diff options
authorJeremy Huddleston <>2005-07-07 09:09:15 +0000
committerJeremy Huddleston <>2005-07-07 09:09:15 +0000
commit9cd7cd13ec4840a978e8b08188662e7ac82c5fd4 (patch)
parentRemoving old version. -sparc 1.0.9 (diff)
1.0.9b -sparc. Removing 1.0.9a.
Package-Manager: portage-
8 files changed, 26 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog b/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog
index 84e5da137c3e..5d5fb9d2a8e5 100644
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for media-sound/alsa-driver
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog,v 1.148 2005/06/13 18:45:34 luckyduck Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog,v 1.149 2005/07/07 09:09:14 eradicator Exp $
+ 07 Jul 2005; Jeremy Huddleston <>
+ -alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3.ebuild, -alsa-driver-1.0.9a.ebuild,
+ alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild:
+ 1.0.9b -sparc. Removing 1.0.9a.
*alsa-driver-1.0.9b (13 Jun 2005)
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest b/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest
index c995b81e6f17..3c2849093db1 100644
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest
@@ -1,26 +1,22 @@
Hash: SHA1
-MD5 3fcdb74829d98066d83e51a231cb2841 alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild 4381
-MD5 13eab1abd6e32da978f5cb85fee1d382 alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3.ebuild 4402
-MD5 097e9a7455f7e83cdf60bb778c34f6a0 alsa-driver-1.0.9a.ebuild 4381
-MD5 2937d4d89a9282b8af1ee00ddbcbfcd6 alsa-driver-1.0.8.ebuild 4629
+MD5 3146df4899a5b870520aee69e05db496 ChangeLog 26255
MD5 3c0f4daec01807f3cce65c8fff87ff3f alsa-driver-1.0.3.ebuild 3366
-MD5 3837e07e2018dc6f63f1c854836fd34f ChangeLog 26071
MD5 a1eaeb2ae801daeb712c90c060e922dc metadata.xml 158
-MD5 b2791ec892d9be6952fe139cc2309abf files/xbox-1.0.8.patch 1525
-MD5 93487426454ca1b229a75ded21dfa455 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9a 72
+MD5 468d4c1ecf321c78e19078f57e808d5a alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild 4435
+MD5 2937d4d89a9282b8af1ee00ddbcbfcd6 alsa-driver-1.0.8.ebuild 4629
+MD5 8c120f7730b91118d0a8148d2deb3a43 files/alsa-driver-0.9.8-au-fix.patch 1267
MD5 496627835733f8108e6b10dfc8ee9bf4 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9b 72
-MD5 27ccbe36406f145c1d63725a53517233 files/makefile.patch 1122
-MD5 112205863c92fbee731b363e46c8c1af files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3 74
MD5 938a2ee36c54416322d1acd47b249c99 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.3 71
MD5 14b6c8d954e36bb9d40c97cf051220f0 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.8 71
-MD5 8c120f7730b91118d0a8148d2deb3a43 files/alsa-driver-0.9.8-au-fix.patch 1267
+MD5 27ccbe36406f145c1d63725a53517233 files/makefile.patch 1122
MD5 5445a523e0e8aa31b9f293b1ac380b37 files/1.0.8-msi_audigyls.patch 1771
+MD5 b2791ec892d9be6952fe139cc2309abf files/xbox-1.0.8.patch 1525
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3.ebuild b/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f2b84982284..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/05/05 17:38:47 eradicator Exp $
-IUSE="oss doc"
-inherit linux-mod flag-o-matic eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Advanced Linux Sound Architecture kernel modules"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
- ~media-sound/alsa-headers-${PV}"
- sys-devel/patch
- virtual/linux-sources
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.50
- sys-apps/debianutils"
-pkg_setup() {
- # By default, drivers for all supported cards will be compiled.
- # If you want to only compile for specific card(s), set ALSA_CARDS
- # environment to a space-separated list of drivers that you want to build.
- # For example:
- #
- # env ALSA_CARDS='emu10k1 intel8x0 ens1370' emerge alsa-driver
- #
- # Which drivers need PNP
- local PNP_DRIVERS="interwave interwave-stb"
- SND_ERROR="ALSA is already compiled into the kernel."
- SOUND_ERROR="Your kernel doesn't have sound support enabled."
- SOUND_PRIME_ERROR="Your kernel is configured to use the deprecated OSS drivers. Please disable them and re-emerge alsa-driver."
- PNP_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require PNP in your kernel (${PNP_DRIVERS}). Either enable PNP in your kernel or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
- if [[ "${ALSA_CARDS}" == "all" ]]; then
- else
- for pnpdriver in ${PNP_DRIVERS}; do
- hasq ${pnpdriver} ${ALSA_CARDS} && CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} PNP"
- done
- fi
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- convert_to_m ${S}/Makefile
-src_compile() {
- # Should fix bug #46901
- is-flag "-malign-double" && filter-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
- econf `use_with oss` \
- --with-kernel="${KV_DIR}" \
- --with-build="${KV_OUT_DIR}" \
- --with-isapnp=yes \
- --with-sequencer=yes \
- --with-cards="${ALSA_CARDS}" || die "econf failed"
- # linux-mod_src_compile doesn't work well with alsa
- # -j1 : see bug #71028
- set_arch_to_kernel
- emake -j1 || die "Make Failed"
- set_arch_to_portage
- if use doc;
- then
- ebegin "Building Documentation"
- cd ${S}/scripts
- emake || die Failed making docs in ${S}/scripts
- cd ${S}/doc/DocBook
- emake || die Failed making docs in ${S}/doc/DocBook
- eend $?
- fi
-src_install() {
- dodir /usr/include/sound
- make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
- # Provided by alsa-headers now
- rm -rf ${D}/usr/include/sound
- # We have our own scripts in alsa-utils
- test -e ${D}/etc/init.d/alsasound && rm ${D}/etc/init.d/alsasound
- test -e ${D}/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound && rm ${D}/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound
- if use doc; then
- docinto doc
- dodoc doc/*
- rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc/Makefile.gz
- docinto DocBook
- dodoc doc/DocBook/*
- rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/DocBook/Makefile.gz
- docinto Documentation
- dodoc sound/Documentation/*
- fi
- if kernel_is 2 6; then
- # mv the drivers somewhere they won't be killed by the kernel's make modules_install
- mv ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN}
- rmdir ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel &> /dev/null
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo
- einfo "The alsasound initscript and modules.d/alsa have now moved to alsa-utils"
- einfo
- einfo "Also, remember that all mixer channels will be MUTED by default."
- einfo "Use the 'alsamixer' program to unmute them."
- einfo
- einfo "Version 1.0.3 and above should work with version 2.6 kernels."
- einfo "If you experience problems, please report bugs to"
- einfo
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- einfo "Check out the ALSA installation guide availible at the following URL:"
- einfo ""
- if kernel_is 2 6; then
- # Cleanup if they had older alsa installed
- for file in $(find ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN} -type f); do
- rm -f ${file//${KV_FULL}\/${PN}/${KV_FULL}\/kernel\/sound}
- done
- for dir in $(find ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound -type d | tac); do
- rmdir ${dir} &> /dev/null
- done
- fi
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9a.ebuild b/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9a.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 278ef11fab5d..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9a.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9a.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/06/03 20:00:26 luckyduck Exp $
-inherit linux-mod flag-o-matic eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Advanced Linux Sound Architecture kernel modules"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="oss doc"
- ~media-sound/alsa-headers-${PV/a/}"
- sys-devel/patch
- virtual/linux-sources
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.50
- sys-apps/debianutils"
-pkg_setup() {
- # By default, drivers for all supported cards will be compiled.
- # If you want to only compile for specific card(s), set ALSA_CARDS
- # environment to a space-separated list of drivers that you want to build.
- # For example:
- #
- # env ALSA_CARDS='emu10k1 intel8x0 ens1370' emerge alsa-driver
- #
- # Which drivers need PNP
- local PNP_DRIVERS="interwave interwave-stb"
- SND_ERROR="ALSA is already compiled into the kernel."
- SOUND_ERROR="Your kernel doesn't have sound support enabled."
- SOUND_PRIME_ERROR="Your kernel is configured to use the deprecated OSS drivers. Please disable them and re-emerge alsa-driver."
- PNP_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require PNP in your kernel (${PNP_DRIVERS}). Either enable PNP in your kernel or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
- if [[ "${ALSA_CARDS}" == "all" ]]; then
- else
- for pnpdriver in ${PNP_DRIVERS}; do
- hasq ${pnpdriver} ${ALSA_CARDS} && CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} PNP"
- done
- fi
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- convert_to_m ${S}/Makefile
-src_compile() {
- # Should fix bug #46901
- is-flag "-malign-double" && filter-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
- econf $(use_with oss) \
- --with-kernel="${KV_DIR}" \
- --with-build="${KV_OUT_DIR}" \
- --with-isapnp=yes \
- --with-sequencer=yes \
- --with-cards="${ALSA_CARDS}" || die "econf failed"
- # linux-mod_src_compile doesn't work well with alsa
- # -j1 : see bug #71028
- set_arch_to_kernel
- emake -j1 || die "Make Failed"
- set_arch_to_portage
- if use doc;
- then
- ebegin "Building Documentation"
- cd ${S}/scripts
- emake || die Failed making docs in ${S}/scripts
- cd ${S}/doc/DocBook
- emake || die Failed making docs in ${S}/doc/DocBook
- eend $?
- fi
-src_install() {
- dodir /usr/include/sound
- make DESTDIR=${D} install || die "make install failed"
- # Provided by alsa-headers now
- rm -rf ${D}/usr/include/sound
- # We have our own scripts in alsa-utils
- test -e ${D}/etc/init.d/alsasound && rm ${D}/etc/init.d/alsasound
- test -e ${D}/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound && rm ${D}/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound
- if use doc; then
- docinto doc
- dodoc doc/*
- rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc/Makefile.gz
- docinto DocBook
- dodoc doc/DocBook/*
- rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/DocBook/Makefile.gz
- docinto Documentation
- dodoc sound/Documentation/*
- fi
- if kernel_is 2 6; then
- # mv the drivers somewhere they won't be killed by the kernel's make modules_install
- mv ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN}
- rmdir ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel &> /dev/null
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo
- einfo "The alsasound initscript and modules.d/alsa have now moved to alsa-utils"
- einfo
- einfo "Also, remember that all mixer channels will be MUTED by default."
- einfo "Use the 'alsamixer' program to unmute them."
- einfo
- einfo "Version 1.0.3 and above should work with version 2.6 kernels."
- einfo "If you experience problems, please report bugs to"
- einfo
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- einfo "Check out the ALSA installation guide availible at the following URL:"
- einfo ""
- if kernel_is 2 6; then
- # Cleanup if they had older alsa installed
- for file in $(find ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN} -type f); do
- rm -f ${file//${KV_FULL}\/${PN}/${KV_FULL}\/kernel\/sound}
- done
- for dir in $(find ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound -type d | tac); do
- rmdir ${dir} &> /dev/null
- done
- fi
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild b/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild
index 0c33a886682c..590d0ed98e59 100644
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/06/13 18:45:34 luckyduck Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9b.ebuild,v 1.2 2005/07/07 09:09:14 eradicator Exp $
inherit linux-mod flag-o-matic eutils
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://alsaproject/driver/${P}.tar.bz2"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+# -sparc: snd-ioctl32 issues in 1.0.9b --eradicator
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc -sparc ~x86"
IUSE="oss doc"
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3 b/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3
deleted file mode 100644
index 8955b22b0494..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9_rc3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 4f0d785b1a90797120cc85faf4360c3b alsa-driver-1.0.9rc3.tar.bz2 2012871
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9a b/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b165d1fdc5f..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.9a
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 fddaa2710abc940aeba886f13f7d31e5 alsa-driver-1.0.9a.tar.bz2 2019069
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-headers/Manifest b/media-sound/alsa-headers/Manifest
index 453e34bb5f6e..91fbfce7f331 100644
--- a/media-sound/alsa-headers/Manifest
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-headers/Manifest
@@ -1,21 +1,9 @@
-Hash: SHA1
-MD5 94f9866eeccbaa6274ff9bd04122bb8e ChangeLog 4387
-MD5 f2de546aa516d3f81b584b2e85c5865e alsa-headers-1.0.9.ebuild 1032
-MD5 a1eaeb2ae801daeb712c90c060e922dc metadata.xml 158
-MD5 83ed271eba53f18b1636098df642e58d alsa-headers-1.0.9_rc3.ebuild 1062
-MD5 da65d1b8dab00a641ba2c7a84fc2f9e9 alsa-headers-1.0.8.ebuild 1046
+MD5 366d816649040ef2ab7ecfadad0c20d1 ChangeLog 4594
MD5 15deb4caf859359df22b0461a954f6fe alsa-headers-1.0.5a.ebuild 902
-MD5 112205863c92fbee731b363e46c8c1af files/digest-alsa-headers-1.0.9_rc3 74
+MD5 da65d1b8dab00a641ba2c7a84fc2f9e9 alsa-headers-1.0.8.ebuild 1046
+MD5 a1eaeb2ae801daeb712c90c060e922dc metadata.xml 158
+MD5 0335142c6f71d9c6612fabf16699ecff alsa-headers-1.0.9b.ebuild 1034
+MD5 6985658411b4e459ef8b03a25f480404 files/alsa-headers-1.0.6a-user.patch 419
MD5 deb0bfd8e2cfe0ba434fb5a820294502 files/digest-alsa-headers-1.0.5a 72
MD5 14b6c8d954e36bb9d40c97cf051220f0 files/digest-alsa-headers-1.0.8 71
-MD5 6985658411b4e459ef8b03a25f480404 files/alsa-headers-1.0.6a-user.patch 419
-MD5 ec76197e2819df2d5725bda1201250ae files/digest-alsa-headers-1.0.9 71
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 496627835733f8108e6b10dfc8ee9bf4 files/digest-alsa-headers-1.0.9b 72