diff options
authorPacho Ramos <>2014-07-14 18:09:50 +0000
committerPacho Ramos <>2014-07-14 18:09:50 +0000
commitce178d3b6e5e71af6eed60b7e97799d2b8e12f8b (patch)
treed102e1e8d9d877f16d5464b8e908a2234cc22e7e /net-libs
parentVersion bump. Requested by "chutzpah" from Freenode. Use mdadm_emake also in ... (diff)
Version bump
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.10/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xA188FBD4
Diffstat (limited to 'net-libs')
4 files changed, 572 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/net-libs/webkit-gtk/ChangeLog b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/ChangeLog
index dbb5c36bee09..382b1f26da2c 100644
--- a/net-libs/webkit-gtk/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for net-libs/webkit-gtk
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-libs/webkit-gtk/ChangeLog,v 1.267 2014/06/21 20:00:28 pacho Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-libs/webkit-gtk/ChangeLog,v 1.268 2014/07/14 18:09:48 pacho Exp $
+*webkit-gtk-2.4.4-r200 (14 Jul 2014)
+*webkit-gtk-2.4.4 (14 Jul 2014)
+ 14 Jul 2014; Pacho Ramos <> +webkit-gtk-2.4.4-r200.ebuild,
+ +webkit-gtk-2.4.4.ebuild:
+ Version bump
21 Jun 2014; Pacho Ramos <> -webkit-gtk-2.4.1-r200.ebuild,
-webkit-gtk-2.4.1.ebuild, webkit-gtk-2.4.3-r200.ebuild,
diff --git a/net-libs/webkit-gtk/Manifest b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/Manifest
index 061005e8e8c5..c22389fd8637 100644
--- a/net-libs/webkit-gtk/Manifest
+++ b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/Manifest
@@ -13,16 +13,19 @@ AUX webkit-gtk-2.2.5-sparc64-build.patch 1169 SHA256 fe6c7c345eb46a0f6856b5f1c54
AUX webkit-gtk-2.4.1-ia64-malloc.patch 807 SHA256 8e01dee48af7e8e0d24729dd9b99e88b47125b5f91d07df29d579785e60d398d SHA512 d9e7a792861ff30137072eba6b5b80e7b37e47e7302bf1cd56027b5c30aea3fd215891f6272d85b80e98c826b3216d0701fe92f06b76e7d1fb860028d7a701c0 WHIRLPOOL 7cf769d9752cf800f72e76233ef299e2da8c13f427cd8d312d47d76282091f06ec32a618dda9d0bacedbc5dcf8aa4289ce9ce089cdbb90be28deeb75e449a925
DIST webkitgtk-2.2.6.tar.xz 9400300 SHA256 157ee7377ae97a27bb3b9bd2733d9353979632543c3d078b6578aeeb1319bf06 SHA512 9a90109ee8f591ae34ac2282e21aeee872292d82d1f66ebc69fb506c89a8ec952e373b35d1db7cc68307ea6ee90949c5c447ed206f14ec77374f8d68ab56021d WHIRLPOOL 47e5ffa17b53238f6282b17e2eb3e988dac7f295dd6757c097ea81d826770b1929d04d79f8a0e03abe5e30bfeb8626c42ad06c6a13aa0e9626120f590b55a931
DIST webkitgtk-2.4.3.tar.xz 9841564 SHA256 9862c3eac1d12cc6e52cc39060a1284163950b304d534529a0dbcc5958a8ceac SHA512 fc4b36a3e11075325c79ced9f0d70a4b3daec43c5d3fff63ec843c513f04fd6cbe1b6472ea83e77f250f334f962a636a2423d8dbea4db0c767e823e2bd63f8d4 WHIRLPOOL dc9eb5211bbbea899379e688816ec978aa0f813ece777d0d9da08309eb2d647c662be66599a945bf743ff2946646e9e7d0554e0e9333fd10be425f05c7c8ffb6
+DIST webkitgtk-2.4.4.tar.xz 9844048 SHA256 58cbfc7e352ae1e1f5e383f9f766795794d88483e9a52377a295f56eedf53ab9 SHA512 ae3160ec7962d452606966afd258961432db5f0da0e0fc0e249ce1927abf2151adc858b7f12d5d36d7c7d91e16c6ebed1694f88185c678ba1cf8d3d08b55f1ce WHIRLPOOL 065cbf961537d67b49a9273622606705685faad0ab8fd4ec1f845f69ce31ff8466e26032f6853b7a89854a7ed7f6432443f6d3f0ec6ff7074393ceef0c07749d
EBUILD webkit-gtk-2.2.6-r200.ebuild 8839 SHA256 51b4d2814a33794d3d17c9bfd68ac6889b2c664effb95e4af3f93555ea4e64da SHA512 017955f7ba0dc75d601349b142ed39d5f126e3beac5933c973c0a2273bfabbfe63402a026396d28ab967956aca1d703afe31f5ee0274abd6ba2084145dd519dd WHIRLPOOL 5544ec7cbf8f218966927e887ed95b4fd549e4a705d2b32cbaa45fd3f6d17dd34739c97d45c627cd7b74281039690dc60f85d723e40d5619ab4fe54ce6b1d694
EBUILD webkit-gtk-2.2.6.ebuild 8934 SHA256 94e709b74f78b67b2ff1d0a4abe7b67d7a95b550bd6fc7a9904df44984319f1c SHA512 2f37e59f8fe373593f3771771644e64facac02bf2549bfd1ce008a30e19eba7746114e562b257108b1cf6d1955211cd32660a798b5fbf1a194e4d0b5557a90a7 WHIRLPOOL 5ce8581796cf5505f1ffb8f8237397d01861e4b64c3c4ec9ea5ec6311abade60a9cac3051c8a9beedcc5f9840d2314f2b335392e1c2e9a5048bbcfb2771c50d0
EBUILD webkit-gtk-2.4.3-r200.ebuild 8951 SHA256 88ba07aa505326072e6d17101350d6c47fafa23730fc2a64bb8e7633300a9a76 SHA512 99f495a81effca76948f2bb3329ebc8a57d936037d18bfaa280124dcfc0657251f7f2fcb41bb3a6706540aaa32168cf5a796a0b71bdfc3f2cc497251c80f8ed4 WHIRLPOOL 2a909b43a829d2ee9b491a7f0e3ee1e6c1a9c4c8fab874ac9b6216365c635f446b20aca2ea4b09db71b722d894713f80357e6d76fa6051371048dc0e04fbf5ff
EBUILD webkit-gtk-2.4.3.ebuild 9150 SHA256 140fa264fb715c9e1b01d34157f04f012dc7e83eb54228d89ae0b5920c5a8ecd SHA512 c010eebea3381087f47ffc1e2d247ceaee2edcf6dcfc8b59595b4aeccc08d8a12c01f370b27ebdfe3ad59e1f86a46c86ccff5a9e9a222ea6952a15465e0be11a WHIRLPOOL c65e10a0015d5e5214703175caa46de765d116d5bb3db481eb45ef881ddc5ac1f71ffddf47c6e9b751d0fb2200f4e21f3b364e40cde6f535e6e298d13294698c
-MISC ChangeLog 55641 SHA256 9d48ae964b603f60959918cd8596cb3c29a8ff8f79948b73bce3b4818c907c8e SHA512 e8f5fe1d3ca673681e3ea0701389c7cda48ddcb5ee9f95957c3739e0b0762dbac6f7e38f045ad9e28972f7c174722818796a453dd52e3bfcce4537654d2868a1 WHIRLPOOL a27f53e1570c38204ef5f7cf60365b834e4ae2ddeaab4938349dbff712a2f07a51c96e207a215c29b9a3054a09935d9c8e21f85cad412618bc912ddc2947809f
+EBUILD webkit-gtk-2.4.4-r200.ebuild 9048 SHA256 0dd7f79de67dfb72180bac21eb0b6e4c1857844f54c1958d1de65139310924d4 SHA512 9b786a3178f4be454dfba1edb8a0a7ac18d8adc170d661dcc581d680d4bf9c0ef8a4ad6a6b2e8721abd92aa275d19bb8700520c455257d580978e06f0df27001 WHIRLPOOL 6c2e41da84dce89103473245292cc348cea4dfbf49591842da7cd2229566d02a917a6398f8611019315a5a050188954ac3425b4d10f5c43f7c1f5cfe22e32c24
+EBUILD webkit-gtk-2.4.4.ebuild 9248 SHA256 ffdf727a7ff04c90ae2ab8fb895932af8961f9a1251b7e09174d0bb70fde99d9 SHA512 3c225b318faaf11a69b50724e66e6c37fe4eea50d835eedaf1b9135f8aec6b41733b4c13a9c64ed677e6f7b5ec9fba337cc601de8fd5d62ad48ff4215a364d98 WHIRLPOOL c9668dbc9708e63274e714ce3eacb92086f78139b76db28fbec32497ebd8cbdbc8ec22369e109cecbb67739b59697dc26ad53a861980c1fa457c5c53c1a1957e
+MISC ChangeLog 55832 SHA256 8de13ee486941546f7d1bce65fe7f156354efa9239faf5614e1ecbc381c98897 SHA512 79e2f624232d1c1711442c2aa95d713353166e1161efe0e898f824c7a6deb17dd9f7c8e9aec3480eee20af29afd7cd430f1327e71f2c60208df40da5f15d1c05 WHIRLPOOL f31c83da40af7ca31005f72c3458620341bb604b56daac6a5fce9c233ead239ee7a5241d0627693b03b89dd098e2e508af08b01bf45c976664131be9bdc6134f
MISC metadata.xml 610 SHA256 23faf3368df312d51e2dd38d6e7695410deab694bc12558cbe9751067575df11 SHA512 ac78b2e8a719247f5294c045ead7731cd42fb7200ea5a6a450ac18abd3a79fc888045e2c7f98bf984dd2a9484fc352ebc06e6b1c7a0bdd75a65a825e71c09188 WHIRLPOOL f2c88de8a7889cd3cdbb66f498067f85a5e6ce0c7b3732299ad9373e39ac332abe5d3da93f8fbe1e5f63b44306f9def006a3e34349eaca12ee9fb3b7a7368ea1
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2
diff --git a/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4-r200.ebuild b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4-r200.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c910eaa55712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4-r200.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4-r200.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/07/14 18:09:48 pacho Exp $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
+inherit autotools check-reqs eutils flag-o-matic gnome2 pax-utils python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs versionator virtualx
+DESCRIPTION="Open source web browser engine"
+SLOT="2" # no usable subslot
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-macos"
+IUSE="aqua coverage debug +egl +geoloc gles2 +gstreamer +introspection +jit libsecret +opengl spell +webgl +X"
+# bugs 372493, 416331
+ geoloc? ( introspection )
+ introspection? ( gstreamer )
+ gles2? ( egl )
+ webgl? ( ^^ ( gles2 opengl ) )
+ !webgl? ( ?? ( gles2 opengl ) )
+ || ( aqua X )
+# use sqlite, svg by default
+ dev-libs/libxml2:2
+ dev-libs/libxslt
+ media-libs/harfbuzz:=[icu(+)]
+ media-libs/libwebp:=
+ virtual/jpeg:0=
+ >=media-libs/libpng-1.4:0=
+ >=x11-libs/cairo-1.10:=[X]
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.36.0:2
+ >=dev-libs/icu-3.8.1-r1:=
+ >=net-libs/libsoup-2.42.0:2.4[introspection?]
+ dev-db/sqlite:3=
+ >=x11-libs/pango-
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.10:2
+ egl? ( media-libs/mesa[egl] )
+ geoloc? ( >=app-misc/geoclue-2.1.5:2.0 )
+ gles2? ( media-libs/mesa[gles2] )
+ gstreamer? (
+ >=media-libs/gstreamer-1.2:1.0
+ >=media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.2:1.0 )
+ introspection? ( >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.32.0 )
+ libsecret? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
+ opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
+ spell? ( >=app-text/enchant-0.22:= )
+ webgl? (
+ x11-libs/cairo[opengl]
+ x11-libs/libXcomposite
+ x11-libs/libXdamage )
+# paxctl needed for bug #407085
+# Need real bison, not yacc
+ dev-lang/perl
+ || (
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby20]
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby21]
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby19]
+ )
+ >=dev-libs/atk-2.8.0
+ >=dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.10
+ dev-util/gperf
+ >=sys-devel/bison-2.4.3
+ >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.33
+ || ( >=sys-devel/gcc-4.7 >=sys-devel/clang-3.3 )
+ sys-devel/gettext
+ >=sys-devel/make-3.82-r4
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ introspection? ( jit? ( sys-apps/paxctl ) )
+ test? (
+ dev-lang/python:2.7
+ dev-python/pygobject:3[python_targets_python2_7]
+ x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme
+ jit? ( sys-apps/paxctl ) )
+CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="18G" # and even this might not be enough, bug #417307
+pkg_pretend() {
+ if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != "binary" ]] && is-flagq "-g*" && ! is-flagq "-g*0" ; then
+ einfo "Checking for sufficient disk space to build ${PN} with debugging CFLAGS"
+ check-reqs_pkg_pretend
+ fi
+ if ! test-flag-CXX -std=c++11; then
+ die "You need at least GCC 4.7.x or Clang >= 3.3 for C++11-specific compiler flags"
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Check whether any of the debugging flags is enabled
+ if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != "binary" ]] && is-flagq "-g*" && ! is-flagq "-g*0" ; then
+ if is-flagq "-ggdb" && [[ ${WEBKIT_GTK_GGDB} != "yes" ]]; then
+ replace-flags -ggdb -g
+ ewarn "Replacing \"-ggdb\" with \"-g\" in your CFLAGS."
+ ewarn "Building ${PN} with \"-ggdb\" produces binaries which are too"
+ ewarn "large for current binutils releases (bug #432784) and has very"
+ ewarn "high temporary build space and memory requirements."
+ ewarn "If you really want to build ${PN} with \"-ggdb\", add"
+ ewarn "WEBKIT_GTK_GGDB=yes"
+ ewarn "to your make.conf file."
+ fi
+ einfo "You need to have at least 18GB of temporary build space available"
+ einfo "to build ${PN} with debugging CFLAGS. Note that it might still"
+ einfo "not be enough, as the total space requirements depend on the flags"
+ einfo "(-ggdb vs -g1) and enabled features."
+ check-reqs_pkg_setup
+ fi
+ [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} = "binary" ]] || python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ # intermediate MacPorts hack while upstream bug is not fixed properly
+ #
+ use aqua && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.6.1-darwin-quartz.patch
+ # Leave optimization level to user CFLAGS
+ # FORTIFY_SOURCE is enabled by default in Gentoo
+ sed -e 's/-O[012]//g' \
+ -e 's/-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2//g' \
+ -i Source/autotools/SetupCompilerFlags.m4 || die
+ # Failing tests
+ # * webinspector ->
+ # * keyevents is interactive
+ # * mimehandling test sometimes fails under Xvfb (works fine manually), bug #???
+ # * webdatasource test needs a network connection and intermittently fails with icedtea-web
+ # * webplugindatabase intermittently fails with icedtea-web, bug #????
+ sed -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testwebinspector/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testkeyevents/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testmimehandling/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testwebdatasource/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testwebplugindatabase/ d' \
+ -i Tools/TestWebKitAPI/ || die
+ # bug #459978, upstream bug #113397
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.11.90-gtk-docize-fix.patch"
+ # FIXME: Needs updating, but probably unneeded in 2.4 as it has a
+ # "developer mode" for this
+ # Do not build unittests unless requested, upstream bug #128163
+# epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.4-unittests-build.patch
+ # Deadlock causing infinite compilations with nvidia-drivers:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.5-gir-nvidia-hangs.patch
+ # Debian patches to fix support for some arches
+ #
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.5-{hppa,ia64}-platform.patch
+ #
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.4.1-ia64-malloc.patch
+ AT_M4DIR=Source/autotools eautoreconf
+ gnome2_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ # Respect CC, otherwise fails on prefix #395875
+ tc-export CC
+ # Arches without JIT support also need this to really disable it in all places
+ use jit || append-cppflags -DENABLE_JIT=0 -DENABLE_YARR_JIT=0 -DENABLE_ASSEMBLER=0
+ # It doesn't compile on alpha without this in LDFLAGS, bug #???
+ use alpha && append-ldflags "-Wl,--no-relax"
+ # Sigbuses on SPARC with mcpu and co., bug #???
+ use sparc && filter-flags "-mvis"
+ # , #301634
+ use ppc64 && append-flags "-mminimal-toc"
+ # Try to use less memory, bug #469942 (see Fedora .spec for reference)
+ # --no-keep-memory doesn't work on ia64, bug #502492
+ if ! use ia64; then
+ append-ldflags "-Wl,--no-keep-memory"
+ fi
+ if ! $(tc-getLD) --version | grep -q "GNU gold"; then
+ append-ldflags "-Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads"
+ fi
+ local myconf=""
+ if has_version "virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby21]"; then
+ myconf="${myconf} RUBY=$(type -P ruby21)"
+ elif has_version "virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby20]"; then
+ myconf="${myconf} RUBY=$(type -P ruby20)"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} RUBY=$(type -P ruby19)"
+ fi
+ # TODO: Check Web Audio support
+ # should somehow let user select between them?
+ #
+ # * dependency-tracking is required so parallel builds won't fail
+ gnome2_src_configure \
+ $(use_enable aqua quartz-target) \
+ $(use_enable coverage) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_enable egl) \
+ $(use_enable geoloc geolocation) \
+ $(use_enable gles2) \
+ $(use_enable gstreamer video) \
+ $(use_enable gstreamer web-audio) \
+ $(use_enable introspection) \
+ $(use_enable jit) \
+ $(use_enable libsecret credential_storage) \
+ $(use_enable opengl glx) \
+ $(use_enable spell spellcheck) \
+ $(use_enable webgl) \
+ $(use_enable webgl accelerated-compositing) \
+ $(use_enable X x11-target) \
+ --with-gtk=2.0 \
+ --disable-webkit2 \
+ --enable-dependency-tracking \
+ --disable-gtk-doc \
+ ${myconf}
+src_compile() {
+ # Try to avoid issues like bug #463960
+ unset DISPLAY
+ gnome2_src_compile
+src_test() {
+ # Tests expect an out-of-source build in WebKitBuild
+ ln -s . WebKitBuild || die "ln failed"
+ # Prevents test failures on PaX systems
+ use jit && pax-mark m $(list-paxables Programs/*[Tt]ests/*) # Programs/unittests/.libs/test*
+ unset DISPLAY
+ # Tests need virtualx, bug #294691, bug #310695
+ # Parallel tests sometimes fail
+ Xemake -j1 check
+src_install() {
+ DOCS="ChangeLog NEWS" # other ChangeLog files handled by src_install
+ #
+ MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" gnome2_src_install
+ newdoc Source/WebKit/gtk/ChangeLog ChangeLog.gtk
+ newdoc Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog ChangeLog.JavaScriptCore
+ newdoc Source/WebCore/ChangeLog ChangeLog.WebCore
+ # Prevents crashes on PaX systems
+ use jit && pax-mark m "${ED}usr/bin/jsc-1"
+ # File collisions with slot 3
+ # bug #402699,
+ rm -rf "${ED}usr/share/gtk-doc" || die
diff --git a/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4.ebuild b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a7f6a76ab9d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-libs/webkit-gtk/webkit-gtk-2.4.4.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/07/14 18:09:48 pacho Exp $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
+inherit autotools check-reqs eutils flag-o-matic gnome2 pax-utils python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs versionator virtualx
+DESCRIPTION="Open source web browser engine"
+SLOT="3/25" # soname version of libwebkit2gtk-3.0
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-macos"
+IUSE="aqua coverage debug +egl +geoloc gles2 +gstreamer +introspection +jit libsecret +opengl spell wayland +webgl +X"
+# bugs 372493, 416331
+ geoloc? ( introspection )
+ introspection? ( gstreamer )
+ gles2? ( egl )
+ webgl? ( ^^ ( gles2 opengl ) )
+ !webgl? ( ?? ( gles2 opengl ) )
+ || ( aqua wayland X )
+# use sqlite, svg by default
+# Aqua support in gtk3 is untested
+# gtk2 is needed for plugin process support
+# gtk3-3.10 required for wayland
+ dev-libs/libxml2:2
+ dev-libs/libxslt
+ media-libs/harfbuzz:=[icu(+)]
+ media-libs/libwebp:=
+ virtual/jpeg:0=
+ >=media-libs/libpng-1.4:0=
+ >=x11-libs/cairo-1.10:=[X]
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.36.0:2
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.6.0:3[aqua=,introspection?]
+ >=dev-libs/icu-3.8.1-r1:=
+ >=net-libs/libsoup-2.42.0:2.4[introspection?]
+ dev-db/sqlite:3=
+ >=x11-libs/pango-
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.10:2
+ egl? ( media-libs/mesa[egl] )
+ geoloc? ( >=app-misc/geoclue-2.1.5:2.0 )
+ gles2? ( media-libs/mesa[gles2] )
+ gstreamer? (
+ >=media-libs/gstreamer-1.2:1.0
+ >=media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.2:1.0 )
+ introspection? ( >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.32.0 )
+ libsecret? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
+ opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
+ spell? ( >=app-text/enchant-0.22:= )
+ wayland? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.10:3[wayland] )
+ webgl? (
+ x11-libs/cairo[opengl]
+ x11-libs/libXcomposite
+ x11-libs/libXdamage )
+# paxctl needed for bug #407085
+# Need real bison, not yacc
+ dev-lang/perl
+ || (
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby20]
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby21]
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby19]
+ )
+ >=app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.5.3
+ >=dev-libs/atk-2.8.0
+ >=dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.10
+ dev-util/gperf
+ >=sys-devel/bison-2.4.3
+ >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.33
+ || ( >=sys-devel/gcc-4.7 >=sys-devel/clang-3.3 )
+ sys-devel/gettext
+ >=sys-devel/make-3.82-r4
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ introspection? ( jit? ( sys-apps/paxctl ) )
+ test? (
+ dev-lang/python:2.7
+ dev-python/pygobject:3[python_targets_python2_7]
+ x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme
+ jit? ( sys-apps/paxctl ) )
+CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="18G" # and even this might not be enough, bug #417307
+pkg_pretend() {
+ if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != "binary" ]] && is-flagq "-g*" && ! is-flagq "-g*0" ; then
+ einfo "Checking for sufficient disk space to build ${PN} with debugging CFLAGS"
+ check-reqs_pkg_pretend
+ fi
+ if ! test-flag-CXX -std=c++11; then
+ die "You need at least GCC 4.7.x or Clang >= 3.3 for C++11-specific compiler flags"
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Check whether any of the debugging flags is enabled
+ if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != "binary" ]] && is-flagq "-g*" && ! is-flagq "-g*0" ; then
+ if is-flagq "-ggdb" && [[ ${WEBKIT_GTK_GGDB} != "yes" ]]; then
+ replace-flags -ggdb -g
+ ewarn "Replacing \"-ggdb\" with \"-g\" in your CFLAGS."
+ ewarn "Building ${PN} with \"-ggdb\" produces binaries which are too"
+ ewarn "large for current binutils releases (bug #432784) and has very"
+ ewarn "high temporary build space and memory requirements."
+ ewarn "If you really want to build ${PN} with \"-ggdb\", add"
+ ewarn "WEBKIT_GTK_GGDB=yes"
+ ewarn "to your make.conf file."
+ fi
+ einfo "You need to have at least 18GB of temporary build space available"
+ einfo "to build ${PN} with debugging CFLAGS. Note that it might still"
+ einfo "not be enough, as the total space requirements depend on the flags"
+ einfo "(-ggdb vs -g1) and enabled features."
+ check-reqs_pkg_setup
+ fi
+ [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} = "binary" ]] || python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ # intermediate MacPorts hack while upstream bug is not fixed properly
+ #
+ use aqua && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.6.1-darwin-quartz.patch
+ # Leave optimization level to user CFLAGS
+ # FORTIFY_SOURCE is enabled by default in Gentoo
+ sed -e 's/-O[012]//g' \
+ -e 's/-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2//g' \
+ -i Source/autotools/SetupCompilerFlags.m4 || die
+ # Failing tests
+ # * webinspector ->
+ # * keyevents is interactive
+ # * mimehandling test sometimes fails under Xvfb (works fine manually), bug #???
+ # * webdatasource test needs a network connection and intermittently fails with icedtea-web
+ # * webplugindatabase intermittently fails with icedtea-web, bug #????
+ sed -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testwebinspector/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testkeyevents/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testmimehandling/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testwebdatasource/ d' \
+ -e '/Programs\/TestWebKitAPI\/WebKitGtk\/testwebplugindatabase/ d' \
+ -i Tools/TestWebKitAPI/ || die
+ # bug #459978, upstream bug #113397
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.11.90-gtk-docize-fix.patch"
+ # FIXME: Needs updating, but probably unneeded in 2.4 as it has a
+ # "developer mode" for this
+ # Do not build unittests unless requested, upstream bug #128163
+# epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.4-unittests-build.patch
+ # Deadlock causing infinite compilations with nvidia-drivers:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.5-gir-nvidia-hangs.patch
+ # Debian patches to fix support for some arches
+ #
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.2.5-{hppa,ia64}-platform.patch
+ #
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.4.1-ia64-malloc.patch
+ AT_M4DIR=Source/autotools eautoreconf
+ gnome2_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ # Respect CC, otherwise fails on prefix #395875
+ tc-export CC
+ # Arches without JIT support also need this to really disable it in all places
+ use jit || append-cppflags -DENABLE_JIT=0 -DENABLE_YARR_JIT=0 -DENABLE_ASSEMBLER=0
+ # It doesn't compile on alpha without this in LDFLAGS, bug #???
+ use alpha && append-ldflags "-Wl,--no-relax"
+ # Sigbuses on SPARC with mcpu and co., bug #???
+ use sparc && filter-flags "-mvis"
+ # , #301634
+ use ppc64 && append-flags "-mminimal-toc"
+ # Try to use less memory, bug #469942 (see Fedora .spec for reference)
+ # --no-keep-memory doesn't work on ia64, bug #502492
+ if ! use ia64; then
+ append-ldflags "-Wl,--no-keep-memory"
+ fi
+ if ! $(tc-getLD) --version | grep -q "GNU gold"; then
+ append-ldflags "-Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads"
+ fi
+ local myconf=""
+ if has_version "virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby21]"; then
+ myconf="${myconf} RUBY=$(type -P ruby21)"
+ elif has_version "virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby20]"; then
+ myconf="${myconf} RUBY=$(type -P ruby20)"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} RUBY=$(type -P ruby19)"
+ fi
+ # TODO: Check Web Audio support
+ # should somehow let user select between them?
+ #
+ # * Aqua support in gtk3 is untested
+ # * dependency-tracking is required so parallel builds won't fail
+ gnome2_src_configure \
+ $(use_enable aqua quartz-target) \
+ $(use_enable coverage) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_enable egl) \
+ $(use_enable geoloc geolocation) \
+ $(use_enable gles2) \
+ $(use_enable gstreamer video) \
+ $(use_enable gstreamer web-audio) \
+ $(use_enable introspection) \
+ $(use_enable jit) \
+ $(use_enable libsecret credential_storage) \
+ $(use_enable opengl glx) \
+ $(use_enable spell spellcheck) \
+ $(use_enable webgl) \
+ $(use_enable webgl accelerated-compositing) \
+ $(use_enable wayland wayland-target) \
+ $(use_enable X x11-target) \
+ --with-gtk=3.0 \
+ --enable-dependency-tracking \
+ --disable-gtk-doc \
+ ${myconf}
+src_compile() {
+ # Try to avoid issues like bug #463960
+ unset DISPLAY
+ gnome2_src_compile
+src_test() {
+ # Tests expect an out-of-source build in WebKitBuild
+ ln -s . WebKitBuild || die "ln failed"
+ # Prevents test failures on PaX systems
+ use jit && pax-mark m $(list-paxables Programs/*[Tt]ests/*) # Programs/unittests/.libs/test*
+ unset DISPLAY
+ # Tests need virtualx, bug #294691, bug #310695
+ # Parallel tests sometimes fail
+ Xemake -j1 check
+src_install() {
+ DOCS="ChangeLog NEWS" # other ChangeLog files handled by src_install
+ #
+ MAKEOPTS="${MAKEOPTS} -j1" gnome2_src_install
+ newdoc Source/WebKit/gtk/ChangeLog ChangeLog.gtk
+ newdoc Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog ChangeLog.JavaScriptCore
+ newdoc Source/WebCore/ChangeLog ChangeLog.WebCore
+ # Prevents crashes on PaX systems
+ use jit && pax-mark m "${ED}usr/bin/jsc-3"