diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/libguestfs/Manifest b/app-emulation/libguestfs/Manifest
index b72e0e457692..7e07310a76c7 100644
--- a/app-emulation/libguestfs/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/libguestfs/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-DIST libguestfs-1.36.13.tar.gz 22886310 BLAKE2B b0961cc6b941f1b68bba23af72e8b5478ed33da6f343e453f90decd7454cfc6a94cf67a81ad59c443df744727afa9bd4e98c77411efc4134e3422eaae59ffff5 SHA512 7c9799d5d563ffd8296f70a8402582aba85f3bf3c0dcaa18c44ecff5b7f771a3bc3f297aa85a4056351758298c79752d456a4b46e41924ff9acf196c992d51fb
DIST libguestfs-1.36.15.tar.gz 22256729 BLAKE2B 7ed9c0010ffe6b904b055068e86544f12a884ff52f1f3322a3014574310de9a69077d1865e641ad8304149d1a2eb0d0fbc5e107c93a9790135dc543592da68a6 SHA512 a918bc886b60340d748093bdcca3a048ed26b31508ba256cd7903b76798816e54f836446d9286f7c452fa0d4fa82c0c1216606d01fce2ada9d7386fa463857c7
DIST libguestfs-1.38.6.tar.gz 23284845 BLAKE2B 005aaef731e1711dc5f4552dbecff80f2c7a79fd8a13f6b79675b0a381dcd7b9ad16867ed0dda73a9f20ab0a7e03892b5ebffa5436b870613233fbd2024ca846 SHA512 20a254f1d6a4628a11f42c08947d1165430a020030da7e6ee7b22859b552245e8f3822a2d86c60055878ca00d8f17d346a0ad8274e8f0bb03ef4a9410b9630f1
diff --git a/app-emulation/libguestfs/libguestfs-1.36.13-r2.ebuild b/app-emulation/libguestfs/libguestfs-1.36.13-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index da60a79915f1..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/libguestfs/libguestfs-1.36.13-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils autotools linux-info perl-functions versionator
-MY_PV_1="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
-MY_PV_2="$(get_version_component_range 2)"
-[[ $(( $(get_version_component_range 2) % 2 )) -eq 0 ]] && SD="stable" || SD="development"
-DESCRIPTION="Tools for accessing, inspect and modifying virtual machine (VM) disk images"
-IUSE="bash-completion debug doc erlang +fuse gtk inspect-icons introspection lua ocaml +perl ruby selinux static-libs systemtap test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# Failures - doc
-# Failures - bash-completion, see GBZ #486306
-# FIXME: selinux support is automagic
- sys-libs/ncurses:0=
- sys-devel/gettext
- >=app-misc/hivex-1.3.1
- dev-libs/libpcre:3
- app-arch/cpio
- dev-lang/perl:=
- app-cdr/cdrtools
- >=app-emulation/qemu-2.0[qemu_softmmu_targets_x86_64,systemtap?,selinux?,filecaps]
- sys-apps/fakeroot
- sys-apps/file
- app-emulation/libvirt
- dev-libs/libxml2:2=
- >=sys-apps/fakechroot-2.8
- >=app-admin/augeas-1.0.0
- sys-fs/squashfs-tools:*
- dev-libs/libconfig:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- >=sys-libs/db-4.6:*
- app-arch/xz-utils
- app-arch/lzma
- app-crypt/gnupg
- app-arch/unzip[natspec]
- perl? (
- virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
- >=dev-perl/Sys-Virt-0.2.4
- virtual/perl-Getopt-Long
- virtual/perl-Data-Dumper
- dev-perl/libintl-perl
- >=app-misc/hivex-1.3.1[perl?]
- dev-perl/String-ShellQuote
- )
- fuse? ( sys-fs/fuse:= )
- introspection? (
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.26:2
- >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.30.0:=
- dev-libs/gjs
- )
- selinux? (
- sys-libs/libselinux
- sys-libs/libsemanage
- )
- systemtap? ( dev-util/systemtap )
- ocaml? (
- >=dev-lang/ocaml-4.02:=[ocamlopt]
- dev-ml/findlib[ocamlopt]
- || (
- <dev-ml/ocaml-gettext-0.4.2
- dev-ml/ocaml-gettext-stub[ocamlopt]
- )
- >=dev-ml/ounit-2[ocamlopt]
- )
- erlang? ( dev-lang/erlang )
- inspect-icons? (
- media-libs/netpbm
- media-gfx/icoutils
- )
- virtual/acl
- sys-libs/libcap
- lua? ( dev-lang/lua:0= )
- >=app-shells/bash-completion-2.0
- >=dev-libs/yajl-2.0.4
- gtk? (
- sys-apps/dbus
- x11-libs/gtk+:3
- )
- net-libs/libtirpc:=
- sys-libs/libxcrypt:=
- "
- dev-util/gperf
- doc? ( app-text/po4a )
- ruby? ( dev-lang/ruby virtual/rubygems dev-ruby/rake )
- "
- app-emulation/libguestfs-appliance
- "
-pkg_setup() {
- [ -n "${CONFIG_CHECK}" ] && check_extra_config;
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PV_1}/0001-Update-libtool-initialization.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PV_1}/0002-Add-support-for-Gentoo-in-distribution-detection.patch
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # Disable feature test for kvm for more reason
- # i.e: not loaded module in __build__ time,
- # build server not supported kvm, etc. ...
- #
- # In fact, this feature is virtio support and requires
- # configured kernel.
- export vmchannel_test=no
- econf \
- --with-libvirt \
- --with-default-backend=libvirt \
- --disable-appliance \
- --disable-daemon \
- --with-extra="-gentoo" \
- --with-readline \
- --disable-php \
- --disable-python \
- --without-java \
- $(use_enable perl) \
- $(use_enable fuse) \
- $(use_enable ocaml) \
- $(use_enable ruby) \
- --disable-haskell \
- --disable-golang \
- $(use_enable introspection gobject) \
- $(use_enable introspection) \
- $(use_enable erlang) \
- $(use_enable systemtap probes) \
- $(use_enable lua) \
- --with-gtk=$(usex gtk 3 no) \
- $(usex doc '' PO4A=no)
-src_install() {
- strip-linguas -i po
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install "LINGUAS=""${LINGUAS}"""
- use perl && perl_delete_localpod
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! use gtk ; then
- einfo "virt-p2v NOT installed"
- fi
- if ! use ocaml ; then
- einfo "Ocaml based tools ( sysprep , ... ) NOT installed"
- fi
- if ! use perl ; then
- einfo "Perl based tools NOT build"
- fi