diff options
2 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/ctcs/ctcs-1.3.0_pre4.ebuild b/app-admin/ctcs/ctcs-1.3.0_pre4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84778223ecc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/ctcs/ctcs-1.3.0_pre4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/ctcs/ctcs-1.3.0_pre4.ebuild,v 1.1 2002/08/27 00:33:31 gaarde Exp $
+# Author: Paul Belt <gaarde at gentoo dot org>
+# ${A} - the tarball itself eg: ${PORTDIR}/distfiles/t.tgz
+# ${P} - program name-program version eg: foo-1.0
+# ${PN} - program name eg: foo
+# ${PV} - program version eg: 1.0
+# ${D} - /var/tmp/portage/foo-1.0/image -- install files go here
+# ${S} - /var/tmp/portage/foo-1.0/work/${P}
+# ${WORKDIR} - /var/tmp/portage/foo-1.0/work
+# ${FILESDIR} - Location of patches
+DESCRIPTION="CTCS (Cerberus Test Control System) used to make sure that new systems are ready to go out and face the perils of the cold, hard world. It's made up of a suite of programs that literally pound the system. The tests are meant for hardware with nothing on it yet... you will lose data. Not might. Will. Please read at least README.FIRST before attempting to use the Cerberus Test Control System as certain configurations of CTCS may damage your system."
+# Developer reference
+# ftp:// and http ://are known to work
+# file:// is known to not work
+# If the file is local on the HD, just leave it blank
+# See ${PORTDIR}/licenses ... pick one of the file names
+# Multiple versions use version number
+# SLOT='2.4.19'
+# Default
+# SLOT='0'
+# KEYWORDS='x86 ppc sparc sparc64'
+# Runtime dependancies
+ dev-util/dialog
+ sys-apps/bash
+ sys-apps/diffutils
+ sys-apps/e2fsprogs
+ sys-apps/fileutils
+ sys-apps/grep
+ sys-apps/modutils
+ sys-apps/psmisc
+ sys-apps/sed
+ sys-apps/sh-utils
+ sys-apps/textutils
+ sys-apps/util-linux
+ sys-devel/make
+ sys-devel/perl
+ sys-libs/ncurses"
+# Optional: app-admin/smartsuite (depricated?)
+# Optional: sys-apps/lm_sensors
+# Needed for compiling
+src_compile() {
+ # ./configure \
+ # --host=${CHOST} \
+ # --prefix=/usr \
+ # --infodir=/usr/share/info \
+ # --mandir=/usr/share/man || die "./configure failed"
+ #
+ # make || die
+# econf || die
+ emake || die
+src_install () {
+ # make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
+ #
+ # make \
+ # prefix=${D}/usr \
+ # mandir=${D}/usr/share/man \
+ # infodir=${D}/usr/share/info \
+ # install || die
+ mkdir -p ${D}/usr/ctcs/runin/bin/
+# cp -R ${S}/runin ${D}/usr/ctcs/runin
+ cp -Rap ${S}/lib ${D}/usr/ctcs/lib
+ cp -Rap ${S}/selftest ${D}/usr/ctcs/selftest
+ cp -Rap ${S}/sample ${D}/usr/ctcs/sample
+ # The 'binaries'
+ cp -ap ${S}/burnreset ${S}/check-requirements ${S}/check-syntax ${S}/color \
+ ${S}/newburn ${S}/newburn-generator ${S}/report ${S}/run ${D}/usr/ctcs/
+ cp -ap ${S}/runin/src/random ${S}/runin/src/prandom ${D}/usr/ctcs/runin/bin/
+ cp -ap ${S}/runin/src/flushb ${D}/usr/ctcs/runin/bin/flushb.real
+ cp -ap ${S}/runin/src/chartst ${S}/runin/src/memtst.src/memtst \
+ ${D}/usr/ctcs/runin/
+ for f in burnBX burnMMX burnP5 burnP6 burnK6 burnK7; do
+ cp ${S}/runin/src/cpuburn/${f} ${D}/usr/ctcs/runin/bin/
+ done
+# einstall || die
+ # into -- sets prefix for
+ # dobin
+ # dolib
+ # dolib.a
+ #
+ # doman
+ # dosbin
+ # doinfo
+ # dosym
+ # dosed
+ # Again, verify the Makefiles! We don't want anything falling
+ # outside of ${D}.
+src_postinst() {
+ cd /usr/ctcs/runin
+ dosym messages-info allmessages-info
+ dosym blockrdtst sblockrdtst
+ dosym blockrdtst-info sblockrdtst-info
+ dosym data sdata
+ dosym data-info sdata-info
+ dosym destructiveblocktst sdestructiveblocktst
+ dosym destructiveblocktst-info sdestructiveblocktst-info
+ dosym traverseread-info straverseread-info
+ dosym traverseread straverseread
diff --git a/app-admin/ctcs/files/digest-ctcs-1.3.0_pre4 b/app-admin/ctcs/files/digest-ctcs-1.3.0_pre4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4af0b218055d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/ctcs/files/digest-ctcs-1.3.0_pre4
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 5eb2f14b2bff0644bc58580e664ee516 ctcs-1.3.0pre4.tar.gz 117002