diff options
authorAlon Bar-Lev <>2007-01-27 22:08:16 +0000
committerAlon Bar-Lev <>2007-01-27 22:08:16 +0000
commit9ebae3c990613170e14f8ab6c9a16d1c137b0bf2 (patch)
tree26c1be81a53bc3d0c0fbab0c841d3d0301c1242e /app-crypt
parentRemoved version that has full bundled deps (diff)
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.2-r4
Diffstat (limited to 'app-crypt')
9 files changed, 18 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog b/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog
index b7cbd70d3cad..0ec04725846f 100644
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for app-crypt/truecrypt
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2007/01/24 17:17:52 genone Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2007/01/27 22:08:16 alonbl Exp $
+ 27 Jan 2007; Alon Bar-Lev <>
+ -files/truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch,
+ -files/truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch, -truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild,
+ -truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild:
+ Cleanup
24 Jan 2007; Marius Mauch <> truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild,
truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild, truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild:
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest b/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest
index 8bcb367a026f..d3070ecd6de5 100644
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest
+++ b/app-crypt/truecrypt/Manifest
@@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA1
-AUX truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch 1542 RMD160 7b90440b283ba8effdf926b96f6926f9970a333a SHA1 12d2a262883665b85cfc6f7df9a31ad26eabafe9 SHA256 80f878634534d9b72120cd78dfb230b465bc2ef2e75494efc3b6fa5a4693f2de
-MD5 5ea0f8c902f83757e908e02f121d900f files/truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch 1542
-RMD160 7b90440b283ba8effdf926b96f6926f9970a333a files/truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch 1542
-SHA256 80f878634534d9b72120cd78dfb230b465bc2ef2e75494efc3b6fa5a4693f2de files/truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch 1542
-AUX truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch 2849 RMD160 b768b33f3a2faf958a96581edb354e203df59c59 SHA1 3e37fa1b3c55a76ea2542ffe5dd0eeebbc9476b0 SHA256 08ecf0cc0f5a68e4b6761c33448bd0a560b2a66bad48025ef91551e97dca9518
-MD5 8b2f309ee8ede7314be4166d7dff9750 files/truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch 2849
-RMD160 b768b33f3a2faf958a96581edb354e203df59c59 files/truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch 2849
-SHA256 08ecf0cc0f5a68e4b6761c33448bd0a560b2a66bad48025ef91551e97dca9518 files/truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch 2849
AUX truecrypt-4.2a-2.6.19.patch 1210 RMD160 3636cd13741aa1c07225c2034103400f86b81da3 SHA1 bafe37681e8c81722da69c9d17f5f13e7e290e01 SHA256 a5719e30865166ef7b273abfe05e0a64a530506e8b277ddd3cf82dc27bc321c7
MD5 30024fe076ec948d512b34a291618ff4 files/truecrypt-4.2a-2.6.19.patch 1210
RMD160 3636cd13741aa1c07225c2034103400f86b81da3 files/truecrypt-4.2a-2.6.19.patch 1210
@@ -21,41 +10,19 @@ AUX truecrypt-4.2a_kernel-2.6.18-rc1_fix.patch 393 RMD160 c4bfaf2c763bac1d483769
MD5 7f400f6e0c4235bd385eb4e53c4117d6 files/truecrypt-4.2a_kernel-2.6.18-rc1_fix.patch 393
RMD160 c4bfaf2c763bac1d483769c3c6e971a9809877cb files/truecrypt-4.2a_kernel-2.6.18-rc1_fix.patch 393
SHA256 32ffd3652af1bbeeb7e036d5f8a6979dbec24760792afcce214ec792813ae134 files/truecrypt-4.2a_kernel-2.6.18-rc1_fix.patch 393
-DIST truecrypt-4.2-source-code.tar.gz 1076093 RMD160 74ba185bad9952ea9b3b0e358e9fee6f2080e6b9 SHA1 603bac50891c49b051f7a9bcc15b1196168bff2a SHA256 54f54cd68c99efe3fd2c0899174b38d4cfe1ad576112672aabd2ac64e336cd1f
DIST truecrypt-4.2a-source-code.tar.gz 1088418 RMD160 8d5b142f9cc7de5693b527f8d708d9e1ebd1e2b3 SHA1 915a8771f9a76d06f5071ca07f5fe902a7f26575 SHA256 ba1892584bf52b5a12eef185563705774566a70537d139aef8770477dfe9636f
-EBUILD truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild 2900 RMD160 2d6cb671cabace1c78e342716773820af9283c36 SHA1 fb7fe7b66b5d21c885cbec4d7db77ed2415f0e61 SHA256 fba543f2619208fa2e73e6d3a6557f5e6453ae80de9f6692745ea9db3645794d
-MD5 5d1ca2fe0ba9c08706800e82b1907a6f truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild 2900
-RMD160 2d6cb671cabace1c78e342716773820af9283c36 truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild 2900
-SHA256 fba543f2619208fa2e73e6d3a6557f5e6453ae80de9f6692745ea9db3645794d truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild 2900
-EBUILD truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952 RMD160 2ac0ed80e6d088fe294299faf730bf30748a6789 SHA1 fac3809a4ef12b15438d694b87b1ab340ae88ae8 SHA256 4a864bf171abead7057542f69db3214a679cf45cbbb728a1337f345dbfd93173
-MD5 569c8bac81bfc17c590f32ef2271a0f8 truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952
-RMD160 2ac0ed80e6d088fe294299faf730bf30748a6789 truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952
-SHA256 4a864bf171abead7057542f69db3214a679cf45cbbb728a1337f345dbfd93173 truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952
-EBUILD truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild 2909 RMD160 894882d050eeb6288942e8fd9a70f58833032062 SHA1 dbf8e1683b7468a70d25da6b86a8dab08507d82e SHA256 c902d911e081291aed9e0d7614c28e1ed0c713723176ee25288c6f90bb7a52f5
-MD5 ed248fbaace71b26d459c4413ce759b7 truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild 2909
-RMD160 894882d050eeb6288942e8fd9a70f58833032062 truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild 2909
-SHA256 c902d911e081291aed9e0d7614c28e1ed0c713723176ee25288c6f90bb7a52f5 truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild 2909
-MISC ChangeLog 2016 RMD160 9b257542b3f1a141c1cf93f3bbcce02ae8366942 SHA1 c7f2edab6203a4c8db2de4fed39b69a36187cd65 SHA256 7120a500e8c12486b82c842fc0ae9acffbce642a0b48ce44edaa5e9a039bc5e6
-MD5 4f215067ec559b986166cec43a79f874 ChangeLog 2016
-RMD160 9b257542b3f1a141c1cf93f3bbcce02ae8366942 ChangeLog 2016
-SHA256 7120a500e8c12486b82c842fc0ae9acffbce642a0b48ce44edaa5e9a039bc5e6 ChangeLog 2016
+EBUILD truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952 RMD160 47d51ceaf778832bba0859ca94ea60f81b850921 SHA1 d71edfcb978f4a7b0f3d6c2ba41f3456f1029eb5 SHA256 0d8e8726cd0703be7364043c6d92d25c8677ec61c028b5456d25aaf9c9f4e035
+MD5 f821ad179ab7907a826bbfa499cdc30a truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952
+RMD160 47d51ceaf778832bba0859ca94ea60f81b850921 truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952
+SHA256 0d8e8726cd0703be7364043c6d92d25c8677ec61c028b5456d25aaf9c9f4e035 truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild 2952
+MISC ChangeLog 2211 RMD160 4dc4a037a727d8519be3aae0dde657b0a41c2453 SHA1 f2054e01f6a331ddc0ca4e4663cab23d13b16e51 SHA256 2090bcaba555e3ce21802deb1583c81804ac3f0f7196d21b720c00cbaac41b7c
+MD5 3520c64fc3d1c2a43e25ea66153612c2 ChangeLog 2211
+RMD160 4dc4a037a727d8519be3aae0dde657b0a41c2453 ChangeLog 2211
+SHA256 2090bcaba555e3ce21802deb1583c81804ac3f0f7196d21b720c00cbaac41b7c ChangeLog 2211
MISC metadata.xml 224 RMD160 74db96ad8aa1d285d83ae93a9f4a767335f55c15 SHA1 d86a171d981b45e7ed0c0b3b5059d2a63c811001 SHA256 9e9ce661a9fdb45a535ad875a247b700a70745359b27533ec29a6a46fa708e86
MD5 566cf4f89e44670d0aba4a745913d748 metadata.xml 224
RMD160 74db96ad8aa1d285d83ae93a9f4a767335f55c15 metadata.xml 224
SHA256 9e9ce661a9fdb45a535ad875a247b700a70745359b27533ec29a6a46fa708e86 metadata.xml 224
-MD5 f32ba14b3b0c568e21d7dd5c6754851d files/digest-truecrypt-4.2-r1 280
-RMD160 61f26925d2f0d6141f6044018997143bdef215c0 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2-r1 280
-SHA256 200aa4f6243ac5b5f4cff0aa69d85c25b74456555c04e5db2b2e1327d7f0e9a6 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2-r1 280
-MD5 a99bad1b52e32e9cd558e789e2fe1454 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a 283
-RMD160 1d9b3feac90fb5546a1d6fc89c493bc7e89f41f8 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a 283
-SHA256 cd3851eb2af9bac302c5f4c005182d63300cf2031178fef1a1aef525b23209f8 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a 283
MD5 a99bad1b52e32e9cd558e789e2fe1454 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a-r1 283
RMD160 1d9b3feac90fb5546a1d6fc89c493bc7e89f41f8 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a-r1 283
SHA256 cd3851eb2af9bac302c5f4c005182d63300cf2031178fef1a1aef525b23209f8 files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a-r1 283
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.2-r1 b/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.2-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index 9951f54d3da9..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.2-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 8ea4464f3f89fe8c367dc19982a8f611 truecrypt-4.2-source-code.tar.gz 1076093
-RMD160 74ba185bad9952ea9b3b0e358e9fee6f2080e6b9 truecrypt-4.2-source-code.tar.gz 1076093
-SHA256 54f54cd68c99efe3fd2c0899174b38d4cfe1ad576112672aabd2ac64e336cd1f truecrypt-4.2-source-code.tar.gz 1076093
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a b/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aac1268b685..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/digest-truecrypt-4.2a
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 6e60ead403fe23355f61341ccce68ff1 truecrypt-4.2a-source-code.tar.gz 1088418
-RMD160 8d5b142f9cc7de5693b527f8d708d9e1ebd1e2b3 truecrypt-4.2a-source-code.tar.gz 1088418
-SHA256 ba1892584bf52b5a12eef185563705774566a70537d139aef8770477dfe9636f truecrypt-4.2a-source-code.tar.gz 1088418
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch b/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4017f6bc09..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/truecrypt-4.2-makefile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
---- Linux/Cli/Makefile.orig 2006-03-26 06:29:38.000000000 +1100
-+++ Linux/Cli/Makefile 2006-06-05 17:57:29.000000000 +1000
-@@ -3,27 +3,16 @@
- TC_COMMON := ../../Common
- TC_CRYPTO := ../../Crypto
--CC := gcc
-+CC ?= gcc
- ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
- -include ../Common/.platform
- endif
--CFLAGS := -w
--CFLAGS := -W
- CFLAGS += -I../../Crypto -I../../Common -I../Kernel
- CFLAGS += -D_cdecl="" -DBOOL=int -DTRUE=1 -DFALSE=0 -DMAX_PATH=260
--ifndef DEBUG
--CFLAGS += -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
--CFLAGS += -ggdb
- KERNEL_OBJS_F := ../.kernel-objs
- USER_OBJS_F := ../.user-objs
-@@ -61,18 +50,18 @@
- @echo Compiling $(<F)
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -MMD -o $@ -c $<
--all: objclean truecrypt
-+all: $(USER_OBJS_F) truecrypt
- @echo Done.
- ../Common/.platform: ../Common/Platform.c
-- @$(CC) -o ../Common/platform $<
-+ $(CC) -o ../Common/platform $<
- @../Common/platform >../Common/.platform
- -include $(OBJS:.o=.d)
- truecrypt: $(OBJS)
- @echo Linking $@
-- @$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS)
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS)
- ifndef DEBUG
- @strip $@
- endif
-@@ -82,9 +71,11 @@
- truecrypt.1: objclean truecrypt
- help2man -N -i Man/ ./truecrypt >Man/truecrypt.1
-- @if [ -f $(KERNEL_OBJS_F) ]; then rm -f ${OBJS} $(KERNEL_OBJS_F); fi
-+ @[ -f $(KERNEL_OBJS_F) ] && rm -f ${OBJS} $(KERNEL_OBJS_F)
- @>$(USER_OBJS_F)
- clean:
- -rm -f truecrypt ${OBJS} *.d $(TC_COMMON)/*.d $(TC_CRYPTO)/*.d ../Common/platform ../Common/.platform
-+.PHONY: man clean
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch b/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5bc7c82c21..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/files/truecrypt-4.2-nosectorformat.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
---- ./Linux/Kernel/Dm-target.c.orig 2006-06-06 21:31:51.000000000 +1000
-+++ ./Linux/Kernel/Dm-target.c 2006-06-06 21:45:08.000000000 +1000
-@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
- goto err;
- }
-- if (sscanf (argv[ARG_SEC], SECTOR_FORMAT, &tc->start) != 1)
-+ if (sscanf (argv[ARG_SEC], "%Lu", &tc->start) != 1)
- {
- ti->error = "truecrypt: Invalid device sector";
- goto err;
-@@ -224,14 +224,14 @@
- }
- // Read-only start sector
-- if (sscanf (argv[ARG_RO_START], SECTOR_FORMAT, &tc->read_only_start) != 1)
-+ if (sscanf (argv[ARG_RO_START], "%Lu", &tc->read_only_start) != 1)
- {
- ti->error = "truecrypt: Invalid read-only start sector";
- goto err;
- }
- // Read-only end sector
-- if (sscanf (argv[ARG_RO_END], SECTOR_FORMAT, &tc->read_only_end) != 1)
-+ if (sscanf (argv[ARG_RO_END], "%Lu", &tc->read_only_end) != 1)
- {
- ti->error = "truecrypt: Invalid read-only end sector";
- goto err;
-@@ -375,8 +375,8 @@
- int seg_no;
- trace (3, "truecrypt_endio (%p, %d, %d)\n", bio, bytes_done, error);
-- trace (1, "end: sc=" SECTOR_FORMAT " fl=%ld rw=%ld sz=%d ix=%hd vc=%hd dn=%d er=%d\n",
-- bio->bi_sector, bio->bi_flags, bio->bi_rw, bio->bi_size, bio->bi_idx, bio->bi_vcnt, bytes_done, error);
-+ trace (1, "end: sc=%llu fl=%ld rw=%ld sz=%d ix=%hd vc=%hd dn=%d er=%d\n",
-+ (unsigned long long) bio->bi_sector, bio->bi_flags, bio->bi_rw, bio->bi_size, bio->bi_idx, bio->bi_vcnt, bytes_done, error);
- if (error != 0)
- bc->error = error;
-@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@
- int seg_no;
- trace (3, "truecrypt_map (%p, %p, %p)\n", ti, bio, map_context);
-- trace (1, "map: sc=" SECTOR_FORMAT " fl=%ld rw=%ld sz=%d ix=%hd vc=%hd\n",
-- bio->bi_sector, bio->bi_flags, bio->bi_rw, bio->bi_size, bio->bi_idx, bio->bi_vcnt);
-+ trace (1, "map: sc=%llu fl=%ld rw=%ld sz=%d ix=%hd vc=%hd\n",
-+ (unsigned long long) bio->bi_sector, bio->bi_flags, bio->bi_rw, bio->bi_size, bio->bi_idx, bio->bi_vcnt);
- // Write protection
- if (bio_data_dir (bio) == WRITE && READ_ONLY (tc))
-@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
- atomic_inc (&bc->ref_count);
-- trace (3, "generic_make_request (rw=%ld sc=" SECTOR_FORMAT ")\n", bion->bi_rw, bion->bi_sector);
-+ trace (3, "generic_make_request (rw=%ld sc=%llu )\n", bion->bi_rw,(unsigned long long) bion->bi_sector);
- generic_make_request (bion);
- dereference_bio_ctx (bc);
-@@ -569,13 +569,13 @@
- {
- char name[32];
- format_dev_t (name, tc->dev->bdev->bd_dev);
-- snprintf (result, maxlen, "%d %d 0 0 %s " SECTOR_FORMAT " " SECTOR_FORMAT " " SECTOR_FORMAT " %Ld %Ld %d %s",
-+ snprintf (result, maxlen, "%d %d 0 0 %s %llu %llu %llu %Ld %Ld %d %s",
- tc->ci->ea,
- tc->ci->mode,
- name,
-- tc->start,
-- tc->read_only_start,
-- tc->read_only_end,
-+ (unsigned long long) tc->start,
-+ (unsigned long long) tc->read_only_start,
-+ (unsigned long long) tc->read_only_end,
- tc->mtime,
- tc->atime,
- tc->flags,
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild b/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b90c4a9a268..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/01/24 17:17:52 genone Exp $
-inherit linux-mod toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows XP/2000/2003 and Linux"
- sys-fs/device-mapper"
-pkg_setup() {
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- dmcrypt_check
- kernel_is lt 2 6 5 && die 'requires at least 2.6.5 kernel version'
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-makefile.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-nosectorformat.patch"
-src_compile() {
- linux-mod_src_compile || die "Truecrypt module compilation failed."
- cd "${S}/Linux/Cli"
- einfo "Building truecrypt utility"
- tc-export CC
- # remove kernel linked crypt stuff
- emake clean || die "make clean failed"
- emake truecrypt || die "Compile and/or linking of TrueCrypt Linux CLI application failed."
-src_test() {
- "${S}/Linux/Cli/truecrypt" --test
-pkg_preinst() {
- # unload truecrypt modules if already loaded
- /sbin/rmmod truecrypt >&- 2>&-
- if grep -q "^truecrypt" /proc/modules
- then
- die "Please dismount all mounted TrueCrypt volumes"
- fi
-src_install() {
- # installing files
- dobin Linux/Cli/truecrypt
- doman Linux/Cli/Man/truecrypt.1
- dodoc Readme.txt 'Release/Setup Files/TrueCrypt User Guide.pdf'
- # installing kernel module
- linux-mod_src_install
-pkg_postinst() {
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- elog " For TrueCrypt 4.2 to work you have to load a "
- elog " kernel module. This can be done in three ways: "
- elog
- elog " 1. Loading the module automatically by the running kernel. "
- elog " For this 'Automatic kernel module loading' needs to be "
- elog " enabled (CONFIG_KMOD=y). "
- elog " 2. Loading the module manually before mounting the volume. "
- elog " Try 'modprobe truecrypt' as root to load the module. "
- elog " 3. Load the module during boot by listing it in "
- elog " '/etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6' "
-dmcrypt_check() {
- ebegin "Checking for Device mapper support (BLK_DEV_DM)"
- linux_chkconfig_present BLK_DEV_DM
- eend $?
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
- ewarn "TrueCrypt requires Device mapper support!"
- ewarn "Please enable Device mapper support in your kernel config, found at:"
- ewarn "(for 2.6 kernels)"
- ewarn
- ewarn " Device Drivers"
- ewarn " Multi-Device Support"
- ewarn " <*> Device mapper support"
- ewarn
- ewarn "and recompile your kernel if you want this package to work."
- epause 10
- fi
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild b/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild
index c4f69ab2e3e0..02c1cac127ab 100644
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild
+++ b/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/01/24 17:17:52 genone Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2007/01/27 22:08:16 alonbl Exp $
inherit linux-mod toolchain-funcs
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}"_kernel-2.6.18-rc1_fix.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}"-2.6.19.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}_kernel-2.6.18-rc1_fix.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-2.6.19.patch"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-makefile.patch"
diff --git a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild b/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1937dc899e96..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/truecrypt/truecrypt-4.2a.ebuild,v 1.6 2007/01/24 17:17:52 genone Exp $
-inherit linux-mod toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Free open-source disk encryption software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- sys-fs/device-mapper"
-pkg_setup() {
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- dmcrypt_check
- kernel_is lt 2 6 5 && die 'requires at least 2.6.5 kernel version'
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}"_kernel-2.6.18-rc1_fix.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-makefile.patch"
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
-src_compile() {
- linux-mod_src_compile || die "Truecrypt module compilation failed."
- cd "${S}/Linux/Cli"
- einfo "Building truecrypt utility"
- tc-export CC
- # remove kernel linked crypt stuff
- emake clean || die "make clean failed"
- emake truecrypt NO_STRIP=1 || die "Compile and/or linking of TrueCrypt Linux CLI application failed."
-src_test() {
- "${S}/Linux/Cli/truecrypt" --test
-pkg_preinst() {
- # unload truecrypt modules if already loaded
- /sbin/rmmod truecrypt >&- 2>&-
- if grep -q "^truecrypt" /proc/modules
- then
- die "Please dismount all mounted TrueCrypt volumes"
- fi
-src_install() {
- # installing files
- dobin Linux/Cli/truecrypt
- doman Linux/Cli/Man/truecrypt.1
- dodoc Readme.txt 'Release/Setup Files/TrueCrypt User Guide.pdf'
- # installing kernel module
- linux-mod_src_install
-pkg_postinst() {
- linux-mod_pkg_postinst
- elog " For TrueCrypt 4.2 to work you have to load a "
- elog " kernel module. This can be done in three ways: "
- elog
- elog " 1. Loading the module automatically by the running kernel. "
- elog " For this 'Automatic kernel module loading' needs to be "
- elog " enabled (CONFIG_KMOD=y). "
- elog " 2. Loading the module manually before mounting the volume. "
- elog " Try 'modprobe truecrypt' as root to load the module. "
- elog " 3. Load the module during boot by listing it in "
- elog " '/etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6' "
-dmcrypt_check() {
- ebegin "Checking for Device mapper support (BLK_DEV_DM)"
- linux_chkconfig_present BLK_DEV_DM
- eend $?
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
- ewarn "TrueCrypt requires Device mapper support!"
- ewarn "Please enable Device mapper support in your kernel config, found at:"
- ewarn "(for 2.6 kernels)"
- ewarn
- ewarn " Device Drivers"
- ewarn " Multi-Device Support"
- ewarn " <*> Device mapper support"
- ewarn
- ewarn "and recompile your kernel if you want this package to work."
- epause 10
- fi