diff options
authorMichael Marineau <>2007-08-23 22:32:37 +0000
committerMichael Marineau <>2007-08-23 22:32:37 +0000
commit77d8d86a50df4a9e426e012ce2c71b7accb6aabd (patch)
tree26ecf2b41a7826cbc381ebf372297bc455d3fc79 /dorelease
parentReorganize the xen patchset to work more like genpatches/hardened and so we o... (diff)
swipe dorelease script for hardened and tweek it slightly since I don't need to split .base and .extras
svn path=/patches/; revision=19
Diffstat (limited to 'dorelease')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dorelease b/dorelease
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..35a4459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dorelease
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# John Mylchreest, 2006-04-13.
+# The default settings expect CWD to be
+# the branch root (directly below tags/trunk)
+# Modified from Daniel Drakes original
+# svn release script to suit my needs.
+# This should also provide more flexibilty
+# Get options
+while getopts "f:t:d" opts; do
+ case ${opts} in
+ f) release_conf="${OPTARG}";;
+ t) target=${OPTARG};;
+ d) release_debug=1;;
+ esac
+# Source config
+if [[ ! -f "${release_conf}" ]]; then
+ echo "WARNING: Unable to find release config. Using defaults."
+# Setup Defaults
+# Source options
+[[ -f ${release_conf} ]] && source ${release_conf}
+# Sanitise as neccessary
+if [[ -n "$(svn status ${svntrunk})" ]] ; then
+ echo "FATAL: There are files in conflict with SVN in ${svntrunk},"
+ echo "FATAL: Please make sure it is up to date, with no outstanding changes."
+ exit -1
+echo "ACTION: Performing svn up."
+svn up ${svntags}/../ >/dev/null
+# Compute targets
+echo "ACTION: Tracing Previous Releases..."
+# Sorry for all the pipes, its just easier to read :)
+release_history="$(svn ls ${svntags} | sed -e 's:/::g' | sort -n)"
+# Find target
+if [[ -z ${target} ]]; then
+ # Since all we need is the last release, lets do that.
+ for i in ${release_history}; do
+ target=${i%-*}
+ done
+# Set target release
+for i in ${release_history}; do
+ if [[ -z ${i/*${target}*} ]]; then
+ lasttag=${i//*-}
+ if [[ ${lasttag} -ge ${hightarget} ]]; then
+ hightarget=$((${lasttag} + 1))
+ target_release=${target}-${hightarget}
+ fi
+ fi
+[[ -n "${lasttag}" ]] && lasttag=$((${hightarget} - 1))
+[[ -z "${target_release}" ]] && target_release=${target}-1
+# replace branch prefix?
+if [[ -z "${branch_prefix}" ]]; then
+ pushd ${branch_root} >/dev/null
+ branch_prefix=`pwd`
+ branch_prefix=${branch_prefix/*\/}-patches
+ popd >/dev/null
+# Print Debug
+if [[ ${release_debug} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ for var in \
+ release_conf \
+ release_cwd \
+ branch_root \
+ branch_prefix \
+ release_history \
+ lasttag \
+ target \
+ target_release \
+ output_dir \
+ svntags \
+ svntrunk \
+ webrelease \
+ mailvia \
+ announce_mailto \
+ webuser \
+ webpath; do
+ spacing=" "
+ len=$((${#spacing} - ${#var}))
+ spacing=${spacing:0:${len}}
+ echo -e "${var}${spacing}= ${!var}"
+ done
+echo "ACTION: Rolling release tarballs..."
+pushd ${svntrunk} >/dev/null
+tar -cjf ${tarball_prefix}.tar.bz2 --exclude=".svn" ${target}/*
+popd >/dev/null
+echo "md5: $(md5sum ${tarball_prefix}.tar.bz2)"
+cat << EOF
+We have the tarballs, so we're ready to go.
+I will now:
+1. Tag a new ${target_release} branch
+2. Upload the tarballs to d.g.o:/space/distfiles-local
+if [[ ${webrelease} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ cat << EOF
+3. Create a release shortlog
+4. Upload the release shortlog to ${webpath}
+5. Upload the broken-out patches and tarballs
+ to ${webpath}/{broken-out,releases}
+6. Send an announcement email to ${announce_mailto}
+To continue, Hit enter."
+echo "ACTION: Tagging release in svn..."
+svn cp \
+ ${svntrunk}/${target} \
+ ${svntags}/${target_release} \
+ >/dev/null
+echo "ACTION: Comitting release..."
+svn ci ${svntags}/${target_release} -m "Releasing ${target_release}"
+echo "ACTION: Uploading tarballs to distfiles..."
+scp ${tarball_prefix}* \
+ ${webuser} \
+ >/dev/null
+if [[ ${webrelease} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/myemail-XXXXXXX)
+ tmpath=${webpath%*\/}
+ tmppath=${tmppath/*\/}
+ shortlog=$(mktemp /tmp/myshortlog-XXXXXXX)
+ echo "ACTION: Creating Shortlog..."
+ if [[ ${target_release//*-} == 1 ]]; then
+ echo "Initial Import" > ${shortlog}
+ else
+ checktag=$((${lasttag} - 1))
+ lastrev=$(svn info ${svntags}/${target}-${lasttag}/ \
+ | grep "Last Changed Rev")
+ lastrev=${lastrev//*:}
+ svn log -v -r ${lastrev}:HEAD \
+ ${svntrunk}/${target} \
+ > ${shortlog}
+ fi
+ #make directories
+ ssh ${webuser} \
+ mkdir -p ${webpath}/broken-out/ \
+ ${webpath}/releases \
+ ${webpath}/logs/ \
+ >/dev/null
+ echo "ACTION: Uploading Shortlog..."
+ scp ${shortlog} \
+ ${webuser}${webpath}/logs/shortlog-${target_release} \
+ >/dev/null
+ ssh ${webuser} chmod a+r \
+ ${webpath}/logs/shortlog-${target_release} \
+ >/dev/null
+ #upload broken patches
+ echo "ACTION: Uploading broken-out patches..."
+ scp -r ${svntags}/${target_release} \
+ ${webuser}${webpath}/broken-out/ \
+ >/dev/null
+ #upload release tarballs
+ echo "ACTION: Uploading release tarballs..."
+ scp ${tarball_prefix}* \
+ ${webuser}${webpath}/releases/ \
+ >/dev/null
+ # Email section
+ cat << EOF >> ${tmpfile}
+This is an automated email to say that ${branch_prefix}-${target_release}
+has just been released.
+You can find a shortlog, broken out patches and release tarballs at:
+Changes since ${target}-${lasttag} are as follows:
+ cat < ${shortlog} >> ${tmpfile}
+ # Send the email
+ case ${mailvia} in
+ ssh) scp ${tmpfile} ${webuser};
+ ssh ${webuser} "cat tmpannounce | mailx -s \
+ \"[ANNOUNCE] ${branch_prefix}-${target_release} Released\" \
+ ${announce_mailto}";
+ ssh ${webuser} rm tmpannounce;;
+ mailx) cat ${tmpfile} | mail \
+ -s "[gentoo-kernel] [ANNOUNCE] ${branch_prefix}-${target_release} Release" \
+ ${announce_mailto};;
+ esac
+ rm ${tmpfile}
+ rm ${shortlog}