diff options
8 files changed, 565 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/ChangeLog b/media-video/helixplayer/ChangeLog
index 9e3364313bf9..5a3f290d889e 100644
--- a/media-video/helixplayer/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for media-video/helixplayer
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/helixplayer/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2004/07/15 01:25:06 eradicator Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/helixplayer/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2004/11/14 05:20:59 chriswhite Exp $
+*helixplayer-1.0.1 (14 Nov 2004)
+ 14 Nov 2004; Chris White <>
+ +files/helixplayer-1.0.1-bif.patch, +files/helixplayer-1.0.1-sem_t.patch,
+ +files/helixplayer-1.0_beta1-bif.patch, +helixplayer-1.0.1.ebuild,
+ helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild:
+ Fixed an nptl bug before it happens. Removed the gcc patch as it's fixed by
+ upstream. Bumped to 1.0.1. Re-organized the patches.
14 Jul 2004; Jeremy Huddleston <>
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/Manifest b/media-video/helixplayer/Manifest
index fb3fcfdc9bfa..e6bf343b8cd0 100644
--- a/media-video/helixplayer/Manifest
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/Manifest
@@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
-MD5 d67d8292cbf83484b2387f860d3ac6cd helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild 3265
-MD5 0fc01a04748a0562f3d8f4514f7aff0e ChangeLog 799
+Hash: SHA1
+MD5 1bdf1805dda493f136e075ba65d99a4a ChangeLog 1195
+MD5 d048b58893fd828d4a1ef086997d6ae2 helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild 3264
MD5 b545cb646f8e1ac50777745dfc1f380d metadata.xml 342
-MD5 bded820ce4994950f10c24c5177f50fa files/installer-naming.patch 555
-MD5 b3efbf0d42d95ec571e60aaf9377d787 files/gcc_versioncheck.patch 502
-MD5 d9d3bd60b0c7de98d93ccde45775936d files/digest-helixplayer-1.0_beta1 88
+MD5 3c089b45285987e4a598702098eb396a helixplayer-1.0.1.ebuild 1858
MD5 6438303cb10431e6fe1fd8c1a24328d4 files/50helix 22
-MD5 b83696db32d29e1c07d27cb6ba16414e files/gentoo_bif.patch 10461
MD5 9ff4380a6e2acce72f2685a5f5a03b2c files/buildrc 35
+MD5 d9d3bd60b0c7de98d93ccde45775936d files/digest-helixplayer-1.0_beta1 88
+MD5 b3efbf0d42d95ec571e60aaf9377d787 files/gcc_versioncheck.patch 502
+MD5 bded820ce4994950f10c24c5177f50fa files/installer-naming.patch 555
+MD5 cca1189dbb5ff1bc6e0fb9545a5e47ba files/digest-helixplayer-1.0.1 67
+MD5 b83696db32d29e1c07d27cb6ba16414e files/helixplayer-1.0_beta1-bif.patch 10461
+MD5 05e35dbf9a20d31273bd7677ee716ff6 files/helixplayer-1.0.1-bif.patch 10637
+MD5 d0e729f34bd20584c1359cb713433907 files/helixplayer-1.0.1-sem_t.patch 690
+MD5 b83696db32d29e1c07d27cb6ba16414e files/gentoo_bif.patch 10461
+Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/files/digest-helixplayer-1.0.1 b/media-video/helixplayer/files/digest-helixplayer-1.0.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..37cbf5c259ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/files/digest-helixplayer-1.0.1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 ca07ed001aae3eca6e5589c9313774cc hxplay-1.0.1.tar.bz2 13702636
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0.1-bif.patch b/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0.1-bif.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0957b7f433a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0.1-bif.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+--- build/build/BIF/build.bif 2004-09-28 06:57:27.000000000 +0900
++++ build/build/BIF/build2.bif 2004-11-13 14:06:18.584771848 +0900
+@@ -13,21 +13,21 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="faad2_include" path="c:/faad2/include">
+- NOTE: This module needs the faad2 library in order
+- to build. See datatype/aac/codec/readme.txt for more
+- information on the faad2 library. Developers may
+- put the faad2 library anywhere they wish on their disk,
+- but in order to link in this library, developers should
+- have the following two lines in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("faad2_include", "/path/to/faad2/includedir")
+- SetSDKPath("faad2_lib", "/path/to/faad2library")
+- The "/path/to/faad2/includedir" should be changed to
+- the path to the faad2 library's include directory.
+- The "/path/to/faad2library" should be changed to the
+- file name with full path to the faad2 library binary.
+- Note that these paths will be platform-specific.
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the faad2 library in order
++ to build. See datatype/aac/codec/readme.txt for more
++ information on the faad2 library. Developers may
++ put the faad2 library anywhere they wish on their disk,
++ but in order to link in this library, developers should
++ have the following two lines in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("faad2_include", "/path/to/faad2/includedir")
++ SetSDKPath("faad2_lib", "/path/to/faad2library")
++ The "/path/to/faad2/includedir" should be changed to
++ the path to the faad2 library's include directory.
++ The "/path/to/faad2library" should be changed to the
++ file name with full path to the faad2 library binary.
++ Note that these paths will be platform-specific.
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <sdk name="faad2_lib" path="c:/faad2/faad2.lib"/>
+@@ -4947,13 +4947,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="dxsdk" path="c:/dxsdk">
+- NOTE: This module needs the DirectX SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("dxsdk", "/path/to/DirectXSDK")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the DirectX SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("dxsdk", "/path/to/DirectXSDK")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5085,13 +5085,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="gapi" path="c:\gapi">
+- NOTE: This module needs the GAPI (Game API) SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("gapi", "/path/to/GAPISDK")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the GAPI (Game API) SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("gapi", "/path/to/GAPISDK")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5108,13 +5108,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="tag"/>
+ <sdk name="gtk2sdk" path="c:/Dev-C++">
+- NOTE: This module needs the Dropline Gtk+ Windows SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("gtk2sdk", "/path/to/gtk2sdk")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the Dropline Gtk+ Windows SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("gtk2sdk", "/path/to/gtk2sdk")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5221,14 +5221,14 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="mspsdk_81">
+- NOTE: This module needs the MS 8.1 SDK
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_include", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/include")
+- SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_lib", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/lib")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the MS 8.1 SDK
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_include", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/include")
++ SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_lib", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/lib")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5257,13 +5257,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="oggvorbissdk" path="c:/oggvorbissdk">
+- NOTE: This module needs the Ogg-Vorbis SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("oggvorbissdk", "/path/to/oggvorbisSDK")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the Ogg-Vorbis SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("oggvorbissdk", "/path/to/oggvorbisSDK")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5401,6 +5401,29 @@
+ player_mime_include player_widget filesystem_http
+ </source_dependlist>
+ </module>
++ <!-- PLAYER_GENTOO -->
++ <module id="player_gentoo" name="player/app/gtk" group="player">
++ <cvs root="helix"/>
++ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="tag"/>
++ <attribute id="has_version_file"/>
++ <includeplatforms>
++ unix
++ </includeplatforms>
++ <defines>
++ </defines>
++ <dependlist>
++ player_mime_util player_widget common_runtime common_system common_container
++ common_dbgtool common_util common_unittest player_installer_postinst player_installer_archive player_installer_stage1
++ </dependlist>
++ <source_dependlist>
++ player_mime_include player_widget filesystem_http
++ </source_dependlist>
++ </module>
+ <module id="player_hxclientkit" name="player/hxclientkit" group="player">
+@@ -7589,14 +7612,14 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="qt5sdk">
+- NOTE: This module needs the QuickTime 5 SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_include", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/CIncludes")
+- SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_lib", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/Libraries")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the QuickTime 5 SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_include", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/CIncludes")
++ SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_lib", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/Libraries")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -9562,13 +9585,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="hxclient_1_4_2_neptunex" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="wtlce" path="c:\wtlce">
+- NOTE: This module needs the WTLCE (Windows Template Library for CE) SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("wtlce", "/path/to/wtlcesdk")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the WTLCE (Windows Template Library for CE) SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("wtlce", "/path/to/wtlcesdk")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0.1-sem_t.patch b/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0.1-sem_t.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3214da6d3864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0.1-sem_t.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- common/system/pub/platform/unix/pthreadthreads.h_old 2004-11-14 10:54:35.925645344 +0900
++++ common/system/pub/platform/unix/pthreadthreads.h 2004-11-14 10:55:19.110080312 +0900
+@@ -102,11 +102,6 @@
+ #ifndef _MAC_UNIX
+-struct HXsem_t : public sem_t
+- char padding[64]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ // different linux versions have different binary reps blechhhh!
+ //=======================================================================
+ //
+ // HXPthreadSemaphore
+@@ -129,7 +124,7 @@
+ private:
+- HXsem_t m_semaphore;
++ sem_t m_semaphore;
+ //Prevent unintentional ctors
+ HXPthreadSemaphore( const HXPthreadSemaphore& ); //copy ctor
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0_beta1-bif.patch b/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0_beta1-bif.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7d16a5a9ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/files/helixplayer-1.0_beta1-bif.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+--- player_all-bingo-beta-20040615/build/build/BIF/build.bif 2004-06-16 03:43:15.000000000 +0900
++++ player_all-bingo-beta-20040615_2/build/build/BIF/build.bif 2004-07-09 09:29:50.369449208 +0900
+@@ -13,21 +13,21 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="faad2_include" path="c:/faad2/include">
+- NOTE: This module needs the faad2 library in order
+- to build. See datatype/aac/codec/readme.txt for more
+- information on the faad2 library. Developers may
+- put the faad2 library anywhere they wish on their disk,
+- but in order to link in this library, developers should
+- have the following two lines in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("faad2_include", "/path/to/faad2/includedir")
+- SetSDKPath("faad2_lib", "/path/to/faad2library")
+- The "/path/to/faad2/includedir" should be changed to
+- the path to the faad2 library's include directory.
+- The "/path/to/faad2library" should be changed to the
+- file name with full path to the faad2 library binary.
+- Note that these paths will be platform-specific.
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the faad2 library in order
++ to build. See datatype/aac/codec/readme.txt for more
++ information on the faad2 library. Developers may
++ put the faad2 library anywhere they wish on their disk,
++ but in order to link in this library, developers should
++ have the following two lines in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("faad2_include", "/path/to/faad2/includedir")
++ SetSDKPath("faad2_lib", "/path/to/faad2library")
++ The "/path/to/faad2/includedir" should be changed to
++ the path to the faad2 library's include directory.
++ The "/path/to/faad2library" should be changed to the
++ file name with full path to the faad2 library binary.
++ Note that these paths will be platform-specific.
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <sdk name="faad2_lib" path="c:/faad2/faad2.lib"/>
+@@ -4933,13 +4933,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="dxsdk" path="c:/dxsdk">
+- NOTE: This module needs the DirectX SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("dxsdk", "/path/to/DirectXSDK")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the DirectX SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("dxsdk", "/path/to/DirectXSDK")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5071,13 +5071,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="gapi" path="c:\gapi">
+- NOTE: This module needs the GAPI (Game API) SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("gapi", "/path/to/GAPISDK")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the GAPI (Game API) SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("gapi", "/path/to/GAPISDK")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5094,13 +5094,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="gtk2sdk" path="c:/Dev-C++">
+- NOTE: This module needs the Dropline Gtk+ Windows SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("gtk2sdk", "/path/to/gtk2sdk")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the Dropline Gtk+ Windows SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("gtk2sdk", "/path/to/gtk2sdk")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5207,14 +5207,14 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="mspsdk_81">
+- NOTE: This module needs the MS 8.1 SDK
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_include", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/include")
+- SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_lib", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/lib")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the MS 8.1 SDK
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_include", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/include")
++ SetSDKPath("mspsdk_81_lib", "/path/to/ms_81_sdk/lib")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5243,13 +5243,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="oggvorbissdk" path="c:/oggvorbissdk">
+- NOTE: This module needs the Ogg-Vorbis SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("oggvorbissdk", "/path/to/oggvorbisSDK")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the Ogg-Vorbis SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("oggvorbissdk", "/path/to/oggvorbisSDK")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -5370,6 +5370,27 @@
+ player_widget
+ </dependlist>
+ </module>
++ <!-- PLAYER_GENTOO -->
++ <module id="player_gentoo" name="player/app/gtk" group="player">
++ <cvs root="helix"/>
++ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
++ <attribute id="has_version_file"/>
++ <includeplatforms>
++ unix win32
++ </includeplatforms>
++ <dependlist>
++ player_mime_util player_widget common_runtime common_system common_container
++ common_dbgtool common_util common_unittest
++ player_installer_postinst player_installer_archive player_installer_stage1
++ </dependlist>
++ <source_dependlist>
++ player_mime_include player_widget filesystem_http
++ </source_dependlist>
++ </module>
+ <!-- PLAYER_GTK -->
+ <module id="player_gtk" name="player/app/gtk" group="player">
+@@ -7588,14 +7609,14 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="qt5sdk">
+- NOTE: This module needs the QuickTime 5 SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_include", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/CIncludes")
+- SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_lib", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/Libraries")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the QuickTime 5 SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_include", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/CIncludes")
++ SetSDKPath("qt5sdk_lib", "/path/to/QuickTime5SDK/Libraries")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
+@@ -9558,13 +9579,13 @@
+ <cvstag id="bingo-beta" type="branch"/>
+ <sdk name="wtlce" path="c:\wtlce">
+- NOTE: This module needs the WTLCE (Windows Template Library for CE) SDK in order
+- to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
+- their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
+- developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
+- SetSDKPath("wtlce", "/path/to/wtlcesdk")
+- See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
+- information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
++ NOTE: This module needs the WTLCE (Windows Template Library for CE) SDK in order
++ to build. Developers may put the SDK anywhere they wish on
++ their disk. But to inform the build system of its location,
++ developers should have the following line in their .buildrc file:
++ SetSDKPath("wtlce", "/path/to/wtlcesdk")
++ See BUILD_ROOT/build/doc/buildrc.html for more
++ information about .buildrc files and SetSDKPath().
+ </sdk>
+ <attribute id="no_build"/>
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0.1.ebuild b/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..04535ae24bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/11/14 05:20:59 chriswhite Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="A free open-source media player by real"
+# -sparc -amd64: 1.0_beta1: build fails on both platforms... --eradicator
+KEYWORDS="~x86 -sparc -amd64"
+IUSE="mozilla nptl"
+ media-libs/libogg"
+ >=x11-libs/pango-1.2
+ >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.2"
+inherit nsplugins eutils
+# Had to change the source directory because of this somewhat
+# non-standard naming convention
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ #adjust strange naming for helixplayer tarball
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/installer-naming.patch
+ #fixes the .bif file to create a gentoo_player custom target
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-bif.patch
+ #fixes sem_t based issues
+ use nptl && epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-sem_t.patch
+src_compile() {
+ #copies our buildrc file over with information on where
+ #ogg and theora libs are kept
+ cp ${FILESDIR}/buildrc ${S}
+ export BUILDRC="${S}/buildrc"
+ export BUILD_ROOT="${S}/build"
+ #now we can begin the build
+ ${S}/build/bin/build -m bingo-gold -trelease -k -P helix-client-all-defines-free player_gentoo || die
+src_install() {
+ # install the tarballed installation into
+ # the /opt directory
+ keepdir /opt/HelixPlayer
+ tar -jxf ${S}/release/helixplayer.tar.bz2 -C ${D}/opt/HelixPlayer
+ if use mozilla ; then
+ cd ${D}/opt/HelixPlayer/mozilla
+ exeinto /opt/netscape/plugins
+ doexe
+ inst_plugin /opt/netscape/plugins/
+ fi
+ doenvd ${FILESDIR}/50helix
diff --git a/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild b/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild
index 31345333b8d5..538283bd07df 100644
--- a/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild
+++ b/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild,v 1.2 2004/07/15 01:25:06 eradicator Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/helixplayer/helixplayer-1.0_beta1.ebuild,v 1.3 2004/11/14 05:20:59 chriswhite Exp $
DESCRIPTION="A free open-source media player by real"
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ inherit nsplugins eutils
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
cd ${S}
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ src_unpack() {
epatch ${FILESDIR}/gcc_versioncheck.patch
#fixes the .bif file to create a gentoo_player custom target
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/gentoo_bif.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-bif.patch
#fixes the strange tarball name that gets created
epatch ${FILESDIR}/installer-naming.patch