diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-doc/eclass-manpages/files/eclass-to-manpage.awk')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/app-doc/eclass-manpages/files/eclass-to-manpage.awk b/app-doc/eclass-manpages/files/eclass-to-manpage.awk
deleted file mode 100644
index 53e05973e16d..000000000000
--- a/app-doc/eclass-manpages/files/eclass-to-manpage.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# This awk converts the comment documentation found in eclasses
-# into man pages for easier/nicer reading.
-# If you wish to have multiple paragraphs in a description, then
-# create empty comment lines. Paragraph parsing ends when the comment
-# block does.
-# The format of the eclass description:
-# @ECLASS: foo.eclass
-# <required; list of contacts, one per line>
-# <optional; list of authors, one per line>
-# <optional; description of how to report bugs;
-# default: tell people to use>
-# @VCSURL: <optional; url to vcs for this eclass; default:>
-# @SUPPORTED_EAPIS: <optional; space-separated list of EAPIs>
-# @BLURB: <required; short description>
-# <optional; long description>
-# <optional; example usage>
-# The format of functions:
-# @FUNCTION: foo
-# @USAGE: <required arguments to foo> [optional arguments to foo]
-# @RETURN: <whatever foo returns>
-# <optional; list of contacts, one per line>
-# <required if no @RETURN; blurb about this function>
-# The format of function-specific variables:
-# @VARIABLE: foo
-# [@USER_VARIABLE] (set in make.conf, not ebuilds)
-# [@INTERNAL] (internal eclass use variable)
-# <required; blurb about this variable>
-# foo="<default value>"
-# The format of eclass variables:
-# [@PRE_INHERIT] (the variable must be set before inheriting the eclass)
-# [@USER_VARIABLE] (set in make.conf, not ebuilds)
-# [@OUTPUT_VARIABLE] (set by eclass, to be read in ebuilds)
-# [@INTERNAL] (internal eclass use variable)
-# <required; blurb about this variable>
-# foo="<default value>"
-# Disable manpage generation:
-# @DEAD
-# Common features:
-# @CODE
-# In multiline paragraphs, you can create chunks of unformatted
-# code by using this marker at the start and end.
-# @CODE
-# @ROFF <some roff macros>
-# If you want a little more manual control over the formatting, you can
-# insert roff macros directly into the output by using the @ROFF escape.
-function _stderr_msg(text, type, file, cnt) {
- if (_stderr_header_done != 1) {
- cnt = split(FILENAME, file, /\//)
- print "\n" file[cnt] ":" > "/dev/stderr"
- _stderr_header_done = 1
- }
- print " " type ":" NR ": " text > "/dev/stderr"
-function warn(text) {
- _stderr_msg(text, "warning")
-function fail(text) {
- _stderr_msg(text, "error")
- exit(1)
-function xfail(text) {
- _stderr_msg(text, "error (ignoring)")
- exit(77)
-function eat_line() {
- ret = $0
- sub(/^# @[^:]+:[[:space:]]*/,"",ret)
- getline
- return ret
-function eat_paragraph() {
- code = 0
- ret = ""
- getline
- while ($0 ~ /^#/) {
- # Only allow certain tokens in the middle of paragraphs
- if ($2 ~ /^@/ && $2 !~ /^@(CODE|ROFF)$/)
- break
- sub(/^#[[:space:]]?/, "", $0)
- # Escape . at start of line #420153
- if ($0 ~ /^[.]/)
- $0 = "\\&" $0
- # Translate @CODE into @ROFF
- if ($1 == "@CODE" && NF == 1) {
- if (code)
- $0 = "@ROFF .fi"
- else
- $0 = "@ROFF .nf"
- code = !code
- }
- # Allow people to specify *roff commands directly
- if ($1 == "@ROFF")
- sub(/^@ROFF[[:space:]]*/, "", $0)
- ret = ret "\n" $0
- # Handle the common case of trailing backslashes in
- # code blocks to cross multiple lines #335702
- if (code && $NF == "\\")
- ret = ret "\\"
- getline
- }
- sub(/^\n/,"",ret)
- return ret
-function pre_text(p) {
- return ".nf\n" p "\"
-function man_text(p) {
- return gensub(/-/, "\\-", "g", p)
-# Handle an @ECLASS block
-function handle_eclass() {
- eclass = $3
- eclass_maintainer = ""
- eclass_author = ""
- supported_eapis = ""
- blurb = ""
- desc = ""
- example = ""
- # Sanity check the eclass name. #537392
- if (eclass !~ /[.]eclass$/)
- fail(eclass ": @ECLASS name is missing a '.eclass' suffix")
- # first the man page header
- print ".\\\" -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"
- print ".\\\" ### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE"
- print ".\\\" ### This man page is autogenerated by eclass-to-manpage.awk"
- print ".\\\" ### based on comments found in " eclass
- print ".\\\""
- print ".\\\" See eclass-to-manpage.awk for documentation on how to get"
- print ".\\\" your eclass nicely documented as well."
- print ".\\\""
- print ".TH \"" toupper(eclass) "\" 5 \"" strftime("%b %Y") "\" \"Portage\" \"portage\""
- # now eat the global data
- getline
- if ($2 == "@MAINTAINER:")
- eclass_maintainer = eat_paragraph()
- if ($2 == "@AUTHOR:")
- eclass_author = eat_paragraph()
- if ($2 == "@BUGREPORTS:")
- reporting_bugs = eat_paragraph()
- if ($2 == "@VCSURL:")
- vcs_url = eat_line()
- if ($2 == "@SUPPORTED_EAPIS:")
- supported_eapis = eat_line()
- if ($2 == "@BLURB:")
- blurb = eat_line()
- if ($2 == "@DESCRIPTION:")
- desc = eat_paragraph()
- if ($2 == "@EXAMPLE:")
- example = eat_paragraph()
- # in case they typo-ed the keyword, bail now
- if ($2 ~ /^@/)
- fail(eclass ": unknown keyword " $2)
- # finally display it
- print ".SH \"NAME\""
- print eclass " \\- " man_text(blurb)
- if (desc != "") {
- print ".SH \"DESCRIPTION\""
- print man_text(desc)
- }
- if (supported_eapis != "") {
- print ".SH \"SUPPORTED EAPIS\""
- print man_text(supported_eapis)
- }
- if (example != "") {
- print ".SH \"EXAMPLE\""
- print man_text(example)
- }
- # sanity checks
- if (blurb == "")
- fail(eclass ": no @BLURB found")
- if (eclass_maintainer == "")
- warn(eclass ": no @MAINTAINER found")
-# Handle a @FUNCTION block
-function show_function_header() {
- if (_function_header_done != 1) {
- print ".SH \"FUNCTIONS\""
- _function_header_done = 1
- }
-function handle_function() {
- func_name = $3
- usage = ""
- funcret = ""
- maintainer = ""
- internal = 0
- desc = ""
- # make sure people haven't specified this before (copy & paste error)
- if (all_funcs[func_name])
- fail(eclass ": duplicate definition found for function: " func_name)
- all_funcs[func_name] = func_name
- # grab the docs
- getline
- if ($2 == "@USAGE:")
- usage = eat_line()
- if ($2 == "@RETURN:")
- funcret = eat_line()
- if ($2 == "@MAINTAINER:")
- maintainer = eat_paragraph()
- if ($2 == "@INTERNAL") {
- internal = 1
- getline
- }
- if ($2 == "@DESCRIPTION:")
- desc = eat_paragraph()
- if (internal == 1)
- return
- show_function_header()
- # now print out the stuff
- print ".TP"
- print "\\fB" func_name "\\fR " man_text(usage)
- if (desc != "")
- print man_text(desc)
- if (funcret != "") {
- if (desc != "")
- print ""
- print "Return value: " funcret
- }
- if (blurb == "")
- fail(func_name ": no @BLURB found")
- if (desc == "" && funcret == "")
- fail(func_name ": no @DESCRIPTION found")
-# Handle @VARIABLE and @ECLASS-VARIABLE blocks
-function _handle_variable() {
- var_name = $3
- desc = ""
- val = ""
- default_unset = 0
- internal = 0
- required = 0
- # additional variable classes
- pre_inherit = 0
- user_variable = 0
- output_variable = 0
- # make sure people haven't specified this before (copy & paste error)
- if (all_vars[var_name])
- fail(eclass ": duplicate definition found for variable: " var_name)
- all_vars[var_name] = var_name
- # grab the optional attributes
- opts = 1
- while (opts) {
- getline
- if ($2 == "@DEFAULT_UNSET")
- default_unset = 1
- else if ($2 == "@INTERNAL")
- internal = 1
- else if ($2 == "@REQUIRED")
- required = 1
- else if ($2 == "@PRE_INHERIT")
- pre_inherit = 1
- else if ($2 == "@USER_VARIABLE")
- user_variable = 1
- else if ($2 == "@OUTPUT_VARIABLE")
- output_variable = 1
- else
- opts = 0
- }
- if ($2 == "@DESCRIPTION:")
- desc = eat_paragraph()
- # extract the default variable value
- # first try var="val"
- op = "="
- regex = "^.*" var_name "=(.*)$"
- val = gensub(regex, "\\1", 1, $0)
- if (val == $0) {
- # next try : ${var:=val}
- op = "?="
- regex = "^[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*[$]{" var_name ":?=(.*)}"
- val = gensub(regex, "\\1", 1, $0)
- if (val == $0) {
- if (default_unset + required + internal + output_variable == 0)
- warn(var_name ": unable to extract default variable content: " $0)
- val = ""
- } else if (val !~ /^["']/ && val ~ / /) {
- if (default_unset == 1)
- warn(var_name ": marked as unset, but has value: " val)
- val = "\"" val "\""
- }
- }
- if (length(val))
- val = " " op " \\fI" val "\\fR"
- if (required == 1)
- val = val " (REQUIRED)"
- # TODO: group variables using those classes
- if (pre_inherit == 1)
- val = val " (SET BEFORE INHERIT)"
- if (user_variable == 1)
- val = val " (USER VARIABLE)"
- if (output_variable == 1)
- val = val " (GENERATED BY ECLASS)"
- # check for invalid combos
- if (internal + pre_inherit + user_variable + output_variable > 1)
- fail(var_name ": multiple variable classes specified")
- if (internal == 1)
- return ""
- # now accumulate the stuff
- ret = \
- ".TP" "\n" \
- "\\fB" var_name "\\fR" val "\n" \
- man_text(desc)
- if (desc == "")
- fail(var_name ": no @DESCRIPTION found")
- return ret
-function handle_variable() {
- show_function_header()
- ret = _handle_variable()
- if (ret == "")
- return
- print ret
-function handle_eclass_variable() {
- ret = _handle_variable()
- if (ret == "")
- return
- if (eclass_variables != "")
- eclass_variables = eclass_variables "\n"
- eclass_variables = eclass_variables ret
-# Spit out the common footer of manpage
-function handle_footer() {
- if (eclass_variables != "") {
- print ".SH \"ECLASS VARIABLES\""
- print man_text(eclass_variables)
- }
- if (eclass_author != "") {
- print ".SH \"AUTHORS\""
- print pre_text(man_text(eclass_author))
- }
- if (eclass_maintainer != "") {
- print ".SH \"MAINTAINERS\""
- print pre_text(man_text(eclass_maintainer))
- }
- print ".SH \"REPORTING BUGS\""
- print reporting_bugs
- print ".SH \"FILES\""
- print ".BR " eclass
- print ".SH \"SEE ALSO\""
- print ".BR ebuild (5)"
- print pre_text(gensub("@ECLASS@", eclass, 1, vcs_url))
-# Init parser
- state = "header"
- reporting_bugs = "Please report bugs via"
- vcs_url = ""
-# Main parsing routine
- if (state == "header") {
- if ($0 ~ /^# @ECLASS:/) {
- handle_eclass()
- state = "funcvar"
- } else if ($0 == "# @DEAD") {
- eclass = "dead"
- exit(77)
- } else if ($0 == "# @eclass-begin") {
- # White list old eclasses that haven't been updated so we can block
- # new ones from being added to the tree.
- if (eclass == "")
- xfail("java documentation not supported")
- fail("java documentation not supported")
- } else if ($0 ~ /^# @/)
- warn("Unexpected tag in \"" state "\" state: " $0)
- } else if (state == "funcvar") {
- if ($0 ~ /^# @FUNCTION:/)
- handle_function()
- else if ($0 ~ /^# @VARIABLE:/)
- handle_variable()
- else if ($0 ~ /^# @ECLASS-VARIABLE:/)
- handle_eclass_variable()
- else if ($0 ~ /^# @/)
- warn("Unexpected tag in \"" state "\" state: " $0)
- }
-# Tail end
-END {
- if (eclass == "")
- xfail("eclass not documented yet (no @ECLASS found)")
- else if (eclass != "dead")
- handle_footer()