diff options
authorMarius Mauch <>2008-03-09 01:20:15 +0000
committerMarius Mauch <>2008-03-09 01:20:15 +0000
commit5733bb9f1b5ea4789605373dc5446c4f4dabc6ff (patch)
tree7bc5b121dda6e7b5b66b507a2a7bd16fd5540a60 /sys-apps
parentMarked -mips due to broken dependency (diff)
new prerelease snapshot
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_pre4
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
3 files changed, 264 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog
index abc2c0d8f99e..88f19c5668d4 100644
--- a/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/portage
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog,v 1.502 2008/02/28 13:22:29 genone Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog,v 1.503 2008/03/09 01:20:15 genone Exp $
+*portage-2.2_pre4 (09 Mar 2008)
+ 09 Mar 2008; Marius Mauch <> +portage-2.2_pre4.ebuild:
+ Another prerelease, most important changes are the removal of manifest1 support
+ and a potential data corruption issue with elog messages (bug #212055).
+ Other minor fixes include bug #212152, bug #97776, bug #211949 and bug #212080.
*portage-2.2_pre3 (28 Feb 2008)
diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/Manifest b/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
index 523d7f0b7097..8ac7fdf15ab8 100644
--- a/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ DIST portage- 20196 RMD160 3d33ecc8ae5176426666ba1aa03155a10ed
DIST portage- 15469 RMD160 c5fb833e97f4fced0d9c4b72056693f4b092fa51 SHA1 ebed38fd327e06c36d4b68a82ae205b65a7f1ebc SHA256 f832e388fe308f398597a0d0c5a0918898b7f06c9f146e7b105de40cff235803
DIST portage-2.1.4.tar.bz2 360454 RMD160 d320cbe7de572989b319326e442f4b5f28579179 SHA1 eedc99e9de390fddadcc2df77e8f9ed67e607e2b SHA256 a10b4b9f9855bc2b340b6d9080d8d423cd3249bfad34aaf0c52b4b70f798ae11
DIST portage-2.2_pre3.tar.bz2 526090 RMD160 00226a5f5cd74d505d051007d04c61942008b3ce SHA1 11912bfb27baa3b87289089bdcec0476e873f69b SHA256 83e47dc5520019ecbbff8887b9853c26ba6c95810c3e1d50905bd9a3ea413c0e
+DIST portage-2.2_pre4.tar.bz2 526644 RMD160 791778b0d4e92de72e97982c57a358c761098e45 SHA1 8570b0a3ebc993813a3a1c8844b5424c80f485af SHA256 c1338467a7c9808f67a2c9cfc847896d4076945a04bb84cd9bb1d519b1457a29
DIST portage-man-pl-2.1-r1.patch.bz2 2076 RMD160 be3898714b94fb0253c1826909649ea51da205ad SHA1 6ec21b29a3eff4a034ea68b4e6a889c8f95dcc3e SHA256 28176c04290478ba4373c28ea047edbdf3a40d3ff69bf92da55d1cfcb828ea5b
DIST portage-man-pl-2.1.2.tar.bz2 53893 RMD160 46c3656b40bf4ad2530ab2b5fbc563708b86748c SHA1 c3151e0b330c589625830e54053fbc676b2c64de SHA256 960eaa7c6f3a2af44bdc665266a8e884628a562373cc477d301597ecc5ef961f
DIST portage-man-pl-2.1.tar.bz2 52425 RMD160 5fdb898b94b0c6bb23234f0903572675f653ff44 SHA1 9942d024d0c29ccf1bc5d71954ed4668a2aaa424 SHA256 7e01f6c9c567f81d8e81dfdc26cf04b8d1f9f375090641cb80580986f8ac4817
@@ -23,12 +24,13 @@ EBUILD portage- 7162 RMD160 0ebd1478ae7a714a0b335a4332a8e8e9b9cd5
EBUILD portage- 8091 RMD160 07a87968b6d25a92651c76e12c25f45548b6ee43 SHA1 798289cbf8e6ef7629cb25b66308d7e03df70f41 SHA256 e4748e7ac1ec9390d222eba037ef49bddc1765b8c29feb634401508342eb485e
EBUILD portage- 8116 RMD160 ac80146c73a0024c6634e4f0e0e29171e4c23a74 SHA1 0b3a9d88a7cdeed816cd35198d7e0240f5a8929f SHA256 3d9683bdcfb75c83d0f028d3a9f4f3e4ad7fc65b26dab56859c6143795bc8ce3
EBUILD portage-2.2_pre3.ebuild 7506 RMD160 4892f48df138d7ad4f599527d4f9bf0e8abc19d1 SHA1 f12a0012a67e3da0f980f92042272b6a56b5d023 SHA256 4fd8f24692fd5d716eb8693791aa1efd8d72a0be6e48616e90476555bddb9752
-MISC ChangeLog 19128 RMD160 b98e9f58d69de1cfd1b28c667da98ee1f1d4f942 SHA1 98a8d98cffa71a31499541cf29bd5bdb27587b75 SHA256 33e411efb53d2d51ef5741e6e606d47bb85719e88d9dd16ce6615caac87bc5ec
+EBUILD portage-2.2_pre4.ebuild 7506 RMD160 654580138283b84db7448f778a4bdcff840280c9 SHA1 2a49428e0c5645357a6e856ef6a761cee023963f SHA256 3561a081d692330021c5cfdeab3242dd48cab6d91da4f9bfd3507d547f108b19
+MISC ChangeLog 19475 RMD160 68c47b61f44ea5b8ac68dea598de06708336e6fe SHA1 11f1bf5ff4fea1a099a7a70b2a25773d96fe557c SHA256 9ccaa698897d71c7d79e9fd4bc802a5cc2b2cc1ac5d75b92e45bade1e2fb3dfa
MISC metadata.xml 282 RMD160 6c4808b6cd95ab87688faa56ba4d2fcf15d2ab53 SHA1 91e4b3ed133aefe77b32ea6de69cd0062b8e40a4 SHA256 8f9dedd85eefb6985a8f28c79b4e7ec448ff3933fbac27cd169e15ed9e686c18
Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.2_pre4.ebuild b/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.2_pre4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2bf6a1ad6397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.2_pre4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.2_pre4.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/03/09 01:20:15 genone Exp $
+inherit toolchain-funcs eutils flag-o-matic multilib python
+DESCRIPTION="Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="build doc epydoc selinux linguas_pl"
+ !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 )
+ doc? ( app-text/xmlto ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.4 )
+ epydoc? ( =dev-python/epydoc-2* )"
+ !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5
+ >=app-shells/bash-3.2_p17
+ >=app-admin/eselect-news-20071201 )
+ elibc_FreeBSD? ( sys-freebsd/freebsd-bin )
+ elibc_glibc? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-1.2.17 !mips? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox- ) )
+ elibc_uclibc? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-1.2.17 !mips? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox- ) )
+ >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.13
+ selinux? ( >=dev-python/python-selinux-2.16 )"
+ !build? (
+ >=net-misc/rsync-2.6.4
+ userland_GNU? ( >=sys-apps/coreutils-6.4 )
+ || ( >=dev-lang/python-2.5 >=dev-python/pycrypto-2.0.1-r6 )
+ )"
+# coreutils-6.4 rdep is for date format in emerge-webrsync #164532
+# rsync-2.6.4 rdep is for the --filter option #167668
+prefix_src_archives() {
+ local x y
+ for x in ${@}; do
+ for y in ${SRC_ARCHIVES}; do
+ echo ${y}/${x}
+ done
+ done
+ $(prefix_src_archives ${P}.tar.bz2)
+ linguas_pl? ( mirror://gentoo/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}.tar.bz2
+ $(prefix_src_archives ${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}.tar.bz2) )"
+if [ -n "${PATCHVER}" ]; then
+ SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${PATCHVER}.patch.bz2
+ $(prefix_src_archives ${PN}-${PATCHVER}.patch.bz2)"
+pkg_setup() {
+ MINOR_UPGRADE=$(has_version '>=sys-apps/portage-2.2_alpha' && echo true)
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ if [ -n "${PATCHVER}" ]; then
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PATCHVER}.patch"
+ fi
+ einfo "Setting portage.VERSION to ${PVR} ..."
+ sed -i "s/^VERSION=.*/VERSION=\"${PVR}\"/" pym/portage/ || \
+ die "Failed to patch portage.VERSION"
+src_compile() {
+ append-lfs-flags
+ cd "${S}"/src
+ $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o tbz2tool tbz2tool.c || \
+ die "Failed to build tbz2tool"
+ if use doc; then
+ cd "${S}"/doc
+ touch fragment/date
+ make xhtml xhtml-nochunks || die "failed to make docs"
+ fi
+ if use epydoc; then
+ einfo "Generating api docs"
+ mkdir "${WORKDIR}"/api
+ local my_modules
+ my_modules="$(find "${S}/pym" -name "*.py" \
+ | sed -e 's:/$::' -e 's:\.py$::' -e "s:^${S}/pym/::" \
+ -e 's:/:.:g' | sort)" || die "error listing modules"
+ PYTHONPATH="${S}/pym:${PYTHONPATH}" epydoc -o "${WORKDIR}"/api \
+ -qqqqq --no-frames --show-imports \
+ --name "${PN}" --url "${HOMEPAGE}" \
+ ${my_modules} || die "epydoc failed"
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ ./pym/portage/tests/runTests || \
+ die "test(s) failed"
+src_install() {
+ local libdir=$(get_libdir)
+ local portage_base="/usr/${libdir}/portage"
+ local portage_share_config=/usr/share/portage/config
+ cd "${S}"/cnf
+ insinto /etc
+ doins etc-update.conf dispatch-conf.conf make.globals
+ if [ -f "make.conf.${ARCH}".diff ]; then
+ patch make.conf "make.conf.${ARCH}".diff || \
+ die "Failed to patch make.conf.example"
+ newins make.conf make.conf.example
+ else
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "Portage does not have an arch-specific configuration for this arch."
+ eerror "Please notify the arch maintainer about this issue. Using generic."
+ eerror ""
+ newins make.conf make.conf.example
+ fi
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ doins "${S}"/cnf/logrotate.d/elog-save-summary
+ dodir ${portage_base}/bin
+ exeinto ${portage_base}/bin
+ # BSD and OSX need a sed wrapper so that find/xargs work properly
+ if use userland_GNU; then
+ rm "${S}"/bin/sed || die "Failed to remove sed wrapper"
+ fi
+ cd "${S}"/bin
+ doexe *
+ doexe "${S}"/src/tbz2tool
+ dosym newins ${portage_base}/bin/donewins
+ local symlinks
+ for mydir in $(find "${S}"/pym -type d | sed -e "s:^${S}/::") ; do
+ dodir ${portage_base}/${mydir}
+ insinto ${portage_base}/${mydir}
+ cd "${S}"/${mydir}
+ doins *.py
+ symlinks=$(find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l)
+ [ -n "${symlinks}" ] && cp -P ${symlinks} "${D}${portage_base}/${mydir}"
+ done
+ # Symlinks to directories cause up/downgrade issues and the use of these
+ # modules outside of portage is probably negligible.
+ for x in "${D}${portage_base}/pym/"{cache,elog_modules} ; do
+ [ ! -L "${x}" ] && continue
+ die "symlink to directory will cause upgrade/downgrade issues: '${x}'"
+ done
+ exeinto ${portage_base}/pym/portage/tests
+ doexe "${S}"/pym/portage/tests/runTests
+ doman "${S}"/man/*.[0-9]
+ if use linguas_pl; then
+ doman -i18n=pl "${S_PL}"/man/pl/*.[0-9]
+ doman -i18n=pl_PL.UTF-8 "${S_PL}"/man/pl_PL.UTF-8/*.[0-9]
+ fi
+ dodoc "${S}"/{ChangeLog,NEWS,RELEASE-NOTES}
+ use doc && dohtml -r "${S}"/doc/*
+ use epydoc && dohtml -r "${WORKDIR}"/api
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ for x in ebuild emerge portageq repoman tbz2tool xpak; do
+ dosym ../${libdir}/portage/bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ dodir /usr/sbin
+ local my_syms="archive-conf
+ dispatch-conf
+ emaint
+ emerge-webrsync
+ env-update
+ etc-update
+ fixpackages
+ quickpkg
+ regenworld"
+ local x
+ for x in ${my_syms}; do
+ dosym ../${libdir}/portage/bin/${x} /usr/sbin/${x}
+ done
+ dosym env-update /usr/sbin/update-env
+ dosym etc-update /usr/sbin/update-etc
+ dodir /etc/portage
+ keepdir /etc/portage
+ dodir "${portage_share_config}"
+ insinto "${portage_share_config}"
+ doins "${S}/cnf/sets.conf"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if ! use build && ! has_version dev-python/pycrypto && \
+ has_version '>=dev-lang/python-2.5' ; then
+ if ! built_with_use '>=dev-lang/python-2.5' ssl ; then
+ ewarn "If you are an ebuild developer and you plan to commit ebuilds"
+ ewarn "with this system then please install dev-python/pycrypto or"
+ ewarn "enable the ssl USE flag for >=dev-lang/python-2.5 in order"
+ ewarn "to enable RMD160 hash support."
+ ewarn "See bug #198398 for more information."
+ fi
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ for x in "${ROOT}"/etc/._cfg????_make.globals; do
+ # Overwrite the globals file automatically.
+ [ -e "${x}" ] && mv -f "${x}" "${ROOT}etc/make.globals"
+ done
+ # Compile all source files recursively. Any orphans
+ # will be identified and removed in postrm.
+ python_mod_optimize "${ROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/portage/pym"
+ elog
+ elog "For help with using portage please consult the Gentoo Handbook"
+ elog "at"
+ elog
+ if [ -z "${MINOR_UPGRADE}" ]; then
+ elog "If you're upgrading from a pre-2.2 version of portage you might"
+ elog "want to remerge world (emerge -e world) to take full advantage"
+ elog "of some of the new features in 2.2."
+ elog "This is not required however for portage to function properly."
+ elog
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${PV/*_pre*}" ]; then
+ elog "If you always want to use the latest development version of portage"
+ elog "please read"
+ elog
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ python_mod_cleanup "${ROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/portage/pym"