
++ * qla4xxx_print_scsi_cmd
++ * qla4xxx_print_srb_info
++ * qla4xxx_print_iocb_passthru
++ * __dump_dwords
++ * __dump_words
++ * __dump_registers
++ * qla4xxx_dump_registers
++ * __dump_mailbox_registers
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++//#define QLP1 0x00000002 // Unrecoverable error messages
++//#define QLP2 0x00000004 // Unexpected completion path error messages
++//#define QLP3 0x00000008 // Function trace messages
++//#define QLP4 0x00000010 // IOCTL trace messages
++//#define QLP5 0x00000020 // I/O & Request/Response queue trace messages
++//#define QLP6 0x00000040 // Watchdog messages (current state)
++//#define QLP7 0x00000080 // Initialization
++//#define QLP8 0x00000100 // Internal command queue traces
++//#define QLP9 0x00000200 // Unused
++//#define QLP10 0x00000400 // Extra Debug messages (dump buffers)
++//#define QLP11 0x00000800 // Mailbox & ISR Details
++//#define QLP12 0x00001000 // Enter/Leave routine messages
++//#define QLP13 0x00002000 // Display data for Inquiry, TUR, ReqSense, RptLuns
++//#define QLP14 0x00004000
++//#define QLP15 0x00008000 // Display jiffies for IOCTL calls
++//#define QLP16 0x00010000 // Extended proc print statements (srb info)
++//#define QLP17 0x00020000 // Display NVRAM Accesses
++//#define QLP18 0x00040000 // unused
++//#define QLP19 0x00080000 // PDU info
++//#define QLP20 0x00100000 // iSNS info
++//#define QLP24 0x01000000 // Scatter/Gather info
++uint32_t ql_dbg_level = QLP1|QLP2|QLP7|QLP20;
++ * qla4xxx_get_debug_level
++ * This routine retrieves the driver's debug print level.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_level - driver's debug print level
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - always
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_get_debug_level(uint32_t *dbg_level)
++ *dbg_level = ql_dbg_level;
++ barrier();
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_set_debug_level
++ * This routine sets the driver's debug print level.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_level - driver's debug print level
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - always
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_set_debug_level(uint32_t dbg_level)
++ ql_dbg_level = dbg_level;
++ barrier();
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++/* Debug Print Routines */
++void printchar(char ch)
++ if (ch>=32)
++ printk("%c", ch);
++ else
++ printk(".");
++ * qla4xxx_dump_bytes
++ * This routine displays bytes in hex format
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_mask - this call's debug print mask
++ * buffer - data buffer to display
++ * size - number of bytes to display
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_dump_bytes(uint32_t dbg_mask, void *buffer, uint32_t size)
++ uint32_t i;
++ uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)buffer;
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) != 0) {
++ //printk(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 A B C D E F\n");
++ //printk("---------------------------------------------------------\n");
++ for (i = 0; i < size; i++, data++) {
++ if (i % 0x10 == 0) {
++ printk("%04X: %02X", i, *data);
++ }
++ else if (i % 0x10 == 0x08) {
++ printk(" - %02X", *data);
++ }
++ else if (i % 0x10 == 0xF) {
++ printk(" %02X: ", *data);
++ printchar(*(data-15));
++ printchar(*(data-14));
++ printchar(*(data-13));
++ printchar(*(data-12));
++ printchar(*(data-11));
++ printchar(*(data-10));
++ printchar(*(data-9));
++ printchar(*(data-8));
++ printchar(*(data-7));
++ printchar(*(data-6));
++ printchar(*(data-5));
++ printchar(*(data-4));
++ printchar(*(data-3));
++ printchar(*(data-2));
++ printchar(*(data-1));
++ printchar(*data);
++ printk("\n");
++ }
++ else {
++ printk(" %02X", *data);
++ }
++ }
++ if ((i != 0) && (i % 0x10)) {
++ printk("\n");
++ }
++ printk("\n");
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_dump_words
++ * This routine displays words in hex format
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_mask - this call's debug print mask
++ * buffer - data buffer to display
++ * size - number of bytes to display
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_dump_words(uint32_t dbg_mask, void *buffer, uint32_t size)
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) != 0)
++ __dump_words(buffer, size);
++ * qla4xxx_dump_dwords
++ * This routine displays double words in hex format
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_mask - this call's debug print mask
++ * buffer - data buffer to display
++ * size - number of bytes to display
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_dump_dwords(uint32_t dbg_mask, void *buffer, uint32_t size)
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) != 0)
++ __dump_dwords(buffer, size);
++ * qla4xxx_print_scsi_cmd
++ * This routine displays the SCSI command
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_mask - this call's debug print mask
++ * cmd - pointer to Linux kernel command structure
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_print_scsi_cmd(uint32_t dbg_mask, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) != 0) {
++ int i;
++ printk("SCSI Command = 0x%p, Handle=0x%p\n",
++ cmd, cmd->host_scribble);
++ printk(" b=%d, t=%02xh, l=%02xh, cmd_len = %02xh\n",
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun,
++ cmd->cmd_len);
++ printk(" CDB = ");
++ for (i = 0; i < cmd->cmd_len; i++)
++ printk("%02x ", cmd->cmnd[i]);
++ printk(" seg_cnt = %d\n",cmd->use_sg);
++ printk(" request buffer = 0x%p, request buffer len = 0x%x\n",
++ cmd->request_buffer,cmd->request_bufflen);
++ if (cmd->use_sg) {
++ struct scatterlist *sg;
++ sg = (struct scatterlist *) cmd->request_buffer;
++ printk(" SG buffer: \n");
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(dbg_mask, (caddr_t)sg,
++ (cmd->use_sg *
++ sizeof(struct scatterlist)));
++ }
++ printk(" tag = %d, transfersize = 0x%x \n",
++ cmd->tag, cmd->transfersize);
++ printk(" Pid = %d, SP = 0x%p\n", (int)cmd->pid, CMD_SP(cmd));
++ printk(" underflow size = 0x%x, direction=0x%x\n",
++ cmd->underflow, cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ printk(" Current time (jiffies) = 0x%lx, "
++ "timeout expires = 0x%lx\n",
++ jiffies, cmd->eh_timeout.expires);
++ }
++qla4xxx_dump_command(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd )
++ if (host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_OK) {
++ switch (cmd->cmnd[0]) {
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "status = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__, cmd->result & 0xff));
++ if (driver_byte(cmd->result) & DRIVER_SENSE) {
++ printk("REQUEST_SENSE data: "
++ "(MAX 0x20 bytes displayed)\n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP13, cmd->sense_buffer,
++ MIN(0x20, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer)));
++ }
++ break;
++ case INQUIRY:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP13, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "INQUIRY data: "
++ "(MAX 0x30 bytes displayed)\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP13, cmd->request_buffer,
++ MIN(0x30, cmd->request_bufflen));
++ if (strncmp(cmd->request_buffer,
++ "\7f\00\00\00\7f\00\00\00", 8) == 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "Device not present. "
++ "Possible connection "
++ "problem with iSCSI router\n",
++ ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ }
++ break;
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: REQUEST_SENSE "
++ "data: (MAX 0x20 bytes displayed)\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP13, cmd->request_buffer,
++ MIN(0x20, cmd->request_bufflen));
++ break;
++ case REPORT_LUNS:
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "REPORT_LUNS data: "
++ "(MAX 0x40 bytes displayed)\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP13, cmd->request_buffer,
++ MIN(0x40, cmd->request_bufflen));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_print_srb_info
++ * This routine displays the srb structure
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_mask - this call's debug print mask
++ * srb - pointer to srb structure
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_print_srb_info(uint32_t dbg_mask, srb_t *srb)
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) != 0) {
++ printk("%s: srb = 0x%p, flags=0x%02x\n",
++ __func__, srb, srb->flags);
++ printk("%s: entry_count = 0x%02x, active_array_index=0x%04x\n",
++ __func__, srb->entry_count, srb->active_array_index);
++ printk("%s: cmd = 0x%p, saved_dma_handle = 0x%x\n",
++ __func__, srb->cmd, (uint32_t) srb->saved_dma_handle);
++ printk("%s: fw_ddb_index = %d, lun = %d\n",
++ __func__, srb->fw_ddb_index, srb->lun);
++ printk("%s: os_tov = %d, iocb_tov = %d\n",
++ __func__, srb->os_tov, srb->iocb_tov);
++ printk("%s: cc_stat = 0x%x, r_start = 0x%lx, u_start = 0x%lx\n\n",
++ __func__, srb->cc_stat, srb->r_start, srb->u_start);
++ }
++qla4xxx_print_iocb_passthru(uint32_t dbg_mask, scsi_qla_host_t *ha, INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU *iocb)
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) != 0) {
++ printk("SendDMAOffset=0x%x, RspDMAOffset=0x%x\n",
++ iocb->SendDMAOffset, iocb->RspDMAOffset);
++ printk("IOCBCmdBuffer:\n");
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(dbg_mask, iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer, sizeof(iocb->IOCBCmdBuffer));
++ printk("IOCBStatusBuffer:\n");
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(dbg_mask, iocb->IOCBStatusBuffer, sizeof(iocb->IOCBStatusBuffer));
++ printk("SendData: (SendData %p, Len=%d)\n", iocb->SendData, iocb->SendDataLen);
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(dbg_mask, iocb->SendData, iocb->SendDataLen);
++ printk("RspData: (RspData %p, Len=%d)\n", iocb->RspData, iocb->RspDataLen);
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(dbg_mask, iocb->RspData, iocb->RspDataLen);
++ }
++/* hardware_lock taken */
++__dump_dwords(void *buffer, uint32_t size)
++ uint32_t *data = (uint32_t *)buffer;
++ uint32_t i;
++ for (i = 0; i < size; i+=4, data++) {
++ if (i % 0x10 == 0) {
++ printk("%04X: %08X", i, *data);
++ }
++ else if (i % 0x10 == 0x08) {
++ printk(" - %08X", *data);
++ }
++ else if (i % 0x10 == 0x0C) {
++ printk(" %08X\n", *data);
++ }
++ else {
++ printk(" %08X", *data);
++ }
++ }
++ if ((i != 0) && (i % 0x10 != 0)) {
++ printk("\n");
++ }
++/* hardware_lock taken */
++__dump_words(void *buffer, uint32_t size)
++ uint16_t *data = (uint16_t *)buffer;
++ uint32_t i;
++ for (i = 0; i < size; i+=2, data++) {
++ if (i % 0x10 == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%04X: %04X", i, *data);
++ }
++ else if (i % 0x10 == 0x08) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO " - %04X", *data);
++ }
++ else if (i % 0x10 == 0x0E) {
++ uint8_t *bdata = (uint8_t *) data;
++ printk(KERN_INFO " %04X: ", *data);
++ printchar(*(bdata-13));
++ printchar(*(bdata-14));
++ printchar(*(bdata-11));
++ printchar(*(bdata-12));
++ printchar(*(bdata-9));
++ printchar(*(bdata-10));
++ printchar(*(bdata-7));
++ printchar(*(bdata-8));
++ printchar(*(bdata-5));
++ printchar(*(bdata-6));
++ printchar(*(bdata-3));
++ printchar(*(bdata-4));
++ printchar(*(bdata-1));
++ printchar(*(bdata-2));
++ printchar(*(bdata+1));
++ printchar(*(bdata));
++ printk("\n");
++ }
++ else {
++ printk(KERN_INFO " %04X", *data);
++ }
++ }
++ if ((i != 0) && (i % 0x10 != 0)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "\n");
++ }
++/* hardware_lock taken */
++__dump_registers(uint32_t dbg_mask, scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint8_t i;
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) == 0)
++ return;
++ for (i=0; i<MBOX_REG_COUNT; i++) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X mailbox[%d] = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, mailbox[i]), i,
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[i]));
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X flash_address = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, flash_address),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->flash_address));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X flash_data = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, flash_data),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->flash_data));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X ctrl_status = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, ctrl_status),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status));
++ if (IS_QLA4010(ha)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X nvram = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u1.isp4010.nvram),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4010.nvram));
++ }
++ else if (IS_QLA4022(ha)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X intr_mask = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u1.isp4022.intr_mask),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.intr_mask));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X nvram = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u1.isp4022.nvram),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.nvram));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X semaphore = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u1.isp4022.semaphore),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.semaphore));
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X req_q_in = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, req_q_in),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->req_q_in));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X rsp_q_out = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, rsp_q_out),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->rsp_q_out));
++ if (IS_QLA4010(ha)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X ext_hw_conf = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4010.ext_hw_conf),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4010.ext_hw_conf));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X port_ctrl = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4010.port_ctrl),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4010.port_ctrl));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X port_status = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4010.port_status),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4010.port_status));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X req_q_out = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4010.req_q_out),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4010.req_q_out));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X gp_out = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4010.gp_out),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4010.gp_out));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X gp_in = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4010.gp_in),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4010.gp_in));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X port_err_status = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4010.port_err_status),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4010.port_err_status));
++ }
++ else if (IS_QLA4022(ha)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Page 0 Registers:\n");
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X ext_hw_conf = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4022.p0.ext_hw_conf),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.ext_hw_conf));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X port_ctrl = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4022.p0.port_ctrl),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.port_ctrl));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X port_status = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4022.p0.port_status),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.port_status));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X gp_out = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4022.p0.gp_out),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.gp_out));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X gp_in = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4022.p0.gp_in),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.gp_in));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X port_err_status = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4022.p0.port_err_status),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p0.port_err_status));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Page 1 Registers:\n");
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, HOST_MEM_CFG_PAGE &
++ printk(KERN_INFO "0x%02X req_q_out = 0x%08X\n",
++ (uint8_t) offsetof(isp_reg_t, u2.isp4022.p1.req_q_out),
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u2.isp4022.p1.req_q_out));
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, PORT_CTRL_STAT_PAGE &
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_dump_registers
++ * This routine displays ISP registers
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dbg_mask - this call's debug print mask
++ * ha - adapter structure pointer
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_dump_registers(uint32_t dbg_mask, scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ __dump_registers(dbg_mask, ha);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++__dump_mailbox_registers(uint32_t dbg_mask, scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int i = 0;
++ if ((ql_dbg_level & dbg_mask) == 0)
++ return;
++ for (i = 1; i < MBOX_REG_COUNT; i++)
++ printk(KERN_INFO " Mailbox[%d] = %08x\n", i,
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[i]));
++qla4xxx_dump_buffer(uint8_t * b, uint32_t size)
++ uint32_t cnt;
++ uint8_t c;
++ printk(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "
++ "Ah Bh Ch Dh Eh Fh\n");
++ printk("----------------------------------------"
++ "----------------------\n");
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < size;) {
++ c = *b++;
++ printk("%02x",(uint32_t) c);
++ cnt++;
++ if (!(cnt % 16))
++ printk("\n");
++ else
++ printk(" ");
++ }
++ if (cnt % 16)
++ printk("\n");
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_xioct.c 2005-03-08 05:51:20.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,4513 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_node
++ * qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_portal
++ * qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_node
++ * qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_portal
++ * qla4extioctl_query_driver
++ * qla4extioctl_query_fw
++ * qla4extioctl_query_chip
++ * qla4extioctl_query
++ * qla4extioctl_reg_aen
++ * qla4extioctl_get_aen
++ * qla4extioctl_get_statistics_gen
++ * qla4extioctl_get_statistics_iscsi
++ * qla4extioctl_get_device_entry_iscsi
++ * qla4extioctl_get_init_fw_iscsi
++ * qla4extioctl_get_isns_server
++ * qla4extioctl_get_isns_disc_targets
++ * qla4extioctl_get_data
++ * qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_gen
++ * qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_iscsi
++ * qla4extioctl_set_device_entry_iscsi
++ * qla4extioctl_set_init_fw_iscsi
++ * qla4extioctl_set_isns_server
++ * qla4extioctl_set_data
++ * qla4xxx_ioctl_sleep_done
++ * qla4xxx_ioctl_sem_init
++ * qla4xxx_scsi_pass_done
++ * qla4extioctl_scsi_passthru
++ * qla4extioctl_iscsi_passthru
++ * qla4extioctl_get_hbacnt
++ * qla4xxx_ioctl
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include "ql4_ioctl.h"
++#include "qlinioct.h"
++#if defined(QLA_CONFIG_COMPAT)
++#include "ql4_32ioctl.h"
++#define QLA_IOCTL_SCRAP_SIZE 17000 /* scrap memory for local use. */
++#define STATIC
++ * Externs from ql4_inioct.c
++ */
++extern int qla4intioctl_logout_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int qla4intioctl_ping(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int qla4intioctl_get_data(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int qla4intioctl_set_data(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int qla4intioctl_hba_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++extern int qla4intioctl_copy_fw_flash(scsi_qla_host_t *, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *);
++ * extern from ql4_nfoioctl.c
++ */
++extern int qla4xxx_nfo_ioctl(struct scsi_device *, int, void *);
++/* local function prototypes */
++qla4xxx_ioctl(struct scsi_device *, int, void *);
++ * ioctl initialization
++ */
++static struct class_simple *apidev_class;
++static int apidev_major;
++static int
++apidev_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *fp, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg)
++ return (qla4xxx_ioctl(NULL, (int)cmd, (void*)arg));
++static struct file_operations apidev_fops = {
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ .ioctl = apidev_ioctl,
++inline void *
++ql4_kzmalloc(int siz, int code)
++ void * bp;
++ if ((bp = kmalloc(siz, code)) != NULL) {
++ memset(bp, 0, siz);
++ }
++ return (bp);
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_ioctl_mem
++ * Allocates memory needed by IOCTL code.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ql4xxx local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_alloc_ioctl_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ /* Allocate IOCTL DMA Buffer
++ * ------------------------- */
++ ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len = DMA_BUFFER_SIZE;
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufv = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len, &ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_bufv == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "qla4xxx(%d): Memory Allocation failed - "
++ "IOCTL DMA buffer.\n", ha->host_no);
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ memset(ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, 0, ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: IOCTL DMAv = 0x%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->ioctl_dma_bufv));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: IOCTL DMAp = 0x%lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, (unsigned long)ha->ioctl_dma_bufp));
++ /* Allocate context memory buffer */
++ ha->ioctl = QL_KMEM_ZALLOC(sizeof(hba_ioctl_context));
++ if (ha->ioctl == NULL) {
++ /* error */
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "ql4xxx(%d): ERROR in ioctl context allocation.\n",
++ ha->host_no);
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* Allocate AEN tracking buffer */
++ ha->ioctl->aen_tracking_queue =
++ if (ha->ioctl->aen_tracking_queue == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "ql4xxx(%d): ERROR in ioctl aen_queue allocation.\n",
++ ha->host_no);
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ /* Pick the largest size we'll need per ha of all ioctl cmds.
++ * Use this size when freeing.
++ */
++ ha->ioctl->scrap_mem = QL_KMEM_ZALLOC(QLA_IOCTL_SCRAP_SIZE);
++ if (ha->ioctl->scrap_mem == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "ql4xxx(%d): ERROR in ioctl scrap_mem allocation.\n",
++ ha->host_no);
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_size = QLA_IOCTL_SCRAP_SIZE;
++ ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_used = 0;
++ printk("scsi(%d): %s: scrap_mem_size=%d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_size));
++ printk("scsi(%d): %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return QLA_SUCCESS;
++ * qla4xxx_free_ioctl_mem
++ * Frees memory used by IOCTL code for the specified ha.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_free_ioctl_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (ha->ioctl != NULL) {
++ if (ha->ioctl->scrap_mem != NULL) {
++ /* The size here must match up to what we
++ * allocated before.
++ */
++ QL_KMEM_FREE(ha->ioctl->scrap_mem);
++ ha->ioctl->scrap_mem = NULL;
++ ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_size = 0;
++ }
++ if (ha->ioctl->aen_tracking_queue != NULL) {
++ QL_KMEM_FREE(ha->ioctl->aen_tracking_queue);
++ ha->ioctl->aen_tracking_queue = NULL;
++ }
++ QL_KMEM_FREE(ha->ioctl);
++ ha->ioctl = NULL;
++ }
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_bufv) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: freeing IOCTL DMA Buffers\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len,
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ }
++ ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len = 0;
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufv = 0;
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufp = 0;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ * qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem
++ * Returns pointer to memory of the specified size from the scrap buffer.
++ * This can be called multiple times before the free call as long
++ * as the memory is to be used by the same ioctl command and
++ * there's still memory left in the scrap buffer.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ * ppmem = pointer to return a buffer pointer.
++ * size = size of buffer to return.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ql4xxx local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, void **ppmem, uint32_t size)
++ int ret = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ uint32_t free_mem;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ free_mem = ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_size - ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_used;
++ if (free_mem >= size) {
++ *ppmem = ha->ioctl->scrap_mem + ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_used;
++ ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_used += size;
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi(%d): %s: no more scrap memory.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ret = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return (ret);
++ * qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem
++ * Makes the entire scrap buffer free for use.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * ql4xxx local function return status code.
++ *
++ */
++qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ memset(ha->ioctl->scrap_mem, 0, ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_size);
++ ha->ioctl->scrap_mem_used = 0;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ void * tmp;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi: %s: entered.\n",
++ __func__));
++ apidev_class = class_simple_create(THIS_MODULE, "qla4xxx");
++ if (IS_ERR(apidev_class)) {
++ printk("%s(): Unable to sysfs class for qla4xxx.\n",
++ __func__));
++ apidev_class = NULL;
++ return 1;
++ }
++ printk("scsi: %s: apidev_class=%p.\n",
++ __func__, apidev_class));
++ apidev_major = register_chrdev(0, "qla4xxx", &apidev_fops);
++ if (apidev_major < 0) {
++ printk("%s(): Unable to register CHAR device (%d)\n",
++ __func__, apidev_major));
++ class_simple_destroy(apidev_class);
++ apidev_class = NULL;
++ return apidev_major;
++ }
++ printk("scsi: %s: apidev_major=%d.\n",
++ __func__, apidev_major));
++ tmp = class_simple_device_add(apidev_class, MKDEV(apidev_major, 0),
++ NULL, "qla4xxx");
++ printk("scsi: %s: tmp=%p.\n",
++ __func__, tmp));
++#if defined(QLA_CONFIG_COMPAT)
++ ql4_apidev_init_32ioctl();
++ printk("scsi: %s: exiting.\n",
++ __func__));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ if (!apidev_class)
++ return 1;
++#if defined(QLA_CONFIG_COMPAT)
++ ql4_apidev_cleanup_32ioctl();
++ class_simple_device_remove(MKDEV(apidev_major, 0));
++ unregister_chrdev(apidev_major, "qla4xxx");
++ class_simple_destroy(apidev_class);
++ apidev_class = NULL;
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return 0;
++ * ioctl support functions
++ */
++void *
++Q64BIT_TO_PTR(uint64_t buf_addr)
++#if defined(QLA_CONFIG_COMPAT) || !defined(CONFIG_64BIT)
++ union ql_doublelong {
++ struct {
++ uint32_t lsl;
++ uint32_t msl;
++ } longs;
++ uint64_t dl;
++ };
++ union ql_doublelong tmpval;
++ tmpval.dl = buf_addr;
++#if defined(QLA_CONFIG_COMPAT)
++ return((void *)(uint64_t)(tmpval.longs.lsl));
++ return((void *)(tmpval.longs.lsl));
++ return((void *)buf_addr);
++ * qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_node
++ * This routine retrieves the HBA node properties
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_node(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE *phba_node = NULL;
++ INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *init_fw_cb;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&phba_node,
++ sizeof(EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE)));
++ goto exit_query_hba_node;
++ }
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv || !ha->ioctl_dma_bufp || !ioctl->ResponseAdr) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: memory allocation problem\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_query_hba_node;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE) ||
++ ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(*init_fw_cb)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_query_hba_node;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Send mailbox command
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_query_hba_node;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Transfer data from Fw's DEV_DB_ENTRY buffer to IOCTL's
++ * EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE buffer
++ */
++ init_fw_cb = (INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ memset(phba_node, 0, sizeof(EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE));
++ phba_node->PortNumber = le16_to_cpu(init_fw_cb->PortNumber);
++ phba_node->NodeInfo.PortalCount = 1;
++ memcpy(phba_node->NodeInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress, init_fw_cb->IPAddr,
++ sizeof(phba_node->NodeInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress));
++ memcpy(phba_node->NodeInfo.iSCSIName, init_fw_cb->iSCSINameString,
++ sizeof(phba_node->NodeInfo.iSCSIName));
++ memcpy(phba_node->NodeInfo.Alias, init_fw_cb->Alias,
++ sizeof(phba_node->NodeInfo.Alias));
++ sprintf(phba_node->DeviceName, "/proc/scsi/qla4xxx/%d",
++ ha->host_no);
++ /*
++ * Copy the IOCTL EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE buffer to the user's data space
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr), phba_node,
++ ioctl->ResponseLen)) != 0) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: copy failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_query_hba_node;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_portal
++ * This routine retrieves the HBA iSCSI portal properties
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_portal(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ EXT_HBA_ISCSI_PORTAL *phba_portal;
++ FLASH_SYS_INFO *sys_info;
++ uint32_t num_valid_ddb_entries;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (!ioctl->ResponseAdr) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: no response buffer found.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_query_hba_portal;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&phba_portal,
++ sizeof(EXT_HBA_ISCSI_PORTAL))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_HBA_ISCSI_PORTAL)));
++ goto exit_query_hba_portal;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(*phba_portal)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_query_hba_portal;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Fill in EXT_HBA_ISCSI_PORTAL buffer
++ */
++ memset(phba_portal, 0, sizeof(EXT_HBA_ISCSI_PORTAL));
++ strcpy(phba_portal->DriverVersion, QLA4XXX_DRIVER_VERSION);
++ sprintf(phba_portal->FWVersion, "%02d.%02d Patch %02d Build %02d",
++ ha->firmware_version[0], ha->firmware_version[1],
++ ha->patch_number, ha->build_number);
++ /* ----- Get firmware state information ---- */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 1, 4, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE "
++ "failed w/ status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++/* RLU: mailbox values should be stored in VendorSpecificStatus */
++ goto exit_query_hba_portal;
++ }
++ switch (mbox_sts[1]) {
++ phba_portal->State = EXT_DEF_CARD_STATE_READY;
++ break;
++ phba_portal->State = EXT_DEF_CARD_STATE_CONFIG_WAIT;
++ break;
++ phba_portal->State = EXT_DEF_CARD_STATE_LOGIN;
++ break;
++ phba_portal->State = EXT_DEF_CARD_STATE_ERROR;
++ break;
++ }
++ switch (mbox_sts[3] & 0x0001) {
++ phba_portal->Type = EXT_DEF_TYPE_COPPER;
++ break;
++ phba_portal->Type = EXT_DEF_TYPE_OPTICAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ /* ----- Get ddb entry information ---- */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, 0, NULL, 0, &num_valid_ddb_entries,
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_ddb_entry failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->RequestLen = 0;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = ioctl->Instance;
++ goto exit_query_hba_portal;
++ }
++ phba_portal->DiscTargetCount = (uint16_t) num_valid_ddb_entries;
++ /* ----- Get flash sys info information ---- */
++ sys_info = (FLASH_SYS_INFO *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[4] = sizeof(*sys_info);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH failed w/ "
++ "status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++/* RLU: mailbox values should be stored in VendorSpecificStatus */
++ goto exit_query_hba_portal;
++ }
++ phba_portal->SerialNum = le32_to_cpu(sys_info->serialNumber);
++ memcpy(phba_portal->IPAddr.IPAddress, ha->ip_address,
++ MIN(sizeof(phba_portal->IPAddr.IPAddress), sizeof(ha->ip_address)));
++ memcpy(phba_portal->MacAddr, sys_info->physAddr[0].address,
++ sizeof(phba_portal->MacAddr));
++ memcpy(phba_portal->Manufacturer, sys_info->vendorId,
++ sizeof(phba_portal->Manufacturer));
++ memcpy(phba_portal->Model, sys_info->productId,
++ sizeof(phba_portal->Model));
++ /*memcpy(phba_portal->OptRomVersion, ?,
++ sizeof(phba_portal->OptRomVersion)); */
++ /*
++ * Copy the IOCTL EXT_HBA_ISCSI_PORTAL buffer to the user's data space
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ phba_portal, ioctl->ResponseLen)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_query_hba_portal;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_node
++ * This routine retrieves the properties of the attached devices
++ * registered as iSCSI nodes discovered by the HBA driver.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_node(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry = (DEV_DB_ENTRY *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ EXT_DISC_ISCSI_NODE *pdisc_node;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_NODE)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_disc_node;
++ }
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_disc_node;
++ }
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pdisc_node,
++ sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_NODE))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_NODE)));
++ goto exit_disc_node;
++ }
++ /* ----- get device database entry info from firmware ---- */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, ioctl->Instance, fw_ddb_entry,
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: failed to get DEV_DB_ENTRY "
++ "info.\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->RequestLen = 0;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = ioctl->Instance;
++ goto exit_disc_node;
++ }
++ /* --- Transfer data from Fw's DEV_DB_ENTRY buffer to
++ * IOCTL's EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL buffer --- */
++ memset(pdisc_node, 0, sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_NODE));
++ pdisc_node->NodeInfo.PortalCount = 1;
++ pdisc_node->NodeInfo.IPAddr.Type = EXT_DEF_TYPE_ISCSI_IP;
++ memcpy(pdisc_node->NodeInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress, fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(pdisc_node->NodeInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress),
++ sizeof(fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr)));
++ strncpy(pdisc_node->NodeInfo.Alias, fw_ddb_entry->iSCSIAlias,
++ MIN(sizeof(pdisc_node->NodeInfo.Alias),
++ sizeof(fw_ddb_entry->iSCSIAlias)));
++ strncpy(pdisc_node->NodeInfo.iSCSIName, fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName,
++ MIN(sizeof(pdisc_node->NodeInfo.iSCSIName),
++ sizeof(fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName)));
++ if ((ddb_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha, ioctl->Instance))==
++ NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: device index [%d] not logged in. "
++ "Dummy target info returned.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->Instance));
++ pdisc_node->SessionID = 0xDEAD;
++ pdisc_node->ConnectionID = 0xDEAD;
++ pdisc_node->PortalGroupID = 0xDEAD;
++ pdisc_node->ScsiAddr.Bus = 0xFF;
++ pdisc_node->ScsiAddr.Target = 0xFF;
++ pdisc_node->ScsiAddr.Lun = 0xFF;
++ }
++ else {
++ pdisc_node->SessionID = ddb_entry->target_session_id;
++ pdisc_node->ConnectionID = ddb_entry->connection_id;
++ pdisc_node->PortalGroupID = 0;
++ pdisc_node->ScsiAddr.Bus = 0;
++ pdisc_node->ScsiAddr.Target = ddb_entry->fcport->os_target_id;
++ pdisc_node->ScsiAddr.Lun = 0;
++ }
++ /* --- Copy Results to user space --- */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ pdisc_node, sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_NODE))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: copy error to user space.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_disc_node;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_portal
++ * This routine retrieves the properties of the iSCSI portal
++ * discovered by the HBA driver.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_portal(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry = (DEV_DB_ENTRY *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL *pdisc_portal;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pdisc_portal,
++ sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL)));
++ goto exit_disc_portal;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_disc_portal;
++ }
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_disc_portal;
++ }
++ }
++ /* ----- get device database entry info from firmware ---- */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(ha, ioctl->Instance, fw_ddb_entry,
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: failed to get DEV_DB_ENTRY info.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->RequestLen = 0;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = ioctl->Instance;
++ goto exit_disc_portal;
++ }
++ /* --- Transfer data from Fw's DEV_DB_ENTRY buffer to IOCTL's
++ * EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL buffer --- */
++ memset(pdisc_portal, 0, sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL));
++ memcpy(pdisc_portal->IPAddr.IPAddress, fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(pdisc_portal->IPAddr.IPAddress),
++ sizeof(fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr)));
++ pdisc_portal->PortNumber = le16_to_cpu(fw_ddb_entry->portNumber);
++ pdisc_portal->IPAddr.Type = EXT_DEF_TYPE_ISCSI_IP;
++ pdisc_portal->NodeCount = 0;
++ strncpy(pdisc_portal->HostName, fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName,
++ MIN(sizeof(pdisc_portal->HostName),
++ sizeof(fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName)));
++ /* --- Copy Results to user space --- */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ pdisc_portal, sizeof(EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: copy error to user space.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_disc_portal;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_query_driver
++ * This routine retrieves the driver properties.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query_driver(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ EXT_DRIVER_INFO *pdinfo;
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pdinfo,
++ sizeof(EXT_DRIVER_INFO))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_DRIVER_INFO)));
++ goto exit_query_driver;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_DRIVER_INFO)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_query_driver;
++ }
++ memset(pdinfo, 0, sizeof(EXT_DRIVER_INFO));
++ memcpy(pdinfo->Version, QLA4XXX_DRIVER_VERSION,
++ pdinfo->NumOfBus = EXT_DEF_MAX_HBA;
++ pdinfo->TargetsPerBus = EXT_DEF_MAX_TARGET;
++ pdinfo->LunPerTarget = EXT_DEF_MAX_LUN;
++ pdinfo->LunPerTargetOS = EXT_DEF_MAX_BUS;
++ if (sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4)
++ pdinfo->DmaBitAddresses = 1; /* 64-bit */
++ else
++ pdinfo->DmaBitAddresses = 0; /* 32-bit */
++ if (ha->mem_addr)
++ pdinfo->IoMapType = 1;
++ else
++ pdinfo->IoMapType = 0;
++ //FIXME: Incomplete
++ //pdinfo->MaxTransferLen = ?;
++ //pdinfo->MaxDataSegments = ?;
++ //pdinfo->Attrib = ?;
++ //pdinfo->InternalFlags = ?;
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr), pdinfo,
++ sizeof(EXT_DRIVER_INFO))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi(%d): %s: error copy to response buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_query_driver;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_query_fw
++ * This routine retrieves the firmware properties.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query_fw(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ EXT_FW_INFO *pfw_info;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pfw_info,
++ sizeof(EXT_FW_INFO))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_FW_INFO)));
++ goto exit_query_fw;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_FW_INFO)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_query_fw;
++ }
++ /* Fill in structure */
++ memset(pfw_info, 0, sizeof(EXT_FW_INFO));
++ /* ----- Get firmware version information ---- */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_ABOUT_FW;
++ /*
++ * NOTE: In QLA4010, mailboxes 2 & 3 may hold an address for data.
++ * Make sure that we write 0 to those mailboxes, if unused.
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 5, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_ABOUT_FW failed w/ "
++ "status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++/* RLU: mailbox values should be stored in VendorSpecificStatus */
++ goto exit_query_fw;
++ }
++ sprintf(pfw_info->Version, "FW Version %d.%d Patch %d Build %d",
++ mbox_sts[1], mbox_sts[2], mbox_sts[3], mbox_sts[4]);
++ /* Copy info to caller */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr), pfw_info,
++ sizeof(EXT_FW_INFO))) != 0) {
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ printk("scsi(%d): %s: response copy error.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_query_fw;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_query_chip
++ * This routine retrieves the chip properties.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query_chip(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ EXT_CHIP_INFO *pchip_info;
++ FLASH_SYS_INFO *sys_info;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pchip_info,
++ sizeof(EXT_CHIP_INFO))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_CHIP_INFO)));
++ goto exit_query_chip;
++ }
++ if (!ioctl->ResponseAdr || ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_CHIP_INFO)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_query_chip;
++ }
++ /* Fill in structure */
++ memset(pchip_info, 0, sizeof(EXT_CHIP_INFO));
++ /* ----- Get flash sys info information ---- */
++ sys_info = (FLASH_SYS_INFO *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[4] = sizeof(*sys_info);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH failed "
++ "w/ status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++/* RLU: mailbox values should be stored in VendorSpecificStatus */
++ goto exit_query_chip;
++ }
++ pchip_info->VendorId = le32_to_cpu(sys_info->pciDeviceVendor);
++ pchip_info->DeviceId = le32_to_cpu(sys_info->pciDeviceId);
++ pchip_info->SubVendorId = le32_to_cpu(sys_info->pciSubsysVendor);
++ pchip_info->SubSystemId = le32_to_cpu(sys_info->pciSubsysId);
++ /* ----- Get firmware state information ---- */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 1, 4, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE failed "
++ "w/ status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++/* RLU: mailbox values should be stored in VendorSpecificStatus */
++ goto exit_query_chip;
++ }
++ pchip_info->BoardID = mbox_sts[2];
++ /* Copy info to caller */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ pchip_info, sizeof(EXT_CHIP_INFO))) != 0) {
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ printk("scsi(%d): %s: response copy error.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_query_chip;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_query
++ * This routine calls query IOCTLs based on the IOCTL Sub Code.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ * -EINVAL = if the command is invalid
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_query(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ switch (ioctl->SubCode) {
++ return(qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_node(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_query_hba_iscsi_portal(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_node(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_query_disc_iscsi_portal(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_query_driver(ha, ioctl));
++ case EXT_SC_QUERY_FW:
++ return(qla4extioctl_query_fw(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_query_chip(ha, ioctl));
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unsupported query sub-command "
++ "code (%x)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->SubCode));
++ return(0);
++ }
++ * qla4extioctl_reg_aen
++ * This routine enables/disables storing of asynchronous events
++ * from the ISP into the driver's internal buffer.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_reg_aen(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: UNSUPPORTED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_aen
++ * This routine retrieves the contents of the driver's internal
++ * asynchronous event tracking queue.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_aen(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER("qla4extioctl_get_aen");
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: UNSUPPORTED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE("qla4extioctl_get_aen");
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_statistics_gen
++ * This routine retrieves the HBA general statistical information.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_statistics_gen(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_GEN *pstat_gen;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pstat_gen,
++ sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_GEN))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_GEN)));
++ goto exit_get_stat_gen;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_GEN)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_stat_gen;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Fill in the data
++ */
++ memset(pstat_gen, 0, sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_GEN));
++ pstat_gen->HBAPortErrorCount = ha->adapter_error_count;
++ pstat_gen->DevicePortErrorCount = ha->device_error_count;
++ pstat_gen->IoCount = ha->total_io_count;
++ pstat_gen->MBytesCount = ha->total_mbytes_xferred;
++ pstat_gen->InterruptCount = ha->isr_count;
++ pstat_gen->LinkFailureCount = ha->link_failure_count;
++ pstat_gen->InvalidCrcCount = ha->invalid_crc_count;
++ /*
++ * Copy the IOCTL EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_GEN buffer to the user's data space
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr), pstat_gen,
++ ioctl->ResponseLen)) != 0) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_stat_gen;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_statistics_iscsi
++ * This routine retrieves the HBA iSCSI statistical information.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_statistics_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI* pstat_local;
++ EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI* pstat_user;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ pstat_user = kmalloc(sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pstat_user,
++ sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI)));
++ goto exit_get_stats_iscsi;
++ }
++ if (!ioctl->ResponseAdr || !ioctl->ResponseLen) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: invalid parameter\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM;
++ goto exit_get_stats_iscsi;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: RespLen too small (0x%x), "
++ "need (0x%x).\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->ResponseLen,
++ (unsigned int) sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI)));
++ goto exit_get_stats_iscsi;
++ }
++ if ((ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI)) &&
++ (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_get_stats_iscsi;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Make the mailbox call
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ioctl->Instance;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: get mngmt data for index [%d] failed "
++ "w/ mailbox ststus 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->Instance, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_get_stats_iscsi;
++ }
++ pstat_local = (EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ memset(pstat_user, 0, sizeof(EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI));
++ pstat_user->MACTxFramesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->MACTxFramesCount);
++ pstat_user->MACTxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->MACTxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->MACRxFramesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->MACRxFramesCount);
++ pstat_user->MACRxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->MACRxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->MACCRCErrorCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->MACCRCErrorCount);
++ pstat_user->MACEncodingErrorCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->MACEncodingErrorCount);
++ pstat_user->IPTxPacketsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPTxPacketsCount);
++ pstat_user->IPTxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPTxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->IPTxFragmentsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPTxFragmentsCount);
++ pstat_user->IPRxPacketsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPRxPacketsCount);
++ pstat_user->IPRxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPRxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->IPRxFragmentsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPRxFragmentsCount);
++ pstat_user->IPDatagramReassemblyCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPDatagramReassemblyCount);
++ pstat_user->IPv6RxPacketsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPv6RxPacketsCount);
++ pstat_user->IPRxPacketErrorCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPRxPacketErrorCount);
++ pstat_user->IPReassemblyErrorCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->IPReassemblyErrorCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPTxSegmentsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPTxSegmentsCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPTxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPTxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPRxSegmentsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPRxSegmentsCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPRxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPRxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPTimerExpiredCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPTimerExpiredCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPRxACKCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPRxACKCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPTxACKCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPTxACKCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPRxErrorSegmentCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPRxErrorSegmentCount);
++ pstat_user->TCPWindowProbeUpdateCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->TCPWindowProbeUpdateCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSITxPDUCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSITxPDUCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSITxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSITxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSIRxPDUCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSIRxPDUCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSIRxBytesCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSIRxBytesCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSICompleteIOsCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSICompleteIOsCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSIUnexpectedIORxCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSIUnexpectedIORxCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSIFormatErrorCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSIFormatErrorCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSIHeaderDigestCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSIHeaderDigestCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSIDataDigestErrorCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSIDataDigestErrorCount);
++ pstat_user->iSCSISeqErrorCount =
++ le64_to_cpu(pstat_local->iSCSISeqErrorCount);
++ /*
++ * Copy the data from the dma buffer to the user's data space
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ pstat_user, ioctl->ResponseLen)) != 0) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_stats_iscsi;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_device_entry_iscsi
++ * This routine retrieves the database entry for the specified device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_device_entry_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *pfw_ddb_entry;
++ EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI *pdev_entry;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pdev_entry,
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI)));
++ goto exit_get_dev_entry;
++ }
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_get_dev_entry;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_dev_entry;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Make the mailbox call
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ memset(pdev_entry, 0, sizeof(EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI));
++ if (ioctl->SubCode == EXT_SC_GET_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI)
++ else
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ioctl->Instance;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 5, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: get ddb entry for index [%d] failed "
++ "w/ mailbox ststus 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->Instance, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_get_dev_entry;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Transfer data from Fw's DEV_DB_ENTRY buffer to IOCTL's
++ */
++ pfw_ddb_entry = ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ pdev_entry->NumValid = mbox_sts[2];
++ pdev_entry->NextValid = mbox_sts[3];
++ pdev_entry->DeviceState = mbox_sts[4];
++ pdev_entry->Options = pfw_ddb_entry->options;
++ pdev_entry->Control = pfw_ddb_entry->control;
++ pdev_entry->TargetSessID = le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->TSID);
++ memcpy(pdev_entry->InitiatorSessID, pfw_ddb_entry->ISID,
++ sizeof(pfw_ddb_entry->ISID));
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.DeviceType = le16_to_cpu(EXT_DEF_ISCSI_REMOTE);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.ExeThrottle =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->exeThrottle);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.InitMarkerlessInt =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->iSCSIMaxSndDataSegLen);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.RetryCount = pfw_ddb_entry->retryCount;
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.RetryDelay = pfw_ddb_entry->retryDelay;
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.iSCSIOptions =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->iSCSIOptions);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TCPOptions =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->TCPOptions);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.IPOptions =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->IPOptions);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.MaxPDUSize =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->maxPDUSize);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.FirstBurstSize =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->firstBurstSize);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.LogoutMinTime =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->minTime2Wait);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.LogoutMaxTime =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->maxTime2Retain);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.MaxOutstandingR2T =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->maxOutstndngR2T);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.KeepAliveTimeout =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->keepAliveTimeout);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.PortNumber =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->portNumber);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.MaxBurstSize =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->maxBurstSize);
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TaskMgmtTimeout =
++ le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->taskMngmntTimeout);
++ pdev_entry->EntryInfo.PortalCount = mbox_sts[2];
++ pdev_entry->ExeCount = le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->exeCount);
++ pdev_entry->DDBLink = le16_to_cpu(pfw_ddb_entry->ddbLink);
++ memcpy(pdev_entry->UserID, pfw_ddb_entry->userID,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->UserID));
++ memcpy(pdev_entry->Password, pfw_ddb_entry->password,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->Password));
++ memcpy(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TargetAddr, pfw_ddb_entry->targetAddr,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TargetAddr));
++ memcpy(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress, pfw_ddb_entry->ipAddr,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress));
++ memcpy(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.iSCSIName, pfw_ddb_entry->iscsiName,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.iSCSIName));
++ memcpy(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.Alias, pfw_ddb_entry->iSCSIAlias,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.Alias));
++ printk("scsi%d: DEV_DB_ENTRY structure:\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10|QLP4,
++ pfw_ddb_entry, sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY));
++ printk("scsi%d: EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI structure:\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10|QLP4,
++ pdev_entry, sizeof(EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI));
++ /*
++ * Copy the IOCTL EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI buffer to the user's data space
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ pdev_entry, ioctl->ResponseLen)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_dev_entry;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_init_fw_iscsi
++ * This routine retrieves the initialize firmware control block for
++ * the specified HBA.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_init_fw_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI *pinit_fw;
++ INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *pinit_fw_cb;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pinit_fw,
++ sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI)));
++ goto exit_get_init_fw;
++ }
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv || !ha->ioctl_dma_bufp ||
++ (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK)) ||
++ (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI))) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_init_fw;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Send mailbox command
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ switch (ioctl->SubCode) {
++ break;
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: invalid subcode (0x%04X) speficied\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->SubCode));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM;
++ goto exit_get_init_fw;
++ }
++ mbox_cmd[1] = 0;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_get_init_fw;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Transfer Data from DMA buffer to Local buffer
++ */
++ pinit_fw_cb = (INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *)ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ memset(pinit_fw, 0, sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI));
++ pinit_fw->Version = pinit_fw_cb->Version;
++ pinit_fw->FWOptions = le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->FwOptions);
++ pinit_fw->AddFWOptions = le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->AddFwOptions);
++ //FIXME: pinit_fw->WakeupThreshold = le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->WakeupThreshold);
++ memcpy(&pinit_fw->IPAddr.IPAddress, &pinit_fw_cb->IPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw->IPAddr.IPAddress),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->IPAddr)));
++ memcpy(&pinit_fw->SubnetMask.IPAddress, &pinit_fw_cb->SubnetMask,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw->SubnetMask.IPAddress),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->SubnetMask)));
++ memcpy(&pinit_fw->Gateway.IPAddress, &pinit_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw->Gateway.IPAddress),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr)));
++ memcpy(&pinit_fw->DNSConfig.IPAddr.IPAddress,
++ &pinit_fw_cb->PriDNSIPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw->DNSConfig.IPAddr.IPAddress),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->PriDNSIPAddr)));
++ memcpy(&pinit_fw->Alias, &pinit_fw_cb->Alias,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw->Alias), sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->Alias)));
++ memcpy(&pinit_fw->iSCSIName, &pinit_fw_cb->iSCSINameString,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw->iSCSIName),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->iSCSINameString)));
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.DeviceType = le16_to_cpu(EXT_DEF_ISCSI_LOCAL);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.ExeThrottle =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->ExecThrottle);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.InitMarkerlessInt =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->InitMarkerlessInt);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.RetryCount = pinit_fw_cb->RetryCount;
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.RetryDelay = pinit_fw_cb->RetryDelay;
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.iSCSIOptions =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->iSCSIOptions);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.TCPOptions = le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->TCPOptions);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.IPOptions = le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->IPOptions);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.MaxPDUSize = le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->MaxPDUSize);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.FirstBurstSize =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->FirstBurstSize);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.LogoutMinTime =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->DefaultTime2Wait);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.LogoutMaxTime =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->DefaultTime2Retain);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.LogoutMaxTime =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->DefaultTime2Retain);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.MaxOutstandingR2T =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->MaxOutStndngR2T);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.KeepAliveTimeout =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->KeepAliveTimeout);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.PortNumber = le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->PortNumber);
++ pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.MaxBurstSize =
++ le16_to_cpu(pinit_fw_cb->MaxBurstSize);
++ //pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.TaskMgmtTimeout = pinit_fw_cb->T;
++ memcpy(&pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.TargetAddr, &pinit_fw_cb->TargAddr,
++ /*
++ * Copy the local data to the user's buffer
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr), pinit_fw,
++ sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data to user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_init_fw;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI structure:\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10|QLP4, pinit_fw, sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI));
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_isns_server
++ * This routine retrieves the iSNS server information.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_isns_server(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ EXT_ISNS_SERVER *pisns_server;
++ FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *pflash_init_fw_cb = NULL;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pisns_server,
++ sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER)));
++ goto exit_get_isns_server;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_get_isns_server;
++ }
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv || !ha->ioctl_dma_bufp ||
++ (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK))) {
++ if (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha,
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_get_isns_server;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * First get Flash Initialize Firmware Control Block, so as not to
++ * destroy unaffected data
++ *----------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ pflash_init_fw_cb = (FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *)ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[4] = sizeof(FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: READ_FLASH command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_get_isns_server;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: READ_FLASH command successful \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /*
++ * Copy iSNS Server info to the isns_server structure
++ *---------------------------------------------------*/
++ memset(pisns_server, 0, sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER));
++ pisns_server->PerformiSNSDiscovery =
++ (cpu_to_le16(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.TCPOptions) & TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE) ? 1:0;
++ pisns_server->AutomaticiSNSDiscovery =
++ (cpu_to_le16(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.TCPOptions) &
++ pisns_server->PortNumber =
++ cpu_to_le16(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSServerPortNumber);
++ pisns_server->IPAddr.Type = EXT_DEF_TYPE_ISCSI_IP;
++ memcpy(pisns_server->IPAddr.IPAddress,
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(pisns_server->IPAddr.IPAddress),
++ sizeof(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr)));
++ memcpy(pisns_server->InitiatorName,
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSCSINameString,
++ MIN(sizeof(pisns_server->InitiatorName),
++ sizeof(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSCSINameString)));
++#if 1
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ISNS_STATUS;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 2, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: GET ISNS SERVICE STATUS cmnd failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_get_isns_server;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: GET ISNS SERVICE STATUS = 0x%04x \"%s\"\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[1],
++ ((mbox_sts[1] & 1) == 0) ? "DISABLED" : "ENABLED"));
++ /*
++ * Copy the local data to the user's buffer
++ *-----------------------------------------*/
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ pisns_server, sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data to user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_isns_server;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER);
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = 0;
++ printk("scsi%d: EXT_ISNS_SERVER structure:\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10,
++ pisns_server, sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER));
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_isns_disc_targets
++ * This routine retrieves the targets discovered via iSNS.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_isns_disc_targets(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t isns_disc_tgt_index_start;
++ uint32_t i, j;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: response buffer "
++ "too small. RspLen=0x%x, need 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->ResponseLen,
++ (unsigned int) sizeof(EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS)));
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = sizeof(EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS);
++ goto exit_get_isns_disc_tgts;
++ }
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv ||
++ ((ioctl->ResponseLen > ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len) &&
++ qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha,
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_get_isns_disc_tgts;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the IOCTL EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS buffer from the user's
++ * data space
++ */
++ pisns_disc_tgts = (EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS *) ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ if (copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pisns_disc_tgts,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), ioctl->RequestLen) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_isns_disc_tgts;
++ }
++ isns_disc_tgt_index_start =
++ pisns_disc_tgts->iSNSDiscoveredTargetIndexStart;
++ memset(pisns_disc_tgts, 0, sizeof(EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS));
++ pisns_disc_tgts->iSNSDiscoveredTargetIndexStart =
++ isns_disc_tgt_index_start;
++ /*
++ * Transfer Data from Local buffer to DMA buffer
++ */
++ if (isns_disc_tgt_index_start < ha->isns_num_discovered_targets) {
++ ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET *isns_local_disc_target;
++ for (i = isns_disc_tgt_index_start;
++ i < ha->isns_num_discovered_targets &&
++ pisns_disc_tgts->NumiSNSDiscoveredTargets <
++ i++) {
++ isns_disc_tgt = (EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET *)
++ &pisns_disc_tgts->iSNSDiscoveredTargets[
++ pisns_disc_tgts->NumiSNSDiscoveredTargets];
++ isns_local_disc_target = (ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET *)
++ &ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev[i];
++ isns_disc_tgt->NumPortals =
++ isns_local_disc_target->NumPortals;
++ for (j = 0; j < isns_disc_tgt->NumPortals; j++) {
++ memcpy(isns_disc_tgt->Portal[j].IPAddr.
++ IPAddress,
++ isns_local_disc_target->Portal[j].IPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(isns_disc_tgt->Portal[j].IPAddr.
++ IPAddress),
++ sizeof(isns_local_disc_target->Portal[j].
++ IPAddr)));
++ isns_disc_tgt->Portal[j].IPAddr.Type =
++ isns_disc_tgt->Portal[j].PortNumber =
++ isns_local_disc_target->Portal[j].
++ PortNumber;
++ }
++ isns_disc_tgt->DDID = isns_local_disc_target->DDID;
++ memcpy(isns_disc_tgt->NameString,
++ isns_local_disc_target->NameString,
++ MIN(sizeof(isns_disc_tgt->NameString),
++ sizeof(isns_local_disc_target->NameString)));
++ memcpy(isns_disc_tgt->Alias,
++ isns_local_disc_target->Alias,
++ MIN(sizeof(isns_disc_tgt->Alias),
++ sizeof(isns_local_disc_target->Alias)));
++ pisns_disc_tgts->NumiSNSDiscoveredTargets++;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the data to the user's buffer
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ pisns_disc_tgts, sizeof(EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data to user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_isns_disc_tgts;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI structure:\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10,
++ pisns_disc_tgts, sizeof(EXT_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_data
++ * This routine calls get data IOCTLs based on the IOCTL Sub Code.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ * -EINVAL = if the command is invalid
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_data(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ switch (ioctl->SubCode) {
++ return(qla4extioctl_get_statistics_gen(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_get_statistics_iscsi(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_get_device_entry_iscsi(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_get_init_fw_iscsi(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_get_isns_server(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_get_isns_disc_targets(ha, ioctl));
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unsupported external get "
++ "data sub-command code (%X)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->SubCode));
++ return(0);
++ }
++ * qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_gen
++ * This routine clears the HBA general statistical information.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_gen(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ /*
++ * Reset the general statistics fields
++ */
++ ha->adapter_error_count = 0;
++ ha->device_error_count = 0;
++ ha->total_io_count = 0;
++ ha->total_mbytes_xferred = 0;
++ ha->isr_count = 0;
++ ha->link_failure_count = 0;
++ ha->invalid_crc_count = 0;
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_iscsi
++ * This routine clears the HBA iSCSI statistical information.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ /*
++ * Make the mailbox call
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ioctl->Instance;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = 0;
++ mbox_cmd[3] = 0;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: get mngmt data for index [%d] failed! "
++ "w/ mailbox ststus 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->Instance, mbox_sts[0]));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_MAILBOX;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ return(0);
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4extioctl_set_device_entry_iscsi
++ * This routine configures a device with specific database entry data.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_set_device_entry_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *pfw_ddb_entry;
++ EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI *pdev_entry;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pdev_entry,
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI)));
++ goto exit_set_dev_entry;
++ }
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv || !ha->ioctl_dma_bufp || !ioctl->RequestAdr) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: memory allocation problem\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_set_dev_entry;
++ }
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) !=
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto exit_set_dev_entry;
++ }
++ }
++ if (ioctl->RequestLen < sizeof(EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: memory area too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_set_dev_entry;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the IOCTL EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI buffer from the user's
++ * data space
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pdev_entry,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), ioctl->RequestLen)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data from user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_set_dev_entry;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Transfer data from IOCTL's EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI buffer to
++ * Fw's DEV_DB_ENTRY buffer
++ */
++ pfw_ddb_entry = ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ memset(pfw_ddb_entry, 0, sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY));
++ pfw_ddb_entry->options = pdev_entry->Options;
++ pfw_ddb_entry->control = pdev_entry->Control;
++ pfw_ddb_entry->TSID = cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->TargetSessID);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->exeCount = cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->ExeCount);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->ddbLink = cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DDBLink);
++ memcpy(pfw_ddb_entry->ISID, pdev_entry->InitiatorSessID,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->InitiatorSessID));
++ memcpy(pfw_ddb_entry->userID, pdev_entry->UserID,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->UserID));
++ memcpy(pfw_ddb_entry->password, pdev_entry->Password,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->Password));
++ pfw_ddb_entry->exeThrottle =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.ExeThrottle);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->iSCSIMaxSndDataSegLen =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.InitMarkerlessInt);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->retryCount =
++ pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.RetryCount;
++ pfw_ddb_entry->retryDelay = pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.RetryDelay;
++ pfw_ddb_entry->iSCSIOptions =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.iSCSIOptions);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->TCPOptions =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TCPOptions);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->IPOptions =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.IPOptions);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->maxPDUSize =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.MaxPDUSize);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->firstBurstSize =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.FirstBurstSize);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->minTime2Wait =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.LogoutMinTime);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->maxTime2Retain =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.LogoutMaxTime);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->maxOutstndngR2T =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.MaxOutstandingR2T);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->keepAliveTimeout =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.KeepAliveTimeout);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->portNumber =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.PortNumber);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->maxBurstSize =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.MaxBurstSize);
++ pfw_ddb_entry->taskMngmntTimeout =
++ cpu_to_le16(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TaskMgmtTimeout);
++ memcpy(pfw_ddb_entry->targetAddr, pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TargetAddr,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->DeviceInfo.TargetAddr));
++ memcpy(pfw_ddb_entry->ipAddr, pdev_entry->EntryInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.IPAddr.IPAddress));
++ memcpy(pfw_ddb_entry->iscsiName, pdev_entry->EntryInfo.iSCSIName,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.iSCSIName));
++ memcpy(pfw_ddb_entry->iSCSIAlias, pdev_entry->EntryInfo.Alias,
++ sizeof(pdev_entry->EntryInfo.Alias));
++ /*
++ * Make the IOCTL call
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_set_ddb_entry(ha, ioctl->Instance, pfw_ddb_entry,
++ ha->ioctl_dma_bufp) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: SET DDB Entry failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto exit_set_dev_entry;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_set_init_fw_iscsi
++ * This routine configures a device with specific data entry data.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_set_init_fw_iscsi(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI *pinit_fw;
++ INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *pinit_fw_cb;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pinit_fw,
++ sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI)));
++ goto exit_set_init_fw;
++ }
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv || !ha->ioctl_dma_bufp ||
++ (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK)) ||
++ (ioctl->RequestLen < sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI))) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: requst buffer too small\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_set_init_fw;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the data from the user's buffer
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pinit_fw,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI))) !=
++ 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data to user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_set_init_fw;
++ }
++ /*
++ * First get Initialize Firmware Control Block, so as not to
++ * destroy unaffected data
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_set_init_fw;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Transfer Data from Local buffer to DMA buffer
++ */
++ pinit_fw_cb = (INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *)ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ pinit_fw_cb->Version = pinit_fw->Version;
++ pinit_fw_cb->FwOptions = cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->FWOptions);
++ pinit_fw_cb->AddFwOptions = cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->AddFWOptions);
++ //FIXME: pinit_fw_cb->WakeupThreshold = cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->WakeupThreshold);
++ memcpy(pinit_fw_cb->IPAddr, pinit_fw->IPAddr.IPAddress,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->IPAddr),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw->IPAddr.IPAddress)));
++ memcpy(pinit_fw_cb->SubnetMask, pinit_fw->SubnetMask.IPAddress,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->SubnetMask),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw->SubnetMask.IPAddress)));
++ memcpy(pinit_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr, pinit_fw->Gateway.IPAddress,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw->Gateway.IPAddress)));
++ memcpy(pinit_fw_cb->PriDNSIPAddr, pinit_fw->DNSConfig.IPAddr.IPAddress,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->PriDNSIPAddr),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw->DNSConfig.IPAddr.IPAddress)));
++ memcpy(pinit_fw_cb->Alias, pinit_fw->Alias,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->Alias), sizeof(pinit_fw->Alias)));
++ memcpy(pinit_fw_cb->iSCSINameString, pinit_fw->iSCSIName,
++ MIN(sizeof(pinit_fw_cb->iSCSINameString),
++ sizeof(pinit_fw->iSCSIName)));
++ pinit_fw_cb->ExecThrottle =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.ExeThrottle);
++ pinit_fw_cb->InitMarkerlessInt =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.InitMarkerlessInt);
++ pinit_fw_cb->RetryCount = pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.RetryCount;
++ pinit_fw_cb->RetryDelay = pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.RetryDelay;
++ pinit_fw_cb->iSCSIOptions =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.iSCSIOptions);
++ pinit_fw_cb->TCPOptions = cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.TCPOptions);
++ pinit_fw_cb->IPOptions = cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.IPOptions);
++ pinit_fw_cb->MaxPDUSize = cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.MaxPDUSize);
++ pinit_fw_cb->FirstBurstSize =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.FirstBurstSize);
++ pinit_fw_cb->DefaultTime2Wait =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.LogoutMinTime);
++ pinit_fw_cb->DefaultTime2Retain =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.LogoutMaxTime);
++ pinit_fw_cb->MaxOutStndngR2T =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.MaxOutstandingR2T);
++ pinit_fw_cb->KeepAliveTimeout =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.KeepAliveTimeout);
++ pinit_fw_cb->PortNumber = cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.PortNumber);
++ pinit_fw_cb->MaxBurstSize =
++ cpu_to_le16(pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.MaxBurstSize);
++ //pinit_fw_cb->? = pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.TaskMgmtTimeout;
++ memcpy(pinit_fw_cb->TargAddr, pinit_fw->DeviceInfo.TargetAddr,
++ /*
++ * Send mailbox command
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ if ((status = qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0],
++ &mbox_sts[0])) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ goto exit_set_init_fw;
++ }
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI structure:\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10, pinit_fw, sizeof(EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI));
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_set_isns_server
++ * This routine retrieves the targets discovered via iSNS.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_set_isns_server(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ EXT_ISNS_SERVER *pisns_server;
++ FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *pflash_init_fw_cb = NULL;
++ uint16_t tcp_options;
++ uint16_t port_number;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pisns_server,
++ sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER)));
++ goto exit_set_isns_svr;
++ }
++ if (ioctl->RequestLen < sizeof(*pisns_server)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: requst buffer too small (%d/%xh)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->RequestLen,
++ ioctl->RequestLen));
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_set_isns_svr;
++ }
++ if (!ha->ioctl_dma_bufv || !ha->ioctl_dma_bufp ||
++ (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < sizeof(FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK))) {
++ if (qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha,
++ sizeof(DEV_DB_ENTRY)) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to allocate memory "
++ "for dma buffer.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_set_isns_svr;
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy iSNS Server info from the user's buffer
++ *---------------------------------------------*/
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pisns_server,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr), sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy data to user's "
++ "memory area\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_set_isns_svr;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: EXT_ISNS_SERVER structure:\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10, pisns_server, sizeof(EXT_ISNS_SERVER));
++ /*
++ * First get Flash Initialize Firmware Control Block, so as not to
++ * destroy unaffected data
++ *----------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[4] = sizeof(FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) ==
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: READ_FLASH command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_set_isns_svr;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: READ_FLASH command successful \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /*
++ * Copy iSNS Server info to the flash_init_fw_cb
++ *----------------------------------------------*/
++ pflash_init_fw_cb = (FLASH_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *)ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ // convert a couple of variables used for comparisons
++ tcp_options = le16_to_cpu(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.TCPOptions);
++ port_number = le16_to_cpu(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSServerPortNumber);
++ if (pisns_server->PerformiSNSDiscovery) {
++ if (pisns_server->AutomaticiSNSDiscovery) {
++ memset(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr, 0,
++ sizeof(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr));
++ } else {
++ tcp_options &= ~TOPT_LEARN_ISNS_IP_ADDR_ENABLE;
++ memcpy(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr,
++ pisns_server->IPAddr.IPAddress,
++ MIN(sizeof(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr),
++ sizeof(pisns_server->IPAddr.IPAddress)));
++ }
++ port_number = EXT_DEF_ISNS_WELL_KNOWN_PORT;
++ tcp_options |= TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE;
++ } else {
++ tcp_options &= ~TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE;
++ memset(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr, 0,
++ sizeof(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr));
++ port_number = 0;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: IPAddr %d.%d.%d.%d Port# %04d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr[0],
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr[1],
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr[2],
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr[3],
++ port_number));
++ /*
++ * If the internal iSNS info is different from the flash_init_fw_cb,
++ * flash it now.
++ *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ if (((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_LEARN_ISNS_IP_ADDR_ENABLE) !=
++ (tcp_options & TOPT_LEARN_ISNS_IP_ADDR_ENABLE)) ||
++ (!IPAddrIsEqual(ha->isns_ip_address,
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr)) ||
++ (ha->isns_server_port_number != port_number)) {
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.TCPOptions = cpu_to_le16(tcp_options);
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSServerPortNumber = cpu_to_le16(port_number);
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_WRITE_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(ha->ioctl_dma_bufp);
++ mbox_cmd[4] = sizeof(*pflash_init_fw_cb);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 6, 2, &mbox_cmd[0],
++ &mbox_sts[0]) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: WRITE_FLASH command failed \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = mbox_sts[0];
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_set_isns_svr;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: WRITE_FLASH command successful \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ printk("scsi%d: Init Fw Ctrl Blk\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4, pflash_init_fw_cb,
++ /*
++ * Update internal iSNS info
++ */
++ if (pisns_server->AutomaticiSNSDiscovery)
++ ha->tcp_options |= TOPT_LEARN_ISNS_IP_ADDR_ENABLE;
++ else
++ ha->tcp_options &= ~TOPT_LEARN_ISNS_IP_ADDR_ENABLE;
++ memcpy(ha->isns_ip_address,
++ pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(ha->isns_ip_address),
++ sizeof(pflash_init_fw_cb->init_fw_cb.iSNSIPAddr)));
++ ha->isns_server_port_number = port_number;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Start or Stop iSNS Service accordingly, if needed.
++ *---------------------------------------------------*/
++ //FIXME:
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_ENABLED_IN_ISP, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ if (!IPAddrIsZero(ha->isns_ip_address) &&
++ ha->isns_server_port_number &&
++ (ha->tcp_options & TOPT_LEARN_ISNS_IP_ADDR_ENABLE) == 0) {
++ uint32_t ip_addr;
++ IPAddr2Uint32(ha->isns_ip_address, &ip_addr);
++ status = qla4xxx_isns_reenable(ha, ip_addr,
++ ha->isns_server_port_number);
++ if (status == QLA_ERROR) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk(
++ "scsi%d: qla4xxx_isns_reenable failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = 0;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ goto exit_set_isns_svr;
++ }
++ } else if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_ENABLED,
++ &ha->isns_flags) && IPAddrIsZero(ha->isns_ip_address)) {
++ qla4xxx_isns_disable(ha);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Complete IOCTL successfully
++ *----------------------------*/
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = 0;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_set_data
++ * This routine calls set data IOCTLs based on the IOCTL Sub Code.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ * -EINVAL = if the command is invalid
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int qla4extioctl_set_data(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ switch (ioctl->SubCode) {
++ return(qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_gen(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_rst_statistics_iscsi(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_set_device_entry_iscsi(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_set_init_fw_iscsi(ha, ioctl));
++ return(qla4extioctl_set_isns_server(ha, ioctl));
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unsupported set data sub-command "
++ "code (%X)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ioctl->SubCode));
++ return(0);
++ }
++ return(0);
++ * qla4xxx_ioctl_sleep_done
++ * This routine is the callback function to wakeup ioctl completion
++ * semaphore for the ioctl request that is waiting.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * sem - pointer to the ioctl completion semaphore.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4xxx_ioctl_sleep_done (struct semaphore * sem)
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ if (sem != NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("%s: wake up sem.\n", __func__));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("%s: UP count=%d\n", __func__,
++ atomic_read(&sem->count)));
++ up(sem);
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ * qla4xxx_ioctl_sem_init
++ * This routine initializes the ioctl timer and semaphore used to wait
++ * for passthru completion.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_ioctl_sem_init (scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ init_timer(&(ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer));
++ ha->ioctl-> = (ulong)&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem;
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer.function =
++ (void (*)(ulong))qla4xxx_ioctl_sleep_done;
++ * qla4xxx_scsi_pass_done
++ * This routine resets the ioctl progress flag and wakes up the ioctl
++ * completion semaphore.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * cmd - pointer to the passthru Scsi cmd structure which has completed.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_scsi_pass_done(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* First check to see if the command has previously timed-out
++ * because we don't want to get the up/down semaphore counters off.
++ */
++ if (ha->ioctl->ioctl_scsi_pass_in_progress == 1) {
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_scsi_pass_in_progress = 0;
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_tov = 0;
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_err_cmd = NULL;
++ up(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem);
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return;
++ * qla4extioctl_scsi_passthru
++ * This routine
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Map of DMA Buffer:
++ * +-------------------------+
++ * +-------------------------+
++ * | [SCSI READ|WRITE data] |
++ * +-------------------------+
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_scsi_passthru(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ int i;
++ struct scsi_device *pscsi_device;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *pscsi_cmd;
++ struct request *request = NULL;
++ srb_t *srb;
++ uint32_t dma_buf_len;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (!ADAPTER_UP(ha)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: command not pocessed, "
++ "adapter link down.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_HBA_NOT_READY;
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pscsi_cmd,
++ sizeof(struct scsi_cmnd))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(struct scsi_cmnd)));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pscsi_device,
++ sizeof(struct scsi_device))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(struct scsi_device)));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&request,
++ sizeof(struct request))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(struct request)));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&pscsi_pass,
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI)));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ memset(pscsi_device, 0, sizeof(struct scsi_device));
++ memset(pscsi_pass, 0, sizeof(EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI));
++ memset(pscsi_cmd, 0, sizeof(struct scsi_cmnd));
++ pscsi_cmd->device = pscsi_device;
++ pscsi_cmd->request = request;
++ pscsi_cmd->request->nr_hw_segments = 1;
++ /* ---- Get passthru structure from user space ---- */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pscsi_pass,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr),
++ sizeof(EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy passthru struct "
++ "from user's memory area.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: incoming EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI structure:\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10,
++ pscsi_pass, sizeof(EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI));
++ /* ---- Make sure device exists ---- */
++ tgt_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_SCSIID(ha,
++ pscsi_pass->Addr.Bus,
++ pscsi_pass->Addr.Target);
++ if (tgt_entry == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to find target queue for "
++ "tgt %d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, pscsi_pass->Addr.Target));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ lun_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_lun_handle(ha, tgt_entry,
++ pscsi_pass->Addr.Lun);
++ if (lun_entry == NULL) {
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ /* ---- Create temporary lun --- */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&lun_entry,
++ sizeof(*lun_entry))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(*lun_entry)));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&fclun,
++ sizeof(*fclun))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ printk("%s(%d): inst=%d scrap not big enough. "
++ "size requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(*fclun)));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ fcport = tgt_entry->fcport;
++ fclun->lun = pscsi_pass->Addr.Lun;
++ fclun->fcport = fcport;
++ fclun->device_type = TYPE_DISK;
++ lun_entry->fclun = fclun;
++ lun_entry->fclun->fcport = fcport;
++ lun_entry->lun_state = LS_LUN_READY;
++ spin_lock_init(&lun_entry->lun_lock);
++ goto scsipt_lun_created;
++ }
++ if (lun_entry->fclun == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to find fclun of lun queue "
++ "for lun %d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, pscsi_pass->Addr.Lun));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ fcport = lun_entry->fclun->fcport;
++ if (fcport == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to find fcport of lun queue "
++ "for lun %d.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, pscsi_pass->Addr.Lun));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: invalid device (b%d,t%d) specified.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ pscsi_pass->Addr.Bus, pscsi_pass->Addr.Target));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_DEV_NOT_FOUND;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ /* ---- Make sure device is in an active state ---- */
++ if (ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state != DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: device (b%d,t%d) not in active state\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ pscsi_pass->Addr.Bus, pscsi_pass->Addr.Target));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ /* ---- Retrieve srb from pool ---- */
++ srb = del_from_free_srb_q_head(ha);
++ if (srb == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2|QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: srb not available\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ /* ---- Allocate larger DMA buffer, if neccessary ---- */
++ dma_buf_len = MAX(ioctl->ResponseLen - sizeof(EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI),
++ ioctl->RequestLen - sizeof(EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI));
++ if (ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len < dma_buf_len &&
++ qla4xxx_resize_ioctl_dma_buf(ha, dma_buf_len) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR cannot allocate requested "
++ "DMA buffer size 0x%x.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, dma_buf_len));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ memset(ha->ioctl_dma_bufv, 0, ha->ioctl_dma_buf_len);
++ /* ---- Fill in the SCSI command structure ---- */
++ pscsi_cmd->device->channel = pscsi_pass->Addr.Bus;
++ pscsi_cmd->device->id = pscsi_pass->Addr.Target;
++ pscsi_cmd->device->lun = pscsi_pass->Addr.Lun;
++ pscsi_cmd->device = pscsi_device;
++ pscsi_cmd->device->host = ha->host;
++ pscsi_cmd->request_buffer = ha->ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ pscsi_cmd->scsi_done = qla4xxx_scsi_pass_done;
++ pscsi_cmd->timeout_per_command = IOCTL_PASSTHRU_TOV * HZ;
++ CMD_SP(pscsi_cmd) = (char *) srb;
++ srb->cmd = pscsi_cmd;
++ srb->fw_ddb_index = ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index;
++ srb->lun = pscsi_cmd->device->lun;
++ srb->flags |= SRB_IOCTL_CMD;
++ srb->fo_retry_cnt = 0;
++ srb->tgt_queue = tgt_entry;
++ srb->lun_queue = lun_entry;
++ srb->fclun = lun_entry->fclun;
++ srb->ha = fcport->ha;
++ if (pscsi_pass->CdbLength == 6 || pscsi_pass->CdbLength == 10 ||
++ pscsi_pass->CdbLength == 12 || pscsi_pass->CdbLength == 16) {
++ pscsi_cmd->cmd_len = pscsi_pass->CdbLength;
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Unsupported CDB length 0x%x \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, pscsi_cmd->cmd_len));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ if (pscsi_pass->Direction == EXT_DEF_SCSI_PASSTHRU_DATA_IN) {
++ pscsi_cmd->sc_data_direction = DMA_FROM_DEVICE;
++ pscsi_cmd->request_bufflen = ioctl->ResponseLen -
++ } else if (pscsi_pass->Direction == EXT_DEF_SCSI_PASSTHRU_DATA_OUT) {
++ pscsi_cmd->sc_data_direction = DMA_TO_DEVICE;
++ pscsi_cmd->request_bufflen = ioctl->RequestLen -
++ /* Sending user data from ioctl->ResponseAddr to SCSI
++ * command buffer
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pscsi_cmd->
++ request_buffer, Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->RequestAdr) +
++ pscsi_cmd->request_bufflen)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy write buffer "
++ "from user's memory area.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ } else {
++ pscsi_cmd->sc_data_direction = DMA_NONE;
++ pscsi_cmd->request_buffer = 0;
++ pscsi_cmd->request_bufflen = 0;
++ }
++ memcpy(pscsi_cmd->cmnd, pscsi_pass->Cdb, pscsi_cmd->cmd_len);
++ memcpy(pscsi_cmd->data_cmnd, pscsi_pass->Cdb, pscsi_cmd->cmd_len);
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: CDB = ",
++ ha->host_no, pscsi_cmd->device->channel, pscsi_cmd->device->id,
++ pscsi_cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ for (i = 0; i < pscsi_cmd->cmd_len; i++)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("%02X ", pscsi_cmd->cmnd[i]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("\n"));
++ /* ---- prepare for receiving completion ---- */
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_scsi_pass_in_progress = 1;
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_tov = pscsi_cmd->timeout_per_command;
++ qla4xxx_ioctl_sem_init(ha);
++ CMD_PASSTHRU_TYPE(pscsi_cmd) = (void *)1;
++ /* ---- send command to adapter ---- */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: sending command.\n",
++ ha->host_no, pscsi_cmd->device->channel, pscsi_cmd->device->id,
++ pscsi_cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer.expires = jiffies + ha->ioctl->ioctl_tov;
++ add_timer(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp(ha, srb) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ add_to_free_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: error sending cmd to isp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ del_timer(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer);
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_DEV_NOT_FOUND;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ down(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem);
++ /*******************************************************
++ * *
++ * Passthru Completion *
++ * *
++ *******************************************************/
++ del_timer(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_timer);
++ /* ---- check for timeout --- */
++ if (ha->ioctl->ioctl_scsi_pass_in_progress == 1) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR = command timeout.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ if ((srb != NULL) && (srb->active_array_index < MAX_SRBS)) {
++ u_long wait_cnt = WAIT_CMD_TOV;
++ if ((srb->flags & SRB_FREE_STATE) == 0)
++ qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd(srb);
++ /* Wait for command to get out of active state */
++ wait_cnt = jiffies + WAIT_CMD_TOV * HZ;
++ while (wait_cnt > jiffies){
++ if (srb->flags != SRB_ACTIVE_STATE)
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("."));
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ }
++ /* Command timed-out, but it's still active.
++ * When it comes back, just discard it. */
++ srb->cmd = NULL;
++ }
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_scsi_pass_in_progress = 0;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ /* --- Return info from status entry --- */
++ ioctl->DetailStatus = CMD_SCSI_STATUS(pscsi_cmd);
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[0] = (uint8_t) CMD_SCSI_STATUS(pscsi_cmd);
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[1] = (uint8_t) CMD_COMPL_STATUS(pscsi_cmd);
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[2] = (uint8_t) CMD_ACTUAL_SNSLEN(pscsi_cmd);
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[3] = (uint8_t) CMD_HOST_STATUS(pscsi_cmd);
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[6] = (uint8_t) CMD_ISCSI_RESPONSE(pscsi_cmd);
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[7] = (uint8_t) CMD_STATE_FLAGS(pscsi_cmd);
++ if (CMD_ACTUAL_SNSLEN(pscsi_cmd)) {
++ memcpy(pscsi_pass->SenseData, pscsi_cmd->sense_buffer,
++ MIN(CMD_ACTUAL_SNSLEN(pscsi_cmd),
++ sizeof(pscsi_pass->SenseData)));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: sense data dump:\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP2|QLP4|QLP10,
++ pscsi_pass->SenseData, sizeof(pscsi_pass->SenseData));
++ }
++ /* ---- check for command completion --- */
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: ERROR = "
++ "command not completed.\n",
++ ha->host_no, pscsi_cmd->device->channel,
++ pscsi_cmd->device->id,
++ pscsi_cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ } else if (CMD_HOST_STATUS(pscsi_cmd) == DID_OK) {
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ } else if (CMD_COMPL_STATUS(pscsi_cmd) == SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Data underrun. Resid = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd)));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_DATA_UNDERRUN;
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[4] = MSB(CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd));
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[5] = LSB(CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd));
++ } else if (CMD_COMPL_STATUS(pscsi_cmd) == SCS_DATA_OVERRUN) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Data overrun. Resid = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd)));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN;
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[4] = MSB(CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd));
++ pscsi_pass->Reserved[5] = LSB(CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd));
++ } else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Command completed in ERROR. "
++ "cs=%04x, ss=%-4x\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ CMD_COMPL_STATUS(pscsi_cmd), CMD_SCSI_STATUS(pscsi_cmd)));
++ if (CMD_SCSI_STATUS(pscsi_cmd) != SCSI_GOOD) {
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_SCSI_STATUS;
++ } else {
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_ERR;
++ }
++ }
++ /* ---- Copy SCSI Passthru structure with updated sense buffer
++ * to user space ----
++ */
++ if (copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr), pscsi_pass,
++ sizeof(EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy passthru struct "
++ "to user's memory area.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: outgoing EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI structure:\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10,
++ Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ /* ---- Copy SCSI READ data from SCSI command buffer
++ * to user space ---- */
++ if (pscsi_pass->Direction == EXT_DEF_SCSI_PASSTHRU_DATA_IN) {
++ void *xfer_ptr = Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr) +
++ uint32_t xfer_len = ioctl->ResponseLen -
++ /* Update ResponseLen if a data underrun occurred */
++ if (CMD_COMPL_STATUS(pscsi_cmd) == SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN &&
++ CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd)) {
++ xfer_len -= CMD_RESID_LEN(pscsi_cmd);
++ }
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(xfer_ptr, pscsi_cmd->request_buffer,
++ xfer_len)) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to copy READ data "
++ "to user's memory area.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto error_exit_scsi_pass;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: outgoing READ data: (0x%p)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, xfer_ptr));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP4|QLP10, xfer_ptr, xfer_len);
++ }
++ goto exit_scsi_pass;
++ ioctl->ResponseLen = 0;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_iscsi_passthru
++ * This routine sends iSCSI pass-through to destination.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_iscsi_passthru(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: UNSUPPORTED\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4extioctl_get_hbacnt
++ * This routine retrieves the number of supported HBAs found.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter structure pointer.
++ * ioctl = IOCTL structure pointer.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS = success
++ * QLA_ERROR = error
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4extioctl_get_hbacnt(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ EXT_HBA_COUNT hba_cnt;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ hba_cnt.HbaCnt = qla4xxx_get_hba_count();
++ if ((status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr),
++ &hba_cnt, sizeof(hba_cnt))) != 0) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: failed to copy data\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ goto exit_get_hbacnt;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: hbacnt is %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, hba_cnt.HbaCnt));
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++STATIC int
++qla4extioctl_get_hostno(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d entered.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ ioctl->HbaSelect = ha->host_no;
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_OK;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: %s: instance is %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++STATIC int
++qla4extioctl_driver_specific(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *ioctl)
++ int status = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ if (ioctl->ResponseLen < sizeof(EXT_LN_DRIVER_DATA)) {
++ printk("%s: ERROR ResponseLen too small.\n",
++ __func__));
++ goto exit_driver_specific;
++ }
++ data.DrvVer.Major = QL4_DRIVER_MAJOR_VER;
++ data.DrvVer.Minor = QL4_DRIVER_MINOR_VER;
++ data.DrvVer.Patch = QL4_DRIVER_PATCH_VER;
++ data.DrvVer.Beta = QL4_DRIVER_BETA_VER;
++ /* RLU: set this flag when code is added.
++ data.Flags = EXT_DEF_NGFO_CAPABLE;
++ */
++ if (IS_QLA4010(ha))
++ data.AdapterModel = EXT_DEF_QLA4010_DRIVER;
++ else if (IS_QLA4022(ha))
++ data.AdapterModel = EXT_DEF_QLA4022_DRIVER;
++ status = copy_to_user(Q64BIT_TO_PTR(ioctl->ResponseAdr), &data,
++ sizeof(EXT_LN_DRIVER_DATA));
++ if (status) {
++ ioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR;
++ printk("%s: ERROR copy resp buf\n", __func__));
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: inst %d exiting.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_CMD_TBL[] =
++ {0, "UNKNOWN"}
++ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_SCMD_QUERY_TBL[] =
++ {0, "UNKNOWN"}
++ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_SCMD_EGET_DATA_TBL[] =
++ {0, "UNKNOWN"}
++ioctl_tbl_row_t IOCTL_SCMD_ESET_DATA_TBL[] =
++ {0, "UNKNOWN"}
++char *IOCTL_TBL_STR(int cc, int sc)
++ ioctl_tbl_row_t *r;
++ int cmd;
++ switch (cc) {
++ case EXT_CC_QUERY:
++ cmd = sc;
++ break;
++ case EXT_CC_GET_DATA:
++ cmd = sc;
++ break;
++ case EXT_CC_SET_DATA:
++ cmd = sc;
++ break;
++ case INT_CC_GET_DATA:
++ cmd = sc;
++ break;
++ case INT_CC_SET_DATA:
++ cmd = sc;
++ break;
++ default:
++ cmd = cc;
++ break;
++ }
++ while (r->cmd != 0) {
++ if (r->cmd == cmd) break;
++ r++;
++ }
++ return(r->s);
++ * qla4xxx_ioctl
++ * This the main entry point for all ioctl requests
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dev - pointer to SCSI device structure
++ * cmd - internal or external ioctl command code
++ * arg - pointer to the main ioctl structure
++ *
++ * Instance field in ioctl structure - to determine which device to
++ * perform ioctl
++ * HbaSelect field in ioctl structure - to determine which adapter to
++ * perform ioctl
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * The resulting data/status is returned via the main ioctl structure.
++ *
++ * When Status field in ioctl structure is valid for normal command errors
++ * this function returns 0 (QLA_SUCCESS).
++ *
++ * All other return values indicate ioctl/system specific error which
++ * prevented the actual ioctl command from completing.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - command completed successfully, either with or without
++ * errors in the Status field of the main ioctl structure
++ * -EFAULT - arg pointer is NULL or memory access error
++ * -EINVAL - command is invalid
++ * -ENOMEM - memory allocation failed
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_ioctl(struct scsi_device *dev, int cmd, void *arg)
++ EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI *pioctl = NULL;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = NULL;
++ int status = 0; /* ioctl status; errno value when function returns */
++ int tmp_stat;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* Catch any non-exioct ioctls */
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "qla4xxx: invalid ioctl magic number received.\n");
++ printk("scsi(): %s: invalid magic number received.\n",
++ __func__));
++ status = (-EINVAL);
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ printk("scsi(): %s: received cmd %x.\n",
++ __func__, cmd));
++ switch (cmd) {
++ /* All NFO functions go here */
++ status = qla4xxx_nfo_ioctl(dev, cmd, arg);
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ /* Allocate ioctl structure buffer to support multiple concurrent
++ * entries. NO static structures allowed.
++ */
++ pioctl = QL_KMEM_ZALLOC(sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI));
++ if (pioctl == NULL) {
++ /* error */
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "qla4xxx: ERROR in main ioctl buffer allocation.\n");
++ status = (-ENOMEM);
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check to see if we can access the ioctl command structure
++ */
++ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, arg, sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI))) {
++ printk("%s: EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI access error.\n",
++ __func__));
++ status = (-EFAULT);
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the ioctl command structure from user space to local structure
++ */
++ if ((status = copy_from_user((uint8_t *)pioctl, arg,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI)))) {
++ printk("%s: EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI copy error.\n",
++ __func__));
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4|QLP10, printk("EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI structure dump: \n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_dwords(QLP4|QLP10, pioctl, sizeof(*pioctl));
++ /* check signature of this ioctl */
++ if (memcmp(pioctl->Signature, EXT_DEF_REGULAR_SIGNATURE,
++ sizeof(EXT_DEF_REGULAR_SIGNATURE)) != 0) {
++ printk("%s: signature did not match. "
++ "received cmd=%x arg=%p signature=%s.\n",
++ __func__, cmd, arg, pioctl->Signature));
++ pioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM;
++ status = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI));
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ /* check version of this ioctl */
++ if (pioctl->Version > EXT_VERSION) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "ql4xxx: ioctl interface version not supported = %d.\n",
++ pioctl->Version);
++ status = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI));
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Get the adapter handle for the corresponding adapter instance
++ */
++ ha = qla4xxx_get_adapter_handle(pioctl->HbaSelect);
++ if (ha == NULL) {
++ printk("%s: NULL EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI buffer\n",
++ __func__));
++ pioctl->Status = EXT_STATUS_DEV_NOT_FOUND;
++ status = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl,
++ sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI));
++ goto exit_qla4xxx_ioctl;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi%d: ioctl+ (%s)\n", ha->host_no,
++ IOCTL_TBL_STR(cmd, pioctl->SubCode)));
++ down(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_sem);
++ /*
++ * If the DPC is active, wait for it to complete before proceeding
++ */
++ while (ha->dpc_active) {
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1*HZ);
++ }
++ ha->i_start = jiffies;
++ ha->i_end = 0;
++ ha->f_start = 0;
++ ha->f_end = 0;
++ /*
++ * Issue the ioctl command
++ */
++ switch (cmd) {
++ case EXT_CC_QUERY:
++ status = qla4extioctl_query(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ case EXT_CC_REG_AEN:
++ status = qla4extioctl_reg_aen(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ case EXT_CC_GET_AEN:
++ status = qla4extioctl_get_aen(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ case EXT_CC_GET_DATA:
++ status = qla4extioctl_get_data(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ case EXT_CC_SET_DATA:
++ status = qla4extioctl_set_data(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4extioctl_scsi_passthru(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4extioctl_iscsi_passthru(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_logout_iscsi(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4extioctl_get_hbacnt(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4extioctl_get_hostno(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4extioctl_driver_specific(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_ping(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ case INT_CC_GET_DATA:
++ status = qla4intioctl_get_data(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ case INT_CC_SET_DATA:
++ status = qla4intioctl_set_data(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_hba_reset(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_copy_fw_flash(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ status = qla4intioctl_iocb_passthru(ha, pioctl);
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: unsupported command code (%x)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cmd));
++ }
++ /*
++ * Copy the updated ioctl structure back to the user
++ */
++ tmp_stat = copy_to_user(arg, (void *)pioctl, sizeof(EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI));
++ if (status == 0) {
++ status = tmp_stat;
++ }
++ ha->i_end = jiffies;
++ up(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_sem);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP15, printk("scsi%d: ioctl- (%s) "
++ "i_start=%lx, f_start=%lx, f_end=%lx, i_end=%lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, IOCTL_TBL_STR(cmd, pioctl->SubCode),
++ ha->i_start, ha->f_start, ha->f_end, ha->i_end));
++ if (pioctl)
++ QL_KMEM_FREE(pioctl);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlnfo.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * File Name: qlnfo.h
++ *
++ * Revision History:
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _QLNFO_H
++#define _QLNFO_H
++#include "qlud.h"
++ * NOTE: the following version defines must be updated each time the
++ * changes made may affect the backward compatibility of the
++ * input/output relations
++ */
++#define NFO_VERSION 1
++#define NFO_VERSION_STR "1.0"
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * Data type definitions
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#include "ntddscsi.h"
++#include "qlnfowin.h"
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * OS dependent General configuration defines
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++#elif defined(linux) /* Linux */
++#elif defined(sun) || defined(__sun) /* Solaris */
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * Generic definitions
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++/* Constants */
++#define NFO_DEF_STR_NAME_SIZE_32 32
++#define NFO_DEF_STR_NAME_SIZE_64 64
++#define NFO_DEF_STR_NAME_SIZE_128 128
++#define NFO_DEF_STR_NAME_SIZE_256 256
++#define NFO_DEF_STR_NAME_SIZE_512 512
++#define NFO_DEF_INQ_LUID_SIZE 16
++#define NFO_DEF_PATH_ALL NFO_DEF_UNSUPPORTED /* All paths */
++/* Device transport protocol */
++#define NFO_TRANSPORT_FC 1
++/* Unique identification */
++#define NFO_FC_WWN_SIZE 8
++#define NFO_FC_PID_SIZE 4
++#define NFO_IS_NAME_SIZE 256
++#define NFO_IS_IP_ADDR_SIZE 16
++#define NFO_IS_IP_ADDR_TYPE4 4
++#define NFO_IS_IP_ADDR_TYPE6 6
++/* API_INFO */
++/* FOM_PROP */
++#define NFO_FP_FLG_HBA 1 /* FO implemented in HBA driver */
++#define NFO_FP_FLG_DISABLE 2 /* FOM disabled */
++#define NFO_FP_FLG_SUP_LB 16 /* Support load balancing */
++#define NFO_FP_FLG_SUP_PATH_ORDER 32 /* Support path ordering */
++#define NFO_FP_FLG_SUP_PATH_WEIGH 64 /* Support path weigh */
++#define NFO_FOM_PROP_NO_SUP 1 /* Settable property supported no */
++/* PATH_INFO */
++#define NFO_PI_PREFERRED 1 /* Preferred path bit */
++#define NFO_PATH_PROP_NO_SUP 0 /* Settable property supported no */
++/* LB_POLICY */
++#define NFO_LB_ROUND_ROBIN 2
++#define NFO_LB_STATIC 8
++/* SPC3 Asymmetric access state */
++#define NFO_AAS_ACTIVE_OPT 0
++#define NFO_AAS_STANDBY 2
++#define NFO_AAS_UNAVAIL 3
++#define NFO_AAS_RESERVED 4
++#define NFO_AAS_ILL_REQ 15
++/* Device state */
++#define NFO_DS_ACTIVE 1
++#define NFO_DS_PASSIVE 2
++#define NFO_DS_FAILED 3
++#define NFO_DS_REMOVED 5
++#define NFO_DS_RESERVED 8
++/* Fog state */
++#define NFO_FOG_NORMAL 1
++#define NFO_FOG_PENDING 2
++#define NFO_FOG_FAILBACK 3
++#define NFO_FOG_FAILOVER 4
++/* Return status */
++#define NFO_STS_BASE 0x90000000
++#define NFO_STS_OK (NFO_STS_BASE + 0)
++#define NFO_STS_FAIL (NFO_STS_BASE + 6)
++#define NFO_STS_UNSUP (NFO_STS_BASE + 8) /* Not supported */
++#define NFO_STS_INV_INSTANCE (NFO_STS_BASE + 9) /* Invalid instance */
++#define NFO_STS_REBOOT_NEEDED (NFO_STS_BASE + 10) /* Reboot needed */
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PATH (NFO_STS_BASE + 11) /* Invalid path */
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM0 (NFO_STS_BASE + 20)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM1 (NFO_STS_BASE + 21)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM2 (NFO_STS_BASE + 22)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM3 (NFO_STS_BASE + 23)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM4 (NFO_STS_BASE + 24)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM5 (NFO_STS_BASE + 25)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM6 (NFO_STS_BASE + 26)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM7 (NFO_STS_BASE + 27)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM8 (NFO_STS_BASE + 28)
++#define NFO_STS_INV_PARAM9 (NFO_STS_BASE + 29)
++/* Event Codes */
++#define NFO_ES_INFO 0x60000000
++#define NFO_ES_WARN 0xA0000000
++#define NFO_ES_ERR 0xE0000000
++#define NFO_EF_FOM 0x00010000
++#define NFO_EF_HBA 0x00020000
++#define NFO_EF_DPG 0x00030000
++#define NFO_EF_PATH 0x00040000
++#define NFO_EVT_FOM_ENABLED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_FOM | 1) /* FOM enable */
++#define NFO_EVT_FOM_DISABLED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_FOM | 2) /* FOM disable */
++#define NFO_EVT_FOM_ADDED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_FOM | 3) /* FOM add */
++#define NFO_EVT_FOM_REMOVED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_FOM | 4) /* FOM del */
++#define NFO_EVT_HBA_ADDED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_HBA | 5) /* HBA add */
++#define NFO_EVT_HBA_REMOVED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_HBA | 6) /* HBA del */
++#define NFO_EVT_PATH_ADDED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_PATH | 7) /* Path add */
++#define NFO_EVT_PATH_REMOVED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_PATH | 8) /* Path del */
++#define NFO_EVT_DEV_ADDED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_PATH | 9) /* Dev add */
++#define NFO_EVT_DEV_REMOVED (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_PATH | 10) /* Dev del */
++#define NFO_EVT_PATH_FAILOVER (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_PATH | 11) /* Path failover */
++#define NFO_EVT_PATH_FAILBACK (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_PATH | 12) /* Path failback */
++#define NFO_EVT_ER_THOLD (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_DPG | 13) /* Err threshold */
++#define NFO_EVT_FO_THOLD (NFO_ES_INFO | NFO_EF_DPG | 14) /* Fo threshold */
++#define NFO_EVENT_CB UD_H
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * Common header struct definitions
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _NFO_API_INFO
++ UD_UI4 Version;
++ UD_UI4 MaxFOM;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_PROP_ENTRY
++ UD_UI4 Current;
++ UD_UI4 Min;
++ UD_UI4 Def;
++ UD_UI4 Max;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_PROP_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++ NFO_PROP_ENTRY Entry[1];
++typedef struct _NFO_FOM_PROP
++ UD_UI4 Version;
++ UD_UI4 Flag;
++ UD_UI4 HbaCount;
++ UD_UI4 DpgCount;
++ UD_UI4 SupportedTargetCount;
++ UD_UI4 CurrentTargetCount;
++ UD_UI4 MaxPath;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++ NFO_PROP_LIST PropList;
++typedef struct _NFO_FC_UID
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_IS_UID
++ UD_UI4 IpType;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_TRANSPORT
++ UD_UI4 Value;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_TRANSPORT_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++ NFO_TRANSPORT Entry[1];
++typedef struct _NFO_HBA_INFO
++ UD_UI4 Number;
++ UD_UI4 Transport;
++ union
++ {
++ NFO_FC_UID FcUid;
++ NFO_IS_UID IsUid;
++ } Uid;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_HBA_INFO_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++ NFO_HBA_INFO Entry[1];
++typedef struct _NFO_SCSI_ADDR
++ UD_UI4 Number;
++ UD_UI4 Bus;
++ UD_UI4 Target;
++ UD_UI4 Lun;
++typedef struct _NFO_DEV_INFO
++ UD_UI1 ProductVersion[NFO_DEF_INQ_PROD_VER_SIZE];
++ UD_UI4 Transport;
++ union
++ {
++ NFO_FC_UID FcUid;
++ NFO_IS_UID IsUid;
++ } Uid;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _LB_POLICY
++ UD_UI4 Value;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _LB_POLICY_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI1 Count;
++ NFO_LB_POLICY Entry[1];
++typedef struct _LB_POLICY_INFO
++ NFO_LB_POLICY_LIST Supported;
++ UD_UI4 Current;
++ UD_UI4 ActivePathCount;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _DPG_PROP
++ NFO_DEV_INFO DevInfo;
++ UD_UI4 PathCount;
++ NFO_LB_POLICY LbPolicy;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_DPG_PROP_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++ NFO_DPG_PROP Entry[1];
++typedef struct _NFO_PATH_INFO
++ NFO_SCSI_ADDR ScsiAddr;
++ UD_UI4 Status;
++ UD_UI4 Flag;
++ UD_UI4 RelTgtPortId;
++ UD_UI4 TgtPortGrp;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++ NFO_PROP_LIST PropList;
++typedef struct _NFO_IO_STAT
++ UD_UI8 NoRead;
++ UD_UI8 NoWrite;
++ UD_UI8 MBRead;
++ UD_UI8 MBWritten;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_PATH_STAT
++ UD_UI8 NoFailover;
++ UD_UI8 NoFailback;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_ER_STAT
++ UD_UI8 NoReadRetry;
++ UD_UI8 NoWriteRetry;
++ UD_UI8 NoReadFailure;
++ UD_UI8 NoWriteFailure;
++ UD_UI8 NoFailover;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_ADP_STAT
++ NFO_IO_STAT IoStat;
++ NFO_ER_STAT ErStat;
++ NFO_PATH_STAT PathStat;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_STORAGE
++ UD_UI4 Type;
++ UD_UI4 ControlFlag;
++ UD_UI4 DefaultLB;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_STORAGE_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++ NFO_STORAGE SupportList[1];
++typedef struct _NFO_PATH
++ UD_UI8 PathUid;
++ UD_UI4 Fom;
++ NFO_PATH_INFO PathInfo;
++ UD_UI4 DPathStatus;
++ UD_UI4 HbaInstance;
++ UD_UI4 DpgInstance;
++ UD_UI4 StorageInstance;
++ NFO_HBA_INFO HbaInfo;
++ NFO_DPG_PROP DpgProp;
++ NFO_STORAGE Storage;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_PATH_INFO_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++ NFO_PATH_INFO Entry[1];
++typedef struct _NFO_PATH_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++ NFO_PATH Path[1];
++typedef struct _NFO_EVENT_CB_ENTRY
++ UD_UI4 Id;
++ NFO_EVENT_CB Callback;
++ UD_UI4 Context;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_EVENT_CB_LIST
++ UD_UI4 Size;
++ UD_UI4 Count;
++typedef struct _NFO_EVT_FOM
++ UD_UI4 Instance;
++ UD_H Handle;
++ UD_UI8 Timestamp;
++ UD_UI4 Reason;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_EVT_HBA
++ UD_UI4 Instance;
++ UD_H Handle;
++ UD_UI8 Timestamp;
++ UD_UI4 Reason;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_EVT_PATH
++ UD_UI4 Instance;
++ UD_H Handle;
++ UD_UI8 Timestamp;
++ UD_UI4 Reason;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_EVT_DEV
++ UD_UI4 Instance;
++ UD_H Handle;
++ UD_UI8 Timestamp;
++ UD_UI4 Reason;
++ UD_UI4 Reserved[8];
++typedef struct _NFO_EVT
++ UD_UI4 Code;
++ union
++ {
++ UD_UI4 Data[1];
++ } Data;
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * Function prototypes
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++UD_UI4 NfoGetApiInfo (PNFO_API_INFO pApiInfo);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetFomCount (PUD_UI4 pFomCount);
++UD_UI4 NfoOpenFom (UD_UI4 Instance, PUD_H pFomHandle);
++UD_UI4 NfoCloseFom (UD_H FomHandle);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetTransportInfo (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_TRANSPORT_LIST pTransport);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetFomProperty (UD_H FomHandle, PNFO_FOM_PROP pProp);
++UD_UI4 NfoSetFomProperty (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_PROP_LIST pPropList);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetHbaInfo (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 HbaInstance, PNFO_HBA_INFO pInfo);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetHbaInfoAll (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 HbaInstance, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_HBA_INFO_LIST pHbaInfoList);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetDpgProperty (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, PNFO_DPG_PROP pDpgProp);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetDpgPropertyAll (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 Instance, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_DPG_PROP_LIST pDpgPropList);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetDpgPathInfo (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo, PNFO_PATH_INFO pPathInfo);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetDpgPathInfoAll (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 Instance, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_PATH_INFO_LIST pPathInfoList);
++UD_UI4 NfoSetDpgPathInfo (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo, PNFO_PATH_INFO pPathInfo);
++UD_UI4 NfoSetDpgPathInfoAll (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 Instance, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_PATH_INFO_LIST pPathInfoList);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetLBInfo (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_LB_POLICY_LIST pLb);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetLBPolicy (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, PUD_UI4 pLbPolicy);
++UD_UI4 NfoSetLBPolicy (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 LbPolicy);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetDpgStatistics (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo, PNFO_ADP_STAT pAdpStat);
++UD_UI4 NfoClearDpgErrStatistics (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo);
++UD_UI4 NfoClearDpgIoStatistics (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo);
++UD_UI4 NfoClearDpgFoStatistics (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo, PNFO_PATH_STAT pFoStat);
++UD_UI4 NfoMovePath (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo);
++UD_UI4 NfoVerifyPath (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 DpgInstance, UD_UI4 PathNo);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetEventList (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_EVENT_CB_LIST pEventCbList);
++UD_UI4 NfoRegisterEventCallback (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_EVENT_CB_LIST pEventCbList);
++UD_UI4 NfoDeregisterEventCallback (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_EVENT_CB_LIST pEventCbList);
++UD_UI4 NfoEnableFom (UD_H FomHandle);
++UD_UI4 NfoDisableFom (UD_H FomHandle);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetSupportedStorageList (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_STORAGE_LIST pStorageList);
++UD_UI4 NfoGetPathAll (UD_H FomHandle, UD_UI4 Index, UD_UI4 BufSize, PNFO_PATH_LIST pPathList);
++#if 0
++/* Example tables */
++/* Example transport protocol table */
++ { NFO_TRANSPORT_FC, "Fibre Channel" },
++ { NFO_TRANSPORT_IS, "iScsi" },
++ { NFO_TRANSPORT_UNKNWON, "Unknown" },
++/* Example property table */
++NFO_PROP_LIST FomPropTbl =
++ { 3, 1, 3, 10, "Io Retry Count" },
++/* Example path property table */
++NFO_PROP_LIST FomPropTbl =
++ { 1, 1, 1, 32, "Order" },
++ { 1, 1, 1, 10, "Weight" },
++/* Example policy table for Active/Active model, can have one for each DPG */
++ sizeof(NFO_LB_POLICY) * 5,
++ 5,
++ { NFO_LB_FAILOVER_ONLY, "Failover only" },
++ { NFO_LB_ROUND_ROBIN, "Round Robin" },
++ { NFO_LB_LEAST_BLOCKS, "MB Bandpass" },
++ { NFO_LB_STATIC, "Static" },
++#if defined(linux) /* Linux */
++#include "qlnfoln.h"
++#endif /* _QLNFO_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_32ioctl.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#include <linux/config.h>
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#if defined QLA_CONFIG_COMPAT
++#include <linux/file.h>
++/* fs/ioctl.c */
++extern asmlinkage long sys_ioctl(unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd, void *);
++extern int register_ioctl32_conversion(unsigned int cmd,
++ int (*handler)(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, struct file *));
++extern int unregister_ioctl32_conversion(unsigned int cmd);
++qla4xxx_ioctl32(unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg,
++ struct file *pfile)
++ return (sys_ioctl(fd, cmd, (void *)arg));
++inline int
++apidev_reg_increasing_idx(uint16_t low_idx, uint16_t high_idx)
++ int err = 0;
++ int i;
++ unsigned int cmd;
++ for (i = low_idx; i <= high_idx; i++) {
++ cmd = (unsigned int)QL_IOCTL_CMD(i);
++ err = register_ioctl32_conversion(cmd, qla4xxx_ioctl32);
++ if (err) {
++ printk(
++ "%s: error registering cmd %x. err=%d.\n",
++ __func__, cmd, err));
++ break;
++ }
++ printk("%s: registered cmd %x.\n", __func__, cmd));
++ }
++ return (err);
++inline int
++apidev_unreg_increasing_idx(uint16_t low_idx, uint16_t high_idx)
++ int err = 0;
++ int i;
++ unsigned int cmd;
++ for (i = low_idx; i <= high_idx; i++) {
++ cmd = (unsigned int)QL_IOCTL_CMD(i);
++ err = unregister_ioctl32_conversion(cmd);
++ if (err) {
++ printk(
++ "%s: error unregistering cmd %x. err=%d.\n",
++ __func__, cmd, err));
++ break;
++ }
++ printk("%s: unregistered cmd %x.\n", __func__, cmd));
++ }
++ return (err);
++inline void
++ int err;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("%s: going to register ioctl32 cmds.\n",
++ __func__));
++ /* regular external ioctl codes */
++ err = apidev_reg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_REG_CC_START_IDX,
++ if (!err) {
++ /* regular internal ioctl codes */
++ err = apidev_reg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_INT_CC_START_IDX,
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ /* LN Drvr specific codes are defined in decreasing order */
++ err = apidev_reg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_DRV_SPC_CC_END_IDX,
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ /* QL NFO specific codes */
++ err = apidev_reg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_NFO_CC_START_IDX,
++ }
++ if (err) {
++ printk("%s: register failed.\n",
++ __func__));
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++inline void
++ int err;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ printk("%s: going to unregister ioctl32 cmds.\n",
++ __func__));
++ /* regular external ioctl codes */
++ err = apidev_unreg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_REG_CC_START_IDX,
++ if (!err) {
++ /* regular internal ioctl codes */
++ err = apidev_unreg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_INT_CC_START_IDX,
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ /* LN Drvr specific codes are defined in decreasing order */
++ err = apidev_unreg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_DRV_SPC_CC_END_IDX,
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ /* QL FO specific codes */
++ err = apidev_unreg_increasing_idx(EXT_DEF_NFO_CC_START_IDX,
++ }
++ if (err) {
++ printk("%s: unregister failed.\n",
++ __func__));
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++#endif /* QLA_CONFIG_COMPAT */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_foln.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#ifndef __QLA_FOLN_H
++#define __QLA_FOLN_H
++// #include "exioct.h"
++#include "ql4_fo.h"
++#include "ql4_cfg.h"
++#include "ql4_fw.h"
++ * Inquiry command structure.
++ */
++#define INQ_DATA_SIZE 36
++typedef struct {
++ union {
++ } p;
++ uint8_t inq[INQ_DATA_SIZE];
++} inq_cmd_rsp_t;
++ * Report LUN command structure.
++ */
++#define RPT_LUN_SCSI_OPCODE 0xA0
++#define CHAR_TO_SHORT(a, b) (uint16_t)((uint8_t)b << 8 | (uint8_t)a)
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t len;
++ uint32_t rsrv;
++} rpt_hdr_t;
++typedef struct {
++ struct {
++ uint8_t b : 6;
++ uint8_t address_method : 2;
++ } msb;
++ uint8_t lsb;
++ uint8_t unused[6];
++} rpt_lun_t;
++typedef struct {
++ rpt_hdr_t hdr;
++ rpt_lun_t lst[MAX_LUNS];
++} rpt_lun_lst_t;
++typedef struct {
++ union {
++ } p;
++ rpt_lun_lst_t list;
++} rpt_lun_cmd_rsp_t;
++ * Device configuration table
++ *
++ * This table provides a library of information about the device
++ */
++struct cfg_device_info {
++ const char *vendor;
++ const char *model;
++ const int flags; /* bit 0 (0x1) -- translate the real
++ WWNN to the common WWNN for the target AND
++ /* bit 1 (0x2) -- MSA 1000 */
++ /* bit 2 (0x4) -- EVA */
++ /* bit 3 (0x8) -- DISABLE FAILOVER */
++ const int notify_type; /* support the different types: 1 - 4 */
++ int ( *fo_combine)(void *,
++ uint16_t, fc_port_t *, uint16_t );
++ int ( *fo_detect)(void);
++ int ( *fo_notify)(void);
++ int ( *fo_select)(void);
++typedef struct {
++ union {
++ } p;
++ uint8_t inq[VITAL_PRODUCT_DATA_SIZE];
++} evpd_inq_cmd_rsp_t;
++typedef struct {
++ union {
++ } p;
++} tur_cmd_rsp_t;
++#define SDM_DEF_MAX_DEVICES 16
++#define FO_MAX_ADAPTERS 32
++#define FO_ADAPTER_ALL 0xFF
++#define FO_DEF_WWN_SIZE 8
++ * Global Data in qla_fo.c source file.
++ */
++ * Global Function Prototypes in qla_fo.c source file.
++ */
++extern scsi_qla_host_t *qla4xxx_get_hba(unsigned long);
++extern uint32_t qla4xxx_send_fo_notification(fc_lun_t *fclun_p, fc_lun_t *olun_p);
++extern void qla4xxx_fo_init_params(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_fo_enabled(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, int instance);
++//extern int qla4xxx_fo_ioctl(scsi_qla_host_t *, int, EXT_IOCTL *, int);
++ * Global Data in qla_cfg.c source file.
++ */
++extern mp_host_t *mp_hosts_base;
++extern int mp_config_required;
++ * Global Function Prototypes in qla_cfg.c source file.
++ */
++extern mp_host_t *qla4xxx_cfg_find_host(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_is_iscsiname_in_device(mp_device_t *, uint8_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_cfg_path_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_cfg_event_notify(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t);
++extern fc_lun_t *qla4xxx_cfg_failover(scsi_qla_host_t *, fc_lun_t *,
++ os_tgt_t *, srb_t *);
++extern void qla4xxx_fo_properties(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern mp_host_t *qla4xxx_add_mp_host(uint8_t *);
++extern mp_host_t *qla4xxx_alloc_host(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_fo_check(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *);
++extern mp_path_t *qla4xxx_find_path_by_name(mp_host_t *, mp_path_list_t *,
++ uint8_t *);
++extern int __qla4xxx_is_fcport_in_config(scsi_qla_host_t *, fc_port_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_cfg_init(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern void qla4xxx_cfg_mem_free(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_cfg_remap(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern void qla4xxx_set_device_flags(scsi_qla_host_t *, fc_port_t *);
++extern int16_t qla4xxx_cfg_lookup_device(unsigned char *);
++extern int qla4xxx_combine_by_lunid(void *, uint16_t, fc_port_t *, uint16_t);
++extern int qla4xxx_export_target(void *, uint16_t, fc_port_t *, uint16_t);
++extern int qla4xxx_test_active_lun(fc_port_t *, fc_lun_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_test_active_port(fc_port_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_is_fcport_in_foconfig(scsi_qla_host_t *, fc_port_t *);
++ * Global Function Prototypes in qla_cfgln.c source file.
++ */
++extern void qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree( scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_update_mp_device(mp_host_t *,
++ fc_port_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
++extern void qla4xxx_cfg_display_devices(int);
++ * Global Function Prototypes in qla_foln.c source file.
++ */
++extern int qla4xxx_search_failover_queue(scsi_qla_host_t *, struct scsi_cmnd *);
++extern void qla4xxx_process_failover_event(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern int qla4xxx_do_fo_check(scsi_qla_host_t *, srb_t *, scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern void qla4xxx_start_all_adapters(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern void qla4xxx_start_fo_cmd(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb);
++extern int ql4xfailover;
++extern int ql4xrecoveryTime;
++extern int ql4xfailbackTime;
++extern int MaxPathsPerDevice;
++extern int MaxRetriesPerPath;
++extern int MaxRetriesPerIo;
++extern int qlFailoverNotifyType;
++extern struct cfg_device_info cfg_device_list[];
++#define qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha) (ql4xfailover)
++#define qla4xxx_is_fcport_in_foconfig(ha, fcport) (0)
++#define qla4xxx_fo_missing_port_summary(ha, e, s, m, c, r) (0)
++/* qla4xxx_cfg_init() is declared int but the retval isn't checked.. */
++#define qla4xxx_cfg_init(ha) do { } while (0)
++#define qla4xxx_cfg_mem_free(ha) do { } while (0)
++#define qla4xxx_cfg_display_devices() do { } while (0)
++#define qla4xxx_process_failover_event(ha) do { } while (0)
++#define qla4xxx_start_all_adapters(ha) do { } while (0)
++#define qla4xxx_search_failover_queue(ha, cmd) (0)
++#define qla4xxx_do_fo_check(ha, sp, vis_ha) (0)
++#define qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha) (0)
++static __inline int
++qla4xxx_is_fcport_in_config(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport)
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha))
++ return qla4xxx_is_fcport_in_foconfig(ha, fcport);
++ else if (fcport->flags & FCF_PERSISTENT_BOUND)
++ return 1;
++ return 0;
++#endif /* __QLA_FOLN_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlisioct.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * File Name: qlisioct.h
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _QLISIOCT_H
++#define _QLISIOCT_H
++ * NOTE: the following version defines must be updated each time the
++ * changes made may affect the backward compatibility of the
++ * input/output relations of the IOCTL functions.
++ */
++#define EXT_VERSION 6
++ * OS independent General definitions
++ */
++#define EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE 128
++#define EXT_DEF_ADDR_MODE_32 1
++#define EXT_DEF_ADDR_MODE_64 2
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * OS type definitions
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++#ifdef _MSC_VER /* NT */
++#include "qlisiont.h"
++#elif defined(linux) /* Linux */
++#include "qlisioln.h"
++#elif defined(sun) || defined(__sun) /* Solaris */
++#include "qlisioso.h"
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * OS dependent General configuration defines
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++ * Addressing mode used by the user application
++ */
++ * Command Codes definitions
++ */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++ * Status. These macros are being used for setting Status field in
++ * EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI structure.
++ */
++#define EXT_STATUS_OK 0
++#define EXT_STATUS_ERR 1
++#define EXT_STATUS_BUSY 2
++#define EXT_STATUS_COPY_ERR 10
++ * Detail Status contains the SCSI bus status codes.
++ */
++#define EXT_DSTATUS_GOOD 0x00
++#define EXT_DSTATUS_BUSY 0x08
++ * Detail Status contains one of the following codes
++ * when Status = EXT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM or
++ */
++#define EXT_DSTATUS_HBA_INST 0x01
++#define EXT_DSTATUS_TARGET 0x02
++#define EXT_DSTATUS_LUN 0x03
++ * FLASH error status
++#define EXT_FLASH_NO_INFO 0x00
++#define EXT_FLASH_NO_MEMORY 0x0a
++ * EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI SubCode definition.
++ * These macros are being used for setting SubCode field in EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI
++ * structure.
++ */
++ * Sub codes for Query.
++ * Uses in combination with EXT_QUERY as the ioctl code.
++ */
++#define EXT_SC_QUERY_FW 7
++#define EXT_SC_QUERY_CHIP 8
++ * Sub codes for Get Data.
++ * Use in combination with EXT_GET_DATA as the ioctl code
++ */
++ * Sub codes for Set Data.
++ * Use in combination with EXT_SET_DATA as the ioctl code
++ */
++ * Defines for VendorSpecificStatus
++ */
++#define VENDOR_SPECIFIC_STATUS_MB_STATUS_INDEX 0 /* [0-4] mbSts */
++#define VENDOR_SPECIFIC_STATUS_MB_COMMAND_INDEX 5 /* [5-10] mbCmd */
++typedef struct _EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI {
++ UINT8 Signature[EXT_DEF_SIGNATURE_SIZE]; /* 8 */
++ UINT16 AddrMode; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Version; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 SubCode; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Instance; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 Status; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 DetailStatus; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Reserved1; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 RequestLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 ResponseLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT64 RequestAdr; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 ResponseAdr; /* 8 */
++ UINT16 HbaSelect; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 VendorSpecificStatus[11]; /* 44 */
++ UINT64 Signature2; /* 8 */
++} __attribute__((packed)) EXT_IOCTL_ISCSI, *PEXT_IOCTL_ISCSI; /* 106 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++/* Device Type */
++#define EXT_DEF_ISCSI_REMOTE 0x02
++#define EXT_DEF_ISCSI_LOCAL 0x01
++#define EXT_ISCSI_ENABLE_DHCP 0x01
++typedef struct _EXT_ISCSI_DEVICE {
++ UINT16 DeviceType; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 ExeThrottle; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 InitMarkerlessInt; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 RetryCount; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 RetryDelay; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 iSCSIOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 TCPOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 IPOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 MaxPDUSize; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 FirstBurstSize; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 LogoutMinTime; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 LogoutMaxTime; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 MaxOutstandingR2T; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 KeepAliveTimeout; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 PortNumber; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 MaxBurstSize; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 TaskMgmtTimeout; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 TargetAddr[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_TADDR_SIZE]; /* 32 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++#define EXT_DEF_IP_ADDR_SIZE 16
++typedef struct _EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR {
++ UINT8 IPAddress[EXT_DEF_IP_ADDR_SIZE]; /* 16 */
++ UINT16 Type; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved; /* 2 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++#define EXT_DEF_ISCSI_NAME_LEN 256
++typedef struct _EXT_NODE_INFO_ISCSI {
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ UINT8 Alias[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_ALIAS_LEN]; /* 32 */
++ UINT16 PortalCount; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 Reserved[10]; /* 10 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_SCSI_ADDR_ISCSI {
++ UINT16 Bus; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Target; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Lun; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Padding[5]; /* 10 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++/* Asynchronous Event Codes */
++#define EXT_DEF_LINK_UP 0x8011
++#define EXT_DEF_LINK_DOWN 0x8012
++#define EXT_DEF_DEVICE_UPDATE 0x8014
++#define EXT_DEF_STATS_ALARM 0x8020
++/* Required # of entries in the queue buffer allocated. */
++typedef struct _EXT_ASYNC_EVENT {
++ UINT32 AsyncEventCode; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Payload[EXT_DEF_MAX_AEN_PAYLOAD]; /* 28 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_CHIP_INFO {
++ UINT16 VendorId; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 DeviceId; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 SubVendorId; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 SubSystemId; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 BoardID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved[35]; /* 70 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++/* Options */
++/* Control */
++#define EXT_DEF_ISCSI_TX_LINKED 0x04
++/* DeviceState */
++typedef struct _EXT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI {
++ UINT8 Options; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Control; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 InitiatorSessID[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_ISID_SIZE]; /* 6 */
++ UINT16 TargetSessID; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 ReservedFlags; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 Password[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_PASSWORD_SIZE]; /* 32 */
++ EXT_ISCSI_DEVICE DeviceInfo; /* 64 */
++ EXT_NODE_INFO_ISCSI EntryInfo; /* 320 */
++ UINT16 ExeCount; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 NumValid; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 NextValid; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 DeviceState; /* 4 */
++ UINT16 DDBLink; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved[17]; /* 34 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_DEST_ADDR_ISCSI {
++ UINT8 iSCSINameStr[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_NAME_LEN]; /* 256 */
++ UINT16 SessionID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 ConnectionID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 PortNumber; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved[3]; /* 6 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_DISC_ISCSI_PORTAL {
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ UINT16 NodeCount; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 HostName[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT16 PortNumber; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved; /* 2 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_DISC_ISCSI_NODE {
++ UINT16 SessionID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 ConnectionID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 PortalGroupID; /* 2 */
++ EXT_NODE_INFO_ISCSI NodeInfo; /* 320 */
++ EXT_SCSI_ADDR_ISCSI ScsiAddr; /* 16 */
++ UINT16 Reserved; /* 2 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * EXT_DNS
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_DNS {
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ UINT8 Reserved[132]; /* 132 */
++} EXT_DNS, *PEXT_DNS; /* 152 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_DRIVER_INFO {
++ UINT8 Version[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT16 NumOfBus; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 TargetsPerBus; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 LunPerTarget; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 LunPerTargetOS; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 MaxTransferLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 MaxDataSegments; /* 4 */
++ UINT16 DmaBitAddresses; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 IoMapType; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 Attrib; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 InternalFlags[4]; /* 16 */
++ UINT32 Reserved[8]; /* 32 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_FW_INFO {
++ UINT8 Version[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT32 Attrib; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Reserved[8]; /* 32 */
++} EXT_FW_INFO, *PEXT_FW_INFO; /* 164 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_HBA_ISCSI_NODE {
++ UINT8 DeviceName[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT16 PortNumber; /* 2 */
++ EXT_NODE_INFO_ISCSI NodeInfo; /* 320 */
++ UINT16 Reserved; /* 2 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++/* State */
++/* Type */
++typedef struct _EXT_HBA_ISCSI_PORTAL {
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ UINT8 MacAddr[EXT_DEF_MAC_ADDR_SIZE]; /* 6 */
++ UINT8 Padding[2]; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 SerialNum; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 Manufacturer[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT8 Model[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT8 DriverVersion[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT8 FWVersion[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT8 OptRomVersion[EXT_DEF_MAX_STR_SIZE]; /* 128 */
++ UINT16 State; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Type; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 DriverAttr; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 FWAttr; /* 4 */
++ UINT16 DiscTargetCount; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 Reserved; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_GEN {
++ UINT64 HBAPortErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 DevicePortErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IoCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 MBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 InterruptCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 LinkFailureCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 InvalidCrcCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT32 Reserved[2]; /* 8 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_HBA_PORT_STAT_ISCSI {
++ UINT64 MACTxFramesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 MACTxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 MACRxFramesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 MACRxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 MACCRCErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 MACEncodingErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPTxPacketsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPTxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPTxFragmentsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPRxPacketsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPRxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPRxFragmentsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPDatagramReassemblyCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPv6RxPacketsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPRxPacketErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 IPReassemblyErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPTxSegmentsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPTxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPRxSegmentsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPRxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPTimerExpiredCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPRxACKCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPTxACKCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPRxErrorSegmentCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 TCPWindowProbeUpdateCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSITxPDUCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSITxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSIRxPDUCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSIRxBytesCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSICompleteIOsCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSIUnexpectedIORxCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSIFormatErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSIHeaderDigestCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSIDataDigestErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT64 iSCSISeqErrorCount; /* 8 */
++ UINT32 Reserved[2]; /* 8 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++#define EXT_DEF_FW_MARKER_DISABLE 0x0400
++#define EXT_DEF_FW_DMA_INT_ENABLE 0x0004
++typedef struct _EXT_INIT_FW_ISCSI {
++ UINT8 Reserved1; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Version; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 FWOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 AddFWOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 WakeupThreshold; /* 2 */
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR SubnetMask; /* 20 */
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR Gateway; /* 20 */
++ EXT_DNS DNSConfig; /* 152 */
++ UINT8 Alias[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_ALIAS_LEN]; /* 32 */
++ EXT_ISCSI_DEVICE DeviceInfo; /* 64 */
++ UINT8 Reserved[4]; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_ISCSI_PASSTHRU {
++ EXT_DEST_ADDR_ISCSI Addr; /* 268 */
++ UINT16 Direction; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 PduInLength; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 PduOutLength; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Flags; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Reserved; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++#define EXT_DEF_ENABLE_STATS_AEN 0x00000002
++#define EXT_DEF_ENABLE_DDB_CHANGED_AEN 0x00000001
++typedef struct _EXT_REG_AEN_ISCSI {
++ UINT32 Enable; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 Reserved[3]; /* 12 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_SCSI_PASSTHRU_ISCSI {
++ EXT_SCSI_ADDR_ISCSI Addr; /* 16 */
++ UINT8 Direction; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 CdbLength; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Reserved[16]; /* 16 */
++ UINT8 SenseData[EXT_DEF_SCSI_SENSE_DATA_SIZE];/* 256 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _EXT_ISNS_SERVER {
++ UINT8 PerformiSNSDiscovery; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 AutomaticiSNSDiscovery; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Reserved1[2]; /* 2 */
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ UINT16 PortNumber; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved2; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 InitiatorName[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_NAME_LEN]; /* 256 */
++ UINT32 Reserved3; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ UINT16 PortNumber; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved; /* 2 */
++ /* 24 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++ UINT32 NumPortals; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 DDID; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 NameString[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_NAME_LEN]; /* 256 */
++ UINT8 Alias[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_ALIAS_LEN]; /* 32 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++ UINT32 iSNSDiscoveredTargetIndexStart; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 NumiSNSDiscoveredTargets; /* 4 */
++ /* 12544 */
++ /* 12548 */
++#endif /* _QLISIOCT_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_def.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@
++* QLogic ISP4xxx iSCSI driver
++* Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation
++* (
++* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++* later version.
++* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++* General Public License for more details.
++#ifndef __QL4_DEF_H
++#define __QL4_DEF_H
++#include <linux/kernel.h>
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++#include <linux/pci.h>
++#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++#include <linux/dmapool.h>
++#include <linux/mempool.h>
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/completion.h>
++#include <asm/semaphore.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
++/* XXX(dg): move to pci_ids.h */
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP4010 0x4010
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP4022 0x4022
++#define IS_QLA4010(ha) ((ha)->pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP4010)
++#define IS_QLA4022(ha) ((ha)->pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP4022)
++#if defined(CONFIG_COMPAT) && !defined(CONFIG_IA64)
++ * This file set some defines that are required to compile the
++ * command source for 4000 module
++ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++#define QLA4010
++#define QLA4XXX_PROC_NAME "qla4010"
++#define MEMORY_MAPPED_IO 1 /* 1=Memory Mapped (preferred),
++ * 0=I/O Mapped */
++#define LINESIZE 256
++#define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
++#define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
++ * Return status codes for internal routines
++ ********************************************/
++#define QLA_SUCCESS 0
++#define QLA_ERROR 1
++ * Data bit definitions
++ */
++#define BIT_0 0x1
++#define BIT_1 0x2
++#define BIT_2 0x4
++#define BIT_3 0x8
++#define BIT_4 0x10
++#define BIT_5 0x20
++#define BIT_6 0x40
++#define BIT_7 0x80
++#define BIT_8 0x100
++#define BIT_9 0x200
++#define BIT_10 0x400
++#define BIT_11 0x800
++#define BIT_12 0x1000
++#define BIT_13 0x2000
++#define BIT_14 0x4000
++#define BIT_15 0x8000
++#define BIT_16 0x10000
++#define BIT_17 0x20000
++#define BIT_18 0x40000
++#define BIT_19 0x80000
++#define BIT_20 0x100000
++#define BIT_21 0x200000
++#define BIT_22 0x400000
++#define BIT_23 0x800000
++#define BIT_24 0x1000000
++#define BIT_25 0x2000000
++#define BIT_26 0x4000000
++#define BIT_27 0x8000000
++#define BIT_28 0x10000000
++#define BIT_29 0x20000000
++#define BIT_30 0x40000000
++#define BIT_31 0x80000000
++ * Host adapter default definitions
++ ***********************************/
++#define MAX_HBAS 16
++#define MAX_BUSES 1
++#define MAX_LUNS 256
++#define MAX_AEN_ENTRIES 256 /* should be > EXT_DEF_MAX_AEN_QUEUE */
++#define MAX_PDU_ENTRIES 32
++#define MAX_CMDS_TO_RISC 1024
++#define MBOX_AEN_REG_COUNT 5
++#define MAX_INIT_RETRIES 2
++ * Buffer sizes
++ ***************/
++#define QUEUE_SIZE 64
++#define DMA_BUFFER_SIZE 512
++ * Misc
++ *******/
++#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6 /* in bytes */
++#define IP_ADDR_LEN 4 /* in bytes */
++#define DRIVER_NAME "qla4xxx"
++/* Number of seconds to subtract for internal command timer */
++#define ISCSI_IPADDR_SIZE 4 /* IP address size */
++#define ISCSI_ALIAS_SIZE 32 /* ISCSI Alais name size */
++#define ISCSI_NAME_SIZE 255 /* ISCSI Name size - usually a string */
++#define SYS_DELAY(x) do {udelay(x);barrier();} while(0);
++#define QLA4XXX_DELAY(sec) do {mdelay(sec * 1000);} while(0);
++#define NVRAM_DELAY() do {udelay(500);} while(0); /* 500 microsecond delay */
++/* delay 30 seconds */
++#define RESET_DELAY() do {int delay; for(delay=30; delay!=0; delay--) \
++ {current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE; \
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);}} while(0);
++#define TOPCAT_RESET_DELAY() do {udelay(1);} while(0);
++#define TOPCAT_POST_RESET_DELAY() do {udelay(523);} while(0);
++#define LSB(x) ((uint8_t)(x))
++#define MSB(x) ((uint8_t)((uint16_t)(x) >> 8))
++#define LSW(x) ((uint16_t)(x))
++#define MSW(x) ((uint16_t)((uint32_t)(x) >> 16))
++#define LSDW(x) ((uint32_t)((uint64_t)(x)))
++#define MSDW(x) ((uint32_t)((((uint64_t)(x)) >> 16) >> 16))
++#define IPAddrIsZero( _X1_ ) ((_X1_)[0] == 0 && \
++ (_X1_)[1] == 0 && \
++ (_X1_)[2] == 0 && \
++ (_X1_)[3] == 0)
++#define IPAddrIsEqual(_X1_, _X2_) ((_X1_)[0] == (_X2_)[0] && \
++ (_X1_)[1] == (_X2_)[1] && \
++ (_X1_)[2] == (_X2_)[2] && \
++ (_X1_)[3] == (_X2_)[3])
++#define IPAddr2Uint32(_X1_,_X2_) { \
++ *_X2_ = 0; \
++ *_X2_ |= _X1_[3] << 24; \
++ *_X2_ |= _X1_[2] << 16; \
++ *_X2_ |= _X1_[1] << 8; \
++ *_X2_ |= _X1_[0];}
++ * I/O port access macros
++ *************************/
++# define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) readb(addr)
++# define RD_REG_WORD(addr) readw(addr)
++# define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) readl(addr)
++# define RD_REG_WORD_RELAXED(addr) readw_relaxed(addr)
++# define RD_REG_DWORD_RELAXED(addr) readl_relaxed(addr)
++# define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) writeb(data, addr)
++# define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) writew(data, addr)
++# define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) writel(data, addr)
++# define RD_REG_BYTE(addr) (inb((u_long)addr))
++# define RD_REG_WORD(addr) (inw((u_long)addr))
++# define RD_REG_DWORD(addr) (inl((u_long)addr))
++# define WRT_REG_BYTE(addr, data) (outb(data,(u_long)addr))
++# define WRT_REG_WORD(addr, data) (outw((data),(u_long)addr))
++# define WRT_REG_DWORD(addr, data) (outl((data),(u_long)addr))
++#define PCI_POSTING(a) (RD_REG_DWORD(a))
++#include "ql4_os.h"
++#include "ql4_fw.h"
++#include "ql4_nvram.h"
++ * Retry & Timeout Values
++ *************************/
++#define MBOX_TOV 30
++#define SOFT_RESET_TOV 30
++#define RESET_INTR_TOV 3
++#define SEMAPHORE_TOV 10
++#define ADAPTER_INIT_TOV 120
++#define ADAPTER_RESET_TOV 180
++#define EXTEND_CMD_TOV 60
++#define WAIT_CMD_TOV 30
++#define EH_WAIT_CMD_TOV 120
++#define FIRMWARE_UP_TOV 60
++#define LOGOUT_TOV 10
++#define IOCB_TOV_MARGIN 10
++#define RELOGIN_TOV 18
++#define ISNS_DEREG_TOV 5
++ * SCSI Request Block structure (srb) that is placed
++ * on cmd->SCp location of every I/O [We have 22 bytes available]
++ */
++typedef struct _srb_t {
++ struct list_head list_entry; /* (8) */
++ struct scsi_qla_host *ha; /* HA the SP is queued on */
++ uint16_t flags; /* (1) Status flags. */
++ #define SRB_DMA_VALID BIT_3 /* DMA Buffer mapped. */
++ #define SRB_GOT_SENSE BIT_4 /* sense data recieved. */
++ #define SRB_IOCTL_CMD BIT_5 /* generated from an IOCTL. */
++ #define SRB_BUSY BIT_7 /* in busy retry state. */
++ #define SRB_FO_CANCEL BIT_8 /* don't need to failover. */
++ #define SRB_RETRY BIT_9 /* needs retrying. */
++ #define SRB_TAPE BIT_10 /* FCP2 (Tape) command. */
++ #define SRB_FAILOVER BIT_11 /* being failed-over. */
++ uint8_t state; /* (1) Status flags. */
++ #define SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE 0 /* Request is in between states */
++ #define SRB_FREE_STATE 1
++ #define SRB_PENDING_STATE 2
++ #define SRB_ACTIVE_STATE 3
++ #define SRB_RETRY_STATE 5
++ #define SRB_DONE_STATE 6
++ #define SRB_SUSPENDED_STATE 7 /* Request in suspended state */
++ #define SRB_FAILOVER_STATE 8 /* Request in Failover Queue */
++ #define SRB_STATE_TBL() \
++ { \
++ "NO_QUEUE" , \
++ "FREE" , \
++ "PENDING" , \
++ "ACTIVE" , \
++ "RETRY" , \
++ "DONE" , \
++ "SUSPENDED" , \
++ "FAILOVER" , \
++ NULL \
++ }
++ uint8_t entry_count; /* (1) number of request queue
++ * entries used */
++ uint16_t reserved2;
++ uint16_t active_array_index;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd; /* (4) SCSI command block */
++ dma_addr_t saved_dma_handle; /* (4) for unmap of single transfers */
++ atomic_t ref_count; /* reference count for this srb */
++ uint32_t fw_ddb_index;
++ /* Target/LUN queue pointers. */
++ struct os_tgt *tgt_queue; /* ptr to visible ha's target */
++ struct os_lun *lun_queue; /* ptr to visible ha's lun */
++ struct fc_lun *fclun; /* FC LUN context pointer. */
++ /* Raw completion info for use by failover ? */
++ uint8_t fo_retry_cnt; /* Retry count this request */
++ uint8_t err_id; /* error id */
++ #define SRB_ERR_PORT 1 /* Request failed because "port down" */
++ #define SRB_ERR_LOOP 2 /* Request failed because "loop down" */
++ #define SRB_ERR_DEVICE 3 /* Request failed because "device error" */
++ #define SRB_ERR_OTHER 4
++ uint32_t lun;
++ struct timer_list timer; /* used to timeout command */
++ uint16_t os_tov;
++ uint16_t iocb_tov;
++ uint16_t iocb_cnt; /* Number of used iocbs */
++ uint16_t cc_stat;
++ u_long r_start; /* Time we recieve a cmd from OS*/
++ u_long u_start; /* Time when we handed the cmd to F/W */
++} srb_t;
++ * SCSI Target Queue structure
++ */
++typedef struct os_tgt {
++ struct os_lun *olun[MAX_LUNS]; /* LUN context pointer. */
++ struct scsi_qla_host *ha;
++ uint32_t down_timer;
++ struct fc_port *fcport; /* Current fcport for this target */
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint8_t port_down_retry_count;
++ uint8_t id;
++ /* Persistent binding information */
++ uint16_t ddb_index;
++ uint8_t iscsi_name[ISCSI_NAME_SIZE];
++ //uint8_t ip_addr[ISCSI_IPADDR_SIZE];
++ //uint8_t alias[ISCSI_ALIAS_SIZE];
++ uint8_t *name;
++} os_tgt_t;
++ * SCSI Target Queue flags
++ */
++#define TQF_ONLINE 0 /* Device online to OS. */
++#define TQF_SUSPENDED 1
++#define TQF_RETRY_CMDS 2
++ * LUN structure
++ */
++typedef struct os_lun {
++ struct fc_lun *fclun; /* FC LUN context pointer. */
++ struct list_head list_entry; /* 16 x10 For suspended lun list */
++ struct scsi_device *sdev;
++ spinlock_t lun_lock; /* 24 x18 For suspended lun list */
++ unsigned long flags;
++ #define LF_LUN_DELAYED 0
++ #define LF_LUN_SUSPEND 1
++ #define LF_LUN_BLOCKED 2
++ #define LUN_MPIO_RESET_CNTS 3 /* Lun */
++ uint8_t lun_state; /* 00 x00 */
++ #define LS_LUN_READY 0 /* LUN is ready to accept commands */
++ #define LS_LUN_SUSPENDED 1 /* LUN is suspended */
++ #define LS_LUN_RETRY 2 /* LUN is retrying commands */
++ #define LS_LUN_TIMEOUT 3 /* */
++ #define LUN_STATE_TBL() \
++ { \
++ "READY" , \
++ "SUSPENDED" , \
++ "RETRY" , \
++ "TIMEOUT" , \
++ NULL \
++ }
++ uint8_t out_count; /* 01 x01 Number of outstanding commands */
++ uint8_t lun; /* 02 x02 Lun number */
++ uint8_t retry_count; /* 03 x03 Number of times lun is suspended */
++ uint8_t max_retry_count; /* 04 x04 Max number of times lun can be */
++ /* suspended before returning commands */
++ uint8_t reserved[3]; /* 05 x05 */
++ uint32_t tot_io_count; /* 08 x08 Total num outstanding I/Os */
++ atomic_t suspend_timer; /* 12 x0c Timer for suspending lun */
++ //struct list_head list_entry; /* 16 x10 List structure for suspended lun list */
++ //spinlock_t lun_lock; /* 24 x18 Spinlock for suspended lun list */
++ void *fo_info;
++} os_lun_t;
++/* Never set this to Zero */
++/* LUN BitMask structure definition, array of 32bit words,
++ * 1 bit per lun. When bit == 1, the lun is masked.
++ * Most significant bit of mask[0] is lun 0, bit 24 is lun 7.
++ */
++typedef struct lun_bit_mask {
++ /* Must allocate at least enough bits to accomodate all LUNs */
++#if ((MAX_LUNS & 0x7) == 0)
++ UINT8 mask[MAX_LUNS >> 3];
++ uint8_t mask[(MAX_LUNS + 8) >> 3];
++} lun_bit_mask_t;
++ * Device Database (DDB) structure
++ */
++typedef struct ddb_entry {
++ struct list_head list_entry; /* 00 x00 */
++ uint16_t bus; /* 08 x08 SCSI bus number */
++ uint16_t target; /* 10 x0a SCSI target ID */
++ struct fc_port *fcport;
++ uint16_t fw_ddb_index; /* 12 x0c DDB index from firmware's DEV_DB structure */
++ uint16_t out_count; /* 14 x0e Number of active commands */
++ uint8_t num_valid_luns; /* 16 x10 Number of valid luns */
++ uint8_t reserved[3]; /* 17 x11 */
++ /* refer to MBOX_CMD_GET_DATABASE_ENTRY for fw_ddb_fw_ddb_device_state definitions */
++ uint32_t fw_ddb_device_state; /* 20 x14 Device State */
++ #define DDB_STATE_TBL(){ \
++ NULL \
++ }
++ uint32_t CmdSn; /* 24 x18 */
++ uint16_t target_session_id; /* 28 x1c */
++ uint16_t connection_id; /* 30 x1e */
++ uint16_t exe_throttle; /* 32 x20 Max mumber of cmds outstanding simultaneously */
++ uint16_t task_mgmt_timeout; /* 34 x22 Min time for task mgmt cmds to complete */
++ uint16_t default_relogin_timeout; /*36 x24 Max time to wait for relogin to complete */
++ uint16_t tcp_source_port_num; /* 38 x26 */
++ uint32_t default_time2wait; /* 40 x28 Default Min time between relogins (+aens) */
++ atomic_t port_down_timer; /* 44 x2c Device down time */
++ atomic_t retry_relogin_timer; /* 48 x30 Min Time between relogins (4000 only)*/
++ atomic_t relogin_timer; /* 52 x34 Max Time to wait for relogin to complete */
++ atomic_t relogin_retry_count; /* 56 x38 Num of times relogin has been retried */
++ atomic_t state; /* 60 x3c Device State*/
++ #define DEV_STATE_DEAD 0 /* We can no longer talk to this device */
++ #define DEV_STATE_ONLINE 1 /* Device ready to accept commands */
++ #define DEV_STATE_MISSING 2 /* Device logged off, trying to re-login */
++ #define DEV_STATE_TBL(){ \
++ "DEAD" , \
++ "ONLINE" , \
++ "MISSING" , \
++ NULL \
++ }
++ unsigned long flags; /* 64 x40 */
++ #define DF_RELOGIN 0 /* Relogin to device */
++ #define DF_NO_RELOGIN 1 /* Do not relogin if IOCTL logged it out */
++ #define DF_ISNS_DISCOVERED 2 /* Device was discovered via iSNS */
++ uint8_t ip_addr[ISCSI_IPADDR_SIZE];
++ // uint8_t ip_addr[4]; /* 68 x44 */
++ uint8_t iscsi_name[ISCSI_NAME_SIZE]; /* 72 x48 */
++ // uint8_t iscsi_name[0x100]; /* 72 x48 */
++ // lun_entry_t *lun_table[MAX_LUNS];/*328 x148 */
++} ddb_entry_t; /*840 x348 */
++ * Fibre channel port type.
++ */
++typedef enum {
++} fc_port_type_t;
++ * Fibre channel port structure.
++ */
++typedef struct fc_port {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct list_head fcluns;
++ struct scsi_qla_host *ha;
++ struct scsi_qla_host *vis_ha; /* only used when suspending lun */
++ ddb_entry_t *ddbptr;
++ uint8_t *iscsi_name;
++ fc_port_type_t port_type;
++ atomic_t state;
++ uint32_t flags;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt_queue;
++ uint16_t os_target_id;
++ uint8_t device_type;
++ uint8_t unused;
++ uint8_t mp_byte; /* multi-path byte (not used) */
++ uint8_t cur_path; /* current path id */
++ int16_t cfg_id; /* index into cfg device table */
++ uint16_t notify_type;
++ int (*fo_combine)(void *, uint16_t, struct fc_port *, uint16_t);
++ int (*fo_detect)(void);
++ int (*fo_notify)(void);
++ int (*fo_select)(void);
++ lun_bit_mask_t lun_mask;
++ int loop_id;
++} fc_port_t;
++ * Fibre channel port/lun states.
++ */
++#define FCS_DEVICE_DEAD 2
++#define FCS_DEVICE_LOST 3
++#define FCS_ONLINE 4
++#define FCS_FAILOVER 6
++ * FC port flags.
++ */
++#define FCF_FO_MASKED BIT_2
++#define FCF_XP_DEVICE BIT_7
++#define FCF_MSA_DEVICE BIT_9
++#define FCF_EVA_DEVICE BIT_13
++#define FCF_RLC_SUPPORT BIT_14
++#define FCF_CONFIG BIT_15 /* Needed? */
++#define FCF_VSA BIT_19
++#define FCF_HD_DEVICE BIT_20
++#define FCF_NONFO_DEVICE BIT_21 /* Non Failover device */
++/* No loop ID flag. */
++//#define FC_NO_LOOP_ID 0x1000
++ * Fibre channel LUN structure.
++ */
++typedef struct fc_lun {
++ struct list_head list;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ atomic_t state;
++ uint8_t device_type;
++ uint8_t flags;
++ #define FLF_VISIBLE_LUN BIT_0
++ #define FLF_ACTIVE_LUN BIT_1
++ uint8_t lun_state; /* 00 x00 */
++ #define LS_LUN_RESET_MARKER_NEEDED 4 /* LUN Reset marker needed */
++ void *mplun;
++ void *mpbuf; /* ptr to buffer use by multi-path driver */
++ int mplen;
++ uint8_t max_path_retries;
++} fc_lun_t, lun_entry_t;
++ * Asynchronous Event Queue structure
++ */
++typedef struct {
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_AEN_REG_COUNT];
++ * NOTE: This structure definition really belongs in the ql4isns.h file,
++ * but it's easier to compile when the structure is defined here.
++ */
++typedef struct _ATTRIBUTE_LIST {
++ uint32_t isns_tag;
++ #define ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_EMPTY 1 // Used for delimiter attr. & operating attr. for query.
++ #define ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING 2 // UTF-8 encoded string
++ #define ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_ADDRESS 4 // 128-bit IPv6
++ uint32_t type;
++ unsigned long data;
++typedef struct hba_ioctl{
++ /* This semaphore protects several threads to do ioctl commands
++ * concurrently.
++ *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ struct semaphore ioctl_sem;
++ /* Passthru cmd/completion */
++ struct semaphore ioctl_cmpl_sem;
++ struct timer_list ioctl_cmpl_timer;
++ uint32_t ioctl_tov;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *ioctl_err_cmd;
++ uint8_t ioctl_scsi_pass_in_progress;
++ uint8_t ioctl_iocb_pass_in_progress;
++ /* AEN queue */
++ void *aen_tracking_queue;/* points to async events buffer */
++ uint8_t aen_q_head; /* index to the current head of q */
++ uint8_t aen_q_tail; /* index to the current tail of q */
++ /* Misc. */
++ uint32_t flags;
++#define IOCTL_OPEN BIT_0
++ uint8_t *scrap_mem; /* per ha scrap buf for ioctl usage */
++ uint32_t scrap_mem_size; /* total size */
++ uint32_t scrap_mem_used; /* portion used */
++} hba_ioctl_context;
++ * Linux Host Adapter structure
++ */
++typedef struct scsi_qla_host {
++ struct list_head list;
++ /* Linux adapter configuration data */
++ struct Scsi_Host *host; /* pointer to host data */
++ struct scsi_qla_host *next;
++ uint32_t tot_ddbs;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ #define AF_ONLINE 0 /* 0x00000001 */
++ #define AF_INIT_DONE 1 /* 0x00000002 */
++ #define AF_MBOX_COMMAND 2 /* 0x00000004 */
++ #define AF_MBOX_COMMAND_DONE 3 /* 0x00000008 */
++ #define AF_DPC_SCHEDULED 5 /* 0x00000020 */
++ #define AF_INTERRUPTS_ON 6 /* 0x00000040 Not Used */
++ #define AF_GET_CRASH_RECORD 7 /* 0x00000080 */
++ #define AF_LINK_UP 8 /* 0x00000100 */
++ #define AF_TOPCAT_CHIP_PRESENT 9 /* 0x00000200 */
++ #define AF_IRQ_ATTACHED 10 /* 0x00000400 */
++ #define AF_64BIT_PCI_ADDR 11 /* 0x00000800 */
++ unsigned long dpc_flags;
++ #define DPC_RESET_HA 1 /* 0x00000002 */
++ #define DPC_RETRY_RESET_HA 2 /* 0x00000004 */
++ #define DPC_RELOGIN_DEVICE 3 /* 0x00000008 */
++ #define DPC_RESET_HA_DESTROY_DDB_LIST 4 /* 0x00000010 */
++ #define DPC_RESET_HA_INTR 5 /* 0x00000020 */
++ #define DPC_IOCTL_ERROR_RECOVERY 6 /* 0x00000040 */
++ #define DPC_ISNS_RESTART 7 /* 0x00000080 */
++ #define DPC_ISNS_RESTART_COMPLETION 8 /* 0x00000100 */
++ #define DPC_AEN 9 /* 0x00000200 */
++ #define DPC_CHECK_LUN 10 /* 0x00000200 */
++ /* Failover flags */
++ #define DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT 11
++ uint16_t iocb_cnt;
++ uint16_t iocb_hiwat;
++ uint16_t req_q_count; /* Number of available request queue entries. */
++ u_long i_start; /* jiffies at start of IOCTL */
++ u_long i_end; /* jiffies at end of IOCTL */
++ u_long f_start; /* jiffies at sending cmd to f/w */
++ u_long f_end; /* jiffies at receiving cmd from f/w */
++ /* pci information */
++ struct pci_dev *pdev;
++ struct qla_board_info *brd_info;
++ unsigned long pci_resource_flags;
++ uint8_t marker_needed;
++ uint8_t rsvd1;
++ /* adapter instance w.r.t. all scsi hosts in OS */
++ uint16_t host_no;
++ /* adapter instance w.r.t. this driver */
++ uint16_t instance;
++ void *virt_mmapbase;
++ uint32_t function_number;
++ /* ISP registers, Base Memory-mapped I/O address */
++ isp_reg_t *reg;
++ // temp only
++ unsigned long io_addr;
++ unsigned long mem_addr;
++ unsigned long io_len;
++ unsigned long mem_len;
++ unsigned int irq; /* IRQ for adapter */
++ /* NVRAM registers */
++ eeprom_data_t *nvram;
++ /* Counters for general statistics */
++ uint64_t adapter_error_count;
++ uint64_t device_error_count;
++ uint64_t total_io_count;
++ uint64_t total_mbytes_xferred;
++ uint64_t isr_count; /* Interrupt count */
++ uint64_t link_failure_count;
++ uint64_t invalid_crc_count;
++ uint32_t spurious_int_count;
++ uint32_t aborted_io_count;
++ uint32_t io_timeout_count;
++ uint32_t mailbox_timeout_count;
++ uint32_t seconds_since_last_intr;
++ uint32_t seconds_since_last_heartbeat;
++ /* Info Needed for Management App */
++ /* --- From GetFwVersion --- */
++ uint32_t firmware_version[2];
++ uint32_t patch_number;
++ uint32_t build_number;
++ /* --- From Init_FW --- */
++ uint16_t firmware_options;
++ uint16_t tcp_options;
++ uint8_t ip_address[IP_ADDR_LEN];
++ uint8_t isns_ip_address[IP_ADDR_LEN];
++ uint16_t isns_server_port_number;
++ uint8_t alias[32];
++ uint8_t name_string[256];
++ uint8_t heartbeat_interval;
++ uint8_t rsvd;
++ /* --- From FlashSysInfo --- */
++ uint8_t my_mac[MAC_ADDR_LEN];
++ uint8_t serial_number[16];
++ /* --- From GetFwState --- */
++ uint32_t firmware_state;
++ uint32_t board_id;
++ uint32_t addl_fw_state;
++ /* FIXME: Define an iscsi structure for this stuf and point to it*/
++ /* - this helps to keep the HA small for performance */
++ /* iSNS information */
++ unsigned long isns_flags;
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_ENABLED_IN_ISP 0 /* 0x00000001 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_ENABLED 1 /* 0x00000002 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_REGISTERED 2 /* 0x00000004 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SCN_REGISTERED 4 /* 0x00000010 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_QUERY_SINGLE_OBJECT 5 /* 0x00000020 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_SCN_IN_PROGRESS 6 /* 0x00000040 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART 7 /* 0x00000080 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_REREGISTER 28 /* 0x10000000 */
++ #define ISNS_FLAG_RESTART_SERVICE 31 /* 0x80000000 */
++ uint16_t isns_connection_id;
++ uint16_t isns_scn_conn_id;
++ uint16_t isns_esi_conn_id;
++ uint16_t isns_nsh_conn_id;
++ uint16_t isns_remote_port_num;
++ uint16_t isns_scn_port_num;
++ uint16_t isns_esi_port_num;
++ uint16_t isns_nsh_port_num;
++ uint8_t isns_entity_id[256];
++ atomic_t isns_restart_timer;
++ uint16_t isns_transaction_id;
++ uint16_t isns_num_discovered_targets;
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_reg_attr_list[13];
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_dereg_attr_list[7];
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_scn_reg_attr_list[5];
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_scn_dereg_attr_list[3];
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_dev_get_next_attr_list[5];
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list[13];
++ /* Linux kernel thread */
++ pid_t dpc_pid;
++ int dpc_should_die;
++ struct completion dpc_inited;
++ struct completion dpc_exited;
++ struct semaphore *dpc_wait;
++ uint8_t dpc_active; /* DPC routine is active */
++ /* Linux timer thread */
++ struct timer_list timer;
++ uint32_t timer_active;
++ /* Recovery Timers */
++ uint32_t port_down_retry_count;
++ uint32_t discovery_wait;
++ atomic_t check_relogin_timeouts;
++ uint32_t retry_reset_ha_cnt;
++ uint32_t isp_reset_timer; /* reset test timer */
++ int eh_start; /* To wake up the mid layer error
++ * handler thread */
++ /* This spinlock must be held with irqs disabled in order to access
++ * the pending, retry and free srb queues.
++ *
++ * The list_lock spinlock is of lower priority than the io_request
++ * lock.
++ *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ spinlock_t list_lock ____cacheline_aligned;
++ /* internal srb queues */
++ struct list_head failover_queue; /* failover request list. */
++ uint16_t failover_cnt;
++ struct list_head retry_srb_q; /* retry queue request list */
++ uint16_t retry_srb_q_count;
++ struct list_head free_srb_q;
++ uint16_t free_srb_q_count;
++ uint16_t num_srbs_allocated;
++ /* This spinlock must be held with irqs disabled in order to access
++ * the done srb queue and suspended_lun queue.
++ *
++ * The adapter_lock spinlock is of lower priority than the
++ * io_request lock.
++ *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ spinlock_t adapter_lock;
++ /* Done queue
++ * In order to avoid deadlocks with the list_lock,
++ * place all srbs to be returned to OS on this list.
++ * After the list_lock is released, return all of
++ * these commands to the OS */
++ struct list_head done_srb_q;
++ uint16_t done_srb_q_count;
++ /* This spinlock is used to protect "io transactions", you must
++ * aquire it before doing any IO to the card, eg with RD_REG*() and
++ * WRT_REG*() for the duration of your entire command transaction.
++ * It is also used to protect the active_srb_array.
++ *
++ * The hardware_lock spinlock is of lower priority than the
++ * io request lock.
++ *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ //spinlock_t hardware_lock ____cacheline_aligned;
++ spinlock_t hardware_lock;
++ /* Active array */
++ srb_t *active_srb_array[MAX_SRBS];
++ uint16_t active_srb_count;
++ uint16_t current_active_index;
++ int mem_err;
++ /* DMA Memory Block */
++ void *queues;
++ dma_addr_t queues_dma;
++ unsigned long queues_len;
++#define MEM_ALIGN_VALUE \
++ sizeof(QUEUE_ENTRY))
++ /* request and response queue variables */
++ dma_addr_t request_dma;
++ QUEUE_ENTRY *request_ring;
++ QUEUE_ENTRY *request_ptr;
++ dma_addr_t response_dma;
++ QUEUE_ENTRY *response_ring;
++ QUEUE_ENTRY *response_ptr;
++ dma_addr_t shadow_regs_dma;
++ shadow_regs_t *shadow_regs;
++ uint16_t request_in; /* Current indexes. */
++ uint16_t request_out;
++ uint16_t response_in;
++ uint16_t response_out;
++ /* aen queue variables */
++ uint16_t aen_q_count; /* Number of available aen_q entries */
++ uint16_t aen_in; /* Current indexes */
++ uint16_t aen_out;
++ aen_t aen_q[MAX_AEN_ENTRIES];
++ /* pdu variables */
++ uint16_t pdu_count; /* Number of available aen_q entries */
++ uint16_t pdu_in; /* Current indexes */
++ uint16_t pdu_out;
++ PDU_ENTRY *free_pdu_top;
++ PDU_ENTRY *free_pdu_bottom;
++ uint16_t pdu_active;
++ /* This semaphore protects several threads to do mailbox commands
++ * concurrently.
++ *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ struct semaphore mbox_sem;
++ wait_queue_head_t mailbox_wait_queue;
++ /* temporary mailbox status registers */
++ volatile uint8_t mbox_status_count;
++ volatile uint32_t mbox_status[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ hba_ioctl_context *ioctl;
++ void *ioctl_dma_bufv;
++ dma_addr_t ioctl_dma_bufp;
++ uint32_t ioctl_dma_buf_len;
++ ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET *isns_disc_tgt_databasev;
++ dma_addr_t isns_disc_tgt_databasep;
++ uint32_t isns_disc_tgt_database_size;
++ /* local device database list (contains internal ddb entries)*/
++ struct list_head ddb_list;
++ /* Fibre Channel Device List. */
++ struct list_head fcports;
++ /* Map ddb_list entry by SCSI target id */
++ // ddb_entry_t *target_map[MAX_TARGETS];
++ /* OS target queue pointers. */
++ os_tgt_t *otgt[MAX_TARGETS+1];
++ /* Map ddb_list entry by FW ddb index */
++ ddb_entry_t *fw_ddb_index_map[MAX_DDB_ENTRIES];
++ uint32_t failover_type;
++ uint32_t failback_delay;
++ unsigned long cfg_flags;
++ #define CFG_ACTIVE 0 /* CFG during a failover, event update, or ioctl */
++ #define CFG_FAILOVER 1
++ /* Adapter I/O statistics for failover */
++ uint64_t IosRequested;
++ uint64_t BytesRequested;
++ uint64_t IosExecuted;
++ uint64_t BytesExecuted;
++ /*
++ * There are several Scsi_Host members that are RHEL3 specific
++ * yet depend on the SCSI_HAS_HOST_LOCK define for visibility.
++ * Unfortuantely, it seems several RH kernels have the define
++ * set, but do not have a host_lock member.
++ *
++ * Use the SH_HAS_HOST_LOCK define determined during driver
++ * compilation rather than SCSI_HAS_HOST_LOCK.
++ */
++ /* Scsi midlayer lock */
++ #if defined(SH_HAS_HOST_LOCK)
++ spinlock_t host_lock ____cacheline_aligned;
++ #endif
++#define ADAPTER_UP(ha) ((test_bit(AF_ONLINE, &ha->flags) != 0) && (test_bit(AF_LINK_UP, &ha->flags) != 0))
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t ha_mac[MAX_HBAS][MAC_ADDR_LEN];
++} mac_cfgs_t;
++ * Other macros
++ */
++#define TGT_Q(ha, t) (ha->otgt[t])
++#define LUN_Q(ha, t, l) (TGT_Q(ha, t)->olun[l])
++#define GET_LU_Q(ha, t, l) ((TGT_Q(ha,t) != NULL)? TGT_Q(ha, t)->olun[l] : NULL)
++#define to_qla_host(x) ((scsi_qla_host_t *) (x)->hostdata)
++#define ql4_printk(level, ha, format, arg...) \
++ dev_printk(level , &((ha)->pdev->dev) , format , ## arg)
++/* Defines for qla4xxx_initialize_adapter() and qla4xxx_recover_adapter() */
++#define REBUILD_DDB_LIST 1
++/* Defines for process_aen() */
++#define PROCESS_ALL_AENS 0
++/* Defines for qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore */
++#define NO_WAIT 0
++#define WAIT_FOREVER 1
++#define TIMED_WAIT 2
++#include "qlisioct.h"
++#include "qlinioct.h"
++#include "qlnfo.h"
++#include "ql4_cfg.h"
++#include "ql4_foln.h"
++#include "ql4_version.h"
++#include "ql4_settings.h"
++#include "ql4_glbl.h"
++#include "ql4_dbg.h"
++#include "ql4_inline.h"
++#include "ql4_listops.h"
++#include "ql4_isns.h"
++#include "ql4_foln.h"
++#endif /*_QLA4XXX_H */
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we get a uniform tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 4
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -4
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 4
++ * c-label-offset: -4
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_fo.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx Failover Header
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _QLA_FO_H
++#define _QLA_FO_H
++ * This structure definition is for a scsi I/O request NOT subject to
++ * failover re-routing. It is for the use of configuration operations
++ * and diagnostics functions as definted in ExIoct.h
++ */
++ typedef struct scsi_cdb_request {
++ struct adapter_state *ha;
++ uint16_t target;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ uint8_t *cdb_ptr; /* Pointer to cdb to be sent */
++ uint8_t cdb_len; /* cdb length */
++ uint8_t direction; /* Direction of I/O for buffer */
++ uint8_t scb_len; /* Scsi completion block length */
++ uint8_t *scb_ptr; /* Scsi completion block pointer */
++ uint8_t *buf_ptr; /* Pointer to I/O buffer */
++ uint16_t buf_len; /* Buffer size */
++ }
++#endif /* ifndef _QLA_FO_H */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_listops.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++/* Management functions for various lists */
++static inline void
++__add_to_retry_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP8, printk("scsi%d: %s: ha %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance, srb));
++ list_add_tail(&srb->list_entry, &ha->retry_srb_q);
++ srb->state = SRB_RETRY_STATE;
++ ha->retry_srb_q_count++;
++ srb->ha = ha;
++static inline void
++__del_from_retry_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP8, printk("scsi%d: %s: ha %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance, srb));
++ list_del_init(&srb->list_entry);
++ srb->state = SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE;
++ ha->retry_srb_q_count--;
++static inline void
++__add_to_done_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP8, printk("scsi%d: %s: ha %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance, srb));
++ list_add_tail(&srb->list_entry, &ha->done_srb_q);
++ srb->state = SRB_DONE_STATE;
++ ha->done_srb_q_count++;
++ srb->ha = ha;
++static inline void
++__del_from_done_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP8, printk("scsi%d: %s: ha %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance, srb));
++ list_del_init(&srb->list_entry);
++ srb->state = SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE;
++ ha->done_srb_q_count--;
++static inline srb_t *__del_from_done_srb_q_head(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ struct list_head *ptr;
++ srb_t *srb = NULL;
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q)) {
++ /* Remove list entry from head of queue */
++ ptr = ha->;
++ list_del_init(ptr);
++ /* Return pointer to srb structure */
++ srb = list_entry(ptr, srb_t, list_entry);
++ srb->state = SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE;
++ ha->done_srb_q_count--;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP8, printk("scsi%d: %s: ha %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance, srb));
++ return(srb);
++static inline void
++__add_to_free_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%d: %s: instance %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance,
++ srb ));
++ //memset(srb, 0, sizeof(srb_t));
++ list_add_tail(&srb->list_entry, &ha->free_srb_q);
++ ha->free_srb_q_count++;
++ srb->state = SRB_FREE_STATE;
++static inline void __del_from_free_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%d: %s: instance %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance,
++ srb ));
++ list_del_init(&srb->list_entry);
++ srb->state = SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE;
++ ha->free_srb_q_count--;
++static inline srb_t *__del_from_free_srb_q_head(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ struct list_head *ptr;
++ srb_t *srb = NULL;
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->free_srb_q)) {
++ /* Remove list entry from head of queue */
++ ptr = ha->;
++ list_del_init(ptr);
++ /* Return pointer to srb structure */
++ srb = list_entry(ptr, srb_t, list_entry);
++ // memset(srb, 0, sizeof(*srb));
++ srb->state = SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE;
++ ha->free_srb_q_count--;
++ }
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%d: %s: instance %d, srb = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance,
++ srb ));
++ return(srb);
++static inline void
++add_to_retry_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ __add_to_retry_srb_q(ha ,srb);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++static inline void
++del_from_retry_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ __del_from_retry_srb_q(ha ,srb);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++static inline void
++add_to_done_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ // spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->adapter_lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ __add_to_done_srb_q(ha ,srb);
++ // spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->adapter_lock, flags);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++static inline void
++del_from_done_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ // spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->adapter_lock, flags);
++ __del_from_done_srb_q(ha ,srb);
++ // spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->adapter_lock, flags);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++static inline srb_t *
++del_from_done_srb_q_head(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ srb_t *srb;
++ // spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->adapter_lock, flags);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ srb = __del_from_done_srb_q_head(ha);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ // spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->adapter_lock, flags);
++ return(srb);
++static inline void
++add_to_free_srb_q(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ memset(srb, 0, sizeof(*srb));
++ __add_to_free_srb_q(ha ,srb);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++static inline srb_t *
++del_from_free_srb_q_head(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ srb_t *srb;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ srb = __del_from_free_srb_q_head(ha);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ if (srb) {
++ #ifdef DEBUG
++ if (atomic_read(&srb->ref_count) != 0) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: WARNING: "
++ "ref_count not zero.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ #endif
++ atomic_set(&srb->ref_count, 1);
++ }
++ return(srb);
++ * Failover Stuff.
++ */
++static inline void
++__add_to_failover_queue(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t * sp)
++ /*
++ if( sp->state != SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE &&
++ sp->state != SRB_ACTIVE_STATE)
++ BUG();
++ */
++ list_add_tail(&sp->list_entry,&ha->failover_queue);
++ ha->failover_cnt++;
++ sp->state = SRB_FAILOVER_STATE;
++ sp->ha = ha;
++static inline void add_to_failover_queue(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t * sp)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ __add_to_failover_queue(ha,sp);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++static inline void __del_from_failover_queue(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t *
++ sp)
++ ha->failover_cnt--;
++ list_del_init(&sp->list_entry);
++ sp->state = SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE;
++static inline void del_from_failover_queue(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t * sp)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ __del_from_failover_queue(ha,sp);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_os.c 2005-03-11 03:56:27.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,5556 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4xxx_get_hba_count
++ * pci_set_dma_mask
++ * qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing
++ * qla4xxx_detect
++ * qla4xxx_display_config
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_srb_pool
++ * qla4xxx_free_srb_pool
++ * qla4xxx_mem_alloc
++ * qla4xxx_mem_free
++ * qla4xxx_register_resources
++ * qla4xxx_set_info
++ * copy_mem_info
++ * copy_info
++ * qla4xxx_proc_dump_srb_info
++ * qla4xxx_proc_dump_discovered_devices
++ * qla4xxx_proc_dump_scanned_devices
++ * qla4xxx_proc_info
++ * qla4xxx_get_adapter_handle
++ * qla4xxx_release
++ * del_from_active_array
++ * qla4xxx_normalize_dma_addr
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry
++ * qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp
++ * qla4xxx_complete_request
++ * qla4xxx_queuecommand
++ * qla4xxx_extend_timeout
++ * qla4xxx_start_io
++ * qla4xxx_os_cmd_timeout
++ * qla4xxx_add_timer_to_cmd
++ * qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd
++ * qla4xxx_timer
++ * qla4xxx_ioctl_error_recovery
++ * qla4xxx_do_dpc
++ * qla4xxx_panic
++ * qla4xxx_eh_wait_on_command
++ * qla4xxx_wait_for_hba_online
++ * qla4xxx_eh_abort
++ * qla4010_soft_reset
++ * qla4xxx_topcat_reset
++ * qla4xxx_soft_reset
++ * qla4xxx_hard_reset
++ * qla4xxx_cmd_wait
++ * qla4xxx_recover_adapter
++ * qla4xxx_eh_wait_for_active_target_commands
++ * qla4xxx_eh_device_reset
++ * qla4xxx_eh_bus_reset
++ * qla4xxx_reset_target
++ * qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs
++ * qla4xxx_eh_host_reset
++ * apidev_open
++ * apidev_close
++ * apidev_ioctl
++ * apidev_init
++ * apidev_cleanup
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
++#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++#include <scsi/scsi_tcq.h>
++#include <scsi/scsicam.h>
++ * List of host adapters
++ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ * True list of host adapters. Available for use after qla4xxx_detect has completed
++ */
++struct list_head qla4xxx_hostlist = LIST_HEAD_INIT(qla4xxx_hostlist);
++rwlock_t qla4xxx_hostlist_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
++int qla4xxx_hba_count = 0;
++ * Command line options
++ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++ * Just in case someone uses commas to separate items on the insmod
++ * command line, we define a dummy buffer here to avoid having insmod
++ * write wild stuff into our code segment
++ */
++int ql4xdiscoverywait=60;
++module_param(ql4xdiscoverywait, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Discovery wait time");
++int ql4xcmdretrycount = 40;
++int ql4xcmdretrycount = 20;
++module_param(ql4xcmdretrycount, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Maximum number of mid-layer retries allowed for a command. "
++ "Default value in non-failover mode is 20, "
++ "in failover mode, 30.");
++int ql4xmaxqdepth = 0;
++int ql4xmaxqdepth = 2;
++module_param(ql4xmaxqdepth, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Maximum queue depth to report for target devices.");
++int extended_error_logging = 0; /* 0 = off, 1 = log errors, 2 = debug logging */
++module_param(extended_error_logging, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "Option to enable extended error logging, "
++ "Default is 0 - no logging. 1 - log errors. 2 - debug "
++ "logging");
++int displayConfig = 0;
++module_param(displayConfig, int, S_IRUGO|S_IRUSR);
++ "If 1 then display the configuration used in "
++ "/etc/modules.conf.");
++char *ql4xdevconf = NULL;
++MODULE_AUTHOR("QLogic Corporation");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("QLogic ISP4XXX iSCSI Host Bus Adapter driver");
++ * Proc info processing
++ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++struct info_str {
++ char *buffer;
++ int length;
++ off_t offset;
++ int pos;
++ * String messages for various state values (used for print statements)
++ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++const char *ddb_state_msg[] = DDB_STATE_TBL();
++const char *srb_state_msg[] = SRB_STATE_TBL();
++ * extern from ql4_xioctl.c
++ */
++extern int
++extern int
++extern int
++qla4xxx_alloc_ioctl_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern void
++qla4xxx_free_ioctl_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++static uint8_t qla4xxx_mem_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++static void qla4xxx_mem_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++void qla4xxx_timer(unsigned long p);
++static int qla4xxx_do_dpc(void *data);
++void qla4xxx_display_config(void);
++void qla4xxx_add_timer_to_cmd(srb_t *srb, int timeout);
++static void qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_reset_target(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_recover_adapter(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t renew_ddb_list);
++inline void qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++CONTINUE_ENTRY *qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ DATA_SEG_A64 **cur_dsd,
++ uint16_t *avail_dsds);
++static void qla4xxx_free_other_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++static int qla4xxx_iospace_config(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern fc_lun_t * qla4xxx_add_fclun(fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t lun);
++ * PCI driver interface definitions
++ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++static struct pci_device_id qla4xxx_pci_tbl[] __devinitdata =
++ {
++ .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_QLOGIC,
++ .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP4010,
++ .subvendor = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ .subdevice = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ },
++ {
++ .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_QLOGIC,
++ .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_QLOGIC_ISP4022,
++ .subvendor = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ .subdevice = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ },
++ {0, 0},
++MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, qla4xxx_pci_tbl);
++static int __devinit qla4xxx_probe_adapter(struct pci_dev *, const struct pci_device_id *);
++static void __devexit qla4xxx_remove_adapter(struct pci_dev *);
++static void qla4xxx_free_adapter(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++struct pci_driver qla4xxx_pci_driver = {
++ .name = DRIVER_NAME,
++ .id_table = qla4xxx_pci_tbl,
++ .probe = qla4xxx_probe_adapter,
++ .remove = qla4xxx_remove_adapter,
++int qla4xxx_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *, char *, char **, off_t, int, int);
++int qla4xxx_queuecommand(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, void (*done_fn)(struct scsi_cmnd *));
++int qla4xxx_eh_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
++int qla4xxx_eh_bus_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
++int qla4xxx_eh_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
++int qla4xxx_eh_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
++int qla4xxx_slave_configure(struct scsi_device * device);
++extern int qla4xxx_ioctl(struct scsi_device *dev, int cmd, void *arg);
++static struct scsi_host_template qla4xxx_driver_template = {
++ .module = THIS_MODULE,
++ .name = "qla4xxx",
++ .proc_name = "qla4xxx",
++ .proc_info = qla4xxx_proc_info,
++ .queuecommand = qla4xxx_queuecommand,
++ .eh_abort_handler = qla4xxx_eh_abort,
++ .eh_device_reset_handler = qla4xxx_eh_device_reset,
++ .eh_bus_reset_handler = qla4xxx_eh_bus_reset,
++ .eh_host_reset_handler = qla4xxx_eh_host_reset,
++ .slave_configure = qla4xxx_slave_configure,
++ .ioctl = qla4xxx_ioctl,
++ .this_id = -1,
++ .cmd_per_lun = 3,
++ .use_clustering = ENABLE_CLUSTERING,
++ .sg_tablesize = SG_ALL,
++ * qla4xxx_set_info
++ * This routine set parameters for the driver from the /proc filesystem.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * Unused
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * -ENOSYS - no-op
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_set_info(char *buffer, int length, struct Scsi_Host *host)
++ return(-ENOSYS); /* Currently this is a no-op */
++ * qla4xxx_module_init
++ * Module initialization.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int __init
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "QLogic iSCSI HBA Driver (%p)\n", qla4xxx_set_info);
++ printk(KERN_INFO "qla4xxx: Adapter Reset Test Enabled! "
++ "Adapter Resets will be issued every 3 minutes!\n");
++ qla4xxx_ioctl_init();
++ return pci_module_init(&qla4xxx_pci_driver);
++ * qla4xxx_module_exit
++ * Module cleanup.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void __exit
++ qla4xxx_ioctl_exit();
++ pci_unregister_driver(&qla4xxx_pci_driver);
++ * qla4xxx_probe_adapter
++ * This routine will probe for Qlogic 4010 iSCSI host adapters.
++ * It returns the number of host adapters of a particular
++ * type that were found. It also initializes all data necessary for
++ * the driver. It is passed-in the host number, so that it
++ * knows where its first entry is in the scsi_hosts[] array.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int __devinit
++qla4xxx_probe_adapter(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
++ struct Scsi_Host *host;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ uint8_t status;
++ uint8_t init_retry_count = 0;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ if (pci_enable_device(pdev))
++ return -1;
++ host = scsi_host_alloc(&qla4xxx_driver_template,
++ sizeof(scsi_qla_host_t));
++ if (host == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "qla4xxx: Couldn't allocate host from scsi layer!\n");
++ goto probe_disable_device;
++ }
++ /* Clear our data area */
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *)host->hostdata;
++ memset(ha, 0, sizeof(scsi_qla_host_t));
++ /* Save the information from PCI BIOS. */
++ ha->pdev = pdev;
++ ha->host = host;
++ ha->host_no = host->host_no;
++ ha->instance = qla4xxx_hba_count;
++ /* Configure PCI I/O space. */
++ if (qla4xxx_iospace_config(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS)
++ goto probe_failed;
++ host->irq = pdev->irq;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "Found an ISP%04x, irq %d, iobase 0x%p\n", pdev->device, host->irq,
++ ha->reg);
++ /* Configure OS DMA addressing method. */
++ qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing(ha);
++ /* Initialize lists and spinlocks. */
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ha->ddb_list);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ha->free_srb_q);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ha->fcports);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ha->done_srb_q);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ha->retry_srb_q);
++ init_MUTEX(&ha->mbox_sem);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&ha->mailbox_wait_queue);
++ spin_lock_init(&ha->hardware_lock);
++ spin_lock_init(&ha->adapter_lock);
++ spin_lock_init(&ha->list_lock);
++ ha->dpc_pid = -1;
++ init_completion(&ha->dpc_inited);
++ init_completion(&ha->dpc_exited);
++ /* Verify iSCSI PCI Funcion Number */
++ if (IS_QLA4010(ha)) {
++ ha->function_number = ISP4010_ISCSI_FUNCTION;
++ } else if (IS_QLA4022(ha)) {
++ spin_lock_irq(&ha->hardware_lock);
++ ha->function_number = (RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status) &
++ spin_unlock_irq(&ha->hardware_lock);
++ }
++ if (PCI_FUNC(pdev->devfn) != ha->function_number) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha, "HA function number (0x%x) does "
++ "not match PCI function number (0x%x)\n",
++ ha->function_number, PCI_FUNC(pdev->devfn));
++ goto probe_failed;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Allocate memory for dma buffers
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_mem_alloc(ha) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha,
++ "[ERROR] Failed to allocate memory for adapter\n");
++ goto probe_failed;
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ha->failover_queue);
++ init_MUTEX(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_sem);
++ init_MUTEX_LOCKED(&ha->ioctl->ioctl_cmpl_sem);
++ /*
++ * Initialize the Host adapter request/response queues and
++ * firmware
++ * NOTE: interrupts enabled upon successful completion
++ */
++ status = qla4xxx_initialize_adapter(ha, REBUILD_DDB_LIST);
++ while ((status == QLA_ERROR) &&
++ test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags) &&
++ (init_retry_count++ < MAX_INIT_RETRIES)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi: %s: retrying adapter "
++ "initialization (%d)\n", __func__, init_retry_count));
++ qla4xxx_soft_reset(ha);
++ status = qla4xxx_initialize_adapter(ha, REBUILD_DDB_LIST);
++ }
++ if (status == QLA_ERROR) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha,"Failed to initialize adapter\n");
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "scsi: Failed to initialize adapter\n"));
++ goto probe_failed;
++ }
++ host->cmd_per_lun = 3;
++ host->io_port = ha->io_addr;
++ host->max_channel = 0;
++ host->max_lun = MAX_LUNS-1;
++ host->max_id = MAX_TARGETS;
++ host->unique_id = ha->instance;
++ host->max_cmd_len = IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN;
++ //FIXME KH: What does 128 represent. We shouldn't use hard-coded values.
++ host->can_queue = REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH + 128;
++ /* Startup the kernel thread for this host adapter. */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi: %s: Starting kernel thread for "
++ "qla4xxx_dpc\n", __func__));
++ ha->dpc_should_die = 0;
++ ha->dpc_pid = kernel_thread(qla4xxx_do_dpc, ha, 0);
++ if (ha->dpc_pid < 0) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha, "Unable to start DPC thread!\n");
++ goto probe_failed;
++ }
++ wait_for_completion(&ha->dpc_inited);
++ /* Install the interrupt handler with the new ha */
++ if (request_irq(ha->pdev->irq, qla4xxx_intr_handler,
++ SA_INTERRUPT|SA_SHIRQ, "qla4xxx", ha)) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha,
++ "Failed to reserve interrupt %d already in use.\n",
++ host->irq);
++ goto probe_failed;
++ }
++ set_bit(AF_IRQ_ATTACHED, &ha->flags);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: irq %d attached\n", ha->host_no,
++ ha->pdev->irq));
++ qla4xxx_enable_intrs(ha);
++ /* Start timer thread. */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi: %s: Starting timer thread for adapter "
++ "%d\n", __func__, ha->instance));
++ init_timer(&ha->timer);
++ ha->timer.expires = jiffies + HZ;
++ ha-> = (unsigned long)ha;
++ ha->timer.function = (void (*)(unsigned long))qla4xxx_timer;
++ add_timer(&ha->timer);
++ ha->timer_active = 1;
++ /* Insert new entry into the list of adapters. */
++ write_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_add_tail(&ha->list, &qla4xxx_hostlist);
++ write_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ qla4xxx_display_config();
++ set_bit(AF_INIT_DONE, &ha->flags);
++ qla4xxx_hba_count++;
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, ha);
++ if (scsi_add_host(host, &pdev->dev))
++ goto probe_failed;
++ /*
++ * if failover is enabled
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ qla4xxx_cfg_init(ha);
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ " QLogic iSCSI HBA Driver version: %s-fo%c\n"
++ " QLogic ISP%04x @ %s hdma%c, host#=%d, fw=%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\n",
++ (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) ? '+': '-',
++ ha->pdev->device, pci_name(ha->pdev),
++ test_bit(AF_64BIT_PCI_ADDR, &ha->flags) ? '+': '-', ha->host_no,
++ ha->firmware_version[0], ha->firmware_version[1],
++ ha->patch_number, ha->build_number);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ " QLogic iSCSI HBA Driver version: %s\n"
++ " QLogic ISP%04x @ %s hdma%c, host#=%d, fw=%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\n",
++ ha->pdev->device, pci_name(ha->pdev),
++ test_bit(AF_64BIT_PCI_ADDR, &ha->flags) ? '+': '-', ha->host_no,
++ ha->firmware_version[0], ha->firmware_version[1],
++ ha->patch_number, ha->build_number);
++ scsi_scan_host(host);
++ return 0;
++ qla4xxx_free_adapter(ha);
++ pci_disable_device(pdev);
++ return -1;
++ * qla4xxx_remove_adapter
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * pci_dev - PCI device pointer
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void __devexit
++qla4xxx_remove_adapter(struct pci_dev *pdev)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ ha = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
++ write_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_del_init(&ha->list);
++ write_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ scsi_remove_host(ha->host);
++ qla4xxx_free_adapter(ha);
++ scsi_host_put(ha->host);
++ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
++static void
++qla4xxx_free_adapter(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int ret;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++#if 0
++ /* Deregister with the iSNS Server */
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_REGISTERED, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ u_long wait_cnt;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: deregister iSNS\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg(ha); //FIXME: KRH
++ qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg(ha); //FIXME: KRH
++ wait_cnt = jiffies + ISNS_DEREG_TOV * HZ;
++ while (wait_cnt > jiffies) {
++ &ha->isns_flags) == 0)
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("."));
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ }
++ }
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_ENABLED_IN_ISP, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Stop iSNS service\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_isns_disable(ha);
++ }
++ if (test_bit(AF_INTERRUPTS_ON, &ha->flags)) {
++ /* Turn-off interrupts on the card. */
++ qla4xxx_disable_intrs(ha);
++ }
++ /* Issue Soft Reset to put firmware in unknown state */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Soft Reset\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__));
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_SOFT_RESET));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Remove timer thread, if present */
++ if (ha->timer_active) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: Removing timer thread for "
++ "adapter %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance));
++ del_timer_sync(&ha->timer);
++ ha->timer_active = 0;
++ }
++ /* Kill the kernel thread for this host */
++ if (ha->dpc_pid >= 0) {
++ ha->dpc_should_die = 1;
++ wmb();
++ ret = kill_proc(ha->dpc_pid, SIGHUP, 1);
++ if (ret) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_ERR, ha,
++ "Unable to signal DPC thread -- (%d)\n", ret);
++ } else
++ wait_for_completion(&ha->dpc_exited);
++ }
++ /* free extra memory */
++ qla4xxx_mem_free(ha);
++ /* Detach interrupts */
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(AF_IRQ_ATTACHED, &ha->flags))
++ free_irq(ha->pdev->irq, ha);
++ /* Free I/O Region */
++ if (ha->io_addr) {
++ release_region(ha->io_addr, ha->io_len);
++ ha->io_addr = 0;
++ }
++ pci_disable_device(ha->pdev);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ * qla4xxx_iospace_config
++ * This routine
++ *
++ * Input:
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4xxx_iospace_config(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int bar;
++ /* Search for I/O register. */
++ for (bar = 0; bar <= 5; bar++) {
++ unsigned long pci_base_address;
++ pci_base_address = pci_resource_start(ha->pdev, bar);
++ ha->pci_resource_flags = pci_resource_flags(ha->pdev, bar);
++ if (ha->pci_resource_flags & IORESOURCE_MEM) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: Assigned to Memory I/O "
++ "0x%lx in PCI BAR%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ pci_base_address, bar));
++ ha->mem_addr = pci_base_address;
++ ha->mem_len = pci_resource_len(ha->pdev, bar);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ha->pci_resource_flags IORESOURCE_IO) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: Assigned to I/O Port "
++ "0x%lx in PCI BAR%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ pci_base_address, bar));
++ ha->io_addr = pci_base_address;
++ ha->io_len = pci_resource_len(ha->pdev, bar);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Map the Memory I/O register. */
++ if (ha->mem_addr) {
++ unsigned long page_offset, base;
++ if (!request_mem_region(ha->mem_addr, ha->mem_len,
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "Could not allocate IO Memory space %lx len %ld.\n",
++ ha->mem_addr, ha->mem_len);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: base memory address = "
++ "0x%lx\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ha->mem_addr));
++ /* Find proper memory chunk for memory map I/O reg. */
++ base = ha->mem_addr & PAGE_MASK;
++ page_offset = ha->mem_addr - base;
++ /* Get virtual address for I/O registers. */
++ ha->virt_mmapbase = ioremap(base, page_offset +
++ sizeof(*ha->reg));
++ if (ha->virt_mmapbase == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: I/O Remap Failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: virt memory_mapped_address "
++ "= 0x%p\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ha->virt_mmapbase));
++ ha->reg = (isp_reg_t *)(ha->virt_mmapbase + page_offset);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: registers = 0x%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->reg));
++ }
++ if (ha->io_addr) {
++ if (!request_region(ha->io_addr, ha->io_len, DRIVER_NAME)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "Could not allocate IO space %lx len %ld.\n",
++ ha->io_addr, ha->io_len);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ }
++ return QLA_SUCCESS;
++ * qla4xxx_display_config
++ * This routine displays the configuration information to be used in
++ * modules.conf.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha, *htemp;
++ read_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ha, htemp, &qla4xxx_hostlist, list) {
++ /* Display the M.A.C. Address for adapter */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-mac=%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\\;\n",
++ ha->instance,
++ ha->my_mac[0], ha->my_mac[1], ha->my_mac[2],
++ ha->my_mac[3], ha->my_mac[4], ha->my_mac[5]);
++ }
++ read_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ * qla4xxx_get_hba_count
++ * This routine returns the number of host adapters present.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla4xxx_hba_count - Number of host adapters present.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline uint32_t
++ return(qla4xxx_hba_count);
++/* LINUX - Loadable Module Functions. */
++ * qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing() - Configure OS DMA addressing method.
++ * @ha: HA context
++ *
++ * At exit, the @ha's flags.enable_64bit_addressing set to indicated
++ * supported addressing method.
++ */
++inline void
++qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ /* Assume 32bit DMA address. */
++ clear_bit(AF_64BIT_PCI_ADDR, &ha->flags);
++ /*
++ * Given the two variants pci_set_dma_mask(), allow the compiler to
++ * assist in setting the proper dma mask.
++ */
++ if (sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4) {
++ /* Update our PCI device dma_mask for full 64 bit mask */
++ if (pci_set_dma_mask(ha->pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK) == 0) {
++ set_bit(AF_64BIT_PCI_ADDR, &ha->flags);
++ if (pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(ha->pdev,
++ DMA_64BIT_MASK)) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_DEBUG, ha,
++ "Failed to set 64 bit PCI consistent mask; "
++ "using 32 bit.\n");
++ pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(ha->pdev,
++ }
++ } else {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_DEBUG, ha,
++ "Failed to set 64 bit PCI DMA mask, falling back "
++ "to 32 bit MASK.\n");
++ pci_set_dma_mask(ha->pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
++ }
++ } else {
++ pci_set_dma_mask(ha->pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_srb_pool
++ * This routine is called during driver initialization to allocate
++ * memory for the local srb pool.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully allocated srbs
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to allocate any srbs
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_alloc_srb_pool(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ srb_t *srb;
++ int i;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_alloc_srb_pool");
++ ha->num_srbs_allocated = 0;
++ ha->free_srb_q_count = 0; /* incremented in add_to_free_srb_q routine */
++ /*
++ * NOTE: Need to allocate each SRB separately, as Kernel 2.4.4 seems to
++ * have an error when allocating a large amount of memory.
++ */
++ for (i=0; i < MAX_SRBS; i++) {
++ srb = (srb_t *) kmalloc(sizeof(srb_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (srb == NULL) {
++ "scsi%d: %s: failed to allocate memory, count = "
++ "%d\n", ha->host_no, __func__, i));
++ } else {
++ ha->num_srbs_allocated++;
++ memset(srb, 0, sizeof(srb_t));
++ atomic_set(&srb->ref_count, 0);
++ __add_to_free_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ }
++ }
++ if (ha->free_srb_q_count)
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: Allocated %d SRB(s)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->free_srb_q_count));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_alloc_srb_pool");
++ return (status);
++ * qla4xxx_free_srb_pool
++ * This routine is called during driver unload to deallocate the srb
++ * pool.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4xxx_free_srb_pool(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ srb_t *srb, *stemp;
++ int cnt_free_srbs = 0;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_free_srb_pool");
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &ha->free_srb_q, list_entry) {
++ __del_from_free_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ kfree(srb);
++ cnt_free_srbs++;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ if (cnt_free_srbs != ha->num_srbs_allocated) {
++ "scsi%d: Did not free all srbs, Free'd srb count = %d, "
++ "Alloc'd srb count %d\n", ha->host_no, cnt_free_srbs,
++ ha->num_srbs_allocated));
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_free_srb_pool");
++ * qla4xxx_mem_alloc
++ * This routine allocates memory use by the adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully allocated adapter memory
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to allocate adapter memory
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_mem_alloc(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long align;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_mem_alloc");
++ /* Allocate contiguous block of DMA memory for queues. */
++ ha->queues_len = ((REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH * QUEUE_SIZE) +
++ (RESPONSE_QUEUE_DEPTH * QUEUE_SIZE) + sizeof(shadow_regs_t) +
++ ha->queues = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, ha->queues_len,
++ &ha->queues_dma);
++ if (ha->queues == NULL) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha,
++ "Memory Allocation failed - queues.\n");
++ goto mem_alloc_error_exit;
++ }
++ memset(ha->queues, 0, ha->queues_len);
++ /*
++ * As per RISC alignment requirements -- the bus-address must be a
++ * multiple of the request-ring size (in bytes).
++ */
++ align = 0;
++ if ((unsigned long)ha->queues_dma & (MEM_ALIGN_VALUE - 1)) {
++ align = MEM_ALIGN_VALUE -
++ ((unsigned long)ha->queues_dma & (MEM_ALIGN_VALUE - 1));
++ }
++ /* Update request and response queue pointers. */
++ ha->request_dma = ha->queues_dma + align;
++ ha->request_ring = (QUEUE_ENTRY *)(ha->queues + align);
++ ha->response_dma = ha->queues_dma + align +
++ ha->response_ring = (QUEUE_ENTRY *)(ha->queues + align +
++ ha->shadow_regs_dma = ha->queues_dma + align +
++ ha->shadow_regs = (shadow_regs_t *)(ha->queues + align +
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: queues 0x%lx (%p) %lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, (unsigned long)ha->queues_dma,
++ ha->queues, ha->queues_len));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: request ring 0x%lx (%p)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, (unsigned long)ha->request_dma,
++ ha->request_ring));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: response ring 0x%lx (%p)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, (unsigned long)ha->response_dma,
++ ha->response_ring));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: shadow regs 0x%lx (%p)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, (unsigned long)ha->shadow_regs_dma,
++ ha->shadow_regs));
++ /* Allocate iSNS Discovered Target Database
++ * ---------------------------------------- */
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_database_size = sizeof(ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET) *
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_database_size, &ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasep);
++ if (ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev == NULL) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha,
++ "Memory Allocation failed - iSNS DB.\n");
++ goto mem_alloc_error_exit;
++ }
++ memset(ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev, 0, ha->isns_disc_tgt_database_size);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS DB 0x%ld (%p)\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, (unsigned long)ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasep,
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev));
++ if (qla4xxx_alloc_ioctl_mem(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_WARNING, ha,
++ "Memory Allocation failed - IOCTL DMA buffer.\n");
++ goto mem_alloc_error_exit;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Allocate memory for srb pool
++ *-----------------------------*/
++ if (qla4xxx_alloc_srb_pool(ha) == QLA_ERROR)
++ goto mem_alloc_error_exit;
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_mem_alloc");
++ return (QLA_SUCCESS);
++ qla4xxx_mem_free(ha);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_mem_alloc");
++ return (QLA_ERROR);
++ * qla4xxx_mem_free
++ * This routine frees adapter allocated memory
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4xxx_mem_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_mem_free");
++ if (ha->queues) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: free queues.\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__));
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, ha->queues_len, ha->queues,
++ ha->queues_dma);
++ }
++ ha->queues_len = 0;
++ ha->queues = NULL;
++ ha->queues_dma = 0;
++ ha->request_ring = NULL;
++ ha->request_dma = 0;
++ ha->response_ring = NULL;
++ ha->response_dma = 0;
++ ha->shadow_regs = NULL;
++ ha->shadow_regs_dma = 0;
++ if (ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: free iSNS DB.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, ha->isns_disc_tgt_database_size,
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev, ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasep);
++ }
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_database_size = 0;
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev = 0;
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasep = 0;
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_mem(ha);
++ /* Free srb pool */
++ if (ha->num_srbs_allocated) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: free srb pool\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_srb_pool(ha);
++ }
++ /* Free ddb list */
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->ddb_list)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: free ddb list\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_ddb_list(ha);
++ }
++ /* Unmap Memory Mapped I/O region */
++ if (ha->virt_mmapbase) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: unmap mem io region\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ iounmap(ha->virt_mmapbase);
++ ha->virt_mmapbase = NULL;
++ }
++ if (ha->mem_addr)
++ release_mem_region(ha->mem_addr, ha->mem_len);
++ ha->mem_addr = 0;
++ qla4xxx_free_other_mem(ha);
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha))
++ qla4xxx_cfg_mem_free(ha);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_mem_free");
++* qla2xxx_slave_configure
++* Description:
++qla4xxx_slave_configure(struct scsi_device *sdev)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = to_qla_host(sdev->host);
++ int queue_depth;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ queue_depth = 32;
++ /* Enable TCQ. */
++ if (sdev->tagged_supported) {
++ if (ql4xmaxqdepth != 0 && ql4xmaxqdepth <= 0xffffU)
++ queue_depth = ql4xmaxqdepth;
++ ql4xmaxqdepth = queue_depth;
++ scsi_activate_tcq(sdev, queue_depth);
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "scsi(%d:%d:%d:%d): Enabled tagged queuing, queue "
++ "depth %d.\n", sdev->host->host_no, sdev->channel,
++ sdev->id, sdev->lun, sdev->queue_depth);
++ } else {
++ scsi_adjust_queue_depth(sdev, 0 /* TCQ off */,
++ sdev->host->hostt->cmd_per_lun /* 3 */);
++ }
++ /* Save misc. information. */
++ tgt_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_SCSIID(ha, sdev->channel,
++ sdev->id);
++ if (tgt_entry != NULL) {
++ lun_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_lun_handle(ha, tgt_entry,
++ sdev->lun);
++ if (lun_entry != NULL) {
++ lun_entry->sdev = sdev;
++ if (sdev->type == TYPE_TAPE) {
++ tgt_entry->fcport->flags |= FCF_TAPE_PRESENT;
++ // lun_entry->fclun->flags |= FLF_TAPE_PRESENT;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (0);
++ * The following support functions are adopted to handle
++ * the re-entrant qla4xxx_proc_info correctly.
++ */
++static void
++copy_mem_info(struct info_str *info, char *data, int len)
++ if (info->pos + len > info->offset + info->length)
++ len = info->offset + info->length - info->pos;
++ if (info->pos + len < info->offset) {
++ info->pos += len;
++ return;
++ }
++ if (info->pos < info->offset) {
++ off_t partial;
++ partial = info->offset - info->pos;
++ data += partial;
++ info->pos += partial;
++ len -= partial;
++ }
++ if (len > 0) {
++ memcpy(info->buffer, data, len);
++ info->pos += len;
++ info->buffer += len;
++ }
++static int
++copy_info(struct info_str *info, char *fmt, ...)
++ va_list args;
++ static char buf[256];
++ int len;
++ va_start(args, fmt);
++ len = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
++ va_end(args);
++ copy_mem_info(info, buf, len);
++ return(len);
++ * qla4xxx_proc_dump_srb_info
++ * This routine displays srb information in the proc buffer.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * len - length of proc buffer prior to this function's execution.
++ * srb - Pointer to srb to display.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * This routine is dependent on the DISPLAY_SRBS_IN_PROC #define being
++ * set to 1.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * len - length of proc buffer after this function's execution.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline void
++qla4xxx_proc_dump_srb_info(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, struct info_str *info, srb_t *srb)
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ ddb_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha, srb->fw_ddb_index);
++ lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ copy_info(info, "srb %p", srb);
++ if (ddb_entry && lun_entry && srb->cmd) {
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = srb->cmd;
++ //int i;
++ copy_info(info, ", b%d,t%d,l%d, SS=%d, DS=%d, LS=%d, "
++ "r_start=%ld, u_start=%ld",
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ srb->state,
++ atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state),
++ lun_entry->lun_state,
++ srb->r_start,srb->u_start);
++ //copy_info(info, ", cdb=");
++ //for (i=0; i<cmd->cmd_len; i++)
++ // copy_info(info, "%02X ", cmd->cmnd[i]);
++ }
++ copy_info(info, "\n");
++ * qla4xxx_proc_dump_discovered_devices
++ * This routine displays information for discovered devices in the proc
++ * buffer.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * info - length of proc buffer prior to this function's execution.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * This routine is dependent on the DISPLAY_SRBS_IN_PROC #define being
++ * set to 1.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * info - length of proc buffer after this function's execution.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline void
++qla4xxx_proc_dump_discovered_devices(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, struct info_str *info)
++ int i,j;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ copy_info(info, "SCSI discovered device Information:\n");
++ copy_info(info, "Index: DID: NameString: Alias:\n");
++ for (i=0; i < ha->isns_num_discovered_targets; i++) {
++ &ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev[i];
++ copy_info(info, "%2d: %4d: %s: %s\n",
++ i,
++ isns_tgt->DDID,
++ isns_tgt->NameString,
++ isns_tgt->Alias);
++ for (j = 0; j < isns_tgt->NumPortals; j++) {
++ &isns_tgt->Portal[j];
++ copy_info(info, " Port %d: IP %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
++ isns_portal->PortNumber,
++ isns_portal->IPAddr[0],
++ isns_portal->IPAddr[1],
++ isns_portal->IPAddr[2],
++ isns_portal->IPAddr[3]);
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ * qla4xxx_proc_dump_scanned_devices
++ * This routine displays information for scanned devices in the proc
++ * buffer.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * info - length of proc buffer prior to this function's execution.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * This routine is dependent on the DISPLAY_SRBS_IN_PROC #define being
++ * set to 1.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * info - length of proc buffer after this function's execution.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline void
++qla4xxx_proc_dump_scanned_devices(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, struct info_str *info)
++ os_lun_t *up;
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ int t, l, i;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* 2.25 node/port display to proc */
++ /* Display the node name for adapter */
++ copy_info(info, "\nSCSI Device Information:\n");
++ copy_info(info,
++ "scsi-qla%d-adapter-port=%s;\n",
++ (int)ha->instance, ha->name_string);
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++) {
++ if ((tq = TGT_Q(ha, t)) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ copy_info(info,
++ "scsi-qla%d-target-%d=%s;\n",
++ (int)ha->instance, t, tq->iscsi_name);
++ }
++ /* Print out device port names */
++ copy_info(info, "\nISCSI Port Information:\n");
++ i = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list) {
++ if(fcport->port_type != FCT_TARGET)
++ continue;
++ ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ copy_info(info,
++ "scsi-qla%d-port-%d=\"%s\":%d.%d.%d.%d:0x%04x;\n",
++ (int)ha->instance, i, fcport->iscsi_name,
++ ddb_entry->ip_addr[0],
++ ddb_entry->ip_addr[1],
++ ddb_entry->ip_addr[2],
++ ddb_entry->ip_addr[3],
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ i++;
++ }
++ //copy_info(info, "SCSI scanned device Information:\n");
++ copy_info(info, "\nSCSI LUN Information:\n");
++ copy_info(info, " (T : L) * - indicates lun is not registered with the OS.\n");
++ /* scan for all equipment stats */
++ for (t = 0; t < ha->host->max_id; t++) {
++ /* scan all luns */
++ for (l = 0; l < ha->host->max_lun; l++) {
++ up = (os_lun_t *) GET_LU_Q(ha, t, l);
++ if (up == NULL) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (up->fclun == NULL) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (up->fclun->fcport == NULL) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (!qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ if (up->tot_io_count < 4)
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* don't display luns if OS didn't probe */
++ if (up->tot_io_count < 4)
++ continue;
++ ddb_entry = up->fclun->fcport->ddbptr;
++ copy_info(info,
++ "(%2d:%2d): Total reqs %ld,",
++ t,l,up->tot_io_count);
++ copy_info(info,
++ " Active reqs %ld,",
++ up->out_count);
++ copy_info(info, "states= %d:%d:%d ",
++ atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state),
++ up->lun_state,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state);
++ if (up->tot_io_count < 4) {
++ copy_info(info,
++ " flags 0x%lx*,",
++ ddb_entry->flags);
++ }
++ else {
++ copy_info(info,
++ " flags 0x%lx,",
++ ddb_entry->flags);
++ }
++ copy_info(info,
++ " %d:%d:%02x %02x",
++ up->fclun->fcport->ha->instance,
++ up->fclun->fcport->cur_path,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index,
++ up->fclun->device_type);
++ copy_info(info, "\n");
++ if (info->pos >= info->offset + info->length) {
++ /* No need to continue */
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ if (info->pos >= info->offset + info->length) {
++ /* No need to continue */
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ * qla4xxx_proc_info
++ * This routine return information to handle /proc support for the driver
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * Output:
++ * inout - Decides on the direction of the dataflow and the meaning of
++ * the variables.
++ * buffer - If inout==0 data is being written to it else read from
++ * it (ptrs to a page buffer).
++ * *start - If inout==0 start of the valid data in the buffer.
++ * offset - If inout==0 offset from the beginning of the imaginary
++ * file from which we start writing into the buffer.
++ * length - If inout==0 max number of bytes to be written into the
++ * buffer else number of bytes in the buffer.
++ * hostno - Host number
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Size of proc buffer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *shost, char *buffer, char **start,
++ off_t offset, int length, int inout)
++ int retval = -EINVAL;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = NULL;
++ struct info_str info;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ srb_t *srb, *stemp;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP16, printk("scsi%d: Entering %s: buff_in=%p, "
++ "offset=0x%lx, length=0x%x\n",
++ shost->host_no, __func__, buffer, offset,
++ length));
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) shost->hostdata;
++ if (inout) {
++ /* Has data been written to the file? */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d: %s: has data been written "
++ "to the file. \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(qla4xxx_set_info(buffer, length, ha->host));
++ }
++ if (start) {
++ *start = buffer;
++ }
++ info.buffer = buffer;
++ info.length = length;
++ info.offset = offset;
++ info.pos = 0;
++ /* start building the print buffer */
++ copy_info(&info, "QLogic iSCSI Adapter for ISP %x:\n",
++ ha->pdev->device);
++ copy_info(&info, "Driver version %s\n", QLA4XXX_DRIVER_VERSION);
++ copy_info(&info, "Firmware version %2d.%02d.%02d.%02d\n",
++ ha->firmware_version[0], ha->firmware_version[1],
++ ha->patch_number, ha->build_number);
++ copy_info(&info, "Code starts at address = %p\n", qla4xxx_set_info);
++#if 0
++ copy_info(&info, "MEDIA TYPE - %s\n",
++ ((ha->addl_fw_state & FW_ADDSTATE_OPTICAL_MEDIA) !=
++ 0) ? "OPTICAL" : "COPPER");
++ if (ha->mem_addr)
++ copy_info(&info, "Memory I/O = 0x%lx\n", ha->mem_addr);
++ else
++ copy_info(&info, "I/O Port = 0x%lx\n", ha->io_addr);
++ copy_info(&info, "IP Address = %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
++ ha->ip_address[0], ha->ip_address[1],
++ ha->ip_address[2], ha->ip_address[3]);
++ if (ha->tcp_options & TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE) {
++ copy_info(&info, "iSNS IP Address = %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
++ ha->isns_ip_address[0], ha->isns_ip_address[1],
++ ha->isns_ip_address[2], ha->isns_ip_address[3]);
++ copy_info(&info, "iSNS Server Port# = %d\n",
++ ha->isns_server_port_number);
++ }
++//FIXME: print both BUS (%llx) and virtual address (%p).
++#if 0
++ copy_info(&info, "ReqQ DMA= 0x%lx, virt= 0x%p, depth= 0x%x\n",
++ (unsigned long)ha->request_dma, ha->request_ring, REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH);
++ copy_info(&info, "ComplQ DMA= 0x%lx, virt= 0x%p, depth= 0x%x\n",
++ (unsigned long)ha->response_dma, ha->response_ring, RESPONSE_QUEUE_DEPTH);
++ copy_info(&info, "Shadow Regs DMA= 0x%lx, virt= 0x%p, size (bytes) = 0x%x\n",
++ (unsigned long)ha->shadow_regs_dma, ha->shadow_regs, sizeof(shadow_regs_t));
++ copy_info(&info, "PDU Buffer Addr= 0x%x, size (bytes) = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->pdu_buffsv, ha->pdu_buff_size);
++ copy_info(&info, "Discovered Target Database Addr = 0x%x, size (bytes) = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev,
++ sizeof(ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev));
++ copy_info(&info, "Number of free request entries = %d of %d\n",
++ ha->req_q_count, REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH);
++ copy_info(&info, "Number of free aen entries = %d of %d\n",
++ ha->aen_q_count, MAX_AEN_ENTRIES);
++ copy_info(&info, "Number of Mailbox Timeouts = %d\n",
++ ha->mailbox_timeout_count);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ copy_info(&info, "Interrupt Status = %d\n",
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status));
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ copy_info(&info, "ReqQptr=%p, ReqIn=%d, ReqOut=%d\n",
++ ha->request_ptr, ha->request_in, ha->request_out);
++ copy_info(&info, "Device queue depth = 0x%x\n",
++ (ql4xmaxqdepth == 0) ? 16 : ql4xmaxqdepth);
++ copy_info(&info, "Adapter flags = 0x%x, DPC flags = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->flags, ha->dpc_flags);
++ copy_info(&info, "Number of commands in retry_srb_q = %d\n",
++ ha->retry_srb_q_count);
++ if (((ql_dbg_level & QLP16) != 0) && (ha->retry_srb_q_count)) {
++ copy_info(&info, "\nDump retry_srb_q:\n");
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &ha->retry_srb_q,
++ list_entry)
++ qla4xxx_proc_dump_srb_info(ha, &info, srb);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ copy_info(&info, "\n");
++ }
++ copy_info(&info, "Number of commands in done_srb_q = %d\n",
++ ha->done_srb_q_count);
++ if (((ql_dbg_level & QLP16) != 0) && (ha->done_srb_q_count)) {
++ copy_info(&info, "\nDump done_srb_q:\n");
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &ha->done_srb_q,
++ list_entry)
++ qla4xxx_proc_dump_srb_info(ha, &info, srb);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ copy_info(&info, "\n");
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ copy_info(&info,
++ "Number of reqs in failover_q= %d\n",
++ ha->failover_cnt);
++ }
++ copy_info(&info, "Dpc flags = 0x%lx\n", ha->dpc_flags);
++ copy_info(&info, "Number of active commands = %d\n",
++ ha->active_srb_count);
++ if (((ql_dbg_level & QLP16) != 0) && (ha->active_srb_count)) {
++ int i;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ copy_info(&info, "\nDump active commands:\n");
++ for (i = 1; i < MAX_SRBS; i++) {
++ srb_t *srb = ha->active_srb_array[i];
++ if (srb)
++ qla4xxx_proc_dump_srb_info(ha, &info, srb);
++ }
++ copy_info(&info, "\n");
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ }
++ copy_info(&info, "Total number of IOCBs (used/max) "
++ "= (%d/%d)\n", ha->iocb_cnt, ha->iocb_hiwat);
++ copy_info(&info, "Number of free srbs = %d of %d\n",
++ ha->free_srb_q_count, ha->num_srbs_allocated);
++ copy_info(&info, "\n");
++ qla4xxx_proc_dump_scanned_devices(ha, &info);
++ copy_info(&info, "\n");
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_ENABLED_IN_ISP, &ha->isns_flags))
++ qla4xxx_proc_dump_discovered_devices(ha, &info);
++ copy_info(&info, "\0");
++ retval = info.pos > info.offset ? info.pos - info.offset : 0;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP16, printk("scsi%d: Exiting %s: info.pos=%d, "
++ "offset=0x%lx, length=0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, info.pos, offset, length));
++ return(retval);
++ * qla4xxx_get_adapter_handle
++ * This routine returns the adapter handle that corresponds to the
++ * specified instance number.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * instance - Instance number of the desired host adapter.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to host adapter structure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++scsi_qla_host_t *
++qla4xxx_get_adapter_handle(uint16_t instance)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha, *htemp;
++ read_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ha, htemp, &qla4xxx_hostlist, list) {
++ if (ha->instance != instance)
++ continue;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d: %s: handle (%p) for instance "
++ "%d\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ha, instance));
++ read_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ return (ha);
++ }
++ read_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi: %s: instance %d not found\n", __func__,
++ instance));
++ return NULL;
++ * del_from_active_array
++ * This routine removes and returns the srb at the specified index
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * index - index into to the active_array
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to corresponding SCSI Request Block
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++srb_t *
++del_from_active_array(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t index)
++ srb_t *srb = NULL;
++ /* validate handle and remove from active array */
++ if (index < MAX_SRBS) {
++ srb = ha->active_srb_array[index];
++ ha->active_srb_array[index] = 0;
++ if (srb) {
++ // ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry =
++ // qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(ha,
++ // srb->fw_ddb_index);
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ /* update counters */
++ ha->req_q_count += srb->entry_count;
++ ha->iocb_cnt -= srb->iocb_cnt;
++ if (ha->active_srb_count)
++ ha->active_srb_count--;
++ // if (ddb_entry) ddb_entry->out_count--;
++ if (lun_entry)
++ lun_entry->out_count--;
++ /* FIXMEdg: Is this needed ???? */
++ srb->active_array_index = INVALID_ENTRY;
++ if (srb->cmd)
++ srb->cmd->host_scribble = NULL;
++ }
++ else
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: %s: array_index=%d "
++ "already completed.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, index));
++ }
++ else
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: %s: array_index=%d "
++ "exceeded max index of %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, index, MAX_SRBS));
++ return(srb);
++qla4xxx_calc_request_entries(uint16_t dsds)
++ uint16_t iocbs;/* number of request queue entries */
++ /* (commamd + continue) */
++ iocbs = 1;
++ if (dsds > COMMAND_SEG) {
++ iocbs += (dsds - COMMAND_SEG) / CONTINUE_SEG;
++ if ((dsds - COMMAND_SEG) % CONTINUE_SEG)
++ iocbs++;
++ }
++ return (iocbs);
++qla4xxx_build_scsi_iocbs(srb_t *srb, COMMAND_ENTRY *cmd_entry, uint16_t tot_dsds)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ uint16_t avail_dsds;
++ DATA_SEG_A64 *cur_dsd;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ cmd = srb->cmd;
++ ha = srb->ha;
++ if (cmd->request_bufflen == 0 ||
++ cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_NONE) {
++ /* No data being transferred */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: No data xfer\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ cmd_entry->ttlByteCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le32(0);
++ return;
++ }
++ avail_dsds = COMMAND_SEG;
++ cur_dsd = (DATA_SEG_A64 *) &(cmd_entry->dataseg[0]);
++ /* Load data segments */
++ if (cmd->use_sg) {
++ struct scatterlist *cur_seg;
++ struct scatterlist *end_seg;
++ /* Data transfer with Scatter/Gather
++ *
++ * We must build an SG list in adapter format, as the kernel's
++ * SG list cannot be used directly because of data field size
++ * (__alpha__) differences and the kernel SG list uses virtual
++ * addresses where we need physical addresses.
++ */
++ cur_seg = (struct scatterlist *) cmd->request_buffer;
++ end_seg = cur_seg + tot_dsds;
++ while (cur_seg < end_seg) {
++ dma_addr_t sle_dma;
++ /* Allocate additional continuation packets? */
++ if (avail_dsds == 0) {
++ CONTINUE_ENTRY *cont_entry;
++ cont_entry = qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry(ha);
++ cur_dsd = (DATA_SEG_A64 *) &cont_entry->dataseg[0];
++ avail_dsds = CONTINUE_SEG;
++ }
++ sle_dma = sg_dma_address(cur_seg);
++ cur_dsd->base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(sle_dma));
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(sle_dma));
++ cur_dsd->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_dma_len(cur_seg));
++ avail_dsds--;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5|QLP24, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: S/G "
++ "DSD %p phys_addr=%x:%08x, len=0x%x, tot_dsd=0x%x, "
++ "avail_dsd=0x%x\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__, cur_dsd,
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh, cur_dsd->base.addrLow,
++ cur_dsd->count, tot_dsds, avail_dsds));
++ cur_dsd++;
++ cur_seg++;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Data transfer without SG entries. */
++ dma_addr_t req_dma;
++ struct page *page;
++ unsigned long offset;
++ page = virt_to_page(cmd->request_buffer);
++ offset = ((unsigned long) cmd->request_buffer & ~PAGE_MASK);
++ req_dma = pci_map_page(ha->pdev, page, offset,
++ cmd->request_bufflen, cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ srb->saved_dma_handle = req_dma;
++ cur_dsd->base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(req_dma));
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(req_dma));
++ cur_dsd->count = cpu_to_le32(cmd->request_bufflen);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: No S/G transfer, "
++ "DSD=%p cmd=%p dma_addr=%x:%08x, len=%x, tot_dsd=0x%x, "
++ "avail_dsd=0x%x\n", ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun, __func__, cur_dsd, cmd,
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh, cur_dsd->base.addrLow,
++ cur_dsd->count, tot_dsds, avail_dsds));
++ cur_dsd++;
++ }
++qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ CONTINUE_ENTRY *cont_entry;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry");
++ cont_entry = (CONTINUE_ENTRY *)ha->request_ptr;
++ /* Advance request queue pointer */
++ if (ha->request_in == (REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH - 1)) {
++ ha->request_in = 0;
++ ha->request_ptr = ha->request_ring;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: wraparound -- new "
++ "request_in = %04x, new request_ptr = %p\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->request_in, ha->request_ptr));
++ } else {
++ ha->request_in++;
++ ha->request_ptr++;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: new request_in = %04x, new "
++ "request_ptr = %p\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ha->request_in,
++ ha->request_ptr));
++ }
++ /* Load packet defaults */
++ cont_entry->hdr.entryType = ET_CONTINUE;
++ cont_entry->hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ cont_entry->hdr.systemDefined =
++ (uint8_t) cpu_to_le16(ha->request_in);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry");
++ return(cont_entry);
++inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ DATA_SEG_A64 **cur_dsd,
++ uint16_t *avail_dsds)
++ CONTINUE_ENTRY *cont_entry;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry");
++ /* Get request queue entry and adjust ring index. */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_req_pkt(ha, (QUEUE_ENTRY **) &cont_entry) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to allocate "
++ "continuation packet\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry");
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ cont_entry->hdr.entryType = ET_CONTINUE;
++ cont_entry->hdr.entryCount = 1;
++ cont_entry->hdr.systemDefined =
++ (uint8_t) cpu_to_le16(ha->request_in);
++ *cur_dsd = (DATA_SEG_A64 *) &cont_entry->dataseg[0];
++ *avail_dsds = CONTINUE_SEG;
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry");
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp
++ * This routine is called by qla4xxx_queuecommand to build an ISP
++ * command and pass it to the ISP for execution.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * srb - pointer to SCSI Request Block to be sent to ISP
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully sent command to ISP
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to send command to ISP
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp(scsi_qla_host_t *os_ha, srb_t *srb)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = srb->cmd;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ COMMAND_ENTRY *cmd_entry;
++ struct scatterlist *sg;
++ uint16_t tot_dsds; /* number of data segments */
++ /* (sg entries, if sg request) */
++ uint16_t req_cnt; /* number of request queue entries */
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint16_t cnt;
++ uint16_t i;
++ uint32_t index;
++ uint8_t found = 0;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ char tag[2];
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp");
++ /* Get real lun and adapter */
++ fclun = srb->lun_queue->fclun;
++ ha = fclun->fcport->ha;
++ cmd = srb->cmd;
++ ddb_entry = fclun->fcport->ddbptr;
++ lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ /* Send marker(s) if needed. */
++ if (ha->marker_needed == 1) {
++ if (qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb(ha, ddb_entry, fclun) !=
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ }
++ ha->marker_needed = 0;
++ /* Acquire hardware specific lock */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Check for room in active srb array */
++ index = ha->current_active_index;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_SRBS; i++) {
++ index++;
++ if (index == MAX_SRBS)
++ index = 1;
++ if (ha->active_srb_array[index] == 0) {
++ found = 1;
++ ha->current_active_index = index;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!found) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: no room in active "
++ "array, try again later\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ goto exit_send_cmd;
++ }
++ /* Calculate the number of request entries needed. */
++ req_cnt = qla4xxx_calc_request_entries(cmd->request->nr_hw_segments);
++ if (ha->req_q_count < (req_cnt + 2)) {
++ if (ha->request_in < cnt)
++ ha->req_q_count = cnt - ha->request_in;
++ else
++ ha->req_q_count = REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH /*ha->request_q_length*/ -
++ (ha->request_in - cnt);
++ }
++ if (ha->req_q_count < (req_cnt + 2))
++ goto exit_send_cmd;
++ /* check for request queue full */
++ if ((ha->iocb_cnt + req_cnt) >= ha->iocb_hiwat) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: request queue is full, "
++ "iocb_cnt=%d, iocb_hiwat=%d, need %d\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->iocb_cnt, ha->iocb_hiwat, req_cnt));
++ goto exit_send_cmd;
++ }
++ /* Finally, we have enough space, now perform mappings. */
++ tot_dsds = 0;
++ if (cmd->use_sg) {
++ sg = (struct scatterlist *) cmd->request_buffer;
++ tot_dsds = pci_map_sg(ha->pdev, sg, cmd->use_sg,
++ cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ if (tot_dsds == 0)
++ goto exit_send_cmd;
++ } else if (cmd->request_bufflen) {
++ tot_dsds++;
++ }
++ req_cnt = qla4xxx_calc_request_entries(tot_dsds);
++ /* Build command entry packet to send to ISP. */
++ cmd_entry = (COMMAND_ENTRY *) ha->request_ptr;
++ cmd_entry->hdr.entryType = ET_COMMAND;
++ cmd_entry->handle = cpu_to_le32(index);
++ cmd_entry->target = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ cmd_entry->connection_id = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->connection_id);
++ cmd_entry->lun[1] = LSB(cmd->device->lun); /* SAMII compliant. */
++ cmd_entry->lun[2] = MSB(cmd->device->lun);
++ cmd_entry->cmdSeqNum = cpu_to_le32(ddb_entry->CmdSn);
++ cmd_entry->ttlByteCnt = cpu_to_le32(cmd->request_bufflen);
++ memcpy(cmd_entry->cdb, cmd->cmnd, MIN(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, cmd->cmd_len));
++ cmd_entry->dataSegCnt = cpu_to_le16(tot_dsds);
++ cmd_entry->hdr.entryCount = srb->entry_count = req_cnt;
++ /* Set firmware timeout to [target_mgmt_timeout + IOCB_TOV_MARGIN]
++ * seconds less than OS timeout.
++ * We want the firmware to time out the command first
++ */
++ cmd_entry->timeout = (cmd->timeout_per_command / HZ)
++ if (cmd_entry->timeout > ddb_entry->task_mgmt_timeout + IOCB_TOV_MARGIN)
++ cmd_entry->timeout -=
++ (ddb_entry->task_mgmt_timeout + IOCB_TOV_MARGIN);
++ cmd_entry->timeout = cpu_to_le16(cmd_entry->timeout);
++ srb->iocb_tov = cmd_entry->timeout;
++ srb->os_tov = cmd->timeout_per_command / HZ;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: timeout set to %d "
++ "seconds, \n", ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__, cmd_entry->timeout));
++ /* Set data transfer direction control flags
++ * NOTE: Look at data_direction bits iff there is data to be
++ * transferred, as the data direction bit is sometimed filled
++ * in when there is no data to be transferred */
++ cmd_entry->control_flags = CF_NO_DATA;
++ if (cmd->request_bufflen) {
++ if (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE)
++ cmd_entry->control_flags = CF_WRITE;
++ else if (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE)
++ cmd_entry->control_flags = CF_READ;
++ }
++ /* Set tagged queueing control flags */
++ cmd_entry->control_flags |= CF_SIMPLE_TAG;
++ if (scsi_populate_tag_msg(cmd, tag)) {
++ switch (tag[0]) {
++ case MSG_HEAD_TAG:
++ cmd_entry->control_flags |= CF_HEAD_TAG;
++ break;
++ cmd_entry->control_flags |= CF_ORDERED_TAG;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Advance request queue pointer */
++ if (ha->request_in == (REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH - 1)) {
++ ha->request_in = 0;
++ ha->request_ptr = ha->request_ring;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: wraparound -- new "
++ "request_in = %04x, new request_ptr = %p\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->request_in, ha->request_ptr));
++ } else {
++ ha->request_in++;
++ ha->request_ptr++;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: new request_in = %04x, new "
++ "request_ptr = %p\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ha->request_in,
++ ha->request_ptr));
++ }
++ qla4xxx_build_scsi_iocbs(srb, cmd_entry, tot_dsds);
++ wmb();
++ /* put command in active array */
++ ha->active_srb_array[index] = srb;
++ srb->cmd->host_scribble = (unsigned char *)(unsigned long)index;
++ /* update counters */
++ ha->active_srb_count++;
++ ha->req_q_count -= srb->entry_count;
++ ddb_entry->out_count++;
++ lun_entry->out_count++;
++ lun_entry->tot_io_count++;
++ srb->active_array_index = index;
++ srb->state = SRB_ACTIVE_STATE;
++ srb->flags |= SRB_DMA_VALID;
++ /* Track IOCB used */
++ ha->iocb_cnt += req_cnt;
++ srb->iocb_cnt = req_cnt;
++ /* Debug print statements */
++#ifdef QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3
++ QL4PRINT(QLP14, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: CDB = ", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->target, cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ for (i = 0; i < cmd->cmd_len; i++)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP14, printk("%02x ", cmd->cmnd[i]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP14, printk("\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d: %s: srb=%p, srb->index=0x%x, "
++ "cmd_entry->handle=0x%x "
++ "tot_dsds=%d, req_cnt=%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, srb,
++ srb->active_array_index,
++ cmd_entry->handle,
++ tot_dsds, req_cnt));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10|QLP24, printk("scsi%d: %s: cmd_entry 0x%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cmd_entry));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10|QLP24, cmd_entry, sizeof(*cmd_entry));
++ for (i=1; i<=req_cnt-1; i++) {
++ CONTINUE_ENTRY *cont_entry = (CONTINUE_ENTRY *) cmd_entry+i;
++ printk("\nscsi%d: %s: cont_entry 0x%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cont_entry));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10|QLP24,
++ cont_entry, sizeof(*cont_entry));
++ }
++ /* Tell ISP that there's a new request */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d: %s: RequestQueueIn %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->request_in));
++ srb->u_start = jiffies;
++ ha->f_start = srb->u_start;
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->req_q_in, ha->request_in);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->req_q_in);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp");
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ /* Release hardware specific lock */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp");
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ * qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp
++ * This routine is called by qla4xxx_queuecommand to build an ISP
++ * command and pass it to the ISP for execution.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * srb - pointer to SCSI Request Block to be sent to ISP
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully sent command to ISP
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to send command to ISP
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp(scsi_qla_host_t *os_ha, srb_t *srb)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd = srb->cmd;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ COMMAND_ENTRY *cmd_entry;
++ uint16_t saved_request_in;
++ QUEUE_ENTRY *saved_request_ptr;
++ uint16_t avail_dsds;
++ DATA_SEG_A64 *cur_dsd;
++ uint16_t tot_dsds; /* number of data segments */
++ /* (sg entries, if sg request) */
++ uint8_t tot_iocbs;/* number of request queue entries */
++ /* (commamd + continue) */
++ unsigned long flags;
++ uint16_t i;
++ uint32_t index;
++ uint8_t found = 0;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ char tag[2];
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp");
++ /* Get real lun and adapter */
++ fclun = srb->lun_queue->fclun;
++ ha = fclun->fcport->ha;
++ /* FIXME: Where are we checking the iocb count? The f/w can only accept
++ * a max number of IOCB and mailbox commands.
++ */
++ cmd = srb->cmd;
++ ddb_entry = fclun->fcport->ddbptr;
++ lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ /* Send marker(s) if needed. */
++ if (ha->marker_needed == 1) {
++ if (qla4xxx_send_marker_iocb(ha, ddb_entry, fclun) !=
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ }
++ ha->marker_needed = 0;
++ /* Acquire hardware specific lock */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Save some variables to undo things if an error occurs */
++ saved_request_in = ha->request_in;
++ saved_request_ptr = ha->request_ptr;
++ tot_dsds = 0;
++ tot_iocbs = 1;
++ avail_dsds = COMMAND_SEG;
++ /* Get request queue entry and adjust ring index. */
++ if (qla4xxx_get_req_pkt(ha, (QUEUE_ENTRY **) &cmd_entry) !=
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: request queue is "
++ "full, try again later\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ goto exit_send_cmd;
++ }
++ /* Check for room in active srb array */
++ index = ha->current_active_index;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_SRBS; i++) {
++ index++;
++ if (index == MAX_SRBS)
++ index = 1;
++ if (ha->active_srb_array[index] == 0) {
++ found = 1;
++ ha->current_active_index = index;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!found) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: no room in active "
++ "array, try again later\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ goto exit_send_cmd_return_request;
++ }
++ /* Build command entry packet to send to ISP. */
++ /* If in connection mode, bump sequence number */
++ if ((ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_SESSION_MODE) != 0)
++ ddb_entry->CmdSn++;
++ cmd_entry->hdr.entryType = ET_COMMAND;
++ cmd_entry->handle = cpu_to_le32(index);
++ cmd_entry->target = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);
++ cmd_entry->connection_id = cpu_to_le16(ddb_entry->connection_id);
++ cmd_entry->lun[1] = LSB(cmd->device->lun); /* SAMII compliant. */
++ cmd_entry->lun[2] = MSB(cmd->device->lun);
++ cmd_entry->cmdSeqNum = cpu_to_le32(ddb_entry->CmdSn);
++ cmd_entry->ttlByteCnt = cpu_to_le32(cmd->request_bufflen);
++ memcpy(cmd_entry->cdb, cmd->cmnd, MIN(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, cmd->cmd_len));
++ /* Set firmware timeout to [target_mgmt_timeout + IOCB_TOV_MARGIN]
++ * seconds less than OS timeout.
++ * We want the firmware to time out the command first */
++ cmd_entry->timeout = (cmd->timeout_per_command / HZ)
++ if (cmd_entry->timeout > ddb_entry->task_mgmt_timeout + IOCB_TOV_MARGIN)
++ cmd_entry->timeout -=
++ (ddb_entry->task_mgmt_timeout + IOCB_TOV_MARGIN);
++ cmd_entry->timeout = cpu_to_le16(cmd_entry->timeout);
++ srb->iocb_tov = cmd_entry->timeout;
++ srb->os_tov = cmd->timeout_per_command / HZ;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: timeout set to %d "
++ "seconds, \n", ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__, cmd_entry->timeout));
++ /* Set data transfer direction control flags
++ * NOTE: Look at data_direction bits iff there is data to be
++ * transferred, as the data direction bit is sometimed filled
++ * in when there is no data to be transferred */
++ cmd_entry->control_flags = CF_NO_DATA;
++ if (cmd->request_bufflen) {
++ if (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE)
++ cmd_entry->control_flags = CF_WRITE;
++ else if (cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE)
++ cmd_entry->control_flags = CF_READ;
++ }
++ /* Set tagged queueing control flags */
++ cmd_entry->control_flags |= CF_SIMPLE_TAG;
++ if (scsi_populate_tag_msg(cmd, tag)) {
++ switch (tag[0]) {
++ case MSG_HEAD_TAG:
++ cmd_entry->control_flags |= CF_HEAD_TAG;
++ break;
++ cmd_entry->control_flags |= CF_ORDERED_TAG;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Set data segments and byte counts */
++ cur_dsd = (DATA_SEG_A64 *) &(cmd_entry->dataseg[0]);
++ if (cmd->request_bufflen == 0 ||
++ cmd->sc_data_direction == DMA_NONE) {
++ /* No data being transferred */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: No data xfer\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ tot_dsds = 0;
++ cmd_entry->ttlByteCnt = __constant_cpu_to_le32(0);
++ } else if (cmd->use_sg) {
++ struct scatterlist *cur_seg;
++ struct scatterlist *end_seg;
++ int nseg;
++ /* Data transfer with Scatter/Gather
++ *
++ * We must build an SG list in adapter format, as the kernel's
++ * SG list cannot be used directly because of data field size
++ * (__alpha__) differences and the kernel SG list uses virtual
++ * addresses where we need physical addresses.
++ */
++ cur_seg = (struct scatterlist *) cmd->request_buffer;
++ nseg = pci_map_sg(ha->pdev, cur_seg, cmd->use_sg,
++ cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ if (nseg == 0)
++ goto exit_send_cmd;
++ end_seg = cur_seg + nseg;
++ while (cur_seg < end_seg) {
++ dma_addr_t sle_dma;
++ /* Allocate additional continuation packets? */
++ if (avail_dsds == 0) {
++ tot_iocbs++;
++ if (qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry(ha, &cur_dsd,
++ &avail_dsds) == QLA_ERROR) {
++ printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: "
++ "request queue full, "
++ "unmap sg, try again "
++ "later\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ goto exit_send_cmd_return_dma;
++ }
++ }
++ sle_dma = sg_dma_address(cur_seg);
++ cur_dsd->base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(sle_dma));
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(sle_dma));
++ cur_dsd->count = cpu_to_le32(sg_dma_len(cur_seg));
++ tot_dsds++;
++ avail_dsds--;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5|QLP24, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: S/G "
++ "DSD %p phys_addr=%x:%08x, len=0x%x, tot_dsd=0x%x, "
++ "avail_dsd=0x%x\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__, cur_dsd,
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh, cur_dsd->base.addrLow,
++ cur_dsd->count, tot_dsds, avail_dsds));
++ cur_dsd++;
++ cur_seg++;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Data transfer without SG entries. */
++ dma_addr_t req_dma;
++ struct page *page;
++ unsigned long offset;
++ page = virt_to_page(cmd->request_buffer);
++ offset = ((unsigned long) cmd->request_buffer & ~PAGE_MASK);
++ req_dma = pci_map_page(ha->pdev, page, offset,
++ cmd->request_bufflen, cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ srb->saved_dma_handle = req_dma;
++ if (!srb->saved_dma_handle) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: pci "
++ "mapping failed!, try again later\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id,
++ cmd->device->lun, __func__));
++ goto exit_send_cmd_return_dma;
++ }
++ cur_dsd->base.addrLow = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(req_dma));
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(req_dma));
++ cur_dsd->count = cpu_to_le32(cmd->request_bufflen);
++ tot_dsds++;
++ avail_dsds--;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: No S/G transfer, "
++ "DSD=%p cmd=%p dma_addr=%x:%08x, len=%x, tot_dsd=0x%x, "
++ "avail_dsd=0x%x\n", ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun, __func__, cur_dsd, cmd,
++ cur_dsd->base.addrHigh, cur_dsd->base.addrLow,
++ cur_dsd->count, tot_dsds, avail_dsds));
++ cur_dsd++;
++ }
++ cmd_entry->dataSegCnt = cpu_to_le16(tot_dsds);
++ cmd_entry->hdr.entryCount = srb->entry_count = tot_iocbs;
++ wmb();
++ /* put command in active array */
++ ha->active_srb_array[index] = srb;
++ srb->cmd->host_scribble = (unsigned char *)(unsigned long)index;
++ /* update counters */
++ ha->active_srb_count++;
++ ha->req_q_count -= srb->entry_count;
++ ddb_entry->out_count++;
++ lun_entry->out_count++;
++ lun_entry->tot_io_count++;
++ srb->active_array_index = index;
++ srb->state = SRB_ACTIVE_STATE;
++ srb->flags |= SRB_DMA_VALID;
++ /* Track IOCB used */
++ ha->iocb_cnt += tot_iocbs;
++ srb->iocb_cnt = tot_iocbs;
++ /* Debug print statements */
++#ifdef QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3
++ QL4PRINT(QLP14, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: CDB = ", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->target, cmd->device->lun,
++ __func__));
++ for (i = 0; i < cmd->cmd_len; i++)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP14, printk("%02x ", cmd->cmnd[i]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP14, printk("\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d: %s: srb=%p, srb->index=0x%x, "
++ "cmd_entry->handle=0x%x "
++ "tot_dsds=%d, tot_iocbs=%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, srb,
++ srb->active_array_index,
++ cmd_entry->handle,
++ tot_dsds, tot_iocbs));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10|QLP24, printk("scsi%d: %s: cmd_entry 0x%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cmd_entry));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10|QLP24, cmd_entry, sizeof(*cmd_entry));
++ for (i=1; i<=tot_iocbs-1; i++) {
++ CONTINUE_ENTRY *cont_entry = (CONTINUE_ENTRY *) cmd_entry+i;
++ printk("\nscsi%d: %s: cont_entry 0x%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cont_entry));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10|QLP24,
++ cont_entry, sizeof(*cont_entry));
++ }
++ /* Tell ISP that there's a new request */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d: %s: RequestQueueIn %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->request_in));
++ srb->u_start = jiffies;
++ ha->f_start = srb->u_start;
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->req_q_in, ha->request_in);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->req_q_in);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp");
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ /* Unmap srb dma buffer */
++ pci_unmap_sg(ha->pdev, (struct scatterlist *)cmd->request_buffer,
++ cmd->use_sg, cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ /* restore request queue in pointers */
++ ha->request_in = saved_request_in;
++ ha->request_ptr = saved_request_ptr;
++ /* Release hardware specific lock */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp");
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++* qla4xxx_done
++* Process completed commands.
++* Input:
++* old_ha = adapter block pointer.
++* Returns:
++* int
++qla4xxx_done(scsi_qla_host_t *old_ha)
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *vis_ha;
++ int cnt;
++ srb_t *srb, *stemp;
++ struct list_head local_sp_list;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ cnt = 0;
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local_sp_list);
++ /*
++ * Get into local queue such that we do not wind up calling done queue
++ * takslet for the same IOs from DPC or any other place.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&old_ha->list_lock,flags);
++ list_splice_init(&old_ha->done_srb_q, &local_sp_list);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&old_ha->list_lock, flags);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &local_sp_list, list_entry) {
++ old_ha->done_srb_q_count--;
++ srb->state = SRB_NO_QUEUE_STATE;
++ list_del_init(&srb->list_entry);
++ cnt++;
++ cmd = srb->cmd;
++ if (cmd == NULL) {
++#if 0
++ panic("qla4xxx_done: SP %p already freed - %s %d.\n",
++ srb, __FILE__,__LINE__);
++ continue;
++ }
++ vis_ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *)cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ lq = srb->lun_queue;
++#if 1
++ if( lq == NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla4xxx_done: lq == NULL , sp= %p, %s %d \n",
++ srb, __FILE__,__LINE__);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ if( lq->fclun == NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla4xxx_done: lq->fclun == NULL , sp=%p %s %d \n",
++ srb,__FILE__,__LINE__);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ if( lq->fclun->fcport == NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla4xxx_done: lq->fclun->fcport == NULL , sp=%p %s %d \n",
++ srb,__FILE__,__LINE__);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ ha = srb->ha;
++ /* Release memory used for this I/O */
++ if ((srb->flags & SRB_DMA_VALID) != 0) {
++ srb->flags &= ~SRB_DMA_VALID;
++ /* Release memory used for this I/O */
++ if (cmd->use_sg) {
++ pci_unmap_sg(ha->pdev,
++ cmd->request_buffer,
++ cmd->use_sg,
++ cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ } else if (cmd->request_bufflen) {
++ pci_unmap_page(ha->pdev,
++ srb->saved_dma_handle,
++ cmd->request_bufflen,
++ cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ }
++ ha->total_mbytes_xferred += cmd->request_bufflen / 1024;
++ }
++ // qla4xxx_do_fo_check(ha, sp, vis_ha);
++ if (!(srb->flags & (SRB_TAPE)) &&
++ qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha)) {
++ /*
++ * This routine checks for DID_NO_CONNECT to decide
++ * whether to failover to another path or not. We only
++ * failover on selection timeout(DID_NO_CONNECT) status.
++ */
++ if (!(lq->fclun->fcport->flags &
++ !(lq->fclun->flags & FLF_VISIBLE_LUN) &&
++ qla4xxx_fo_check(ha,srb)) {
++ if ((srb->state != SRB_FAILOVER_STATE)) {
++ /*
++ * Retry the command on this path
++ * several times before selecting a new
++ * path.
++ */
++ // qla4xxx_complete_request(vis_ha,srb);
++ qla4xxx_start_fo_cmd(vis_ha, srb);
++ }
++ else {
++ /* we failover this path */
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(srb->cmd,
++ }
++ continue;
++ }
++ }
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(vis_ha, srb);
++ } /* end of while */
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(cnt);
++ * qla4xxx_request_cleanup
++ * This routine frees resources for a command that
++ * didn't get completed.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * srb - Pointer to SCSI Request Block
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The srb pointer should be guaranteed to be nonzero before calling
++ * this function. The caller should also ensure that the list_lock is
++ * released before calling this function.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_request_cleanup(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd(srb);
++ cmd = srb->cmd;
++ /* Let abort handler know we are completing the command */
++ CMD_SP(cmd) = NULL;
++ /* Release memory used for this I/O */
++ if ( (srb->flags & SRB_DMA_VALID) ) {
++ srb->flags &= ~SRB_DMA_VALID;
++ /* Release memory used for this I/O */
++ if (cmd->use_sg) {
++ pci_unmap_sg(ha->pdev,
++ cmd->request_buffer,
++ cmd->use_sg,
++ cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ }
++ else if (cmd->request_bufflen) {
++ pci_unmap_page(ha->pdev,
++ srb->saved_dma_handle,
++ cmd->request_bufflen,
++ srb->cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ }
++ }
++ srb->cmd = NULL;
++ add_to_free_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ * qla4xxx_complete_request
++ * This routine returns a command to the caller via the done_fn
++ * specified in the cmd structure.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * srb - Pointer to SCSI Request Block
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The srb pointer should be guaranteed to be nonzero before calling
++ * this function. The caller should also ensure that the list_lock is
++ * released before calling this function.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully completed request
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to complete request
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_complete_request(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ //ENTER("qla4xxx_complete_request");
++ /* Make sure the cmd pointer is valid */
++ if (srb == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR: NULL srb \n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_complete_request;
++ }
++ /* FIXMEdg: Why do we need this check?? */
++ if ((srb->flags & SRB_FREE_STATE) == 0)
++ qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd(srb);
++ cmd = srb->cmd;
++ if (cmd == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR: NULL cmd pointer in "
++ "srb=%p\n", ha->host_no, __func__, srb));
++ goto exit_complete_request;
++ }
++ /* Let abort handler know we are completing the command */
++ CMD_SP(cmd) = NULL;
++ /* Release memory used for this I/O */
++ if ((srb->flags & SRB_DMA_VALID) != 0) {
++ srb->flags &= ~SRB_DMA_VALID;
++ /* Release memory used for this I/O */
++ if (cmd->use_sg) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: S/G unmap_sg cmd=%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cmd));
++ pci_unmap_sg(ha->pdev,
++ cmd->request_buffer,
++ cmd->use_sg,
++ cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ }
++ else if (cmd->request_bufflen) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: No S/G unmap_single "
++ "cmd=%p saved_dma_handle=%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cmd,
++ (uint32_t) srb->saved_dma_handle));
++ pci_unmap_page(ha->pdev,
++ srb->saved_dma_handle,
++ cmd->request_bufflen,
++ srb->cmd->sc_data_direction);
++ }
++ ha->total_mbytes_xferred += cmd->request_bufflen / 1024;
++ }
++ if (host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_OK) {
++ if (!(srb->flags & SRB_GOT_SENSE)) {
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ if (lun_entry) {
++ /*
++ * If lun was not ready (suspended or timeout)
++ * then change state to "READY".
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&lun_entry->lun_lock, flags);
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state != LS_LUN_READY) {
++ lun_entry->lun_state = LS_LUN_READY;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lun_entry->lun_lock, flags);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ #ifdef DEBUG
++ /* debug prints */
++ // qla4xxx_dump_command(ha, cmd);
++ #endif
++ /*
++ * A backdoor device-reset (via eh_resets) requires different
++ * error handling. This code differentiates between normal
++ * error handling and the backdoor method
++ */
++ if (host_byte(cmd->result) == DID_RESET) {
++ #define EH_ACTIVE 1
++ if (ha->host->eh_active != EH_ACTIVE)
++ // srb->cmd->result = DID_IMM_RETRY << 16;
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ }
++#ifdef QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3
++ if (cmd->result & 0xff) {
++ printk("REQUEST_SENSE data: "
++ "(MAX 0x20 bytes displayed)\n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP13, cmd->sense_buffer,
++ MIN(0x20, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer)));
++ }
++ /* Call the mid-level driver interrupt handler */
++ srb->cmd = NULL;
++ add_to_free_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ // CMD_SP(cmd) = NULL;
++ (*(cmd)->scsi_done)(cmd);
++ exit_complete_request:
++ //LEAVE("qla4xxx_complete_request");
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_queuecommand
++ * This routine is invoked by Linux to send a SCSI command to the driver.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * cmd - Pointer to Linux's SCSI command structure
++ * done_fn - Function that the driver calls to notify the SCSI mid-layer
++ * that the command has been processed.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The mid-level driver tries to ensure that queuecommand never gets
++ * invoked concurrently with itself or the interrupt handler (although
++ * the interrupt handler may call this routine as part of request-
++ * completion handling). Unfortunely, it sometimes calls the scheduler
++ * in interrupt context which is a big NO! NO!.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_queuecommand(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, void (*done_fn)(struct scsi_cmnd *))
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt_entry;
++ uint32_t b, t, l;
++ int return_status = 0;
++ srb_t *srb;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ b = cmd->device->channel;
++ t = cmd->device->id;
++ l = cmd->device->lun;
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ /*
++ * Retrieve srb from pool. If no srb available, Notify the OS to queue
++ * commands in the OS. The OS will not attempt to queue more commands
++ * until a command is returned to the OS.
++ */
++ srb = del_from_free_srb_q_head(ha);
++ if (srb == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: srb not available\n"
++ , ha->host_no, __func__);)
++ DEBUG2(printk("Number of free srbs = %d of %d\n",
++ ha->free_srb_q_count, ha->num_srbs_allocated);)
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return_status = SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY;
++ return (return_status);
++ }
++ /* Link the srb with cmd */
++ CMD_SP(cmd) = (char *)srb;
++ cmd->scsi_done = done_fn;
++ srb->cmd = cmd;
++ srb->r_start = jiffies; /*Time we recieved the I/O*/
++ srb->flags = 0;
++ srb->fo_retry_cnt = 0;
++ srb->err_id = 0;
++ srb->ha = ha;
++ if ((cmd->timeout_per_command/HZ) > QLA_CMD_TIMER_DELTA)
++ qla4xxx_add_timer_to_cmd(srb, (cmd->timeout_per_command / HZ) -
++ else
++ qla4xxx_add_timer_to_cmd(srb, (cmd->timeout_per_command / HZ));
++ /* retrieve device and lun handles */
++ tgt_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_SCSIID(ha, b, t);
++ if (tgt_entry == NULL) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ lun_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_lun_handle(ha, tgt_entry, l);
++ if (lun_entry == NULL) {
++ if ((qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha) && l != 0) ||
++ tgt_entry->fcport == NULL ) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ if (tgt_entry->fcport == NULL) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Allocate a LUN queue for this request if we haven't
++ * already did it on a previous command.
++ */
++ fcport = tgt_entry->fcport;
++ fclun = qla4xxx_add_fclun(fcport, l);
++ if (fclun == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Can't get FCLUN queue.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ /* Assume this type right now and fixup after command completes */
++ fclun->device_type = TYPE_DISK;
++ lun_entry = qla4xxx_fclun_bind(ha, fcport, fclun);
++ if( lun_entry == NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Can't Bind or allocate LUN queue.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ }
++ srb->tgt_queue = tgt_entry;
++ srb->lun_queue = lun_entry;
++ srb->fclun = lun_entry->fclun;
++ if (lun_entry->fclun == NULL) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "scsi%d: (lq->fclun == NULL) sp=%ld,lq=%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, srb->cmd->serial_number, lun_entry));
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ fcport = lun_entry->fclun->fcport;
++ if (fcport == NULL) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "scsi%d: (lq->fclun->fcport == NULL) sp=%ld, lq=%p,"
++ "lq->fclun=%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, srb->cmd->serial_number,
++ lun_entry, lun_entry->fclun));
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ if (ddb_entry == NULL) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: (ddbptr == NULL) sp=%ld, ddb entry=%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, srb->cmd->serial_number, ddb_entry));
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ srb->ha = fcport->ha;
++ /* Only modify the allowed count if the target is a *non* tape device */
++ if ( !(fcport->flags & FCF_TAPE_PRESENT) &&
++ cmd->allowed < ql4xcmdretrycount)
++ cmd->allowed = ql4xcmdretrycount;
++ if ( (fcport->flags & FCF_TAPE_PRESENT) ||
++ (fcport->flags & FCF_NONFO_DEVICE) )
++ srb->flags |= SRB_TAPE;
++ if (atomic_read(&fcport->state) == FCS_DEVICE_DEAD) {
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ if (!test_bit(AF_LINK_UP, &fcport->ha->flags))
++ srb->err_id = SRB_ERR_LOOP;
++ else
++ srb->err_id = SRB_ERR_PORT;
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "scsi%d: PORT DEAD sp=%ld, errid=%d, fcport=%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, srb->cmd->serial_number, srb->err_id, fcport));
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ qla4xxx_done(ha);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return 0;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the device is missing or the adapter is OFFLINE,
++ * put the request on the retry queue.
++ */
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) == DEV_STATE_MISSING ||
++ !ADAPTER_UP(fcport->ha)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: PORT missing or HBA link-down"
++ "-ddb state=0x%x, hba flags=0x%lx, sp=%ld"
++ "\n", fcport->ha->host_no,
++ atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state),
++ fcport->ha->flags, srb->cmd->serial_number));
++ qla4xxx_device_suspend(ha, lun_entry, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return 0;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ if (!(srb->flags & SRB_TAPE) &&
++ (test_bit(CFG_FAILOVER, &fcport->ha->cfg_flags) ||
++ (srb->flags & SRB_FAILOVER))) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Failover flag set - sp=%ld"
++ "cfg flags=0x%lx, srb flags 0x%x\n",
++ fcport->ha->host_no, srb->cmd->serial_number,
++ fcport->ha->cfg_flags,srb->flags ));
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(srb->cmd, EXTEND_CMD_TOV);
++ add_to_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If this request's lun is suspended then put the request on
++ * the scsi_retry queue.
++ */
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state == LS_LUN_SUSPENDED) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Lun suspended - sp=%ld - "
++ "retry_q\n", fcport->ha->host_no,
++ srb->cmd->serial_number));
++ qla4xxx_device_suspend(ha, lun_entry, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return 0;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ DEBUG(printk(
++ "scsi%d: %s sp=%ld, errid=%d, sp->flags=0x%x fcport=%p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, srb->cmd->serial_number, srb->err_id, srb->flags, fcport));
++ /* If target suspended put incoming I/O in retry_q. */
++ if (test_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tgt_entry->flags) &&
++ (srb->flags & SRB_TAPE) == 0) {
++ qla4xxx_device_suspend(ha, lun_entry, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return 0;
++ goto qc_complete;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_send_command_to_isp(ha, srb) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /*
++ * Unable to send command to the ISP at this time.
++ * Notify the OS to queue commands.
++ */
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%d: %s: unable to send cmd "
++ "to ISP, retry later\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_request_cleanup(ha, srb);
++ return_status = SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return(return_status);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return(return_status);
++ * qla4xxx_device_suspend
++ * This routine is invoked by driver to stall the request queue
++ *
++ * Input:
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * This routine calls the scsi_device_quiesce which may go to sleep.
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_device_suspend( scsi_qla_host_t *ha, os_lun_t *lun_entry, srb_t *srb )
++ struct scsi_device *sdev = lun_entry->sdev;
++ int ret = 0;
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(srb->cmd, EXTEND_CMD_TOV);
++ add_to_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ if (!test_bit(LF_LUN_BLOCKED, &lun_entry->flags)) {
++ set_bit(LF_LUN_BLOCKED, &lun_entry->flags);
++ ret = scsi_internal_device_block(sdev);
++ }
++ return ret;
++qla4xxx_device_unsuspend( os_lun_t *lun_entry )
++ struct scsi_device *sdev = lun_entry->sdev;
++ clear_bit(LF_LUN_BLOCKED, &lun_entry->flags);
++ scsi_internal_device_unblock(sdev);
++qla4xxx_check_for_blocked_luns(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int t,l;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt_entry;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++) {
++ if ( (tgt_entry = TGT_Q(ha, t)) == NULL )
++ continue;
++ if (test_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tgt_entry->flags) ){
++ continue;
++ }
++ for (l = 0; l < MAX_LUNS ; l++) {
++ lun_entry = LUN_Q(ha, t, l);
++ if (lun_entry == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if( test_bit(LF_LUN_BLOCKED, &lun_entry->flags) ) {
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state == LS_LUN_SUSPENDED)
++ continue;
++ fcport = lun_entry->fclun->fcport;
++ if ( !(atomic_read(&fcport->state) ==
++ atomic_read(&fcport->state) ==
++ FCS_ONLINE) ) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ qla4xxx_device_unsuspend(lun_entry);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_extend_timeout
++ * This routine will extend the timeout to the specified value.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * cmd - Pointer to Linux's SCSI command structure
++ * timeout - Amount of time to extend the OS timeout
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_extend_timeout(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, int timeout)
++ srb_t *srb = (srb_t *) CMD_SP(cmd);
++ u_long our_jiffies = (timeout * HZ) + jiffies;
++ if (cmd->eh_timeout.function) {
++ mod_timer(&cmd->eh_timeout,our_jiffies);
++ }
++ if (srb->timer.function != NULL) {
++ /*
++ * Our internal timer should timeout before the midlayer has a
++ * chance begin the abort process
++ */
++ mod_timer(&srb->timer,
++ our_jiffies - (QLA_CMD_TIMER_DELTA * HZ));
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_os_cmd_timeout
++ *
++ * Description:
++ * Handles the command if it times out in any state.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * sp - pointer to validate
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_os_cmd_timeout(srb_t *sp)
++ int t, l;
++ int processed;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *vis_ha, *dest_ha;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ ulong flags;
++ ulong cpu_flags;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ cmd = sp->cmd;
++ vis_ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ DEBUG2(printk("cmd_timeout: Entering sp->state = %x\n", sp->state);)
++ t = cmd->device->id;
++ l = cmd->device->lun;
++ fcport = sp->fclun->fcport;
++ dest_ha = sp->ha;
++ /*
++ * If IO is found either in retry Queue
++ * OR in Lun Queue
++ * Return this IO back to host
++ */
++ processed = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&dest_ha->list_lock, flags);
++ if ((sp->state == SRB_RETRY_STATE)
++ || (sp->state == SRB_FAILOVER_STATE)
++ ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Found in (Scsi) Retry queue or "
++ "failover Q pid %ld, State = %x., "
++ "fcport state=%d jiffies=%lx retried=%d\n",
++ dest_ha->host_no,
++ sp->cmd->serial_number, sp->state,
++ atomic_read(&fcport->state),
++ jiffies, sp->cmd->retries);)
++ if ((sp->state == SRB_RETRY_STATE)) {
++ __del_from_retry_srb_q(dest_ha, sp);
++ }
++ else if ((sp->state == SRB_FAILOVER_STATE)) {
++ __del_from_failover_queue(dest_ha, sp);
++ }
++ /*
++ * If FC_DEVICE is marked as dead return the cmd with
++ * DID_NO_CONNECT status. Otherwise set the host_byte to
++ * DID_IMM_RETRY to let the OS retry this cmd.
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(dest_ha)) {
++ // cmd->result = DID_IMM_RETRY << 16;
++ cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ if (atomic_read(&fcport->state) == FCS_DEVICE_DEAD) {
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(cmd, EXTEND_CMD_TOV);
++ cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ if (!test_bit(AF_LINK_UP, &fcport->ha->flags))
++ sp->err_id = SRB_ERR_LOOP;
++ else
++ sp->err_id = SRB_ERR_PORT;
++ }
++ else {
++ // cmd->result = DID_IMM_RETRY << 16;
++ cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ }
++ }
++ __add_to_done_srb_q(dest_ha, sp);
++ processed++;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dest_ha->list_lock, flags);
++ if (processed) {
++ qla4xxx_done(dest_ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&dest_ha->list_lock, cpu_flags);
++ if (sp->state == SRB_DONE_STATE) {
++ /* IO in done_q -- leave it */
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Found in Done queue pid %ld sp=%p.\n",
++ dest_ha->host_no, sp->cmd->serial_number, sp);)
++ }
++ else if (sp->state == SRB_SUSPENDED_STATE) {
++ if (sp->state == SRB_SUSPENDED_STATE) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: Found SP %p in suspended state "
++ "- pid %ld:\n",
++ dest_ha->host_no,sp,
++ sp->cmd->serial_number);)
++ }
++ else if (sp->state == SRB_ACTIVE_STATE) {
++ /*
++ * IO is with ISP find the command in our active list.
++ */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dest_ha->list_lock, cpu_flags); /* 01/03 */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&dest_ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if (sp == dest_ha->active_srb_array
++ [(unsigned long)sp->cmd->host_scribble]) {
++ if (sp->flags & SRB_TAPE) {
++ /*
++ * We cannot allow the midlayer error handler
++ * to wakeup and begin the abort process.
++ * Extend the timer so that the firmware can
++ * properly return the IOCB.
++ */
++ DEBUG2(printk("cmd_timeout: Extending timeout "
++ "of FCP2 tape command!\n"));
++ qla4xxx_extend_timeout(sp->cmd,
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dest_ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ }
++ else {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dest_ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla_cmd_timeout: State indicates it is with "
++ "ISP, But not in active array\n");
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&dest_ha->list_lock, cpu_flags);
++ }
++ else if (sp->state == SRB_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT_STATE) {
++ /* double timeout */
++ }
++ else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG3(printk("cmd_timeout%ld: LOST command state = "
++ "0x%x, sp=%p\n",
++ vis_ha->host_no, sp->state,sp);)
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "cmd_timeout: LOST command state = 0x%x\n", sp->state);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dest_ha->list_lock, cpu_flags);
++ DEBUG3(printk("cmd_timeout: Leaving\n");)
++ * qla4xxx_add_timer_to_cmd
++ * This routine creates a timer for the specified command. The timeout
++ * is usually the command time from kernel minus 2 secs.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * srb - Pointer to SCSI Request Block
++ * timeout - Number of seconds to extend command timeout.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_add_timer_to_cmd(srb_t *srb, int timeout)
++ init_timer(&srb->timer);
++ srb->timer.expires = jiffies + timeout * HZ;
++ srb-> = (unsigned long) srb;
++ srb->timer.function = (void (*) (unsigned long))qla4xxx_os_cmd_timeout;
++ add_timer(&srb->timer);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("%s: srb %p, timeout %d\n",
++ __func__, srb, timeout));
++ * qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd
++ * This routine deletes the timer for the specified command.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * srb - Pointer to SCSI Request Block
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd(srb_t *srb )
++ if (srb->timer.function != NULL) {
++ del_timer(&srb->timer);
++ srb->timer.function = NULL;
++ srb-> = (unsigned long) NULL;
++ }
++/* Interrupt Service Routine. */
++ * qla4xxx_timer
++ * This routine is scheduled to be invoked every second to search for
++ * work to do.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * p - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_timer(unsigned long p)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) p;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, *dtemp;
++ int start_dpc = 0;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ unsigned long cpu_flags;
++ int t, l;
++ if (ha->isp_reset_timer++ == (60 *3)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s going to schedule BIG HAMMER\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__);
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ ha->isp_reset_timer = 0;
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("scsi%d: %s: Host%d=%d/%d flags=[%lx,%lx,%lx] <%d,%d> "
++ "AENs={%d}, counters={%d,%d} %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ha->instance,
++ ha->spurious_int_count, (uint32_t)ha->isr_count, ha->flags,
++ ha->dpc_flags, ha->isns_flags, ha->aborted_io_count,
++ ha->mailbox_timeout_count, MAX_AEN_ENTRIES-ha->aen_q_count,
++ ha->retry_srb_q_count,
++ ha->active_srb_count, ha->seconds_since_last_intr));
++ /* Do we need to process the retry queue? */
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->retry_srb_q)) {
++ start_dpc++;
++ }
++ /*
++ * We try and failover any request in the failover
++ * queue every second.
++ */
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->failover_queue)) {
++ set_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_NEEDED, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ start_dpc++;
++ }
++ /* LUN suspension */
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++) {
++ for (l = 0; l < MAX_LUNS ; l++) {
++ lun_entry = GET_LU_Q(ha, t, l);
++ if (lun_entry == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if( test_bit(LF_LUN_BLOCKED, &lun_entry->flags) ){
++ set_bit(DPC_CHECK_LUN, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ start_dpc++;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&lun_entry->lun_lock, cpu_flags);
++ if (lun_entry->lun_state != LS_LUN_SUSPENDED ||
++ !atomic_read(&lun_entry->suspend_timer)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lun_entry->lun_lock,
++ cpu_flags);
++ continue;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s:"
++ "suspended lun_q - lun=%d, timer=%d "
++ "retry_count=%d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ lun_entry->lun,
++ atomic_read(&lun_entry->suspend_timer),
++ lun_entry->retry_count));
++ if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&lun_entry->suspend_timer)) {
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lun_entry->lun_lock,
++ cpu_flags);
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(LF_LUN_DELAYED,
++ &lun_entry->flags)) {
++ lun_entry->lun_state = LS_LUN_READY;
++ } else {
++ lun_entry->retry_count++;
++ if (lun_entry->retry_count ==
++ lun_entry->max_retry_count) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: LUN "
++ "%d TIMEOUT RETRY_CNT:%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ lun_entry->lun,
++ lun_entry->retry_count));
++ lun_entry->lun_state = LS_LUN_TIMEOUT;
++ } else {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: LUN "
++ "%d RETRY\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ lun_entry->lun));
++ lun_entry->lun_state = LS_LUN_RETRY;
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&lun_entry->lun_lock, cpu_flags);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Search for relogin's to time-out and port down retry.
++ */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ddb_entry, dtemp, &ha->ddb_list, list_entry) {
++ /* First check to see if the device has exhausted the
++ * port down retry count */
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) == DEV_STATE_MISSING) {
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->port_down_timer) == 0)
++ continue;
++ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&ddb_entry->port_down_timer)) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: index [%d] "
++ "port down retry count of (%d) secs "
++ "exhausted, marking device DEAD.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index,
++ ha->port_down_retry_count);)
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->state, DEV_STATE_DEAD);
++ if (ddb_entry->fcport)
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->fcport->state,
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d:%d:%d: "
++ "%s: index [%d] marked DEAD\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target, __func__,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);)
++ set_bit(DPC_CHECK_LUN, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ start_dpc++;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Count down time between sending relogins */
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha) && (!test_bit(DF_RELOGIN, &ddb_entry->flags) &&
++ (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) != DEV_STATE_ONLINE))) {
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer) !=
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer) == 0) {
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer, INVALID_ENTRY);
++ &ha->dpc_flags);
++ set_bit(DF_RELOGIN,
++ &ddb_entry->flags);
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d:%d:%d: "
++ "%s: index [%d] login device\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target, __func__,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index);)
++ } else
++ atomic_dec(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Wait for relogin to timeout */
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->relogin_timer) &&
++ (atomic_dec_and_test(&ddb_entry->relogin_timer) != 0)) {
++ /*
++ * If the relogin times out and the device is
++ * still NOT ONLINE then try and relogin again.
++ */
++ if (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) !=
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_device_state ==
++ /* Reset login timer */
++ atomic_inc(&ddb_entry->relogin_retry_count);
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d: index[%d] relogin timed "
++ "out-retrying relogin (%d)\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index,
++ atomic_read(&ddb_entry->relogin_retry_count)));
++ start_dpc++;
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d: index [%d] initate relogin "
++ "after %d seconds\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index,
++ ddb_entry->default_time2wait));
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->retry_relogin_timer,
++ ddb_entry->default_time2wait);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q)) {
++ start_dpc++;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check for kernel wakeup error
++ */
++ if (ha->host->in_recovery &&
++ (HOST_BUSY(ha) == ha->host->host_failed) &&
++ !ha->host->eh_active) {
++ if ((ha->eh_start++) == 60) {
++ if (ha->host->eh_wait)
++ up(ha->host->eh_wait);
++ ha->eh_start=0;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: !!! Waking up error "
++ "handler for scsi layer\n", ha->host_no));
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check for heartbeat interval
++ */
++ if ((ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_HEARTBEAT_ENABLE) &&
++ (ha->heartbeat_interval != 0)) {
++ ha->seconds_since_last_heartbeat ++;
++ if (ha->seconds_since_last_heartbeat >
++ ha->heartbeat_interval+2) {
++ "scsi%d: Heartbeat not received for %d seconds. "
++ "HeartbeatInterval = %d seconds. Scheduling SOFT "
++ "RESET.\n", ha->host_no,
++ ha->seconds_since_last_heartbeat,
++ ha->heartbeat_interval));
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check for iSNS actions
++ */
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_RESTART_SERVICE, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ if (atomic_read(&ha->isns_restart_timer)) {
++ if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&ha->isns_restart_timer) &&
++ &ha->isns_flags) &&
++ !IPAddrIsZero(ha->isns_ip_address) &&
++ ha->isns_server_port_number) {
++ &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ } else
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_RESTART_SERVICE, &ha->isns_flags);
++ }
++ if (test_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT_NEEDED, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ if (ha->failback_delay) {
++ ha->failback_delay--;
++ if (ha->failback_delay == 0) {
++ set_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ } else {
++ set_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ clear_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT_NEEDED, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Wakeup the dpc routine for this adapter, if needed */
++ if ((start_dpc ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RETRY_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RELOGIN_DEVICE, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_DESTROY_DDB_LIST, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_INTR, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_IOCTL_ERROR_RECOVERY, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_ISNS_RESTART, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_ISNS_RESTART_COMPLETION, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_EVENT, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_FAILOVER_NEEDED, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_AEN, &ha->dpc_flags)) &&
++ !test_bit(AF_DPC_SCHEDULED, &ha->flags) &&
++ !ha->dpc_active && ha->dpc_wait) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: scheduling dpc routine\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ set_bit(AF_DPC_SCHEDULED, &ha->flags);
++ up(ha->dpc_wait);
++ }
++ /* Reschedule timer thread to call us back in one second */
++ mod_timer(&ha->timer, jiffies + HZ);
++ DEBUG2(ha->seconds_since_last_intr++;)
++qla4xxx_ioctl_error_recovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int return_status;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ "scsi%d: %s: issuing device reset\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ if (!ha->ioctl->ioctl_err_cmd) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: should not occur\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(ha->host->host_lock, flags);
++ return_status = qla4xxx_eh_device_reset(ha->ioctl->ioctl_err_cmd);
++ if (return_status != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: elevation to host_reset\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return_status = qla4xxx_eh_host_reset(ha->ioctl->ioctl_err_cmd);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: return_status=%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, return_status));
++ }
++ ha->ioctl->ioctl_err_cmd = NULL ;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(ha->host->host_lock, flags);
++ * qla4xxx_do_dpc
++ * This routine is a task that is schedule by the interrupt handler
++ * to perform the background processing for interrupts. We put it
++ * on a task queue that is consumed whenever the scheduler runs; that's
++ * so you can do anything (i.e. put the process to sleep etc). In fact,
++ * the mid-level tries to sleep when it reaches the driver threshold
++ * "host->can_queue". This can cause a panic if we were in our interrupt
++ * code.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * p - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4xxx_do_dpc(void *data)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) data;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, *dtemp;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_do_dpc");
++ lock_kernel();
++ daemonize("qla4xxx_%d_dpc", ha->host_no);
++ allow_signal(SIGHUP);
++ ha->dpc_wait = &sem;
++ set_user_nice(current, -20);
++ unlock_kernel();
++ complete(&ha->dpc_inited);
++ while (1) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: DPC handler sleeping "
++ "*****************\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ if (down_interruptible(&sem))
++ break;
++ if (ha->dpc_should_die)
++ break;
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: DPC handler waking up "
++ "****************\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: ha->flags = 0x%08lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->flags));
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: ha->dpc_flags = 0x%08lx\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->dpc_flags));
++ /* Initialization not yet finished. Don't do anything yet. */
++ if (!test_bit(AF_INIT_DONE, &ha->flags) || ha->dpc_active)
++ continue;
++ ha->dpc_active = 1;
++ clear_bit(AF_DPC_SCHEDULED, &ha->flags);
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q))
++ qla4xxx_done(ha);
++ /* ---- return cmds on retry_q? --- */
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->retry_srb_q)) {
++ srb_t *srb, *stemp;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: found %d srbs in "
++ "retry_srb_q \n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->retry_srb_q_count));
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &ha->retry_srb_q,
++ list_entry) {
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
++ if (lun_entry && lun_entry->lun_state ==
++ continue;
++ fcport = lun_entry->fclun->fcport;
++ ddb_entry = fcport->ddbptr;
++ if (ddb_entry &&
++ atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) ==
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: found srb %p "
++ "in retry_srb_q, "
++ "Device DEAD, returning\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ srb));
++ __del_from_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
++ __add_to_done_srb_q(ha,srb);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Send requests to OS when device goes ONLINE
++ * so that the OS will retry them via I/O thread.
++ * We don't want to issue I/O via recovery thread.
++ */
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha) &&
++ (atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state)
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: found srb %p "
++ "in retry_srb_q, "
++ "Device ONLINE, returning\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ srb));
++ __del_from_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ // srb->cmd->result = DID_IMM_RETRY << 16;
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_BUS_BUSY << 16;
++ __add_to_done_srb_q(ha,srb);
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->list_lock, flags);
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q))
++ qla4xxx_done(ha);
++ }
++ /* ---- wakeup suspended luns --- */
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DPC_CHECK_LUN, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ qla4xxx_check_for_blocked_luns(ha);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(ha))
++ qla4xxx_process_failover_event(ha);
++ /*
++ * Determine what action is necessary
++ */
++ /* ---- recover adapter? --- */
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_INTR, &ha->dpc_flags) ||
++ test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_DESTROY_DDB_LIST, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi: %s: ignoring RESET_HA, "
++ "rebootdisable=1 \n", __func__));
++ clear_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ clear_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_INTR, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ clear_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_DESTROY_DDB_LIST, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ &ha->dpc_flags))
++ /* dg 09/23 Never initialize ddb list once we up and running
++ qla4xxx_recover_adapter(ha, REBUILD_DDB_LIST); */
++ qla4xxx_recover_adapter(ha, PRESERVE_DDB_LIST);
++ if (test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags))
++ qla4xxx_recover_adapter(ha, PRESERVE_DDB_LIST);
++ if (test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_INTR, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ uint8_t wait_time = RESET_INTR_TOV;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs(ha);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ while ((RD_REG_DWORD(ISP_PORT_STATUS(ha)) &
++ if (wait_time-- == 0)
++ break;
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(
++ &ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock,
++ flags);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock,
++ flags);
++ if (wait_time == 0)
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: IC bit not set\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_initialize_adapter(
++ ha,
++ clear_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_INTR, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ }
++ /* ---- process AEN? --- */
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DPC_AEN, &ha->dpc_flags))
++ qla4xxx_process_aen(ha, PROCESS_ALL_AENS);
++ /* ---- relogin device? --- */
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha) &&
++ test_and_clear_bit(DPC_RELOGIN_DEVICE, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ddb_entry, dtemp,
++ &ha->ddb_list, list_entry) {
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DF_RELOGIN,
++ &ddb_entry->flags) &&
++ atomic_read(&ddb_entry->state) != DEV_STATE_ONLINE) {
++ qla4xxx_relogin_device(ha, ddb_entry);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* ---- restart iSNS server? --- */
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha) &&
++ test_and_clear_bit(DPC_ISNS_RESTART, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ qla4xxx_isns_restart_service(ha);
++ }
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha) &&
++ test_and_clear_bit(DPC_ISNS_RESTART_COMPLETION,
++ &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ uint32_t ip_addr = 0;
++ IPAddr2Uint32(ha->isns_ip_address, &ip_addr);
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_restart_service_completion(ha,
++ ip_addr,
++ ha->isns_server_port_number)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG2( printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: "
++ "restart service failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ }
++ if (test_and_clear_bit(DPC_IOCTL_ERROR_RECOVERY,
++ &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ qla4xxx_ioctl_error_recovery(ha);
++ }
++ ha->dpc_active = 0;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Make sure that nobody tries to wake us up again.
++ */
++ ha->dpc_wait = NULL;
++ ha->dpc_active = 0;
++ complete_and_exit(&ha->dpc_exited, 0);
++ * qla4xxx_eh_wait_on_command
++ * This routine waits for the command to be returned by the Firmware
++ * for some max time.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = actual ha whose done queue will contain the command
++ * returned by firmware.
++ * cmd = Scsi Command to wait on.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Not Found : 0
++ * Found : 1
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4xxx_eh_wait_on_command(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ int done = 0;
++ srb_t *rp;
++ uint32_t max_wait_time = EH_WAIT_CMD_TOV;
++ do {
++ /* Checking to see if its returned to OS */
++ rp = (srb_t *) CMD_SP(cmd);
++ if (rp == NULL) {
++ done++;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(2*HZ);
++ while ((rp = del_from_done_srb_q_head(ha)) != NULL)
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, rp);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ } while (max_wait_time--);
++ if (done)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: found cmd=%p.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, cmd));
++ return done;
++ * qla4xxx_wait_for_hba_online
++ * This routine
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SUCCESS - Adapter is ONLINE
++ * FAILED - Adapter is DEAD
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context. Assume io_request_lock LOCKED upon entry
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_wait_for_hba_online(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long wait_online;
++ wait_online = jiffies + (30 * HZ);
++ while (time_before(jiffies, wait_online)) {
++ if (ADAPTER_UP(ha))
++ return QLA_SUCCESS;
++ if (!ADAPTER_UP(ha) && (ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt == 0)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: adapter down, "
++ "retry_reset_ha_cnt = %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt));
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d: %s: adapter down, "
++ "retry_reset_ha_cnt = %d, delay 2 sec.\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt));
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(2 * HZ);
++ }
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ * qla4xxx_eh_abort
++ * This routine aborts commands that currently held in the adapter's
++ * internal queues. Commands that are active are NOT aborted.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * cmd - Pointer to Linux's SCSI command structure
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * Aborts get translated to "device resets" by the scsi switch
++ * which will return a RESET status and not ABORT. Since the
++ * mid-level is expecting an ABORT status during an abort(),
++ * we always elevate to device reset.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SUCCESS - Successfully aborted non-active command
++ * FAILED - Command not found, or command currently active
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context. io_request_lock LOCKED
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_eh_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ int return_status = FAILED;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha, *vis_ha;
++ srb_t *srb;
++ srb_t *stemp;
++ srb = (srb_t *) CMD_SP(cmd);
++ if (!srb) {
++ /* Already returned to upper-layers. */
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, to_qla_host(cmd->device->host),
++ "Command already completed cmd=%ld.\n", cmd->serial_number);
++ return SUCCESS;
++ }
++ vis_ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(vis_ha))
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *)srb->ha;
++ else
++ ha = vis_ha;
++ ha = vis_ha;
++ ha->aborted_io_count++;
++ /* Print statements
++ * ---------------- */
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: abort srb=%p, cmd=%p, state=%s, r_start=%ld , "
++ "u_start=%ld\n", ha->host_no, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun, srb, cmd,
++ srb_state_msg[srb->state],srb->r_start,srb->u_start));
++ qla4xxx_dump_dwords(QLP10, srb, sizeof(*srb));
++ /* If srb found in done_q, return the cmd with ABORTED status */
++ spin_lock(&ha->adapter_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &ha->done_srb_q, list_entry) {
++ if (srb->cmd != cmd)
++ continue;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: srb %p found on done "
++ "queue\n", ha->host_no, __func__, srb));
++ cmd->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
++ spin_unlock(&ha->adapter_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ while ((srb = del_from_done_srb_q_head(ha)) != NULL)
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return SUCCESS;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&ha->adapter_lock);
++ spin_lock(&ha->list_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &ha->retry_srb_q, list_entry) {
++ if (srb->cmd != cmd)
++ continue;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: srb %p found on retry queue\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, srb));
++ __del_from_retry_srb_q(ha, srb);
++ cmd->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
++ spin_unlock(&ha->list_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return SUCCESS;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&ha->list_lock);
++ if (qla4xxx_failover_enabled(vis_ha)) {
++ spin_lock(&ha->list_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(srb, stemp, &ha->failover_queue,
++ list_entry) {
++ if (cmd != srb->cmd)
++ continue;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: srb %p found on "
++ "failover queue\n", ha->host_no, __func__, srb));
++ /* Remove srb from failover queue. */
++ __del_from_failover_queue(ha, srb);
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
++ spin_unlock(&ha->list_lock);
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return_status = SUCCESS;
++ return return_status;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&ha->list_lock);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Aborts get translated to "device resets" by the scsi switch which
++ * will return a RESET status and not ABORT. Since the mid-level is
++ * expecting an ABORT status during an abort(), we always elevate to
++ * device reset.
++ */
++ return_status = FAILED;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: return with status = %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, return_status));
++ return return_status;
++ * qla4010_soft_reset
++ * This routine performs a SOFT RESET.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully reset the firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to reset the firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4010_soft_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *ha){
++ uint32_t max_wait_time;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ uint32_t ctrl_status;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * If the SCSI Reset Interrupt bit is set, clear it.
++ * Otherwise, the Soft Reset won't work.
++ */
++ ctrl_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ if ((ctrl_status & CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR) != 0)
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR));
++ /* Issue Soft Reset */
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_SOFT_RESET));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Wait until the Network Reset Intr bit is cleared */
++ max_wait_time = RESET_INTR_TOV;
++ do {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ ctrl_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if ((ctrl_status & CSR_NET_RESET_INTR) == 0)
++ break;
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ } while ((max_wait_time--));
++ if ((ctrl_status & CSR_NET_RESET_INTR) != 0) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: Network Reset Intr not cleared "
++ "by Network function, clearing it now!\n", ha->host_no));
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_NET_RESET_INTR));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ }
++ /* Wait until the firmware tells us the Soft Reset is done */
++ max_wait_time = SOFT_RESET_TOV;
++ do {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ ctrl_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ if ((ctrl_status & CSR_SOFT_RESET) == 0) {
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ }
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ } while ((max_wait_time--));
++ /*
++ * Also, make sure that the SCSI Reset Interrupt bit has been cleared
++ * after the soft reset has taken place.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ ctrl_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ if ((ctrl_status & CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR) != 0) {
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_topcat_reset
++ * This routine performs a HARD RESET of the TopCat chip.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully reset the firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to reset the firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_topcat_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *ha){
++ unsigned long flags;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: TopCat chip reset!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ if (qla4xxx_take_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_NVRAM, SEM_FLG_TIMED_WAIT) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: Unable to take SEM_NVRAM "
++ "semaphore\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ qla4xxx_clear_hw_semaphore(ha, SEM_NVRAM);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_soft_reset
++ * This routine performs a SOFT RESET.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully reset the firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to reset the firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_soft_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *ha){
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: chip reset!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ if (test_bit(AF_TOPCAT_CHIP_PRESENT, &ha->flags)) {
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ if (qla4010_soft_reset(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (qla4xxx_topcat_reset(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (qla4010_soft_reset(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return(status);
++ }
++ else
++ return(qla4010_soft_reset(ha));
++ * qla4xxx_hard_reset
++ * This routine performs a HARD RESET.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully reset the firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to reset the firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++inline uint8_t
++qla4xxx_hard_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *ha){
++ /* The QLA4010 really doesn't have an equivalent to a hard reset */
++ qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs(ha);
++ if (test_bit(AF_TOPCAT_CHIP_PRESENT, &ha->flags)) {
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ if (qla4010_soft_reset(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (qla4xxx_topcat_reset(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (qla4010_soft_reset(ha) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return(status);
++ }
++ else
++ return(qla4010_soft_reset(ha));
++ * qla4xxx_cmd_wait
++ * This routine stalls the driver until all outstanding commands are
++ * returned.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * Caller must release the Hardware Lock prior to calling this routine.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - All outstanding commands completed
++ * QLA_ERROR - All outstanding commands did not complete
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_cmd_wait(scsi_qla_host_t *ha){
++ uint32_t index = 0;
++ uint8_t stat = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ int wait_cnt = WAIT_CMD_TOV; /* Initialized for 30 seconds as we expect all
++ commands to retuned ASAP.*/
++ unsigned long flags;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_cmd_wait: started\n");
++ while (wait_cnt) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* Find a command that hasn't completed. */
++ for (index = 1; index < MAX_SRBS; index++) {
++ if (ha->active_srb_array[index] != NULL)
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /* If No Commands are pending, wait is complete */
++ if (index == MAX_SRBS) {
++ break;
++ }
++ /* If we timed out on waiting for commands to come back
++ * return ERROR.
++ */
++ wait_cnt--;
++ if (wait_cnt == 0)
++ stat = QLA_ERROR;
++ else {
++ /* sleep a second */
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ schedule_timeout(1 * HZ);
++ }
++ } /* End of While (wait_cnt) */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2,printk("(%d): %s: Done waiting on commands - array_index=%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, index));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_cmd_wait");
++ return(stat);
++ * qla4xxx_recover_adapter
++ * This routine recovers that adapter from a fatal state.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * renew_ddb_list - Indicates what to do with the adapter's ddb list
++ * after adapter recovery has completed.
++ * 0=preserve ddb list, 1=destroy and rebuild ddb list
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully recovered adapter
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to recover adapter
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_recover_adapter(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t renew_ddb_list){
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_recover_adapter");
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: recover adapter (begin)\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ /* Stall incoming I/O until we are done */
++ clear_bit(AF_ONLINE, &ha->flags);
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s calling qla4xxx_cmd_wait\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /* Wait for outstanding commands to complete.
++ * Stalls the driver for max 30 secs
++ */
++ status = qla4xxx_cmd_wait(ha);
++ qla4xxx_disable_intrs(ha);
++ /* Flush any pending ddb changed AENs */
++ qla4xxx_process_aen(ha, FLUSH_DDB_CHANGED_AENS);
++ /* Reset the firmware. If successful, function
++ * returns with ISP interrupts enabled.
++ */
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: %s - Performing soft reset..\n",
++ ha->host_no,__func__));
++ status = qla4xxx_soft_reset(ha);
++ }
++ /* FIXMEkaren: Do we want to keep interrupts enabled and process
++ AENs after soft reset */
++ /* If firmware (SOFT) reset failed, or if all outstanding
++ * commands have not returned, then do a HARD reset.
++ */
++ if (status == QLA_ERROR) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: %s - Performing hard reset..\n",
++ ha->host_no,__func__));
++ status = qla4xxx_hard_reset(ha);
++ }
++ /* Flush any pending ddb changed AENs */
++ qla4xxx_process_aen(ha, FLUSH_DDB_CHANGED_AENS);
++ /* Re-initialize firmware. If successful, function returns
++ * with ISP interrupts enabled */
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ KERN_INFO "scsi%d: %s - Initializing adapter..\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /* If successful, AF_ONLINE flag set in
++ * qla4xxx_initialize_adapter */
++ status = qla4xxx_initialize_adapter(ha, renew_ddb_list);
++ }
++ /* Failed adapter initialization?
++ * Retry reset_ha only if invoked via DPC (DPC_RESET_HA) */
++ if ((test_bit(AF_ONLINE, &ha->flags) == 0) &&
++ (test_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags))) {
++ /* Adapter initialization failed, see if we can retry
++ * resetting the ha */
++ if (!test_bit(DPC_RETRY_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags)) {
++ ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt = MAX_RESET_HA_RETRIES;
++ DEBUG2(
++ printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: recover adapter - "
++ "retrying (%d) more times\n",
++ ha->host_no, ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt));
++ set_bit(DPC_RETRY_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ else {
++ if (ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt > 0) {
++ /* Schedule another Reset HA -- DPC will retry */
++ ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt--;
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: recover adapter - "
++ "retry remaining %d\n", ha->host_no,
++ ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (ha->retry_reset_ha_cnt == 0) {
++ /* Recover adapter retries have been exhausted.
++ * Adapter DEAD */
++ DEBUG2( printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: recover adapter failed - "
++ "board disabled\n", ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs(ha);
++ clear_bit(DPC_RETRY_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ clear_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ &ha->dpc_flags);
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ clear_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ clear_bit(DPC_RESET_HA_DESTROY_DDB_LIST, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ clear_bit(DPC_RETRY_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ }
++ ha->adapter_error_count++;
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS)
++ qla4xxx_enable_intrs(ha);
++ DEBUG2( printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d: recover adapter .. DONE\n", ha->host_no));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_recover_adapter");
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_eh_wait_for_active_target_commands
++ * This routine
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * target - SCSI target ID
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0 - All pending commands returned
++ * non-zero - All pending commands did not return
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_eh_wait_for_active_target_commands(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, int t, int l)
++ int cnt;
++ int status;
++ srb_t *sp;
++ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;
++ /*
++ * Waiting for all commands for the designated target in the active
++ * array
++ */
++ status = 0;
++ for (cnt = 1; cnt < MAX_SRBS; cnt++) {
++ spin_lock(&ha->hardware_lock);
++ sp = ha->active_srb_array[cnt];
++ if (sp) {
++ cmd = sp->cmd;
++ spin_unlock(&ha->hardware_lock);
++ if (cmd->device->id == t && cmd->device->lun == l) {
++ if (!qla4xxx_eh_wait_on_command(ha, cmd)) {
++ status++;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ spin_unlock(&ha->hardware_lock);
++ }
++ }
++ return status;
++ * qla4xxx_eh_device_reset
++ * This routine is called by the Linux OS to reset all luns on the
++ * specified target.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * cmd - Pointer to Linux's SCSI command structure
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SUCCESS - Successfully reset target/lun
++ * FAILED - Failed to reset target/lun
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context. io_request_lock LOCKED
++ **************************************************************************/
++ int
++qla4xxx_eh_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ int return_status = FAILED;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ os_lun_t *lun_entry;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt_entry;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ uint8_t stat;
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ /* Retrieve device and lun handles */
++ tgt_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_SCSIID(ha, cmd->device->channel,
++ cmd->device->id);
++ if (!tgt_entry)
++ return FAILED;
++ lun_entry = qla4xxx_lookup_lun_handle(ha, tgt_entry, cmd->device->lun);
++ if (!lun_entry)
++ return FAILED;
++ fclun = lun_entry->fclun;
++ if (!fclun)
++ return FAILED;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "scsi(%d:%d:%d:%d): DEVICE RESET ISSUED.\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun);
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d): DEVICE_RESET cmd=%p jiffies = 0x%lx, timeout=%x, "
++ "dpc_flags=%lx, status=%x allowed=%d cmd.state=%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, cmd, jiffies, cmd->timeout_per_command / HZ,
++ ha->dpc_flags, cmd->result, cmd->allowed, cmd->state));
++ /* If we are coming in from the back-door, stall I/O until complete. */
++ if (!cmd->device->host->eh_active) {
++ set_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tgt_entry->flags);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ stat = qla4xxx_reset_lun(ha, fclun->fcport->ddbptr, fclun);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ if (stat != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "DEVICE RESET FAILED. %d\n", stat);
++ goto eh_dev_reset_done;
++ }
++ /* Send marker. */
++ ha->marker_needed = 1;
++ /*
++ * If we are coming down the EH path, wait for all commands to complete
++ * for the device.
++ */
++ if (cmd->device->host->eh_active) {
++ if (qla4xxx_eh_wait_for_active_target_commands(ha,
++ cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun)) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "DEVICE RESET FAILED - "
++ "waiting for commands.\n");
++ goto eh_dev_reset_done;
++ }
++ }
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "scsi(%d:%d:%d:%d): DEVICE RESET SUCCEEDED.\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun);
++ return_status = SUCCESS;
++ if (!cmd->device->host->eh_active)
++ clear_bit(TQF_SUSPENDED, &tgt_entry->flags);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: return with status = %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, return_status));
++ return return_status;
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_eh_bus_reset
++ * This routine is called by the Linux OS to reset the specified
++ * adapter/bus.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * cmd - Pointer to Linux's SCSI command structure
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SUCCESS - Successfully reset adapter/bus
++ * FAILED - Failed to reset adapter/bus
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context. io_request_lock LOCKED
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_eh_bus_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ int return_status = FAILED;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, *dtemp;
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "scsi(%d:%d:%d:%d): BUS RESET ISSUED.\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun);
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ if (qla4xxx_wait_for_hba_online(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d: %s: Unable to reset "
++ "bus. Adapter DEAD.\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, __func__));
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return FAILED;
++ }
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ /* Attempt to reset all valid targets with outstanding commands */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(ddb_entry, dtemp, &ha->ddb_list, list_entry) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP5, printk("scsi%d: %s: reset target b%d, t%x, "
++ "index [%d]\n", ha->host_no, __func__, ddb_entry->bus,
++ ddb_entry->target, ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index));
++ /* Issue a reset */
++ status |= qla4xxx_reset_target(ha, ddb_entry);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Status is QLA_SUCCESS if target resets for ALL devices completed
++ * successfully. Otherwise the status is QLA_ERROR.
++ */
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS)
++ return_status = SUCCESS;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "BUS RESET %s.\n",
++ (return_status == FAILED) ? "FAILED" : "SUCCEDED");
++ return return_status;
++ * qla4xxx_reset_target
++ * This routine issues either a warm or cold target reset to the
++ * specified device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The caller must ensure that the ddb_entry pointer is valid before
++ * calling this routine.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully reset target
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to reset target
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_reset_target(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ uint8_t stat;
++ /* Reset all LUNs on this target */
++ fcport = ddb_entry->fcport;
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns, list) {
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ stat = qla4xxx_reset_lun(ha, ddb_entry, fclun);
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ if (stat == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /* Send marker. */
++ ha->marker_needed =1;
++ /*
++ * Waiting for all active commands to complete for the
++ * device.
++ */
++ status |= qla4xxx_eh_wait_for_active_target_commands(
++ ha, ddb_entry->target, fclun->lun);
++ } else {
++ status |= QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d: device reset SUCCEEDED.\n",
++ ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus, fcport->os_target_id));
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d:%d: device reset FAILED.\n",
++ ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus, fcport->os_target_id));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ return status;
++ * qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs
++ * This routine is called just prior to a HARD RESET to return all
++ * outstanding commands back to the Operating System.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * Caller should make sure that the following locks are released
++ * before this calling routine:
++ * Hardware lock, io_request_lock, adapter_lock, and lun_lock.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static void
++qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha){
++ srb_t *srb;
++ int i;
++ unsigned long flags;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs");
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ for (i = 1; i < MAX_SRBS; i++) {
++ if ((srb = ha->active_srb_array[i]) != NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: found srb %p in active array, "
++ "returning\n", ha->host_no, __func__, srb));
++ del_from_active_array(ha, i);
++ srb->cmd->result = DID_RESET << 16;
++ add_to_done_srb_q(ha,srb);
++ qla4xxx_complete_request(ha,srb);
++ }
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ // if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q)) {
++ // while ((srb = del_from_done_srb_q_head(ha)) != NULL)
++ // qla4xxx_complete_request(ha, srb);
++ // }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs");
++ * qla4xxx_eh_host_reset
++ * This routine is invoked by the Linux kernel to perform fatal error
++ * recovery on the specified adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * cmd - Pointer to Linux's SCSI command structure
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * SUCCESS - Successfully recovered host adapter
++ * FAILED - Failed to recover host adapter
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context. io_request_lock LOCKED
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_eh_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
++ int return_status = FAILED;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ ha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "scsi(%d:%d:%d:%d): ADAPTER RESET ISSUED.\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, cmd->device->id, cmd->device->lun);
++ spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ if (qla4xxx_wait_for_hba_online(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d:%d: %s: Unable to reset "
++ "host. Adapter DEAD.\n", ha->host_no,
++ cmd->device->channel, __func__));
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return FAILED;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_recover_adapter(ha, PRESERVE_DDB_LIST) == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ return_status = SUCCESS;
++ }
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "HOST RESET %s.\n",
++ (return_status == FAILED) ? "FAILED" : "SUCCEDED");
++ spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ return return_status;
++* qla4xxx_free_other_mem
++* Frees all adapter allocated memory.
++* Input:
++* ha = adapter block pointer.
++static void
++qla4xxx_free_other_mem(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t t;
++ fc_port_t *fcport, *fptemp;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun, *fltemp;
++ if (ha == NULL) {
++ /* error */
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(): ERROR invalid ha pointer.\n", __func__));
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Free the target and lun queues */
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++) {
++ qla4xxx_tgt_free(ha, t);
++ }
++ /* Free fcport and fcluns */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(fcport, fptemp, &ha->fcports, list) {
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(fclun, fltemp, &fcport->fcluns, list) {
++ list_del_init(&fclun->list);
++ kfree(fclun);
++ }
++ list_del_init(&fcport->list);
++ kfree(fcport);
++ }
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ha->fcports);
++#if 0
++* qla4xxx_get_line
++* Copy a substring from the specified string. The substring
++* consists of any number of chars seperated by white spaces
++* (i.e. spaces) and ending with a newline '\n' or a semicolon ';'.
++* Enter:
++* str - orig string
++* line - substring
++* Returns:
++* cp - pointer to next string, or
++* null - End of string
++* Context:
++* Kernel context.
++static char *
++qla4xxx_get_line(char *str, char *line)
++ register char *cp = str;
++ register char *sp = line;
++ /* skip preceeding spaces */
++ while (*cp && *cp == ' ')
++ ++cp;
++ while ((*cp) && *cp != '\n' && *cp != ';') /* end of line */
++ *sp++ = *cp++;
++ *sp = '\0';
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("%s: %s\n", __func__, line));
++ if ((*cp)) {
++ cp++;
++ return(cp);
++ }
++ return(NULL);
++ * qla4xxx_get_tokens
++ * This routine retrieves a token from the command line.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * line - Pointer to command line
++ * argv - Pointer to arguements
++ * str - Pointer to starting point of symbol
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * count - Number of tokens retrieved
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to command Line after token is retrieved.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++qla4xxx_get_tokens(char *line, char **argv, int maxargs )
++ register char *cp = line;
++ int count = 0;
++ while (*cp && count < maxargs) {
++ /* skip preceeding spaces */
++ while ((*cp) && *cp == ' ')
++ ++cp;
++ /* symbol starts here */
++ argv[count++] = cp;
++ /* skip symbols */
++ while ((*cp) && !(*cp == ' ' || *cp == ';' || *cp == ':'))
++ cp++;
++ /* replace comma or space with a null */
++ if ((*cp) && (*cp ==' ' ) && argv[count-1] != cp)
++ *cp++ = '\0';
++ }
++ return(count);
++ * Create character driver "HbaApiDev" w dynamically allocated major number
++ * and create "/proc/scsi/<QLA4XXX_PROC_NAME>/HbaApiNode" as the device
++ * node associated with the major number.
++ */
++#define APIDEV_NODE "HbaApiNode"
++#define APIDEV_NAME "HbaApiDev"
++static int apidev_major = 0;
++static struct Scsi_Host *apidev_host = 0;
++int apidev_cleanup(void);
++int apidev_init(struct Scsi_Host *host);
++ * apidev_open
++ * This routine is invoked just prior to every IOCTL call. We only
++ * display debug information.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * Unused
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0 - Always returns successful
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++apidev_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file){
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi: apidev_open MAJOR number = %d, "
++ "MINOR number = %d\n",
++ MAJOR (inode->i_rdev),
++ MINOR (inode->i_rdev)));
++ return(0);
++ * apidev_close
++ * This routine is invoked just after every IOCTL call. We only
++ * display debug information.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * Unused
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0 - Always returns successful
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++apidev_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file){
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk("scsi: apidev_close\n"));
++ return(0);
++ * apidev_ioctl
++ * This routine is invoked whenever an ioctl call is made. It in turn
++ * calls the IOCTL function for this driver.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * inode - unused
++ * fp - unused
++ * cmd - internal or external ioctl command code
++ * arg - pointer to ioctl structure
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - IOCTL completed successfully
++ * QLA_ERROR - IOCTL completed in error
++ * -EFAULT - if the arg pointer is NULL
++ * -EINVAL - if the command is invalid
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static int
++apidev_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *fp,
++ unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){
++ static struct scsi_device fake_scsi_device;
++ = apidev_host;
++ return(qla4xxx_ioctl(&fake_scsi_device, (int)cmd, (void*)arg));
++static struct file_operations
++apidev_fops = {
++ ioctl: apidev_ioctl,
++ open: apidev_open,
++ release: apidev_close
++ * apidev_init
++ * This routine creates a proc file for IOCTL interface.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * apidev_host - Updated with desired host number.
++ * apidev_major - Registered.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * Create character driver "HbaApiDev" w dynamically allocated major
++ * number and create "/proc/scsi/qla4xxx/HbaApiNode" as
++ * the device node associated with the major number.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0 - Always returns successful
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++apidev_init(struct Scsi_Host *host){
++ if (apidev_host) return(0);
++ if (0 > (apidev_major = register_chrdev(0, APIDEV_NAME, &apidev_fops))) {
++ printk("scsi: apidev_init: rc=%d\n",
++ apidev_major));
++ return(apidev_major);
++ }
++ apidev_host = host;
++ printk("scsi: Created /proc/scsi/qla4xxx/%s major=%d\n",
++ APIDEV_NODE, apidev_major));
++ proc_mknod(APIDEV_NODE,
++ 0600+S_IFCHR,
++ host->hostt->proc_dir,
++ (kdev_t)MKDEV(apidev_major,0));
++ return(0);
++ * apidev_cleanup
++ * This routine removes the proc file for the IOCTL interface
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * apidev_host - Cleared.
++ * apidev_major - Unregistered.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 0 - Always returns successful
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++ if (!apidev_host) return(0);
++ unregister_chrdev(apidev_major,APIDEV_NAME);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP4|QLP7, printk("scsi: apidev_cleanup\n"));
++ remove_proc_entry(APIDEV_NODE,apidev_host->hostt->proc_dir);
++ apidev_host = 0;
++ return(0);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_mbx.c 2005-03-09 03:35:16.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,1370 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4xxx_mailbox_command
++ * qla4xxx_mbx_test
++ * qla4xxx_send_noop
++ * qla4xxx_conn_close_sess_logout
++ * qla4xxx_clear_database_entry
++ * qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb
++ * qla4xxx_get_fw_version
++ * qla4xxx_get_firmware_state
++ * qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry
++ * qla4xxx_set_ddb_entry
++ * qla4xxx_get_crash_record
++ * qla4xxx_reset_lun
++ * qla4xxx_isns_enable
++ * qla4xxx_isns_disable
++ * qla4xxx_isns_status
++ * qla4xxx_get_flash
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++extern int ql4xportdownretrycount; //FIXME: Find some way to Remove
++extern int ql4xdiscoverywait;
++extern void qla4xxx_isns_build_entity_id(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++extern int qla4xxx_eh_wait_for_active_target_commands(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, int target, int lun);
++ * qla4xxx_mailbox_command
++ * This routine sssue mailbox commands and waits for completion.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * inCount - number of mailbox registers to load.
++ * outCount - number of mailbox registers to return.
++ * mbx_cmd - data pointer for mailbox in registers.
++ * mbx_sts - data pointer for mailbox out registers.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * mbx_sts - returned mailbox out data.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * If outCount is 0, this routine completes successfully WITHOUT waiting
++ * for the mailbox command to complete.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Mailbox command completed successfully
++ * QLA_ERROR - Mailbox command competed in error.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_mailbox_command(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t inCount,
++ uint8_t outCount,
++ uint32_t *mbx_cmd,
++ uint32_t *mbx_sts)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ uint8_t i;
++ u_long wait_count;
++ uint32_t intr_status;
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_mailbox_command");
++ down(&ha->mbox_sem);
++ set_bit(AF_MBOX_COMMAND, &ha->flags);
++ /* Make sure that pointers are valid */
++ if (!mbx_cmd || !mbx_sts) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid mbx_cmd or mbx_sts pointer\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto mbox_exit;
++ }
++ /* To prevent overwriting mailbox registers for a command that has
++ * not yet been serviced, check to see if a previously issued
++ * mailbox command is interrupting.
++ * -----------------------------------------------------------------
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ intr_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ if (intr_status & CSR_SCSI_PROCESSOR_INTR) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Trying to execute a mailbox request, "
++ "while another one is interrupting\n"
++ "Service existing interrupt first\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /* Service existing interrupt */
++ qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine(ha, intr_status);
++ }
++ /* Send the mailbox command to the firmware
++ * ----------------------------------------
++ */
++ ha->f_start = jiffies;
++ ha->mbox_status_count = outCount;
++ for (i=0; i < outCount; i++) {
++ ha->mbox_status[i] = 0;
++ }
++ for (i=0; i<inCount; i++) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP11, printk("scsi%d: %s: Mailbox In[%d] 0x%08X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, i, mbx_cmd[i]));
++ }
++ /* Load all mailbox registers, except mailbox 0.*/
++ for (i = 1; i < inCount; i++) {
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[i], mbx_cmd[i]);
++ }
++ /* Write Mailbox 0 to alert the firmware that the mailbox registers
++ * contain a command to be processed. NOTE: We could be interrupted
++ * here if system interrupts are enabled */
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->mailbox[0], mbx_cmd[0]);
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->mailbox[0]);
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_INTR_RISC));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
++ add_wait_queue(&ha->mailbox_wait_queue,&wait);
++ /*
++ * If we don't want status, don't wait for the mailbox command to
++ * complete. For example, MBOX_CMD_RESET_FW doesn't return status,
++ * you must poll the inbound Interrupt Mask for completion.
++ */
++ if (outCount == 0) {
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ remove_wait_queue(&ha->mailbox_wait_queue,&wait);
++ ha->f_end = jiffies;
++ goto mbox_exit;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Wait for command to complete
++ * -----------------------------
++ */
++ wait_count = jiffies + MBOX_TOV * HZ;
++ while (test_bit(AF_MBOX_COMMAND_DONE, &ha->flags) == 0) {
++ if (wait_count <= jiffies)
++ break;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ intr_status = RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP11, printk("scsi%d: %s: INTR_STATUS = 0x%X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, intr_status));
++ if (intr_status & INTR_PENDING) {
++ /*
++ * Service the interrupt.
++ * The ISR will save the mailbox status registers
++ * to a temporary storage location in the adapter
++ * structure.
++ */
++ ha->mbox_status_count = outCount;
++ qla4xxx_interrupt_service_routine(ha, intr_status);
++ // DG XXX
++ if (!list_empty(&ha->done_srb_q))
++ qla4xxx_done(ha);
++ }
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ /*
++ * Delay for 10 microseconds
++ * NOTE: Interrupt_handler may be called here,
++ * if interrupts are enabled
++ */
++ udelay(10);
++ } /* wait loop */
++ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
++ remove_wait_queue(&ha->mailbox_wait_queue,&wait);
++ /*
++ * Check for mailbox timeout
++ */
++ if (!test_bit(AF_MBOX_COMMAND_DONE, &ha->flags)) {
++ printk("scsi%d: Mailbox Cmd 0x%08X timed out ...,"
++ " Scheduling Adapter Reset\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbx_cmd[0]));
++ ha->mailbox_timeout_count++;
++ mbx_sts[0] = (-1);
++ set_bit(DPC_RESET_HA, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ goto mbox_exit;
++ }
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: mailbox cmd done!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ /*
++ * Copy the mailbox out registers to the caller's mailbox in/out
++ * structure.
++ */
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ for (i=0; i < outCount; i++) {
++ mbx_sts[i] = ha->mbox_status[i];
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Mailbox Status[%d] 0x%08X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, i, mbx_sts[i]));
++ }
++ /*
++ * Set return status and error flags (if applicable)
++ */
++ switch (ha->mbox_status[0]) {
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ break;
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Cmd = %08X, Intermediate completion\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbx_cmd[0]));
++ break;
++ case MBOX_STS_BUSY:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Cmd = %08X, ISP BUSY\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbx_cmd[0]));
++ ha->mailbox_timeout_count++;
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: **** FAILED, cmd = %08X, "
++ "sts = %08X ****\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbx_cmd[0], mbx_sts[0]));
++ __dump_registers(QLP2, ha);
++ break;
++ } /* switch mbox status */
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ mbox_exit:
++ clear_bit(AF_MBOX_COMMAND, &ha->flags);
++ clear_bit(AF_MBOX_COMMAND_DONE, &ha->flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_mailbox_command");
++ up(&ha->mbox_sem);
++ return(status);
++#if 0
++uint8_t qla4xxx_send_noop(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_NOP;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 1, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: NOP failed\n", ha->host_no));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: NOP succeded\n", ha->host_no));
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ }
++uint8_t qla4xxx_mbx_test(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ int i;
++ uint8_t status;
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_REGISTER_TEST;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = 0x11111111;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = 0x22222222;
++ mbox_cmd[3] = 0x33333333;
++ mbox_cmd[4] = 0x44444444;
++ mbox_cmd[5] = 0x55555555;
++ mbox_cmd[6] = 0x66666666;
++ mbox_cmd[7] = 0x77777777;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 8, 8, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: REGISTER_TEST failed, mbox_sts = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, mbox_sts[0]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (mbox_sts[1] != 0x11111111 ||
++ mbox_sts[2] != 0x22222222 ||
++ mbox_sts[3] != 0x33333333 ||
++ mbox_sts[4] != 0x44444444 ||
++ mbox_sts[5] != 0x55555555 ||
++ mbox_sts[6] != 0x66666666 ||
++ mbox_sts[7] != 0x77777777) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: REGISTER_TEST failed\n", ha->host_no));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: REGISTER_TEST succeded\n", ha->host_no));
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: MBX%d = 0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, i, mbox_cmd[i]));
++ }
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_issue_iocb
++ * Issue IOCB using mailbox command
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ * buffer = buffer pointer.
++ * phys_addr = physical address of buffer.
++ * size = size of buffer.
++ * TARGET_QUEUE_LOCK must be released.
++ * ADAPTER_STATE_LOCK must be released.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla2x00 local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_issue_iocb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, void* buffer,
++ dma_addr_t phys_addr, size_t size)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint8_t status;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_issue_iocb: started");
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_EXECUTE_IOCB_A64;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = 0;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(phys_addr);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(phys_addr);
++ status = qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]);
++ if (status != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /*EMPTY*/
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("qla4xxx_issue_iocb(%d): failed statis 0x%x",
++ ha->host_no, status));
++ } else {
++ /*EMPTY*/
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_issue_iocb: exiting normally");
++ }
++ return status;
++qla4xxx_conn_close_sess_logout(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t fw_ddb_index,
++ uint16_t connection_id, uint16_t option)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[1] = fw_ddb_index;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = connection_id;
++ mbox_cmd[3] = LOGOUT_OPTION_RELOGIN;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_CONN_CLOSE_SESS_LOGOUT "
++ "option %04x failed sts %04X %04X",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, option,
++ mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[1]));
++ if (mbox_sts[0] == 0x4005) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(", reason %04X\n", mbox_sts[1]));
++ }
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("\n"));
++ }
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_clear_database_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint16_t fw_ddb_index)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[1] = fw_ddb_index;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 2, 5, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_CLEAR_DATABASE_ENTRY "
++ "failed sts %04X index [%d], state %04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0], fw_ddb_index,
++ mbox_sts[4]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb
++ * This routine initializes the firmware control block for the
++ * specified adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully initialized firmware ctrl block
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to initialize firmware ctrl block
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK *init_fw_cb;
++ dma_addr_t init_fw_cb_dma;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb");
++ init_fw_cb = pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK),
++ &init_fw_cb_dma);
++ if (init_fw_cb == NULL) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Unable to alloc init_cb\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__);
++ return 10;
++ }
++ memset(init_fw_cb, 0, sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK));
++ /*
++ * Get Initialize Firmware Control Block
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(init_fw_cb_dma);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(init_fw_cb_dma);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Failed to get init_fw_ctrl_blk\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb");
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK),
++ init_fw_cb, init_fw_cb_dma);
++ return (status);
++ }
++ // QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: Init Fw Ctrl Blk\n", ha->host_no));
++ // qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP10, init_fw_cb, sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK));
++ /*
++ * Initialize request and response queues
++ */
++ qla4xxx_init_rings(ha);
++ /*
++ * Fill in the request and response queue information
++ */
++ init_fw_cb->ReqQConsumerIndex = cpu_to_le16(ha->request_out);
++ init_fw_cb->ComplQProducerIndex = cpu_to_le16(ha->response_in);
++ init_fw_cb->ReqQLen = __constant_cpu_to_le16(REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH);
++ init_fw_cb->ComplQLen = __constant_cpu_to_le16(RESPONSE_QUEUE_DEPTH);
++ init_fw_cb->ReqQAddrLo = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(ha->request_dma));
++ init_fw_cb->ReqQAddrHi = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(ha->request_dma));
++ init_fw_cb->ComplQAddrLo = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(ha->response_dma));
++ init_fw_cb->ComplQAddrHi = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(ha->response_dma));
++ init_fw_cb->ShadowRegBufAddrLo = cpu_to_le32(LSDW(ha->shadow_regs_dma));
++ init_fw_cb->ShadowRegBufAddrHi = cpu_to_le32(MSDW(ha->shadow_regs_dma));
++ /*
++ * Set up required options
++ */
++ init_fw_cb->FwOptions |=
++ __constant_cpu_to_le16(FWOPT_SESSION_MODE | FWOPT_INITIATOR_MODE);
++ init_fw_cb->FwOptions &= __constant_cpu_to_le16(~FWOPT_TARGET_MODE);
++ /*
++ * Save some info in adapter structure
++ */
++ ha->firmware_options = le16_to_cpu(init_fw_cb->FwOptions);
++ ha->tcp_options = le16_to_cpu(init_fw_cb->TCPOptions);
++ ha->heartbeat_interval = init_fw_cb->HeartbeatInterval;
++ ha->isns_server_port_number =
++ le16_to_cpu(init_fw_cb->iSNSServerPortNumber);
++ memcpy(ha->ip_address, init_fw_cb->IPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(ha->ip_address), sizeof(init_fw_cb->IPAddr)));
++ memcpy(ha->isns_ip_address, init_fw_cb->iSNSIPAddr,
++ MIN(sizeof(ha->isns_ip_address), sizeof(init_fw_cb->iSNSIPAddr)));
++ memcpy(ha->name_string, init_fw_cb->iSCSINameString,
++ MIN(sizeof(ha->name_string), sizeof(init_fw_cb->iSCSINameString)));
++ memcpy(ha->alias, init_fw_cb->Alias,
++ MIN(sizeof(ha->alias), sizeof(init_fw_cb->Alias)));
++ /* Save Command Line Paramater info */
++ ha->port_down_retry_count = init_fw_cb->KeepAliveTimeout;
++ ha->discovery_wait = ql4xdiscoverywait;
++ /*
++ * Send Initialize Firmware Control Block
++ */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: init_fw cmd sent\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__));
++ mbox_cmd[1] = 0;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(init_fw_cb_dma);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(init_fw_cb_dma);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: Init Fw Ctrl Blk\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP7, init_fw_cb, sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "IP Address %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->ip_address[0], ha->ip_address[1],
++ ha->ip_address[2], ha->ip_address[3]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Subnet Mask %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, init_fw_cb->SubnetMask[0],
++ init_fw_cb->SubnetMask[1], init_fw_cb->SubnetMask[2],
++ init_fw_cb->SubnetMask[3]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Default Gateway %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, init_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr[0],
++ init_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr[1], init_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr[2],
++ init_fw_cb->GatewayIPAddr[3]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Auto-Negotiate %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((le16_to_cpu(init_fw_cb->AddFwOptions) & 0x10) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "SLP Use DA Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_SLP_USE_DA_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "SLP UA Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_SLP_UA_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "DHCP Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_DHCP_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "DNS via DHCP Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_GET_DNS_VIA_DHCP_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "SLP via DHCP Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_GET_SLP_VIA_DHCP_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Auto Discovery Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_AUTO_DISCOVERY_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7|QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "iSNS Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7|QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Learn iSNS IP Addr Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->tcp_options & TOPT_LEARN_ISNS_IP_ADDR_ENABLE) != 0)
++ ? "ON" : "OFF"));
++ if (ha->tcp_options & TOPT_ISNS_ENABLE) {
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_ENABLED_IN_ISP, &ha->isns_flags);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7|QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "iSNS IP Address %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->isns_ip_address[0],
++ ha->isns_ip_address[1], ha->isns_ip_address[2],
++ ha->isns_ip_address[3]));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7|QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "iSNS Server Port Number %d\n", ha->host_no,
++ __func__, ha->isns_server_port_number));
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Heartbeat Enable %s\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_HEARTBEAT_ENABLE) != 0) ?
++ "ON" : "OFF"));
++ if (ha->firmware_options & FWOPT_HEARTBEAT_ENABLE)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Heartbeat Interval %d\n", ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->heartbeat_interval));
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ } else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "MBOX_CMD_INITIALIZE_FIRMWARE failed w/ status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ }
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev, sizeof(INIT_FW_CTRL_BLK), init_fw_cb,
++ init_fw_cb_dma);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_initialize_fw_cb");
++ return status;
++ * qla4xxx_get_firmware_state
++ * This routine retrieves the firmware state for the specified adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully retrieved firmware state
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to retrieve firmware state
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_get_firmware_state(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_get_firmware_state");
++ /* Get firmware version */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 1, 4, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE failed w/ "
++ "status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ ha->firmware_state = mbox_sts[1];
++ ha->board_id = mbox_sts[2];
++ ha->addl_fw_state = mbox_sts[3];
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_get_firmware_state");
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_get_firmware_status
++ * This routine retrieves the firmware status for the specified adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully retrieved firmware status
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to retrieve firmware status
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_get_firmware_status(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* Get firmware version */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATUS;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 1, 3, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATUS failed w/ "
++ "status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ /* High-water mark of IOCBs */
++ ha->iocb_hiwat = mbox_sts[2];
++ if (ha->iocb_hiwat > IOCB_HIWAT_CUSHION)
++ ha->iocb_hiwat -= IOCB_HIWAT_CUSHION;
++ else
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha, "WARNING!!! You have less "
++ "than %d firmare IOCBs available (%d).\n",
++ IOCB_HIWAT_CUSHION, ha->iocb_hiwat);
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry
++ * This routine retrieves the firmware's device database entry.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Firmware's device database index
++ * fw_ddb_entry - Pointer to firmware's device database entry structure
++ * num_valid_ddb_entries - Pointer to number of valid ddb entries
++ * next_ddb_index - Pointer to next valid device database index
++ * fw_ddb_device_state - Pointer to device state
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * fw_ddb_entry - Fills in structure if pointer is supplied
++ * num_valid_ddb_entries - Fills in if pointer is supplied
++ * next_ddb_index - Fills in if pointer is supplied
++ * fw_ddb_device_state - Fills in if pointer is supplied
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully retrieved ddb info from firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to retrieve ddb info from firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_get_fwddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint16_t fw_ddb_index,
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry,
++ dma_addr_t fw_ddb_entry_dma,
++ uint32_t *num_valid_ddb_entries,
++ uint32_t *next_ddb_index,
++ uint32_t *fw_ddb_device_state,
++ uint32_t *time2wait,
++ uint16_t *tcp_source_port_num,
++ uint16_t *connection_id)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ /* Make sure the device index is valid */
++ if (fw_ddb_index >= MAX_DDB_ENTRIES) {
++ DEBUG2( printk("scsi%d: %s: index [%d] out of range.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ goto exit_get_fwddb;
++ }
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[1] = (uint32_t) fw_ddb_index;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 7, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ == QLA_ERROR) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_GET_DATABASE_ENTRY failed "
++ "with status 0x%04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ goto exit_get_fwddb;
++ }
++ if (fw_ddb_index != mbox_sts[1]) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("scsi%d: %s: index mismatch [%d] != [%d].\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index,
++ mbox_sts[1]));
++ goto exit_get_fwddb;
++ }
++ if (fw_ddb_entry) {
++ ql4_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "DDB[%d] MB0 %04x Tot %d Next %d "
++ "State %04x %d.%d.%d.%d:%04d \"%s\"\n",
++ fw_ddb_index,
++ mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[2], mbox_sts[3], mbox_sts[4],
++ fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr[0],
++ fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr[1],
++ fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr[2],
++ fw_ddb_entry->ipAddr[3],
++ le16_to_cpu(fw_ddb_entry->portNumber),
++ fw_ddb_entry->iscsiName);
++ }
++ if (num_valid_ddb_entries)
++ *num_valid_ddb_entries = mbox_sts[2];
++ if (next_ddb_index)
++ *next_ddb_index = mbox_sts[3];
++ if (fw_ddb_device_state)
++ *fw_ddb_device_state = mbox_sts[4];
++ if (time2wait)
++ *time2wait = mbox_sts[5];
++ if (tcp_source_port_num)
++ *tcp_source_port_num = (uint16_t) mbox_sts[6] >> 16;
++ if (connection_id)
++ *connection_id = (uint16_t) mbox_sts[6] & 0x00FF;
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ exit_get_fwddb:
++ LEAVE(__func__);
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_set_fwddb_entry
++ * This routine initializes or updates the adapter's device database
++ * entry for the specified device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Firmware's device database index
++ * fw_ddb_entry - Pointer to firmware's device database entry
++ * structure, or NULL.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * This routine also triggers a login for the specified device.
++ * Therefore, it may also be used as a secondary login routine when
++ * a NULL pointer is specified for the fw_ddb_entry.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully set ddb_entry in firmware
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to set ddb_entry in firmware
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_set_ddb_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint16_t fw_ddb_index,
++ DEV_DB_ENTRY *fw_ddb_entry,
++ dma_addr_t fw_ddb_entry_dma)
++ uint8_t status = QLA_ERROR;
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_set_fwddb_entry");
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: index [%d]\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index));
++ /* Do not wait for completion. The firmware will send us an
++ * ASTS_DATABASE_CHANGED (0x8014) to notify us of the login status.
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[1] = (uint32_t) fw_ddb_index;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(fw_ddb_entry_dma);
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 0, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ else {
++ status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_set_fwddb_entry");
++ return(status);
++ * qla4xxx_get_crash_record
++ * This routine retrieves a crash record from the QLA4010 after an
++ * 8002h aen.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_get_crash_record(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ CRASH_RECORD *crash_record = NULL;
++ dma_addr_t crash_record_dma = 0;
++ uint32_t crash_record_size = 0;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_get_crash_record");
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ /*
++ * Get size of crash record
++ */
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_GET_CRASH_RECORD;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 5, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR: Unable to retrieve size!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_crash_record;
++ }
++ crash_record_size = mbox_sts[4];
++ if (crash_record_size == 0) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR: Crash record size is 0!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_crash_record;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Alloc Memory for Crash Record
++ */
++ crash_record = (CRASH_RECORD *) pci_alloc_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ crash_record_size,
++ &crash_record_dma);
++ if (crash_record == NULL){
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR: Unable to allocate "
++ " memory (%d bytes) for crash record!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, crash_record_size));
++ goto exit_get_crash_record;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Get Crash Record
++ */
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_GET_CRASH_RECORD;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = LSDW(crash_record_dma);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = MSDW(crash_record_dma);
++ mbox_cmd[4] = crash_record_size;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 5, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: ERROR: Unable to retrieve crash"
++ " record!\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_crash_record;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Dump Crash Record
++ */
++ QL4PRINT(QLP1, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Crash Record Dump:\n",
++ ha->host_no));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Firmware Version: %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\n",
++ crash_record->fw_major_version,
++ crash_record->fw_minor_version,
++ crash_record->fw_patch_version,
++ crash_record->fw_build_version));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP1, printk(KERN_INFO "Build Date: %s\n",
++ crash_record->build_date));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP1, printk(KERN_INFO "Build Time: %s\n",
++ crash_record->build_time));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP1, printk(KERN_INFO "Build User: %s\n",
++ crash_record->build_user));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP1, printk(KERN_INFO "Card Serial #: %s\n",
++ crash_record->card_serial_num));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Time of Crash (in seconds): %d (0x%x)\n",
++ crash_record->time_of_crash_in_secs,
++ crash_record->time_of_crash_in_secs));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "Time of Crash (in milliseconds): "
++ "%d (0x%x)\n",
++ crash_record->time_of_crash_in_ms,
++ crash_record->time_of_crash_in_ms));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "# frames in OUT RISC processor stack dump: "
++ "%d (0x%x)\n",
++ crash_record->out_RISC_sd_num_frames,
++ crash_record->out_RISC_sd_num_frames));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "# words in OAP stack dump: %d (0x%x)\n",
++ crash_record->OAP_sd_num_words,
++ crash_record->OAP_sd_num_words));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "# frames in IAP stack dump: %d (0x%x)\n",
++ crash_record->IAP_sd_num_frames,
++ crash_record->IAP_sd_num_frames));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "# words in IN RISC processor stack dump: "
++ "%d (0x%x)\n",
++ crash_record->in_RISC_sd_num_words,
++ crash_record->in_RISC_sd_num_words));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "\nOUT RISC processor register dump:\n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_dwords(QLP1, &crash_record->out_RISC_reg_dump,
++ sizeof(crash_record->out_RISC_reg_dump));
++ printk(KERN_INFO "\nIN RISC processor register dump:\n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_dwords(QLP1, &crash_record->in_RISC_reg_dump,
++ sizeof(crash_record->in_RISC_reg_dump));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP1, printk(KERN_INFO "\nOUT RISC processor stack dump:\n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_dwords(QLP1, &crash_record->in_out_RISC_stack_dump,
++ crash_record->OAP_sd_num_words);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP1, printk(KERN_INFO "\nIN RISC processor stack dump:\n"));
++ qla4xxx_dump_dwords(QLP1, &crash_record->in_out_RISC_stack_dump[0] +
++ crash_record->OAP_sd_num_words,
++ crash_record->in_RISC_sd_num_words);
++ exit_get_crash_record:
++ if (crash_record)
++ pci_free_consistent(ha->pdev,
++ crash_record_size,
++ crash_record,
++ crash_record_dma);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_get_crash_record");
++ * qla4xxx_reset_lun
++ * This routine performs a LUN RESET on the specified target/lun.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ * lun_entry - Pointer to lun entry structure
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The caller must ensure that the ddb_entry and lun_entry pointers
++ * are valid before calling this routine.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - lun reset completed successfully
++ * QLA_ERROR - lun reset failed
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_reset_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry,
++ fc_lun_t *lun_entry)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint8_t target = ddb_entry->target;
++ uint8_t lun = lun_entry->lun;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_reset_lun");
++ //spin_unlock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: lun reset issued\n", ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus,
++ target, lun));
++ /*
++ * Send lun reset command to ISP, so that the ISP will return all
++ * outstanding requests with RESET status
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_LUN_RESET;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = lun << 8;
++ mbox_cmd[5] = 0x01; /* Immediate Command Enable */
++ qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 6, 1, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0]);
++ if ((mbox_sts[0] == MBOX_STS_COMMAND_COMPLETE) ||
++ (mbox_sts[0] == MBOX_STS_COMMAND_ERROR)) {
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: lun reset SUCCEEDED\n", ha->host_no,
++ ddb_entry->bus, target, lun));
++ } else {
++ "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: lun reset FAILED w/ status %04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus, target, lun, mbox_sts[0]));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ //spin_lock_irq(ha->host->host_lock);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_reset_lun");
++ return (status);
++qla4xxx_isns_enable(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t isns_ip_addr,
++ uint16_t isns_server_port_num)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: isns_ip_addr %08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, isns_ip_addr));
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_entity_id(ha);
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ISNS_ENABLE;
++ mbox_cmd[2] = isns_ip_addr;
++ mbox_cmd[3] = isns_server_port_num;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 6, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE failed "
++ "w/ status %04X %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[1]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7|QLP20, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d: Start iSNS Service "
++ "%d.%d.%d.%d Port %04d . . .\n", ha->host_no,
++ (isns_ip_addr & 0x000000FF),
++ (isns_ip_addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8,
++ (isns_ip_addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16,
++ (isns_ip_addr & 0xFF000000) >> 24,
++ isns_server_port_num));
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_disable(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_ENABLED, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ISNS_DISABLE;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 2, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE failed "
++ "w/ status %04X %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[1]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ }
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_ENABLED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ ha->isns_connection_id = 0;
++ //ha->isns_scn_conn_id = 0;
++ //ha->isns_esi_conn_id = 0;
++ //ha->isns_nsh_conn_id = 0;
++ ha->isns_remote_port_num = 0;
++ ha->isns_scn_port_num = 0;
++ ha->isns_esi_port_num = 0;
++ ha->isns_nsh_port_num = 0;
++ ha->isns_num_discovered_targets = 0;
++ memset(ha->isns_entity_id, 0, sizeof(ha->isns_entity_id));
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_status(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = ISNS_STATUS;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 2, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE failed "
++ "w/ status %04X %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[1]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: = %s\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ((mbox_sts[1] & 1) == 0) ? "DISABLED" : "ENABLED"));
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_get_flash(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, dma_addr_t dma_addr, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH;
++ mbox_cmd[1] = LSDW(dma_addr);
++ mbox_cmd[2] = MSDW(dma_addr);
++ mbox_cmd[3] = offset;
++ mbox_cmd[4] = len;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 5, 2, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH, failed w/ "
++ "status %04X %04X, offset %08x, len %08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0], mbox_sts[1],
++ offset, len));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * qla4xxx_get_fw_version
++ * This routine retrieves the firmware version for the specified adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Output:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * In QLA4010, mailboxes 2 & 3 may hold an address for data. Make sure
++ * that we write 0 to those mailboxes, if unused.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * QLA_SUCCESS - Successfully retrieved firmware version
++ * QLA_ERROR - Failed to retrieve firmware version
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++qla4xxx_get_fw_version(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ uint32_t mbox_cmd[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ uint32_t mbox_sts[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
++ /*
++ * Get firmware version
++ */
++ memset(&mbox_cmd, 0, sizeof(mbox_cmd));
++ memset(&mbox_sts, 0, sizeof(mbox_sts));
++ mbox_cmd[0] = MBOX_CMD_ABOUT_FW;
++ if (qla4xxx_mailbox_command(ha, 4, 5, &mbox_cmd[0], &mbox_sts[0])
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: MBOX_CMD_ABOUT_FW failed w/ "
++ "status %04X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, mbox_sts[0]));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Save firmware version information
++ */
++ ha->firmware_version[0] = mbox_sts[1];
++ ha->firmware_version[1] = mbox_sts[2];
++ ha->patch_number = mbox_sts[3];
++ ha->build_number = mbox_sts[4];
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: FW Version %02d.%02d Patch %02d Build %02d\n",
++ ha->host_no, ha->firmware_version[0], ha->firmware_version[1],
++ ha->patch_number, ha->build_number));
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_cfgln.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx Multi-path LUN Support Driver
++ * Linux specific functions
++ *
++ */
++// #include "ql4_os.h"
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include "ql4_foln.h"
++#define MAX_SEARCH_STR_SIZE 512
++ * qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config
++ * Set lun_data byte from the configuration parameters.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host -- pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * port -- pointer to port
++ * tgt -- target number
++ * dev_no -- device number
++ */
++qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config(mp_host_t *host, fc_port_t *port,
++ uint16_t tgt, uint16_t dev_no)
++#if 0
++ char *propbuf; /* As big as largest search string */
++ int rval;
++ int16_t lun, l;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = host->ha;
++ mp_device_t *dp;
++ lun_bit_mask_t *plun_mask;
++ lun_bit_mask_t *mask_ptr;
++ mp_path_list_t *pathlist;
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&propbuf,
++ /* not enough memory */
++ DEBUG9_10(printk("%s(%ld): inst=%ld scrap not big enough. "
++ "propbuf requested=%d.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ return;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&plun_mask,
++ sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t))) {
++ /* not enough memory */
++ DEBUG9_10(printk("%s(%ld): inst=%ld scrap not big enough. "
++ "lun_mask requested=%ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ (ulong)sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t));)
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ mask_ptr = plun_mask;
++ dp = host->mp_devs[tgt];
++ if (dp == NULL) {
++ printk("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config: Target %d "
++ "not found for hba %d\n",tgt, host->instance);
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ if ( (pathlist = dp->path_list) == NULL ) {
++ printk("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config: path list "
++ "not found for target %d\n", tgt);
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ if ((path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_name(host, pathlist,
++ port->port_name)) == NULL ) {
++ printk("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config: No path found "
++ "for target %d\n", tgt);
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Get "target-N-device-N-preferred" as a 256 bit lun_mask*/
++ sprintf(propbuf, "scsi-qla%ld-tgt-%d-di-%d-preferred", ha->instance,
++ tgt, dev_no);
++ DEBUG3(printk("build_tree: %s\n",propbuf);)
++ rval = qla4xxx_get_prop_xstr(ha, propbuf,
++ (uint8_t *)(plun_mask), sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t));
++ if (rval == -1) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(%ld): no preferred mask entry found for "
++ "path id %d on port %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, path->id,
++ path->portname[0], path->portname[1],
++ path->portname[2], path->portname[3],
++ path->portname[4], path->portname[5],
++ path->portname[6], path->portname[7]);)
++ } else {
++ if (rval != sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t)) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ printk("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config: "
++ "Preferred mask len %d is incorrect.\n", rval);
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): reading Preferred Mask for path id %d "
++ "on port %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x:\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, path->id,
++ path->portname[0], path->portname[1],
++ path->portname[2], path->portname[3],
++ path->portname[4], path->portname[5],
++ path->portname[6], path->portname[7]);)
++ DEBUG3(qla4xxx_dump_buffer((char *)plun_mask,
++ sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t));)
++ for (lun = MAX_LUNS-1, l =0; lun >= 0; lun--, l++ ) {
++ if (EXT_IS_LUN_BIT_SET(mask_ptr, lun)) {
++ path->[l] |=
++ pathlist->current_path[l] = path->id;
++ } else {
++ path->[l] &=
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ /* Get "target-N-device-N-lun-disable" as a 256 bit lun_mask*/
++ sprintf(propbuf, "scsi-qla%ld-tgt-%d-di-%d-lun-disabled", ha->instance,
++ tgt, dev_no);
++ DEBUG3(printk("build_tree: %s\n",propbuf);)
++ rval = qla4xxx_get_prop_xstr(ha, propbuf,
++ (uint8_t *)plun_mask, sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t));
++ if (rval == -1) {
++ /* default: all luns enabled */
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): no entry found for path id %d. "
++ "Assume all LUNs enabled on port %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%"
++ "02x%02x%02x.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, path->id,
++ path->portname[0], path->portname[1],
++ path->portname[2], path->portname[3],
++ path->portname[4], path->portname[5],
++ path->portname[6], path->portname[7]);)
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS; lun++) {
++ path->[lun] |= LUN_DATA_ENABLED;
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (rval != sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t)) {
++ printk("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config: Enable "
++ "mask has wrong size %d != %ld\n",
++ rval, (ulong)sizeof(lun_bit_mask_t));
++ } else {
++ for (lun = MAX_LUNS-1, l =0; lun >= 0; lun--, l++) {
++ /* our bit mask is inverted */
++ if (!EXT_IS_LUN_BIT_SET(mask_ptr,lun))
++ path->[l] |=
++ else
++ path->[l] &=
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): got lun mask for path id %d "
++ "port %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x:\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, path->id,
++ path->portname[0], path->portname[1],
++ path->portname[2], path->portname[3],
++ path->portname[4], path->portname[5],
++ path->portname[6], path->portname[7]);)
++ DEBUG3(qla4xxx_dump_buffer(
++ (uint8_t *)&path->[0], 64);)
++ }
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config: Luns data for "
++ "device %p, instance %d, path id=%d\n",
++ dp,host->instance,path->id);)
++ DEBUG3(qla4xxx_dump_buffer((char *)&path->[0], 64);)
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config");
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree
++ * Find all path properties and build a path tree. The
++ * resulting tree has no actual port assigned to it
++ * until the port discovery is done by the lower level.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter block pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++#if 0
++ char *propbuf;
++ uint8_t node_name[WWN_SIZE];
++ uint8_t port_name[WWN_SIZE];
++ fc_port_t *port;
++ uint16_t dev_no = 0, tgt;
++ int instance, rval;
++ mp_host_t *host = NULL;
++ uint8_t *name;
++ int done;
++ uint8_t control_byte;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree");
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla02%d: ConfigRequired is set. \n", (int)ha->instance);
++ DEBUG(printk("qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree: hba =%d",
++ (int)ha->instance);)
++ if (qla4xxx_get_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha, (void **)&propbuf,
++ /* not enough memory */
++ DEBUG9_10(printk("%s(%ld): inst=%ld scrap not big enough. "
++ "propbuf requested=%d.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, ha->instance,
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Look for adapter nodename in properties */
++ sprintf(propbuf, "scsi-qla%ld-adapter-port", ha->instance);
++ DEBUG(printk("build_tree: %s\n",propbuf);)
++ rval = qla4xxx_get_prop_xstr(ha, propbuf, port_name, WWN_SIZE);
++ if (rval != WWN_SIZE) {
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Does nodename match the host adapter nodename? */
++ name = &ha->init_cb->port_name[0];
++ if (!qla4xxx_is_nodename_equal(name, port_name)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d): Adapter nodenames don't match - ha = %p.\n",
++ (int)ha->instance,ha);
++ DEBUG(printk("qla(%d): Adapter nodenames don't match - "
++ "ha=%p. port name=%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
++ (int)ha->instance,ha,
++ name[0], name[1], name[2], name[3],
++ name[4], name[5], name[6], name[7]);)
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ DEBUG(printk("%s: found entry for adapter port %02x%02x%02x%02x"
++ "%02x%02x%02x%02x.\n",
++ __func__,
++ port_name[0], port_name[1], port_name[2],
++ port_name[3], port_name[4], port_name[5],
++ port_name[6], port_name[7]);)
++ instance = ha->instance;
++ if ((host = qla4xxx_alloc_host(ha)) == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d): Couldn't allocate host - ha = %p.\n",
++ (int)instance,ha);
++ } else {
++ /* create a dummy port */
++ port = kmalloc(sizeof(fc_port_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (port == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d): Couldn't allocate port.\n",
++ (int)instance);
++ DEBUG(printk("qla(%d): Couldn't allocate port.\n",
++ (int)host->instance);)
++ /* remove host */
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ done = 0;
++ /* For each target on the host bus adapter */
++ for (tgt = 0; tgt < MAX_MP_DEVICES &&
++ !done; tgt++) {
++ /* get all paths for this target */
++ for (dev_no = 0; dev_no < MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE &&
++ !done ; dev_no++) {
++ /*
++ * O(N*M) scan, should ideally check if there
++ * are any tgt entries present, if not, then
++ * continue.
++ *
++ * sprintf(propbuf,
++ * "scsi-qla%d-tgt-%d-",
++ * instance, tgt);
++ * if (strstr(ha->cmdline, propbuf) == NULL)
++ * continue;
++ *
++ */
++ memset(port, 0, sizeof (fc_port_t));
++ /*
++ * Get "target-N-device-N-node" is a 16-chars
++ * number
++ */
++ sprintf(propbuf,
++ "scsi-qla%ld-tgt-%d-di-%d-node",
++ ha->instance, tgt, dev_no);
++ rval = qla4xxx_get_prop_xstr(ha, propbuf,
++ node_name, WWN_SIZE);
++ if (rval != WWN_SIZE)
++ /* di values may not be contiguous for
++ * override case.
++ */
++ continue;
++ DEBUG(printk("build_tree: %s\n",propbuf);)
++ memcpy(port->node_name, node_name, WWN_SIZE);
++ /*
++ * Get "target-N-device-N-port" is a 16-chars
++ * number
++ */
++ sprintf(propbuf,
++ "scsi-qla%ld-tgt-%d-di-%d-port",
++ ha->instance, tgt, dev_no);
++ rval = qla4xxx_get_prop_xstr(ha, propbuf,
++ port_name, WWN_SIZE);
++ if (rval != WWN_SIZE)
++ continue;
++ DEBUG(printk("build_tree: %s\n",propbuf);)
++ memcpy(port->node_name, node_name, WWN_SIZE);
++ memcpy(port->port_name, port_name, WWN_SIZE);
++ port->flags |= FCF_CONFIG;
++ /*
++ * Get "target-N-device-N-control" if property
++ * is present then all luns are visible.
++ */
++ sprintf(propbuf,
++ "scsi-qla%ld-tgt-%d-di-%d-control",
++ ha->instance, tgt, dev_no);
++ rval = qla4xxx_get_prop_xstr(ha, propbuf,
++ (uint8_t *)(&control_byte),
++ sizeof(control_byte));
++ if (rval == -1) {
++ /* error getting string. go to next. */
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "%s: string parsing failed.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("build_tree: %s\n",propbuf);)
++ DEBUG(printk("build_tree: control byte 0x%x\n",
++ control_byte);)
++ port->mp_byte = control_byte;
++ DEBUG(printk("%s(%ld): calling update_mp_device"
++ " for host %p port %p-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
++ "%02x%02x%02x tgt=%d mpbyte=%02x.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no, host, port,
++ port->port_name[0], port->port_name[1],
++ port->port_name[2], port->port_name[3],
++ port->port_name[4], port->port_name[5],
++ port->port_name[6], port->port_name[7],
++ tgt, port->mp_byte);)
++ qla4xxx_update_mp_device(host, port, tgt,
++ dev_no);
++ /* free any mplun info */
++ qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_config(host,
++ port, tgt, dev_no);
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(port);
++ }
++ qla4xxx_free_ioctl_scrap_mem(ha);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree");
++ DEBUG(printk("Leaving: qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree\n");)
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_display_devices
++ * This routine will the node names of the different devices found
++ * after port inquiry.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None.
++ */
++qla4xxx_cfg_display_devices(int flag)
++ mp_host_t *host;
++ int id;
++ mp_device_t *dp;
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list;
++ int cnt, i, dev_no;
++ int instance;
++#if 0
++ int mask_set;
++ uint8_t l;
++ mp_lun_t *lun;
++ unsigned char tmp_buf[32];
++ for (host = mp_hosts_base; (host); host = host->next) {
++ instance = (int) host->instance;
++ /* Display the node name for adapter */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-adapter-port="
++ "%s\\;\n",
++ instance,
++ host->iscsiname);
++ for (id = 0; id < MAX_MP_DEVICES; id++) {
++ if( (dp = host->mp_devs[id] ) == NULL )
++ continue;
++ path_list = dp->path_list;
++ if( (path = path_list->last) != NULL ) {
++ /* Print out device port names */
++ path = path->next; /* first path */
++ for (dev_no = 0, cnt = 0;
++ cnt < path_list->path_cnt;
++ path = path->next, cnt++) {
++ /* skip others if not our host */
++ if (host != path->host)
++ continue;
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-tgt-%d-di-%d-name="
++ "%s\\;\n",
++ instance, id, path->id,
++ dp->devname);
++ /* port_name */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-tgt-%d-di-%d-port="
++ "%s\\;\n",
++ instance, id, path->id,
++ path->iscsiname);
++ /* control byte */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-tgt-%d-di-%d-"
++ "control=%02x\\;\n",
++ instance, id, path->id,
++ path->mp_byte);
++ /*
++ * Build preferred bit mask for this
++ * path */
++#if 0
++ memset(&lun_mask, 0, sizeof(lun_mask));
++ mask_set = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LUNS; i++) {
++ l = (uint8_t)(i & 0xFF);
++ if (path_list->current_path[l] == path->id ) {
++ lun_mask |= (lun_mask << l);
++ mask_set++;
++ }
++ }
++ if (mask_set) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-tgt-%d-di-%d-preferred=%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x\\;\n",
++ instance, id, path->id,
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[28]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[24]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[20]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[16]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[12]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[8]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[4]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[0]) );
++ }
++ /*
++ * Build disable bit mask for this path
++ */
++ mask_set = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LUNS; i++) {
++ l = (uint8_t)(i & 0xFF);
++ if (!(path->[l] &
++ mask_set++;
++ }
++ }
++ if (mask_set) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-tgt-%d-di-%d-lun-disable=%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x\\;\n",
++ instance, id, path->id,
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[28]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[24]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[20]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[16]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[12]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[8]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[4]),
++ *((uint32_t *) &lun_mask.mask[0]) );
++ }
++ /* display lun wwuln */
++ if( flag )
++ for (lun = dp->luns; lun != NULL ; lun = lun->next) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi-qla%d-tgt-%d-di-%d-lun-%d-lunid=",
++ instance, id, path->id, lun->number);
++ for (i = 0 ; i < lun->siz ;
++ i++) {
++ sprintf(tmp_buf+i,
++ "%02x",
++ lun->wwuln[i]);
++ }
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s:%02d;\n",
++ tmp_buf,lun->siz);
++ }
++ dev_no++;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_cfg.c 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,3577 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx Multi-path LUN Support Driver
++ *
++ */
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++#include "ql4_cfg.h"
++#include "qlfo.h"
++#include "qlfolimits.h"
++#include "ql4_foln.h"
++#include "ql4_glbl.h"
++ * Local Function Prototypes.
++ */
++static uint32_t qla4xxx_add_iscsiname_to_mp_dev(mp_device_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
++static mp_device_t * qla4xxx_allocate_mp_dev(uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
++static mp_path_t * qla4xxx_allocate_path(mp_host_t *, uint16_t, fc_port_t *,
++ uint16_t);
++static mp_path_list_t * qla4xxx_allocate_path_list(void);
++static mp_host_t * qla4xxx_find_host_by_iscsiname(uint8_t *);
++static mp_path_t * qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_path(mp_host_t *, mp_device_t *,
++ uint16_t, uint16_t, fc_port_t *);
++static uint32_t qla4xxx_cfg_register_failover_lun(mp_device_t *,srb_t *,
++ fc_lun_t *);
++static uint32_t qla4xxx_send_failover_notify(mp_device_t *, uint8_t,
++ mp_path_t *, mp_path_t *);
++static mp_path_t * qla4xxx_select_next_path(mp_host_t *, mp_device_t *,
++ uint8_t, srb_t *);
++static uint8_t qla4xxx_update_mp_host(mp_host_t *);
++static uint32_t qla4xxx_update_mp_tree (void);
++static fc_lun_t *qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(uint8_t , mp_device_t *, mp_path_t *);
++static mp_path_t *qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(mp_device_t *, uint8_t);
++static mp_device_t *qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_iscsiname(mp_host_t *, uint8_t *,
++ uint16_t *);
++static mp_path_t *qla4xxx_get_visible_path(mp_device_t *dp);
++static void qla4xxx_map_os_targets(mp_host_t *);
++static void qla4xxx_map_os_luns(mp_host_t *, mp_device_t *, uint16_t);
++static uint8_t qla4xxx_map_a_oslun(mp_host_t *, mp_device_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
++static uint8_t qla4xxx_is_name_zero(uint8_t *);
++static void qla4xxx_add_path(mp_path_list_t *, mp_path_t *);
++static void qla4xxx_failback_single_lun(mp_device_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t);
++static void qla4xxx_failback_luns(mp_host_t *);
++static void qla4xxx_setup_new_path(mp_device_t *, mp_path_t *, fc_port_t *);
++int qla4xxx_get_wwuln_from_device(mp_host_t *, fc_lun_t *, char *, int);
++static mp_lun_t * qla4xxx_find_matching_lunid(char *);
++static fc_lun_t * qla4xxx_find_matching_lun_by_num(uint16_t , mp_device_t *,
++ mp_path_t *);
++static int qla4xxx_configure_cfg_device(fc_port_t *);
++static mp_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_lun(mp_host_t *, uint16_t ,
++ fc_port_t *, fc_lun_t *);
++static void qla4xxx_add_lun( mp_device_t *, mp_lun_t *);
++static mp_port_t *
++qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_port(mp_host_t *, mp_lun_t *,
++ mp_path_t *);
++static mp_port_t *
++qla4xxx_find_port_by_name(mp_lun_t *, mp_path_t *);
++static struct _mp_path *
++qla4xxx_find_first_active_path(mp_device_t *, mp_lun_t *);
++#if 0
++static int
++qla4xxx_is_pathid_in_port(mp_port_t *, uint8_t );
++static mp_device_t *
++qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_id(mp_host_t *host, uint16_t id );
++#define qla4xxx_is_name_equal(N1,N2) \
++ ((memcmp((N1),(N2),ISCSI_NAME_SIZE)==0?1:0))
++ * Global data items
++ */
++mp_host_t *mp_hosts_base = NULL;
++int mp_config_required = 0;
++static int mp_num_hosts;
++static int mp_initialized;
++ */
++ /*
++ * Borrowed from scsi_scan.c
++ */
++qla4xxx_cfg_lookup_device(unsigned char *response_data)
++ int i = 0;
++ unsigned char *pnt;
++ DEBUG3(printk(KERN_INFO "Entering %s\n", __func__);)
++ for (i = 0; 1; i++) {
++ if (cfg_device_list[i].vendor == NULL)
++ return -1;
++ pnt = &response_data[8];
++ while (*pnt && *pnt == ' ')
++ pnt++;
++ if (memcmp(cfg_device_list[i].vendor, pnt,
++ strlen(cfg_device_list[i].vendor)))
++ continue;
++ pnt = &response_data[16];
++ while (*pnt && *pnt == ' ')
++ pnt++;
++ if (memcmp(cfg_device_list[i].model, pnt,
++ strlen(cfg_device_list[i].model)))
++ continue;
++ return i;
++ }
++ return -1;
++qla4xxx_set_device_flags(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport)
++ if (fcport->cfg_id == -1)
++ return;
++ if ((cfg_device_list[fcport->cfg_id].flags & 1)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d) :Loop id 0x%04x is an XP device\n", ha->host_no,
++ fcport->loop_id);
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_XP_DEVICE;
++ } else if ((cfg_device_list[fcport->cfg_id].flags & 2)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d) :Loop id 0x%04x is a MSA1000 device\n",
++ ha->host_no, fcport->loop_id);
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_MSA_DEVICE;
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_FAILBACK_DISABLE;
++ } else if ((cfg_device_list[fcport->cfg_id].flags & 4)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d) :Loop id 0x%04x is a EVA device\n", ha->host_no,
++ fcport->loop_id);
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_EVA_DEVICE;
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_FAILBACK_DISABLE;
++ }
++ if ((cfg_device_list[fcport->cfg_id].flags & 8)) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d) :Loop id 0x%04x has FAILOVERS disabled.\n",
++ ha->host_no, fcport->loop_id);
++ fcport->flags |= FCF_FAILOVER_DISABLE;
++ }
++static int
++qla4xxx_configure_cfg_device(fc_port_t *fcport)
++ int id = fcport->cfg_id;
++ DEBUG3(printk("Entering %s - id= %d\n", __func__, fcport->cfg_id));
++ if (fcport->cfg_id == -1)
++ return 0;
++ /* Set any notify options */
++ if (cfg_device_list[id].notify_type != FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_NONE) {
++ fcport->notify_type = cfg_device_list[id].notify_type;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s - Configuring device \n", __func__));
++ /* Disable failover capability if needed and return */
++ fcport->fo_combine = cfg_device_list[id].fo_combine;
++ DEBUG2(printk("Exiting %s - id= %d\n", __func__, fcport->cfg_id));
++ return 1;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_init
++ * Initialize configuration structures to handle an instance of
++ * an HBA, QLA4xxx0 card.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla4xxx local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_cfg_init(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int rval;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_cfg_init");
++ set_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ mp_initialized = 1;
++ /* First HBA, initialize the failover global properties */
++ qla4xxx_fo_init_params(ha);
++ down(&mp_hosts_lock);
++ /*
++ * If the user specified a device configuration then it is use as the
++ * configuration. Otherwise, we wait for path discovery.
++ */
++ if (mp_config_required)
++ qla4xxx_cfg_build_path_tree(ha);
++ rval = qla4xxx_cfg_path_discovery(ha);
++ up(&mp_hosts_lock);
++ clear_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_cfg_init");
++ return rval;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_path_discovery
++ * Discover the path configuration from the device configuration
++ * for the specified host adapter and build the path search tree.
++ * This function is called after the lower level driver has
++ * completed its port and lun discovery.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla4xxx local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_cfg_path_discovery(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ int rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ mp_host_t *host;
++ uint8_t *name;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_cfg_path_discovery");
++ name = &ha->name_string[0];
++ set_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ /* Initialize the path tree for this adapter */
++ host = qla4xxx_find_host_by_iscsiname(name);
++ if (mp_config_required) {
++ if (host == NULL ) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("cfg_path_discovery: host not found, "
++ "port name = "
++ "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
++ name[0], name[1], name[2], name[3],
++ name[4], name[5], name[6], name[7]);)
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ } else if (ha->instance != host->instance) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("cfg_path_discovery: host instance "
++ "don't match - instance=%ld.\n",
++ ha->instance);)
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ } else if (host == NULL) {
++ /* New host adapter so allocate it */
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: found new ha inst %ld. alloc host.\n",
++ __func__, ha->instance);)
++ if ( (host = qla4xxx_alloc_host(ha)) == NULL ) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx(%d): Couldn't allocate "
++ "host - ha = %p.\n",
++ (int)ha->instance, ha);
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Fill in information about host */
++ if (host != NULL ) {
++ host->flags |= MP_HOST_FLAG_NEEDS_UPDATE;
++ host->flags |= MP_HOST_FLAG_LUN_FO_ENABLED;
++ host->fcports = &ha->fcports;
++ /* Check if multipath is enabled */
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: updating mp host for ha inst %ld.\n",
++ __func__, ha->instance);)
++ if (!qla4xxx_update_mp_host(host)) {
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ host->flags &= ~MP_HOST_FLAG_LUN_FO_ENABLED;
++ }
++ if (rval != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("qla4xxx_path_discovery: Exiting FAILED\n");)
++ } else {
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_cfg_path_discovery");
++ }
++ clear_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ return rval;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_event_notifiy
++ * Callback for host driver to notify us of configuration changes.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ * i_type = event type
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_cfg_event_notify(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t i_type)
++ mp_host_t *host; /* host adapter pointer */
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_cfg_event_notify");
++ set_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ switch (i_type) {
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%ld: MP_NOTIFY_RESET_DETECTED "
++ "- no action\n",
++ ha->host_no);)
++ break;
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%ld: MP_NOTIFY_PWR_LOSS - "
++ "update tree\n",
++ ha->host_no);)
++ /*
++ * Update our path tree in case we are
++ * losing the adapter
++ */
++ down(&mp_hosts_lock);
++ qla4xxx_update_mp_tree();
++ up(&mp_hosts_lock);
++ /* Free our resources for adapter */
++ break;
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%ld: MP_NOTIFY_LOOP_UP - "
++ "update host tree\n",
++ ha->host_no);)
++ /* Adapter is back up with new configuration */
++ if ((host = qla4xxx_cfg_find_host(ha)) != NULL) {
++ host->flags |= MP_HOST_FLAG_NEEDS_UPDATE;
++ host->fcports = &ha->fcports;
++ set_bit(CFG_FAILOVER, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ down(&mp_hosts_lock);
++ qla4xxx_update_mp_tree();
++ up(&mp_hosts_lock);
++ clear_bit(CFG_FAILOVER, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ }
++ break;
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%ld: MP_NOTIFY_OTHERS - "
++ "no action\n",
++ ha->host_no);)
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ clear_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_cfg_event_notify");
++ return QLA_SUCCESS;
++qla4xxx_cfg_remap(scsi_qla_host_t *halist)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ mp_initialized = 1;
++ read_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(ha, &qla4xxx_hostlist, list) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("Entering %s ...\n",__func__);)
++ /* Find the host that was specified */
++ set_bit(CFG_FAILOVER, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ qla4xxx_cfg_path_discovery(ha);
++ clear_bit(CFG_FAILOVER, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ }
++ read_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ mp_initialized = 0;
++ DEBUG2(printk("Exiting %s ...\n",__func__);)
++ return QLA_SUCCESS;
++ * qla4xxx_allocate_mp_port
++ * Allocate an fc_mp_port, clear the memory, and log a system
++ * error if the allocation fails. After fc_mp_port is allocated
++ *
++ */
++static mp_port_t *
++qla4xxx_allocate_mp_port(uint8_t *iscsiname)
++ mp_port_t *port;
++ int i;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ port = kmalloc(sizeof(mp_port_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!port)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(port, 0, sizeof(*port));
++ DEBUG(printk("%s: mp_port_t allocated at %p\n",
++ __func__, port);)
++ /*
++ * Since this is the first port, it goes at
++ * index zero.
++ */
++ if (iscsiname)
++ {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: copying port name =%s\n",
++ __func__, iscsiname);)
++ memcpy(&port->iscsiname[0], iscsiname, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE);
++ }
++ for ( i = 0 ;i < MAX_HOSTS; i++ ) {
++ port->path_list[i] = PATH_INDEX_INVALID;
++ }
++ port->fo_cnt = 0;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: exiting.\n", __func__);)
++ return port;
++static mp_port_t *
++qla4xxx_find_port_by_name(mp_lun_t *mplun,
++ mp_path_t *path)
++ mp_port_t *port = NULL;
++ mp_port_t *temp_port;
++ struct list_head *list, *temp;
++ list_for_each_safe(list, temp, &mplun->ports_list) {
++ temp_port = list_entry(list, mp_port_t, list);
++ if ( memcmp(temp_port->iscsiname, path->iscsiname, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE) == 0 ) {
++ port = temp_port;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return port;
++static mp_port_t *
++qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_port(mp_host_t *host, mp_lun_t *mplun,
++ mp_path_t *path)
++ mp_port_t *port = NULL;
++ struct list_head *list, *temp;
++ unsigned long instance = host->instance;
++ if( instance == MAX_HOSTS - 1) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Fail no room\n", __func__);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if ( mplun == NULL ) {
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ list_for_each_safe(list, temp, &mplun->ports_list) {
++ port = list_entry(list, mp_port_t, list);
++ if ( memcmp(port->iscsiname, path->iscsiname, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE) == 0 ) {
++ if ( port->path_list[instance] == PATH_INDEX_INVALID ) {
++ DEBUG(printk("scsi%ld %s: Found matching mp port %02x%02x%02x"
++ "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x.\n",
++ instance, __func__, port->iscsiname[0], port->iscsiname[1],
++ port->iscsiname[2], port->iscsiname[3],
++ port->iscsiname[4], port->iscsiname[5],
++ port->iscsiname[6], port->iscsiname[7]);)
++ port->path_list[instance] = path->id;
++ port->hba_list[instance] = host->ha;
++ port->cnt++;
++ DEBUG(printk("%s: adding iscsiname - port[%d] = "
++ "%p at index = %d with path id %d\n",
++ __func__, (int)instance ,port,
++ (int)instance, path->id);)
++ }
++ return port;
++ }
++ }
++ port = qla4xxx_allocate_mp_port(path->iscsiname);
++ if( port ) {
++ port->cnt++;
++ DEBUG(printk("%s: allocate and adding iscsiname - port[%d] = "
++ "%p at index = %d with path id %d\n",
++ __func__, (int)instance, port,
++ (int)instance, path->id);)
++ port->path_list[instance] = path->id;
++ port->hba_list[instance] = host->ha;
++ /* add port to list */
++ list_add_tail(&port->list,&mplun->ports_list );
++ }
++ return port;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_failover_port
++ * Failover all the luns on the specified target to
++ * the new path.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * ha = pointer to host adapter
++ * fp - pointer to new fc_lun (failover lun)
++ * tgt - pointer to target
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ */
++static fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_cfg_failover_port( mp_host_t *host, mp_device_t *dp,
++ mp_path_t *new_path, fc_port_t *old_fcport, srb_t *sp)
++#if 0
++ uint8_t l;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ fc_lun_t *new_fclun = NULL;
++ os_lun_t *up;
++ mp_path_t *vis_path;
++ mp_host_t *vis_host;
++ fcport = new_path->port;
++ if( !qla4xxx_test_active_port(fcport) ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(%ld): %s - port not ACTIVE "
++ "to failover: port = %p, loop id= 0x%x\n",
++ __func__,
++ host->ha->host_no, __func__, fcport, fcport->loop_id);)
++ return new_fclun;
++ }
++ /* Log the failover to console */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx%d: FAILOVER all LUNS on device %d to WWPN "
++ "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x -> "
++ "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, reason=0x%x\n",
++ (int) host->instance,
++ (int) dp->dev_id,
++ old_fcport->iscsi_name[0], old_fcport->iscsi_name[1],
++ old_fcport->iscsi_name[2], old_fcport->iscsi_name[3],
++ old_fcport->iscsi_name[4], old_fcport->iscsi_name[5],
++ old_fcport->iscsi_name[6], old_fcport->iscsi_name[7],
++ fcport->iscsi_name[0], fcport->iscsi_name[1],
++ fcport->iscsi_name[2], fcport->iscsi_name[3],
++ fcport->iscsi_name[4], fcport->iscsi_name[5],
++ fcport->iscsi_name[6], fcport->iscsi_name[7], sp->err_id );
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx: FROM HBA %d to HBA %d\n",
++ (int)old_fcport->ha->instance,
++ (int)fcport->ha->instance);
++ /* we failover all the luns on this port */
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns, list) {
++ l = fclun->lun;
++ if( (fclun->flags & FLF_VISIBLE_LUN) ) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ dp->path_list->current_path[l] = new_path->id;
++ if ((vis_path =
++ qla4xxx_get_visible_path(dp)) == NULL ) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx(%d): No visible "
++ "path for target %d, "
++ "dp = %p\n",
++ (int)host->instance,
++ dp->dev_id, dp);
++ continue;
++ }
++ vis_host = vis_path->host;
++ up = (os_lun_t *) GET_LU_Q(vis_host->ha,
++ dp->dev_id, l);
++ if (up == NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: instance %d: No lun queue"
++ "for target %d, lun %d.. \n",
++ __func__,(int)vis_host->instance,dp->dev_id,l);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ up->fclun = fclun;
++ fclun->fcport->cur_path = new_path->id;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: instance %d: Mapping target %d:0x%x,"
++ "lun %d to path id %d\n",
++ __func__,(int)vis_host->instance,dp->dev_id,
++ fclun->fcport->loop_id, l,
++ fclun->fcport->cur_path);)
++ /* issue reset to data luns only */
++ if( fclun->device_type == TYPE_DISK) {
++ new_fclun = fclun;
++ /* send a reset lun command as well */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%ld:0x%x:%d) sending reset lun \n",
++ fcport->ha->host_no,
++ fcport->loop_id, l);
++ qla4xxx_reset_lun(fcport->ha,
++ fcport->ddbptr,
++ fclun);
++ }
++ }
++ return new_fclun;
++ return 0;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_failover
++ * A problem has been detected with the current path for this
++ * lun. Select the next available path as the current path
++ * for this device.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * ha = pointer to host adapter
++ * fp - pointer to failed fc_lun (failback lun)
++ * tgt - pointer to target
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * pointer to new fc_lun_t, or NULL if failover fails.
++ */
++fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_cfg_failover(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_lun_t *fp,
++ os_tgt_t *tgt, srb_t *sp)
++ mp_host_t *host; /* host adapter pointer */
++ mp_device_t *dp; /* virtual device pointer */
++ mp_path_t *new_path; /* new path pointer */
++ fc_lun_t *new_fp = NULL;
++ fc_port_t *fcport, *new_fcport;
++ struct fo_information *mp_info = NULL;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_cfg_failover");
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s entered\n",__func__);)
++ set_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ if ((host = qla4xxx_cfg_find_host(ha)) != NULL) {
++ if ((dp = qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_id(
++ host, tgt->id)) != NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla4xxx_cfg_failover: ha=%p instance=%d dp = %p, id=%d\n", ha, ha->instance, dp, tgt->id);)
++ /*
++ * Point at the next path in the path list if there is
++ * one, and if it hasn't already been failed over by
++ * another I/O. If there is only one path continuer
++ * to point at it.
++ */
++ new_path = qla4xxx_select_next_path(host, dp,
++ fp->lun, sp);
++ if( new_path == NULL )
++ goto cfg_failover_done;
++ new_fp = qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(fp->lun,
++ dp, new_path);
++ if( new_fp == NULL )
++ goto cfg_failover_done;
++ DEBUG2(printk("cfg_failover: new path=%p, new pathid=%d"
++ " new fp lun= %p\n",
++ new_path, new_path->id, new_fp);)
++ fcport = fp->fcport;
++ if( (fcport->flags & FCF_MSA_DEVICE) ) {
++ /*
++ * "select next path" has already
++ * send out the switch path notify
++ * command, so inactive old path
++ */
++ fcport->flags &= ~(FCF_MSA_PORT_ACTIVE);
++ if( qla4xxx_cfg_failover_port( host, dp,
++ new_path, fcport, sp) == NULL ) {
++ mp_info = (struct fo_information *)
++ sp->lun_queue->fo_info;
++ mp_info->fo_retry_cnt[new_path->id]
++ += qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath;
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d): Fail to failover device "
++ " - fcport = %p\n",
++ host->ha->host_no, fcport);
++ goto cfg_failover_done;
++ }
++ } else if( (fcport->flags & FCF_EVA_DEVICE) ) {
++ new_fcport = new_path->port;
++ if ( qla4xxx_test_active_lun(
++ new_fcport, new_fp ) ) {
++ qla4xxx_cfg_register_failover_lun(dp,
++ sp, new_fp);
++ /* send a reset lun command as well */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "scsi(%d:0x%x:%d) sending"
++ "reset lun \n",
++ new_fcport->ha->host_no,
++ new_fcport->loop_id, new_fp->lun);
++ qla4xxx_reset_lun(new_fcport->ha,
++ new_fcport->ddbptr,
++ new_fp);
++ } else {
++ mp_info = (struct fo_information *)
++ sp->lun_queue->fo_info;
++ mp_info->fo_retry_cnt[new_path->id]
++ += qla_fo_params.MaxRetriesPerPath;
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "scsi(%d): %s Fail to failover lun "
++ "old fclun= %p, new fclun= %p\n",
++ host->ha->host_no,
++ __func__,fp, new_fp);)
++ goto cfg_failover_done;
++ }
++ } else { /*default */
++ new_fp = qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(fp->lun, dp,
++ new_path);
++ qla4xxx_cfg_register_failover_lun(dp, sp,
++ new_fp);
++ }
++ } else {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx(%d): Couldn't find device "
++ "to failover: dp = %p\n",
++ host->instance, dp);
++ }
++ }
++ clear_bit(CFG_ACTIVE, &ha->cfg_flags);
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_cfg_failover");
++ return new_fp;
++ * IOCTL support -- moved to ql4_foioctl.c
++ */
++ */
++ * qla4xxx_add_mp_host
++ * Add the specified host the host list.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * node_name = pointer to node name
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++mp_host_t *
++qla4xxx_add_mp_host(uint8_t *iscsi_name)
++ mp_host_t *host, *temp;
++ host = kmalloc(sizeof(mp_host_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!host)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(host, 0, sizeof(*host));
++ memcpy(host->iscsiname, iscsi_name, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE);
++ host->next = NULL;
++ /* add to list */
++ if (mp_hosts_base == NULL) {
++ mp_hosts_base = host;
++ } else {
++ temp = mp_hosts_base;
++ while (temp->next != NULL)
++ temp = temp->next;
++ temp->next = host;
++ }
++ mp_num_hosts++;
++ return host;
++ * qla4xxx_alloc_host
++ * Allocate and initialize an mp host structure.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = pointer to base driver's adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to host structure or null on error.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++mp_host_t *
++qla4xxx_alloc_host(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ mp_host_t *host, *temp;
++ uint8_t *name;
++ name = &ha->name_string[0];
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_alloc_host");
++ host = kmalloc(sizeof(mp_host_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!host)
++ return NULL;
++ memset(host, 0, sizeof(*host));
++ host->ha = ha;
++ memcpy(host->iscsiname, name, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE);
++ host->next = NULL;
++ host->flags = MP_HOST_FLAG_NEEDS_UPDATE;
++ host->instance = ha->instance;
++ if (qla4xxx_fo_enabled(host->ha, host->instance)) {
++ host->flags |= MP_HOST_FLAG_FO_ENABLED;
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Failover enabled.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Failover disabled.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ }
++ /* add to list */
++ if (mp_hosts_base == NULL) {
++ mp_hosts_base = host;
++ } else {
++ temp = mp_hosts_base;
++ while (temp->next != NULL)
++ temp = temp->next;
++ temp->next = host;
++ }
++ mp_num_hosts++;
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Alloc host @ %p\n", __func__, host);)
++ return host;
++ * qla4xxx_add_iscsiname_to_mp_dev
++ * Add the specific port name to the list of port names for a
++ * multi-path device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dp = pointer ti virtual device
++ * iscsiname = Port name to add to device
++ * nodename = Node name to add to device
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla4xxx local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static uint32_t
++qla4xxx_add_iscsiname_to_mp_dev(mp_device_t *dp, uint8_t *iscsiname, uint8_t *nodename)
++ uint16_t index;
++ uint32_t rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_add_iscsiname_to_mp_dev");
++ /* Look for an empty slot and add the specified iscsiname. */
++ for (index = 0; index < MAX_NUMBER_PATHS; index++) {
++ if (qla4xxx_is_name_zero(&dp->iscsinames[index][0])) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: adding iscsiname to dp = "
++ "%p at index = %d\n",
++ __func__, dp, index);)
++ memcpy(&dp->iscsinames[index][0], iscsiname, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (index == MAX_NUMBER_PATHS) {
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Fail no room\n", __func__);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Exit OK\n", __func__);)
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_add_iscsiname_to_mp_dev");
++ return rval;
++ * qla4xxx_allocate_mp_dev
++ * Allocate an fc_mp_dev, clear the memory, and log a system
++ * error if the allocation fails. After fc_mp_dev is allocated
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * nodename = pointer to nodename of new device
++ * iscsiname = pointer to iscsiname of new device
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to new mp_device_t, or NULL if the allocation fails.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_device_t *
++qla4xxx_allocate_mp_dev(uint8_t *devname, uint8_t *iscsiname)
++ mp_device_t *dp; /* Virtual device pointer */
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_allocate_mp_dev");
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ dp = kmalloc(sizeof(mp_device_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!dp) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Allocate failed.\n", __func__);)
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ memset(dp, 0, sizeof(*dp));
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: mp_device_t allocated at %p\n", __func__, dp);)
++ /*
++ * Copy node name into the mp_device_t.
++ */
++ if (devname) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: copying dev name={%s} \n",
++ __func__, devname);)
++ memcpy(dp->devname, devname, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE);
++ }
++ /*
++ * Since this is the first port, it goes at
++ * index zero.
++ */
++ if (iscsiname)
++ {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: copying port name (%s) "
++ ".\n",
++ __func__, iscsiname); )
++ memcpy(&dp->iscsinames[0][0], iscsiname, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE);
++ }
++ /* Allocate an PATH_LIST for the fc_mp_dev. */
++ if ((dp->path_list = qla4xxx_allocate_path_list()) == NULL) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: allocate path_list Failed.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ kfree(dp);
++ dp = NULL;
++ } else {
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: mp_path_list_t allocated at %p\n",
++ __func__, dp->path_list);)
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("qla4xxx_allocate_mp_dev: Exit Okay\n");)
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: exiting.\n", __func__);)
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_allocate_mp_dev");
++ return dp;
++ * qla4xxx_allocate_path
++ * Allocate a PATH.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * host Host adapter for the device.
++ * path_id path number
++ * port port for device.
++ * dev_id device number
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to new PATH, or NULL if the allocation failed.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_allocate_path(mp_host_t *host, uint16_t path_id,
++ fc_port_t *port, uint16_t dev_id)
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_allocate_path");
++ path = kmalloc(sizeof(mp_path_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!path) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Failed\n", __func__);)
++ return 0;
++ }
++ memset(path, 0, sizeof(*path));
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): allocated path %p at path id %d.\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, path, path_id);)
++ /* Copy the supplied information into the MP_PATH. */
++ path->host = host;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): assigned port pointer %p "
++ "to path id %d.\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, port, path_id);)
++ path->port = port;
++ path->id = path_id;
++ port->cur_path = path->id;
++ path->mp_byte = port->mp_byte;
++ path->next = NULL;
++ memcpy(path->iscsiname, port->iscsi_name, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE);
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS; lun++) {
++ path->[lun] |= LUN_DATA_ENABLED;
++ }
++ return path;
++ * qla4xxx_allocate_path_list
++ * Allocate a PATH_LIST
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to new PATH_LIST, or NULL if the allocation fails.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_path_list_t *
++qla4xxx_allocate_path_list( void )
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list;
++ uint16_t i;
++ uint8_t l;
++ path_list = kmalloc(sizeof(mp_path_list_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!path_list) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Alloc pool failed for MP_PATH_LIST.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ memset(path_list, 0, sizeof(*path_list));
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: allocated at %p\n", __func__, path_list);)
++ path_list->visible = PATH_INDEX_INVALID;
++ /* Initialized current path */
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LUNS_PER_DEVICE; i++) {
++ l = (uint8_t)(i & 0xFF);
++ path_list->current_path[l] = PATH_INDEX_INVALID;
++ }
++ path_list->last = NULL;
++ return path_list;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_find_host
++ * Look through the existing multipath tree, and find
++ * a host adapter to match the specified ha.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = pointer to host adapter
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * Pointer to new host, or NULL if no match found.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++mp_host_t *
++qla4xxx_cfg_find_host(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ mp_host_t *host = NULL; /* Host found and null if not */
++ mp_host_t *tmp_host;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_cfg_find_host");
++ for (tmp_host = mp_hosts_base; (tmp_host); tmp_host = tmp_host->next) {
++ if (tmp_host->ha == ha) {
++ host = tmp_host;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: Found host =%p, instance %d\n",
++ __func__, host, host->instance);)
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_cfg_find_host");
++ return host;
++ * qla4xxx_find_host_by_iscsiname
++ * Look through the existing multipath tree, and find
++ * a host adapter to match the specified iscsiname.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * name = iscsiname to match.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * Pointer to new host, or NULL if no match found.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_host_t *
++qla4xxx_find_host_by_iscsiname(uint8_t *name)
++ mp_host_t *host; /* Host found and null if not */
++ for (host = mp_hosts_base; (host); host = host->next) {
++ if (memcmp(host->iscsiname, name, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE) == 0)
++ break;
++ }
++ return host;
++ * qla4xxx_find_matching_lunid
++ * Find the lun in the lun list that matches the
++ * specified wwu lun number.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * buf = buffer that contains the wwuln
++ * host = host to search for lun
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * NULL or pointer to lun
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ * (dg)
++ */
++static mp_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_find_matching_lunid(char *buf)
++ int devid = 0;
++ mp_host_t *temp_host; /* temporary pointer */
++ mp_device_t *temp_dp; /* temporary pointer */
++ mp_lun_t *lun;
++ ENTER(__func__);
++ for (temp_host = mp_hosts_base; (temp_host);
++ temp_host = temp_host->next) {
++ for (devid = 0; devid < MAX_MP_DEVICES; devid++) {
++ temp_dp = temp_host->mp_devs[devid];
++ if (temp_dp == NULL)
++ continue;
++ for( lun = temp_dp->luns; lun != NULL ;
++ lun = lun->next ) {
++ if (lun->siz > WWLUN_SIZE )
++ lun->siz = WWLUN_SIZE;
++ if (memcmp(lun->wwuln, buf, lun->siz) == 0)
++ return lun;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return NULL;
++ * qla4xxx_combine_by_lunid
++ * Look through the existing multipath control tree, and find
++ * an mp_lun_t with the supplied world-wide lun number. If
++ * one cannot be found, allocate one.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host Adapter to add device to.
++ * dev_id Index of device on adapter.
++ * port port database information.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to new mp_device_t, or NULL if the allocation fails.
++ *
++ * Side Effects:
++ * If the MP HOST does not already point to the mp_device_t,
++ * a pointer is added at the proper port offset.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_combine_by_lunid( void *vhost, uint16_t dev_id,
++ fc_port_t *fcport, uint16_t pathid)
++ mp_host_t *host = (mp_host_t *) vhost;
++ int fail = 0;
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ mp_device_t *dp = NULL;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ mp_lun_t *lun;
++ mp_port_t *port;
++ int l;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_combine_by_lunid");
++ //printk("Entering %s\n", __func__);
++ /*
++ * Currently mp_config_required is not process by this routine
++ * because we create common nodename for the gui, so we can use
++ * the normal common namename processing.
++ */
++ if (mp_initialized && fcport->flags & FCF_MSA_DEVICE) {
++ qla4xxx_test_active_port(fcport);
++ }
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns, list) {
++ lun = qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_lun(host, dev_id,
++ fcport, fclun);
++ if (lun == NULL) {
++ fail++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Find the path in the current path list, or allocate
++ * a new one and put it in the list if it doesn't exist.
++ */
++ dp = lun->dp;
++ if (fclun->mplun == NULL )
++ fclun->mplun = lun;
++ path = qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_path(host, dp,
++ dp->dev_id, pathid, fcport);
++ if (path == NULL || dp == NULL) {
++ fail++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* set the lun active flag */
++ if (mp_initialized && fcport->flags & FCF_EVA_DEVICE) {
++ qla4xxx_test_active_lun(
++ path->port, fclun );
++ }
++ /* Add fclun to path list */
++ if (lun->paths[path->id] == NULL) {
++ lun->paths[path->id] = fclun;
++ lun->path_cnt++;
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "Updated path[%d]= %p for lun %p; max paths=%d\n",
++ path->id, fclun, lun,
++ lun->path_cnt));
++ if ( lun->info )
++ lun->info->path_cnt = lun->path_cnt;
++ }
++ /*
++ * if we have a visible lun then make
++ * the target visible as well
++ */
++ l = lun->number;
++ if( (fclun->flags & FLF_VISIBLE_LUN) ) {
++ if (dp->path_list->visible ==
++ dp->path_list->visible = path->id;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: dp %p setting "
++ "visible id to %d\n",
++ __func__,dp,path->id );)
++ }
++ dp->path_list->current_path[l] = path->id;
++ path->[l] |=
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Found a controller path 0x%x "
++ "- lun %d\n", __func__, path->id,l);)
++ } else if (mp_initialized) {
++ /*
++ * Whenever a port or lun is "active" then
++ * force it to be a preferred path.
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_find_first_active_path(dp, lun)
++ == path ){
++ dp->path_list->current_path[l] =
++ path->id;
++ path->[l] |=
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "%s: Found preferred lun at loopid=0x%02x, lun=%d, pathid=%d\n",
++ __func__, fcport->loop_id, l, path->id);)
++ }
++ }
++ /* if (port->flags & FCF_CONFIG)
++ path->config = 1; */
++ port = qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_port(host, lun, path);
++ if (port == NULL) {
++ fail++;
++ continue;
++ }
++ }
++ if (fail) {
++ /* turn off failover */
++ // fcport->flags |= FCF_FAILOVER_DISABLE;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return 1;
++ * qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_path
++ * Look through the path list for the supplied device, and either
++ * find the supplied adapter (path) for the adapter, or create
++ * a new one and add it to the path list.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host Adapter (path) for the device.
++ * dp Device and path list for the device.
++ * dev_id Index of device on adapter.
++ * port Device data from port database.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to new PATH, or NULL if the allocation fails.
++ *
++ * Side Effects:
++ * 1. If the PATH_LIST does not already point to the PATH,
++ * a new PATH is added to the PATH_LIST.
++ * 2. If the new path is found to be a second visible path, it is
++ * marked as hidden, and the device database is updated to be
++ * hidden as well, to keep the miniport synchronized.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++/* ARGSUSED */
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_path(mp_host_t *host, mp_device_t *dp,
++ uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t pathid, fc_port_t *port)
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list = dp->path_list;
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ uint8_t id;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_path");
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: host =%p, port =%p, dp=%p, dev id = %d\n",
++ __func__, host, port, dp, dev_id);)
++ /*
++ * Loop through each known path in the path list. Look for
++ * a PATH that matches both the adapter and the port name.
++ */
++ path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_name(host, path_list, port->iscsi_name);
++ if (path != NULL ) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: Found an existing "
++ "path %p- host %p inst=%d, port =%p, path id = %d\n",
++ __func__, path, host, host->instance, path->port,
++ path->id);)
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: Luns for path_id %d, instance %d\n",
++ __func__, path->id, host->instance);)
++ DEBUG3(qla4xxx_dump_buffer(
++ (char *)&path->[0], 64);)
++ /* If we found an existing path, look for any changes to it. */
++ if (path->port == NULL) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: update path %p w/ port %p, path id="
++ "%d, path mp_byte=0x%x port mp_byte=0x%x.\n",
++ __func__, path, port, path->id,
++ path->mp_byte, port->mp_byte);)
++ path->port = port;
++ port->mp_byte = path->mp_byte;
++ } else {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: update path %p port %p path id %d, "
++ "path mp_byte=0x%x port mp_byte=0x%x.\n",
++ __func__, path, path->port, path->id,
++ path->mp_byte, port->mp_byte);)
++ if ((path->mp_byte & MP_MASK_HIDDEN) &&
++ !(port->mp_byte & MP_MASK_HIDDEN)) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: Adapter(%p) "
++ "Device (%p) Path (%d) "
++ "has become visible.\n",
++ __func__, host, dp, path->id);)
++ path->mp_byte &= ~MP_MASK_HIDDEN;
++ }
++ if (!(path->mp_byte & MP_MASK_HIDDEN) &&
++ (port->mp_byte & MP_MASK_HIDDEN)) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): Adapter(%p) "
++ "Device (%p) Path (%d) "
++ "has become hidden.\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, host,
++ dp, path->id);)
++ path->mp_byte |= MP_MASK_HIDDEN;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * If we couldn't find an existing path, and there is still
++ * room to add one, allocate one and put it in the list.
++ */
++ if (path_list->path_cnt < MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE &&
++ path_list->path_cnt < qla_fo_params.MaxPathsPerDevice) {
++ if (port->flags & FCF_CONFIG) {
++ /* Use id specified in config file. */
++ id = pathid;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): using path id %d from "
++ "config file.\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, id);)
++ } else {
++ /* Assign one. */
++ id = path_list->path_cnt;
++ DEBUG3(printk(
++ "%s(%ld): assigning path id %d.\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, id);)
++ }
++ /* Update port with bitmask info */
++ path = qla4xxx_allocate_path(host, id, port, dev_id);
++ if (path) {
++#if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3)
++ printk("%s: allocated new path %p, adding path "
++ "id %d, mp_byte=0x%x\n", __func__, path,
++ id, path->mp_byte);
++ if (path->port)
++ printk("port=%p-"
++ "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
++ path->port,
++ path->port->iscsi_name[0],
++ path->port->iscsi_name[1],
++ path->port->iscsi_name[2],
++ path->port->iscsi_name[3],
++ path->port->iscsi_name[4],
++ path->port->iscsi_name[5],
++ path->port->iscsi_name[6],
++ path->port->iscsi_name[7]);
++ qla4xxx_add_path(path_list, path);
++ /*
++ * Reconcile the new path against the existing
++ * ones.
++ */
++ qla4xxx_setup_new_path(dp, path, port);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Err exit, no space to add path.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_path");
++ return path;
++ * qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_lun
++ * Look through the existing multipath control tree, and find
++ * an mp_lun_t with the supplied world-wide lun number. If
++ * one cannot be found, allocate one.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host Adapter (lun) for the device.
++ * fclun Lun data from port database.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to new LUN, or NULL if the allocation fails.
++ *
++ * Side Effects:
++ * 1. If the LUN_LIST does not already point to the LUN,
++ * a new LUN is added to the LUN_LIST.
++ * 2. If the DEVICE_LIST does not already point to the DEVICE,
++ * a new DEVICE is added to the DEVICE_LIST.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++/* ARGSUSED */
++static mp_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_lun(mp_host_t *host, uint16_t dev_id,
++ fc_port_t *port, fc_lun_t *fclun)
++ mp_lun_t *lun = NULL;
++ mp_device_t *dp = NULL;
++#if 0
++ mp_device_t *temp_dp = NULL;
++ uint16_t len = 0;
++ uint16_t idx;
++ uint16_t new_id = dev_id;
++ char wwulnbuf[WWLUN_SIZE];
++ int new_dev = 0;
++ int i;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_lun");
++ DEBUG(printk("Entering %s\n", __func__);)
++ if( fclun == NULL )
++ return NULL;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: "
++ " lun num=%d fclun %p mplun %p hba inst=%d, port =%p, dev id = %d\n",
++ __func__, fclun->lun, fclun, fclun->mplun, host->instance, port,
++ dev_id);)
++ /*
++ * Perform inquiry page 83 to get the wwuln or
++ * use what was specified by the user.
++ */
++ if ( (port->flags & FCF_CONFIG) ) {
++ if( (len = fclun->mplen) != 0 )
++ memcpy(wwulnbuf, fclun->mpbuf, len);
++ } else {
++ if( port->device_type == TYPE_DISK ){
++ len = qla4xxx_get_wwuln_from_device(host, fclun,
++ &wwulnbuf[0], WWLUN_SIZE);
++ /* if fail to do the inq then exit */
++ if( len == 0 ) {
++ return lun;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if( len != 0 )
++ lun = qla4xxx_find_matching_lunid(wwulnbuf);
++ /*
++ * If this is a visible "controller" lun and
++ * it is already exists on somewhere world wide
++ * then allocate a new device, so it can be
++ * exported it to the OS.
++ */
++ if( ((fclun->flags & FLF_VISIBLE_LUN) ||
++ (port->device_type != TYPE_DISK ) ) &&
++ lun != NULL ) {
++ if( fclun->mplun == NULL ) {
++ lun = NULL;
++ new_dev++;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Creating visible lun "
++ "lun %p num %d fclun %p mplun %p inst=%d, port =%p, dev id = %d\n",
++ __func__, lun, fclun->lun, fclun, fclun->mplun, host->instance, port,
++ dev_id);)
++ } else {
++ lun = fclun->mplun;
++ return lun;
++ }
++ }
++ if (lun != NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Found an existing "
++ "lun %p num %d fclun %p host %p inst=%d, port =%p, dev id = %d\n",
++ __func__, lun, fclun->lun, fclun, host, host->instance, port,
++ dev_id);)
++ if( (dp = lun->dp ) == NULL ) {
++ printk("NO dp pointer in alloacted lun\n");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if( qla4xxx_is_iscsiname_in_device(dp,
++ port->iscsi_name) ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Found iscsiname (%s)"
++ " match in mp_dev[%d] = %p\n",
++ __func__,
++ port->iscsi_name,
++ dp->dev_id, dp);)
++ if(host->mp_devs[dp->dev_id] == NULL ) {
++ host->mp_devs[dp->dev_id] = dp;
++ dp->use_cnt++;
++ }
++ } else {
++ DEBUG(printk("%s(%ld): MP_DEV no-match on iscsiname. adding new port - "
++ "dev_id %d. "
++ "iscsi_name (%s)\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, dev_id,
++ port->iscsi_name);)
++ qla4xxx_add_iscsiname_to_mp_dev(dp,
++ port->iscsi_name, NULL);
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(%d): (1) Added iscsiname and mp_dev[%d] update"
++ " with dp %p\n ",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, dp->dev_id, dp);)
++ if(host->mp_devs[dp->dev_id] == NULL ) {
++ host->mp_devs[dp->dev_id] = dp;
++ dp->use_cnt++;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: MP_lun %d not found "
++ "for fclun %p inst=%d, port =%p, dev id = %d\n",
++ __func__, fclun->lun, fclun, host->instance, port,
++ dev_id);)
++ if( (dp = qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_iscsiname(host,
++ port->iscsi_name, &idx)) == NULL || new_dev ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(%d): No match for WWPN. Creating new mpdev \n"
++ "iscsi_name (%s)\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no,
++ port->iscsi_name );)
++ dp = qla4xxx_allocate_mp_dev(port->iscsi_name, port->iscsi_name);
++ /* find a good index */
++ for( i = dev_id; i < MAX_MP_DEVICES; i++ )
++ if(host->mp_devs[i] == NULL ) {
++ new_id = i;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else if( dp != NULL ) { /* found dp */
++ new_id = dp->dev_id;
++ }
++ if( dp != NULL ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(%d): (2) mp_dev[%d] update"
++ " with dp %p\n ",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, new_id, dp);)
++ host->mp_devs[new_id] = dp;
++ dp->dev_id = new_id;
++ dp->use_cnt++;
++ lun = kmalloc(sizeof(mp_lun_t), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (lun != NULL) {
++ memset(lun, 0, sizeof(*lun));
++ DEBUG(printk("Added lun %p to dp %p lun number %d\n",
++ lun, dp, fclun->lun);)
++ DEBUG(qla4xxx_dump_buffer(wwulnbuf, len);)
++ memcpy(lun->wwuln, wwulnbuf, len);
++ lun->siz = len;
++ lun->number = fclun->lun;
++ lun->dp = dp;
++ qla4xxx_add_lun(dp, lun);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&lun->ports_list);
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ printk(KERN_WARNING
++ "qla4xxx: Couldn't get memory for dp. \n");
++ }
++ DEBUG(printk("Exiting %s\n", __func__);)
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_find_or_allocate_lun");
++ return lun;
++static uint32_t
++qla4xxx_cfg_register_failover_lun(mp_device_t *dp, srb_t *sp, fc_lun_t *new_lp)
++ uint32_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ os_tgt_t *tq;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ fc_lun_t *old_lp;
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: NEW fclun = %p, sp = %p\n",
++ __func__, new_lp, sp);)
++ /*
++ * Fix lun descriptors to point to new fclun which is a new fcport.
++ */
++ if (new_lp == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Failed new lun %p\n",
++ __func__, new_lp);)
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ tq = sp->tgt_queue;
++ lq = sp->lun_queue;
++ if (tq == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Failed to get old tq %p\n",
++ __func__, tq);)
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (lq == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Failed to get old lq %p\n",
++ __func__, lq);)
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ old_lp = lq->fclun;
++ lq->fclun = new_lp;
++ /* Log the failover to console */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx: FAILOVER device %d from\n", dp->dev_id);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ " [%s] -> [%s]\n", old_lp->fcport->iscsi_name,
++ new_lp->fcport->iscsi_name);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ " TGT %02x LUN %02x, reason=0x%x\n",
++ tq->id, new_lp->lun, sp->err_id);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ " FROM HBA %d to HBA %d\n", (int)old_lp->fcport->ha->instance,
++ (int)new_lp->fcport->ha->instance);
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: NEW fclun = %p , port =%p, "
++ "loop_id =0x%x, instance %ld\n",
++ __func__,
++ new_lp, new_lp->fcport,
++ new_lp->fcport->loop_id,
++ new_lp->fcport->ha->instance);)
++ return status;
++ * qla4xxx_send_failover_notify
++ * A failover operation has just been done from an old path
++ * index to a new index. Call lower level driver
++ * to perform the failover notification.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * device Device being failed over.
++ * lun LUN being failed over.
++ * newpath path that was failed over too.
++ * oldpath path that was failed over from.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * Local function status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++/* ARGSUSED */
++static uint32_t
++qla4xxx_send_failover_notify(mp_device_t *dp,
++ uint8_t lun, mp_path_t *newpath, mp_path_t *oldpath)
++ fc_lun_t *old_lp, *new_lp;
++ uint32_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_send_failover_notify");
++ if ((old_lp = qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(lun, dp, oldpath)) == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Failed to get old lun %p, %d\n",
++ __func__, old_lp,lun);)
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ if ((new_lp = qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(lun, dp, newpath)) == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Failed to get new lun %p,%d\n",
++ __func__, new_lp,lun);)
++ return QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If the target is the same target, but a new HBA has been selected,
++ * send a third party logout if required.
++ */
++ if ((qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType &
++ qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType &
++ qla4xxx_is_name_equal(
++ oldpath->iscsiname, newpath->iscsiname)) {
++ status = qla4xxx_send_fo_notification(old_lp, new_lp);
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Logout succeded\n",
++ __func__);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Logout Failed\n",
++ __func__);)
++ }
++ } else if ((qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType &
++ (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType &
++ /*
++ * If desired, send a LUN reset as the
++ * failover notification type.
++ */
++ if (newpath->[lun] & LUN_DATA_ENABLED) {
++ status = qla4xxx_send_fo_notification(old_lp, new_lp);
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: LUN reset succeeded.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Failed reset LUN.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType == FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_CDB ||
++ qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType ==
++ if (newpath->[lun] & LUN_DATA_ENABLED) {
++ status = qla4xxx_send_fo_notification(old_lp, new_lp);
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Send CDB succeeded.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Send CDB Error "
++ "lun=(%d).\n", __func__, lun);)
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (qla_fo_params.FailoverNotifyType == FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_SPINUP ||
++ old_lp->fcport->notify_type == FO_NOTIFY_TYPE_SPINUP ){
++ status = qla4xxx_send_fo_notification(old_lp, new_lp);
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG(printk("%s: Send CDB succeeded.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG(printk("%s: Send CDB Error "
++ "lun=(%d).\n", __func__, lun);)
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: failover disabled or no notify routine "
++ "defined.\n", __func__);)
++ }
++ return status;
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_find_host_from_port(mp_device_t *dp,
++ mp_host_t *host,
++ mp_port_t *port )
++ unsigned long instance;
++ uint8_t id;
++ int i;
++ mp_path_t *path = NULL;
++ /* get next host instance */
++ instance = host->instance;
++ for(i = 0 ; i < port->cnt ; i++ ) {
++ instance = instance + 1;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: Finding new instance %d, max %d, cnt %d\n",
++ __func__, (int)instance, port->cnt, i);)
++ /* Handle wrap-around */
++ if( instance == port->cnt )
++ instance = 0;
++ if( port->hba_list[instance] == NULL )
++ continue;
++ if( port->hba_list[instance] != host->ha )
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Found a different hba then return the path to it */
++ if ( i != port->cnt ) {
++ id = port->path_list[instance];
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: Changing to new host - pathid=%d\n",
++ __func__, id);)
++ path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, id);
++ }
++ return( path );
++ * Find_best_port
++ * This routine tries to locate the best port to the target that
++ * doesn't require issuing a target notify command.
++ */
++/* ARGSUSED */
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_find_best_port(mp_device_t *dp,
++ mp_path_t *orig_path,
++ mp_port_t *port,
++ fc_lun_t *fclun )
++ mp_path_t *path = NULL;
++ mp_path_t *new_path;
++ mp_port_t *temp_port;
++ int i, found;
++ fc_lun_t *new_fp;
++ struct list_head *list, *temp;
++ mp_lun_t *mplun = (mp_lun_t *)fclun->mplun;
++ unsigned long instance;
++ uint16_t id;
++ found = 0;
++ list_for_each_safe(list, temp, &mplun->ports_list) {
++ temp_port = list_entry(list, mp_port_t, list);
++ if ( port == temp_port ) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Search for an active matching lun on any HBA,
++ but starting with the orig HBA */
++ instance = orig_path->host->instance;
++ for(i = 0 ; i < temp_port->cnt ; instance++) {
++ if( instance == MAX_HOSTS )
++ instance = 0;
++ id = temp_port->path_list[instance];
++ DEBUG(printk(
++ "qla%d %s: i=%d, Checking temp port=%p, pathid=%d\n",
++ (int)instance,__func__, i, temp_port, id);)
++ if (id == PATH_INDEX_INVALID)
++ continue;
++ i++; /* found a valid hba entry */
++ new_fp = mplun->paths[id];
++ DEBUG(printk(
++ "qla%d %s: Checking fclun %p, for pathid=%d\n",
++ (int)instance,__func__, new_fp, id);)
++ if( new_fp == NULL )
++ continue;
++ new_path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, id);
++ if( new_path != NULL ) {
++ DEBUG(printk(
++ "qla%d %s: Found new path new_fp=%p, "
++ "path=%p, flags=0x%x\n",
++ (int)new_path->host->instance,__func__, new_fp,
++ new_path, new_path->port->flags);)
++ if (atomic_read(&new_path->port->state) ==
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla(%d) %s - Port (0x%04x) "
++ "DEAD.\n", (int)new_path->host->instance,
++ __func__, new_path->port->loop_id));
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Is this path on an active controller? */
++ if( (new_path->port->flags & FCF_EVA_DEVICE) &&
++ !(new_fp->flags & FLF_ACTIVE_LUN) ){
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla(%d) %s - EVA Port (0x%04x) INACTIVE.\n",
++ (int)new_path->host->instance, __func__,
++ new_path->port->loop_id);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ if( (new_path->port->flags & FCF_MSA_DEVICE) &&
++ !(new_path->port->flags & FCF_MSA_PORT_ACTIVE) ) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("qla(%d) %s - MSA Port (0x%04x) INACTIVE.\n",
++ (int)new_path->host->instance, __func__,
++ new_path->port->loop_id);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* found a good path */
++ DEBUG2(printk(
++ "qla%d %s: *** Changing from port %p to new port %p - pathid=%d\n",
++ (int)instance,__func__, port, temp_port, new_path->id); )
++ return( new_path );
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return( path );
++qla4xxx_find_all_active_ports(srb_t *sp)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "%s: Scanning for active ports...\n", __func__);)
++ lun = sp->lun_queue->fclun->lun;
++ read_lock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(ha, &qla4xxx_hostlist, list) {
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list) {
++ if (fcport->port_type != FCT_TARGET)
++ continue;
++ if (fcport->flags & (FCF_EVA_DEVICE | FCF_MSA_DEVICE)) {
++ list_for_each_entry(fclun, &fcport->fcluns,
++ list) {
++ if (fclun->flags & FLF_VISIBLE_LUN)
++ continue;
++ if (lun != fclun->lun)
++ continue;
++ qla4xxx_test_active_lun(fcport, fclun);
++ }
++ }
++ if ((fcport->flags & FCF_MSA_DEVICE))
++ qla4xxx_test_active_port(fcport);
++ }
++ }
++ read_unlock(&qla4xxx_hostlist_lock);
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "%s: Done Scanning ports...\n", __func__);)
++ * qla4xxx_smart_failover
++ * This routine tries to be smart about how it selects the
++ * next path. It selects the next path base on whether the
++ * loop went down or the port went down. If the loop went
++ * down it will select the next HBA. Otherwise, it will select
++ * the next port.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * device Device being failed over.
++ * sp Request that initiated failover.
++ * orig_path path that was failed over from.
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * next path next path to use.
++ * flag 1 - Don't send notify command
++ * 0 - Send notify command
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++/* ARGSUSED */
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_smart_path(mp_device_t *dp,
++ mp_path_t *orig_path, srb_t *sp, int *flag )
++ mp_path_t *path = NULL;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ mp_port_t *port;
++ mp_host_t *host= orig_path->host;
++ DEBUG2(printk("Entering %s - sp err = %d, instance =%d\n",
++ __func__, sp->err_id, (int)host->instance);)
++ qla4xxx_find_all_active_ports(sp);
++ if( sp != NULL ) {
++ fclun = sp->lun_queue->fclun;
++ if( fclun == NULL ) {
++ printk( KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d %s: couldn't find fclun %p pathid=%d\n",
++ (int)host->instance,__func__, fclun, orig_path->id);
++ return( orig_path->next );
++ }
++ port = qla4xxx_find_port_by_name(
++ (mp_lun_t *)fclun->mplun, orig_path);
++ if( port == NULL ) {
++ printk( KERN_INFO
++ "scsi%d %s: couldn't find MP port %p pathid=%d\n",
++ (int)host->instance,__func__, port, orig_path->id);
++ return( orig_path->next );
++ }
++ /* Change to next HOST if loop went down */
++ if( sp->err_id == SRB_ERR_LOOP ) {
++ path = qla4xxx_find_host_from_port(dp,
++ host, port );
++ if( path != NULL ) {
++ port->fo_cnt++;
++ *flag = 1;
++ /* if we used all the hbas then
++ try and get another port */
++ if( port->fo_cnt > port->cnt ) {
++ port->fo_cnt = 0;
++ *flag = 0;
++ path =
++ qla4xxx_find_best_port(dp,
++ orig_path, port, fclun );
++ if( path )
++ *flag = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ path = qla4xxx_find_best_port(dp,
++ orig_path, port, fclun );
++ if( path )
++ *flag = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Default path is next path*/
++ if (path == NULL)
++ path = orig_path->next;
++ DEBUG3(printk("Exiting %s\n", __func__);)
++ return path;
++ * qla4xxx_select_next_path
++ * A problem has been detected with the current path for this
++ * device. Try to select the next available path as the current
++ * path for this device. If there are no more paths, the same
++ * path will still be selected.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * dp pointer of device structure.
++ * lun LUN to failover.
++ *
++ * Return Value:
++ * new path or same path
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_select_next_path(mp_host_t *host, mp_device_t *dp, uint8_t lun,
++ srb_t *sp)
++ mp_path_t *path = NULL;
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list;
++ mp_path_t *orig_path;
++ int id;
++ uint32_t status;
++ mp_host_t *new_host;
++ int skip_notify= 0;
++#if 0
++ fc_lun_t *new_fp = NULL;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_select_next_path:");
++ path_list = dp->path_list;
++ if (path_list == NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ /* Get current path */
++ id = path_list->current_path[lun];
++ /* Get path for current path id */
++ if ((orig_path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, id)) != NULL) {
++ /* select next path */
++ if (orig_path->port && (orig_path->port->flags &
++ path = qla4xxx_smart_path(dp, orig_path, sp,
++ &skip_notify);
++ } else
++ path = orig_path->next;
++ new_host = path->host;
++ /* FIXME may need to check for HBA being reset */
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: orig path = %p new path = %p "
++ "curr idx = %d, new idx = %d\n",
++ __func__, orig_path, path, orig_path->id, path->id);)
++ DEBUG3(printk(" FAILOVER: device name: %s\n",
++ dp->devname);)
++ DEBUG3(printk(" Original - host name: %s\n",
++ orig_path->host->iscsi_name);)
++ DEBUG3(printk(" path name: %s\n",
++ orig_path->port->iscsi_name);)
++ DEBUG3(printk(" New - host name: %s\n",
++ new_host->iscsi_name);)
++ DEBUG3(printk(" path name: %s\n",
++ path->port->iscsi_name);)
++ path_list->current_path[lun] = path->id;
++ /* If we selected a new path, do failover notification. */
++ if ( (path != orig_path) && !skip_notify ) {
++ status = qla4xxx_send_failover_notify(
++ dp, lun, path, orig_path);
++ /*
++ * Currently we ignore the returned status from
++ * the notify. however, if failover notify fails
++ */
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_select_next_path:");
++ return path ;
++ * qla4xxx_update_mp_host
++ * Update the multipath control information from the port
++ * database for that adapter.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host Adapter to update. Devices that are new are
++ * known to be attached to this adapter.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 1 if updated successfully; 0 if error.
++ *
++ */
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_update_mp_host(mp_host_t *host)
++ uint8_t success = 1;
++ uint16_t dev_id;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = host->ha;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_update_mp_host");
++ /*
++ * We make sure each port is attached to some virtual device.
++ */
++ dev_id = 0;
++ fcport = NULL;
++ list_for_each_entry(fcport, &ha->fcports, list) {
++ if (fcport->port_type != FCT_TARGET)
++ continue;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s(%d): checking fcport list. update port "
++ "%p-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x dev_id %d "
++ "to ha inst %d.\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no,
++ fcport,
++ fcport->iscsi_name[0], fcport->iscsi_name[1],
++ fcport->iscsi_name[2], fcport->iscsi_name[3],
++ fcport->iscsi_name[4], fcport->iscsi_name[5],
++ fcport->iscsi_name[6], fcport->iscsi_name[7],
++ dev_id, ha->instance);)
++ qla4xxx_configure_cfg_device(fcport);
++ success |= qla4xxx_update_mp_device(host, fcport, dev_id, 0);
++ dev_id++;
++ }
++ if (success) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Exit OK\n", __func__);)
++ qla4xxx_map_os_targets(host);
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Exit FAILED\n", __func__);)
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: inst %d exiting.\n", __func__, ha->instance);)
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_update_mp_host");
++ return success;
++ * qla4xxx_update_mp_device
++ * Update the multipath control information from the port
++ * database for that adapter.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * host Host adapter structure
++ * port Device to add to the path tree.
++ * dev_id Device id
++ *
++ * Synchronization:
++ * The Adapter Lock should have already been acquired
++ * before calling this routine.
++ *
++ * Return
++ * 1 if updated successfully; 0 if error.
++ *
++ */
++qla4xxx_update_mp_device(mp_host_t *host,
++ fc_port_t *port, uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t pathid)
++ uint8_t success = 1;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_update_mp_device");
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): entered. host %p inst=%d,"
++ "port iscsi_name=%s, dev id = %d\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no, host, host->instance,
++ port->iscsi_name,
++ dev_id);)
++ if (!qla4xxx_is_name_zero(port->iscsi_name)) {
++ if( port->fo_combine ) {
++ return( port->fo_combine(host, dev_id, port, pathid) );
++ } else
++ success = qla4xxx_combine_by_lunid( host, dev_id, port, pathid );
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Failed iscsiname empty.\n",
++ __func__);)
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): exiting.\n",
++ __func__, host->ha->host_no);)
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_update_mp_device");
++ return success;
++ * qla4xxx_update_mp_tree
++ * Get port information from each adapter, and build or rebuild
++ * the multipath control tree from this data. This is called
++ * from init and during port database notification.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Return:
++ * Local function return code.
++ *
++ */
++static uint32_t
++ mp_host_t *host;
++ uint32_t rval = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_update_mp_tree:");
++ /* Loop through each adapter and see what needs updating. */
++ for (host = mp_hosts_base; (host) ; host = host->next) {
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: hba(%d) flags (%x)\n",
++ __func__, host->instance, host->flags);)
++ /* Clear the countdown; it may be reset in the update. */
++ host->relogin_countdown = 0;
++ /* Override the NEEDS_UPDATE flag if disabled. */
++ if (host->flags & MP_HOST_FLAG_DISABLE ||
++ list_empty(host->fcports))
++ host->flags &= ~MP_HOST_FLAG_NEEDS_UPDATE;
++ if (host->flags & MP_HOST_FLAG_NEEDS_UPDATE) {
++ /*
++ * Perform the actual updates. If this succeeds, clear
++ * the flag that an update is needed, and failback all
++ * devices that are visible on this path to use this
++ * path. If the update fails, leave set the flag that
++ * an update is needed, and it will be picked back up
++ * during the next timer routine.
++ */
++ if (qla4xxx_update_mp_host(host)) {
++ host->flags &= ~MP_HOST_FLAG_NEEDS_UPDATE;
++ qla4xxx_failback_luns(host);
++ } else
++ rval = QLA_ERROR;
++ }
++ }
++ if (rval != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Exit FAILED.\n", __func__);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: Exit OK.\n", __func__);)
++ }
++ return rval;
++ * qla4xxx_find_matching_lun_by_num
++ * Find the lun in the path that matches the
++ * specified lun number.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * lun = lun number
++ * newpath = path to search for lun
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * NULL or pointer to lun
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ * (dg)
++ */
++static fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_find_matching_lun_by_num(uint16_t lun_no, mp_device_t *dp,
++ mp_path_t *newpath)
++ int found;
++ fc_lun_t *lp = NULL; /* lun ptr */
++ fc_port_t *fcport; /* port ptr */
++ mp_lun_t *lun;
++ /* Use the lun list if we have one */
++ if( dp->luns ) {
++ for (lun = dp->luns; lun != NULL ; lun = lun->next) {
++ if( lun_no == lun->number ) {
++ lp = lun->paths[newpath->id];
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ if ((fcport = newpath->port) != NULL) {
++ found = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(lp, &fcport->fcluns, list) {
++ if (lun_no == lp->lun) {
++ found++;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!found)
++ lp = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return lp;
++static fc_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(uint8_t lun, mp_device_t *dp,
++ mp_path_t *newpath)
++ fc_lun_t *lp;
++ lp = qla4xxx_find_matching_lun_by_num(lun, dp, newpath);
++ return lp;
++ * qla4xxx_find_path_by_name
++ * Find the path specified iscsiname from the pathlist
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host = host adapter pointer.
++ * pathlist = multi-path path list
++ * iscsiname iscsiname to search for
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * pointer to the path or NULL
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_find_path_by_name(mp_host_t *host, mp_path_list_t *plp,
++ uint8_t *iscsiname)
++ mp_path_t *path = NULL; /* match if not NULL */
++ mp_path_t *tmp_path;
++ int cnt;
++ if ((tmp_path = plp->last) != NULL) {
++ for (cnt = 0; (tmp_path) && cnt < plp->path_cnt; cnt++) {
++ if (tmp_path->host == host &&
++ qla4xxx_is_name_equal(
++ tmp_path->iscsiname, iscsiname)) {
++ path = tmp_path;
++ break;
++ }
++ tmp_path = tmp_path->next;
++ }
++ }
++ return path ;
++ * qla4xxx_find_path_by_id
++ * Find the path for the specified path id.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dp multi-path device
++ * id path id
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * pointer to the path or NULL
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(mp_device_t *dp, uint8_t id)
++ mp_path_t *path = NULL;
++ mp_path_t *tmp_path;
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list;
++ int cnt;
++ path_list = dp->path_list;
++ tmp_path = path_list->last;
++ for (cnt = 0; (tmp_path) && cnt < path_list->path_cnt; cnt++) {
++ if (tmp_path->id == id) {
++ path = tmp_path;
++ break;
++ }
++ tmp_path = tmp_path->next;
++ }
++ return path ;
++ * qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_id
++ * Find the mp_dev for the specified target id.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host = host adapter pointer.
++ * tgt = Target id
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_device_t *
++qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_id(mp_host_t *host, uint16_t id )
++ if (id < MAX_MP_DEVICES)
++ return host->mp_devs[id];
++ else
++ return NULL;
++ * qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_iscsiname
++ * Find the mp_dev for the specified target name.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host = host adapter pointer.
++ * name = port name
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_device_t *
++qla4xxx_find_mp_dev_by_iscsiname(mp_host_t *host, uint8_t *name, uint16_t *pidx)
++ int id;
++ mp_device_t *dp = NULL;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: entered.\n", __func__);)
++ for (id= 0; id < MAX_MP_DEVICES; id++) {
++ if ((dp = host->mp_devs[id] ) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (qla4xxx_is_iscsiname_in_device(dp, name)) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: Found matching device @ index %d:\n",
++ __func__, id);)
++ *pidx = id;
++ return dp;
++ }
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: exiting.\n", __func__);)
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_get_visible_path
++ * Find the the visible path for the specified device.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dp = device pointer
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * NULL or path
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static mp_path_t *
++qla4xxx_get_visible_path(mp_device_t *dp)
++ uint16_t id;
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list;
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ path_list = dp->path_list;
++ /* if we don't have a visible path skip it */
++ if ((id = path_list->visible) == PATH_INDEX_INVALID) {
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ if ((path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp,id))== NULL)
++ return NULL;
++ return path ;
++ * qla4xxx_map_os_targets
++ * Allocate the luns and setup the OS target.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host = host adapter pointer.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_map_os_targets(mp_host_t *host)
++ scsi_qla_host_t *ha = host->ha;
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ mp_device_t *dp;
++ os_tgt_t *tgt;
++ int t;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_map_os_targets ");
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++ ) {
++ dp = host->mp_devs[t];
++ if (dp != NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: (%d) found a dp=%p, "
++ "host=%p, ha=%p\n",
++ __func__, t, dp, host,ha);)
++ if ((path = qla4xxx_get_visible_path(dp)) == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2( printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla_cfg(%d): No visible path "
++ "for target %d, dp = %p\n",
++ host->instance, t, dp); )
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* if not the visible path skip it */
++ if (path->host == host) {
++ if (TGT_Q(ha, t) == NULL) {
++ /* XXX need to check for NULL */
++ tgt = qla4xxx_tgt_alloc(ha, t);
++ if( tgt == NULL )
++ continue;
++ memcpy(tgt->iscsi_name,dp->devname,
++ tgt->fcport = path->port;
++ tgt->id = dp->dev_id;
++ }
++ if (path->port)
++ path->port->os_target_id = t;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): host instance =%d, "
++ "device= %p, tgt=%d has VISIBLE path,"
++ "path id=%d\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no,
++ host->instance,
++ dp, t, path->id);)
++ } else {
++ /* EMPTY */
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s(%ld): host instance =%d, "
++ "device= %p, tgt=%d has HIDDEN "
++ "path, path id=%d\n",
++ __func__, ha->host_no,
++ host->instance, dp, t,
++ path->id); )
++ continue;
++ }
++ qla4xxx_map_os_luns(host, dp, t);
++ } else {
++ if ((tgt= TGT_Q(ha,t)) != NULL) {
++ qla4xxx_tgt_free(ha,t);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_map_os_targets ");
++static void
++qla4xxx_map_or_failover_oslun(mp_host_t *host, mp_device_t *dp,
++ uint16_t t, uint16_t lun_no)
++ int i;
++ /*
++ * if this is initization time and we couldn't map the
++ * lun then try and find a usable path.
++ */
++ if ( qla4xxx_map_a_oslun(host, dp, t, lun_no) &&
++ (host->flags & MP_HOST_FLAG_LUN_FO_ENABLED) ){
++ /* find a path for us to use */
++ for ( i = 0; i < dp->path_list->path_cnt; i++ ){
++ qla4xxx_select_next_path(host, dp, lun_no, NULL);
++ if( !qla4xxx_map_a_oslun(host, dp, t, lun_no))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ * qla4xxx_map_os_luns
++ * Allocate the luns for the OS target.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dp = pointer to device
++ * t = OS target number.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_map_os_luns(mp_host_t *host, mp_device_t *dp, uint16_t t)
++ uint16_t lun_no;
++ mp_lun_t *lun;
++ os_lun_t *up;
++ DEBUG3(printk("Entering %s..\n",__func__);)
++ /* if we are using lun binding then scan for the discovered luns */
++ if( dp->luns ) {
++ for (lun = dp->luns; lun != NULL ; lun = lun->next) {
++ lun_no = lun->number;
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: instance %d: Mapping target %d, lun %d..\n",
++ __func__,host->instance,t,lun->number);)
++ qla4xxx_map_or_failover_oslun(host, dp,
++ t, lun_no);
++ up = (os_lun_t *) GET_LU_Q(host->ha, t, lun_no);
++ if (up == NULL || up->fclun == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: instance %d: No FCLUN for target %d, lun %d.. \n",
++ __func__,host->instance,t,lun->number);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (up->fclun->fcport == NULL) {
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: instance %d: No FCPORT for target %d, lun %d.. \n",
++ __func__,host->instance,t,lun->number);)
++ continue;
++ }
++ DEBUG2(printk("%s: instance %d: Mapping target %d, lun %d.. to path id %d\n",
++ __func__,host->instance,t,lun->number,
++ up->fclun->fcport->cur_path);)
++ if (lun->info == NULL )
++ lun->info =
++ (struct fo_information *) up->fo_info;
++ }
++ } else {
++ for (lun_no = 0; lun_no < MAX_LUNS; lun_no++ ) {
++ qla4xxx_map_or_failover_oslun(host, dp,
++ t, lun_no);
++ }
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("Exiting %s..\n",__func__);)
++ * qla4xxx_map_a_osluns
++ * Map the OS lun to the current path
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * host = pointer to host
++ * dp = pointer to device
++ * lun = OS lun number.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_map_a_oslun(mp_host_t *host, mp_device_t *dp, uint16_t t, uint16_t lun)
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ uint16_t id;
++ mp_path_t *path, *vis_path;
++ mp_host_t *vis_host;
++ uint8_t status = 0;
++ struct fo_information *mp_info;
++ if ((id = dp->path_list->current_path[lun]) != PATH_INDEX_INVALID) {
++ DEBUG3(printk( "qla4xxx(%d): Current path for lun %d is path id %d\n",
++ host->instance,
++ lun, id);)
++ path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp,id);
++ if (path) {
++ fcport = path->port;
++ if (fcport) {
++ fcport->cur_path = id;
++ fclun = qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(lun,dp,path);
++ DEBUG3(printk( "qla4xxx(%d): found fclun %p, path id = %d\n", host->instance,fclun,id);)
++ /* Always map all luns if they are enabled */
++ if (fclun &&
++ (path->[lun] &
++ DEBUG(printk( "qla4xxx(%d): Current path for lun %d/%p is path id %d\n",
++ host->instance,
++ lun, fclun, id);)
++ DEBUG3(printk( "qla4xxx(%d): Lun is enable \n", host->instance);)
++ /*
++ * Mapped lun on the visible path
++ */
++ if ((vis_path =
++ qla4xxx_get_visible_path(dp)) ==
++ NULL ) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx(%d): No visible "
++ "path for target %d, "
++ "dp = %p\n",
++ host->instance,
++ t, dp);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ vis_host = vis_path->host;
++ /* ra 11/30/01 */
++ /*
++ * Always alloc LUN 0 so kernel
++ * will scan past LUN 0.
++ */
++#if 0
++ if (lun != 0 &&
++ &(fcport->lun_mask), lun))) {
++ /* mask this LUN */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if ((lq = qla4xxx_lun_alloc(
++ vis_host->ha,
++ t, lun)) != NULL) {
++ lq->fclun = fclun;
++ mp_info = (struct fo_information *) lq->fo_info;
++ mp_info->path_cnt = dp->path_list->path_cnt;
++ }
++ DEBUG(printk( "qla4xxx(%d): lun allocated %p for lun %d\n",
++ host->instance,lq,lun);)
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ status = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ return status;
++ * qla4xxx_is_name_zero
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * name = Pointer to WW name to check
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * 1 if name is 0 else 0
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static uint8_t
++qla4xxx_is_name_zero(uint8_t *nn)
++ int cnt;
++ /* Check for zero node name */
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < ISCSI_NAME_SIZE ; cnt++, nn++) {
++ if (*nn != 0)
++ break;
++ }
++ /* if zero return 1 */
++ if (cnt == ISCSI_NAME_SIZE)
++ return 1;
++ else
++ return 0;
++ * qla4xxx_add_path
++ * Add a path to the pathlist
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * pathlist -- path list of paths
++ * path -- path to be added to list
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_add_path( mp_path_list_t *pathlist, mp_path_t *path )
++ mp_path_t *last = pathlist->last;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_add_path");
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: entered for path id %d.\n",
++ __func__, path->id);)
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: pathlist =%p, path =%p, cnt = %d\n",
++ __func__, pathlist, path, pathlist->path_cnt);)
++ if (last == NULL) {
++ last = path;
++ } else {
++ path->next = last->next;
++ }
++ last->next = path;
++ pathlist->last = path;
++ pathlist->path_cnt++;
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: exiting. path cnt=%d.\n",
++ __func__, pathlist->path_cnt);)
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_add_path");
++static void
++qla4xxx_add_lun( mp_device_t *dp, mp_lun_t *lun)
++ mp_lun_t *cur_lun;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_add_lun");
++ /* Insert new entry into the list of luns */
++ lun->next = NULL;
++ cur_lun = dp->luns;
++ if( cur_lun == NULL ) {
++ dp->luns = lun;
++ } else {
++ /* add to tail of list */
++ while( cur_lun->next != NULL )
++ cur_lun = cur_lun->next;
++ cur_lun->next = lun;
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_add_lun");
++ * qla4xxx_is_iscsiname_in_device
++ * Search for the specified "iscsiname" in the device list.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * dp = device pointer
++ * iscsiname = iscsiname to searched for in device
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * qla4xxx local function return status code.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_is_iscsiname_in_device(mp_device_t *dp, uint8_t *iscsiname)
++ int idx;
++ for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_PATHS_PER_DEVICE; idx++) {
++ if (memcmp(&dp->iscsinames[idx][0], iscsiname, ISCSI_NAME_SIZE) == 0)
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_bitmask
++ * Set or clear the LUN_DATA_ENABLED bits in the LUN_DATA from
++ * a LUN bitmask provided from the miniport driver.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * lun_data = Extended LUN_DATA buffer to set.
++ * lun_mask = Pointer to lun bit mask union.
++ *
++ * Return Value: none.
++ */
++qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_bitmask(mp_lun_data_t *lun_data,
++ lun_bit_mask_t *lun_mask)
++ int16_t lun;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_bitmask");
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS; lun++) {
++ /* our bit mask is inverted */
++#if 0
++ if (!(EXT_IS_LUN_BIT_SET(lun_mask,lun)))
++ lun_data->data[lun] |= LUN_DATA_ENABLED;
++ else
++ lun_data->data[lun] &= ~LUN_DATA_ENABLED;
++ lun_data->data[lun] |= LUN_DATA_ENABLED;
++ DEBUG5(printk("%s: lun data[%d] = 0x%x\n",
++ __func__, lun, lun_data->data[lun]);)
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_set_lun_data_from_bitmask");
++ return;
++static void
++qla4xxx_failback_single_lun(mp_device_t *dp, uint8_t lun, uint8_t new)
++ mp_path_list_t *pathlist;
++ mp_path_t *new_path, *old_path;
++ uint8_t old;
++ mp_host_t *host;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ mp_path_t *vis_path;
++ mp_host_t *vis_host;
++ struct fo_information *mp_info;
++ /* Failback and update statistics. */
++ if ((pathlist = dp->path_list) == NULL)
++ return;
++ old = pathlist->current_path[lun];
++ pathlist->current_path[lun] = new;
++ if ((new_path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, new)) == NULL)
++ return;
++ if ((old_path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, old)) == NULL)
++ return;
++ /* An fclun should exist for the failbacked lun */
++ if (qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(lun, dp, new_path) == NULL)
++ return;
++ if (qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(lun, dp, old_path) == NULL)
++ return;
++ /* Log to console and to event log. */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx: FAILBACK device %d -> "
++ "[%s] LUN %02x\n",
++ dp->dev_id, dp->devname, lun);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx: FROM HBA %d to HBA %d \n",
++ old_path->host->instance,
++ new_path->host->instance);
++ /* Send a failover notification. */
++ qla4xxx_send_failover_notify(dp, lun, new_path, old_path);
++ host = new_path->host;
++ /* remap the lun */
++ qla4xxx_map_a_oslun(host, dp, dp->dev_id, lun);
++ /* 7/16
++ * Reset counts on the visible path
++ */
++ if ((vis_path = qla4xxx_get_visible_path(dp)) == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx(%d): No visible path for "
++ "target %d, dp = %p\n",
++ host->instance,
++ dp->dev_id, dp);
++ return;
++ }
++ vis_host = vis_path->host;
++ if ((lq = qla4xxx_lun_alloc(vis_host->ha, dp->dev_id, lun)) != NULL) {
++ mp_info = (struct fo_information *) lq->fo_info;
++ mp_info->path_cnt = dp->path_list->path_cnt;
++ qla4xxx_delay_lun(vis_host->ha, lq, ql4xrecoveryTime);
++ qla4xxx_flush_failover_q(vis_host->ha, lq);
++ qla4xxx_reset_lun_fo_counts(vis_host->ha, lq);
++ }
++#if 0
++static void
++qla4xxx_failback_single_lun(mp_device_t *dp, uint8_t lun, uint8_t new)
++ mp_path_list_t *pathlist;
++ mp_path_t *new_path, *old_path;
++ uint8_t old;
++ mp_host_t *new_host;
++ os_lun_t *lq;
++ mp_path_t *vis_path;
++ mp_host_t *vis_host;
++ int status;
++ /* Failback and update statistics. */
++ if ((pathlist = dp->path_list) == NULL)
++ return;
++ old = pathlist->current_path[lun];
++ /* pathlist->current_path[lun] = new; */
++ if ((new_path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, new)) == NULL)
++ return;
++ if ((old_path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, old)) == NULL)
++ return;
++ /* An fclun should exist for the failbacked lun */
++ if (qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(lun, dp, new_path) == NULL)
++ return;
++ if (qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(lun, dp, old_path) == NULL)
++ return;
++ if ((vis_path = qla4xxx_get_visible_path(dp)) == NULL) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "No visible path for "
++ "target %d, dp = %p\n",
++ dp->dev_id, dp);
++ return;
++ }
++ vis_host = vis_path->host;
++ /* Schedule the recovery before we move the luns */
++ if( (lq = (os_lun_t *)
++ LUN_Q(vis_host->ha, dp->dev_id, lun)) == NULL ) {
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx(%d): No visible lun for "
++ "target %d, dp = %p, lun=%d\n",
++ vis_host->instance,
++ dp->dev_id, dp, lun);
++ return;
++ }
++ qla4xxx_delay_lun(vis_host->ha, lq, ql4xrecoveryTime);
++ /* Log to console and to event log. */
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx: FAILBACK device %d -> "
++ "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x LUN %02x\n",
++ dp->dev_id,
++ dp->devname[0], dp->devname[1],
++ dp->devname[2], dp->devname[3],
++ dp->devname[4], dp->devname[5],
++ dp->devname[6], dp->devname[7],
++ lun);
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "qla4xxx: FROM HBA %d to HBA %d \n",
++ old_path->host->instance,
++ new_path->host->instance);
++ /* Send a failover notification. */
++ status = qla4xxx_send_failover_notify(dp, lun,
++ new_path, old_path);
++ new_host = new_path->host;
++ /* remap the lun */
++ if (status == QLA_SUCCESS ) {
++ pathlist->current_path[lun] = new;
++ qla4xxx_map_a_oslun(new_host, dp, dp->dev_id, lun);
++ qla4xxx_flush_failover_q(vis_host->ha, lq);
++ qla4xxx_reset_lun_fo_counts(vis_host->ha, lq);
++ }
++* qla4xxx_failback_luns
++* This routine looks through the devices on an adapter, and
++* for each device that has this adapter as the visible path,
++* it forces that path to be the current path. This allows us
++* to keep some semblance of static load balancing even after
++* an adapter goes away and comes back.
++* Arguments:
++* host Adapter that has just come back online.
++* Return:
++* None.
++static void
++qla4xxx_failback_luns( mp_host_t *host)
++ uint16_t dev_no;
++ uint8_t l;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ int i;
++ mp_device_t *dp;
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list;
++ mp_path_t *path;
++ fc_lun_t *new_fp;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_failback_luns");
++ for (dev_no = 0; dev_no < MAX_MP_DEVICES; dev_no++) {
++ dp = host->mp_devs[dev_no];
++ if (dp == NULL)
++ continue;
++ path_list = dp->path_list;
++ for (path = path_list->last, i= 0;
++ i < path_list->path_cnt;
++ i++, path = path->next) {
++ if (path->host != host )
++ continue;
++ if (path->port == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (atomic_read(&path->port->state) == FCS_DEVICE_DEAD)
++ continue;
++ if ((path->port->flags & FCF_FAILBACK_DISABLE))
++ continue;
++ /*
++ * Failback all the paths for this host,
++ * the luns could be preferred across all paths
++ */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s(%d): Lun Data for device %p, "
++ "dev id=%d, path id=%d\n",
++ __func__, host->instance, dp, dp->dev_id,
++ path->id);)
++ DEBUG4(qla4xxx_dump_buffer(
++ (char *)&path->[0], 64);)
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s(%d): Perferrred Path data:\n",
++ __func__, host->instance);)
++ DEBUG4(qla4xxx_dump_buffer(
++ (char *)&path_list->current_path[0], 64);)
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS_PER_DEVICE; lun++) {
++ l = (uint8_t)(lun & 0xFF);
++ /*
++ * if this is the preferred lun and not
++ * the current path then failback lun.
++ */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: target=%d, cur path id =%d, "
++ "lun data[%d] = %d)\n",
++ __func__, dp->dev_id, path->id,
++ lun, path->[lun]);)
++ if ((path->[l] &
++ /* !path->relogin && */
++ path_list->current_path[l] !=
++ path->id) {
++ /* No point in failing back a
++ disconnected lun */
++ new_fp = qla4xxx_find_matching_lun(
++ l, dp, path);
++ if (new_fp == NULL)
++ continue;
++ /* Skip a disconect lun */
++ if (new_fp->device_type & 0x20)
++ continue;
++ qla4xxx_failback_single_lun(
++ dp, l, path->id);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_failback_luns");
++ return;
++static struct _mp_path *
++qla4xxx_find_first_active_path( mp_device_t *dp, mp_lun_t *lun)
++ mp_path_t *path= NULL;
++ mp_path_list_t *plp = dp->path_list;
++ mp_path_t *tmp_path;
++ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ fc_lun_t *fclun;
++ int cnt;
++ if ((tmp_path = plp->last) != NULL) {
++ tmp_path = tmp_path->next;
++ for (cnt = 0; (tmp_path) && cnt < plp->path_cnt;
++ tmp_path = tmp_path->next, cnt++) {
++ fcport = tmp_path->port;
++ if (fcport != NULL) {
++ if ((fcport->flags & FCF_EVA_DEVICE)) {
++ fclun = lun->paths[tmp_path->id];
++ if (fclun == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (fclun->flags & FLF_ACTIVE_LUN) {
++ path = tmp_path;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ if ((fcport->flags &
++ path = tmp_path;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return path;
++ * qla4xxx_setup_new_path
++ * Checks the path against the existing paths to see if there
++ * are any incompatibilities. It then checks and sets up the
++ * current path indices.
++ *
++ * Inputs:
++ * dp = pointer to device
++ * path = new path
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ */
++static void
++qla4xxx_setup_new_path( mp_device_t *dp, mp_path_t *path, fc_port_t *fcport)
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list = dp->path_list;
++ mp_path_t *tmp_path, *first_path;
++ mp_host_t *first_host;
++ mp_host_t *tmp_host;
++ uint16_t lun;
++ uint8_t l;
++ int i;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_setup_new_path");
++ DEBUG(printk("qla4xxx_setup_new_path: path %p path id %d, fcport = %p\n",
++ path, path->id, path->port);)
++ /* If this is a visible path, and there is not already a
++ * visible path, save it as the visible path. If there
++ * is already a visible path, log an error and make this
++ * path invisible.
++ */
++ if (!(path->mp_byte & (MP_MASK_HIDDEN | MP_MASK_UNCONFIGURED))) {
++ /* No known visible path */
++ if (path_list->visible == PATH_INDEX_INVALID) {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: No know visible path - make this "
++ "path visible\n",
++ __func__);)
++ path_list->visible = path->id;
++ path->mp_byte &= ~MP_MASK_HIDDEN;
++ } else {
++ DEBUG3(printk("%s: Second visible path found- make "
++ "this one hidden\n",
++ __func__);)
++ path->mp_byte |= MP_MASK_HIDDEN;
++ }
++ if (path->port)
++ path->port->mp_byte = path->mp_byte;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If this is not the first path added, and the setting for
++ * MaxLunsPerTarget does not match that of the first path
++ * then disable qla_cfg for all adapters.
++ */
++ first_path = qla4xxx_find_path_by_id(dp, 0);
++ if (first_path != NULL) {
++ first_host = first_path->host;
++ if ((path->id != 0) &&
++ (first_host->MaxLunsPerTarget !=
++ path->host->MaxLunsPerTarget)) {
++ for (tmp_path = path_list->last, i = 0;
++ (tmp_path) && i <= path->id; i++) {
++ tmp_host = tmp_path->host;
++ if (!(tmp_host->flags &
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: 2nd visible "
++ "path (%p)\n",
++ __func__, tmp_host);)
++ tmp_host->flags |= MP_HOST_FLAG_DISABLE;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!(fcport->flags & (FCF_MSA_DEVICE | FCF_EVA_DEVICE))) {
++ /*
++ * For each LUN, evaluate whether the new path that is added is
++ * better than the existing path. If it is, make it the
++ * current path for the LUN.
++ */
++ for (lun = 0; lun < MAX_LUNS_PER_DEVICE; lun++) {
++ l = (uint8_t)(lun & 0xFF);
++ /*
++ * If this is the first path added, it is the only
++ * available path, so make it the current path.
++ */
++ DEBUG4(printk("%s: lun_data 0x%x, LUN %d\n",
++ __func__, path->[l], lun);)
++ if (first_path == path) {
++ path_list->current_path[l] = 0;
++ path->[l] |=
++ } else if (path->[l] &
++ /*
++ * If this is not the first path added, if this
++ * is the preferred path, so make it the
++ * current path.
++ */
++ path_list->current_path[l] = path->id;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_setup_new_path");
++ return;
++ * qla4xxx_cfg_mem_free
++ * Free all configuration structures.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha = adapter state pointer.
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ */
++qla4xxx_cfg_mem_free(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ mp_lun_t *cur_lun;
++ mp_lun_t *tmp_lun;
++ mp_device_t *dp;
++ mp_path_list_t *path_list;
++ mp_path_t *tmp_path, *path;
++ mp_host_t *host, *temp;
++ mp_port_t *temp_port;
++ struct list_head *list, *temp_list;
++ int id, cnt;
++ down(&mp_hosts_lock);
++ if ((host = qla4xxx_cfg_find_host(ha)) != NULL) {
++ if( mp_num_hosts == 0 )
++ return;
++ for (id= 0; id < MAX_MP_DEVICES; id++) {
++ if ((dp = host->mp_devs[id]) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if ((path_list = dp->path_list) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if ((tmp_path = path_list->last) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ for (cnt = 0; cnt < path_list->path_cnt; cnt++) {
++ path = tmp_path;
++ tmp_path = tmp_path->next;
++ "host%d - Removing path[%d] "
++ "= %p\n",
++ host->instance,
++ cnt, path);)
++ kfree(path);
++ }
++ kfree(path_list);
++ host->mp_devs[id] = NULL;
++ /* remove dp from other hosts */
++ for (temp = mp_hosts_base; (temp); temp = temp->next) {
++ if (temp->mp_devs[id] == dp) {
++ "host%d - Removing host[%d] = "
++ "%p\n",
++ host->instance,
++ temp->instance,temp);)
++ temp->mp_devs[id] = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Free all the lun struc's attached
++ * to this mp_device */
++ for ( cur_lun = dp->luns; (cur_lun != NULL);
++ cur_lun = cur_lun->next) {
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "host%d - Removing lun:%p "
++ "attached to device:%p\n",
++ host->instance,
++ cur_lun,dp);)
++ list_for_each_safe(list, temp_list,
++ &cur_lun->ports_list) {
++ temp_port = list_entry(list, mp_port_t, list);
++ list_del_init(&temp_port->list);
++ DEBUG2(printk(KERN_INFO
++ "host%d - Removing port:%p "
++ "attached to lun:%p\n",
++ host->instance, temp_port,
++ cur_lun);)
++ kfree(temp_port);
++ }
++ tmp_lun = cur_lun;
++ kfree(tmp_lun);
++ }
++ kfree(dp);
++ }
++ /* remove this host from host list */
++ temp = mp_hosts_base;
++ if (temp != NULL) {
++ /* Remove from top of queue */
++ if (temp == host) {
++ mp_hosts_base = host->next;
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * Remove from middle of queue
++ * or bottom of queue
++ */
++ for (temp = mp_hosts_base;
++ temp != NULL;
++ temp = temp->next) {
++ if (temp->next == host) {
++ temp->next = host->next;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(host);
++ mp_num_hosts--;
++ }
++ up(&mp_hosts_lock);
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_inline.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ *
++ ****************************************************************************/
++ * qla4xxx_lookup_lun_handle
++ * This routine locates a lun handle given the device handle and lun
++ * number.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ * lun - SCSI LUN
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to corresponding lun_entry structure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static inline os_lun_t *
++qla4xxx_lookup_lun_handle(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, os_tgt_t *tq, uint16_t lun)
++ os_lun_t *lq = NULL;
++ if (tq && lun < MAX_LUNS)
++ lq = tq->olun[lun];
++ return lq;
++ * qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_SCSIID
++ * This routine locates a target handle given the SCSI bus and
++ * target IDs. If device doesn't exist, returns NULL.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * bus - SCSI bus number
++ * target - SCSI target ID.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to the corresponding internal device database structure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static inline os_tgt_t *
++qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_SCSIID(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t bus,
++ uint32_t target)
++ os_tgt_t *tq = NULL;
++ if (target < MAX_TARGETS)
++ tq = TGT_Q(ha, target);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk("scsi%d: %s: b%d:t%d, tgt = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, bus, target, tq));
++ return tq;
++ * qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_fcport
++ * This routine locates a target handle given the fcport
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fcport - port handle
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static inline os_tgt_t *
++qla4xxx_lookup_target_by_fcport(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, fc_port_t *fcport)
++ int t;
++ os_tgt_t *tq = NULL;
++ for (t = 0; t < MAX_TARGETS; t++) {
++ if ((tq = TGT_Q(ha, t)) == NULL)
++ continue;
++ if (fcport == tq->fcport)
++ break;
++ }
++ return tq;
++ * qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index
++ * This routine locates a device handle given the firmware device
++ * database index. If device doesn't exist, returns NULL.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * fw_ddb_index - Firmware's device database index
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * Pointer to the corresponding internal device database structure
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static inline ddb_entry_t *
++qla4xxx_lookup_ddb_by_fw_index(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t fw_ddb_index)
++ ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry = NULL;
++ if ((fw_ddb_index < MAX_DDB_ENTRIES) &&
++ (ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index] !=
++ (ddb_entry_t *) INVALID_ENTRY)) {
++ ddb_entry = ha->fw_ddb_index_map[fw_ddb_index];
++ }
++ DEBUG3(printk("scsi%d: %s: index [%d], ddb_entry = %p\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, fw_ddb_index, ddb_entry));
++ return ddb_entry;
++ * qla4xxx_mark_device_missing
++ * This routine marks a device missing and resets the relogin retry count.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ * ddb_entry - Pointer to device database entry
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static inline void
++qla4xxx_mark_device_missing(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry)
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->state, DEV_STATE_MISSING);
++ if (ddb_entry->fcport != NULL)
++ atomic_set(&ddb_entry->fcport->state, FCS_DEVICE_LOST);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP3, printk(KERN_INFO "scsi%d:%d:%d: index [%d] marked "
++ "MISSING\n", ha->host_no, ddb_entry->bus, ddb_entry->target,
++ ddb_entry->fw_ddb_index));
++ * qla4xxx_enable_intrs
++ * This routine enables the PCI interrupt request by clearing the
++ * appropriate bit.
++ *
++ * qla4xxx_disable_intrs
++ * This routine disables the PCI interrupt request by setting the
++ * appropriate bit.
++ *
++ * Remarks:
++ * The hardware_lock must be unlocked upon entry.
++ *
++ * Input:
++ * ha - Pointer to host adapter structure.
++ *
++ * Returns:
++ * None
++ *
++ * Context:
++ * Kernel/Interrupt context.
++ **************************************************************************/
++static inline void __qla4xxx_enable_intrs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_enable_intrs");
++ set_bit(AF_INTERRUPTS_ON, &ha->flags);
++ if( IS_QLA4022(ha) ) {
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.intr_mask, SET_RMASK(IMR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.intr_mask);
++ } else {
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, SET_RMASK(CSR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: intSET_RMASK = %08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status)));
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_enable_intrs");
++static inline void __qla4xxx_disable_intrs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_disable_intrs");
++ clear_bit(AF_INTERRUPTS_ON, &ha->flags);
++ if( IS_QLA4022(ha) ) {
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.intr_mask, CLR_RMASK(IMR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->u1.isp4022.intr_mask);
++ } else {
++ WRT_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status, CLR_RMASK(CSR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE));
++ PCI_POSTING(&ha->reg->ctrl_status);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP7, printk("scsi%d: %s: intSET_RMASK = %08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ RD_REG_DWORD(&ha->reg->ctrl_status)));
++ }
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_disable_intrs");
++static inline void qla4xxx_enable_intrs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ __qla4xxx_enable_intrs(ha);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++static inline void qla4xxx_disable_intrs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ unsigned long flags = 0;
++ spin_lock_irqsave(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++ __qla4xxx_disable_intrs(ha);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ha->hardware_lock, flags);
++static __inline__ void
++qla4xxx_suspend_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *, srb_t *sp, os_lun_t *, int, int);
++static __inline__ void
++qla4xxx_delay_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *, os_lun_t *, int);
++static __inline__ void
++qla4xxx_suspend_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *sp, os_lun_t *lq, int time, int count)
++ return (__qla4xxx_suspend_lun(ha, sp, lq, time, count, 0));
++static __inline__ void
++qla4xxx_delay_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, os_lun_t *lq, int time)
++ return (__qla4xxx_suspend_lun(ha, NULL, lq, time, 1, 1));
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/Kconfig 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++config SCSI_QLA4XXX
++ tristate "QLogic ISP4XXX host adapter family support"
++ depends on PCI && SCSI
++ ---help---
++ This driver supports the QLogic 40xx (ISP4XXX) host adapter family.
++ bool "QLogic ISP4xxx Driver-level Failover support"
++ depends on SCSI_QLA4XXX
++ ---help---
++ Compile the driver with failover support. Please review the driver
++ documentation for further information on supported hosts and storage
++ types.
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_dbg.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ *
++ ****************************************************************************/
++ * Driver debug definitions.
++ */
++#define QLP1 0x00000002 // Unrecoverable error messages
++#define QLP2 0x00000004 // Unexpected completion path error messages
++#define QLP3 0x00000008 // Function trace messages
++#define QLP4 0x00000010 // IOCTL trace messages
++#define QLP5 0x00000020 // I/O & Request/Response queue trace messages
++#define QLP6 0x00000040 // Watchdog messages (current state)
++#define QLP7 0x00000080 // Initialization
++#define QLP8 0x00000100 // Internal command queue traces
++#define QLP9 0x00000200 // Unused
++#define QLP10 0x00000400 // Extra Debug messages (dump buffers)
++#define QLP11 0x00000800 // Mailbox & ISR Details
++#define QLP12 0x00001000 // Enter/Leave routine messages
++#define QLP13 0x00002000 // Display data for Inquiry, TUR, ReqSense, RptLuns
++#define QLP14 0x00004000 // Temporary
++#define QLP15 0x00008000 // Display jiffies for IOCTL calls
++#define QLP16 0x00010000 // Extended proc print statements (srb info)
++#define QLP17 0x00020000 // Display NVRAM Accesses
++#define QLP18 0x00040000 // unused
++#define QLP19 0x00080000 // PDU info
++#define QLP20 0x00100000 // iSNS info
++#define QLP24 0x01000000 // Scatter/Gather info
++extern uint32_t ql_dbg_level;
++ * Debug Print Routine Prototypes.
++ */
++#define QL4PRINT(m,x) do {if(((m) & ql_dbg_level) != 0) (x);} while(0);
++#define ENTER(x) do {QL4PRINT(QLP12, printk("qla4xxx: Entering %s()\n", x));} while(0);
++#define LEAVE(x) do {QL4PRINT(QLP12, printk("qla4xxx: Leaving %s()\n", x));} while(0);
++inline uint8_t qla4xxx_get_debug_level(uint32_t *dbg_level);
++inline uint8_t qla4xxx_set_debug_level(uint32_t dbg_level);
++void qla4xxx_dump_bytes(uint32_t, void *, uint32_t);
++void qla4xxx_dump_words(uint32_t, void *, uint32_t);
++void qla4xxx_dump_dwords(uint32_t, void *, uint32_t);
++void qla4xxx_print_scsi_cmd(uint32_t dbg_mask, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
++void qla4xxx_print_srb_info(uint32_t dbg_mask, srb_t *srb);
++void qla4xxx_print_iocb_passthru(uint32_t dbg_mask, scsi_qla_host_t *ha, INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU *iocb);
++ * Driver debug definitions.
++ */
++/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_1 */ /* Output register accesses to COM1 */
++/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3 */ /* Output function trace msgs to COM1 */
++/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_4 */
++/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_5 */
++/* #define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_9 */
++#define QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2 /* Output error msgs to COM1 */
++#define DEBUG(x) do {} while (0);
++#if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2)
++#define DEBUG2(x) do {if(extended_error_logging == 2) x;} while (0);
++#define DEBUG2_3(x) do {x;} while (0);
++#define DEBUG2(x) do {} while (0);
++#if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_3)
++#define DEBUG3(x) do {x;} while (0);
++#define DEBUG3(x) do {} while (0);
++ #if !defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_2)
++ #define DEBUG2_3(x) do {} while (0);
++ #endif
++#if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_4)
++#define DEBUG4(x) do {x;} while (0);
++#define DEBUG4(x) do {} while (0);
++#if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_5)
++#define DEBUG5(x) do {x;} while (0);
++#define DEBUG5(x) do {} while (0);
++#if defined(QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_9)
++#define DEBUG9(x) do {x;} while (0);
++#define DEBUG9(x) do {} while (0);
++void __dump_dwords(void *, uint32_t);
++void __dump_words(void *, uint32_t);
++void __dump_mailbox_registers(uint32_t, scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++void __dump_registers(uint32_t, scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++void qla4xxx_dump_registers(uint32_t, scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/qlinioct.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#ifndef _QLINIOCT_H_
++#define _QLINIOCT_H_
++#include "qlisioln.h"
++ Ioctl
++ General
++ * Command Codes definitions
++ */
++ * Sub codes for Get Data.
++ * Use in combination with INT_GET_DATA as the ioctl code
++ */
++#define INT_SC_GET_FLASH 1
++ * Sub codes for Set Data.
++ * Use in combination with INT_SET_DATA as the ioctl code
++ */
++#define INT_SC_SET_FLASH 1
++#define INT_DEF_DNS_ENABLE 0x0100
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _INT_INIT_FW_ISCSI_ALL {
++ UINT8 Version; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Reserved0; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 FWOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 exeThrottle; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 retryCount; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 retryDelay; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 EthernetMTU; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 addFWOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 HeartBeat; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Reserved1; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 Reserved2; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 ReqQOutPtr; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 RespQInPtr; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 ReqQLen; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 RespQLen; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 ReqQAddr[2]; /* 8 */
++ UINT32 RespQAddr[2]; /* 8 */
++ UINT32 IntRegBufAddr[2]; /* 8 */
++ UINT16 iSCSIOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 TCPOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 IPOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 MaxRxDataSegmentLen; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 recvMarkerInt; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 sendMarkerInt; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved3; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 firstBurstSize; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 DefaultTime2Wait; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 DefaultTime2Retain; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 maxOutstandingR2T; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 keepAliveTimeout; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 portNumber; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 maxBurstSize; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 Reserved4; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 IPAddr[16]; /* 16 */
++ UINT8 SubnetMask[16]; /* 16 */
++ UINT8 IPGateway[16]; /* 16 */
++ UINT8 DNSsvrIP[4]; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 DNSsecSvrIP[4]; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 Reserved5[8]; /* 8 */
++ UINT8 Alias[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_ALIAS_LEN]; /* 32 */
++ UINT32 targetAddr0; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 targetAddr1; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 CHAPTableAddr0; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 CHAPTableAddr1; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 EthernetMACAddr[6]; /* 6 */
++ UINT16 TargetPortalGrp; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 SendScale; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 RecvScale; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 TypeOfService; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Time2Live; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 VLANPriority; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved6; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 SecondaryIPAddr[16]; /* 16 */
++ UINT8 iSNSServerAdr[4]; /* 4 */
++ UINT16 iSNSServerPort; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 Reserved7[10]; /* 10 */
++ UINT8 SLPDAAddr[16]; /* 16 */
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _INT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI_ALL {
++ UINT8 Options; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 Control; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 exeThrottle; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 exeCount; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 retryCount; /* 1 */
++ UINT8 retryDelay; /* 1 */
++ UINT16 iSCSIOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 TCPOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 IPOptions; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 MaxRxDataSegmentLen; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 RecvMarkerInterval; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 SendMarkerInterval; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 MaxTxDataSegmentLen; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 firstBurstSize; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 DefaultTime2Wait; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 DefaultTime2Retain; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 maxOutstandingR2T; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 keepAliveTimeout; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 InitiatorSessID[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_ISID_SIZE]; /* 6 */
++ UINT16 TargetSessID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 portNumber; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 maxBurstSize; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 taskMngmntTimeout; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved0; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 IPAddress[16]; /* 16 */
++ UINT8 Alias[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_ALIAS_LEN]; /* 32 */
++ UINT8 targetAddr[EXT_DEF_ISCSI_TADDR_SIZE]; /* 32 */
++ /* need to find new definition XXX */
++ UINT8 res[64];
++ UINT16 ddbLink; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 chapTableIndex; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 targetPortalGrp; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved1; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 statSN; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 expStatSN; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _FLASH_DEVDB_ENTRY {
++ INT_DEVICE_ENTRY_ISCSI_ALL entryData; /* 0-1C7 */
++ UINT8 RES0[0x2C]; /* 1C8-1FB */
++ UINT16 ddbValidCookie; /* 1FC-1FD */
++ UINT16 ddbValidSize; /* 1FE-1FF */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _FLASH_INITFW {
++ UINT32 validCookie;
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ * ***********************************************************************
++ */
++#define INT_DEF_AREA_TYPE_FW_IMAGE1 0x01
++#define INT_DEF_AREA_TYPE_FW_IMAGE2 0x02
++#define INT_DEF_AREA_TYPE_DDB 0x04
++#define INT_DEF_AREA_TYPE_INIT_FW 0x05
++#define INT_DEF_FLASH_BLK_SIZE 0x4000
++#define INT_DEF_FLASH_PHYS_BLK_SIZE 0x20000
++#define INT_ISCSI_FW_IMAGE2_FLASH_OFFSET 0x01000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_DRIVER_FLASH_OFFSET 0x03000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_INITFW_FLASH_OFFSET 0x04000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_DDB_FLASH_OFFSET 0x05000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_CHAP_FLASH_OFFSET 0x06000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_FW_IMAGE1_FLASH_OFFSET 0x07000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_BIOS_FLASH_OFFSET 0x0d000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_PAGE_MASK 0x0F000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_ACCESS_FLASH 0x00000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_ACCESS_RAM 0x10000000
++#define INT_ISCSI_ACCESS_MASK 0xF0000000
++/* WRITE_FLASH option definitions */
++#define INT_WRITE_FLASH_OPT_HOLD 0 /* Write data to FLASH but
++ do not Commit */
++#define INT_WRITE_FLASH_OPT_CLEAR_REMAINING 1 /* Write data to FLASH but
++ do not Commit any data
++ not written before
++ commit will be cleared
++ (set to 0xFF) */
++#define INT_WRITE_FLASH_OPT_COMMIT_DATA 2 /* Commit (Burn) data to
++ FLASH */
++typedef struct _INT_ACCESS_FLASH {
++ UINT32 AreaType; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 DataLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 DataOffset; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 FlashData[INT_DEF_FLASH_BLK_SIZE]; /* 0x4000 */
++ UINT32 Options; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _INT_FLASH_DRIVER_PARAM {
++ UINT16 DiscoveryTimeOut; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 PortDownTimeout; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 Reserved[32]; /* 128 */
++#define FLASH_DDB_VALID_COOKIE 0x9034 /* this value indicates this
++ entry in flash is valid */
++#define FLASH_DDB_INVALID_COOKIE 0x0 /* this value is used to set
++ the entry to invalid */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _INT_HBA_SYS_INFO {
++ UINT32 cookie; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 physAddrCount; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 macAddr0[6]; /* 6 */
++ UINT8 reserved0[2]; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 macAddr1[6]; /* 6 */
++ UINT8 reserved1[2]; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 macAddr2[6]; /* 6 */
++ UINT8 reserved2[2]; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 macAddr3[6]; /* 6 */
++ UINT8 reserved3[2]; /* 2 */
++ UINT8 vendorId[128]; /* 128 */
++ UINT8 productId[128]; /* 128 */
++ UINT32 serialNumber; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 pciDeviceVendor; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 pciDeviceId; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 pciSubsysVendor; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 pciSubsysId; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 crumbs; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 enterpriseNumber; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 crumbs2; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++/* File header for FW */
++typedef struct _INT_FW_DL_HDR {
++ UINT32 Size; /* download size, excluding DL_HDR & EXT_HDR*/
++ UINT32 Checksum; /* Checksum of download file, excluding DL_HDR
++ & EXT_HDR */
++ UINT32 HdrChecksum; /* Checksum of header area should be zero */
++ UINT32 Flags; /* See Flags bits defined above */
++ UINT32 Cookie; /* Target specific identifier */
++ UINT32 Target; /* Target specific identifier */
++ UINT32 Reserved0; /* Reserved */
++ UINT32 Reserved1; /* Reserved */
++ UINT8 Copyright[64]; /* Copyright */
++ UINT8 Version[32]; /* Version String */
++/* File header for BIOS */
++typedef struct _INT_BIOS_HDR {
++ UINT8 BIOSidCode55;
++ UINT8 BIOSidCodeAA;
++ UINT8 reserved[52];
++ UINT8 BIOSminorVer;
++ UINT8 BIOSmajorVer;
++typedef struct _INT_SDMBIOS_NVRAM {
++ UINT16 Flags;
++ UINT8 PriID;
++ UINT64 PriLUN;
++ UINT8 SecID;
++ UINT64 SecLUN;
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _INT_HBA_RESET {
++ UINT32 Reserved[2]; /* 8 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _INT_COPY_FW_FLASH {
++ UINT32 Options; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++/* Logout Options */
++#define INT_DEF_CLOSE_SESSION 0x0001
++#define INT_DEF_DELETE_DDB 0x0004
++#define INT_DEF_REINDEX_DDB 0x0008
++typedef struct _INT_LOGOUT_ISCSI {
++ UINT16 TargetID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 ConnectionID; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Options; /* 2 */
++ UINT32 NewTargetID; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++typedef struct _INT_PING {
++ EXT_ISCSI_IP_ADDR IPAddr; /* 20 */
++ UINT16 PacketCount; /* 2 */
++ UINT16 Reserved; /* 2 */
++} INT_PING, *PINT_PING; /* 24 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++#define INT_DEF_IOCB_BUF_SIZE 64
++#define INT_DEF_IOCB_DATA_SIZE 1500
++typedef struct _INT_IOCB_PASSTHRU {
++ UINT32 SendDMAOffset; /* 4 */
++ UINT32 RspDMAOffset; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 IOCBCmdBuffer[INT_DEF_IOCB_BUF_SIZE]; /* 64 */
++ UINT8 IOCBStatusBuffer[INT_DEF_IOCB_BUF_SIZE]; /* 64 */
++ UINT32 SendDataLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 SendData[INT_DEF_IOCB_DATA_SIZE]; /* 1500 */
++ UINT32 RspDataLen; /* 4 */
++ UINT8 RspData[INT_DEF_IOCB_DATA_SIZE]; /* 1500 */
++ UINT32 Reserved; /* 4 */
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ * ****************************************************************************
++ */
++/* FW PASSTHRU Defines */
++#define INT_DEF_DATA_TYPE_DDB 0x0002
++#define INT_DEF_DATA_TYPE_INITFW 0x0003
++#define INT_DEF_DATA_TYPE_FW_IMAGE 0x0004
++#define INT_DEF_DATA_READ 0x0001
++#define INT_DEF_DATA_WRITE 0x0002
++#define INT_DEF_DATA_INIT 0x0001
++#define INT_DEF_DATA_COMMIT 0x0002
++#endif /* _QLINIOCT_H_ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_32ioctl.h 2005-02-25 04:34:56.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
++ *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 QLogic Corporation
++ * (
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
++ * later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ ******************************************************************************/
++#ifndef _QL4_32IOCTL_H_
++#define _QL4_32IOCTL_H_
++extern inline void
++extern inline void
++#endif /* _QL4_32IOCTL_H_ */
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_isns.c 2005-02-25 04:36:09.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,2689 @@
++ * *
++ * QLogic ISP4xxx device driver for Linux 2.6.x *
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Qlogic Corporation *
++ * ( *
++ * *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
++ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
++ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any *
++ * later version. *
++ * *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
++ * General Public License for more details. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Please see release.txt for revision history. *
++ * *
++ ******************************************************************************
++ * Function Table of Contents:
++ * qla4xxx_strtolower
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_entity_id
++ * qla4xxx_isns_reenable
++ * qla4xxx_isns_enable_callback
++ * qla4xxx_isns_restart_service
++ * qla4xxx_isns_restart_service_completion
++ * qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_reg_attr_list
++ * qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dereg_attr_list
++ * qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_scn_reg_attr_list
++ * qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_scn_dereg_attr_list
++ * qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dev_get_next_attr_list
++ * qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list
++ * qla4xxx_isns_init_attributes
++ * qla4xxx_isns_append_attribute
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle
++ * qla4xxx_isns_get_server_request
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_registration_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_deregistration_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_registration_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_deregistration_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_server_request_response_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_get_next_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_attr_qry_packet
++ * qla4xxx_isns_parse_get_next_response
++ * qla4xxx_isns_parse_query_response
++ * qla4xxx_isns_process_response
++ * qla4xxx_isns_reassemble_pdu
++ * qla4xxx_isns_scn
++ * qla4xxx_isns_esi
++ * qla4xxx_isns_server_request_error
++ * qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_request
++ * qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_response
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg_rsp
++ * qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg
++ * qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg_rsp
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry_rsp
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next_rsp
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg
++ * qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg_rsp
++ * qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg
++ * qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg_rsp
++ ****************************************************************************/
++#include "ql4_def.h"
++void qla4xxx_isns_enable_callback(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_restart_service(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++uint32_t qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t, PDU_ENTRY *);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_get_server_request(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint32_t, uint16_t);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_reassemble_pdu(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t *);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_request(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint16_t);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_response(scsi_qla_host_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_registration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint32_t *packet_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_deregistration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint32_t *packet_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_build_registration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buff,
++ uint32_t buff_size,
++ uint8_t *isns_entity_id,
++ uint8_t *ip_addr,
++ uint32_t port_number,
++ uint32_t scn_port,
++ uint32_t esi_port,
++ uint8_t *local_alias,
++ uint32_t *packet_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_build_deregistration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buff,
++ uint32_t buff_size,
++ uint8_t *isns_entity_id,
++ uint8_t *ip_addr,
++ uint32_t port_number,
++ uint32_t *packet_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buff,
++ uint32_t buff_size,
++ uint16_t function_id,
++ uint16_t tx_id,
++ uint8_t use_replace_flag,
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST *attr_list,
++ uint32_t *packet_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_append_attribute(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t **buffer,
++ uint8_t *buffer_end,
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST *attr_list);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++uint8_t qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next (scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *last_iscsi_name);
++const char *isns_error_code_msg[] = ISNS_ERROR_CODE_TBL();
++static void
++qla4xxx_strtolower(uint8_t *str)
++ uint8_t *tmp;
++ for (tmp = str; *tmp != '\0'; tmp++) {
++ if (*tmp >= 'A' && *tmp <= 'Z')
++ *tmp += 'a' - 'A';
++ }
++qla4xxx_isns_build_entity_id(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ sprintf(ha->isns_entity_id, "eid:qlogic:qla4010-%s", ha->serial_number);
++ qla4xxx_strtolower(ha->isns_entity_id);
++qla4xxx_isns_reenable(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t isns_ip_addr,
++ uint16_t isns_server_port_num)
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_REREGISTER, &ha->isns_flags);
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_enable(ha, isns_ip_addr, isns_server_port_num)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++/* interrupt context, hardware lock set */
++qla4xxx_isns_enable_callback(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t svr,
++ uint32_t scn,
++ uint32_t esi,
++ uint32_t nsh)
++ ha->isns_connection_id = (uint16_t) svr & 0x0000FFFF;
++ ha->isns_scn_conn_id = (uint16_t) scn & 0x0000FFFF;
++ ha->isns_esi_conn_id = (uint16_t) esi & 0x0000FFFF;
++ ha->isns_nsh_conn_id = (uint16_t) nsh & 0x0000FFFF;
++ ha->isns_remote_port_num = (uint16_t) (svr >> 16);
++ ha->isns_scn_port_num = (uint16_t) (scn >> 16);
++ ha->isns_esi_port_num = (uint16_t) (esi >> 16);
++ ha->isns_nsh_port_num = (uint16_t) (nsh >> 16);
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS Server TCP Connect succeeded %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, svr));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Remote iSNS Server %d ConnID %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->isns_remote_port_num,
++ ha->isns_connection_id));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Local SCN Listen %d ConnID %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->isns_scn_port_num,
++ ha->isns_scn_conn_id));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Local ESI Listen %d ConnID %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->isns_esi_port_num,
++ ha->isns_esi_conn_id));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Local HSN Listen %d ConnID %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->isns_nsh_port_num,
++ ha->isns_nsh_conn_id));
++ if (ha->isns_connection_id == (uint16_t)-1) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS server refused connection\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_isns_restart_service(ha);
++ return;
++ }
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_ENABLED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_REREGISTER, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return;
++ }
++ }
++qla4xxx_isns_restart_service(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ qla4xxx_isns_disable(ha);
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_RESTART_SERVICE, &ha->isns_flags);
++ /* Set timer for restart to complete */
++ atomic_set(&ha->isns_restart_timer, ISNS_RESTART_TOV);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_restart_service_completion(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t isns_ip_addr,
++ uint16_t isns_server_port_num)
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: isns_ip_addr %08x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, isns_ip_addr));
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_enable(ha, isns_ip_addr, isns_server_port_num)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ else {
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_REREGISTER, &ha->isns_flags);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ }
++static void
++qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_reg_attr_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_reg_attr_list[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Entity ID.
++ // Operating attributes to register
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_ALIAS, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, -1}, // Friendly machine name?
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ memcpy(ha->isns_reg_attr_list, isns_reg_attr_list, sizeof(isns_reg_attr_list));
++static void
++qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dereg_attr_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_dereg_attr_list[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // No key attribute for DevDereg
++ // Operating attributes
++#if 0
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ memcpy(ha->isns_dereg_attr_list, isns_dereg_attr_list, sizeof(isns_dereg_attr_list));
++static void
++qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_scn_reg_attr_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_scn_reg_attr_list[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Key attributes
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Required delimiter to indicate division between key and operating attrs.
++ // Operating attributes
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ memcpy(ha->isns_scn_reg_attr_list, isns_scn_reg_attr_list, sizeof(isns_scn_reg_attr_list));
++static void
++qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_scn_dereg_attr_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_scn_dereg_attr_list[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Key attributes
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ memcpy(ha->isns_scn_dereg_attr_list, isns_scn_dereg_attr_list, sizeof(isns_scn_dereg_attr_list));
++static void
++qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dev_get_next_attr_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_dev_get_next_attr_list[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Key attributes
++ // Required delimiter to indicate division between key and operating attrs.
++ // Operating attributes (attributes of object matching key attribute to return)
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ memcpy(ha->isns_dev_get_next_attr_list, isns_dev_get_next_attr_list, sizeof(isns_dev_get_next_attr_list));
++static void
++qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Key attributes
++ // Required delimiter to indicate division between key and operating attrs.
++ // Operating attributes (attributes of objects matching key attributes to return)
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ memcpy(ha->isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list, isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list, sizeof(isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list));
++qla4xxx_isns_init_attributes (scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ /* Separate these calls to minimize stack usage */
++ qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_reg_attr_list(ha);
++ qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dereg_attr_list(ha);
++ qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_scn_reg_attr_list(ha);
++ qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_scn_dereg_attr_list(ha);
++ qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dev_get_next_attr_list(ha);
++ qla4xxx_isns_init_isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list(ha);
++#if 0
++ {
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST asRegUpdateAddObjectsAttrList[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // We are adding objects to an Entity so specify the Entity as the Key
++ // Operating attributes to register
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_ALIAS, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, -1}, // Friendly machine name?
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST asRegUpdateNodeAttrList[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // We updating attributes of a Node so specify the Node as the Key
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Operating attributes to update
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_ALIAS, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, -1}, // Friendly machine name?
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST asRegReplaceNodeAttrList[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // We updating attributes of a Node so specify the Node as the Key
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // Operating attributes to update
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_ALIAS, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, -1}, // Friendly machine name?
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST asRegUpdateEntityAttrList[] = {
++ // Source attribute
++ { ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME, ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING, (unsigned long) ha->name_string},
++ // We updating attributes of an Entity so specify the Entity as the Key
++ // Operating attributes to update
++ { 0, 0, 0} // Terminating NULL entry
++ };
++ memcpy(ha->asRegUpdateAddObjectsAttrList, asRegUpdateAddObjectsAttrList, sizeof(asRegUpdateAddObjectsAttrList));
++ memcpy(ha->asRegUpdateNodeAttrList, asRegUpdateNodeAttrList, sizeof(asRegUpdateNodeAttrList));
++ memcpy(ha->asRegReplaceNodeAttrList, asRegReplaceNodeAttrList, sizeof(asRegReplaceNodeAttrList));
++ memcpy(ha->asRegUpdateEntityAttrList, asRegUpdateEntityAttrList, sizeof(asRegUpdateEntityAttrList));
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_append_attribute(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t **buffer,
++ uint8_t *buffer_end,
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST *attribute)
++ ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *isns_attr;
++ uint32_t data_len;
++ uint8_t *local;
++ isns_attr = (ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *) *buffer;
++ switch (attribute->type) {
++ data_len = 0;
++ if ((&isns_attr->value[0] + data_len) > buffer_end) {
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_attr->tag = cpu_to_be32(attribute->isns_tag);
++ isns_attr->length = cpu_to_be32(data_len);
++ break;
++ /*
++ * Length must include NULL terminator.
++ * Note also that all iSNS strings must be UTF-8 encoded.
++ * You should encode your strings for UTF-8 before registering
++ * them with the iSNS server.
++ */
++ data_len = strlen ((uint8_t *) attribute->data) + sizeof(uint8_t);
++ if (data_len % 4) {
++ data_len += (4 - (data_len % 4)); // Pad to 4 byte boundary.
++ }
++ if ((&isns_attr->value[0] + data_len) > buffer_end) {
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_attr->tag = cpu_to_be32(attribute->isns_tag);
++ isns_attr->length = cpu_to_be32(data_len);
++ memset(isns_attr->value, 0, data_len);
++ strcpy (&isns_attr->value[0], (uint8_t *) attribute->data);
++ break;
++ data_len = sizeof(uint32_t);
++ if ((isns_attr->value + data_len) > buffer_end) {
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_attr->tag = cpu_to_be32(attribute->isns_tag);
++ isns_attr->length = cpu_to_be32(data_len);
++ *(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value = (uint32_t) attribute->data;
++ break;
++ local = (uint8_t *) attribute->data;
++ data_len = 16; // Size of an IPv6 address
++ if ((isns_attr->value + data_len) > buffer_end) {
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_attr->tag = cpu_to_be32(attribute->isns_tag);
++ isns_attr->length = cpu_to_be32(data_len);
++ // Prepend IP Address with 0xFFFF to indicate this is an IPv4
++ // only address. IPv6 addresses not supported by driver.
++ memset(isns_attr->value, 0, 16);
++ isns_attr->value[10] = 0xFF;
++ isns_attr->value[11] = 0xFF;
++ isns_attr->value[12] = local[0];
++ isns_attr->value[13] = local[1];
++ isns_attr->value[14] = local[2];
++ isns_attr->value[15] = local[3];
++ break;
++ default:
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ *buffer = &isns_attr->value[0] + data_len;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t type,
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry)
++ uint32_t handle;
++ handle = (IOCB_ISNS_PT_PDU_TYPE(type) |
++ (((uint8_t *)pdu_entry - (uint8_t *)ha->pdu_queue)
++ / sizeof(PDU_ENTRY)));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: type %x PDU %p = handle %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ type, pdu_entry, handle));
++ return(handle);
++ * Remarks:
++ * hardware_lock locked upon entry
++ */
++qla4xxx_isns_get_server_request(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint32_t pdu_buff_len,
++ uint16_t connection_id)
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry;
++ pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu(ha, MAX(pdu_buff_len, PAGE_SIZE));
++ if (pdu_entry == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = 0;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = pdu_entry->BuffLen;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(ha, ISNS_DEVICE_INDEX, connection_id,
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(ha, /*ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU*/ISNS_ASYNCH_REQ_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: send_passthru_iocb failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_registration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ /*
++ * Fill in all of the run time requested data in the attribute array
++ * then call iSNSBuildRequestPacket to do the actual work.
++ */
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(ha, buffer, buffer_size,
++ ha->isns_transaction_id,
++ 0,
++ ha->isns_scn_reg_attr_list,
++ packet_size));
++qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_deregistration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ /*
++ * Fill in all of the run time requested data in the attribute array
++ * then call iSNSBuildRequestPacket to do the actual work.
++ */
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(ha, buffer, buffer_size,
++ ha->isns_transaction_id,
++ 0,
++ ha->isns_scn_dereg_attr_list,
++ packet_size));
++qla4xxx_isns_build_registration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buff,
++ uint32_t buff_size,
++ uint8_t *isns_entity_id,
++ uint8_t *ip_addr,
++ uint32_t port_number,
++ uint32_t scn_port,
++ uint32_t esi_port,
++ uint8_t *local_alias,
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ /*
++ * Fill in all of the run time requested data in the attribute array,
++ * then call build_request_packet to do the actual work.
++ */
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[1].data = (unsigned long) isns_entity_id;
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[3].data = (unsigned long) isns_entity_id;
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[5].data = (unsigned long) ip_addr;
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[6].data = cpu_to_be32(port_number);
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[7].data = cpu_to_be32(scn_port);
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[8].data = cpu_to_be32(esi_port);
++ if (local_alias && local_alias[0]) {
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[11].data = (unsigned long) local_alias;
++ }
++ else {
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list[11].data = (unsigned long) "<No alias specified>";
++ }
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(ha, buff, buff_size,
++ ISNS_FCID_DevAttrReg,
++ ha->isns_transaction_id,
++ 0,
++ ha->isns_reg_attr_list,
++ packet_size));
++qla4xxx_isns_build_deregistration_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buff,
++ uint32_t buff_size,
++ uint8_t *isns_entity_id,
++ uint8_t *ip_addr,
++ uint32_t port_number,
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ /*
++ * Fill in all of the run time requested data in the attribute array,
++ * then call build_request_packet to do the actual work.
++ */
++ ha->isns_dereg_attr_list[2].data = (unsigned long) isns_entity_id;
++ #if 0
++ ha->isns_dereg_attr_list[3].data = (unsigned long) ip_addr;
++ ha->isns_dereg_attr_list[4].data = (unsigned long) cpu_to_be32(port_number);
++ #endif
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(ha, buff, buff_size,
++ ISNS_FCID_DevDereg,
++ ha->isns_transaction_id,
++ 0,
++ ha->isns_dereg_attr_list,
++ packet_size));
++qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint16_t function_id,
++ uint16_t tx_id,
++ uint8_t use_replace_flag,
++ ATTRIBUTE_LIST *attr_list,
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ uint8_t *ptr;
++ uint8_t *buffer_end;
++ uint8_t *payload_start;
++ uint32_t i;
++ uint8_t success;
++ /*
++ * Ensure that the buffer size is at a minimum sufficient to hold the
++ * message header plus at least one attribute.
++ */
++ if (buffer_size < (sizeof(*isns_message) + sizeof(*attr_list))) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP12, printk("scsi%d: %s: Insufficient buffer size "
++ "%d, need %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, buffer_size,
++ (unsigned int) (sizeof(*isns_message) +
++ sizeof(*attr_list))));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ buffer_end = (uint8_t *) ((unsigned long) buffer + buffer_size);
++ /* Initialize message header contents */
++ isns_message->isnsp_version = cpu_to_be16(ISNSP_VERSION);
++ isns_message->function_id = cpu_to_be16(function_id);
++ if (use_replace_flag) {
++ isns_message->flags = cpu_to_be16(ISNSP_CLIENT_SENDER |
++ }
++ else {
++ isns_message->flags = cpu_to_be16(ISNSP_CLIENT_SENDER |
++ }
++ isns_message->transaction_id = cpu_to_be16(tx_id);
++ isns_message->sequence_id = 0; // First and only packet in this message
++ ptr = payload_start = &isns_message->payload[0];
++ /*
++ * Now that most of the message header has been initialized (we'll fill
++ * in the size when we're finished), let's append the desired attributes
++ * to the request packet.
++ */
++ success = 1;
++ for (i = 0; attr_list[i].type && success; i++) {
++ success = (qla4xxx_isns_append_attribute (ha, &ptr, buffer_end,
++ &attr_list[i])
++ }
++ if (!success) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Ran out of buffer space\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ /*
++ * We've successfully finished building the request packet.
++ * Set the size field.
++ */
++ isns_message->pdu_length = cpu_to_be16((unsigned long) ptr -
++ (unsigned long) payload_start);
++ *packet_size = (uint32_t) ((unsigned long) ptr -
++ (unsigned long) buffer);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_build_server_request_response_packet(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t * buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint16_t function_id, //cpu
++ uint32_t error_code, //cpu
++ uint16_t transaction_id, //cpu
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER * isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER * isns_response;
++ uint8_t *ptr;
++ uint8_t *buffer_end;
++ uint8_t *payload_start;
++ // Ensure that the buffer size is at a minimum sufficient to hold the
++ // message headers.
++ if (buffer_size < (sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER) + sizeof(ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER))) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Insufficient buffer size %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, buffer_size));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_message->payload[0];
++ payload_start = ( uint8_t *) isns_response;
++ buffer_end = ( uint8_t *) (buffer + buffer_size);
++ // Initialize message header contents.
++ isns_message->isnsp_version = cpu_to_be16(ISNSP_VERSION);
++ isns_message->function_id = (function_id);
++ //isns_message->function_id = cpu_to_be16(function_id);
++ isns_message->flags = cpu_to_be16(ISNSP_CLIENT_SENDER |
++ isns_message->transaction_id =(transaction_id);
++ //isns_message->transaction_id = cpu_to_be16(transaction_id);
++ isns_message->sequence_id = 0; // First and only packet in this message
++ isns_response->error_code = cpu_to_be32(error_code);
++ ptr = &isns_response->attributes[0];
++ // We've successfully finished building the request packet.
++ // Set the size field.
++ //QLASSERT (!((ptr - payload_start) % 4));
++ isns_message->pdu_length = cpu_to_be16((unsigned long) ptr -
++ (unsigned long) payload_start);
++ *packet_size = (unsigned long) ptr - (unsigned long) buffer;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_get_next_packet (scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t * buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint8_t * last_iscsi_name,
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ // Fill in all of the run time requested data in the attribute array
++ // then call qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet to do the actual work.
++ if (last_iscsi_name && last_iscsi_name[0]) {
++ ha->isns_dev_get_next_attr_list[1].type = ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_STRING;
++ ha->isns_dev_get_next_attr_list[1].data = (unsigned long) last_iscsi_name;
++ }
++ else {
++ ha->isns_dev_get_next_attr_list[1].type = ISNS_ATTR_TYPE_EMPTY;
++ ha->isns_dev_get_next_attr_list[1].data = 0;
++ }
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(ha, buffer, buffer_size,
++ ISNS_FCID_DevGetNext,
++ ha->isns_transaction_id,
++ 0,
++ ha->isns_dev_get_next_attr_list,
++ packet_size));
++qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_attr_qry_packet (scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint8_t *object_iscsi_name,
++ uint32_t *packet_size)
++ // Fill in all of the run time requested data in the attribute array
++ // then call qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet to do the actual work.
++ ha->isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list[1].data = (unsigned long) object_iscsi_name;
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_build_request_packet(ha, buffer, buffer_size,
++ ISNS_FCID_DevAttrQry,
++ ha->isns_transaction_id, 0,
++ ha->isns_dev_attr_qry_attr_list,
++ packet_size));
++qla4xxx_isns_parse_get_next_response(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint32_t *isns_error, // cpu, w.r.t. PPC byte order
++ uint8_t *last_iscsi_name,
++ uint32_t last_iscsi_name_size,
++ uint8_t *IsTarget)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *isns_response;
++ ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *isns_attr;
++ uint8_t *buffer_end;
++ *IsTarget = 0;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ buffer_end = ( uint8_t *) (( uint8_t *) &isns_message->payload[0] +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length));
++ // Validate pdu_length specified in the iSNS message header.
++ if (((unsigned long) buffer_end -
++ (unsigned long) buffer) > buffer_size) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid length field in "
++ "iSNS response from iSNS server\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ // It is safe to assume from this point on that the pdu_length value
++ // (and thus our idea about the end of the buffer) is valid.
++ // Ensure that we have the correct function_id.
++ if (be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id) != ISNS_FCID_DevGetNextRsp) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid Function ID (0x%04x) "
++ "in iSNS response from iSNS server\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id)));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_message->payload[0];
++ *isns_error = be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code);
++ if (*isns_error) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS Error code: %d\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, *isns_error));
++ if (*isns_error == ISNS_ERR_NO_SUCH_ENTRY) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: No more targets.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Get Next failed. Error code %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, *isns_error));
++ }
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_attr = (ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *) &isns_response->attributes[0];
++ // Save the returned key attribute for the next DevGetNext request.
++ if (VALIDATE_ATTR(isns_attr, buffer_end) &&
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag) == ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME) {
++ strncpy(last_iscsi_name, &isns_attr->value[0], last_iscsi_name_size);
++ }
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Bad Key attribute in DevGetNextRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ // Point to next attribute.
++ isns_attr = NEXT_ATTR(isns_attr);
++ if (VALIDATE_ATTR(isns_attr, buffer_end) &&
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag) == ISNS_ATTR_TAG_DELIMITER) {
++ ; // Do nothing.
++ }
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: No delimiter in DevGetNextRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ *IsTarget = 1; //FIXME
++ // Point to next attribute.
++ isns_attr = NEXT_ATTR(isns_attr);
++ if (VALIDATE_ATTR(isns_attr, buffer_end) &&
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag) == ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NODE_TYPE) {
++ if (be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) &isns_attr->value[0]) & ISCSI_NODE_TYPE_TARGET) {
++ *IsTarget = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ #if 0
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Bad operating attr in DevGetNextRsp (%d)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, be16_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag)));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ #endif
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_parse_query_response (scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint32_t *isns_error, // cpu
++ ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET *isns_discovered_target,
++ uint8_t *IsTarget,
++ uint8_t *last_iscsi_name)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *isns_response;
++ ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *isns_attr;
++ uint8_t *buffer_end;
++ uint8_t *tmpptr;
++ uint16_t wTmp;
++ uint32_t ulTmp;
++ uint32_t i;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ buffer_end = &isns_message->payload[0] +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length);
++ // Validate pdu_length specified in the iSNS message header.
++ if (((unsigned long) buffer_end -
++ (unsigned long) buffer) > buffer_size) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid length field in "
++ "iSNS response from iSNS server\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ // It is safe to assume from this point on that the pdu_length value
++ // (and thus our idea about the end of the buffer) is valid.
++ // Ensure that we have the correct function_id.
++ if (be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id) != ISNS_FCID_DevAttrQryRsp) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid Function ID %04x in iSNS response\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id)));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_message->payload[0];
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("-----------------------------\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: DevAttrQry response from iSNS server:\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ *isns_error = be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code);
++ if (*isns_error) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS Query failed. error_code %x.\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, *isns_error));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Attributes:\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ isns_attr = (ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *) &isns_response->attributes[0];
++ // Skip key and delimiter attributes.
++ while (VALIDATE_ATTR(isns_attr, buffer_end) &&
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag) != ISNS_ATTR_TAG_DELIMITER) {
++ // Point to next attribute.
++ if (be32_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag) == ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME) {
++ // Note that this string is in UTF-8 format. In production code,
++ // it would be necessary to convert from UTF-8 before using the
++ // string.
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: MsgTag iSCSI Name: \"%s\"\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, &isns_attr->value[0]));
++ if (strlen (isns_attr->value) > 256)
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ strcpy (last_iscsi_name, (uint8_t *) &isns_attr->value[0]);
++ }
++ isns_attr = NEXT_ATTR(isns_attr);
++ }
++ if (!VALIDATE_ATTR(isns_attr, buffer_end) ||
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag) != ISNS_ATTR_TAG_DELIMITER) {
++ // There was no delimiter attribute in the response.
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ // Skip delimiter attribute.
++ isns_attr = NEXT_ATTR(isns_attr);
++ while (VALIDATE_ATTR(isns_attr, buffer_end)) {
++ // We only need to parse for the operating attributes that we
++ // requested in the DevAttrQuery.
++ switch (be32_to_cpu(isns_attr->tag)) {
++ if (be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value) != ENTITY_PROTOCOL_ISCSI) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Entity does not support iSCSI protocol\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ break;
++ switch (be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSCSI node type Target\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ *IsTarget = 1;
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSCSI node type Initiator\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ *IsTarget = 0;
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSCSI node type Control\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ *IsTarget = 0;
++ break;
++ default:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSCSI node type unknown\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ *IsTarget = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ // WARNING: This doesn't handle IPv6 addresses.
++ tmpptr = &isns_attr->value[0];
++ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++ if (tmpptr[i])
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ for (i = 8; i < 12; i++) {
++ if (tmpptr[i] != 0 && tmpptr[i] != 0xFF)
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Management IP address: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, tmpptr[12],
++ tmpptr[13], tmpptr[14], tmpptr[15]));
++ break;
++ // WARNING: This doesn't handle IPv6 addresses.
++ tmpptr = &isns_attr->value[0];
++ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++ if (tmpptr[i])
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ for (i = 8; i < 12; i++) {
++ if (tmpptr[i] != 0 && tmpptr[i] != 0xFF)
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Portal IP address: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, tmpptr[12],
++ tmpptr[13], tmpptr[14], tmpptr[15]));
++ if (isns_discovered_target->NumPortals >= ISNS_MAX_PORTALS)
++ break;
++ memcpy(isns_discovered_target->Portal[isns_discovered_target->NumPortals].IPAddr,
++ &tmpptr[12], 4);
++ break;
++ wTmp = (uint16_t) (be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Portal port: %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value)));
++ if (isns_discovered_target->NumPortals >= ISNS_MAX_PORTALS)
++ break;
++ isns_discovered_target->Portal[isns_discovered_target->NumPortals].PortNumber = wTmp;
++ isns_discovered_target->NumPortals++;
++ break;
++ // Note that this string is in UTF-8 format. In production code,
++ // it would be necessary to convert from UTF-8 before using the
++ // string.
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Portal Symbolic Name: \"%s\"\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, &isns_attr->value[0]));
++#if 0
++ if (isns_discovered_target->NumPortals >= ISNS_MAX_PORTALS)
++ break;
++ qlstrncpy(isns_discovered_target->Portal[isns_discovered_target->NumPortals].SymbolicName,
++ (uint8_t *) isns_attr->value, 32);
++ isns_discovered_target->Portal[isns_discovered_target->NumPortals].SymbolicName[31] = 0;
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: SCN port: %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value)));
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: ESI port: %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value)));
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: ESI Interval: %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value)));
++ break;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Entity Registration Period: %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value)));
++ break;
++ ulTmp = be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Portal Security Bitmap:\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s:\tISNS_SECURITY_BITMAP_VALID\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s:\tISNS_SECURITY_IKE_IPSEC_ENABLED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s:\tISNS_SECURITY_MAIN_MODE_ENABLED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s:\tISNS_SECURITY_AGGRESSIVE_MODE_ENABLED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s:\tISNS_SECURITY_PFS_ENABLED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s:\tISNS_SECURITY_TRANSPORT_MODE_PREFERRED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s:\tISNS_SECURITY_TUNNEL_MODE_PREFERRED\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ // isns_discovered_target->SecurityBitmap = ulTmp;
++ break;
++ // Note that this string is in UTF-8 format. In production code,
++ // it would be necessary to convert from UTF-8 before using the
++ // string.
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Entity Identifier: \"%s\"\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, isns_attr->value));
++ break;
++ // Note that this string is in UTF-8 format. In production code,
++ // it would be necessary to convert from UTF-8 before using the
++ // string.
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSCSI Name: \"%s\"\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, isns_attr->value));
++ if (strlen (isns_attr->value) > 256)
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ strcpy (isns_discovered_target->NameString, ( uint8_t *) isns_attr->value);
++ break;
++ // Note that this string is in UTF-8 format. In production code,
++ // it would be necessary to convert from UTF-8 before using the
++ // string.
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Alias: \"%s\"\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, isns_attr->value));
++ if (strlen (isns_attr->value) <= 32)
++ strcpy (isns_discovered_target->Alias, ( uint8_t *) isns_attr->value);
++ break;
++ ulTmp = be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: DD ID: %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *) isns_attr->value)));
++ isns_discovered_target->DDID = ulTmp;
++ break;
++ default:
++ //QLASSERT (0);
++ break;
++ }
++ // Point to next attribute.
++ isns_attr = NEXT_ATTR(isns_attr);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_process_response(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, PASSTHRU_STATUS_ENTRY *sts_entry)
++ uint32_t handle = le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->handle);
++ uint32_t inResidual = le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->inResidual);
++ uint16_t connectionID = le16_to_cpu(sts_entry->connectionID);
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry = (PDU_ENTRY *) &ha->pdu_queue[IOCB_ISNS_PT_PDU_INDEX(handle)];
++ uint32_t pdu_type = IOCB_ISNS_PT_PDU_TYPE(handle);
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ ENTER("qla4xxx_passthru_status_entry");
++ printk("scsi%d: %s isns_flags 0x%lx to=0x%x "
++ "IOCS=0x%02x OutResidual/Len=0x%x/0x%x "
++ "InResidual/Len=0x%x/0x%x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ ha->isns_flags,
++ le16_to_cpu(sts_entry->timeout),
++ sts_entry->completionStatus,
++ le32_to_cpu(sts_entry->outResidual),
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ inResidual,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen));
++ if (pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen - inResidual) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) <-\n", pdu_entry->Buff));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, (pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen - inResidual));
++ }
++ if (sts_entry->completionStatus != PASSTHRU_STATUS_COMPLETE) {
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ set_bit(DPC_ISNS_RESTART, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ goto exit_pt_sts;
++ }
++ switch (pdu_type) {
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ break;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen -= inResidual;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("scsi%d: %s ISNS_ASYNCH_REQ_PDU PDU Buff=%p, PDU RecvLen=0x%X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen));
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_reassemble_pdu(ha, pdu_entry->Buff,
++ &pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s ISNS_ASYNCH_REQ_PDU "
++ "reassemble_pdu failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_pt_sts;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_request(ha,
++ pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ connectionID)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s ISNS_ASYNCH_REQ_PDU "
++ "parse_and_dispatch_server_request failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ break;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen -= inResidual;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("scsi%d: %s ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU PDU Buff=%p, PDU RecvLen=0x%X\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen));
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_reassemble_pdu(ha, pdu_entry->Buff,
++ &pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU "
++ "reassemble_pdu failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_pt_sts;
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_response(ha,
++ pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU "
++ "parse_and_dispatch_server_response failed!\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("scsi%d: %s iSNS handle 0x%x invalid\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, handle));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ break;
++ }
++ exit_pt_sts:
++ LEAVE("qla4xxx_passthru_status_entry");
++ return(status);
++qla4xxx_isns_reassemble_pdu(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *buffer_size)
++ uint16_t copy_size = 0;
++ uint32_t new_pdu_length = 0;
++ uint32_t bytes_remaining;
++ uint32_t pdu_size;
++ uint8_t *dest_ptr = NULL;
++ uint8_t *src_ptr = NULL;
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ uint32_t i;
++ // We have read all the PDU's for this message. Now reassemble them
++ // into a single PDU.
++ if (buffer == NULL || buffer_size == 0) {
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (*buffer_size == 0) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: Length 0. "
++ "Nothing to reassemble\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ new_pdu_length = 0;
++ bytes_remaining = *buffer_size;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ // First, calculate the size of the payload for the collapsed PDU
++ do {
++ if (bytes_remaining < sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: Length 0. "
++ "bytes_remaining < "
++ "BytesRemaining %x, discard PDU\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ bytes_remaining));
++ *buffer_size = 0;
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ else if (be16_to_cpu(isns_message->isnsp_version) !=
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: Bad Version "
++ "number in iSNS Message Header "
++ "(%04x, expecting %04x), discard PDU\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->isnsp_version),
++ *buffer_size = 0;
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ else if (bytes_remaining < sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER) +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: Short PDU "
++ "in sequence. BytesRemaining %x, "
++ "discard PDU\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ bytes_remaining));
++ *buffer_size = 0;
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (bytes_remaining == sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER) +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length)) {
++ if (!(be16_to_cpu(isns_message->flags) &
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: "
++ "Last PDU Flag not set at end "
++ "of sequence. discard PDU\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ *buffer_size = 0;
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ }
++ new_pdu_length += be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length);
++ pdu_size = sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER) +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length);
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) ((uint8_t *)
++ isns_message + pdu_size);
++ bytes_remaining = bytes_remaining > pdu_size ?
++ bytes_remaining - pdu_size : 0;
++ }
++ while (bytes_remaining);
++ dest_ptr = buffer;
++ bytes_remaining = *buffer_size;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ i = 0;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("scsi%d: %s: PDU%d=%p payloadLength=%04x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, i, dest_ptr,
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length)));
++ while (bytes_remaining) {
++ // If this is the first PDU perform no copy,
++ // otherwise copy just the payload.
++ if (dest_ptr != buffer) {
++ i++;
++ copy_size = be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length);
++ src_ptr = (uint8_t *) isns_message->payload;
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: PDU%d %p <= %p (%04x)\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, i, dest_ptr,
++ src_ptr, copy_size));
++ memcpy(dest_ptr, src_ptr, copy_size);
++ dest_ptr += copy_size;
++ }
++ pdu_size = sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER) +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length);
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) ((uint8_t *)
++ isns_message + pdu_size);
++ bytes_remaining = bytes_remaining > pdu_size ?
++ bytes_remaining - pdu_size : 0;
++ }
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ // Update pdu_length field in reassembled PDU to reflect actual
++ // combined PDU payload length.
++ isns_message->pdu_length = cpu_to_be16(new_pdu_length);
++ // Also set LAST_PDU flag in reassembled PDU
++ isns_message->flags |= cpu_to_be16(ISNSP_LAST_PDU);
++ // Return number of bytes in buffer to caller.
++ *buffer_size = new_pdu_length + sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_scn (scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t * req_buffer,
++ uint32_t req_buffer_size,
++ uint16_t ConnectionId)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER * isns_req_message;
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER * isns_rsp_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER * isns_response;
++ PDU_ENTRY * pdu_entry;
++ uint8_t * req_buffer_end;
++ uint8_t * rsp_buffer_end;
++ uint8_t * payload_start;
++ uint8_t * ptr;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ uint32_t copy_size;
++ isns_req_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) req_buffer;
++ if ((pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu (ha, PAGE_SIZE)) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ // First, setup the response packet.
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_server_request_response_packet(ha,
++ pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ (be16_to_cpu(isns_req_message->function_id) | 0x8000),
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_req_message->transaction_id),
++ &packet_size)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_build_server_"
++ "request_response_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_rsp_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) pdu_entry->Buff;
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_rsp_message->payload[0];
++ payload_start = (uint8_t *) isns_response;
++ rsp_buffer_end = (uint8_t *) (pdu_entry->Buff + pdu_entry->BuffLen);
++ ptr = &isns_response->attributes[0];
++ req_buffer_end = (uint8_t *) ((uint8_t *) &isns_req_message->payload[0] +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_req_message->pdu_length));
++ // Point to the source attribute in the request. We need to return only
++ // this attribute in the SCN Response.
++ attr = (ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *) &isns_req_message->payload[0];
++ if (!VALIDATE_ATTR(attr, req_buffer_end)) {
++ isns_response->error_code = cpu_to_be32(ISNS_ERR_MSG_FORMAT);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Malformed packet\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ // Validate that this is an iSCSI Name attribute.
++ if (be32_to_cpu(attr->tag) != ISNS_ATTR_TAG_ISCSI_NAME) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Did not find iSCSN Name attribute\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ // Copy source attribute to return buffer.
++ copy_size = sizeof(ISNS_ATTRIBUTE) + be32_to_cpu(attr->length);
++ if (ptr + copy_size < rsp_buffer_end) {
++ // Attribute will fit in the response buffer. Go ahead
++ // and copy it.
++ memcpy(ptr, attr, copy_size);
++ ptr += copy_size;
++ }
++ else {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Insufficient buffer size\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ // We've successfully finished building the response packet.
++ // Set the size field.
++ //QLASSERT (!((ptr - payload_start) % 4));
++ isns_rsp_message->pdu_length = cpu_to_be16((unsigned long) ptr -
++ (unsigned long) payload_start);
++ packet_size = (unsigned long) ptr - (unsigned long) pdu_entry->Buff;
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = 0;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: sending %d SCNRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_rsp_message->transaction_id)));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb (ha, ISNS_DEVICE_INDEX, ConnectionId,
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(ha, ISNS_ASYNCH_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_IN_PROGRESS, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART, &ha->isns_flags);
++ }
++ else {
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_IN_PROGRESS, &ha->isns_flags);
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART, &ha->isns_flags);
++ ha->isns_num_discovered_targets = 0;
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next (ha, NULL) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_esi (scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *req_buffer,
++ uint32_t req_buffer_size,
++ uint16_t ConnectionId)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_req_message;
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_rsp_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *isns_response;
++ PDU_ENTRY * pdu_entry;
++ uint8_t * req_buffer_end;
++ uint8_t * rsp_buffer_end;
++ uint8_t * payload_start;
++ uint8_t * ptr;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ uint32_t copy_size;
++ isns_req_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) req_buffer;
++ if ((pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu (ha, req_buffer_size + sizeof(uint32_t))) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ // First, setup the response packet.
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_server_request_response_packet(ha,
++ pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ (be16_to_cpu(isns_req_message->function_id) | 0x8000),
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_req_message->transaction_id),
++ &packet_size)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_build_server_request_response_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_rsp_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) pdu_entry->Buff;
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_rsp_message->payload[0];
++ payload_start = ( uint8_t *) isns_response;
++ rsp_buffer_end = ( uint8_t *) (pdu_entry->Buff + pdu_entry->BuffLen);
++ ptr = &isns_response->attributes[0];
++ req_buffer_end =
++ ( uint8_t *) (( uint8_t *) &isns_req_message->payload[0] +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_req_message->pdu_length));
++ // Point to the source attribute in the request. We need to return
++ // all attributes in the ESI Response.
++ attr = (ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *) &isns_req_message->payload[0];
++ // Copy source attributes to return buffer.
++ copy_size = req_buffer_end - ( uint8_t *) attr;
++ if (ptr + copy_size < rsp_buffer_end) {
++ // Attributes will fit in the response buffer. Go ahead
++ // and copy them.
++ memcpy(ptr, attr, copy_size);
++ ptr += copy_size;
++ }
++ else {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Insufficient buffer size\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ // We've successfully finished building the response packet.
++ // Set the size field.
++ //QLASSERT (!((ptr - payload_start) % 4));
++ isns_rsp_message->pdu_length = cpu_to_be16((unsigned long) ptr -
++ (unsigned long) payload_start);
++ packet_size = (unsigned long) ptr - (unsigned long) pdu_entry->Buff;
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = 0;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: sending %d ESIRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_rsp_message->transaction_id)));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(ha, ISNS_DEVICE_INDEX,
++ ConnectionId,
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle (ha, ISNS_ASYNCH_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_server_request_error(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint16_t connection_id,
++ uint32_t error_code) //cpu
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry;
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ uint16_t function_id;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ function_id = be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id);
++ // Return "Message Format Error"
++ if ((pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu(ha, sizeof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER) +
++ sizeof(uint32_t))) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_server_request_response_packet(
++ ha, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ (be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id) | 0x8000),
++ error_code,
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->transaction_id),
++ &packet_size) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_build_server_"
++ "request_response_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = 0;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(
++ ha, ISNS_DEVICE_INDEX, connection_id,
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen, PT_FLAG_ISNS_PDU,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(ha, ISNS_ASYNCH_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb "
++ "failed\n, ha->host_no, __func__",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_request(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size,
++ uint16_t connection_id)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ uint16_t function_id;
++ uint16_t transaction_id;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ function_id = be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id);
++ transaction_id = be16_to_cpu(isns_message->transaction_id);
++ // Validate pdu_length specified in the iSNS message header.
++ if ((offsetof (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER, payload) +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length)) > buffer_size) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid message size %u %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ (uint32_t) (offsetof(ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER, payload) +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length)),
++ buffer_size));
++ if (function_id <= ISNS_FCID_ESI) {
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_server_request_error(ha, buffer,
++ buffer_size,
++ connection_id,
++ }
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ // It is safe to assume from this point on that the pdu_length value
++ // (and thus our idea about the end of the buffer) is valid.
++ switch (function_id) {
++ case ISNS_FCID_SCN:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d SCN\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_scn(ha, buffer, buffer_size, connection_id));
++ break;
++ case ISNS_FCID_ESI:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d ESI\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_esi(ha, buffer, buffer_size, connection_id));
++ break;
++ default:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d Unknown iSNS ServerRequest %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id, function_id));
++ if (function_id <= ISNS_FCID_ESI) {
++ // Return "Message Not Supported"
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_server_request_error (ha,
++ buffer,
++ buffer_size,
++ connection_id,
++ }
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ break;
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_parse_and_dispatch_server_response(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *isns_response;
++ ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *isns_attr;
++ uint16_t function_id;
++ uint16_t transaction_id;
++ uint8_t *buffer_end;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ buffer_end = (uint8_t *) ((uint8_t *) isns_message->payload +
++ be16_to_cpu(isns_message->pdu_length));
++ isns_attr = (ISNS_ATTRIBUTE *) isns_message->payload;
++ /* Validate pdu_length specified in the iSNS message header. */
++ if (((uint32_t *) buffer_end - (uint32_t *) buffer) > buffer_size) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid message size %u %u\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ (unsigned int) ((uint32_t *) buffer_end - (uint32_t *) buffer),
++ buffer_size));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ transaction_id = be16_to_cpu(isns_message->transaction_id);
++ function_id = be16_to_cpu(isns_message->function_id);
++ /*
++ * It is safe to assume from this point on that the pdu_length value
++ * (and thus our idea about the end of the buffer) is valid.
++ */
++ if (transaction_id > ha->isns_transaction_id) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Invalid message transaction "
++ "ID recv %x exp %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id,
++ ha->isns_transaction_id));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP2, buffer, buffer_size);
++ set_bit(DPC_ISNS_RESTART, &ha->dpc_flags);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_message->payload[0];
++ //QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ //QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: received function_id %x\n",
++ // ha->host_no, __func__, function_id));
++ switch (function_id) {
++ case ISNS_FCID_DevAttrRegRsp:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d DevAttrRegRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg_rsp(ha, buffer, buffer_size));
++ case ISNS_FCID_DevAttrQryRsp:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d DevAttrQryRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry_rsp(ha, buffer, buffer_size));
++ case ISNS_FCID_DevGetNextRsp:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d DevGetNextRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next_rsp(ha, buffer, buffer_size));
++ case ISNS_FCID_DevDeregRsp:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d DevDeregRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg_rsp(ha, buffer, buffer_size));
++ case ISNS_FCID_SCNRegRsp:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d SCNRegRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg_rsp(ha, buffer, buffer_size));
++ case ISNS_FCID_SCNDeregRsp:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: received %d SCNDeregRsp\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id));
++ return(qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg_rsp(ha, buffer, buffer_size));
++ default:
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: Received %d Unknown iSNS function_id %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ transaction_id, function_id));
++ break;
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu(ha, PAGE_SIZE);
++ if (pdu_entry == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: get pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_registration_packet(ha, pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ ha->isns_entity_id,
++ ha->ip_address,
++ ha->isns_remote_port_num,
++ ha->isns_scn_port_num,
++ ha->isns_esi_port_num,
++ ha->alias, &packet_size)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "qla4xxx_isns_build_registration_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = pdu_entry->BuffLen;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: sending %d DevAttrReg\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->isns_transaction_id));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: Registering iSNS . . .\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(ha, ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ ha->isns_transaction_id++;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *isns_response;
++ uint32_t error_code;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_message->payload[0];
++ error_code = be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code);
++ if (error_code) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS DevAttrReg failed, "
++ "error code (%x) \"%s\"\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ error_code,
++ isns_error_code_msg[error_code]));
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_REGISTERED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_REGISTERED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ PDU_ENTRY *isns_pdu_entry;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ if ((isns_pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu (ha, PAGE_SIZE)) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_registration_packet(
++ ha, isns_pdu_entry->Buff, isns_pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ &packet_size) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_"
++ "registration_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, isns_pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ isns_pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ isns_pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = isns_pdu_entry->BuffLen;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d :%s: sending %d SCNReg\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->isns_transaction_id));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", isns_pdu_entry->Buff, isns_pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, isns_pdu_entry->Buff, isns_pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(
++ isns_pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ isns_pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ isns_pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(ha, ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU, isns_pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, isns_pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ ha->isns_transaction_id++;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_scn_reg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *isns_response;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) isns_message->payload;
++ if (isns_response->error_code) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS SCNReg failed, error code %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code)));
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SCN_REGISTERED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ set_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SCN_REGISTERED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ ha->isns_num_discovered_targets = 0;
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next(ha, NULL) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *last_iscsi_name)
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ if ((pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu(ha, PAGE_SIZE)) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_attr_qry_packet(ha, pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ last_iscsi_name,
++ &packet_size)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_attr_qry_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = pdu_entry->BuffLen;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: sending %d DevAttrQry\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->isns_transaction_id));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle (ha, ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb "
++ "failed\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ ha->isns_transaction_id++;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size)
++ uint8_t *last_iscsi_name = NULL;
++ ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET *discovered_target = NULL;
++ uint32_t isns_error;
++ int i;
++ uint8_t bIsTarget = 1;
++ uint8_t bFound = 0;
++ uint8_t status = QLA_SUCCESS;
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART, &ha->isns_flags);
++ ha->isns_num_discovered_targets = 0;
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next(ha, NULL) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_qry_rsp_clear_flags;
++ }
++ goto exit_qry_rsp;
++ }
++ last_iscsi_name = kmalloc(256, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ discovered_target = kmalloc(sizeof(*discovered_target), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (!last_iscsi_name || !discovered_target) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: failed to allocate memory\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ status = QLA_ERROR;
++ goto exit_qry_rsp;
++ }
++ memset(last_iscsi_name, 0, 256);
++ memset(discovered_target, 0, sizeof(ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGET));
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_parse_query_response(ha, buffer, buffer_size,
++ &isns_error,
++ discovered_target,
++ &bIsTarget,
++ last_iscsi_name)
++ == QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (bIsTarget &&
++ discovered_target->NameString[0] &&
++ discovered_target->NumPortals) {
++ for (i = 0; i < ha->isns_num_discovered_targets; i++) {
++ if (!strcmp(discovered_target->NameString,
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev[i].NameString)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: found at index %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, i));
++ memcpy(&ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev[i],
++ discovered_target,
++ ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev[i] = *discovered_target;
++ bFound = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!bFound && i < MAX_ISNS_DISCOVERED_TARGETS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: not already present, "
++ "put in index %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, i));
++ memcpy(&ha->isns_disc_tgt_databasev[i],
++ discovered_target,
++ ha->isns_num_discovered_targets++;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_QUERY_SINGLE_OBJECT, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ goto exit_qry_rsp_clear_flags;
++ }
++ else if (last_iscsi_name[0] == 0) {
++ goto exit_qry_rsp_clear_flags;
++ }
++ else {
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next (ha, last_iscsi_name) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: "
++ "qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_qry_rsp_clear_flags;
++ }
++ }
++ goto exit_qry_rsp;
++ exit_qry_rsp_clear_flags:
++ exit_qry_rsp:
++ if (last_iscsi_name) kfree(last_iscsi_name);
++ if (discovered_target) kfree (discovered_target);
++ return(status);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *last_iscsi_name)
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ if ((pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu(ha, PAGE_SIZE)) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_get_next_packet (ha, pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ last_iscsi_name,
++ &packet_size)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_build_dev_get_next_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = pdu_entry->BuffLen;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: sending %d DevGetNext\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->isns_transaction_id));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(ha, ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ ha->isns_transaction_id++;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size)
++ uint32_t isns_error = 0;
++ uint8_t bIsTarget;
++ static uint8_t last_iscsi_name[256];
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART, &ha->isns_flags);
++ ha->isns_num_discovered_targets = 0;
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next(ha, NULL) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_next_rsp;
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_parse_get_next_response(ha, buffer, buffer_size,
++ &isns_error, &last_iscsi_name[0],
++ sizeof(last_iscsi_name) - 1,
++ &bIsTarget)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ if (isns_error != ISNS_ERR_NO_SUCH_ENTRY) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_parse_get_next_response failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ }
++ goto exit_get_next_rsp;
++ }
++ #if 1
++ if (bIsTarget) {
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry(ha, &last_iscsi_name[0]) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_next_rsp;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next(ha, &last_iscsi_name[0]) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_get_next failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_next_rsp;
++ }
++ }
++ #else
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry(ha, &last_iscsi_name[0]) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_qry failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ goto exit_get_next_rsp;
++ }
++ #endif
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ exit_get_next_rsp:
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_IN_PROGRESS, &ha->isns_flags);
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_SCN_RESTART, &ha->isns_flags);
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ if ((pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu (ha, PAGE_SIZE)) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_deregistration_packet(ha, pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ ha->isns_entity_id,
++ ha->isns_ip_address,
++ ha->isns_server_port_number,
++ &packet_size)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: QLiSNSBuildDeregistrationPacket "
++ "failed\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = pdu_entry->BuffLen;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ printk("scsi%d: %s: sending %d DevDereg\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->isns_transaction_id));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle(ha, ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu(ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ ha->isns_transaction_id++;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER * isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER * isns_response;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_message->payload[0];
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SRV_REGISTERED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ if (be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS SCNDereg rsp code %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code)));
++ }
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_REREGISTER, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_REREGISTER, &ha->isns_flags);
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_dev_attr_reg failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
++ PDU_ENTRY *pdu_entry;
++ uint32_t packet_size;
++ if ((pdu_entry = qla4xxx_get_pdu(ha, PAGE_SIZE)) == NULL) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_get_pdu failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_deregistration_packet(ha, pdu_entry->Buff,
++ pdu_entry->BuffLen,
++ &packet_size)
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_isns_build_scn_"
++ "deregistration_packet failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen = packet_size;
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen = pdu_entry->BuffLen;
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("---------------------------\n"));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP20, printk("scsi%d: %s: sending %d SCNDereg\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__, ha->isns_transaction_id));
++ QL4PRINT(QLP19, printk("PDU (0x%p) 0x%x ->\n", pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen));
++ qla4xxx_dump_bytes(QLP19, pdu_entry->Buff, pdu_entry->SendBuffLen);
++ if (qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb(
++ pdu_entry->DmaBuff,
++ pdu_entry->SendBuffLen,
++ pdu_entry->RecvBuffLen,
++ qla4xxx_isns_build_iocb_handle (ha, ISNS_REQ_RSP_PDU, pdu_entry))
++ != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: qla4xxx_send_passthru0_iocb "
++ "failed\n", ha->host_no, __func__));
++ qla4xxx_free_pdu (ha, pdu_entry);
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ ha->isns_transaction_id++;
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++qla4xxx_isns_scn_dereg_rsp(scsi_qla_host_t *ha,
++ uint8_t *buffer,
++ uint32_t buffer_size)
++ ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *isns_message;
++ ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *isns_response;
++ isns_message = (ISNSP_MESSAGE_HEADER *) buffer;
++ isns_response = (ISNSP_RESPONSE_HEADER *) &isns_message->payload[0];
++ clear_bit(ISNS_FLAG_ISNS_SCN_REGISTERED, &ha->isns_flags);
++ if (be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code)) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP10, printk("scsi%d: %s: iSNS SCNDereg rsp code %x\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__,
++ be32_to_cpu(isns_response->error_code)));
++ }
++ if (test_bit(ISNS_FLAG_REREGISTER, &ha->isns_flags)) {
++ if (qla4xxx_isns_dev_dereg(ha) != QLA_SUCCESS) {
++ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk("scsi%d: %s: QLiSNSDevDereg failed\n",
++ ha->host_no, __func__));
++ return(QLA_ERROR);
++ }
++ }
++ return(QLA_SUCCESS);
++ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
++ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
++ * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
++ * of the file.
++ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++ * Local variables:
++ * c-indent-level: 2
++ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
++ * c-brace-offset: -2
++ * c-argdecl-indent: 2
++ * c-label-offset: -2
++ * c-continued-statement-offset: 2
++ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
++ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
++ * tab-width: 8
++ * End:
++ */
+--- linux- 2005-10-25 16:53:33.449888512 +0400
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/Kconfig 2005-10-25 18:12:40.226268816 +0400
+@@ -1752,4 +1752,6 @@ endmenu
+ source "drivers/scsi/pcmcia/Kconfig"
++source "drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/Kconfig"
+ endmenu
+--- linux- 2005-10-25 16:53:33.448888664 +0400
++++ qla4xxx/drivers/scsi/Makefile 2005-10-25 18:12:24.158711456 +0400
+@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_ISP) += qlogici
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_FC) += qlogicfc.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280) += qla1280.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLA2XXX) += qla2xxx/
++obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_QLA4XXX) += qla4xxx/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_PAS16) += pas16.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SEAGATE) += seagate.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_FD_8xx) += seagate.o
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5113_linux-2.6.9-ide-csb6-raid.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5113_linux-2.6.9-ide-csb6-raid.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5569627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5113_linux-2.6.9-ide-csb6-raid.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+--- ./drivers/ide/pci/serverworks.c.SVRWKS 2005-09-26 13:33:23.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/ide/pci/serverworks.c 2005-10-26 12:29:00.208191552 +0400
+@@ -539,11 +539,9 @@ static unsigned int __init init_chipset_
+ else if ((dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_CSB5IDE) ||
+ (dev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_SERVERWORKS_CSB6IDE2)) {
+-// u32 pioreg = 0, dmareg = 0;
+ /* Third Channel Test */
+ if (!(PCI_FUNC(dev->devfn) & 1)) {
+-#if 1
+ struct pci_dev * findev = NULL;
+ u32 reg4c = 0;
+ findev = pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_SERVERWORKS,
+@@ -555,19 +553,11 @@ static unsigned int __init init_chipset_
+ reg4c |= 0x00000020;
+ pci_write_config_dword(findev, 0x4C, reg4c);
+ }
+ outb_p(0x06, 0x0c00);
+ dev->irq = inb_p(0x0c01);
+ #if 0
+- /* WE need to figure out how to get the correct one */
+- printk("%s: interrupt %d\n", name, dev->irq);
+- if (dev->irq != 0x0B)
+- dev->irq = 0x0B;
+-#if 0
+ printk("%s: device class (0x%04x)\n",
+ name, dev->class);
+ if ((dev->class >> 8) != PCI_CLASS_STORAGE_IDE) {
+ dev->class &= ~0x000F0F00;
+ // dev->class |= ~0x00000400;
+@@ -593,7 +583,8 @@ static unsigned int __init init_chipset_
+ * interrupt pin to be set, and it is a compatibility
+ * mode issue.
+ */
+- dev->irq = 0;
++ if ((dev->class >> 8) == PCI_CLASS_STORAGE_IDE)
++ dev->irq = 0;
+ }
+ // pci_read_config_dword(dev, 0x40, &pioreg)
+ // pci_write_config_dword(dev, 0x40, 0x99999999);
+@@ -767,9 +758,6 @@ static void __init init_setup_csb6 (stru
+ d->bootable = NEVER_BOARD;
+ if (dev->resource[0].start == 0x01f1)
+ d->bootable = ON_BOARD;
+- } else {
+- if ((dev->class >> 8) != PCI_CLASS_STORAGE_IDE)
+- return;
+ }
+ #if 0
+ if ((IDE_PCI_DEVID_EQ(d->devid, DEVID_CSB6) &&
+@@ -815,10 +803,6 @@ static struct pci_driver driver = {
+ .name = "Serverworks IDE",
+ .id_table = svwks_pci_tbl,
+ .probe = svwks_init_one,
+-#if 0 /* FIXME: implement */
+- .suspend = ,
+- .resume = ,
+ };
+ static int svwks_ide_init(void)
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5114_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5114_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a919c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5114_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+--- ./arch/i386/pci/irq.c.INTEL 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
++++ ./arch/i386/pci/irq.c 2005-10-28 15:09:08.067981872 +0400
+@@ -481,6 +481,11 @@ static __init int intel_router_probe(str
+ r->name = "PIIX/ICH";
+ r->get = pirq_piix_get;
+ r->set = pirq_piix_set;
+--- ./drivers/i2c/busses/Kconfig.INTEL 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/i2c/busses/Kconfig 2005-10-28 15:09:08.074980808 +0400
+@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ config I2C_I801
+ 82801EB
+ 6300ESB
+ ICH6
++ ICH7
++ ESB2
+ This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module
+ will be called i2c-i801.
+--- ./drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-i801.c.INTEL 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-i801.c 2005-10-28 15:09:08.073980960 +0400
+@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+ 82801EB 24D3 (HW PEC supported, 32 byte buffer not supported)
+ 6300ESB 25A4
+ ICH6 266A
++ ICH7 27DA
++ ESB2 269B
+ This driver supports several versions of Intel's I/O Controller Hubs (ICH).
+ For SMBus support, they are similar to the PIIX4 and are part
+ of Intel's '810' and other chipsets.
+@@ -596,6 +598,18 @@ static struct pci_device_id i801_ids[] =
+ .subvendor = PCI_ANY_ID,
+ .subdevice = PCI_ANY_ID,
+ },
++ {
++ .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
++ .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_17,
++ .subvendor = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ .subdevice = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ },
++ {
++ .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,
++ .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_17,
++ .subvendor = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ .subdevice = PCI_ANY_ID,
++ },
+ { 0, }
+ };
+--- ./drivers/ide/pci/piix.c.INTEL 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/ide/pci/piix.c 2005-10-28 15:09:08.073980960 +0400
+@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ static int piix_get_info (char *buffer,
+ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801E_11:
+ p += sprintf(p, "PIIX4 Ultra 100 ");
+ break;
+ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82372FB_1:
+@@ -293,6 +295,8 @@ static u8 piix_ratemask (ide_drive_t *dr
+ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801EB_11:
+ mode = 3;
+ break;
+ /* UDMA 66 capable */
+@@ -623,6 +627,8 @@ static unsigned int __devinit init_chips
+ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801E_11:
+ {
+ unsigned int extra = 0;
+ pci_read_config_dword(dev, 0x54, &extra);
+@@ -798,6 +804,8 @@ static struct pci_device_id piix_pci_tbl
+ #endif
+ { 0, },
+ };
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, piix_pci_tbl);
+--- ./drivers/ide/pci/piix.h.INTEL 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/ide/pci/piix.h 2005-10-28 15:09:08.072981112 +0400
+@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ static ide_pci_device_t piix_pci_info[]
+ /* 17 */ DECLARE_PIIX_DEV("ICH4"),
+ /* 19 */ DECLARE_PIIX_DEV("ICH5"),
+- /* 20 */ DECLARE_PIIX_DEV("ICH6")
++ /* 20 */ DECLARE_PIIX_DEV("ICH6"),
++ /* 21 */ DECLARE_PIIX_DEV("ICH7"),
++ /* 22 */ DECLARE_PIIX_DEV("ESB2"),
+ };
+ #endif /* PIIX_H */
+--- ./drivers/pci/quirks.c.INTEL 2005-10-28 15:08:49.319832024 +0400
++++ ./drivers/pci/quirks.c 2005-10-28 15:09:08.074980808 +0400
+@@ -887,8 +887,13 @@ static void __init quirk_intel_ide_combi
+ case 0x2651:
+ case 0x2652:
+ case 0x2653:
++ case 0x2680: /* ESB2 */
+ ich = 6;
+ break;
++ case 0x27c0:
++ case 0x27c4:
++ ich = 7;
++ break;
+ default:
+ /* we do not handle this PCI device */
+ return;
+@@ -908,7 +913,7 @@ static void __init quirk_intel_ide_combi
+ else
+ return; /* not in combined mode */
+ } else {
+- WARN_ON(ich != 6);
++ WARN_ON((ich != 6) && (ich != 7));
+ tmp &= 0x3; /* interesting bits 1:0 */
+ if (tmp & (1 << 0))
+ comb = (1 << 2); /* PATA port 0, SATA port 1 */
+--- ./sound/pci/intel8x0.c.INTEL 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
++++ ./sound/pci/intel8x0.c 2005-10-28 15:09:08.069981568 +0400
+@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ MODULE_DEVICES("{{Intel,82801AA-ICH},"
+ "{Intel,82801DB-ICH4},"
+ "{Intel,ICH5},"
+ "{Intel,ICH6},"
++ "{Intel,ICH7},"
++ "{Intel,ESB2},"
+ "{Intel,6300ESB},"
+ "{Intel,MX440},"
+ "{SiS,SI7012},"
+@@ -140,6 +142,12 @@ MODULE_PARM_SYNTAX(mpu_port, SNDRV_ENABL
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_3 0x266e
+ #endif
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_20 0x27de
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_14 0x2698
+ #ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_7012
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_7012 0x7012
+ #endif
+@@ -459,6 +467,8 @@ static struct pci_device_id snd_intel8x0
+ { 0x8086, 0x24d5, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_INTEL_ICH4 }, /* ICH5 */
+ { 0x8086, 0x25a6, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_INTEL_ICH4 }, /* ESB */
+ { 0x8086, 0x266e, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_INTEL_ICH4 }, /* ICH6 */
++ { 0x8086, 0x27de, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_INTEL_ICH4 }, /* ICH7 */
++ { 0x8086, 0x2698, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_INTEL_ICH4 }, /* ESB2 */
+ { 0x8086, 0x7195, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_INTEL }, /* 440MX */
+ { 0x1039, 0x7012, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_SIS }, /* SI7012 */
+ { 0x10de, 0x01b1, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, DEVICE_NFORCE }, /* NFORCE */
+@@ -2609,6 +2619,8 @@ static struct shortname_table {
+ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB_5, "Intel 6300ESB" },
+ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_3, "Intel ICH6" },
++ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_20, "Intel ICH7" },
++ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_14, "Intel ESB2" },
+ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_7012, "SiS SI7012" },
+ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_MCP2_AUDIO, "NVidia nForce2" },
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5115_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5115_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53c8449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5115_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+--- ./include/linux/pci_ids.h.RHICH 2005-10-26 12:20:27.600119824 +0400
++++ ./include/linux/pci_ids.h 2005-10-26 12:23:07.983737808 +0400
+@@ -2184,7 +2184,58 @@
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_17 0x266d
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_18 0x266e
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_19 0x266f
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_0 0x2670
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_1 0x2680
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_2 0x2681
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_3 0x2682
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_4 0x2683
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_5 0x2688
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_6 0x2689
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_7 0x268a
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_8 0x268b
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_9 0x268c
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_10 0x2690
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_11 0x2692
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_12 0x2694
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_13 0x2696
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_14 0x2698
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_15 0x2699
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_16 0x269a
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_17 0x269b
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_18 0x269e
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_0 0x27b8
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_1 0x27b9
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_2 0x27c0
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_3 0x27c1
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_30 0x27b0
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_31 0x27bd
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_4 0x27c2
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_5 0x27c4
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_6 0x27c5
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_7 0x27c8
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_8 0x27c9
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_9 0x27ca
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_10 0x27cb
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_11 0x27cc
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_12 0x27d0
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_13 0x27d2
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_14 0x27d4
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_15 0x27d6
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_16 0x27d8
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_17 0x27da
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_18 0x27dc
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_19 0x27dd
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_20 0x27de
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_21 0x27df
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_22 0x27e0
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_23 0x27e2
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82855PM_HB 0x3340
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_19 0x3500
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_20 0x3504
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_21 0x350c
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_22 0x3510
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_23 0x3514
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_24 0x3518
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82830_HB 0x3575
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82830_CGC 0x3577
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82855GM_HB 0x3580
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5116_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5116_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43efc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5116_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/ips.h.ips 2004-08-14 09:36:32.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/ips.h 2005-11-18 21:59:08.000000000 +0300
+@@ -53,14 +53,6 @@
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+- /* Prototypes */
+- extern int ips_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *);
+- extern int ips_release(struct Scsi_Host *);
+- extern int ips_eh_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+- extern int ips_eh_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+- extern int ips_queue(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*) (Scsi_Cmnd *));
+- extern const char * ips_info(struct Scsi_Host *);
+ /*
+ * Some handy macros
+ */
+@@ -95,11 +87,14 @@
+ #define scsi_set_pci_device(sh,dev) (0)
+ #endif
++ #ifndef IRQ_NONE
+ typedef void irqreturn_t;
+ #define IRQ_NONE
+ #define IRQ_HANDLED
+ #define IRQ_RETVAL(x)
++ #endif
+ #define IPS_REGISTER_HOSTS(SHT) scsi_register_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA,SHT)
+ #define IPS_UNREGISTER_HOSTS(SHT) scsi_unregister_module(MODULE_SCSI_HA,SHT)
+ #define IPS_ADD_HOST(shost,device)
+@@ -127,6 +122,10 @@
+ #ifndef min
+ #define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? x : y)
+ #endif
++ #ifndef __iomem /* For clean compiles in earlier kernels without __iomem annotations */
++ #define __iomem
++ #endif
+ #define pci_dma_hi32(a) ((a >> 16) >> 16)
+ #define pci_dma_lo32(a) (a & 0xffffffff)
+@@ -453,10 +452,10 @@
+ static void ips_select_queue_depth(struct Scsi_Host *, Scsi_Device *);
+ static int ips_biosparam(Disk *disk, kdev_t dev, int geom[]);
+ #else
+- int ips_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *, char *, char **, off_t, int, int);
++ static int ips_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *, char *, char **, off_t, int, int);
+ static int ips_biosparam(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct block_device *bdev,
+ sector_t capacity, int geom[]);
+- int ips_slave_configure(Scsi_Device *SDptr);
++ static int ips_slave_configure(Scsi_Device *SDptr);
+ #endif
+ /*
+@@ -1113,8 +1112,8 @@
+ uint32_t mem_addr; /* Memory mapped address */
+ uint32_t io_len; /* Size of IO Address */
+ uint32_t mem_len; /* Size of memory address */
+- char *mem_ptr; /* Memory mapped Ptr */
+- char *ioremap_ptr; /* ioremapped memory pointer */
++ char __iomem *mem_ptr; /* Memory mapped Ptr */
++ char __iomem *ioremap_ptr;/* ioremapped memory pointer */
+ ips_hw_func_t func; /* hw function pointers */
+ struct pci_dev *pcidev; /* PCI device handle */
+ char *flash_data; /* Save Area for flash data */
+@@ -1210,13 +1209,13 @@
+ #define IPS_VER_MAJOR 7
+ #define IPS_VER_MAJOR_STRING "7"
+-#define IPS_VER_MINOR 00
+-#define IPS_VER_MINOR_STRING "00"
+-#define IPS_VER_BUILD 15
+-#define IPS_VER_BUILD_STRING "15"
+-#define IPS_VER_STRING "7.00.15"
++#define IPS_VER_MINOR 12
++#define IPS_VER_MINOR_STRING "12"
++#define IPS_VER_BUILD 02
++#define IPS_VER_BUILD_STRING "02"
++#define IPS_VER_STRING "7.12.02"
+ #define IPS_RELEASE_ID 0x00020000
+-#define IPS_BUILD_IDENT 625
++#define IPS_BUILD_IDENT 761
+ #define IPS_LEGALCOPYRIGHT_STRING "(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2002. All Rights Reserved."
+ #define IPS_ADAPTECCOPYRIGHT_STRING "(c) Copyright Adaptec, Inc. 2002 to 2004. All Rights Reserved."
+ #define IPS_DELLCOPYRIGHT_STRING "(c) Copyright Dell 2004. All Rights Reserved."
+@@ -1227,32 +1226,35 @@
+ #define IPS_VER_SERVERAID2 "2.88.13"
+ #define IPS_VER_NAVAJO "2.88.13"
+ #define IPS_VER_SERVERAID3 "6.10.24"
+-#define IPS_VER_SERVERAID4H "7.00.15"
+-#define IPS_VER_SERVERAID4MLx "7.00.15"
+-#define IPS_VER_SARASOTA "7.00.15"
+-#define IPS_VER_MARCO "7.00.15"
+-#define IPS_VER_SEBRING "7.00.15"
++#define IPS_VER_SERVERAID4H "7.12.02"
++#define IPS_VER_SERVERAID4MLx "7.12.02"
++#define IPS_VER_SARASOTA "7.12.02"
++#define IPS_VER_MARCO "7.12.02"
++#define IPS_VER_SEBRING "7.12.02"
++#define IPS_VER_KEYWEST "7.12.02"
+ /* Compatability IDs for various adapters */
+-#define IPS_COMPAT_CURRENT "SB610"
++#define IPS_COMPAT_CURRENT "KW710"
+ #define IPS_COMPAT_SERVERAID1 "2.25.01"
+ #define IPS_COMPAT_SERVERAID2 "2.88.13"
+ #define IPS_COMPAT_NAVAJO "2.88.13"
+ #define IPS_COMPAT_KIOWA "2.88.13"
+-#define IPS_COMPAT_MARCO "SB610"
+-#define IPS_COMPAT_SEBRING "SB610"
+-#define IPS_COMPAT_BIOS "SB610"
++#define IPS_COMPAT_MARCO "KW710"
++#define IPS_COMPAT_SEBRING "KW710"
++#define IPS_COMPAT_TAMPA "KW710"
++#define IPS_COMPAT_KEYWEST "KW710"
++#define IPS_COMPAT_BIOS "KW710"
+ #define IPS_DEFINE_COMPAT_TABLE(tablename) \
+@@ -1272,7 +1274,9 @@
+ IPS_COMPAT_SARASOTA, /* one-channel variety of SARASOTA */ \
+ IPS_COMPAT_SARASOTA, /* two-channel variety of SARASOTA */ \
+ }
+--- ./drivers/scsi/ips.c.ips 2004-08-14 09:36:11.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/ips.c 2005-11-18 22:01:46.000000000 +0300
+@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@
+ /* 6.10.00 - Remove 1G Addressing Limitations */
+ /* 6.11.xx - Get VersionInfo buffer off the stack ! DDTS 60401 */
+ /* 6.11.xx - Make Logical Drive Info structure safe for DMA DDTS 60639 */
++/* 7.10.18 - Add highmem_io flag in SCSI Templete for 2.4 kernels */
++/* - Fix path/name for scsi_hosts.h include for 2.6 kernels */
++/* - Fix sort order of 7k */
++/* - Remove 3 unused "inline" functions */
++/* 7.10.xx - Use STATIC functions whereever possible */
++/* - Clean up deprecated MODULE_PARM calls */
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ /*
+@@ -176,7 +182,13 @@
+ #include <scsi/sg.h>
+ #include "scsi.h"
++#include "hosts.h"
+ #include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
+ #include "ips.h"
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+@@ -191,14 +203,21 @@
+ #ifdef MODULE
+ static char *ips = NULL;
+ MODULE_PARM(ips, "s");
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++static char boot_options[MAX_BOOT_OPTIONS_SIZE];
++module_param_string(ips, boot_options, MAX_BOOT_OPTIONS_SIZE, 0);
+ #endif
+ /*
+ */
+-#define IPS_VERSION_HIGH "7.00"
+-#define IPS_VERSION_LOW ".15 "
++#define IPS_VERSION_HIGH "7.12"
++#define IPS_VERSION_LOW ".02 "
+ #if !defined(__i386__) && !defined(__ia64__) && !defined(__x86_64__)
+ #warning "This driver has only been tested on the x86/ia64/x86_64 platforms"
+@@ -236,6 +255,121 @@
+ #endif
+ /*
++ * Function prototypes
++ */
++static int ips_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *);
++static int ips_release(struct Scsi_Host *);
++int ips_eh_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static int ips_eh_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static int ips_queue(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*)(Scsi_Cmnd *));
++static const char *ips_info(struct Scsi_Host *);
++static irqreturn_t do_ipsintr(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
++static int ips_hainit(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_map_status(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *, ips_stat_t *);
++static int ips_send_wait(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *, int, int);
++static int ips_send_cmd(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_online(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_inquiry(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_rdcap(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_msense(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_reqsen(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_deallocatescbs(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static int ips_allocatescbs(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_reset_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_reset_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_reset_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_issue_copperhead(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_issue_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_issue_i2o(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_issue_i2o_memio(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_isintr_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_isintr_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_isintr_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_wait(ips_ha_t *, int, int);
++static int ips_write_driver_status(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static int ips_read_adapter_status(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static int ips_read_subsystem_parameters(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static int ips_read_config(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static int ips_clear_adapter(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static int ips_readwrite_page5(ips_ha_t *, int, int);
++static int ips_init_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_init_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_init_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_isinit_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_isinit_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_isinit_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_erase_bios(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_program_bios(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
++static int ips_verify_bios(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
++static int ips_erase_bios_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_program_bios_memio(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
++static int ips_verify_bios_memio(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
++static int ips_flash_copperhead(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_flash_bios(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static int ips_flash_firmware(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static void ips_free_flash_copperhead(ips_ha_t * ha);
++static void ips_get_bios_version(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static void ips_identify_controller(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_chkstatus(ips_ha_t *, IPS_STATUS *);
++static void ips_enable_int_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_enable_int_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_enable_int_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_intr_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
++static int ips_intr_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_next(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static void ipsintr_blocking(ips_ha_t *, struct ips_scb *);
++static void ipsintr_done(ips_ha_t *, struct ips_scb *);
++static void ips_done(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static void ips_free(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_init_scb(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static void ips_freescb(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static void ips_setup_funclist(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_statinit(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_statinit_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static void ips_fix_ffdc_time(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *, time_t);
++static void ips_ffdc_reset(ips_ha_t *, int);
++static void ips_ffdc_time(ips_ha_t *);
++static uint32_t ips_statupd_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
++static uint32_t ips_statupd_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
++static uint32_t ips_statupd_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
++static ips_scb_t *ips_getscb(ips_ha_t *);
++static inline void ips_putq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static inline void ips_putq_scb_tail(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static inline void ips_putq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static inline void ips_putq_wait_tail(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static inline void ips_putq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t *,
++ ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
++static inline void ips_putq_copp_tail(ips_copp_queue_t *,
++ ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
++static inline ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *);
++static inline ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static inline Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t *);
++static inline Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp(ips_copp_queue_t *,
++ ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
++static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t *);
++static int ips_is_passthru(Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static int ips_make_passthru(ips_ha_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *, ips_scb_t *, int);
++static int ips_usrcmd(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static void ips_cleanup_passthru(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static void ips_scmd_buf_write(Scsi_Cmnd * scmd, void *data,
++ unsigned int count);
++static void ips_scmd_buf_read(Scsi_Cmnd * scmd, void *data, unsigned int count);
++static int ips_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *, char *, char **, off_t, int, int);
++static int ips_host_info(ips_ha_t *, char *, off_t, int);
++static void copy_mem_info(IPS_INFOSTR *, char *, int);
++static int copy_info(IPS_INFOSTR *, char *, ...);
++static int ips_get_version_info(ips_ha_t * ha, dma_addr_t, int intr);
++static void ips_version_check(ips_ha_t * ha, int intr);
++static int ips_abort_init(ips_ha_t * ha, int index);
++static int ips_init_phase2(int index);
++static int ips_init_phase1(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, int *indexPtr);
++static int ips_register_scsi(int index);
+ * global variables
+ */
+ static const char ips_name[] = "ips";
+@@ -278,9 +412,12 @@
+ .use_new_eh_code = 1,
+ #endif
++ .highmem_io = 1,
+ };
+-IPS_DEFINE_COMPAT_TABLE( Compatable ); /* Version Compatability Table */
++static IPS_DEFINE_COMPAT_TABLE( Compatable ); /* Version Compatability Table */
+ /* This table describes all ServeRAID Adapters */
+@@ -298,7 +435,7 @@
+ static int __devinit ips_insert_device(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct pci_device_id *ent);
+ static void __devexit ips_remove_device(struct pci_dev *pci_dev);
+-struct pci_driver ips_pci_driver = {
++static struct pci_driver ips_pci_driver = {
+ .name = ips_hot_plug_name,
+ .id_table = ips_pci_table,
+ .probe = ips_insert_device,
+@@ -395,123 +532,6 @@
+ };
+- * Function prototypes
+- */
+-int ips_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *);
+-int ips_release(struct Scsi_Host *);
+-int ips_eh_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-int ips_eh_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-int ips_queue(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*)(Scsi_Cmnd *));
+-const char *ips_info(struct Scsi_Host *);
+-irqreturn_t do_ipsintr(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
+-static int ips_hainit(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_map_status(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *, ips_stat_t *);
+-static int ips_send_wait(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *, int, int);
+-static int ips_send_cmd(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_online(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_inquiry(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_rdcap(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_msense(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_reqsen(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_deallocatescbs(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static int ips_allocatescbs(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_reset_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_reset_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_reset_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_issue_copperhead(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_issue_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_issue_i2o(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_issue_i2o_memio(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_isintr_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_isintr_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_isintr_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_wait(ips_ha_t *, int, int);
+-static int ips_write_driver_status(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static int ips_read_adapter_status(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static int ips_read_subsystem_parameters(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static int ips_read_config(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static int ips_clear_adapter(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static int ips_readwrite_page5(ips_ha_t *, int, int);
+-static int ips_init_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_init_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_init_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_isinit_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_isinit_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_isinit_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_erase_bios(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_program_bios(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+-static int ips_verify_bios(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+-static int ips_erase_bios_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_program_bios_memio(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+-static int ips_verify_bios_memio(ips_ha_t *, char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+-static int ips_flash_copperhead(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_flash_bios(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static int ips_flash_firmware(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static void ips_free_flash_copperhead(ips_ha_t * ha);
+-static void ips_get_bios_version(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static void ips_identify_controller(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_chkstatus(ips_ha_t *, IPS_STATUS *);
+-static void ips_enable_int_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_enable_int_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_enable_int_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_intr_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
+-static int ips_intr_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_next(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static void ipsintr_blocking(ips_ha_t *, struct ips_scb *);
+-static void ipsintr_done(ips_ha_t *, struct ips_scb *);
+-static void ips_done(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static void ips_free(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_init_scb(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static void ips_freescb(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static void ips_setup_funclist(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_statinit(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_statinit_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static void ips_fix_ffdc_time(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *, time_t);
+-static void ips_ffdc_reset(ips_ha_t *, int);
+-static void ips_ffdc_time(ips_ha_t *);
+-static uint32_t ips_statupd_copperhead(ips_ha_t *);
+-static uint32_t ips_statupd_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+-static uint32_t ips_statupd_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+-static ips_scb_t *ips_getscb(ips_ha_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_scb_tail(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_wait_tail(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t *,
+- ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_copp_tail(ips_copp_queue_t *,
+- ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
+-static inline ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *);
+-static inline ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static inline Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t *);
+-static inline Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp(ips_copp_queue_t *,
+- ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
+-static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t *);
+-static int ips_is_passthru(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-static int ips_make_passthru(ips_ha_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *, ips_scb_t *, int);
+-static int ips_usrcmd(ips_ha_t *, ips_passthru_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static void ips_cleanup_passthru(ips_ha_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static void ips_scmd_buf_write(Scsi_Cmnd * scmd, void *data,
+- unsigned int count);
+-static void ips_scmd_buf_read(Scsi_Cmnd * scmd, void *data, unsigned int count);
+-int ips_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *, char *, char **, off_t, int, int);
+-static int ips_host_info(ips_ha_t *, char *, off_t, int);
+-static void copy_mem_info(IPS_INFOSTR *, char *, int);
+-static int copy_info(IPS_INFOSTR *, char *, ...);
+-static int ips_get_version_info(ips_ha_t * ha, dma_addr_t, int intr);
+-static void ips_version_check(ips_ha_t * ha, int intr);
+-static int ips_abort_init(ips_ha_t * ha, int index);
+-static int ips_init_phase2(int index);
+-static int ips_init_phase1(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, int *indexPtr);
+-static int ips_register_scsi(int index);
+-/* Exported Functions */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+@@ -580,7 +600,7 @@
+ /* NOTE: this routine is called under the io_request_lock spinlock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
++static int
+ ips_detect(Scsi_Host_Template * SHT)
+ {
+ int i;
+@@ -588,8 +608,11 @@
+ METHOD_TRACE("ips_detect", 1);
+ #ifdef MODULE
+- if (ips)
+- ips_setup(ips);
++ ips = boot_options;
++ if (ips)
++ ips_setup(ips);
+ #endif
+ for (i = 0; i < ips_num_controllers; i++) {
+@@ -669,7 +692,7 @@
+ /* Remove a driver */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
++static int
+ ips_release(struct Scsi_Host *sh)
+ {
+ ips_scb_t *scb;
+@@ -865,7 +888,7 @@
+ /* NOTE: this routine is called under the io_request_lock spinlock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
++static int
+ ips_eh_reset(Scsi_Cmnd * SC)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -1065,7 +1088,7 @@
+ /* Linux obtains io_request_lock before calling this function */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
++static int
+ ips_queue(Scsi_Cmnd * SC, void (*done) (Scsi_Cmnd *))
+ {
+ ips_ha_t *ha;
+@@ -1288,7 +1311,7 @@
+ /* Set queue depths on devices once scan is complete */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
++static int
+ ips_slave_configure(Scsi_Device * SDptr)
+ {
+ ips_ha_t *ha;
+@@ -1314,7 +1337,7 @@
+ /* Wrapper for the interrupt handler */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
++static irqreturn_t
+ do_ipsintr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs)
+ {
+ ips_ha_t *ha;
+@@ -1493,7 +1516,7 @@
+ /* Return info about the driver */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-const char *
++static const char *
+ ips_info(struct Scsi_Host *SH)
+ {
+ static char buffer[256];
+@@ -1531,7 +1554,7 @@
+ /* The passthru interface for the driver */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
++static int
+ ips_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *host, char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
+ int length, int func)
+ {
+@@ -6996,7 +7019,6 @@
+ for (j = position; j < ips_num_controllers; j++) {
+ switch (ips_ha[j]->ad_type) {
+ if (nvram->adapter_order[i] == 'M') {
+ ips_shift_controllers(position,
+@@ -7017,6 +7039,7 @@
+ if (nvram->adapter_order[i] == 'S') {
+ ips_shift_controllers(position,
+ j);
+@@ -7254,8 +7277,8 @@
+ int j;
+ int index;
+ dma_addr_t dma_address;
+- char *ioremap_ptr;
+- char *mem_ptr;
++ char __iomem *ioremap_ptr;
++ char __iomem *mem_ptr;
+ uint32_t IsDead;
+ METHOD_TRACE("ips_init_phase1", 1);
+@@ -7545,6 +7568,15 @@
+ #endif
+ /*
+ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
+ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5117_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5117_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c5bb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5117_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/09/10 12:31:59-04:00
+# [PATCH] aic79xx hostraid support
+# Patch ported to 2.6.8 by John A. Hull ( to add
+# support for the aic79xx hostraid family support.
+# Signed-off-by: James Bottomley <>
+# since AHD_HOSTRAID_BOARD wasn't actually used... a more minimal patch:
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm_pci.c
+# 2004/08/21 09:27:19-04:00 +4 -0
+# aic79xx hostraid support
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_pci.c
+# 2004/08/21 09:27:19-04:00 +15 -20
+# aic79xx hostraid support
+diff -Nru a/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm_pci.c b/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm_pci.c
+--- a/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm_pci.c 2004-11-10 07:41:45 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm_pci.c 2004-11-10 07:41:45 -08:00
+@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
+ },
++ {
++ },
+ { 0 }
+ };
+diff -Nru a/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_pci.c b/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_pci.c
+--- a/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_pci.c 2004-11-10 07:41:45 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_pci.c 2004-11-10 07:41:45 -08:00
+@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
+ }
+ #define ID_DEV_VENDOR_MASK 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull
+ #define ID_9005_GENERIC_MASK 0xFFF0FFFF00000000ull
+-#define ID_9005_GENERIC_IROC_MASK 0xFFF0FF7F00000000ull
++#define ID_9005_GENERIC_IROC_MASK 0xFF70FFFF00000000ull
+ #define ID_AIC7901 0x800F9005FFFF9005ull
+ #define ID_AHA_29320A 0x8000900500609005ull
+@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@
+ #define ID_AIC7902_PCI_REV_B0 0x10
+ #define SUBID_HP 0x0E11
++#define DEVID_9005_HOSTRAID(id) ((id) & 0x80)
+ #define DEVID_9005_TYPE(id) ((id) & 0xF)
+ #define DEVID_9005_TYPE_HBA 0x0 /* Standard Card */
+ #define DEVID_9005_TYPE_HBA_2EXT 0x1 /* 2 External Ports */
+@@ -134,18 +136,18 @@
+ "Adaptec 29320ALP Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+ ahd_aic7901_setup
+ },
+- /* aic7901A based controllers */
++ /* aic7902 based controllers */
+ {
+ ID_AHA_29320,
+ "Adaptec 29320 Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+- ahd_aic7901A_setup
++ ahd_aic7902_setup
+ },
+ {
+ ID_AHA_29320B,
+ "Adaptec 29320B Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+- ahd_aic7901A_setup
++ ahd_aic7902_setup
+ },
+ {
+ ID_AHA_29320LP,
+@@ -153,7 +155,6 @@
+ "Adaptec 29320LP Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+ ahd_aic7901A_setup
+ },
+- /* aic7902 based controllers */
+ {
+ ID_AHA_39320,
+@@ -196,22 +197,10 @@
+ "Adaptec (HP OEM) 39320D Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+ ahd_aic7902_setup
+ },
+- {
+- ID_AHA_29320,
+- "Adaptec 29320 Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+- ahd_aic7902_setup
+- },
+- {
+- ID_AHA_29320B,
+- "Adaptec 29320B Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+- ahd_aic7902_setup
+- },
+ /* Generic chip probes for devices we don't know 'exactly' */
+ {
++ ID_AIC7901 & ID_9005_GENERIC_MASK,
+ "Adaptec AIC7901 Ultra320 SCSI adapter",
+ ahd_aic7901_setup
+ },
+@@ -293,6 +282,12 @@
+ vendor,
+ subdevice,
+ subvendor);
++ /*
++ * Controllers, mask out the IROC/HostRAID bit
++ */
++ full_id &= ID_ALL_IROC_MASK;
+ for (i = 0; i < ahd_num_pci_devs; i++) {
+ entry = &ahd_pci_ident_table[i];
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5118_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5118_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0bdd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5118_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+--- linux- 2005-11-22 18:01:33.205086568 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/block/cciss.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+ * Disk Array driver for HP SA 5xxx and 6xxx Controllers
+- * Copyright 2000, 2002 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
++ * Copyright 2000, 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -46,14 +46,15 @@
+ #include <linux/completion.h>
+ #define CCISS_DRIVER_VERSION(maj,min,submin) ((maj<<16)|(min<<8)|(submin))
+-#define DRIVER_NAME "Compaq CISS Driver (v 2.6.2)"
++#define DRIVER_NAME "HP CISS Driver (v 2.6.8)"
+ /* Embedded module documentation macros - see modules.h */
+ MODULE_AUTHOR("Hewlett-Packard Company");
+-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver for HP Controller SA5xxx SA6xxx version 2.6.2");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver for HP Controller SA5xxx SA6xxx version 2.6.8");
+ MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("HP SA5i SA5i+ SA532 SA5300 SA5312 SA641 SA642 SA6400"
+- " SA6i");
++ " SA6i P600 P800 P400 E200 E200i");
+ #include "cciss_cmd.h"
+@@ -80,10 +81,24 @@ const struct pci_device_id cciss_pci_dev
+ 0x0E11, 0x409D, 0, 0, 0},
+ 0x0E11, 0x4091, 0, 0, 0},
+- 0x0E11, 0x409E, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3225, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3223, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3234, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3235, 0, 0, 0},
+ 0x103C, 0x3211, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3212, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3213, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3214, 0, 0, 0},
++ 0x103C, 0x3215, 0, 0, 0},
+ {0,}
+ };
+ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, cciss_pci_device_id);
+@@ -104,8 +119,15 @@ static struct board_type products[] = {
+ { 0x409C0E11, "Smart Array 6400", &SA5_access},
+ { 0x409D0E11, "Smart Array 6400 EM", &SA5_access},
+ { 0x40910E11, "Smart Array 6i", &SA5_access},
+- { 0x409E0E11, "Smart Array 6422", &SA5_access},
+- { 0x3211103C, "Smart Array V100", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3225103C, "Smart Array P600", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3223103C, "Smart Array P800", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3234103C, "Smart Array P400", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3235103C, "Smart Array P400i", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3211103C, "Smart Array E200i", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3212103C, "Smart Array E200", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3213103C, "Smart Array E200i", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3214103C, "Smart Array E200i", &SA5_access},
++ { 0x3215103C, "Smart Array E200i", &SA5_access},
+ };
+ /* How long to wait (in millesconds) for board to go into simple mode */
+@@ -115,9 +137,13 @@ static struct board_type products[] = {
+ /*define how many times we will try a command because of bus resets */
+ #define MAX_CMD_RETRIES 3
+-#define READ_AHEAD 256
++#define READ_AHEAD 1024
+ #define NR_CMDS 384 /* #commands that can be outstanding */
+-#define MAX_CTLR 8
++#define MAX_CTLR 32
++/* Originally cciss driver only supports 8 major numbers */
++#define MAX_CTLR_ORIG 8
+ #define CCISS_DMA_MASK 0xFFFFFFFF /* 32 bit DMA */
+@@ -192,10 +218,10 @@ static inline CommandList_struct *remove
+ /*
+ * Report information about this controller.
+ */
+-#define ENG_GIG 1048576000
++#define ENG_GIG 1000000000
+ #define ENG_GIG_FACTOR (ENG_GIG/512)
+ #define RAID_UNKNOWN 6
+-static const char *raid_label[] = {"0","4","1(0+1)","5","5+1","ADG",
++static const char *raid_label[] = {"0","4","1(1+0)","5","5+1","ADG",
+ static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_cciss;
+@@ -209,7 +235,7 @@ static int cciss_proc_get_info(char *buf
+ ctlr_info_t *h = (ctlr_info_t*)data;
+ drive_info_struct *drv;
+ unsigned long flags;
+- unsigned int vol_sz, vol_sz_frac;
++ sector_t vol_sz, vol_sz_frac;
+ ctlr = h->ctlr;
+@@ -246,32 +272,21 @@ static int cciss_proc_get_info(char *buf
+ pos += size; len += size;
+ cciss_proc_tape_report(ctlr, buffer, &pos, &len);
+ for(i=0; i<=h->highest_lun; i++) {
+- sector_t tmp;
+ drv = &h->drv[i];
+ if (drv->block_size == 0)
+ continue;
+- vol_sz = drv->nr_blocks;
+- sector_div(vol_sz, ENG_GIG_FACTOR);
+- /*
+- * Awkwardly do this:
+- * vol_sz_frac =
+- * (drv->nr_blocks%ENG_GIG_FACTOR)*100/ENG_GIG_FACTOR;
+- */
+- tmp = drv->nr_blocks;
+- vol_sz_frac = sector_div(tmp, ENG_GIG_FACTOR);
+- /* Now, vol_sz_frac = (drv->nr_blocks%ENG_GIG_FACTOR) */
++ vol_sz = drv->nr_blocks;
++ vol_sz_frac = sector_div(vol_sz, ENG_GIG_FACTOR);
+ vol_sz_frac *= 100;
+ sector_div(vol_sz_frac, ENG_GIG_FACTOR);
+ if (drv->raid_level > 5)
+ drv->raid_level = RAID_UNKNOWN;
+ size = sprintf(buffer+len, "cciss/c%dd%d:"
+- "\t%4d.%02dGB\tRAID %s\n",
+- ctlr, i, vol_sz,vol_sz_frac,
++ "\t%4u.%02uGB\tRAID %s\n",
++ ctlr, i, (int)vol_sz, (int)vol_sz_frac,
+ raid_label[drv->raid_level]);
+ pos += size; len += size;
+ }
+@@ -449,13 +464,22 @@ static int cciss_open(struct inode *inod
+ /*
+ * Root is allowed to open raw volume zero even if it's not configured
+- * so array config can still work. I don't think I really like this,
++ * so array config can still work. Root is also allowed to open any
++ * volume that has a LUN ID, so it can issue IOCTL to reread the
++ * disk information. I don't think I really like this
+ * but I'm already using way to many device nodes to claim another one
+ * for "raw controller".
+ */
+ if (drv->nr_blocks == 0) {
+- if (iminor(inode) != 0)
++ if (iminor(inode) != 0) { /* not node 0? */
++ /* if not node 0 make sure it is a partition = 0 */
++ if (iminor(inode) & 0x0f) {
+ return -ENXIO;
++ /* if it is, make sure we have a LUN ID */
++ } else if (drv->LunID == 0) {
++ return -ENXIO;
++ }
++ }
+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+@@ -578,7 +602,7 @@ int cciss_ioctl32_passthru(unsigned int
+ err = sys_ioctl(fd, CCISS_PASSTHRU, (unsigned long) p);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+- err |= copy_in_user(&arg32->error_info, &p->error_info, sizeof(&arg32->error_info));
++ err |= copy_in_user(&arg32->error_info, &p->error_info, sizeof(arg32->error_info));
+ if (err)
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return err;
+@@ -610,7 +634,7 @@ int cciss_ioctl32_big_passthru(unsigned
+ err = sys_ioctl(fd, CCISS_BIG_PASSTHRU, (unsigned long) p);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+- err |= copy_in_user(&arg32->error_info, &p->error_info, sizeof(&arg32->error_info));
++ err |= copy_in_user(&arg32->error_info, &p->error_info, sizeof(arg32->error_info));
+ if (err)
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return err;
+@@ -657,6 +681,7 @@ static int cciss_ioctl(struct inode *ino
+ cciss_pci_info_struct pciinfo;
+ if (!arg) return -EINVAL;
++ pciinfo.domain = pci_domain_nr(host->pdev->bus);
+ pciinfo.bus = host->pdev->bus->number;
+ pciinfo.dev_fn = host->pdev->devfn;
+ pciinfo.board_id = host->board_id;
+@@ -810,7 +835,7 @@ static int cciss_ioctl(struct inode *ino
+ luninfo.num_opens = drv->usage_count;
+ luninfo.num_parts = 0;
+ /* count partitions 1 to 15 with sizes > 0 */
+- for(i=1; i <MAX_PART; i++) {
++ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PART - 1; i++) {
+ if (!disk->part[i])
+ continue;
+ if (disk->part[i]->nr_sects != 0)
+@@ -866,6 +891,8 @@ static int cciss_ioctl(struct inode *ino
+ kfree(buff);
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
++ } else {
++ memset(buff, 0, iocommand.buf_size);
+ }
+ if ((c = cmd_alloc(host , 0)) == NULL)
+ {
+@@ -1012,6 +1039,8 @@ static int cciss_ioctl(struct inode *ino
+ copy_from_user(buff[sg_used], data_ptr, sz)) {
+ status = -ENOMEM;
+ goto cleanup1;
++ } else {
++ memset(buff[sg_used], 0, sz);
+ }
+ left -= sz;
+ data_ptr += sz;
+@@ -1097,18 +1126,11 @@ cleanup1:
+ return(status);
+ }
+ default:
+- return -EBADRQC;
++ return -ENOTTY;
+ }
+ }
+-static int cciss_revalidate(struct gendisk *disk)
+- drive_info_struct *drv = disk->private_data;
+- set_capacity(disk, drv->nr_blocks);
+- return 0;
+ /*
+ * revalidate_allvol is for online array config utilities. After a
+ * utility reconfigures the drives in the array, it can use this function
+@@ -1160,7 +1182,9 @@ static int revalidate_allvol(ctlr_info_t
+ for (i = 0; i < NWD; i++) {
+ struct gendisk *disk = host->gendisk[i];
+ drive_info_struct *drv = &(host->drv[i]);
+- if (!drv->nr_blocks)
++ /* we must register the controller even if no disks exist */
++ /* this is for the online array utilities */
++ if (!drv->heads && i)
+ continue;
+ blk_queue_hardsect_size(host->queue, drv->block_size);
+ set_capacity(disk, drv->nr_blocks);
+@@ -1477,21 +1501,22 @@ static void cciss_geometry_inquiry(int c
+ drv->sectors = 32; // Sectors per track
+ drv->cylinders = total_size / 255 / 32;
+ } else {
++ unsigned int t;
+ drv->block_size = block_size;
+ drv->nr_blocks = total_size;
+ drv->heads = inq_buff->data_byte[6];
+ drv->sectors = inq_buff->data_byte[7];
+ drv->cylinders = (inq_buff->data_byte[4] & 0xff) << 8;
+ drv->cylinders += inq_buff->data_byte[5];
++ drv->raid_level = inq_buff->data_byte[8];
++ t = drv->heads * drv->sectors;
++ if (t > 1) {
++ drv->cylinders = total_size/t;
++ }
+ }
+ } else { /* Get geometry failed */
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "cciss: reading geometry failed, "
+- "continuing with default geometry\n");
+- drv->block_size = block_size;
+- drv->nr_blocks = total_size;
+- drv->heads = 255;
+- drv->sectors = 32; // Sectors per track
+- drv->cylinders = total_size / 255 / 32;
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "cciss: reading geometry failed\n");
+ }
+ printk(KERN_INFO " heads= %d, sectors= %d, cylinders= %d\n\n",
+ drv->heads, drv->sectors, drv->cylinders);
+@@ -1509,8 +1534,8 @@ cciss_read_capacity(int ctlr, int logvol
+ return_code = sendcmd(CCISS_READ_CAPACITY,
+ ctlr, buf, sizeof(*buf), 1, logvol, 0, NULL, TYPE_CMD);
+ if (return_code == IO_OK) {
+- *total_size = be32_to_cpu(*((__u32 *) &buf->total_size[0]))+1;
+- *block_size = be32_to_cpu(*((__u32 *) &buf->block_size[0]));
++ *total_size = be32_to_cpu(*((__be32 *) &buf->total_size[0]))+1;
++ *block_size = be32_to_cpu(*((__be32 *) &buf->block_size[0]));
+ } else { /* read capacity command failed */
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "cciss: read capacity failed\n");
+ *total_size = 0;
+@@ -1520,6 +1545,7 @@ cciss_read_capacity(int ctlr, int logvol
+ *total_size, *block_size);
+ return;
+ }
+ static int register_new_disk(ctlr_info_t *h)
+ {
+ struct gendisk *disk;
+@@ -1663,7 +1689,9 @@ static int register_new_disk(ctlr_info_t
+ /* setup partitions per disk */
+ disk = h->gendisk[logvol];
+ set_capacity(disk, h->drv[logvol].nr_blocks);
+- add_disk(disk);
++ /* if it's the controller it's already added */
++ if(logvol)
++ add_disk(disk);
+ freeret:
+ kfree(ld_buff);
+ kfree(size_buff);
+@@ -1675,6 +1703,53 @@ free_err:
+ logvol = -1;
+ goto freeret;
+ }
++static int cciss_revalidate(struct gendisk *disk)
++ ctlr_info_t *h = get_host(disk);
++ drive_info_struct *drv = get_drv(disk);
++ int logvol;
++ int FOUND=0;
++ unsigned int block_size;
++ unsigned int total_size;
++ ReadCapdata_struct *size_buff = NULL;
++ InquiryData_struct *inq_buff = NULL;
++ for(logvol=0; logvol < CISS_MAX_LUN; logvol++)
++ {
++ if(h->drv[logvol].LunID == drv->LunID) {
++ FOUND=1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!FOUND) return 1;
++ size_buff = kmalloc(sizeof( ReadCapdata_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (size_buff == NULL)
++ {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "cciss: out of memory\n");
++ return 1;
++ }
++ inq_buff = kmalloc(sizeof( InquiryData_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (inq_buff == NULL)
++ {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "cciss: out of memory\n");
++ kfree(size_buff);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ cciss_read_capacity(h->ctlr, logvol, size_buff, 1, &total_size, &block_size);
++ cciss_geometry_inquiry(h->ctlr, logvol, 1, total_size, block_size, inq_buff, drv);
++ blk_queue_hardsect_size(h->queue, drv->block_size);
++ set_capacity(disk, drv->nr_blocks);
++ kfree(size_buff);
++ kfree(inq_buff);
++ return 0;
+ /*
+ * Wait polling for a command to complete.
+ * The memory mapped FIFO is polled for the completion.
+@@ -1844,13 +1919,13 @@ cleanup1:
+ /*
+ * Map (physical) PCI mem into (virtual) kernel space
+ */
+-static ulong remap_pci_mem(ulong base, ulong size)
++static void __iomem *remap_pci_mem(ulong base, ulong size)
+ {
+ ulong page_base = ((ulong) base) & PAGE_MASK;
+ ulong page_offs = ((ulong) base) - page_base;
+- ulong page_remapped = (ulong) ioremap(page_base, page_offs+size);
++ void __iomem *page_remapped = ioremap(page_base, page_offs+size);
+- return (ulong) (page_remapped ? (page_remapped + page_offs) : 0UL);
++ return page_remapped ? (page_remapped + page_offs) : NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -2061,6 +2136,9 @@ static void do_cciss_request(request_que
+ drive_info_struct *drv;
+ int i, dir;
++ /* We call start_io here in case there is a command waiting on the
++ * queue that has not been sent.
++ */
+ if (blk_queue_plugged(q))
+ goto startio;
+@@ -2149,6 +2227,9 @@ queue:
+ full:
+ blk_stop_queue(q);
+ startio:
++ /* We will already have the driver lock here so not need
++ * to lock it.
++ */
+ start_io(h);
+ }
+@@ -2158,7 +2239,8 @@ static irqreturn_t do_cciss_intr(int irq
+ CommandList_struct *c;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ __u32 a, a1;
++ int j;
++ int start_queue = h->next_to_run;
+ /* Is this interrupt for us? */
+ if (( h->access.intr_pending(h) == 0) || (h->interrupts_enabled == 0))
+@@ -2205,13 +2287,50 @@ static irqreturn_t do_cciss_intr(int irq
+ }
+ }
+- /*
+- * See if we can queue up some more IO
++ /* check to see if we have maxed out the number of commands that can
++ * be placed on the queue. If so then exit. We do this check here
++ * in case the interrupt we serviced was from an ioctl and did not
++ * free any new commands.
+ */
+- blk_start_queue(h->queue);
++ if ((find_first_zero_bit(h->cmd_pool_bits, NR_CMDS)) == NR_CMDS)
++ goto cleanup;
++ /* We have room on the queue for more commands. Now we need to queue
++ * them up. We will also keep track of the next queue to run so
++ * that every queue gets a chance to be started first.
++ */
++ for (j=0; j < NWD; j++){
++ int curr_queue = (start_queue + j) % NWD;
++ /* make sure the disk has been added and the drive is real
++ * because this can be called from the middle of init_one.
++ */
++ if(!(h->gendisk[curr_queue]->queue) ||
++ !(h->drv[curr_queue].heads))
++ continue;
++ blk_start_queue(h->gendisk[curr_queue]->queue);
++ /* check to see if we have maxed out the number of commands
++ * that can be placed on the queue.
++ */
++ if ((find_first_zero_bit(h->cmd_pool_bits, NR_CMDS)) == NR_CMDS)
++ {
++ if (curr_queue == start_queue){
++ h->next_to_run = (start_queue + 1) % NWD;
++ goto cleanup;
++ } else {
++ h->next_to_run = curr_queue;
++ goto cleanup;
++ }
++ } else {
++ curr_queue = (curr_queue + 1) % NWD;
++ }
++ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(CCISS_LOCK(h->ctlr), flags);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We cannot read the structure directly, for portablity we must use
+ * the io functions.
+@@ -2300,7 +2419,6 @@ static int find_PCI_BAR_index(struct pci
+ static int cciss_pci_init(ctlr_info_t *c, struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ {
+ ushort subsystem_vendor_id, subsystem_device_id, command;
+- unchar irq = pdev->irq;
+ __u32 board_id, scratchpad = 0;
+ __u64 cfg_offset;
+ __u32 cfg_base_addr;
+@@ -2359,11 +2477,11 @@ static int cciss_pci_init(ctlr_info_t *c
+ #ifdef CCISS_DEBUG
+ printk("command = %x\n", command);
+- printk("irq = %x\n", irq);
++ printk("irq = %x\n", pdev->irq);
+ printk("board_id = %x\n", board_id);
+ #endif /* CCISS_DEBUG */
+- c->intr = irq;
++ c->intr = pdev->irq;
+ /*
+ * Memory base addr is first addr , the second points to the config
+@@ -2411,9 +2529,9 @@ static int cciss_pci_init(ctlr_info_t *c
+ #ifdef CCISS_DEBUG
+ printk("cfg offset = %x\n", cfg_offset);
+ #endif /* CCISS_DEBUG */
+- c->cfgtable = (CfgTable_struct *)
+- remap_pci_mem(pci_resource_start(pdev, cfg_base_addr_index)
+- + cfg_offset, sizeof(CfgTable_struct));
++ c->cfgtable = remap_pci_mem(pci_resource_start(pdev,
++ cfg_base_addr_index) + cfg_offset,
++ sizeof(CfgTable_struct));
+ c->board_id = board_id;
+ #ifdef CCISS_DEBUG
+@@ -2626,7 +2744,7 @@ static int alloc_cciss_hba(void)
+ }
+ }
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "cciss: This driver supports a maximum"
+- " of 8 controllers.\n");
++ " of %d controllers.\n", MAX_CTLR);
+ goto out;
+ Enomem:
+ printk(KERN_ERR "cciss: out of memory.\n");
+@@ -2658,13 +2776,14 @@ static int __devinit cciss_init_one(stru
+ request_queue_t *q;
+ int i;
+ int j;
++ int rc;
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "cciss: Device 0x%x has been found at"
+ " bus %d dev %d func %d\n",
+ pdev->device, pdev->bus->number, PCI_SLOT(pdev->devfn),
+ PCI_FUNC(pdev->devfn));
+ i = alloc_cciss_hba();
+- if( i < 0 )
++ if(i < 0)
+ return (-1);
+ if (cciss_pci_init(hba[i], pdev) != 0)
+ goto clean1;
+@@ -2683,11 +2802,24 @@ static int __devinit cciss_init_one(stru
+ goto clean1;
+ }
+- if (register_blkdev(COMPAQ_CISS_MAJOR+i, hba[i]->devname)) {
+- printk(KERN_ERR "cciss: Unable to register device %s\n",
+- hba[i]->devname);
++ /*
++ * register with the major number, or get a dynamic major number
++ * by passing 0 as argument. This is done for greater than
++ * 8 controller support.
++ */
++ if (i < MAX_CTLR_ORIG)
++ hba[i]->major = MAJOR_NR + i;
++ rc = register_blkdev(hba[i]->major, hba[i]->devname);
++ if(rc == -EBUSY || rc == -EINVAL) {
++ printk(KERN_ERR
++ "cciss: Unable to get major number %d for %s "
++ "on hba %d\n", hba[i]->major, hba[i]->devname, i);
+ goto clean1;
+ }
++ else {
++ if (i >= MAX_CTLR_ORIG)
++ hba[i]->major = rc;
++ }
+ /* make sure the board interrupts are off */
+ hba[i]->access.set_intr_mask(hba[i], CCISS_INTR_OFF);
+@@ -2758,12 +2890,14 @@ static int __devinit cciss_init_one(stru
+ sprintf(disk->disk_name, "cciss/c%dd%d", i, j);
+ sprintf(disk->devfs_name, "cciss/host%d/target%d", i, j);
+- disk->major = COMPAQ_CISS_MAJOR + i;
++ disk->major = hba[i]->major;
+ disk->first_minor = j << NWD_SHIFT;
+ disk->fops = &cciss_fops;
+ disk->queue = hba[i]->queue;
+ disk->private_data = drv;
+- if( !(drv->nr_blocks))
++ /* we must register the controller even if no disks exist */
++ /* this is for the online array utilities */
++ if(!drv->heads && j)
+ continue;
+ blk_queue_hardsect_size(hba[i]->queue, drv->block_size);
+ set_capacity(disk, drv->nr_blocks);
+@@ -2785,7 +2919,7 @@ clean4:
+ hba[i]->errinfo_pool_dhandle);
+ free_irq(hba[i]->intr, hba[i]);
+ clean2:
+- unregister_blkdev(COMPAQ_CISS_MAJOR+i, hba[i]->devname);
++ unregister_blkdev(hba[i]->major, hba[i]->devname);
+ clean1:
+ release_io_mem(hba[i]);
+ free_hba(i);
+@@ -2825,9 +2959,9 @@ static void __devexit cciss_remove_one (
+ }
+ free_irq(hba[i]->intr, hba[i]);
+ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+- iounmap((void*)hba[i]->vaddr);
++ iounmap(hba[i]->vaddr);
+ cciss_unregister_scsi(i); /* unhook from SCSI subsystem */
+- unregister_blkdev(COMPAQ_CISS_MAJOR+i, hba[i]->devname);
++ unregister_blkdev(hba[i]->major, hba[i]->devname);
+ remove_proc_entry(hba[i]->devname, proc_cciss);
+ /* remove it from the disk list */
+--- linux- 2005-11-22 18:01:33.205086568 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/block/cciss.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+ #define IO_OK 0
+ #define IO_ERROR 1
+ struct ctlr_info;
+ typedef struct ctlr_info ctlr_info_t;
+@@ -43,13 +45,14 @@ struct ctlr_info
+ char firm_ver[4]; // Firmware version
+ struct pci_dev *pdev;
+ __u32 board_id;
+- unsigned long vaddr;
++ void __iomem *vaddr;
+ unsigned long paddr;
+ unsigned long io_mem_addr;
+ unsigned long io_mem_length;
+- CfgTable_struct *cfgtable;
+- int intr;
++ CfgTable_struct __iomem *cfgtable;
++ unsigned int intr;
+ int interrupts_enabled;
++ int major;
+ int max_commands;
+ int commands_outstanding;
+ int max_outstanding; /* Debug */
+@@ -81,6 +84,11 @@ struct ctlr_info
+ int nr_frees;
+ int busy_configuring;
++ /* This element holds the zero based queue number of the last
++ * queue to be started. It is used for fairness.
++ */
++ int next_to_run;
+ // Disk structures we need to pass back
+ struct gendisk *gendisk[NWD];
+--- linux- 2005-11-22 18:01:33.206086416 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/drivers/block/cciss_scsi.c 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -696,6 +696,7 @@ static int
+ cciss_scsi_detect(int ctlr)
+ {
+ struct Scsi_Host *sh;
++ int error;
+ sh = scsi_host_alloc(&cciss_driver_template, sizeof(struct ctlr_info *));
+ if (sh == NULL)
+@@ -711,10 +712,15 @@ cciss_scsi_detect(int ctlr)
+ sh->hostdata[0] = (unsigned long) hba[ctlr];
+ sh->irq = hba[ctlr]->intr;
+ sh->unique_id = sh->irq;
+- scsi_add_host(sh, &hba[ctlr]->pdev->dev); /* XXX handle failure */
++ error = scsi_add_host(sh, &hba[ctlr]->pdev->dev);
++ if (error)
++ goto fail_host_put;
+ scsi_scan_host(sh);
+ return 1;
++ scsi_host_put(sh);
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static void __exit cleanup_cciss_module(void);
+--- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2/include/linux/cciss_ioctl.h 2005-10-19 11:47:13.000000000 +0400
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ typedef struct _cciss_pci_info_struct
+ {
+ unsigned char bus;
+ unsigned char dev_fn;
++ unsigned short domain;
+ __u32 board_id;
+ } cciss_pci_info_struct;
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5119_linux- b/openvz-sources/022.050/5119_linux-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9509042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5119_linux-
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- linux- 2005-11-22 18:01:33.202087024 +0300
++++ rhel4u2/include/linux/pci_ids.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -670,6 +678,12 @@
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_SX1000_IOC 0x127c
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_DIVA_AUX 0x1290
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_DIVA_RMP3 0x1301
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_CISS 0x3210
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_CISSA 0x3220
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_CISSB 0x3222
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_CISSC 0x3230
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HP_CISSD 0x3238
+ #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_PCTECH 0x1042
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PCTECH_RZ1000 0x1000
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5200_diff-aacraid-addon-20051021.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5200_diff-aacraid-addon-20051021.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6480407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5200_diff-aacraid-addon-20051021.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/aacraid/commsup.c.aacaddon 2005-10-21 15:57:28.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/aacraid/commsup.c 2005-10-21 16:03:23.022141056 +0400
+@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
+ #include "aacraid.h"
++#include <../drivers/scsi/scsi_priv.h>
+ /**
+ * fib_map_alloc - allocate the fib objects
+ * @dev: Adapter to allocate for
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5201_diff-scsi-mpt-fusion-20050927.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5201_diff-scsi-mpt-fusion-20050927.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc85ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5201_diff-scsi-mpt-fusion-20050927.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- linux- 2005-09-27 14:47:42.000000000 +0400
++++ linux- 2005-09-27 15:12:39.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ mptbase_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, cons
+ mpt_detect_bound_ports(ioc, pdev);
+ if ((r = mpt_do_ioc_recovery(ioc,
+ ": WARNING - %s did not initialize properly! (%d)\n",
+ ioc->name, r);
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5202_diff-sis900-20051014.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5202_diff-sis900-20051014.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4838ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5202_diff-sis900-20051014.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+-- backported to 2.6.8 by dev@
+Received: from ( [])
+ by (8.13.0/8.13.0) with ESMTP id j9C4NhKb026390;
+ Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:23:44 +0400 (MSD)
+Received: from ( [])
+ by (8.13.0/8.13.0) with ESMTP id j9C4N2Eh027086;
+ Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:23:37 +0400 (MSD)
+Received: from ( [])
+ by (8.12.8/8.12.8) with ESMTP id j9C4Mt4s020768
+ (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA bits=168 verify=NO);
+ Tue, 11 Oct 2005 21:22:56 -0700
+Received: from localhost.localdomain ( [])
+ by (8.13.1/8.11.6) with ESMTP id j9C4MtbV013434;
+ Tue, 11 Oct 2005 21:22:55 -0700
+Message-Id: <>
+Subject: + sis900-come-alive-after-temporary-memory-shortage.patch added to -mm tree
+Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 21:22:28 -0700
+X-Spam-Status: No, hits=1.088 required=5 tests=NO_REAL_NAME
+X-Spam-Level: *
+X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63-osdl_revision__1.52__
+X-MIMEDefang-Filter: osdl$Revision: 1.124 $
+X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.36
+The patch titled
+ sis900: come alive after temporary memory shortage
+has been added to the -mm tree. Its filename is
+ sis900-come-alive-after-temporary-memory-shortage.patch
+From: Konstantin Khorenko <>
+Patch solves following problems:
+1) Forgotten counter incrementation in sis900_rx() in case
+ it doesn't get memory for skb, that leads to whole interface failure.
+ Problem is accompanied with messages:
+ eth0: Memory squeeze,deferring packet.
+ eth0: NULL pointer encountered in Rx ring, skipping
+2) If counter cur_rx overflows and there'll be temporary memory problems
+ buffer can't be recreated later, when memory IS avaliable.
+3) Limit the work in handler to prevent the endless packets processing if
+ new packets are generated faster then handled.
+Signed-off-by: Konstantin Khorenko <>
+Signed-off-by: Vasily Averin <>
+Signed-off-by: Daniele Venzano <>
+Cc: Jeff Garzik <>
+Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
+ drivers/net/sis900.c | 16 ++++++++++++----
+ 1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+--- ./drivers/net/sis900.c.sisx 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/net/sis900.c 2005-10-14 15:58:26.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1620,15 +1620,20 @@ static int sis900_rx(struct net_device *
+ long ioaddr = net_dev->base_addr;
+ unsigned int entry = sis_priv->cur_rx % NUM_RX_DESC;
+ u32 rx_status = sis_priv->rx_ring[entry].cmdsts;
++ int rx_work_limit;
+ if (sis900_debug > 3)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "sis900_rx, cur_rx:%4.4d, dirty_rx:%4.4d "
+ "status:0x%8.8x\n",
+ sis_priv->cur_rx, sis_priv->dirty_rx, rx_status);
++ rx_work_limit = sis_priv->dirty_rx + NUM_RX_DESC - sis_priv->cur_rx;
+ while (rx_status & OWN) {
+ unsigned int rx_size;
++ if (--rx_work_limit < 0)
++ break;
+ rx_size = (rx_status & DSIZE) - CRC_SIZE;
+@@ -1655,9 +1660,11 @@ static int sis900_rx(struct net_device *
+ some unknow bugs, it is possible that
+ we are working on NULL sk_buff :-( */
+ if (sis_priv->rx_skbuff[entry] == NULL) {
+- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: NULL pointer "
+- "encountered in Rx ring, skipping\n",
+- net_dev->name);
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: NULL pointer "
++ "encountered in Rx ring\n"
++ "cur_rx:%4.4d, dirty_rx:%4.4d\n",
++ net_dev->name, sis_priv->cur_rx,
++ sis_priv->dirty_rx);
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -1692,6 +1699,7 @@ static int sis900_rx(struct net_device *
+ sis_priv->rx_ring[entry].cmdsts = 0;
+ sis_priv->rx_ring[entry].bufptr = 0;
+ sis_priv->stats.rx_dropped++;
++ sis_priv->cur_rx++;
+ break;
+ }
+ skb->dev = net_dev;
+@@ -1709,7 +1717,7 @@ static int sis900_rx(struct net_device *
+ /* refill the Rx buffer, what if the rate of refilling is slower than
+ consuming ?? */
+- for (;sis_priv->cur_rx - sis_priv->dirty_rx > 0; sis_priv->dirty_rx++) {
++ for (; sis_priv->cur_rx != sis_priv->dirty_rx; sis_priv->dirty_rx++) {
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ entry = sis_priv->dirty_rx % NUM_RX_DESC;
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5203_diff-ms-sx8-20040912.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5203_diff-ms-sx8-20040912.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1d4f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5203_diff-ms-sx8-20040912.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+diff -Naru a/drivers/block/sx8.c b/drivers/block/sx8.c
+--- a/drivers/block/sx8.c 2005-10-20 23:18:07 -07:00
++++ b/drivers/block/sx8.c 2005-10-20 23:18:07 -07:00
+@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@
+ tmp8 = readb(mmio + CARM_INITC);
+ if (tmp8 & 0x01) {
+ tmp8 &= ~0x01;
+- writeb(tmp8, CARM_INITC);
++ writeb(tmp8, mmio + CARM_INITC);
+ readb(mmio + CARM_INITC); /* flush */
+ DPRINTK("snooze...\n");
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/09/12 10:30:42-07:00
+# Stricter PCI IO space type checking uncovered a bug in sx8 driver.
+# Forgot to add in the mmio base..
+# drivers/block/sx8.c
+# 2004/09/12 10:30:26-07:00 +1 -1
+# Stricter PCI IO space type checking uncovered a bug in sx8 driver.
+# Forgot to add in the mmio base..
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5204_diff-drv-nexsan-20051025.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5204_diff-drv-nexsan-20051025.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4ab3d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5204_diff-drv-nexsan-20051025.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/scsi_devinfo.c.nexsan 2005-09-26 13:33:13.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/scsi_devinfo.c 2005-10-25 14:03:53.399491408 +0400
+@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ static struct {
+ {"Zzyzx", "RocketStor 500S", NULL, BLIST_SPARSELUN},
+ {"Zzyzx", "RocketStor 2000", NULL, BLIST_SPARSELUN},
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 },
+ };
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5205_diff-aoe-fix-20051025.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5205_diff-aoe-fix-20051025.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d5b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5205_diff-aoe-fix-20051025.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+--- ./drivers/block/aoe/aoe.h.aoefix 2005-10-25 15:30:40.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/block/aoe/aoe.h 2005-10-25 15:31:31.925074008 +0400
+@@ -3,7 +3,13 @@
+ #define AOE_MAJOR 152
+ #define DEVICE_NAME "aoe"
+-/* AOE_PARTITIONS is set in the Makefile */
++/* set AOE_PARTITIONS to 1 to use whole-disks only
++ * default is 16, which is 15 partitions plus the whole disk
++ */
++#define AOE_PARTITIONS (16)
+ #define SYSMINOR(aoemajor, aoeminor) ((aoemajor) * NPERSHELF + (aoeminor))
+ #define AOEMAJOR(sysminor) ((sysminor) / NPERSHELF)
+--- ./drivers/block/aoe/aoechr.c.aoefix 2005-10-25 15:30:40.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/block/aoe/aoechr.c 2005-10-25 16:01:44.547513512 +0400
+@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ static int emsgs_head_idx, emsgs_tail_id
+ static struct semaphore emsgs_sema;
+ static spinlock_t emsgs_lock;
+ static int nblocked_emsgs_readers;
+-static struct class *aoe_class;
+ static struct aoe_chardev chardevs[] = {
+ { MINOR_ERR, "err" },
+ { MINOR_DISCOVER, "discover" },
+@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ static struct file_operations aoe_fops =
+ int __init
+ aoechr_init(void)
+ {
+- int n, i;
++ int n;
+ n = register_chrdev(AOE_MAJOR, "aoechr", &aoe_fops);
+ if (n < 0) {
+@@ -219,27 +218,12 @@ aoechr_init(void)
+ }
+ sema_init(&emsgs_sema, 0);
+ spin_lock_init(&emsgs_lock);
+- aoe_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "aoe");
+- if (IS_ERR(aoe_class)) {
+- unregister_chrdev(AOE_MAJOR, "aoechr");
+- return PTR_ERR(aoe_class);
+- }
+- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(chardevs); ++i)
+- class_device_create(aoe_class,
+- MKDEV(AOE_MAJOR, chardevs[i].minor),
+- NULL, chardevs[i].name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void
+ aoechr_exit(void)
+ {
+- int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(chardevs); ++i)
+- class_device_destroy(aoe_class, MKDEV(AOE_MAJOR, chardevs[i].minor));
+- class_destroy(aoe_class);
+ unregister_chrdev(AOE_MAJOR, "aoechr");
+ }
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5206_diff-pciids-update.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5206_diff-pciids-update.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..735a611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5206_diff-pciids-update.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+--- linux- 2005-09-26 13:31:49.000000000 +0400
++++ rhel4u2/include/linux/pci_ids.h 2005-10-19 11:47:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1874,6 +1901,7 @@
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_AFAVLAB_P030 0x2182
+ #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_BROADCOM 0x14e4
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5752 0x1600
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5700 0x1644
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5701 0x1645
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5702 0x1646
+@@ -1901,6 +1929,10 @@
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5704S 0x16a8
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5702A3 0x16c6
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5703A3 0x16c7
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5781 0x16dd
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5753 0x16f7
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5753M 0x16fd
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5753F 0x16fe
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5901 0x170d
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGON3_5901_2 0x170e
+ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_BCM4401 0x4401
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5207_diff-aic7xxx-reset-20030904.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5207_diff-aic7xxx-reset-20030904.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cadb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5207_diff-aic7xxx-reset-20030904.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_osm.c.aicrst Thu Sep 4 16:43:23 2003
++++ ./drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_osm.c Thu Sep 4 17:24:13 2003
+@@ -4822,7 +4822,7 @@ ahc_linux_queue_recovery_cmd(Scsi_Cmnd *
+ if (ahc_match_scb(ahc, pending_scb, cmd->device->id,
+ cmd->device->channel + 'A',
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5208_diff-qla4xx-warnfix-20051025.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5208_diff-qla4xx-warnfix-20051025.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82167a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5208_diff-qla4xx-warnfix-20051025.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_isr.c.qlafix 2005-10-25 18:17:52.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_isr.c 2005-10-25 18:18:21.273421768 +0400
+@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ qla4xxx_check_and_copy_sense(scsi_qla_ho
+ scsi_qla_host_t *osha;
+ uint16_t sensebytecnt;
+ os_lun_t *lun_entry = srb->lun_queue;
+- osha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
+ fc_port_t *fcport;
++ osha = (scsi_qla_host_t *) cmd->device->host->hostdata;
+ /* FIXMEdg: Always clear buffer */
+ memset(cmd->sense_buffer, 0, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer));
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5209_diff-libata-conflicts-20051025.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5209_diff-libata-conflicts-20051025.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2b8c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5209_diff-libata-conflicts-20051025.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/sata_nv.c.libataconf 2005-10-25 14:44:50.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/sata_nv.c 2005-10-25 14:46:56.609783752 +0400
+@@ -134,9 +134,11 @@ static struct pci_device_id nv_pci_tbl[]
+ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, CK804 },
+ PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, CK804 },
++ /* conflicts with amd75xx driver
++ */
+ { 0, } /* terminate list */
+ };
+--- ./drivers/scsi/ata_piix.c.libataconf 2005-10-25 14:44:50.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/ata_piix.c 2005-10-25 14:46:05.639532408 +0400
+@@ -93,8 +93,10 @@ static struct pci_device_id piix_pci_tbl
+ { 0x8086, 0x25a3, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich5_sata },
+ { 0x8086, 0x25b0, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich5_sata },
+ { 0x8086, 0x2651, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich6_sata },
++ /* supported by ahci driver
+ { 0x8086, 0x2652, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich6_sata_rm },
+ { 0x8086, 0x2653, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich6_sata_rm },
++ */
+ { 0x8086, 0x27c0, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich7_sata },
+ { 0x8086, 0x27c4, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich7_sata },
+ { 0x8086, 0x2680, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, esb2_sata },
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5210_diff-drv-megaraid-entropy-20051025.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5210_diff-drv-megaraid-entropy-20051025.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ebaf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5210_diff-drv-megaraid-entropy-20051025.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.c.megaent 2005-10-25 13:18:59.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.c 2005-10-25 13:20:15.705441392 +0400
+@@ -840,9 +840,8 @@ megaraid_init_mbox(adapter_t *adapter)
+ //
+ // request IRQ and register the interrupt service routine
+- if (request_irq(adapter->irq, megaraid_isr, SA_SHIRQ, "megaraid",
+- adapter)) {
++ if (request_irq(adapter->irq, megaraid_isr, SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM,
++ "megaraid", adapter)) {
+ "megaraid: Couldn't register IRQ %d!\n", adapter->irq));
+--- ./drivers/scsi/megaraid.c.megaent 2005-10-25 13:18:59.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/megaraid.c 2005-10-25 13:19:29.546458624 +0400
+@@ -4729,7 +4729,8 @@ megaraid_probe_one(struct pci_dev *pdev,
+ if (request_irq(irq, (adapter->flag & BOARD_MEMMAP) ?
+ megaraid_isr_memmapped : megaraid_isr_iomapped,
+- SA_SHIRQ, "megaraid", adapter)) {
++ "megaraid", adapter)) {
+ "megaraid: Couldn't register IRQ %d!\n", irq);
+ goto out_free_scb_list;
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5211_diff-drv-fusion-entropy-20040831.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5211_diff-drv-fusion-entropy-20040831.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43e7147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5211_diff-drv-fusion-entropy-20040831.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- ./drivers/message/fusion/mptbase.c.ntrp 2004-08-31 08:45:53.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/message/fusion/mptbase.c 2004-08-31 08:46:51.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1467,8 +1467,8 @@ mpt_adapter_install(struct pci_dev *pdev
+ ioc->pci_irq = -1;
+ if (pdev->irq) {
+- r = request_irq(pdev->irq, mpt_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, ioc->name, ioc);
++ r = request_irq(pdev->irq, mpt_interrupt,
++ SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM, ioc->name, ioc);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ #ifndef __sparc__
+ printk(MYIOC_s_ERR_FMT "Unable to allocate interrupt %d!\n",
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5212_diff-drv-dpt-entropy-20040525.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5212_diff-drv-dpt-entropy-20040525.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85686d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5212_diff-drv-dpt-entropy-20040525.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/dpt_i2o.c.dptntrp 2004-05-25 04:40:26.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/dpt_i2o.c 2004-05-25 04:43:17.000000000 +0400
+@@ -977,7 +977,8 @@ static int adpt_install_hba(Scsi_Host_Te
+ printk(KERN_INFO" BAR1 %lx - size= %x\n",msg_addr_virt,hba_map1_area_size);
+ }
+- if (request_irq (pDev->irq, adpt_isr, SA_SHIRQ, pHba->name, pHba)) {
++ if (request_irq (pDev->irq, adpt_isr, SA_SHIRQ | SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM,
++ pHba->name, pHba)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR"%s: Couldn't register IRQ %d\n", pHba->name, pDev->irq);
+ adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+ return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5214_diff-qla-compile-fix-20051031.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5214_diff-qla-compile-fix-20051031.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54df786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5214_diff-qla-compile-fix-20051031.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_init.c.qlafix 2005-10-29 19:09:50.000000000 +0400
++++ ./drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_init.c 2005-10-31 10:00:49.000000000 +0300
+@@ -2920,21 +2920,23 @@
+ lun_entry = tgt_entry->olun[lun];
+ if (lun_entry != NULL) {
+ unsigned long cpu_flags;
++ uint16_t retry_count;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&lun_entry->lun_lock,
+ cpu_flags);
++ retry_count = ha->retry_srb_q_count;
++ retry_count = 0;
+ QL4PRINT(QLP4, printk(
+ "scsi%d:%d:%d:%d: %s: flushing "
+ "srbs, pendq_cnt=%d, retryq_cnt="
+ "%d, activeq_cnt=%d\n", ha->host_no,
+ ddb_entry->bus, tgt_entry->id, lun,
+ __func__, 0 ,
+- ha->retry_srb_q_count,
+- 0,
++ retry_count,
+ ha->active_srb_count));
+ qla4xxx_flush_all_srbs(ha, ddb_entry,
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5215_diff-ips-fix-20051114.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5215_diff-ips-fix-20051114.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62831bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5215_diff-ips-fix-20051114.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+--- ./drivers/scsi/ips.c.x 2005-11-14 17:39:58.567273344 +0300
++++ ./drivers/scsi/ips.c 2005-11-14 17:39:33.028155880 +0300
+@@ -3657,13 +3657,15 @@ ips_scmd_buf_write(Scsi_Cmnd * scmd, voi
+ unsigned int min_cnt, xfer_cnt;
+ char *cdata = (char *) data;
+ struct scatterlist *sg = scmd->request_buffer;
++ void *sga;
+ for (i = 0, xfer_cnt = 0;
+ (i < scmd->use_sg) && (xfer_cnt < count); i++) {
+- if (!IPS_SG_ADDRESS(&sg[i]))
++ sga = IPS_SG_ADDRESS(&sg[i]);
++ if (!sga)
+ return;
+ min_cnt = min(count - xfer_cnt, sg[i].length);
+- memcpy(IPS_SG_ADDRESS(&sg[i]), &cdata[xfer_cnt],
+- min_cnt);
++ memcpy(sga, &cdata[xfer_cnt], min_cnt);
+ xfer_cnt += min_cnt;
+ }
+@@ -3689,13 +3691,15 @@ ips_scmd_buf_read(Scsi_Cmnd * scmd, void
+ unsigned int min_cnt, xfer_cnt;
+ char *cdata = (char *) data;
+ struct scatterlist *sg = scmd->request_buffer;
++ void *sga;
+ for (i = 0, xfer_cnt = 0;
+ (i < scmd->use_sg) && (xfer_cnt < count); i++) {
+- if (!IPS_SG_ADDRESS(&sg[i]))
++ sga = IPS_SG_ADDRESS(&sg[i]);
++ if (!sga)
+ return;
+ min_cnt = min(count - xfer_cnt, sg[i].length);
+- memcpy(&cdata[xfer_cnt], IPS_SG_ADDRESS(&sg[i]),
+- min_cnt);
++ memcpy(&cdata[xfer_cnt], sga, min_cnt);
+ xfer_cnt += min_cnt;
+ }
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5500_diff-ms-gcc4-aic7xxx-20051103.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5500_diff-ms-gcc4-aic7xxx-20051103.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25056d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5500_diff-ms-gcc4-aic7xxx-20051103.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+diff -Naru a/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c b/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c
+--- a/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c 2005-11-03 00:41:16 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c 2005-11-03 00:41:16 -08:00
+@@ -513,9 +513,6 @@
+ struct scsi_cmnd *cmd,
+ struct ahd_devinfo *devinfo,
+ struct ahd_linux_target *targ);
+-static __inline int
+- ahd_linux_dv_fallback(struct ahd_softc *ahd,
+- struct ahd_devinfo *devinfo);
+ static int ahd_linux_fallback(struct ahd_softc *ahd,
+ struct ahd_devinfo *devinfo);
+ static __inline int ahd_linux_dv_fallback(struct ahd_softc *ahd,
+@@ -2915,6 +2912,19 @@
+ ahd_unlock(ahd, &s);
+ }
++static __inline int
++ahd_linux_dv_fallback(struct ahd_softc *ahd, struct ahd_devinfo *devinfo)
++ u_long s;
++ int retval;
++ ahd_lock(ahd, &s);
++ retval = ahd_linux_fallback(ahd, devinfo);
++ ahd_unlock(ahd, &s);
++ return (retval);
+ static void
+ ahd_linux_dv_transition(struct ahd_softc *ahd, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd,
+ struct ahd_devinfo *devinfo,
+@@ -3549,19 +3559,6 @@
+ cmd->cmd_len = 6;
+ cmd->cmnd[0] = START_STOP_UNIT;
+ cmd->cmnd[4] = le | SSS_START;
+-static __inline int
+-ahd_linux_dv_fallback(struct ahd_softc *ahd, struct ahd_devinfo *devinfo)
+- u_long s;
+- int retval;
+- ahd_lock(ahd, &s);
+- retval = ahd_linux_fallback(ahd, devinfo);
+- ahd_unlock(ahd, &s);
+- return (retval);
+ }
+ static int
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/08/23 12:54:36-07:00
+# [PATCH] inlining errors in drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c
+# This patch fixes the following build error (in 2.6.8-rc2-mm1) when using
+# gcc 3.4.0
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c: In function `ahd_linux_dv_transition':
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:522: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to 'ahd_linux_dv_fallback': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:3070: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:522: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to 'ahd_linux_dv_fallback': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:3093: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:522: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to 'ahd_linux_dv_fallback': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:3144: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:522: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to 'ahd_linux_dv_fallback': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:3257: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:522: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to 'ahd_linux_dv_fallback': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:3288: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:522: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to 'ahd_linux_dv_fallback': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c:3317: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# It first removes a duplicate forward declaration of ahd_linux_dv_fallback
+# and then moves the function before its first use so inlining can succeed.
+# Signed-off-by: Jesper Juhl <>
+# Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
+# Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c
+# 2004/08/23 01:15:08-07:00 +13 -16
+# inlining errors in drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_osm.c
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5501_diff-ms-gcc4-qla4xxx-20051103.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5501_diff-ms-gcc4-qla4xxx-20051103.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5303d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5501_diff-ms-gcc4-qla4xxx-20051103.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+--- linux-2.6.8/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_os.c-orig 2005-11-03 12:06:25.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-2.6.8/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_os.c 2005-11-03 12:11:16.000000000 +0300
+@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void qla4xxx_add_timer_to_cmd(srb_t *srb
+ static void qla4xxx_flush_active_srbs(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
+ uint8_t qla4xxx_reset_target(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry);
+ uint8_t qla4xxx_recover_adapter(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint8_t renew_ddb_list);
+-inline void qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
++void qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
+ CONTINUE_ENTRY *qla4xxx_alloc_cont_entry(scsi_qla_host_t *ha);
+@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ qla4xxx_get_hba_count(void)
+ * At exit, the @ha's flags.enable_64bit_addressing set to indicated
+ * supported addressing method.
+ */
+-inline void
+ qla4xxx_config_dma_addressing(scsi_qla_host_t *ha)
+ {
+ /* Assume 32bit DMA address. */
+@@ -4608,7 +4608,7 @@ qla4xxx_topcat_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *ha
+ * Context:
+ * Kernel context.
+ **************************************************************************/
+-inline uint8_t
+ qla4xxx_soft_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *ha){
+ QL4PRINT(QLP2, printk(KERN_WARNING "scsi%d: %s: chip reset!\n",
+--- linux-2.6.8/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_glbl.h-orig 2005-11-03 12:06:25.000000000 +0300
++++ linux-2.6.8/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_glbl.h 2005-11-03 12:11:16.000000000 +0300
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ extern void qla4xxx_start_io(scsi_qla_ho
+ extern srb_t *del_from_active_array(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, uint32_t index);
+ extern uint8_t qla4xxx_complete_request(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, srb_t *srb);
+ extern uint8_t qla4xxx_reset_lun(scsi_qla_host_t *ha, ddb_entry_t *ddb_entry, lun_entry_t *lun_entry);
+-extern inline uint8_t qla4xxx_soft_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *);
++extern uint8_t qla4xxx_soft_reset(scsi_qla_host_t *);
+ extern const char *host_sts_msg[];
+ extern void qla4xxx_delete_timer_from_cmd(srb_t *srb);
+ extern scsi_qla_host_t *qla4xxx_get_adapter_handle(uint16_t instance);
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5502_diff-ms-gcc4-scsi-ips-20051103.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5502_diff-ms-gcc4-scsi-ips-20051103.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86bd3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5502_diff-ms-gcc4-scsi-ips-20051103.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+diff -Naru a/drivers/scsi/ips.c b/drivers/scsi/ips.c
+--- a/drivers/scsi/ips.c 2005-11-03 02:32:42 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/scsi/ips.c 2005-11-03 02:32:42 -08:00
+@@ -474,21 +474,17 @@
+ static uint32_t ips_statupd_copperhead_memio(ips_ha_t *);
+ static uint32_t ips_statupd_morpheus(ips_ha_t *);
+ static ips_scb_t *ips_getscb(ips_ha_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_scb_tail(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_wait_tail(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t *,
++static void ips_putq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static void ips_putq_wait_tail(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static void ips_putq_copp_tail(ips_copp_queue_t *,
+ ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
+-static inline void ips_putq_copp_tail(ips_copp_queue_t *,
+- ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
+-static inline ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *);
+-static inline ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
+-static inline Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t *);
+-static inline Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
+-static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp(ips_copp_queue_t *,
++static ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t *);
++static ips_scb_t *ips_removeq_scb(ips_scb_queue_t *, ips_scb_t *);
++static Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t *);
++static Scsi_Cmnd *ips_removeq_wait(ips_wait_queue_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *);
++static ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp(ips_copp_queue_t *,
+ ips_copp_wait_item_t *);
+-static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t *);
++static ips_copp_wait_item_t *ips_removeq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t *);
+ static int ips_is_passthru(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+ static int ips_make_passthru(ips_ha_t *, Scsi_Cmnd *, ips_scb_t *, int);
+@@ -1885,7 +1881,7 @@
+ /* Fill in a single scb sg_list element from an address */
+ /* return a -1 if a breakup occurred */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline int
++static int
+ ips_fill_scb_sg_single(ips_ha_t * ha, dma_addr_t busaddr,
+ ips_scb_t * scb, int indx, unsigned int e_len)
+ {
+@@ -2950,7 +2946,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline void
++static void
+ ips_putq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t * queue, ips_scb_t * item)
+ {
+ METHOD_TRACE("ips_putq_scb_head", 1);
+@@ -2969,38 +2965,6 @@
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+-/* Routine Name: ips_putq_scb_tail */
+-/* */
+-/* Routine Description: */
+-/* */
+-/* Add an item to the tail of the queue */
+-/* */
+-/* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+-/* */
+-static inline void
+-ips_putq_scb_tail(ips_scb_queue_t * queue, ips_scb_t * item)
+- METHOD_TRACE("ips_putq_scb_tail", 1);
+- if (!item)
+- return;
+- item->q_next = NULL;
+- if (queue->tail)
+- queue->tail->q_next = item;
+- queue->tail = item;
+- if (!queue->head)
+- queue->head = item;
+- queue->count++;
+-/* */
+ /* Routine Name: ips_removeq_scb_head */
+ /* */
+ /* Routine Description: */
+@@ -3010,7 +2974,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline ips_scb_t *
++static ips_scb_t *
+ ips_removeq_scb_head(ips_scb_queue_t * queue)
+ {
+ ips_scb_t *item;
+@@ -3045,7 +3009,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline ips_scb_t *
++static ips_scb_t *
+ ips_removeq_scb(ips_scb_queue_t * queue, ips_scb_t * item)
+ {
+ ips_scb_t *p;
+@@ -3082,34 +3046,6 @@
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+-/* Routine Name: ips_putq_wait_head */
+-/* */
+-/* Routine Description: */
+-/* */
+-/* Add an item to the head of the queue */
+-/* */
+-/* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+-/* */
+-static inline void
+-ips_putq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t * queue, Scsi_Cmnd * item)
+- METHOD_TRACE("ips_putq_wait_head", 1);
+- if (!item)
+- return;
+- item->host_scribble = (char *) queue->head;
+- queue->head = item;
+- if (!queue->tail)
+- queue->tail = item;
+- queue->count++;
+-/* */
+ /* Routine Name: ips_putq_wait_tail */
+ /* */
+ /* Routine Description: */
+@@ -3119,7 +3055,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline void
++static void
+ ips_putq_wait_tail(ips_wait_queue_t * queue, Scsi_Cmnd * item)
+ {
+ METHOD_TRACE("ips_putq_wait_tail", 1);
+@@ -3151,7 +3087,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline Scsi_Cmnd *
++static Scsi_Cmnd *
+ ips_removeq_wait_head(ips_wait_queue_t * queue)
+ {
+ Scsi_Cmnd *item;
+@@ -3186,7 +3122,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline Scsi_Cmnd *
++static Scsi_Cmnd *
+ ips_removeq_wait(ips_wait_queue_t * queue, Scsi_Cmnd * item)
+ {
+ Scsi_Cmnd *p;
+@@ -3223,34 +3159,6 @@
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+-/* Routine Name: ips_putq_copp_head */
+-/* */
+-/* Routine Description: */
+-/* */
+-/* Add an item to the head of the queue */
+-/* */
+-/* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+-/* */
+-static inline void
+-ips_putq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t * queue, ips_copp_wait_item_t * item)
+- METHOD_TRACE("ips_putq_copp_head", 1);
+- if (!item)
+- return;
+- item->next = queue->head;
+- queue->head = item;
+- if (!queue->tail)
+- queue->tail = item;
+- queue->count++;
+-/* */
+ /* Routine Name: ips_putq_copp_tail */
+ /* */
+ /* Routine Description: */
+@@ -3260,7 +3168,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline void
++static void
+ ips_putq_copp_tail(ips_copp_queue_t * queue, ips_copp_wait_item_t * item)
+ {
+ METHOD_TRACE("ips_putq_copp_tail", 1);
+@@ -3292,7 +3200,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *
++static ips_copp_wait_item_t *
+ ips_removeq_copp_head(ips_copp_queue_t * queue)
+ {
+ ips_copp_wait_item_t *item;
+@@ -3327,7 +3235,7 @@
+ /* ASSUMED to be called from within the HA lock */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+-static inline ips_copp_wait_item_t *
++static ips_copp_wait_item_t *
+ ips_removeq_copp(ips_copp_queue_t * queue, ips_copp_wait_item_t * item)
+ {
+ ips_copp_wait_item_t *p;
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/07/12 10:38:01-05:00
+# [PATCH] SCSI ips: remove inlines
+# Trying to compile drivers/scsi/ips.c with gcc 3.4 and
+# # define inline __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))
+# results in the following error:
+# <-- snip -->
+# ...
+# CC drivers/scsi/ips.o
+# drivers/scsi/ips.c: In function `ips_eh_abort':
+# drivers/scsi/ips.c:490: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to
+# 'ips_removeq_copp': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/ips.c:843: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# drivers/scsi/ips.c:488: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to
+# 'ips_removeq_wait': function body not available
+# drivers/scsi/ips.c:847: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# make[2]: *** [drivers/scsi/ips.o] Error 1
+# <-- snip -->
+# The patch below removes all inlines from ips.c. As a side effect, this
+# showed that 3 formerly inlined functions are completely unused which are
+# also removed in the patch.
+# An alternative approach to removing the inlines would be to keep all
+# inlines that are _really_ required and reorder the functions in the file
+# accordingly.
+# diffstat output:
+# drivers/scsi/ips.c | 130 ++++++---------------------------------------
+# 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)
+# Signed-off-by: Adrian Bunk <>
+# Signed-off-by: James Bottomley <>
+# drivers/scsi/ips.c
+# 2004/07/08 18:24:02-05:00 +19 -111
+# SCSI ips: remove inlines
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5503_diff-ms-gcc4-8139too-20051103.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5503_diff-ms-gcc4-8139too-20051103.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd6df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5503_diff-ms-gcc4-8139too-20051103.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+diff -Naru a/drivers/net/8139too.c b/drivers/net/8139too.c
+--- a/drivers/net/8139too.c 2005-11-03 03:11:14 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/net/8139too.c 2005-11-03 03:11:14 -08:00
+@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
+ static int mdio_read (struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int location);
+ static void mdio_write (struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int location,
+ int val);
+-static inline void rtl8139_start_thread(struct net_device *dev);
++static void rtl8139_start_thread(struct net_device *dev);
+ static void rtl8139_tx_timeout (struct net_device *dev);
+ static void rtl8139_init_ring (struct net_device *dev);
+ static int rtl8139_start_xmit (struct sk_buff *skb,
+@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@
+ complete_and_exit (&tp->thr_exited, 0);
+ }
+-static inline void rtl8139_start_thread(struct net_device *dev)
++static void rtl8139_start_thread(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+ struct rtl8139_private *tp = dev->priv;
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/07/27 14:00:24-04:00
+# [PATCH] 2.6.8-rc1-mm1: 8139too: uninline rtl8139_start_thread
+# On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 10:29:18PM +0200, Dominik Karall wrote:
+# > On Wednesday 14 July 2004 03:25, Andrew Morton wrote:
+# > >
+# > >.8-rc1-mm1/
+# >
+# > CC [M] drivers/net/8139too.o
+# > drivers/net/8139too.c: In function `rtl8139_open':
+# > drivers/net/8139too.c:616: nicht implementiert: >>inline<< beim Aufruf von
+# > >>rtl8139_start_thread<< gescheitert: function body not available
+# > drivers/net/8139too.c:1362: nicht implementiert: von hier aufgerufen
+# > make[3]: *** [drivers/net/8139too.o] Fehler 1
+# > make[2]: *** [drivers/net] Fehler 2
+# > make[1]: *** [drivers] Fehler 2
+# > make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis »/usr/src/linux-2.6.6«
+# > make: *** [stamp-build] Fehler 2
+# >
+# > gcc 3.4
+# I should be fast at going through my gcc 3.4 TODO list...
+# Fix below.
+# > greets
+# > dominik
+# cu
+# Adrian
+# <-- snip -->
+# uninline rtl8139_start_thread in drivers/net/8139too.c .
+# Signed-off-by: Adrian Bunk <>
+# drivers/net/8139too.c
+# 2004/07/08 18:52:55-04:00 +2 -2
+# 2.6.8-rc1-mm1: 8139too: uninline rtl8139_start_thread
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5504_diff-ms-gcc4-qla2xxx-20051103.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5504_diff-ms-gcc4-qla2xxx-20051103.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a6d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5504_diff-ms-gcc4-qla2xxx-20051103.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+diff -Naru a/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c b/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+--- a/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c 2005-11-03 03:16:01 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c 2005-11-03 03:16:01 -08:00
+@@ -235,67 +235,6 @@
+ static __inline__ void
+ qla2x00_delete_from_done_queue(scsi_qla_host_t *, srb_t *);
+-* sp_put
+-* Description:
+-* Decrement reference count and call the callback if we're the last
+-* owner of the specified sp. Will get the host_lock before calling
+-* the callback.
+-* Input:
+-* ha - pointer to the scsi_qla_host_t where the callback is to occur.
+-* sp - pointer to srb_t structure to use.
+-* Returns:
+-static inline void
+-sp_put(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t *sp)
+- if (atomic_read(&sp->ref_count) == 0) {
+- qla_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
+- "%s(): **** SP->ref_count not zero\n",
+- __func__);
+- DEBUG2(BUG();)
+- return;
+- }
+- if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&sp->ref_count)) {
+- return;
+- }
+- qla2x00_callback(ha, sp->cmd);
+-* sp_get
+-* Description:
+-* Increment reference count of the specified sp.
+-* Input:
+-* sp - pointer to srb_t structure to use.
+-* Returns:
+-static inline void
+-sp_get(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t *sp)
+- atomic_inc(&sp->ref_count);
+- if (atomic_read(&sp->ref_count) > 2) {
+- qla_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
+- "%s(): **** SP->ref_count greater than two\n",
+- __func__);
+- DEBUG2(BUG();)
+- return;
+- }
+ /*
+ * qla2x00_callback
+ * Returns the completed SCSI command to LINUX.
+@@ -364,6 +303,67 @@
+ /* Call the mid-level driver interrupt handler */
+ (*(cmd)->scsi_done)(cmd);
++* sp_put
++* Description:
++* Decrement reference count and call the callback if we're the last
++* owner of the specified sp. Will get the host_lock before calling
++* the callback.
++* Input:
++* ha - pointer to the scsi_qla_host_t where the callback is to occur.
++* sp - pointer to srb_t structure to use.
++* Returns:
++static inline void
++sp_put(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t *sp)
++ if (atomic_read(&sp->ref_count) == 0) {
++ qla_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "%s(): **** SP->ref_count not zero\n",
++ __func__);
++ DEBUG2(BUG();)
++ return;
++ }
++ if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&sp->ref_count)) {
++ return;
++ }
++ qla2x00_callback(ha, sp->cmd);
++* sp_get
++* Description:
++* Increment reference count of the specified sp.
++* Input:
++* sp - pointer to srb_t structure to use.
++* Returns:
++static inline void
++sp_get(struct scsi_qla_host * ha, srb_t *sp)
++ atomic_inc(&sp->ref_count);
++ if (atomic_read(&sp->ref_count) > 2) {
++ qla_printk(KERN_INFO, ha,
++ "%s(): **** SP->ref_count greater than two\n",
++ __func__);
++ DEBUG2(BUG();)
++ return;
++ }
+ }
+ static inline void
+diff -Naru a/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c b/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c
+--- a/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c 2005-11-03 03:16:01 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c 2005-11-03 03:16:01 -08:00
+@@ -242,6 +242,20 @@
+ }
+ /**
++ * qla2x00_remove_iodesc_timer() - Remove an active timer from an IO descriptor.
++ * @iodesc: io descriptor
++ */
++static inline void
++qla2x00_remove_iodesc_timer(struct io_descriptor *iodesc)
++ if (iodesc->timer.function != NULL) {
++ del_timer_sync(&iodesc->timer);
++ iodesc-> = (unsigned long) NULL;
++ iodesc->timer.function = NULL;
++ }
+ * qla2x00_init_io_descriptors() - Initialize the pool of IO descriptors.
+ * @ha: HA context
+ */
+@@ -309,20 +323,6 @@
+ iodesc->timer.function =
+ (void (*) (unsigned long)) qla2x00_iodesc_timeout;
+ add_timer(&iodesc->timer);
+- * qla2x00_remove_iodesc_timer() - Remove an active timer from an IO descriptor.
+- * @iodesc: io descriptor
+- */
+-static inline void
+-qla2x00_remove_iodesc_timer(struct io_descriptor *iodesc)
+- if (iodesc->timer.function != NULL) {
+- del_timer_sync(&iodesc->timer);
+- iodesc-> = (unsigned long) NULL;
+- iodesc->timer.function = NULL;
+- }
+ }
+ /**
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/09/10 13:19:39-04:00
+# [PATCH] qla2xxx gcc-3.5 fixes
+# From: Adrian Bunk <>
+# CC drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.o
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c: In function `qla2x00_queuecommand':
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c:315: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed
+# in call to 'qla2x00_callback': function not considered for inlining
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c:269: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c:315: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed
+# in call to 'qla2x00_callback': function not considered for inlining
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c:269: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# make[3]: *** [drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.o] Error 1
+# ...
+# CC drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.o
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c: In function `qla2x00_cancel_io_descriptors':
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c:320: sorry, unimplemented: inlining
+# failed in call to 'qla2x00_remove_iodesc_timer': function not considered for inlining
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c:257: sorry, unimplemented: called from here
+# make[3]: *** [drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.o] Error 1
+# Signed-off-by: Adrian Bunk <>
+# Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
+# Signed-off-by: James Bottomley <>
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+# 2004/07/29 10:58:59-04:00 +61 -61
+# qla2xxx gcc-3.5 fixes
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_rscn.c
+# 2004/07/29 10:58:59-04:00 +14 -14
+# qla2xxx gcc-3.5 fixes
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5505_diff-ms-gcc4-i2c-20051103.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5505_diff-ms-gcc4-i2c-20051103.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d3f589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5505_diff-ms-gcc4-i2c-20051103.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- linux-2.6.8/include/linux/i2c.h-gcc4 2005-11-03 18:30:03.766207744 +0300
++++ linux-2.6.8/include/linux/i2c.h 2005-11-03 18:31:21.773348856 +0300
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
+ /* Transfer num messages.
+ */
+-extern int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg msg[],int num);
++extern int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msg, int num);
+ /*
+ * Some adapter types (i.e. PCF 8584 based ones) may support slave behaviuor.
+@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
+ to NULL. If an adapter algorithm can do SMBus access, set
+ smbus_xfer. If set to NULL, the SMBus protocol is simulated
+ using common I2C messages */
+- int (*master_xfer)(struct i2c_adapter *adap,struct i2c_msg msgs[],
++ int (*master_xfer)(struct i2c_adapter *adap,struct i2c_msg *msgs,
+ int num);
+ int (*smbus_xfer) (struct i2c_adapter *adap, u16 addr,
+ unsigned short flags, char read_write,
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.050/5506_diff-ms-gcc4-usblp-20051111.patch b/openvz-sources/022.050/5506_diff-ms-gcc4-usblp-20051111.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1452f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openvz-sources/022.050/5506_diff-ms-gcc4-usblp-20051111.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+diff -Naru a/drivers/usb/class/usblp.c b/drivers/usb/class/usblp.c
+--- a/drivers/usb/class/usblp.c 2005-11-11 03:29:26 -08:00
++++ b/drivers/usb/class/usblp.c 2005-11-11 03:29:26 -08:00
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
+ static int usblp_cache_device_id_string(struct usblp *usblp);
+ /* forward reference to make our lives easier */
+-extern struct usb_driver usblp_driver;
++static struct usb_driver usblp_driver;
+ /*
+ * Functions for usblp control messages.
+# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch.
+# ChangeSet
+# 2004/07/30 16:34:47-07:00
+# [PATCH] USB: gcc-3.5 fixes
+# From: Andi Kleen <>
+# Trivial gcc-3.5 build fixes.
+# Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
+# Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
+# drivers/usb/class/usblp.c
+# 2004/07/10 17:52:27-07:00 +1 -1
+# USB: gcc-3.5 fixes