diff options
authorThomas Matthijs <>2004-08-09 11:08:44 +0000
committerThomas Matthijs <>2004-08-09 11:08:44 +0000
commit89484879e8f6cd5312497aebb7b563d529e76d20 (patch)
treee7780b6636d08af4d9b658c9e823e2a1f40a9172 /dev-java/bsf
parentStable on amd64 (diff)
fix tomcat location(still a hack), move patch to mirrors(too big for tree)
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/bsf')
5 files changed, 24 insertions, 1951 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/bsf/ChangeLog b/dev-java/bsf/ChangeLog
index 0dd5a6b24e03..99ef99dfb96d 100644
--- a/dev-java/bsf/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-java/bsf/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-java/bsf
# Copyright 2000-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed unde the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/bsf/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2004/08/08 21:20:19 stuart Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/bsf/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2004/08/09 11:08:44 axxo Exp $
+ 09 Aug 2004; Thomas Matthijs <> -files/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch,
+ bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild:
+ fix tomcat location(still a hack), move patch to mirrors(too big for tree)
08 Aug 2004; Stuart Herbert <> bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild,
diff --git a/dev-java/bsf/Manifest b/dev-java/bsf/Manifest
index 7ad7f9131492..f9dd10dcbdb4 100644
--- a/dev-java/bsf/Manifest
+++ b/dev-java/bsf/Manifest
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
-MD5 2e5624bf1714e3d4a4124790a8ca77cd ChangeLog 686
+Hash: SHA1
MD5 f511c82b1e570605642b210eaa890951 bsf-2.3.0.ebuild 1153
+MD5 9f3492ef0aa61b9737bce49664440aec bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild 1653
+MD5 6ee0dde0aa60a661cfcbc9ba87368fa7 ChangeLog 863
MD5 2a5c0decd09ba5a48289b129458bf44c metadata.xml 829
-MD5 b7bd5ee4ae475f05914c7ba29d79fb7a bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild 1614
+MD5 2d349b974ef57925e6b968aa654645b3 files/digest-bsf-2.3.0-r1 133
MD5 8a81432dd6e2b9f1e8b3016bbd3c5715 files/digest-bsf-2.3.0 66
-MD5 e496e7d39f823851ac1c94ea6b1cffdc files/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch 64821
-MD5 8a81432dd6e2b9f1e8b3016bbd3c5715 files/digest-bsf-2.3.0-r1 66
+Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-java/bsf/bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild b/dev-java/bsf/bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild
index 6ae14457d6e1..d7405e83cd24 100644
--- a/dev-java/bsf/bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-java/bsf/bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/bsf/bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2004/08/08 21:20:19 stuart Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/bsf/bsf-2.3.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2004/08/09 11:08:44 axxo Exp $
inherit java-pkg eutils
DESCRIPTION="Bean Script Framework"
+SRC_URI=" mirror://gentoo/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch.bz2"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ DEPEND="${REPEND}
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch
cd ${S}/src/build/lib
java-pkg_jar-from rhino || die "Missing rhino"
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ src_compile() {
# karltk: this is dirty. should be fixed when we overhaul tomcat
# and the entire servlet/java server pages system
- local cp=/opt/tomcat/common/lib/servlet-api.jar
- cp="${cp}:/opt/tomcat/common/lib/jsp-api.jar"
+ local cp=/opt/tomcat5/common/lib/servlet-api.jar
+ cp="${cp}:/opt/tomcat5/common/lib/jsp-api.jar"
cp="${cp}:$(java-config -p rhino)"
diff --git a/dev-java/bsf/files/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch b/dev-java/bsf/files/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dcc41f369d2..000000000000
--- a/dev-java/bsf/files/bsf-rhino-1.5.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1941 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/
---- bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2002-11-12 23:28:54.000000000 -0700
-+++ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2004-07-07 21:12:16.131818792 -0600
-@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
- * of script is sliced into compilation units.
- * For instance, the script text may contain a function
- * declaration and an expression to eval. The compilation
-- * will result in two compilation units: the function and
-+ * will result in two compilation units: the function and
- * the expression. Each compilation unit will correspond
- * to a range of the lines of the original script compiled.
- * All line numbers are global to the document the compiled
-@@ -82,89 +82,95 @@
- * It is on compilation units that breakpoints can be set
- * or removed, more exactly on the DebuggableScript attached
- * to them. See Rhino for more details.
-- *
-+ *
- * @author: Olivier Gruber.
-- */
-+ */
- public class CompilationUnit {
-- FnOrScript m_fnOrScript;
-- int m_firstLine;
-- int m_lineCount;
-- String m_fnName;
-- DebuggableScript m_dbgScript;
-- int m_validBrkptLines[];
-- /**
-- * CompilationUnit constructor comment.
-- */
-- public CompilationUnit(FnOrScript fnOrScript, DebuggableScript dbgScript) {
-- int lastLine, lineno;
-- m_fnOrScript = fnOrScript;
-- m_dbgScript = dbgScript;
-- try {
-- m_validBrkptLines = dbgScript.getLineNumbers();
-- m_firstLine = 99999;
-- lastLine = 0;
-- for (int l = 0; l < m_validBrkptLines.length; l++) {
-- lineno = m_validBrkptLines[l];
-- if (m_firstLine > lineno)
-- m_firstLine = lineno;
-- if (lastLine < lineno)
-- lastLine = lineno;
-- }
-- m_lineCount = lastLine - m_firstLine + 1;
-- } catch (Throwable t) {
-- DebugLog.stderrPrintln("\nWarning: can't get valid line numbers for breakpoints.", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L2);
-- m_validBrkptLines = null;
-- }
-- Scriptable scriptable = dbgScript.getScriptable();
-- if (scriptable instanceof NativeFunction) {
-- NativeFunction f = (NativeFunction) scriptable;
-- String name = f.getFunctionName();
-- if (name.length() > 0 && !name.equals("anonymous")) {
-- m_fnName = name;
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- //----------------------------------------------------------
-- boolean contains(int lineno) {
-- return (m_firstLine <= lineno && lineno < m_firstLine + m_lineCount);
-- }
-- /**
-- * Returns true if the compilation unit contains
-- * the breakpoint.
-- * Notice only breakpoint defined at a line number
-- * are supported here.
-- */
-- boolean contains(BreakPoint bp) {
-- try {
-- return contains(bp.getLineNo());
-- } catch (BSFException ex) {
-- return false;
-- }
-- }
-- /**
-- * Propagates (i.e. set) this breakpoint to the underlying Rhino
-- * engine if Rhino has provided us with the valid lines
-- * information. Otherwise, Rhino crashes with a NullPointerException.
-- */
-- void propagate(int lineno) {
-- if (m_validBrkptLines != null) {
-- m_dbgScript.placeBreakpoint(lineno);
-- }
-- }
-- /**
-- * Unpropagates (i.e. unset) this breakpoint to the underlying Rhino
-- * engine if Rhino has provided us with the valid lines
-- * information. Otherwise, Rhino crashes with a NullPointerException.
-- */
-- void unpropagate(int lineno) {
-- if (m_validBrkptLines != null) {
-- m_dbgScript.removeBreakpoint(lineno);
-- }
-- }
-+ FnOrScript m_fnOrScript;
-+ int m_firstLine;
-+ int m_lineCount;
-+ String m_fnName;
-+ DebuggableScript m_dbgScript;
-+ boolean[] m_breakpoints;
-+ /**
-+ * CompilationUnit constructor comment.
-+ */
-+ public CompilationUnit(FnOrScript fnOrScript, DebuggableScript dbgScript) {
-+ m_fnOrScript = fnOrScript;
-+ m_dbgScript = dbgScript;
-+ int[] lines = dbgScript.getLineNumbers();
-+ if (lines.length != 0) {
-+ int lastLine;
-+ m_firstLine = lines[0];
-+ lastLine = m_firstLine;
-+ for (int i = 1; i != lines.length; ++i) {
-+ int lineno = lines[i];
-+ if (m_firstLine > lineno) {
-+ m_firstLine = lineno;
-+ } else if (lastLine < lineno) {
-+ lastLine = lineno;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ m_lineCount = lastLine - m_firstLine + 1;
-+ m_breakpoints = new boolean[m_lineCount];
-+ }
-+ String name = dbgScript.getFunctionName();
-+ if (name != null && name.length() != 0 && !name.equals("anonymous")) {
-+ m_fnName = name;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ //----------------------------------------------------------
-+ boolean contains(int lineno) {
-+ return (m_firstLine <= lineno && lineno < m_firstLine + m_lineCount);
-+ }
-+ /**
-+ * Returns true if the compilation unit contains
-+ * the breakpoint.
-+ * Notice only breakpoint defined at a line number
-+ * are supported here.
-+ */
-+ boolean contains(BreakPoint bp) {
-+ try {
-+ return contains(bp.getLineNo());
-+ } catch (BSFException ex) {
-+ return false;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /**
-+ * Set a breakpoint at the given line if Rhino has provided us with the
-+ * valid lines information.
-+ */
-+ void propagate(int lineno) {
-+ if (m_breakpoints != null) {
-+ int i = lineno - m_firstLine;
-+ if (0 <= i && i < m_lineCount) {
-+ m_breakpoints[i] = true;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /**
-+ * Clear a breakpoint at the given line if Rhino has provided us with the
-+ * valid lines information.
-+ */
-+ void unpropagate(int lineno) {
-+ if (m_breakpoints != null) {
-+ int i = lineno - m_firstLine;
-+ if (0 <= i && i < m_lineCount) {
-+ m_breakpoints[i] = false;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ boolean hasBreakpoint(int lineno) {
-+ if (m_breakpoints != null) {
-+ int i = lineno - m_firstLine;
-+ return 0 <= i && i < m_lineCount && m_breakpoints[i];
-+ }
-+ return false;
-+ }
- }
-diff -urN bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/
---- bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2002-11-12 23:28:54.000000000 -0700
-+++ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2004-07-07 21:12:16.132818640 -0600
-@@ -71,25 +71,25 @@
- * This class represents a function or script, that is,
- * a piece of a document that is provided to the JavaScript
- * engine for evaluation, execution, or simply compilation.
-- *
-+ *
- * A FnOrScript represents a range of lines or characters
-- * in its document. For now, Rhino only supports ranges
-+ * in its document. For now, Rhino only supports ranges
- * of lines, really, but the code for offsets is there anyway.
- *
- * Warning: Offsets have never been quite tested yet...
-- *
-+ *
- * A FnOrScript has compilation units. When Rhino compiles
- * a function or a script, even in interpreted mode where the
- * compilation is done to JavaScript bytecode, it calls back
-- * its debugger with different compilation units; see
-+ * its debugger with different compilation units; see
- * Debugger::handleCompilationDone method on the RhinoEngineDebugger
- * class.
- *
- * A FnOrScript also keeps track of the known breakpoints
- * in its range of lines or characters. It makes sure
-- * that they are propagated to the underlying Rhino
-+ * that they are propagated to the underlying Rhino
- * engine (i.e. set) as well as unpropagated (i.e. unset).
-- *
-+ *
- * @author: Olivier Gruber
- */
- public class FnOrScript {
-@@ -103,9 +103,11 @@
- protected StringBuffer m_text;
-- protected Vector m_units; // of CompilationUnit.
- protected Script m_script;
-+ private Vector m_units; // of CompilationUnit.
-+ private Hashtable m_functionToUnit;
- protected Hashtable m_functionMap;
- public FnOrScript(DocumentCell cell) {
-@@ -116,8 +118,9 @@
- m_lineCount = 0;
- m_breakpoints = new Vector();
- m_text = new StringBuffer();
- m_units = new Vector();
-+ m_functionToUnit = new Hashtable();
- m_functionMap = new Hashtable();
- }
-@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@
- m_breakpoints.addElement(bp);
-- // now, look for a unit containing it and
-+ // now, look for a unit containing it and
- // if one is found, set the breakpoint unit
- // and propagate...
- Enumeration e;
-@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@
- }
- return bp;
- }
- private BreakPoint _removeBreakpoint(int brkptId) {
- Enumeration e;
- BreakPoint bp;
-@@ -173,13 +176,13 @@
- bp = (BreakPoint) e.nextElement();
- if (bpid == bp.getId()) {
- m_breakpoints.removeElement(bp);
-- bp.unpropagate();
-+ bp.unpropagate();
- return bp;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- boolean contains(BreakPoint bp) throws BSFException {
- if (m_lineDefined) {
- int line = bp.getLineNo();
-@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@
- // This protected method works as a factory
- // for language-specific breakpoints.
- // The default behavior is to use the provided
-- // generic breakpoint.
-+ // generic breakpoint.
- // See javascript for an example of language-specific
- // breakpoints.
-@@ -360,17 +363,18 @@
- public void addCompilationUnit(Context cx,
- DebuggableScript dbgScript,
-- StringBuffer source) {
-+ String source) {
- CompilationUnit unit;
- unit = new CompilationUnit(this, dbgScript);
- m_units.addElement(unit);
-+ m_functionToUnit.put(dbgScript, unit);
- if (unit.m_fnName != null) {
- m_functionMap.put(unit.m_fnName, unit);
- }
-- // Associate breakpoints to this unit if
-+ // Associate breakpoints to this unit if
- // the unit contains them...
- Enumeration e;
- BreakPoint bp;
-@@ -383,13 +387,17 @@
- propagateAll();
- }
-+ CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(DebuggableScript dbgScript) {
-+ return (CompilationUnit)m_functionToUnit.get(dbgScript);
-+ }
- public void compile(Context cx, Scriptable global)
- throws BSFException, IOException {
- Enumeration e;
- Reader reader = new StringReader(m_text.toString());
- m_script =
-- cx.compileReader(global, reader, m_cell.getName(),
-+ cx.compileReader(global, reader, m_cell.getName(),
- m_startLine, null);
- if (m_script == null)
- throw new BSFException("Compilation of the script "
-diff -urN bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/
---- bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2002-11-12 23:28:54.000000000 -0700
-+++ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2004-07-07 21:12:16.133818488 -0600
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
- public void disconnectedDebuggerNotify() {
- m_rhinoDbg.disconnectedDebuggerNotify();
- }
- BSFDebugManagerImpl getDebugManager() {
- return dbgmgr;
- }
-@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
- m_rhinoDbg.placeBreakpointAtLine(brkptid, docname, lineno);
- }
-- public void placeBreakpointAtOffset(int brkptid, String docname,
-+ public void placeBreakpointAtOffset(int brkptid, String docname,
- int offset) throws BSFException {
- m_rhinoDbg.placeBreakpointAtOffset(brkptid, docname, offset);
- }
-@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@
- public Object call(Object object, String method, Object[] args)
- throws BSFException {
- Object theReturnValue = null;
-- DebuggableEngine engine;
- Context cx;
- try {
-@@ -160,13 +159,12 @@
- cx.setOptimizationLevel(-1);
-- engine = cx.getDebuggableEngine();
-- engine.setDebugger(m_rhinoDbg);
-+ cx.setDebugger(m_rhinoDbg, new RhinoContextProxy(m_rhinoDbg));
-- theReturnValue =, fun, global, args,
-+ theReturnValue =, fun, global, args,
- null);
-- }
-+ }
- else {
- cx.setOptimizationLevel(-1);
-@@ -175,10 +173,9 @@
- cx.setOptimizationLevel(0);
-- engine = cx.getDebuggableEngine();
-- engine.setDebugger(null);
-+ cx.setDebugger(null, null);
-- theReturnValue =, fun, global, args,
-+ theReturnValue =, fun, global, args,
- null);
- }
- if (theReturnValue instanceof Wrapper) {
-@@ -193,9 +190,15 @@
- }
- public void declareBean(BSFDeclaredBean bean) throws BSFException {
-- // Must wrap non-scriptable objects before presenting to Rhino
-- Scriptable wrapped = Context.toObject(bean.bean, global);
-- global.put(, global, wrapped);
-+ if ((bean.bean instanceof Number) ||
-+ (bean.bean instanceof String) ||
-+ (bean.bean instanceof Boolean)) {
-+ global.put(, global, bean.bean);
-+ } else {
-+ // Must wrap non-scriptable objects before presenting to Rhino
-+ Scriptable wrapped = Context.toObject(bean.bean, global);
-+ global.put(, global, wrapped);
-+ }
- }
- /**
-@@ -210,7 +213,6 @@
- DocumentCell cell;
- FnOrScript fnOrScript;
- Script script;
-- DebuggableEngine engine;
- Context cx;
- try {
-@@ -231,13 +233,7 @@
- cx.setOptimizationLevel(-1);
-- engine = cx.getDebuggableEngine();
-- engine.setDebugger(m_rhinoDbg);
-- // Muck w/ this iff someone else hasn't already got it true
-- if (!engine.getBreakNextLine()) {
-- engine.setBreakNextLine(cell.getEntryExit());
-- }
-+ cx.setDebugger(m_rhinoDbg, new RhinoContextProxy(m_rhinoDbg));
- fnOrScript.compile(cx, global);
- m_rhinoDbg.setCompilingFnOrScript(null);
-@@ -245,7 +241,7 @@
- if (script != null) retval = script.exec(cx, global);
- else retval = null;
-- }
-+ }
- else {
- cx.setOptimizationLevel(-1);
-@@ -254,11 +250,10 @@
- cx.setOptimizationLevel(0);
-- engine = cx.getDebuggableEngine();
-- engine.setDebugger(null);
-+ cx.setDebugger(null, null);
- retval = cx.evaluateString(global, scriptText,
-- source, lineNo,
-+ source, lineNo,
- null);
- }
-@@ -296,14 +291,14 @@
- // Display its stack trace as a diagnostic
- target = (Throwable) value;
- }
-- }
-- else if (t instanceof EvaluatorException ||
-+ }
-+ else if (t instanceof EvaluatorException ||
- t instanceof SecurityException) {
- message = t.getLocalizedMessage();
-- }
-+ }
- else if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
- message = "Internal Error: " + t.toString();
-- }
-+ }
- else if (t instanceof StackOverflowError) {
- message = "Stack Overflow";
- }
-@@ -313,7 +308,7 @@
- }
- //REMIND: can we recover the line number here? I think
-- // Rhino does this by looking up the stack for bytecode
-+ // Rhino does this by looking up the stack for bytecode
- // see Context.getSourcePositionFromStack()
- // but I don't think this would work in interpreted mode
-@@ -323,7 +318,7 @@
- // corrected the situation by aborting the loop and
- // a long stacktrace would end up on the user's console
- throw (Error) t;
-- }
-+ }
- else {
- throw new BSFException(BSFException.REASON_OTHER_ERROR,
- "JavaScript Error: " + message,
-@@ -333,7 +328,7 @@
- /**
- * initialize the engine. put the manager into the context -> manager
-- * map hashtable too.
-+ * map hashtable too.
- */
- public void initialize(BSFManager mgr, String lang, Vector declaredBeans)
- throws BSFException {
-diff -urN bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/
---- bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2002-11-12 23:28:54.000000000 -0700
-+++ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2004-07-07 21:12:16.135818184 -0600
-@@ -68,235 +68,267 @@
- * @author: Administrator
- */
--public class JsContextStub
-+public class JsContextStub
- extends org.apache.bsf.debug.util.Skeleton
- implements JsContext {
-- RhinoContextProxy m_rcp;
-- RhinoEngineDebugger m_rhinoDbg;
-- DebugFrame m_frame;
-- int m_frameno;
-- boolean m_atBreakpoint;
-- boolean m_invalid;
-- /**
-- * JsContextStub constructor comment.
-- */
-- public JsContextStub(RhinoContextProxy rcp, DebugFrame frame, int frameno)
-- throws RemoteException {
-- super(org.apache.bsf.debug.util.DebugConstants.JS_CONTEXT_TID);
-- m_rhinoDbg = rcp.getRhinoEngineDebugger();
-- m_rcp = rcp;
-- m_frame = frame;
-- m_frameno = frameno;
-- m_invalid = false;
-- m_atBreakpoint = true;
-- }
-- //--------------------------------------------------
-- void atBreakpoint(boolean atbrkpt) {
-- m_atBreakpoint = atbrkpt;
-- }
-- public JsObject bind(String id) throws RemoteException {
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- Scriptable obj = m_frame.getVariableObject();
-- Object prop;
-- while (obj != null) {
-- Scriptable m = obj;
-- do {
-- if (m.has(id, obj))
-- return m_rhinoDbg.marshallScriptable(obj);
-- m = m.getPrototype();
-- } while (m != null);
-- obj = obj.getParentScope();
-- }
-- throw new JsdiException("Name not in scope.");
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- //--------------------------------------------------
-- public JsCode getCode() {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get the code.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- return null;
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- public int getDepth() {
-- return m_frameno;
-- }
-- //--------------------------------------------------
-- public JsEngine getEngine() {
-- RhinoEngineDebugger redbg;
-- redbg = m_rcp.getRhinoEngineDebugger();
-- return (JsEngine) redbg.getDebugInterface();
-- }
-- //--------------------------------------------------
-- public int getLineNumber() {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- return m_frame.getLineNumber();
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- //------------------------------------------------------
-- public JsObject getScope() throws RemoteException {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- Scriptable varobj = m_frame.getVariableObject();
-- JsObject scope = m_rhinoDbg.marshallScriptable(varobj);
-- return scope;
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- //------------------------------------------------------
-- public String getSourceName() {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- return m_frame.getSourceName();
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- //------------------------------------------------------
-- public JsObject getThis() throws RemoteException {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- JsObject thisobj = null;
-- Scriptable obj = null;
-- NativeCall call = null;
-- Scriptable varobj = m_frame.getVariableObject();
-- if (varobj instanceof NativeCall) {
-- call = (NativeCall) varobj;
-- obj = call.getThisObj();
-- thisobj = m_rhinoDbg.marshallScriptable(varobj);
-- }
-- return thisobj;
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- //--------------------------------------------------
-- void invalidate() {
-- m_invalid = true;
-- }
-- //------------------------------------------------------
-- public boolean isEvalContext() {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- return false;
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- //------------------------------------------------------
-- public boolean isFunctionContext() {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- return false;
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- //------------------------------------------------------
-- public boolean isScriptContext() {
-- if (m_invalid)
-- throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-- if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-- throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- return true;
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- public Object lookupName(String name) {
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- Scriptable obj = m_frame.getVariableObject();
-- Object prop;
-- while (obj != null) {
-- Scriptable m = obj;
-- do {
-- Object result = m.get(name, obj);
-- if (result != Scriptable.NOT_FOUND)
-- return result;
-- m = m.getPrototype();
-- } while (m != null);
-- obj = obj.getParentScope();
-- }
-- throw new JsdiException("Name is not in scope.");
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-- /**
-- * Looks up a name in the scope chain and returns its value.
-- */
-- public Object lookupName(Scriptable scopeChain, String id) {
-- try {
-- Context.enter();
-- Scriptable obj = scopeChain;
-- Object prop;
-- while (obj != null) {
-- Scriptable m = obj;
-- do {
-- Object result = m.get(id, obj);
-- if (result != Scriptable.NOT_FOUND)
-- return result;
-- m = m.getPrototype();
-- } while (m != null);
-- obj = obj.getParentScope();
-- }
-- return null;
-- } finally {
-- Context.exit();
-- }
-- }
-+ RhinoContextProxy m_rcp;
-+ RhinoEngineDebugger m_rhinoDbg;
-+ int m_frameno;
-+ int m_lineno;
-+ boolean m_atBreakpoint;
-+ boolean m_invalid;
-+ CompilationUnit m_unit;
-+ Scriptable m_variableObject;
-+ Scriptable m_thisObj;
-+ /**
-+ * JsContextStub constructor comment.
-+ */
-+ JsContextStub(RhinoContextProxy rcp, CompilationUnit unit)
-+ throws RemoteException {
-+ super(org.apache.bsf.debug.util.DebugConstants.JS_CONTEXT_TID);
-+ m_rhinoDbg = rcp.getRhinoEngineDebugger();
-+ m_rcp = rcp;
-+ m_unit = unit;
-+ m_invalid = false;
-+ m_atBreakpoint = true;
-+ }
-+ DebugFrame getRhinoDebugFrame() {
-+ return new RhinoDebugFrame(this);
-+ }
-+ //--------------------------------------------------
-+ void atBreakpoint(boolean atbrkpt) {
-+ m_atBreakpoint = atbrkpt;
-+ }
-+ public JsObject bind(String id) throws RemoteException {
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ Scriptable obj = m_variableObject;
-+ Object prop;
-+ while (obj != null) {
-+ Scriptable m = obj;
-+ do {
-+ if (m.has(id, obj))
-+ return m_rhinoDbg.marshallScriptable(obj);
-+ m = m.getPrototype();
-+ } while (m != null);
-+ obj = obj.getParentScope();
-+ }
-+ throw new JsdiException("Name not in scope.");
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ //--------------------------------------------------
-+ public JsCode getCode() {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get the code.");
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ return null;
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ public int getDepth() {
-+ return m_frameno;
-+ }
-+ //--------------------------------------------------
-+ public JsEngine getEngine() {
-+ RhinoEngineDebugger redbg;
-+ redbg = m_rcp.getRhinoEngineDebugger();
-+ return (JsEngine) redbg.getDebugInterface();
-+ }
-+ //--------------------------------------------------
-+ public int getLineNumber() {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-+ return m_lineno;
-+ }
-+ //------------------------------------------------------
-+ public JsObject getScope() throws RemoteException {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ JsObject scope = m_rhinoDbg.marshallScriptable(m_variableObject);
-+ return scope;
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ //------------------------------------------------------
-+ public String getSourceName() {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-+ return m_unit.m_dbgScript.getSourceName();
-+ }
-+ //------------------------------------------------------
-+ public JsObject getThis() throws RemoteException {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ JsObject thisobj = null;
-+ Scriptable obj = null;
-+ NativeCall call = null;
-+ Scriptable varobj = m_variableObject;
-+ if (varobj instanceof NativeCall) {
-+ call = (NativeCall) varobj;
-+ obj = call.getThisObj();
-+ thisobj = m_rhinoDbg.marshallScriptable(varobj);
-+ }
-+ return thisobj;
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ //--------------------------------------------------
-+ void invalidate() {
-+ m_invalid = true;
-+ }
-+ //------------------------------------------------------
-+ public boolean isEvalContext() {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ return false;
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ //------------------------------------------------------
-+ public boolean isFunctionContext() {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ return false;
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ //------------------------------------------------------
-+ public boolean isScriptContext() {
-+ if (m_invalid)
-+ throw new JsdiException("This context no longer exists.");
-+ if (!m_atBreakpoint)
-+ throw new JsdiException("Resumed context, can't get line number.");
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ return true;
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ public Object lookupName(String name) {
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ Scriptable obj = m_variableObject;
-+ Object prop;
-+ while (obj != null) {
-+ Scriptable m = obj;
-+ do {
-+ Object result = m.get(name, obj);
-+ if (result != Scriptable.NOT_FOUND)
-+ return result;
-+ m = m.getPrototype();
-+ } while (m != null);
-+ obj = obj.getParentScope();
-+ }
-+ throw new JsdiException("Name is not in scope.");
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /**
-+ * Looks up a name in the scope chain and returns its value.
-+ */
-+ public Object lookupName(Scriptable scopeChain, String id) {
-+ try {
-+ Context.enter();
-+ Scriptable obj = scopeChain;
-+ Object prop;
-+ while (obj != null) {
-+ Scriptable m = obj;
-+ do {
-+ Object result = m.get(id, obj);
-+ if (result != Scriptable.NOT_FOUND)
-+ return result;
-+ m = m.getPrototype();
-+ } while (m != null);
-+ obj = obj.getParentScope();
-+ }
-+ return null;
-+ } finally {
-+ Context.exit();
-+ }
-+ }
-+class RhinoDebugFrame implements DebugFrame {
-+ JsContextStub m_stub;
-+ RhinoDebugFrame(JsContextStub stub) {
-+ m_stub = stub;
-+ }
-+ public void onEnter(Context cx, Scriptable activation,
-+ Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args)
-+ {
-+ m_stub.m_variableObject = activation;
-+ m_stub.m_thisObj = thisObj;
-+ m_stub.m_frameno = m_stub.m_rcp.m_frameStack.size();
-+ m_stub.m_rcp.m_frameStack.push(m_stub);
-+ }
-+ public void onExit(Context cx, boolean byThrow, Object resultOrException)
-+ {
-+ m_stub.m_rcp.m_frameStack.pop();
-+ m_stub.invalidate();
-+ }
-+ public void onExceptionThrown(Context cx, Throwable ex) {
-+ m_stub.m_rcp.m_reDbg.handleExceptionThrown(cx, m_stub.m_rcp, ex);
-+ }
-+ public void onLineChange(Context cx, int lineNumber) {
-+ m_stub.m_lineno = lineNumber;
-+ if (m_stub.m_unit.hasBreakpoint(lineNumber)) {
-+ m_stub.m_rcp.m_reDbg.handleBreakpointHit(cx, m_stub.m_rcp);
-+ }
-+ }
- }
-diff -urN bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/
---- bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2002-11-12 23:28:54.000000000 -0700
-+++ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2004-07-07 21:12:16.135818184 -0600
-@@ -62,38 +62,37 @@
- import org.apache.bsf.debug.jsdi.*;
- import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
- import org.mozilla.javascript.Script;
--import org.mozilla.javascript.debug.DebuggableEngine;
- /**
- * Insert the type's description here.
- * Creation date: (9/6/2001 1:21:46 PM)
- * @author: Administrator
- */
--public class JsEngineStub
-+public class JsEngineStub
- extends org.apache.bsf.debug.util.Skeleton
- implements JsEngine {
- RhinoEngineDebugger m_rhinoDbg;
- boolean m_inCallback;
- boolean m_resumeExecution;
-- Object m_lock;
-+ Object m_lock;
- /**
- * JsEngineStub constructor comment.
- */
-- public JsEngineStub(RhinoEngineDebugger rhinoDbg)
-+ public JsEngineStub(RhinoEngineDebugger rhinoDbg)
- throws RemoteException {
- super(org.apache.bsf.debug.util.DebugConstants.JS_ENGINE_TID);
- m_rhinoDbg = rhinoDbg;
- m_lock = new Object();
- }
- public boolean isSuspended() throws RemoteException {
- return m_inCallback;
- }
- public boolean poll() { return true; }
- public Object eval(String docname, String exp, int lineNo)
- throws RemoteException {
-@@ -125,7 +124,7 @@
- try {
- Context.enter();
- count = m_rhinoDbg.getContextCount();
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" count = "+count,
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" count = "+count,
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
- return count;
- } finally {
-@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@
- }
- }
- public String getThread() throws RemoteException {
- return m_rhinoDbg.getThread();
- }
-@@ -203,7 +202,7 @@
- public void stepIn() throws RemoteException {
- try {
- Context.enter();
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("Step In command on "+this,
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("Step In command on "+this,
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
- m_rhinoDbg.stepIn(this);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
-@@ -225,7 +224,6 @@
- }
- public void stepOver() throws RemoteException {
-- RhinoContextProxy rcp;
- try {
- Context.enter();
- m_rhinoDbg.stepOver(this);
-diff -urN bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/
---- bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2002-11-12 23:28:53.000000000 -0700
-+++ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2004-07-07 21:12:16.136818032 -0600
-@@ -70,133 +70,107 @@
- import java.rmi.RemoteException;
--public class RhinoContextProxy {
-+class RhinoContextProxy {
- RhinoEngineDebugger m_reDbg;
-- Context m_context;
-- JsContextStub m_contextStub;
-- DebuggableEngine m_engine;
-- boolean m_atBreakpoint;
-- int m_frameCount;
-- JsContextStub m_frames[];
-+ ObjArray m_frameStack = new ObjArray();
- private static final int NO_STEP = 0, STEP_IN = 1, STEP_OVER = 2,
- private int m_stepCmd, m_stepDepth;
-- RhinoContextProxy(RhinoEngineDebugger reDbg, Context cx) {
-+ RhinoContextProxy(RhinoEngineDebugger reDbg) {
- m_reDbg = reDbg;
-- m_context = cx;
-- m_engine = cx.getDebuggableEngine();
- }
-- public void cancelStepping() {
-+ static RhinoContextProxy getCurrent() {
-+ Context cx = Context.getCurrentContext();
-+ if (cx == null) { return null; }
-+ return (RhinoContextProxy)cx.getDebuggerContextData();
-+ }
-+ void cancelStepping() {
- m_stepCmd = NO_STEP;
- m_stepDepth = -1;
-- m_engine.setBreakNextLine(false);
- }
-- public JsContextStub getContext(int depth) {
-- return m_frames[depth];
-+ int getContextCount() {
-+ return m_frameStack.size();
- }
-- public int getContextCount() {
-- return m_frameCount;
-+ JsContextStub getContextStub(int no) {
-+ if (!(0 <= no && no < m_frameStack.size())) { return null; }
-+ return (JsContextStub)m_frameStack.get(no);
- }
-- public JsContextStub getFrame(int no) {
-- if (no < 0 || no > m_frameCount)
-- return null;
-- if (no == m_frameCount)
-- return m_contextStub;
-- else
-- return m_frames[no];
-+ JsContextStub getTopContextStub() {
-+ return getContextStub(m_frameStack.size() - 1);
- }
-- public int getLineNumber() {
-- DebugFrame frame = m_engine.getFrame(0);
-- return frame.getLineNumber();
-+ int getLineNumber() {
-+ JsContextStub stub = getTopContextStub();
-+ return stub.m_lineno;
- }
-- public RhinoEngineDebugger getRhinoEngineDebugger() {
-+ RhinoEngineDebugger getRhinoEngineDebugger() {
- return m_reDbg;
- }
- String getSourceName() {
-- DebugFrame frame = m_engine.getFrame(0);
-- return frame.getSourceName();
-+ JsContextStub stub = getTopContextStub();
-+ return stub.m_unit.m_dbgScript.getSourceName();
- }
- // We hit a known breakpoint.
- // We need to update the stack.
- // Also, cancel any pending stepping operation.
-- public JsContextStub hitBreakpoint() throws RemoteException {
-+ JsContextStub hitBreakpoint() throws RemoteException {
- cancelStepping();
-- updateStack();
-- return m_frames[0];
-+ return getTopContextStub();
- }
-- public JsContextStub exceptionThrown() throws RemoteException {
-+ JsContextStub exceptionThrown() throws RemoteException {
- cancelStepping();
-- updateStack();
-- return m_frames[0];
-+ return getTopContextStub();
- }
-- public void resumed() {
-- JsContextStub stub;
-- DebugFrame frame;
-- m_atBreakpoint = false;
-- for (int f = 0; f < m_frameCount; f++) {
-- stub = m_frames[f];
-- stub.atBreakpoint(false);
-+ void resumed() {
-+ for (int f = 0, N = getContextCount(); f != N; ++f) {
-+ getContextStub(f).atBreakpoint(false);
- }
- }
-- public void run() {
-- m_engine.setBreakNextLine(false);
-+ void run() {
- m_stepCmd = RUNNING;
- m_stepDepth = -1;
- }
-- public void stepIn() {
-- m_engine.setBreakNextLine(true);
-+ void stepIn() {
- m_stepCmd = STEP_IN;
-- m_stepDepth = m_frameCount;
-+ m_stepDepth = getContextCount();
- }
-- public void stepOut() {
-- m_engine.setBreakNextLine(true);
-+ void stepOut() {
- m_stepCmd = STEP_OUT;
-- m_stepDepth = m_frameCount;
-+ m_stepDepth = getContextCount();
- }
-- public void stepOver() {
-- m_engine.setBreakNextLine(true);
-+ void stepOver() {
- m_stepCmd = STEP_OVER;
-- m_stepDepth = m_frameCount;
-+ m_stepDepth = getContextCount();
- }
-- public JsContextStub entry_exit_mode() throws RemoteException {
-+ JsContextStub entry_exit_mode() throws RemoteException {
- cancelStepping();
-- updateStack();
-- return m_frames[0];
-+ return getTopContextStub();
- }
-- public JsContextStub stepping() {
-+ JsContextStub stepping() {
- // Did we hit a known breakpoint?
-- int frameCount = m_engine.getFrameCount();
-+ int frameCount = getContextCount();
- try {
- switch (m_stepCmd) {
-@@ -204,39 +178,31 @@
- cancelStepping();
- break;
- case STOP_ENGINE :
-- updateStack();
- cancelStepping();
-- return m_frames[0];
-+ return getTopContextStub();
- case STEP_IN :
-- // OG if ((frameCount == m_stepDepth + 1) ||
-+ // OG if ((frameCount == m_stepDepth + 1) ||
- // (frameCount == m_stepDepth)) {
- // step if we are in the same frame (nothing to step in... :-)
- // if we are in a called frame...
- // but also if we stepped out of the current frame...
-- if ((frameCount >= m_stepDepth)
-- || (frameCount < m_stepDepth)) {
-- updateStack();
- cancelStepping();
-- return m_frames[0];
-- }
-- break;
-+ return getTopContextStub();
- case STEP_OVER :
- // OG if (frameCount == m_stepDepth) {
- // step if we are in the same frame or above...
-- // this basically avoids any children frame but
-+ // this basically avoids any children frame but
- // covers the return of the current frame.
- if (frameCount <= m_stepDepth) {
-- updateStack();
- cancelStepping();
-- return m_frames[0];
-+ return getTopContextStub();
- }
- break;
- case STEP_OUT :
- // OG if (frameCount == m_stepDepth - 1) {
- if (frameCount < m_stepDepth) {
-- updateStack();
- cancelStepping();
-- return m_frames[0];
-+ return getTopContextStub();
- }
- break;
- default :
-@@ -249,55 +215,8 @@
- return null;
- }
-- public void stopEngine() {
-- m_engine.setBreakNextLine(true);
-+ void stopEngine() {
- m_stepCmd = STOP_ENGINE;
- m_stepDepth = -1;
- }
-- public void updateStack() throws RemoteException {
-- JsContextStub frames[];
-- JsContextStub stub;
-- DebugFrame frame;
-- int nf, of, frameCount;
-- m_atBreakpoint = true;
-- frameCount = m_engine.getFrameCount();
-- frames = new JsContextStub[frameCount];
-- // scan the stacks from the outer frame down
-- // to the inner one of the shortest of the old
-- // and the new known stack.
-- // The goal is to recognize the DebugFrame objects
-- // that are the sames so that we can reuse the
-- // stubs for those.
-- // As soon as a DebugFrame object is found different,
-- // the rest of the stack is different, all the old
-- // stubs can be dropped and invalidated, new ones
-- // must be created.
-- for (nf = frameCount - 1, of = m_frameCount - 1;
-- nf >= 0 && of >= 0;
-- nf--, of--) {
-- frame = m_engine.getFrame(nf);
-- if (frame == m_frames[of].m_frame) {
-- frames[nf] = m_frames[of];
-- } else
-- break;
-- }
-- // now drop all old frames that diverged.
-- // Also invalidate the frame stubs so to
-- // tracked that they are no longer valid.
-- for (; of >= 0; of--) {
-- m_reDbg.dropStub(m_frames[of].m_frame);
-- m_frames[of].invalidate();
-- }
-- for (; nf >= 0; nf--) {
-- frame = m_engine.getFrame(nf);
-- frames[nf] = new JsContextStub(this, frame, nf);
-- }
-- m_frames = frames;
-- m_frameCount = frameCount;
-- }
- }
-diff -urN bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/
---- bsf-2.3.0/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2002-11-12 23:28:55.000000000 -0700
-+++ bsf-2.3.0.patched/src/bsf/src/org/apache/bsf/engines/javascript/ 2004-07-07 21:12:16.138817728 -0600
-@@ -74,24 +74,23 @@
- import org.apache.bsf.debug.*;
- import org.apache.bsf.debug.jsdi.*;
--public class RhinoEngineDebugger implements Debugger {
-+class RhinoEngineDebugger implements Debugger {
- /** The global script object, where all embedded functions are defined,
- * as well as the standard ECMA "core" objects.
-- */
-+ */
- private Scriptable global;
- private JsObject globalstub;
-- private RhinoContextProxy m_rcp;
- private Scriptable undefined;
- private JsObject undefinedStub;
-- /**
-+ /**
- * Hashtable allowing to find the stub for an object in the JavaScript
- * environment if one exists.
- * Typically: Scriptable, Function, Script, etc.
- * This is not used for Context and DebugFrame.
-- * They typically contains JsObject associated to
-+ * They typically contains JsObject associated to
- * org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject
- */
- private Hashtable stubs;
-@@ -102,16 +101,13 @@
- private FnOrScript m_compilingFnOrScript;
- private JavaScriptEngine m_eng;
-- private Thread m_thread;
- private Hashtable m_documents;
- BSFDebugManagerImpl dbgmgr;
-- public RhinoEngineDebugger(JavaScriptEngine eng)
-+ RhinoEngineDebugger(JavaScriptEngine eng)
- throws RemoteException {
- super();
-- m_thread = Thread.currentThread();
- m_eng = eng;
- dbgmgr = eng.getDebugManager();
-@@ -127,45 +123,37 @@
- /**
- * Called when our debugger has been disconnected.
- */
-- public void disconnectedDebuggerNotify() {
-+ void disconnectedDebuggerNotify() {
- m_callbacks = null;
- }
-- void addStub(Context cx, RhinoContextProxy jscx) {
-- stubs.put(cx, jscx);
-- }
-- void addStub(DebugFrame frame, JsContextStub stub) {
-- stubs.put(frame, stub);
-- }
- void addStub(Scriptable sobj, JsObject jsobj) {
- stubs.put(sobj, jsobj);
- }
-- void dropStub(Object key) {
-+ void dropStub(Scriptable key) {
- stubs.remove(key);
- }
-- public synchronized DocumentCell getDocumentCell(String name) {
-+ synchronized DocumentCell getDocumentCell(String name) {
- return (DocumentCell) m_documents.get(name);
- }
- // Called upon creation of a BSFManager.
-- public synchronized DocumentCell loadDocumentNotify(String name) {
-+ synchronized DocumentCell loadDocumentNotify(String name) {
- DocumentCell cell;
- cell = (DocumentCell) m_documents.get(name);
- if (cell == null) {
- cell = new DocumentCell(this, name);
- m_documents.put(name, cell);
-- if (dbgmgr!=null)
-+ if (dbgmgr!=null)
- dbgmgr.loadDocumentNotify(m_eng, name);
- }
- return cell;
- }
-- public synchronized void placeBreakpointAtLine(int brkptid,
-+ synchronized void placeBreakpointAtLine(int brkptid,
- String docname,
- int lineno) {
-@@ -174,7 +162,7 @@
- cell.addBreakpointAtLine(brkptid, lineno);
- }
-- public synchronized void placeBreakpointAtOffset(int brkptid,
-+ synchronized void placeBreakpointAtOffset(int brkptid,
- String docname,
- int offset) {
-@@ -183,7 +171,7 @@
- cell.addBreakpointAtOffset(brkptid, offset);
- }
-- public void removeBreakpoint(String docname, int brkptid)
-+ void removeBreakpoint(String docname, int brkptid)
- throws BSFException {
- DocumentCell cell;
-@@ -191,7 +179,7 @@
- cell.removeBreakpoint(brkptid);
- }
-- public void setEntryExit(String docname, boolean on)
-+ void setEntryExit(String docname, boolean on)
- throws BSFException {
- DocumentCell cell;
-@@ -199,7 +187,7 @@
- cell.setEntryExit(on);
- }
-- public Object eval(String docname, String fnOrScript, int lineno)
-+ Object eval(String docname, String fnOrScript, int lineno)
- throws RemoteException {
- Object retval;
- try {
-@@ -210,13 +198,15 @@
- }
- }
-- public JsContext getContext(int depth) {
-- if (m_rcp != null) return m_rcp.getContext(depth);
-+ JsContext getContext(int depth) {
-+ RhinoContextProxy rcp = RhinoContextProxy.getCurrent();
-+ if (rcp != null) return rcp.getContextStub(depth);
- return null;
- }
-- public int getContextCount() {
-- if (m_rcp != null) return m_rcp.getContextCount();
-+ int getContextCount() {
-+ RhinoContextProxy rcp = RhinoContextProxy.getCurrent();
-+ if (rcp != null) return rcp.getContextCount();
- return -1;
- }
-@@ -224,24 +214,20 @@
- * Return the current debugger.
- * @return the debugger, or null if none is attached.
- */
-- public JsCallbacks getDebugger() {
-+ JsCallbacks getDebugger() {
- return m_callbacks;
- }
-- public Object getDebugInterface() {
-+ Object getDebugInterface() {
- return engineStub;
- }
-- public JsObject getGlobalObject() {
-+ JsObject getGlobalObject() {
- return globalstub;
- }
-- public RhinoContextProxy getRhinoContextProxy() {
-- return m_rcp;
-- }
- RhinoContextProxy getStub(Context cx) {
-- return (RhinoContextProxy) stubs.get(cx);
-+ return (RhinoContextProxy)cx.getDebuggerContextData();
- }
- JsContextStub getStub(DebugFrame frame) {
-@@ -252,19 +238,20 @@
- return (JsObject) stubs.get(sobj);
- }
-- public JsObject getUndefinedValue() {
-+ JsObject getUndefinedValue() {
- return undefinedStub;
- }
-- public String getThread() {
-+ String getThread() {
-+ Context cx = Context.getCurrentContext();
- String resultstr = "";
-- if (m_thread != null) {
-+ if (cx != null) {
- try {
- final String resultstrf = (String)
- AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
- public Object run() throws Exception {
-- return m_thread.getName();
-+ return Thread.currentThread().getName();
- }
- });
- resultstr = resultstrf;
-@@ -277,15 +264,17 @@
- return resultstr;
- }
-- public String getThreadGroup() {
-+ String getThreadGroup() {
-+ Context cx = Context.getCurrentContext();
- String resultstr = "";
-- if (m_thread != null) {
-+ if (cx != null) {
- try {
- final String resultstrf = (String)
- AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
- public Object run() throws Exception {
-- return m_thread.getThreadGroup().getName();
-+ return Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().
-+ getName();
- }
- });
- resultstr = resultstrf;
-@@ -305,7 +294,7 @@
- // to implement STEP_IN, STEP_OUT, and STEP_OVER.
- //---------------------------------------------------------
-- public void handleBreakpointHit(Context cx) {
-+ void handleBreakpointHit(Context cx, RhinoContextProxy rcp) {
- JsCallbacks debugger;
- BreakPoint bp;
- Enumeration e;
-@@ -313,48 +302,41 @@
- boolean breakpointFound=false;
- String name;
- int lineno;
-- boolean suspend=false;
-- m_thread = Thread.currentThread();
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("**** Handling a breakpoint hit...",
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("**** Handling a breakpoint hit...",
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_rcp = getStub(cx);
-- if (m_rcp == null) {
-- m_rcp = new RhinoContextProxy(this, cx);
-- addStub(cx, m_rcp);
-- }
-- // if we have no callbacks... then just
-+ // if we have no callbacks... then just
- // ignore the breakpoint hit, do a run
- // so that execution resumes...
- if (m_callbacks==null) {
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" No callbacks, resuming...", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" No callbacks, resuming...", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
- } else {
- // First, check that we didn't hit a known breakpoint.
- // First, search if we have breakpoints for the current documents
-- name = m_rcp.getSourceName();
-- lineno = m_rcp.getLineNumber();
-+ name = rcp.getSourceName();
-+ lineno = rcp.getLineNumber();
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" in "+name+" at "+lineno, DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" in "+name+" at "+lineno, DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
- cell = getDocumentCell(name);
-- if (cell != null)
-- _handleBreakpointHit(cell,lineno);
-- }
-- m_rcp = null;
-+ if (cell != null)
-+ _handleBreakpointHit(rcp,cell,lineno);
-+ }
- }
-- public void _handleBreakpointHit(DocumentCell cell, int lineno) {
-+ void _handleBreakpointHit(RhinoContextProxy rcp,
-+ DocumentCell cell, int lineno)
-+ {
- JsCallbacks debugger;
- BreakPoint bp;
- Enumeration e;
- JsContext stub=null;
- boolean breakpointFound=false;
- boolean suspend=false;
- try {
- bp = cell.findBreakpointAtLine(lineno);
- } catch (BSFException bsfex) {
-@@ -363,19 +345,19 @@
- if (bp != null) {
- breakpointFound = true;
- try {
-- stub = m_rcp.hitBreakpoint();
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" breakpoint callback...", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_callbacks.createFuture(m_rcp);
-+ stub = rcp.hitBreakpoint();
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" breakpoint callback...", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-+ m_callbacks.createFuture(rcp);
- m_callbacks.handleBreakpointHit(stub);
- suspend = true;
- } catch (RemoteException rex) {
- DebugLog.stderrPrintln(rex.getMessage(), DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L0);
- rex.printStackTrace();
- suspend = false;
- }
- } else {
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" didn't find a breakpoint...", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" didn't find a breakpoint...", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
- breakpointFound = false;
- }
-@@ -384,87 +366,107 @@
- // line in the current document, we must be stepping
- // or in entry/exit mode
- try {
-- stub = m_rcp.stepping();
-+ stub = rcp.stepping();
- FnOrScript current = cell.findFnOrScriptContaining(lineno);
- if (stub != null) {
- cell.setLastFnOrScript(current);
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" stepping-done callback...",
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" stepping-done callback...",
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_callbacks.createFuture(m_rcp);
-+ m_callbacks.createFuture(rcp);
- m_callbacks.handleSteppingDone(stub);
- suspend = true;
-- }
-+ }
- else if (cell.getEntryExit() &&
- (current != cell.getLastFnOrScript()) &&
-- (m_rcp.getContextCount() == 0)) {
-+ (rcp.getContextCount() == 0)) {
- cell.setLastFnOrScript(current);
-- stub = m_rcp.entry_exit_mode();
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" entry/exit mode...",
-+ stub = rcp.entry_exit_mode();
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" entry/exit mode...",
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_callbacks.createFuture(m_rcp);
-+ m_callbacks.createFuture(rcp);
- m_callbacks.handleSteppingDone(stub);
- suspend = true;
- }
- else {
-- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" No reason to suspend execution.", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-+ DebugLog.stdoutPrintln(" No reason to suspend execution.", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
- suspend = false;
- }
- } catch (RemoteException rex) {
- DebugLog.stderrPrintln(rex.getMessage(), DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L0);
- rex.printStackTrace();
- suspend = false;
- }
- }
- if (suspend) {
-- // now, suspend this thread... until
-+ // now, suspend this thread... until
- // we restart.
- try {
-- m_callbacks.suspendFuture(m_rcp);
-+ m_callbacks.suspendFuture(rcp);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("Future creation failed... releasing the engine", DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
- }
-- }
-+ }
- }
-- public void run(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
-+ void run(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("RhinoEngineDebugger::run()...",
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_callbacks.completeFuture(m_rcp);
-+ RhinoContextProxy rcp = RhinoContextProxy.getCurrent();
-+ m_callbacks.completeFuture(rcp);
- }
-- public void stepIn(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
-+ void stepIn(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("RhinoEngineDebugger::stepIn()...",
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_rcp.stepIn();
-- m_callbacks.completeFuture(m_rcp);
-+ RhinoContextProxy rcp = RhinoContextProxy.getCurrent();
-+ rcp.stepIn();
-+ m_callbacks.completeFuture(rcp);
- }
-- public void stepOut(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
-+ void stepOut(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("RhinoEngineDebugger::stepOut()...",
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_rcp.stepOut();
-- m_callbacks.completeFuture(m_rcp);
-+ RhinoContextProxy rcp = RhinoContextProxy.getCurrent();
-+ rcp.stepOut();
-+ m_callbacks.completeFuture(rcp);
- }
-- public void stepOver(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
-+ void stepOver(JsEngineStub eng) throws Exception {
- DebugLog.stdoutPrintln("RhinoEngineDebugger::stepOver()...",
- DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L3);
-- m_rcp.stepOver();
-- m_callbacks.completeFuture(m_rcp);
-+ RhinoContextProxy rcp = RhinoContextProxy.getCurrent();
-+ rcp.stepOver();
-+ m_callbacks.completeFuture(rcp);
- }
- public void handleCompilationDone(Context cx,
- DebuggableScript fnOrScript,
-- StringBuffer source) {
-+ String source) {
-- m_thread = Thread.currentThread();
- m_compilingFnOrScript.addCompilationUnit(cx, fnOrScript, source);
- }
-- public void handleExceptionThrown(Context cx, Object exceptionThrown) {
-+ public DebugFrame getFrame(Context cx, DebuggableScript fnOrScript) {
-+ CompilationUnit unit;
-+ unit = m_compilingFnOrScript.getCompilationUnit(fnOrScript);
-+ RhinoContextProxy rcp = getStub(cx);
-+ try {
-+ JsContextStub stub = new JsContextStub(rcp, unit);
-+ return stub.getRhinoDebugFrame();
-+ } catch (RemoteException rex) {
-+ DebugLog.stderrPrintln(rex.getMessage(), DebugLog.BSF_LOG_L0);
-+ rex.printStackTrace();
-+ return null;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ void handleExceptionThrown(Context cx, RhinoContextProxy rcp,
-+ Throwable exceptionThrown)
-+ {
- JsContext stub;
- JsCallbacks debugger;
- BreakPoint bp;
-@@ -473,53 +475,40 @@
- String name,msg;
- Exception ex;
- int lineno;
-- NativeError error;
-- m_thread = Thread.currentThread();
-- m_rcp = getStub(cx);
-- if (m_rcp == null) {
-- m_rcp = new RhinoContextProxy(this, cx);
-- addStub(cx, m_rcp);
-+ // if we have no callbacks... then just
-+ // ignore the breakpoint hit, do a run
-+ // so that execution resumes...
-+ if (m_callbacks==null) {
-+ return;
- }
-- try {
-- // if we have no callbacks... then just
-- // ignore the breakpoint hit, do a run
-- // so that execution resumes...
-- if (m_callbacks==null) {
-- return;
-- }
-- // First, check that we didn't hit a known breakpoint.
-- // First, search if we have breakpoints for the current documents
-- name = m_rcp.getSourceName();
-- lineno = m_rcp.getLineNumber();
-- try {
-- error = (NativeError)exceptionThrown;
-- msg = error.getName() + ": " + error.getMessage();
-- } catch (ClassCastException ccex) {
-- msg = "Unknown JavaScript Exception";
-- }
-- ex = new Exception(msg);
-+ // First, check that we didn't hit a known breakpoint.
-+ // First, search if we have breakpoints for the current documents
-+ name = rcp.getSourceName();
-+ lineno = rcp.getLineNumber();
-+ if (exceptionThrown instanceof EcmaError) {
-+ msg = ((EcmaError)exceptionThrown).getErrorObject().toString();
-+ } else {
-+ msg = exceptionThrown.toString();
-+ }
-+ ex = new Exception(msg);
-- cell = getDocumentCell(name);
-- if (cell == null) return;
-+ cell = getDocumentCell(name);
-+ if (cell == null) return;
-- try {
-- stub = m_rcp.exceptionThrown();
-- m_callbacks.createFuture(m_rcp);
-- m_callbacks.handleExceptionThrown(stub,ex);
-- // now, suspend this thread... until
-- // we restart.
-- m_callbacks.suspendFuture(m_rcp);
-- } catch (Exception ex2) {
-- }
-- } finally {
-- m_rcp = null;
-+ try {
-+ stub = rcp.exceptionThrown();
-+ m_callbacks.createFuture(rcp);
-+ m_callbacks.handleExceptionThrown(stub,ex);
-+ // now, suspend this thread... until
-+ // we restart.
-+ m_callbacks.suspendFuture(rcp);
-+ } catch (Exception ex2) {
- }
- }
-@@ -568,10 +557,10 @@
- * The engine will call the attached debugger's handleBreakpointHit
- * method on the next line it executes if isLineStep is true.
- * May be used from another thread to interrupt execution.
-- *
-+ *
- * @param isLineStep if true, break next line
- */
-- public void setBreakNextLine(JsContext context, boolean isLineStep) {
-+ void setBreakNextLine(JsContext context, boolean isLineStep) {
- }
- void setCompilingFnOrScript(FnOrScript fnOrScript) {
-@@ -583,7 +572,7 @@
- * @param debugger the debugger to be used on callbacks from
- * the engine.
- */
-- public void setDebugger(JsCallbacks debugger) {
-+ void setDebugger(JsCallbacks debugger) {
- m_callbacks = debugger;
- }
- }
diff --git a/dev-java/bsf/files/digest-bsf-2.3.0-r1 b/dev-java/bsf/files/digest-bsf-2.3.0-r1
index 08400115fb0b..96df1e737c76 100644
--- a/dev-java/bsf/files/digest-bsf-2.3.0-r1
+++ b/dev-java/bsf/files/digest-bsf-2.3.0-r1
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
MD5 78bae3747ca5734bb7554eed6868b7da bsf-src-2.3.0.tar.gz 1035181
+MD5 db5d0f665631f91a13d721f8756df36f bsf-rhino-1.5.patch.bz2 10818