diff options
authorGilles Dartiguelongue <>2009-06-11 22:42:03 +0000
committerGilles Dartiguelongue <>2009-06-11 22:42:03 +0000
commit979778f42454eb4ded017133ef7ce2cfcaeb8eb9 (patch)
tree709853b6051acb89c23071f22b24e22a7a2ebf49 /gnome-extra/hamster-applet
parentRemove old. (diff)
Use pango layout to draw text in place of cairo for graphs, closes: #273673.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc33/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'gnome-extra/hamster-applet')
4 files changed, 324 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/ChangeLog b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/ChangeLog
index c14820a8916e..37e146bd90cc 100644
--- a/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/ChangeLog
+++ b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for gnome-extra/hamster-applet
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2009/05/23 20:08:36 eva Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2009/06/11 22:42:02 eva Exp $
+*hamster-applet-2.26.2-r1 (12 Jun 2009)
+ 12 Jun 2009; Gilles Dartiguelongue <>
+ +hamster-applet-2.26.2-r1.ebuild,
+ +files/hamster-applet-2.26.2-pango-layout.patch:
+ Use pango layout to draw text in place of cairo for graphs, closes:
+ #273673.
23 May 2009; Gilles Dartiguelongue <>
diff --git a/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/Manifest b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/Manifest
index 920bc7a5f30e..a2b24c704047 100644
--- a/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/Manifest
+++ b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/Manifest
@@ -3,18 +3,20 @@ Hash: SHA1
AUX hamster-applet-2.24.0-gnomevfs.patch 744 RMD160 ad2da96b98822ddf16c7f9bce53f260a20c8928b SHA1 dc13b7280a4dbc3eeb70bf68115b11a180bd7128 SHA256 0571434947b125da75a9a62cb159136a60334c5250c49dbb777a4267de0f8f55
AUX hamster-applet-2.24.0-python25.patch 1959 RMD160 302d2fd687d35462b23ce7becb8f3019f6656905 SHA1 9530e3aee51a3d8494e17af3de0f65098d18d60f SHA256 55b7fbb935da813fea51905c61a23a4fcdbae9581a7ea97b194e6981b7cb9a55
+AUX hamster-applet-2.26.2-pango-layout.patch 10015 RMD160 ab056ade8acef4aeb0e4dfef751cca3d06683639 SHA1 7dfef3c606af8bd67abc56210537912e2049b78b SHA256 9308fbff0f23986d67e486329f69d734f60c26dfaaacfe1a74287b167f8fbcc1
DIST hamster-applet-2.24.3.tar.bz2 401534 RMD160 4c9c1a52e81b961de3a37916fc49a5c84a23a861 SHA1 6425b707c622d6f5c8f3caed4c7fc91d50aa2641 SHA256 f59f0647eab59b852402aeca208fba49aeda515cfbae504309f94a7c59784b22
DIST hamster-applet-2.26.0.tar.bz2 421678 RMD160 9bfdee06c7122086c12ea2f2f692edcdecdffc89 SHA1 a5444ea5ff026ae2861909dbda0ade75639b27e0 SHA256 97930bdbf8ca3f3078709625430401ce6bff644dd3583e958f8ff9472fdd7d2d
DIST hamster-applet-2.26.2.tar.bz2 426795 RMD160 22907772c65658dcbcb5eb658d4aa9b84d1ea2b3 SHA1 3caa0997ba2d0a63c418d84ce8ea7e16b1a188d0 SHA256 84ac01c066bd38f8ee5b002171b99365553f9688c557c6a5b229e16ae2adb4ec
EBUILD hamster-applet-2.24.3.ebuild 1412 RMD160 cb244e3d4fb73bfce93b4ccb4d4efc20a2f8e30e SHA1 576b69fcbb49c59626ab5c7baa3f95cac1bb221d SHA256 ab35bf46509fc2d62622a7d8c76b1f1cbf002ffa76c234bbcbb627ceba76c381
EBUILD hamster-applet-2.26.0.ebuild 1445 RMD160 35cec7083981ec4b9f4e704b5160dcce9bb9c72a SHA1 54e20a75acc69272c04c5660ef402c7e92e2e9ef SHA256 a24bf4f1e850e0f4d6d9ef0586a4bc2791c99ace308dc18064d78ad124a5132b
+EBUILD hamster-applet-2.26.2-r1.ebuild 1728 RMD160 5f26b589ad476583fade0353739acf9f6be6b971 SHA1 9eb440b08beab0994f24f6f21d1b9fb375d0be42 SHA256 f0904dc188bbcc4a8bd56e17a1199a9f43903dddb5dd425ebd1ec69d82a3df1f
EBUILD hamster-applet-2.26.2.ebuild 1601 RMD160 0f66f983aa1958e3740a64cef4e10b1fa9b338e2 SHA1 d29670c4232694255489269bfac5783ff213ea7a SHA256 fa95f3c003c3a2f2ad395209e8cfdb1b7791199d479d4e72ff6a5a52783debb9
-MISC ChangeLog 2316 RMD160 9ae848cd8e6298c5343f25a52f2706473d0cc4c4 SHA1 f52c8a82ce5eddcbb5551e14f4244024221fb2f9 SHA256 5303f82e6709aed04744778d8cfb5cc4375451058956375e3e87b3ab47227032
+MISC ChangeLog 2580 RMD160 679814896455bfaee81a3796405156b409ea3b28 SHA1 eea74dcae933f48a8aeb45a4a95526eaa8187d56 SHA256 21fe8b7aa32553ae87557d374f9c66d0d31252e1df38a7c2a846ff20e0b90838
MISC metadata.xml 356 RMD160 6547f0bc2bc56bf2d45d562045db0430e5cc8c90 SHA1 cb8155da094785b94dfb43e2ae95f8061f4c26f4 SHA256 d1b867ff5d8db648194a023f5b919ebaf9ef8f5878c9c6f4883c36c72393f6c6
Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/files/hamster-applet-2.26.2-pango-layout.patch b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/files/hamster-applet-2.26.2-pango-layout.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03a72c68254a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/files/hamster-applet-2.26.2-pango-layout.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+From 47ca98014276fe73314abd10366f1e9b6c835650 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?utf-8?q?Toms=20Bau=C4=A3is?= <>
+Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 13:38:42 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] use layout to set text instead of the cairo not suggested show_text. fixes bug 585420
+ hamster/ | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ 1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/hamster/ b/hamster/
+index 657fad6..49b4608 100644
+--- a/hamster/
++++ b/hamster/
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Example:
+ import gtk
+ import gobject
+-import cairo
++import cairo, pango
+ import copy
+ import math
+@@ -139,13 +139,19 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ self.animation_timeout = 20 #in miliseconds
+ self.current_frame = self.animation_frames
+- self.freeze_animation = False
++ self.freeze_animation = False
++ self.layout = None #pango text layout
+ def _expose(self, widget, event): # expose is when drawing's going on
+ context = widget.window.cairo_create()
+ context.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height)
+ context.clip()
++ self.layout = context.create_layout()
++ default_font = pango.FontDescription(gtk.Style().font_desc.to_string())
++ default_font.set_size(8 * pango.SCALE)
++ self.layout.set_font_description(default_font)
+ if self.orient_vertical:
+ # for simple bars figure, when there is way too much data for bars
+ # and go to lines (yay!)
+@@ -417,21 +423,27 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ # scale labels
+ set_color_gdk(context,[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]);
++ self.layout.set_width(-1)
+ for i in range(records):
+- extent = context.text_extents(data[i]["label"]) #x, y, width, height
+- context.move_to(graph_x + (step * i) + (step - extent[2]) / 2.0,
+- graph_y + graph_height + 13)
+- context.show_text(data[i]["label"])
++ self.layout.set_text(data[i]["label"])
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
++ context.move_to(graph_x + (step * i) + (step - label_w) / 2.0,
++ graph_y + graph_height + 2)
++ self.layout.set_text(data[i]["label"])
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ # values for max min and average
+ max_label = "%d" % self.max
+ if self.there_are_floats:
+ max_label = "%.1f" % self.max
+- extent = context.text_extents(max_label) #x, y, width, height
+- context.move_to(graph_x - extent[2] - 16, rect.y + 10)
+- context.show_text(max_label)
++ self.layout.set_text(max_label)
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
++ context.move_to(graph_x - label_w - 16, rect.y)
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ #flip the matrix vertically, so we do not have to think upside-down
+@@ -474,40 +486,45 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ label = "%.1f" % data[i]["value"]
+ else:
+ label = "%d" % data[i]["value"]
+- extent = context.text_extents(label) #x, y, width, height
++ self.layout.set_text(label)
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
+ bar_size = graph_height * data[i]["factor"]
+ if self.animate:
+ bar_size = bar_size * 0.8
+ else:
+ bar_size = bar_size * 0.9
+- vertical_offset = (step - extent[2]) / 2.0
++ vertical_offset = (step - label_h) / 2.0
+- if self.animate or bar_size - vertical_offset < extent[3]:
+- graph_y = -bar_size - 3
++ if self.animate or bar_size - vertical_offset < label_h:
++ graph_y = -bar_size - label_h
+ else:
+- graph_y = -bar_size + extent[3] + vertical_offset
++ graph_y = - bar_size - label_h + vertical_offset + 3
+- context.move_to(graph_x + (step * i) + (step - extent[2]) / 2.0,
++ context.move_to(graph_x + (step * i) + (step - label_w) / 2.0,
+ graph_y)
+- context.show_text(label)
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ def _ellipsize_text (self, context, text, width):
+ """try to constrain text into pixels by ellipsizing end
+ TODO - check if cairo maybe has ability to ellipsize automatically
+ """
+- extent = context.text_extents(text) #x, y, width, height
+- if extent[2] <= width:
++ self.layout.set_text(text)
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
++ if label_w <= width:
+ return text
+ res = text
+ while res:
+ res = res[:-1]
+- extent = context.text_extents(res + "…") #x, y, width, height
+- if extent[2] <= width:
++ self.layout.set_text(text + "…")
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
++ if label_w <= width:
+ return res + "…"
+ return text # if can't fit - return what we have
+@@ -523,8 +540,9 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ else:
+ max_extent = 0
+ for i in range(records):
+- extent = context.text_extents(data[i]["label"]) #x, y, width, height
+- max_extent = max(max_extent, extent[2] + 8)
++ self.layout.set_text(data[i]["label"])
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
++ max_extent = max(max_extent, label_w + 8)
+ #push graph to the right, so it doesn't overlap, and add little padding aswell
+@@ -551,15 +569,18 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ ellipsize_label = lambda(text): 3
+ # now let's put scale labels and align them right
+- set_color_gdk(context,[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]);
++ set_color_gdk(context,[gtk.STATE_NORMAL])
+ for i in range(records):
+ label = data[i]["label"]
+ if self.legend_width:
+ label = self._ellipsize_text(context, label, max_extent - 8)
+- extent = context.text_extents(label) #x, y, width, height
++ self.layout.set_text(label)
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
+- context.move_to(rect.x + max_extent - extent[2] - 8, rect.y + (step * i) + (step + extent[3]) / 2)
+- context.show_text(label)
++ context.move_to(rect.x + max_extent - label_w - 8,
++ rect.y + (step * i) + (step - label_h) / 2)
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ context.stroke()
+@@ -624,18 +645,21 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ label = "%.1f" % data[i]["value"]
+ else:
+ label = "%d" % data[i]["value"]
+- extent = context.text_extents(label) #x, y, width, height
++ self.layout.set_text(label)
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
+ bar_size = max_size * data[i]["factor"]
+- horizontal_offset = (step + extent[3]) / 2.0 - extent[3]
++ horizontal_offset = (step - label_h) / 2.0
+- if bar_size - horizontal_offset < extent[2]:
++ if bar_size - horizontal_offset < label_w:
+ label_x = graph_x + bar_size + horizontal_offset
+ else:
+- label_x = graph_x + bar_size - extent[2] - horizontal_offset
++ label_x = graph_x + bar_size - label_w - horizontal_offset
+- context.move_to(label_x, graph_y + (step * i) + (step + extent[3]) / 2.0)
+- context.show_text(label)
++ context.move_to(label_x,
++ graph_y + (step * i) + (step - label_h) / 2.0)
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ else:
+ # values for max min and average
+@@ -645,7 +669,8 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ else:
+ max_label = "%d" % self.max
+- context.show_text(max_label)
++ self.layout.set_text(max_label)
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ def _area_chart(self, context):
+@@ -717,20 +742,20 @@ class Chart(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ set_color_gdk(context,[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]);
+ for i in range(records):
+ if i % 5 == 0:
+- context.move_to(graph_x + 5 + (step * i), graph_y + graph_height + 13)
+- context.show_text(data[i]["label"])
++ context.move_to(graph_x + 5 + (step * i), graph_y + graph_height + 3)
++ self.layout.set_text(data[i]["label"])
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ # values for max min and average
+ if self.there_are_floats:
+ max_label = "%.1f" % self.max
+ else:
+ max_label = "%d" % self.max
+- extent = context.text_extents(max_label) #x, y, width, height
+- context.move_to(graph_x - extent[2] - 16, rect.y + 10)
+- context.show_text(max_label)
++ self.layout.set_text(max_label)
++ label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
++ context.move_to(graph_x - label_w - 16, rect.y)
++ context.show_layout(self.layout)
+ context.rectangle(graph_x, graph_y, graph_width, graph_height + 1)
+ context.clip()
diff --git a/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/hamster-applet-2.26.2-r1.ebuild b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/hamster-applet-2.26.2-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..59a915a6128a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/hamster-applet-2.26.2-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnome-extra/hamster-applet/hamster-applet-2.26.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/06/11 22:42:02 eva Exp $
+inherit eutils gnome2 python
+DESCRIPTION="Time tracking for the masses, in a GNOME applet"
+# license on homepage is out-of-date, was changed to GPL-2 on 2008-04-16
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="eds libnotify"
+ || ( >=dev-lang/python-2.5[sqlite]
+ ( dev-lang/python:2.4
+ dev-python/pysqlite:2 ) )
+ dev-python/gconf-python
+ dev-python/libgnome-python
+ dev-python/gnome-applets-python
+ dev-python/dbus-python
+ eds? ( dev-python/evolution-python )
+ libnotify? ( dev-python/notify-python )
+ >=dev-python/pygobject-2.14
+ >=dev-python/pygtk-2.12
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.12
+ x11-libs/libXScrnSaver"
+ x11-proto/scrnsaverproto
+ >=dev-util/intltool-0.40
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ sys-devel/gettext"
+src_prepare() {
+ gnome2_src_prepare
+ # disable pyc compiling
+ mv py-compile py-compile.orig
+ ln -s $(type -P true) py-compile
+ # Use pango layout instead of cairo for drawing text in graphs, bug #585420
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-pango-layout.patch"
+ # Fix intltoolize broken file, see upstream #577133
+ sed "s:'\^\$\$lang\$\$':\^\$\$lang\$\$:g" -i po/ || die "sed failed"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ gnome2_pkg_postinst
+ python_need_rebuild
+ python_mod_optimize $(python_get_sitedir)/hamster
+pkg_postrm() {
+ gnome2_pkg_postrm
+ python_mod_cleanup /usr/$(get_libdir)/python*/site-packages/hamster